Yields Bodies of 21 OSSANA, Italy @® — Rescue! —teams——elimbed——today__to___ the —eouple, Mr, and Mrs. Harris Gray . Milan to spend Christmas The Weather U.S. Weather Bureau Forecast is li * * ae DEC t polo P PONTIAC, MICHIGAN MONDAY, EMBER 24, 1956—28 PAGES. (Edi@'s Note: This is the last in & series of studies of the birth and times of Christ. It seta out to meas- ure, as best’ men can, the impact of _ the histeric eveat. to be “joyously commemorated in churches through- out the Christian world on Tuesday.) By GEORGE CORNELL Associated Press Writer His footprints are on the earth. They are etched in the hills of Pal- estine and echo on the sidewalks of every city. His path stretches across all the continents, His mark is on the whole world. It has felt, millions affirm, the reverberating tread of the Most High, He arrived on a clear midnight— a Baby Boy. . * * 2 Few recognized him. He was /j born in poverty in an obseure cor ner of the ancient Roman empire, which took no notice of His ¢om- ing, and He never journeyed more than 300'miles from His birthplace. But He left His inrperishable Calling card at homes in every nation, He was a healthy Baby, and pre- Gocious, but He never invented any new devicts, originated any archi- tectural techniques, or won any medals, He didn't leave any classic art or solve any equations of as- tronomy, chemistry or physics, But He unmasked ‘the deepest mystery of: all, He was @ likable Child, but many thought He grew impractical, He never acquired any property, or owned anything but the cloak on his back, never held any office, or _ composed any written work, except some scribbling in the sand, and the wind blew this away. But to much of mankind, he dis- closed what God is like. He was , become man, so, He Has Left His Mark | on the Entire World Because He is “the Image of few around Him know, beyond all the Invisible God.” \doubt, that their deepest aspiration Because He is “the Way, the» was inherent in this Man—that they Truth and the iife.” | It must be that He lived, spoke land acted in a way that madethe THE TRINITY were seeing God. From ages past, Judaism, that Con’t.. on Page 4, Col. 3 A Steady by Gey Rewe men could know God better. * LJ Ld . This is the essence of those “tid Southfield Man Won’t Pay Dad: Sticks to ‘Principle, Will Spend Holiday in Jail ‘taining an undetermined amount of ings of great joy’’ to all people which the heavens proclaimdd when He came. The good news was that “The Word became flesh and dwelt among us.” At the time, the world was full of dramafic, ingeniously . conceived gods. Glittering Rome was at its zenith of power, and Alexandria was the crown jewel of literature! and learning, with philosophy ex-| uding fine subtleties. But the real, unkriown capitol of life was in Bethlehem. Some say there are ne mir- acles, But read the record of that Child—reared in drab surround- ings, known as a roving carpen- ter-preacher in rustic villages, finally Lung as a criminal—Who raised a scepter over humanity. From Him, here radiated a rush- ing, invincible: force that swept past the resistance ef swords, dun- geons, executions, battlements and slaughter to burn His name into the pillars of civilization. * * = } But the coming of one Child, into a poor family in a beaten and bled vassal province, cut through the murk of flamboyant mythology and vaunted theoriés to convince men that God walked with them. All the mental gymnastics of var- ious cultures—of the Greel. ana- lysts who offered their sleek ex- planationg shortly before Him, of the Stoics who called God an im-' personal loges unconcerned withn individuals, of the Epicureans who termed religion non-sense and only the body real, of the sweeping “mysteries,” the idols backed by entrenched priesthoods and wealth —ail this shriveled before the im- pact of a Child. Why? ; An answer trumpets through the Airliner Wreckage r ,A Southfield Township a matter of principle.” he has been since Dec. 4. shoes, in 1952. Murphy is the first person in 20 years to be imprisoned in the Oakland County Jail for nonpay- ment of a judgment, according to Sheriff Frank Irons, Accord- ing to the Jaw, Murphy can be kept in jail untit August as long as the finance company contin- ues te pay fer his lodging. for up until Jan. 8, Christmas in jail because he refused to pay a debt “as Fifty-one-year-old Harold Murphy, of 19757 Jeanette St., plans to spend his holi+ day giving his children! haircuts tomorrow at th © to put a man‘in jail in order to col- Oakland County Jail, where The DBA Finance System of Pontiac purchased a $1,250 court damage judgment against Murphy from a Ferndale shoe store owner last month. The storekeeper first yO won the civil suit, which resulted|that is still pending on the case from 4 fist fight over a pair of ~ Bernard McCabe, owner of the finance company; ‘said that Mur- phy’s keep bas already been paid Said McCabe: “This is thé first father of five will spend * judgment I’ve bought that I had | | | | | q Father of Four Beaten, Killed at Willow Run Robbery-Slaying Turns Yule Reunion at Airport to Tragedy YPSILANTI (#—A Port Huron father of four was beaten to death in a rob- bery at Willow Run Airport minutes after his wife's parents arrived from Min- nesota last night for a Christmas reunion. The robbery-slaying vic- tim was 41-year-old Lavern | Wegener, assistant St. Clair .|County agricultural agent. Two men were grabbed quickly, but State Police saic preliminary questioning failed to establish any connnection with the bludgeoning Wegener. Both were Negroes. Mrs, Wegener found her hus- band dying’ in a pool of blood in he told her en routc to an Ann Arbor Hospital at least twe per- song attacked him with what he Wegener was pronounced dead tipon” afrival- at University —Hos- .| pital, Wegener had gone with his wife to the airport to meet her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Len Miller of Minne- apolis. He left the three talking over Christmas plans in the air- port terminal while he went to get his automobile from the nearby parking lot. WIFE GREW ANXIOUS Mrs. Wegener Lecame anxious when her husband failed to return. She went to the parking lot to investigate, State Police said Wegener died from a blow on the head, appar- ently inflicted by a pipe or some similar object. His wallet, con- cash and two checks totaling $118, was missing. The Wegeners had left their four children home in Port Huron while they drove to the airport to got her parents. The plane arrivd from Minnapolis shortly before 10 p.m. State Police broadcast an, alert for two men wanted in the slaying. lect. He owes a legal debt and is able to pay it. Actwally, I didn’t put the man in jail.."The court did.” According to Murphy: “I'm in- nocent! I don’t pare what the court said, I expect” to win an appeal 'the fatally beaten Wegenér was and said their clothing probably was blood-stained. The first two\men seized for questioning were picked up a half mile from the airport shortly after found. and right." _ ;/ +e * a Mrs. _; y will bring their children Michael, 15; Rose Ann, 11; ‘Titnothy, 7; and Cynthia, 5, to visit their-father on Christmas day. Another son, Francis, 21, is a sail- or at Norfolk, Va. Said Murphy: ‘When the officers first came to take me to jail I cut the kids’ hair I left because I didn’t know long I'd be. My 15-year-old son called last night and. said they all needed another haircut. I told him to bring the I'll stick by what I think, is|_ The Press Takes Holiday, | | Ho Newspaper Tomorrow. .:° Con't. on Page 4, Col. 2 Tomorrow is Christmas Day, a holiday observed throughout the Christian world as the anniver- sary of Christ’s birth. In order that its employes may have a part in the observance of the day, the Press will publish no editions tomorrow, Regular edi- tions will be resumed day. this week, It was disconcerting, wreckage of an Italian airliner missing in the Alps since Saturday night and radioed that “all” 21 aboard.are dead.” . * * * The dead included an American Jr., Greenwood, Miss. Gray, 42. was Mediterranean representative for Coca Cola. Their two daugh- ters, 6 and 14, were waiting in with them. ‘ * * * The Italian DC3 plowed into a §-T-A-R. But the “star” bearers B-E-T-H-L-E-H-E-M __R-A-T-S. a leave his red flannels Thirteen of them were to walk line_— spell: B-E-T-H-L-E-H-E-M got turned around and went in back- wards, so to speak, spelling out: MIAMI, Fla. @ — Santa can n when he visits south Florida. The U.S. Weather Bureau said Miami's Christmas Eve temperature will be 70 degrees, with a high of 77-81 NEW YORK (INS) — About 39 million more Christmas trees have been sold in the U.S. this year than in any previous year, a sur- vey of tree dealers saigl. ‘letter-bearing placard, All togeth-| COPENHAGEN (INS) — Danes er=if- and : -sent-more in nm alone showed ‘the total last week was 452,000, or 127} 000 more than last year, _ ST, CATHERINES, Ont. (INS)— The city council of St, Catherines ordered a red Christmas star re- moved from the city hall because Christmas packages this. year than ever before. A tabulation It’s Christmas All Over! : KUNA, Idaho (® — Some. chil- dren, all in their early school years, got out of line while putting on a Christmas pageant in church itewas feared the decorative object placed by a blue one, JACKSON — Jackson's can- _didate—for_the world’s meanest_ In Today's Press Christmas Day _— The Animals’ Christmas ....19 MOUNT CLEMENS . | County. News. --.-- cadt cases bers of the Jewish Welfare Board | Editorials ....-........-.-» 6 will take over the USO ia Mount | Special ............:.:-:.-- 16 to servicemen tonight and Christ- | Theaters ........--..---- . mas. This is the 15th year the | TV & Radio Programs .... 27 Jewish Board has felieved the | Wilson, Earl ............... M4 ee ee “Women’s Pages ......... 1011 holiday, i, Pot-0’-Gold Schl stndediadiedind: lind eli aca | h Phey—identified—both- as_Negroes|refused_to disclose details Wednes- |; DIAMOND ANNIVERSARY—Nine children, It grandchildren and five great grandchildren will join in a celebration honoring the 60th (diamond) wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Dorsey T. Yule Carol Was. Wedding: March . outdone, the son and couple, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Moore, of 325 Dick Ave., will also celebrate their 25th (silver) wed- ding anniversary today. . Pd daughter-inlaw of the I Moore, of 193 Michigan Ave., today. Not to be Royal Oak Hunt Goes On Detective Denies in two shooting incidents Dec. 15. Link in Shootin Royal Oak Chief of Detectives Edward Lietzau today arigrily denied the “mad sniper” who shot at two women in Royal Oak streets Friday night had been concerned Published reports had linked the two series of shoot- White Christmas, Wet Christmas— Slippery May | Drivers Told to -| as Temperature Skids, Glaze Stay fo man's annual visit tonight. _ The bureau said snow flurries might develop from an expected drizzle. The mercury is expected to dip to around 30 tonight. For Christmas, the thermometer will read between 30 and 34, the bureau predicted. r’ | Post Office Caught Up on Christmas Mail ings. Admitting he had con-) fiscated a gun used in the Igec. 15 shootings, Lietzau of the incidents. But he said Ke has “no reason to believe’ the earlier shootings were linked with Friday night's sniping, in which a 14-year-old girl was shot in the back and another woman was narrowly missed. said today. ” hour koe _The Christmas rush at Pontiac's post office is definitely over, Act-jare there won't be too much tol. ing Postmaster Leslie H. Dean “We're cleaned up,” Dean said. “The mail is moving out of the post office as fast as it’s coming in. There will be no delay in delivery, and the men are working eight- eS The unseasonable week of fog and rain is expected to be pushed Michigan have claimed at lives 8 thus far in least 21 = i i Last Friday night, Cindy Estes, 14, was shot in the back while walking home on Royal Oak’s Ca- talpa Drive with a friend about) _ she Was not; | 4 8 B Z ! 7 3 z + dj Your Happiness? Every family has used the same tree. “\This yeat—in its 10th Yuletide— A Haun, fawn, hara, heap, help, the tree remains green and fresh. | work. for. 30: arch, balm, barber, bateav, beauty, blaze, bow, calm, crow, match, nap, pack, pan, peck, pin, t, putt, robber, ship, shout,| | ST RC ery ase ea YULE ECHOES — Adding a festive note “eC slip, table, tip, touch, watth, web,| signe en eserves ee oe aE oe THE PONTIAC PRESS, - “MoNDAY, DECEMBER 24. 1056 “Millions Now Follow >» Without Dad Footprints of Jesus ‘2. | | i { Christmas Tee tecie ‘chbieen: who range in age| (Continued From Page Three) from. 2 through 8, lived in the most ancient of faiths believing in, ‘basement of a “hope house” — ® the supreme God, had recognized many families build a house them- dren created in ‘ ‘His own image."’| Hi it.|selves from the basement up, liv- But what was this Image? Saves Several Babies Pack tan mee To those who bear His name, the! ~ house finished. ‘Christ Child gave the answer: MINNEAPOLIS: & — Six _ per- Whitaker was pretty far al | “I and My Father are One . isons were dead today and doctors Tdaho| te with his inineroom home — only’ He that hath seen Me hath seen i fought to save seven other pa- time| ‘he interior work remains to be the Father.” tients who were in critical condi- civie| Sone. ggg = a vechage. 1 And when He departed the-earth,| : jtion after a hospital fire sparked) pout now Don would have wanted it !¢ said God will “give you another, by a shorted christmas tree light) a ee way.” comforter , . . the Holy Ghost . chain. . } " ” 'that He may abide with you tor- Heavy smoke billowing up from | and; We had fun song everything | ever ,, , even the Spirit of Truth.” the lobby, where the fire started, | together,” she says. “We were al- He gave to them a clearer view, caused the deaths yesterday. | ys plamning. what we: do | an earthly demonstration, of just A baby boy in an incubator was) next week, next month bext what God constituted on this earth- rescued from the blaze only to! “a ‘bound plane, and laid the goal be- die a few hours later from a| ‘He was so good to us all and fore men—te guide them on their! congenital heart condition. | pte a gn thea ngay children course. The fire, set off by defective He never), What did He do, or say, or be the house without kissing us that gave such revelation? . goodby, | He was a plain-talking, - “AN thig we'll miss+so much.” jthetic, forthright man who liked, ' | Sowers and fields and livestock, | Dad Won't Pay Debt, whe Who conered every m on His knee, phenomenon of the West where! men were His creatures—His chil-| sympa-: Nurses Heroic | wiring in a-Christmas light chain, lroared up through a_ funnel-like | stairway off the lobby of Doctors} |Hospital, a 44-year-old 125-bed imedical center. | Who considered every man, rich, of Will R J il \same priceless worth. | emain in al His message was that all men| lare related to God, free to hus- (Continued From Rage Three) | band that divine part of themselves kit to jail. ‘That’ s what Tl be do-' Binal pd ;Mmate potentiality: . * a ghey endl degree will hear a- petition W %0| remove the writ that is keeping| oe they also may be Murphy in jail. * | But Murphy, who has already | But this Child of Bethlehem made the first payment on a farm ‘idn't shut Himself off-in some’ Pinckney, declared: “If ]/¢thereal realm during His earthly, don’t the hearing before Judge S00urn. He plunged into the world, _ itself, walking a breathing on tion of forgiveness, kindness, ing condemnation of hypocrisy, - COMPLETE “OPTIC AL ‘That, men hold, was what God) was like during His visit to earth: | He came here out of love, to help; 7p find their -way,-and that is! what He was while here — the em- bodiment of love. “God is Love. And he that dwels| Jeth in Jove, dwelleth in God and) God in him.” He bridged a gap of loneliness separating men from their God.) He marked the hidden trail by which lost sheep could find the’ fold, But He didn’t expect men to} understand. it all, or all of what He! is, or what they are, or can be, And, mt He passed on this advice through! His apostles, “Now we cannot yet see ail things .. . But we see Jesus.” |. i declaring these aspects of | Ged, He displayed a mystic dif- | fusion, the jod, His In | carnation as Man, His Spirit, all ” united — “and these Three are | One.”* ; But it was in that birth in Beth- lehem ‘‘in the likeness of men . in the fashion as a man'’—of One called both whoily man and wholly God—that the world received the lamp unto its feet. | He came as a living. )manifestation of the divinity that PUD EE + Cre ree ees ot ee hee \ ca May the blessings of the Holiday bring you — reer he Regi ee i ‘larged or diminished within them-' godly element was in human life, | *| or how to go about nurturing it,| ye? ee ee Oe eee ee = ‘ and word and deed, jas they choose in seeking fulfill-) iment, and He described the ulti-/ “That they -1I may be one, as | derstanding, and gentleness; a =| th a ay pompous technicalities that have| OUtline Targets: Parks, “ea fami placed the damage at $100,000. Hush Claims Egypt ‘Raiding’ {nothing to do with justice, and ot! Schools, Votes | “oe 8 end Boo chee’: saving! JERUSALEM @ — Israel ace ejectives the port af mel | The Birmingham Post-Herald. many patients from suffocating | saan seqvanentatinns tom today es. . __after investigating, told about the pi ce a co eae And the kernel: of all He did. -. wri gro gee: ae plight of the family Saturday: 45- tee hs occurred on the third Pontiac Rotel Store ately flouting” the U.N. cease-fire and said was in one word: “Love. |may be the next goals for Mont-| ne father raves. hardly On the top floor a dramatic | : resolution, . “Lave the Lord thy God, and igomery Negroes now that they / heat: amd boa be no na fight was waged by two nurses, - thy neighbor as thyself... as I \Eove gained integrated buses, a °F DC8™ anc four Doys, ag |Mrs. Cecilia Janick and Mrs. Bar-| have loved you.” |spokesman suggested last night. . . Ways winds up with it being sepa- we'll be, tangible or official doesn't please us, we (all men share—a quality to be em ing and decisive way.” lselves on both sides of the grave. work MAYNARD OHNSON | Until He came, men had felt economic, health and_ intellictd J | they-didn’t know exactly what that: standing.” 5 or what pitfalls might limit it—|to lose many of our white friends) pock Dairy chain, police said. | until He showed them God, in flesh|that helped us during the bus) The cash register and about $25 boycott, But still we must have were stolen from one of the dairy | integrated schools as the Supreme) bars at 304 E. Pike St. |focated, were identified as: Mrs. Ella M. Mullins, 82; (Caroline Vale, 73; Mrs. Lydia| | Becken, 63; Mrs. Sara C. 159; Miss Mary S. Balliet, 47; | Clarence O. Green, 53, all of Min-| | neapolis. Stream of ambulances, public | ‘and__private, jammed into the ‘thickly populated district of Lor-| jing Park to bear victims of the) EXHAUSTED — Mrs. Gorie Dari, a Hungarian refugee, watches over her exhausted son, Gabor, 3, as the youngster sleeps on a make- | shift bed at the refugee processing center at Camp Kilmer, N. J. Mrs, Dari, who was separated from her husband, and her son ar- | | rived from Budapest with her parents. | Santa on the Job to Help Family in Alabama City BIRMINGHAM, Ala. t#—Public | ere to a newspaper story to-: day means that a Birmingham area family can plan for a cheery| | pitals. }- More than half a hundred — the | jholtiday load at the hospital —| ‘were distributed among other in-’ (stitutions, the great majority to) Minneapolis General Hospital, | where 44 were being cared for) today. Only one suffered burns. | Fire department and hospital! ~ New Goals Set for Integration Montgomery Negroes 9, and 8 yars, and 9 months. “ ‘bara Brassil, for the lives of half! a dozen babies. Water-soaked diapers were put over the infants faces to keep them from inhaling. the deadly} smoke... Occasionally the ~ women would hang their heads out the | \window to gasp some fresh air themselves. * | Less than 12 hours after an un-| From persons who read the sto- identified person loosed a shotgun +) the father has three offers of blast into the front of his home. jobs: half a ton of coal: groceries: }the Rev. M. L. King Jn. president! $69 in cash; an offer of clothes.; soars ar sint meld Nie new mel “We just want to wish every- m., Ov possi ® & body a merry Christmas and regation targets. | e ’ “bless them,” said the mother. King mit a group |sparked the mass bus boycott still) ithe name of the family. |bas plenty of work to do. “Some of our people have ap- ‘parently fallen in love with pro-| ‘testing,’ he said, ‘‘We've got to; stop protesting and go in for re-| Dixie Discount Store | Warn Residents Robbed of $2,500 | conciliation,” | The Dixie Discount Store, 109 N. The Negro minister said the 10 0c omes ‘Saginaw St. was robbed of $2,500 | 'MIA will continue to have mass, | stored in a metal box over the | “We have just start-) Failure to Bolt Doors, “°**"* Pontiag police said. | Windows Big Factor | Thieves apparently broxe in by| . ° orcing a side door leading to the in Wave of Breakins lbasement and from there gained| meetings — jed our work.” He outlined these as possible} new goals: | “Recreation: We have none, but we must work toward being able ‘entry to the store proper. to use all facilities with the same| A warning to_Jock windows and| The loss was discovered Satur- determination we worked. on with’ doors at home’came from Pontiac day noon, the manager, Mrs. Mae! ithe buses. Separate but equal al- police today after a wave of week- Proffitt, said. end breakins. { * * | ‘Most of the home burglaries oc-| Also missing are 12 company rred, Det. Insp. Clare M. check and store papers that were | Wheaton said, ‘‘because people stored in the box, she said. | were careless and left open a door — - - : ; or window for thieves to walk in.” | Samal ear een os * rate but far from equal.” “Voting: The more Negroes we can get registered, the stronger if a city commissioner can use our vote in a determin- We Four homes were "oted since te raise Friday night, he said, four busi- ga fa] Ness establishments, the county an- ' oe imal shelter and a school. | Two of the businesses were |» re, we are going) dairy bars owned by the Sham- | = ‘Tnternal —- areas: must: within our race i ae oo “Education: Here ear is when our race will gain full! jequality, We cannot rest in Mont-| home breakins. _,}gomery until every public school) is untegrated.” \King’s home -yesterday, no vio- lence was reported as city lines’ onal went through their third School, 316 Iroquois Dr., was loot-| a federal court order. ‘ A total of $200 was taken in the! a wean. A dog was missing at the animal | shelter, 1200 Walton Bivd.,” polic Other than the shotgun blast at said, but no morley was taken. j The Jefferson Janlor’ High : ‘ot -integrated service —under.ed—of about $6 worth of stamps, | 'they said. Veeco ark eda eae + ee Cee ee ee Ae ew we te aa tial Wishing you a holiday ~_ bright with candlelight, friendship, happiness, good cheer and a memories to last you cal through the year ‘Gordon E. Reynolds Horsedrawn our good _ As the holidays draw near, we realize the importance of your friendship and hope the New Year will see | @ a continuance of this very pleasant relationship. (Car Runs Red Light, Traffic Signal Toppled ~f- James Hennessey, IT, of Madison ‘Dogs Get Life—With Tots —tight on North Perry street rence sirect and striking anather| Smoke Kills 6; 7 Critical, ‘car which subsequently knocked Work down. the traffic signal, Pontiac, ‘police said, idriver, Hal Sisk Jr., 29, of 78 Gage) The victims, all of whom suf-: § ‘ peas paatapniontine eniehtieereseea hie? t learly morning fire to alerted hos- | whieh}—ThePost-Herald didn't reveal) NN | : the past, but wishing igoing ‘south: on Perry ‘and Sik east ion Lawrence, they said. ‘Heights admitted running a red TULSA, Okla. w—There are 50 appy boys and as many dogs probably even happier. Mayor George E. Norvell granted a stay of execution to the animals as a gesture of Christ- mas good will. All of the dogs were. claimed shortly etter the mayor’ s action, . Neither Hennessey nor the other St, _Were injured. Hennessey was! Miss} + “The gently-falling snow softly filters the tones of the steeple bells. Our hearts are Ted ith the nostalgic thoughts of ding Christmas with our loved. ones ... Our voices are hopefully raised in a carriages are a thing of friends everywhere a > Merry Christmas will never be’ out of style! . fe ~ pS I i Aa ca - Street Loses Its Name BUDAPEST # — A street hind the U.S. legation now is|against communism the ae aa teen acs onal tant were teen tee Sd street, In 1953 it became *Street|replaced. hf Rosenbergs executed in the United States as atom spies. In the ~— peal QUALITY TOOLS. ATLAS @ spans @ DELTA SHOPSMITH @ DeWALT PORTER-CABLE © SKIL ~~ BROWNIE-SHARPE — @ MILWAUKEE TERMS AVAILABLE GLENN WING POWER 1437 SOUTH WOODWARD AVE. Five Blocks North of 14-Mile Rood BIRMINGHAM MI 4-0444 DAILY 8 to 6:00 — SATURDAY 8 te 5:00 Tho cone t Kamp ir a Gl of duty in order to look after “adopted” orphans, is today to give them their b Christmas. my ye pee Ala., tod a ot currently | four serving with Eighth Army | Headquarters company in Seoul. few months earlier. beginning. shan worked Eee 56. Wao sees eagr 2 ee The ben Their bleak, helpless future pre- for weeks on Christmas treats’ | for the tots at the the orphanage on himself has lik soldier in the Orphanage, which he ju ~Bokyee. “adopting” when But he’s in for a surprise he learns that a new dormitory lat the orphanage-is. to "McGraw Hall” at a ceremony iplanned by fellow servicemen. + * * . The waifs at the orphanage will receive ¥uletide gifts from U.S. soldiers in Seoul, as well as pres- fora holiday season that is bright ‘n cheerful— , BLAKE RADIO and TV 3149 W. Huron FE 4-5791 ; ——— U.S, . AN OLD FASHION WISH cman secamnien ' to our many fine friends Today, the healthy-looking chil- ents sent them by persons in the dren ‘rush out to greet their “father” with the shout “makura watta”—which, in English, would ‘Ferries at Mackinac Christmas greetings and best wishes for happiness “PNo-T, Knights Temptar, wilt march: fo Sail at New Hours LANSING ® — State ferry serv- lice at the straits of Mackinac will be called] The response to his urgent appeal by the officers and men ftire- the “home,” there were dozens to soldiers, the need continued to grow. For every waif taken into be found by day and by night Pee couched in the streets over ‘small or living like moles in the dark tunnels and deserted under- Time, Inc., Buys State TV Outlet Grand Rapids’ WOOD pro- eration survival” for the orphans. * ¢ @ But despite generous donations\has a tentative agreement to buy, given the orphanage? by the Ameri-|radio-television stations in Grand and 2 Other Stations Tentatively Purchased NEW YORK # — .Time, Inc., INSTRUCTIONS: Each word |go on winter schedule Jan, 2, the nounced. | At present, the ferries are pro-) viding one hour service between) |Mackinaw City and St. Ignace ex- ‘cept during the early morning | hours. 