had been asked by nations “on both aides’* to take a hand in trying to end the Vlet'Nam War. Foreign Minister Adam . Malik declined to identify the nations. Three {days later with 14 sec* ends left in the period, Raye scored from the seven-yard line on a keeper. Dick Kenney’s point made it 7-0 at the end. of the first quarter. Michigan rtamm Michigan State it i i 4 a a ■ ■ Things look Bright for the Weekend S u n n y, balmy days will be with us over the Weekend with highs tomorrow reaching 7$ to 34. Temperatures will continue mild. The Weatherman p r e d 1 c t s skies may become partly cloudy Monday but no rain i$ in sight. The day - by - day breakdown looks like this: TODAY — Sunny, winds and warmer, highs 74 to 82. Faiir and slightly warmer tonight, lowi48toSf. SUNDAY — Mostly sunny and continued warm, Mghs 71 to 84. MONDAY — Outlook is partly doudy.Chanceof Showers less than 5 per cent. AMA charge of quack-wry called "smear attempt’’ - PAGE D-J. Astrology ........... D-2 Bridge .............. D-2 Church News . A-9—A-ll Crossword Puzzle ...C-1S Contes ............. D-t Editorials .............A4 Hone Section .. C-l—C-4 Markets .. ........... C4 The Weather Sunny, Warm THE^PGl^TIAC press Home Edition VOL. 124 — NO. 209 PONTIAC* MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8* 196$ —86 PAGES uN.ra^tef?THPR^.oNAL SHOULDER TO SHOULDER—President Johnson, flanked by Secretary of State Dean Rusk (left) and Arthur Goldberg, U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, walks along New York’s First Avenue yesterday following the President’s speech to the National Conference of Editorial Writers. Johnson was heading for tee UJN., where he paid a surprise call on Secretary General U Thant. (See story, page 2.) Aid Package at 9-Year Low Senate OKs Foreign Assistance Measure WASHINGTON (AP) - Congress has sent to President Johnson the.smatiestforeign aid appropriation package in nine ; yeari. , 4 4 '4 The Senate passed the $2.94-billion measure by voice vote yesterday just two hours after House passage came oh a 189-89 roll call vote. Johnson had sought $3.88 billion and aid admiaistrator William S. Gaud called the compromise package “pretty hard to swallow.” It was tee first time the aid money bill dropped below $3 bil-. lion since 1957, when it was $2.77 billion. 4 4 4 But just before the House passed the bill, Rep. Otto E. Passman, D-La., said it would be “a distinct act pf dishonesty and deceit” to clatna the bill cut the aid program. TOTAL PROGRAM Passman, the bill’s flour manager in the House, said the program has been so fragmented that it is impossible to keep up with its costs. He added that with appropriations anti authorizations for other programs not directly identified as foreign aid, the total program for the current fiscal year* now totals 1 more than $10 billion. MSU Leads 7-0 After One Period By BRUNO L. KEARNS Sports Editor, Pontiac Press EAST LANSING — Michigan and Michigan State battled in an exchange of punts in. the early stages of their traditional rivalry today before nearly 78,-000 hi Spartan Stadium. 4 ■ 4 4 The Wolverines, 14-point underdogs in this 59th contest, received an early break but failed to capitalize against tee tough Michigan State r * The Wolverines recovered the ball after a poor 20-yard punt hit Spartan player on the back. They took over on'the Spartans’ 42 but, in three plays, lost yardage and had to punt. Both teams punted three times early in the first period* as the defense had control of tee game. On the seventh punt exchange of tee quarter, Michigan State end A1 Bruner took the ball and went 53 yards for a touchdown but a flipping penalty brought the ball back . to the Michigan 47-yard line. Quarterback Jim Raye then pitched out to Bob Apisa for 15 yards, and when MSU lost three yards or gan was personal In Today's Press Sports News MSU - U. of M. game vies with World Series tor headlines — ’ PAGE B-l. Chiropractic AM Minister Mum on . Request to Reopen Geneva Conference . By The Associated Press North Viet, Nam rejected today a new Viet Nam peace proposal advanced %' the British while the cochairmen of the 1954 Geneva Conference were conferring; at ; the United Nations. 1 British Foreign Secretary George Brown, following an 80-minute conference, reported a. “very frank exchange” of views at the meeting. Broun so characterized tee . conversation when he emerged from tee conference room at tee Soviet U. N. mission in New York. He; declined to tell reporters whether he asked Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei A. Gromyko to join him in reconvening the conference for TOf Nam negotiations, as he said he would in a speech Thumay in Brighton. “The minister (Gromyko) and I have disetiksed a very wide range of questions of mutual interest—bilateral questions and world questions,” he said. “We had a very frank exchange, and the possibility that we may meet again before I shall be leaving New York is not excluded.” • Brown will go to Detroit on Wednesday for a speech followed by a Washington visit Friday with President Johnson and Secretary of State Dean Rusk. Gromyko will leave New York for Washington tonight to see Johnson and Rusk Monday. He is expected back Wednesday. British Foreign Secretary George Brown and Soviet Foreign Ministep Andrei A. Gromyko, were to confer at tee Soviet U.N. mission in New York, a British spokesman announced last night. In another development hinting at a crack In deadlocked efforts to get peace negotiations tg, Indonesia announced it asked by nations “on hand in war. UF LABOR LEADERS—UAW labor coordinators assisting Pontiac Area United Fund plant chairmen study plans for the GM Industrial. division drive. They are (from left) Don Johnson, president, Fisher Body Local 596; Lawrence Hartman, regional representative Pontiac Prosi Photo of UAW Region IB, the UF coordinator of labor participation; John Maye, president of Pontiac Motor Local 653; and Bob White, president of GMC Local 594. The GM-industrial goal is $694,064. Train Hits Bus; 19 Youths Die Canada’Rail Officials Eye Signal Tampering DORION, Que. (AP) - Canadian National Railways officials began investigating today a school bus-train collision that killed 19 youths and injured 24. ★ * ★ The victims, most of them teen-agers, were en route to a dance when tbe collision occurred last night. It virtually split tee bus in two and scattered wreckage over a half mile of track. The crash occurred within a few blocks of the center of Dor-Ion, a community about i5 miles west of Montreal. 4 4 4 Five of the injured students were ip critical condition and three in serious condition in hospitals. The others were either in fair condition or released after treatment. INVESTIGATING REPORT . Police said they were investigating a report given by two women who said they were Stopped behind the bus seconds before the accident and saW two or three youngsters tampering wite o signal box a few yards down the track. City Is Acting to Solve Its Housing Shortage (EDITOR’S NOTE - This is the first of a two-part series on public housing in Pontiac,) By l. gary Thorne Pontiac is moving toward better, and more housing with two recent actions at City Hall. The background for this action is the city's growing housing shortage, already labeled a crisis. Earlier this week the City Commission took the positive step of ordering the city attorney to draft an ordinance to repeal controversial “1270.” At the same meeting, the commission received a lengthy report on how federal aid might be secured to help residents in designated areas to rehabilitate their property to meet housing codes. 4 4 4 Pontiac has a critical housing problem, despite impressive efforts to meet the housing demand, according to nearly all reports. MULTIPLE HOUSING In the past three years, over 3,185 multiple housing units have been logged by City Hail. To b e sure, not Ml ef these have yet been built. In fact, only 400 units have actually been constructed; Some projects have been hit by financing delays, others ho . doubt entirety . abandoned and still others not yet complete. 4 4 4 Eventually, however, something approaching tee 3,185 will be occupied. These, though, are not public housing units. LONE PROJECT Pontiac’s south end Lakeside Homes is the city’s lone public housing project It has 400 units and a lengthy waiting list. Until relatively recent commission action, it did not appear Pontiac would ever have any more public housing. * Some 11 years ago, tee City Commission passed ordinance 1270, prohibiting city officials from even discussing the pos-siblity of public, housing. * 4 4 4 However, recently tee com-mi ssion did amend tee finance to allow’for tee proposed construction of public housing units designed for the elderly. Federal government approval has beCn received for 250 senior citizen units. SITE APPROVED The site approved for these units is near downtown, just (Continued on Page 2, CM. 1) Uf Kickoff Set Monday Night A torch-lighting cereitemy Will mark the official kickoff of tee 1966 Pontiac Area United Fund at7:3ftpjn. Modday— ,,-**_*_*. 4 4 4 The giant torch on the front lawn cf the city hall will be lit by Dr. Don O. Tatroe, general campaign chairman. The torch will born as a symbol of hope for those supported by tee UF and those working to collect donations until tee drive ends, Nov. 4. The total 1966 Pontiac Ar;ea United Fund goal is $1,042,000. 4 4 4 Division chairman, volunteers workers, and representatives from some of tee 54 agencies served by the UF will attend a 6 p.m. dinner-meeting at the Pontiac City Club, 30 E. Pike. 4 4 4 The public is invited to tee torch-lighting ceremony. Hurricane Ev? WASHINGTON OB - A Brooklyn woman has suggested that hurricanes be named after congressmen — because she says a hurricane is nothing but a big. .loud wind. She made her suggestion directly to Rep. Hugh L. Carey, D-N.Y. Baltimore Triumphs, 1-0 BALTIMORE , (AP)-Paul Blair and Wally Bunker, two California schoolboys who escaped the Los Angeles Dodgers net, led the Baltimore Orioles to a third straight World Series victory over tee feeble Dodgers Saturday, 1-0, extending their scoreless drought to 24 innings. Blair, the only man to pass first base against Claude Osteen, went all the way with a 430-foot home run into tee left field bleachers in tho fifth. It was tee last of the three Balti- Bunker, picking up where Moo Drabowsky and Jim Palmer left off, mystified tee Dodgers with a six-hit shutout. First Inning DODGERS—Wills and Parker struck out. W. Davis flied out. ORIOLES — Aparicio and Ble* fary gcunded out. F. Robinson struck out. Second Inning DODGERS - Fairly singled. Lefebvre, filed, out L. Johnson ' hit intoa double play. ORIOLES —B. Robinson flied out. Powell singled. D. Johnson hit into a double play. Third Inning DODGERS — ROsboro fmuied. Kennedy grounded out. Osteen struck out. ORIOLES—Blair lined out. Etchebarren and Bunker grounded out. Fourth Inning DODGERS—Wills bunted out. Parker doubled. W. Davis flied out. Fairly walked. Lefebvre fanned. ORIOLES — Aparicio singled. Blefary fanned. F. Robinson forced F. Aparicio. B. Robinson forced F. Robinson. Fifth Inning DODGERS —L. Johnson singled. Rosboro popped out. Kennedy forced L. Johnson. Osteen : flied out. ORIOLES (1)—Powell fouled out. D. Johnson grounded Out. Blair homered. Etchebarren grounded put. Sixth Inning DODGERS - Wills singled. Parker grounded out, Wills going to seoepd. W. Dari* filed out, Wills' taking third. Fairly grounded out. ORIOLES— Bunker fanned, Aparido flied out. Blefary lined out. Seventh Inning DODGERS — Lefebvre lined out*. L. Johnson singled. Rosboro flied out. Kennedy grounded out. ORIOLES—F. Robinson grounded out. B. Robinson walked. Powell hit into a double play. Eighth Inning DODGERS—T. Davis, batting for Osteen, singled. Wills sao-rifleed. Parker popped out. W. Davis grounded out. ORIOLES —Regan pitching for LJL D. Johnson and Blah* grounded out Etchebarren fanned. Ninth Inning DODGERS — Snider playing left for Orioles. Fairly fanned. Lefebvre grounded out. L. Johnson grounded out L. A. 000 000 000—6 6 8 Balt. 000 810 000-1 8 ft, Osteen, Regan, (8) and Rose* boro. Bunker acid EtdWNmte. HR—Blair. THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1968 7Wwfw f' A—-» , 1Copters Shoot Scattered Cong ■ SAIGON (UPI) - Rocket-fir- * tag helicopters skimmed over ; the battleground of one of the biggest allied victories of the war today, shooting demoralized Communist trooops who ignored demands to surrender. In another phase of the ltepped-up, three-pronger allied assault on a shattered Communist division, crack South Korean troops routed Com- • munists from deep natural caves ! in blistering underground hand-s to-hand fighting. Fifty Commu- ■ nists were reported killed. - The new fighting' swelled to over 2,909 the number of troops ef the elite Comma- ■ nist «• Division Reported . killed or captured la the I City Battling Housing Lad^ (Continued From Page One) ; east of Wide Track. And CUy . Hall may not stop there. mighty two-week operation by VS., Korean and South Vietnamese farces on the South China Sea coast 290 miles northeast of Saigon. Trapped by a closing circle of allied troops on three skies and the sea on the fourth, the Communists had only two alternatives—surrender or death, U.S. commanders said. ■ V, * * ★ A record number already has surrendered but others were fighting on. An American military spokes-ian said helicopters flying ahead of advancing troops were finding small groups of Viet Cong and North . Vietnamese soldiers and were “shooting them like fish in a barrel" it they refused to surrender. expected to approve a second request far public housing units. The second project, if finally approved by the federal government, would be part of a 900-unit apartment complex planned for 90 acres on the south side of Auburn, adjacent to thd projected osteopathic college. ★ ★ it Also designed for the elderly, ; these latter units would be built • by developer Charles L. Langs 1 under the so-called “turnkey’) ! method where the developer ; owns the land, builds the au- • toorized units and then turns i their operation over to the city. Meantime, agitation for more ; public housing has never really let up Ah’ very long. Around • election tee, or almost every time a large crowd attends a commission met ting, public hous 1 ng proponents Intensify their efforts. (Next: Ordinance 1279 and who wants public housing.) - Police Catch Suspect After Chase in City A police chase with speeds up to 119 miles an hour through streets on Pontiac’s West Side ended last night with a Detroit man being charged with steeling a car. The chase came to a halt on State when the driver, Daniel - L. Geisner, 22, attempted to flee on foot and was captured by Pontiac patrolman Travis A. lively. While Gainer was resisting the officer, a companion escaped. Geisner was turned over to police in Waterford Township, where the car was reportedly stolen from a .bowling alley parking lot. ★ - * ★ Geisner was to be arraigned today before Waterford Township Justice of the Peace Patrick Daly on a charge of unlawfully driving away an automobile, 2 From Area Are Victims of Auto M: A Waterford Township teenager was fatally injured yesterday when he was struck by a car and a Farmington Township man died of injuries received in a traffic accident last Sunday. The victims are Daryl K. Bennett, 15, of 2289 Mann, and William Davidson, 41, of 29021 E. Marklawn. Bennett was walking along the edge of Clintonville Road near Mann when he was hit by a car driven by Maurine Terry, 17, of 5311 Burgundy, Independence Township. She told sheriff’s deputies that she was passing another car when she felt the impact, but didn’t know what she had hit until she stopped. ★ 1 * The boy died at Pontiac General Hospital two hours after the 7 p. m. accident, Davidson died at the hospital just before midnight. He was admitted Oct. 2 after he lost control of his car on a curve on Union Lake Road near Meridian, Commerce Township, and struck a tree. Mistrial Ruled in Rape Case A mistrial was declared yesterday in Circuit Court in a case against a Pontiac Township man Charged with rape. Judge Frederick C. Ziem halted the trial in its second day after sheriff’s deputy Jack Kratt, in giving testimony implied that the defendant, Thomas W. Tucker, had a criminal record. Ziem ruled on a motion by defense attorney William Vaa-derKloot that the statement might prejudice the jury. Past offenses are not admitted in court unless the defendant takes the stand and is questioned about them. * ★ * Tucker, 27, of 2850 Edna Jane is accused of beating, cutting and sexually assaulting a 43-year-old womah in her Pontiac Township home Ajtril 19. Ziem P0* the case over until Oct. It, when a new jury will be impaneled. The Weather Full V, S. Weather Bureau Report PONTIAC AND VICINITY—Sunny, windy and warmer today. Highs 74 to 82. Fair and (lightly warmer tonight. Lows 48 to 51. Sunday mostly sunny and continued warm. Highs 75 to 84. Southwesterly winds 15 to 25 miles today diminishing tonight to 19 to 18 miles. Outlook for Monday * partly cloudy. Precipitation probabilities in per cent: Today and tonight less than 5. Tally hi Pantile , Highlit tamparatura . I Validity II m«.h. t wh Saturday at liM p.m i rlaaa Sunday at l:3t p.m., ten aata Saturday at 1:11 y at 13:34 New Hems at a dance TMt Data la N i Itw Friday'! Tamparatura_____ 77 S3 jaekaonvHla 71 71 <7 « Kansas City ; S3 tt « “ Lot Angtlas 3 tt Miami Bead tt M Haw Orlaani 73 SI Haw Yard 73 M Omaha 7* tt Pittsburgh ’ 73 SO St. Lotts ' 70 SS Tampa . 75 tt Salt Lata C. 77 « 7» 47 *. prawteoa tt ~ 7J 43 |. c. Marta it to a 48 5 * * * per\cent level in 1964. I am The political roster: confident we will go over 56 per —Gov. George Romney and]cent wj year ” 8m. Robert P. Griffin on bOSY^MPAIGNHI Republican team. —Gubernatorial candidate Zol-1 Ferency also campaigned Ion Ferency; G. Mermen Wil-j Friday ia\BatUo Creek and Hams, candidate for Senate;jKalMnaz00-John Bruff, candidate for lieu-; Griffin Friday told a Macomb tenant governor; Secretary of. County Community College au-State James Hare and Atty.jdience that President Johnson is Gen. Frank Kelley, the Demo- searching tor more support for cratic squad. * Ms Viet Nam policy. OFFICIAL RECOGNITION President is going to the Manila] A Cloud of Softness in Only Romney was due to re-1 ceive official recognition. It hasr brat traditional for the governor;! to cross the fiekl at halftime and Romney was scheduled to ; wind up on the Michigan side. MSU’s board of trustees earlier asked both political parties to refrain from campaigning at the game. e ★ w Romney Friday called for a massive campaign by voters to press the Legislature into passing three traffic safety bills next week. ‘‘The time for talks is past," Romney told a traffic safety conference at YpsfiantiL Sunday Only l \ conference and to six Far East! I nations to search for what the President said would be an honorable peace In Viet Nam. CLASSIC CARDIGANS OR VIRGIN WOOL! MEN’S STRETCH NYLON HUE-SUPPORT HOSE One Gift Works lhay Wanders Our Reg. 97e Our Reg. 3.97 Sunday Only Charge It Over-the-calf hose give complete snpport. Nylon with support rubber added. Black, navy, brown, grey. S, M, L., in men’s wear dept. Romney said although the Democratic majority plans to meet only for a day or two ■ext week fa tile Legislature he will urge passage of a MU to establish k system of compul-■ory motor vehicle inspection. He said he will urge passage of bills to establish a uniform statewide driver licensing system and to require motorists at the time of licensing to author-fan chemical tests if they are arrested on drunken driving charges. Fancy said during a tour of Jackson County that “I think Fin got an excellent chance" of becoming the first Democratic gubernatorial candidate to catty the comity. Take It Easy! Shop Kmart! Easy to Reach ... Easy to Park! Sunday Only l Hk s5I.sse" i;53.TrfiwiaWI MEN'S COTTON SOCKS Have THICK CUSHIONED SOLES COMFY BOOTIES OF SOFT BRUSHED ORION® and NYLON Charge It Steel shank, rubber cleated outsole. 12** high. Olive drab color. Sizes 7 - 12. In Shoe Dept. Our Reg. 47c Pr. Sunday Only . Our Reg. 3 for 94c Stmday Only LOVE SEATS Men’s soft span cotton work socks have extra-thick cushioned soles for comfort and absorbency . . . you feel as if you’re "walking on air." Sizes lOVk to 13 in white, light and dark solid colon. Three pair per package. Limit 2 pkgs. per customer. Kmart Hosiery Dept. Fluffy booties to keep you toasty warm on the coldest winter evenings! Luxuriously soft blend of brushed Orion® acrylic and stretch nylon id red, black, white and pastels. One size fits 9 to 1L limit 4 pair per customer while quantity l”^iril> Kmart Hosiery Dept reg. 5.99. 4X for .22 rifles, easy-to-install BRIGHT, BREAK-RESISTANT PLASTIC HOUSEHOLD ITEAAS REVERSIBLE NYLON BLEND THROW RUGS COLONIAL STYLED OCCASIONAL CHAIRS Our Reg. 87c BYE Sunday Only ‘ fl m * • 19”x33”. Nylon with cotton blend. Multi - Color combinations. Thick fringed ends. Completely washable. Reversible for donUo wear. 24”x45” Reversible Nylon Rag... Oar Reg. 1.48..................1.38 Limit 4 Ea. Charge It Rigid polyethylene housewares . . . 28-qt swing-top waste bins, 28-qt rectangular waste baskets, 16-qt divided dish pans and 116-bu. octagonal laundry baskets in turquoise, white, sandalwood. 18-qt dual pails in turquoise, sandalwood. Charge it Our tug. 10.96. 40-shot 1894 model with front rear alibis, side port loading. In sporting goods dept Sunday Only ‘Granny99 Prints, Paisleys "NEVER PRESS" COTTON PRINTS SEE OUR PREVIEW SHOWING OF WALKER Type “A”, Suffix “A" transmission fluid may alao be used in power steering units. Suitable for year-rouqd use. '■ 1 * , assured of a lasting want look! “Granny* prints, geometries, calico patterns, florals paisleys ami many more. 3fr wide. Lindt 10 yds. per customer. Ohr. Pontiac Lake Rd, 1 Mile West Elizobeth Lake Rd. OPEN DAILY *m V PM 7MON6 474-2251 „ Sunday 1 tod PM. TERMS ARRANGED 90DAYSGASH OPEN SUNDAY GLENWOOD PLAZA NORTH PERRY AT GLENWOOD THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8, I960 ‘Iff" ■ mm *10,000 SAVINGS CERTIFICATES Earn the rate of 5Vi% when held for a period of 12 months *2,500 SAVINGS CERTIFICATES Earn a rate of 4%% when held for a period of 6 months OAKLAND SEVEN eMVEMEtfrUM . OFFICES TO SERVE YOU DOWNTOWN FONTIfte 16 t^awreim 0 . DAivurmttWlfll , / . '“’tii.m m •*** ill AS if in ^MHptpypi - «HMw»MiWi| -WALLED LAKE * -< ; #W-* ' 4$ Aeeotufb fkctim accidental LIFE INSURANCE PROTECTION 1 up to *10,000.00 at no additional costl at FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS .< OAKLAND *5,000 SAVINGS CERTIFICATES Earn the rate of 5% when held for a period of 9 months / PASSBOOK 0 SAVINGS The rate of 4%% is compounded and paid quarterly; which gives an annual yield of 4.318, this high return is paid on regular insured passbook savings. INSURED Voice of the People: THE PONTIAC PRESS « West Huron Street Pontiac, Michigan 48056 ; SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1966 Mum A. nwmu How»*» H. Fitmctau, n Ckilnua of th* Board ' President' and Publisher John W. Rnouu John A; Riurr A«lo lfcCOUY Executive Viet President Secretary and Advertising Circulation Uanarer and Editor Director Baht J. Fere Rrc^sai M. Rtotrau O, Uarrhau Johan Managing Editor Treasurer and Finance Local AdtertUlm Manager Zip Code Needs More Zip by Public In the interest of creating greater public consciousness of Zip Code and its use, the Postal System has designated October 10-15 National Zip Code Week. Introduced three years ago, Zip Code has more than proved itself in expediting the handling and delivery of mail. That even more significant progress in that direction has not been made is largely due to apathy of some segments of the public. The Post Office. Department particularly stresses the need.for cooperative use of the Code " in the 302 cities big enough to require more than one Zip division, but it is incumbent on every citi- zen who sends and receives mail to see that his postal designation is included in both destination and return addresses. ★ ★ ★ The postal service at times is the target of complaints regarding instances of poor service. But when the mountain of mail of all classes that is handled daily is taken into consideration, the performance of the multitude of Post Office department workers is one in which it and the Nation may well take pride. . ★ ★. Let’s help them even to better It with resulting benefit for ourselves by Including the unfailing use of Zip Code in our code of citizenship. Credit Cards Open New Field for Crooks What originated many years ago as a convenience for regular hotel patrons desirous of establishing instant credit at their stopping places has become a target of a racket of major proportions. Reports to the National B e 11 e r Business Bureau indicate that upwards of $20 million is lost annually in the U.S. through illegal use of credit cards by a new brand of thief who has only to forge a signature to sample the goodies of life. About 20 million Americans carry one or more charge-account cards, the average of which has expanded to include an amazing variety of services and merchandise. What makes the credit system vulnerable to fraud is that each year 1.2 million cards are reported lost while an estimated 300,000 are stolen. ★ ★ ★ A few years ago a burglar who found a credit card in a wallet he stole would probably toss it away. Today he sells it for as much as $250 in the credit card black market that has become a big-time operation. Few credit card holders are real- ly aware of how valuable their cards can be to illegal possessors. The man who is exceedingly careful with $10 bills will scarcely give a thought to the negotiable potential of his credit card until it turns up missing and somebody else has started running up charges in his name. If fraudulent use ii made of a stolen credit card, who pays? Generally speaking, the rightful owner, if he has not notified the issuer of its loss or theft. There usually is no problem if notification is immediate, but it sometimes takes days, weeks or even months for ihe holder to discover the loss. ★ ★ ★ A number of insurance companies are now writing coverage that protects credit card holders against loss and illegal use of their cards. ★ ★ ★ But the best insurance against credit cards becoming a credit liability through misuse is for every holder to view his card as an unlimited blank check for the unscrupulous, and handle it with comparable care. Three-War Veteran, Old 45-1121 Still Flying High Speaking of tender, loving care for the taxpayer’s dollar, the Air Force reports that one of its planes in Viet Nam is now serving in its third war. The plane, No. 45-1121, a twin-engined C-47 transport, rolled off the assembly line in 1941 Just in time for World War II. Twenty-five years later, and 13 years after Korea, the same plane is assigned to the 4th Air Commando Squadron in South Viet Nam as an AC-47 Dragon-ship. The “A” in old 45-112rs new designation stands for attack. The Dragon-ship label refers to the tongue of fire it can pour out with three newly outfitted rapid-fire, Gatling-type machine guns. Interestingly enough, 1941 was also the year that three of the members of 45-1121*8 present seven-man crew were born. Johnson, News Talks Don’t Mix By JAMES MARLOW AP News Analyst WASHINGTON - President Johnson is restless about news conferences. He has tried a variety of them, as if looking for one that suits him or as if he doubts any one of them will. Other recent presidents treated them as a kind of institution, whether they liked them or not. But not Johnson, judging from the way he switches them around and the fact that he only holds them now and again. MARLOW He has tried the ambulatory conference, strolling around the White House lawn with reporters taking notes and skipping to keep up; the televised, die non-televised, and the radio-only kind; the spar of the moment and the unnounced In advance kind. He has tried conferences with a microphone around his neck or in front of him; with die camera close up or at a distance; in big rooms and in his office. W * * When he talks, he could be any one of many senators talking at a-hearing in a committee room. He has no unique style but gives the impression of searching for one. WISE DIFFERENT If be seems different from recent presidents, they were different from one another, too. He lacks the charm of Franklin D. Roosevelt, the ease of John F- Kennedy, But he is more coherent than Dwight D. Eisenhower and far less cocky and belligerent than Harry S. Truman. While he is no wit and his utterances are not on the same plane as the delicate sonority of the King James Bible, he has a keen dramatic sense which he employs, not for the conflict implicit in drama, but for surprise. v w * Sometimes, the way he springs a surprise is more surprising than the surprise itself, which is one of the uses he makes of a news conference by wrapping the surprise in an announcement. LACKS THE TOUCH A president could make an announcement in written form, handed to reporters. But this lacks the bang of making the same announcement to a mob of newsmen close up. This explains, perhaps, toy Johnson likes to use a news conference for • surprise announcement, which at times seems the, main reason for calling die conference in the first place since not all his conferences sparkle with news. . ' At his televised conference Thursday, Johnson switched the technique, rattling off, before reporters could ask a question, a list of men he had just selected for high government posts at home and abroad. Again this seemed the main reason for calling die conference. Johnson’s answers to most of the questions the reporters finally asked were vague or negative. He made few positive statements. The POWER of FAITH ly WOOD! ISHMAEt Sam Hersh has become one of the best informed men anywhere on theology and Christian denominations, although he is of Jewish parentage. Eighteen years ago, while selling a film on the life of Stephen Foster to libraries, schools and civic organizations, he learned that there were very few religious films available to churdllies. He saw a need to be filled. In. Hollywood he organized a company and produced these films. They sold well ,ahd Since that time he has produced about 1,000 such films for die church and religious market. His production has been for most denominations and for general church and Sunday School use. For the past 15 years he has produced the successful TV religious dramatic series, “This is the Life’’ for the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod. Thanks to the 1 n s i g h t, understanding and faith of a Jewish businessman, many denominations have added a new dimension to their ministry. Confident Living: Inner Peace Gained by Practice Voice of the People: ^ UAW Advocates Citizens Development Authority Your editorials of September 29 and October 3 were of great interest but missed the target in evaluating the UAW position which I presented. We proposed the City Commission delay action on the Taubman plan September 27 and permit the people full opportunity to be given the facts; and that the citizens be permitted to present their views and debate the desirability. We advocated a Citizens Development Authority which would comprise a broad community partnership and formulate plans and inplement those plans to redevelop, rehabituate and revitalize all areas of the city. . The Commission would appoint organizations and peoplq who would make a substantial contribution into such a corporation to provide finances to induce investment in the central business district as well as eradicate slum housing and provide new and additional housing. ★ ★ ★ We would supply funds toward this objective. This includes downtown, commercial redevelopment, the Taubman plan or hny other. Your editorial states that business leaders in the community knew of the Taubman proposal a year ago. Nobody else did. The rest of the community is entitled to participate. With the major changes which took place in the last contract revision, most people could not know what was in the Taubman agreement. We are opposed to having the citizens buy a shopping center. The cost is too high! Membership of a Citizens Development Authority should include General Motors, Pontiac Press, Community National Bank, Pontiac State Bank, UAW-AFL-CIO, Consumers Power Company, Michigan Bell Telephone Co., N.A.A.C.P., Urban League and many other groups. We will cooperate!- KEN MORRIS, DIRECTOR REGION IB, UAW (Editor’s Note: The Press warmly endorses a citywide plan to speed new houses and promises full cooperation. However ,the Press opposes starting all over on a downtown development. This would lose all the work done the last three years, almost one pf which was devoted to the Taubman plan. Let’s move forward as rapidly as possible. There will be many delays as it is.) : By NORMAN VINCENT PEALE Is it really possible to have peace of mind today? With conditions as they are in the world? The answer is, of course it’s possible. And it had better be, because without inner peace in some degree a person will not have good health or hap-piness, and certainly will not contribute much to the world. When you consider the hectic pace of modem life, the constant barrage by press, radio and TV bringing news of upheavals and forebodings from every comer of the earth, it’s no wonder some people think peace of mind isT out of the question. But fortunately they’re mistaken. They just aren’t in the know. Peace of mind does not just happen to anyone. It comes by practice. And there are proven techniques for gaining it Let me illustrate with a recent incident in my own experience. I was due at the doctor’s office at 11:00 a.m. for a routine check-up. It wasn’t until 10:50 that I managed to leave my office and head for the doctor’s. To avoid being late I dashed Verbal Orchids Mr. and Mrs. Jesse J. Friday of Clarkston; 50th wedding anniversary. Mrs. Annie Gray of 37 N. Johnson; 88th birthday. Mf. and Mrs. F.J. Court of Detroit; 55th wedding anniversary. Mrs. Addle Bensett of Drayton Plains; 87th birthday. Judd Dean of Rochester; 90th birthday. * Mrs. Sadie Strong of 121 PraU; 87th birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles F.. Lloyd of 129 Kemp; 59th wedding anniversary. , Mrs. William S. Church of 191 Elm; 87th bhlhday. for a taxi; told the driver to step on it; abandoned the taxi two blocks from the doctor’s office because of a traffic jam and walked those final blocks fast. I arrived visibly out of breath. The nurse charged with taking the electrocardiogram looked at me and said, “You better lie on this table and relax for a few moments first.’’ I shook my head. “Can’t. I have an appointment at 11:30.” “You must take at least 10 minutes to get quiet, or the instrument won’t give the true picture.” And when she had me lying flat on the table she said, “Just think some quiet thoughts.” As I lay there staring at the ceiling I began practicing peace of mind using the technique of remembered beauty rr«a procedure John Masefield, poet laureate of England, called “the getting of tranquility.” I thought of a favorite spot in Interlaken, Switzerland i in the lee of the Jungfrau, remembering how the light of evening on the snows of the great mountain changes progressively from brilliance to gold to mystic purple and then fades into the dark. I thought of the lake at Srinagar in the Vale of Kashmir in India, where the songs of boatmen sound across lake surfaces embellished | with myriads of water lilies. Presently the nurse returned. “Well,” she said taking my pulse, ’’that’s fine. Let’s get on with this right now.” And when the doctor looked at the results of the test he said, “Just keep your heart like it is now and you’ll be all right. You must be learning to live more calmly.” Masefield’s way of cultivating peace of mind is described in a little book about a period in his late teens when he worked for two years in a carpet mill in Yonkers. That was in the 1890s. Work In the mill went on continuously from 7:00 a.m. to 0:00 pan., the machines incessantly repeating terack, terack, crash, bang. “For some years, at intervals,” he wrote, “I had practiced the getting of tranquillity before going to* .sleep . . .1 read n page of some thoughtful prose, then, shutting my eyes, I repeated to myself a couple of poems, and then sing to myself fa a mental voice, one, two, three and even four songs. Usually, before I reached the fourth, I had attained a mental qniet in which I conld sort out the experiences of the day, annul its trouble as illusion and see its good as jolly.” The secret is to practice peace of mind. Don’t make the mistake of waiting until uproar in the world subsides or you may wait forever. History books show no evidence of any period when all was calm. So, better start now to cultivate peace of mind. (Th* Hall Syndkit*. Inc.) Says Cats Kill Just for Something to Do ' Cats cause more damage than dogs. They torture and kill, not for food, but to have something to do when they aro not lylqg around. Can you teach a cat to sit up, stay, lie down or hunt on command, and love you? The Animal Shelter woi’t even pick cats up. ANOTHER DOG LOVER Question and Answer This isn’t very important, but maybe your column can help me anyway. Are regular baking chocolate and no-melt chocolate interchangeable in all recipes? NEW BRIDE Reply Yes. When a recipe calls for melted chocolate, you may Use either kind. Washington Notebook: Interviewer Was a Timid Soul By WASHINGTON STAFF WASHINGTON (NEA) -Some random notes from the New England political trail: Massachusetts Attorney General Edward Brooke, seeking to become the first Negro elected to the UB. Senate since Re-c o ns traction, was given the opportunity to choose his own questions before an “interview” was taped at a Holyoke radio station. Brooke declined. The announcer pressed on:' “But, Mr- Brooke, i might touch some controversial subjects.” “Go ahead,” urged Brooke. “I want it to sound spontaneous.” Newspaper reporters accompanying Brooko poised for tho first “controversial” question. It wasi “What actions would you take if you were elected?” Brooke’s answer used up the allotted five minutes. WWW In Rhode Island, perhaps the most thoroughly Democratic state in New England, Republican Gov. John Chafee is vigorously campaigning for the local GOP ticket. Running for secretary of state is Arllne Kiven, in attractive widow who served six years in the state legit-eas a Democrat T Her most telling reason for switching to the Chafee slate stems from her first Democratic caucus. One of the most prominent Democratic representatives, adddressing the freshmen, roared: “In this state, the party comes first! Then you think of yourself! And then'you think of the people!” Mrs. Kiven, a little shocked, nudged the man next to her and asked if she was hearing correctly. “Yes, you are,” he responded. “But in his case he’s got things backward. He always thinks of himself first and then the party.” w w w In Maine, incumbent Republican, Gov. John Reed is being pressed hard by young Kenneth Curtis, the Democratic secretary of state. Reed’s campaign literature makes much of the fact that he was chairman of the 1966 Governor’s Conference. At a r e c e n t fund-raising luncheon, Curtis and Democratic Sen. Edmund Muskie poked a little fun at this. “That’s really an important post,” Muskie said into the mike. “Any chairman of a Governor’s Conference becomes an internationally known figure overnight” “You’re right, Ed,” Interrupted Curtis. “The present chairman of the Governor’s Conference is really a well-known man. What’s his name? Uh ... uh . .. Governor ... uh... uh ... ” (North Dakota Gov. William .Guy holds the present chairmanship.) 1 - w w w Reed, an extremely able campaigner,* passes out literature to every voter he meets. In addition, he given each man a box of matches and each woman an emery board. In Dtxfield, a grizzled sawmill hand took the matches, and then asked In puzzlement: “Where’s the cigar?’’ “That comes after the election,” smiled Reed. “Well, that’s what you told me in 1962.’’ challenged the man. “And I still ain't seen no cigar” MB. IMS A gift that's always appreciated! No-drift FM; easy slide-rule tuning. FM, AM antennas. Decorator design. Bwfc«8!s4K 1 &*»<&. isy / “V c^ort, nv”r.T*, 1 ESwS>l 252^,:®* till REDUCED 3.11 45-pc. Melamine set 12“ YOUR CHOICE Has die beauty of china yet Is* so durable. Choose floral or geometric pattern.Cotnplete 45-pc. set. 4 patterns. Mm’s regular 10.99 Black dress leather uppers. Flexible, long-wearing. Not all. sizes avail- Wards top-quality bone meal fertilizer Particularly suited for use on perennial and annual flower beds, shrubs. Slow release of nutrients feeds plants prop- g.|b, box •r|y- BUY AND PUNT YOUR TULIP BULBS TODAY! 4*gun wall rack new reduced Green felt pads cradle your guns I Handsome walnut-finished rack has large drawers for supplies, ammo. THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY^ OCTOBER 8, 1966 A—7 ' Bonanza' Fans Back in Chevy Corral After Flirtation By BOB THOMAS AP Movie-TV Writer HOLLYWOOD (AP) - There was no panic at the Ponderosa two weeks ago when “Bonanza” (ailed to beat an opposing program Cor the Drat time in siS years. After all the program was the three-hour “Bridge on the River Kwal, which cost Ford THOMAS |1.8 million to present The “Bonaza” bunch figured correctly that the Sunday night audience would return to the Chevrolet corral, since no sponsor could afford such a stipend on a regular basis. ★ ★ ★ “Bonanza” continued its winning trays last Sunday with a two-parter concerning Mormon polygamy, “The Pursued.” The second half appears Sunday. It stars Pina Merrill and Eric Fleming, who was drowned last week on a Peruvian film location. TwoiMutors — which are released overseas as movies — and occasional “name” guest stars are thai> only departures from the customary format of “Bonanza.” The man who dictates these conditions is David Dortort, who created the series and has guided it as producer since its start. GREATER RANGE His view of ifr* show’f cess: “Bonanza” is more than a Western. It has a far greater range of story than other West-' eras, yet it has enough of elements to appeal to the Western buff.” But the compelling reason for continuing supremacy of “Bonanza” in the audience polls, Dortort admitted, is the surefire appeal of the leads: Lome Greene, Dan Blocker and Michael Landon. * ★ * ‘The combination of actors is unique and successful,” said the producer. “Each developed as a separate personality — Lome as the fathe hearty, brother. The boys do a solid job. Each knows his own character and its limitations, and they won't tet writers or directors go too far afield.” ' i* it'1'-it" There was also another, intellectual brother, played by Per-nell Roberts, who abandoned Ponderosa a season ago because of artistic differences. He has returned to Hollywood after a year's absence and is in “The Virginian," Dortort, a nervous, bespectacled man, disputed the possibili- “Pemell caused a lot of problems on the show; be seemed to enjoy argutog tor argument’s sake,” said fix producer. “Still, I wanted him today, and for a tong time I kept the door open far his return. > ★ ★ ★ ’ “But now we can do without him. The audience reaction after his departure was miniscule. We had pur highest ratings last season, the first year without Applications Now Being Taken Grand Prix Apartments ★ Electric Kitchens ★ Continuous-Food Quiet Disposal ★ Hugo Wa|k4n and Wardrobe Closets ★ Air Conditioning ★ Insulated, Sound-PrUett Walls ★ Ceramic Tile Baths it RCA Master Antenna ★ Aluminum Sliding Windows it Private Pool and Recreation Area ★ Private Parking 315 S. Telegraph Rd.-Pontiac See Manager Apt. Ho. 1 Superb mink stole s219 6 ROWS DEEP, 2-SKIN COLUR Outstanding value from the quality skins to tho 1 beautiful shaping. Come, ■ select now at Ward's special prico, this graceful 6 rows deep stole in natural pastel, rich ranch tone. Luxurious 2-skin collar adds to it flattery. Now Is tho time to buy and save on this glamor- Men’s flannel shirts Ribbed poor boys 2»r’5 BIG VALUES! olisher and vacs Choose Signatured shampoo-polisher, hand vacuum or jiffy vac, all at Wards low sale price. Hurry today.4 *18 1.11 off!20-galloa “poly” trash can Large polyethylene can with reinforced sides, bottom. Noiseless, light, rust-free. Sanitary lock-on cover. 30GALSJI REG. 3.99 Plastic sheeting . at special price Protects plants and equip- 4 00 ment from frost. Remains pliable under heat or cold. Ideal for greenhouses, cold 3fx50v frames, window covers. I27 REG. 1.99 0 Choose from an assortment of styles 0 Comes In Small, Medium and Large sizes 9 Perfect with skirts, slacks, etc. A mustl For comfort, looks and wear. Orion and Nylon shells In popular new stylet.! Choose white, blue, I6den,. cranberry, beige. Sizes small, medium & large. 9 Full-cut for extra comfort and fit 9Long tails won't ride up - looks neat 0 Comes in sizes S through XL Leave It to Wards to give you a quality flannel shirt at this lowprice.! Machine washable for easy care. In sizes S through XL Full cut for comfort. SAVE 3.11 telescopic sight 488 REG. 7.99 For high-power rifles. Hard-coated lenses for. ruggedness and dependability. Hurry now! 2q!L H&jl* OJcmJa. SAVE 2.11 steel shelving 488 REG. 6.99 Channel-formed for extra rigidity. Shelves adjust at 1 -1 /2-in. interva Is. 5x 2-1/2x14. Big Savings. leg. 1.59 ersdilt bit b— I18 Over-the knee style in open nylon crochet with extra stretch, cling. Fashion colors. One Size fits 9 to 11. OPEN MONDAY THRU SATURDAY 9:30 A.M. TO 9:00 P.M. SUNDAY 12 NOON TO 6 P.M. e 682-4940 SAVE 54# Heavy duly oil If 2 55 REG. 3.09 Riverside* HeaVy Duty meets1 API class MS, DG, DM, Cuts sludge. SAE 20-20W, 30,40. Save now! ¥ A—8 THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1066 ROCKWELL 6JLLESPIE a VAN WAGONER c»r«* * wttl rea Shrub Planting u ALL „EY 1 0 «*J ID OJ i ADVERTISEMENT URBAN RENEWAL PROJECT 7 MICHIGAN RBI PROJECT IMPROVEMENTS : as Local Public Mi fir; Tr*o and 1:00 p.m., Eastern i 24tti day of Oc-> oftico of the City E„ Pontiac, Clark, 450 WMa Track Michigan, at which. He.r .... _________ ... will to publicly opened and raad tcifications, ___ |........ . ttw City Engineer at 45 a Track Dr. E., Pontiac, Michigan. . Contract Oocumtnts may >y depositing 110.00 with the ic tar each sat of documents Each (m| .......M Mr*. Nekton J. Auslander Servlet tor former resident Mrs. Newton j. (Gertrude) Aus- FISHER Effective October II, JNM AN OROI NANCE TO AMEND i THE BUILDING ZONE MAP OP ORDINANCE NO. 944, KNOWN The Building Zone Map of the BylKHr Zone Ordinance M hereby amended w provide that ttw land th flta description hereinafter eat forth Its clessitied a Residential 1. Lots 125 thru 120 both i inclusive In Gillespie and Van Wagoner Addition, City of Pontiac, Oakland County, Michigan. ------ I ttw Drawings-and contract, lander, 78, of ,114 S. Sheridan, n&T&r 'Sid^nS^rkassar, will be at 2 pin. Mon-a certified check or bank draw, pay] day at the Atkins Funeral Home, negotiable U.S. Govat-nmant^BondsTo^AlVaSSar, With burial In V8SS8P satisfactory I Bid Bond executed By ttw T'omptprv Bidder end an acceptable eurety. In •"] ™ [amount equal to ten pm- cent of Dodge City, Fla., two grand- WSSZZZZ m. ted met J children; and two great-grand-then the minimum seltries end children. \ •i as set forth in the contract Docu- n* * its must bt paid on:'Wilt" protect. ' w City if Pontiac reserves the right relect any dr all Rips, or to waive Informalities In the bidding 4 , ids may be held by the Gift, of i . . _ , tiec for t period not to exceed thirty | Service for Daryl K. Bennett, yitaJSratf, of 2289 Mann, Waterford Daryl K, Bennett of ttw City Plan Commission _ I Commission Is hereby appointed to mil a final report upon this amendment this Commission previous lo hearing to be held t ' — Is adopted, pursuer, aun I No. 202 ot the Public Adi ot 1 •mended. Section I: That not Ian then fifteen (T5) days notice of ttw time and piece of " hairing on the final pastiw amendment shall be given In________. of general circulation In this city; f such public hearing to hereby fixed October L INL This ordinance shall take effect ., (II) days from end after the date ot Its passage by ttw City Commission ' the City of Pontiac. By Order pt ttw Commission Dated: October 7, 1944 OLGA BARKELEY City Ctorl October t, 194 ston of «. _ , . of October, A.D. BM. Dated October 4. IfM WILLIAM H. TAYLOR, JR. May« OLGA BARKELEY City Clerk October I, YALE NOTICE OP INTENT TO CONVEY URBAN RENEWAL LAND PROJECT MICHIGAN RBI City of Pontiac, Office of Planning an irban Renewal, City Hall, 458 Wld rack Drive, East, Pontiac, Mlchlgar ifflct hours—1:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m (onday through Friday. NOTICE IS HERESV GIVEN, of th intention of the Local Public Agency Pontiac, to enter Into en egret r ttw tale of and to (all cartel property located In Urban Renewal Prated Michigan R-20, which proled to located generally In the area South of Street, East of Saginaw Street, .._... of Otmun Street, and West of Paddock Street In the City of Pontiac, end that laid City proposes to enter Into said agreement for sale on or after the 25th day of October, 1944. it to proposed that said property, which to located on the South side ot Auburn Avenue, between Wide Track Drive and Center Street, be sold to Pontiac Teach-1 Credit Union. z < o o > m Ui o co (0 i 2 . H the PontlaC City Commission Tuesday, October 25, In the City Commission Chambers at the above address, ‘ ‘:00 p.m. The above named purchaser M filed with ttw City of Penttac, Office of Planning end Urban Renewal, ■ Re-developer's Statement for Public Disclosure In the form prescribed by | Secretary of Housing and Urban velopment pursuant to Sec. IDS (el |H lousing Ad of 1949, statement |--------------- redeveloper, at the Offices of Pli ^ end Urban Renewal at ttw above Dated: 1 yKsilanti ORDINANCE NO. Adopted, October «, ,™ EffectiveOctober 13, 1964 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE BUILDING ZONE MAP OP ORDINANCE NO. 144, KNOWN AS "THE BUILDING ZONE ORDINANCE" THE CITY OP PONTIAC ORDAlNSl lection 1: The Building Zone Map of the Building Zone Ordinance to hereby amended, to provide that ttw land In the description hereinafter eat forth be classified Is Residential 1. . ’■ Lots 121 thru lie both Inclusive in Weitott Blvd. Park Subdivision, City ot Pontiac, Oakland County, Michigan, lection Si The change In ttw Building Zong Mo In ttw above area to Residential 1 I mode pursuant to ttw rocommendotlon of ttw City Plan Commission 1 Commission to hereby appointed 0 final raport upon this ament this Commission previous to ttw public (waring to bo hold bofort this emendirr' to adoptod, pursuant to Section 4 of , No. 207 ot ttw Public Acts of mi, amended. Section t; / That ml less then fifteen (15) days notice of ttw time and piece of ttw public hearing on ttw final passage ot this amendment shall ba given In e newt of general circulation In this city: ouch public hearing to hereby tlx October 4, 19*4. 1 offset ten (10) days from and after ttw data Its passage by the City Commission the City ot Pontiac. Made and paaaed by ttw City Commh-ilori Ot ttw city Of Pontiac, this 4tf " of October, A.D. 1944. Dated October 4, 1044 WILLIAM H. TAYLOR, Mayor OLGA BARKELEY City Clark It is with deep Regret that we Announce the untimely passing of Member of Local 4012 C.W.A. BIBLE REBINDING CHRISTIAN LITERATURE SALES 55 Oakland Avo. FE 4-9591 ) days from Bids tor the purpoto of f-tvltwlng .... ... ....... waiificatton.I Township, will be 3 p.m. Mon-ntract. *w*r 0 ""day at the Coats Funeral Houle, Waterford Township, with'burial in Perry Mount Park Cemetery, Pontiac. J He died yesterday Sfter being struck by a car. He wis a student at Mason Junior High {School Surviving are his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bufford P. Bennett; four brothers, Alfred W. of Waterford Township, U, S. Air Force Sgt. Horace P. of Topeka, Kan., Willard N. of Keego Harbor and Perry of Pontiac; and grandparents Mrs. Nathan Bennett of Missouri and Joseph Abernathy of Pontiac. Edgar S. Hamlett / Service for Edgar S. Hamlett, ), of 6432 Elmwood, Waterford Township, will be 1 D m. Monday at the Huntotm Funeral Home, with. burial in Drayton Plains Cemetery. Mr. Hamlett died yesterday after a brief illness. He was a painter. Russell Brace Service for Russell Brace, 75, pf 8447 Cooley will be 2 p.m. Monday at the Elton Black Fu- OLGA BARKELEY City/clerk October 0, 1944 To the Creditor!, I end Company, Inc., any, of Mtlnzlnger i take notice of tlw approa on and termination of ttw ______ I----- existence of Melnzlnger Land Company, Inc., ttw stockholders having |MjU| dissolve said corporation, re requested and notified t n against said corporation _____ ....... corporation at Its last registered office, 29}1 Warner Drlvt, Green Lake, “O, Box 237, Orchard Lake, Michigan, 9 with Its attorney, William B. Giles, Esq., B4& Cadillac Tower, Detroit, Michl-— 48226; sold claim to bo filed on or 'i October 17, 1944. Melnzlnger Land Company, Inc. by; ERNEST MElNZINGER \ President and Trotsuror \ October 3, 4, 5, 4, 7, ill \ 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15.1 , ' 17/13, 19, 20, 21 •nd 22, 1944 BIDS WANTED Sooted proposals will is Fenton City Office treat, Fenton, .Michigan, ctober 17, 1944 for girt 'V itember 30 si 1944 I October -bogs end wasl irtns ora on til ICTDR SMITH, City Manager lrA1,.7,’ I, 14 an Friday. KEEGO HARBOR \ REGISTRATION HOURS Tlw City of Kaego Harbor to extending normal office hours during Stpttmbei first week In October as ¥ con-to those who wish to raglstel but find It Impossible to get to the office ~Y±[ Under the new schedule, the hours 1 will bo Wednesday, September 21, 10 •nd October S from 4:00 a.m. to 1:00 p,m. and Saturday, September 24 and October 1 and I from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Ttw offlca will ba open Monday, tha last to register tor the November I, 1944 General Election, from 0:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Failure to vote within ttw test tw ears, change address or reinstate, n ulres • new registration. Anyone who Is • citizen of ttw United totes; 21 years old by November 3 and resident ot th* state for tlx months and ot the City tor 30 days may register ' rk's offlca Ih tha Municipal 2025 Bae^hmont, Keego Harr NOTICE OF INTENTION TO CONSTRUCT CONCRETE SIDEWALK AND RELATED WORK ON THE NORTH SIDE OF PRINCETON AVENUE You or* thereby notified -egular meeting of ttw Commission of he City ot Pontiac, Michigan hold Octo-wr 4, 1944 by resolution It was declared o ba ttw Intention of tha City Commission to construct concrete sidewalk ' related work on ttw,north aid* ot Prl Avenue from Carlisle Street to west af an. estimated cost of 132 that tha plan, profile and astli sid Improvement to on fllo tor public to further Intended to construi rovement In accordance wlf , profile and estimate, and th ahall ba defrayed by special according to frontage tot all of ttw lots and percale of ____ rontlng upon either aide of Princeton Avtnua from Carlisle Street ‘ HWwl west (Lota to be assesaed: 5 ________ Walton Boulevard Park Subdivision) shall constitute the special assessment dll--- defray S130.00 of ttw estimated I expanses thereof and that $144.(___ tha estimated cost and expenses thereof 1 paid from ttw Capitol Improvement Fund. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Commission of ttw City of ..... . Michigan w mission Chamber or I o'clock p.m. to t objections that may O. 1204 Dated: October 4, 19*4 OLGA BARKELEY City Clark October I, — ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Tha Board of Education of ttw Bloom-eld Hills School District No. 2, Bloom-ield Hills, Michigan, will rtcaiva bids n tha materials, labor and related Items or Site Improvement Work at ttw Bloom-icld Hills High School until 12:00 o'clock ioon E.S.T. Monday, October 17, 1944, ' ' if Education, i no work consists or graoir drainage, fencing and relate: baseball field area. Proposed forms of contract documents are on file at the office at Wilcox and Laird, 219 Dalnes Street, Birmingham, Michigan, and may a ba obtained on or liter October 4, 1944. Proposals must ba submitted on firms provided and bo accompanied by a BM . r cant (5%) of ttw total proposal. BOARD OF EDUCATION neral Home, Union Lake, with jurial in Oakview Cemetery, Royal Oak. He died yesterday after a short illness. Mr.° Brace was a farmer- surviving is his wife, Mildred; « daughter, Mrs. William Galiet ot Farmington; a airier, and four grandchildren. John T. Miller Service for John T. Miller, 86, of 5863 Dixie Highway, Waterford Township, will be 1 p. m. Monday at the Coats Funeral Home, Waterford Township, with burial in Lakeview Cemetery, Clarkston. Mr. Miller dlod yesterday after a long illness. He was retired from the Waterford Township School District' Surviving are twb sons, Kenneth S. of Pontiac and Samuel J. of Waterford Township; two grandchildren; and a greatgrandchild. Gaettaon Tunis! Service for Gaettaon Tunisi, 77, of 415 Bloomfield Will be 10 a.m. Monday/it the Pursley Funeral Hope, with burial in Perry Mopht Park Cemetery. He (Bed yesterday' after brlef lllness. Mr. Tunisi had re-tired from Pontiac Motor Division. Mrs. Roosevelt Williams Service for Mrs. Roosevelt (Lottue M.) Williams, 65, of 354 Howard McNeill will ba 1 p.m. Wednesday in Tupelo, Miss, with burial In the Mullen Cemetery there. She died yesterday after long illness. Her body will be taken to Tupelo from the Frapk Carruthers funeral Home. Mrs. Williams was a member of St James Missionary Baptist Church. Surviving are a son, Wiley Trice of Pontiac, and a brother. Frank Haage Jr. WEST BLOOMFIELD TOWNSHIP—Service for Frank Haage Jr., 52, of 3020 Middle Brit will be 10-a. m. at St. Hugo ol the Hills Church, Bloomfield HiUs, with burial in Mt. Hope Cemetery, Pontiac. A Rosary will ba said at 8 p. m. t o m o r r o w at the Bell Chapel of the William R. Hamilton Co., Birmingham. Mr. Haage died Thursday after a long illness. Employed at Hudson’s Department Store, he was a member of St. Hugo of the Hills Church. Surviving besides his wife, Frances, are three daughters, Virginia, Frances and Linda, and two sons, Mark and Frank, all at home, and a sister. Memorial tributes may be sent ta the Michigan Heart Association. Robert E. Stivers SYLVAN LAKE - Service for Robert E. Stivers, 63, of 1575 Maplewood will be, l p.m. Monday at the C. J. Godhart Funeral Home, Keego Harbor, with burial in White Chapel Memorial Cemetery, Troy. Mr. Stivers died Thursday after a short illness. Michigan. •ARY L. DICKSON City Clark t, 24 anti October I . I .......... ......... IB. 1947 Police Car. Contact ttw City Clerk tor specifications. Ttw City retarvt* tha right to rtfact any and all bids. ■ ILEKN a. Van HORN City Clark i, Mlchlgr- Walted L WHICH ARE WE? The River Jordan flows south into a pea. The air hangs above its Waters and neither man nor beast will drink of it. What makes this mighty difference in this sea? Not the River j.L.vooRKEE9 Jordan; H empties good water into it. ||| ,Not the soil nor the country around ® it. Ibis is the difference; this sea is a shrewd and jealous hoarder of its income. It will not be tempted into K any generous impulse. Every drop of water it receives it keeps. It gives nothing. It is named the Dead Sea. .There are two kinds of Seas; just as there are two kinds of people in the world ... which kind are We? M.E.HIPLE %O0tyHEES-SIPLE FUNERAL HOME 168 North Perry Street Phone FK 2-8378 District No. 2 M. EDWARD SEWELL Sscroter) 6 Districts Are Bellwether for House Vote By CARL P. LEUBSDORF WASHINGTON (AP) - Six widely scattered House districts will be watched closely by political analysts on election night for clues to the voting trend across the country. All have been accurate as electoral indicators over the past decade, reflecting swings that have sent Democratic strength in the House fluctuate between 234 representatives in 1956 and 295 in * ★ The House Is considered a key battleground In the Nov. 8 election with the results likely to determine whether' President Johnson maintains a working majority for bis domestic program. ! 1 Er , ik * , > Republicans need to gain 78 seat* to win numerical control. But a gain of fewer than 30 would put them in position to combine with Southern Democratic critics of the administration to block key billa .as they often were able to do before 1964. \ BELLWETHER DISTRICTS The six bellwether districts, all now represented by freshmen Democrats, are toe Connecticut 4to, Indiana 9to, Iowa Ohio 10th, Pennsylvania 19th and Wisconsin 1st. A recent Associated Press survey of freshmen Democratic prospects produced a mixed picture in the bellwether districts, with two Democrats reported ahead, two considered behind and two about even with their GOP opponents. \ ★ ★ ★ Reported leading their GOP opponents were Reps. Lee H. Hamilton, whose south Indiana district has been redjstricted somewhat to his advantage since 1964, and Bert A. Band-stra, who is seeking a return victory in south ventral Iowa against former Rep, John R. Kyi. Er ★ ★ \ Reported behind were Reps: Walter H. Moeller of Ohio, who served two earlier terms before his defeat in 1962, and Donald J. Irwin of Connecticut, whose, Fairfield County district i has sent him and Republican Abner W. Sibal to Washington for two terms each in the past eight years. APPEAR EVEN The two districts In which the canaklates appear even are represented by Rep. N. Neiman Craley Jr., trying to repeat a 1964 victory, over former Rep. George A. Goodling in the south Pennsylvania district in which former President Dwight D. Eisenhower lives, ahd Lynn ~ Stalbaum, again pittriL against former Rep. Henry S. Schade-berg in the Raclne-Kenosha area of southeast Wisconsin. * ★ E All six districts elected Republicans in 1956 when Democrats held a 234-231 House advantage despite Eisenhower’s landslide victory. But all went Democratic in 1958, when Democrats won 283 seats to 153 for the Republicans. ★ ★ In 1960, when Republicans gained 21 seats to deny toe late President John F. Kennedy a working majority in toe House, all but Moeller’s district went back into Republican hands. In 1962, Republicans were elected in alt six districts as toe Democratic majority dropped fromj 262-175 to 258-176. ■ . ■ Er fvEr- . , The Johnson landslide ot 1964 returned the .districts to Democratic contrri and gave Congress the biggest Democratic majority since 1936. Er * Er Analysts also will be keeping tabs on toe early vote totals to five key states — Indiana, Iowa, New Jersey, New York and] whereas none did before 1964. Washington - which in the past Together they have 55 Dram-have reflected shifts in toh «id » House lineup. compared with pw-WM AU five states now have Dem- totals of 33 Democrats and 48 ocratic House majorities, 1 Republicans. Sparts-ISriffia funeral home ‘Thoughtful Service*9 46 Williams St Phone FE 8-9* ■' 4 Grow faster [ANNUAL RATE COMPOUNDED AND PAID QUARTERLY Savings accounts are living, growing things ... just like plants tfiey require care and attention to achieve maximum growth. Regular additions to a Capitol Savings account will insure steady growth ... steady and rapid growth art also helped with Capitol’s generous 4%% current rate . . . paid and compounded quarterly. Why not open your Capitol Savings account tomorrow? CAPITOL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION INCORPORATED 1890 • LAN3IN0 MICHIOAN 75 W. HURON STREET, PONTIAC 338-7121 21215 Southfield Rd., Lathrup Viilaga Uganda is nearly as large as Oregon. About 13,689 square miles of toe country’s 93,961 square miles consists of water. quality & economy withStran-Stee! buildings You get economy with Strsn-Steel buildings because economy it Ittarally designed end built Into gutty steel component It Is the natural result of quality planned, mm production tochnlquM that ora not only better, but aloo economical. The itvbisi era passed along to you. Before you build any building, dlatmar why a Strari-Steal building la a better InvestmanL Find out why Stran-Staal la able to offer written guarantees to back-up tho performance of ttw (tool components. Lower heating and cooling bills ora ttw direct mult of exclusive insulated wallSystem. Faster construction, often GO to 90 days, will gat you In business sooner. Call us for a free estimate er a copy of our brochure *10 Costly Mistakes To Avoid Before You Build." Wo an able to handle yarn complete turn-key project Arrangement* can bo mad* for financing. OAKSTEEL DIVISION SCHURRER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 2431 Pontiac Road, Pontiac Phono 338-4019 Strejn^teel SAVE 51.95 MONDAY ONLY FROM 9:30 AM. to 9 P.M. RCA VICTOR solid state stereo MONDAY ONLY *238 Enjoy true stereo sound with this -radio-phonograph l&wboyl Powerful 6-speaker sound system has two 15" side-mounted, wide angle, duo-cone horns and two 3Vi" tweeters. New,, Solid State 400 Stereo Amplifier-Tuner provides instant warm-up. Superb Stereo FM-AM radio. 4-speed record changer. No Down Payment Originally 289.95 PARK FREE 18 WKC’S HUWTE LOT 5T BEAR OF STORE 1 PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1066 A—9 At Pontiac Northern High Businessmen to Sponsor Picture SPONSOR FILM-The Rev. Dorr W. Fock-ler of Mandon Lake Community Church, Union Lake and Sister Theresa of St Benedict Catholic School hold the poster foiling of the coming of motto picture film, "The Restless Ones.” After seeing a preview, both agree the picture might help young people and parents solve problems. “The Restless Ones,” considered the most successful motion picture yet produced by Evangelist Billy Graham, will be shown Wednesday through Saturday at Pontiac Northern High School. ★ Two showings are scheduled each evening, 6:30 and 0. The film also will be presented at 2:30 Saturday afternoon. Tickets are $1. The film, produced by World Wide Pictures under the direction of Dick Ron, is sponsored by the Christian Business Men’s Association of Pontiac. “The Restless Ones” presents a frank, sometimes startling portrayal of the thoughts and actions of today's young people — their expressions of pent-up frustration, their searching for approval, dlsdplfoe and guidance. The film is also concerned with youth’s yearnings for love and understanding, their attempts to find security and to express maturity and their longings for something real and meaningful. Norman Clothier, director of Oakland County Youth for Christ, Said after seeing a preview drawing of the picture: “Young people today are confused with the problems of life. They find so much corruption, so many people fake and phony. SEEK ANSWERS “They are looking for answers to the questions in their minds. This film presents very clearly the problems and the real answers to the jxebtetos:” Sister Mary Thomas of foe Oxford, had this to say after seeing foe film: “It is very informative and quite typical of foe way many youth act “I believe if adults would see foe picture they might be able to tackle the problem of guiding young people on foe right road.” Comments of the Rev. Wilbur R. Schutze of St Philip’s Episcopal Church, Rochester, were: Tt is an interesting picture — well worth seeing.” , HOLDS MESSAGE Mrs. Robert Trachet of 602 E. Mansfield, president of Pontiac Northern High School PTA, said: “The picture holds a message for all young people. Parents would benefit from seeing it” I’d like to encourage both young people and parents to yiew the film,” said Dr. Emil kontz, pastor of Bethany Baptist Church. “The picture puts the finger on basic problems young people and parents are having. “I believe it points toward the solution which is an inner transformation of persons with resulting change in outlook, attitude and sense of values,” he ided. The Rev. Lee A. Gragg of Trinity Baptist Church made this comment: “The picture can be very helpful to teen-agers brought up in a religious home.itions instead of their teaching.” but too religious to really reach Pastor Gragg went on to say foe restless teenager. he thought “The Restless Ones” “The film presents foe child presents the restless^ parents, being influenced by parents’ ac-|not the teen-agers. Parents don’t often realize that while they are away at work, foe baby sitter has a great influence on molding the character of their child. in Discussion Men of Christ Church Cran-brook are sponsoring a series of discussions on major topics of the day to be directed not just to the men, but to men, women and mature young people of the parish. Four outstanding subjects affecting our lives are scheduled this year. They include the elections, Viet Nam, civil rights and organized crime. ★ ★ ★ A panel on politics and religion will be moderated Monday night by Frank Kelley, Michigan attorney general. Panelists will include Monsignor Clement Kern of Holy Trinity Church, Detroit; foe ity Episcopal Church, Farmington; and Rabbi Irwin Groner of Congregation Shaa-rey Zedek, Southfield. Young people of Christ Church known as foe Marquis C1 u Will meet at foe church at 4:40 p.m tomorrow to take a bus to Upland Farms for a hayride and dinner. Waterford Women Will Meet Friday Mrs. Philin Gentile, an official delegate to foe United States Commission f United Nations Educational, Social and Cultural Organization conferences, Will speak Friday at foe 1:30 p.m. tea of foe Fellowship of Churchwomen, Waterford Township. ★ ★ ★ * The afternoon program will be in foe Church of Atonement, 2535 Clintonville, Waterford Towpship. ★ ★ ★ Mrs. Gentile of Lathrup Village, a past president of United Church Women of Sodthfield, is a member of the International Committee of Michigan Council of Churches. She is also a member of foe Speaker’s Research Committee to United Nations. YOUR SERVE—Rodney R. Ross, the new minister of foe Church of Christ, 87 Lafayette enjoys a fast game of badminton. Mrs. Ross missed foe birdie when it came flying over foe net from her husband’s serve. Mrs. Ross came to Pontiac as a bride from Oklahoma City. The couple, married in August, make their home at 20 Taylor, NEWMAN A.M.E. Newman AME — The Senior Choir of Newman AME Church will provide music to both foe and 11 a.m. services at foe Unitarian Church, Bloomfield Hills, tomorrow. The choir of the Unitarian Church will sing at the Newman Church at 11 The Rev. Robert Marshall of the Unitarian Church win preach to his own congregation. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN ‘Making Christianity Marketable” will be foe theme of foe Rev. Galen E. Hershey’s sermon at First Presbyterian Church tomorrow. Mrs. Ufa pastor of the church to the I serve foe evangelistic ministry, [the denominations ii past 18 years, left this week tojHe will later visit missions of [the Far East. HARVEST FESTIVAL—Sharon Hampshire of 2005 Dexter, Pontiac Township, and Greg Geeck of 514 Bay bring branches of brilliantly colored leaves, squash arid other vegetables to decorate North East Community Banquet Tonight Church, 620 Mount Clemens. The congregation will celebrate Harvest Home Festival with a banquet tonight and worship services tomorrow. Harvest Home Feslival at North East The congregation of North last Community Church, 620 Mount Clemens, is celebrating the annual Harvest Home Festival this weekend. ★ ★ ★ Festivities begin with a banquet at 6:30 tonight in Fellowship Hall. The Rev. L. S. Scheifele, former pastor of the church, will s banquet speaker. ★ ★ ★ A quartet consisting of Mrs. Robert Wallace, Mrs. George Schipper, Wayne Babcock and Pastor Ross Geiger will bring a special musical number. Mrs. Harry Stonehouse, Mrs. Russell McGee, Mrs. Edmund Hadden and Mrs. Lola Hampshire are in charge of the banquet. The Rev. Mr. Scheifele will preach for the Harvest Home worship service at 11 a.m. to- morrow with foe theme, “Gratitude and Praise.”. The Adult Choir wll present foe anthem, “From All That Dwell Below the Skies.” A mixed quartet will provide offertory music. An attendance and visitors’ contest will end tomorrow in foe Church School. Ray Ritter, superintendent of the school, will announce results. Pastor Geiger said foe public is invited to all home festival activities. MARIMONT Stockade Boys of Marimont Baptist Church took first place in foe Pontiac area Stockade Field Day this week. Winning ribbons for the Marl-mont Church were Bob Bartley, Rod Gallero, Tom Tomanek, Steve Dendler, Mark Vogel, Roger Jackson, Greg Stoddard, Doug Matthews, Jeff Vaught and Ronnie Crichton. Mandon Lake Community Church placed second in the meet. Senior high youth elected David Somers, president of the group; Larry Gavette, vice president; Bonnie Cowley, secretary; Steve Renda, treasurer; and Mary Matthews and Tim Smith, group captains. Donna Clauser, Shirley Ashley and Terry Wall compose the party committee. The Battalion and Colonist youth groups of foe church will attend foe Michigan-Purdue football game at Ann Arbor Oct. 15. Lists Services Sunday School at the True Church House of God, 128 W. Pike, will begin at 10 a.m. tomorrow with worship following at noon. Young People’s Union is scheduled to 6:30 p.m. and evening worship at 7:30. Elder H. Dayis is pastor. Pontiac Y outh Heads National Federation William Chafets, a sophomore at foe University of Michigan a j o r i n g in philosophy and former president of Temple Beth Jacob Youth, was chosen president of foe National Federation of Temple Beth Jacob Youth. ★ ★ ★ The son of Mrs. Samuel J. Chafets and foe late Dr. Chafets of 5067 Van Ness, Bloomfield Township, he served as a member of foe Board of Trustees of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations, for two years. Williams said he plans to enter the rabbinate. The program includes activity in Jewish study, social action, foe arts, overseas travel, exchange programs and assistance to individual youth groups. Church Men MRS. PHILIP GENTILE Vice chairman of World Union for Progressive Judaism, he was the leader this summer of foe first delegation to World Union Conferences in Amsterdam, Holland. ★ ★ ★ Genesee. The NFTY is affiliated with Union of American Hebrew Congregations one of the two largest Jewish youth movements with a membership of 25,000. WILLIAM CHAFETS . Mr. Messner, Diane, Danny, Deb-The Messner residence is at 21 S. „ A—to THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1P86 WILLIAMS LAKE CHURCH OF .THE NAZARENE 2840 Airport Rood Paul Coleman 10 AM.—SUNDAY SCHOOL 11 AM.—WORSHIP HOUR 7 PM—WORSHIP HOUR The Pontiac CHURCH of CHRIST Salute you (Rom 16:16) 1180H Perry Bible Study 845 audit. 10 AM. Woohlp 740 AM 945 AM i 6 PM Wad., 7.30 PM Boyd Glover, Minister HEAR HERALD OF TRUTH Channel 9, Sunday 12:30 pm ENROU. IN 8I8LE CORRESPONDENCE Son 555 PonHoc. Mich If you ere neglecting regular worship, there's something tent from your life. WORSHIP WILL FILL YOUR HEART'S NEED SUNNYVALE CHAPEL Welcomes You 9:45-11:00- 6:00- 7:00 Donelson Baptists to Present Concert Mrs. Arthur L. Jackson, youth /director and Sunday School teacher at New Bethel Baptist Church, , will present a concert jof sacred music at 7 p. m in Donelson Baptist Church, 2227 Elizabeth Lake. * * * I Mrs. Jackson studied voice at A. M. & N. College, Pine Bluff, Ark., where she received a degree in elementary education and child guidance. She has a master’s degree from /Wayne State University. Mrs. Jackson is currently employed by Oakland County as domestic relation investigator for Friend of the Court. ’ Mrs, Jackson’s numbers will include selections from anthems and Negro spirituals as “Go Not Far From Me O Lord," ~In the Garden," and “I Heard tite Voice of Jesus Say." James Edward will be organ accompanist, and Barbara Lane will be pianist. A free will offering will be taken. Tea Scheduled The Deaconess Board of New Bethel Baptist Church will sponsor a tea entitled "An Evening in Paris” from 4 to 6 p.m. tomorrow In Fellowship Hall of the church, 175 Branch. Mrs. Levi Willie, president, said the public is invited. M m M V SPECIAL SPEAKER ! 11.00 AM CHOIR AND ORCHESTRA 7.00 PM PASTOR,, V. L MARTIN PREACHING AUBURN HEIGHTS FREE METHODIST, 3442 Auburn Head Henry Schmidt, Pastor SUNDAY SCHOOL.....10:00 AM MORNING WORSHIP ...10,4J A M EVENING WORSHIP . . . . 7,00 P M. WEDNESDAY PRAYER . . ; . 7,30 PM BLOOMFIELD HILLS BAPTIST CHURCH 3600 Telegraph Road 10 fyiA. Sunday School 11 AM. Morning Worship 6 P.M. Evening Service Wednesday, 7:30 PM. Prayer Meeting Church Phone. 647-3851 FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH A Downtown Church furon at Wayne, Pontiac Worship 10 A.M. Church School 10 A.M. Pastor . . . Rev. Golan E. Hershey Assistant... Rev. Richard Reynolds CHURCH OF THE SPIRITUAL FELLOWSHIP Malta Temple ' 2924 Pontiac Road Fellowship Sunday—Services 3:30 and 7:30 Marian Gleason and Workers—Dinner 5 PM Oct. 13—Sodal Evening APOSTOLIC CHURCH OF CHRI 458 CENTRAL I Saturday Young People .... 7:30 P.M. I Sunday School and Worship 10:00 AM. I Sunday Evening Services.7:30 P.M. | Tues. and Thurs. Services .... 7:30 P.M. William D. Parent, ( Pallor Church Phone FE 5-8361 CENTRAL CHRISTIAN CHURCH 347 N. Saginaw St. • 9:45 a.m. - Bible School * I T a.m. — Morning Worship 6 p m. Youth Meeting — 7 p.m. Gospel Hour A Friendly Church in the Heart ot Pontipc Proclaiming the Word at God" "Evangelism Is First" ^7 P.M. Rev. David H.Hunter, speaking DR. HUNTlR ; The Church of the' Open Bible ; FIRST UNITED - MISSIONARY CHURCH 149 North East Blvd. - FE 4-1811 < Rev. Ke'nrieth L Pennell Sunday School 10 A.M. -Evening Warship • Worship 11 AM 7:00 P.M. October Rally at 7:30Tonight Youth far Christ will present Theron Spurr and Clayton Erb in a piano and trumpet duet at the October Rally tonight in Pontiac Northern High School auditorium at 7:30. , * ■ ; * A ■- Club Time will feature pumpkin roll and pie eating contorts. grtectiona by the Pontiac YFC Chorus and group singing will complete the program. The public is Invited^ GOOD SHEPHERD ASSEMBLY OP GOD Leggett Elementary School ^ on ELYRIA RD. off Pontioc lake Rd. Waterford Township Sunday School *.».t 04X3 AM Morning Worship . . 11:00 AM of tatter Day Saints 19 Front St 11 AM Elder N. Gault 7 PM Elder S. Steven* J. A OuHond, Poitor - 651-0732 PICKING APPLES — On top of the stepladder picking apples in his own bafek yard is the Rev. Charles Reeid, new youth director at First Baptist Church. His family on hand to help, consists of (from left) Charlene, Mrs- Reed, the Pentlec Frw Mete Rev. Mr. Reed, and Rodger. Son Jim basks in the sun as he enjoys eating the red, ripe fruit. The Reeds make their home at 1710 Scott Lake, Waterford Township. Laymen Lead Morning Worship Sunday SILVERCREST BAPTIST CHURCH | 2562 Dixie Highway, 2 Blocks N, of Silver Lake j* Dr. John Hunter, pastor Mrs* %v 9:45 A.M. Sunday School T "Is 11 A.M. 'MISSIONARY ALLIANCE CHURCH n; H Com lake Rd. &.%*■■ ■ * . at M59 , * *—«nar Church Phone, FE 8-4601 ; Y- - — , SUNDAY SCHOOI • MORNING WORSHIP................ .......11:00 A.M. EVENING SERVICE . i, - Elder Sam Sheehy will bring the message at the 11 a m. worship tomorrow, Layman’s Sunday in the Auburn Heights United Presbyterian C h u r c h, Pontiac Township. A men's chorus wilt sing and I several men of the congregation ! will participate in the service planned by Franklin Pretznow .and Virgil Weston. ! The Session will meet at 7:30 I p-m. Monday and the Board of Trustees at the same hour Thursday to prepare the budget. I New officers of the Sunday j I j School include Mrs. Wayne Lid- ® gard, general superintendent; and Mrs. Stuart Hamm, secretary. Robert Wagner is visualt aid director. FIRST GENERAL The Rev. Ben Hodge, pastor of the First General Baptist Church In Flint is the evangelist conducting services at First General Baptist Church, 249 Baldwin. Meetings will continue through Friday. The guest evangelist is a graduate of Oakland City Gollege in Indiana. He has served as missionary to Guam. Rev. T. W. Bland, pastor, said the public is invited. TRINITY METHODIST WATERFORD TOWNSHIP The congregation of Trinity Methodist Church, Waterford Township, will celebrate its fifth anniversary tomorrow with the Rev. Hugh White, superintendent of the Flint District,-guesl preacher. The Adult Choir will sing under direction of Norman Lockwood. At 1 p.m., families and friends will get together for a cooperative dinner with Mrs. Thomas Patterson and P e r c Parsons serving as host and hostess. UNITY CENTER The worship hour at Pontiac Unity Center has been changed to ll:-30 a.m. each Sunday with Sunday School at JO: 15 a.m. "Ye Shall Not Covet’’ will be the topic of the sermon tomorrow by Everett A. Dell, minister. Bible‘ Interpretation Class is scheduled for 8 p.m. Wednesday; and the Discussion Group at 8 p.m. Friday. CHURCH OF ADVENT In keeping with the Art Market and Show at the Episcopal Church of the Advent, West Bloomfield Township, the church Will sponsor a youth culture night Oct. 15. A A * The Folk Girls of Marlon High School in Birmingham will be entertainers. ,. Young people of the Pontiac! area are invited. Mr. and Mrs. John Scott will open their home for the first of three Sunday evening meetings tomorrow. The time is 7 p.m. 1 A A A • Presenting the program will be Mrs. Herbert Allen, Giles Morris, Brady Freeland and Mrs. Calvin Young. Members and friends are asked to bring equipment and help clean the church from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Oct. 15. Mrs. Philip Gentile of Lathrup Village, a member of the speakers’ committee of the United Sunday School, 9:45 A.M. Morning Worihip, 11 AM-Evening Service, 7 PM Wed. Prayer, 7 P.M. Friendly General Baptist Church 69 S. Astor St. FE 4-3421 334-7407 CHURCH OF THE BRETHREN 46 Roselawn North of East Pile* Sunday School 10:00 Richard Durnbaugh, Supt. Worship 11:00 Laymen's Sunday, Man In Charge Worship 7:00 PM Pastor will Spaak Leonard W. Blackwell, Pastor 332-2412 FAITH BAPTIST CHURCH 3411 Airport Read SUNDAY SERVICES SUNDAY SCHOOL........................ 10 AM MORNING WORSHIP...........................11 AM EVENING WORSHIP_____________________7PM Y/ED. EVENING BIBLE STUDY..................7PM Rev. Jo# P. Massit, Pastor CHRISTIAN CHURCH Temporary meeting placet Mason School Walton Blvd. (Bat. Soshabaw and Silver Lake Rd.) Worship 9:30 am. Bible School 10:30 a.m. Gospel Hour 7 p.m. Bernard M. Cagel, Merritt H. Baker, Min. "No Book But The Bible; No Croed But Christ" REV. JOHN HUNTER Silvercrest Pastor Receives Award i ___Nations* will bring the message) iFIRST CONGREGATIONAL to Waterfoni Township Fellow-! I The Rev. Malcolm K. Burton 3hip of Church Women at 1:30 | will preach on "What Is This p m, Friday. Tlie public Is in-)Way of Christ?” at the First vited.; , Congregational Church tomor- FIRST ^tuqDIST I, * * a' Pastor Clyde Smith will begin _ . „ „ . ... the series of sermons on “Re- , Mrs. Dodge Melkonian wili|sources for Christian Living” at! sing “The Lord Is My Shep-jFirst Methodist Church tomor-herd," and the chancel choir row will sing “Praise We Sing to Thee - Methodist men will gather for BROWNSON GUILD J_a breakfast session at 8 a.m. Bruno Leon, dean of the Sunday with the Rev. Marvin EVANGELICAL UNITED BRETHREN BALDWIN AVE. CHURCH - 210 Boldwin Sunday School .............10>00AM Morning Worship . .......11*00 AM Evening Service ...........7:00 PM NORTHEAST COMMUNITY CHURCH - 6200 Mt. Clemens CHURCH SCHOOL 9,45 AM - WORSHIP 11 AM YOUTH FELLOWSHIP 6:30 P.M. Wad. Adult Choir 8 PM - Bible Study 8 PM Thun. The Rev. John Hunter, pastor of - Silvercrest Baptist Church, was chosen Pastor of the Year for 1966 hy the Michigan Sunday School Association at the annual banquet Saturday in Berkley. The award is given annually to the pastor in the association for spiritual leadership in the Sunday School. Nearly 600 representatives from 26 denominations attended the award dinner. ★ ★ * The congregation Of Silvercrest Church voted unanimously to send Pastor Hunter on a trip to the Holy Land in the spring. On his return trip he will visit Greece and spend a few days hi Scotland, his homeland. Members also voted to send Mrs. Hunter oh a trip to Scotland where she will visit family and wait for her husband before returning to Pontiac-. COLUMBIAAVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH. 64 Wert Columbia Avenue (A Southern Baptist Church) 'Where the difference is worth distance." E. Clay Polk Pastor CARROLL HUBBS, Musk Dimeter school of architecture, University of Detroit, will speak on 'Architecture and Society” at the October meeting of the Brownson Guild at 2:30 p.m. Oct. 16 at Sacred Heart Convent, 1250 Kensington, Bloomfield Hills. A A . The Pontiac plan for civic improvement was developed by the architectural class under the direction of Dean Leon. CHURCH OF ATONEMENT UNITED PRESBYTERIAN “When to Be Ashamed” will be the subject of the Rev. Crea M. Clark when he preaches at the 10:45 a.m. worship hour tomorrow in the Church of Atonement, 3535 Clintonville, Waterford Township. C h u r c h school is at 9:45 a.m. Rickert, pastor of Baldwin Avenue Evangelical United Brethren Church, guest speaker. A A A Members of the Aldersgate Class will meet at the parsonage, 38 E. Iroquois from S to 5 p.m. tomorrow. FIRST SOCIAL BRETHREN CHURCH 316 Bdldwtn TE 4-7631 Sunday School 104)0 AM Sunday Worship 11.00 AM Sunday..........7:30 PM Wed. Proyor-----7.00 PM Saturday Servico 7<30 PM Rev. toy Barger, Pastor FE 4-6994 ' All Saints Episcopal Church William* St. at W. Pike St. THE REV. C. GEORGE WIDDIFIELD Rector / 8:00 A.M. HOLY COMMUNION „ 9*15 A.M. and 11 AM? MORNING PRAYER AND SERMON The Rev* Roger W. Barney CHURCH SCHOOL Morning Worship 9:45 AM Evening Service 7:30 P.M. Sunday School 11:30 AM Wed. Serv. ... 7:30 P.M. , Christian Temple "Where Faith and Friendliness Meet" 505 Auburn Ave. Rev. Lola P. Marion Pastor ■ CENTRAL METHODIST I || h882 Highland Rd. MILTON H. BANK, Pqjtor-’!: BROTHERHOOD WITHOUT RESTRICTION * X MORNING WORSHIP 94)0 and 10.45 AM | LAYMEN'S DAY "EVERY MAN'S SERVANT James L Bate* and W. David Vander Veen, Speaker Broaden* on WPON1480 -11.15 AM £ . AlrCondRionrf. . j I FIRST MfcIHODIST CHURCH 1 §p South Saginaw at Judson * Clyde E Smith, Pbstor | Sunday Service Church School $ WS AM. 11.00 AM « | SERMON SERIES. "RESOURCES FOR CHRISTIAN LIVING" £ I. "Mon Plus God", Clyde t Sm»h. Preoching $ Wednesday 7,30 PM Bible Study-!. j "Through the Old TiOomim to Tea Weela^ ’ * ST. PAUL METHODIST 15 E. Square Lake Rd, Bloomfield Hilts—FE 84233 and K 24752 Morning Wenhlp W0 and IMS AM Qurth School 9,30 AM. Method!* Youth Fellowihlp 6 PM , Ampla Parking—Samuel C Seized, Min.—Supetvbed Nuraarv ELmWOOD methodise *2680 Crooks Rd.- Sunday School 9.30 a.m. . Worship 10*43 a.m. EV?ra^'v^7pimfV Erie G. Wejirll, p< ALDERSGATE METHODIST 1S34 Baldwin FE 5-7797 Horace G. Murry, patter Wonhip 9,45 a.m. Church School 11 a.m. Eve. Wanhip 7 p.m. Prayer Wed. 740 pjn. THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1966 A—11 Presbyterian Churches AUBURN HEIGHTS 34& fHmiouy Sheet F. Wm. Palmar, Pastor 9,30 AM - Sunday School 11 AM - Morning Worship DRAYTON Crayton Plain*, Michigan W. J. TewwUwn, Pastor Ass't Donald Remillard Bible School... .. 9,45 AM Morning Worship..... lltOO/M Youth Groups...JtMtM, Wednesday Prayer and Study Hour.......... 700 PM OAKLAND AVENUE 404 Oakland at Cadillac FE 5-4246 * Theodore R. Alleboch, Minister Parsonage: 300 Ottawa Dr. - FE 2-1555 Audrey Umdeman, Youth Director Bra Sunday School... 9d»AM MomlngWorshlp..... 10.00 AM Soap Sunday School 11£0 AM Youth Fellowship.5,45 PM Evsntng Worship.7,00 PM. WscL Prayur Msotlng . . 7,00 PM. WATERFORD 7325Monday Lake *4 Roy F. Lombort, Pastor Suodoy School.......9rt»AM. Worship............1045 AM CHURCH OF ATONEMENT 3535 Cllntonvilln Rd Waterford Twp. Church School 9,30 AM. SON CHURCH of the NA2ARENE . aw i M* st b MdiMufA taor 10 AM. — Sunday School 11AM,-Wonhip Hour r , PM. — Evangelistic Hour Eroryono Welcome I jflDCT ,, SPIRITUALIST ’ CHJRCH 576 Orchard Lake SERVICE 7,30 P.M. S JACK REMMINGTON, Speaker Healing Sendee Mon. thru Frl. 7 PM beoptlWn Evangelical Holineu Church Auburn al Marin St SERVICES, StwdajrSioal945 AM. Worship Sendee...........lt,00 AM Youno faople..............6:30 PM Evangelistic Service....7AO PM Study (WM).........7A0 EM MeadowBrook Baptist Church 9,45 AM Bible School 11:00 AM Morning Worship" Temporarily Meeting, Meadow Brook Elementary School Castlebar and Munster fids., ROCHESTER W. R. Peterson, Pastor (Baptist General Conference) Spiritualist Church of the Good Samaritan 4780 HWen* Dr. OR3-2974 Waterford Sunday 7 PJA-Beryl HInz "A Center of Spirituality ’ _________ ' and Sociability* First Congregational Church E. Huron end Mill St. Rev. Malcolm K. Burton, Minister ,, MORNING WORSHIP 10,30 and SUNDAY SCHOOL Chunk 6/ tha Hayjtovtr Hlgrtut FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH, ROCHESTER (GAR.B.C.) Walnut at Fourth. Rochester SUNDAY SCHOOL TO A.M. MORNING WORSHIP IT A.M. EVENING WORSHIP 7 P.M. faw. Donald Currey, Speaker CHURCH of CHRIST 87 Lafayette St. Services, Lord's Day 10,30 AM, 7 PM Wednesday... 7.00PM FrL 7,00 PM. Study. I Corinthians Bring Your Bible "The Soul You Save May Bo Your Own" SUNDAY SCHOOL - 10 AM- NEIGHBOR SUNDAY Morning Worihip 11 AM. Topic "Overcoming Hardships" Evening ‘Service 7.00 PM Youth Hour. 6f15 PM Howard Funk, Minister FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF DRAYTON PLAINS (G.A.R.B.C.) 3756 Sashabaw SUNDAY WORSHIP SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:45 41 A.M.-6:30 P.M. WEDNESDAY EVENING 7.30 Pasted; Rev. Marshall Reed - THE LUTHERAN CHURCH INVITES YOU THE LUTHERAN CHURCH MISSOURI SYNOD cross of chut On tone Pine etTsIsgrnph, Gemme at Glendale (W. Ski*), PbnHac, Phone. FE 2-1582 SundayChureh School 9Mand tt.00 Sunday Worship 900 and 11.00 IBdiatd C Stadangyar, PaOor . THE LUTHERAN CHURCH IN AMERICA CHRIST Alrndrt at Wm*. toha Rd., Watarford Phone OR 3-7331 Sunday Wonhip 11,00 Sunday Church School 9.20 Wayne E. fWenon, PdOar GLORIA DEI 2600 Pontioc Rood, Pontiac Phona 335-9161 Sunday WaoWplMO and MtOO Sunday Church School M0 piACt *; I Hahland Rd. (M-5P)i Pondac **734438 • taxsss IT. PAUL Jedyn UR Third (M Side), Pbnltoe Phono, TE 04903 _ Bunday Church School WO Sunday Wonhip KM# ST. STEPHEN SeshcVew ettCempf, BroySee rtphe Phono OR 3-6631 Sunday Church School 9,IS ' Sunday WUMhlp SA0 and IfMO E. Data tvoneon, Pmlnr ST. TRINITY • Phono, Sunday Chureti School 945 Sunday Wonhip 0,30 and MM THE LUTHERAN HOUfi" Bach Sunday WPON 7,05 AM., CHW 12.30 PM. tuttfartK Lake RA. Pontioc Phono OB 6-1313 THE. AMERICAN , LUTHERAN CHURCH KAUIffUSAMOe ^ . 5631 N. Adan Id. Bloomfield Mb phone Ml 65041 _ Sunday Wonhip 8,30 and 1140 Sunday Church School 940 Danlol Zlll, Patter MT. HOPE - / . 517 W. Wallen Mud., Pontiac Phono. 335-9881 Sunday Wonhip 10,30 Sunduy Owrch School 9,30 Ronald l lain,foliar SYLVAN LAKE 2399 noth Porttac Phono, 682-0770 Sunday Wonhip 8.00 ond 10.30 Sunday Chwcjh School 9,15 febert 1 Sheets, Povor CHRISTIAN PSYCHIC SCIENCE CHURCH 12 WamaSt. Speaker 750 PM • Mr. H. Drake Silver Taa, Wadnatday 7:30 PM czrsi CALVARY » ASSEMBLY | OF GOD 1 BIRMINGHAM UNITARIAN CHURCH Woodward cd lone Pine i Bloomfield HiHs Ml 7-2380 Robert Marshall, Minister my QUAI8®. With VOLTAIRE'S "CANDIDE" 9:30 and 11:00 WORSHIP SERVICES 9^0 Nonary through 9th Grade 11 r00 Nursery through 12th Grade "A New Church Standing for the Ageless Truth*" WE WELCOME YOU || AND YOUR FAMILY f| TWO GREAT SERVICES :|| 9,45 AM. || SUNDAY SCHOOL M Classes for Every Age 11:00 AM. II CALL TO WORSHIP || The Family Service fjij, MDAORIALB^nSTCHURCH 599 Michigan Avenue, Pontiac Gwold H. Rapat)*, Favor Bible School .94SAM. Momtog WOnMp..........11M AM Evonlng Wonhip 7.00 TM. Pray.r and Bible Study VJ*An^Any - - ... 26CUL. , Visitor! Welcome 7:00 PM. || Evangelistic Service • Special Music • §:§ • A Message of Help Si; CHURCH of GOD 623 E Walton' ' Church Phone 335-3733 Hw Pastor Speaking PRESENT LOCATION ji| JOHN PIERCE 1 JUNIOR HIGH M AUDITORIUM p Hatchery & Crescent Roads Cheslla N. Collins, Pastor A. Q. Hashman The SALVATION ARMY 29 W. LAWRENCE STREET THE RANDLES — The Rev. L. L. Randle of Hughes Dianne and James; with Lucky, Barbara and Denise behind. Street Church of Christ is shown with his wife and family. The Rev. and Mrs. Randle are taking their family to church. In front are (left) Patricia and Joseph; second row are Sunday School 9.45 AM—Young Peoples Legion 6 PM Morning Worship 11 AM.—Evangelistic Meeting 7.00 PM Tuesday Prayer and Praise Meeting 7.00 PM Ma|or and Mrs. John Grlndle Cord Mu$ie-Singing—Truo to tht Word Proachlng God Meets With Us—You, Too, Are invited MARIMONT BAPTIST CHURCH 68 W. Walton FE 2-7239 SUNDAY SCHOOL 9.45 A.M. WORSHIP SERVICE................ 8*30 A.M. WORSHIP SERVICE.................11.00 A.M. \ "Earth's Question — Haavan'r Answer" EVENING WORSHIP..................7i30 P.M. "the Impouiblaa" Pastor Somers, preaching at all service! MUSIC TO BLESS THE HEART Informal Songfest, Gospel Favorites f1 ' and Requested Songs CHOIR v under the direction of . JOYCE MALONE .—.