Berkley Mother Slays Bride of Four Months Wounds Self in Leg Following Scuffle at Clarkston Area Home - A Berkley mother of one shot and killed the wife of the man that spurned her . love in a quiet Independ- ence Township neighbor- hood near Clarkston this morning, according to Oak- land County sheriff de- tectives. Dead is Mrs. Wyvona Delores Crenshaw, »33, of 6230 Snow Apple Dr., a bride since January. Being held prisoner at St. Jo- seph Mercy Hospital for investiga- tion of murder is Mrs. Wayne (Sue) Lawrence, of 2652 Oxford St., Berkley. She is the mother of a nine-year-old son, Wayne. According to Mrs. Bessie Singleton, the victim's mother, Mrs. Lawrence had dated her son- in-law before the Crenshaws were married. Mrs. Lawrence, according to a caretaker at their Berkley oman n Fatally 10 Met Death Today, . * « *Setes ws ‘e * >> » “~** ewes ¥ ~* . . — aA MRS. WYVONA D. CRENSHAW home, left home this morning * Rescue 16 Hostages in Montana Prison DEER LODGE, Mont. (AP) \National Guardsmen stormed the Montana State Prison; under cover of bazooka, machinegun, and rifle fire early today to smash a rebellion and rescue 16 hostage guards. The revolt ended when two convict ringleaders, cornered in the prison’s northwest tower, committed about 9:30, saying she was going to the dentist. Lawrence, part owner of the B and L. Collision Shop, 15110 Schaefer Ave., De troit, was at work. A sobbing Mrs. Singleton told e sheriff detectives that at about 11 a.m. her daughter’s :on by a pre- vious marriage, Roncid J., 9, heard the door bell ring. * * * He -went to the door followed closely behind by Mrs. Singleton. | Mrs. Lawrence was quoted as say- ing very calmly: “I want to talk to your daughter alone” to Mrs. Singleton. Ronald and his eusidinintia both called Mrs. Crenshaw from a back room in the one-story, ranch-style home owned by Mrs. Singleton, a 54-year-old widow. Mrs. Singleton said she then went inte her bedroom to get dressed when’ she saw her daughter and the woman go into the kitchen. Mrs. Singleton continued: “I suddenly heard a bang, bang and at first I° thought my ‘grandson was playing with paper caps.’ Mrs. Crenshaw's husband, Don- ald, 26, was at work with the » Goodyear Service Store, 30 S. Cass Ave., Pontiac. * x * Hearing the shot, Mrs. Singleton) ‘told detectives and State Police that she ran into the kitchen, from where the noise appeared to have come from, and met Ronald stand- ing and pointing his finger at Mrs. Lawrence. “You shot my mother,” Mrs. (Continued on Page 2, Col. 1) Weekend Forecast Cloudy and Cooler Partly cloudy and. cooler is the weather outlook for the Pontiac area tonight. ‘Phe low will be about 44. Sunday and Monday are expect- 2 _ surrender, suicide. — Fifty heavily armed Three other die-hard inmates who holded up with their ringleaders surrendered to the helmeted troops who surged into the com-* pound. Their surrender marked an end to the furi- ous pitched battle. TWO WOUNDED Two National Guardsmen were, wounded, Lt. Francis Pulliam of Missoula, Mont., was shot in the right hip and the right leg. His condition wag not serious. The oth- er guardsman was wounded hut did not require hospitalization. Warden Floyd Powell said Jer- ry Myles, about 50, and Lee Smart, 19, had placed the muzzies of their rifles to their heads and .pulied the triggers. Myles \ was a burglar with a long criminal record. Smart was con- victed of murdering a, Colorado! salesman. They and three others had re- treated to the northwest tower when the guardsmen made their spectacular assault at 3:45 a.m. FIRED BAZOOKA Guardsmen called on them to Three convicts came out with their hands ‘up. The troops again called on “Myles and Smart to surrender, When they got no response, they fired a bazooka shot at the tower. x * & The bodies of the two holdout convicts were found when the guardsmen moved into the smok- ing ruins. * * * The troops poured a withering barrage of fire into the cellblocks where the convicts centered their resistance earlier. There was a) spattering of return fire which quickly egded. _ Floodlights came on, The 36- hour rebellion was over. -- In its wake, the prison’s deputy warden was dead, He was shot to ideath when the convicts seized control at the dinner: hour Thurs- day. A guard was stabbed and later freed. STRUCK IN FACE Fifteen of the guards held hos- tage appeared in gaod condition. The 16th guard, identified only Orders Ferndale aes ag School Principal Be Reinstated “Tenure Commission) Votes to Place Street Back in Job Dr. Scott W. Street, whose demotion to visiting teacher status Feb. 2 set. off a barrage of protests] | from Ferndale residents) not of Street's contract. Pontiac Central Defending Title at Manstield By H. GUY MOATS MANSFIELD, Ohio —.The 28th annual Mansfield Relays, one of the nation’s top prep track events, got underway this morning the threat of rain. Qualifying began at 10:00 a.m. and one of the first highlights took place in the high hurdles event in which Warren Cawley of Farming- ton set a new Mansfield record. He took the 120 yard high hurdies in :14.2. The former mark was :14.3., Pontiac Central, which was the first: non-Ohio school ever to win the Mansfield Relays in 1956, also won the title again last year. The defending champion Chiefs have a 14 man squad entered this year but during the morning events not a single PCH tracksman quali- fied as yet. ; Bill Ratcliffe tossed the shot put 50 feet 6 inches and Charley Brown tossed it 49-feet-9/2, but the two distances may not. hold up for qualifications. Ron Watkins, Flint Central's top dashman in the Saginaw Valley)’ ‘land Conference qualified in 10.2. A total] of 130 schools with 1,639 tracksmen started the preliminar- ies last night. The finals will be (Continued on Page 2, Col. 3) held late this afternoon. / ‘Secretory of State () ee Christian A. Herter to Promote AUGUSTA, Ga. (AP) — US. Peace Christian A. Herter today was named by President Eisenhower to be the mew sec- retary of state. The President personally announced his choice with Herter, undersecretary since 1957, standing at his side at a news conference. Herter is being elevated to the Cabinet to succeed cancer-stricken John Foster Dulles, who resigned wa ‘Wednesday. ‘The President. announced his intention to ee Herter’s nomination to the Senate next week. Swift Fire Damages Dryden Stores . Loss Set at $60,000 Following Five - Alarm Blaze Yesterday, * _DRYDEN—Five fire departments fought a blaze in the heart ofthis ‘lsmall Lapeer County community early last night which caused be- tween $60,000 and $70,000 damages to three businesses on East: Main street. : Dryden Fire Chief Robert Wein- gartz said the fire apparently start- ed near the back entrance of Muir . |Brothers Funeral Home at 5514 E. Main St. The flames gained con- siderable headway before they were discovered coming from an upstairs window, he said. move at his call. Gov. A. B. Chandler ‘Guard: Officer “Tours Troubled Coal Fields WHITESBURG, Ky AP) — Adj. Gen. J. J. B. Wil- liams of the Kentucky National Guard begins a tour of strikebound coalfields today with guardsmen ready to said Williams would visit trouble spots in seven.counties of eastern Kentucky under PrINCe Akihito, Bride ‘Bow to Shinto Gods ISE, Japan (AP)—Crown Prince} Akihito and his commonet-born) bride Princess Michiko bowed low to report their marriage- under towering cedars at Ise Grand shrife. ‘ * * White robed priests and imperial attendants stood nearby as the im- perial newlyweds paid homage first to the goddess of food; Toy- ouke Okami, and later to the sun goddess Amaterasu, i o* * Rolls of silk cloth and other of- ferings were in place on the altars as the prince and princess went through the 26 century-old rites clad in western attire. Akihito, 25, wore striped pants tails, and Michiko, 24, an ankle-length white dress and hat. This major formalities of the marriage will be completed Sun- day. ed to be mostly cloudy and con- tinued cool with a chance of a few showers. Tomorrow's high will reach 55. Winds west to northwest at 14-20 miles an hour today will diminish tonight and tomorrow. The lowest temperature in down- town Pontiac preceding 8 a.m, was 60 degrees. The mercury rose to 72. at 2 p.m. WASHINGTON (UPI)-—Christian of state, is a Paris-born Bostonian with a bow tie wht believes the United States must pursue ‘‘a posi- tive approach which accepts com- petition and danger as elements of survival.’ The 64-year-old Herter sounded this theme at West Point, N.Y., on wm (Dec. 3, in his last major speech |before taking over in February as acting secretary for the cancer- stricken secretary, John Foster Dulles. Herter, a fanky six- anit a-halt- footer who is hobbled by arth- Markets ovens Ht | pitts, has been secumulating | Sports ......s.0e-ceceeees 12-13 | Stature for his new job since he Theaters ......00)6.0 650s 10-1; | began a successful diplomatic- TV & Radio Programs ..,. 39 | Political career at age 2% tn Wilson, Earl ........ pecevee 10 World War’. sae oben 5-7 | In the 43 years since he became Wonten's Pages . i f % A. Herter, now the new secretary, an attache at the U.S. Embassy in Berlin in 1916, Herter: —was accused momentarily by German officers in World War I of being an American spy. He diplo- matically talked his way out of the misunderstanding. —at age 22, served as acting U.S. minister to Belgium when illness in embassy ranks left him id man on the spot in 1917. SAW RED DANGER ~after the 1918 armistice, de- tected and relayed to the State Department evidence that beaten Germany was on the verge of going Communist. His report lopened the door for emergency shipments of food to the German people that ended that danger. x *« * —helped Herbert Hoover as sec- retary of the American Peace Mis- 4 personal assistant when the ex- president was commerce secretary in the Coolidge cabinet. * * * —was speaker of the Massachu- setts State Legislature, then served in the U.S. House of Representa- tives from 1944 through 1952. —served two terms as governor of Massachusetts. —bécame the embarrassed sub- ject of an unwanted “Stop Nixon” vice presidential boom launched in 1956 by Harold E. Stassen before the Republican National Convention. Herter dis- avowed Stassen’s drive to win him the. vice presidential nom- ination and nominated Nixon as er’s running mate. , sion and later served as Hoover's; For all Kis Bostonian background; Herter Qualified for Dulles’ Job by Brilliant Achievement Record and bearing, Herter is not a: typi- cal Brahmin. . He was born in Paris on March 28, 1895, just next to the Luxem- bourg Gardens in Paris. , His par- ents were expatriate artists of the Henry James type with wealthy backgrounds. His German inintgriat grand. father, who came here in 1848, had established himself in. Texas and New York rather than the Back Bay country. When he was 9, Herter was brought to this country by his uncle, head of Columbia Univer- sity’s College of Physicians and Surgeons. Eleven years later, he: |. was graduated from Harvard, cum laude, and had ambitions to ‘be an tect. A friend sbld him on diplomacy (Continued on Page 2, Col. 7) before Shinto’s highest gods today} —4where two men have been killed at nonunion oa mines. Chandler mobilized two National Guard battalions after the death Thursday night of James Otis Ad- ams, 41, a coal truck driver and part time mine guard. Adams was killed in an ex- i change of gunfire with members of the United Mine Workers at the Little Shepherd Mine near _here. Three UMW members, including one shot in the stomach during the fight, were charged with murder. The union said before the guard was alerted that it was abandon- ing a peace agreement made with operators last Saturday. Carson . Hibbits, president of UMW District 30, charged’ the operators did not act in good faith when the agreement was signed. In turn, operator Stamper Collins of Hazard said, ‘‘We were not taken in by the treaty.” Chandler said Williams has full authority to move the troops into the area if he feels it necessary. He said meanwhile the two bat- talions totaling more than 600 men will stay in readiness. Two other battalions have orders to stand by. , x * * The governor had put the Guard on alert last month after pickets reportedly threatened to rush a loading ramp in Letcher County. Adams’ death followed. by %6 days that of nonunion coal crera- tor Woodrow Smith. Smith” was shot down near his small mine in Knox County. Five UMW mem-|. bers have been indicted for mur- der in the death and two others charged as accessories. . * * * The strike began March 9 ‘after operators of track mines and coal loading ramps refused to sign a new UMW contract. It calls for a $2 a day wage raise to $24.25 and a protective wage clause prohibit- ing the buying of coal produced at Jess than union pay. More than 7,000 miners ae been idled. - — Thieves ‘Believe in Signs VICKSBURG, Miss; (UPD— George Abraham today was con- sidering changing the name of his store, His “AWp yourself grocery’ was looted Wak x night of $2,500... Market at 5508 E. Main St. The smoke and water. Part of the wall of the funeral home fell on the roof of Faulds Confectionary store at 5518 E. Main St. Records of the Post Of fice, next to Faulds store were removed by. Postmaster Carl Ster- ner, and the building was vacated at the height of the fire. Harvey Meirow, ‘a volunteer ,. suffered electric shock while training water on a burn- ing building before the power company turned off the current. He was. taken to Almont Commu- nity Hospital for treatment of burns and sheck, amora, Attica, Almont and Imlay City. The fire, which started at 5:30 >.m., was brought under con- trol in about two .hours. Dryden firemen stayed all night to see that it did not start again, determined, Weingartz said, Orion Woman Killed by Car From Curb; Driver, 17, Not Held A Lake Orion woman was killed instantly last night when struck by a car near her home on Broadway J Gi Rd., Lake Orion. ' p.m, | Ae Mrs. Berger had been a linotype soermier he ss Sache sere, ae the Orion Review. a She leaves her husband, Ralph and a son, Clare of Lake Orion.. neral Home, Lake There was extensive damage also ih an adjacent building, the Masonic Temple above Reynolds was also damaged by! Assisting the Dryden department were fire-fighting units from Met¢ Cause of the blaze had not been Steps Into Path of Auto : Her body is at vena Fe! confirmation has’ been GOP Measure Killed, Plan New Version : Clouds of _mother is _ she is accused | * shooting of Mrs _. for this chot in the leg at a Pontiac BARRED a bazooka | “hospital. ) eos ‘Father’ Gerald Lynam, the prig-|*?0t. then some running. said Mrs, Cren- | “We were. still holding up the Mrs, Singleton on chaplain, asked twice Friday shaw “had .been bothered” lately |to enter the prison. Each time the|™ttresses when we saw a Na-| from calls from Mrs. Lawrence,/warden refused.' ~ tional Guardsman. He told us to and that Cre had told his} «The mood they’fe in, no one|&¢t them out of the way. He open- vitae te cee wit [ Son ong wil a? (eabeckand et Oren Ge woe] “Al ’ . How it last? ’ ” : Seca Gi sine tap. he Powell shrugged, “Your guess is|@"'S quarters, NEW. JUDGE AND FAMILY — Oakland ' aid she couldnt remember {88 good as mine.” — County’s new Circuit Court judge, Stanton G. esring the pistol going off, Mra: Do you plan to use force ‘Dondero, poses with his family - FEWrrekce ree eut'of the house, |t0 break the rebellion? Herter Chosen to Be got into her car, and drove off | Again a shrug. “No comment.’ § relary of State fast. ‘ : _ Dick Griffin of an ate s...| Hatcher Lauds : ; Waterford Township, spot- ° : (Continued From Page One) ted the woman drive up tothe Eas Soviet Teaching |, ten ctegetgeal station where he was wor' y . P te - morning, at the comer of 5 andlin English Field 6... eter met with Dixie Highway, and she asked to/ - hase use the phone. . ' MOSCOW @—Touring University|/SWsnen nega Spal _ “She appeared very upset and President | Harlsn| vw Ott ee shove the pee ohop kept repeating over and over, ‘I've|Hatcher spent his first week in}et the Augusta National Golf Clue got to use the phone and call aj)Russia going to school. . ‘| During the depression days of doctor!” Griffin said. He said be} He likes what he has seen.| Herter walked into the room (the early 1930s, the Royal Oak High didn't notice whether she had been|Hatcher and the rest of those in} Without the lightweight metal [school set was bouncing madly to Griffin said the woman said,|viet higher education institutions.| be had left them im a nearby |Gabler’s Hi-Hatters, “['ve shot somebody,” and then|They have attended classes as ob-| Office, ~* : le wine the tall ef the town” collapsed. ; servers at Moscow University and| “I just want fo announce my in- ay o Circuit Cou! PR Ea a teaching at the Peda-|tention to nominate Mr. Herter Sarl srier teunte Gr Dende pipe . Griffin and - gogical Institute. secretary of state,” Eisenhower : ’ . | tendant, James Law, carried the |" cher and his party have been|said on arrival. peter with the S-piece dance band. cee, neress. the street to. the luncheon guests of A. S, Nesmen-| Then the President added that; Twenty-five years later and a Glarkstow Medical Center where ayev, head of the Soviet Academy |the nomination will go to the Sen-) tittle rustier, eight of the original 23 she was treated for the wound | oF °c) nces, ate early next week. “Hi-Hatters” are back at it, by Deputy.Oakland County Cor. )- With that, Eisenhower left the] much to the dismay of some ; oo oan eee ne Sra |foom, and Herter met with news+| wives. : men aan English tnetrection,” eeid Mintch ["22 SF os "| “T take a dim view of the whole teens ae tussaporieg s = =e & Hertey’s tinifignajor assignmient|thing.” Mrs. Dondero eo tes hore hospital. Mu an"pregident was once/will be att at the confer. from the kitchen ne , wee A worker at the Detroit collision|@n English professor at Ohio State/ence of Western: foreign ministers Preparing dinner for her lawyer shop where Lawrence worked said | University. to be held in Paris starting April husband and their three children. Lawrence had been notified by de-| Among those from the Univer-|29. He will go on from there to, pporo FORBIDDEN tectives to come-to’ Pontiac im-|sity. of Michigan touring Russia|Geneva for that same group's!" s.,inciy, Dondero teased his at- ; rely to the h with Hatcher are William Dewey,/meeting commencing May 11 with), active bride of 18 years that he gee yore Cad > we cg across the/@ Russian oat om ool Soviet Union's foreign min- planned on having the revived “‘Hi- street from the Singleton home,| Ot. Telations and a journalism| Herter said the main purpose-of\Hatters” play at the swearing-in Karen Highlen, 13, of 6235 Snow w Pine, Ford Mo-|the Paris conterence will be to co-|ceremony ne a nat he = Apple Dr., said she was playing| Professor . William , alsolordi te the position of the West-|!ay as his trum eet sed bee | in the yard when she-spotted Mrs. | oe one sour . ern powers in advance of the Ge-joath as circuit judge of O ima The party plans to visit. Lenin-|P*V2 “A Seeley pied. jlictate ts Mh. < deen tak Oe pops ; Seite’ tae ving’ setn- acnch | Mee, Singleton, vereaming for |Seation.’ Hatcher will bein the Broomfield Says. |prove we od tigh school gang was My mother wasn’t home so | ° es ppose dero apparently won't let her hus- what ; “ar - band hang the picture ,in the Don- ee eae ee Burning of Leaves {fo Nepotism dero home at, 1504 Vinsetta Blvd., es : P Royal Oak. ; “She said her daughter had : Congressman William §, Broom-| «. | shot,” Karen told = reporter... jf Rubbish Banned -|field (R-Oakland County) charged|,. podhgeet = ureter ob one . daughter and son-in-law were ‘‘'so i tn we tanta Sivas ax wb only giving ‘‘lip service” to legis-/., . clover idea to reorganize and : much in love,” said that during tele eftect at 2 lation to prevent congressmen from |). for the reunion of the 1935 | her scuffle with Mrs. laumeaee bish was , Men’s Work Sox al Regular 39c Pair 5 00 , White or random colors in iw. all sizes 10 to 13. (Limit 5 pairs). ! SIMMS—BASEMENT 1B nglish Sheffield. Steel 2 ST EAK KNIFE SETS SESS RReEee eee COUPON Nall i snes 5 & Unbreakable. — PLASTIC | 3 a s Fab Pe. Refri erator Set & Nestle’s 5% s Creme Rinse 5 = | SPR Regular, one $1.00 . Pha ot 9 5 i b : Nestle’s Newave eliminates = 8 — = aa eo he shoes —aet an, two, Ante plans god. SIMMS—Main Fleer a Py a gees ge om a0 " fous Pretty lite Cli Chis Coupon Sia ide one Push-Button Pressure Can . . ; Lanolia Rich—Solfens Skin a =o Kranks Super-Shave © * WOODBURY §& Regular $9c Seller = a LOTION a : a5 Da 3a = 8 ‘ c a uy a a. oe H Kranks’ super shave gives as ee -| preemenet berber type lather. . . tient J. see ta mand 4 : eal a ae aIMMtMala Ficer vTITLtLItiiiiiitiiitiiiiii me Seeauasucucaecucent: } * * ® ea ch Vt clk elk ak ak ck ek ek ek a a cask ee ek ee ee : saps sae been proven ie - and time again. ' 7 + flock of friendly letters, too. Several ' nother group of letters, many of weéks ago T wrote @ short editorial about the late Mrs, OLiver L. ~ BEAUDETTE ‘and received more than a dozen epistles from absolute stran- gers who liked it — to say nothing of mee calls and personal ssa ae ' There’s another highly. contro- | which read a. lot alike, said in ef-. - yersial local subject on which’ I’ve ot ee “Why do you contribute to the heard the cheers and jeers, Some @elinquency of the nation by running phoné calls, letters: and personal —s advertisements for liquor? This is a conversations have suggested The eS. Press was “leaning hard toward sin in the sight of God and liquor is Straley.” And then.conversely, we at the bottom of most crime, most are criticized because our accounts evil, most divorces and most misery.” have been “hostiie to his cause.” ox Ke © ‘When the day's testimony-was in I don’t make the laws. his favor, we printed it. When it boys’ thet sell it have as much. right to buy advertising as the Elks Lodge or a‘ candidate for the pecan yearn If the entire world could be made dry overnight and remain dry forever, F'd vote “yes.” wieg cafes * : - But I rémember the concomitant evils that prohibition spawned. Ilicit I got.@ post card that kidded me Gay weights and figures as. well as any pair I knew. The writer was just plain. out of sorts (and I'll bet 40 - ‘pounds orermaignt): He told. me to grow up.” ‘Two. letters in one mail said vir tually: * “ * q “You still blame things on Franklin D. Roosevelt. Why don’t you catch on to the fact he’s dead ~ and leave him alone. Everyone has ‘ respect for those that have passed ; along. Most of what you say about ** him is. untrue anyway.” ‘Well, FDR did so much wrong, you couldn’t really get it all down * during his life and it takes a little extra time to complete the record. — But I promise to try and restrain ‘myself, Eleanor’s around still (at as least Bhe’s: around). and I. can’t ay think of an easier target. And then there’s that son of hers that : ~ wants to abolish. the Committee : on UnAmerican Activities. Periodically, readers say something ~ like this: “T’m sick and tired of read- ing ‘about -murders, rape, arson, burglaries, dope peddlers and crooked | union leaders, Why doesn’t The Pon- | tiac Press print clean, wholesome news, especially on page one? If you filled. every issue with stories of scientific..discoveries and world ad- , vances, your readers would ap- | preciate the fact and your circula- | tion: would double.” | oe ae | And what a field day the mur- derers, burglars, etc., etc. would ' enjoy if they could be sure they'd never face their sins in print. Fn rd THE PONTIAC PRESS BW aro ae. weg ag ~~ 4 ran i Tome ren Soe _ Sees = ia oe u, Circulation Mant — 8 satel “reed sent, Z : - hearing didn’t produce evidence on both sides. WO2% ot If anyone wants one man’s opinion of the Srratey matter in one sen- tence, here it is: Srratey is a skilled technician, a well trained and essentially com- petent police chief who fails all too frequently in his personal contacts, If that’s cause for dismissal — out. If it isn’t — keep him. The three Commissioners sat “out.” Now we await the - Couft review of the “waa If I get in your hair, sound off in a letter. se I'll cringe a bit while | } lash is falling, but Fl come back for _ more.. And when you say some- thing pleasant, I go around giving things away for hours. ~ If you can’t write—wire, And in Conclusion......... Jottings from the well thumbed notebook of your peripatetic reporter? One of the penalties that Epp Fiser is paying for his loose living lies in the unanimity with which the public has turned against him. His. TV show was dropped and in per- sonal appearances he faces pickets and threats of girl pickets repeatedly. Las Vegas hotels had a rough. time when he was booked. I wish we could get Liz and Eppre off the front pages -for — well, say, two centuries...... ...-If Rickr CoRvETTE ever appears in this area, I hope someone tells me so I can catch a quick eyeful. They tell me she’s a very talented night club dancer — at six feet eight. _ % 0% ® D. B. Varner, Chancellor of MSUO, says East Lansing has . ~ lost some valuable men because of the Michigan financial situa- tion. They’re moving to locations with less storm and strife. oe sees eee Onkland County’s own “Ernie” Jones is authority - for the statement that 80 per cent of the population has never flown. «seeeeeses You hear about the fabulous success so many record- ings make, yet the cold facts show there were 5,249 single records produced in 1958 and ony, 289 made a thin dime. : We RRs. Purely personal nomination for an especially high class all around citi- zen: ESTHER WHITMER i... .-+0008 Why don’t all big league baseball teams switch from Florida to Arizona for their spring training? Last year . Florida fro# them to death and this” year they were drowned with, weeks _ Of rain... +.++eIt’s here — the gas pein bcitcatt 3 e of: ” | Chicayo finds herself facing the immediate prospect of spending . ar kai Sect mloutdertand, Lek: ’ an additional 120 million dollars |” ‘ “4 in. Dt i WF * In the steaming mountains of Luzon, in the Philippines, Lt. Clay Conner found faith. It was hardly a time for a man to think about an 1942 and the Japs were pouring through our lines. Re bt his own skin. For it was in surrender, Conner fled to the jungles. He was knotted with fear and sick with ma. » but in his pocket was a copy of the New Testament, the chance farewell gift of a fellow officer. Hiding out among friendly Filipinos, Conner bided his time until thé fever left him by reading from the gift book. “ ‘T was freed from consuming fear,” he lived to report, “and my budding faith strengthened me.” Armed with the courage of his reading, he formed a guerilla band of Gls, Filipino scouts and sympathetic natives. A scout brought an American flag, and though constantly harassed-by Jap patrols, they kept it flying throughout the entire occupation. ae iy gery Hutchings of Ramona ter- > Knapp of Maplewood street. a ee: _THE poxrtkc 7 PRESS, SATURDAY, APRIL 18, 09! fbec at dat avinue, Mrs FR i ‘Martha Larsen 2 mie Sng Wer cooked peas snd ¢ sehen Sa sing 1a met we - Anna Gordon Unit of WCTU Meets The Anna Gordon Unit of WCTU GAILLA M. JOHNSON Mr. and Mrs. LaVern John- pital. Mrs. Mary Woods was guest son of Lansing announce the speaker, — engagement of their daughter, A breakfast will be held at the! Gailla M., to Eugene T. Fraley. First Methodist Church Tuesday,| He is the son-of former Water- | May 5, at 10 a.m. Reservations; ford residents Mr. and Mrs. | may be made through Mrs. Merle} Eugene Fraley of Battle Creek. | -|Monroe or Mrs. William Carls. A May 9 wedding is panes. 