oe a ined ed The Woot th YEAR i E Pp PONTIAG, MICHIGAN FRIDAY, APRIL 24, 1959 —44 PAGES kkekeE Baseball * DIVIDE $250 IN BONDS — Pontiac Press Editor John W. Fitzgerald (right) presents $123, U. S. Savings Bonds to Warren Robarts (left) and Virg zil E. Newton as winners in contest fo pick League. Contest Winners Collect | | leading batting average (For complete story, Town column on editorial page of today’s Press.) Sd Southern Dems May Not Back. Amendment ‘Bill of Rights’ Addition to _Kennedy Bill Gets Pontiac Press Phite Second Thoughts in American see Man About Inter-County Group Declines. Stand Supervisors Debate Tax’ Delas Hamlin, chairman of Supervisors, was re-elected with. out opposition to his second year as chairman of the six- county group, Bernard Kalahar ef Macomb County, was re- The brief floor debate helped. elected to another term as vice- enliven the committee's monthly, chairman. meeting held at the Botsford Inn.' Discussion over the sales tax the Oakland County Board of lwas touches off after the com- Area Lawmaker. Castro Kids | Over Threats. Uroes Land Tax t6 His Lite Rep. Clarkson: Suggests xEw yoRK Heavily guard. ed Prime Minister Fidel Castro cot Bill to Collect Part of “imme ici Bide Coch et Property Value Hikes | {avorites—sugar + The 32-year-old leader of the Cu- iban revolution was invited to the ‘downtown financial district to’ sig- nal the opening of today's trading The Supervisors Inter - County: Committee yesterday toyed with: the igea of endorsing a 2 cent increase in the state sales tax. but) then backed awwy from taking any stand on the issue. 2ep. James Clarkson ¢D-South-! field) has come up with a new Michi- ; : . . ae «Sinton peau but he on the New York Coffee and Sugar has little hope the measure will Exchange s ¢ get past the discussion stage. o/ * : The biggest sécurity guard ever _ Clarkston suggests a tax be put given a visitor to New York has on state land values. been assigned to Castro because He estimated it would pour of a reported plot to assassinate about 80 million dollars annualiy =~ — —--— into the state treasury, based on — More About Castro current land values. Under the plan, the state each Page 22 ; year would collect an amount’ him. "Sidinw suewe auld of a “report equal to one per cent of the as-. hay bined commen Sere Ga Hele Sessed value of Jard in each taxing ‘way here in two cars. district. “This is not a property tax and! it has nothing to do with im- provements on the land,” Clark- son said. ‘Basically, it levies a tax on the unearned increment landowners realize as land values go up. - Police said the supreme test of-the Security forces wil) come tonight when Castro addresses a rally on the Mall in Central Park, where the wooded and roll- ficulties of the guards. * * « | At Castro’s hotel. uniformed po-- As an example of what IT jicemen and detectives stood guard mean,” he said. “the state builds jy cormdors. at elevators and in a superhighway. Immediately land/the Jobby throughout the night values in that area zoom up. The Ppyblicly at least Castro was Jandowner has done nothing to ear the least. concerned person in- that money. It is the state which volved, has created the new value: yet it « *« &¢ doesn't realize a penny of it. This’ “I'm not worried.” he said, and bill would return to the state part added With a smile: ‘I will not of what-it rightly deserves.” Technically, he said, it is a 2M Boing a specific tax and therefore not Governm t security authorities subject to the 15-miH constitu- in Washington said the newest re- tional limit on property taxes. | Ported threat against Castro did not appear any more alarming) Collection costs would be nomi- than several hundred others made nal, he said, because local taxing since his arrival in this country. districts already operate needed, ; machinery, “T entertain no illusions that the Legislature will adopt the au this, fate wi ado the Mrs, Luce Receives. Ww ie oct averton «sn em Committee Backing looked. WASHINGTON (PF — The nom- * * ination of-Clare Boothe Luce as “We tax incomes, property, man- ambassador to Brazil is scheduled ufactured products, but we com- to go to the Senate next Monday. pletely by-pass land values.” he The Senate Foreign Relations said. committee recommended approv- Clarkson predicted land specu- al of the nomination Thursday. lators would mass to fight the The vote was 16-1. proposal. ‘If enacted, he said. ‘the’ Sen. Wayne Morse (D-Ore). who plan would tend to bring down land cast the opposition vote, said he costs in developing areas where will continue his fight against the speculators have priced them above’ nomination on the Senate floor. their worth.” Morse opposes Mrs. Luce he- ‘cause of remarks she made about Franklin D. Roose@#*It in the 1944 presidential campaign. He also claims she elections while she was ambassa-~ dor to Rome. +. ~ April Showers to Give Area Needed Dousing A rafny weekend is in prospect! for the Pontiac area. Showers have been forecast far; tonight and scattered showers and . cooler ‘temperatures Saturday. To-' In Today's s Press night’s low will be a mild 50 de. Consies 58 ov enlmeyaie £ shores 35 grees, the weatherman says. ) County-News ............... 16 Temperatures for the next five, Fdltorials ........... 6 days will continue cool with the, Farm & Garden ....., 24.25 high averaging near 34-56 and the! High School ....... poxpensx ES low 35-41. The mercury wil] risc| Markets its dss gine 36 again about Tuesday or Wednesday Obituaries re 9 with a warming trend. : | Theaters ..... £726.27 Precipjtationwill.. ¥-tenth TV & Radio Programs 13 to two-tenths inches in showers Wilson, Barf .,......... 8 tonight ahd’ Saturday. * Women’s Pages’....... 18°21 The lowest recording in down- | town Pontiac preceding 8 a.m. was 50 degrees. The reading at 1 p.m.) ont Books, 35, Off wasyod. ¥: ; t W. Lawrence St. \. . 4 ing terrain wil] increase the dif- | live one day more than ‘the day I, intervened in Italian: | a * * x. ‘labor regulation bill ap- peared today to be losing port. ; Sen. John Stennis mittee's Special Projects Commit- Miss) told a newSman tee asked support for it After Hamlin said, “T doubt thahe was having second wisdom of this group getting into thoughts on the amend- this political squabble,’ moved the matter be tabled “until: the minds of the legi islatoys have some of his Southern col- - dwelt a little further on state fi- leagues were, too. nancial problems.” ‘The amendment. by ~~ * *F L. McClellan (D-Ark), was adopted But a show of hands was asked 474 \ednesday, largely on the for of those favoring the contro- yotes of Republicans and Southern Sen jvermial sales tax increase. Some Hemocrats. > went up. Up popped Wayne Supervisor Ed Connor, too, wh, A host of other amendment proposals awaited action as the senators moved into what most haped would be the final day of objected, saying the show of f hands’ Was “noel a true reflection” and in no way~represented a_ stand of the SICC. . debate on the hotly disputed Earlier, the committee planned; measure. a meeting with the Michigan Mu- pomaining to. be settled are nic ioe League at which time it! three major issues will mab a joint effort fo assure ie t * counties and schools a share of 1. Whether to write in a provi- any tax increase program the Leg i the, Taft-Hart- islature might adopt." sion strength@n ng * x. Jey law sections aimed at sécond- Frederick C. Matthael. chairman! ty boycotts. * of the Detroit Olympic Games| 2. Whether to insert a provision Committee and newly-elected, Uni-|sharply limiting organizational versity of Michigan regent, told ‘picketing the committee of the .impact the six-county area should Detroit be ment. -awarded the games then The Senate acted on 18 amend- He said his committee doesn’t ments in an 11-hour session Thurs- concede the games to highly fav--day ored Tokyo Matthae: wilf-be in’ One of those adopted would for- [Munich May 22 to put in Detroit's bid a railroad; trucker or other sixth bid for the world famous'interstate common icarrier from, _ games, agreeing with his’ employe not to -jhaul products of another firm in- ‘volved in a labor dispute \Teamsters Union has insisted on such “hot cargo” of its contracts. Sen. John F. Kennedy, chief sponsor _ of ‘the bill, said he thought that amendment would reduce the demand for a ban on other kinds of beycott. But Mc- CleHan said he would seek one. Rifle Bullets Pepper Plant But Carolina Textile Workers Able to Leave ‘hoy: Stenms made his comments Building Unharmed ‘about the bill of rights amend- *s ment after a huddle of Southern- HENDERSON, N.C. um 4 Spo- ers with Majority Leader Lyndon radic rifle fire peppered the Har-|B._ Johnson iD-Tex). jriet-Henderson Cotten Mills again * * * Thursday night until second-shift. . He said he believed some South- workers left the two plants under erners. did not understand the full heavy police. guard. ‘implications of the amendment. No injtries were reported. He. said some of its provisions— Operation of a second shift at including one to give the secre- the plants, struck Nov 15. has:tary of labor broad praia: to brought criticism from Gov. Luth- seek court injunctions—have been er Hodges, who said he had warned compared with those in the 1957 the management it might mean civil rights hill, which Southerners bloodshed fought bitterly, 7 Shortly before the second shift, Kennedy told newsmen he did left at 11 pm, highway patrol. 0° know what effort might be men fired two. parachute flares Made to get the bill of rights over the South~Henderson plant. amended out of the bill, He said ‘Other patrolmen patrolled a back he remained strongly opposed to stréet across from the mill where it as an unwarranted and improper most of the sniper fire had origi- tinterference with union ‘Operations. ment, at make navigation easier. nated. “oe . * * * | Under the brilliant lhght of the flares and the waichful eves of! the patrolmen, the workers left without incident. ; In Raleigh. Gov. Hodges, him-| self a former textile official, dis- closed he had warned mill presi- dent, John D. Cooper Jr. April 16; against opening. the second. shift Cooper, who started the second shift April 20,-told Hodges’ that to} close the shift would be ‘‘an abso- lute surrender to force and Vio-| > lence.” ~ Gov. Hodges said he released | details of his letter to Cooper “to, remind Cooper of his personal re-! | Sponsibility for the present. diffi- culty.” Cooper said previously he would! clase the mills permanently if he| had to close down any of the i shifts ‘ The strike began after the com-! pany insisted on elimination of an! arbitration clause from a new con-) . tract with the Textile [Workers! Union of America. It apparently | had been settled April 17. | Union strikers. were to be re- ‘hired on the second shift and a. |promised third shift. When they: iarrived Monday, they said, only '30 jobs were. available. | Since then, the mills have been’ targets of rifle fire. A force of 100, jhighway patrolmen has been re- called. WASHINGTON ) — A “bill of rights” amendment written into the Kennedy, seme of its Southerrf sup-| § (DS Kalahar ment and that he believed John 3. Whether to try to modify or, 1964 Olympics would have on the Mervsck out the bill of rights amend- The. clauses in most. ANXIOUSLY AWAITING SEAWAY RACE — With the. opening of the St. Lawrence Seaway. tomorrow morning, 70 to 80 ships from nations all over the world are anchored here at Lanoraie, Quebec, 30 miles east of Montreal, ready and hoping to be one of the first through the locks, However, they are scheduled to follow im convoy KEY TO SAGINAW’S GROWTH — The Saginaw River, one of the foundations of past development of the city of Saginaw, is also a key to its future, officials believe. They're hoping the opening of the St. Lawrence Seaway will attract more ships into the river <> and more industries into the area. The river now is used by ships carrying primarily coal and stone, pig iron, grain and petroleum products. : i River Has Vital Role in Saginaw’s Future 'Eafio: s Note’ This {s the first in g series of articles on Michigans indus- trfai and cultural achievements written by newsmen all over ‘Muhoes as au tatroduction to Michigan Week. May 17:2 - By MARILYN A. CAMPBELL Reporter, Saginaw News SAGINAW — will play an equally and develépment, local residents believe. The Saginaw River, which bisects the city, calTied checks four blocks long enough logs before the turn of the century to make the town one of the lumber capitals of me weoxid. ‘Local (uP later af home. expecting*=— A diver sified officials aren't Saginaw to become one of the world’s major ports, but, ‘Sag they’re counting on the St. lone of the richest agricu itural dis Officials ex- Lawrence Seaway. and the” “— Andustriad town, ricts of the state. Bogs Down ", “Swortly before 4 a.m. today an! anor nous caller told Walled Lake Water, important in Saginaw’s past, a neighbor's car but didn't suc. important part in its future growth ceed in rolling the safe into the T rio F oiled as Safe Solons Reject Bill to Raise : Needed Money Three men who stole a 700-pound safe from Jack Cole's Plymouth Sales, 1000 W. Maple Rd., Walled . Lake, early this morning, ap- May Be First to Feel parently found “the long haul a little too much for them,” said Walled Lake Police and sheriff's detectives. Being held at the Oakland County Jail for investigatign. of a safe burglary are Raymond B. Scher- merhorn, 28, and his brother Rob-| ert, 27, both of 2716 Woodlawn St.. Oakley Park. Under pelice guard at Pontiac Genera! Hospital is Carl E. Hess, 18, of 960 Adelaide Dr., Walled Lake. Hess passed out when ar- rested. He was deseribed in fair condition. Detectives said the other men denied any connection with the burglary. Pinch as State Seen $33 Million Short LANSING (UPI)—The Senate has adjourned for the weekend. Gov, Wil- liams has calted a special meeting of the adminis- trative board to discuss finances in light of Sen- ate action yesterday on the trust fund. From Our News Wires LANSING — A plan to cash in the veterans trust fund was down but not out today as delays loomed in welfare payments and pay- e «© et rolls. | Patrolman Robert Newman went! The Sena e, in action Is the se ene and Reed the traij| branded by Gov. G. Mennen ™ S lo ¢ we a a ; i “a Lake. On ie eee ae ares Witiianas wa “STE Bly Bp lien. ‘three cars. and & safe. palling,” yesterday rejected, | Hle fired several warning shots 11-22, a.bill to avert fiscal jand shouted. “Stop or LY shoot."