- ‘tion-of the Soviet Black Sea Bes- 4 Le « | saree. affairs, By ROBERT B. TARR Managing Editer, Pontiac Press MIAMI BEACH, Fia.- —Teamsters from all parts of the nation basking in Florida sunshine and enjoying the luxuries of the swank ocean-front hotels this week while awaiting opening of their annual convention Monday, Friday after- noon suddenly found a big, dark cloud _— over pre- Federal Judge Bars Teamsters’ Election WASHINGTON ~ A federal judge today formally barred the Teamsters Union from electing national officers at its |The’ cloud was an injanctién granted in Washington by. ‘Federal Judge F, Dickinson Letis, upon petition of a group of New York members, blocking next week’s scheduled elec- tion of a new slate of officers of the International Team- sters Union. ‘ELECTION RIGGED - The petitioners claimed that many convention delegates have been improperly named, and-file members of locals, and stacked to assure the elec- tion of James R. Hoffa to succeed Dave Beck as international president. Friday night, convention were at sea as to oe will happen between now and -ederal Court Forces” Delay in disregarding wishes of rank- delegates and officials alike © Roc hotel Friday night, declared that an hice will be. made Saturday to have the court set aside the order. GO AHEAD - : pe \ “If this cannot be done before next week,” he said in an- swer to a question, “we will go ahead with the convention and transact such business as does not infringe on the court order until we can get a ruling on that.” Hoffa has his headquarters in the Eden od: tane ners, delegate pins and general confersation gives a first impression that Hoffa is in in a walk. But across the street at the Hotel Fontainebleau, where Hoffa’s strong- est challenger, Thomas J. Haggerty, of Chicago, has his headquarters, there is a different impression to be gained. There, & quiet confidence prevails. ea / ‘eamsters’ E lection — tt this election is permitted to go ahead) .on sched= we we believe we have the strength to win right rene . “night: SAME. ISSUE gates. credentials committee. Barring of the alle -. The Haggerty forces were not a party to the petition tiled by the New York Teamsters, but have been pounding away for weeks on the same theme: Hand-picked, illegal dele- There are said to be 108 locals whose delegates will be challenged on this score. Late Thursday the Haggerty forces won their fight for permission to inspect delegate lists. The lists had heretofore been kept secret by the ~ dly illegal delegates from these locals "convention next week. Minutes after the order was signed, next week. . might put Hagger#y’s drive across. .If the contested dele- union attorneys took the case to the U. 8. Court of Appeals. Dave Beck, a court in the lobby of the swank Eden Haggerty told this newsman at his headeearies Friday eae on Page 2, Col. 3) The Weather U.S. Weather Bureau Forecast Home Foie sod Vresty Edition (Details Page 2) 115th YEAR *x* * x PONTIAC, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1957 —82 neers UNITED INTERNATIONAL NEWS SERVICE - PRESs PHOTOS 7¢e Says es Funds Used on Hol a Cottage dé ¥ Hoffa Rival Learns of Delay “HOFFA RIVAL — Contesting bid to rule the Teamsters Union ig Thomas J. Haggerty (second from left) of Jimmy Hoffa's From left to rig Chicago. He is they learned of shown here with supporters, as Orders Attack on Red Plane Admiral Brown Directs Navy Airmen to Down Soviet Intruders WITH THE U.S. SIXTH FLEET TI!l THE MEDITERRANEAN SEA (INS) — Shoot to kill orders were issued to American pilots who pursued a Soviet jet plane that buzzed a huge U:S. amphfbious fleet off Turkey Thursday. * * bd The dramatic order was issued by Adm. Charles R. Brown, com- mander of the U.S. 6th Fleet, to Navy jet pilots of the armada. The intruder veered north to- ward Communist Bulgaria before carrier-based American jets could catch him. The fleet was enly 40 miles from the Red satellite at that point. Officials said the intruder was a twin jet with sweptback wings. It was the fourth intruder over the fleet during the weeklong NATO amphibious Exercise Deepwater. * * LP All four intruders appeared at mid-day on a sweeping course ap- parently starting from the direc- sarabian areas, acress Turkey, the fleet area and then Greece before disappearing toward Bulgaria. REFUSES COMMENT Adm. Brown refused to confirm or deny “reports” that he had ordered his jets after the stranger ~which. flashed over the fleet at “a 600-mile-an-hour clip. Teamsters’ night in Miami Beach, Fla., out officials of six so-called : AP Wirephots the court-ordered delay in the Teamster election. “ Haggerty, Edward Fadigan of Philadelphia, and Eugene Hubbard of Washington, D. C. s ht are John Donovan of Boston, Officials Blast Phony Locals NEW YORK (#—Newspaper reports said today that a committee of five Teamster Union executives last urged the union to throw paper locals in New York. The six locals, with 4,500 members, are dominated by racketeers John (John-+ ny Dio) Dioguardi and Anthony (Tony Ducks) Corallo. - The stories, carried by all four New York morning newspapers, | said the union officials urged ap- rings of a trustee to run the s. SUBMIT REPORT The report was submitted to Teamsters President Dave Beck and the union's 13-man executive board last night. — The report was submitted to Beck by David Kaplan, a New York economist, who is chairman of a committee named last month by Beck to investigate the six locals. Beck was quoted as saying he has asked the credentials commit- tee of the union not to seat the delegates from the six unions at convention until he has had time to study the report. The report recommends barring the delegates of at least ~ “ the = locals. The units reportedly under scrutiny are Locals 258, 269, 284, and 362—assertedly dominated by Dio; Local 2%, run by Corallo, and Local 295, headed by John L. McNamara. This focal was criticized prin- cipally for straying out of its as- signed field to take in grocery air and The newspapers said that the report condemned the other five locals, along with the officials that run them. The latter are Harry Davidoff, secretary - treasurer’ of Three Hold Up Grocery Store Police : Arrest Youths Less Than 90 Minutes After Stickup Two Pontiac youths and a Farm- ington Township boy were ap- \prehended less than 90 minutes after an armed robbery of. an Auburn Heights grocery store yes- terday. Oakland County Sheriff's detec- tives say the trio have admitted the robbery. In Oaklané County Jail are Curtis Beatty, 18, of 124 S. Johnson St.; Frank Spencer, 21, of 820 Baldwin Ave., and Richard Me Beier, 17, of 28575 Middlebelt Mrs. Ray Currell told deputies that two youtns entered the market at 2653 Auburn Rd., Pontiac Town- ship, about 2:15 p.m., with a rifle; announcing, ‘‘This is a stickup.”’ She gave thera $100. The pair fled through a field to some woods, and were cary tured with the third member of the group by state police of the Redford Post, in Farmington Township. A woman near the store had seen the boys, and jotted down their license number when she thought they were acting suspiciously, The trio had borrowed a friend’s ear for their robbery, and the/P friend was driving the youths home. He was not heid. — - Atomic Blast Fired helpéd to set up the hospital. ‘| John P. McElroy, publicity and - jacquiescing in “dissolution * lof the union” if he had not sent Army troops into Lit- Clouds Issues Wayne County to Force Hofta to Probe Himself DETROIT — James R. Hoffa will be placed formally in a posi- tion next week of a public servant investigating himself. The Wayne County Board of Su- pervisors has called a hearing for Thursday on Teamster Union establishment of an indigents’ hos- pital. Senate committee testimony at ‘Washington has brought out that a loan of $281,000 from the Teamsters nove, Gapemrel a sed Key Point Is ‘Whether He Intended to Harm or Scare Woman MAEBASHI, Japan (INS) — GI William S. Girard’s manslaughter trial—in recess unti] Oct. 3—was bogged down with three days of conflicting and confusing testimony this week which almost completely beclouded a key issue in the case: Did the Army specialist third class “intend” to harm Mrs. Naka Sakai or was his shooting her with a spent cartridge fired from a grenade launcher attached to his rifle a complete accident? The shellpicker was shot in the back Jan. 30 at the ‘ firing range, about 100 miles north of Tokyo. DID HE LURE? If the p of its main points — that Girard lured the 46-year-old mother of six toward him by tossing spent cart- he deliberately aimed at her be- fore firing—it will have established “intent.” ‘This could mean two to 15 years in prison for the 22-year-old Ot- tawa, Ill, soldier. If, on the other hand, the de- fense can prove that Girard did not entice the woman and that he aimed his rifle over her head —it can establish that Girard meant only to warn her off and not to harm her. This could result in what amounts to a reduced charge of maximum fine of $139. Under Japanese taw, unlike that in the U. S., Girard would be ab- solved of the charge “bodily injury ways—that Girard knew of “rea- ing at her and that he actually intended to cause bodily harm. BOTH POINTS FOGGED point — that offered by Girard himself, that offered by his “buddy” — Specialist Third Class Victor N, Nickel of Inkster, Mich., and that offered by shellpicker Hi- detsugu Onozeki, Girard said he “never threw entice President Says He Sent Troops to Uphold Union transactions in connection with the). ‘Lotsa Work — But I t’s Fun’ Denies Russell Charge That Gls in Little Rock Act Like Nazis N RT, R.1., (INS) — five different kindergarten throughout the city. Little Ki | Like School Days By SYLVIA de STEIGER The little kids in Pontiac like school. This generalization is made after spending.a day in dsin City and first grade class rooms If you ask the kids, they will tell you they “have, m can prove two) ridges for her to gather and that] _ negligence which carries only a) resulting in death” if intent is not] j proved. Intent is provable in twog President Eisenhower said lotsa work to do but it’s today he would have been tle Rock. The chief executive took angry issue with a charge |by Sen. Richard Russell (D-Ga) that the Army forces in the Arkansas capital have employed the tactics of “Hitler’s Storm Troopers.” He. declared that school inte- [gration would have gone along and quietly” in Little ‘smoothly Rock if Gov. Orval Faubus had ones the National Guard to eer egro students from Central iy School. He said that his failure to were closed while federal troops are there. He also said he probably is ‘a’ scapegoat hower” and the President “seems to be in difficulty.” This is the first time Eisenhower crisis in Little Rock since. his speech of last Tuesday night ex- plaining his action to the American people. Russell had charged in a lengthy learning too.” * Briefly, many types of direction; s curiosity; contribute their ship. They also learn to broaden their interests; control their emotions; listen; develop coordination and become creative. ~ Learning to read in the first grade is tops on the list along with many other lessons, but let the kids tell the story themselves of why they like school and what Pontiac kindergartners learn to: fun ‘anyway cause we're ithrough Pontiac Local 614 follow timulate and satisfy their abilities to a large group and find satisfaction in their achievement; respect other’s property and develop self-reliance and leader- + - ., Héard, 2710 Dixie > Highway, likes m school because > “our room is so pretty with all the = different colors. | We also make numbers. and learn to count, and do an awful lot of work in our LINDA workbooks. Sing- for President Eisen-; had spoken out on the continuing]! they are learning. about first grade. “It's better than k i nderg arten cause we have the page to con- nect the things (Continued on Page 2, Col. 5) “I just love it,” exclaimed Michae] Stanley Allen, 80 Collier Dr., when asked i what he thought that belong together. ‘You know, like a table goes with a chair and stuff. I guess about the only thing we can't do if school is chew gum and that’s just a mie et ooienes. A blue - eyed dimpled blonde first grader by the name of Linda ing all those cute little songs is fun’ too. I want to be a mama when || * * * “]T want to come to school to ee: wee | ot is and help : : throw paperon LARRY the floor and it made a terrible mess. I also like first grade better because we learn to read and print and‘I can even count to 21 now,” BIG MOUTH — Puffy-taced burst with a stunning white hip when he fired the fatal shot, over the Nevada desert at ¢ pointing his gun upward and clear- over Mrs, Sakai’s head 9 i Low as a Snake ar Larry proudly remarked. xk * Little Claudia Frazer, of 3280 Baldwin Ave. at home because “we hear all of | those darling lit- 4 tle stories from , our teacher and ¥ then we get to tell own stories _ with pictures. It’s fun to play on the CLAUDIA monkey bars outside but we little children should never fall cause we could even break a arm or chairs in our room too,.”’ she added. * * * “T like school because there are so many boys and st! to ed, and work with “ and at home, the boy next door al- ways wants to | play with me and that’s not fun all the time,” says Freddie Arnold, of 660 W. Walton Bivd. The freckle- FREDDIE » jis much more fun too because we color in them too more than kinder- en.”” Renee Hudson, of 249 W. Wilson... Ave., thinks ‘meeting new friends|~ (Continued on Page ‘2, Col. 2) Fear 69 Dead in Storm NAHA, Okinawa (INS) — As grow up and I think I'd like to) _ jhave two babies.” she said coyly. leg. I like the little tables and|’ Warmer Weather Senators Hear Robert P. Scott of Pontiac Local Testifies About $14,000 Spent on Lake Orion Summer Home Pontiac Teamsters, al- though they did not know it, furnished $14,000 to remodel a summer cot- ‘tage at Take Orion for Teamster boss James R. Hoffa. This was the testimony of former Local 614 Vice Presi- dent Robert P. Scott yester- day before the Senate Labor Rackets Committee in Washington. Scott, who was secretary treasurer of the Michigan Federa- tion of Labor from 1946.to 1952, lives at 31 Bloomfield Terrace. He said Hoffa arranged to get him his job with the local and then got him elected to the MFL post. He said Local 614, then under the leadership of Daniel J. Keat- ing and is C. Linteau, both later convicted of extortion and sent to prison, shelled out the local’s funds for the cottage remodeling at 1648 Allendale Dr. In May of this year, the cottage was so valuable that Hoffa was * jable to raise a $12,500 mortgage on it. * * * Several Pontiac Teamster mem- bers also revealed to The Press - jtoday that a local asphalt paving ' j}company bought labor peace with Local 614 in 1941 by paving a. tertnis court at the cottage without charge to Hoffa. |PAID ‘RELUCTANTLY’ The Teamsters, who asked that- their names be withheld, said they - were paid for their work “‘reluct- antly”’ because the job boss said the paving job was ees done for ‘sweet charity.” * x * One of the men said that when he insisted on being paid time and a half for Saturday work with his . jown truck, he was blackballed by f jthe local and could not get any more work from local contractors, ' |He said he finally had to sell his ® truck and take work as a driver, In his testimony yesterday, Scott, who started in Pontiac 30 years ago as a barber and now is on the State Board of Barber Examiners, said $1,400 of Local 614 funds were used to fly Mrs. (Continued on Page 2, Cof® 6) Predicted Tonight The U.S. Weather Bureau pre- a dicts somewhat warmer tonight, E |with a low of 38 degrees. Sunday will be sunny and warm- er with the thermometer reading a high near 68. Fair and warmer lis tomorrow’s forecast for Indiana, Ohio, Upper and Lower Michigan. | The lowest temperature {nosed redhead who wants to be a policeman believes “First grade ing 8 a.m. in downtown Pontiac was 36 degrees. The mercury rose to 62 at 2 p.m. iget to look at lots of books and/#°* ‘ is being consoled by his master, Bruce Sjogren, 4; after the dog entered some shrubbery ‘to recover a ball. He was bitten by a cot- tonmouth moccasin, but veterinary said this recovery is likely. Silver, a Weimararier in Miami \ + many as 69 persons were feared dead in the wake of Typhoon Faye, ‘the worst storm to hit Okinawa in recent years. d Church News bot toereneee re | i COMICH .....ccccesceryseves 16 County NOWS .....6.seerceees & F4aitorials cesseceeseatreeese & ‘"Home Section eeeeeeeeeaee 17-2 Obituaries . eevee eeeneee . 6 Theaters |... ....c00.0s008 M13 ™~v & Radio Programs ; Women’s. Pages ,......«« « Se. He * Mae : : rl (> Fo. ty Oe A $ f ee i eed é eS é : eet : \ “ 1957 | Tou at Grid Another Boy Beaten Kile Contest | Oak Park Police Report! _|the pageantry and excitement of a “THE PONTIAC PRESS,/SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, | Football Cheers '\Drown Tension . at Central High .. “LITTLE ROCK, Ark, (INS) — 10,000 Little Rock citizens dissolved integratidn tensions into football game last night at Ceptral Ex-Child ‘Actor Faces — Non-Support Charges — LONG. BEACH, Calif @ — Frankie Darro, 39, former child actor, will be “tried Oct. 22 on charges of failing to meet support payments to his 11-year-old daugh- ter, * * * The Day in Birmingham - 7 * _ BIRMINGHAM — A Birmingham man was honored last night by the Michigan Section of the American Griffith's. 25-Year Service ‘Earns Waterwork Award city manager, to receive the Ed- ward Dunbar Rich award.’ at High School Game High School, Darro told Municipal Court yes-/Waterworks Assn., for 25 years| ,. iritfith, whe retired in 1955 as : cs. ‘1. ® & 5 we : ; fire chief, is now associated with ; terday that lack of work was the|service in the water department of Egbert in the Southeastern Oak. Two boys were stabbed and They were enthusiastically joined! reason. a municipality. . by scores of newsmen and 150 rawboned officers and men of the paratroop unit guarding the be- * * x His former wife, Betty M. Cranborne, 36, filed the charges. ' Vernon Griffith, former fire chief in Birmingham, was spon- sored by Donald C, Egbert, former land County Water Authority. While with the City of Birming- ham, Griffith was in charge of the Jr. High School, in Oak aes leaguered high school. water system, day night, according to Oak The fans—civilian anc military . . . 8 . Through his efforts and guid- Police. —were oblivious to the travail . : The first Incident oocured at nrening stereos (Claims Teamster Funds | %seamsests about 8:25 p.m., said officer Jack Carr. He was on duty at the game when 16-yeartold James R. Dowen, -ef 1337 W. Marshall S.T, Ferndale, ran up to him and shouted, “I've been stabbed. : He pointed out his assailant who was apprehended after a_ short): ‘chase on foot. Dowen was taken to William Beaumont Hospital, Royal Oak, and treated for a chest wound described as being about 114 inches deep. The wound was inflicted by a ie knife, said police. His attacker, a 14-year-old boy, is -being held at the Oakland County Children’s Home. Around 10 p.m., two Southfield boys, Bernard D. Willis, 16, of 29975 Telegraph Rd., and Ted W. Mitchell, 14, of 29915 Telegraph Rd., were attacked by a group of about 15 boys as they walked to | (President Defends itelegram to the White House that Central High and concentrated on the immediate problem of ex- tending the Tigers’ winning streak te 24 games. It was a successful evening. * * * Bayonets were sheathed and cat- calls were for the opposition—visit- ing Istrouma High, of Baton Rouge, La., vanquished in the fourth quar- ter 15-6 by the home team. Action in Arkansas (Continued From Page One) the troops of the 10lst Airborne Division ringing Central High had (Continued From Page One) ° dames Hoffa and Mrs. Owen ¢ (Bert) Brennan, wife of Hoffa's chief Heutenant, back and forth from Detroit to Iron River, where Hoffa has a 140-acre hunt. - Scott’s statement to the Labor Rackets Committee also involved a former Pontiac resident, Earl George B. Murphy’s labor rackets grand jury, slipped information on secret testimony before the grand jury to him to pass on to Hoffa. * * * Murphy at the time was investi- Kehoe. He said Kehoe, an investi-} gator for Wayne County Judge. |. Used on Hoffa's Cottage growing city until it joined the Water Authority upon Its forma- tion. Griffith received. the certificate yesterday from Dr. Albert Heustis, ' | state health director. Formation of the Hurdy-Gurdy Players, a children’s theater group, has been announced by Martha Hurd Productions, Inc., this week, Creative work, directing, cos- tume work, scenery and makeup been guilty of acts of violence! gating Teamster racketeering in their car. against the citizens of Little Rock.