‘The Weather: THE PONTIAC ™ Fisher Body Strike Halts Pon kkk PONTIAC, MICHIGAN _ * tac ad 4300 Walk Out as Negotiations | Pass Deadline Pontiac Motor Output ‘Halted at 10 A.M. by Shortage of Bodies - A strike of 4,300 workers at the Fisher Body Division plant here has threatened to idle an additional 12,000 Pontiac Mo tur Division)” .workers..if the strike con-|... -tinues. Some 2,500 hourly work- ers on the second shift yes- terday afternoon walked off the job shortly before 5S p.m. after a five-day bar- gaining session between -Management and union of- “fictals failed to solve union }— - grievances. A union spokesman this morn- ing said no workers, other than | * 800. salaried employes; have at | tempted to enter the Baldwin ave- Bue plant. A Pontiac Motor Division | spokesman said 2,200 workers were sent home at 10 a.m, to-: _ day when the plant's antome- ) eo ee ae on “Other operations will be affect- ed within the next few days, and if the strike continues eventually all m will come’ to a “halt,” he said. MAKING 800 DAILY Strikers Hing Local Fisher Plant Soviet Troops: in West Canada Fog, Dark Stall Search £ Try to Isolate - Hungary Capital Ring Budapest in Effort Between Strikers FROM OUR WIRE SERVICES VIENNA—A ring of So- +yiet-tanks~and~ troops” en=}= \eircled Budapest. today in| an effort to isolate the Hungarian capital from the rest of the _strike- paralyzed nation. All communications be- & rest of Hungary have been cut in an attempt to pre- vent the circulation of strike orders from the out- FISHER BODY PICKETS — Part of the 2,000 pickets are shown here parading past William UAW, after they walked off their shift at-5 p.m. yesterday.. Picket lines continued Pontiac Press Photo the Fisher Body Division plant this morning; ——Werkers—charged speeded-up production sched- ules and other to ring grievances for the mass walkout which has idled some 4,300 hourly workers. election Ziegler to Retire Next July: lawed Central Workers’ Council which now is oper- ating underground. Refugees said all train service had stopped within Hungary. Approximately 90 per cent of the LANSING i» — State Highway/his family and fishing—“two pleas. Commissioner Charles M. Ziegler ures which have been neglected by today said he will not run for re-| the spring, devotion to my job.” In a two-page statement, Ziegler |’ Ziegler, 69, said he would spend said: __ Pontiac Motor was -turning- out 800 cars a day, he added, _ Management and union officidls have scheduled a\1:30 meeting to- day in a continued attempt to solve the grievances, . Harold A. Grant, president of charged management with speed- ed up production schedules and taking away privileges formerly. granted to workers. from the plant, ; | he exit of Grant from the bar- | gaining sessions signaled the for- In Top Fisher. Body Local 596 UAW;|-—- GEORGE aot * ani Seamer eree yt the time after July 1, 1957, with| “‘As state highway commission- Elect President of Irade Group - Zimmermar’ |s_ Picked to Head Manufacturers _ Association in 1957 At the annual meeting of the Pontiac Manufacturers Assn. held last night at Bloomfield Hills) Country Club, George K. Zimmer- man, vice president of the Pontiac Varnish Co., was elected president of the group for 1957. Other officers elected were - Philip J. Monaghan, General Motors vice president and general manager of GMC Truck and Coach members elected the fol- Only 13 Paper Precincts Left Pontiac Township to Join Voting Machines Areas ~~ “With the decision of the Pontiac Township board to _area in the county has been eliminated... There are now only 13 paper ballot precincts remain- "ing in Oakland County, out of 249 precincts. - Township clerk Greta V.+ Block explained that regis- tration in the township’s «1 from 3,100 in 1952 to about| I could turn in my results to the lowing to the Board of Directors to sérve 1957-58 terms: Semon E. Knudsen, General Motors vice president and general manager of the Pontiac Motor Division; L. Karkau, district manager of Consumers Power Co., and M. D. MecLintock, president of Bald- win Rubber Co. The three will serve —_ with * Thee Boies Found at Erie Crash Site er since April, 1943, I have ex- to the people in all parts of the state... “IT have never built a_ political road, nor made a promise | did not keep,"’ the Republican highway commissioner said, a * * led by non-factual utterances of the governor and hig political) henchmen who know nothing a highway construction.” ‘DID GOOD JoR’ . During the years when highway funds were “pitifully inadequate,” the highway department did “an outstanding job to preserve our highway. system.” * * * Ziegler said Michigan is now rated by the federal government among the top five states in the mation inthe progress it is making under the accelerated _ national highway program, | Noting that™he had been ce- verely criticized by Gov. Wil- hungry isfied with having secured: com- plete control of one of the state’s more than 100 bureaus, commissions and agen- cies, “He riow wants to take over con- (Continued on Page 2, Col. 4) Ziegler said: he does not want the people of the state ‘“‘to be mis-|" Soviet troops were reported mov- ing to wipe out a band of rebel guerrillas holding out in the hills northwest of Budapest. Informed Hungarian sources said the free- a standstill on its first day. A Yugoslay correspohdent reported from Budapest that at least 80 per cent of Hungary’s workers jobeyed the ceasé work order from the outlawed Central. Workers’ _|Council. Other dispatches said the work stoppage was nearly 100 per " |eent effective in the provinces. Despite martial law and the ar- rest of some labor leaders, work- ers stayed away from their jobs yesterday by the hundreds of thousands, Power plants ran but most of (Continued on Page 2, Col..2) to Cut Communications! tween Budapest and. the] dom fighters were encircled but ge that he’s back in shape Augusta National Golf = ‘Ike Belts Long One. DOWN THE FAIRWAY — President again as he leans tub, ‘Ga. . The Tor : With 62 Aboard : Hi if I Hate People,’ He Says - cers today renewed their Slayer Claims 1 Had His Sights Set on-16 OAKLAND, Calif. (®—Alameda County sheriff's offi-| ‘ questioning . of . toothless Stephen Nash, self-styled “rotten, cold-hearted” killer. Yesterday he told authorities they “hadn’t scratched He Killed 11 Daddy Will Wait Till Next Year for New Slippers FONTANA, Calif, (®-— Susie's daddy says he’ll be very glad to wait another year for his Christ- mas slippers. * * * @ Charles Molnar, Hungarian-born merchant here, reported that Su- sie, 8, brought him $4.75 she had saved for her father’s” gift: The child wanted the money to go to- ward Hungarian relief, said Mol- nar. Susie’s father, who requested| that her last name be withheld, told Molnar that, after hearing about Hungary's plight, Susie asked him: ' “Do you think, Daddy, that your old slippers might last another year? I was planning to buy you «;; Lve Been a Good Boy’ |~ a new pair for Christmas ‘with —*the . surface” money I've saved in my piggy in investi- eit i | g i i cE : i ag be i i F é ¥ ; Z ! | Nelder said “he’s completely ani- mailistic: and callous.” : Want Mystery ‘and ‘Allure? — |Rare Gifts Are Delightful 6 she'll like it even beit with skirts and blousee ie «gift that : “a Editorials Preeti 4 — ; ena Boe ean ay | Spel ee In Today's Press County “News eeeereestetae a skirts and blouses is a gift that) 4 THE PONTIAC. PRESS, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1956 W New Violence Eighty - Eight Persons |. Jailed for Rioting on Soviet Consulate of (The Day in Birmingham = City Starts Legislation to Legalize Tree Sales — Reservations may be obtained from Mrs, Donald R. DeWin- ter, Royal Oak, and Mrs. Rob- ert Sisson, Huntington Woods. Mrs. Eliza Unsworth Mrs. Eliza Unsworth, 2136 East- man, Walnut Lake, died Monday in Pontiac General hospital after a brief illness, . Born in England on ‘Dec. 7, 1875 she was formerly a chef with the Fred B, Prophet Corp., Fisher BIRMINGHAM — City commis- sioners have set the wheels in Mo- tion to have proper legislation cov- ering Christmas tree sales within the city. City Manager Harold K.. Schone has pointed out that all are in vi- olation of an ordinance which pro- hibits outside storage of wares. ‘Others are using land which is in _|another zone classification. Since commissioners believe the sale of trees to be a worthy cause, used mainly as a fund raising feature by service clubs, they have expressed a desire to cooperate to the fullest, An amendment to the present ordinance will be formed before: mext Christmas, to make provisions for the legal sale of trees, after the regular vendor's license has been obtained. . ~ ~ WARSAW (—New antigovern- ment violence was reported in Poland today in the wake of the mob attack on the Soviet consul- ate at Stettin. Eighty-eight” per- sons, many of them youths, were semeuted jailed for the Stettin Trybuna Ludu, oificialorgan of the Polish United Workers (Com-| | munist) party, disclosed a crow attacked a police building in Olecko, a town near the north- eastern city of Bialystok. . * ¢ @ since that time, coming from Detroit. Surviving ig her husband, Issac, in England; a son, William of Wal- nut Lake, and a daughter, Mrs. Herbert W. Hetrick of Detroit. Two grandchildren also survive. Service will be Thursday at 1 p.m. from Bell.Chapel of the Wil- liam R, Hamilton company, with burial in White Chapel cemetery, MES. CLAYTON QUACKENBUSH The Communist paper reported that crowds demolished municipal Joa*.oaraomulaey aster Evangelist Dies ‘in Car Accident . , Recently elected officers of Bir- mingham Temple, No, $4, Pythian Sisters, will: be installed at the The added: ‘More such saa S y page incidents can be reported.” Pastor’s Funeral Service| meeting scheduled for Jan. 15, ‘ . Watts / wephote) Poland's nationalist Communist A 1957. Hazel M. Wa’ Club in Ike's special electric cart. Earlier, the . . seeking to avert any ls Scheduled for Friday Past chief le Violet Moyer; | Service for Hazel M. Watts, 51, * lot 160 Auburn, Pontiac, formerly of Birmingham, will be at 2 p.m. Friday from the Manley Bailey Funeral Home, Mrs, Watts died this morning at Pontiac Generat Hospital after a short illness, She had lived in Birmingham about 15 years where she and her husband operated the Vaido- ra Restaurant from 1942 to 1946, They were. later in the Birming: ham Colonial Tearoom from 1950- Canadian inspected an Army honor guard’ ag in Local Chorch /part of his current U. S. visit. eeeb Guncteabaih, . recese ) Qu evangelist and pastor in the conference of Assem-| ‘easurer, Edith Follman; sec- * bly of God churches, was killed in tor, Hazel Lawlor; guard, Elsie MeKee; pianist, Edith Adams. an automobile accident near Ke- hooli- nosha, Wis. Monday, She was 67.| The Birmingham Temple cele- brated its 45th anniversary yes-) For the last 18 gears, Mrs, Quackenbush had been active in) terday. ‘ A Christmas party, highlighted here, (once and-tried to-break-open-the}the.state. For three years, she was; by-an-exchange--ot gifts, .will be | Monday night. * * s Police fo Vote n Tria Board ee ee PARIS #-— Political leaders of Officers Meet to Decide discussion of the that they now will accept less than “54; -and-tr-Royal-Oak-they._op- ge their defense strategy that|full international control of. the| *!/ ee Se eee pee erated the Colontal Manor from : 1954-55, Birmingham. families are in- vited to gather at St, James gE church on Friday from 5:30 to 7:50 p.m. for an entertainment based on “Return a church in Constantine. In recent years, she did evan- gelistic work in various com- munities. She was ordained to the ministry at Riverside Taber- Liegler Won't Seek Mrs, Watts is survived by her husband, Hector O, of Pontiac; a son Gerald T, of Lake Orion; her mdther, Mrs. Thomas Sayers of Brides Still Sold in Rural Areas political tool,” Zeigler said. “He has never seriously indicated a de- sire to develop a sound highway Marriages ranged by parents, go-betweens and match-makers, as in the days be- fore the Communist regime was Lake with whom she made her -| until after the holidays will be held The final Saturday 4gtory hour ‘this week at 10:30 a.m. The half- hour program, 30 Acres to Pontiac iT | 4 LJ LJ ov . ‘ f et Christmas”. (Dresden, Ont.; ‘wo ndchildren; Re-election in 1957 jof Red Chinc | ate vin 10 years sem. | Sa 'tgagat oe evening wi |S sites and hee Bote, al DD (Continued From Page One) | HONG KONG (INS) = In Com| july 15, 1889 eo ande Tinie, Mase.| 0.2 Swedish smorgasbord. it jin Canedl, munist China you can still buy|to James and Martha A. Hudson| ™, "essed that tases _ trot-of the State “Highway Dé-', wife for cash in the rural areas.|Cook° She had lived in Pontiac vited to ; oer BI fiel yj Id partment and make of it another continue to be | since 1927, coming here from Iowa. oomfield ie S kindergarten through sixth grade, will feature “Sabot of Little Wolff” and “Why Peiping’s new marriage law of home,-Helen Louise Underwood of program for the benefit of the Erie, Pa.; James Underwood of BLOOMFIELD TOWNSHIP — The Township board has approved j : i i Sat F i i # ‘ : i Tei : iti 0 ¢ Cae ; Nec CORR = ew a le i ok Oa ee ee ee sae ey ee ane jill ee alae a ae 4 l Ass i ws ve ‘ae ie fe Pa a " ‘i Gow “ ” * a : c , » " 4 ‘ a a ie ey i 4 a x “4 - » i z - a " i . “ie a ai i = 3 y: : 3 ™ 4 P. A a — * ¢ *® 1968 forbids all this. But tradi |Richland, Wash.; Robert and Rang.” | a dan Regier otted: etna ths tions die ‘hard. And, in areas | George ——— | a i — * ¢ @ annexation of a tag “re on | Cae es where there is a shortage of |liams Lake; Mart t™} The North Suburban Alumni of|South Boulevard he city. o o| aur cog ond ea partment when I took it over after! groom has to pay heavily or re- | COnS°. their annual Christmas dinner.for|by a Baptist Church group, and | oy Ayathy years of by the Demo-| main a bachelor to the end of | A sister, Mrs. Mary Swift, is liv-/ tomorrow at the home of lies adjacent to.a golf course and | ill be 20 per crats were cleared out, and I have} his days,. - ing in Falmouth, Mass. 344 Yarmouth. the Pontiac school property | ¥ en 2 confidence that the people will Y e Service wil] be at 1:30 p.m. Fri- ‘ : Ly = ‘erate ag it has for the we was Saye "tet hat they! cyina Youth Peiping blication my hem te ee | mae . re won't be beodwinked bye ne nortwes| Soc ee ne te Aetine nei ANOTHER SHIPMENT. ARRIVES-in- § CS Se Nadie bp the trial board. The Po-land France are seeking an early se [provience of Shensi, reported that Wibley, her pastor officiating. Bu Time for GIFT CAMERA BUYERS! : ‘igen wy i alo yc bing captines saree eens wets Eevee to settle the/ OS ORO cache \ the marriage Taw his not been @0-|ia] Cemetery. a | aft Bam : ery tians wide Canal controversy. Ziegler was elected to his first|forced in the province : | C |

S whose historic citadel the. Red), S¢Tvice for Charlotte Gilbo will|M. Foster, deputy state highway |E™ces of the parents). In another\Northern Ireland (Ulster) PPPOE YTTI TTT Ty LL he ht ended eae : army is using as a base for tanks|°° at 2 p.m. tomorrow fro m- commissioner. village’ in Chi Shan county, a gitl/nours early today in what police|# ‘For on : 4 a bertel ta Ook Ini Cotnatery. De. was offered for sale twice.” described ax 2 “night of terror by LOX ATA __ SHOWTIME 8mm ! predicted that the next|utial in Oak Hill Cemetery. Dr: ‘Unable to Explain ‘ 88s - |the Irish. Republican Army.” /} Cal | phase of the people's revolt against| William H. Marbach will officiate. + In a village in Shang county.) The armed bands, a in vse tal) Saas PROJECTOR 4 Kadar will be a work slowdown|, “ts. Gilbo died yesterday ~atiCause of Accident. a couple was deeply in love. The] tive of Ulster’ six ‘coumtes, blew en V4 BES - : : that will start immediately after|"¢T home, 943 Premont Ave. . __ |girl’s parents demanded a gift of/up a radio station and two meee = $115.00 : 87 E the general strike ends, — Beet Hemelberg, 30, of 960/money. The boy could only producelings, set fire to a courthouse — 2 Value p An increasingly *big—_question| Doreen Grangood | condition: 2 Pagers is in “‘fair”’|part of the requested amount which|fought two pitched battles with pees ‘ among all Hungarians, according . vor aim ‘General Hos-|was and the girl wasiRoyal Ulster constabulary a Fost 11.9 lens, cives up te Si ette wovurse ond a to refugee reports, is when will the| Dorset escanet, infant ong ee OE ee et ee ee Jextten. a aes peapeeies sarecee cod United Nations er Edwin Violet. G ; . barracks, * : Md hen Oe Something 9) Crangood it 6701 Lanman ‘ave. eae “‘An old village in Pu Ping county| One policeman was wounded died at birth Monday at St. Joseph| "Gayena tmene sold his divorced daughter for &|five men arrested, < “A |) , : : : Mercy Hospital. ison santabed toe tues act depu-|good coffin (for himself in prepara-| A spokesman for the constabul- I ¢@ BROT : Fisher Body Strik Besides her parents, she ts|t man was unable|tion for death), The deal, however, /ary said most of the raiders ; m | BROT - eae ttad aaa varvived by 9 brother, Wayne, andl gt an te rie miei ee ee ts ane ealey = hae south over the border ' —M : ee three sisters, Darlene, Diane and] pot -found-to-be-of inferior quality.” __!the Irish Republié, ——_____ 4 two Closes Pontiac Line [pesca tome : ro | ) a Service will be held at 10:30 | : B - weak Ah mee 7 The Weather ; tion ~ « peo coffee Weak! fan ais peti tee —"s Eo = cote: . Ee rier. | i wi whevery speerenrn se “ Weather Berees Report, gap, lack of clothes racks, and| qf emetery. Revi 5 ee . ee a a o. i. Se, carrying tool boxes from the plant,|¢5. Kasten of the Faith Baptist NN... =Perfect Gift for the Pipe Smoker— = aa ow ce CHARGES SPEED UP . a): amills : Bee a OF eee : a ‘ s z or 4 pa EY 7 becoming east te| William McAulay, regional direc- Cyrenius J. G "= OVER : 1,000 PIPES—50 ST Y LES ——_ soda S Pests tor of Region 1B UAW, charged Y So, COS : = ee , hol 7 management ‘with. t ae as ea ee si | ___gharvon_tes sen PENG 8.8% peed up Siler tonikeamans ace om 92, of 204 en Your Choice Al Bo0- ts Ming *velectty -18-m-9:2./enced at the plant.” ; Mr. Green had been ill eS fo | Sa alin eae aie oat otal Se Fat ONE LOW PRICE. oo yy 'tv'iis'sm, __|Regotiations ‘were being held fora! Born in Independence : = ee a ‘Wednesday. at 1:28 pm. (month in an @ to solve peng. soe taene a_ i “top company offidials , 1864, Mr. Green was a .e a x La a eee a : lifelong resident of Oakland Coun- : 3 a. appear on the scene until) «) and : HM. worse Sl late Tuesd ft .” = -@ resident of Pontiac for Aa EB Bcdeers ch _* +. years, He was the son of Daniel .,, = |When atked to- comment on the lo ee Oe Gn " |charges union, @ spokesman| Mr, Green married the former re yer of the Fisher Body Division said:| Atma Howser at Seymour Lake. : B asrssvsessssyseen$@| “The proper place to discuss these| A member of the Central Metho- "|i ag." leifterences is at. the bargaining) dist Charch, be wes a retired | - ioral Members of Local 596 voted 5 rien . ee esa venasbeseson do ities the. thant, Survivors include sons Stewart Oe ee ie 28 “ : i service wil be held at oe ey Pe Sa ea sels The first U.S, automobile road|Libertyville in 1895, race was between Chicago andjround trip course. Extra. Shopping: Hours: So" ‘ - * ® 5 ‘oe ae “ * - § ‘ = A * * ° cf a \ GEMEY —_= 2.5% R.S.V.P. %*: essence mist ¥ » Richard Hudnut Just the touch of your finger puts you in an aura of loveliness. Whether you weor bright and metry GEMEY or romantic.R. S.V.P., you'll love the lingering traces you leave behind .. . and so will your audience! You'll feel so different...so special...because these fragrances are “misted “ to last and last. 3% oz. only $2.75 plus tox. — =~ 25.35.5555 5% =—S% 444.5% ROTHERS@ 98 North —Main “Sheet IIMMJ: ioe Al Can Share i in Extra Values -Simms Greatest HOSIERY SALE of "ened for Christmas Gift Buyers Single Pieces & Complete Sets Contplete ngunen i. pom vereware 26% eacuek on i igeemonare t sets ied at these discount prices. and a. \ St ————— a & __ Gnd Floor J Guaranteed: $1.00 QUALITY ... because we were given a ‘special : — buy’ from a leading hosiery maker, : > we pass the savings On to our cus- tomers. Don't hesitate because of the low price . . note the features found only in better hosiery. hig ond Ae Pair GUARANTEED * Genuine DuPont Nylon Thread GIFT SET #51 Geugeant¥: Dein png * Full Fashioned, Perfect Fit %& Reinforced Heel and Toe . For an electric shave thot’s clean ‘ os a whistle, give him this handsome new . Old Spice ‘set. Before he shaves — he'll. splash on - the new Old Spice Pre-Electric Shave Lotion. Removes excess moisture and sets up his beard for a closer, smoother shave. Followed-by-brisk,tengy-Old-Spice-Alter. Shave Lotion and skin-tone Talcum, He'll like the new, boldly _ masculine, red | . and white gift box, too! this quick, easy way ——— ! Everyone in Your Family Wants Samsonite_Luge ee eed FREE INITIALS! Your initials in solid brass on every piece of Samsonite, i . r | & FOR MOTHER FOR DAD | ¥ or SISTER : or BROTHER ‘ In Choice of Colors In Choice of Colors + Wardrobe ...... $25.00 | Pullman Case. ..$27.50 USE OUR LAYAWAY & . who gave it every time they use it... @ gift that keeps its new look » for years. All prices plus tax. 2 ! 98 North Be | Saginaw {{ ; ee AD BROTHERS Mirrors for HIS or HER Gift This Christmas. mm, Adjustable Stand — Metal Frame Approximately 3 x 5 inches oblong on gt ¢ adjustable. stand. ideal make-up mirror. Metal frame. * . Round Mirrors Double-sided, suitable for boudoir or shaving. Fans = 19%) b-inches. Pilasti fal frame. . oN a ROUND-the-NECK j ‘Inch Round M 7 Chome aa des ¥e mo le bia neni’ , All mirrors suftable for her ioe use j or for his shaving purposes. J 7 t Leaves Both Hands Free! , : 7 4 Ideal for personal use, wear around the neck or stand on table, ves both hatds SM aa “ats ett id 98 North Personal O'Nite. $17.50 | Quick Tripper. . $19.50 7 Train Case .....$17.50 ! Two Suiter .....$25.00; dl The truly personal gift for everyone in the family . . . they'll remember j Oblong Mirrors; 98 N orth DRUGS so economically at Simms. s —Main , Street e : mM mM 3 BROTHERS Ha SS Nationally Advertised EX Better Quality 51 & 54/15 Dark Seams 99 51/30 Dark Seams....99¢ 60/15 Novelty Heels..99¢ ¥ 60/15 Outline Heels. .99¢ Vv. j «$4415 Non-Run $1.19 3 oe 4 Mesh a tee. . AN MERE in towels _ ay 4 51/15 Seamless 2 Mesh sos se ccc cSt 1B 60/15 Sandalfoot...$1.39 eae tL iae,| 1 ee as | a oe ae am) i AAS BROTHERS | : Men WANT TOOLS — Most TOOL COSTS LESS at SIMMS! 42-Pl ECE Tool Box and End Wrenches : “$24.95 Value soda" Me + to rn See rilring, OVER 2000 of them (170 dozen to Complete with ratchet drive, alleniaas ly o\ & be exact) so you con buy as “paced os you wrenchds, sockets, etc. = - segs see f a a want for wie: anf for Cosas - a SC SCSCSSHSSCSHSSSSSSSSSCSSET HSH TS SSS TSSSFSSSCESOOOS Handy 3-Piece = ® m Chisel $1.19 Value : "3c | Mitre Saw and | 97 Wood Mitre Box ~ $2.50 Value Tempered steel | Combination eaighh 1* a ¥ blades, 1, 34, | mitre saw and ‘and «= inch, | mitre box at thie ow low . ‘Plastic case. price, COCCCoecodeecescccooccocecooceeeoeesooceses 1 sr | “BENCH Vie Oy ee 8 Men's’ and Youlig Mor" s Be SY Sanforized FLANNEL cae 5/64 to Ve inch paves In durable $2. 50 to ot pineal peter Gemini o~d BEE - 83 s . — SS Fae Values - y- j Coevececccccs Bpupasssasstnsessevessvecgeoce Perfect for Home Owners, Mechanics, "Ghd Sea Tore Ta “+ Regular $2.95 Value. *& Htalian Stripes * Scotch Tartans * New ivy League * Novelty Prints * Canadian Coal, 2 # Collegiates ne ~~ Viking Designs ———— % Houndstooth * Many Others x - Soft, fleecy flannel so easy to launder. Guaranteed color-fast, Satin and. self Ranges lor Every Man - MEDIUM te OrTRA 14-14%; Seitae df 16-16% baht A Presidential Committee on Gov- ernment Employment, Policy has. reported that 23.4 per cent of the federal employes in five major cities, including the nation’s capital, are of the Negro race. Cities surveyed were Washington, Chicago, St. Louis, Los Angeles and Mobile. : The ratio of Negroes to the total U. S. population is about 11 per cent. * * * Committee Chairman MAXWELL AppeLL points out two significant conclusions drawn from the survey: First — Negroes are employed by the Federal Government well above their ratio to the total - population; and ~ Second—They are by no means ceuaecitiy we have three routes or the proposed north-south high- Way and its relation to Pontiac. The most recent one would cut through Pontiac between Williams and the 4 Trunk railroad tracks. ; capi mm would appear - that people d in highway and traffic en- and decide on the site. But in order needed. oe ope» will, run ughiwa the county and the? = _ Without the Proper Sp at ae that « joint com- both areas » ‘a th gh Por 01 n ee 5 tia prenen The two areas affect- any prop ‘that ourown gov-" ernment discriminates against mi- -nority groups. In fact, the figures hint that kindly Uncle Sam may Nave WORRY) =—e Voice a the People ~ a iy ihe ors in Any as We fie Able | Letterd will be eary pve at =. — 2 eS in ite “nature. T have been reading about the » __ta giving jobs to them —whern— Russian Roulette as the Russians. Play It | “The findings should put-an end to-- _David- Lawrence Says: - Staff ‘Changes Don’t ‘Affect Policy WASHINGTON — The illusion leaned a Jittle backward to be on the tnar py fair side. The Man About ‘Town Christmas Items . Few Happenings Within, ie ~ Ladder of Success: What a man climbs rung by rung; * woman ring by ring. - A phone call from Ted Peerson of Birmingham states that he visits many Michigap cities in his work as traveling ~ salesman, and that-Pontiac bas the best ors ~deing ————————-- “A truck load of Christmas trees, driven _Randy Sweetman Tt so hegpene that Richard and dispatches a few days ago. Mr. Nixon has lately been mak- been accepted by the President after . thorough discussion. Mr. Eisenhower has a high opinion also of the work of Herbert Hoover Jr. as undersecretary of state and is sincerely sorry to see him leave the government on February 1. So, all in all, the stories that there is to be a change in policy, that Mr. Herter’s coming means a repudiation of what Herbert Hoover Jr. did, or that John _Foster Dulles is on the way out are pieces of wishful thinking on The present trend of policy was set by Mr. Dulles. His principal recommendations have always the part of those who apparently want to see fundamental changes made in the direction of appeasing the Communist regimes and giving away more of the taxpayers’ money without any assurance of American interests being directly served thereby. (Copyright, 1956, New York Herald Tribene, mee. »— Dr. William Brady Says: I nfection Easily Spread “Either you are wrong about the way respiratory - infections Me: Gienr, coundaliy cue tam nies | nage Neilers come-to- the office-or go patients to the hospital if they want him to attend them. Hs “You'll find patients waiting wal turn, talking with ene youngsters coughing and pense tute sncrennthage. ih tion is aware.of the danger of sit- ting in crowded reception rooms. Installation of the cubicle sys- tem” is the only feasable way for - tion. He can't very well stagger Americans need jobs. So far as I __And another thing,in-the-ease-of — "many American workers, they will wait until their particular job opens, rather than look for a differ- ent type of work or look for a job that pays less. I rather doubt that the Hungarians stipulated they must receive a certain amount of wages or they wouldn't take a job. I am not saying that there are no Americans in_need, but pointing out that some of the comparisons made to date have no hasis. I'm all for helping the refugees in any way we can. Unemployed Worker _ ‘Americans Are in Need of ‘Help’ T have been reading your column about how all the well-to-do people . have been making such a big to-do about all the poor Hungarian people. How about looking around children are half-naked; where the father of the family can't get enough money together to come to Detroit or some other city to get a start to make a living. I also see where they rushed to make a Merry Christmas for them “tr Camp -‘Kihmer;-Nad-t-wonder— how many Americans they will do that for. P. E. Morgan Rochester ‘Organize Against Decubitus Ukers’ America has. been alerted to the toll of suffering and death from velops an ulcer must be reported te...the... local _health..department,; This suffering and possible death, caused. by gross negligence, must be stopped, Let's organize the “across America and stamp out this hidden plague. Crusader for Humane : Seclety for Humasis ; Portraits _ By JAMES J. METCALFE The purser is the guardian... Aboard an ocean liner , , . Of everyone from tourist to... The richest first-class diner , . . Re- listens to complaints, and strives .. » In every way to please... He is the banker on the waves . . « Including safe deposit... For ‘cash and other valuables , . .- “Entrusted to his closet. . . He pays the crew, and is in charge .. . Of all the personnel . ., And even helps the customs men. . , To see that all goes-well ... The purser ig a nurser and... An able-bodied tutor , . . Adminis- trator, manager... And ship- board trouble-shooter. (Copyright, aa) eee _ Smiles It doesn't pay to go around in circles unless it's circles of friends, * * * “The weather has been such in somé places that homemade wine is about the only thing that feels like working. soe Psychologist says that the av- erage wife is hard to fool. And only a fool husband will try it. = oe 7 * Being on a clear road to no- where is ‘probably worse than be- ing in a rut. 2 * * * The average American, accord- ing to statistics, takes more than 18,000 steps a day. With Mom, most of them are probably while picking things up, : Thieves took $300 werth of goods froma department store in Indiana Just doing their Christmas shop- lifting early. * * * Coffee was. originated in Afries _ and it must havé been the long trip that made it so weak in some restaurants, Looking Back 15 Years Ago U.S. DECLARES war on Italy, Germany. AMERICAN WLIERS sink Jap 20 Years Ago EDWARD'S FAREWELL grips hearts around world. _—~ AMERICAS SIGN plan for peace, THOUGHTS FOR TODAY © Lord our God, all this store that we have prepared to build thee an house for thine holy name cometh of thine hand, and wR erteiaine spree health g fn hay seein, Or Selamat, Wil be anowered hospital with a broken hip, suf- aee-tered intensely from —this —condi- tion which was allowed to develop in those ten days. Let’s organize folks. Let's see Case Records of : a Psychologist:. oo There'll be no extension of the gdh or education’ course. becomes scaaieeannnt tee-ditwes Nainees’ to 2 pee ener 18 YORRS AE Pe, ing of a special committee on rit State-subsidized _ driver education ee eae of Oscoda, tipped over on the Dixie High- way about 10 miles northwest of Pontiac. A number of passing motorists who helped him get righted received trees as gifts. He said they cost him 25 cents Europe each, ee Detroit. ° A phone call from that old time weather watcher out Pontiac Trail, - program. Sen. Harr M. Ryan, De- troit Democrat, had proposed a one year extension. x * : ae Jake Vanaltern, says that while winter does not officially arrive until four o’cleck on the afternoon of Dec, 21, it always sneaks in ahead of time when its scheduled entrance is on that day. State Superintendent 0 of Public “Instruction, Clair L. Taylor, says "that “educators are confident they _ have the facilities to give training to every youth who wants it... any postponement of the dead- line would be futile.” — Another proposal by Sen. Ryan it temporary driving permits for © ~~ of a-warm emma” Dixie Highway in Drayton Plains, under ~ the direction of ww. Reba Heintzeiman, the first customer was . : Mrs. Charles Williams, “who brought the first of a good day's Pansies outdoors and-in bloom all win- ter for the past several years nave re- ported Mrs. Harmon George of Auburn Heights. They're at the base Two turkeys vateed 3 by -the family of Mr. and Mrs, Bertram Melrose of Auburn Heights were very chummy and grew into fine birds. But since one— ‘aes killed for” saved for Christmas has refused to eat, tn ee er ae billions, and to do it farcogh, fe United Nations in what is known." = ee ee Frepancnte of new Waterford Bureau Monday at 4540 e pushing it just the same. plan. This get precisely nowhere the Now, the essential fact for the whatever they happen to have— ang ee _ pablic to know is that: President —- the one © Eisenhower cannot be influenced to take any course that under- mines his own secretary of state and that, as long as John Foster Dulles wants to remain in that There is, of course, always possibility that health reasons may compel Mr. Dulles to retire in. Ts all thine own.