5; Just as the right frame | enhances a picture — ...the right mounting brings out the best in. - your diamonds see our fine collection in _ gold and platinum During April we are fea- turing special prices for remodnting —- Solitaires - from as low as $15.00 and a combination of stones as low as $44.00 -—- Estimates furnished without obligation. JEWELERS 16 W. Huron St. FE 2-0294 va + Water An: Address of Distinetion — x fe Deluxe Dream Homes te Suburban Atmosphere —City Cones % Adjacent to Both aie and Parochial Schools “e Fully Landscap oe OT OT OO ee ee This \beautiful model located at 4213 Ledgestone Drive — x TRADE-IN PLAN: OPEN SUNDAY” ” 1 to 6 P.M. For Your Inspection <7 » Your equity im your present home may be accepted 9s part payment, ~ ae DIRECTIONS. a North on the Dixie Hwy. to Combrook Lane, 1 Block South of Waterford Stop Light . . » | Left on: Cambrook Lane to Model OR | OR 3-9411 ’ sHELTMAN & TRIPP 3-941] in West 17th St, New York 11, N.Y.| Print plainly name, address with | zone, size and style .number. 4 Wisner PTA Hears Dr. Proud Michigan Schools! Theme of Meeting Thursday Dr. Philip J. Proud, assistant superintendent of personnel for “If You Feel Like I Look You'd Better Get Madeover! “And--- Josephine Lowman Is Just the Girl Boys and girls, under the di- for Wisner students April 24 “| the school. Mrs, Robert LaMar and mrs. } Leonard Saarj were named co- chairmen for the teachers’ lunch- eon to be held in the school gymnasium June 11. * * * the District 7 work- shop for PTAs Wednesday evening in Madison Heights were Mrs. Paul Maddox, Mrs. Harold Ulrich, Mrs, James Burton, Mrs. Cam- eron Clark, Mrs, Cyril Davis, Mrs. James Morse and Mrs. Irvin Serving refreshments were Mrs. to Help.” Maddox, Mrs. Martin Bacak, Mrs. Watch For--- iar teva ues! “SPRING MAKEOVER Mrs, Irving Cocking were on the hospitality committee. i Suggestions” Beginning Monday, April 20th by _ Josephine Lowman + - » in ; “# t + ‘ . GARBARA 0. HUTCHINGS A Sept. 12 wedding is planned " gee eis ee a adhesive. Foren | at ° voveme atx sr | The Pontiac Press! . race and the late Cyril Hutch- . . ; | ings and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce . Both bride-elect and her fiance attend Michigan State Univer- “Say Girls- id. sh ANY ae yeaa ie, So CU Ser Cen se ee : Purchased though the Thomas Walsh Memorial Pup: Sep Bria tn Se Go A Pindly¥ Welcome Awaits Youl a a Board % id T vas FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH HURON AT WAYNE Pastor _. REV. WULIAM M. MARBACH, B.D. Associate Pastor REV. GALEN E. HERSHEY, 8.D. WORSHIP SERVICES . . . 9:30-11:00 CHURCH SCHOOL “ee eme 9-30-11:00 fo Hear Report Bethany Young People ‘to Lead Worship . Hour at,Boy Scout Campout Dr, -E. Floyd Norton,.-director School and boards: this. weekend. 6? NORTH LYNN STREET PUNT ap School 10 A. M. -Worship. 11 A. M. age, Genny lactose 1:96 . M. W. Y. B.S. 6:45 P.M. Page Agen et ace a Wednesday Prayer and Bible Service 7:30 P. M. ee program REV. H. L. JOHNSON, Pastor 5 hy ri sg “The Center of Our Life” will a WEDNESDAY—2:20 P.M. PRAYER GROUPS AND YOUTH CHOIR ‘ent ite ae hee pro. You are cordially invited to worship with us. gram Sunday morning. FIRST UNITED MISSIONARY CHURCH - ontiee WE Stat V. B.S. DEMONSTRATION Scripture Press Materials MONDAY, APRIL 20th, 1-3 P.M., 7-9 P.M. - > {at CHRISTIAN LITERATURE SALES 39 Oakland Ave. _ FE 4-9591 * * * Chairman of the every-mertiber- - Marimont B Ba ptist Church |i MISSIONARY Echeaiece Sunday School 10 A. M. Morning Worship....11 A. M., Rev. Paul Freed “GOD WILLS IT!” ‘Sunday .. a a 6:30 P. M. Youth Pee eee ee oer oe Evening GusaiiiGs Wiis Gaitiwea +. 1:30PM. MARIMONT ... A Chneice Church With « a Friendly W Welcome! Walton. Bivdy 1 1 Block Block off Bak Baldwin. =. Ka Ps oe -—" Emmanuel BAPTIST. CHURCH 645 S. Telegraph Road Especially Inyites You to Three Great Services 10:00 A. M. 11:00 A. M. 2:30 P. . ML. Dr. Malone Preaching at All Services Music Under the Direction of Jimmie Meena | Landon Jr. with the Cooperative ‘(who has-no-other church’ connec-| tion. The annual Vacation Bible Insti- tute of city churches will be held Wednesday at First Methodist Church with registration from 9 to! 9:25 a. m. eon may be made through Monday’ at the church office. Sponsored by the Michigan Council of Churches, the institute! resources workers will come from Lansing! to —— with city teachers and auton sick. oiler Ses Press material will be Mrs. Levejoy, Mrs. Pauline Garn and Clergy Combine fo Improve City Reservations for the noon ail Vacation Bible I nstitute at F irst Methodist Church George Fisler, Mrs, William Mrs, N. F. Kenady. . Workers with the Judson Press jmaterial include Mrs. Howard Ridpath, Mrs. Norman Harris, jMrs. Frank Houston and Mrs. E}- ton Wenzel. Mrs. Florence Schulz, Mrs. Lou- ise Whittington and Mrs. John ‘Ruesink will be working with the is held to acquaint teachers and|Westminster Press items. leaders with the curriculum and| available. Tater Five Churches Set Services Meetings, Scheduled in, by Pastors, Laymen Members and friends of First! Christian Church are invited to the) BAYONNE, N. J. —The CCB— Combined Clergy of Bayonne—is| composed of Roman Catholic. Pro-| |testant, Orthodox and Jewish | to solve civie problems. Says Father Dominic Del Monte, a Roman Catholic priest: Christ work in this city.” And the Rev. Richard Pera, a Lutheran minister, adds: “We say that we are one nation under God. It’s about time we stopped talking about it unless we ~E willing to do something about Sunny Vale Chapel fo Sponsor Youth” A commission service to,Brazil Baptism service at 11 a. m. Sunday | by the pastor, the Rev. D. D.| |\MeColl.” Baptism in the Christian! Church is by immersion. ‘‘The| papers They work together | Word of Authority” will be the! dents on the various aspects of | theme of the morning sermon. |AUBURN HEIGHTS “Join Hands Then” will be the! “The Combined Clergy of Bay-|subject of the Rev. F. William) Robert V. Wojciechowski of Bay| onne has the potentiality of letting | Palmer at the United Presbyterian |City will deal with sociological as-. |Church of Auburn en at 11:15 pects; Arnold A. Pawlowski of! ‘Sunday morning. At the Women’s Association quar- | terly meeting at 7:30 p. m. Wednes- | day the film, ‘Face of the Future” will be shown. The movie depicts the long range plan of the church in the mission field, At 7:30 p. m. Thursday Cub Pack 23 will meet under the leadership of C. O. Babb, .|NEW BETHEL BAPTIST “The Purpose of Christ's - Stay | After He Arose” will be the ser-| mon topic of the Rev. A. G. John- son_at New Bethel Baptist Church at 11 a.m. Sunday. The trip scheduled for Ypsilanti has been postponed until April 26. ST. JOHN METHODIST The Women's Society of Christian Setvice -of St. John Methodist Church is sponsoring a fashion show from 5 to 7 p. m, Sunday at} the Benjamin Franklin School, 661 Franklin’ Rd. Mrs. Samuel Whiters, chairman, said the public is invited, CENTRAL CHRISTIAN The Rev. Gerald W. Gibson will preach on ‘‘What Repentance Means” at the 11.a.m. service Sunday at Central Christian Chureh. ‘‘Satan and the World” will be his subject at 7 p,m. Mr. and Mrs. Van B. Hanna of jNeoga, Tl, -will be conducting ‘special meetings at Central Chris- tian from May 3 to 17. The film, “Continuing. Stead- fastly” will be shown Wednesday evening. It concerns the way of the Christian life with helps for will be held for Ronald Combs. at ceived his internship at the First Baptist Church in Oxford, . Supported by Sunny Vale Chapel, his work will be on a river launch imostly on the Amazon, He will beginners. Sermons, Music, Scout) ‘College to Offer Essai Program “Panel to Discuss Polish’ Rev. G. 1. Bersche. Pastor q 945 A, M. I wane ’ : CHRIST 'l CHURCH SERVICE DAY SCHOOL AO AM, SERVICES sy ond n AM. WATERFORD TwP. Airport at Williams Lake Rd. Arvid E. Anderson, Pastor ; 11:00 A.M, | SUNDAY SCHOOL., 9:30 A.M. *American Nature at! Orchard Lake Aquinas Academy of St, Mary College at Orchard Lake will pre._| sent its fifth Essaj Program at) 7:30 p.m. Sunday, -“The Nature of the Polish-Ameri-' can”’ will be the theme for the | panel, which will include two) faculty members as guests, Dr. | Valerian J. Jasinski, S.T.D., and! the Rev. John R. Gabalski, M.A. | OAKLAND AVENUE x *® * Father Jasanski, a native-born | * Oakland at Cadillac \Pole, is author of many articles | Theodore BR. Allebach, Paster ; on American Polonia and editor of | Avérey Limkemsa, Touth Director | Forty Servicd '..... 8:00A.M. & the Orchard Lake faculty publica-] Worship ......... 0:00AM. |. § Morning Service ..10:45A M. F tion, “‘Sodalis.”” He teaches apolo-] Bible School 31:20 A.M. Sunday School ... 9.30A.M. © | getics and theology. Youth Fellowship .. “7 7 oie : be | Father Gabalski teaches Polish | Evening Service . ; language Both | Wednesday LOOMFIELD | at the college. Paver Reeling _. 1.00PM. B OO ipriests spent last summer touring 'Europe and Poland. Panel members will discuss | to be presented by stu- the Polish-American. Ronald E. Modras of Dearborn will serve { | as master of the Essai. \Harbor Beach will treat of the | \Teligious; and first acamedian Leonard F. Chrobot of South Bend, | Ind., will deal with the psychology of the Polish-American. * * * i Moderator will be the Rev. Walter J. Ziemba, dean of studies. | The college, in conjunction with St. Mary High School and SS. Cyril and Methodius Seminary, is cele-| ‘brating its 50th anniversary this, | year, Presbytery Elects 6 fo Attend Assembly. Commissioners of the Presbytery, of Detroit recently elected six per- ‘| |sons from Oakland County to the | jfortheoming General Assembly of. the United Presbyterian Church | U. S.A. The group includes the Rev. | Presbyterian : a: as Jensle eeweee AUBURN HEIGHTS o TOWNSHIP ‘ Wm. C. Grate, Pastor 3456 Primary Street ¥. Wm. Palmer, Paster Sunday School ....10:00A.M. F Worship ........ 6+ 11:15 A.M. 4 ST. MARK “Join Hands Then” ; Youth Fellowship .-. 6:00 P.M. % Te Sommers Best, i. Wm. C. Grate. Pastor MMUNITY TED S ndey School .... 9:45 A.M. co ITY UNI y Chhuggh Service . . 14S AM. 4 Drayton Plains, Michigan |” | W. J. Teeuwissen Jr., Paster a Bible School ....... 9:45 AM. Cedar Crest oabrige A Worship ..11:00 AM. Ff off Union ix Rd. Youth Groups ..... 6:30P.M, [2 - (Next to Dublin Schoo 2 Evening Worship .. 7:30PM | Howard £. Claycombe, a Ss Wed. Prayer and. . & Services at 8:30 A.M. 4 Study Hour ..... 7:30 P.M. fa ™ ond 11 A.M. ¥ ‘a unday School 9:45 A.M. ; mnusiawe nse |P GRACE y Rev. Rey F. Lambert, Paster c moeee ond é Sunday -School .... 9:30 A.M. Richard S. Stuckmeyer, Pastor.= Morning Worship ..10:45 A.M. — Sthool sven ey a i unday Schoo .M. 2nd Sunday School 10:45AM. J. g Ainccy cewo. meres Sunday School ....11:00A.M. © 5331 Maybee Road Service Independence Township Clifferd Haskins, Paster . $45AM. 11:00-A.M. Sunday School .. Worship Hour .... ' Church Service ) Sunday School H ‘oe ig #3 | Guy B. Smith. Pastor ST. TRINITY | Square Lake & Telegraph 10:00AM. & "100A M. & St. Stephen V.F.W. Hall—Walton Blvd. (Between Dixie and Sashabaw) 11. 930A.M. 22710:45 ALM. Galen E. Hershey, associate pastor of First Presbyterian Church; the Rev. Theodore R, Allebach of Oak- land Avenue United Presbyterian Church; the Rev. Edward D. Auchard of the Orchard Lake Community. Church, Presbyterian; and the Rev. Richard A. Geiger of Farmington. FIRST SPIRITUALIST CHURCH 576 Orchard Lake Avenue ‘Lyceum 10:30 A.M. Sunday, April 19 at 7:30 P.M. Stanley Gott, Speaker “ Wed. April 22 — Open Forum, Rev. Marshall, Speaker 7:30 P.M. Harry Nichols, President Rev. Harold Marshall, Pastor | Elders chosen from Oakland ‘County were John Hazlett of Dray-. ton Plains and C. A. Krause of Royal. Oak. The, group will meet with other] in. Detroit, Mowiay.’ Attendance Contest With the Church Gospel, Battle Creek This Week / BE PRESENT — TO BE COUNTED! of the Four Fold Greater Pontiac HYMN SING - Sunday, April 19th — 9:00 P. M. Pontiac Northern High School 9:45 A. M. — Unusual Opening 1051 Arlene, off Perry St. : (Near Madison Jr. High) | go to the mission field this summer Hunder the —— Field MORNING WORSHIP ......s0s.sseseeseee, ALAM. SUNDAY SCHOOL ATTENDANCE EVENING SERVICE sesvessesvensenseeeans MS P. M. LAST WEEK, 1,491 ' CENTRAL ? ° gosret, ECHOES . * : 2 * ry Rr: +s RADIO REVIVAL WPON — CHRISTIAN at “CHURCH G. W. Gibson, Minister * BAPTIST CHOIR @BOB LILLEYMAN 10:15 AM. EACH SUNDAY’ : ff FE 40299 = (97 N. Saginaw |} ¢ JERRY LIBBY er ‘ II Bible ‘School .. $45 AM. PT “ a Modern ‘Supereiegs Nursery J} Meming Worship .. peers - ie Mibes 9 Fill Up Your Car - a Ample Parking, | Evening Service .... 7:00PM. || WESLEY WIBLEY, Pastor ey ane Rev. Robert : ee. ] Prayer Meeting ed Wass “Visit the Church of the Old Fashioned Gospel” "FIRST OPEN BIBLE CHURCH ee Confident Thing 3 ' Setbacks Are Often’ Best «Things That Can Happen riglit interoale : | Tsapant “a: mmobtti: tex Sngteit-tast ettamer. and enfagedl” “|matter-of-fact. They just tell the plain facts. -tperiods of time. It rains a lot and it’s often - _ By NORMAN VINCENT PEALE pert adamantane: in. 0 Among the features in the papers) that interested me were the weather forecasts. I think English weather forecasts have it somewhat over our own. Ours are quite As you may know, the weather in Eng- land usually isn't too good, except for limited Evangel Temple cee Here is a typical forecast from an English PEALE te F.36, [newspaper dated August 7, 1958. You would think the weather would be fine the first of August, but this cold even in the summertime. So the fore- casts cannot possibly be too hopeful. But they: must be written by positive thinkers they always contain a hopeful note. x *« * : is what it-says: “A trough of low pressure will move eastwards across the British Isles. In all districts the. weather will be cool and mostly cloudy with occasional rain | or showers, which will be heavy in places. But there will also be bright intervals.” And here is another forecast for Scotland: “Wind west, increasing to strong, vary north west. Mill, E. Huron and Mt, Clemens Fresh, mostly cloudy with occasional rain or ~ showers, which will become heavy at times. But bright intervals.” I hope you have noticed how each of these concludes with a “but” followed by “bright intervals.” How typical this is of the British character! It reminds us of the way that character displayed itself during the dark years of 10:30 A. M. “HE SHALL SURELY || SCIENCE CHURCH LIVE” 30 Whittemore Street Dr. Evans of Flint Rev. Malcolm £. Burton, Sunday Service 7:30 P. M. Preaching Silver Tea W . ‘bright intervals will-come. And history tells us that the bright World War Ll, through the ups and downs of Dunkirk, the bombings and many other disasters. The people of that great country never seem to lose sight of the bright intervals and’ they never stop believing that some bright intervals.” x * * In individual life also, the bright intervals are there if Morning W Wednesday 29 W. LAWRENCE STREET The Salvation Army @& Sanday School 9:45 a.m. Young People’s Legion 6 p.m. 1 a.m. Evangelistic Meeting 7:30 p.m. er and Praise Meeting 7:00 p.m. CAPTAIN AND MRS. J. WILLIAM HEAVER Assistant, 2nd Lieut. Q. Kennedy Good Music,— Singing — True to the World Preaching God Meets With Us — You Too, Are Invited |we look for them. The thing to do when difficulty comes jalong is always to try looking upon the bright side of things. It is always worth remembering, too, that sometimes hard difficulty or a bad se‘back may possibly be the best thing that can happen to you, because it stops you from foliowing one course and gets you into position te do something else which may be to your best interests. My mother used to tell me, “Norman, sometimes the Lord will shut a door against you. This will disappoint and distress ' you. But if you take it humbly as His will, then, after a while, you will have cause to thank the Lord that He shut one door ‘in order to open a better one for you. Think of disappoint- ment as His appointment.” x * * eves eeneeenee ee ee ee Columbie Avenue BAPTIST CHURCH ee ee ee _ Rev. M. F. Boyd fr. Pastor Cooperating with Southern Baptist Convention 9,000,000 Members — “Boh i Meeting Slated Rev. Galen E. Hershey to Conduct Instruction Class at Presbyterian For 136 years members have Eibeen meeting annually to discuss siaffairs and finances ef First Pres- byterian Church. Following the 1959 dinner Wednesday evening, reports wjll be presented once again, a budget |Soloist Slated - lat Zion. Church © A graduate of Olivet Nazarene College, she also attended the American Conservatory of Music, Chicago, majoring in voice. In 1954 she was a Boggs, Mr. aud Mrs. Robert Mehiberg and Mr. and Mrs. Ted Koella Jr. Others will be Dr. and Mrs. Dana Whitmer, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Powers, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bartlett and Mr. and Mrs. Warren Abbott. x * * At. 9:30 a.m. Sunday, the Rev. Galen E. Hershey, associate pas- tor, will conduct the membership instruction class and Dr, William ~ FIRST CHURCH CH OF E BR NORTH ROSELAWN ‘toh ieee te Memes 1188 A fi ¥.M. Masie’ Answers te Wed. Prayer and Bible ’ REV. LEROY SHAFER, Paster ge scety ot the Fiomning heme, home, 7:30 CKLW- WXYZ W. W. Mall, Minister Wednesday Listen to Herald PONTIAC CHURCH OF CHRIST Welcomes All Visitors COS RO ee eHh CBC Ree eee 9:50- a.m. eens ew ee efeee Frain TV Channel $ Saturdays 8:00 P.M. Detroit 5:30 to 6:00 P.M. Sundays Everybody Is Invited! 1186 North Perry St. Brethren Church 316 Baldwin. FE 2-038 | Sat. - Eve. Service we 7:30 P.M. : Sunday School ...°10:00 AM. | enti nee. 14:00 ALM, ult Bible Study.. 6:15 P.M. REV. TOMMY GUEST, Pastor early service held at the same time. His subject will be “Prayer That is. Effective.” Mrs°Michael Siano and Richard Griffith will sing “‘God Will Make All Things Right.” At 11 a.m, the Rev. Mr. Her- as will preach on ‘‘Measuring H. Marbach will preach at the! First YEEL JASE of’ CLE 8.8...10a.m, Worship 11 A.M. ff} Evangelistic Service 7:30 p.m. Tues. and Thurs. 7:30 p. m Rev. and Mrs. E. Crouch ‘ 188 Baldwin Ave. FE &-0856 .’ The choir will sing “Make a Joyful Noise.” Junior hign young people will meet Sunday evening to see and discuss the film, ‘‘Honor Thy Fam- ily.’’ In charge of the evening will be Clark Lemaux, Darlene Gray and April Davis. ° The senior high youth will re- view the same film with David Minthorn, Roger Riley, David and Marty Everett taking part in the program. Members fo Plan Vacation School Members of Donelson Baptist To many of us have a tendency to see things through dark glasses. The old saying that behind every cloud there is a sil-| | ver lining is absolutely true. | Don’t take your dark clouds as final. Look for the por intervals. Things are always better than you think. ‘if you think so, you can often make them even better. (Distributed 1959) ‘Pastor to Give | | ia aise Oakland and Saginaw Pontiac, Michigan ‘Rev. H. H. Savage, Pastor Rev. W. E. Hakes, Ass't Pastor 9:45 A. M.—SUNDAY SCHOOL Classes for All Ages jo 45 A. M.—MORNING WORSHIP ee “THE DOWNS AND UPS OF A CHRISTIAN” 7:00 P. M—EVENING SERVICES a : Rev. H. H. Savage. rs at both services. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Fe REV. LAWRENCE HENRY é Le. Installation = Scheduled Sunday BD WHERE YOU THERE WHEN THEY CRUCIFIED MY LORD” § The ninth annual] installation service of the Neopolitan Club is WEST HURON AT MARK STREET . Dr. h Irvine Chapman. Pastor Percy ioe Jt.. Minister of Education. | ership Services 45 AM. and 11:00 “AM. Two Somes! “THE CENTER OF OUR LIFE” 9:45 A.M. —Church School Classes for All 7:00 P.M.—4 B.Y.F. Groups W “An American Baptist Convention Church” ‘BETHANY BAPTIST ee 7:30 P.M.—Mid-week Prayer and Bible Study Crescent Lake Road, Near Hatchery Road 10:00 A, M.—Worship 11:00 A. Mi—Sanday School B $:00 P. M.—Dr. Floyd Nerten Benjamin A, Botin, Paster “An A na Baptist Convention Church” CRESCENT HILLS BAPTIST CHURCH scheduled for 11 a.m? Sunday at |Newman A.M.E. Church. The ‘Rev. J. Allen Parker will” preside. Preaching the sermon will be the Rev. Lawrence Henry, profes- ‘sor of religion at Howard Univer- ‘sity, Washington, .D.C. | Special music will be presented ‘by the Gospelodiums of Messiah 'Baptist Church under the direction of Mrs. Roy Cummings. Walter Moore will be soloist. The clubs of the southwest sec- tion of Pontiac will raise a special offering for the youth center of Newman A.M.E. Church, the Rev. Mr. Parker said. New Pastor at Trinity The Rev. Joseph W. Moore, new BABY SUNDAY Gilt for All Wee Ones and Mothers pastor of Trinity Baptist Church, will speak on “Toiling, Failing, Succeeding” at the 11 a.m. wor ship hour Sunday, Sermon Series Rev. Allebach to Preach’ on ‘Why Am | Here’: Sunday Morning | ‘=< The Rev. Theodore R. Allebach, pastor, will open a series of three, sermons on “The Stewardship of| "t group, 6:30 p. m., Church interested in teaching at the. Vacation Bible School this summer have been asked by the lcaaior: the Rev. Lee A. LaLone, ito meet at the church at 10 a. m. d Tuesday. The Fellowship Bible class has taken the remodeling of the pas- tor’s study as its project. Men of the church who would like toé go smelt fishing on April 25 near Hale may report to the Rev. Mr. LaLone. | Regular Sunday services are: Church School at 10 a. m; ship, 11 a. m.; young people’s and evening worship, 7:30. wor- | PILGRIM HOLINESS CHURCH BALDWIN AT FAIRMOUNT Revival Services Continue through Sunday Evening HEAR Rev. P. O. Carpenter Music by the Hamilton Family ATTENTION, LUTHERANS! Two Demonstrations of Concordia VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL SUPPLIES ‘ou Are lavited Tanning Apel tise 1-3 FM. and 7109 FM. _ Supplies Now in Stock entral Methodist _ REV. MILTON H. BANK, D.D., Minister REV. gerne i My serene Agog? rg _ BALL, D. D., Asses. Minister MORNING SERVICES, 8:30 and 10:45 AM. “TROUBLE IS A GIFT” Dr. Milton H. Bank, Preaching (BROADCAST Over WPON, 11:00 A. M.) FIRST METHODIST South Saginaw at Judson Paul T. Hart, Pastor Harry J. Lord, Assistant Pastor 10:00 A.M. MORNING WORSHIP “RELIGION N'OF F_ ASSURANCE” 11:15 5 CHURCH SCH SCHOOL Youth Fellowship... . Wed. 7:30 P.M. Bible Study and Prayer Fellowship 6:15 P. M. REV. J. W. DEEG, Pasior—MONTCALM and GLENWOOD A vali ng ot Sunde =r cheat i ise Tout unday $ outh (oped pm. Prayer Fellowship 7:30 - Sunday School 10 Worship Hour 11 Youth Hour .. 6 Eve. Service .. 7 We Welcome CHURCH of SPIRITUAL FELLOWSHIP Malta Hall—82 Perkins St. (Off Auburn) Service 2:30 p.m. Circles 4 p.m. Dinner § p.m. Evening Service 7:30—Guest Speaker Thurs. 7:30 Open Forum, A 2: pril 25 Rev. Haddick of Det. speaking You! DONELSON BAPTIST CHURCH | Elizabeth Lake Rd. at Tilden OR 38-3206 Sunday School..... 10A, =. Morning Wership. -. 11:00 A.M, ané Beginners’ iT eee eeeres @oeveces Posten ney LEE LaLONE eeaeeoeee ee eee ey eg urch ee@eeee eeeree eee . a 8. S. Supt.—ARTHUR EWALD Life’ at 10 a.m, Sunday at eel Oakland Avenue United Presby- terian Church. * * * “Why Am I Here?” will be his morning message. “Such As I Have’ will be the topic on April 26, and on May 3 he will preach) on “I Know I Should Tithe.” * * * The Rev. Elgin Greene, area field representative for National —— Christian Service Brigade, will give a brief. talk on the work. Youth groups will meet at 5:45 p.m. with the Builders’ topic called “The Menace of the Cannibal Christian” and _ the Pioneers’ theme, “Behind Closed = Doors.”’ The Junior Choir and Marilyn Vernon, soloist, will provide the music. The Sunday School staff will meet at 7:30 p. m. Tuesday. Prayer meeting, and Bible study are set for 7 p.m. Wednesday followed by Child Study Class at 8 p. m. Ministers to Exchange Pulpits Sunday Morning The Rev. Marvin W. Hastings, || minister of the Sylvan Lake|* Church of Christ, will exchange |). pulpits Sunday morning with the |g. Rev. William J. Burke, minister of |. the Southfield Church of Christ. At 6 p.m. the pastor will con- a Marvin Morse, This Is YOUR Invitation te Worship at The EVANGELISTIC TABERNACLE 2800 Watkins Lk. R4., 4 Mile NW of Oakland Co. Mkt. Sun. School 10 a.m. Preach’g 11 a.m. & 7:30 p.m. All Saints Episcopal Church Williams St. at W. Pike The Rev. C. George Widdifield, Rector The Rev. David K. Mille, Curate 8:00 A.M.—Holy Communion 9:30 A.M.—Holy Communion and Sermon by the Rector Church School 11:00 A.M.—Morning Prayer and Sermon by the Rector Church School Supt. Classes for Every Coming May Louisville, Kentucy 5-10, DR. JOHN PAUL, A. J. ie? , Mear K é LESSEE REE SURO RSS IS “Your Gospel Hour” Sun., 7:36 A.M., CKLW = Lninsnnse Like These You Need the Church — Bring the Family! Youth Service FIRST GENERAL BAPTIST CHURCH Sunday School 9:45 Morning Service 11:00 |! Wednesday Prayer Service 7:30 ! Rev. Paul Johnson ST. GEORGE'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 8:00 A. M.—Holy Communion Rev. Bertram T. Watts, 1t: is ae “Seating Prayer Vicar CLUB, White Lake ST. ANDREW'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 8:00.A4. M.—Hoaly Communion 9:30: and 11:18 A, M.—Identical Services of Morning Prayer and Sermon Church Scheol at Each Service Rev. Waldo R. unt, Vicar 249 Baldwin Avenue — 6:00. Evening Service 7:00 FE 4-7172—FE 5-9822 i at Daily: “Dial-a-Devotions) ont -TV — Saterdsy, 8:00 P.M. XYZ — Sunday, 6:30 P. Mc SYLVAN LAKE- CHURCH of CHRIST Orchard Lake & Middlebelt Roads Marvin W. Hastings, Minister on, 5-7778 Pear School—0:45 A, M. a. ee Worchipe te: 45 gh of enone signe Service” — FE &- “Herald of 4 Truth” Sunday Services and Sunday School 11:00 A, M. Wednesday Evening | The d tt of missions will|tinue, the mapas Sees ee sponsor the film, ““The Old Bagley” |with ilustrating films, His MORNING WORSHIP 11 A, M. at the 7:30 evening hour. will be “The Mosaical Age.” | “Childiiiee Characteristics of Christians” | | Rae gai eae CHURCH: NAZARENE Mountain . GO STATE STREET — ¥ S 700 P.M. Evening Bible School ...... 9:45A. M. 4 : ’ Worship CZ , + FREE Worship ~ gee .11:00 A. M. 4 ‘Rev. Ai BE, Potbury. WAT al "WHO IS GOD”—3rd in a series F 4 eee rape METHODIST CHURCH Youth Service... .. 6:30 P. M. i “Prayer Meeting Wed. : Evangelistic Service 7:30 P. M. 4 10 A, M. and 7:30 P. M. | "2 DISTRACTIONS” d- Bring the Family! Mieietee oF Kamae ql ~ ’ | eee eee \ } eae J ee a ae Service 8 P. M. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE . SUBJECT FOR SUNDAY “DOCTRINE of ATONEMENT” FIBST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST Lawrence and Williams Streets Reading Room 2 East Lawrence Street Open Daily 1] A. M. to § P. M, Friday to 9 P, M. RADIO STATION CKLW 800 K.C. Sunday 9:45 A. M. HOW CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HEALS Al i os can be. ~~ said, in neste 33: 7 but inwardly were unclean. We mm. Let us now IT aged | oe The on A eapel, poser din iy ra. 3 an we tes the burial, — «. of Christ. that “SEARCHING THE SCRIPTORES” Roosevelt Wells , CHURCH CALENDAR There. «oe IT SEEMS In this article, we shall continue to discuss with you valent containing the , “ee * Our ussion ite bea) in Young “tee deceiving. rf beautiful lope event st = the on ME re ai ints PART Bome will insist may very well tends, it ust remember it ee God who says in but you m and what ot right in religion, and we m = Sa to his 5 in order to wanes aves Heb, 5:8-9. is wise ce Tue WAY WHICH SEEMS RIGHT. 328, TV RRESPONDENCE COURSE erreneD sine pte ONE on — = like to ae pare about the EVERY SUNDAY thould’ therefore” ena” today "in this "PRE BIBLE. ita ARE DOING BO, WHY you? amg card today | to: CHANNEL 7 of Christ, 210 Hughes Street, Wane For Fu gs vo oe ft be eile. 210 Hughes se 9:30 A. M. ge ov Gall FE SI WELCOME 76 Ai. Cc UREH oF CHRIST. 0 Hughes + ¥y poral ceili Ae ES ot Sie a redamemiansonin William T. Gossett, Ford counsel, | DEER. LODGE, Mont. (AP)—It i sought the delay in a motion asking As & youth Powell worked on 8 “has VEGAS cpiannendoed:s cussing the fact that Eddie is again @ colossal singer in parts, and in the Show Biz markets of the whole world. opp him! were some who attributed this milracle to Liz’ devoted atten-| killing! tion — and attendance — when he opened here. FS ho alas 7 pallet cs a Bs ‘much’ ‘rather li ve my life than sae told me on b recent evening. And at this point Eddie Fisher entered the little anteroom at the new Las Vegas silver dollar-shaped auditorium, and we didn’t get much further with that party of | the interview. *, ~ 2 © oa For before he came in, we had been dis-| ” Liz insisted. “iat not as though Eddie had been a _ no-talent kid. He’s a great talent! He’s matured greatly. He has a wonderful presence. I don’t think our relation. ship has anything to do with the fact that he’s a smash, I don’t think I’m speaking as one who's pre- judiced when I say Eddie is one of our finest per- formers today!” Liz did not care to say just farm at La Valle, Wis., and later = = As another feature. i our 25th Year Celebration we are offering a special Breakfast Menu Sunday from 9 to 11:30 a. m. Bring the family after church and enjoy. yourself. ; we ‘SUNDAY’ DINNER® 12 NOON ON * * Enjoy friendly surroundings and excellent food plus a slice of our huge Birthday cake and ice cream for dessert. There’s No. Magic . inthe word ‘Guaran tee’ & Contrary to public belief the mere fact that some- thing is advertised as “guaranteed” is not particular- ly important. Here’s what is important: 1. WHO IS THE GUARANTOR? 2. WHAT ARE THE TERMS OF THE GUARANTEE? A guarantee is no stronger than the guarantor. A ~ guarantee, in spite of its name, may not in fact be of any protection whatever. -It depends upon its terms. ~ BUSINESS ETHICS BOARD - _ of the Pontiac Area Chamber of Commerce Picks FE 5-6148 Waldron Hotel Bldg. what it was that she saw in Eddie — this was the only question she balked at, that being too personal — but on prison ' His wife and daughter accom- ipanied him to Deer Lodge last | August. }12-year-old seventh grader blame- Ibelieve the youth was responsible) Q 5 on x) eo) 3 - ® ~ DETROIT (#—Juvenile Judge Nathan T. Kaufman has found a Corps before joining the Wiscon-jother points I found her frank staff. and articulate. travel together. Where, for example?” x * * “You said you would like to “I'd like to go to Israel,” Liz answered. “Eddie's been there | but I have never been. Eddie's never been to Moscow — and 1) have been.” Most vividly I remembered when Liz and Mike Todd had’ taken off for Russia and returned — it seemed such a short) time ago, too. ship with Eddie was the actually wide-eyed looks of adora- tion she kept giving him. And the fact that she liked his hair long And almost bushy | The one thing that impressed me about her relation- | i Judge Kaufman said he did not|/at the peak was a point in it. If a girl said to be one of the | for the death of Sherman T. Cross, principal of a Detroit elementary school. Cross, 66, died Thursday when he tried to discipline the boy. A | post mortem showed Cross has been Keitinna recommended be given some type of special care. most beautiful in the world tells you you should not get a hair- | leut because you look divine with your hair long, you are prob- | ably not going to get a haircut. * x * A boyish dimple broke out in Eddie's ge-year-cld face when | she ran her fingers through his hair. He wagged his head with pretended weariness and said: “These wives!” Even he sort of gasped at having said it so prematurely. | Liz permitted Eddie to have a slight neck trim for the Academy Award show but Eddie announced afterward, “I’m ] Arrangements were made byigoing to let it grow back again. Just call me ‘Longhair.’” Detroit schoo]. authorities to have EARL’S PEARLS: You can always spot an educated man. 1 the boy enter a special class at/./... the one who can give directions with his hands in his/ : : pore. rca Tal nay wr pecans omnes A : | 1959: IMPROVEMENTS INCLUDE | vst NEW SCREEN 7 NEW + eee PROJECTION EQUIPMENT NEW CONCESSION STAND DOUBLE FORMER SIZE CAR CAPACITY OTHER MAJOR IMPROVEMENTS BEAUMONT, Tex, (AP)—Jack, ple who have been staying away' from my stores because of being| delinquent in their accounts. will’ come in when, they. know the’ve| been forgiven.” | * * * Some of the bills were 30 years old. First Manned Rocket to Get Gliding Tests - LAS VEGAS, Nev. (AP) — The first aircraft designed to fly in the uppermost reaches of the earth’s|, atmosphere will make its first, gliding flights — without fuel or! power — within one to two weeks. * * * This was disclosed by pilots of the North American X15 rocket|, plane at the World Congress of Flight Friday. x « * After the plane proves its abil- ity to glide satisfactorily, the X15 will make its first powered flight. eee Ex-Chief Has Other Job LUSK, Wyo, (AP)—Frank Bo- other job — pastor of the Lusk Open Bible Church. The art of getting along with 2 belt, then obviously Texas is the money belt. —Earl Wilson. | © NOW. OPEN e Rolladiam Skating Rink ADMISSION 60c INCL. SKATES | | | ] 475 W. Huron —FEE.‘5-2677 (Copyright, 1959). . ) _TONIGHT-SUNDAY-MONDAY 7 EXCLUSIVE! EXCLUSIVE! FIRST OAKLAND COUNTY SHOWING! | F R E EY! 70 Th ae "$00 TONIGHT es OPEN 6:45 PONTIAC ~DRIVE- “IN NI entice ~hOJ SHOW STARTS ed wD 7:30 THE PIXIE OF PARIS AND THE NIFTY OF NAPLES—IN THE POUNDING PROGRAM ' THAT WILL POP THE PULSE OF EVERY RED-BLOODED AMERICAN! ,AMERICAN LANGUAGE VERSION more of Brigitte than ever PETERVAN EYCK + JEAN CLAUDE PASCAL si +e rate PR IR REI dal et ter ow EXTRA! TOON ONLY si HOw SOARING PASSIONS IN THE. SIZZLING SAHARA ROBERT SODMAK ‘A DONT 4 SUNDAY BROUCHT BACK HY ereian TTD aS Brooks’ “‘The' reason is simple: television. Fans and visitors at the Mather Inn where‘ the movie troupe is eA Popular t : we Fans at. Ishpeming A a “ me Theaters Farmington mn of the Sixth Meow cre amu "ome Came § Ae, Ee eine: color, Prank Sinatrs, Dean : Hillis ; Borgnine; Restiess Y¥ Boys,” Pe sui Newman Jone, restreet Bun’ Sat.: BS ean’ ng a Prnctured 30 ne po ool un.-Tues.: “The Perfect adieu ~ Tony &u Curtis, ‘Sei. “Paras, _ "The Last st Mile,” Mickey Booney Tony Curtis sme age Purlough,” urs.: * Restless Years,” Wed.-Th Dee Saxon, Sandra : “Tom Thumb,” Russ Tamblyn Al Forms of Insurance ‘ : 3 [iistamp a five center. They will| al Q 2g f g rl z i may do it."’ ters of the Brooks saga. When it It lasted only 26 weeks. =1U.S., Canada Release i) Seaway Stamp Design . WASHINGTON (# — Designs for ‘Aithe St. Lawrence Seaway com- |i memorative..postage stamps to Fiibe issued jointly by the United j\States and Canada have been go on sale next June 26, the date’ Nee of seaway opening ceremonies. =i | OOM DeFORE- ANA KASHFI- «JOCK MAROMEY tat ttn tit gi TONIGHT — Last Complete Show 10 P. M. ACADEMY AWARD WINNER! ; -. Susen Hayward “I WANT TO LIVE” ~. James Stewart “NIGHT PASSAGE” en ae MANACLED BY A MADMAN... Bi mORUGCERUS aC 8 FEATURES 2 The Great Submarine Picture! SATU Where F riendliness Prevails... RDAY 3 FEATURES 3 FAST GUNS! FAST ACTION! experiment this side of HELL! | LS TE OF ALL TIME! 4 he 3) 5 Hol IT, WAS. NOT.ALL ON THE SUNDAY THE 13 GREATEST SHOCKS oo rT #e ‘4 ¥ “F YOu HAVE A WEAK. HEART, WATCH OUT!” soys colt LOUBLLA PARSONS be ISE ix HAUNTED HILL VINCENT PRICE: TERRIFIC THRILLERS BEASTS VENUS Fantastic Man Destroying ., Females On The Forbidden Planet THE LATEST—THE FINEST IN-A-CAR HEATERS FRIDAY SEE IT AT THE BLUE SKY COMING > | 2 ve -> Ist Showing Pontiac Area> ALL THe EXCITEMENT OF THE PRIZE NOVEL! GARY COOPER: MARIA SHEL YAR MALDEN The new method- “permits surgeon to operate inside heart while the heart is bea He can then se as well the functions-of the heart 5 & Sage tFF Gollan said cool the skin ac- companied by . of} blood flow while his method cools the internal organs first and at the} same time supplies an flow of blood to fill the of vital organs, WELD OVER ‘THRU SUNDAY MATINEE SAT., SUN. 1:45 preps are Added: “ROCK ‘EM COWBOY” “TRAGEDY U.S.A.” I] supe Y | ACADEMY AWARD WINNER! “Best Picture of the Year’ - The “My Fair Lady” of Filmdom! ~ HOLLYWOOD'S WONDERFUL...BIG... COLORFUL MOVIE WITH MUSIC! . It's the del del _ ti oer ag bbl ' Fun—a-la Gay Paree! M-G-Mimm ‘You Colon —_. ANARTHUR FREED PRODUCTION aes LSLIECARON + MAURICE CHEVALIER = LOUS MORDAN It’s Sheer Romantic > \ “MAGOO SAVES THE BANK” TABLES” | STARTING Special Limited Sunday 3 DAYS ONLY! Boek Matae: > 5, Seat Best Costume . . . Best a “G . |. Best Color ¥ » « « Best « « Best AWARD WINNER he EXTRA! Special Added Attraction ACADEMY AWARD WINNER Best Short Subject Cartoon @ BUGS BUNNY: e@ “KNIGHTY KNICHT BUGS" Richard Egan—Patricia Owens “These Thousand Hills” ‘In Cinemageepe and Color Bos de HELL” a , . sy ay e § § 3 a i siait fr bes 3 3 the right-hander ons against. the Yan , ‘ak KANSAS C1 age eo ee ; Hider ih oe 4ai0 emuk be 4tit in $090 Hediey ib 3000). 412 c 3088 - 4016 Coleman p 3600) — Bitte tet ‘ef 2430 sd $oe . FIT t sacs i - fer, Moan Pete ee ee eee eH oe ee es eeeeenend ake. Ge iii ai gs F S 43 i: it : ; i R ER BB 80 ry a 6 oO oe bie - Mickey Mantle’s single in the|Dsley (L. 641) S iode te ae >> fourth and Andy Carey's single in|Bra‘ski iw. ig" 2 68 09 09 6 6 =e the fifth were the only hits allwapy too: Aa Sevens. ge ef night : Indians beat Kansas ‘CH! got his left field job back a4 Ser Seon cago. The White Sox twisted the) - neq the lineup in an with 3 65 ce"! to get Detroit. a victory. 4 baseman Gail Harris. 1 z i out igs aoledsaiane : ' é zl Li f i tt : SN Se Net 8 SN i , Hi] 3 s 3 Wi i EF fe de 3 gt > "eH ‘ccc Selly Wee eat ee A RS tga 0 RE 5 OPES as a epi sig y, Ps ? . et Doby, Harris Pulled . Maxwell Back in Lineup CHICAGO (AP) — Manager Bill Norman dips into the. Detroit Tigers’ bench strength today, still looking for the key (e victory. First. baseman Gail Harris and left fielder Larry Doby will take their places in the dugout. Norman will send Latry Osborne to first and Charlie Maxwell back to against the Chicago White Sox, ' “['m trying te find a player with a hot bat who'll get us started,” said the manager of the winless Tigers. “I’m not set on any lineup yet. We'll keep trying until we find the right combination.” Harris has been a sharp disappointment after his sur- prising performance last season. He is hitting a"puny 115. He numbers only one ‘home run in his three hits. Doby,. who with Harris was expected to provide mast ‘Of the Tigers’ home run punch, is hitting .125. The veteran has only two hits, a double and a triple. JOB BACK—Charley Maxwell benched Larry Doby and first Toronto Needs All Breaks to Unseat Champs Canadiens in Driver's Seat to Win 4th Cup . in Row MONTREAL — The talent- loaded Montreal Canadiens ~ even stars—are heavy choices‘ to lick the upstart Toronto Maple Leafs tonight and win an unprecedented fourth straight Stanley Cup cham- pionship, The Canadiens already have piled up a 3-1 advantage in the Nationa] Hockey League final play- off series ang even coach Toe Blake, who has a long-standing rep- utation as.a pessimist admitted: Mizell Puts. Stopper on Frisco Bats, 4-1 with Clem Labine (0-1) the “Bat,” said Blake, “‘the Rocket “There's no doubt we're in the driver's seat.’ The Canadiens have been de- prived of the services of big Jean Believead, who is out with a spinal injury. And 37-year-old Maurice (The. Rocket) Richard has been practically of no use. Beliveau definitely won't play and Blake reported that he would not make up his mind whether to use Richard, who is suffering a groin injury, until just before gametime, . Montreal Cah End tt without the services of two of their plate to Rocky Bridges covering third base on a bunt. Landis did score a moment later on Jim -Rivera’s double as. the White Sox won a 65- Annual Relays Has 130 Teams «.\clincher altead/of Moryn’s 400-foot|. with an 8-5 win Alma, The é Lubaniski Keeps ABC whole route landed him third be- umn. "New York Women seize WIBC Lead BUFFALO, N.Y. (AP) —. What appears a short-lived -bid for honors was registered last night when the Market Baskets of Olean Pa., bowling alley operator lashedjrolled a 2253 team total in Divi- out games of 253, 228 and 279 for|sion 1 in the 42nd annual -Wom- y to falljen’s International Bowling Con- been in the bracket around 3,000 Plumbing team was in third place jrecord by a. foot. ‘Pri totaling $139,557 have at- - 4,491 six-women teams, pins, they said, The from Roches with a total pin’ splattering ) e followed a hit 8 * m?, - Eerste te ne Be Mt or ene Rabe Gomes, win sae wl Su“ Mansfield a doubleplay. The Sox went up| kK sal tig etre caterer _pisanwiile, coach Punch Imlach ne : 3 in their half of the-fourth on) Big Wilmer, a4-3 southpaw, winning reliever Ray Sem- Leats, came . double a walk tojbeen. 2 star the Stiproch (1-0) set down the ads on| fom behind to eliminate the Bos. By H. GUY MOATS See piss ae ee ae ind homer—his sec-jLouis Cardinals’ “home movie’! three. Harry Anderson Bruins semifinal, _ [munity : annual off Lary. which film their| wy ples ge ps nant tused to concede defeat. * MANSFIELD, Ohio—Young ath- : Lary. scheme, in they Willie J pty eens let big delega- pitchers and batters in action tolers for the Phils, who scored all) | Vith a couple of breaks, we tea by the bur-losd, by automo-| Heading o big 1 grea es eae Bory, oo het poet of tin but niall ne gf vallgatn so Begg cathe claimed. , nee 14-man squad. The Chiefs are de- line rapped the gh ee of| never has developed int. oe ee ve has failed in his last io a oy rd you can the big title twice. his career to start Aler he was expected to when nine starts since blanking Milwai- e of that,” agreed. : 43 the sev-[he won "23 games in his first two|kee 10 on four hits last July 2.)“All the games have been close However, among the coaches enth a double but Doby struck! seasons with the Red Birds, back| It a his third loss - in “a Te rer mer prihing tne grest- lagged se rpm pang ad and Kali i 959-53 Bos to Phils . The fellows are but achignst: champions are “aa munile betteruse ofl” 5 definitely not cocky.” . mot regarded too its chances. Landis singled in the emer ee ome gp alidamer 7 pa must ee iss” | title threat, as the big event’ got 4900 Bias‘ame % 5 . : oS ented on Bart Torgean's| Ho fnihed what ho started ony rate" 4244 Gea” #27//Rawls, Suggs Tied "belie vitae wih pinch single to make it pamper 1 -pmemmamimmas emt (Tg Ore Ty a , ee ee was 1 “= % 3000 Plod ef 4900/% oe . nding more “His first this season brought/senmict ¢. te1e Geares <123/if] Dallas Tour $ - dase bat’ to more: tied cal 8 detent as ie Giants awept MeCmick p $808 Mil p 4010 ney Tourney in Last 9 Days first and third and one out, did it|a three-game set at St, Louis, But/sgeuer | 4333 DALLAS, Tex. (AP)—The two again in the eighth. singled| while giving up 13 hits, he gave UPjcBressoud 1.0. 9 0 top women golfers of the year— but was forced at second by Boll-jonly four earned daft ate | te Pais 1g Toy a 110 «| Betsy Rawls of Spartanburg, S. C.|Wasnington ie ie fon tiles Gor aac Soap pcan 14. innings, fi-| ames oe Mariel in ah om Bres-| on Were locked & 6 Oo br tiem ore mighty .swing ond nally coming off with a 4-1 vVic-|.. outs ba da wick place in the $10,000 Dallas Wom- ST, LOUIS’ (AP) — Only nine a ES ak FO NS oi PO a en ball + > ’ ’ days rémain in the 72-day Amer- to short. Yost grourided out to end|tory at San Francisco. Orlando/|san Francisco ..-.0...0...- 000 000 6011! en’s Open today, sor Gleevang Vheaaina: the inning, The Tigers narrowed|Cepeda, who had two of the Gi-| p spencer. noyer, Po-A_st in Mae Se GAMES still too early -for the final outcome’ with a run injants’ hits, jumked the shutout with): me Srmcs iat LoB—st. tong| Tied at 143 for 36 holes they Cleveland, = pin—Torrr| eter tng sainor events lesders the ninth on singles by Kuenn andjhia fourth Home run of the season te bover, Mays, Blasingame panei rows gd xy tiga: 2k beeping % pm—Hoett 10-0) it i . records most ‘won Moor P Sostes : ; : pinch hitter Johany-Groth 5d sedi Lenaet H R ERBRSO|this year, Miss Rawls has won “Gomi od. | For example, Ed Lubanski ten. hentes Rabumahpe snd Mec'mict’ cL, oii 9 4 3 3.3 $imree tournaments and finished|”* et Ballmaore, 3:08 pm—|Detroit seemed virtually assured choi chet] Siniees Pittsburgh played a 2-2 (MUS $4 4 dB fisecond three times in. 10 tries. 5 oa , the ‘singles ,chimplon- 122 6600 Ww : “4 2110 6 and fin- pm ship with the big 764 series 130 009; tle halted by rain. after mine |Wortiingon | t 22 1.) 8.40] Miss Suggs has won two Detroit at Chicago, 2 pn. folie’ pesity: two rhinths ago ses 1398) innings. The Chicago Cubs |T-2:46. A—19.45, ished second thrice, i eaOre, (2), 2:05 p.m a3) ies heniel ken anys 84 Ee May tae Rea Fe) “Patra it - $004) sipped to third with a 51 de- | Titans Down Alma G other ideas. The 4l-ye 010 20006 , : 000 4060 The Carvjnals chased young Mike| [VJ h B ] H yesterday HE 1313] me Car:inals chased yone Mie VF ICNIigan belts Murons [BRB Ja. Teo series yesterday to tallen's aoe _ 096 0lfirst inning when the first four , | ; 7 a, lon — _ (gress ca cinioongs : : imeem |men hit safely. Ste Musial’s single By The, Associated Press Titans won with a five-run rally 5.000 he produced a better start, S148. Totals. 36 6) Sand a double by K ty Boyer pro- win teeided’” . ie PE masvies tr Cai’S raat out Yor |duced the runs, Ha. Smith's home|. No Witting shump by pounding ow| five-game winsiug'streake tees ih? Dokas ter Bere | rum made it 30 in the fourth otf One Witting shumap by pounding ov rode eee, weukee 2. 9 innings tain. baby tm sie, Ran Tot Sta Miller, who pitched five-innings|ciumoh over Eastern Michigan, |y,Weste™, Michigan opened its er re ot G71 and hig. doubles. set it, reliat : American Conference season ‘ge ‘bloated home ins by Lee Wails| , Sounpaws | Mek prea. and) with a 90) victory over Bowling “@a). ves Newedinbe to! oxiand Ernie Banks and a two-run ne avails Gali Dove — Green, . Bill Topp held Bowling by Walt. Moryn powered the | sree straight Wits’ and dtove in(oree” to two hits in the game at Los Angeles. Wells’ s0e-|. ior Michigan's runs, Bastera| one Py Sein eitler seven in- tt of a challenge fly capped a three-run sev") was held fo five hits as Michigan enna . Fred Eastwood of Los enth that gave the Cubs a 4-all) oo i. ining ‘< iointe, Fred Loesekam’s nin Angeles got off to a brilliant start tie. Three more runs in the eighth|¥°" “ can my ar’ “\two-run homer provided Southern with a 660 series in the team put it away, with rookie George| ‘The University of Detroit post- |Ilinois with a 7-5 Interstate Con- 708 in the doubles, He son 016 doubles and 12,032 singles to/by the event which ends May 31. ' hind. Potter in the all-events col- more difficult to even try and fig- ure out a winner.” -|Friday, the four-mile- relay, from which all Michigan teams wereex- cluded, -including the Maples and Flint Central, who had expected to be top threats, . . A ruling barring participation in this event and in today’s mile run left no alternative for the Michiganders. , Observers. here figure: Birming- ham’s Bill Alcorn as a sure thing for the pole vault, The clever Michigan prep champion was run- nerup last year, and with a good day could snap a 20-year standing record of 135% feet. He has cleared 13 feet several times this spring. Warren Cawley, Farmington’s great hurdler, is also. mentioned as a probable winner and record breaker, . Preliminaries got under way at 10 a.m, and first finals were sched- uled to start’ at 2 o'clock, Most of the 32 M squads entered had arrived late Friday, or eat. iBetters Prep Discus Mark MESA, Ariz, (AP)—Karl Johns- tone, a 17-year-old North nix High School senior, spun* dis« cus 185 feet, 2 inches Jast night, bettering the national prep discus eezesase” RE RP in ln hel Ba HIPASHOAD AH OE BERS | i : Seeysrcesesrssusssururesssess Deadline Time Mount Clemens Entry . Submitted for 43rd Annual Classic. INDIANAPOLIS # — Four more delayed entries for the 500-mile auto race May 30 apparently com- pleted the field at 61 cars Friday. Tony Hulman, president of the Indianapolis Motor Speedway, |iies entries ‘trials beginning May 16. he delayed entries were McKay of Youngstown, The other was submitted by Leonard G. Smith of Mount Clem- ens, Mich. Eddie Russo of Kansas City, driver in two previous 500-mile jevents, was named to handle one of the McKay cars. Drivers for) the team’s two other cars have not been selected. A rookie in the Memorial Day classic, Russell Congdon of Puy- allup, Wast., wil] drive the Smith caf’ Congdon finished ninth last lyear in the Midwest midget car staridings. Three Entries Get in Before jinterview yesterday, Burdette Mentioned Again Newcombe CINCINNATI (AP) — The 1959 major league baseball season is only a week old but already the spit ball controversy ig back in the news, this time with new names—Don Newcombe. of Cincin- nati and Early Wynn of the Chi- cago White Sox. Newcombe and Wynn - were linked with using the illegal pitch by Dave Philley, the pinch hitter superb of the Philadelphia Phil- ge Tele Philley said in an plenty of [pitchers use the spit ball and the), umpires take no action to stop it. Philley also renewed accusa tions that Lew Burdette of the ‘Milwaukee Braves pitches - the spitter, — Referring to a pinch-hit double he banged off Burdette earlier this week, Philley said: “He threw me a _ spitter. I's nothing new, Willie Jones and Richie Ashburn had been com- plaining all day about the spitter. The umps will never do anything about it. “Plenty, of pitchers use it. Don \Newcombe has one, Early Wynn has a beauty. Burdette throws it at least once every two pitches.”’ Philley, a 38-year-old outfielder, said- he studies and memorizes throwing habits, “When I first came to the Phils after 15 years in the American Loses, I didn't get a hit my first Trout Season Week Away ALL OUTDOORS, Mich. (UPI) — All roads lead:north next week- It's that time again when s must be understanding. season opens Saturday, | pril 25 — the most important | on many a fisherman's cal-! r when more than a grees lers wil] hit the state’s 11,000 lakes and 33,000 miles streams. Hie & . Player. Club R WW BR REE Pet. Herzog. KC. s 3 6 1 2.545 ; 4B R H HB RBI Pet. peek ig . W 9 1 3 (§29/Aaron, M: 2 § BT fs mh w a ® 2 5 © .2 $00. Dark, Chi. i coe cee ee ee) ie 2 : 6 3 aM Demeter. L.A. 17 4 °7°3 Al . 9 4 2 6 421:Cimoli, St. L. 27 § tL @ AAT Fox. Chi 3202213 («13 ARB Alou, SP. 2 S$ 8 3 & 400 Bridges. Det. 25 2 19 6 1 400/Schmidt, SF. - 20 3-8-4 2 ‘400 fasby, Bait. 20063506 6 8hUl OL MOO Zimmer, LA. 2 2 8 6 1 400 Runnels, Bos. 18 3 +7 @ 2 349) Walls, Ch 3% 4 6 1 2 1400 Kaline, . ma 2° 2 2 Kus’ sk: Ww 1 4 8 6 400 Zeuchin, Wash. 19 6 7 2 23 |368/ Post, ; ® 1 4 @ 4 40 Hews N.Y. 4 1 5 1 4 .257/Bias‘ame, StL. 2 7 HG 1 Map MY. 7% #2 6 © 2 3SBIk » Chi “a S$ #§ 3 3 . 0 3. 4 © 6 Bho 19 4 7 60-3 38 Allison, ® 2 #7 1 5S .3560/ Bexes, 'L. % 3 7 2 4 368 29 30 1 «66 4345\Cun’ham, StL. 11 @ 4 6 © 364 § rig a. 4 ~°7~=«241#*:O 33 ~- RM 7n 4 wW 3S Hadiey, KC. = 18 A 1 3 » StL. ® 5S OW 1 S& 33 Power, Cle. 1@ 6064 «66 «6102 «(333 | Thomas, “mw 2 6 @ 1/33 Triandos, Balt. 15 3 5 1 4 34 Clemente, Pitt, 25 2 8 1 2 320 tane Bog gl f Magee Bit 8 i ee beeeret, Bt 4 0 8 Belt Taye, cu. 2 3 8 fk Bee Leliar, Chi. FE) $ 2 & .209/ Bruton, Mu. 7 2 «5S © 2. 2M Carey, N. ¥. 17 5 @ -@ .284/Moryn, Chi. 2. #5 «6. 2 3 OM Stephens, Bos. 6 © 6 .285| Pinson,’ Cin. 2 485 «6 2 5S oe <. 41 3: As | Covington. Mi. 21 61 #6 © 3 26 K: : 8 © 4 276) Jones, Phil. “M™ 2 4 «1 2 26 Yast, Det. 277 666] 62063 «0 Mathews, ‘MU. 22 5 6 3 5S 273 Piersall, o. 20 5 0 © * |Hoak, Pitt. 2 3 6 «£ 4 «(7 Rich’son, ny it 43 3 Biiceim wn ff 3k 3 Picci, Bake 3 3 1 1 331 Maseroski, Pit. 23 © 6 © 2 261 Tuttle. Kc. ee | 1 #7 Serene, sr. @ 3 7 @© 2 2 Delf'tet KC. B ® 3 © 2. 231)K. . BL @ 2 6 2 3 250 . Chi. * § $ 2 6 * , Chi. 0 #4 5 «1 «3 2% Smith. K.C. 3 84 «S$ «1Co2 (tT TB . Ch. 6 3 4 2 4 2 fro Minoso, Cie. 19 «65.4 «1 2 2S Taylor. Cht. 16 2 4 @ 5 259 | {ro! Bauer, N.Y. 9 3 #6 2 $331| Bodges. LA. 21 3 $ 1 2 .238 Ohio Lopes, K.C. 4 #4 #S 2 3 2 Pairly, LA. 7 3 4 4 2 23 Cery, KC. 2 4 41 #2 \Foiles, Pitt. 7 2 4 4 #1 2 Buddin. Bost. 15 5 3 6 6 .200|Moon, LA. 7 @-406 | of Held, Cle. 21 #3 4 3 7 190:P andes, Phil..13 2 3 @ © 231 Nixon, Cie. 6 1 3 @ 2 Mantilis. Mi. 13 12 3 80 #& 2 Smith, Chi. 2% 1 S$ © 2 179}Robinen, Cm. 18 1 4 1 #3 Ki'br'w, Wash. 17 4 3 1 3 .1796\Temple. Cin. 18 1 } 8 © 22 Phillips, 29 6 40©«6©S «© ) so (.B72| Pleod, 8t.L. i 0 6 6 23 Malsone, Bos. 18 #=3 3 O © .167' Mays, S.F. %® 3 6 ®© 2 2 Geiger. Bos. 1 1 3.6 3 .7\Ashburn, Phil. 144 62 3 0 © 214 Sievers, Wash. 19 1 3 © 2 158 Essegian, SL. 14 #1 #3 8 4 214) or Det. 4 H ; : : m7) Srandt, ana = €- $ . ; = Mantle, KY. 2 2 #3 8 1 150) Bel Cin 20 i 4 0 1 200 Jensen, Bos. i 3 2 © 2 .9°/\ Averill. cht 6 88 #3 8 1 188 Gerdner, Balt. 15' 1' 2 © 3 .133,McMillan, Cm. 16 1 3 © © 188 Car'squel. Balt..15- © 2 © © 133 Groat, Pitt m2 #1 4 2 1’ 183) Maris, K.C. 2406200311 5 Musial. StL. 4 2 4 0 3 eT Doby. Det. % %t 2 @© 1 13% Skinner, Pitt. 4 O 4 © © .167 Harris. 6 2 31 «#32 WMS Leech. 2 a ee ee ee os | Pearson, Wash. 18 2 2 6 © ANIV . Pitt, 2 1 3 @ @ 14 Martin, Cle. 2 286106 6t 60068 6886 Bouchee, Phil 144 #1 2 1 12 1) Cellison; Chi. 21 2 1 © © O48 Rodgers, BF. 23 © 3 O 1 .1%| ‘Grand siam homers ~— Skowron, New Logan. Mu. % 2 2 0 1 2) York; Heid. eland Grim, Kansas! Neal, L.A 9 3 2 0, 2 +) City, one White, 8t.L. 3 © 1 0 2 667: — Themson, Chi. M 1 eo 0 6 #0 . AMERICAN LEAGUE Grand slam homers—None. 7 PITCRING — (eee er mere decisions) NATIONAL LEAGUE Pitcher . . 