|collapse by sale of trust Foss wanes tae Seuman ‘ound fund securities | had. bur ied “3130 fess allied | Page Mics ce apenol ple ime borgiary aed named the | senators vened for 7 follow-up mo- Suet aoe bed ober partes 'D- tion that would have killed off all , actives said. chance for: re ideration of the According to Walled Lake eel showdown vote. olice Chief James A. Décker reconsider and sheriff's detective Leo ‘ov - Hazen, Hess said Robert Scher- age os te y wight y the lawmakers, ‘whe may be merhern had a key to the Cole the first to feel the pinch of pay- _ establishment and the three en- | 14, vda tered, loaded the safe into one india : of Cole’s trucks, and took it to | A payroll of $48,300 is due next house. for fegislators. Around Then th tumed ti five million dollars will be due oth- | then they returned the truckler state employes a week later. and “broke a window to make it “ look like a breakin,’’ Hess -was}WELFARE TO SUBFER ‘quoted as saying. State Treasures Sanford A. | This is the story he told police: |Brown said universities, already 15 million dollars behind in_receipt 'Police “someone is dragging some- thing” down Woodlawn street drop- |ping checks.” | After taking an estimated $200 to; '$500 from the safe, they dragged it} ‘of state funds, would get the six ito the beach with Schermerhorn’s. ‘million dollars due them May 13. ‘car. But he said a halt will be nec- a a a 2 jessary in payment of about 14 | The car got stuck in sand on the million dollars due to the counties ibeach. The men got Schermer-)by that dete far welfare. thorn’s other car to pull it out. « *° ® ' ‘That got stuck too, Then they stole} Just before the vote, Brown sent the Senate. a thumbnail sketch of the state’s cash position—now and. as anticipated May 15. In three weeks, he said, if / every dollar in sight for any pur- The Schermerhorns were picked| pese was used and all obligations (Continued on Page 2, Col. 1 lake or freeing the two stuck cars tefore police picked up the trail of is = Mlantic lo Great Lakes ; pect bean and grain crops could) , Saginaw river to bring be amoung the area’s most im- : more ships, industry and portant seaway export items. . i * * * : e . people 0 the ance: } Besides the river, Saginaw also ; . looks to its water supply as a draw- -MONTREAL (UPI) — Ships were lined up like The cit) is represented On @ ing card for’new development. In P p three-county committee currently caoper ‘ation with Midland, a city investigating the potential of a Sag- less than 20 miles to the north, inaw river port, including faci ilities’ Saginaw necessary to attract a ¥ volume of leke shipping. milkon river dr@dging job, be jaune hed by the federal A S39 tem soon to, < | The system, which draws its govern- j * (Continued on Page. 2. Col. 2 present to do the honors. in 194% put into operation bigger an $11.5 million water supply ‘sys- theater fans outside the box office of a Broadway ‘hit today, waiting to be among the first vessels to use the long dreamed of St. Lawrence Seaway when it opens Saturday. : The 475-million-dollar 130-mile waterway, putting Great Lakes ports on the international shipping routes dof ocean-going vessels, will be open for business be- _ _ ginning tomorrow, but the ; ; s official opening is sched- uled for June -26, with Queen Elizabeth II and President Eisenhower offi- ciating. Dozens of ships steamed up the St. Lawrence River this week, taking places in a line that was expected to Feach a total of 70 vessels by Saturday morning. The Cangdian Transport De- partment's icebreaker D'Iber+ ville will lead the way on the first journey, carrying govern- ment officials, members of the Canadian Parliament, newsmen and photographers. But the first ship officially to * pass through the, seaway as a toll- * paying customer’ will. be the Can- ada Steamship Lines’ Simcoe.” The Simcoe will be followed by the “Prescodoc,”’ operated by N. M. Patterson and Sons. USE ‘RRIORITY SYSTEM These first ships to pass through’ the seaway are vessels’that always , operate on inland waters. A prior- ity system was set, providing that inland ships that wintered ih Mon- AP Wirephots treal would pass through the ‘sea- behind the Canadian icebreaker d ‘Iberville wher she enters the» sig ahead of ocean-going craft. _ seaway at 9 a, m. TKis will wnofficially open the Great bakes to ocean-going commerce:~The official date. is. June 26, when the President: of the United-States'and the Queen of England wiltbe the reate in the order ” After the opening of the sea- way, however, ships will enter of their. , Cols 3)» (Continued on Page 2, soe . . 4 je £ “advisory” had been added to the , Manager of the Ponfiac Area ‘Chamber of Commerce, visited with officials in Lansing, which is celebrating its centennial this year. Legislators Reject Use of Vets Fund (Continued From Page One) > were paid up the state would fall of salle Selhaen chart ot wek- -ing- ends meet. But the lawmakers were not swayed. With Sen. Charles O. Feenstra iH The Beadle bill, which provides for systematically rebuilding the 50° million dollar fund, polled 11 affirmative votes, seven of them Beadle, whose position as party whip carried no weight in the 2 4 : - = ee Oe Lewis E. Wint Funeral Home in iRiver Has Vital Role “| tion that they are ready to steam trial towns, Saginaw has been|™ final stage, with construction|™’ ea a Co auipy von suck’ Pidlisiccbead i ley of 1005 Berwick Blvd. helps Kathy Reuter of Sunday afternoon. They are hoping to walk off 1070 Argyle St. dress up het bicycle for the big with one of the top prizes donated by the Pontiac es ee ee ee Ryppheiet Lpnetionn Ci. ssavay Opening (Continued From Page One) arrival at Montreal and notifica- ahead. The first ocean-going vessel to enter the waterway will be the/“ Dutch liner Willem George Fred- erick.” It will be fifth in the line of ships traveling into America's heartland. The United States Navy plans ty ‘Pentiac Press Phote Climax to License Drive The Pontiac Optimist Luncheon licensé all bicycles in Pontiac with ce High School Sunday at the “‘best dressed bikes”, All chil- dren in Pontiac owning bicycles -are eligible to eriter, — Tuson, of the J gunn Club, is chairman of the event. The decorated bikes will be Bene ~ one A. Dugan, Pon- . per gross registered ton vessel, 42 cents per ton o cargo and 95 cents per ton way route. QUEEN’S YACHT DUE The British royal yacht Britannia will sail a 3,000-mile route through inland waters this summer during the Queen’s Canadian tour. The Britannia’s toll for traveling through the seaway will be $346.16 each way, but the Canadian gov- ernment plans to pay the bill for the Queen. Earlier plans called for open- ing the Seaway last Monday, but ice conditions on the St. Law- rence and in Lake St. Louis, the first lake along the seaway route, forced a delay. The first ocean-going ships des- tined for the seaway began ar- riving in the Montreal area two weeks ago, waiting for the signal Area Pair Lost yon Plane Trip b-> ‘ ito Arizona Two area men aboard a light on a flight to Arizona. 27032 Brush St., Madison Heights, with John Hackstock of 426 Grove St., Clawson, as his passenger. * * * port on Maple road, Troy at 7:30 a.m. yesterday to deliver the a buyer in Arizona. They landed af Sturgis at 10:30 a.m. to refuel and were scheduled to make another stop at Spring- field, Til. They never arrived. * * * Cunningham, a Madison Heights fireman, was flying the plane to Arizona for Lloyd Town, the owner. Hackstock, unemployed, roomed at Town's Clawson home. Canadian Immigrants Top Emigrants to U.S. TORONTO (AP) — For every three ts who arrived in Canada last year, at least one Ca- nadian moved to the United States. Immigration minister Eller Fairclough said in a _ speech Thursday 1958 and 45,000 Canadians took up residence in the United States. There were 10,846 migrants from the United States to Canada. Club--will top off its campaign to a big Bicycle Parade at Pontiac aay objective will be to select Padi, plane have been reported missing 3 The Civil Air Patrol launched a’ the flown by Milton.A. Cunningham of The pair took off from Berz Air-|E singlejengined Aeronca Champ to night 124,581 immi-|E grants were received in Canada in Bikes fo Parade Sunday tiac city commissioner, James Casey of radio station WPON, and Harry Reed, Pentiac Press managing editor. Top prize will be a brand new bicycle. Second prize will be a o. The ‘third place winner will get a record oaerd There wil) be 15 prizes in all. They include a speedometer, base- ball bat, saddle bag, directional signal, baseball glove, roller skates, sun glasses and three cam- eras. There will be free ice cream for all contestants. The awards will be presented by Patrolman James Lafnear of the Pontiac Police Dept., who will talk to contestants on bicycle safety. . Each contestant will be given a tree reflector for his or her bi- { apts fi alt 5 that bicycle licenses be purchased, especially as q means of identifi- cation, in case the bike is stolen. Police Lt. Merlin Holmquist said the annual spring pattern of bike thefts is in full swing. “Few people keep a record of bicycle serial numbers,” he said, “and, since there are few dis- tinguishing features on a bike, recovery and proof of owner- ship is difficult.” Serial numbers are automatical- ly registered with the police when the bicycle is purchased. The $1 tag lasts the life of the bike. It is not an annual] cost like car plates, Holmquist concluded. Members of the Birmingham Ki- wanis club will hold their annual tomorrow. cycle. a! 3 ‘ager Y Youngsters’ to Vie | for Fish, Prizes Saturday. | vm | ‘The fair to be held in November, toothbrush sale throughout the city/E Louisville, Ky. Mrs. Schmidt ,will conduct the necrology service at the Smntiey| © ‘to prepare plans for their “County Fair of Corners.” ¢ will include booths of gift items. . Club Directors of the ‘the Altrusa gee qo ge will era] club meeting will be held ati; at the church at 10 a.m. Tuesday gaP 8 Ad aye DETROIT ®—B. K. Nehru, spe- cial ambassador to the United University April 30-May 2. Other — are to include Gov. Wil- the home of Mrs. George Oehm, 452 Park Ave. at 7:30 p.m. 130 PBKs at Michigan | ANN. ARBOR w — The Uni-| versity of Michigan initiated 130, students into Phi Beta Kappa, | academic honorary society, this week at the Michigan chapter’s Slst initiation ceremony. The new members came from the literary school, music school, school of ed- DINING OUet WHY NOT The Villa Inn. M-24 LAKE ORION 5 MY 2-6193 | ucation and the graduate stables school. : HURRY to SIMMS for the LOWEST PRICES _on FAMOUS CAMERAS and ACCESSORIES 070.0 Regular $13.00 Value Easy to take perfect movies with this 1434-inch bar lite. Com- plete with bulbs and handy storage and conying case. $i holds. Take Perfect-Snaps with $1.50 Ansco Films. 3 Rolls conditions. Limit 6 rolls. See eee Se ee ee ee ee ee ee of Buffalo, Detroit, Toledo, Cleve- land, Chicago, Milwaukee, other Great Lakes cities. . Both the United States and Can- ada expect a great boom in ship- ping traffic to result fram the seaway, resulting in new sources of the Great Lakes. These towns will operate on a par with ocean ports, handling large ships and cargoes. Lionel Chevrier, the first presi- dent of the St. Lawrence neawey a Authority and orie of the architects of the project, said that one firm prediction cduld be made about the seaway’s future. “Iron ore ang wheat will be the backbone of the seaway,” he said. Pupil Reporters to Meet MOUNT PLEASANT » —More than 200 high school journalist stu- dents are expected to’ attend the 12th annual North Central Michi- gan Interscholastic Press Confer- Friday, John Tucker, state editor to pay their first visits to the portsij and — prosperity for cities and towns on'E ence at Central Michigan College |E of the Saginaw News, will be the |— SIMMS Low PRICE CANDY pieeimatiin = t. Only — 29° Pound E Coconut Fruit. Kisses i : RLS 25° Pound Vanilla or Chocolate COCONUT DIPS ae, - 29: Pound Clarkston. main speaker. onty $229 Includes: Meater and Defroster, front and rear. 34 MILL ST. shield Washers, Back-Up Lamps, Electric (DOWNTOWN PONTIAC) | 5 Plus tox and transfer ig oro Electric Wiper, Wind- Clock, Foam Seats FE 5-4161 HERSHEYS MILK CHOCOLS Famous HERSHEY Economy 7 Candy Bars: @ Almond Bars . @ Milk Chocolate. Bors @ Krackel Bars _. @ Semi-Sweet Bars = 17° candy a thts | All _f rson. Value economy ¢ price, ng 7 Ow ie a" bare per Limit SEE, ia im ‘ "aia , frames for See “Slides. T y= ‘Alpe ate savin: pervect ppp onom an btn *‘ten SZ SIMM): LEEPELE STOOP TETTT PTET LTT TTT TTT rT cscaanaanenne ‘Shop for the super-specials Friday ond ‘Saturday . pay here at Simms is the advertised price . . charges or interest charges .. . deposit for FREE LAYAWAY at no cost to you! PT. VALUES Easy to Carry—Easy to Handle Compact*Movie BAR-LITES Complete with 4—GE BULBS ak: ay 1 : $99.50 Camera ; $5.95 Meter” 5.95 Meter — $105.45 Value 45 Value | Only $5.00 Holds In Free Layaway 3-lens turret movie camera ibis fast f18 _—~ regular, telephoto and wide-angle motion . . an exposure meter for perfect movies. Slide Viewers Regular $7.95 Value See your color slides in full true color. Large viewer complete ‘with batteries. Over 25 Different Styles to Choose From PHOTO GADGET BAGS are ea Fits Brownie style cameras and accessories. iedceiee $3.95 value. Now only... Genuine pigskin ain ba as LO ota to held tri urely Ibs, era é& flash fit vandermeach the « gadget fo we ig a ‘ of the many bags you'll me i] ‘just ag bagi y at otmmes, ~~ viewer, Sah nylon pears sty, a metal with . » and all you . 90 hidden tredit just our low prices and small band 6" eo 620-120-127 Size - $1,35 Roll 94° Choice of Kodacolor or Extachreme color s at price. Limit 3 roils. WOLLENSAK 8mm Turret Movie Camera ~ . and Exposure Meter : ingle variable’ speed for" slow viewfinder. Includes $5 holds. titling... lar V “Style—ILLUMINAT TED | 3”| VINYL PLASTIC BAG. 2” 8” 9” $14.95 PIGSKIN BAGS ee oe os Cam- Mia 50 TOP COWHIDE ain bags ae Freeeeds are used. to Snanee | =12” hi Ae eral ‘Cadi ag an hag ™ ote bag in ids your choice in free layaway. Famous MANSFIELD ACTION EDITOR MOVIE SPLICER and EDITOR Regtlar $39.00 Value 222” fis. $8 holds. RR OTHERS Many | J We pon | —— Stock of Famous Distributor 4) Your Choice Up To $14.95 $19.95 ‘ $24.95 $29.95 $35.00 ted above just a few of the » © x se pens = lowest ever prices. Compere before eeeeeseeeoeooooeseees PLASTIC or RUBBER ° Fishing Waders Plastic 588 Rubber 1588 ©000080068000600800 6 Poppers and Plas! __ Assorted poppers in round plastic bi FISHING SEASON OPENS Tomorrow April 25th-Are You Ready? FISHING TACKLE , is Going Out of Business 14 HEDDON and ACTION ROD ) and Fly Rods purch tow famous “distri ributer. Come in i Pgpe ng: famous models fishing rod — 3.96 Boat Cushions Coast Guard approved, ideal for r any boat Cast-Spinning 90% x: Heddon Spin Red #127 $ 7.88 Action Spin Rod £1700 9.88 Action Spin-Cast #2400 12.88 Heddon Spin Rod #170 14.88 Heddon Fly Rod #75 17.88 models Simms ased t the you bey any anywhere! SOKCCCHOHSHSECOHCHCECSECEOCOEE Rubberized Inside Canvas Creel $2.48 Value 1% ous fexit. inches = a in- 27 __ 88° tic Box box Pack of 6 snelled hooks. Chotce of 26c Snelled Hooks-6 for 15° assorted sizes 3.95 Minnow Pails Ploating style minnow pails. Aj] mete! with bale handle .. 2” 2.00 Trout Nets Fishing Lines. NYLON “Spin Line NN m Line CED 49c to 2.39 Casting or Trofl Line 50 ‘Yds. a Fastens to boat seat, swivels in any All aluminum rim and handle. With neck lanyard ....... SCOOHHOSSSHOHHSOHSHSSHSSHHSSHSHHHSHOHHHSEHHHOSOES Your Choice of 2 Famous Makes at Cut Price PYYTTTITITVITITI TTT ititiiiiiiiiik 7.95 Swivel Boat Seats 1” JOHNSON or ZEBCO Spin-Cast Values 88 to $19.50 Your choice of either the John- § son ‘Century’ or Zebco '33'. positively no back-lash. Easy to operate new models. Tackle Boxes 32 ~~ Priced from 59 to 8.88 ; One exactly ef your needs pocketbook. _o* direction : Spinning Leaders ‘Torpedo Head’ leaders in assorted lengths & pound test ee Crawler Harness — For al) game fish, Quality hooks, hand tled nylon sbeweees ) Willow; Creels | Hand wWovey willow creels with drop-in fish slot, handle .. 