|the Detroit area and lated indicted ee ee ee with what police believe was an ice Eisenhower replied: ‘I must say gers and Eléctrical Unions. Mrs. Elizabeth Matthews Drake pick, while Mitchell was hit on the head from behind and beaten. Both were treated by Dr. Donald that I completely fail to compre- hend your comparison of our troops ae M, Turner, of 24109 W. 10 Mile . AP Wirepnete |'© Hitler’s Storm Troopers. Pontiac area. He worked as an held at 8 p.m. Sunday in the Man- Rd., Southfield, after they reached) = pRINCE RECOVERING — Prince Alexandre yard at the Children’s Medical Center at Boston, | “Jn one casé military power was ee ee tee, County ley Bailey Funeral Home. home. of Belgium smiles as he is pushed by his mother The prince underwent an operation recently to used to further the ambitions and oa ae Funeral service will be at 9 a a . Princess Liliane DeRathy, accompanied by his correct a defect in the main artery leading from (purposes of a ruthless dictator; AR ni ica. Rehee be: a.m. in St, Columban Church, Macomb Bandit Slain tather, Leopold, former King of Belgium, in the _ his heart. " {itt the other to preserve the insti-| After military service, with burial in Roseland Park | tutions of free government.” oes eee eee Cemetery, Mrs, Drake ’ died . ; ticing in Miami, Fla. Sack i aL TO GATHER FACTS Joseph ‘Mercy er e ICKU . ° . * o Scott sald that Kehoe tipped Hospital, Pontiac, Little Kids in City Federal Court Orders He told Russell, however, that| nim ott thet Detrelt nlghtchb- A | : the secretary of the Army would) once Turk Prujansky was testi- native of Ireland, she had er oe ik h | ; gather the facts about the alleged! ving before the Murphy grand ve ee dit was in a gun duel with|| Sc p T N V incidents of violence by the troops years until moving to Pontiac to "Macon, Coast snentrs ar IKE JCHOO! Vays eamsters Not to Vote [reset totence py i ior? sy to the eflct that Heth had Eee Sool ficers early today shortly after he ; x * * then chairman of the State Liquor She is survived by a daughter, and two companions held up a Har-) ee alace le cok (Continued From Page One) In his telegraphic reply to Rus-| Control Commission, to get back Mrs, Albert Delos Rios of Lauder. rison Township tavern in kindergarten the past 2% wee sell, made. public at the Newport licence. The dale-by-the-Sea, Fla., and two sons Cilicet tdeatilied tse dead cue has been lots of| ations are seated, Hoffa probably has the election cinched. 1" Ga Poestoust calt py mer Ae rage . Joanph J. ot Detrelt snd. Albert as William Allen, 37, of Mount > fun. Pontiac Local 614 is among those whose delegates face a |. Few times fa my life have I felt! Party, Scott pervs Republican J., of Pontiac, with whom she Clemens, “T've learned, contest on this score. Another is Miami Local 390. The |as saddened as when the obliga- ‘made her home. Allen's ex-wife, Mrs. Doris Mor- ,my name, and my; local is under a trusteeship. Protests have been growing [tions of my office required me to we also testified that he, at riz, 32 of Roseville, and his room sister's, brother's.) here over the manner in which delegates were arbitrarily jorder the use of a force within oar Sate ronal DSR Com mate, 26-yearold Erwin Wurtz, g daddy ; pin named by the president, under the trusteeship. It is a /a State to carry out the decisions system in Michigan it yr ee Soot S ates sei merin| familar pattern pimped as Eyes Fare Hike sie’s Tavern at 25410 eae, song we sing with It is a pattern which opponents of Hoffa have vowed "| | ™Y porcine a mgr = Other highlights of Scott's. testi- DETROIT (INS) — Leo J. No- * * @ finger motions; to do away with if they are successful in their bid for ered cael utilized not to |™08Y Were that Hoffa's brother, wicki, manager of the De- Seventeen shots were fired in the rel Sieg eaten senteel. * og frustrate the orders of court | 21 G14" and Brennan tied i ae with the DSR Commission Da rere Ce eet Cen |school we drink milk every day| Pontiac’s four delegates, who face a fight for their seats | but te support them the enesing |-0+ inta the numbers racket in Oak- Monday in an effort to head off a , te onan as ra-\and that teeter totter, horsey and| in the convention, had not registered here by Friday night, ce aw aa asl ens todeaet pouch land County. threatened fare increase. fiien PeFSOM buggy and playhouse keeps us| so far as could be learned. w:.8.-9 : * * * hit. He was struck twice. pretty busy all ” Renee ary would never have occurred. He said William Hoffa tried ’ The - Sheriff's officers, Larry| piained - day,” @ * * * The Arkansas National Guard to The chance of-a fare hike was Spikes and William Balfour, said|” ; Pontiac delegates are Leaun Harrelson, Floyd Harmon, | could have handled the situation ("ite a man to kill him when he re- created by the Municipal Finance * *« * . First grader Myton Borders, of 233 S. Johnson Ave., pointed out: “We learn 00 gain. share and we mustn't talk un- Alvy Bush and Frank Orsini. Their right to vote in the con- vention will be challenged by the Haggerty forces, along.with those from many other “trusteeship” locals. _|- ~° There will be about 1,850 voting delegates in the con- . vention. Haggerty believes he has 900 sure votes as the office requires him to provide pro- tection against mob violence. , |fused to get him into the rackets. Scott said that he once hid Billy (William Hoffa) in a Pontiac hotel when he was being sought by De- troit Police on an armed. robbery charge. . ‘ x * ® - ase a Pel Rog o opening nears. Events of recent weeks may have caused He accused Gov. Faubus by|7=!28 ABOUT THREAT KIWANIS are pa sup. other delegates to possibly switch their support. implication of encouraging the region Slatin ond al aie posed to be ab-— Hoffa’s opponents say they could win easily if a secret mobs outside of Central High , T ] d Ad sent. We work « IM} niSth conis be arranges: Tle ia rt. engy, og tie interna ee 8 Oe Oe et at eee ek a | raveil an venture and play together am | tional constitution calls for election of officers “by a roll |. - 4* o @ and help the | call vote.” The President asserted, without ; teacher do all _ Call wore. _ . jusing the governor’s name, that! He said threatening™phone calls ries ' sorts of things MYRON . x * * the State of Arkansas had refused |hastened the death of his wife, like hanging paper on the boards.| _ This provision also rules out an election by mail referen- jto “utilize its police powers to|who was an arthritis victim. We hang up our clothes too. I guess} dum in event the election cannot be held next week: If the jprotect against mob persons. who} Scott told of receiving two calls HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM we are just learning to be good| court order continues to block an eléction at this time an- a ecg not eran this By E. H. SIMS citieens.”” > other convention may be necessary, regardless of the expense Consti ” ,| week: oo nahn Are winters getting colder or] La Netta Rollison, of 3584 Bald-| and trouble this would entail. a i eae ere. cre gered What is the reasin forjwin Ave... likes = — bars) In the meantime delegates and alternates enjoy the Prcihyincd ple cases peda eens ae oh pre: as ead 25 “experts agree| oe ada —— beaches, pools and other luxuries of two of the most pre- |who accused him in a radiotele.|_ 1" testimony today, a —_ Delightf ul and 7 hrilling that winters are slowly andj , | best in the first) tentious of this area's dazzling hotels by day; crowd the bars [vision speech Thursday night of caery e—mernigele lose — E : tai - steadily becoming less severe. It and bright spots by night ... and carry on a constant. round |using “police state’ methods in & niertainmen?n is true, then, if grandpa says it was colder when he was a boy—| Mm « but not much colder. The experts differ as to why the , weather is warming. But the ice extending from the poles is -steadily receding ard the survival line for many plants and trees is steadily moving northward in this hemisphere, - gouthward in the southern hem- grade this fall “There are lots é school and I really like learn- ing about all those farm animals. We, sure do learn lots LaNETTA in one day,” LaNetta said. “I like school because we clean) up,” says Bertha Reid, of 18% Faubus May Call Special Session neem a ne & of conferences, and huddles to put across their candidates. But everyone is sort of waiting: There'll be a convention for sure: whether or not there will be an election no one is as yet certain. Southern VFW.Post Passes Up Pledge to Flag sending the Army into Little Rock. * * * The President had disdained a direct reply to the Arkansas gov- ernor. The Russell telegram gave him an opportunity to respond to fhe Faubus charges, however. There was still no indication from the White House as to. how long the Army and- National Guard troops would remain in ect for teamsters that was ‘‘noth- ing but scrubbed oak and dry sand.” * * * Joseph Kritch, a former team- ster and salesman for the project, 100 foot. for $150 to $545 each to teamsters. x +t * The real estate project, called Sun Valley, near Orlando, was pro- said that in 1956 he sold lots, 80 by) - The Kiwanis Club of Pontiac presents seven of the top travelogues in the Country. These are all personally conducted, the kind that —— ity houses in the largest cities. .Read this list then . get your season ticket now. Only limited number available. to capac- 7 TOP TRAVELOGUES — Lull St. “We also | tL ak RUSTON, La. Ruston post| Mttle Rock. moted by a Henry Lower who got a SEASON $ 00 cut with the scis- Of LOWMAdKelrs ae 75,000 bank loan through Hoffa 5 One theory is that the trend is) od we can't | of the Veterans of Foreign Wars| Eisenhower is flying back to$ 1 don farmed eround ~ aed TICKET being caused by sun spots. What- do that at home. § LITTLE ROCK, Ark. — The last night passed up the Pledge Washington for the Tuesday meet- Petts 635.608, according so previewl iv ever the cause, the process is “Washin a * summoning of ing with a delegation of Southern [4 up . c of an Cmergency SF lof All U.S, in ; Tuesday, October 29, 1957 : very slow, and a change - On€| around the room , (sion of the Arkansas Legislature . eee eg flag a governors, who want him to pull testimony by Hoffa. ; E JULIAN GROMER, “Atlantic Coast Wonderland” degree in an annual average’. 4 washing dish- gin connection withfthe little Rock eo troops in out the Army at the earliest) Kritch, now a Northville auto ° . takes years to be realized. les ise lool work & lintegration crisis’ appeared pos- Little Rock, Ark. possible moment. dealer, said that teamsters who yd Tuesday, November 12, 1957 but I like that too. | # laible 4oday in the light of Gov. : — refused to buy lots, or wanted * ROBERT FRIARS, “Morocco Holiday” We learn to be @ 8 + |Orval Faubus’ latest statement. | - . “ their money, back after they saw The Weather good children and | Ni, Abid * * & Fails to Appear in Court the lots, were threatened by 3. Kane boetnegn, tebekers nnd the. Aueres” : ‘that’ wa OF itely open | Lower with a visit from team- : e Fol! U.S. Weather Bureaw Report that's what we BERTHA ~~ Faubus definitely opened the AWer av . PONTIAC AND VICINITY — Sunny have to do.” she said. ‘prospect of an emergency legisia- : = 2 _ ster goons and a trip in the 4 Tuesday, January 14, 1958 caer es cee aa a itive seasion last night by saying | | “Black Maria.” ‘He ROBERT DAVIS, “The Canary Islands” mostly easterly, today and tonight. Grieg- Humphries, of 2964 Dixie he may call thé lawmakers within * *« * 5 7, Fe 11, 1988 : Today in Pentiac Hwy., really thinks it's great to 10 days. *Kritch also testified that Lower, Tuesday, February : Lowest temperature preceding € *™.1n6 “ahle to go to the school li-| ‘ * Py . pefore be went into the Sun Valley * NICOL SMITH, “Europe's Toy Countries” At 8 a.m: Wind Velocity 3 m.p.h. brary now that he is in first grade.| yg, nwhile, the Army posted a DETROIT (AP)—Bobby Layne, in effect, missed his signal.|project had tried to organize De- 6 Tuesday, March 4, 1958 Gun sets Saturday at 6.19 p.m. “Last year, we just had a few) .on number of troops at Cen- | AS a.result, a judge became annoyed and the Detroit Lions’ troit’s auto salesmen for the Team- * STAN MIDGLEY, Se rete Saturdey ai o:4¢ pm. D00ks in the kindergarten room but) tray igh for the weekend — |Star quarterback also failed to get an early trial of his drunk/sters in the early 1950's. Moon rises Sunday et 12:53 p.m. now that we are mainly, it said, to guard the |driving charge. a“ + * 7. Pagnmn Lerey 28, 1958 ao Downtown Temperatures learning to read’ baildings. During this drive, Kritch ,said,| At the request of the Lions, Traffic Judge John D. Watts puerernnn : 55 yhere all of : ‘ Teme. zn 2 oe 88 ion, big kids go sk Set up the trial for yesterday in place of the scheduled date Secm 80 2pm, @ to read and learn) Nine Negro students completed |of Oct.°17. ° w WILL BE Get Your Season Ticket Now! 160 a. m.. 52 n j ! - = ; lots of things. ‘their third full day of integrated: * * * N ele were Toes we © ‘like the slideiClasses, yesterday and left under) The Lions, who open their National Football League sched- E = from on Pineal nl Coan grove . C perati: 5 mame oODOIDOESE j ; uard as usual when school was y or pon Lowest temperature arrears outside but there ead fae pga tein ule against Baltimore tomorrow, pleaded that Layne was CLOSED ALL DAY , Weather: Fair. | eee on : * * . |"Rervous and upset” over the pending trial. - fund (eeperetires =) 20| c+ « 3 glide down the] But their guard of paratroopers But when court was ealed, Layne failed to appesr. MONDAY, Sept. 30 Kiwanis Club of Pontiac pent temperature .....---seserseees {4 = GRIEG = pole, we can't/was smaller, indicating that the) | Beforehand police officers had been routed from bed TUESDAY, Oct. {fi 2514 Ivanhoe Drive. eather: Sunny. |walk up the edge and we can’t = Army. eran pad has the area) after their midnight shift in order to appear. Assistant WEDNESDAY . 2 { Pontiac, Michigan Highest and Lowest Temperatures This UP Or down the slide. But, I think/under control. No demonstrators) prosecutor Clifford J. Bird was called from home, inter- , Oct. : : 1s Please send me a Kiwanis Travel and Adventure Seno ans ET i et ues becuse I we apeared. ag they id Wednesday, rupting reparation of hip speech for an evening banquet. For |__|; tnt stvin where smcnn utes ay be parhase “pipant M27, Temperature Chait get hurt. It I got hurt I couldn't/diers trom the 101st Airbone Divi-| Judge Watts gave up plans to watch his son play in a high H 3 . Beittmore # io Marquette “ 42 be a doctor and take care of ba-/sion escorted the nine into Central; School football game. INVENTORY ; : NAME Rrownaville 97 68 Miami * 8 4 Dee tke Twat," Greg ex EN The apologetic Lions explained to the court that Layne’s| ~ eB : Chicago ss “ Minneapois. ns i plained x een eran ; lawyer was tied up in a mene and could not make the trial. : | : ADORED ‘ “er New York 60. 4! i alf Finish Hi choo : Renwer a * Omaha = re 2 Pi riegpriined gomcta 9 _ Judge Watts, in sharp tones, told the policemen and Bird: POOLE j orry STATE 4 nix yy island of Zanzibar off the African) WASHINGTON — The United « re: Bs : : : ¥ : Duleth $8 34 Pittsburgh 9 38 Ft Cong , the only profitable | States Otficn of Education aja Next time they ask that the date be moved up I will contact Lumber. Hardware it : Boughton, $¢ 38 Trvrree'c. 4 dyiindustries are processing ot clove|that only 55 per cent of all stu-/7Ou men first and see It it's agreeable with you. ‘a Dokland _| er Serkrstsing Pentee'Rireals Orb S',ctet'MaTroeb'se le nd nolether oy ey Washington 8 #3 and coconut oil, and manufacture |dents who enter high school stay The Oct. 17 trial date stands. Layne, who was arrested 151 Ookland ee pees, | ae ! Lee Laneing qu Tampa | #4 7108 soap. to graduate. Sept: 17, is free on $150 bond. . : A sa a : fi i t { . | al : : i aan f , i i t\ 5 t = . . ‘ . 3 i ‘ } 3 : ! . \ z q 4 ‘ ee | i \ : < 4 ae F : = 2G S% t : z se a ) . ek & d : mY hs > ‘\ ae sf oN tect tet eek bee PQ ed nok + ‘. ae = \ : eck | ¥ f a L Fa! Peck ' Pa! i ; a aed Sa f = * / _ + eo : ‘ Re : ké . \ ‘ 1% AS - = 3 a a\ aes * \ = iva Pe | es i : % # 924 @ 2432-3 he te ie oe Ss a Sa Be eS i Soe See Soe ge Beer, es ce ee ‘ | a tas ee to Jersey'S uburbanites CRS _ THE PONTIAC PRESS, saruuDay. SEPTEMBER 28, 1957 \a \ Billy Grable Preaches TEANECK, NJ. @—“You looklong enough to take stock of their good. but you have. og and the general unrest among some. families. “Something is definitely wrong” he said. * husitionns tay tric omc bok for Christ" after the sermon. ESM eter Jury . GOOD T.V, SERVICE MEN 17 and took last Sunday off. criminal libel. and to publish lewd and obscene material. The de- fendants, in addition to the two magazines, are. Fred and Mar- jorie Meade and their Hollywood Research, Inc., and Publishet’s Distributing Corp. Call Ue—Free Home Trial. PORTABLE TELEVISION 6 Makes—-$89.95 Up OPEN “TIL 9:00 825 W. Huron FE 4-2525 A ae number of listeners — ed at about 500—walked to the ris and made “‘decisions BO-1T- YOURSELF *« eg * WED cupert afvies, The six week trial was on} ae COLOR TV charges of conspiring to commit | ‘No Dave Becks: zm juntel. Editors __BIBLE Quiz in British Labor Most “Unions Register, He said the world is in a ad Give. Financial ‘Report | and Get Tax Relief Originally set up to fra- ternal orders and sickness benefit societies, the registry now provides protection for 8,500,000 .workers, representing 90 per cent of British trade union membership. Here's how it works; - 5 Shirts Laundered | for | 713 That’s Right, Give a Cheer for .those wonderful clean clothes . . . cleaned by Gresham. They come back so soft and fresh that you can't help giving a Cheer... and Shirt GRESHAM CLEANERS ‘:...:, Drive-In Service — Save 10% Cash and Carry 605 Oakland Ave. . Branch——-5§ Oak Hill FE 4-2579 Open Monday thru Saturday 7 a. m. - 8 p. m. Union registration is purely | Voluntary. Ne union is compelled te register or to make ‘public its accounts, but by doing so the funds from taxation. ‘ To be registered, a union must of its rules and file an annual return of how its funds were spent. * * &t | The payment of a_half-crown | (about 30 cents) entitles any rank- and-file unionist—or any member of the British public, for that * * union has paid out as strike bene- fits, expense accounts for union | Officials, legal fees and political City Librarian Reports Addition of New Books Miss Phyllis A. Pope, Pontiac | city librarian, reported the fol- lowing books have been added to |the shelves of the Main Library, 47 Williams St. | Fiction | Fuller, the Gilded Torch; House- pian, a Houseful of Love;. Ken- |nedy, Mr. Audubon's Lucy; Pawel, | From the Dark Tower; Pidoll, Eroica—A Novel About Beetho- YOUR DREAM COMES TRUE... Now You Can Build a Home of Your Own Wherever You Wish... ««« NO MONEY DOWN ee ee en ee ee Rochester Road, just_2 blocks south of Auburn Road (M-59), eos you're invited to inspect this smart house SMITH-CRAWFORD, Inc. _ EASYBUILT HOMES Ses 3390 South Rochester Rood Just South of Auburn Rosé a. OL 6-1226 OL 1-0002 The beautiful 3-bedroom model home that can be duplicated by |/™ing: Elston, Grand Mesa; Field, ven; Remarque, the Black Obelisk; ‘Tomlinson, the Trumpet Shall | Sound; Treece, the Golden Stran- igers; Vaughan, All Through the Night. * x & Mystery Carnac, the Late Miss Trim- ‘Powder Valley Manhunt; |Eat, Drink & Be Buried. * * * Biography Berenson, Rumor & Relfection; Stout American Politics; Garraty, Wood- row Wilson; Howe, Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes—V. 1 the Shaping Years, 1841-1870; Link, Wilson—the New’ Freedom; Low, Low’s Auto- Westridge - of - Waterford For the Discerning — Northern Pontiac's Deluxe Suburban Community, Both Traditional and California Contemportary Display Homes Await Your Inspection. DRIVE OUT SUNDAY 2:00 to 6:00 P.M. AND : SEE MODELS . or by appointment DIRECTIONS: Off Dixie Highway, bag Sars. Turn on Cambrook Lane to Ledgestone Drive—right to Mi HELTMAN & TRIPP Builders