W^Krthwr ».«. Wutlur kii— (loiidy. balmy *
efore they iwssed : particularly assailed plana
through Ihe temporary entrance, barred to oulNlders without permits from Klmber, Aey saw the gold lettering "Oakland Cuunly Court House" over the liI6(( eor-nersfone ihey~saw Tald last June
for reorganizing the Congolese military forces and for giving U.N. troops the right to use force to prevent civil war.
"About ten o'clock I bade adieu to Mount Vernon. |l I>uring inspection tri|j
to private life, and to dcanestlc felicity, and with a mind
99f*9Md settmmirtmm
have Words to express . . . with the best disposition to render service to my country in obedience to its calls, (Continued on Page 2, Col. 5)
Ambassador Thompson and Ihe desire lhat any further con-versatioas between Soviet officials and Ae ambassador will be fruitful and asaist in bringing sbouf. .better Soviet-Amerlcaii understanding,"
Thompson planned to go to New York by train this afternoon and set out by air Thursday for Mos-
, [.stockholder seeks lo change the
pres^i hoSr‘‘?i* brtfor‘Liet.'|«""P*">-
American understanding, it Is ment representation on the board
They exjieet to disarm oiir army and that is a declaration •' Construction of the S.3.2 millionj”F "'ar." Ileo said heartcdly. "We building began Sept. 21, 1959, cli-i^'’^ •'^ady lo defend ourselves with 1 maxing several years of court de- '**" means at our disposal.”
4 lays experienced in its financing,. He warned that any \tm of life Kimber repofis work about two ' "ould be the n-sponsibillty of the i months behind. United Nations.
“If the U.N. uses force we will reply with force," Ileo added EASE FRICTION lleo's jolting words came after Katanga President Moise Tshombe announeexi that the U.N. and Ka-lanka have agred to halt all troop lead to fric-
jpervisors were painted art iniagi- ' where a new wing and Atidiforium will be in I relation to the cour1hou.se tow’er
Stockholder of Chrysler Would Limit Management
DETROIT i4'—A Chrysler Corp. firm will make its answer
< levy for the addilion.s i
understood the word that TTiomp-Ron is taking ftnm the President to the Soviet premier is two-edged: First. Aat Ae new U.S. ad-mlnlRlrafkm wants Soviet cooperation In many fields, such as spare science and Ae conquest of disease.
Second, that Ae new U.S. administration is deeply concerned about Communist trouble-making in places like Laos and Ae Congo,
tions largely by "whaf happens. Aese aroas of conflict.
Thompson returned to Washington two weeks ago for consultation wiA Kennedy and to report on his impressions of Khrushchev’s state desire for easing of world tensions.
of directors.
Industrialist James M. Robbins of Royal Oak .said Tuesday he had notified both Chrysler and the Securities and Exchange Commis-
UETROIT (LTI) — Detroit attorney Sol A. Dann, a leading figure in efforts to oust L. L. Colbert as president and board chairman of Chryaler Corp., charged today CKrysler Is stalling his efforts to get a list of
I They appropi ial(>d $12 million .jnon-lax surplus from the 19tt) budg- veniems 7fkeK ^let for the additions, which ap-|tion Ipcared a long way off after county! \ in n
ms in Au-1 province, took some of the heat from a situatjpn which prompted |8EE Jl'DGE.S' ROO.MS .T.shombe earlier to order a gen-
George K. Harris, of the Binning-:<■'■*** "mobilization.
ham architectural firm of O I>'ll.| there was a leiwrt of new , .i,p|Hew'lctt & Luckenbach, s^aid origi-jP®'*'"'**' •'illings, this time by the ■ [nal plans for Ihe additions are- backed Stanleyville proxy statement to presently being analyzed for with!‘’®8't"c of Antoine Gizenga. U.N.
stockholders next month.
Chrysler has it directors. At present 10 are employes of Ae