“We know the regimented Communist* will march, lockstep, through the United Nations hanging desperately together to avoid hanging one another separately,“ the candidate continued. Ttrmeet Bam, i» said* let American stand “united behind the President as he presents our case before the'United Nations" . . . secure in the knowledge free- The nine-nation Soviet bloc, France and South Africa abstained on the resolution.. dom and justice ultimately will win He Tells Huge Crowd Time Not Ripe; Calls Embassy a Spy Cave nomic strength that is “the greatest -^n* earth.” HAVANA - Rohm J. Brown, Kalamazoo, will hand Michigan’s Republican voter registration dirve, the GOP State Central I da capital out of Fidel's move to a Harlem hotel, and both boasted that a warm reception by a few thousand to Harlem for the beard-|ed prime minister tod tested the ' Cuban revolution had reached in-| side the United States doorstep. Expect Macmillan to Go LONDON Yoekey Assails Detour on Modern Government Cutro that time gave the " impression to reporters lhat he ft Ad W left the Shelburne without knowing where he would go. The Cuban delegation United Nation* meanwhile established formal contact with the Soviet Union delegation. Foreign Minister Roa paid a 15-minute visit this morning to the Soviet Union delegation's beach quarters, where Soviet Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev is staying." ORDERED HOT DOG Roa talked earlier with newsmen fcfae breakfast-! «t a counter restaurant near the hotei on an orange drink, a hot dog and coffee. m today, the Hotel switchboard By GEORGE T. TRUMBULL JR. A Huntington Wooda lupcnriaor yesterday crltlctied a postponement of recommendations to streamline Oakland County government structure. Fred L. Yoekey opposed a recommendation by the Board of Supervisors' Ways and Means Committee to postpone “at this time" the carrying out of numerous changes proposed to the committee back in January. One would have made the chairman of the board of auditors the chief administrative officer ot the county. “We’re talked about It, we’ve whitewashed It, we’ve delayed and we’ve done everything about It,” Yeekey spoke up whop the postponing action wu pro- It wu postponed anyway. This action came, strangely enough, from the lips of John L. Carey, Springfield Township supervisor and chairman of the special county government study committee which made the modernization proposals in January, Carey, also a member ef the ~rraya aad menu committee, wu ■uHiiiig for Hi chairman, David Levinson of Birmingham. Although he said Levinson's com-nittee approves of die several recommendations, it "does- not feel News Flashes against some city poUeemeu far the manner In which his party NEW YORK (A—Members of Fidel Castro*1* group said that the Cnbaa premier would go to the United Nations about 3 o’clock. Earlier, there had been conflicting reports on the matter. jwo THE PONTIAC PRRSS, TUESDAY, SBPTRMBBR 20, lfOO pte Wins Out J»M59 Debate Location on Pontiac'* East Sid* to Continue Along Auburn Avenue City Man Asks Examination in Robbery Charge A OyNMld Pontiac man yo- lk* CRy Planning Comm Mon has given in to the Stalt Highway on Pontiac’s Bast Side. MonMpai Court on chaigoa that he robbed a motorist of {30 at gun point e*rly Saturday. , ♦’ * Municipal Judge Maurice E. Finnegan a*t the pretrial hearing of William H Satterwhite Jr., 63 Clo-eae St., tor Sept. 31. SattecwMte is tm«ft $100 bond f built, it will he Wit a or near Aaburn Avenue — existing M39 mule. This b what M highway planners have ad-\-ocated. - - . I «em*t he hath la At vteto- Hy efBaMh Sealevaeg, which fo_ him took Ha wallet containing HO and miscellaneous papers. * ft * Savage and a passenger, Michael D. O’Brien. 30, of 4610 Lin wood St. both ldtUfted Satterwhite aa the gunman, according to police End of the debts Is drawing . near, with the {fey Cbmmfrrinn ■rtudaVed to receive a report to-bight from the planning commission tying down the Auburn Avenue route once and for alL OKI nnSOANOE LINK The report stamps city approval * on locution of the MS* interchange with the proposed interstate highway east of the city Omits. —J north at extorting litus Mead. ■ream Bnacwagv in uir vkium/ - -—vr ’ .T arf SOath Boukvard. a halfmtle to «? ^'"J^S?* * ** If a new esst-weat trunkline is ever built — and one has he« the drawing boards several yean — its mute will be decided fay location of the one interchange. Local planners said heavy ^dnetriai traffic headed toward Ml Boulevard was a Mg planing factor in pinning down the MS* route. foinniw* PEoroHAL They also recommended’ keeping through east-srest traffic put of am. stale aald a South Boult-Interchange would he toe ______r the Mg laterckuge planned "jTSquare Lake Maad, n halt vJWto ««rth. State planners said east-west ■Wlc should be funneled toward ♦^downtown. at men BaRae s»., T**," when be stepped lor n tm rigaai at Ragtoy and Wea Streets.----- Savage told police toe bold up Ordinances Go to Commission One Is on Explosives, Another Over Electrical Code for 'Project' City ComittMoh tonight, ft. ft ft One would ben transportation ot egdoeivee and inflamable liquids through the business district. Urn other provides an electrical code ot the type desired by federal officials in connection with the ** [upcoming urban renewal project. Two soiling ordinance* an ready as welt, One weald neons from reridenttal to conunerctet on South Job Mon Ave- Jast north el the city 6 Four hearings are scheduled. To be aired are propaeala foc 1 walks on the northwest side of Mill Street and both sides Harvey Avenue froraDitmar south! ft * ' ft -Other hearings concerning special assessment rolls tor walks on sides of Aster Street and on the north side of Keimett Road at Alcott School. Him Kiwanians ttom Pontiac at State Convention " Nine delegates from the Kiwanis clubs in Pontiac are attending the 3Mfa*®iwDi*trtct of Kiwanis In-temational convention at Grand Rapids. Congo Soldiers Leave Katanga U.N. Provides Airlift Putting End to Civil War Between Local Forces LEOPOLDVILLE, the Congo (AP)—-Soldiers of the Congolese army have started moving out of die Katanga invasion zone in an R. Jenkins, president; Ralph B. airlift organized by toe United Eagtridge; and Harold J. Owen. Nations. Asks $700,000 for City Renewal^ Wiltmdn to Propose Requeit on TiTProjoct at Setsion Tonight City Manager Walter K. Willman recommended today that $700,000 be.eought to begin the city's find urban renewal project net jW jgft.' ft** n The proposal will go to th* CMy bmmiasion tonight for approval FOR OUTSTANDING SERVICE — Jack W. Hutson (right), president ot the Oakland County Bar Association, yesterday received this plaque Man the American Bar Association -and the National Legal Aid and Defender Association. It was prmated to the local bar for contributing the most to the legal aid movement in the country during The past year. Presenting the Harri- son Tweed national award to Hutson was Carl F. Ingraham, chairman of the legal aid committee of the Oakland Bar who accepted 'the plaque in Washington an Aug. 30. The Oakland County Legal Aid Society, which Ingraham spearheaded, opened Its offices in Pontiac in January to help those with legal difficulties who cannot afford an attorney, ______. __________ Trial Set in October for Assault Charge Trial was set for next month by Circuit Judge William J. Beer for Spencer W. Briney after the 21-year-old Waterford Township man stood mute when arraigned on a charge ot assault with Intent to Brtery, of <33 Shoreview Dr., was false* ed ea a IMM bead to await trial. Briney ia accused of entering the .wm* of a 65-year-old widow Aug. 1* and attempting to criminally ■suit her. He fled when the woman strife* m with an electric vibrator as they struggled in her bedroom, po- rn the KIwaaiB J ■ - w w * Club of West Peattsc are Robert More than 2,300 Congolese eoi-AH«a, prarideafc Robert leery, |«« originally diapatched by de-■econd vice president; and John (P08^ Premier Patrice Lumumba Stetanskl. Ito reconquer secessionist Katanga kj .. ’ , .. . ^ . Province are to be returned to . Northern Pontiac Kiwanis Cfob toefa- bases at Stanleyville, Leo-dMagWea are JamesMannPresi- po^ie and ThysviUe. dent; Horace Hatfield; and Mar- •QUtoaM Jordan Sr, .rigr- ♦ * ;. ft Sam three-day convention in the -1 WMtliivl' Hotel ends todky. —-------- 'Committee conferences, a discussion of plans for the year, development of community sendee ideas election ot officers highlight .The program attended by 9.500 delegates from 196 clubs. Virtually every plane disposal of the United Nations in the Congo was dispatched to the Katanga border. ft ft ft A military cease-fire had been in operation in the area for 10 days. A group of U. N. truce ob-servers headed by Swedish CM. ____............................IS. M. Mollersward patrols the no m j-, t r\ .!man's land between the two sides. LJtVO Up 6/ TOr Drownod However, as long as the nation- „____. „!al army units remained in the TAG AW A. ^ Japan IB—A swollen danger of a new flareup riw burst into a coal mine eariy pewbted. The airlift put a defi-■today, swallowing 67 miners whoU, end t0 ^ wu. between the national army and the Kataga Enrollment Drive Starts at YMCA kickoff luncheon yesterday opened the annual membership enrollment campaign of the Pontiac YMCA, ft * 4f — Guest speaker at the luncheon at the *'Y” building on Mt. Clem-was Dr. Dana P. Whltmer, superintendent of schools. He spoke of the growing Importance of too YMCA la Pontiac because ot too area’s increasing population. The drive to enroll members will [run Jar 10 days through Sept. 29. ft ft ft General chairman of toe eam*j-paign is Maxwell H. Doerr. Division chairmen are George Crabtree, Frank Odsterhof, John Rogers, Mrs. Jean Ellsworth and George Watson. .were given up for drowned. ibe Weather I. MartSeriT i a*bt Md to*t*at. T« fair u< timet. Hl(h t—lrt> St, Uik U- fftiiWMl k **t» Tkiiilif *t I II p.m. l Mm vimU; *t }:fl *jl ^ Tondajr »t «:J3 p m. - - ttjkol temperature ..............SO WtottM *poy. „ Miami Wm lgiOaafiM _ TO W MImmsmU* „ Of 1» It lifir. onraw so ... 5« Ej** 8 aj K a BBmm Says He Tried to Break Off With Her Girl Admits Knifing Doctor A 20-year-old girl admitted to-day she gtabbed the head physician of Detroit's Saratoga General Hospital Monday evening ip her Oak Park home. Jeanette Lackowics’ v I e 11 m. «year-old Dr. Ralph Ts**le of Detroit, was la oafisfactory condition at Saratoga BoopUal tor wound In the bad. The girl told Oak Park Police LL Donald Magel she grabbed the biggest knife she could find in the kitchen drawer to stab the doctor when he threatened break off his relationship with her. ft -ft ft -'Mis* Lachowicz, who lived at JEANETTE LACHOWICZ Lassiter Lawyer Tries to Disqualify Judge Sun Eclipse to Take Place 4:09 to 5^9 P.M. NEW YOEK OR — The moon will partly eclipse the ton today, beginning at 4tto p.ni., BBT. Maximum coverage of the am will occur at 6tto p.m. ft ft ft The American Mturutn-Haydea Planetarium aald peak obucura-tion will occur over Baffla Island, Canada, where 61.4 per cent of the sun will be covered, ft ft ft la toe Valted State*, the begia-nlng ot the edlpw may be seen moot central states, the sun wifi eel before the eclipse ends. The East Oeaat won’t see much of it. But Ac mountain aad western state* wdU m* It all. DETROIT Uh r- Joseph LouiseU, attorney for Mrs. Nelle Lassiter, accused Circuit Court Judge Joseph G. Rashid Monday of acting as s prosecutor in helping to bring murder charges against her in her husband's death. _~A-—-ft—W- ■ -:,j Louiseif filed In Circuit Court 20-page affidavit contending that RaahU is prejudiced against Mrs. Lassiter and should disqualify himself from hearing charges against her and Gordon Watson, her husband's former business partner. Ihft are charged with OM degree murder and coneptiacy to murder Mrs. Iass tier’s hatband. Panda (BUI) Lassiter, the Royal Oak car dealer who wao robbed, •hot and beaten near Willow Ena Airport April 6, IMS. The three Chattanooga, Tern., men accused of the actual slaying switched to pleas of guilty during their trials and appeared as prosecution witnesses at the examination of Mrs, Lasaiter and Watson. STEM FROM TRIAL Charges prejudice against RaShid stem from the trial of toe three. Rashid allowed them to plead to second-degree murder, reduced from first -degree, and gave them life sentences. Lsaleefi previously charged Motions to quash the charges against them wifi be heard after Rashid hears arguments by (he lawyer* and decides whether to disqualify himself. Cargo Clerks Strike LONDON (AP) - Nearly 1,900 Stevedores were triable to bmmmt at the stoppage by iJthe clerks, who check cargos. Jackson Prison Strike Is Brief Convicts Ask Higher Pay to Make State's Auto License Tabs in retain far their agataet. Mrs. Lassiter aad Wat- jitoraXlesks etnaft if th* Part of The proaecution charges that work within 10 ^gLandan today. The strike idled UR Mrk Lasaiter, 38, and Watson, 44, to your cette.” arranged for Lassiter’s murder. - - ft- ft ft • • The defendants are free on bond. JACKSON (UPlj - Convicts staged a short-lived strike for higher pay Monday in the stamping plant at Southern Michigan Priftm. ft - ft ft - -About 350 to 375 prisoners refused to work in a dispute centered on Michigan’s use of tab* rather than full-size license plates. The toetiu receive aa average «( four cents per each l.to* full-rise Messes pistes they make. Convict* demanded the same rate of pay for tabs that ti% get for plates. But the strike ended' quickly when Warden William H. Batman ordered the convicts to "return to rainutosoe go back your " | The striker*, faced with the loss of a day's wages, decided to re- 19081 Albiny St., was held at the County Jail for Investigation of ut with intent to comlnlt inur-|4*r., ........... . ■ The Si4,0to ranch home where is was llviag wm In the name I the doctor, potiee said. He a ISM Thimderbtrd she had at told aathoritteo. "He threatened tn take these things away from me when I asked to either marry me or leave mp alone,” she told Magel. "That's when I got the knife, she said. Mist Lachowicz was to make statement at the prosecutor's office today. The Day in Birmingham Engineers Asked to Sitt ntreet, Curb Program BlfeMlNGHAM — A street re- appropriation in the capital im urfadng Mid curb replacement program presented to the City Contmisrim last night will be reviewed again by city beta* any adRn to taken, ft V ;ft ft. Itt delaying a decision on J9.6QS proposal toe eomeal raqueatod that toe engineering de-pei tmeiU revie* the bring it fo line with forwarded to toe Chicago tii the urban renewal contract the federal government signed with the city last week, the $700,000 would be bud-geted mostly for land acquisition, the west ride of Saginaw Street and fai the Qyic Center area, said Stierer. FROM REVOLVING FUND The funds are part of a $5,165, 044 revolving fund set up under the contract for acquisition and administrative costs. Borne of the S7M,0to would be used to pay eft the toMM ptaa- Yockey Raps Delay of New Government (Continued From Page One)j ment authorizing hoflie rule ta ’ fetiUMfez Mi one of the suggestions made by Chrey’s special committee. ft . ft ft “Never do today what we can put off until tomorrow," Yockey •aid in answer to Csrey1. "And I think it is exactly what we’re doing with your report’’ the city two Acquisition will begin as ebon as the HHFA accepts the city's appraisals on properties elated for purchase, said Stierer. Hospital Patient Found Nixon Really 'Terrific' GREENVILLE, 8.C. (AP) Norma Jean Griffin of net Liberty thinks Vice President Richard M. Nixon is terrific. Her to—........ ‘ 1 politics. Julia London Soaking niimaru aa. nuioa is ranne, mr AA ■ . . ... L< leel^ live r^^ MOf PfOm JOCK WPP Castro, K Huddle for Forty Minutes (Continued From Page One) cbev and Castro spent 22 minutes in private talk, attended only by three Casbv aide* and two translators, according to a Castro spokesman. ft ft The spokesman said the matter of a Khrushchev visit to Cuba was not discussed. He said the meeting appeared to have been arranged by the Soviet premier, who had called the Castro suite to ask if he could pay his respects to the Cuban chief. ROA ARRANGE^ The Khrushchev-Castro get-together probably was arranged a couple of hours .earlier when Dr. Raul Roa, the Cuban foreign minister, called at the Soviet U,N. delegation's Park Avenue head-quarters Where Khrushchev Is reding. Khrushchev drove off from the tt a large black limousine Castro Switches Hotels; Complains ot Treatment (Continued From Page One) Hotel Theresa, said a Castro rep- for that amount arrived, Spatz a two-car police escort Police COMPLAINS TO DAG Castro, here to attend the United Nations General Assembly sion, also took a complaint of “discourtesy” and “brusque police methods" to UJEL Secretary-General Dag Hammarskjold. The switch in hotels came after! ■ — -r——,— Castro assailed the managementevrtl BSFenough towels, of the Hotel Shelburne in midtown Manhattan over room prices and treatment and after 'he threat- formed a human chain to hold the crowd bade aa the Soviet leader left the hotel. To tamp in Central Park. To set t$ tents on U.N. grounds. Me surprise arrival. Because of the surprise move, police had to improvise a -security motor detail to escort the premier. Police had said earlier they knew > plans by Khrushchev leave the Soviet U.N. delegation. Shortly before noon, the Soviet premier, wearing a dark blue suit, white shirt and blue tie, strode from the Soviet delegation bufid- Smiling, Khrushchev raised his uid in salute to watting photographers. State Would Prove Mother Used Drags CLEVELAND » - Physicians at Mt. Sinai Hospital derided on Aug, 6 to look for barbiturates as the cause of toe mysterious comas which beset this city's two "steeping beauties,” one of the doctors Dr. James A. Gzaari wm toe Bette, 3, and later on Vetoto, 4. The tiny, black-haired woman Is I s year in j Mrs. Griffin, who suffered crushed leg in an accident two year* ago, was in Walter Reed Arttiy Hospital to be fitted for an artificial leg at the time Nixon was there for treatment of his injured knee. . ft ft’ ft “He sent m* a big bouquet of flowers Ad he told me that if they " ‘ I’t treat me okay I waa just to tell him and he would fix,tt,' said Mis. Griffin. • ’ft,, ft ft “He didn't even know my name or anything,” she said, “but he must have gone to all that trouble to find out.” changes Carey mentioned. Yockey didn’t elaborate. On these needed changes, * problem referred to the board’s legislative committee, Carey warned the county was “going to have a fight on its hands to get them.” In approving the committee's re- by-accepting the tow bki ot $M0O port, supervisors altered the term of toe chairman of the Board 6f Auditors from three yean to one. ALLOWS CHANGES This wtil allow, an official said, for any future changes. A target dale of seat fall was from the Harold Turner Co. of Birmingham. / City commissioners also ac-PoUoe Chief Ralph W. Moxtoy In the meintime, It was dedded to push for the legislative changes implement them. LOS ANGELES (AP) -^- Siiiger Julie London wants him ex-husband, TV actor-producer Ja Webb, to pay half the cost of supporting their two daughters. She calculated this at $1,000 Webb was ordered to pay *250 a month tor child sdpport when the couple was divorced in 1953, but Miss London said in a Superior Court petition Monday that expenses have increased children, Tracy, 10, and Lin, 7, ave grown older. Min London, now the wife of band leader Bobby Troup, is spending $2,000 a month for care of the girls. A bearing was set for Oct. 27. turned it down, saying It looked phony. “I am not ready to let myself be robbed," said Castro, “be-outgo the money I have belong* to the Caban people. It to not my money.” And for his $400 a day, what did he get? Incredibly bad serv-ice, arid Outre Ms party didaX ‘Purely propaganda,” snorted the Shelburne’s owner, Edward Spatz. The Cubans refused to partake of hotel food, sending out They also brought along prates of biscuits, Cuban Mack beans and bags of peanuts—and reportedly chickens, which they plucked and cooked in their roams. Then Castro sent a protest to Hammarskjold, followed by a personal visit, to the U.N. headquarters. After three hours, it was announced that the Castro In Havana, Castro’s brother, party- waa wawtog rumto, Raul, took to toe air and addramedUdespite an offer of free acoom- rally to tell the Cuban people of alleged discourtesy to their leader In New York. Castro has been restricted (22-square miles of Manhattan during his UK. stay — for security modations at < the Commodore Hotel. Even Spatz agreed later to forget about charging the „ Cubans for their rooms. But Castro turned down both offers. ’HOUGH TREATMENT’ EM route to Ms hotel from the airport he complained, he had received rough treatment at the hands of security forces when hi tried to greet Ms followers. ■1 ft.ft • ■ ft At tiie Shelburne, the Situation becapoe. Intolerable, said Castro. The Cuban delegation -had difficulty getting hotel accommodations M the first place, and finally landed at tile Shelburne only after the U.S. State Department a the United Nations Intervened. the Qtoana there and i toto to say m Policemen guarding .ireveiitod some member* of the Castro delegation from leaving the hotel when their safety was threatened by anti-Castro forces massed outride, ditto and his entourage Kid bring tried by a jury in juvenile moved toto 20 Shelburne suites at court. The state charges ill treat- $20 a day, each—for a ftsfiy total ment of the girls and conviction could mean's maximum sentence BBHH ft* on the bill Spats r*> I and a fine offered $5,006 and another $5,Q00 was ptnmisad, but when • bond Hearing laboratory Big Gift to U. of M. ANN ARBOR (I) — Plans were announced Monday for a $1.7 million laboratory for research on hearing at the University of Michigan Medical Center. To he cenetzneted under a grant from toe Kreega Fooada- werid’s hugest facility devoted exclusively to the stagy of lean ‘ disorder*, a fleM tit Stanley S. Kresge, president of the foundation, presented an initial check for $200,000 to Dr. Harlan Hatcher, U. of M. president, Mon- The building, which' <^11 be > five-story wing addition to the existing Kresge Medical Research Institute Building, is expected to be completed during the 196293 aca- cal year’s earteriag and out f -of the reeur- ______ $90,290, and the urb project at $90905. As had been expected, Robert W. Pag*, a member of the city planning board, was appointed to Ml the vacantoiciekfed last month with the resignation of Lance Minor. \ j*j Page, 40, had been a member of the plannMg board since 1963. In another acfioo, the commission rejected four bid* for the construction of the Forest Avenue on the recommendation of City Engineer William T. Killeen, who stated the bids were 90 per cent higher than estimated. He said that It is likely that the city will be advertising for bids an a email sewer and water project on Oak Street at N. Woodward in the near future and the Forest Avenue sewer could be included at that time. The city replaced * fire department car wito a compact model Gtirela Corp-Moxley, In his report to the commission, noted that while Motorola was not the low bidder, the equlp-ment did meet specifications whereas the other bidder did not. Motorola’s Md was 96,543. Swainson Meets With Bagwell in Lansing Today LANSING UR — Republican Paul D. Bagwell and .Democrat John B. Swainson, rivals for governor, were to cron oratorical swords and answer questions today before a statewide audience of businessmen. The potittoal dash wm* billed n a feature event of the first aanqal meeting of the Michigan State Chamber af Commerce. The state chamber waa organized last fall to unite the voice of business and industry. An ill-starred predecessor organization folded up in the 1930s. Other speakers included John A. Hannah, Michigan State University presidents Paul W. McCracken, University of Michigan economist; and Arthur “Red” Motley, New Xork publisher. Stata Skater Signad MILWAUKEE (R Rod Paavo-la, a 21-year-old Hancock, Mich., youth, has been signed by the Milwaukee Falcons of the International Hockey League. Paavola, whose parent* now live In Milwaukee, the stair'defenseman on the U.S. Olympic team. He ia 5-11 and weighs 190., Want a voice in the people’s choice? Don't pass the buck— DIG DOWN! Contribute DIG IN! Work for your Porty and VOTE! The Pontiac Praia 1/ THE PONTIAC PRESS, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1060 THERM mile* of water. gBSET'''' j MENOMINEE Ift-Eari T. Herni-man, Q, a Sterling Engine Co. executive, died hem Monday night Deaths in Pontiac and Nearby Areas are sons John and fled. M eta* glHM* week i« unit.. of heart disease. Hemiman moved Age as segsiiaess ae IsMig. to Menominee from Buffalo, N.Y., In MSS, when Sterling transferred Its operations to Michigan. mmmm- ■ £ j &| f l in the THADDim DHKOWIt'g Thadrius Dzikowicz of 212 Chandler Ave. died unexpectedly this morning. He was dead on arrival at Pontiac General Hospital. His • body is st the Melvin A. ~" Panels) Home. PKLMAB D. EMERSON Service ter Delmar D. Emerson, 42. of a E. Fairmount Ave., was heM tMs afternoon at the Huntoon Funeral Home with burial follow* big in Parry Mount Parte Cemetery. An employe of Grand Trunk Western Railway Co., he la vivod by Ida Wile, Maty; his parents, Mr. and Mrt. Thomas Emer-two sons, Bruce and David, at home; and three teeters, Mrs. Aim Eaton of Phoenix, Arte., Mm, Ha Bodaon and Mrs. Elaine Springer, both of Pontiac,' Mr. Enmaon died Sunday of a heart ailmant at St. Joseph Mercy Hospital. TS, of ms Orangegtove 8t , Water- hum Heights and Kdwatd of Bay ford Township died yesterday at city. her home. ' Service will be held at 2 p.m. She wax a member of Our Lady Thursday at the Dorielaon-Johns of the Lakes Catholic Church. [Funeral Home. Burial will ha in Mrs. Florin is survived by three daughters, IDs. Russell Christa, Mrs, James Doatal and Miy. Clark Easley; two sons, Valero ond Albert; and a brother. The Pariah Rosary will be redt- ROMEOWHERS: For the first time, ed at S p.m. Wednesday at the Huntoon Funeral Home. Buriat will m insurance history-HOMEOWNERS PROfECTION AGAINST FIRE, WINDSTORM, i THEFT, LIABILITY AND HUNDREDS OF HAZARDS FOR j LESS COST THAN YOU MAY NOW BE PAYING FOR FIRE AND EXTENDED COVERAGE | < INSURANCE ALONE! Only Nationwide offerer these record-breaking Savings-because only Nationwide makes available the precedent-breaking $50 DEDUCTIBLE on all home hazards. Check rates for your home. Call your man Coats Funeral Home, Drayton Ptaiim; Service will be held at If a.m. Thursday at Our Lady of the Lakes Church, Waterford. Her body will be taken to Mt. Olivet Cemetery in Detroit for burial. Oscar R. Fox, 10, of 228 Cottage t, died yesterday at bis home after * long illness, A retired employe of Pontiac Mo- tor Division, hrwsx * Mercy First Baptist Church. Mr. Fox leaves two daughters, from Nationwide. Btari ibout SECURAMCE? Nationwide’* new concept to help you plan your family’» security. nccvRASCEmcani a choice of 1S9 insurance plans...plus financing assistance, through your Nationwide spent, for home and car. Choose the Homeowners Policy and start yopr ... nn n jirngrttfn of SECUBANCt, Notionwide Insurance 117S Dudley Pontiac, Michigan Phene: FK 4-3274 Se/eteoereers now ope ml Contact your nearest Nationwide office. MRS. CYRIKL FLORIN Mrs. Cyrtei (Marie L.) Florirt, Pontiac Efts Club will conduct a lodge of borrow at • tonight at the funeral home. HARRY RANDALL Hxrty RandxlL owner and operator of the Randall Beauty Shoppe for many yean, died yesterday at Pontiac General Hoapi-tal. He had been In 111 health after suffering a heart aihjjrivo years *. Randall, 68, of M2 Sharon Waterford TWhshlp, waa a member of Bethany Baptist Church and the Lions Club. Surviving besides his wife Ora .. are a daughter, Mra. Allen Fulleowider of Detroit; grandchildren; two sisters, Mrs. Forrest Renfrew of Pontiac Mrs. John States of Del Boy, ( and two brothers, George of Au- White Chapel Memorial Cemetery. CHARLES 'S. MMPftON Service for Charles S. Simpson, surviving a Horokt Uwnaue of Body, Richard Lawrence of Ortonviito and Leslie of Davtaog; Barbara Lawrence of Flint and Myttlc Lawrence of Holly. MRS. VERNE N. PETERSON HOLLY—Service for Mrs. Verna . (Mary Margaret) Peterson, 81, of KM Clarence St., will be 3 p.m. tomorrow at Dryer Funeral Home. Burial will be in Lakeside Ceme- t«*y- An Eastern Star Memorial Service will he held at • p.m. today. Mrs. Peterson, a former treasurer of Rose Township, died Sunday after a long illitess at Pontiac Osteopathic Hospital She was • life member of the Efecta Chapter 180 OES, a member of First Presbyterian Church of Holly, lbs Holly Grange, Dm Electa Chib of Hotly and an bon-orary member of the Past Matrons Club of Holly. Surviving ore her son Daniel J. I Pontiac, daughter Mrs. Ival Paulson of Holly and alx grandchildren. 80. of 1(R Home St., will be held at 1:30 p.m. Wednesday at the OSCAR R. FOX be in Oakland Hills Memorial Cemetery. A retired Pontiac Motor Division employe, he leaves a daughter, Mrs. Nelle S. Kitten of Pom tiac; two sons, William B. of Pontiac and Thomaa B. of Detroit; four grandchildren, and five greatgrandchildren. A member of the Baldwin Evangelical United . Brethren Church, m *• * of a Mrs. Lola Grcenhoe of Pontiac and Mrs. Frank Deaver with whom he made his borne; 13 grandchildren; 6 great-grandchildren; 3 sons, Mete rttt of Pontiac, Harold of i-»i» Ori-and Raymond of" Colorado Springs, Colo.; and 3 sisters. Service will be held at. 2 p.i Thursday , at First Baptist Church with burial in White Chapel Memorial Cemetery. His body is at the Huntoon Funeral Home. JOSEPH H. GOULET Joseph H. Goulet, 58. of 97? Bos-m Ave., died of a heart condition yesterday at 8. Joseph Mercy Hot- .pftaL__Um weeks. He was a press operator at Pen-tiac Motor Division and a member of 8. Benedict Catholic Church. Surviving are his wife, Charlotte L; a son, Donald F. of Pontiac; three grandchildren; .four sisters and five brothers. , The Rosary will be tedted at 8 tonight at Donelsp^Johns Funeral Home. Service will be held at 10 a.m. Thursday at 8. Benedict Church with burial in Mt. Hope Gemetery. KENNETH 'h/ THOR.VfetifcG Service for Kenneth H. Thornburg, 64, of 51 Carter Hospital. MRS. THOMAS WHEY Service for Mrs. Thomas (Edith A.) Wiley, 88, of 88 S. Ardmore 8., will be held at 1 p.m. Wednesday at the Doneteon-Johns Funeral Home. Baris) will ho hi Osh Hill Cemetery. — A member of the First Congregational Church, the leaves two testers, Mrs. George Edwards and Mrs. James Fraser, both of Pontiac. - - • - • • Mrs. Wiley died Sunday after ah illness of 10 years, .JAMES C. DANGERFIELD HIGHLAND — Service for UR. Navy Hospital Corps man James C. _ " 21; of 2775 Dean P will be 1 p.m. Thursday at the Richardaon-Btrd Funeral Horns. Military graveside service will be at Highland Cemetery. Mr. Dangerfield died Friday in an automobile accident near Bar-Mow, Calif. Surviving besides his parents Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dangerfield are brothers Thomas of Connecticut and Jack of Virginia, and sister Mrs. George Wilson of Highland. . . _ __ . ' . ilumuiiuw at rei« ^.P mi IMS ?‘SP?rk*- Grand Blanc. Griffin Chapel with burial in Rose- MRS. DUANE HADDON DAVISON — Service for Mrs. Duane (Norma Jfgn) Haddon, 27, of 7117 Houghton, will .be 2 p.m. I tomorrow, at Hill Funeral Home,! Hosest Discounts Evsrytime T0U Boy Tsar Needs si SOURS No mottar what you buy, you're sura to got It for loss Ot SIMMS . . . drug*, films, hordworos,. housewores, clothing, sports needs otc. Below oro |ust o fow of the mony bargains at Sitrime. . ^ ' BARGAIN BASEMENT u Mihi FILM MAN DIES — Benjamin B. Kahane, 68, president of tho Academy ot Motion Picture Aria and Sciences, died Sunday of a heart attack at Las Vegas, Nev. 2 Pontiac Men of State Amvets land Park Cemetery. A baker, he is survived by hi*[ mother, Mrs. Bertha T. Lamb of Pontiac. Mr. Thornburg died Sunday. OrtonvUtej Burial (Cemetery, Ortonvilte. Mix. Haddon died Sunday in Hurley Hospital, Flint. Surviving besides her husband GEORGE G. THURMAN Service for former Birmingham merchant George G. Thur-Bnm, TO. of. 233 E. frank 8., will be conducted tomorrow at 2 p. in. at the MariTeyfiailey Funeral Home with burial in Roseland Park Cemetery. A retired salesman, he formerly owned the Thurman Market. The U. of D. Official Dias DETROIT (P—The Rev. Homer . Mattlin, S:J , for 17 years director of libraries at the Unlver-tety of Detroit and Loyola University, Chicago, died Monday night at the age of 48. Di since last May, Father Mattlin had been operated on for cancer._________„ Two Pontiac men have been appointed state Amvet officers by newly elected Michigan Commander Chester v G. Burton of Highland. James Cavalier of 1424 Rose-dale 8., was named state legislative director and Albert Emstey of 1886 Woodland 8., state aid-de-camp. Emstey also was named to the Amvets Resolutions Committee, Robert Adsit of 410 First 8.14 Other Pontiac members named to serve on committees wer Robert Adsit of 410 First 8. parliamentarian committee; Ei [Pompeian of 154 Marsh 8.. white (clover committee; Charles Crocker of 644 Riverside Dr., and Victor Maiden, 333 E. Pike- St., rules committee; and William Cavalier, 309 Seward 8... and William Mar-HillcjfiTSt., civil defense committee. BOYS' ond GIRLS' Ski Pajamas MARTIX 22*44 lack BathTowels FIRST QUALITY Cotton Sheet Blanket tut Value r 70iX) jpfh IbTpmST caloriL Mr- * china WMh* MAIN FLOOR SPECIALS Ex-Union Man 6uilly. of Embezzlement The wisest choice for distinction KALAMAZOO (UPI) - Lance Johnson, former secretary-treasurer of Local 388, International Foundry Workers ot America, was placed on probation for three years Monday and ordered to make restitution in embezzle-merit of union funds. The sentence was passed by Circuit Judge Luden F. Sweet, who said the exact amount of restitution would be decided at s later date. Marquttt of Raading Dias of Hoart Attack LONDON (AP)-The Marquess of Reading, 7T7 HriHtel mlnisfer[ (of state for foreign affairs fromj 1953 to 1957, died Monday ni^ht of a heart attack on the Greek island of Rhodes. A veteran of both world wars, lie achieved the rank of brigadier ’ general in World War II. ...at the wisest time for value Cadillac owners have learned a fact that every motorist ought to know. The moat distinguished of motor can ii also the Standard of the Wotty for k practicality. Cadifiac craftsmanship provides the reliability, efficiency and hHMeviiy necessary for minimum maintenance. And Cadillac’s combination of timeless distinction and rugged long life produce the highest resale value of all. Your Cadillac dealer will tell you another reason—the pleasant news about today’s delivered cost See him today for the facts. VISIT'YOVC LOCAL LL DEALER -JEROME MOTOR SALES' COMPANY 27&ZSO SI SAGINAW STREET • PONTIAC, MICHIGAN as Factory Represent stive Here WIONESDAY—2 te 1:90 P.M. REMINGTON Electric Shaver ■EwemoMD Electric Shaven —Mata floor ■if Selection ol CHILDREN'S Longies and Crawlers Vtilurs Up to $1.59 76 —Iwili _creeperf with map crotch, straps In sis* 9 to 18 months. Corduroy creepers with ttupi and snap crotch In lizs 12 to 24 months. Bower twill* with elastic beck, assorted trims, * to fix. CHILDREN'S 3 Piece Knit Matched OUTFITS • Knit Shirt .. . 79c O Swsotsr .,.,...1.29 O Crawltrs ........1.59 Slsas t. 9 and 4 is slock. 2nd FLOOR SPECIALS Cut to Measure FREE While You Wait WINDOW SHADES 79' Shade with roller—cut. any width to '3i inches while you wait. No limit, bwy s many at-you need. 2 x 4 Ft. Peg Board tUt Value 66* Ho (Dipped GALVANIZED ROUND SCRUB TUNS tUt Valno—HOW $2.98- Value MV ■Fits Shy door and are easy t*.install yourjelf —no special tools needed. Nits Irak yet witfC Z ‘ Leys. Limit 2 sots. THE PONTIAC PRESS. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 80. 1990 God's Eye, Not Hurricane's, on St. Croix GRAND RAPIDS (UPIl-Grand come through — hut no word from ; St Croix. It mi m though abe had dropped hetow the tea. On [the news wires gradually came .stories of destruction and death joo St Martins and St. Kitts, close to the east of us, and more tragic [facts on Puerto Rico our neighbor We knew for sure now, that ho [news, was terrible news, j began i to rationalise my religion and figure that, after all, God can't listen j to all of the people all of the lime. What la the1 taper of hum-: caneaf The answer was prompt and un-e People AUParehUtdFigkt Against Obscene • .; '■ -■ -e - The disease of moral dacay, particularly <*eur youth to indicative of the increase of ehtemt ate pornographic literature. OmJtmmlV to visit s newsstand or dnestom to notice the'dlspUying of such unfit materials. ■ . v', . a • * ★ • — - "■ MTT-— •ntgr—-----a >• the Btetef agent «f ear whale Chitotiaa and Wish— taw*-a«a. im Ism Is ■■%««» sab as far as ge MM saeslees ser MM The defy sf gaidlae mt Tanntry’s Merest sf the at aal reRgteas heritage with Its Ugh moral staadards Is tho duty sf every pant aad rlttsea. i if '■ .-.t-~ ---_ • Now to the tk»u» that we all can do something about this. Let us, with united effort fight toetiminate obscene pomogrsphic literature tram our newsstands and drugstores. dV. J East 1-swing ‘Republicans Will Stind Up id Reds’ ’Match Parking: Fees With Cars’ ...Yiu ‘ iiii ir flll "IfmiliTrr I rtid W i New York newspaper twwn- Nixon and tndgf fvtfi that If they're going to make auto-stand up to Khrushchev Just as mobiles smaller, tho patting lots EtosMower Mo done and as Nixon should reduce the prioe of parking has done already. We can’t boo and I think this to a very good before the’Reds and that lo-one of idea, You ere entitled to parte a the moat Important things in this little car lor half the price of a election. Wg a“ \ ■ " ★ ★.’ ★ . The Poles, Hungarians pnd other yppreoudpeople hive prtnXH plans. Thb newspaper would like to see the Ruatan bully snubbed and repulsed, but wewould regret any untoward in* cidents such as occurred in connection with our President’s proposed visR to Japan, or Vice President Noon’s discourteous reception bt Venezuela. ‘BiibfT wpull be a denial of our nation’s fair play policies. But we’re heartily in accord with the UJ5. unofficial determination to let this bully know when ho stands._______________ Panama’s Flag to Fly With Stars and Stripes President Eisenhower’s action in directing that the Panamanian flag be flown with the 8 tars and Stripes .atone point in the 10 mile strip which, runs about 50 miles through the Republic of Panama, is,* laudable One. Denial of this right to Panama helped provoke anti - American riots test year. Hie U-S.-Panama agreement gives thb country nulhortty "in perpetuity” over the cafial and a 10 mile wide zone on either side while acknowledging Panamanian sovereignty. Other UJ3. plans being put into effect for easing the situation between the two countries include higher wages, better jobs and housing for Panamanian workers In the Cafial Zone even though all of these already are much better than outside the sane. ; Whether these steps will improve relations with Panama plected president, Roanro F. Chiari. He has the support of one _pranch of the vejy,.-wealthy ^krias family whose stock-in-trade is its anti-Americanism. In any case the U.8. b moving rin the right direction. ★ ★ t ★ Viewing world conditions today it is difficult to understand the reaction of two Congressmen, Flood, D-Pa., ami Selden, D-Ala. to the President’s decision. Rep. Flood calls it **a major victory for international communism"... and that “impeachment at American presidents has 'been urged for far less than this.” Rep. 8slmn Jr., chairman of the House Foreign Affairs committee, culled the action “a long range blunder.” J •. ★ ★ Ucontrol of the canal, of gMBM'.te perfectly legal but soiml. Latin Americana resent it as an o&iwt to their aational pride aad * dignity, president Eisenhower merely hewed to the preaeuree of pisdern nationalism in granting the courtesy. That Is Just What Russia Would Say JT ftuasian tactics axe becoming more cte^iy established and recognised fdf just what they are- The Man About Town It Is Time to Act That Football Content Is Nowlin Its Closing Days ... Bagtal: What you’ll have If your football entry isn't received on Little Red Sambo ’Democrats Look After Everyone’ David Lawrence Says: Khrushchev World’s Top Blunderer —Tor know what to do to get In Una for that 6300 prim In our football contest. Your entry must be received In our office by Friday noon of this week. . - Mike a check mark in front of the teams which yon thing will wtn, If you think the game will be a tie. do not cheek either team. Write your name and address on the margin. Every member of your family to eligible to compete. If you do not have enough printed slips, write out the games. Time’s getUng short. Here's the list: Sept. 84—OlSbuni vs. OTeu-taeaeee. Oct. 10—OMichigan State n. n Michigan. Oet. a—n Stanford vk. OWash- -___ higitn. ...'.-... ... Oet, 14—CfFontlae Northern vs. ^W|jtpi6jprd.. _Oct It—Otaxas A * M vs. 0 Texas Christian. ' Oet 12—□ Colorado vs. JD-Ne* braaka. Oet 29—CJLSU va. □ Mississippi, oct ta—ant Michael vs. ast Frederick. . Nov. 6—0 Lions vs. □ San Francisco. Nov. 12—0 Iowa ya. □ Ohio State. —Noy. II—□ PonUae C e n t r a I. vs.- □ Pontiac Northern. ----Nov. I6--0 Harvard va. □ Tate---- Nov. 86—O Army vs, □ Navy, ----Dec. 4—oChicago Bears vs. □ Green Bay Factors. "I'm getUng exceedingly weary of having those hurricanes.called by feminine names,” phones Mrs. Donna ARtecra•'«' WASHINGTON—What real progress toward world peace could have been made by Nildta Khrushchev if he had been endowed with a fundamental 1 understanding of diplomacy! As it to, he has committed the worst blunders In the history of diplomacy. One rvle, which has behind It centuries ol tradition, to that the door to LAWRENCE never deliberately closed and that, however disturbing the Cpsto may be, it to wist always to Bit ywU'.upiMit'in an honorable fway to continue negotiations. The Soviet premier Had everything to gain and nothing to lose before hr deliberately scuttled the summit conference at Paris last - spring- '——:—;—~—................. There was a good chance that he might ha\!e gotten a workable agreement on the Berlin problem -—a -revision of the legal requlre-mento tot the lour allies—and he would have been hailed on both sides ol the Iron Curtain as a .peacemaker. His prestige certainly would have grown, at least Inside the . ( omniunlst -bloc. Why did the Soviet'dictator throw away his chances? Was he Just a blunderbuss—a man without the knowledge of Western psychology that he should have had? Did his advisers fail him. or was he tob stubborn or egotistic to listen to them when they gave him sound advice? As a propagandist and showman, Khrushchev has made dramatic efforts to enhance his own standing. Bat except for the Aetatorshtp power he vrtelds ever a vast empire, he Weald certainly have In bringing his henchmen from 'other, countries to New York and endeavoring to give the appearance of a mighty bloc, he to certainly not tooling the Iree world. * * * The Soviet premier's propaganda to ineffective primarily because of Ms record of duplicity and deception. ,, Aftmr jhf Anvriran Prwri. dent and getting an invitation to come to the United States a year ago. the Soviet boss said that, of course, Eisenhower could come to Russia on a return visit aad that television and broadcasting facilities similar to thoae Khrushchev enjoyud while m this country would be available there to the American President. Bat the Boviet -premier became afraid of what thoughts might be put into the minds of his own people and canceled tfie invitation. (Copyright INI) A WRAlLPar for His Promises’ 'If you are enjoy!* social Kennedy to promising everything security, vote tor the Democratic In sight to everyone everywhere. Party for that to the party that What I want to know to, who will made It posaiMe foryou to get H. pay tor what? It wUI not bemjdti-Who to the one that looks after all millionaire Kennedy* but H will be the people? Well, It to the Detno- the ordinary taxpayers like me. Oidtoaiy Taxpayer Ul . 1 . THOUGHTS FOR TODAY ‘Hungarians Should “Protect” NBdta’ ITT and | am th* last; beside me New York City should assign , there Is as Gad.—faalah M:S: Hungarian police to handle this w <* * blackguard, Khrushchev. Let him o» God one law, one be ’’protected” by the retotireo rfgnent.