1 B BB 60 WL ER* Staley. Chi. #42216 00 + (eme er mere Br'd'wski. Cie. 4 © 1 1 2 @ 6.00) Pitener, IP B BB 60 WL ERA. . Kc. 4 2 1 16 1 ©00\MecMabon, MIL 3 1 1-210 06 i a | '. ~ if - Seore, Cle. 9.5 3 9 1 6 100 Purtey, Cin wi3o2 8203 Ford, N.Y. $9 6 6 $1 0 140 /ppehe. ua. 1 61161 Garver. KC. 7% 2 5 1 1 166) Henry. Chi $ 41 3101 Arias, Chi. 6 6 © 41 6 15 McDaniel S&L. 9 7 1 3:1 0 2. Brewer, Bos. wws911 3 $6 | Kitppstetn. LA. 8 4 7 2202 Pappas, Bait. 9 6 48106 208 . Cat 8 8 2 510 22 Pierce. Chi. 14 23 #1 «#«4¢«1 «6 «2 «\Neweombe. Cm. * 4 2 3961 2 P _Cle. 7 4 4 2 1 © 257) Hillman, Chi 8 0 210 2: Terry, K.C. 7 7 3 3 @ 1 257/s8 Jones, 8.F 17 6 7 01d 2 . Bos 9 7 € $.1 © 360 Antonelli, 8-F. 15 6 $26 2 Delock. Bos 6 6 2 6 1 © 30° Mizell, stL 17 42 112 Pascual, 6 $ 2 2 © 1 3.00 Roberts, Phil. 43°11 3162 Hyde. Wash 3 2 3 2 © 1 3.0°' Burdette, Mil “ww382e03 Turley, N.Y % 11 16 7 «1 «1 338\Werth'ton. SP. 5 2 4 3 10 3 Rames, Wash 18 617 4 «7 2 © 3M) Jackson. &8t.L. ww@2me1é4 Grim, K.C 15 5 4 1 1 3.60/Drysdale. LA. Bi 4 yD 4m Wynn. Chi 13,15 8 12 1 1 3.60\ Sanford. SP. #6647 14 Larsen. N. Y 7 S$ 5 3 @ 3.298) Labine. L.A 6523230134 Bell. Cle I 4 2 8 3 6 429 Witt, Put. 3 4 83% veg 8 888 oF lp ee 73s tek Lary, Det. 13 14 3) «6 6 1 545/ Nuxhall. Cin. 6712166 Ditmar, N.Y. 7 6 3 4 © 1 643|Drab'sky, Chl. § 72 1¢27 Narieski, Det. . 8 7 §$ 10 @ 3 675) Kline. 5 722017 Bunning, Det. 814 $ 6 @ 1 7F |Priend, Pit. 12 17 2 ak Kem'rer. Wash. 6 9 23 3 © 1 900 Podres. LA. .-6 9 2 3 6\1 7 Moford. Bos. 4 2 3 2 0 1 9.0 Broglie, St.L. 777 402771 Balt. 6 18 1 5 © 2 1050 Law, Pitt. 4622019 man, Chi. 3 5 4 1 @ 11800 Brosnan, StL. 3 4 2 3 O18 Pcarrero, Balt. 2 3 3 © © 1 27.00'Parrell, Phil. 15 @ OO 1 Nr Northern gained its first(, in a triangular track meet in a combined impressive home show- ing yesterday. Dick rece ot 1, | cn te et spree, while a five hits 1% showing good speed in piling up 57% points, Northern scored 4542 and Flint Mandeville 34. Lee Shoup won both dashes as f 4 Lake Orion won the track x ete Orion turned in five Ists, Mike Fedynik was the big gun for the Huskies, He reached 11 feet to 4 take pole vault honors and. tied twe teammates for ist in the high jump. Scoring its 2nd straight shutout,|# Pontiac Central's tennis team)” whipped Saginaw, 7-0. ei The —_—, ew RACK < High erdlié $-3; and Roush (P) won over Groom 6-3 6-1 in singles. i eae ; amy Shines in 2 Sports ja doubles, Flood and oe. ” a 4, an baseball triumph and finished a smend and meee walloped Gaumer-Buchols 6- Jobnson-Beck 6-3. Doctoring By DR. CARY MIDDLECOFF PATIENT’S COMPLAINT: Mi tail AES AE The Chinese had a saying to) i describe fishing that went some- thing like; ‘Get married and be Peacor oe Canes dps kill your pig | iand eat it and be happy for a week; or learn to fish and be happy for a lifetime.’” The opening of the season means, ja lot of other things, too. Your Golf Slow rounding into form. DIAGNOSIS: Misplaced emphasis. ‘Treatment: Early spring is the time when many y golfers like to experiment. This is all to the good, because it inaicates a desire for improvement through ‘learning more about the game. However, if you experi- ment, it’s important to avoid any neglect of -the fundamental principles of the game. The idea is to - keep the golf swing as j simple and uncomplicated as possible so as to achieve consistency. One fundamental prin- ciple frequently ignored is that the center of the clubface should be brought into contact with the cen- ter of the ball, with the objective. clubhead moving straight through the ball toward the This is an excellent point to concentrate on as you address the ball in preparation for the shot. Get the picture firmly in mind of delivering a SOLID blow, with the clubface coming in to the balk - square with the line of flight — through the ball in a straight line for 12 inches or more. Of course, to meet the ball properly with a solid blow, you need a good grip and swing. When using irons, re- member, you need left arm control. then moving on AQUA LUNG EQUIPMENT AND | U.S. DIVER EQUIPMENT Now Available at SLAYBAUGH'’S 630 Oakland UP TO 50% DISCOUNT NEW & USED AUTO PARTS We Pay Top $$$$ for Wrecked and Junk Cars and Trucks Transmissions, Meffiers, Tat! and — wa Generators, Fuel ee, _ Camps. Radiators, Reb Springs. Brake Shoes Open Sun 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. St. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT BAGLEY den PARTS 170 Bagl FE 5-9210-19 5s Le Di OS OREN 1 For some it will mean catching fish, although this is mostly con- jetcered & by protect. especially at the National Trout | Festival at Kalkaska April 24-25-26. Hintz Will Leave Clarkston High Clarkston High School athletic ¥™ director Edward Hintz. will leave that post to accept a position as at — High vgperte the close of the current year. No decision has been made as| yet ‘by the Clarkston Board of! Waoetion concerning the coming vacancy on the sports staff, - _ The popular Hintz has been both| athletic director and football coach | ibut- graduating Albion great Tom |Taylor was selected early this year 'to take over the grid reins next fall. and Wynn Face Spit Ball Charges 12 times at bat,” Philley recalled, adding: “Know why? I hadn't begun to read the pitchers in this league. Now I have my own book on plenty of them, I can read them clear as a comic strip.” the start of the windup, and how he swings his arms over his head.” Did Philey read Burdette when he banged out the double? “I can’t tell you,”’ he answered. Then he grinned and added: “Twill say the pitch was where I wanted it—and friend, it was -as wet as a bottle of beer.’’ Lane Renews Bid for Title Muskegon Lightweight Defeats Busso in 6th on National TV HOLLYWOOD (AP) — Light- weight Kenny Lane’s camp. today renewed its bid for another crack at the title held by champion Joe Brown, The Muskegon, Mich. challenger said he thought he earned another chance at the venerable Brown off his sixth-round technical knock out last night over another rank- ing lightweight, Johnny Busso of New York. . * * * Southpaw Lane and his puzzling right jabs earned his victoty over Busso in a nationally televised fight at Hollywood Legion Stadi- The 26-year-old Michigan boxer started the trouble in the first jround and had Busso’s left eye ; | closed by the third. The fight was school’ stopped a second or two after the ‘bell sounded for the sixth round. * * * | Referee. Mushy Callahan, ynder the. 10 points-per-round scoring, ihad Lane in front 49-45; Judges | George Latka and Frankie Van ‘had it 50-46, as did The Associated | Press, Busso fought gamely but was jhalf blind for the last three ‘pounds, a currrssia jot suarw~‘icttidh binepuetahkshlae Kandel ee some fancy rope-jumping as he trains for his May 1 title fight with champion Floyd Patterson. London is training in } Indianapolis where the fight will take place. 1SAW Ht, | 1 UKED tt, 1 CHARGED tt) age 8h | The Hub‘s_New April Feature Completely Wash and Wear cOTT ON POPLIN JACKET _ Each Cards 134 at Houston er Ba: : Palmer, Haas Head Field HOUSTON, Tex. u — Freddie $ 3 | COLORS: BLACK, RED, LT. BLUE, WHITE, NAVY, TAN PON the PONTIAC retail store AN Live BETTER BY Fan jj i HI ss Witt a. BRAND NEW - | Wide ~ Track ¢ “3 7 ONLY PONTIAC HAS WIDE-TRACK WHEELS WHEELS ARE FIVE INCHES FARTHER APART. DOTTED LINES SHOW CONVENTIONAL WHEEL POSITIONS. 4 65 Mt. Clemens St. lA {Charge It Sizes 36 to 46 1 One Full Yeor Sotisfection Guaronteed ily be | PAY — |NOTHING DOWN Take 6 Months to PAY l ‘ a | Suy your entire Spring , wardrobe os thousands of | Oakland County men hove been doiing for over 25 yrs. —Use a Convenient Hub Charge Account & spread ‘ your payments over o six | month period. a Bee a a ee a ee ee 4 a i See a eo Be -FEderal_ “One of Pontiac’ 8) Finest” | 5- “8116 143 WEST HURON STREET og VOORHEES-SIPLE FUNERAL HOME saa mo dorado yahoo 7% Sn ——— NO STIRRING. | _ | \ Rev Satin is homogenized. You just open the can : _ and start right in on your paint job. Even more ) sibving., Hiciagscioed. ee Babio. giver you : beautiful, smooth job every time: It’s perfect for | : every room in your home—including kitchens | OAKLAND FUEL & PAINT 436 Orchard Lake Ave. FE 5-6150 } PARK FREE REAR of STORE. ’ , | Decorators’ Exterior ¢ 42s Biss House Paint... . Gal. ° . White & Colors | . . | Interior” = $995 , ; , | Flat--Semi-Gloss .. Gal. , roll out . sn oe : _ -- rind V co sores other TAOTS , a carpet f ARMOUR § = , ; ofgren am hE nae up to 20% Off bes Wiliams Gels: | SALE STARTS MONDAY 8 A.M. q SHARP. OFFER GOOD THROUGH ‘ ooseag — WEDNESDAY. WE HAVE PUR- We Carry a- Complete > paved ito: merge. the State | CHASED THOUSANDS OF GAL- & Deine} Scat smiram Con| i. se , LONS OF PAINT FOR THIS SALE. : wear oF on — | | (erortnaytatonng Seat Pl ant Fo od ie DON'T MISS THIS TERRIFIC BUY. | =r res : | tv wear | FREE 10°1b. Bag of Rose Food — | so nar a , with purchase of mae : 80 Ib. BAG‘of VERTAGREEN |} » \/ cacy! ‘Armour’s 6 ee oe. | : Reg. $5.00 List - $ th : 6 Bog 2208 Pe eRIVEE L 10 BAGS OR MORE $2.75 EACH | , “ BURMEISTER'S © i i a he ‘NORTHERN LUMBER CO. iametwe te 7940. Cooley Lake , SER EM 34171 / enn Se pois ; é ; - Se ARETE eee id : pias , { Boa. di | SR ae oe \ 4 ok y : ee * : | 4 : ¥ \ et gtk j / ; ‘ ‘ Y y ¥} ‘ Zi) \ ; * : oe ik « * 4 Li chs § Roe LIVING ROOM — This room has deep chéam walls and textured rose beige carpeting. The draperies are white with a flowered design. Cushions covered with the same material are used on the green sofa. The platform rocker near Your } Neighbor’s House Love of Horses Dictated Home Site By JANET ODELL Pontiac Press Home Edite: Althought the calendar said it was almost the first day of Spring, there was still snow on the ground and a chill in the air. But the sun shone warmly - as we drove up the driveway to the Guy Marsh home on Halsted road in Farmington. Because Mrs. Marsh owns a five-gaited horse, loves to ride and wants her children to grow up with horses, the family had to find acreage where they could keep a horse. They previously lived in a subdivision on Ten Mile road. Now they have a new house with five acres of land. The week befere we took these pictures a colt was born in their barn. Both five-year-old Jayne Eliza- beth and her two-year-old brother. Richard, were excited about the colt. The house which Mr. Marsh designed and drew plans for has four levels. All the lower one contains is the tility room. The first_ground lével has the family room and Mr. Marsh's den. Living reom, dining dining room and kitchen oc- cupy the middle tevel, while there are three bedrooms and a bath on the top level. We went first of all. to the family room. This opens out into the back yard. On one wall there's a red brick fireplace with bookcases and louvered door storage next to it. , Walls are pale cream color ex cept the inside wal] at the end which is papered in yellow and white. Draperies at either side of the door are beige. At the smaller windows there are little shutters. A large multi-colored braided rug covers much of, the cork- tene tile floor. There is beth-a regular sofa and; a bamboo couch for relaxation. In one corner is a bamboo card table. At the front of the house is the den. This is Mr. Marsh's re. treat—perhaps from children's television programs. Both sets of stairs are carpeted in the same rose beige as-the carpeting in the living room and dining room. Walls are deep cream with’a white coved ceil. ing: Draperies are white with pink, blue and lavénder flowers. PLANTER LIGHTED Above the planter wall next to the vestibule there is a ceiling the television set is beige. Just a bit of the Ham- mond organ Mr, Marsh plays is shown at the left. From the living room Windows the Marshes have a pleasant view of an orchard spotlight. hogany tables are white, _ Furniture includes, a gree sofa with matching po chair; a brown chair uphol- stered ip nubby material and a beige tapestry platform rocker. Against one wall is a Hammond ergan (Mr. Marsh's hobby. is playing the organ.) In the dining room which has the same walls. carpeting as the living room, Duncan Phyfe-furniture is used. The lyre back chairs have gold and beige satin striped seat covers. At the door to the back porch there is a Venetian shade. All woodwork in the house is | light walnut. Beige pebble linoleum covers ‘the kitchen floor. Here also the walls are cream. The cupboards | are solid maple with a fruitwood finish and copper hardware. Work counters afd the splash boards are peach ceramic tile. At the windows there arte white organdy cafe curtains and matching ruffle. These are trimmed in deep peach, The breakfast set has copper- tone metal legs. table top is beige. Chairs have Oo Pontiac Pret Photos by: faa Vanderworp “white curtains, Range, oven and sirik are cop- you — The pebble design floor is tuk Lamps gp the ma- The Formica | IN FARMINGTON — Mr. and Mrs. Guy Marsh moved into: this tri-level home on Halstead road in January. The lower levels are built of red brick with white trim. Marshes have five acres. The upper level is white aluminum siding with maroon shutters. Mr. Marsh designed coverings of beige and black tweed plastic, ; Upstairs the-front-bedreom be- longs to Mr., and Mrs. Marsh. Walls are pale green tq contrast with the deep green rug. Cur- tains are ‘white, The white embroidered or- gandy spread is pat over a pale green underskirt: In one corner of the room is a green chaise longte with rust and green flowered top. Furniture is mahogany. Jayne has a pink room. She has four poster twin beds with pink spreads and ruffles. There is a crisp looking green and white - striped chair. Curtains are white embroidered organdy. This very feminine little gir! has a dainty dressing table, The ruffied skirt ts white -organdy over pink. flowers and ribbon bows orna- ment it. Lamp shades are also organdy. We laughed when we went imto Richard's room. He still sleeps in a crib. It was neatly made dp with a dainty pillow case and a baby blanket. But at the foot of the bed was a large toy gun! The modern child’s mascot. There is‘also a full size bed in Richard’s room. The spread and curtains are a matching cotton print in white, black and yellow. A tall white chest holds his clothes. Now that the Marshes have lived in their country home since January they are looking for- ward to this spring and summer when they can get their yard in order. Here's the Answer By ANDREW C. LANG AP Newsfeatures draperies and QUESTION: Planning on mak-|the door across two sawhorses and! ing a concrete walk in front of/then put a weight on ff at the jour house. Is it necessary to make | ‘point where the warp is. Be sure i joints along the walk? If so, why? |the bowed-side is facing upwards. |Sirice you say the warp is consid- ‘erable, the weight should be about | ANSWER: Concrete contracts in cold weather. The joints allow the concrete to pull apart | slightly without any damage to the soli pieces. for the joints, thé concrete would crack in many places. * * * QUESTION: i the noise in our den. juse for the new ceiling? { Or perhaps you neglected to fin-| . lish all, Any any case, place | ij If it were not | | } ANSWER: The dropped ceiling | always helps in cutting down noise. But it is recommended that some of the area between the old and new ceiling be filled with -insulation. Also, use a porous material, such as fiber- board or acoustic tile, for the ceiling itself. * * * QUESTION: "I keep getting con- fused by the differences between the designated sizes of lumber the actual sizes. Can you tell me something about this? ANSWER: Lumber is cut to specific sizes at the sawmill. It is those sizes which ‘serve as tifications even though the wood later is cut down by plan- ing and sanding operations. Thus, a 2 by 4 is 2 by 4 when it emerges as rough lumber from the sawmill. After it is “dreSsed."’ it is 153 by 35%. In the same way, @ piece of lumber said to be one inch thick is actually 25/32 of an inch. And a 12-inch board meas. ures only 1114 inches in width. You won't run into any trouble in working with the lumber unless you fail to take these differences into consideration. * * * QUESTION: A couple of years ago I made an outdoor shed for storing’ the lawn mower and other garden tools, I used a plywood door, the type known as a hollow- core. This door now has warped considerably. What caused this and how can I fix it? ANSWER: This warping was caused by moisture entering the door, either through the surface 50 pounds. You will have to keep a close eye lon the door—about twice daily. As isoon as you see that the weight has caused the door to flatten out, iremove it and give the door at I want to TT tere least two coats of paint or a : varnish, covering the edges and that a new, dropped ceiling, aboutfangs as well m4 both sides. i6 inches below the original one, ‘/not leave the weight on after the iwill be effective ‘soundproofing. ‘door has flattened out, otherwise |What kind of material should 1) jyou’ll have a warp opposite to the 'Present one. » ful. The floor is corktone tile, has a large multi- pores} of the wood or through the |} \, edges of the plywood. It may be that'you painted the door when t it ap, but neglected to Crete i Clusters of pastel. Do ‘ie IN THE FAMILY ROOM — In the informal atmosphere of the family room this fireplace is right at home. Built-in stotage at the left is use- NEVER TOO youNG — A little girt is never too young to start -training in good grooming. Five-year-old Jayne Elizabeth has her owh dressing table with all the necessary tools for small- sod Sica phectta tetaiole William Anderson of Southtield was the builder. The color braided rug on it. All the furniture is de for relaxation; much of it is bamboo There is a den and a lavatory on this level also, — ® No Sections to i -@ Avoid Messy Installation © THESE FEATURES: Forced Apart by Frost or Settling @ Permanent Beauty—Rugged Dependobility @ FHA Spetifications - _ @ Strong Reinforced Casting: \ ‘UP TO 42 SQ. FT. OF PORCH SPACE — a Ti I eat Ey i E aI Demanded A nationwide drive to require that all wall and ceiling materials used in school construction meet Call Expert make adjustments in his oil burner with safety? : | of America and in this statement) \there is complete concurrence by | Can the average householder] No, says the Oil-Heat Institute | To insure a neat job, material should be trimmed the sink is replaced and the edging strip attached. Plastic cut from the sink well material can be used tact. When the lath and. plaster of |drawer linings, . surfacing the ceiling were found to be undamaged. : stools or ‘ 9 : ee eae doors, Fireproof Walls Notaiob , “~~ for Amateurs, | | 7 Wy Tl g Avarkicnp OW VERS BIQUESTION B @ a o ia. 54 TOP QUALITY R PAIR / [ADEMARI POLbG = FUEL L Mink ‘ 215# Per Square $19 WE CAN RECOMMEND ROOFERS . | TO DO THE JOB BENSON F LUMBER + Bulaers SU 9 .N SAGINAW ST / igypsum board wall panels. . Any suggestions? A~—Smooth the joint as well as iframing? Mine weighs 13 ounces. f | , (structed of inflammable materials, >"idangerqis since once penetrated manner is to credit them with a level of self contral that is not even generally present among adults,” he pointed out. — Baker said that while a fire)! American Fire Underwriting Standards, will not serve as com-) ation of the rest of the building rating of one hour, according to ferably in the spring or summer., plete fireproofing, it will neverthe-|will soak up the excess light. This less confine a fire to its place ofjgives a. muted look to the room| end — vat ro reau suggests, i... IN STOCK FOR Every oil burner, the bureau’ IMMEDIATE says, should be checked and serv-_ DELIVERY ced at least once a year, pre-' fi If @ room is too light, dark paint 60 Ditierent Colors Choose From... BOICE BUILDERS’ SUPPLY @ Block @ Concrele -@ Brick 545 S. Telegraph R4. FE 5-8186 Textures io | ev PRE-HUNG ALUM. STORM Full inch Thickness. Reo for Installation Arnold-Altex Aluminum Co. MICHIGAN BRANCH 5445 DIXIE HWY. DUNLAP Onstom Gullders =§ Four Plans or Ours enold-Altex Aluminum Co. .is — pleased to announce the opening of _ their Michigan Branch Warehouse. | ALUMINUM . WINDOWS 3 * * Reis Z |. SLIDERS = SINGLE HUNG ‘ AWNINGS © CASEMENT : PROJECTED — SLIDING GLASS DOORS Direct from Factory : to the builder. at IS of All Types 4 FE 8-1198 — _ ee ee ee eee ee warehouse prices. | [| | HOME OWNERS : CASH and CARRY ALUMINUM JALOUSIE DOORS oe eee ee enne ARNOLD 134-INCH FIR JALOUSIE DOORS .... eee eens oe WATERFORD without panic. origin long enough to allqw evacu-/On the other hand, light paints’ serve as reflectors. “Emphasis must be placed on} the need for fire-rated materials for both walls and ceilings,” said Baker. “Ceilings that are con-| can be regarded as especially, by -flames, an ensuing updraft | causes a flash-fire reaction much, tragedy in Chicago that took 93 lives.” Do-It-Yourself Carport gether to form a weathertight roof. The finish is white enamel with! green trim. Old Playing Cards Those with a yen to make their homes different often decorate with oddities. Although not an addity, an incomplete deck of playing cards can be useful. Fer example, rejuvenate and old metal wastebasket - with them. Glue them to the basket surface) smoothly and cover with shellac. | there ere’ also’ 6 weds _.q tole &Eoslick- development LAKEWOOD VILLAGE choice, restricted home sites are included within ‘this exclusive, charming development. . The natural beauty of the area is inspiring in any season. opportunities to enjoy year-round lake living in a select community setting with modern conveniences. : Only 80 sites remain tobe sold. They range in price from | $3,250 to $7,200: | | homes available in the development. Prices include home-site and range from $19,000 to $35,000 | office at 7404 Highland Road (M-59), just 9 miles to * g2 ; i EM 3-0085 or MU 4-8825 | ie a Cole and Easlick development | AB heta: Here Gre your 4 a | the same as the recent school-fire | ' “The Greenview” ” A HAROLD YOUNG ORIGINAL »~ ae SPACIOUS 13’ 16’ ACTIVITY ROOM ADJOINING HALF-BATH, MASSIVE F and PICTURE WINDOW LAKE CENTER MANOR IREPLACE @ Living Room: 12'2'x24%' with Window Wall. wardrobe closets. 4 bd large mirror. Also added % bath. @ Featuring: Country style kitchen with family size table space. Built-in oven and range. @ 3 Large Bedrooms: Off center hall — large e Baths: Ceramic tile with built-in vanity and @ Gurage: Plastered 2-car garage attached. @ Road: Black Top. Country size lot ready for ' geed. 4 Anderson other models as low as $19,500 a. ot as Salesmen for Details — ‘ $21,500. . Ed r ats Raymond POIRIER, | 1516 Union Lake Road - REALTOR You will be within easy reach of fine schools, churches, business and shopping - centers. These elegant Ranch Homes combine their modern dignity with the great outdoors-and afford a sweeping pario- ramic view of nature at her finest. ‘Only at Lake ‘Center Manor can your dreams become a reality. ass LARGE FAMILY-TYPE KITCHEN ‘with Large Picture Window and : Garbage Disposal ee Sunday 1 to 7 Tig | | 8501 Golf Lane Bc 4 Model Open > ah) Sata - a a ae ms “a " )TO CARS! OH, DEARLY 4 ogy uf ve Re Ae “ak DO IT YOURSEL With Materials for a 14°22’ Garage | Including 3 windows and 8° N YOUR steel overhead emai door. s4] : SLAB oni | © LOCAL TRADEMARKS. Ing, : F ; ® ' | | | SYMBOL OF AMERICA — Millions of Rus- sians will walk through this example of the house has six rooms and overall measurenients RS coca aa re Hi aS ot ect de cor @ es Ff it é | ear wu Don’t Let Car | Hog Whole Area Mf) Building. garage just for your sam pcar is something like building a 2m §' swimming pool for your goldfish. -In the average household the car Custom Built Garages. NO MONEY DOWN F. HA. 60 Months to Pay © GARAGES © BREEZEWAYS © ADDITIONS @ KITCHENS © PORCHES e BATHS © MASONRY WORK © ALL MODERNIZATION F. H. A. | Open Every Might ‘til 9 P.M. — Sunday 12-4 P. M. D 4 M Euilding Service 2255 E. Walton Blvd. 2489 Airport Rd. FE 2-7004 OR 40309 hours of the day. Why not build your garage to accommodate the family, too? The -additional cost will only be a small part of the And don't: forget that the a snug fit, you can always find shelf space above the car roof i “Ii er even over the hood. | List the, things you'd like your | garage to be in addition to a mere ‘car shelter and falk it over with lyour architect. That extra room EVENINGS ond SUNDAY, OR 3-2276 you've been wanting could emerge lin your backyard. joecupies the garage only a few); BEDROOM 15'0"x12'0" RDAY, APRIL 18, 1959. # & if iy ie i Bi 4 I ; ae. eee age [ E gw _ RAILING gil Proper jnalling is'a prime tacts! for deriving service from hardwood | 10°6"x14'0" | '9°8"x10 “ BEDROOM |-—4 BEDROOM 44 LIVING ROOM 20°6”x14'0” nik,” the U, S. home designed to t in house for viewers. _ AVERAGE AMERICAN HOME — Fioor plan is of the “Split- . display in Moscow beginning July 4. Precut in the United States, house will be completely furnished and equipped. Walkway is sell for about $11,000. It'll be on best in modern pment. | Play safe, -semiliy | t cur POR RAME AND HOUSE parremn * azo A GOOD SIGN that makes your name and house number clear will lend distinction to your home. Pattern 328, which gives actual- size cutting guides for a complete block alphabet and numerals as well as the attractive frames shown, is 25c. This pattern ales! is one of five different projects: } |sha , ~ You the Best QUALITY and SERVICE! “There Is No Substitute for Experience” Open Daily 9:00-5:30 Financing Up to 7 Years BOB'S BUILDING SERVICE - 207'W. MONTCALM Honor Family Bride With New Paint Job HEATING EQUIPMENT pe INCORPORATED. , One room in shades of bride. The living room, é | ; hall and sun w Ht Be Senbing. nite folt leat-comt of Gate’ in the same shade of pale A. Muiray White FE 4-9544 |marine, with new white slip , : ; and flowered chintz hangings. in the Home Improvement Packet | 29 for $1. Orders under $1 add 1c! service charge. The Pontiac Press Pattern Dept.| Bedford Hills, New York. | NOW : .. for Far Less . SASS SSE SSE oe “Have “BIG BEAR” AD AAAAINNNAAN D-A-ROOM =| AS LOW AS 20% OFF if you 7. | _ ACT NOW! F.H.A..60 MONTHS TO PAY NO MONEY DOWN Operators on duty 24 hours a day. ‘ ® 50 Weekly ... Free Estimates Ast Payment in July - CONSTRUC | © BATHS Ss, es * ROOM ADDITIONS ‘* KITCHENS * GARAGES * ATTICS * RECREATION ROOMS. * BREEZEWAYS * SHELL HOMES W. HURON>-PONTIAC oy MPLETED \ ee i Pd a 12,696 SQ. FT. Fs NOVEMBER 1st, 1959 . Medical and General Office Space Will Be -, Available .............. e © Ample Parking Space © Heat Furnished © Complete Maintenance Service . © AAAA Location te For Complete Information CONTACT: Mr. Bruce Kinzler JOHN KINZLER, Realtor 670W. HURON: \FEderal 4.3525 or FEdgral 8-9653. re Abad j Pale ta oer aera er ee ae a ee ea SS Sa we a a ee ar FS SS ae ese ee ee ae ee ee ae ae A y td t4944-.f ~ ‘ ‘ \ | per, ® ' , —<- Sa Cie ge Gee S FHA. TERMS Free Estimates | NORTHWEST FENCE FE 8-0018 | mean recaaaeudaeeeoorrR -\ TORIDHEET 8 Re i N WALL-FLAME OIL HEAT *s . Tae House of § for the Tops. Sane ag HN in Comfort, Convenie \ Smarr aN ar and ‘Seansaast io % ae HN ” For Free Heating Survey and Estimate. Coll . sss" IN AUTOMATIC HEATING: CO. ¢ STRERT ...cveccocercecsecves Successtul Installations in Postioc Area ae es: LN 17 Orchard Leke Ave. FE 2-9124 N PRONE TL hhh achat eee ROY ANNETT, Ine. every available cubic foot of Realtors iain ot Xt te | 28 E. Huron St. Ph. FE 8-0466 MPLETE BEAL’ VICE the mid- | | ’ arte rome ane sense ool CONVERTIBLE 24’s and oT ten pe apa two cars, sf < Nothing Down - FHA —6-Yrs. to Pay! Biz : wee eee [we sump custom noms} te a : mit etre wen Jar 5" wie by 3 dep. Te : | or . a's | \ Interior ang exteclr. [SY ter 891 equate feet of space a en a aL, t bul ste pgs ded for & Dall FY to ee eaten a 5 a) a 9°6209 Et} Another, and dining room arelyecoement level Garage covers 28 é : ; so that each gains the nonge covers M0 ) of larger size. The kitchen| st get cava stinage Vigna Paint Chemists Keep Busy] . 