—TI Chiron. 26:16: * * * God- is all leve:—it-is He -who made everything, and. He loves - everything that He has made.— Henry Brooke. , : Explains Men’s Middle-Age Quirks ‘hy 1 ait en bese ‘and chew my former affection. So she will For men (and. boys) with in- —— ‘complexes usually crave a “whipping boy”-in-the form: of a gasoline Instead of writhing in self-ac- cusation and belittling self-criti- -cism, they pecuect their ire upon * * So fast, sedhiiene deling not enty serves as a vague tonic for their ire r PG ee Le RP Wie it jhath natalia 4 EASY WAYS TO BUY é © Continuous Credit © Easy Term Credit © 30-Day Chorge & Laveeces Si Lae ii el a POR as A lat the little lady loves glamour too! _ GIRLS’ TV PAJAMA SET 598 Girls*tovety TV pajama set. Rayon quilted jacket for wonderful warmth and smart black tapered corduroy pants. Dainty lace trim. Choose pink or aqua with black. Sizes 4 to 6x. Also, we have subteen sizes 7 to 14. 7.98 The most exciting gift underneath the tree SHIRT-TAILS for TWO by Norris Man’‘s Shirt, Woman's Blouse . . . 4.98 tech @ OURS ALONE IN PONTIAC! @ They come in a handsome gift chest for _two to enjoy together. Matching ,a Lady Casual for her, perfectly *matched! @ A large selection of regimental tartans in red, blue, grey, brown. Also stripes. @ His sizes: S-M-L-XL. @ Her sizes: 10 to 18. Charge Yours af Waite's eee Second Floor - Street Floor... Men's Dept. i _ Charge Yours at Waite's .. @ Features one Norris Casual for’ ‘him and oT VANITY SIZE em SET of 4........... 5” TRAVEL SIZE | BAe 00 Four famous fashion colognes: Aphrodisia, Woodhue, Tigress, and Act IV . . . together in designed for giving Faberg e Cologne Quartette an enchanting gold and white filigree gift box. Delight the female gender this season with this ideal gift to enhance her feminine charms. Charge Yours at Waite's . » « Street Floor wrap your Christmas Angel in Luxury ose no a Double sheer nylon . she'll love to find one of these Ultra lush Velvaray yey pire stones) embossed and lined sone) embosed ond lined ih heron hers in white, pink, or blue. Sizes S-M-L. We have other double sheer dusters priced at only... .. ‘E08 Charge Yours at Waite's ... Second Floor <__t i Genuine Cowhide Leather CLUTCH BAGS © For casual living .. . for luxurious gift giving . . this rugged, long-wearing soft pliable 2.98 lint-free viscose tufting MOONBEAM BEDSPREADS . 9.98 clutch bag to go with any castume......¢——— . Pk ic tt a wonderful budget gift for yourself or any lucky female on your gift list! Choose black, brown, red, grey, tan, or navy. Also a wide selection of smartly styled bucket bags. . Charge Yours at Waite’s ... Street Floor _ Moonbeam” by Morgan-Jones . hobnail spread with lint free viscose tufting, interwoven with sparkling Mylar yarn. Rounded corners. Never, no, never needs ironing. Choose __from_a beautiful selection-in-white;-pink,aqua, green, or gold. Comes in twin or full sizes. Charge Yours at Waite's, «+ Fourth Floor . . an elegant | waly a luxuriops gift with CANNON *S fine woven. “CANDY STRIPE” PERCALE SHEETS Elegantly fashioned woven stripe percale 81'’x108”" sheet and two 42x38" pillow cases. Pink, green, yellow, or blue. Delight- fully—gift—boxed--forChristmas— gift-giving by Cannon. “GARDEN FLOWER” PERCALE SHEETS LL we se SET 3.49 81" x FOR” ccvcivccs BM . .98e Charge Yours ef pf: dea Waite’s . . « Fourth Floor Beautiful issn recking: Brookpark DINNERWARE ~| sets such a gay, glamorous i } with dishwashers- gerine, pink, and black, rainbow or _ FINE QUALITY MELMAC Depend on this lovely new dinnerease to bring you compliments from every- 16-Pc. one! And you'll use it—enjoy it—- — Sa for every meal, every day, because it Starter Set 5% | Charge Yours at Waite's ... Filth Floor or man! .16-pe. starter set, rine al 4 plates, 4 fruits, 4 saucers and 4 cups. Choose white, turquoise, tan- ise and white. —— | eee rf- just in time for Christmas} ‘MEN’S SUEDE JACKETS. - What a Misia gift for that special man a en your list! And such a remarkably low ] 6°? price, too! Made of super-soft, pliable suede - ae : with knit wrists and-waistband and neck- line. Zipper front and _fully rayon satin ; lined. Saddle stitched for added strength ~ and sharp. looks. Sizes 36 to-46-in tan, fust- | AR’ a8, rere = cages to Met Desired beautifully eval long lasting # © Use This Tree From Year to Year! © Treated So It will Not Flare-Up! TFICIAL XMAS ya cores Te 3.98 bapriabe \j Te LS SAAS SIRI este pe eacan hematin sisetnerantmateaninntcentaentnilnpsamientet:insmhpanirseennensinetiines Gift robes and dusters . . . specially priced for savings Perfect gift for Q 8 } someone special | | ... at big savings Now you can pamper your gift-budget by taking. advantage of a “practical luxury”! Simply choose one of these delightfully feminine gift robes or dusters from this outstanding array of holiday styles . . . in light, bright or bold solids, prints and pastels. They're lovely to look at... and lovelier to wear! So pretty . . . so practical ... and now, budget-priced at Federal’s during this extra-special gift offer. Misses’ 12 to 20. a ~~ pr — Ss aa SATE / ; =e # ~ a ss ™ ; Gy ¢ Cree - “ * . . “_\ ws i at by v7 ed q Pe a > a Ps oy WARM FUR-LINED FINE LADY BUXTON | 4 co 3 . a 7 LEATHER GLOVES LEATHER: WALLETS | 110d a 7 : i m4 t SEMEERG sraseart ck ame | : 3 . ! ‘ i sti J ot \. j ans ‘ ‘aio ’ * 5 . : : i i Bek, brown, beige. Sizes in hendovens oowhlde. $s 8 1 / ) psig apr ao Rages 644-8. Gift-perfect! 5.95 now for gifts. Save! 5, 4 { ’ ~ Sines 4-14. ’ rye WOOLEAR WARMER: GIFT-BOXED PANTS - * ee] CRISP COTTON GEMS FOR THE HOLIDAYS 38 Soft pastels in oe polished cotton, full skirts with lace, jewel trims, Prints and solids. Sizes 7 to 14. BIG AND LITTLE SISTER - | Wee Pie: ff iin} oe _. 7 DUSTERS 352% eu 3 | Wee Lae Ah jis BG Lingerie Surprises Quilted cotton with gay a print in pastels on white. Apple pocket, trim, collar and cuffs, Washable. 7 4 3 » . 4 SAN / ] i : ; , \ | tor Christmas treats : TOTS’ AND GIRLS’ GAY . Perfect gifts at a GIFT BLOUSES —s- 48 Ledgot pried for: si Dainty Dacron* blouses in white and pastels that look. , dels : P . ae 4 = \ ; fresher and neater after each washing. 3-6x, 7-14. . i a ee f/ & 2. — \ the gals on your Het * DuPont's polyester fiber yy \ eta > 5 ‘ 1a) ‘3 a q a Y . ©Deep lace petticocts @Lined loce bodice slips © Quilt-top poleuiee Ruffled waltz gowns @Alencon lace trim gowns ©Quilted bed jeckets ©Sizes for misses, women Shimmering nylon tricot lingérie bedecked with lace and iy ‘Many lh ‘with tiny embroidered- roses. Group includes lounging pajamas in exciting — color combinations and PI er jackets. Every. — thing her heart desires in nylon tricots, brushed nylon Ppemwers ys Se flannelette-and- 7 lingerie.that will excite.and. — : ‘DRESS-UP SUITS — FOR TOTS 29° Boxer or suspender type pants (some flan- nel-lined in group) with matching or con- trasting shirts in cotton knit or broad- cloth. An assortment of colors. Sizes 1-6. HOLIDAY DRESSES | FOR GIRLS 298 Party-like little cottons with embroidery and lace trims in pastels, prints and com- binations. Full skirts with orgaridy sashes. Fancy styles for dress-up. Soe 1 to 3. tly 3 KN LB ; CKS F : ~ ORLON> SWEATERS BOXED FOR CIFTS LITTLE sors Pullovers ot cardigans in blue, Sanforized b’cloth in ‘white, fabrics and corduroy ay ot tan, some jacquards, maize, blue. With bow tie, zip closure, self belts, izes 3 to 6x. 2.98 links, Sizes 2-6. 1.98 colors. Sizes 2-6. 2.98 : *DuPont. ‘s acrylic fiber — ee ey sama) @ apy oo eG THE PONTIAC PRESS, WEDNESDAY ¥ “DECEMBER 12, 1956 @ puzzle consists of (1) a number of circles which con- scrambled letters, and (2) a corresponding list of- inted . . The object is to arrange circled letters into.a word that best fits-its clue. you select for Circle No. |, then would be the ich you would print in the space to the right of (1) You may tha s contain $ in pot (et pee ke letters in that circle must be machinery. But while there are plenty of Russians in China, they do not imingle socially with the ordinary a * China has leaned heavily on the |Soviet Union in her expansion program, “We have followed Russia and patterned ourselves after her, but we have not followed her blind- ly," said a Foreign Office offi- cial. “We have adapted and molded the Soviet .system to meet our own needs; but we have also made note of her mistakes and ih. However, it other circles. Study the clues care- I into words that you. believe Use your § signs to help you 2 ct and eek ed Tee ee ee See i : :; PUZZLE NO. 28° oy Gap 29) BQOWICE. YP »)? (G ry CK Dg Ar) ns Saal Sete WY r 4 tried to avoid them.” > * * * China's first motor vehicles, the Northeast, were designed in the Soviet Union and put together with Russian q the Russian-built and closely guarded factory at Wuchang on the Yangtze are being produced under Soviet supervision, They're close copies of Russian aircraft. Almost every factory manager in the Northeast prefaces his ex- generosity of the Soviet Union. . ‘Teorrect leadership of . Chairman low their own path, the qualifying pervising factory construction or he is constantly accompanied by mps Trademark on Red Chinese ‘Progress’ _ eigners or the casual Russian - Mao ‘and the Communist party. . " The hotels, or “guest houses,” in all the industrial centers are Quits Stockholm STOCKHOLM ® — Rear Adm. Konstantin Rokionov announced ‘his resignation yesterday as So- viet ambassador to Sweden, The action followed a storm of public protest against his continued stay in this country, * * s The resentment stemmed large- ly from the fact that the three big- gest Soviet spy cases in Swedish history occurred during his stay in s ¢ ¢ *# A Swedish Foreign Office the diplomatic icorps, paid a visit to the Foreign Office to announce the resignation. Rodionov said he would take up another position in Moscow, Plan Shopping Center GRAND RAPIDS i — Construc- tion is expected to begin within 45 days on a proposed $8,000,000 shop- ping center, planned for suburtian Wyoming Township by American Shopping Centers, Inc., of Minne- apolis. Sponsors of the project said a general contract has been awarded.the Alexander ~ Kingby; ithe Chinese determination to fol- Co. of Minneapolis. \with4heir families or speedirig installation of machinery, or in- structing. Chinese workers. * * @ In many plants, the Soviet in- engineers: struction has—-been- completed- and} ‘Soviet Ambassador the Russians have moved out. Many of China's top technicians have been trained in schools in Russia. Peiping maintains an advisory board of Russian technology ex- peris as trouble-shooters and in- spectors for the Northeastern fac- tories. _ In south central China, where the first bridge across the Yank- tze River is being built at Wuhan, 20 top Soviet engineers are super vising the project, which was de- signed in Russia. A third of the steel for the. %5-million-dollar Russi » * * The Russians, in their sloppy bellbottom pants, deadpan expres- sions and carrying bulging brief- cases, can be seen on the streets of any city here, either walking past in black limousines with the window curtains ‘drawn. This advisory i brought embarrassing and uncom- fortable results for other foreign visitors to China. * In railway stations, schools or even on the street, the foreigner is often jolted by groups of pass- ers-by who form a ring and burst into applause. No matter what the visitor’s nationality, he is inevi- tably taken to be a Russian, and the hand claps follow him where- ever he goes. bridge is being imported from} <~ furtively. In factory towns and sian resident lives in hig own quarters, separate from the Chi- nese, There is no Sino-Soviet so- cial life at all except at an offi- cial-level. ° cy * * The Russian sees only the eager Chinese who gather around his machine to learn technique, and one or more interpreters. Aside from them he has few or no Chinese acquaintances, He has strict traveling papers. When his separate hotels from other for- visitors. * * School textbooks are Russian- slanted, and students from 7 years old on get a thorough grounding in Russian revolutionary history, Tomorrow—A visit to a primary school, Every drop of its whiskies is 8 years old, or older, blended with the finest grain neutral spirits. ¢ he nicest thing aBout giving G44 is the pride you feel when you Give It. - ~But—Ivan-himself-moves- almost }—sereniey pISTILERS CO., N: YC BLENDED WHISKY, 86.8 PROOF; 39% STRAIGHT WHISKY, 65% GRAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS ned enecsnnsanensnanbanannensessneesesenesaese : 1 SOCOE TRH ROHR OO w EO Oe 3 Tee EET OSES eee q - 2 eivnebeCkdekccooceee 10 Pee oeeeeereeeeseerere emegeres: ee nT ELETETTLEEETT tt PYTTITITIT TTT Tie : 4 Sh ee 12 Pere CRT eEeI ST ere es) ’ 5 ide ee 13 SPORE CHU EO RE HOE 4 ' ’ ' 8 SCHEER eR EOE eH eee 4 Pee eH ee ERE EOE 5 i | % Peete eee 15 CHOOSE ORE RRR ee meanest pn ce i PURSE EERE HHH H 16 CeO HEHEHE EE q 2 . . 1 mi, NAME SHEP HRATOT EERO FC OC EH OSCE OH Ee ere eeae ov eeeree 2 : STREET ADDRESS CLLR EL LE eee eee eee) 3 4 = t GREE tins bcotgeen cess PHONE NO. eee ee eeecereee 4 J : - ee ee ee) 4 * Clip Along Dotted Line and Mail s i SOLUTION CLUES . 1. Kind of sound that will linger in the mind with significance. 2 Ws the of « debatable matter that causes friction, a eee ceeceees Should measure up to a@ good stand- ee > il @ sweeping tical] victory, satisiaction of Biyprcmwend op uR ees 5. The use of one certainly makes movement easier, me a desert, ati Arab’s ...,..., may be the means of a @ party will enjoy the es: oe The F humor of one ts generally —_ come... te rush often persuaded people to “10. Person without confidence is likely to ........ when facing “ @ severe test, : Tl. This is functionally round. ° 4 12 The gathering of it js the livelihood of many people. . 1%, Many « man feels that where there's this there's hope. a Sat bepem wend epee ber soni do fie 15. Some people ...... 4 are late for work. \8-A vigorous program is needed for @ desperate one. . up quickly when they realise they OFFICIAL CONTEST RULES 1. Anyone is eligible to enter the POT-O-GOLD contest with the exception of Pontiac Press employes or their immedi- ate families. 2. A contestant’ may submit as many entries as he ér she. wishes but they must be on official entry blanks printed in this newspaper. ; __.3. To submit an entry the contestant-must_print-his-answer in the proper spaces, cut out the area enclosed by dotted lines and attach it securely to a 2-cent postcard. No entries will be accepted if they are in envelopes. Entries for Puzzle No. 28 must bear a Tuesday, Dec, 18, postmark (or before). No entries received alter. thot time whether mailed-or delivered by — hand, will be declared eligible. The Press is not responsible for entries lost or delayed in the mail. 4. Sorry, telephone calls or mail concerning details of the cannot be answered.or acknowledged. - of $100 a _ more than one should pass weekly until a winning solution is subm week's puzzle will be published Monday, Wednes- ; until the Contests end Either or all will be ‘ et olution will be annor ited each 3 individual contests. Olficial keeper ‘a for Oakland 2 of the oe for younger ™ Ay > UTS PLAY NURSE Re cessed cover holds many i aN ar SG NO choo. A wonderful story that no child should miss! ‘ y's Mgt» LET'S PLAY DOCTOR. Sim- ilar to above, this “book” contains stetho- scope, spectacles, and other i for the young GP; also many games with cut-out playing materials. GRIMM’S FAIRY TALES. Many grown-ups think them gruesome, but children love and thrive Real Va in Childten's A CHILO’S LIFE OF JESUS: Fulton Oursler. A -. readable account of the | me “CHerey ames” SeRie$, Interesting and es ‘avorite yarns. A treasure for the child’s library. We have a wonderful selection that will provide hours of education and entertairiment ~ for boys a nd girls! FL ay bere g ] E : | i | young heroines cateer ~ “ie wo deshecitannly ee ee ee ee a | oP me am THE PONTIAC PRE SS. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1956 = x Nous of the Men in Servioe completing military: =~ Recently ~ training at Lackland Air Force),, McCRAY ~ Base, Tex., were Larry Warren ' MeCray, son ef Lorin’ S, Me- PEACE Accept Missile as Basic Need Air Research Officials Say Tests of ‘Matador’| Prove Efficiency BALTIMORE (®—The Air Force {Peace of 649 DeSota St. WJapan, Russia Cray of 180 Norton Ave.; Bruce End War Today A. Crager, son of Mrs. E. Crager of 53 Euclid Ave.; and Charlies U. Peace, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. A.| Agreement Eleven Years After WW Il TOKYO #—Japan and the So- marched south into Manchuria in the final week of fighting. The jtwo nations reopened diplomatic relations, The agreement, largely on So- viet terms, leaves Russia in Nations Reach Formal] ‘Provoked by American Organizations’ E, Magloire to tog ge ctyar oli apdge = “Haiti Hits Boiling Point; No Americans have been arrest- t-hoive is angling Port-au-Prince, the capital, andjed so far as is known. But Pauliofficial elections the service in March, 1954, he attended Reaper. ae toe “said today its pilotiess bomber, the Matador, is no longer an experi- mental article. It is now as much| a part of the armed forces as a tank or a gun, * * e The Air Force's Air Research and Development Command said the fina] test flight of the Matador missile was made last Nov. 30 at ‘its missile test center at Patrick Air Force Base, Fla. It passed with flying--celers, . The ARDC called it ‘‘a reliable missile~the Air Force's first com- pletely tactical missile,” The Matador, developed and built by. the Glenn L. Martin Co., has been in the testing stage since 149, when several experimental missiles were tried out at Hollo- man Air Development C enter, N.M. * = = It is launched by rocket power from a portable barely ‘platform: as long as its own body, and nar- rower than its own wing span. It is hurled into the air by a booster rocket. After the booster’s fue] is/‘ expended, the booster drops off, and it continues on its own motors. ~The missile looks wach like “a sleek. jet fighter. It has 9 wing span of 28.7 feet and a length of 39.6 feet. It can be equipped with various types of highly destructive warheads, It flies at fighter plane speed and cracks the sound -bar- ‘ed froma hot flue. The last Ells- Servis on the Helicopter Training Unfit 1° at the Ellyson Naval Auxiliary : Landing Field, Pensacola, Fia., is James 4H, Adams, Driver Third. Class, Con- = struction Battal- 7 ion, USN, son of % Mr. and Mrs. ‘Omer—F> Adam of 33 Adams St. His wife is the former Miss Polly ADAMS J, Hilbun of Goldsboro, N, C. He entered the service in No vember, 1953, : First, Fire in 10 Years ELLSWORTH # — Fire struck than 10 years, causing damages) § estimated at $500 to the home of} Mr. and Mrs. John Tornga Sr. Assistant Fire Chief Grant Hast- ings said the fire apparently start- worth fire was recerded May 26,;4-- 1946. By 1950 the average hen on American farms produced 167 eggs compared with the previous 10- year average of only 147 eggs per rie? when diving on its target. layer. 3 a “Cidbse & style t0 sui of these wonderfully SLIPPERS please him, from our large assorement c him, in a color to comfortable, brightest Sterling Silver 4-Pc. Place Setting trom $19. Only More Shopping Days Until Christmas Bon Bon Dishes ... Compotes . ee eee tee sek ves +a gunys ee Sterling Silver, complete serv- < < Ten toon. far © oreeaainees ie ae : $183.50 ee ee ee sti Wisisss ce Se EE $3.75 Coke Trays .....-.45-- et ee ee | Settee eee «aes $5.50 NIGHT UNTIL CHRISTMAS 7 THE PONTIAC PRESS. WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 12. 1956 . — e i area jout the window. ° = * dinow is that you won't have to make so many you have a Christmasy feeling toward the world, and are full of goodwill. Maybe even more. : * * ae self-improvement right that you may be full of so much for the better. of others. Here’s what to do: Take six sheets of paper and/'s give one each to your closest)'s give your wife a loose-leaf note- book—or a tape recorder. bd @ o about yourself that need chang-/ faults and how you can make a ing, because you love yourself/better man of yourself in 1957,./you nowhere, even as you do your neighbor./This may result in your wife get-| ting writer’s cramp. But she won't mind. An opportunity like this The danger here, of course, isidoesn’t come her way often, Then comes your big problem— The chances are your enemy imerely Instead, resolve to forgive your jenemy. Go even further. Really a quick resolution to hit him, for a raise on Jan. 2: On the other hand,’ if he lists more. than 10 of your bad habits, the odds are he suspects 10 more. You ‘should resolve to look for a e Time to Make Your Resolutions * * ®& | ¥ : has written down, this is to: borrow money from him. goodwill you find yourself abso-| weighing and interpreting the crit-|Then he'll really have your inter- you can't fool lutely flawless. You.can't-think ofjicisms and suggestions. Here's e a single way to change yourself/how you get about it: To start with, examine the list In this case you need the help}made by your “}Whatever he has written down, it safe to assume, is what the bum! partender. jsaying- about you behind your) friend, your oldest enemy, your back. If you don't like his list, mother, your bess, your favorite) Your first resolve should be to jbartender and your wife. On sec-/8et a new friend, one you caniw ond thought, maybe you'd better| trust not to be so honest. i est at heart—and his principal. jurgent attention, * * new job right away. There's enqugh trouble in life already without having to work for a boss ee ety One final tip. If your wife writes Next take up the lists made by|“yYou're a perfect husband, dar!l- closest friend.|/those wha know you at your best ing, and I wouldn't want you to and worst—your wile, mother and! change in any way."' you'd better Naturally their listSipesolve to hire a private detective ill be long, and it would be im-' and find out what she's up to while possible to correct in one lifetime! you're aqway at work. all the things they know are wrong) -iaaate ‘Stewardess Vanishes The thing to do is to check the) SYDNEY, Australia —The So- defects that appear on all three|viet ship Gruzia sailed without “the| iste and resolve to correct them/one of its stewardesses when it Next, ask each to write down] best way to improve yourself in|immediately. Certainly anything! You don't see so many things/what they think are your greatest| 1907 is to drop dead.” Resist this} about you that offends your moth-|Curtain athletes from the Olympic itemptation.’ To obey it will get er, wife and bartender needs your| Games. left Melbourne to take home Iron The * jit reached Melbourne before the Last, take the boss’ list. If he | games operied. She has not been bring him into your circle. Bind|merely has written, “Why, Joe,,seen since but is believed hiding’ him to you. The best way to do! you're all right as you are,” make! with friends, is. student™ she Vienna. stewardess, . Nina! |Paranyuk, left the ship soon after) Refugee With TB Greets Fiance Newly Flown In. BROWNS MILLS, NJ. WA 24-year-old) woman, a Hungarian refugee who was found to be suf- fering from tuberculosis when she arrived in this country @ Tew days’ ago, got the surprise of her life yesterday. wept and “Clara” Falk; superintendent of the sanatorium which- pays~ for Miss Kiss’ hospitalization, said hospital authorities are planning to arrange their marriage at the ‘sanatorium soon. ke i a Deborah Sanatorium here. When they met today, the couple laughed as they em- od ‘Enemy of Parking Ban Miss Elizabeth Kiss, a tall brv-/Pays for 20 Violations nette, received a visit from her fiance, George Boka, a chemistry had left behind in > = J PITTSBURGH — The chair- man of a committee fighting an overnight /nearby treet parking ban in ‘dgewood. borough was Screaming with joy, she ran tojarrested on charges of violating him with open arms. “I am the happiest girl in the whole wide world,”’ she said. She had. not known when, ever, Boka- ive ica. She only knew that he would try) to come to her. i ithe ban 20 times. * * * Harold W. Boyd Jr.-was arrest- if'ed_as he entered: the municipal -present_a petition ob- ljecting to overnitht: parking. * * * After he paid the fine of $22.70, Miss Kiss arrived at the Camp! Boyd presented the council his Kilmer_-reception center for-Hun-|petition bearing 1,100 name s. garian refugees recently only to}Council agreed to re-evaluate the ifind that she was ijl with tuber-| ordinance. Saree tae \ } } i. t i % we ee rae ial 4 - seg yale a nen CaN t oe Limca eee | » | = aa @ New Forward ‘Lontrak design eo ‘Maximum cargo space on minimum wheelbase eS @ “Go-anywhere" maneuverability — é ‘e Famous '‘Jeep' ruggedness and economy _@ 4-wheel-drive traction and versatility ere’s the world’s newest, most efficient 4-wheel wt kat the FC rn ahead new styling, visibility and ures like # new wrap-around wind- pitches in to make it possible." aback injury-and. Mrs. Brown was § ~tbruised: after Billy Tucker had been) Ea “It means a lot of extra work,” Brown said, “but everyone seems to catch the Christmas spirit and The Weman's Touch CHICAGO — Impressed by the effect women drivers are begin- ning to have on sales at service- stations, some oil companies have hired female advisers, One of their first recommendations: Junk color- (Florida Girl, 11, to Reign — . from the Santa Claus Chamber of ‘Santa: ( Claus SANTA CLAUS, ind. “ONS)—A freckle-faced li-year-old girl from Florida will reign Dec, 23 as hon- orary mayor of Santa Claus, Ind. A committee of three judges Commerce. selected Betsy Me- Millan, of Gainesville, Fla., as winner of the famed little town's ,, auto to this little town whose their own Indiana where snow | in winter is g customary sight. | For Betsy, the award means a’ free trip by plane from her home to’ Evansville, Ind., then on by postmark & being stamped on mountains of- mail each day. Her mother, father or another relative wilP&cco mpany Betsy. oe Picks M ayor reign, Dec. 23. the children’s zoo and also the explained: Mas Translated, it means: for love.” oo . tiempo para el amor.’ “More time Aluminum Use Heavy similar to his for the day-long! + Betsy wrote that she wanted ae especially to- see the animals ini | doll museum at Santa Claus. She}) “I have a pet puppy, a kitten and] Appalachian trail extends through the Great Smoky A GIFT ‘The Entire Family WILL ENJOY ‘Full-Length Pittsburgh Door Mirrors” Wide Selection of a LAYAWAY PLAN A Small Deposit Will Hold Any Mirror Until Christmas! Pout cass 0 Here is value!-Here is com- fort! Here is an ideal gift for anyone on your list. It's Big, Fully Upholstered in a choice of coverings. Easy Regular $44.95 2" the table later in training. Natural Finished Wood Hi-Chair Baby will be pleased to sit up in this & a colorfully decorated chair. Tray removes for easy entry and exit and for use at Boss i 50c a Week! $1 ‘iaaes $1 e Week! verentiie functional features ‘d t ~ the all-new ‘Jeep’ FC-150. New find in performance-proved “Jeep” vehities, im. cluding “go-anywhere” 4-wheel-drive traction, Control tabs“ sth Bo eae Kneehole Desks Great addition ‘to gracious living in your home. There are natural finished Walnuts, Mahoganys, — pokey Maples. Several styles from ervey add new hospitality to your Choice of coverings and patterns. suite on a new suite for Christmas. will enjoy. $50 TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE — ot your old suite. —~ -2-Piece Living Room Suites § Regular $189.95 Two big, beautiful comfortable pieces of quality furniture to TRADE NOW CHRISTMAS SALE ON ALL * “ Full spring: construction. rade in your present old It’s a surprise the famity $139% styles at Wyman's. "Priced om. $7995. ‘29% | $25 Trade-In Allowance for your old range on a new FULL SIZE FOUR-BURNER TOP gas range . } with new fook-in oven door. CLOSE-OUT REDUCTIONS Every, mirror in the store re- duced just before onea ay ck ways... wortd's idiot wakere of 4-Wheel- Orive vehicles ‘5:Pe, Wrought ron Dinette - Werlderfal Chiistmas Gift ‘addition to your home. Five pieces, | Sm four upholstered chairs with mew v-backs. Table top sash new | bumn- proof, _stain-proof top. _ Choice of top por a Come See... You'll Save at AGP! J ——— ae ORDER Your CHRISTMAS — Bh TURKEY. TOD. AY ! 4, More “SUPER-RIGHT” CLOSE TRIMMED | “SUPER-RIGHT” TENDER, JUICY i Sirloin Steak . ... * 7% Porterhouse Steak = jf, “SUPERARIGHT”, FIRST 5 RIBS—STANDING ; , 7 : ret | 2 ss Rib Roast ..........°% 69¢ SUPERRIGHT” FAMOUS QUALITY BEEF | oD} i “SUPER-RIGHT’—GUARANTEED FRESH : CHU nih & Ground Beef. . .. & 39e SOUTHERN STAR BRAND 4, Canned Hams......6 ci 4.89 oe om y y PEAR SHAPED—10 TO 12 LB. SIZES re Canned. Hams , LB. 6% Arm or English Cuts... . Lb. 4c pore a Ld ae a e a ee & TN . — << re =< y ° : . AGP HOMESTYLE, HALVES OR ‘SLICED j PEACH IONA GOLDEN ~ : + Cream Style Corn «<= 100 SUNNYFIELD, “ALL-PURPOSE © Family Flour.......5 & 37e CALIFORNIA SWEET, JUICY - * Navel Oranges...5 + 59 444 JANE ee % FRUITS AND ars DELICIOUS, 176 aie FLORIDA ZIPPER-SKIN, . NK An rAKE ; ; e rt. aa rent CAKE 39 | hla es © 8-8 @ 8 nsczet) } C 7 : Fruit. es” SIZE. e bs if ae | i ; —— ae iia _ CALIFORNIA GROWN, 24-SIZE 148. DARK CAKE 79 248. DARKCAKE 149 © 348. LIGHT CAKE 2.69 5.18. LIOHT CAKE 3.99 d Lettuce. =} 4, rk Abe 4 TOP QUALITY, GOLDEN RIPE LBS. 29-02. CIGARETTES. 19 POPULAR BRANDS—CHOOSE YOUR , __FAVORITE—sAvE t ach we hecn2oiis OR iis eae A > *» -- ee. | Meariies ene MMe i he and Chou on some matters) CHICAGO @ — An English bride} ._ *°* 6 | “Being professional people, agreed to disagree in a friendly|of World War II has had her sec-| “Many Americans in this coun-| we're not pleased with the publi-j* - =. Way. § ond set of triplets—a one in ajtry have been made to feel unwel-|city and we don’t want any more. fee >. | ¢--+ million-occurrence. jcome," the Standard said. “They|I'm not prepared to discuss the Chou generally followed the Mos-| Three ; shave been cold shouldered in the) matter.” ~—-cow-line-on events -in- Hungary.|x9 pounds 6 ounces wwere-dorn-10,80008, They have been refused | __. _ Nehru strongly criticized the So-/xirs Frances Blankenship, 37,|Petrol (gasoline) at the Mi i] | d d Shi im ¥ oy Cele and is|within seven minutes Monday} Sabatini’s ouster came prior to ISS! e- 0d e ip . urging that troops get out night at Jackson Park Hospital. | Britain's decision to withdraw her) . . . of Hungary, father. Wiliam & | ‘invading troops from Egypt and | lJ § 6th F| t ee ea ‘ linked Chou's| TH father, William, %, is em-|yetore the United States moved to\ JOINS U.J. ee 2. # ge hy ’s trip to the Ployed in the Illinois Central Rail-'heip meet the oil shortage caused) ; United States, which begins Fri-|"M! ‘in London, Criticizes American Policy ‘lfor English War Bride _typical of a-widespread attitude of!for the real estate firm said stiff- eee British Landlord E victs U.S. Officer ¢ Bie . ; LONDON (® — The ouster of a icy in the Middle East. News of it|I received nearly 20 letters apolo- | US, Air Force major from his fur-)came out yesterday igizing for what had happened,”’| views today on the present state! American diplomatic and mili-' my new house, I showed Mr. of relations between Britons and a They * id the Sabatini oust. Holts letter to the landlord, He the 80,000 Americans living in this er appeared to be the first of its|W@S very upset and he apologized country. ‘kind. They were unanimous in de-) too. Maj. Eugene Sabatini, an as- scribing ae Pavone day-to-day, * ef 8 i attache, was dis-;Comtacts wit ritons as very; “I can't understand why Mr. eit tore weeks -. by alftiendly, despite differences be Holt was so bitter. After all, we landlord who. denounced U.S. pol. Ween the British and American are just doing a job here and we Se | governments. ihave nothing to do with Ameri- | The pro-empire Evening Stand-|can policy.’’ d Se f Tri le jard, on the other hand, said the} Holt was not available for com- Secon t of Triplets |Sabatini incident “unfortunately is)ment today. Another spokesman} imind.”” fly: shops. lin thi try by blocka the’) NAPLES It: "A guided! ie st tf wt Sica) Mier Hare, ta , * * ° ‘* A powerful U.S, 6th Fleet im the birth. The others are Joanne and} Sabatini, 37, of Bristol, Pa..\tense Mediterranean. ” . made no formal protest when told; The cruiser Boston left Naples to move. ‘today arméd with Terrier missiles) The dispossession was ordered|which provide atomic antiaircraft! by M. C. Holt, a former British'protection against enemy planes! army officer who is now partner |for as much as 30 miles. | \in a reaj estate firm representing) The Boston is part of a reinfore-| overseas. Holt wrote Sabatini: - jing program which will see no hu-) “In yiew of the despicable con-|merical increase in the fleet but; ‘duct of the United States and the/will beef it up with newer type! profound contempt that I, in com-/ vessels. . mon with many millions of my fel-| America's most modern aircraft! “How countrymen, feel for that coun-\carriers, the Forrestal and the} try anfl jt¢ nationals; I am notinewly modernized: Franklin D.| prepared to allow an American to| Roosevelt, are due to follow the occupy any property over which|Boston to the ‘Mediterranean in, I have control.” |January. They will replace the! “eo e 8 ‘Coral Sea and Randolph. | Sabatini moved out at once. He! The 6th Fleet evacuated Ameri-| ./ stayed with friends until he found can citizens threatened by the re-| just out-/The company manufactures cement another house. ‘cent outbreak of hostilities in, : block making -machinery. “When my British friends heard, | Egypt. i , , a 3 " pie tt x mM on er . He age? a UT er a Tad a ih SE eee Fee A r 2 The superb taste and quality historical, of this ‘'Y famou have made if A . Kentucky bourbon Wdiewr seg wag RE Liege SVE AM IMPORTANT GIFT TO THE IM PORTANT NAMES ON YOUR SPEcrAL iy, UST...18 BOTTLES OF OLD crow © 1M THE MAGNIFICENT GIFT case nished home aroused a mixture of *_ * * Sabatini said. “‘When I moved into) ‘TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE Greatest Christmas savings ever! Up to $30 trade-in allowance on any watch regardless of make, condition, original price or where purchased. Trade now — easy credit, too! oN LOOK HOW YOU SAVE $71.50 BULOVA .../.........Only $41.50 Wich wp wo $30 trade-a on your old watch, $57.50 ELGIN......._...... Only $37.50 Wich wp wo $29 trade-de on your eld wretch. . 49.50 HAMILTON .. yaes's . iad 9 ap to $i a your old watch. Only $4 -” $59.50 GRUEN ... 244. Only $35.50 ' With wp te $24 trade-in on your old worth, . - $71.50 LONGINES .. Only $51.50 ‘Wh ap to $20 trade-in om your eld watch. $71.50 BENRUS .............Only $41.50 With wp w 090 wede-in on your e4 watchs . $59.50 WITTNAUER ........, Only $34.50.4 | With up te $29 tradeda Ge Your O40 wach: reas Ladies’ of men’s gold filled expansion watch bands. Lowest price ever! | KEYMASTER § DN Lowest Price Ever for @a | Self-Winding \ Fine Watch! A Christmas gift Ladies’ ond Men's | te li's-a Rey Ring 2 DIAMOND . of beautiful styles. Perfect _ WEEK gifts for everyone. at THE PONT “WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1056 vies ‘PONTIAC, MICHIGAN 2 Mrs. George Putnam artfully directed the Pon- tiac Tuesday Musicale Chorus and the tableaux at Grace Lutheran Fellowship Hall your esy: She is Pontiaé Tuesday Musicale presented the annual —ei Christmas pageant Tuesday in Grace Lutheran Fel- standing, are Jim Forman (left) of Chippewa road lowship Hall. As the Christmas music was sung, a and Ann Strait of Spokane drive. Seated are Martha tableaux depicting the scenes was presented by chil- Forman (left) of Chippewa road and David Cox of dren of Tuesday Musicale Chorus members. Above, Fourth avenue, Chorus Presents Christmas Selections Tuesday By CHRISTINE GAENSBAUER were a 14th Century carol, ‘“‘Hap-|Clyde Marshbanks and Mrs. Fred-|which contributed additional pleas- py Sounds Everywhere,” Ww ithlerick Stimpert. ure to the pe Pontiac Tuesday Musicale mem-| sometimes dissonant harmonies, * Door hostesses were Mrs, Fritzi bers and guests filled Grace Luth-| and “What Strangers Are These?”’,| For its second group, the chorus) Stoddard and Mrs. H. A. Little. eran Fellowship Hall to overflow-| Scottish carol with a strong folk| surrounded a smal] stage on which} On the social committee were ing Tuesday afternoon to hear! lquality and typical Scottish|appeared an unusually charg Mire. J. K, Helvey, Mrs. R. E. the Tuesday Musicale Chorus in) rythm. ‘tableaux depicting the Christmas/Gegoux, Mrs, H. F. Teitgen, Mrs. its traditional Christmas concert:| ecH Anois : scenes as the music was sung. The|/R. A. Becker, \Mrs. Dora Daw- * @ 8 c. 113 actors taking part were chil-|son, Mrs, H, P. Beehler, Mrs. T. a a@hhual presentation of aes Czech carols were Gelight- idren of chorus members. Todd, Mrs. F. G. Schlichter and stmas music always seems to sung unaccompanied by a . Mrs. A, F. Buehre Jr. arouse in the listeners the reality|quartet composed of Mrs. LaVerne). The Rew. Richard Semcameyer: | The floral commitiee consisted of the corhing season and inspires|Cox, Mrs. James Forman, Mrs.| Pastor iccagpai ee” jot Mrs. Charles Harmon and Mrs. them with the warmth, charm Charles Hatmon Jr. Presiding at tional message to the group. Us- |. tea table were Mrs. Harry S: serious meaning of Christmas. . *yen Yesterday's concert was no ex-| ospital Auxiliary ing as his theme the joy and | poaice and Mrs. Ardel Pierce. ception. Plans Friday Party 5.) er et coms he tarcnced Mrs, George Putnam, director Final pla ormel the need for everyone to use \/FW/ Auxiliary - of the chorus, chose many lovely |. ee ews vest tts Christmas as a time for recon- Gi Gift 4: carols, both old and .new, and ildren’s Christmas party spon- secration to the joy, goodness ives itt to Home they were sung with’ excellent |Sored annually by the St. Joseph] ang faith that was hers. A -‘vrw ince, Ausittiey set at the balance and blend et voice, © |Mercy Hospital Auxiliary when the THE chorus closed the progrem{Lezion tient a Spurs Avense. The diction was unusually clear|Stoup met in the auditorium of the) with three carols, the first a|The fifth district president, and Mrs, Putnam produced many/nurses’ home Monday. haunting, sometimes wistful ‘“Car-/Emma Momber, paid her’ ‘neti effective. shadings of tone ‘and; The Friday afternoon program|roll"’ by Jacobson, followed by (visit. mood, from the gay and lively|for the youngsters will include|a new harmonic arrangement for} A donation was made to the Na- _ to® soft, gentle pianissimos, ent pana animated cartoons and|“God Rest You Merry Gentle-|tional Home and plans were made ne eevee” ¥ The Atlin" hold rd sad. canbaretag Aes They charity. M . Moreover, I t it _ Master of Ceremonies Ray Burch|neople like to Pocentinral — mn was assisted in calling the qU&|Ket researchers, like to give their| | _ \drilles by Edward Farr, guest opinions of things, ; Hatfield, Harvey Gilchrist, Dewitt|A NEW PERSON Harr and Cecil Elsholz. Elsa decided. to try. In six) * *« # aaa, se 8B: wae pemen. «| “She learned to to. people -Mr, and Mrs, Ray Hunter, MY-.|tound most of them as pleasant as and Mrs. Jesse Dean, Mr. and Mrs. could be. Gradually she became James Jacklin and Mr. and Mrs. 2 . * #8 _|Ed Farr were guests at the dance.) t” you're interested in market research, send me a stamped, self- ’ addressed envelope and I'll ‘send es ae pet ctelaeg oe tagerenrecmamettte renege en you-my.-pamphlet..on.the. — ef 7. (Copyright 1956) Merry Homemakers Club gath-| 7 Lowe + at the home of Mrs. John|~ drive Monday for its annual Christ-| 7 | Cute as a wink and easy to sew! for tiny tots. A darling puffed- sleeve dress and slip, and there's a practical romper for brother, too. No. 8370 with Patt-O-Rama_ in- cluded is in sizes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 years. Size 2 dress, 2 yards of 35-inch; slip, % yard; romper, 1 yard. ~~ For this pattern, send 35¢ in No finer way... to thank your hostess SPECIAL PURCHASE _ Salet teens cel een 10 | KOA EY KNIT DRESSES wide variety of easy-to-sew styles for all ages. Don’t miss it! Reupholstering? Consider Plastic Is your furniture designed to) wear—or to wear out? If you're) a A New and Exciting Christmas Collection ee M “Td |: ' chenille! sofas, it's sensible to select fabric) ~~~ 7 ’ © Appli or . See Sao. | PASTEL FIOCCd | This new plastic, available in : en | + oe : variety of colors and weaves, re. ; COMPLETE LINE of Your favorite two-piece knits” sists stains, is built to withstand] LUGGAGE and SMALL with touches of holiday glamour. Bip SR Fae ne the rigors of crawling children and LEATHER GOODS diaans re ith bead: ; pr owee | ; — muddy puppy paws, and can be ~ Cardigans are trimmed wit Se @ Fiocco is woven in Italy, has authentic sponged off with_-warm-to-hot soap Free Initialing and -—-thinestones or pearls._Colorsoare— ib) _Itefion richness and glowing color! or detergent suds. : Gold Stamping winter white, aqua, powder blue, — wee + a Los ey : . coral or beige. Buy several at these @ Looks and feels os soft as woven Prepare Clothes | K | | M ; i savitige Wonderful for gifts or for “cashmere! "for holiday entertaining is right} eee i | - @ Is crease resistant for the life of the now, Decide what you need, buy} LEATHER GOODS wm 10 0 16 garment! : eax it-at leisure. If repairs. or altera-/ ia W. Huron FE 2.2620 Dress Salon—Second Floor ; | White with black, pink with one blue, “grey with _ . Sizes 10 DANIEL i es cone eww teeee moes with warm / THE PONTIAC PRESS. WEDNESDAY, ‘DECEMBER | 212, ‘1956 Se it oe ae “Yuletide gi HATS Wea Pastel b ro- cades in the newest of gay clip hats of nosegay flowers. A direct comple- ment to her furs. By MURIEL LAWRENCE "But in homes, we parents take | rules much less seriously. Se | what happens is this— . es posed to make her bed every morn- fing, departs for school leaving it in a very untidy state, When she gets home, we say, “Just wait before you mix that chocolate milk until you've gone upstairs and made your bed properly.” * * * But two days later we are too busy ironing to note that Ruth has repeated her carelessness. As we don’t tell her to correct it, she takes our silence as consent—and the following. morning, leaves her bed exactly as she got out of it. CAUSES BITTERNESS | The spectacle fills us with bitter- ness. We thirlk of how much we do for Ruth compared with how little she does for us. By the time she gets home, we're js resentful that we not only dock ‘her allowance but revoke permis- Fd to have her friend Grace to Infuriated by what she regards as our “unfairness,” Ruth be- comes a behavior problem for the next three days. Unless we are prepared to super- vise a child’s obedience to.a rule, pe MH id Tile ida pal Hoth ring 0 te £5 Mei, Pe aia ree No. 99 Giaried Giant Snowball Candie: coowball wi | anow-white | finish. round Parke gage cen- a soft glow ‘through. 10" x3” $400 “Many Other Style Candies — - DOOR SWAGS- .. WREATHS ‘Many Unusual Styles Generous sprays of fresh green 4 SS em 0 8 Oregon Holly, large bag. Secbwocvags le CEDAR—ROPING For Indoor or Outdoor Use Don’t Forget! | Order Now— 7 Beautiful Plants with lovely large flowers. > Tn ‘NOVELTY CENTERPIECE © _ Arranged with natural greens and styrofoam in unique Christmas Designs Open Evenings: “. Prieed trom $290 | whose ules Tacleas- When N ot Enforced|~ But we in our innocence thinkjchilren's obedience without work: ito her, a that wanting Ruth's bed made is|ing for it. having it made. Like the small boy who says he’s Killed a lion de-| eS It we are not ready to check tuth’s bedmaking every day, let's make her bed ourselves. Let's say ‘But on Saturday “Sundays; expect you to do a terrific job.” at are this handsome striped shirt Nine-year-old Ruth, who's sup-- > matching belt for the your life. Made of comfortable cotton, the panels set against a darker background. Worth looking young man in shirt and belt feature striped * when you low it by purpose and leave to Choose Shampoo to Suit Hair Type If your hair is unruty or difficult ‘to-manage; it-may~ be that -you're?hair-and-atrim figure are: -Exer- using a shampoo. that's the wrong) There are shampoos on the mar- | ket today for normal, dry and oily | hair types. Investigate these. And Keep Health Habits for-Radiant- Skin _|trimmed Christmas trees * during | -{it ‘still sticks by its conclusion) Essentials for clear skin, lustrous’ U.S. Works ) for Safer Yule Trees Water Treatment! Advised to Reduce Fire Hazard | By JANE EADS WASHINGTON—With more than’ two-thirds of the nation's homes. boasting lighted and fancy-| the season, government experts continue their search for methods to reduce the fire hazards. * * ® ° The U, S. Forest Service Pro- | ducts Laboratory, however, says. that after investigating a number of possible methods for making Christmas trees less flammable, that keeping the tree standing in water is about the most “prac- tical, satisfactory, and conven- ient” both for reducing the fire hazard and preventing the needles "Permanent Wave Shop No Appointment Necessary— Come Any Time! Phone FE 8-3560 | 78% N. Saginaw Complete with Cut and Set NONE You Get All This: © Custom Haircut “S$Q75 HIGHER ePermanent by an. experienced, licensed operator e@eStyled Set = @Guarantee...a complete wave for $3.75. None higher. HOLLYWOOD (Over Bazley’s) va from discoloring or. falling, The researchers point out however, that if you want ad- ditional protection against fire you can use a fire-retarded coat- ing in conjunction with the water treatment “if the natural color of the foliage is unimportant.” - cise, eight glasses of water a day! and plenty of sleep. Without these, your cosmetics can't accomplish much for you. daily whether it's to the market or to the office. It's tempting to| take the car whenever you've an| cut the soap, your hair soft and easy errand to do but it’s ruinous to the! | figure. Make a habit of taking a walk, The procedure recommended for} | | tory is as follows: | Obtain a tree that has been cut) |as recently as possible. Cut off the end of the trunk diagonally jat least. 1 inch above the original cut end. Stand the tree at once in a con- | tainer of water and keep the water | |level above the cut surface during) | the entire time that the tree is in DONEGAL SPORT A wonderful wide selection in sleeve lengths. SHIRTS $495 Firle Selection of In pigskin ... deerskin . leather iaced driving ~ gloves. From OPEN. - UNTIL Gloves $3" WOOL’ FLANNEL SLACKS Ivy or regular stripes $1595 and plain colors. From WELDON PAJAMAS In” First’ Nighter, Club ~ Loun$e or Regular. the house. is not to be set |up for several days, it should be jot standing in water meanwhile | in a cool place. | MORE SAFETY TIPS | Other safety rules for the han- ; dling of Christmas trees in the i home are: Be sure the tree is well-supported % the water treatment by the labora- THERMO RITE IMPROV: FIREPLACE OPERATI BiLi ' SAFETY CHILDREN LOWER FUEL PROVII JES HOME AND a snl bible EASY LOADING OF FUEL FIRE SOLID BRASS © BURN. WOOD, COAL OF GAS FOR © HininaTes ROOM HEAT Loss, pad SPARKS, ASHES, DIRT AND DRAFTS TWIN DOORS OPEN WIDE FOR CONTROL DRAFT. WITH TWO SLID- ING DOORS FOR FAST OR SLOW BEAUTY UNHEARD OF, THOUSANDS IN USE WINTER AND SUMMER WRITE FOR FREE VALUABLE COLORFUL BOOKLET My Fireplace is Fide. High Name “INLAND LAKES SALES 3127 W. Huron Your CENTURY Dealer. FE 4-7121—FE 2-6122 -—_ use. of combustible dec- | orations and flammable reflectors | ifor. the colored lights. Meta] foil “icicles” or tinsel must be kept out of bulb sockets. Avoid over- Professional Permanent Wave—Gives a Soft Natural Appearance PERMANENTS, from. . CALLIE’S BEAUTY SHOP FE 2-6361 116 N. Perry . $5.00 "JUVENILE 8 BOOTERY shoes to gladden the heorts gsters! And you couldn't give a we “— — s i Here are three of the most populor styles the young set want and like to, wear. e A. PATENT mse od a cack ~ decal VOIP vs totes bee - BMT nn 6. a eS "Group Marks Yule- party. ements beak oeg amg doantane Harold W: ad of Ogemaw road Cadillae avenue ’ Tuesday ‘evening for the net gather nd id THE PONTIAC PRESS, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1956 es esr arta ene From Bloomfield?’ = wane Parties Wilt Prevedie “ASanihe Ponce 4 ‘By RUTH SAUNDERS » es So Chic!! She Slenderizes the g “Relax-a-Tron” Way RELAX-A-TRON .. , for pertect massage and Physical herapy. Provides relaxing treatment for every area of the body. Takes off pounds and inch- from hips, thighs, tummy, and ankles; strengthens muscles and tightens skin, without the use of drugs, heat or laborious f~ exercise. ; ® Refreshing! ® Relaxing! M, © Beautitying! @s show you hew easy and inches Come snd dumts tee ‘a \e Tes pounds 2¢ Beauty Salon _ » Riker Bidg.—Rear of Lobby FE 3-7186 BLOOMFIELD HILLS— Several; - young couples will entertain at 7 5 g f z be 3 Beach to spend the holidays with Mrs, Denning’s parents, Mr, and hue road, . In the visitors’ honor Mrs. Ed- ward E, Rothman will give a tea on Friday, HOSTS AT DINNER Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Well- ock of +Kirkshire drive will be hosts at dinner Friday evening. Their guests will include Mr. and Mrs, Alfred G. Wilson, Mr, and Mrs, Leroy G. Vandeveer, Mr. and Mrs, D, W. Candler, Mr. and Mrs, Leatie H, Green and Mr. and Mrs, L, L. Colbert. * * s plan an open house for Christ- |Mrs, William T.; Gossett of Good-|~ Mr. and Mrs. tmnt Breech| : ater forthe Thunderbird Cub at where they Calif, New Year's, as will and Mrs. John S. Bugas of Pem> Mr. Seaman “Michael, Wheeler ar- rived home today to spend his Christmas leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, E, A, Schirmer of *|Lone Pine court, COMING HOME . Melinda Booth will arrive home| {% Tuesday from Deland, Fla., where! # she attends Stetson College. She/s will be with her parents, Mr. and) & Mrs. Henry S. Booth of Thorniea, | % Cranbrook road, ‘ Mr. and Mrs, James J. Nance! # are planning a cocktail ceding ‘Club’s New Year's Eve dinner-| & dance. . oY _JReturn to Pontiag * ; Mrs. Eva Kellogg of Sate ave a Saginaw, street have returned home after being called to Grand Rapids due to- the illness of their] ne. Mrs. M, H. Tengeey and Paul “Tarbell “of Not party pre- Bloomfield Hills Country § mas day. They will leave soon Beauty Clinic by Edythe McCulloch FOR THE HOLIDAYS The ae ths of ae comin cur gives us grooming. Be ay on careful of your nails and sure to use hand tation after washing and massage your face cream into your bands at night. Pile each little catch to pre- vent breaking. 1 Phone Edythe McCulloch 5539 Crochet "several of this pretty tam, each in a different color a different version—no trimming, a pompon,--a tassel, or rhinestone | _,.\ and pearl trim! The pattern—the lovely shell stitch. Pattern No. 5539 contains aun directions; material requirements, cd will meet et the church Foure:|@ istitch illustrations; trim SUEECS- | Olen ba BF |Coming Events - Women’ “of Ch ‘ Pay ane gee vw: Christian Service and Mrs. E. B. Amann® Entertains Group Plans for a jwere completed at the Tuesday | & Mrs. M. A. Calbi will open her home on Linden road’ for Christmas party at which time/¥ members will bring a gift for each ‘ of the two homeless boys they will) ¢ cere at neon for luncheon and Sede with Mrs. Harry Rice. Camp Nesbitt 11, ladies Me ‘| Lea wim eet for election = ‘cers, eTnureday. “st 1:30. p.m. ee Pike St. Welcome Rebekah aca at 8 p.m, with rs. Gubtene bu enw a BF Christmas party |s home of Mrs, Edward Amann on ' * * * the Church will meet RT VRARRNS: SE, * | } ad te Mae ‘ngmple, 68 for election officers. \ ee! ee Se es witret “Thursday Mee ¥ 130 pm. OO "008 Pontiac State Bldg. | Area of the Panama Canal Zone lis 475 square miles. t a Pa Pier Oa Pee | “ a) dS ot a Po Pee 4, 4) 4 a a Pe! a 4) 4G as a a « 4 a) a OPEN EVERY@ | ~hd 44,44 .-44.-4 4-44 a “NIGHT ‘TIL Your Invitation to the - colors as delicate as _ All-Important_ Prom... Oneey Fernialy the angel atop the Christmas tree or gay as the children’s toys and white with a colorful sprinkling cf Christmas cheer * every creation a perfect balance of the lace and net and satin So. dear to. the young in heart — 5 to 15 . + . ¥ ea f BS 4 resists YVACATIONER the luxiriows 100% All. ~ __ in the cleaners, Own one and rate Ma eget One and only shirt in the whole sie aber peer world with the new soft collar that. ell sna ever! Fons STEWART in Paanone’s STRATEGIC AIR R COMMAND 1Vision—in Technicolor Fa ¢ a a Yo. ee ee, oo th. oe. oh.’ | “—s The greatest advance in shirts sinee the fused ae Eee of men have discovered the most Century, It is F peree Bing che stage and gives twice the wear. 8 or iy wear, White or por 2 sits but -. IW line, “és \ 100% Pure Weel. Sy-mer protected oqsinit vein and stele | What's your brand of relaxa- tion? Be it indoors or out- Wool Vacationer. The fabric is Syl-mer silicone treated to resist rain and stain, the Vacationer doesn’t spend. all its time (and your money) you'll want to own many. + Choose From @ Van Heusen @ Mark Twain . @ Shapely - © Gilmar @ Dennis @ Lion Custom Shirts Every imaginable colors including Ivy League. Cottons, silk- mixtures, faneles | and flannels. Charge Em 2 Ways at the | LION STORE| Others to $13.95: | / 9m pars: °7 DAYS | 7 - -©6 MONTHS THE PONTIAC PRESS. WEDNESDAY; DECEMBER. 12, 1956 i kles, It is fax better to brush the forelocks up into a gentle putff- D's $995 lovely young creatures who} pompadour. With Prayer [ene ek ete wo matter The _*¢ * 8 are : thow they fixed thei hair. “ mature woman shou Decorated in a ee ‘careful not to slick the hair straight Four Colors What about the matire woman? back from the forehead, for this flat-topped look tends to center-the “Much Yess thought has been given - s he Lattention-on the face alone rather : [ie der gs Seenaah the weeds gukt jance more. all Bedtime prayers is decar- jtvey | framed by a softly waving four colors with matching || Some of "s cutstanding ding cit. rd the white glass base. 14" stylists are now turning @ tvory cord. ; | talents in her direction. In ~ [NOT TOO LONG - | York , Michael of the Wal- | Michael also feels that the wom- dorf-Astoria is one of the famous lan with gray hair should not wear whe specializes in hair her hair too long at the back, this age group. I think i that youthfully styled shoulder- be interested in his | Hength hair is- aging. He. believes ithat she should either have short ihair or locks long enough to brush | back into a neat, chic coiffure. He says that she should beware fof the bun, ng kles by having a low-dipping fore-| t head wave, Actually, this only acts) eo ; — | When asked about dying gray | procedure it often makes a woman tel and look much younger. How- jever, extremes in color or style -f should be avoided. Colors should be natural. When the hair is very white he recom- mends a lighter shade such as smoke blonde. Skin tone and the color of the eyes should be taken | inte consideration when choosing ja new hair shade, Michael feels that_many wom. jen start to gray beautifully, with perhaps a single streak of white. | This is so attractive that many | Younger women achieve this effect | artificially. ° grow gray in patches. A woman may want to dye her hair all over’ juntil she has turned completely white or gray. Later on, she may decide to leave off the dye. | ENTIRELY NATURAL a Dyeing can be done so satisfac- \torily now that it can look entirely | natural. The experts even leave a ifew gray hairs in order to give | this effect. If you are at the! stage of early graying and vegeta. | ble rinses no longer cover the | gray hairs (they won't if you have many gray hairs) you should make the decision now of whether or not to dye. * * * |} If your hair is already gray and you would be happier to have it | dyed, why not do so? Just be gure you have an expert operator and that you get an allergy test first. | 1 think this is entirely mat- ter of individual preference. ‘than on the whole—a face attrac-| hair, he suggested that when she is! — /not psychologically averse to this). - “On the other hard; Tany-woment~ 52 “Stars in Your Crown,” send a stamped, Self-addressed envelope' the Pace Best for You."’ A streak of gray is so attractive that many younger women achieve this effect artificially. Move then £000 weeletiaa'st eiabeis 1,000 kinds are shies in are known and cultivated and|various sections of the U.S. Tomorrow: “Know, Adhere to Colored Pencils Brighten Your Yuletide Greetings § Add your individual touch to Christmas cards you're sending this season. An interesting effect can be achieved through the use of colored pencils. There are about 72 colors and shades to choose from, to the Lead Pencil Manufacturers them to the color scheme of your choice. These pencils cost little and are obtainable in any station- ery store. For Yuletide, green and red BEAUTY SHOP Now at 219 Auburn Ave.. ; , | | Giftsto delight a lady... i Holiday Hair Care Make Your Appointment Now FE 4-2878 Edith Stenson, owner ~~ FREE PARKING 7 family sign individually always| ‘signing different -colors to each are traditional, but you needn't limit yourself to these colors. Select the one which fits the color scheme of your cards. Interesting effects can be obtain- according jarly thoughtful to —_ forgetful Association, and you can readily fit) andividualizing need not stop) with the cards, Address the enve-' lope with colored pencils, too. It will help convey the Christmas spirit even before the envelope is opened. And, if you want to be particu- friends, indicate your present ad- dress on the envelope. Child Culture Club Holds Yule Bazaar Mrs. Hilman Fortney of Ham-; flton drive was hostess to mem-| bers of Pontiac Child Culture Club | for its- annual Christmas bazaar and meeting. Fourteen members attended the ed by binding two colored pencils). together with a rubber band, for! a two-color signature. Having each member of the! ary ‘adds an intimate touch and you can make it more colorful by as- For " something really unusual,| try signing your cards with a wa- ter-soluble colored pencil. You use these just as you would any pencil. After writing, however, dip a camel’s hair brush in clear water and trace the signature. You'll be pleasant- | ty-surprised at the soft, decora- | tive effect. ylons $1.35 A gift of beautiful sheer Neumode Supersheer nylons is always _a most welcome gift. Choose from a lovely selection of shades with self or dark seams. A beautiful gift...a practical gift. - — — NEUMODE NYLONS:..GIFT- WRAPPED FREE! ‘Christmas Magic ... from our _ : JUVENILE DEPARTMENT mi nn wemmemer af 3g Christmas Suits ; 1 3" $750 teen ‘vecceage pocket se cretary bye tac, bw, tn ard mahogsn Rolfs designs the leather- lined Pocket Secretary to © be all -things--to-ait- men, Combined memo-and-letter case, Full length bill com- partment. Check book car- rier. Leather-backed memo pad with golden tab pull-- out._Two-pecket room for lots of cards, photos. Defi- nitely, the more gift for less money—to find. here and now (recent meeting where plans were \discussed for the joint Child Study: 'Club luncheon to be held in Febru-; ee ee wae Soft Car Flatters Mature Woman j SALE! Ice Skate Outfits . AT PHILIP’S JUST IN TIME FOR GIFT GIVING .. For Ledies -- Men -- Youths -- Kiddies" $19.50 Ski Boots $14.50 HYDES CANADIAN STREAK SEALAND _ BASCO Figures—Hockeys Tempered Steel Blades Good Fitting Shoes LADIES’ & GIRLS’ YOUTHS’ & MEN‘S $10.95 Figures ..$ 7.98 | $10.95 Boys’ ...$ 7.98 $15.10 Figures ..$11.98 | $13.50 Men's ...$ 9.85 $13.20 Figures ..$ 9.75 | $14.55 Men’s .. . $10. 95 $16.95 Figures ..$12.98 | $19.00 Men’s ...$13.75 $20.00 Figures ..$15.98 | $25.00 Men’s ...$18.75 | $24.50 Figures ..$18.50 | $ 4. “ce Shin Guerds | $28.50 Figures ..$21.95 | poir ........ 2.99 $ 6.50 Juvenile . $10: 15 Hockey Outfits ..... -$ 4.89 Gloves, pr.....$ 7.99 | Northland Skiis — Poles — Bindings — + $40.00 Skis $33.95 9 $13.50 Skis ... $11.98 $14.50 Ski Boots $10.75 — Rifles — Shot Guns — Scopes — Cases — $144.30 Rem. Auto. - | $ 8.50 Daisy Rifles ...... $112.98 Rifles, mod. . $6.99 $108.85 Savage TS $350 00 Cel. ....$ 92.50 ifle—. _$ 4.49 $ 45.00 Weaver $ 45.00 7x50. K4 Scopes ...$ 34.98 Binoculars ©. $ 22.95 ROLLER SKATES - ARCHERY - FISHING TACKLE Layaway — Cash — Budget Terms PHILIP'S LUGGAGE, SPORTING GOODS 79 N, SAGINAW ST. = é 4 4 i é Buy Direct From William Wright . furniture makers and uphoisterers 270 Orchard Lake Ave. Phone FE 4-0558 This Year Give Lovely ~- Custom-Made Furniture. Beautify your home for the Holidays and yeaee to come the fabric that ta’ “yust rah for you,” and let uw 8 HP Voth "Ros SAVE « 40% a AAAS Serving Pontiac Homemakers for Over 23 Years All Work Guaranteed § Years e~ ieces TO A re Have Perspiration Stains Ever Ruined Your Dress? ty 10 1 JUVENILE FE iol + 4 MiGs THR, PONTIAC: REAS. “‘WEDYESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1956 to give She enicy for Christmas CANDIES assorted chocolates 2 Ib. box $282 5 Ib. box — $638 the ‘gift box ... Of chocolates and butter bons. 1% Ib. gift— $2 - 2M%lb. gift— $3 exclusive at CLOONAN’S “Where Quality Counts” 72 N. SAGINAW ST. “Tb, box — 9183-3 Ib. box = 9383 |Bob Jokes All the ‘Time nels een it RRR ope Is the King of Ad Lib . Pw is the third of Sau aetales “ae and the audience howled. Hope says that one of the high quared veudevitie, the movies, radio {This was the beginning of Hope’sspots of, his 25 years in show: and ‘television. monologues. He lasted six months! business came in 1945 when Dwight By JAMES L. KILGALLEN (at the Stratford and his salary|D. Eisenhower, then chief of staff INS Staff Writer rose to $300 a month, big money of the U.S. Army, pinned on him oe © Be Be Nee 010 Oe ce oS story: to a newspaper shows ven. porter. i? After that he paves many dates) © +. 2 Hope is today America’s king°D a. Western vaudeville circuit Actually, Hope's lif ‘of ad libbers. He can toss off gags/@nd eventually worked up to top 2)” pig’ « ick” He loves ‘his ‘in the twinkle of an eye. He makes billing in the “big time. work. When I afked him the other \it look easy. He jokes all the time MUSICAL COMEDY ane M he Sexe Sh-sanis would bs \even when he’s being inter- From vaudeville he jumped into)choose show business for a career, viewed. 8 rmusical comedy. Ts 1883 he. cameibe replied: I asked the 63-year-old comic to New York and starred in such ve ‘you, Kidling? certainly] how much socio a be deus'pan aston, jihandling a good gag. He learned During the Past > Years WE HAVE HIS uaa REA ARCHIE BARNETT the technique in vaudeville in the carefree days, when he was a hoofer on the same bills with jugglers, flame swallowers, knife throwers, female impersonators, xylophonists, hynotists, bag punch- ers, trained seals, yodelers, soft- shoe dancers and harmonica players. CHICAGO RECALLED Bob, in a nostalgic mood, re- called that years ago in Chicago he had a partner, Louise Troxell, whom ‘he developed into a foil for his comedy stuff. ba * * She'd come on the stage holding a bag in her hand. Hope would say: ‘‘What have you got in your iittle bag?” She'd reply: “Mus- \tard.” And he'd say, ‘What's the idea?” She'd say: “You can never 'tell when ‘you're going to meet a ham.” Corny? Maybe, But it went over. ’ “Ad Wbbing,” Hope told me, “ig a combination of things. It's the gift of timing, experience, = ane toe © Ae eeey : Wise-cracking, ski-nosed comedian Bob Hope “But ‘adroit-ad libbing is often| became an NBC radio star in the 1930s. He's still |a matter of luck. You've got to be! @ top-flight performer .on NBC- -TV as well as radio. intuitive and able to sense an ‘audience. You have to edit your-!; . 