—I—,—— EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH 645 S. Telegraph (Near Orchard Lake Rd.) DR. TOM MALONE, Pastor REV. ARVLE DeVANEY, Associate Pastor A Fundamental, Independent, Bible Believing Baptist Church BIBLE SCHOOL 10 A.M. Departmentalized. Sunday School for All Ages... with NO literature but the Bible. Hear Dr. Tom Malone teach the word of God verse by verse jn the large Auditorium Bible Class, broadcast on WPON T0.15-10:45 AM. MORNING WORSHIP SERVICE f 11:00 A.M. . EVANGELISTIC SERVICE 7:00 P.M. BUS Transportation CALL FE 2-8328 FE 8-9401 DEAF CLASS and Nursery at all services JOYCE MALONE, Music PRAYER MEETING-WED., 7:30 P.M. DR. TOM MALONE, Pastor Special Guest Speakers at Church, Conference Laymen’s Sunday speaker at Orchard Lake Community Church, Presbyterian will be Dr. Dana P. Whitmer, superin-nt of Pontiac Public School System. ★ ★ ★ Laymen participating in die 9 a. m. service are Stuart 13-wood, Henry Haberkorn and Robert Papenguth. At 11 a. m. worship leaders are John Clark, William Condon and Hugh Free- Relief Society will also attend as a representative. ★ ★ ★ Sessions will bo held at 10 a. m. and 1:30 p. m. on Oct. 16. State President Edwin B. Jones will conduct the conference. Visitors are welcome. A quartet consisting of Mrs. Charles Drake, Ayleen Wright, John Toosley and Charles Drake will sing at both services. The Women's Association will display missionary sewing for Jubilee Hospital in Henderson, N. C.; Christian H o s p 11 a 1 in Meshed, Iran; and the tripli County Parish in Louisville, Officers of the Woodward Avenue Presbyterian Church in Detroit will come to the Orchard Lake Church for a retreat Oct. 25. LATTER DAY SAINTS Elder Samuel R. Carpenter of the priesthood genealogical committee will be an official representative at the Quarterly Conference of Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Bloomfield. Hills Saturday and Sunday. Vice President of First Security Bank of Utah,' Elder Carpenter filled a mission to Holland for the church. He is a president of C e n t r a State! Mission of his church. Mrs. Fannie S. Kienitz of the ."An ambncan baptist church* Bethany Bapilfat Church WM Huron at Mark 945 AM—Church School* for All Agee ' . 10:00 AM.-Morning Wonhip Sermon: -"A TRUST FROM GOO* Wednesday 7,30 PM MIDWEEK MEETING Ample Parking Space pr. Eml Kants. Partor L* 2 Will Speak at New Hope Women's Day RABBI S. D. SCHWARTZMAN College Professor Will Ordain Rabbi Speaking at the Women’s Day service at. 11 a.m. tomorrow in New Hope Baptist Church, 392 Bloomfield will be Mrs. Thelma Spencer of Chapel Hill Baptist Church, Detroit. “When Women Meet Together in the Service of the Lord” is the theme. Mrs. Spencer was educated in Washington, D. C., where she served as a church social work-■*. Director of Christian education of Wolverine State Women’s Auxiliary, she is a teacher of the Metropolitan Council and wife of the associate pastor of the Chapel Hill Church. At 1:31 p.m. guest speaker will be Mrs. J. E. Mon whose husband Is paster of Spring HUl Baptist Church, Detroit. Mrs. Moss, a teacher ip Longfellow School, was a m teacher at Bagley School. A graduate of Alabama State College, she did graduate' work at Wayne State University. Dinner will be served following the morning service. Mrs. Bertha Marshall and Mrs. Des-sie McCall are cochairmen of the day. Rabbi Philip Berkowitz will be installed spiritual leader of Tem-ple Beth Jacob, 79 Elizabeth Lake at 8:30 p.m. Friday by Rabbi Sylvan D. Schwartzman of Cincinnati, Ohio. ,t at - dr -Professor, of Jewish Religious Education in the Hebrew Union College, Rabhl Schwartzman has had several books published and is a frequent contributor to various educational and scholarly Journals. He is at present a member of thb Academic Council of the etjkye. Student Rabbi Harold Jaye, soloist of ttie Hebrew Union College Choir, will Join Temple Beth Jacob Choir for the occasion. A reception will follow die service in the social hall FIRST NAZARENE 60 STATE ST. The Church Where AH the family Worships Together 9:45 A.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL HOUR Adult Blbl# Class taught In main auditorium. 1 LOO AM WORSHIP HOUR "A mswaga to Mp you to find lifn'i oniwura." 7:00 PM GREAT HOUR OF EVANGELISM Hoar our Groat Vote* Choir, Olroclad by Jaha Burtoit. A dyaomle lynamle msmaga to M l Saviour and Lord. Spiritual Surge Seen by Electronics Exec NEW YORK OF) - David Sar-noff, chairman of the board of the Radio Corporation of America, foresees a growing “upsurge (4 spiritual vitality” ‘reaction against current cynicism and materialism.” hi a new biography of him by Eugene Lyons, the pioneering electronics executive says: “Science begets humility. Its every discovery reveals more clearly tha divine design in nature, the remarkable harmony of all things, from the infinitesimal to the Infinite, that surpasses mortal understanding.” Interim Minister at First Christian The Rev. John J. Scott of Bowling Green, Ky., is serving interim minister at First Christian Church, 858 W. Huron. He assumed his official dutii this week. ★ ★ ★ ‘Hie Minister’s Many Names” will be his theme for morning worship tomorrow. Pastor and Mrs. Scott are both graduates of Phillips Un-versity, Enid, OUa. Mrs. Scott taught in high school prior to marriage. Pastor Scott also has a master’s degree from Phillips and a theological degree from Yale University. ★ He has served pastorates In Fairfield, Conn.; Pittsburgh, Pa.; Fostoria, Ohio; and interim pastorates at Ionian Detroit. Pentecostal Church of God (Willis School Gymnasium) 1834 N.bpdyke Rd. (IttwMA Pontioc Rd. and Mt. Cl.m.m ltd. SUNDAY SCHOOL ... 10 .AM MORNING WORSHIP.. 1.1 A.M. EVENING WORSHIP ... 7 PM WEDNESDAY PRAYER end BIBLE STUDY _____7.30 PM Rav. Wayna Melton Phono CE 9-5501 (Hint). BETHEL TABERNACLE Fir* Penecostol Church of Pontiac Sun. School 10 a.m. Wonhip 11 o.m. EVANGELISTIC SERVICE Sun* Tins, and Thun. — 7:30 PM Rtv. ond Mrs. E. Crouch 1348 Baldwin Ave. FE 5-4387 No person was ever honored for what ho received. Honor has been the reward for what he gave. — Calvin Coolidge, SOU U S. president. Christ's Church of Light NON-DENOMINATIONAL Lotus Lak* School, Waterford Cor. Percy King and Harper Si. . Sunday School, 9:45 A.fA Worship... 11:00 AM. Rev. Eleanor O'Dell 674-2650 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE C. ,U;Prt. ARE SIN, DISEASE, AND 0UD|6CT. DEAJH REAL? Sunday Servlc* and Sunday School 11.-00 AAA Wednesday Evening Service • •...... 8:00 PM i Reading Room — 14 W. Huron Open Daily 11:00 AM to 5:00 PM Monday thru Saturday ' FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST Lawrenhe and WilRoms Si. — Pontiac SUNDAY 9s45 WJBK 1500 kc Bible Swipt A—H THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATUBPAY, OCTOBER 8, 1966 Judith L. Elk at Federation They may have differed on the team they wanted to win, but these two couples attended the Michigan-Mkhigan State game together. Getting their pienk bas- kets ready are (from left) Mr. and Mrs. James Jenkinsand Mrrand Mrs. Ralph Norvell, all of Wenonah Drive. Pridonoff to Make Debut at OU Eugene Pridonoff, well on his way to becoming one of the nation’s legendary pianists, will make his recital debut in this area Wednesday at 8:30 p.m., in Oakland University’s new Wilson HalL For his single appearance here Pridonoff has programmed Beethoven's Seven Bagatelles, Schubert’s Fantasy hi C major (“Wanderer’’), Chopin’s “Barcarolle” and Etudes No’s. 1, 6, 7, and A, and Prokofieff’s Sonata No. 7. - ★ ★ , The Los Angeles born artist, a student of Rudolf Serkin and Mieczyslaw Horszowski, is appearing under sponsorship of The Edgar M. Leventritt Foundation. Last year he was a finalist for the coveted Leventritt Award, the prize which launched Van CUburn on his exciting career. A graduate of Curtisi Institute in Philadelphia and a staff member of Temple University, Pridonoff has taken honors in musical competitions all of his life. Notable in the list are the Kim-ber Award of California, the Merrtweather Post Competition, and the Montreal International Piano Festival. Will Arrange Flowers in Meeting Three area women who have lived in Japan will demonstrate flower arrangements at Wednesday’s meeting of Ikebana International, Michigan Branch, in the Birmingham Federal Savings Bank Building, Bloomfield. Mrs. Edward Brooke of Utica will open the one o’clock meet-ing by shouting techniques she learned at the Zuisho Koryu School and at the Sogetsu School in Japan. ★ ★ ★ During her three years’ residence in Japan, Mrs. Richard Goodwin of Bloomfield Hills also studied the Sogetsu Style, and with Mrs. Norman Wagner of Utica, third artist on the program, received a teaching certificate. As is customary in .Japan, Mrs. Goodwin was given a flower name which was “So-Shu” meaning “fall grass.” Mrs. Wagner’s flower name is “Ken-Getsu.” Fashion Show Is Scheduled A limited number of tickets ance at the Meadow Brook Fes-at $3 ($2 Faculty-Student-Staff) tival office, Oakland Univer-are available for the perform- j sity. EUGENE PRIDONOFF Business World Has Place for Women Committee women met Friday at the Bloomfield Hills ,home of Mjri. Thomas Sansone to plan the annual luncheon and fashion show for St. Hugo of the Hills Altar Guild,. The event is scheduled for Nov 2 at Oakland Hills Country Club. * * # Called, “Hopeful Horizons,” the’’show will feature fashions by Chudik’s of Birmingham. Guild members will serve as models. Proceeds go toward the new buildings of St. Hugo of the Hills School. Mrs. Sansone is general chairman, assisted by Mrs. David Kelton: * * * Other committee members are Mesdames: William J. De-Vault; Richard S. Wilson; Patrick A. Smith; Michael Loner-gan; Wayne Klein; Andrew Ks-zych and/Austin Sansone. Married women by the thousands are contemplating a return to the business world. A large percentage of them will decide to take the plunge, while others will feel hesitant and insecure and never get beyond the stage of contemplation. ★ ★ 1 i ★ To help overcome their reticence and join the labor force where they are in great demand today, Dr. Joyce Brothers, nationally known psychologist, newspaper and magazine columnist, has written a new book entitled “So You’re Thinking of Returning to Office Work.” Doubts and questions that be*, set the homemaker considerng a return to part-time employment are dispelled and answered by Dr. Brothers in her booklet, which she prepared for Manpower Inc., international temporary help organization. In a chapter dealing with the husband who iiftists “Women’s place is in the home," the author gives suggestions on how to convince husbands of the wisdom of assuming a more up-to-date Attitude. ★ * ★ “Be sure to emphasize the positive rather than the negative, advises Dr. Brothers. ‘Darling, I think I’ve figured out a way for us to ,, get that new station wagon’ is obviously a lot easier to take than ‘If you can’t get us the things we need, I guess IH have to.’ HUSBANDS APPROVE Most men, once they get over their initial reaction and see how well it can all work, are proud of their wives, says the Symphony Tickets are still avail- | able for the Pontiac Sym- 1 phony concerts which be- | gin on Tuesday. Doralene | McNelly Davis, soprano, | will open the season at g Pontiac Nbrthem High | School. Concert time is 1 8:30 pro. Tickets are 1 available at the door or 1 from the symphony of- I fice in tiie Hiker Build- 1 tag. phychologist. Often the wife’s decision to take on a job adds new life to a marriage which has turned into a kind of routine. Husbands see their wives in a new light, respecting them as individuals once more, and wives are better able to accept their mates for what thify are rather than chastise them for what they are not, she adds. Organizing housework, helping the children adjust, and tips on adapting one’s personal appearance and wardrobe to a business schedule are included. A chapter entitled “If< you are widowed or divorced” discusses the psychological behefits of returning to work for the 21 per cent of the female labor force who are in this category. ★ w ★ Women with previous office experience who are thinking of returning to work may obtain a free copy of the booklet by writing to Manpower of Pontiac, Inc., 1338 Wide Track Drive, West, Pontiac. Reports Heard at the October Meeting of DAR Thirty members of General Richardson chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution attended the October meeting in the home of Mrs. Maxwell H. Doerr on Covered Bridge Judith Kitsman, a teacher at Avondale School reported on the Conservation School at Higgins Lake this past summer. She was salt by flie chapter. % ★ ★ Various members reported on the recent meeting in East Lansing. The American history scholarship being offered by the National Society in the amount of $8,000 was discussed. Assisting the hostess were Dr. Sarah Van Hoosen Jones and Miss Alice Serrell, also M e s-dames: S. A. Baillo, R. J«Rug* gles, Ernest C. Wallace, Fred S. Lee, Earl McHugh, John C. McElroy, Duncan McVean, B. J. Fishwilde, and: Mrs. Eldon Gardner. Dr. Raskin to Be Guest Dr. Herbert Raskind of Oakland County Medical Association will speak on narcotics before tiie North Suburban Chapter of Alpha Gamma Delta sorority. The group will meet Tuesday at 8:00 p.m. in the home of Mrs. Alvin Clark, Bloomfield Hills.' Cohostesses for the meeting are Mrs. Arthur Blakeslee and Mrs. J. Richard Haggerty. Tell Engagement Mr. and Mrs. John Faros of Green Street announce tiie engagement of their daughter, Nancy Louise, to Larry Allen Pennington, son of the Robert Penningtons of North As tor Street. «» The bride-elect who attends Pontiac Business Institute has set a mid-January altar date. Calendar MONDAY Chapter CL, PEO Sisterhood, 12:30 p.m. R. B. Fell home in ClarkstoiL Hostesses for the luncheon are Mrs., H. R. Cox, Mrs. J. F. Williams and Mrs. Glenn Griffin. TUESDAY Pontiac Symphony Orchestra Concert, 8:30 pro., Pontiac Northern High School. Doralene McNelly Davis is featured soprano. THURSDAY Mothers of Twins’ Club of Oakland County, 8 pro., Employee’s Lounge, Pontiac State Hospital. Mrs. J. Dorothy Jones of the Oxford School System will speak. North Suburban C h i Omega Alumnae, 8 pro. home of’ Mrs. Albert Barsch Jr., Pipers Lane, Farmington T o w n s h 1 p. Carl Welti of Detroit Edison will speak. The Poittiac Federation of Women’s Clubs inaugurates its fall season Monday at 8-15 pro. in First Federal Savings of Oakland communiiy room. Prof. Judith Leikta Elkta of W a y me State University w 111 speak on “United Nations’ Majority” to members of the 28 area clubs that make up " Federation. '■;> * Mrs. Efitin, a former tlhited . States foreign service of- . fleer who has served in Amer-J* ican embassies in India, PakfcP J tan, Burma, Ceylon, Afghanistan and Great Britain, is assistant professof of political science. She concentrates her teaching on international affairs. The author of several juvenile books on international relations,^ • she is also a special newspaper -writer. Her syndicated column of foreign news anatyris has appeared in some 40 newspapers across the countiy, Monday’s meeting will also include a .............J*“ affair? committees will provide better contract with urban planners and city’offlciais. The group wants to help express women’s and, ctab needs in new downtown development as well as to take a more active roie in community problems and improvements. , jr‘ .hr ★ vTbe «tafirmen met Friday morning % formulate plans for The-Federation this year inputting special emphasis on community relations and public affairs. It is hoped that'the new public the Monday meeting and to plot their activities tar the yaar. Mrs. Maxwell Shacfiey will work on cultural affairs; Mrs. Merrill D. Petrie, Pontiac Creative Arts Coiter; Mrs. Arnold Hillerman, pontiac Citizens’ Committee on Youth and Mrs. Earl Oltesvig, city commission meetings. * * * Heading the Citizens’ committee on Financial Problems of Pontiac is Mrs. B. B. Roush with Mrs. David Saks, Federation president, concentrating on the Pontiac Area Community Relations committee- Mrs. Andrew Gulascik heads the Federation human relations committee; Mrs. S. V. Sekles is chairman of the library committee and Mrs. John House, of adult education. Other chairman included Lib lian Davidson, Mrs. George Brinkman, Mrs. C. J. Odell, Mrs. W. J. Dean, Mrs. George Mitchell, Mrs. Richard Veazey, Mrs. Charles Barrett, Mrs. Charles Crawford and Vera Bassett. Completing the list are Mes-* dames: pari Coster, John C. Wilson, John Napley, Patrick Cullen and Lewis Swartz. This Is Their Own Problem; You Made the Correct Move ABBY JANET ELLEN JOHNSON , By ABIGAIL VANBUREN DEAR ABBY. A pair of sisters-in-law in our circle do not get along and everybody who t. knows them is l aware of it. My ihusband is I friendly with I their husbands 1 (they are broth-■ era) and I like I both women, so s invited both I couples to our * daughter’s wedding and reception. There were nearly 300 other guests. ' . Well, I have come in for a lot State Council Is Discussed Educational topics to be discussed at future dates were outlined by Mrs. Elmer O. Johnson at a recent meeting of Alpha Alpha chapter, Epsilon Sigma Alpha sorority in Airway Lanes. Plans were made for members to attend the State Council meeting Sunday in the Sheraton Cadillac Hotel, Detroit. Recent candy sale proceeds will be used for philanthropic projects. The Willard V. Johnsons _ of Bloomfield Mis announce the engagement of their daughter, Janet Ellen, to C. Thomas Bennett, son of Dr. aryi Mrs. Keith F. Bennett of Kalamazoo. Miss Johnson is a. junior, and her fiance a , senior at the University of Mkhigan. D.D. GrunosWed Reception in the Knights bf Columbus club, rooms followed tiie marriage of Dona Jean Bishop to Dennis Dale Gruno, today, in St Michael Catholic Church. Their parents are the Ray Bishops of LeBaron Avenue and Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Gruno of East Tennyson Avenue. LaJune Bishop attended tier sister who wore a street-length Empire gown of Chantilly lace over white crepe, with a bouffant illusion veiL Her bouquet held white carnations, Jvjr and yellow Sweetheart roses. Gary Grata assisted Iris brother as best man. The newlyweds left for a, trip to Mackinaw City. , Vows Planned IA midwinter wedding is being planned by Cynthia Dianne Fulton, daughter of tiie Baker L. Fultons of Earl Court, Pontiac Township and Joe Warren Kissinger, son of the Warren M- Kissingers of West Rundeil Street. of criticizm since then. People Say I should make up my mind which woman I want for my friend and forget that the other one exists. I don’t see why I have to make a choice, do you? I would appredate your opinion. FAUXPAS DEAR FAUX: To knowingly invite people who" do not get along to an intimate gathering is poor taste. But if two people can’t bury their hostilities in a group of 300, that’s THEIR problem, not yours. Forget it. ★ ★ ★ DEAR ABBY: I have just returned from church and what I saw made me sick. Please say something to mothers who dres's their 11- and 12-year-old daughters in nylons, heels, and let them use a lot of make-up and rat their hair. Everywhere I looked I saw these children dressed and made-up to look like midgets. Don’t mothers realize they do their daughters more harm than good when they let them grow up too fast? SAW AND. SICK DEAR SAW: Well-meaning mothers in their misguided efforts to make their daughters pretty and popular are not aware of the dangers awaiting a 12-year-old who appears to be much older. Children lack tiie maturity and experience to handle situations they are sure to encounter when they look older. Some girls mature faster than others, but it is up to the mother to know how emotionally mature her daugher is, and to dress her accordingly. w ★ ★ DEAR ABBY: I would appreciate an outsider’s opinion to our family problem; Recently my father-in-law visited us for two weeks iron another state. We have two children at home and one in an Institution with a severe problem which makes It impossible for Mm to live with us. We speak of him freely/When friends inquire .(mostly out If Eyes right for the military took in a trim, slim-line coat for frosty weather. It’s designed by Main Street in sturdy poplin of t,Dacron,> polyester and cotton. Bach-belted, the coat is costly lined in deep pile fabric, of “Orion” acrylic, warm yet so lightweight. Line available locally. courtesy), we say, “He’s coming along fine.” All the time my father-in-law was here he did not mention the boy’s name or ask how he was. NOTHING! It was as though the boy were not even alive. I even mentioned the child and my father-in-law changed the subject I can’t tell you how much this hurt ipe. My husband excused his father’s attitude by saying, “He Is so sick about it tie can’t even talk about it.” What kind of an answer was that? DEEPLY HURT DEAR HURT. Your father-to-law might have been trying to spare you heartache by avoiding reference to the boy, even though mistakenly. He w a s probably being more careful than callous — not understanding the more enlightened modern approach today’s young parents have to such problems. Don’t hold it against him. ★ ★ ★ CONFIDENTIAL TO “WANTS TO BE LOVED:” Doesn’t everybody? “I will Show you a love potion without drug or herb or any witch’s spell; if you wish to be loved, love.” (Hecato.) Dried Floral Idea Shown Mrs. Harold E. Schneider presented a program, on “Dried Arrangements”'before Interlakej. branch, Woman’s . National Farm and Garden Association, .Friday, in her home on Pine Ridge Road, West Bloomfield Township. ★ ★ ★, The forthcoming. International Tea for the WNFGA, Nov. 2 in the Flint hone of Mrs. Arthur Summerfield, also Mrs. Arthur Stiller’s holiday decoration workshop on NoV. 4, were discussed. New members Mrs. Charles Sempere, Mrs. Douglas Elli* ' son and Mrs. A. J. Zujko were welcomed. TF-f'-i THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, OCTOBER i, 19M A—18 MRS. P. D. HOTCHKISS Ceremony in Indiana for Pair A recent ceremony and re* ception In the Morgantown (Ind,) Christian Church marked the vows of Maria Ann Denney and P.0.3& Paul D. Hotchkiss, U.S.N. The Denzel Denneys of Morgantown and Mr. and Mrs. Earle S. Hotchkiss, Wiliams Lake Road, are parents of the newlyweds who will make thehr home hi San Diego, Calif. / ' * ★ ★ Rita Denney attended her sister who chose white Chantilly lace over net and taffeta for her wedding, she wore an illusion veil and carried white pompons. With best man, William Hill of Birmingham were the ushers David Sievertson, Franklin, Ind. and David Russell of Indianapolis. The bridegroom's parents hosted a reception honoring the couple who visited Michigan on their honeymoon. COIFFURE S901 Highland R Washable Colors COATS ood CLARK’S RED KART KNITTING WURSTER j&SMgSIlD UHAN’S VARIETY STORE 1475 Baldwin Ave. at Walton FE 4-3341 Oeen Daily 9 AJA.i» 9 PJA- Sunday 10 A.M. te A ML Enjoy Your Cadillac Pool All Year 'Round HOOVER /VACUUM SERVICE REBUILT CLEANERS This winter . . . hours of skating fun oan be enjoyad by the whole family! POWERFUL HOOVER UPRIGHT CLEANER And, you’ll avoid tho long waiting list in tha spring for your now pool. Plus you’ll save many dollars now. Yetf thanks to the fabulous fiberglas construction of famous Cadillac pools, unaffected by Michigan's temperature extremes, you can enjoy your Cadiliao pool all year around. CLARKSTON POOL CO. 1 Milo North Of M-18 MA 5-2674 Open Mon. thru Friday 8-4:30 3 DAYS ONLY m Wednesday 29.95 Clear Plastic SEAT COVERS SUPER KEM-TONE Ceiling white only SERVICE • PARTS for ALL MAKE SWEEPERS Model #69 or #34 AttoehRionts 99c with PurehatR Reg. $90.00 CONVERTIBLE BARNES 8 HARGRAVES HARDWARE 742 W. Huron St, jpARKFREE FE 5-9101 Acme from the Pool Office Bill Kellers SEAT COVER IDS Oakland Avenue, Corner Kinney IBIoeke Wait of Montcalm Telephone FE 2-5333 Open Dally • a*. MS MV 41 EAST WALTON JUST EAST OF BALDWIN AVE, FE OpwiTridoy 9 AJA. to 9 PiA. W..kdoy» 9 A.M. to 6 PJA.-Sun. 10 AJA. to 3 P.M. TRUCKLOAD SALE Prices good to Thurs., Oetobor 13, ’ll LUCITE OUTSIDE HOUSE 49 White Only PAINT Incite colors /. . $6.95 Qal. LUCITE INSIDE WALL PAINT i maws s4” flal. and ad ISM Colors / NEW LOW PRICE SuperJ ;em $099 V ■ML Wwiae ■ ■ ... Cellini TONE Vm °al. white 1966 Colors Ggl TOR'S HARDWARE •TOOF.M. 5 Orchard Lake Ave. FE 8-2424 SAVE$142i 36 PIECES •n this S-K Waynn professional Duality SOCKET SET PLUS METAL BOX NOW .ONLY $28M KEEGO HARDWARE COMPANY No. 1 3041 ORCHARD LAKE RD. 682-2660 Mil iiio SALK ENOS OUT. 15th • ociunu l WHITE ONLY All Prices With This AdJQnly 1 tuna* 1 iKem- lionej 1 099 E, V UAL. 1 SORRY 1: 1 NO DEALERS | 9 FALL WINBOW “Thrifty Savings” HOURS “ftT1 .Si J5SL Complete W SALES, PARTS oomploto JOBMatched Hno of Olid SERVICE hrdustrial & _ CONSTRUCTION ■wh,,l,r,d#r* EQUIPMENT ■ crawler tractors HI shovel loaders M fork lifts ■ backhoes loaders blades V scarifiers, etc. PONTIAC FARM & INDUSTRIAL TRACTOR CO. 825 SOUTH WOODWARD AYE. PONTIAC PHONE PE 44442 Monday and Tuesday, ONLY! | Hoffman's Own GUARANTEED TENDER "butcher boy" STEAKS 65* lb. Hoffman’s Famous ALL BEEF ^*- Hamburger lSTEAKETTE TATTIES Tender’n Juicy 2W.b. Unit Run] 10-U. Boxes *4” 4» HUFFMAN’S PONTIAC FRIIZER FOODS US N. PERRY FE 2*1100 HOW . I. and ALL NEXT WEEK! Third Annual Pontiac Professional Photographers’ Assn. EXHIBIT Member Contributors: • The Pontiac Press Eddie Vandnrworp Edward R. Nobla Rolf Winter • Dimitri LaZaroff • Jerry Weoliaver • Clyla R. HaskHI • Richard H. Frye Guest Contributors: • Masters’ Collection Loan CoUectiont • Professional Photographer* of America Pontiac Mall Shopping Center TUfegraph crtElixabatbLalcm ltd. , Fr Saturday, October 8, 1966 Farmington Remains Undefeated, 24-7 | By FLETCHER SPEARS | It’s bigger gone next time out1 for the Vikings of Walled Lake. < The Vikings saved notice bad ] night that they’re a bonafide 1 contender for the state’s mythical football championship by a first down at the one, and Leon Chism went over right tackle on the next play to score his first varsity touchdown. Allen Morris kicked the point. By DON VOGEL Waterford couldn’t cope with the unusual last night and lost its opening Inter-Lakes League football game.v Effective use of ' the spread Walled Lake dominated the second half, running 40 offensive plays to only 19 for PNH. Fullback Gus Maragos, who twisted, turned and churned for 97 yards, picked up the final Walled Lake scores on a 23-yard scamper in the third and a five-yard burst in the fourth. STATISTICS pinning a 39-7 setback on Pontiac Northern before some 3,000 fans at Wisner Stadium. It* Vikings and coach Dave ££ intercepted * HANDY COIN - Pontiac m *i3 Northern’s Dana Coin looks •en»i«e* and Yards.. . s-3i s-is for some running room cm wL-«chmrtfc Vl??n',(F«te kick) foi* kickoff return in the first wL-f dflte, «jnterceptton (Pofl'e kwo half against Walled Lake last pnh—chism, i rvn (Morri* kick) night. Coin suffered a hip wlJStUS: fwvXkm' bruise ta the opening half and u... scout by auA«T*Rs didn't see action after inter-•ontlac Nerttiern !!!!!!!.. 4 7 • »- 1 mission. but the 'N squad may change all that Northern’s Huskies were easy prey for the Vikings, ranked sixth last week in the Gass A poll, but foe competition is expected to be a little sfiffor next week. ★ w • ★ Walled Lake will take to the road to meet Ann Aibor, the fiffo-ranked s q u a d, and a victory would boost the Vikings’ bid for the state title. FOUR WENS Knocking off Northern r a n Walled Lake’s record for the season to 4-0, 2-0 In league {day while the loss left PNH with a 1-3 mark. ★ it ★ Northern, shinned by the forward pass in two previous games, suffered the same fate WDight. Viking quarterback Rick Schmaltz sparked1 a first-period drive of N yttit With a pair of pauses tfibgp upmost < Of the yardage and he rolled around right tot4 for the final three yeafdjhifed the score* 1 The first of five boots >.by Steve Fogle made it Sw^at 10. TT A pass Aof their own jfoi-the Huskies beffisd, 14-0, moments later. ★ ’ it ★ • PNH’s Craig Deaton, back to pass at Ms own 35, Was hit by Mike Richards just as he threw the ball, and the ball flew straight to Fogle in the left fiat and he romped 42 yards untouched for the score. ENG HUN Russ Herron made it 21-0 at 10:39 of the second period when he took a pitchout from Schmaltz and raced 12 yards around left end for foe tally. PNH made its best drive of the night fotlpwing the “kickoff, moving foe ball from its own 46 to the Vikings before bogging down. ’ A Walled Lake fumble with 40 seconds left hi the half led to Northern’s lone score. Me v i n g around right end, Russ Herron was jarred loose from the ball and defensive back Stows Renda fell on the ball at fop Vikings 13-yard line. Al2-yard pass from Deaton to Bob Fulks gave the Huskies SA0W»W vallry COHMSKHCU. iFlint Northern, 13-7. Midland, t I Arthur Hill and Soufowestern o share the lead jdfo, 3-1 marks. ® The classy Chiefs of Pontiac 0 Central had too much of every- 1 thing for Handy. | The Chiefs rolled up a 28-0 {lead before taking a halftime Special to Hie Press break and they coasted through BAY CITY — There’ll be no | the second half. ~ runaway in the Saginaw Valley] w * * Conference this year. I The defense kept pace with Perennial champion Bay City|the offense to those two periods Central suffered ai 26-25 upset a by hoMing Handy t0 one Saginaw Arthur Hfil last night first down that coming b’ wifo the loss creating a traffic m on a roughing-Uie-kicker call. jam near foe top of the league. Pontiac Central’s Chiefs are only a game out of foe lead wifo a 2-2 record, and foe PCH unit looked like a winner here last night in blasting Bay City Handy, 354. In other SVC games, Midland blanked Flint Central, 14-0, and Fljnt Southwestern trimmed PCH threw a ofle-two punch of fullback Bennie Williams and halfback Bruce Turpin into foe game and Handy couldn't stop It. Williams gave foe Chiefs power and yardage up the middle while Turpin was sweeping foe ends. Turpin sowed twice. He *| tallied in the second on a two-yard tun and added the final PCH score in foe third on a 69-yard sprint. Hardiman Jones put the Chiefs on the scoreboard at 9:52 of the first quarter wifo a 46-yard dash around right end. Mike Prince kicked the first of, his five extra points. SCORING PASSES Moments later after stopping Kandy, quarterback Lee White took to foe air lanes and' hit Bob Copeland With a 48-yard scoriij| pitch,and White was in the air again to the second quarter, tossing a 23-yard TD strike to Walter Terry With only one second left in foe half. Turplnput the lid on the Central scoring with his 69-yard | burst,iti the third. Handy, winless in four starts, formation and a couple of. un-j^rf°f^<* ®de. He completed six expected plays moved Farming-jW niiie passes for 109 yards, ton to a 24-7 conquest and kept|rush6d Ior another 51 (includ- Pontlic Press Photo ON TARGET - Tony De-LaRosa is ready to make the catch on a pass from Pontiac Northern teammate Dana Coin on a second quarter play Met night against Walled Lake. DeLaRosa made the grab but officials ruled he caught the ball out of bounds. trouble handling Farmington when foe Falcons ran mm * * it , Quarterback - tailback Dan Wolftrtnp was a thorn in Wa- the Falcons lied for first place with Walled Lake. It was undefeated Farming-ton’s fourth win and third in I-L play. Waterford is 1-3 overall. Although Waterford’s defenses were prepared for the visitors’ spread, it was obvious from foe opening series of plays that foe Skipper’s Inexperienced secondary was going to have trouble. The spread is used by a few other teams in the area, but it becomes unusual for the opposing players who may never had seen it before and are used to playing against foe T-formation, Waterford didn't have m u c h Maple Runner on Rampage Chris Chjtolton, one of foe|48 yands and foe big point was leading b|& carriers and top score<|ijty Dennis Cox., 1% i. scorers in Gakland County con- Aftefmzei park scored on a tinued his. running rampage last 79 yard, .fumble, return by Dave night as BffTntogfoem Seaholm Peverlin, the point fry by Ryan defeated Fferndale, 19-14, in a Phillips was partially blocked ing a minus-28 on a fumbled punt attempt), scored touch. downs on runs of five and 19 yards and quick-kicked 61 and 58 yards. RECEIVER Big Jerry Tinkle, a 6-5, 210-pound end, also made life mis-erable for the Skippers. He grabbed six passes for 107 yards and one touchdown. Reserve fullback Doug Root scored the other Farmington TD on a 10-yard run late in foe game. Waterford’s touchdown was scored on foe last play of foe first half when Brace Saffron made a spectacular catch of a 22-yard pass from quarterback Bob. Thomas. Hie Falcons wasted no time exploiting Waterford's shaky pass defense. They took foe opening kickoff and marched 69 yards to seven plays wifo Ed Snyder,, who alternated with Wolfman, hittog Tinkle on a 31-yard scoring strike. A high pass from center on a Waterford punt try gave foe Falcons control on the Skipper 36 early to the second quarter. Chris Norton, a halfback, took pttehback and fired a ISHyard pass'to Tinkle. Soufoeast Michigan League SOMETHING TO CHEER ABOUT-Coach Dave Smith of Walled Lake (light sweater) claps his hands as he watches his team score its second touchdown agains Pontiac Northern last night at Wisner Stadium. Leading Fumbtea-Ni 7-0, Walled Lake’s Steve Fogle picked off a PNH pass and raced 42 yards for a touchdown. It gave the sideline viewers sotoethtog to cheer about. Walled Lake won, 35-7. Utica Defeats Warren, 254) Beaten once ip a non-league affair to Rochester, Utica tolled over Bi-County League toe Warren JM tost night -with Gordon Schwartz scoring twice on one and 19 yard runs. Two other Chieftain touch downs came on a pfckoff of a fumble by Grant Cranick who wantrSO yards and on a 58-yard intercepted pass by Roy Thibodeau. Uttoa’s defense led by fine-men Dan Krause, Ralph Borgan and Kranick held Warren to 37 yanfe rushing, while Ghry Lei-ber picked up 99 to 20 carries hiatfilf. Oxford Strikes Long Id other SEM lames, Kim- ______ball defeated Southfield behind tallied late in the third andj the running of Ken Dockett and moved 63 yards for a touchdown'Mike Yankee, and Berkley sur-with Mike Evans running the1 prised Hazel Park 7-6. final eight yards. i The Maples scored first when {Charlton went 9 yards in the pch bch first quarter, but Ferndale held Panamas' ____.JNPUP__________Jo 171-* a 14-7 lead at h a 1 f t i m e. The ?•**•* • H i-’* Dales scored when Jim Luxton took a 47 yard pass from Monte Hecklow and Jim Thomas followed later with a 6 yard run. Seaholm scored to the third quarter when Charlton went two yards but missing the point put the Maples one point to the second period and that ended 111 foe scoring with neither team threatening in the seer ond half. Wildcats Gain 79-72 Victory From Lapeer Oxford struck fast and for long distance to score a 19-12 victory over Lapeer last night, j Tim Kelley started the TD parade by going 54 yards to the first period. A few minutes later Gary Cummings broke away for a 23 yard touchdown jaunt and the Wildcats led 134. Roger Miller’s conversion came after foe first toaehdowa. Lapeer’s John Beattie then ifrove ova* from the two, but Oxford salted it sway to foe 4th period when Ken Marsh took a 53 yard pass-run strike from Brian Edgett . ★ * ■ a Late in tha quarter, Paid tern ptdeed up a loose Oxford foible and went 69 yards. Kelley piled tty 149 yards rushing to 10 carries for Oxford. KORIN* PUYS O—Tim KWtey, 54 yard ran ( 'Sftasrfvar* O-Kan Marsh, 53 yard pm Late Fumble Hurts Groves Out of Groove Late touchdowns by Livonia Franklin mid Oak Park brought Birmingham Groves afot Noth Farmington foeir first Northwest Suburban AA defeats Friday afternoon. In both cases, fumbles proved the losers' undoing. Oak Park! . , celebrated a happy homecoming five Falcon tackles, wifo its first league win to two seasons when defensive halfback) Larry Gordon, middle guard Leon Weiss grabbed Mike Raf- for the Redskins, stood out on forty’s ..fumble and scampered!defense with 21 tackles. M yards to score the winning touchdown with 6:24 to play. signal caller had combined on a 37-yard scoring pass play with Steve Chndick to tie foe game. Oak Park had driven 72 yards tote to the third quarter for the opening six points as Mike Sachs ran the final 56 yards, breaking - Rafferty wu hit by Dale Kutnick. Earlier, foe Groves’ North Farmingtn twice ted visiting Franklin, but a Raider fumble to the game was converted into foe winning points by the Psfroits with . Pl«l Down. Rushing. T *5 reBUlinin8 toe COHtoSt. R3 SSUS PmiiiSt :: O o Roger Schamanek (ope yard) Yar* RwMowPouing ..nun *Ms and Tom Van Hoey (20 yard .! .’end sweep) tallied for the host Raiders, but foeir first PAT SCORINO PLAYS OP lidw, JS ran (kick teUo* BG—Chudick, V pau-ran from Rafter-1 (ran steopM) OP—W. i u, 40 ran with r»covered fr kick was wide and the missed placement cost them a tie later. North Farmington drove inside the Patriot's 20-yard-line High-Scoring Dondero Posts big play Fourth Victory In the final stanza Charlton again score on a 6 yard dash and he completed his running totals with 192 yards of Birmingham's 353 on foe ground. High-scoring Royal Oak Don-dero pushed its average to 40-potots-a-game last n i g h t to crushing Ifigfoland Park, 494. It was foe fourth win to a row for foe Dondero eleven, and the. Oaks, ranked third to the Mato Class A poll last week, are almost certain to rise another notch since the No. 2 team — Bay City Central — was upset by Sagtoaw Arthur Hill. Dondero pushed across a stogie tally to foe first, added a pair to the second and broke through wifo three In foe third stanza. Dave Charlton’s 48-yard pass to J6hn Mann and Rick Heide-man extra-point boot — Us first of seven — put foe oaks to front 74 and foe rout was on. Rod Rider went over on an 18-yard run, A1 Shepler tallied twice on six-yard runs, while Norm Thomptos (5), Gate Wag-man (35) and Joe VanWagner (I) added foe other scores. K—Ted yi Simmons, 13 run (OstermnnUStaftera k__ , , S—Ted 'Simmons, 13 run (Osterm*n| F—Wolfman, 1» yd. run (kick failed) 'Ckl ;■ B—Roof, It ran (kick falMJ J" j , . SCORE BY QUARTERS I SCORE BY QUARTERS After a 38 yard pass play frpm KimBaii, ..............; » 7 ii-m Farmin9i»n — Gin Maudlin to Tony Cummins, Larry Lancaster went three yards for Kimball. Dockett scored the next three on 28,10 and 14 yarders with Jack Raunchey getting the (^inversions. KORI BY QUARTERS ..«w-it • • • MMMm On-f ■ SCORINO Schwartz, 1 yard (Oloters U-Wunf Cranlik, M yards with fum- KC Chiefs Activate 3 KANSAS CITY (AP) - In an expected move, the Kansas City Chiefs of the American Football League activated Friday defensive halfbacks Jimmy Hill and Solomon Brannan and kicking spagafirt Mika Metefe, WI- • lOORa av OUARTRRI ib. orovts .« • * 4- 4 after the final touchdown, but * Hr lost lts third toi^ KRSSJS STATISTICS _ . _ the came. , Fir.* Downs Penalties V*rds Rushlnu-Passlng yards RuiihlfifrPatahw .. fi-ii 133-7* STATISTICS SRA..FRRN. Total First Downs ...... 17 U Yards Rushing-Passing Passes Intercepted by . . !ndLsf*!r«i?l)itoit| Rhode island Steelers have teMw, it awaao (Faiiar kick) i withdrawn from foe Atlantic •p&iY*TOWIcopst Football League for finan-j R } ^ssltoel reasons. i LEXINGTON, Ky. (AP) - 37-4i 314-74 Bret Hanover broke his o W n *-» , *“{ world pacing record Friday, * ’ ' * speeding a mile to 1:53 34 at foe Lexington Trots. With frank Ervin driving, Bret Hanover’s fractions to foe time trial were 27 4-6, 55 2-5 and 1:24. Bret Hanover aet the old record .of 1:54 earlier this year. VIKING HALTED - Walled Lake fullback GuS Maragos (38) to hauled down by Pontiac Norfoern’s Lary Gityard (43) and Tony DettoRom (11) after a Short gain an • punt return to foeir game tost Might at Wisner gtadfara. No. 37 is Dennis Fjtzgerald. THE PONTIAC PRESS, SAXUBJDAY, OCTOBER *, 1966 Bloomfield Hills Grinds Past Milford, 50-19 Challengers Upending Each Other By JratET. CRAIG The challengers have all but eliminated themselves in the Wayne-Oakland League football race. Defending champion Bloomfield Hills continued grinding its direct opposition into the turf with a 50-19 conquest at Milford Friday night. West Bloomfield, not slated to meet the Barons until nest month’s final game, tumbled from a share of the lead at Northville when die Mustangs outplayed U, 29-7. Hills now stands alone in first place with a 3-0 W-0 mark, and 143 points against three loop foes. Only next week’s opponent ClarenceviUe and West Bloomfield’s Lakers now have one defeat each In the futile pursuit of the Barons. ■—........- Milford did become the first team to penetrate file Hills* end zone, using an aerial attack almost exclusively. Sophomore quarterback Bob CUnard connected with speedy junior halfback Bob McFarland for 17-yard and 26-yard touchdown tosses In the first half. CLOSE HALF The host Redskins held the heavily favored invaders to a 6-6 tie after one quarter, and the Barons led only, 19-12, at the intermission. But Baron touchdown twins Randy DeArment and Dick Kraatz continued to pound at the Milford defenses behind the steadily functioning front line. Kraats sewed file game's first six-pointer on a 24-yard sprint, film went one and three yards in the fourth period to add three touchdowns to his season total (now nine in four games). DeArment was foe Hills’ first, down machine, registering 6 of tile team’s M rushing first downs. He also scored three times, twice on four-yard bursts and once from the five. ■* ★ * Seven pass interceptions and Clinard’g 14 of 28 pass success mark kept foe game .exciting for the more than 4,000 fans. FAST START At Northville, foe host Mustangs tallied all their points in foe first half, getting two touchdowns and conversions hi the •econd quarter after West Bloomfield moved into, a 7-6 advantage. Jim Zayti scooted 21 yards ...for foe game’s first score. But foe Lakers retaliated as Robin Brennan went over from 12 yards out and added foe PAT. Northville came back quickly on a John Holman to Bob Hut* bert 60-yard pass-and-run scoring effort Daily Hill kicked both conversions, concluding the sewing after wingback Zayti sped 19 yards for foe final fix-pointer. The Mustangs posted a 411-183 yardage margin, but wwe hampered by four lost fumbles. STATISTICS , „»,V L. ' MILF. MILLS First Downs Rushing .... ) — First Downs Passing .... j First Downs Fsmims ... 3 Yards Rushlng-Pgsslng ,1J-T44 3M Falcons Rout Orion, 39-13 ANGRY BIRDS — Rochester'sFalcons swarm on Lake Orion halfback Tim O’Dea in bringing him down after a 10-yard gain in their game1 last night in Lake Orion. Although foe Falcons stopped O'Dea on fids play, foe little speedster scored twice in a 39-13 loss to Rochester. No. 33 is Rich Anderson. Broncos Win, 12*7 Holly Pulls Grid Upset A touchdown with only 13 seconds left in the game carried Holly’s Broncos to a 12-6 upset triumph over Clarks ton last night in a Wayne-Oakland League contest. Tom Hayes hauled in the winning marker, a 21-yard pitch from quarterback Tom Kundin-gw that climaxed a come-from-behind effort for the Broncos and gave the home fans their first victory of the season. The Broncos went into foe game with a five-game losing Soccer-Style Kicker Helps Imla/s Win Imiay City put together a balanced attack to whip Millington last night, 38-12. The passing of John Topic, the running of Wayne Brinker and the kicking of soccer stylist Chester Marcol accounted for all of the scoring. w w w Marcol who came to the area from Poland a few years ago, booted a 28 yard field goal and all of file conversions for Imiay. Brinker rolled up 118 yards rushing in 19 carries in his two touchdowns, while Loren got one running and another on a pass frotnTopie. ' SCORE SY QUARTERS i and Avaraga ........ I-J7 . . >les-No. Lott .......... »-0 Penalties ant Yards .... 2 30 (Melt .. 6H—DeArment, s run (kick wide) BH—DeArment, * plunge (Murphy kick) M-lMiParlenf, 21 peat-run from Cllrt- BH-OaAfmant, 4 plunge (kick wide) BH'CmptL If awoap (kick wtde) .,--------- M—Heekbardt, f pass from Ctinord Bltetfletd 33. Plot Rock streak, two at foe tail-end of last season, and they came op with both scores in foe final frame to poll oat foe win. The game left both squads with 1-2 records in league competition. W ' w w.v Clarkston played without first string quarterback Dan Fife, suffered a knee injury Iasi week. CLARKSTON LEADS The visiting Wolves jumped nit in front in the first quarter when Rick Johnson {dunged over from foe one-yard line, to complete a short drive. Clarks-, ton recovered a fumble inside foe Holly 30-yard line to set up foe TD drive. Rochester’s Falcons turned in an awsome display of running aid passing last night as they spoiled Lake Orion's Homecoming, 39-13. The Falcons wound with yards in total offense tet. 260 coming on foe ground and 289 through the fir. The triumph was Baches-tor’s third hi fear outings aad gave the team a M record fa Oakland A League play and a share of third frith Warren CDusino. And foe victory was foe easiest of foe three this season. Rochester jumped off to a 27-7 lead at intermission and waltzed through foe second half. ★ ★★ .. Junior halfback Mike Phillips opened foe scoring gate for foe Falcons with a pair of scoring runs in the first period. TWOSCORES Phillips went 13 yards for his first six-pointer and fix yards for the other. Alex McKinnon ran foe first PAT and Don Golding took a pass from Jim Ball after foe second score. End Randy Field moved into foe picture in the second when he took a pass from Jim Burton for ah 83-yard scoring pipy, Field took a pass from Ball tor foe point. Marve Marr plunged over from foe one-yard fine late hi foe second to pat foe Falcons in front 274. A Clarkston fumble gave Holly the momentum it needed to tie the game. The Wolves hobbled foe bail at their own 20-yard marker and Holly recoveted with 5:34 left in the game. Mike Carnes dove over from mm. lowsii d. Brown foe one moments later to tiejJJ^iTorcuw1 Jr' the score at 6-6. i*52 Er*n.k oom««mii* SCORING FLAYS I—Loren Ettemo, 3 yd. run (Marcol (Marcol Kick) kick) I—John TqplO. 3 yard I—Wayne Brinker, 4 M—Ted Germaine, 1 yard run I—Brinker, 23 yard Tun (Marcel kick) I—File Tmm to itlomo, 30 yard (Marcol kick) M—Larry Hourtlonna, 2 yard run Field added his second TD of the evening in foe third when he hauled in a 10-yard pass from Ball. The final Falcon score came in foe fourth when Dan Wheeler broke loose on a 50-vard scoring burst. The only bright spot for Orion Conslno, 47*27. was the running of Tim O’Dea. The hard-running 170-pounder .scored twice on short pfonges and picked up most of foe Dragons' 55 yards rushing. The toss was Oram’s fourth in a row this season and 13th in a row in a streak stretching back to last season. STATISTICS ■ ROCH ORION Flrtt Down* Rushing .... 1 U ■ 4 Rushing-Passing . 240-239 33-124 - 4 ■ , .... ..... IMS ' 9-20 Passes Intercepted by .... j 3 Punts and Avaraga ...... 1-30 30 Panamas and Yer* .... 