260 All Metal Fishing Spoons Choice @ assorted styles and colors. 98 North “trea” FIMM). PITOTTTITTT TT TT TT TITY ITTY TTT T TPIT TT TTY TTT eye T TTT Ty TT No. limit—each (Cr ROTHERS tetee SPORTS —tnd Floor ies ia ee PONTIAC PRESS, FRIDAY, APRIL 24, 1950 risa pair FREE if MagiKines * WESTERN RIDER® JEANS Lion Store, Pontiac Kerbol’s, Utice Jecobson’s, Birmingham Gilbert’ s, Mt. Clemens »« = MAG a L— JE fj vf oN v ay Vi at ha Di4 Sizes 4-21 4 FREE! 420 NYLON’ *25% IN WARP Fos : Doubly Guaranteed! sive 6 months’ wear! pase Fw) if “MagikKnee” XTRA DUTY. IKNEE. ANS by . AX NTINENTAL v's ‘ Y) ' vey ', bot a aint OY Now peir, 1 jeans de not UU LODO ANG What AX NY Vi Ny 4 tN, AVA NV U _y longer NEW! XTRA DUTY “MagiKnee” weer! Jeans Give Yeu: Other “Continental” Styles: ~ Knees” are pe angerenaing ears + REGULAR“MAGIKNEE®*JEANS ‘fortified with Dupont 420 nylon for outwear garment From 5] 98 ANTEED! Huskies, 70% longer wear! DOUBLY GUAR- In Slims, Regulars, bal La nbori, WASH & WEAR PANTS © Western-design ae. With popular Mens © 2 copper-tiveted front best sell swing beck pocket-flaps »|$3%,, Soe, wee padink mages Gy At your nearest dealer listed here: Deylight Dept. Store, Holly Polewach Store, Marlette, Bad Axe, Sandusky, Richmond, Harbor Beech Lee’ s, Romeo i THE 1 Two African cs Nations Vie Ivory Coast,. Ghana in Race té Improve Standards of Living ABIDJAN, Ivory Coast (UPI— Police Charge and Cause Sent Home by Taxi SAN MARINO, Calif. (AP)—San Marino is an exclusive Los An- geles suburb, noted for its million- aires. The relationship a the citizenry and the police de- partment is something special. ' * * ee The police notified Emilie E, A bet between two of West Africa’s leading statesmen has launched standards. * & * Coast political leader Felix Hou- living in 10 years’ time. The wager “has fledgling nation, a race which | tants of fhe Ivory Coast are cer- tain they will win. x * Footwork Key to Hawaiian Back, Massage » seur Jack Kaaua administers a lomi-lomi treatment to a custom- er, Hawaiians have been using | the unusual method of mange for 866 years, 754 BONITA DR. Residential & ¢ Commercial Wiring—Baseboard INSIST ON AN -£ Leorsavecror | BASEBOARD RADIATION and CABINET HEATERS ALL-ELECTRIC HEATING SYSTEM @ NO FURNACE @ SAFE @ SILENT _- ELECTRIC .s Be “<> _ THERMOSTAT-CONTROL FOR EVERY ROOM #, “7 + FREE... full data tia th and eperation costs, a poke ~ one oelly ory RAGLIN ELECTRIC CO. EM 3-6234 LAKEWOOD VILLAGE lectric nie Bonting Electric Heating Installation by. HONOLULU \—Are you bother. | ed by an aching back? | You might try a lomi-lomi, jthat soothing effect. | A lomi-lomi is an ancient Ha- ;waijan version of a massage. Asd ‘its main feature is that the myias- = walks on the patient's back. for | flesh while regulating his weight | by holding on a bar above the ( massage table. That may sound a bit rugged for a sensitive sore back. ‘ But on the word of Jack Kaaua. a professional] masseur and one of the few remaining practitioners lof the lomi-lomi, it is really a [pain-reliever. “I've been practicing ‘lomi for 20 years,” says Kaaua, “and I've never had a complaint. ‘compliment me on its effect.” | Kaaua, 46, is a graduate physi- cal therapist. He can give a Jap-| ‘anese or Swedish massage if the! ‘customer wants. “The Swedish massage — just: }touches the surface of the body,” he says. ‘“‘The Japanese treatment is a little drastic and often leaves the patient with more aches after \the massage than before. “Lomi- lomi gives a deep stimu- lation, but never makes the pa- tient sore. All my customers soothing } } t lo notice the difference.” "Hedi, Shahi RUacEy Se tose tse See NO SECURITY OR ENDORSERS REQUIRED ONE PLACE TO PAY Member American Association of Creat Counsellers “Let 9 Years of Credit Counseling Experience Assist You Hours: Daily 9 to $. Wed. and Sat. ¥ te J. Evenings by App’t. MICHIGAN CREDIT COUNSELLORS 116 Pontiac State Bank. Bidg. most died out, Kaaua says it once} was widely used in Hawaii, “I didn't learn lomi-lomi in any, lschool,”” he says. “I learned it) from my parents. It's an old Ha-| Waiian practice that dates back} more than 800 years.” Generally Speaking! CINCINNATI, Ohio _ man-in-the-street poll on the ques-| tion of “who will win the Ndtichal’ League pennant in 1959?" found one man picking “New York."* $ You The Fabulous } Who's Serry N Blue Hawaii, B and Many Regular $3.98 LP ALBUMS 10 OFF r Choice of Famous Names lohany Cash The Unforgettable Hank Williams Just Imagination, Webb Pierce ow, Connie Francis ily Vaughn It’s All in the Game, Tommy Edwards Ricky Nelson Sings King Creole, Elvis Presley Open Fire, Two Guitars, by Johnny Mathis Burnished Brass, George Shearing Quintet tAore $2. 88 FEderal 3./114 108 NORTH SAGINAW BACK TREATMENT — Mas- | While he walks, he kneads thd lomi- | ‘fe fact, nearly all my customers’ i Although back-walking. has al-; dom we have as members of the! ‘French community — is British Common- within the wealth,” Interior Minister Jean-| j Baptiste Mockey stated. ‘freedom to increase our standard of living and at the same _ time | step up our trade and commerce | with other nations.’ | * * * The Ivory Coast is easily the richest of the newly independent republics which make up what | used to be. French West Africa,’ and the 200,000 inhabitants of the. capital city of Abidjan show it in their confident manner. Better balaneed politically than many African states, ‘Coast's politics revolve around Houphouet-Boigny, who doubles as local premier and as a member of Gen. Charles de Gaulle’s gov- ernment in Paris. * * * Houphouet-Boigny has built up | around him a team of local ad- ministers who were able to step in smoothly and take over the | running -of governmental and { Coast achieved independence. Mockey, who also owns pineapple an co- 'coa plantations, is his right hand jaan and regarded: as a possible, future premier. He knows the |French well -» he spent three lyears in jail for leading nation- | ‘alist movements. ’ “But thisais in the pasf, — I have already forgotten it;* he said. “Why, in the government with me _ at the present time is one of the, people who sent me to jail. We are | close friends.” | j | this former French colony on a! headiong race for higher living, ‘The bet was made between Ivory, the other that his own country) would have a higher standard of | sparked a, frenzied: race between the two | the million and a halt io, | } greater ‘than that whicheGhana enjoys | “Thus we Can use our greater . the Ivory) ether matters when the Ivory | a 44-year-old . druggist, King her dog Jackal had been: WE IT NOW! x | f There’s a revolution ine, a brilliant new f / ing... jector fun. SEE IT LIMITED. electric grill. sistant. The new grid adjusts to give HU | | WKC, 108 N. Saginaw Now at WKC’'s sensation- al low price — the ideal *» Its copper finished body and at- tached hood are rust re- better cooking to a more exact heat requirement. Extra handy features are the hardwood cutting f board and the removable , fire box. Hurry and save! Ke hi-lo you RRY! COME IN...PHONE...OR MAL THIS COUPON ! Phone Please send me the New Copper-Tone Wagon Grill with Motor loose. HAVE The Fabulous New CINE-TWIN New Copper-Tone Wagon Grill with | Electric Driven Spit...Attached Hood! picked up, having’ violated the } ordinance against dogs Baty a HT a a ee Would she care to come down) to the station and retrieve Jackal) and eee a notice < violation? m- Mrs. — said te couldn't make it, but she was anxious to get the dog’ back. So Jackal was put in a taxicab by officer Wayne. Bramstedt and rode home in style. The notice of violation rode with ‘him, i a? & * A la i aaa cnek acepinitvsl a iy areal Is Now Located at 103 N SAGINAW ST (Across from SIMMS—Next..to JACOBSEN'S Flowers) ~ PONTIAC OPTICAL CENTER Open Monday & Friday Evenings FE 2-029! THE 8mm MOVIE CAMERA THAT CONVERTS INTO ITS OWN PROJECTOR in movie making... Ilmag- 8 mm ELECTRIC movie camera that converts into its own projector in seconds..NO need to buy two separate machines because CINE-TWIN takes movies and shows them too. A true marvel of precision engineer- crafted to “watchmaker: standards” by WITTNAUER for years of camera and pro- NOW-—OUR SUPPLY IS at - Converts from camera to EXCLUSIVE CINE-TWIN FEATURES... your own movies-cam- “projector in leas than #0 =—s_ era can’t wind down. seconds. ¢ New simplified exposure Automatic electric cam- system. ee era drive. Three flash- © Peesigton professional light batteries operate type turret for giant Cine-Twin for a full year closeups... beautiful of average filming with’ landscapes. never a spring to wind. eLar @ easy te use Exclusive SAFETY OOMFINDER zooms SIGNAL MONITOR... ZO automatically show. gives advance notice of view of each battery condition. © Single switch projector Automatic locking switch ws a t in allows you to get into speed film ‘rewind. MANY OTHER EXCITING FEATURES—- Don't buy any movie camera until you see the sensati: Wittnauer Cine-Twin movie camera and combination, complete with sbomfinder, 1/25 standard taking lens and {/1.6 preieston lens —your best buy by far... FEderal a WK 3-714 108 NORTH SAGINAW ‘ projector | sit 68.50 Phone Today! Le ae ae == ap ab 22 ee ee ee ee ae { Driven Spit with 50c Down Payment required. {| agree to pay 1 $1.00 weekly on balance, 0 New Account. O Cherge to My Account | O Full Amount Enclosed O Send €.0.0. | Nome : | address Phone 4 ct” . Zone Stote Employed by How long { Have or Have Mod Accounts ot J : S Grill: 33' 4" long, 00" DOWN , yy 50 Weekly 41" high, 18" wide Phone FEderal 3.7114 108 NORTH SAGINAW eo om oe - 2 in eta a | SOVIET UNION /RECEN' "| *REPATRIAMATEO* SEVERAL TAILORED BY EXPERTS! FITTED TO PERFECTION! SALE PRICE WUNDRED KURDS TO HAD» NEW SPRING MIX AND MATCH ‘TWO PANT SUITS These were made to sell by me for $49.50 value... A complete wardrobe for dress and sports wear this spring and summer. Sizes 35 to 40 for the -young man of these sizes. @ $0 1d 200 SO yg: Russia’s | Route | tothe — | Mideast ? a a ep Fi _wewerrrFr'''vT"TT''T'TTgTT''T"vT"T"Tv"vTv"rvvevw™ wvvvvvvwVvYYeYTererrvrrrrrrrrerereTrVrVTVrVVVVVVYVY. . With Compare These With | | ComPa, nt $55 Suits Anywhere! 100% Import Wool Worsted or Tri-Twist 2 Ponts Mix ond Match S ITS | SUITS | WHY Pay More? ~ é “ os INA NEW ee Wide-Track SR. el Be eR a a ee a3 Go Long wearing worst- ed or Tri Twist Suits. 4 that hold their shape for real hard wear. or double wear at ; “less than one pair price : . frost _. . two pants | Import Wool - Miracle Rayon & Decron Import Wool . for Shape Retaining Sharkskin Worsted | | SPORTCOATS: efiire ate Quite Po Compere With $29.50 SU ITS 2 Pants Suits | Sport Coats Anywhere Compore With $39.50 $ Compore With $75 Suits 18 | ‘4 “AA . ONLY PONTIAC HAS WIDE-TRACK WHEELS = # j.- ge Sa BR 8 ABR ne WHEELS ARE FIVE INCHES FARTHER APART. DOTTED LINES SHOW CONVENTIONAL qennanannnnAnAAAWAAAAAAAANANANANANAAANADA | a WHEEL POSITIONS. -_ 3 "oy . SALE PRICE 3 | rea $ Here's a Real Buy! ; 2 Compare With $29.75 Coats Anywhere! 3 3 All Purpose! All Weather! 3 d Trenchcoats $ Top Coats and Trenchcoats ; > a | 3 TWILLS!_ GABARDINES! IRIDESCENTS! 3 , | , : ID 3 Full Rayon Lined—Sizes 34 to 46 ar 3 ‘ , : , 2 ; * ee POVGO ODI OSD DSCC TTT OCCEY . ni : | ‘ 7 : ‘ 4 = Regular $4.95 Regular $6.95 Regular $12.95 ‘B E FO R E YOU BUY ANY TWILL WASHABLE 4-HOLER, TWO-TONE ZIP SPORT . NEW CAR— ANYWHERE say99 | $4399 | $G99_ $809 | White! Tan! Gray! Every Young Fellow - * Sizes 34 to 46 : Blue! Green! Brown! Wants One of These! $ The Perfect Man’s Jacket | | , pronaspennenatanetee seaanaantanannanssosepepmennennePeaeand | ae S FE E = 3 YES SIR! PANTS at Prices YOU Can Afford! 3 : $ Gabardine! Sharkskin! Fine Weaves! Flannels! Worsteds! 35 - , the , $ $388 $ 4* sms ‘6° $Qe 3 ; > _. , r " 2 5 , , ee : 5 4 ~s . $. E 3 Dress Pants! Sport Pants! Conservatives! Reg.! Longs! Shorts! 3 | $ ALTERATIONS FREE OF COURSE! . 3 | : . “a 4 EQ Rawr ruxepos ror WEDDN RTI * : ; . : 1, + 63 | , : 7 | va ~< mw : FREE BUS TOKENS when | | : { er > a : ‘You Come Inte My” Store vi |}. 37 NORTH SAGINAW ST. ere om | Pte WE ols 1 ft Between Lawrence & Huron Street mmm 4 SK i AE F —- a, \ a } Es seed __THE Captian FRIDAY, APRIL 24, 1959 Hal Boyle Remembei: rat ee En | When ’Rin-Tin- Tia Became a Grandfather] ‘NEW YORK (AP) —>When middle aged feller gets to feel sorry for what the a feller Nifissed, he remembers: How thuch more sida Jooked|coukin’t resist the impulse to go e girls then, wp: thems: reg at 9. thor Ww TER ae tek see he Ack. x * A tairs in those days, so that you John. J, McGraw and his Giants,more principles in his heart, were the pride of New York, * * * jigentind. Good Loser in Jet Service Derby BUENOS AIRES (UPI) — Aero- lineas Argentinas reacted like a réal good neighbor~and sport— to the news that its wings are apparently going to be clipped by Pan American World Airways in the jet age derby. ‘Pan Apy has-announced ti plans to begin. jet passenger service be- tween the Us S. and South America at the end of April. Previously, Pan Am had indi- cated its jets would not'be on the South American rus until late this year, giving Aerolines Argentinas the inside track. But the Argentine airline sent out word through its public rela- tions chief, Arquimedes Garcia Diaz, that ‘‘we are not in a race with Pan American. In. fact, really are eellgeted with the| news.’ Chin still up, Garcia Diaz added: “We congratulate Pan American on opéning jet service to South America. Their jet service, and jets in general are revolutionizing . the aviation industry and making an a that while Pan Am will be-first to) South America, Aerolineas South America and Europe. ing importance. The Pan American - Panagra (Pan Americas Grace) wconsbina- tion has long dominated the Latin -air scene, but it’s lately been get- ting some stiff competition from cutrate. service provided by many of the more than 60 airlines that operate south of the Rio Grande. lines function in the. governments picki banner to foreign lands, we |government-subsidized. But it can |perience: 31 years in the business, |pilots who have flown more than 120 million miles, and so on. ; x Its jet service to Europe, South! Africa and, eventually, New York, | will be aboard six British-made Comet. Fours, the first of which was commissioned in ceremonies | attended by Argentine President | Arturo Frondjzi: ‘That's how’ arose the Ar- gentines cohsider this offer jet flights between North, and | entering the jet age. ‘| plies—-in Helywowt. will! pioneer’ in jet service between! ined for two bits, In this continent, the matter of who's “first” has more than pass-|"" neteng aaney Srstines. sy dha isfuor pivot se which proved forever that up the tab feat doesn’t prowe he's somebody in return for carrying the nation’s The nearest thing near beer was Aerolineas Argentinas is also —and does—lay calim to vast ex-\qoor if anybody in the house hac matter of insisted on paying cash was a! Rin-Tin-Tin as a teen-age grand- father, with all the emational problems such a responsibility im- * Girls who wore shoes chat could Horses that drew wagons in- stead of spectators. The wonderful world of H. L.