—- and friends of some of the millions And one far-off divine he murdered and put in bondage. event,. Hector To which the whole creation —Alfred Tennyson. Fever Favorable Sign, Wot Signal for Aspirin The Almanac i, imm rn, Portraits 264th day of the year, with Itt more today t 7 To have hit movements reotrict- “I was disappointed in your article ‘She Gives Thom Aspirin.' I don’t'like to give the children aspirin but I'm not a doctor and every one says gppirin. S# 'T wrtfe ' to ask you what to do, but I sure didn’t expect a scolding. Like I said. I’m not a doctor and after reading what you i had to say about dr. BRADY feeding children aspirin It made me stop to think so I wrote to you ...” i Yes. yea, we’ll stipulate you wrote to me. Ma'am. Now let's hear your 6om plaint s----------- “Our children fight everything with -a fever which usually tasts 1 o» 4 days al IB. 1 wsald 8b to know how long It to good tor a child to have a lever between MS and 1M? ”1 can tell when the children have a fever'without the use of a little glam stick, r use it because one of tiie. boys went into a convulsion when his lever went to do so and, as your husband shrewdly suspects,, the child will recovre quite as promptly. ‘ From The evening stars are Venus, Jupiter aad Saturn. Ferdinand Magellan began his The small German town with an expansive park .. . Lying sleepily la its lap like a tired dachshund Wlyra the ghwel pathways— lead to a' quaint Greek Orthodox church . . .A gift from a grateful Russian CZar , . . And a gold leaf Allan temple shimmering in the sunlight. . . A gift from the' friendly King of Siam . . . Where young- the way you explain your me of jgjdbal voyage to find a western sters pia/ at miniature gaK the thermometer one might infer that the little glass stick Itself has some magic power to dispel illness. Leave the thermometer to the neighborhood Saireygamp or near-nurse and treat the chfid’s OH with horse sense—one-horse sense. If you haven't enough confidence in yourself perhaps you can get help from study of the handbook CAL IT CRT, tor which send me 35c and a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Signed letleri not more than one _ long pertaining to not dl» «tn bo passage to the Indies, la IW, the U.s. frigate Cm-stituttoa, ratted OM Ironside-, was laanrhed at the Horton Navy Yard. In IgB. the pontr nMjlTt rearfwd a climax when the New York Stock Exchange dosed its doors. In 1946, 'President Hairy Truman asked Secretary of Commerce Henry Wallace' for his resignation after Wallace, criticized UK. policy toward Russia. , h 4 A Thought tor Today: American poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow AilThc "dtiWanda -in flower ■fcar-dens . . . Palatial Bad Hamburg . . . Where a Sunday band concert to a bowl of ruby strawberries . . . Bathing in a foamy pool of whipped create, .... . In the nearby black -Marts- . The stately white I r barons And not far ■ built powerful Roman fortress . . . And broken ruins of outdoor steam 'baths. aeH‘ “Music Is the universal lan- lo ThePontUe Pr*u, PonllacMiehlgtr. guage of mankind — poetry their , _________(Coypyright 19M)___________ mdveraa| pesHtne and delight.” Smiles High prices have taken the wit out of a lot of summer sales. ‘ JtLl I b the groom really the tacky man. or to the gal's tether?_________ Case Records of a Psychologist: Even Children Stall Unpleasantness of Oxford. She suggests that the thing he thrown Into politics, and the next bfg wind be called ‘‘Jack” or ‘‘Dtck." That good Birmingham citizen who always signs his letters, ‘‘Keeper of the Facts,” sends me a dipping that shows It was 30 years ago today that promoter Joseph A. Bower announced that he would build a 40-foot elevated tpll road between Pontiac and -pillOII, ,‘w The forecast oft the Old Farmfr’n^ftl-manac for this week In this area to Coating aad drooling. A family heritage in the home of Sarah Van Hoosen Janes of Rochester is a two-quart can of corn on the cob, put up by\ her grandmother, the late Sarah Van Hoosen, * 40 years ago. Division Manager for King Merritt * Co., Ile^ of Pontiac, Willie JL Stanton, Is meeting a new building for his offices in Flint. Verbal Orchids to- ed to Maffikta* Hur Hy Thr' government of the United States is the biggest humiliation any premier ol a big country could suffer. But he hati-fi coming to him after his ruthless denunciation of the President of the United States last spring. , it wouldn’t have been regarded as out of order if the Soviet premier had merely used severe language In opposfaig another government’s actions or views. But to make his attack personal and to belittle the head ot a foreign power to about toe -most senseless tactic a woukl-be diplomat ever could be guilty of employing. " The' people ef Russia have bad trained Mptsi—to in part hh-tory, aad the Stavte aattias as a ’while have tamed eat men who have beea aklltfrt la dealipg with But Nildta Khrushchev has broken all records for blundering in diplomacy. What to moat tragic from the standpoint of the Russian people to that , they could be plunged into p devastating war by the same capricious man who poaes as a friend of peace. His won! today is not accepted in the wbrid at luge. again. “Why is it after achild has taken aspirin his fevrr goes down? And my husband would like to know wouldn't it have gone down anyway? "We thank you for all your good advice and 'we wish there were more doctors like you? (Mrs. C. L. M.) If I was ditoMtag anybody la the piece “She '.Gives Them Aspirin” it wm the Merchants ef Modifier aad the people whe baldly msm yea that yea give the children aspirin with year doctor’s Meaning. A sharp rise of Tiody'tempera-ture with tire CRI (any. acuta, respiratory Infection)—which accounts for most acute illnesses in childhood—is a favorable sign, not qn indication for doping the child wItH aspirin or. other analgesic (ache,or pain killer), feegard it as nature's way \«t reacting against the infection. If you can tell the child hu t fever with using the thermometer. The Country Parson The pledges be says he wO give advance a He to wasting his breath at t UN. General Assembly. of Waterford: 82nd birthday. of Bloomfield Hills; 83rd birthday. Elmer Faraday of Rochester; 61st birthday. II of Imlay CitF; .RdWte wedding Iju ij . It is Khrushchev, however, wha.. wields power today to- the Soviet Union, and fie It trying vainly for a tigs porttian sf vantsgs hy aa ostentatious maneuver at the' United Nations. »± T. ..;. 1 Yesterday t istertbed Letutt itailing devices Jo 'avcM preg-nancy. Please note David's behavior and you will find art excellent parallel. Jn tact, we aU react according to c similar pattem when toe tiish to wocHA something that it painful of otherwise distasteful. By DR. GEORGE W. CRANE CASE F474: When David, our youngest chikk was i had a Iqpae tooth in ! "Daddy, don’t you think he ought to have that tooth out he- J tore he goes to steep?” 13-year-oldPhilip ta- ’ quired. “He might get* it down hto wind] pipe if it out during there nk^t.’’ um. ware* AR five ef oar child rea may •. have ) episode as a means ef SteHtag, for they were afl ta bed aad skoeM have hern asleep. . But 1 agreed that it wmdd be a good idea to remove th* tooth. I got a pieot of coarse thread aad Ah a fprther DaMd deddcd Wi rsther have me get a patr of foreepo to I think he was surprised to find 1 located tire forceps so readily. Ws haiTcaltad Ms last Huff, so he finally opened his mouth, albeit very apprehensively. of stalling, they contemplate a tonsillectomy "or any oOier surglcaToperatTonV First they stall a re and Urey conjure up many apparently meat. Then they grew panicky Somie go into a nervous collapse by their prolonged fear and indecision. tomst 6, he Aguiam hia eheeha aad earn ront' plained of great pa*". He said Mb head hurt him. Palp enlarges aa we pay attentfoa to H. }n fact, he deckled it would be WmiajgL better to postpone the operation until next roorniftg. LET PATIENTS ASSIST it to good psychology to lefyour patient assist a* much as possible 1 in any minor operation, fire It di- verts a person’s attentkm to he' ■BPIH doing sonrethlng. MHEJnL' £ ett the By tire time if had It replaced.. David was getting Jittery. Ha said ha- wanted to look at Umasif fat the, mirror first, so I agreed. , r»r - J - Then he deridad thte be would | »| ■ rather do the putitofc. I consented. 4%..... But bo couldn't get up courage to Jerk tire thread. Then I lifted it out before he fufly .realised tire tact But he was Ott the verge ot crying, so 1 fold him to look in tee mirror and see If be wasn’t an « grandpa! Philip also diverted Ids attention by ssktng fafzu tt bo could now' wtdstie. DavM tried and found that he sun could do so. * ♦’ . ♦ t~ Then I urged him to tafie hto tootji, still dangling on the gw aad, and zho#-fi to hto mefirer .ta the kitchen, which he did. amid an excessive amount of hilarity, m Note that |db nearness to toan But when tire operation to oyer, they boaat about ft and want to do a little social grandstanding as a consequence. Just as David prenoed around in tire kitchen trying to be cute and funny. Send far toy bulletin “How to Prevent Nervous Breakdowns,” enclosing a stamped return ep. velope, plus 20 cents (nonprofit). SSSSK^pS “Diplomatic >< too psRte name . Judy add George and Philip and we i*r to 4m artbo our lay ms Danny alternately encouraged Wm when we Inert ree eeertge to and then urged him net to he a abult onumpi I have described David's case today because adults react fe-al-moet (an Identical pattern when Swat- r" THE PONTIAC PRESS. SEPTEMBER 20, 1060 SETEX SHOES But (ram this day on. the United! States may be tWhigga'rear- Alb Longsr Stntsnce,* yfamm in fht Cooler' NIAGARA FALLS, Out. f t station wanna. Prices of big usad can are for 09 little 09 plummeting—waiting may cost you hundreds of dollan. Buy today and save. Get a quality-built Rambler wrhh/vowed top resale value. Big Size! 27 by 50-inch Scatters Use pairs in bedroom*; others to protect carpet! Cotton pile; machine irssjh>.medium Today! Get the wagon buy of your life at your Rambler dealer’s For Finer Fuel Oil 659 Pershi St., Pontiac FE 2-9181 LET US FILL YOUR TANK NOW Insured Budget Pay-Plon HARRY SHOUP MY 3-4591 JOHN INGAMELL! EM 3-2210 BUD KUKUK UL 2 3227 DON RICHMOND OR 3-5072 ED ROSS MA 5-9756 This is the time shrewd buyers wait for TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1GG0 To Begin Two Health Progra Dr. Stanley W. Block Optometrist Cwwt ef Cm Ub IA »~ Evenings by Appointment Phone PC 2-2362 Closed Wad. “About Hum pet: ewt of att-ehB- amH36 wet* gh dm have tome hearing defect tjiroat examlnatk which goes undetected by parents Tbf flv<> ^.h. and teaser*/’, said Dr. John D. ^ ^ Cite* Ancient Calamity Cries to help diabetics gain Assures Mon Will,Survive treatment. we are—humanity, that is—despite MBBTWto gied calamhy ccnturies Society, these classes had * total attendance of 384 hurt. year, Barbara fFingiey, public health nutritionist, and Grace Party, the ! county Health DeparimontTpublte i health hhree, will conduct the ; classes. , : All persons attending the classes., i must have the written approval of ®*lr ^ time In the secular cinema Jesus is portrayed as a man of Ms times. true and, feel that police should silence Mem, New York police in turn remind the Soviets demonstrations are permitted in the United States as tong as the pk&ets keep their Mstaace. RUSSIA PROTESTS — Russian spokesmen have protested demonstrations like this In New York against Soviet .Premier Nikita Khrushchev. They claim charges nude by the crowds are un- An Air-Conditioned Jail Is More Escape-Proof FORT WORTH. Tex. (UPI) -County Judge Marvin Simpaon wants an air-conditioned addition hunt to the Tarrant County jail. could be omitted from an air-i conditioned, jail making it harder for priaoners to eocape. "Let ’us therefore brace our-selves to our duties^ and so bear 714 Community Natl Rwmaelvea the British Phone FE 4-1568-9 With pOrchasG-of Gos Ranges that feature BURNER-WITH-A-BRAIN Annexing Proposals on Ballot in GR GRAND RAPIDS (UPB -The Kent Comity Board of Supervisors Voters will now decide on annexing to Grand Rapids the to-dustrial properties—located in Walker and Grand Rapids townships and the'City of WjWhtag— AT YOUR AS -RAJ I / DEALER'S r LIFETIME^ gt m GUARANTEED L muftlersA uuii r-w-pw •—w successful In the voting in last I month's primary election. ■scoops them aU “Thoughtful Service" Two locations to Serve You: INSURANCE LOOK AT THE MONEY YOU SAVE! -with the new Home-Owner's Insurance Policy that includes fire and extended coverage, theft, household - goods, liability and many other risks x for less than ordinary coverages I lit About It Today! FE 4-8284 lOS t Harm St. HEMPSTEAD BAKER & H Richard *H. DiWitt Rea. FR S-STSS Donald E. Hansen Rea. PR t-Ul> Homeowners’ Policies . Accident Insurance . r , Fire Insurupe f Automobile Insurance Life IiwwrVce liability Insurance hate Glass Insurance Burglary Insurance Bonds—All Types Tenant’s Policies The greatest wealth is te live content with little, tor there to never want where the mind toMttofied. ______ — Lucretius ST I.C. — x9b BRPkES ReQnED I GUARANTEED f YEAR or 20,000 N IllOtir ft4ClUDtSlAaOt AND MATERIAL | ■f ' Plymouth I au«ss| ■ service Srfw War CoS far Saptowa*-* mftmmm maw 8Mwass>i*in | i SHOCK ABSORBERS INSTALLED FREE11 DR. JEROME S. KRAUS • FOOT SPECIALIST ANNOUNCES THC OPINING OP NIS OFFICE FOR THE PRACTICE OP SURGICAL CHIROPODY 6 FOOT ORTHOPEDICS AT 43 WEST HURON STREET * , PONTIAC, MICHIGAN OFFICE HOURS TELEPHONE 8Y APPOINTMENT FIOIRAL 4-2221 . Britishers Don’t Want Their Kids to Forget That Finest Hour' Battle LONDON (UPD—Twenty yean I "the whole fury and might of ago Hitler not hordes of bomber* I the enemy must very Soon be Md fighter aircraft over Southern turned on ua. Hitler know* that England to nnaah the Royal Air he will have to break w to fids Force and rotten up Britain for island or lose the war. If we can stand up to him, ill Europe may be free ^ the life of the world may move forward into broad “But if We fall, then world. Inducing the United States, Including all that we have known and cared tor, will sink into the abym of a new dark age made more stojater, end perhaps more protracted, by the lights of perverted science. Russians Patch Up Old U.S. Flag NEW YORK (UP!)-A new concept in a 50-star United Stats flag was displayed by the Russian ship Baltika when it arrived with Premier Khrushchev MOnday ■ ? ...__J An American- flag fluttering from the starboard yardarm of the foremast was apparently an old model with two extra stars sewn "on. - It had two rows of nine stars and four rows of eight stars. The official U.S. Flag now has five rap* of Mx stars and tour rows of five But the glorious "few" — not HittoT—won what today ft called Thwmtorid vtvwty by nil tha Southern English over 30 years ‘ “ it was a time of warm clear j4ays of an incredibly beautiful fftnIi witti thE ppRCcful flcldi gold-jen with a bumper harvest. . Bat the blue sktoa were erias-wustl with vapor trail* Kke a printed record of the nabetlev-akie bottle beiag lought five miles up.—.................... Every time an aircraft, trail-iihi Mack smoke, plummetted to earth, or a parachute drifted down, the English people were remint^d grimly of the life and death struggle for theft freedom being fought out above. But to every school child in the [land today the Battle of Britain to as ancient history as the Battle of Waterloo against Napoleon -or the smashing of the invading Spanish armada by the navy of Queen Elizabeth I.... . ' ■ - 8a te keep this historic battle reen In tha mind* of the British . pople and especially tee young on whom tee future depend*, tee air ministry has Just Issued a te-page little booklet on the e ef Britain to every school child In Britain. With 42 photographs to Illustrate it. tee events of the battle are told in simple vivid phrasing, from the fan of France to liay until tee Germans gave up their lertel assault of Britain in daylight on Sept. 30, 1940. Ike booklet opens with an e* - rayt uf tee fainiwrspwdi Prase . Minister Winston CWtrchiU made in the House of Commons on Junei, 18, 1940, after the fall of France, when he told kortiament and tee people of Britain just what they were in for. On that afternoon, hunched before the dispatch box in tfe House of Commons Churchill said: "What Gen. Weygaad edited the battle ef Fraaee Is over. I expect that the battle of Britain I is about to begin . . . RAZLEV JL/ CASH MAKKI.T A. 71 N. SAGINAW 5TR11T -- WEDNESDAY ONLY SUPER SPECIALS FLOWERS Your flowers art important to us! We know how much they mean to a bereaved family and we care for them tenderly. They are kept watered and beautifully arranged. In odd!tion, a color photograph is taken of eoch arrangement and presented to the family after the funeral. Another exclusive service? _1 CKMT UK uf CMKE PUHSu NQ/CASI^NEEDEDr ^cpsrlsj Hi STl BsoisidUttolGtCarrfStofM* «*-. « >'7W<^ ' 46 Williams S». f 1530, Auburn Road C FE 2-5841 (Auburn H^ghts UL 2-1800 TENDER REEF SHOULDER CUTS RIB STEAKS VEAL STEAKS RIMUS-^ITH MEAT .PURCHASE 1 LB. 49 BUTTER LIMIT niE Regular tlQOOVALUE FREE INSTALLATION BIG TRADE-IN m HOW AM Wl Stake your claim to one of thehsw (See Ranges that has t earned the Gold Star Award. Only the world’s finest Gaa Ranges can display this coveted award. You can be sure that no range is safer, no npge ia cleaner. And, during. the trig "Bonanza” at your Gas Range Dealer’s, ho range is easier to own! HflCi SOTS' JACKETS New 1961 Westinghouse "Mail this coupon before Sept. 30 MICHIGAN pUJE CROSS-BLUE 8H|gLp AA\ E. Jgff orgoh • Detroit 26, Mich. Timm nail me all the facta on the Bhio Croat-Blue Shield plan lor ay a>e group. I understand that thia information will be mailed to no 11499 FREE! 6 Months Supply of DASH STATE Heavy 3 pound .1C BUCKETS DATE OF BIRTH^OF SPOUSE (month) (year) Extra Feature! If you llvo In llllnola, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Mloaovrl, North wmtam Ohio, or Whconsln, you can apply for Blue Croaa-B/ua Shield Non-Group coverage nowI Just mat the toupon. Full FURNITURE AND APPLIANCES PRAYER'S Ml-hhUH l^^WM^aglnaW near Nutim OPEN EVCNjjHQS TIL *00 — SATVROAY TIL 4t00 THE PONTIAC PRESS, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER SO, i960 —lit tiro of "English' developed because the note were carried In early commerce hi Eng- IS YOUR NAME IN THE BOOK? [iSES*. \***** If you're not on the roll of Reg-iatwed Vottoa. stotfjgpipjMW be leftout of this year’s big election,. Imagine missing a trip to tbo polls with year friends and neighbors ... miao-in* the tifotyou got in pulljim that lover or tnamng that ballot... missing your r-baiw to SESS the Mart President of the VAI hue rim not putting in your plug for nonce! And ifthe qnes you’re ‘W’ happen to win, you won’t oven have the _vote. Get your $ the book «f Registered right to rezwter name u Voter. 11 SUM Ydu*ii REGISTERED! THE PONTIAC PRESS m •_ jnMic wOk 1ft Aim Offer Lumumba No Word From Ousted Congo Premier; lloo Nomod Successor LEOPOLDVILLE, the Congo (AP| -v- Patrice Lumumba has a chmee to stay in the government <* the Congo—if he wtB consent to ‘ a hade seat. s-Weatern President Joerph Rasavubu has offered Lumumba, whom he ousted as premier, a cabinet poet, in an effort to bring peace to the country, it was announced Monday night. The leftist Lumumba has been Kasavubu’ moat determined enemy. * *• There was no immediate reply from__Lumumba, whose office earlier had said a conciliation had been reached between the two under which Lumumba would re- Kaaavubu said he had discussed a possible reconciliation with sources close to Lumumba but he had refused to sign any agreement leaving Lumumba the premiers office. Kasavubu hat appointed Joseph Deo’s information minister, said now government named by Deo hod not taken over effective power because it hoped to reach agreement with Lumumba. There la some doubt if Lumumba will take the cabinet post under Deo. ..4’Tf "♦ ♦——1 Bolikango said however, "LU; mumba is intelligent enough to know that the Congo cannot continue in foe present chaos, and that some compromise must be found." Bolikango conceded that army Col. Joseph Mobutu, the reigning strongman of the Congo, was not folly in control of the 3,000 or so soldiers stationed at Camp Leopold Ion foe outskirts of Leopoldville. DR. HENRY A. MILLER • *: <* Optometrist 1 North Sogipaw Street Phone Ff 4-6842------ **Better Thing* in Sight" — Contact Lenses Open Fri. Evenings—Closed Wed. Afternoons —m The Michigan secretary of stats' office at Lanafog reports that 33 ~ ‘and County residents have had ■ drtyer'snkaeses either tt» voked or mapmded daring foe •at sever*! weeks. Ordered to'-show proof of financial rmpflnatMHty dm to one ■jUryl Tmwio, tot Ui|l» W Losing tl - ttltiMn SI RVKTS NEW YOU — Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev. stands at his Manhattan residence window, hands In hki. pockets, gazing out over New York shortly after his arrival on foe Soviet liner Baltika. Mr. K is leading his Iron Curtain gang on a blitz of foe U. N. General Assembly meeting which starts today. Gypsies Crowdln to See King at U. of M. Hospital Learn to Skate , A £ & lV1 \ \ •r ot the ;'r: Bloomfield Hills Ice Skating Studio. 4 ghmu. * ^ g Skitc rtnlil A Rink available for privote parties Ml 6-0406 805 W. Long Lake Rd. Bloomfield Hills ANN ARBOR tlMtorses at St Joseph Mercy Hospital here were amazed at foe noise 'and number of gypsies who crowded hospital corridors Monday awaiting news of their titular head, King Green' Mitchell. Mitchell, who was bedridden aft-r suffering a stroke, was de- HungarianChap to Mark Uprising iy Distance Suns i WASHINGTON (UPI) — An ar-dent anti-Oommunist and one-time competitive distance runner plans to mark the fourth anniversary of the Hungarian uprising by running from New York to Washing-si. The American friends of anti-Bolshevik nations announced that Stephen Serenyi will run eight consecutive marathon distances — “es — between foe two Cities- „ • ‘ Serenyi plans to leave foe portico of St. Patrick Cathedral to New York ot high noon on Oft. II and conclude foe »1-mlle ran Oct. ZS on foe White House gronndr Each dolly ran will take about five boors, with stopovers In Menlo Park Sad Trenton, N. S.V PbUndefoMn} Wilmington, Del.; Efoton, Aber- scribed as being in satisfactory condition by a hospital spokesman, who added, "his condition la belter than ours." Among foe more then IN Ghewchki gypsies assembled Ssrrtafioa CsakrMo* Smith, ISM4 Doarsrt Court. MUnimor, JIN Bsoswis Rokd. ___Sr?----- fbmmpm _ _ ___ Frederick H. Smith of Ml Van- Birgt^iila~tlveb," ojJd'hli|dentoN ».. TToy, bod hia license eldest son Don. "When he la well Serenyi came to national attention last year, the group said, when he blindfolded foe Statue of Liberty as the plane carrying So-Jer Nikita S. Khruaia * flew over New York: "My father is a popular i Bad Records Hit Mart 33 Licenses Taken Away Hara'i On# Mod Sorry to Sot Nixon Arrivo la glum' about VI Richard M. mom's' visit boro revoked tor violating license ro-atrietiona. unsatisfactory Jadppent •od f a 111 a c to appotr tor re- Gifford Martin of MTM Halcott fit, Royal Oak, had Ida license suspended for MgHgwnt homicide until ho can dm proof of flnan-ctnl rwMnrihRlty.___________ Oooksoos to, _ their Hcetwes because of unaatiatactory driving records wow: CDIfor* L. Church. MM Ptbtr St Uwtmm* I RaoktH. ]M torn Blvd - JMSmv ■*,h* wt-hit Arthur L Rml osk tmaiffi c. a Msdtuu HtithU Richard C Parker, MN W. Thigf Ui#» Golf Club to Broolc Info Grocery Syracuse, n.y, iupii - lice said a thief used a golf dub to ReptibUco* officials have SBva tons of confetti t id along Ntson*i motorcade fate. Leake's fob is to see that what joss down Bam up. To do X. bo foam to hove cleanup crows um t, a seven Inn, was found STAY ALIVE LONGER ----GEORGE'S A^Uvrikl. Ml W Bernhard St . J. Luirnbcri. MM! BuaU Ot , Mclnnla. INI 0. tampbcll Ot.. JOlMt. mk Park court. 0-ltU» Ordered to show proof of financial responsibility due to .unsatisfied judgments were Layton N. Penoyar of Hotel Roosevelt and Ralph S. Keptmrt of mtf- Main! St.. Clarkston. Having their licenses revoked fori unsatisfactory driving records and-failing to appear for re-examina-i lion were: Hams O. Oalleway. a h, MadUoo Hal«hM William I Pawr Jr . It . Bcrklty ANNOUNCING! SPECIAL, INTENSIVE, FEDERAL INCOME TAX CUSS IN NIGHT SCHOOL FQR ACCOUNTANTS, ATTORNEYS, BUSINESSMEN! OPENING SESSION SEPTEMBER 26, 6:45 P, M. Mr. Joseph P. Sutherland. BA.M^, initruct* fii( (Prentice’Hitt til CMiiii ^ Visit office or phone for details Pontiac Business Institute, Inc. LOOK! 16 BIG BUYS FOR WED. ATI Stamps GET READY FOR FALL and WINTER SAVE 25% to 33% 7 W. Lawrence Sf. FEderal 2-3551 In the meantime, tbo gypsies They noisily filed in and out of foe hospital Monday, seeing tbeir leader in shifts of two at. a time. * ★ Or Mitchell suffered a stroke while working with a circus in Indiana and was brought here for treatment. "People who coo afford It come >o see him and bring him gifts." i He said tiie tribe members will! [stay until Mitchell is ready to travel again. The Chewchkis disclaim a particular nationality. They make their I living as fruit pickers,. traveling ingroups atabout^O. R0MISE... TO REDUCE OVERHEAD INCREASE BUSINESS ... IMPROVE CUSTOMER REUTIONS! By Answering Your Telephone —24 Hours tverf Ddyl ELECT Ip UMt TELEPHONE ANSWERING SERVICE 15 W. Lawrence Street FE 4-2541 S AMAZING . . . BUT TRUE! COATS *29 COTTON KNITS *ZM White Uniforms $3 99 Car Coati $8.99 Sweaters <239 Girls' Slacks $2.99 THE PONTIAC PRESS, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1060 Pontiac: Opti-Mrs. Holds Tea You Better Git, Gal; Keep ' One Advance Ahead of Bo longings and dear out of there. * * * DEAR ABBY: A woman nnnu»d Sonia complained that her husband “Sw* Into res-' taurant booths first and she had to sit on the outside. You told her to ’‘overtook* Ms bad manners. Abby, could it be that both you ahd Sonia “overlooked” a fine courtesy in her husband? Many women prefer • Amoife guests were fiat presidents Mrs. Stanley Smith of Dearborn, Mrs. Robert Zimmerman of Keego Harbor, Mrs. 41. Guy- Moats, Mrs. Jack Greathouse of prayton Plains aim Mrs. Bud Shelton. see where this kind of famU-iarity is going to get a*. The boas also has a Arty mind - wHRMMK and. twists ev- ABBY erything that is said to mean s o m e th i n g suggestive. I’Ve worked here almost a year and I like my job. My Jtatf j«ys he has plana to advance me soon, so woukfai-’t I be tooliah to quit now and look for another Job? How can I keep Mm firm getting too friendly Book Jtaview Club Opens Fall Season Twgpty-six members and guests attended die opening fad meeting of'the Waterford BqahRevfewGrcup Monday DEAR ABBY: Do you want to do the Marines in Okinawa a big favor? We would like to receive some mail from girls between 18 and 22. When we get mail our morale goes up ting fired? LONESOME AND BORED DEAR ”L” AND "B": Why don’t you boys write to some old g|rl friends? If you have none, write-your mothers, ais- ALL BUSINESS DEAR ALL BUSINESS: If I read correctly between the lines, your boss plans to ad- lan Galan. Teachers new Jo die school, introduced by Mr. Hazel, were Ann McDonald, Fostiae Watson, Mrs. W. F. Alley and Mrs. Ralph B. Lee-PTA President Mrs. Leslll* Hotchkiss introduced cmttti-cers Mrs. Howard Dow, vice president; Lantont Wertz, teAcher vice president; Sylvan Lemanski, father vice presi-dent; Mrs. Charles Adler, iwc-retary; Mrs. Glen Hoisingfon, treasurer; Mrs. Anthony Stad- stronger school-home relationship early hi the year. ★ ★ * • • - Mrs. John O’Berry, Homeroom representative chairman, is arranging for the dinners. Auxiliary Passes Out 'meet LeBARON OFFICERS Mrs. Robert TrecheL new president of LeBaron School’s Parent-Teacher Association, introduced her co-officers at a get-acquainted meeting Thurs- Election Awards Officers have been elected by the Twins’ Mothers’ chib. The Women’s Auxiliary to Pontiac General Hospital honored Mrs. Harold A. Tripp as President Mrs. Robert A. Chapman will serve with Mrs. Harry Julfen, vice president; Mrs. James Cleary, recording secretary; Mrs. Paul Kilar, corresponding secretary; and Mrs. Graham Vofl, treasurer. New chairmen -are Mrs. Edward -Sutherland, publicity; Mm. Donald Hawes, equipment Mrs. Jkmes Adsit is vice prezident. Others are Tucker, father vice president; Mrs. Hazel Shuart, teacher vice president; Mis. Melvin Raymer, secretary; Mm. William Brown, treasurer; Mm. Robert Ghritey, historian; and Kenneth French, auditor.___ * Principal Mrs7X!oSfiiBoSsT check introduced Mr staff and PTA chairmen. Bonnie Davidson led community singing and Margaret Harths sand two est number of hours nt the annual awards luncheon Monday in the hospital. Ninety-one awards were presented with the announcement that auxiliary members served a total of 17,000 hours in volunteer work this past year. burn Heights Community Center, Mrs. McIntosh wore pink lace over, satin, gray accessories and corsage of red roses. Tiered orchid lace oyer, satin The Rev. Theodore R. Afle-bach offered the invocation which was followed by ttie songs “You’ll Never Walk Atone” end "He’e Got the Whole World in His Hands” by Phyllis Smith, lyric soprano. sell of Auburn Heights (hew member) It chairman; Mrs. Douglas England, hospitality; Mrs. Robert Green, membership; and Mm. Steven June vows are planned Prizes for having the greatest number of parents present were earned by the daeees of Mrs, Shuart and Mra. Max Hancock. Following the welcome extended by auxiliary President MWIl William J- Diia, Mm, William Bedard, program chairman. Introduced Mayor PMUp E. Rowston. (hi behalf of the City Commission, Mayor Rowston presented the aukuaky a citation expressing the thanks and gratitude of the University of students Margarpt Wilma Selvala, daughter of the Raymond A- , Selvalas of Judson Street, their annual High’ Fever Follies latxlucftm, proceeds of which to tat additional needed equipment At the hospital. ' WWW , Hospital Administrator Harold B. Eider, recently .returned from Hawaii where he attended a* medical cenven- Laurence W. Bearner, son of Charles A. / Bedmer of Waterford , Township Price Is High WASHINGTON (UPI) - By US), the United States Office ot Education reports, parents Will, fees college coats averaged etora to 815,800 - per Honored as the Pontiac General Hospital Women’s Auxiliary worker Tripp. Mayor Philip E.Rowston (left J and Harold B. Elder, hospital administrator, both luncheon spankers, congratulated the devoted volunteer. Wmi “ejrtae” way of life with the greatest number of volunteer hours at the group’s annual awards luncheon Monday was Mrs. Harold A. Mrs. Beamer. service to the hospital and the A tea Monday in the Cherokee Road home of Mrs. Howard Powers honored Robert K. Gray, secretary of the President’s Cabinet. Pouring (left) it Mrs. Thopuis /, Hollis of South Genesee Avenue. Mrs. Paul Mr. Gray Delightful, Humorous Gorman of North Genesee Avenue offers tea to Mr. Gray. His sister, Mrs. Duane F. Miller of Victory Drive and Mrs. Harold E. MacDonald of Elisabeth Lake Road are at right. _. Cabinet Secretary Honored Here By MADELEINE DOERF.N Robert K. Gray, young and has been secretary of the President’s Cabinet since 1968 was honored at a tea yesterday in the Cherokee Road home of Mrs. Howard Powers. Thr tegtoiailve study group of the Pontiac Branch American Association of University Women" sponsored Us talk on "The Eisenhower Cabinet System” before an appreciative . audience last evening in Webster School. His Job is to arrange and organize the most important - ■ wnwHtigs Ki qtir. nsrtflnsl life,_ namely, the regular weekly conferences between the President of the United States and his chief aides. After every Cabinet session. "Record of Action” which summarizes the pretidential decisions. He handles one of the busiest Jobs in the WUte House with dispatch. His iplit-second timing allowing 17 minutes for luncheon qpd seven ininutes from his office to the airport provides his secretary with an occasional gray hair. ~ Afffr gradation from 'Cg-lumbia and Harvard Mr. Gray returned to his native stale to teach at Hastings College. He was on the faculty at Carte-, College. Northftold. Minn.. Situated- on a 10x10 garden plot, the "pool” is sctuaMya weD about four feet in e sever see* such a ridiaeat and warmth ia aoiid carpet colon! Nor each sheer decorating n into om moke those superb new Coble Craft# Aerilan* oorpets not oral "color coordinator* Boor, and like a bouquet ia away hues, it will hriag every color ia i|h moat alive...pall y* toaster. Or m if ysaVe planning a new deosr - at« the sdsty overtoaos of the fear colon that 1666 S. TglogropR, Pontiac "J4*'* HURQN at TELEGRAPH , Fri. ip to 9 ~ Tubs./ Wed., Sat. 10 to 6 r STANDARD You gated more from Standard I and you get it! TOM KIGER, AGENT Complete Heating OH and Burner Sendee 24 Hour Sorvico TWELVE THE PONTIAC PRESS. TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 20, 1960 Planes vs. Trains Candidates Eye Vote Appeal Quiet Fears by Going :to Mass-Minister la currently tboae comparatively happy-go^ lucky days. Bathtubs and ehewara I we hud yri- ot pianos va. trains lor Is the "new frontier," ban sod- embraced the trains cl hit grand-daddy's day. Kennedy's campaign was off to a rUpleasingly slow start 1*1111 he It centaetwtQi I town Californians at die II eras love at first sight far the after two days of billing and cooing along the railroad sidings, he issued orders to revamp his bat< tie plan. * * * For the remainder of the campaign, whenever he goes political courting in thickly populated areas of die nation, he wants to ride the tails. Not so Dick Nixon. Despite, his rival's bovious success at the California chCo-choo stops,, he is con: vinced that the proper way to ■tump his own state Is to “prop-hop and motorcade'' through the main streets and suburban shop- palga trains a couple el times la the pspateas Beat and Mddle heart wit rlattaas la sear be- Neither candMate as t requested this reporter's opinion but if the decision were left to the long - suffering press corps, we would choose the campstgw train 'vewsy c"T‘,n¥fm» us t was handily at our elbow to drop off copy at virtually'any cross Oe. lb feel the public pulse and simultaneously caver the speeches, we needed merely to hop alt at the depots. Join the throng around DALLAS, Tex. (AP)-A Dallas I minister has advised Protestants to attend Roman Catholic service. sod dispel some of their «—T about th ‘ ............. Dr. Hobart Raibie, FM Units* ^ pro a send by the government but domt- Sunday* “The injec- nsited by authors and producers, lion of the religious issue toto the soon be eat ep in Wert Bengal. Is not The society wtB request dm producers to mpbe children's films fcf from 6,000 to 7.000 feet to length. The govanunaitt is (tying money tar organization aa|. pro- on fear, an irrational fear ef the unknown. It is a fear and intolerance based on ignorance of the facts about Catholics.’’ , EttobUifcod In 1896 Farmer-Snover FUNeRAL HOME 160 W. Huron St. FE 2-9171 PARKING ON PREMISES Tells ot Plan to Save Lives ifiitei Burns toy FRANK CARET BETHESDA, Md. (AP)-A new approach to earing lives threatened by severe "burns was aug-Monday by a St. Louis doctor. * * tor ' It would involve use of strong j drugs,'such as digitalis, to stim-l ulate the pumping action ot the heart—with the objective of lessening the burn shock, which is a principal cause of death in burn cases. ■ ' _ ——-—: _ * » to ~. I Shock In burns means a state of general coljepst, arising from an acute reductioo in the circula* tton of blood to and from vital tissues, and the piling up of unwanted fluids to -such tissues. In severe burns, death can occur in from a few minutes to O couple of hours — with the immediate cauee of death usually being pul-1 tonaiy edema, a swelling of the eigs with fluid. * * * Dr. Homy A. Fostsrd of Wssh-1 lngt Transformer • Btowor motor • Plain thermostat Limit control * Oil burner pump • Stack oafoty control AND MUNbniOe OF OTHOR INTIORALFARTO YOU CAN COUNT ON HEATING COMFORT WHEN YOU COUNT ON STANDARD Ottf- m MAIL THIS COUPON, TODAY I OR PHONE IN PONTIAC—Fldertl 4.15C4 Standard 09 Company Box 191 ' -- ■■ -j......................... Patotloo, MMi%— Yeet I would like more information about the benefits of new Amuucan Brand Heating Oil and Standard’s Complete Comfort Plan for my family. Please have your representative phone me. “No obligation of course! FT 4-1584 DOWN! Then Takes Auto Out, Wins 1960 Drag Race, Proves His Point When Jim Wanger* write* copy to. sell Pontiac*, he can draw on hi* own experience for the facts. He i* probably the first ropy* writer who ha* demonitrated the product—fie-—write* about before THE PONTIAC PRESS TUKSPAY, SEPTEMBER 20, i960 PONTIAC, MICHIGAN, THIRTEEN He Brags and Delivers With His Pontiac Gel Probation in Check Fraud Oxford Twp. Woman, Man Guilty <6f Passing . Worthless Drafts LAPEER — A former auto repair shop owner and a 21-year-old Oxford Township woman each wore placed on three yetun' probation yesterday for cashing nearly $1,000 in bad checks. Clifton Scheall, 24, formerly of Luih, and Judith Bailey of 633 Glaspie R pad, Oxford Township, also wgfe ordered to mhke restitution for the worthless checks by Circuit Court Judge Timothy Quinn. flheaU’* wife Marjorie, SI, who check charge, was given a suspended sentence by Judge Quinn. The three were accused of cashing the. worthless checks in Oakland, Lapeer and Genesee counties more than a month ago. .The arrest of Miss Bailey when she attempted to cash one of worthless checks in Imtay City Ang. 19 led to the apprehension of Scheall three days later. Mrs. Scheall was picked up when she visited Miss Bailey in Lapeer County Jail Aug. 22. Her husband was arretted later the same day when he was caught by a sheriffs deputy after a chase near the Jail. WiHiam l. Kopp in New Position HE’S THE (VAMP — Hardriding copywriter for MacManus, John A Adams, Inc., Bloomfield Hills advertising agency, Jim Wengers accepts the.trophy for winning the super stock class nee at this year's National Drag Races in his 1900 Pontiac Catalina. What dots Waivers write shout? Pontiac cars, naturally enough. Avondale PTA Council Troy to Seek TVy saw Wengers, who is employed in the Pontiac Sales Aids and Literature . Department of I MacManus, John k Adams, Inc., in Bloomfield HUls, drive his 1900 Pontiac Catalina to victory in ifcu year's National. Championship Drag Bjce* In Detroit In the trials. II year old Was- i gen eliminated SS competitor* : la the Super stark rlass, aversg- j lag IS 1.1 mile* per hoar for the quarter mVe from o dead start. • The finals had- Wengers compet ing with tyro n'her Pontiac .drivers, Jack Kay -of. -Royal Oak and Clarence Walter* of Detroit. Wangcrs tipped his Coronado-red Pontiac up to 102.3 m. p. h. from a dead stop win the quarter-mile race, and stock-car king of the drag- knows KM PONTlACfi - Jim Wangcrs la a natural for his job a* a copywriter In the Pontiac Sales Aids and Literature Department of MacManus, John and Adams, Inc,, Bloomfield Hills advertising agency. In his spare time he drag rices hi* own I960 Pontiac Catalina, and was the winner In this year's National Championship Drag Races. .___^_____y.-rjjt.y-f: WUl Be Worksh The newly formed Avondale ArealWatt, superintendent of the Avon-Parent-Teacher Association Coun-ldale School System, and Mrs. G. A. ... cH will boat five other area Coun- Goforth, president of the Avortdale WUllam L. Kopp. for three yeti* cils at a woH«iyp «"«i dinner Anti PTA Owir1! _______________ superintendent of yesterday assumed his new Job as assistant director of child care institutions for Oakland County, according to an announcement by William O. Moulton Jr.,- director of the institutions. Kopp, 31. of 450 Park Island Road, Lake Orion, replaces Isaac Prevetie Jr. who now works with Juvenile Court as senior child welfare worker. Kopp's old Camp Oakland posi- President and Council Delegate -Mrs. Neidrett. Vice President and Program Mrs. William Wright Rejected A11 Prices on Plan___Last Winter as Too High Nab Youth of Carver Petitions sters. Wanger's car Is strictly stock. He prepared It for the championship races without factory assist-ance, adding* only standard optional equipment whuh he pur- 1 chased and installed hlmaetf. Thfcr ~wur the first national championship for Wangcrs, who in 1968 won the Michigan champion-’ ship with his '.Vt Pontiaf Mtf was 'eliminated in the nationals. The race over, Wangers was OAK PARK-A 19-year-old Detroit youth was arredted last night lor burning petitions circulated here by a resident attempting to atop possible annexation of the School District to Oak Park. ------ After giving Mm the petitions, Mrs. Satan said Akrame rlh IN* the house. Standing mute before Oak-Park Municipal Judge Burton R. Shlf-man was Alan E. Abrama. Trial was set fur Kept. IS w charges of malirtoua destrurttoa of property. Mm uatlfied the police. They found the pettttsns burning la the AbfAIDil who told policy kf WB8 visiting friends, said he became Incensed when told that petitions were being circulated. 1 SAW RED* meeting Sept, 27. PTA councils from TVoy, Rochester, Like- Orion, Oxford and Clawson also wiU take part in the meeting, whiah, begins with a 6:30 p.m. dinner.* - Keynote speaker wilt be- Mrs. Charles Neidrett, Immediate past president of Ibe Michigan Congress of Parents and Teachers. She wifi apeak on "PTA. deal* The Rev. Lawrence Dickens of the Stone Baptist Church will deliver the invocation. The public la invited la attend, but reservation* must be made before noon Friday with Mrs. Gnfsrth or wHb any local PTA tion has not been filled. Other speakers include LeRoy R. chairman for file MCPT. Secretary, Recording and Corresponding—Mrs William Heifhei, secretary for the Avondale Area Council. SOftiqf it ti>:m. fiw group : adioum to separate workshops, which will be ted by the following Treasurer. Budget and Finance. Ways and Means — Mrs. Ralph Newton, treasurer for the Elmwood PTA, and Mrs. George Dill, publicity chairman for the Avondale TROY Construction of,a new Department of Public Works garage here, which was delayed earlier this year when costs were thought to be too high, will be attempted again. McGregor, Hamlin, Meadow Brook Rochester Board Okays 3 Grade School Projects HaspitaHty aad Publicity — Mrs. Lumiu Mitchell, membership chulrmau for 2* V iL the Avondale Junior High Reboot /iTea I OUtnS I PTSA; Mrs. Jameo Pritts; bos pitaltly ehalrmaa for tbe Stiles w .. ,r. . , pttainy chairman for tie StUes I Attend Livestock | bknl PTA; and Lee Wbibom, 'Meeting Today The City Commission last night] voted to advertise for bids new concrete block or steel struc-wWdr -would -house DPWi equipment. A similar move was made by ! the commission last winter, but afi IS bids received at fin time ] were rejected. They ratted from I $3t,737 to ISS.IK. Nuptial Vows :]Said in Hadley wot 14) FOREST A 1.1, ACTION | Mrs. Benjamin Salan of 23460 jCloverlawn Street told police that while she- was Circulating petitions, Abrams came out of a home, took four petitions, and burned roes," Abrams said. "I saw red hen I heard about those petitions." He ssM he has written article* ter several Negro pabMcattea* aad bad Intended f- *------“— printed is a beat Negro news ! .Abrams was. being held for Hi* srea 4-H members _ -41 fop young livestock breeders attending the 4-H Edu-cational Livestock Marketing Con-1 Terence in Detroit today. ROCHESTER - The Rochester Board of Education last night gave final approval to plana for the three elementary school projects included in the district’s current 93.1 million building program. Tbe three are the new Howard L. McGregor Elementary School and additions to both Hardin and Meadow Brook achoola. Tbe new grade school will rentals 14 classrooms, a library, general use room, multipurpose room and service areas. It will cost about $808,8*0. Six classrooms plus a library and general use room will be added at Hamlin and Meadow Brook Schools. The two additions will cost some 9200,000 each. *'It is expected that these buildings will be ready for occupancy by September 1961," School Supt. Donald C. Baldwin said today. "Then they will relieve the over-crowding on the elementary level that we t he added, __TV -IliiiwiliigkBm ____________ firm of O'Dell. Hewlett and Luck-enbach Associates has charge of ifcsign and construction of the hew school and the additions. To save money, the b west of the Woodward School have been purchased for 98500. The property will be used for future expansion of the school, said the superintendent. In other action last night, board passed a resolution in support of Proposal No. 1 on the November According to Baldwin, the proposition, if approved, would save interqpt money and make it possible to set up bond issues on longer term bases. This would result in lower Interest rates, he said. The board is urging voters to]i favor the proposal. Legislation—R. A. Ambrose. legislation chairman for the MCPT. Health — Representative from file Oakland County Health Department. The requirements and size of the new garage will be essentially the | same as those advertised earlier, edge of farm product market-lag aad haw it Is related to Safety — Joseph Zabaiski, traffic safety educiOohal cdrisuRanl for the Michigan Automobile Associa- tion. Attending from this aroa -are Richard Roher of Metaraora and Harold Barnard of Troy. The conference is cosponsored by the Railroad Community Service Committee of Detroit, Michigan Livestock Exchange, the Detroit Stockyards and the Michigan State University Extension Service. It would be located oh dty property on Rochester Road south of 18-Mile Road.. Juvenile Protection — Gerald Judd, representative for Juvenile Court.