1 *. * * | Starting Jan. 2, the ice-breaker |Vacationland will leave Mackinaw City at 5 a.m, and every two hours ‘afterwards up until midnight. The ‘schedule from St, Ignace will start at 6 a.m. with similar two-hour de- partures, |State Highway Department has any | | | WHATS MY TINE? scramble os few as possible oppeors under arrow, reading downward. CRUM A. ceoneevsiveoss 2 is releted to gvess my gy on Rapids, Indianapolis and Minne- apolis for $15,750,000. ? * * The properties are WOOD in Grand Rapids, WFBM in Indian- apolis and WTCN in Minneapolis, all owned by Consolidated Tele- vision and Radio Broadcasters Inc. in Indianapolis. Consolidated directors approved _| the sale at a meeting in Prince-— ton, N. J. Time. said the sale must be approved by Consolidated stock- |holders and by the Federal Com- munications Commission. FCC reg- ulations limit ownership to five stations. Time now owns stations in Denver, Sale Lake City and Albuquerque. { = | Time will have to dispose of one of its present stations but a spokes- man said no decision has been made on which one wil] be sold, = * * ro are I for His Fi oundlings ie the Eighth Army Headquarters company, * * ® On July 1, 1956, the lean, grey- “Shop Around” for a Lower priced Doctor... Con Usually SAVE MONEY ' by Having PRESCRIPTIONS Filled at... DRUG DEPT. |) It wilt be a-pleasure-to— serve you in the futurel H. W. Huttenlocher The spokesman said Time has enlarging He said the present lishing Co, tried to get the stations in a deal that fell through. THE: BERRYS been interested for some time in) its radio-TV holdings.’ opportunity | arose when Crowell-Collier Pub-| Detroit Drill Corps Gets Ike's Invitation DETROIT # — The Precision ‘Drill Corps of Detroit Commandery in the Inaugural Parade in Wash-| ‘ington Jan. 21, Workmen Donate TV to Children at U. of M. ANN ARBOR @® — Workmen on University of Michigan hospital's new food building have donated $102 toward a television set for children-at-the -hospital-school... * * * The men had been working out- side the playroom of the school. 1900 | Deaths from diphtheria and ty- phoid have decreased by about 92) per cent in the United States since | GENTLE throughout the New Year honor —éver_ bestowed upon __our \Beethoven, an original score by - ~&-number—of| | Karl H. Smith, Eminent Com- -mander, said that President Eisen- |hower has personally chosen the Corps to be the principal civilian including white plumes, will travel ito Washington by special train. } Smith said the-Detroit Command- iery will represent the entire nation. “This is certainly the greatest Commandery,” he said. Beethoven Relics Grow BONN, Germany #—Beethoven's birthplace here now has the big- igest collection of mementos of the ‘famous composer. Dr. Hans Kon- rad Bodmer of Switzerland has ‘contributed 415 letters written by They watched the youngsters at play and decided to give them a ‘marching unit in the parade. | Twenty platoons, in full regalia’ gift for Christmas. Doesn't Want Road THE HAGUE, Netherlands ® — Princess Wilhelmina, the ex-Queen, | doesn't want a highway running through part of her hunting grounds- So the 76-year-old? mother! of Queen Juliana objected and the provincial administrative council announced it hag shelved the proj- ect. The highway would run be- tween The Hague and Leyden, | | As glowing hearthfires add cheer to this holiday season it is pleasant to pause and express sincere appreciation for the loyalty and good will” of the finest people in the world . friends. A merry Cisishnde to you and a happy, prosperous New Year. +» our customers and you think. formation and services. Again, We Ask You to Visit Us... Knowledge ot the facilities we provide for our community is most desirable. Ours is a most necessary service — and your hour of need may be closer than So visit the Donelson-Johns Fu- ~—neral Home-at-your leisure. We ~ will welcome you, will guide you through our complete facilities, and will supply you with ful] in- about our profession ENGLISH POINTER THE POINT IS. FOR THE CONSIDERATION OF OUR 38 EMPLOYEES WE WILL BE CLOSED CHRISTMAS DAY MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL J... FARMER GAS & OIL CO. in the plants was something no one .« could buck, It simply existed and ~ hhad to be reckoned with accordingly. Certainly the hourly workers re- _.gretted it more than anyone else concerned. It meant primarily, loss of employment to them. * * * The Press is content to accept the facts as they currently exist and praise those in charge of the campaign and give full measure of thanks to all who worked so faithfully in the 1956 drive. They deserve the unstinted applause of the community. We'd like to start it. ———————EEE “Tue Government is seriously studying the question as to who owns outer space.”—Press report. It will probably learn, among other things, — that nobody has established owner- ship of any of it under the law of squatter's rights. One ‘the oldest sayings in’ the world is always colorful and fraught The Man About Town Yuletide Season Items Filled With Views of Spirit of the Occasion Probably all of us here below do too few kind and thoughtful things for others. *We let countless opportuni- - ties pass through sheer negligence Late shopper: Usually late on everything else. = & ‘The true spirit of Christmas has per- ae when meated Pontiac a. this season through fever Menem, weembrace every =») of its history. When the little com-. opportunity to say “Merry Christ- munity in the forest was organized as a " mas” we are merely giving voice —— village in 1837, its first president, } to an expression of good will, Daniel LeRoy, favored every holiday with a proclama- affection and personal interest. = tion. The records show that on Christ- the world is better and happier —— mas 119 years, ago he urged that “our — citizens participate in church going, prayer, and a solemn reflection on the anniversary of the great day we cele- brate.” =—s————_——_- A clipping from the files of 50 year ago: today, given. me by Northrup Wessels, states that Pontiac merchants are happy, “because the late snow fall brought good sleighing, making it easy for the farmers to come to town and sell their produce and do their Christmas shopping.” ‘or a “Happy New Year” than you bg qovet have before, My .Leonard scout sends word of an unusual Christmas gift by e +- & k Jim Summers Joy ; to his classes in the local school—taking Po It will brighten their day. them to Cinerama. It will brighten yours. ” A young lady in her teens when the “Merry Christmas. Civil War was being fought, Mrs, Eliza Beaumont Taylor, . Oakland. County’s—oldest—resident, has seen most every modern invention come into general use. She recently celebrated her one hundred and seventh birthday. It isn’t too late to send her that Christ- mas card. Her mailing address is High- land, Michigan. . For the first time since 1952 we haven't received a Christmas card from __ goal, a Adiai E. Stevenson, -- We think this is remarkable. — ereuen shat the tans © ' It’s a banner campaign. — seate. ee ea eal ce ee . 7 he eel St ee — Proot_of the wide circulation of your aa wine noe =e “nome daily paper is found in the fact step upward over 1955. The 1955 campaign was conducted during — the most rousing employment in = all Pontiae’s history. The entire = Aecording to current advices, the 1956 Pontiac Area United Fund Cam- ~ paign is within two per cent of its s \ “4 a _ by Eben Findlay, with nothing on the envelope but a little picture of MAT, clipped from The Pontiac ‘automobile business experienced Press, was delivered to me at Holly. its biggest year of all : res 2. time by an Here we thought our 1956 Goodfellows — margi t campaign was pver in Pontiac when 4 e stage was set. letter bobs in from a Conditions were perfect. A. F. Tull a xk containing a generous check for $25. - The 1956 model year started off Many thanks, kind sire, on behalf of The Press,.the Goodfellows and the happy .. ~ ‘with high hopes in the industry-and a recipients of your beneficience. a definite prognostications of an - ‘equally good run for the motor car business. But it never materialized. "Business was good and there’s no ‘doubt about that. It marked the ; econ of all time and ~ mo one can dismiss lightly as splendid ~ g showing as this. But employment was somewhat less than 1955. - “Gilad that I didn’t depend on winning your Pot-O-Gold to -help out on my Christmas buying,” phones y: Burney Andrews of Huron Gardens, “but I’m depending on it for next year.” Verbal Orchids to- ate wie resi _ Circumstances, The Press feels that the showing was wonderful. pitched in and worked as hard. of 104 Poplar 8t.; fifty-second wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. William B. Spangler. - of 319 Raeburn St.; fifty-first wedding anniversary. ‘ _ Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Barnes of ‘Orehard Lake; fifty-third wedding ‘anniversary 45 -. of Holy; sixty-eighth wedding anni- that a Christmas card mailed in Detroit > ee atine * pai Mr. and Mrs, Albert W., Rayner _# nm area campaigners of 278 Ferry Ave.; -seventh wedding ° faced a stiffer goat-with a lesser santeerenry. _ iy x ‘economy to support it. In-these mr. and Mrs. Daniel M. McQueen Ray of Hope — David Lawrence Says: Nixon Symbolized U.S. Sympathy WASHINGTON—From the world The addition of 30,000 to the working force of America, where laber shortages are beginning to show up in various parts of the country, is, in an over-all sense, & mefe trifle. Some of America’s finest citizens have come from the very countries that the refu- gees are leaving in their bid for liberty. pressed peoples. There was a time when no barriers of any kind to fe fs Ree 2 comineney on tee guards, He abandon wucme on his mission will be told in due aon of te sessions and, of course, cuts his Sane to te eee pene, mt env eres ane vee ties with all relatives. It is a hard- DP once again bas shown his a ship the extremes of which are not {0 handling a delicate problem of who take their lives in their hands {'s¥_j0, latin: Berane ods to the nation now will be awaited as they make a dash for liberty similar experience. with extraordinary interest ee ; But the United States has always (Copyright 186, New York ot the a sagen adr agar a oe 2 eee an ee Herald Tribune Inc.) Department of State, whe came 3 ier the Hemelan wecot wae Dr. William Brady Says: out and suggested that 5,000 of 4 ry e the refugees be included in the wre remgers to cist in oe DQn’t Drink and Drive some of the provisions of existing Is Best Health Insurance One under the effect of a single drink or a few drinks of liquor is likely to insist he is perfectly capable of driving and after an- other drink or two he is ready to knock the block off anyone who tries to stop him. letters, not more than one page or 100 words long pertain to personal health and hygiene, not to disease, diag- There were 609 persons killed in traffic accidents last Christmas ree-day weekend; and 305 more the 1956 New Year’s weekend. Even if the toll were ten times greater, I doubt that any comment I or any other person may make will make any driver who feels the need of a drink or whose turn nosis or treatment, will be answered by Dr. Willem Brady, if» — elf. Voice of the People - Asks Lower fat will be yw when heces- wary, brea The tote Oe net of the writer must accompany letters but these will not if the writer 80 requests unlesa the letter ts critical 4g ita nature... With traffic safety in mind, we have one speed for daytime driv- ing and another for night driving. Considering the awful storms we have around here in early winter and early spring, and since they are so hazardous to driving, might it not be a good idea to have a special speed limit for winter and one much slower than the above? If such a speed limit could be had for Pontiac or Detroit, it might enable these cities to take in a little more money via fines as well at making them safer for - drivers and pedestrians in winter. LF.L _ Ss peed Limit for Hazardous Conditions Asks Assistance for Mail Carrier 1 would like to know if any of us have ever thought of helping our postman at Christmas time when he has such a heavy load. I sug- gest puttitig a basket or large boot er even a box on our porches for our mail, so he doesn't have to stuff and push and tear our Yule cards and mail, I think it would help him get through his route fast- er and not have to be in the cold so long, and it would also help make his smile bigger. Let’s all try, A very blessed Christmas to all our postmen. Thoughtful Party Hungarian Secret Police Earn Unwavering Hatred By JOHN H, MARTIN \ INS Foreign Director Hated even more in Hungary than the robot Soviet soldiers are the Hungarian security police, the AVH, or the “Avos’’ as they are called by Hungarians. * > * In an attempt to lessen this hatred, the Budapest Communist Party newspaper Nep Szabadsag has just publicly blamed the AVH for having in the-past ‘‘persecuted decent people and executed them without legal trial.” It says that “the crimes of the past must not be repeated .. . the people are demanding never again an AVI. — This will not have much effect on Hungarian patriots at a time when the Moscow puppet govern- ment is dishing up curbside execu- tion of freedom fighters. Mobile drumhead courts-martial are tour- ing the country and issuing dea sentences, : ° * * For the record, the Hungarian Reds under Premier Jannos Kadar have dissolved the AVH. Direct Feportsfrom_ Hungary, however, say the Hungarian security police stil’ are operating ruthlessly, no matter what their name. YOUNG TOUGHS The AVH -is a pack of young toughs, informers, opportunists and dedicated Communists, w ° * The fighting in Budapest was touched off directly by the AVH Oct. 23 at the beginning of the re- volt. A the ask The next day there was another demonstration, orderly, in front of Parliament. AVH police again fired on the crowd. The Russians joined in to inflict a thousand cas- ualties. The ‘“‘massacre in Magyarovar" in northwestern Hungary wag an- other AVH deed. A crowd of stu- dents and townsmen marched to AVH headquarters singing. They asked that the Communist em- blems be removed. AVH guns killed 85. REVOLT IGNITED nest. o__.________ Pius XT, —was-on-in—ear-— Headquarters of this secret po- lice organization that stretched into every Hungarian hamlet for years was at Andrassy Ut 60 in Budapest. In this building the big boss for Lt. Gen. Gabor Peter, Peter—was a former tailor, an effeminate - looking man with a little Hitler-type mustache, but one of the most feared men in Hun- gary. . * * He was the one who readied the “evidence” against Josef Cardinal Mindszenty, American business- man Robert A. Vogeler and hun- dreds of Hungarian political and professional men. — Peter’s fate is not known in the present upheaval, but in the un- certain Mfe of a Red he himself was removed from his powerful post in 1954 and sentenced to life imprisonment for ‘‘anti-state activ- ities." Portraits By JAMES J. METCALFE __....This_Christmas Eve may hate greed .. , And every conflict . As guiding them... Bethlehem . At least may Christmas move their hearts .. . To do some charity . by the grace of God... Christmas Eve throughout the world... May there be more and more . . . Who recognize dear Jesus, and , ... Who kneel down and adore. (Copyright, 1956) ° Looking Back 158 Years Ago SUPREME WAR council meets in Capital, U.S. TANK forces at Lingayen reinforced. + Yyears Ago WORLD HEARS message of usual, I have received requests a_report_to the President on the trom to . wi su . +“, v fr - — - Oger) . ‘es _ “cooperate” with them in the Case Records of a Psychologist: . ’ Fate tee have to drive in holiday traffic shest . Vic Secretary a te ‘one for the road somewhat reluctant to make the Alice is a very diplomatic dean of women who is counsel- husbands, children, or par- the refugee problem really is and jading actors of such affairs were *“Pport of Christianity versus prs ares sucicieen kept under police surveillance from other _ Scrap~ detail, Dec, 2% to Jan, 2. book this case record. Use it-in et ene eae oo ‘ Sunday School next week, : menen? alone shall CFEE RELPS By DR. GEORGE W. CRANE positive by feeding the hungry, healing the sick and offering hope to the downcast, “Go ye into all nations,” Jesus urged, “and preach, teach, heal, etc.” ~ This emphasis upon a positive outlook correlates with the fact religion. It turns the attention of people Explains Superiority of Christianity and universities in America, as well as our hospitals, ce a RA a a A NL ae Cec ns Aaa 9 Lake © i \ Keego Harbor: Milford Union story of ° _N. P s open and we ... For unto you ee fill our hearts and enrich this day in the city of Dav May the glory of its t of Christmas. stmas, a Saviour, which is Christ, the read again the wondrous this season with the true The Book lie Offices at W. Huron at Tilden op e e g fF i8 ¢ § = 3 i S } 2 i re \ hats # £ _“PHE PONTIAC PRESS, MONDAY. DECEMBER 24, 1956 aia ve ? 4+} * , P ." i aa, Oe. ON TR AAT RRA ORE MSA Hr rea Se) Ge oe BARR oS: ahaa mame 9 ee ec RR, AES 5 ALANIS IE = ie. a, cel 4 \" jee? i ie MAYA f | . , _ A y k ao » _ ‘ a ae — ' i . so, | i * | , :) =: . é a ; 4 f j Bh be e r Pa . i ie q Pr nae - = i 25 Pe * gt ¢ . once bet wih eri é ‘ _ “ . aa . “ > vm Hf 4 - i 5 - - 2 ail oda : aie Pom . J i = r e - ' a “2 ~ — > - + ~~ Member Federal Deposit i Insurance Corporation > ome * ie ee 10 to 20 years’ ie All Sas without the use of na or astrin- reoties, anes gents of any rong The secret is a new healing substance (Bio-| Dyne*)—the discovery of a world. | famous research institution. Al- | ready, Bio-Dyne isin wide use for ery An tissue on all | parts of ration H.* Ask Preparation cial applicator. Preparation ‘orm called Prepa for individually sealed convenient suppositories or) . Preparation H ointment with s pe Hal Boyle Says: Adv. for PMs Monday, Dec. 24 send him a picture book in color NEW YORK (W—At your wits’! jor, better yet, put in a box of end for a last-minute Christmas|crayons and let him have the | present? |pleasure of coloring it to suit his jown rainbow imagination. send a real bonus of| * @ the spirit and bonanza of the mind| What book shall it be? There — a book? jare a million possibilities. The The idea may sound a bit quaint!goa] should be to fit the right \and old-fashioned, but it can have| book to the _ Tight pereom. is surprising results. For one thing| | the gift of a well-chosen book can-| For example, here is our own not but bind a mortal friend clos-| annual list of Christmas books we er, And if you send the right book) suggest for people in and out of! This new heallag substance is ito a mortal enemy it cannot but/the news. It’s all in fun, but it offered in suppository or ointment | confuse him. For a book is a sub-, may help guide’ you in your own) tle ambassador. No one can really! selections: dislike anyone who has the taste) ‘So Fell the Angels’? — ito send him 2 boos he enjoys. | Brooklyn Dodgers. * “The Tribe That Lost Its Head"’ to the “A Gathering of Fugitives"—to the Democratic electors. Richard Nixon. . “Our Valiant Few" — to the readers of this column. “The Voice at the Back Door”’— to any Republican trying to | wangle a Cabinet post in the new ‘administration. “The Last Hurrah’? — to Adlai | Stevenson. * + “The Great Migrations” — -49 ‘John Foster Dulles. “Don't Go Near the Water’— ‘te your favorite bartender. “A Wife Is Many Women"’—to Artie Shaw, “Life Is Worth Living" — to: sold atall drugstores. Satisfaction | | — if there! — to the Cleveland Indians. > SaeCeh ot Deemed. ov bow many yoo eve. NO SECURITY OR ENDORSERS REQUIRED ONE PLACE TO PAY ‘Member American Asseciation ef Credit Counseliors een ey of Credit Counselling experience assist you” Meee C ich Wed € tet Sec te renags be hoot commer og COUNSELLORS guaranteed or money refunded. E "Reg. U.S. Pat. or, |Vision fan, he might think it out-| Stassen. and arrange fer payments yeu can Above Outland ‘Theater Should your piel jis such-a word be*a olor tele-|. ‘The Outsider’’ — to Harold of-date to read a book in plain old} “The Life of the Party’ i black-and-white print. In this cage' Dwight D. Eisenhower. Somia Gamul Ends Military Life Belly Belle of the Nile Goes Back to Movies won to! i ibe over. The Belly Belle of the apparently was over without a: to full. time wiggling waggling ies of admiring cameramen. Merry Christmas INSURANCE AGENCY We Wish You a. H. R. -Nicholie 49 Mt. Clemens Phone FE 2-2326 jemoting before motion picture; “I don’t think they need me jeameras as Cairo's ‘‘Little Holly- now," the onetinre wife of Texan) | wood.”” ‘Sheppard “Abdullah” King IIT} * ¢« 8 \confessed somewhat sadly. Her “military career” as a vol-| “Jt Jooks like the fighting is ; lover. But I'm still ready to give Train Hits Boy Rcteretetens on Bottle Hunt | beauty with flashing light brown eyes and hips to match volun- teered last August as a rifle- bearer for the citizen Army and training. Loses Legs but Fulfills) As she laid aside her gun and | 30-year-old Samia also she’s put behind all of another matrimonial His Wish to Buy Mom wet Christmas Gift ee EVERETT, Wash. w — Christ... oe 2S, enough.” she de-' IMPORTANT NOTICE. “ANY PERSON WHO CASHED A - CHECK AT THE DIXIE DISCOUNT STORE, 109 NORTH SAGINAW, ON FRIDAY, DECEMBER 21st .. . PLEASE NOTIFY THE PONTIAC POLICE DEPARTMENT IMME- DIATELY. ” May this Yuletide be the eertiest ever for ¥en. jclared somewhat grimly. She was mas will not be exactly as 9-year-! referring to the st jold Robert Forbes Long had! ° ° ormy 1smonths |marriage to Houston's wealthy oil planned it, but his mother will get|king which ended in divorce in the Christmas present for’ which 1954 ~ Piitbert-nearty “gave his tite Satur Robert lost both legs when a| Samia now lives alone in a overiook- Northern Pacific railroad yards| least two movies a year. here. He told ambulance driver! she's bombarded with proposals | Lonnie Nichols he had been 100k-| trom wealthy Sheiks and Arab ing for bottles to sell “so I could buy Mommy a Christmas wien but they all get a flat |present.” * * ‘ cents for bottles when he to the hospital, he told Nichols he! flow house at the state prison here | had lost the 16 cents, {will sit down to Christmas dinner'| pital. Someone handed Nichols some cash. Before long police, firemez and railroad employes heard about it, and contributed. Nichols hasn't revealed how much was collected, but he says there was- plenty for a present. And what is left over will provide se meen Of a Sind Sor artiletet lim is 1,938, or 18 above the normal mark, prison authorities said. The! overflow stems from the time-hon- ored custom of wardens of many |} jails who ship their felons to Sing'| Sing just before Christmas in or- * & ® Dr. J. R. Otto, who operated on Robert, said, ‘He’s a pretty sick) boy. His genera] condition is fair, but he’s still critical.” Robert, son of Mr. and Mrs. is, but he’s keeping quiet and telling. And neither is_young Rob-| ert, * * ; The 34-year-old father said: “Bobby knows he lost both legs | and that he won't walk again for | a-teng time. He realizes he'll need | crutches or artificial legs. But he | will get along okay. He’s got all! the spunk in the world, that kid.”’