7-75 $-43 SCORING BUYS R—Phillips, 21 run (McKinnon run) R—Field, It pats from Burton (Flaw ass from Bail) R—Marr, I plungt (past failed) LO—O'Dea, 1 plunga (O'Dea run) R-FlaM, io pass from Ball (pats Ml R—Wheeler, 50 run (run filled) LO—O'Dea, ) pttmgs (run fallad) SCORE fYMMRTRRS i achestar ............MM 4 ON THE MOVE - Rochester halfback Dave Marr (11) is slowed by Lake Orion’s Roy Kibble (55) on this first half piny last night on foe Lake Orton field. Marr watt In to scare moments later on a one-yard plunge. Rochester won, 39-13. Avondale F29-0 Avondale's Yellow Jackets lost their sting against hard-hitting Warren Fitzgerald last night, but over at Troy, foe Colts kicked up their heels for foe first time this season. Fitzgerald pinned a 29-0 setback on Avondale, while Troy pulled a surprise in downing Clawson, 12-7. In another Oakland A game, down, and a little Inter in foe period, he hauled in a 17-yard pass from Don BUly for his second score. Dave Pahoskl kicked time extra points. Down 74 at halftime, Troy (14) came up with a touchdown in the third to nip Clawson and score its first win of the season. * * /• Phil Keelin tallied on a five-yard run in the first for Troy and Dave Humphrey scored the foe second period. At Cousino, Greg Keller scored four times and teammate Jerry Dash tallied three times in sparking Madison to victory. Keller intercepted a pass and ran 18 yards for six points in foe third, and added sewing runs later of 30,50 and 62 yards. Dash tallied on runs of 3, 18 and 15 yards. Lady Golf Writer Wins Tournament The action left Madison pnd I clincher on a five-yard burst in Fitzgerald on top in the league foe third. Mark McQuarter went with 34 records. Cousino and Rochester share third at 24. five yards for Clawson and Jfcrry Holly ran the point in Avondale was no match for Fitzgerald’s Spartans, the No. 9 ranked team among the Class A powers in foe state, NEW ORLEANS (AP) - Golf-ing writer Marueen Orcutt of the New York Times won the USGA rahi v push? Senior Women’s Amateur Golf, m. ^1:1 ... . «_. championship for foe second - T^le Spa^tans ran * 27'® time here Friday, firing a five-over par 79 for a three-day to- tal of 242. lead at halftime and picked up a safety in an unexciting second half. Highland Wins Harrier Meet film Intercepted by .... 1 Fumbles-No. Lost ........ 1-0 Feneltlee and Yards .... 4-03 SCORING FLAYS F—Klnnle, 3 run (kick fallad) F-Whita, 39 run (Fahoakl kick) F—Ciagus fall on funmbla In an (Fatoakl kick), 1 Czegus, pan 17 Iran* kick) 7, Highland Lakes Campus of Oakland Community College stayed unbeaten in cross country competition 'by defeating r^tl j-(| ..... Kinnie tallied on a six-rival Auburn Hills Campus, 15-M.7wtl352 yard run in the first quarter andj46 yesterday. S^tSolDaVe White went over on a 59-1 The Highland Lakers took the *««£»j!yard gallop in the same frame ifirst six places led by BUI HoUis ^ 'rnra. uuc,„. 1 uu.cn ' !«> »•*» ^ followed by Dave encevUie (2-1)ginned ai 324l set-jMr.. jmijmm ..Mm in foe second period, Donn Johnson and Don BalkweU. back on Brighton (1-2). Mike^r,;- charias ayiwsmsw : ao-eo-QG—Czegus fell on a fumble in toe Highland stands 74 for the Nye sparked the victory with aW Avondale endzone for a touch- I season, pair of touchdowns. First Downs Passing ... First Downs FonolMos ... Rushing-Possing . * ★ ★ wS crWuS." !.*.Vi. Maurice GHcfc . .. In another W-0 game, Clar- J^*- [homos E. nnm. Punts and Avorogo ...... 2-20 2 Fumblos-No. Lost ....... 0-0 FsmIHos and Yard! ..... 7-43 * (CORING FLAYS M-Dosh, 3 yard run (GuMI run) lii—Dash, It run (OukU run) WC-Vano, 4 run (Vana run) WC—Vaha. l run (Vana rub) M—Dash, 13 run (run fallad) M—Kaltar, int. pass It (Dash run) M-Kaliar, 30 i WC—Sob Fapal Yards Rushtng-Passlng .. 70-1 Passas .............. 41 Passes Intorcaptad by Punts and Avaraga ....... s- Fumblss-No. Lost ......... 2 Panamas and Yards 7- SCORING FLAYS C—Johnson. 1 plunga (kick H-Carnas, 1 plunga ' H—Hayas, 21 pas fro Stopped) SCORE SY QUARTII HIGH SCHOOL .. Arbor 32, Lansing Saxton 20 Almant 22, Memphis 7 Armada 12. Now Salt. Anchor Bay 7 IS, Three Rlvara 7 Grotto lie 23, Carlaton Airport If Grand Haven 14, Holland 7 | Galesburg-Augusta 31, Fannvllla It Harttand 20, Laka f I (kick v (Hackbardt BH—Kreetz, HU . . BH—Kuzma. 4 past-run from Calhoun (Calhoun run) SCORE BY QVARTRRS ». HIJS 113 12 19—51 iuehiMn is, _______ Barkley 7. Hazal Park'#’ Byron SS. Goodrich IS , “ Lansing Eastern 0 First Dawns Rushing . First Dawns Fata tog ... First (towns Penalties . Tefal Yards ............... FALCON GROUNDED - Lake Orion’s Dragons haul halfback Bob Woodruff of Rochester down after a short gain in die first half of their game last night in Lake Orton. Orion's Ed Bretzlaff is making the tackle. Rochester won, 39-13. .Care 'ALDad Asa t Punts and Avaraga . H Hubert. 40 pats from Holm kick) ... N—Zayti, 19 ran (Hill kick) SCORE BY QUARTERS ----- wan RtosasHtfd ........ » t f >~7 dm. ». Chtltaa 20, SUMR Lyon 14 Corunna 40. Midland Bullock Creek o , Cantor Una It, It. Clr. Shrs. South ». jCfltmnJkwmtllB “ • 1 Davison 24, Clio 7 , Dear. Edsel Ford S3, Ypaflantt o Dot. Central 24, 1&HMNI # , Dot. Eastern 33, MumBird IS , Oat. SouttwGstorn 7, Farthing 4 . Dat. Kattarlng S3, Osborn 7 Oat. Radford 11, Murray-Wrtghf « Dat. Htrtbwastorn it, Cady « Dot. Cooley II, Clwway 4 Dat. FOfF tl, Mackenzie 20 Oat. Seuthwaatem 34, western IS Dfar' 130** Rlv*r*W* 2°u,hgata Scha (Dear. Hgts. RaMchaud SI, Inkster I i Dundee 20, Ypsl. Lin ■“* ** Tpoua H . Central 14, Shiralt I da North Huron 27, Fan Austin ( ilia 13, StockbrldM o dan 23, OanaiH 0 I. f varaN 7, Bat. Crk. Lafcavtow B —i* Gabrlait 13, M»««" 7 Lan. O'Raffarty 3, Llv. Clarancavllla St BrWiton 0 Lincoln Park 21, Wayne 7 Marysville 27, Richmond 11 Marbta City 27, Ataontc IS Mad. Hgts. Madltan 47, Warren Coutlna dun 24, Benton Harbor it ______>d 14, Flint Central 0 Mt. Morris 12. Bay City Glenn 7- Mt. I a i». ( Bat. CHb Harper Creak • 24, Brown city 0 Northville 20, Watt BtoomtliM 7 Owosae 7, Film Kearney 7, Ha Oak Park It Brim. Grama A Pontiac Central 33, Bay city Handy 4 Reese IS, AMwVfHt 0 Armada Grabs Southern Thumb Lead 4 14 t a-s» Oat. St. Ambraae s», ■ * ■ Oat. ClMwID-.tl, East Detroit SS. Arthur Ashe Triumphi S; ■ Etkton-Plgeon-Ba Kingston, Jamaica (Ap> -Arthur Ashe of Richmond, Va., won his first match at a tennis festival Friday when he defeat-4di Jamaican Lance Lumsden 6-1, 8-4 at foe St. Andrew club. )4eaan.ii»iiart RL vesser o )■ Beejiter Hi' jumwiith 7 mton 40, Montrose 4 ” (. Bentley U, Bendle 7 (. Atherton SB. Durand 7 Admada’s Tigers have taken over the lead In the Southern Thumb League. The Tigers moved Into foe lead by knocking Anchor Bay from among foe loop's unbeaten last night, 12-7. In otter Thumb games, Al-iont belted Memphis and .New 'Haven blanked Brown j etty, 284. cholzky scored twice and passed for another touchdown in lending foe Almont attack. Al Carey Buffered i broken collarbone in the Dpentef ported and Bacboizky, a sopho- Rlvarview 27, Taylor Cantor 0 Royal Oik Kimball 13. Saumtlani SI. Ctolr 20, Craswall-Laxtoaton o Swartz Craak 26, LakavMs 14 mg. Arthur Hin m. Bay city cantrai is The victory boosted Armada’s record to 34 in league competi- Tecumsah 24, Milan 4 Tranton 34, Dat. RadtoQl ■ tobawaing 7, y the scoring chores for Armada. He blasted over from foe one tat foe second period to give Armada a 84 lead, and with his team trailing 74 in the fourth, he took a screen pass from quarterback Lee Thompson and rambled 45 yards for the win-j k nlng points. ^ • j He scored twice on short! ' . LONG RUN * ! sneaks and completed 13 of 27! Farmington was penalized Anchor Bay tallied in foe! passes for 199 y^, .boles. Dodger Hurler in Same Spot as Last Fall LA Has to Recover From 2-0 Deficit in World Series BALTIMORE (AP) - Georgia Osteen may go hungry tonight. She (fid one night a year ago when her husband, Claude, was ia the same situation he was in today. * ★ * Mrs. Osteen went without dinner tiw day Claude pitched a flvehitter and led the Lot An-_ _ Dodgers to a 46 victory over Minnesota, their first after two losses to tiw Twins in the 1965 World Series. Osteen, called upon to try and get the Dodgers’ first victory today after two losses to Baltimore in this year’s Series, recalled hist 1965 victory celebration Friday My wife takes this game far tougher than I take it,” the 27-year-old left-hander related. “She’s just like my mother. If my mother's listening to a game I’m pitching, she’ll torn tiw radio off if I get into trouble. RED CARPET ‘Well, after I beat Minnesota my wife and I went out to dinner at a restaurant. Everyone there knew me, and they were giving toe the red carpet treatment. My wife Still was keyed up and she got so upset from all the fuss that she couldn’t eat. “I was completely relaxed, but she was sick.” it'' it h Georgie isn’t in Baltimore —I she’s at home to Brea, Calif., With Osteen’s two sons, Brian, 1%, and David, 3 — but chances are only toe boys will eat dinner. Claude and bis wife were to another nerve-wracking situation before his crucial assignment last year. The Dodgers’ Big Two, Don Drysdale and Sandy Koufax, had lost the first two games of the series to Minnesota, and the team was flying home to Los Angeles. “I was sitting there with my wife trying to forget about the game,” Osteen recalled, “but everyone who walked up toe aisle would pat me on the back and say, ‘You’ll get ’em.’ KEYED UP “I thought I’d be nervous the day of the game, but I wasn’t. In fact I was so keyed up I was toe first one at toe ball park. I don’t feel nervous noto. I’d rather come into the game to a different situation, but I have no choice. I like the challenge. The rest of the Osteen family eagerly awaited the third game so they could find out how the head of toe household would meet that challenge. »£<(. ★ ★ ★ “My older son, David, listens to the radio during the season and knows what I do,” Claude said. He’s old enough to know that Daddy plays baseball. In fact when he goes to the ballpark he wants to flitch to a game because he knows Pm a pitcher.” [ Someone asked Osteen if he’d rather let David pitch today. “No,” he shot back. “That’s mine.” Saginaw AH Rips Bay City Defense By toe Associated Press tdera’s fourth-straight victory. That wobbly defense at Bay Muskegon, ranked No. 4, City Central finally gave way bumped Benton Harbor 26-12 as Friday night as Saginaw Arthur!Stan Jones scored twice, and Hill nipped toe state’s No. 2 Ann Arbor trimmed Lansing ranked football team 26-25 in a thriller to Saginaw. The game ended in confusion with Central driving — at toe Arthur Hill 40-yard line — for another score as 7,000 fans roared onto the field. SHYING PRETTY—Hank Bauer, Baltimore manager, appears content as the Orioles go into the third game of today’s World Series with a 2-6 lead over the Los Angeles Dodgers. Frankenmuth Makes Game Gridiron Try By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Frankenmuth High, which is still smarting over its failure to gain No. 1 ranking to last year's final Associated Press Class C* D football poll, is making game try for top honors to Class B this year. The beer town It, ranked fifth to Class B, sparked by quarterback Terry Weiss, demolished Sandusky 664) Friday night for its 13th straight victory, the last 10 by shutouts.. Weiss, who had six touchdowns last week, scored five against Sandusky to the romp as Frankenmuth’s iron wall defense continued to rack up goose eggs. Buchanan, No. 1 in Class turned back Class A Niles 13-7 after a scoreless first half. The victory, coming after Niles quarterback Tim Klein left the game with an injury, was Buchanan’s 29th straight. Dundee, ranked second to Class B, made it 31 games without a loss to whipping Ypsilanti Lincoln 2041. MAJOR UPSET Seventh • ranked Willow Run turned baric third-rated Ecorse 14-6 to the only major upset. Nprb Glover scored 13 points for Willow Run as Ecorse saw its 14-game winning skein end. Jim Boyd scored three touches ninth-ranked Dowagi- Bogies Prevent Baxter Tying SAO PAULO (AP) - Rex Baxter Jr„ of Houston, Tex. shot a three-under par 68 to the second round of the Brazilian Open Golf Championship Friday, but missed a tie for the lead when he three-putted for bogies on the 10th and 14th holes. * Mario Gonzalez Filho of Brazil, who also shot a 68, took the lead with’ a 36-hole total of 139. Baxter, who had a first round 73, tied for second at 141 with GUy Wostenholme of Great Brit- In. Ramon So to, the defending champion from Spain, the first round leader with a 89 over the 6,613 yard Sao Paulo Golf Club course, wag one-over-par after 15 holes when he had to stop play becausei of rain. He will finish his last three holes Saturday before tin third round starts. Canada Trims Rangers WINNIPEG (AP)- Canada’s national hockey team carved out an unexpected 5-2 victory over New York Rangers to an exhibition game Friday night. ac turned back Portage Central 4644. In Class C-D, No. 1 Middleville walloped Byron Center 41-9 with Gary Van Elst, Terry Appeal and Tory Page eaqh scoring twice. Middleville has won 27 to a row. SecoWranked Galesburg-Au-gusta dumped Fennville 58-12. Tom Dieterman scored torn TDs and Stove Smith had a pair. Benton Harbor St. John, rated sixth, nipped Niles Brandywine 14-7 as Mark Vole scored on a two-yard quarteitack sneak for winning TO. The scoring play was setup on Perry Mandartoo’ 30-yard pass to Bill Flood. Unbeaten and unscored upon Clinton Boysville handed Brit-ton-Macon its 24th straight loss 32-0. Boysville now stands 4-0. ★ ★ ★ Oscoda racked up its 22nd victory in its last 23 games to downing Essexville Garber 33-12. Oscoda’s Coleman Lane scored three times, gained more than 200 yards rushing, and kicked a pair of extra points. New Lothrop built up a 134) lead but couldn’t hold it as Flint’s Michigan School for the Deaf bounced back for a 89-13 victory. Former Umpire Ok*. MOLINE, 0. (AP)— George Magerkurth, a former National League umpire who aimtys maintained Babe Rate called his famous home run shot in 1932, died Friday at the age of 76. One official had tossed out the red flag, signaling a face mask penalty against Arthur Hill to the final seconds of play. The rhubarb that followed may last > for several weeks but officials finally ruled the game despite a question of ending the game on a penalty — and Central’s 14-game winning streak, of it in the tough Saginaw Valley League, was bver. Tim Schraeder bucked two yards for the final Arthur Hill touchdown with 40 seconds to play and the winning extra point came on a pass from John Decker to 6-5 end Tom Thon. Mike Smith scored all 25 Central Points.. NO SURPRISE The loss wasn’t a surprise to many prep football observers, considering the rash of touch-Central had given up to its first three games this year. Meanwhile, Battle Creek Central, No. 1 in the weekly Associated Press prep poll, romped over Lansing Eastern 274) as Brian Gifford fired a pair of touchdown passes to Johnny Lee Jones. * * * All of tee otter rated Class A teams produced victories. Among the more notable was Royal Oak Dondero’s third-ranked Oaks’ 494) shellacking of Highland Park. Its was Don- Sexton 32-20 as Mark Carrow tossed three TD passes and scored once himself. 'Wt* * ★ . Jackson, hidden to the grid-on mists since 1962, won its first game to four years by downing Adrian 28-7 as Jamie Winters scored three touchdowns. The victory was Jack-son’s fitet in its last 34 games. Wings Down Boston Bruins Abel Watches 3*1 Win Fram Stands ‘ Action at Jackson” BEGINS MONDAY! JACKSON HARNESS RACEWAY How right is l#bt? Making whiskey light-that’s easy. Making it light and rich tasting -that takes experience. So, knowledgeable people choose Imperial. The one that started it all. LONDON, Ont. (UPI)-Coach Sid Abel sat to the stands Friday while his Red Wings were beating the Boston Bruins 3-1 to a National Hockey League exhibition contest. Center Bruce McGregor, out with a Charley horse, took over the coaching chores as the Wings evened their exhibition record at 3-3. After a scoreless first period, former Red Wing Pit Martin scored for the Bruins early to the second period. Alex Delvecchio tied the score to the same period and the Wings took the lead when Andy Bathgate scored. Rookie Pete Mahovlich provided the Wings* final telly in the third stanza en a breakaway. Goalies Roger Crozier and Hank Bassen split the time to the nets. Hie Wings next contest will be against the Toronto Maple Leafs to Detroit Sunday night. BENSON 1111 BLANKET INSULATION Ittlnoh...........,... *35 l»r M 1 /took...............'47»«r It ‘ S took • Loom Nook Wool Clippings..... 7j£ ZonolHo Insulation........... M1' Bit American Mini-Cube Compacted Water Softener Salt. 0 No fouling twin bod or Control! o Froo of Rotiduo o 99.9% Pur* So It o Totally Solvbfo l|«f STOPS WATER! 1*1" A'*11 TH0R0SEAL Ctmm In t wlw WATERPLUG QUICKSEAL CAREY BLACKWALL Driveway Ter Seal Cash and ii' Cany m In. HEATING and C00UNG DIVISION SALES Toridklet SERVICE serviced. H-HOUR SERVICE S66 North Saginaw FE 3-7111 BENSON LUMBER 00. Building and Ramodaling Supplies and Materials SIS North Saginaw Street 0pen8-5 - Sai.$-12 f| SSsiS. OPEN DAILY 9 lo 6 4 Prices starting as lew as $72.95 dowa-$7.44 par etc. Ask about our lay-sway plan. - CRUISE-OUT, INC. 63 E. Walton Open Daily 9 It 6 FE 1-4402 ILENDED WHISKEY- M PROOF • 30% STRAIGHT WHISKEYS * 10% 6MiN Neutral spirits • hiram walker t sons inc. puma. ill. OPEN DAILY 10 A.M. T010 P.M. SUNDAY 12 NOON TO 7 P.M. __ imai AUTO “DiUOUxt CENTER FISK ECONOMY-LINE MUFFLER ri *r v\ 788 GLENW00D PLAZA North Perry Street Corner Glenwood THE PONTIAC PRESS. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1996 Dayton Colts at Wisner Tonight Like Packers, Arrows Target of MFL Teams Pontiac Football Company officials have noted that advance ticket sales have moved faster than at any time in two seasons. Last year the Payton game drew 4,660 fans and tonight with epim tad dear skies forcasted, an MFL retata of 0,0M is possible. Advance tickets to prevent standing in line will still be available at Griff’s, Osman’s and VFW Post 1376 up to 5:00 p.m. Gates will open at *15 and the kickoff is slated for 7:35. ' : ra®® 605 yards and 11 towtoffowns to his credit. The fortner University of Dayton star pill be fadqg Tommy Myers a native of tim Dayton area who will, get the starting nod for the Arrows. Myers did not start the find' three games for Pontiac because of the rapid change from the Detroit liotu’ squad, but he received first call in the last two games and has accounted for six of ids seven touchdowns gaming in the two encounters. Tonight at Wisner Stadium, the Dayton Colts, tike tiie Baltimore Colts who are the toughest, challengers to tile Packers, Will give the Arrows their toughest test of the season, , This is the last home game for the Arrows. In the outcome oTtbe game lies the possible 1666 MFL championship, an honor the Arrows have held for four of to a 7-7 tie. They finished a pita Arrows, VETERAN TEAM The entire veteran nucleons of that Dayton is back with Pete Mikotajewski, taw had to settle for naiserup honors behind Karl Sweetan last season, leading the MFL as the No. 1 quarterback at this Green Bay is to the NFL what Pontiac is to the MFL and like the Packers and all other league champions, the Arrows are the targets far all challengers. Last year, Dayton lost the championship on the final scheduled game of the season when Flint forced the Colts Mikolajewski has S3 completions to 131 attempts for No. 1 Choice of Rams to Replace Guard hold Palmer of Latrobe, Pa., 2 and 1. Nkklaus knocked tat Casper, the U.5. Open champion from San Diego, Calif., 2 and 1. VIRGINIA WATER, England (AP) — Jack Nicklaus and Gary Player squared off today in the final of the World Match Play Tournament and both were nervous. Player, the defending champion from South Africa, said I’m always a bit highly strung, and the prospect of meeting Jack has made me feel more anxious than ever.* There is a $14,000 first prize at stake to today's 36-hole final over the 9,907 yards par 36-36— 74 Wentworth West course. MAndwhenhbccomesaaoak,Godonlyhiowetk what it W3I amount to.” Urns did Sit Walter MiMauy explain to Queen Elisabeth his Absence from court. The,acorn was Emmanuel College, at Cambridge, which he had founded. • ■ -/• And today wo know what it emanated to. Emmanuel’s graduates came to America, founded Harvard, Yale, .a doten ether colleges. Few of at are Mildmays. Few tans can foand a college. Most of us can help keep one going. Give to tot college of your choice. MlBr Late Models Both: ^ AMERICAN and COMPACTS VStMi ACME AUTO PARTS 986 Oakland (Bos. U.S. 10) Holf Milo South of Telegrajjh. Phone 332-9229 335-6855 Automatic . TRANSMISSION • SERVICE | H0NDASUPER90 Low Rom fapwnl-iasy toms sot. ANDERSON Mr 9'5 SALES AND SERVICE *7 11411. TBJMUlAPIf, HHIT1AP " FEt-11 55 335-566UI ‘Madame, I have been away planting an acorn.” {SUNDAYS i Oct 9th and 16th! I of the I Aubm -Heigto Churchill ltd. to j Auburn Heights a Sponsored By I SACRED HEART « I USHERS CLUB 1 —Shotguns Only— i 12-16-20 Gauges | Information UL 2-4170 j math of New York tonight as the American Football League’s only unbeaten te^ms collide in what could be a preview of the 1906 championship game. The passing duel between Tensi, an overnight sensation for the Western Division-leading Chargers, and Namatfa, taw has fired the Jets into first place in the East, figures to draw n capacity crowd of 00,000 to Shea Stadium. Tensi, a second-year pro from Florida State taw spent his rookie season on the San Diego toxi squad, won tonight’s starting assignment from veteran John Hadl with a fantastic relief performance against Miami last Sunday. The towering, 2S-year-oki signal caller, taw had nmr passed in league play, replaced > Hadl with the Chargers trailing 166 after intermission and sparked a 38-point second half comeback with four touchdown tosses that buried toe young Dolphins 4440: The Chargers’ fourth victory without a loss gave them a one-game edge over Kansas City in toe West. ARC MIG MICRO 1 WELDERS ■ Mio and Micro starting wag# $3.50 plus fringe bun*- H ■ fit*. Piwwntiy working 11 hours p*r shift, six days pur ■ ! woolc. Overtime at time and one-half. Apply in person ■ 5 between 8:30 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. ■ ANDERSON TANK AND MANUFACTURING CO. i ■ 2702 North Dort Highway - Flint 9 The BEST Time Of The Year For GOLFI Have You Tried The BEST GOLF COURSE? CSSE* TYRONE HILLS 8449 UJ. 23 FENTON Phone 629-0381 ! Pontiac Consumsrs Co-Op 1 OPTICAI | Eye Exams • Contact Lenses | Industrial Safety Glasses 2 Sun Glasses By BRUNO L. KEARNS Sports Editor, Pontiac Press Tom Mack, former University of Michigan lineman and one of the stars of toe Wolverine Rose Bowl team of January 1965, may draw his first starting assignment in the NFL Sunday. As No. 1 choice of the Los Angeles Rams in the 1966 draff, H will be ironic that Mack get his first chance Sunday to Detroit, just a "few miles from where he starred as a collegian. Mack, standing 6-3 and going 245 pounds, may replace regular left guard Don Chuy, who wlu be out indefinitely after suffering a kidney injury in toe game last week against SuPmtoeo. Mack will have the task of facing 300 pound Roger Brown, one of pro football biggest and toughest defensive tackles. Until now, Mack, tire son of former Cleveland Indians’ second baseman Ray Mack, did of his playing on the Rams’ special teams. NEW COACH The Rams under new head coach George Allen own a 3-1 record. With their big powerful defensive line and a highly improved offense they are picked as three point favorites over the Lions, who had their best game against the Packers last week only to lose 23-14. + * * Roman. Gabriel will probably start at quarterback for Los Angeles, with one of the league’ finest and shiftiest receivers Tommy McDonald as a prime target. Also among toe leading receivers to toe' NFL is Tom Moore, a Green Bay castoff who has caught 15 passes. McDonald has picked off 14. The second leading scorer in toe league is place kicker Bruce Gossett who hag, hit on seven of 12 field goals and six extra poUts for a total of 27 i points, two behind leader Lou Michaels of Baltimore. The Lions have an improving front line with rookie guard Bob Kowalkowski and returnee J. D. Smith, who missed 21 leauge games, before returning to his tackle position three games ago. Kickoff Sunday is 1:30 p.m. and ticket windows will open at 9:00 a.m. RAM FLYER—One of the finest pass receivers to pro football, Tommy McDonald, will be a prime target of quarterbacks Roman Gabriel and Bill Munsen when the Los Angeles Rams visit Tiger Stadium to meet .toe Detroit Lions. McDonald and Tom Moore are among tiie top four receivers in toe NFL to date with 15 and 14 receptions respectively. Golf Dean Watrous Planning Retirement By BRUNO L. KEARNS jplayed In 23 National Opens and Sports Editor, Pontiac Press 23 PGA championships. A1 Watrous, a champion! At the age of 51 he shot the! among golf champions, an in- | greatest round of his career, a Stitution to the game and the ^ at Lenawill Country Club in! Willie McCovey Now Divorced SAN FRANCISCO ffl-Willie McCovey, first baseman for the San Francisco Giants, gave the silent treatment to his wife, toe testified in winning an uncon-sted divorce. Karen McCovey,. a 23-year-old former beauty queen, told the court Friday that the All Star National League first baseman only spoke to say he didn’t love her anymore. dean of Oakland County golf pros, has announced his retirement date as January 1, 1967. With a record which may never be matched in this generation, Albert Andrew Watrous, a native of Yonkers, N. Y., will leave famous Oakland Hills Country Club after 37 years of continuous service. Watrous, a U.S. Navy man during World War I, was Michigan PGA champion nine times, Michigan Open champ six times, Canadian Open champion, plus outstanding performances in the British Open; U. S. Open, U. S. PGA, Ryder Cup Matches and most recently as Michigan and National Seniors’ champion. In 1957 Watrous went to Glasgow, Scotland, to win toe International Seniors’ championship after which ho competed to tiie British Open for 4to and final time. A pro since 1920, Watrous has Adrian. In 1962, tiie popular Oakland Hills pro was chosen to Mich-' igan’s Hall of Fame. Watrous’ first job in pro ranks! was at Red Run in 1919. He came to) Michigan after his Navy days to get a job in factory but was hired at Red Run as a caddy' master: He became assistant pro to Elmer Loving, and after golf stints, at Meadowbrook and in Grand Rapids, he took toe job at Oakland Hills to 1930 and has been toe host to three of tiie four National Opens held at the famous layout. The Board of Directors of OHCC in an issued statement noted, “A1 has served Oakland Hills with distinction . . . it is hoped that as an Honorary Member of toe club he will play and enjoy many future rounds of golf here." Concurrent with tiie announcement of toe retirement, It was made known that Tom Watrous, assistant to his dad, would submit his resignation effective- of toe same date. O’BRIEN HEATING 371 Voorheis R«t. FE 2-2919 Our Operator On Duty After Hourt JACKSON HARNESS RACEWAY JACKSON, MICHIGAN 45 Nights of Harness Racing OCT. 10 thn NOV. 30 'Open House' Monday, Oct. 10 FREE ADMISSION FREE PRIZES 1st: Zenith 25" Color Television 2nd: Luxurious Mink Stole 3rd: $240 Six-Seat Season Box (You Mutt Be Peasant to Win. Minor* slid Employes Not EligiMt.) 10 RACES NIGHTLY "Rain or Shine" 8:15 POST Tint POWTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, OCTOBER «. IMS Silver Covered-Dish And CandiesHdcs Center Dining Table Lake Site Means Fun All Year The Frank J. Dickies' Bilevel On Ward'* Point, Orchard lake, Built By Elmer J. Dunlap Of Pontiac By JODY HEADLEE \ Home Editor, Hie Pontiac Preu It won’t be long and the Frank J. Dickie family will trade bathing cuiti for ice States. , The site the family"home on Ward’s Point, Orchard Lake, is ideal for water sports enthusiasts, • Overlooking Cass Lake, the brick bilevel favors a blend of the 18th century and Italian Provincial on its Pale yellow walls complemented by a teakwood paneled wall and shades of gold and white carpeting create the fashionable living room’s background. Striped draperies §n brass rods introduce the area’s color accents of muted avocado, orange and antique gold. Marble-topped pecan cigarette tables serva the muted avocado sofa. Adding an interesting texture change are the sofa’s velvet throw pillows in shades of gold and avocado. * Brass golk in flight high-light the paiheied wall, integrating the lake rite with the attractive interior. In die adjoining formal dining room, a wrought iron railing adds a decorative touch to the room while it frames the stairwell leading to the first level’s recreation area. ★ dr ★ The 18th century mahogany table extends to seat 14 “It’s perfect for entertaining at wild-gams dinners and for tiie usual holiday festivities,” said Mrs. Dickie. At the back of the hone, to help Mrs. Dickie keep an eye on the children at play is the conveniently appointed kitchen. A deck, overlooking the lake, opens off the informal diring section divided from the room’s work area by a peninsula stove and cupboard. ★ ★ * Carpeted in avocado, is the lakeside master bedroom. “We installed the vertical blinds,” said Mrs. Dickie, “to cut down on the sunlight's glare and still allow file breeze to come in.” Designed for comfort and recreation the lower level famify room features one area for the pool table and another for conversation groupings. On the colonial bride fireplace are a pair of mounted mallards shot by Mr. Dickie on one of his hunting excur- Kitchen's White Walt* Accented By Blue Flattie Laminate Living Room'* Matching Chair? In Quilted Floral Are Separated By Massive Pedestal Coffee Table Matter Bedroom Features Quilted Spread In Colorful Design JMrs. Dickie (lives’ Her Daughter, Dianne, 8, And Her Son, Hugh, 7, A Lesson In Technique At The Fool Table Dries Instantly An Instant - drying paint may on* day be adapted for home ploys an electron curing process that dries paint as soon «t it is applied. IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY l-Tni2W?CMM UNITS *Qui«t • luxurious • 'Convenient 'v Call F| 5-1515 or €12-2110 O and H BEDROOM HOMES Quality-bulk with comfortable EFFICIENTLY PLANNED — The handyman can make his dream of an uncluttered garage come true by planning storage for maximum use of space and then converting it by his own skills with saw and hammer. His most helpful material here is heavy-tfoty perforated hardboard, which he installed inside storage closets. He then finished the storage areas by making sliding doors of this same versatile hardboard. To make the dons, he installed perimeter fkamiag of %”xT' pine, phis two additional horizontal framing members spaced equidistantly between top and bottom. LAKElAKlO ESTATES ... A planned Loke-Uving Community Convenient to Shopping Centers, School* end Churches. Colonials, Tri-Level Bi-^vel with Basements Simplicity and convenience! These are keys to a versatile storage system which can convert a garage from a cluttered catch-all to a neat, attractive area with room for a well-equipped home workshop, lawn and garden equipment, sports gear ... and even the family car! the heavy-duty perforated hard-i motor, extension ladders, lawn board is capable of holding any rollers, and heavy paint cans weight two men can hoist into placed on bracket-supported position, including an outboard!shelves. Buy from owner — no salesmen. Every former Dixie customer will recommend us very highly. Make us prove it. Personal owner's supervision'on your Job from start to completion. No subcontractors, we have our own crews. We build all style (erases in Pontiac and suburbs. 5 year guarantee on all job*. No money down. First payment in Nov. Up to 7 years to pay. to Choose From 6 READY TO MOVE IN Custom-Built GARAGESM SPECIAL! B-FT. TIP and BOTTOM CABINETS hoes. Simplicity is in the do-it-yourself construction of these storage areas, dll of which make good use of heavy-duty Masonite W Peg-Boerd. BEDROOM Jp5 Colonials &g| Including Lot $i Priced From ( Bes Mattingly Offers This Weinberger Resale OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 3-Bedroom RANCH llr. *25,900 mower, barbecue grin and other ANYTHING IN TRADE! OPEN 2-t P.M. OR 3-0 Evtry Day hut Mon. Model Pft If* Poneled Kitchen Witt Build an Yeur Let er Ours Swing-up panels ire used in some cases over cabinets. Storage items hung by fixtures in the perforations simply stay in piaca when they are swung up and hooked to get into the cabinet for items stored there on shelves or hardboard. Because of its great strength, HOMES INC. 1941 S. Telegraph Rd. FE 44)591 2821 Huntington Park drop**, walking distance to grade school, hard surface afreet, city water end an ideal community far family Ihpng. There is a 5%% mortgage which can be assumed. Act fast far this beautiful Weinberger Heme that is leu than 5 yean old. Hnntoon Shores 2 4 4 Bedroom Homes Also At Great Savings We build within 75 atifec of *25,900 Immediate Occupancy FE S-I4V7 FE 2-2444 Faailim with childrra find a let to like in a Busty Rite bdth heme in Hantaan Shores. The fleer ^ of this favorite Tri-Level affere auxiawm living aru far the active family. There's a large )y roam far the children In romp in, away from the living room where parents can entertain without (heir little ones underfoot. lVfc baths, ample storage, vr.il planned kitchen with adfoining hreokfau area. Carpeting is indndod throngbont. Su this model and others today at Hantaan Sham. Thera's saro to be one that file your family. Year choice-TH-Level-Colonial-Ranch - Irun $16,150 pint lot. Airport Road Between M-S9 and Williams Lake Road Westridge of Waterford REALTOR Office Opom StsmtUy 1 to 4 NOW RENTING I aterford . . . Phone 674*0369 pping conter on Highland Rd. (M-30) i i ® N | | m1» tBiSE fefi , {• " , -■ THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1986 r ' • _ f Jt—# f MR ? A \At -L - R *—- fl - — ~ JeAiP 1 ivihiimiA Dm*ia* THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8, 100« TRADING hOuiftaliMM IMMEDIATE POSSESSION MMIUf RANCHER . Pink tplitrack. 3 iradraom., d.lu«. ma....__________ H «1 ovorali* 2 ew garage. Spacioui ItHchon, “Wood Cary* cabinet* by Nu Ton*, Frigidaira built-in rang* and oven, van* fan and hoed plus «»*•• extras. Lake privilege. and walking ditianc* to now Waterford schealt. Area of all new lieinee, blocktop etraot* and sommuntty water. Priced at $27,950. and yeu can tn'^ T COLONIAL CHARM and liveability. 4 bedrooms, beautiful overate* matter bath with vanity, lb bath on first floor, >Woorf of Driveway, including co i wax. Studs % siding 2x8Rifttrs-SttelDoor m m call day or nightEI Am AEftT IH DETROIT 538-8300 1 1 ^ TFh#W# ANY CODE LIMITED OFFER ... ALUMINUM SIDING... 6 ROOM $349.H0USE I Per 1000 Sq. Ft. eOMSTRUCTIDII IMNSnilES 19115 W. 7 MRS 14 Women Reclaiming the Family Room Bar* in the days of toe colon-ists, the lucky boufowlfc who heft a family room fail her home could call it her own. She also nailed M the “keeping room,’" place to display her china, keep-j sake* and other memorabilia | All that changed. Hie actionl crowd of the Roaring Twenties i threw out the fond -memories and renamed the room the “whoopee Toom.” Since then activity, recreation and rumpus have characterized this area.' Latest trend! in family rooms indicate, however, that women may be Kdaimial them. Family rooms -MMl merging with IdtcbenI, which are definitely the gal’s domain. i They both benefit from sharing common walls and floors of Idecorgtive and durable materials like easy-to-care-for ceramic tile. The hardy materials and for- ntshings of the kitchen work Just as well in protecting the fondly room ranee. * ★ igp Whether the functons of those two areas are con^atible, how-lever, remains fo’be seat. The {family room-kitchen is likely to become a second living room. * * * And the family may have to search out a new room to put activity, recreation, rumpus and whoopee back to their lives. Which makes ene wonder: what’s going M to the living ALUMINUM Stop unnecessary home repair problems. Enjoy everlasting home beauty!... Completely Installed Including labor and materials *339 Basts an 1,000 Sq. Ft. DOWN UP TO 8 YEARS TO PAY! ALUMINUM • Play Arts To Your Homs PATIO ANY SIZE UP TO and INCLUDINQ GIANT 10’ x 20’ CAMPUS BUILDERS 17614 W.McNichols "SST 631-9240 CALL COLLECT P.S. PATIO STONES SALE 24”x24” Patio Stones 125 Only CASH & CARRY Many Caters Gtfear asserts* sizes an* aalan olsoat Solo Moot Completed Patios on Display PATIO STONE CO. 10570 Highland Rd. I MHOS West of Fsnflss Airport EM 3-4825 Open Daily 8 to 5 Residents Prefer Winging Home Residents of a Southern retirement community have no trpek with trains or buses. / The town sports a sizable run-] way to accommodate home-owners’ private planes. WAT IS OMHJn FADE BRIQK SIDING? It i.th.MiiltHPiirpsM (risk SMingfeat dot. so many jsb«-BETTER InwtotioK-er 4 ft*, sf ssSd brick. • Gives yssr-round insulation • R*. hewn, inerseses its value • Resists fire - lowers Hisuranee rates • Ends rtpair nnd naintnnnnen bills—no painting • Economical to install.,, ___■ eg™ 2503 DIXIE HWY. PONTIAC K£m.U? aosmuimi 0nMU.5UmU.iMd th... 573-7507 According to the Southern Pine Association, a floor supporting structure of lumber gives a natural ’Tift” to thel feet. 1 PUN TO BUILD? Lot. From 7/10 Acra to 1.8 Acres *3,00046,000 MAX BR00CK, INC. Shtrwin-Williams Co. PAINTS-WALLPAPER 71W. Huron The Pontlec Mall ielus "Lakeview Estates" OPEN Sunday and Daily 1 to 7 These hu Models Mew Being Discontinued for the Season WEINBERGER HOMES Model. Open 12 to I P.M. Daily and Sun. C.ndfeltlck Dr.—Off MJf Sal*, by DAN MATTINOLY IMPERIAL Cabinet Center 6575 Commerce Rd. Orchard Leke 363-9510 Lake Angelus View Estates AND SUNDAY 1 to 6 P.M. POSSESSION 2675 Montebello This beautiful brick ranch home boa 3 large bedroom* and a large family room, 2 full b*tk> and a M bath, both dona in ceramic tile. A beautiful .unken living room, apaciona kitchen with built-ins. Custom cupboard, and incandescent lighting in this lovely kitchen. A first floor laundry room for added convenience. Laundry room, kitchen and stairway to full basement have “Mondna Corlou” floors. Hardwood floor* prevail throughout home. Other e 2-car (wage. All artodewa are Inaalated glam with marble (ilia. A solid 1C* e 10x20 rear patio. Gas boat with a furnace with a lifetime warranty. Brim thick h both ceilings and walls pins a power humidifier. All this and m let is yours for only: lake privilege •32,950 Trade the Equity In Your Present Home NOW KAMPSEN REALTY AND BUILDING CO. Over 100 Beautiful Lake Front and Canal Front lots available. Well suited for Bi-Level Homes. All paved streets and utilities. Remember ... yon can trade your present home equity on any of our homes. Como Out Tpday Drive W«*t on Walton BhvL to ClintonviUe Rd. North to Lahn Angelas Rd. Turn right to Lake View Estates. 334-0921 1071 W. HURON • PONTIAC Live In A Builders’ Model.. ... Beautifully Decorated And Landscaped! i THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1966 FALL IS WITH US c—-a AND FOOTBALL IS KING No Other Newspaper Anywhere Carries as Much about High Schools in This Area as THE PONTIAC PRESS For Home Delivery Dial 332-8181 I 0-4 THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1966 Record of Transactions for Week on Stock Market giving ft the week —A— sun Net (hds.1 High Lew L»*t Chg. lot 4 13 12% 17Vk— % 1 277 38? 35% 37%— 1% to iso tote 14% ink—a 60 58 28V. 27 *7-1 AJ Industries Ala Gas 1“ Alberto Culv AlcanAlu .90 Alleg Cp .10* AHeg Opt .60 AHegLud 2.70 A Meg Pw ,1 14 Allenln 1.40a 23 30% 2914 2914- 1 - 9 1014+ . i 2314 2314- 2% AlllsChal .75 AlllsCb pt4.20 AlphaPC .50 33 1514 1414 15%— 4 51 ’4 51 51-1 137 3314 29*4 2914—2 144 2614 2414 2514-147 1214 1114 llH-nS 2114 1914 1914- 1 17 23*4 *214 2214- V 04 2114 1914 20 — 2 *25 72*4 n*4 70 — 2 25 37 3514 3514— 1. 34 4314 4214 4214- 14 20 Most Active Stocks NR WYOR K(AP)—Week's 175 108’* Polaroid 100’* 63% . Salas • 1,070,100 • 751,900 • 652,300 • 613,800 • SITpSOO 443,30 0 421,400 - 397,300 ■ 395,100 377.200 356.200 342,500 . 313,400 Hotel CpAm ■ 55 erdS .! Control Oata . !X Low Lost Chfl. 16% 163/4- VI 332 11V* 1014 232 20 17 HR ■ 66 27’A 26% ?6%- % ' 33H 3494* “% $7 31% 29 29 *- 1? AmBdcst 1.60 1W 63’ ■ 25 gf 1 *iJ6Va— 2’ t pf4.50 Con III PSv CenMePw 5H SH Cfent SW l.w 8% 8% CentSoyo 1.40 30% 31 - n!c«*tSoy» W 3514 35*4- 2H!£erro l.60b 112 \Uz wlcS^tod pi” tiu 14 — 1* CessneA 1.40 , 73*4 73*4 1*4 CFI Stl Bp. 202 4014 38% 40%— AmCyan 1.25 AmDIsI 1.40a AmEIPw 1.32 AmEnka 1.30 AmExp Isbrn 415 33 31*4 3 15 2814 27*4 289 35*4 3314 3 125 321* 31 3 539 8414 4214 441* - AMet pf 4.25 A MetPd 1.40 Am Motors AmNGas 1.00 Am News lb A Optic 1.25b Am Photocpy A Potash 1.50 ' AHesrch .150 \ AmSoAfr II 171* 1714 IT!*-* 177 42 14 57 — 1*1 301* 271* 2714- 21* IS? & 2714 ss=3 133 14 IS 15 - 1* 17 *7*4 24*4 14*4— 84 2414 231* 23%- — 14 . 50*4 50V.-533 30*4 2914 API S Am\Stern AmSugar Am*^T 220 3120 ffl AmWvSks'-S* *♦? ’?* I?’1* l?*-AWWSpI iXS4Plrt lM t 24 »% 23%-% 1 32 22% 21% 211/1—1% a mete* l'40* 71 £% in* in*- n* am» Inc 60 422 50 44*4 4514- 1% i4ff* 911* 17? 17%— 3*1* Chock FN .40 ChrlpCft 1.1 Of Chromel .50 Chrysler 3 Chrysler wd Clnn GE 1.10 ClnGE pt4.75 ClnGE pf 4 Ampex Cp 427 1974 ! > 142- 31* 7PM 4714 48*4- 2% City Stores Clerk Eg 1 Clerk Oil .40 ClevCIlf 2.40a ClevEIIII 1.40 Clev-.NHHM Clav P spl 2 Clevlte 2.10 ciuettPea .*0 Coast $1 Gas CocaCola 1.90 CocaBtlg 1.10 Colg Pal .90 ColgP Pf 3.50 Collin Aik 1.20 Collin Pad .40 2 ColoIntG 1.40 comnd^iAo v g% n% wjbw * Arvlnln 1.20b Ashland Oil 1 AshIOII pf2.40 AssdBrew .40 AssdDG 1.40 Assd Spring 1 AssdTran .80 Assoclny 1.40 Atchison 1.40 Atchis pf .50 AtCItyEI 1.14 All C El pf4 AtICLIna 3a Atl Rich 2.00 AtIRch pf3.75 AtIRch pf3 119 1514 1314 14 -94 201* 20*/4 2014-540 20*4 27 17 1 130 9 014 9 43 2414 2414 26%-110 7914 7914 79*4 30 501* 5614 561*- 11* 75 761*- 21* 1 pf.75k 7214 1* 1514 141* 14 - 7* J** 2*4 2*4- ? 151* 15? 15?- *4 Aurora PI .40 ™;£J3%*13%-2% ARA^Inc T 112^467*^43*4^43*4— 3*4 ■w j nVl 20*/< 20’- 1*4 276 14'a 13V* 13*4-2*4 943 7714 40 4014- IT* —B— 254 32 27V*- 4* BangSug .10a 142 24*4 Bangs pfl.SS^L' uu Barber Oil ..% 19*4-414 .. 26*4 241* 2414—114 50 324* 32 32 — * BauschLb .10 341 BextrLab .24 532 BayukClg .50 43 25*4 25*4 25*4- 7* 24*4 23 23 — 11* BeatFd pf4.50 Beounlt .75 BeckS pf Beckman .50 Becton D .40 Beach Air .10 Beech Crk .2 BeechLS 1.40 BeechLS pf2 Be Ico .50 BeldHem .70 150 75 < 75 75 - 3 | 15*4 121* 13*4-1 J28 321* 281* 3 71* 31*4 30 3 • 3L H l BenF 5pf2.50 Benguet .05e Sest&Co 1*40 BlackDk 1 ' Slaw Kri 1 BUssLau 1 Boeing 1.20 BotseCasc .25 BolseC pfl.40 Bond Sirs 1 BosEdls U6 Bost Me <^P BostMeCp pf Brenlff Air Briggs Sir 2a Brlst My 1.60 BrlstolMy wl BwyHale 1.40 'BklynUG 1.50 Brown Co .40 IwnShrp 1.40 BwnCo pfl .50 BwnShoe 2.10 Champ pf4.50 i Champ S 2.20 ChaseMBk 2 Checker Mot Chemetn 1.50 Chemway .20 Ches Va 1.40 Chet Oh 4 Chesebrou .68 ChlcEasf Ml* Chi Gt West CtilGW in.50 ChlMtl SIP 1 ChIMSPP pfl 31 48 43 43 - 7 7* 7414 7414- 2*4 79 *11* 271* 2714- 31* 513 *4*4 75*4 74 — 014 224 161* 1514 15*4—1 21 3014 30 30*4 ... 114 81* 714 714- 1* 249 141* 15V* 157*-17 299 25 ' 19V* 191*— 5 2772 3574 3314 331*- IV 3 331* 331* 331*- lit | 540 241* 24’4 3 8370 *674 04'4 I ) 903 441* 44<4 4 89 301* 34’4 3414— 11* [280 6214 62V* 627* .... 110 3574 3574 3574+ 74 89 40 30 38 MU 159 16V* 141* 13 321 22’A 20 20 257 7* 7174 73 ColSOOh 1.53 Comb Ena 2 ComICro 1.80 ComCr pf4.50 ComSolv 1.20 ComlSol pf.90 Comw Ed 2 Comw Oil .41 Comsat ConeMill 1.20 Congoleum Clg 1.20a , ___Edit 1.80. ConEdls pf S 242 241* 24V* 247k— * 1232 3214 31 31%+ 1 140 76 76 76 ... 23 34 33V* 331k- 171 44’4 4914 45*4-930 197* 1774 17%—... 754 42V* 34 3414- 514 1243 3214 32 377* 3774- 2Vi Ct Cop pfl.25 "Inf Ins 3 mtMtgl 1.72 _jnt Mot .40 ContOII 2.40a I Date 1977 3514 21 >ta pf2 1 1.20a I 2414 2514 2574-1 CooperTR .00 Copeland lb CoppRng .50b CopwdSfl 1.20 Corn Pd 1.40 CorngOWk 2a Comg pf 3.50 Comg pfn3.50 Coronet .40 Cowles .50 CTS Corp .■ Cudahy Co Cudahy pf » 58 321*“ '-3014 3114- 127 15'A 1314 1314- 1 11 20*4 1914 1914— 0 86 161* 1514. 15W— 1 1 XI08 17*4 15V* •1514- 2 I 380 47V* 41V* 41*4-5 111 53 47*4 48 —5 1 337 3974 36*4 3614-2 ) 1310 01*4 00*4 81*4+ 1*4 > 231 2114 1914 20 -'{111 24 3674 3614 3 40 37*4 33 „ . ... 32 141* 1214 14 + 1% 332 171* 1574 151k-tU 17 31V* 3114 3114+ 39 4274 40*4 41 - 81 30*4 2774 20 - 347 32 277* 21 - —D— wt 35% 3 22 - 1% - 2% im uaycoep .wd 22 82 % D#y pl 1.32 9 18*4 1774 1714— J»jDpL p(A 3 75 3 24 11*4 1014 1074-Bf9B29'4ij295“29 Salat Net (hds.) High Law Last Chg. EastGF 3.19f » IB* 77 77 - 4*4 East S Stl .90 50 1314 13*4 1314— 1* E Kodak 1.60 1274 11114 10514 1077*- 31* EatonYa 1.25 103 25V* 227* 2274- 174 Eaton pf 1.19 25 EchtinMf .48 -tyU EdisBros 1.30 Ed Br pf4.25 EG8.G .20 EI5tondl 1;72 ^ BJ HR! HR 12 41*4 4014 4074- - 3^1 KV* >3 13 — 21* 201 1874 1574 1574- 274 EttraC| 1.60a 27 4874 4374 4 Emhbrt 1.20 EmpDist 1.44 EmpormC .75 175 2474 241* 25*4— 1 x57 4074 37*4 37Va- 2*4 (MO High Law * 214 50V4 4514 I “1 48V* m _______ 443 3574 3114 31*4— Vh HudBay 3.40a 1* 44 41 *1 * ---*-dt ,50b 112 191* 1174 187*- pfA 5 1240 II 80 1074+ Cp .lit 538 474 39* 31*— ptlM 1 337* 3374 3374-. 70 30*4 2114 28VI- 219 141* 14V* 1478— .. 103 44*4 4374 4314—24 X66 39 3774 314— “ pf2.35 y600 414 41 41W-: .. . „ pf2.04 yl20 34 354 34 + mp Cp Am 370 44 44 414r- ndlan Hd .50 75 1574 .174 174- - " " 174 214 171* 1814- 177 304 29 30 + 1 814 414 414+ 190 3574 34 344+ dahoPw 1.40 deal Cam 1 ICenlnd 2.40 ndpIsPL 1.40 nEIMex ,52a ngerRand 2 nlartd Stl 2 ispCop 1.50e ntorchm 1.20 EthylCprp .40 374 2 Eurofnd .30e 57 1 EvansPd .40b 354 1 104 431* 4 —F— 116 347* 3 1. 157* 1514— 34 Fair Hill .15a Fairmont 1 Fa I staff .76 Fam Fin 1.30 Fansteel Mat Far West Fin Fawlck .44b FedderCp .60 FedMog 1.00 FadPac E 67 311* 304 304-2 enestra .25p 10 1478 1 Flrestne 1.30 279 4 Jones*?" Flschbch 1.21 Flintkote 1 Flint pfA4.50 FlorldaStl .80 Fluor Corp FMC Cp .75 FoodFair .90 187* 187*- 7* Jones&L pf 5 1430 887* 864 88*1+ 1 ‘ -gensen 1 76 20 19*4 19*4— Joy *Mfg'5?.25 M6_24*A 221* 23V4-1 (•K— Kplter Al 1 425 304 294 30 — 162 15*4 141* 15 — 1 Foote CB .70 69 1274 1078 114— Foote M .25d 219 19*4 174 171*— FordMot 2.40 1545 424 4014 41*4— Fore Dalr JO 388 174 1574 1574- 174 Fost Whl .50 143 134 1178 1178- 174 Foxboro .10 08 3474 334 3374- 274 ----— ■ “ 34 3674 3474 3474- 14 I 12 1174 1114+ 4 437 35*4 32 3278-24 276 2478 ]4 MgMMN Is ncpf2.37 Is Cem .80 IsC pf2.50 KelsC pfl .37 . KC PL pf3.00 I KC Soulnd 2 KC Sou pf K Kan GE 1.20 KanPwLt .93 KayserRo .60 Keeblar 1.20 Keller Ind 1 ) Kellogg 1.20 Kelsey 1.30 . 1 Fulton In .66t Gam Sko 1.30 GemSk pfl .75 GemSk pfl .40 I 114' 104 1 50 2314 2274 2374- ™ 54 574 574 TUI [ 5 31 304 304 . ) 75 244 2578 26*4+ <4 14 1414 14 14*4— " ) 53 104 174 1774- . I I 130 274 25*4 25*4—24 t 2573 4 1-14 1-14—5*16 1 240 2078 244 264— 24 I 259 30 284 294-‘ " I 1095 19*4 164 17 - ,50a 30 27*4 I ,50b 101 16*4 KlnneyNS .40 ‘UM Kinney pf.70 KLM Airlines Kresge .80 KroehlrMt lb Lab Electron Lac Gas 1.25 .arleBry 1.10 Kc7 GenFinan 1 GenFirepfg . Gen Fds 2.20 1054 41% 39 • 3973 54%. 37% 39’/*—13% > 2447 75% 71% 72%~ 2Va Leeds Nor .50 x40 1 Lehman 1.97e 158 27% 26% 27 - ■ eonardR .40 13 12 11 11-1 OFGIs 2.00a 210 454 434 44 — 1 ibbMcN .39t 208 104 94 94- _lggett8iM 5 86 6914 48 684— 1 L aa&Mv Pf7 Z320 127% 127 127 — LilyTulip ^ || 411 ’ 37% 37’/*— 4Va I El 1.28 1333 41% 38 39%—2 IF pfl.25 1 22 22 22 + I pfBl.30 5 23% 23 23%+ Time .50 217 14% 12% 12%— T Tire .80 604 32% 29 29 —3 Genesc pf4.50 Ga Pacific lb GaPac pfl .64 ' 32% 30% 30%— 20% 20%— 2% Ginn Co .72 mltCS 1. 475 19% 18% 18%— % 28 21% 18 19 — 3“ 123 16% 15% 15%— 1 226 58% 55% 56 - 2 365 47’A 43% 43%—3 59 22 21 21 %— 323 35% 34% 34%-m 23% 22% 22%— 120 17% 16% 16%— GranfWT M ... _ Grant pf 3.75 2710 7 Gt Amina 2.40 x54 5 GtA&P 1.20a 468 7 GtNo Ir 1.40O 49 1 Gt Nor Pap 1 146 | GtNorP pf.40 Gt Nor Ry 3 Gt West Flnl ... PR 19% j 69 24% 23% 3 ireenSh 1.10 23 1 217 38% 37% 37%— 1%ID0I Hod 1 5? 