---- Exceptional Child — Paul Harris, chairman of the exceptional child committee of the MCPT. High School PTA awl PTSA Mrs. Charles Cox. chairman of high school PTA-PTSA committee of the MCPT. lln other action, the commission agreed to have the city ditch in Thornwood Subdivision if residents in that area would provide the money for the work. The commission also discussed appointing —--(XUeworth »-U). 1:1» — WEDNESDAY’S------------ B, Tk* Ancelated ftm Milwaukee S. Cttease 1 Away (»), FWla-■snaas S. snsataiaL et. Louie—at borne X Las Anselee I. Plttsbursh S. away I. 1 ““•■■K'.gr . aSSUEHUU LXAOCS WeaLeetret. Behti Haw Task ....Si II .ill - Remslnlny gamei: S; sway __ __ ___ City L Detroit 2. Cleveland St sway X diets- Chicago—at home I Countess Adios Sots 6 World Pacing Records DELAWARE, Ohio (AP)-Coun-tess Adios, winner of two of the three lege of pacing's triple crown lived up to her trainer's predictions Monday by setting six world The daughter of Adios made her mark in. , the record books by romping to 1:58 14 and 2:80 heat victories in the Breeders Filly Stake for three-yeaDold pacers as grand circuit harness racing got- under way wt-the Dataware County Fairgrounds. The Countess thereby upped her season’s earnings to 3180,000. Pirates Meet Phillies, NY Bailies Nats Dick Groat May Rofoin Pittsburgh dub Sooner Than Expected That left bote the Pirates and Yankees with magic numbers of •even. Any combination of Buc victories and St Louis defeats totaling acvea dtoefaes the flag tor Pittsburgh. The sene formula applies for the Yankees over the Orioles and defending champion White Sox. Neither leader ia a sure-shot eteehrbuMMyaL take some doing— to muecle either the Pirates or the Yan^mes out of the picture. Particularly in the case of the Bucs, who were told by their dub doctor Monday that Groat tooted be playing again "within a week or 10 days.” The sparkplug shortstop suffered s fractured wrist two weeks ago today—when be was fait by a pitch from Milwaukee’s Lew Burdette. He had been considered lost for the rest of the regular _ and perhaps for the World Series, too. With sub Dick Schofield filling n, swinging Ms supposedly light have won six of 10 withoutXroat. The Cards have done better (7-3) ind the third place Milwaukee Braves Just the same (64), but the Pirates were seven games ahead when Groat was sidelined. Groat, who was second in the NL bat race when he went out, moved into a tie with Los Angeles first baseman Norm Larber at” 225 when the Cards' Bob Miller and Lindy McDaniel allowed the Dodgers only five Mts Monday night. Larlcer’s. lofie hit in tour trips (costing Mm a .percentage point) was a one-out single in tee ninth, but McDaniel then came on and struck out rookie Tommy Davis and pinch-hitter Wally That saved a 4-1 record tor Miller, who . walked two and thwfc mt Sa- phla . «!,-«■ | since June 4 after a aide ailment. It was McDaniel’s 61st appearance and 25th save. The two strikeouts gave him 99 in 1101-3 Willie Kirkland drove in four runs with a pair of homers in the opener tor the Giants and Ed Ftehcr tHW. Bffly O’Doll (8-12) then beat the Cubs with a three-hitter and Bob Schmidt's grand-slam homer in the fifth off Seth Morehead (34) M the nightcap. > tote ITw3» Midi to bo tilted in your favorite drink KESSLERGIN — HteOMta —a— taUMtaiuMta THE POMT^AC PRESS, TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 20, 1900 immm Rebels No. 1 After 42-0 Win Over Houston By The Aswlatcd Pmt ssissippi, long tagged a potential I960 powerhouse, uaed a 42-0 opening game victory aa a springboard to reach the top of the nation's college football teams the first weekly Associated Press poll of the season by the narrowest of margins over S^ra< cuse's defending champions. AT FkaUfat TOUGH SPARTAN'S - These three Michigan State players are slated for key roles in the Spartan opener at Pittsburgh Saturday. The center is Dave Manders. On the right is starting quarterback Tnfwny Wilson. The other feOow is N9.2QB LeRoy Loudermilk. Pittsburgh Tough Despite Defeat, Spartans Warned —EAST LANSING Pittsburgh I “Pittsburgh got only one touch- looked a lot tougher than the fr?| down on the •corcbeard.” Daugh- defeat by UCLA would indicate, the Michigan State -footbaH team has bear warned. * Coach Duffy Daugherty passed the word after checking signals with Vince Carillot, who scouted the coast opener with the Panthers, the MStj opponents this Saturday. erty explained, a couple of good scoring chances because of opeolag gome mistakes. They'll have aa opportunity to correct thooe mistakes before they meet us.” Daugherty has talked about twe Pittsburgh advantages—the Uncle Sam Is Eying Tracks game before playing Michigan •State and nine more days of practice, The movie of Pittsburgh in action plus the detailed assessment of strength «nd weaknemes provided by/CarrHot should be something of an equalizer. U.S. Government Takes Steps to Gqm«r Extra Tax From Racing Rest for-the weary this week. There will be no more hitting for tlto Top inen- until after the kickoff Saturday in Pitt stadium. The first two writs worked on polishing plays yesterday, nut- WASHINGTON (API—The government intends to be sure of getting its tax share of any big winnings on daily double and other race pool betting. It Is directing the nation's race tracks to file special reports with the name and address of anyone who wins $600 or more in a pool wager. The report to the Internal Revenue Service also must give the amount of the winnings. " SO far tiw Older is being limit-ed to pool winnings, with no report required of major winnings hr Individual races. That is because of the administrative problems involved, the service said. ~ nie hew reporting order stems from a recent development fat American race betting—the port, in which the bettor'ptcka the winner of four, five or six races. Payoffs sometimes reach thousands of dollars in such esses. The revenue service's Interest captured ” reports that one winner at Lincoln Downs in Rhode Island collected 18,382.20 tor a 12 beTln a pool event called papeleta. But the revenue agent who checked into it couldn’t get the name of the winner. Since then, Uwenln Downs has been taking the names of the big winners andi has promised to submit them Jfi the government. Mississippi on Top in First AP Poll] Major League Boxes Syracuse Ranked 2nd, Washington 3rd and MSU *th |Fem’s Is Halfback No. I Scorer By TWA—dated Pram A four-touchdown spree in his I team's opening game put BUI Me-iNaUy of Ferris Institute well in front in the state college football sewing derby. The mighty mite from Battle Creak, who packs 165 pounds on a 5-feet-7 frame, breezed more than halfway to his 1958 scoring total be amassed <7 points The shutout of Houston last Saturday while Syracuse waited a week before opening its season, was enough to give Ola Miss a margin o| 33 points in the opfaton of The Associated Press panel of ~ 48 experts. In the pre-season poll, Syracuse topped the Southeastern Conference school by 20 points. The tribunal was so evenly divided in the vote announced today that Syracuse and Jl each received 22 first place votes and also the same number, 16, tor id. The difference came in third place. Seven members the panel placed the Rebels in that spot while three voted tor the Onnge for third. All-America end BiO Wlljanen of Michigan Tech are tied for third place, each with 12 points. Four voters, apparently operating on the theory that Syracuse has yet to prove Its worth, didn’t place the Orange among the top 18; Only one left Mississippi off hi* ballot. Washington, which opened the season with a 55-6 victory over College of Pacific, ran s strong iWfd iuat-as-the Huskies did in the pre-season balloting. The Big Five eleven was named first on three bidtots and compiled 378 points. Opening game detests by South-" ' Pittsburgh, a” All but tour of the state's colleges swung Into action in the first week. The University of Detroit starts Friday night against Iowa State, and Michigan and Michigan StSte open the following day. Wayne State waits until Ort. 1. em California, Texas coal them first 10 ranking. Oklahoma, which opens its campaign Saturday against Northwestern, also dropped out of the select. The quartet's places were taken {by Alabama (No. 5> Kansas (No. in orderT). UCLA (No. 8). and Oregon State (No. 10). Illinois replaced Texas as No. 4 white Michigan State moved up from eighth to sixth and Ctemson retained ninth. covering panto was Hs showed as a weak-In the last scrimmage sea- The only question mark as far as in^iriea were concerned defensive end Jim Cocgiat of Bessemer, who is hobbling on a twisted ankle. End is one of the'strongest Spartan positions, however, and even the loss of Corgiat should not dHuteTfieMSUWrengttxr-- OcddancLHiHs Wins Titte Hockey Officials Meet week’s card, seven involved out-of-state foes. Michigan teutiTwon six of them, tied another. They out-scored their rivfda 146 to & McNally scared IS prints as the Petris Institute Bulldogs walloped Wisconsin’s Milwaukee branch SS-7. He neared ea (our touchdown tans, ranging from extra paint. Carl Bekofske trails McNally after one week of action. The Kafaunasoo College sophomore halfback from Grand victory aver Wabaah. Lyn galathtel of Alma and Little Michigan eoHeges popped i One of the most derisive game* Of the 10 games UU M tilt ■gill: Jill "Sag..... spate U Itfhlaas SR ______ er. MM _ —- - *)’.V» urn. iiyfcAiliilEt lit; litrei jliKmtSctt 8114 Tsjlor « III iHr“ Said Msrskssd p HffjS) I in " Tift UrT IIM i to » , i » Orwn'M h iff; n a I»11 Hwh If I# r iIHmBi « If if takes place at Oxlord, Ohio, on Saturday. Western Michigan will find out if Its opening 31-8 triumph over Central Michigan meant that Western is strong or that Central hi weak. leafs, Brains Play Twice in Los Angeles ins ANGELES (UP!) - The |«n Toronto MapteLeafa and the Boe- ami, many-nmua“pHtfipWrof (on Brulhs bring Major LeagUS 2L™r~MI favorites in the loop along with [when they meet In lhe first of ttmj Ohio University and Bowling pre-season matches in The Sports Green, A Western victory o ve r I Arena. _ « • f Miami would indicate that the With the two National Hockey Broncos may be In for their best League clubs having deadlocked season ever in the MAC. with oix wins, six tosses and two j Freak Injury Puts Halstead Behind ¥ End Working Overtime O'Neil. Biske Win Golf Test ANN ARBOR UB-A calm settled j Halstead will ha ready when Iba over the practive field after the Wrivertaee made their ini de-Michigan football squad called It! *■* Saturday against Oregon, another day. 1 “He's probably too far behind,' But in the gray gloom of a rainy the conch said. “A man can’t get Monday afternoon, n solltar yjmmacit into shape that tost."------- figure remained behind to line up * # * a row of footballs and kick them,! Halstead was Michigan's second; one after the other, through, the leading scorer in 1956, with ties in the past two * oa-Angeles series was expected] i bring out hard fought clasheo. Toronto has won the Stanley Cup! sevwn ~nB»*"Ttnw 1931 and hat] season surprised the hockey world by gaining the finals before losing! to Montreal. AS -Us"! It*. T. gsrtt KkA-U, map .%’! Kfc'VSSli MONDAY’S mail Pr lbs JkssssMsi mss nsw tons—tens rwssMss, us, *r nltna. millMlnlMl Slstsa Rs4l. US’, DISCOUNTS TINE Brand l,S:5 wtlltvaMa 6.70x15 WhIK 7.50x14 DOWN MONEY NO Persian and Tires I United Tin Stnrict 'uprights. ; each day—Michigan’s own version of "the lonely end." Injured two weeks , ago in what touchdowns, two field goals and three extra prints for 21 prints. His place at- left end will be filled .Saturday by Scott Maentz, Grand Rapids junior who has looked impressive in practice Birdie Lost Two Holos will probably bethe moat freakish frrrk 16 iiGCtfflS »0 Tolls Inkster Eyenfl*^1 •< «»—» *• *»«“- L................ at Pins lake Cc Uld Bnv City senior is working ! overtime to get back into shape. Quickly About The only way D'Arcy O'Nell and partner Ler Stake could win Pine Lake Country Club’s annual Jock Inksttr handicap best ball golf tournament was to birdie the last two holes. Ihey rMponded to the challenge and won the tourney with • 36-hole total of .132,12 under par, on rouiids of 67-85. O’Neil sank his approach shot on the 18th green for the winning btrdte. Don Moaer and Walter Selover won the Group B title from Red Hookto and Jack Shelton oa a draw, after tile twe team finished to a tie for 1st place at US. Moser and Setover shot 71* 67 while Hookln and Shelton Halstead was hit on the right leg with s thrown kicking tee. The original injury wasn't serious but for some reason it became infected and swelled up. Jack Kelchner and Herb Marx tobk 3rd -place -with a seme of 71-68-139, followed by Phil McNeills and T. E. Clagett with 72-78 -142. th^ Group A competition Spencer and club champion Jack 30]Blhihtoll;------ MUSKEGON (UPD—AUuut Oakland Hill*’ four-man teamit0P officials of the Amateur Hockey The Spence-BlaisdeU team <66-^ u li"'1 Association of Michigan will meet 67-133) and Jim Cross and Steve ^^n^invt^av^hhe" Saturday at the L. C Walker Hauser (6667-133) waged *** Plum Hoi !Oporto Arena to discuss the com- den-death playoff for 2nd s| t^^Z^X***"* activities The two telms ended an eight- * *■ * LFJZZflZ? week schedule tied tor 1st place.; Frank Gallagher of Detroit com-jtne “V exlra 0016 Fred Ewald, Chuck West, Bnicemissioner of the International Billings and Tom Fry comprised!Hockey League will address the -nrr-rm Pro Basketball Doctors saw It the next day and ardered Halstead to the hospital. For almost twa wneha ho was bedridden with the log “Ten days in a: hospital bed raalty:toolr1tout ri me,” said Halstead. “It was hard to take.” It was hard for head coach Bump EUiqtt to take, too. He was counting on Halstead heavily as Michi-i best place-kicker and one of its two best and most experienced ends. MARYSVILLE l*l-Jsck)e Mi land, s top collegian at Louisiana Tech, learned quickly about pro basketball He's trying out for the Detroit Pistons as the National Basketball—Association's—No. 1 draft choice. ,-L-----T----■— Shellie McMillon, a two-year NBA veteran, la another candidate. In--the--Piaton*L ^ut -woricoHt, McMillon's elbow caught Moreland’s right eye. The rookie needed four stitches Next day, McMillon plunged into Moreland and the rookie crashed to the floor. In his best drawl, Moreland said: I do declare Shellie, I think you’re in the wrong game." The Pistons rounded out their pre-season exhibition schedule yes- PCH Grid Ducats on SalH'tcrday by completing negotiations 'tor a game at Grosae Polnte, Art Yw Sariy hr Tin 60 HUNTING SEASON! Do You Hove Your Hunter's Insurance? If not, stop in today and inquire about the Special Hunter's Policy we ore offering you.. E W. Hnttenlocher Agency 306-320 Riktr BMf. FE 4*1551 ' Reliable Transmission Co. Fftiwing nwj.ii and Biske in- Individual ticket* tor Poatlac tMidi., Oct. 12 against the Clndn-. 1 i^Group A competition were Carl Ceatral’s football game wHSTWy- lhati RoyateT ~ — tr NO MONEY DOWN UP to 12 MONTHS to PAY at SPECIAL PRICES ON MEBC-0-NETIC end F0RD-0-MATIC '50-'5f (Oil LMkert) Seated (Cemplete) ........... I'SO.M 'Sl-'Ski (Rshrih Unit) InstnHed (Cemplete) ......$ 71JM 'SS-'t? (Rebuilt Unit) toitaNed (Cemplete) ... $ 11.88 '5S '60 (Rsbeilt Unit) InstnHed (Cemplete) .......$120.00 Price Includai Parts — Labor — OR Easy Credit Terms Areilable All Work Folly Guarsnieed Most Can - 1 Day Service Reliable Transmissies Co. 41 N. Pork* St. PI 4-0701 andotte Saturday night at Wittner PCH ticket office. Fttapatrlck Pharmacy, Trade Fair and both Osmun stores. Tickets far all PCH home games go Monday preceding the game at these location* and are through no other source. Palmer's Earnings Etimb to S75.000 UNEDIN, Fla. (AP) — Arnrid ner, Petmsyivania iL. pride * of essiorial golfdom, still leads «to Id t" pH** money won this ere«yA(hg to the Profcssion-Golfers Association weekly nsinent tour standings, timer, of Lifljonier, Pa., has ml tn a lumuainenti, wen m. placed to the first five iey mxHs 14 times and won • 1 of $75,780. >cond in money winnings Is i Venturi, Palo Alto, Calif., 1444^00. Following up ip third ; Is Daw Finaterwaki, of Ter ita, Fla., with winnings total-$41,200 and in fourth place is a Fofd, Crystal River, Fla., rpiir JOIN 0UB LEAGUE BOWLING Non • Wmwi • Mixtd ’P OPENINGS FOR MOTORWH RECREATION It 8. Hm n SERVICE Sp&sfat 95 TMe service included a Align front end « Belsnce front wheels OPEN EVESY HtOHT TIL IP. M. Dayton ^ The Cu.^r ^CFormerj^MARKET^ ; COJ 77 Wast Huron Sfr^df FE 8-0424 in Fine Whiskey... J FLEISCHMANN’S j is the BIG buy! 4 $407 A . V*W* ■ code >«ee 90 PROOF is why! 1 m $256 2| Fall PlBt ■ c«4« *tei At your FORD w DEALERS, of course, ^tejgy tJSEP -CARS are inspected, reconditioned when necessary and road-tested. They're priced right,too! fn the world canlget e GOOD USED CAR I can trust? be. Boattb Motel Salts Eddie Steele, lac. €y < 5808 Diito Hifhwsy 2705 Owhwd Latro M. «>t t , Keeeu Narbac, Mich. THE PONTIAC PRESS, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2d IMP yXTKEN DETROIT IUP1) The Detroit Red Wing* of the National Hockey League confirmed last night that the dub is looking for a radio-television sponsor .alter canceling a contract with a brewery sponsor of many years. ONE MAN TELLS ANOTHER In meetings last week between officials of the hockey dub and the U. S. Metiers Z over broadcasting of the games on both television and radio, according to a Red Wings' spokesman. In doubles. Ear! Buchholz and Chuck McKinley, both of 'St. Louis, had assured the. United States the viptory by defeating the Pimentel - Gambus tandem, Midget Football CLEVELAND (AP) - Barry MacKay of Dayton, Ohio, and Bernard (Tut) Bartsen of Dallas won-stories-matches Monday as the U. S- team aopleted a sweep of the American Zone Davis Cup tennis finals with Venezuela. MacKay held his. powerful service throughout in defeating Iyo Pimentel 6-3, 63, 63. Bartzen overwhelmed Marcos Gambus, 6-1, 6-0, 64 in the first match. Last Friday MacKay beat Gam-bus 6-1, 6-1, 61, and Bartsen smothered Pimentel 64, tl, tl. Program Starts The United States now goes into the Davis Cup semifinals against the Philippines, and the winder of t|at one goes an to play Italy for the right to challenge chiim-pion Australians. Date and fit* of the next matches have not been determined. getting under way at the elementary schools throughout Pontiac, under the sponsorship of the Reo- For the most part, the coaches jnvMved la kwtructlon of foottodl in this program are from the Pontiac school system and are trained and qualified in this area. Further Monnation may be had by calling the Parks and Recrea- A very special bourbon HmSsF. Ml ygMaw CwCral. at.1 me*, us at. Trtnltr Lutturjn iat ) OrtoU FltlSI - Moodtyi am WMu-MM; wmm - w»t»iSu»; • - rwtin »nd Thur«d»7*: HerHnfton i —- TenSSp . sss Hw \ mt MeOsMtdi -mi mum 'Wssssf*; . ttttnwT jkfo St. Mlki’i iln A*ron WO Park at Um corntr « Marauatta and MSlaoa / Streetsi — Tuaadayi and TJiaradars: Wlaner — Tueedajri and faenUMi I mrtn MaaSiTi iMjrT"'*r~' ***l-1 ktai — Taaalars aas mntin. On Saturday mornings according) to the individual time schedule* for each’ location the boy* will re- I port out to Wlaner Stadium where they wilt apply their basic skills and fundamentals learned in the after achool program jo the game ; situation. sponsor states the Red Wing games jcannot hr sponsored by another betr for at least a year. Stroh’s this year began sponsoring Detroit Tiger baseball broadcasts, for a price at least This ig the Americon look, coptured by Stetson in a hot that bespeaks o quiet confidence and com-mand. It's young and stylish with a subtly curved, foce-flettering silhouette. for broadcast rights. Bruce Norris, president of the Red Wings, was quoted "by the dub's spokesman as saying, "We'd rather have nothipg at all thgnj New Coost Conference Sets Up Machinary Jo STANFORD, Calif. (AP) - Machinery for selecting the Rose Bowl football teams was outlined Monday by the new Athletic Association of Western Universities. nsmosED A day-long meeting of school presidents, faculty represents- School ME YOUR fives for athletics and athletic direcords brought no changes in the baaic conference rules which c*H for operation on a basis of mutual understanding. -----# :■ * • * KENTUCKY BOURBON BRAKES SAFE? Jan. 1, is eligible to repeat. Wings said the earlier starting time had bonded attendance by permitting more outstate fans to return home at an earlier hour following games in Detroit. The This is a very special bourbon. It Each member of the Big Five will submit names of teams they think qualified as Rose Bowl opponent. The< final selection will be made 'by the conference athletic it copper distilled, old fashioned, sour mash Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey.. .the finest we telecasts did not attract enough cylinders for leakage. 3. Clean, inspect, repack ai)d •adjust front bearings. Ex-Spartan Tackle Dropped by Dallas had put an live telecatty of the Red Wing home games starting at 10 p.m., usually picking up fite last minutes of the second period and the third period. Several pro football teams cut {Sayers Monday as opening day of 1960 neared. liaslsri reached the limit by cut-fing young quarterback John Gmn. The LA Rams put vet guard At Berry on waivers while NOrtb- shlpthape in This new poplin-weave woertad perfectly defines,the worldly new look of Ht^SghfifFhar & Mfirx: tatt-ly trim, sprucely spore completely NATURAL HS&M'S Tempowote ■that's ideal tor any temperature between 50 and 75. In styled foe*- $7050 See America’s lowest priced full-sized station wagon at, Tun*>Iii MAVERICK Sunday Evenings 7:30 P.M. ' {Formerly MacDonald Tire) | t 370 S. Saginaw FE 5-0136 OLIVER MOTOR SALES THE STYLE OOSNER Of PONTIAC 210 Orchard Ukt Are. « 2»W1 PenHec, Mich. Tirestone car safety service 8=3 N 1 SualoXw Want to Watch Echo Again? DETROIT W—Here Is the ached-ole for Echo's appearance* over Michigan in the next leer days. (Uvea are the tin*, the elevation and the direction jn which the satellite is traveling. ; «tH p-w., Isa asath It# p.m., lag Friday: S:S1 p.m., lsw south soothe mat. t:n pjn.. low south Before Crash THE PONTIAC P&ESS, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, i960 La teat Record Way Up There SEVENTEEN Take-Qff Troubles Told by Survivor AGANA, Guam (API — A sur-ithe navigator and the only aurviv- vtvor tala today of signa of en-1-- “ g - - line trouble on to|m-atf minutes before a World Airways transport crashed tola hit. Banigada hittfog 7*. .- — Aviation-seaman William Baxter of NaahviDe, Tenn., who Monday rescued three Chine— of-OcOTs from the flaming wreckage. Benson to Take Journey Abroad Presky Dead? Ha! He's Still the Hottest talked with newsmen at a Guam hospital. *. * * 'I told my testing companion *omething appeared wrong with the engine. Within a couple of min-utes 1 felt aeveral Writs and the next thing i knew I was fbout 10 yards Any from the plane |«dth the plane seat under me," Just before take-off, Baxter said, man nextfto htm—whoa* name [he didn’t know—remarked that one of the DSB’t four engines died. With Baxter at the informal presa conference was Edgar W. Schwoyer of San Leandro, Calif., Schwoyer said that the pfcae's lights began flickering, apparently when tt# transport scraped some trees. its day was dear sad there was no fire before the impact, Schwoyer said. ... A A A The navigator brake a cockpit Indow and climbed out. "There ere aeveral violent explosions ad a vicious ffte,’’ he said. Baxter said he got up hum the ground and ran into the plane. .... a a a,.:-...,.. "There werea bunen or people trying to get out. They were all panicky and I told them to calm down but they wouldn't listen' to TODAY ... ADD s2,000,000 .* ENTERTAINMENT to nnuR INSURANCE roi the price or h theatre ticket Bi SURE TO SCU OCEANS 11 WCHARD COnt-CESlUt HOKEHO flWCEWWK-JOEy BISHOP l—*MOIBi.elve of the vtrtbito wen l*> ImwIihI In it— Vltarlai Cm—hi S|H ... It wa* shackled by "the de on of the 30s. war in the 40i following the war there was an unnatural demand for material, Wd*." Dr. Mcrartand said. None of the -conditions permitted the free enterprise system to work It should, he toM delegates at the 43rd convention of the Michigan District of Kiwani* International. The Navajo Indian reservation 1* about (pur times huger In land ares than the state of Msssachu- This is a guy who’s slipping? | Elvis talked about hi* record' career and other matters over lunch st Both Century-Fox, where he la nuking the elegantly titled1 "Flaming Star." Lunch for him bottle of cola—"I get tired Iff any- Marriage Licenses Patrick D. On, 3tM Bacon. Bsrkley, The possibility, that an air will be added comes up because Benson had planned to visit Asia this summer. He had to jhort-en his summer travels because oMha-August. session of Cnngrrii. . P. Burkart J night. SSW Bedford. Detroit ' WilUsm J.Hornden, 1*4 Ptks, and Geraldine II. Minimi. Sill Peer lets _ grant W. Smith Jr.. 1M3I Pier ion, SSK&l“< SMtm *r *•*“"«: **** TsajSiMMk* Jr.. Sadov. Mich , and Sajfar FarsMI. ON Letort, Drayton Plato* V—S S. V—W. — Mm.-and eotherte* I. Nickerson. 3* BUI Clrel* Duane E. Ratehklaa. Ml Augusta, and Margaret A. Vanltrelt. 36*0 Indlanwood. On— Richard A Sana, m I. Drayton, Phradale, and Alpharetta If. Barbour, M1M Marshall, Southfield “ **-—1 ' S. Telegraph, 'vivr— — 10—1 a. Barytas. m Piemunl,—president of *r#Mlnrlrk If Wnlkar ' itT Tatt-tka- I aE£ . - . Fro—Salt M. Wetter, sit 1—teahorn. Birmingham. and Constance W. Baretcki. 1100 N. Adnma, Blrmlnsham ”■ Ingwersen, Chicago, III.. Chapman, Ml Mead. Roch- Brldge Lake. Clarkston Robert R Ala—, I1M Oakshlre, Berk ~J. and Diane I. Daws—. 31*11 Lahser Blrmlngh— Vivian J. D—rd«"*ll’palrfi Jame» ,R. Majore. MVi Ok ra*nld L. Wright, *0 W. Cornell, aad fw i Jkrrla L. %onet. — aad •. Dom_____ k*. Milford Msnnln, ( COOkB. 415 I. *T\ ___I MW M. Cooks, ... _ lari L Bwlft. 1M3 .. ford, aad Cara L. Wl "utchlns Harold Mills, Clereland. Ohio, and I F—» Harris, nu Bedford r Raymond F. Hellas. 1M Van, Holly, awl Joanne g. Mini—. It— Ormond, Oerlabure Russell N. Hubbard SMI Alim, Clarks- Four Reappointed to Economic Board LANSING (UPI) - Four men en reappointed to the Economic Development Commission, Gov. G. Mennen Williams announced Mon- Asy.———J—z---------- * * ★ Named to succeed themselves were Wslker L. Claler, Detroit Edison Co. president; Michigan Bell Telephone Co. President William ML Day; Dan Gerber, Products Co., and Paul H. Todd, ‘Kalamazoo, president of Farmer* Chemical Go. The appointments, which require enalc jCoi ID* 1963. He told about the origin of New or Never:’* ’O Sole Mk>' has always been1 of my favorite songs. ! liked the Tony Martin version, 'There' No Tomorrow,’ and I often play the record by Jan Peerce, the' MWS singer, i used to,aing It myself, and X told ih> mnuie com. psny to get me s new set o( lyrics. :“I don't read music, but I know what I like. When a record date comes up, 1 fool around with the number and have the chorus put in some 'ooh*' here and some 'ahs' there and maybe add some; plane. ,n-.T...... - ..^iswatgrfi "That's the way I Aid with •ft’a Now ty flever.’ It w rack *n’ roll, but it did,have a little beat.-1 ■ think it turiwd pretty good." It turned out good enough to be his biggest seller since "Hound Dog" and preserve his phenom- made > abxfle releases ind all of them have sold m million," he said. "In fact, I have j NOW! I EAGLE 11 THRU “FRIDAY! This theatre takes tremendous pride in presenting TWO OF THE FINEST PICTURES HOLLYWOOD EVER PRODUCED! I TNI SMASH • T RIUMPH OF THBBB OF MOTION PICTUMS' OBSATSST STARS I BING CROSBY GRACE KELLY WILLIAM HOLDEN MUM A. MicitsveaU THE BRIDGES JTTOIOK L Holly TOMORROW! j NMFORB! Exclusive 1st Run ■ DRIVE-IN THEATER Roadshow { -r re *-««•- L-™«» N Martin, 1331 Crate. Drayton I notes, and Vicki S. Covert, Mil Naylor Ranald K. Cochrane. IIS X. Flk*. sod Botty J. Miller. W* R. rmj--------- ---- 1 Harold C. Jacks—, 1« Hanover. Plans-Jj judge, and lunlct M. Thompson, Ml W. Brown. Birmingham Bskirt C. CtRtas Jr . 300W Southfield Ho—, Southfield, and Phyllis M. Rich-ardaor - ' Hsrbort O. John*—, 43 Oteml| Court, , _J|TL WUaa 3— H. Broadway. .Orion, aad Lemlm L Steal—vie. Ml w. I Clarkston, Orion afojlgifcW to-te SI Do—lae, and Wllaui D. Sack, ill 6ranada ‘ ek M. Daldlne. 114— Newhern. War-sad Svslyn M. Rich way. Ml Prospect _ —Isar D. Perkins, MM Pert——, and Muellae Heisler, »M lit. Osos—■ Lawrence W. Hohm, MS Melrose, and1 rMHHa i. Canfield. Ml X—Uworth D—aid O. Prows, 111 A Joss pit Ine, nd Hellen Skirwee*. 314 W. Oraaul reverse, Milford David A.JT.ork. PI3 Harmon. BI trsslngham Donald H Bills______________ Dolorss A. Johnson. 1401 nankin, walled < Richard R. OoodwU. IMS Mohawk, Bloomfield HUIs.eod ■ Juaolta R. Cater, 1S1M A villa. Lathrup Village -Oeorge D. Crockett. M4 W. Tpsllantl, oad Patricia K. pa—R 3M W. Longfellow Aliin R. Schmidt, — ------------ l iwmti a. HHCoeu, piw uonsiason, Troy, and Shor— X. Hams. 14M Staa-%lcbolsi D O D«, 4*M Joyce, Dray- -tea Plains, and Patricia L Bullard. «1M Paramus. Clarkston " Biker, 33 Taooam, oad 'll Meadow lawn limgj. 1140 Boacheroft. Reid. 1 . Oliver bat H if I ni______ ^ ■^La JTCavana«»h. MM Uksolds.Mf-1 —. aad Mag J. Hgary. IQfti Lin Huntington Woods — Bridge, Oatarlo. Canada J t. Roberts, IMS CrooOOBt Id ward Auger. 1014 Round Lake. Mll->rd. and Lisa Pallle. MOO Blteabeth Lake William B. Leonard. II<4 B. Pike, and Violet M. Brutenk. 4*4 Auhura ' j Richard Laposkl. 11—1 Bowand. .Madl-~ Height*, aad Marl* N. AUdet. 113 Ds IShM *■ Cllnga iPamlagtoa. aad sylvL. m . Paoakroek. S—thftsld woBHt il. Mil; st Bgrttck. Qtford, ltd Ruby J. Vanda walker. 14 Maple, Oi- Ml Auburn, aad Rev*; Whitlock, uu. M«l BLUE SKY DRIVE-IN THEATER NOW PLAYING nonm SOUTH PAtilic ROSSANO B8AZZ1 NTZ1GAYNOK JOHN KERK - FRANCE NUYEN IUD0Y ADLER * 10SHUA LOGMI Return VVaRPOVV STARTS TommoN Dixie Hwy. (U.S. 10) 1 Block Noitli ef Tslsgraph Last Tim Tosight "STRANGERS WHEN WE MEET" — AND — "TEN TALL MEN' EXCLUSIVE! FIRST SHOWING IN OAKLAND COUNTY! CAN YOU FACE THE FUTURE? CAN YOU EXIST IN A WORLD OF ATOMIC WART H. G. Wells, the Greatest Prophet of Our Times, Tells His Most Astounding Tale! \wQRWTintot^an^^cf^rl: CAN YOU TRAVEL WITH THE SPEED OF SOUND? THE PI0TURE THAT SMASHES THE TIME HARRIER! IT TAKES YOU INTO UNKNOWN WORLDS! WHAT IS THE FATE OF MAN? COULD THIS HAPPEN? ft 'KIGHTKKX THE PONTIAC PRESS, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER Sjg, IMP Biit ShhMil Maybe He»ll Put Hia Fool In Hia Mouth Press Club in Trouble Over Nikita HWH YORK-A club I belong to. tl Oman but CM of Amer-id.li MBtfeigiling much intramural ________I as a result of it* invitation to Premier Khrushchev to address it, and Mo acceptance. can way of life, all licensed by the UJt. Charter to blister os i V ' and day. has raiseddoakts in many local minds as to hie wisdom of oar offering a haven to UJt. hand* New York was not the moat Several member* have aubroitted bidder at the time U N. waa their resignations. At least « n»W»t * roodhf |htt Ktrklt bomb threat has been phoned in. jit npectally the ferortte of the rule* ef im^jMLodd nation* then In the organiaa-Vtoir, wbich ia the basis of the tnvi- t'on tafion in the first place, have not! Parts was perhaps Am Ns. 1 which Is tttj (hales. Geneva waa st one time When Khmahchev lanehed at the National Pram (lab In #aah-tngtsn a year ago he made aa '• a t o a < o d statement, then aa-oweeod the written fsenttana | which hnd boon aeieetnd by dab That- would be theoretically pot ble The lounges have been swarming lately with Dominicans, though we have cast Trujillo into in^nM ^Birkness. And Lt. Cm Mehmet Shehu. Communist premier of Albania—which we don't the nod, but It waa agreed that M might be riaalSwrf a had recoghize diplomatically omen to locate the VJf. to the haunted house* of the defunct Leogae of NsOono. The ehstoe THE GIRLS of most defecates, If Amertee ^ i gst , 1T.N„ waa >aa rrsnctoes,] ■ i where aM went so peaceably at | ! the formattoa meeting la IS* ' It nmWtTui tdesf inteftsetiBCB' , . , - : . ■___. by a tong shot buHTwaa revealing! «rpng bid ; and asJuL 1 cast see what pur-i8* ,h** Ume- and ther* were *•* pose is served by gagging Khrush- ^*^ chev. The more welethim talk!1"^.» for publication the more chance hejwortd body attghtod briefly inLon-; has of putting his foot in hi. big “*** _ Ih ' then at Hunter College In New . York for a time, then In Bpsrry’a - There wiii be a partial eclipse oW bombsight plant ai U»*C-1 Of the sun by the moon Tueadey. ““ 00 *** MtaA-visible through much of the United crash the OJf. party just aa the aeiar when bombsight manufacture « resumed during the Kenan War.) J V * * An area in Westchester, York, seemed destined for a time to get ths permanent nod—but the people of the area, to the 1 of the member nations, i__ in civic meetings and said to heH — Kocfcelellrr Jr., h NS d Ml Also edipaed for the time at least wttl be Mem. Nixon, Kern n*C*d Mr .the purchase of aad nedy and Johnson, whose golden deivwy to U.N. of the die over words aad pledge* may have whtoh Its topless tower of gtaao trouble getting themselves printed ar heard. » Henry Cabot Lodge Will he ] ■ „ heard. He is standing by in tbej New York area, at the suggestion of OOP Chairman Thrust on Mor-j ion, to counterattack unofficially in j ~ kb familiar style tat case the Reds !J get out of line oratorically. Lodge is an old hand at barking at barker*. _ The presence in New York afj ■early every enemy of the AtDCfl'J M & BOARDING HOUSE Births following is a list of rocent: births as recorded at the Oakland County Clerk's office (by name of father!: wtuiam B. BWvart.'^u'wcbiUr rut Sstoaurh, HOT Ctraptn $!lu A: UaXjnWM’. isms s Dorn AT——• — Apia* P. o M Bird. 2 . Lto J. Bodivnlj 1MM MarfUtnu *” ‘ ' smiajIBnKMOaaa —- luley, 1M E. Ounn VJBILJF IT AIN'T ANTI AO® ANOXIUtSTASM AND CAGRV BANDIT/*TW& INSURANCE COMPANi BSj MAN& A FAT RBWARO / FOK'iDUR CAPTURE —. VCU'ME BEEN HARDER TO CATCH THAN A MOTH IN A VJINO TUNNEL/ CHAR you SAM ED ME , A RUDDY BtT OF BOTHER/ LET ME ADJ?J • IOOTD THE 4 PUDDiNS-^ if rr wont be poor / FORM///, REWARD ?FDOg FORM. 3-— , ' raff-raff/-^ ordinarily t shun Reimburse- ' "MENTRJRMEgS CNICDUTY, BUT-u-ER, AH,tLL ACCEPT rr AS A MEMENTO OF OUR MEETING/ Utod >. ___ Jotm W. Sail**. wBfrsj F, Mil William O. Raa Lanarte* mu. JJIJ Hickory jajpai .Jr. lUcbanl J. Dtlkowskl. 1, SS3S3 Wtatbrook Buah, WTsi Marshall waaoma R Koshlsr. MHO Lanaei Btoart B. Ort, MOM Brentwood ttotoTJm, MO Everett Move E. Hurlte. SOSM RanchwooC ISUffip A. Virtue. SOMO Selkirk Richard C. Voorltt, )00M FI CUe- jfrome D.jftsSr, MSM Gravel RM|0 Otosto H. Mm. SJXD VUla Circle LeRoy B. Bodfe. M37« Hullnf Louis R. MenendelTo Eenyon Normen R. Bernard. SOMLive rants Louie O. Bailer. M3 Minnesota Viacom j. ctesUca. m Kirk lmm ■mil mssnirrlll -0*S Mamafo-'-----f Konneth a. HUI. 300 Blf Beaver - James C.jDpr, St CbMla Kenneth It Ml*. 13S Rsdwood , Qsrente J. Boeha. tt] Redwood Rwrmaa W. Propel IJW "IpMlIllia 1 John r. Kudla. Ml Wattles I Gerald R. Munraa. 3W0 Finch Joseph A. Dnniielewla, SOM Iowa- Bdw O Dennis. 30M Rochester James H. Stefoman. till Llvernoii ‘ James B Kerr. 434 Redwood LSland J. Warner, SUB. Maple Akihito Admits Changing Diapers for His Baby SfOKYO Ej ttORHT WMPtttOWJL. NOOOOVOYCHSO ttNCM WOM» 1 wumT'oo hwmop TRPOVUIM'.TOOl QMrt WCXO LONfaOO TO TRWm-T By Edgnr Martin \jOMfa Wfe VUW0VRN... Y\VVE..MOU>S OOT\ THE BERRYS WHATSSOi, FUNNY ABOUT «| MY DIETING ?£ YOUfeE JUST A LITTLE ^CONSISTENT THAJS ALL m. ffiTwwcroo 4 ffR ( VOU^MEAN/J ' By C«ri Grubert YOU DRINK SKIM MILK 1 Wn>4 VOUROODOLATE 7 WHIP CREAM CAKE/r DIXIE DUGAN By McEvoy and Striebcl "What's the name of Oat opera tn which the hostess poisons her guests' drinks?” ^VfE'ItlH^PY r™Ttrtoeier- HERE, LUCKY BOY ! ^Vr^HMHlIn ALL RIGHT, \50 WHATP \ WHO CAPTAIN EASY I POI HOVCOWl MWCHA)WH Miss Shepard said ft was decided after conferences with the university and the Miss Michigan pageant people to have Donna withdraw from school . for the next year. \ . . ■. *. A iF v "She*# be loaded with committments and will go from coast-to-coast representing Michigan.'’ said the spokesman about Donna’s schedule as Miss Michigan tor the _ .next year. Edison Reports Profits _ DETROIT (dt—Detroit Edison Co. has reported net earnings of $36.-324,150, or $2.35 a share, for the fiscal year ending Aug. 3L This was an Increase of nearly three million dollars from the previous fiscal year. than# in wholesale _____ ______ Quotations are furnished by the Detroit Bureau of Markets, as of Friday. Detroit Produce NEW YORK tfW-The stock „ ket struggled to find support eariy this afternoon, backing down Irregularly while some big knars regained ground. Trading was ac- several others recently, indicated ft* i960 yield will be weft below till government’s September estimate. # df- - -it Apriral ScgrlT IfMbilMh bu. . Apsto*. bu. 1.11 UMb^ivl**. 12 pu. is* ' The survey by 'Lowell Hoit It Co. reported yields from many of the first fields harvested foil below test year’s average production, in some instances as much as g or 10 bush- OripraTPaorafU, foVIi'.'M.'w’!!!! S roooboi, Alton*, bu. l.tl FgUcbli, Rib Haven, to 1.M frachra J H Hah. bu l.tl ton. Bartlett, bu. . lit RMM. fiMi. ta. , , 1R1 numa. Duy*ua7> bu ISl gwue- *ruo*L H bu.— i*bl Wattrmalon. bu l.**| ■ * it it During foe first afaveral minutes the .distiiiirsoybean contracts, advanced major traction* of a cent in spots. Commercial business, though, wu described as slow all around. VXQKTABLX* Beam Oreen, Flat, bU. M.M gotta glow. Bound, bu. Beant. Kentucky Wander, bu. ... .. 1M Bonni, Uwn, bu ........ 4*0 Banna Homan, bu. l *o Beata Wax. to. . l it ■rat*. So*., belli i n gtoto tome bu. ........ .. . l.w ■aatoW.TKr tom. ' }.|a Cabbage, bu m Clbbage. Curly, bu. lie Groin PricRs asbM*. Bto, bu ill Cabbage. Sprouta. ML ;.... i.a» Carrot*, do*, beta*. *5 tive. Amid a wide scattering of gains, *y stocks showed a plurality of auei running from fractions to about a point. Some of the higher-priced stocks which fell*sharply in Monday’s selioff recouped a nuin-ber of points. The smashing of the port tone — represea lows at March, May meant that the ms form a aew bare at Oifixj, Pu Corn. Boon Cucumbere! Cucumber, al. 3* doi. < . I 4m.......... ii.HanH, wwmvm. non. pom. Suuaih, Acorn, ha............__ group. amurim. bu. ......u Buuaih. Buttorout, bu. ... l.f wateS1- ft.—-"al Bquothi Summer, W buL''!'’*!l"!!!! 1 News in Brief Esil Lanier, 301 Harrlsoa Ave„ reported to Pontiac police yester-day ih« two watches valued at $200 were stolen from her home. Bloomfield rummage I________. _____I 23rd from t am. to $ pm. at 820 South Woodward. 2 blocks North UnlMil, bu. ............. Sg (plant. taut tm. pl ■ HorooroSteh. pk......... Kohlrabi, illlTjlg , Looks, dot. beta. ....... is. sioes. 4oc. boh is. weOlins. lb. ... 1—~»y. Curly, dos. bobs Pars Is;, root, beta .... ----fpL 4ta talks .. — Msokeys. bu. ... Poppers,' Bed. await, Pumpkins, bu. ..... Radishes, Block, H b .... LA ....1.1 Poultry and Eggs DETEOIT POULTRY DETROIT, Sept M (API— Prlcen pound delivered Detroit for — five poultry , Heavy type hens SS-St;-UfW typo bone heavy typo roasters over i Ms. SS-ST^bfUUers and fryer* 1-4 lbs., whites , DETROIT DETROIT. Sept. M (API—Eft prices paid par doxen by first recelvsrs: Delivered Is Dsarott; loose Is )e doren eaees. Consumers (rads (Including | Whites—cradt A extra large 4»-88; i.rse Vt-t*; medium (Ml: email io-ll; brawns sra; food la low choice hetfere M M ----1; ttsRdaiu hntws IMS heifers 1100-1100: utility Cera ltd Curtl* Pub sow cnoice neners rise- s::. - "heifers ll tO-ll.M. utility B”** • 00 wtllltv raw, U M. 5*5 Vhem Of Adv. Bmrgslns in reaphslatrred and refinlahod furniture. At the Salvation Army, Rad Shiaid Store, 118 W. Lawrence fit.. Pontiac, free customer parking. —Adv. ewn; tanners and cutters JI.N.I Ho»s—Salable SMI butchers and toady; few lots Sums Ho. i and iMtly No. 1 100-215 A. butchers .... jMi; Ed. iMl j jte-MSJho. MAS-1* 50: mixed He. 1 and 1 150-300 “ 15.15-15.15: M. I, > and 1 lows "1# lb* 11.15-14.50 1 and I 4*0-CM rat 11.75-11.50 boars u.tS-ISJM. Vealors—Salable 150; steady to lower; prtosr " *»-“**■ ■ -■ X.M-14.00; eetabltib t nonet op public — The Township RoarA of Independence ToWhcMp. Oakland Ocsuity. lnrMeari will hold e Public Hearing on October 4, UM of liee-a.m., ot tto Teernihlp Hall. Clarkston, lndhtsMi. to ebnsMir tbs 1allowing chaaxra IX Un Township Eon-~ lBk DWWBr! ------------—---------- ill To resons tram RecrMthmal to Agricultural: ■ A of SI A IK MK section * NW til of aw y*. aw v, of hw and 8W Ve of «W V,. T4N, Rat. ee$e%e*,fe*e from Rocreatlonsl to Raaldaiiet-t: Lou If and * of Super-vlsor's Plat of Indopendooos Farms dub-division. TtH. Rll, Boctloa . ssrrmSffiB at the Township HalldurtXS offlos hours. _____ . NOTICE OP PUBLIC HEARING Notice Is hereby (Ives of a public hear-tax to bo held by Dm White Late Town- ltd tsit p.Bi. W oonsiasr wg ivuv changes la the lonlaa Map. Proa Agricultural to RasMgaes I A tract of lal Ate. IS, T: IN, ofiiiL oaateM -_______ ________—, — vlsloa. thsnos soutb paraUM MttA Mm 4if w. Met IV. iHr i is M.M-M.M; good and choice add standard li.oo- Pontiac Burglar Gets Scared by Housewife The “cal!” reached a Pontiac burglar eariy this morning, and t h« went. He’d broken into the home of Jerry Busbee, 44, of 233 W. Wilson Ave., by reaching through a milk chute and unlocking a door. Hie intruder crept through the home and shined his flashlight into the bedroom where Budbee'a wife Conola, 41, was awake. Thinking the burglar to be her XL die whispered a greeting, tt wasn't welcome to his ei He immediately turned on his heels and fled out the front door. hralth. peace sod safety a--- ordered to take offset thirty ( after final pusago. WWfta tAES Tp ZONING BOARD CAV1N. Sept. so. OatTL lSdS Dearborn Boat Engine Finn Bought by Eaton DEARBQRN (It-The Eaton Man-ufacturing Co. of devriand has purmaaad Dearborn Marine Ed-giqes, Inc., mrikefu of Iriboard boat ei^Uek, In a soft drid,"BTOice R. Dodds, president'of the Dearborn firm said Tuesday. No-figure! m Boston's Logan Airport baa the ngaat instrument runway in the United Staten and one of the longest (10,022; feet) in the world. i lower level, M was grop- lysts said. The lag fsr this toltey. Brokers said quite a number, of key stocks apparenfiy looked cheap enough to attract buyers while other issues continued to slide. Some of the leading steels, autos, electrical equipments, utilities and buildiiug material issues posted •mall'plus signs. Others jn the same groups retreated. ♦ .* Superior Oil of California recouped 1$ points of Monday's 39-point loss. International Business Machine* regained shout 4 points THE Ml DART — Dodge’s entry In the traditional popular-price field, the Dart comes in 29 ditferenl models. Above is the 2-door Dart hardtop. The Dart, which comes with either six or eight-cylinder engines, goes on display at dealerships on Sept.129. ~tDodge*s Entry on Sale Sept 29 SgMecnfe Pori Makes Popular Price Bid “ JiOOiuorJack > X1NKTEKN Judge Drops Suit h Against UAW Men DETROIT iir-UjC District Judge Ralph M. Freeman dte missed Monday a suit by two Toledo members of the United Auto Workers charging UAW Presl-- dent Waiter P. fteuthar and Sec-retary-Tremrtirer Emil Mazey with misusing funds. Judge Freeman ruled that tile charges were too general. Hi file salt, filed by Raadslpb 1 Gray sad HorwM NMaw, lie at her and Massy wans charged «M mteariag UAW daea msney la parttaaif psNtteal earn* palgns aad la rgaasefisa with the onion's tavesttgafion of tha lili ahslgsa shooting of BmOmt. The Ibledo men asked tor aa injunction prohibiting political re penditurea. - - - -*—'■ '■ Gray qra* fired In I960 from his post of financial secretary of UAW |Laeal l2 in Toledo. Bfllhetiaar la a member of Local 773 there.'Both have been Involved la previous jnilts aaalnst the union. ; Steelworkers Presidont McDonald Sure They'll Bring Victory ATLANTIC CITY, NJ, (APl-Thc United Steelworkers ' Union mapped plans today to keep 13. 000 members .working in steel area precincts . tor Democrats piTsidential nominee John "F. Kennedy. David J. McDonald, union pres- ri a 2m-pt>int decline. MamwhBeijMH*- '—M hi* union has that high-priced Rohm A Haas, whlch mtny political action workers al-gave up only % Monday, slid than .16 prints. Texas Instruments and Zenith rebounded about 2 apiece. Polaroid came back-more than a point. It toil 11% Monday. Texaco and Phelps Dodge each dropped about i point more. Learing steels held the Use. U.S. steel and Republic rose, fractionally. Bethlehem wu Hie same held true for autos, except for General Motors which edged off fractionally. Ford Chrysler and American Motors N«w York Stocks tExrly Morning Quotations! Figure after decimal points ora elgl *r l jipUJffl... 4 underwood .. un Carbkl* .. ■snjri nterlak Ir . 3 sliver .*8.4 Wraf Un Tel . . te.4 • Wcstg A Bk M l WtetsBI ...... . JS White MM .. . B Wilson * Co .. * \ Woolworth * H! Toon, a aw . it ... 51.1 jMUteiT . M ... 