[ ^ntioc Pr«t«, Sunday, January 26 R — lierun C — Color SUNDAY MORNING 6:20 (2) TV Chapel 6:25 (2) C - News 6:30 (2) Let’s Find Out 7:00 (2) C - Cathedral of Tomorrow 7:25 (4) C- News 7:30 (4) C — Country Living (7) C - TV College 8:00 (2) C - This Is the Life (4) C Guideline-All thority within (Catholic church and in areas sucti as marriage are examined 8:10 (9) Warm-Up 8:15 (9) Sacri-d Heart 8:30 (2) C Temple Bap^ tist (4) C — Church at the Crossroads (7) C Directions - Religion of Nepal, tiny nation between India and Tibet, is examined (9) C - Hymn Sing (50) C — Herald of Truth 8:55 (4) C — Newsworthy 9:00 (2) C - Mass for Shut-ins (4) C — Oopsy the Clown (7) C — Dialogue (9) Man Alive (50) C Captain Detroit 9:30 (2) C - With This Ring (7) C — Beatles (9) Spectrum — 'If You Aren’t There, You’ll Be Missed” (50) R — Three Stooges 9:45 (2) C — Highlights (4) C — Davey and Goliath 223 MAIN ST. k(m:hester 10:00 (2) Look Up and Livti— At the Canterbury House in Ann Arbor, two clerics are attracting college stu dents to religion through unusual services. (4) C — House Detective (7) C — Linus (9) C — Plnocchio (50) C — Cuzzin Cyrus 10:30 (2) C — F'aith for Today (7) C — King Kong (9)C Bozo (.50) R Little Ra.scals 11:00 (2) C — International Zone (7) C — Bullwinkle (.50) R C — Superman 11:30 (2) C—Face the Nation (7l C - Discovery-Cam eras visit Stockholm, Sweden (9) R Movie "Man eater of the Kumaon” (194tli (50) R C -- Flintstones SUNDAY AFTERNOON 12:00 (2) C — (' h a n g i n g Times (4) Uof M Pre.sents (7) C Championship Bowling (.50) R Movie: "Viva Zapata” (1952) Famous Mexican leader and his followers try to gain freedom, using rifle bullets Anthony Quinn won an Oscar for his performance. Marlon Brando, .Jean Peters costar. 12:15 (2) C — Masterpiece Paintings 12:30 (2) R - Mr Ed (4) International Zone — ”What Right Has a Child” (7) R - Rifleman 1:00 (2) R - Movie: Black Dragons” (1949) Bela Lugosi, .Joan Barclay (4) C — Meet the Press (7) C - Spotlight TROPICAL FISH KXOTIC BIRDS RErriLES SMALL PETS PARROTS PLANTS 651-2394 (9) R C - Movie: “The Magnificent Seven” (1960) American gunfighters are hired to protect small Mexican town from outlaws. Yul Brynner, Eli Wallach 1:.10 (4( (( Wild Kingdom Cameras focus on young sea lion on I’acific island (7) C Issues and Answers Three new Democratic senators Harold Hughes of Iowa, Alan Cranston of Californi.i and Thomas Eagleton of Missouri are guests 2:00 (4) Beat the Champ (7) C NBA Ba.sketball Los Angeles vs Cincinnati at Cleveland (50) R — Movie: “San Antonio” (l!)45) Singer on Western tour meets and falls in love with notorious outlaw who is in San Antonio at the risk of his life F‘>rol Flynn, Alexis Smith, S Z Siikell 2:.'M) (2) C - NHL Hockey Montreal at New York 3:00 (4) Car and Track (62) C F'ublic Service Program “The Story” 3:.30 (4) Target (.56) R Actor’s Com-()any ‘Macbeth’’ Rehearsal No 2 (62) C Casper 4:00 (4) C — Gadabout Gad'' dis (7) C — The American Sportsman — One-hour sports series with host Curt Gowdy opens fifth season featuring actor Rick Ja.son on a grizzly-bear hunt in British Columbia. (9) R C - Movie: ‘Typhoon’’ (1940) Shipwrecked girl grows up on .South Seas island and falls for shipwrecked bum Robert Preston, Dorothy Lamour (50) R — Defenders — Prestons defend disbarred psychiatrist accused of administering a controver sial hallucinatory drug (62) C — Upbeat — Jpiow .stars Sly and the Family Stone, Bobby Goldsboro and Lemon Pipers. 