134 134 134- *4! DelPowLt X65 3774 344 364 - “------- 15 37 ' 364 364+ 7* X'79 V »4 564+ 4 106 104 11 10 — 4 75 304 20*4 2114— 2*4 44 214 28 21 - V* U 51- 494 50 - V4 1330 7*4 64 64- % 137 124 12*4 .1214—_ ? Er 1.60 466 244 234 23*4— 174 CO .10 204 144 V3*4 13?- 4 — '■ 1J 30? 10 ‘ 104— V4 Buff For 1 F pf.40 384 31*4 i 254 247*- 4j QrumnAlrc l" *5 44 GuliMO 2.20a Gulf Oil 2.20 1 449 .**, 534 54 —14 GulfSfaUt .10 43 27% 25 25 — 2Vai/?.,|fcij d»qb X347 24*4 224 2314+ 4jg“!,|fj ffiUS , ,344 244 24*4 244^ 24 GulfWnln ,25 1 DeSotoCh .70 DetEdls I d Dal Steal. DeVllbls 1... DlamAlk 1.10 Dlamlntl 1.60 DlanaStr ,10r Dlttaphon .10 Dlabold .40b DIGiorglo SO DlnersCI .50b Disney .40b Olsl Seag 1 DlvcoWy 1,20 DrPepper .90 DodgeMf 1.60 DomaMn .80a OomFd 1.71a Donnelley Doug Alrc 1 DoverCorp 242 13*4 T14 117k- 14 74 74— 4 25*4 254- 264 264-. i wmm ».20*4 207*— 6*4 Dresslnd 3425 754 60? 624—144iDrexelE i.w HP 35 224 214 214- W Dreyfus M 5vB CO .50 X195 23 214 22 - 4 j Duf/y _Mott 1 • r> Duke Pw 1.20 —*Hb— Dunhlll ,40 x74 354 33 34 - 4 Duplan Corp 208 34 24 274— 4 duPont 3.75* 78 234 22*4 224— 14 duPont pf4.50 288 94 84 87*- 4; duPont pf3.50 355 3S*/i 29 294- 5 242 23 194 207*— 241 Dq J-JJPg-'O X329 264 244 254 , to? 38 204 19 19*4- 14 'gwiLt 4p* 2 id. V.1/.X lA.Dq 3.75pfl.87 Dura Cp .10* DWG Clpar Burroughs 1 < Calgon .1 140 33 314 1313 38 334 .... . 31 26 234 24 —18* 344 57 54*4 544+ 2 135 214 184 19*4—2 310 25 224 224— 2V. 28 294 244 264-214 283 134 124 124- 1 68 204 194 197k- 1 34 374 344 37 — < CalumH 1.21 CampRL .4! ■ camp Soup Can Dry 1 .. CaDry pf4.25 7300 CanSou Ry 3 x100 Cdn Brew .40 7 CdrtPac 215* >09 Canal Rd .90 4 — -- — Canteen JO 217 224 W* 197*- 24 Cap C Bdes? 118 M4 » » - 24 4B%— 3% Carey Ph 1.60 Carntle .90 __ns „„ i9%+ x7 72 69% 69%— % 121 28% 27% 27%— % Z10 39% 39% 39%+ % Z60 , 37% 37 37 17 36% 35% 36%+ 16 11% 11% 11%.. 246 15% 13% 13%-1% m 11% 9% 9%— 2% 3 16% 14% 16%-* % --E— ’■ g —H— 7 33% 32% 32%— 1 35 32% 29 30%- 2 136 36 -34% 35 Ik 1.80 I 204 1 i 194 194- 4 --- — - 2*/3 -14 -14 HarbWIk T.80 35 .294 —.. „. HarbWk pf, 4 yB10 125 125 125 Harcourt 1 247 347* 704 704-144 Hardeman 89 2*4 2V* 24— Harris l«f 1 l« 29*4 24 14 - HaracoCp .90 xllO 1774_IB 14 Harshaw 1.20 27 354 33 34 — Hal^AI41.20 X14» 2214 191* 197*- 27* Hat Corp .40 9 8 74 74^. “■ HatCp pf 2.50 XllO 38 37 37 — HewElec 1.08 14 23V* 234 234 .. Haw Tal .88 74 254 24 247*- Hayea 1.40b 30 334 304 304— k 45V* 3 Helmrdi .10g 190 04 ss O&C .30 381 184 i 35 -10V Mias River 1 19 1144 16 144- Md Kan Tex 94 7 54 5 - Mo Pac AS 17 764 754 74 -I M PCam 1.40 41 21 204 204 MoPubS .Hb 23 234 23 23 - MbbilOU 1.40 754 434 404 427*- MofMICO 1 115 144 144 15 - MonardiM 1 29 154 15 154-1 MbnonB 115? 28 114 114 184,.... 950 454 404 404— 54 " 294 184 19 — 4 Htt *>4 304+ Hi ... 23*4 23*4— 14 95 174.......... 94 214 „ — . . . _____ ______ 46 144 114. 224— 14 MoslerSaf .70 15 234 134 234+ 4 . JOM 1)3 924 9fl*—U ...... 90 294 44*4 274— TT 1.12 120 204 20 20 — 4 ____Ind 1J0 X114 27 244 147*-14 Munsing 1.30 .................... MurphSlI MurpO p MFutlS 1 139 244 254 26 - 1 I 564 524 43 —24 I Packers 147 74 44 44— • f Pep l.20a 870 254 234 25 + ■ Pap pf 4 2 774 -77 774+ •PlpeCer 1 111 174 144 M4-» • "ipe pf 5 ’■ •“' ™ “ ’ NatPeriodcl 1 201 i NatStarch .70 ) 554 55 554+ Natomas .25 ... T&T 1.35 553 6 ntT8.T pfB 4 1190 10 ntT&T ptC 4 2100 10 ntT*,T pfD 4 1100 10 ntTST pfE 4 1280 10 ntT T pfF 4 13 10 IIIGE L30 20 264 284 2 JerCPL pf 4 yllO 72 JOhnMan 2.20 194’v474W N Engtl 1.3 NEngTT 2.3 .. YCent 3.12 1138 594 5 NY Hond ,60r 129 354 2 NYStEG 1.70 98 374 3 NY SE Pf3.75 1230 444 4 NlagMP 1.10 419 214 2 NlagM pf5.25 z300 92 9 NiagM pf4.85 z50 84 8 NlagM pf4.10 Z150 72 7 NiagM pf3.90 X130 67 6 NlagM Pf3.6 0x220 634 t NiagM pf3.40 Z730 40 ‘ NiagShr NopcoCh 1 19 364 3514 155 394 314 r 454 4 2 72 1 864 864— 5 34 324 3Z4— 1 S 164 16*4 144— 45 29 274 29 | 214 20*4 204— 1 294 24 24 —, 5 J 244 234 234— l 324 30 30*/*— IV* I 284 274 284+ 11 t 564 514 53 — Oh Ed pf4.44 z20 81 Oh Ed Pf4.40 1350 81 Oh Ed_pf3.90 Z520 70 Okie GE .92 X66 284 Ok GE pf.80 1 15 OklaNGs 1.12 81 184 184 184 . . Opelika 1 itrobesf .60 X100. 884 884 884- 14 1 20*4 204— 4 ox .80 2414 504 38 384-114 1.40 114 484 384 394- IB rt .54 25 23 19*4 21 + 1 2.20 187 544 524 534- Marsh Field 2 Massey F j- 4195 224 194 194- * 154 144 1474— McLouth 1.40 115 '254 23V* 34 — 14 ) 734 72 S74— 1 MercanS 1.40 13 304 304 3 127 724 < Meredith 1 677*— * 71 ' mm... 67 25*4 224 224- IRRfCha pie 154 224 19*4 224+ MesablT .40* 135 12 124 124 ,. MestaM .50* 48 35 324 -324— Hi MGM 1 333 29*4 264 264— 24 Metromad .80 154 204 25 25*4— 24 MetEd pf3.90 Z220 49V ■—■'-*- ■ - I Pf3.85 XlO 41 MidAPIpa .40 81 12 MConfTel .74 « 27 17*4 MidAP pfl.12 ’Mk MidSoUtil .68 Heubleln 1 HewPack .20 385 High Voltage ~ HlltonHot .80 Hlltonln lltt Hobart 1.40a Hoff Electron Hotid Inn .50 Holly Sugar 1 57| 20 144 144- 34 115 154 134 134— 14 76 247* 224 227k— 34 22 584 584 584+ 4 144 11 14 84-34 347 32V* 144 344-44 274 1 -214+ MlahlaG D.9 Mites Lab * Milt Brad MinarCh 1. Minn fint 1 MlnnMM 1.1 • 4 Minn Pw Lt 1 11 2.40 40 714 I ] 214 184 114—1' I 314 294 304- .?• r 114 144 134-14 Leaf Chg? 1 84 — 4 —N— ..n . 80 29 514 4! atcoCp .15* 124 194 14 553 474 414 414- 5 •5 314 354 357*-2 I 424 404 404— 2 204 307*— 1 Aviat 5.681 at Bite IJVkOT at Can JO 143 2-.- —. CashR 1.20b 254 464 59 itettyi. 1.40 15 214 277. _ .. at Olst .140 247 324 304 304— 24 Olst pt.f.25 6 714 774 784+ 4 Dist pf2.25 II 42 41 +14 at Fuel 10 40 28 27 274- 4 at"O*M--.20..343 «* 21* • IMw. V*. NatGyps 2b 329 244 244 247*— 14 NGyp* pf4.50 2100 351 55*/4 ! 1 5274— 24 ! 114- 4. pf 3.75 1 lEI 1.28 1 224 224- 14 2.80 451 4274 ‘ NorCentRy 4 NorlndPS .92 NorNGas 2.20 NoNG pf5.80 114 20*/* 174 177*-I 104 1074 104 .. XlO 934 934 93+ 4 NSPw pf4.10 1120 72 71 ,72 + 1 NSPw pf3.40 Z290 43 62 62*/)— - " op 1 307 224 204 20V<- 1 Vlrl .40 1144 934 784 114-11 7 1.70a 17 39 374 384— 1 IW 1.40 7 244 244 244— 1 1.50 71 30 274 294- 4 1.40 344 514 -24 ■■■■■■374 35■■■HI Mar JO 1354 174 154 154- 2 Outlet Co .45 1 18 144 134 144+ I. OverTran .80 53 134 13 134+ 4 OwensCg 1.40 372 78 704 724— 54 OwantllT 1.35 250 444 404 61 —41' Owens III pt 4 5 144 124 824-1 OxfdMfgA .40 14 114 174 174 .... OxfrdPap .10 402 174 154 14 — 11 —P— PacG El 1.30 403 294 284 284+ 4 PacIntE ,60a m ‘.ar PacPwLl 1 14 _ 124 124— . 572 2514 234 254+ 24 473 874 Ilk- 3134 504 404 404— 94 t 744 62*4 624-114 1 ,80b 22 134 >3 134 ,. 12 204 20 204+ Pennsalt n. Pennslt pf2.50 Pa Co ptf.OST PaGSand 1.40 P* PwLt 1.48 PaPL pf 4.50 I Pa PL pf 4.40 1 Pa RR 2.40 ’ennzoll l.w> PeopDrg 1 ’epGnBot .70 63 114 1 PflzerC 1.20a 254 60 Phelp D 3.40a 441 544 El 1.48 153 304 El pf4.40 y210 82 „ El pf4.30 y120 80 784 784+ 14 El pf3.IO zlO 694 494 494+ " Rdg 1.20 391 404 354 34 PhilMorr PhilMor pt, Phil! Pet 2.20 PhllVaH 2.241 Pillsbury 1.V5 Piper A 1.40a PlfneyB 1.20 Pit Coke .40 PCoke 5pf 5 PCoke pf4.B0 PltForg 1.40a PltPlato 2.40 Pit Steal 21a II4 PitSteel pf A 230 00 PlfStl pf6.88k 2 484 PltWtVa .54* 34 84 iPltYngA pf7 ---------- 250 27 25 244+ 1 — “ 72 74 + l 454 45’*— 14 1 384 334 334-4 1 7714 774 774+ 41 334 304 304—2 184 534 504 514— 1 714 784— 14 X339 244 224 224— 2V 89 484 46 484+ 1 4523 140 1144 110 -20 21 244 234 234- 1 X51 884 144 847*— 1 I 724 71V* 714— PSEG pf4.06 Z110 1 (IchMer 1.30 ItogalPap .00 ijagaTTaxt 1 utter Pfaud 1 Roan Sal J5 * RobertCont 1 RoblnAH .60 ---| GE 1.10 — w j* Rock Md 1.50 RdnmH 1.40 Rohr Cp .00 Ronson .Mb Roper GO 1 RorerWm 1 RoyCCola .40 *toy Out J9e .tubbrmd JO Ruberoid 1.00 Russ Togs .80 RypnAero .2* RyderSys .40 idsj mgh Li 14 74 74- M 27 M4 244- 1 114 44 414 414- 1* . X72 244 244 264+ .4 41 27 MM 254—14 104 M4 284 2174- 1 162 204 >74 174— 24 44 174 164 14V*— 14 X54 194 .104 1*4- 1 (144 324 294 294- 24 51 194 114 1* — 1| 741 344 334 344. .. 28 24 224 224- 11 32 044 334 34 -3 IM 194 254 254- 4*,-18 214 17V* 174- 34 (5 IS 131* 13V*-14 101 21 3*4 274+ 1 12 374 3*4 37 — 1! 14 14V* 144 144 ... 54 344 324 324- 1 ______m 2 91 »1 fl + 1 StRegP 1.40b 307 294 204 284— 4 144| 36 31 344 344— 1 107 52 374 394—124 _____________ 70 234 1*4 204— 34 SaFeOrlll M 111 264 22 224-24 SavamhEP 1 3! 194 19 Schenley 1A0 245 274 25 Safeway St 1 StJosLd 2.40 St JOS LP .94 SLSanFran 2 StLSanF p" SuC rest i 0ft 1b~ Swing lint SymWay Teton Inc .10 160 19% 1* Schering 1 I — 4 84 84- 1 267 46 424 424—1* 104 44 54 14-. * 455 454 42 42 — 34 _ 1024 514 414 424-154 SCM Cp .40b 3951 404 424 444-154 ScottFor* .40 29 324 294 294-24 Saett Paper L- 4». -S-lJ4S*„MJ!br_*' ScottPap pf 4 z60 82 10 80 - SCOttP pf3.40 *46 48 47 48 ScovlllMf 1.20 Scovlll pf3.65 ScrewBIt ,10p 117 274 24V* 24* .too 76 76 7f „ 374 344 3?' lb Fin 1.20 71 204 20 20*. b AL MO 45 144 IS 25 254— 4 .... 154 ISM- 4 154 124 121*—. VallyMh VanRaa Vaederln 1.40 Vdndo Co .50 Victor C .30 VaEIPw Ml VaEtP ef l HPH VAEP pf4.00 XlO 37 854 I ?.».nc ,431 .714 Talady pq.50 " “ 1 32 25 254-44 Texaslnst .60 Tex Oil G .10 443 20 194 194— 712 454 434 434X— -104 134 13 134-4 2877 1024 M 924-104 S3 204 194 194— HI 04 144 134 134— .. 221 54 514 524—14 393 444 404 ThomBett .10 84 374 2 Tlsh Real -70 ToblnPack la 11 144 14 Toled Ed 1.20 X52 334 32 ToledoScala 1 28 184 18 TootRoll .40b 18 12V. 12 Tractfup .50 71 104 94 . - Sears Roe la 740 50** 48 48 - 2 Trane Co JO 4? 404 M4 404 Seeburg .60 403 14 12 124—14 TransWAIr 1 1928 594 514 52 /s Seilonlnc .10* 23 .10 9 94— 4 Trans W Fin -■ M 124 54 54 54- 4 Transam .90b 51 244 25 25 — 14 Transa pf4.50 334 324 30 30 — 24 Transltron 1434 164 104 1 SharonStl .80 124 274 244 24*/*- 34 TranswnP .50 100 124 12 124- 4 .................. ,41 104 404 104- 4 Trl Cont .60* 357 214 204 204— 4 •m R' 41 — *4 i Tricon pf2.50 10 454 ' 36 204 .194; 194— 41 Triangle Cl ‘ (Ms.) High Law Last tlvLiaf pfl ISO 141 144 144 ilvOPd 1.40 405 424 514 524- Hohn Ml XllO 684 43 43M- Is Bldg .60 99 134 124 134- ah PL 1.52 114 304 294 30 - fO Cp M0 II 194 194 194- 1.30 104 25 224 S4—2 25 304 2*4 2*4— IM 2298 324 234 14M-74 22 .284 26 244- 24 1H 224 194 194- 34 134 31 34 M -44 31$ 43M 414 414- 14 VonGroc 1.10 Vomado Inc VSI Com .70 Vulcan Mat 1 "ulcan pf6.25 I 244 SM 224— 2 1 994- 4 —W— WabR pf 4.50 X1S0 754 71 75 ... Wagner El n M 384 344 344-44 WagEl pfl.66 122 30 244 154 ... Wlgreen 1.30 39 344 33 33*4- 4 WalkrH 1.20a 43 244 234 24 + 4 WallMurr .70 142 2»4 194 20 — 44 WaMur pfl 70 2 4? 39 39 —3 WallTler 1.10, 31 3C* 324 324-34 Wlworth Co 127 «k 74 7*-i— 14 Ward Foods 251 124 94 94-24 Ward Fds pf z20 74 734 73V,— 4 WamBro 1.20 71 224 194 204—24 WarBr pfl .50 31 274 254 25’/*- 24 ----r pfl .22 ” ~ " — Warn Sw 1.40 104 30 284 J WarrSD 1.40b 37 414 384 3 WashGas 1.54 x34 294 284 3 WashWat 1.16 75 214 204 3 Waukesha 2 13 33 32 3 WaynKnt 1.40 4 234 224 S_.. H 2 - 4 Weanlnd .27a 120 114 144 164- 24 ]ltt_ 14 Webb Del E 272 24 24 64! WelchSci .4 | WeSCOF ,W 234 224— 4 Wettest Tr, 954 9h£- 34 WP Ppf 4.1 ;Sz Jsi: wstpt peD M 39 314- ,! ’ TRW lH * TRWpfA 4.25 Skll Corp .90 SmlthAO 1.20 SmlthK 1.80a Smuckar .40 Sola Baa ,40b » SooLIn* 2.15* 40 SoCare eg 1 30 SC EG Pf2.50 3 SouJarG 1.40 I SoPRSug .50* Xlll 107 10* 102*/a 102'-*— '/ 49 244 234 23'/*— 1 47 234 224 224— V 479 494 404 494— VI 294 274 274— IPS 1.00 33 154 15 154— IE 1.25 284 34 324 324— ac pf.40 134 74 74 74 W Tank 2.30 109 544 48 48 — 64 Unlshops .40 49 214 184 184— 24 Unit* Sou Ry ' pf 1 Swes, PS .44 Spartan Ind SpartlndA .40 SpartCorp .40 I 154 124 124— 24 10701 214 204 214— 6 SperRd pf4.50 zl20 754 75 75 Square 6 .40 202 194 174 184- 1’* Staley 1.40O 16 35*/* 344 344— 1 StdBranl 1.30 193 294 274 284— 4 StdBrd pf3.50 S4 704 49 704+ 2', StdKolls ,13a 472 204 T44 164— 3’ StOII Cal 2.50 587 594 574 574— 24 StOIIInd 1.70 1422 51 444 47 — 24 634 614 424-^ 4 4 97 StdOil Oh p«4 St Packaging St Pkg pfl .60 Std Press .40 StPrudUn .66 StanWar 1.50 StanWka 1.20 Stanra^ ^.60 ^ StauffCh 1.60 SterchlBr .10 . .. SterlDrug .80 132 374 StorlDr pfl.50 133 50 StovenJP 2.25 17) 43 122 04 74 74— 1 2. 314 31 31—1 54 184 174 174— 97 94 84 9 — 14 204 20 20 — _ 143 344 324 33 — 14 7 1.50b 62 184 174 174— 14 26 144 144 164— " StorerBdcst 1 135 304 284 i 4 134 12 ) 754 7 123 - 383 304 1 —u— 35 184 174 174—f 174 164 144- 4 HH* 24 24 24— 4 42 II 144 14'/*— 34 58 94 14 84— 1 72 314 344 344- 24 _____ r „ 70 394 374 384— 14 WVa Ppf 4.50 ZlO 16 14 14 + 14 ........ ■ 435 42 334 334— 74 420 244 244 244- 14 mmmm n av% 254 24—3 WstnPac 2.2 0 86 334 3, 31 -3 WUnTtl 1.40 305 314 284 29 - 24 Un Of4.40 49 104 794 794- 4 ...IgABk 1.00 232 304.284 204 —14 WestgEI 1.40 1088 464 424 43 - 24 Waslt pf3.se ii n u 7s -l ha Weyberg 1 Weyerhr 1 Wheelg Stbc. NHW Wheel Stl pf 15 S Whirl Cp 1.40 172 * 272 2 i 224 1 - 14 WhlteC Pf2.75 WhiteCon pf2 White M 1.8 C White Sir lb WlcketCorp 1 Wilson Co 2 i»4.25 i 414—11 13885 4 5-32 5-32—3-16 JnArtlst .25# 449 25** 214 214— 34 Unit Carr 1 118 214 19'/* 194— " UnltCorp .40* 155 04 14 04 .. UnitElastlc 1 25 204 204 204+ 4 UEICoal 1.80 19 494 484 484— || Un EngSF 1 60 16 154 154— Unit Fin Cal 60 54 54 54— Un Fruit .55* 1124 344 30 304— UGasCp 1.70 388 434 39 394— UnGImp 1.08 26 194 19 19*—1 UGreenf 1.60 30 394 364 364— Unit Ihrfusf 389 17 . 174 124*— ■ pf.42 138 TO .84 _IV>- 14 WiscPSvc .1 Wometco . ’ 154 154-24 Unit M 1.20 241 9 Nuclear 545 154 124 12'/,— 24 TOT Pk Min 100 24 1’a 14— 15 — 1 27 20 19 19V4— 14 . 34 25*4 23V* 2]*/*- IV* WoOlworth 1 470 20V* 20 20 — M Worthing 1.20 430 27V* 23V4 23V4—3 dends in the foregoing t extra dividends or payments not dtslg-nated as regular ar* identified .In the following footnotes. a—Also extra or oxtras. b—Annual ■ate plus stock divldand. c—Liquidating Jividend. d—Declared or paid In 1945 plus stock dividend, a—Declared or paid to far this yaar. f—Payable In stock during 1945, estimated cash valu* on ox-divl-dend or ex-distrlbutlon date, g—Paid las? year, h—Declared or paid attar stock dividend or split up. k—Declared er no action taken at last divldand ir r—Declared or peid In 1944 olui dividend, t—Paid I v—With warrant*, w ..... bankruptcy or recolvorehlp or eing reorganized under the Bankruptcy ct, or securltiee assumed by such com-anles. fn—Foreign issue sublect to In-irest equalization tax. WEEKLY N Y 8TOC K SALES American Stocks f YORK (AP) — Following i Aorolet JOa 87 av* 19V* $0*A—w AlaxMagneth -10g 25 11V* 10V* 10Vfc-lM AmPetrot A .40* 73 IV* 7V* 714—J* ArkLaGas MO 97 *4u 33% 33V*—T 2*/* 2 V*—7-14 IVk IVk— V* 114 IV*- V* ; 91k 9 91-16+1-14 NEA N I Fd New Horlx RP Noreast Inv On* William St lOppenhelm Fd Penn Sq Peoples" Sac Phlla Fd Pin* Street • Provident Fd Pwltan Fund .00 14.00 16.0S •72 12.72 13134 .32 11.32 20.55 II 1511 15.00 .56 7J4 0.48 »8 ,1.88 12.43 10J7 10.50 1 S’* SV*— M Dreyfus Fund 10 to EatonAH Bel 1 13Vk 13Vk— IV*I EatonAH Stk 1 1SV* 18%— Ik Employ Grp ■SPIliiPiH__________1 32% 32Vk— V* Energy Fd PuRman 2.80 , 208; 45*4 41% 42 — 31 PurexCp ,48b 287 14*4 13V, 13*4— V Purax pf 1.35 1 24*4 34% 24%— Vl 18 54% 33% 3314— 1% fidelity Cap ~ ’Fidelity Fund b SI IV* Pueblo Su .40 QuakOa, 2.20 .. ■ QuakOats pf6 Z40118 11114 11114+ V4 ''"—St* 1.40 24 M% 35*4 36%— 2V* —R— RCA .80 2485 42M 36% 36*4-514 RCA pf 1.S0 2 7"' 86 “-*—>nP 1.20 130 4 I 24V* 2414— k% Rayette .41 Raym lnti .40 Raygniar mo j Raytheon .00 Reading 2 RedOwT S RalchCh ,20a X3772 53*4 41% 41V*— 102 15% 11% 131%— 23 14V* 12% 12V*— 102 14% 11% 13 — 76 14% 1374 14 — 31 25*4 24V* 24*4— . 72 27% 23% 2414— 2% 144 11V* 10% 10%— . | 14 13V* |BV*I— ,33 21% 18% 18%— V Fd 4.45 6.21 6.21 4.43 „'nv“,1 11.22 10.74 10.74 11.52 Olsl Sh 11.07 11.03 11,03 11.14 R*P Tech 13.82 13.51 13.51 14.00 “-* 21.32 20.72 20.72 21.72 11.21 10.70 10.70 11.54 11.88 11.44 11.44 12.18 >3.38 12.74 12.74 13.85 16.47 16.00 16.00 16.88 n 24J4 23.24 Mj$ “ ** n» CO 8.03 7.75 4J7 4JI 4J1 e , 5.08 4.87 4.87 d Grth 7.16 6.73 4.73 7Jff k F0 8.46 8.14 8.14 8J$ h 5.48 $.32 5.32 SJ4 4.35 437 417 437 6.85 4.74 4 7 4 7J8 11.08 10.55 10.n 1M1 31V* I 33 V*— 2V* Reverie 1 Revlon' 1.3u Revlon pfl RexChn 1.20a Rexall 30b Raxalt pfl / aiv an a __________ ... Reyn Met .75' 754 43% 38% 38Vk—.3% ReyM pt4.50 ““ '-■’** “■ “■ ReyM PI2.37 - * 437 35% 34% 34V*— 7 71 H 70 + .1 128 23% 31 Il%—2 202 18% 14% 14V*—2V* 12.58 12.34 12.36 12.73 I.W 8.88 8.88 8.0 17.88 1728 17.28 }8J 12.43 1l!» 11.52 13.7 22.47 21.73 21.73 ».M 4.51 4.26 4.21 4.41 13.73,13.40 13-40 13.73 Scudder Funds: Balanced Com Stk Inti Inv Special Sec Equity Selected Amer Shrehl Tr B01 8.78 is »:.a 12.21 10.86 lo!94 12ll 16.40 14.20 14.20 14.1, 10 45 10.24 10.24*10.47 T2.47 12.15 12.15 12.48 24 37 25.03 25.03 27. Ifeln Roe Funds: Balance 1 Stock ;•« >* 35 18.35 19.14 Yelavlsn Elect Temp Oth Can Texas Fund % 1 Income Fd Bet Ind Trend IneABenk Stk Fd Rdyn fob 2 ReyT pf 1.60.. RhOOmM 1.20 Rhelngold 20 11.55 fl22 11.32 7.84 7.34 -724 .... 10.44 8.9S 0.95 10.72 Inveetori Group Fui Mutual (he unde: 10.28 10.1! 1022 10.55 1121 17.75 17.71 18.21 HDRPmiPH 9 54 9.55 8JO 8.54 Wisconsin Fd Science toll Fd Can , '*!u* Line Funds: Atlas Cp wt Barnes Eng Braz Lt Pw 1 Brit Pet .43* Cempb Chib 407 5% 415-16 415-14-5-14 Can So Pet S07 2S-14 1% 2 +1-14 .Cdn Javelin 718 6% 4V* 5V*-1% Cinerama 121 3% 3% 3%— % fi ■ 341 22V* 20% 20V*—1 H8 IV* 1% 1%— V* 32% 30V* 30%—1% iw 0V* 6% 4%—i% Equity Cp .101 311 3% 3 3 — % Ev*? ^P11* 334 2 8-i162 5-14 2%—3-14 Oil .15g 44 c7% 4% 6V*— % Fly Tiger .1248 1238 3SV* 27% $0 -10% Gulf Am Ld 25 HoernerWald .02 3 Hycon Mfg Mackey AI McCrory \ Mead Johr 19 VA 2 W 2%— H I 317 22% 20% 30V*—1% 0* 33 3% 3% U 224 43% 37 8% 4% 6%—2% Syntox Cp".40 3205° 73% 50% J8%-13%, Technicol .40 xd300 1% 7% 7V*-1 Un -Control .20 500 4% 4%* 4%— % Copyriflhted by Th* Associated Free* 1844 WEEKLY AMERICAN STOCK (ALEI Totel for week ........ ........ 10,545,077 iT, .... 10,150,730 ... 571,003,233 .... 342,08424$ WEEKLY AMERICAN BOND SALES Total for weak .... $3,001,000 5Sf5SF.S3S Spec, Sit Vanguard Fd Varied Indus? Wall St Invest Mayor Rises to the Occasion HURST, Tex. UP) - When a >*-” 3f2 >?•?!new drugstore was opened here with pomp and ceremony Rus-i sell Johnson, mayor of Hurst, Ig rose to the occasion — in a « J;g helicopter. 12.57' 12.41 12.41 12.4 .4.23 177 5.77 IJ 12.08 I1JS IMS 122 14.14 5.41 15.41 14.4 He snipped the ribbon with giant eight-foot shears attached to the hovering whirly-bird in which he was riding. U.S., Britain Differ in Advertising UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. W — With tile present advertising methods practiced in England and the United States, neither country could sell anything to the general public in the other, according to a recent study made at Pennsylvania State University. In the United States, the study showed a penchant for connecting a product name with a number or formula, for using language which puts effect before grammatical correctness, and for preferring what works rather than what happens to be proper. In British “adverts,” the language remains precise and the IDnstrations, atthongh artistic, often are irrelevant. Ads are technical In language, aimed at the father, and a reader is sometimes hard-pressed to find out what is being sold, according to toe study. ★ ★ ★ U.S. advertising, the analysis decided, is largely geared to the mother and her teen-aged suburban daughter. Rremen'sTools toBe Exhibited The Waterford Township Fire Department will stage an exhibit at Pontiac Mall Monday through Saturday in commemoration of National Fire Prevention Week. On exhibit will be a resusci-tator, three types of fire extinguishers used in stores and homes, and a fire track. ★ ★ ★ Photographs of Waterford Township and other fire pictures also will be on display. Township firemen will be at the Mall afternoons and nights next week to answer questions and explain the use of the equipment Rare Parrot Rediscovered SYDNEY, Australia (AP)-A rare parrot, believed to have been extinct, has been reported rediscovered on Cape York Peninsula, the pointed tip at the north of Australia. ★ ★ ★ An expedition from the bird-lovers’ Gould League reported it had found the bird, the Paradise Parrot, but was keeping the location secret for. fear bird trappers would move in. The red and blue Paradise Parrot is about 13 inches long, and nests to termite mpunds. The Gould League sighting was the first in more than 30 years. Dem Club Holds 'Fall Fling' Today The White Lake Township Democratic Club holds its third annual “Fall Fling” dance today at the Alpine Valley Ski Lodge, 6775 E. Highland, beginning at 9 p.m Music will be provided by the Cass Milton Orchestra. Tickets can be purchased at the door. 'Grave' Error Is Committed PHOENIX, Ariz. (AP)-A Los Angeles man arriving here aboard a private plane radioed the Sky Harbor tower to give them his arrival time and added the request: “Have a Hertz waiting.” When his plane landed he found, not the rental car he was expecting, but a long black hearse. News in Brief Robert J. Walters, 23, of 2220 Klingsensmith reported to police last night that he was robbed at knifepoint of $150 by five men who jumped into his car at Wide iTack Drive and Orchard Lake and forced him to drive to Beaudette Park. The |heft of a television set and $25 in cash was reported yesterday by Edward Smith, 34, of 256 Harrison, following a break-in at his home. *Rummage sale: Tuesday Oct 11, 9:30-11:30, 570 Oakland. / —Adv. THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1988 'Viet Not Point ot LBJ Visit' WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) -r “Viet Nam is not the reason behind President Johnson’s visit to New Zealand Oct 19-20,” Presidential Press Secretary Bill Moyers said today. * ★ ★ adtog a 15-man advance party to arrange for the President's Visit, Moyers' told Wellington newsmen: / * There tnll be a full across-the-board mscussion an all issues. The Torthcoming visit will give the„ President and N e Zealand’s prime minister, Keith J. Jolypake, a chance to dia all the things on the minds of both men. However it is unlikely Viet Nam will be discussed by the President. After all, Johnson and Jolypake am both going to Manilafor ihatpurpose." ★ ★ * Moyers predicted the President’s visit to New Zealand will be nostalgic. Johnson served as a Naval officer in the South Pacific during World War II. ‘It will be the most ambitious trip any American president has made to the Pacific and it will certainly be a very busy one,” Moyers said. c-r Ox Roast Sunday for Optimist Clubs The third annual ox roast, sponsored by Optimist clubs of Waterford Township, will be held 2 to 7 p. m. tomorrow at the Community Activities Building, 5640 Williams Lake. ★ ★ ★ Tickets for the complete beef dinner can be purchased at the door. ★ ★ ★ All proceeds from the ox roast will go to the Optimists’ youth fund and CAI. Although we tend to think of volcanoes as destructive, they have proved beneficial over the centuries by forming great plains, adding rich nutrients to to the soil and bringing up valuable minerals from depths to where they could be mined. Death Notices AUSLANDER, OCTOBER 6, 1964, GERTRUCE. 114 South Sheridan,' Vassar; formerly Mrs. Lewi* McDonald of Pontiac; age 78; beloved wife of Newton Auslander; dear mother of Mr*. E. A. Bradshaw; also survived by two grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Funeral service will be held Monday, October 10, at 2 p.m. at Atkins Funeral Home, Vassar. Interment In Vassar Cemetery. Mrs. Newton (Cora) Bennett, and Mr. Joseph Abernathy; dear brother of Alfred W., Willard N., Perry, end Sgt. Horace P. Bennett. Funeral service will be held Monday, October 10 at 3 p.m. at Coats Funeral Home. Interment In Perry Mount Perk Cemetery. Daryl will lie in stats at the funeral home after 7 p.m. this evening. BOELTER, OCTOBER 5, 1966, PAUL %, 406 Starlit* Lane, Port Charlotte, Florida, formerly of Pontiac; age 72; beloved husband of Martha Boeder; dear father of Leroy Boeder and Mrs. Charlotte McClellan; dear brother of Arthur, Albin and Roy Boeder; also survived by six grandchildren. Funeral service wilt be held Monday, October 10, at 1:30 pm. at the Sparks-Grlffln Funeral Home. In? ferment In Oakland Hills Memorial Gardens. Mr. Boeder will lie In stale after 7 p.m. today at the funeral home.________________• Lake Township; age 75; beloved husband of Mildred Brace; dear father of Mrs. William Galiet; dear brother of Mrs. Richard Beavens; also survived by four grandchlt- _____ Black Funeral Home, Union Lake Road, Union Lake. Interment In Oakvlew Cemetery, Royal Oak. Mr. Brace will lie in state at the funeral home. HAMLETT, OCTOBER 7, 1966, ED-GAR STEWART, 6432 Elmwood Street, Drayton Plains; age 10; dear uncle of Mrs. June Hargraves and Mrs. Paul Graves. Funeral service will be held Monday, October 10, at 1 p.m. at Hiintoon-Funeral Home with Reverend Schnleder officiating. Interment iln Drayton Plains Cemetery. Mr. Hamlet! will lie In stale at the funefal home. MILLER, OCTOBER 7, 1966, JOHN TIMOTHY, 5863 Dixie Highway, Waterford; age 86; dear father of Kenneth S. and Samuel J. Miller, also survived by two grandchildren and one great-grandchild. Funeral service will be held . Monday, October 10, at 1 p.m. at Coats Funeral Home with Reverend Robert Wlnne officiating. Interment In Lakeview Cemetery, Clarkston. Mr. Miller will lie In state at the funeral home after 7 p.m. today. (Suggested visiting hours 3 to I and 7 to »■)_______________■ STIVERS, OCTOBER 4, 1966, RO*-ERT, 1575 Maplewood, Sylvan Lake; age 61; beloved husband of Evelyn R. Stivers; dear brother of Miss Nannie Todd, Earl and William J. Stivers, Mrs. Basal* R-Roman and Mr*. Lula Harrod. Funeral sendee will be held Monday, Odpber 10, at 1 p.m. at the C, J. Godhart Funeral Home, Keego Harbor. Interment In White Chapel Memorial Gardens, Troy. Mr. Stivers will lie In stele et the funeral home. (Suggested visiting hours 3 to 5 and f to 9) TUNlil, OCYObEr 7,’ w*Oast: TAON, 41S Bloomfield Avenue; age 77. Funeral service will be held Monday, October 10, at 10 am. at D. E. Pursley Funeral Home with Reverend Leland Lloyd officiating. Interment In Perry Mount Park Cemetery. Mr. Tunlsl will lie In state at the funeral home after 7 p.m. Sunday. (Suggested visiting r - p.m.) Trice; dear sister ofGaorg* Funeral service win be fednasdey, October 12, at)1 v Tupelo, Mississippi. Inter-n Mullen Cemetery, Tupelo, Mol 832-8181 Pontiac Prast Want Ads FOR FAST ACTON NOTICE TO ASMMTMOM AM RKIIVED BY 0 PM. Ads Is 9 _.... the day of publication after the first kwerrton. When cancellations are mad* be sure te get F<"KILL NUMBER.** Na Sj Closing time for ments^cpntalnlng larger than regular Is « o'clock noon t IN LOVING MEMORY OF MY dear father Sargey Rosin who passed eway 5 years ego Oct. 9. Sadly missed by Daughter Mary IN LOVING MEMORY OF WAR-ren H. Anders who passed eway a year ago Oct. 7,19*5; . Time turns eway the edge of grief But memory turns back every leaf. Sadly missed by Mother, Myrtle Anders. IN LOVING MEMORY OF mV beloved Father, Sargey Roebi, who passed away Oct. 9,1941. You are not forgotten Dad, Dear, As long as life and memory last, I shall rsm*mber Thee. Sadly missed by daughter, Sonya. IN LOVING MEMORY OF Pauline Ross who passed away II years ago October 8. IN LOVING MEMORY OF i husband, Sargey Rosin, who pa: away, Oct. 9, INI. Have grown fragrant flowers enemon^"^-^' To bloom all I Announcements ANNOUNCING ANOTHER DEBT AID INC. office, 718 Rlker Building, branch of Detroit's well known Debt Aid, Inc. to serve the Pontiac Community. GET OUT OF DEBT — AVOID GARNISHMENTS, BANKRUPTCY REPOSSESSIONS, BAD CREDIT AND HARASSMENT. We have helped end saved thousands of people with credit problems. Let us consolidate your debts i appoint NO CH4 ..........I....j Frt, Sat. 9-5 FE 2-0181 (BONDED AND LICENSED) Dr._______________________ ACID INDIGESTION? PAINFUL gas? Get new PH-5 tablets. Fast as liquids. Only 98c. Simms Bros. "AVON CALLING"—^R^RVICR " T. B. COFFEE BREAK Independence Twp. Holl OCT. 9, 5 O'CLOCK All Enthusiastic C.B.'ers Invited FREE CAKE . AT I N 4 crafts, Mon., Tues., Wed. Eve., McConnell School FE 2-5767. _________________ HAYRJOE PARTIES FOR GROUPS. Phone 335-6343 or )-887-5444. Open Sunday 2-5 P.M. Bloomfield colonial ... 9 rooms and all spacious ... on about 1 acre. Carpeted throughout, 5.bedrooms, Ito baths, 2 car -heated at 85 Barrington (E. of Woodward c block then f WOLCOT 39,900. . Rd. 1 546-3300 BOX REPLIES At 10 a.m. today there j [were replies at The! [Press Office in the fol-j [ lowing boxes: 2, 4, 5, 13, 20, 35, 46, ! t 50, 62, 64, 65, 76, 80, 96, 1 i 98 103 112. COATS FUNERAL HOME DRAYTON PLAINS 6744)461 DONELSON-JOHNS Funeral Home "Designed for Funerals* Huntoon SPARKS-GRIFFIN FUNERAL HOME "Thoughtful Service"_FE 8-9288 Voorhees-Siple A GONZALEZ I MISS YOU, 8 fs734. A FARM VISIT TO UPLAND HILLS FARM Is a delight for the whole family. Rverybody gals fa milk Melly the Cow and how the new baby pigs. See every kind of farm animal on a real fann. Admission and guided lour, 25c. (Ask about Special Bargain Tickets.) Food con- te downtown Detroit. I available. Open SUNDAY! ONLY, 11 a.m. 8 Rd., Adam* Rd. N. h Pontiac Press Want Ads FOR "ACTION" CHATEAU BEAUTY SALON, 4001 Hatchery Rd. Open. Ethel Chep-delalne, owner. 474-3349. Art out of debt ol .. PLANNED BUDGET PROGRAM YOU CAN AFFORD TAILORED TO YOUR INCOME tii MICHIGAN CREDIT COUNSELORS "0*NI (DU NOTICED THE MANY IEIL SOLD MINE" signs on ef- s lately? —_ ■ qualified Is tails of a proper They knew how mpiM screen prospects and arrange sale' effectively. They have oi rent market feels, tee, and a ding ths O'Neil I RAY O'NEIL, REALTOR 1528 Pontiac Lake Rd. OR 4-2222 ON AND AFTER Tl 4, 1966, I Will not .. ____ for any debt* contracted by any other than myself, Robert D. Robertson Jr, 2891 Rlchwood, Pontiac, Mich.________________ ON AND AFTER THIS DATE, OCT. 8th, I will not be responsible for -any debts contracted by any other than myself. Fred, A. Walls, 1484 Joslyn, Pontiac, Mich. DnAND AFTER-THISDATErOCf, 6, 1966, I will not be responsible tor any debts contracted by any SUNOCO CONTEST. NEED BOT- WOULD THE PERSON KNOWN A* FOUND; PUPPY, HUNTING breed. If not claimed will give to good home. OR 3-2396, FOUND — 1 IRISH SETTER, AREA, Drayton Plains. 673-8981. LOST: FEMALE BLACK AND TAN long haired part Colli* dog. Rochester area. FE 5-9290, reward. Lost: irish setter, fEmAlB, 7 years old, Watkins Lake are*. 673-2444.__________________, LOST: LADY'S WHITE GOLD BEN- LOST:6' GREEN CARRIAGE FOR ladder, hoist off baric of truck, Tues. or Wed., north of Pontiac. Reward. FE 8-4545. _________ LOST: MALE, DOG, PART COLLIE, radish brown, answers to Wiggles. Vicinity Waldon Rd., Clarkston; te THE 1964 CIVIL RIGHTS vi A LAW PROHIBITS, WITH % ^CERTAIN EXCEPTIONS. X; I*:DISCRIMINATION BE-X-R*: CAUSE OF SEX. SINCE te te; SOME OCCUPATIONS ARE X te CONSIDERED MORE AT- -X A TRACTIVE TO PERSONS te i-X OF ONE SEX THAN THE X; fcX OTHER, ADVERTISE-:* X.MEHTS ARB PLACED ;X te UNDER THE MALE OR -X te FEMALE COLUMNS FOR $ •X CONVENIENCE OF READ- X; •X ERS. SUCH USTINOS ARE X; NOT INTENDED TO EX- te teCLUDE PERSONS OF-X te EITHER SEX. StetetetetelWteteteteteteteteS Help Wanted Male 6 Colonial - 332-1657. 8 MEN FOR CLARK SERVICE STA-tlon, fell or part time, all shifts available, fee pay. See Al, 799 S. Lapeer Rd.. Lake Orion. 4 WELL DRESSED MEN TO DE-llver advertising materiel. 815 per evening. Car necessary. 625-2648, For factory branch that has steady year around work. No strikes or layoffs. $500 PER MONTH A-1 OPENING FOR EXPERIENCED real estate salesmen, extra benefits for right person. All Inquiries confidential. Contact Warren Stout, 1458 N. Opdyk* Rd, Pontiac, Michigan. Member Multiple Listing service.___________ . ACCOUNTING, SOME EXPERIENCE In Industry. Exc. .opportunity with high class firm, 818,800. Call Jean Moore, 134-2471, Sneillng and Snell-Ing. AIRCRAFT FARTS TRAINEE, t6 start In shipping and receiving. Must be able to type. A.D.I. Beechcraft, Pontiac Municipal Air- astabllshlng a perman-wlth opportunity tor Call Mr. Kurzmann, AMP MECHANIC OR APPRENTICE needed, alrfram experience needed. Apply Barbers Flying Serv-Ice, Pontiac Airport. 67*0384. collect, Mr. Corby, S364074, Detroit. Auto mechanic, experienced with tools, full time. Guarantee and Service Mgr, 223 Main St. 45L6188. Bendix Systems " Division Ann Arbor, Michigan NEEDS: Experienced and Apprentice Machinist * Toolmakers Model Makers Highest rates to those with previous experimental Prototype or Aero-Space industry experience. CALL COLLECT 313/655-7766, EXT. 481 FOR AN INTERVIEW APPOINTMENT Bendix Systems Division AUTO MECHANICS, HELPERS, porters, wrecker drivers, parts men. Keogo Pontiac Seles. Keogo Harbor. AGGRESSIVE RETAIL LUMBER company needs aggressive man to train a* manager. 363-7188. 1246 or 474-2613. ________ A Young man to pump gas. Apply after 3 p.m, 554 Franklin tlCYCLE MESSENGER, 14 OR BERRY DOORS OIVtSION OF THE Stanley Works. Has Immediate opening tor assembly help. Day shift. Company paid hospital Insurance and Iff* Insurance. Vacation pay and retirement plan. Plant expansion In progress. Apply at 2488. f. Lincoln, B1—■—L— BOY OVER 18 FOR DELIVERY, fell time — Apply Peabody's Market — 154 Hunter Blvd. Btrmlng- Bridgeport Operators Special Machine Builders Who wish to Improve their posl- is of automation a: BUILDER’S HELPER, PART TIME. Experience not necessary If yep are willing to work and team. Opening tor several sate* people both male and female who are Interested In mritlng money. Bonus plan --— -dvantages In BATEMAN REALTY CARPENTERS-ROUGH AND I CAR WASHERS. FULL OR PART Drive, East, Pontiac. CONCESSION MANAGER — Apply Pontiac Drive-In Theater or Blue Sky Drlvo-ln after 1 P.M. CONSTRUCTION LABOR. HAVE some knowledge ot block laying and cement work. Bulldori project. Villa Homes, 628-1438._ C00K-SH0RT ORDER Experienced Only Paid IK*, hospitalization, goo working condition*.. Apply In person. Steak A Egg Restaurant. 5395 Dixie Hwy. Waterford._ District Manager NEEDED Immediately To Supervise Newspaperboys Good Car Essential. 40-hour workweek. Usual employee benefits. Apply In person to: ARLO McCULLY CIRCULATION MANAGER THE PONTIAC PRESS COLLEGE GRADUATE ACCOUNTING MAJOR Ascent college graduate with n B.S. degree and business administration with an accounting ma- sumart. Power Company, 38 W. Lewrenc* St, Pontiac, and aqual opportunity employer. 51-hour, week tor ............. _.. greatly* dlo experience. Fisher Carp. 1625 W. Maple Rd, Troy. DISHWASHERS ■ evening shift, full dr part e, best wages and benefits. dependabli portatlon. Ap EXPERIENCED MAN TO WORK IN product and grocery dept., — Apply Peabody's Country Store 3391 Ornwnd Rd. Devlsburg. 817-5200. EXPERIENCED BARTENDER needed, pampas Lounge, 112 E. 3rd St. Roy*i_Oak, Apply"- general oJan UP AND MAIN-tenance men for Used Car Dept. Must have drivers license. Ask for Bud at Jerome Ford, noe***. tors Ford Dealer. OL 1-971). GAS STATION, EXPERIENCED driveway and lubrication man — $2.00 to 12.50 par hour, alto train-aas, *95 per week. Shell Service, Maple and Lahser, Birmingham. GAS STATION ATTENDANTS, PULL or part time, days or afternoons, local references, Sunoco station. !AS STATION ATTENDANT. EX-perlenced, mechanically Inclined. Local references. Full or pari time. Gulf, Telegraph end Maple. GRILL MAN Night shift. Good wages and all benefits. Big Bey Restaurant. Tele------ — Hur— GROOM - EXPERIENCED PRE-ferred, but not necessary, Klent-nec't Riding Academy - 2510 Wll- low Rd. 36WI71.___________ GUARDS. FULL AND PART TIME, SI .45 to 81 AS per hour. W1LLCO city and suburban |ob openings. Mt. Clemens, Utica and Birmingham Included. Bonded Guard Services. 441 East Grand Boulevard, Detroit. LO Ml 52. 10-4 p.m. 6-1*48, I time, PAINT CHEMIST- HEAVY ON FULL LINE QP INDUSTRIAL FINISHES. WE ARB A RAPIDLY GROWING COMPANY, LOCATED AT THE GATEWAY TO MICHIGAN'S __ WATER-WINTER WONDER-LAND. EXCELLENT SCHOOL* AND 1 AND 4 YEAR COLLEGES, EXCELLENT SALARY AND BEJIfFITS, AND OPPORTUNITY FOR MANAGEMENT PAR- --TICIRATION FOR THE RIGHT MAN. SEND RESUME IN STRICT CONFIDENCE TO L. C. BOWERS. VICE-PRESIDENT, SAG-. INAW PAINT MF6. CO, 344 WEST GENESEE AVENUE, SAGINAW, MICHIGAN 41605. HOLD IT Want high pay, guaranteed year around work, profit sharing, retirement plan, group insurance? 60 year old firm has immediate openings for good roofing and siding michanics. Call 332-5231 today! IMMEDIATE OPENINGS for Linemen Installers BUILDING SERVICE MEN AND TRUCK DRIVERS In Detroit end the North — West Sub. Ares. America's soundest industry offers you steady work, new line, year in—year out, NOT JUST IN "BOOM" PERIODS. High School Education Required ENJOY GOOD PAY On-ths -|ob training at f Paid vacation end holldt. Group hoolth and medical Insurance holidays nodical to* Wee plan >r advancement EXPERIENCE NOT NECESSARY But Mechanical or Electrical Background Helpful APPLY IN PERSON. between 8:30 a.m. and 3:00 B> p.m. Monday through Friday et 1365 Cast Avenue, Detroit. Open Saturday, October 1 only For your convanlenc* MICHIGAN BELL An Equal Opportunity Employor Immediate Opening CLASSIFIED Advertising Soles Department for a SALESMAN For Interview Appointment Technicians Bendix Systems Division In Ann Arbor, Mich. Needs ELECTRONICS—Experienced In wiring and manufacture of electrento imlfler with Mil I metal *nd/or ENVIRONMENTAL TEST^-MInlmum 2 years Aero Space experience lh functional testing snd Instrumenting ol eystem* and sub systoms In Thormo/vscuum chambers, vibration, shock, RFI, ate. Coll Collttt 313^65-7766, Ext. 481 For An Intorview Appointment Bendix Systems Div. An Equal Opportunity Employer HUSKY YOUNG MAN, TO SERVICE exchange type water sottonefe, toll time, will train, apply In person. INJECTION MOLDING ROOM Foreman and Mold Set up men needed et new plant In N. Detroit suburb. All new facilities, top salary, bonoflts. Reply Pontiac INSPECTOR FOR METAL STAMP-Ing plant. Write box 22 Pontlee Press stating, eg* and quaflfica- JANITOR Full Urn*. In dry cleaning plan: Apply ln pereon, Gresham Clear ■ ers, 685 Oakland A— JOB HUNTING? VE CAN SOLVE YOUR PROBLEM) Choose y»ur career from over 5,-. 808 current lob Openings. Trained personnel consultants mil arrange Interviews for you to meet , your compensation and |ob obloctfves, “r. M—-— ------------ 2RSON Management Trainee Some restaurant background required. Excellent opportunity. Company baneflts-hospiiallzatlon, paid vacation and pension program. Apply In person to Mr. Michaels, Ellas Bros. Big Boy, Telegraph 8. MACHINISTS—SKILLED --- Work from blueprint... MILLING MACHINE OPERATORS. BORING MILL OPERATORS. CARGILL DETROIT CORP. PHARMACISTS A toe to handle aggressive store, hinge benefits, union Lake Drugs. *050 Coo ley,Lake. EM 3-4)34. POLICE OFFICER village of Wolverine Lake Petto* Dopt. I* taking applications tor patrolmen, also auxiliary patrolmen. 425 Olengary Rd , Wolfed Lake. PORTER Vacancy In Pontiac. Steady weekly ptychadcs. Company paid fringe benefits Including family medical coverage. Apply In person, Mr. Knabel, NCR, 2S75 W. Grand Blvd., Detroit, Mich. An Equal Opportunity Employor. PORTER WANTED FOR USED CAE lot. Must have driver's lictns*. Steady employment, Blue Cross. Many benefits. SUBURBAN OLDS, Used Cara, 635 S, Wood- , NEW AND USED CARS, ■LENT PAY Pl*“ S FURNISHED. ENCE PREFERRED NECESSARY. APPLY IN PERSON ONLY. MONICATTI, CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH SALES, 4825 AUBURN RD. AT RYAN RD., UTICA. REAL ESTATE SALESMEN High volume sales office needs 1 -full-time .men—Training- progrem, drew, bonus plan. Vsluat Realty, FE 4-3531. Ask for Bob Devls, Real Estate Salesman MANAGEMENT CALIBER, YOUNG msn Interested In restaurant tutor*. Apply In person. Burger Chef r, u*. n m m n-— WAN FOR OFFICE WORK. SEND history Including work, age, education, pay and family to Pontlee Permanent position, benefits. Ths Ganglsr Corp. MACHINE HAND, FIRST CLASS, 58 hour week, top wages, benefits. Apply Gentry Machine R*» builders, 689-2220.____________ I. Christie. OA 8-3957. NATIONAL CONCERN REQUIRES 2 installation man or carpenters with trucks for full time work in the Pontiac area. Cell De------- - J. Belvert, 532-2043. NIGHT WATCHMAN, DOWNTOWN office building. Must bt abl* to walk routes. Rsply to Pontiac OFFSET STRIPPER AND CAMERA msn — ■ experienced Meek and whits and color. Day or night shift, full time, no lay off. Bone- Richmond 468-7422. 6NE EXPERIENCED I Paint setup men. experi- Mr. Martin. Norfh- — _____________1 Plastics. 1955 Sts- phenson Hwy., nsar 15 Mil*. PARTS M..... EXPERIENCED. Frenchy's Diesel Service 5675 Auburn Rtf., Utica 789 S. Woodward, Pontlee. kETIRED MAN, KEEP YOUR SO-dal security, work pert time in modern coin laundry. Cell efter 3 p.m., FE 2-3994. ROUTE /MAN TO SERVICE WATER SOFTENERS. SALARY AND VACATION BENEFITS. STEADY EMPLOYMENT FOR RELIABLE MAN. APPLY IN PERSON. WAT- ' ROUTE MAN 21-34,-married, capable of heavy work, chauffeur's license. Company ' fringe benefits Ihcluds lit* and mtdlctl insurance, two weeks paid vacation, guaranteed xaelary, average earnings $13$ i\wtek. Celt Culllgan Wster Condlllonsr, 92S Orchard Lk., FB 4*944. \_______ ROUTE AND SERVICE MAN FOR vending machines. Salarlsd, position. Pontiac route. Truck furnished. Call tor appointment, Thurs., \Frl. after 6, 427-9555. Set. all day. had sales or public contact axpi ones, ws will train you. Call C McLean, 334-2471, Shelling i SERVICE STATION ATTENDANT. For those who moat our physical n qulremonts — vision 28-20. Min mum height 5'6", various shtfl Ral i parson, Johnson Ava. and GRAND TRUNK WESTERS Railroad An Equal Opportunity Employar STOCK CLERK, THURSDAY, FRI-day, Sat., 333-7668. Mrs. Tanntr. Romeo, Michigan ’ Test Engineers I grounds In Romeo has Immediate opening rs. Some previous tost axporlsnco help Test Drivers > needed for temporary lobe; no experience headed but ;li g record and ago 21 to 48. CALL-WRITE-or SEE Mr. A. Weschler PL 2-3516 PL 2-351 MICHIGAN PROVING GROUND 4305 Mack Rd. (14 Mil* Rd.), Romeo An Equal Opportunity Employer Join the Leader in the Medium Priced Field of the Auto Industry APPLY NOW FOR: Production Work (No Experience Necessary) ALSO. QUALIFIED JOURNEYMEN FOR TOOL & DIE WORK OR MAINTENANCE JOBS IN PLANT ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS All of th« GM Employ* benefit programs will accrue as you enjoy top earnings with a winning team. MAICE APPLICATION AT OUR EMPLOYMENT OFFICE Pontiac Motor Division GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION Pontiac, Michigan GENERAL MOTORS IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER c—• i I f ■oy WoUd Mol* 4 SURFACE grinder WITH PRO-gretotvq dte detail axpartenc* — Steady k* working SMour waak. Tap rate! Ma benefit*, day amt. FMhar Caro. IMS W. Map la Rd„ ■ Tr°Y- ■ ' SOMEONE TO PUMP CAS, mate or female, standard Station, Or- MWSieottteK’ ** SEWAGE PLANT OPERATORS SEE HERE Wa need help. Goad eatery, tont-flte. age 21 to 35v Mgh school graduate, must have car. General Public Loan. FE 3-71(1. CITY OF PONTIAC Salary $6240-07220 High school or trada graduates. Experienced In oparattoq or maln-tenanca on pumps, compreMOrs, chemical feeders. Apply penonnel Dapt.. City Hall, 450 Wide Track Drive East. THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8, I960 Production Workers (No Experience Necessary) - ALSO - Qualified Journeyman Electricians Millwrights ' T^joI Makers Pipe Fitters All of the GM employ* benefit program* will accrue as you enjoy top earnings with a winning team. , MAKE APPLICATION AT OUR EMPLOYMENT OFFICE 8:( A.M. to 4 P.M..... Monday thru Friday FISHER BODY DIVISION 900 BALDWIN AVE. 'ISHER BODY IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER STANDARD Olt SERVICE OUTLET has op#nlng Mr driveway sale*-men. Earn 8500 per month and up. Paid vacation. No Sunday! or bon-daya. Call EL 7-4743 «r fl|M| Salesmen We Need The Best Because We Pay The Best If you are a salesman, Experienced ini TV-STEREO FURNITURE APPLIANCES You owe it to yourself to coma in and let us show you how you can earn from $8,000 to $12,000 a year or more. Apply daily at personnel department, between 8:30 am. and 9.00 p.m. Montgomery Ward PONTIAC MALL TROY PLASTIC PLANT NEEDS vacuum form machlna opt for afternoon and midnight > No axperlenco necessary. Exc fringe benelfts, Call Mre. ( Help WooHd MeIe TOOL MAKER Machine Bldr. Jig-N-Fixture Journey Men EIRL WANTED (Mint ba experienced with phone answering and aama machines. Apply In parson Cast Heating and Cooling 500 S. Telegraph Rd. Pontiac. eiRLif TIME IS SHORT, I Christmas toys and |SH fra ■ having a toy party. Call Edna. FE Atoll. JERED INDUSTRIES ' 9299 Ax tel I Tray. M' GIRLS WANTED FOR SPOT weLD-tog. Universal welded Products, 42 W. StolWetd, Pontiac 3324039. GROOM — EXPERIENCED PRE-ferred, but not necessary. Klent-nar'a RMnjT^Acadamy — 25*0 WELDERS (ARC) AND FITTERS Skilled Machine Hands HOUSE :R, COMPANION FOR ■Mato , Live In. Mstof---- 4-0073. Welders (Arc) APPLY IN PERSON REMKE INC. moo GROESBECK HWY. ROSEVILLE_____ iry. Sat Hospt- IMMEOIATE OPENINGS FOR RN„ L.P.N.'t ward Clark, eurglcal technician full or part time ahlft and weaktnd differential. Sea Mre. In-dish, Avon Cantor Hospital, Rochee-ler 451*301._____________________________ rain — 474*355.” YOUNG MEN 10-25 years old only Work PM. ' S Evenings a Week Earn S80-SI20 Weekly 92 year old company Call beforo 12 noon - 644-0292 Kelp Wanted Female 7 TRUCK DRIVERS. FOR INSTALLA work, also laborers, A P p I Crete Step Co. 6497 M59.______________ AND Aluminum Bldg. Items e*^j ALUMINUM ' SIDING INSTALLED by "Superior" — your authorized Kaiser dealer. FE 4-3177. Architectural Drawing PLANS PRAWN _ 363-0500__________ RESIDENTIAL DESIGN, WORKING CE ME NT; PATIOS, DRIVEWAYS, Basements. Reas. UL 2-4213.___ CEMENT WORK OF ALL KINDS. Specie! Fall Price. OR * drawings. 073-109. Asphalt Paving ____________________________4123* ASPHALT SEAL COATING appllad by sealing machlna. 2 (fear guarantee. References. FE t- ' ftRIviwAY SPECIAL I ST. Guaranteed no waiting. Cell now. Free estimate. FE 5-4980. Marking lots, tennis courts’, driveways. Reliable Contractors* Inc. 393.2423.______________ CEMENT FLOORS FOR PAR-TICULAR PEOPLE. BERT __COMMINS.FE 8-0245. MASONARY REPAIRS OF ALL kinds — 338-3207 efterSp.m. PATIOS. DRIVES, GARAGE SLABS. 10c sq.- ft. FE 4-2074, days._ Ceramic. Tiling IRAMIC TILE INSTALLED. FREE Est. ASH Sales. MA 5-1001 5-1501, Dressmaking, Tailoring Brick A Mock Service Brickwork, new and repair. Spaciallza In firaplacts. 483-5905, call anytime., Custom fireplaces, brick; block and stona, 1 yr. guarantee. FE 5-4470.___________________ v Fireplace, brick veneering, \ block work and repairs. Hartland Building Modernization 2-CAR\pARAGE, t aluminum siding, roofing. No down paymant. G & M Construition Co. M N. Saginaw _______ FE 2-1211 ANY TYPE OF REMODELING Fair prices. 17 years experience! All work guaranteed In writing. BIG BEAR CONSTRUCTION-JERRY 739 N. Perry ________FE 3-7833 Residential Hornet and Modernization — 334-7940. ■CARPENTRY AND REMODELING ____________OL 1-2255 Complete modernization, ad-ditlent, etc. Earl Kllna, Bldr. OR 3-1926 Days. Or 3-3112 Eves. foNCRETE POURED BASEMENTS and footings, garages, breezeways. Mite, carpentry work. FE 4-6162. HOUSE OF TRADES • present home In- ANDERSON-GILFORD, II 2 Rlker Bldg. FI ___Eves. 6*3-09<0 or FE 4-51 Carpentry bathrooms my specialty. State !