55 8 aiathlUd ..115 lavnuUi rhs AssoeU > _u JodteS fifiL . , . —r tt —a JM3 ml im.4 _.. . ....MM MM J|U ill.4 Week oxo....MX US.1 lRt lit* 354.1 MtJ MM IMS DOSbJONKS II AM K tpoFdtf *1 up **5 M Soils IM.1I off l.lt If UtOs. S1.M of! QT M Mocks IST.M off S. 11 Volume to ll xm. (M.Voo. Flxsres otter dectetel point • si “ItgTJtfrWr:: „-j Qosr q»» ..... Wchm*otTam ”—oil MUc Motor 00* ... asuter Motel Pi Go* SBlpr Its* SMI •3.4 SI* • et^hthi fi II ST Cecil* Vent. 54. the attractive [com1"*1* by the Guild waa Imme- ^ victim. WiUiarii E. BeDell, bride, has taken care of ihel”**^ ,v*‘labe ja sailor, was severely burned In generals'bouaelhold since, he wasi' ^ ■ - [the FgplMim TtumHUy.' “7—— released from a Belgian war About one million Mexican In-1 His parents are Mr. and Mrs. crimes prison In 1951. Idians cannot speak Spanish. William BeDell of 2343 Thomas 8t. HIPPO BIO-Hkt tha mini* yos get with tha ssw Umbrstla Policy far • Lazalla Agonoy, Inc. All Forms of Insurance 504 Pqntiac Bank Bldg. Says Missing Couple Got $4,600 Area Man Alleges Ritter Fraud A Southfield man told authorities today how the missing William Ritters allegedly defrauded him of $1800 with the promise they would tor his elderly father, JJ| ond of hte life’’ instead of charging interest on a loan. “ ♦ W * Prosecutor George F. Taylor said he wwuld ask 4or* a warrant against Ritter, 45, of 2361 Midpine Road, West Bloomfield Township, and his wife,'Edith, 44, based on the information gtien this morning by Charles Rose ot 27192 Johnny Cake Lane. Southfield.' The Bitten and their twa small Children have been missing since Sept. 1 when they left their wo, 000 borne la the township un- tied lbe area in a berry. The couple is believed to hAve swindled some 30 persons out of roughly $290,060 with promises they ware buying Interest into their Tower Park Nursing Heme Royal Oak and a proposed new nursing home bi Femdale. "-7—, ?,»,'• * -4f~f Taylor said he 4ia> received, since details of/die bb»ree ease broke’ open last week, seven calls and three letters from persons cl tin ling they had lost $58,200 in dealings with the Ritters. Rose tali Taylor la a state-meat that aa Jane 28.be loaned flw Ritters tbs Rtfi whea lhdy said they seeded the money to Rose's father, Gerardo D'Agos-no, 69, is a heart patient in th* Royal Oak home, 1607 S. Lafayette Taylor sAid Rose told him that the Ritters promised to care*fm his father “to the end of his life' 1 lieu of charging interest on the an. Rose said be inspected the proposed site and “thought ft was legitimate.”* Rose produced a check postdated to Sept 28 which, he said, the Ritters gave him before their disappearance. It waa supposedly repayment of the loan which waa due in 96 days, Taylor said Rose udd Jiim. - The prosecutor said he was persuaded by Raoe’s, story that the Ritters have “ao connec- Herman was mentioned in a tetter Mrs. Ritter sent to her lawyer before the family disappeared as having a connection with Ritter's reported loss of 960,000 in gam- He said, however, before he would ask for the order for the he would consult with Harry Latqa, an osteopath aad operator ol the heme, (o corroborate his belief. ' * ' * * Ritter faces a charge already/ for passing a worthless (350 check ’ 1 a Femdale pharmacy. Taylor said the wy warrant, t? be broaght against both Rjttm, would charge them with obtaining monye under Tatar pretenses from Rose. la aaether statemaat to Taylor, Mitchell Harmaa, 84. af 222 W. Tea Mile Road, Royal Oak. drailed ever having "fixed'* any-rtiy aad caaafy af- Herman said on several occasions over the test three months Mre. Ritter, tried to borrow 120,000, saying sbf would repay him $1,000 a month she claimed to be getting from an estate, in California. He refused, hie said. Former Flint Dye Coach Sentenced for Indecency FLINT (UK) ^ Wflltem R. Yancey, 44, former athletic direc-j tor pnd history teacher at Flint! Dye High School, was sentenced! Monday to one to five year* in prison on a gross indecency charge. * * fr . ' Circuit Judge Stephen J. Roth, in passing sentence, recommended psychiatric treatment for Yancey. A Jury convicted Yancey June 1 of gross indecency in a case frivol-, ving two of hte students, brothers "‘M A NEW SALES CAREER ... We will help a man or woman of intslligoncs, pood character gnd energy to establish a respected and profitable business in their community, specializing in the sate of M4itual Investment Fund Shares.. Those who aie capable of earning from $7,500 to (15,000 o’ year, who have the capacity tor development, wilt find this a' rare opportunity to tnersaM thahr prestige as waft as their earnings, on a commission basis., THIS BUSINESS HAS EVERYTHING; - Prpfit — Growth — Personal Security .....ar>d Dignity .........-—y.—rty Public acceptance of mutual funds is geowirtg rapidly... over a. million dollars a day. Wa art notional distributor* for one of the notion's largest and fastest growing mutual funds. Experience Iw this field Is not necessary, if you hove vision and courage. WU will give you thorough training and full coopera- < - bon. . ........ ,..jL _ v -■■■ . , . CaH for Appointment. GEORGE REUTTER, MvMmnI Manggtr WADDELL t REED, INC. Principal Underwriters far United Funds Inc., - - - ^ .------Ff 44Mf » - r- %• lVVKNTV m THE PONTIAC PRESS, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER tt>, 1900 Gourmet fined on Tax Charge Dontof Count; Ptood Guilty to FrfrtoCl Hi« Fritinds, Associate* NEW YORK lUPIl - Gourmet Claudius Charles Philippe own the torernrartU $10,000 today because he waited to prated Up friends.— The 50-yoar-old internationally known maitre >d'hotel. former vice the Waldorf-Astoria guilty to one Income tax evasion charge after the government ■greed to drop three others. FhUIppe, wha qnlt Me J* at li lMWf at Mi Is Ifcwome exanattre is T ts the leek-■■forf lltorts Osrp., pleaded gaily Meaday to a charge that he fort—ti an towm V* Ml M for Ml aad paid a tax af $10,413.71 aNheegh Ids adaal In-eome was *7S,»»l M aed his tax wa. WgJM.fl, Federal Judge Gregory Noonan fined him $10,000, adding that he did hot think a prison sentence would deter anyone else “similarly situated from doing the i thing" since there is nobody similarly Mtuatad. ♦ ft W' Philippe, whoae food artistry has won major awards, said the count to which he pleaded guilty involved "substantial gifts" sent to the Waldorf and which he passedufeng to captains and waiters, 000 of ■whom were working under him; "The reason 1 pleaded guilty was to avoid subjecting to the I rigors and embarrassment of long trial my friend* and my ex. associates and members of the staff at the Waldorf-Astoria where 1 wag for 3$ yean.” Philippe anti dr AW He added that he and his lawyers did not agree to the toven meat figures hi the UH charge. lodge SlressMg Strength for U.5. ASBURY PARK. HJ. fAP) -"America's power must he tee-and to none, if. we am to reach a plateau d leafing paabe." says Henry Cmboi Lodge. OOP candidate lor vice president. Lodge* woke to a Republican gathering Monday night before leaving' for New York and more ■mpaign speeches. The former xmbaasador iMLi active partnership other countriea;, must stand at the ' ‘ "with facie and ---«bts PLAGUE—Members of the Oakland County Bar Aaao- dation turned out at the Elks Temple yesterday noon to pay special tribute to Mrs. Florenoe L. Doty, retiring after 41 years as Probate Court register. Bernard Girard, member of the luncheon committee, presented Mrs nnty writh this plaqiw honoring hw far her long years of service. She also was presented with a portable television set, an honorary membership in the local Bab-, a corsage, roses from her cteifca, and business cards saying her "practice" was limited to the counseling ?f lawyers. Along Walton Boulevard Again Discuss Sidewalk Construction of a sidewalk on.approval ol the fire, electrical and ^the north aide of Walton Boulevard building^ departments, for children walking to die Gray- ’ * .* ft son school was again a tonic of The hoard agreed to rcj; oe loved mb of ThomM and Mitered Imersoadear tplhsf Ot, ante* and P»lM Log. wq>t_mf ■ -Mr brother of Mr*. Ila Badron. Mr*. JHpM iprinstr JteFTgJr-Abb I»ton Funcr*l service will be held Tuesday. Sept. **, II I -a m. from Huateaa Chi pel with Roe. Theodore R. Allehoeb offlel-•tlng iBltrmenl In Forry Mount Fir* Cemetery. Mr tanN WtU Ho IB itltl it Um HuBtooB Fu- Loutsej 3001 Orangegrovi Watrr- ■nd Mr*. Clark iMargwahtel Seeley: dNT sister of Reml Chris-ttsens. RcclUUon of the Rotary -■ill bo it I p.m, WbdBQodiy it the Coot* Fuoifral Rome. Funeral ooovto* sdrM~h3i fiwnay. -igpi. n $( 1.30 bJB. from Our Lady ? the ,1 Help Wantsti Male 4 1 Help Wtertad Female 1 litifltthlf 10 •ox Rerun ^'&7i8nf£ your own. W, Wats**1. .FK 4AM*. Finish High School aT |V at rern aad te« »chool "' fit U us Mar tinra were rafftre at tV Preaa rifle* to tee fotiiwtra b«M: Needed Immediately 1 tmm em r. till »•* J 1 MA^ran -.; 8ae* '(fikk*1*"1 I Part Time Office He|p “^TtaSSSSd M -rite aox IV Foatteo Freaa. glvteg full gaT: t, 8. S. IS, 14, U, 1*. m ti. n. •*, *i. it. te. . I - latervtewkH experieaco aaswees-oare. Cb* woatrahte. Ootteg* trod, pretarrod. Pontiac Pram. Baa 14 r itantoag oj JWW gapwtanro. tawny Work Wanted Mate 1» 7A. T7, te, *4, *7, llfr lfl, iamw iWhni[^4i4B^j^j| ~ \»t tx^ ^y*bn*Y 1BT CL^{ C^jWNTgY 111. US. Real Estate Salesnaen I sfin i I1 * . ., , ’ l *•- TOYS--FUN— Interested la aanrias eatro money tar qutateaset jerome^o Tgr- COATS ■_ FUNERAL HOMX pRarma Rtifas i- ox>n»7 Donelson-Iohns FUNERAL HOME , Ttatagaed tar Faaamir njssmisr,c^:. Voorhees-Siple FUNERAL ROMS Camteary LaU i. 4 graves ei. SocUoa jMgrareita. WUI dfrtdo. __________Egg- .TT". rZt'jfc then to oiBtol th* ehAreaa aioat which hi* b**n rendered valueless through the ---- Warn cancellation* asap'- —* —* ___ “kill adjustments REALTOR PE 44531 MS OAKLAND ATKftUE v SALESMEN. CANVASSERS AND --*TfW lust •UrUd Otl ln on the ground m«r, bo osp. memory, we wiu train. Amply Bonded lntuiiUon Co. lAufWlaed AppUeilora for SS.T HtaT*\e!?^rre“reS,^J' Intenriawa form 1»U doily. BALESMAN TO RKFKXZUBIfT ROY-al typewriter dtatrtbulor In Fob-|Uc aria. Guaranteed t.Uary Frertaaa Mtas ■sninmr* nacre •ary- Omplrh traintni pent am. Apply between » a m. ind » pm, Ponllae Typewriter EaThann*. II S. ClC». Boottic. , ; ■ 1 Routu Mtr. Opctiing For Hi* wliUas to nut it M- i tom aid train for Job. Arens* say during MUM 4M per wee*, fbob* OrTIms. - SALCMAN ~ WANTED, NO EX- ■gagqwtfg- rELiPHONE CANVASSERS wanted uid aaleamen tor moderet- ss^^ssHs.PMflog WANTED: IKXPERLENCKD FAX.. try nw plaaa cook. Slate ige ind experience. Witte Pontiac Preaa. Xus MS. WANTXf^^lBXpERlJCNCXDFOR-' SANI VACDopt. Apply 1*1 a Oastastr. , ✓.- WRITE TOUR OWN CH1GCK. ARC tchP aATtsroro a tour PRESENT POSITION! DO YOU HAVE ADVANCEMENT POSSIBILITIES » DOi TOC HAVX A ■TABLE O BOWINO MARKET? ARE YOU BtTJLDINO SECURITY WITH STNANCIAL INDEPENDENCE* IF NOT w* are aeek- treer opportunity, t and feterrlew. Stott Rtsidtnt, Friend Still Undetected on trip to * Russia Kenneth B. WUson, pnokient of the bureau, oaid more t ....... of those buying automobiles on Insfslihienf credit art unaware they are taking out this k A typical condakit received by the bureau charged that all finance charge* and insurance premiums were lumped together without apeetfring separate Items. MOSCOW (UPD—The US. Em-Ibassy here said Monday it lias no _ L a . , , ' word of an Aim Arbor, Mich., man Road blacktapping plans for the L*, hi, ^ompmiion missing sihee Lotus Lske miMvUioo plat were fhf.y drovt, ^ of Mogcow , month! approved along with the approval of the Jayne Height* subdivision' . lat No. 3. --ir- .....j..... -.’*■ * ""........ -ff—*—It asked tor the help of the So-. .._. . viet agency Intourist in locating * .I'lmt far the transfer of a the two men, Mark Kaminsky of bar license to^a new owner of the * - - -- - - - Ninety Nine Club, 88 S. Telegraph Road, was rejected subject ot die interment' ts - r, Pwtrntt. Mn. Florin WtU lie -t Cost* Funenl Home. -•— Hold. Dreyton •jb. Thurediy. POX SEPT Uj 1W0, O0CAR RAY- (Bfiwrusaw. m xaej „ hoe, Merritt. Hirold end M. Sft. Riymond Fin; d**T brother of Mr*. Friacee Johnton. Mr*. Lydli Wehre *nd Mr*, tdn* Orowo: *1»* •urrleed by M grindehlldren ind ■Is xtret-gmaohlldriB. PuBeril renrta* will be held TkianMiy. Sept. EL It I p.m. frere are nm BipUet Church With Dr. E. H iseae* offletitlng. tntermemt In White Chipel Cemetery Mr. Tex Stale Man Among Air Crash Fatalities WASUNGTON IB-Nsmss of the dead, missing and injurad in a World Airway* tramport crash on Guam wen released Monday by the Army, Navy and Air Fore*. The crash of the four-engine plane, under charter to the Military Air Transport Command claimed 77 live*. *’ * . Ted Cole, son of Mrs. BERLIN (API — U. & Army Sgt. Leroy F. Mast pleaded guilty today before a court-martial to selling military information Communist Eait Germany. Lonene Ferry; 36517: Evanis St.T warsetigaccg'lo~the -TnxidnTuBrofj New Boston, Mich., was reported missing. * Signalman 3.C. James S. Ross, son of Mrs. Theodore Smith, 13641 Winchester St., Oak Park, Mich., was identified as one of the in^ • jured. Sergeant Guilty of Selling Data Sfrnttncacl to 10 Years in Prison for Giving, Information to Reds. and Kaminsky, bothjn tourists My 87 and were touring by ear. latourtst said the men should have erreied the So-viet-Cxeehoslovskla border Aug. ts. Bennett's wife said last .weekJ bit she had do word from-her husband since » letter listed Aug 18 from Vinitsa in.the Ukraine. ★ ♦ ♦ Kaminsky's family lives at Ed-wardsburg, Mich., and relatives and friends also reported they had not heard from him since late August Bennett’s wile said the two men had planned to be back in New York by Sept. 1. JLET. BCrl w, l*ou. nwn „ (Ch»ru»l. »T7 Boeton Arc **' M; Mend huetoa* of ChurloUc M. Goulet; deer1 tether of Donald f, Ooulet; dear brother ef Bister Mary Alex. Mr*. Cecil Dunexn. Mrs. Irene kepple. Mrs Uly Tlmn. Robert. ImlC RsymoeUL , Ttatat •nd Leonard Ooulet'; also survived by throe (rondchlMreB. ROhtto- n.m. °Tueld*?°Mr,theilD5SeUon* Johns Funeral Mom*. Funeral sarvlca wUl be held Thuradajr, (apt. 13. st It a.*, from at. jiBiSlet Church, tatanaeat la Ml. Hop* Cemetery Mr Ooulet WtU H* la sUt* at tha DpMlaoB-janai Funeral Rmm. ■ ' HADDON, SEPT. 14, IPOS. HOUMA JeadT im Houfhton. pavlson; •t* «; beloved wlta of Ctasne Haddon; dear mother ef John. Fred. Pamela and Kimberly haddon; dear sister of Harold, Richard. Leslie. Barbara and Myrtle • Cswreqre — II Funeral Soma. randaiITbxft i»t mss, marry, dear brother 4 ) and Xd- 10 years hard labor and i honorable disenarge. dis- Williams Appoints Aid* to MESC Appeals Board LANSING Ot-feov. WilUimi fra* announced the appointment Charles S. Brown, a member of his staff,to the Michigan Em|^oy ment Security Commission Appeils Board. Brown, an administrative assistant to tiie governor since Decem- fhe Kennedy campaign organization for ***eg4 months. " The 39-yearattorney replaces file late John F. Young of Flint. His tend -expires March 31. lS$2- Dem Party Spirits Buoyed by Crowds.. Mast. 29, a veteran of the Korean War, admitted giving a German girl .friend .papers showing! WASHINGTON UR—Back from1 a the* composition of r U. S. battle 17,000-mile campaign swing with group sad rtfle company to pass Sen. John F. Kennedy, the vice to agents of Communist East chairman of the Democratic,Na-Germany in East Berlin. tfonal Committee Monday reported The girt, Waltraudt Mueller, party spirits buoyed by the “enar-and the sergeant were arrested mous crowds" showinK sincere en-July 29. She is still is custody of |thusiasm for Kennedy, the German police. i Mrs. Margaret Price toM a The U. S. Berlin command said' Mast's wife, Mary Margaret, itvex at 224 Philadelphia Btvd, Aber- The defense submitted that Mast was driven to desperation by marital troubles and debts. This made him accept Miss Murf-ler's suggestion that he could get money by selling information to tiie East, counsel said* * Ing. his Sept. 8.17," Hip 'STT Mn. She tfiid Kennedy Is very encouraged but recognizes a really tough fight ahead. People aft tired ot government by public relations," she said, '‘and want government by courageous public policy and they find in Kennedy a man that they can trust.” At Pontiac State Hospital Health Lecture Tonight , The first program in the fall Community Health Lecture Soles "termine what legislation was imd-ed concerning tiie care and ha** totalization of mentally ill chO- at Pontiac State Hoopital will b* held at 8 k ' * ' ' “ ‘ ‘ ‘ auditorium. a will be Mrs. Edward tl k’"''}.!' -s........... ■ t& survey was initiated to de- ne series is spaas sred by the Oaldaad Csaaty CHteeas Omm-mlttee for Paatisc State Hospital. "We are happy to CBce again offer tbeae interesting and informative programs free to the |fob-lic. ’ sBkl George Mease, commit- The, lecture will show the r ............. Orerre i ■ vat*. E«a4iB. tew*. •nd Mr*, hmd ttaarreyi _ai»« Thuridky, Sept ML M S P». from the Doneleon-John* Funeral Home. Interment In Whit* Ch»p*l. Mr, EaaABil will U* In stata *t D«B»l*on-John» Funeral Home. RAMIN. B«FT. H. lfte. WnlJAM rvj*s-M*disBir*c]ia» n: *•- —love* huebend of Murfe Ramin: dear father of Charlai F., William •nd Majraard S. Ramin. Mra. Marvel Ooodeetl. Mra. Mtitif Hlb-bert and Mra. Oladya KcebBUth: dear brother of Carl Ramin; also ««rfired hr II trandahtklroa. Fa-neral eervtca will be held Wednesday. Sept SI. at t BJB. from St. Trinity Lutheran Canrai with “ -----------fflcUttna In- 10* home; ate SO: dear father oi Mra. NeUeS. KlUrn. William B and^ThomM a. SlmpadBj^Uo M^ore^^re^ta^Md1 Wednesday. Sept. II. M 1:30 p.m. tram th* Run toon Funeral SMM with Rev. Myron Erantt oftlelatlni Interment In CMtmad Rtlla Me-—mortal Oardeni. Mr. Simpaon will •wfy1 ** **“- *“■!■«?' W"- oaral Some. . .__ " iiWRN*ciiu. e*ivni. kfoTtote noth R . »l Carter at ; ape dd; beloved eon of Mrt. Bertha Tharn-SMta MMfffiiX gMta era! nlaeee ai eervtca wUl . Or?ffl; Htfo WdstaJ Mala 4 I MEN WANTED IN SERVICE DE-partmaat a* waitns eetiwauae department. Muat he married and hare ear. MM while |*u learn. Ap^ly 4*1 8. Bajlnaw, no phana 10 BOYS W* need 10 bori 10-11 yrt. of ate to urork . one afternoon only. Tnuraday September a. .from 11:» p-m. to Apply In poreon Bart Fefkner L1KCULATION DEFT. • THE PONTIAC PRESS young man-tar iMre dept., aaeat -lent earnlntt, on salary plux liberal cammlaaMB*. saire axp. pro* tarred hut dapandahle good worker meat Important. Calf Mr. Ham, t AMBITIOUS Totinv men. to-jv for collecUnn depattment at national orwaata-atlon. Par Interview eafl FX A Toy raPkino national con, oara need* 1 swirled men St to 43 to service eatablUhed cuatom-er» In a permanent year around load! franchised Unitors. Tremendous repeat buginru and opportunity tar adnaeemoBt. Wo can guarantee 4138 per week to the ntht man. FI t-ltat. A FART TIMS JO* ---If you are tree 7 Lo 10 p m., neat Hpmnei ana neve a ear; TV may ha ah la to qualify for. i loo that win aaakle you to a an MS S weak and atm retain .no regular )ob. For Mr. Alien OR MM, U > >.m. BOTS FOR OENERAL CLEANING kid kitchen vark. IS yean ay- Pitas. BUMF AND PAINT MAN. SALARY. Lawyer** ColUtton, MIS Can Lake _Road. Keego Harbor. BARBER WANTED TALBOTS Barber shop. MS 4o«lyn _ BUILDER BROKE A NEEDS talesman—sale* manager. Please aaU Mr. Mas. - ^ ■ FOUh MEN OR WOMEN WITH can to HU- vacancies. Fun ar pen time Opportunity to earn — iggma. 150 N Pern. site oral e lea Bind, Uve la. aloe Oi jjiwTe Alton Park Pastor Asks for TV, FM Stations WASHINUGTON m —The Rev. Robert M. Paar Monday applied to the Communications Commission Idi the. authority for s new TV stattoa at Allen Park. Mich., petroitr to operate in UHF Channel Cl. The minister, who is pastor Gilead Baptist Church in Detroit, also applied recently for a new FM radio-station in Allen Parto .* w * He said the TV outlet.propoeed to operate initially between 7 and $ p.m. datiy and neon to 3 p,m. Sundays, would be pragrutihed to verve the unserved" hi 'downriver" communities. • ♦ *v' *________;____ The prograftis would feature brief devotions, discussions, of aMa churches, student forums and tnvetogues. Thursday, ax. ei i p.m. irom Sparks-I Chapel with Dr. MBMob nans otflclaBog Interment ts aoeejand Fork. Mr. TEaraburs win Da ta state at tha aparkt-Orima rea m*! nrere. trurmam . sift' is. fothloKai a„ M3 C^filK Blrmlnshem; •te 10: beloved husband ofDoto-tSas Thurman; dear RUBf of Mra. Ataret VMS, Mra. H. WUIIam Button. Mrs jhofchOaCTBrd and Eugene Thurman; dear brother at MM. B. A. Tepoortan sad baa* **-— uK tamed ~ hr is ‘ today At ier^~ionrtro wff jsrw________ V Manley Bailey trmlniham. Funi t held Wcdnesda t p.m. task the kaa&y Satire Funeral Heme, Blrmtnchan) with Dr, w. MX Harris officiating. teiarmoaVta EaaflAfcTTMUt ' Barkley. Mr. Thurman will lie In Mate te tha Manley Bailey Fu- EDANX. KEPT. It. ISM. CARL U. M%lu. Clemen* at.; Boa-Mt belored, husband of (Bsfi* Vedane: dear hrothar at Mra. Hate lie RIol Mn. ThfklB Myrea •nd FauTB. Vedane. Funeral Srvtaa will ho held Tuaedar. Bapt. to. at 1:3* am. from tha Sparks-Orlffln Chapel. Following the ■orvtre hen. Mr. Vedane WtU ha takaa to Forester. IBsh far Chwxch - MT Sl. TuwnsMt , •Mjaaih salesman wanted to handl* Trl- -level pro!Pit ia Drayton area, Excellent opportunity for the Individual wUHat to ware. Oxataet Warren taraltor. V N Saginaw HOME Ilri’itOViMENf COMPANY needs salesmen. Oood rate of pay Cam* in for latarvltw. Darn Building Co-, HI Joelyn. corner Madison. . HANDY MAN FOR SMALL TRAIL- —o*..court. MA ms I MAN FOR RbbTrwdltk. APPLY EXPERIENCED MEN FOR SHOE store manager and salesmen la Pontiac aroa. Call U MMt, Mr. MaSka. tar Interview, _ tstattag Qkportoaia. MM Fosdtsa . ■■ ■ tojrifi b*i ctuent references required. Experience and abtltty N hiring Sad supervising employees. Apply M Wayne St/ between •:J* a«7 sad uia. MAN TO fro STOCK ROOM AND porter ware. Waif steady raall-•ble mas with relrepsaw. Apply la person Thorsday. 1 p.m. to 5 p.m, WKC. M> R. Sagtnow. revolutionary electrical units. For apaotatmanf eaU Ft MHl he-- iwwu 1 m* i t md 1-- WHAT DO you NEED? Whitcver it is« you!! hsve more success in' find-' ing it in The Pontile Press Want Ads. - . To Place a ---—Ad,— DIALfE 2-8181 tin£~|T fS*ntss rVpertencVhelBlul Light SBFbSE3£ME OMAN BjyitfJ —y rou would enloy iPWl i O hours a da* calling reguUrly rastd month an • group m studio Otrl coametlc cheats as a route to ha aatahltahad In and around Ratal, and are willing ta make ■luDiQ^^^fc^VwMjmca. apply at Bausons MSWt*. B Sunday or KdUday work. 4M South Bird. Ea*t. wanted KXPExnracix* ru- try and olaaa cook. SUM •■• -—md-...experience. Writ* Fonllar Press. Box M?_________. SfOSdAJl" WITH OB NnHOUT for ^gpotaLyat. i WANTED 8FECIALTY SALESMAN No ■ ctnvaaetww: Laada- taralehod -Unlimited, opportunity Call lor appointment. FE_2-'18t . : ' YOU NO "MAN TO^HEI#1 INSTALL Help Wrarted F*m«fo 7 3-WAY RADIO MBFATCHER. -mat know city. FE 3-0305. > OR OVER, COUNTER HELP, narit'MM. Evening wore. Experience not—nocSesary Apply la pdragn. Conceaslon building. Mlr-acle MUe Drive In Theater. Alter ADYEBT1XXNO AWARD #IMNINO iwuiiikB wgsuy aewreopw tos~ immediate opening (or an experienced dtaptay adrertlghw saleswoman. Newspaper background -preferred. Comuwasillcei based on experience. Salary stas car allow anoe. Bead resume to Pontiac ADULT BABYSITTERS _____ ■ OK BdMi RE YOU INTERESTED working 0 ta * p - --- -[iverlea. Cali before.it a hAbiruTrfrx to uye in, some toHOsTlff HM. . iAstarrTEB.' lioitt touse" BOSOM PRESS SH®T OPERATOR for Mmnb Unit. Steady work, taghxat *'* *’ >>rB' ■A^rrrER riTuvE-"iNr~EH cuitfr WAiTiikn. iif OR -over! ______ FE MIR. WAITRESS WANTED, UVWO guartCjS^avaUabla. ME M»l or WANTEDMXT* ' WlUTRBSS *W> cSfee SSop! m f*T^y»ph. WOMAN FOR iNSFECTpia AND assembly department. Apply Fox Dry Cleaners, 71Q W. Huron. WANTED. .kXFERIEHCSD CASE-ter. Neat appeartac. for restaurant aatatena work. Boura 11 to g daSy. Monahans Beat Buffet, SIS E-Maple, fftr——f****. ... WAITRESS WANTED: AFLY tranaportatlon. MA 0-U19. WANTED PART Tfll* FliTlAK-— *r. Old MlU Tavern, OR- 5-131 WOMAN FOR COUNTER AND (rill work, aa Sunday work. Ap-ply between 3-4. Harrteoas Baa- wmr. St N Parry. ___ WHITE PERSON TO UVE IN. assist with hhaetwark aad can at- . children. Ml MHO. WHITE LADY FOR HOU8EKECP-iaa aad care e( 1 children, 5 aad «. gift. Lira la. FE 5-7475. WAITRXMg WANIHI FOR FULL time employment. S day week, fat. aad Bandar off. Apply at Frank's OriUT W* Orchard Lake Road, Keego Harbor, YOmffJ~LAUT TO LTV* IN *ND he oompaatee to older woman, in aneAnnna for roam and board. OR SdStf: . Hdp W—toti S r BEAUTY OPERATOR AMD MANX- aer” 'y^ll tresUlen*e!B&I8iSfl- CANVASSERS TOR I RAD* * honw per dre, Xxj-ary plua ooauatealoa. Cau OR 1-5*43 between > and 13 AM. “MAKE MONEY” IN SPARE TIME No expertenca necessary Men or Women to Pd*SiS« Home Style Candles, present ^30 days credit -NO RISE" Pimd Raising Plan. Excellent commiaalom. For 1 alarm aUoa aad fret aateten wrW SIMs A CO. — OOOIObONIS AVE - PHILADELPHIA 41. FA "MAKE MONEY” IN SPARE TIME 3 FINISHED CARFtNTERS. 1 work- hr hour C'-*^ »■ *• -«aHWg. , „ i-l CifFElriEX WORK NEW CABPBir Agp TRiri WORE. 1 moww d All kladai M y** ahanriar- **““**" 3-1310. FIRST CLAM 'CAWWm _agj?VAir ^SL^^e wirk FE Liorn J^Jg|jnar''PtriiEiritAM- ' _ - - Comant warit -kf aP hheda. JRde-walks. basements, Haora, drive- . ------L <5 ONItJSt Prospect tiroRX ■ fita TRIMkOR NEEDS JOB H^S own MX ***£ f ■ wall WAMONO *f MACH.'RUOS unhol.. cleaned.. FB 8-6438._ ----- WORK OF ANT KIND F1H744_________ . Work Wafeed Female 12 f^AT IK0WB..yK». RIF. '*34 ldafroa* »t. F» »-»4«3- A-l WASHINO AND IRONINO ,M *ABTflTTTNO, LbTOfd CAltE -Housework- tt HUt DAT WOkE. RlPxitkNCtoS. FE \3£ CURB WAITRESSES Tod's hare immediate apentnga. lor eurh waltreaaes on the day and night shin, Apply la pareoo TEps WOODWARD AT SQ. LAKE ROAD COMPANION FOR LADY. fOlER-ly lady pretarrod nr girl. Bataf i d call FE S-11S0. Alter I, call FE ■ HM CARHOPS, M NIOHT PLUS (1 . tar food. Good tips. Apply In person, Tgay*g Drive-In, IMS Auburn RM, Utica COUNTER illki FOR DRY al»ga«w Asres 1M T. pfosta COSMETIC OR DRUO CLERK. — —it » rnnua? F SSaTlNr.T^DwStaii rfataa. " Dining Room Waitress Tad4i baa* immed ate apeninfi for dining roam vtitniMi, Apply lnPer*“ T^D'S „ —. Loung e _____, EXPERIENCED COltORED LADY] hou^ekeeplSg. ^belp with' c£u3ren. retry SUB. A Moaday off. city rtleronere, MA 4JMS. experienced p urn i t u it i store lnvantorv clerk. • d— . week, permanent. Apply Mr. h tin. ioTN. Saginaw.___________ Mlnnt* Lwteh. » East *lkn Street four "taoiafit over Twtonhr-—■- ■ afftce tad tlmn. Keep rear imnariawt job as n mtum. Weekly pay eh* nent or anperiss.,. Par appointment eaU ______________ Ftibu Of 3 AfiULTS #OtTLb Ilk* JMm* women tar U#M housework. Ml HM1 Cajl after P^wyF|jh^b*tOANttED 6£- Kmdej?x. it " OENERAL bLEANnO.""fob"S Frl t------1—_ hj-i. i nil entrance, au atuiu** him K. L. Templeton, Rdhltor i MM Orchard Lake Rd. ft MM» i I II •oaotomt m vomer i pi a* year wad eon u ict C< . Hnt Rent/ fe .. .... FE I MM, _____ KITCHEN AND BEDROOM LA- B mV IROOMkANDh Pt4-11ML i. oiri t^tcOT I Wonted Reoi Estate _ _!?*• ^ reilmi*^^p*ST| • "NEEDED** Sg! take Properties Sept, IE Roche*! erea.Tewerd ; LOTS - COTTAGBB - II RD. —----------------- ttM"er* Galore VLQN. AOBNCT LAKESHORE APTS. I I and s bedroom it Uhldh Lake. t Nicely ftirnlihcd with electric I mcm end refrtt. $17,50 week tael. j bee*' PI HM _________ : laior lovely "3 and 'SaW >■ Tie. YU34taraa.FE a I POO. sm~ ~ * LQBT~FggA^K JTOtJKlf~«gr. Buyeri a. Tart 34344. 1: Allfwt, 4«‘j£GIS?SL.1 ai®w»m racanTTaod. land contracts: **n.v**m4--'amTii«Bi»s»—ne *s* PU Lee. FE--- t o. sWyder FLOOR LATINO, aandlni and finishing. Phone' TE RQOFRSfeRS. eatubtboookxwo —1| ___ . I’^vfarBFS’fg; ^Barsssr “* **’,or ** ££ KENNEDY ROOPIN' AND SHEET METAL. or lain. . ROBERT CHAPIN* OONBTRUC- commercial modern laatlon eeUmatei. OR 1-MU. „ —^ ApECIAUZINO IN CONCRETE . work, floori, drive*, walks. Free CE-RERT COMMXN8 Noticea and PoraoiialB 27 ART OIRL OR WOMAN NEED an “ unr - mm — Mjjj nit ~AiatSTRKDS KNAPP SHOES FRED HERMAN OR HIM ARE YOU WORRIED OVER MODERN^ APARTMENT ^ F.KtT Ft A-MM ] PlNTHOUBg WITH 3 B1DROOMB J Red linen* supplied and laustd-end. M Williams. THREE ROOMS. Pttfg KITCHEN and bath. AU lev* one saparalad bedroom As lew at Ml, ! SLATER APTS. deposit TtM W. Maple DEBTS? WATERPROOFING ***%?>£; &laZgnlA5 or protesstonal lady. Iff 4-431J LAEEFRONT ON ELIZABETH .. . ... „ . 1 Lake, a bedrooms. dAr»i* s«pi Rooms with Hoard 43 to June. 175 FE 5-7«T».- - LAKB ORION. MODERN 1 AND J NEAR PONTIAC PLANT. LADY I Hel||htal‘RoU*d.UMT AJ284-.'1 *** I MM *______i LAKE ORION I BEDROOM HOUSE OBNTLKMAN, CLBAN HOME AND ■S—f**. .......v .......,-i— - I _ f»r rant. 145 a mo. MY 3-nil i nod meals. FBMJII, vans.. Rent Apts. Unfurnished 38 f«5 #, : ui(*n«oJic«“A j nEJ4tti * | ««m. Pontiac Lake, OH Hlli i nice cltan place, call Ff 1-0377 I, ■ •----"• , ---- BT FLOOR. 3 k BATH A BBMT J BEDROOM RANCH, l FTT ROOM FOR MEN IN CLEAN Pent Ante Furniaheui 17 4 A bath up. Private. FE t-1414 furnlalmd er unturnlshed. m, southern hove, near Ttl-Huron «| | om- horn, edektd tom. If del' 1 ‘ “ 1 field School district FB 6-30*5. MODERN LAEEFRONT ATTRAC- "'ri“*^433 ' and paid It _______________..iformatlon er NAttonai 7-3404, oiler « PM ttSMHERCE TOWNSHIP 1 < I' ROOM 1 BEDRM.’ PVT BATR. KITCH-*»*“* apt*., fully furn.. M8UO. Perfect I MtHBI ■ , Lake Orion. Rochcaterl EUHTjdcldbTOR BERVICE RE- K?°*nXl " ; FE 5-3381 furnished Mkeli r 3-8105. _________ I-1 i BE&ROOM A>t .1 OR 1 SMALL |1 FE 4-71M. MA I I AND I BEDROOM. PARTLY ] FURNACE PART8 luralshed_____ __ ____ mU44 ~ —--------- — | Lake. Sept, to June. EM 3-0134. 3-1341 " 71" I ’ lu'railhed iakefrant ~apanms'n'u 3 BEDRM ^BRICK TERRACE ^OAS | °*“°W w*.!Sir~ fc"SS5?^las^lS* ALifY MAID »0WUla OB 341*. ______________J heat, tiled bath,-lull bamt. | * Mulbort ESI 3-8* Manomluvi. Mr*. WuUbe*. FE 11 and 3 ROOMS sit. CLEAN t*n°*d yard. >T5 ffR-tlN. 1................................ -..........- • 8-7808 • [ cldee lo town, FE ’5-6182. ' 3 ROOMS ANB^,BAFh J|T^ fMHUNfD Wftdding Napki TREE" RIS I makes, modal*. 1-0716) ■' FORTAiLE STEAM CLEANING Wedding Invitations mere wasbtr repair eervlce. FE BackentOee Book Store .a way '»WHENCE f» MtU jUgUm EMBROIDER^ SAW* MACHINE SHARPENED utKTTT r fira la BAfy.UlT BT. SEFTIC |ANEBM^LlANED —Doohfcecpbn a Tnxei l# BOOKKEEPINO, ALL TAXES rated. MP 4-4130. r^l.v partly fiIrntshed HOUSE 171 ^ _________________ I of oa Mtil------------- -i—>4S33. - -mb wffwi.- Phane FE iTlBl. t Hi | Bui 1 1 ThTu^? RemOfflceSpBC# 47 BOA Kb WITH OR WITH ' Oakland Av». FB r ““ BOARD COLORED Modern 4 bedroom full b (a* heat, terms r* f “ OIXIRED Ol TERMS house. Wall St . good NHMHH FE 44L7I. Eve*. »j» MWI_ , EXECUTIVE HO>i£ Near Waldou Blvd Beautiful all brick constructed with ltb beth ^“'"only0***,** »U|th°eiV»Uenl ! ~inhn K. trwm & Sun * REALTORS Since 1*34 311 West MurM Street Phone PR 5-5447 WILLIAMS LAKE SCHOOL MS* trioT 511.575 idie* brick bo**. * ~ »s *NR JH* a partly [ipstalr* that gourd be NWJMI r”scfe'en», beau- . _______ d lot with Mel fenced In. tar**. ! w* ha**, naay more ha*** ta choose Iran, drlv* ait to Mr office B look over the many j photo»7 Parhtiy et door. A law IBT FLOOR. ON SQUARE LAKE. r Blue Sky j . ; 3 ROOMS AND BATH COTTAOE school to*char. OR IN DEBT? 1FBCT x rwt . | iQ -1* 4?*S arK^ft»&C LiEj i UO * 13 RM.'ESlrt. AFT- ,Ef Give You 1 PlaceTo Pty __otrancc. cioac In. |10__ 1 UD I. BEDEOQM FUBN AFt.. UtlUtle*. FE 4-318d. 2 ROOM. FRTf ATE ENT. AND hath, FE M444, U4 Mt, Clemen*. 2 ROOMS AND BATH, UPPER, private entrance, utilities lurn-faied. »1» week. FE Mbit.____ 3 ^mi.^ PRIVATE.^ imL.^WlUTE 2 VERT LARGE ROOktsT VERT Bled. FE 4-1833. fLOBE IN. FE __________Ph. Ft HRl ______ 3 ROOMS AND BATH. 855. SdUlto 4BW. ObkMU ft. PL H71% 3 ROOMS AND BATtt NEAR OIL bow Lake. Ob* block from tc1-|50 p*r month EM 3U44 ^ MB8. per I TO t Rent Houses Unfurn. 40 ROOM UPPER. 1 Near SIDE. ■t water furnished. Very e NEW OFFICES - WEST SIDE | ..-. - PE 5-3144 - OFFICE OR (TORE BUILDINO i tor rent at 4713 Dials Highway ; Draytoa Flalns. FE PMU For Salk Houses 49 iwa*| says bring *a aa offi WHITE EBOB. REALTORS OR 3-1315 tSMMUbMwy CLARK REAL ESTATE * — “ Mured -_ Open » ‘ —— “ ■ —711(7X1 MULtlFLE LIW1WO BMsVfcE HOYT 2 BEDRM. NEW. roLL BSMT . DressniAklng, Tailoring 17; alterations, tailoring. WE ARE NOT A LOAN COMPANY l-A-l RENTALS 2-BEDROOM DUPLEX Automatic UMt — Full Baaemant a WILL DECORATE ^spermSnth FE 4-7833 544 EAST BLVD. ». , ____ ——-SIly^SA-a------------1 BimRdSH-jmmui\'NVKri.y 3 BEDROOM HOMK. WITH OA- dec^ratod |ru* down__»*lanc* r^.' ,—y j rage, near achaal* OR MW I 54.57* with »M a m*. FE 4-33*4 ppgg" FAKK ; a BEDROOM OA8 HEAT, KXXOO | 2~BEDROOM BUNOA1X3W) Mv-CAK ---- FE 4-yeoT.___ Unfurnished. MA 4-3746. garage. bas»»«nl .la*, smrch A*IP....BAT&_ °.^T*1R*' !» BEDROOM HOUSg, AUTO. ! J**00 OR 3-eat. hot water. Full basement, downtown. 550 l RMS UPPER ADULTS. RE- i ' bl!frtSkf rvmr -CmSmrl' FE 5-4771.* 3 BEDROOM. FULL iASEMENT. ltrte nvtag reom aad-LMtohen. oak floors. ailUfd l»Bl, lot IOOxI&O C»ll OR I41U »fltr II lif We bU.VI that. Offer top Muue iwr mw rSnii for further Informellon "^TtoSi esTt ESI BUY NOW! BUILD l^TER! Id Buneef Pert a _____—_____r MB I* lal| 17 *55 It* down end 171 1 ^ ------•-Oillk wi a* money daw* eo»ti”‘'’caH directions: ( • OR 34MI -------------- LA EE FRONT BEAUTY ' ilMSl ■ E KNfiRI 'tfdkfM for ea—■ rl vrsiigst* this one. 1,400 eu. ft. 1 Aluminum and etona elded. Fa*-~|—iij-roomOarate: Clrcl# fils*' I Nicely landscaped. Call for Idaw- i Oakley Part Ed. I bldne* ranch and I sidewalk* community water, gas heat. Minimum alee IT faut.fraat-age Casa* purchased far 101 STEELE REALTY (Main Office) ___________I 1*40 N MiUard Ed | dJa. . Betwaaa RlgMaad aad MtltaN I ■■ __________ MU-432045--- KM I-MJ7 NORTH SUBURBAN TAILCWINO - ALTERATIONS KDNAWARHlSl ~ ^ ^*5-3634 iXRJNSELLORS 13 PONTTAC an RLDOPKO- >00 plus gtailljPRPWP 4 -|K>wrf'A«H3TMiMl3S»TWiy)P^UIPP8WlP But »ld*. PB 4-7338. I month. Call FE 4-013L._ t~EOO>fs. ~)yr^~KAra, N^RfLY {mtoryT bedrooms, «i~»7'Jhk- * bedroom. ________________________ . . - i L p.m. ,134 adjon. ~ 'i^aWb-nbag-VSUt, a RM. 701 PONTIAC STATE BANK I IROOMk AMD BATH. BlWk. 014 \ 4 ROOMS AND BATE IN DRAY- | month. OR 3-230S. --------------------- i — yyst; Beat alda in Pontiac. | too. haat and hot.wator tumlahad. [, fa!ul». i Aiffi' lAWTIca: -3-0051. , •--- ! *S *- mont* BU*v5.P*r weea. t Modern._eto**_ ■- - “ 3 BEDROOM HOME QAS~HEAT I *‘^**'f_ ”5 r~i«KmKOit•~Tv*4Ssr-“SJ&m* I ^^ ApprailMatoij 1^nil"*T trail *i H Perth" Plwwtof AL WARNER S WOTQ-TTLLIHOJLff ^ WMQMT BAPELT ASP I ntohei luonn and gardens. FE 4-IS40. economically with newly released | rXND PLOW, DRAO AND DISKINO HAR-( Dn-A-Dl*t tablets, tt eanta at j entrai old Warner. OE 3-MBt. i-g5g.‘ PLOWING, ORADINO DISCINO A weM cuttlnTFE 4-4330 «r*bR| g“rUrDroblMB, Xtytl i 3-3105 per week. Boat aide OB 3-0061.___________i — - - ------------------- ' BOOMS AND BATH NEAT. _OR. 3:l»??...?r.J>R.±j75«.------------------ ----- warm and clean, utlUtles lur- 5 RMS. AND BATH ON 6. MAR- nlahed, FE M707. ___________I ahall. FE 4-0544 after 5 pjn ROOM ON 31 SPOKANE FE 2 BEDROOM HOUSE. ATfM)HED * 3 BOOM. FYT BATH. AND 1 ,_nces Newly decorated. Ill > Telegraph. Apply 70 Clark S' Laundry Service 20- COMFLXTB FAMILY . Laundr: a-aiti. .aundry: WE PAY ALI-YOUR BILLS Lnd#cfiwg \ 1 ACE TREE BERVICE ^ i age, photocopies i uttStles ar ar°.,,TVty^E*AK3**url hqmex services ""l- ^qq—MT ni HaUaeal Bank E54gx Rochester «ot Crooks Rd. Phone OL 1A104 and OL 1410* . .!. Totm catalooRe is HBRg* 5-4430. __________ - - ____ ROOM HOUSE 404 MO 81. . BLAl/ftf ULLT FORM ROOMS. able fbr * couple. FE 4-7030. _ Bath, garage. Pleasant surround- APTS., 4ICX LOCATION. NEAR 3 ln|s. Business girl preferred. FE . downtown. On WUttamt. St. No t 3-73W. , , ..... -........-f" children or pet* Dawson gnB-.- I 1 ROOM AFARTMENT SUITABLE j 3'^1* « FE 3-7105. - veto amriSce. FE >-YI*6 f A'l^lXdTlVB COW ViDl) 3 Rbf ,— a ROOMS AND BATH. PRIVATE | «Pt- with refg. stove, heat and entrance. IU fe ^watog. mUtTmo. » M CLEAN, (a A MONTH, | fi| schools, hewly decorat*cL*kc»‘ sioic party <*W~ fe «-2oi>. ~ , . . LlViSo' ROOM, klichee bath, utlllly■ _FE 3.5734 ' BEDROOM HOME. ON tb AORE ’ Waterford Twa. Plastered walls, oak floors, PE M144. After | p.m. gEDROOM. north Side stoo drapes and. earpetlng op- „________________X*- ?1ur&efthform*l»li6»IlW >ss Homes it OR 34031_ flonevmoon Sbecitl little dream bam*. Lovelorn with fireplace. Ooih-, modern. Built-In kitchen, bath. Larke Hedroohi..Utll-— n*w fursae*. wen land- KAMPSEN; ■ MULTIPLE LISTINO BERVICE ACRE WEST SUBURBAN 1 BEDSdOM. l AC*ld. I CAirbA. rag*. Lake privileges. Oi«oe to bus. tllg mo. BMJMSM. HOUSa—BEDRQOMv ulre ffa^Slf. Clemens ROOM BID ROOM IFveT-Been 114b ached. Large 1< . Inquire 373 1 3 RMS BATE. PRIV SNT. PARK-Ing. OUl School it. H 3-7434. 3 ROOMS AND BATH. UTTLITtBS furfUenad — — HHRMHH Auburn Height*. UL 8-8514:-^-- CLEAN AND PLIEAIaNT1 FO R furnished.' 453 Florence -_drtnktrsTyE*34lS lakefront. no I clean 3 R^btcT and BathT i 4141 CUntoavlUy rd. OB 3-47N. Dtff. luru. Ft 4-44E. _ licib wWb ltioli rki-!clgfAN 3 bedroom, lower , 1877 Bwaraune. clean' Inquire lgrTtortc trsrttvs down payment Dorothy Snyder Lavender _____ Realtor let H Ysen ___ ii. FgTlliT 8 BEDRM. BRICK LOE —brrvscway and garage. -N*e -sub -j * Bp«r7»?u'l‘ Wttt* -^gBUw ” P““ j ir’s True —Only $12,500 3 bedroom ranch frIvate , Blciid firick, Alum: Siding r sSttYbSu brick. m.»gg — l^arnily Rm., 1)4 - 2 Baths Toma. Less mr cash. Ne»f Optional Functional ranch can Ntooli. OR 3-Mge. . I make 35 1 17 living room. 1* It I IkiajHi. RANCH, BEE MY ! ,cR J*Tlllmlr til! .--- ^— —---------------.i-. 1 range -and WfgiBi Ceramto 1 1 batfi with vanRy. cm* m b.. * on* it looking for Well . built i bedroom with full baaament; large • ear ga- ----fltnou,; T7w I9f«r for PH A terr person me ;rmM- r property—*~\—M ahade tree*, rrmed at befidnwn I flirt* w»h reaaaaaS* term. mu ■Fhsl ' For mere details ” Call i OUITY OF DBEAM1NO IN it qaarters lnrlud- kltohea1 w\m*lbullMos°0Kll merit with fireplace and Teeree-— tlon ream. Carpeted Jiving room with Raman brick RragUit. lib i rrsmte tils baths (mu family ream, attached 8-ctr garage All this sBnalad an baamuar landscaped tot. (0 a lw, Ideal 1 R I schools and storas OR 34100 child wel- 3~BB!PR^idMir^At.DWlN •— »T.' • ---- Michael art*. Corner fenced m ........... lot- 3 car garage. Oood terme tq .iSwrrm .....S.“ la ramUtt | equD j to 113,000 nut. OR H Bj --------- ----fS j'E ROOM.' ORAY • BRICK. FIXE- to per month. place, lake privileged corner. lot, !OOM MODERN HOUSE end (a-1 ioo x 184 feet. 8 basement bed- HOVT UFA!.TV MtVul I TELEORXPH^ s i MULTIPLE LISTINO 8ERVICB landscaI’ino lawns and Spe- Wtd. Children to Board 28 elaltsr, top coll, delivery naeon-1 '~mW84Mr--------------c—----- KN1BBS LANDSCAPE TRUCKING. 1BBS LA__________ ,1 44704, FE 6-8040. jLAHDBCAFINO. UOHT HAPURO OTU^Ajit'. UCENBto HOilET mielk.e s , fwwwnHM*, « ss- ‘riasr -r FE 44180 Wtd. Household Qooda 29 AMD kinds oi lawn work. FE . ftaciAt y>ffl90IU.»° cash Plana* Phtm* » 8-041 ^romi gif. 8 ROOMS AN6”BATH tfmmEB 3U State at. FE 6-3040. 3DERN HOUSE and ga- _____ . . _. Bloomfield Center, teo bath ; per month. ! Rolfr H. Smith, Realtor *43(r*N"* P*K|d- FE 3-744*---—r------MA 54431 I ~tOQM HOUSE. NEAR FISHER — garage, fe 4437* . i Ljg/ a 'MT l P.m wtNTlp CITY EOl-s'her. OR Trades? Yes! W. If. BASS, Ktaltor I Builder FE^3-7210! NORTHERN 8CHOOI TRICT — one of Uit bedroom bUfifkiowa I O'NEIL Deluded la pufehasi I LOVELY 3 bedroi ROOMS AND BATE, lit WATER- ] I RMS. FYT. BATH AND ENT FE S4473---------------------— i rooms. oTSBUnd Rut., pvt. bath and eni. Adults. g» mo. Tt 44470. I la summer, automatic beat) - josal. Couple only. FE 6-4038. RfMMk, 'FVT. BATH AND ENT. ■■by vrwaf “ ~ > week. Oerner of -Agusta ■ MOD. BLDO. LOB. 1 RM. APT) i' Privileges on Cats L stove and refrlg. Included. Bui to schools. FBI 84604;______ o^io^. NEAT. CLEAN. BnUCTLY FVT.. g W. -gPEURBAN. R6 CWft- 400 P*r mo' FE 5-356* NEAR TEL-HURON BEDROOMS, 2 BATHS. SECOND •" : floor, knotty nine, naar achools. ----- ra 34000. : 511.000 n ttot ...... Ml., AND BATH, 3 LOTI, LAKE i ajU^KOOM I BATldrBVblik. UMiim .!*•.' Close Cost 430.800. wUl sacrlflq* at 084.- 800. dlihwathtr A disposal, tkqrm------windows, flrsplacas, sprln- tle«" plu* *tov*. refrtgarator and apt. aw waaher. |76 per month. ; pSuBQ OK 8-7188. _______________ town by but eta tlon. Prlvateaen-AftorS *Fe Vilfl' n 3',M1 ! ~ROOM—AFARTMENT~~Fi—1-4138 ’ „„ — netivered 4l 3 ROOMS-*Md"iAm"f«WLY 1 sssajsair««si.“ mmaVahSbFasl~t TBSKtff ,> saSf^gjrnjSr. t’t»y?74 WtU.rO »4Su.C. ... l.?™,21,CfafIOB'5I Sales _ft?T __ I ROOMS. OIL MEAT. AUT'OUaTIC hot- water heater. 474 Fourth Are, ntgalrt at 484 Fourth Avt. riNDLtifD b'ath'niar'bald- wln and at. Mike’s. Stoker, hot water, storms, full btm'l. Clean. B*U_..*r rant. Mo drtaken. FB i.TJm Ink* is AS’ or with low FE 4-4404. down payment, (04_____ 'BKas.. leas iifr euek. ft HW, 4 RIOT”AND BATH INCLUDING furniture. 04,4007 One-third Sown. Ph. F» 84403, I to S B.8*. 4 ROOM BMillENT HoBE Equity 4700. Lot 100*1*0. g mt. from Pontiac. HA 748)1 __ CONTRACT fN CLARKBTON. BT OWNER, 3 bedroom brick reach, gtrege, screened porch, large let, tract. 116.900 wu: ecoaot emell down payment, MA 6-1101. __ in wHtuc. clASBton AND MILFORD AREAS $250 MOVES YOU IN Realty & Building Co. ; FE 4-0921 Rfl EUZABETH LAKE HOAO KEEGO HARBOR ^.‘VJSSi ? house. Oletsed-m sun porch -- —n -in g qar garage. *4400 month. FB tBII. ____ INDIAN VILLAGE lll l-gfir >7 liehawk, LAKE">RJvILEOES 3 BEDROOM bltek, carpeting, basement, ter-rwtd lawn. Er owner. OR 34013 COLORED to th*W Bloomfield Kl end Srotch Element*ry Schools A lovely frame , for the family with children of school eg*. The heeutlfully 1 enr-— piled living room f**4i I raised heerth I— Dining rot “ flees door ere*. Mod irT^S I*th wiRTSfesslfiy— room, niu be»*■*■! with eiceUent recreation feetl. SW'fS’VC SUSi can be arranged. LOOK! •*N DOWN. No otbor costs will aaov* you Into this lovs-. lv 3 bedroom MkB style homo B Foatles Watkins Estate*. Mother wUI eeley ore-parlag metis in to* well kept and planned kitebeo The ktde ean bar* a grand - iyfi L*t5oi —2TI------------------"ZL MA . •se*cin turn. PouwftC- .uults AA 5*1250.- ^5®^*,??^Xruc^c l1®' 22; Wanted Miiecftoncout 30 ~ Jmd auburn Top Soil • ... —QklB|. tfbum. atoe erads wheel within em aockn«ion in CLdSarroWe._______ ; Short distance 444 E. FUte. FE y bedraom. ranoh. He thni toatfle.—rr 4.37*1 M»W-_______________________ Vacant. TR 4-3968. r I NE.W „er AV^EaBLE lEPT M W*«fiDE , * tSPgTiO di#F*to m)^FE monUi, no dulllS' or *{Sa. *all SS2?' dm. U BBBRM. BRICE HOllE n BB. OR . utilities. lurnlslK 3 bedroom b cm garage, lahdsctped ■ dale Dr . Dri 8440.; _____________ ____________ LAKEFRONT. 8 BEDROOM. LARGE PONTIAC MO living room, fireplace, carpeting. ----es-ws —Owner- OR 34884. NICE ~ 3 BEDROOM MODEL tlmt In the fi •ttyj spprerlete the overala* ■ ; end loading. FE, RAVE YOU adding meehi furniture er usef W» wt OR 34 ITPBWRtTtR. ! 3 RrOmf, MODERN. PVT BATH. — j ** 1-A Reduced Rates v^««i or tone distance -novlul ia^W A< ."ter wy«Mto«i ) BEDROOM EXCELLENT ^*^”4* Michael's rooms lovely basement apartment. Ilf Stoto. F» 44803 :QOMS NICELY FURNISHED -ir PER WEES. CALL FE 1 R< il HorglUal. FE • ; ExiocifTIVE 'T^’FE HOUSINO . 3 ... csrpet- ADULTS ONLY #m 'V UkOJ BOOMS AND bath AduIU. Utilities and gas •lev* furnished Stiver Lake. Phone OR 34817. ____________ , _ i!2?l 6 CALL HELMS. UOHT HAULiNO.--------- no lob too smell. MA *41*3. islin.U HAt t and Donelson ROOM APARTTOOrT -OROUND WEST SIDE -II AND * ROOM imo UCEVICE J ^ys^e. emu wi Mai^Afte? 1 |S?lpji5m8|^£^3Sj --- ‘ and intranet. 11* e week. Small i rJELP1' baby walcom*. Inquire at 87 Reldwto Ava. Phone PE t-1441. RM. A#T, RATH. CV0/S~T scaoot* mid- dewmeoe. 144tb » Lawrence, fe 4-4434 bedrooms, full has ad. OU heat, I ear guruBf- t H*> lease 337* Bratton. Bloom held Township. FB 4-74*7 OOOD ROUkE. OARAOE ' EA*T side, close In. FE 3-4344 AKEFrONT HOME 3 XEDRMO Ith VMM, fireplace. 8 car att. nr^neiualTO_resldentlal «*.. per Call re i fl KOOM HOUSE, r um. 1CAK iff * wiu $»u ox. r» a-4iii 7R06MHbME;3BEDR06M;-FULL type home______11 Lake brlvlleges. Only M.4M Cal formation.______ ' RANCH ! 4581 KEMl’F ^iJftAYTON PLAINS^, ^ t. LMs^-baths, 'automatic h ir, bikes, storage; etc, 11 lole family will enjoy tt teiy leodicAped 100 g ti l. This hem* u prle.ed h I leaving el* 3*H right ei „ J fenced let, I trull tree*, colored Price Be. 11.109 dn'rE 84080 0 and 7 p.m. DON MeDONAIeD LICENSED BUILDER OR 3-3817 NEED 4 BEDROOggBf CTys---- SiBOAR6*to ART1CLEO HAULED RENTAL SERVICE LAEkFRONT BRICE 8 BEDROOM, large living room, til* bw, $*w-1 tlful view EM 8-8844 and UN Mill________________ 75-Pi. Sand Beach Custom Brick We ere proud to oflir this beautiful T bedim. •—* —* • — Lane, Union Li ruRi, w;} —.--------------...- .... ^"^Trafito^T large ttfm* W iABLBi^ H—— fmtUMi 19! -IL ‘j ?** ■jAje fc'bmn toy.^i stairs. chUdran welcome, Booth I'' 1 "'' ^ 1 IRJCIsBiTBE EOMRk. BIWOLB AND i—er's sneclflcettoni. end now ownr east glke of Pontiac, call after 8. : 1 BEDROOM. COZY. CLEAN, j dupleg. gas beet, OL S-glB) I has u! leave state 546.000 cash t OR I4*M. - | jn h“» °**I graoory. Tt RO(^igT|CR PARKLARD. 3 BED-1 mortoag*. Appointment only. HJ RMS.. HQ noOR. qpCbRKH ___-__rm. brtek fenced, eerpeud. 51*1 ROLD IREDI FRANKS.Iftl.Un-, gjar Across from jehool. 73 Weshtngton 3 BEDROOM* OARAOE LARGE OL 14887. I ton U. Rd EM 34188 Open OLDER t^gMlWikairwiim fsgry)ptrtrw^^». !