| Mencken. To be sophisticated you had to sneer at anything less ob-' vious than a paycheck, and if you even the poorest millionaire could afford. anybody who te plz either immigrant NO SALT NEEDED! No ; Money Down — $1.25 Per Week COOLEY SOFT WATER CO.. eR og FE 2-5827 had a regular paycheck you were tgo schamed to sneer at anything.» Near beer, the prohibition bev- near to was illusion. Girls who wore spit curls. Quarantine signs on you mumps or scarlet fever. * bd Nobody said ‘ ‘canoer out loud: | 'It wasn’t nice. | Helen Wills being to petticoat | d joerg what Bobby Jones was to golf and Babe Ruth was to base- ° bali. \ope’ ‘had the idea then that a man who ‘community liability. a ~ sanas 0 Pej sits 9 | A PRA Tn T0 Sur YOUR BUDGET eee ee eee ease eee eeee UP TO A FULL YEAR 0 PAY “Kee e Pp ym [> EMERALD CUT DIAMOND | wets 00 *500 SPECIAL APRIL li sake DIAMOND SOLITAIRE MERRILL $450.00 WELDON “$200.00 “230° 100 Also $300 to $975 JULIET $575.0 WL ‘MICHIGAN'S LARGEST JEWELERS’ | 24 N. SAGINAW Wedding Ring $20.00. Also $500 to $2475 Wedding Ring $175.00 Wedding Ring $1 3009 Wedding Ring $100.00 LIRR oo ~ Wedding Ring $87.50 0 LONGMONT $500 Also $300 and $575 VA Penney’s Cool Seersucker Cords 4 men’s waist sizes 29 to 42 dryer cycle, almost forget the iron, Colors: Char-. coal, brown, grey and blue. Priced light, too. 4.98! ue. 4 OPEN $300 00 S | These dress model pleated seersuckers make light shadow weave with pleated front and con- AN ° _ ‘ of summer... Penney’s gives ’em Dacron for tinuous waistband! Charcoal, grey/*brown, mion’s sizes 20 to 42 BRENNAN | wrinkle resistance, shape retention nylon for extra others. ACCOUNT = Alto $350.00 ang $400 wear. Light on care they spin through the washer- Penney’s Breezy Dacron-Rayons_ Are a Breeze to Care for, too! Wash ’em in the machine... dry ’em in the © dryer ... wear with a touch-up or no ironing & at allf And rest assured these trim Penney ‘tropicals look just as great as they perform! ‘ They’re dress-tailored > Soh of in a neat dobby pada aaeasonesce Penney’s Easy-Care 100% Dacron® Slacks Cool... lightweight for warm weather comfort! Subtle shadow stripes combine with slub weave ... in 6 colors! Machine wash ’em! Little or no’ town only. ironing needed. ‘Down- men’s sizes 30 to 42 COOL PENNEY CORDS STAY NEATER LONGER! ‘ All-combed Dan River. cottons with Wrinkle- Shed, an exclusive Dan River process that keeps ’em looking freshly pressed, cuts ironing! Dress-tailored, too! Plain men’s. sizes 30 te 42 front. Smartest Yet! It’s Our NEW UNIVERSITY GRAD New Penney styling fea- 3 9 8 tures neat flaps on the two hip pockets! All- combed Dan River Dan- sheen with Wrinkl - Shed and Zelan machine wash , ... drip dry. tines 30 to 36 3” l ° ° Penney’s -- Miracle Mile Open Every Week Day — Monday through Saturday 10:00 A.M. to 9:00 P. M. Penney’s -- Downtown Open Monday and Friday 9:30 A. M.-to 9 P.M. All Other Weekdays 9:30 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. aoe . ae | 3 t me e * Br ‘, k % ‘ x t x \ ee THE. PONTIAC BRESS, FRIDAY. APRIL 24 2059 - ne r A eB RS ful With Y¥gur; Daily. Fearcies ea ies nee ‘WNithoutan T eee | ROWAL Good M orning Cheerfully vigorous and warmly inviting . ... this Royal special reflects the perfect blend of charm and “": for the smartest acttings. . | | DIXIE POTTERY Specially Priced Open Daily 10. AM -8 TPM pag oo 12 to @ P.M, & ‘5261 Dixie Hwy. (Near Waterford) OR 3.1894 4j;One thin dry slice of whole wheat toast Black coffee i/fingertips of~your right hand. Re- “lisliee. de. ay. Day ‘Retains rar og snag logy Me ag MENUS FOR SATURDAY Breakfast One-half grapefruit Two slices crisp bacon Luncheon 1 er nn ae One. glass skimmed, milk Good Stewed . ‘Ten stalks of “esparegus, One glass skimmed milk One slice of wecapem or One-half grapefruit or apple x ww . & MENUS FOR SUNDAY - Breakfast Two .slices crisp bacon One thin ary slice of whole wheat toast One-half srepeices Black coffee Dinner Chilled orange fuice Serving of a — broiled chicken ery Olive (only two or three} One-half — on beans Fresh true cup a) Scrambled © es Lettuce and cucum salad One glass skimmed milk Here is your exercise. Knee] on right knee. Extend your left leg straight out to the side, knee stilf. Raise your left arm up by your left ear and bend to the right, trying to touch the floor with the | ~ PARAMOUNT BEAUTY SCHOOL 11% S, Saginaw, Eagle Theater Bidg., Pontiac, Mich. - ‘Bafollments Available in Day or Evening Classes | '_.. Write, phone or call in person tor Free Pamphlet PHONE FEDERAL 422352 Ln turn to starting position. Repeat, bending your left knee this time, raising your right arm by ear and bending your trunk to the. left. Continue slowly, alter- nating. kk &e & complete %Day Diet in a booklet f-addressed envelope). ¢ with your request for it to Jose- little|phine ‘To , receipe any benefit from the gymnastics you will have to continue them for a few weeks. You should have your blood pressure and heart checked always before beginning exercise if you are not accus- tomed to it or have not had a recent check-up | why you shouldn't have done so without her express invita- _ tion. say sine Post: making them feel obliged to - give me a present. I am a senior in college and expect to be graduated in June. ~ “I was on the committee three years ago that chose the perm awe nt graduation an- nouncements so I am anxious to send one to all my friends and relatives, but in this part of the country people. usually feel obligated to send a gift after receiving an announce- ment: Is there anything I can of Sen. Philip A. Hart (D-Mich), ly-sized house and plane—both new to the Hart family, that is. and the pilot. The house is an eight-year-old tri-level in Washington, D.C., with six bedrooms and room for more to accommodate the large Hart family. The senator’s wife was equally enthusiastic about both, |- If you have missed some of the “The plane has 1,500 hours on ('menus or would like to have my/it but has a completely recondi- reports acquisition of a new fami- The, plane is a five-year old Bonanza, painted green and white and able to carry five passengers, Philip A Harts Acquire Family House, Airplane LANSING # — Jane Hart, wife tioned engine,’ she said. ‘‘I par- ticularly like the call letters — 100-E. I plan to fly it to Washington |~ Saturday and bring Phil home for the weekend.” * * * On the House, she reported: “It’s just 15 minutes from the capitol so Phil can get back and forth when he works odd hours. A year for the children and a nice district — the Korean embassy is just in back of us. We hope to close the deal this weekend.” do to prevent this?” — Answer: You may write in your own handwriting ‘Please no present’? on the announce- ments, “Dear Mrs. Post: When one receives an inyitation to a wedding that is taking place several hundred miles from here and it is-pbvious that the receiver ‘will not be able to_ go, is it necessary nevertheless to send regrets when r.s.v.p. is included on the invitation?” Answer: Yes it is polite to do so, especially in the preserit day when theairplane has shrunk hundreds of miles into really nothing at all. sisal Sina” We Sit ullnvitation oy Tomorrow: “Include Your Hair} in Spring Reconditioning.” “Tes ‘Time to STORE. YOUR WAITE’S Gives. You Complete ‘Scientific COLD Fur Storage * Your furs are proteded against meal, moths, FURS 3 dust and theft. * Waite’s offers you expert fur ropa, remodeling, and cleaning service. * Modest rates. Furs fully insured. Waites 'S tops CALL FE 4-2511 “to have our bonded messenger call for your precious furs. nore _————————— Prom Formals $] ee Wer BURROW FE BRIDAL SALON 8 up ° PorTiagg 5-3675 | [QU Installed ‘Wall to Wall for Retail Price of Carpet . *7.95 Sq. Yd. -ACRILAN PLAINS Hi-Pile Loop Installed Wall to Wall for Retail Price of Carpet *10.95° Sq. Yd. ‘to 6 p.m. — ACRILAN ~ ATI Installed Wal ACRILAN ra 4528 Dixie Highway—Drayton Plains . Mondsy and Friday 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.—Tuesday, Wednesday, Thareday ! 9:00 Saturday 9 a.m. to 5 230 p.m. — [OR 32100 | FREE PARKING in Rear and Front of Store Acrilan Textured Sheared and Loop | for Retail Price of Carpet *11.95 Sq. Yd. - Hi-Pile Loop Installed Wall to Wall for Retail Price of Carpet *9.95 Sq. Yd- O 1 to Wall TWEED | One-Year Protection P OR 3-4109 PATENTED... warranty on entire fan on comp 3065 Orchard Lake Road ne transmission! v4 CONVENIENT TERMS! 90 Days Same as Cash...Up to 24 Months to Pay! CLAYTON’S of KEEGO nance 4 In every Frigidaire model . . . revolutionary 3-ring agitator pumps up and down... Bathes deep dirt out without beating! EXCLUSIVE WITH FRIGIDAIRE Dealer and Frigidaire bring, you the | MOST ADVANCED WASHING ACTION HERE'S WHY FRIGIDAIRE “PUMP”? WASHING ACTION IS YEARS AHEAD OF THEM ALL!. NO LAZY TUMBLING! The Frigidaire pump agitator puts the water to work... NO HARSH BEATING! No blades to beat, tangle, or twist your clothes. Gentle pump action is safe for even nicest lingerie. LOOK! There are 7 Frigidaire Washer Models all featuring 3- Ring Agitator starting as low as. to give you the cleanest wash ever! SA15 Week Per FURNITURE CARPETS - APPLIANCES Telephone FE 5-9474 } i FREE PARKING Right in Front of Our Store... Come in for Meter Pennies. OPEN MONDAY and FRIDAY EVENINGS 'til 9 , Keego Harbor THE PONTIAC PRESS. FRIDAY, APRIL : 24, 1959 es Yachts opt series for ceili 7 HAMILTON, Berinuda w—Ber-|45 to 39%. rffuda yachtuilen took a 32:lead| =: over their vals Thursday in the he shipped one-design | yachts by ong the fitth race if Long Island Sound ri- _ Pan ugh a Dat a ant home. p Meet Walter Lucas Who Says: May I Show the New Rambler to You? .'. . at. BILL SPENCE RAMBLER, Inc. 211 S. Saginaw St. FE 8-4541 Racee «= DRIVER, HOME TOWN > Tow Saat Tinley. Park, Th. Pre ae = Lg wad. meer ie Pails, Obie jack Turner id tos Bil RA, ; evelg Ariz, Dempsey Wilson, Hawthorne, Cal. Paul Russo; Webster cage Mo. be oe 4 | | wworacee | “Tinie 13 R 4 or Wayne Weiler, Phoenix 4 Tampa, Pia, 2 Bin nt Pacoima, Cal. i 3 Eddie Sachs, Center Valley, Pa .10 Johnnie Parsons, Ven Nuys, Cal. or y Grim, Indianapolis, Ind. Pasade: I ——_____— OT ‘Bobb: 2 Ray Crawtord. na, Bob Corth 5 BOAT LUMBER White Oak—Mahogany ~ Marine Plywood “V’ Groove Mahogany Plywood us $4.95 Meagher Lumber Co. 1 Walton Blvd. Corner Baldwin Ave. — fomy Davies Pacoima. Cal. =e Jerry Unser, Lakewood, Cal. Chuck Weyant, & i Fes Piahecty, pringfield, 1. Bob Christie, Grants Pass, Ore. Shorty ee ees Beattie. Wash. : Sul | = TerEAe wow | ~ | | ih eos dmunds, Anaheim,.Cal. Mike Magill. Haddenfield, N,J. hroeder, Chester, D1. Al Keller, Green Acres, Pla. 3 « Gene Hartley, } Indianapolis Al Herman, Allentown, Pa. die Russo, Kansas City, Mo — Daigh, Long Beac "Cal. ul Goldsmith, Bt. Clair, Mich. (OT—Rookies who mus ei Mernorial Day 500 Has 61 Official Entries | Local Titles Will Be Decided i in 5 of Them a | | ; 6 Keg Events ’ Five lotal. bowling champion- {ships will be decided, here this weekend as six -different~-keg houses host tournament action. Titles to be decided will be in the Elks Mixed Doubles, Howe’s Lanes Singles, the Oakland Coun- | men hold the edge in that unique meet, Frank Miller of Orchard Lake is currently in the van with 674. Pat Burch is the No, 1 woman on a 642. two-day session at Cooley. Five games with three separate avi, <4 ; Guaranteed prizes are $300 for: i1st and $150 for runnerup. Deadline ifor entries is when the last squad A inci granddaddy division! starts in the meet. Men’s; women’s will also be featured. Each of seven or mixed teams are eligible to members 55 or over will be com- take part. Women are allowed 80 jpeting for that prize. \per cent handicap to 70 for men. Doubles teams from Fisher sions according to league averages. | * * ty Mixed Singles at Cooley Lanes, 700'Chapter Singles at West Side Recreation and Troy Marcum Me- morial Doubles at Motor Inn. The 700° Chapter’s 1st event, should be an interesting one. It! starts at 1 p.m. Sunday, Each of! Body Local 596 UAW will -_ for honors in the Marcum ft nament both Saturday and Set. First Shot an Ace SPRINGFIELD, Ohio It " | Dixie Doubles at Dixie Recrea- .|Lodge 810 Sunday night, A delega- the 57 members will roll three In the 2nd weekend will be the tion, The Bill Warden squads. will highlight the final session at Elks 7-10 Conversion Only Excitement OWNER'S CAR NAME ENTRY Ansted Special ee omen we pee Indiana Leader eodotsr Satiwauies, Wisc. Belond Special Whittier, Calif. Bowes Peostel Indianapolis, Ind. Wolcott Special d 3 Estes Special nglewood, Van Lines dal Long Beach, Calif Eldorade Specia} Milan, Italy Robbins Special Royal ont. Mich. Simoniz Special Mia m: Safety Giess 6; Shoe . Ind. Bryant Speci Lake Success, N. && aba coer| 1 ville, Tene oover a as. . Fenn. ‘Travelon Special . Hardwood cial «= Orland Park, I). wes 1 indianapolis, Ind Novi Diesel kk. Calif. Daytona genet Daytona Beach, Pia. Novi §pe Burbank, C Masee.cite sarecial” Santa + tg ‘Catt Yanick Indianspolis, Ind. Aamar Special Terre Haute, Ind. Arcadia, Calif. Champman 8p! Tucson, Arix. Schmidt Special St. Louis, Mo Bardahi Special Presno, Calif Youngstown, Obie. McKay Special Terre Haute, Ind. Sumar 6pecial ition from Ann Arbor wil] compete a - iduo is from Pontiac as are nine * fothers in the top 15. Lou Koprince for ABC Tourney ST. LOUIS (AP) — A St. Louis bowler converted the 7-0 split during the Congress tournament and that, was all the excitement the tour-; ney provided yesterday. * * * ithat afternoon, Poyt Huron bow!- ers will be gunning for top honors) ‘Saturday. * * * The combination of Phyllis Shaul and Gerald Weber head the pack after five weeks with 1322. The * Chuck Steele made the big rail- road in the 10th frame of his 2nd singles game. It was the 12th 7-10 and Shirley Pointer hold the best actual score with 1196. A 942 has kept Ray Ball in the Jead ever since opening week at Howe's. His 826 is tops for actual pins. Emery Tee has the best game there of 247 although he is not in the top ten. Top output in the booster team’ Anyone stil] interested ‘in enter-, division last night was the 27600 ing this meet can do so until the series by J-K Service of Afton, 1 i \ nament. to low average booster teams. * * | . t Meguiar's Special eacoeens. Calif. | Cornis Special San Bernadino, Cal. Leader Special Milwaukee, sa —— econ tlic ogg Schneider Spec: . In Sclavi Special Charisston, .W. Va Helse Specia) Chulé Vista, Calif Brady | seme Morristown, Pa. Radsco Special! Denver, Colo. Zink | ial ‘ulsa, Okla. Pedera) Special ee Mich. Pederal Special Detroit, Mich. Arciero Special Montebello Calif. Hall-Mar & 1 ——. Ind. Enter, Mt. Clemens, Mich. McNamara Special Kalamazoo, Mich. Zink Special Tu Okla. Braund Special Birmingham, Mich. Dayton Special Dayton, Ohio ~ Midwest Special Jasper, Ind Central Special Cleveland, O. Zink 1 ulsa, Okla. Pouch Special Orleans, Ind Drewry Special South Bend. Ind Dunn Special Metroit, Mich Binter Special San Diego. Calif. McKay Special Youngstown, O, McKay Special Agajanian hs mew Demler Special 5 t take driver's test.) Youngstown, O Los Angeles, Calif Niagara Palis; N. ¥.