| * FUFL OW OAKLAND FUEL and PAINT CO. 436 Orchard Lake Ave. Ordinary windows of glaze seneus| out most of the sun’s ultraviolet | rays, With “ we Visit Our Year-End Sale Starting ten Holay Wednesday — Outstanding Sensor Values Throughout * the Store No Carrying Charge on Our Budget Plan . OPEN--FRIDAY EVENING . Our 20th Year: of Greater Value Giving! MILLER FURNITURE - 144 Oakland Ave. Free Delivery. | CAIRO (INS) — The war must junteer in Egypt's liberation Army| Nile, Samia Gamal, has returned shot being fired, except by batter-. went through weeks of gruelling | | Sine sumptuous apartment switching engine ran over him as| Ing the Nile and devotes all her he was hunting for bottles in the| undulating talent to making at | He had already tne ‘Sing Sing Hosts Guests |j to the railroad yards. On his way| OSSINING, N. Y, @— An over-| Nichols told the story at the hos-| tomorrow. Sing Sing’s population | der to save the trouble and ex- holi- |} “A Certain Smile’? — to Nikita Khrushe hev, “What Shall I Wear?'’—to any woman, * * * “Much Ado About Me'’—to Elvis Presley, “The FBI Story” — to Willie Sutton, '“How To Invest Your Money"a< to Joe Louis. | | 4 | RELIABLE Window & Siding Co. 250 S. Telegraph THE PONTIAC PRESS. MONDAY. DECEMBER 24, 1956 wd “A Single Pebble” -— to anyone know who likes to cast the rst stone, * * * out Really Trying” - to Perry Como. “A Piece Of My Mind” — t husband. your “Further Fables For Our Time” to the editors of Pravda. “Call Me Mother” — to Grace Kelly and aeghge er r9ynee “Never a In Anger’’—to) Dag Ham thon so ena “My Lord, What a Morning’’— ito Anthony Eden. “One Foot In Eden'’—to Gamal |Abdel Nasser, . * * ® “I'd Rather Be President’ '—to| Estes Kefauver. - “Silence in Heaven” — to the! angel girl you're married to. “The Listener's Musical Com- panion"—also to your wife, “In Silence I Speak” — ditto} “How To Get Rich In TV With-|more Let . Books Express Your Yuletide Feelings “That Uncertain Feeling" — your income tax collector. “Comfort Me With Apples’'—to the boss who refused to give you money. “Glamour, Glucose and Glands” lo Jayne Mansfield. “What Are You Worth?” — | John D. Rockefeller Jr. * * * “They Met At Gettysburg” Mamie Eisenhower. “Life Without Father’—to the wife of any traveling salesman. “Man of High Fidelity’ — to Edward R. Murrow, “The Success’’ —to John Daly, ‘who deserves his. “Hits, Runs and Social Errors” —to Toots Shor. “The Art of Plain Talk” |Casey Stengel. — to — to * * “How To Live 365 Days a Year" —to your own worst friend, your-| self, “Love or Perish''—to the human! lrace, Rangoon, year’ s service New telephone subscribers’ In Burma , now -pay for a in advance, vt Go our heartielt wishes of happiness | at Christmastime! James A. Taylor Insurance — Real Estate 100 Oakland FE 4-2544 | Plastlic WALL TILE set it Ea. FREE WE LOAN YOU TOOLS and TILE CUTTERS ~ Park In Our Lot Behind the Store! Armstrong nh Tile = l/o° a You Want! Plastic Wall TILE De Your Soe *f 8” an coos «BR, tere, in, — mare " ‘ § VINYL TILE em A fhe Floor Shop = 99-101 ‘S. Sag. Open Monday & Friday ‘til 9 P.M. ® foretells the of those who have hel very: enjoyable. Kno makes business a pleasure. It is privilege to greet tes coatk cell hae a Merry Christmas. It’s Christmastime again, and, as this season of another year, we think ped make that year so | wing and serving folks like you indeed a " ‘They Count Blessings After Talking to Cable Moe TS e “Wegen es By PHYLIS BATTELLE NEW. YORK GINS) — This is the true story of a 58-year-old New Yorker wha enioys,. on Dé. 24th, He: is. notan. actot: Not even what Is commonly cfd « “bad speed i actor,” exactly, is he. strange this night, when love o’erfiows most of the city streets, are these: First, he has observed that a surly attitude on his part at Christ- mastime makes other folks ap- preciate more deeply their own happy stations in life. a * - And second—well, he just natur- ally.feels Scrooge-ish at Christmas anyway. VERY SIMPLE “It's very simple what I do Christmas Eve, you'd like to hear it?” he remarked the other day when I climbed into his cab spilling ever with Christmas spirit and spruce needles. Tr About 4 glock 1 pet ott. see, any, so what's it to me?’ That's what I say and if ‘that don't shut the guy up, I go to another bar.” * * * t Usually, however, the driver will send the intruder on his way. “A better man, I might add,” he added. NOT FOR HIM This has been going on for about 30 years, since Scrooge (whose real name is un able any- way) decided that life of wed- lock and responsibility was not for him, - . * ¢ * He was born in Italy and came and clean my hack from all the mess you Christmas lovers left all to America at the age of 14, and from that. point onward, Christmas -May this wonderful season , the hepplest our friends and petrons heave ever enjoyed! -—We-vincerely wish you-presperity in the coming NEW YEAR! Auburn 640 Auburn Ave. be long remembered as one of | a tavern and not talk to anybody|him. | I didn’t get a bang it,) unless they tals to me first]. Pg cnock Mie” he ex “They talks to me first, and I (plained. went on complacently, this hint)}———--—— about the sanctity of the home) , 5 & 10| end 0h sas cs Ven ee sie hows there wih Crit cores Yond be as rid As of then, when the birthday of! In » sad way, despite the fact MTition er sbtapeit: “ANN ARBOR #}~Ten tne | ee “te Get $85,000 aa From Harlan Lesions TODAY'S ASSIGNMENT FOR: -— “JUNIOR EDITORS] == > sey ¢ sg : ! - Py * «3 ss @' S ‘ , 1 { Be ) i Q " ae * 4 * 4 . 5 a — iL oi ¥ 1 ~ & . % ( : a , % = 4 PA 4 = ‘- pe Be ~ i ih = Se For many centuries the singing of carols has helped. celebrate | ogre rem Groups of singers go about for several nights before Christmas, and especially on Christmas eve. They sing in the open sir or visit hospitils-and homes to cheer the sick and! One of the most popular carols is “Oh, Come All Ye Faithful.” Sometimes it is sung inLatin as “Adeste Fideles.”" Other old but ‘popular Christmas favoriles are: “Silent Night,” “Oh Little Town of Bethichem” and “Away in the Manger.” Here is a young caroler as he might have looked in an English ‘costume of Dickens’.tim © singing “Joy To The World, the Lord Is Come."" He is singing in front of a red brick house. The door is deco- lrated with a bunch of green holly. He wears a red scart and ithe lantern has an Grange flame and a yellow glow. Paste this picture down on cardboard. Then color it with -your paints or crayons. Cut out the drawing along the heavy outside lines. Fold the end panels forward and the caroler will stand up while you sing the song with him. (Marian Jones of Palo Alto, Calif., receives $10 for this idea, If. you have a suggestion for Junior Editors send it in care of this news- paper. Violet Moore Higgins; AP Newsfeatures). Wednesday: The Man In The Moon ~ ‘ From all of us to all of | you, may happiness be yours. 818 Community National Bank Bidg. 12-24 29 La ,.. to all of You! FATHER & SON atin: Office and Plant om — Ave. Yule Money Snatched, ‘St. Nick's’ Not Delayed BALTIMORE @—It looked like a bleak and cheerless Christmas for Mrs. Louise Faoeagnts end her two young children. police and went home ing for the children’s stockings.” A few hours later, a police- man stopped at the Pleasants home, Patrolman Earl Potter pulled from his police wagon a DRY large box splitting at the seams with a load of Christmas goodies. Ban Raisins—Too Risky as Food for Prisoners _ | DONALDSON LUMBER CO. 27 Orchard Loke Ave. ee Se .. From the: Staff of } yey 8 > Keego Hardware ‘No. 3041 Orchard Lake Red. :F 2-3766 Dial comfort with an automatic blank ae ne % There’s personalized coaster ak poet tegen Wits a tale blanket. You select just the temperature you want ...a thermostat. does the rest to ep nou con aera matter bam Sore oy ~—~tures change. Is there a difference of opinion about the right “dual controls make it possible to have different temperatur each half of the blanket. a es There are colors to harmonize with every decor. perature? ee _ See ‘your: dealer or Detroit it Baison i ster s Are .eady 3 ; S \ fo Pa “What! ire there still more?” Jeff Sullen- but they keep asking for snow to make it completely 9 4 (left) can’t believe his eyes. His sister, Janet, happy. Their parents are Dr..and Mrs. Neil H. Sul- , Jeryl are just as happy about Christmas, lenberger of Huntoon Lake. PoP PS ene FL We Wish You dll je ey Pd _* Pontiac Press Photes A Merry Christmas Santa Claus may not beso easy to reach in form with little Debbie Bensken, daughter of Mr. and _.. The Women's Department person, but here he stands in at least a cardboard Mrs. James Bensken of Silverhill road. ante tee pce is A eI RA RTE AT iChristmas to See Big Stir of Entertaining in Pontiac | By MARGARET COLE {turning to their home after the! The familiar “Twas the night|first of the year. before Christmas when all through! ° the house not a creature was stir- is | Coming from Ann Arbor to | | spend Christmas with Mrs. Hazel wimg...” does not apply to Macher of Boston avénue are | Pontiac homes. Families are bub-| May K. Burke and Evelyn | bling with excitement and enthusi-| px. Joining \them for dinner : for-holiday-entertajning. | are Jane Danton and Mrs, Eva | Many Christmas Eve gatherings) Dyer of Shoreview drive. are being held tonight with family) * * *& dinners highlighting tomorrow's) wir. and Mrs. Lloyd Bigham of! ‘South Johnson avenue will enter-| atk _ tain at dinner Christmas Day.) Mr. and Mrs. William Beattie heir guests will include Mr. and! are having as dinner guests thisiyjr. Lioyd Bigham Jr. of Flint,| evening Mrs. Margaret Archer and yr and Mrs. Edward Vanderworp| sons, Joe and John; William Beat-! ang Mr. and Mrs. Edward Petty.| tie Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Raymond!) eo eas Banwell and children, Brect,| Visiting for the holidays at the , home of Mr. and Mrs, Fred Wiest jof Avondale drive is her mother, be |Mrs. William Cressy of Manches- Mrs. |ter, N.H. The Wiests with Mrs. Cressy will have Christmas dinner with \Mr. Wiest’s parents, Mr. and Mrs.| : |Howard N. Wiest of Northville. * * * 2 3 ; Even tiny Florence Delbridge feels bridge of Birmingham. She is the grand- | the excitement in the air. She is the daughter of the Walter D. Appels of | daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Del- ~- Orchard Lake. | : : * } Sandra Williams is home from i : 4 Cottey College in Nevada, Mo., for’ but covered with Christmas toys. Some the holidays. With her at the home were even too big to get into the over- : cod deckin Williams of Harding street, is her} sized stocking, ‘ : college roommate, Mary Lou John-| : son of Grass Valley, Calif. ° a he holidays in New phic ga BNE NG “T’ve—been—a-good boy,” Michael. _.He_is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Stev- | Capsalis seems to say to Santa Claus, — Capsalis of Ottawa drive. r] 4 spose it's really Santa” lit imny _—mayed over St. Nick’s early arrival. But then he . at os Wi 4 ee: : aA ? a 3 asks as he tugs at the ‘beard recognized a familiar voice behind the mask and sim-— {et Gatewey-drive, Christmas VA PEL IN, Fi Ee Ses sion of Santa Claus. His brother, rou wit bave @ OP nk ae oe go i Baews sgia the bearded figure, somewhat dis- 73 Sa ee Se a Paes se cen “eas Waa AN BE aes Aaa ets | Club: Has Yule Party suchioclab ara Patty. Cailendead Sets ‘Essien: it Exavaple ant. Widowers enacommcnat — at Malta temple. Mrs. Edna Boyle By JOSEPHINE LOWMAN Cina en ‘indy ACs hcthia neiolin be tie ice toatl, telcarcuiitioe tcc tite Wie | human experience, Tt makes sang @ solo and led the group in| I would like. to tell you about|worth of garden seed, at his own’ first trip he has visited many otherjstory to various civic groups, a : community singing of Christmas/the man who now is called Pattyjexpense, which he took back to garden seedichurch and school groups in ' carols, Gardenseed. His real name is Aloy-|Ki tes, sius Eugene Francis Patrick Mo- aera zier. 1 am sure that you will agree that his present name is much easier to remember, but that is not why he has it. * * * When this remarkable man was; 1? years old hig mother sent him to the store for a loaf of bread. On the way there he joined the Navy, and spent the next 30 years) — as seaman sailing afound the| world, Several years ago when Mr. Mosier wag traveling through. Our wish to al! our Korea In a jeep, he saw a little triends and customers 4-year-old girl collapse by the >. A Merry Christmas | roadside. He took her to a hos- pital where one died in his arms. Edith Stenson | IMPERIAL tats si tau dot BEAUTY SHOP | ther te’ see dented he, personaly, - p must do-something about. : | | As a rest. he retuned to the consi DRY CLEANING Sr ‘SHIRT LAUNDRY FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE CAR HOP SERVICE MONDAY THRU SATURDAY NIGHT DEPOSITORY FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE MAIN OFFICE HOURS: 7A. M. te 7 P.M. HURON DRY CLEANERS & SHIRT LAUNDRY One-Day Cleaning Service at Main Office I Neighborhood Stores to Serve You Main Office and Plant: 944 West Huron Street — FE 2-0231 219 sees Ave. Phere are a ‘all about et See seme ane Se ’ Besinesd ‘nsttate }the young mother nearby 7 West Lawrence St., Pontioc not afford a babysitter? What a bonus it would be for her if you took over once in a while, and what fun for you! _ 3 am convinced that the best . chance for happiness is to invest in the happiness of others. Once you begin chasing your own personal happiness it becomes as illusive as the sigh of a breeze on treetops, f * bd * | Tt you would like my leaflet, |“ Individual Happiness," “send a. stamped, self-addressed envelope with your request for leaflet No, 65. to Josephine Lowman in care of The Pontiac Press. - There are certain people and’ = etn reine sneer one cee ea 2 — : certain occasions which lift life out NESOCCECOHLE ain he en UE OG EE OS 8S NIE SE ER EY of the ordinary. Let us never take: foreign. eae = wc Travel: Service — 698. W. Huron ‘ -May you. and your loved ones enjoy the blessings of peace throughout the year. A ESF 5 CLLARERS : ene 0 ¢ < + t THE PONTIAC PRESS. MONDAY. DECEMBER 24, 1956 of oe ee NEW YEAR- “THLE OUTLET 1055 W. Huron FE 8-3717 ‘window just as firemen reached ee Apartment Fire Marilyn's Late Arrival | Kills 5, Injures3 | | Mother, 4 Children Die; ' 5-Story Building, Stores Badly Damaged MERIDEN, Conn. # — A flash tire that swept a five-story down- town apartment building killed a last night. Another child was injured cri- tically while her husband and her - 20-year-old son were overcome by | smoke, An uncle was badly burt ‘when he jumped through a closed his bedroom. * * «& A policeman climbed danger- ously close to flames licking out the rear of the building to rescue nine occupants, He heard others screaming for help, he said, but was unable to reach them, | “It was horrible,” said patrol-_ jman Walter France. “You don’t! know how it feels to hear the) May this gata =) NATIONAL CLOTHING CO. is glorious ‘HH oliday ~~ May the spirit of Chrismas “bring peace rd people screaming and know) there's nothing you can do,” The dead were identified as 'Mrs. Eulia Morales Rios, 39; her | daughters, Gladys, 17, and Isobel, 6; and her sons, Eddie Nelson, 4, and Eddie, 3. A medical examiner said they suffocated, ' he critically injured child was | ‘identified as a 5-year-old son, Ani- bal, The other of the children is ‘a 20-year-old son, Jose. Both he jand his father, Luis, 41, were | hospitalized because of smoke poi- soning. Their conditions were not critical, x * «+ The uncle, Albert Morales, 23,) suffered a possible fractured spine | ' possible fractured ribs and deep) cuts of his feet and legs in his! ‘leap through the window. Police said the building was oc- cupied by Puerto Ricans, few of | ‘whom spoke English. | About 200 patrons in a movie| 'theater next door were ev acuated | but not until 20 minutes after the: ‘fire started. Smoke routed occu-| pants in an apartment building on| the other side. Police said all 13 apartments | the building, plus a line of stores damaged. Fire Chief Leonard Petracelli| ‘said the fire possibly was started) out, fire broke ° PA mother and four of her children; m” itfs Photographers - By EARL WILSON. - loeking slim, unmotherly and beautiful — and Playwright Arthur Miller's looking beautiful (and unmotherly) too, =x * * Some 125 photogs-and TV cameramen got miffed the other night because they waited for MM at the*Baby Doll” premiere beginning at eight—and she arrived at 9:50. Only one or two were still hanging around. “Let's unroll the red carpet again!” the official red carpet unroller shouted. But ‘twas too late, She walked — ly February NEW YORK—Marilyn Monroe’s back on the night beat falk Feb. 96 for the Weat Coast| where she will be permanently transferred to the Pacific’ Fleet.’ At the Bremerton, Wash., naval, shipyard the big ship will go into) “Cartier Goes West fo ) Convert Decks NORFOLK. Va; W—The car- rier Coral Sea, which will return here from the Mediterranean ear- in . will leave Nor- dry dock for conversion to the) new angled-deck design. The Coral Sea will tne relieved. of duty with the 6th Fleet in the Mediterranean by the supercar- rier Forrestal. The carrier Ran- \ SCARLETT’S BICYCLE SHOP 20 E. LAWRENCE. PONTIAC no nemehenenennrnigentennnne ee eae ee RC A RT A ET AB didn’t feel well and we didn’t think. we'd be able to come at all,” Miller explained. | an ermine coat, she looked her ‘on the street floor, were badly THE MIDNIGHT EARL... | Spain for a film . in like everybody else. “We're sorry if we inconvenienced* anybody but Marilyn dolph, also now with the 6th Fleet, ' will be relieved by Champlain, ‘the Lake, /! The photogs who ganged to the Actors Studio champagne. party at the Waldorf forgave her. In a form-fitting bilue- black ‘sequin. gown “she'd bought from a window at a store on Seventh Avenue, and sexiest. Spotting tall re@\ > haired Tina Louise of “Li'l Abner,” Marilyn asked, “Who's | that beauty?” x *& * Tina -Louise informed me that.Miller has sex appeal. “That mouth and those ‘glasses; - A bee sighed. , ; “Glasses!” I exclaimed. She sald, “Yes, they show. he reads & lot—and thinks deep thoughts,” (Hand me down my bi-| focals, Mom.) MARILYN Out on Park Av..about 1 am., I heard a girl yell “Help! Help!” A man punched her—then kicked her. Clambering up. off the sidewalk, she ran for a cab, mean- | while yelling at-the spectators, “Aren't any of you gentlemen’ ‘enough to help a woman being slugged?” As she got into the cab, I recognized the husky voice of Diana Barrymore. I didn’t recognize the guy who kicked her, but my curbstone opinion is that he was not very well-mannered. * * * Eddie Fisher's Debbie is a singer herself—she'll have you know—and while arranging for their big premiere party at the Waldorf, she wondered why their little bundle of joy goes right on bawling when she sings—but listens quietly and attentively when Eddie belts one out. * * oe All Our Staff Sends You Bright wishes for a JOLLY CHRISTMAS! You've heard this before, we know. But how else can-we-wish you the best of holiday cheer than 40 say, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! GENEY || = Neisner’s Shoe Store DRY CLEANERS . 12 W. Pike St. FE 5-6107 : 42 North Saginaw Street a Jayne Mansfield’s allowing Cuban scuiptor Sepy Do- | ecacta tinplate madara wouldn't permit him te take any nude pictures of me and I didn’t think it was likely he would find any. There is no chance he will see Mansfield in the flesh.” : So Jayne informs me from Hollywood, adding that the poor |man must work from ‘magazine “semi-nudes.” Jayne's still bronyi to do a nude statue of her—“but I told him I | ' i ; : He said residents had chased | datty about Mickey Hargitay. She’s working up an adagio children 20 min-| dance act with him and has got him the role of her best beau in the “Rock Hunter” movie. stupid? He's a genius. Who says muscle-men ere Mike Todd will be profiled by the New Yorker . . Ewell’s scenes for “Rock Hunter” will be shot in N. Y.; he'll a B’way play. - Lena Horne’s asking 10G’s for her next TV guest shot . | Billy Eckstine flew in from Rome, spent two hours at Birdland | and flew on to L. A. Rita Hayworth, her hair in a snood, was unrecognized at § | “Long Day’s Journey Into Night” . . . Sid Feller, who just an album called “Music for Expectant Mothers,” became a father ... Gregory Peck stopped here en route to. . Lola Fisher, the Cinderella gal of “My, Fair Lady,” has a Paramount screen test offer. Earl’s Pearis ... You're only young once, but you aed imma- ture indefinitely. ' ae Selma Berman tells of the panhandler who gave his son a wedding present—he gave him the other side of the street + »« That's earl, brother. (Copyright 1956, The Halli Syndicate, Inc.) « piaize 150° NORTH SAGINAW. 1 5 a In the spirit of the Holiday Season We éxtend our hearty thanks for your Friendship and Patronage as and our wishes for Your , ‘Happiness and Prosperity in the New Year A rc tga ARETE LP a Men’s Clothing Store... Zz Gift to Ferris Institute I to be applied on a new athletic’ field has been received. by Ferris Institute from W. C. Taggart,! pioneer Michigan oil developer and Ferris alumnus. FROM EACH AND EVERY EMPLOYEE TO ALL OUR CUSTOMERS ° AND FRIENDS . Tom | TODAY'S BEST LAUGH: Comic Alien Drake lists the ad-| vantages of owning a trailer: “You have a place to live while; | you're looking for a place to park.” — BIG RAPIDS = A $10,000 gift a It's impossible for us to-express — our gratitude to each of our customers individually. So to all of you from all of us, may you enjoy the blessings of peace and | prosperity in the yéar ahead. | / | PONTIAC PRES PONTIAC, MICHIGAN — ‘Santa and the Crippled Angel Santa Claus was late that Christ- mas eve in departing from his workshop at the North Pole’ What ‘ with filling last minute orders for toys atid putting up bags of candy, . he had spent a very busy. day~Now it was almost, midnight and he was ready at last for his annual Christ- mas journey, carrying gifts to good boys and girls. The-back of his sleigh was laden with the huge sack of Christmas presents. His reindeer stamped ‘their feet in the snow at his approach, jingling the merry bells . on their harness. “Steady, steady,” Santa -chuck- led. “I know you're anxious to be off.” He turned to his elves who gathered in a happy knot near the sleigh. “Is everything in order?” “Yes, Santa,”’ they said. been very careful.” “Are you sure there’s a train for that—” he paused. Someone, a very little someone, was crying. Santa looked at his elves but each one wore a broad grin, so it couldn’t be one of them. There it was again. A little cry like that of a kitten, only with a note of sorrow. It could come only from within that big sack of toys. “Quick,” Santa ordered. “Un- pack the bag. Be careful now. Semeone is unhappy. Imagine that—unhappy on Christmas Eve. We'll have to fix that right away.” The elves scurried to the top of the sleigh and handed down dolls,. trains and other toys.to the elves. Santa looked at his watch. It was _ getting even closed to midnight. “Here it is,” an elf called out. “It's a little angel doll.” * * * “We've Sure enough, the cry grew a bit louder: in the clear ‘and cold night air. Santa peered into the big sack. There, on top of some cowboy books, was a little wooden angel. She was dressed in white, she had tiny wings and she wasn't as big as your hand. Big tears fell: from her blue eyes. “Now then,” Santa said. “What's the trouble?" By F. H. BORDSEN ~ her sobs but couldn't quite succeed. “It's my leg,” she—gaid. ‘‘It's broken.” “Now, now,” Santa said. “That's, nothing to cry. about. Toys don't feel any pain.” “I know,” the angel sniffed. “But who would want an angel doll with a broken leg? Who would want me?” Santa gathered the little angel in his mitten. “Don't you worry about who will want you,” he said, “We'll do a fast patching job.” He hurried into hig workshop, took down a pot-of glue, and with swift strokes glued the broken leg together. It was a little crooked, but strong. “There now,” he said, ‘we'll be off.” He opened his red coat and tucked the little doll ‘inside. “You stay right there until we get some altitude,” he said. “You're going to be all right.” “I hope so,”’ she sighed. _* * & Once the sleigh was among the clouds, Santa bent his head to her and said, “Are you comfortable, tiny one?” “Yes, I am.” “Well then, listen. Soon we'll be over a town where a little .