#Meirva*»iR itriMTi ■•*»« ' Frtj r . ■ ----- 5Tb S. Tildcii> 54)edroonis, I JS*. end uttUUot 'furnished. Boer si) ---! month Wpa^HM* ~ 1» h CLA3U8- l ¥jK* ecorathH 23 30% Discqam^ Ss“S' S3*S; Rent Lake Cottages 41 EJkHVnMUH - 3 and 3 room furnlekwl apart- L g**f ‘ meat*. DtttSa* furnished. Oas r beat hest. adulu only 511 per week. | Jt**** R.TTbick) VAtUET Realtor FE 4-3531 ABIlIT' Inquire : £t*t Bur BACHELOR APT. riEI»»0H LAKEFRONT HOME PONTIAC 7-Awm KITCHENETTES near Fonttac. Elec kitchen, l» Dally, wktar.. mo. Utu. OR 3431*. ‘ metok Seta Jane- EM ,------werari.'*.^' 'ITT.'11*—*"*■ • i For Rent Rooms 42 OftAii-. FURNISHED OR UN; iJR- irafisrs* 'to-kXSki f 1 peraout, uttUUes tun, main hry., 418 wkfar ■ and up. OR 3-77*4 ffloti _LuarT»aoi( “ ALL Breed way. MT INN [ anr mr. __ franco end ejioweri _ BEDROOM ALL MODERN NEW 1 fiLEAK BOOM. OBNTLBMAN. bout* 3140 Ftober, MA 4-3010, prieet* eutranoe. 30 Iftke Q-tooMi^^TirwiEK: M»U4totoo8»*k*^S- v-' ■ IATTKACnVK warm rrnminM Umrm^muS: I ____- ,.cturV*wln^ overlooking lake, tile ABE F<» ME. gMaP “lyga-fwaa. u^r- CLBAN 1 DOOM AFT. MH HOVE V “ m-nxz-j end ONBua. Ft TrimWw »prvlct vtrel food land contracts — allahl* oe new heat** Liberal mey.TrtTlW gnbigr f^ 44») Efficiency ApRrttncnts Iffmffri*'* IP3 ten. king sis* living _____ Ubrary. 8 bedraeau. IH baths, bee*meet with all hoot. _________ large barn, small iprUm fed lake. 2 baths. S y Ivan Lake j ^^.^r^Mts i bed-1 fTUM&Mn] privileges. Completel v KRJ ,^nbr^jPi S M,‘K w,th Un“ #r^ custom finished. Will sell I R%o* slely *li.rt*. Bm ear j WHimB(tLAKB ^*2. or rent to regponisibtej "Jim" williams ! ci*u» 3 bedroom ranch hem*. iK * v____ j* A _ vuiai jgiaH & In*urahce signed for eoimT ““ |K?Opl€v Imnicaiatc OCCU- j I4ti Mitiy HhHI living iy with \ pancy; |lobert,H. Chapin, jAMMA 1 KSl Mult4-i'7«M “r- ‘STs.RWi.'S ROYAL OAK ! RoSert H. Chapin, Realtor EM 34888 , . ' M9 4-1706 04 a cash discount with armento of MUM per em lnclumag texts and ta-urancol Hurry! , with basement, same wtth l*v b2£k tom* erttt tow lots. All era freshly decorated. Just waltlng for you haute of year eholc*. for nottitno down AM y*< do, MS kav* ir B —1 ISSSwiT* f pffl' 6 mortgage c id room cuaga GI .$9:500 FE M487. bht | Idb btofftRo at p6q>. 'tdi- i r& mchab “D fraat attraoNv* rm. WT-WT I ™ por*j Hto kara. birch 1 aCbuluraiao*»> FWf^TjaukM ANPiAjH: | ngawroS^Fa-mS: 1 p”rL.,^.BftL5raai ‘ _ Holly. MBlrott 7-7137. -----~ JMK WM«r. W rw • iww-i j *rtrv' ua4toB*rkr3-4*33.__ .. W4&3e*j*«a^ CBETSg?*1' I«s»5*rs< Smafr Farm and Income a ecres with large (rain* house, dlvMod into tw* 4 raam apartment* email barn A bargain at IlSSM. terms May V* show yew today. Ranch Home Oa 4 acres. TU* home wee built 1n mi. 3 large bedrooms with *1. fullTbasemcht with reereettm «*•— apd kitchen, I par kNneBed torm*W0*UBnow Sy and Id^-wJMr *■> a right ta ttfiiSmrw with jftQA n all ischool*. $3450 down. In- Colored i If y*a have goad'* credit, w* r — aa tow as 1861 down. CRAWFORD AGENCY MB W, Walton FE 6-8366 «8 E. Flint MT 3-1143 bolid value — W* don't kapw whore you could ttodtoan heme •'Wjim.-pBf “nil ROTJOEt solid 4 room Rama Quiet real-41*41*1 location, a It k paved street, walking dtogenee be school - sod but line, has baasmeat with gas h**L tM wator ksaicr i car gej*4F7lhw>i-: WlrtT qaly down, Immeltote No Down Payment* Gis, Do You Tou eon sRR eusltfy to bw- srjr«“!i;Ta5 s service up "ACT NOW Warren StouY RwItor LARGE, FAMILY Ksf miiailtfTwj- RAY O'NEIL. R< iaii— I TWENTY-TWO THE PONTIAC PRESS. TUKSQAV, SEPTEMBER 20. I960 Mr Tl—— ; v BARGAINS HffDSX For Salt H«un F«ir Sab HmMm ____ 3 NICE LOTS '■ _ _ L-_ j SM’SSHStGAYtQRDr & ho.™ «d« 3 hkdroomhoiie US“2r££3S&S$ /’'•fD/TM TV'! SaHpdcm i GrinUUA UjTdKWVELAND JgjH SRIi* 491 CARNIVAL W iwtt liirfar^tr Wi l$$» IFfipwlyfr mum « n w biTTifin w. M»n Min. m l iim case Lake ft*. BLAIR \ SUBURBAN' AUrsrttve t htrwp in natural) nttiffittr situated no approstmate It 3 tern. Lara* carpeted llrtni Mr Unt tftthn tnd dining errs Pu'1 tiled rath Exceptional It kin uMtly room. Kkwllral ■Ml Ml M trait trees Very oft rai ne um re m WM. A. KENNEDY I with ttil* M oil (urntet. now. no. reswttolott. 3*sW tool Sara crib. Chicken I tot btrn with otter trttt. Priced nt wit MO witb Wtmtt Coll MHl «t ll MM i never been - lived nt screened, 3 Mo. rtirt KlTjoncs, Real Est. m WHT HURON, .STREET GEORGE BLAIR | REALTOR I:■ tsjo Quin Bwyr/y;.: or mwt DRAYTON PLAIN! ' ; Mat. Oi nMIi ;• ; Lauinger Taa.r!? a, w MKHgrS * *tt ***** 1 BEDROOM BRICK _ % ~-P'jyy*^, iluin * Irlet. Oafy* I if *••. termT*” J “’eft’Tt this™ BrnTTCSiorTo LARGE J BEDROOM RANCH Hr ' ■ UnM W Waterford Tranship -flat- fevSr'-iWILLIAMS - 4 LAOINOER REALTY A li -modern tttchcn » I rad room* Large , poll* IS tor gs/xgc Only MM, ; do*n ■ INDIAN VILLAGE^ I home Large Itotbf room Natural WE8T fireplace- Family oitod rao. room Lergs meatra tuch »1 brookfAot nook Tbo price to rich! Excellent A n with FHA term.. j in route NORTHERN MIOH FtrSili farwiE I ACRE FARMC« MAMWERWj raSi. Ararat nr eti {■"jgLJ iuMgS^a*E - u» Vt~EaII r PANEL'S. REALTOR .“9h - naTONVILLI moot • her cent ovi* mto ®«*wKs® kgSggEBftgl! *TKT Jf -FOOT j fUl I—Sry —. u L,-g T Btivjy ms,1 fton/w. f MO r lAl betwtra Lapeer Y®*1 Bf EM 3-4S3S-_ , ■ Bedrooms ___Brsptow. fan ^ Sc Vacant Only fjfus ho*tala tor fireplace ond recreation room IS both*. $14,386. $3,006 dowjL 'Mutual «4H>. ■- 2 ACRES R. rraotai* oa MU. Mint entobto for tome or ■ fltal tmil. larnaoo. *-— , ■ IM.0M. Rrawmtblo 1 TEAGUE FINANCE CO. 202 S.-MAIN 214 E. ST.CLAIR ROCHESTER R0ME<\ mAat^ntjo *mo LIVESTOCK_ .^Bgyaw / ---- ,, , LADDS. INC. gtflMai i -Mim Several attractive 3-bed- j uoo dw« hwy. ^_■ °4 He?!- room lakefrotit homeai Sale Btaslneu Property »! RT 1^1^MKR now for sale. Immediate I—^ v^l.vl 'i 1-JJ-1 possession and 1 i be r * I j * Ci!ou* ctrwr^Q^jj^J! FINANCE COMPANY t7rmg, Robert H:, Chapin, ?A ss00 Realtor: EM 3-0085 or j g^iMoTSara. or bmr« a| BORROWJJPJU 95W bale oa LEtia. ooritor egg- LEAVING THE CITY? . { Suburban. Bargains I'NEAT t baton • an | NEAR DUBLIN SCHOOL. 1 Itd- SMT VBAR is, a bill. baatb tlT- Thl. rUAB«. aoostoo- COM- iMm - qrajrfMrlalB, - uuca ; Boattr OtBbtttldlPft Idral wtifad LA.. BtrmlafbaR. rtaRiartli ^oo»w -rgys r LOANS $25 TO ,|SW Mmvirr»nN®*^ T Oo toar »t«nataro or oltr jt-Ro«tonablc. Open to effort. OLJ rurity. 1« months^ -Jfy-. ■ "L-----w rtflet 91 ebtnt r6 Rent. L se Bin. Prop* 57A! mhi. “Oh, that old teacher doesn't know anything! She's the; e that’s sure I didn't learn my nasty language at home!” i “OR .-04*1 RKAL^MTATE A BARGAIN LAWRENCE W. GAY U )R 1). ■ Realtor tas e. rats sr roNiiAc . 1 - “ST tr,. LAKT *“*»“ it tmi CUTS t BEDROOM HOMS CLOSE TO WINNER AND LINCOLN SCHOOLS COM r LET ELY DECORATED OAE FLOORS. r««Clp YARDS SMAll. DOWN payment at t»o. tat rat ' MONTH- . --. ■ - ’ t- •SWAP. WiKfjSrm HIP IN PER MONTH WILL TAKE HOUBETBAIL-ER BOAT AND MOTOR OR CAR A8 DOWN PATMWT INSURANCE, i” rlaNT“fr,"'LAkE" ORION IDEAL FOR RETIRED POLKA rE t-oatt . it tmi Cosy a bedroom ranch with _______■ MY >-lUt paneled wall., (lrcplacc. Ha car , opEN eVENINOS til I PM.,j larafc, lar|a loi witb fiuit ■—"i tad (rape arbor. Only M. tt.Md down. Johnson "SMITH" I Fir Sal# House« 491 ‘BATEMAN; : REALTY ‘ j MULTIPLE LI8TINO SERVICE For Sale Houses TRIPP- MS. amanSowB MA « Mat isadrant hunt hup I S mile, from Lake *? JSL HOME & AUTO ’/ LOAN CO. •-DOOR LOAD!NO DOCK AND OP- | net. modern bulldlns. » hetrt ol | Pontiac.. Elco Development. Co. 7 ... - _... ... ^.8^.^rf«!!LHiia^ir-Lim».-^!^ rvfiMC special i SS*^aT»Ss:«'aSi LW/llNO ssgL.ttMda«atl fRM&jaaw ■gjajBui&yf' IOAN Metal rraL iaMtaOal' iW «»M y..*f?.^.ya‘^lJ?lM E. lAWRENCT ft HUT Building Could make an Ideal f Mm^otvAMaro * « *•" . TVTT~T" ** _ foDiTs'TS c^nromoHiDj but (dips OB DUM H wy. Ideal for , Doctor, DenOii. lAWW. «U. AP- * Lawrante a n t-i*a» S3 YEARS OF SIRVICB beautiful brtdB-SBtlB AaiMroahly i decorated like aow. IW baths lo- 1 . »ol»d on 0 lorft let In Lake Oak-— land Heights.. Immediate Posses-Sion Only out tvatlabV at Sit.- ; eao Catr today for appoint men I ! BARGAIN — tl.toc CASH J. A. TAYLOR REAL LSTATE AND INSURANCE ! Vfil *D flirtU L' na Highland Rand iMdSi »wK UtUttE Suburban Living: 1 Nicely landscaped J j. home wiUl shade tree 'BUD" Bird. Needs tome repairs price only 11,000 H told 1 dlately. IB Oatad and Ire R»m t. oil traced yard, rayed 1 Attention Investors ana. ll.sM daws. 1 Wut csAe. I______ JIM WRIGHT. Realtor ^»Sf«r ^jy^gri^i^ay?iiUggar ■ - , ■■ 1 11 -±rtZ- apes tldt locstlon Lars# rtmod- TRADE I *£2pSi5“‘ Kolfe H. Smith. Realtor 344 S TELEORAPH RD. j n. 3-1044 N MA HUt y Templeton Sylvan Village, t, Just SI aatomaUc h es bath front s at tU.tOOOO. rS^tar li&S West Side Income 3* family .. ..to hr** baths, full - brat snd ■■» wnn, screens, Mrtt porch-M “4 rear. Offered with S3.600.00 SI to work, too Eeinhsy twt call Bandy John A. JOHNSON & SON 1704 S. Telegraph Rd. FE 4-2533 1 from lako. t____^ _____ - + «n rurBK(. ItStsM-tn front porch \ Ms lot. Bsasorakly priced . I K! L. Templeton, Realtor . tud OrohaN Lk. Bd PE MM3 I___ After f p.m PK 1-SSS1 ga,~5?tT..aa LAMB0* LIVINOD"^!oOM WITH PtRBPLACB. ltk BATH. POLL- BABBMKNT 1 CAR GARAGE WUX TABS IFREE AND CUtAB HOOT AS PART PAPMBNT BALANCE ARRANQED. LO-CATBD IN WATBRPORD ITARKBTON ORION AREA MART OTgOI LOCATIONS AVAiuSLr JIM WRIGHT. Realtor | 343 Oakland Avo., Open ‘tB »:3S ... ys/ymn/MT IMtlDUTf MIHBHOH -+] HAGSTROM 1 ssasre.w.LSf: Hai ^ ^ TIE YOUR ho AT TO TOUR RSm^mmpanSmk *te**i' ”'** f DOORKNOB over 1M It. on N*wn paymms. I .>wANirB<»*H LAND? 5ra!“ I’SIT 1 raSUs"ra>mM * rAM^-T - Ntdtra lneom. for P NM 1. Realt PE 4 I MM ; ARRQ- PRICK REDUCED Once yea bava road this ad thcr is no reason to root ray toagei we have rodatod the pries so terms oa this I bedroom bam ! Witb garage In order to so > I patefc inaasad an s psrrd slrti with nil city eravoUiacee th) Kid’s Special Near School . Features -bedrooms down WtUl unflalshtd upstairs far eiccBent brick homes ta Watkins Hills. Excellent ---term*,—lam—Interest mart*' —isom mnd yrlBod to BHLL.— Bctn homes have full base* menu, nice We and raved streets DON’t MISS OUT— ON THBEXI WEST BLOOM FI EL& ---Close to West Maple 7 room brick raneb on BIO. HIO fireplace 1 celled er* ear atu fftfl BUILDER’S ______________i_ CLOSEOUT Mom__4 bedroom hi.level . Over l.MS eauart feet ef Uvksi area. Custom built-in kitchen, oven nnd range. Cxrpettad, 3 full rathe, norms nod screens. This ts t STEAL nnd 33.0M down win handle with "No Mortgage Coats " Crescent Lake Large living with carpeting Nice kitchen Pull beeemeat with recreation Oarage PHA For Sth Lets | BLOOMFIELD - FRANKLIN ROAD site. Price for quick sale. $4,000. MAytalr 0*3307. BEAUTIFUL CITT LOT ON NIAO-irs St FE 2-7832. • _ ,, . V BARGAIN Two do x »» foot lots on chain Borrow with Confidence. GET $25 TO $500 54 E»OH» .jf-jncwif ^""tteJtt ..mV "*K ---- Cd. TU t-OWO. ■ - - —* -■ — - with 1. Mlchi* roll and St Id. TOO If You Earn $2/47— Per Hour Businesi OuporturiiUe» 59 A * Money Making j asmets Of ... Hundreds of I— prrwnt Incoms with i1L L. NEW1NGHAM j \vATrH^?OM^A.NY I CORNER CROOKS -AND AUBURN I >V A1 Ln CUfflr ADI n tm • UL B-3310 ' Distributors are bow belli* selected I I1i». Qw HW> - ---- j Watch Company. * LARI PHI V 111 DR . $» WI. ; fto experienet ntc«Miry. fchltUf,' Ml tVflW*___ __j Vwr Activities will be Signature Up to Id Months to Repay PH. FE 2-9206 OAKLAND Loan Company 383 Pontiac State Bank Bldg WHEN YOU NEED $25 TO $500 ____ I _______ __ _____ ire wlU ra tlad to help yea- NtCSlOT^ir OH KPCUDAVB- j " odl^tiraHeti. j STATE FlN'ANCE.CO. nn. with aaraae. OH »-M»-_) - "• PaaHas Blnte JjlM fat large |Mp additional dining room, iiu ram, inwran roar porch PrM II $10,500, ..... hA\\ v why matt. Bat frail, mm enai | ON 1 \ MSQ DOMtr lake aad park tlfnl wooded h porches aad flTepwee, X- ie.Illy decorated aad extra alee. Only 3 Mocks from school PARTICULAR PEOPLE' UK* | CHEROKEE HILLS! Planned far custom quality homes. It's roBina , wooded 1»! ft ettee offer secluded country , living With close In convenience. I conjunction rxsewt buslneea. Ml d to full two. AU I fully cue----- May I br guaranteed MO 10 OwBt Advl*Or» 61A __ consumer. iBxmatary ———v——^ i% ~[ S* Mm! BUDGET YOUR DEBTS rmum*m?wtc£t II.uTm cash CONSOLIDATE BILU-EO LOANS aeoeemry. Tour Inrootmrat eov-1 *" *•" “ “ j “BUD” Nicholif. Realtor 4d Ml Clement st l! EE 5-1201 . ! After 6 P.M. FE 2-3370 Carl W. Bird. Realtor am Just idf:al WEBSTER Mock homo, fireplace, full bate-1 meat, gsrsrv. beaut If hi wooded ieL OBII ll.aBi down. —............j- LAKE FRONT COTTAOK on 1M sue pltvaU hkfce Completely j furnlehed tncludlo* tt" televl- i — dona ani'W'ut.1 H. R. HAGSTROM i REALTOR 4S00 Hlghload Rd IM-1BI _ PONTIAC OR 4-0358| HAYDEN _ , partly fedced lot I excellent starter couple, comfort-able llvlne, draper than roM Excellent I Mary bungalow. I bedrooms fall basement Its car larage with attached kfeexomay. Ararox-dTn^wll1 Only ' l*Io town. LAKE FRONT COTTAOK - Only 883d dowa for this cummer cottage. pear Clarketon. Oood condition. Cedar Panel boat dock. All for low price of *4. MO. . A few mirror4 toi this property nnd workable form i road 114.000. ter TED McCULLOUOR REALTOR { able term*. ARRQ REALTY TIT 5-128* FE 4-3844 Open I a m. to t:JO p.m * DAY' BUNDAT LAKE ORION — OXFORD INCOME PROPERTY — Pine Investment adjacent to business section In Oxford. Large house, consists of 3 ■ apartments, plus office space tito a month In- tiif; TA1 K * come It ft frontage on main D,,'LJ‘rv '_____ street Perking space In rear. About a BIO heme. 1 BIO. s 14 000 easy terms bedrooms. Dying room. d»- *r%.mro easy verms.------------ room, kttehen, . ceramic I ATTRACTIVE RANCH HOklE—Just MKdJlj>*** »•” ?*»»»*?»- . i M 34 south of Oxford. Living Sr * Putt basement I's caT room with fireplace and newly rersge. On heat. Boned . . <■ carpeted. Fine recreation room, commercial. Excellent value i kitchen, 3 bedrooms ana ceramic *1 *11*00 low down —tile rath. Out turaaoo. AHnaHuun. ■ psymept. Cull now to eee screened pxtlo III.OOO reason- , fiilt BIO VALUE 1 a ivrucTfD r> I REALTOR FT? 4-0528 i \. WEBSTER. Realtor | m s. telegraph—open .eves .-,i OA 8-3133—MY 2-2201 ' ------------!-- ’ . ~ ^ DORRIS W. Bloomfield Brtek 814.730 An eieeptlonei home with . -0 lot' Of itvliix, for this ree- UpntYlarge end very comfortable rooms; full complete VACANT BRICK BUNOA-LOW WBT 11.300 down, all rooms larger than average. Paint Creek Knolls CREEK SITES . HILL SITES "MOUNTAIN-LIKE" ’ VIEWS TO 1 ACRE LOTS HIGHLY RESTRICTED 1,600 8Q. FT MINIMUM , SHOW] SYLVAft LAKE CITY -Have Win* building MU^n Macl top. OM^Nj^ then tl.800. #0 J TIRE ORIGINAL 1NV1------------. THROUGH OUR RECORDER BO rank Bide I NUB PLAN. y( uxi Dtstrlbutori sppotntod Immediately ■? unm sccentsnce AnnllcantS must upoa assspteaee. Applicants m have means of traaeportatUn.. ; 1 Write name, addraee aad phaae “ i _ NEW YORK 23. N Y_________! BEAUTY SALON IN PONTIAC.! nronortv and buetnedb. double t IJIK 33A00 i * 8*4. T1*—^ Ihliterale * , H AGSTROM GRADE a MILE ROUTE In.but Best hsullne prices. Includes ll$l i 2 | Ford tidicT end Ilu-farm ldirowTa 1 $3,300 hill price. Hurry MortgmgH Loam Get Out of the RutJ 1 contract pereensl d -4- Swpa -63 i. Oil furnace. —WHLIAMB LAKH. 3 Bedroom I L R. and DJt. SB X 14 with place Large screened ___31310. Tatum. I ail furnace ex rage. Total nrtn l j tt.830. ' ••taoi Floyd Kent Inc.. Realtor 1 on: 2200 Dixie Hwy. xt Telegraph P* MM3 — Open -*v#e. nmr Free Parking PONTIAC UE HD. Nebr Scott Lk.I Rd. Ilk atory 3 bedroom homo with egpuudon attic- with 3rd. 1 bedroom finished except tor finish floor. RecrmUon room in the tiled basement Water aoftener Oil furnace Oarage, excellent garden spot and playground aree; on mu mirgt lot to x mTIu.i** is the full pries. Terms. BEE THIS. An excellent buy at only 11300 down. Waterford Township Near schools. 3 bedroom newly decorated brick borne with oak * NICHOLIE “• & HARG^R CO. j -GILES Immediate Possession SMITH WIDEMAN ' GI RESALE BRICK RANCH. I bedroom. Bv. I tag room with studio ceiling. Excellent kitchen. fuU bath, ree-Ubule with entrance closet One heat, ttk per cent mortgage SMITHA-LILLY BROWN; decorated *11?* n - NORTH HILL NEIGHBORHOOD PRIDE Reflects In well kept homes and lawns In this exclusive neighborhood, ' j R. J. (Dick) VALUET {thumb AREA Oeneral store t . »W-J* ’ __ . , ga* station plug 3 bedrOoen llyl I Realtor •' n 4-O.lJI I quarters, excellent gross, gc i-- sis OAKLAND AVENUE I corner tooaUaa-eo main higbwi !----. SUNDAYU TO 4 ! 434.500 with 00.000 dowa plus stc , -.... - _____________ --- . ■— . > ■. in xnmr mmoMB! m rwAxm. VACANT STORE BUILDINO Down- uSfer.^^irSroroor --- _ farming etr u down payment, call P* 1 _ti@L Waterford Hills Estate A few choice loM left. Average 100 x 250. Oood drftinago. Wool Herbert C. Davis, Rltr. B 4-4311 1 BEDROOM PULL BASEMENT, l'i baths, on Ootng St. Will take law madel station wagon. Land contract or small down payment. PE S-WS4 Owner.-t ikOOM HOUSE. 333 C far kitchen with built in rai -----‘ “Tl bring room a ill. Lot 15X130. 1 ting it only ! NOTHINO DOWN — 3 bedroom , 1 ranch bungalow onlv t vrs. old. f! "AU newly decorated.'' Largo lot. 1 i Located la a-i neighborhood t)ei J. . CbtihikiB. Aboatgili cl------— r |ie ^1 you need i 1(3.** DOWN — i ------------------------ decorated In pastel ebades. lovely kitchen; .bath, attached garage, 31,303 down. VACANT 'NEWLY DECO WWHKMr- modth. Largo four room bogie with screened porch. For Site Acreaf 68 Tacrw. d MHJ* PROM TOWN, j Pontiac Rsesonable. PE 8-0033. GROCERY 3 apis, on second floor ... |40 each. 113.400 with J3.4(0 «« H. R. HAGSTROM rbVcnTTor I»’ TRAILTh POR SALEOR IWAH fVog nshiit.se n AlfD'^(MA4'.._ Jk 4^183**' * OR 4-0358 j tiM~>onp tq ton for boat. GROCERY WITH BDM. IN OOOD ----—.—* ** yoara “" ~~~* desire. Call ■tome B screens. Two lots. Lake ;' 11800 DOWN .. ss AVON^ " . II 3 bedroom 1 story ranch tMUi largo kitchen on approaimntoly west BIDE SPECIAL — Nice a 3 acme. Towering troee ejurorad clean » modern bungalow. ~ 11 Building^ OAB, OARAOE DIXIE ter MA 3-8030. ' bad ffimTnio. ot rai ___ _ _____________ gain * 4 almm As' Includes '*.380 Christmas I pa 3.341$ h^Tnewingham te --- , CORNER CROOKS AND AUBURN LOOK! Phone PE 4-1H1 j yg 4-M33, _____ UL 3-M13 THINO. „ 1**. AC?J*' V1?. Irabu' 1 Double Mfek 'itoro**and profitable ■ I bldg, completely recooditlooed. Pham TV 3B3M. Nlghta OR mw. Partridge _______ eifutty In small h_... 'M CADILLAC' 1 DR HT AtB con. Por mter model small ear, or will cell. PE MOM__________*■ BOAT TRAILER WITH WINCH $10 or what have row. PE 44334. CASH FOR USED TV'S, RADIOS, ybanoe, nod tape recorders. PK pe t-ntt. engush Khnier can be* ■ time fir BaMMi ‘fin* perfect condition, t plus costs. Low payments: It’s Vac NOTHING DOWN On this 3 boW_________ ..home dear Waterford Clarkstor ------- inside a MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE -FE 4-4526 Val-U-Way - $100". FOR oood buys j Extra "Beet of eoi Wbl carpeting. Drapoa and lane Large U p»ft~.Tpt j ^ g.. | lll.lit * ' Lge 1 rm house reftalshed , ELgABfcfH I-AKE_ ESTAJES Inside rad out. alum, eld- Here U a eraeattraal ray. Large | KrarN?s?5s^£r£ x garage. ; picture windows. Two ton* lots. - ovcr ltdl as. W. al living aroo. j 1 Priasd nr below reproduction ‘ Sylvan Lake I “V*". - Only a Mock ta prlvtlogo lot | LAKE FRONT — Choice xelfhbor-1 - d M javoiy iATBO Ep*^^ I f AND | l----------I We bava tram 1 • east xnd la Ukx-a tra. Both in an - Tl. If you MM f a Job aad g—_________ ■*-" “I tra dowa pay-ire law and tax 3 right. B 3-7*13 ____ ________________^-jd-excMlent-: > pine Melton. Pah price only ! location 1.640 »ith u7m. RUSSELL YOUNG REAL ESTATE b BUILDING a»ra« ,|PE 3-3684________■ ■ PE 4-3366 j _ ..,.i Lake Area __, ___ attractive bungalow. Living nn. and djiemM lAtperaL'Hrady kitchen. I bodrme, Ule bath. Basement finished with bar 4 BEDROOM HOME ' ■ Largo E ad tar-'!' ^ w BUY ’ SELL TRADE' K Poe Mr. CaetoU WEBSTER LAKE ORION — OXFORD — w— i*ts near OxfeN. Very naiad kitchen trad P$HHE-UM-kt4s—Newly redecorated CXrpOVt. large ».' 1 Only ISM dawn; balance oa m J per cent land contract at 334 per 1 month including tame and Insurance. immediate poesession. R. J. (Dick) VALUE? Realtor -u FE 4-3531 L 346 OAKLAND AVK Open 3 ta 3 ' * jBB. II - 4 MILLER JUST LISTED — This exceptionally j The Sabdlvulaa of tomorrow. RBmbUac hrtek nAcher with ah taehod two oar jar. Pali basement. Ilk ballu. Tiled ree ipac* Fireplace aad all Hht other Has appouAmon*- *—' *“ — 4 badrm. 1 bath home, 33 ft, Mvtaa-dlslag rm.. flroptace and Colonial open stairway. Loads of closet space. Basement rec. .km.. PAoU heat, workshop aad watt. I ear garage. Abo 4 rm. aad bath guest cottas* or rental unit. > Nearly an aero heavily —-*-* beautifal view ner transferred. wooded w of lake, t m m, u SOMETHING BETTER - In ‘b*CW- ^ 5 AcrCS-ClBfkstfSn firefa Sumtm SCHRAM MS DOWN an this brand BOW 3, bedroon srweted living BBa io tSSria?. Large utlWj •TONEY LAKE - Year ’remed home be pleasant petting. Large ' jffMl«riw(i# iinmhe tarjeU bedroom modera*kHchen ra^YjanBnatj {m^*^£^^wim*’lfl>o«y^ptee ^^■TO kie^re; Sr^rartTroJ1"1”*^ iOtraaa*. 3 car tertge Own- r iraaeferrad Priced aow etin, TERMS m “U pUrtcUvo I bedroom hown ttful Colonial Hills. Bloom ftetd A 6 room brtek ruck bum In Hit 3- extra lcrge titnini, 1 ; fill! baths, full sited dintnx room. • fireplace, niff basement. 1 car | Esriy American farm home' Ptne paneleq family rm. 11 x w with rataod hearth fireplace, paneled library. attaches garage, large M nearly r Mr werr.- Enonthxixfr nlce. -weB j built. Can tor details, shown by apMntmcat (My. 1463 DOWN _ i roam baagaiaw. i Vacant — you, can m*re right |6wr 1 bedrms., 14k. baths, spacious kftchen ^ratement.^oll kennel. Ut.M^ttnSf * ifer Transferred • Recently built brisk ranch. heat.' 3 van&m .. attached garage Also , prat watt — take ad-1 af this bargain. Only, 'country living — Aad ■ ; .UA- WEBSTER, Rekit. ■ , QA j3-3833—MY BIMI . ' jggWUi sll1 ~ C«rp«ied living room In* rown. 1Full nmmii, wo floor,heat Wkfly^ondtexp^tl 1VAN.W. SCHKrAMv '■ REALTOR FE*5-9471 343 JOBLTN COB. MANSFIELD emu rvENiieos a bunoays MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE tn waateo a ■ room mooern reconditioned farm haute with 14 ft newly carpeted living room, 4 bod room 4. aow oil furnace, largo barn nnd several other buildings 1V4 acree nicely Ipndtcaped. Asking price Ill.diO qq > William Miller Retltor FF. 2-0263 *74 west Huron Jbeet F Open .3 to 6 , Entrance foyer with IHBi fleer opens to 63 ft. hvtag rm. wtthhoavr boaaaad oof-lag. brtek fireplace wall, J bailt In planters, 3 lge pokwttiea. Terms available. Roy Annctt, Inc.. Realtors ____.*PP- Huron Bt Open Kvenings tnd 9u FE.8-J J UBT WITH US — Poe fast v efficient servtoe. WE BUT. BELL B TRADE — 13 fta. serving Pontiac B vicinity. OPEN 6-6, L. Hi BROWN. Realtor ttt Elisabeth Lake Road Ph. PE 4GM4 or HE 3-4113 MULTIPLE MtttKO tERTfcE Income Property FAMILY. INDIAN VILLAOE rooms each. 811,(33. Lew do— payment OL t-3433 or PE 4-»13 j * r^iffrr*...mss or —* L nt DTtyioh PRlatroaa -t . room, b teem tot, garage, < 86 ACREB FARM. BY OWJ4ER. j How Would.*.. 18 THE "BIRD" TO |IEE Rctsaiirant —- Home No of Bey City en 6,lane highway. Orestes $3,833 per mo. — ■ —....ig' to an It FAIRLY NEW APTS. M-Mtl-ttst Lskefronl, 313.330 down, owner leaving etato. OH 3-6163. POr ’IALE U UNIT APARtktENT Colored win tell cheap. Prank Walter MT 3486L Lake Oeloo. ' highway 1 perennial flowerx COLORED tilt dowa. A cute 3 bedroom Xrnb automatic boat, spark Mag Mean h> ud out *ory Jaw atewBdy payments. Move right la. am dowa. Op ibis 1 On a large raner lot. boaL neiatly palWod m aaa era payments lower than rout. 1360 dawn tot this modern 3 bedroom, rod brick raneb tome. Gleam tag kxrdweed fixers, tiled —ASSOCIATE BROKERS— BveetmeM Oq.^.lae. rx 1-0663 413 awiBb LAKE avenue Suburbsn Living At Its Best ..Year future borne Js‘th( (CONVERTIBLE 24) 3 3 I keXrooms.. It* botha . W. W. ROSS HOMES if OWber. Terms a WEST SIDE INCOME. EXCELLENT eooditloa. 1^,, jmi'Jraon. good rental district. 311.333. Ikoaira-able dawn payment or aoaiUUr trade, Hf MM. Fwr Sd» Lalra Prwperty Si I BEDROOMS. AUTOMATIC OIL hens, hit to ji let ft . $7,366. MM down jUj OlmsUad. Drayton m urn 1784 WILLIAMS . bedroom ranch i gfh.: EmBs' fijlB (noommpdating 33.toad os dairy cattle with adlo-matte gutter eldwer. Another do ge. rural shed. 17,666. . IttErffiM'ifir 91X333, terns Dorothy Snyder Lavender Reciter wit. tl Tran 1M1 Highland Rd, (103) , MUM411 Evoe. EM 34113 Days. I need ■ JMI page ■ *t>owy* piece at ft need Ml late l yam r tfiat may wen oe your ranire home. Don't dam, can now l OH TE8, PROPERTY UES APPROXIMATELY 3 MILES NOHTil OP CLARKETON! LIST wmi ./ Humphries It N. Telegraph opes Evoo. “FE 2-9236 ^ MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE ' Country Grocery Oakland County AH glad fix roe aad M'xBP bldg, oa IWa Boats Your Hobby? HAVE TOOK CAKE AND BAT IT TOO — t raaeaaaMo-. PE 3-ttit. ___ BEAUTSSriL W^HXRO. 00%N Slee 3. Wamoa's clothes, men's suit and top POOL 42-44 pfc 5-3133 ITALIAN BILK WlDDINO~06wN rtri n Head miii t floasi girl draaoea-Mam » and. 1.1 far-mete. rtros lO tad II. MA t-iin L A DI EB AWP • ettritMMmh : clothing. QL 2-2275. ________ LADLES PU> TRUt COATS, drarora eMM^tae pew. suo MAtt'S DABE ELUE-WOOL SUIT, alio 3S-4S. Good oood. Usod onlv twice. Going Into service. Call _jm__3W|M^jyft0f__3 pm. ■ l entire eoratry. Partridge AND * lATfiTT I T>i Jacket. WmtTGiSl. *f£ HmE** * SSSE5 *■**■. — ____ — Skeptical * (SHORT Ppfc Jtatjr am « - 331,633 down. I m. MA Ltlll “ **• «ilViw WtTvJk muSkrat~x. ^or^LafeS5mMU.ro» wiiibiwo m3BBT wliin';AWiiteyv. . SERVICE STATION FOR LEASE. Good potential. Pteaea call between t and I. PE SEMI. After I p.m . PH 3-1443. Pare Oil %wTtra|aaMIMPP 14aaH3L IRU W 6l>.,ra HW. 1 MATT AO mi wna dairt Mi. (to** and rslrlg act. „ Lib# new. 9176. Wardrobes. chests, .. dmnsla, *hmn pa r1^- ar mwk( In used tu bargain price*Aba ne n*tSt mm., dia*M*_J—HB| Factory »*eohds. ahaat to prtc*. 0114 mi sfttei atifinri K UrtB| rooai suite, immIi* dm J u wiMMiir toE 5vkr6* used xt1 Hrta Ttuui -M TV IdMH MM WALTON TV UI E Walton PB MM THE PONTIAC PRESS, For SmW Miscellaneous 67| TIZZY doing out or auuin — MM on oa r" — MOM Uk* . - m >M Old Mmb. IC jw. • mr Itoiwn Sate large uuKm&IT MHIIM tor MWMI ttld ww* rifle*. Own Orchard toll Ml Btgloy «t. r. I HOT WATER HEATERSM OAL *** TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 20. 1980 T PORNITURI OOOD n m Mtn or rfe t-mt. ~ —■—: refrigerator and non CT AND ptota. teaumST OiHHi. , aesr£E«li jsef old. Olobe Furniture PE MW. lit W. Warm. 11XIP WINE RUO AND PAD, CM Ml trittael ru|. Ml. Mil m. • a«t«»r t»l» a ml" bed* AMI spring!. painted cheat. W Ml Hilt. til ett FT. BEN BOR FREEZER reotonibk OR Mill fttoJoa m {n.joas norm. &T. size refrigerator. wringer Weiner. 1144 - u«aaWfte. OR MMI) --------. » IN. KELVINATOR ELECTRIC ' renge. with warming oreo oood comUMine. CM1 It KM efter 1 [960 FROST-FREE PlUzElT floor r '"‘ *---- 1-git. « available OL HU*, _ -SCHOOL PLAN RANGES Wa have lit raptoead -M-atara Roper and Magic Chef ga* rang* e* in the home MMM elataaa of tha Pontiac gaheej DtotHet ThMl ...Tl JT.I ,T D CEDAR iroutl AND H^M^aAM RugR Ard- naM~as£MC~w»: u. auto. jMjMMM.Kli. •taka and fitting., MdJi up •dry tragi and atend and eU tlltf.Caah and carry. •Ant PLUMBINO ; tMjLMmtaa*^^^^Py_MiM A-1 REBUILTS QUEEN WASHERS ALL OllARANTEED. DELIVERED OreaUy reiats* u._______ Uaed Etoctrlc - range* t from HIM up. Uaad Electric Water H rholce 110 00 tafi I OAL 6 LAMED LINED OAf | hot motor tank, Hkw now. til Up Laon sTwaltos LMn. iT pORD, 131 ANb FREEZER .__________w.imit-- ______ •lit HXHK MClcrilt6~pop—corn machine. 41 cup coffee Maker, re-duetna table. mtahaatoe tool, and boa AM mlscellaneou* OR 34)44.' : tg1' oMaw. it a yf6 irrb' I ! ~ motor! tta MA HIM _ ICO FEET OP OOOD LA WN PENCE1 ptM^gatei and poet*. MArfct A~~B|teVfiP0L UHOER~lWWINO machine In wood oonaole. Ml - t« aid. or will accept per me CapttaCFE »Mt. —___o electric, ,_ _ i I'ffi'a'kN -feA*i —etched. U mod M MW tltoy^ [' Mlehjgan* nuMOMM ITT covered. TT eJ ldl ♦W44. LIONEL TRAIN. LIOHT TOWKRT rtafjmt tlM, MMRtemor. ' m oR M»«d alter 3:34 p.m MT DADDY Satl. Y6ti ARE JUlf plan nuta H yo>- knew on paying high retail prteee for avofage quality food! My Daddy tart H your aredR toa. la* late money than ypu art now paying tar load ebM. __Might A* (trike, your I be paid for i IP poynooU. | CALL NOW ' ~ FST4W -------------r itvway Wholeialt Corp Mlchl- j taMRME ll loan iene loce-; CH1CAOO B^L S J | fwheI ! MEN'S” ____ ) SKATES. Uhl I M373; I MARQUISE CUT DIAMOND. «TlU- SaI* Farm Product 86 Sul* Motor ScmQUH H ..SEWJf tweoty-thbm I Wonted U«ud Cuffk 19f Eibgrtu pcbcum. Pick your owa or reBoy^ttwed.! P e a r s.P, ready picked. I 12334 Foley Road, 4 mi.i south of Fenton on Ftn* ton Road, lat house wcat. |' ELBERTA ' tfgACftal POr~CAiT-ning, i] 41 a buihil. ItfUelt 1 * oj- «i— oarry a full . II {^■■■■1 : ^~^uar^yati BRIGHT STOT IEROME .fjtm Fur Sale Motorcydut 9i| COME INI^ NEW 1961 I IARLEY DAVIDS* L NEW MODEL* A DEE Now On Display WB PAY HICHf • SOUTHERN BUm > NOWWLQTV Cass at Orchard Luke FE 80488 ------cXSH------ Pontiac Auto J _ IMS N. MEET AT MAOiPOH VBV4HI0 l, (Sap E Mlghlend Rd WaBK? hoy .-oto^tcl^i BTHighland Rd. (M* j Harley Davideor, Sole" A R*rvi«e SSSWww- fflWJWt. JMaSg PLUM* OREEN OAOE. .. Hhi Pam. in n coau Oaford OA S-3S44. TOMATOii MCK TNE CREAM r Bring haaki f. pemBF IN E, PAe .. Fur Salt ■ova hCTIWTNN Sale Farm Equipment 87! uaed" sfcrcLia. oMn for iWMtUa far naa aaad rara iudBuiur — •jfta—gud jkb* PE HIM 4-2633.____________________ APT. DAI STOTE I_______PIECE _M_W. Jn*T*M4_____ 8INOER PORTABLE. PSttlfARD reverae atltcb. IM 60. Curt s dryer*, raagu and refltoer-l 3 pleat eeetleaal. blond M_adt, bedroom aulte*. com-i. PE S-M41 Olobe Furniture A BEAUTIFUL BUY a-Ptedt Living Bn. Butte . ONLY $».S0 Choice ti 1 Color* With roam Cushion*. glO Down; gs Monthly _ Bedroom Outfitting Co., ml Dial, Drayton Plains. Used rleetrtc tawdry ogotameat.; ho money down. FBA appi both waabora and dryera. IU up free ESTIMATU, PE ***rr Mdaead. | baseboard radiation CONSUMER! POWER CO, CONSUMERS iJgfiifew Kr furnscss hot outer A .team Uer. Automatic water beater. Battwara alee xpmnn. crock A tape and fitting*. Low# Paint Super Xamloae a Mahogany Paneling 4*1 v-orooved UNWNlUtTO ... . .... S3 as PECAN PRRPINlaHED ...46.44 COCONUT PRIP1NI8RKD S6.44 PONTIAC PLTWOOU CP ---- I4M Baldwin Rd.___PE S-3643 gain price. Sailing at aoat. uaw *■"*+- CaaUraa Radta■ *■ BEAUTIFUL BALDWIN OltOAN. H SitaX* AH* Piano Tuatag - Orgaa Rtpalr Carpet. I let b«loi HEIOHTg SUPPLY • MS Lapeer Rd.______PE 4-6431 ---, -EEP AKb'PSU - BALP AND Bquar* gaartora. Opdyke Mkt. PE S-tS41 TWIN BEDS WITH BED SKIRTS aw quilt coverteta ontlonal. Alae birth deak and tabl WIN BOB BED. CO AUTOMATIC MAYTAO WASHER MT WBI. ABOUT ANTTH1NO YOU WART rata THE ROME CAN BE roam at l s i bales A tittle eat of the way but a tat leae So pay. PuraRura aad appliance! of aii updi. raw ausEp Vtatt our trade debt, lor real bargain*. ir trade. I ___________jnd. 3 acre* Of fro# parking Phone PE 6-M41 OPEN MON. «AT. P TO S . ------% PA1—- 4 miles E. of Pontiac or | mile E. of Aaban Height* oa Auburn. M5P. dryer_______ USED 'FURNITURE. ^ ana* boy* am ••!<•. ■ iy*. QL 1-S783, Used Trade-In Dept Buffet si S P'ece breakfast set ..... SI Davenport and cbalr........ $1 it anil phaat fi I- _ BUILT IN OVDia AND RURNKRS Ctaa or elect, aad a gaa furnace. ■ ppi N 0~lT^MATTREBai mtoccilaneoui. S. Paddock. lUtff TP UVlNb . tops, conplata Una electric. flM.lt and Munro Electric Co.. NICE _____ ___ __________ _ 2-C843. CASH FOR USED TVS. FURHI- -— *- -‘-z. n MtHrl. _ . ; LIVINO , n. BAdlO . coaok .^ lA«*to£ COMPLETE MODERN — room—suite . console. Rat— —. for Caltforola. iguit tacrifloa. 1 chrome Dirari* ssTs. feembla ypuraalt., aavt. I„« table., Ml.96 value. 121.IS. . Ipgo daajja*, — AB- lgan. Pluore*cent, 393 Orchard ~sBt Fpe- < CARPET. TWEED, NEVER USED. with foam pad, 140. PE S-T340 CARR FOR FURNITURE AND ---tool* FE 4 4M4 ' — .. DELUXE push-button electric a tow*, sal. MA s-ftw. DAYkHPORT AND CHAIR. EOUaL (or cottage or basement. $3S. OL |g|g|, DUO THERM HEATER AND TAME, approximately “ $50 S3 Wiener _________ DON'T WASTE MONEY OH YOUR old refrigerator. Oat a new e"» at our car-load prloa*. It awta with freeacr. crUper sad ehll drawer. C.M per Wk. 13 cubic —haa^J|aa ■**— ** '*• a| "5i6r BABY BUOOY, PLAY PSM. TET-ter-babe, 14 IV. beat.’1 chaise -ar-1 Sr?-1 lounges, folding chair, teat with OR 1-3134 | *owq-ln floor. Mt Height* Rd. •LOT* tsa I MY Mm, ___________ —V BARGAINS---------------- 4*1 to In. V-grooved m»h . 14 41. till «h**sng aw -par m Panalyte "counter tapping. Me 52 gal. bat water heater. HIM. 3 year warranty. Free set TuUet IUM with trade. Open Ban. ta - 3 . TRADE GAS RANGE FOR ELEC-trtc rang*. R. B. Munro Etoctrlc Cd„ MB W. taw------------------—‘ TAKE bVER BALANCE Brand new 1IM OB talwrlslon ordered special tor customer, moved out of Pity, Maytag deposit. Rave *50. Pay |LM per week. Goodyear servloe store, 30 8. case. Pontiac. Pi 6-4m USE*) TVS, l»tl.i4 or ad TV. RCA. Ml. Swaat'a Ra-siita taiM Appi, im w. Huron. FE ' M# aw rcDftirs"' USED EASY WASHER WITH SPIN e0it Calfyeui ____’—•laciduOmw. Uttd part •( one ataaon. Coal list, will aacrmea for SM. MAy-fatr mtm. POWER EQUIPMENT Jaeotataa M in. riding taowar. 14)160 now SMI. Jaojtaiac Estate MB.' ■ _. path ratar* SIM, new Gne Ya*aa hlgb wbacl SIMlA mm. tata- ItMDne^Sripj^'SiS ature electric. IMS car HOB. now _._,.* MMI_______OB 3-WH WOLVERINE LUMBER no ■ Paddock PE him! Blacktop Driveway UBKD EQUIPMENT BmaU riding and walking lien, and rotary tiller* PRICED Tl BELL KING BROS. | PONTIAC BD, AT OTOT1B Sale Musical (ioods 711 Sand, Qravgl and Dirt 76, ->oh" , • «anai,MAba vm m* us. m*aa. "I'd be glad lo forfeit my aUowRifice for one week. Mother, If you'd excuse me from helping with l&e fall houaecleaning!" ™“likea, SIAM h tardea lES?*. f&M 55 « ^ W* lawn’ mowers." fl UW ._ ■ HOUGNTEN & SON —. Boats & AccB—m« W ur&w _____ o[~ attention IB. BIKK W nsFTjpv wrna paybio TOP $9$ DOLLAR FOR CLEAN ORBD CARR Glenr’s Motor Sales - ~. Huron Rt. IB <*3T* M N Main. Roohester, OL I-I7SI _________r„, -itaintfaty oravbl: ■tone, Pill MOKE_______ 0RX¥»CH—bRCKEStRELlA TEN-or banjo. PE PtlU. IEI^^NIWCLAIRNET, |30 PE PIANO TUNlj!g-3. WYMAN’S URED TRADE-IN DEPT, .^buttt WMbee .......... |3EM Rebuilt Maytag washer .... $41.15 * pc. UphoL Uv rm. Mt ... 111.16 ,Ma Beds ................ MM 3 pc. mapla dinette ... |I|M 1 pc. wahsut din. rm. let with buffet ............... MMS Odd chair* . ........ $1 up Lots of odd piece* BABY TERMS u __ M W. Pike only x WASHER $35. ELECTRIC DRYER "Qlrtaerater MS. Ooe Mere ■■ CASH WAY - _ S SI STANLEY ALUMINUM WINDOW* !l£ t£ tujato Pegbo.rd . »■ MM i ie*4t —I * “ Burnveister LUMBER COMPANY I 1441 Cooley Lake Rd EM 34111! Open I sa to I o n. dolly — gurfry 14 f ir l#JI fhi COMBINATION DOOR BWTJ blind*. dTto h «to., U plaetle porch k summer screen* (4i, Hto a nr’.-Mi-Mto « Wu.ty 34 a 72” 1167 R'. Oreer Bled. Eeego Harbor. CLOSE-OUT UUeT*e^f*|lu *MWJteM riding mower, Ito HP wa* HM new 13M. Convertible tractor. 4to *BP. -MBer-ond riding oeeenbly aad mower >u Sea-M, now 131310 3.6 riding tractor. 30 la. mower w>* ISM now H35. Set ef .j., motrert wu $112 now $111. Other equipment ot reduced ^r*C€EVANS EQUIPMENT Hwy..= enpoon. TIM MM Weet. ROOF LEAKS? U your AdvUor for o fr late. Sava to an the cm SPECIAL______ Medium ilaed Vaea Oraad raeaa ditlooed pad regulated. Sac. tone. II toae I* Important to you-try iMs oast Only taw. GRINNELL’S . 31 R. ROdteaw n 34JM TUNINO Alib RiPAIRINO. M hour ssrvlce, all work gusran-« by factory trained men. CALBI MUSIC 00. . H. Rcdtaaw -- PB t-SSM UPRIOHT PIANO |36 OR 3-334S ”fB$£®7TlBrSE ’ Call altar 3 p.m. PE I-3SU. WURL1TZER ACCORDION' WITH esse. 111 bass. ISO Ml 1-H16 ..... Mmk dttt bm .MR EM 3-3M4 EM )-H» CRURWlCD'aTbNfc', RAND. dRAV-Esrl Howard, EM 34631 PONT1AC LAKE BUILDERS (UP ply, Band; gravel and dirt. Cemem mortar, trucking and tUa. OR 3-tSf ... Orton vitfs* ’ if A ’ Vi»l ' i JACOBSEN hqTARY LAWN^ MOW j Hgifttarj Auction Saks M! Its FT rMEROLAI BOAT PIV» r-Eh linf . _ .. _ . 14 " riBEROLASSKD WOI VER1NE runaboul, 23 ho Evlnrude. mltor SIM Ti S4S11 _ g The Problem la 1-Need Clean Used Cars • QUALITY MOTORS j^topdou>ar 5 YARD ORAD1NO TOP BOIL fin-grevol, eta. PE VMM. ___ Wood, Coal and Fuel 77 FIREPLACE ^Sfaug*P PB 6416$ blab w6Sb 60“ 3r Fireplace MR del. Alberta PB 14131 Si lumbar________ sea16**B wobo fireplace' tumaoe anl kindling, 715 feott HP alaatrie Johnson uit ever IlSta JllJ $M. V. Ram* PB MW -25%DISCOUNT ’’srerWT ------------------------. T__nvm'i MARINE SUPPLIES -----3M oratoM Me *M WATCH FOR OUR BD TNRUBDAY I____ rt ---.-xir open pally $4 for Retell 11B»V. 36 MORRfMOWRR JOHN BON. w Eurthajtar ; oolden JavSlln, *4*'1*' B & B AUCTION , "-tVEHOBBB - 609$ DIXIE HIGHWAY I ‘Tnt^ri STWl; ___- DPATTgta IfARDWARli i Sale house TrslItfB 88 saaa Auaura Ave »i Ad«ms Rd. £ •Uriel muM jg j H. J. VAN WELT 140 Dlkto’Hwy. Ph. OB 3-tl Salt U—d Tructo wide ay i ’ *$atan , __...___truth. ^ t$*y-i $o $$l boodn SCHRAM TftUOCS AND EQUIPMENT *^T^”o5fc«ioiB88 Lew mileage OR 34aM 1965 OMC to Tdj - springs. ( lito FT Mi n. >3to.Tr.Y t »-i$ao CURRIER. EEC. dCftb 7 foot oeneralT ’perpect ■ MHE condition, tally equipped t$M PE BbA-TTISTBC ITO' VKXtfM* .H89-_________■ _ . las$..model asta tiwil OR 34043. $53 TRAVECo IWOaKnAlLglk. I -----. 4* ft. long LIk. new Inside ! —Bargain LleRr»ncc ^ITT___________. , Oem^leteljr modern ^jpbeae PE I K'OTT’ MOTOM AND BERVICE Plants, Tram, Shrubs 78 apache, tour-a-home. cree ■- ■ ,The Big Threei We stUI have STORM WINDOWS WOODBI trmmm full 1—glR; RiM *jr—SB 204 gallon oil teak. OH water beta SUpaeal Tylo*. Wedgelock Joints DRAIN TILS • 3'’THRU 14 ORANOEBURO PIPE A fITT INUR J M. TRANRITE BBWBR PIPE Corrugated Steel Culvert Pipe Iron Soil Pipe & Sittings Manhole Covers. Orates and Steps MApto S-7971_______ QR 3-1914 CA'rTPARTB rOR '4$ TO toi lloIN e's. Royal Auto Parts. 1130 Mt. Clemen*, Pontiac. ~ • _ Special Paneling Offer- t$ panels to” mahogany '. V-groove. D grade $4.90 etc *R panels '* mahagany chimney 5^ P«Uee* pfeJtajt V-*roove^ preflni.hed .^7 Step On^ta W. Rhefllald, PE CHILDS STURDY 'Rbgnhp horse, wooden, ptlnUd red. realty tabic. painted, entail, drawer. MB-, -----tiae 13 clothing. M PC.. t_J—— “ ‘ralght chair, living j*. - jr 109 fra. old. AH la good strong usable condition. 14 pc. bedroom set over lOO yrl. old. Bed and other piece* about St yre. May German Bisque and antique china head doll* up to 40" tali. Medoetae Acres. 077$ Water Bote Center Village. Holly, *_**I5 FT VACATION TRAILEB LSPQKTSMEN -S • T HKADQUARTERS Double Spotlight ttow into' Pontoon Craft now im1, 20$ OFF 'ON BOATS, MOTORS. TRAILERS SPORTING OOODS MOST SUMMER ITEMS i I SMALL 3 ROOM TRAILER. ALSO ' —• — --------- ——. Call PE SIEGLER Gas and Oil Heaters Twite tec heat_ tar half 0 T^k. ' - ---- pupple*. 9 weeks. Champion strain. AKC; 4199 Wlndlato Park. WaUrlord. POUNDS j PART PERSIAN KITTENS PRES -—. ■ , . ta Eood home. 44 H. Mariimac. ww. I.WH IRliHSETTER PUPS. CHAMPION line, catt Ml 1-1942 otter I week-dayt, anytime weekends. FOR BALE. PIOBONS. 91 PAIR! Ut - . ___ MALI "B L A C K POODLE, 13 ) 440SS after 4:R SHORT’S MOBILE BOMBS •ALBS AND SERVICE All new ocm and Reamer travi trailer*.—sampiris 1 aad bottle gaa. car hltchea^ Initalled. Clottd Sunday* Open 7 day* a wired _ an „ _ trailers. Hours t i weekdays, Closed Sundays. 172 W. Huron __________PE. 9 PM. S3! Ml. Tilri SteicL'a.1"OB MMs! STALL ' BHOWERS COMPLETE irtth faucets *nd curtain, v*lue, $34.50. Ur......... _______5** "SPECIALS,! , OAUOE PUMP SHOT u*a new. FE 34999. 49—OAUOiT~PUMP~ SHOTOUN. jfl bones el shells. Casa. 9M. M E. • Rutgers. After 4. p-m, . BULg^4^RDWARE .7545 ELIZABETH LK C 5-4771 _ ilcy Leach, lljtoglty.______ O O K I BOUGHT, SOLD. A^D traded. Antiques. 3231 Orchard ,v,Ltfc< Bd. Brijgi gportlnt OocxU. OUN REPAIR li SCOPE MOUNT- m i sl ....................... PARAKESTI O^AR. TO TALK, 14.95. Walktr‘8 Bird HottM, 305 First ta. Bocheater, OL 14373-RARRTTB AND PUP»E8. ALL PET ■ Shop, S3 Williams PE 44433. SCHNAUZER—P UPPlTs. tiny! toy ^poodles. - AKC Term*. OR y.4792. ' -—~ SQUIRREl' MONKiYS “ ____ POODLES, $10 DOWN [ PE 9-3113 HUNT'S, EASY TERMS j M TALKINO STRAIN- ’fARAKfET. I - ■ Canarle*. Oafei. supplies. Crane's Bird Hatchery. 3499 Auburn. UL -AttaO I Tj»9.1 1045 ^Nojtb SAVE $1,000 ---3 BEDROOM__________ 94.795 PULL PRICE . $696 DOWN - 2 AT THM PRlClt STOCK HO. 933, 9)4 THIS WEEK WhiW) Bob Hutchinson Mobile Homes-Sales' • Open 7 Pars s Week___ VACATION TRAILERS IS' new Traller-Blaaer. Apache LAKS ORION “sflCiAiT” MY 3-4111 Mazurek Motor 6c Marine Sales SOUTH BLV^ dtJ^WOOPWARP STORAOE OP MOTORS I NEW EV1NRUDE MOTORS GOOD CLEAN USED MOTORS HARRINGTON BOATS ! YOUR EVINRUDE DEALER I V AM'/ :PAYMENTS AVAILABLE Boat Repairs I • IN THIS ABBA . __ I NEWKIRK’S BOAT ft PROP SBRV 31M Ccu Lk. Rd. PE 2-1941 WINTER STORAOE POjt^ YOUR; Wsier Softeners 66A ELECTRIC AUTOMATIC WATER erst*’ marred. 1 count wricci. Two yean h •• days ---- M day* same as cash WAtNEOABERT aaa »■ SAOINAW -gn Oltaini' PLASTIC LOVE 8EAT and cbalrrMETHacaUant condl-tloo. FE t-M*T 2936 Butck Btreet QAa OAB-HTOYE. APARTtOENT SIZE WATER SOFTENER-BAR- J. Call ft j-flSt. WATER SOPfENER RENTAL Salas ft Service, ft. B. Munro Etoctrlc Oa.. IM W. Huron. PE maSr---------^......• ■ ■. For Sale Miscellaneous 67 121 W. SAOINAW WE »4tf> IRdOftriX■’BWm8Ri|| riTOYE TO day- YE 4-157). Crump KKHMORE IRONIR LIKE mmf. Itwaaooabls. YE «43M. mtAato*. omqrtJnw y!S* KL Uchments. cwcUcm ccndltlon, see - Call trier t.Ff 3^ --— MMl^Bp S MW otL ■BA'nCB 2f^srwrVte,vl.wwsl fM, Bate In Mcelleut wmgUgg-fiS Muar Ocart. Laic IM, 5R »im«! , ■ j tjygaa~RbOM ^KET^ waaber Baby bug«/ »nd pair of eJtar akalea. YB4-ta” K |4S44. M Theepe ■ 5 DAY SALE! Nationslly Advertised HERCULES PAINT Now; 2 Gals. For $5.95 All HtreulM Paint Finishes Lawnmower Closeout Only 7 left Riding sad push type , All tally guaranteed BUDGET TERMS j gURPI XI' FfRKSTONF STORK material DININO ROOM ^ SET , BEDROOM UL >41 IL '________ DOUBLE SINK. COMPLETE S3S.M. —1th trap % trade FE 5-4712. •••-ply, ill. I?-. Mwl* 9 MAN§ 16 LB BOWL- LADIES __________ _________ — M mii. BEAR ” BOW AMD ARROW ^c^mplete. Mutt smcrifice. OA DUMBER & !selLino othr" au Mns at SALES 00. ^Sir------- Mll> OR 3 7092 Hunting Dogs Rent Trailer Space 90 M Y PUPS. MrNARY* _ r Kennel*, bnnrdlm . trlmmln| Bfltltny 5149 Highland _ TALBOTT LUMBER Now la tee time to ge4 ready lor winter Sasrasnt waterproof-L- J— lostellrd * pH* - wacin__ ______ and lumber supply Open PE 44MS | JIM Oakland Avi Tonxts M3 A# _______ A6. j and S21.S4 Uvatorirs. FLOOR FUEL FURNACE. AND Two itajaa biWs bbyabt oas Forced Air furneoes aad eontrols. New m crates Regular price I2S4 Wnlc nrl"f 4 viw rfffi gallon automalle fas witrr tieat-ers fM. Aon HMUtag * Cooling Co. 17SS N. williams Lake rd. at MM. OR. 34M4. I _____________ TANK AKC BR1TTANV PUP*. REAS 1-4 MONTH OLD AKC RBOI8- j Attar S. FBI S4M1 I FLOOR FURNACE SEARS FUEL OIL FURNACE. WTTH 34X49 IN. TOP. 12S QAL- ,------ . . LON OIL TANK HEATS I TIMKEN OIL FURNACE ROOMS EAST. CALL rE VUO. "* " REASONABLE! ~ *OR BALE - USED BATHTUBS. *U. O A. Thompson 79M MM Weafa niSSaii FIRESTONE I YT. REFRIOERA-tor, Felton hwtnsmant •terlUier nt 24U1 Of PE S4«H. . . RSHE ETAHDINO TOILETS HIM Double bowl sink .... rSahard copper BMP. length* .... .. Me ft, j-*h. hard copper MdaTiMm .......24c ft. m*. 3-ac hate ccU with trim ... MMS White ar colored ___._ M. After I or wackcwjj^H ‘@S~SP^dp»S^T brand new, 115.96. Pearaoa i . - , •. matt 41 Orchard LMttAww;_ LovBilt wioiSR SRBiRO. ¥*• 2ST*1 eril per month Including SEVSuiul can>ol« cblnet. Unlver-Mt CO FE 4-S90S. ■■■ unjjp hCLL BINOBR COHIW*® ■*^ytk,gyg. - etX' $4419 cathT3r_R*V22f Paint Acecessrtcc PAINT ACCESSORIES AT DISCOUNT PRICES Bay Your BaQply Haw Prom . FEDERAL Moderization MM DUQM /HWY.” S A M. TO 9 F M. !EVBRr DAY' BATS. 94 - FB MM3 length coat squirrel cape beta la tat, casta,^ Atoo^drwmee Md I „HTFe„.-. m*^i specials, AMI oahaOE door ttEii^lr.. Mi «al. Oil —" OR a-lfB, JDectric door operators, (elding cteect dtors and disappearing •telrwnya. We jtow esttmaie* an garsge re- lothlng Furniture. Appliance, iM wawiFtAintaatcE iMBcMtury 68 to YARD P.,» f CRANE. 49 FT. boom, wstmafid tad Ran. drat bucket. Oood working cmsdttHn. 9MM. 9tU 449M, LATHE LOOAN 9 WCH^ QUICK change gaart. Baa. eond. llftSM volte For home or chap. 31 Fair-Baava. silt* jtal aaa. Staia MtaalcBl Oob4b n IM BASH ACCORDUN. LIKE NSW.' Pace and mualc. OR 34099. ATTENTION MUSICIANS ________JTfcL PE 3-6902, . 1 Bait, Minnows, jEtc. 75 FOR 39c; CRAWL-1 vra, ot tor oOc; Leg! worms, H i (Or 50c; Red worms.. 75 (or 90c; j T-out Crook Rinch, MM ok Oreenshleld. _ Sand, Gravel and Dirt 761 fi7S**Sfa* Lake" Road” t Harbor. PE’ >6«M. | wanted Late modw. DEALER COST Gur Complete Used Truck InvMitary MUST GO THIS MONTH xo reasonable OFFER REFUSED CALL JOB BUTLER HAROLD TURNER FORD . 464 S. Woodward ’ -• Birmingham MI 4-7500 FIPSR. MJm.— isle Airplanes 99 4 PASSSNdkR FOR Hi- 2 AKC MALE BEAOLEd U'^Tto *nd.^3to_jra. QSh ‘consider *trade*WOR •f*!. road. OA 94323.- ! : j ARE YOU RETIRED. AND would like an total oeittau. patioa trees and shoppin* s 1 TRAILER PARK (Under Mwtfranli FE 3-2911 j Transportst n OMeriuf IOo| WbMEN~NEEDEb wiTH_TRAIL- TO BHARE TRIP TO I -----Mobil! Mom! efflee PE c"“ L“ve tbaM mU,dl* ’ For Safe Tire* I USED TIRES 93M U] I Calif. UavSTlIIIPOHI Call altor 9 MY >«Wi. cars' to new Vowk „ RONNIES rmiVEAWAT r~ - 1114 CHEVROLET. 