4:30 (.1) C - (Special) Both Our Houses — The 91sl Congress - NBC News examines the new Congress, its makeup and what it hopes to achieve (56) R - Ivory Tower 5:00 (2) R — Movie: “Way Out West” (1937) Laurel and Hardy (7) C - (Special) Bing Crosby Pro-Am Golf Championship - Fourth and final round is telecast live from Pebble Beach, Calif Commentators are Chris ,Schenk|;l, .Jim Me Kay, Bill Flemming and Bvron Nelson. (.50) R — My Favorite Martian (56) C — Social Securitv “The Trolley Museum, Baltimore, Md” (62) R Movie: “Bail Out at 43,000” (1957) Air F’orce major tests B47 ejection seat — his final victory John Payne, Karen Steele, Paul Kelly 5:15 (56) Guten Tag -German lesson No 12 5:30 (4) C — Frank McGee Sunday Report (9) R C — Laredo — Captain assigns t w o Rangers to take charge of Laredo while he is away, unaware they have other plans. All You Can £Vif/ SERVINQ 5 P.M. to 10 P.M. l*onliav'$ Ynvoritp food* and 4'.t»cktail§ • Col* Slow * Roll* and Butt*r • French Fri*i • Col* Slaw * Rotio and BuHor 125 *1 25 I IN North Porry AT PmiAC RBAO FE 4-4775 The Pontiac Prott, Sundoy, Jonuory 36 (50) R — Honeymooners (56) Creative Peraon — Hans Werner Henze, one of Germany’s leading postwar composers, i s profiled SUNDAY NIGHT 6 : 0 0 ( 2 ) C — News, Weather, Sports (4) C — College Bowl (.SO) R — I Cove Lucy (56) Choice — “The Last .Sanctuary” investigates brainwashing, its potential for good and evil, and systems to control who uses it 6:30 (2) C Job Op- portunity Line (4) C — News, Weather, Sports (9) R C — Movie: “Hus Riley’s Back in Town” (1965) Young man returns from the Navy and finds his sweetheart, who jilted him for an older wealthy man, wants to resume their relationship Ann Margret, Michael Parks, Janet Margolin (50) R C — John Gary Guests include Milton Herle, Ken Murray and Avery Schreiber (56) Like It Is in Church — Family sexuality is discussed. (62) R C - Movie: “Windom’s Way” (1958) Doctor struggles to end the seething unrest In a Far East country Peter Finch 7:00 (2) C — l^assie — Courageous c ollle discovers that a mother mallard and her ducklings are in danger. (4) C — George Pierrot — Rus-ya” (7) C - I>and of the Giants — Steve and Fitzhugh are captured by a mad giant scientist who is trying to perfect binoculars which will enable him to pick out objects in the dark (56) Free Play 7:30 (2) R C - Truth or Consequences (4) R C — Walt Disney’s World — “Those Calloways” (conclusion) 8:00 (2) C - Ed Sullivan-Guests include Shirley Bas.sey, Tommy James and the Shondells and John Byner. Joe Namath of the New York Jets will be interviewed in a spe cial segment (71 C — FBI Inspector investigates spy activity of woman who is roman m ticaliy involved with American diplomat Michael Rennie and Claudine J.onget guest lo star. (50) C David Susskind