A—2 THE PjQjJTlAC PRESS. MONDAY. MARCH 27. 1967 Teanisters Aid Milk Boycott in Tennessee By die Associated Press The National Farmers Organization maintained the pressure of a 25-state milk boycott today and, vith the help of die Teamsters union, shut off the flow of milk to homes and stores in much ot Tennessee. As the 13th day of the boycott began, the NFO claipied a ma- Relafsd Story, Page A-4 Jcr success in its campaign to increase by 2 cents a quart the price paid to farmers for their milk. That was in Minnesota, where the NFO said IS dairies handling 235 million pounds of milk OU Student Awards Will Honor PCH Pondac Central High School will be doubly honored tonight when Oakland University p r e-sents academic awards to 221 university students and to outstanding secondary schools. The Pontiac school captured both awards given annually to secondary schools w h o s e students place highest academically at OU. It is the first school to do so in file four-year history M the awards program, the honors are for freshman academic addevement, based on the hij^est standing group of five members of the freshman dasi and senior academic achievement, based on the Ugliest standing group of three OU yearly had signed contracts on NFO terms. In Wisconsin other signings were rumored, but not confirmed. Two independent dairies serving the Pontiac area today report they have plenty of milk hand and all deliveries are being made. FIRMS The firms are Nye Dairy, Oakland, Pontiac, and Porritt Dairy, 1758 Clarkston, Orion Township. Many of the states affected by the boycott reported a lull in picketing and acts of violence over the Easter weekend. * * it In Chicago the Pure Milk Association reported deliveries of milk to the city’s wholesalers had been reduced by only S or 6 per cent and that milk supplies " ' ■ in all stores. OHhrttt OU^tndemsiiingled out for their work during the 19ttil school year, 46 will re-celii^hcmdrs awards given to the l^hest sfonding 2 per cent intiUtclass. HONORED Students receiving special recognition for having the highest academic average in their award categories are Nancy Horvath, 3865 Millspring, Bloomfield Township, freshman; Ldnda L. Price r(^ate f<» schools some |7l million mmto than the |f823 million reciintimended by (tov. George Rdmney. ★; * ★ Dr. Leroy Augenstein, a Michigan State University bioi^ysi-cist now in his first term on the board, said publicr schools need another 8fi5 million, colleges require andther $13 million to avoid major tuition increases, and community colleges should receive an additional 83 million. ★ ★ ★ 'Most of these increases are needed just to keep up witii inflation and enrollments,” Augenstein said in a letter to legislators. “Only a small 1 per cent improvement factor is included. ★ ★ ★ “The major exception to this pattern is the $25 million recommended for the K - 12 program to reduce the pupil-teacher ratio.” 45th IN NATTON “Unfortunately, Michigan now ranks 45th in the nation in average K - 12 class size,” Augen- colonels had voted their confidence that the national leadership committee, the ruling junta, would “maintain stabilization to bring about the^ democratic organizations. ” There was no mention of presidential candidacies of chief of state Nguyen Van Thieu or Premier Nguyen Gao Ky. Both are known to be interested in the top positiCn in the elected civilian government. AGCEPTED IN FULL The council said it would “accept in full the draft constitution by the constituent assembly voted on March 18, 1967, and will promulgate this said constitution on April 1, 1967.” This moves up the constitutional timetable more than a miHitii. It was to have been put into effect by May 3. It returns South Vietnam to government under a constitution for the first time since the overthrow of the late President Ngo Dinh Diem on Nov. 1, 1963. Diem and his brother, Ngo Dinh Nhu, nullified virtually all that charter’s provisions for representative government and civil for each of the next three years to bring Michigan up to the national average.” * it it Augenstein said a 3 per cent personal income tax is needed provide the additional 871 million. Romney has proposed a 2% per cent tax. OCC's Program for Police Certified Tbe basic police training program under way at Oakland Community College since March 6 has been certified by the Michigan Law Enforcement Officers Training Council, according to OCC President John E. Tirrell. ★ ★ ★ TVainees who meet the minimum employment standards of the council and successfully complete the prescribed courses will receive a training certificate upon their graduation April 14. ★ * w Noel C. Buff, executive secretary of the council, said that municipalities which have gone on record stating they will adhere to council standard will be eligible for reimbursement of up to one-half of salaries and living expenses of trainees. Teacher Dies RIVER ROUGE l»-Servlce for kfiss Dorothy E. Sehafer, a school teacher in Detroit fn* 40 year^, wUl be held in this'Detroit suburb Tueday. Miwi Sehafor, 63, died Satu^y ii a Detroit hosidtai. The new constitution provides for an independent judiciary and a two-house legislature under a modified presidential form of government much like those in South Korea and France. TWO VOTES Informants said the armed forces council needed two votes to approve the ccxistitution as written. Some military leaders feared that it did not provide a sufficiently strong executive branch. Sources in the U.S. Embassy stein wrote. “It will require^-^ liar increase to fhat propos^Henrv Cabot Lodee had urved nf »ttnf.ko nn r Henry Cabot Lodge had urged the Vietnamese leaders not to present a military candidate for president at the same time they approved the constitution to avoid intensifying regional rivalries. * * ★ Most of South Vietnam’s military leaders are refugees from North Vietnam. Southern civilian politicians accuse them of trying to maintain themselves in office. U.S.,N.Viets Bolh Lose Jet Ground Wdr Erupts; 7 Yank Copters Hit SAIGON (AP) Irmen smashiiig de^ into North Vietnam shot a Cffinmu-nist MIG17 from the skies Sunday while tte _ erupted with sharp fighting from the 17th Parallel to tile Mekong Delta. One U. S. jet went down over the North, but the pilot-was saved. Communist ground gunners in the Scnith downed three American helicopters and ba