4 | TAGeM GARAGE ==" Fomisia town"! 3 and 4 BEDROOM HOMES | | rear stair platform FEATURING Speaks fot Itself Pea ie aa er Kenthinpty ‘15, 950 - ae re | A hide iil Gilitis wont. sed Ch paint : . Ceavendoual Merigege So prepbte Antdlepet pera type and the polvent ype & PANELED DINING ROOM - MODEL AT , | Sees 0 oom Beemer ity Fae Bier aprcenad go # CARPETING AND MANY bahay! gee | W. W. ROSS HOMES, Inc. | ] 1941 S. Telegraph Ra. FE 4-0891 Model OR 3-802! _A lavatory opens oft the feerealon aluminum or “THE GROUND UP We at G&M are sprue to have been called upon “ee to build this garage. Call today to find out what | 10 Fit YOUR EXACT we can do for your home. , | NEEDS WITH TOP QUALITY. MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP Sa SSeS ESS 4 OPERATORS ON = DUTY 24 HOURS A DAY re ee to .. ae ) : este mee, et Poa ‘OPEN SUNDAY | Use a = “BIG BEAR” Coeveitttonel -- wc 12t04 Ho . Open I End Benefits . . . | ment, let us prove that we | build with an eye to the . | future ond that it-is GOOD 4 A BUSINESS TO CALL G&M. ’ UL * IMPROVE YOUR HOME . * CONSOLIDATE ALL PAYMENTS We Do the Work =i Seve. All Thet Interest Money ik PAY OFF EXISTING pt Leh * LOW INTEREST RATE. : Reasonable Eq | if You Heve 12 to 15 Yeer Terms GALL for FREE 3 TO *GARAGES ° ROOM AD- CALL TODAY ee mORS ‘BREEZE. ° REC. ROOMS} ‘WAYS. _* SIDEWALKS } 1% KITCHENS . ° ENCLOSED | + DVEWAtS . {Bia a mm ) JComsiucti ion Co Paks | oe DIXIE HWY. . nage of Telegraph Rd, Mog Pontiac ‘ee i 1 j ; « ze —— x a Hee 5 fp Soe fp" pe $ 5 i i ‘ oe . < ? % rey } / ae ia a Beer SOAS Ee OP i ee Ee So re. +“ be ees ee Se oe Le ee wats Nea There ts no end to «See at = ee Ss » ‘s 4 a ae m, é y a me . eee eae me | Hi = i Gee 4 iF eee : : ee] iff elt; 2 2 mm ~ ; 7 | ? ‘ ™ cae % 5 * ep ee ee te eo ek ea ee ce ek hk et a ek ee ek ee a a ew el bes Sg ee ee ee MAKES AND‘ GOLF couRSE e living year ‘round in in’s most of any lake property in low as $49 per front foot. Drive out today and select your lake homesite. La LAKE ANGELUS alk ip casa tha ha ot the lowest costs per front foot \, Golfview ESTATES. PRIVATE BEACH PRIVILEGES WITH ALL LOTS e TOTAL COST PER LOT WILL! AMSON CO leona consti nbetanse. ain & causti substance. PLUMBER’S HELPERS — Plumber's friend (A), drain’ clean- er (B), and plumber’s snake (C) are helpers the handy man should ee Every man who takes unto him self a mortgage is a prime candi- faces. date for the Reluctant Order of Drain Cleaners. The big jobs, one leaves to the WHAT YOU WILL NEED: A plumber’s friend (a stiff rubber cup with a wooden broomsticklike handle). The cup is about five inches in smaller sizes are available. You'll need, too, a can of drain cleaner, a smooth-jaw wrench, a drain auger (snake) and a bucket, diameter, usually, Larger Othe tome ture. pletely elogged drain. There must, be enough water in the fixture to! cover the bottorn part of the rubber the alternate suction and compres- sion. Continue the operation until the pipe is clear. Rinse the pipes’ clean with boiling water Sometimes, a sluggish flow of In such case, you will have to. resort to a drain cleaner. There. are many brands in the market.’ They should all be used WITH | FOLLOW DIRECTIONS care- fully. The dry chemical is gener- poured directly into the drain) water is added. The addition pipes with plenty of ater after the treatment is @ A-1. INSTALLATION @ STATE. LICENSED Save up to $6,000 Aluminum ings in stoc @ INSURED WORKMEN @ HEAVIEST GAUGE @ CELOTEX Backer Board for Insulation. © CAN COVER ALL TRIM @ FULLY GUARANTEED @ INSTALL over BLOCK, ASBESTOS, etc. PAYS FOR ITSELF .00 over a 30 year period on painting, heat and maintenance. (Enough to send a child to College.) COMPLETE STOCK Of aluminum siding for Builders and Do It Yourself. Reynolds f shingles in color. Aluminum and Fiberglass awn- $9.95 and up. Aluminum Storms ond Jalousies. : | ' NO MONEY DOWN Ist PAYMENT JUNE — $5.00 MONTH AND UP ie FOR FREE ESTIMATES CALL UL 2-4900 NOW oF OL 1-6623 Days or Eves. od. L. VALLELY co. AUBURN AT ROCHESTER RDS. | “The Old Reliable Pioneers” fe a OF. SATISFIED ) CUSTOMERS OUR BEST SALESMEN Handy Man Is Candidate for Plumbing Ritual - from porcelain and\ painted sur- Even more important — keep it away from yourself. Protect skin and eyes from splashes. Wear plumber’s om. with a length of wire or the x * ql i | bling. Frequent cleaning plus a little | caution about what goes down the drain should prevent trouble. Allow nothing but water to enier the drain. Instill a strainer in the kitchen sink to prevent food par- ticules from entering the pipes. Keep hair and lint out of the bath- room sink. * * * NOTE: While periodic treatment with dr aeelianncr Ycl sRDL with drain cleaner will help keep pipes open, some authorities warn that it’s not a good practice with copper pipes Boiling water poured into a drain twill often help to dissolve some of 4 Es coats: the ates and How to Build Work Bench for Home Handyman Before he can cafry on any home repairs, the handyman will need a suitable workbench. A porary one can be an old table. Even if rickety, it can be made usuable by nailing triangles of hardwood at the junctions between legs and apron, Also use this | tough, splinter-free panel for a ‘new top. If a low-cost conventional ‘work- bench is, wanted, write to the | Home Service Bureau, Suite 2037; 111 W. Washington St., Chicago 2, Il, for free plan. No. " AE-312. Dutch Boy Paint Look at What's Included: ® Roller & Tray Set @1%” Nylon Brush © 9’x12' Drop Cloth © Wiping Cloths © Painter's Cap plus a reusable, plastic draw- string bag of 1001 uses! Get This Super Value From Your Dutch Boy Dealer, ||BROWN BRos. }] 704 W. Huren a. 8-9311 AN TARREREETAN I ma some: The SUNLINER 7200: SQ. FT. of FINISHED | LIVING AREA! . plus all this .. 3 apacons: 3 LARGE FAMILY ROOM KITCHEN with large Eating Arec 1Y2 BATHS | LARGE LOTS GAS HEAT FACE BRICK FRONT City Sewer and Water Paved Streets, Sidewalks, and Side-Drives ‘ Oak Floors Built-In Bread Box and Chopping Block Yorktown Birch Kitchen Cabinets with Moulded Formica Tops — RIGHT IN= Only ‘Models Open I2 to 8 p.m. MODEL PHONE MU 4-9175 From Pontiac area take M59 oF Com- merce Rd. west to Milford Road. Turn , towards Milford and Fairview Hills Sub- “division. Follow signs to model, GIANT HOMES, Inc. Daily and Sunday _ ‘Wo 5.6600 *5OO Pow Ne Fi TERMS | Includes ALL COSTS! Fairview in MILFORD Most Beautiful Subdivision * Gn the Pontiac Area Fairview Hills, an exciting attractive r € picturebook hill: isingten State Park. This low 5 WY alia easy faveltate| distance of be th De troit and Pontiac and is only 10 minutes from the Lincoln-Mercury Wixom Plant. *¥ BUILDERS’ SUPPLIES Buildin Hea Stone , Tile FE 5-8163 Metal Culverts Cement Colors Glass Block : Sewer Pipe ss Drain ‘Tile summer heat can be more Plaster pean ventilated away. ; t colors in roofing, such Silica Sand house a appearance, he }do away wi “cowering” look Heotilators pct tu ope sas, ci . On Water-Proofing | sully, making it stand out among You'll Find Them at & Reyer root in a light color, because it ‘is visible, from the )street, gives a small house the SIBLEY fe==~ ese ai = : Size, - 140 N. Cass Ave. ‘paneling will make them look tall- EYE-CATCHING . more ways than one to make a come, and a friendly entrance is a Here the architect-has cleverly designed a-front walk which draws you to the door. Rather than prosaic concrete steps, steps of 4x8 Douglas fir 3: Ess SS,, SATURDAY, APRIL. 18-1950 | timbers have been alternated with concrete and miniature decks of fir 2x4s set on edge. Step-down screen at left of 1x1 slats hides carport from view. Pattern of alternating fir mullions and translu- cent glass screening inner entryway-and gaily painted front door provide bonus eye-interest. has = yoguen in qiiletift (Shell Gas Station —Gee you there. 1050 W. Huron realtor parcrtiige FE 4.3581 PATIO TRICK—For patio en- | tertaining, what could be | ~handier than a pass-through from kitchen to patio? Here, a pass-through was cut into exterior kitchen wail and is fitted with service shelves on kitchen sidé. Door is of stout Douglas fir tongue-and-groove panels, identical to fir siding used for home’s exterior. Pass- through closes snugly, becomes extra storage spot during win-. ter months. If you expect the usual bird visitors in your yard, you must ‘paint your bird houses. Gay sur- roundings attract birds. Remem- ‘ber this, however, wrens reject ; yellow. They like reds, light greys, ipinks, blues and greerts. PRICES REDUCED FOR PRE-SEASON SALE! *129° LASS: 1Ga-Balel, INCLUDED @ Order During Sale @ Always Cool - @ Add Beauty to Home @ NO Maintenance— No Rust @ Pay Pennies a Day e Home Owners Only FULL PRICE 0 For real outdoor living add an all-aluminum Patio. enough to accommodate your car! A quality, all-aluminum beauty that serves as PATIO COVER, DINING PORCH, PLAY « protects your doorways, walls, car all year ‘round. Enjoy years of trouble-free outdoor living pleasure at a special low price mow ..°. INSTALLATION INCLUDED! Easy terms. AREA and SHELTER . . ALL ALUMINUM PA ‘JUST LIKE ADDING ANOTHER ROOM TO YOUR HOME ANY SIZE Up to GIANT 8 Feet x 20 Feet ~ ; | | | Large only $129.50. N If FINANCED "MONEY DOWN ~ UP TO YEARS TO PAY PHONE FOR FREE SURVEY ANYTIME — DAY © NIGHT @ SUNDAY FE 4-4507 MICH. SEWING CENTER 143 OAKLAND AVE. EP Gentlemen: > MICH. SEWING CENTER _ | 143 OAKLAND, PONTIAC, MICH. 2 = The all-aluminum patio sounds like a sensation . ‘ ‘ = Please send me complete wrrrerreanegys at no obliga a Battle of Basements Never Is Settled The battle of the basements— design authority, the basementless| house is like a car without a lug: gage compartment. Basements are a part of Amer- fean living tradition, says | and shop? Where can you | garden furniture, baby's | erib during unused periods, out- | the ground level, or you build a basement, have better resale value, Priaulx cautioned, because too many of the slab floor homes have not proven satisfactory. water lifes and electric cables cast cracking are all common occur-, in SEE NEW HOMES IN Homes with basements usually . Seepage, broken into the concrete, sinking and « « — r ! Kitchen Doldrums. ‘May.’ Be Lifted Wi th Paint — Wiis By VIVIAN BROWN AP Newsfeatures Writer _Have you got a good'ease of the kitchen. blues? give the illusion of more space. enamel is considered best for kit- chens as it may be washed easily, and will riot show fingermarks. can lend a lift to walls. One small rences in slab floors. Buyers can see what they are | getting when their prospective | ihome has a basement. You can. see the quality of good lumber used | ifor floor joists, subflooring and | flooring, and that is what im-| WILSHIRE CONST. co. wall may be devoted to wallpaper Goodrich Farms Subdivision Off Sashabaw Rd., Drayton Piains i LI 9-4474 presses a buyer most. f i ‘Only O'Brien Heating Offers 25% Off To General Motors Employees ‘Don't Forget—the Only Heating Deoler That Give HOLDEN RED STAMPS O'BRIEN HEATING & SUPPLY Authorized Oakland County Distributor 371 Voorheis Rd. FE 2-2919 SPACE KING <7 dated furniture against the time | that just-married daughter claims it for her home?” Basements, traditionally, hav e| been .a place for extra activities, 'Priaulx points out, which the fam-, jily doesn’t care to have in the | living portion of the home. The |- will, -Priaulx continued, but a | family, is a lonesome man. Give | him a basement with a corner out a basement, Priaulx stated | laundry, for instance, belongs in| the basement, as many a house- wife will aver who has lint and laundry smells mixed in with her, ‘S, cooking in some of the ‘“‘compact” homes where laundry and kitchen | blend into one, | * * * i “I may be old fashioned,” Priaulx says, ‘“‘but it always seems |to me that the furnace bekmge in Call is nostalgia or what you man without his own private lair where he can work on a motor, conjure up a stray piece of furni- | ture, repair the endless things that seem to get brogen around a for a workbench and he’s happy | as a clam at high tide. | There is no economy in leaving| i For plumbin; ng | can-Standard line. ‘P structed fixtures to fit y if plumbing need. Lustrous, easy- | to-clean surfaces. They’ lt add a | beauty note wherever used. See | them on display in our store. | Here's real value in budget priced fixtures ‘| fixtures that se { budget priced —.yet quality fi made — see the famous Ameri- It offers J smartly - styled, sturdily - c BATHROOM Mains viiccres ) Las CREDIT TERMS Complete Remodeling and Repair Service FHA Fiaeueiag Available Eames & Brown, ine. 55 £. Pike FE 3-7195 SPACE QUEEN » ‘ Michigan's Most Fabulous. Buy : SEE THEM TODAY —sw 3 ) You owe it to yourself to see the most fabulous val ues in this or any other area in the State of Michigan. ~ You'll be sorry if you don’t inspect them today. FEATURING — Lake privileges on beautiful Lotus F * Sales by aia SPACE KING 12 save test o tring tie. 3 Bedroom Tri-Level—1 ¥2 Baths—Kitchen and Dining Area—Large Living Room— Family Room 12’x21’—Including 75" Lot . . . Garage is Extra. SPACE QUEEN 3 BEDROOMS, FULL BASEMENT “113 990. Bath—Large 21’ Farm Kitchen with Large ‘Dining Area—Living Room—Brick Front with 2- Car Attached Garage. As Stately as Any Queen You’ ve Ever Seen, Built by: CARLO CONSTRUCTION CO. Model Phone: OR 3-4597 Lake. Close to schools, churches. 3 large shopping centers in area. iiaanate distance to commuter depot. SPECIAL F.H.A. TERMS! | Only 9 Left With These Special Terms 13,990 LOCATION Williams Lake Rood a. ’ Airport Road, yuu th Ey Aeros ne Iti was pina frit match moive | New Finishes | Quicker, Better ‘CABINET SPECIALTIES ~ 4880 W. Huron St. alan Kitchens and Vanities Formica Counter Tops Formica Laminating of Cobinete—Furniture—or Any Surlace FREE ESTIMATES _— _ All Work Guaranteed — Free Estimates! Reliable Waterproof Es SS. [24 Whit - eae here.” i of Floors Are titer a aaa spite of a bold “Wet Paint” sign, one man recently thought up -the | Complete Basement Waterproofing == Sy i ee emacives i PAINBOW. Li | Waterford's Newest Residential Area | Adjoining Westridge of Waterford ~ This Home Located ot "829 Olympic Panta Complete with Lot $22, 900 Well Planned. and Well Restricted Commuhity of Beautiful | Ranch Homes ‘in the Moderate Price Range! : 3 and 4 Bedroom Brick Homes Only 2 Blocks to Both Public and Parochial Schools This Home Located at 5860 Olympic Parkway, Complete with Lot $23,300 Beautifully Designed Homes MODELS OPEN SUNDAY Large Lots 1% Baths Ws Paved Boulevard ‘ ‘Loke’ Lots Availoble Siconinns Attached Garages Canter sini dace Halls EW... HELTMAN, saHDER HELTMAN ‘ond PAULY. “OR 3-941) 1-6 P.M. ‘Firepleces East off Airport Road, north of meet: Williams Lake Road, on mele | © City Water & Sewer ~ BO ge : aes Unt ft eo nine et LET US: gre pon deigned for you ‘ for. you. om Gowen. y 2 ; ae © complete: hae. with i. workmanship and worry free FRERICKS Bros.~Bildors } 2520 Elizaboih Lake Rd. PE 2-2951. © Garbage Disposal Lelio © Paved Streets oe © Drop Vestibule © Formica Counter Tops © Low Taxes *—PONTIAC © Spacious Closets * WALTON © City Sidewalks - MAGE © 60 Ft. or Larger Lots. _ ROCHEEN © Paved Side Drive — © Ceramic Tile © Sliding Glass Doors © Aluminum Windows | ROC I EsTl ER Face Brick 3 Bedroom Home | With Full Basement Priced trom *14,000 MOVES YOU IN MEADOWS The 3-Bedroom Ranch style home of face brick with full basement is the most wanted home in the country! Proof again! Our first subdivisioh has been sold completely! How- ever, we have acquired land for a second subdivision. right adjacent’ to the first, in the lovely village of Rochester. ‘Located in beautiful rolling hills with good schools, roads, parks, lakes, recreation and shopping facilities all: nearby. See it- ‘this weekend. DOWN 2 Costs ra white Dros. REAL ESTATE Oakland OF re at 9660 DIXIE HIGHWAY WATERFORD ° Large Family Kitchen _. AUR hat ba, SN Uriga—ns ae nit Model Located at — Me bl ce Be | 3 i “7 “19 Elizabeth St., A “OlR | ny _ ROCHESTER DOREER Builders ee -* Phone OL 1-8401 | vu PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, APRIL 18, 1959 : "HENDERSON, N.C. (AP) cheer soar tes trom| shifts D - madden, 3°! i : i : é For most of the 1,200 union members. the 2 i se , | et i i a5 mL : E = & i S F 4 ages 8 we ~~ Ce ) Aj a we z . S: ‘a : / Ge ¢ is as ll OS WORK ~~ al Aas aN What it did mean, according to Payton's remarks, is that strikers Service Daily for 17 Years ‘Stripes’ Marks Birthday DARMSTADT, Germany (UPI)— The/Stars and Stripes, the Ameri- “Stripes,” ca serviceman’s hometown rews-| also paper away from home, j marks its 17th anniversary. | Each day about 13 tons of news- * * * jprint are eaten up by the 40,000 | A four-edition, 150,000 cirevia- Copy-an-hour press. tion daily, “Stripes” was first! « *« * printed as a daily in Lonion on| The main object of “Stripes” is April 18, 1942. |to readers with unbiased More than 60 Americans are a “Well, it seems to me if they can’t say what they have to say in 4ront of everyone, they shouldn't say it at all!” . *® * * Now settled in a madern’ print- BOARDING HOUSE ing plant in Darmstadt, pear | ALONSIUS KNOWS TH'd JAKE. Frankfurt “Stripes” provides 24 WHOLE SCORE EXCEPT), THEIRS Sometimes the paper was printed in up to 12 different locations to get editions into the hands of fight- ing men on scattered points. SURELY WAS AN pages of daily news to servicemen | THAT RASSLER OF YOURS and their families stationed any- where from Scotland to Turkey, North Africa to Iceland for only five cents. * * * To avoid losing money due to the paper’s low cost, “Stripes” SEEM LAZY AS GRANY ON) MASHED FOTATERS, MISTAK KNOW IN A MASOR! DOAN HE FEW MINUTES HE GONNA TANGLE WIE, THAT INDIAN A FER ONE THING IF HE DON'T LOSE TWO ff FAP. FALLS OUT OF THREE TO THE INSUN, YOU SELF WITH DiS— y/ DE IDLE THREAT/- FEIT THE MATCH IF BETTER DOUSE YER- deere S WERE a / oy 4 Hh, BE BMY MAN {5 ’ DOWN LIKE A HOUN* | DOG AT A FLEA CIRCUS! NOT HANGING ONER MY HEAD! FAP AGAIN, I SAY! APPEARIN' DUST, ‘CAUSE THEM SAN~ (AGES ARE WEARIN’ THEIR WAR LIP- operates about 500 newsstands which sell books and. periodicals. |. Profits go to the Armed Forces Welfare Fund. Present chief editor is Air | Force Col. John D. Nottingham. a former Texas newspaperman. Assistant editor in chief is Army Lt. Col. T. J. Cunningham. In distributing the paper. “Stripes” makes use of its own fleet of 210 vehicles — which, oN incidentally, cover some 350,000 f am. miles a month — plus commercial ( planes, trains and trucks. t \ * * * = ‘ Mail subscriptions stretch as far Ye as the U.S. embassy in Moscow ; - and Pakistan. Wy, The main source of news comes / from the American wire services, = ee > \ plus additidhal items mainly of military interest from “Stripes” own bureaus in Washington, New York, London, Paris, Athens, Madrid and Stuttgart. The present Stars and Stripes can trace its ancestry. back to Civil War days, when Union forces issued occasional news-sheets un- der the same name: , 4 * * There was also the famed World War I weekly edition. Suspect Is Shown | Sight of Murder SIERRA MADRE, Calif. (AP) —"I’ve been in jail three days and I want to call a lawyer.” , That was Ralph Steele’s only comment Friday after~ officers took him to the spot where his for- mer wife was found bludgeoned to death. S 4 ‘\ Z a5 _ == O Paras TAM. Reg. U.S, Pat. Of e OUT OUR WAY WELL, AFTER YOU SNITCHED TH’ erin ) AN’ GAVE ‘TH’ DOG A PIECE TO KEEP HIM QUIET, YOL) MADE THE MISTAKE OF - WASHIN’ TH’ CHOCOLATE OFF OF YOUR FACE! MISTAKE NUMBER TWO.WAS GiVIN' THAT BLACKMAILER A CARAMEL, 'CAUSE HE'S STILL WORKIN’ ON ITY \, ELEMENTARY, MY : PEA WATSON / <7 irae ~ OH, BOY-~-_ STEREOPHONIC ADMIRATION I LOVE IT WHEN A Boy * * The body of Isabelle F. Steele, . 53, was found Thursday by the couple's ‘son, Ralph Jr., 18, at a bungalow court which Mrs. Steele was awarded in a 1954 divorce Set- tlement. tm top US Pe OF Att ghar canecwed : Cage. 1939 by Unned Fears ienticate, oc. om LE MOAWE USA AII LL EP aoe. * * Steele, 62, an engineer, covered his facé with his manacled hands. throughout a 40-minute tour of the court. : HOW COME IT'S SO QUIET AROUND HERE TONIGHT 7 * * * Steele has been booked on sus- picion of murdering, his wie and attacking her attorney, Robert N. Aarons, 57, with a claw hammer. He denied attacking Aarons and has refused to comment on his wife’s death, Aarons was not se- riously injured. DONALD DUCK = TM, Rag. U.8, Pat, OF, © 1989 by NEA Service, Ina. THE WORRY WART ans ® Q ae | Tine — By Walt Disney Sr A ~_ WELL, 1’ BE REAL a MORNIN’ LONG, TH’ aden BOYS, ON MY RIGHT. PUZZLED/|. ° fi és i = Members of the Men’s Fellowship . will attend a dinner and laymen's rally at 6:30 p.m, tonight First: Church, Ann at the Baptist Arbor. os we i EE E a re pat | i E a 2 f i : Be Tee 2 : fia of fA F ; if E i f sii : i Division's Past Several Years i g ae ! mit 5p § 5 : E | Sie Rilit k iE ? . : ; ef : i Cuban Chief Visits Shrines Today & it » WASHINGTON (AP)—Fidel Cas- + Deaths Elsewhere during he outlined his country’s needs, it will be a day of relaxation the bearded Cuban leader. . Friday of a heart attack. The nation’s fastest flying game birds are ducks. The carvasback has been clocked at 94 miles an stuek gamely to English NO RED CONTROL 1, His government is not Com- munist, But he. did not give a di- rect answer when asked if Cuba would remain neutral in any war ‘between the United States and the hour, the blue-wing teal at 89 mph | EMPLOYEES FEDERAL ‘ CREDIT UNION For Employees of GMC Truck afd Coach Division * and Tidy Families 156 W. Huron ot Norton FE 5-6151 “It Pays to Do All Your . Financing Here” through his talk in which he said: Castro's Goal: Hit Reds by Wiping Out Poverty 2. His country will maintain its nonintervention in the af- _ Business Notes An Equitable Life Assurance So- ciety Detroit Agency, headed. by Coy G. Eklund of 1280 Fairfax St., Birmingham, has won first place among the 28 Equitable agencies in the company’s eight-state north central department for Assured Home Ownership sales. The agency won the race with a volume of $19,008,950 during the past year. x * * . Just returned from the semi- annual conference of the Michigan F, Milton Hathaway, George Hark- less and Richard D. Elder. x * * Neil Wasserberger; vice presi- dent of General Printing and Office Supply, 17 W. Lawrence St., re- cently returned from a four-day sales clinic at the Eastman Kodak Company, Rochester, N.Y, The local office is the distributor for the Eastman Verifax copy machine in Oakland County. * * * Max E. Wilson, Pontiac field training supervisor for the Life In- surance Company of Virginia, re- turned recently,from a two-week ‘ business and sales management course in Daytona.Beach, Fla. The|and Beverley Watts of Keego Har- course, attended by 77 life’ insur- ancé managers and home Rayne Rollert Replaces Himy| Deaths in Pontiac and Nearby Areas .|four daughters, Mrs, Thelma Jor- (cago, and Mrs, Emma_ Jones of t eee a eee ie Page ans Hospital, Dearborn. He had : three weeks, Universjty are three Pontiac men, _'Monday at the Pursley Funeral f i ( f == g at zee ee? Bie i i Z ; E Fc ef iH f ; ! Hd : i MRS. NELSON DENNIS for Mrs. Nelson (Mary) Home. Survivors include her husband; don, Mrs. Ianthia Herbert and Mrs. Frances Salter, all*of Chi- Richton, Miss.; four sons, Atter- l, Miss., M. L. Pugh and Willie G, "e-rosac ta har ROY D. JENKS Roy D. Jenks, 77, of 160 N. John- son Ave., died in Veter- A former employe of the DeLux Creamery, he was a past com- of Los Cruces, N. Mex.; two brothers and a sister. Mr. Jenks’ body'is at the Purs- ley Funeral Home. ' : MRS. JOHN W. LANDSPARGER Mrs. John W. (Matilda) Lands- parger, floor manager at Neisner Brothers, Inc., store in Pontiac, died unexpectedly of: a heart ail- ment yesterday at Pontiac Gen- eral Hospital. She was 61. Mrs. was a mem- ber of the Lutheran Church of the Ascension and Huron Garden Ex- tension -Club. Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Esther Oliver of LaPuete, Calif.; two b ° Service will be held at 1 p.m. Tuesday at the Donelson-Johns Funeral Home with burial in Acacia Park Cemetery. MRS. JOHN B. WATTS Mrs. John B. (Thelma A.) Watts, 48, of 364 Oakland Ave., died yes- terday at St. Joseph Mercy Hos- pital after an illness of several Cashier at Pontiac General Hos- pital; she was a member of Em- manue] Baptist Church. Surviving are her husband; three daughters, Mrs. Rosemary Barten- baker of Pontiac, Mrs. Patricia Ann. Hargreaves of Keego Harbor .