| | final ea besine Sunday night. | Mo. Phelan’s Paints of East St. | Louis led the open division scor- The women at be battling the| ing with 2,818. Both scores were imen azain in the 2nd and last! far off the Pace of the leaders. ‘which runs through June 15. Lyle; American Bowling gum conversion of the 69-day-old tour} Tonights action will be limited| was 14-year-old Joe Borst’s first trip to the golf course. He looked at the 16-yard par three hole at Snyder Park, took out his driver, swung at the ball and watched it bounce inte the hole for an ace on his first golf shot, day. Trophies and cash awards will be presented after the action. Mar- cum was a local star athlete who died last- fall. * * * . The only tourney: continuing aft-. er Sunday will be the one at Dixie. Jones and Lee Marino took the club heuse toe tell pro George early | lead with 1308. _Sevite. v The excited youth aed to the . " GOLFERS! © GOLF LEAGUES $1.00 NO WAITING @ ALWAYS DRY “@ ALWAYS PLAYABLE 3-GOLF COURSES—3 | 3-STARTING TEES-3 MOREY’S Golf and Country Club 2280 Union Lake Road, Off Commerce Road EM 3-9125 AND SAVE Go to ON YOUR se NEEDS Little Al Cuthrell has his Water- ford track team impressive style. have shown good balance rather than any one or two stars in get- SSLASHED 24’ RIDING ROTARY | MOWERS HAVE FORWARD AND REVERSE SPEEDS Tops in performance with plenty bf go-power. Fast wheel adjust- ment changes cutting heights. 10” rear’... 8” front semi-pneu- matic tires for $139 | smooth riding. NO MONEY DOWN WITH GRANTS “CHARGE-IT”’ ONE YEAR WARRANTY on Clinten engine. Gharanteed against defects in materials and workmanship under normal use and care. Famous. WTG Power Mowers ...all new for.’59. DELUXE 24’ ROTARY 49" on Ilandle “Charge-1t", No money down Free Leaf Mulcher 8" Wheels, — Diamond Tread Tires Py Choke-A-Matic Handle Control No other mower like it at this price! Cuts mow- ing time by 25% thanks to powerful 3 HP Briggs & Stratton engine. Briggs & Stratton 3 HP, 4-cycle All Steel Deck a ™* W. T. GRANT CO. “You Really Get Your Money's Werth at Grant's” Miracle Mile Shopping Center—S. Telegraph at Square Lake Road ‘J dashes. REDWOOD r Home ting off to a hig start. That balance was plainly evident at Southfield yesterday when Wa- terford took Ists in every event! ‘and slammed four of them on the: way to a 91-18 romp. Larry Warner was the only double winner in the victory. Most of the other one-event Ist | placers added a 2nd or 3rd and | had a hand in relay triumphs. | Waterford slammed both hur- dies, the pole vault and high | jump. . _ Farmington hurdle great Warren Cawley went wild in another- Inter-| Lakes ‘Titeet scoring 16% points in a 74-35 drubbing of Van Dyke. He 'won the highs, set a school record by broad jumping 20 feet;® 712 ‘inches, took the high jump and ‘anchored the 880 relay team. Mike | i iJ ‘ | Skippers Sweep: (sts in 91-18 Track on a Sophomores Leon Prentis, Béb jin nine innings as Lapeer was Wayne - Oakland triumphs. rolling along a Smaglinski and Clark Montgom- taking over Ist by The Skippers, ery sparked the Pontiac Central | 5.3 dayvees to a 78-31 track win over Royal Oak Dondero with a) | total of five ists. | Victories by St. Michael, Or- chard Lake St. Mary and Roches-, ‘ter headed a long list of baseball ‘striking out 15. Lapeer came from Our Lady of Sorrows and New action Thursday. * * * St. Michael won its 2nd Subur-| ban Catholic game downing St.) Benedict, 7-5. Tom Dabbs broke; a 33 tie with a two-run single. Lefty Ken Biron was the winner | with help from Paul 1 te oop St. Mary extended ‘its record to four straight beating | St. dames of Ferndale 5-2. The Eaglets clinched it early for Stan Krogulecki, who fanned 14 for a! total of 41 whiffs in three games. St. Clement blanked St. Rita 12-0. Rochester won its 3rd outing ee ‘Agee of the Falcons took both ‘evened its Tri-County record at lwith a 3-2 nod over L’Anse Geax © Outdoor Furniture ® Patios ® Fences ® Paneling w i | BURKE LU 4495 Dixie Highway For You Build-It-Yourself | JUST ARRIVED! A full car-- load of redwood in all sizes, ness to build your lawn fur- niture, fencing, outdoor patios or wall paneling. Also included are redwood beams for that rich, custom look. You will enjoy your furniture all summer terg — and you will find that redwood Also available is dry spruce. “Where the Home Begins” OR 3- po a i | | 4 i This Weekend! | It’s Easy! It’s Fun! It’s Economical! idths, lengths and thick- beet put his title on the line in a) itraining routine. ‘off earlier in the week. ision ruled that the fight will be! -scored on the system. The winner of a round) ‘will get five points and the loser ‘any lesser number, with an even ‘Don’t Give Up, Tigers! ‘round being scored 5-5. | Bulldogs broke a see-saw stir A in q ithe 6th and pulled away to a 7-3 ~ ek * |verdict at Clarkston. Jon Nelson Dwight Swords batted in Dave! {lipped a one-hitter for Clarence- Hecht with the Falcon clincher.|ville besting Doug Danzier and ‘Dennis Scott pitched the route [Bloomfield ‘ils. 10-3. tripping Romey, | * |behind with four in the 7th for its! ‘Haven got off to big starts. OLsi¢ victory. Ray Ritter slammed a ‘got 15 hits whipping Clawson 9-5. ‘solo homer for Romeo. [New Haven got 19, five by Nate | Brighton and Clarenceville took Petty, socking Capac 22-3. oer Lady Grade School nine belt | a ieaseit aichee) 20-7 with Pruyt| rowing a no-hitter, 'Lamphere was Harper Woods’ 38th victim in ' row, 12-2, The Waterford track winenrs were: High Hurdles — Ed Stigers, 16.9; Med- 2 relay — Elbert Harrell, Harold Ti- | pote, Roger Myers and Benson Weedon, 13 47: 100-Warner. 108; 880 — Mike Ewer, 1207.1; 440 — Ot ae 58.5; oe Hurdles— ;|dim Smith, 21.4; 220 Warner; 23.5 [Mile — Mike Kaines, 4.56.5. 680 relay — h Smith, Tim Underwood, Stigers and Warner; Shot put — Barry Campbell, 43 |feet, 5 inches; Pole Vault — Ed Bartle, ie. foot: High jump — Darwin Baldwin, iS 4 inches; Broad jump — Under- non. 3 feet. 10 inches TOMORROW'S omnes | Several schools in Marysville Relays - INDIANAPOLIS tAP) — Hard-| Several schools in Thurston Relays training heavyweight challenger} Bay City at PCH (2 games) ‘Brian London practically took the | iday off today, giving his sparring) London Relayes = Training Grind Champ Goes On Wit Workouts, as Both Sign Title Bout Contract aE ke SABE CE Bere ie Bob Mineweaser’ s h Side Sporting Goods Al Kaline—Harvey Kuenn Gloves - Team and School Equipment Our Specialty WILSON GOLF EQUIPMENT PRA ine CS aS A Tied a ‘ > = HARWOOD SOFTBALLS 1214 N. Perry ” Perry at, Madisea | i \% FE 45393 Plenty of Pree Parking © abe A AL cama ATTENTION BOWLERS! SIGN UP NOW FOR SUMMER LEAGUE BOWLING Men’s, Women’s & Mixed Night Leagues Available Monday thru Friday also Morning and Afternoons - Attention Team Captains! Night Spots Now Availab_ for Winter Bowling on Mondey and Frida; © Niahes oat 9 P.M. Featuring Air Conditioning Automatic Pin Spotters,é Tele-Scorers . LAKEWOOD LANES 3121 W. Huron St. (1 Block East of Elizabeth Lake Rd.) FE 4-7943 Cranbrook at Flint Central periners 8 or nae limiting Central Golfers Defeat imse 0 ¢) lies 0 ‘Northern at Municipal work. Pontiac Central and new Pon- ‘tiac Northern met on the golf | 15-round bot with the Englishman’ ‘course for the first time yesterday at the State Fairgrounds Colise- and Central’s team triumphed in kept up his regular | the 9-hole medal play match at He took a day {City Golf Course, 303-350. | Tom Deaton led the: Chiefs to The two fighters put their sig-! | victory with a four-over-par 38 on natures on the contract in an Municipal’s north side, good for elaborate ceremony at the state-| medal honors. Northern's _ best house yesterday. | shooter was Dick Delano, who x« * * . ‘carded 44. Central's dual meet rec- London was promised $60,000 ord now reads +1. plus expenses for transportation | and training. Patterson was guar- Softball Workout Members, of Stadium Inn Class anteed $75,000 or 60 per cent of: A city league softball club will! net gate receipts, plus all the; $200,000 television income and any | eon ene for a practice session and ‘tryout, Sunday, from 2 to 5 p.m. other money left after London is! Drill is set for Beaudette Park, ' paid. and the manager says he needs. * * * Champion Floyd Patterson; who! um May .1, The Indiana Athletic Commis-| | pitchers. “five-point must” * * * | DETROIT (UPI)—Under the . The two fighters will both hold “you gotta have heart” depart. | public workouts at the Coliseum, ment: Tiger publicity man Doc Sunday, Patterson sparring first,, Fenkell noted on his statistic with London following him into the! sheets that “Tigers lost 11 of | ring. | the first 13 in 1935 and still won | RACES EVERY SUNDAY AT THE MHRA DRAG STRIP 26 Mile at Gratiot ..8:00 A. M. QUALIFYING TIME..... is not expensive. Drayton Plains 1211 ELIMINATIONS ........ .1:00 P. M. Shoctice and Grudge Races Every Saturday, 12 Noon to ye P.M. Only $1.00 Per Car and Driver. paceene-C OUP O Necemnen enmnenes & This coupon entitles holder to ad- mission as spectator at 1/2 price (50c) at MHRA DRAG STRIP during 1959. . Vanmuamanan i] ] J i] 1 ' ' I i “4 SAVE ON Y LUMBER = — ANID BUILDING SUPPLIES For that small repair job use GIBRALTAR PRODUCTS made by a Michigan firm employing Michigan labor. GIBRALTAR | Redi-Mix $ CEMENT GIBRALTAR Redi-Mix MORTAR GIBRALTAR Home Repair CEMENT 5 KIT INCLUDING FREE TROWEL 2 GIBRALTAR Kiddies Washed . and Screened PLAY SAND FREE Dibvery + FREE Parking “oh TIL 5 P. M. SATURDAY t 8,536 cars and 1,805 trucks. Name GM TV Ad Chief DETROIT @—Gail Smith,_, for- mer associate manager of advertis- ing production for Proctor & Gam- ble-Co., ) named director 3 ; of television rtising for .Gen- a. | eral Motors Corp. Smith will join | the staff of William F. Hufstader, ! GM vice president in charge of distribution May 15. Seek Defense Orders Workers union said Thursday offi- cials of Holly Carburetor Co, and UAW representatives will visit of- ficials in Washington Friday urg- ing that more defense orders be |¢. <- granted to the suburban Warren Adin ul plant, UAW officials said employ-|! ment at the plant has dropped by 400 in the past year. : DETROIT ww — The United Auto; them in wholesale package lots. Quotations are furnished by the Detroit Serene of Markets, as of Wednesday. Detroit Produce oe vaneseges 06.00 —_ VEGETABLES ba. No. 7 DK. cccccecccseee 4.95 a) -. + eeeroncenee: Y GOED. ..ce--eene 6 RY oan “ pensenescecsoes Bl 50 “vee Oeeeceenere acncceany F seesronee = eaee » ei) DU. cescencgcecevers 1.76 | Poultry and Eggs . DETEOIT POULTRY Seraers April 23 (AP)—Prices paid pound, {.0.b, Detroit, for No. ry qual- ime.’ ‘whites Ba caponettes over 5 ‘Ws. 25-27; di DETROIT EGGS DETROIT, April 23 (AP)—Eggs, f. 0. b. Detroit, in case lots, federal-state grades: WhitesfGrade A jumbo 35-36, wid. avg. 3544; extra large 32-34 wid. a. 33, -_ierse 31-1 31-33, wi. avg. 3847" avg. 26; small 23; Ems “3 large 28-20; wtd. avg. 28%; bro Grade A extra large oa large 31% medium 25. Checks 23. Commercially — Whites—Grade A jumbo i] as large oT Vs. 29: 28; ; Browns —Grade A umbo 20; ral Pw medium 24; grade B large 4. Livestock DETROIT LIVESTOCK ETROIT, re role wi (AP) (U8DA)— Small receitea,| erings steady to $0 veenta lower; cows Ses ongeny seve 308: tude choice slaughter steers - mixed good atfd choice steers 28 56-29.50: - 1 LAKE PROPERTY ] SPRING FED LAKE q €0 beautiful acres, no buildings, situ- 4 : ated on sparkling 3 acre spring fed lake. Delightful, restful living in Rose Township. Excellent fishing! a Priced now at $450 per acre. ~ CALL SLAYBAUGH’S MARINE 4 FE 8-0453; 5-6283 ¢. Shown by Appointment Only balk choice teers sue-iset Ib. steers 50-31.00; loads lots cholce $oas-1195 Yb. steers 31.50- ‘standard to low good steers 23.60-26. #0: ioe DE carters. Market Turns Upward Again NEW YORK ® — The stock market resumed its uptrend after two sessions of reaction from rec- ord highs. Early trading was fair- ly active. Gains. of key stoelts were from fractions to about a point general- ly. There were scattered losses. Selected issues in the electron- ies and chemical field made wid- er gains, * x six-minute spell i. - the’ Opening ‘| flurry. Motors, steels and rails showed a-slight uptrend, American’ Motors was_ delayed about ‘a half hour in opehing due % to 40% on 25,000 shares. Stude- * * * The two makers o cars were in much demand follew- ing their encouraging earnings re- ports yesterday and the declara- tion of a bigger-than-expected cash dividend by American Motors. Zenith spurted 9 points, Inter- national Business Machines add- ed a half dozen points, Litton In- dustries more than 5, Coca Cola and Vick Chemical about 2 apiece and Texas Instruments over a point. . * * * Pfizer dropped more than a point, Raytheon was more than a point ahead, Better earnings helped New York ’'Central and Pennsylvania to frac-) tional gains along with other lead- x * ately. utility steers 21. oa 80; most good to ‘low choice heifers 25.50- “28.00 few loads, |ehoice heifers 28.00-29.50; —_ lot high on — tb. heifers ae | andard to wy heifers 23.00-25 50 i etitity heifers 2 23.00; utility cows | 119.50-21 00; canners and cutters 15.00- to 19.60; utility bulls 23.00-25.00; strong | weight commercia) bulls up to 25.50; |cutter bulls 21.00-23.00; fh to ichoice 219 Ib. stock calves 35.00; load, to choice 645 Ib. yearling stock ‘steers 33.00; few lots smedium stock, |steer calves 28 00-29.00. ~ | Vealers—Salable 25. Not enough done” to make a market. Compared last week vealers opened the week 1.00 higher,| |however, demand on prime vealers late |narrow due to the non-kosher holidays; | lower grades 1.00 higher throughout the week, most choice and prime vealers Zincs'ee few up to 40.50 and 41.00 : jearly in week; standard and good wee: S 38.00; eu. tnd utility 18.00-27.00., FOLLOW THE SIGNS V.A. $82.00 DOWN . $69 PER MONTH i You'll Be EVEN MORE SURPRISED When You SEE the Model Homes .. . MODEL OPEN 11 A. M. to 8 P. M. Daily and Sunday 3 Miles North of Pontiac on Joslyn Road Available Also in the Viking ‘Lifetime Aluminum Siding and Roofing’ FHA $390 DOWN $74 PER MONTH MODEL OPEN 11 A. M. to 8 P. M. DAILY. and SUNDAY Judah Lake Estates No. Diorah Building Cc oO. Ford rose % to 65. on two suc- iat 85 | on an opener of 4,000 shares. Sheep—Salable 100. Not enough done make a market. Compared last week Scnahaet lambs 50 cents higher; slaugh- ter ewes steady’ most £ and oe shorn lambs 105 lbs. down 20.00-22 5 few loads high choice shorn lambs 22 60: 22.90. High choice to prime shorn ab- sent, few loads mostly choice 90-95 Ib. shorn. lambs 22.00-22.50; best outlet on Hight weight re Rao ig to good lambs 18.00-20 00; load and choice fine wooled shorn lambs ay . eull to choice slaughter ewes 5.00- Hogs—-Salable 150 anaes under 240 Ibs. 50 cents higher but not enough done to estaolish market on others; early 2 and 3 180-240 Ibs 252 Ibs. 16.75; TE ane Cheting In on Bird in Welded ‘Cage |" side. Worried ing the eggs will hateh first. New York Stocks _ (Late Morning Quotations) Figures ‘after decimal point are eighths The ticker tape was late for ‘al/ to a flood .of buy orders. It rose/§ baker-Packard, also delayed in|ce opening but for a shorter period, |¢ ‘irose % to 13% on 45,000 shares. “compact”’ , two children, joined the firm in 1948 as sales representative. He formerly was manager ,of ’a Ford tractor dealership in Attica, Ind. He is president of the Hill and Dale Village Homeowners Agsocia- HOWE iG The big three motors, steels and, o = most aircrafts were up moder- | | i | FAIRLANE | \ @ 37 FE 2-9122 c NATIONAL HOMES @ 3 BEDROOMS @ WOOD CLOSET DOORS @ 80 FT. BY 125 FT. LOTS @ PLANNED SUBDIVISION @ COMMUNITY WATER © @ PAVED STREETS _@ CLOSE TO SCHOOLS AND SHOPPING FAIRLANE FT. BY 25. FT. HOME p.m. to 6. 