and Developers of Westridge-ol-Wateriord 4192 LEDGESTONE DRIVE Materials; Modern Translation; biography. _* * General Non-Fiction | American Welding Soviety, Weld- ing Handbook: Anderson, Plants! lof the Bible; Ansley, Manufactur- ‘ing Methods and Processes; Cass, Americanization Helpbook; Corey, Development of Markets for New| Ferm:, Atoms for the! World; Fitts, Six Greek Plays in Friedman. Martin Buber — the Life of Dia- logue; : * * * 1 RNOW YOU MUST MEAN Feuce Quauity Manet fon QUALITY AND VALUES / wees one store ( WHERE | DO BETTER wan anywners est! dian Philosophy; Smith, Teach Yourself to Draw; Switz, Great Christian Plays; s, Lin- coln Finds a General. Anti-Smog Working in Los Angeles LOS ANGELES w—Comedians may have ns Pe calling this city “apne: lo called since Sept. 28, 1956. That one alert was called July 31 at Azusa... * * * RKET | A TELEGRAPH * FELICE ©: j FREE. “poe war on smog apparently reached: alert level. Last year; at the same time 16 smog seiges been recorded. | The air pollytion contro] dis- off. Officials said yes- fey he the ‘cityhalf way wae & th season—has h4d Itwo bad ecg oy although neither United States are practically un-| ‘known here union automatically exempts its | | by the combined efforts of the Eaton, Henry Clay and the Art of! Haller, Tree Care; Keene, Mod- Pe! ito Washington early next week, | = _— ~ GJ QUESTION: Why did Moses break the T Ten Commandments? x * * . ANSWER: Moses broke the two tablets on which the Ten Commandments were written because he was very angry with his people. He came down out of Mt. Sinal carrying the tablets = and saw his people worshipping a calf of gold and behaving badly. He threw the tablets down, breaking them. Then he took|. the golden calf they had made and burned it in’ the fire and crushed it to powder. Moses made atonement for the sin of his - people. Then he made two more tablets of stone like the two he had broken nd went back up into Mt. Sinai. He stayed 40" days and nights writing upon the tablets the ten command- ments. When he came down the Israelites built a tabernacle as a holy place to keep the tablets. * x FOR YOU TO DO: Memorize the Ten Commandments. x « * (A $10 award goes to Alma Goode, Chase City, Va, for this question. Send yours to Violet Moore Higgins, AP Newsfeatures, in care of The Pontiac Press. MONDAY: Why do volcanoes erupt?) | Welcome Queen Photos of Sun With Only One '21-Gun Salute Hailed Success 7/Gun Salute Scientist Reveals Next “elcome Queen Elizabeth with a) single 21-gun salute—not two, as Project to Be Pictures. originally —— ts | * of Plane | Some stticisia pee tht pro- |tocol called for a second 21-gun isalvo when the queen is received MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. (INS) — - |The results of photographs taken at City Hall Oct. 21. The first sa- of the sun from the closest point jute, which still stands, will be ever before attempted were re-'fired from Governors Island when ported today to be a great success. |the queen sails past en route from * ~« * /Staten Island to Manhattan. Dr. Martin Schwarzschild, in-| City officials were relieved yes- vestigator of the project which terday when they learned from sent a balloon carrying a tele-|the State Department and British | ‘scopic camera 81,000 feet into the representatives that a single sa- sky, said that some 8,000 photos lute is proper. taken of the sun were a “com: | Safety experts had feared that plete success.’ the firing of heavy guns near City Bridged Straits crew to get the job done.” Says sonia A. B. Drilling, Crew Built Giant Span. by } Working Together ST. Race — Arthur B. Drilling learned more than 30 years ago as a baseball catcher that “It takes the whole damned And that’s the way Drilling, the boss, and his crew put the steel and wire together that was to become the Mackinac Bridge—as a team. U. 8. Steel’s American Bridge. Divisien schedule called for Drilling and his team to get twe.stiffening trusses a day in placé on the suspension cables, They got four. The schedule called for the laying of four steel roadway panels a day. They placed eight. Drilling forsook Class D pro- fessional baseball at Pine Bluff, Ark., in 1928 for a job helping to replace Arkansas bridges washed out by 1927 floods. and a pilot's skill enabled a West- sons aboa night after the plane’s landing Gravity. Plus BILLINGS, Mont. @» — Gravity ern Air Lines Convair with 41 per- to land safely last gear fouled : * * * Capt. Charles Farmer circled the two-engine craft for 90 min- utes before attempting the emer- a landing at Logan Field Two fire -trucks and an ambu- lance, sirens wailing, chased the big ‘plane down the runway as Farmer touched down the tricycle wheels gently in a prolonged land- ing to see if they would hold. They did, and the 38 passengers aboard responded with cheers and wild handclapping. * Farmer "aid hydraulic fluid leaked from the wheel gear me- chanism shortly after the Convair took off on a flight to Denver at * * * He started as a “punk,” a man who hands a bridgeman his tools and does odds and ends. Today he is a project superintendent for| Americar’ Bridge Division. , | LEARNED: BY EXPERIENCE The 52-year-old Drilling isn’t an engineer. He doesn't even have says: “A man is bound to learn a lot in 30 years as a bridge builder.” From “‘punk’’ he advanced to full fledged bridgeman, then to foreman, assistant superintendent jand superintendent. Some of the big jobs he's been on include the San Fran- cisco- Oakland Bay Bridge, where he became a foreman; the world’s largest aircraft hangar at San Antonio, Tex., the Atomic Energy Plant Paducah, Ky., and the Walt Whitman Bridge af Philadel- phia. Where does he go from here? | To another suspension bridge, of | course. This one being built by American Bridge is across the St. Lawrence Seaway near Massena, there next perch x * Drilling east like to talk about accidents. Oné Seas ¢ to him in 193°. While he was helping build a 730-foot supply tower for the |\Shasta Dam he was hit by a piece of steel» “I was pretty well busted up,”’ is all he'll say about it. * * * He'd rather talk about safety, \which he says is built into every- ithing now, and adds: “Sometimes Hall would break windows and The project was made possible frighten people, Navy, General Mills of Minne- | apolis and the University of | Colorado. Schwarzschild said the results showed, among other things, that ithere are gas eddies on the sun— spots caused by turbulent move- iment of gasses—which ) were never, known to exist. | * * * The Princeton scientist said the project was so successful that they will attempt another such experiment, this time to photo- graph some of the planets. He said tho next experiment will make use| of a 36-inch lens instead of the 12- inch lens used for Wednesday's roject. | Mumps, Chickenpox. Crop Up in Pontiac oJ LOUIS H. COLE Mumps and chicken pox were tops on the list of communicable, diseases in Pontiac last week when 13 and 9 cases, respectively, were reported, according to Dr. John D. Monroe, director of public health. A complete breakdown of dis- eases reported to Oakland County and Pontiac health departments last week follows: WILLIAM DIEKE Whooping Cough . . Inf. Mononuclosia” se Cogoge. OAKLAND COUNTY Past - Week Week ae M. M. SORENSON Prev. Year Chicken Pox .... o0...-.9 0 TENKENS end ESHMAN Measies ...... oe 2 1 ‘ Pneumonia ... «v.88 3 3 te arab Fever ar H ; . Whooping Cough se 8 OFFICERS . Bryslpels eeaneenenn a * R. C. CUMMINGS .... President Fi h H i M. A. BENSON .. Vice-President! ° 2 sen ower opes JAMES CLARKSON _...Executive i Vice-President and Secrefary fo Vacation Today NEWPORT, R.I, i — President Eisenhower hoped today for a day of complete vacation. | x *«. : He hasn’t had one free of work since he came to Newport Sept. 4, and aides said this is the first day that has offered a good chance. The word at the temporary; j White House is that the President. and Mrs. Eisenhower may return. E. W. JOHNSTON .... T AUDITORS C. BRYAN KINNEY .. maybe Monday. * * * The President has arranged a Washington conference Tue with a committee of five Soutfern governors who want to-discuss Ei- senhower's edict which put feder-. had) al troops in Little Rock, Ark.. to enforce ‘school integration, ) BOARD OF | DIRECTORS HON. CLARK |. ADAMS MAHLON A. BENSON CONRAD N. CHURCH R. CLARE CUMMINGS JOHN Q. WADDELL GEORGE K. ZIMMERMAN HONORARY DIRECTOR CHAUNCEY H. HUTCHINS . Downtown! Branch . Rochester Branch VERN McMASTER Asst. Treasurer . Attorney a high school diploma, but, as he} at | N. Y. Drilling expects to take over Pilot's Skil |Bring Convair in Safely utes, trying to lower the gear, manually and to consume a capa- city load of gasoline, * * * Stewardess Nancy Harvey, 23, said the passengers waited calm- ly and patiently. “They were just rful,”’ she said later. When their manual operations failed to lower the gear, Farmer and Holland tried a new approach. They banked and dipped the plane and the force of gravity pulled down the wheels. * * * Farmer said they were unable to determine before landing whether the lowered wheels would support the plane, The craft has a guide wheel in the nose and -{heavier wheels under each engine nacelle. Airports Discussed ALPENA (#—Some 200 persons, many of them members of boards throughout the state, 1 Block North of Wilson Ave. it makes you wonder how you| lived through the old days.” i WITH PONTIAS t Prev. Year T WI | H Week Week Are BRANCH aspen: S o 1 MANAGERS {Rubella ....ss00+ 4 2 Syphilis 0 o Tuberculosis .......-..-.- 9 : : 0 0 recsurer Current OPEN SUNDAY 10 to 4 SENSATIONAL BACK-TO-SCHOOL CLOTHES! Visit Our Bargain Basement GOODMAN'S DEPARTMENT STORE 520 SOUTH SAGINAW ST.. Evening Phone MI 6-2923 Sparks-Gritfin . FUNERAL HOME “Thoughtful Service’ 46 Williams St. tip SAVINGS ON Ph. FE 4-7648 Phone FE 2-5841 very Vi SUCCESS BEGINS DREAMING GROWS SAVING When you turn that dream into a working plan, and begin saving for it, success is on the way. AND ENDS WITH HAVING Few “success stories” happen overnight. Make up your mind right now to write your own success story. OPEN YOUR SAVINGS ACCOUNT AT PONTIAC FEDERAL. HOME OFFICE: 761 W. Huron ROCHESTER BRANCH 407 Main Street oil | DOWNTOWN BRANCH 16 E. Lawrence St. ws Rate on All Savings Accounts Pontiac Federal ‘Savings: NGS The dream, of whatever you want most in life, comes first: A home of your own, college educa- tion for your children, money for travel. r i) % Pe « \i j \ \ Pe : 28, 1957 Waterford Gets Its Post Office _ Village Saw Location: | Moved From Grocery, to Boat House. For the first time in the history of Waterford Village, the Post Of- fice will be situated in its own building, according to Postmaster Mrs. Robert Amos. Some time next week all equip- ment will be moved from the pres- ent location on Andersonville Rd., to the new 26x78 foot building at 5764 Dixie Highway. to * ‘Dedication ceremonies have been scheduled for October 19, with Congressman William Broomfield’ (R-Royal Oak) to be the main speaker. e * * * The post office has been shifted from grocery store to hardware, to its present location, which orig- inally was an old boat house. It Was a temporary location because no other facilities were available, and_ postal operations have con- tinued for the past three years there. des Mrs. Amos, four other employes. . plans will provide mail roytes, throughout the village, thereby re-' there are Mrs. Amos said. Vy ns’ | bride, was the maid of honor. Shane-Smith at Orion Methodist Church LAKE ORION — Lake Orion, the recent evening wedding of Marilyn Irene Smith and Raanie! Herbert Shane. The, bride is the daughter of | William Howard Smith of Flint, | and Mrs. Maureen Smith of 707 Lakeview St. The bridegroom is the son of Mrs. Ruth Shane of 484 Central Ave, and the late Michael Shane. For her wedding, performed by the Rey. Albert Johns before im- mediate families, the bride chose a white ballerina dress with bouffant! skirt of borcade with gold threads. Her tiara was of rhinestones, se- curing a nosetip veil of net with! applique of brocade. Her corsage was of white mums and red roses. Sue Chanibers, a friend of the Jerry Kubacki served as. best man. The reception which followed the Congregators to Meet IMLAY CITY—The Congregators' will meet Tuesday evening, at, Marriage wedding at Bushman Hall was at- \Methodist Church was the scene of'tended by 150. * * * Following a honeymoon in North- TO DEDICATE NEW HOME— The Boys Republic will dedicate its new campus and buildings on Nine Mile road in Farmington Township today. The occasion also will be the 50th anniver- sary of the founding of the in- stitution. Religious guidance is an important element in the re- habilitation of youths at Boys’ Republic. In top photo, the Rev. James Guinan, pastor of Trin- ity Episcopal Church of Farm- * ington, leads an informal outdoor discussion. The Rev. Gtinan also conducts formal services in the Republic Chapel. In the lower photo, Dr. Milton J. Huber (right), executive director of the home, leaves the new school building with one of his boys. Architecture is typical of the modernistic styling by Minoru Yamasaki, internationally known architect who designed the buildings. Oxford Slates Special Election Registration Deadline Tuesday for Oct. Vote on Marshall Issue OXFORD — Oxford Township day to register if they wish to vote in the Oct. 31 election. * * * The special election will either affirm or revoke the recent un- animous action of the Township Board in rezoning to gravel the Marshall farm two miles west of | Oxford: * * * Marshall plans to exfract the gravel and then subdivide the re- sulting lake property. The Zoning Board had previ- ously voted 3-2 against changing the 94 acres of sub-marginal land from its suburban-farming classification. : -Tan Lake residents objected to the decision of the Township Board and circulated a petition requiring rural residents of the township to approve or rescind the amend- ment. . ern Michigan the couple will reside on Dennison street in Oxford, Walled Lake Ghurch Cites Building Plan WALLED LAKE — At a family Dryden Center Group — Family Night Tonight DRYDEN — The Dryden Center Cemetery Assn. here is holding its annual family night for the public tonight at Rowland Hall. A cooperative supper will be dinner in Walled Lake Methodist|followed by an auction sale of Church recently, plans for thelitems donated by members of the proposed ,2ddition were unveiled! association. Proceeds of the sale for the first time. * * * Chairman Robert Philip of the building committee explained the pe plans, which are now subject to! approval by the official board, the congregation and the district loca- tion committee of the Methodist Church. = * * * If approved, the committee hopes that ground breaking will be accomplished during the cen- tennial celebration of the church ‘on April 20. ~*~ ®* & Eventual the church parlors. The program! During the dinker which was at-| will be on “Christian Education,” tended by 100 people, Harold Me- with Mrs. C. R. VanWagoner as Vey, chairman df the pastoral re- lieving. the congested conditions in chairman. Hostesses are Mrs. How-|lations committee welcomed the and Drayton Plains, ard Hoadley, Mrs. Walter Koenig Rev. John Mulder, as he begins his and Mrs, Howard Lee. ° {second year with the congregation. will be used for general cemetery purposes. THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, * ‘Area Churches Plan for Sunday * \SEPTEMBER Ve ae ae ‘Rally Day, Promotions, Holy Communion, Guest Talks in View Rally Day will be observed by some churches in the Oakland County area Sunday. Others have slated annual promotion day, Holy Communion, or special speakers. Auburn Heights The Sunday School of Stone Bap- tist Church here plans its annual promotion day Sunday,.with serv- ice beginning at 10 a.m. in main auditorium. _ Out of an-enroliment of 600 stu- dents in the school, 127 will receive promotion certificates. About 700 persons are expected to attend the Dryden, the Rev. Raymond E. Bierlein, vicar, has scheduled Holy Communion and the sermon to begin at 9:30 a.m. Church School also will be held at 9:30, with a 10:30 a.m. .coffee hour planned after services. _ Lathrup Village Dorothy Biggs of London, Eng- land, associate secretary of the International Congregational Coun- cil and, editor of the council's pub- lications, will speak at the 9:30 and 11 a.m, services at Commu- nity Congregational Church. Metamora The Young People of Pilgrim Congregational Church here will sponsor three evangelistic meet- ings. They will be held at 8 p.m. on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. Jim Stoutenborough of Flint will be guest speaker. Rochester Suzanne Craft will report on her two month’s experience in living with a German family, this Sunday at the 9:30 and 11 a.m. services at First Congregational Church * Suzanne, with.87 other students from Michigan, left the United States the past summer to live with her “adopted” family in the Youth for Understanding Project, sponsored by the Michigan Council of Churches. South Lyon Merchants to Hold Sidewalk Sale SOUTH LYON — South merchants and businessmen are combining forces for a sidewalk bargain sale on Saturday, Oct. 5. On this day, merchants plan to mark down prices and move out onto the sidewalk to hawk their wares as in days of long ago. The Chamber of Commerce is cooperating in the venture, and prizes are being offered to lucky shoppers. In case of rain, the service, which is open to the pub-} - Victor Lewis, show producer and First place in the Audrey Wil- liams Talent Show, held Wednes- day at the Pontiac High School, went to Ray Scalf, 19, of 57 West End St., Pontiaic, and Gene Tuttle, 20, of Farmington. * * * The two boys, who sang and played guitars, won by a narrow margin and were forced'to play off with a local Pontiac quintet, the Hy-Tones. Victor Lewis, producer of the SIGN AREA MAN — Pictured, left to right, are Charles Cresswell, executive director of the Auburn Heights Boys Club; Audrey Williams; Harlan Dodge. Dodge, 35, of Royal Oak, so impressed the pro- Two Youths Win Talent Contest signing Dodge to a contract. He said he would schedule a recording session for Dodge with one of the larger recording companies. * show was attended by 1800 peo- ple and raised over $1300 for the boys club. The duet which won was given 1,000 Scouts Eater ‘Roundup Jamboree’ OXFORD — More than 1,000 Boy Scouts of the Clinton Valley Coun- cil set up tents on the Paul White farm near here Friday night for a weekend “Roundup Jamboree.” * * * Today, the boy participated -in Scoutcraft events and tonight they will join in a mass campfire pro- annual school fair of the North Branch Township area schools will be held at the school Tuesday eve- ticipate. ria savings bond as first prize. Fair‘at North Branch NORTH BRANCH—The seventh! vocational department will be open to the public, * * * The fair is under the sponsor. ship. of William Mumby, agricub ture instructor, and Mrs. Vera Engstrom, homemaking teacher. J.P. Adams fo Attend All schools in the area will par- A short band concert in the anditerium will launch the af- fair, after which all rooms in the high school, grade school and gram directed by Sherry Mapley of Oxford. * * * af On Sunday, there will be field services for Scouts of the Protes- tant, Roman Catholic and Lutheran faiths before the units break camp and head for their homes in all parts of North Oakland and Mo- sale will beheld the following Saturday. i -lresidents who are not registered/| | Shoot Skeet will have only Monday and Tues-| ' feonjunction with Fire Prevention Kenner Amvets |in Novi Sunday | NOVI TOWNSHIP—Perry Ken | ner Amvets Post 76 will hold its fourth annual skeet shoot at 1 p.m. Sunday. : ; The shoot will take place at a range behind Trickey’s Hunting and Fishing Equipment store in Novi. . Post Commander Gordon Promo has issued an open invitation to the public. Contestants are asked - to bring their own rifles. . Prizes will be given to winners. Fire Prevention Is Theme for Slogans NOVI TOWNSHIP — The Novi Township Volunteer Fire Depart- ment is sponsoring a slogan con- test at Novi Elementary School in Week, Oct. 6-12. Mr. and Mrs. Phi comb Counties. County Births Nerth Branch A daughter, Alice Kay, ‘was born to lip Daubert. Mr. and Mrs, d Voliweiller and P te of daughter, Victoria Lynne, E Offering Adult Closes Education of the Imlay City Com- munity Schools will sponsor adult classes again this year. Classes, they announce, will be started as soon as 1 or more persons sign up in a particular course. leather craft and auto mechanics. Other subjects will be offered if there is sufficient public interest. the state will attend. Bar Convention - IMLAY CITY — The ot Waterford Township Justice .of missioner from Oakland County. _ During the conference tion and taxation laws will be studied, State Institutions Will Sell Herds of Holstein Cattle LANSING (#.