(j earned.-Rea*. 6SM64I-1- ! v-tjifl fARPENTIR CONTRACTER, rough or trim. 087-5747 or 6*3-3357. Carpentry, new and repair. Free estimates. 335*981. Interior f i i mi SH, I Years < paneling, FE 2-1235. _________ - ’ Carpet Cleaning CARPET SHAMPOOING IN Y O U I Comoat Work ALL TYPES OF CEMENT WORK, Jblock work. OR 4-3M7. BLOCK AND CEMENT WORK 332-1507 , Brick block cement work. years rtf. FE 14046. igeiPMettf j I Painting and Decorating Interesting work, 12 to 9, GRINNELL'S, Pontiac Mill. 1 TYPIST - RECEPTIONIST with general office experience pre- italing ag< DAY BARMAID,' UMBMMMto" "879._ MON ...... Walton Blvd. BABY SITTER WANTED! . ... ._ year old after school, Commerco Elementary. Call batween 4 and 0 p.m. 363-2474.__ BABY SITTER DEPENDABLE, *25 ... ----- Kaago Harbor area. 603- BABY SITTER WANTED FOR small child, days In paranta home. 3601 Creoki Rd., Inquire after |;30 aby 11vtT er! days! OWN fransp., Drey Ion Plaint | | |4— ‘ - - 6744237. Cement and Block Work Guinn's Construction Co. Eves. FE 5-9122 Eavestroughlng AAA ALUMINUM GUTTERS MSS GUTTER CO. COMPLETE eavestroughlng servlet, free est Plastering Service Plumbing CONDRA'S PLUMBING—HEATING- Rental Equipment BROWNIES HARDWARE FLOOR SANDERS — POLISHERS WALLPAPER STEAMERS RUG CLEANER — POWER SAWS 52 Joslyn Open Sun. FE 44105 Electrical Services QUALITY ROOFING. BONDED MA-terlal. Free estimate. Reasonable. FE 8-0754.__________________________ Excavating B6145. WM CONTRACTING EltfGINEERS INC. 330-7170. EXCAVATING, GRAD-ING, EARTH MOVING, TREE REMOVAL.________ GENERAL E X C A V A T IN G -trucking, dozing, back hoe, dreg Cliff Howard Excevatlng Co. 73-2932. Fencing Floor Sanding Floor Tiling CERAMIC, VINYL, ASPHALT, stalled. Yours or mine. All wi guerenteed, 6734496. BABY SITTER. 3 F |FE 04106. ‘ * °*IOr* BABY SITTER NIGHTS. ' -aniportatton. FE 54067. BABY SITTER. STAY OR GO. $25 week. Birmingham. 11:45-2, Piano Tuning (BY SITTER IN MY HOME _____CALL 673-5037 AFTER 4 __ BAKERY" SALESWOMAN, FUL 60111. BEAUTY OPERATOR WHO WOULD following or help CASHIER. PART TIME. DAYS 4-9 pm. Excellent working conditions, Union Scale. Arnolds, Square Like and Woodward. CASHIER" With restaurant1 experience terred. Night shift. Big Boy taurant._Telegraph and Huron. Competent cleaning lac permanent, Thurs. and Frll per day if satisfactory, ret. M qulrad, own transp. Bloomfield area, 5 miles from Pontiac N. Adams. 6464216 after^ 4 pjn. 6 u'nTe r saleslady, f Septic Tank Bldg. SEPTIC TANKS, DRAIN AND field-work. FE 6-9005. Tree Trimming Service SL TREE TRIMMING, REMOVA Fm estimate. FE 5-4449, 6/4-351 DAVE'S TREE SERVICE erhoval, trimming cabling avlly filling, welling, land clearing andscaplng and drolgn. 602-0791 673-2130 __ _ 641141* REE TRIMMING AND REMOVAL. Reasonable. 334-0066. . VILL TRIM AND REMOVE ANY size trle._ F E 2-2885 after 4:30. Trucking -A MERION BLUE SOD, PICKUP or delivered, UL 24643 or 620-3000. k-1 MERION BLUE SOD. SODDING, •eedlng and grading. No money down. Breeca Landscaping, FE 2-0141 Or FE 5-3302._____________ k-1 MERION BLUE SOD, TOP soil, sand gravel, del,_3304201. i-| COMPLETE LANDSCAPTn'G, specializing In broken concrete retaining walls or concrets sold by load, FE 04314. J ,_H .Waltman. MERION BLUE SOD Finest quality pqat par yd. * U ,_. ............. 15 cents ■ yd. -delivered. Andi Co. Imtoy City. Phone 72 ____ YARD GRADING, DISCING AND plowing—OR 3-1509. TALBOTT LUMBER Glase service, wood or alumlr Building a >25 Oakland MR1II.-. Call 602-2094 fo polntment. Light hauling aarvl HAULING AND RUBBISH. NAME your prlca. Any lima. FB 34095. LIGHT MOVING, TRASH HAULED garages cleaned. 674-1242. FE 5-3004 LIGHT AND HEAVY TRUCKING, ubbtsh, fill dirt, grading and grav-il and front-end loading. FE 1-0603. TRUCK HAULING, LAWN. GARAGE, basement cle»nlng UL 2-5060. Truck Rental Trucks to Rent Vfc-Ton Pickups m-Ton Stoko TRUCKS — TRACTORS ANO EQUIPMENT Dump Trbckt — Seml-Tralleri Pontiac Farm anu Industrial Tractor Co. 125 S. WOODWARD i 4-0461 Fe 4-1441 Open Dally Including Sunday pf; Wall Cleaner* BLOOMFIELD WALL CLEANERS, cleaned, Reas. Satisfaction lead. Insured, Ft 1-1631. Moving and Storags SMITH MOVINO CO. Painting and Decorating WEDDINO INVITATIONS --------importation, F 602-7925 afar 4:30. WOMAN TO CAREFOR < WOMAN FOR DIVERSIFIED OF-f ice work, must to able to type end do simple bookkeeping end to able have own transp. and be able to WOMAN FOR DETAILED CLERI-cal work, typing required. Write giving age, education, family status, jab and pay experience to KEY PUNCH OPERATOR 1 year experience tor local Installation. Day iltlft. Include Salary history and mlnlnpqRi-iMMBMMt starting salary. Submit 4.. to Pontiac Press Box No. 37. LADIES YOUNG WOMAN TO ASSIST MANAGER local branch of coast to coast chain organization. Age to-to. Experience not necessary, must to able to converse Intelligently and satWHad with 0100 par Must to able to start work Immediately. Rapid advancement to those accepted — we train you at our exptose. CAR FURNISHED MR. GAFFNEY Between 9 _ ~ --— LIGHT FACTORY WORK. DRILL prose, topping and tight I" work. All shifts. Experience quired. Call Miss Jones for polntment. LI 24425. YOUNG WOMAN TO ASSIST MANAGER i local branch of coast to coast chain organization. Age 11-31. Experience not nocossary, must to able to converse Intelligently and satisfied with 6100 per week to start. Must be atoto to start work Immediately. Rapid edvancement to those accepted — we train you LPN Needed for midnight shift as charge Isfylng ern Nursing home In Pontiac, fine opportunity to do a m satisfying typo of nursing. Good salory. Phono Mrs. Ardelean *“ 6096 or 330-3719 after 5 p.m. salary. Please send resun Pontiac Press Box No. 110. 1 A N 1C U R I S T, EXPERIENCED necessary, excluslvt shop. 4“ ___________332-9137 Help Wanted Hl er F. BLOOD DONORS URGENTLY NEEDED Positive........... 17.50 DETROIT BLOOD SERVICE In Pontiac FE 4-9947 Track Dr., W. ______426-2270. __ MATURE WOMAN FOR BAbY-SiT-tlng. Llva In. Call totwtan 3-7 p.m. FE 4-4296. __ MATURE SALES GIRL. ............. dally. Apply momlnga. Dan-istry Shop. 2523 W. Maple, Head Nurses and RN Supervisors and Instructor — contact Semlnola Hills Nursing Horn# at 330-7154. NEAT, EXPERIENCED WAITRESS Switchboard, auditing experience preferred but not necessary, will train. Salary commensurats with ability. WALDRON HOTEL ____________FE 54167__________ ELDER NIGHT CLEAN UP. SOME "—sliding * optional. The Pub. NEAT APPEARING PERSON 15 E, Maple, Birmingham. NEED EXTRA CASH It you have 15 flexible hours weekly (Wft) and need S3* to 350 OR 34565. _ OFFICE' HELP FOR 1 MONTH, full time, then part-time after- HOUSEWORK. MAN OR WOMAN. Thurs. or Frl, Need references and transportation. $15 a day. 13 Mila Rd. end Mlddlebelt. 6364015. IMMEDIATE OPENING FOR REAL estate trainee. Earn while you learn. 095 per week ft) start. Excellent opportunity for promotion. Area's fastest growing real estate company. Men and women call Mr. Corby at YORK REALTY, 01^44343.________ KITCHEN HELP _____OLl-7000 __________ LABORATORY ' TECHNICIAN FOR small hospital, Call Mr. Martin, V FOR NURSES AIDES - ray; benefits. 646-9700. RECEPTIONIST FOR 2 M.D 'Ice, experience preferred, luellflcetlons and references to a off 13 Mile, Lehser, Blr n. 646-0521.___ _ register" now. part T sifting, own transp., gi wage, no fee, college ... i accepted. Oakland Nursing ice Ml 7 3422_ RELIEF WORKER, WOMAN 10 CURB GIRLS For night shift, fop wages, | tips. Apply In person only. Blue Star Drlve-ln. Corner of Pontiac and Opdyke Rd.___ CURB GlRLS I — FuM time. Day or averting shifts — Paid hospitalization, Insurance, vacation and pension plan. Apply Ellas Bros. Big Boy, 20 $. Telegraph at Huron. |1 pfillljj Dining Room Waitresses SALESLADIES, allowanc*, top wagat and tips. 'V P*r TED'S' r WOODWARD AT SQUARE LK^RD DENTAL ASSISTANT For progressiva dental practice. 1 years experlanca. Must to ora. flcient In crown and brldgi cedures, washed field technlqi Instrument passing, 3344911. 6-7207, 4570 Tele- SECRETARY FOR AFTERNOONS. Real Estate office In Waterford. Must have shorthand and typing. OR 3-1295.,___ I Secretaries—Clerk Typists Immediate openings at Oakland Community College, excellent ta^ Oakland Community College, 2480 Opdyke, Bloomfield Hills, Mfch., .... 7 SHIRT PRESS OPERATOR Apply Liberty Cleaners. /Ask I Mr. Mitchell, MI 4-0222.j/ SHIRT FINISHER FOR/tAUNDRY department, new eutomatlc equl ment to work with. JOgg Cleaner 379 E. Pike St, / " STOCK MARKER High school gra'duete, age IS DON'T STAY HOME n have g high paying, “ -i nationally re-Experlanca, Whan y« specta? Kelly— GTrl. 'E:., good aklll, and Initiative M you ntod. AH akllls. Immadlato assignments. KELLY Saginaw 330-0330 ___ equal opportunity tmployer DRUGSTORE CLE R K. EXPERI-anced. Drug and cosmetic. M 44340.__________________ ELDERLY WOMAN TO BABY SI afternoons while mother worki .......... own transpertatlor 052-45 ELEVATOR OPERATOR Applyjtoom 406, Rlker Building fXPERT EXPERIENCED LAU. dress for Mondays and Wednesdays Rtf. ddflnltqly raqwlrad, own. 4474414. - EXPERIENCED;' FOR GENERAL and cooking, live In, no laundry, good wages, own room. Ml 6-1007. Experienced waitress, jobv IXPiRtENCBD B E AUtilT.......... With cllantela. Salary and commission. Shop near Oakland M varsity. FB 1-5052. or avtf FE 2 5020. iXPERIENCED BAR WAITRESS nlghj work, Harbor Bar, 602-0320. FULL TIME DINING ROOM COC tall waitress, days or nights, Sundays or holidays. Apply in p. »on Town S Country Inn, ;/27 S. Telegraph. _ FINAL INSPECTOR years minimum txparlanca small precision parts. Growing camp thy, days, ma fringe benefits, steady empk Clarkston irk. 473-9754 "problem! ___ Birmingham waitress Wanted to work in lounge sihd restaurant. 6 p------- a.rh. For further Informetlon, Mr. Elwell. UL 24410. WAfTRESS. APPLY AT BAUWIANS Restaurant. 600 S. Blvd. E. ____ HR H........... 019 Wood- ward.________ _ ____ WAITRESS. EXPERIENCED. GOOD lob for the right gTrl. t--- to person. Western Drive- !‘a ’waitresses' ___Dixie Hwy. at Sllv WAITRESS WANTED. FULL Tlftil —iployment. Good pay, good bene-i. Apply In person only, Franks P slaurant, Keego Harbor. WAITRESS WANTED. NO EXPERI ence necessary. 5 days a wee) 10 30-1:30. Oft Weekends and Hoi days. Inquire at Wasternar Beet Bullet, 4100 W. Maple Rd. Ingham, Mich. WAifRiSSES-COFFCe (HOF ok loungt. night shift, totototoktorogd WAITRESS, SOME GRILL WORK experience, no Sundaya .cr holidays Mwilt Lunch, f E. Flke. Pontiac. WAITRESSES WHO WANTS TO BE A WAITRESS? Whan you can to a Johnson gli with above average tamings, con plat* training program, plaasar working conditions, tint cllentel. and many other baneflts. Apply In person only, Howard John so ' • Telegraph Rd.. Birmingham._ WAfTRESS NEEDED NIGHTS Sundays, qpply In person, Cooley WAITRESS — BOB'S RESTAURANT Keego Harbor. 81.50 an tour, 483-9857 batoro s - 33S4H98 toiidim ^qr^rlcg2-S dpplidS 1B PERSONALIZED HOM|8^^ T5 Dressmaking g Tailoring 17 EXCAVATING, GRADING, SODDING, TREE TRIMMINO AND RE-MOVAL. 33Wr~ —3334833--: Wm^R^Esta^______* We Need Listings Buyers Gcjlore J. A. TAYLOR AGENCY Reel Estate—Insurance—Building 732 Highland Rd. OR 4-0304 vanlngs Call EM 34037, YORK CtuvElnceiit-NvniEg HIGHLAND MANOR — VACANCY tor gentleman, 635-2355. REST HOME, PRIVATE. *) lent cara. 627-3650. VACANCY FOR A(iED LADY IN Reasonable. 3334m^ 1 Trucking 22 BOB'S VAN SERVICE MOVING AMD STORAGE FREE ESTIMATES ROBERT TOMPKINS EM 3-7030 Painting and Decorating 23 Apartments, Uafandjfcp^ U . LARGE 3 ROOMS AMO PATH, NICE —j clean, private entrance, adults ' . Inquire at 201 Ollvar St. EXPANDING COMPANY NEEDS PROPERTY NOW IN DRAYTON PLAINS, WATERFORD AND SURROUNDING AREAS. PROMPT NO OBLIGATION APPRAISALS. W| SA4ALL I ROOM HOUSE IN. LAKE Orion, compteialy fumlshad, 820 wk„ dep. required. 6934693. WATKINS LAKE -3 BEDROOM, family room, largo living, row* and 3 car garage. Exc. neighborhood. 8170 ma. SISLOCK & KENT 1409 Pontiac State lank BJg^ lUY OUTRIGHT, HU NO WAITING. FOR FURTH-— DETAILS OF OUR JE GUARANTEED e. FE 54571. Rent Houses, UEfumWtod 48 I BEDROOM, GAS HEAT, DEPOSIT required, on Sylvan Lk. In Kaago Harbor, 6C-1315. i ROOM TERRACE, NEWLY DEC------5, carpeted. 0110 aor month. security oepuHi. » i, full towmant, 2. c t, fenced comer lot. Nov. 1, Union Lilia t. Open Sun. Only. 3407 EFFICIENCY -jmpletely and Dequlndre, M lady only. 079-0403. 2 ROOMS, SOBER OLDER NIGHT worker, FE 2-1559. Mornings. RDOMSj FAST FISHER'S. S30 GRIFFIS A SONS PAINTING OR 3.1430) - PAINTING AND PAPERING. YOU 3 ^rrrl Tlhcumb, 6734406. — PAINTING, WALL ROOMS AND BATH, CHILD WEL-come. *25 per week with a $75 deposit. Inquire at 273 Baldwin Ave. CeH 3364054.___________ ROOM APARTMENT AND BAtl Adults only. 75 Clark._______ ROOMS AND BATH, CLOSE T $25 weekly. 693-1030.________ ROOMS PRIVATE, VERY NIC day workers, adult only, F Transportation 4 ROOMS AND BATH, *130. IN Pontiac. Adults. No pets. References and deposit required. Write HEAR OUR PRICE BEFORE YOU ‘•'ce so little for your furniture appliances and what have you. We'll auction H or buy It. B & b Auction OIxtt___________ OR 3-2717 ELP WANTED INEXPERIENCED male and female. Overtime, fringe benefits,.US Tool and Cottar Co. 20975 Orchard Lika Rd 51-9361._ AN AND WOMAN FOR NIGHT (anltorlal work. 2 hours, 7 nights week. Call after 4 P.M., 4244958. _ MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIST RIDERS WANTED (DRIVERS) SAN Antonio, Texas via Chicago, Bloom* Ihgton, Sf. Louis, Oklahoma City. | Leaving on or about Oct. 12, FEif Wanted Household Goods 29 Wanted Miscelluaeous_________30 COPPER, BRASS RADIATORS. BAT terles, radiators, batteries, starters! generators. C. Dixson, DR 3-5*49. BLOOMFIELD HILLS i, attached g dishwasher, maaavciu 1. 386-0292, 356*121, WE basement, dishwasher. 34200. HontRaoms __4t, ROOM FUR9HSHED EC«-Wffl(t<. mce. Can 363-2444. / BEAUTIFUL ROOMS/ . feislonal man, 563 W- j;v. MAN WILL-'SH^JMjJWW' ROOM FOR RENT IN. home. 3634904/ ROOM WITH KITCHENETtE. ‘til per week. /S20 deposit. Gentlemen only. Fp /-l701 attar 6 p.m.' ROOM F0R RENT. KITCHEN Pftl-lleaesTtlderly person. 647-1250. ) NEIGHBORHOOD 2 ROOM .............> only, utilities ,i. required. $30 . Call After ' “ “ *** MODERN, KNOTTY PINE, CON-necting bath, utilities furnished, adults, >110. Oi deposit, 73.Brabb Rd., Stoney/Leke, Oxford, OA 04741. /. ! . ... , OR 3*787. • — -....y - Apartments, Unfurnished 38 WANTED, ANTIQUES AND/QUAL- .. Holly/ 637-5193. y BEDR6oM. NEAR MALL. $125 335-2619. LARGE CARPETED EXECUTIVE Office for rent; Good west side location. Phono Jack Ralph at FE 0-7161._____________ SEVERAL OFFICE SPACE* C furnished. Able a ’ lairs. -UL 2-1169 CHRISTIAN' FAMILY WITH ' small cftlldren v EON PONTiAC'S WEST SIDE __ mo. rent In advance, 674-29)2, YOUNG BUSINESS MAN. FAMILY /desires 2-3 bedroom homo. Good references, ownership care. L. A. Roebke, OR 3-5335._____________ Share Living Quarters 33 J. C. Hayden, Realtor ___34604 10735 Highland Rd. (M59) SHORT ORDER AND FIZZ/ M night shift. Apply/ in person. Dd E NEED 2 SALESMAN OR SALES-r Eliza. tlmi,0nEle&™olux/!CorpUll2397r El bath Lake Road-or call FE 5-611 PRIVATE PHONES AND COOKING. Fireplace. Business men only. 253 H| Ypsiiantl, after 5 - M Sales Help, .Male-Female 8-A FULL-TIME/REAL ESTATE SALESMAN. Experienced preferred—new and usep homes. Top commission paid. /Phone Mr. Wideman ' personal interview. FE 4-4526. f^ju^tTme REAL ESTATE SALESMAN. Get Into tha Exciting fU /commercial properties whera t /BIG commissions are. Call J. Warden at 333-7157 for persor —REAL ESTATE SALESMEN need two conKlontloui sales pi experitnco. Excellent working conditions, Multiple Listing, five building program, and pi grasslva pay schedule. L a Brown, Realtors 5 Bulldars _ FE 2-4010 or FE 4-3544._ SALESMAN bit *al Guarn mants In Pontiac, area. Call W. G. Stanton; Holiday Inn No. 5 Detroit 2704000 frr— - ■•-4'1 * p.m. Sunday; O^Sn^mBIIWIIPI and 7 p.m. until 10 p.m. Monday through Friday,_ Instructions-Schoois 1 INCOME TAX COURSE i desire to laarn Wanted Belli Estate 36 Tfoio HOMES, LOTS, ACREAGE PARCELS, FARMS, BUSINESS PROPERTIES, AND LAND CONTRACTS WARREN STOUT, Realtor 1450 N. Opdyke Rd. FE 5-0165 ty to work with flguret, h 6 R Block will train you. State-Approved Tuition Coursos start October 17, 1966. Your opportunity for higher Incomo. Dey and saam ning dosses. To register, cell Wr"'H. & R. BLOCK Income Tax School of Pontiac 0 E. Huron St. _______334-9225 Work Wanted Male 11 CARPENTRY, PAINTING, HOME ----- -^jltoo lobs. 3324130. m CEMENT AND CARPENTER WORK ^M^MtogaT" 3634)530. Attar ■ CEMENT CONTRACTOR - I Fry Camam and block work 54309. CLEANING JOBS WANTED, H Y DELIVERY, ftAINTINS ___mlSC, 3304570, LIGHT HAULING, HAND DlGGINO, - vn work FB 67346. N*ED CASUAL LABORERS CALL MANPOWER 332-8386 PAINTING-PAPER HANGING caw antr«, eg new M Patch plastering, all kinds. H. Mayors, OR 3-134j. Work Wanted Female 12 I IRONINGS IN MY M 3344683 af llva In. FE 2-5014. •AfPlSo StfcVlCB. WILL PICK UP I. deliver. 447-1960.^-^ ir 5:30 or weekends. WILL SHARE ! 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT, CAR-peted, on lake, Clarkston, MA 5-2576 * Pontiac Daily 'til 8 MULTIPLE LISTING SfSRVICg Any Condition CASH Any Area CASH Any Price Cash Immediate Closing m Bob Davis — Broker 566-S966 er 6264664 ___ 511,624 4784 D 2 BEDROOM NEW, NEAR I. immediate occupencv. Air sound conditioned, disposal, 1 carpeted, stove, refrigerator, III 0 pets. $135-8166 per mo. FE 54585 or 482-2410. BEDROOM UNFUR-nisnea one furnished apartments. 8135-8185, Deposit required. Adults only. FE ‘— -BEDROOM APARTMENTS IN A •’■•jlirl 111 o p | ewe I setting with a breath-taking enchanting view of 100 square miles of countryside, lakes and towns. $200 per month Includes stove, refrigerator, washer-dryer^ carpeting, petlo, bal- i Rd. ■ Rd. end ny day r tr of Marshal. IMS AND -roATf shed, no drtnkln H 10 MINUTES oven it oenind In payments or der foreclosure. Agent. 527-6460, ABSOLUTELY Top prices paid for all types of property and land contracts, -(tod ars waiting. Call now. J. J. J0LL REALTY FE 2-3481 ROOMS ANb BATH. UTILITIES! AMERICAN HERITAGE APART-ments. New 2 bedroom apartment available, all utilities furnished. Including electricity. Carport Included In rent. S165 per month. Frlg- t toning. 673-6927,________________ FIRST FLOOR, 3 AND I Couple, close In,, retorencs 2-7425. UP conditioned, fumlshad. dPIRV furnished. Ample parking. 425-2674. 2383 ORCHARD LAKE ROAD 3O'xlO0‘ divided Into 10 paneled offices, tastefully furnished with executive offices, shopping canter, traffic flow, lease all or part. Excellent for Real Estate, Insurance, Mfg., Rep. Medical I BEDROOM HOME. LARGE COR-ner tot. Lake privileges. 87500. 624-4337 alter 5 p.m. t-FAMILY INCOME ON LAKE OR-ton, brings In $170 ■ month. City water and gas- 812400, 11,500 down 2-BEDR00M FRAME 2,3 ar.d 4 Bedrooms Some with option to buy. Ask oboir our no-down-paymont plan. Pick ui Art Daniels Real Estate Immediate possession 3 OR 4 BEDROOMS. SOME WITH down payment plan. Pick up list af Art Daniels Realty. 7200 E. II Mile. 536-0333 or KE 7-7500. 3-BEDROOM, ENCLOSED PORCH-, W| , acre. 112,900. Land eon-[MU 9-1454. 3 BEDROOMS, LAKE PRIVILEG*! Clarkston . Vlllagt. 117,500. Must sell. Immediate occupancy. 625-7176 or 627-2006. 3-BEDROOM BRICK RANCHER, 2-car garage, West Pontiac Suburban laka front, full prlca, 019,900. Easy to get on land contract. IVk baths, larga landscaped tot. CALL CHESTER McCLAIN, 343-2317 -Northern Cottage — 20 mlnutaa from 20 lakes, hunt, fish, 85,000. Land contract terms. CHESTER McCLAIN - 363-2317 - HACKETT 1 REALTY. 3 BEDROOM BRICK HOME, It* L‘“" w‘" 4‘ wall carpeting, JMC- XA/ith f irwriltorto h u baths, % 334-8787. r, open Sun. from 2 to i fireplace, by CASH Any condition, any area. Cash Im-mtdlately. FE 04115 or 473*590. Jack Vormolt Roofing A siding. EQUITIES WRIGHT 2 Oakland Avo.______FE 2*141 very few steps. Wife has Multiple! Sclerosis. Pay up to 813,000. DORRIS t, SON, REALTORS. 2536 Dixla Hwy. OR 4-0324. ROOM RANCH OR 8UNGA- . ■ LOW IN WATERFORD AREA. CALL AGENT, Irena West, York Realty, OR 4-0363. GI LOOKING FOR 2 OR I BEDROOM HOME IN WATERFORD AREA. CALL HIS AGENT, Rod Campbell, York Realty, DR Mail. VON REALTY GEORGE VONDERHARR, Realtor n the Mall MLS Roam 110 602-5WB H busy 682-5000 > closing. I 424-9S7S! For your equity, va, fha, OR OTHER. FOR QUICK ACTION CALL NOW. HAQSTROM REALTOR, OR 4-0350 OR EVENINGS! 602-Q433.____ _______ • Ing for q homo. If you -art Ing of tolling' why don't ... call ma at . OR 3-2020 or OR 4-2222 and let ma discuss quickly. Ask tor Dorothy gotta.' Ray O'Neil, Realtor .1520 Ppntlee Lk- Rd. OR1 4-2222 or 3-2028 Most Apartment Builders APPEAR to Be Built Alike - and That Is Where YOU Can Be Fooled! The Embassy West personifies beauty that is more than skin deep. Our "Quiet-Loving" tenants enjoy spacious suites and inside luxuries not to be found elsewhere. You'll find all of the desired city comforts have been skillfully blendsd with suburban living at the incomparable Embassy West Apartments. 1- and 2-Bedroom Suites Embassy West Apartments 5379 High,land Rd., Waterford 4% Miles West of Tel-Huron Shopping Center on Highland Rd. (M59) ' 674-0569 Outdoor Private Swimming Pool for Teiianti .1 Sale Hwms THE PONTIAC PREfijl^ SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1966 C—9 3-BEDROOM HOUS1 WITH «A- WP fP. ttIM down on loud PMyjw. MQfi, i Salt Houtts Price $22/9 Term* or Trade. bettn. paneled rec-n With fireplace, walk-car garage. 1)0,000 down ‘^'dther I out MODEL - on Rd _ i bedrooms, t. mu l $16,500 plus lo MU Dixie Highway OR 4-2296 / AFTERS OR S-04S5 FE 4B941 OR S-2391! 4 BEDROOMS ZERO $$$ DOW To qualified. immediate ipotless ranch, hilt uokhwu, gat heat, located In Clarkttan, basket weave fencing,.anxious YORK WE BUY WE TRADE OR 4-0363 OR 44)363 <913 Dixie Hwy., Drayton Plaint Gl NOTHING DOWN Sraem bungalow — Full baseme -/■*■«•* heat - dosing cot only Will move you Into this beaut | BARGAIN North Side beauty — 2-bedroo ^jjsaljy - Newly decorated L tide and out — Carpetings— $300 only moves qualified buyer || WRIGHT REALTY CO. 3M Oakland : Ave.v. . J19U» Cue RENTING $78 Mo. Excluding taxes and Insurance ONLY $10 Deposit WITH APPLICATION 3-BEDROOM HOME GAS HEAT LAKCg pining AREA fILL ACOTPT ALL Mmypi TIONS FROM ANY WORKER! WIDOWS OROIVORCEES. people i OKAY WITH US."' OPEN DAILY.AND SAT. AND SUN. OR COME TO 2M KENNETT NEAR BALDWIN REAL VALUE REALTY for Immediate Action tall FE 5-3676 6264575 FIRST IN VALUE OF FINE HOMES WESTOWN REALTY FE S-Z763 afternoons after y;|Q jj s-7327 large family-style After 7 p.m. cell Clprk Wheaton, FE 4-5254 A. Johnson & Son, Realtors 1704 S. Telegraph FE 4-2533 HERRINGTON HILLS, 3 BEDROOM ranch, carport. Comer lot, fenced. Carpeting, drapes, sir conditioner. By owner, FE 2-2381. i ROOM BRICk, ENCLOSED PORCH, —ge attic, fl—— ling, garage 5’/4 PER CENT MORTGAGE $77 p i. Nice l Eliz- abeth Lake Estates. $12,900 $3,400 down. Columbls Valley Realty. FE M116. Evas. 4*2-0940 - FE 4-S004. ________________________' 4 ROOMS IN CITY, NEEDS WORK, *5,600, $700 down, vacant. FE 5-9575 after * - HIITER -Sharp ..Jth fart..., 2 fireplaces.. Walk-out basement VACANT — This S rooms ant ...... Oak floors. Gas hast. Full basement. ah tor $5,000. 6 PER CENT Land contract forms on this com-fortable 2-bedroom home Watkins Lake. On 2 lame with many fruit trees and a garden space. Full b heat, attached gars— lng distance to i -school. Lake prlvll appointment. ROLFE H. SMITH, Realtor S. Telegraph EVES. FI i repair In painting and redecorating. bargain for someone wit.. _________ cash. Kenneth Hempstead, Realtor. ,FE 4-3204 • 185 Elizabeth Lako Rd. $950 [ I DOWN .H WATERFORD Ranchar 3 bedroom brick wlth_at- C. SCHUETT FE 3-70B8 1200 Dlxla N. of Walton Open y till 9 dally A-A-A BETTER BUY REPOSSESSED FHA AND VA HOMES SHEPARD'S REAL ESTATE ATTENTION new condition. Beautiful treed r.. vale lot. All bullt-lns. Immediate possession. See at 616 Ashburnham off S. Blvd. A real buy. Ci " for appointment. Only $23,500. tha conveniences built-in. CHAPEL HILLS RANCH New, ready tor decorating, basement, on large family i____ lot. Priced at only $29,900. Opon Sat. and Sunday. GREATER BLOOMFIELD Real Estate -4190 Telegraph Rd. Ml 6-6500 AVON TOWNSHIP HOMES TRAD-ad. Nix Realty. OL 1-0221, UL 2-5375______________________ fcRICK TRI-LEVEL, 3 BEDROOM, bullt-lns, 2 Car garage. Commerce area, STOP down. PARK, 3634347. Bloomfield Orchards* FOUR BEDROOM 1V5 BATH ft ACRE ON QUIET COURT SUBDIVISION SCHOOL DETROIT WATER AND SEWERS 2 CAR ATTACHED GARAGE REPAINTED INSIDE AND OUT PRICE $22,500. CALL 335-7790 lY OWNER, 3 BEDROOM BRICK. Recreation room, carpeting, drapes $3000 will handle 4ft pr- — mortgage. FE 5-3217. CLARKST0N New 3 bedroom ranch homo, full basement, fully insulated, family kitchen, large let. Only $15,50" ,,nwE BUILD ON YOUR LOT Y0UNG-BILT HOMES REALLY MEANS BETTER-BILT Russell Young 334-3*30 ~~h W. W— CLARKST0N IN THIS * LARGESS ^BEDROOM brick ji| partitioned recreation, room, basement, breezeway plus 2V- tat Seeped ‘ M, twfl Kg $25,000, land oontraettorm*. Your YORK WE BUY liSE TRAt OR 44)363 OR 44)363 4713 Dixie Hwy., Drayton Plains E. E. SHINN, REALTY d city water: » or 635-2042. FHA REPO's We have aeveral rmotaewlehe In the Pontiac area ttwtwlTr be ter sale Oct. to. 3-bedroom with best-mint, 3 per cent dgwn, 30 years le pay. Can today. DORRIS A SOE, REALTORS MAM iplbTi nuums, UUIP CONTRAS. I, NO CLOSING COSTS. Cell EM i4703. {JAVA E T T REALTY NEEDS YOUR equity, sell or trade WU* eWITY foDAYl cell EM WATERFORD REALTY 4540 Dixie Hwy. 47W2T3 Multiple Listing Service B. C. HIITER, REALTOR.____ ELIZABETH LAKE RD. FE 24)179. AFTER » P.M., FE 2-3573. HOUSlsT HOUSES! ALL NEW 3 BEDROOM RANCHES TRI-LEVELS 4 BEDROOM RANCHES COLONIALS SUBURBAN LIVING 100 FOOT LOTS VILLA HOMES, INC. RED BARN VILLAGE NQ. 1 INDIAN VILLAGE Large 3 bedroom 2 story home. 1V4 baths. 2 car garage, vestltode entrance. Den. Living and dll room. Carpeted. Recreation n In basement. OH heet. Price duced to $17,500 with $4,375 dc $130 / month. Shown by appi men! to qualified buyer. BREWER REAL ESTATE William B. Mitchell, 724 Rlker em&, IMMEDIATE POSSESSION A fine 3 bedroom brick ranch Watkins Hills with full besoms... gas Iwat, attached garage. This Is a very livable home with ft replaces In both 'the pen*1— rec. room and living room, outside patio and large tot rear lawn. Priced at $26,500 worth every penny of It. 1 over existing mortgage and it. . right In. CALL TO SEE IT TODAY. Warden Realty YORK WE BUY WE TRADE OR 44)363 ' OR 44)363 4713 Dixie Hwy., Drayton F' ' LAKE ORION AREA 3 bedroom bungalow, full ment, I rolling acres wl............ stream running through property. Could bt divided. Beautiful for trout pond. Vt mile aft M-24. Only $22,500 on tei TOM REAGAN REAL ESTATE ■ Opdyfce ________3324)154 LAKE ORION AREA Vacant. 3-bad room, nice kitchen, lot I00'xl4j» with chain link tones, shade trees, lake privileges. Hurry on this onel $13,900 with UOOO down, balance land contract. LIKE NEW 3 yaars old. Brick and aluminum ranch, home with full basement end attached 2 car garage on large professionally landscaped yard. Carpeted floors, largo closets including walk-in cedar does* Screened porch. 1W baths, ge heat, lako privileges. $23,000. c. a. websteTCrealtor 692-2291 or 628-2515 MIO, MICH., 3 BEDROOM. FULL bas9ment, 2-car garage, flraptace, bargain for cash, wilt trade. 11510 Irwin Rd.. Armed*. 7644705. MODEL HOME S-roem, 4-bedroom Dutch Colonial. 216 baths, full bettment, large 2- iwaiwia off Lapeer Road In HI-HILL VILLAGE. Bus service to excellent schools, immediate occupancy. Just finished end builder wants to sell. 2 minutes off 1-75 express- "ladd's OF PONTIAC 3885 LAPEER RO. (M25) PONTIAC FE 59291 MODEL OPEN DAILY Located lust south of Twin Leki Golf Course. This beautiful 4-be room brick frllevel can be duplicated on your lot tor only $17,290. Wejhaye a few lo*» available In Huron Dale Sub. starting at $3,000. House features paneled family roam, lVi bathe, 2-car garage and Tappdn range In kitchen, Drive out M59 to Williams Lako Road, MAKE OFFER 7 room custom; i In Bloomfield NEW HOMES inly $450 down. Only $129 ... nonth. Modal on South Commerce id., near Walled Lake. FAMILY TAILORED HOMES - - <144380 "lid DOWN PAY- NORTH END 4 teem ranch located on 2 large shaded toll an quint at. Full basement with large recreation i-- end bsr. Oak floor*, plast walls. 2 bedrooms, fireplace In lng room. 2 car attached gai No dosing costs, only $2900 < and S158 per month. la $79 me. Including taxa IN CLARKST0N Full basement. $17480. Can sums 4Vy per cant Interest. I I. SCHUETT FE 3 7088 5280 Dixie N. of Walton ---------- Daily OPEN SUN., 2-5 3577 MARINER 3 bedroom brick ranch e SiTTIN' PRETTY You'll be-all winter long In this sparkling I bedroom reach with Its radiant hot water heet. Close by lake will provide employment tor young and old. Fenced----- yard, full basement. $11,708 OR 4 Prestige horns on Ottawa Driv with delightful Mediterranean all Soma refurnishing would make thl. home a castle! Four bedrooms with a bath on eoch floor. Finished basement.. Three-car garage. C~“ ^le^ue’rTrTpp, REALTOR A__________FE S-«16l SPECIAL Val-U-Way TO CLOSE ESTATE, LOW DOWN TUCKER REALTY CO. 903 Pontiac State Bank Bklg. 334-1545 gangs. On a large w id tot with lake prlvltes beautiful sen 3 bedroom r fireplace, room, wall . full basement. YORK ■lilt with double glass. 3 h of Oxford on M34. i Ludwig 517-795-5763 OPEN MODEL TUES. WED. AND THORS. 3-4 CLOSED MONDAY AND FRIDAY Anytime by appointment WEST WIND MANOR 1340 S. WILLIAMS IK. RD. NEAR UNION LAKE VILLAGE BRICK WITH ALUM. FAMILY ROOM BEDROOMS IVy BATHS SCAR ATTACHED GARAGE SEE FLANS FOR OTHER MODELS STARTING AT S12.900 WILL BUHjJD ON YOUR LOT J. C'HAYDeITRealtor --- -- 18735 Highland Rd. I 0RT0NVILLE 18 ACRE trm, attractive 3 bedroom full basement, formal dining room, knotty pine kitchen, back porch sun room, small barr property. Only 815,700, land tract terms. Call ment today. YORK WE BUY WE TRADE OR 44)343 OR 44)363 »4713 Dixie Hwy., Drayton OXFORD AREA, 4 BEDROOM, I room housa, garage, gai heat, $14, 580. $5000 down, balance on lam contract. Also 2 bedroom 4 room! and bath, gaa heat, full basement OPEN DAILY 6 TO 9 SAT. AND SUN., 2 TO 6 (Anytime by appointment) 3 Bedroom Tri-Level See This OUTSTANDING VALUl Will duplicate on your lot or ours for $15,600. ALSO 3-BEDROOM, FULL BASEMENT RANCH FLANS WE ACCEPT TRADE-INS PRICED FROM $13,150 J. A. TAYLOR AGENCY Real Estate—Building—Insurance 7732 Highland Road (M59) OR 4-0306 Evaa. Call EM 3-9937 REDECORATED l-ROOM RANCH. * 1—1----ta, 2 baths, flreplaca, garage, large lot. Cake SPECIAL Sharp s bedroom' bungalow. Gas heat. Aluminum storms a n c scrams. Conveniently arranged _______siding and awnbtot. Located on a corner tot In Northern High arm. Priced $10,750. $600 moves you Ini Val-U-Way SYLVAN LAKE Sam Warwick has In Sylvan Lake 3 bedroom, 7Vi battu, custom built brick end atone home. Heavy bt-sulated aluminum windows. Reel plotter. All city conveniences. Lake nrlvlieaea. Can choose paint colors retford $31,000. Open Sun- v 2to 3 p.m. 61 _______ paint ceiirs. M Stratford. S3l>000. Open Sunday 21 5 p.m. 60-2830. SPECIAL 1100 DOWN Quick possession-on a neat 5 room "paner hemp, with knotty pma features. Located In Orr-Plains on an M'xISS' tot. YORK VON SHOP AT THE MALL Be sure to chock our display of homaa In the booth In front of Ted's Restaurant, You'll find, of FHA ahd Gl homes avail nice thedy, only $15,- Colonial In < Thl* t — %£Li 2E rs 3 nice bedliving room, e room*; 21 nice size dining room, run oase-ment with a Recraafien Room, and a nice enclosed reef (torch. Yes, It also has a 2-car garage. You will onloy the Lake Privileges on Sylvan Lake in tha summertime end you will ap- The f i wintertime. Estate FE 3-7ISS Residence 33*-3270. Directions: West on Or-chard Laks Road, Right on Lake- IRWIN walking dls-.... Offers seven including living town, dining room, 3 bedroom*, family room, utility and carport. Prcled at a tow $10,500. WATERFORD RANCHER When you walk through fills on* you will realize the outstanding, value. Throe good-sized ' ' ‘ Nicely decorated « Lovely kitchen, eating EMM wIndowjgCeramU tile bath. Full basement. One and Vi car g* rage. Only 121,600. Be first. Iohn K. Irwin % location. $20,900. Terms. MILTON WEAVER Inc., I In the Village of Rochi 118 W. University_____________ GILES OWNER LEAVING STATE -room ranch built in 1958. Very daan, tile floors, bath, oil heet, 1 ft car garage, paved drive. Price $10,588. Termt. N CITY — Modern 2 story family home. 10 x 12 ft. kitchen — cupboards, gas heet, toll Rochester, Michigan — Beauty i ton with 5 rooms, completely nx ern, air conditioned. inventory time of tale. Building leased ! $155 per month. Celt for furlt Information. Price $12400. GILES REALTY CO. KINZLER EARLY AMERICAN Charm greets you Pt the living room and extends throughout ■ warm feeling. t'elegenf rc lVj baths end luxury reera room with formica bar. Va site with ranch fence and frt with native oaks. Plush carpeting and custom draperies. Batter "to this one soon. Phone Mrs. R well, 625-17U. UNIQUE TRI-LEVEL Exp act to be envied by owning this Impressive | eluded wooded 4 bedroom many extras. Phone Mr. Kreher, FRONT HOME Spacious colonial ranch wltt ♦ertor charm. Center hell pH I spacious rooms. 3 baths walk-out recreation room, all tral alr-conditloned. Plus citing and draperies throughout. Nicely lahdsceped and gentle slope to sate sand beech./Now too large for present owner and priced way below reproduction. Evas, phone 674-2339. JOHN KINZLER, Realtor 5219 Dlxl* Hwy. 674-2235 Across From Packers Store Multiple Listing Service Open STOUTS ’ Best Buys Today LOADED— oil hast, recreation bar, breezeway, lWcar iced lot, lake privileges. urban rai living roo family kl basement, room wltt Sir|yfl|17,C MIXED AREA- 4 bedroom family heme, down, 3 bedrooms and separate dining room, JHMRN with new ge* furnace, glassed front porch, 58x158 tot h-*—— Only $97888 with ZERO do dosing coat* on G.l. terms. NEW LOW PRICE— On thl* largo 4 room brick home near Lincoln Jr. High, nawlv r* modeled with shiny oak fioori ring roor add kitchen. 8UM8 possession. IMMEDIATE— *q8e£ larp 2 bedroom I living d dining Warren Stout Realtor » N. Opdyko Rd. Fh. FE 6-8165 Open Eves TUI ( P.M. Multiple Listing Servlr RHODES MS-FOOT LAKE FRONTAGE with e btautttoTdtotor— Ma | ■tit IMM MRMMNPillNL. pat. fireplace, 4 bedroom*, M baths, largo family room, baseboard hast, 2-car attached garage. $49,000, $29,088 down. LAKE-FRONT HOME. S-story, real larasaiza bedrooms, 114 Bunt-ln bar. Him horn* r awn to be appreciated. E basement, gas heat, good 3-car ga-ra^small barn for harass. Only ELIZABETH LAKE RD. Nice 3-bedroom heme, nlce-slze living room end dining room, 3 bedrooms, m baths, full basement, ga* hast, ga-raga^property fenced. $16,900. $3,- CHOICE^HOMESITES. Some j'lmi c * M? cMtto- ALbIrT j“rH0DES, BROKER FE 34301 233 W. Walton FE 54712 MULTIPLE LASTING SERVICE IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY 5 miles W. of Pontiac Mall kitchen with built-in ran oven — separate dining r carpeted living room — b rec. room — 2 car gar large tot. $14,950, $2500 dowr INVESTORS i considered ■ CLARK RENT-BEATER - $66 MONTHLY INCLUDING TAXES AND INSURANCE. $8,500, toll price. Substantial down-payment required. 5-room modem noma with lake PIONEER HIGHLANDS. Attractive 3-bedroom- bungalow, brick and aluminum exterior, nicely land-scaped lot, lV4-car garage. "~ oak floors, plastered walls, ramie tile bath, toll beaem..... Good condition. Webster School District. Only 84,000, down. Bal- H proper...... . - icrlflco price of 8234 it consisn of TV, beauty,, gri lng cenl* end battier shop* also, 15 x N office end 3 r dtnttel rentals over tM eomrr _. del*. Total grip** over $600 end always ranted. Seme equipment Included. Property insured for $40,- •canlc view -room — 24 : garage $3,000 dc Underwood Reol Estate 25-2611 1465 Dixie Hwy, Clarksh OPEN Sunday 1:30-5:30 P.M. these family tailored homes, i have 2 colonials, 1 ranch and Ipke-front tote available, many o ROOM TO ROAM In this I38’xl30' fenced yau . garden, plenty of trees and shrubs, located in Waterford. Thera are S rooms, toll basement, with a 12'x-23' knotty pine recreation room and 1 '/r-car garage. An exceptionally wall-kept horn*. Trad* lr - Selling for ||6||t^H Salt Homes \ 49 SakNemei 49 Sols Nmsbe 49 ARRO CASH FOR EQUITY-LAND CONTRACT APPROXIMATELY 114 acres on tha water plus 4 bedroom brick Brown Realtors X Builders Since 1939 OPEN SUNOAY 1-5. 3-badroom brick Watted Lake. Includes formal dining room, large family-style GAYLORD VACANT/ Three bedroom brick, paneled breezeway. P4car garage, 200'x 150' fenced tot. Located In Twp. of Waterford close to school and stores. $2,000 down. FE $9681 or MY 2-2821. TWO ACRES with a four-bedroom ranch In excellent condition. It' j living room, spacious dining room with fireplace, built-in oven end range, hardwood floors and plas- living room, roomy kitchen including "Stove, full basement. 2-car attached garage, sun deck at rear of house and many,ex- home. Circular drive, garage, beautiful shade trees. Take a leak end make an otter. Call FE 1-9693 or MV f-3831. play yard, 2V, car garaga, concrete too wall. Mute be aeon to bo appreciated. SPOTLESS 3 bedroom ranch, family size kitchen with beautiful cupboards. gas heat, water softener, drlDee^Bum 1nW‘45arteM^Alton Circle. Out Orchard Lake Rd., right on Pontiac Trail. right on Hollin^worth.^rtgltton Alton^Clr per cent down II OPEN SUNDAY 12-J LAWRENCE W. GAYL0R0 IW. Frtnt Street , Lake Orton, Michigan MY 2-2921 or FE 8969» located on nice comer lot, close tOKhool*. $1X500, FHA or Gl hothing down but closing Lbs Brown, Realtoih 509 Elizabeth Lak* Rd. (Across tram tha Mall) FE 2-4*18 or FE 4-3544 FE 5-8183 COSTS TO Gl — 2-bodroom bungalow on canal Into Cass Lake. Total price, $7,908. 682-2211 LAZENBY SOUTH SIDE Two bedrooms *11 on on* 4M decorated, auto, heet, ' vacant, After 4 Saturday Before 1 Sunday JOYCE MO FIELD 673-2471 Ted McCullough Sr., Realtor! PHONE 682-2211 1 5143 Cast-Ellzabeth Road MLS OPEN DAILY, 9-9 ARE YOU CONSIDERING SELLING-BUYING? ,tf either, why not moke use of Our PERSONALIZED COUNSELING SERVICE. Our small competent sales staff Is at your disposal at almost anytime, to assist you with any real estate problem that you may have. Home to small? — to large? — area not VifEST SUBURBAN Two-bedroom, auto. hoot, completely redecorated. Large lot, carport, located near h(gh school. Vacant. SEMINOLE HILLS Brick tour -bedroom home with two- , car garage. Full dining room, screened porch.^Modernized kttch- , OPEN ! 2-5 SUN. i » 621 FIRST ST. t 3 bedroom bungalow situated on ) corner lot In Northern High area. Has carpeted living room and bed-rooms. Auto heat and hot water. to your liking? — whatever the need, all tt Taka* Is a no' obligation phone call and we'r# at LETS HEAR FROM YOU TODAY? ROY LAZENBY, REALTOR 4626 W. WALTON — OR 4-0301 (1 block E. of Dixie HWy.) Multiple Listing Service far* less^than reproduction costs. Vacant with Immediate possession. Terms to responsible party. EAST SIDE Three-b«droom horn* with brldt front. Gai heat* vacant. FHA Eves.'Call Mr. Castell, FE 2-7271 NICHOL1E & HARGER CO. _ 53W W. Huron St. FE 5-Sltt LAKEVIEW ESTATES LAKE ANGELUS Immediate Occupancy 4 new homes that are the finest homes in the area. We invite you to see them any day, 1 to 7 p.m. See the home you desire, be it Contemporary, Colonial Ranch, French Provincial or New Englander. We have all 4 and are ready to sell. Save on these homes and move in now. Beauty Rite Homes 673-1717 Frushour Struble EQUITY TRADE $i5,qoeT i home: If to 6 per a Call and h rated^and^ really^ nice Ini SEWARD ST. 3 bedroom bungalow ell floor. Nice big living r kitchen. Lots of closets. P HANDY MAN SPECIAL E. Suburban. 3 bedroom bungalow with full basement. Oil her* " nice tots. Priced at $7958 $1008 dgwn $78 e mo. see, a money meker. A large 6 room apartment on 1st floor. 3 room apartment up. Basement, gas hast, 2 car garage. Exc. con-dltlon. Ready to move In. Priced GEORGE IRWIN, REALTOR MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE 298 W. Wilton Eve. FE 2-8503_________FE 3-7883 OPEN 2-5 SUNDAY 2851 BAY DRIVE I DORRIS OPEN OPEN SUNDAY 2 TO 5 P.M. 2509 SYLVAN SHORES DR. AKE FRONT — A luxury home with one of the finest views of Sylvan Lake. This lovely brick contemporary has 3 generous-size and famliy room, overlooks ono of tho loveliest views of the lako. Thera are so many attractive features about this homo tt" you must see them yourself -appreciate the home's comfort and convenience. A partial " •criptlon would Include the : well landscaped tot, built-in o1.... ~ exposed basement Ray O'Neil, Realtor 3520 Pontiac Lake Rd. OR 4-2222 or. 682-3074 ANNETT JUDS0N STREET bedroom .home, toll basemen a hast. Now rented for $75 pt >. Must bo sold to Mttto ostati 900 dn. SEMINOLE HILLS Attractive brick I, frame 3 bee room, ift bath hem*. LR wit., flreplaca, aaparat* DR, largo den or library, modem kitchen with bullMns, breakfast nook on 1st fto6rT 3 bedrooms up. Full basement. 2 nicely landscaped tots, 2 car garage. Owner leaving city, DIXIE HWY.—INDUSTRIAL 273 ft. deep, n« Theater, inclue i. Reduced to 125, ooo, terms. See our dlsplty ad. Open Sunday 2 to 5 p.m., on page A-13. WE WILL TRADE Realtors 28 E. Huron St Office Open Evenings & Sundays 1-4 331-0464 Val-U-Way McConnell School Area Sharp 2 bedroom bungalow with full basement, "^tw ga* furnace. New aluminum aiding. Garage. E" doted front porch. A1 u m 1 n u storms $18,958. Need 4 Bedrooms? Full price a Invited to lr Perry Park. Country sized kitchen with pantry. Gat heat. Aluminum awning*. Spacious living rood wan to wall carpeting: Nicely ■ scaped tot. Require* Only $1300 Off Kennett Completely redecorated 3 bedroom bungalow with toll basement. Get heef. Storms end screens. Large kitchen and dining era*. Full price $12,250. $500 move* you In. List With Ue-We Sell a Home Every 24 Hours R. J. (DICK) VALUET REALTOR FE 4-3531 carpeting, aluminum storms screens, gat forced air heet. - -car attached garage with paved drive. Very nice home In axe CLARKSTON AREA SUNDAY 1-5 TRADE AND MOVE TOMORROW In this Immaculate 3 bedroom h|W| ranch homo located In one c beat neighborhoods the Clarkston school era* has to offer, completely repainted Inside and out plus 4 rooms and holl of now tow urlout carpeting, famliy style I en. with complete bullt-lns, — floors throughout, full basement, breezeway attaching the - ------ JUST TWO OF YOU? k parted doll house — 1 large master bedroom, 1 smaller used -den. Lerge 14'x24' living Nice carpeting and drapes. garage. Extras Include bullt-li. .... Tty, outdoor lamp post, new roof and siding. 3 rooms wire' O'NEIL CLARKSTON AREA Priced raducod to this sharp 3-badroom b ful Comer lot, landscaped to JM led ion. Wat $2X908, save $U00. Cell for on appointment todayl Us* your existing homo as dr-payment. No. IDEAL FOR A GROWING FAMILY Want plenty of room tor gari and play area tor tho klddi... Looking for a real sharp 3-bedroom home with separate dining room, largo edlvity room for a growing family? 3-ear garage? with fireplace, separata din room, full basement, garagt Quiet trea-ahadad atrael. Prlu_ to soil quickly at 815,988. No. 2-38 LOOKING FOR A HOME IN ROCHESTER? Then took no further because when you too this now listing of 1 ours, you'll know at one* - this sharp, sharp home, y is carpeted throughout, haa ly birch kitchen, tiled ball car garage all on a large a tot, le lust what you've looking for. And, aurprtal ... N't priced at only $14,500. Call to tee It TODAYI No. 1-3* SILVER LAKE AREA A family of 3 or 4 would fin thl* cine bungalow a perfec home tor veers to come. There'. 2 nlce-slze bedrooms, aaparat* dining room. Sin Dww—^ iwtaM y. 812,9! ily landscaped I hborhood near ! rant, It would coal you $90 per month, but the owner wants It told, you can buy It tor only $70 per month Including t— —■1 Insurance and keep the ...JPtoH per month tor yourself. Any qualified veteran la eligible to purchase It with no down p i of Pontiac. 1 MODELS YOUR CHOICE - RANCH - COLONIAL - TRILEVEL $16,150, PLUS LOT Drive out M*7 (Huron St.) to ... port Rood, torn right, 1ft miles OPEN DAILY, 2 ft 4 OPEN (UN RAY O'NEIL, REALTOR 3520 PONTIAC LAKE RD. OPEN 9-9 OR 4-2222 MLS OR-------------- outstanding I 16x26 with sliding glass first floor famliy massive fireplace-------_ door wall to anchor fenced yard. Go out either Sashabaw M-15 to Weldon Rd., turn so on Cramlane, right on Snow Apple to 6230 Snow Apple. OFFICE OPEN SUNDAY 1-4 CALL FOR INFORMATION OR 4-8324 standing Norman brick fireplace, this Is but on* of tha amazing sales features In this rambling brick ranch home n ontlng on Sliver Lake Golf Course, 2 full ceramic tiled baths, 3 nice bedrooms, car- LIVE IN A GARDEN, maaslva a chor fenced corner tot 100x2 loaded with thad* e J — II constructed w h 111 ?0?90(P** * DORRIS t SON, REALTORS__ 2536 Dixie Hwy. 6744324 MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE OPEN SUNDAY 1 TO 6 PRESTIGE BI-LEVEL Beautiful lake view Marble foyer with powder vanity. Living room with studio colling, stone flreplaca, 3 spacious bedrooms, large wardrobe closets. Kitchen with built-in oven and range, dishwasher, Formica cabinets. 2 ceramic tile baths with vanity. Large paneled recreation room with barbecue. Largo deck over 2-car heated garage. Gas hot water heat. Incinerator. Sunken petto. Lako privileges. Immediate possession, SEE ITTODAYI DIRECTIONS: DIXIE HIGHWAY to 6000 WATERFORD MILL TERRACE. rage. QUICK POSSESSION. Smith & Wideman REALTORS 334-4526 412 W. HURON ST. AFTER 5, CALL 6S2-1474 MILLER OPEN SUNDAY 3 TO 5 IICK RANCH ws living roor with built-om with V gl ico. IVh cei_ _ . ... sement, gas heat, attached 2-car iraa«. ini, nw( and ready f" iton. Dixie to I Walton: right .. left to Baacham; right to modal. I OPEN SUNDAY 2 TO 5 FOX BAY DRIVE BRICK RANCH. New and never lived to. 3 bedrooms, family room with tlrenla extra large kitchen with buttt-i 1ft ceramic baths, full baseme... and attached 2-car garage. $29,580 with term*. Elizabeth U‘ * street watt of William* ___ (Parry Blvd.): right to Fox Bay Dr.: left to 1245. Lise Bergstrom, earaamg, ;j ______ kitchen, U remit baths. Large .well lend* "Buzz" BMMM SUNDAY 2-5 P.M, OPEN 2645 PINTO DRIVE .AY GOLF any > course lust im. thls charrr I Manor S I minutes from Oakland Community College. Area of all new homes, Immediate possession, as owner Is transferrad. Reasonably priced with terms. Your hostess — Peggy Cadllac. Commerce Rd. to Pinto, lust past Union Lake Rd., right to property. Watch tor Open sign. OPEN 235 STARR MUCH DESIRED Pioneer Highlands. Real sharp aluminum-tided Cap* Cod: 2 bedrooms with unfinished upstairs for possible third bedroom. Beautiful new carpeting, screened rear porch, lota of extras and ivy-car garage. Priced to sell To- rn mortgage «...