1245 Cedar Holm ‘Bloomfield Hills. FE 8-4169. A Pontiac man who has always wanted a boat and sporting goods store saw his dream come true as the Cruise-Out Boat Sales, 63 E. Walton Blvd., today began cele- brating its three-day grand open- « *« *®* ' Owner of the new $15,000 store is John Rennie, who has_ been servicing boats and running a ma- rine supply business for a year from his home, 1401 Highwood St. With a vast background in boating, servicing boats and mo- tors, and boat building, Rennie said he has planned his store to meet the needs of anyone in- terested in water sports, He will stock a complete line. of boats in the Duratech, Glass Magic, Sportcraft, Trojan and White House brands, ranging from &-foot prams) to 28-foot cruisers in wood, alu- minum and fiberglass models. | * * * The store will also offer a com-} Tells Record Earnings DETROIT \w— Federal-Mogul-| Bower Bearing Corp. says its first adv.| |quarter earnings this year were a ‘record $2,966.00 or $1.22 a share. | It said earnings for the first three! months of 1958 were $1,600,000 or 66 cents a share. The firm said * its first quarter sales this year. ied Ch ....11¢-1 Liby — ++ 126 tion. . Allis’ Chal... 28.5 Lockh h Aire ... 36.4 — ane Us ..-- a3 po A pet Appointment of Gail Smith to Am Airiin 13 Mack Trk 04 the newly created position of di- Am Gyan 220.58) Marthe “co'..’. ag.(rector of television advertising for jam wary .. 2, Mey D Ste ... $16 General Motors was announced to- Am Tel&Tej] ..254.4 Mergen Line ‘4iday by John F. Gordon, president Am‘ Tob. ..... 105.5 Merr Ché&s . 2 f GM Anaconda .... =. Mpls Hon 138 or . a st apes “Ye — ey jee _ Smith will join the staff. of Wil- Armour & Co 26.2 Monsen Ch .. 48.6 liam F. Hutstager, GM vice presi- ate" Ohio. 285 Moe par’ -: ${‘ident in charge of distribution, Jeth Hey \ Mae $1.1 Mot Wheel ... 17.2) May 15. soeing +» 40.2 ) otorola . 45 : " ond tre ee Murrey CP .. ies ms Active in radio and television ad- srist My |...1042 Net Cash R... 73 |Vertising and production for near- = = of Nat Dairy — ha ly 20 years, he formerly. was as- Gal Pack --: 872 wy Central... 28.4|Sociate manager of advertising Camp Soup .. 59.4 Nort & West 996 production for Procter & Gamble Con, Pac -:: 302 Nor Pac_..... 512/Co. Smith is a native of Kansas Carrier Cp... 43.7 Ghio Ol... 40, |city, Kan. Cater ‘Trae’s..-942 Ovens Ca fo sier coe. . ‘ Pan A W Air 32.2 Goce Cole. 138 | Bean Ep ns 3 Lodge Calendar Colum Gas ... 22.4 Parke Da =.; 43 Consum Pw .. 55.6 Penney, JC ...110 Special eomeaicsae Pontiac Cont Can 46.1 RR ...... 18 |Lodge No. 21, F&AM, Priday, April Cont Cop & 8 13.7 Pepsi Cola ... 30liogth work in’ TOM Degree, 5:30 Cont Meter ... 12.7 Pree 57 t.@ (Pm. Dinner at 6:30 pm. (GMTC Copper Rng ~ 27. Phileo_...... 30 night). Leslie L. Hotchkiss, W.M. Corn Pad . 65.1 Phill Pet ++ 50.4) adv. t Edis ...., 45.5 Proct & G@ ., 824 Curtiss Pub . Bs oo © Oil ..... eat N e B . £ ; ag .. 346 RCA... . 61.4 Repub Stl . 16 @W f pous ene, . a. Rex aie | eeee 42.1 5 in ne Past Air L mate her te ere Eart ot Kog -.. ; + 97.6 Royal Dut... 442 " Steve J. Condon of 954 Canter- se. 69.4 3 ury Dr. . Et ane ? ... 43.1 Bt Reg Pap 50 . reported the theft of a El & Mus ... 76 Scoville, Mt es 26.1 camera and radio with a combined Emer nad ‘: - 30.7 Shel) On... aa 7 Value of $60 to Pontiac police yes- Ex-Cell-O “ 4 simmons weiss ses, ‘terday. They were taken from his Firestone’ aad a Becony. ...... 46 |parked car at 180 Orchard Lake Ford Mct 65 Sou Pac ...... (81 Ave., he said. rocky tea 4 oath ad" : 3 B ae. wee i: og > Dynsm .. $05 Std Brand . : 63 | The theft of a suitcase from his a. parked = “a at sed Bi faa 3 53 ccar eke rire apie Gen Mills .. t . as 0 Pontiac police M | 491 6td OO gen Tae - 105 Stevens. JP .. 4) yesterday by Herbert Grubbs of en me ... u <. Gen Tire ..... 68 Sun Ol ...... 63 2, Dearborn. enesco «+. 32.2 Suther Pap... 3 6) — - . “ papas oo bed ae be oe e o | - Goodricn ° 804 Tex G Sul -. 222 Charles Gaddy, 48, of 1426 Vine- es extro! ecerhr Goodyear is be weed St., pleaded guilty to reckless N ” 58.6 Trans w Air : a driving yesterday before Munici-| <2 ransame: . is Teent Cen .. 4,1 Pal Judge Cecil McCallum and | : jo Un Carbide "a7 was ted $5. a . i . 474 Un Pac «» 38 Spri 3 pring Dance, Benefit for Wes Ing Rand "0t Unit ee . aie Bloomfield Boys’ Club at the vPw Inland su a ‘ Unit Fruit 401 Hall. Keego Barter, Sat, April 25th| nspir Cop .. p.m. mation $1.50. Tod toteriek, Be ‘a Elwells Orchestra. Sponsored by Int Harv 43. the Women’s Auxiliary of the Int Rick : iis 5 Fire Dept. per . Int Silver . ... 442 Int Tel&Tel .. 384 West A Bk... 343, note fre Pur een Piet Is] Crk Coal || 41 Westg El aa of Our johns Man .. 68 White Mot 494 Lady of the Lakes Church on genes at os Wilson & Co . 338 ae Hwy. Sponsored by Sg enneco ee bbe ooiwor if rereere, a ui Yarst OneT at ernadette’s Guild. FOGOR sess : Rummage Sale. Friday & ercm Oe Glee ss ARES ___ |day 9 ‘til 1. Re-organized Chure of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. 19 Front St. Back of Elis. ‘Temple. adv. /- White elephant and > rummage, sale. 420 Bloomfield St. Macedonia | /Center. April 25th. 9 am. to 12 adv. Rummage Sale, Fri. & Sat. at 10: adv. Rummage Sale. First Congrega- tional Church. E. Huron at Mill St. Sat. morning, April 25, 8:00. AA Private Detectives _Licensed—Bonded—FE oom adv. Rummage Sale. First Congrega_! tional Church. E. Huron at Mill St. Sat. morning, April 25, 8:00. ady.| Rum sale, St. Vincent's! Hall, Park “st Saturday 8-11:39. Stall Showers, complete, $34.50. Mich. Fluorescent, 393 Orchard Lake.. adv. Rum e Sale. Fri. ‘P.M. All Saints Church. ‘St. entrance. AA Private Detectives Licensed—Bonded—FE 5-5201 xmmage Sale Sat, April 25th,’ ‘14 wie, 8 to 2. adv Rummage Sale Sat. April 25th. 9:30 at 228 N. Saginaw. adv. *|ebouts of the father of said minor child adv.| will Exchange| 4th day of May, ‘the undersigned will sell at public ned | Pontiac 2 Dr. lat 30 were $29,959,000, ‘compared with n $23, 388,000 for the first quarter of} 1958. | STATE OF MICHIGAN—In the Pro-| bate Court for the County of Oakland, | a Division. | In the matter of the petition con- coraing Timothy Beker, 0 To Orville Baker, father of said child Petition having been filed in this! Court alleging that the present where- minor. Cause| are unknown and said child has violated) a law of the State. and that said child) should be placed under the jurisdiction | of this Court In State of Michigan, you are hereby no- tifted that the hearing on said petition held at the Oskland County Service Center, Court House Annex, 1260B West Bivd.. in the City of Pon- tiac in said County, om the Sth day of May A.D. 1959, at nine o'clock in the forenoon,’ and you are hereby com- manded to appear personally at said hearing It betng impractical to make personal service hereof, this summofis and notice en be served by publication of a copy week previous to said hearing in The Pontiac Press, a newspaper printed and circulated in said County. adv.'_ Witness, the Honorable Arthur |= Moss®. Jugge of said Gourt, in a : ity of Ponttac in said County, this; L Bammace. me & “ 1, Sat. ooth day of April, AD. 1980 | Apri a.m arlotte. | (Seal) ARTHUR. E MOORE. | V.i tA true copy) a dge of ernst ELSIE J. VASCASSE. ENN! Probate Register,| Juvenile Division April 24, '59 NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE Apr. 24, 7) Notice is hereby given that on the| 1959 at 11 o'clock am.,| to the highest bidder for cash ome 1955) sedan No P755H 36-976. FE Lawrence 8t., Pontiac, Mich ‘Said motor vehicle is stored at erry, Pontiac, Mich. and may spected at 16 S. Perry. Pontiac, t undersigned reserves the right to} ‘ibid at he eae \ sauaaidiads FINANCE CO. Pontiac. Michigan! JOHN LEE, Manager April 24, May Ist, ‘59. SAVE YOU UP T0 60 DOLLARS ON YOUR NEXT NEW CAR LOAN! PHONE PONTIAC STATE BANK FE 4-3591 MEMBER FDIC the name of the people of the! Sunday. A ? {) ® Pontiac Press Photo ' NEW BOAT STORE OPENS—This is the new _ which is holding its grand opening today through Cruise-Out Boat Sales Store, 63 E. Walton Bivd., Center for Water Sports [Fire vestroys House Celebrates Business Start“: °.' Froen ANN ARBOR ® — A fire roared through the Sigma Nu fraternity _ plete ‘line of trailers, motors, house at the University of Michi- sporting goods, and a wide variety gan Thursday night. Most of the of marine equipment. A total of 1,720 square feet of ithree-story building was destroyed. No injuries were reported. Most floor..space will be devoted to a. laf the 38 residents were away while show room and repair department. | firemen battled the blaze for two The building has a shining plate’ hours. Firemen said defective wir- glass front and is of cement block/ing in a third-floor dormitory area construction. - apparently started the fire. Death Notices —_<—_—~—~_—__=_—~_~—~_»~*~_*~ rrr rr" aT APRIL 21, 1989, CHARLES . Denby. Drayton Plains, aa ty husband of Mrs Joanne ° Fishel], beloved son of Kenneth Pishell and Mrs. Hazel Angell; Gear father of Randy, Debra, Chad, and Terri Fishell; r brother of Haroid and John Pishell. Funeral service will be held targa a 25, at 1 m., from the Coats Puneral ome, 314] Sashabew Rd. Dray- ton Plains, with Rev. Walter Tee- a wissen dr., officiating “GRATE APRIL 23, 1959, ALVIN R. 9551 iis Rd. Clarkston. age ri Peter, Ralph dear father of and Lawrence E Grate; oar brother of Mrs. James Aner. also survived by § grandchildren Puneral. service wil) be held Saturday, Apri! 25. at 2 pm, from the Sharpe-Goyette Puneral Home, Clarkston, with Rev. Wil- Mam Richards officiating. Inter- ment in Lakeview Cemetery. Mr Grate will lie tm state at the Sharpe-Goyette Punera!l Home, Clarkston LAWYTR, APRIL 23, 1988. HAR- mon C, 6441 Wardell Ct., Orchard Lk, age 85, dear father “of nor Lawyer and Raiph PF yer Puneral service will be held Saturday, April 25. at 10 am, from the C J Godhardt Punera) Home, Keego Harbor, with Rev Edward Auchard officiattng. Mr Lawyer will be sent to the Too- mry-Sorvick Puneral Home in Devils Lake. North Dakota, services and ourial Interment in Crary Cemetery, Devils Lake, N. Dakota. _Card of ‘Thanks 1 1 WE WISH TO THANK OUR MANY friends, relatives and negghbors for their many ects of kindness and fiora] offerings also cards of sympathy in our recent bereave- ment of husb father, A special thank you to our minister Rev Lawrence Dickins and @parks . Griffin Punera] Home Mrs. Eva Bowen and son, Ray- __mond WE WISH TO THANK OUR_ MANY friends, neighbors and relatives fot their floral offerings, cards of sympathy,. Mass offerings and acts of kindness during our re- cent bereavement. Thank« to the Rev O'Donnel! and members of St Michael's Church, Altar So- ciety, Brace Funeral Home end pallbearers. Family of Pau) Auk- stikalnis WE WISH TO THANK OUR MANY friends neighbovs & relatives for their cards of sympathy. and floral offerings and acts of kindness during the recent bereavement of Linvel} C Smith Special thanks to Rev. North Church of Zion Navatene, Huntoon Funeral Home. pal'bearers & Pontize Police es- _cort The family of Grace Smith ~~ Funeral Directors 4 PPPBODLD DDD LD I PP LL LLL COATS PUNERAL HOME Drayton Ptains OR 31757 Donelson-lohns FUNERAL HOME “Designed for Furerais™ SPARKS. GRIF EIN CHAPEL Thrughtfut_ Service TE 2Aa4) Voorhees-Sinle FUNERAL HOME Ambulance Sersice P'ane or Motor FR 7-RT7P Cemetery Lots 5 PPP LPL LLL 4 CHOICE LOTS (6 GRAVES TO lot) tn section 8 Perry-Mt. Park. 1 snoice lot at Oakland Hills Cem- etery near vane Lake and Novi Phone OR *-22 4 LOTS IN ae CHAPEL CEM- etery. $295. FE 4-5408 BEAUTIFUL 6GRAVE |0OT rae ty Mt Park Cemetery Wil! vide Reas VE 40882 WHITE CHAPE!.4_LOTS. GAR- _den of Love. $205. OR 3-4945 __ WHITE CRAPE! 6 1.OTS CHOICE lots. $1,200 value, $400 FE 2-5061 fas _ The Pontiac Press FOR WANT ADS DIAL FE 2-8181 From 8 a.m. to & p.m. All errors should be re. orted immediately The ess assumen no respon- sibility for errors other than to cance! the charges for that portion of the first insertion of the advertise- ment which has been ren dered valueless through the error When cancellations are made b your’ “kill adjustmente wil! without Closing: «ime ror advertise ments containing type sizes farger than regular agate type is 12 o’cjock the day previnue to publication . Transient Want a“ me? . oe canceled wu the day of the first ecertion qf CASH WANT AD RATES tines 1-Day sDays 6Days } 61.50 «82.04 = 83.13 bed 2.97 4.50 4 00 3.84 8.76 ¢ joo. 40, | 830 1 3.50 6.30 9.66 , 400 7 20 116 9 450 8.10 12 10 6 00 900 8613.80 crn SAW OPERATO TORS. Two. BOX RUCPLIES At 10 a.m. Today there were teplies .t The Press office in the following 5, 6, 7, 10, 14, 21, , 28, 29, 31, 32, 37, 57, , 75, 90, 92, 107, 114. j ty __Help Wanted Male 6 Roe 10 MEN TO COVER PONTIAC and surrounding areas. Our men make big ro:.ey. No layoffs, hos- pita ization penefits. plus bonuses Call McDonald FR 5-511 Gr FE 6-653! fer appotntment for persunel tnterview Tuesday Wednesda and Thursday be- tween 1 pr and € pm only ALL-AROUND MACHINIST TO'RUN SMALL PARTS DFPT. FOR PRECISION JOB SHOP. REPLY: BONTIAC PRESS » BOX 59. ALT. AROUND BUMP AND PAINT: man, Steacy work Economy Used _Cars 32 Auburn AWNING AND INSULATION salesman, free training age po bandicap Best prices tn town. For appointment tal] Lake Orion branch office, MY 31601. Thrifty Aluminu Producta. Inc BUMPER & PAINTER Experienced body man Steady em- loyment for relbable man. Write _ Pontiac Press Box 85 : BARBER WANTED TO OPERATE shop 100 Norton . 18 YRS OLD TO DRIVE flower truck & odd jobs Write _ Pontiac Press. 1 CAB DRIVERS. EXPERIENCED, Steady and parttime night shifts 10) W Huron MI 6-1900 for direction to Job. CAN YOU BE YOUR OWN BOSS. Year around work, under 50 years & over 21 $1500 wil! put you in smal! wholesale automo- bile supply business (14 other routes doing well) Pontiac Press on 4 CARPENTER CREW TO BUB- -CON- tract labor on gara@pes ard addi- tions Also cuperienced te! per for other cree Call OR 3-3251. 3 to 6 om nly CARPENTERS | ROUGH. FAST & union. Bee Chuck at Mt. Clemens _& East st Bivd Pontiac Knolls. “Cold Header Operator Must be experienced Apply: Em- ployment fice. The Electric Auto-Lite Co. Bay City. Michigan. CANVASSERS MODERNIZATION field. Guaranteed income. 