— Nearly.400 head of registered Holstein dairy eattle will be sold by three state , insti- tutions this fall, the State Agri- culture Departmer¢ has announced. * * * The sales follow a mandate by the 1957 legislature to state men- tal institutions, other than the Tonia State Hospital, te get rid of their dairy herds by 1960. * * * Cattle at the Coldwater State Home and Training School will be offered Oct. 24; those at the Lapeer State Home and Training School on Oct. 30, and cattle at the Tra- verse City State Hospital on Dec. | proposed slogan and for of the fire hazard check. | | The campaign to reduce. possi-, bilities of a fire is under the direc- » ‘ij fire chief. EAMS — PLATE — RE RODS — ANGLES — CHANNEL — PIPE BARS AND FLATS — TUBING — SASH —’ ADJUSTABLE AND FIXED COLUMNS © WAREHOUSING FABRICATING 115 Branch Street Pontiac Telephones: FE 4-0586 FE 4-9582 ‘) tion of Fred Loynes, Novi Township | 11 and 12, 107 Squirrel Rd. SUNHEAT unfailing operation of your bumer ... without frequent adjustments. MADE SY THE MAKERS OF BLUE SUNOCO GASOLING ~Church’s Inc. SPECIALISTS — and the latest give you detail ._ Get our Here's ASPHALT PAVING that SATISFIES! When you're buying an asphalt driveway or parking lot, cut-rate prices and other gimmicks can’t replace the satis- faction that comes from @ pavement that engineered and constructed. We provide that satisfaction; for each job of ours is engineered and installed ne for all job requirements. May we is properly ‘ASPHALT PAVING becked by 37 YEARS EXPERIENCE % TE! p the Peace Donald E. Adams, will | atend a 4-day annual State Bar convention in Detroit as the -com beginning Tuesday, topics relating to the workmen's compensation law, la- bor relations law, public corpora- Various dignitaries from all over CO. ; i ie = te ee oe FIVE. | Hal Boyle Seys:. detet—thers whet you get when we replece your entnary IY pws the with © bivente “SILVER SCREEN 85" THE NEW PRECISION FOCUS RLECTRON GUN ~ THE NEW PICTURE GUARD VACUUM PROTECTOR - THE IMPROVED . SILVER ACTIVATED SCREEN | THE SUPER ALUMINIZED REFLECTOR J WAVE A SYLVAMIA ~ Bags BP oo ss" 1O FIT Vieveatiy WE ust SYLVAMLA RECEIVING TUBES—THEY PERFORM GETTER, LONGER. STEFANSKI Radio & TV — Sales & Service 1157 W. Huron FE 2-6967 * That Dwight Eisenhower is the’ ‘jonly ‘president who doesn't have Town Named for That oven’ te coptivity: oh ths members of a herd of elephants at least one town named after him. of allergy. . That about 16 million people in’ the United States have some form That Reno, Nev., is about 100 * Every Presidahr but The_ geles; and Jacksonville, ‘Fia., is farther west than Cleveland, 0. That to join the Bald Head Club of America you must have a bald spot at least three inches in dia- meter, . . * * * That “ragtime” music was so named because it has a ragged rhythm. That the difference between an actor and a star, is this: “An actor looks for a job. A. star looks for a property.” That a fingernail on the Statue of Liberty measuras 13 by 10 Field of Plastics Full of Marvels Collapsible | Container Could Revolutionize the Transport of Liquids DETROIT (INS)—U. S, Rubber’s new research laboratory is located on a 99-acre wooded hillside. Its four modern buildings are occu- pied by scientists, chemists and technicians who, in the solitude of the countryside, are doing pre- viously unheard of things in the rubber-plastic field. Products already being marketed ‘include synthetic yarns for cloth- ing, fabric and upholstery, crash © SUITS © TOPCOATS © LADIES’ COATS “Will Strike It Rich” with a new look... The color bright-and-true look after our exclusive Fiber-Tone process. Give us a ore. or bring your garments in. FE 2-6424 Germents Returned in FREE Clear Plastic Bags Quick Service! «! Quick Pickup and Delivery! Father & Son CLEANERS 941 Joslyn Ave. Cor, Mansfield _and holds 3,800 gallons of liquid. Is for longer periods; and cost | (panels, conveyor and timing belts, ‘footwear, auto trim, rubber and ‘agricultural chemicals. | One of the latest and most ex- citing U, 8. Rubber products ts a giant rubber fabric collapsible _ container that could easily revo- | Iutionize the transportation of ' il 4 The contraption is shaped like an overgrown toothpa ste tube and lis called the “‘Sealdtank.” It is 56 ‘inches in diameter, 35 feet long i * * * The ‘‘Sealdtank” can be rolled jup and stored in a small space |when not in use. It permits trans- } Porting dry cargo in one direction ‘and liquid cargo in aother, either iby flat-hed truck or trailer or by ‘rail in gondola and box cars. U. S. Rubber officials say the '“Sealdtank” will eliminate the | Anether new development at ' the research center is a plastic | pipe that may eventually replace iron and copper pipe for hot and cold water distribution. Company scientists say the new ‘pipe is resistant to high tempera- |tures, corrosion and rust; will keep hot water hot and cold water a third less than copper. j * * * Initially, however, the new plas- 14 KARAT GOLD WEDDING Ri RINGS itie pipe is being recommended for juse in carrying natural gas, salt water, crude oil and chemicals. The company also is experiment- ‘ing with atomic energy and using ‘heatless radiation to vulcanize ‘rubber. This is indeed a far cry from only yesterday, when “chemistry ‘miles farther west than Los An- ‘heard that it's possible for a per- THE BERRYS inches. ES That D. H, Toller-Bond says a boy becomes a man when he instead of through it. zk * * That only about one third of the U.S. population uses a tooth- brush three times a day. That there is a town in Missis- sippi called Soso. That the bartender at the Sut- ton restaurant says alcohol will preserve practically anything — except secrets! That William Shakespeare, ‘could act as well as write, _ |THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 28, 1957 was regarded as a talented Gan eer. walks around: a puddle of water! . That the eight tallest buildings in the United States are all lo-! - cated in New York City. That Al Cooper tikes. to tell of: the i question on a TV quiz show. He| couldn't remember whose face| was on a dollar bill. * | That it wrote, “I have never seen a great-| er monster or miracle in the world, ‘than myself." who say the also! selves? =y i * * * Texan who flunked an easy, was Montaigne who! ‘for lasting beauty , \ INDOORS and OUTDOORS. SS Ene a ee same LF EG OY SG Sa May ea sia ae And can't we all MY ie SOF BS TG HG OS same thing about our WHATS THE MATTER 2 ARENT YOU INTE! By Carl Grubert S§ STED ) Security for You | By RAY HENRY From D, M. of Cincinnati: “I've! son to get his Social Security record frozen to assure that even- tual payments will be higher. I don't know many of the details. | What's the situation?” A worker who is seriously dis- abled and who is under 50 may, ask to have his Social .Security record frozen as of the time he was disabled. By doing so, he may assure himself of higher payments collect them. He must apply to have this freeze put on. No doubt this is what you've heard about. | * * * From P. E. S. of Emporia, Kan.: “I'd like to get some information. abouf the federal government's, re-| York City: |tirement plan. I work for the gov-, ernment. Could I write and get an| idea of how I stand?”’ Yes. Write to Civil Service Co mission, Washington 25, D. C. * * * From Mrs. W. McD. of New| my husband six months ago. I never want to see him again. If 1, ber, would it be possible for him’ to get my address from this~ rec- ord? He has been trying to find when the time comes for him to|out where I've been living for sev- jleans: leral months.”’ The information in your Social | Security file will not be given out juniess it has permission from you ‘to do so. * * From J. W. W. of Clinton, Iowa: |to do so?” a WHAT S MY LINE? - Each word is related to posi eyeing: apelin chemo gy ee appears under arrow, reading downward ¢ SEU 4 ae Pitt) 2 | 3 ii ‘ | s Lit} 1 INGBARE 6 FOMCORT . 2 BET 7 ADELB 6 | i | J 2 ROTOM — 8 SNIPS 7 al 4A 9 SUHOE 8 | | $ 10coO 9 an Yesterday's Answer: Bell, swing, poRrot, feeD, catCh, conAry, budGie, Re | Wot€r, Seed. 949, curity. payments. H * * lin Socia} Security payments. Even | . Yes. | and be entitled to my Social Secur- ity. do I have to apply?” Record Can Be Frozen for Disability “Five years ago I moved to au United States from France. \first papers. If I don't actually get| my citizenship papers but stay in Social Security be affected’"’ ecting Sock Security. * I ever will. |payments based on my husband's Social Security record when I | probleme may be addressed to “Social iS Pontiae Press. Se | will be answered by mail from | the Pontiac office of the Social is BINGHAMTON, N Y. “I was divorced from'the United States, will my right to, — friend? * Broome County No. Being a United States citi- ties should get a Social Security num-|zen is not a requirement for col- game birds being shot out of sea- | son, | coming through. a hedgerow From Mrs. W. R. of New Or-| nearby Vestal, “I have never worked un-| Behind Kradjian \der Social Security and I doubt if faithful hunting dog, I do plan to collect dead pheasaht in his mouth. Kradjian paid $75 fine. Security,” in care of | Security Administration. There no charge for this service.) m.|came with the intention of becom- Man’ s Best Friend ing a citizen and have filed my Cost Him $75 Fine This super-tough, high-gloss enamel is easy to apply and dries quickly to a gleaming durable finish . .. withstands hard wear, repeated washings. Ideal for interior walls, wood- work, cabinets—exterior porch floors, furniture, equipment. Come in and see the bright new Shieldcote colors. dot. we PURPOSE ENAMEL - only a Oakland Fuel & Paint 436 Orchard Lake FE 5-6150 PARK FREE REAR OF STORE UPh— Man's sheriff's depu- investigating reports of met Kegham Kradjian, 53, in trailed his carrying a Donaldson-Fuller Agency, Inc. “Reliable INSURANCE Protection” Phone FE 4-4565 147 W. Lawrence St. ‘reach 65. Will I have to have a 'Social Security card and number No. The number is given only to a worker to help the Social Secur- ity Administration in keeping a record of the amount of earnings for which he will claim Social Se- From L. G. M. of lowa City, fowa: “I'm drawing $73 a month. | though I'm 76, I have a part-time job and Social Security tax is taken out of my wages. I'm wondering whether I have to continue to pay the tax when I'm already getting payments.” Everyone working under Social Security and covered by the system must pay the tax * * * From A. T. of Oakland, Calif.: “A few months from now I'll be 65 Will it start automatically | You must apply. | * * * (Questions on Social Security to toughen rubber.” 3 Airfields Outdated in Chippewa County does not pos as a bomber base. The Air Force said the same was true of Emme Here IS a Credit, Union for YOU! An SAVE in this Credit Union. Severe far the oie 8 years were PAID 4% DIVIDEND Get the Details : Pontiac Co-op Federal Credit Union §09-A Community National 8k. Phelps-Collins Airport at Alpena. U.P. Vital in Defense told an Ontonagon County home vital role in the state's civil de- fense setup in case of hostilities She said the area could well be in the rubber industry was little| — more than using sulphur and heat)" —~ SAULT STE. MARIE (#—Rep.|/ Victor A. Knox (R-Mich) said the} Air Force notified him that an in-| vestigation showed Raco Airfield); sess desired qualifications neces-| © sary for economical development |" County Airport at Pellston and)‘ ONTONAGON u—Mrs. Joseph]. Mann, director of women's activi-| | ties of the Michigan Civil Defense, | demonstration ‘Tally Thursday that) © the Upper Peninsula will play al: used aS ar evacuation center for : people from large cities, m. 6) ore VOORHEES-SIPLE FUNERAL HOME 266 N. Perry Street y | Phone FE 2-8378 ECR Already, citizens of Pontiac are receiving 4 ‘unordered Christmas cards, ties and other . eae merchandise through the mail. : Be smart! Never pay for articles which you have not ordered. Ignore threatening ‘letters demanding payment. Companies ‘operating the unordered merchandise racket thrive only because many people do not know their rights. Help Stop This Racket! _ Never Pay. oe Unordered Merchandise! BUSINESS ETHICS BOARD of the | ‘Pontiac Area Chamber of Commerce Waldron Hotel Bldg. Phone FE 5-6148 ELLIOTT’S SPECIALS Bigelow AT lo Come... see... compare! Bigelow’s magnificent 4-Star Collec- tion... on a par with far more ex- pensive broadloom in-luxuriousness and fashion importance...will add immeasurable beauty to your home! Call George Tuson OR 3-1225 -to Bring Bigelow Carpet Samples to Your Home UNSURPASSED STAIN-RESISTANCE: even tough st stains like ink spots can be safely bleached out if necessary! FADE-RESISTANT COLORS: sparkling, clear: “aS- crystal tones re- main fresh and lovely—they’re “sealed in” to stay! PERMANENTLY MOTHPROOF — and mildew 3 is no problem, either, with Bigelow 4-Star carpets! . 12 x 9...$107,40 A, 4-Star ine”—lovely new ri C, 4Star “New Harbor Island”~ele. , ple eoas ce dimension-in- ree g gant yet practical tai; tan sete pea : . 12. 6 a5 14 Choose from 14 soft pastel shades. | with anything. In 18 tweeds and solide, x B. 4-Star “Maestro”—fashionable rip- irve tweed ...deep enough to appre ciate at first ‘step! 9 multi-colors. Elliott’ Open Evenings by Appointment! youd guess on sight! ;- D. 4Star “Regimental”—fresh style note in tweedy stripes, both broad 12 x 18.. 214.80 (shown) and narrow. 9 colorings. yc a ow Broadloom THE PRICE Bigelow’s 4-Star Collection of 50 fashionable colors — * ) — unday schoo) 2 East Lawrence Street ‘ 11:00 A. M. ; Open Daily ~ U Wednesday cing 1] A. M. to $ P. M. U Service 8 P. M Friday to 9 P. M. ‘ S FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST | ‘ Lawrence and Williams Streets u HOW CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HEALS Nu y] RADIO eo. CKLW _ TELEVISION hy SUNDAY—9:30 A. M. Ui Sund M. Sunday 945 A. M CHANNEL 7 ~ TO HEALING” WXYZ-TV \ — =e on) fr | od ——— lf — a sy W ©) = = f=) VEE f-G xox fe Pontiae Press Photo — BLOWING RAM’S HORN — Rabbi Israel Goodman is shown blowing the shofar or ram’s horn in three distinctive blasts in Congregation B'nai Israel Wednesday at sundown. At the sound of the shofar Jews were summoned to the return of religion and its blessings at the beginning of the New Year, Rosh Hashanah. | Wed. Prayer. Service Ch CHURCH :. NAZARENE ie 60 State Street | Bible School .......9:45 A. M. Morning Worship - .11:00 A. M. Rew. Earl Morgan, Guest Speaker Evening Service... .7:30 P. M. Message by the Pastor ‘Youth Services .... .6:30 P.M. Kenneth A. Hutchinson Marshall McGuire Minister of Music Annual Missionary Convention First Meeting in the New Church | SEPTEMBER 29th to OCTOBER 6th ristian and Missionary Alliance Church Cass Lake Road N. at M-59 SERVICES SUNDAY Sunday School , 9:45 A. M. ‘Sunday Worship 11:00 A. M. EVENING SERVICE Rev. G. ]. Bersche, astor Speaking . sara bo SERVICES Mon., Tues., Wed. Rev. Vernon L. Neigenfind, of Indonesia Thurs., Fri., Sunday. Miss Janet Cuthbertson, Kwe . China Friday and Sunday Rev. B..8. King, New York Rev. G. J. Bersche, Pastor Joha Hazlett. Asst. Pastor ; ise f i ret 2! Pe ie . be woe * eS a. y Oe oe Rev. T. H. Staton, FE 2-8497 Industry Foremen Join Church Heads to Study Moral Responsibilities ‘annual Management Conference ‘Oct. 5, at Michigan State Univer- par 80 Whittemore Street ye FP. M. Sun. Eve. Prayer Service " ‘Rev. Harold Phillips, Speaking - * * * Rev. Hugh C. White, Michigan CHRISTIAN PSYCHIC | rpiscopal Diocese Bishop's Chap- SCIENCE CHURCH | !2in for industrial life and work, will be moderator for the panel session. Rev. White also is execu- tive director of the Detroit Indus- Stiver Tea Wed.. Oct. 2 trial Mission. s+ @ @& topic will include Dr. Leon Ist CONGREGATIONAL | re, vite or fiachs Seiccts : CHURCH Rev, Fr, Robert Allen, Roman Mill, E. Huron and Mt. Clemens hy Sigurtibidly saih-tia rege: *s Rev. Malcolm K. Burton, Paster sentatives of industry. — t Rev. Kari W. Ostberg, Asso. Paster | k « * i WORSHIP AND CHURCH |) More than 60) men will partici : | pate ann’ eos pra [Conference at the M. S. U. Audito- “THOU MAKEST ‘rium and Kellogg Center, spon- THYSELF GOD" |sored by the M.5S.U. College of The Rev. Mr. Burton. speaking |B — o the local management clubs. ‘sibilities of Management” at the NEW PASTOR — The Rev. Marion F. Boyd Jr. has been called to the pastorate of Columbia Avenue Baptist Church, from Eber Memorial Baptist Church, Detroit. He is shown with his wife, Dana, and daughter, Allegra, playing scrabble, one of the family's Pontine Press Phete syvettie leider gomnee. Gubdecs sotsia endl Welthlas Willa ilies, hunting and bowling. The church is located at 64 W. Columbia Ave. The Boyds make their home in the parsonage, 156 W. Colgate Ave. : WESLEYAN. 6? NORTH LYNN STREET 10:00 SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 WORSHIP a Rev. H. L. Johnson, Pastor METHODIST W. Y. P. S. 6:45 P. M. EVANGELISTIC 7:30 P. M. | yay School, 108 Prayer pte a Bible REV. LEROY - FIRST CHURCH OF THE BRETHREN 46 NORTH ROSELAWN A. M, Aire te Vere woos mo = Paster; 11 A. M. vening a Evangelistic, 7 P.M. Study, Thersaey,” 1 Pe, SHAFER, Paster CHURCH OF SPIRITUAL FELLOWSHIP Malta Hall — 82 Perkins St. (Off Aubure) | Affiliated with Federation of hee. Tessa Eckert of Detroit, No Service Thursday, Oct. 3 Information FE 4-9343 Spiritual Ch Specking.... oe we eee LEVI EUBANKS f "CLARKSTON METHODIST CHURCH BUFFALO AT CHURCH STREET CLARKSTON, MICHIGAN Sunday Services ond Church School 9:30 A. M. and 11:00 A. M. Sermon: “Deep Foundations” WM, J. RICHARDS, Paster 945 A, M. SUNDAY SCH PROMOTION DAY PROGRAM Levi Eubanks fo Be Honored Second Baptist Church |YMCA Central. College, Chicago Rev. Marion Coming to Columbia Avenue} Baptist Church as the new pastor is the Rev. Marion F. Boyd Jr. with his wife, Dana, and daughter, Allegra. A graduate of high school fn Kankakee, Ill. in, 1942, he attended | and Junior College in Little Rock, a Episcopal Regior Names Officers SPRINGFIELD, Il. .# — The Rt. Rev. Nelson M. Burroughs,) bishop of Ohio, yesterday was elected president of the Midwest) Province of the Protestant Episco-) pal Church. The were conducted during a of the 3ist synod of the church. Named from the province to the) ichurch’s National Council was the’ bishop of Milwaukee. " * Province officers re-elected in- Choir, Detroit, Guests for Celebration Trinity Baptist Church will honor retary; and John A. Cook, a lay- man from Niles, treasurer. clude: the Rt. Rev. Richard S. M. ‘Emgrich, bishop of Michigan, vice) |president; the Rev. Ronald E, Ort- mayer, Chippewa Falls, Wis., sec- About 200 delegates are attend- Michigan Baptist College and F. Boyd Jr. Comes to Columbia Ave. Ark. _In 1949 he was graduated from Central College of Little Rock. For a year, the Rev. Mr, Boyd studied at Hendrix College, Con- way, Ark. then. transferred to Eastern Michigan College from which he received an A.B. De- gree, Graduate work was taken at American Divinity School, Chicago. From 1942-1945, the Columbia pastor. served in the U.S, Air Force with 300 combat flying hours over Europe. He was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross in 1944, the three Oak Clusters air medal and Presidential Unit Citation. Prior to coming to, Pontiac, he served Baptist churches in Bige- low, and Little Rock, Ark. From 1950 he was pastor of Eber Memoria] Baptist Church, Detroit. MODERATOR OF CHURCHES The Rev. Mr.. Boyd has _ been |moderator of Motor Cities Assn. (Rt. Rev. Donald H. V. Hallock, |°! Southern Baptist Churches: Cur-| rently he is on the executive board of the Arkansas Baptist Conven- tion and president of the board of Seminary Extension. Golfing, hunting and bowling are the new pastor’s hobbies. Participating in the program of the Women's Missionary Union on _ | Levi Eubanks at 4 p.m. Sunday in {as church minister of music. |Fellowship Hall for his 12 years’ * *« * A graduate of the Detroit Con- We Cordially Invite You he sion Us. 0, P. EASTMAN, Minister FIRST 139 Prespect * 2 |servatory of Music and the Detroit iInstitute of Musical Art, he direct- ied the choirs of the Second Baptist Church of Detroit for 29 years COLUMBIA AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH 64 West Columbia Ave.. Phone 5-9960 Sunday School . ceseeeeee 9245 AM. Morning Worship ceeeeeeeees 11:00 A.M.» BTU. 2.3 as seeeeees 6:30 P.M. 4 Evening Worship ............ 