1 TOB TICKUr good engine end rnWtar, 4-saaed transmission,_9225. BIMBT 1953 FORD DUMP TRUCK. OOOD condition, IM*. Abo • tandem toplci^tar 1350. tltl Baldwin. Vb TOW ETAKE ’M POBD, 4-9, liras, molar, ate. BacMM csMli front (castors. SIM each. PS 1-9533,.............., . IIP rORD SEDAN DEUVEIT# Your choice af I Fords or an* Chevrolet. Only 9315. HORTfl' CHEVROLET CO AjEJMMF WARD AVE pIRMlNOHAM!MI 4-2735. gvc 1 ovnwm ■ uqtfiwwni fp jmw» 92! fAHTi ciw^eA asrow^: 7 1(53 FORD P-t*l. to TON OR 3-1146 INTERNATIONAL lffl.@~TARDS FtLL chesp"%lll deliver. Tlfor Contract! to* Co., lac. MA MSB, -A gftCClAL: tO-A gTONE, 92 YD! Beach land. 976c yd. fill dirt. 30c. (Ml I1.M yd. American Stent Prtaaeu (Mt ^ - SS&, SHREDDED PEAT HUMUS I black dirt. Leaded aad de-7 days a Week. Alta (111 >0 soil. OM Lochaven. PE 'SHsM "kfMBrrj now cutting straight Merton sal Kentucky blue nod, MM Board-man Rd. Romeo. Will deliver. 1C 9-99M, 9WI Mil._______________ AL'I BLACK DIRT. t6P SOIL. M and manure. AUa atMtla landscaping and tree removal and ________________________ , trimmto*. ns snott Lake Rd , ponies p5h sal Hay, Grain and Feed 82 •Ap»._NmdEb kayT no HAfiT Pleldbrook 9-2624 ____ TORN CUT SEEP FOB BALK. OA BIG SALE OF USED-TIRES Over M to pick (ram. All mnket. all rises Some mw aad mud tires. White wall* and black walla. Pricea ranft (ram SI to 111 each. SHELTON ■' _ sans._____ "yds. BLACK DIRT OR PEAT prompt delivery. OR 34*44. ft! CLAf PIIX FREE. YOU RAUL sSU BERRY DOOR SALES Open from' IMS Noon at Saturday , 371 s. Paddock _FE 24M3 oSTand OnTTuRNACES STILL ——— nricca. Vos mpamm. musical XBAsrrVPMlHi SELECT PROM LARGE STOCK, - AUTHORIZED ORETCH DEALER , rrfpfta j. ’ayw^H^NMaaie A-l layaway or PaymEnt plan « 1 EDWARDB IS S. SAOINAW , _Y _____________■ f tSOUAKtlBO Alrr'EiAiC'i SIC (RLjyRPfRTY^tftAND GRAVEL. I Ptoyer ta S CtaT classtoal roll* Reccn j A-l casMMiaB.. 3 prscu,. , ; resteoab^prlced^^ 34 S. Talc graph Across from Tcl-Huron FqTBBIta iW1' yUkii*.1 aM cai^inoN. ZtfrSt.»' MXb'llWTOUMEIfT RB^AIR. BY ..-jpb PAIOnWO OELDIWO SIM. PE ! 4 ENOW* AWMMBBr________— gel** Ran Praaclwo. San Diagw. I 3-1354, . ’ ■ Wantad Used Cart i01 [ j See M & M Motor Salei 1 For top dollar an later model I 2SI7 Digit HWy.' OR 3-I9M TOP BUCK-JUNK CAR. TRUCBL PONTIAC WARTl Ft 2-MM HitiH S FOR I ATE MODEL Ktoworth ft Bcattta IdA^lCM LOOK! TMxl4 BLACK TIRES. ALL name brand*. Off new cars SUM M 44M or Pfc 44668, NEW TREAD TIRES STANDARD BRAND M " -insa mmr— In to M at r bile walls. AVEmtt^S Need sharp late moctoto for CaUl market. TOP DOLLAR SOM DIXM Hwy. Will* 1543 _ , n S4ETT. to BLACK DIRT BROKEN OONCRET m. j anaamtai. OT ilita . black' DIRT. TOP MOIL, truce: to« KMSOTL T •nub. OL 'yJdtl. Yms Haamm i Penn. ’ 1 , Sale Farm Praducs Aula Servk^ bT^b1^: \ CRANKSHAFT ORINDINO. IN THE ; ’ car. Cylinders "aTOi ars you oittino THE MOST TOR TOUK CXXT ~ WE BUY — i T* TRADE DOWN — -trade up.— ] -OUT T, UNTIL Tl LLOYD MOTOR SALES _— picteprasR lam. CaS OLlbM, .— iTnAlsinsL to t6R. ft runs. Me Ota 3-UM. - Pontiac’s Truck Center GMC Factory Brandi OAKLAND AT CASS $ TON HACK 13 TAJ bo*. EM 3-4879. ^. ■ IMS ITORD DUMP TRUCE. OOOta scndRIwi, tlte Al** a tandem traitor ter SMS. UU BaMwte. Auto Insurance 104 P.L., PJ>. FOR MO xtuST1 Foreign and Spt. Cara >68 M VOLKS W AOCN. r iaa. BA ANDY CSIKI OAHAOE DOMES- j . 8a»lnaw _________ MjmdtaJriMter tarv»«-^ | t DdkTJAIW) AUUOEATEL APPLES. PEARS fresh SWEET gXrXTY SPW^L~n«)NT'lEND rer«d * nrtpllct wood, tr«c | cklfr. Fittest ts-alwtyi OtUln4 allcnmcQi Fnb( vktili boi-seal. NAttosmii4>aa . j SeeTTtokaTSariLAf ta/w SPORTSCaRS NEW ANPOSHD HEALY. MO. SHUTS HOUGHTEN & SON 9M B. Mata. BiabiriM, 1959 MO MINT COND.. ' I,Ml mltoa. Oft_3-|N late VAUXXiu i k srqkbb atMO ALar --. curt aad tep acU PX 4-3371. ' TOP' tOUTCRUSHED tad, cravri. ftn L*to E 6-1113 ar PE SMTt L OOW Ma- APPLks. PKAlte. PEACHES. JIB lamalaaa. M W. ftatoasa CAlMita'mUir Pick TOu; own. M bu Brta* ittalkur. I« Mjangryvipofcm THE PONTIAC PRESS. TUESDAY, 8EPTEMBEK 20, I960 StSmi Hm relmS? ree 'U OHf. MX. I. tW TwmB.tni.JUI ,u jms i JSjst fa SihCw 1>[PAT MPT OUR. i tM) FORD DUMP TRUCK. 000D ■ mr tJr 'Ey Prank Adorns jSirw 1 c J, }ust Make Payments. ■ g| *14 ~B003t GBNTUHY. 1395 ( tB|5| b| Oxford Pgf OBlT *33 Mo. DM Oct. »«h . ~ y™~r .ta-r -rr-grr- BKe A«ta. Mr Well n MUt , » C»*v W M»V. M* M 109 East Blvd. at Auburn ,1-loyrt Mtr*. 2328. Sag. W M1) Ml MR Or itkc nw m—fix Wint_________________! -4955 BUICK 2-DR. j This l» » special Ivory top. Block, *W -body. Radio, bettor, double pwr.j Solid _**¥fa*i*-» KOTO ULtt | • Gritted ~ FKI Il'ickDuo-t”'btrrril. diatom «ti cm tor" .i, ttm, cntAoCVr. . ________ j <*»». o> iw. m i it ; M CHEVROLET CORVAIR DON’S USED CAl'.S Lake Orton XT HWI . . ' lie* FORD. J POOR, RADIO AND . At* it Ml! "II MHaHf MONEY DOWN AiiUme pay-■“*"** Of ttfiW per MO. Cell | M_ PONTIAC CaajPTAiN. 2 DSL* RARoZlIBUEd Stmm AALES Corner Css* ood Flks FILM TWWr88RgTM''Sr=-~'::;=z- imrmHUe im: i#iw w“b Fi eog. Em. cond. SMS. Roe 1 ferry. PoaUoc RotiB store i 1*40 PONTIAC. CATAUIRA, MA-I ho* brown. S2.1M OR MM . DTI | QDgWT ffjif DILL orElNUEe * RAMBLER” 1 WILL ACCEPT I Credit Myr Mr. ______ BUICK. FULL; ______ GOOD CONDrilON Ij^DOWR. (T»n OVER FAT / ________ _ ■ ■ MU tliiJi 'eilVi 'U BUICK HFOCTAL 1-DOOR |*»1 CHEVY. VDOOR.' «rLM,( r*Fi ^*lTnK' . ■ j^iwcK for sale, iua r imi chevy hardtop tn _______ r*r7 «»*eA._PE MW H ‘93 BtncK. a-dHTradio. heatuu CHEVY BEbAN N1 tr. (Ood Urea tlM IM Chippewa! bargain FE LTW H .-awl. : __________|mo cheVy 'M vBPEClAL. 4-DR. HARDTOF HM| BY OWNER. IMA FORD STATION , _ ••dM^ AtJUilAeld Rd .JFE 4-I4M MaUhews-Hartrcaves J m* m-m fordb-chevs. t dm MI OAKLAND AT CAM FE 4-041 Liard Mire. PI 1 lag. FE SdUI “ owvwr" V47~ rnuioirr mi ford i door, vi xaWo --* -——.tom In- I and HEATER. ABSOLUTELY NO ________mileage, MONEY DOWN. Assume par good «Mt ,tal Urn*. RAM. * M»J» W-JfW, SW sharp, clean, la tit. cond, must Craw Mgr Mr. Farts at MI aieriUce.Jl#59. OR Mill days. 4-7500 Harold Turni j IMS F > AND SUBURBANYA AtriO TRAM*.. CLEAN WITH BEATER. 1 TONE OEAY A WHITE AUK. MATE NEVER USED MM. : VanCamp Chevrolft. 1 nc. MILFORD________W MM ~ 41 MERC HARDTOP. 41*4 DN Lloyd Mtr». SMB, Sag. FE Mill IMS LARK? RADIO! heater! —-■-•I 0Vcr(JrJVe “ JTT-I l-DOOIt New brakes 4*00 00 OA 9-3411 *44 RUICE SPECIAL 8 OR. ' Oaa. seed cond FE Mdlt UnO&k' MRyEitffkm LI TRW. Fire-engine red.. Radio IfMe-ln on rat. ... .... ■ WUI AUTO RALES. M4 OAK B MU. CADILLAC COUPE DEVILLE i tall paver. looks peed, mat area monel SOWN. Assume payments ol |ld per tto. CMl Credit Mgr, Mr Parka at MI 4-7500. Harold Turaer Ford; _ __ . cDan. nice car. | ' 3-?&42 H. i (Cfp* Phvitc dfil OR #*»*?#• 1 STRAIOHT DTtn 'M FORD WAOON "I" DOWN . | „ no money down ! Mtrg. M S Sag. FE Mill s ’payments qffe Mia 'M FORD STATION WAGON COUN- [ SUPERIOR AUTO SALES, t try sedan. V I automatic. SMI. 1 ----NiT ' 1 PE 4-3911 or PE 4-1111 _ t i lMi">6tia^«CTOiLA r t^lLilCt-h--over pay mania. $34 M mo. BaL . 1 I SMI. Can PE 4-SSSi_____ ford^faimLane. 1-DOOR. 8_ WOODWARD AVE But MI NO-.; ' DIO ~*™—TIC. MON ■RRU IU MERCURY HaRD¥OF~RADIO •< AND HEATER. MUtOCMATIC it ABSOLUTELY no mon rr M ’58 PONTIAC -— SUPER CRIEF 4 DOOR HARDTOF vWl Radio A Heater Auto, iraaa.. WMU $1595 Beautiful Pontiac Retail Store M ML Clement PE 3-7144 M 3-DOOR PONTIAC CATAURAl " hid top. A-L_EM J-441J_ PONTIAC 9. STICK. NEW s*^ m sms. 1 TMU«tN- Kac. ' V-9, standard ■ Equipped wRh pe brakes. Fawargl tohfJM EM J-MS9 BiphM MANS ’91 CADILLAC -'Grape. Bpotleu. Best bid ovori *SMM. Seen at IM Oakland Av- On'y um NORTH CHEVROLET I CO ISM s. WOODWARD ATI. BIRMINGHAM MI t-IMS. [ leather trim Stork NO ITOI. wl I teaeon price only |9M NORTH CHEVROLET CO ISM 8. WOOD-I WARD AVE. BIRMINGHAM MI enue. KM 3-MSI. mm caDlLLac. xeal deal, fri —AMS -MBMI FE 3-31M WRo Says the Sun Won’t ^ ^Shinp Ayiin^^, i FORD OALAXIE. J DOOR HARD i top V-l, auto.. R end Hr, power. ilNrtM. power brake* See thia *58 CORVETTE Phrerfe' as Horsepower engine WU! carry you over the highway with the amoothneu end pre-oiatoo of a fto* watch, stralghti click Ireaemluloo. fully equipped MM Cbevrelet Impale Ocnvertlble i Week. S cylinder, eatomaitt.- Indio and beater. Power steering and brakes, whitewall tlrei Im-. maculate. $1995 pQu, Price SUBURBAN-OLDS j 9Si 8 Woodward Birmingham Ml 4-4485 1 | ihu^ Blrmingl)'*!!) Ur lodiy. BOB FROST INC. LlNCOU^lOWCURT i M~p6RD. 900; ALL RientAB. NEW . Itui SOFT TOP a must on your ■bljplig U(t SEE IT NOW! Beau tlfat Inca SUver A Orey tu-tone Ilnlth. r"* ONLY $2350 payments HI North Opdyka, Lot rpiU). iUr 1-door, radio and . hOMr. automatic traokHUHthn. r monthi warranty. Thirty moatbe to pay. Hurry at MSI. NEW I960 SIMCA ; Grand Largo 2-Dr. Hard- [ top, Heater, Whitewalls, Windshield Washers. $1350 John J. Smith BRAID ---“LeaTn to tel yottrnrif go . . . relax all your muscles release the grip you have on your wallet. 'For 'SEiR CEf« ;106| Ff Sak Cf OK USED CARS TAYLORS CHEVROLE-'-OLDgMOBILI Open Evenings. ksArkat 4-4MI Walled Lakt 'M PLYMOUTH BEAUTIFUL - tfw» hilt flnttr Hxitft M bill down. FuU ^»rlc« $J ISIS PONTIAC ETATION, WAOON, •tearing and brakM* wKttsimll tlre», sharp ngadwlip, low mlu- . NEW POMTIACS 1 isf%gteS,INC LINCOLN.MEflCURY MI S-3200______ ft-Wily* panel. J> eyl WHITE. ■- gjg| —ngj us S. Sastnaw PLYMOUTH BELVEDERE . ---- -iut bine. V-S an c, radio, heeler ......... Only |7li. NORTH CHEVROLET CO. ISM S. WOODWARD AVE. BIRMINGHAM. Ml CASfi At PKI BT. FE 2-0186 I.... - ^ ' ^ bVkSf fang grS* ww tttAl lUlM. Must tee to appreciate. credit manaOER FE 4-0403, nlH- I Eton Au4o Salta tU E SaslaAw BOB FROST INC 1 “ LINCOLN-MERCURY MI 4 H., powi . 11.000 at ... , .... in i,i .. mmmm . _ .. SBBISOlSiB. .'ll Foraa from ............4144 > —— ‘44 otde, 4td. tin ROGER'S SALES * SERVICE i M4 Auburn Art. FE Mill j 1997 FORD STATION WAOON. RA- ! 7 DIO AND HEATER: FORDOMAT-, .........n, , - , IC ABSOLUTELY NO MONEY M MERCURY WAOON FS AND |gj1 PLYMOUTH 4-DOOR SEDAN. down. Assume payments of ] PB. Very .clean. OR 347M._________ Radio heater nice 3-tone finish !?4 ’C ?lr .YUdlt.. M*,r. i 43 MERCURY OOOD~06NPtfiON~ stock N“ *«*' v— '*'■ *“* 1 Mr Perks at Ml 4-1400 Harold usi Also ‘50 Pontiac for 444 ‘ o over pay men -JR, RADIO ----------- -.’DRAMATIC. ABI3LUTELY NO MONEY DORK. Assume paymenu of tll.dl per mo. Can credit Mgr. Mr. FUEa at Ml 4-7490. Harold Turner. Fora7~ IdU FONTiAC CONVERT. POWER 4,000 Ml MT S-SU4. H PORTIACONVERTIBLE! star MUM. R and H. power, new tep^new paint. tHI 3A837. _ 1900 PONTUC. " CATALINA 4-DR. sedan PR. and P J. Other ^ 41.799. OR 3-2104. 44 PONTIAC 4450 „ *■“ -53 Mercury 01. May * 141 w- Cwunbia. cylinder engine coupled with radio and bentar makes this an ideal "Ladles" automobile. Dad will he please., also with reclining seaU and bad for added comfort OT^Uieae^ banting trips. OR pan. ONLY $1495 Crissman BIHMIWOMAM Must sacrifice. 1 1960 Pontiac $2795 ” '60 Pontiac W) FORD DEMO Felrlane 900. 9 dr . 14 t I , white side warn, aide mirror.J undercoat Only 1.400 miles. | Must Sacrifice Buie, selection Assume payment «m ... .er mo. CALL MR. WHITE CREDIT MANAGER FE Milt. ham. Ml 4-3735. - JdRt -Make Payments ‘IS PLYMOUTH. 4304 “ ------13 mo. Duo Oct. 89 A Mr. ReU. PE 0-4430 M BlvdV at ‘ -1-— RE, 40 Fords at li fiS Mgr. Mr Parks at Ml Am. Harald Tutmer Ford '44 CHEVROLET BEL-AIR. B*AL‘-ettst 3 Mno .l«g. Radla_jmd;»C PRICE 43(9. Assume payments of itIUjSf mo. CALL MR. WHITE-------- ■•'CREDIT MANAOER. FE 8-0402.' Elng Auto gales lit 8 Saginaw MMgjfiriF~v .... ISvwrhhie aaduLtita ftnlsA Stock J No IDS. Only 11.3(9. Mml CHEVROLET CO." IOOS 8 WOOD —-WARD AV*. BIRMINGHAM Ml----------- __. ..T.:..,....... .... . ■ w. mnm, 'ifljfnrd' MP 4-I7LI S»95 TR An s port a*t i o$T 50 Ford A-l running 8w . ___,, Ml Dodge. Drlve-Il gTI ontiac lw. mr—■—$jj vista i ’ll Dodge, sharp! 9M ----£9±&—---------- >’M Pmd 74, RAH----------rftA i Rambler A VIBASSADOR WAOON. am i snwvs r ................- JM CHRYBLER-PLYMOUTH DEALER I NO PAIR OFFER REFUSED. ! Main At.. Clarkston MA 1-1141 j NO MONEY; DOWN NECESSARY } iggr~OLOSM5BTLE~CT]uB~COUFe: Superior Auto Sales i radio ahd heater, hydra- 4 can,-: vuperui 550 OAKLAND " ' '-li Ford Oalanla - HOB FROST INC. UNCOLN-MRRCURY MI 4-3300____ 54 CHXV WAOON. |! white with rod trim. Y4 engine, Hverghde- 8Rmr. RMeh IhMI-1991 CHRYSLER Off season price. SLIM NORTH « g, »n powei CHEVROLET CO. 10SI 0 WOOD-./WARD AYE. BIRMINGHAM. MI - ■Russ Tohnson Motor Sales . LAKE ORION-- M Y 2-2381 __________ YORKER, hgg—39 power ecceeioriW.MIM mission, lnterci wipers A wishers whitewall Rrae, i fa beater, T-Btrd motor, clock t wedgwood blue. Padded dash Reasonable. IMS Lakeland Ava. i syiwmL Lake - - -- - -■ - t I FORD. MIS CUSTOM LINE. a-DR. sedan, V4 engine. Ford-o-raatle. i RAH. L owner, good Urn. low mileage, engine and body per-■ lect ccndhton Abeolutaly no rust. 1 SIMS eash. Call i8i 4-M4S. ___ 54 FORD STATIOP WAOON. WILL trade. EM 3-seil. Ounway. ‘IS FORD. CONVERTIBLE, POW- j ic S, beet atfer. PvL ; 99CHEVROLE NEW r. Ui * P Dodge Dart! 1460'CHEVROLET IMPALA SPORT coupe .V-S engine. Powergllde.! : CI1Q7R f' *44*88-i INCLUDES FREE RADIO j I 'll CHEF, BA S-DR. RAH And all standard feciory equipment ! good driver. EM 3-ggSl Conway Saiae Mi and license ettra ‘ Mr?15v .?HAP?i.8TI.CK R RAMMLER-DALLAb H I MAIN ROCHESTER automatic MMin*, ptor motor, like I960. Country Squire Ford, Artie whlta. rod and white | leather upholstery, I passenger I etatMb wagon. Automatic Irens-mission, power steering, extree. ARE YOU- FUSSY? GOOD)V e.tot n FE S ^aiPJU-A CONVERTIBLE, tl, CULM LIU bifsn Qw CUEaST exhaust syuem.^gg CHEVROLET lito i CHEVROLET *93 POWBr^VI. CUSTOM " | bargain: MM 3-S9SI Coaway ^ivssa StationWagon CTL. 8TD ___I ________ JSSAH MM. Must see to appreciate, gltss ^.Bob Frost inc. “*'"*•4 t.^. i LINCOLN-MERCURY ' 54 Plymouth Win ... 41091 — __ Ml 4-230c _e cylinder. Hta. xrent j LOOK! BUY! SAVE! to EonnevlUo 4-dr. H-Top ’ S39S9 M Dart Pioneer 4-dr wagon 11399 ■59 Foot!sc cat: 4-dr. ’*• Chevy Impale 2-dr. n-top um ’44 Pontiac l-paai. wagon 43995 'WBillck t-af itatlon wagon tnot *99 Opel Ydoor tndan. nice '.. SI3M 99 Bulck Electro Mr. H-top “““ molt exacting perfectionist. 1S41 Oldimoblle .St Holiday Sedan. La-ette lacquered In Opalescent green and Victorian white. EOlbr equipped. 32.000 miles. Only 2.080 miles on....the tires. Full price. AI.9S9 ■ I---------!-------i_S__________ NO CASH NEEDED ONLY SM PER 8IONTH Rite Auto. Mr. Bell. FE 9-49 1SS E. Blvd. at Auburn 54 PLYMOUTH STATTOM WAOON. Beat, FE MIR ——rr----AUTO SALES, OAKLAND.__________________ I#-— 4 DOOR HARDTOF BTI chief, brand new Rucon Ui -Perfect cond. 923M. By ewa FE 4-8127. 17 PONTIAC 2 DOOR. STANDARD shtltT food eondtuen. IS79. 9-4328 attef- S- (________ Blitz . Starts TODAY ^EOW OLIVER'S r inventory “ReU-Out‘‘ (—RBE—tlin—reason is SAVE $$$ -.. Rae B 41 — CLARKSTON P—MOTOR“SALE Main st, Clarketon MA . .. Out where the overhead b low ’9I .VALYO IMS DOWN Lloyd Mtr». SIS S. Bag, n Mill Mil VOLXBWAOON, LIOHT BLUE, .very good cond. Sma real; Re die and Mater., Directional ilgBahi. 4(44. MA 0-1241. .. ■ . 9-9141 ^CHEVROLET IMPALA HARDTOP White tires, beautiful solid black finish with n custom red interior. $1945 MUn •: SUBURBAN-OLDS I S, Woodward Birmingham > —MI 4-4485----- r ’59 FORD , OALAXIt i-DOOR AEDAN 8 very low mileage, ono owni low priced V-8 lor just 91 SI 795 Sale vtrtlMt, pewei Just Make Payments | »|g nrws, ggg Pay Only 94 Ma Dae Oct. 29th! Rite Auto. Mr. BeU FE 9-4539 e..„. 189 taat.Blvd^at-Auburn | 41799 54 0LDKMOBILE SUPER 88 2-..... .... — rebuilt engine.---- 917(5 . B. OR 3-84SS. CHEVROLET 219 2-DOOR BE-* —ttratgbt stick. battery. New snow ’tires Msmj -51389 I other new parte, PE 8*8938. ■ 81189 ‘57 OLPSMOBILE s.f ' . 8M9 j “99” CUBAN THROUQH. GOOD . ■■. 9789 . TUtES, ALL POWER. A STEAL' I S Pontiac ”870” «>*r. wagon 9795, j AT_(ljf 4 Ford Crestline B-top . if Dodge1 sTm^SISl ! ~ PRIVATE OWNER! Eddie Steele —---FORD Final CioseOut '57 DeSGTO FIRRHOMRHARDTOF Push button transmission plush! Pluthl Pluthl Only $795 ’55 OLDSMOBILE 88 HOLIDAY 4-DOOR Hydranwttc. no rust, tars* chroma wheel covers and many extras that would ooet hundreds et dollars when — — -$695- Soow Crest white Many .Stock No. 1731 Yes. it s om< M3. NORTH CHEVROLET CO SHY. WOODWARD AVE. BIR MLNQHAM, MI 4-2335. Houghten SHELTON & Son '44ER1YROLET 2 DOOR RADIO SL'VW prlceT,*195 ° Assume Aiyments ol 918 per. mo CALL ML WHITE. CREDIT MAN ABmR, FE 4-0402 King Auto Soled IU g. Saginaw im CHEVROLET BISCAY NE 2 door. 6 cylinder. Powergllde. ra-l dlo.- heater. Tacw turquois. Stock . Ha. 1723 Only SLISI NORTH: CHEVROLET CO IMS 8. WOODWARD AVE. B1RMINOBAM MI »3739. , ‘^rjgbRDe-DOOR SEDAN . ’ ‘ Ms” 'IFPenUac 4-dr. aed, Hydrametlc.! reMh) and heater, ilka are nest f 83b* 44r. and., radio, heater, j JffSaflow -......... ...STM j TTTberrolet W’ W4 Chevrolet 2-dr. nadaa Rd Pontiac Mr. atotiaa wagon My-* dramatic. Radio and heater .MIS ie Bulck 34r. Hardtop ys Plj-moutb 4-dr ^eedan. V-4 HOMER YoUr PrlendiJ Oldimoblle D * N MlW, OL pfw i ■ "Spectacular" ! CLOSEOUT ; BARGAINS ; CJEW 19WFORDS i ALSO DEMOrXsffirUKb | BEATTIE IN3NTIAC - BUICK Rochester Of- 1-813.V ACROSS PROM NEW CAR SALES OPEN TIL t PM OR LATER CI04M Wld: * 8at: wt * Tr-nr- — “ME FOR SALE Larry Jerome Oobd looking 1R55 Olds mobile 4 door sedan, mechanically cjrllent Low mileage. New tires: suburban-olds 2 8. Woodward Birmingham I MI 4-4485 | 1960 J MODELS ; ! • ‘ ^57 CHEVROLET 2-DOOE SEDAN Another one owner that deserves sour Immediate attention. Oood rubber and a real mileage maker $875 j 56 BUICK - -DOOR SPECIAL i RIVIERA HARDTOP. Dyntflew. $795 EVERYTHING j MUST GO . V-4 automatic e cash needed. . Pay only III wont due October Bing. FE 4-1006 . STANDARD TRANS. POW- j HASKINS DEMO Clearance - '"Im Ford convert 4m w. LIbyd*Mtrs. M2 E. dog. FE WUI Just Make Payments I ‘89 FORD. 2-TOm 8M8 j Pav OmD IMjMo | D»* 109 East Eh r*| BRAID cam at pike et. ~(¥/i-4SM •IIP You Want: Bargains j MM Ctirrrelet 2 dr. Radio. Heater um oids Omanis ’«r 6-dooi etatloa was*. Rydrematlc. pow er Ileertos. power, bre)tea. radio iildMIilsrt rr| --------- VMM | Lloyd Mtrs. 232 E. Sag. FE 34111 I ‘94 FORD HARDTOP . POWTO j brake), auto, trane 9409 OR 3-M44. ’ I, : ] -----WAGON . ’straight stic XY ours "for '9496.”_ I r?^assenasr 74xeuJ R?nd H [ MM Pontiac 2 dr HydramMle. Ra-I power steerhu (Ml brake* A die. Heater. > tone paint. A ale* truly beautiful Birmingham oar. little automobile (UM. 1 . BOB FROST JNC . LINCOLN-MERCURY ----_n»SlR---------------- - .150 Cars, and Trucks | *4S Chevy Oub Coupe .9 « •56 Plymouth Roden ...6M4 4M4«P '54 Ford,'Station Wkh. 4 dt. . •54 Ood* and PtrYelw 9 CadUlaci. »7-‘»» H ‘t Sludes. '» •53 Nash O.I iLhight figRii B 'tfiM 2 Tolkewatena. 'M . 44 Malta, IS (M ' 'hew p ' _ _ * ’92 Prater. Crete, wan. M-ll Clarkston PLENTY OTHER* JO MO attes *tU 9 ' FINANCE 190 PMOki.1. . . j, . Ecannmy Car. . Mtof* Mae 9149 down.. MSS Pontiac convertible coupe. Hy-drtmatlc Radio Heater Bin* i with whu* top. Low down pay- j moot. 1954 Pontiac rnirftllg J dr sedan ; HrdremaUc. Radis. XeMer. B&e 1 with light Insert. A dandy 1 * — ' "haupt PONTIAC] .. fw-tAAH^Ry. '* Mil oa* mile north at 1 See Tomorrow's Paper for Details OR -STOP IN ANYTIME Eddie Steele ■ *- FORD *56 CHEVROLET 4-DOOR SEDAN V-S. A slyllxh ktohlns beauty. Would be ideal for 2nd 'ebr or ^Md^raoiMh'te park in front of ' S695 ’56 FORD 2-DOOR V-g Fordomatic, radio, heater. Arrived early Mooday mornind. Traded 2705 Orchard Lake Road $595 ’56 PONTIAC J-DOOR CATALINA HARDTOP Hydramatlc. radio, heater, white Urea, undercoated too, Only $595 FOR YOU share buyers. Occasionally OUvor Bulck MM aa outstanding epae-ial with wetad -up to MM: Compare this on*. *54 OLDSMOBILE ROCKET “ST‘ Hydramatlc. Needs a little bump -pCreA WUI certainly - make It through the wtntot, safety checked and Only $177.77 Credit Check by Phone nOWHATE ntUTBRY OLIVER Motor Sales 210 Orchard Lake Ave. FF. 2.0101 Dppn | buicK RENAULT OPEL JEEP LLOYD MOTOR SALES I.mroTN — MERCURY — COMET ENGLISH FORD $1895 XGUSH : 2-DOOR $995 ’59 FORD KIR CONVEX $1795 CHEVROI ITATION WAOO $1395 wford “SOS” HARDTOP $1395 '58 VOLVO NICE! $1295 *57 FORD svvnVi WAG* $1195 $1695 9 MERCUB 2-DOOR $1895 •59 FORD 2-DOOR $1595 '58 EDSEL ■DOOR RARDTO $1095 8 RAMBLE 2-DOOR $895 CHEVROI TONVERTIBLl $1795 7-MERCUR ITATION WAOOI $1195 ’57FORD ITATION WAOOI $J095 57 tINCOL] -DOOR HARDTO $1395 ETROPOl REAL NICE J$Z95„ 2-DOOR hardtop $69S(^ ---$695— J2S.SAGINAW- 2-9131 jjuRO NEW '60s MUST GO! OLDSMOBILE 88's From . . T . 7". $2725 SUPER 88's From . . $2868 98's From . . . . . . $3125 EXECUTIVE^ARS: '60 OLDS "88" 4-DOOR HARDTOP $800 OFF '60 CADILLAC SEDAN $1000 OFF '60 OLDS ”98" 4-DOOR HARDTOP $1000 OFF ALL USED CARS CARRY 30-DAY 50-50 GUARANTEE '54 FORD .vlt........rONLY $245 '54 CHRYSLER ........ONLY $275 '54 PLYMOUTH HARDTOP .....$295 '59 CHEVROLET 4-DR. WAGON..$1925 '59 BUICK ELECTRA .......$!899 '56 MERCURY WAGON ..............'.$699 ‘^Bright Spot” CASS at ORCHARD LAKE Open'til 9 P.M.-Wednesday at 6 P.M. FE 8-0488 - .: ... ' - THE PONTIAC PRESS, TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 20, 1060 TWENTY-FIVE -TodaysTelevision Programs^ I *—WJBK-TV CkuMl 4-WWJTV l:W (2) Movie (began at 5 p.m.) (i> BwWwSr •— (7) N< (96) Japan—e Brush Painting. ML TV*. S CM (2) (4) 1 (D Bool (9) Quick Draw McGrow. (56) Youth Dances. 6:46 (2) News Analyst 7^ (4) Sports. 6:66 (2) (4) News, Spate. 7— i56) Philosophy of Itan. 7:M (2) Tiger Baseball. (4) Shotgun Slade. (7) Expedition. (9) Movie. Robert Walker, "What Next, Corporal Hkr-grove?" (’45). 7:M (2) Baseball (began at 7).. (4) Laramie. (7) Sugarfoot. (9) Movie (began at 7). (SB) Redman’s America. 8:6» (2) Baseball (began at T). (4) (Laramie (cont,) (7) Sugarfoot (amt.) (9) Movie (began at 7). (96) Heritage.____ tr*--(» Basebafi(began ~~ “(4) United Nations. > -----(7) Kennedy Speech. (9) Encore. (56) American History. 9:M (2) Baseball (began at 7). (4) Thriller. (7) The Rifleman'. (9) Encore (cont.) C» (2) Baseball (began at 7). (4) Thriller (cent.}—------ (7) Colt .45. (9) Front Page Challenge. CM (2) Baseball Scoreboard_______ 10:00 (2) Diagnosis: Unknown. (4) Hour of Mysteries. (7) One Step Beyond. (9) News. 10:1S (9) Weather. 10:M (9) Telescope. 16:16 (2) Diagnosis (amt) (4) Mysteries (cont.) (7) Mike Hammer. (9) News. -1C4S (9) Hazel Park - Race fte-suits. 10:66 (9) Movie: Toby Robins, "Sun in My Eyes.” 11:00 (2) (4) News, Weather, Spts. (7) Bold Venture. 11:06 (2) Movie. Alan Ladd, *0*8.” (’46), 11:10 ,(4) Jack Paar.----- _____(7) Citizen Soldier. WEDNESDAY MORNING 0:00 (7) Funews 0:08 (2) Meditations. 6:40 (2) On the Farm Front. 6:46 (2) TV College. 7:00 (4) Today:----------------- -----(7) Breakfast Time 7:00 (2) Felix the Cat. COO (7) Johnny Ginger ----------- 8:15 (2) Captain Kangaroo 8:00 {7) Stage 3 0:00 (4) I Married Joan. (2) Movie. . 1 (IF (4) 10:00 (4) Dough Re ML WCAR. Ma*a nboOdar WPON tartr Bird 1:4a WJR If naw lal Oil fra Oosaor WJBK. Lari mar, BlMt WWJ. Mar:. Martana WXn. Break fait Club CKLW Dm DartS WJBK Rova. Rrtd W5 W ll:Se—WJR. Karl Ksse ■ WVM. Wl■iiMl 1— --^-2=5 ----- CKLW . WJBK. I wvon 1 WJBK. Mm. Lulmr CKLW tm Iter D«rt4 ■MS Dm Com* . M^wTi5w?TjSU CKfcW Jjjr 1:4b—WJR, Music HaU Sira wmuMT s&tsass! WCS*. R.wa, ShaiMan WCAR. Saw. B. Ibrtfl WPOR. Chock Ink 11:40-WJR, tins ter mats wftwnshsr wirt *•*■. woir WSDNISB4I-AFTKRJ400* CKLW. Maw*. Oerts - iSun mm oassi i| 13 .-40-WJR, Kiwi, Pom wwj, sm Lyukor , CKLW. JM Vos WJBK. UfttM SOS—WJR, Mem, MuMa Safera . itms-wra. thw tee Kwte ^r&rsssr cklw lot Vaa 1:44—WWJ. OoaS Ma 3:40—WJR. Compoelt WWJ. Nan. Him CKLW Joe Van WPON. Bab Lark WJBK. Let Idl—CKLW Neve Bhlft brfc. 4:40—WJR Corapoelte lilt 7nl Win tar WCAR. Mma*Mnvrt WJBK — Loo •to-enw. nous. l*artot 4JMR MartO HaU WWJ, niva, Ljrakar WXyS. Paul Wtntsr CKLW Htaa Osrtoe WCAR Nava, Brnaatt Lynker CKLW. Neaa D«-*“ wjbk aeoik I An opposition, antLCommunist force led by Gen. PhCumi Noaav-an aeverial days ago threatened to overthrow Phouma’a government. The Pathet 1-an said No—van’s troops had carried out mopping up operations in Laos’ northeni province of Sam Neua, killing arresting villagers and burning homes. .■ Tl ♦ . # dr J The Pathet Lao charged that fabrications and vtandsrs by U.Sr imperialists and the Phou-mi No—van clique" had created 'misunderstanding on the part of the government of Sottv an n a Phouma toward the Pathet Lao units” in northern La—. Phouma Monday issued “an official protest" to- Thailand for a predrawn mortar and machlne gun attack on the Laotian capital of Vlentiene Sunday. Pma rqmrts Sunday said firing from the Thai side of the Mekong River damaged several homes in Vientiane, There ware no reports of casualties. In Bangkok, Thailand's interior minister, Gen. Praphas Charusa-ridiouled Phouma’i charges that the shelling had come Thailand. The army has had to pout two •—tries at Salnt-Laorewfe hospital room to protect him from sneak photographers. Net loos to the French army: Gomulka Says: Pull Off Police Wants No Protection on Walks During Stay in New York City NEW YORK (AP) -r Wladyslaw Gomulka, the Communist chief of Poland, has protested to the State Department about too much security protection tore, the Police week, Satat-I hospitalised almost from the Mment of induction. Officially, Saint-Laurent Is suffering from a it as a servo— breakdown. Ike Meets Advisers in Routine Session WASHINGTON (AP)-President Eisenhower met today with Ms top economic advisers. The White House said the session was one of a regular series and was not prompted to any 3 economy such — Monday’s sharp break in the stock market. A synthetic fiber has been made from p&hut protein. aomewhewi between —e wad PgPartra*rit announced today; At the same time, leaders of European refugee groups were complaining about the guards also— for different reason. Gomulka, one of the top Communist leaders here for the United Natiom meet, asked the State Department to reduce the number of poHcs assigned to Mm. want uniformed policemen along on any walks he may take and do— not want poUee cars to use sirens in motoroades. Refug— leaders bitterly complained against what they called police overzeal in protecting Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev and the ssteinte teiders. . * * * “tt appears that Zakharov is charge of the police, he decides we can picket and where not,” Dr. Bela Fabian, a veteran Hungarian poUridaa-iivexile said. He referred to Maj. Gen. Nikolai Zakharov, deputy chief of the *S6-!vtet secnit pUict. - — Ughl Those New Shows “*■ Pass the AsplrtarPlease Mr FRED DANEM NEW YORK (UML-L!i] Bowling." which made Ms last night on NBC-TV, eplti the major tyrannies of television. They've tampered with everything and come up with a show that's nothing. Berie, a | ht didn’t get mow iwnoarical lively destroyed Ms kapaet-Next, they've taken a popular, That is, they'— got the professions! bowlers working at fever pitch, trying to out-strike each other lor big money prises. The players also mast compete against the clock, the rammer-rials aad Berie. Last night, they didn’t gat a chance to finish the big match because of the need to squeeze to that last commercial. ___tt it a Tot that matt—, Berie eouldn' {finish a comedy ridt because of the need to starMhat final game. They've even tampered with » audience. It wasn't a normal bawling alley group, bet n brigade of TV atari, all trying to look Intonated. They tampered with the laughter, tee, I sespeet. Berie deserves better. Bowling deserves better. And I think *| viewers deserve a 1RHo better, toe. Through no fault at its own, the ew CBS-TV series "pats sad iladya” came all— at tha midway point last night. It was all because CBS Inter rupted rile premiere to bring us bulletin about Cuba's Fidel Castro. He had stalked out of his hotel, gone to DJf. headquarters and threatened to sleep to the park “ Go to Confab Municipal League Hat Grand Rapid! Meeting Wednesday to Friday Pcmtiac- city offirisls will among representative* from more than 400 Michigan cities and viL lig— to attend the 62nd annual convention of the Mktilgan Municipal League Wednesday-The convention is bping held at Grand Rapids and will run through Friday. Its theme is "The Challenge of the 60s.” Chet tor All of Pontisc’s city •toners and high ranking city officials are planning to attend the meetings, along with Mayor Philip E. Rowston, City Manager Walter K. Wllman. William A. Ewart, city attorney; and Mar-via M. Ahrard, finance director. Prominent speakers at the convention include George W. Rom-president American Motors Corp.; Robert P. Briggs, first president of the Michigan Chamber of Commerce and executt— vice president of Consumers Power Co.; and gubernatorial candidates Paul D. Bagwell and John D. Swain son. Romney will be principal speaker at the league’s annual banquet Thursday. Tomorrow’s yesrionr wMl con- today; employment and the role of municipal government to state economy. ♦ * ★ Population growth and movement will he discussed Thursday, and proposed constitutional revisions in Michigan will be discussed Friday. # ,.#r Both Swatoson and Bagwell are scheduled to speak at the closing luncheon Friday. Potato wart, a potato disease, was brought into Pennsylvania by immigrant coal miners who sougnt to Introduce plant varieties from jthc “old country” to America. Harry Morgan and Can WS* llama portray Pete and Gladys Porter and Verna Felton, anottMr — from "December Bride,” Is around, too. * ' it tt Now if they could get Castro to write their scripts, maybe they’d •eels of wNd more thsa I sajsyad “Pate sad Iladya.” The filmed comedy spooned If you he— thrilled to "Tha Loretta Young Show,” lost your heart to "The June Allyson Show," sad maybe sobbed a Mt over “My True jc y,” then welcome to “The Barbara Stanwyck Show.” It * it \ The debut on NBC-TV last night was so much to the soap opera groove that I detected the traditional organ mule to the background. The epeasr dealt with a mink eoat that meant eveiytMag Ip Miss Htaawyek, partraytag a Once-wealthy widow. * * * ■ * Bu t she met a baggage roan clerk who once was a big-time MAgortnf oAUne—he dmritri H all because the rat race was making more concerned about things than people, LEARNS TRUE VALUES He, together with the timely death of Ml— Stanwyck's twwi^fa neighbor, taught our heroine tha true values in life. Just what TV needs-sona romance and escape. DIALING AND FIUNGi Jack Paar returned from his vacation and began doing his show in color. Or, as they used to say when he was to glorious black and white, to "living off-color.” NEW YORK (UPI)--------to Addi- tion to his political allies, Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev’s _ . . passenger list aboard his Baltlka Marlon Brando, included another Important per-sonage — his personal cook_____ 'Soviet sources said the cook prepared the food across the ocean tor those who weren'l con-guming seasick pill*, and he’ll continue to supervise the cuisine for the-Soviet delegation in New York. on “The Spike Jones Show.” Put him right in thera wKb Jimmy Cagney, Gary Cooper sad The premier la on a diet for a long-standing kidney ailment, and keeps his hearty appetite turned towards foods he is used to. Aboard the Baltika were enough fidttles of Borzhone, Khrushchev’s favorite brand of Moscow bottled drinking water; salami, caviar, black bread and other Russian foods to last the Russian leader during his stay lew York. Track Firm Reports Safe Broken Into More than 95,000 to checks and cash were stolen over the weekend from a truck i n g company to Bloomfield Township, police said Truck lines, 1410 Franklin Road” was 84,885 to checks and 8385 in cash. It was earlier reported that the Kramer Trucking Xo^of the same address had been entered by thieves. The two firms occupy the same building and their offices re separated only by a partition. Bloomfield Township police said that the Associated Truck Line’s safe was broken into with a chisel. The break-in was discovered by township police during patrol. Police theorized that Hall mistook Taylor for his employer, Kiro-brew McCain, 42, of 347 Irwin St., after reportedly quarreling with hlnr earlier over wages;------ Hall’s older brother WUUam G* 28, no known address, had to be carried from the ( Other relatives and friends of Hall sobbed hysterldidty as Hall was led off to prison. Costa Rica mines $500,000 worth ■ of gold annually. Gets 10-20Years in Errant Killing Matthew Hall $hot Man He Thought War Hit Employer A prison sentence of 10 to 20 years was meted out yesterday to Matthew Hall, 23-year-old Pontiac man who shot and killed a man he mistook for Ms employer. Circuit Judge Stanton G. Don-dero sentenced Hall, of 255 Prospect fit, and recommended to Jackson Prison authorities the minimum sentence upon Hall’s good behavior. Hall, aa odd-jobs worker, pleaded guilty Sept. 1 to second-deg roe murder to the Aag. 98— shotgun slaying of Georgs Taylor, <1, of 848 Irwin K The body of the unemployed Tky-Tor was discovered by police sprawled on the seat of a borrowed ptefay truth. • . y ■ the corridor outside Jadge Don- RCA COLOR TV Soles and Service Sweet’s Radio TV ' Open Men. ft PH. Night* FACTORY RECEPTION LINE — Usher Body DWston pleat workers leaving the morning shift for lunch today passed by a reception line headed by Michigan Sen. Patrick V, McNamara (second from right)- Joining the^ senator was James Kellis (third from ' left), Democratic candidate from Oakland’s 18th Oongwmional District. To McNamHri’t rig* 11 GSraMKUnx, iffwMml M.USW Fisher Local 596. McNamara will speak tonight at ofbnty Democratic headquarters, 17 Water-St., at 9 p. m. ' SONOTONE House of Hearing Fra* Hearing Testa Free Farktof at Bear of Building . "Opaa trot, by Appointment" 143 Oakland FEderal 2-1225 PONTIAC, MICH. GAS and OIL FURNACES 30% Off M AM Hmf Mtdth I WOK ONLY ace heating and COOLING CO.— 1T9S Wgfcm Ul Mi. OR S-4SS4 11,11 1 r,irt".. "Bui* In” PROTECTION for 100 MILLION DEPOSITS |te?v v. ■ ■ F.D.I.C. ■ ^ ■ Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Thi Wfofhtr (Details Fa(* t) THE PONTIAC II8U1 YEAR it it if if it PONTIAC, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1960-26 PAGES v'mWD*285lX?&Som*L Raul Threatens Base at Guantanamo U.N. Today Starts Hour of Reckoning UNITED NATIONS, NT. Utt — The East-West struggle for uncommitted votes in the United Nations, with Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev ready to take a hand, marks the opening today of the 15th session of the General Assembly. ★ A A A spectacular array of world leaders converged on New York, drawn by an extraordinary moment In history. A A ' A The bloody tangle in the .Congo,, the search for a path to disarmament^ Khrushchev’s next moves, and the role to be played by nations soon to enter the Assembly, impelled one speaker to say: ' A A ^A. “The survival of the United Nations itself might be at stake in this historic meeting—the most challenging in its history.’’ AAA High drama and an Alice-in-Wonder-iand atmosphere gripped^New York. Traffic clotted around the residence on Park Avenue where Khrushchev has his headquarters—and around the various places visited by Dr. Fidel Castro of Cuba on the eve d! the session. Police battled to hold back anti* "Let them yell.” Khnwhchcv eyes, shrieks and the opening cm to admit from Africa ana Cyprus. A * A It ia widely believed at the U.N. that one of Khruahchev’s prime motives In coining to this session is to split off these new nations, swinging their votes into the Com- Nixon Begins State Swina inMt. MOUNT CLEMENS Vice President Richard M. Nixon headed for Michigan today in an effort to this pivotal state to the publican side in the November election. The Republican candidate for president, panied by his wife, planned stops at. Mount Clemens, Flint,' Saginaw and City. He will leave Bay Nlxen was to land at Mfrldge Air Feree Base Is Macomb County 1st* this mqralag and drive to Mooat Clemens. Macomb Ci—t) is • hey eras to the 7th Congressional District, which the Republicans tost to the Desna* crate In INS. The motorcade was to leave Selfridge and (top In front of the Mount Clemens City Hall. City merchants planned to dose their ■tores so employes could hear the vice president. Nixon then planned to fly ninCt Bishop Airport arriving at about 2:30 p.m.Amotorcade from the airport was to pause at the Michigan School for the Deaf, then am on Into Flint Assembly B Hammarskjold, 70-0 UNITED NATIONS, N. Y. (D — Squashing Soviet opposition, the General Assembly gave overwhelming support jtoday to Secretary-General Dag Hammar-skjold’s actions in the Congo, Debating until after midnight to wind up the emergency session on the Congo before the regular assembly opens Uiis afternoon, weary delegates voted 70-6 with 1.1 abstentions for a 17-na- - Shrugs Off tepiiBS About Premier of U.N. Today (API—Shrugs and ie only answers to-iftquiries whe( mier Nikita Khrushchev would attend the United Nations General Assembly opening season. A press attache turned aside all questions about the Soviet delegation and the premier’s activities. K was arigtasOy believed Oat tion Asian-African resolution backing up Hammarskjold. Ttm . nine-nation Soviet bloc, France and Smith Africa abstained on the resolution. The Assembly's action was Kennedy Unveils His K Strategy on TV Tonight WASHINGTON (APJ-Sca. John F. Kennedy goes on nationwide television tonight to outline how he plana to deal with Soviet Premier NSdta Khr—bchev if elected Use Democratic candidate, making Us first coast-to-coast TV address since accepting his party's nomination ip July, will *Nk sd & JlQO-a-plate dinner rally hem, The 30-minute program starting at ***» 8:30 p.ra., EDT, is scheduled on 180 ABC network stations. "The theme .el ' speech,” Aid a Kennedy aide, “will A* what he behevea America's iisp— to Khrushchev should be—what he believst we mmMP to build a stranger America abroad end at home." — — a vtmHcatkw si the secretary-general w ho has been tody. The Soviets had accused Hammarskjold of Interfering in internal affairs of the Congo heaped strong criticism upon him when the U.K. command deprived Moscow-favored Patrice Lumumba, now ousted as pswUer, of use at the radio and tbs airports. Lumumba bad been using Soviet airplanes and ttMchs, supplied out-(ids UN. channels, ~ r----------- SOVIET UNION QUIET the Asian-African Hoc, ths florist threw fa to# sponge and gave up her efforts to ram thropgb sharp indictment of Ham-marskjold's actions to the Congo. Valerian toria, Soviet deputy foreign minister, told the Assembly he would not pie— for.* m diing of the Congo operation. Bay City planned s big rally. Mayor James L. Tanner proclaimed today "Nixon Day." Paul D. Bagwell, the Republican candidate for governor, Rep. Elford A. Cederberg, R-Mich., and other civ-i6 leaders were expected fw the night speech. A special train was due from Alpena. The Dow Chemical Co. male/ chorus will sing. ‘KNOWS NIKITA' Nixon came into Michigan from Pennsylvania where he cautioned the voters against being "knocked oft balance” by Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev's visit. “I know this man,” Nina said •fthe Soviet leader la a speech Monday night to a Mg crowd that stood in the rala to cheer him la WUkee-Barr*’* city Khrushchev is staying at the Park Avenue headquarters of the Soviet U. N. delegation. Several persons entered and left the building during the early morning hours.. At 1:30 a. m. grim-faced Valerin A. Zorin, Soviet ambassador to the U. N., arrived and hastened inside. it it A Policemen stood guard around the quiet premises—in contrast to noisy and arrest-punctuated demonstrations Monday night. One man was forcibly subdued by police when he reportedly refused to get rid eft a metal bar to whtoh a picket sign was attached. The sign read: "Khrushchev is a mnrdurei dawn with To upwards of 9,000 cheering rett-wi—ers jammed into the Scranton Armory, he added: "Knowing the men in the KremiS aa I do, strength is absolutely essential if we are to deter them turn the pollcjrof world domination." ' / .He promised if elected, to give high priority to legislation providing help for depressed areas like the hud hurt coal regions of Pennsylvania and West Virginia. as Cave of Spies Crowd Callod to Palocf to Protfit Treatment of Brother. Fiidol HAVANA . n Women s Pages ■vShSi THE PONTIAC PRESS, PutSDAV. SEPTEMBER 20, 1W M59 Debate Ini ^' Location Pontiac'* j Y Man Asks I Examination in Robbery Charge A 22-year-old Pontiac man yesterday demanded examination in ]Municipal Court an .charge*-that 8a«t S de to Cowtinua K”***'""to** 01 m 7r A l a (point early Saturday Along Auburn Avenue Municipal Judge Maurice E Fin 'the Char Planning Commission has given In to the State Highway Department on the future location of M59 on Pontiac's East Side. negan set the pretrial hearing oil William H. Satterwhite Jr., 63 do-! eae St., for Sept, 28. Satterwhite is free on $100 I tone) !—21 a bigger and better M59 route shortly trier Ronald Savage, IT. I dBpavcr bbttt, it will he bunt along [ of «gn - - — —* * SSm near Auburn Ayeaaa — the Triini1il|i. |<*Tidstiag MSS route. This is what] Mhen he I state highway planners 'have ad- lt m*ju.y I vocated. Street*. b i‘ R won't he both In the vteta- Savage told police the holdup] ! Ml •* Bmknrt, *«»*• H man took hi* wallet conlitning $*< I ~ what focal piaaaenrhave aaear ^ p*pm eeaatany ,-aaipaigaed far the paat Savage and a passenger. Michael j I T**r D O’Brien, 90. of 4810 Linwoqd ~ | * End of the debate I* drawing beta identified Satterwhite a* I heir, with the City Commission gunman, according to police.' I scheduled to receive a report to-J ...................»".. I night from the planning commis-1 ^tion tying down the Auburn Avenue j I -..route once and for aU. Allas Scores 9,000-Mile Hit I AF Not Sure Missile Cone Survived Flight j Through Atmosphere ; ■orth aI existing Auburn Read. - This action virtually eliminates] GAPE CANAVERAL. Fto. ' forever the possibility of having ai—The Air. Force has proved again ... . . .*),.« ;«■ itlM mlatiLt rnn hit A owl nmmNOE link The report stamp* city approval ' on location of the M59 interchange with the proposed interstate high way east of the city limits. Asks $700,000 for City Renewal! Chy Manager Waller K. recommended today that $700,ON be nought to begin the city’* first urban renewal project next month. * dr h The proposal will go to the City Commission tonight lor approval If approved, the wi wife be forwarded to the Chloage re-rtonal office* of toe Housing aad Home Finance Agency (RHFA), where It wMl be we file for Im- . .second interchange in the Vicinity lhat it* Atlas missile can i w-r-L - ■ half mile toltarget 9,000 miles away. doe* not know it the nose cone m | w survived the super-hot trip back If a new "east-weft trunkline is through *e^ earth’s atmosphere, ^mrr built — and one has been on the drawing boards several years — its route will be decided' by location of the one interchange. The big intercontinental range y rocket Monday covered the 9,000-mile course tar the second time, streaking from this test center to a bullseye to the southern Indian Ocean about 1,000 miles southeast of Capetown, South Africa. The two tests—the first by another At-, . las on May 20-are the longest -highway department has stated. surfaK^«urfa( Provided for in the urban renewal contract the federal government signed with. the city last week, the $700,ON Could be budgeted mostly tor land acquisition, beginning on the west side of Saginaw Street and in the Civic Center area, said Stierer. FROM REVOLVING FUND t funds are part of a fS.lt . 044 revolving fund set up under contract tor acquisition and administrative costs. (tame ot too S79S.SSS would ho uaed to pay off the 9SS.SSS plan atag toi the government gave the city two yean ago. Acquisition will begin as soon as the HHFA accepts the city's appraisals on properties stated for purchase, said Stierer. Yockey tops Delay ofNew Government (Continued From Page Oad) tailing action now, Garey said, is November's vote an'E constitutional conventim and.* study Girl Admits Knifing Doctor Enrollment Drive Starts at YMCA kickoff luncheon yesterday opened the A 20-year-old girl admitted today she stabbed the head physician of Detroit's Saratoga General Hospital Monday evening in her Oak Park home. Jeoaetto Laehowtet' v I c 11 m. •S-year-old Dr. Ralph Tiaato at Detroit, was la satisfactory coa-dlttoa at Saratoga Hospital today with a superficial knife wound to the back. ' The girl told Oak Park' Police Lt. Donald Magel said she grabbed the biggest knife she could find in the kitchen drawer to stab the doctor when he threatened to [break off his relationship with her. ; Ot : ♦ ♦ Miss Lachowicz, who 'lived at .warns Club of Pontiac are James foe atmosphere. Temperatures of '^R. Jenkins president; Ralph B. about 13.000 degrees Fahrenheit -Eastridgc; and Harold J, .Owen, built up on the surface of the cone {Monday. jCItib of West Poattac are Hebert L ... ■ j rx State Would Prove . Mother Used Drugs ,’ . Northern Pontiac Kiwanis Club] delegate* are James Mann, Presi 'Rent,- Horace Hatfield; and Mar- CLEVELAND t* — Physicians] -shall Jordan Sr;, at Mt. Sinai Hospital decided on . fr fr * [Aug. 6 to look for barbiturates as flueeklsy convention in thejthe cause of the mysterious comas ^^^Jflind Hotel, ends today. which beset this city's two'"sleep-1 "Sij*T3ommittee conferences, a discus-jing beauties,’’ one of the doctors] "*ston 01 plans for the year, develop-(testified today. merit of community -service ideas ] f and election of officers highlight j • jr3be program attended by 9,500 del-f xSkagates from 186 dabs. Guest speaker at the .luncheon at the “Y” building on Mt. Clem-L was Dr. Dana P. Whitmer, superintendent of schools. . He spoke ot the growing Importance ot the YMCA In Pontiac because ot toe area’s increasing population. The drive to enroll members will jrun lor 10 days through Sept. 29. * ' # * General chairman of the campaign is Maxwell H. Doerr. Division chairmen are George Crabtree, Frank Odsterhof, John T. Rogers, Mrs. Jean Ellsworth and George Watson. 