‘v! lives who has polio. Her doctor says she'll recover but that she may have to wear braces on her legs and use crutches for a while. I'm sure she'd like an angel. doll with a‘ leg like yours. I didn't make your leg absolutely straight, you know. I wanted you to be a little bit like her. Do you mind?” ‘“What's the girl's name?” the angel doll asked. “Her name’s Sally and she’s five years old.” “Will she take me to bed with her and let me sleep on her pillow, Santa?’ " “T'm sure she will.” “Well, then, I'm glad I broke my leg,” -said the doll. Santa gave her a pat. “Now tonight I'll leave you at her house. I've a lot of work to de so I can’t stay around. But Pil be back a year from tonight and I'll see you then.” “All ‘right, Santa. I'll take good care of her,” the angel promised. a * * Sure enough, a year later Santa ealled again at Sally's home and he tiptoed into her bedroom. The little angel was on Sally's pillow and the girl was fast asleep. “Are you happy here?” Santa asked. “Oh, yes, Santa. She plays with me all the while because I have a leg like hers.” “And how is she getting along?” “Just fine. She walks a little now with crutches and the doctor says she may not need them next Christmas.” A big grin showed above Santa's white beard. ‘Wonderful. Do you want to stay with her?” “Oh, yes. She needs me.” “Good. I'll be back next year,” And Santa threw the little angel a kiss as he slipped from the room. Once more, on the following Christmas Eve, Santa entered the bedroom. There was Sally, a little bigger now, but the little angel was not to be seen. He called, and a muffled answer came from a closet. Santa peeked inside. “Here I am, Santa, on the floor in the corner.’ Santa rel up the little angel and blew dust from her clothing. “My, little one; you must have been in there a long time." The angel managed a smile. “Well, Sally has been walking quite a bit, ever since last summer. And she wants to play with dolls who have good legs now. So she put me here and forgot all about me.” “Well, now,” Santa said. “I think you've done your work here. Would you like to come with me tonight?” : “But where would I go, Santa?” “Oh, I know of .another little lame girl.: And she needs a doll like you.” The angel blinked her eyes in surprise. “And can I sleep on her pillow, too?” “Ot course." “Well, I'm ready,” she said. Se Santa opened his coat and put the angel inside and flew away with her into the night- time sky. ‘And. the little angel doll was happy again. She knew that wait- ing for her was a little girl who would take her to bed and pat her mended leg. |\Are Important to Busy Santa RECEIVES GIFTS—Gordon Morrison, left, as- sistant superintendent of the Pontiac Children’s Hones le Semeeek: oer gms fer, the a unanimons (ora intg the Dixie Classic at mG Yee sa, “he ME Sea the eg: eS a, ball field.” able player. nament as West Virginia has Mantle dominated the poll like all eight of its games ‘and w noe tae er mane ase LONG S@lRCHE seats er seen points, 333 to 168, as his nearest : “tag: ovowr nee Sg Argh dob on Sul ‘made Cner Delay. hat 4 Paul, Towa and North Carls ce for Ring Honor j= ms ozo Sau" * Seventh-ranked Kentucky Cincinnati $. ; Miami (Ohio) &, Boston nal Stan : 2-0, ao 2-0, Dartmouth 6-2, Cross Ld Utah 79, St. Johns Bkn. 71 Beton Ha 4 5 Tulane 74, Ohio ite Bradicy h Calfornis Porro Purdue 83, Butler 7° Jom cee Howard Payne 73 er an f t 49 rkansas She 18 “Far West - EarEE tea, . Dect Utah State 78, Montana State 73 - itt fo Battle Tradition ball fame and the|fifth - ranked lightweight, today|tion tournament. The Wildcats \ . Yanks’ no-hit, no-run, no-anything|was named “most improved box-|next move into the Sugar Bowl pitcher, Don Larsen, ranked fifth./er of 1956” by the Chicago Boxing|competition Friday night, Alaba- i OF W 0e Parks and. Recreation Mantle was a long way from/Writers and Broadcasters Assn. |ma, Houston and Virginia Tech the scene of his baseball triumphs} Lane, who won all of his eight|@%e also in this one. \ Home Room Basketball [when The Associated Press locat-|starts this it sentes ee 8 | : ed-him here in-A year, the} JA . Fla. (INS) —; the line and 188 in the backfield EASTERN JUNIOR m1GH him the news. He bas een fore|(7aTé. @¢ the. writers snd Oro eae ee eee seian|Pittsburgh will be battling tradi-| ae oppésed to Tech's average Bhacnrogks 6, Biosbircs 2 with the Bob Hope troupe that|uary 6, annual ring dinner Jan- in of vict was. ‘The Tilini, (on —%* well\as the nation's ard! poundage of 204 up front and 186 Royals 12, Roughriders 9 came to entertain servicemen at * © ® No. 5 nationally compared with) ong Georgia *. + ; Alaskan bases. . ‘ Lane, starting his career in| the Wildcats’ No, 7, are rated the) ow) next Sai rusia 2 Spt abate sy te lett bd 1953, now has a 455 record and|“team to beat” in the Big Ten." ri4. coach fie Grade Sunday by air, returning/in his last two starts defeated The Tinois setback coupled! owned seven Planing five 3 pe eaiterines 19 to the states and a nuthber of/Frankie Ryff and Light-| With Ohio State’s 74-71 loss to TU) ons at the at sUNIOS MiGs speaking engagements. burn, The current lane Saturday afternoon left the|... yet to lose . Cate 16, 5 One of these will be Jan. 21 in\champion is Joe Brown of New|Big Ten without an undefeated ‘|B eG Fin Wares So Milwaukee, where Mande will re-Orleans. quintet. Similarly, his made |D1U ray Il’s Hot lobetrotters 6 ce ternal Order *| The Chicago boxing group al-| However, with Ohio State,| ten appearances ' w repre ia gles-Frederick C, Miller memori-iteady has designated new heavy-|lowa, N wide television (Chased Indoors Chiefs 16, Bpartane 2 al award as winner of the APlweight champion Floyd Patterson|and Michigan State all down fot| have come out Grade poll, The trophy was awarded for|as “‘boxer of the year” and Pat-|tournament play, Ten has} end each time, Celtics 10, onders 0 the .| will be carried to the by television and radio In ten regular seasons Tech has allowed of only 33 nation—and the FF Fe F 22 Mare cin. ot dee Ber; ms Mier in Galt ter LADY EAGLES nO. 130 Gulf Gut Servine 35 16 O'wd. Routine. Ree, 39 32 THE PONTIAC PRESS, MONDAY. DECEMBER 24, 1956 SERVICE STORE FE 5-6123 7 By BILL CORNWELL . | vite Ge Montreal’ Canedions bo- Then the Red Wings’ famous ~ Doral: ined newb gec hn agp eget produstion ties @f Candia Mowe last seer ge Pg dle Recs gathering of the season.” reamed, gue Aine aaa ai Hyde” y show Sunday| ‘The Red Wings were completely| Ta"stormed them into- am 9g: | the 6:59 mark. +? - Nigtless at the start. Montreal} Stestive band of skaters as they | t1jman and Red _ The: first two acts were POOF! stormed into a seemingly insur- salvaged a deadlock from a0 | whipped a 26-footer fhcalee co cponing night. a *Y|mountable 3-0 lead in the iat es.| Apgarenly eet cause end the: menier on cpening : > *« *@ ponte Skinner, pleased as punch. twe periods, the Detroiters —Pontiac's new Mulfler Specialists— CHRISTMAS WEEK INTRODUCT ORY OFFER KING MIDAS MUFFLERS INSTALLED FREE re $ 8° 15-MINUTE SERVICE MUFFLER Clamps Extra © sion as Detroit goalie Glenn Hall was bombarded with 20 shots. In a long run and i contrast, the Wings fired only three : treal’ Plante. ‘any prodocer, in this case Manager|“! Mam etquaees Gutciatel wad ceteniel Sete Pat peeks ee were it. se . c ~~ ings Rally to Tie, 3 and The change was both selena only able and unbelievable. Howe and fighting National Hockey League sisted by Ullman and iewk, Lind-| NEEDED ‘SER Just Because You Con't Toke Time | Detroit looked a little better injclub. - 10-footer It didn't take the Wings long tol Sey and this peal tecuht u shower ragged as teams|get started either. Howe blasted/,¢ debris on the ice from the’ through a scoreless and|Lindsay’s rebound five feet past! dejleriqus Detroi supporters. ; puncl stanza. the amazed Plante at 48 seconds of ' — 20th of the year, making him the ist NHL player to hit 20 this sea- son. Lindsay's tally was his 14th 7 Ullman was credited with assists, in all three goals. Montreal’s goals in the disas- the day and just can’t take the time during the day necessary maintenance er repair And os, we service better serve the Chevrelet owners ft eee Even if your car requires some miner bedy or tender | it dene fer you—evernite. and << acete vo mece = cs vo egeeaty oe saan cinch ik oar sgueneeh ae using the equipment te assure You the very best sieMasey Inlet" actnede ad Don't Drive a Car Thats Hot Red Wing amid three Canadiens fenseman Doug Harvey makes a LONELY WING — Billy McNeil is a Jonely for the puck at Detroit Olympia last night. De- unprotected Hall at 19:37. Both clubs remained tied for 2nd place in the NHL with 39 points and each one picked up on the lnewsenes © 1000 S$. Woodward AP Wirephote hook the dise away from McNeil. Goalie Jacques Plante (right) watches the play. The game ended in a 3-3 tie, after Montreal had a 3-0 lead. in the battle long reach to NO WAITING — LIFETIME GUARANTEE ALL YOUR EXHAUSTS UNDER ONE ROOF 256 S. Saginaw St. FE 2-1010 | DOUBLE STAMPS WEDNESDAY Soucy’s |, | Service| | FE 3-9557 Losis Soucy Fie Soucy |} ADELAIDE) Australia —Pro- moter Jack Kramer said’ today ithere is no serious friction on his |professional tennis troupe despite !a weekend blowup\by one of his star attractions, Tony Trabert. “Tony got a little ‘excited over in Melbourne after the tourna- ;ment there, but / everything is smoothed out now,” said the for- i champion from Los Angeles |who-is here to’ sign up additional } talent. . After finisHing last in the Mel- bourne professional tournament and winning only about $500 com. ipared with more than $2,000 for jthe winner, Frank Sedgman, Tra- bert blew his top in the players’ 'dressing room. | Trabert told Kramer that he | had signed for a certain figure jand that he felt he was getting the raw end of the deal. After a LIIIMOMOITIIIII OES Braue CHECK HERE’S WHAT WE bc ® Remove front wheels and inspect lining. © Carefully test * honpeat Cost brake drums. Check and dd brake fluid / id Adjot beoke brake shoes to secure full contact with drums. PICK UP YOUR FREE 1956 ROAD ATLAS | a "| few moments Kramer managed to calm the young man from Cin- Cinnati, “It's true Trabert signed under Kramer Denies Riff in Pro Net Troupe basis of regular exhibition style/fessional career and will open his tennis. When Pancho Gonzales'guaranteed $65,000 campaign in had to go to California for a hand) Australia, Jan. 26. The signing operation, we had to change our will take place about Jan. 1. plans. Kramer reiterated today that he “We decided that we would put) also hoped to sign Australia’s Lew the tournament on the same cash|Hoad and Vic Seixas, the 33-year- distribution basis as the pro golfer! iq Davis Cup veteran from Phila-| with prizes awarded to place Of|delphia who has won both the finish. Wimbledon and U. S. champion-| “I told Tony if he wanted a ships. : money, he would have to play bet-| .. . i= ter tennis and win it. He was un- spine « Pecerathe ~ hc mel happy for a while, but T am sure| moter said, “but I have hopes if there will be no ‘lasting bitter-)1 can sit down and talk to him.| ness." here specifically ‘to|! can show him where he can) sign Ken R a A Ha's Da-|Pank & lot of money. lenge round, Rosewall's father, a groceryman, is schedule@ to ar- rive today to join in the negotia- tions, “T haven't signed Rosewall yet, |- but I will be greatly surprised and disappointed, if I don't get him," Kramer said: a special arrangement,” the pro- moter said, “but that was on the It is known\ that Rosewall defi-| Eight entries have been received in the Prep division of the annual Pontiac YMCA‘ Gang Basketball Tournament, which starts Wednes- day morning at the ‘Y' gym * ¢ « A disappointing total of only three entries has been received in rr Junior division. The Junior di-|"*; vision deadline will-be extended until 12 noon Wednesday. Ld 1 f | We're beating a dra ‘come we watt "everyone to hear this Yuletide wish... May ee ee ee corps eens Tah Any group of six or more boys turning their names in to the YMCA or by calling YMCA physical director Art Mann, FE ¥ 5-6116. Junior play, which begins Thurs- day morning, is for boys 13 and 14 iyears of age. Entries in the Prep idivision for 10, 11 and 12-year-olds have been closed. »* * «& All boys playing in the tourna- ment are reminded by Mann that “game time is forfeit time’ and Only Three Junior Entries in ‘Y’ Gang.Cage Tourney -\YMCA Junior Leaders. nitely is committed to a pro- | that gym shoes must be worn while playing. Entries in the Junior divistoni 18 8. Perry OLDSMOBILE-CADILLAC * From All of Us at JEROME To All of You so far are Eastern’s Goofy Five, Rochester Court Trotters and einaetey's Free. Prep omeeet im. 23 0ve. Cro« aos’ Tigers 50 a.m.—Emerson Warriors vs. Wis-|} Toso ame Crofect Little Chiefs vs.if \ Baldwin Orioles 11:10 a.m.—Wisner Swampers vs. Emer- son Globe Trotters - —— _ May the jon of Chesines brighton your hearts ‘dering this Christmes Season and throughout the 5 CUTTING TOOLS & SUPPLIES | * S. Cass at W. Pike | “Mill. Supplies for Industry ~~~ * New Year fe comel of Christmas be to you... May the Spirit | eA heat ikot Seca) Re a MR et be = e Bad IRS te pe eS Nw pes, RN Pe >) Pee f : B atte ens A aT ae Ay cS. <= iz THE PONTIAC PRESS. MONDAY. D! [Romeo Names \Christmas. kb * Award Winners Three Families Take Prizes in Ist Contest by Merchants ROMEO—Top winner in the first home decorations contest spon- sored by the Romeo Merchants’ Assn. here is Harold Banghart of 252 North Bailey St. tured a gnome “playing an organ,” illumingted with Christmas lights. The Marshall Leck family on West State street placed second with Santa and his sleigh filled with presents atid a giant deco- spotlighted ‘in their front yard. The front of Mrs. Stuart Card’s transformed into a gingerbread house, winning third place honeys + * “* Honorable mentions were Dr. Da- vid J. Colion, Bernard Seifert, Rob- ert Hutton, gordon Reddick, Jo- seph Caringi and Ronald Gee. Judges included Mr. and Mrs. Schools T, C. Filppula and Village President Ray Mellen. AP Wirephete | line of the new music box she received at a Tanipa, Fla., Christmas party for blind tots. County Births | , Utica Mr, and Mrs. Clement d. Schoenherr, |1a750 Twenty-One Mile ihe birth of a daughter, Joyee ‘M Goodfellows. “ a) eR S x Wott ae ns 2 = x 2 qa Th H ak 3s & q » SOR eerie oe ae tt Nearby Communities _| LAPEER James (Viola) Drumm, 87, of 241 Rd., wil)| Howard St. here, was to be held iH fz FF ea “Richardson Cemetery, ae ae The event included a turkey! dinner, with all Ahe trimmings, | and a program ‘afterward in the) school gymnasium. tor the annual party by the Goodfellow in | drive. They chalked | up the sale of $2,000 ; funds to be ) Avon Township Children Romp at Yule Party ~ ROCHESTER — Three hundredjhere Saturday for a Christmas| the/party given by the Avon area used to help needy families | throughout the year. Explorer Scouts of Avondale | ‘Post 60 aided with the Saturday) party and Harold Dawe was pro- | gram chairman. Goodfellows from Rochester, papers, Brooklands and Avondale were ‘field Township. A resident of the Pontiac area’ all her life, Mrs, Porter is pur. | vived by a son, Warren of Pontiac, daughters Mrs. Hannah Sivers and, Mrs, Mable Greenhorne of Akron, Ohio, six grandchildren and t wo great-grandchildren. Mrs, James Dramm — Service for— Mrs. at 2 p.m. today froth Muir Brothers Funeral Home, with burial in Mt. AUBURN HEIGHTS—Service for Mrs. Clara May Newby, 2366 Leach Rd., was to be at 10:30 a.m. today from the Dudley H. Moore Funeral ‘Home. with burial in White Chapel Cemetery. She died at her home Saturday. Mrs. Newby is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Alfonse Goforth of Auburn Heights; six grandchildren ‘and 16 great-grandchildren. Donald McMarchy Porter SOUTHFIELD TOWN SHIP — Service for Donald McMurchy Por- ter, 57, of 18440 Westland St., will be held at 2:30 p.m. Wednesday in the Fisher Funeral Home, Troy, on Value of Lew Lavoy, manager of the safety engineering department of Citizens’ Mutual Automobile In- surance Co., of Howell, a veteran show the Southwest Kiwanis Club how seat belts, now offered by all major automobile manufacturers, .jnot only can save lives but also actually make riding more com- foftable, Lavoy, who has been testing seat belts for nearly four years on the “Citizens’ Man” fleet. of Sentence Marlette Man MARLETTE—Patrick Hayes who gave his address as the Marlette days in the Sanilac County Jail and pay $12.80 costs or spend an additional five days in jail. Hayes pleaded guilty to taking $25 over a period of time from the catering the hotel. authority on traffic safety, will) :| He is scheduled to speak at their Wednesday meeting. Hotel, was sentenced to spend ten! Kiwanis Guest to Speak Safety Belts points ductions for users. to offer such safety inducements. 2 Businesses Looted METAMORA — Two businesses highways M-181 and M-24 were re- 4n-eash and merchandise. At the Hillside Tavern, owned; by Leander Dughay, thieves took | $145, two bottles of liquor and! cigars. Twenty doHars—in cash, cigars and five cartons of cigar- ettes were taken from the Hillside lcaddan. The winning lawn scene fea-|— a miniature church and creche, all) « rated tree with gifts underneath | home on West St. Clair street was ss William Creed, Superintendent of) ° “ate Citing numerous top heavy sta-| an tistics in favor of approved seat-| belts, in his talks, Lavoy also) The Council moved to participate | ia to concrete evidence of)with the Michigan State Highway’ 4 Citizens’ faith in the safety de-| Department in building of curbs) = vices in the form of premium re-|and gutters on M33 and study the | |possibility of widening. A letter) @ The Michigan firm is the first will be sent to Ralph Dibble of thei a here located at the intersection of cently looted for a total of $165.00 Rochester Fire Chief George | Graves, Brooklands Fire chief, with Micke May- | bee and J. C. Davis, Avondale chairman of the CHRISTMAS PARTY — Douglas Parker with ‘Pontiac Press Photo } Avon Township Goodfellow drive with Ruth | Waller, are pictured at the annual party for kids ° Saturday at Rochester. About 340 children at- 1 ,000 Smoked Pigeons tended the Yule event at Rochester Junior High. | NEW YORK & — A smoky fire Ross, Harold Pose Rezoning |= inMarlette Council Hears Proposal |” to Change Restrictions | for Industrial Use | MARLETTE — Another rezoning proposition has been presented to, the Council here. it was asked to | street section from residential to! industrial. for a bedding manufacturing con- plants 3 | A new accounting system is|® being set up for the Village by || representatives of Yoe and Yoe,/ CPA firm of Saginaw. Fifty per cent more lighting | will be put on the main business | blocks, and the same system ex- a block north, a biock | AA BD i ee SPN poles for the widening of Main | street, Highway Department. subdivider supply water, sewer and |” streets to the Village specifica-| tions. A building permit has been) issued. ‘Relief Drive Over Top ANN ARBOR # — Washtenaw |! county has gone over the top in its quota for the Hungarian Relief. [Drive. Lawrence Ouimet, | | or $230 over the goal. died Saturday while visiting a sis- ter in Troy, Ohio. General service manager for the General Exchange insurance Corp., Mr. Porter is survived by his wife, .|Marjory Warfield, a son, Donald, and a sister, Mrs. Susan Pauly of ‘Ohio, with burial ther. Mr. Porter! gut! In the days ahead may you come to know the joys of the New Year. May health, peace and prosperity be yours. May we take this oppor- tunity to express our thanks for your favors during the past year. Exchange | FE 3-7432 ee a meroncew eh eae ieticieaaancoreneane ae nn cea ninmaneee recs wt NIGHT... i ce a Naty N GW SHRISTMAS GREETINGS | May the true spirit of Christmas fill the hearts of men everywhere! ~ BOADWAY-SHELL, HARDWARE 650 Auburn Ave. , il cil sadaataabaet sia rezone an area in the Carpenter © This would make room) § Senet we | |i ent ey’s *s Knows : The plat of the Storey Subdivi- © sion was approved providing the | ‘chairs |i man of the local Red Cross chap-| -|servie¢ for which he worked, at Gas Station, operated by Don Cas-|ter, said collections were $4,430, ee _ lyesterday in a Bronx pet shop ikilled 1,000 pigeons. Only survi- About one-fifth of all the food' wasted, according to federal esti-|vors were one pigeon, a canary, produced in the U. S, each year is| mates, ‘an Italian finch and a cat. ut SES RO ea SS ee hah Sali EOS Sy 7 = 3 ALWAYS RST ont. © & em @ 4 ay i i} He ee WA That Santa Sometimes Makes Mistakes... SO WE WILL BE GLAD TO MAKE EXCHANGES ANYTIME If it comes from Penney’s — any Penney Store in the 48 states, we'll gladly make exchanges at any time! Another Reason Why | IT PAYS TO SHOP.AT. PENNEY’S | it acme ade | * . ese sina ® January 1 7 HURRY TO PIPER'S FOR be at PARTY TRICKS—JOKES Comic Christmas.Cards -. Wishing you a Christmas bright with holly, joy, friendship and cheer ta. last you throughout the coming New Year! MICHIGAN FIRST AID i} 2-3027 1621 &. Woodward Ave, Royal Oak JO 4-6847 nae Has Sub for Sale jvc r goamated bee 3 Icecpcak eofoe ere tr ste tp U8 Pie as he cx ie Hor something out of the ordinary, canes Saeeeeee f to “nave re Hollywood Héadlines Coup Spreads on Sumatra Leader of Army Revolt Seeks to Put Sukarno in Top Position JAKARTA, Indonesia #7 — “In- donesian government circles indi- cated today that the ed is near, Iifor the government of Premi Ali Sastroamidjojo as a result/of the spreading army revolt on /Su- matra, The government sources said Sastroamidjojo has only two alter- natives -— to or’ to send troops to -quell the rebellion, But “the army will not fight against Qaseny HG 153 May the heli- days be filled with joy and happiness for youand your _ family. : = HH. Stanton 103 STATE ST. FE 5-1683 Zz itself,”’ political ingles declared. The leader of th¢ bloodless army coup on the righest and second j largest of the 3,000 Indonesian is- jlands, Col. Malaudin Simbolon, ‘called for a reunion of President ‘Sukarno ajyid ex-Vice \ President want to/get back more, of the revenue/from the rubber, coal and ioil their island produces and less contrel of their local affairs by ithe Javanese, who dominate \ the | national government. | Sukarno met today with a non-| party member of Parliament from ‘Sumatra, Mohammed Jamin, Aft- ijwould be better to have a Cabinet crisis now. so Sukarno and Hatta) could take over the _Sovernmgnt. a + | Informed sources said there is a good chance the revolt, in which an army junta already has seized control in north and central Sy- jmatra, may engulf south Sumatra. The Indonesian Foreign Minis- [try confirmed the Cabinet would Americans and substantial Ameri- can investments on Sumatra, But there has been no report of any fighting or resistance to the army rebels, or of any danger to for- | eigners Plane communications were re- FOR THE SEASON AND THE COMING YEAR SYLVAN REALTY 2383 Orchard Lake Road sumed with central Sumatra to-|! day, but not with north Sumatra. In Jakarta, outgoing news cables were still being censored heavily. Many political leaders feared Sukarno would seize on the \pres- ent crisis to set up’a dictator- of government and “liberal democracy of the West.” Four Spirited Thieves Plan Beery Christmas DETROIT @® — The bottled var- iety of Christmas spirits roused varying recation among Detroit thieves over the weekend. Four youths, obviously dream- ing of, an amber Christmas, stole a loaded beer truck while the driver sippéd coffee in a restau- A more sober-minded thief took from Mohammed Hatta, The Sumatrans|* lerward Jamin told newsmen it)” ture, Nat said: Joan Blackm lfor Stardom By LovELLA 0, PARSONS HOLLYWOOD (INS) — is only 18, but she has a movie career all mapped out for. her, Jean was tested by Hecht, Hill and Lancaster and put under contract. Her first picture is “The Rabbit Trap,” by J. P. Miller, but this won't go fer five months, In the meantime she will study drama and prepare herself.for her career, This is. the third young player H-H-L has signed. The others are done so well that he has been put into a second picture at Columbia. an Groomed in Pictures — Richard Davola,- who played James Dean's brother in “East of Eden,”” becomes a father next Jung, Nice Christmas for Anne Fran cis. She was able to go home sions, the result of a recent ap pendectory, T love the Ginny and Jeannette Postman Gets Big Gift RESEDA, Calif, a — When 100 there to bring a Christmas card to a postman — 34-year-old Mau- rice W. Breeze, their mailman in this. Los Angeles suburb. companied by a $350 gift collected by the citizens in appreciation of Breeze's services. persons crowded into the post of-) fice here it wasn't a last-minute) i i VIC’S RECORD SHOP 702 W, Huron. St. FE 8-6531 card, a giant-size model, was ac-| x A DIAL FE 5-s001 CLOSED MONDAY MATINEE, TUESDAY, 3:30 dolis sent to me—and if you think I'm going to give them ‘up you're out of your mind, I am grateful, too, for the many Capitol records Lee Gillette sent me, some of them = and J just wonderful. ee LISBON NATURAMA ¢ TRUCOLOR A REPUBLIC PRODUCTION GOLDEN DRUMSTICK Box Dinners Delivered Free Call FE 8-0483 Hollywood's Garden of Allah, originally built by Alla Nazimova, is the subject of a motion picture which director Jerry Hopper is work very hard for Mervyn Le Koy. He has faith in me and you won't see me when we start ‘Ne Time for Sergeants’ Jan. 6th, Mr. Le Roy gave me a chance before in ‘Mister Roberts’ and I am going to concentrate now on my career.’ Well, good for you, Nick. DRAMA FOR NAT Singing honors have-come bythe hundred to Nat Xing Cole, but he is more interested in the straight dramatic role he ‘plays for Sam Fuller in “China Gate” at RKO- Pathe. In telling me about his new pic- “I have the third top role and play amAmerican sol- “The picture starts Jan. 4th and I'm very excited that I don’t have to entertain.” - Thope | this doesn’t give Nat ideas of turning to straight acting—we have Joads of actors byt few vocal- - OUR ENTIRE STOCK (With Limited Exceptions) Cae 26th thru De. ay E ists who sing as he does. of Hollywood collected It’s a happy Christ- pare A REPUBLIC csc “POWDER RIVER” “QUENTIN DURWARD” > SEASONS 3 GREETINGS 3 AND BtsT Wistets FOR THE NEW. YEAR CLUB TAHOE 3412 DIXIE HWY. TONITE “MAN WHO KNEW TOO MUCH” Also “DAY OF FURY” STARTS. 1:00 P.M. a oon see P fgg SPECIAL MATINEE a eseee DOORS OPEN 12:45— z Dec. 25, 26, 27 ’ 28, 29, 30, 31 ’ Jan. 1 oon CSP oe "Doors me Sano = ; First Show at 3 P.M. 4 §: _ “STRANGER AT MY DOOR” STARTS TOMORROW —2-BIG-HITS!- PLEASE NOTE! CHRISTMAS DAY DOK OFFICE OPERS AT 245 P.M. 35 Children Al I eo OE. _% oO eo 2 ___/vmm PONTIAC PRESS, MONDAY. DECEMBER 24,1956. "Franklin Folger ALLEY OOP By T. V. Hamlin ELBERT, TS NO KIND{ JT ly OF MONKEY . BUSINESS... BOARDING HOUSE WTI. UM-HAK / tT WAS ASTOUNDING / “THERE WAS I IN THAT LONELY LIGHTHOUSE «~ THOSE RED F LIGHTS ARE Too CLOSELY /~ Y THERE WAS THE Sieeay tery AND 3 — } Sam YOU'RE YZ THERE AREA ZZ b FLOCK OF LONG |} A SLIM BOXES ~~ )\Z NEW NECKTIES LZ ARE GOING | 74 PITCHING "fe ALITTLE A WIDE OF THE PLATE BETTER SLOW UP ON THE RE- FUELING/ ay Y 5 | - Ji 1904 by MEA Sercon, a TAL fog US Pat. OFF By Ernie Bushmiller _ MMS SSS CUT THROUGH } By Leslie Turner WIM CINGS.° HEROES ARE MADE-NOT BORN ~ OPPORTUNITIES Every Day in the Pontiac Press Want Ad Section Take advantage of this easy way *o solve all your buying and sell. ~ “To Place Your WANT AD ¥ DIAL FE 2-8181 HEALTHFUL *-¥. pe N62. * 4 r. fe Lak i ; : iv Ca ‘ Sobers Up Electrician SAN FRANCISCO #~Don Rich- field, chief electrician on the freighter Japan Transport, was returning from a holiday leave ashore. He took a bearing on the gang- way and charged on full steam ahead. But somebody must havelT moved the ‘gangplank. Richfield, 44, made an impressive splash — right in San Francisco Bay, Téxas Escapes. Back in Custody Tennessee Captures 6 Who Stole 6 Cars, NASHVILLE, Tenn. (INS)—Six Texas jailbreakers who kidnaped i) 1 Merry Christmas to All Ce ee? Thatcher, Patterson, Wernet Community Nat'l Bank Bldg, FE 2-9224 nn l,l ls Re 1 and wounded a Tennessee state border during a two-day crime spree were back in custody at Nashville today. The fugitives were captured yes- terday near Dover, Tenn., as the climax of a relentless 10-hour man- hunt by 75 troopers aided by three Army helicopters. Two of the escapees were caught trying to build a raft at the Cum- slecommmnged them from swimming t. Two others were picked up as they tried to hitchhike out of the jarea and the last two were trapped = No wonder THe NuN’s Story is one of the most talked about books of the year. This book actually hap- | pened. It tells the inspiring story of a girl who entered a famous nursing order, wishing with all her heart to become a perfect nun, and who realized after many years in the convent, in a Congo hospital and finally in Belgium under the occupation, that she was more nurse than nun. ae fet Tue Nun’s Story to be brought within the ae a noble, Geeply felt experience,” writes ward Weeks, cater ot of The Atlantic. $4.00 OLD PROF’S BOOK STORE 9 W. Lewrence St. J] Mobile Oil Com- es lwhen they ran igto a police road- block with a car stolen from a farmer. The six broke out of the county ‘jail at Georgetown, Texas, Friday |adter slugging jailer Clarence ‘Wade, 50, with a sock filled with ‘soap and locking his wife in a cell. The sextet's crime spree brought them to the Dover area Saturday night. The prisoners were identified as Kenneth Ward, 19, Market Tree, Ark.; James Long, 20, Bedford, Ohio; Karl Lautenschlager, 20, Kansas City; Robert Rivera, 24, Temple, Texas; Fred Conklin, 17, Los Angeles, and Bobby Dean Moore, 22, Austin, Texas. They robbed a motel and grill about two miles from Dover, bound and gagged the operators, took two rifles and sped into the town in a stolen car. State Trooper J. W. Bilbrey, junaware of the robbery, saw the speeding car and gave chase. He was captured by the desper- adoes, shot and left for dead. The ‘trooper then summoned. other law jotticers who tracked the men down. Business Notes Promtion of Jerome G. Naeyaert to assistant manager of the promay pany’s Pontiac District has been ~ announced by — Walter A. Guthrie, > manager of the — firm's White Star Division. District trainer at the time of his promotion, Naey- aert joined the company in ‘1952 as a sales trainee NAEYAERT ‘and later became a salesman. : FE 2-8432 ea He is a resident of Westchester a | setts atcha that our most Norm Travis Tim Brooks Wayne WAYNE a a a gg a ee \ Each Christmas Season we realize anew — are our many enriching friendships. And so to all our friends and customers we wish a Very Merry Christmas! Gertrude Gabert John Bacinski Your Electrical ‘Appliance Specialist 121 N. Saginaw Street treasured possessions Sam Lividotti “Mike” Myers. Gabert . GABERT Staged 2 Holdups | berland River after cold water} VETS GIFTS—Saturday was a busy day for these four members of the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 1008 Auxiliary as they put together 45 gift boxes of food and cigarettes for the veter- ans at Pontiac State Hospital. From left to right are: Mrs. Paul Boelter, 49 Clarence St., dent of the post's auxiliary, Mrs. Lucy Wright, Robinwood Ave presi- 1308 University Ave., Mrs. Loren Beach, 861 . and Mrs. Archie Tryon, 776 St. Clair St., chairman of the event. Members of the “Water Wonderland's post's auxiliary held dinners and other events to raise money to make possible this gift giving. Pontiac Press Phote Higher Price DETROIT (®—Field surveys in-|prevailed at similar periods for dicate the higher price tags on 1957|many years. imodel autos have not yet stimulat- ed any substantial sales resist- ance. At the same time some trad-| ing areas are reporting a leveling, for new cars. e* The manufacturers’ sales chiefs, | of course, will not admit there el. cars were received. Other in- dustry authorities say a leveling Figeeye ge as 34 2% Lodge Calendar ‘The Iraq Grotto, due to the ee can oenn Se, Wed., Dec. Regular meeting Jan. 2. Mon- anh © C. Redmond. ~ News in Brief a9 i = 8 u ifzei AELER E E holdings periodically. a a: DETROIT: me * “Pata Be! Seasoned investors know the solid investment value of e@wning good common stocks over the long pull. How- “ever, to minimize the risk that is necessarily assumed in —wning securities, experienced investors review their _ Hf you are in need of investment information, call us +t Federal 4-2895. You can be sure your request for help will receive our courteous and thoughtful attention, — * WATLING, LERCHEN-& CO. Members New York Stock Exchange and Other leading Exchanges 1 State Bank PONTIAC: oe rory Your ot Serving Michie ever Do You Own Stocks? : = as 2 4 3 r; New Car Sales Level Off: . |tional holi- | .jin 1956 and that the num Not Reason ‘MARKETS Produce DETROIT PRODUCE The following prtces rs | sales of secalty grown produce of No. 1 and fancy enly, brought to the Farmers’ arket by growers and sold by them in wholesale package lots, Prices peter were: pples, Delicious, fancy, $.00 12s 00 G Optimistic statements are’ tradi- \tional at this season in the car) industry. In the present situation, | however, there has been no off- | off from the initial heavy demand/the-record modification of these |¢-ral” = statements, The one general reser-' ‘lvation about the market ahead has ibeen only that it would be se- iriously affected if the balance of has been any decline in the €n-| peace were upset. {thusiasm with which the new mod-| WILL SUPPORT FORECASTS made by the various.auto makers Generally the predictions were that the industry will build . and the normal peak period in_output and sales will have arrived for the auto industry, Generally the optimistic fore- casters are emphasizing that per- sonal incomes and personal sav- The alaysts say that at four million cars will be scra i oe DELICATESSEN | 67 W. Huron St ' _ Businessmen’s LUNCHEON Complete: Soup, Dinner, Salad, Dessert, Drink. | SERVED DAILY 11:00 A.M, to 2:00 P.M. - Our Specialty KOSHER CORNED BEEF Ph. FE 5-406) for Take-Outs Wishing You the Peace That Christ Can Provide at Christmas and All the Year “For God so loved the World that He * gave His only begotten Son, that whoso- - ever believeth in Him should not perish, r r Ps lite.” ; Pas The year-end statements to be}! A already have been outlined. They Sa will follow the forecasts made as! the industry staged its revived na-|]y'n. automobile show in New ong York earlier this month, : ings are at record levels and are |' s. 2.25-2.75 bu. fancy, 3.25 bu; | Apples, Northern 8p) eit he am: me. ery bu. san o0-6.08 bu. A Cider. 00-256 yeasts “eo ¢ rediah, NM 250-3 re pk. basket. lesen, No. 50 dos. behs. 50- Ib. ean: No, 1, te’ Hothouse, No. EGGS: Hh pie 30-doz. case; Medium, 10.00-11.00; Small, 1.50-8.50. Santa’s Suit Swiped SANTA CRUZ, Calif. @®—Some- one broke into Santa Claus’ house A ge peg me gl gpa his red suit and the candy and ve be Ol ee ee to boys and girls yesterday at a Christmas-— program, Some __ 750 kids still got their party thanks to a costume shop owner who provided a new Santa suit and a pet shop which came through with ‘inNew Mexico” .|Federal, state and local officers teday hunted four prisoners who sawed their way to freedom from the Bernalillo County Jail here during the weekend. 21, Oakland, Calif., charged with grand larceny; Robert B. Kenne- dy, 24, Lewistown, Mont., charged with a federal firearms viclation; Calif.,\ charged with car theft. * * early Worked on, Stokes and his wife, querque police four ays later, ‘by the reporter. ‘\on a skylight in their cell. Postal Drivers =f |Score. 100 Pet, =| on Satety Exam Cut Through Cell Bars, |? Escape in Auto Taken|\ From Reporter ALBUQUERQUE, N. M. ® — The four were Floyd L, Stokes, |9% some 96,000 drivers througliout the United States now are taking road Paul Reid, 29, Laguna, N. M.,/ati charged with burglary; and How- ard kuke, 35, Redondo Beach, Stokes and Kennedy were be- lieved traveling in a car belonging to Jack \Ga, Albuquerque Journal reporter| who was held hostage with his\family by the two men erday. Gill had known Stokes through an earlier| story the reporter had still being ‘held in jail, had ‘con- tacted Gill shortly after their ar- rival in Albuquerque and had told him a story of passing hot checks from California to New Mexico. The pair was arrested by Albu- The two cceniian “appeared at the Gill home before daylight. They first talked of ‘holing up’ at the Gill home but were dissuaded Later they forced Gill to give them the keys to his car and drove away after taking about $16 from him. * * * , Sheriff's deputies said the four used a meat saw purchased from a jail trusty to cut through bars| Berkley Airman = Charged in Manila Lincicome Ine. 377 S. Telegraph. eer nee mi a menagerie of live animals for display. from all of us at... | E puumpina SUPPLY ee 172 SOUTH SAGINAW STREET - “The. Store That Better r Values ar C3 ie Ss aa hi ‘ 4 é Venice, Leads Watery Life Thailand, It is almost as watery as Venice. “ paddle borne grocers, butchers, In Strong Christmas Message 7 g g gs i tf i : : : g | power” to prevent Pope Backs Moral Right™ jof War Against Tyranny refuse to admit U. N. observers should be refused membership in the United Nations. s s LJ For the second successive year, ‘the Pope endorsed President Ei- senhower’s “open skies’’ disarma- ment inspection plan, which pro- vides for aerial inspection to as- sure observance of disarmament pledges. And he solidly backed the West’s demands for disarmanent with iron-clad controls, saying: “The acceptance of the control: tory, where every nation will show its sincere desire for peace.” Wearing regal robes of white and gold, the frail but vigorous iff spoke yesterday from his in the Consistory Hall of Vatican Palace, His words addressed formally to the College of Cardinals, but aimed as in the past at all men, their leaders and rulers. he how announce it | the part of all our-beloved sons, of charitable of entire nations, also of fair-minded’ newspa- “Into the canals leading off the Mrs,|Phya River each early morning) Your boat chugs slowly among and put-put Thai’s water-| them, for the canals are busy and fish- mongers, and tiny department- store owners, bent on selling or goods of the East, some of bartering their wares to the teem- a bit hard to take at that this is the point crucial for vic-|_ “THE PONTIAC PRESS, MONDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1956 _ ing households along the muddy, weed-lined banks. * ¢ @& ‘narrow, and you look down on all ithe foods and confections and them hour of the morning. Bangkok's river people get- ting up for the day, . scratching, stretching, bathing ‘themselves or scrubbing the child- in the same water in which they may have just relieved them- selves. Mothers dip toothbrushes in the water and briskly scrub are ya invariably beautiful babies. CHILDREN’S VOICES | And from all sides, the voices of children babble, ‘La, la, la, la, and wherever the eye gazes—on ram- ; Shackle piers and porches, in the \dim recesses of bedless rooms. |The little yards beside and beyond ithe houses—there is a happy child, iwaving to you and dimpling with \pleasure when you wave back. » o s We must have seen 25,000 young ‘children along the banks, Not one iwas crying. Net one. » Thai seem to love their children a little mors than most people, and one sensed that this was both cause and effect of the tranquility and trust that made you forget the squaler and smells and give enduring enchant- ment to the scene. | | Madame Chiang Kai-Shek and is \president of the World Federation| _ closely allied to the of United Nations Associations,| And there was Thai silk, made Mrs R. R. Sim of Flint and Mrs. said, “dnd received us in what looked like by a former OSS officer named much we a combination of office and throne Jimmy Thompson, and Buddha in | room. the VETERAN PREMIER “generous| His hugh desk was slevated.| oppressed Commanding a view of 14 huge, | . | playing King Phamiphol Aduldet, (-i,ard Gardner, 42, of 118 South|Control Commission, has been re- j|high-backed gold-plated chairs ‘which formed two glittering lines lot march down the room. We were {beckoned to a huge divan which sits before the elevated desk. the bright white teeth of their; ns z EGEESy if) HE Hy gis : ifs gi pe 5 > FE than anyone else,” Minister said, picking up the thread \of his wife’s words. * * * They walked us to the door of the great room, whose walls and cabinets were crowded with auto- graphed pictures of the world’s great. bag of golf clubs. “Your President gave them to me the day we played at Burning jtree.”” |'TEMPLES AND SWING There were temples and more The Prime Minister and his 'temples, and the palace built by jast night in St. Joseph Hospital. gracious lady, who looks like one of the students of Anna, Who Miss Weston taught for 50 years jin Flint public schools. worked for a * bygone king. * *8 |many postures, and finally Benny, | |1who is wowing them twice a day| at the International Fair. | He talked about th: saxophone | and their hour’s jam session at | | “He's an avid one,” isaid. “Real gone avid one.” Gon by sig poten In the corner, harduby a show-| case of Thai art objects, was a'land Park Cemetery. |Floyd Davis‘of Lapeer. Miss Wes- | Clarke E. Gardner County Deaths ROCHESTER—Service for Oliver St., Rochester, will be held from Milliken Funeral Home, Utica, to- morrow at 10 a.m. Burial will be in Union Plains Cemetery, Byron. Mr. Stickler leaves his wife, Ber- nice. Also surviving are his broth- ers Oscar of Byron, Vernon of Lake Orion. and sisters Mrs, Frances Farnum of Clio, Mrs, Sylvia Fay of California :45 today. The infant died yester- __ Mrs, Sarah Ferbes : FARMINGTON TOWNSHIP — iMrs. Sarah Forbes, 95, 75-year res- ident of 2008 W, Grand Bivd., wi- S. Stickler, 59, of 2768 Harrison veline County Inmates Drool at Yule With Big Dinner ‘Twas the night before, Christ- mas and all through the Oakland County Jail the inmates are look- ing forward to ‘‘the best meal of the year,"’ according to the chief tunrkey, Deputy Nelson ‘‘Whitey” Leonard. ‘More Tender Steaks’ Soiight by Science WASHINGTON (@—The Agricul-“ ture Department is trying to de- velop steers that will produce more tender steaks. The department said today re- ‘search shows that meat tenderness is inherited in animals and can be passed to succeeding generations through selective breeding. Scientists also are trying to de- velop a quick, reliable test for tenderness that can be used on live animals. * * * Most of the experiments con- Leonard said that the prisoners, will be served “an extra special | Christmas dinner tomorrow, above! the usual fair'’ in celebration of, the holiday. The meal will consist! _|0f chicken, potatoes, gravy, dres-| ising, cranberry sauce, coffee and, desert. Aside from the meal, the’ prisoners usually “show no spirit’) according to Leonard. ‘‘They treat it like any other day." dow of Robert S. Forbes, manager ‘of the Michigan Drug .Co., died yesterday at the Palmer Home. She is survived by a niece, Mrs. Walter Parkhurst of Cleveland. Service will be held at 1:30 p.m. Wednesday from the William R. Hamilton Co., with burial in Rose- L Mabel Weston LAPEER—Service for Miss Ma- bel Weston, 62, 1032 Oregon St. here, will be at 3 p.m. Wednesday at the residence, with burial in 'Stiles Cemetery. Miss Weston died She is survived by tw sisters, ton’s body will be at Baird Fu-| neral Home until the hour of serv-' ice on Wednesday. } Three Lapeer Men | to Talk at MSU Confab LAPEER—Three Lapeer County farmers will appear on Farmers’ Week programs at MSU Jan..23- Feb. 1. Glenn Lake, North Branch, presi- dent of Michigan Milk Producers’ Assn., will speak on “Michigan Producers Need State Milk Con- trol’ at a session Wednesday morning, Jan. 30. Ray Clendenan, als of North Branch, and James Reilly of ‘Brown City will participate in a panel on “Where De The Farm Organizations Stand?” That session will be held Tuesday afternoon, Jan. 29. Reappoints Daniels LANSING WW — Kenneth J. Dan- OXFORD — Service for Charles Washington St., |p.m. today from the Flumerfelt) the master| Funeral Home here, with burial in iSpring Hill Cemetery at Largo. . iels, a member of the State Liquor | term expiring Dec. 15, 1959. Dan-| iels is from Jackson. Senate con- firmation is required. ducted so far at the department's research center at nearby Belts- ville, Md., have been with rabbits and beef cattle, Aside from inheritance, factors found to influence meat tenderness in animals include age, sex, Mar agement practices and fatness. or celebrate Christmas in any way, Ten Experts to Find Uses for Shells, Pits WASHINGTON (INS)—A group of 10 agricultural experts, business men and scientists have laid the groundwoyk for a survey of indus- trial leaders of means of increasing the use of farm crop residues. , The group plans to convene in Chicago dan. 10 to accelerate the program. They hope to find increased ways of using such residues as stalks, straws, cobs, seed hulls, nutshel and fruit pits. . NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING—The Annual meeting of the Monitor Mutual Insurance Com y of Michigan, au- thorized to write insurance in the State of Michigan will be held January 2ist, 1957 at 1 o'clock P.M. in the Auditorium of the Roosevelt Hotel at 125 North Perry Street. Pontiac, Michigan, for the purpose of selecting a Secretary-Treasur- @#r and one Director full term and te transact other siness O8 May, lawfully come before the meeting. Also take notice that section 5 of the By-Laws of our new licy s as follows: No person shal) or elected to any office unless he shall have filed notice tn writt of his de- sire to be elected to that office with the was to be at l appointed by Gov. Williams for ajSecretary of the Company at least ten days before the annual m 2ting. (Signed) ARRY GARLING, Secretary. Dee. 24, 31. Jan. 11 ) _6|SLICE OF HAM |__ Building Service 12| LPN Pe BOYS ws love ao) Larme SANDING & ALi JOBS NOW AT winter ” rooms, dormers additions, roof- , and Kinds. Ga- rages and breezeways. Bathrooms an kitchens No money ‘© & wears to ____ Business Services 13 _Physlo‘Therapy 21A{__~ Travel Agencies 25A NEW CUPBOARDS & DOORS, RE- pairing & antiques, FE FIN. SAWS MACHINE FILED 8s MASBAOE & THERAPY, NNIN ? reeks | Sea ere | See ee | ae Sau sinrepieces.| Tanks vecunm sienned, ret tnea| _ Television Service 22) omg"<"cnoiaes PoNoTeLs ew pow | ~S EM oe BE SMART! CALL JONES Ra- PONTIAC TRAVEL Furniture Refinishing 16A | ‘xperienced techaicians. 3111 Or | moERVICE VERS RADIO & 5-0162. Repair 596 W. Huron, NW serv- ‘ee calls FE 4-6607. nad | Wid. Household Goods 27 SPA “=| Voorhees-siple - FUNERAL HOME Ambul: rire. Plane or Motor 4 a ance Gore WANTED, <. Si¥9 PrAsTERING 8 AEP WORE oe ee m 3S MUST BE NEAT able, OFFERINGS White immediate or art time. Lk. Rd S. re arin, | pote ga oodward, SNTIAC aay * ala Oe |g MRLCIMIT. ER “iat “ dent im line with ability, Com- Fo, Pontise Press, Wontise Mich. wages Call FE Poet after 5:30 q BOR REPLIES ine inatk, TorTleeal eoanished | WATTRERSER a ew YEARS Work W. F : ‘at 10 eam, Today there || Som, Seba tuutents. "appr i| ,Daleton Sal efeabet tana, | Werk Wanted Female 11 } ; AN TO were repiies at the Press | | _facd,” age Sulaten Liga hogsewort se, temtee fe remme ee ge 2, 3, 4, 8, 10, 16, 17, 18, Vil “Service benefits Apaty» ve Help Wanted 8 21, 25, 26, 28, 29, 58, 68, Bird, Mr, Ore Hinkley, FE 23191, MAN OR WOMAN FoR goop| * ©, 73, 76,78, 80, 82, 86, ~ SALESMEN__._|_ Send yest “siend “ne"tey dae | i 87, 106. REAL £8TATE average $2.50 to +100 per hour. Rave speutee wor goers App's pes 150 fe eB se Se mploy “Agencies 8412 ian a Nee __Help Wanted Female 7 * RONG BIRMINGHAM peat Knapp Shoes Y a You can have s steady income ‘ Insurance Agencies 17A Vee”, MONT IY SERVICE| FURNITURE NEEDED Rd pain varusnle OTIS uichioax ROME REMODELERS aeamemeene pateenent Be cman Endre home of odd lots. Get the your oun, BOL KY X PE 45063 and PE 46103 INSURANCE GUARANTEED TV REPAIR ANY | “ch {efor yous 8 Somat oe w ve, beste Go ny DRY WALL BY MACHINE FREE OF ALL RADIO & TV ‘FT S. PARKE OT. CHP ie pore Be GOW Tt po and ) smal Pe wae OE aeetliindal bad Typewriter Service 22 | for _you. OA 8-268) ‘ ier ees ie pestoess BRICK, BLOCK AND cEMENT| Nicholie & Harger Co were ON PONTIATS | LARGEST . ITERS . ers ; ot work, Also chimneys. No job too sow nDade BF eee seus & ADDING MA rnenn Com wetting laps. Reskieveial aad Commer. General Printing and Ottiee ‘Sup: | WANTED TO BOY All TYPES APPLY TODAY ene, re MAHAN REALTY CO _ply Co. 17 W Lawrence _of furniture. Ph. PE *-8523. : » : ; ient_of THE ‘PONTIAC Mane tlreplaces_ PE 300, Oe FIRE, - WIND | AUTO - TORNADO Upholstering _-23|__ Wid. Miscellaneous 28 and file your application for s ane CEMENT 18 OUR SPECIALTY. : - - BEADLE’s DRAPERIES. SAMPLE e carrier route. —= y Floors, basements. EM 34879. Laundry Service 18) shows BH weet oe, roo Ms to re, Contractor, ‘Laying. séoding sed | LACE CURTAINS PLAIN OR RUP- sag ge Costes Lake Ba. houses and ‘barns Py iene : Ys e4, finishing 200 Eodvel! Wallsd Lh. | hea” peculifudy finished Pontiac | -2960, Pree estimates. MY 36a2. ne Ps Button. ATTORNEY Mat Nee Ee dv.