7:30 P.M. Wednesday Prayer Meeting .. 7:30 P.M. Pastor: Rev. M. F. Boyd, Jr. Affiliated With Southern Baptist Convention (30,000 Churchés) jand was assistant director of the ‘Pontiac City-Wide Choir Union. * ® * Under his direction are six choirs at Trinity, the Senior,- Adult, Young Adult, Junior, Children’s and Male Chorus. Celebrating with him will be \Mrs. Eubanks and three children, ‘Wayman, Ronald aot See * * The choir of Second Baptist |Chureh will be special guests Sun- day afternoon. The Trinity Senior ‘Choir with Mrs. Luella Fultz, president, is sponsoring the affair. The Rev: Richard H. Dixon Jr. said refreshments will be served and the public has been invited. ing the synod. Discussion Classes - .|themselves and their families, be- at Christ Lutheran A nine-week series of Adult In- quiry and Discussion classes has| been announced by Rev. Arvid E. Anderson, pastor of Christ Luth- pg Church, in Waterford Town- P. This series is intended for adults who wish to consider the teachings and practices of a church for fore choosing a church home. Those interested will have the opportunity of scat classes at 7:30 p.m. on beginning October ist, or at 3.45 p.m. on Sundays beginning October 6th. These classes will be identical discussions throughout the nine- week series, under the leadership of Pastor Anderson. The classes will be held at the church on a We egar. The new pastor is the father of the outcoming minister, State Mission's Day were Edith Lockwood, Audry Walker, Chris-| tine Hubb, Clarissa Hubb, Mayme! Fritch, Clare Dillon, Mary Nichols, Nancy Rude, LaVerna Gowen and) Gladys Wheatley. * * * Elected to serve the church for the coming year are Haskell Ken- ;nedy, Sunday School superintend- ent; urer and Mrs. Jaunita Jones, — clerk. ~~ New Face, Old re NOWATA, Okla. — The First. Assembly of God Church got a change of ministers, but the con- gregation won't have to worry about remembering the new pas- tor’s nime. The Rev. P. A. Hen- egar succeeds the Rev. J. W. Hen- liams Lake road. , FIRST OPEN BIBLE CHURCH “The End of Your Search for a Friendly Church” 1517 JOSLYN 1 Block North nian M. Date Hume “ of Walton Blvd. You are invited to attend Revival Services with us You will hear outstanding ¢ Congregational Singing _ © Special Music *Soul Stirring Preaching Evangelist M. Marie Hume- FE 2-8497 o - night at~7:30 at the Oakland REV, ROBERT D. WINNE YOUTH RALLY— Speaking to-' Youth Fellowship Rally will be the Rev. Robert D. Winne, pas- _tor of Waterford Community ' Church, The meeting will be held in Evangel Temple, 365 E. Wil- | Evangelistic Service at 7:30 p.m. Christian fellowship. REV. B. 8, KING Church Moves to New Building : in Sunday School Unit Sept. 29-Oct. 6 The Christian and Missionary Alliance Church wii] hold the first Lake road at M59 tomorrow. All meetings and services will be held in the Sunday School unit un- til the completion of the sanctuary. The Rev. G. J. Bersche, pastor, said plans are being made to dedi- mas holidays. Missionary Conyention ; service in the new church on Cass t cate the building during the Christ-|*** Senior, He will present the roll of those ChoraJers and Clarence Brown of the - Westminster Choir. Pastor Anderson Teachers Sunday Fifty. teachers and officers of Christ Lutheran Sunday School, in Waterford Township, will be in- stalled staled inte, utr offices at 12-s.m Sunday, according to Rev. Arvid E. Anderson, pastor. He will preach on the theme, Junior High § - Fellowships Resuming # Sunday School being graduated from pre-nursery, | primary, junior and jun- ; S Sunday School church at 4 p.m. Wednesday. Mrs. to Install Otficers, | parents’ class which studies Bibli- cal themes applied to modern life. The Sunday School’ enrollment now exceeds 450 Waterford Town- said. wight | : : THE. PONTIAC PRESS. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER ae ee "The Land is igh unto them " ’ ) Be his Son ini. the = SERS MOU Arranges , Pasor fo Give Sess “FIRST OPEN | Annual Meeting Gr aduating Roll : MISSOURI SYNOD j Sd ST. TRINITY | _ Awburn at Jessie ‘ (East Side) Ralph C. Claus. Pastor ... 0:45 ALM. x Second Service .. ¢ ST.PAUL Joslyn at Third © - «North Bide) : George Mahder, Pastor Morning Service ..10:45 AM. | Sanday School ...:9:30 A.M. bg BLOOMFIELD TOWNSHIP Square Lake & Telegraph *Wm. C. Grale, Pastor Church Service Sunday School a4 ST. MARK 7979 Commerce Read NEW CHURCH BUILDING (W. Bloomfield Township) Wm, C. Grale, Pastor 11,00 A. M. % cates eeu aa mmo ineg gg eeeene eneee : Fy aR panngne eeene = Church Service..,.11:15 A.M. o Cedar Crest off Union Lk. Rd. (Next to Dublin School) Howard C. Claycombe, Pastor ‘ : Sunday 8:30 and 11:00 A.M. vereeee ws So St. Stephen’s Formerly Wotertre x Zeeumtp Lutheran Chi V. F. W.. Hall—Walton Bivd. | (Between Dixie and Sashabaw) Wm. C. Grate, Pastor | Church Service ... 9:00 A.M. + Sunday School ...10:15 A.M. F ship residents, Pastor Anderson’ ' The building committee com. posed of Vincent Brill, Car] Wal- ton, Joseph E. Bersche, James Bennett, Virgil Allen and the pas- tor have engineered the project. The group has done all the con- tracting and overseen all volun-/ teer labor saving the congregation thousands of dollars. MISSIONARY TO SPEAK The annual Missionary Conven- tion will be held in the new church | unit Sept. 29 through Oct. 6. Miss’ ®t Tanet Cuthbertson, returned mis-' sionary to’ Kweichow - Szechuan, China, will speak and show pic-|= 7:45 P. M. Wednesday mite, A Friendly Welcome Awaits You! tures Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings at 7:30. Thursday, Friday ‘and Sunday evenings at the same time, the -|Rev. Vernon L. Neigenfind, mis- sionary from Indonesia, will show pictures and speak. The Rev. B. S. King, national DONELSON ‘BAPTIST CHURCH Elizabeth Lake Rd. at oe Peewee a an ond bys dc vaswe SEUSS obs 2605+ eens levéicise 6:30 p.m. See Se rr ree 7:38 p. m. . LAE Peene ee *e*+eee8 “sé. “3.6 . MM. Wi EW M “er meters ton ites treasurer of the Christian and Mis-/ isionary ‘Alliance Churches, will a speaking Friday night and the fol- lowing Sunday. Sunday School is’ held — every) Sunday morning at 9:30: morning! worship at 11; Alliance Youth Fel- lowship at 6:30 p.m. and the SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH James Cunnington, Pastor. PE.4-0498 156 Mt. Clemens St, Me WOTIOOE os soc edevcveccsdis - Saturday 9$:30 a.m. SABBATH WORSHIP .......... . oes Saturday 11:00 a. m, YOUNG PEOPLE'S GD cccicvrenss Saturday 7:00 p.m, YER MEETING ...... Sago egesses ce ednesday 8:00 p.m. Chicago Artist Receives Church Work Award ° NASHVILLE, Tenn. @ — Chi- cago Artist Warner Sallman has received a citation from The Upper Room, international devotional guide, for contribution to world Sallman painted the widely known “Head of Christ.” The Rev. Dr. J. Manning Potts, editor of The Upper Room, said more than 60 million reproductions of the work have been. sold ‘in many lands, [ PONTIAC aaa CHRIST 1180 NORTH PERRY STREET The Upper Room is published by the Methodist General Board of son Ave. Evangelism. 2 : | | | Will Be the Speaker Services will é be nightly, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, October 1 thru October 27, beginning 7:45 P.M. —— | CENTRAL CHRISTIAN CHURCH G. W. GIBSON, Minister. FE 64-0239 From East 347 North mee St. Louis, Illinois Bible School ..... ovedprsevincesiseee 9:45 A. M.. WEDNESDAY rning hi iu ce epee ces =. 11200 A. Me ” Meare JESUS— TEACHER” Closing. bowed Oct. 2 Evenin: devi. Us oks 7:00 P. My ~ ; i ve iz wOUNTAIN OF YOUTH” ble Sody Le iw eee seen e ihe Prayer 7mghis and Bible Study Wed. 7:30 Pp, M. euan's ogee ee eee Aaithbieseitiee eer "a > 3 _Youth Service ..0.....6.-0.0005 veces 6206 P.M. Wednesday Brening Service Sie ot pane ae *, k '* o 4, ~ peer t "af . Retains . Re L Shafer. Rev. Leroy W. fion cwervice tor the Il o'clock — morning by the - Shafer, who has . Leroy Shater, Rally Day will be cbeerved at 11:15 a.m. Everett Spence will read the Scripture and prayer. The |program will follow with children i Lg ST, MICHAELS ~~ The new Service and Cherch School #1 A.M. end 11:15 A, M, ‘Emmanuel Baptist Church Telegraph at Orchard Loke Ave. Auditorium Bible Class 10 A.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL “TRUSTING THE ARM OF FLESH” re Exodus Ch. 18 , Il A.M. Dr. Malone Speaking at All Services } EMMANUEL CHOIR SINGING 7:30 P.M. Emmanuel Choir and Special Music Sunday School Attendance Last Week — 1.364 - i ee nacisactee of St. 2287 Auburn Road—‘ Mile West of Crooks Road Sunday School, 10 A. M. — Morning Service, 11 A. M. Wed., 7:30 P. M, — Evening Worship, Sat.. 7:30 P. M. &. S. Supt. Burly Mody: Pastor, Rev. Billy Brown—FE 8-9692 ST. JOHN'S LUTHERAN CHURCH . 87 Hill Street at Cherry Court Sunday eee eee a eens 9:45 A. M. Morning Worship ..................5...005. 1] A, M. . crs Rev. Geri W. Nelson. B. D.. Pastor com Services Continue in Bloomfield High j WATERFORD COMMUNITY CHURCH Andersonville Road —— Sunday School eee ee ee ee ee 45 A.M M. Morning Worship ......... ++ toes 00 ALM, and’ 11:00-4. Ma Evening Service ee **e eee ** « + . * Bk + psa Family Bible Hour Wednesday................... . 7:30 Pi M All Saints Episcopal Sits Williams St at W. Pike SUNDAY SERVICES 8:00 AM.—Holy Communion 9:30 A.M.—Moring Prayer Church School = i 1:00 A M—Morn Prayer and ) Sonat was Rector, School eh ad ie ade | $200 A. M,—Holy Communton 10:00 4.M—Morning Prayer and 8:30 4 14:48 18 4, M--Duptente Services of M ‘ Sues tnd Coal pases Rev. D. BE. Bodiey, Asst, Dir. Diocesan Christian Edu. Dept. ~Pteacher at Both Services ie The Rev, Michael J. O'Reilly is estimated at around $400,000, A full basement will provide for —- religious instruction class rooms and meeting rooms. It can also be’ used for overflow seating if extra Masses are needed. HEATED IN WINTER The building will be heated in| $ aati en uclies tdes tah wy parishioners of St. Michael's Church on Lewis street will be of light brown brick to match the other buildings. The structural columns, beams, roof and floor will be reinforced concrete, pre-fabricated St. Michael to Build New Church] ‘: vention of the stained glass crafts- | : narthex extending the width of the’ + Church and will contain the bap- jtistry and second entrance from ithe parking lot. ALTAR OF MARBLE The high altar will be marble! ‘as will the steps leading to the sanctuary, the floor and wal! back of the altar. * * * The precast concrete columns ‘arches of Gothic cathedrals in the ‘stained glass slabs—a modern in- THE PONTIAC PRESS. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1957 and pre-stressed at the factory. usual 18 to 24. and V-shaped beams will form 4 colonnade of arches on hoth sides of the nave, similar to the stone |middle ages. Above these will be a contin- uous band of clerestory windows consisting of precast open grille work, Tt is designed to receive antique When erected by power cranes, the building will be 90 per cent completed. This feature will enable the contractor to finish the building in nine months instead of the |. 'New Bishops to Serve ' Episcopal Missions Richards, Central America, and. EWANE, Tenn, ® — Thel, PhiscoPal Church named three new s at a recent 9:45 A.M. 11:00 A. M. Worship the Rt. Rev. Lyman Ogild, the Philippines. INSTALLATION OF | | = $. S. WORKERS. RAE 2 First. 7:45 P.M. e ‘se ermon: “THIRTY SQUAR Presbyterian MILES OF ere West Huron at Wayne Rev, W. &. Marbach Bev G. E. Hershey TUESDAY 7:45 PRAISE — WORSHIP Worship Services - Thursda 9:30 and 11 a.m. Yesith ad eel te - Church School aman Se oe 9:30 and 11 a.m. me Be a Part of Pontiac's Great Sunday School WPON SUNDAY A. M. 8:00 to 8:30 210 North Perry Street gt 19 Milbourne Place «+» 9:45 ALM. UNITED LUTHERAN CHURCH OF THE ASCEN - HIGHLAND Congregational Church Rev. Wesley C. Wibley Block hag M-e on Milford Rd. Pastor «._ “The Church of the Old Fashion Gospel” aoe weeae faa man of Charles, France who pro- ducéd the world fampus windows of Chartes Cathedral in the 12th ee & nan, AIA Farmington. The con- tractors. are Richard McHugh, general; H. H. Stanton, plumbing and heating; and Seaway Electric Co.. electrical contractors. } Dr. J Chapman Chapel Speaker Congregation to Vote winter by radiant hot air to which | a mixture of fresh air is added,, Concerning the Calling, so it will not be necessary to open This entrance wil] lead into a ‘school training. It will close with windows, The ease penn 64 be ened | for cooled, washed air in sum- mer to air-condition the build- ing. The church will be 100 per cent) fire-proof. The structural columns, | beams, roof and floor slabs are. reinforced concrete. Pre-tabricated | founded and pre-stressed at the factory, they are then trucked to the job student Site and erected by power cranes. When the cranes 09 off the job, the building will be 9 per cent completed. . Over the main entrance on Lewis street, there will be a large ceram- ic figure of St. Michael, the archangel, rr of ~ parish. St. Trinity Children fo Sing Rally Day The children in the lower grades Trinity Lutheran Sunday School will sing ‘Jesus Loves Chil- dren” at the Rally Day m at 8:30 a.m, worship service Sun- day. “Take My Life and Let It Be, Consecrated Lord to Thee,”. will be sung by students of the upper grades at 11 a.m. During the morning Sunday School hour at 9:45, a film Will be shown depicting the boyhood of |aind Jesus, dramatizing His home and a portrayal of His baptism. - i The re-consecration rite of Sun-! day School teachers will take place) in both morning services. New students will enroll tomor- row. The yearly promotion is scheduled for Oct. 6. “Thou Shalt Not Take the Name of the Lord Thy God in Vain.” of Minister of Education Dr. Joseph I. Chapman, pastor of Bethany Baptist Church, will ibe chapel speaker Friday at Stet- son Chapel, Kalamazoo College. * * * Kalamazoo is one of the oldest colleges = the state of Michigan, Baptists when Michi- tea was yA a territory. In the student body of over 500 students, nearly 10 per cent are planning form of Christian vocation. | REV. T. WALTER HARRIS The quarterly business meeting. of Bethany will be held at 7:30, p.m. bate erga. At og -_ fos renqregniien ommendation er - een 4 of| Christian Education concerning the calling of a minister of Education, and of the Board of Deacons on) the calling of,a Church Caller. At 11 a.m. tomorrow, the pastor will speak on “The Prodigal Brother” and at evening vesper on “Who Are We?” The three youth fellowship groups and the five adult dis- cussion groups will meet at 7 p.m. — _ hour. A class for young people — to become church mem- sepa eel pec ae oles Sunday continue for six weeks. Day Convention at First Christian Church Sunday First Christian Church will be host. Sunday to a one-day conven- tion of -all Disciple. churches in Southeast Michigan. It will include meetings for both youth and adults. The young people will meet in the afternoon, then be in charge of the devotional period at the eve- ning session. ing: Mrs. Homer P. Gamboe, returned missionary from India; Rev. Louis O, Mink of Bethany Christian Church, Detroit and Rev, Neil Guy, director of re- ligious education at Central Woodward Church, Detroit. Others will be Mrs. Izetta Ja- cobs, director of childrén's work for Discinle churches in Lansing; Mrs. M'llicent Schaefer, Christian Woman's Fellowship leader and the Rev. Lawrence Maines. executive secretary of the Christian Mission- __ {will have charge of the service. Congregation to Celebrate Visiting Pastor, -Choir in Charge of Service for Anniversary Celebrating the ninth anniver- sary of the Providence Missionary Baptist Church, the Rev. T. Walter Harris, one of the founders and gastor, will preach at 11 a.m. to-}- morrow on “The Ninth Mile and - Its Glories." * * * At 3 p.m. members of the Willow, | Ruh Baptist Church will be in charge of the opening service. The visiting choir will furnish the mu- sic and the pastor, the Rev, F. H. Halmington, will deliver the ser- mon, , On Oct. 6. Bishop C. J. Johnson} and the Church of God in Christ/ On Oct. 2, 1948, about 35 mem- bers organized as a church con- gtegation in the home of the | ‘Rev, and Mrs. T. Walter Harris, 261 Crystal Lake Dr. The mem- bership has’ grown to 300. The Rev. Mr, Harris is assisted by the following officers and. chairmen: Mrs. Arbutis Brice, secretary; Clemmer L, Page, mis-/ sion work; Sylvester Hatter, treas- | urer; Richard Reese, trustee; Thomas Bessent, deacon; Georgia i The architect is Charles. D. Han-| | FAITH BAPTIST CHURCH CAI Building — 5460 Williams Lake R@. |)” Sunday School “N2s" «10:00 Worship “"ie'sat ciate ..... 11:00 Evening Service | “Tyae2" —. 7:80 sr nasiens Poser ~ Presbyterians fo Start Building Ground - Breaking Set Central Methodist Rev. Milton @. fant, D D., Minister Calvin ©. Bice, B. D., Anst. MORNING SERVICES, 8:30 and 10:45 A. M. for Sunday. Afternoon “THE MARKS OF A CHRISTIAN” ‘mony will be Rev. |worth, moderator of Detroit Pres-| in’ Waterford Township Due to the enthusiastic response ‘ ito a religious survey conducted ithis summer, the building date for \the new Presbyterian church in the | Jayno Adams school area in Water- ‘ford Township, has been pushed ‘forward from March, 1958 to this month. Sponsored by the Board of Amer-| ican Missions and the Detroit Pres-. _bytery of the United Presbyterian. church, ground - breaking cere-' monies will be held at 3:30 Sunday at the new site on the corner of Lake An gelus and Clintonville Toads, Those taking part’ in the cere- James Wads-| |bytery and pastor of St. Marks ‘United Presbyterian Church: _ the |Rev. Walter J. Teeuwissen Jr.,| ‘Secretary of Missions, Detroit Presbytery and minister of the Drayton Plains Community United Presbyterian Church; Mrs. John 'Mihalek, Robert: Larson and Rich- ard Carlsen. The Sunday School which be- gan June 9, now has an enroll- ment of 160. The morning wor- ship service began Sept. 9 at 10: 45, Sunday school service is at 9:30 Dr. Milton H. Bank, Preaching (BROADCAST Over WPON 11:00 A. M.) THE SALVATION ARMY (CITADEL) 29 W. Lewrence Street | Seat rg SERVICES— 100 A. 2, Saiaton beating? 2 yae be hake phetnan Tse P 8/ "Ueeenan uaa and Mrs. Magnus A, Michelsen. commanding officers-in-charge YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED me SA TS nen ns em a alae Your Last Chance ... to Hear Dr. Howard Jerrett - Evangelist “The Singing Chatfields”-Singers - in the Fall Revival Services at the PILGRIM HOLINESS CHURCH Baldwin at Fairmount. Tonight—7:30 | Tomorrow—11 a. m.-7:30 p. m. Sunday School (all ages) 10 a. m “The Little Church With the Big Heart” g. c. SWANSON, Minister ROY OVERBATGH, S. &. Supt. am., and both services are cur- rently being he'd in the Jayno |Adams School. A nursery for b9- bies is provided at the minister's |home during the services. The public has been. invited to, at mony on Sunday, Rev. Teeuwis-/ sen said, Baldwin Avenue Methodist Church 1582 Baldwin Ave., at BE. Chicage SERVICES Worship Service 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 11 a.m. Youth Fellowship 6:30 p.m. ‘Evening Service 7:30 p.m. Prayer M = Wedneoday.._ i) c, Wi * 15 i. Chicage Wigs Prt tend the ground-breaking cere-|, REVIVAL SERVICES THE FIRST GENERAL BAPTIST CHURCH 249 Baldwin Ave., Pontise, Mich. Sept. 30th—Oct. 13th Each Eve 7:30 Rev. Rodert Jones, Pastor-Eran Former Paebltic Schoo! and Athiet Director of Southeast Misseart, You Will Enjoy the Preaching! 43 Member mse Wee Singing tg SPECIAL! Singing Sunday, na 29th 2:00 P. st fe ’ ' “The Happy Way haem of Monroe. oo Other Special Groups with Choir, nd Congregation Singing at its Best. “Where the _ of — Barns Lowell ry poser . BD. Rev. Robert Garner, Pastor Chanult, usher board; Willie L.’ Reese, deaconess board, and Louise Edwards, choir. e| Others are Arbutis Brice, nurses’ guild; Cora Milton, Baptist train- ing; Valley Long, Pastor’s Aide; Quency Amerson, Young People’s dept.; Louise Richardson, Young People's supervisor; Richard/ FIRST Reese, Sunday School, and Rev. Claud Goodwin, Bible teacher, * eee eeee i - cool . Pe ee | far ooo oe P.M. | | Public Invited ad S990 eM 7:30 P.M. sees e eee ee ‘ste do he eeeee FREE METHODIST 501 MT. CLEMENS ST. FLINT DISTRICT QUARTERLY MEETING TONIGHT and SUNDAY © Youth Rally Tonight at 7:30 - fev, James Mannola of Spring Arbor Junior College, Speaker . Quarteties — Duets — Solos — Choruses 11:00 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Rev. Mannoia Speaking Missionary Meeting 3:00 p. m. Miss Pearl Reid, Missionary from Japan. speaking satus 10:00a.m. F. M, Y. 6:55 pi'm. : Prayer Meeting Wed. 7:30 p. m. E. E. Waling, Dist. Supt. : _ Lyal H. Howison, Pastor sen eee ; i : Bi | eee “ | ae a : Soe : : oe ee ae a\ : i x } f poe ee aa ral ie a ( ¥ . eal i te j “fk : . ae ae | é : : ae v; a oes Fy riseeiteeed SAT URDAY. SEPTEMBER fa, vost) ii _ocal Talent - igh Fever Follies Fr < married this These people look mighty happy and well might they — for from all accounts, their’ High Fever Follies kickoff party was quite a success. Mrs. Wil- With talent like Mrs. Lloyd Clancy, Bonnie Denham and Carol Boutin, High Fever Follies of 1957 should be liam C. Rogers and Mr. Rogers (left to right) were owe -™ ao se ; a@ great success. Performances of this Dorothy A. Joan, Michael Hackett Wed Vases of white snapdragons and pompon chrysanthemums banked the altar of St Benedict Catholic Church for the 10 a.m. wedding today of Dorothy Ann Joan and Lt. Michael H. Hackett. The Rt. Rev, Monsig-. nor John R. Hackett, an uncle of the bridegroom, performed the Nuptial Mass before 250 guests Mr. and Mrs. Sam Joan of Woodbine drive are the bride’s parents and the bridegroom is the son of Dr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Hackett of Owego drive. * * * The, bride wore an_ Italian silk pe de soie gown fashio. with a sweetheart decollete neckline of Chantilly lace and accented with tiny seed pearls. The gown had a fitted bodice and bouffant skirt, paneled in Chantilly lace shirred sections, ending in a chapel-length train. A small cap of peau de soie. dipped in front and trimmed Dorothy Ann Joan and Lt. Michael H. Hackett . were morning in St. Benedict Catholic Church. The bride is the daughter of the Sam Joans, and the bridegroom's parents are Dr. and Mrs Daniel J. Hackett. with Chantilly lace and seed pearls, -held the bride's finger- tip ‘veil of illusion. . Her bou- quet was a cascade of white roses and stephanotis, centered with a white orchid, HONOR MAID IN AQUA Ardath Casselman as maid of honor, wore a two-tone aqua peau de soie gown, with prin- cess lines, fashioned with an oval neckline and_ short sleeves. Back interest was formed by. a bow with streamers fallirg from the waistline. She carried a cres- cent shaped bouquet of dark bronze pompon — chrysanthe- mums and Johnana Hill roses. Bridesmaids Judith Kline, a cousin of the bride; Donna Goodrow, a sorority sister of the bride from Grosse Pointe, and Mary Ellen Ehrman of Kokomo, Ind., were gowned - in aqua dresses similar to that of the honor attendant'’s. They carried crescent arrangements talent chairman. year’s show will be Nov. 6 and 7. Pro- ceeds will benefit the Pontiac General , Hospital. of buckskin pompon chrysan- themums and yellow roses. BROTHERS ASSIST Serving his brother as best man was John Hackett, while Daniel Hackett, another brother; Richard Joan, brother of the bride, and William Per- king seated the guests. * * * For a wedding breakfast at Rotunda Inn, Mrs. Joan wore a soft blue mist taffeta dress with matching accessories and a pink cymbidium orchid corsage. The bridegroom's mother chose a dark blue crepe gown with Dior blue ac- . cessories and corsage of rose cymbidium orchids, ~ Before leaving for a trip to Denison, Texas, the new "Mrs. Hackett had changed to a brown suit with cognac acces- sories. The couple will live in Denison, where the bridegroom is stationed at Perrin Air Force Base. . * x * The bride attended ‘Michigan State University where she is affiliated with Alpha Xi Delta, and the bridegroom attended ° Notre Dame University. Sharon Portwood Wed in Maryland Announcement -has been made. of the marriage of Sharon Portwood, daughter of Mrs, Leah Buzzo of Drayton Plains, and Arthur Trevino Jr. The bridegroom’s parent’s are Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Trevino of Waterly street. The couple was married Sept. 7 in Bel Air, Md. The bridegroom is stationed in Aberdeen, Md. Plan Fashion Show at Forest Lake Club . Forest Lake Country Club will be the setting for a buffet luncheon and fashion show Wednesday. : Fall and winter fashions will be presented, and a ball gown of iridescent tarnish-proof alu- minum will be featured, { ——. the'kickof{: party chairmen, while John Hirlinger was _ the master of ceremonies and Mrs. Clyde Dearing, Rossellini Hits Press on ‘Lies’ Storms Denial of Love Link With Bombay Beauty By OLGA CURTIS NEW DELHI (INS) — Rob- erto Rossellini ‘denounced yes- terday as “vicious lies” reports linking him romantically with Sonali Das Gupta, a Bombay beauty who is married and the mother of two children. “T will not say anything but that, no matter how much the world gossips,” the husband of actress Ingrid Bergman de- clared. “‘My wife and my chil- dren trust me and that is all ‘I care about.” Sonali, 27, was hired by the Italian film producer as a “scriptwriter” for a documen- tary he is making for the In- dian S : in a rare private the New Delhi Hotel room where he was under a physic- ijan’s treatment for migraine. Rossellini came to New Delhi by plane Monday to seek a second extension of his visit- or’s visa. The current permit - expires in October. Darked-haired Sonali also flew in from Bombay on Mon- day. She is staying with friends "> in the capital, not at the hotel. Rossellini exploded into a rage when asked if there were any truth to reports that she was visiting-him daily at the hotel. He stormed: ‘ “Why does the press always seek scandal? 3 “I don’t have to prove to. any third person if I am a good man or a good husband. That is something my wife knows and my children know and they will not be influenced by head- lines.’ & * * Aossellini, who looked thin and pale, then apologized gracefully for his outburst. He patted my hand and said: “Please don’t be offended, I mean nothing against you or any ‘other reporter personally, but this kind of persecution from the press has been ‘go- ing on since my son was born.” Rossellini was referring to Robertino, the boy born to Miss Bergman in the glare of world publicity after she left her husband Dr. Peter Lind- strom, for love of Rossellini. . BITTER AT PRESS’ The director also spoke bit- terly of what he called the ‘state of siege” he and Ingrid faced from newsmen at their marriage and at the birth of their three children. He was calmer in talking about his film. work. The docu- mentary he now is making will be finished ‘‘sdon,” he said, and will be exhibited to the public in about eight months. * * * Asked if he is planning to return to Rome in October — as Miss Bergman told me in Paris — Rossellini smiled and said: “T'll go home when the pic- ture is finished. It could be tomorrow, next month or next - year. But I'll not give the press any clue to haunt me.” SHUNS HOLLYWOOD He said he has no idea what his next ‘film project will be but added positively he would work only in Europe or Asia, ‘never in - Hollywood.” * * * He hinted strongly he might make a movie in France, noting that French newspapers ‘‘print- ed only a few lines of all these vicious lies" about himself and the Clinton C. Lippards, and he is the son of Mrs, Das Gupta. = He added: “IT am a'’man and I can stand this. But each hurt my wife and children feel from. such awful stories — I feel them, too.” Mrs. Robert Anderson, who is makeup chairman for the Follies, wants to be sure her name is included among those who “want to do a specialty.” Director Bill Merrill (second from left) seems quite pleased June Swertfeger Marries Vases of autumn flowers banked the altar of St. Hugo of the Hills Church for the 11 a.m. wedding today of June Swertfeger of Bloomfield Ter- race and A. David Bertoncin. The bride is the daughter of Mrs, William Swertfeger of Evansville, Ind. and the late Mr. Swertfeger. Parents of the bridegroom are Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Bertoncin of Detroit. IN LACE AND SATIN The bride wore a ballerina- length. gown of Chantilly lace and nylon tulle, over candle- light satin. Her fingertip veil of illusion fell from a lace pillbox embroidered with seed MRS. A. DAVID BERTONCIN St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church was the setting for the 11 a.m. wedding today of Betty Jane Lippard to Robert J. Col- fer Jr. ee Mr. and Mrs. Clinton C, Lip- Married this morning at St. Vincent de Paul Church were Betty Jane Lippard and Robert J. Colfer Jr. She is the daughter of - Robert J. . Colfer and the late Mrs. Colfer. pearls and iridescent paillettes, and she carried an arrange- ment of Amazon lilies and stephanotis. : * * * Doris Holdwick served as maid of honor. Mrs. Donald C. Kloke of Utica was a brides- maid, and Cynthia Kloke was the flower maid. Miss Holdwick wore a bal- pink taffeta and tulle dress and carried a nosegay of light blue . carnations. * x *& k&. Best man was Arthur F. Link Jr. of Birmingham. Robert Brumm of Birmingham, Del Seadellaro of Southfield and William Swertfeger Jr. of Evansville, Ind., served as ushers and John Del Seadel- laro of Southfield acted as ring bearer. RECEPTION IN ROYAL OAK Mrs. Swertfeger will greet 250 guests this afternoon at Maplewood Clubhouse in Royal Oak wearing a toast colored satin dress with beige acces- _ sories and a miniature yellow - Before leaving for an extend- ed southern trip, the new Mrs. Bertoncin will change to a . navy two piece dress, with matching accessories. The cou- ple will live in Birmingham. The bride was graduated from Deaconess Hospital of Nursing. Pontiac Press Photes with Mrs. Anderson’s decision, as do P. Eugene Miller, reception committee chairman, and Mrs. W. Owen Kline, housing chairman. MR. and MRS, E. E. BISHOP Holding open house today in celebration of their golden’ wedding anniversary will be Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Bishop. The 2 to 7 p.m. event will be in the home of the Bishops’ son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Bishop of Barrington road. The Bishops’ other children are Mrs. C. R. Kreier of Elizabeth Lake avenue and Mrs. Glenn King of Car- sonville. three weeks visiting her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Mootes of Cooley Lake road. * * * Mrs. Isaac P. Decker re- turned to her home in Milling- ton after spending a few days Betty Jane Lippard Wed in Catholic Rite pard of Oakland Avenue are wn, fa ’ the bride’s parents, and the bridegroom is the son of Robert J. Colfer of Wall Street and the late Mrs. Colfer. The bride chose an embroid- sleeves, A half pillbox of tulle and rosettes centered with seed pearls held her ballerina-length Personal News of Interest . with Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Wood- ruff of West New York ave- — nue, * * * Dr. Claude L. Hulet, assist-- of the Modern Language As- sociation in Madison, Wis. A native of Pontiac, Dr. Hulet formerly taught romance at the University of Michigan where he earned his doctor of philosophy de- gree. He was graduated from Pontiac High School in 1938. . * & ® Ray Freebury of Blaine ave. x rr ~~ ; Bes = Pe a i 1 . 4 fee t + 4 2 + “THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, _ 1951. ELEVEN Is DN b the Flaw in Nome Beauty?| — By JOSEPHINE LOWMAN 1s D, N and C your problemt|é i chances ON JUST ANY Be Safe- Call on New Way Rug Cleaners where this quality seal is displayed . .. NEW Way | RUG and CARPET | CLEANERS 1 PE. 2-7132 42 Wisner fe ,|iqhis I mean difficulty at the neck a woman earliest and most dras- Sounds tke an advertising agency Seen A: tong hae: Gis eclees I dubbed one of woman's most harassing beauty defects, DNC. By and chin. Believe me, this is one of the spots in which aging hits tically. ‘There is definitely atrophy of the need more exercise than they get and of.a different kind. ‘sec have fese_two schools of thought about whether or not one should stretch the mus- cles underneath the chin. I belong to the stretching school, sf... ¥ The only. women I ever have known who, and become tense. We seldom look up except once in a while to look at a plane or & bird ot the moon and stars, a DNC is the result of many fac- | tors; Poor posture, lax muscles | and tissues, decreasing fatty de- posits between the skin and the | muscles. If DNC is one of. your - defects or if you see the begin- | ming of it, you should launch | Upen a routine te combat it. A GOOD EXERCISE This is a good corrective and preventive exercise. Stand or sit. tall. Lift your head and tilt it back- in the Neck?” ward, While in this position turn self-addressed envelope with your your heid to the right as far as request for it to Josephine Low-| you can. Turn it forward. Turn it}man in care of The Pontiac Press. ‘as far to the left as you can. Turn} Leaflet No. 10. it forward, Coritinue, alternating right, and left. You will feel the pull of the muscles, Another: Again stand tall. Lower the head backward as far as com- fortable. Open and close your mouth very slowly, pulling the low- er lip up over the lower teeth as you bring your jaws together. This must be done VERY ‘slowly. Exercise, plus an improvement in posture and daily lubrication, will make a difference in the contour of your neck and chin- line. Circulation creams also are helpful in some cases. leaflet “Is Your Chinline a Pain send a stamped, ery Lee Tuner ant dum Thomas Howells were united in’ marriage this morning in - St. Michael Catholic @ffarch. The. Rev. Norman Thomas performed the 11 a.m. cere- mony, Mr. and Mrs. Allen J. Tunny of Clarence street are parents of the bride, -ani the. bride- groom is the son of Mrs. Al- bert Zumbrunnen of Pleasant street and John Howells of Elizabeth Lake road. The bride wore a silk taffeta wedding gown with oval neck- line’ trimmed in Chantilly lace, /, seed pearls and sequins. The gown featured a fitted bodice, with the full billowing skirt falling into oe train of Chantilly lace ‘over taffeta. A circular veil of illusion fell from the bride’s seed-peari crown, and her bridal bouquet ‘was of white roses, stephano- tis and a white orchid on a prayer book. As honor maid, Alice Adams wore a melon colored peau de Mary L. Tunny Wed! in St. Michael Rite. MRS. JOHN T. HOWELLS. crystalette gown in princess style, with inverted pleated skirt. Chiffon streamers out- Open Sunday 2 to 5 P.M. Wonderful Coat Selection Alvins. lined the neckline and fell into floating back streamers. She | carried a cascade of dark bronze pompon chrysanthe- mums, yellow roses, croton leaves and wheat. William Campbell served as best man. Allen Tunny, a brother of the bride, John Eng- lish and James Tinson seated the guests. Mrs. Tunny will receive guests at the Knights of Colum- bus hall this evening in a mauve lace over taffeta dress with matching accessories and an orchid corsage. Mrs. Zum- brunnen, the bridegroam's mother, will wear a blue lace . dress with chiffon trim and matching accessories and a corsage of orchids, . Before leaving for a northern Michigan trip, the new Mrs. Howells will change to a light blue «two - piece wool jersey _ dress with navy accessories and the orchid from her bridal corsage. Pass Tray to Whoever ils Nearest. No Need to Serye! the Women First in Crowded Room By EMILY POST “Dear Mrs. Post: At an open jhouse in a small apartment I was. helping the hostess by passing a| tray .with refreshments to the) guests. I came to a group of a man and two women. The man was first so I offered the tray to him, but| he waved me aside and said,| ‘Ladies first.’ “T not only think he was rude) but under these circumstances | think he was wrong to suggest it necessary to distinguish between the men and women guests. What | is your opinion? Answer: In passing a tray in a ercwded room you have to prof- fer it to whoever is nearest. In other words, if he came first, you were quite right in passing it to him first. If however, they were standing together in a triangle sc that you) could have reached the ladies. as| easily af you could him, you, should have passed the tray to) them first. In any case, his re- mark if not actually rude was certainly unfortunate. “Dear Mrs. Post: Will you please, give me your opinion as to the -of aman and woman, | pore’ married — but not to each, other — and working for the same , Going on a business trip; together "by car to be gone for two or three days and staying at the same hotel. I would very much appreciate hearing from you on| this matter:” \ | Answer: The fact that they are both representing the same com. pany makes plain the reason for their going together. In addition to this, if neither of them is per- sonally interested in the other, people have a way of sensing this. ri and finding nothing to criti-| c | ‘If you would like to have my, ‘tops sunburst dfrts. Now Open Monday, Thursday, Friday Nights _ ogee _ |Bethany Baptist. “Dear Mrs. Post: band and I have been having an My hus- -Spadea’s American ete 1261 Deft Detailing Gives Brees! the Sure Stamp of Style David Goodstein likes and has always liked clothes that are ‘smooth and contained with deft de- | tailing to give them the sure stamp of style in its truest form. This' leasy-to-make dress is a case in re-'point with its step-in front open- ing arid a shaped collar band that Set low, this treatment seems to ‘lengthen and slenderize the wear- ‘er’s neck. Top stitching outlines the band where it meets the bodice and also trims the open split cuffs on the sleeves. The perfect day-in, dress, it works up beautifully in thin wool, smooth or textured, any of the new miracle mix- tures, surfaced silks and novelty | cottons, From this chart select the one size best for you: Bust Waist 4 16% ce) 39 1% 40 Size 12 requires 4% yards of 39- inch material for dress with three- quarter-length sleeves, To. order drank 1261, state David Goodstein. f be day-out “ 17%) \Room M others Hold Meeting, nar | srs.\ Lain Siickony; seule Mrs. James Hoopingarner, vice president; Robert Kline, father vice president; Mrs, Howard Wide- P attern at Longfellow man, teacher vice president; Mrs. : (YBN -Mrs. William Thomas and Mrs. _Hrenyt, Rey Johii Adomitis, PTA Council home-|recording secretary; Mrs. Robert room representatives, were -guests when Longfellow homeroom moth- ers met Wednesday afternoon. Longfellow PTA officers were in- Dohner, treasurer, and ‘Mrs. Lee Baker, historian. Beaten paths are pity beaten men. ~Voltaire troduced to.the group. They -are Tommies : Flannel The Bullfighter’s shirt in soft baby- ehecked flannel with enchanting self -ruf- fles. Pink’ and white or blue and white checks. : Sizes 32 to 38 in -Proportionette* Heights $= 9B Nellies in Russ’ Country Store 4500 Elizabeth Lake Road 10 A. M. to 9 P.M. Sunday thru Thursday © 10 A. M. to 10 P.M. ‘ ¢ "f * Friday and Saturday size, send $1. For new jumbo 9¢- page Pattern Booklet-14, send 50 cents—for DAVID GOODSTEIN label, send 25 cents, For airmail service in U. S., add 25 cents per pattern, 50 cents per booklet. Sales tax extra, Address SPADEA, The Pontiac Press, Box 535, G.P.O., Dept. P-6, New York 1, N.Y. If paid by check, bank requires 4 cents handling charge. (Next week look for Spadea's American Designer Pattern by Mollie Parnis.) (Copyright 1957) Child Culture Club Plans Program Mrs. Floyd Crump. program chairman of the Child Culture \Club, discussed the group's pro- t gram for the coming year at the! club's first meeting Thursday aft-| jernoon. “New Horizons and Happy 'Homes”’ is the theme for the year. | The affair was held’at the home |of Mrs. Charles Bowers of Bar- irington road. Mrs. Ralph Harrti- \son of Mansfield avenue, will host the next meeting on Oct. 10. Pacific Cloth DRAWER LINER WALLACE : “Once a. Year-Our Sensational Fall Free ‘Women's Society miet in the home of Mrs. Edward Lewis on Club |drive for a cooperative luncheon, Jhostess. ‘for a cooperative dinner, and | Women’s Groups Hold Meetings Members of Bethany Baptist |served by members of Esther Society group meetings were held ‘this week in members’ homes. | group | Son {2 Dwight street. Mrs. George ‘Drittler of Dwight street opened her home for members of Ruth group. Mrs. James Ryan was co- Esther group met at the church | Naomi group met in the Stout ‘street home of Mrs. Basil Hartt. 