ONE COLOR * ntioc Prots Sunday, September 7. 1969 SUNDAY Paterno, coach of Penn S rate ’s footbaH team, guests R—Rerun C—Color SUNDAY MORNING 6:05 (2) TV Chapel 6:10 (2) C—News -JL15 (2) C—MSU Program 6:45 (2) C—Christophers 7:00(2) C—Cathedral of Tomorrow 7:25 (4) C—News 7:30~t4)—C—Country—trying—“Nutritional Value of Foods’* (7) In-Out-Round-About — “The Happening” as an art form is examined 7:50 (9) Warm-Up —Through—ChiidrenV Eyes—“Honest Injun” f (9) Gardener 9:15 (9) Sacred Heart 8:30 (2) C—This Is the Life (4) C—Church at the Crossroads (7) C—Dudley Do-Right (9) Lost Peace — Growing friction hr the Far East was to prove disasr trous for the League of Nations (50) C—Temple Baptist Church 8:55 (4) C—Newsworthy 8:00 (2) C Day of Discovery —(4 ) C — Guideline 9:00 (2) C—Mass for Shut-Ins. (4) C—Oopsy the Clown ' (7) (New Time) peorge of the Jungle (9) Man Alive — Dr. Albert Van Den Heuvel, director of the department of communication for the World Council .ot Churches, is interviewed (50) C—Captain Detroit ^25 (9) C — Morgan’s Merry-Go-Round---------—- 9:30 (2) C—With This Ring (7) 0-(New Time) Fantastic Four (9) C—Samson —(50) C—Kimba 9:45 (2) C—Highlights (4) C—Davey and Goliath 10:00 (2) C-Let’s See (4) C—House Detective (7) C—Bullwinkle (9) C — Magic Shoppe (50) R—Three Stooges 10:30 (2) C—Faith for Today ( 7 ) C—Discovery—The John Pennekamp Coral Reef Park in the Florida Keys is explored. (9) C—Bozo (50) R—Little Rascals 11:00 (2) International Zone (7) C—Insight—“A Small Statistic” stars James Stacy and Davey Davison in a drama of a young couple’s first child dying at birth. . (50) R — Superman 11:30 (2) C—Face the Nation (7) C—— (Return) Choice “Boy Who Caught a Crook” (1961) Wanda Hendrix. Roger Mobley (50) R C—Flintstones Lena Horne' star* in h&r first American network television special Wednesday at 10 p.m. on Channel 4. The pantsuit shown here which she wears on the show is overlaid with gold coins. SUNDAY AFTERNOON (2) jC — Tom and Jerry (4) U. of M. Presents — The Greek tragedy “Antigone” is examined. (7) C — Championship Bowling (50) R Movie: “Ramrod” (1947) Girl owner of sheep ranch hires men to help her outwit her father so she can have her own way. Joel ‘ McCrea, Vernonica Lake 12:30 (2) C — Aquaman (4) C — International Zone — u ‘‘Singapore My Singapore” •pfC > = Issues _a n d Answers—House Minority Leader Gerald Fprd R-Mich., guests. Vice President Spiro T Agnew will be interviewed ~ (7) C—Spotlight __(9) R C — Movie: “Two Rode Together” (1961) Wo adventurers try to rescue relatives held by Commanches. James Stewart, Richard Wid-mark, Shirley Jones — 1:30 (2) C—Tennis — Men’s Open finals from Forest } Hills, N.Y. - (4) C —Target ~ (7) C — Haney’s People— Detroit’s mayoral candidates are interviewed. This week: Walter Shamie 2:00 (A) Beat the Champ (50) R C ~ M ° v* e : lido” (1956) AT American arrives i n Mexico trying to sell weapons to the highest bidder during the Revolution of 1916. Robert Mitchum, Ursula Thiess 2:30 (7) R — Rifleman 3:00 (4) C—Car and Track (7) R C — Movie: “Ride a Crooked Trail” (1958) Audie Murphy (62) C — The Story 3:30 (2) C — NFL Action — T ‘Football Follies” features comedy situa- ‘ tions that illustrate the humorous side of pro football. (4) C — (Special) Different Vacation — Travel :00 (2) (4) C —Jetsons Meet the Press- (9) R C — Movie: “Mysterious Island’’ (British.1961) Five prison escapees find themselves on a strange island. Michael Callan, Joan Greenwood (62) C <■£ Herald of Truth 4:00 (2) C — 21st Century— “Autos and All That Traffic” examines innovations that may solve car prob-lems, (4) C-World' Series of Golf. Closing action from Akron, Ohio Spl (50) R—Laramie"" (62) C—Oral Roberts 4:30 (2) C (Special) — • Race for the mayoralty— Detroit candtdates terviewed and their platforms stated (62) C — Revival Fires 5:00 (7] R—Movie: _ “Guns of Darkness” (British, The Pontiac Press Sunday, September 7, 1969' 1962) David Niven, Les-lie Caron (50) Silent Service (62) C—Bugs Bunny and Friends , 5:15 (56) C—Social Security 5:30 (4) R C — Star Trek-^-Enterprise intrudes on a ___private paradise—-______ (9) R C — Laredo* (50) C — John Gary — Roy Clark, Jose Felicianq, Minnie Pearl and Jack Carter guest. (56) German Lesson SUNDAY NIGHT 6:00 (2) C—News, Weather, Sports (56) R—Portrait In—Prof. David Black of Ohio State University School of Art discusses his sculpture and wall hangings. (62) R—Ozzie and Harriet 6:30 (2) C—Job Opportunity Line (4) C—News, Weather, Sports (9) R C—Movie: “The Borgia Stick” ( 1 9 6 7 ) Drama deals with' underworld infiltration into the American business