|Lake; and 24 grandchildren, *|wife, Ida; five sons, Royal, Harry, Y-land Sid of Lapeer; one daughter, -, gan Seamless Tube Co. here fol- lowing a heart attack, He was » | a member of the First Baptist Church in Northville. Surviving are his wife, Frances; two daughters, Dorothy and Mar- tha, and a son, Luck Joe, all at home; a sister and a_ brother. the 30th day of April, 1959, at . Section 6, | : time and n they ‘will be publicly|and has tentatively designated che ove ; ned and read cial assessment dist The notes will be dated May 1, 1959. will mature May 1, 1960, and will bear assessed as consisting of all red and are on file with the Town- . ip Clerk for public examination. The may with pu Denomination and form of notes to be|estimate of cost as prepared shows ship Board will meet on April 6:30 o'clock p.m. at Bloomfield to redemption prior to maturity on the|Hall, in the Township of Bloomfiwld for cortle seen 18 dase’ anti to one behday the vurpsee ot barns wrorements ead r) . . thereof. inentabed ne hte the special assessment distriet there- Por-the purpose of awarding the notes. for. * the interest cost of each bid will be ROBERT 1. Liptay Som computed by determining, at the rate Township t or rates specified there the total April 18, 25, ‘38 ar Value of all interest on the notes livery. HENRY MOORE DAVISBURG — Service for Hen- NOTICE. OF REVIEW OF SPECIAL Assessment Roll for, the Township cf operating tax: notice that « Special Enyelopes containing the bids should been ed and plainly. marked “Proposa) of Notes.” mi Rell hes — A | is oD cashier's check in the 21> clerk for public examination. Said or trust company ‘end vable to the P* . order of “an aricmame as Watertord cost of the following described improve Township . S-honl Distfict mast oe: | trem: , . peg he on woot ae gs ie | Construction i age A re pn , ute : i wer: 54 gf ae Diitere Se rooorgeod A po 5 feet pace: of southwest ey be conditioned wren the (corner of Lot 4 Northover Parme; thence *. | westerly along Northover Drive to Patch < wurchasr | Drive: thenee northerly along easterly Jw ch .; two sons, Vincent T. of Midland and Martin of Lansing; for daughters, Mrs. Edwin Wede- noja of Wayne, Mrs, William Hen- dricksen of Kalamazoo, Mrs. Peter STATE bate Court for the County of Oakland, ision, In the matter of the petition ¢on- cerning Cause No, To Raymond Lefler, father Petition having been filed in this Court alleging that the present whereabouts of the father of said minor child sre un- known and said ¢hild is dependent upon the public for support, and thet ssid child should be placed under the furis- diction of In the name of the people of the Wiernik of Detroit, and Mrs. Ro- atete eat Michigan. you are meets oti of Patch Drive te # point 15 feet and 3 feet west of the northwest corner of Lot 22 Northover Parms Also: Northerly along east side of Betsy Ross Drive to a point 15 feet north and 3 feet OF MICHIGAN—In the Pro- expense. The p notes ready for execution at his exvenre. Notes wil! be dritvered at Paard of ee pooaragg ~ oo : =~ = . west of the northwest corner of Leaasl ie The rieht is reserved to reject any see ee me ——— pasate and sll bids | . of Lot 14 of Northover Farms, 7 19 Approved An Te oe arieureaw Section 12. Bloomfield Township. j -| Sake further notice that the Towne MOS Ten seen, |e Board will meet-at the —— Secretary of Board af Cdneat'or Hell in the Townshio st 7:38 o—— Aprt! 18. "*S Pm. on Tuesday, April 78. 1950. for * — = Riss "purpose of reviewing said specie! saces*- ment roll and hesring any objections STATE OF MICHIGAN—In the Pro- thereto . bate Court for the County of Oakland.) ROBERT DUDLEY. Juvenile Division. | ee a 18 In the matfér of the petition con- AD » 1. ‘58. wenile Div: Edward Lefler, 16497. minor. of said ‘iid, this Court. . bert Coe of Walled Lake; a sister, Mrs. Alfred Kean of Detroit; a/® brother, J. L. Taylor of Walled ‘ WARREN D. GREENE a HADLEY ‘TOWNSHIP — War-!: ren D. Greene, 87, of 3006 Hadley |= Rd., died Wednesday night in La-|* peer County General Hospital after a short illness, Funeral service will be held Sun-|7 day at 2:30 p.m. at Hadley Fed-|# erated Church, the Rev, Clarence Eavy. officiating. Burial -will be in Green’s Corner Cemetery, _Mr.- Greene is survived by his Clare and Roldon all of Davison Mrs, Bernard Tunison of Hadley; |» 12 grandchildren, 17 great-grand-|7 children; and one sister, 3 The body will be at Muir Broth-| 7 ers Funeral Home, Lapeer until |~ Sunday noon. JAMES F, KNIBBS iZ CLARKSTON — Prayer service — for Jamés F. Knibbs, 69, of 5021)— Waidon Rd., will be held at 10> a.m. Monday at the Pursley Fu- neral Home, Pontiac. Burial will follow in Mayville Cemetery, May- ville. Mr. Knibbs will be at the Ju- niata Baptist Church, Juniata, to- day until time of service at 2 p.m, Moriday, Mr, Knibbs died Friday follow- ing a heart attack. He was a re- tired employe of the Pontiac Mé- tor Division, , : Surviving are two daughters, |: jee See burn Heights; 4 P Knibbs of Pontiac; two brothers, e two sisters, 12 grandchildren and j SOUTH LYON — Service fo Stephen Homner, 51, of 224 Lay- fette St., will be held at 2 p.m. Tuesday at the First Baptist Church, Northville. Burial will fol- low in Oakland Hills Memorial Park, Novi. His body is at the Phillips Fu- neral Home in South Lyon until Tuesday, _ Mr. Homner died Friday while |: he was working at the ‘Michi- : : . brother. Service will be held at 2 p.m. Dr. Stanley W. Black . 3513 Elizabeth Lake Rd. Corner of Cass Lake Rd. Evenings by A ppoiniment Optometrist Local. Country Club Family Memberships a Send business and residen- fial addresses and phone | eon Mine yoo | with to be contacted. Hy Phone FE 2-2362 Closed Wed. « ‘to Available = the hearing on Ce ed in > EE | i MS Ba BE ET ee AS ss Is Your | Land Contract a Burden You? We may be able to convert your Land’ - Contract into a mortgage, thereby bringing you more security and at the same time reducing your monthly pay- ments. Come In and Talk It Over! HOME LOANS ARE OUR SPECIALTY WE BUY LAND CONTRACTS J oe, ; 4 Pontiac Federal Savings . - Home Office: 761 W. Huron ‘Street 4416 Dixie Highway, Drayton Plains. L 16: E. Lawrence Street ’ Rochester Branch, __. . Downtown Branch 407 Main Street aes Da Cree iat _irae PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY. APRIL L is, 1959 tit, ‘Wanted a had ” td ~ Milford, le ‘Me in state. scat OMled Mildew Bt: age’ Ti; dear moth: | % On a of Mrs. Mary 3 Jones: dear sis- E_ 1-0205 Mite Boykine and Meonre Bianch.| Cold Header Operator rd, Prayer serviecé will be held Soest be enpestoneed. Sout Sy deca papted ‘hare wits Rev.| hobtine On ber City J . i : L.'. Miner officiating. Mars. Den- | y Cy, Miebigte. Maing waves! §T CQ YOu Sunday, April 26. Arr: ts | Be where Mrs ane will be Lik Talk in state from 3 p.m. Sunday until ike to da opm) to oy PARLEY, APRIL 11, 1959, SADA M., i 318 &. Pike Bt.; ‘age 15; beloved Make a Nice wife of Parley: dear sister Appearance + end ta seerios Want to Sell will be held Monday, 20, at . ‘Rev. M. Burton officiating. We ” in Oak Hill Cemetery. need aggressive men to se aet verley will He tn state at piagl to wy Pryecwns. Come _.the Huntoon Puners} Z oo oe ae RANT, APRIL wets w urns. INC on 6. ote + beloved | 124 Oakland Ave. PE 4-3528 wife of James 6. Grant; dear'/ DRIVERS WANTED WITH LATE berry 7 Mevberc| nate Sg gg xl, Sane ae tee 8 Peat Siege 6 - ELDERLY MAN, EXPERIENCED, ; dear sister of pom Cha ie Atterberry: also aur. for door to door canvassing. OR vired en. neral service be held Monday, EXPERIENCED NEW & pure at 33 p.m. trem Beth: car ee reliable employment Oak Hill Cemete oes at ial fi see WITH $30 fy \e 4 will Ne fm state al the William P. ig Davis | Home. ee REA ATE PHOE- nix, Aris. (formerly of Pranklin. 1 Yb Susanna (nee Leland); Mrs. W F . Mrs. B. Bertrand and Wellington J . Berviee will be held Monday at } 4 trom | Manley Bailey , 3 Oakiand, Birmingham. Interment) Clarkston: age | foshar ‘ot ar eel « brother of Mrs. | Mere Mrs. Garab Rich- anc Howard) pod survived by 12) reat-| _— will, officiating Mr Ko will tte in| sueee at the Juniata Stn men Church. Juniste from. 12°30 p.m. Monda service, 2 -p.m ment in Mayville yo romears oll Tae. ville, Mich. AROER. 17, 1960. | E. 1034 W: Huron 1 dear mother of ers. | ice will be held today, at 7 p.m. from the peral Home with - Moore will be Puneral Home, | ts by, sent to the Godwin Bowdon, Ga. Arran the Hunteon Puners] Wa APRIL ! 1980, A arm 2, . THELM, s- in Cemetery. Mrs. Watts 4 He in state at the Pursley Funeral! ga: _ Home. YARBROUGH. APRIL 1 16, 1959, LO) ran, 264 W. Ypsilanti, beloved husband of Mrs. Emma Yarbrough; dear father of Mra, | Delray (Nina) Hall, Mrs. William) (Leon Hoese, ts. Le tJoyce}- Cornwell, Mrs. Stanie: é y Ball, Richard, Bernard, Alfred, bert, Ruth and Nancy Yarbrough: dear brother of Mrs. cog {Iiams and William Al- Yarb h; also survived by 17 rerandeh ldren. Puneral service will ela Monday, April 20. at 1:30 m., from tbe Huntoon Funeral Home, with interment in White Chepe Cemetery. Mr. Yar- brough will He im state at the! Huntoon Funeral Home. | Card of Thanks 4 WE WISH TO THANK OUR MANY friends, neighbors and relatives for their cards of sympathy, flor- rad ee ae and acts of kindness our recent bereavement. Special thanks to the Rev. Warren Wilson and the members of the Baldwin Avetiue Methodist Church, Huntoon tage Se albearers, Mason EXPERIENCED REAL ESTATE = sg eS eee Realty. 412 _W. Huron. PE 4-4536. =xP SALESMAN TO TRAIN FOR breoeh mer. Must. have 1a, Girech Exp. os ont “Sect ait oats No phone calls. FEMALE COOK gaye & sights Apply immodiste- ¥. peady's Restaurant. Drayton Bacteriologist ’ Interesting career with @ secure fa County, Must i. € ] & i 7.) OF YOUR OWN’ ’ advertised Wat (kins 3 fart Acme Asphalt Paving | lconsed, ond Pree esti- ate PE 56-1917 or 8-6843. - Persea Jane foe ag 268 Pe at Work Wanted Male 10 41 PAINTER, INTERIOR AND Ki CARPENTE? AND GIRL WANTED tor home arenes. reg children. A; “41 a, care oe ov live Cea x end me ee 8 free, 2 tres, 3 iste 3 x wn. APs: GIRL CARE FOR LIGHT 513 Gant iS Lake Ave. before § p.m. LADY TO 7 LED IN MOTHERLESS home, have reference, pe ‘& peed with en. LADY SOY Sixt AbeERS TO oer in IN- be FE tloos, © days, 4 days, weed gg <7 camp Fae BOER Ea pi mat ice ot eas. WORsEe SIDES. APPLY IN PER- oe oe es es Wood ward. i | ame AVAILABLE NOW CARPENTER ana ¢ w New r r. D. Murdock. PE 27001. ALL T EMpire 3-3416 SABINET MAKER AND CARPEN. gee, Kiabans @ speciaity. FE RP WORE ANY kind, ole. Call after 6 om GARDE & TAKE — lawns, fest ating, “Rees . FE HAVE TRUCK. W WiLL DO LIGHT __ hauling. 8-9958. MARRIED << cK DRIVER DE- sires work of any kind. FE 8-2838. MAN WANTS LAWN WORK, SEED- mowing trimming, FE LAWN 416 W. sapere Road atarean * Livernois Crooks Rd, Phone ACCOUNTANT. AVAILABLE EVE- and weekends e fi ports, 4 .m. rena ed by factery : r y men our office. General & y Co, 17 W. rence 8t. PE ences. Berke Asphalt Paving Phone FE 54-5037 or UL 2-3420 BOOKKEEPER. EXP. THROUGH | end of month closing would =e i nesses ho: — Pick up & deliv %. Would paver. Wage sULLDOEING G, cEVELING 6 & one 27-9742 rE FURNACES CL? CLEANED AND serviced. FE 5-1788. “LiWiNGWERS BURPERED - REPAIRED Outboard Mtr’s-Parts & Air cooled engines re A rvice for andl Stratton Ctr’ Yrs. asgures fac JOE’8 MO’ & MTR. SERVICE 980 8. PE 4- POWER LAWN MOWING, CUSTOM [OWING. CUSTOM work FE 3-485 PLASTERING. = OR REPAIR. rameed. PE 50364. Work gua: & ttive™ RUBBISH PICKED UP. G GARDEN werk or basements cleaned up. ALL Was BY MACHINE. va mess, 8-6429. Cost jess. MARRIED MAN. DESIRES work of any kind 32-8519, RELIABLE br agi ag NEEDS right. PE 5-8323. = like work of aay 4-7310. Work Wanted Female 11 . HEAT COUNTER GIRL. ALTERA- bard worker. late model oof. We | "ceas to [oer advantage. | City life insurance. & yearly | _ Cleaners. bonus, 52 pey checks a yr. If Sleasars, Keep, Se “cxk : — live on less ae * apg, tg | Hamburger ; pm ‘elegraph. this on as are the caliber , ed we wast For 7 roscoe POSITION IN — rsonal wm. agency. ween 10 ‘ei om. cellent working conditions. Expe- eX ENCED PAINT sALES- rience he ‘ul, but not r CED PAINT 8 _Write Press Box 15. man for retail store. 10 ex. pectenas; _pecterses., ws| REGISTERED NURSE londay. Apr® 20. 008 1. Gaglnee. Challenging. secu po- | EXPERIENCED sition ntiac ares - ™m work, apply Walker's; ®ry $4400 to $4,700, depending ao Lake Orion. upon qualifications, @nd back- EPERIENCED | WATER SYSTEM Social . iite Comapae’ | Bone setter & servion man lca | Mospitalisetion, * shha ster fringe Ce carcen| aten Sun Sat af icine ee ee re . 4 te exrenns CED REAL ESTATE| Apply at Persone! office salesman. Apply White Bros. Real C per i Disie Hwy. OR | ayette Street, Pontiac, = Pate fikstT - CLASS LIGHT SERVICE RELIABLE MIDDLE - pts) r - CLASS SERVICE oman te care for older mechanics, Must have complete ae *“ p.m. to § a.m. Cooking tools GC Pord qaeeeiepee. Apply | necessary. MI ph: Bs ye BE adh RELIEF DESK CLERK FOR LO- Woodward Birm motel 1 day week. Some See ene ae Socbeoae eone svailable for ROO! ed STABLE vacation fill-in. State age and ex- Musy be exp. . required. State rience and telephone number. | aoe be ee ee Write Pontiac Press, Box 197. —_ RELIABLE WOMAN. TO CARE for children, while ‘melee works, 5 days, Must have own trans- HEA portale _ 73 Hatchery R¢. OR oetens ; Saleswomen ENGINEERING Earn $600 per month. If you are DIVISION over 23, neat appearing. have a HARLEY EARL ASSOCIA car & afte willing to work. this Designers, detailers, checkers job for you. No experience For products, tools and dyes, ssary. train you. Apply Also opportunities for Metalurgi- 4713 Dixie Hwy. yton ¥ cal and chemicaj engineers. Tro-| © 30 to 12 pm. dally gan §-0900. 6405 Livernois, Troy.| SALESLADIES =D IN PON- [NEED % NEW MEN AT ONCE| tac & suburban towns to se who are ive and ambdi- 90 hygiese products. Pr . tows work for erably someone acquainted independence. Don't call tf you ity 5 ‘ ; month to start, Phone PE 22003, SALESLADIES 1-9 p.m. Mr. Allen. Exp to yen hin seme & sports- MECHANIC WITH AN ALL OVER hat ac time part time, ~~ MALE COOK - Experienced al! around cook for days and nights. Apety im medi- ately. Pandy’s Restauram. Dray- ton Plains. ome.___ |MAN TO WORK 8 HOURS PER M FOR wl tes —— 3 ays per pee eee | FE 47580. WHO ARE NOW pa the furniture trade. to SALESMAN This fob requires no previous sales experience, if you are over 25, sincere, neat appearing, have SINGLE MAN WANTED TO work.on dairy farm. Must know how to milk, MA 5-4801. SALESM AN NATIONAL CORPORATION Expanding office in Pontiac will employ two conscientious sales- $450 PER MO. SALARY Pius hospitalization, tousurance profit sharing, retirement and pen- sion plan. Car necessary. For rsonal nein only, See Mr. iawson, Waldron Hotel, Monday, Tuesday 1 to 4 p.m. SALESMAN WANTED rnest V. Nesterg tam! ly. “or mode . oo, i ie ae suas Ge cee thee rvice, FR 21006 or FE 2-448 ely W gratitude for al pats, Kind | ex. TEST ENGINERR ressions sym Be oes "their "recent | be- TECHNICIAN reavement. To b} s, devise test hoya and ——- ges opmen s on experimental hig In Memoriam Z| pressure, hydraulic and pneumatic : LOVING MEMORY or devises for missile aircraft. N N George C. Graham who passed Cc MF co. away April 19, 19: 118 Indianwood Rd.;- Lake Orion heals all sorrow How much I m yet. Sadly missed by his wife, Beulah. TOOL & DIE MAKER, 6 HOUR 14 Mile Tool & Die, 1024 Mile Rd. Clawson, Michi- WANTED: 10 MEN, 18 OR Negro week. lll 14M free to wagy ra o =» “— Funeral Directors 4 Rise Co rac aie, “ile rg COATS YOUNG MAN WTF DOLE Drayton Pian YM OMGR fon, Write Postiag Press Bax 's. ; Help Wanted | Female 7 D onelson-Johns rao BEING ACCEPT- FUNERAL HOME Funerals” fountain. *s—Mirael eranas-onirvin CHAPEL | AMB. Ls W: tful Service FE +606) aor aie’ Calne Pare, ee WV oothees ciple FUNERAL HOME Ambulance Ser/ice.-Plane or Motor - FE, 2-8378 ____ Gemeter, ery Lots 5 | WHITE CHAPEL CEM- 4 «rors In WHITE CHOP LLOGATED PERRY MT. enn Will sell separately. Make coun GIRL. poe CONEY Island, 747 WN, Perry. CAR HOPS Girls ol yeere or oitter for days or ve, Appire caeimpecioay Plain: yeaa da 10 Guinn ae. ply ia a Priv ney Driveda, offer, MI _ 6-2238. : ne a vd at D work, 4 em Apply Pontiac ‘edaaad ae ASTD FASHION SHOP ee. EXPERIENCED IN TYP- ing financial statements on Ejec- tric IBM 7 writer. CAP Of- fice in new build- ing at theo N. Woodward Ave. Birm MI _=6-9666 for appt. oNULIMITED OPPORTUNITY. New line cosmetics, Product guar. ADVERTIS- . @ day. commission, App Drayton Plains, “4. plus Hwy... 9:30 to 12 =. W. Soe HELP. Apply Big ‘Soy Drive-in, 2490 je Hwy, WAITRESS CHIL- Ltve EM WOMAN gpd CARE FOR 2 dren & mera) housework. in. Add compensation. _ 32249 WOMAN TO CARE FOR _ly lady. Must live in. FE 42606 WAITRES® bodied GRILL EXPE- rience. Apply in Grill, 875 Baldwin Ave. ELDER- person, Gaves' 2 WOMEN WANT WALL WASH- ing asd housecleaning PE 3-768]. DAY WORK WANTED. 4 DAYS week, or baby sitting. References. _ Own transportation, PE 8-1166._ DAY WORK, HOUSEWORK, FE 68-1540. GIRL DESIREg HOUSEWORK OR sitting =. ar $y & or 6 days wk. FE GIRL J OTHER'S po ay gg Eee id te eo cockante off. Pe 20792. HOUSEKEEPER WITH NURSING __ ability will Ive in. LI 84194. HOUSEWORK WTD. FIRST PART _ot wk. 1 or 2 days, FE 2-6231. IRONINGS §3 B PICK UP and deliver, OR 3-1079. LADY WANTg DAY WORK OR babysitting 2-2421 - NURSES a Auburn Avenue Nurses Exchance Day & N rensed & Bonded. LADY WITH day work. Fi MIMEOGRAPHING, TYPING, SEC retarial service EM 32343 WOMAN WANTS 5 DAYS WEEK. ‘light house- WASHING & IRONINGS. WATER- ford vicinity OR 3-3588 WTD. BABYSITTING JOB _ IN tz home day or night. Exp. ©1912 WTD. ee FE 56-1620 BE- tween ba ag Wane DAY WORK. . Wed. open. Building Service ENCE WANTS 8-3625. 12 CUSTOM BUILT HOMES Get our prices last. BUILDERS ORLANDO OR 3-6764 U 44073 a ALL KINDs OF CEMENT WORK. Jenson. FE 22340. 4-1 BLOCK, BRICK AND CEMENT work. Residential and commer- cial. Also under house basements. We are well eq Call MY 3-1128. John W. Caples Guaran- teed work. 4-1 SAND & FE 5-372. FINISH. Pontiac Hardwood Fiese _ Service. 4-1 BRICK BLOCK AND CEMENT work, Also fireplace. OR 3-9402. BULLDOZING & TRUCKING DON TURNER FE 54-2853 Al- COMPLETE BUILDING SERV- ice Quality work, licensed. BOWKER CONSTRUCTION -. MA 4-2253 or OA 8-327 ANY TYPE OF HOUSE _ rune — Grawn. OL 1-8200. EM. houses. Biock FE & cement work. 5-0084 or FE 23796. ‘Employment Agencies 8A Evelyn Edwards RECEPTIONIST - SECRE- TARY in the most magnifi- cent, set of offices you've ever’ seen — right out of Hollywood. This is for a sharp girl aged 25-35 with . typing 50 wpm., shorthand 100 wpm. ust be attrac- tive. $350. RECEPTIONIST - STENO to a prominent Doctor, someone who likes dealing with je. A very pleas- ant, ed atmosphere. Aged a 35. wpm; Shorthand 80-100, $300. a one lifetime tunity to do facinating, portant work. Good ond shorthand. $335. IBM T in an adver- tising pce el full of gorgeous guys in Grey flan- feo — is is for a well, bright gal who tpes 60 wpm. Aged 23-30. RECEPTIONIST for switch- board and ay WarTniine for prominent nearby restaurant that ca- ters to an outstanding cli- Sies’ ie. Must vg experienced we mean “good” COOK, and we for a restaurant that is des- perate just the ‘right’ ‘son. The owners . have asked Evelyn Edwards to help find YOU. Your sal- ary? Up to $400. . EVELYN EDWARDS _ VOCATIONAL COUNSELING , SERVICE —OUR NEW LOCATION— 2% EAST HUROR MAN TRAINEE ES Ea ore. i Bidg. FE | COMPLETE BUILD. BASEMENTS UNDER, for small bust- |_ 24204. és rr GR ee Television Service 22 DAY OR NIGHT TV SERVICE Fe | or FE 5-€309 JENSEN'S TV SER vice A pAyiEe- noon & evening, call Upholstering 23 EAKLE’ ing. 8174 Cool 3-2641 AL'S Lake Use same 1 8. THOMAs G 19? NORTH PERRY ST. y. ulrrel Ra. “ CASH FOR LAN a. 3. Vea Ra aes Seer ee Je C HAYDEN, Realtor PE $-0441. "ABSOLU TELY a ABILITY sell your land 50975. *ARRO REALTY D CONTRACTS. Hwy. _CASH AVAILABLE FOR LAND CON- binge ts AND HOME EQUITIES ATION. CALL. A. Johnson LTOR FE 42633 nee 1704 8. Telegraph Rd. RMs. NCE ra bath, tS mevel.. eer €2i00, 3 OR RM. SUIT. tor 3. io N. paddcek. PE 2-1603. 3 LGE BRIGHT ROOMS. ae Pvt. bath & ent. FE 8-523. 3R MODERN. BEAT § O68 $50. 2i6s Pontiac Ra. : Lost & Found 24 FOUND—BOSTON BULL DOG_IN- BLOOMFIELD WALL CLEANE RS, | quire a berber shop, 14 W. ‘fur windows, Reasonable. UICK CLOSING— PE 2163 tare MALE ENGLISH POINT. No HIDDEN FEES— . al. FET EGGS or Ob B3me,| Joslyn Ra. Rewerd PE Saunt N H Cs removal. : 1 : a ELECTRIC MOTOR SERVICE RE-| LOST: GOLD 5@. FACED WATCH. | 5, Nicholie &_ aS Sas pe and rew . gs E. Broken band. werd. FE ?-411. +3081 Lost IMMEDIATE OR STOLEN: SCHWINN BI- cycle, In viemnity of Fairmont & Baldwin. Reward. FE 8-989. LOST — MALE MANHCESTER terrier, brown, vic. Square Lk. & Coolidge. Reward. UL 32-4507. _ Hobbies & Supplies 24A PAINT BY NUMBER PICTURES. Scrabble ge mes Backenstose Book Store. 15 E. Lawrence St. Notices & Personals 25 AA PRIVATE DETECTIVES — i facts. WALL INDOW WASHING. pagrwy . Dec. Spring . we CARRY PARTS FOR ALL and wringer washers. Whole- ove and retail PLIANCE SERVICE ROY'S, 96 Oakland FE 23-4071 Dressmaking, Tailoring 16 DRESSMAKING TAILORING AL- terations. Mrs. Bodell 40053. DRESSMAKING TAILORING, one terations, drapes & Formals tin my home. Call FE ____ Garden Plowing . 16B GARDEN saad arp REASONA- ble rates 3-5131. —" EARLY ARRANGEMENTS jor a n plow a wn praia. Vie. Baldwin and Wal- L. 4-854) PERRY PARK nr al PLOW- ing. Reas. FE 4 PLOWING AND SETS Vic. OP Auburn Heights. UL 32-3967 be- fore 3. ROTO-TILLING DONE REASONA- ble. PE 4-6046 Income Tax Service 17 * ACCURATE -EPERIENC: yf At fair rates. peng Office hts. Hom 5s by BOLIN TAX ee a 42 EB. Pike: PE ¢1192 or FB $-5773. Insurance Agencies 17A | ANDESON 1044 Joslyn INURANCE FOR EVERY NEED Round the clock ction and service Arnold R. Simmons, rep- resenting Tricker rance Agen- FE ¢3538 WE Don't worry. Know the Saws, Hand Lawnmowers Confidential’ consultation. FE "Machine Sharpe: $-5201. Manley Leach 10 Badiey St.) 4 COMPLET E COLD WAVE $450 SMITTY’S AIR COOLED ENGINE.| ™M & H St le Rite. OR a wil- - Briggs Stratton Desier,| _liams ree ae also” other 4 585 or age et ee ee Se KNAPP SHOES 42416. Pred Hermar __OR 3-1592 TEAL'S TOWN & COUNTRY DEC- | 4 COMP ane Ie CA$H ACTION os. any good land contract, New factory 7 ipepection of property. K 1 Te mnleton Wes empleton, Realtor 2339. Orcha ke Rd. PE 44563 LAND to sell or EM and TO BUY OR Earl Bart Garrels, EM EM 3-251) autre iN OR SEASONED — Ask. ‘tor itt, we aon “WE cals Land Contracts - N Ip DELINQUENT! i ie oa prize evenings any GIRL OR woman NEEDING friendly 29734. on Army. CHARLES CHESTER AIR CALL ELECTROLYSis CENTRE, have unwanted hair removed by a — and experienced Elec- trologist. Martha Wilder, State Registered. Experienced, OR _3-2885, DAINTY MAID SUPPLIES — t30 Menominee. Mrs. Wallace. PE 5-7806. rag ted MATL D SUPPLIES — Mrs. - Taylor, $e Gileaple. FE 3 3-1293. IN DEBT? IF SO LET US Give You | Place to Pay Ease Your Mind . WE ARE NOT A LOAN COMPANY MICHIGAN CREDIT COUNSELORS # RM. 116 Pontiac State Bank Bidg. FE 8-0456 LOSE WEIGHT SAFELY AND economically with newly released ae tablet. 08 cents at FiLtace ALL Tg | FOR PARTIES, RECEPTIONS, ETC 3261 ORCHARD LK. RD. FE 4-7065 RENT DISHF'S. SILVERWARE punch bowls. FE 4-5805. WILL BU'LD A quality custom home for you Your or ours—At a right cy. PE 4-4561 or 3-5507. Laundry Service 18 18 COMPLETE FAMILY LAUNDRY Service — Shirt service. Pontiac ieee: 840 8. Telegraph. FE _____ Landscaping y 1 8A ANDY's ROTO-TILLING. LAWNS, flower beds & gardens. ‘FE 17-0781. ALL KINDS OF LAWN \WN WORK. FIN- FIN- ish gtading. Top soli. FE 2-0603. A-1 MARION AND KY. BLUE 80D. deliveriers made or you pick up. 2601 Crooks Rd. UL 3. i-l TREE TRIMMING AND RE- movals. Free estimates. OR 3-6826. VICE RE- low price We heve some exce!- lent values in lakefront sites at many jakes, such as Cass Re ound, Mohawk, Brendel, Gen- Ete Also’ restricted, high- ay Dectrabia e subdivision in Roches- . See model lee Re vas “Oct car omy C. SCHUETT, Realtor WANTED en to lese 20 Ibs. this mo. PREE rier b Brags with anol ion pian. today. oath HEA EALTH “inet @ * 4-1 ACE TREE SER moval and trimming. _FE_ 2-7188, FE & COMPLETE 1 LAWN SERVICE FED 2-0967. Get our bid. LAWN MAINTE- nance. Spring cleanup, fertilizing, rolling lawn cutting, monthly or season contracts. 9 years experi- BRICK, BLOCK, CEMENT WORK. me est. Call after 5 p.m. OL aoLDING REPAIR, PLASTER- ing, masonry, carpentry. Base- _ments waterproof FE _-4-2200. CEMENT WORK. FREE 1 ESTI- mates, Work guaranteed. OR 3-6741. CARPENTER WORK, NEW & RE- pee. small jobs — a: FE -2841 or FE 7-027 CEMENT 18 OU cae Floors. Sdeswiente’ EM 3-4879. CUSTOM HOMES BY LICENSED builder, Frae osumaes UL 23-5175 CEMENT WORK, MERCIAL and gee ypo Nothing too ad or small TS. @: tence. ree estimates, "OR soir, CERAMIC TILE FREE ESTIMATES TERMS Advance Floor Co, OR. 3-8701 “CEMENT & BLOCK WORK FE 5-0782 iar WALL TAPING AND FINISH- _irig, Free estimates. FE 8-6781. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR. Constraction and maintenance. Ed Connop Electric, UL 2-3902 DRY WALL TAPING FREE ES. FE 46191 * timates EXCAVATING 7aRece nd BLECTRICAL SERV, FREE ES EST. Partney Electric. FE 5-6439 vRES ESTIMATES ON WIRING, - t water heaters, 3 kta and dry- pel PE 56-8431. R. tric Co, 1060 W. " GARAGES BY PED A- rage Co, ORlando 3-2360 bow ROO AL kinds, Est. 1918 # ; Mar ‘sh, 353_N, Cass. FE 2-3021, 5-7775, — DRY WALL — OR_3-0764 ; ge AST AALS FULLY equipped. FE 4-8450. L. A, Young. ence. All work i adh’ s SASEMEnse WATER - 1 PROOFED.| fandscape Service, FE 4-5536. FE 40771 ma MAN a LANDSCAPING OCK shru ry, seeding 8! ing BLOC fi = erg wt WORK Put in new lawns, sand ne replaces, _ walls, any stone work BARGAIN Ledge rock ste ps, Patios. Call Complete 1' car garage. $495 0880 or Gers, Mason, PE 5-9122 | UNWANTED LANDSCAPING, SEEDING & SOD- ding, cal) for free est. FE 2-5463. TREE, PRUNING AND REMOV- als. OR 3-0165. Moving & Trucking 19 1-A Reduced Rates Local or aa 5 distance movi SMITH MOVI co. FE 4884 A-l MOVING SERVICE Reasonable Rates PE $-3458 HAULING & RUBBISH, NAME your price Any time. FE §-0005. J & S RUBBISH grt eal AND Light Hauling. OR 3-0207. LIGHT HAULING FE 56-8307 LIGHT HAULING RUBBISH RE- moved. Housetraiters moved. Low rates. on LIGHT A D HEA Rubbish fill dirt. a oi front end loading. FE O'DELL CARTAGE Local and long distance moving. Phone FE 5-6806 Trucks to Rent TRUCKS TRACTORS ND EQUIPMENT 14-Ton Pickups 1%-ton stakes Dump trucks Semt-trailers Pontiac Farm and Industrial Tractor Co. Dail ay. vo eaing. ger? Seay Tetacng sey D 8 ARTICLES Foe up free of charge, FE 56-4638. Painting & Decorating-20 18T CLASS INT ing, reas 1sT pheeans rae 8904, AND per hanging. F° i8T CLASS DECORATING, PAINT¢ ing and wall papering. FE 4-0255. PA- HOME GARAGE CABINS. ADDI- tions, Licensed. builder. FHA ~- _Terms. _FE_ 4-6909, MILLER'S FLOOR SERVICE. Laying sandin. and = finishing Terms, FE. 0. NEW : OLD W ALL KIN’ Remodeli: Honest 83807. AS no - AIR Vern Keller UL 21740 : REPAIR REAS. t_ Lee. Pe 11822. : canttog aad tals Phone. FE Hon: | ganaine a oa i8T CLASS PAINTING AND DEC- 3900" Cash or terms. UL 2-2940 A LADY INTERIOR, DECORATOR. Papering, FE 8-034 Ay PAINTING & aper removed, A-l PAINTING & Pee ANG- _ing. Work _Guar, FE 2-4315 A-l PAINTING INTERIO EXx- terfor. 10 pet_cent fe ak ‘ot “8. |. Guaranteed, . FE DECORATING AAA PAINTING & rs Ni 30 years experience, Reasonable Free estimates, Phone UL 21308. | . = EXT, Parnt- | 23216. Don Beck,, OL 1-3141. Wd. Children to Board 3 26 A - 1 BOARDING HOME LI _tensed -FE 2-5031 BABY | SITTING. LOVING CARE. LICENSED HOME FOR 1 CHILD. Vic. of Joslyn St. FE 5-7490. Wtd. Household Goods 27 ANTIQUE DISHES, FURN. OIL ere marble top tables, MY Wanted Real Estate 32A ALL CASH ue if mediately for acreage DENN REALTY 4122 N. Woodward Royal Oak Li 9-5900 more efficiemly we have Orion Detr DON’T DELAY—CALL TODAY! H. P. HOLMES, Inc. 2531 8. Lapeer Rd. FE 5-2953 LAKE ORION sat-|3 RMS, B agit mig 3 b- Buyers Aaa ni ia a! HUMPHRIES REALTY }; LARGE RMS. & BATH. CLEAN. _Child weicome I PE 4-1138. | Ai et tr, Ney 4ND Steam —. clean, trance.. clean heat, downtown, 87 3 Parke. 3} RMS.. NICELY FURN. POR ‘ed Pensioner RMS. AND BATH. ADULTS. Ciean Wicely furn. 8 Miller St. 4 i 2 ao Bt REDECO- Dee i = iw 4 NICE ROOMS AND MURPHY bed. Utilities. FE 4-4686. GI AND FHA CASH FOR YOUR HOME Yes we can sell your home for 5 RM. APT. COMPLETELY FURN. $75 mo. plus util. PE 2-3701. ADULTS. 