MONDAY R — Rerun C — Color Kr^ular pni.^ramniiii;: m a v Im' prarniplrd lor rn\rr,»!4'' i»f tiu* s( lualuh d splaslidoNMi i \puiln !? 5:50 (2) TV Chapel 5:55 (2) C—On the Farm Scene 6:00 (2)C — Sunrise Semester 6:25 (7) C — Five Minutes to Live By 6:30 (2) C ~ Woodrow the Woodsman (4) Classroom — “Changing Earth: Frozen Worlds” (7) C - TV College -“Aftermath — the Era of Hope” 7:00 (4) C-Today (7) C — Morning Show 7:30 (2) C - News. Weather. Sports 7:55 (9) News 8:00 (2) C — Captain Kangaroo 8:05 (9) Mr. Dressup 8:30 (7) R C — Movie: “The Captain’s Table” {British. 1960) John Gregson, Peggy Cummins (9) Friendly Giant 8:45 (9) Chez Helene 9:00 (2) R — Mr. Ed (4) C — Dennis Wholey (9) C — Bozo 9:30 (2) R Hillbillies C — Beverly 9:45 (56) Art Lesson 0WN.;.'f.V.sM.N NO MIDDIEMAN NO SALES COMMISSIONS FREE PLANS and ESTIMATES SPECIAL WINTER DISCOUNTS ON INSIDE WORK • ATTICS • REC. ROOMS • DORMERS CARPENTRY, ETC. TO KEEP MY MEN BUSY WN TERMS h* Pontiac Pro$», Monday, November 24, 1 969 In (7) C — Dream House (9i R C — Movie: ' Love and Kisses” (1965) Rick Nelson. Kristin Nelson. Jerry Van Dyke (50) Ft ~ Movie: “Mildred Pierce” (1945) Joan Crawford, Ann Blyth 1:J0 (2) C — As the World Turns (4) C -- You’re Putting Me On (7) C-Let’s Make a Deal 2:00 (2) C — Where the Heart Is (41 C—Days of Our Lives i7) C — Newlywed Game 14) C -- Letters to Laugh-2:25 (2) C — News 2:30 (2) C — Guiding Light (4) C — Doctors (7) C — Dating Game (56) R — Speaking Freely 3:00 (2) C — Secret Storm (4) C — Another World (7) C — General Hospital 19) R — Candid Camera (56) Innovations — “More Use for Epoxies” explores the expanding uses of epoxies in the field of medicine and in industrial areas. (62) R -- Movie: “Mad Little Island” (British, 19571 Jeannie Carson, Donald Sinden 3:30 (2) C—Edge of Night (4) C — Bright Promise (7) C — One Life to Live (9) C — Magic Shoppe (50) C — Captain Detroit (56) Human Relations and Motivation — “Impact of the Formal Organization on Employe" 4:00 (2) R C — Corner Pyle (4) C ~ Steve Allen — Jayne Meadows, Irwin Corey and Chris and Peter Allen guest. (7) C — Dark Shadows (9) C — Bozo (56) C •— Sesame Street 4:30 (2» C—Mike Douglas — Cohost Liza Minnelli welcomes James Drury, Norm Crosby and the Clancy Brothers. (7) R C — Movie: “Some Came Running” (1959) Dean Martin, Frank Sinatra (Part 1) (50) R — Little Rascals (62) C — Cyrus and Friends 5:00 (4) C—George Pierrot — “Scotland to London” (9) R C — Flipper 9:55 (4) C — Carol Duvall 10:00 (2) R C — Lucy Show (4) C “ It Takes Two (9) Ontario Schools I (56) C — Sesame Street 10:25 (4) C - News 10:30 (2) C - Della Reese Fred Smoot. Cary LewLs and the Playboys, and Shari Lewis guest. (4) C -- Concentration (7) C — The His and Her of It (50) C — Jack LaLatme 11:00 (4) C - Sale of the Century (50) C - Strang e Paradise (56) Friendly (Jiant 11:15 (56) Mislerogers 11:20 (9) Ontario Schools 11 11:30 (2) C - Love of Life (4) C — Hollywood Squares — Kathy Garver. Arte Johnson. Alan Suess. Jacqueline Susann. Alejandro Rcy. Wally Cox. Jim Backus. C h a r 1 e y Weaver and Rose Marie guest this week. (7) C—Anniversary Game (50) C—Kimba 11:45 (9) C-News M()^T)A^ \n I:k\()o\ 12:00 (2) C—News, Weather. Sports (4) C — Jeopardy (7) R C — Bewitched (9) Take 30 (50) C — Alvin 12:25 (2) C Fashions 12:30 (2) C - He Said. She Said (4) C — News. Weather. Sports (7) RC —That Girl (9) C — Tempo 9 (50) C — Galloping Gourmet 12:55 (4) C - News 1:00 (2) C — Search Tomorrow for m (50) R C — Lost in Space (56) R — Misterogers 5:30 (9) R C — Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea (56) R -- Friendly Giant (62) R Leave It to Beaver 5:45 (56) Mr. Lister’s Storytime \I(^^D\^ NH.m 6:00 (2) (4) (7) C - News. Weather, Sports (50) R C — Fiintstones (56) (Special) President or Kidnaper? — Robert Williams, president of the Republic of New Africa, is interviewed. (62) R — Ozzie and Harriet 6:30 (2) C - News -Cronkite (4) C — News ~ Huntley, Brinkley (9) R — Dick Van Dyke — Rob and Ritchie are lost when Laura resumes her dancing career. (50) R — Munsters — Herman is conned into renting 10 acres o f wasteland that has been advertised as a beautiful vacation hideaway. (56) Conversations With Arnold Toynbee — Famed historian discusses America’s position in the Vietnam war, the Sino-Soviet split and China’s motives in Southeast Asia. (62) C — Robin Seymour — Boyce and Hart guest. 7:00 (2) C — Truth or Consequences (4) C — News, Weather, Sports (7) C — News — Reynolds, Smith (9) R — Movie: “The Tin Star” (1957) Ex-sheriff, now a despised bounty hunter, is drawn into a young inexperienced sheriff and a power-seeking gunman. Henry Fonda, Anthony Perkins, Betsy Palmer (50) R — I Love Lucy (56 C — (Special) Nighttime in Misterogers Neighborhood — The sights, sounds, feelings and fantasies of nighttime are ex-plored by Misterogers, children’s show host. 7:30 (2) C — Gunsmoke — Frontier teacher (Eileen Th« Pontiac Prots, Monday, Novombor 24, 1 Heckart) and Festus are held prisoners by a family of hillbilly desperados. (4) C — My World and Welcome to It — Monroe is left with a m a i