Topics include I’ope's liirlli control encyclical and therapy as it rel.ites Id marriage (.561 C PBl, A report on racial conflict in IIS u :ind aliroad 8:25 (62) Greatest Headlines 8:30 (4) C Mothers in Law — New nanny for Jerry and Su/.ie’s baby sets up a rigid sciiedule, including visiting tioiirs f o r parents. Jeannette Nolan is featured (9) C Cesar’s World D “African Wonderland” (621 R — Movie “His Excellency” (1956) 9:00 (2) C -Smothers Brothers — Singer Andy Williams and l.eigh l''rench guest (4) C — Bonanza - Ho.ss incurs the wrath o f neighboring rancher when he announces his plan to marry a girl who was raised by Indians (7) R C — Movie: “Bang, Bang” (1966) Story centers on plot to control key vote at U N. (9) Today the World A case study of racial con flict in Kentucky on Derby Day 9 :30 (56) Creative Person French ■ photographer ’CartlerBre^son “hr -profiled. 10:00 (2) C — Mission: Impossible — Agents set out to persuade trusted henchman of crime syndicate leader to testify against his boss. (4) C — My Friend Tony — Police chief (Richard Anderson) threatens to arrest the professor and his assistant when they submit new evidence in an “accidental death’’* case. (9) ’The Way It Is (50) C — News, Weather, Sports (56) Chicago Roundtable — "Communications and Power” will be discussed. ((>2) C - University of Michigan Basketball Highlights 20 (50) C Lou Gordon - Pros and cons of p a r o c h i a i <1 will be debated 30 (561 H World We Live In ' (iuestions ol Time” (62) R Favorite .Story Adolphe Menjou stars as man wtio (Nscovers tliat love can lie a casualty of war no (2) ('41 (7) (9) (■ News, Weatlicr. S|Kirts (62) It (' Movie “Your Past Is Sliowing” 09.59) ililarums altempts of a group of l)i/,;irre (liar acters to get rid of ttieir h I ;i c k III a I I e 1 Terr\ Tliomas. Pelei .Sellers Dennis Price, Peggy Mount 15 (9) (' N.alion's Itusi ness :30 (2) R Movie '.Seven Cities of Gold" 119,55) .Spanish comiuerors in California searcli lor legendary sites Richard Egan (4) R (' Jolinny Car.son (7) C Haney's People (9) R Movie: "Sliadow of Fear” (1956) Young girl returns from America .dier tier l.ilher's .icci dental de.'ilh .Soon she realizes her slepmotlier killed her fallier .and is [ilanning an "accident " for tier before tier 21sl tiirllid.iy Moii.a Freem;in, ■lean Kent 1:00 (41 Beat Itie Champ (7) News 1:10 (7) Consider Tliis 1:’20 (9) C I Wish You Were Here 1:30 (2) R M 0 V i e Homan .Scandals" (1933) Musical comedy set in Rome during the lime of the Caesars Eddie C.anlor 2:01) ( IlC News 3:00 ( 2 ) C News, Weather 3:05 (2) C With This Ring WARKHOUSK CLKARANCR ilKAKK. MUWIKK AND U». • yueen Si*ed Keg. W.9.5 An Low An $49.88 Reg. 119.95 An Low An $59.88 Box 8|»rinfCH Keg. 99.95 An Low Ah $49.88 (lunverto Railn Kiu YAMir.FuJI Siaod •- (■ Reg. 9.9.5, Now $7.88 . II ini.v soil ^*^rSAKI!wHNSHI.’MFNT • King; .Size IVtullreMMCM Rc^. I.IU.T, CrrHI.R KIN(. SIZKIl MA ITRl-.-S.NKS ORA.STICAI.I.Y RKIUCKO • King Si*e Box .Springs 2 Needed — Reg. (nI.9.5 Kuril • King Size Bed Frames Reg. IH.U5 Now N'€>W 79»« CKII •29“, $15«a FK 5-4171 I'.xtenNion 2.54 ill Sale! final All "Takf lt ilh"