9 am. * to 12 pm Ask for Mr. Palubis, 207 W. Montcalm Do You Like to Talk to People Make a Nice Appearance Want to Sell New and Used Cars We need aggressive men to sell Chrysiers and Plymouths. Come in and let« talk it over, . Tony og tm FE 4 DRIVERS WANTED WITH LATE model Tandem trucks to haul ready-mix concrete Apply aft- ernoons. 339 8. I Paddock. EXPERIENCED BUMPER & painter, plenty. of work. Pontiac ute Body Service. 245 South Biv , Se eaevGnS ) REAL ESTATE salesman. Apply Smith-Wideman Realty. 412 W. Huron. FE 4-4526. EXPERIENCED ELECTRICAL draftsmer for contre] circuits. Apply 1929 Opdyke. Pontiac. FE 8-9063 R 724 Oakland Ave EXPERIENCED PA RTS MAN, canable of dolug parts & service. Good opportunity for right - ver- son. Kaverley Mercury, Roches- ter. EXPERIENCED R=AL_ ESTATE salesman Apoly White Bros. Real Estate, 5660 Dixie Hwy OR 3-1295 FIRST - CLASS LIGHT SERVICE mechanics Must have camonlete tools & Ford experience. Apply only in person to Service Manag- er, Harold Turner ‘Inc.. 464 8. Woodward Rirmingham Food Freezer Sales Manager Experienced food freezer salesman to. marage and train salesmen. Our reputation is outstanding itn this field, Our enstomers can pay ether hw the week or month No fown nayment We are lookin for a live-wire who wants @ go future and a steady income. 8al- ary bonns. and commission is- cussed at Interview Anniv Mon- dav of Tuesfay. 9:30 to 2:30, 4713 Dixie Hwy., Drayton Plains, I'LL ADM IT _ We can't do business wthout you. This Service Station ts crving for aman who-wints to make his own future Vet's talk, Special deal. OR 3-4291. gis IMbORTED CAR SALESMAN —, Walted Lake area, MA 4-1331. [NEED % NEW MON AT ONCE who are aggressive and amb tlous enough to work for financial indenendence if you aren't satisfied. $ month to. start. Phone FE 2-3613. 7-9 p.m. Mr. Allen, — Ce ee ee cee IE TA aOR, AA ng i il ~ oe —- ets , ® W Huron EXPERIENCED SALESLADY FOR. Apply in person Kay Cooley Inc . iso W . Mapie. Bir- iP AINTING EAVESTROUGHS / A | carpenter work Plaster repair. | ay, ory_wall_& plumbing FE 35-8371 | RELIABLE CARPENTER ,NEEDS | _mingham. Mich | work Price ts right FE 5-8325. EXPERIENCED WAITRESS AT WALL WASHING, INSIDE win. ® Carter's Eager 7005 Cooley, dows cleaned free est, FED Lk 1. No phone c calls. __2-4225 EXPERIENCED CURB GIRL. AP-, WALL WASHING BY MACHINE, | piv IT1 W Montcalm Stuckey's no mess FE &-6429 Cost lesf I ai \¥ YOUNG MAN, 21. HIGH SCHOOL | Pe graduate. wn trans ation. | E I. ALE LE COOK _ Would like work of any . FE Fee Ee schit apy iments, I neney's Restaurant Drayton _Work Want Wanted Female 11. oe { GIRL FOR MOTHER'S HELPER 1 DAY IRONINGS. $3 BUS _| Mower —— than wages Write References FE S147. EL maa Tee Bs [NOMEN WANT WALL WASH. and housecleaning GENERAL MAID, TO LIVE IN. House work, laund some cook, ‘CHILD FOR DAY OR 24 HOUR ing and some child care. Mus have good references. FE 5-2208 GIRL WANTED TO LIVE IN. More for home than wages. Care for 2 ehildren. Apply 441 erson. HOUSEKEEPER WANTED FOR family with 3 children in Walled Lake erg $35 per week. Call after 6 pm, MA ods. 4-4468 or Week- __en care. Licensed home. FE 5-7400. EXPERIENCED GIRL WANTS BA- by sitting after school. FE 3-7395. EXPERIENCED IBM _ TYPIST. available for week or ten days thfy summer your convenience. : EXP. GIRb- WOULD LIKE LIGHT housework & baby sitting FE) ~ LADY WITH CAR Farn $50 $100 per week with et Easterling Company, showing! china, sterling UsCanWare. Leads tarnished. Call FE 5-6573. LADY TO HELP MAKE SURVEY. No seliing. Few hours per day Must be neat appearing & be able to talk to lady of the house Ap- ply af 3401 W Huron or cal] FE 2.7849 for appt. LIKE. “TO ENTERTAIN? | HAVE A A 8 C. Spring jewelry show. aiso club plan Women needed Call 5-5810 Call FE NURSES AIDE | Experienced, for full time work Prefer Clarkston vicinity. Also. woman for MAple 5-321 NURSE, RN OR TPN FOR GIRLS’ camp. Cook with group feeding experience. — must live at camp. FE. 2-5996 pieruns housework OPENING FOR EXPERI- enced insurance and general office work State references and experience. Write Pon- tlac Presa, 3. RELIABLE GIRL FOR BABYSIT- ting. OR 3-2280, References avail- abie REGISTERED PRACTICAL Bares. No phone calls. 1220 Auburn SALESLADY FOR PART TIME wort. Apply 12 W. Huron. SHIRT FINISH ERS. EXPERI- enced only. Full time. Apply to Mr. Warren, S._ Telegraph. SECRETARY. SHORTHAND typing, 1 gir] office. Must uke . detail work. State qualifications in own handwriting in letter to Pontiac Press Box 1 BTENO'S, COMP. > OPERATORS, typists and key punch operators. needed for Mlpapvtare work, by Treuman ~ Service. Roches- ter office, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday only, 1719 Jen R. OL 1-6352. SWING COOK AND CURB GIRLS A & W Root Beer, 218 5. Saginaw. TYPIST. EXPERIENCED IN TYP- ing financial statements on Elec- tric Typewriter, CAP Of- fice In new air-conditioned build- ing at 1100 N. ward Ave. Birmingham. MT 6-666 for appt. UNLIMITED OPPORTUNITY. wee hg hy costnotics, Product guar. WAITRESS, PART TIME, NiGHTS. Apply tn re r 6, Dell's Inn, 3461 Elizabeth Lake ne WOMAN TO CARE FOR gree while mother works. Cali 8-4421. In — EXPERT - efore 2:30 FE WTD. TO LIVE ed white lady eal child care from enced mid Mone ard. : oth. References. house wotk WATTRESEES ee CAR SERVICE ration stop. y & night work. ull & part- ere ‘work ee for young women ages 1 Pontiac Laundry. 540. work. References avail-— FE 8-1540 between 7, like da able. Call ' & 10 pm XPERTENCED IBM TYPIST available for weekend work. Jean. FE 8-8418—FPE 23-0135. EXP. WOMAN DESIRES RESTAU- rant work. References exchanged. | FE 8-8350. GIRL WISHES WORK . BY THE day, FE 8-6004. ‘GIRL WANTS DAY WORK FE 4-5545 FE | _|TRONINGS $3 BUSHEL. PICK UP and deliver OR 3-1079 | LAUNDRY MENS eo Cd CUR- tains, Reasonable. FE 2-56! ‘NEAT APPEARING 44- as > OLD . widow would like part time coun- ! ter work at cleaners, FE 8-8807. haere net aye TEE ane @ Nurses Exc 8. Day & Night—Licensed & Bonded. MOTHER, 32. WiTH 1 CHILD needs job, High Schoo] grad. Will accept anything including house- work on live in basis, Write Pon- tlac Press Box 62. MIMEOGRAPHING, UB Barer 8EC retarial service EM 3-284 TYPING & OFFICE WORK DORE in my home. FE 4-7229. : UNENCUMBERED ainew IN early fifties desires part time housekeeping & companion. Free eset Write Pontiac Press har Jean, FE $-8418—FE 20135. - LL MAKES OF FOUNTAIN PENS repaired by factory trained man at_our office. Genera) Printing & Office Supply Co. 17 W Law- renc Phone FE_3-0135 BULLDOZING, 3}, LEVELING tree cutting. FE 39742 or FE 8-649 BLOOMFIELD WALL CLEANERS. wal] and windows. Reasonable. FE 2-163] EXPERT TREE TRIMMER AND emoval. FE $§-6393 or O OR_ 3-2000. & | | i i \ “ } | é ELECTRIC MOTOR SERVICE RE- | aig and rewinding. 218 E Pie, Ph FE 4-3981 LEANED AND FURNACES Fi fae. FE 5-1788. serviced. C. L ison. FE § 2c EACH. m ,serreeee. & vom TILE LAID, _FE_2-5908 after 6 pm __ iawne 3 RAKED, FERTILIZED & rolled. Or wnew lawns Hand di g — — . oe light haul- Vicinity ef Crescent Lake Reward OR akeet Rd Band on 3-7831 LOstT OR STRAYED | PET FE- male Beagie {fom 4153 Windiate | Park, Lotus Lk $10 reward for | finder OR 34 3-8851 LOST. YEAR OLD MALE ~ BRIT- tany. orange & white Vic. of Baldwin & Kimball. Child's me i leg jease return. FE 8-518 or 68-3117 oe LOST BLACK AND BROWN cocker, license number 4242. Name Fi-Fi, last «een in the Oak- ley Park area, Walled Lake. Please call MUtual 4-0658 _Rent Apts, Furnished % GEN, HOSP. AREA ' 86 E Walton Adults, FE 2-4376 —CASH— No Obligation—No xiv ree 33 W HURON, FE CASH AVAILABLE FOR LAND CON- TRACTS AND HOME eeurrres NO OBLIGATION. CALL. A. Johnson -s2-aeoe | REALTOR FE 1704 8. es Rd. “Hobbies & Supplies 244 PAINT BY NUMBER PICTURES. Scrabbie ge mes. Backenstose Book Store. 15 E. Lawrence St. Notices & Personals 25, LAWNMOWERS, $f SUAAPERED & Outboard Mtr’s- Apart & Service Air cooled Mogines re ae Service for Stra & Clin’ ton seinen 22 ri. te eD. assures oe | JOE'S MOWER & MTR. SERVICE 980 S. Cass Lake Rd. FE 4- Se | All work guaranteed. Call FE . _4-7980 for free estimates. _ PICKUP AND DELIVERY LAWN mowers sharpened and repaired. Air cooled engines repaired, FE PLASTERING. NEW OR REPAIR. Work guaranteed, FE 5-0304 Machine Sharpened Manley Leach _10 B Briggs makes. Amber- West of Baldwin, 3 FE Clinton - also other wood, 7 biks biks N. of Lake Angelus. 4-2416 TEAL'S TOWN & COUNTRY DEC- orators Slip covers, draperies bedspreads, cornice boards. Free estimates. FE_5-0086. WE CARRY PARTS FOR ALL auto, and wringer washers. Whole- sale aod Oph A ANCE, SERVI ROY'S, 06 Oakland PE. 2-4021 Dressmaking, Tailoring 16 DRESSMAKING TAILORING AL- terations. Mrs, Bodell, FE 4-0053. DRESSMAKING Te ORING: AL- terations, drapes & Formals done in my home. Call FE 8-8455. Garden Plowing 166 16B ARRAN LALA AAA LA a eee ROTO . TILLING, FE WOMAN WANTS WORK BY THE day. Have references and own transportation. FE 86-4393 WTD. BABYSITTING JOB our irks day or. night. Exp. Fre | ~~ Building Service 12 MAAS RAARAAAALRAAAALAY ALL KINDs OF CEMENT babe Reasonable. Jenson, FE 2-2340. A-l BASEMENTS PUT UNDER present homes, house-raising and ped pinning. Also masonry. FE 4-1 BLOCK, BRICK AND CEMENT work, Residential and commer- cial. ge u “ a basements. We aupeed Cah MY 3.1128. ® Sonn w. ‘aples. Guaran- __teed_ work, ALG KINDS F CEMENT AND block work or 2-234 ALUMINUM SIDING ‘ ROOFS. Garages built, New windows _ your home. Driveways poure Custom homes pull. ee om mates. 42182. 24 hi ‘A-l SAND & FENISH. FE §-3792. Pontiac Hardwood pan Service. A-1 BRI AND CEMENT work, Also fireplace. OR 3-402. BULLDOZING & TRU iG pen eS Buen rE §-2853 0 ae 2 al CORE mort I “Weutits t TION CO. 3272 IN GARDEN PLOWING REASONA- ble rates, OR 3-5131. GARDEN PLOWING BY LOT “OR acreage Anywhere FE 5-6511 MAKE EARLY J RRANGEMENT! EARLY ARRANGEMENTS wing, and lawn . Baldwin and Wal- n, FE 4-8543, PLOWING, Son BAST SIDE, PEARY Y PARK K GARDEN N PLOW: _ing. Reas. FE 4,787). PLOWING AND ‘1p DISKING iG. VIC. OF Auburn Heights. UL 2-3967 be- fore 3, . ROTO-TILLING DONE REASONA- ble. FE 4-8946 Insurance Agencies 17A RAD DIPLO INURANCE FOR EVERY NEED Round the clock protection and service Arn R. Simmons, rep- resenting Tric rd InsUrance Agen- FE 44561 or OR 3-5507, 18 cy. Laundry. Service COMPLETE forme - isi ry. gghinn ser LAUNDRY rt service, Pontiac a FE we Uandscaping__18A A-l- ACE TREE aenvice RE- moval and ire Ay Get our bid. FE 2-11 a KINDS OF LAWN WORK. FIN- trading. ze. soil. FE 2-0603. Apply., in. person. Ted's Restau: site solic & CE- pettus pe ward Ave. at Square Ea Residential & ‘com: ime ROTO - TILLING “FE Lk Re wereidl. iD. 3-3168, 1.0791 wy “t IVE IN, — BLDG EpLIR- 8 TERING. A- MARION AND KY. BLUE soD. > —- Good home. Cement work. FE |. ei mode or you pick up. oy 10m 6. Brick, Block. 4-2200. UL, 32-4643, ‘EXPERIENCED WOMAN ao | NEW WAY ASPH ALT. B i lion ' Ar | Saw ssiiand Lawnmowers 4 comPLere COLD WAVE $650 Badley St. ' §MITTY'S AIR COOLED ENGINE. ! Stratton Dealer, | j 22 PER CENT gop orig 8 LAND | contract balance §7,034. Payments $70 per month. Seasoned 1'a) years. cen C. PANGUS, Realtor | __2160 2 M15 Ortonville, NA | 7-2815 AA PRIVATE DETECTIVES Don't worry. Know the facts. Confidential consultation, FE 5-5201. AEROTREDS KNAPP SHOES _ Fred Hermar OR_3-1592 ANY GIRL OR WOMAN NEEDING a friendiv advisor phone FE 2-8734. Confidential. Tpe Salvation M & H Style Rite. OR ae: Wil- _hams Lake Rd. and M59 | “CHARLES CHESTE R | AIR CUSHIONED SHOES FE. H. MILLER OR 35-4942 CALL ELECTROLYSIs CENTRE, have unwanted hair removed by | a qualified and experienced Elec- ; trologist. Martha Wilder, State Registered. Experienced. OR 3-2895. SUPPLIES — 739 Mrs. ‘Wallace. FE DAINTY MAID Menominee. 5-7805. DAINTY MAID SUPPLIES — Mrs. A. Taylor, 56 Gillespie. FE 3-7293.. FOR ALL REORDERS ON PEGGY Newton Products or for a sown demonstration call FE 5-72 ' FOR MAGI CARE &. ROTHLiTE food supplements, call FE 4-0738. In Debt? If you are sevens trouble moetine see REDIT COUNSEL: oom 1716, Pontiac State Bank Bdge. FE 8-0456. ai YORK RESTAURANT. 16 E ; Pike St. Grand op g Satur- day April 25. All the coffee you can drink. Operated by Kay, or- merly -of the Sanitary Restau- rant, famous for her foods and salads. Please come in and see us. + . LOSE WEIGHI SAFELY AND econdmically with newly released SIMMS tablet. @8 cents at | ON AND AFTER THIS DATE, April 23, 1959, I will not be re- sponsible for any debts contracted by ny, other than myself. Sher- in 2619 Williams Dr., Pontiac, Mich. ViL{-AG® HALL AVAILABLE FOR RTIES, RECEPTIONS, ETC 3261 A ORCHARD LK, RD. FE 4-7065 WE SPECIALIZE IN “ Simonize and blue Coral. 7 years experience with new car dealer. (Free pick up and delivery}. er tral Car Wash. 14 W, Alley Pike. Call tor pl Ma rE §-7426 or Drive by. WE RENT DISHES, SILVERWARE punch bowls. 5895. . WANTED 50 women to lose 20 pt ae mo, ABSOGUTELY 5 reads Rene mo. plan t ay. TUTE - 4 Just brin: Ask about our ROACH aeAlre INSTI FE 4-4131 wtd. Children to to Board 26 AAA JASENSRO, ver RDING Home. FE 8-6590 ‘- “BOARDING HOME LI censed. FE 2-5 5031. BABY SITTING. ~ LOVING CARE. FE 2-1730. IMMEDIATE ACTION ‘On any good land contract, New or seasone’. Your cash upon sat- rratoge Lng of property and title. Ken Templeton. K-L. “Templeton, Realtor. 2339 Orchard Lake Rd.. FE 4-4563 LAND CONTRACTs TO BUY OR to sell Earl Garrels, EM 3-251) or EM _ 3-4086. SHOP AROUND THEN SEE US To sell your land contract. CAPITOL SAVINGS & LOAN CO 75 W. Huron WE Buy Land Contracts AEYEN IF Sent: Ask for Sa.es Manager at zoo or MA 5-7128 evenings ne M PHRIES REALTY Wanted Real t Estate 32A 32A CASH i3 2-044) | act = | FE 4-0561 | } RMS AND BATH. PVT. ENT. | | 3 RM&., MODERN. HEAT & GAS. $50. 2165 Pontiac Rd., nr, Opdyke. } ROOMS, NEWLY DECORATED, with pvt. bath & ent. Couple only. FE 2-9797. 3 RMS. og te ONLY. CLEAN. modern, to town. & buses. , References. re aan for ap ent. 5 to BATH & ent. 63 Poplar, off Baldwin #2533 § “ROOMS. HOT AND COLD Wa-|. ter furnished and heat, $18 130 8. Parke. Phone er week E 46458. 3 ROOMS AND BATH.: FE_5-3036 J RNS. NEAR GENERAL ee tal. All util furn. OR 3-0522 3-LARGE ‘RM&. & gir CLEAN. Child welcome. FE 411 3 RMS. & BATH NicRLY FURN. West side. Adults. FE 4-3441. 3 NICE LARGE ROOMS, eg | vate bath and entrance. Close to Pisher Body. FE 5-7054. 3 ROOMS & BATH. PVT. ENT, couple only, OR 3.1315 Steam heat. All util. furn, Very clean. In Auburn Heights. F _3-0329. furn. 4 ROOM. West Huron Street Trailer Park, FE 2- 5 = FLAT. ALL REDECOR- as heat, Pvt. basement, te. dal + es line, close in. $60. ank. Huron 15. § RMS. & BATH UPPER yUAT. wescet. Near St. Michael's 1] _— AND ies UTILITIES | ., cldse in 3-087. 2 seoRMe CLEAN. Heat and hot water. Ideal loca- tion. Lake priv. at Syivan Lk. PE 2-0518. 5 ROOM > ail APARTMENT. FE 5.3140. 5 ay 5 RMS. Gas: Bess, FENCE yard, MA 5-124 » 5 RMS, & BATE FULL BASE- ment, FE 5 ROOMS - eo STA $65. After 6, FE 4-5032. *e. SF. 5 RMS. 2 BEDRM. APT. IDEAL location. Close to ‘all schools. Near General Hospital. Ref. re- quired, 2-2600. ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED : 4 rm. apt. garage, N. tiac Adults OL 1-1875 A LOVELY 3 ROOM APT. MUST be seen to be popconstes. Adults only. 244 8. Marshall. FE 2-0303. 7 ROOMS, MODERN, CLEAN. PVT. baih & ent, oo drinkers or pets. FE 12-3664. 