3 RMS. & BATH UP- eash with very «mall down pay- : will appraise your iy tel, you the cash you can receive net Te. WE TRADE. WE BUILD DORRIS & SON, REALTORS 152 W Huron FE 41557 Immediate Action We Can at P von House WHITE BROS. RFAL ESTATE OR 3-1295 - §660 Dixie Hwy. . Open Eves ‘tii 8; Sunday 10 "til 5 HAVE CASH, We will travel to see you and show you how to “eash for your home, land con t of acte- age. es ne tor a 30-minute service No R. D. RILEY, Broker zabeth Lake Rd. FE betend FE 4 A IMMEDIATELY! no gars ‘tsrma. jake property and contracts. Buyers waiting. (Paul MJ M. Jones, Real Est. WILL TRAVEL|: stairs. Garage. Front & back ent. FE Ni AUBURN MS 660 __ Squirrel na $3 UL ‘alese. BACH ELOR APT. NEWLY DEc- orated Tile bath. Very nice. -N. end. FE 2-4376. LOVELY ¢ 4 ROOM. ERB APTS. 119 State. FE 54-2203. LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS for eae 261 State St. NEWLY DECORATED 2 RMS_ & furn. Nebenette. Downtown, Util. Fine St $13 week 56 NICE CLEAN, GROUND FLOOR apt, O tis0 after 4:30 p.m. aLVan LATEPRONT es furn. +0877, PE 4-8550 Wawtko 3 TO BUY OR LEASE: Home or dupies near St. Michaels _School. Phone MY_ 2-5681. _Rent Apts., Furnished 33 1 RM. APT., 1 GIRL, $8 PVT. Ent. washing, PE 2-0663. CASH FOR USED TV'S. FURNI- ture and misc. FE 2-0367, i & 2 RM. LOVELY APTS. NEW appliances. Just right for work- COMPLETE HOME OR MiSc.| ing _coupie or bachelors. ‘FE ._ Pvt, FE 5-7332, FE_6-1090.| _8-0058, FE 2-8756. aa FOR SMALL RADIOs.|1 AND 2? BEDROOM 1. LAKEFRONT Working or not, FE 5-8756. spts. Partly furnished. OR 3-9105. CASH FOR FURNITURE AND AP-.|1 RM. LIGHT HOUSEKEEPT Apt.. everything furnished, incl. Prompt Odd pieces or house full. a courteous service. FE FURNITURE NEEDED “Entire home or - lots. Get the top dollar. Will outright or sel] it for you Ba Community Sale. e. Phone OR 3-2717, WANTED TO — = re nu TYPES of furniture PFE 2-5523. bab guibare YOUR HOUSE- goods elther by private sale or re publi —, Appraisals. ‘Smart, e Farm, Roch- scie® Miciigane'a OL 1-5631, __Wtd. Miscellaneous 28 WANTED - STANDING TIMBER. Wanted to Rent _ CLUB MANAGER WANTS TO rent nice’ poese on Pine, Walnut, Orchard,' Cass Union or 8 rang lake or reith gat Jordan e or bratig Ordan 6-4662 = _MaAyta FURN. ee 2 “ROOMS & BATH pod ee quiet. refined gentle- Close to Gen. ee pri- vale home, FE 5-5745 Meal home. FE 5-5745 - § a.m, to p.m FOR SEASON — LAKEFRONT, home for éxecutive's rooms, 2 ferably on com, lus, ow yivan LE N bedroom home, unfur- within ® — down- ntiac About __ $100, Exc Ref, “ny 464 46353" STORAGE SHED OR GARAGE. near Walled Lk TAshmoo 5-1721, WANTED TO RENT 2CAR GA- 5b for mechanics use. FE Tm house with basement, ai 8-9724, Oeklans. FE Share Living Quarta 3 30 NICELY FURN BEDR :| some fi Sih home in Calon Lk, ore with working girl, EM linens. Close in, FE 2-5236 FE 5-7805. ad 1 BEDROOM APT. WITH 2 PVT. entrances, Se =. Inquire, aft- er 5, 777 E. 4 1 ‘on POR cuPOTED LADY $s. entrance, linen 40 m : Douglas. FE rei ree or rE 50150. 1 ROOM, KITCHENETTE. PVT. bath, 2 adults only. 290 N. Pad- @ock. Alberta Apts. ; 1 RM, KITCHEN . PVT. ENT. Clean & util, Singles $12. wk. FE -5-0018, _ i8ST FLOOR, CLEAN 3 & 4 RMB, New _Miracle Mite. PE 8-1370. 3 3 ROOM A APTS. UTILITIES, Et, bathe | @ ent. Parking. 430 2 & 3 ROOM APTS. IN PONTIAC. OA 8-2098 2 & 3 ROOM APTS. PVT. BATH & Fe eis $10 & $16. 266 S. Parke. OOMS & BATH, NR. BUS line es clean & quiet, Murphy hy 1b no drinking. ‘on- poy 8t., Pe $2100, 2 RM. APT, UP OR DOWN. 243 E. Pike, nr. town, FE 4-5322. 2 ROOMS & BATH, $12 225 Florence. 3 LARGE RMs, PVT. ENT. AND tile’ bath, 2800 Sylvan yet, TH WITH floor, Child welcome, $12 7% @ Orchard Lk, Ave, 2 NICE ROOMS, CLOSE IN. WO drinking, $10 week, 2-2181, 2 RM. tans §2 NORTON 5-2438 2A = cers. st veee™ Pvt. baths kd etn Reasonable rent, Adults, Auburn __Heights, UL 2-1620, 2 & 3 ROOM APTS. PVT. trance S path: ce fay. nished, Near Saginaw, Inqui _ Auburn, 2 LOB,” FRONT ROOMB. UTITT- ane aatraianed. Adults. 268 Or- . 7 2 if. “NE CORATED, 109 Mech SB., + $ RMS. OR 3, oe. th ._ BATH 16 4 4 3 cone. nt N, Perry. FH 281T. Rent reas. Tony, 5-4101. BEDRM, APT. 1ST FLOOR. ALL at decorated. Available LF peyote g ladies uburn. FE Ist. ROOM ee UDIO APARTMENT. erator, heat & A. KERN, - ese oo ‘per mo. PAUL FE 2-9200. 3 Gene 5 RMS. only BATH, garage. FE 8-872 after 5. 3 LGE. ROOMS. brig agen PLOOR ‘with agi miner for ured couple. Call aie 9414, eves, FE 24 G. . “BEDRM. APTS. $12 WK. W. Columbia. 3 i ail BATH & ENT. ICL. x tove. 3 RM. APT. & . RIG. & util, furn, 160 Auburn Ave. RM. @ BATH, NEAR FISHER 'S., newly decorated. Heat furn. $50 S rm. & bath, newly decorated. Heat — — Sears. ~*~. *furon Anne eo by wn Realtors. T RMS. PER MONTH. HEAT _ Aple 5-2452. 4100 Airport 3 LARGE ROOMS AND BATH, GA- bi All utiities furnished. FE TRMS.. W. SIDE, UTILITIES FUR- nished. FE 4-4481. J ROOMS mea “EAST SIDE, CLEAN. RENT reas, my weeariaher teks door. 300 N ina w. ‘ J ROQMS & BATH newly “decorated, fo" aowntown 18 197 P ENT, ‘all utilities & welcome, nr Sande! Piss crore. tor & stove. Adu Paim la Apts. 454 Auburn, 2-6859., 3 ROOMg & BA T FURN, BY si. 08, Merrimac Party fora 3 whiter ore mite) o, 7 RMS. ee BATH, 268 Oskiand rag © RAT OFFER. FEU y RMS. SPOTL EE s §,_ GROUND 3 as heat, rec. room, Sgn geet omnes 2 BEDROOM. BA » Was terfront. Yr. around. mo. EM ~ 2 BEDROOM DUPLEX — rarer nian, . Vicinity Woodward. Bloomfe . 64188 or 23-2671 Eves. ROOM FOR 1 WORK- man, $6 wk, Close in. Shower. Ea) HOME sates Baek oe "Rooms. Wi With Board 33 EXTRA CLEAN, HOME STYLE Mat- ~~ Hotel Rooms 39 SUN. 1 TO 5 EXMOORE — Off Lake Rd. 4 BEDROOM brick, 1‘ | full basement, well land” :| SATURDAY & SUNDAY 2-5PM. -, : Laketrout Brick 2655 Silverhill Rd. BEAUTIFUL BI-LEVEL Castseans’: S scaped. By owner. Cail FE 5-2478 gg 48 Vista. ae ge eae basement re rpeti tm ranch, 3 Subdi Lae old ‘Trailview _ Walled Lake. MArket 4-3578. ' aueell S| SUNDAY 2-5 P.M. Loon Lake—Waterfront Rt old frame with ement: large living room - with fi . . Carpeting, dink — 3 bedrooms, attached © — brick Bar beac 18,- “p00, — Dixie Hwy. left on Silver Lake _ eft on W. — on Loon Lake Shores Dr: to ¥ Leslie R. Tri tos tees Realtor Peters)” or PEdersl 2.0076 information call MY 2-613i OLTR ANEW SS “STORES WEST er: 2. Ee: Office Space 41 . ¥ BLOCK on bis nad KENT | ESTABLISHED IN 1916 WATERFORD AREA — nas isa ae a beere, home that a ou're not using | « "Classified Ads! $23,900 ‘LIST WITH Us -- Ph. FE 4-3564 condition” paved «st. 96.800 PULL PRICE — and very liberal ‘com bun- 8, Two bedr LAKE FRONT — Rambling ranch 30 x 60 bungalow. custom built oT “ Por ears se Pon- vicinity. We “eis to Open ‘ L. H. BROWN, Realtor 2 SIx. 2407 yal Lake Ra PE '2-4810 MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE _ 6 Se SS Be. SEA. OS | 8 3 bedrooms. porch, Fireplace and or best offer. Leaving state. UL ‘MILLER. , new gas furnace, 2 car it now — it is a YEARS OLD — Yery & a Very pleasant living room. oak floors & painted walls, Call for ’ leaving RAE ti ike satis BS % REAL’ LEAVING CITY ery Lt i 5 2 — HOME. . DRM. HOME. 360 DOWN ved $6,950. do mente in PE ese 72, PE Sunday 2-5» 5869 Williams Lake Rd, Sunday 2-5 101 Eileen Beautiful 4 bedroom bric poo fod Colonial Hills. Boe enae age ee 2% car at- / © 1999 dy NEA Service, Ina, mn & * MM, Pog, US, Pat, Of, ¢-4 st shite ‘aes deimiabibe: GAL Saieesiwind haw dibaniied tox: ever if he hadn't started going steady with, Marjorie!" v For Sale Houses, 43 For Sale Houses 43 "BUD" | Nearly New - 670 West Huron St. Ph. $ Oe. FE 43525 “Bud” Nicholie, Realtor Mt. omens St. * cat aM Dolan ve 5-1201 pony EM 3-4200 BY rote Fy Lg $1600 DWN. MA 5-2228. em, ee lot, Ledge: : SIONS TO PROPERTY Evenings after 6 call ccoes nae or PE 2-3381 or PE 5-644 A. JOHNSON, Realtor 1704 S. Telegraph Rd. storms, installation, _mount." FE 4-1750 or NORTH END gas heat, cheap, 772 2 beern.. St. Cial avivan ake 2 BDRM. BRICK. Bsmt. tiled. Pireplaces. City wa- ter, sewer. Bus service, $16,500. PE 40223. LAKE PRIVILEGES. 3 = y income. 4 fu ; . storm _-* basement. Sata corner’ lot ‘paved sh Only 6 ah FE 42533 storms and screens. "$i4.000 own, rent. Payments ‘nclude 4% per cent . ~6 $200 DOWN ith attac’ atom SSSR RSA Ge weet cee cme R William Miller . [> fiworti ave. y MElrose 7-190). | _M OR 34 ealtor FE 2-0263 | ®¥ R . iat ri 5400. 3 W. HURON a camider ee al OPEN 3-0611 = BY OWNER | = do Ponti: loca- ’ TN tion. © large rooms Bam Large p * Scala sea 2 — Pa ke te on Take s look at this ayonreid, a Shick tne Poumen” Hee fell neo aia pote 3 quien % baths, base- wood floors and plastered walls. view. $300 down, $75 month. FHA terms. PE_8-1360 RANCH § ._ OR _3-4960, WALLED. no ag de room DOWN DRAYTON... venience ce "ego lias Georbetion "ere ares Ew hoa “Oak floors; ttled - Bath and rang with Formica top. Twenty ost liv room. Vestibule entrance. carp wall to wall. 1% car garage and com- $12,500, pletely fenced rear law reasonable terms. Humphries! 83 N. Telegragh = Open Eves. FE MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE _ FURN. 2 BEDROOM HOUSE. Basement, furnace, 2-car garage. 2 acres. 245 Indian Lk. Ra. MY 3-2829. = = COUNTRY ‘ESTATE 5 miles Norta of Pontiac. Ranch home and 4 acres. Level land, small barn ip | ar a and water. ae fe it. FE 8-0458 or C SCHUETT, ‘Realtor aye e “LEVEL. 1844 CA - ed liv rm with picture win- dow. 114xl4 kitchen with picture window 1% baths. = a i Seen, i “SMITH LAKE BEGSLANDS CRESCENT L Neat 2 bedroom Teme pik car tside Barbet, a storms and screens. A storms and call for Covuieear A LARGE GARDEN? enty ne here, 2 ELIZABETH LAKE FRONT’ clean home z° 15: livi “hy Poom stave, fiepl “4 Bais” ren Tile He ae Gentaras Dichmaste Wideman 9 RR ae +5 P.M., SUNDAY 65 CHIPPEWA ROAD wa frame ye een blinds rooms plus & closed in EE. 1% wih ‘Natural fire- ent, large lot a fot deep — low down pay- witslie R. Tripp, Realtor 7% West Huron 3t. FE 8-816) or FE 44278 Trin ee vilace W. of Pontiac. oie EM 3-6531 jiLDER rter home s 1 acre. _Tnmediate pennsecton ont 3-0482. OPEN - SUNDAY 1-5 P.M. Boowtitt reclaimed brick — 3 ‘bedroo: 2 s, 2 fireplaces, daylight “besement. large recrea- tion room with complete kitchen. = heat. monger gs Lae and Is: Pull price $21,000. Giroux- Pranks, 4395 Dixie Hwy., Dray- ton Plains, OR 3-9701. 3 BEDRM. HOME ON WEST SIDE Loaded with extras, $13,950. $1,950 down, FE 7 BEDROOM BRICK RANCH. BY BLAIR WATKINS LAKE Modern 2 bed home, corner lot twit take Large 26-ft. living rs, bas GEORGE BLAIR 4536 Dixie eer OR 3-1251 DRAYTON PLAINS ves. OR 3-8642 ELIZABETH Me gm ESTATES. 4 bedroom home A owner. $10,950, Terms. 486 Sates Vakeride Dr, ok 40010 oF 1 KE PRIVILEGES PERCY KING RD., 3530 WATERFORD TWP. a ens west ot at! iams ed. A Seales. bdrms., brick, family rm., poms shower, extra lav. and vent fan in” ritenen. “Gas heat, ful' basement. ‘ger lots on ones streets. School ipronerty. vane tS cos 6 on a on proner taal bene beach re Buy before $650. Down Plus Costs Hoosemen: a beg Bat bined 406 Washingtof Biva WO 3.46 elt MIXED NEI EIGHBORHOOD. basement. he = aa Call after 3:30. FE ,Open Sunday ° Dearborn, North of oe ©. bet pF rooms, di nice lots, $800 REALTY ie FE 6-69 and . rick's Church, Cap al peice Wg with jus roll a Ble uron Elizabeth me + on ens Lk. Rd. to Village of Union Lake Then oo Union Lk. Rd. to property _ OPEN SUNDAY 11 - 3 780. HILLCLIFF You'll certain} this } contemporary 3 bed- room home ted in Waterford , of such exclusive — an bogey on nearly 2 mer acres. Trem bric: Rrepinee. balcony bedroom and other unusual features make this has =< West and must move immediately—will sacrifice at just $15,800, on terms, Take W. ‘past Elizabeth Lk. f ‘She Station cor- ira right and go to 780 “OPEN. SUNDAY 11-3 4403 WINDIATE : ~MACEDAY LAKE Here's a rare opportunity to own & ‘nice lakefront 5-room home on popular Maceday Lake. Spacious 5x22 living room with large pic- ture window overlooking the lake. Fifty feet of good sandy beach, beautiful big oaks shade the 250° a jot. ré-season priced at only $13,500 on terms. Owner transferred — we been Ready for immediate Stee Village of — ford. ptake. Ang SS le Rd. to Windiate prop. wack for the Gemve wil pig “you there. + REALTOR PARTRIDGE FE 4-3581 1050 W. Huron OPEN 'TIL 9 7 BEDRM. $800 NEAR FISHER BODY. down. FE 6- cxTRi A LOT. 200 down. OR fig com. NKING MAN'S HOUSE N’S PRI suit or-will consider small housetrail- er as down ment, , CITY 2 bedroom, Large livin, and dining room . » Base- ment. Gas | a block from school and bus. $9, 500 with terms. Will vonsider’ ‘a small house as elWooD REALTY FE 2.8452 IMMACULA’ 2 DROOM ‘hone: 4 yrs. old in . GILES: Nécti Bide "8 room ment, ry on ® inrge corner nd Be a4 | car garage Other © too nume to m 3-Bedroom Loc East side in,t city. On 2 ise joss. aly r 4 Call peruiware” “s GILES REALTY CO, sacle aN 9 a BAe ane eee RANCH “TY ert PEN SUNDAY 2-5 352 East Beverly don’ SUNDAY 1-5 6200 Monrovia oe — Ne down payment lovely 2 bedroom, oe home. Plas- anil walls, carpeted living room, and large kitchen, Ce- ment driveway with ae. walks autiful | VIA -LEPT TO 6200. OR 3-2810. OFFICE OPEN SUNDAY 1-4 WATKINS - PONTIAC Es- Pirst offering on this . long at $11,300, PRIVATE LAKE rainbows lakefront home wy ¥ sisters ~ Here tt is! soe. Angelus subdieteten. 3 bed- rooms, oa plastered walls. Pull Basement, | peg attached garage. Larg and many other attractive features inc the low price of $10,900. C: us today! APRIL 8h brin peony to Fg amet the SILVER LAKE privileges— Dandy 2 bedroom bungalow in excellent condition, inside and out..Large carpeted liv- -ing room with natural fire- fa ee, Bath shower. w k floors, plastered walls, fal basement with paneted recreation room. Nicely in an area fine homes. Pull | Drice $10,100 with $2,500 * See this one today a tt may be sold tomor- row. Call- for an appoint- ment, beautiful living room. bed- heat = ve — i. close toe bus a schools, DONA AREA ~ OPPICE OPEN Sunda 25 . WE TRADE 180 wr Huron ose MULTIPLE SERVICE ELIZA ESTATES, 2 bedroom, 4 room frame, by own- er. PE 40756. ‘ BY OWNER. 2? BEDROOM FRAME |. kitchen, and basement, |. fenced yard ? car me ~~) a reasonable * 5 free. large, lot FE s-aet3 or re 23 CLARKSTON. On Delhi. 3 bedroom ranch. 1% baths, 2 utility rooms. $900 down. Sodomy sad sanve as rent including . insurance. C “SCH ee a itealtor (Across 1) 5 ROOMS AND BATH. oat be $700 down. Man: 5 io $100 DOWN Moves You In so WHY PAY RENT? BUILT IN RANGE & OVENS LOADs OF MODERN WEEKDAYS & SUNDAY 1 TO 7 731i age A #t Kinney 3 bigeks of —— Lincota WESTOWN REALTY FE &-2763 or Eves. Li 23-4677 lace, sun room Tree OE BIRMINGHAM COLO NIAL scraped c tance to ties school. By owner. MI 4-8158 ai r garage. Black- top Ss ve, city sonee and wet. ¥ s ior couple joe v5. wen kept, ood ne: . eat $2500 down and $100 month. Wil) r all in yton FEATURES: MODEL OPEN. SUNDAY 2-4 , Somer Ranch Home st: 2487 ‘ Loaded with ‘ extras — John K. Irwin & Sons- raed ge tate FE Nothing Down | sr Will bi starter home on - ot Gare your ¢ com water es, pared ‘i si “gwd "nity jake het re. “G06 ow oe , —’THIMK!" sai heey SOSA $69 PER “MONTH TERMS— VA ak bow you B 3 BEDROOM COLONIAL Im JUDAH LAKE Estates Lifetime Aluminum ROOF & SIDING $300 M you In $4 PER PER MONTH Lege BUILDING vO Butider of National Homes F 22 6 RMS. 3 BEDRMS. ALUMINUM eae. screens Walled Lk. area, $2,000 down, 8 mo. MA 42051. $450 MOVES YOU IN bedroom. | t tri-ievel, gas heat, | large Two-3 homes, full Bea Frame. 3 rooms, full base: | ment, beat, lar lot. wit REAL TOR ™ UL 2-2930 . OTTAWA HILLS Youve always wanted « good home on the West Side —HERE IT 18! Three bed- lavatery. included. Gas heat, recreation room. —isundry room. Double brick garage. ~ further pnointment Won NICHO- te. & HARGER CO, 33 W. Huron St. FE 5-8183. OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 ‘P.M. 715 E. MANSFIELD cee ae Joslyn. ie a eee .C. HAYDEN, Realtor E. Walton SYLVAN HAYDEN IMMEDIATE - R. home built in Coe decorated. fereaee, fal wi sytem 208 MS.U.0 ved" road. +g we Pe home frame -& brick ¢ con- pene nga 4 =“ Large living > hood. ‘aah tant bec wih oven, cule’ in bedrooms have double closets. i] car ge rage. y $1,020. OVER 2 ACRES with B.R. peme, ou furnace. Garage. 500 30 fruit Tape ye trees, arbor. $12,600. Terms. MA Off Jo: << gh 2 n. Bg ven Ss ieaeen, I il ‘HAYDEN, | | | | is ROOM HOME. TWO CAR GA-| rage, condition, full bese- ment, FA oil furnace, youtes- town kitchen. hardwood and . Bezutiful corner lot. Priv- | ‘on very good lake. Com-— merce township. good terms. , Only $10,900 with — i bedroom home, | attach hed rage family ee en ‘ c a in loved pore "ce 155 390 lot fo Wes Bloomfield Betates. Priced right. a Guews a appointment Rad. (ase MUtual ¢- aj iw ge a 2 BED- base Dandy Little Farm _ Cal Fi or gy Fertile % acre-large™ rden, | 2 PA STREET. poses = fruit trees, grapes and Feneed back yard. neigh- white frame, good pons . for my Y paaemnend: H. A. heat Large | MI 6.9469. 5 ght living rogm, ong kite RANCH HOME GAS 3 bedrooms, sewing room, full ns. Car. bain. Property ‘ail fenced. Garage ity tm. Pireplace, Lak Sedat S06 dows and 0S, Se ise me utes Lat (ment Re EE 2. an age. Giroux. Franks fis’ : mr ¢ BEDRM. 2 BATHS. WEBSTER (308 Dine ftwy REAL tpt 3-9701 Schoo] 12x20 living rm., drapes, any BEDROOM BRICK PRONT | “ee eee rms, screens, Aluminum storms. New furnace. —Newly decorated. ‘% acre. $1,000 — down. GOODELL 3200 Rochestér Rd. UL 2-4550 OWNER LEAVING } STATE. MUST | sell at once. Convenient terms. Call FE 5-8124 after 5:30 or at _day Sat. & Sun. 2315 WATKINS LK. RD 2 YR. 3! RAY O'NEIL, Realtor bedrm. face brick ranch, 2 baths. | a 8 _raeatapn Rd. Open 9-9 tog gg -oo- oe erage. Lge | 3-7103 PE 2-1539 tot. OR < BEDROOM GREY _ BRICK, tanch. 1% baths. Attached ga- rage. Overlooking Morey’s Golf Club with access to Long Lake. Low taxes. -Many extras. Quick , occupancy. Asking over $25,000, _ Owner, M 3-011 BY OWNER. 3 BEDRMS. $1,500 | dow Incudes furniture. OR INDIANWOOD lake frontage. Large 3 bedroom frame, stone fireplace. Beautifully landscaped. Cal: 8 to 6 p.m. Oakland 8-2515. ‘SCHRAM' .GI—NOTHING DOWN 2 Bedroom Ranch home with 13x18 living foom; 12x14 . Oil heat, 114- garage. On lot 80125. Privileges on Crescent Lake osing costs will move you in 2 FAMILY INCOME All brick with 5 rdems and bath for the owner; and bath up rentin Full basement with gas heat an 2-car sarage. $3,- 600 will handle, Fe; Degree ae 2 bedroom vind with ofl er 14x20 toom, Op 100x ft. lot. Only $7,700 aad ms can be arranged. “IVAN W, SCHRAM REALTOR. FE 5-947 1 NG 3 BEDRMS., TI large ‘shehow dium pasernans, $49 mon Re Rate . OR as tee a Sun. 1- ae John k win’ & SONS INDIAN VILLAGE Sunday 2-4 107 Elizabeth Lake Rd. Brick, three bedroom oon (two bedrooms on first floor), living room Bing Bacar full size dining carpeting, family ise kitehe en, meal basement- with gas heat. Corner . Near bus, Terme.” and shopping. .$17,- Li one John K. Irwin & Sons Realtors Prow yes. et rw EVE. FE 2 arora BRICK RANCH, 3 bedrm,, 2 baths, family r rm., “ tached 2 car ey iand- corma lot. fo b down, a Mo., \7B BEDEM. ROMAN N Fe HO Ouse a nas imheatoun ta COMPARE | this lovely 3 bedroom- célonial home with ant 2 ee the same and dia ei and - Ser eened price only $12,500. terms. costs, tor | gvenings after 6 call FE +0085 f° 3° Jou REALTO __,! 9536 DIX HW ¥.. * FE 44561 eo LISTING SERVICE LAKEFRONT boating, this priced for a quick sale. Large) 3 bedroom home is! REALTY 135 Highland | Highiand, Mich. | $ kitchen with plenty of cupboards. | full basement with room. 2 brick — and selling for $ . TLL T RADE. This sharp 1% story home located west of town, nicely landscaped * lawn with shrubs and shade trees. Monthly payments of $50. Will, trade for home in town, ; § Older home in excellent conditién, large living room wi all-to- wall carpeting, 3 bedroome,, full basement, 1 car garage, | SATURDAY & SUNDAY, 1'TO 5 Next door to 7195 Elizabeth Lk. Rd,, bi-level starter home’ on large 756x507 lot. $800 down or will duplicate on aed lot tor nothing - down, Several choice lots avail- able—We also build ‘tri-levels. ARRO REAL’ big a CULLOUGH, REALTOR Cass-Eliza oa sine E 4-384 Open 9 a.m. to 8:30 p.m., cases 1-5 BIRMINGHAM ADAMS RD. AREA Brick ranch..3 bdrms., 244 baths. Family rm Hotpoint kitchen, 2% attached uf 15 Many extras. Owner ; 15 MILE ROAD AND eae 2 bedrm, home on lot, 80x165. 1a car sersge.: Feast yard, gd and screens for $8,900. vot mi repince a ' heat, by gy pated ie, corner lot, Full _RANCH STYLE 3-BEDROOM BRICK LAKE PRIVILEGES BY ORIGINAL OWNER ~ Located in ‘an exclusive neighborhood of brick homes and aete jou just tro’ wn Waterford Townsh large French doors overlooking & patio and landscaped lot; buge ke wort 3 big asement fished with teauutuly tiled floor — ve a large tue 2 gg oe ”“* 16 ft. “coment arive and screens; Py ’ _— walk to 1% Sot lake, Price. $22,500. Por additional | ‘info ation dnd ents call FH 174. a : ‘recreation | {ts baths | 88 E Walton ett Open Eves. Sun. lo to 3 3 EDEN OME BASEMENT. , ear if e. _Eschg OO eer eanee: BY OWNER 3 BEDRM. BRICK. iy Pea! - Make offer. BUILD NOW 3-BEDROOM HOME 500 availabie. , ao Pz custom building On er yours. Your plans or scream mbrtek ranch J! c. HAYDEN, Realtor | basement, "LOOK At this 3 bedrm. home with car- ore Locéted im a well restricted borhood Newly ee. Ready for myn ee $1500 i a For ‘farther aon HERBERT C. DAVIS __ 4615 Irwindale Drive ~ NOTHING DOWN _ OWN YOUR HOME. BRICK FRONT. 3 bedrm Storms & ecreens. Insulated Completed ex- lerior, rough viring Pull besm't. B&Z Starter Homes | MA _ 6-358 OR onal i3 BEDROOM, M MODERN, AT 0496 preseutes Crescent Lk. privi- —. $500 down MA _& | CLARK | OF SPECIAL. NOTHING DOWN. agony RANCH. Near Metamora Ten Reom Home Beeutihat Bite. A good buy al $14,900 terms. TRADE. 3 wom Modern Pontiae Home. Free & Clear Will trade for home off West Huron. Asking asco $8,000. What have you * COUNTRY iS CITY. € room modern floor acre home 4s car rage, biack road. | Highs os smaller heme THREE ae geet POR 3 BED- ROOMS. trade this 3 bed- room ranch hg oak floors, plastered wails, ment, oll he large lot, vbuitt 1967, only $12,900. IF_ YOU DONT FIND IT HER PHONE OR STOP IN AT OUR cE ov PH LISTINGS. ‘OPN SUN. 16 TO & ‘PE 3-7888 — FE 44813 Cl. ARK ‘REAL ESTALE 1362 W Open E MULTIPLE. = secs SERVICE | tous ite i 7 oom- cious livin bt 2 baths. Bi field poe anes. 2223 Summ Ra erset mics R ; ‘ cs oe 7 BEDROOM full tile basement. acreens. V Many other extras Large corner jot, beautifully Iandscaped, near schools, O and sheppin Sacrifice $3, equit tor $1 800. . By owner. FE 2-1 FURNISHED MODEL On Walled Lake, good swimming & | OPEN DAILY 10-8 Tll MELROSE oe pktasr al North Perry and tcalm , $8,250 COMPLETE Down PAYMENT ‘ TOTAL MONTHLY PAYMENT DLORAH BLDG. CO FE 5 6 ROCHESTER AREA — MODERN bedroom brick home in desira- bie location, gag Chartes a lick, 929 W. Sth St. OL 6-0611 RY 8 site —_— & pee each ant for ow $1,000 dow: ner. SOUTH "SHAKER DRIVE Near Williams Lake Rd., we have two — 5 rooms, nearly new mod- ern es, large lots, vacant, $500 di SOUTH ‘SHORE DRIVE Watkins Leake from, very attrac» tive 56 rooms, 2 bedrooms, new to move in, $14,500. $1,000 4040 GREEN LA Nice call home, | Testo, price 8750 move ja. rie down¢ Fujl “WEAR LAKE New, not, “eompleted. 