7 a te ot self, You have your whole machine hits as “Roberta, , Beliyhee. jwould. That old saying is right, igoing when you're out there on Tegisld Follies and . Hot) theee’s no business like show ithe stage.”’ - and Blue’ with Ethel Merman. business.’ . | Sometimes Hope works fast,| Radio became a big entertain- * * * | beager he thenght ho DS ee pie . | | ~ RSS INR SS ITAL ee Flora Mae GIFTS ie yay: Specializes in Exquisite 2. a Re ret oR Featuring Sizes 1 to 8 + 700 West Huron St.” FE 2-3612 iE Open Every Night ‘til Christmas “@\ subtlety. He knows how to be He started in radio as a guest on top entertainment medium.) i |funny just standing there—mug- Rudy Vallee’s famous Thursday’ G oresGUED BY GODFREY of comedy caught on, and in 1938) Fellowship Class ) - he was the star of his own radio! | Arthur Godfrey's technique in-|show. Holds Yule Dinner 2 trigues Hope. He said: Infants Wear and Gifts | lantly, Hope woald say to the 0" TV. Millions ¢ Betrothal Revealed sometimes slow, sometimes with ment medium. Bob went for it.| (Next: Hope tells why TV is the, night program on NBC. His brand cality.. pe | Phat same year Hollywoed— | Members of the Fellowship Class Why, Godfrey spends five min- end the ertas y ay, (ot Baldwin Avenue Ev: teak j utes saying ‘good morning.’ He’s| 6) "SO tion picture, “The Big {United Brethren Church held their got that easy, relaxed style. In 4 |saying ‘good morning,’ he'll grunt, Brondctsiy wine ed, im when (evening: at the church. pick up papers, mug a bit and) | tarred with Dorothy Lamour, even yawn. Such restraint and poise is marvelous. 7 Ethel — Crosby -_ teompanied by Mrs. Myron Everett. Restraint was one of the things) TV inevitably became another, Robert. Everett, William Gaddes Q Hope learned years ago when he entertainment medium in which\and Carolyn Gaddes, Wilford *|was playing the Stratford Theater|Hope was to make a smash suc-| Hiscock and Marilyn Hiscock, Mrs. in Chicago in the days when he cess. On June 8, 1950, he Wwas/Kenneth McQueen and Danny Mc- needed a job. {signed to an exclusive long-term/Queen, Albert Lovse, Mr. Spragg, He recalls that he'd lead off ‘contract with NBC. Donald Lovse, Phyllis Hardy and *. * *# Ronnie Hollis. with a subtle joke. Many of the | |. now one of the top comicé patroys wouldi’t get it. Noncha- on TV. Millions of i } 100K AT THE CONSTRUCTION LISTEN TO THE TONE _TRY THE TOUCH © , You'll agree that the Lester Betsy Ross Spinet or finest materials — famous for AMPLIFIED TONE — easy touch and full volume. Available in light and dark weeds; contemporary and traditional styles. Full 88 note keyboard. Guaranteed for ten years. LESTER BETSY ROSS SPINET ‘Console is your best plane buy. Made only of the a8 OMY ons ins es s+ LOR vers oe Per . ry : Beets shes en see eee were eee in nen eon } eg SERRE : andience: “Gio ahead, figure it oat.” Thea he'd wait until they His face is so familiar to the publie that he cannot visit any city) Mr. and Mrs. 1. O. Baldwin’ of or hamlet in the country without South Jessie street announce the | ee Bob ad libbed some comedy popularity which has endured for la quarter of a century. Rico, got it. . s!| The theater manager suggested people picking him out at once. engagement of their daughter, Bet-| jhe announce the following week's Today he is at the peak of his|ty Jean, to Tony Rossaro, son of! ! Mrs. Francisca Nieve -ot Puerto, A gift ensemble of sweet femi- ninity and carefree practi- . our lined waltz French cording, and the full bouffant-sleeve peignoir. White pink or blue. Gown: sizes 32 to 38, 14.95 Peignoir: Small or medium, 14.95 % Christmas treasure — —our nylon sheer gown and peignoir gvae : go oe { ENTERTAINED Gils r During World War II and the; |Korean fighting, Bob devoted much | ‘of his time entertaining service-| 2-Hour Free Parkirig jmen on all fronts. “This work,” he; Have Your Ticket Validated (mede many sat hay When You Make a Purchase i+ | >. at Jagobson’s 1 OF THREAD '] 90 different colors plus black ‘and white. Amazaing bargain. if 100 spools of thread citractively | gilt-boxed plastic case. Every color you can think of only $1.00, Tax and postpaid. That's J ponly a penny a spool. Perfect ff for mending, daraings sewing, patching. All Evanston House S| All the Boys Love SHARPIE... Long sleeve V-neck pull-over in’ solid colors or SLEEVELESS pull-over in beige or yellow, Sizes 4 to 12.. 2.98 ‘| greetings to the | seasoned traveler _C. Red,_grey,- Se eee ci: cana . . : ’ ae ap ee AM i a ik Any laggy: ae igh a Sli aa i, eae fa ’ For the girl on the go. . . our ~ lightweight, travel-resistant 12-inch vanity and train cases of leather-look vinyl. A. White, red, blue, grey or tan vanity with a full mirror lid, side and adjustable cosmetic loops. wand B. Tan, white, red, of grey” case with a ull mirror. ad adjustable cosmetic loops. 8.95 while abel ae tan fitted vanity with — --non-break, non-leak plastic. =cosmetic containers secured to the mirrored lid. yee ae prices plus eae ig a ‘|foreign ministers. vay fey ‘syempudg sainyray Bury dq parquing |a sensation in Europe, and _par- t in Europe Area NATO Defense Plans Call for Allied Forces in Western Sector PARIS (INS) -— American troops will remain in Western Europe as long as the Soviet threat re- mains as real as it is at present and as long as the fundamental forward defense strategy of NATO is not modified. This will be made clear, very reliable Allied sources said, at the annual review during the current session of the North Atlantic pact The informants said the review will state that there is no ques- tien of withdrawing U, 5. or even British troops from western Eu- rope, despite a clause permit- ting the British to pull soldiers out for economy reasons, However, there has been much jrecent discussion about the correct} |size of ground formations in the atomic age in connection with nu-| the U. S., Britain and France. | * * » This was reflected in a state- ment by Lord Ismay, NATO's sec- retary general, on Monday, 4 *. ! ea f% Lele Bie Bae te Sie Sie Ff tz j \ a i\o/ ' } E=/ Pee it mer aw te pe % x THE PONTIAC PRESS, WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 12, 1956 & 4 f in America’s Interest, The latest joke going the rounds te eieret wih he tree so she bought a green one./not only in Hollywood, Pontiac about the rising} Yes, even the old Christmas tree,| householders are branching out in- interest on the money, a loan, as Britain did last ght. The British will have to pay international But the fund is an i has noth- organization, Congress ling to do with the loans it makes. So Humphrey was right, at least up to now, . Maybe by the time Congress comes back in January Britain will need more money, If so, the Eisenhower administration will then have to ask Congress to help the British. Tragedy Strikes saturday W hile Pair Tries to Get Yule Funds “WACO, Tex. (—Mr. and Mrs. Granville Whitlock decided to sell the family cow yesterday so they could buy Christmas presents for their seven children, They took Brownie, the cow, to a friend’s house to see if he would buy it. They told the children they were going to visit a sick friend. When they got back, their rent- ed home was purned down. The chilfren, ranging from 9 months to 15 years, were saved, but most of the family’s posses- |} | sions 4vere lost. Whitlock, 34, is partially dis- laged-by-an-acid-explosion.in-1947. Hart Asks Citizens" fo Aid Fellowmen LANSING @—aActing Gov. Philip A. Hart today called on Michigan ‘i\ citizens to “‘sacrifice’’ in order to A drought, said to be the area’s most severe in 700 'y respond to a Red Cross | for destitute ‘Hun- American Red .Cross, seeking to || to Michigan. In a letter to FE, R. Harriman, ‘J\Red Cross National «Chairman, ment, stopped the! street yesterday By JANICE HAYHOW in the place famous for jokes— Hollywood—telis 'young starlet who really wanted ta/long familiarly green and fresh, =- has joined the~ultra jet age and ene ae 3 oe DOWN IN THE MOUTH — The Air Force Globemaster transport displays an apt expression one aboard was of glum resignation as it lies on its chin after a crash landing at MeMurdo Sound, Antarctica. No inj ur ed, Britisher Kidnaped, Killed by Egyptian Underground PORT SAID, Egypt @ — The: Egyptian underground says it kid-; naped and killed a young British! lieutenant. 4 The report was brought to Brit- ish headquarters last night in the, face-of.-British.insistence..that the, lieutenant be returned quickly— The British-French occupation command awaited firmer evi- dence before conceding the officer had been killed. But British Lt. Gen. Sir Hugh Stockwell, the oc- cupation chief, let it be understood that some action would follow if the officer was not given up alive. * * The kidnaping was the latest of a—string -ol-actions bythe under- ground to harass the rapidly di- minishing British and French forces in the process of withdraw- ing from Egypt at the demand of the U.N. General Assembly. - a Ld * Lt. A, G. Moorehouse, leader of) a patrol that captured seven Egyptian commandos Monday, night hiding in a dentist's apart- his jeep in the same morning. to_talk: 5 was found later—its in-| 4 = : ; 1 as | AE Es 3 terior bloodstained. A. gag and, rope were inside, | A thorough search of Port Said) brought no sign of the missing| lieutenant. At dusk an Egyptian civilian. brought’ word from: the been slain. Stockwell said Port Egyptians could not get the Briton or his body, out of town. * ~ o The kidnaping followed the seiz- ure last weekend of a large cache) of explosives and ammunition be- ing smuggled into Port Said, an attempted ambush of a British pa- trol and the appearance of scrawled signs. throughout the city warning the British that ‘Port Said is your graveyard.” * Ld Egyptian authorities disclaimed responsibility fog the incidents. | Informants said they were the work of members of the fanatic! Moslem Brotherhood in Port Said. They said the secret terror organ- ization, outlawed by the govern- ment two years ago, was attempt- ing to embarrass President Nas- ser, : ‘Paint Business Complex KANSAS CITY — The paint busi- ness is a complex affair. From the 1,000 different raw materials ‘usually -stocked—by—a— coatings company almost 10 tril- tion - different- formulas-containing, only five ingredients are possible. This complexity is further com- pounded by the introduction of 400 to 500 new ingredients every year. ristmas Tree? to the sleek pale pink and blue{Kevin J. Ritter, local market own- jnaw St, and greenhouses in Lake even the more extreme, These small unit inhabitants have called on their imaginations to combat lack of space and have come Up with top ideas along the Christmas tree line. SOMETHING NEW Harold §, Jacobsen, owner of Jacobsen's Flowers, 101 N. Sagi- Orion, says many local residents! are turning to something new and different in the Christmas tree line. : The small dwellers sometimes forsake small trees, he said, for elaborate mantel er table ‘ar: rangements involving, greenery, candies, and ornaments or figur- ines, * * * Another type of tree which really isn't a tree &t all is the lacy_look- ing lovely built of expanding foil. Jacobsen said some buyers have cut the foil trees in half and hung half on the wall to cope with lack of actual tree. space, * * And sometimes a homemaker with all the space in the world just wants a change and she. blends the trimming of the Christmas tree in with the decor of a cerfain room. Lush pink, blue er white arti- fical vista ~trees-are another kind the modernists choose for that” “something Uifferent*~ when it comes Christmas time. Jacobsen said many residents differ the styles of their trees by using the same color ornaments or Becomes Citizen in Bed | been. The polish-born woman has sclerosis. Her husband helped her ‘make the final move to citizenship.’ He raised and steadied her right hand as the court-clerk adminis- tered the oath of allegiance. iall the same color lighting or even BILLINGS, Mont. & — The court! moved into the bedroom for Mrs.| ; . Sam Vinner to become a citizen.| But there's plenty of consolation for the old-fashioned fresh, green} confined for years by multiple) some of the new twinkle lights that go off and. on, bd] * * tree lovers who year after year choose the pines, spruces and bal- sam: for their Christmas pur- poses. | Local Christmas tree dealers do er, said in-fivelots-iast—year--he sold over 5,000 trees. * * ¥ And the ultra decorations that are giving the Christmas tree a new style consciousness? Well, their supporters are firmly in the minority. | * * J There are too many families who wouldn't give up the old ornaments that spell tradition, the strings of balls made in sticky kitch- en sessions and the construction of paper rings pasted so laboriously in second grade art classes, for all the ultra modern Christmas trees in Pontiac—or Hollywood, Quite a Bit Like Texans MIAMI, Fla. & — In case it's any consolation to you when hunt- ing a place to sleep, Florida has 1,396 hotels, 5,414 motels and 11,- 938 rooming houses which altogeth- er can house 687,676 persons. Or, if you’re hungry: The state has 14,556 restaurants (3,100 in Miami’s Dade County); a cooking device that can “‘broast”’ (broil-roast) a chicken in five min- utes or a fish in three and a “radar range” that can cook a steak in 15 to 20 seconds. And STATE LIQUOR STORES pUMITE® Bnanos— ‘a booming business every year.) 42 N, Seginew St. cS | i | | “in less than 1 hour. ‘No Money Down 95 7/7 a FREE DELIVERY 90 Days Same as Cash Big screen TV by Emerson. Steady, clear picture—power- | ful tone — tyle cabinet. . beautifully styled \w ll The ee =e SS " ‘There’s'a Club for Everyone DEPOSIT Cash For , ag RECEIVE $ 1.00 Every Two Weeks ..... Receive $ 25.00 2.00 Every Two Weeks ..... Receive $ 50.00 4.00 Every Two Weeks: ..... Receive $100.00 310.00 Every Two Weeks ..... Receive $250.00 1 $20.00. Every Two Weeks .....-Receive $500.00.) “i i “ Here’s the easy every two sizeable sum for next Christmas shop-. _..ping——The small amount you save weeks will never be missed [| ++ » Your savings next November will truly be welcomed. . Choose the club __best for you TODAY! way to accumulate a ee ee at ‘New M usical- Justities a Faith i in an 1 Unknown : NEW YORK—You can call me a square, a cornball and even & preacher—but there’s an element of faith in the new Ethel Merman-Fernando Lamas musical, “Happy Hunting.” : eM Loe a the The sensational new girl talent, Virginia Gibson, almost didn’t get in it because she was in Hollywood niaking pictures —“Nobody here in New York knew who I was, and the producers didn't feel justified paying Povad Tare here to try out.” “I went home to St. Louis,” _ says this beautiful little blonde dancer and singer whose real name is Virginia — Gorski, “and agent Morton Baum—who’s not even my agent—phoned me from New York that he had falth enough in me te pay my fare in.” She’s so great, she might be a Merman herself Then there are Gordon Polk and Gene Wesson, ex-drunks who joined Alcoholics Anonymous, got faith in themselves, and have been working steadily—and walking steadily—since. * x * “Are you still on the wagon?” I asked them backstage. “We wouldr’t be here if we weren't!” they said. (End of -—germon), x ok * Kathy Grant's coming in for interviews, but she doesn't want to be asked about Bing Crosby (Yuh-hear?) . . . Mickey Mantle and Yogi Berra are both nail-biters, so Toni the mani- curist and Frank Garzaniti the barber tell me at the Stage Barber Shop. % . * * * Marilyn Momroe’s requested ‘that she usher “upstairs” at the “Baby Doll” premiere for benefit of Actors Studio Dec. 18. She wants to be among the acting students who'll be sitting up there. THE MIDNIGHT EARL... Tough Luck, Wolves Kim Novak’s not coming to New York. The Jeanne Eagels story’s to. be filmed In LA .. . Danny Kaye stopped at Mayo’s for a checkup and they didn't find a thing. MMonroe and Arthur Miller attended “Long Day’s Jour- ney Inte Night,” and ushers and firemen had to hold back the rub! ing baleonyites . . . Kirk Douglas is Herman Wouk’s choice for the male lead in the “Marjorie Morningstar” film ... . Duo: Gene Kelly and Judy Holli- . Joe Louis ts looking for a writer to help with his film blo . . . Edward G. Robinson squired two biondes to Greta Keller's opening . . . Dorothy Colling and Ray Scott of the “Hit Parade” will become TV film producers. Alistair Cook of “Omnibus,” ndéw a naturalized U. S. citizen, explained jokingly the difficulties of an Englishman in switch- ing nationalities: “Some British call you a remegade and some Americans refer to you as ‘that British spy’.” Earl's Pearls. . . The accordion was designed by a man who couldn’t decide how big the fish was that got away. WISH I'D SAID THAT: “New York's a town where you can just about get away with murder—unléss you do it in a car parked near a fireplng.”—Frederic Jones. TODAY’S BEST LAUGH: Myron Cohen's getting weary of waiting for tickets to that show—he now calls it “My Fair] {% Lady-In-Waiting.” The late Fred Allen heard a comic use a stale joke and said, “I'd hate to be a drowning man and have scmecne throw me a line like that.” That's earl, brother. (Conieht 106, The May Syntents, 08) -™ CHIC li wee GS O88 ay BLA Borves, a By PETE LOCHBILER counters. Joe finds on lifting someone's roll that it’s larger this month than at any other time. Money that would have gone for presents goes into Joe’s pocket instead. doe & teatey end sucetncha Chris wet obieiens hen blind venien ere to fall back on. He knows, for instance, that ex- $100,000 Onion Roast Israeli Poet Dies at 70 , TEL AVIV &—David Shimoni, a leading Hebrew poet and chair. It's the time of year Joe Pick-|!0me, waiting for the enterprising pocket is happiest. .,Shonpers are loaded, clerks are The: dene Weemnen, walking. down small, Joe Aas other sesonal tricks | ‘Joe Pickpocket’ Eyes Season ial pensive presents are sitting at; Joe's tactics were outlined in WHAT'S MY. LINE? INSTRUCTIONS: Each word is related to my work. Un- scramble es few as possible to guess my line. Answer oppeors under arrow, reading downward. 1 TEST, a ee your'When Simian Shouldn’t a Keep doors and windows locked| and a light burning when away|% This Monkey Shines nd bi _ 1 LUMBERS 2 GAS -~3- TOCNOT 4 FUTT 5 NIRGPS 6 STER ~~ F-TOPSURE 8 PEELS 9 VOCRE 10 FOST @ 1956 Wher's My Line, tne, <<. enN ow kh wn = \ o Yesterdey’s onswer: roots, peal, beov€s, opplt, eth, wink, bitch, feloGs, befch, Ook, broMch, 12/12 ws big. folks Would go for the ST Buick But we sure didn’t figure this—the most rousing What's it Got that Everyone's After? But even more important, automobile has a new kind * = : : reception we've ever seen in-all our-years-of popularity of the newest Buick yet. a sa SE od selling new Buicks. For hash iapacformanice—seinoth its skies ou : eaee % , unleashed by a totally new V8 engine $64 cubic isi We're getting more enthusiastic talk — along ‘ : papi ad | inches big, and with the highest compression, : : : with the signed orders—than ever before. And, ‘ tonipah tank horsepowéttn Weick andiale. © | ‘Arrive relied, refreshed!” | Start off just a step from your door! Travet in __ comfort! Convenient schedule gets you to Chicago ee ee se. tke islet aisideccaeciemere, asm ume hour for you. - ~ neighbor, if you want to know why —listen: ~ This ’57 Buick has that sleek low-sweep styling that today’s moderns want — and it’s here in extra-long measure, in the lowest Buick yet. It has the room they want —for Buick’s new . wide-frame chassis permits a sports-car silhou- ette with more interior roominess than even last _ year's spacers Buicks. It has newness avenywiiais, and newness that’s ~~ A tatart new pinioraaiio winded. The barety of anew puted Sas, 5 lates sow Bepdeg seletphtindac’ that watches yo ville wdlee-odks control in “Drive” — the virtually ended.. ‘ -hew Cc and that’s the biggest reason for the soaring And here, to deliver that might, is the power- pitch action of an advanced new Variable Pitch Dynaflow.* A Dynaflow of such instan- taneous obedience, such smooth and versatile “Th all truth, you've never bossed a car so keenly alive, so smoothi in motion, so solid in feel. It's |g ahead of its time, ahead of the industry—even it ~-ghead- of your great expectations. ~ Come check tp on all this. Come drive this - : today PEN.. 16% Regular $17.50-—This Week Only SET..." 5 # this rakish sweep of . of instant response— need for “Low” is ‘THE PONTIAC PRESS, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1956 hitchhiking to Brainerd, spotted ssitiee Made in Sicik from sulfur was developed, that the which fly in and-out of smal] and— Welt Fis Home Err wee ere ely Ae to a ws vet a Fog dar Lines Rise intermediate size cities, had & to- ‘Minn. @ — When it to the attention of police, who Caan ae eee on ar [tot control of this element, : —Local-service do-'tal revenue of some $37,000,000. The Oe ee et op ek dS Det re mercial sulfur-produced since an- onc iS average flight was 181 miles. of his plane by a gust; — cient times was manufactured in ‘the imvegs ‘eubinciin Secsnn|"“Soetlare,”. pervade teameene in- Sager ot the ra early oh Century.|25-29 years old, is 5 fect 6 inches\crease of 31 per cent in 1955.) First synthetic rubber tire was pound in —— a youre ctims are It was not un! ene eee — and weighs about 136|They carried more than 3,000,000/placed on U.S. markets in June - e. ZY Save on the Mie 's Best! ¢ +f das [= FLOUR arried Holiday | wy yg ‘ an an SBS oS ‘Shoppers . . ee ag ‘Let W rigleys solve your holi- - « » when hectic hrist sh I ) yo oF os see . i , : 9 ie Fistmas shopping rn | Y Y Pillsbury’s Best ‘We'll come to rescue & ‘a fll line of quick-fix dishes = = : Cake Mixes so ryt oh of % i, ad % ; | Pa . ; White - Yellow - Chocolate Fudge seconds, ‘Stow-away a supply ae ® 5-Lb. Bag 43c Romeo Orchards Apple Sauce 22° White- House Cofiee Drip or ‘Perk 1-Lb. Vac. Can Contadina ‘ OS | California Peeled Naturally Tenders omatoes Table Trimmed —_— Beef Roast - Borden’ 's we de : ” Bake’ n Eat - Biscuits: e gain Kool Krisp fedhiery oe 10 New Crop , Head Lettuce © US yt ae i) 4s Head | | , 2 - we, Blue Ribbon a S, Fancy Golden “as Lean Freshly osanul ~— Large Eggs Louisianna Yams STOKELY'S Finest MEAT PIE nee * TURKEY « BEEF ¢ TUNA aod 196 : tad lel np Ses ap eevee and said, “The Japanese won't take kindly to Ambassador Mac- Arthar,"* MacArthur Il, State cur iaeanaie conlianae, 0 pear conducted vals asked, your word its literal Japanese not,” a meaning. For Japanese, at least, “Certainly ald We tried to talk to © Hungarian'$2, 500,000. HYGRADE CANNED HAM A gift the whole family will enjoy. Ne waste, ready to serve. Priced low ot Kroger every doy. 10 to sheng PERFECT PLUS HOSIERY Finest sige 5 Boe full fshioned, shyed $1 gon < Peirs 53 = ——s =n + > ao] _ w ont >= > — —_4 be a rf agar | \\ WHITMAN’S SAMPLER Chocolates’ end Confections for that some- one special. Now. available at most Kroger. stores. GIFT. CERTIF ICATE tive. t worry, tf Me our Taste KINGAN’S CANNED HAM NATIVITY. ome Saye Re eS WEST VIRGINIA HAM Hygrede’s De luxe W, brond Hein, . Semi-Boneless, Shonkless & Skinless. A per- fect gift for Christmas or ony time. fret, let Kroger do ri * ASY FOR BUSY SH 4 - ¢ i TOY! FRENCH POODLE Watch you q he sen thi cute ae ie pon rodent tech 949 Now ot most Kroger stores. - ‘ MEN’S STRETCH SOCKS These socks will fit any size feet. Biege Box 0 3$998 Like Perry Como, Bing Crosby, Brehk Soatro—eih iciper tas many colors designs. Save i) artist in ‘Long Playing, 78, 45 and — Ideal Qa ie we tin | “Yor Mom, Ded Brother ee Sister. ue : oe THE PONTIAC PRESS, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1956 -” WORLD'S LARGEST TOY-PACKED CHRISTMAS STOCKING Giant 8 Ft. High $50.00 worth of toys | 2 All Children accompanied by their parents may enter! Register for drawing today — nothing to buy — no contest to enter. See it now at any of the four Kroger stores in Pontiac. Get een ene et ee Cen 22, 1956, ENING FEATURE VALUE! el Food Cake Pe: reane ‘FEATURE VALUE! Crackers . ? 2s. 27¢ Krogo Shortening All vegetable +00 w 9 3279: | KROGER BRAND BLEACHED #, $199 Dromedary Dates Use plenty in your fruit cake i. LARGE, MIXED : 2 STOCK UP DURING THIS TERRIFIC CANNED FOOD SALE Avondale Sale 2 “Fae Your Choice e EAS ; am Nests Oe i= 93° Cream Style Corn Semi-eweet chacelate drops. ss se ee ees Packer's Label. Kroger low price . . . Dole Pineapple - Pau 39: Instant Coffee “sur Crushed, Tidbits or Chunk . New Kroger everyday low price .. Pineapple Juice 20 10: lce Cream Dole. Everyday law price... 2s + 6: Country Club assorted flavors . . . . Roll Butter itt 65 Dog Food No. 1 Country Club, new low price Strongheart, everyday low price . [une Sere ome es D4 Robin Hood Flour 4 Taney chunk styles ys eee ep ee With 28¢ off coupons r+ s+ ry i YELLOW OR pcoAte ixes.... 10° ‘ Swilf'r ning | 238 79: Cashmere: Bouquet 2 paige, ae Tan renner i wie TO Wesson Oil Ss 71° Vanilla Wafers. aoe For frying, baking or salads . 8 6 eer son anes eee WOId iVviedea UT S f | aC Sree, Ee ns ie Baker's Coconut 7.0m 29° Kroger everyday low price . BT ay ba France. se ogee evecyday Brig 82 PRICES EFFECTIVE AT ALL - Sirloin Tip epprifty” meat, value priced - wa Se 3 : Boat De : Ai HYGRADE'S STERLING BRAND, LEAN SUGAR-CURED) I € ' = acon eoeoeeee Ring Bologna “és 39: Veal Chops Hygrede, plain of gaclle ~ ss +s « Tender rib tuto... ke oe ee 8: Polish Wieners 12.00 A Veal Roast "\ ‘Hygrade’s real Old Country flavor . Shoulder, Jeg. loin or rump . . as aac ah agro Se : Brown N’ Serve. Ag Veal Breast ! Fresh “Thrift” roast + Swift's Pure Pork Sausage . . . « Fresh, fine for stuffing : » ETANDING 5-INCH eee ¢ Fresh Oysters FRESH, LEAN THRIFTY" STA Ca nad lian Bacon Pas 99 Fres-Shore, standards... .~. | Rib Roast FRESH, EXTRA LEAN 3 re ca “eat YP gto we aa VLASIC KRAUT Quart 29¢ eer Spare Ribs ...... ae and priced. Sey this : mest end seve ot ; ‘ | ye Kroger price BUY PLENTY FOR FRUIT CUPS AND SALADS! KROGER SELECT, GOLDEN-RIPE . : : HYGRADE'S LEAN SUGAR CURED Delicious Apples _ Washington, plump with juice. . . AQ« Citrus Salad : * | Tangerines =n 39° Yellow Popcorn Zipper i 150 site. eg we et ee - Popeye; Kroger low price Idaho Potatoes.” 40 %69¢ Spy.Apoles. Wonderful bakers. . . . 2 Sweet crisp wonderful eatin Pink Grapefruit ve % 49s ‘Almonds Florida, tasty delicious . . «+ » « +s For holiday fruit bowls. . . « Pecans a ae u 59 : Filberts Pre-Christmas low price . 1 + + ss eo + i Fancy wonderful eating . .. -VITAMIN-RICH, JUICY. CALIFORNIA 100-110 SIZE SUNKIST Lb. GRAND OPENING FEATURE VatuEr— =i Florient 5 a "en BY¢ sidered at a Dec. 27 in- ==Dol ohne eee: — Riis aetna ik Se i rr hey | 1} i H : z ne i ris FROM AMERICA TO ‘— Pictured are some come Kits.” Each man. gets containing several pairs of shaving soap. Women get similar Here are some do's and -don'ts Lewis of the Chicago Board of ‘Education; -a-member-of the—-Toy advisory H6ard. GARY’S HEROES — refugees who lined up at) the Austrian refugee camp at Woligang See toj receive CARE “Wel- kerchiefs, towels, soap, safety razor, blades and Hungarian ‘student package name of some friend instead of sending him a Christmas present, In that case, your friend is a plastic bag advised by a greeting card {inset} that a con woolen socks, hand- tribution has been made in his name. With the number of refugees from the Red terror mount- bags with sew- ing by the thousands each day, CARE is making on buying toys from Dr, Philip which most good toy ee needs at different age }evels dren in the family some toy. re- membrance, although they need not have. ; be of equal value. The toddler, for ——— norenaiaars ,example,..will be happy with push Don't buy Ways Fae Wecause they and pull toys and won't envy the more expensive hobby kit you select for an older brother. Don’t arbitrarily refuse to ca- ter to a bey’s wish for a house- keeping toy, or a girl's request DNESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1956 oe ployment as movie projectionists or work in the glass industry. Fire Under Hood | Reminds Driver — of Hidden Gift DETROIT i—It came to Gordon Parrington like a flash. That's) where he had hidden the set of! dishes he was giving his wife for| Christmas — under the hood of) his car, * -* «© ' That too was where Canadian customs officials gathered to waich the fire, after the card-) board bex containing the dishes) troit said he put the dishes there so his wife wouldn’t find them. He ~ Don't buy toys for just one child; for q cowbey costume. VIENNA (INS) — The Russians getting ready to dump In trend, puppet Premier Janos Kadar in are provided with kits effort to curb the flaming re- feeding and skin care prepare- Hungary. ie Rey es Katharine Clark in a Separate fingers and toes dispatch from Buda- ‘extra interest to a new, soft vi said Kadar was re- ma doli_ voted an outstanding and “it was believed he of American toy production to Walk and needs con ee ee — and advice.’’. newcomer jointed arms legs and a swivel head. “ag nese nag Rie - Dolls and candy are two wal ees more Rarepege mee oe on Sa Le a aa : ind of ived ont Our prices, $50.10 $150. 1-Day on. Day. ©. .ccFige Tai : ungary Premier Kadar 'Next in Line for Red Ax? have the same play interests up to! six, Boys enjoy playing with dolls, cooking sets and other homemaking toys and benefit from imitating ‘such familiar fa mily activities. Girls enjoy .Wild West play and bots describing children’s play in a family, Do give all the chil-| Dn rennclie What lilee inal gietel Ac he drove yesterday across the 4 said he had forgotten about them Ambassador Bridge to Windsor, Ont., on the Canadian shore of the Detroit River. ~ } a * © i After the blaze was put out, | ends “dunking” SHEAFFER'S. i SWORKEL: PEN é ...gift-boxed, readyte wrap | HOUSEHOLD | STAPLER only Pes. ‘z Operated tight 6A aay Wall or A handsome and useful gift at ~ a low price! Anyone on your things, tocks things, motes list appreciate this clean- things, mends things filling pen. Choice of writing, palladium silver point. 4 DECORATOR COLORS peared bead selec- Pink * White * Yellow * Red benefit from sharing such dramatic| “dishes. The penalties, said cus- play with their brothers.” toms men, were “just enough to} beiter Zietung said the Kadar Don't concentrate your toy pur|"@=_ Ms Christmas. . regime is in 9 dilemma owing | chases all] at one ‘counter, just be- to constant changes of policy (cause it's easier for you to com- by its Seviet masters. plete your gift list in a hurry. — The newspaper claimed that! Do consider the. fact that each) these changes were due to shifting|child needs a variety of toys for control between the Soviet gov-| all-around development, and select; 47 - ernment and the Red army. It/ toys to meet his needs for different said sometimes ene gave an order play activities. TALIMA sulted, it said, Ii the withdrawal ; 5 tor a child you know lives on an . Siemon Caine pad othe N-| apper floor of an apartment. thermommetat. | Gdn © Vin tekeoth cet on Do consider the child’s home and Saaty dosent er sudden. changes in tactics. pick playthings that will be ap ranenget propriate to his surroundings. interior. pe +| Don't feel “lost,” if you are buy- an ae ing for a child you are not acquaint- solid walnut high ed with. gs v Do observe play interests of chil- sis are interested in music, Nagy was abducted by the the Kadar regime said impossible for suggestions. Address Books Appointment Calendars * Art Supplies Bulletin Boards Blackboards . Blotting Pa ween F°™ $69.50 up Bookcases _ _ Barometers Book Ends - Billfolds Brief Cases - Budget Books Card Files “e ‘Card Cases * $10.90 to $150 A country stationery store with over 10,000 in items. It is. us to picture them all. Here are only a few Office Tools _ Chair Mats Cash Boxes Scrap Books Chair Cushions School Supplies Christmas Cards Slides Rules Drawing Instruments Social Stationery — Desks (all. sizes) Stationery Cabinets - Dictionaries _ Stenographer Envelope Openers Accessories Fountain Pens Mafes 8 Field Glasses Typewriter Stands Filing Cabinets Typewriters si _ Humidity Guides Typewriter Supplies Lamps for the Office “T”’ Squares ~~. Telephone Index Waste Baskets _ Work Organizers dren the same age. If the parents Telephone Covers || ba é THE prince World Globes FOR HIM, FOR- HER, FOR THEM oat * a et i oe a i se ca “ee i es ha pS eee. sara ic se: io = | se oS i ses ae iam a “et / \ sie Se Ns jibes eecutail Lely \ | wae. ah , THE PONTIAC PRESS. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 132, 1956 i= — Rpm uRR ERE E oo ee . et lw gost $95000,000, ‘The state legis-/BOth Pilots Land Planes More as Engineers jntwe sieady at inen sited for] wusAus AI. FORCE BASE, i a mace =the fluid ~~ engineering Sis BSE a ee cig oN MOOR ts = Goesention| Satay, ts arent voter ou (natraioe had Ghose brush, witi/ UT Ta LTE poder sae more “qualified” engineers 10/siruction on the north eampus,|dissster when their Su to: ey OF Se geist of combat the critical national short-lwhere the others will also be|scraped together 20,000 feet over) * rgeon General KS | capitalizing A : soe Serres eval of Seine oe agg All Under 40 besicg mies to F of engineering. a ihn Life [William peep yen on to Get Polio Vaccine jee ee cs Statute Prof, Glenn V. Edmonson out-|Faces Man it@ lat the base and walked . tes ee eo @ — James ng mance cane one fo By W. JOYNES MACFARLAN| ig Ameri. + mandator y sentence maneuvers came : . a tne Engineers. ~A. aenlas Ghee, ake panes creptlad WASHINGTON (® — US. Suri... , : . . i g . 3 + 8% \vietion-Tuesday of first degree itogether belly to belly and then|geon General Leroy E. wa pad thats olen The plan calls for an increase of |murder in the slaying of a man in pucked free. oe suggested today that families uselheating soup o¢ mak 2,000 undergraduate engineering|a bar argument. Jacobs testified holiday ‘season Marshal students in the next four years. |that his victim, William Schadel, Property damage amounting tol We. 2g hn. juvenile . .. the law prohibits The present enrollment, is 3,100. |26, needled him about being toojabout $814 million was caused by vaanne PErsONS! stirro’s Campbell Kids e the storage or use of these gases Also on the agenda is construg-|cheap to buy a drink. Schadel|windstorms in the U. 8, during the| Under 40 who have not had ies oS a in the central downtown area. Per-|f tion of six new buildings to house jdied of bullet wounds June 22.. ‘year 1955, injections. this ixer: Is saléty engi- mission will be granted, for a max- | > 2 A " gt childten and ie. pow: imum period of one year, if the — = : “This. Christmas, as thoughts ered by a single flashlight bat- bottled gas is used for heating) ~ HAMPTON and GE Britng You [irre ree ecco ein moins guages by parents to arrange for vacci- = of Before liquid petroleum gas a : q nation of éhildren who have ‘not| wintaeg tatent tor solip Soppliigs tanks in excess of 125 gallons, . i ee are installed in the city,-a $10 4 yet received the full three shots,”’| and mixes cream cheese with milk permit must be secured from the | : \the head of the Public Health|to make a glamor sandwich filling. city’s Building Inspector. Al per- Service said in an interview It's easy to wast, to. at - eee eee, eee. Chani'tip bedintbane she gunted i: i e ; : i iE f Hl g : i ee [ THT 8 E ~ 4 : gf : cE é * « * | | i 7 zi : rf EB 538 Hl nts for them could be! Barbeque accessories, too, are pis le sada Great tiata Une ane Oan- anufacturers as of Nov. 30 = , gae’s tomorrow's TV/* today! Actually one- had Features rugged, built-to-travel ff of UD-| prowess eabinet, built-in antenna, two-way | shipped veecine in stock, and mit |presario. ‘There. toasters that might vanish} Dr. sald he had scene since| seeking the invitation for unexpectedly than a year, and hoped that oth- ( the circus management calls for|prove the trip, Dr. Maddy said he run on a year-/hoped that the $60,000 in expenses ting the tra-|could be met from department cul- layoff. As usual,/tural funds, — ; begin April 3 at| Jerry Ros, press and cultural Madison Square|attache of the Polish - continue there until|said in the invitation that- ? hoped “Young Polish musicians in © Styled ake anol ponies ob for. te oh efinct © tak tel? us : seagate wee How's GE-s Qteus Be of GARDEN CITY, Kan. @—Last of the disease oe. , able " pongekbap eniie Ecce un heen Swiss Revamp Army nape om ; terra cotta and ivory (Model 147009). tiva & peceansier, & Sutent ZURICH — Switzerland’s alpine : pare agang Ss ch esa rough eararement Rules Out Picture ; tans ae tbe. sean nionesia num. Dynapower speaker. Your color the distance its wearer walks. Judge Taking Oath ened.and frontier troop units re-/ JAKART, : Thompson has been it “ inforced part of a reorganiza- , 3 ee wile working on his job as| BALTIMORE Anselm So-|tion of the army. War minister| han’ 300 m : of Gardendale, a daro couldn't have his picture|Paul Chaudet said two or three| foods and oo project with 160 apartments. {taken today ‘being sworn in as/|of the nine divisions in the nation’s| Java last H , iPTON ELECTRIC shows since last Dec. 27 he/judge of the Baltimore Supreme|“‘citizen army” would be complete-|are homeless, more A walked 2,114 miles. Court - bench. ly reorganized in the next. two|homes were ocereieneseealGettenion Chiet Judge Emory H. Niles| years into highly mobile units sup-| boats sunk 825 West Huron Street FE 4-2525 Ro ainlow pre eapgreel wer bggererre gy gy tree Se -. Christmas when your presents 4679 SAVERS as, oe a . "HESE CLASSES 2s ing he ready money tospend | received Christmas. | -{ OF THES: re re as. Shopping is « looked for pleasure. Plan | Club checks from us| | “ ; Be ey § make next Christmas gain “— gift | this year. Use this at : : 25¢ each week for 50 weeks-——$ 12.50 simple wey fh de steed ; oe le-atnched binding protec edyes . PSOE A I I ae wate : for next Christmas. | _ Bearer e tate oe oa |_| $1.00 each week for 50 weeks—$ 50.00 1 ce | ae en | Seetoon vo | Semicon tee | PONTIAC STATE B You may deposit twe weeks ote timei,.) - BRANCH OFFICES: Aubura Heights Drafion Plains = : | a I 2 oa POMTETESTAS TSS N en gee Time Out for GINGER The Cutest Wardrobe Doll — in the Wide, Wide World! Ms Ginger stonds and sits and walks and closes her eyes. Ginger has hair. you can wash and mae comb ond curl. Ginger has over 48 fresh new 7 costumes to choose from. Unconditionally. guaranteed against breakage and mechanical foilure by Cosmopolitan Doll and Toy Corp. { walk, sit, turn my head, close ‘my eyes — ond these are cal | o-few-of my pretty clothes. PLLA EE AE waee, Mery Others to Choose From Fal ONDERLAND yop’ Best for Children Tel- Huron Shopping Center + F hi N yy \ N \ \. N A \ \ we 4 N N Ne \) N ‘ N a \ \ \ N NE NING ee. | Seer ee < FE 5-9955 alee ct ahahaha. MMM sh, D \s _ Naturally aa Table Trimmed Se: ie p Sedat a ar — i rf everyone! juniors, misses ond holf sizes! you'll ‘love them all. hurry @ slim and AH skirts! shawl collars! oi pt necks! directoire ettes! for every OD at Jd hha ODOM M. | | | : ae ee Ps tee oan hg re a } ‘4 RY ie i. OIL and VINEGAR, SALT MEMO PAD . cond PEPPER «.....$1.19 a lait a wes = | ig t j _o fo} ‘i oy * . a | oy - \ | magnetic pnel, { « 3 , i ee te f | enttamnmnrnerrenrertsannnnsannannenencnenssnsetgannerenactennnerarennecrerersarse’ 6 sian Broadcasts Deily 2:30 to 5:00 SILISLETIISOS TEE Oe Party Dress - BENGALINE - SHANTIQUE _ ‘THE PONTIAC PRESS. . WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1050 TELEGRAPH ROAD at W. HURON ST., PONTIAC HERE IN PERSON! 7 Disc Jockey Don Zee broadcasts daily from his House Trailer Studio in the Don. We Have a Large Selection of CRYSTLITE EMB. SATIN CHROMESPUN All 45 and 50 Inches Wide PRICES FROM p Fi 777 > | a oa nated hee < tata << (lealaatcaiarbententa rer as baerbaalers 0.0 4: Seton ose Tel-Huron parking lot. Come out be interviewed by Dae EE SS BD a Maps Ga FORMAL. Gowns carefully cleaned and and French Glo finished, to esiining yours the nicest We Give’ Gold Bell Gilt Stamps FRENCH GLO 1-HOUR VALET TEL-HURON SHOPPING CENTER — FE 5-7934 a3 | ec ~TEL-HURON SHOPPING CENTER | athe cover, aarrgewey Serwwwe, wacererere’ VwaenasessseeserasnsensresseeT: ! ae aM: Ms MMMEEOE, on Y) \ Mw Ni sseneransinsentatbtet _EVERY NIGHT TO oP. N Mine Ce ee Every child visiting Santa in his Tel- Huron headquarters is inter- viewed by the Jolly Old Fellow and GIVEN A FREE GIFT. Make it a family shopping trip. Bring the kiddies, too! Remember Tel- Huron is Open until 9 P. M. EVERY NIGHT. i hethathaththal haat catia MID "Man s Swiss WATCHES: FULL 1 YEAR GUARANTEE (ed All the Beauty and style of Famous. Name Watches LM, COOOTOTOTOTOIOTOES. a a re al i a neal aaa YOUR CHOICE plus 10% fed. tox ALMOST UN BE: LIEVABLE .. . BUT TRUE! Made by ~ Swiss wotchmer:. choice of Juminous ‘ of regular dials, leather and expan- . sion bands. Tarnish- proof cases in choice of silyer or gold- colored polished have sweep second hands. They look so peo ohrbe it’s hard only $5 -*& SPECIAL * Pecan Halves | at oy cost ELIOSO Cee OUT SERVICE Genuine G-E or Sylvania Bring the Kiddles to SANTA'S HEADQUARTERS at TEL-HURON! Ra Fees = “eeepc + oe tal Included are rich chocolate-coated - | fruits in cream, caramel creams, apricot N Sows Sips so ane hate triguing uncoated pieces are peatiut AS et ee eta ee Oa or milk chocolate coating, 1, 2, 3, and 5 Ib. boxes. Place Parcel Post Orders Now! Where — Costs You Less mae g Sanders Stores Telegraph Road and West Huron Street, in Pontiac =i SEPUADEEDELEETI SS aaa Sha i hata all 4 data. "FOR: U ee SHOPPERS. _—SPECIAL— | Remesyes e oetan —s er $8.95 $5.95 eer re Se al of ph BETTER or more tt . teak yrds to choose sry ak . ~ here. Saduane we have vo many éifverest Riki at all prices. Smart Men Find Relaxation i in EVANS Sip : = Town and Country : ken for 900° _ Cars in Our. Big Paved Lot ed (th, j ferannrennrwnreccnetety SIEPEOLELLOLELLELELTOLELED MOOT th, (Le te PIP PP ODL LL maguificent new jewelry sets at a $6.00 ‘This Coristmnas in for « “treat.” Swank has gathered an outstanding klip sets which include « wide range of styles and ¢ seme Mc sates or e ‘. “s ‘ sv: \ at igo" agate = Aedes \ .' 5 7 ne bs . a £ oe er Fr er PR VG de Or Reg ls 2 ok ous Arizona Grand Canyon became ae t = RSE is Shitty Shorthair a hee s for. Uvernaulng Franama Uanalileads Pursuers _ ) aE, : es Ee RE nT See eee 4 "(hwo major proposals are being|Pacific end aimilar to the Gatun discusea be widened ond straightened. tne Merry Chase laired to increase traffic in the Lake at the Atlantic end, —_—_ithe prospects for a major canaljwater level of the canal between : Kan. & — ~ fee ee ‘ee . the locks would be increased from| OVERLAND PARK, | ck ‘Canal and “revamp. out- +r second--plan~ calls -for-con-}~rhs canal has become one of the/85-feet-to 82 feet above. sea Jevel.|Dooley” von 'Brickwed -is on proba | ; Set eo Practically new low- world's most vital arteries of trade. * + 6 ~ {tom after three raids on @ super ae, The first advocates improvement|tidai locks at each end to shut tions of the sue ee two plans aoe ee tones ne 3 snitched (Advertasement) off she pe ag. borllincct Sued: level peetect." have heightened demands -for)in: 1957. é projectiioa¢ of bread and eluded em- FALSE TEETH “govern-[ing navigation ~near—the}—In-its-1957 aie en aS Se ae & Sevborg,|POeS like @ seatback running for 125 U, S. oil slide in 1954 cost* three millioniretiring governor of the Canal|* Uchdown. That Loosen ool seek liars ta repairs 2 is estimated!Zone, said he believes « sea-level The second time it was @ bag of Ajeed Not Embarrass ker fleets a conve: 50-mile ¢ canal at Panama was inevitable. | noodles, wearers of teeth have > cgi Rig oat. 43 te ae arial Washing- The Gina thne police were welt raare eal eabes c—tes " : i. conven ing. bled at just the w . De not g Ss In 1906 President Theodore |', D.C., = amy ne am the) William J, Dalton, with whom) ve 1 fear of tits Seppe EETH. the : yas . Roosevelt recommended the pres- . canal to “$8¢8®!Dooley makes his home, bailed) alkaline (non-scid) powder. on your s ent lakes-and-locks canal, over- him out yesterday by paying for) PF ies feel more comfortable. Does ruling the sea-level canal favored The canal has had a stormy jthe mere! not sour. heske “piste coe i by the International Board. of -_ ~ | Dooley is a. dog — 80 pounds of| Sure pesaica. Get FASEEESE Consulting Engineers. Congress | 4 German traveler, Freldrich |Ge?man shorthair pointer. sarin the argument ees icder oa ve , belt, early in the 1800's, pointed | : Many canal zone officials and) eut Nicaragua and Panama >] jsome Pentagon brass still contend| seemed the most practical. sites Bazley & Thursday that if major overhaul is in fer a canal across the isthmus. | prospect, the sea-level job should| In 1846 the United States made | Super Ss ials be done. | a treaty with New Granada ; iNAW Advocates of the sea-level plan| (now Colombia) and acquired 78 NO. SA ae scored a round in 1947 when Joseph; Tights across Panama for , C. Mehaffey, then governor of the = the short railroad LARGE Cc Canal Zone, endorsed it in belief between Guaranteed that the canal would be made| 2©W Colon, and Panama. Fresh 4 safer from bombing attacks. His} By 1878 Colombia gave the priv-| EGGS report was presented to Congress|ilege of digging a canal to aj Doz. by President Truman without French adventurer. He in turn sold possess e nse seers rere Se Ce ee een na coneanien te © conpady S6at, } This Valuable Coupon Entities the : ip through t ‘anama/ed by Count De Lesseps, builder of 7 Canal from the Caribbean Sea be-|the Suer Canal. Ee Fh tne Oe ci \gins at Colon, the nthrough the} A second ‘French group tooki§ 1 REMUS Good i : Gatun Locks, Gatun Lake, the/over the property aid franchise off | : Thurs. b. ' : . Gaillard Cut of the continental|the bankrupt company. 1 Only \ : has -peran through — iv cnoces greevers, been under President : BUTTER WITH MEAT PURCHASE | : , Miraflores e, ores | Wi icKinley fixed _ attention) en ee es ee oe oe ee ee ee oe ee ee oe Tin Cans and Match Boxes ° Locks to the Bay of Panama ation Nicaragua for a canal. But) pena pare Rbk G . Match Box Balboa and the Pacific. when the French cumgeny agreed a Can Make NiftyPresents — 2" |ananor son voces lect tne a - The third locks—Terminal Lake |), survey reported in favor of Gift Certificate Christmas: jjust—right-for—the— small _try’a_f Plan Calls for a wider set of locks Panama. ot Bits of felt, a tube of glue, se-|cTayons. Miraflores and abandoning me ao ; - ——For. Better Vision! =| — quins. and a few emp — tin cans|MATERIAL NEEDED locks now at Pedro Miguel. Elim- Terms city has!combined, make easy, practical, Materials needed include clean inating. the Pedro Miguel locks Obsolete . ; ; Give Mom. or Dad the glasses So the! good-looking Christmas. gifts. for|empty. tin cans in various sizes would enable a Summit Terminal) Christmas — signifies “Christ's: Bee, they need for Christmas with our O nax(the whole family. Brother and|scissors, needle and thread, glue, ee ee coe ae pied = I easy Gift Certificate plan. Glasses on inbal rede oe ene Pen, GF beeld, wonton match of Gatun Lake near the Atla tic|ages the word have been spelled DR. H. BUSSEY are a perfect gift for loved ones! — end. , and most are obsolete.’ : Bee Boe Rt evel 2B, manger apse aru ghar It is pointed out that such!’ Here are some of the obsolete| — Made to Your Exact Prescription ‘no bills gone Pogo aeons, with around anchorages are essential when fog|forms found in old (English writ-| Eyes Etamined , very._large. cans, decorated, felt to size. Add design to felt by hal , traffic in Gaillard cut. i Christmes, Crist-|} : [make containers for|glueing or sewing. Glue felt ts ship . = cul.|ings: Crystmasse, Tecteeeeen, New Located at DR. HAROLD BUSSEY, your tin Gin. When dry, siue They would also increase peak ae sew Crestenmas, | ©. Segtece the @ ust PI ' te aed ze that ‘stabilize the of}Cristemes, Cristynmes, Crismas,] | .. sists Theater OPTOMETRIST ers ogee Ryedt cond 9 os ei Under the locks-lake plan, the|Chrystmas, Christenmasse and ** ¢S2H1 * @ Christmas} For match covers, main channels canal would Christmass motif, for cigarettes, and add ajto size of top, bottom, and two fon . matching design to a small box of jends of wooden match box. Add / eee nee eee Sine tosigs by piecing or sewing to Ge i : _ 2 5 j / smoking — dad's — or altop piece of felt. Glue four pieces F : e / clever hostess gift. Cans two inches |of felt to match box. When dry, FREE PARKING . 7 FREE PARKING @. or) 5 nd ~ = ——— adits ms ~ oa = the ° - \Holy Glastonbury Thorn : Does It Again! |Perennial Yule Mystery | Miracle, botanical freak or co-) The story goes: It was just two oe sail ages na or dye alo agar By , a —— @ oo \eeare the mystery of St. Joseph of Arimathea ar-/Farm Bureau Optimistic - “ : ry ic tw “Sn a on, Despite Fewer Families : ‘ >) ee Sl ° at r, the + eS sakes a wo ‘on Cptstmas-day~has~been traty— Grait.~ St. Josephand his | eraser BEACH Fla We ASPHALT | ——— ae i. Si gift for the oat i of an-|{ lowers had fled trom Palestine ary-tronsurey of Ge Ai ~~ VINYL ASBESTOS ay police- England townfolk > ond wae looking for a place to pay mil Bureau Feders Prey Ti ; E Vinyl-Wexed ; ' make a pilgrimage to the ruined) ported its membership today at 7 L TILE abbey to look at the tree standing STAFF TOOK ROOT 1,587,107 | families—36,115 ~ fe | FLOOR TILE in the grounds, In Washington, de age bet. ronige Sy o-hon-w] eal 1955. 1 D.C., they will go to the Cathe-|fonbury; overlooking utiful| Roger Fleming said, however, dral Close, where the most famous|vale of Avalon of Arthurian legend, that bureaus in 37 states actually Buy by I/>¢ For weed or 1 c off-shoot is now a healthy 10-year-| and drove his staff into the ground. | gained in. membership. d “a :: coment floors. 2 old. Tt immediately took root and be-| period. “I am confident that the the Gase oa <--30-colors. Reg... Bt Gy Proud of the tradition which|came a thorn tree, and the follow-!1957 membership figure will set an Ox Ox Ve octane Ea. made Glastonbury one of the most|ing day, Christmas Eve, it Was| atime high,” he said in a pre-| ; : : lowed shrines in all Europe for|covered with blossoms. ; pared . NEED a : NEVER NEEDS WAXING 4 : Greil flare ba 3 suet : BUY ALL YOU ; : a wattle | Fleming tinker ts n a feats So aS | cic 6 ome believers and skeptics by the thous-) church, on the site where the to a lone. of 6404 members ie : Ce oo! , 4 rset people claim that) ruined Abbey now stands, and |New York state where, he said, Plastic Armstrong's their thorn blooms without fail| jived out his old age teaching |the state farm bureau was reor- = 2! Heavy Duty day. Christianity to the Britons, ganized on a sounder basis with | F WALL TILE . During the English Civil War the | changes which “will enable the or-' e One Glastonbury ex-patriate, now|tree was chopped down by Puri-|ganization in New York state to do as : ; i ! ; Inlaid j ile living in the United States, visited|tans—one of .whom was blinded/a far better job for the farmers of 4Vex4Ve" day dur-|by a flying chip of the trunk—but/ that state.” . 9x9 AM Cc , childhood and youth. Hel cuttings had already been taken ———__—— All Colors Choice 9x9 2 Ee by many local people and off-shoots:9Q Beers Cost? $1] ; of : were we anne: were planted near the original 0 Bpers Cost $100 cost | Reg. 25 Colors Ea. AR Colors ne bitter winterisite. {David H. Hargreaves $5 a glass = 0S- 498 2 : Reg..17 was bare the Cuttings from ‘the free ar€ OW)’. 10 beer he drank. He pleaded All You Need 2 Hieg. 440. . ewe [tct'anier tence er SE "The Wonder VINYL : : a car uence of onder TILE end FLORAL ea F 3 ty + _ |cohol after police said he admitted ; : ~. Felt Base ‘ oF on te nd _ FLOOR COVERING PLASTIC, 9x12 | gine = SANDRAN | tNotEUM FT LINOLEUM reliable as : , on F a | It-has, however, maintained its ‘<. parent's collateral tradition of - : eee i flowering for Royalty by blossom-| R = READ Tl ~~ SYMPHONY. ; AFTER PLANTING A GARDEN IM THE SPRING, (WAS UNARE TO TI ~ with | P. ; I or a ence, _ HMOMEET WL, “.__. fg COPROX PAINT f. PAINT Ce ee i’ wee i sie * ali Bs, @ : trying|to harvest ¢ : <4 a: = ss ann : ere ate | Sowa BITT and I was|JIB-WA BITTERS, and used it 96 Reg. | » guilty myself,|according to directions, and in- Reg. . A a $5.95 oat E as I triediside of 2 month, my joints ‘at ae? a "See eae i many other|started to loosen up, and the $3.25 — 30 Colors ae oe treat men t sipain wasn't as strong. In sev- were Cnnege 2. Gd. now that I/well again, and even my digee HM Tues. -- Wed. ~- nge Installation of Tile, Linoleum and Wall Tile *time~* gd barge really made a new man oe: and Sot. 9to6 a SS va at 3 by ae | money forjout of me. The reason I am HM © Monday and Friday © mm tell others , ha a Pe mark of fine accomplishment in anything from homemaking to the : i : i : * * Hi i 3 tcf i it af i ag: like Grandma’s two-hour jobs,|clay on the carpet, This is the | Hit ‘| ! I a S : , | n ERE WNT — 8 rer — Oe 725 ~ —— oo , and . . ot many accomplishments turns ad Shak winter ’ send sot “dee tH rc Nay ‘pete undd §: We ree OF Veda! P team Nobody wants to work shy Q ~Emlal that “im-| Store. Te knit a set of tiny Soe te A eel Siemens pet Hy 0 woman | CES TiaSS. SMtadManMe*/Some honest men get angry, al ‘Thee’ are tings thet make ; another “great| needs aly flip a switch on her Finds the Hungarian. people ray for ane vine ene ae Gee. Te ae enh. eval see ; handy heme knitting machine. tine ee on, Boviet So today there ix a growing dis-| | 1. tor one stoment the We. Os become & Wak be | Toe Reet ls metre pelehed haw — for they bave courses and trust of each other among the! pungarians are defeated. tween the poeple whe do not | ‘0. bestics teck her mother | sf sosmGark. whe bas been with people, No gne wants! 9 is aes Gores NOW otherwise meet,” Nehru added, | * month % click out. ap arenes oon, ae; [Premier Janos Kadar.(But some| {7° in Pa ne ee To compose a painting for show-| the meed of the Bungarian people). | think it is better to accept him un-; “You Westernersdo not under . Furthermore, diplomatic 0b-| i. off to his friends, a man just| Po avewass til the Russians are withdrawn. | stand. “for on ae Bg He underline | dubs in colors on canvas—toliow- KATHARINE CLARK point out-that Kadar|-e-You think we are all slaves with Chow again Ke cal of|iMg an instruction sheet, a pre-| BUDAPEST (INS)—“WE shail be| would always be able to call RUS-iyke the Russians. You think that bree Cho again Dear Ge ‘end Ot tabeication outline, and a set Of] tree, or we shall be dead.” sia to maintain his power. TBUS.|where the Russian line is now OM omet CF pss in capital from. his meet.|humbers even a juvenile could do Those were the words of an|'**” Teas0n, let us settle the mat-lis what the whole world should ange ; justice to. ' ter now once and for all. accept, because you accept it, ing rigs ies : Wi e.s _ jordinary citizen of Budapest. It is becoming difficult for the| But we will not accept it. They point out it is obvious ‘The entire family can play the| They show why Hungary is not|Hungarians to realize that men| “we of least. shall be free, or that Far Eastern’ problems, in-|°rgan, with no expensive lessons,|q defeated nation although over-|Who disagree with their methods!we shall be dead.” (' ilato age Ble oso Elgeerw rgd bvalipenpies wrairanp eels ett pede Ar gear! rg ccape pel pala a aa ag situa would be| There are push-button devices now|awesomely powerful army of the pel ad , diecunsed “by Nehru and Eisen-|which enable you to srihe & sue) Sovit tan Another problem is that there Commie Papers writing : ; Jestenend seh retig Ss RO She HEN eile, OM St ae besten: ae. pain 5 Vi Formoas — a baye o bee structions come with it, Seiad Gh Tae aoe daims to have} citizenship gg —_— _ vie Hots Lows moved as @ danger : erenc unich, a it the two statesmen wanted to Sie abbas oe Sees take fahting outside the|Hieutenant eolotiel in’ the sia; About ungary You can prepare for eve global peace, accord- ___ leity, A general strike is in prog-|®*™Y- MOSCOW W— The Soviet press a good position —by- cat a Add to this the packaged MINS) regy. ) LIES UPON LIES. teatured headlines on the Hungar- : It was hoped in New Delhi that| that make Mas five-minute cakes) cr Additionally, the Hungarian has|!0" situation, More~than~haif-the attending Full - Day, Nehru had been able to discuss No Russian dares fly his flag,/no4 nothing but lies fed to him|{oreign news 135534 Saw-or-fivenin _tielicate Formosa. issue and! not even the red banner with thei. 11 years. The radio. k M other problems to the hammer and sickle. 00 current deadlock between the|~ ° ungarian other. But what he believes today United 6 ot ae First Blind Man omntaealot is et Tey pes is what he eset, for Mmanall ; three a immediately. : _ig total —war,and—the|‘yPified | FREE Chou. Nehru could then informal-|f¢ Achieve Honor), No even the red stars removed) psychological and economic phases|, PRAVDA — EMPLOYMENT _ fy. convey the views and feelings from the oe “oo of it continue despite the fact(tions, bloody atrocities in Hun SERVICE of the Chinese leader to the CHARLOTTE, N.C, ®—"There's|‘B¢ revolt pa a ester ‘ee physical fighting has ten KO American President in Washing-| reat sportsmanship in it,” says)" Twi ™ bs gem waged recently. MSOMOL PRAVDA — “Fas ; ton where Nehru is due Dec. 16./n, Arthur Dye, first blind man| 1 eat there « casei tee a * ¢ —* cism reared ugly head in Hungary. * * 8 to 2 tract bridge Iife are ‘aith|,1he curfew and limited trans-|Terror, banditry, The Tf. things go as hoped for, | scter. emy does not enter, even portation means people must be-|C#Pitalism is what counter-revolt- these observers add, when Nehru/ 7. 60-year-old Charlotte osteo-|tanks. : gin their trip homeward by 4 p.m.| ‘ion sought. BUSINESS returns to India he could inform/ eth who lost his vision at 17 in| ‘This is the plight of the Mun- at the latest. Last night they Chou of Eisenhower's reaction | an accident says he has been play-| garian people: They have the | hurried home even earlier because and discover whether any TAP-ling bridge since the game was in| courage and will, hat not the |of the general strike call and the | INSTIT1 ITE. prochement was possible between! vented in 1925. arms to. finish their war. reports of new fighting pong ky ar ee ace ll eA soo), TH longer the situation drags 1G RR “fon what ‘conditions. It -is -necessary—to—acquire--300)-ooe as. greater the” danger~ et} re 7 W. Lawrence St. Meartwhile, Indian editorial|points in the American Contact| st Ws Erester me iu ioe Pontiac opinion, strengthened by the |Bridge League to become a life) “wis a4 signs of help from | ‘Telephone communications have FE 2-3551 views of ber. leading diplomatic|master. In New Orleans this week! siread, the people are growing |been curtailed. = : E . a more desperate. Even suicide ery ep go on rumors) Tanti cs shew etme ak would be better than continuing | Spread. people are tired, their 3G: dar Inderterenes fn Sees : to drag out the situation. feet burt, they ‘are bitterly . = : marked disillusioned about the _ United|S#'s internal affairs. shore is grave Cases OXY SO iMations: 1B 20s Pog ge Sivoo Fo Fig trPanother battle with fewer arms) ungarian refugees want to and fewer men than they had the} The Russians and Kadar have | home.” " first time. destroyed the proud revolution- | Pravda in another article — Some of those who want to fight ary committees, New they are |“Bloody crimes of counter-revolu- = : tot. ; - heat” com ing out the cards.” he 7 a % The haul of copper represents Speen Vapo Fron 4 the contribution of the company’s , nats ~ you've never danced a step, you'll be : _Able to learn quickly, easily when you : take advantage of this double opportunity, Arthur Murray ia making this amazing offer to show you the fun and "ac hi imple ry Sedo wl bx > COMPLETE OPTI! s a # » ‘HODGES MOTOR & PUMP SUPPLY 500 Auburn | Hodges M Moker and Pump Supply have been serving South Easter ~ Michigan as wholesale distributors for Meyers Water Pumps; and doing Industrial Commercial Electric Motor Repair, for over 10 years. GMC Blue Chip Trucks were chosen by Hodges for reliability and service. - 3 Pontioc os : i} 0 z 0 FE 2-473 % OsTIM: 3 mo eS Geeks shy; _oHE a PRESS. wapauspay. DECEMBER. 12, 1956 a é * become one pa a football at Exeter Academy he hit his: the goal post and suffered a broken team in 1911. who took special interest in the ‘in Pontiac since 1917. Scales, 79-year-old a of the en linemen in he went to Princeton’ it never healed tremendous tackle, making| And this is especially when you consider his playing with a neck aes At Cincinnati, Scales recalled, “we had a little quar-| paar _terback about 120 pounds, __...__like @ piece of luggage.” in * ae i _ ‘The old gentleman did not really want to get into the days of yore of football. to do is pay tribute to a great player, Edward Hart, who / passed away in Toronto, Canada, without fanfare and :. with a final chapter written in four magazine lines, ; eee. 5. eet and we threw him around * All George Scales wanted Victory in icieas Win for Ghicls na 4h Missed Charity’ Toss . in Final Seconds "s eM of D. Downfall DETROIT w — Despite center, “Don Haase’s 24 points, the Univer- sity of Detroit, playing nip and _ *fuek, lost a 67-66 basketball game _ . to Bowling Green of Ohio Jast night! On a missed foul shot ‘with 13 sec- Final Relay * * * Close all the way, Chiets were vance of Ypsi's anchor, to clinch the win, a oo * * Chiefs have now squared_ their wow A Yogi Berra since 1948, may now “get his chance as a starter. He was purchased this week by the CUB Chicago Cubs. emai : swift kick “at ahead of schedule by: hustle as many as 64 players to an April minor league staft. Nyaa ear Toe rue preva te ’ Hart’s name brought back fond mem-} Yankee catcher Charlie Silvera, ‘knew Hart when he attended Phillips Exeter| who has been an understudy to New Hampshire, and when he went on to * * @ of protest from collegiate baseball diamonds. Red Hot Rangers Meet Wings Thursday Night “DETROIT wn — The New York sll. “And you eat retax on the Rangers have two streaks—one herweights Lid it City Bie Rapids Partyton record at 1-1, face Central's In-| - 65, Grant } Vicksburg = Paw St Johns 66, 70. Portage 44 aft 82, Centerville 46 endon 51 Pas as Ithaca 44 S48, Ree. City 44 Parwell 58 read and expect to make it up at home, Championship teams have _ to win a lot of games, and it fol- lows that a jot of the victories must come on the road.” do tar Detroit has a 461 record), * ¢ * “Nels Stewart, who skated for the Montreal Maroons, Boston and New York Americans, also record- ed 324 goals in his career. The NHL, still is an active player. winter meeting, extended a id el ying hand -te the minor leagues n club for opening day which will 2. Rescinding a rule banning the The latter action brought a howl coaches who depicted it an obvious move to steal talent from campus wisn college players “through the yt ls yesterday concluded | back oh Ane their Chicago conclave a day for $4,000, but by devious ap- 1, Setting a 28-player limit ov a big league team pre- The minors can sign a ¢Collegian|~ * -s -|viously could “make an arrange-ja\ ment” with a collegiate star through its minor league affiliate resolution which wiped the rule: off the books. “T was not cue to the col. lege rule,”’ said Frick; “but it was . lof the American Assn. ‘of College} Basebalt Coaches, said at New Ha- that college coaches realized the rule was doomed by “grapevine’’reports at the minor ven, Conn., league convention in Jacksonville, Fla., last week. 4 AL'S TOP MOUNDSMEN — According to the official 1956 American League pitching records released this week, these three hurlers were at the top of the list in three departments. Detroit Tiger righthander Frank Lary: (left) who won 21 and lost 3. started .most games (38) and 20-9 record and the season. Now they will get a windtall of between 30 and 44 good plavers in April. Under the old rule, a maximum ar Wirephete| of 40 players. could be retained by Yankee southpaw Whitey Ford topped earned run averages with mark of 2.47 in his 19-6 record. a See North Carolina State “Beaten By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ! Things are tough all over in col-| Canisius Saturday. Kentucky was) First Louisville, ltat 71-70 by St. Louis Monday.) lege basketball. then Kentucky were knocked off Bobby Morrow Feted to Olympic ‘ABILENE, Tex. (#—Bobby Mor- Jones was on his way to play in Canada’s East-West charity Abilene Pays Tribute | ' (great, called Morrow Tman.” Tris Speaker, the baseball hope it'll be another Texan."’ And Track Ace { { ~ Byron Neilson, the “all: time= golf “a great immortal, said “ breaks Bobby's record I can only ye Wilkinson ha ‘hed interest in the eoeching job being vacated by “d Price. oh ge irk " PORTLAND, ees doey Rowan, 187, STOCKTON. Calif._Domm-s finn. 1s. Gee —— Memo Dies, ir. M o ae }ta 93-70.Bama, No. 9,rapped_lit-! * 160-55 for an ACC -wictory. Jim) na ‘if anybody ever it T's FrianTs ‘ = Ore.—Pat McMurtry, 149. i Phoe-/. Last night, NC State, jovertime defeat by Clemson, an jinfrequent winner. =. —lt-s pretty_early to start yelling “upset’’ — remember Methodist's ‘upset’ of Dame in football? — but Clem-| json's surprise fills the bill. The! Tigers hadn't beaten State since! | 1941. ma, the only other top*10 mem- bers -in--action,__stayed__unbeaten! iwith ease. SMU, rated No. 5, topped Wichi- tle Howard, Ala., 109-88. Clemson scored 10"points in the last three minutes to gain an 8¢- all deadlock at the end of regula- tion time. Vince Yockel, who was the high scorer with 31, scored eight of the 10. Bill Yarbrough sank four consecutive free throws to break things open for Clem- In -another overtime thriller, Wake’ Forest got past Virginia Jurdock’s field goal in the last |" |35 seconds for Wake made it 50-50) 10° "tar a anen ‘ine will be bet -at_the end of regulation play. “Then \. Jim Gilley, who had scored “two/ canned six in the overtime to win son in the overtime. Jim’ Furman, with no heir apparent|i : Another Cage Power. Bites Dust Louisville was chilled 76-74 by|break swished past New Mexico A&M 81-67. Southern California scored as it ranked | pleased to whip Hawaij 85-56; leader is Montreal's Maurice (the|and now North Carolina State hasieighth’ in the first Associated! San Jose State defeated San Fran- Rocket) Richard, with 467 goals..come a cropper in a topsy-turvy|Press poll of the season this|cisco State 67-52. The ‘Rocket, oldest player in the ‘three pights for the suspected | week, took the rap with a %-94 “Powers.” Marquette Pilot Sune OOS Fine McCoy votes All-America MILWAUKEE @® — Coach Jack Nagle of Marquette, who seldom Southern Methodist and Alaba-| ova "said Nagle. ‘‘The oe oe points in the first 40 minutes, U. S. Net Hopes Jolted and PERTH, Australia a — Amer- pitched most—innings (204 Clevelagg southpaw (a major league club until the 25- Herb Score was strikeout king with 263 in his |player deadline in mid-May. Most big league clubs started the sea- 80n With 30 to 32 players. Top mi- jnors, of course, will assign sur- plus players to lower clubs ‘qooner, too. | Ae en _The majors agreed to held their annual winter meeting with National ‘Assn.’s, minors, in - same city, meeting ,at a minor league city in odd years and in a major league city in even years, A second attempt by Hank Greenberg of the Cleveland Indi- ans to get approval of his inter- league schedule plan was turned down by the National League. Earlier, the American League re- jected it. Brown’s Effort Gets Top Place NEW. YORK iA — tiduincien emen. defeated a good Colgate team. 61-7 ° Never before had a player on a major college team. scored as many points against a major op- Davis Cup other jolt today when veteran Vic| Brown's scoring spurts ranged s shoulder from -a pair of one-yard. plunges to a 50-yard breakaway run with of both the -interzone and pe on of eight, 15 and 19 in be- >* the battle for National to Hold: Pro : == Penal Enabled Casares: Push PHILADELPHIA un — ‘Rick Ca-bail ee round enining ‘hon- sares and Oltie Matson probably ors wrlipregees be aeons Cone le Mat by single Met head-on when the final figtires are a¢ Seo before ene ee ew Ie unior r S's. Begin Th rede } ; | | HE PONTIAC PRESS, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER i2, 1956 ~__ ie : dit hasn ght when the Flint Central In- tion. et otter hah week's fine |58™mes since the 1952-5}-sesson, dians invade the Chief homestead) jowing by the Chiets at Arthur | ‘The alert play of two ' Sosneu tetiaken Dick Whit- is in the win over Bay Strader Estate Sues 49ers) trv: sre tear, "yes | te tee Sy role te th Ryszin isn’t sure of the twe | and broke away ws baskets night would file the suit to- day. ~~ “T'm glad it’s a problem because margin of victory. Strader died May 27, He had|they all played so well, than be-| A player who started the season|& been fired after a 4-8, 1955 season, |Cause they had played poorly,”’|@s a substitute has become the/® Football ie. his first on a three year contract, |said Van Ryzin. ‘Actually it makes|top point man for the Indians. 2 | Attorney Maurice H. h sind| The attorneys said Strader’s con- no difference which two start, be-| . eee - lames J. Kirby announced last/itract called for $20,000 per year,|cause for the first time, we played| He is Mel Thomas, a 6-1 for-)% = with the right to cancel for a'as a unit, and we need all the help Ward who entered the Handy game/|@ $12,000 penalty after the second|we can get from any of them, |in the second half and still was the|# ’ p Z y: yall Will J 1 year. whether they start or not.” }team’s best scorer with 15 points. |% KOSeCW ny | oin : y said the suit, in behalf of} In beating Arthur Hill, 58-39, in| We hit for 18 as a@ * ate ie : Helen M. Strader, the widow, will|Saginaw, Pontiac moved into a/ against Bay City Piety . mers Nef Tour amare: s20.00 tor 1956, the sec-itirst place tie with Flint Northern] week, ) : ond season of his contract; $12,000\and Flint Central in the SVC. | yor Pontiac, re ; ae 's Ke : All have 1-0 league marks, and.| Diehm has the lead in scoring |§ ses . Bo et SP Sono mp neat oe ot | en ioe oe” erga : ‘4 a PRIDAY ..... sthopatonk wee, | — : re flattering to-more_men than any other suit... 4 i Se fag aur | Boxer Warned, 7 eee ie | . { S3S"peRs . pee —~ . : ‘ ) Oaks Nip Maples, 62-60! oes? 7 me. 2 ae 3 D D OT MEXICO CITY #—Most of the : ee eS ‘ . Ser es Seas ) | rom VSINUH >a A field goal by Royal Oak; hind 34-30 at halftime ab the vis- : |] scoring ace Dave Richey, all-coun-| ttors rallied for 24 big points in (cron. But Ratt Kisces, the , | =e 7 aN ty guard last year, in the final 30) %* second canto. The Maples | the carpet for fighting too often a 3 ‘ seconds of play gave the Oaks! tree quarters and pulled ahead | The Mexican boxing commission : : eee. J ee a hard-earned 62-60- triumph over! carty in the final. The lead has ordered Macias to appear and é Birmingham in a nip-and-tuck area| changed hands and was tied sev explain Why he tas violated article a ; battle at Birmingham last night, | eral times during the lest six |No. 7S of the national pase cose oe it was a wild finish to the sca-| ™lmutes before Riche’s eflach- | which says fighters f hell's oubeb ‘ pg orem on a oes “hero” also. topped his Commission members pointed is~- now. 1-1,_.missed a chance to| team's overall individual poring Macs Sat ee NS deadlock the issue when a shot/for the night with 17 as Evans Sportswriters delended Macias’ was missed just before the final|Webb tallied 13 and Fred Wasen| Pi to» be saving both whistle. and John Kerr finished with 11 ST ci. iuaves Retieees tie ie a menor set & 9 0th apiece, 6 knocked out both in earty rounds se period lead only to fall Macias didn’t really m ‘ ed : SteadyBob Isbell was the Maple ' paceectier. with 18 diate with the varpcbome AND NO STORE has a morecomplete ve TE og: 5 eR EE EI ROE SP, Fighter, Writer with 16 and Tom Kelly contributing Rabbits, Hares, selection of finer quality dress blue suits than. 9 Win BWA Honors} "stuns ror ox_|Bobcats Offer K Osmun’s! And no suit can do more to show offa - man at his best than blue! ==. New York Journal American have) P**'#t been named to receive the two top awards by the Boxing Writers Assn. . Whether your preference leans to gabardines, flannels, fine wool worsteds, or imported cashmere - . .. Osmun’s has them all! So stop in at either the Downtown or the Tel-Huron store today and try Seores by Quarters Michigan animal hold the title, will receive the! sirmingham ........ 13 37 18 1-00] Om e a 2 10 24 13 16—62 = as “fighter of the year’. Graham, , columnist, will be sams 4. Walker Menor SQ) Skaters Succeed | Sz! mazrtem,tere ) ; service to baring over o period ai Proficiency Tests gong node pam one on! Be all set for the whirl of Holiday social “D mous. | ee ee eee activities ahead . . . in your blue suit from Osmun’s. 4 ' In & series of proficiency tests + Clemson Begins Work skated. Monday and Tuesday at | for Orange Bow! Tilt successtul in the 13 events, as = CLEMSON, S.C. @—Clemson's q A No. ? Pe Eton f Merger, i “ bd ro + champions began preparations to-|Enaron™ Moore: "No. 6, Mary Clouse: |29- | Gay for thelr Jan. 1 Miami Orange frets , barmont Csr» Banot Bowl game with Colorado. Ritehie; No. 6, Beverly Hetherington, Pat) ~)- fo h The Tigers, making their fifth|**"=r Oliver r Nort poe bow! ————. = pineal free gayi (fo. 3. dat Peer|’ MIAMI (INS) — Percy Oliver, ing time out- for the Christmas | Msty Seru. TeValley, Weils,|%_& vag S efter award Pet end. Mike Trout, Illinois this season, is the . = The’ squad leaves by chartered uibeand. cmon. Chesley, Guene, Gany: Negro player ever gelected 10 play " | plane for Miami Dec. 27. Pamela Sioet octal Kurt : = All-Star game. Creedon Gets Tiger Job jf Remember, both Osmun’s stores are open every ‘night until Christmas. -Which Blue Suit do you preter? MARTINELLI'S Gabardine... . 835% BOTANY ‘500° Unfinished Worsted $@% Flannel by PHOENIX... .... 88525 PLATEAU Gabardines by Timely #9755 — Imported Worsted by Petroceltt $45Q)5° PIPPPPZe LE LLL LL, -—tary_of the “Tigers. ~ SPECIAL THIS WE E ? c ns q EXTRA TROUSERS AVAILABLE WITH THESE SUITS» AT A NOMINAL CHARGE ss BOTH STORES OPEN EVERY ~ Choose eee from ‘oll nationally advertised brands and all popular tread designs. Don’t , miss this great money saving opportunity. * - = NORTH SAGINAW § } Cdr hhh, an “ & : / ot = : ae : 2 THE PONTIAC PRESS, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1956. cence ee ao ring. Features: Area. with 14 and Dick Biery and Mack | Northville, Brighton and with| Burns getting an even dozen each. Clarenceville came through Ray ea te in caer hee as ee Harbor. Northville’s first Enlty, 53-6, league half scoring percentage was|dlifter, The home team held and its overall rate|the edge throughout the tilt despite of 34. goals for 85 tries was/a game Bronco rally in the third . period. Larry Andrews and Dave “The Bulldogs employed a fast] Hanaford sparked the victors with) break and some fancy set shotsi2) and 17 points, respectively. Big) by five-foot-three-inch guard Joe| center George McDaniel, who was! Collins to post a 53-45 triumph |neid to one field goal in the first] | over Milford. Brighton overcame+halt by a tight ‘zone defense,| hitting for |*,)>9 first period deficit, with an! topped Holly with 19. Holly is now] ” Bud Bell’s 18-point second quarter to dominate!p.2 in w-O play. 3 @ to a 30-10 oe eetan We tan 6 OF ee ot Redford Union took an easty | | second t umph. , aoa oie pe py ealctager aged Steve wile ond alge ai lead over Southfield in = mom |— Ai game ‘for the /atfied 11 apiece and Collins hit) ‘op Scrap at Southficid and went | | night's top count, a 78-47 total. 119 tor the victors. Pat Kelley was| 0@ te win 47-39 to hand Bob = ipment | Along with Bell in the crushing! the sparkplug in the Milford offen-| Watts five its nd loss. Redford y Equipm | of West Bloomfield were Bill Yahne’ sive with 18. | ted all the way, High man was 3 oe: . t ' Southfield’s Mel Alldredge with ei tion Equipmen ho Valve . t and Tools | Fowler Hits 26 The Thurston—Oak Park game » F ; f at Oak : into a yo Pneumatic Tools Romeo Blasts Cranbrook yy McCoy, Burgan hit 28 to beat out ualiner & Wheel Balancers Despite a gallant 4ih period, shot specialist, sunt in seehee nalon : ore: : rally that squared the count sev-| points, including several buckets East Detroit coasted to an easy) MOTOR PARTS Crantrech | Schoti's| teat broke a Sell Mo tw. the |56-25 win over Troy after peated] 4 a couldn tye Kode ghsmnt erg aw Chm Rp Ace Ep Sq a 17-4 first quarter advantage. Ron ce es | od that broke the Crane’s backs. | Emerick hooped 14 and Gary Ball- ers for the Doctor of Motors

| The Lakeside Royals, defending | Tribute Today Over Rochester The pair will run with two other rit, Pitdue” mteve Junker, Xavier, ae Class B champions of the City/~ ~ ° |record breakers — Arizona's Art!Ohio: and George Benedict, Springfield, LINKS * Basketball League, and the Pon-| BOSTON W—It was “Olympic! A fine 22-point scoring effort|Luppino and Western Colorado's pregtir crs ‘ tiac Merchants occupied the win-|Day” in Boston today with state by forward Ken Thompson and/ Bill Rhodes, a little All-Ameyica oe Pe oe performer for two seasons. Dick Guards: Don Gilkey, California; oo, Coloradé; Vince Bcorsone, burgh; end Ed Voytek, Purdue. Centers: Joe Amstuts, Indiana, and Ted Ringer, -Northwestern. i GT $1.50 by , action at the Jefferson Junior High|ing greater Boston athletes who|gave Utica an impressive 49-40 ae _,____ igymnasium.________leompeted-in-the-Olympies-in-Aus-|victory_over_arch-rival Rochester sers The familiar figure of Willie / tralia. JEWELRY \58-50 win over Stadium Inn while $2.50 and $3.50 Hunters Battle Over Possession of Fallen Geese Quarterbacks: Dawson, Purdue, end Jim Hunter, Missourt. Wremtps: Lup- Barr hige ’ me; Joe Podsley, Zueco, Michigan i Halfbacks: Crawford, , ae Arizona; im Morse, Central Michigan; Vie State. | A | Pullbacks: John Bayuk, Colorado; Rhodes, Western Colorado, . : Kyle Craze, Tennessee; Ron Bennett, Misstasipot State: Jack John- son, Miami; Roy Wilkins, Georgia. Bouth- : Leg- Sam Deluca, Clemson. : WHITE Dress Shirts Plain or French Cuffs r | i t i : ) J] 5 The Letest in SPORT SHIRTS $2.98 w i NECKTIES Values to $2 $1.00 . Z | Pullbecks . Miami; Jack = Knicks Haws Ply Pint tae ue wae” NBA: Scoring Oray_ WOOL LINED .. $2.98 LINED .....$4.98 af i tf é Wee eh bnew eicead E Fa 8 z : a St. Louis Hawks and New Men's Broadcloth Wool er Reyon : | ee | Pajamas 7298» | soanes sina || Vo Payments | ee. Se | om || Until Next Year ‘Keep your car and ur budget in the best shape! Be smart! Don't spend more ‘later on repairs you need now! . be ae } = MEN’S SOX 3 rir $1.00 te — t x ke a « THE PONTIAC PRES ee sneered (eprtepaaeemme - S. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1956 — | ‘Thieves Not Players! ' | Holly Ski Area Isn't Bothered by Weather in rate Mood Lions Promised Rough| Snow was manufactured for the|forms at 28 degrees or less, when Time by Coach Padd first time in southern Michigan|a stream of cold water is Dri We ba Y lest sieht, A. new snow yoachiosiot bi two ja ot weet Sewen i a a meses Sue eg eae ea ae area, on - 2 CHICAGO (® — The Chicago 20 miles north of Pontiac, 4 Bears, who only « month ago wete|Fese more ‘saree, covered aan} state Counties ONCE steal SOMO Sitios ar the cee ann ane mar 0 Bs beat Se ae rst beat the ‘Detret Lows ‘n(n? Suumaay. Dee. 15, s0d) Bore Indian Names day for inate fest derteiedt Oe time next week. ae n 10 years or be relegated to an- witches LANSING — Petoskey' was once | other second place finish. ~ it, eee denen shi areas | Keskouko Pontegana County, becoming a habit with the Bears. fult time despite light snowfall. |coumty name for ra pene ah scars my dig Now Southern Michigan residents [Was Cheonoquet. This and other ball League championship in 1346,| can make definite plans to ski the Bears have finished second six! close to home without keeping [tion appears on an 1843 map in times. Now they figure it's time eye, or ear, cocked for chang. |@ Conservation Department publi- ; S i 3 E F Cs aE ' Ht an a z a] Ee ki 4 : Ea i a2 $ i Ollie 4 in i g lg ‘ Bp i a : d ° id e . Weather No Deterrent BOULDER, Colo. @ — The weather's freezing but that isn’t ! ai gs : i Fi EpEEE y gree ' f F Fr : he was retiring. . ‘AP Wirephote FITNESS CHECK — Cleveland Indian pitcher Bob Feller (cen- ter) gets a fast fitness check on his pitchmg arm by two of the | the same objection. National League's top sluggers, Stan Musial (eft) of the Cardinals, | “ and Ted Kluszewski of the Cincinnati Redlegs. Feller gave notice ne A at ons Rag Te ign : rite Hi £ F g i | MSU Coaches Angry |E= i : : i tL. a ee ne Se “Se if one of those 150 gets in | i f | : | i “| Bowie President Seeks to Extend © ‘Racing Calendar BALTIMORE . @-—If the race tracks have their way today, the Maryland will last only 59 days, > « *#@ Winter layoff for horse racing in/ ~ A GREAT WHISKEY: ronski, ; camass | N one of the starting OW remai fr, IMPERIAL apped in glittering fol! | weore FYE This year Hiram Walker brings you the whiskey you’d choose for yourtelf, gift-wrapped so luxuri- ‘ ously it has received-the Fashion . Academy Award. Your liquor store has it, in its colorful striped foil wrapping, at no extra cost. Dec. 16 — So. Michigan Beagle ~|club field trial at Waterloo area. Dec. 30 — Border City Beagle club field trial, Waterloo area. | Dee, 31 — So, Lower. Peninsula raccoon season endg, : NEEDED CHEVROLET NITE SERVICE | | ; FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE DON’T PUT OFF SERVICE © - Just Becouse You Con't Take Time Daring the Dey || service ~ ven your t¢ done fer yoa—evernite. wre. PVE RARE. eee me RUE BRAND NAME COMES OFF .. All printing is on cellophane outer wrap. To give—just slip off this © cellophane. No trademarks or ad- : a = = “ : : _THE PONTIAC PRESS, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1956 iH. GUY MOATS Outdoor Editor, Pontiac Press g the Outdoor Trail } searcher. Ilo Bartlett, of the Michigan! vision, cited the for more) ntal researc rom Jan. 19 FE Ewe gia tin PKC Show under way here. Building fs on Featherston road and East Boule- vard. It is 22x60.in size, will have More Research U.S. Forestry Service office, and certain areas in the winter, browse Louis J. Verme, Michigan. Con- |oyt the food completely, and then servation Dagecinast re- |starve while other food is nearby,” Bartlett said. 4 “We must find out why deer will Conservation Department game di-/ not move into other areas in such a situation,’ be because there is a great varia “We know that deer will yard in'tion in palatability, protein. combesll ‘ —jand food value of browse in vari- jous areas.” James W, Moffett, of Ann Arbor, reported on the U.S. Fish and Wild- life Service ty, be enld, and 8 30 por cent in —_—s lake trout scarred by sea lamprey was noted. ’ Bartlett said. “It may sea lamprey control NATURE'S CAMOUFLAGE — The snowshoe hare, in summer gray and in winter white, changes his coat twice a year — spring and fall — =- to blend with the landscape as protection against enemies. This fellow also has a pair of huge hind feet — snowshoe size — that may not duce enough youtsiilert io that buiins can tab: vest 200,000-500,000 during each hunting season. rapid. Michigan, but! (Sunday afternoon) will last until 4 o'clock. OCSC. Sets .Date and barriers are go tor Its Annual ‘Kiddies’ Party Fifth annual Christmas ‘‘kiddies paign will then be extended to/party” has been set for Dec. 16 lakes Huron. and at Oakland County Sportsmen's club at Water-) ford> Event= starts -at-2~p-m. and “OCSC officers* will conduct the ' |party, for which plans have been made to provide plenty. of fum and entertainment, Feature will be ap- pearance of Art Nee, one-man) are set up y John band. Santa will: be there and there .|will be candy for the youngsters as) they are designed to|well as other gifts. Some special “| a | ra i Pichi z who showed his fine color film “Recky Mountain Adventure.” 1. Peace Heads Coon Hunters old Smith of As in alt | hunter, Shelley’s picture was filmed on a recent trip to Wy- _ Oming. _ in addition t to 5 gaming. Peace for the top spot in the official fam-; ily, the association elected John Wuet, Thirty - Cari Kennady of Oakwood and Har- siong the association. enjoyed roast|( Club will coon as the main dish for the ban-/8T° |coons were served with all the tra- ‘Iditional trimmings. About 90 at- ‘tended the affair. Is All-Day Affair Pontiac, five tender young) (Dec. 16) day. Feldman of Lake Orion vice-presi- dent; Lewis M, Wrenn of Pontiac,’ secretary-treasurer. in Cadil Ortonville,|been set for rand field Bear Hunters Meet Dray aout gathering of the Mich-| ,igan Bear Hunters Association has | Top items of business will be, | discussion regarding proposed dog | : Shitty big game and ben ting numbered luck targets. S| Conservation director Gerald ‘Eddy, game chief Harry D, Ruhl Durward Robson are the speakers. | lac Jan. 19 Jan. 19 at Cadillac. administration chief of turkey shoot, | ALMA @® ‘to win its | Alma Outpoints Calvin | Calvin's 6-foot-9 center Tom New- |hof: and his 38 points last night _|thority, and ua help determine the best times for|Yule-time movies have been se- hunting and fishing, cured. - . AM PM. Minor Major Minor Major hs 180 2:00 8:10) 5 . 3:25 «68:45 2:55 9:06) Sat. “520555340 a0 380 Novelty Shoot Bum. servecces 4:30 10:40 4:30 os Mom. 20..1.25-.8:30 40 8:80 TUES, sssceceee- O20 205 8:50 12:40 Wed, oe 120 1:05 ™5 «(Ut at OCSC Range. Annual ‘Turkey’ Event Takes Place on Sunday; Annual Christmas turkey shoot theless and never, be held at the club! grounds, Waterford, next Sunday throughout the entire The shoot, a*novelty event, with firing at luck targets, is specially designed for the casual or average shooter. The so- called expert will have no great-* er chance of winning a prised | gobbler than will the novice. Events have been planned for ‘the rifle shooter at 50 yards using, inumbered luck targets; the shot- \gunners* will shoot from 35 yards, | \while the pistol shosters will fire) ‘at a reasonably short distance at Fred Mayer, president of OCSC Pistol Club, and active with the Rifle Club will be range. officer. — Alma overcame April 28 FORT WORTH—The 1957 ABC tournament scheduled here will run first MIAA_ basketball | from o one March 9 Ponbonss Outdoorsmen By JACK PATTERSON} Some further thoughts on Christ- mas shopping for the sportsman. Let's assume that the object of with the basic necessities for action afield or astream. ° He's adequately SR clothed, shod and armed. Got every- : thing, has he? _ That's a conclu- clusion shoppers, { =. mostly, are apt to! jump -to and they couldn't be far-! miserly eyes of! PATTERSON all hunters and ifishermen light up at the sight) |of new gear. They probably don’t) ineed it. They may well never) luse it, but they'll cherish it none-} never part! First let's examine the matter of duplications. “Oh, he's got one of these, he weuldn’t want another” is an unfortunately common wifely attitude toward gift shopping for the outdoors. man, Is that so? The writer's » wife, for example, would smile at a suggestion that we .need a new landing net, ihe's got one that's fine. He'd rather have two. Mere possession ther olf base. The! « | Never Have Too Much Gear, Gadgets Nets have flourished around here’ |in late years as needles on a "pine, yet a recent search 4ailed to turn up a single one. The point your holiday largess is equipped is we need a new randing net. | If five of them fall off the closet shelf the next time we. rummage around for ‘some wood duck feathers, jt won't change the piec- ‘ture a bit. We still need a new one. Se it-goes with duplications. . If isn't the whole story, eit Sporting gear has a way, like! sportsmen, of weakening with age. Take~-waders, for example. all types of. gear is the only safe and sane guarantee of a satisfied sportsman, plus longer seasons ‘and bigger limits, of course. + The field of auxiliary equip- | ment is a fertile one for the | Christmas shopper. Some items | | can be classed as essential but | are often overlooked by hunter and fisherman. ‘Binoculars are such an -item. Indispensable to the deer hunter, wildfowler and big-game hunter they are of constant usefulness in| all outdoor activities. They re-' the quire a minimum of care and up| at Received ‘Aether ae ve LUGGAGE SET @ TRAIN CASE @ 21” WEEKEND @ 26” PULLMAN Regular $32.50 $19.98 3 PC. SET COMPLETE Headquarters for Luggage — Leather Goods — Samsonite—American Tourister—Skyway—Atlantic Layaway — Cash — Budget Terms ; PHILIP’ s Sporting Goods 79 N. SAGINAW ST. # * * ae ee ae ee ee ee ee a ee ene ‘es fe fe fe fe fe fe fe ‘ARE YOU READY for WINTER? Order your storm doors and windows NOW at our low prices. All Extruded Aluminum Storm Door ’ Stock Sizes Only INSTALLATZION EXTRA ONE LOW PRICE TO ALL INCLUDES * 1” thick with jamb * Hydraulic door closer * Storm chain _ * All hardware * Stainless steel hinges * Rattle-proof screen and glass * Extra heavy Alcoa Aluminum EXTRUDED ALUMINUM STORM AND SCREEN WINDOWS $14.14 INSTALLATION EXTRA Bay Now-Pay Later 36 Months FuA TERMS -STORMCO cor. 506 S. Saginaw St. FE 5-5530 FE 5-7709 OPEN WEEKDAYS 9 to 8—OPEN SUNDAYS 11 to 5 27 — — Guns, with any type of sights, or, any caliber may be. used in the | varjous events. It is a close ap-| proach to the old-fashioned style victory of the season, 76-71. Shere ts. PRIDE in saying if tat hey ar good diver and repo ar owners. ___ "There can, be. ing, “tented = as a Club member with the Exchange,” as in | exhibiting a new or well-kept car. You need never explain. t pride i , A Detreit Automobile Enter-Insurance Exchange A. I. . poaue, Mgr. 63 N. Perry St. —FE 5-4151 Taft, FE 2-e0i, a 233, ; Tynan, WE 4-200 he . M. Berne, FE & 27 tag rm ze OL 2-101 Viet Renae MEirese 3-7451 a 3 & “Warken, FE 2-00 _ Motorists insured with this Excliange at the Automobile Club of Michigam can be proud indeot fs tiling people weep Hae SO Oa keep. It’s America’s most preferred whiskey taste tiiin America’ s.past Insurions deventer Say “Happy holiday 1 —with Calvert Reeve 1 in the Jewel Decanter. This year, give Calvert, one of the world’s two top-selling whiskies. Shop early. The ae beautiful Jewel Decanter is in limited supply. a eee ‘ i + THE PONTIAC PRESS, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1958 SMALL LEAN MEATY SPARE RIBS LEAN—NATIONAL’S VALUE WAY TRIM : YOUNG FRYERS—WITH RIBS BEEF SHORT RIBS ~ 39° CHICKEN BREASTS. LEAN TENDERIZED BEEF ' YOUNG TENDER—DRUMSTICKS AND THIGHS CUBED STEAKS ~« 89 CHICKEN LEGS FRESHLY GROUND—DAILY MADE Soraro. y HAMBURGER ~ NEW CROP - LARGE SELECTION "NATIONALS NUT oT aa Rconst: KING MEATLESS MAKE NATIONAL YOUR HEADQUARTERS FOR “CHRISTMAS CANDY “i CAI CHRISTMAS FAVORITE ANDY CANES 2 25 DELICIOUS SWEET MILK Qu '§ GOLDEN CHOC. SANTAS ~ «Seat - 2 STOKELY’S GOL WHOLE KERNEL REGULAR OR , oi aes = cou ‘FRENCH FRIES EAS & CARRoTs | “YOUR CHOICE”. ee ‘MIX ‘EM ce) NATIONAL’S TOP TREAT * VANILLA DELICIOUS FOR | BREAKFAST rt i i i fs | i Gi é Hy i " ¥ 4 t ef Ses pee He i * - ivision Rules Set'| ered vg RETIRING SUPERVISOR — Howard Reid, who'll leave his post retired life supervisor of Milford Towriship in April, is looking towards a of fishing, ‘‘puttering around the house,” and Florida Hear Testimony Ferndale Girl Tells of Justice’s Advances, ee i i Just Put Elvis | in Our Stockings, \Girls Tell Santa Detroit Youths Die in High-Speed Race fie l |Groups Set 2nd {Yule Contest $10 and $5 ‘respectively. Student Killed by Campus Pal Football Player Dies When Shotgun Goes Off at Southern Illinois CARBONDALE, Ill. —A South- ern Illinois University student and football player was shot and killed ii aa af Fz i Hillman told Hale and Police- 3 E tf t £& a E : E BF gETyER it : hits" RRARE | oa Oe Say. City Officials -|have sensed the trouble Noah had} ee : beside Batura's body. F | ft HE the football team with him, knelt “$700,000 Settlement Avon Man Who Went on Wild Shooting Spree to Appear Dec. 17 A Probate Court sanity hearing for Alvin Heath, 33-year-old un- employed laborer .who terrorized his Avon Township with a barrage of rifle bullets last Wednesday night, has been set for Dec. 17, Oakland County Prosecu- tor Frederick C. Ziem said today. Heath faces charges of assault with intent to murder in the shoot- ings, in which he shot at houses and parked cars in the neigh- borhood and fired 32 bullets at Sheriff’s deputies before they sub- dued him. The gunmen has said he doesn’t remember shooting at the officers. . Ziem said today Heath's wife, Jean, 37, has signed the petition for a , ; Probate Judge Arthur E. Moore, who will preside over the hearing, set the date at Dec. 17. Assistant Prosecutor Walter R, Denison will present the case, It’s All Right to Keep-Rabbits, — Sanity Hearing Slated for Heath! neighborhood | . THE. PONTIAC PRESS, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1956 * ¥ chairmanship of Mrs. Carl Pu SCOTCH TREAT — A special kind of treat will be offered tomorrow evening when the children of the Scotch School of West Bloomfield Town- ship present their Christmas program under the First Program in 8 Years tnam. Singing Pontiae city commissioners must with his animal species aboard the famous Ark as they encountered animal worries of their own last: want them myself, te say that you cannot have a rabbit is going a Nttle too far,” Commissioner | John A. Dugan toig his fellow commissioners The never-to-be-forgotten pigeons of Pontiac didn't escape the que- ries of city officials when City Manager Walter K. Willman ques tioned: “Who do we go after as keeper of the pigeons at the Court- house?” The section of the ordinance; makes it unlawful to harbor cows, horses, pigs,-goats, pigeons, chick- ens, geese, or ducks in the city. Hthe-—rabbits:._The -city- fathers from the list of unlawful animals. peals a previous one - paragraph law dating back to 1874. Clear Seven Men of Flogging Charge BUSHNELL, Fla. — Seven white men were cleared today of charges of flogging Jesse Woods, 39-year-old Negro who had been scratched the long-eared creatures! st first time in eight years, Scotch School of West Bloomfield Town- ship is presenting a Christmas pro- gram. It wil] take place at 8 p.m./Mrs. Carl Putnam, this year’s pro- | WEST BLOOMFIELD — For the|tomorrow.in the West Bloomfield chr Lake ana Commerce rns chard Lake and Commerce roads. According to program chairman, Ask Troopers Slayer Be Sent fo Hospital - that Harry.,G. Richards, 5t-year- old slayer of two state troopers, be committed to the Pontiac State Flint home. The petition was filed by Otis M. Smith, Richards’ at- ( is worse. . Richards is in the psychopathic ward of, Hurley Hospital where O’Rourke said he has been losing a of weight a’ day. - successfully prosecuted on the murder charge hefore a psychiatric examination, and Richards was criminally sidered capable of standing trial in Flint. Experts May Study Clarkston Man Injured as Car Gets Rammed Russell M. Powers; 38, of 7760 Bridge Rd., Clarkston, suffered a bruised scalp and a slight head injury when his car was struck from behind in Troy last night. He was released after treatment at St. Joseph Mérey Hospital. Dale Willoughby, 43, of 5395 Dixie ‘9 | Highway, Waterford Township, was the driver of the other car in the accident at Crooks road near 16 Mile. ee Willoughby told police his truck skidded nee rear “of Powers car when it stopped in {front of-him to make & left turn. Waterford Schools Get 12-Day Class Recess A 12-day holiday is in store for teachers and students in the Water- ford Township school system, according to Superintendent William Shunck. Thursday, Dec. 20, and classes will be resumed W peel een 6S - Peatiaeg Press Phote the many Christmas songs which will be featured on the program are (back row, I. to r.) Susan Walls, Cari Putnam, Gretchen Papenguth and (front row) Nancy Bell and Danny Urguhart. ‘ gram will be a special treat-and uniqua in that all of the school’s 304 children will take part. combined second grades, Songs they will sing are “I Wish You a Merry Christmas,” “I'm ‘9 Little Christmas Tree,” “Old Santa's Coming to Town,” “Up of. the House Top,” “Jolly Old St. Nich- olas,”” and “Lullaby.” i e ? E E i 55,8 #5 ee fi Jan.-2. 