|MS TELEGRAPH PE tesen | USED PORTABLE RADIO, REAS. Large national finance company CEMENT & BLOCK POR FAMIL. LAUNDRY, V- Call PE 2-53 has an immediate = fee, ph. Pontiac Laundry, FE. ED- siecns, Inveciguien sat WORK, FE soi ka] = “| Wanted to Rent — 29 Som et he 6 Sos Carpenter Contracting Landscaping 118A Lost & Found 24 we neetAXD ioe fm foe legal Heid Permanentiy RO Le eM. GET OUR BID. | expERT TREE TRIMMING AND | LOST: SCOLORED BRAGLE| for Immseniat rena a erte "ROUND THE CLOCK removals Ph FE 56-6593 or OR| ne “Baby.” Vie. of Cass- liams, Realty,e 1218 Baldwin tment we t : FURNACE CLEANING, +-2n08 on Rd., near Holiday Park. Ave Set aft. 5 OR 3-4923. in . ’ 5-859 Senet jUTLDIN t. easner Meoont vvedeets Fook EeoIne. Moving & Trucking 19 LOST: DOBERMAN . able for church. Close 4 ri bing to take ber Framination soapecaty ea Cam Pe | Moving & Trucking 19) “yroen.sod tan femue. irre ot | Eke Orga Reig of with option Reply giving history. GUARANTEED ROOFS — ait | ) MOVING- HAULING Seon Sine bare tans eeae Me. | Share Living: colars species, ote kinds. Est ies 4 Marsh, ae ERVDE. $0458 —_ 1. = Oe, Chem. —e wan ng Quarters 30 ae 3 =| goUSEMOWLSa POE | SAM? ROME AAV | Wr, OMTROE ANG WHE | macemion, wus, sane naw BARBER — STEADY | Help Wanted Female 7 Instructions Q, cauipped FE +9450. L.A. Young. | _ ©7618 _tong Lk. Rd Reward. MI 48088, | snother gentleman with bigh cal p s. CONSIDER APPRENTICE. - ee: Ann anes | SOS. PLEMIN ¥t00n a Larino. ayuanicon Ry ULING AND Lost LADIES BILLFOLD wirH| [er stand “ Call Market 42763 ot ‘ fe 5 5 S . J . Star biem, ene — CAB DRIVER'S STEADY, DAY & a food "pay. BEST WA ree a by ag he Es gure eau aod" papeis” eward. * page. for geatiomen € miles from know that poly 48 Or- ifores’ Bar. 6 8. Coss. _ : ’ : ; inquire 22 rc 2 RM. FOR COLORED. Bits No sthoking or drinaing. FE 21 LOWER. CLEAN, PRI- vate entrance Centine 28 drink- FE 40644 ONLY. 3 . ADUL 81 Auburn Ave. —£. COURT APTS. 3 ROOMS AND BATH, IN GOOD MPLE HEAT, HOT COLD WATER PER. MONTH. AFTER 6 P.M. SEE CARETAKER 4-2, ARCA- ‘DIA RT OR . $6513, K.-G, HEMPSTEAD, HURON. FE_ 4-624. BRAND NEW 2 ROOMS WITH: PRIV. BATH. ADULTS ONLY. _ W.: PIKE. omnes FEderal ae "| She AN 3 ROOM. ior T = ok Tee Ee Seca 3 BATHS HOBERN| GOS "all weg Lease and security Our method ot |§ AND BATH, T FLOOR 8 thovieg cole te Rent Stores 40 pects saves hy Miuhe eat many, gt - peed ade ROME AN | ehcerelioa cealppapeaanecaegunigaaiaggte Dea’ ith Lookers. Call 5 WEERLY 3 ROOME PRIVATE __months: the. Refer. PE S757. 20x50 STORL: SPACE (NQUIRE 209 joke. ond pa, S . 7 RM. GARAGE HOUSE, WASH- _Voorhels Ri residential fopertes rca We bath” and entrance, 1 child or all de and clos | baby Ar Hest furnished.| T°om™ wekeme. 75 ___Rent Office Space 4 @. Apply © Sum ROG i, WHETTEMORE. 2 * Oe 8 Penden SOE | DEsti Seit"ve Trade ‘ i $75 & mo, plus aprenies ACE 100 BUY ITLWETLL INSURE It] apt, slesping ae tig bat begheled oeree On etal OS Bm fer ct business ea cine. eens house educ: rices. | ce 3 — ‘0 gente, tqeem. Retueed siess. | JOCK : SMALL YEAR-| Harbor. Newly rai ock \ : PE 40808 or FE oy : one house. Elec yenge, fuel| ed, gas heat, reall FE RATS, Luh Round | tte te MO SS | ain or, as ine Wr . ls uire ~ @ Hwy. H. J. F PULLY EQUIPPED FOR WIN nme oe fiat fsPW. Rute caaiinian oot | FiGhlidren Welcome Om: salen, | —7*2 Wel OR 21388 Saar | NICE 5 ROOM APT. FOR NicE wext DOOR 70 BRANCH “ee Pe ecadeg a bead Union ee ee __For Sale Houses 43 Post IN 331 FOR angeeen oO GET THE wi On YOUR CLEAN PRIV ENT, CLOSE IN.| children welcome, auto. to. gas heat. ALMOST NEW io th or bira to is de ceaweae — wus "AROUND: tea FRONT, | Homes on bieck top street. nice ontn ' is see = MW. Hue CLEAN N 4 ROOMS & BATH. FE cedar 7D LAGE fo real bictea ae dint pictare wingey. mS, room saute, heat, aa “CASH _ Sua Ts RK. ae * =a bath, kitchen, large living room| rage, lake privileges, 13," foo Is not too itfeult to get _drinkers, $7 sto, PE 61271. ead dining Eh ge mpey fireplace. down, You must see this one, for your heme when yeu Ba CLEAN, PART! ¥ Y PUNISHED. 3 ' grease for summer rent. Deposit 3 be SRICK ang 8. tiled et apt. uired. . droom, lar ving room years of dependa: le service. 2 yess OK. ase? jac Lake tise Lake Cane we ey titty seems. Needs ishing on . nterior, Over an acre Edw. M. Stout, Realtor |coupcoerEcy~PoRn apts. | ~ oe_through the _week. only 450 cown. Call for appoint- 77 N, Saginaw St, FE 5-8165 etong, vetoeme. #20 a wk, 3490) Rent Houses Unfurn. 36 CR RAWFORD AGENCY. WE REED LISTINGS. HAVE BEV: PORN 4 4 RMS. > wal oe we OOR. 2 BE BEDRMS. aM ALLED LE LK MOD. ad w — rE ¢! homes, and vacant commercial; ities furn. Neat “and clean. ‘sean ate. MA | Brosings,_¥Y Y sti a tne property. We also buy smaif} only. See afte- 4:30 Sat and Sun. | 7 pay Buy “Thru Partridge _ asm and con to grove. dren lene Uh rt re Stas. a. t kK. L. Tem pleton Realtor FURN” APT oo ROUND PLOOR 1 | j OOM MODERN, OIL List Thru Partridge 2500 Orchard te Re hud O Pinegrove. re |?) BARGAIN: GOOD HOUSE. LARG PE 446 =i oat. Clarkston. OR 3-5321, living room ft ace. dining WILL BUY OR LIST wouK. Laks 3 BEDROOM MODERN, VACANT, room, . kitchen, . Fur 7 Poo, Children. —. eee TP ueRINLEY ca Peddock. FE Joha W'Rd” south of 20 mile Rd. Freel ‘Good location, Pi S-ip2, ; ann | _MUlberry 0:1943, LINCOLN HEIGHTS SUB. CAPE Ph, PONTIAC EM eeu HAVE. Ay hood pasiy to sive theré 7 BDRM. HOUSE. FOR EM EMPLOYED | cod § rooms down, 2 knotty coder yothanny janitor ee ree ee 5 rae aoueE a, AND BA nar ey tenced yard, cement se ir TH. svrT- p wilt ‘bie able for eouple drive, 3142 Brookdale. FE 4-3448. | R ADE S gs % mF dualiheations Write bets _ haeenaaeneaenaal a For Colored Families We nse epeciaiiets | we KITCHENETTE APTS. GAS HEAT. | before 7 p.m. OA 61137 ~~ |¢ gpecroom pome,, Nyimgroom, din are, anne & rep tion 98 the| All utilities fur 620 © - OR }3 supan BRICK he BASEMENT a furnace Tear re ei era of ee —_ LJ a Pireplac: rage aea. school, $800 own. ; . ORION, . — Ca D —~ Stove —| For inf tion free. Do not, fool obligated. Coll util, furs. 3 Ney Fen rictator fece| FE pases nm Call Mrs. Spears, 3 po your Real LARGE LOVELY 6 & Bata IRE. Loc. on Middlebelt Rd; | RUSSELL A NOTT, REALTOR Fistate. We have homes, farms, ace, glassed iota ae? near Watkins equare ster Be. o Seas ww. ike am oteee comes. business opportiun _Uaks’ Séatte- tes. Pu OR > 190 ae Feb. st rate | HOUSES LARGE AND SMALL IN- DORRIS & REA “WEAR YOR MEN, PRI- |} Rdom HOUSE. 0 Se and outside 132 W. Huron PE 41587 sane a . _quire at 8 8. ae tag om. ROSE McLARTY, Bkr. BUY OR SELL saan Sacha aie i oe HOME. $12 \eerR| FE 2-2162 OR FE 5-3578. til ; , ‘ - h. PE 53706. sy esate Rar a SS Saye pea | RO TEN erry na op- ‘¢ orice 1 reasunamie (et? ROOMS 6 BATE. IN Excer- | toe to buy, MU_40735. . brick § rms. down, fire- us prove it LENT CONDITION. INCLUDES |‘ ROOMS. 1 BEDROOM. LOWER corpeting. drapes, large R. BROKER AMPLE HEAT, HOT & COLD/| fiat. Stove and refrigerator, near finished Upetaze. FE 41157 | 500’ Eliz. Lake Rd. WATER. ADULTS ONLY. ON PE ster school, Inquire after 5:30. Test LISTINGS } WANTED | Rowe *s Pu. sce |i Rooms, DOUBLE E HOUSE. CALL toll Bests extra lot aval AITING. LET CARETAKER TH A-12 UNION | PRO baess 5-1. Adults site terms, «61 “Murphy. FE ts sow You now nat OR PRONE ve beet. _only. ivage” ia i “oe » 8 . HU-| § ROOMS AND BATH, AND Ga- ROO! L6- PROPERTY, “we BUY a a tan : ce | et come kee “oh able cated near seconnel school that - Leshe R.-Middieton ee Rs 7 Rooms. se - *, “PE 6-008 after & SROKER FE 98-6003 WOLVERINE APTS Hot water, of] mineah warage. Larre orseae. | Loree _ pm, , 2 ROOMS & BATH IN GOOD | yard. Cass Le AUBURN HEIG. HEAT, HOT & COLD ra soil HOUSE wits Bast | ode Sia “Cen anc® Dome. Let 2 cans “agg ts ment, of) heat. car garage, . west suburban : children wel- . CARETAKER, Al ARCADIA| come. FE 63325 $950 DOWN OR TRADE Has done tt again. Sold over 95 Sree 102 E RuRON ¢ ROOM PLAT FOR RENT, sx>- LARGE BEDROOM per cent * our listings, Have basement and gas heater. howe. BASEMENT, buyers waiting for all types of Rent Apts. Unturnished 34 | - St. Clair st __ GAS HEAT, NATURAL tr . et quick, ~~ T LARGE | ROOM | HOUSE BRICK TIREPLACE Dé be ‘Bere 8 or i newly dec oe _foeutre 22 Auburn, rear office. +e. ogee, ¥R. ROUND cor- 5 ie & stove furn. OR BATH. SMALL HOME. tie am, Sat and Lynn, Huron 1 2 children between yo 4-4423, or AT WALLED LAKE All pear furn, or unfurn. modern fat at hes tmcn REALTY, DIAL MA 4-185. UTIL, | A 3 Rm.. ful! bath heating L A. NOTT, REALTOR my | W. Pike FE 45905 FOR RENT: NEAR CLARKSTON, | 50% Elizabeth Lake Rd. FE ¢-1557 oe modern. Refs. required. ~ Buy Thru Partridge econ GanbENa List Thru Partridge 5 Geet tats etl with new ofl unit month, $1, 000 DOWN References required 7 ROOM HOME - 3 biocks from Sears, ideal for large fam- Tear Eheabeth Lake, tke new «| 17,°%, income. oll heat, extra yoom = bath 2 bedroom > ~ =e . $1,500 DOWN MAHAN REALTY CO. 1075 W. Hw MODERN ot aod a home on West Side, es 4 " t] OL heat, Child wel- 5-681, oueay » SMALL HOME NE ME NEWLY Bac’. man Park. $400 dows. oe For Rent Rooms 37 RMB. ING) OR Girlie eat W. Ho- nectlons A. are $7200. Only down, EMBREE & GREGG 1565 Unton Lake Rd, Union Lake Village | EM_ 13-4397 or EM 3-3314 $400 DOWN R. J. VALUET, Realtor 345 OAKLAND AVE 5-0693 MULTIPLE ia SERVICE SYLEVAN LAKE RANCH Brand new 3 bedroom brick ranch range. Tiled bath with vanity and shower. Full basement e in recreation area, Oil fumece. ete Priced at $19,000. FHA te allable av $385 DOWN White frame bungalow, Neat and clean, Priced at just $3,950 R. D. RILEY, BROKER lovely kitchen, more, CALL WN J. R. Hiltz Realtor 1011 W. Huron FE 5-6181 FOR THE HANDYMAN Cry 4 room and bath in a+ storms & screens and venetian _freviecs. Needs in- 2 bedroom, full bath. 2 large lots. -C, PANGUS, Realtor _ Call collect: Ortonville, sere 71-2815 or National | ‘7-3050. $350 DOWN ~— Starter pe. North Side, Wiring wall, complete. Dr: $77) DOWN ~— 4 rooms & bath. cue porch, ei! furnace North Westown Realty Co. FE soot “t DOLL. Me oe BT Oeen. 3 BEDRM. STAR off ve ig HAYDEN |2= 82 $405 =A new 2 bedroom | home on your tot, Call for infor- mation ay JC HAYDEN, Realtor 86_E Walton _FE_8-0441 Onen_ Eves. a Sree” <1 naan SENSES, Se es “He did lose his race for the Senate, but he was so good the network gave him his own comedy show!"’ ____For r Sale| Houses » 483 BRICK in “Mohawk. No _ ND HOUSE anZants, On 8. side of Dons __St, Cleve Moore, OR 38235, 4 BEDROOMS 2 Indian’ Ville Agents. “ee fenced ard, Only $12,500 with ied Better hurry on this “SYLVAN VILLAGE up with separate entrances, Living with fireplace, din- Bee Full base- storms & screens, STRICTLY MODERN-3 BDRMS. excellent neat, clean LAKE ESTATES . home with tiled furnace, paves drive, school Bas. $10,500, ER terms. NICHOLIE & HARGER CO. 33 w. Bune evenin Multiple Listing Service 11 Acres—2 Homes jocated, we ac. Mosers home with § large bed- rooms, and bath down; and }-room ye ey’ Now rented a ’ modern house | et rents ded pap fruit and Berries, bap in- elude 2 ranges, ¢ and equipment. to sell— Yhout’ fiiee0” dows. Pa. Mr. Boone, __} Builder’ s Own Home drive by and don't ask ag =, you have « terri- fe et of aakee operons: Center hall ‘sea carneted Roman brick fireplace M “Mode! kitchen, 3 extra size bedrooms, tiled 1% paths end rec fire- lac ce Piastered oak attached garage. ir aoe day as mae ig Ro better value anywhere West Side Brick room with walls, ¥ North Side room home in good rental 10 & west side rental state furbe nace bys SS Lake Predicl Panic Park ___ For Sale Houses 43 Buy Thru Partridge List Thru Partridge 3 BEDROOM NO MONEY DOWN | ee SS a, alan Lake, fs, sprieed tor for Clarkston, 6140 Ascension, 3 3 bed-| Clarkston, 6140 Ascension, 3 we gage costs. Lawson Real Estate good income me. N Ww. DINNAN PE 42677 t New 2 bedroom. modern ranch No Down Payment type home. Piropings. As unos y an bali on ons free and privileges School bus by door starter ‘Bomes with full b ie oft: 900 DOWN => BEF with aimail ow m — m-bullt § Rome. Gove yment. F. C. WOOD matic heat. | Basement, Tot 10x 150. RD: - 6 call OR 31235; any other modern homes to ames, ane: from, Please call us before Dorothy Snyder Lavender BROWN EALTO! 3140 W. in 1 Ev os 24411 VACANT. NEARLY NEW 3 BR. W — Xmas Special. Love- bungalow off Joslyn. Carpeting. vy —— starter mame with alum. storms and scre Oak atte spe. ri pe ml __fioors, “ heat. pen +1885. tre . =, avn SeeATHS We agus bungalow ranch ee ee miles trem. fy. Tee soak: m . We Brick ranch wii 2 om a ures eis a weuely rantectping" Bar as Tes one. B Qué and . CHARLEs J’ VAN HORN MI ¢é. $190 DOWN roeme, 3 bathe, 5 ear old, Cail rooms, Ii pete. © its ot. 5 calle 6-1367. collect, * TO BUY. TO SELL REALTOR WN Partridge is the “‘bird’ to see.| 4 450 ) DOW? to every- a, us about our other SEASON’S GREETINGS AND MANY WISHES FOR A YEAR OF CONTINUED HAPPINESS! DOROTHY JOHN TERSIONI, ALLEN DBOROOT. MAURICE AND DICK HARTT Humphries REAL ESTATE ur otfice wi ve cleced unt Merry Christmas. Jim Williamns & Staff 1218 Baldwin Avenus MERRY CHRISTMA AS J. A. TAYLOR, | Realtor 100 Oakland Ave. - TRIPP JIM WRIGHT LTOR REAL 345_Oakland Ave. PE 5-044 DORRIS MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE CHRISTMAS GREETINGS We of the Dorris & Son Realtors wish one and all a_very, Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year. WE BUY. SELL &@& TRADE DORRIS & SON REALTORS 762 W. Huron Phone FE ¢1557 a = vice” “|GATEWAYS to HAPPINESS COMMERCIAL WEST SIDE E35 . OTTAWA DRIVE ‘AR ELIZABETH LAKE Bal se, living bs el Wanaing modere nome | Like Sem, Attractive ¢ room ead) room, | me fied ace has 4 home wim corgcied Brine room, | = 3 wp. Ceramic tile bath ine soeepe “brea. inside and out. Landscaped lot, Soiutitdl comer ee beck fast room, den and summer wee snene. Pavueese a — yore Anchor fenced. A real ‘I pao $1,000 down, IT's SPICK AND a ofS. Set ., SPAN AND. VACANT. ; su VERCREST SUB zoe % BLOOMFIELD HIGHLANDS EAST SIDE trance tgs St ving desired, ed eomnet “This charming brick, 2 bed- Attractive’ fully insulated -¢ kitchen offers ample payments only for first two years, room ranch new and bath. 3 bedroom home, ares. Painted. room, fering 9 16-ft. ving. room basement, has automatic : oat, Gpneret "plastered. walls, oes and pA a CHAPIN drapes, *. 4 extra lav . "3 ea tot Enclosed ; per cent mortgage. base . looks sete Fz" je, aor ably priced for quick sale rage. Offered 1,000 Paved drive. price $il,- _., AN 90. Cash to existing land ’ mm MOLE ILLS, 4g, | ARB CONVENIENT TO RVERY.| comirect. REAL ESTATE fine a S boarecmns’ ving rrade HERE AN EXTRA 4101 Dixie Hey. Drayton Plains, > wing uy~To Sell-—To . 62 44 end dining rooms, “Break. | YOU SpUY it WELL INSURE IT! eed wae beke eS yard, garage, gas heat. decorated. Seceliont 4 floors, kitchen with extra Leslie R. Tripp, Realtor. M AHAN Tile bath ‘nd full base: 78 West Huron Street ment. really ex- FE 5-81 REALTY CO.. REALTORS coustenee Reasonable aE RAY O'NE ! wext DOOR TO BRANCH | a6) AY 0 IL, Rea tor || Business POST OFFICE . oh bee ' O on GENE’S DR. . Past ession — leaving ; state; § rooms and fur- FOR BETTER HOMES nace. Se 60 x 210. ow $1,450 , down. Better see this one CS Ls Will sacrifice lovely) bedroom 5 wy 2; vane rE apt. . . With. 21-ft. living roo pape Attache R f cluded. ile figor and beautiful! “CUCKLER REALTY reation room nearly one 234 NM. Saginaw acte, lake privileges, A rare PE 44091 bargain at only $17,500 with | ————_—— “--—_- - terms. LARGE 8&RM. Hie! it joe Jour children. DOW oNCorner =~ on Dixie Highway bat ai qarese fg ME ing ee costs Basement and eas furnace, four "Br acolo | RAY O'NEIL, Realtor 12 § Te ok is 9 Open o-9 SF rere atts tensed, Wonder: "RIDGEWAY or OR F108 fuk Twit se00e dows °™ | 975 Baldwin Ave OWNER JUST CALLED we fa basen ment Sonis ft. lot WAIT! ; “LET’S TALK and said we must sell their 3 Py es. arin take Befote you buy Ld re odera home | this best_offer Soo equity. OR BUSINESS tale ‘with low down payment. | —MoLTIPLE LISTING SERVICE Call C. Schustt aes . 5 Bedrooms — on : ‘Because ett hs more tist~ Evenings after 6 cali Mr.| 1% story bungalow. Excellent to bee er~ more ion ome ae ‘41175. close in location f tate probleme C. is of $10,500. fering homes for ts little as $500 A JOHNSON, Reattor |? Bedrooms cers So. ish cl aah 1704 S. Tele =ph Rd. |" puechae ce, large lot, New| for details. Alto servicing Milford GROCERY-GASGRILL FE 4.25. 53. oll ted bath fix- area, Call MUtual 46615. cae thar wil make” nee ae wtiviicnss. SRE ~ 1404 sey + aps 1 é | ( | S Immediate Possession sa Gan — station pow S T Exceptional 3 bedroom, full base- Income roperty. 43A ae, * carne, Sn fireplace, 2 car _ nM dh ,; ° WE TRADE - Best Buys lect amam| ras Ss wc] MEER T od. is home has evety conv e. & 3 units.) SAL ay Basy to maintain, garden space. 2 rooms & beth each, Excellent fruit. and berries. 4s acre, condition throughout. Tenants pay | JouN A. $ 95 WN terms or cash pi : Wonderful oppor- 73 8 Move 4 into this cute 2 | 106 Ft. Water Frontage — | PMS Gass suburban home $4800. Fruetes. o 228 5-1284 or FE +304 wend Stet. Lotee, trike West end Cass Lake. $1000 down. gr bath, at $60 8 sid- REALTY CO. 1063 'W, Huron Re Mn) YOUR LIFE’S MADE KAMER through Classi- _ _MERRY CHRISTMAS! . HAPPY NEW YEAR! ES SN EE CL ~ SEASON’ ‘Ss GREETINGS! TO OUR FRIENDS AND CUS- and sipecerity of our Christmas wishes sdd to your cheer on Christmas and SURPLUS LUMBER AND MATERIALS SALES CO. 5340 Highland Rd. OR 3- 7092 | WALTON RADIO & TV BALES & SERVICE 1430 Joslyn Ave, at Walton Bivd. HOLIDAY GREETINGS ~ HURON MOTOR SALES a W. HURON FE 2-204 Season's Greetings COAL & BUILDING SUPPLY CO. * @) Orchard Lx. Ave. FE 3-Tioi Se : e MERRY ae “MERRY To All Of Our anda From All of Us at Haskins Chevrolet Oakland County’s Fastest Growing Dealer 6751 Dixie Hwy. at M-15 Many Friends | and Customers} SEASON'S GREETINGS! To be able to extend it pe Srentele: Season’s , It’s a very special pleasure It is with Deep ym} Appreciation | We think of our Association — And find that it's our honest To serve you fuller, better still. # CHRISTMAS FOX DRY CLEANERS 719 W. HURON FE 41536 Merry Christmas! We wish the full warmth of. Christmas joy to otr many friends, clients and neighbors. HAPPY YEAR! Clarkston REAL ESTATE INC. 90 8. Main, Clarkston, Mich, MAple 5-582 tomers we say, May the warmth | the New Year| | MERRY NEW _ MERRY CHRISTMAS To All Our Friends and Clients We Extend Sincerest Greetings for a Happy, Wholesome | Holiday Season Dorothy’s Beauty Salon $00 N. Perry PE 22-1244 T Sincere Holiday Greetings |To all our friends and. chstomers we have e served |} in the past and hope to) serve in the future. WILSON GMC ___ Oakland at Cass MERRY CHRISTMAS HAPPY NEW YEAR! | TRAVEL SERVICE 608 W. Huron Bt. PE 8-3251 MERRY: CHRISTMAS | We wish the full warmth of Christmas joy to our many friends, clients and neighbors. Rose McLarty BROKER & NOTARY PE 22-2162 SEASON'S GREETINGS von tw vie sont op rmaow WHO WANTS EVERYONE HI8 FRIEND West Side Used Cars 923 W. Huron FE 42185 Ww PONTIAC... Merry Christmas | To You From Everyone at J.C. HAYDEN Realtor 86 E. Walton Merry CHRISTMAS! We're packing into these two words all the friendly, _appreciative thoughts we jhave of you the whole year long; and all our most sincere wishes for | |Joy and Happiness for | You and Yours. CLARENCE RIDGEWAY AND STAFF 975 Baldwin FE 46203 Merry | Christmas! TO OUR MANY FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS MAY THE NEW YEAR BRING HAPPINESS AND PROSPERITY TO ALL. MARY M. KIRK EMMA BELL ARTHUR W. HEWITT NOAH M. DENTON CLYDE KEISER BOB CUCKLER CUCKLER REALTY ; “ne NM. Saginaw YOU WHOSE PATRONAGE WE CHERISH AND YOU, WHOM WE STILL HOPE TO SERVE MERRY CHRISTMAS... HOLMES.- BARTRAM 4303 Dixie Hwy. OL "3-1950 lthan this wishing AMONG ALL YOUR CHRISTMAS | s greeting There are none more warm or true, ; Yuletide Hap- ’ piness From us to Yours and You... MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR A. ELBLING & SONS SEASON'S ~ | GREETINGS! | TO OUR FRIENDS AND cUs- TOMERS AND MAY THE NEW YEAR BRING HAPPINESS AND PROSPERITY TO ALL. FRANK SHEPARD OL 1-611 Rochester , Christmas! | We wish you a | MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR ANDERSON HARDWARE 2182 8. TELEGRAPH RD. FE 5-9962 WE THANK YOU FOR YOUR PAST PATRONAGE | AND TAKE THIS TIME TO WISH ALL OF You Merry Christmas A N D ‘Prosperous New Year OAKLAND LOAN CO. 202 PONTIAC STATE BANK BLDG. COR. SAGINAW and LAWRENCE ; PHONE FE 2-9206 To All Our Many Friends and all those with whom we have had the pleasure of doing businss “WE WISH A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR WM. KNUDSEN REALTOR YULETIDE GREETINGS Sincerely and cordially wishing you Christmas Cheer and New Year's success, Dorothy Snyder Lavender REALTOR 3140 W. Huron St. EM 3-3903 - PE 23-4411 MU 6417 At Ugion Lake Office SEASON’S GREETINGS Our whole business family wishes yours. the Happiest Kind of Christmas and A Wonderful New Christmas REALTOR To Our Many CUSTOMERS, FRIENDS, NEIGHBORS | and — EVERYONE A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR Merry CRAWFORD AGENCY OPEN EVES. 2141 Opdyke PE 4-1549 SEASON'S GREETINGS To All Our Friends and Customers Jackson’s Rental Equip. 62 W. Montcalm FE 4-6240 Merry — Christmas! Neighbors That fills the Christmas season With happiness and cheer. Happy New Year EMBREE & GREGG 1868 Union Lake Pd. Templeton With Sincere Best Wishes | fora Merry Christmas and Happy New Year in °57 . FROM GEORGE BLAIR HELEN McDOUGALL K. L. Templeton, Realtor ¢ Lane wa FE 4-4563 7339 Orchard After 6, call on ‘3-1706 Happy Holiday Season EAKLE CLEANERS & DYERS RAKLE LEONARD 131 Oakland Ave. FE 56-6933 MERRY CHRISTMAS. AND GOOD CHEER! HAPPY DAYS THROUGHOUT THE YEAR! It’s greeting Friends and_ At this time of the year! SINCERE WISHES FOR A Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year Real Estate 6261 Andersonville Rd., Waterford Ph. OR 3-1268 Season's Greetings FOR A BRIGHTER HOLIDAY LARRY JEROME OF ROCHESTER FORD DEALER * SINCERE GREETINGS TO ALL DAWSON WATSON “INSURANCE” 11% N. SAGINAW FE 32-5420 IT’S A REAL PLEASURE AT | ‘THE HOLIDAY TIME, TO SAY “THANK AS WE WISH YOU A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR of prosperity, success and all you most desire. Ron Pee) Mountain Tem & Sally Horivits MICHIGAN PLUORESCENT LT. 393 ORCHARD LAKE AVE. AND HAPPY NEW YEAR! Johnson Radio & TV 45 B. Walton Biva. PE 4-1601 Ss" Holiday Marbel-Bingel | } te Greetings! THELMA M. ELWOOD “AllWoman Realty” SINCERE. W ISHE S YOUR GOOD. HE ALTHU H. APPINE SS FOR THE Coming New Year Teague — Finance Co. Sincere Holiday Greetings customers we have served in the past and hope to serve in the future. JOHN KINZLER | ALTOR 670 we Huron Street MERRY CHRISTMAS | TO - WISH: ALL Customers and Friends A Merry Christmas HAPPY NEW YEAR Machine Co. 102 N. BAGINAW Merry Christmas TO OUR FRIENDS AND CUS- TOMERS AND MAY THE NEW YEAR BRING HAPPINESS AND PROSPERITY TO ALL. | BETH'S ~ 476 W. Huron PE 3-0687 685 Oakland Ave. FE 3-9318 From All of Us To All of You _ Best Wishes for Christmas and the New Year » Real Estate and Insurance 4 Mt. Clemens 8, FE 5-1201 MERRY H. W. Bigelow | | 3345 AUBURN RD. To all our friends and. Singer Sewing | "Bud" Nicholie SEASON'S GREETINGS ie 8, TELEGRAPH FE 23-6033 SEASONS GREETINGS! A WARM, FRIENDLY NOTE OF CHEER MERRY CHRISTMAS GLAD NEW YEAR I. & S SALES CO. FE 2-2866 YULETIDE GREETINGS Sincerely and cordially wishing you Christmas cheer and New Year's | Success. TALBOT LUMBER CO, 1035 Oakland Ave. Ph. PE 4-2623 or FE 4-4505 Pontiag SEASON’S GREETINGS TO OUR MANY CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS. HIMES GRILL 67 W. HURON 8T MERRY CHRISTMAS! We wish you and yours a joyous holiday season, And while at it, we want to thank You sincerely for your faith and confi- ‘in’ our dence business methods. To serve you iwell is our aim. HAPPY _NEW.YEARI- Hotel Auburin 464 Auburn Ave. _ Phone FE 2-9239 - IT’S A VERY SPECIAL PLEASURE TO BE ABLE TO EXTEND ALL THE DEEPFELT SEASON'S GREETINGS TO OUR MANY FRIENDS MERRY CHRISTMAS tadreerneci M. BREWER 58 8 PE 4-5181 BEST WISHES! To all you friends and customers, We wish you good cheer for Christmas and the New Year, ~ Leo J. Walker TO OUR MANY CHRISTMAS ritieoe HAPP xt . May Your Christmas NEW YEAR | 2¢s4spry One and om ; the New Year Bring Much HOME & AUTO} Happiness and Prosperity LOAN Oo ae Oe 3 LN. Bece Sh Boat Works | Season’s Greetings | To all our friends and customers, | } May health and good fortune fol- low you through the coming year, » IVAN W. SCHRAM 1111 Joslyn, Cor. 3rd . Co-operative Real Estate Exchange , - Merry Christmas! ; George R. Irwin AND STAFF . REAL ESTATE 209 Baldwin Avenue | Merry Christmas John K. Irwin REALTOR Since 1025 UIWest Huron Street Phone FE 5-0447 CHRISTMAS | Is Tomorrow NEW YEARS | Very Near We'd Like This Opportunity To Wish You SEASONS | CHEER CENTRAL Lincoln- — | Mercury Cass at W. Pike Sts. | THE TASK OF LIVING, DAY TO day,’ | Sure keeps us on the go. | But now that Christmas time i:| here, j ! We wanted you to know. | That we're thinking of you and | wishing you every blessed , happi- | ness _} Re HOUGHTEN | Holy Day BEST WISHES FOR YOU AND FOR THE, NEW YEAR C. PANGUS, Realtor Call Collect: Ortenville NA 17-2815 or NA 17-3950 Wishing All Our CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS A Very Merry Christmas. and a Happy New . Year MIDDLETON REAL ESTATE _ Wishing You A Merry Christmas! | MERRY CHRISTMAS FROM LADD’S Real Estate MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALT. OUR “CUSTOMERS | \ j t | & SON $328 North Main hester Ou 1-0761 SEASON'S | Greetings Merry Christmas & Happy new Year to the fine people who cross , our threshold during the year. j May happiness be yours on this CONDON RADIO & TV! SALES & SERVICE 127 Parke 8t. |TO OUR FRIENDS AND CUS-| | tomers we say, olay the warmth, Merry Christmas! | | : Gallagher's 18. EB. Huron FE 4.0566 Merry Christmas! Happy | New Year! |- R.C.COPPENS RLTY. | FE 21-0383 | TO ALL OUR MANY - FRIENDS and to all those whom we have had ha pleasure of serving .. WE WISH * aed MERRY CHRISTMAS , AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR - ‘GREETINGS and sincerity of our Christmas | Wishes adi to your cheer on_ and the Christmas New Year! ” Drive- In Dry Cleaners 136 Orchard Lake 7 1208 N Perr? FE 48332 WE EXTEND THE OF THE _. ‘SEASON AND ALL GOOD ) WISHES TO OUR FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS | | j | | | | | Nick Mackson Our Entire oT Organization Joins In Sefding HOLIDAY GREETINGS With Every Good Wish For the New Year! BRAID MOTOR SALES | | | DeSoto-Plymouth Deale: Cass at W. Pike St. Fl. 2-0186 GILES REALTY co, | since WISHING | You WELL Fora Very anda HAPPY NEW YEAR ANNA tHEMM “~~ MIR. & MRS. CLAUDE McORUDER | 92 WEST HURON &T. MERRY CHRISTMAS anda HAPPY NEW YEAR « Jo All. . OUR FRIENDS C. HOUSTON REALTY | 46331 | HOL IDAY. GRE ETINGS C ustonters and Friends Arnold Real Estate 210 S. Telegraph Rd. FE 5-0676 FE 5-578 OWENS Your FORD Dealer "CY y" | | | | | PLYMOUTH-DESOTO DEALER Wishes Each & Every One a Very | | MERRY CHRISTMAS | Anda Prasperous CCC Christmas! \XXXXXNXX NXXXXXXXN XXXNXXKNXX XXXXNXXXXXN / NXXXXXNXXXXXNN We would like -'to convey our, re holiday reetings to al! our many friends, clients and good neighbors. Happy New Year! schutz MOTOR COMPANY Birmingham | { | Sincere thanks NXNNXANNAANNANN XX XXXN XXX XXXX WE WISH YOU A MERRY AND ‘MAY THE YEAR 1957 Vv ZmrvwAQgQwzmr YOUR JOYS | | EACH DAY! | for your patronage dur- | ing the past year. It is | iIt is our sincerest wish | that we may serve you! NEW YEAR WE OF THE USED CAR SALES STAFF__APPRECT- ATE YOUR PATRONAGE THIS PAST YEAR AND YOU. —1N.