'Mrs. Maurice Baldwin was elected ‘chairman af the Naomi group and |Mrs. George Hoyt was named treasurer. The Silver Lake home of Mrs. Gertrude Beach was the setting for Martha group’s meeting, with Mrs. to show the same courtesy to his Indy. that he does to any - om a saw the film “‘Our Mr. Sun’ at the Thursday meeting held at Hotel § Waldron. ect to be held Oct. 5 at Knights of Columbus Hall Richard Paschke, assisted by Mrs. | Wright, Mrs. A. A. Hillerman, Mrs. | argument about the following and | would like you to settle it: Should a husband tip his hat | when meeting his wife in public? | My busbend thinks it ts wot nec- | essary and that this courtesy | is shown only to a woman friend.” i Answer: A gentleman is expected i | :|Soroptimists See ‘Our Mr. Sun’ Film Members and guests of Soropti- mist International Club of Pontiac Plans for a money-making proj- | ll were discussed, | Heading the committee is Mrs. Frank Andérson, Mrs. Robert Every Fireplace Deserves a ee GREENE | for Beauty — Protection — Convenience Rigid Hardboard frame, fomows Pacific Cloth cow- eri Fits any drower, heide Py pieces. Full cover flop FREE... 4 WALLACE Sterling Spreaders Gifts Worth Up TM $33.50! “Smartt Set’ 16 PIECE STARTER SET OF WALLACE STERLING Prices Start as Lowas $8 S* Buy a complete 16 Piece Starter Set of Wallace Sterling — GET FREE 4 Matching Sterling Spreaders PLUS o smart new Wallace Pacific Cloth Drawer Liner to store your sterling as you add ‘To itl Buy Smart, Buy NOW — our EASY PAYMENT PLAN enables you to toke your Storter Set home today, ‘start using it right awoy! * Prices very slightly with patterns, Aveilable in all natie volly-knowa, - nationally-edvertised Wallace Sterling patterns, Luncheon ond Dinner GLAMOUR CONDITIONING SHAMPOO ‘ with every wave during this event FINEST PERMANENTS 3 en. NEISNER’S ‘Phone FEDERAL 8.1343" éppelatioent not always needed om siahgrlacme ao Beauty Salon 42 1 Seghew st ee ee 66 Sees. . CANDID end FORMAL 1 Mt. Clemens St. Wenoine Puoros QUALITY CR. BASKILL STUDIO Pontiac | : nice Wilcox. 4 and QUANTITY ve 12 Photos in Album (5.x 7) & Free Courseling Raymond Swackhamer and Ber- | - decorative beauty, blending with fit fireplaces from 34" to 44 Frenser Bennett-Ireland a. of superéfor If you own a fireplace YOU NEED A... t A Miniature Marriage Certificate a fire! Forcep-action lets. you lift, fire . . . Fire Tender is 30’ long, ably away from the hea Polished Solid Brass # A Large “Just Married” Sign All Nor ; BS oe igo Black Wrought tron Log Grips. . Same Size in All Black Wrought fron ee ce 24 W. HURON Graceful fire-curtains open or close with just a pull of ‘the tab —assure absolute, aH-around safety—frame your fireplace in Here at Wiggs you'll receive special attention in selecting the — screen for your fireplace—and we'll handle installation, - BRASS or BLACK HOODED ° eos Easily’ mounted on face of — fae $]995 to ey The most perfect tool ever made for managing embers with equal ease—without disturbing the poke drafts, roll oy mi manage fires, comfort- a with - WIGGS OPEN ‘TIL 9 P, M, MONDAY AND FRIDAY any mantel or decor. fn — ? Firehonder > |} 6” logs or small so that you can $1295 $395 ee ane os is W. Huron St. Size. Storter Set consists of 4 teaspoons, 4 salad forks, 4 knives, 4 forks, ‘ROSE POINT Sa ov diene piscovery’ Be Smart — Buy Smart — Buy Mow at Pontiac's Oldest Jewelry Store FRED N. PAULI CO. FE 2-7257 The Store Where Quality Counts! * ne fd é THE poxirtab 5 PRESS. pe DAY, SEPTEMBER = 1957, ee fe f ° ee, Mey a a Woodward Avenue in Bloomfield Hills LUNCHEON and DINNERS DINNERS: Monday thru Saturday 5:30 to 11 P.M. 1g Mansfield; “Public Pigeon No. To elort Red Skelton. etait C0. around Dur jJames Stewart: Skelton ' [PiSaucermen,” Steve Terrill. “Public Pigeon No. 1," “T Was * Teenage Were- wolf,” Yvonne Lime; “Invasion of the Milfe. rd Sat.: Fn arg Passage,” James Stewart, Sun., Tues: “Beau James,” color, Bob ca al Today, at 62, he’s as popular and as much in demand as ever. burlesque, ‘cial worries. In his time, he has ‘earned more than $4,000,000. But, Labr, a real “pro” who came jin these days of high taxes and up the hard way through “kid heavy expenses, he wouldn't say vaudeville, Ihe is wealthy, or even “well-off,” motion pictures, radio and musi- |Like a well-adjusted citizen, he /@sted two weeks. A tailor named “= Bert Lahr, 62, a Wit t Who | Never Aves father. a German-horn upholsterer with strict ideas, suggested he go ite work. Bert got a job as errand »|boy at Rogers Peet Clothiers. He At 15, Lahr left school, and his: burlesque and vaudeville and then! into musical comedy. The time had a controversy with another comic accusing me of stealing his imaterial, or of doing anything detrimental to him. “I have never been jealous of another‘ comedian. His success TWELVE. : : Bele C { ‘Oniy about 10 per cent ot British per cent, says Harold F. Lydall Better Known. as Mr. Durability | Pestaces and struggles with, a Nikita fo. Mrs. F D R: titizens own cars and retriger-/senlor research officer of the Community Theater : ators. ile ogee: Slay aged aie : — ee As he|" ‘War Is Unthinkable’ MOSCOW «®—Mrs. Franklin D. She described the Communist party boss as “a cordial, simple, outspoken’ man who got angry at certain spots and who emphasized the things he believed.” “Lovin carie—in “Hold Every- i waren’ octet ans Pe gift of making people laugh | into television—takes his success deste to: meet. ” arg Rl Roosevelt says, Soviet Conimunist Wiis <= Rochester te ‘a tere aps It iss thing when newspaper headlines. iki hev told her Sat.; “Little Hut.” color, Ava Gardner;) Sut thal Bert Lahr haa had ior | Medestly, ‘almest shyly. Ne ome | But no one: will ever have to/proclaimed: chief Nikita Khrushch “Bun Wed: MMes os Pires Bin e| ‘ime te has narvured it gg gree hears him brag Row Beed stage a benefit,for Bert Lahr. | “New Comedy King Born.” [war is “wie ee m movies and TV. The following article 2“ ‘ 3 peta Pee eet| Eee tu dg these,.Peette 8S | 1 interviewed Lahr the other day| 4, boy became fr eculdn't eet | Talking about the reasons for | The Widow of the wartime Pres- - ‘ Ef Hl). Set: Dine.” at Mineo. .| BY JAMES L. KILGALLEN in New York dt the Lambs Club,| tuterested in routine jobs,” Lahr | hls success, Lahr claimed he ts a |ident, visited with Kirushehey Se hee ae te ater te Remember, INS Staff Writer a private club fop actors, As we! told the writer. worrler. What he really meant ts | 2° (oe) summer near Fs “The Delicate Delinquent,” The enduring populari ty of Bert ltalked, men who have achieved His career began in New York that -he’s a perfectionist. He's the Black Sea city of Yalta. Lahr as one of America’s greatest distinction in show business came : got to do a good job or he’s ews conference IN| Sat: ‘Delicate Delinquent.” Jerry comedians is a phenomena of show lover to shake his hand. Obviously, |" where he was born Irving) unhappy. - ae a ee 8 ae tere ites nes Some He truly rates the nick-|he is admired and respected in|Labrheim on Aug. 13, 1895. When’ «11, an intense sort of fellow,” lamicable’ and Mr, Khrushchev | Bun. Tues: : “Love in the Afternoon, (name, “Mr. Durability.” his profession. ~ was growing up, dialect come- fa The sas ie 1 ond skite Gary ‘Cooper, “Pusic’ Pireen Ne. "| “THis versatile actorcomie with” wee .” }dians were the rage. As a child he reraMam ag eT + nere ae eeeee nk | pe he ; a ies . warth sem trayier: “the "2th Day. cd 1 bred syetoabcareray — appealing Off-stage, Lahr looks like a pleas- — agli — kbaponling “I never cheated anyone. I have| She quoted Khrushchev as tell- Valerie Pre _ walled Le age ey and skilled. tech- ant, mild-mannered. business man) ;; wena rib rag @inever been sued. I do not owe ing her: “War is unthinkable, We : Hx & Hounds Iun rath Bam.” color: “tonely Man,” eee. = ee or — with just enough worries to make |" mere . ar jmoney to anybody. If I give my/do not want war.” - a : | on. Tem: “Night Passage.” color. = y half @ century * bim happy. Not that he has finan- ‘word, I rhake it good. I've never * «* * mo —_ at ae Sy rag ora,” Richard land: of fh Biren Beverly Garland Drive-In SUNDAY DINNERS: from 1:30 P.M. to 9 P.M. LUNCHEONS: Served Daily 12 Noon to 2:30 Phone MI 4-4800 for Reservations cal comedy—with a dip or two has family obligations and other | “ete! hired him but he soon quit. How Does Hope Find Time to Watch Como? By EARL WILSON — - flourished NEW YORK—Bob Hope, the travelin’est of all the TV and days before World War he: movie stars, paused in his peregrinations long enough the Young Bert was ready for any-|doesn’t talk volubly off-stage. thing when a boyhood pal tipped him that a small-time theatrical | arry ed ph : Wha Sdivoll teen oor adiataed Wie te the hope of getting an earful of other night to say, “Perry Como’s so’relaxed on TV, he makes| a vacant sang a song Lahr’s humor. soor Bing Crosby seem like a busybody. entitied “A et Old: Ipaxer and Hershfield swapped “He'll never wear himself out nor the peo-| Fashioned Roses,” and was gags. Lahr said nothing except ple watching him,” declared Bob. “He could be on an hour two or three times a week and| “Thus began my stage career,” people wouldn't get tired of him—and I can’t hr smiled we that cous if! . Like other show’ people, he had | in my life,” the Hojlywood actor S7OS ORY WE’ BhOOL Myver! his ups and downs. He learned to| .told a companion. “Wh didn’ It was amazing to me that Bob found time . i he ’ put up a bold front when be was/ say anything funny.” to watch Como much. Bob's been from Casa< (proke ona: ae tena bd fn hard blanca to Paris to Springfield, Mass., lately. |- ne si a Up the. way.) ele Spree WATE 7 eS home he hadn’t been since Mar. 28. DRI Vv E- IN THEATER “Please pass the sugar,” or - Th Pass up dessert,” “I never was so disillusioned “Home fal hasn’t been on the schedule,” he explained: But he'll be around now doing TV—his first fall show,’ }} filmed in Casablanca, is to be shown Oct. ‘6. He may hop) back to London for conferences on his movie, “Paris Holiday,” | which he'd like to premiere in Moscow if he can get visas. * x * “We were turned down before but have reapplied,” nope) Cor, Williams Lake-Airport Reads —Box Office Opens 6:30 P. M, said. “I'd be going to get. people laughing. I don’t think any. Se | NOW Thru SUNDAY |SEE IT NOW ON FILM! Bob, in his early fifties, is so rich he could loll on the beach BETTER THAN RINGSIDE! 2150 OPDYKE ROAD 200 Al Phone FE 4-4611 for the rest of his life. But the other day he was working on/ tne racetrack at the York, Pa., fair. “I said to the stage manager, ‘When do I go on?’ and he said, ‘Be patient’ and threw a blanket over me,” Bob told the crowd. Currently involved in get- ting ready te do five more TV shows and six guests shots, Bob told how he :got Fernandel, the famous French comedian, on his . show last year. “We'd heard lhe wonidn’t work for less than $40,000,” Bob said. But one day in~Paris, Fer- nandel sent word he would like to -meet Hope. He was a Bob Hope fan. He wanted to get his autograph, have. a 7 | Tel. MA 4-3136 v ATRE Box Office Open 6:30 faaiie Tonight Only 4 CARTOONS hate Show | SUGAR RAY ROBINSON BASILIO CHAMPIONSHIP FIGHT FILMS — * PLUS x * 2435 Dixie . at Ti fe 54500 FIRST SHOWING ™wvrevrvrerrerrerre. ° HOPE & COMO picture taken with him, invite him to his home and meet the family. Bob went and, after the niceties, mentioned TV. Yes, Fernandel was interested. For how much? ‘Sery end terees Pay by COE WR ee low» NOLAN focus SUNDAY JANE RUSSELL ONLY “UNDERWATER. In Color TONIGHT GIANT 4-UNIT { _ SHOW TONY CURTIS and GEORGE WADER in 6 BRIDGES TO CROSS verv * xk * | “Courtesy,” replied the interpreter...for nothing. i “That's a pretty good out—from $40,000 to nothing” sald, » |Bob. “All for making a personal appearance in his living, room.” TODAY’S BEST LAUGH: The Colby (Kans.) Free Press reports a local bank is looking for a cashier—the same one they hired two months ago. —That's carl, brother.| MM ERCE os P.M. wTverrre we IO OO YU OOO V OU UY TY © BREN gts Zn D ye EIN * a AND ; Sig SUSAN HAYWARD in “GIRLS ON PROBATION” te é f Se sali Maple Rd. East of Walled Lake MA 4-3135— ‘TONIGHT ONLY Alen Ledd in “SANTIAGO” In Color Plas Richard Boone in | “Robber’s Roost” In Color LATE SHOW Vincent Price as “THE MAD MAGICIAN” 4--CARTOONS—4 THE YEARLING ROBERT MITCHUM LINDA DARNELL JACK PALANCE SKY-HIGH "DUST EATERS” in Color i _SUNDAY- MONDAY _ —AND— BRAND NEW FIRST RUN RENDEZVOUS FOR Nae : Da ou Warner BROS. passer on = South End of Union Lake Road ae mom PhS tren seo 6:30 3.0667 CHARLES MARQUIS ¥ cree MORE oooh SECOND CHANCE = IN COLOR . with - Robert Mitchum T ai KI: also ‘SPRINGFIELD. Dl IN COLOR with Gary Cooper at) [riestoren wv WARNER BROS. srannme IE ¢ ©” on Duasins -Jwenié LovgweRy: LIN MeCaRriy Oat Show MONICA LEWIS = VIRGINIA GREGE - seen ry by umes pnt bitte May he 6 Casta Shalt, * * : Greewettie 13, Taste | St. Clement at Royal Oak St. Mary. Penineste : help. — pansy on Catholic 12, GR South ¢ KANSAS CITY | Dernorr | Coach jim Lee Howell’s Eastern Florida A. & M., plus the return Gr. Presten 28, OR Central 23, poem nt eine oe champions still have their famous' Two coaches make their debut/ot quarterback Zeke Bratowski Grad mass tavibe 1 [emai $3 ¢ Bette $33) Manonae tpacee et ee eee ee _— . Won Lest Pet. Behind / Ed B and place-kicking Grand Haven 20, Benton Harbor 6 Feld, cf 5 1 2 Kuennss $ © 2 senwaukes 4 S&S 1 ©, Niles © (tie) ms rm Martyn.rf 4 1 2 Kalinerf 8 © list. Louis ....... a 665727 * . {George Blanda. Geshe aa.) $ Martin. 41 23 vior If 4 1 I/Brooklyn ...... So 6 46 il aatate ston 0 Thompsen,¢ 3 2 2. Groth.if-cf 1 @ ©) Cincinnati +79 = 8673))©=—S20 5 Ortonville in 38-0 Howell 18, Piint Northern Javvees € unter.ss 3 0 0 PhilleyIb § 1 1 iphis “% 7% 500 18 nad fee racy poeiee 313 Bie Pe She ook Bee Romp Over Hartland top Bowl H 13, Standish 7 ‘ Rolline.2> § 1 3 6 $2 35 3 d eet as ‘Bra aves Beal Peal ‘w I OM a : jg Let'sGo Bowling Hitisdale 12. Lansing Everett 6 A-Maxwell.lf 1 @ /Milwaukee 2, Cincinnati. 1, night Ishpeming is, Negaunee 13 tee A-Max'LIf 1.0 1/Chicago 2, 8 Chuck Graves ran wild Friday, enacy 3 recurertdae © ' , Totals «37-9 18 Totals «= 43. TH4/, TODAY'S GAMES night as the Ortonville High School Dixie Recreation Kingston 18, Pee “nae Lew Burdette, Milwaukee's No. 1! The 30 - year-old righthander Kanses city .... 931 299 18 1—9|_ Valdes “ae ce ge soon leo ame football team handed Hartland al et DRAYTON PLAINS adingiee 30, North Muskegon 14 righthander, appears rarin’ to go|looked ready last night, gaining a/perrot -°.... 033-100 © 0 O— 7/Putanray ot “Gomer CiS-12) iin: 38-0 trouncing at Hartland. Lakeview 13, Carson City in next week's World Series|1"-9 record with a neat four-hitter| , ... 0104 tor Byrd in Tth Cincinnati et Mil 30 pam G é' Mason 13. Okemos York Yankees—|that defeated Cincinnati 2-1. He) p-caitea out on strikes for Wilson in 9th], Eiippsteln (7-11) vs, Trowbridge (7- 5). sraves scored five touchdowns Morenel 31. Addi against the New " E—Hunter 2 Kuenn, Bolling. RBI— Chicagorat 8 pyoDrabowsky and one conversion for an indi-| v Muskegon Hetehts 18. Alpens 7 nd therein lies a sta struck out four, walked but two’ Uréen 2, btartya. 3 5) vs. Martin (62), eeneil se th a rein - 8 aA while defeating’ the Pb 2 cage ig OO Fint-| prookiyn SUNPALS, SCHEDULE. | — vidual 31-point performance to lead. Rt we Mattewan 1 Paw Paw 6 * _ ithe fifth time this season. Wally |"S%:e4 "be Fy iird). 3B—"Thompeon, Paabargs = ieee are o tc tna One ef be Gace E Manistee 28. Mount Pleasant 18 The last time the Braves fook @) post’, 20th homer Bur Bratt, Tuttle, 38—Finigan, Wises he at Milwaukee, 2:30 p.m. of the season. One of his touch- Mancelona 19. Charlevoix 18 shot at the world championship) ,,, Power, Taylor. S—Burnette, Power, Sere| ee tM Lame, 2 pm. downs was an 85-yard jaunt. | Montague 20. Hert 6 dette’s shutout bid in the seventh, |i;, sr—Hunter. Lett—Kansas City 9, | Mt. Merri St. Mary 18. New Lothrop 123 /they played the Cleveland Indians) }.» home Pafko and Detroit 10. BB— Burnette 1, Bunning 1 Winston Merrick tallied Orton- | Midland 22, Sacinaw Arthur me with their pitching hopes pinned runs by Andy "| Byrd 2. Preako 1 1. 8O—Burnette 3, Bun-| 8 : ville’s remaining TD and a pass. Mayville 33. Palrerove,0 ! Del Crandall had given Lew the/ning 4 HO—Urban 9 in 2%, Burnette, . * LADIES *~ N i. t Thurston @ on Johnny Sain and Warren), he needed in fifth 5,1" 6%, “Bunning 8 in 3%, 3 in| | from Pat McNulty to Earl Rich-. Oltvee 31, Nechvitie 8. Spahn sus rookie Charle aw Sone te fucke FL ee Ce ardson accounted for the other. Now Free Instruction t ie rm reais 3. Redtord Union 6 . Now, nine years after their fail- he 2 "s ate. a 1, Pa —Thombeon, 2 vU. “perry , ; sept ad a) a by Marguerite Young ee es =e aL cues ure, they have another crack at The Yankees ‘readied for the se- Fekeocts, McKinley, Soar. T—3:11. A— 10 UCL A 16-6 Every Wed. Afternoon 3, Pa ’ Yankees, and this time with Sphan and Burdette—the guy: the Yan- kees didn’t want and packed off 8 a Ferndale @ to the Braves along with $50,000 Saat haar 2 cash in a swap for Sain in 1951. ae Chartes oe It’s an unusual little tale, but ft Sand Lake 27 rasiiinaton 13 could become a whale of a story, South Hos bre _ |tor Burdette, slated to pitch the second game. of the Series, has been tabbed as the possible big gun in the Braves’ pitching pic- ture, perhaps about to step from ries with a 10-2 breeze at Boston as Bob Turley won his 13th. while allowing only two hits in a seven- inning warmup. He struck out eight, walked. four and gave up a ‘runon Billy Consolo's homer. * * x The Yankees made it easy for the fast-balling righthander, build- ing a 10-1 lead within six frames with Harry Simpson driving in four runs on a triple and double. Walled ted Lake 18. West — 0 Par — aac =. Baline 0 the shadow of southpaw — “M"-MSU Picked Grid Schedule ighihled EAST LANSING (INS)—Michigan State’s powerful Spartans are heavy favorites to take the measure of Indiana’s Hoosiers as the Big Ten football foes clash today before an expécted 55,000 crowd at East Lansing. © * * * LOS ANGELES (INS)—Some 55,000 football fans are ex- pected to watch heavily favored- Michigan meet the Uni- versity of Sougbern wre — " MINNEAPOLIS (INS)—Bobby Cox, Minnesofa’s star passer, is expected to see only limited service today as the Gophers battle Washington’s Huskies before 60,000 football fans at Minneapolis. Cox is suffering from an injured knee. PALO ALTO, Calif. (INS)—Stanford was rated as a one touchdown favorite in its intersectional football clash today with Northwestern before 45,000 fans at Palo Alto, . Calif. — The game will be televised nationally by the National en ae Be week. LAFAYETTE, Ind, (INS) —Notre ms football team, seek- ing to fight its way back into the dominant position it once held, faces its first major test of the 1957 season today in Purdue’s Boilermakers at Lafayette, Ind. ~ The Irish lost eight games and won only two last year for their worst season on record. NEW YORK (INS)—Among the other top games of the day, Iowa is the choice over Utah Stdte, Ohio State is picked to beat Texas Christian and Wisconsin is three touchdown choice over Marquette. / Penn State, one of Navy's top rivals for the eastern cham- pionship, tests improved Penn; Army gete & quick test from Manager Casey Stengel, moan- in’ low over injuries to Mickey Mantle and first baseman Bill Skowron, switched catcher - out- fielder Elston Howard to first base for a trial run. The idea is to get another righthander into the line-up against Spahn if Skow- ron can’t make it. * * * shin splints, nor Skowron, out with a bad back, made the trip to Bos- ton. In the other National League games last night, the Chicago Cubs ‘scored twice in the eighth, with rookie Eddie Haas’ double clincher, for a 3-2 victory over the St. Louis Cardinals; Jack Sanford won his 19th as the Philadelphia Phillies. beat Brook- lyn 3-2. The New York Giants and Pittsburgh were not scheduled. * * * ; In the American ‘League, Chi- cago’s White Sox defeated. Cleve- and 2-1, locking the Indians in the second division for the first time since 1946 arid guaranteed a first more belted Washington 7-3, al- though Roy Sievers socked his who now can’t escape the cellar, Hazel Park Surprises Dondero Squad, 13-6. . Hazel Park came from behind to fupend Royal Oak Dondero, 13-6, in a football thril’er Friday at Royal Oak. All of the scoring ¢ame in the Ist half A l4-yard gallop by Oscar Lewis and Larry Clyma’s 25-yard pass to two touchdowns. Dondero tallied, on a 14-yard run up the middle Nebraska, and Pitt, the shutout victim of Oklahoma last wen tries to bounce back at Oregon. et ¢ Jim Sierns. ze Neither Mantle, still pained by). and rookie] - third try for a 20th victory. Baltf-| 42nd home run for the Senators, | Bill Murphy scored Hazel Park's) Shamrocks Win Behind Ballman Gary Ballman, East Detroit's All-State halfback, returned to ac- tion Friday night and sparked the Shamrocks to a 39-6 conquest of x ek Roseville. UCLA made the breaks and took Ballman, playing for the 1st advantage of them in the first two time this Season since suffering a|Periods to build a 16-0 halftime heel injury, scored three touch-|!ead before 48,714 fans last night downs on runs of 2 and 54 yards|in Memorial Coliseum, and a 15-yard pass from Ron Illinois got stronger as the game Emerick. |progressed but the best the mid- Al Sulki dashed 14 yards, Fa westerners could do scorewise Polachowski went 13 yards and|Was one touchdown. The final: Chuck Williams plunged four yards| 164. for other East Detroit TD's. Tom) Three times in past years—once Killop scored Roseville’s only|in the Rose Bowl in 1947 before touchdown. Sanders came to UCLA—the Bru- , ins of the Pacific Coast Confer- ence had failed to whip Ray Eliots Big Ten eleven. On the statistical side, Illinois had a 172-143 edge in yards gained a the ground, and 117-77 in the LOS ANGELES (#—UCLA and its coach, Henry R. (Red) Sanders celebrated their first victory over ‘Tilincis today, but it may be just as well the Bruins don’t have to meet the Illini next week. FRIDAY'’S HOME RUNS — Phillies; Amoros, Dodgers; Pot ‘Orioles; bi Redices)” Pat, Bes tie sexs Power ac Tay.) was 25-0. | | World Series Umpires 'Named by Commissioner , NEW YORK — Ford Frick, commissioner of baseball, an- nounced umpires and scorers to- day for thé World Series, opening Wednesday. The’ umpires, will be: Americatal League, Joe Saparella, Bill Me- Kinley and Nestor Chylak; Na-, tional League, Jocko Conlon,: Augie Donatelli and Frank oe cory. ‘SPORTS DEPARTMENT | Night Phone — FE 2-0104 (Other Times Offered) Now With 16 AMF Automatic Pinspotters . Teams Wanted For Affernoon Ladies’ League or Teams PHONE OR 3-7464 NIGHT TRAIN — That's what they call Dick Lane. The Chi- cago Cardinal is one of the pro- fessionals’ great defensive half- backs, especially adept at inter- cepting passes. .Michigan State’s football team) has a .661 won-lost percentage go- ing into its 61st grid season this Attention NEW — IMMEDIATE DELIVERY! ‘57 JOHNSON'S iN FACTORY CARTONS — NOW AT BIGGER DISCOUNTS! 