304 Scotch School Children fo Sing a “The Christmas-New Year vaca-|Christmas Morning” will be given . ‘Insane until he was con-! tion begins with the end of classes| Given Mrs. Sorensen forcibly taken: from nearby Wild- “Big Milk Container Four Plead Guilty fo Robbery Charge Piel Wi charged with a Seut> Yell phoned. guilty Soniey si their arraignment in Oa k1and/der inthe slaying County Circuit Court. — - Williams rr =H gk i City Woman Stands Mute |, on Murder Charge H i ei] * Le] | i ; bonds of $50,000. 2 ae Te ee eee ai keep) Seward, o a home in La Gorce Isle, ra % released | Stee Naat inten Clone dee Clack J. Adams entered | rl UBURN HEIGHTS—Service for Doris Fucker Is YRES See mae ta Wraeeai aa aa. , 4 4 DaODae asm €. x A \ * ‘4 N N \ N & ‘ N A N * 4 \) N \ N ’ @ DELICIOUS COCKTAILS * LIBERTY COCKTAIL LOUNGE ii Br age* gf i L oT BF ~~ KEDDEE CAR — A nurse weighs a baby while turns aboard a railway car of Australia's Far West Children's Health Scheme. The cars, which ~~fravel 12,000 miles ‘a year, bring clinical care to remote areas of New South Wales. The Far West Scheme, a voluntary organization financed by gifts, has been operating since 1934. © e __ THE PONTIAC PRESS, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1956 oe mms Lonely. Eden Gets Ready |to Face His Bitter Critics” i. JOHN H.. MARTIN’ _|stomach the latter's appe: & oreign | {politician in these waning days | HURRY TO PIPER'S FOR CHRISTMAS PARTY Story of the By LOUELLA 0, PARSONS HURON HELD OVER! « Thru ithe launching of the atomic sub- URSDAY Jinarine, Sea Wolf, and the hydro.\“* Golf Club sam Weta Wadte. SINGER TO WED eae FEATURE STARTS i}. , Snapshots of Hollywood collected) At the White House he plans to at 7:00 ond 9:40 | the taeentien ol the stoeaie ape (at Tandom:. Dead-pan. singer Vir-\turn to intensive preparation for * * te mega : eg it Ne oe ey ee ee oe present Gam, a comeback, marry Verne |w a’s Prime linister should ‘be « thrilling epic. Evans, Bendix Aircraft executive, |Nehru, Actually the beginning is the in June. Aides pictured the President as ROLLICKING... creation of the world, with a t refreshed and feeling ivoice reciting the early verses of} Because she doesn't make/fine at near the close of this long- BOISTEROUS... Genesis as the prelude. The mainjenough money nor enough pic-|est of 11 visits to Augusta since was GAY...FUNNY... »® TUNEFUL! “4 + 85e Values. eee eB PUBLIC . Victor $. Men's S Shop 3 South Saginaw = HOLLYWOOD (INS) — With the TRICKS—JOKES wie veld & 0 _maa’s rush to omic Christm perfect ato’ mbs, Cinerama’s Ms , aoe first cap oer Pps gy “The Piper's Magazine a Day,” is timely. already been shot and comprise of engineering Hungary before the uprising! started. Eva will see that he con- Hollywood Headlines Cinerama Will Produce sary.—I-seem-_alwaystobe having; Vacation plus work at this favorite; " |his wife. She is in Good Samaritan Atomic Age printed above and the business they’ve done! Debbie Reynolds showed me the five-karat diamond on a platinum chain that Eddié¢ Fisher gave her dinner with the Fishers just the night they take off for some- where. They left for Florida Mon- tures, Carol Ohmart. wants out on her Paramount contract. Sympathy goes to Harrison Carroll on the serious illness of Hospital, Jack Lemmon, who has that gleam in his eye fer Felicia Farr, bought her dinner at the Villa Capri, : Mike Connolly joins Bob Hope’s Alaskan Christmas trek. : Once an eye specialist himself, Jules Stein is pleased at his sister Mrs, Ruth Lowe's marriage to Dr. James Cogan, a Beverly Hills eye Mik Dealers Down ident-Eisenhower's last full-day of Last Full Day at Augusta, Ga. Eisenhower to Fly Back to Washington Refreshed and Well AUGUSTA, Ga. This is Pres- Dixie retreat. . elected in 1952, * * # under the’ anger of the United States and the United Nations, and -|quite ‘Army Contract | tinues his studies here. She has | promised to -look after him. He Stainless Steel Rule “Everything Licensed by the City of Pontiec, License No. 2839 Must Go” - | MEWS SUITS — Values to'§25.00 $9977 Out they go at lowest prices»... ! ‘|. Hard Finish Materials MEN'S SUITS — Values to $40.00" 19” a s Price .... Reg. Price $2.99 — Sale_ ALLAN A HOSE -e ae -* MEN'S SILK TIES ‘ | Regular $4.00 Values... eae Fi | ts the son of her mother’s sister. As soon as French actress drawing up a multiple pic- to go home. and argue that “sexy” the box office — and T'll never or movies-are big at Bonus Payments Rise milk dealers, protested that the stainless stee] containers would be too expensive and asked that their use be optional. Franke said tin- dipped containers would serve the /purpose just as well. The regulation would require that the metal container within the milk dispenser unit be made of stainless steel or some other non-corrosible metal. Effective date of the legislation originally was Jan. 1 but-later was at its Jan. 9 meeting. LANSING i — State bonus pay- Unfrock Anglican Vicar Who Faked Own Death day, deprived of holy orders and ousted from his parish. The Bishop of Chester said the “caused a grave scandal to the church" by running off to Switzer- British Prime Minister Sir An- thony Eden is a lonely, embittered of his rest cure in sunny Jamaica. The former “White Knight of Geneva” took a bold decision in the invasion of Egypt. He faltered the threat of Soviet counter-action. 39-year-old Nasser, who ds q military regime which is chummy: with the Soviet Union, has jost a lot-of his Rus- In contrast, Eden will leave Ja- maica and fly back to London Fri- day “to face the music." = Fue eIMeT de i Hi iver ii i if Fg May Be Invalid | Michigan Court Ruling Could Cause City to Sell Orchard Lake Land the | last night. Commissioners heard that a May AL “ a * 3412 Dinie Hwy. OR 3-9754 9) OPEN 6:45 _ MA 4-2151 He case 1242 “Well, why didn’t you say so?” _ 2 i : 5 2 iz es is if Sa j } es re ie $5 THE PONTIAC PRESS, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1956 ; : mi sh, tose = By Walt Disney DONALD DUCK _ By T. V. Hamlin “TIM OF A ROUS BOARDING HOUSE LET ME SLIP YOU SOME PREHISTORIC LORE BEFORE YOU BLOW OFF YOUR LID/~ IN CANE DAYS, THE KNOW WHERE TO FIND THINGS SHE WANTED TO BORROW! CATCH ONZ Yi WOMAN SEWED POCKETS ON HER MAN'S TIGER SKIN 50 SHE‘D Yj = Y Nee UY My : <« nae a é “.. Se — Sistas toes. By Ernie Bushmiller MAYBE ILL HAVE BETTER LUCK THIS WAY — 1 JEALOUS BONE IN AY BODY! , —— By Leslie Turner Var Gnan AND 1 ASSUME YOU'D LIKE FOR ME TO.BE 7} EQUALLY FRANK? By McEvoy and Strieber | OPPORTUNITIES | Every Day in the Pontiac HALF ACRE CASTLE _ 2 CKXX. raigrans) | aut i * « > = i os aay “Tse *. (2808 (imine, 2am = ee * **,* +R 2MIGIH1 MIs wie pisses 3 a * Ss hd i. 4 a: .41 © ae @ ee 5 om 2 oe = Cd « — You'll Find Press Want Ad Section 7 : Take advantage of this +9 solve all your buying ne fi ing problems. = To Place Your _, WANT AD. DIAL FE 2-8181 - . a & F % [ow A, I'LL GET iT ton YA, RIGHT AWAY, /! [RRB SOTERA CY Y cats Remain Firm x J Trading again tough pickh Italy was credited with buying a Wheat near the end t Squash, "Aco — + sisi 2 3 = . » No. 1, 90-195 d a gk 1, 1.25-1.95 % bu. THE i PONTIAC PRESS; _ bu. Red 00-1.60 bu. iz Potatoes, ishes, item made public after yesterday's “Iclose, Bethlehem was down 2% at Koa ‘quash, , ‘Tomatoes, tb. baske' GREENS: Co : Kale, No. 1, 1.00 * 1, stopped, lard, No, 2, 1.25 bu 1.00-1.50 bu. 2, Mo. 1, 2.80-3.00 No. 1, 90-1.26 No, 1, 1.26- Grain Prices CHICAGO GRAIN, CHICAGO, Dec. 12 (AP) — Opening Dec. Wnts 91, 1 Rar. 200203: Hiei nr SH FY ..ccewee BOM y Ps 4 duly (00 TT! Eo July 3.0027" an Dee. bs 1.3 Mi 1 Mar. 320.0°.5 037% May 0c: +3 May ...c00.- 140% July ‘| 14% July coose 3.42% Sep. cones L3OM Dee. ....... 16.00 Jen. 14.90 Mar 19.65 Movie Censors - t Mar ‘assets 3,75-3.90; 3.40; Minnesota seas ay: : Laree, 14.00-18.00- 30-dox, case; Medium, 100-10 ob" Bmatl, 7.50-8.50. 50. Lead Trading. Department opposition, an 185% on an opening block of 2,500 shares but later clipped its logs to around 2. Youngstown dropped 1 at 126% on an opener of 2,300 shares Nerth kota River Valley Pontiacs 2.40-2.46. CHICAGO BUTTER AND EGGS CHICAGO, Dec. 11 (AP) — Chicago state er ee -— Butter receipts 316,000; wholesale buyin, wchanged; 93 att [80% OF | B t% score ; ; & C 58%; Cars 90 B DETROIT, Dee, P.O.B, Detroit, cases included, f grades: Whites: Grade A jumbo 48-87 ‘AA 8% sale buying prices unchanged: 48. per|Pont, Gulf Oil, New York Central, mediums 34; standards ‘sass; dirtisa Loew's, General Motors and Con- 29; checks 28; current receipts 31%, DETROIT EGGS Ml (AP) — bn hted average 49%; extra large Hwa ang 8 ie OF mee ie Reds. HLA jones 3k .. 908 e Stra ... 44. . dat. s Browns: Grade A ter . aaa wha Alum Lid .,..1313 Kimb Clik... 42-3 avg 41. 27-30 wid avg 27%. [Alcom .. «00s $ 5 Bresse, . 4 ‘ommercially graded: Am Airlin .... 2 Kroger + 60.5 . Whites: Grade A extra large 42-|4@ Can -.---- 405 Lib MeN&L , 12.5 43; large 374-40; medium 34-35. ae Ger & El & My .., 62.3 ‘ rowns; Grade A extra large 40-\4m M & Fdy . 40 h Aire .. 58.4 e small 30. Grade B large 34. Am Motors ... 5.7 WR cee 18.5 MPAA President Says |, Comment: Market steady. Supplies|Am N Ges .. 69.8 Lorillard 18.5 Si Gita hcg Sie Gaensh in| am Att HE May Sew: Ist Change Since 1930 |nigner and narrow spread under| Am deat’ t6.9 McGrew H-.. 314 r “ ’ rge trade ts cautious. Jumbos, extra|/Am ms Tel 161.5 Mead Cp - 4.4 Seems ‘More Flexible’ jiarse ana smaiis in light supply and|Am Tob...... 4 Merck... 312 hort. ades are slowed to, Am Viscose .. 33.4 Merr Ch & 8 20.7 clear at the advance in prices, r e .... 74 Monsen Ch .. 35.2 NEW YORK U—Movie industry Armour & Co’ 115 Motor Wheel. 32.7 ie ‘ . 22. armst Ck ... 2.4 aoe MB censors have revised the movie! Poultry ehivea => S84 Jat Cas Te -a87 code for the first time since it was Aves Mig... ‘sa Mat Dairy .-. 3. adopted in 1930. DETROIT POULTRY jal Ob 6... 64 Net eed soo agee New standards, stricter in some = Det, 1h AP) <- Prtee Bena ve MY ee ES - x ” ‘or 6, ve ae “ 6 ! senses and more lenient in others,|poultry F.O.B. Detroit up to 10 a.m.|Biene an "ae Nia M Pw. 39:3 were announced yesterday by the), Meswy type hens ; Nght type jong sire <)! 144 Ne A Ae aT «id; over teeeoee éeee “3 Motion Picture Assn. of America,|4"tb. is: heavy t ors or tryers|Borg Warn... 44.5 Nor Sta Pw. 17.1 the movie industry's self-imposed|2%-3% Ib. whites 1 Grey Crosses|Briges Mf ... 13.3 Nwst 7 os in4 22, Ba 23-2: tes 4% irist My .... 41.5 ens s censoring board. *|Brun Balke .. 44 Owens Qi! Gl .62.6 Tb. average 30, Sis-6's Ib. 23-24; Co 184 Owens Oe4... .0 Erie Johnston, president of the | dw = agg — piucts,, 18° |Canty Soup. 333 Pan AW Air i8- MPAA, in announcing some 20\neavy type toms 27. Gee Pe ---- Bi yeabl So... 4 changes, said the new code “is Comment: Market about steady. Sup-|Ceptiat irl .- 34-1 RA: a8 already (tect—Hollywood has y ample. Dema air on|Carrier Cp .... Cola <: 19. in = Ries, goed on taney quality caponettes,|Case. JI ...... 14 priser cueeees 482 * slow on all ducks, slow on geese and| Stet Tree ~- Phelps D ,... 65.1 pire ot a eT arm P ee Johnston and Ken Clark, vice due to lack of quality. Giles rg Git Phin Pet : 84 association, said : Market firm | Clim St of the abenacd pricewise but first receivers cautious|Goca Cola .... 99.2 Pit Plate G@ . it was not possible to eT-| about r asking at country Cole Foie wes i4 en & +0 Be ize. or sloganize” the effect of the)poins. Live trade ay eel Bas ..) iad Pure Of ..... 45.6 revision. Johnston. said, however, —me Comw Ed .... 30.5 hc" 384 he thought the code was “more CHICAGO _ POULTRY fon Ne Ges -. 40° Repn Met | he flexible’ than the older one CHICAGO, Dec. 11 (AP) —. Live|Gonsum Pw. 44.4 Rey Tob ..... $4.2 > poultry, about ; recel Con PwPti4%) 97 ke wes 8S The new code permits the treat- ‘tyeterday 1,067 ecoops, 198, c . 45.8 Royal Dut .., 99.6 ment; “within the limits of good/™) ?.0-8- uncha to a8 .. 14.7 Safeway St .. 68.4 " 1 cent lower; heavy hens 14-15; light . 5.6 Bt Jos Lead ., 40.2 taste,” of such subjects as abor-|jnens 12%4-13%; old roosters 12%-13; |CO™* bg ae St Reg. Pap .. 43:1 tion, the kidnaping of children and|ceponetes under 414 lb 31-23: eapon-iCorn Pd... 208 Soovill an 8 the illegal traffic in and use of|20-20%; farmer ducks 18-19; ducklings |Scnu” “" *: 355 Sears 394 27-29; fryer tw 28, ‘ison’ * 382 simmons ~ 4. \e Det Edison ,,. 38 Sinclair 64 Dis C Geag .... 305 “a ° at “ Doug Airc ...6 912 goy Pag ..... 46.2 At the same time, it adds ‘thou Livestock Dow Chem ...- 83 goy Ry ..... “sé shalt nots” in the form of mercy East Air Ls... 475 Sperry Ra ... 236 killing, blasphemy and double- East Kod ..... $73 gtd Off Cal’.. 46.4 meanings. , 12 (AP) (USDA) —IEI & Mus ‘1... 3 S&S Bt: Bf Under a general section entitled|ficer;Salable 380. No early sales, under-/Bmer Rad’-*.. 67 St4 On ‘Oh .. $43 “sex " the new code specifically . restone ..... 90. Stevens, JP ae 3 * ot ” rece’ pies Mach ,,, 62.6 ‘ud~ * 361 bans “open-mouth kissing,” add- Ford Mot...” +} Suther Pap .. 36. ing this to a section that already Freept ul'<::. gvitt @ oe Fe rr) lustful a eure 4 Co ss.4 815 forbids “lustful kissing, Gen Bok we ht Nona a a embraces, suggestive posture and Gen Bee 2") eta Textron... 21.4 ” Gen Fads 442 Thomp Pd :.. 7%. pentares. Gen Mills .:::: 64 Timk R Bear 97.2 Gen Motors ... 45.1 alr 18.1 a ee Gen Tel ....++ 34 Transamer + #2 s Gillette -"....; 437-2 ad Dividends Seek Faire’... 1 Un carbide wis Greyhound ... 143 Un Pac ss-ess 30-4 ET Sollase Pe. oy Unit Pratt... as ~ DETROIT (INS) — The Board ~. 4 Un Gas Op «,. 31.8 of Directors of Briggs Manufac- ceoee Gh Oe Lines scoot turing Co. have declared a cash eather “ m4 OS | Steel». 3, dividend of 20 cents share on 1 3.1 West Un Tel 18.7 the 1,078,834 shares presently out: a. wane = standing, payable Dec. 29, 1956 top = ti—<—~*™:*is«*ir Wek... 103.4 Weelwerth aes “1 shareholders of record at the close “MW. Young 8 re 363 ot business Dec. 20, 1956. 5 t Sha. .1283 Hazel Park Racing Assn. Inc. idetens iota aid, tatay 658: ony 8 Seheee (Compiled by the Associated Press cents “per share Jan. 14, oe a ee) a wi 000 share- Indust Rails Util Stocks 1957, to more than 1) 3. 300- Jan. 4 1-3 350-850 |Prev. Day ,,....262.5 131.6 ne 197.7 holders of record Jan. 4. below 14.90; |Week Bg ..,....2616 1302 71.7 1701 Month ago .., me 8 13.1 722 is Year ane otes mk 12.8 3, 4 Jailed, Two Fined Ieee lew ci ged aed oe TL Two Jailed, Two Fin iss high lames daa iat Gate 1966 low. ....,...203.1 1149 67.2 148.8 for Orion Breakin as “fo B\ Electric and American Cyanamid. Eggs, ederal point, . Allied Chemical was up around 2. Small gains were made by U. S. Steel, Chrysler, Anaconda, General Small losses were taken by Du solidated Natura] Gas, New York Stocks (Late Morning Quotations) * ae- ; full 24 2. So . Co, si 5. Bee es Co... ....:0433 133 133 13 45 8. Products Co"... sale; bid and asked, =| Muscular Dystrophy |" atmosphere back to earth. _assembly, The satellite, presently being pu Research Laboratory in Washington, D. C., is a 20 inches in diameter which will telemeter information oe small about the AY, DECEMBER 12, 1056 New in Brief --Neothing.was_missing from __a. grocery store, 18. Edison St., where there apparently was 4 breakin attempt early today, Pon- tiac police said.. Front door glass was found broken. Candles ‘other Christmas decorations. Cleo’s Handcraft, 390 Nelson. FE —. Police Seek Two Believed in Area Insp, Clark M. Wheaton, Chief of Pontiac detectives, said police ca 4\Evelyn J. Reynolds, = == |g Richardson is sought by a daugh- ter in Sunnyside, Wash., Wheaton said. She has reason to believe he lives in this area. — Evelyn Reynolds Endicott, N. Y., Wheaton said, for g witness Anyone with information about either person can telephone Whea- ton at Federal 2-26. Has Christmas 2 Weeks Early: May Not Live GRAND RAPIDS w#—Two-year- Results Given by hers “co Gingellvill Center “rare.” ae civ ates Rule Change = he ies is sought n/p, 9 5 i S % ARTZ Ss i it i ifr i iit : H — conte’ par share in. non-recu: only three cen’ 10 Countries ‘Spain, Other Nations Back U.S. .Resolution as Hungary Quits U.N. UNITED NATIONS, N. Y. @ — Hungarian affairs, Three more nations — Spain, 94 F H * * * Earnings NEW YORK (INS) — Ward Ind tries re yesterday M realized net profit of $3,930,031. on revenues of 23,800,049 the nine months Sept. 30. No compa: is a ble for 1965 ‘use of different fiscal periods by Ward" panies. : 955 figure Eyal 203, or $1. : | a2: TE H | General resentement over Hung- ary’s flouting of the Assembly took]. a upturn after Foreign Min-| com 40 I As sereetesoa HH ford Tax. "35,000 Bills Totaling . $2,073,427 iw Levies HI i Sas i Fate Criske will take her to the Mayo — oy Clinic in Rochester, Minn., for alscleyManutorturine Co. reported’ te-|Visional controller for financial heart operation fay et roti, of ehain ase for, the|analysis, With ty he bes a 1 to # chance/sie Bima. ine vecaune the firm _—— t survival, her mother says,and gales in-the- A M._C. Anderson, of the Charles “it is the only hope.” |to @ record $181; oe compared with Bruning Co., will address the Pon- Sitar toe ta the Mind wnottealtiac Chapter of the American Mrs. Criske says the operation, $111,617,000 in nine months pter scheduled for Tuesday. ay, will take\™* °° NOB nnd eyo} Engineers at-.a..din. 6 to 8 hours, and Mary ner meeting in Devon WTHS Choir + Gives Concert of Yule Songs 53 Hungarians Arrive Today | 7 | Hoh i? fl iy en g s §. i THE PONTIAC PRESS, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1956 1 Hale-who are in charge,will be he ‘be used in airplane windshields. Now being tested, the rubber will be used ag an interlayer in wind- to entertain the small children who shield glass of new supersonic wil] be waiting for the next indoor Air Foree planes. The new ma- show. se * withstand twice as much heat from -4| Questionnaires are being sent/air frietion at high speeds as pres-) lhome with schoo} children in kin- ently used plastics. |dergarten through the fourth} The new material, being de- {grades this week so that officials) veloped for ARDC’s Wright Air may have a general attendance | Development Center at Dayton estimate. by the Dow Corning Corp. of quate strength up to 350 degrees Karp said. ent plastic interlayers, 2 ane eh, At the other end of the tem- Women’s Unit Elects perature scale, che ARDC said yes- Mrs. Thor President terday, the transparent rubber retains its shatter resistance prop- AVON TOWNSHIP — Mrs. Joyce **ties at the extreme cold tem- Thor has been elected president|Perature of minus 65 degrees of the Women’s Auxiliary of the | fahrenheit where the present plas- Avondale Metropolitan Club. tie interlayer becomes brittle and possesses no shatter resistance, SHADOWS OF INTRIGUE? — The afternoon dan had previously ended its 2-year treaty of al- | atte Coe lee menidonty Ming, | TM, Dew material has a sill. said.) sun casts long shadows behind them as Arkady _liance with Great Britain, signed in 1948, with a Pauline Schurts, sé ry; Mrs. cone base and is cured at high A. Sobolev,’ Soviet representative to _ stat contai i : temperatures, using lamination, by permanent ement ning a strong hint of closer ties | Ota Carlton, treasurer; Mrs. a process that turns it into a tough, the U. N., and Jordanian: Delegate Abdul Rifa’i with Russia. Bonnie Herr, se ? : rgeant-at-arms. ted ue the Generel Amemiya dors Pree re Mongar Sam (eee mn Te | aes ue — Miller and Mrs. | now constructing production facili- ond te ten ireba Davis. ties for its manufacture. Yule: | Aw __._.| Charistinas | A. Christmas party for children!...Lamination of the material with- Party Sunday Bs a be on hand to oosters Hold of members will be held at 7 p.m.|in windshield glass is being done - tribw sitts, oat ae Cale ndar Dri ve Friday at the Avondale Community| by the Libby-Owens-Ford Glass Co. at Sylvan Manor elgg Toad to play the Hall on Auburn road. A program|of Toledo and the Pittsburgh Plate MILFORD — The Communty 2 ar aur Wich Gas Co Community singing of Christmas WEST BLOOMFIELD © TOWN-| carols wi Calendar drive, sponsored by the, ana a SHIP — The fourth annual Christ-\children phate Leet ten tog ‘pr (Band Boosters club, has extended | _ |Carol Singing Set im Party of the Sylvan Manor|ano accompaniment by Sue John- their deadline through this week Firemen and Ladies " Methodist Youth Sele hacer tes i pat ae Chiat Br atic Mm Tn! Win to Fete Yuletide |v rownsur— pe man|West Bloomfield ip Hall _—_ ship, general chairman, | Chairman of the entertainment This is oné of the club's biggest imunity Center tomorrow evening. the church. yy Rubber Resists ore Mian 700 | ~ {Will Participate — hicion in Air in YeleContot . than 700 students from the Adapt Material for Use! wittiams Lake School, will be pre- in Forming Windshields) sented st 7 Junior High Schoo on for Air Force Cass Lake road, BALTIMORE ® — The Air Re- and conele " mas in Other Lands" and rs search ome aan gr vee come will depict the Christmas customs mand has announced developmen of children in foreign countries. of a transparent rubber material to Barbara ‘Secan will be the narra- theme of the second part of the cantata, with sixth ong a ae Healy acting as narrator. This terial is expected to be able tO) Jin “reature religious Christmas songs, iciBvery single youngster In Wa-| Midland, Mich. retains ade: Dontiac JOWNSHID tending Waterford Township! fahrenhelt, compared to the 186- | 4 schools are invited to this party,.”| degree fahrenhelt limit on pres- Dems Meet Dec. 13 ocratic Committee here will meet tomorrow night, at 8, in the Auburn Heights Fire Station on Auburn Rd. invited to attend, according to Publicity Chairman George Lyle. He particulary urges all Democrats who plan to run for office in the, 'Arish, on the Mediterranean in township elections to come, since the northeast corner of the pen- the committee wishes to make sure insula. that a full Democratic slate is on the ballot. A Christmas The first part is titled “Christ- The “Manger Scene” will be the Directors of music Mrs. Helen ‘Krauser and Francis Mansfield) have been working on the presen- tation. PONTIAC TOWNSHIP—The dem- All interested Democrats are Pull Out of Sinai Bulk of Army Leaves; U.N. Forces to Occupy Key Centers TEL AVIV (®—The Israeli army has withdrawn the bulk of its - troops from the Sinai Peninsula. Some units remain ag covering forces for the final phases of the pull-out, The withdrawal is being timed to mesh with the movement east- ward from the Suez Canal of Yugoslav troops of the emergency force. co * e The Yugoslav advance has been slowed by Israeliland minefields and roadg blown up on the west- ern side of the peninsula. No date has been announced for the departure of the last Israeli soldier from Sinai, But it is ex- pected to take place within two or three weeks. By then U. N. troops will have occupied key centers on the east- ern side of the desert peninsula. From these they can patrol the Egyptian-Israel border established in the 1949 armistice, The probable headquarters for Township primary rlection Is Feb. 18, with the regular bal- loting following om April 1. Petitions, with signatures of 40 qualified voters, must. be filed by the end of December. Lyle also announced that Dem- ocrats who cannot make tomor-) row's meeting, but wish to partic- ipate in thet lical party work, may contact one of the precinct cap- tains. Harry Stafford and Mrs. Rich-) . . nigh MYF of Elmwood Methodist "ard Johnson are co-captains in pre- UNION LAKE—The Union Lake, \Church are meeting at 7 p.m. Fri-;cinct one, while precinct two is. N Fire Department and the Ladies day f h headed by Roy Wahl. No leade ites of mains se COUNTY Births) its tadtat ist taoe (Ate, sl bil te orn ean cet Tey has en aed ect pat in rm and Instru- | Christmas party at Dublin Com-| cnent also trim the Christmas tree for and precinct four is captained by Each. child briag a | 'Don Schell and F. B. Schram. iven. copped ® gift | Mr. snd Mrs ee Wh Whiteman ere par-| If parents have not ‘received a} Chairmen for the affair are Mrs.! The group is planning a carol, Rounding out the list of leaders. During. the last six weeks, the the U.N. forces in Sinai will be the road and rail center of El The airfield there, now inopera- tive and still in Israeli hands, ‘could be used to supply the U.N. troops by air if improvements are made, An Israeli government spokes- man. said he had no confirmation of Egyptian press reports ‘that |Egyptian troops are following the: Yugoslav forces into Sinai. * * “We envisage Sinai as an inter- ‘national area occupied by an in- iternational force, There could also |be an Egyptian force there but ‘it would not be a threatening force ‘as long as the international troops are present.” Independent estimates place the number of Israeli troops still in Sinai at several thousand. The number withdrawn has not been moun- appropriate Christ- ts of is the| mas ney ey “an ble pe =o ca form to fill out, they are asked to Irvin Maynard and Mrs. Robert sing for December 22. They will are Mrs, Raymond Walker in pre- Israelis have removed all captured Fises to a height of marked on the outside, There | Mr. and Mrs. ‘Chesies Doles, 130 Gatee STU 4205 or Mare tome Whe: ies cits ial ‘4 ananens iviat the Curtiss Rest Home onjcinct five and Bennie Burnett iniguns, ammunition, vehicles and will ; Lake Rd. announce the birth of a baby - |and a smorgas' luncheon will Auburn road and homes of ‘‘shut precinct six. Roy L. Hardy is equipment which could be used Re See : F » igirl, Tart Lynn. ship, EM 3-8861, be served. lins”’ in the community, chairman of the committe. repaired, “ Brick Layers Wanted LOCAL ROUTE, OPEN FOR MAR-| BILLER, AUTOMOBILE SBALEA, parte s area, Need men __Help Wanted Male 6) Help Wanted Male 6; Help Wanted Female 7, Help Wanted Female 7) Instructions DISPATCHER FOR COM- ried man with ser who needs to| Exp. preferred Exc st =p. Some mon carrier. Should know city. Hecetiest eedy working con-| earn $135 per ve ie more, Werk necessary, PE 23-9101 y—~ appoint.| Write Pontise Press Box 79. MY: | | WANTED: Several Erasers Be) Br Bees exe] CURB GIRLS |"earsam far unrs heneed. Apply n, 2 | Baliding Service 12 AIRLINES )? NEED YOU |4:1. REMODELING, appITIONs Cement work pet ng, tiding. Fre — _estimates EM 3-4764 * . JREPRE SENTATIVE » to PRODUCTION og ge hy Sh teresting pe stion with Es UIPMENT i,t eral salary” plus Sxpensen 8 | CARPENTER. PRONE EM 3103 | ing local and ‘ong distance. -Li- L ~ Closing time tor advertise ory y device and development. see _—— * | EXPERIENCED BEAUTY OPER-| ~~ evenings, Sundays, EM 2818.) fOue” nome Hoven red. ments containing type sizes oT son Ca ue. a guet,* | 6360 HIGHLAND RD/ | sore nesded at once to work in vi) lDVER ruta” pening NT CanPa Ten WORK ATL KINDS _Call Royal Oak Lincoln 1-400.” mt I clock ows the Gareth Detrot Corp. Birming- PONTIAC transportation aid work on’ com- ‘young Man ot woman| Ress Je’ s Pealhe BRICK & BLOCK WORE AY previous to publication. bam, Mich aa Mi $cee, mission only Call MU 9-2180 or | ‘terested ins retail advertising | _ 41390. places. A! types wT feiead " oe ENCED 2 MERCURY ME-' SuTsibe SALESMAN. see ua. | —7= *00H. = — en . *, een eta FORMAN Fin- | BRICK, BLOCK AND CEMENT oe ; muarantes | OU Uteess, 2608 Aubura fed GENERAL OFFICE Extetent ty with On toe eb inrge: Ase chimers. 8 yt ng ° le de | stand department het mer. hand Guaranteed work, Ph. PE ret Semapert trucks for automobile nee . 8594 porous. *| some filing, typing required. W. rience presently ter. Kitchen spec’ oe Tr ew “ies immediate, ,permanent employ-| Sontiae Press Box 15. one advertising. |) ao ‘aly. FE | sLOCK, BRICK CEMENT WORK CASH WANT AD RATES ron Sane CED Southern Territory. rapker, Drive: GIRL OR WOMAN FOR HoUsE- apply Personne! Depa-tment. WORK WA awe 8 es. FE 23-2468. estate cvienman for new way Co. Detroit. TW 3-0550. work & companion 8 Elderty AITE’S DEPT, STORE part time « OR 3-276. ‘|CEMENT I8 OUR SPECIALTY Lines 1-Day 3 Days 6 Days housing pre pro : lady. .2825 Newark Rd. Imiay |MAN OR WOMA CARPE ;| Floors, basements. EM 3-479, — t, +2544. SALESM AN. City, Phone Met f%R AND SHARLES BURGHAM FLOOR 2 81.50 Stee) = 92.78 1“ . iy . Metamora 10733. =| Watkins route. We train = work, New and repair. B.| CHARLES BURCHAM, FLOO! (BE RE IF Retry cor oe STRESS an | Septet ib see | Moe Cage mena Saeg.p* Sebo et 6 : : o be Betw 18-30 assist te ehfl- iio CA Y, REPAIR MA 43 re we al Lk. ‘ ts. {8° 98 You wast to mest people SALESMEN | “dren's educational program. ‘We | REA ATE on GABGW RY BeOS SAD CARPE ve ee. ~ CEM ENT & BLO 318 6 8 really pow ons, Ea Enjoy ~y high oe REAL ESTATE will train, no experience neces-| saleswomen for new home project | MASONRY ‘S AND CAR’ f & BLOCK ~ a 3e 64 - 060 Me nee ave op tor alert young men| sary. Guaranteed high commis. | Sa Postis. Waterte rd Chica —'t2. Also odd jobs. FE §-6068. ® 40 122 10.80 taation, plus dontensteater ~and| $* aS in selling. yt) see & peaee, 86055 be-/ aren. : Boe ii}; MAN WANTS PAINTING. FREE - other benefits. Then come in| | ertising and contacts | tween 6 & 8 pm. or & 8 Ge. kEnwor estimates FE 8-080. Ciipucrt Petes Oe mee: oie emcee | Sid let's talk it over Earnings: unlim a ae wai } aa 1 RoucE OR TRIM, GET OUR Sin Start immediately. See Mr. Guyer M AN REAL co. 5 halr strictly. Emile Ss | argg ot : pa ay sad Baturday, ot Mr, Burns ver | SB otoes Se th N, Hunter, Bgham MI 47710, | Newly located office needs 2 alert oat Thiel say, Wat raring. GUARAW- Gy Owens Inc. WANTED: CAR WASHERS. FRI. | #ou MILY,| ™e2 or women If you qualify RING & GEPATR WORK. | teed work. OR 3-202), ‘BOR.REPLIES...,- ter 8 ore, DEA . a Sun. Day sad Bight shift, va te" sendeen ofl aL te ane have—plenty of advortix. | Free estimates, MY 23-1606, SS Tae OC —— “THE At 10 aim. Today oN h Bmeeaee oe 8. “eaten sean a. i 00 Hunter Thurs ‘a every other Bun, off: ae and floor time. Earnings un- SAMMIE DUNN JANITOR SERY. PURsAcE = CLEARING, were replies at the Press no i + steel wotk, FE ‘a st, Coat iss ~ HOUSEKEEPER WANTED, — JERRY E. ADAMS CO. oo'e_FE 21189, ___ | FLOOR, SANDING, OLD FLOORS friends, upowing. 7) ) POY | SS-¥O0 WANT Fo EARN GOOS | 2B 84010 3173 W. Huron at Nore. experienced Emm cbaut- | or their of “ye | boxes: we RE DE st 8. Pace naan : snd gas FE ; Rick ARE marae, FILLING 3 _ 8LDO. REPAIR. BRICK Geter ra|| "ena m |) LINCOLN |"SSeeReesetitd| SCRE si & mormon Arenctes 04 2 Baars | Etnies om Beloved wus and father, | § 25, 26, 28, 32, 35, 68, 65, | sory fee dactsrazation to sell sew | ave ler Tou ; pea ¥ MARRIED MAN wisHEs | OUA ak tanks 68, 69, Tl, 73, 15, 76, 78, dows, garages and additions, We| $6? woman wants. Use of car. | receuent working 1| Wendy work. urgently, PE ose. | Sete Eat Js i938, “Zugus Marsh. r| § 80,87, 106, 107 siso have openings for inexperi oll gy ie sng pp isso girl fice Downte H 10 &.m to 7 v.m. 353_N. Cass 4 ; enced m who we will be glad Paia'w 2 11 ROO "REPAIRS . fo train. Chance to cris | Paid weekly, For interview wr hand & typing. Pontise Em-| Work Wanted Female _tieip Wanted Male 6) sie Fra vi Bits, "Tan tore. a BIRMINGHAM . “RONROS E : S718, LI 6-8090 after ‘¥ IN or 7 Hano cE, sere ~Flelp Wanted Female 7 STENOSECRETARIES Join the Lincoln Division ANNOUNCING |” Joi cad 5 Biviion and bd a part of oe | now and be a part of the| JHE NEW ARRIVAL. post division ‘whew’ begins new pa sarees | Sivision_ sehen. at beg : Ofte a. of its. Novi oceupancy of its Novi foffice in March, 1957, Office in March of 1957. | if ap “EV ree DONE wi s FOR nce heh ry 3 ie toe bisa! wigan Hall: fied ‘ : ! 