- THE COMING . ONE | | Robert Delvo Ray-Smith | ex Dick Winnie Paul Marsh SEASON'S ‘GREETINGS! | 'TO ALL OUR MANY CISTOMERS TR. AILER EXCH. ANGE | \60 8. TELEGRAPH 2.3200 | “tear Friends and Customers | MERRY CHRISTMAS © GALL'S....... _ TEXACO SERVICE 4450 Dixie Hwy. Holiday Greetings Our mie and Frierids ROLLADIUM . ~-Reller-Skating Rink Leslie R, Tripp, Realtor yy *. Hur a FE 45-6161 4475 Highland Rd, OLD AS WELL AS NEW A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS and Happy New Year too. — | JAMES HART i JEAN WALERYCH OULD LIKE TO TAKE THIS "shana TO ary ALL cus- 408T =e rou AND TOURS ~~ M ERRY CHRISTMAS HAPPY NEW YEAR PONTIAC HARDWOOD FLOOR os_ First” SEASON'S GREETINGS - SYLVAN 4 | “tne ine Harvey Witson, Realtor |“ heart full of joy MICH. | And the joy of sharing it a during 1957. | Mr. and Mrs. Loren Tyler and the entire staff at Orion Community Auction MERRY =O HTR ESEM AS ot AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR WE WISH TO THANK THE PEO- PLE OF PONTIAC FOR THEIR | CEPTION or. MANY OF YO COME TO Us SEE: ASSISTANCE IN FINDING A NEW CAREER MIDWEST Employment Service a 1 | 4 | | 406 PONTIAC STATE BANK BLDG | This Is Our Holiday Wish For You! | A house full of friends All through the year. L. H. BROWN and ASSOCIATES Realtors ] A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS ~ To One and All hac WAM. A. |KENNEDY Si ie sewinos 22 | | | + our desire to serve you| just as courteously, just as efficiently, and just as| | dependably in the future. | XAXXXXXX XXXXXXXXAX XXXXXXXXXX_ -NXXXXXXXXXX “XXXXXXXXXXXXX XAXXXARAHARRNAN FROM THE EMPLOY ES OF THE PONTIAC RETAIL STORE THE Goodwill LOT Pontiac Retail Store - 63 Mt. Clemens: - Phone FE 3-7117 4 from us CHRISTMAS |~ | MAY THE ; 137 _ CHRISTMAS. _ VERY, VERY | { | | | { | | i 4. | tune. From { ALL OF US to ALL OF YOU FONDEST _ GREETINGS | AND WARMEST GOOD WISHES Merry _ GREETINGS Christmas - CLASSIFIED DEPT. THE PONT LAC SEASONS GREETINGS TO ALL OUR CUSTOMERS HUTCH INSON | 4301 Dixie Hwy. | Dreyton Plains, _OR_3-1202 —-—— MERRY | CHRISTMAS | i NEW YEAR BRING ADDED HAPPINESS TO ALL PONTIAC REALTY Baldwin FE 5-8278 | IN THE TRUE SPIRIT | OF | WE WISH YOU AND YOURS THE MERRIEST ° | OF 7 New Year of Prosperity | HOLIDAY | SEASONS! Thomas Bateman Aicitun Kampsen Eva Lane | Genevieve Powell Delpha Bougine Elsie Stragea L. H. Grimes Donald Fraser Gerald Verno Fred Rosevear Lawrence Vaillancourt James Morris James Lundgen James Green — Frank Blanchard THE STAR F OF Bateman Realty Heartfelt Wish | That your Christmas be | joyful and your New} «Year one of good for- ? Edw. M. Stout REALTOR 77 N. Saginaw St. 4395 Bixte Hwy _ =e SEASON'S | ee eee 4 HOLIDAY GREETINGS | Holiday Gre Greetings 7 May Your Christmas be Nicer Than Ever Before And your happiness grow through the years that are in store. Giroux- Franks NERAL REAL ESTA ___ OR he 01 AGAIN— MERRY MERRY CHRISTMAS - ) Carl W. Bird Realtor The Best to YOU We Wish All Our ’ Customers and Friends | Plastering Contractor : T-ast Auburn Service — | 218 Seward ve am: 608 Auburn Ave . _FE_ 31-0376 __FE 40371 The Merriest of Christmas | ! the Happiest of Holidays | anda Glen Sawyer Bob McBride |. Mike Flynn Dave Wilson Frank Green Norm Pemberton Duane Brown Ralph Humphries Bob Oliver Jr. Bob Oliver Sr. BUICK 210 Orchard Lake Ave. | OLIVER |” - Kampsen - | | | Bob Frost, Inc. XX LINCOLN MERCURY AND. eine 870 S. Woodward ren BIRMINGHAM | MI_6-6934 ‘ham: To Your Home From each of us may there come more good things To all of you by the score. For A MERRY CHRISTMAS Metrier Christmas ° ! than ever before. AND HAPPY CAMERON H. CLARK ecrtayeb and ASSOCIATES |, NEW YEAR, TOO REALTORS - 3 : ~HERE'S.| Rusself Young" —— “— . ous Nike RS Realtor. & Builder A REALLY 412 WEST HURON JOYFUL HOLIDAY | | i | Phone FE 5-8165 e Merry Christmas! | From all of us at— Church's, Inc. | —_ 107 S. Squirrel Rd. FE 2-0233 Happy ‘New Year. | | TO MY Customers and Friends | CHRISTMAS TO. ALL , OF YOU—FROM ALL | OF US. R, D. RILEY, Realtor Partridge - and His Staif RUSS LINDSAY DAN KELLY CLARK H AGSTROM | GEORGE KORN MAC McCAFFERTY KLEB LePARD DICK COOPER ROLAND LEWIS DON WILSON | JOE CLARK | CRAMER PARTRIDGE |J°¥0us holiday season, JOYCE HALL VIRGINIA NASO Extend to You Greetings Christmas And Happy MES: ny Friend tS 'M. R. HANSON \ MERRY, wey 7 BROKER. Merry | Christmas We wish You and Yours a |And while at it, we: want ‘to thank You sincerely for your faith and confi- a in our business - — methods. To serve you dence well is our aim, a) Phone OR 3-1295 Open § to 9; Sunday 1 te § New Year! To All Our Customers a | NXXXXXXAAAXA | MERRY CHRISTMAS Rie men nschneider Bros. Your | Dodge: Plymouth Dealer 232 8. Saginaw PE 2-9131 A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS TO OUR MANY — FRIENDS | | FLOYD KENT ~ | AND HIS STAFF 1916 - 1956 YEARS OF 20 pixte WOMWAY FE 20123 X i AX XXXXX XXXXXXX XXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX-- MERRY --CHRISTMAS- A To Those We Have—— ‘Served—and Those We Hope to Serve We wish Christmas could be forty-eight hours long to hold double measure of happiness we wish for . | you ‘and yours. a a » CORP. OF PO eet Se ees or OW WITH CONFIDENCE w” "HOUSEHOLD FINANCE NTIAC 38 od tiger, Room Sone Ot come vot i) seasonal Re. bi wl ene ENEFICIAL ~ SEASONAL CASH expenses give a few SOM ALL NAME BRANDS AND SIZES. E LIKE NEW $39.50 AND UP CONSUMER'S POWER CO. v transit. ood years, 395, alue, $279, Siatty scratched __AN MAPLE LE TABLE WITH | bo “CHAIRS and Cut own wee tree or es Seet tree. be, or ae: Cont so “om every "oar. TREES. WHOLESALE . Next to Auburn Hotel MAR TREES. $1 & UP end porter Dew Auburn Open every eve, except Sunday, 10 to 4 Voorhels Rd. 169—2 tie" news sie mM SLASHED ON ALL NEW FURNITURE living eocke. - HH gareme breakfast ‘set $8 : mattress ...$19. 14.50 Dtilite cabinet fetal wardrobe “for its nosed ear, In HOUSE OR +1144, 6 B RY HARD TOP. tor 1884 Olde hard top a ar tn e4 PE 23175. 827 AMERICAN FL TRAIN. COST $80 ‘tr., or sell. M “Conte, i fois. $2 per Shick's, luxe dryer, save $60. week. A Tote mo model. AS STOVE. $25; ;_tefrigerator, $35. re “ern, RE luxe ironer and w asher week. 1997 Whir Bala: $2 dmiral refrigerator, automatic defrost, $75. 3-3711, ance Aa eatometie se0e QueE 4 Mt eae eee DE- luxe model, Mochantealty perfect. 385° MA 4.2819 R ENT Ironrite troner, instructions. Call Eves. $98. frigerator, _tric range, TRADE ELECTRIC gee ranges. R. B, Munro, 1060 Huron GAS RANGE, $15, RE- i. F Washer $35. Elec- PE 5-2766. RANGES FOR TABLE AMPS 1956 L. DESIGNS, Ls soe } wed $3.05. Factory irreg- an Fluorescent, 3 _ Orchard. Lake Ave. OPROLATERED cost $120, reasonable. MA 4-1468. BED CHATR, Wash 2 ” * Blond USED DEPT. Tig Ble, CL AYTON’S FURNITURE AND APELIANCE 3065 Orchard Lk $20. | Lem: sed gas ra ad * gr bokb be toes Keego pepe. Mich. _ TE 59474 8 as burner’s, 602 — ~ Used Trade-in Dept. | ot i “able “Heywo ; Wake. fed ee. NETwooe $ 4.05 5 Pc. breakfast tet 1, $14.95 Ons range .. ..... . $24.50 >. sections: $00.80 8 Pc erate room set 940.50 Retrige .. $89'50 THORS Cy F URNIFORE CO. 5 Wwe ARH Arig St _ CHRISTMAS TREES — Wholesale. Northern _Lumber Co EM_3-4171. “Christmas Tree. Dealers Beautiful Scotch pine — nursery stock, 4 to 6 ft. will wholesale in lot of 200 or more. «DEALERS Call MA 5-336 or OR 32-5123, 6619 Roselawn Glarkston Mich nce ete nee nee ous 60 4 INCH 80OIL PIPE SAVE S” HEATER. $70.95. Cab. si ion filing . ‘is0's0 uy ab. , Ww Leundry trays. stand, faucets sis | ME SA PLUMPING 13 Saginaw St. p totlets, 3 Cslored bs bath tub, toner ‘and lave: $39.95 G Tnompsoen, 80 RES, YOUNGS- furneares. Oil. gas water and steam Automatic water heater, hardware, electrical erock and ipe, and fitt - HEIGHTS SUPPLY pS Rd. FE 4-541. arse Osiver woe? pit ce {ES TO ALL OF YOU DURING THE HOLIDAY. 8 SEASON Church's, Inc. 107 8. Squirrel Rd. FE 2-0233 BRICK, RECLAIMD—ALL You “UNION WRECK'NG CO. 31245 i 8 Mile Rd BRICK, RECLAIMED has Lumber & Sales Co ghlaa' Rd (M58) OR 3-7002 *) CASH FOR URMTORE FE + CLOCK SLL SCTON. GRAND- fai roimer-€ Clock, Eves, ater 4, FE CHAINSAWS Sales, service rentals. CALL MICH CHAINSAW DIST. . AY 3-5821 COLEMAN FLOOR OTL FURNACE 7 all controls $20. 73 S. Parke CABINET SINKS FROM Sinks in, Double nee tren a Ompeos, epee CIRCLE, FLUORESCENT FIX- tu mode newest Premes st qua noe modern type a for kitch- dinelies, bedresas and rec- reaiion rooms $11.05 value, $5.95, $50.95. trom $3.95, 408 95 . G@ A. Perry. Je EACH | e, mattress, box a ices hair dryer, baby buggy. “PRICE DAYS ARE HERE hard- ply wood tances at the Warwick, FE _ 45000, JET WATER in PUMPS. $40.95. G. A. 80 8. Perry, ipsoa, = LIONEL & AMERICAN FLYER TRAINS Authorized factory ope -s0 and Paint, Plumbing, Hardware, For- mica. Weekdays, Fri. thru Tves. 6:30 to 6:00 Sun, lo ' ‘Cameras, Equipment. 61A CAMERAS BOUGHT, SOLD, TRADED ERPERTS CAMERA SHOP 57_W. Huron. __FE_5-661 _ Sale Musical ‘Goods 62 ALFALFA _ BROME, . TIMOTHY & clover. Also second ¢ atte, alfalfa _® straw No rain OA &-2179 For ‘Sale e Livestock 7 22 13 HOLSTEIN COWS WITH DE IA. record. 5 springers. QOroveland Valley Farms, $538 Grange Hall, pouy. Mich. MElrose 7-3104 after | A tick “CHRISTMAS PRESENT. | Welch pony colt, 8 Mo. oid. O4| — 2384 i3 HEAD HIGH GRADE GUERN- Used pumps. 30 per cent off on Sunbeam & Dor- meyer lances d& Revere ware. KELLY'S HARDWARE FE Auburn Heights FE > — ate he GALVANIZED PIPE ae a ee Uae ft. a in. ily Th lengins 16 13e ft. } 8. Saginaw FE 5-2100 ore GARAGES REPAIRED TO look Jike new. Lengthen your ga- rage, Put in new garage. doors. _Terms, FE 4-5654 LY WOOD Of all kinds also exterior and interior doors Cabinet hardware All at oe aes i Plywood Co. 1488 Baldwin Ave. | REPRIGER ATOR. ELECTRIC Good for cottage. 2 girl's bikes, tricycle, old later sink for ye jron, Package deal for $50, MI_4-3323, Blaylock COAL & BUILDING SUPPLY CO. £1 Orchard e@ Ave. FE 3-710! ROMEX BY THE COIL, 4c PER foot. tc PER Wall boxes for duplex plugs, 28c ea. Main & range e boxes. 995 GC. A Thom 80 __Perry _8t. Vicror ADDING MACE. K...§ 12 gauge pump gun, almost new. FE 5-5176 SALE > . * = SSR tightly factory marred. Call i factory showrooms. Michigan waoreasent, 33) «(Orchard «Lake Sh t k STS WRT SR None ] y ». conv ie had uftinasee gus| 4X8 Sheet $1.35) — spells well piston pumps. Cheap. | Fir Plyscore, 4%8x% sheet £4.95 OR 30022 between & a & 6 ' D.M. | Blanket insulation 109 sq, ft. $4.25 boa te ale mention, ce sq. ft. i EC. RANGE 7) GIRL'S BICY- Douwias Pir ts a. sald, PrN mionTNOLE toe cumin cum |S SA, EN inet Excellent shape. Make wee. or Ake ted Ad eine np ‘gies| f __MArket 42868 Soil vanined ELECTRIC LIGHT FIXTURES Seoul pasado jena tateee greet “Seach Soieties ea” SAVE UP TO $500 ON MATER- phn ne downs modern, tra-| IALS FOR COMPLETE —. ditiona! varues, bedroom, EASY CREDIT TERMS. fh "ths, ich EL Sh value, 61.98. Siightty ii = Tertiecs See ‘out Tarde“ pay.| BURMEISTER stand Lene nee ent Northern Lumber Co. aa BFA RDING ; TOES sae 197 ithe Be. "Eth ae $395 | Pontiac ea ait $2, ane | hase with ss $11.98! petro EL _¢-4is Save PLUMBING SOprLY _ SALE 172 S, Saginaw FE 5200} 2M aluminum a Fivergles 8 OGERS 61 awnings ‘ verware with chest, PE 43467. ‘FE 4.6089 9, SUNBEAM tique chair ,. eo am. to § om ‘ A IC TANKS or nae Sale 01 Office e Equipment 63 USED ADDING MACHINE. ALSO cash ter & typewriter. 3850 Eueebs Lx, Ra. FE 86221 oF VSa Sale ‘Store ‘Equipment <) NATIONAL CASH REGISTER. AL- USED CASH REGISTER __condition. Reasonabie. EM 34466 Sale ‘Sporting Goods 65 : PIECE GUN CABINET, HOLDS _8 guns, OR 32844. _ 122GUAGE PUMP REMINGTON Gun. Only 1 yr old Sacrifice. 12 OAUGE PUMP. AKC SHOP | PHONE SLAYBAUGH’S 630 Oakland, on Cass; Open Eves. FE 8-0453 ~ Guns — eahaeens 6 omy Manter Leach 0 Bagley St. SPORTSMEN mitn Complete Biuing, scopes. mounts, restockin SANDY'S SPORT SHOP ‘mn. 8 8 4 Sat, 1710 8. Telegraph PE 3.9140 WANTED: RAW FUR. MUSKRAT. Vist guns repair service on every day including range an and punters. VREELAND. FU $00 Pontiac Tratl Gratled wake Market 43131 Sand, Gravel & Dirt 66 A ae. PILL DIRT. soi]. OR be or MA 5-1357. &1 TOP SOIL RICH, BLACE dirt Sand, tea and = dirt. Al ere things you're not using through Classi ified Ads! : a! TO GOLD: ): Sell} genuine factory p. . Free test ELEC sey cows, surge milker and equip- TASKER'S | cones _ HURON ST, te a OT! —ment. 1325 N. Rochester Rd a8 GAL. Ott TANK, ray rE som 4 — may GRAND Wante fed Livestock 73 age — leas cap. fone. v fast resi ve action. 51 Looks ‘like new. "Exe for ad-| WANTED: PIGS ALL SIZES. FOR- LUXAIR FURNACE AND OIL vanced sudents “. ech a! r “8 _test Jones MA 5-5206 burner, complete all con- ~& : trols in good condition used very _ Saginaw. FE ___ Sale Farm Pri Produce 78 __ittle $75, 73 8. Parke St. GRINNELL APT. SIZE PIANO. A-1 SAND GROWN ATOES. LIMITED OFFER WAMOORS Ta nD ee “MAple 5-601. oi) fired. gun tyne :' p. EX | ippLes. Mos? VARInTIES. Forced alt BTU. Com cottons concen. — = “ Sweet cider 271 N irre with controls. §287,50. Purnace | HAMMOND CH ORGAN, LIKE pa ‘Auburn PE 7-0194. tank and duct work, ready to in-; new. It would be a ed Christmas | ApEn eal, OS rm ine with | _ present. Call EM 3-339: MTomest AND SWEE $460 Orchard above 30 ga’. water heater, PIANO TUNING PLAYER SERV- ik Rae Open 7 days week. H A ante AND _ ice, guaranteed. OL 6-0571. | «92 8. * PE 2-397 | PIANO is 3 AND REPAIRS. | Sale Farm n Equipment 76 —; MEDIC n B CABINE cabinet E Ea may TORING. “CALL BEFORE MeCULLOCH Cam SAWS value, $3.35. marred. Hed 8:39 a.m. Oscar Schmidt. FE Rentals, Parts & nee large selection medicine cabinet 1999 Crooks Rd. 46 wi lights, new slid- SPECIAL, GRINNELL CONSOLF | McCULLOCH, CRAIN SAWS. DROP ing 4 ble be iF... Walnut finish. Almost new, in and see ‘em at W. F. M “wall cabinets, terrific mach included. oon Small down Garden & Lawn. Equipment. 1593 our larse display. Manian, Plus. Ritate"G balene e e rents on South Woodward (North of —tescent, 383 Ave Co. FE; Mile Ra. . Birmingham, Mich MYERS PUMPS Phone _Bthewoes aan 130 BASS ACCORDION. NEW Deep and shallow well jet pumps.p electric accordion. Lessons, OR wew AND pment. 1 araei bess. Trade-ins acc . _ +4144. ery Ph Ortonville, We stock rep Beginning our 2¢tb _year a service SMALL HEATING ern AND cream sep . MI SNOW PLOWS -. Smali_rid walhing tractor’s at Bargain prices Also snow viowers LEE'S 8ALES 4& SERVICT $21 Mt Clemens St. FE 3-9830 SPECIAL 10 per — discount on al} Ol!- . loaders doz- . B per cent 3% months to pay bal- ence no payments during winter months PONTIAC PARM & INDUS, TRACTOR CO. 4+-0734 rE YOUR i, H, DEALER Pontiac Rd at Opdyke WINTER SPECIAL! We ym pick a and deliver your clean and give it repent & tough-wea T Te coat of nase! all for the low price 9.95 SERVICE PARTS EXTRA WE SERVICE ANY MAKE TRACTOR 4-0734 PE 41112 KING BROS. YOUR I, H DEALER Pontiac Rd at Opdyke Auction Sale 77 PR WEDNESDAY NIGHT AUCTION at Smart Sale Farm, Closed until —soring._ Private. Sales daily _ ae WIDES s Stee ols 8 ae m aveinbis, HUTCHINSON pg pe 8 cond, $1800, “OXFORD RAILER SALES as For Sale Housetrailers 78 |: THE NER OF THE MODEL Chief Vacation Trailer) Mrs. ; neat Eee of Roches- op Detroiters *:. Bee | ‘To One and All _ efter 5 __ a TRUCK GOING NORTH PART oad. Either way FE 5-6806 _ 88 __ Wanted U Used | Cars See M & M Motor Sales For top dollar om Inte mode! cars. 227 Disle Hwy OR 3-1603 | AS MUCH as , we POR JUNK or piped cats FE 23-2666 days Always Ready to Buy | Junked ‘and used cars, top $83 p BAGLEY AUTO PARTS FE 5-0219 170 BAGLEY sT. “Bud Shelton Motor Sales Pays top dollar on tate models. Cor, Auburn & E. Biyd. FE 46728 JUNK CARS & SCRAP Service call FE 4¢-0582 SHOP IT ‘Then Bring It Here We pay top do'iar for sharp cars AVERILL’S seen Dixie Hwy warp o8 Bann o Wrp: PR 46006 | HIGH $$$ PAID BUYING FOR ouT ret grate DEA GL EN! VS ‘MOTOR SALES 254 8. SAGINAW ST. FE 47371 ‘THE HIGH DOLLAR For high grade cars need them. Drive ie extra ‘niles ‘i will pay vou well. 4540 Dixie “H. J. VAN WELT ~ OR _3-1355 1956 CHEVY PICKUP © ‘4 ton with V-8 engine and deluxe cab, with heater and windshield washers, NORTH CHEVROLET 1000 §. Woodward Ave. Birmingham LIGHT OR HEAVY HAULING, _aAnywhere. PE 46820. FORK LIFT TRUCK, § FT. LIFT, iow B. capacity, "uke new, FE LET "5S 5 excellent tires, ready < Mag Just your car or Haskins, Chev. 1 Dixie Highwa: Mapre 5-5071 Spee nites nites tts 9 Wilson GMC New & Used Trucks Oakland at Cass FE 5-485 Merry Christmas 1 ‘63 FORD. ¢ Classified Ads! To swap what you don’t need for jwhat you do, call , FE 28181. eek NORTH CHEVROLET | 1000 8. Woodward Ave, Birmingham | | CHEV. 1954 BEL. AIR SEDA 2 fint AP exceptional vay! Suet your car down. Easy terms. Haskins Chev. i 6751 Dixie Hwy, et MI5 MAple 5-507] Open nites un 8 150 CHEVROLET. RADIO & Heater, Ne money . assume pe ments of $13.67 rf month. Credit Mgr Mr rks, Mid-| West 4-7501, roid Turner Ford. 1953 CHEVY $695 Ddoor seian with standard shift, | radio and heater, Be sure to see this one. NORTH CHEVROLET | 1000 8. Woodward Ave. Birmingham | ‘$1. DODGE 4 DR. $275. 910 Joslyn ‘o7. DODOES AND > PLYMOUTH floor display cars. All models at substantial savings, With or with- HUGHES, INC. Novi ed Direct Pactory Di Dealer, You Save 1951 ORD v4 RADIO & HEATER Fordom $5.00 down and $5.00 & week. “E 8-6051, Pieid Motors. 55 FORD RANCH ow 952 we uron PE 22641 BRAID MOTOR SALES ymouth Dealer ‘air Deeiins DeSoto - 32 Years Cass at W. Pike _FE 201 6. G08 ‘CONDITION. | Take over s eymeusn FE -4-8729 NO RUST. ' hi * e “ DON’T NEED CASH AT f BIRMINGHAM, CLUB | _ BIG DISCOUNTS ON - NASH COl JPE : . ; HI FIDELITY - ‘ | RADIO IMMEDIATE, DELIVERY in & fagsee cs re sam ECY CHRIST 5 CARS - NO MONEY*DOWN 64 | naw. GIT — Beagle , USED TV, $19.95 AND UP Fid. Ce. sited — past cri ______ For or Sale T. Tires | BOA | '51 Kaiser eal It's not too late | rere ae | bis wher | eee . Huron \ AND, om. Goon vu L ARR , | AKC. REG BRITTANY SPANTEL. "80. Ford | WASH YOUR DISHES | et: Reasonabje. MA Stet, | T°? gue uD |e Mereury | om ceo ee AKC REO FEMALE BEAGLE w FE 40687 | JEROME Siher'mixe hems NEW & USED. NO PLUMBING e Sired by Fd. Ch. Pleasant LOOK! 11 CARS FROM $10 TO $50 DOWN, Visit our trade - dept. For real $199 ma tnctructer. A nice one. FE ‘82 Nash ROCHESTER FORD DEALER FREE home TRIAL 670x15 suburbanite mud and snow | «53 Nash OL 1-711 OUR LAY-A-WAY PLAN L. A. WAGNER CO. Sarria “PUPS. AKC. IDEAL| tires. Remold $1095, exchange | 53) word EASY AMS ay Phone FE 5-922) __ Christmas gifts. $35. MAple 5-5652.| lus tax ea: "33 Pontiae | "30 FORD, 2 DR. ve buy, se Chris: Gift 59 BOXER 5 YRS OLD. GOOD PBF. | 59; § “seman OATES coger | (52 Buick 50 We buy, sell or trade. Come out itmas s ble. PE 40445 _.S. Saginaw FE ¢-0687 | so Mercury | R&H, very sharp and jack around. 3 seres of tree | mmm Sant PARAKEETS G00D TaLK. | STANDARD BRAND NEW TIRES | 3) Chevrolet ; Custom & , ; 2 PR. GIR WHITE sHOE - Traded i= on General Safety | ‘52? Rambler Wagon ' ’ “pec 7c skates net 1 girl scons dreen | _@fs. Canary singers. FE_ 4-€060 Tires. Up te $® ver cent ‘53: Plymouth * HURON MTR. SALES Stiea* 1 large afghan. FE | BEAGLE POR dealt $10 EACH, mec D. Wi LIAMS 33 Desoto wa (952 W, Huron _ FE 23-2641 _ : U. -LIAM- ebaker Hardtop |DICK PARKER NOW SELLING 4 4 mies E £. of Bontise. or 1 mile | 3 ELECTRIC T TRAINS. | L |— LIONEL, BOXER ae ACT) REGIS-| 451 8. Saginaw a! Raeburn ALSO ! Tre shes Bohr inc, Milford. eights on dubura | mounted on plywood. Many acces- PE 6 Oe Ee AL. obebead P eee ncrrons, cuawmrgygeo,| Auta Service at) on LEMAN & . A SIZE Show-type puppies, eks to RRR 56 Dod down *Ractiea ha | ett” Mavtceue Gi" O"Daugs SA) BERETS ART ceasemuars cummin ge Stet aster. =| CHI ISTMAS - ¢ . jauge es -3888 7 7 _ ear, cy ers rebor hue we | 55 Plymouth $106 down _— inne 1 eats Tender & 3 cars, | BOSTON TERRIER PUPPIES, ehine Shop 23 Hood Phone FE /'s5 Ford. $115 down SOINT FREEZ | 01 MI eet AKC. Stud service. Championship | 22563 ‘$ Rambler Wagon, $147 down- | SPECI AL unre UTIF 9206 eo evroie wn rons ere eet | one sane riropean mh sone A | say Ha $2143 «OE. For Sale Mot 0 cycles 83 | +56 Rambler Wagon. $213 down | Surprise the family with # new | PRN . mo : LE BLONDE | CApEHART AUTOMATIC RECORD |'2‘+- - _ MERRY CHesTmag— ARN. Mansfield. Of Josiya FOR PARTS AND SERVICE ON IMMEDIATE DELIVERY SF for Christmas, Just your olf | changer & radio combination. | COLLIE PeUrries. ake, REGIS your Harley Davidson, see Hariey oo | folre “credit checked at show. | _ Cabinet _— $35. FE 20681 |. wre red ¢| Davidson Sales 373, South See Stan or John | room Ask for saiesman, MI . 4 Alcohol 188 Proof | Boe UPPIESsIRED sy | Thank you, Dear — I know exactly what I'm going to ex-| ffapn’ Wallet bake. comer of) Saginaw ° | @3400. Dealer 3 Genie RUBBER BASE PAINT GAL $3.75 ~ our own ptt. Dover Hills eo . a To sac S 1 "acry | niture igaatsres So ond ctbet ee Oxi? | Felt B. Rugs $3.95 | =" te.) (Ready to go tor change it for’ DASHCHUND AKC. aHOTS. GOOD | __ For ale Bicycles 84 eR NCH AM FE ASY I FD JONES nts Bde 3-585- oe 26° BOY'S: B ». oodward, lar t { MAIS wine: ELEC. WHITE CABINET STYLE) -—pUP Ne4208 . WILL “Ww. _ HURON, F PE «3064 sewing machine. All attach, Apt For Sale Miscellaneous 60 For Sale Miscellaneous 604 POODLE. christmas MU #001, 326 ~ Boats 6 & A cess ries 83 MI_63900__Open till 9 TOTE UTOMATIC 1 rASHERS: | ae “Send “oe Crystal, Milford ccessories | —— a Ok “ wa ae: BENDIX _¥ apes, mane Caine OF | E TRACTORS. SNOW PLOWS AND | DALMATIAN CHAMP BLOOD centur 1954 BUICI IC) K $1445 YOUR estinghouse Rebuilt. -_ snow blowers Reduced price thi : ¥ 18 INBOARD HERE. | Super’ hardt beautiful red) | “OPT I = Ac ee GILBERT wr 1044 ERECTOR mpire | ease Buy your mowe: now for Mi es0ea. rey. Female. ¢ mos. , Specials op beats & Merc rer ivory finish, One you lt really | NOT E - REPLACEMENT : $606 Union Com nristmas. Evans emery ea + tors in stock ed beta: hike. EVERYBODY'S CREDIT PB 8400! | ry COMED TRAIN wit acces: | 7? Unter Hae Ra gt Commerce) Die Hway, MAple +188, OR| GERMAN SHEPHERDS. AKC{ jun, ist Open" 18 S med etore. ‘ ERYRODY'S, CRE 202 PONTIAC STATE BANK sories. $30. 