13051 Albany St., was held at the County Jail for investigation of assault with intent to commit mur-ter. TJie llt.noo ranch home where she was Uvlag was in the name at the doctor, police said. -Be also was making payments on a I960 Thunderbird she had at her disposal. Miss Ladwwte* told authorities. ’’He. threatened to take these things away from me when I asked him to either marry me' or leave me alone," she told Magel. Thats when I got the knife,” (she said. j ■ Miss Laehowtes also implicated a Detroit police lieutenant of the narcotics bureau, whom she aqid had iatrodaoed her to the doctor with the understanding he would provide her with security. According to Miss Lachowicz, the Hospital Patient Found Nixon Really'Terrific’ GREENVILLE. 15.C. (API — Norma Jean Griffin of nearby Liberty thinks Vice President Richard M. Nixon is terrific. Her feelings have nothing to do with politics. Or Or It , ■ Mrs. Griffin, who suffered a crushed leg in an- Accident two years ago, was in Walter Reed Army Hospital to be fitted for an artificial leg at the time Nixon was there for treatment of his to-Juried knee. “He sent me a big bouquet of flowers and he told me that If they didn’t treat me okay I was .Just] to tell him and he would fix It, said Mrs. Griffin. dr- dr . ♦ "He didn’t even know my name yj Hearing Laboratory Big Gift to U. of M. BIRMINGHAM - A street re- appropriation in the capital to) The engineering department ha estimated the cost of the rasui taring program at $20,250, and to-urb project %t *10.395. As had bed* expected, Rober h Page, a member of tilt cit, planning board, was appointed t fill the vacancy effeated last montl with thy resignation of Lana Minor. Intorcounty Committee. Eveo tf era On passes, Yechny declared. It WiO be ns guarantee that coaaty home rate weald result. Seeking a constitutional amendment authorizing home rule for counties was one of the suggestions mode by Carey’s special committee. * *■ dr "Never do today what we can put off until tomorrow,” Yockey said to answer to Ckrey. “And I think it is exactly what e’r* doing with your report-” He tmistod some changes eeatd to made amir wtthoot legistative -baages Carey mentlsned. Yock-tjr dMa’t elaborate. On these needed ohanges, a problem refmed to the board’s legislative committee, Carey warned the county-was "going to have a light on its hands to get them.” In approving tho committee's port, supervisors altered the term of the chairman of the Board of Audi ton from three yean fo one. ALLOW* CHANGES This will allow, an official said, for any, future changes. A target date of next fell wea set when supervisors expressed a desire for "a definite plan" by' which the special committee’s recommendations could be carried eat.' In the meantime, it was decided to push for the legistative changes to implement them. dee ead teak pert to the meet-fog-, , Page, ' 40, fead been a membe i, the (denning board since 1953 fa another action, the commit injected four bids tor tb construction of the Forest Avow on the recommendation o City Engineer William T. KiUeen who stated the bids were 30 pe cent higher than estimated. f Or W * He said that it is likely tha * the city will be advertising fo bids on a small sewer and wate. project on Oak Street at N. Wood ward In the .near future and to Forest Avenue sewer could be in eluted at that time. The city replaced a fire depart ment car with a compact mode by accepting toe low Ud of $1,40 from the Harold Turner Ob. o Birmingham. City commissioner* also ac- toroto Carp. Moxley, to his report to the com mission, noted that while Motoroli was not the low bidder, the equip ment did meet specification whereas the other bidder did not Morotaia's bid was $6,543. Raier Johnson, Decathlon Star, Gets Movie Role HOLLYWOOD (API Refer Johnson, Olympic star, may become Rider Johnson, movie star. Xwsntioto Osntury-Fox has an-nounced that the two-time Olympic decathlon champion has been given a featured role in “Journey | lb fynger,” a picture that will costff Raymond Massey, Juliet JEANETTE LACHOWICZ police lieutenant and another man'or anything,” she said; "hut he were standing just outside the door must have gone to ail that trou-of the house when she stabbed the|Me to find out." doctor. WOULDN’T LET THEM IN ,‘T wouldn't let them to. They] went to the bathroom window and] told the doctor to open the door, she told authorities. She mid she heard the doctoil ANN ARBOR UR — Plans wgrolPrife^* and Signe Hass©, tell the Detroit lieutenant, "She|announced Monday forpll.* «&-! 1 , * * * stabbed me/’ lion laboratory for rfoeardt on -Johnson said Monday night he "The doctor opened the door [hearing at the University of Michi* had not signed a contract yet, but for them. snd they drove off to gan Medical Center- ' * 8t«*«> spokesman said be had "V <■«.." •*> -m- 1 T. b, Mmud MW . IfegUak wort ‘-1 nlM Od r»r. pWWc." [ ,raat ,ronl ^ Kmc- .Mind. |®^ ** *' , l was to make ai tion, the Institute wilt be the I ; I world's largest facility devoted Julie Condon Seeking exduoively to the study ot hear-lag aad tio disorders, a field Is j which medical authorities say Mt- Miss Lachowic statement at the prosecutor's lice today. Jackson Prison Dr. James A. Grauel was the ] first witness as the state sought prove Mrs. Utfiaa Fratan-I tonlo, 29, used sleep-laducing drags on her daughter Bern- j.assiter Lawyer Tries [Strike Is Brief to Disqualify Judge Convicts Ask Higfier Pay to Make State's Auto License Tabs i The Weather . —- - - ____________ . DETROIT UP* - Joseph .... ri;vlM ijn *7 lor Drowned: *• *,ld l*,rr 0B Ve,l,ta. 5- Louisell, attorney for Mrs. Nelle CT P ^ The tiny, black-htored woman is accused. Cfrcuit Court TAGAWA. Japan (B-A swollenjbeing tried by a jury in Juvenile J«foe Joseph G. Rashid Monday of river burst into s coal mine early court. The state charges ill treat- *ctin* ** * prosecutor in helping today, swallowing 67 miners whojment of the girls and conviction *° brln8 murder charges against were given Up for drowned. could mean a maximum sentence "er in ™5T husband s death. ■ --------- of a year to ^dl and a fine of * W * $500. - j Louisell filed in Orcuit Court it •.. 'i ..- ... . 20-page affidavit contending that RashU is prejudiced against Mrs. (Lassiter and should disqualify‘himself from hearing charges against her and Gordon Watson, her husband's former business partner. They an charged with Brat degree murder aad conspiracy to murder Mrs. Lassiter'* huabaad. -Parvia (Bill) Lassiter, the Royal Oak ear dealer who was robbed, shot aad beaten aear Willow Run Airport April C. IMS. tJgZassi? S^SrS^SgSun Eclipse Take Place J4;09fo 5:59 P.M. NEW YORK (ft — The roooa will portly eclipse the can today, beginning at 4:09 p.m., EST. Maximum coverage sf the son will occur at S;S9 p.m. ♦ ♦ * The American Masram-Hayden Planetarium said peak obscuration will occur over Baffin Island, Canada, where SI.4 per cent of the sub will be covered. n w itnmafcM to to MJaaMpsHt ■ ■ n n lTtl'Jl»flih|it ii| M 14 W Kit Trrk «y Jf. to M Ousha IS M g |f psai u n 43 to PtMWDlX l3 n SW «SL fa the United States, the beginning of the eclipse may be seen atoaga Lake Erie to Mobile Ray. la most ectotral states, the son of It, bat the uMuatata aad weot- Cargo Clerks Strike LONDON JAPJ ** Neariy 1,300 cargo deriorstruck at the port 6f w #i London today. The strike idled 106 ridps. Stevedore* were unable to W ^ work becaose of the stoppage ~ st lithe daks, who check fttgon Rashid hears Arguments by the lawyers and decides whether to disqualify himself. U.N. Today Starts Hour of Reckoning (Continued Fforn Page One) The three Chattanooga. Tenn., men accused of the actual slaying switched to pleas of guilty during their trials and appeared as prosecution witnesses at the examine-tion of Mrs. Lassiter and Wa|son. STEM FROM TRIAL Charges of prejudice against Rashid stem from the trial of the three. Rashid allowed them to plead to second-degree mutter, reduced from Tint degree, and gave them life sentences. charged the pis—ratine wtth making e deal Mb the Chattanooga mm In ritam we their teatimnay against Mrs. Lassiter aad Wat-son. The prosecution charges that Bits. Lassiter, 38, and Wataon, 44, rraneed for Lassiter’s murder. - * •*« W: ‘ r The defendants are free an bond. Motions to against tnbm will be hcard after quash the charfees Jiri Nosek, of Czechoslovakia, is the Communist candidate. Three more heads of state arrived to New York this morning. They were President Tito of Yugoslavia, Gama] Abdel Nasser; president of the United Arab Republic, and Lt. Gen. Mehmet Shehu, premier of Albania. -* * * Nasser win be quartered ip'a 20-room house., at, Sands Point, LX It is directly opposite a Jewish synagogue. ; ♦ * * India’s Primt Minister Nehru is > reach New York Sept 25. President Sukarno ot Indonesia Is due Sept 28/ JACKSON* (UPI) — Convicts staged a short-lived strike for higher pay Monday in the stamping plant at Southern Michigan Sr # ♦ About 350 to 375 prisoners refused to work-in a dispute tered on Michigan’s use of tabs rather than foil-size license plates. The to mates receive an average* at tear orate per each 1,901 full-sice Unease plates they make, but the wage rate tor the mack smaller tabs is stay throe neats per 1,090. Convicts demanded the same rate of pay for tabs that they get tor plates. ' * ★ ' Or But the strike ended quickly when Warden William H. Bannan ottered the convicts .to "return to work within 10 minutes or go back to your .qrUsJ ' * Or Or * The strikers, faced with the loss of a day's-wegea, decided Stanley. S. Kresge, president of the foundation, presented an initial cheek for $200,000 to Dr. Harlan Hatcher, U, of M. president, Monday. The budding, which will be a five-story wing addition to the existing Kresge Medical Restarch Institute Building, is expected to be completed during the. 1963-63 demic year. Trenton, the capital of New [Jersey, is named after William Trent who bought the city's site in 1714. J State Skater Signed MILWAUKEE Ot - Rod Pianola, a 21-year-old Hancock, Mteh., youth, has been signed by the Milwaukee Falcons of the International Hockey League. Paavoia, whose parents now live in Milwaukee, was the star defenseman en U S. Olympic team. Ha is S-ll ‘ s 190. ' ■ Former Flint Dye Coach Sentenced for Indecency FLINT (UPI) — Wttllam a Yancey, 44, former athletic director mad history teacher at Flint Dye High School, was sentenced Monday to one to five years in prison on s gross indecency charge. Circuit Judge Stephen ,J. Roth, in pa—tag asatence. recommended psychiatric treatment for Yancey. A Jury convfoted Yancey June 1 E gross indecency la • case involving two of Us students, brothers who were both athletes at the More From Jock Webb LOS ANGELES (AP) - Singer Julie London wants s her ex-husband, TV ketor-prottacer Jack Webb, to pay half the cost of, supporting their twb daughters. She calcinated this at $1,000 a month. Webb was ordered to pay $250 a month for child support when the couple * was divbrced in 1953. but Miss London said In a Superior Court petition Monday that ex-pease* have increased as the children, Tracy, 10, and lisa, have grown older.. Miss London, now the wife of band leader Bobby Troup, said die is spending $2,000 a month for .care of the girts, a hearing was leet tor Ocf. 27. Castro Switches Hotels; Complains of Treatment (Continued From- Ptige One) hands of security forces when he tried to greet his followers. 9r * * ' At tiie Shelburne, the situation became intolerable, arid Oastra. The Cuban delegation had difficulty getting hotel accommodations in the first place, ud finally landed at the Shelburne only after UJS. State Department aad the United Nations intervened. to robbed,” said Oastra, “beta*— tike money 1 have betoags to the Cab— people. U to aet my neaty." And for his $400 a day, what did ht get? Incredibly bad service, said castro-his party ctida’t even get omagh towels, Ot Or. * ■ The Cubans totaled to partake food, sanding out for lbs Cabans «Msb aad dto’t beai-»te to say so. Policemen guarding the hotel . invented some members of the tastro delegation from, leaving the hotel when their safety was threatened, by anti-Castro fore— itssed outside. Castro , aad bis entourage had moved into 20 Shelburne spites at $20 a day each—for « di “ ' af $400. The hotel -had a $10,000 gtoiraatee an. the MH. Spefis ratal—d $5,000 and another ~ was proniigsd, but wMn a hand They also brought along drat—' of "I am aet ready to let myself _ of pe*nate-«nd reportedly chickens, which they phicfced and cooked in their roams. Thu Castro-sent a protest Hammarakjoid, followed by penanal visit to ths^BN. headquarters. After three hours, was announced that the Castro raving to Harlem, tar of free accom-the Commodore Even Spats agreed later to target about duaptag ~ turned down both often. fit project to eppiasfrualiiy UMM aver few eaWM wktaA w— eel ap ta .feto eepital tm pr—earn— Rato to cover the fiscal year’s earfaetag aad cM Police Chief Ralph W. Moxley aad awarded a, c—tract tor po- Swainson Meets With Bagwell in Lansing Today LANSING m - Republican Pai . Bagwell and Democrat Job B. Swainson, rivals for governoi were to cross oratorical sword and answer questions today befor statewide audience of busttew men. The political clash wao billed os a feature eve— of the first annual meeting of the Michigan State Chamber of Commerce. The state chamber was oi ganized last fall to unite the voic of business and industry. An i[ ■tarred predecessor organizatio folded up in the 193QL Other speakers included John y> Hannah, Michigan State Univarsit president; Paul W. McC?ackrt -University of Michigan economist and Arthur "Red” Motley, Nn York publisher. Expect Macniillan to Go LONDON (AP) - British infonr ants predicted today Prime Mir ister Harold Macmillan will go t the U. N, General Assembly set sion in New York in an effort t get disarmament negotiations mot tag again. Want a voice in the people’a choice? Don’t pass the buck— DIG DOWN! CMtrtbflt* DIG INI Vtatftrywr forty and VOTE! to ettotwp— tm the H—ertfil— Adv^iti—EpwShwSwSetlw The Pontiac Press sL THE PONTIAC PRESS, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 196fr Honest Discounts Everylirae YOU hy -amDNBMjJ Ynu N*«ds at SIMMS No matter whot you buy, you're sure to get it for less at SIMMS . . .. drugs, films, hardwares, housewares, clothing, sports needs etc. Below ore just a few of the many bargains at Simms, Myrtle Lawrence of Holly. MRS. VERNE N. PETERSON HOLLY—Service for Mrs. Verne N, (Mery Margaret) Petersen, 11, Sf UM Clarence St , will be 3 p.m. erator of the Randall Beauty Shoppe for many years, died yea-1 terday at Pontiac General Hoopi- < tal. He had been In in health after t suffering a heart attack two yean tny. An Eastern Star Memorial Servlet will be held at S p.m. today. Mm. Paterson, a former treasurer of Rooe Township, died Sunday after a kmc illness at Pontiac Osteopath!* Hospital. She was a Ufe member of the Electa Chapter MO OE8, a member of First Presbyterian Church of Holly, the Holly Grange, the Electa Club of Holly and an honorary member of the Past Matrons Club of HoUy. Surviving are her son DanleLJ. of Pontiac, daughter Mra. Ival 1 Paulson of Holly and six grand- Mr. Randall. «, of SO* Sharon St., Waterford Township, was a member of Bethany Baptist Church and the Lions Oub. Surviving besides his wife Ora A:, are « daughter, Mira. Allan Fallenwider of Detroit; throe BOYS' and GIRLS' Ski Pajamas 4k tlM Fete* Boy*' 2-4-6-t Sweat Shirts HOMfOWHERS: For the first time m insurance history— HOMEOWNERS PROTECTION A AGAINST FIRE, WINDSTORM, oM THEFT, LIABILITY AND . HUNDREDS OF HAZARDS FOR A LESS COST THAN YOU MAY M NOW BE PAYING FOR FIRE H AND EXTENDED COVERAGE W INSURANCE ALONE l Only Nationwide offers these record-breaking savings—because only . Nationwide makes available the precedent-breaking $50 DEDUCTIBLE on all tlac and Thomas B. of Detroit; four grandchildren, and five greatgrandchildren. A member of the Baldwin Evangelical United Brethren Church, BOYS' and YOUTHS' HIT Mr. Simpson died yesterday of a heart ailment at St. Joseph Mercy Hospital, MRS. THOMAS WILEY Service for Mra. Thomas (Edith A.) Wiley, IS, of M S. Ardmore St., will be held at 1 p.m. Wednesday at the Donelaon-Johns Funeral Home. Burial will be In Oak Hill Cemetery. A member of the First Congregational Church, she leaves two tor Division, he was a member of 1 First Baptist Church. Mr. Fox leaves two daughters, Mra. Lola Greenhoe of Pontiac and Mrs. Frank Deaver with whom he ; made hit home; 13 grandchildren; ' 6 great-grandchildren; 3 sons, Merritt of Pontiac, Harold of Lake Ori-1 on and Raymond of (dorado Springs, COM.; and 3 sisters. Service will be held at 2 p.m. \ Thursday at First Baptist Church with burial in White Chapel Memorial Cemetery. JOSEPH H. GOULET Joseph H. Goulet,. 56, of 977 Boston Ave., died of a heart condition yelterday at St. Joseph Mercy Hospital. He had been 111 several AP Phstolii FILM MAK'DIES — Benjamin B. Kahane, 68. president of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, died Sunday of a heart attack at Las Vegas, Nev. sisters, Mn. George Edwards and Mra. James Fraser, both of Pontiac. Mra. Wiley died Sunday after an illness of 10 years. JAMES C. DANGERKIELD , HIGHLAND — Service for US. * Navy Hospital Carpaman James C. ] Dangerfteld, 21, of 2775 Dean Drive i will be 1 p.m. Thursday at foe | Richardson-Bird Funeral Home. ( Military graveside service will be at Highland Cemetery. Mr. Dangerfteld died Friday In < an automobile accident near Bar- I 1 stow, Calif. Surviving besides his parents Mr.' I and Mra. Thomas Dangerfteld are 1 brothers Thomas of Connecticut and Jack of Virginia, and sister ' Mrs. George Wilson of Highland.. , MRS. DUANE HADDON ? ‘'&AVISON — Service for Mrs. Duane (Norma Jean) Haddon, 27, ’of 7117 Houghton, will be 2 p.m. ! tomorrow at Hill Funeral Home, * Grand Blanc. Burial will be in Ortonville ‘ Cemetery, Ortonville; | Mrs. Haddon died Sunday in ‘ 1 Hurley Hospital, Flint. Surviving besides her husband | MARTIX 22x44 Inch Both Towels II Talas 2 Pontiac Men Named Officers of State Amvets home hazards. Check rates for your home. Call your man from Nationwide. flan/ about SECURARCt? Nationwide’i new concept t« help yew plan year family’* security. SECUBANCE meant a choice of lt> insurance plans...pint financing assistance, through your. Nationwide agent, far homedfidtar. Choose the Homeowners Policy and start your family an a program, of smukancc. He was a (Hess operator at Pontiac Motor Division and a member of St. Benedict Catholic Church. hia wife, Charlotte Two Pontiac men have been appointed state Amvet officers by newly elected Michigan Com-1 mander Chaster G. Burton of Highland. ! Jamep Cavalier of 1424 Rose-t dale St., was named state legls-' lative director and Albert Etnsley of 1886 Woodland St., state aid-de-camp. Emsley also was named to foe Amvets Resolutions Committee, j Robert Adsit of 410 First St.K Other Pontiac members named to serve on committees were Robert Adsit of 410 First St., parliamentarian committee; Ed Pompeian of 154 Marsh St., white clover committee; Charles Crocker of 644 Riverside Dr,, and Victor Maiden, 333 E. Pike St., rules committee; and William Cavalier, 309 Seward St., and William Marshall, 205 Hillcliff St., civil defense! Surviving M.; a son, Donald F. of Pontiac; , throe grandchildren; four sisters ( and five brothers.. The Roeary will be recited at I tonight at Donelson-Johns Funeral Home. Service will be held at 10 a.m, Thursday at St. Benedict Church with burial in Mt. Hope Cemetery. KENNETH H. THORNBURG Service for Kenneth H. Thornburg, 64, of 51 Carter St., will be held at 2 p.m. Thursday at Sparks-Griffin Chapel with burial in.Roae-land Park Cemetery. A baker, he it survived by his mpfoer,' Mrs. Bertha T. Lamb of Pontiac. Mr. Thornburg died Sunday, GEORGE G. THURMAN Service for former Birmingham merchant George G. Thurman, 70, of 233 E- Frank St., . will be conducted tomorrow at i 2 p. m. at foe Manley Bailey i Funeral Home with burial in Rose land Park Cemetery. A re- i tired salesman, he formerly ] owned the Thurman Market. The i Big SriKtim ol CHILDREN'S Longies and Crawlers Nationwide Insurance 117S Dudley Pontiac, Michigan Phone: PC 4-3274 Twill creeper* with map crotch, tirapt in size 9 to 18 month*. Corduroy creepers; with strap* and snap cratch in size 12 to 24 month*. Bower i twills with elastic back, assorted trim*, size 3 U. of D. Official Dies DETROIT OP—The Rev. Homer A. Matt!in, S.J., for-17 years director of libraries at the University of Detroit and Loyola University, Chicago, died Monday CHILDREN'S 3-Piece Knit Matched OUTTITS • Knit Shirt 79c ALL FOR • Sweater .....1.29 • Crawler* .....1J9 kQ Site* 2. I and 4 In stock. Rjv ’* Ex-Union Man Guilty of Embezzlement KALAMAZOO (UPI) - Lance Johnson, former secretary-treasurer of Local 388, International Foundry Workers of America, was placed oh probation for three years Monday and ordered to make restitution in embezzlement of union funds. The sentence wa* passed by Circuit Judge Diden F. Sweet, who said the exact amount of restitution would be decided at a later date. Boy 'em separately or by the set. Matched blue and red pleid. The wisest choice for distinction Cut to Measure FREE While You Wait ^ • WHITI. • IVORY • tan 111 tl.li Value | ifj Shade with roller- • mches wbHe you many e» you need REMINGTON Eloctrk Shaver RECONDITIONED ...atthe wisest time for value owners have learned a fact that every minimum maintenance. And Cadillac** combination motorist ought to know. The most distinguished of of timeless distinction and rugged long life produce motor can ia also the Standard of the World for the highest resale value of ail. Your CaHiHar dealer practicality. Cadillac craftmanihip provides the will tell you another reason—the pleasant news about reliability, efficiency apd longevity necessary for today’s delivered cost See him today-for the facts. VISIT YOUR LOCAL AUTHORlZED^f^aacCuZCy JEROME MOTOR SALES COMPANY 276-280 S. SAGINAW STREET • PONTIAC, MICHIGAN DEALER BARGAIN BASEMENT MAIN FLOOR SPECIALS 2nd FLOOR SPECIALS fHE PONTlkC PRESS, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10.1006 sports participation on the secondary level. Aetwfly, there are more basketball teams than there are football teams, aad because of this and the fact there are more games, this cage sport does ftrmw the greatest number of spectators. According to the survey, a total of 569,826 students play regulation football In 11,538 high schools, while 56,000 more play other variations of football—8-man and 6-man teams. it it dr Altogether, 13,123 high schools have football teams while 19,395 have basketball squads. However, the smaller cage teams bring the total participants to 531,387 on the prep level. Texas has taken the boner away from Pennsylvania in the number of football teams, while Cali* fornia is in third position. Ohio comas in 4th and Michigan is a dose 5th ia the number of teems, however the Wolverine state pushes California closely for third place in the number of participants on the gridiron. It’s no secret that Michigan prep football talent has been recruited by leaps and bounds in the past fear years. College rosters all over the Midwest support this. Former players and assistant coaches who were in Mfrtdgiw ranks for many y^ars have now moved to head coaching ranks at Arisons State, Missouri, Colorado, Kansas State, Iowa, Illinois and others. All have successful recruiting moves in Michigan, dr. ★ dr •. Michigan "high school football need no longer take a back seat to any other state. The Big Ten is still the best football conference in the country and Michigan boys can be found on every roster In the league. DITTOS FROM THE PRESS BOX In regard to the other parts of the survey it is Interesting to note that curling has 702 high school teams and 6,837 participants. Here is high school sports participation in the country: EYE ON TITLE — Hustling manager Danny Murtaugh has his eye on Pittsburgh's first championship since 1927 with the magic number of victories or Cardinal defeats at seven. Mur-laugh has a good chance to be NL “Manager of the Year” for the second time in three years. 1-Game 'Mopup' Left for Bug, Yanks Pirate Manager Won’t Relax Until Flart in Bag 'Number for Murtaugh Pirates Meet PhHIies, NY Battles Nats PHILADELPHIA (AP) - The magic number for thom streaking first-place Pittsburgh Pirates Is seven but Manager Danny Murtaugh confided today be won’t feel good until there’s no magic number left and the Bucs have their first National .League pennant ^Jn 33 years. Murtaugh said Ida biggest problem right now la boating the Philadelphia Phillies In a twl-night doubleheader tonight at Connie Mack Stadium. As he has in the Hand (18-11), whn beaten ths Phillies three times this year, and Harvey Hftddbc (11-10), who da 1-3 against the Phils, art Murtaugh* m hold the ssa Has 13-7. The clubs meet They'll he opposed by Robin Roberta (10^5), who has dropped three game* to ths Pirates without a win, and Jim Owens (4-13), whose log against the Bucs is, 2-3. “They piny good ball against Murtaugh arid. The Pirates on .toe PhU-aset for the Asbad if he feared overconfidence among tha Pirates, Murtaugh was guick to Shawm no. “This dub tatoo* nothing I granted,” ho ttto, • Murtaugh said, the Pirates’ ability to bounce back all — altar Intis ..Jb It wan mentioned that Murtaugh would be among top candidates tor his see manager of the year award throe years, he said: ‘A. “I never think of thom things, m Just trying to. do a Job on think they're a good boll dub and have proven tt. They never think Gimmicks Don't Help DeWitt in $60 Murtaugh was named of the year 1% 1959. his Hist full —«na With the Pirates, wharf ho led the dub Into second place and kept tt in pennant contention right down to the wire. Detroit Won't Make as Much Profit as'59 TOP FOOTBALL STATES State Schools Player. 1. Texas 776 WsOOO 2. Pennsylvania >766 3. CohfrwnU 701 Sport 4. Ohio 5. Michigan -. 6. New York 7. Illinois J 8. Kansas 9. Minnesota 10. Iowa 11. N. Carolina 15. Oklahoma 1& Georgia 17. Missouri 18. Mississippi 19. Florida 20. New Jersey 50,000 40,562 37,817 40,130 13,500 30,300 14,050 33.800 7,392 13.800 13.344 30,090 10,000 10,127 13,450 9,730 6,550 18,100 11,490 Archery Badminton1 Baseball Basketball Bowling Croat Country purling Fencing Schools Part. 35 135 1,119 13,206 307,387 19,395 531,909 437 2,940 2,971 49,385 703 5,137 13 DETROIT (ft — President BUI Dewitt invested 325,000 in gimmicks designed to lure more customers to Briggs Stadium, but the program has not been succeasful. The Detroit Tigers will opt make as much profit in 1990 ns they did in 1969. Attendance apparently will be down-by about, 40,000. Dewitt blames the decline on a bad ball dub. He has had a five-piece, strolling Dixieland band playing for 37 gamee—nights, Sundays and. holidays. Fireworks displays aftes all 23 night games cost about 3600 a Football (11-m.) 11,538 569.826 Football (8-map) 1-065 49,009 Football (6-man) 530 7,734 4,232 36,847 GoU Gymnastics Hockey Rifle Sailing Skiing 6,022 £.424 1,005 Softball Swimming Tennis Track Volleyball Wrestling 1.451 1,432 4,365 4311 21,797 34,904 44,134 48,600 13,775 387.210 2,094 41,394 2,467 60,229 Wilson Record Claims lions' Is Misleading Tigor President Blames Drop in Attendance on Club's Poor Showing There have been pre-game and between-game shows by speh well-known baseball clowns i Schacht and Jackie Price. What Dewitt Intimates Is that the Tiger players have driven away more paying customers %m«n umh clown acta have pulled li There have been dog obedience demonstrations, trampoline, acts, old-timers’ days and numerous other events. OFF THE GLOVE — Leaping shortstop Ernie Banks finds a line drive by San Ftonctaco’t Orlando Cepeda too hot to handle at Chicago Mon- day. The Giants hitrtnany liners in sweeping a doubleheader from Banks and his mates. Despite the extravagant promotional achemes—never heard of in Detroit during the Briggs' regime -Dewitt’s Tigers wUl faU tor short of his forecast of 1,500,000 paid admissions. Tigers Back to 'Nowhere' Tonight “We would have drawn a million aad a half If oar ball dab could have finished la the first division, or been a contender for the first division moat of the way,’’ said Dewitt la in Inter- DETROIT (UPI)—Now that the Tigers have hrid their ton with the pennant contenders, they return tonight to the serious business of going nowhere in the American League’s second division. But he said he is not discouraged over the drop in attendance to his first year ns president of Tfceiv DETROIT ■» <» **** mK'fliV' Milwaukaa. | ~ Bt lha AsoaolataA fna ttATlOMAl, LEAGUE Waa Laat Pat. B*Ma< Pittsburgh ..to Pittsburgh—at homo <«> Milwaukee S. Chicago {. i BrtSaraa arawwtf Ms », OtnalnaAtl 1 ray*. Countess Adios Sols 6 World Pacing Records week. I want to sign next year’s manager before this season ends so we can begih planning ahead." When Lane “traded” Joe Gordon to Detroit tor Dykes In early August he said that Jimmie would be rehired “if he does, a good Job.” Asked what he meant by a good job, Lane replied at that time; Simply to get this ball club DELAWARE, Ohio (AP)-CbUD-tess Adios, winner of two of the three legs of paring’s triple crown lived up to her trainer'* predictions Monday by setting six world records. The daughter pf Adios made her mark in the Yecord books by romping to 1:50 1-5 and 2:00 heat victories in the Breeders Filly Stake for three-yearold pacers as grand circuit harness raring got under way at the Delaware County Fairgrounds. Foss to Investigate Illegal TD Charge DALLAS St — Commissioner Joe Fobs of the American Football League said Monday night would investigate a complaint by Harry Wisme^ president of the N«w York Titans, that Boston scored an illegal touchdown in its 28 31 .victory over the Titans Saturday night. The commissioner said on the last play of the game there was a bad passback from orator and a New Yeric player touched toe ball but couldn't pick tt up. “It became a free ball at that point.’’ said Foss. WismeT claimed “ ton player kicked toe ball before another Boston player picked tt qp and ran to the wb Foss said h* would give large a thorough check there: Nver Mi been a football result changed In the? Mrtory of fbrtbalL.B I should rifts one In this case it would make history.' Dick Groat May Rojoin Pittsburgh Chib Sooner Than Expected That teft both toe Pirate* and Yankees with magic numbers ef •even. Any combination of- Buc victories and St. Louis defeats totaling seven clinches the flag for Pittsburgh. The same formula applies for the Yankees over the Orioles and defending champion White Sox. f Neither leader is a sure-shot dnch, but tt will trice some doing to muscle either the Pirates or the Yankees out of the picture. Particularly in the case of the Bucs, who were told by their dub doctor Monday that Groat should be playing again “within a week r 10 day*.’’ The sparkplug shortstop suffered a fractured wrist two weeks ago today—when he was hit by a pitch from Milwaukee’s Lew-Bur-dette. He had been considered lost for the rest of the regular season, and perhaps for the Wwdd Series, too.. - With sub Dick Schofield filling In. swinging his supposedly light bat at a .411 dip, toe Pirates have won six of 10 without Groat. The Canto have done better (T-3) and the third deed- Milwaukee Braves just the same (6-4), but the 'Pirates were seven games ahead when Groat was sidelined. Groat, who was second in the NL bat race when he went out, to a tie with Loa Angeles first baseman Norm Lartasr at .325 when the Cards' Bob Miller and Lindy McDaniel allowed the Dodgers only five hits Monday night. Larker's lone hit in four trips (coating Mm a percentage point) was a one-out single in toe ninth, but McDaniel then came on and struck out rookie Tommy Davis and pinch-hitter Wally That saved a 4-1 record for. filler, who walked two and struck out five In his first start since June 4 after a aide ailment. was McDaniel’s 61st appearance and 25th save. The two strikeouts gave him 99 in 11014 ... pfmtMon Made to be tested in your favorite drink KESSLER GIN im iBMiiwto^.iWMtogHM totowwAtoutotoiiatoLUMtwnwAmtomi I Krofli mwj uiAfl 1WN THE" VONTIAC PRESS. TUK8DAY\ SKPTKMBKR m i960 But SOil [ilwy OJffiU SiTMaybe He'll Put Hit Boot in His Mouth 0 ADAM AMES • T ■ ■■■hM i U - .=z=r—— r By Lou Fine 3 Press Club in Trouble Over Nikita By BOB OONHUNI NEW YORK—A dub I belong to, the Overtea* Press Club at America, is undergoing much intramural soul-searching os • result of Its Invttatton to Premier Khrushchev to address it. and his acceptance. Several members have submitted their resignations. At least one bomb threat has been phoned In. The ground rales C Butch James M. RuSsell. 303*3 Wertbrook Donald Buab. 30762 Marshall m Kanneth R. Koehler. 24330 Lahs< Robert E. Ort, 20050 Brentwood Charles J. Prue, 30230 Everett Stove E. Hurlte. 20600 Ranch wood Phillip A. Virtue. 20460 Selkirk Mlchale W. Borowtec, J‘*~ Paul J. Dourherty, 1044 JUObard C. Voorles. 20065 jobs J. Pavlik, 0711 ifilBS. MsSof J^chmw" okM'oriolV Robert H. Jones, 45306 Josepb Walter E. Taylor. 00571 Oravsl Bldfo 1 LaRoy E. Hodfe. ■Be Louis R. Menendea. 40 Kenyon Nor men R. Bernard, BMS Liven leuls O Bailey. >43JJInoesota Vincent J. ClMltfi. 377 Kirk Li cart A Mertuscelll. 043 Merengo KonneUi IT HU1. MS Big Beaver James C. Myer, II Chopin Kenneth R. Rule. 13S Redwood Clarence J, OsBia, 303 Redwood Norman W. Propat. MS Enterprise Johs P Kudla. 105 E. Wattles oerald R. Munir on. 3750 Pinch Joseph A Daflelewlca, JSOS —-Edw. O Dennis. 3130 Roches James H. Stef emao. 0113 Li ■—'-1 B. Karr. 4S4 Redwoo. ■ '. Winn. >41 E. Mspli the Rod, hut tt was agreed that M might he considered a hod oaaea to locate the UJI. la the haoRted houses of the defuoct League of Nattoas. The chelee of RMbt delegatee, if ^Bwrtea go* C.N., was flaa Francisco, peaceably at ting to IMS. Los Angeles put In a strong bid at that time, and there were suggestions that UJN. roost in Bermuda or Nassau. The dove of ttiel world body alighted briefly hi London for the first Assembly meeting. { then at Hunter College hi New York for a time, then in Sperry’s old bombsight plant at Lake Socks oa Long Island. (It was asked to move, in time, when bombsight manufacture was resumed during the Korean War,) * * w An area in Westchester, New York, seemed destined for a time get the permanent nod—but the people of the area, to the aurpriae of the member nations, roae up In civic meetings and sold to bell to (to Jlehmet Shebu, OKI. Akihito Admits Changing Diapers for His Baby TOKYO (API — Crown Prince jUdMto said Monday that he some* times changes his 7*moath-old son’s diapers and bathes him “when no one else to around." Hie heir to Japans ancient throne made the disclooure at an unmual news conference when the potoce set a precedent by admit* th^ foreign newsmen for the first ting?. .■$ie occasion was connected with tbe> departure Thursday of the prince snd Jiis pretty , wife, Prince# Michiko, for a two-week tour ofibe United States to mark the lOflh anniversary of U.S.-Japan rayions. frONALD DUCK THE POXflAt PRESS. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1000 | markets |Mart Steadies Jacks Up Prices j n* <*»*« «, *««. , , ... sjin Jerky Rise ■■ The following are {Covering aaJes of locally gmnr , CHICAGO (fl»-— A briak demand Produce brought to the Firmer' lor soybeans future* amt prlcesIMarttri fay grower* and sold fa well ahead today on the board of them'in wholesale Package Iota, trade but the grahia held barely Quotation* are funiabsd by die steady in stow early dealings. I Detroit Bureau of llarhets, a* of * a * Friday. Detroit Produc* si t. Broken ascribed die flurry of demand for soybeans to another! private crop survey which, like several others recently, indicated:.—... _ . , — the 1960 yieid will be wen betow iwK. *»riV liuintMU. die government’. September ettfaK »b.b“ mete. O a dr, hiiwMii. H .......... The survey by Lowell Hoit A Co.|K*5t», AnSt*.1***.'' reported yields toom many of the ^l'^S: ?*K.1uwn wu........... first fields harvested fell below lwt to-'...........- |-|| year’s average production, in some Mums Kwios. VW.7.7 in instances aa much as 6 or 10 bush- wstwShrtl^U.'* . i *e els an acre. —During the first several minutes vthe distant soybean contracts advanced major fractions at a cent In spots. Commercial bud though, waa described as slow all Groin Prteos CftMuw. Out*, bu. ......l . Ctbtwte, Re*, bu. ...... Cabbaea. Sprevu. b*. ..... Carmts, ’ I CMitfWWr! Tr*:..' S dm* ... Torn Sweet, I dor. KkhTW- NEW YORK (API - The market steadied early today, making an irregular recovery from Monday') big break. Gains and losses el fractions to a point were scattered among the list of key stocks. A Some of Iflie higher-priced issues which took huge tones Monday came back fairly well. Superior Oil of CaNferaU regained IS of yesterday'* to paint drop. International Besfiwsa Me-rhines reoenped 4 petals ef Ms tlVt polnl loss. Other stocks continued to slide. International Paper dropped more than a point. Texaco lost about a point. Trading waa heavy, the ticker tape lagging behind transactions for a 14-minute spell. Ahead about a petal were each stocks as U. 8. Steel, Metro Oeldwyn-Mayer, Ten* Instrument*. U. 8. Gypeum aad Pda- Cucumber*. Fickle, bu I Cucumber. SU*ss, bu. JlUy. ■.. *%a- .. IJHb Mar .. : if§ ■'hl te..........iflMBfigr jsrv,--;:: lird (drum*)— '* Kohlrabi, do*, beha |JW Tie** ,S5,8S^%.ie' *i: ■ “H » Curly, da*. . i.»% : . lmE j .1.11% ! Fractionally lower were General * Motors. Jones A Laughlin. Good-. itoirich. Boeing. International Nickel. ,5 American Tobacco and Standard • JtolOil of IitdianH. Burlington Indus-; i j* tries dropped H to 17H on 14,200 --J-8I shares. Miss Michigan Won't Have Time for CMU Classes DOWAGIAC (UPD -Donna Jean Shepard, 16, Dowagiac, new Miaa Michigan 1961. has withdrawn from Central Michigan University to concentrate on carrying out her duties as the state’s beauty representative, it was announced today. A ' * dr Min Shepard was given die title of Miss Michigan last week after Nancy Anne Fleming, IS, Montague, the original Miaa Michigan, waa named Miaa America. |PbnMr,i Psppsra, Sweet, I Rsa&rst1 ■_______ das. PMk* . .. Pm*, slacker*, bu. ... RWS: P*ppcr*. Plwlwl*. pa. ... .v The partial steadying tendency •• •ascribed to technical factors — the relative cheapness of stock* following the big drop. eUsa as seme analyst* predicted the lint mu*t sink further befere ___________ making e strong base. • BuHihti! Bt# 4f§ "* •* j §§| ' - RsdisbM. whit*, do*. bch». ..ito| The market was mixed with a J»^t«»dencyattheottming.then Eg?** ldyw be. . ......in began to firm here anS ti sSuMh. Hubbard.'% bu.77. iSl Up slightly wen Ford, ^ Radio —— ••*■.«-■ .........."S Corp.. American Telephone, Ken- ito necott, Phelps Dodge, Eastman • *■* Kodak, Union Carbide, DuPont, General Electric and Royal Dutch. tt.tt » N#w Yo»* Stocks ...,1 Ml (Asrly Morning Quotation, i .... IS* n*uf* •bee ddclmsT point* sr* el*hth* ....Admiral . ;;;;; v.ie'A,r **duc };#* Aiii*detri ■***. J-OO* arsis......4 IS *to» Chal Muatard, be. . .............. US Atom Lt4 <5 aises .... Issr A spokesman tor Miss Shepard said it was decided after conferences with the university and the Miu Michigan pageant people to have Donna withdraw from school for the next year. # nr_1- '* * /* “She’ll be loaded with commitments and will go from coast-to-coast representing Michigan," said the spokesman about Donna’i schedule as Mias Michigan tor the next year, Edison Roports Profits DETROIT to-Detrott Edison Co. has reported net earnings to $36.-324,490, dr $2.35 a share, tor the fiscal year ending Aug. 3L This was an increase of nearly three million doll an from the previous fiscal year. News in Brief Kxia Lanier, SOI Harrises Ave„ reported to Pontiac police yesterday that two watches valued at $200 were stolen from her home. Livestock DETROIT LIVESTOCK cs?g!ggh?*&»y ra*-| UN and t: Mstes iji-jss^^rssrkz; to Mb low*r; osoner* sad eutter* SUsdr: aarara) lead* high —.... ___ jttMM it trial m irn ». dMn KtHLa; jmtdNlu irs UM lb*. OnnisrtodMSiSSi lt»*r* 23. *0-24.5*: cholc* rood 1 utility Curtt, Pub xire ... Edit . _____ , Hot*—Stltbl* t*t; butch*r* Itcudr to DuPont itrong; *o*r* at«*dy; In lit* OJ. if*. 1 Bust Air L tSO-M* lb. welcht* 17 M( mixed Ms. 1 ltd Bsd **d_ J llMtt ibi. li.H-ll.il; few up to EatSb Mil rummage sate Friday, __ 23rd from 6 aAu. to • pm. at OO South Woodward, 1 blocks North of Lincoln. - Ky**l*r*—a»l*bl* ns. Mr sUedy Uib M.M».it; coed and choice M.ti •SO; utilUy and *Und*rd lS.eO-SI.M; ________i furniture. At the Bti- vation Army. . Rad Shield atore, 116 W. Lawrence St., Pontiac. Free customer parking. — Adv. , HOTICt OP PUBLIC REARDtO The Townihip Board of todop*adenct ■’■-wnthlp. Osgjsad Couotj. Mlchiftn. II hold t Public Hesrln* on October « ®. at thoTovaddS KtII. Mm, - to ssaiiiw um US la Um Towsthip Son- Section I. MW V, of OW and OW % of 81 Section I. It) To, IUIM from _ CiO T%Thr W % of w T«. m to^nadetondmcKJmwTCt ..... Twr, at*, soctioa A Am»p * bowing the ptupml change* In th* Zoning DUtrtct* as/ bo uanhied »t th, To«m*hlp Hall during reguter nones or public bearimo Notieo is bsrsbe #V*- --r- ■—^ MdISfc 1 a pabUslNsr-White LtkoTown-s ***>« at tp* Town,hip ■toToiiiiw it Ms, *t to ggaslOsr th* toUowint ___... _ th* rsalaa Map. - Prom Agrtoultsral to iosbisate lag M b* I •hip loaf Hsu M l A tract *f load la tho Nwv*. of aw%, Soc. IAT~«OiR mail fall Town-»hhL Oshlssid U|*Att.*gBsbltta,^ d*-icrSod s* fMMW*: l*4ttMallUJto ~ Wtet 80C. line *f aid See. a. *t MW eerner of Kaclsad Beach Bab, Umptec a «ril” ■ 4T Slyt **oHt.jtoe ef sold aubdl-eecUon linV^tk^UMaM*^1 ttUl*'W HJvSMHf-------------I health, puses sad Uiltf aad AC* hereby ordered te tele effect thirty (Ml dim flaal nsMssc. WRITE LAKE TO ZOKIMO BOABZI m cavm. iS383“ •Jirsal -yla* cha-d. bu. V. TuralOb, ba..... Poultry and Eggs BETBOtT POULTRT DETROIT. Bout. It (API—Price* p pound delivered Detroit for Mo. | ■noil l*t poultry: ■envy typo hone MO; light type ha ll-tt: heavy typo rasstor* evsr » lbs. 1 J7; brotlor* and fryer* M lb*., whit . 1*4 Kellogg ...... . Utf Hay - *o.j Ksanisott . • S j Klmb Ctk ... 8^ Kreege, M . «• KT&lsm :. • ft, Lib McNdcL . 21 jSl*a?j • ' Lent l ets . ■M DETROIT. Soot. II (APi—Eg* prices paid per doson by Ural receiver*: Delivered to Detroit; loose In 10 esaos. Conaumer* grads iIncluding i White*—grad* a ogtrs largo 4P-M; 41-Mi medium 4041; smM J0-JI; brown* — oBfs Mrto «RV**; i*r(* 44- 1 heifer, —sleo •ood to — ji.>wm.w. i.e lands Mali >. heifer. Included at SMI: i«mwto, i*w to 3JB; cutter* UJMI.M: utility Musi . 33 BMditr. . Br5K.J4rfll Brief My .. ■ *>1 S* r ® * 1 14. , H Mpl* Hon ...,u* . 14 Minn M * M g». . ag l Minn PAL IT. . 41 j tisiian Ch .. It. . M 3 Mont ward .. 10. . *4.4 Mot Prod .... M. . M.I MM Wheel ... 14. mob Soup ", I In Pse . . , . . H 1 —pltal Alrt .. 30.3 : Carrier Cp . . 30.J , 34.1 PHe Br , 11 Rat BU* ... 44 Nat C»»h R If * Nat Dairy . *1* Rat Oy* .. *«. Nat Lead ... a j NT Central . Nerf * West SI. Cater Trae ... *4.4 }££. nToi " n Che, A Ob . M 7 STTfi,, S awn* • .414 Rs Sr ::3.i ... Me h gpl ........43.4 at Pl4t ...M-4 Panh ■it Paraa. ..— Jfg rub* D* .. .40. A«i*VETKKN i THE Ml DART — Dodge's entry in the traditional popular-price field, the Dart comes in 29 different models. Above is the 2-door Dart hardtop. The Dart, which comet with either alx or i cylinder engines, goes on display at dealerships on flept. 29. ^Podge’s Entry on Sale Sept 29 I!*!!!!!? , ? Uorf Makes Popular Price Bid 15.000 for Jack DETROIT UTI — The Doiff Daftl In Itn first j sfor 1961 will bid lor sales in thel Dart outpreduc Steelworkers President] popular price field with a new alar Plymouth. Ai_rs_ , , .. —, *ii'grille and front fender line, re- McDonald Sure They'll vsmped fins and repositioned tall Bring Victory |,|shu- M._ C. Patterson- (tenoral man- The new Dart concave grille io of aluminum and resembles the Ford Falcon grille of 1960. Flna e modest; slanting from the rear ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. (API- .ger'of Dodge, said the dart again ? Ihr ■Pa!!!0n.g<:r., Hie United Steelworker* Union iw)n mitch pivmouth Ford and!rlownw*n1' T"11 h,w bew1 - „ mapped plana today to keep IS.