1D na NOVI TOWN hss Bi ti niet $330 to Pe os at es “Saturday, Dec. iS . me. p= Uren - FE 4408 eh fa @ 2 | Eee! mee eames Fe a on nell hone & garages, FE Israeli Troops Praline Refinishing waa Insurance Agencies 17A INSURANCE InsURE BY PUOKE Nicholie & & Harger ( Co. Ea) MAHAN REALTY CO. FIRE - WIND - AUTO - TORNADO g__18A e FEMA Axe ater wr toe $3.48 per hour, Vic. Keego Harbor. Moving & Trucking 19 j PALL ” SPECI SPECIAL. COLD ane Reset Kap Shoes Ered Herman : — : that is sure. to please. Now every Thur., Fri, Sat., Serib's., , ont ZA Wil open tote coe = A ad nee OF near tee, call e831 IN DEBT? IF SO, Let US Give You 1 Place to Pay Ease Your Mind Restore Credit WE ARE WOT A LOAN COMPANY MICHIGAN CREDIT COUNSELLORS ABOVE OAKLAND THEATER soe NO LICE ! A peer bie radio- slab. Call Arby ODes. band wil! he at a. orsey TRICK DOG FOR HIRE 2853. HEAVY | PE 20603 LIGHT TRUCKING AND RUBBISH want work. La anytime. PE Trucks to Rent TRUCKS ‘4 ten inp Ba 1 ton stakes trucks Semi-trailers Trailers end Pontiac Farm and Industrial Tractor Co. Por Christmas dren's parties. shows chil- Call on” 33532. WE WILL ow or your appaintm are te-tho late fora New Year's yes: ___ravel Agencies 25A PLANNING A TRIP? &.. eee er PONTIAC TRAVEL SERVICE @_W. Huron st Pe #3251 Wtd. Children to Board 26 CHILDREN CARED POR, LI- censed home. PE 20631. N LOVED Ai} AnED for. 32-1730. ND CARED EXCELLEM: GARE, LICENSED home, reasonable. OR 32761. Wid. _ Household Goods 27 27 Fats tome ay NEEDED “Wid, Miscellaneous 28 WEDISH MASSAGE & THERAPY x foot technique, 14 Lincoln. _ Television Service 22 2 £5 3 MONTES OLD PART WIRE- hatred Fot terrier male pup- rE size es ll & isner after 3 OL 1-144. ~ Wantted to Rent- 29 29 Le t if you , THE PONTIAC PRESS, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1956 had ‘Herabberger Be ., Worry s070 a OR }-1602 Sean IED oS, 23814, 92 Mark -To setl- Trade rou i a0Y ire : WE'LL INSURE bed MAHAN K. L, Templeton, Realtor 2538 Orchard Lk Rd. 44563 WANTED: Commercial Property VACANT a ' WHAT HAVE YOU TO SELL? CLARK REAL ESTATE Evenings Se Beat we" ES TRADES rr ry x Call eR uss the -— BUSI- (ora ‘appotaten Bur fas tre Bee bare hom homes, farm aes ; a sasorte. feted tort show how to tet nade it the | ts proye » Call and let nD. RILEY, BROKER |? PE 4-115 $09 Eliz, Lake Rd. Wanted Real Estate 324 /FU FUNNY BUSINESS - Rent Apts. Furnished 4 33 ie 42579 yeieare Bary, OU OLEAN. “I'm tired of getting all bruised up walking in my sleep!” 3 ROOM, PRIVATE BATH AND it gas heat wi 2 OR 3 ROOMS, ewe WARM, schoo, ane somna oe -PURNTaRES. rivate 2 ¥ . oe & pel. 7 ROO utilities furn, g qubarvaa. $16 «oper er weeks Fi ROOMS WITH PR IVATE BATa BATE & entr, Clean he no drinkers tz . Paddock. LISTINGS WANTED Bt ee me ALL le Leslie R. Middleton BROKER PE 4-003 Mas done it sgain. Sold over 95 Beek wales ay ®- ‘ot — cou, Cerviee. ‘call at on A. JOHNSON, Realtor 1704 S. Telegraph Rd. _ FE 4-2533 BIG ~ OR SMALL obs ou ourteous lent service.’ We take care of all details, EVES. TILL 8: FOR YOUR CONVENT ENCE! Edw. M. Stout, Realtor St, ‘Ph. FE 5-6165 " “opens Eves tH 9:30 rpm Rent Apts. Furnished 33 ANDLORDs We need homes and for immediate rental, . jams. ing. PE > 5-YR. LEASES OFFERED 3. "Setbearm, Womes, ne heme ope pice. clean and yee Be prove the. U8. ae JERRY FE. ADAMS CO. Pe ssi Sis W Buren st: Share Living Quarters 30 amen oe SHARE NEW bome in alled Lake District, an, Call aft- er 6, 03. . G rv 7 ¥ MAKE. ‘ CO} N’s| and e . FE 29-4615. ~ Type 2 s = = foe Wtd. Contracts, Mtgs. 32 aan DONT SELL YOUR - “LAND CON. | bbl faite wii - + fet werk. CArTTOL a at Teas co. General Printing end. Or Sup-|78_W. Huron St. ___E 40861 Upholstering 23) H250,000. at peed set Res, Se tarsite tetistbe: tamale to surchase new or for ae Br) Md) tout. Realtor, Bt. IN A FLASH! Fs sarees ® A JOHNSON, Re Realtor SE > Rd. eb tei ee., pultadle for tedect archery meet: | j | 2 RM. Pvt. ENTR. aye ae el tot Bae WK. FREE 1 RENT, WARM RM. Baldwin | im Pontiac, gentleman. MY 2-6186. ;| 1 BEDRM. LIVING ROOM, KITCH bath. rt amit © Japls ‘adilities, or 2 omplozou girls, Adults only, 20 N. dock, 3. FLOOR PRIVATE 3 & BATH. On Square Lake. FE 68-1370. 2 RMS., UTILITING FURN, 3 ws Cente line. $12.50. 51906. ROOM APT, FURNISHED, 6256 * Andersontite Ra. Ra. a Sanertend. on 2 ROOMs AND weav Bare. Adults. 344 W. Huron. Apt. 4 2 & 3 ROOM CABINS, KITGHER facilities, 20171. 466 8 Broadway, Lake “| Orton, ; a RMS, GROUND FLOOR. PRI- + vapdgmettamane homed OR 3-135. 2 LARGE ROOMS, _Inquire 22 Auburn, \ubarn. Rear Office. ” . ADULT. POR } pay, No smoking or drinking. rE i ROOM FURN./ APT. COUPLE only. FE 47122. / 2 RM. 4 yan Sho : Newly turn, Ne Near ‘ iv re Eliz. Sat ‘Union’ LE. Ras” Phene MArket 4-1554, R . EVER . Hemmingway &t., Lake Orion. 3 LARGE RMS, MODERN, LOW- er, garage. Nr. GMC Truck, PE 11-6408. : 3 ROOM VU . IN 2 children welcome. | . | POR RENT ere meee RMS. AND BAT MEAT AND E. Siiverboll Rd. Pe too. a § ROOMS AND BA $% per month. See E. st. tiae’s new apartments, are ready for occuvency. . id - ki ce & building, with THAT AN Fi nt i A - FOR A TED DAILY 9-5 SUNDAY 13-5 FEderal 86918 LOWER FLAT 5 nae. i wtnfe : oe 4 = AND UNITS Attractive new duplex type units. Reasonable rent, Located in Porm | § tine on Kast Blvd. anu Perry. St. Rent Apts. Unfurnished 34} * I 5_ROOMS, FULL BASEMENT. PE P= CLOSE IN. , Smith, | _** Balmer Street, just south of 308 venus . Rent Houeee Unturn, 36 ony crea . oil “unit, References required, by 24411 days or Mo wear eae Dorothy Sn <4 Lavender 3140 W. AD 4s4it Eves FE 2-411 5 "yok Kan, i BATH. MODERN. * close in, $80 @ month, PE +5078, § ROOM HOME IN ELIZABETH Lake Mr, Smith at Pontiac. ROOMS, BATH, BASEME cage Hot fot water ser, ot heal warage. month," aon bree in Pane a 2a E. Huron &t., vm 2 t beds tood. Near G) ee ig ain ‘pg Convalescent Homes 38A is. $85 per month, See” . ¥ couple, : WITH Be se. te Pee Mh & E-. Reg- en wi in . Reason- Clarkston. REAL ESTATE INC, fas apr Ge id 12s Here oom Watkins | Lake Front For.More Living Pleasure Eaett ni Resse, see eae me re screens, air softener OFFERS Williams Lake Attractive 2. oa a re Mo. ‘ ae ct Sere a, arate 5 ° _ terms, Roy Annett Inc. 8-0488 Siac ans wa P| MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE GATEWAYS to HAPPINESS , EXTRA NICE TH SIDE EVENINGS 6 TO 9 867'Cass Lake Road rancher with full base —— west suburban withm «s stone fone of new —> ade get Sak eta a features. ™*ot mo RAY O'NEIL, Realtor wa FE 37103 or PE Cees 3 x 3 § ROOM j tile beth, furniture Unville ed. Buy. Thru Partridge List Thru Partridge TFOR THE HANDYMAN Cury and bath in Twin Seach Country’ Club Has ones. ee } ng Baie chen ot REGG Sion PLAINS and oe oe room. ly = garage, Large —— closed with new bination storm — s. Beek yard with $1.000 eo” afer ¢ FE seen Dorothy Snyder | Lavender ne Ww. Be Cor eves y= 23-4411 [2% ‘Dn; 30-¥r: Mortgage | BUILT BR in}ments with Gasinators, | °F*, 7" i). A. Taylor snes. b00 with : K. L. Templeton, Realtor x Etemplty. ea, | nr landetones paved drive. John K. Irwin REALTOR Since 313 Ves Street Phone PE 5-447; Eves. FE 5-4846 $650 DOW N ter heater, located id miles E, of INVESTOR'S SPECIAL Niee modern 4 rm, frame. 3 yrs. old: Large lot, S0x140, $5,300 cash Weltlocsted rm modeled farm house. os gardens. Nicely land- acaped. RIDGEWAY _ 97S Baldwin Ave. OP Mon. thru Sun. 10 to9 G.I. & FHA UALITY RANCH HOMES FEATURING: Plastered Walls, Oak Floors, Ceram- ic Tile Baths, Full Base- 3-BEDROOM Storms & Screens, Wide Lots, Paved Streets, City Sewer and Water. DI : TAKE EAST a EAST BLYD. LEFT TO PROPERTY. Wanted Experienced Salesman REALTOR be caber Oakland Ave, a a evens Parking auto oll for ga- a very clean. price $11,000. down George R. Irwin REALTOR 260 Baldwin Ave. Fe 50101 or FE 60506 ¥ BEDROOM NEARLY kaw forme & szresne.*c Saiye. t. #1,- SOLD Prevent waste of time by listing your property ~ exclusively with CHAPIN REAL ESTATE «01 Dixie Hwy. Drayton Plains, REALTORS OR 31223. Eves. MAple $1249 eee Sass _ ae Rd. Reoge Harber cieet | 65 ON, FE 46181 fate pos- ay ‘all "pm 5-5008 after 6 MIDDLETON SPECIAL | , Leslie R. Middleton BROKER PE 8-6003 G.I. SPECIAL $800 DOWN STATELY ae co- LONIAL. — the heart of the Village a) Motarkston. From the foyer you'll enter the enormous living oom or~ the charming ee din- ing room. The rate breakfast room is delightful, the kitchen Bed- ay he welited, Yeteran “for "gaae own, of a down it~ gain for cash * RAY O’NEIL, Realtor 262 8. Bog i ore wy ® MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE Orr M5¢e 2 bedroom ranch, full b eumen, jeree kitchen, ofl forced on heat, jot 80x300, Full price only $7,786 with $1,500 down THIRD sTREET ‘3 bedroom bangslow large Ful price ad . DIXIE CORNER A wonderful business bel io mile from Drayton ht ge peek deep deep, deal Riric” BUY AT $23,000 with _BEST BUY___ Edw. “M. “Stout Realtor TT N, Saginaw St. FE 6.8165 Eves, till ie: x» Gold & Silver | Melt Away This Home | ose’ heat Here To Stay ste 400 with #1800 dow! ae AVENUE room ranch fates living window, on 160x200, room with gigrene terms, SCHRAM 5-509 Realtor 50471 1111 Joslyn, corner 3: Eves, & Sun. ORULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE sata a OR JRADE iH nate OME, Y pinian IN cL $500 as i: J.N VALUE r, Realtor FE $0603 oUrt VICE WEST SUBURBAN C. HOUSTON REALTY FE 46331 For Colored other features. a with $2,300 down, OR OPEN 11 A. M. TO 9:00 P.M, New gs, fll be ane, 3 i paouena,ooly $0 a7 a noath GI — No Down Payment Model located at 290 Princeton. ails Nol Kennett, 2 blocks Ww vol Baldwin, FE 20383. WILL ACCEPT TRADE INS R. C, COPPENS RLTY., PAY NOTHING DOWN AND WITL pais ct Sul" bulla ‘on my ‘ot. time ‘Auburn. Priced at| Dn. $5900, i OR 31497. $385 DOWN WE TRADE White frame bungalow, neat and ELIZABETH LAKEFRONT. ew clean. 2Priced at Just . 4 bedroom 2 ‘evel brick. $475 DOWN home bas . Don't fail tate Cabaret | MNT Ma *: e oma. “ tion. Fries only Do hurry.| ip Eumbet iketrent pms, nee R.D RILEY, Y Broker Excellent beach, Priced at #4. 509 Elizabeth Lake Rd. PE ¢1187 5. or will rent w 7T BSEDRM soe we 1 Heights. For appoint, ¢ Boe: a4 NICHOLIE ond fir hm severel large ¢ . a dandy kiteben, — NICHOLIE & HARGER CO. 33 «W~. «Huron Open pramge KNUDSEN West Side West Side 2 Family home 2 excellent soa "het rues Easy to rent. Call us now. WM. H. KNUDSEN REA FE 3 bedroom ranch brick is bargain at $11,500. Located Walton Bivd. See it and yoy will agree. $1500 Bows | will of Sis lev pamete ste EAs > eae “s Norte . ai “ares rooms, a art? see it ot eT errr S a ey Re pee ay Fage, shaded ied lot. $0500 full price. F WILLIAMS 1218 Baldwin Avenue PE 40547 FE UNION’ LAKE ROAD motu — epee: with Fi NEAR AIRPORT | 4-0841 2 ag Ss After 1:00 OR 36449 Corner Williams Lake Road & M59 | A Penthouse at. e bedrms. aE {ree So Suey ee SaaS es | Giroux-Franks - GENERAL REAL ESTA 4395 Dixie Hwy. OR GILES a ane Interest _ 2G Wesales Just‘ LeBaron ‘Behool Wests Suburban Rend “7 reer Ms _| GRAWFORD ‘At "AGENCY | / 4m 2 4 rooms and beth on acre, all finished and only 1 de to schoo! Bar-B-@ pi fruit, Off Sashabaw quick possession. ARNOLD ~REAL ESTATE ~f F E $0676 FE ° 5.5783] BY OW 1200 Ft. Elevation Hi Waterford Bon tas hovel ca done ng pee SCHOOL CROSSING |e For Sale Houses 43 NOTHING DOWN i: | "Shel, Rouse on your we will bufld shell en Pp rty for botning dows For further details ‘RED ED HORSE CORP. 019_Cass-Elia TAREFRONT Por large family, Big living rm. with natural b fireplace, nice rm. and kitchen, 4 bed- rms, and bath up. Basement ..if bess, large screened in enone A real buy at $4500 with terms. gown + a oe HOUSE FOR SALE. 9650 COM. | merce Rd: BM 39-6063. ~ A Real Buy yr cash to mortgage. am. and b im Syl ban Glen, SYLVAN RE -ALTY co. 2383 Orchard Lake PE 5-418 IN SYLVAN SHOPPING CENTER _ $500 DOWN ON 1 ACRE NEAR CLARKSTON mie from Clarkston. only #800 down Hurry on this ooel CALL . SEE- BUY Clarkston REAL ESTATE INC. 30 8. Mee ie ~ ROCHE STER AREA A Por one by pon om Ctachen rae. Gas —_ ~ and Cai No Down Payment it free and CIVILANS 5 ROOMS WHY PAY RENT ONLY $350 DOWN $33.70 MONTHLY Plus Taxes & Insurance $7,000. TOTAL PRICE ONLY A FEW LEFT Loads of Features All mprovements In, MODEL OPEN DAILY 1 P.M.-7 P.M. ean h Street aine at H igh S treet ae CHAS. ‘MAROTTA ret : IMMEDIATE PO POSSESSION. New 2 bedroom bome | T. G. TROCKE MA Toe Oakland Ave. For Sale House Houses 4 43 HAYDEN INCOME. bath on PA Phoere 5 Ronan noe Ae bath on 2nd floor, Basement. Fur- nace, 2 car garage. $11, "900, terms NEAR Veewawone Bron - BCROOL. 3 bedroo: down to 4% per cent mort ¢. Bal. at m ine os taxes & 9405 DOWN. A new 2 bedroom _home on your Cal lot. cane Modern Cheken Pritlcnes en watts Lake. Low down pay- ment. Ol RESALE. North side. room home. Bal, at includes, taxes & ins, f° C°HAYDEN, Realtor 8 E. Walton FE $0441 Open Eves. Loan Company |« ?¢.3 202 PONTIAC STATE BANK BLDG. FE 2-9206 BORROW WITH CONFIDENCE HFC—Household Finance thom ts Saneers shag is fast. Money usually the same da). Phone or ‘stop Household Finance Corp, of Pontiac 1% 8. pg St. The Kay Bidg. . floor, Room 204 INVESTORS WANTED 000 in e@ TEAGUE FINANCE CO. 202 N. MAIN ‘ROCHESTER, MICH. LOANS, $3570 #800 LIVESTOCK Ph Rochester, OL 86-0711 OL e701 “this eee Buy now Owners * sate ) E. PARTRIDGE TOR FE 43581 ESTAYE & BUSINESSES W. ‘HURON ST. Open Eve. til 9. LET’S TALK BUSINESS” ware _ ee ee ed Gas GAN BUSINESS S$ CORPORATION Paras _LOAN S WHEN YOU NEED ae to $500 con cee on 8 ee Se ee re. * money re enone as) “STATE re Penn Bala CO. modern oftce one new ate rooms await you. Or Or $-4121 and tell Home & Auto Loan Company ly et Hours LOANS == yen to to sl 500 pees fas Provide for ee end | 5c ym “Mortgage Loans $4} » for LH. BROWN, I Realtor 436 W. Huron __ Ph, FE 2.4810 TRADE 27" TV For Sele ciahltg: & Tweed “OVERCOAT ai pas black topcoat, Raincoat ected blue overcoat, - ¢lothes, « 14, Reas. is 8. __ Jens oe oni semantics wale chs, Com eit panes, by “Disrooak slac s. o . Coats, 16-12. rrr aed FUR COAT. Size 16 @ w, Fair- mount. . PORMALS S1ZES 9 AND io. FE 40384 é MUSERAT %- ae jacket, FE 42254, before p.m. LADIES’ NICE DRESSES, SHORS and skirts, 50c to $3, FE §-2678. LADY'S MOUTON COAT, SIZE 14. Like new. FE 23-0025, ; Bepeons Jackets *. Ladies Wool Coa aE Pur Coats & po Bye from $18.95. Payment Plans — Any at, Pian. OPEN EVERY CHRISTMAS EDWARDS OUTLET 18 8. Saginaw et A) de AT a wk al: FULL tan FE s7eeb. size 40 full length fe. rice 8 svUiT 7 CU. FT. M. W. REF REPRIG.. . COAL water heater and hot water tank. i?’ SPARTAN TV, TABLE MOD- “1. FE 54-3458. reat 3 : oil a, | = na wre 8. raph Rd., ac condition. rE +149. Call Repossess elec- balance. aise per wk. nee, ts IT ouR LaYea-WaY PLAN «| pr tom peowem 1 PAY vou Jose ‘crouna. 2 acres of free M50. Pe Beret Alcohol 188 Proof RUBBER BASE 2-DR. $1495 LARRY ve EROME- I'L SPENCE USED CARS AY DRIVING Can Be FUN In Any WEATHER When you drive A dependable car. LOOK AT THESE! ae Chief De Deluxe. beater, Hydre- mge & : _- porTiac 55 Four-Door 870 . .$1595 Radio & Heater, Hydramatic. $6 Convert. S'chf-..$2695 Pull power = Station W ion Wagon. ie as “REWARD sacar SER ste of these tne reconditioned used cars. i --$ 895/451 Ford 2-Door-V8, Radio| PONTIAC $1 Deluxe Convert. .$/395) “i heater, Hydramatic, w- ae PONTIAC. 5S Catalina S'eht .. -$1895) Have You Compared The Values At 1056 5, a in \ iv: iat Buick 2 door Riviera less bs Bde oom ist ghey, ea Station Wages. HOUGHTEN & SON North weuaned im 19761 * By CATALINA. R & H. Spotlight. LOOK LOOK LOOK JUST RECEIVED 18 MORE Sapies the fomtiy with anew) CARS. for Christmas, Just old |. fan tor your 2nd car. car down, no payments til Feb- PT. FLAT DECK SEMI- ruary ‘it. checked at show- TRAILER. room. Ask .for salesman, MI re en Teatene Toe. . AL CORPS BUS. ‘ti NASH { NASH, RAM, 8 OE Ww. | $bb Sree ARS ema Overdr. Excel. cond. MI’ 6-4457. QUICK SALE ; : No down pay’mt required | *LUCKY AUTO SALES | 193 8. Saginaw St PE ¢1 Sharp Cars Piym. Petre. 4dr "$4 f "4 Chey. ’$4 Pontiac $1005 ‘53 Olds 8, 86 4 dr $1405 "$3 Chev, bid, "$3 Dodge 4 dr ‘53 1 24 195 “33 Pontiac Catalins . $995 "$3 Ford 2 dr. - & 46 ‘53 Buick sedan $ 505 "$2 Chevrolet 2 dr -. & O66 "$2 F 4 dr » $46 = vere ; e.. 8 105 $ 46 - By "icon $ 145 : alenn’s ithe Sales mel)! Se dic & Heater, myeremens. $5 down and $5 a week. 6-605), | _FPield Motors. 1934 CHIEFTAIN 8E-. dan, & peer. 8 ry drive. 2 tone finish dows. the money! Just wean ear 6751 Dixte Hwy. at M15 MAple 6-507] _ Open nites till SEE OUR 1 “Safe Buy” USED CARS CENTRAL. LINCOLN-MERCURY Case ot Pike 8ts, COMPARE AND SAVE Goevrolet 4 ar. Exe cond ad "61 Ford 2 dr. Fordomati bare, “eer eee be My models to choose West Side Used Cars 163 STUDES. PASSEN- _&. canes. clean, $945. FE 37542 — wor? STUDEBAKER methane ae & a} owner, toe Sorts. S You Right Yes, if you bought resent ear from gh your UICK, it serves you right and it will continue: to serve you right until] it’s time to trade again at OLIVER BUICK. $795 Hydramatic . $695 53 Ford 2-Door V8 with Radio and Heater $1195 53 Buick, Radio, Heater, | Air Conditioning _ $295 and Heater, Good Tires $1395 1°55 Ford Customline V8, Radio and Heater, Hurry! $1295 54 Pontiac Convertible, Radio, Heater, Hydram’c "51 Buick 4Door, Radio and Heater, Beets every time! $795. "54 Sta Starchief : dos $1495 manele fies Beautiful Rot dontt"s Transportation Specials 35 pron PE. seu 1$ 995 leg *50 Cadillac 4-Door Model 62, All the Extras! $2195. Lise ie an macvoe as : PONTIAC CHEAP. SEE “cwyde st 340 Baidwin Ave. ‘Sl PONTIAC DR. HARDTOP exc, condition. $425 W. End St. Pontiac. i Army Surplus | *S1 CHEVROLETS, EX - ARMY. Haskins Chev. | West Side Used Cars low It Serves 53 Pontiac 2-Door Dix. 8,| { 7 tea 15) Chevrolet Sedan . | 49 CHEVROLET % ° | es FE 4-4546 Panis } New Used Car Lot , at. CASS. & OAKLAND See These Today! 'S2 Chevrolet Coupe. . . $ 695 pesceneet. ote i Light BLUE & IVORY, "matic '52 Chevrolet Deluxe . . $ 445} #Door, 2Tone GREY & IVORY, Radio & Heater, ‘55 Buick Special $1745 & IVORY. W’ Walls, Radio & qbeet. Prone, as oy this one jor certain TODAY! $395 4-Door. may DAoToRy P PAINT JOB. Radio & Hester. $ 995 OREY & ywont, Dynaflow, Radio & . © #© © @ Heacer, Dynaflow Hester, walle, Quarante '52 Pontiac 4-Door..... $ 745 bu AGK Fin sb You cant can't fini cue cleaners ‘52 Ford Customline. . . $ 695 v-8 Club Foe Posdomatie. Radio, Heater, Two- Tone Finish. . '92 Buick Super...... $ 995 4Door, Two-Tone GREY Finish. Radio & Heater, Dynafiow. Fully gtaranteed. “55 Chevrolet Hard Top; $1695 V-8, ey & BEIGE Pees, Radio & Heater. Power Glide White Wall Tires . $ 845 '54 Chevrolet 2-Door . . 210 Model, All BLUE Finish. Radio & Heater Low mileage. _See These Truck Values! -TON PANEL ...... ’53 CHEVROLET 1-TON PICKUP ........ $745 ’°53 CHEVROLET 1%4-TON PANEL ........ $545. ’°51 CHEVROLET 34-TON PICKUP ........ $395 * MATTHEWS-HARGREAVES "Your CHEVROLET Dealer’ FE5-4161 | i | f i i —# } j | Gift Ideas ' MAKE THE WHOLE FAMILY |! HAPPY BY TRADING IN THE OLD “BUS” ON ONE OF THESE RECONDITIONED USED CARS. ‘55 Plymouth Belvedere .$1595 Baretog. Biot Se & atenter, Powerflite, V4, W/Well ‘39 Chrysler Convertible .$1995 10 & Heate ronnie. Je & B meee egret Mooring rakes, <— Plymouth Dr. Sedan $1295 Radio & Heater, by ban Tires, Powerflite, V-4 @n- Two to choose from '96 Chevrolet Nomad . . .$2395 Radio & Heater, W/Wall Tires, V-6, New spare tire ‘53 Mercury Custom 2 Dr.$ 895 -& Heater, W/wall Tires, Mercomatic, ian there ‘56 Plymouth } Belvedere $2095 Power Steering & Brak Fie” wiwan jail Tikes. Today's Special. ™ 'S4 Hudson Radio“® Heater, W/Wall Tires ‘55 Pontiac 8702 Dr. .....$1495] "$1495 ‘59 Chevrolet Convert. Radio & Heater, V-8, W/Wall Tires, Yellow & White ‘54 Ford Sta. Wagon... .$1195 ee © Pe Petes, 88 te, Extra ‘53 Olds 98 Convertible. .$1195 "56 MGA Sportster, Priced Right. Bee this one with 4000 miles ‘56 Chev. Del Ray. Cpe. .$1695 Radio & Heater, W/Wall Tires, New Spare. Tire ‘53 Buick Special 4 Dr... .$ 895 Sedan, Radio & Heater, Dynafiow [95 Mercury Custom 21 2 Dr. $1495 ; Se ta W/Wat ‘53 Nash 4 Dr. Sedan .. ..$ 695 Radio & Hester, Overdrive > Ford Convertible ....$ = -—* © © ee oe eee ee — 4 » ‘ites __ THE ational Television Surve At 7+ i. ee ‘4 eo: Pg = =; PONTIAC PRESS, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1956 _ * “Today's Radio Progrems-~eloPatay WIR, (700) CRW, (00) WWJ, (950) WCAN, (Ne) | WXYE (anv) «WON, (3400) WIBK, (1490) CKELW, Conservative we. T. Malone , wron. News| -4:58-—WJR, Young Dr. Malone 11:00—WJR, News 9:00—-WJR, Wutllem sheehas| ‘Ceiw. Bud Devies” week oe Mons wavs = WPRON, Guy Nuno CKLW, : David . IER, News, Rasen . | Be News, Georse | "kttw, aut Grant any Spinoram WAR, Hews, Roundup | WIBK, News, 4 ‘Sports b 11:38—Wm, "Muse ose Wom. eek Bastia rs oe WXYZ, of the Town bed a9 ! mm up : WJBK, News, Kasem 10:06-—W YR, Arthur 2:30—WJR, ‘fnd Mrs. Burton WPON, Spotlight ww Dgndetand CELW. Bud Davies THURSDAY MORNING W. ews. Homechats | WON Tempe, News wate va 30 1 Kearrice ” MeKenzie’s Matinee WJBK, Cis CKLW, News, Mary CKLW. Bud Daves row sews, Eaves Wren, “OM WCAR, News, Al Crane ¢:0—W ee of Agricit.|11:00-WJR, Arthur Godfrey | WPON. Tempo Wd, News mi50 ral Sta.) 9:30—WJR, House Party WXYZ, Fred ; News , News, Bob & Ray Ww]. Hiop House CELW, Guy Nuna- W. News. Reid WXYZ, News, McKenzie WJBK, News, Reid WCAR, New: Mare CKLW, Eddie Chase wean. With Clem Mainly ror Mi wrow. Tempo, News Phe te = n Music | WCAR, Al Crane ghese | Geeei-” | eset Ww. : Kem David i wee News, Don Mcleod tee THURSWAY AFTERNOON | Woon Tempo 12:00—WIR, J Parm ‘ww ww. ews pave, Wiisabetd “i Ma Muste Hall P c , Mauser, : = CKLW, Chase, News Wai ‘ww en ua George | WPON, Tempo: News | wow News, Coffee 3 Sere $:06—WIR, 7 Lenhart 8 Wah, duck “White 12:38—WIR, Time, for, Muste wats, We Sekenste ww WXYZ, News; Music OKLW. and Rs: News, CELW. Bud Devies Ww. Don McLeod ; News, David WCAK, Bruce Martya WEAK. Hews, Craze wront ey etd Pata Nowe a se WPON, Tempo 8 Coffee Ww. hee §:30-—-WJR, Music Hall ew nS "TMusie Bau WXYZ, Town WWJ, Jim ww Mi , News, Album @ WXYZ. ning __-WRON, WXYS, Pred W. News; WJBK, Don McLeod -16:30—WWd, News WJBK, News; Reld News, Bob |. Tempo, News AWPON, Audtoscope -- Today's Television Programs - -| Channel 2—WJBK-TV Channel 4—WW3J-TV Chaynel 1—WXYZ-TV.. _ Channel $—CKLW-TV.... TONIGHT’S TV HIGHLIGHTS - 6:00—(7) Buffalo Bill Jr, “Blazing Guns,” (9) Family. Theater. “Colorado Sunset."" (4) News. . 6:15—(4) Weathercast. (2) News. 6:20—(4) Box Four. 6:25—(2) TV Weatherman. ~—“6r30—(7) ‘Reali of the Wild. “Liv- ing Plants,” “Sensitivity of Plants.” (4) Bengal Lancers. In- dian cook's son ig inducted into Lancers in “The Challenge of Chundra Singh.” (2) Frontier. “The Ballad of Pretty Polly.” :00—(7T) Kukla, Fran and Ollie. (9) Count of Monte Cristo. Count gets urgent message from old friend to visit “Sardinia.” (4) Amos 'n’ Andy. (2) Crunch and Des. Forrest Tucker in “A Mat- ter of Faith.” 1:15—(7) News. 7:30. 7) . “Ptuto’s Day.” (9) Million Dollar Movie. <3 “Holiday. (2) (Color) Arthur God- > trey. Variety. - $:30—(7) Navy Log. “Peril on the guseaawaany i. 8 11:15—(9) ood Neighbor ter. Royalty a “Mary Ford: 1 11:26—(2) Nightwateh Theater. Pe- - the’ fleet exercises in fog-bound)+,99—(2) Good Morning (4) Today. North Atlantic. (4) Father Knows| (7) The Big Show Best. (7) Ozzie and Harriet. “Aj, in the Howwe’" (9) The|#00—(2) Captain Kangaroo. 8:30—(7). Wixie Wonderland. Falcon. (4) (Color) TV Play- . house, Korean War. vetéran|$:55—(2) Cartoon Classroom. - 9:00—(4) Romper Room. Sea,” story of miracle ound ree) On the Farm Front. former for his bud-|9:30-—(7) Florian Zaback. dy'’s death in “Teady Bear.’’|9:45—(2) News, Weather. (2) The Millionaire. Shoemaker|10:00—(2) Garry Moore Show (4) uses million dollar gift to buy priceless painting in “The Story of Salvatore. Michaelangelo Buonarotti."’ Ding Dong School. (7) Story Studio 10:30—(2) Arthur Godfrey Time. (4) Price Is Right. (1) Theater 9:30—(7) Theater. Eddie Bracken,| Seven. Mona Freeman in “The Mar-|11:00—(4) Home. riage Plan.” (9) Lone Wolf.|11:30—(2) Strike It Rich. (7) Robin Jewelry store owner is murdered) and Rickey. . in “Robbery,” starring Louis|11:56—(9) Billboard. Hayward, (2) I've Got a Secret,; THURSDAY AFTERNOON Garry Moore. 12:00—(2) Valiant Lady. (4) Tic 10:00—(7) Wednesday Night Fights.| Tac Dough (7) 12 o’clock Comics. Featherweight bout; Paul Jar-| (9) Maggie Muggins. genen of Houston, Texas, vs./12:18—(2) Love of Life. (9) Mr. O. Carmelo Costa, of Brooklyn. (9) Theater. ‘Madonna of the Desert.” (4) This Is Your Life. (2) 20th Century Fox Hour, “‘Men Against Speed,” starring Mona Freeman, Farley Granger. 10:30—(4) Studio 57. Young actress is killed in “Challenge,” starring | De O’Herlihy, Robert Middle- ‘on. . 10:45—(7) Budd Lynch. 11:00—(7) Soupy’s on, (9) National! News. (4) News, (2) News. 11:10—(9) Weathervane. 12:30—(2) Search for ‘Tomorrow. (4) It Could Be You, (7) The Er- wins. (9) Telescope. 1:00—(2) Ladies Day. (4) Mystery Matinee. (7) My Little Mar- gie. (9) Playhouse. 1:30—(4) Hollywood Stars on Seven. 2:00—(2) Our Miss Brooks (4) Bienda at Northland. (7) Lady of Charm. 2:30—(4) Tennessee Ernie (2) House Party. 2:40—(9). Mary Morgan. 3:00—(2) Big Payoff. (4) (Color) away with group in “Gypsy| Matinee Theater. (7) Afternvon Fury.” (4) Patti Page Show. (2)| Film Festival. (9) Request Play- Miss Fairweather, house. 11:20=(2)-Les- Paul-& 13:39—(2}-Bob-Crosby. (9) Howdy 4:00—(2) Brighter Day. (4) Queen - fora Day. (9) Justice Colt. 4:15—(2) Secret Storm. 4:30—(2) Edge of Night. (7) Car- toons. 4:45—(4) Modern Romances. (7) Sarita Claus Show. 5:00—(2) Early Show, (4) I Mar- “Story. (7) marries gypsy, runs ter Lind Hayes, John Barrymore in “Playmates.” 11:30—(7) Thirty Minute Theater. “Last Voyage,” starring Charles Boyer. (4) Tonight. Steve Allen at Fontainbleau Hotel gets water ski _les$ons. . . THURSDAY MORNING ried Joan. (7) Mickey Mouse. (9) 6:60—(2) Meditations (4) Today's} Dance Party. Farm Report. _— '§:90—(4) Gene Autry. Farmers Stick With 38 Program al Reject Corn Control Plan WASHINGTON (—Farmers’ re-bank base acreage program jection of a new corn control pro- have seam ford by Sereiry of AB cre to gon ners Inte ome : and southern states. “— @ * «@ In one of erendums i five separate crop ref- yesterday, corn growers Fashion Editor CBS Backs Pilot Film 7 Sons Hammer and S to Build Yule Surprise of Comedy Series for Marie Wilson By JACK O'BRIAN NEW YORK (INS) — American Research Bureau's big nationwide ‘TV survey has Ed Sullivan atop oe Rea ae ee GD. oo r: Groucho, Perry Como, $64,000 Question, Producer's Showcase, General Electric Theater, I Love Luéy, I've Got a Secret, Disney- land, Climax, What's My Line, People Are Funny, Lawrence Welk, A. Hitchcock, Red Skelton, Hit Person, This Is Your Life Glaringly absent: Caesar, Glea- son, Wyatt Earp, Jim Bowie, etc. CBS-TV has what it’s certain is the properly stylish format for Eve Arden: She'll play a fash- - fon editor of a New York maga- tine, with emphasis on chic duds, and Pri- nitwit named Marie Wilson who pilet- film - about -a-pretty- shapely} Parade, Phil Silvers, $64,000 Chal-| The lenge, G. Gobel, Dragnet, Life of| J Riley, the Millionaire, Person to Violation of Rights movies) to “Life With Luigi.” CBS was poljte, but no. pilot Record,” OBS-TV’s newest reff wera show headed by Patti Patti, Nat King Cole, the Four Lads, Crazy Otto, Caterina Valente Pat Boone, Lonnie Satin, Hazel Scott, Jo Loco, the Tyrones and a production finale, ‘‘Cinderelvis.” March's mother in the George M. thing Dorothy Collins that Gisele MacKenzie is shuffling *s Wednesday night show has no studio audience, in answer via Bec. 16, the fiction- Will be 1917, to provide war-type_adventure and Page includes these waxworkers: | It's big, whether it's good or not. a Cy - give —-him-- alt--rights” (Radio-TV~ = Ae a ER A i & gaigz The Army denied said | : z eg ibs basement Soldier Admits: #2 Burning Church | aw Calls. Employe Search at U.S. Army Exchange Sfelee x i Fa Touched Off 2 Others /“undue g ® i I i it i li i ! f i [ ; i 4 iat : a : # Hl I z : E L i g E z 3 5 4 i : 4 i HE sf i E z for India’s Nehru her a new "This Christmas «| __NO PAYMENTS ‘til MARCH 1957 — eesateesuueeues 28 AE A eee : CEMA HLS JERLI« Pioeltese | HAMPTON ELECTRIC 825 W. Huron ; NOW YOU CAN OWN. Bf RCA Ploneered ond BUY WHERE YOU CAN GET § We are now equipped to handle any service ‘ eee. tet _os well as Bleck and ltaled'ap $0 8 taeda & vert @ It's compatible—you get protien cot Nit _,, Waa eel every nignt fil YOU DON’T NEED CASH. FOR CHRISTMAS GIFTS... USE Oe. Yc for a foam cushion swivel quality! 5,000 years before the time of Christ, children playing’ long | River in Egypt saw big crocodiles swimming slowly, Phen a fish leaped out of the water. The crocodile started to move | fast. It opened its mouth and the fish was caught. The jaws closed and_ the creature slowed down and once more floated like a log. - Here is a crocodile for you to make. Color the picture and paste it ‘on cardboard. Make the crocodile green, a little lighter on the under- side. Leave the eye, the teeth and the toe nails white. Make his tongue ; ight red. The sand is yellow and the water blue with white ripples. ‘Make the fish yellow, with red and green spots. ‘the parts along the heavy outlines. Hinge the upper jaw to ‘as indicated by the holes (A), using a brass fastener or bent nthe jaws will-open.and-close. Cut a slit at the back of his a . e_e.¥.* "8 ** YOu would Usually Pay for g Spring . Cushion ~~” POCker! > Sa greet: Junior Editors $10 award goes to Jamies McInnis, Bushnell, suggesting this idea first. Send in your ideas care of this ‘y liner chair way control Harmony House Quality---Regularly Priced at 99.95 © Gift Priced to Save You 20.07! Dad will be so pleased . . . extends to full 66-inches # R for more relaxing comfort. Combines tweed and plas- | e Fliers Low on Gas 1, Man, They're Happy! Force crewmen are grinning. about tic cover in red, beige or green . . . durable, easy to keep. clean. Three-way control provides more com- fort. Pay Only $8 Down Furniture Dept.—Sears Second Floor 4 nm : f ning out of gas, and 7 U.S. Air|Antarctica, they will fly to sunny: regularly 89.95 New Gate] India Looks to U.S. {setter ‘went ‘= Saye 20.07 Al ee Phe ! -as World Leader they = bask Sh tee tor al extra size. ,. - or two. extra comfort... a chair reduced for giving ... swivel rocker _ regularly 59.95 4955 é, i g* & = & The with PLUS FEATURES— United States concerning Mid-|.4. at McMurdo Sound will not seriously hamper the job of build-/| Extra features .. . plus value! Extra Designed, for comfort, convenience, ing scientific stations for study of large Harmony House swivel rocker , Padded headrest and high back styl- this icebound continent during the] with new base design for stability, ing give you plenty of support. Sagless springs. Attractive tweed and plastic Sherman Cooper|International Geophysical Year. smooth action. Rayon frieze with it cover in your choice of Harmony House A tanker carrying 600,000 Lurex(R), five decorator colors, : ae we colors. you y gs : SET SBS for the home... ZO! § Harmony House | -3-pe. wrought iron set Gift Priced | 39 . t on , ae press, the people and . ; : $14 Down Bisse sme mm we] Morn ponmn eat Peed ME ee sti ten ae ng sibel od t chair with coil spring comfort and circle chair with padde : Hungary,” Cooper said. inaugurated in 1928. - | . seat. Built for years of service with black metal legs and ee : i gleaming brass tips. Cotton tweed fabric in sever EE Foe oS Sa St Se SS eS _ Reg. 64.90 59.88 _No-sag springs $33 Harmony House colors, : : , VS ee SS ee SY OS a a 8a see ati 84 DOWN . 6 DOWN Ni Looks like an occasional chair, Fashionably styled in walnut s * - fora P ractical Gift # but has comfort of old-lash- or limed, oak finish, durable ue ioned rockers. Tapered-biond ——-cotton tweed cover_and smart : Give WATCH BANDS co legs, brass ferrules. gleaming métal threads. : , —_— Vy es ® choice of 4 © 1/20th, 10-k. 0/7 CASE stteetenr ears fe aiansanlpigges in ‘ va es : er different styles gold filled ® greatly , $31 savings on quality | $-pc. bedroom suite regularly $239 188 gas Designed for .modern living. 3-pe. suite. in- cludes grey mahogany finished panel bed, chest and double dresser. Tilting mirror justs to line of vision... _ ae $259 Panel Bed, Chest, Triple Dresser. $208 “Caravan” Tables for 2 95 Exceptional Beauty mien Harmony House occasional tables with mar-resistant Seafoam plastic tops, French walnut finish legs and brags-tone. trim. Lamp table 29.95 Corner table. 39.95 Cocktail table. 32.95 savings on honeysuckle baby cribs Za __Foam Latex Mattress $99 a for Superb Comfort = =Dm Sine _. Regalarly $109 $10 Down | Enjoy completely restiul sleep on luxurious foam leter Romany iN] Decutifully covered. cites be wert it goog a POR vicneses vere