2 eer rooms, do some wor' eet & save some money. "$400 Also several under constructia om Shaker Drive, off Williams. ‘i owl we will build on your lot or POR SALE OR LEASE ver nice home on wate Lake, large 3rd., walk-out meat, recreation heme ro wel as LAKE. FRONT. APARTMENTS For rent, 2720 Di all ¢ tilitfes oe oo gf a Sg Compton ‘& Sons OR 34082, OR 3-458, PE 2008 ie ees ef Ww. pata Cc PANCUS, } Realtar 2160 M15, Ortonville. _—~NA 17-2815 ‘“VE1S Nothing Down InctupEs TAXES, INSURANCE ray 389 Camerce . ne ook \oviries ROOM natural fireplace. —WORK-SAVER KITCHEN With built-in. “Hotpoint” oven and range. AND MANY OTHER FEATURES MODEL is me OPE Sunday 2-6 P.M. $19,950 PLUS LOT LOTS FROM $2,750 ‘Other Models Under Construction f Out Walton Bivd —north on Rd. Left on Meadowietss to “model _ Watch signs. OP SUNDAY 2-5 4050 Cass-Elizabeth Elizabeth Lake i RD. — 4 MD PROPERTY OLLOW OPEN SIGNS OPE SUNDAY 2-5 1798 Beverly 4 Bedroom Brick Located in Hs dita were. 2 Bedrooms and Ceramic tile bath down: 2 bedrooms up, Gas heat, a back yard. BALE, e schools, CHARD RD. RI TO BEVERLY—RIGHT TO PROPERTY — FOLLOW OPEN SIGNS, Bateman & Kampsen REALTORS FE 4-0528| 371 8. Telegraph _ Eves, & Sun. ANNETT BUYS SELLS TRADES FARMS HOMES EQUITIES CONTRACTS lRoy Annett, Inc. Realits since a #046 $95 Down NO DOWN - PAYMENT tal ah bao, ee gree c “PANGUS, Realtor NA 1-288 neo = Ortonville, basement, paved 7 my roerore | ¢ in, Mr, Wil- diams, Call collect Gross Realy UN °4-3100/ , WE INVITE YOU To live in Lake , .where living is @ vacation, Ask to see bod large room with attic space for more. base- ment ~~ eo ated, i garage, paved s' . ing. 0 po transporte! i - er ‘a me —, cet ic FORD. AGENCY at nae ene ee ZONED MERCIAL 65 ft, at ee fromtege, hen the ne ow ie N, ry A &t. cellent in ont 7 $16,600. *BRAVIO PLAINS | rancher with 3 bedroo bax plastered walls, wk tre-modern te eve aT 3 oe, bargain at - Hie 9 BUNGALOW | dqwn, pe pad on Pi wy hs walls, ra oak tloors aplastered wal a new eee ok etter healer. SRR * ‘yume ate he 41187 THE PONTIAC Puss. SATURDAY, APRIL _18,'1959_ [sce OF HAM ) pat Se See se 48 r Highlands Beauty—brick with arage, 7 pt well arrang ee, 3 rooms, privileges. eall for - $19- __ For Sale Houses 43 SPECIAL. INDIAN VILLAGE ‘rooms all on one floor, La gas heat, ulated, storm & screens, basement with rec- finished yard ites. oestiractive pono on = - we car garage. Leslie H. Tripp, Realtor Pe peste Gls Nothing Down PRICE REDUCED $1,000— An’ excellent > ‘oom full dining room, Only $8,800 and monthly of insurance. Hurry! ANOTHER in the potater area, he —s basement e and only $11,000. Sn a 110x200. Need we say more? tosts and Pines soe imately $65 inc and insurance NEAT T 3? BEDROOM bunga- low hd St. Michael's area, all one floor. Pav soreet 2-car e, - mem. Living and ining er ¢ real buy at $8,250. PPayments like rent—See 1 RAY O'NEIL, Realtor rE inner a Pe sine BARGAIN NOTHING DOWN 00M ITH VACANT. re OSING, COSTS Mt “WRIGHT, Realtor gh ie MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE OakWood Manor Sub LAK BED- RM. ’ BASE- MENT. 1 CAR GARAGE. , NICE SHADE $5,250 330, DOWN. 347 A MONTH. DOWN NEEDS HANDY AN. 517 elas MORE, MAR 8 BY Let Mom Move In R AND STORES NO $$$ DOWN LOW AS $135 CLOSING c WILL MOVE YO IN A208 3B OOM 1-OW EW HOME. CALL FOR DE- R. fj. (DICK) VALUET r 345 Oakland Ave, FE 5-0693 MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE TEMPLETON y ba ? SLYVAN VILLAGE ‘Truly a lovely home, 3 bed- rooms, wal] to ihe cgrpering in living room and hall. ‘Bireh ca’ nets, tile bath. with’ vanity, “all divided basement, tile recreation room, baseboard heat, back yard be proud of with patio and barbecue, 2 car garage. Privi- eges on Pager Sylvan Lake. K. L. Templeton, Realtor 2300 Orchard Lake Rd. FE 44563 ACRE ESTATE ‘eation * room and fiteplace. Also 3, or eet brick garage. Only LADD'S INC. OPEN SUNDAY 0° OR is) eer Drayton Plains FE 5-9292 MULTIPLE ‘cistiNG SERVICE * OPEN SUNDAY 1-5 4845 ELIZABETH LAKE RD. LAKEFRONT. Your dreams wil! come to. life when you see this fabulous bi-level home with. 156 feet of lake fr ge. by eon living room wi natural stone tog ace, and wall-to-wall ca ola me. You | will love kitchen and ’ ton 3 Hg Sy ge Nall aa 5 m 00 OUT E apery CLARE oad COUNTRY “CLUB SAND! WATCH FOR OPEN eh fe) ARRO RB: be MecuLovan oe ~ gaa oun ° *4.3844 hn 9 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. Sun. 1-5 Src cee patna ace | ane ‘Ta, Task WILLIS M. WILLIS". BREWER | - J, R. Hiltz 406 £. Huron PE REALTOR Eves. 123 1011. W. Huron FE 5-618! ELIZABETH LAKE ESTATE Partridge “Ty Tip ery frame _ caithuze fin- 18 THE “BIRD” SYLVAN LAr Rone —- lakefront living is to enjoy in thie 6 room bungalo# on Sylvan Lake. = 2 plus d den. 2 car arage and basement. Priced at 16,500—terms arranged. TRADE-TRADE-TRADE Have a trailer, iand contrect, boat, airplane, vecant land or ether property that you —_ like to use as a trade a heme — then this cecal =o 5 room modern ranch with 2 garage can be yours. a big 100 x 200 lot with lake privileges, it offers the kind of suburban living you'll enjoy. Let us know now what you want ye trade for this—your home. o: morrow! REALTOR PARTRIDGE FE 43582, 1050 W. HURON OPEN TIL 9 North Side—3 Bedrooms Excellent condition. Pamily — kitchen, tilé bath bardw floors. Alum. storms fenced All in area Cash for smal) equity, balance $72 mo. includes T & I 4% per cent int. Woodhull Lake - Modern 3 bedroom ranch, 3 years old, in area of new ———. pletely insulated, scroms. on furence.. Large oor: & serene seneel bus | at door. #11960. small down payment, bal. §75. mo. in- cludes Sylvan Lake Area Attractive 2 bedroom nengeiow. on . —_- ful) view of Sylvan e, living room, natural fire 4 dining room, tile bath, enciose sun ‘porch f1 faces t os Attached rage. trees, - pe: landsc vg Bey he $14,500, ‘terme = 2 Hues ~Weat Side Near Central High. Main home has 7 rome & bath. 4 bedrooms, gas ‘furnace; 2nd home § rooms & hares Ab “cacellent wa Reason- ab. Lower Sylvan Canal Front 3 bed softener. Large 2-car rage with full attic room. Pav pertiy land- drive & a scaped, $16,950. Terms. Watkins Lake Front California FE ge ge ary ranr¢ch built in 1 3 betro beam: ‘heat. recreation 5 pate at ground -car garage. $33,500, terms. Roy Annett, Inc. Realtors Since 1923 E. Huron FBderal 86-0466 Open Evenings & Sunday 1-4 $100 DOWN... On this 2 bedroom home in Drayton Plains area. 38 the ay’ Just decorated, beautiful hardwood rs. Colored fixtures in the tile bath. Payments around per month, including taxes and insurance. It’s vacant! . Nicholie & Harger | Co. 33 W. HURON STOUT S Best Buys Today CITY FARM Not realty Pg! afhs ores 175x260 ft. insure country Pw, There are bedrooms, full da: ~ light saeemae and 1% ¢ garage, The nicely hand scaped lot should provide very pleasant a eve- nings. P only $10,300 CLARK STON i's 3 bedroom home with ful ao on huge 160 lot. This home in- siudos “carpeting in itn | oom, colore venet! blinds and self-storing ra inum storms and screens, 4,000 down and its yours, CASS LAKE Boating, swimming and fish- ing oak be yours for $650, "EN JOY “Green Lake, Van Norman, th ences, has windin t the backyard. Only fos0. down for your own shipyard. Warren Stout, Realtor Tl ON. 8@ oy uh @:00 56-8165 % eid Fe IE Se gt IL ay ee | Pe DRAYTON WOODS % 3 bedroom home sits aw | many bone ee High on @ ereee in the Sassmsens. & even. Large kitchen. Hose ¢etamic bath‘ “ ‘many oth- $17,000 with te ? W HITE ‘BROS. Et seo. Dinie Open wrée PH eunddy wus aiWe TRADE New 3 bedroom ea: 100 x carport. tet : ranch, oak ot] heat, 130 located walls, DOWN ge ether sit moves yeu ite this beautiful 2 ranch home, pit ght) oy <--< pom opty oe yments only 24 a month. — SUNDAY CALL FE &-1740. WILLIAMS REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE 1483 BALDWIN FE 40547 OPEN WENONAH STREET SUNDAY 26 P.M. Split-leve] brick with attached rage, ceramic tile bath, automa’ fc and water. Fireplace OPEN 3540 SHELBY ST. SUNDAY 2-6 P.M. brick € "SCHUETT, Ri Realtor WULTLDEENS eS NEE GAYLORD INCOM: . Four ‘emi al] newly decorated. gee of $240 per month, walk- sng Sistemas from from downtown, Full e only $12,806 with reasonable down payment. TAL BS OME for a retired couple or newly- weds, One 5 well built home. Entrance ¢ etely finished Nice size iving room and din \é rage. Total price $10,050 with terms. This home is in a dis- t fine homes that are well taken care of. See this today, LAWRENCE W. GAYLORD E. PIKE OPEN FE 4-9584 FIVE ROOM TERRACE _— Boulevard South A fice at $5300 Terms , We have all types of new and used property. any Lake Front om es, WM. A. KENNEDY FE - W,, Mure snes eo __ Income Property 43A 2 FAMILY DUPLE.X 3 ROOMS goth i dae da 8c well, B 146 COMPLETELY 3 APT. HOME IN center vot Milford. ae Oa os aded lot, paneling & all ca ny Ges afate utilities & sonably priced with terms. owner. 424 Hickory. MU 48073 ME PLUS MORK IN- come ea. owner. at 791 cg perth of Auburn, Au- N. .: COM 3 aparinent®. * st0.t00, terms. E. BLVD, 9 room, FB ao cellent condition. Pi walls. ; rms. with bath on ie floor; rms.‘ and bath floor. Salemres with oft fired heat, 2-car aig oom “—t rm. . home with now ode PU i musics steam pammed BEACH BT. 3 ante, 5 rooms with oo on ist; 5 rooms and bath on floor. Each a, own furnace and water Close yy Michae’ a ae een ae eee i fe Satine Realtor 8, Walton Opa Bren. . % . As FE 8-0441 5 Be 8 aE heat hot . i select oak floors, B mn walls and many other deluxe features. VOOR. TO WENONAH, TO OPEN SIGNS. | OR 30711 al a i : pe i us & 7 ate sf i Uy in ~Wetsectorae OR 3-8061. os od — WATKINS LAKE $4,000 Down wil! handle this 3 bedroom home. Completely modera large beach. Only 116,500. WILLIAMS ‘LAKE 3 bedroom Bi-Level. In- e living room land. Lov year "round home w fire- place, besutitul patio. One of the real scenic i County. price $25, 000 : OPEN WEEKDAYS 0-0 E SUNDAY 1-6 J. A. TAYLOR 1e-- Lake, W asie. and Halstead Ras. ‘only Will trade. 900 down. Paul M. Jones, Real Est. COLE & EASLICK COMMUN. 3-008 TY eu 48025 LOOK! 1 LOOK! Lakefront lot Angelus. only $10,500. Lakefront lot om exclusive Wa- tertora Hil $7,000, Lakefront lot on Seymour Lake. North of Clarkston. $2,050. ‘Now is the time te buy your site. ke home WE BUY = SELL ~— TRADE ¥en WHITE BROS. - Open tren hu 8: oonahy 10 "ti § Lake Frontage ~ On Pleasant Lake “ its bens tiful sandy beach s “tor chil. dren. Wonderful owinming = fishing for adults, Have your boat Dear your door. ‘S. restricted, beth Lake Rd. r Williams pang Bs Rd. agp red $40 per or feet, Terms Houseman- cg SS Sytinewe Bivd Detroit ‘O 3-4816 Lake Lots and Lake Priv. lapheten schools, Wind: 13 to acre. churches, ing. geset —_ bes tu tuti ese ard, Ph soln eT wall, shate &. fru on ie Mullen, : - i TAI ara a >. “om Tal _— hove’ on ert near . aba an Lake Model se are TO Must sell, 2 bedr: = with fi shower. ment, = oe a, to inke. . WANT ADS! To find a job, place to live or a good used car, see Class! | <} Sa Bt sli ecttcaa NOSE ES Ay Re a ar eee Sas Cee aoe a fied NOW! ‘ pea Fae 5 wars LAKE FRONT, high and SAVE ENERGY, USE| "ie Ly Re! level. , has built-in stove & oven: yard. 7 system. Bae aeeS, 1 vt ot Indianeeod Bal Lares 2 po yg net 2level tt ia, 8 scenic lots Pian Ao § "PONTIAC. REALTY 13? Baldwin Ave. PE 5-875 For . Sale Lots 4% 2 LARGE ‘wors. WIDE PAVE- "mov, field | 10: Bicom: Township. es. Aor a Sacrifice easy NICE BUILDING LOTS IN WaRbDs mee es FE 2.2832. ‘| Park lose to including r 1x30 Garage, PE $3473. ON PAVEMENT, OKT toot We B ~yg~ Vv O2xt par i 3. Maceday Laketront, iy “0 ie on water, Mace- r=: Wood Co. Williams Lake Rd. at Mie OR 31235 Office Open 9 a.m.-8 p.m. Plan . Now G BUILDING IN CHEROKEE HLL Ss! Carl W. Bird, Realtor Community Bank Bidg. vr ean Eves. PE 53-1393 RESTRICTED - Building Sites PE 24810 Ph PE 63564 or PE per acre. IN CHINA B eres, nt Lindsay a. 4900 per wi boun- = Some oe i lle river terms. 3 8 to Reader (ar 90 acres on Pleasant oy | buildin: and artesian well. _ o BESET Sittioe — WOODHULL LAKE FRONT. 161200 UPPER LONG LAKE FRONT, 101 x 190 ft. upper LONG LAKE, cana} front, 105x183 ft. aaa HILLS, onkeivesk 90x 325 HUNTOON LAK privileges. Good building jot, WATERFORD VILLAG 2 602140 ft, . ms binw w 4 LAKE privileges, 100 SMITH. DEN ey *- COMMERCE ROAD 78 acres, Priced reel low at $700 | For Sale r 47}: CRE TOGETHER. §1,- for beth, ; 000 ions M. SREP ARD ons For Sale Farms 48 $. vt Lad doe er ee 20 ACRES — 5 ret ear ncare tte mh 8 ACRES Good — for i om, ment { ee 600, down | cept land r Si au, tat Este wet | Sale Household Goods 57, F or USED VACUUM CLEANERS, $15 and up. “Munro Bieeitie | ice wate Eee PE, 8-2296. LET US FU! YOUR LAKE COTTAGE. +8 WANTED: LATE OAKLAND, FURNITURE LARGE cng AND beth ag LIN ROLRe PAINT SALE. HA ATE PARTY HAS G price At Rive. 281 Baldwin. CLOTHING new, women’s size 12-14-16; Ideal men’s 42-44. MA 6-5303, wg OWE, ‘& VEIL. 81z . Also nore Seliing der and BED. p $30. ; * " OR 3-7363. rugs, misc. Taeatvare, FE 4-1988. PAINT UP P AND SAVE || | Guaranteed, poe ekine, Sal 2 HAN Har igh | Ft Wai Tie. BB | lie ‘. 25c 7 FUEL Ol T. 7.84| dition. £es3™ af Fk Dentin een = Lag 5. aye Sci id o B ha Sarpetog & drapes. | Sener Gwoer geting, Hurry on this ove “/MUTART REALTY Rebuilt Applic HAMILTON Dryer, . Guaranteed, Co perature wie of eee Bee: er. pear staged 3 south ti 7 st FE 4-1555 | 39 G. a “OIL Oe Wk TER near. “FINANCE COMPANY RE YOU CAN BORROW UP TO $500 : OFFICES IN: $55. $25. Wringer washer $10. Electric ee FE 6: see: T HOME, nab pee nH Taecan ct. sFoDIS GoucH. Aig Ex. $-8121. HOME & AUTO carry for $20 $20. 197 Bquitrel_Rd. Sewing Cen- | 999 TIRE, © pg: out ‘sound 2 acres ‘of free sacking. Phen e. FE 5-0241- : MON. SAT. % TO 6 Pte" TO miles of Pontiac or 1 mile EB. of ‘doers Heights on Auburn Rd. M59. iorros with ome Household Tenis ‘ : of Pontiac " “oid, = new on. after 6 p.m. BEAUTIFUL — sl Ex ‘stove, ine am gael re frames, ae “4 R. B. 1069 W. Huron. “Used eins blond 29s sabee sees ares : Sess suekia ovanecen $19.95 chair eennew & mattress. 264 ALNUT TABLE, = —— 4 chairs, buffet. $35. FE Antiques 57A OPENING APRIL 18, 11 A.M. SPE- in country pine & acces- poe ey rene A : Country is Rochester Rd. N. of Auburn Television & Radios 57B MODEL TV'S, lookers on_ the ide. veers 8 ~~ Water Softeners 57C husep wateR ER, CALL EE TH HALF WATER SOFTENERS AT Bic Dis- , COMPLETE, | WiTER — SOPTENERS AT biG Dis. counts, FE 2-5827. For Sale Miscellaneous 60 60 SHALLOW, WELL % BP. — MAPLE suite, coffee —— blond 2 & —_ = atch ioe" pT. _ Piz-it stonoet of avy Dor & Decker, .$50. OA We ¥ “+ & awnings. Guat dows. ist = mt ghee ei for s free tour be ap nigg oa burn Rds. UL 2-4900 aa Res. OL _1-6623 hie Bitte viandarg feng ite “S4 cylinder. No mileage, , "54 CHRYSLER w INDSOR 4 Dr. Sedan Spotless, Plenty more cars. A few cheap transportation special: Rammler-Dalla: ntti. abe w. et Waiton _ oe a Stasi rust. Good =, | Foreign & Sports Cars 90B. Henning. 3060 Donley ‘ = FORD VICTORIA, Power teering. FOM R&H WW tires. Solid biack as ast owner, Only =, SS CHRY, CPE. 6)" gas _\) Me. eT, YES ITS TRUE Haupt Pontiac DODGE Vi 4 as Ton vord pi —e YOU ARE WELCOME TO # DR. WAGON. EX : “COME IN AND LOOK THE Is the Place to Buy! ‘ss. OR_3-8856 HOUGHT N & SON CARS OVER AND "38 "te FORD 2 DR. ‘eet GRAY &|‘YOUR FRIENDLY OLDs DEALER Make Your Deal Monday | +54 Ford 2 ¢r. Fordomatic. Radio; ; nan. Sharp. FOREIGN CAR SALES $295. No money down. Clarkston Motor ales 828 N. Main. Rochester OL 1-9761 WEEKEND SPECIAL |'§ Cary : so gsc cn autom tie o Gatkston. Ma 3-it4i| 82 PORD 3 DR. V8. STANDARD : . ny pearls money down! ‘ “RADIO & HEATER. ae ge ey R&H. V clogs. 57 FORD ee etalon a real facslly’ can. | ope ee WO” MONEY DOWN 2 DeAIRLANE oC ater, | ., LOW down payment. tae For That Beautiful — 08 ee EERSION tn Fo-O-Matic. Salmon & while + So ee 4 USED CAR Lucky Auto Sales” a 8 saginev. . e 1955 ac 4 bs jac-Rui FE +«- or + : $1695 oe wer reat ris Shelton Pontiac-Buick | Sones naw a0, seme bine finish. $195 (ACOSS PROM NEW CAR SALES) | “Briggs Drayion Pisins. C fag one A Byars. ar OLive 1-8133 inst -FORD COUNTRY SEDAN PONTI A down. ‘ST FORD | FAIRLANE Ht. 1 Own. | _ With I auto. trans. MI 6-3561. "35 c 2 door sedan, white FOM R&H, WW tires. & ex-| ‘52 FORD SEDAN. V-8. RADIO and green. dramatic. oes Perfect cond. Low mileage. & r\ ¥ wo RETAIL ms ater, Waite wall the. PE 44798 or UL 2-1419 MONBY, bows Assume pe be m™m s m "7 Lots Lage + — ‘#@ FORD Rp COUPE $60 ser! Mr Parks “ MI 4-7500. ; . . 7 Turner Ford. . E Wapie &- >i 5 1986 CADILLAC SEDAN DEVILLE. Turquoise and white, Ful) factor Has had clear plastic seat ouvert since new, This car is a gem! ¢ $2495 1957 PONTIAC STARCHIEF CATALINA COUPE. Power steerin 4 and brakes. Silver and white with matching intert 08 ALSO a green one; same equip- ment. Your choice. WILSON PONTIAC-CADILLAC 1957 CHEVROLET CONVERTIBLE. Corvette trans- mission, radio, heater, white tires. A jet black beauty with black top. $1695 seri CADILLAC oe ay ¥.- “prdgamaie, r, ramatic, a an ment. utiful er th white "4 Byeu $1595 pro mr ste ot.peoge AN ty somer aap ee ~_ yr phoistery longs B paul Keeeose Strap 2 WILSON _PONTIACCADILLAC 13500 N. Woodward BIRMINGHAM MI 41930 ‘ { [at aap Fe eens equipment. |. 7 CHEVROLET v3 STATION WAGON. Radio, heater powerglide, low mileage, and a one owner trade. MOTORS WITH MORE VALUES E Oo A 8EE R YOURSELF. GET THAT USED CAR . rou ' BEEN WAITING FOR 38 PLYMOUTH Plaza 8 wits radio, heater and Custom Fordomatic. White Beautiful red & $1395 ‘56 PLYMOUTH Belvedere Convertible. Just right for spring. $795 56 SAVOY: Powerflite. Radio & Heater. Love- ly maroon. $895 56 DODGE aye hare, sane & biack |s solid $925 ’°55 CHRYSLER Windsor Nv . beige de luxe tu-tone. Priced tires. white. Really $795 55 DODGE Coronet, Let’s trade. This car is only: . $695 34 PLYMOUTH Pink & white Belvedere, owner car. $475 3 51 PLYMOUTH Working man’s special. Excellent tires. Purs like Grandma's sewing machine."' $199 51 DODGE New tires. Don't. let’ Onl: get away. $199 52 NASH Rambler Club Coupe. J one for that second car. oat! fe) R&R MOTORS CHRYSLER lymouth - Imperial SERVICD, SATISFACTION 724 OAKLAND FE 43528 PONTIPC One this” one “ Sonieee ‘kit. Beckers ‘$6 PL elon, FR MINGHAM of SEEING GT rat r= agons WORRY 1 | vom) S308 oe eee ree sarc wsapesineeiiot ty —. “ag RRS IRN IO RADIO & HEATER. ABSOLUTELY NO MONEY DOWN. Assume payments of $8.65 mo. Call Credit Mgr. Mr. Ford a = 7 OLDS 6 DR. HT. EXC. | Foy - {ie VOLKSWAGEN cond., brakes. hydra. R&H. oe “ $1.05. Call PE will trade. FE 43424. 53426. Ask for Jim. , ¢ . : . l ; . NG ~ SAVINGS | | On "All Our Cars WE'RE OVERSTOCKED R x ‘i F RE E , f — COFFEE AND DOUGHNUTS — — FRIDAY AND SATURDAY — ON OUR USED CAR AND USED TRUCK LOTS f OVER 100 CARS TO CHOOSE FROM 5 For Your Convenience . | -OUR USED CAR LOT Ig NOW LOCATED NEXT TO THE NEW CAR STORE 187 FORD$l495 537 PLYMOUTH 2-Door Hardtop .....++..$1295 '56 BUICK 2-Door Hardtop ..........++.«-$1295 '56 FORD 2-Door ...ecc.ccesececeeeese.$ 845 ‘5S DeSOTO Hardtop ..........eeseeseees$ 899 '$5 FORD 4-Door ...0.ccccssccceceeueeees$ 595 '34 DODGE 2-Door Hardtop ..........0+..$, 695 '55 CHEVROLET. 4Door ....0..sceceeves9 795 ’54 FORD 2-Door . Ter 5S DODGE 2-Door Hardtop veveeueceenee $ 695 '54 CHEVROLET 2-Door .........0se0e0e$ 545 '53 CHEVROLET 2-Door .........s0+004.$ 395 : 52 CHEVROLET 4Door ...... "S2-FORD 4Do0r ......0006sccceseeseenegell Se $2 BUICK 4:Door 20... ...6sccceeeeeeesec$ 125 ‘53 FORD 2-Door ..... viseveceneee $ 195 'S3 PONTIAC 2-Door ........ceeeeeecenses$ 145 '$33 STUDEBAKER 4-Door ........0.e40+-$ 135 '51 PONTIAC 4-Door ....c.scscesseceseee$ 95 VO One amiel Cy Owens Your Friendly FORD Dealer} 147S. Saginaw St. > FE 5-410 FE! = sear eenees ~« Open 8A. e: to 9 P. ia. at, os “ : me ; ? : me + | ing. ca” : bela a : omed rama: } The re Perry ‘ane calendar (Shook Toesir. ‘Rao Georgia Gibbs, Carol Cos-|REV. THEODORE E. ALLEBACH) 15, . "The wok iL ‘ : Pe ‘ : es » = % a : pe - Vice d Twice.” ('36). eel een F Ii re) a (Richard M. Nixon wil speak In the freedom: of. information ' Slat Oakland Church jrevrt prepared fr delivery tothe gressional committees for closing Speaking at the Oakland Youth|* high ot tialk hear: ‘percentage Fellowship Rally at 7:30 tonight |ings to the . He also deplored in the Oekinnd Avenue Unitedlutn: ‘he ‘described as a imi Joan|E Pes>yterian Church where he is}iar tendency in the - executive Charies/bAtOr, will be the Rev. Theodore |pranch. : Coburn. “The practice can be justified 's Ray my i : 9:00 (2)GE Theater. “Robbie pie mae Bia Bae of _— College ity a degree in the exectttive agen- _ “Roek-A-Billy” Warner (4) Crossroads, and His Mary,” Damo. a age cies, especially in defense mat-| Madrid. . — + Mee 4° (7) Christian’ Science. |} O'Herlihy. : ands _peaker also al-|ters". Brucker said, “but it is car-| | x * © ~ar “Q) Herald of ‘Truth. - (9) Frontiers. (4) (color) Dinah Shore. Kay|‘ended Moody Bible Institute. |ried so far that it must constantly| ' The results of last summer's ex- D 8:38 (7) Wanted—Dead or Alive.|9:45 (7) Accent. Star, Lana Turner, Carl Rein- ‘i ‘as Corte : include songs|pe resisted." periment were so satisfactory that a Western: religious cult lead- 16:00 {2) This Is the Life. - er, Red Norvo, guests. : - Youth F ellowship * * * the entire $1,500,000 S, R. Light All er assigns young girl to mur- (4) Cartoon Time. : (7) Colt .4. - “we oe and contests. At this moment, he said, the/trust has been turned over to ey Free Book ... Tells der Josh Randall. (1) Faith for Today. 19:30 (2) Alfred Hitchcock. ‘The attendance award will be) american people have insufficient|cofege with the stipulation that (9) Temple Baptist. (9) Bible Answers. |... Impossible Dream,” Fran-\Siven the largest youth group] information to make intelligent de-|income from the fund go to the ..-Sells Nothing! *\9:00 (2) Face of Danger. New 10:15. (9) Sacred Heart. chot Tone, Mary Astor. bepeent. cisions bearing on hational s€CU-jexpansion of the unique foreign drama series debuts; Bank/10:30 (2) Cartoon Frolics. (7) Deadline for Action. Dane} " rity, . study program. If you hear _ teller (Thomas Mitchell) is} yt Bishop Pike. At —_ in. “The nee, ‘Missions’ Topic , “Those young people who | Dut don’t un- — ase cheat 11:00 (2) Sagebrush Shorty. (4 Loretta Young. “Strictly R P Showin Movie | studied in Germany, France and resem! a4 ohacage: sherwish wife. (Re- * a Pierrot. sil Poem nore | Cortes. for Rev. Auchard | ‘ g fyate came under the influence a orig ae runs). Hopkins. "s . ; intensive European teach- |, ag (4) Black Saddle. Western: aoe _. e Saw see lat Orchard Lake 97 Glen Miller ing methods, learned tv live with eo dg Sol Fah this re- AED : er jis restling. - Meet raw. people of their ‘host nations and ——s time bank robber who be-| 6 DeteBine: UN. ne & 43 News, Weather. tm Shiites tor Miadies” win at Area Church. eoderstes@ tueic pelldiest ond vealing eee pee Oe vous _G ’ comes respectde rancher. Cartoon Carniva' Movie. “Diamong Jim.” |be the sermon topic of the Rev. cultural backgrounds and cer- ” ight me CD Lawrence Welk. eee oa Edward Arnold, Binnie) Edward D. Auchard, pasior, at the Bb greeter Tne the tainty gained in independence ota a (9) Theater. Drama: Dennis UNDAY AFTERNOO?! Barnes. Orchard Lake Community Church, “| while living as students abroad,” tains suc as the. ¢ ee a he ee OrReete. “Las Vegas, Shake-|12:00 (2) (color) Little Lut. ee ee tue Meck Ar ee at the morning wor- | in Sponsoring peng 4+ pal se care of your aie; t tne = - ee down (7) Bowling. : eget ’ - services tomorrow. tamins coun ae an ee ee (2) Have Gun, Travel. West- (9) Looney Tunes. row,” Louis Hayward. Janet sn # the ch ch 7:30 p.m. today at ‘Mayor of Ka who is ~ former) on hearing; whether deaf- . earth twice on tor ern: Paladin goes to Alaska 42: 30 (2) Roy Rogers. Blair. ow : : The Chancel Choir will sing at| the i casi * * i. ne . ness is inherited ; the family pe gata depen ayphreyy to help old trapper threat- (4) Americans at Work. (9) Movie. The White Sis-!9 . in and the b Choir, ‘es bees! ; sa thine problems of the deaf, and each circuit on the third time ened with death unless be (9)-Science Fiction. Theater. ter,” Helen Hayes, Clark f ellen ane mere . After al "religioas mater 7 , many other revealing facts. around he will fire reverse thrust abandons valley. ' 12:45 (4) Michigan Conservation. Gable, Lewis Stone. : Lrepae grt fal Ray = a Rca the college average of rags — ) Concentration: ‘S, Burea intelligence. i sik: Ciaeth “ete Sunday Sounds 900 et . agreed. _ | Hall told the Citizens Advisory ° WPON. armenian Gos Gr. , Conversation Piece wk wees o. lee MONDAY AFTERNOON “T don’t think it is In the nature|Committee Friday that lack of ‘ 10:00—WJR, News, ows. Bpiacopal 1:00—WJR, News, Miller WXYZ, Breakfast Club 12:00 (2) Love of Life. of the American public to pander| proper guidance in high school, 7 ‘eis ww. Hews, Moatter CKLW, News, Toby David (4) Tie Tac Dough. |to ‘any vice,” White said. He is) “which has not prepared them to) W. Radia aa ings of flealing WJBK, po George (7) George Hamilton IV. with the Narcotics Bureau ‘in San|function well in a college situa- ' wean Tha Topics = Martre (9) Cnaon's Newsreel. ‘ |Francisco, tion,” is chiefly to blame. . ; ae WPON Episcopal Service 12:15 (9) Follow Me. . le poem Chane our | ae ay meen shonieer |PICMIR duck Marcin {12:30 (2) iach: ter Seewivor, iseneeueuunnucaseenwscneseesuseeneny i , Voice of Prophecy | WXYZ, cons CKLW. News, Myrtle Labbitt (4) It Could be You. a Mond s i! +4 1 Gowo Ban CKLW. Class ] ay opecia a 2 | : manus) Baptist , WIBK, Speaks 10:00—WJR, Arthur Godfrey j 47) Play Your Hunch. om] al | Nge—WIR, Serenade WHOM Guett Bier “WWJ, News, Story (9) Mary Morgan. - ig a Spee Sa" | caso, toes ton om | Sete fe Gah ecnaliee @) News i al W. ‘W, News, e Morgan | 12: ews. : / ue Kees. Bun. Bounds ee image Wear, —_— Reid |1:00, oe ad ro oe $- = We bought up all the ‘factory | SBK, Stereo oe Ee ee. gy nad at this price! Makes the 18:30— 10:30—CKLW. News, Davi a Seam Menten, «| GSON Micherance [wee here Wier |) Movie, Mi fort beauty, eaaycto-cleaa. . $:30—WJR. rt, Patterns 1: we. ote Party 1:30 (2) As The World Turns. “| . ll ee, : (1) Topper. Enough Tile for » 9x10’ SUNDAY AFTERNOON ae piaecgernaesit waa Reid. saad (4) Amos 'n’ Andy. | Room tor Ooty... 7-20.80 | oo pret, ‘ |12:08—WIR, News, Guest CREW. Circese bt Baptist | WXYZ. Paul Winter (1:55 (4) Faye Elizabeth. a decousi a ors nt oe wave pena bat WOAR, News et (U:38-WIR, Time Por Muste, °°" ead + s) WEAR. Wooaiing CRLW: Labor News WeYZ. UD Showime CKLW. News. Davies (4) Queen for a Day. 7 THE FLOOR SHOP ' 1: -CELW. Knowles Weak ‘News Wooding | 9:30—WJR. Pace Nation i lng ont I 4 Postise Weekené | WON, ‘Music WWI, Catholic Hour — 2:30 (2) House Party. rj | PARK FREE REAR OF STORE « al “+ OR WWd. Ol Oprey 12:20 Wak, Su Sunday ay Sup mt oa., eae eae MONDAY AFTERNOON eo comer) Tele Baggis. . 99 S. Saginaw — FE 4-5216 s 10:06—WXYz: tae allege News 2 : Gale wwe Meee Ww. Gees Ahem is sick ean WWD) News, axwen 3:00 (2) Big Payoff. Jousuananaennauausscensnsscssscocccs GE GOE 1:00—WJR. Opers *wWd, News, Reports Grave, Gane, Eivestock =) . (4) Young Dr. Malone. hire acre « ; JR. Dance - 5 ort. Deland Ly. Ne oe WJBK, Stereo (7) Beat the Clock. The director of the National Zeologies| Park and the curator of mammals ‘te Mews WON, Opinion WaYZ, Mich, Manpower | Weak Sm (9) Movie. at the New York Zoological Park report elephants shew no fear ef mice.. 4 WEEE, Soenen 10:30-—-Wwws. Sternatl Light” seieens $:30 (2) Verdict Is Yours. S ' : . Knowles W2, News, Deland CKLW, Back to Goa .-}!%30—-WsR, Time tor Music| - (4) From These Roots. i am Ss, pon How | Wave kore et ae hers (1) Who Do You Trust? : Pontine Weekend 1:00—-WJR, News, Wepre. st.|4:00 (2) Brighter Day. . that top performance of your electronic equipment depends u 20-W : ig owles. 290- WEE, Sun. ent NW, Mews. Meni CRLW. Nev "De —_ _ (4) (color) Truth or Conse- Just Around the Corner on ine tps of src cath aed sincne Gat Oaklond 3 F WxYz, Israel WPON, wis quences, ail an : : euaneie am Sone : Caw. segs Religion on Wear ney tide : so @ roid Bandstand. Electronics Association Service Dealer. Ri sUND ; ; Deiana artin. : Secret Storm. . «i PONTIAC NTI #290 Parm Review nga ie Revived | KYa, Vowe of WAM tick, Ge. teins 4:30 (2) Edge of Night. Now is the time to arrange to. have your SALDWIN BApIO & TY vesuunina. nase « TV w. Album 3, News, Monttor CKLW, News. Album. (9) Sherwood Forest. P . ’ 8 Bald « FE §-8231 1157 W.. Huron, FE 2-6967 . Brotherhood Ur CKLW Light, fe Hour WJBK. Adolescents . heating system cleaned on certain date... c . <" SALES ri SERVICE f WKE ; ‘iad nour | WOAR. Rows ; #00 WIR Rt to Bappiness/6:00 (2) Jimmy Dean. 158 Oakland, FE 4-1515 ahh hom Sie WIE, Sacred Note ee wee eer CELW, Austin pn fe (4) (color) George Pierrot We have the latest CONDON’S RADIO _& TV SHOP SWEETS RADIO & APPLIANCE i anh virerite’ Grams| BEEBE Beamer, | MONDAY MORNE > Lom and the world’s AunUan mADIO'A fy «WALTON RAMIO & ev ) Fc | SER KeTaes | “Settle | NemesteR, Ran Rot, lse (2) Detroit Bandsiand post powerful’ truck- Sma Basie Ty vache | | Wxdn “Pree Wot, ORLW News, Shift’ Break oh Mickey at. most powerful truck- OALBY RADIO, & TY, SERVICE watwedions tianaeros ; CetaLW.. Baws. album iW. wong Hy ~ . ed : @AnProN. eu ELECTRIC vo LAATSCOH’S wy, SERVICE ‘ WISE: News. Sounds Wear. ieee sheridan “wis Rew Dear shirley |5#55 (4) Sports. mounted vacuum,: SPE 4-256 67%4 Dixie, M Dna bapa ot | 3 pag oe cle an ing from ; eons" Afro * Ty pease COMMUNICATIONS LEXOR, seny. es, Maes, Meter ‘are Muste Ban me 4 shin x,PerelR gsdale ls Out chimney to ashpit.. wens ston, FE Bane) viene pate ieee toma L any wire tps. = Bui kM ‘We are taking orders "jaan Becta. PE 0-4309 UATBENS RADIO a Tv. one. Denier ‘gees cs eww | ER omen as uIc anager. for future dates now. cnt Opdrne, Fm ewe saad Eaten a. Ob 0 Rows, Wott SiuR Newk, Mckeod "| DETROIT. w—General Motors : : out Lk. Ra. FE 4-415 DOBAT TY & RADIO SER eon ee core David Corp. today replaced Edward T. Dist Union Fk, RAL EM S-631t 106 W. BU Bh, OL Setgay = few “som Wy sos ‘sc oeueae aneaeal | Call About iicgdvaties Price 1. ~jMmurorD | UNION LAkE : : | of its Buick Division, effective | . ie WITKOP’S TV SERVICE | . BILL'S TV ee |e mone pen | Ge: Ree mune, | May. : Cleaning Thoroughly by Experts [Ste Sisson A Glen tes Ra Bea -G ee nhs rege < ane dohn F. Gordon, president of |] | : * ; wevigem | ERE | arama Sori | MIGHIGAN HEATING, ING. * i 6:00 rd D. Ro x in Ockle , ae renter | Stk hee ile | mt ve | é Ockland, County ‘ in Roliert has been general man- | I : , Bt Sau: ews Gone ager of the | Radiator : 88 Newberry: St. », Coke bev County ; Sa | the Plarrison a tg : ; Beprts Division et General Meters. st | | FE. 8-621 _ FE 8-6651 FE 2.2254 ct : ees | Samay, atone man « ) || Lockport, N.)¥., since Febru: | PE G-O00 1 | LOHLCS ¢ Sicrscrants: iment 5:20—CRLW, News, Musio | AFY 1866, -_ i sateen 3 ”