^ ............. possession: better b* first. Your host — Herb Stroly. Voorhais west of Telegraph 5 blocks to Sterr, loft to property. OPEN 4861 FENM0RE ALUMINUM RANCHER: Closa-In suburban location with lako privileges on Crescent Lak*. Built In 1941 and real nice. 2 bedrooms with extra nice kitchen and built-in snack bar. Car-petlng and bedroom suite in-.........r furniture may bo duced for Immediate sale. Sub-, stanfial down payment required. Your hostess Mar|. O'Brten. Elizabeth Lake Rd. to Fenmoro, right to property. SOLD 388 BAY STREET ONLY $450 DOWN, plu$ doting costs to qualified buyer. Extra sharp 3-badroom brick ranchor, full basement and 2-car garage. Large corner ’ lot, blacktop streets, all city conveniences end walking distance to schools. F.H.-A. approved and the price Crain. Mt. stone, ^rigl Clemons to Feather-to Bay, right to In Harrington Hills OPEN 2927 ST. JUDE JAYNO HEIGHTS where. * baths and family ........... fireplace. Lota of bullt-lns, outeld* patio tnd 2-car garage with lake privileges on Loon Lake. Owners have purchased farm and will sail a? .tha right price for quick salt. Lots of custom features and extras. Your host — Max Maxim. Dlxla Hwy. to Silvor Lako Rd.. right to Walton, I* lo Shawnao, With rustic rail fane* and plenty of nice traos. Priced to toll Today so bring your checkbook. OPEN 2614 MARIE CIRCLE SPACIOUS l-room sprawling ranchar With Xcar garage. Largo ground-leval famliy room field Twp. with lake privileges on Upper Long Lak*. A prestige area and priced much Im* than you would expect. Your host — Grady Smith. Middle Belt to Square Lako Rdl, loft to McCIIntock, right to Mario Clrcla. OPEN 2261 SILVER LAKE RD. SILVER LAKE prlvllago* with this nlc* 3-bedroom, full basement and atta'chad garage. Close-In suburban low tax srda yet still In Pontiac School District. Fenced yard, wall-to-wall carpeting, and bast of all "no mortgage coats" lust assume present mortgage with approx. $2,750 down and $15 par month Including taxes and Insurance. Your hostess — i Frlteh. OPEN 967 SUNNYBEACH BLVD. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION on this almost new brick ranchor In -;,Twin Lakes. Sellers are transferred and must sail. Beautifully landscaped and , loaded with extras and bullt-lns Including electric garage door opener. Largo family room, nicoly carpeted and complete In avary detail. Priced considerably under actual cost. You cannot afford to build after you see this. Close-In area of all new hornet. Drive out Sunday end find yourself a BARGAIN. Your hostess — Isobel Hamilton. M-59 to Sunnyboaclt, left to property. NEW MODELS BEAUTIFULLY furnished and landscaped for' your Inspection. A typo and price range to suit every pocketbook, Everything you could wish for with built-in quality that la easy to s*a. OPEN SAT. and SUN. 1-5 p.m. and DAILY 4:20-6:38 P,m. Dixit Hwy. to Sashabaw, right to Walton, right to Bateman f < ■, to Vodeis In Laka Oakland Shorts. YOU CAN TRADE No. 52-LAKE FRONT No. 51-FHA TERMS $450 DOWN, plut closing coate on this' well-kept 3-badroom c rancher. Rtc. room atom No. 40—D0NELS0N PARK AREA QUICK POSSESSION—Excoltent 3-bedroom brick with basement and 2ft-car garagt. Wall-landscaped lot on nice quiet street dose to St. Benedict's Church and school. This la an Ideal family horn* In a choice location. Price reduced tor quick telo. Now lull $17,508 to don't wait. Make your appointment •cut. Living ri it fireplace on tort and nicely _____ 4 Real Buy at S17,1 _ . hack thl* on* Todayl No. 45—G.l. SPECIAL * JUST CLOSING COSTS move* you into thl* 7-room lake front at Laka Orion. 3 bedroom* with largo paneled living room with cut-stone fireplace overlooking lake, n* baths, 2-car garagt plus full basement. Owners have built new home and must sell, it's ‘Bargain priced end the monthly payments Ilk* rant, but you mutt have GOOD CREDIT. BATEMAN FE 8-7161 RBoltor and MLS OL 1-8518 377 S. TslBgraph Rd. 730 S. Rochostar Road C—10 THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, OCTOBER $, 1000 WlNunm - 49 Salt Houses KAMPSEN OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 P.M. 2687 MONTEBELLO "LAKE ANGELUS LAKEVIEW ESTAIIS" IMMEDIATE; POSSESSION on thli- gracious end spocfoui Jwn* awaiting Inspection . . lunkon living room, slate foyer oil (ormlca kitchen I lighting. dining area Genjglen white marblt tlreplace! i three generous sized bedrooms, i fW baths, main floor laundry j heat, oversized plastered two- 49 loti-Acr.og. schram” EMERSON SCHOOL DISTRICT 3 bedrooms, on largo lot, ampli dining area, plenty of furniture finished walnut cabtnett. gas heal ton Blvd. to Clintonvilla to galus Lake View Estates. Kampsen will be your host tion.^fier0homes Ire being *1 aad nearing completion . . . ti 647 EAST BEVERLY OFF JOSLYN DANDY THREE-BEDROOM HOME mart?, v’*1' tar gar'aoeU ter vartt, dote to all schools. Pr costs 'on FHA terms*3"dir HONS: Joslyn right on f Beverly. Your hostess will 960 LEOTARD "Gl" "Gl" "Gl" "Gl" WIT|I NOTHING DOWN MLS FE 4-0921 y $500 DOWN ment, gas heat, bu it tins in fanMIy fixed kitchen, paym ;}■ List With SCHRAM s And Cali th# Van 'mu JOSLYN FE $■ ,;REALTOR I OPEN Sunday 1 to 4 Income Property 2 FAMILY J $3,000 down, $125 | WATERFORD REALTY trade; Multiple Dwelling Site Choice 7Vj acres, six acres I multiple dwelling, i, plus iv, ACRES frontage 0.^ I^work^top 1-75 interchange naar Holly. List With SCHRAM And Call th# Van ilH JOSLYN FE 5-0471 REALTOR _________ MLS AL PAULY CLARENCE C. RIDGEWAY REALTOR I W. Walton 338-4086 Multiple Listing Service CHOICE RIVEft FRONT PROPER Lights on 'til 8 P.M. In Many Homes By ROSS 7 Homes! Choosa From O 4-Bedroom Colonial 0 4-Bidroom Tri-Level O 4-Bedroom Split-Lovol # 3-Bedroom Bi-Level Priced From $28,900 Including Lot $33,300 Including Lot Open Dally til I p.m. except Monday Also Available a 3-Bedroom Ranch Brick. In established area. 24" paneled family room with fireplace. IVY baths, m car garage. . Sealed Glass windows, built-in oven and range, beautiful view of 1 Lake, Waterford address schools $25,900 ROSS FE 4-0591 OR 3-8021 •n Tad McCullaugh Jr. 674 2239 or m Highland Road, Pontiac, Michigan. In Lake Property 51 H 170' SITES - WALTERS^LAtCE Accent on Quality The entire family will fit nicely Into this Immaculate year old l bedroom Colonial ranch home. Living room, family room with fireplace,. family kitchen with built-Ins and dining area, full basement. Wat plaster throughout.' Merlon blue sod. Lower Silver Lake privileges- A Weinberger built home for only 129,9001 Upper Long Lake Lakefront $5,000,tt*8*ocre« LAKEFRONT I 1 E5 So exceptional home for r who appreciate aomathlno < BROOCK 4139 Orchard Lake Rd. at Pontiac Trail MA 6-4000 444-4890 OFFICE OPEN SUNDAYS - CASS LAKE 3-bedroom year-around bilevel, log room with fireplace. Paneled tunroom overlooking lake and on first level. Kitchen and dl I area on lower level. Waterford School district. Full price, 519,500 Substantial down payment. Ct | appolotmom. LQVELAND 2100 Cass Lake Rd. __482-1255 COMMERCE-WOLVERINE LAKES lake living, 1995. S10 month per , private beach, fish, swim, its - Bloch Bros., OR 3-1295. HAROLD R. FRANKS, Realty LAKE-FRONT RANCH Kent residential area on Low- TIMES OPEN SUNDAY 1 TO 5 SHAWNEE LANE ■LONIAL RANCH, located In Bloomfield of Waterford. 3 It ported stone tl floor tait)ily n carpeting in tl BUNGALOW jjovely^bedn 810,950, K Contract e Oh yes, id barn. Loads of possibilities tv •oiks, especially If you have family. Property recently - cupled by the original owni thlpg works.^ out, school I 825,950. t ' ■ the down payment, ow "BELL", POSSIBLE 4 bedroom bungalow Orion Township area. 2 down completed, chence ee. alto complete thopping ter and business dlstr' ‘ y 512,950. 83,000 on Ian et. 3 'miles north of Pontiac, WHEN YOU SEEK OUR SERVICE YOU "JOIN THE MARCH OF TIMES" Times Realty 5878 DIX'E HIGHWAY (South of Waterford Hill) OR 4-0394 Open Dally CITY, OF SYLVAN LAKE, 2 AD- SMITH-WIDEMAN REALTY 2 W. HURON ST. FE 4-4524 EVENINGS, CALL 482-1474 DRAHNER ROAD, CORNER RED Bam Dr., Oxford Twp„ 70 ft. frontage. $3500. Villa Homes, 42B- HIGHLAND-M ILFORD ARE minutes Pontiac, 100'xW k month, taka over payments, mlno pool rad ■ " m duties. Bloc! At Long Lake contract term: Phone 451-7175. SHEPARD'S REAL ESTATE in' frontage. Living 'iraplaca,^family — id well constructed. 24' tom carpeted with living 2 large bedrooms, plenty 119,200. Terms. Everett Cummings, Realtor 2583 UNION LAKE ROAD Township. Models e ARD KE/............ 13 Mile Rd. Birmingham ___________Ml 4-1234 HOMESITES — SUNNY BEACH —looking begutlful Walters Mm LARGE WOODED LAKE FRONT ■ ot — sandy beach, beautiful view f lake - Ideal for year ------- ome. Located on Lake. SI arrlgon Quality Homes I E 3-3145 or MA 9-5773. ' ON ROUND LAKE bedrooms. Living room wl Basement. Gat fi— Northern Property 51-A ROOM CABIN, 130‘ LOT, I Clare, lust off the Clam 515118 cash. OL 1-8474. D ACRES WOODED NEAR Atlints. 5 room cabin plus ’ ......... .,^js of buslnass; ntal duplex, plus winterized i. Priced for quick si" payment. Inquire l Suburban Property 53 HOU.Y AREA - BUSH LAKE, large 3 bedroom brick and aluminum colonial. 1VS baths, -formal dining room, paneled family room with fireplace, kitchen has builtins, hot water heat, 3 car attached gargga. Priced at S24.400 with 15,MO down on land contract, faadMM^||||wM8aM|w Inc. at - CE 5 ij or MA 9-5773. Loft-Acrcage T PORT CHARLOTTE. L< rld's most popular padlgraad eating pups. This Is tha flnast, bar none. Coney Island Restaurant In lower Mlchlgar '*■*---- actually ---*-------- This | Patror Blue Ribbon wtane PARTRIDGE-REAL ESTATE 1050 W. HURON, FE 4-3581 SEND FOR FREE CATALOG Sale Land Contracts , 1 TO LAND CONTRACTS action* vour lend controct, large Suit Household Goode 6 W WHAT YOU'D EXPECT TO PAY $277 THREE ROOM OUTFIT BRAND NEW FURNITURE 7-PIECE LIVING ROOM 9 PIECE BEDROOM 5-PIECE DINETTE May Be Purchased Separately E-Z TERMS * DISCOUNT - SMALL CO set with balance of S3204 5 per mo., con be handled 1 Ily 52425 cash. WELL, 'SECURED r month, secured LAND,CONTRACT ON 2 FAMILY Southeast section of City, 'id $4300 — Balance $5800 -count 20 par cant — Your Cost 84440. Ray O'Neil, Realtor 3520 Pontiac Lk. Rd. OR 4-2222 Wanted Contraets-Mtj. 60-A 1 TO 50 LAND CONTRACTS Urgently needed. See us beta WAR.CN STOUT, Realtor (50 N. Opdyke Rd. FE -5-8145 Open Eves. * CASH FOR LAND CONTRACTS. H. J. Van Walt. 4S48 Dixie “bm OR 3-13SS; '_____________ CASH For your equity ar land coni Don't lose that home, air possible discounts. Call 4* EMpIra 3-4084. OUR OFFICE SPECIALIZES land contract eoHectlons- FL0YD KENT, REALTOR 82V, N. Saginaw St. FB 1-4105 QUICK CASH FOR LAND CON: I. rep., Shirley Naugla. Area Coda 517-843-4140. LIQUOR AND FOOD Kcelter Pont ^log* of Pontiac. Vary good equipment, large seating capacity and good Plenty gl parking. Must . ___to III health. 820,000, plus Inventory to handle. K. L TEMPLETON, REALTOR 2339 Orchard Lake Rd. 482-0900 MOTtlS AND RESORTS NEEDED _________Milford Road - - 2 tan ;r« parcoals priced at 85,950 each ,1th 11,500 down-l seven acre parcel at 54.950 with 111500 down. KAMPSEN 1 W. HURON ST. MLS PH 4-0921 r buyers whose want* a , Lansing IV 2-1437 Evenings, PHOTOGRAPHERS ATTENTION distance available to you, Call Mr, Garrison 353-9030. . _ SERVICE STATION FOR ' LEASE, . melor brand gasoline, high get lonage, no lube bays, or servlet department on main thoroughfare. Union Lake area. Station le In operation. at present time. Respen-slbW parties. Contact Mr, Sanders days, 343-4107, tvenlnt LOAMS TO $1,000 Usually on first visit. Quick, trim ly, helpful. FE 2-9026 la tha number to call. OAKLAND LOAN CO. 202 Pontile State Bank Bldg. 9:30 to 5:30 — Sat. 9:30 to 1 LOANS 30 E. LAWRENCE FE 8-0421 LOANS 825 to $1,008 insured Payment Plan BAXTER I. LIVINGSTONE ARCHERY SUPPLIES FOR G FAST CRUISER 22 tl. Cruls-Along with $135 H.F. Greymarine, Ideal for couple or small family, complete sleeping, eating 8. toilet facilities. Many extras Including custom made trailer. Fast enough for water skiing and very seaworthy. Excellent condition. Offered at Vi of original cost, or will trade tor equity In all typea of real astatr “ Bniu Muusu!mI6 $uu6s 6S BEDROOM SUITE, CHROME.. Ol-—Jhi-fi, 30" gat range, living suite, ante, washer, hof plate. BED ANb DRESSER, WALNUT FARM BEIL, MARBLE TOP WAL-* dresser. walnutdiMt otdraw-and bed, else ml>c. 4250470. WANTED TO BUY HHn,TVA R«61*s _66 BEAUTIFUL RCA COLORED STER-so tv cwnMnattan, UHF. Must salt—Ism than half price. 1475 5 p.m. 48H3l4. SH-g, waHan. cottier of Joslyn AUTHORIZED" BROWNING SALES and sarvlca. Team and Country Radio BTV. 4144 W. Walton, Drayton :umltUra. SIS E. PBea. CHROME FORSISS TOP RED -------------* goad condition. If CURVED SECTIONAL, CLEARANCE SALE OF ALL 1 Modal GE TV and Stereo. L ■ricesI Free Stands w‘“* ~ TOWN A COI y.Watto4120._____ RQ>is, sweaters, MATI^ TaCK; VS5!pr#u?W1Li0b PRICES Buy direct from Joe Vallely E 54545 or OL 1-4425. Satflt COMMERCIAL OIL BURNER, Iron Fireman, S50. PR S4433. METRONOME, 1 GUN-TYPE 6lL burner. MA 4-2557. bar, 4'. 737-0844., Utica. WHEEL TRAILER, SS. SM47S2 after 4 ‘ -PIECE COLOR*® RATH SET. t bathtub. Built-In hand baain. Ravers# trap toilet. $77.95. G. A. Thompson. TOPS M57 W. PER CENT CHURCH BOND^, 1500, 1 $100, 4 yr. maturity. 451-1135.________■ 9'xl2' LINOLEUM RUGS S3.95 EACH - Stic “ *■ *“ Rim 1 S Til 20'XSO' HOUSE-MUST BE MOVED — '— d—| offer. 1W Runt good, IPSMrjijiiito CO. FE 1952 CHEVY PICKUP TRUCK, $35. “WIB. 1957 Cushman acoetar, MAYTAG WRINGER WASHER $45. Ironrlta Ironar <30. 31 1966 Zig Zag Only 3 months old, must, ba claln for only <30.21 cash or t! monthly, S years guarantoa, ... attachments needed for, hams, buttonholes and fancy eewlng. Call RICHMAN BROS. SEWING CENTER, 33542S3. ) BTU GAS FIRED BOILER rn circulator, S227. G. 1 ~~---- n. 7005 M59 " AIR CONDITIONER CLEARANCE SALE Sava up to 30 par cant Welbullt, Whirlpool, Kelvlnator Hotpolnt, *•■—"—'1- “ m 1450 S. Telegraph __ BRONZE SUMP PUMPS, SOLb, repaired, exchanged, i— 71 W, Sheffield PE 8-4442 HEATING FOR ANY TYPE llze of |ob. Call 482-5423, early issr-LS®,!*--! iSSJS'm RUMMAGE. A-1 NEW AND CLEAN ...... BENSON l... _________ . OIVtSION. PE 3-7171.___________ SMALL GARDEN TRACTOR WITH cultivator. 7314137 SPREDrSATIN PAINTS. WARWICK Supply. 2478 Orchard Llfcb. 482- STAMP ' OUT SULPHATION, PRI-mary causa ot battery failure, with VX-4, 82.98. Money Back guaran-tea. Herb's Auto Service, FE 2-1311: STOVES, OIL BURNES, REASON- 5 gal. . 748, gal. Ol Mlsc. I: to Oi llodgett gomfi'ln stock. 2940 N 111 W. LAWRENCE ST. Everything to meet your needs Clothing, Furniture, Appliances _________ . ______Ize ell burner. Vary reasonable. 10345 Oakhlll, Holly, V> mile East of Dixie Hwy., (old US 10). USED FURNACE BLOWER, 300 AS- D POOL TABLES, JUKE ss, records, Prl. and Sat. enly, ___N. Saginaw. UP TO 20 PERCENT DISCOUN+ Ing machines, office desk, chairs, files, tables, storage cabinets, mimeograph and oft-sat machines. Forbes Printing & Office Supplies. 4500 Pixie, Waterford. OR 34747. WASHED WIPINO RAGS, 19 cIn! 1 S00 S. Blvd. I. ________PR S-7011 WEDDING ANNOUNCEMlNti At . centrifugal pumps, mlsc.' tools and motors. Trout Creak Ranch, cor. M-24 and Graanshlald Rd.f-____________ DEMING SHALLOW WELL PUMP, S2S. Craftsman 10" builder saw, S50. FE 44745. 1RT LOADER (CONYEYQR) YOUR WELDW00D HEADQUARTERS SCOTCH PINE CHRISTMAS TREES, wholesale. Wa are taking orders now. Wayna Allan, Hale, Mich. Hand Tuols—Machinery 68 34' SEMI STORAGE VAN, A-1. S450. Fork lift truck#, 1800 up. . Blvd. Supply 500 S. Blvd. H, EVERGREENS - ALL KINDS oft tele. Buy now, save. Stock grown here. 15701 24 Mila Rd. EXECUTIVE DESK, 3 MATCHING REPOSSESSED GE STEREO S2.25 PER WEEK Goodyear Service Store ROSE COLORED NYLON COUCH end chair. UL 2-1432, ai « P-m REPOSSESSED Norge Wringer Washer 81.50 PER WEBK . FOX TRAC SNOW MOBILE. LARGE machine. OR 3-1423. FURNACES - ALL KINbS_ -‘Tiled. ASH Salas AAA S-1501 AAA 5-2537.___________________ GAL ION ROAD GRADER, MODEL “* good condition. '—1 “ ri13 cu. ft. ____ tor a Ford tractor. MU 7-4374. GARAGE SALE - PAINT, LINO-leum and tile. 10-5, 51_D-‘-*-ott Huron St., naar Poet OjHe Singer Zig Zag in Cabinet Singer and Cabinet Must collect 853.82 cash ar JM monthly, on Singer with bullt-ln zlg-zaggar for plain and fancy eewlng, buttonholes, hams, ate. Still has guarantoa and lessons. Call RICHMAN BROS. SEWING CENTER, 33HQI3. SINGER DIAL-A-MATIC Zlg Zag sawing machine -modern walnut cabinet. Make) signs, appliques, buttonholes, Repossessed. Pay eft SS4 cat $4 PER MO. paymanto. UNIVERSAL CO. FE 4-0905 GARAGi SALE. TOOLS. ROPE AND mlsc. 5448 Creaceht. 482-4440. _ ARAGE SALE: 3453 LEVEE, Drayton Plains, OR B-1183. Sat.-Sun. 8fh-9th. Refrigerator, formica tables, aquarium supplies) fish, gravel, pumps, etc. M lumper, etc. radio, at chairs, TVs, trellises, boots, guns, tools, ^tlras WROUGHT IRON, 9 PIECI DIN-•— sat also Burnham portable ------------------- PBB4224- WALNUT BED ST ED ONLY. ORIS-Lounge chair. 87 aa. FB 2-9S43. WYMAN'S 2 pc. IMng room suite ........... 34" electric rang* . ......... Guar. alee, refrigerator .. tar, alec, dryer ............. 147.45 Yourjpredlt is Goad At Wyman't ‘ kSY TERMS FE 65-A ANTIQUE CLOCKS AND DISHES . ' 315-4744 ~ MAkkif COLLECTOR'S PLEA 04070 Dolan Dr. 1 bn a 1-75 X-way. Pierson Rd. exit. Sun. October 7, ** atoto DUR TO HiALTH CLOSING 6# Y-Knot Anttquea la necessary. Giving discount* month ot October. Closed lug, 10345 OaMilll, Holly. CRAFTSMAN W’ BENCH S2w —‘ 3 HP Balsaw 12" thlcknaM ar with lolntar top. S355J Use large rad« no, 425-3302. Prl. 8 gAraqI SALE. MIsQlLLXNiOUS furniture. 33S-7M5. 33S-2027. GARAGE SALE - 4417 MONROVIA, Orayton Ptblns, Sat. and «Surw 1757 Marc. Wtp., If54 AMrc.r ltSt Olds. 4 dr.i Elec. Range. Refrig-■ - * -------- 4730102. GAS FIRED BOILER, CAST IRON, 157 of baaabegrd heating. All that Is necessary tor complete Itoating system except pipe and fittings, 1425. G. A. Thompson. 7035 M57 W. 17 Putnam. ______________________ Hot WATER HRATRR, 30 GALLON gas. Consumers approved, SM.50 value, I9»45 and S4745. marred. Michigan piuoraacant, 393 Orchard UHtoTPl Vew -14- ' HOW'S YOUR HEART?” Winter Is lust around.tt» eerr and wa have a complete line snow throwers. Beth new and «■ to choosa from. Buy now at I savings. You'll be happy you. t whan you sea that white stuff. EVAN'S EQUIPMENT 4507 Dbcla Hwy. Clarkston HS-unii HURRY-1 Lift Bolen 458 tractor, only sort. Can extra. „ O. A. Thompson.. DON'T BUY- RENT A NEW JOHN DEERE Loader, dozer, scraper nr beet Cameras •Service / 7C KODAK MOVIE CAMERA, REVERB projector, all movit acc« 674-3372. ll».r $90. MusIcnlGoods , ^71 3 ELECTRIC GUITARS 3 months old. OR 3-8201. AND i 120 BASE ACCORD 10 col lent condition. 482-4129. N, EX- PIANOS WANTED Van Service EM 3-7838 GUITAR AND AMPLIFIER CLEAR-i. Up to Vi oft. Echo Cham- E. et Dixie. 474-0151, Dr ay ten Wains. HOLTON TROMBONE ANb CASE. perfect 8170, w to 8125. OR 34471 LOWREY SPINET ORGAN Walnut, almost Ilka new LEW BETTERLY SNARE DRUM AND ACCESSORIES, Trumpet like new *75 7 PE 2-4129 UPRIGHT PIANO A-l LIQNDlYlQll. S75. 1054 Myrtto. FE S4M0. USED ORGANS GRINNELL'S (DOWNTOWN) 27 S. SAgNAW gtosf^arli^ts,Vl T Musical feeds Ikm III JACK HAGAN MUSIC VISIT OUR NEW UNION LAKE STORE 8192 COOLEY LAKE RD. THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8, I960 C—11 714 5»«bmb» enoLish Brgan, PIANO AND ACCORDION, popular, classical, *73-5071. 5033 ,MliriL/t>Wtrfc»5. Jon* OoorbwG Stora Equipment 73 Boat AML FOUNTAIN AND COM- chalrs. N.S.F. 1 wINi fauctt, a toaster, pi* c*i____.. .. pansar, ate. Call FI 4-3314. Ftfee KITTENS. FBASWL FRENCH POODLeT®---— PE 44821 GERMAN SHORTHAIREO, MALE, 3 m*r oW' **" tr«h«d- *». OR GERMAN |HEPHERP MAtl. » ™nth» old, good with kids, a*- oo^frt^BsreiTRiivEir AKCr tfmony So*ntels, Kenrwl ggMjMga AI«o «fwh«el traitor. M-p^mBLir IV GUNS-710 W. HURON. FR 4-7*51 New, wad Gum in Slock Haw Guns Wanted > of reloading KITTENS to GOOD HOME, FE SJH9.______ .] KITTENS.. House TRAINED, FRiil r MM /MiUSSER RIFLE / gauge Shotgun, bolt actJei 10 GAUGE 3t¥' MAGNUM, »! BROWNINGS PAUL A. YOUNG, INC POODLES, AKC, SILVER, t WEEKS Reasonable. OR J-3S83. REGISTERED ENGLISH SETTER Pups, S moa. old Oct, 15, ready to hunt now. 3150 ClartcAon Rd„ ■-££ Orion. MY 340*2. Call eves. Dixie Hwy. a._____ Drayton Plaint - Open Dally * A.M. 0 £ ' rjOa - * SILVER MINI-TOY. MALI 1 YR. 12x20 TENT. NIMROD CAMPER, ‘THOROUGHBRED BEAGLE PUPS "golf carts, oat VALUE, OPS Mtg. cloae outs Blvd. supply SOS S. Blvd. E FE 3-7081 Guns buy, sell, trade, scope mounting, gun blueing. Burr Shod. 375 S. Tolagrapb. ____________ Guns, guns guns — brown- ■— Remington, Winchester, weath-ithlca. Rifles and shotguns, "h B Wesson pistols. Bear ana Browning erchory Hunting and : target equipment. Clay pigeons Handtraps. Browning hunting shoes tor men and women. All sizes. Complete selection at. shells. We Ing, Re rl/s! fEIMARANRR PUP, SHOTS, wormed. 33*4140. WEST HIGHLAND WHITE TER-Her puppies. AKC. Smell. Shaggy. Calm Terrier Stud Service, m- Try before you tniy. Sno-Travelers, Skl-Doo and Polarlt. Prices start at only S*tS. Cliff Dreyers sports Center 15210 N. Holly Road. " lv, MR iBi, Open 7 days NEW REMINGTON AUTOMA' Modal 1100 - » gmgg, Mai 12 gauge aver and under, Stovc... 77C — 1* gauge pump. Collectors Items — Baker 12 gauge doublt with Damaaqua* Barrel, 4500 Dixie Hwy, OR jmT. Auction Prl. Oct, 7, 7:30 p.m. AUCTION Sat. Oct. I, 7:30 p.m. AUCTION \ Sun. Oct. 0, 2:30 p.m. TRUCK LOADS OF NEW AND USED FURNITURE AND APPLIANCES. REMINGTON 12 GAUGE AUTOMAT- SKI DOO'S GUNSCAMPERS CRUISE-OUT, INC. 03 Walton Dolly 94 p,m. FE 5-4402 I TED, USED SNOWMOBILE prerer .skldaddl* or skldoo, 10 or more h.p. Cell *26-0288. WINCHESTER MODEL a 12 Sand-Grovel-Dirt 1-A TOP SOIL, JO-A AND CRUSHED stone, mason till eand, f“ American Stona. MA 5-21*1, TOPSOIL, *2.50 PER VARD. - in lOotard loads. 574-1147. Hack DIRT, ' SAND GRAVEL, *■" --t. Delivered. *93-*7?7. I LACK DIRT, 101 SCbrr LAKE BUD BALLARD ' iravel, fill «rt. beach sai Ildars supplies. OR 3-5773. GOOD RICH TOPSOIL AND BLACK YOP SOIL, DOZING ANb BACk- Wood-Cofll-Cokt-Ftni FIREPLACE WOOD, $12, ...H cord. R. D. Kendall. FE 0-0780, i. 3 *022. Seasoned fireplace wood. Pets-HurrtliigDog*_____79 1 AKC BLACK TOY POODLE f-AKC DACHSHUND PUPS. STUDS Sarasota. FE SOW « i YEARS OLD, REGISTERED —mala Vlzsla, and 4 year ski ---- Brittany, both A-l an pati U AKC BEAGLE PUPS, ST06 AKC TOY POODLE PUPPIpS. 335-47W- - _____i SETTEk/ 1 mala, $75, ----- AKC CWHUAHUA, 3 YEARS, - housabroken, 335. 7-waekq" mala puppy, S35, EM 3-3075. ALASKAN SIBERIAN MALAM *d*1wme? ALL PET SHOP, 55. WILUAMS. FE *-*433. Hamstors and supplies. BASSET*- AMcLlMbCOLOR. TOP breading. S woafcsold. *74-3871, BEAUTtFkjL, rvaiwlfo 8StB J-0374.™ M WT)™ HMP JONATHAN,! WOLF pickup tempers, convertible, 15' and River, Banana apples. WUl deliver .14' frailer*. to city. FE 5-**4l. Mete than r oooD's orchard; uitffiwk. ston Rd. Pick yew own delicious, J™ **-ewilas eind othere. Ciddrt potatoes. W pickup covers. ..._, and Drewtlte Hitches vv ,------ HOWLAND SALES AND RENTALS MclNTOSH APPLES,- PbCK YOUR 224S Dixie “ I Uff own. It JO bu. No Insect damage, good color and condition. Real cj bargain. BeajPOatoM Orchard. *440 * Orion RdToirketon. Vk mL oast of MIS. » e.m. to 4:30 pjn. Bring l Vour an 1b fc weii. containers. -MCINTOSH APPLES, PICK YOUR * — *1.50 a bushel, windfalls, si. 32N Parry Lake Rd, Clarks- T POODLE BEAUTY SALON Clippings—AKC Pups-Stud Service pal implies—*824401 or *S2-Ot27 POTATOES, PEARS AND PUMP-kins. Apples — we pick or yi pick. Week days sfter 4 p.rr all day Sit. and Sun. MY MO*.. 1510 Ptadmora Rd, Lake Orion. Middleton's Orchard. RED AND GOLDEN DELIClOuS apples, to mile N. of Walton; —1 Squirrel. Sale after . 3:30 - 200 CRATES, IS CENTS EACH SLIGHTLY USEb JOHN DEERE torage blower, Davis Machinery Co, Ortonvilie, NA 7-3292. **““ Almont. 798-8159. SEE THE NEW COMPLETE OF 13*7 MCCULLOCH CHAIN SAWS. WE HAVE THEM ALL ON DISPLAY. SEE THE WORLD'S FIRST PUSH BUTTON ELECTRIC STARTING CHAIN SAW. COME IN TODAY FOR A DEMONSTRATION. KING BROS. FE 4-14*2 FE 4-0734 Pontiac at Opdyfc* Rd. Travel Trailers 14' CAMPER, SLEEPS S. 3-BURN-er stove end oven. 2 20-pound gas tank*, gas, lights, 110 volt, $400. OR 4-0701. 17' TOUR "HOME, GOOD* CONOl-"-n. Sacrifice. FE 542TO. Its* DETROITER 14‘, GAS. ELBC-refrigeretor, eleeps A ' ’ $500. *74-2945. Mechanic tool chest, complsto w every suction. Sun. Oct. t, ( 13*4 WINABAGO TRUCK CAMPER AUCTION EVERY WEDNESDAY Watch Tues. paper. Consignments accepted. Auctlonland. 1300 Cres-cent Lk, Rd. OR 445*7. |___ Blue Bird Auction, 1*853 Dixie mm *37-5193. EVERY FRIDAY ........ 7:20 PA*. EVERY SATURDAY .... 7:30 PAL EVERY SUNDAY ........ 2:00 F.M. * ng Goods — All Types ___Prizes Every Auction We Buy — Sell — Trade, Retell 7 day CehilgnmentoWalcome b&b AUCTION Pixie Hwy. OR 3-2717 Mt VW CAMPER SPORTSMAN, radio, gas heater, loaded with equipment. Full price *2335. Autobahn MOTORS, INC, AUTHORIZED VW DEALER to Mila North of Miracle Milt 1745 S. (Telegraph FE *-4531 'GUN AUCTION Dots Sett October 9 SUNDAY 3 P.M. Ifa are buying and accepting gum n consignment for thls^sale — Rd, Bunk beds complete, 2 refrigerators, 5 electric stoves, dishwasher end Sink combination, atuomatic washer, antique rpeker, baby bed. Oak tabla — 4 chairs, bads complete, wringer washer, bicycles, tricycles, sofa bad, sklls, antique Detroit Nows Wagon, rugs, many good used mlsc. Items. CLEAN OUT SALE ON N FURNITURE E*rly American living rr~ stove! 1367 poriabl* Emerson color TV, 5, 7 and 9 piece chrome seta. Refrigerators, shadow box clock, sofa bed. mlsc, new Items. Consignments accepted dally. Ja* Hall, Auctioneer. MY 3-1871 < STAN PERKINS SALES S, SERVICE AUCTIONEER - 313-635-9400 11314 Miller Rd. - Swartz Creak Piants-Traes-Sknibs »1-A A-l TREES - _,*PRI Pino, Hemlock, Elrai, — Shade traea. You .d&Jiow'tpoh. 2322 Sleeth, I ml. W of Com-marep VUIagaT 4040*35. ■ CLOSINO OUT - EVERGREE shrubs, Ihtad* trees dig your oi McNeil* Nursery Entrance Maybe* Rd. it Dixie H'way, Clarkston. Closed Sundays. ________ COLORADO SPRUCE, YOUR choice, S3, your .dto, OS-tm abefh Lk, North Avery, 4230 Open 12 * *----------- evergreens. Spreaders, 10 ti Lane Evargrian Farm. 8370 Dixie | 1. <25-lfe. d Landscape Servlet, l AFPALOOSAS, _QUARTER-HORSES, Rap- rats. Boarding. *28-3015. iBAtit I # U L GUArVAr baV oaldlng, txp.rid*r, reaa. ULM7**. ITS- carts, hamsssns —-EasVjPay Pl,n» Double D Acres, 1417 N. to and brtdia! OL 1-0021. HEy-0w8w EXTRA OC nay, Vtint Poaltry CARNIVAL * I - - JBrBMT Stoney Creak Rd- Lake Orton. **$■ 5234. Abo potatoes. Dealers —' ~ ,2205 6 Save ) FOLDING CAMPER, BOAT FACILITY. Ted Wed*. "THE RED BARN" Jacobson Traitor Sates 5*30 W|l!lema'Lake Rd. , 3| '*J9«V WOLVeHNe TRUCK CAMPERS 88 ! NEW, 2 PIECE »ATH-«.u -as oven, refrigerator, Self-intalned, price S14«, OR SOHO. SHASTA SELF-CONTAINED, House (railsri BEDROOM. 41X11 WITH 24 extra room. Sharp, Carpeted, cated Ip 4 star perk. Unit stay there. Call. MY 2-0721 detolls. BEDROOM ABC. Carpeted. 12500 cabana attached. Can nay In park. To right party. Beautiful sharp and clean. On' comer lot. Call MY 2-0721 tor details. Bob Hutchinson Mobile Homes 4301 Dixie Hwy. Drayton Plains OR 2-11 AIRSTREAM LIGHTWEIGHT TRAVEL TRAILERS Since 1932. Guaranteed tor Sea them and gat -__________ tlon at Warner Trailer Salat, 303S i, A-l condition, S375. ^CAMPER, DEL-RAY PICKUP CAMPER * p • c I a I a, close out sale I seven new 19*4 Del-Ray pickup campers. Nina new 194* Wildwood, five new 13*4 Camprfnate and two- new 134* Tour-* “— I pickup “ nut prices. These 23 pickup ci years to. pay. Open dally tl p.m., Sundays & evenings appointment. Phone 4*4 7022. B._ -COLLER, 1 mile east of Lapeer FALL VACATION SPECIALS tee the NEW rounded comer Layton's Also carrying Holly and Corsair* Ellsworth Traitor Sales ~ Dixie r ___________' HOBO PICKUP CAMPERS They '66s ou Don't need to be a ilg spender at our loti L&Prlcee Top Quality 2 KanaklHo Lett 2 Pans Left l Croat 12 to 24*0 Left 2 Franklins 19'-23' Truck Campers r and IT Cree Track Campers. Self Contained 2 Mackinaw Self Contained Holly Travel Coach, Inc. Holly Rd. Molly ME 4-1771 - *“ **-**' -and Sunday! MALLARD mil, tew, t»w SAGI IP » sleeper TAG-A-L0NG 2 - It* i sleeper SPECIAL Mollard Canvasback Hardtop * sleeper (ONE ONLY), H"1 i wilt) equipment, brand |109S TOM STACHLER AUTO AND MOBILE SALES 3771 W. Highland Rd. M-59, FE 2-4321 PIONEER CAMPER $AIB EARTH TRAILGERS A CAMPER TRAV ELQuVeN CAMPERS TRAVEL WITH THESE QUALITY LINES— YUKON DELTA, 17-24' Motorcycles YOOR APACHC DEAtCIt EVAN'S EQUIPMENT *507 Dixie Hwy- Clarkston *25-1711________ 19*6 TRIUMPH. 500CC. 2 MC eld. FE 4-3731. hu HADLEY DAVIDSON 13*4 HONDA SCRAMBLER, 3000 miles, bast offer, 335-460! ter 5:30 pan- _____ 5 X I, 2 BEDROOM ADhiTIAC Chief. Ideal for Northern Cebln. Good condition, Reasonable *82- 88 SALE DAYS In full swing at Hutchinson' # LIKE NEW. COM- 1966 WINDSOR Moving to California, forced t rlflce, toko over payments. "Top of th* lint." 2 bedi center kltchon, carpeted room, Immaculatel Ready to move Into. Cell FE :ORE$TPARK PARKWOOD .. HOLLYPARK All at reduced price*. 1* to *0 ft. long, I to 20 ft. wldo Wo have parking spacas. Open 9 to f — 7 days a weak MIDLAND TRAILER SALES offer by Oct. 15. *82-20*8. ■ MALL AREA NEW 50'XIO' ELCAR. Also Used 33'xl' TrotwooC fa* up in park. 9*3 LaSalle. MARLETTES 50'-*0' long, IE to 20' wide. Early American, Traditional or modr— decor. ’ pact avaliabte In 4 Star Park, extra charge, Alto see the fans_ light weight Winnebago Trailer. OXFORD TRAILER SALES RICHARPSON-HILLCRE8T ACTIVE—HAMPTON—HOMETTL 25 Opdyke Rd. 332-1457 (Comer el M-59 at Opdyke) any exciting features tint ere >t duplicated In other brands. WATERFORD SALES OBILE HOME, 1-YEAR-OLD, bedroom, IVb Bilht, M204I). Parkhurst Mobile Hpme Sales and Court SACRIFICE mo 2 BED- room moMto homo. Bxcoptlonol throughout, *73-0195. f6 iiNtORlEli. liX**1 MO- 0CT0BER, 7, 8 & 9 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. •ALOONS FOR THE KID! REFRESHMENTS BAND CLOWNS GRAND OPENING CELEBRATION I Prices Reduced For The Celebration 20 Unite On Display EXAMPLEi Wot 17,49*. .NOW SMN, Schult custom Eerlv American, Sun Air Mobile Soles 6601 W. Grand River (Botwoon Howell S> Brighton) (On OLD Orenfl River) PHONE* 227-1461 By Dick Turner Used Af-Tradt Nets 188 ^ASTRO MAGS_WITH SPINNERS ^fesis VW TIRES Al Ilk* now, *35....... - wheels, *20. 225 E. Pike tl 1MI CHEVY WTMCf AND 4 I rei carburetor; 035. 1957 2*5 In. motor, tto. *73-27*4, H6VY - FORD - COMET - ^ALCON Ipw Oricod, S37-llir • DUAL QUADS FOR liLjHAGINE, 2_chrom* air acoop^^Tatal *75. ImIIsions — - Also buying — tries, generators, _______________s. OR 13-5200. GMC 245 COMPLETE ENGINE AND transmission. *100, *24-2523. MOTORS: 1953, 13*0, 19*1 CHEVY'S New and Used Tracks 103 19*2 CHEVY tk TON PICKUP, Excellent cond. ms. Lloyd Bridan Travotond, «24-IS7t Waited IBSS: — to dri Ivory. "SOMETHING NEW" MIKE SAVOIE! CHEVROLET lit* South Woodw Birmingham 19*4 FALCON RANCHERO PICKUP. hrtoneJ^mber Gtow'*ohacrlflce. S42J. Cell *82-291*. W HdRSE- V MACDAY INBOARD, COM-pietely reflnlshed, *«■ «*—•--* cyl. Gray Marin* n* engine, I S. *25-04*4. H' FIBERGLASS 40 HORSEPOWER, Evlnrude oledric tilt traitor *— 3*3-4*27.____________ HORSEPOWER. EVINRUDE Evlnrude, ... .. Best offer. «9yitt9_ IMS If 3" FIBERGLAS BOAT WlfH '•n BOAT STORAGE Case-Ellzabolh Lake Area COVERED OR OUTSIDE V* haul or you dollvor. You mutt lay In toll In advance. BLOOMFIELD BEACH Q BOAT FACILITY Ted Wed* Close Outs of 1966 Stop In Tedayl and Flberglat Canoe* CLIFF DREYERS (Morin* Division) Holly Rd. Holly MB 44771 Open Pony and Sunday*______ DAWSON'S I^ECIALS — 13*7 EV-Inrud* motor* and enow mochlnetl 19** Md»i. of dcaranco prli Giasspar, Stoury, Mirra Croft b(_ Evlnrude bwt* a motors. Grum- HtoU- land. Right on Hlpkory Ridge Rd. to Demode Rd. w» end follow Hons to DAWSON'S SAKS AT O LAKE , Phono Moln Ml 79- FAST CRUISER sear ieStog ^t^tbtoffSdHftosl^fS*!?? OWENS i Display DISCOUNT Michigan TURBOCRAFT SALES, INC 27 Dixie Hwy. — Pontiac 19*1 FORD F-S00 DEMPSEY DUMP-star Vs, 5-spoed transmission and 2-speed axle, heavy duty throughout. Factory truck. JEROME FORD, Rochester'* Ford Doator, Ted Wad*, BLOOMFIELD BEACH a 19*2 INTERNATIONAL TRACTOR "345" VI angina with 4-spe— transmission and 2-spood axt*. I over hydraulic brakes, 900,x2lr ply tires. Like ntw. JEROME FORD, Rochester's B—I OL 1-3711, STORAGE Insldt bo«t and traHtr* M undar,^ 16", to W, $40. I1 STORAGE PAUL A. YOUNG, INC. Dixie Hwy. at Loon Laka Drayton Plains OR 4-0 Open Dlaly 9 A.M. to t “ U Sunday It a.m. to 4 p 1962 CHEVY to TON PICKUP, cyl., exc. condition. Shown oft 4 p.m. J5J-2M2. > JEROME FOPO, TONY'S MARINE FOR JOHNSON ^Mtogw^Hir - d canoes, *82-3*40. WINTER STORAGE SERVICE Motors tuned, boats repaired Phone In your reservation today I HARRINGTON BOAT WORKS "Your Evlnrudt I 1899 S. Talegraph BOAT STORAGE Sell Out —1966 Models PONTIAC'S ONLY MERCURY-MERCRUISER DEALER Cruiso-0ut, Inc. *3 E. I . t p.m FE 1-4402 AirplaMS 99 LEARN TO FLY—BRAND NEW Beachcraft Muskataart at API—Ponttac-474-0441, WO Wantad Can • Tracks loT DOHA EXTRA Dollars Paid FOR THAT EXTRA Sharp Car "Check the rest, then get the best" at Averill HELP! need 300 share Cadillacs, ■, olds ond Bulcks tor o * market. Top dollar paid. MANSFIELD AUTO SALES lit* Baldwin Av*. FI 5-5300__________FE 04025 INSTANT, CASH FOR 13<0*l-42-43'S. iPontloc Auto Brokers. _Corn*r at E 4-9100. PAYMENTS TOO HIGH? JW* buy or will odlust your pi 'manta to less expensive car-DON'S USED CARS *77 S. Lopoor Rd. LOk* Or! MONEY Paid For Sharp Cars need hundred! of shore core . fill out-state orders, and to stoc my tot, that Is • full city ^GALE McANNALLY'S Auto Sates 1304 Baldwin FE 1-4525 STOP HERE LAST a pay more for sharp, lot* m cars. Corvettes needed. , M&M MOTOR SALES Now at our now location „ 1150 Ooktond^ Viaduct ^ tdA' S KQ CLEAN CMS OR trucks. Economy Core. 2335 Dixie. CT0P DQLLAR PAID' GLENN'S FOR "CLEAN" USED CARS 952 Woof Huron S3. FE 47371 FI 6-1797 wantVo GOOD USED cleaH: FREE SKI LESSONS With purchase of Family ski bodt 40 h.g. otoctrlc storting Mercury Traitor end wpilpmenf Included ALWAYS BUYING JUNK ! Junk Can-Trucks 1956 Chevy 2 Ton Ceb end chassis long wheel b 4-cyl. 4-speed. Blue, 1495. MBHEVY to TON, REAL'SHARF, I FORD C450 WITH ISO" WHEEL sse and 477 engine, 5 speed *-- ilsslon and 2-speed axle. Buy Her© Pay Her© Transportation Cars ft JEROME FORD Re Iteege. *V Rochester's BUICK ... 9*3 FIAT .... 9*0 FORD we 1959 PONTIAC _ 9*0 PLYMOUTH ---FORD 2 doer,.... ... olds convertible 1959 FORO ....... transmission. Vi. 10.0M r —3 tutor* 2 p~ *74- Tako DID YOU KNOW The New Low Pries Is only $1777 HOUGHTEN OLDS, s£*N. M GMC Factory Branch. Oakland at Cass FE ^9485 TRUCKS ARE OUR Business! 1955 Ford Dump 2 ton-3 yd. box, with rod ftnli $495 1957 Dodge Stake with VI, 4 speed, grton finis \ $495 1963 Chevy Corvan Panel with th* famous *-cyl. stick shift, bolg* finish, side doors, rear doori, now Only — $795 1965 Ford F-100 Vi-Ton Pickup Heavy Duty One-Ton Pickups 4 speed, V* and VS, heavy duty eprlngs, tires, 1960-1964 GMCt and FORDS From $695 up EasyTorms. ASK FOR TRUCK DEFT. FE 5-4101 John McAuliffe Ford 277 West Montcalm Ava. (1 block B. of Oakland Aval_ JEEP. 4 WHEEL DRIVE. FLAT bed. 42,000 ml. $550. Cash 427-lr Ortonvllto._________ New Jeep Special Sato Factory Volume Discount Sol* lew 19*7 CJ5A Custom, Demo, zuu Miles with full canvas top, full prlc* *2195. Demo—19*4 Jeep Gladiator U ton pickup fleetside box, balance of new car warranty. S219S. *w '47 CJ5 V* universal, 12395 15 more Jaaps to Choose from, no fair offtr refused Authorized Dealer—Jeeps Grimaldi Imported Cars 300 Oakland Av*. ______FE 5-3421 :::W STAR AUTO SALES .CALL 338-9661 962 Oakland Avenue with Oh SnMnt whit* I power, automatic and that famou* Bulck million t ride, no t down and lust SS.97 weekly. Cad Mr. Ceeh of 33S4520 Sperfen. M3 BUfCK RIVIERA, POWER steering, brakes, seat! windows. Very dean Inside. FE 24147 after YlOYD- As Is Social 1964 BUICK Convertlbto. Needs general Cleanup $987 Lloyd Motors 1250 OAKLAND 333-7863 1965 Buick Electro Hardtop 2 door radio, hooter, automatic powar steering, and brakes. 13,000 actual miles. Now Only — $2595 HOMER HIGHT TRUCKS All Series In Stock JEROME FORD Rochester Ford Doatar 0L 1-971’. 19*5 BUICK LLGABRB, 2-DOOR 1965 BUICK Etoctra 225 hardtop with full power, condftlonmg, radio ond hooter, ■....—i. only $45 down Ol *19.18. Foreign Cars 19*4 MG MIDGET. LIKE NEW. AF-ter 3:30 335-7717. $1695 1965 Ford F-100 14-Ton Pickup with VI, standard tronsmiuloi custom cab, black finish. Only- $1695 • 1963 Ford ' F-100 '/2-Ton Pickup with Acyl, engine, automatic, she box, belgo finish. Only— $1195 1957 International Cab and Chassis with Acyl. 5-speed, heater. Only- $495 1965 GMC y*-Ton Pickup wllh V* engine, wt have 12 to choose from, on* blue and on* red, gtndord transmission. Your choice, $1695 1962 Ford Ranchoro Pickup with o belgo flnteh, honor, si mis. Now Only- $895 BEATTIE 'Yw m at th* doubl* slmllgnt OR 3-1291 Clearance Sale 19*0 TR-3 NO rust .... .... 19*1 MGA Cleon Roadster ... ml TR-3 extra sharp wire. . 1953 AUSTIN HEALEY 3.000 . ’ VAN, WITH SIDE WIN- TRANSISTOR RADIO /.EXCELLENT CONDITION, i SIMCA, EXCELLENT CONDI- Berts H_________________ (Formerly Custom Color) “ ‘V, Montcalm VW CENTER 60 To Choose From -All Models-—All Cotors-—All Reconditioned— Autobahn New nd Used Core 106 BANKRUPT? CREDIT PROBLEMS? We Can Finance You— Just Call , Mr, Mason or Mr. Murphy at FE 54101 ESTATE STORAGE 109 S. East Blvd. FE 3-7161 Reliable Motors 250 Oakland Ave. FE 8-9742 WE WILL tAKE ANYTHING I FINANCE AT 1% lose pulck Hardtop .... 1953 Ford Hardtop ..... 2 1353 Ramblers, each 1.. 13*1 Small Va'uxhout .... 4 »54 Cadillacs, 1 1957 .. 4 1957 Sfito, 2 and 4 dot 19*4 Smaii Rombtor .......■ 1357 ond 1151 Old* ...* 45 each IMS VW Mid 13*4 Fontlac FISCHER BUICK. ,554 S. WOODWARD 647-5600 HAROLD TURNER SHOP SUNDAY BUY MONDAY OLIVER BUICK 13AI10 Orchard Lake FE 2-9165 19M BUICK RlVifeRA, PLUM, AIR, Ilka .now. OL 1-0258._ 1966 BUICK LeSabr* Custom. All th* goodies, new rubber. Yellow with black top ond black trim. I2W5. Troy—Pontiac—blrmingham ore* THE NEW AUDEfTE PONTIAC NOW SERVICING roy — Pontiac — Birmingham Area 1850 Maple, across from Bore Airport 1966 RIVIERA An official's 1966 Buick Riv-white with black custom trim, air cond. and loaded. Save $1800. FE 5-9444. After 5 p.m. FE 5-3588. JEROME CADILLAC COUPE PoVItjJy THfr door, block lobthor 000 original mltos. ...... shop* with now pramlun 83850. Daytime. FE 445*7 PJP. *74-2321 vlnyriop.J A9iv run nuKm uMmcLdun WILSON Cadillac Ml 4-1930 ■HW It Ilk* i _.JW . :onditioned, full power, many g ir features. *514457. AMwWwxcm’" ■ "OK" USED CARS Haskins Chev^Hds On UA. 10 it M15 Clarkston____ MA 5-2404 Now is the Time to Sava On a New Model Tradadn Matthews-Hargreaves 631 OAKLAND AVE. FE 44547 T^eHiv^i^gBiwmwr Ml THE PONTIAC AeSS, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1968 1955 CHEVY, PONTIAC ENGINE, mustrenfoL 1-MW." 1?57- CttfeVY WAGON. STANDARD i. Bast offer. FE Mf ttg,a<|yY. CCTtVteRTIBLE, ALSO ■» 4Cbsd WNWCi. fig? OWVYV8 AUTOMATIC l*ii5iwrV convertible, m Joo to show a e. 662-0*60. f9S9 CHEVY BEL-AIR 4 OR. V-0, outo., 59,000 ml., tltt or beet of-fer. 673-2754. 1954 CHEVY t NOVA, 2 DOOR, TM0 CHEVY 4 DOOR, OUT OF slate car, no rust, new tires, mw . chanlcally perfect. S450. OR 5-: stick. Beautiful Hue finish with matching Interior, radio, heater, only $395 with only $5 down and ^OMflHINO HEW' MIKE SAVOIE Credit application refused. King Auto 6695 Dixie Hwy. (2 blks. S. of Ml 5) CIARKSTON MA 5-2671 1965 CORVAIR 19M CHEVY BISCAYNE, *250. CALL $53-3141 after 5 p.m. fcHEVY, 1950, 2-door, | glide, 4 cylinder, good tires Convertible Sole FULL WKLY. CAR PRICE PYMT. 1960 CHEVY Impale jjji ' “ MM PONTIAC ..... 9951 CHEVY 34$ eng.... 1961 PONITAC Bonn.. $597 $5. . $597 $5.97 1955 MONZA CONVERTIBLE, RED btKk top and interior, 110 auto, transmission. *IM after 5— WE HANDLE AND ARRANGE ALL FINANCING CALL MR. DAN AT FE 8-4071 Capitol Auto “SOMETHING NEW” MIKE SAVOIE W CHEVY 9 PASSENGER STA-tlon i jaegon, double power, new tires, one owner, 335-$2$5 efter 5. i960 CHEVY IMPALA HARDTOP, 1951 CHEVY IMPALA 2 DOOR hardtop, V8 automatic, radio, heater, beautiful fawn beige with matching Interior, new car trade. Al Harioute Inc. Oakland MIKE SAVOIE 1961 CHEVY, GOOD CONDITION. $295 with only $5 Down and low weekly payments of $3.47. King financing available to all regard-i-----, —■ —*it problems. KING AUTO SALES America's Largest Used Car Dealer M59 at Elizabeth Lake Rd. FE 8-4088 AUTO SALES America's Largest Used Car Dealer M59 at Elizabeth Lake Rd. FE 84088 , Cell Collect Autorama MOTOR SALES 1535 Orchard Lake Rd. 592-4410 1 Mila Watt of Telegraph MISSION, RADIO _______ HEATER AND WHITEWALL TIRES, ABSOLUTELY NO DOWN, Assume weekly payments of S7.92. CALL CREDIT MGR............ Parks at HAROLD TURNER FORD, Ml 4-6500. #62 CORVETTE. VERY CLEAN. 673-9101, after S p.m. 1952 CORVAlR MONZA, 3 SPEED, M62 CHEVY, ROYAL BLUE METAL Hike. FE 5-4355._______________ Repossession - 1953 chevy 1963 CORVAIR MONZA CONVERTI-ble, auto., fair condition. $375. Im-modlato disposal. MA 5-5547. 1963 CORVETTE, MAROON WITH black vinyl top, 4 spebd and detachable hardtop, 327, 250 h.p. Call IMF John McAultffe Ford 1963 Chevy $865 "It only takas a minute to Getaa 'BETTER DEAL' at" John McAulHfe Ford *30 Oakland Avo. FE 5-410.1 1953 CORVAIR CONVERTIBLE, THIS LITTLE BEAUTY HAS RADIO AND HEATER, WHITEWALL TIRES. DOWN, Assume weakly pay-mams of $792. CALL CREDIT MGR. Mr. Parks at HAROLD TURNER FORD, Ml 4-7300. -1*63 CHEVY IMPALA, 9 PASSBN- ill 353-4976. 1*53 CHEVROLET BEL AIR 0 CVL- Indar ♦ I______ ______ Automatic, power steering, R_ brakes, radio, hooter, whltewelll tires. $99 Down and credit nsgah lem at bank rate*. "SOMETHING NEW' MIKE SAVOIE CHEVROLET Ml 4-2735 - Ml 4-7609 t C)OOR HARDTOP, „ ver, 327 engli $,11300. PE 2-774 Chevy 1954 impala 6. hardtop. .2 dr. IMIe. Heater. Power f big. Auto. $1400. 626-7535. Wl CORVAIR 2-OOOR WITH straight stick, radio, heater and tew mileage. Lika new condition II prica only $791 ,n and weakly p_,.—, King mincing avallablt ■ardless of pest credit p KING AUTO SALES * ofijr and standard trwiamifr Ubw mi Us#d Cm IM 1964 CHEVY Bsl-Air Wagon, 4 door, V% awtoma teatMwadlo, whitewalls, mar $1695 1963 CHEVY Bsl-Air 9 passenger, Vg, ________r, radio, whitewalls, white and turquoise, $1295 Crissmon Chevrolet n. Milford. 5SS-1497. 11 4-2735 - Ml 4-7809 i CHEVY 6 PASSENGER STA-on wagon, dark blue, double r, auto., whitewalls, $1875. 1965 DODGE 4-door with (Ull power, automatic transmission, radio and heater end whitewall tires, only S4f- snd payments of S11SS. $1395 DOWNEY Oldsmobile, Inc. 1084 Oakland 338-0331, 338-0332 Next to Rainbow ci engine, 3-0226., a 2 WITH AUTOMATIC, ref, excellent condition low mileage. Still In warranty. Sharp Blrm-de. Credit no problem. 1955 T-BIRD AUTOMATIC, RADIO, Ml 4-2735 - Ml 4-7819 1959 FORD, NEW TIRES, FAIR body, automatic transmission, SI 49 with No Money Down • at r----------- Pontiac. 682-3400.__________ Chevrolet-Buick Lake Orion -MY 2-2411 I960 FORD. MECHANICALLY------- ' ‘ Tut a little rust. Full Price Keago Pontiac. 682-3400: 1950 FORD, GOOD CONDITION, $150 Birmingham's New CHEVROLET DEALER 1104 S. Woodward Ml 4-2735 and extra clean. Full mu with only $5 do weekly payments *■■■ financing available to all regard- KING automatic ______________ | I .. steering and brakes. 1 owner, h b|------to be appreciated, t plications._ LUCKY AUTO n Port Convertible, power steer- Only 3,000-mlle warranty. $2295 BIRMINGHAM CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH McComb CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH IMPERIAL OL 1-0550 . 1001 N. Ml ROCHESTER 1965 CHRYSLER car for the price of a much lesser automobile. This e|s-gant hardtop Is lust what you have bean looking for. Sootiest blue finish, forquefllte, power steering, brakes, jaBb factory warranty tog protection. Pay lusPWWUPB and finance lust S1597 at new car rates. Spartan Dodge Inc. y for yiur IS Oakland A ■ FE 8-4528. Factory Officials Cars 1955 CHRYSLER New Yorker 2-door Hardtop. Loaded. AIR CONDITIONED. $3995 1955 CHRYSLER "300" 2-door Hardtop, bucket teats, console. $3195 it CHRYSLER "300" Convert- $3395 $2995 1955 PLYMOUTH VHP 2-< Hardtop. 4000 miles. $2595 19M PLYMOUTH Sport Fu door Hardtop. 2J00 miles. $2495 1955 PLYMOUTH Fury III > door Hardtop^hiH^ equipped. * $2295 Birmingham Chrysler 860 S. Woodward, Ml 7-&14 Kessler-Hahn WmSXSMBSl On Dixie In Clerkston MA 5-2635 Wtw mi Ugsd Cm J8| LLOYD Nsto mi Us#d Can 1965 CORTINA i MARMADUKE By Andenn iid Leaning $997.50 Lloyd Motors 1250 OAKLAND 333-7863 N THE DODGE REBELLION 1953 DART AND WITH A the extras you natd, ai matte, radio, heater and di tread whitewalls. Lovely b I vinyl Interior. No SI m, and lust 87.97 weakly. I Mr, Burke at 331-5521. KESSLER'S DODGE CARS AND TRUCKS Sales and Service i - ________ OA S-1400 HAROLD TURNER iVtS DODGE ultraroomy Polar* Wa carry the whole family It Torquefllte _ ... Ing and factory warranty, protection. Pay only. |].. •nd new car rates, on bolance. SPARTAN DODGE INC. 855 | tond Avo. FE 8-4528. large i toll po FORD V8, 2 DOOR. REAL J. 333-7542. Riggins, Dealer. JMF John f/cAullff* Ford 1961 T-Bird 2 Door Hardtop Tuxedo black finish, genuine -leather Interior, power windows, steering, brakes, seats. Go first-clan for permits In this little beauty. Only 179 down. Finance M 1955 MUSTANG. HARDTOP, V-8, whitewalls, 3 speed, S1550 or 7, 674-0735. ____________ $991 "It only tikes a minute to Get e 'BETTER DEAL' at" John McAuliffo Ford Oakland Ave. FE S-4101 1961 FORD STATION WAGON, EX-cellenf condition. Good flips. Clean. 33*9387. OCTOBER transportation Specials BUY HERE-PAY HERE No Application Refused RAMBLER wagon .. S197 $2. ... FORD auto .. $97 SI.20 959 DeSOTO 2 door m||N||| . 1597 S5. >197 $2.0 1*50 PONTIAC Hardtop 1597 S5.95 1960 OLDS hardtop . S597 15.95 NO DOWN PAYMENT SMALL WEEKLY PAYMENTS IMMEDIATE DELIVERY MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM WE HANDLE AND ARRANGE ALL FINANCING CALL MR. DAN AT FE 84071 Capitol Auto Weekly. ! .5-4101 1962 FORD CONVERTIBLE, VI, | White finish .... steering and pow- King Auto 6695 Dixie Hwy. (2 blks. S. of M'5) CLARKSTON MA 5-2671 MUSt DISPOSE OF 1962 FORD Galaxle Hardtop, automatic power. S5.87 weekly. No Money Down, Call Murphy ot FE 5-4101 Me-Aullffo 1962 FORD GALAX IE 500 CONVERT-Ible, sparkling Burgundy finish, all vinyl tflm, snappy V0 standard, make yourself a terrific off-season, buy for lust $597 full price. SPARTAN DODGE INC. 155 Oakland Ave. FE 8-4528. 1952 FALCON FUTURA 2-DOOR, automatic, radio, heater, original Full pf weekly UMIIP finish. Very low mileage. Full price, $395 with —BnggSffi *£. * KING AUTO SALES America's Largest Used Car Dealer M59 at Elizabeth Lake Rd. FE 84088 1*53 FORD FALCON BAViChE&O credit no problem. Immedlato de- ‘SOMETHING NEW" MIKE SAVOIE 81 4-2735 - Ml 4-7119 J id payment* of $12.66 HAROLD TURNER FORD, INC 4*4 I. WOODWARD AVI. BIRMINGHAM- Ml 5-7500 1953 FORD PASTBACK WITH V-t ENGINE, AUraiATK TRANSMISSION, RADIO AND HEATER, POWER STEERING, WHITEWALL TIRES, ABSOLUTELY NO MONEY - As—no weekly pm- ments of «M|. CALL CREDIT MGR. Mr. Perks at Her-OLD TURNER FORD, Ml 4-7500. 