3 RM. LOWER, PVT. ENT. TV. will care for baby while mother works 10] 8. Paddock A nee # ROOM RANCH DU- - wood panes ving rm. & ene m, util. 4 lg. closets. gas heat Crescent Lk. beach & boat privileges. Professional adults 3 RMS. | AND BATH. PVT. ENT. Very clean and nice. Adults only. $20 per wk, Inquire at 237 Bald- win, FE 8-143. i J NICE RMS. . Wie CouU- FOR YOUR HOME OR EQUITY. If cash interests you, let us look over your property for a cash sale. In many cases we can get you cash for smail] or a7 Fe equities. We also have buyers for land contracts, Clark Real Es- tate. 1362 W. Huron, FE 3-7888 or FE 44813, Ask for Mr. Clark. CASH FOR YOUR HOME OR EQUITY. If cash interests you, let us look over your property for a cash sale. In many caAs€s we can get you cash for’ small or serena equities. We also have buyers for land contracts. Clark Real Es- tate. 1362 W. Hudon. FE 3-7888 or FE 4-4813. Ask for Mr. Clark. GI AND FHA CASH FOR YOUR HOME Yes. we can sell your home for cash with very «mall down pay- ment Call us for further infor- mation Do not. feel obligated. We will appraise your .property and teli you you cash you can receive WE TRADE. WE BUILD ~ | DRY WALL TAPING NG AND FMT Aibents aid eer MILL | __W¥. $11 Ber week. 319 N. Saginaw. | Ost 10. Fe Tre PVT | bath. All nicely decorated: Quiet, : eT Gaalenee ea taae | Ap Paget Bo 1 cups ol eee FA ree ostimees ODELL CARTAGE .| 3300 Lapeer Rd M24 FE 8-6131 | 2 “iow, ae WEEK, 3 ROOM } pon KITCHEN est, bot &| friendly neighbors. “Adults only GR * ) y r ‘acilities. ie A _ Pontiac Post Office Box 5. fore ourself church, oi et Construction und maintenance. Hi | Local and lone distance movins. Wanted to Rent 29! 7&3 ROOM APTS. PVT. BATH & cold water Eenished. Meee eT | Clee downtown —yet PE 24063. FACTORY BRANCH NOW AC-| vaniia 18 rE S| 5S at Electrie uy x aS a Sek | COMeLE DRaEaEe REOYR ag gairance. $10 & $16. 268 8, Parke. | 7 ngpROOM APT. BUILT-IN ee ee os Sf | PLEASANT. ROOM” FOR GENTLE- applications HOU! A ALL R PLE RES -| ; 5 -12, |. men. vileges, 2 Buren Mention. theee nae pate full charge, o suet os - Ee TRENCHING 4-619) i Trucks to ent age furnished apartment, FE > Nice NEWLY sat elf setiqersios, mew i Cee Cot a ae TET oF | _rage. Private tan “tates, 23rd —_ EXCA wast CKS TRACTORS Ground floor, pvt. ent. All Pau, adults, $00. FE 4-1569. : —n Stee e an : MA R MEN-WOMEN wD DAIL BULLDOZING = EM . TE 1S EQUIPMENT = | SEARON _ een $13. FE 68-1298 wt. 6 : 7 BEDROOW UPPER. 1 CHILD FE ery a| eT nongg? 3 E fone ig - ars Da . Kes, ww ei te| ELECTRICAL SERV. FREE EST. | 14-Ton Plekops 1%-ton stakes round home for executive's BATH. NR. BUS| welcome, Pvi ent. 960 mo.. PE| WALLED LAKE LONELY | 2| "SLEEPING ROOM, $8.00 Sree EE cada Drive-in. 2400) Reeves Co. attic : ‘Partney Electric. FE 56430. Dump trucks Semi-trailers acts family of 3. 3 bedrooms. 2 | “ sine, clean & ha bourpk bed. | 45607. bedroom upper. 1 block 3 lake. rE saa Real Estate Salesmen Pine Pilg + ‘POUL pet. for scar Regs ranges and cand Pontiac Farm and Lake Ange “Cass, Cass, ieee ; adele « ath wa mere eisasure ee “ sss, ‘| SEEEPING ROOM _yOR 7 WORE: : Have opening for full time sales! 509 De; month Bara Britannica | ers. PE 5801 R. 2, cure mise Industrial | Tractor Co, |. Sethe Sztv ee Lake. Rome |; RM. APT. UP On, DOWN 300 E fura.” Private Beth and entrance.' Rent Houses Furnished 35 PE spre 7 “one = Shower Ted, t af . . ey : ~ — aEPINED EXECUTIVES Wibow e, nr. wn. per oO. . . >| etre deople, Exp. procerred. We ft Jod| learn. Call Of 15700. FREE YOUNGSTOWN KITCHEN | Dai al ing Suna REFINED EXECUTIVE'S WIDOW | 5 ROOMS & BATH, ola WEEE irc ve 200. eneuelie eue sLEEr? Sere eas THORPE ho AT wishes nicely furn. home on of > BEDRM. 5 RMS”AND BATH |? , ROOMS PURNISHED, LAKE- per ¥ mes. Member of Multiple List PART TIME POSITION POR TOP wear lake for summer season. | 224 Fic 7 BEDRM. 5 RMS., AND BATH, | * sont house snare modern. | SLEEPING ROOMS ny ws soxviee. Call for ey menly ee am aa venrry R ge & oF Co, FE 5-8431 UxWANTED_ oe bingy © PE 5-9825. 7 LARGE - "ENT. AND arage. FE 8-8702 r 5. hot we heat. Sandy or — Ing. 16 IB o-4 St: FR — - Phone Pens. a RB. Munsee ey BLT GA ep_ires Saree. 54638. | TORAGE (SHED OR GARAGE. e bath, 2800 Sylvan Shores. (3-1 BEDROOM APARTMENTS,| beach nod end, oe , 2-3780. — mA won ea bewmeen’s ie ees on Gnilando. 3-260 near Walled Lk. TAshmoo $1721. | 3 CLOSE TO DOWNTOWN, | part rent free, 142 W. Colum: | 3 BEDROON “HOME. 1 BLOCK | SLEEPING ROOM IN NICE HOME & 12 am. PE 80018. Employment Agencies 8A | - * owe | Painting « & Decorating 20 20| Vicinity oF UNION LE OR ea Rs ye os. aus, W_ SIDE, GTILITiES FUR: from Union, Lake tilege off) — ON 2 o other roomers. Call after , b- OO - area. Responsigle business owner 23-2300. TIES 7 5 ts B-4440. SALESMAN WANTED] Fy N EDW modernization and or 1204. NT. - EXT. PAINT-| & family would like 3 7 RMS & BATH WITH PVT. ENT. FE 44481. 7 BEDROOM HOME, NICELY “or modernization saies. Will train EVELYN EDWARDS au; ARANTEED ROOFS — ALL | ree pes t ‘Beek. OL 1-3141. home. Prefer basement & garage. Ca. ae Child welcome, $1 $12 3 ROOMS igh tg og furn. $89 mo. § Maynard Court Rooms With Board 33 good worker. D & M Sul Hugus Marsh, | es CLASS Parris AND PA- —— . . c 40 MO. CAea PRI, IN OmRE | sacesna = or PE 2.8265 Betty —our t NEW LOCATION | 3536. Cass. ait Bes Pe S15. | per hanging FE 48964. " WID = LEASE 40 TO 00ACRE |; rae Ss Bath ADULTS -Clese to downtown Fontisc, Child | "180 Chenict. Dodge Fart. . ‘ROOM AND BOARD Pino: uacks, Aiver Giver SUITE. 4 BORO ese) DRY lee ce a one ine. | Meee pire cigs Pomueh PIE | oar ONT SomOOL BF PRE | RMT a PE mae _ wheel ana me eens 11 6. OR 3-0764 Mga r 7 ROOM, ON 12 SCH : z > . : 5. types of loader: *t) REPRESENTATIVE ~ EWOVING FULLY | BF CLASS PAINTING AND DEC.) _47 ights, MA 5-1002. fer working couple or Ln A trance. Large rms. Heated, $$0.| FURNISHED HOUSE IN WALLED boes. ete This s a good deal for| College grad tne | POO SEM sesse, L.A. Young.| Siuune: Sash terms. UL! wro. 5 On @ ROOM HOUSE. | _ girls. — Small chit} - Lake, Lake | privileges, & _Convalescent Homes 38A _ the ‘right man R ie retusle bawems ie upped. nag welcomed. Call PE 25905 sitter ~ Basa. “fence reasonable. | ~~ _ Press. x 118. Sidi Se iitiation iarred. _— ps — aoe ‘CABIN * PHA DE X LADY INTERIOR DECORAT! saa mingham. “¥ with opti oa ts Gs. * Adams. Reeity C0. = *Aubura .* ; aera = EN. i Pear ED cou. | Oty es wacauey og me J the job —_— pr ram. Mid- ‘apering. FE 4-5538 OOM PPER. PVT. CEN’ _ derly nm burses home, Ve TEST ENGINEER west Employment. 408 Pontiac | _Terms. FE ak: ND CONSTRUC. | 4:1} PAINTING & DECORATING. YOUNG COUPLE DESIREs a 3 rr 3 ay APTS. LOTS oF | ‘aise. ge. rooms. Heat & hot oe ~~ me @ ity bus or_amb. 5-8371 : TECHNICIAN Stste Bai ia PE_5-6227 | SOHN rs Me OTe in poured | reper removed. FE 6a room home, reas.. within 10 miles. | " storage. | Pvt. baths end clean.| Sater fureiaked. ta "showed. Call a Danae: Fe ¥Y| HAVE VACANCY FOR MAN OB co soccmnbe rrp. prvi SALES caremeal plastering, fireplaces, A} aS vi APEREANG. Ref. furn. if req. OR ery i at Seo. 8 Aubura| pp — > 2 Wenonah Dr. cA ORION CLEAN MODERN. ph Ziad an bed or: mee tory; - st set-ups perform e < iks, driveways, rou _ing. Work Guar FE 243)9 0 Patel ta te ena ; ; opment teste on experimental bign, Man sced 26-40, with, sales, back tng in houses. OR 3- B k As halt Paving THOMAS UPHO ING contract. Cash caseten wattin section. roadway, R. OTL 3 BEDROOM ELIZABETH days wk. tg 8 N. Saginaw Fu urke pp 191 NORTH PERRY ST. | Orion Phone MY 3-1462 between heat & garage. East side. FE 2-1810 or OR 31704. -_ rane a jen. Eon | Lf a Page vagy Tite tiac. | phone FE or UL 27-4 5_RRRR , Cail Realtor Partridge. FE 4 2-3 or 7-8 p.m . +4081 after 5 p.m. 1s, oe witwtlake privileges. NEW BUILDING. % B OM GENERAL OFFICE WORK. AC MAN WANTS “WORK BY THE, AOBORN ROAD : ACTION!!! 3 RMS. PVT ENTRANCE & 4 FAMILY BRICK APT. HOUSE. | 5 Soe Se SbERN SEER {- town og bus line, URES. 18 ESSENTIAL APPLY. § ay. Dishwasner or janitor. Call « awy MOWERS NEW ic vax | ____ Lost & Found 24) oe ee et cceee |3 TRICE Roous ano wat | Ee ee eee]: | _schools & bus, FE $2947. Agel = gd ge 7 aod | PONTIAC PRESS BOX 37 FE 01) SHARPENING ; ——— ~~! Jand contract, and would like come PE 2-5 hot water furn., adults only, $75|2 BEDROOM MODERN. BASE- profetsion. 3 $55 pet month and | ‘MARRIED TRUCK DRIVER DE- REPAIR SERVICE Lost. BLACK BILLFOLD BE. se ee ve can get you the wue wee Ser ENT PE | -mO_1¥w. Pike, PE 4 eee tie tant trund.| _@. Ya 2am | =x? Ri AROENS COG 7 WS. sires work of oo Le CEAN. 4 Aubere fete arena | zis wo KW. Petersen. FE bignest dollar Reasonable ais? S40, é rae & BATH. UPPER. FE | — $8 monthly. EM_3-3262. pice “west se Fe 19 pm Eat More Lunch. 921, 0DD JOBS. LAWN c | UL 2-1007. - i ae wate ba ayden. [RMS AND BATH NORTHEND. 3 ROOMS & 4 BATH. 2886 PON- s . up _and hght hauling FE 6-4378 LOST: BLUE AND WHITE P am C. Hz AY DEN, Realtor Newly decorated, Furs. very nice. tac Lake Rd. FE S040. = oie in _— air fi. PE 3 S 3808. J} BEDRM., FULL BASEMENT. Ee ible white or colored. FE TED's DRIVE INN. |] RMS. & BATH. NEAR PONTIAC ease Pro 3 Ress, OR Sone, Rent L Bus. p. 41A « RMS. AND BATH, #45 MONTHS. In Oxtord, OR SIE PoC ee , eo ROOMS AND : business. Good tion. ‘Se heat FE 26033 or PE ‘25788, e. ROOMS BATH a0 TAKE S aoe. 4708 ighiand OUSE. 6 APTS. 122. x105 jot. Corner Auburn & co gee Ideal for clinic or business. mo, OR | 4 ROOMS a $65 PER ___For + Sale Houses - 4“ la AND BATH, AIRPORT. will help OR 3-1943. HURON GARDENS r bet, § RM, HOUSE. NEAR BUS. MOD- bedrm.. 2 story modern home. eons “Nicely furn. FE 8-9527. Lege. living rm., tm. Mod- 5 RM. HOUSE. REFRIGERATOR &| {75,0 RCT bats. ht wee ® g furnished. Children weleome, Rin eater, storms eas © RMS. @ BATH CLEAN, CLOSE | — 110,80 on “convenient wwewn, FE 2000, c SCHUETT, Realtor: 2 SMALL HOUSES ON ; aor anne. wees : FE 8-04 458 i arden, Br Auburn ry *S ive, an bear. br B sei «| Bening, Tawire 2% Auburn! sacrifice. FE 20el. @ RM. WILLIAMS LK. NT.|2 BEDROOM HOME HO r. round, oil heat, attach. $9,500. _$500_dow: rage. 6833 wn. MA 10 ROOM BOUSE. NF 1 PE 3-026 UNFURNISHED. py Bi Ho MONTH, © 4 Ria as BEDRMS. ee Tr 1 bouse, full basement, gas East. ‘side on. busline, OR BRICK RANCE, a SLOOMEPETE Twp. 4 Lk. Ave. ED-| payments. EM a Fain BEACH, 5 ROOM MOD- y ern and se $75. EM 3-5584. CLARK Ea 10. STO! 3 BEDROOM RANCH - 3 110 x Na children welcome. BROKERS INVESTMENT CO. Felix Dr. $100 month. FE 89663 -— ASSOCIATE — MA ° full basement. CLEAN MODERN 4 RM. HOUSE. Couple preferred. , per mo. 318) Orchard Lk. -_Keego Harbor. FE 3-7462. 3-Bedroom Brick {| . CLOSING COSTS ONLY— CLARKSTON, 2 BEDROOM Du-/ 5=-; _ plex, garden space. FE 8-1455. | 4443 ORCHARD LAKE AVE. 2-F amily Income FARMHOUSE come RENT. FE 2-6663 or FE 2-T734 5 rooms and La bo ee oh 4 ‘a and bath, Pull ment, CHOICE APARTMENT, PARTL furnished, reasonable. HOLLY: woop APARTMENTS, ila E. Howard. DEL-RIO APTS. 281 OAKLAND 3 rms. & bath. Stove and utilities turn. Couple with baby welcome. MODERN 5 RMS. OVER KEEGO Hdwe., Drayton Plains. FE 2-2044. MODERN DUPLEX, ROCHESTER Apt. Pvt. ent. Auto. heat. Fenced back yard, Ref. OL 6-0851. JAMES LVD. Lovely 5 room _— Stove t. FE 2-7503 and refrigerator furnished. Near 4 RMS AND BATH, REDECO- St. Benedict's School, Available rated. W. Side Inquire 95 May Ist Call Broker. FE 42533 Dwig or caretaker FE 4-300 4 RMS. & BATH, FURN. OR Ur LAKEFRONT UPPER VERY furn. Near Pontiac “Mtr. reas. For couple. No drinkers 4-0926 or FE_2-4300._ FE 2-4160. 4 RMS. UTIL., PVT. . BATH AND ~ ent. ‘Upper. 148 Wall St. FE 2-4057. ORCHARD COURT ¢ ROOMS, PULL BATH. UPPER. RTME garage. Keego. Adults. FE 4-4618. —BRAND NEW— ~+AIR CNDITIONED— 4 RM. COTTAGE, uOOON TRAIL- er Park, 12 Dow 4 NICE ROOMS AND: A aed bed. Utilities, rE. 4-46: 5 RM. FURNISHED. oR WEST- also desirable unfurnished 5 rm. bath on Bast side. Ph. FE 4-6302. APT. FOR MAN, §30 MO. 57 Fairgrove. ADULTS. 3 RMS. & BATH UP- stairs. Garage. Front & back ent. FE 2-7290. AUBURN EPone. m, RMS 660 Squirrel 039 BACHELOR. PVT. ms Egret man, 50 Cottage. BACHELOR APT. SEWLY DEC- orated, Tile bath, very nice. N. End. FE 3 2-4375. DOWNTOWN. N. 1ST FLOOR. OR, PVT. ent Beautiful apt, for 1 Garage included. is? W. waren. FE 5-61 ENJOY HOMELIRE Si SURROUND- ings. 3 furn. rms, with pvt. bath, On bus line, Must be No aa Ph. after 4 p.m. FE 5-5015 FURN | APTS. AT W WIXOM & OX- bow Lake. Schneider. MA 4-1292.- LIGHT. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS for gentlemen, 261 State Ne FURNISHED & UNFURNISHED 1°& 2 BEDROOMS “RENT —DRASTICALLY REDUCED— Pontiac's most -exclusive, , modern West side apartment d develop or "RENT: LARGE TWO STORY Timken oil heat, welcom North ranch style, fu base- ace r auaehea garage, oil hea 128 per for appointment WEbster i dewute __ Pens — water, paved street. Working coue ~ Bentiee. High School. $50 a month. ed le per at ae a! 3/0201. _ $2500 down and $100 month, ‘ FOR ge 2550 ede ROAD consider smal] home Dra % mile rooms,| or Waterford in trade. 6-Room Brick .t d 314 Acres, 2 Baths mont, Call Lovely reclaimed brick, full Gay- repiac Stanley, $68 LGE. 2 BDRM. GAS HEAT. 6096 per month light basement, 2 fi es, 2 baths, tiled reoreation Su- with beautiful Silver Lake $100 month LARGE TWO BEDROOM BRICK recreation room. DORRIS & N 752 W. Hurop Phone R. Dorris PE 41557 room perbly bdailt and very tastefully decorated inside and 3 m bedrooms, select = floors, cee tered walls. Ca. ed liv rom, cheerful birch Thonee. also com- : plete penag in Lg ay A Dandy two bedroom bungalow dream ¢ om 252x500 foot pare Nice large lot. full basenrent. cel Pull pt price, $21,000. $75 month. West suburban. Near Gi F k Airport 1roux-F ranks. 80 ENERAL REAL ESTATE G ~ 4395 Dixie Hwy. ____._ OR _3-0701 BY OWNER. 4 4 ROOMS AND BATH MoD. 4 ROOM. CASS LAKE. Shower, porches, fireplace, FE 8-8365 after 6. * NR. SASHABAW. . brick ranch oil furnace, clean. $80 mo. FE 8-6819. — On acre of yee! p or $60 mo. Baiance. ‘sseié Vineyard, Utica, he’ ?: HOUSE FOR SALE. WILL Take trees. “3 7 BEDROOM ranch house, NICELY FURNISHED 3 BEDRM. housetrailer im trade. Call very 5-180, cheap. 8. coe - are Ma Sostt _land 82918, dryer, Drayton Plains. White 3-5987. NEW ? BEDROOM HOUSE, Lake Town Hail. = BY OWNER, Rg h = two et fernese, te a. NEAR OPEN DAILY & SUNDAY 10 A.M@ PM. LUXURY 2 BEDRM. TERRACE on beautiful pvt. lake and ground eter Ae eeiee, fishing, UN _2-2065 NICE 3 PMs AR AND BATH, STOVE <— refr All wil. faauire t 134 w, Huron. pi doll BEDRM. BRICK, MODERN, ard, <8 hgh | ‘Scat sete nN NeaR BIG LAKE. is "Teomn. bath, _ warden, $55 «mo. furn., garage. Lk. Oakland 7 _ privileges, ‘Tessonsbie, OR 3-1328. : tlt; $900 down RENT OPTION TO BUY; 3 BED. : room brick, 2 miles ngrth GM ROCHESTER AREA. - Blam. Pe babies ee ONE Neat 4 bedran, poms, cn, 6 tenet — E ots x &. OCHESTER ortinee. One has| 2. bedrm. home. 2 lots, 2 eat g Fedroome $ nalts omer ats] Xfaurice Watson, Realtor e room, | Beomtiful grounds. 813738 aurice Watson, Rea 31 W~. FIPTH ‘2 ‘8181. MAple 5-9687 FOR CAS H-IN Al HURRY, sell things through Classified Ads. AnytInng goes! Dal FE ee er 4 a i] . THE PONTIAC PRESS, _ FRIDAY, APRIL 24, 1959 - ~ Today’ s Television Programs— | Progrania furnished by stations Usted ts Gin‘colanan aro subjeat ‘to