26 Susan St FE| THE LAKE AREA’S LARGEST | 38506000 reg. $30 & up. Also black Cocker) i. m. every NORTH CHEVROLET DETROIT MOTOR 8ALES Unbelievable Savings from now __ 81328. WINDOW AND TRIM MFOR | TANK TYPE VACUUM CLEAN. | —SPantels._$12_ MA__€2000. INT ANDL AKES SALFS) ‘ 15 8 Saginaw at Judson a 5 E ? 9906 till on and 1957 | j5o9 ITALIAN MADE ACCORDIAN. Triple pic. windows from $30.88 er As evs bike Aptique | GERMAN SHEPHERD 17, W. Huroa PE “ena PE 26122 | 1000 8. Woodward Ave, Brimingham 7wercuRY, 2 DR MERC-O- - t . = =f 1 aoe aa GE A es and | Must sac, for $250. OL 2-8188 puble hung windows frog aves 33632 _ 7 matic. New tires. Good cond. FB M TV. CR | Sliding windows fron - $159 TAPE RECORDER. 1937 MODEL. | Will sell the litter bred from! “JOHNSON “OU TBOARD aU > > | §-5878 TRIC. 43573, LIONEL TRAIN FOR SALE IN! Storm windows 2 lite from .. $3.50 |” ‘Reang | my show dogs. An unusual op- | a: UICK HARDTOI I _ “WHEN YOU NE BOY'S SKATES SIZE 6, SUN. | 800d condition. MA_ 62937 | Birch No. 1 Plush Doors, | Original cost #150." wil Take cow portunity tp purchase an out- MOTORS This 1s « 1983 super, dark top. ivory) 8 MERCURY. GOOD CONDITION, $150. Cali any time. FE 2-3438. - ‘sma antique | LIONEL TRAIN $35 Tae ROL | 26"x6'8"” - $945 siderable loss. OR 37665 | _standing puppy MAyfair 6-250 SLAY weeny body, radio, heater. Dynaflow. §! : y | boom and ends. FE rx: Sey | jes skates, like new. Size 7! poor and window trim . $7.006 | ~ | PUREBRED IRISH 88 SETTER PUP- SLAYBAUGH’S white walls, this ts a V-8 model, ——-— — a O BRAND NEW FURNITURE, MUsT) —$!¢. FE 21160. : ars Talb t Li b pies. $10. EM | ©0 Oakland, Vor. Cass; Open Eves, | With lots of go Stop in & drive 37 NASH RAMBLER wHtrm be sold immediately, Maple and Lanes oNTOR F FOOL 7 ra Knotty pine paneling No.1. $ .16c O um er| “Parakeets, Gone to Talk| | PE 8-0453 it, Pisa y tot & ean ft! walls. Two-tone blue PE 5-374, xc. er skate o- é | 3 , Set, 18 guickiy on rs | wee Oa i _bel Train, FE ¢101 Garage Doors | Beit hudih ip feet | some “tung waiing. Marie. | Hu! aed Engine repacre and var. | 8 Oakland FE 2281) 1056 RAMBLER armenia to suit dad eash your $40.95. TV antenna kit. 69.95. LIONEL TRAIN pls: BOY'S NEW g cal ow Plies. 1025 Oakland Ave quines. Cages. 801 t. FE! nishing We have a few 1936/1955 CADILLAC COUPE DEVILLE. + t lk . = Ww ALTON Vy AND USID" ICE SKATES Berry Steel overhead factory sees FR 4a 22-4025. model Evinrudes at a greatly; very clean, all extras, FE 5-807. pe Pg eee out _ rlesa to * atl es ee Ainyrie’ | 2002, Sit sisce ant peices. Large Sued Ol AND COAL AL PURNACES | PARAKEETS.” CANARIES SUP.) trie et SA HONEST VALUES | your first look, “| Walton, Cor. Josiyn, __PE_2-2251| SIZE 12. PE 42889 ANYTIME. selection | from $35 and A © furnaces Conversion oti | _pues_183 Sanderson, PE $-se31.; MARI os ape SERVICE T VALU sane CHROME DINETTE , AS- 08, HAND WOVEN. fs) modern lh a arace costs | 1951 Plymouth, sha: door "semble BETS AS | RUGS HAND WOVEN, RAO OR} eras yeu give | purners tnd blow ere Nee eet | | PARBAKEETS. CANARIES, CA CAGES | JOHNSON OUTBOARD MOTORS | 1955 BUN SEE * Cor $8) NORTH CHEVROLET STA co . S33 ed tants, as ring samples to your home. OR x's etise, rama. PE 20203) _OLive 20211 | _ery, 248. Auburn Rd FE rent Seles aod Service toa Little iene 1961 Testing anes, sa $395 1000 8 Woodward Ave. Birmingham . , ake, '? tea | Dag so TT a KT 2 sueemne ~ =| USED TIRES ALL siz cS ~ BAT. | | PARAKEETS, | CANARIES, CAGES. traile Everything for the boat Tm OAKLAND i — — —, 1. Bank Bidg. <—. Salers make. ‘and PCanatien gual Laan o TALK INSU LATE | teries, 1952 Nesh moor | Bfaes cons 1937. ta4 Oakland Ave OWNES MARINE SUPPLY —_—_—_—_— . —~- ~ 18590 CUDEMOBILE, | Rapro fed +1574 ~~} eer dare ™ these ~ ~ See a eg. Cages an ; : 7 ae motor. 197 §_ Jommson | PIES. PARRAKEETS ALL chard Lake Ave. PRIV. OWNER, ‘52, 2 DR CHEV. Heater. Hydramaiie No mon rahes Bd “Hateh - Spua..ool blanket. Only $4 20_ for fi. £ $12 ANCE CG ap 6 Filuores 393 (Or byt i Aubu a. ye easie it A Baar) fi - - L 3c * Se ts Pet | Shop. 69 8 Astor FE 46433 e FE? Standard shift. Clean, OA 82773. i per mont Cal Creat Mer ioe >| chard Lake Ave. = TV. i? INCH 19s TABLE | PLASTERBOARD — ROCK LATH. COCKER PUPPIES ALSO, MERCURY OUTBOARD MOTORS |'s¢ CHEV. 2 DR. EXC conn | 5. Midwest Harold : 202 N. MAIN COUCH, STOVE, DRAPES. VAL- ode). Used less than one month. a l Ee Molder sox Ni-e Christmas gifts,| Parts and service Shorty Hook's _$730, 425 Pourth St. PE 8-6105 Turner Ford R I es. prices, Fi misc} 6, cost $168. Excellent con- | g)3,C,,8T, CYR, }UMBER CO. —Pisce, J7os_Orenerd_ Lake _Ave. TY $1405 32 RAMBLER, HARDTOP, 2 TONE -ROCHESTER, MICH. | _ turn, Reas. prices. FE 22561. _| | OUEw Mo °mare or scratches, Pa, | 20 Bogie Lake Rd___EM 32731! PLastic, ALL COLORS, ¢uxd% | aearbc PUPPIES, NO PAPERs | 1955 CHEVY $1495 ee lcee inuide and out, R&H. a GE baMete es teamed ts| "Parakects Guar. to Talk Cee cae ae ere ee aces —ariate | EVINRUDE MOTORS | marig,rm te soem ng, {hoe Sis aan” week. No due arakeets Guar. to Ta 890. value : tly marred | 5: Saginaw __Open 9 to ¢ eptes. Dbreds. 3081 aes | See the new ‘ST models only 17.000 ectual miles. | 5 eons on. 10m | lars he win = ye All varieties incl. Harlequins. in transit; also several 54” and | WOOD | AND ALUMINUM COMBI. | raven, off Auburn Rd. Harrington Boat Works ; . vee ee Ph_Rochester. OL : aries oe s & supplies. S01 4th St. FE) 66" models t_lerritic | values. pa ere ad wantows. Dogs Trained, Boarded 70 | 1898.8. Telesrann FE 2-003) NORTH CHEVROLFT | : p PE 5-3604. chard Lake Ave BENSON iT tio on Offered 87, 1900 S. Woodward Ave, Birmingham $500 SERETRLLOX Gua TREO. REG. BEAGLES FOR SALE. 205 | =) LUMBER CO. | ransportation UX, $25. 40 ENT. Auburo Ave. near Doris Rd. rrr us HELP YOU WITH YOUR —_—-— ‘ —_- . CATS BOARDED boas — i P ti Sal es fast, OF ew FE : color painting ems. Hundreds ___Do It Yourself — 6] ‘rained Burr-Shell, 3°38. Tele pry BY AIRLINER. CALIFOR- |e aie tacos tnd RADIO 8 a onudac S) tes : aula ib ef calots-to 8 be om ee er |. See: ‘Heectaia, Testne: TE 8605, Field Motors "4 Super 88 Olds, 4 cr. seaan. gue 22 fe fo greece, Foneen ee Sod | BOAT AND PLOOR SANDER. POL- ~ Hay, Grain & Feed cil nt t+, eee new re HOUSE Op, CoRnTURS tsED | KENMORE od laos me ome point; tnt ishers S8éfubbers, acs grind. | bw tax. Perry Service. ine | sowererive, ig, CONVERT oan “39 Chev 4 dr sedan ‘ sale 8-6067. elothes dryer, cheap, perfect con- tore. .| ers, steamers, etc. FE §-3144, 240 | ee ie 7066. 5) Dodge @ dr sedan, A-! cond, savineion REFRIGERATOR. $| dition, EM 34407, ot ober tare ave rE oes _Baidwin Ave. e 40 | my SEE YEAR OLD CORN. | igavING FOR haiti ina s2 CHEVIE STATION. = aon | . * ws ait —— — _F __ | ™* eater - Neo money N MAIN ST CLARKS "| ey bei ty SE MD, OR SOPOT | nro Secs EO FOR RENT | wah "soggy XYMMEN WHE tevin pont cues, | om Pa | Ne in At Sone OPRIGNT PIANO NORGE on — yalue. oe: ““kI80 totlets—beth- +— Fleer sanders—hand sanders ~ | deliver _MA 5-0686. Pior’ Dee. 2%, room for 2 oF | |__ MAple or MAple 5-114] : UPRIGHT NO. =z Christmas a 59A stalls at terrific wallpaper steamers —Wwaxers and nTs g ALT 3 x PEt + 4954 ey -91995— 35 HYDRAMA- ot FE 35-0182 pe valves. “These are crate marred.| fu soo BALES — if T's Paddock” FE 27 q t954 CHEVY $1095 +35 PONTIAC 3 DR a, a ~~ se a : Trace vacuum cleaners, Oak- falfa & Brome 25 cents. 33 conte | 7 tl R & H. Extras Lew mileage. Loan Company |. GOOD USED |« cumusraas ganar larg legen Piloted by the command’s| CkLW. F Lewis J. Matinee | WWi, Thive Siar Exita | WOAR. Fouling High Schoel eat world, but ite spirit knows no radar system, Santa was guar) Qiu Rew gaan, |MARATAEL, Giclee | Gate tates ieee | "TE nad tn See Ce St: net an poem ma he United | sO WIR, cone Lae iaecWa4 arthur “Gost WOR. sews, saconnae WK. News Reid Realizing this and believing States by CONRAD’s fighter, inter- |? ww. + thers ¥. wo, NBC ewe ©? | 4:30—WIR, Guest; Law N Lady of Dey Comp ceptor and missile ae 8, WWJ, Morgan Beatty ; ceptor and missile aeapons CKLW. “Our Hteater wan, Grand ‘Central ete! CRLW Gabe: tier | 11:98 WIR, Musle, Miller that the great international lan- All Types of Dryer Venting Santa’ . $:06—WJR. Robt. @. bewis | WIBK. News, Clark Reid | 8:00-—-WJR, Robt. Q. ‘ewis CKLW for Da,’ guage is music, the Voice of Pe 8 speed ae eras at WW4J, Boston Symphony WCAR, News, Bruce Martyn) WiN4, Dregne agent WJBK, Clark Reid America this year is beaming ys 5 knots, his altitude 35, eet,| CKLW, True Detective 11:30-WJR, Time for Musie| Win’ wees Rann wunnuenal’”s FREEDOM JITTERS—Freedom ; -BUSSARD ELECTRI : However, he may take advantage} Weak, News, gpmorame | GROW’ Queen for't Dar | se Wp ctor’a haar LsaeoW9R, 3 White, Parm |DAS its uncerialnties for va Della} Bing Ciosby's Christmas Eve pro reva stre o , Ca , atinee : Casa, 20, as, nervously gram of music to a potential ; = hasten his trip. 8:30—WJR, Dom. Girls Choi mgpoeed Wed, megrerey cue. aaent re teet orge| nails, she waits at pty —- tr million liste a Phone FE 2-6445 ah: CONRAD assured the nation’s) OX*%2 Sslvation Army TUESDAY AFTERNOON CKLW, Big City WCAR, News, Bruce Mart , . : ners in about $0 ecm : gah youngsters ft will track Santa/ CxL™, Clee Club 12:00—WJR, J. White, Farm| 9:09—WJR, News, Weather | WPON, Noontime Seren N. J. for a plane with 100 other’ tries. 7 84 Ockland Avenue — Free peters right on through to protect him|"WwS Runes inet’ |, Witz Mews Ace.” | WOAR: News Spinofame |"wwa"" Faye Wiemeen (Cotes Her husband, “an Italian,|Sing ‘with Bing" over CBS Radio ' Member: Oakland County Risctrente-TV Service " against possible attack by those] {ii'w: sine with Carola WJBK’ News. Tom George Wwiviel Heats es Seiw: Bud"Davie Soetes is in Yugoslavia. Eva and her|for an hour tonight at 9 p.m. EST. who don’t believe in Chrtetmes, Ri ew, Splnoras res "Time Out Music| WIBK, Poop space |"F Hacc end Lady ot Crarm sister Sraabet have jobs waiting| He will be joined in song by Rose- The radar screen shows Santa's ansewese WXYZ, News, Music WPON, Record Room ‘ues ; : : 20—WWJ, Christmas Eve . 3 Ross Mulholland for them in Atherton, Calif. mary Clooney and the Norman trac, is, a, wide one, indicating a] "Wank ‘Duro apts "| wron, Neooume Serenade |" ites Stay | Mabe: Area ox Seo tet Chale, — secnmiganint TV BARGAINS at- = Meee RAE” | eTTRLRE™ | BE Ea | SMEARS | oy ine mca et i be cee _— ae Le ne eat] eae perpereenme | Gauw fers Aben |urOm Meee rinmees | Geum et Benes (SSO Gre wondering, [eae ce eee We Feawe Ss Used TV Sets 10." . C. was esta in | PON. Spotignt GeRE_Kews Genres WAVE Top of Town iWPON, Guy Nunn 8:30—(7) Wixie Wonderland. by American troops in Korea, and Zenith & Sylvania TV $ = ae oe ane enas onaine | tenon. wanes |" Eyatatnt nour, | gat tie re mappa]? Cartoon Caserom, rae fom many otter Gant | sasg ge ps ata RCA COLOR TV Jutcnn ics ted Ala Wise news? kheen | | BERN RSME OSE pyyi tO Romper Room, oes . alps | : Tctysein "Si Mite’ moor | UA Geant | Bea Rare gees | eum Hor, Base “lange Liberace The Vales of Amerie il ne he tin ud 2-207 ST ney a oh os Demonstration oan. News. Spine WAR, News Bob allen | —" £:36-WJR, tnd Mrs. Burton |9*45--(2) News, Weather {broadcast 40 minutes of the Cros- = ge Policy with All New . ” we ard Sports WPON, 1460 Club qupusanay woamma | weak Bed Davies 10:00—(2) The Garry Moore Show, |by show to various areas at various |i a ye HAMP TON | V uae WIR, Chratmes Prey ™-| *YCAR- Boris Parade: Allen| @:00-—WJR, News, Melody | *:45-—-WJR. Backstage Wife (4) Ding Dong School. (7) Story|hours when the largest possibile COLOR TV .. . $495 UP te WPON. Spouignt -| g:08-WIR. Pat Buttram WWJ, News Wosh pee Anon Studio. listening audiences can be assured. 825 W. Huron FE 4-2525 — WWJ, 5 Star Matinee Ware, Ered ee 3:00_-WIR, Pat Butram |20:80—-(2) Arthur Godfrey Show.| This is not a Geparture from - * —— me oe nan Nene enay =| ORLW Bea setionate WIBK Clark Reld | Ww b-Srar Matinee (4) Price Is Right. (7) Theater|normal Voice of America radio 1 oeee te olt WOAR, Ne News, Al Crane tee Fg Pin ot oer WCAR. or _— Mad Home. eet ee ct a sv 1 TV, RADIO & AUTO | #3 iark Rela “ews lots =, Te ane wan tose Party |11:30—(2) Strike It Rich. (4) Home.|commented, “We rely on domestic RADIO SERVICE WPON, Early Bird Club Wisk, Den MeLec wean, Newt WXYZ, News, MeKensic @ _ and Rickey. reue mate et ae Soe : ¢:20—- WIR, Voice of Agrielt. | \PON’ Road Show 190 waR. Jim Vinell CAL. Bédie Chi 11:56—(9) Billboard. ee Re “ WJBK, News, Clark Reid 4:00—WIR, Parade of Bands} WHYH, News, WPON Sho Bution ha. certain ly “ i Look for Us Neor WCAR. News: Coffee, Clem | WWJ. Woman in House BAS Bere eer aria | alee cWIn Bands Ans. Man| WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON fers tonight's Crosby sing a “best — Waterford Township Hall | 7% WR, Jim Vinall, Music| CANE Ritie Chas | WCAR News Coffee WHE. Wottrick, “‘Metensie|!200—(2) Valiant Lady, (4) ‘Tic|foreign broadcast.” Why? wxyYz, News a. wink. ene, D. McLeod 7:30—WJR, Music Hall WJBK, News, M Tac Dough; (7) 12 o'clock ‘ CKLW. News, Toby Da WOAR, Hews, A} Grune WW, Maxwell, News Pee ~ _— ai Crane Comics. (9) Hidden Pages. “Bing Crosby will give the POE Oe ER BaD Ae &3> SANDERS RADIO | $205 ts: ez". | ser | SAE Ro | Millie [its1s—(2) Love of Lite world one of the best pieces of NSTALLED| $4 bara Sve ; News, McKensle | WCAR News, Coffee wan, Me 12:30—(2) Search for Tomorrow.|@iplomacy this country could I ‘Sn , & TV SHOP Fuze Massed, 6:00-WIR, Philp Lenbart | gieg “Win White, Ouest | 4: W, Sports | (4) It Could Be You, @ The|{er,” be said. “One song by Cros-i "ih “since 190) SRE } wae Mexensse HEtR hewn wat tae Phil Lennart} — wing. 19)" Telescopes’) >:---- hy, is worth mone than 50 lectures." . tame mestead Ba. om seats || WEAK Rowe Cotitn, Com| Gabe’ thems, Sirtace” Y Kors: Tony Davie | WTR fauerch, Mokeuielne-q5 (7) ‘The Guiding Light. ~ | “We have found, for-cxample, 2 eae : | 9:00—waR. & WCAR, News, Al Crane by pene, Ee w. Bob a that the acceptance of a a 2 White & Guest AR, News JBK, News, '1:00—(2) Ladies Day. (4) Jettrey es 5. Bob a WPON, Road Show 6:30—WIR, Music Hall w Al Crane J 7) My Little music is much greater than the | Kathleen McGuire in “A Christ-| (4) Tennessee Ernie. Ali you Earn § tree) = Dr, Hudson's Secre:ee—@) The Big Papel (0) (Cok) Mediating.) Today is Yours te iS — 8 i i“ Al "sg Before-You Buy See... |) Journal. (4) — watertront. | or) Hungarian Benefit. (7) Atter-| Farm Report. Frigidaire 11:00—(7) — Christmas Eve Serv- |, noon Film Festival. (9) Request |6:56—(2) On the Farm Front. oe Cniese owen ee . Playhouse. 7:00—(2) Good Morning. (4) Today. BS ELECTRIC DON’S Shoe Service” 234 E. PIKE ST. HANDS TIED? Seiialel You Leck a HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA || LADIES... Join Our - You-can get one at home in-your JB} “LUCKY-7” CLUB! { __ spare time, if you are 16 or over. |B} Ger Your 10h Pair of Heals FREE Vill Prepare You for a Better Job |] @ Protentonal Secte Spray for Handbags and Shoes © Invisible Resdling snd Full Seles -Which Will Most Government Offices, School Graduation ee oe ce ' » Complete © Orthopedic Shoe Service we te Your Doctor's Prevertption SCHOOL, P. 0. Bex %, Branch, Detrott 1 | >] EL © 77ers cats ence She puteee ee eee AB vo eticr cerns PPS ‘ a Beanie os Aas sebeces BEATE, eeene deere We Feature O'SULLIVAN'S Heels and Soles l bs ior last week's ‘d like to tilt t the Pot in your direction, see if you shone the se solution. The puzzle c ‘ol (1) a number of circles which con- na tae letters, and (2) a correspending list of tters into a word that best fits its clue. | sack sour ot e hich you eae elon Se be Circle No. 1, then would be the Re _ You'll notice thet some circles contain $ signs in pots - ge ten Weng es och @ symbel-as any letter you ~~ | Ww ag prs and all letters in that circle must be used, $ sign. of course. can represent ANY letter in oe ‘ the De the same in all the other'circles. Study the clues care- and arrange all the jetters into words that you believe to’ a ty 1 conforms these clues, Use your § signs to help you ee | out seatt words. SRS Bee Ce eS eee eee eee eS ee ee \ PUZZLE NO. 30 1 A he didi dea tania e ‘ Hu PRISE SL EAS LEAL +] eee ee en eeenes +e eh} PEDSE DS ANOS ae anaes a * 7 s * 3 SORES E THEE H ERT TE Oe es * a SeSeGes Fe en ener eTene ea ennsanagsnnnane. : ¥S te he fee ORE ett Bees ‘Weeenee eebe ee ve ene —; Pe ee eee * i ? Pee eeerergers eset eed 16.. sh diadl Badlistacdiedtiedias tdediadediesdadiadiied ] SOCCH TERE SEHR OD HOES 16 OPER SORE EH Ce EEO eee * +eLares gaeeseters pee ee STREET ADDRESS ............... = CITY occ se eserceeeeeees PHONE NOs... 00. cess eens (Sere seansnecnannenencasenenscest ‘ sty Along Dotted Line and Moil “SOLUTION CLUES ” 47. This kind of money.isn't expected to be much. . 8, This will not clways get the attention of some people. a ett » SRE et teeter bee eee ee ewe eth ment ne one. h GANA wiee-te voaity i Miacthing. te BS cattle the bok a YA A .....5. of potatoes would probably last a small family YG. Person like this is surely able to clip a man. OFFICIAL CONTEST RULES ae. ~ |. Anyone is eligible to enter the POT-O-GOLD contest with the exception of tae Press employes or their immedi- : _ ote families. fF __..__2._A-contestant_moy_ submit. as many entries as he or she newspaper. Ka bag ee an entry the ony way must rine his answer words in cut out the area enclosed by dotted will be accepted If they are in envelopes. Entries jor Puzzle No. 90 must bear a Saturday, Dec. 29, postmark (or before). No entries received alter that time whether mailed or delivered by hand, will be declared . The is not responsible for entities lost or delayed in the, mail. A. Sorry, telephone calls or mail converning details of the contest cannot be answered or acknowledged. 5. The Pontioe Press will award a cash prize of $100 a week to the winner of each. weekly POT-O-GOLD contest. it inted below. The object is to arrange . which you would print in the space to the right of (1)— ; Professor Analyzes Stars" | continually reminded that any as- + | tronomical We Bethlehem’s appearance is out) ” days. star.” a sun ' The constellations in December. ‘are the most striking of the whole “After dark, it will stand upright Committee of the International | ‘ful s ymbol of the Christmas Committee encourages interest in ‘December Reflect Yuletide Sasson: ANN ARBOR — Look to the; Losh explains, “Sirius has been heavens on a clear night and you'll) watched, rising as it does in early evening see symbols of the Christmas ‘ season around Christmas time. It was the ‘Star of the East,’ pointed to by the “Fhree Wise Men’ of Orion.” When Winter officially began Friday, the sun reached its winter solstice, its most southerly point. of the question. os, % The advice comes from a Uni- build Dwelling Units versity of Michigan astronomer, Piof. Hazel M. Losh. Miss Losh says star gazers are explanation of the star BONN «® +- West Germany built | 540,000 new dwelling units this The housing ministry says the re-| oo * is still 2,750,000 units short | But she adds: “The date of Christmas,” tel “Mercury, reaching its great- U-M professor says, “is believed est angular distance from the sun {0 bear some relation to the sun on Christmas Day; Venus, Sat- and the Winter solstice since the all Mars Jupiter—all bright Christmas celebration was set to planets during December—each (28Tee with the earlier pagan fes- could have been the Christmas itival, attendant upon the rejoicing ‘in the turning northward of the ‘Name Committee Head moving toward the West And may’ NEW YORK @ — Melvin A>) be seen to splendid advantage on Glasser, of Rye, N. Y., has been’ tmas Eve,” she relates. named chairman of the United | year, she says. ‘*The Northern Cross is steadily paki Watch Bands Ladies’ — Men's ‘against the Western sky, a beauti- Conferemoe of social work. The $ 95 . ' . Special season.’ world welfare activities. Glasser is | pe ‘ ~ She mentions \that Sirius, the assigtant executive director of the. brightest star_in heavens, will-Natienal Foundation for Infantile also be prominent \during the boli- Paralysis and was administrative | - idirector of the Salk vaccine field “From time immemorial,” Miss jtrials for the foundation in 1954, « lewelsy Dept. Your Watch ; hd himine, $450 | H | i | H i WeargeeRewperts | “lines al ee it securely to a 2-cent postcard. No entries — this is at the waterfront. it accommodates quite « lot | people, Niewiaiead vase * E Ea = om _ mitpuiiia Mareld Dayts H.. Griffin Our sincere wish for all the . families of our community is a happy and joyous holiday . We also want to express_our. appreciation for the confidence of the many families we have served in the past. “Sur constant growth" mtkesras keenly . aware of our respenstaiiitios in the future. Biparks-(Briffin uneral Home “Thoughtful Service’ 46 Williams St, Ph. FE 2-5841 _ Probably dosan't have much a hia parents... ee) =f, de Atari ay" r = ae f wishes but they tust bé on official entry bianks Printed in this ~~ F Be Man oi vas she nig rr before Christmas When all od: the house “i a cteature - oor Oe evena need The stocki the chimney with care WY In hopes that St. St. Nicho SE i ul b there; children were nestled all snug in their beds, ile visions of sugar-plums LE, danced in their heads, And mamma in her‘kerchief,and —S* Lin my cap. Had just settled our brains for a long winter's nap, Then out on the lawn there avose such a clatter, sprang from the bed to see what was the matter. Away to the window I flew like a flash, ‘Tore open the shutters and threw up the sash. oO car Whi mhe moon on the breast of the new-fallen snow, Gave the lustre of mid- day to dog objects below, When, what to my wondering eyes should appear. But a miniature sleigh.and eight tiny reindeer, ait a little old driver, solively and quick, mney in a moment it must be St. thick » ~s tore | tapid than eagles his coursers they came, And he histled. and shouted, and called them by wa name. Abou. Dasher! now,. Dancer! now, Prancer and Vixen! On! Comet, on! . Cupid, 0 ontDunder and Blitzen! oth he top of the pe porch! to the top of thie walll Tlow dash away! dash away} dash : away all!” bat dry leaves that before the wild hurricane e fly, When they meet -with.an obelaser pout te the sky, up t hee ‘house-t the « t , nia th the sleigh full of toss and SL Mea toot + gine then, i in a twinkling, I heard on the roof The prancing a pauving of each little hoof. AsI drew in my was turning around, ~ Down the chimney St. Tlicholas dame with a bound, espe was dressed all in fur, from his head to his foot, ‘And his 4% clothes were all tarnished with ashes and soot, A bundle of « toys he had flung on his back, And he looked like a peddler just opening his pack, $ cues how they twinkled! ibe dimples how merry} a, His cheeks were like roses, his nose like a cherry! His droll little mouth was: d like abou, ied the beard of ie chin wae as while as the mows | is emp of a~7~% pipe he held tight in lus teeth, ke a fee ny it” 8 — bel like a wreath, - abroad face a 4a - - “That shook when he laughed, like a bowlful of jelly. | hy was as cfrably and phe 4! right jolly alg elf, a * oct “f | faughe aa a twist of hi het! ay of ‘Sioks jase tid kitia Nad wohstig W dread, rd. but-went_straight to his-work——|— re all il the stockings, then a with a 7 We EVERY GOOD WISH FOR ‘YOUR HAPPINESS THIS | HOLIDAY SEASON | From the . OFFICERS and DIRECTORS ~ : _or i i And giving a nod, up the chimney he rose, sprang to his sleigh, to his tea eile away they all flew lke the doom, peat Weed soe equally among the winnera It any: week or ho Bo without any winners, the prize will be added ¥ Tint a@ winning solution is submitted. — will be awarded an extra cash bonus of $25 y are Pontiac Press Lege s of record on the a eo announced, Only one suc! us van be worded t winner 2 matter how. poco weekly prizes may week's a ad. Lodi © S08 end. Either or all will be ‘ an otticial entry blon eee a ne. Prem tedapel ay Ziem — terse to the POT-O-GOLD answer can win, The decision of end ll conjestania ee to abide the becomin: the. property. of The- : ene will be announced each ek individual contests, Olficial keeper : Pees C. Ziem, prosecutor for Oakland “General Features Corp., originators of the the solutions until alter each contest is over. - will be published Monday. Wednes- 761, West, Huron Street = ye ais * 16 E. Lawrence ‘MERRY CHRISTINAS to ait and toall a gor night Sais GALAENT CLARKE Moone