19*4 THUNDERBIRO WITH AIR ---Uttoning, full -- * ------ let bp ‘ r Interior. Almost 11 Pretty Ponies 1965 MUSTANGS 7 USED MUSTAHGS TO «■ CHOOSE FROM CONVERTIBLES HARDT0PS 2 PLUS 2'$ FULL EQUIPMENT As Low As $49 Down and $49 Per Month HAROLD TURNER FORD, INC 454 S. WOODWARD AVE. BIRMINGHAM_________Ml 4-7300 FALCON CONVERTIBLE, drive, heater, “Aamnd fuel r , like n r. Mason at 335-4101 H 1950 MERCURY, i 1954 FORD FAIRLANE 2 DOOR WITH AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION, RADIO AND HEATER AND WHITEWALL TIRES, ABSOLUTELY NO MONEY DOWN, Assume weekly payments of SS.*2. CALL CREDIT MGR. Mr,* 1951 COMET DELUXE 1 C automatic, radio, heater, wall let black finish, red vinyl, $495. REPOSSESSION - 1955 MUSTANG VI, radio, heater, No M ~ $11.17 Weekly. Call Mr 335-4101 McAultffe. IMF Chrysler-Plymouth 724 Oakland Ave,_______FE 2-9150 1*62 MERCURY CUSTOM 4 DOOR, " ' tic, radio, power itaer-condltlon. 5850, 574-1*70. John McAuliffo Ford 1965 Mustang Convertible i a fire angina, re HP. VS 4 speed, Th ’ ONE At S59 down. ,$1499 MOTORS INC. AUTHORIZED VW DEALER Vi mil* north of Miracle Mile 1755 S. Telegraph FE >4531 Get * 'BETTER DEAL' at" John McAuliffo Ford I Oakland Ave.______FE 5-4101 , must sacrifice. PRescot 9- 3 XL CONVERTIBLE, VO, automatic, power steering,' radio, heater, 4 new tires. $1995 at JEROME FORD Rochester Ford Dealer 1953 MERCURY 4 DOOR SEDAN, power steering, radio. Beige Finish with matching Interior. $1290. 1965 and 1966 Fords 17 TO CHOOSE FROM ALL MODELS FULLY EQUIPPED NEW-CAR WARRANTIES 1953 MERCURY METRO CUSTOM AS LOW AS $49 DOWN Payments as low as $11.95 Wkly. HAROLD TURNER BIRMINGHAM FORD, INC. 454 S. Woodward Ave. |fU*“ Ml 4-7500 1955 FALCON 4 DOOR, AUTOMATIC, radio, heater, $1295 at JEROME FORD Rochesters Ford Dealer. OL 1965 FORD, 4-DOOR. 1955 FORD FAIRLANE 5 hardtop, 2500 ml. Sail OR 3-2306.__________ 1966 T-8JRD Town Landau. 3500 _____ ____ You must set this to appreciate I S3695 tokos It away. THE NEW AUDETTE PONTIAC NOW SERVING Troy—Pontiac—Birmingham area 255 FORD FAIRLANE 2 DOOR hardtop, VI, automatic, p o w a r steering, radio, heater, See et JEROME FORD Rochesters Forth Peeler OLH711. DON'S ' USED CARS SMALL AD-BIG LOT 70 CARS TO CHOOSE FROM 1955 MUSTANG heater, whitewalls, silver b 1954 TEMPEST 2-door, stick S, radio, hooter, whl wells, maroon. 1953 FORD Country Squire wagon, auto., d< bio power, white, red Interior. 1963 CHEVY Bel Air wagon, auto. I, doul power, turquoise. Radio, heater, 1963 BONNEVILLE Convertible, full power, red, wh top. Radio. Heeler. 677 S. LAPEER RD. Lake Orion MY 2-2041 1954 JEEP WAGONEER. LLOYD ir local axacutlva. $89 dt $1397 Lloyd Motors 1250 OAKLAND 333-7863 1953 continHHtalc6HveBtible, automatic full powar, air conditioning, whitewalls, sparkling Whlta ewnar Naw par tradal Only $19*5. OAKLAND "Mumps or just a mouth full of food?! ?” Used Cars 106 Nbw and Useu Cart 106 King Plan Financing. Call 1*55. MG MINERAL BLUE, mllq$. whitewalls, Pries $100 at Ktsgo p Oakland 334-5003. Autobahn 1962 MERCURY 2-DOOfe HARDTOP, V0, automatic. Pull power, r" heater. Full pricy 0695 with newer, run price, tors wirn |usi $5 down and weekly payments of $8.04. King financing available to all regardless of past credit prob- KING 1957 PLYMOUTH. YOU'LL believe this. It's a good one. $69 Full Price at Keego Pontiac. *82- AUT0 SALES America's Largest Used Car Dealer M59 at Elizabeth Lake Rd. FE 84088 Call Collect PLYMOUTH 1957, *, GOOD 2ND 1942 VALANT SHARP AUTOMATIC 1964 CHEVROLET 9 passenger wag on, automatic, power steering. 1959 PONTIAC 2 door hardtop, Roal Buy „ CHEVROLET Beautiful S1495. 1955 DODGE Sportsman for the Hu —, Camper or Family Car BOB BORST 1954 PLYMOUTH 4 DOOR HARO-top, 351 angina, automatic, radio, heater, whitewalls, beautiful mid-nightjMWii|MgB sedan. Powar steering _______________ whitewalls, auto. Turquoise with matching Interior, gxc. condition, SS5C. 585-1840. _________ I beauty tor only BOB BORST LINCOLN-MERCURY J S. Woodward BIRMINGHAM 645-4538 1964 COMET 4 DOOR CALIENTE, bucket seats, radio, whitewalls, ‘ very sharp, 11150. FE 3-0473, 1964 COMET WAGON. WE AREN'. Comet dealers, but w* do have a beautiful wagon. Automatic shift, gas miser VS engine, luggaga rack, radio, new white tires, completely tuned and ready for the road. finance the whole selling price of $1195. $42 per month. Kee( — 682-3400. 1954 COMET 6 CYLINDER, AUTO- , 2 door sedan. This I BOB BORST LLOYD 1966 MERCURY ■-door hardtop. Automatic, |PP Rangoon red, matching vinyl lH down, finance bal- $2489 Lloyd Motors 1250 OAKLAND 333-7863 Suburban Olds USED CAR CLEAN UP 1962-'63-'64-'65-'66 Now Car Trade-Ins MUST BE SOLD To Make Room for 1967 Trade-Ins 2 Year Warranty 635 S. Woodward Ave. Birmingham 647-51 IT IMF 1961 Olds "98" Convertible h a sky blue finish, automatic, power,' our asking price Is $691 SPECIAL 962 OLDS 98 ffrtoor with I cylinder angina, automatic, power steerlngx, power brakes, power window*. Exceptional' car for only •** 1954 PONTIAC Catiline, Beautiful Blue finish, power, radio, r-- whitewall tires. 1*9 down and It no preworn. "SOMETHING NEW" MIKE SAVOIE CHEVROLET 11*4 South Wbodpar* M.sSB’Wri.Tw Cosh Low, Want to Go? If you havo a lob and $50 t old car. I can put you In new or late model car. Past ered forgiven." Approval by phone. Ca Mr. Vaughn Trudell, S85-W00. Jwner, 335-1994. _______________ 1*44 OLM, 9$ STARFIRE CON, vertlble, all extras, 1 owner, FE Mill after s p.m. , . LLOYD 1965 OLDSMOBILE FSS. Extra sharp, showroom con dltion. $49 down, Full price only $1447 Lloyd Motors 1250 OAKLAND 333-7863 S 442 CONVERTIBLE, $2,- SUBURBAN OLDS HOME OP Quality One-Owner Birmingham Trades AT LOWEST PRICES I S. Woodward______547-5111 1963 PONTIAC LEMANS 4 SPEED. 1250 OAKLAND , 333-7863 ROCHESTER DODGE car tradt. *1295. Oakland 1954 PONTIAC BONNEVILLE, z door, hardtop. Four to choose from 11597 rail price. Take your choice. These cars are fully guaranteed. 1 owners. Must sell Immediately. W* arrange all financing. No application* —I LUCKY AUTO ! PLYMOUTH BELVEDERE I, 273 V a. >1250. 528-1 >72. 1940 W. Wide Track *-1006 or FE 3-7854 1954 CATALINA, VERY CL^AN. “ Opdyk* Hardware. FE " * 1965 BARRACUDA 4-speed, V0, powar brakes, Candy apple rad and all vinyl interior and bucket seats. 1-owner Birmingham trade. Special Mechellen tires — Bank financing. Weakly special 31695 BIRMINGHAM CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH 955 SPORT PUftY. AIR-CONDI-tionlng. Auto, transmission. Power 310. Whitewalls. Low mlleagt. Guaranteed. $2800. 330-5925 after ... CATALINA, WHITE 4 DOOR hardtop, with power, clean, very wtm condition. 8350. 682-5955. WOULD YOU BELIEVE It's You Wb Want? THE WISE BUYER WHO WANTS TO SAVE MONEY Check these cash pricei available at bank rates ............i references. 1950 Pontlec Hardtop Pontiac Bonnie. Conv. .. .. Chevy impala Hardtop .. I ... 1M0 Pontiac Sta. Wag.........S 299 1*83 Pontiac Bonnie. H-top .. $ 899 . Wag. 1954 MG (1100) .............. . . 1955 Pontiac Bonnie. H-top. . 02,1 1953 Chevy Bel Air ...... $ 1 1959 Chevy 2-&or VI . . ..... $ i 1951 Ford VI 2-door, stick ...SI 1950 Ford 2-door, stick ..... S 1 1959 Mercury H-top ...... S l 1953 Ford Falrian* .......... s < 1950 Rambler sex™ * 1952 Olds F(5 . : 8-9238 MECHANICS SPECIAL ' 1950 PONTIAC BonnMIl* 2 Hardtop, Excellent condition, mafic, radio, heoter, whl tires. Pull Price 0195 with ___, J low weekly payment* IL57. No Credit Application King Auto 6695 Dixis Hwy. (2 blks. S. of Ml5) CLARKSTON -MA 5-2671 WOULD YOU BELIEVE It's You Wb Want THE WISE BUYER WHO WANTS TO SAVE MONEY 10 Pontlae Hardtop .........I 399 B Chevy Impaja Hardtop"‘.L* 49* 1959 gwyy Moor VI.........n» 1951 Ford'V8 2-door, stick .... * 1960 Ford Mdor, stick ...... 1959 Mtrcunr Hardtop ....... 1953 Ford Falrian* ......... ..oids Fi5 $« 1955 Ford Pickup .......... ,| 1 OPDYKr MOTORS GET SMART BUY FOR LESS >2230 Pontiac Rd. at Opdyk* FE 0-9237 ¥. TE fr»23B 1961 PONTIAC CATALINA HARDTOP, FULL POWER, AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION RADIO AND HEATER AND WHITillALL TIRES, ABSOLUTELY NO MONEY DOWN, Assume weekly payments of S4.99. CALL CKfCnT^MM, *- ““‘‘I it HAROLD TUR- to, mi 4-riS; NER FORD, A New and Used Cars 106 . COME TO THE PONTIAC RETAIL STORE 1955 CATALINA HARDTOP, LOAO-ed, hist offer, original 625-1885. 100 Top Quality, one-owner new car trades to ' choose from WHERE YOU EXPECT MORE . . . AND GET IT 65 Mt. Clemens '45 GTO, $2488. '55 FORD Gelexle, VI, power s Ing, auto., 8700 actual ml., $1 ‘54 PONTIAC Convertible, p o i steering, power brakes, real i (2) '55 CATALINA C Sport coup*. Black with red trli Radio; heater, whitewalls. You c buy mis far only $895. THE NEW AUDETTE PONTIAC NOW SERVICING ( Troy—Pontiac—Birmingham ere* 5*2-8500 1962 PONTIAC Bbnnevlll*. Turquoise with matching Interior. Automatic, eawt 19*5 PQNTIAC 2 F ----tr, vinyl tw ). Call FE 2-1 $995 DOWNEY Oldsmobile, Inc. 1084 Oaklond 338-0331, 338-0332 Next to Rainbow car wash teels, power steerlrn, pow-brakes. whitewall tires, dlo with rear seat speakw", . LLOYD Grand Prlx. Beautiful tropical'tur- $45 (town) Finance balance of only $1145 Lloyd Motors 1145 offer 6 or Sat, or Si OUST DISPOSE OF—194* TEMPEST convertible, automatic, VS, $11.17 Weekly No Money Down, Call H Murphy at FE 5-4181 McAullffe drafted, FE 5-3145. — PONTIAC GTO CONVERTIBLE, V8, automatic transmission, power steering. Whit* with black top. Must liquidate at S1497 full price. Must sell Immediately. We arrange all financing. No applications ~ LUCKY AUTO 1940 W. Wide Track I Cars 106 SHELTON PONTIAC-BUICK 155 ROCHESTER ROAD 651-5580 THE NEW AUDETTE PONTIAC NOW SERVING Troy—Pontlec—Birmingham Area 150 Maple, across frof” Berr Airport and Sava $ $ $ On Main SI Clerkston 1955 LEMA-r. , VA-8 STICK BB88-S Convertible SALE Thsss must go-Our loss—Your gain I 1955 PONTIAC TEMPEST CUSTOM. V-8 automatic, nMnigM Mu* with light blue all matching vinyl 4n> , 7,000 actual ml. '55 GTO Convertible, 1 Averill 1961 AMBASSADOR CUSTOM SE- 1966 Pontiac BonnevillB Save! HOMER "HIGHT Op M24 In Lake Orion PONTIAC 1955 CONVERTIBLE. .. 14,000 ml. Power steering brakes. Take over payments. e mo. 628-3357.________ trss, $2400, Rochester, OL 1-0945. 165 PONTIAC BONNEVILLE, deer hardtop, ‘ by private owl... . •‘■hltywalls, power steering, 1966 PONTIAC I Catalina Coupe, white wltl trim. Automatic, power steering, walls. Still under warranty. , buy et $2523. THE NEW AUDETTE PONTIAC NOW SERVING 1150 Maple, across from B 1965 LEMANS 2 DOOR' SPRINT 1955 BONNEVILLE OR 195* BUICK ' "ibre, both loaded. Mus" or other. OR 3-5945. GOli HAUPT PONTIAC .. PONTIAC VENTURA *656!. Hsrdtop^ExcengMwidltlon. Many special and ’prioed^to iiTt" tSf*on!y BIRMINGHAM CHRYSLER-PLYMpUTH .... —" *“ 7-3214 VILLAGE RAMBLER 666 S. Woodward Birmingham Ml 6-39G0 Autobahn Authorized VW Dealer .. mile North of Miracle Mil* 1765 S. Telegraph__________FE 1-4531 BOB BORST LINCOLN-MERCURY 520 I. 1 GOOD TRANSPORTATION 1962 Rambler Classic Auto ■ .. 1952 American 2 door. Sharp . 1961 FORD 2 door Hardtop ... 1961 DODGE 4 door Custom ... 1958 T-BIrd auto ......>.... FIAT 4 door HOOD ....S795 GRIMALDI 900 Oakland Avo._____FE S-9421 standard shift. Priced to a ROSE RAMBLER EM 34155 1965 RAMBLER CLASSIC 770. 15^ 000 miles Ilk* new. Only S1595. 951 Impala extra sharp ...$541 BERGEN MOTORS Cortina, Angela, MG, "BEST" Foreign ct 000 W. Maple, V 1966 RAMBLER DEMOS loaded and fully equipped including factory air conditioning. ROSE RAMBLER RAMBLER CLEARANCE -tw car warranty,; Only 81818. 1955 Classic VI 4 door, power steer, tog, auto., radio, balance of now (Tar warranty, $1080. of now car warranty $1< 4 AMBASSADOR 99H. f wire wheals, 1 door 1953 CLASSIC 4 Door, vl, power steering, Only 1711. GRIMALDI Oakland Avo._________FE 54421 1500CC. MusYano SEATS, lights, s etc., col SS4-1043. S h.p, 1954 GTO. A QUICK. QUICK HARD-top Hist's really been babied. 3 speed and cen still be guaranteed! ltd/'tr ■ OWNER — 1954 CATALINA door deluxe, like new, must se to appreciate. 582-5349. 1954 TEMPEST 2 DOORS, AUTO- LUCKY AUTO 1940 W. Wide Track 1965 PONTIAC Catalina Coupe. Whit* with trim, automatic, power stec..... and brakM, radio, hector, white-walls. 16,000 actual miles,'Yours tor only $2250. THE NEW AUDETTE PONTIAC NOW SERVING Troy—Pontiac—Birmingham a_ 1150 Maple, across from Bora Airport :v mam........:wa RUSS JOHNSON Pontioc-Ramblsr On M34 In Lake Orton MY 2-6266 19*5 BONNEVILLE HARDTO. coupe, white, black Interior, Hydra-matlc, power steering, post-traction, tinted windshield, 03100. UL WB79 efter S p.m. matching Interior. $1895 DOWNEY OldsniobilB, Inc. 1084 Oakland 338-0331, 3330332 ” ct to Rainbow car wash. 50NNEVILLE, 4-/ Capri Gold. Fotoor 1*6S PONTIAC CATALINA VEN- T CONVI 'ERTIBLE. 326 196B~BONNEVILLE Sport coup*. Factory *i Now aarving Tu, — ham area 1HB Mato, a< -----Airport 542-5600. 1966 FORDS John McAuliffe Ford Factory Official and Lease Cars at - Extra Special Savings - 1966 Ford Mustang i 2 GT with turquols* finish, loaded. 1100 Down. Baleno $1999 1966 Ford Fairlane Hop. Ember glo with 390 aded. With 100 Pawn. Solar $2388 1966 Ford Galaxie $2391 V-0, Crulse-O- 1966 Ford Galaxie line whlto with rod vinyl 0. $ioo Down, Your Baianc $2291 196g)Ford Wagon Country Sedan./Condy appla red with Crulse-O-Matlc, oower iteer-Ina. with SIM ctown. Yeiwll»u«™ n.h,_ pDW*r Ing, with $100 (town. Your Balance $2496 1966 T-Bird Landau Brtres ^OnlyW$100*Down**Balance*of-V‘,' p#w*r' *3li *!«• $3288 John McAuliffe Ford 630 OAKLAND AVI FE 54101 V' THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8,-196ft C—18 —-TelevisionIVogramS— Programs furnished by Motions listed in this column art eubi«cttochangw without notice CTifcw, 4-wwj.w; 7jmk. MUM), w-wim: m-ww**"' AFTERNOON 12:00 (2) Road Runner (7) Bugs Bunny (SO) Govtown Rodeo J2:30 (2) Beagles (7) lfilton tiie Monster (9) Country Calendar (50) People Are Funny 1:00 (2) Tomand Jerry (?) Hoppity Hooper ffl Pm Football: Wb peg at Ottawa (50) Movie 1:90 (2) Movies: “Cry of the Werewolf” (1944) Nina Foch, Stephen Crane; “The Wild North" (1952) Stewart Granger* Cyd Charisse (7) Wide World of Sports 2:30 (50) Upbeat 3:99 (4) Beat the Champ (7) College Football: Tennessee vs. Georgia Tech 2:30 (») Wrestling (50) Hone Race 4:00 (4) Theater! (50) Championship Wrestling 4:30. (2) It’s About Time x (4) Flying Fisherman (9) Supercar 5:09 (2) Mike Douglas (4) George Pierrot (9) Swingin’ Time 5:30 (60) Superman 5:Si (4) S.L.A. Marshall TONIGHT 1:00 (4) News, Weather, Sports (7) Rifleman (9) Shirley Temple (SO) Hy Lit Show 1:31 (2) Grand Ole Opry (4) Network News (7) Michigan Outdoors 7:00 (2) Death Valley Days (4) At the Zoo (7) ABC Scope (9) Twilight Zone (SO) The Beat 7:30 (2) Jackie (Reason (4) Flipper (7) Shane (50) Science Fiction Theater 1:00 (4) Please Don’t Eat the Daisies (9) Adventure (SO) Upbeat 1:39 (2) Pistols ’a’ Petticoats (4) Get Smart (7) Lawrence Walk (9) Movie: “They Died With Their Boots On" (1941) Errol Flynn, Olivia de Havilland, Anthony Quinn i 9:00 (2) Mission: Impossible (4) Movie: “The Joker Is Wild" (1957) Frank Sinatra, Mitzi Gaynor, Jeanntfc Crain (50) Movie: “Mission to Hell" (1963) Brad Harris 9:30 (7) Hollywood Palace 10:00 (2) Gunsmoke 10:30 (7) World Adventure 11:00 (2) (7) (9) News, Weather, Sports. (50) College Football: Michigan State vs. U. of M. 11:19 (9) Bill Anderson 11:25 (2) Movies: 1. “Three Etc.’s and the Colonel" (1962) Anita Ekberg, Vit-» torio De Sica. 2. “Kind Lady" (1951) Ethel Barrymore, Maurice Evans 11:30 (4) News, Weather, Sports (7) Movies: 1. “Touch of Evil" (1958) Charlton Heston, Orson Welles, Janet Leigh, Marlene Dietrich. 2. “The Stranger Wore a Gun" (1963) Randolph Scott, Claire Trevor 12:00 (4) Johnny Carson . 12:15 (9) Window on the World 1:30 (4) Beat the Champ 2:00 (4) News, Weather 3:00 (2) Movies: 1. “Bannerline" (1961) Keefe Bras-selle. 2. “The Mighty Bar-num" (1934) Wallace Beery, Adolphe Menjou, Virginia Bruce SUNDAY MORNING 1:90 (7) living Past 0:49 (2) News 0:45 (2) Accent 7:00 (2) To Be Announced (7) Rural Newsreel 7:25 (4) News 7:90 (2) Christopher Program (4) Country Living (7) Insight 8:00 (2) This Is the Life (4) (Special) I Believe (7) Dialogue 8:15 (9) Sacred Heart 8:30 (2) Temple Baptist > Church (4) Church at the Crossroads (7) Understanding Our World (9) Window on the World 8:55 (4) Newsworthy 9:00 (2) Mass for Shut-Ins (4) Bozo the Clown ^ ? (7) Three Stooges (9) Oral Roberts > 9:30 (2) With This Ring (7) Linus the Lionhearted (9) Rex Humbard 9:45 (2) Highlight 10:00 (2) Let’s See (7) Beany and Cecil (60) lift Him Up 19:15 (4) Davey and Goliath 10:90 (2) Faith for Today (4) House Detective (7) Peter Potamui (9) Fashions Internationale (60) Quest for Certainty 11:00 (2) Stingray (7) Bullwinkle (9) Forest Rangers (50) Dickory Doc 11:30 (2) Mr. Magoo ' (7) Discovery ’66 (9) Movie: “Poor Little Rich Girl" (1936) Shirley Temple, Alice Faye. SUNDAY AFTERNOON 12:00 (2) M o v ie: “Heaven Knows, Mr. Allison” (1957) Robert Mifchum, Deborah Kerr f. (4) Meet the Press (7) Championship Bowling (50) World of Dogs 12:30 (4) World Series #(50) Herald of Truth 1:00 (7) Movie: “Mask of the Musketeers" (1964) Gordon Scott (9) Movie: “The Maverick Queen" (1956) Wallace Ford, Barbara Stanwyck (50) Movie: “Tomorrow Is Forever" (1946) Orson Welles, Claudette Colbert 2:00 (2) Changing Times 2:15 (2) Voice of the Fans 2:90 (2) Pro Press Box 2:45. (2) NFL FootbaU: Green Bay vs. San Francisco 2:55 (7) Political Talk 3:00 (7) Spotlight (50) Wrestling 3:30 (4) AFL Football: Miami vs. Oakland (7) Issues and Answers (9) M o v i e: “East of Eden” (1955) James Dean, Julie Harris 4:90 (7) How to Watch FootbaU (50) Eastern FootbaU 5:00 (7) Movie: “The Stratton Story” (1949) James Stewart, June Allyson (50) Movie: “Naked In the Sun” (1957) James Craig, Lite Milan .5:99 (9) Rawhide 5:41 (56) Chrjstopher Program 8UNDAY EVENING 6:00 (2) Campaign 68 (56) Musicale f:39 (2) Naked City (4) News (9) Movie': “Golden Goddess of the Rio Beni" (1964), Pierre Brice, Harold Juimke (56) Casals Class ) 7:60 (2) LasSie (4) Theater • (7) Voyage (50) Wells Fargo (56) Symphony 8:96 (2) Patty DUke (4) Walt Disney (SO) CoUege FootbaU: No-[ tre Dame vs. Army 8:90 (2) Ed SulUvan (7) F»M (56) When in Rome 8:90 (4) Hey Landlord ' ‘ (9) Outdoorsman Y*' (56) Face of the World 9:90 (2) Garry Moore (4) Bonanza (7) Movie: “The Young Lions” (1958) Marlon Brando, Montgomery CUR, Dean Martin (9) Flashback (56) Festival of the Arts 9:90 (9) Let’s Sing Out 19:00 (2) Carol and Company (4) Andy Williams (50) Lou Gordon 11:09 (2) (4) (7) (9) News tt:10 (9) Movie: “Woman of Evil” (1953) Jeanne Moreau, Henri Renes 11:25 (2) Movie: “From Hell to Borneo” (1964) Torin Thatcher, Julie Gregg 11:90 (7) Movie: “Price of Fear” (1956) Lex Barker, Merle Oberon 11:35 (4) Beat the Champ 1:00 (9) Window on ihe World 1:15 (2) With This Ring 1:36 (7) Have Gun MONDAY MORNING 6:15 (2) On the Farm Scene 6:20 (2) News 6:99 (2) Sunrise Semester , (4) Classroom ’ (7) Three Stooges 7:00 (2) Bowery Boys (4) Today 7:30 (7) Morning Show 7:55 (9) Morgan’s Merry-Go-Round 8:00 (2) Captain Kangaroo (9) Romper Room 8:90 (7) Movie: “The Garden of AUah” (1936) Marlene Detrich, Charies Boyer 9:00 (2) Merv Griffin (4) Living (9) Bonnie Prudden Show 9:05 (56) Understanding Numbers 9:25 (56) Cabbages and Kings 9:30 (9) People in Conflict 9:50 (56) Spanish Lesson 9:55 (4) News 19:00 (4) Eye Guess (9) Hercules (50) Yoga for Health 10:05 (56) Reason and Road 10:20 (56) Science Is Fun 10:25 (4) News 10:30 (2) Beverly Hillbillies (4) Concentration (7) Girl Talk (9) Ontario Schools (50) Love That Bob 10:35 (56) Interlude 10:50 (56) Let’s Talk Danish 11:00 (2) Andy Griffith If a fifth World Series game is necessary, it wiU be played Monday at Baltimore with coverage slated to begin at 11:30 a.m. —Weekend Radio Programs— WJR(760) WXYZQ 270) CKLWCOOO) WWK950) WCARQ130) WPON(l 4*0) WJBKQ 500) WHFI-FM(9^7) Music ter Modern, WWJ—New*. Monitor 7:**—WCAR, Rati ROM WPON. Newt, Johnny trow WXYZ, News, Music, (porta wjbk, New,, Stacker. WJR, Noun, Ihowcuti Sport, ♦:00-WHFI, Chuck Spohftar 1:J*—WWJ, NOW*, TMMPM 10;M_WJR, New,, Cavalcade, 11:10—WJBK, Reviewing Stand <:M—WJR Mu,leal From-wjbkI*r* tar Maim, Writ- CKLW, Album 1W WXYZ, nMc Attain, ' WWJ. Overnight " . «:»-WJR. Orpan encore, WJBK, SciMica New, *:«—WjR, The Chrtataphar* WJBK, Living with Ado-le Kents : WPON Lutheran I_ tiM-WJR Sunday Chorale WWJ, Marktar*, Church, WPON. SunSay Sanmatta » WCAR. The Church Today •iM-WJR .Nawa, 'Made cTLV^r»pHour WJBK, JMPM wcar, LW.tar L...... _ wpon, st. John', CkWgt WXYZ, Pat Murphy, Nawa WCAR, Bade to God Hour , CKLW, Rwlval Hour WJBK, Radio Bible Claes »Hi--&iw, BalhMla Tam- WCAR,* WPON, WWJ, L.-n— . I_■ ..j," j ■ WJBK. Uttan, MMjjSK wjbk! Common Ceunct tits—cklw, ChrMtan ru CKLW, Radio Blbta ClM, WPON, The Christopher, WJBK, Leak at Saak* . WHPL US. Navy Band WJR, Nawa, Mode, (porta WXYZ, Pat Murphy, Music, 1til»-WPON, Emmsnusl Bsp-WHPI, (tars, a* Patau* tliM-WWJ, (t. Paul's Catha- Si! WHPI, Music tar SunSty WPON, Rellglao, Mink lltlf-^WfON, Csntral Metho- lti(a-WJR. Taksmaels Choir 'CKLW,' News. Anglic* SUNDAY APflRNOON ' 12:00—WWJ, World Serle, atCaa,#WMctar Sunday WPON. :iB>My (aranada wjbk iwakigtan, Muaie, CKiMLWWesy uoif" WHFI, Uncle Jsv 1. ParDsm, lltSB—CKLW, I, Lutheran H ItOO—CKLW, Ed Busch, WJR, Fanfare, Llons-Rama SiM—WWJ, Detroit Symphony WHPI, Dannls Vogel SUNDAY EVENIND 1:00—WXYZ, Nawa CKLW, Frank and Email WJBK, Music Naw, WCAR, News, Music WPON; Sunday Serenade wwj-Newt, Report, Meat tha Prats WJR, Newt, Sports, Ijirntr, Miewcasa SiJS-CKLW Wings at Healing 2i(S—WXYZ, Danny Taylor CKLW, ChwSof Goo WWJ, News, Monitor WCAR, Nawa, Frank Key- . News, Showcase, Face the Nation WJBK, Town Hair _ t:JS—WXYZ, Public Aflat CKLW, Stale Study - WJBK, Music with Wards ta>N—CKLW, Billy. Graham rwacistab Catholl — lie Hour WJBK, What'S 'ha lWOO if:JO—WJR, Chapel Hour CKLW, (M»THW\ Lutheran wwj, cpajQQHfv’,, WJBK, Tampta Tima WCAR. Jewish Council MONDAY MORNINO 4:00—WJR, MUSIC Hall WWJ, Nsws, Roberts WXYZ, Marc Avery Show CKLW, Bud Davies, News WJBK. News, Bob LM, Music, Sports WCAR, News, Oatzall WPON, Nsws, Arltona Weil am 9 MO—WHFI, Almanac News WPON, News, Bob CBwrsnc WJR, Newt, Music S:W—WJR. News, Sunnytlds tlstwjR', Nsws, Harris WCAR, Nswa, J*Midsr, CKLW, Jpa Van WWJ, Nawa, Ask Neighbor 1SMB-WJR, Now*, Music OCb i, Newt, Patrli WJR, News, Godfrey 12:00—WWJ, Nawa, Market .. Muale; CKLW, -Nawa, Davs Shafer WCAR, News, Dave Rock-hart WHFI, BUI Beyl* wjr, Nsws, Farm WPON, Nawa, Ban Johnson . l:ie-WWJ, News, C*tt Kf-dall CKLW, News, Dave Shafer WJR, News, Elliot Field WHFI, Encore MS-WFaN^*pp)- v. wxyz, Dav* mns Mimic SitB-wSdl, Jo* BacaraDa television Features Spartans Play Wolverines HOLLYWOOD PALACE, 9:30 p.m. (7) Adam (Batman) West hosts singer-compos- * er Ray Charles, Western duo Roy Rogers and Dale Evans, singer-dancer joey Heath-erton and comic George Carlin. COLLEGE FOOTBALL, 11:09 p.m. (39) Tape of Michigan State vs. University of Michigan. SUNDAY WORLD SERIES, 12:30 p.m. (4) Fourth game between Dodgers and Orioles is scheduled for Baltimore’s Memorial Stadium, PRO FOOTBALL, 2:45 p.m. (2) Packers vs. 49ers at San Francisco; 3:30 p.m. (4) Dolphins vs. Raiders at Oakland! CAMPAIGN *00, 6:80 jj.m.-(2)“Party Prospects” is first of six half-hour election reports. ED SULUVAN, 9:00 p.m, (2) Guests Include Wayne and Shuster, Allen and Rossi, Petuta Clark and comic Richard Pryor. FBI, 8:00 p.m. (7) Peace envoy to U.S. is marked for assassination. Dean Jagger and Wiliam Windom guest-star. HEY LANDLORD, 8:30 p,m. (4) Despite warnings, Woody shows big interest in attractive divorcee (Jeanne Bal) who has moved into apartment buiiding. CAROL & COMPANY, 10:00 p.m. (2) Rock Hudson, making his TV singing debut, joins Frank Gorshin and Ken Berry of “F Troijip” on Carol Burnett’s first special of ANDY WILLIAMS, 1Q-00 p.m. (4) Andy’s -guests~are singers Bobby Darin and Nancy Wilson, musical comedy star Anthony New- I ley and Hoosier humorist Herb Shriner. s (4) Chain Letter (7)' Supermarket Sweep (9) Nine Presents (50) Dickory Doc 11:05 (56) Let’s Read 11:11 (S) Dick Van Dyke (4) Showdown (7) Dating Game 11:50 (56) Spanish for Teachers AFTERNOON 12:09 (2) News, Weather, Sports (4) Jeopardy (7) Donna Reed (9) Take 30 12:30 (2) Search for Tomorrow (4) Swingin' Country (7) Father Knows Best (9) Communicate (50) Movie 12:35 (56) Let’s Talk Spanish 12:45 (2) Guiding Light 12:56 (56) Understanding Numbers 12:55 (4) News 1:00 (2) Love of Life (4) Match Game (7) Ben Casey (9) Movie: “Illegal" (1955) Edward G. Robinson, Nina Foch v 1:19 (56) Interlude 1:25 (2) News (4) Doctor's House Call (56) Reason and Read 1:30 (2) As the World Turns (4) Let’s Make a Deal 1:49 (56) Science Is Discovery 1:55 (4) News (56) Cabbages and Kings 2:16 (2) Password (4) Days of Our Lives , (7) Newlywed Game 2:20 ( 56) Rhyme Time 2:30 (2) House Party (4) Doctors (7) A Time for Us (50) Peter Gunn (56) Science Is Fun 2:45 (56) Let’s Talk Spanish 2:55 (7) News„ 3:60 (2) To TeU the Truth (4) Another World LBJ Appears in Good Health WASHINGTON (AP) -President Johnson, on the first anniversary today of his gall bladder and kidney-stone operation, shows no apparent concern over his health. Although no official report on his physical condition has been issued since doctors gave him ‘‘’excellent’’ health rating last February, there is no indication the President is in other than good health. ★ * * Johnson had a heart attack In 1955 and underwent surgery a year ago today at the nearby Bethesda, Md., Naval Hospital. He still has one kidney stone lodged in his left kidney, where it has been for at least 11 years — apparently without serious harm. But despite the lack of official word on tiie President’s health, it seems obvious that, if he were (7) General Hospital f(50) Topper 3:25 (2) (9) News 3:3912) Edge of Night 1$ -^Bpb’tlay ’(71 NtffsieS (9) Swingin’ Time (50) Johnny Ginger 4:00 (2) Secret Storm (4) Bozo the Clown (7) Dark Shadows (9) Fun House 4:30 (2) Mike Douglas (7) Where the Action Is (50) Cartoon Carnival 4:55 (4) Eliot’s Almanac (56) Industry on Parade 5:0014) .George Pierrot (7) News, Weather, Sports Al (50) Soupy Sales (56) French Chef 5:30 (9) Cheyenne (50) Superman (56) What’s New 5:45 (7) Network News 5:50 (7) Political Talk 5:55 (4). Here's Carol Duvall Answer » Pm4mm NNi OCooperstown’. «Wiae uW BasebtU H»U of « Bustle __ 46 Evening parties •_____Banos. 49 Outer garment* California 63 Ecclejiutic 12 Against vertment 13 Nights before MjtatertaiiuMnt 14 Lifetime 56 Hawaiian 15 Instruments (or |*rl»nd disinfecting Falsehood* 17 Priwtty ' “ 18 lassoed 19 Slenderer 23 Sward 24 ----E«St^ 27 Popular in Britain 56 Poker itak* 59 Make lacs 50 Gaeli c 51 Gaaeout element DOWN 1 European ri 2 Preposition 3 On top of 29 Kenyan stream 4 Buffoon* 32 Oleic »cid eater 5 Turkish feU cap U Soothsayer 16 Fancy 20 Loves to 22 Vigilant 24-—Myeri, Florida 23 Term (or a sea traveler 26 Redisplay 28 European UnUeoline bird « author1* 10 Monster 31 Craft* 33 Next to in SSUnd ^ 40Debat*hi< Kinta s ak in eastern Utah 43 Certain native 46 Great----- Lake, Utah 47 Genus ti oUva* 48 Arabian ruler 50 Wild hot of x New Guinea 61 Within (comk font) 52 British |un 55 Compaa* point T— r" r~ 4 r* 5“ 7 8 9 IT rr 12 13 14 15 ift 17 18 19 20 21 2? 24 25 26 j ■ 27 29 30 31 32“ 33 3^ 20 r 3ft raT Ro 41 43 44 45 46 47 49 50 51 52 & 54 55 55“ bl 58 59“ 60 61 Dem fo Stand Morals Trial Officers in Viet Face Extension SAIGON, South Viet Nam (AP) — The U.S. military command announced plans today to extend the tours of duty In Viet Nam for selected officers. It emphasized the new procedure Would not apply to enlisted men. not in good health™ doctors. NBN“™al ntours 01 dutyJn Viet t-, :________ v.;J Nam now are one year. The new program will increase this to 18 LANSING (AP) - State Sen. Bernard O’Brien, a lame duck Detroit Democrat, stands trial Monday on a mbrals charge that may have been a factor in his losing his seat in the Legislature! ★ it ★ The 31-year-old ^ freshman lost in the Democratic primary to former State Rep. Arthur Cartwright, after he was charged with accosting a Michigan State University coed and “soliciting acts of Intercourse and-or the taking of nude pictures. ★ * ★ , ■' A warrant was Issued June 3, charging that O’Brien made his propositions to a 22-year-old MSU coed, Marion Lukens, last May 27. would not have approved his upcoming trip to the Far East. WILSON Ex-Barber Como Sings Blues That Hairy Singers Hurt Biz By EARL WILSON NEW YORK — When Perry Como was playing the state fairs recently, he got to Allentown, Pa., where he sat on a stool and reminisced that he had once lived in Canonsburg “where I had a little business—a barbershop.” gg From this he switched to talking about thep Beatles and the Rolling Stones and remarked: m “I think they’re a detriment to our bus!-sis.” . There wa» an uncomfortable silence. “I mean, he said, “the barber busi-sss.” In about two weeks Perry’ll be taping his Thanksgiving show, first of seven he’ll do this year for NBC, and all that State Fair experience will be helpful in catering to American tastes. Who but Perry Como among aU the TV stars has heard of a nickname for a human being, “Skunkie”? Perry was in Omaha. Tennessee Ernie Ford, who’d been playing Lansing, had stopped off (en route to Centralia) to say hello to “Ole Per”’ and to say, “Per’, I still got the watch you gave me.” Como was trying to remember when he’d ever given Ten-ness Ernie a watch, and yet there it was, inscribed. “I think he did a show for me when my dqd passed away,” Perry said. ★ ★ ★ But during all this a fellow Tennessean captured Ernie Ford and embraced him and said, “Wait’ll I tell SkunMe I saw you!” Perry couldn’t help asking the man, “Who’a Skunkie?” “Why, Skunkie,” tiie man said, “is my wife!” ★ , * ★ THE WEEKEND WINDUP ... Hedy Lamarr’s superheated, purple-prose autobiography has this fang for Liz Taylor: “I don’t think she Is glamorous, or even cute, only a rather heavy little girl.” (Pow! )... Michael Caine’ll have five films on Broadway this year . . . Playwright Neil Simon said at Les Champs that Robert Dhery will star in his “Odd Couple” In Paris, Victor Spinetti in London. Shirley MacLaine (her latest is “Woman X 7”) says she can’t figure the movie business: “I spend the day doing what I like—and I get paid more than the President of the U.S.” ... A certain three-letter word will be used on the screen for the first time la “Hie Professionals” ... Singer Neil Diamond, who has the hot new record “Cherry, Cherry,’’ flunked one subject at Abraham Lincoln H.S. in Brooklyn—Music. ★ ★ ; ★ TODAY'S BEST LAUGH: Phyllis Diller (who’ll host the "H’wood Palac«” TV’er Oct. 22) says the gown she’ll wear isn’t exactly new: “I wore it to tiie Johnson wedding—Lyndon’s and Ladybird’s.” • EARL’S PEARLS: Never argue with a woman. It’s your word against thousands at hers. .Barbra Streisand was offered champagne at a.party, md tha boat said, “It’a 1060—a very good year.” “For champagne, maybe,” Barbra sighed, "—but for unknown girl singers it was a terrible ylar.” . . . That’s earl, butter. months for a carefully chosen group of officers in some cases and to 24 months in others. ★ * ★ The announcement said the plan applied to only sioned and warrant officers assigned to Headquarters MACV (Military Assistance Command, Viet Nam) and MACV advisory groups and detachments:" The officers selected for — tension, the military command said, will be “those who have performed outstandingly in highly responsible positions, those who have successfully advised and influenced Vietnamese military units, and those who have a comprehensive understanding of national and international issues relating to Viet Nam." World population is increasing at the rate of about 2 per cent annually while food production rises only one per cent. Ford Claims Dems in Trouble This Fall GREENSBORO, N.C. (AP)-The Democratic .party is in deep trouble with American voters this fall, Republican House leader Gerald Ford of Michigan said Friday night. Ford said President Johnson’s decision to cut snort his campaigning for Democratic candidates was evidence the President is aware of widespread dissatisfaction with his administration. ★ * * "The President now has virtually abandoned his speaking plans,” Ford said. “Instead he is seeking to neutralize the major issues of this campaign. He is hoping to fuzz the issues, confuse the people, and kid them into thinking he has found the answers.” Friends of Joe Post a Reward TALLAHASSEE, Fla. UR -Anybody know who killed Old Joe? If so, he might be able to collect $5,000. Hie National Audubon Society has offered such an award for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the poacher who invaded the society’s Wakulla Springs Sanctuary recently and killed the 11-foot ’gator and three smaller specimens. Old Joe had been studied, admired and photographed by visitors for years. Rosamond Williams i MAICO, Pontiac Branch j 29 E. Cornell FE 2-1225 j Services and Supplies for i AU HEARING AIDS ■ IT I YOU Hav* A ■ Remodeling Problem See I us ■ For The Lowest | In Interest Rates ON • Room Additions !• Ree. Rooms * • Remodeling ■ ■ I High Quality ■ Low Price* \ SWatm s 1032 West Huron 1 FE 4-2597 2 Member Pontiac Area ! Chamber of Contmarco HOME IMPROVEMENT IS OUR BUSINESS Senate Okays Pictured Rocks WASHINGTON (AP) - The Senate attached a minor amendment and then approved the House-passed bill to create a Pictured Rocks National Lake-shore in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. Because of the amendment, tiie bill goes back to the House, which can approve the bill and send it to tiii President for his BIBBE3 • REC ROOMS FAMILY ROOKS uSV, *1,295 • BEDROOMS • GARAGES • KITCHENS • BATHROOMS • ALUM. 0IDMO NO MONEY DOWN — FHA and BANK RATES NO PAYMENTS 'TIL FEBRUARY 1067 Member Pontioc Chamber of CommorCO c—u THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, OCTOBER », 10M You Can Count on Us . . MQuality Costs No More at St?ai*s Si HIT Hours: MONDAY ONLY—9 ‘lil 9 ■ MONDAY ONLY—9 ‘til 9 Professional Women’s Uniform Sale Limited Quantities Be Smart, Be Thrifty — Monday and Every Day! Yon Can Be Sore of Extra Seringa at Sears! lot’s stretch pant sale! firm knit keep* itt elasticity, Reg. $2.99 resists tnaggkig. Elastic _ _ _ foot (trap*. Size* 2 to 6X. */o7 Several colon. ^ Pr- Hatching (tretch top* 1.97 Charge It ’ . - •. Infants? Wear. Main floor--— girls’ corduroy pant sale The prancy pant* the want* for all favorite topping*! Cotton corduroy Reg, $2.49 with band front, patch pocket*. Several colon in hsm7 to 14. I OO Reg. 11.99 Knit Top*....1.57 X Girl*’ 7-14 Dept., 2nd Floor MONDAY ONLY—9 lil 9 No Phone Order*. C.Q.D.’s or Dellverle*' ♦except large ilea** Smooth-away Bra Sale L Reg. 14 The atretch straps adjuit, the aheer aide and back panel* atretch aa yon do for smooth fit. Scandia nude, bine, white. Site* 32A-38C. Mfr’s Close-Out, Assorted Styles in Women’s Sleepwear 99c Charge It CorsetryDept., Second Floor Long or ihift gown* in Were $3 A $4 ’ 8 inelei or Tailored pj’s. Many sire*. nylon or flannelette. As* -w qa sorted prints_or solids. ■ Lingerie Dept., Main Floor Charge It Reversible Cotton Asst’d. Quilts S«.9i.|10.» Keg. S9.98-*12.9 588 688 Reversible cotton qnilts with raffled edges in twin or fall sixes. Machine washable, ‘shrinkage controlled. Many colorful prints to choose from. Dom*»tic Dept., Main Floor MONDAY ONLY—9 Til 9 18x8x9.in. No partition in /flQQ tote tray. Hasp^& padlock eye. 'it"' fll.49 4-Drawer Tool Boxes Men’s Top-Laced Rubber Pacs "Warm, comfortable, waterproof rubber pacs Reg. $5.99 097 t-J Pr. fit Cleated aole and heeL Marshbrown. Sire* 6 to 13. No half use*. .7*45 Power Binocular* (Pontiac Only) Adjustable „.______ carrying case included, Reg. 423.98....18.88 Utarge It Sporting Goods, Parry St. Basement MONDAY ONLY—9 til 9 Sale of Men’s Slipons Genuine hand-sewn fronts for a sup* erbly comfortable foot-hugging fit. Our better dresa casuals. Uppera and linings formed with top* quality leathers to insure ' lasting good looks. Smooth leather slip-ons. Long wearing soles and heels. 7Vk-ll. MONDAY ONLY—9 ’til 9 8" If pee gallon fails to cover any color with Just one coat when applied at a rate not toaseaed600aq.IL per gallon, or fails to bo colorfaat < ba color________ washable when Washed as directed, or fails to resist spotting from soap, water or detergent, W« will furnish freo additional paint to assure coverage or refund complete $14.99 Carpenter’s Tool Box Lwrsl brack**, dip* for sain, slot for Keel square. Divided | fl99 tray.30x8Vtx9.in. JLVF $29.99 7*Dr. Machinist’s Chest Drawer* felt • lined. Center h**p with lock ■ (Y 5)99 and key*, Front-lock- X Vj ing panel. Reg. $2.99 Tool Box.........1.99 HardMO.ro, Mafia Basement Semi-Gloss 597 gal. Beg. $2.69 Quart Size. .1.97 Matches all flat colors. Ideal for kitchens, bath, children’s room or as trim for latex waHa. Dries to a rich velvety finish. Guaranteed washable, colorfaat and ■pot resistant In many colors. Paint Dept., Main Bunt. Sears Hand Vacuum With Attachments Cleans comers, car interiors, stairs . . . Reg. $18.95 ' gets where larger vacuums can’t Includes "| OO dusting brush and adapter wand, plastic I wand, crevice tool, 30-inch hose and con* Xv venient shoulder straps. ’ Charge It Vacuum Dept., Main Floor MONDAY ONLY—9 ’til 9 Sears Clear Vinyl Floor Mats Vinyl floor mate with Scan exclusive Regular $5.98 design. So tough, even ladies* heeds won’t penetrate. Will fit any size car. • front Outwears rubber mats. met Reg. $4.98 Rear Mat... |........2.66 chargelt , Auto Accessories, Perry St. Basement Trial Rugs Regular $3.99 ft QQ 21x36 Size J^elt Tone-on-tone textured stripea add en exciting decorator, touch. Soft, loxorions blend of ‘rayon and acetate pile to 11 luscious colors Polyurethane back. Washable. $19.99, 4x6........11.99 $9;99, 30x54...... 6.99 Floor Coverings, Second Floor MONDAY ONLY—9 til 9 Silvertone Solid-State AM/FM Console Stereos *1641 Long, low 60-in. Contemporary * style hardwood veneer cabinet in walnut finish. AM/FM, FM Stereo radio with stereo alert lite that indicates when FM Stereo is being broadcast. 4* speaker system! RadiolTV Dept., Main Floor MMPwP1 MONDAY ONLY—9 ’til 9 H MONDAY ONLY-9 ’til 9 MONDAY ONLY-9 ’til 9 ■ MONDAY ONLY—9 til 9 Sears Tub Enclosures Tempered Glass Panels Regularly at $49.95 Qftftft Privacy fit for a queen NO MONEY DOWN on Sears Easy Payment Plan Make your bathing private and enjoyable! Just a touch and doori slide quietly, smoothly to either end. Watertight .. . doors set in vinyl. Buy Monday and save $10! f3?>95 Std. Model................. .31.88 Plosnbing astd Heating Dept., Perry St. Basement —1 1 2 s i I 1 1 \ f Kenmore Soft-Heat Dryers Won’t Over-Dry *149 Cheek Seam low price Electric Model NO MONEY DOWN on Seam Easy Payment Plan Yon just set the time and “Soft-Heat** takes over* Heat gently reduces as clothes dry. Clothes come out soft, fluffy with no shrinkingdue to over-drying. Gas Model Dryer................15 9 Kenmore 6-Cycle Automatic Washer *179 NO MONEY DOWN on Seam Easy Payment Plan 2 speeds, 6 cycles, 5 wash-rinse temperatures ... the right ones set automatically with one turn of the dial. Self-cleaning lint filter; bleach dispenser; infinite water level controL Appliances, Main Beuesnent Check Seam low {rice 2-speeds. Coldspot 16.4 Cu. Ft. Frostless Refrigerators *319 Regular $399.95 with bottom freezer % NO MONEY DOWN on Seam Easy Payment Plan Large bottom freezer holds 185-lbs. of food. Ilnminnin ■helve*, porcelain-finish crisper* and meat keeper all adjust to your storage needs. No mom defrosting with this refrigerator... frostless. "Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back’ : SEARS Downtown .Pontiac Photic FE 5-1171 Beckwith-Evans SR has 22,000 Yds. b«!5>» Bccfcwitk-Evans THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATUHDAY, OCTOBER S, I960 0—1 X Mm of paths row iills based ON YOUR ABILITY TO MY! ONE PLACE TO PAY! M Michigan Credit Counsellors T02 Pontiac ttat* lank Bldg. Phono FE 0*0408 Our l Ith Yeur MMMtaf: «»»««».,mtimJSSs MOSCOW (AP) - Moscow tsl k Mg city that doesn't want to get bigger. Hie government in-j tends to stabilize the population at the presat S.S million. It is allowing no new industries to come in. It discourages labor from migrating here. this is all part of an ambitious plan to make the Soviet capital “the most beautiful city in the world.” The fit-mile superhighway* stitute of Standard and Expert-Mdch encircles the city has mental Design, L. K. Dyubek, up a fixed area, using central- ^ «y«. decorate the city and ted planning to make-the most *ive P*®?1* a maximum of tif it. * GonveniMicA.’' Western cities are being intro-i that all the plans will be occupy space which the models OPEN SUNDAY 12N0Mitofir.ll.. Mon. ItM 11 PIIIE FbOOR COVERINGS T1L-HURON SHOPPING CENTER WEST HURON AT TELEGRAPH RD. 334-9544 Models of the future city show whole sections laid out as units, with skyscrapers spaced far apart, winding lines of lower buddings and lots Of parks. HISTORIC CHARACTER The congestion of the downtown area is going to be thinned out to emphasize its institutional, historic character. The population living within the line of old fortifications will be reduced 'from 900,000 to 250,000, A billion rubles (officially $1.11 billion) a year Is being spat on Moscow's face-lifting. Most of this goes for apartments in an i effort to meet the bousing shortage caused by the quadrupling of the population since the 1917 revolution. * ; * ★ The government Is no longer content with the brick boxes that Nikita 8. Khrushchev favored in his crash construction program. The director of Moscow’s In- Heiress' Car Hits, Kills Man NEWPORT, R.I. (AP) -Tobacco heiress Doris Puke, once called “the richest girl in the world,” was driving a car which struck and killed her companion, Eduardo Tirella, police said. Miss Duke, 53, was treated for Cuts and bruises and was held overnight for observation at Newport hospital. ★ ★ ' ★ She and Tirella, 42, had been at her Newport showplace estate, “Rough Point,” and were driving out when the incident occurred Friday night. Police said Miss Duke had remained in the car while Tirella got out to open the heavy iron entrance gate on Bellevue Avenue, when the car leaped forward and crushed tirella against the gate. Miss Duke^ a native-of-New j York, was heir to her father’s | estate, which was valued at ' more than $100 million when he died in 1925. Her four marriages ! all have ended in divorce. convenience. HIGH-RISE APARTMENTS Apartment houses used to be largely without elevators and, no more than five stories high. Now 15-17 stories are preferred, and as many as 22 stories are being tried. duced at a fast rate. There are! achieved in a hurry. There is to be a million and a half tele- still a lot to be done to bring phones by 1970, or one for^very! housing up to even minimal two apartments, and twin* that standards in some districts, number before the decade is1 Many old wooden buildings out. from the time of the czars still * * A • stand, and farms and villages Other ameliorations of daily! ~~ life — nurseries and kindergart-j ens for all children, no more two-shift schools, and thousands' of new stores — are included in the plan for Moscow's future. show as, the last word in urban development. . li * * ★ v But Uie plans at least have been drawn up and toe government has committed itself ip carrying them Out. Conveniences common in Nobody in authority pretends Mary Washington died at age 81, a few months after her son, George, became first president of the United States. Wstnfinl Township Residents VOTER RtMSTRATlON Last day to register for the General Election, Nov. 8 is Monday, Oct. 10, Registrations vyill be taken at Clerk's office between 8:00 A.M. and 8:00 P.M. Monday, Oct. JO! Signed.I .ELMER It. FANGB0NER WATERFORD TOWNSHIP CLERK Ample Off-Street Parking 2>. £. P* m*w C. Byron Gilbert, YANKEES SATURDAY A SUNDAY PUNCHES Open Sunday Until 7... Tonight Until 9 YANKEE MENS 10.95 SWEATERS Coat and slipover styles Solids and patterns. Zip S and button front. V-necks STEEL SHELVING UNIT OVAL FRINGED RUG eavnownteoH 100% acrylic furry rugs. Sava over 50% choose from Si sparkling colors MONDAY ONLY SPECIALS! JEANS nn SCRUB DENIM THE FOflTtAC PRESS, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8, lfififi Jacoby on Bridge j NMIH (D) 4k A Q 10 7 6 *74 ♦ AKQ832 4* Void WEST EAST 4k 54 4k 8 ¥K05 VQJ1088S 4 J 0 5 4 10 8 4k Q 9 7 3 2 +AK108 SOUTH 4kKJ932 ¥ A2 ■ 474 *J654 Both vulnerable West North East South 14 S 4k Pass 6 4k Pass Pass Pass Opening lead— spades to see what will happen. South would go on to seven with a decent spade suit and South did not disappoint him. By OSWALD & JAMES JACOBY How would you and your favorite partner go about the business of g e 11 i n g to the cinch grand slam in spades shown in today’s hand? It is rather easy if you open with two diamonds. East | will overcall | with two hearts and after South 8 two spades JACOBY South win cue bid hearts and North wifi jump to the slam. The trouble with that method is that, while it is simple, it requires North to open with an unsound two bid. He has a good hand but only IS Ugh card points and lots of gaps in his spade suit. The bidding in the box shows how experts get there by toe use of a special convention. North’s five spade bid illustrates this. He wants to be In seven if his partner, can take the first heart trick and in six if. his partner can take the second one. On the other hand it Is possible for South to hold all sorts good hands with two quick heart losers. In all those Instances North wants to stop at five. South could,have bid seven spades right over five but saw no reason to do more than show his ace of hearts. North’s failure to bid toe grand slam was not an example of passing the buck. North reasoned that his part-] ner might hold something in clubs instead of the king of! You, South, hold: 4kAK 7 6 5 ¥A2 46 4kAKT4S As dealer, whet do you bid? A—Bid one club. This heed is net worth mi openinr bid of two but you do went to be sure that you won’t be dropped st one. Ybn might be dropped st one spade. You won’t be dropped at auKl8fi&r j TODAY’S QUESTION You bid one club. Your partner responds one heart What do you do now? Samoans Prepare Welcome for LBJ PAGO PAGO, American Sana (AP) —Samoan chiefs started plans today for the biggest welcome given any dignitary here when President Johnson touches down in October at toe tiny airport. THE WILLETS By Walt Wotjtarbtrf North can simply raise to threejspades. He also felt sure that Astrological Fojrccalt -j PISCES: If I ____Jf goal. ARIES (Msr.^n-Apr^W): Day ftOturtS realization of mods, desires. Mean? rein And out In which dlrectia move. Poet Issues . , . Recognlzi ---- ountered. Doit* It change may b GEMINI (May 21-Juno »): Individual Who previously opposed wwwn. ft— operates. Finish prelects. Gain Spread Influence. Work towari which anhancet security. Give special attention to home, family. CANCER (June Il-Jufy 22): Your Ability to bo original la tested. Load man follow. State opinions riRMflBBP osk for ouggoitSnt. Highlight versatility ... bo MmlM*. No time tit LEO IJuly » - Aug. cwf tendency towerd_________________ ... hurt yourself. Boot to bo^oraemof.^ Of ^od*y0