scene. Inger Stevens, Dofh Murray (56) Insight—“Snow in the Summer” focuses on a lonely girl who used heroin to escape and starts the Jong way back. m a n—and Norman Fell star. (62) R C—(New Time) —My Mother, the Gar 7:00 (2y~“R C — L a S S1 £ —Lassie becomes the victim of a navigation" problem i n v o-tVing submerged leg$^ (4) C — George Pierrot — “Vienna to the Tyrol” (7>ft C — Land of the ^"triants—After eating____a substance invented by a boy giant . prodigy, Fitzhugh becomes a giant. ‘ ( 50) R"* C — David Susskind—1. Critic Judith Crist, actor John Cassavettes and directors Franco Zeffirelli and John || Fjf ankenheifrier discuss the renaissance in films; 2. Five conservatives have their say oh welfare, patriotism and morality in the U S. today. (56) C^—Sounds of Sum-mer—“Pete Seeger on the Hudson” features the folk singer and his new group, the Hudson River Sloop Singers, as they travel up the river, focusing attention on its pollution. (62) R—Movie: “The Great Van Robbery** (British, 1957) A daylight robbery sends—Scotland Yard halfway around the world for the culprits. Dennis Shaw, Kay Callard 7:30 (2) C — All-American College Show (4) R C—Walt Disney’s World — In ‘‘Davy Crockett at the Alamo,” Crockett and his sidekick (Buddy Ebsen) fight to the last in defense of the as. Diana Carson ONE m m rs, Jeannie 9:30 (9) Newsmagazine 10:00 (2) R C-Mission: Impossible—While trying to free nuclear scientist and his wife from enemy hands, the IMFJsJrapped when Capt. Praedo takes over one of Rollins disguises (Conclusion)... ' (4) C—(Special) Battle for the Battle o f Britain—Michael Caine narrates documentary about the 1940 aerial fight between the Royal Air Force and the Nazi Luftwaffe. Interviews with actual participants in the Alamo (Conclusion of original “Crockett” trilogy). 8:00 (2) R C - Ed Sullivan — Diana Ross and the Supremes, Ed Ames, Lana Cantrell, the Mup-pets, David Frye, Irwin C. Watson and Flip Wilson guest (7) R C—Movie: “55 Days at Peking*' (1963) Drama concerns the Boxer Uprising and a historic 55-day siege. C h a r 11 o n Heston, Ava Gardner, David Niven 8:30 (4) R C—Mothers-in-Law—Eve and Kaye makes attempts to gaiii admittance into SuzieV hospital room b^fofe she gives birth. , —(9)—C-^CeSar’s World— Jamaica is visited._______ kdO (2) C — Hee Haw — Loretta Lynn, Oh a r 1 e y Pride and Jerry Loe Lewis guest. (4) R C—Bonanza—Three Bank robbers involve the Cartwrights in a robbery. (9) R—Danger Map________ (50) C — P o 1 i t i c a 1 Talk—Walter C. Shamie, candidate for mayor of ‘ Detroit, answers questions telephoned in by viewers. (56) Action People—“Tomorrow, Tomorrow, Tomorrow” concerns what man will face, in tomorrow’s worl^ the possibilities for man to create his own future. (62) R C—Movie: “As Long as They’fe Happy” —(British, 1957) Swooners woo a crooner from Tex- Battle of Britain are featured. (9) C—News, Weather, Sports (50) C—Lou Gordon—1. State Sen. Coleman Young, D - D e t r o i t, discusses his school decentralization bill, a police review board and in-fighting between black - leaders in Detroit; 2. Reporter L. H. Whitte-more discusses hardest^ police jobs—riot d u tY , apprehending drug addicts and dealing with murder and perversion; *3. Fred Currier, president of Ma^icet Opinion Research, discusses the cahdidates for the major Detroit of-fices. ( 56 ) S peaking Freely—David Lilienthal, president of the DevelOp-—mentand -Rerour c e s Corp., is interviewed. 10:15(9) R C—Movie: “Sapphire” (British, 1959) Scotland Yard investigates a murder that SUNDAY is peppered with racial c o m p 1 i cations. Nigel Patrick, Yvonne Mitchell 10:30 (62) C-Upbeat — The Three Dog Night, Sir Douglas Quintet, Box Tops and Underground Sunshine guest. 10:45 (7) C—News, Weather, Sports 11:00(2) (4) C —News, Weather, Sports 11:30 (4) R C —Johnny Car- son (7) R—Movie: “The Eddy Duchin Story” (1956) Tyrone Power, Kim Novak (62) Movie; “Monsoon” (1952) Ursula Thiess, Diana Douglas, George Nader 11:35 (2) R C-Movies: 1. “It Happened to Jane” (1959) When lobster shipment is spoiled, small-town lobster grower sues p enny-pinching railroad tycoon. Jack Lemmon, Doris Day; 2. “They Must Not Die” (German, 1960) Documentary of two zoologists who take a census of wild animals facing extinction in Tanganyika. 11:45(9) C-I Wish You Were Here—“Arizona” 12:00 ( 50) C—Evelyn Wood 1:00 (4) C—News, Weather 1:30 (7) C—News, Weather 3:00 (2) G—News, Weather 3:05 (2) C-With This Ring BILLS PRESSING? Arrange to Hava M.C.C. taka ovar your monay problamt and only novo oiio ptace vo pay. 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