-j Chevrolet model for n^odel in boto 'WTred lo ** aboVf ,hc bumPer| ^ la the BkM The Dart will use an altoroator He standaN Instead of generator tor 1961. providing up to 10 amps of electricity at idling speeds.: Engine selection wilt be the same as in I960 with standard equip-brlhg a slanted six-cylinder engine of 14T> horsepower and V-l ot 230 horsepowi DETROIT IP-US. District JudDI Ralph M. Freeman dto- miaaad Monday a suit by two Tototto members «t the Untted Auto Workers charging UAW President Walter P, Reuther and Sac-rrlary-Traaawer (mil Matey with la Ike salt, Hied by laaim Gray aad |uiM MMitonnr. r.euthar aad Maaay nan charged wMh mtauulag t AW dUM msusy la paHtoaa poNHeal cam-palfM aad la eeaaaaflMI nftl the aatoaM tavaattgaHau af the IMP shstgua skuWag ef Reuther. The Thledo mm asked lor an injunction prohibiting political an* t pendlturoe. Gray waa fired in I960 from Me poet of financial aecrctary of UAW | Local 12 In Toledo. Billhrimer te |a member of Local 773 there. Both have been involved In prevtom *uit* against the union. 000 members working in steel Lgc and price. area precincts for Democratic!———-T— - ............... . presidential nominee John K. Ken-! "£vu j. m „„i„„ ^ But Well Can’t Produce idenf, said his union has toat many political action workers already plugging the Democratic cause. He promised Kennedy they will.assure him victory. McDonald's support plus overwhelming endorsement Kennedy by th# more than 3,000 delegates attending: the union's convention here, appeared undiluted by Kennedy's rejection of aj pet union idea favoring a 32-hour wbrk week. Kennedy said that with Soviet Oil Found on Farm in Addison Township steel production rising fast the American steel industry must continue pouring out Meet at a maxi, mum rate under the present 90-hour work (seek. NO. 1 PROBLEM Both Kennedy and McDonald agreed that maintaining fun production and full employment in America is the nation's No- 1 problem. Tests completed tast night at a well on the okl Elmer Fridt farm in Addison Township Hava proved that there is oil in that part of Oakland County. The 133-acre farm on Frick Road about midway between Lakeville and Leonard Is owned by Richard A. Young of 2810 Indian Lake Road, Oxford. Reo Transferring Division to Lansing LANSING W - The Dlamond-T I Truck Division of the White Motor Kennedy promised that If elect- Co. is being transferred to the Reo ed he would call together leaders Division of the White Arm here, of industry, labor and government! John T. Tsoker, Reo division gen-to plan means tor achieving thatleral manager, said today, i * Kennedy charged the Eisen-| Completion of the transfer to ' administration’ has given1 Lansing wilt be completed by the the problem littie attention. lend of the year and will add about quantltte* McDonald said that despite!300 workers to Reo employment,; deposit*. Kennedy's refusal to support a Tooker said, sho • “We Have confirmed that there is oil la this ares, hat we are unable to prodiieo It et this mil," reported Arch Tuirentiae, coowner of Petroleum A seeds tee of Detroit. standard Dodge Polar a on Sept. to. Expect 800 at State Aging Conference LANSING (UPIi -An estimated 600 people are expected to attend a state conference on aging hare Wednesday and Thursday, officials 1 said today. Gov. G. Mermen Williams Sen. Pat McNamara, D-Mich.. will speak at the two-day session. ♦ '' ♦ A Manfred Lilllefors. director of the Michigan Commission on the! Aging, said eight arew affecting the Ufa, work, health and future of the aging would ha covered during toe discussions Recommendations made during the eeiaian will be used “to plot a course tor the future activity of the commission," Lilllefors said. BUSINESS OUTLOOK TNI NEXT «K MOiTNt... WHAT SHOULD WE EXPECT? i company doing T\irrentinF the drilling. SEEK OCEAN REEF He said when work first began nt an underground, prehistoric ocean reef was being sought. believed le contain large oil and natural gas WHICH INDUSTRIES SNOOID BENEFIT MOETI LEAST? For yaur fret copy of the Ifld* riHoneial OUTLOOK, pi hr one •( the country's landtag Investment management organisations, scod I' ‘ ’ C. I. Nephler Co. •II CmumrIIt lUttaul Buk Bldf. FI 2-9117 T—24. ____ ■horter work 1 his minion- “We think wc'n the edm member union will seek it by legislation in Congress next year and also in contract negotiations with steel firms in 1962. McDonald, saying that clerical and technical workers are replacing “muscle men" in the steel mills, called for renewed efforts to organize white-collar workers. "The {set is." he said, “that in the mills they’re even calling the machine oilers lubricating engineers;” Ex-German Commander of Belgium Wed at 82 Tooker said.the move would be made despite an offer by Chicago Dlamond-T workers to take a wage cut. The firm has been” building trucks in Chicago since 1909 and employed about 950 workers in recent years. Reo now employ* some 1,200 workers in truck production. Ballet Russe Cancels 9 Weeks of U.S. Tour NEW YORK fAPI-The Ballet Russe de Monte Carlo has canceled the first nine weeks of a national tour. Sergei Denham, director of the ballet company, said Monday the American Guild of Musical Artists, which represents the company's dancers, caused the cancellation by insisting on demands the company could not afford. No of the reef now," Turreptine said. He said there was a good possibility that oil could be pumped out If the major part of toe reef were found.. Turrwrtine said oil showings wore found 8undu> at a depth of about 4.M* feet. Tests conducted yesterday showed that ground where the oil located isn't porous enough to get the deposit out, he said, Berkley Couple's Son Fatally Burned in Nevada The 24-year-old son of a Berkley couple died yesterday of burns suffered in a gasoline truck explosion at Fallon Naval Air Base, near Reno, Nev. ! 1_144-IS4 |fe*. 140-194 lb* 440 Ik* raw* I. MOO 13.74- Pontiac Burglar Gets Scared by Housewife The “pall” reached a Pontiac burglar early this morning, and off he went. A * A • He’d broken into the home of Jerry Bosbee. 44, of 233 W. Wilson Ave., by reaching through a milk chute and unlocking a door. The intruder crept through the home aad shined his flashlight tie t wife Conola, 41, was awake. Thinking the burglar to . be her son. site whispered a greeting. It waoi’t welcome to hta ears. He immediately ttamd on Ms heels and fled out toe front door. Nothing was stolen. Dtarborn Boat Engino Firm Bought by Eaton DEARBORN tlk-Tbe Eaton Man-ufactu ring Co. of Cleveland has ptirrhaard Dearborn Marhie ‘ H| makers of Inboard tost engines, in a cash deal. Brace R. Dodds, president of the Dearborn said Tuesday. No figures were Boetaa’e Logan Airport has the Meat InstraniiMt runway in the turned States and am of the tang-ilnt (10,022 feet) in the world. J Frcn Si Fruen 1 gt inn . , Ttt Rrr Tob 147.3 Roval Out . *3J . Safeway St . . Its J -St B*« -f»» . . tt-4 $M*a* w. • a*.4 s*ara Ro*b v. w» b! ay “ J Sparer Rd . *> • std MUM . raw* oat .. " RJ IPW.-i-’.. ii, MOW. * THmk B B*»r ’ 5 4 Tran W Air ; t Tran tamer . ut Underwood . ; J UnCarbld* . ; 8 ? UBlTVlr Lin . « Unit Aire .. . 37.t Unit FYvH .. NASSAU. Germany (AP)—Former Ooi. Gen. Alexander von Fal-kenhausen, 82, ex-commander of German-occupied Belgium, married the widow of a Belgian in-dustralist in a civil ceremony toil .3 day. S Cecile Vent. 54. the attractive GuUd WM lmme" The victim, WiUlam E. BeDell. U J|bride, has taken care r 2-9117 818 Community National' Bank Bldg. ber of the maoey-sllocating ways requested several months a£b to and means committee. Horton said study toe feasibility of makii« the toat K (he efinfc wta to continue three cprnmtostanera strictly as a county function it should be policy-making members and not placed. under' some departmental administrative officers also. ......... A NEW SALES CAREER . . . Wo will help a man or woman of intsilipenct, pood character and energy to establish a respected and profitable business in their community, spsetejizfng in the sale of Mutual Investment Fund Shares. ' Those who are capable of taming from $7,500 to $15,000 a year, who have the capacity for development, wilt find this a rare opportunity to (nereaie their prestige as well as their earnings, on a commission basis. THIS BUSINESS HAS EVERYTHING:' Profit Growth — Personal Security end Dignity Public acceptance of mutual funds Is growing rapidly,.. ever s million dollars $ day. We are national distributors for one of the nation's tarpatt and fastest growing mutual funds. Experience In this field |s not necessary, if you have vision and courage. We will give you thorough training1 and full cooperation. mf U '/Tsf Call for Appointment GEORGE REUTTER, Divisional Manager WADDELL l RfED, INC Principal Underwriters far United Fundi lac;, FE 4-3186 Vd$TiAeech, authorities said. Mayor Scolds Police Chief toe Baltic to New Yet*, is hp> lag moored m toe Bar* 7* In the Bast River aear tot V. jL to nano, if we are to reach • plateau of I set lag peace,’’ says Henry Cabot Lodge. GOP caadi- ‘‘In spite of tot torrential rain a lot of people haw gathered lor the appearance of toe head of the soviet delegation. . .’* (No mention was made of dem-onatrations against KhraahtRev by aoti'Conmuniata). Correspondents far the Soviet party newspaper Pravda de -scribed Ute aboard ship on the voyage. Although Moscow reported there hod been same seasick-aess, the csrrespsadcato said .Uodge spoke to A Republictn gathering Monday night before leaving for New York and more "The ebullient energy of Nikita Sergeyevich Khrushchev is literally charging and inspiring all the participants in this historic voyage,** they said. > A “calm, business-like atmosphere "prevailed on the trip, they reported. dr * * “N. S. Khnuhchev has bfcen setting the fashion in the life of the ship — by his untiring activity and his invariably simple and friendly attitude toward toe people about him.'' Tlie radio described the pier where the ship docked as “decorated With the Soviet,. Ukrainian, Byelorussian, Hungarian, Bulgarian and Romanian flags.'" Lodge Stressing AttURY PARK, fU. (AP) m The former ambassador to the U.N. Hid America newt be etrong to ‘dtooourage al tola its actors other countries; . propaganda front “with (rots and truth." and continue to pursue constructive diplomacy. Lodge received a 10-minute etanding oration from IRO persons ss he and his wile walked to the stage In the Asbury Park hall. protesting work during tot Jewish New Year holidays bacanaa of the security emergency created by toe Untied Both Wagner and Kennedy wen angry after the mayor called the commlaaioner on the carpet at a dosed conference at CKy Hall. Kannedy was red-faced as he stormed out of the meeting. Wagner was t< I at a news con- bean angry. The mayor said heatedly; **i can gat mad, too. He is toe police commissioner, and I am the mayor, and everybody better understand that." Kennedy had announced last week that all vacations and days off wow canceled tor his 24.000-member department tar toe duration of the Uni......... Some of the 1,300 Jews in the department protested against being forced to work during toe high Holy Days, starting at down Wednesday with Rosh What riled Wegner coaunont on a television program Sunday: “When are these men religious? The other a weeks of the year we don’t hear anything about ft. Or Is that one week in the year they gat reHgtoas?*' Kennedy, * Roman Catholic wheat wife la Jewhh. told Catholic mayor at their meeting at City HaO that he was confident a way would be worked out to give Jewish policemen tone off to ebrerw Rosh Htaaana Without impairing the greatest security setup hi the city's Mstory. Cites Vote Split on Dem Ticket Morton Soys Kennedy, Johnson Hove Balloted Apart 239 Times This news as-merited policy, but no extra play, tor Khrushchev has been followed by toe Voice since his arrival Monday. His appearance in New York was the first Item on many of the UA propa-radio newscasts. But It was only one of a number of items, and it noted the chilly reception lor the Soviet premier as well as pleas for peace and disarmament. t year Khrushchev's remarks to the United Nations and elsewhere were canted in great volume over toe , U.S. short wave transmitters. At that time Red leader was here as Eisen-L bower’s guest on an official U. & officials explained. WASHINGTON (AP) -r The Republican national chairman said Monday Sens. John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson have' been on opposite sides of 238 Senate roll rail votes since 1953. * * Sen Thruston B. Morton of Kentucky said the Texas (Democratic tomorrow will Hoffa Reporting on Political Cash Won't Mention Names but Says Kennedy Is Totally Unqualified CHICAGO UP — James R. Hoffa j ■ays his Teamsters Union is spending “hundreds o( thousands of dollars" to help political candidates— bid wont say whom. * * * *Tm not going to say who we’ve helped financially.'' the union chief ■aid Monday, “because you know R would just cause a M of fins.' Asked how ho felt about the Republican candidate, Vice President Richard M. Nixon, Hoffa cora- U2 Spy'Story Now for Sale by Pamphlet LONDON (UPT>—The “trial of American U2 spy pilot’’ in pamphlet form was put on sale here today by the Russian Embassy. The M-page English language pamphlet with 14 pages sf photographs and texts gives the Rasirtaa version of the capture sad trial of Fraado Gary Powers whs was sentenced to M years spying an (he Soviet Uaieo. Several of the pictures show Powers in his flight clothing shortly after he was downed hut May 1 near Sverdlovsk in Siberia. give Johnson, toe Democratic vlce-preeidential candidate,* “a good chance to explain'’ why he Kennedy, Democratic presidential nominee, have opposed each other these- "important Senate roil calia.” ♦ * • | "Johnson and Kennedy could ild a debate on their basic differences — taking, opposite sides on such issues as the oil-gas depletion allowance tor example," Morion said in a statement-. "The roster of their disagreements, however, covers the entire span of national issues. They have voted on opposite sides of the fence on such matters as housing, highway building, dvil rights, mutual security, interest rates And agriculture.” Shirt Cotchos on Crib Slat, Baby Strangles ROSEVILLE OP — Nine-month-old Jefferd A. McWherter of Roseville apparently strangled wbien he slipped through a hole In Ms crib Monday, police said. - Hie boy's mother Audrey discovered Jefferd hsnging by his undershirt from the jagged edge of a www broken slat in the side of his crib. Others show him during and The family, including two other! after the trial aqd displays of what children, had moved here two is described as tho U2 wreckage, weeks ago from Pennsylvania. "Well, at least Nixon didn't sponsor bills intended to wreck the fabor movement.”' , Hoffa, blaming Kennedy for peerage of the labor-reform Landrum-} Griffin bill, said there would be I It Kennedy were elected. meet hare Wednesday to u55» i Dios After Fall Injury 1 |*GqjCEN BAY. wiK ito-Josei* ' Horner Jr., ft, general mamre ■ mi yibe puratotel «f Green Bay ijlewupapcr Oo.. opera cr of the Green Buy Press Csartte and- ru-j ' too station WJPG, died Sunday. He bp! been injured nine (toys ago in a Ml. at home. j Death Notices Orion; aft ft; Soar brother of Mica Jenata D*lgleiab: alao anr-ritesHim ntotooaad srohowg, Walter BeUagh officiating. Intee-moot in Imtrooa Cemetery. Uki AOOORDION-.VRMED - New York CMy firemen don’t come (tydpped with strange coat sleeves libs these. The odd embellishments are collapsible air ducts, used to pump air to firemen, working to smoke. 'Unfit were used to s subway blue.''’" ' dear brother of Thomas nod Jack Donctrfiold fad Mrs. Ooono WU-ooa. fnnorol aervlee will is bsM Thursday, Bapt K_fti »•». from the Blchardaoo-Btrd Funeral Homo. MUlord. with Rev. Wayne £L .TrtSrfK- norsl Homo. MUfortL_ XMsaaoN, ssrr to. toss. DBLMAr Dowry, il S. Fnlrmount; age 41; beloved husband of Mary top; •«n; beloved MO of TlWU and Mildred gmeraan: door father it ■rune and David Lee Kmeraoa; dear brother of Mrs. Ila Bodeon. ,s; BS KZFM.'ib Rev. Theodore R. AH tones efftel-otlns. Interment la Perry Mount Park demotery. Mr. Rmerioa will to la stele at ths Run too* Funeral Home. __________ FtohinrSwT^ H, Itos. hsittk Loulte. MM Orengogrwva. Wswr-ford Town «hlp: ana IS; denr mother A Vslsro Florin. Mra. Raaatll iunion) Chrtate, Albert tloene Recitation of tbo Roenry SSy ol the Ltoee Church with Rev Fr F J. DeUnev olflctotlm Interment tn MtT OUvet Cemetery. Detroit Mrs. FlsrlS SjUl to pi etato at OMSjNaaralBome, J141 Snehabaw Road. Drajrle* FlaUu. until S:M a m. Tbarodoy Box.' SSFT. IS. MSS, OSCAR RAY-mond. Ml Cottaco » ; ass M; doar faihar M Mrs, yraab i Myrtle l Denver. Mri Lola Oreen-hoe. Mwrtt{, Harold and M. Sft. lutymoao m; wr V u. Mri Fraaoee JoIumob. Mrs. Lydia Wiaa> Sad Mto Idas gtovsilhs eervlee wul bo hoM Thureday. QODLXT. f on AVS.I ass mm- uTiv.n -......... of Charlotte M. Ooulet: doar iathsr of Doaoid F. ooulet: doar brother of Stater Mery Ale*. Mre Cecil Duncan, Mrs Irene kepple. Mr*. LUy Ttmn. Robert. SmlL Bn»-— Victor SfL Rut--— . ...» „_„..d Ooulet; Uoa turvlved by dmt iraadchlldron. Rocltt-tfon of the Rosary wul bs at I, p.m. Tutaday at the Doaeltea-Johnt Funeral Homo. Funerol xervloe wlU be hold Thurxloy. Benedict'Church. * “ will to la tuue at th , Jims FtostaTiMwas. age 11; beloved wife of Duane Haddoai dear mother of John. Fred. Pomelo and Kimberly Rad-. topi doar oitorr af Harold. Richard. LtoUo. Barbara and Myrto Lawrone*. Funoral aervlee wlU be baP UrodasadayJMsA- tj, at * a j*. from ths HHl Faaarai Home, lim B. Sattnaw. Orand Blanc, with tor. Jarry Layman ofllelat-tn«. intermoat In Ortoavtlle Carnot ate atMtha HtU^tounaral 'Home. Orand Blanc.___________' . _ mawnati.; SKPT IS. 1SS«. HARRY. SSI Sharon; a« SO; beloved huo-bond of Orn A. Randall; doar father at Mbs. Allan Fullenwlder; dear brother of Ooorn and toward Randall. Mrs, John Slatea and Mra. Forraat Renfrew: ata# a arrived by throe praadebUdren. Puaeral aerwIce will bs held Thursday, Sspt. M, at k p.m. from the Donelaon-John* Funeral Rome. Interment la White Chapel. Mr. Raadail.wtilto to Mats at Dontlaon-Johna Funoral Rams. RAMII«r SSPT II. 1SSS. WILLIAM F.. 144 Mach ante to.: aaa TS; be-loved huaband of Murie Ramin: dear father of Chartae F!. WUtom and Mavnard S. Ramin, Mra. Marvel Ooodaetl. Mr*. Betty Rlb-bort and Mra. Qladra Kaebauah; dear brother of Can Ramin; auo aurrtvad by II sraadtomdrea. Funeral csrnca wul be haM Wednei- ... Claua otflclatlay. — _______ la Itarry Mount Fark I Cemetery. Mr. Ramin will he in atate at Sparlts-Orttfla Funeral Home uatu wadasaday sons. SIMPSON SSFT. It, 1SSI. CHASIJB 8 . 10* Home; ago SO: dear father of tosTMta a. Ktitaa. WURaa - B. and Thomaa B. Blmpooa; alao •arrived by four wraadchildrea and flea treat-traadehlldrea. Funeral aervlee will be hoM Wednea- r&rsSrto Sfsr2idiS« mortal mrMM Tr tirx~~ win lie In (tot* at the Raataoa Funeral Rams, ■ • . ^____ THORNBURO, SSFT IS. 1SS0. RBI-neth ST. It Carter St.; am to: beloved mb sf Mra. BSRta Ttori-bury Lamb: alee aarvlvad by aev-erai ntseea and notomwa. Funeral service will be bald Ttojstoy. S3^a ampto^wttta Rfc^Ha hank officiating. Interment la Hoeslasd Part. Mr. Ttoraburs win lie la state at ths Apsm- Ortlfla Funeral Mmss.___ THURMAN, SEPT- IS, tMST&RSMB O., SM KFrsiK Mralngham; age W; beleewd hatosad of Dorothea Thurman: dtor father of Mm. ikirtRii Mr% R. witoaa Button, Mra. Jack Oerrard and Haiias Thurman; danr brother of Mra. B. A. Tbpoortoa bad USM Thurman; alee aarelvad bp IS graadshUdren sad Urns iff air grandchildren. Xlka Lodge of row will bo at S pjaT toda toQtatoW ** = S p.m today „ _____________ay Funeral Rome, Birmingham. Funeral aervlee will be heU Wedaekday, Sapt. 11. at 1 p.m. from the Manley Bailey Funeral Rome, Birmingham with pr W. Olen Harris offloiaUng Interment la Bo a a 1 and Park. Berkley Mr. fhurman w^n ile In atate at tha_|faal*y Bailey Fa-aaral tome, Meatoiigham YTOANB. SEPT. U. 1SSS. CARL L., JSSVi Mt. CTemena St ; am |>: aervlee wUI be HR ttotallpl. SS. at Y:IS p m. from the ApStoS-Orlffla ChapoJ. FwUowlag the aervlee MM, M». Vedane wUI be tatoS to ItaaiMw,', IfMt, tor. aervlee la ttanmtar Mothodht Church at > pjb. Wedaeeday. Sept. SI. Interment la msaatot Towruhlp Cemetery. — Oriffln* funeral*Boa SMokS «LfT.£ w|to toe. tffitaafias. At W aj wmtm* .. _ offtea to toe hRawtog toaaaf S,VkK 14, ATA m, «, r,««,«, w, m n, sk si tf, ms» Mt us, UK ViwitetUDiractera 4 ^COATS win Donelson-Johns nattt i Isaadiwr I Vcx>rhe©s-Sipl© ■HlifiMi BOMB. i IB _ CinwtifyUU I OAKLAND RILL MRSIOtolAU S choice lota. 4 gravea an. SaoUoa C. Haas. term*. BB S-ISM. PSRRT MT. PARK CSMSTUY". ggauUfiU « grora lot. Will divide. Th* rwito Prato FOR WANT ADS DIAL FE 2-8181 Fraa S am te S pm lAr&d*rISlo£3fliAtt «iM*ity *^r”*erwa than to oonool tho chargaa far tost portion of MJM InaerUon of tho advertlao- adTuatmer without H Ctealar time tor advei.— tv DC la Ts o'clock noon tho day pravloua to publication. adFZS&sSm -ijssui ~ ' macrtloo. ub« i*wi J-u»n s-usjs !1U Jill An stoWtaiml charia cf HA) W—ted Male A • MEN WAHTRDJR SERVICE DB-partment as welfaaTa atomsins department. Mato bo married and haws car. Paid while you Uara. r Apply 4*7 S. Saylaow, no phono tala swass. 10 BOYS uraday Sop a.wa - ** *'■ Apply la POraon Bert Fafkner CIRCULATION DEPT. THE PONTIAC PRESS a mechanically mMitSaBb rouns'man tor aalOa dept. oxceL lent oaratom, an aalsry plaa Ub-. oral commission* Salas «!». pre-ferred but dependable mad worker moat Important, Can Ur. Rasa-Ittoa. Capitol Appllanoa. FB AMBITIOUS Young men, JAM tor aoOootloa department of national c^jaata- s-oaoj! s-6 p m.____________ A TOP RANKQfO NATIONAL CON-eern asads t amniad mm n to 4) to torvlss satabllahed customer* la a parsMacat ysar around local f ranch load tarrltary. Tremendous repeat baclaea* and opportunity tot' advancement Wo A F AST TIMt AOS If you are free 1 to It p.m., neat aSyJbgabto to ' qualify mi job that will enable yon to ann BUMP AND FAINT MAN. SALARY. LswYtr' i Collision. SSU Cass Lake Rand, Koogo Harbor. BARBER WANTED TALBOT’S Barber Shop. SM Joalyn. BUILDER B R 0 K Elk NEEDS salesmen—sales manager. Please call Mr. Pane, OR SmSS. FOUR-MEN OR WOMEN WITH ears to (IB vaesnotas. Pan or . - — essii'ltoita to aara a. US N Perry. |:H HA)WffiWllUll 4 Needed Immedutely s mea 0tft to, YWto a POLL TIME REAL ESTATE aalaaman wanted to handle Trt-level project to Draytsa area. Ea-cbltent opportunity for the Individual willing to wait. Contest Warren tout. Realtor. Tf X. Saftnaw HOME IMPROVEMENT COMPANY needs salesmen Oood rate af'pay. Come Is far interview. Dare Btoghto On.. SIS Joelyn, cantor HiTnOTMAN m IdteDs trail- ortataLRA 4*A MAH FOR ROUTK wORK. APPLY 44SS Ellaaboth Laks itd. aftbr I. MEN — TRAIN PON BEATY EQUIPMENT OPERATION. So* Northwest Schawl* under 10. Ed-ucatlon laatracuoa. EXPERIENCED MSN POR SHOE •tore mnneftr and satosatta to PnnUae arm. CaOLt MkM, m. Manko, tor latoivtaw. JWW 'fcVtiY(Ri_ A

to-dnotry — moay aspartnal- • ■sr‘p4“^sir5 write Drayton Plains. P.O, Sot 4i LADIES IS OR oVki. PART TIME wort. 4 MW* a day. Mob. through SSS" Exgmrtoaoe ^ ^4gaa»ema ry^ ttes for ad ranee moat, ■ltdgo> Stops arranged. CM Ml tefarasttoa today -Mng^manfT OPERATOR. " • Pul la coupoa below sad mails*: RBAVT EQPIFMRNT division Northwest Schools. sank, h 5-314 Bax to. Pontine oprotog toAeb^achooT *TUxeda pram. . . . Name .'. ;..;>!Y! Address v City Ago .... Mate toJedwJb. County .......... Bra. Wrtd.: ff«R...’.„..t..q.AMrt CHINA PAMTIBO CLASS OPEN- Finish High School Wtefc Wm*4 MMe 11 teT ci^y^syRNTEY PshoLllach. cleoned.~rit fmf A l CARPRirrxR and caSinet work. Repairs and addltiwu. OR SSISS.^^ _______________ Ata CARPENTER —' RECREA- AJv£p&saimo* CABINET MAkER AND CARPER- ■' ta^ERcheac n apaotoRy. PE CABINET AND TRlri W#K i»-modelin* of aU ktoda. M yrt._af aijjMgwaa*. Free aoftmaloa. PE CABraifiR a cement '4NIK-' WY. * Nm a ape- tiAKFtHTn WoRk 6P ANY kind, sjiayia. Call after • FAMILY MAM B WANTS WORE of any (kind, desperately. OR HMS. *____________ ' FIRST CLASS CARPENTER Small. jobs - a specially. PE 5-1841 or PK »401T. JOT PETERMAN cement work of all ktoda. mom-watt*, boaementa, floors drlva-way*. PE 1-8847. lit Froapect St. Ucanaa and Bend.___. MAN M j6eCRK| WORK maiTwishesPARTTIME' WORlf From 4:00 a.m. to 1:00 a m FE Tib TRIIOOft MteDR JOB. BAB own MU-paatM*. sat a 80ao. WALL WASHUtO RY JNACB. RUG8 uphol.. eloMaal TWBim. ■ wmitWMFmb FltolW_________ Work Wanted Female 12 A-l WA8HINO And ironino tf. per bushel or Ironing 8J a bushel. Plck-ua and deUvery. OR S8178. R^BTMTTINO^^LOynfO CARE - DAY WORE REFERENCES. FE .MRS."' IRONINOS AND DAY W&Bi MIDDLEAQED WOMAN 0E8IRE8 Ujht^housework. May nlghU. PE MUfEOORAPHINO TYPINO. SEC-rotarial aorvlco. EM 1 MM. VENETIAN BUNDS, MACHINE Hm^^mmm|fitaM|jmHhtoa.W S 5-1724. Ught^r^ln^anawerlng telephone washinos tn '! k'6 n t n o~8 wanted. OR 84088. WASHINOS AND IRONINOS. PICE to aad iaMrer. PE AJUST WILD toii'Ml'oi'YRBL-drea In my home. PE 8-1712. young lad¥"~WiYH "mF~traS ^ ' '' Brf(te| Serwe ~' 13 l-A-l ALUMINUM 8IDINO with Celotex Insulation INSTALL .NOW AND RAVE BIO MONEY THIS WINTER Complete bo -STORMS 8 I -aanay dr-liradi a JOE ■ JOE YALLELY •The Old Reliable Pioneer" OL 148S1_________ OL 141II A-l FLOOR 8ANDINO" wrrr THE FLOOR SANDER PE 5-3722 FABULON • WATTMlLOK - ERUCE - A-I CARitklfTRY -Additions — Basements ' AtUca — Oarages - OET MY BID PlRBT - n VmS elllng till Oabti .eeTOra' CEMENT WORK. l W. Caplea. MT c Homs Barrie*. FE 8-1887. BARGAIN Lew triced. CEMENT WORK OP ALL KINDS Nothing too torso or «tooH. Commercial or residentotl. Myra.experience. free estimate. OR 14172. COMPLETE REMODELING BERV-lee. Basement* undor profant . tujgge*, addfttana CEMEN1 Keith 1 f,^84 ELECTRICAL 1_—------- PARTNEY Electric. FE 54438. xxbAVATiNO aRd tRenchino toy septic Ionia, drain Bolds. ELECTRIC BEAT. INSULATION, and^wMn^^UtUn Eloetrlc. BM FIREPLACES Custom Built by ROTH •" '1 ■ ■ fRirast FREE ESTIMATE ON ALt ELEC- HAVE YOU- A Wet Basement Drain Dry Constriction Co. MEfAMORA OS MM or IUNT PI 1-8513 SAVE ENERGY, USE WANT ADS! To find s job, place to live Or • good used rar, see Cturi-fied NOW! \ . THK PONTIAC PBBSS, TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 80, I960 -Todays Television Programs- - TONIGHTS TV 6:99 (2) Movie (began at 5 p.m.) ' (4) “ (7) (9) Popeyu. (56) Japansue Brush Painting, Mt Fuji. MB (7) Neat * •:» (4) Weather. * 6:99 (2) (4) Neva. * 3 (7) Boots and fiaMlea, (9) Quick DrewfitoGrpUk’' * (56) Youth Dances. : / 6:69 (2) News Analyst ? (4) Sports. CIS (2) (4) News. Sport*, r. <56) Philosophy ot Han. 7:69 (2) Tiger Baseball. (4) Shotgun Slade. (7) Expedition. (9) Movie. Robert Walker. '’What Next, Corporal Hargrove?” (’45). 7:99 (2) Baseball (began at 7). <4) Laramie. (7) Sugarfoot. , ‘ (9) Movie (began at 7). (56) Redman’s America. 9:99 (2) Baseball (began at 7). (4) Laramie (amt.) (7) Sugarfoot (cont.) (9b Movie (began at 7). (56) Heritage. CS9 (2) Baseball (began St 7). (4) United Nations. • (7) Kennedy Speech. (9) Encore. (56) American History. 9:99 (2) Baseball (began at J). (4) Thriller. (7) The Rifleman. (9) Encore (oont) 9:99 (2) Baseball (began at 7). (4) Thriller (coot) (7) Colt .45. (9) Front Page Challenge. 9:99 (2) Baseball Scoreboard. 1C 99 (2) Diagnosis: Unknown. ' (4) Hour of Mysteries. (7) One Step Beyond. (9) News. 19:16 (9) Weather. 19:99 (9) Telescope. 19:99 (2) Diagnosis (cont.) . (4) Mysteries (cont) ‘ (7) Mike Hammer. (9) News. 19:46 (9) Hazel Park Race Results. 19:16 (9) Movie: Toby Robins, “Sun in My Eyes. News, Wei 1 Venture. :96(2)Movie. Alan Ladd, MOJS.&'* 046). :99 (4) Jack Paar. (7) Citizen Soldier. WEDNESDAY MORNING M (7) Funews IS (2) Meditations. W (2) On the Farm Front. 15 (2) TV College. W (4) Today. (7) Breakfast Time 19 (2) Felix the Cat. N> (7) Johnny Gingetv . 16 (2) Captain Kangaroo 10 (7) Stage 3 19 (4) ! Married Joan. J (2) Movie. MB (7) Exercise (4) Eaarise. 1:65 (4) Fay* Elizabeth test, (4) Dough Re MI • « IT) News. 19H9 IT) Movie. 19:16 (9) BWnaidL •CM 44) Play Your Hunch. (9) Mag Pong School. (Tfrmi* «f Fashions U:M (2) I Love Lucy. (4) (color) Price Is Right 77) Divorce Tlserlag (!) Romper Room 11:19 (2) Ostr Horizon. (7) Topper. (4) G (2) Movie. (7) Johnny Olngw. (•) Looney Tunes. CM ID My Friend Flicks. CM II) Jac LaGott. • WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON :09 (2) Love of Life. i4) Truth or Cunaequences (7) Restless Goa. (9) Traveling Time. it:90 (2) Search for Tomorrow. (4) Could Be You. (7) Queen for n Day. (9) Myrt and Doris. 19:46-(2) Guiding Light 19:96 (9) Newt. (2) Our Miss Brooks. (4) Bold Purney. (7) About Faces. (9) Movie. (2) As the World Turns. IT) Lite of Riley. t:M (2) Medic. - • (4) Jan Murrey. (7) Day in Court t:M (2) House Party. (4) Loretta Young. (7) Gale Storm. (2) Millionaire. 14) Young Dr. Malone. ,17) Beat the dock. (9) Movla. cm (2) Verdict 1$ Yoon. (4) Mem These Roots. (7). Who Do You Trust? CM (2) Brighter Day. (4) Thin Man. (7) American Bandstand. CIS (2) Secret Storm. CM (4) Taney Derringer. (9) Robin Hood. j (2) Edge of F’ght. (4) (color) George Pierrot Red China Signs Guinea Treaty Pitping to Lond Millions Without Interest to Get Foot Into Africa TOKYO (UPI) — Communist China has taken the first step In whet Peiping hopes will be march through the Dark Continent ★ * i The first step is an historic treaty of frCndshlp with tbs Republic of Guinea which Peiping's official Feoplb’a Dally said opened a “new page In history of relations between Chian at ' **“■“ to going to mOHon. That'* what" the Chinese Reds have offered to lend Guinea interest tree end no-ctrings-tttacbed for economic development BARRED — Archbishop Cor-redo Bafile, apostolic nuncio from the Vatican to West Germany, was kept from entering East Berlin .Sunday. Reman Catholic authorities said he was on his way to attend a Christian j hour at the Church of the Holy I Family. r r r 1 r 15 IT IS 11 IT Ir IT y L r ■r ST "i ■ c 1 r W » i S jb r J r 1 M 96 IT ■ H r d y ir H r r ML ir r 4? w It si String on Communism Gomulka Is as Devoted as They Come BMned along with the treaty was a trade ot payments agree* The Peiping press ! greements is a China's relations Africa and hxflrectly compared the development with the recant Red Chinese diplomatic coup fit Cuba—recognition by Cuban Premier Fidel Castro's regime. ★ * * Peiping was — and still is -hind the Nationalist Chinese in the diplomatic battle for recognition and support by the African nations, and the Communists have had little more than a toehold in black Africa. 9 • But the agreement with gives the Chinese Reds n firm Truck Firm Reports Safe Broken Into Ughl Those New — Pass the Asp NEW YORK (UFD-"Jactart Bowling,” which mad* Its debut last night on NBC TV, epttomtoss "m major tyrannies of teievtatoa. They've tampered with every* ting and coma up with a show that'* nothing. Bari* n | The filmed comedy spooned _ut aom swtyback Rates abort,, hwMSWfcl law, bad MMftlMH MX REACTS - Speaking briefly to an impromptu gathering bt members of the American nationalities for Nixon-Lodge Monday, President to this subtle evaluation of the tf IMhi arrival of many Comrmmist leaders tor n U. N. session: "There seems to be some troublemakers Uv O—MHf imuniiti, 1 • uitait By GEORGE gYVERTIEN WARSAW. (AP)—Unlike most of his countryman, Communist chief Wladyslaw Gomulka is well-known in Poland for his deep-rented distaste for almost every-thing Western. v What attset Gomuta’9 first visit toths noivCominunist half dk the world will hnrerth the tar Marxist to a subject of lively lie-' cussion among* the Poles. Some point out tat Westerners He begad to organise Commu- _____________nlat labor groups shortly World War I and went to prison several times during the 1930s for hit efforts. During the German occupation at World War O, Gomulka became ___Te than 95.000, in checks and cash were stolen Wrer the weekend from a trucking company in Bloomfield Township, police said day. Missing from the Associated TracY Line!, 1410 FrankUn Road, was $4,885 In checks and 9385 in cash. ' ' ‘ ' It was earlier reported that the Kramer Trucking Co. of the seine address had been entered by thieves. The two firms occupy the same building and their offices are separated only by a partition. Bloomfield Township polios said tat ta Associated Track Line’s safe was tanked Into with a chisel. The break-in was discovered by township police during petrol. er of Poland’s strata to maintain aome semblance * of independence from Moacow .often lose aight of his' unswerving devotion to communism. The hard-faced first secretary’ J ta Polish United Workers (Communist) party Stands dkt in sharp contrast to most of his party comrades whose brand of communism has never been noted for its orthodoxy. Although undistinguished as a Marxist theoretician, Gomulka is able to still most Communist critics of bfe policies with the reply tat he is a worker and he knows hat ta workars want. Gomulkd has spent most ot his 55 yean .in ta Communist movement. The eon of an oil worker hi Kroano, in southeast Poland. fiffwuihfi went to work at 14 as a blacksmith. Attar hit restoration to power In October 1956, Gomulka eased off most of the screws of Stalinist pressure. But since then ever-increasing problems, moat of them economic, have tod to a general tightening of controls by ta Polish Communist regime. A hard worker of ascetic tastes, Gomulka has tittle use‘ for the frfils tat go with Hph office. He has none of the eoisr and das' that plaaaas crowds. * I Next, they've take* a perfectly good sport, bow made it a TV format. That to, they’ve got ta professional bowlers working at fever trying to out-rtrika each other lor big money prisrs. The players alee meet compete jateet the dock, the rammer-stale and Berte. mm night, they didn’t get a chance to finish ta big match because ot the need to squeeze in that last commercial. 9r dr ♦ For tat matter, Berie couldn’t jnlsh a comedy skit because of the need to start that final game. They’ve even tampered with the audience. It wasn't a normal bowling alley I reap, ret a brigade 4f TV alare, all trylag to leek Interested. They tampered with the laughter, toe, I reaped. Berie deserves better. Bowling deserves better. And I think we a Uttto better, loo. Harry Morgan and CtefR llama ptetray Pete and Gladys Foliar end Verna Fait on, another Now if they could get Cast** to write their scripts, ateyba tbt/4 have something. * • If you have thrilled to' "Hi £f> retta Young Show,** lost your heart to ‘The June Ailyson Show," sad maybe sobbed a Mt over "My Trite !y live in constant fear of his short tamper and sharp tongua. Most Poles and Western oh-_ervers here agree that a firsthand look at % capitalism is not likely to have any significant effort on GomuUi’i dyed-in-the-wool Communist convictions. Through no fault ot Us own, ta new CB8-TV series "Pete and Gladys’* came aUvt at the addway point last night. It was all bscaure O rupted ta premiere to b _ bulletin abate Cuba’s Fidel Castro. He had stalked out of his hotel, gone to UH. headquarters and threatened to sleep In the park If WLADYSLAW GOMULKA an important leader of the Con- After ta war, to rare to te top leadership of the Commuidrt-regtme but foil Ufa) disgrace w 1 1941 as a ’‘nationalist deviation-tot” Ho was locked up in t Communist jail from 1951 to 1955. Laos Commies Cease Fighting Pothet Lao Reaffirms Support of Neutralist Phouma Government Dior Designer Tota'l Loss to French Army . PARIS (ft — Draftee Yveo-Mathleu Saint-Laurent, wispy designer at the worid-renowued Christian Dior (astore bouse, to tap far a 199 per cent *otooek for French military authorities. WILSON 6 Highway 7 Correlative II Bitter T«toh M Name ot hit Automotive KngtMan » ftSi a up M Rat tt Asterisk i U Adolescent yean 41 Iaptor* 41 Unepectlled 4. ST* « Barra room three ooldiero, depending on how yon fignre It. In uniform hardly more than n t of induction. Officially, Saint-Laurent ta steering from a “mysterious 111-moo.” Rumors have described Turkey will buy 915 million worth of American materials to produce iron ore and steel. - - Today's Radio Programs-- wxn fttm wean (iim> N <14M> Wins (IMS) F • 1 kuN taws Oporte ark, i. Bair AW Candlelit* UN-VO, BaaahaU WWJ Ph Ostalm WXTZ. S. Morgan CKLW. Jac Lctiotf WJBK. Ballboy WCAR. WoodUng 7: *4—V XTX. m FI WPON, Bound Stag* 1:44—WWJ, r. KUsahtth wwj, r. i—*-**- WXTX, f" ,:s=;a. eys Sna Jerry oShb II j|t*r +**^**"* WWJ. Marie wcar. Weadttac WBUNCSUA* MURN1NP tri-*R «<**. Arriritr. WWJ; Mc*(, Bob.rU WWJ Ztr;. Martens WKTS. Br**kt**t CTub CKLW. Nova. DavM ' . WJBK. touik fri« wean sm sum wean n«v* urf cklw jMriar CM WJBK. ram. u*«* •:*a—WJ*. jaafe Snrrri wcar n*»». sewiM wruri Barly Mr« •:M-WJE, Maori H*U CKIW Bt* OOMMV WJBK. Cutnu, SM* is:oa—wjr. KaU Mu 'WWJ, Mt**. Marten* : lH»h. M«n. toiraon oilm mvm:. * wjbk arid WPOK Bait. Lark ’wwj^iuWr'aoh/re1® WITZ. Newt. Writ IS Mil mm, Myrtri LatMtt ‘ WJBK, novo, lartriir cklw item, rate OotM «NS novo. Cawy ilia*—wjk. lutt ’sa.’wrar passim weSQK Mwa terittfoa WJBK Ura*. Brid ii iso—wjk T«u* tor Mori* 1:40—WJU. Km. Omt WWJ^Urm. aotoru • WKONBSDAt ImiSOON - wxvk hmo. w«n , cklw. ima-OMw WJBK. IrirtriW Iri-VJI, Km MUU tana—WJR touK Jhru - CKLW Top ViD 4:gO-mrJ. IdTWker CKLW. Hewa Davlag WJBK Sport*. Mail* Lucille's Getting Voice Coaching for New Show By EABL WILSON ~ NEW YORK—Lucille Ball was wearing a gold hparUshaped locket with the letters “NXC." when I saw her at th* Csmelot, so Z very cleverly asked, "Is that a religious medal?” - “No," she replied, "It stands for Wot Interested, Chartfe.’" Miss Ball’s getting veto* coaching now (er her Broadway show, "Wildcat." Everybody at the table waa feeling her midriff Which seems te have grown slightly rinee she started breathing exercises. Not wishing te be a snob, I reached over, too—after which Lucille flashed the "Net Interested Charlie” sign on ms. * "I thtnb i>d rather be a little off-key and not have a big midriff," mentioned her chum, Jane Kean. Lucille didn’t hear that remark that was so unfair to midriffs. Lucille said, ‘Tvs got a guy in the show, with Andes, that’ll make the girls all fall down.” Turning to pal Janie, she “And keep your hands off of him!” ‘Well, if that’s the kind of a friend you are ...” whimpered Jane. ir it High Downs according (o some letters I’d received — most be going te a hair-dr ewer; he wae sporting a new hair wave. His wife Both laughed • when I told her about it. "That’s because he shampoos it every ether day so he' won’t have te use a pencil on It," she said. “Because Hugh is getting—" (I hate te nee the word, but |Hng Crosby, George lesseL Charles Beyer, Frank Sinatra and both Du and Mr. K have It, tee). Barbara Rush, a brunette, ' phoned her husband Warren LUCILLS Cowan from the beauty par- ldr: “Darling, I’ve got news for you. I*m blond 1” ★ ’ dr' : THE MIDNIGHT EARL... Cote singer''Jill Corey’s almost ret to play LacUfo Ball’s _ * in ‘Wildcat”... The Hanry Trumans, dining at the steak Pit In Parana*, NJ„ learned Rockefeller had been there, like him,” Ttutaaa said. Tlnrosntar hn worked for toe." . EARL’S PEARLS: “We’d guess Arthur and Kathryn Murray have been quite a ballroom hit in that new Lumumba and Katanga we’ve been reading ap much abqnt."—-Hayes (Kana.) News. TODAY’S BIST LAUGH: There’s the college girl who as from a very poor family. Sending her to college was what made It poor. WISH ro SAID HAT: Joe E Lewis says that comic Mart Sahl doesn't expect Mg laughs: "HC* happy tf the customers Bod at his Unas and say, Wow true, how true’.". THAT’S EARL, BROTHER. (OoyyilgM, IMS) / SAIGON, South Viet Nam (AP) —The Communist Pathet Lao radio said today all its armed units have been ordered to cease military activities in northern Laos. ★ w w The broadcast said the more was to reaffirm Pathet Laos sincere support of the neutralist government of Prince Sou van na Phouma and the coup d’etat committee of Capt. Kong Le. paratroopers recently overthrew the' government of Premier Tlao Somsanith and installed Phouma in his place. anti-Commuptot force led by Gen. Ffcibqmi Noeav-eeveral days age threatened overthrow Phoutna’s The Pathet Lao said Nosavan’i troops had carried out mopping up operations in Laos’ northern province of Sam Neua, killing and arresting villagers and burning homes. W ★ ★ The Pathet Lap charged that fabrications and slanders by TJ.S. imperialists and the Phou-mi Nosavan clique” had created ’misunderstanding on the pert of the government of Sou Phouma toward the Pathet Lao sits” ta northern Laos. Phouma Monday Issued ’’an official protest” to Thailand for predrawn mortar and machine gun attack on the Laotian capital of Vientiane Sunday. Press reports Sunday said firing from the Thai side of the Mekong River damaged several homes ta Vientiane. There were no reports of casualties, in Bangkok,' Thailand's Interior lintotrr Gen. Praphas Charusa-tien, ridiculed Phouma's charges that the shelling had come from Thailand. The debut on NBCTV fatet night so much in the soap spam groove that 1 detected the tltiM* ttonal organ music ta ta haisto ground. Tha epreer dealt wllh a tetok mt that meant niijtMag to Mine Htanwyek, pertngrtag • eooe-wealthy widow. But ahe met a _ _ clerk who once was a blg«4tare magazine editor—he cMucited It all because the rat rape was tf ^ him more concerned shout LEARNS TRUE VALUES He,.together with the tiitay death of Miss Stanwyck’s humble neighbor, ^aught our herotasrta true vain Just Has Own Chef for the Caviar NEW YORK (UP!) - In addition to his political allies, Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev’s passenger list aboard his Baltika Included another important personage — his personal cook. WWW Soviet sources said the cook prepared the food across the ocean for those who weren’t consuming seasick pills, and. he'll continue to supervise ta cuisine for ta Soviet delegation in New York. WWW The premier is on a diet for a long-standing kidney ailment, and Imeps his hearty appetite turned towards foods be is used to. A beard the Baltika were enough bottles of Bdrzhone, Khrushchev’s favorite brand of Moscow bottled drinking Water; salami, caviar, Made Bread and other Russian foods to last the Russian leader du ring Ms stay In New York. or miss Siam x>r, taught ov valued In life, t what TV 're a>aad escape. DIALING AMD FILING: Jack Paar returned from his vacation and began doing his show ta color. Or, as they used to say when he was in glorious black and white, M Thing off-color.” Put him right in there with Jimmy Cagney, Gary Cooper'fad Marion Brando. Advance Fee Racket Creeping Into State LANSING (UPD — Atiy. Gen. Paul L. Adams has warned Michigan residents of ta dangers of biting ta bait of ta “advance foe” racket, one of the frauds affecting the consumers of Mlch- an. Adame said companies involved in ta racket Operate by sending attractive brochures to residents offering to sell homes or businesses r to arrange a loan. If the resident sends back ta self-addressed post cards a representative of ta firm calls to collect the “advance fee”. Adams said his investigations , showed ta contract involved in the racket does not agree , to provide a loan or ’list” property for sale. The attorney general said the operation of the racket can only be stopped by ignoring it. He advised consumers to consult reputable, licensed real estate brokers and lending institutions to sell property or get a loan. Gets 10-20Years in Errant Killing Matthew Hall Shot Man He Thought Wa* Hit Employer • A prison sentence of 10 to 29 years was meted out yesterday to Matthew Hall, 23-year-old Pontiac m*n who shot and killed a tan he mistook for his employer. Circuit Judge' Stanton G. Don* dero sentenced Hall, te 255 Proa-pert fit., and recommended to Jackaon Prison authorities the minimum sentence upon Hall’s good behavior. • • Hail, an odd Jobs washer, pleaded guilty Sept,-1 to eeoend degrOe murder to toe Aug. ft v shotgun slaying of George Taylor, 51, of 343 Irwin Bt The body te the unemployed Tay-or was discovered by polic# sprawled on the seat of a borrowed pickup truck. ARGUED OVER WAGES Police theorized that Hall mistook Taylor for his employer, Kim-brew McCain, 42, of 347 Irwin St, • after reportedly quarreling with ilm earlier over wages. Hall’s older brother William C., N, no known address, bad to be carried from the Courthouse an a stretcher after he fainted ta the corridor outside Judge Don-dero’s courtroom. Other relatives and friends te Hall sobbed hysterically as Hall was led off to prison. MV ths4**wi BAPS FIDEL —Edward Spate, owner of ta Sheibonw Hotel, calls Fidel Castro’s walkout k his hotel a prearranged propaganda more. Castro complained te high prices and a tight security l gated sad finsBy settled at ta aa Hotel in Harlem aft-angry stopoff at ta VM Railroad Fans Plan FalbTrip Next Sunday The Michigan Railroad Chib will hold its annual fall rail fin trip next Sunday, and Pontiac Is included as one te the stops. The special run from Detroit to Greenville and back on ta Grand Trunk Western Railroad will be hauled by one of the recently retired northern-type steam loc»-motives, No. 6323. Tbs treks will be made up te open-door baggage oar, air RCA COLOR TV Sweet’s Radio TV SONOTONE House of Hearing Free Hearing Tests Free Parking at Rear of Building "Opoa Ires, bf AppolatmmC 143 Oakland ral 2-122 [AC, MICH. There will be picture slops and movie ran-fays for, photographers. Stops will ha made at Royal ak and also at Birmingham. The Ain is srtwidnlad to have Pontiac t 9:05 aja. and return te EM jn. Tickets cmi be purehsssd te ta GAS and OIL FURNACES 30% Off on AN Beer Models i WE8K ONLY „ ACE HEATING and COOLING CO. 1715 WWmhs Ul RA y Ot i-4554