33 OH. P. at 7¥a-HP Sea Horses Golden javelins $F Were $263.00 Were 9431.00 ise" tnat “scl | wows $199.95 | now $469.00 peel noe Seana 5-H. F. Else. Starting, Wore $501—Now. £499.98 $5-H. P, Man. Starting, Were §561—Now., . 399.95 Buy Now! 18-H. P, Man. Starting, Were $399—Now. .§319.00 uy 10-1. P, Sea Horse, Were $344—Now....... $258.00 MONEY DOWN 5-H. P. om WW, . 28 $196.40 Up to 18 Mosths te Pay 3-H. P. Sea Horse, Were $157.25—Now..... $125.00 eo judget Terms Trade-In Your Used Moto: . . . we'll offer a Arran: at. Low Bank liberal trade-in allowance. Bring your weed Rates. motor in today for appraisal. TRASKOS BROS. (Owners) ACE HARDWARE DEPOT _— ORCHARD LAKE RD. PHONE GR 4-7020 Between 12 and 13 Mile Res, . of All o 70 The Insignia of Superior Service Sound Protection Hunt With 4Way PROTECTION @ Medical Expense Coverage @ Accidental Death _ @ Accidental Dismemberment . | @ Weekly Disability Income $5,000 to $50,000 Coverage for 1 as Little as $1.60 for 3 Days $50 Weekly Income Up to 26 Weeks for Totally Disabling Injuries For Further Information Stop in Today AUSTIN-NORVELL AGENCY, Ine. | Insurance FE 2-922] Lawrence St. Corner Cass Distinguished Insurance Service Since 1920 Hunters Kinds W. ee. _< THE PON'TEAC PRESS, SATURDAY, SEPLEMBER 28,1957. - ‘THE JACKSON TWINS NT Ei Saas ares sanaca | } + SIXTEEN 7S ‘eS : — : a > é - ; - = U.S. ] udg e Attacks : Sabon Hh bce poem, have had ie oe. | : : 1 no legal training. In some towns, a Juvenile Court System _ [eitas esiny mas teen dected by) ‘ a ee Pe a local businessman or farmer, |. NEW YORK — “Our juvenile parts of the country these courts poe Aahgrity ont parents must courts are turning American teen- do not exist, ‘and where they do be redeemed from their second- agers into second-class citizens by exist they ‘are often a shocking class citizenship and uncertain making a mockery ut of justice, distortion of the dream of juvenile ***¥s! ; Too often, young Americans in reformers. ae oe ee oe trouble denied ordinary when con- ga Raspes Con In some states, children are. mict ig resolved between the two ? stitutional righ |, prosecuted as felons. In others, Gonosing groups in the juvenile ‘ Pereiine court structure is made, ey arth eevee coe me | tenes im sebabilitstion ot the today article appearing | sacrifice of civil rights and the & ; national magazine. Judge Luther, term the child er his parents of group that believes rights are : ——_ Youngdahl, U. S. District Judge; their rights to lawyers, or their jest as important as rehabilita- . Governor of inane | Hes 6 spe ALLEY OOP Judges are expected, according) Recently, a few optimistic signs ey and former sota, quoted in the article, urges ? that the crisis of our juvenile : . ; have been 3 : In m courts be brought to light, and to good juvenile court doctrine, to (Sve ernene we nea ‘ ibe wise and kind fathers, express- | sights are being. clearly spelled PUBLIC jing wisdom while meting out jus- out, The new Children's Code of Stressing that the public must be tice. However, cites the article, '1955 requires the courts to inform aroused to the importance of pro-/judges often use such expressions the accused juvenile of his rights. viding excellent juvenile courts,|as “you little punk.” One judge/It also calls for a jury trial at the the article points out that in many told a boy before him, “you're no|request of a parent. BOARDING HOUSE A 4 Uy yypywwyL_ YEAH, Pike! WE HAD A LEEW Y BAER one ate Weg IS GREAT~WENE Got SPRAYS TO KILL ‘EM fm WAS HOPING THE LASS & cares Monn Reg te, fy = : = LIKE A PLAGUE OF = | = ANCY - THE THIRD || PLAY INDOORS I'VE BROKEN a3 THIS WEEK - - Ye tog © 8 Pet OR. — Ad ighn sere = “OL Cape. 1057 ty Unted feature Syedicgte, tmx. ITS MIGHTY NICE \ITS TIME SOME OF YOU TO TAKE AN} DID! CLL WRING oS taee EST W MY _/ ELMO'S NECK FOR KILLED IN THIS SPEEDING HIGHWAY TRAFFIC! aki OUT OUR WAY WELL, YOU CAN STOP RIGHT “<< THERE! YOU'VE ALREADY PRO- VIDED THE NEIGHBORS WITHA ff HALF-HOUR COMEDY SHOW AND AN? TM. Reg. U.S. Pat. OWL Em t957 by NEA Service. Inc.| Hittin By Edgar Martin SS ‘PR OA E IMAGINED 1 WAS { | SO BLOOMIN’ wED : THE GIRLS HALF ACRE CASTLE | 3 : PR |CLBANIN’ HOUSE... |] [CAN H-A-R-O-L-Y..- 4| | i, z | —<—— 5 ced : Sa 3/2/77 [ANO BESIDES NOT STUDYING VERY) HARD I HAPPEN TO KNOW THAT ee DURING ONE RECESS YOU SPRAYED tt Ay J : WATER ALL OVER A LITTLE 6Oy/ a . a — { i : oat et a ae ‘ r Pod i ® | THE PONTIAC PRESS _ ¢ ea a?’ NX ¥ & vy SATURDAY, SEPTEMBE R 28, 1957 — \ Your Neighbor’s House. 3 Z fr” ia in on ! a - if ® ra) Cc Ortonville Home a Family Project By JANET ODELL Pontiac Press Home Editor Two winters of living in the basement; four years of build- ing, with thousands of hours of work put in by all. members of the family — that is the story of the E. J, Hungerford house on Hummer road in Ortonville. The result is an attractive ranch style home with 18 acres of land around it, east of town. *x * * The family hobby is reforesta- tion and they have set out some 3,000 to 4,000 pine trees, about 1,000 a year. Edward Jr, and Arnold, ages 18 and 17, raise buff mixture Roman brick. The trim is varnished wood. Mrs. Hungerford has a special feeling for this trim. She would -work in town a full day, then come home to put in more hours sand- * ing and varnishing wood. ig the front entrance; on the other side a deep planter box. 2 Te eee _ “IT LOOKS FINE, SON.” — Mrs. Hungerford approves-of the loaf of bread her son, Arnold, has just taken out of the wall oven. Both Hunger- ford boys know how to buy food and.to. prepare it. Both have been baking for some years. Their at- under the window. A ledge rock wall separates the drive- way and the yard. The porch for the breezeway entrance has yet te be completed. The breezeway can also be entered from the garage. It is a large sunny room with ply- wood walls and acoustical tile ceiling. The floor is lincleum in an interesting random slate pattern. Up one step and you're in the dining room. This is just large enough for a drop leaf table and four chairs. The furniture is mahogany. There are green seats on the chairs. The drap- eries which match the ones in the living room are flowered. tops themselves are dark green, room. In the corner are two large windows, framed in birch. At the opposite. end of the room is a built-in book case with cupboards below. Made of beautifully matched birch, this shelves and the front door is a . coat closet. Separating the door- way from the living room is a short half wall. MATCHED PANELING Behind the living room is the den. Here the carpenter, Henry Koester ot Ortonville, put up a (Continued on Page 16, Col. 5) Rg PONTIAC, MICHIGAN - Teas ee Ea est ee ee “ en Tre gee — — a IN ORTONVILLE — Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Hungerford and their two sons worked many long hours to finish this buff mixture Roman brick house on Hummer road, east of Ortonville. The front of the exterior is trimmed with ledge rock. The Hunger- A ROOM FOR MEN — In the living room furniture is large scaled and comfort- able, to fit Mr. Hungerford and his two husky teenage sons. This picture shows the built-in book shelves and cupboards at one end of the room, as well as the coat ground fo SEVENTEEN | * WHITE ASH, WALL — Made of a wood not usually used in home building, this paneled wall is’ interesting. It has a pronounced grain and in color looks very much like oak. Flowered draperies cover the two large corner windows. The sofa is wine. aN. Yee %¢ is a ty ba : 7 st Mrs. Hungerford sanded and varnished the birch frames around these and many of , the other windows in the house. Pontiae Press Phetes by Ed Vanderworp fords own 18 acres some of which is devoted to reforestation. The boys raise pheas- ants and appropriately, a pheasant decorates the house name plate. closet and the front door. The fireplace is ledge rock with a slab rock hearth that resembles marble. ne Wear, is pases, | a4 wee. * : =. Rois : aoe ad ro i : THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1957) _ aan : te Oh A ry Qutdoor House ‘Cleaning Hungerfords Take - [Kitchen Plenning Book - Inside Bath Okayed | [extagen te sun Is Handy Man's Chore Four Years to Build | sss oaie tor pernm Windowless approved by FHA with the pro-iskylights built into the rool Before. you hibernate in your! machine will then be resdy to | _ ‘Continued from Page 15) istitute of Wood Kitc-en. Cabinets. | ae ‘ » Tbasement hidea the winter,| use when spring’ arrives. wall of matched Philippine ma- [Titled ‘The Wood Kitchen Hand-§ DUO-THERM : way for . : hogany that he considers <'s book,” it answers many questions) 4 ae se : : “accomplishment of wood." Un- /likely to be asked concerning types; ~ 30-Gallon GAS Nia - [ CONCRETE STEPS | For @ Step in Beauty THE UNIT STEP ! , size: wood nets, { fall to-the ground. A goodly num. |Ufacturer’s ‘instructions’ concerning leas you feel. the well you can- of built = in appliances in wood, ber are apt to have lodged in your draining of gas and reservoirs. not tell — one panel ends oe pos aerate. et (gutters, If you'd make this fall's} The fertilizer spreader should be and another begins. eatin kitchens. trip up the ladders the final one,'washed thoroughly and allowed to| The other three walls are |, 0. oF the handbook may bell te og ae fe srry, al ht rng th win] Mr, Me Sak ste date oat cae ty Wing closed storage are built into (+n. National Institute of Wood [=— ; iC Or make your own from coarse tet for spreading salt or sand on) io ons he ceiling is |. - | ee A TOMAT hscreening or hardware cloth. ice-covered drives and walks. ecuustien ie. Sect oartehis Sag 7 ce gyal 7 East Wacker [— : U '™ |PULL STAKES Once screens have been | are orange and brown. ~ oO 00 - }} Pull stakes of annuals from the —- —— bad pameptette ae Here the boys study at twin . ; garden as soon as they die and| Pretlem ts: how to keep ‘em the | Fe ‘save yourself hours of ork all at clean? Neatest answer we've | tables set in the = ot a gan tens ina fen-clean-| Beard of is to use old garment | room. Here they listen to their a unde bags as screen covers. Chances | records and work on their stamp ing project. Dig r plants, if are, you have a stack of them in | collections. 52-GAL, ELECTRIC uns SOQ the basement. Every dress and In the boys’ bedroom the fur- the hi suit arrives back from the clean- | niture is all wild cherry. They peg recta nel lord, oo as the ers with one around it, as a rule. | have twin bes, 5 dee Soe: Allow stakes to dry thoroughly; Screens in need of repair) &r and a ‘chest of wers. ‘and store for next summer's use.|shouldn’t be wrapped until they’ve| Walls and curtgins are white. CHECK THESE FEATURES: “Manieure” hedges and alt |Deen fixed. Set the broken ones| Bedspreads are blue with’ a J $5.00 DOWN @ No sections to Be Forced Apart by Frost or Settling |} shrubbery free of bits of wind- |) for pultering at on long win: menial declan se) em 7 eee @ Permanent Beauty—Rugged Dependability blown paper and leaves. The |. cin and there'll be precious lit-| The Husserfords’ room has - @ FHA Specifications . | Jf Yard leeks, dreary enough th the lio time for screen mending,’ so| Weyeeany furature. | At lve Th Good H eke in Shop @ Strong Reinforced Casting =. Se ee ete ten cme [8% theme thin winter. high. windows — e ous ep g @ Avoid Messy Installation Reduces Slipping | spring's green hides It again. | 00s toys will get intermittent use| %T TUES are green. of PONTIAC UP TO 42 SQ. FT. OF PORCH SPACE Garden tools should be readiedjall winter, and it behooves you to} All doors are flush birch, All 51 W. Huron St. FE 4-1555 for winter storage. A panel keep it in as good condition as} closets are sliding door ward- of Free Estimates — We Deliver Anywhere! ftorated hardboard mounted in gt possible. Thoroughly lubricate iTage or basement makes a CONCRETE STEP CO, |i contccssate oo st toe” Open Monday and Friday “til 9 low in smoke, <> long burning—that’s Olga | If you merous hook arrangements and KITCHEN VIEW The thrifty coal for thrifty 5380 Dixie Highwoy | QR 3-7715 [permit easy storage of awkward-| S707," Ue Tetttne er ne,| Over the sink in the big kitch- | home owners.Phone usteday. | TRU-BILT size implements. paint job is called for. Childre en there are true picture win- 2 : : | Clean all metal parts of tools, being children, the odds are over- | 40Ws. Anyone working there . 4 BLOCKS thoroughly, and wipe with an oily whelming that their vehicles will | C&n look out to green distances EGG or STOKER | REDI-MIX CONCRETE [222s ET A | tate eet wie see | COAL will help to preserve them. storm more than once. Hunge: has put only a ruf- fle around these windows in or- GET SURE FIRE GOALS ii QUALITY TESTED . “ Clean bird-feeding tions and i er sate Y— Clean lawn mewn of rosin ready them for sith a der not to spoil the view. R . | FROM .. Chee The floor is checked in dark | thoroughly. Grease biades and he — er rail gaee chy rust and deep green. The same : | | cutter bar to retard rust. The |teroroot shade of green is used on the on | , . counter tops. Walls are white. | and newest durability, nui t ... to assure you of quality, strength, ont ~asserr ol resistance. Avoid cracked walls... And, if you'd spend lazy au- | Cupboards are birch with cop- | Use Tru-Bilt and be safe. @ ream a ote = Pertone trim and copper knobs | COAL & SUPPLY CO./ TRU-BILT BUILDING PRODUCTS pa eases supply i sores below bth the oven nee ca 1902 Penton Drive : FE 4.9531 4 . spat sed pas : i LAKE ROADS ce ee eee Because the basement was NEAR TELEGRAPH AND ORCHARD now, before winter's ast| lived in, it is complet ‘catches you literally off balance.) than most Tiss lace bedreanas are partitioned off, in addition SEE OUR STONE on. aia? Casey Clark’s Jamboree of FUN and COUNTRY MUSIC | TUESDAY, 9 to 10 P. M., CKLW TV Channel 9 [sche Spe oes alam faeces TAKE ADVANTAGE of These Vicar Falls Asleep | == at Oddest Times | i nee : if i : i @ 2-Way Radios in Our Trucks for FASTER DELIVERY! @ You Can Depend on Us for QUALITY ... SERVICE... SATISFACT ION! ATSMAN | odd times. a directional 399 S. agen ‘i | * 2 ae cs aod ag feces re = , SENSATIONAL = Ses cie il CHANDLER TV SPECIALS Say ANNCGT ike. Macarsing he marrage orenony| » CHANDLER ae dks 28 E. Huron St. Ph. Pm 8-0468 : : Realtors e * ATTICS : * ADDITIONS ee)’, PLE i Ie Come Ost eal Tan * RECREATION “| Come and | * BASEMENTS and U [ D) hd © $ beacons off the balcony FOUNDATIONS © knotty-pine kitchen jthere are species, so the home- if © built-in Westinghouse range and oven ® city water * HOUSE RAISING | * CEMENT WORK, SERVICE All Kinds ithe softer — red — has — ang era * ROOFING--SIDING nN Saturday 15 & A Rich Castone Front and 3 Walls of | , | at ¢ Insulated Cost-Alum Sidi of NO DOWN PAYMENT | [Cleon Before Storing |_t Bate ont Se eee * EAVESTROUGHS TERMS unas times! Nosan Cae sank rms shy i * RESIDENTIAL and t y o eS ee oe pee . | * 4 Walls of Insulated Cast-Alum Siding in | COMMERCIAL Up to 5 Years t Pay Pee sito grils now wl have Butising SP. Your Choice of 4 Glamorous Colors : BUILDING ——— onty $480 compete (24°x26'28’, gables and dermers slightly extra) * A Beautiful Castone Front That Will Enrich the Appearance of Your Home onty $299 _ comptete (25°28, gables and dormers slightly extra) @ NO MONEY DOWN—5 YEARS TO PAY! @ LOW MONTHLY PAYMENTS! INSULATED CAST-ALUM ALCOA ALUMINUM SIDINGS and RUSTY WATER! | With a REYNOLD’S Fully Automatic WATER SOFTENER — The SOFTENER That Does EVERYTHING! © All Sizes ! All Types ! Frame and Block Free Estimate FE 2-1211 Our Representative Will Call at Your Convenience, Ne Obligation. #8 he For only Pennies a day you mer e,723 Can have a whiter wash; 282 lovelier complexion and save up to 80% on soap with this Fully Automatic water softener. | TRADE IN YOUR PRESENT | “WATER SOFTENER You Won ~—sRISS the Boat Pigg QR of the house provide interesting down nto the hat Dasement. | Door Bumper Rubber Tp veceeuscecens 97° a Hi contrast to the horizontal brick | clothes closet. ° ° IF sim view facing Here, then, from its handsome} ° : an pour GARAGE Order upto le The brick fireplace has beenjexterior to its neat and smartly: ¢y ' D Cedar Siding ane ildi H placed at one corner. This adds designed int , is the house nside ow all Bob’s Building Service, | Lr happily to the exterior design of|America wants — plus builtin,|Z J yu. oor Jombe vw Ie a Reliable Contractor, Today! FOYER a | he Beare. _Incide the living rooms, modish good looks end real com 6) 1 Gio ........5--0. van On eee the fireplace’s location accom-fort for living im the American an | Seo detats « . $210 len . . | | |plishes a like result, way. a i sae 53 Pe re 2 Financing Up to 7 Years A BALCONIED KITCHEN 820 | eFs—<—éSC : ‘ ‘ ° ry Coast Lumbermen’s Association, ‘f, >} | aoe : which points out that the very act| P@laasar . 2 ‘A. MURRAY WHITE : Sater svar cover soe Meee | : Clear Ponderosa Pine Moclding : BOB'S BUILDING SERVICE | eae eee MR (2 moe, fireploce of the wood gives that incompar-| Moulded Bese ¥x3% .......... sescsecece shim. PR Mex fown'e LIVING ROOM Se ee ee cade we , = Modern Base %4x3% sueneectetey isle IN'OVeO _ INCORPORATED BEDROOM 2 22-0x1-0 eS © woulded Casing 412%... eee c ec eeeeee. Lin. Fe. 7%e2 207 W. MONTCALM a en window en ala © Modern Casing %x2%2 .......... es cccesses Lin, Ft. 7¥2c . Mire.and a > SOFTENS Moulded Apron 11/16x2% wee sbin, Ft. 7% by y Hw.71 mel wih expres . seetmenioes O Medert Apron V1/V612¥6 o.oo. ec eeccee cee Lim PR 740 E : ceilings beams pane: Ss Window Stop Marl Ce ecccceescencecocces chile Fe. 3e LIVING AND BEDROOM LEVELS ay eared aw grergioredyae ITSELF °o Windew Step %Hxl% Po ocsccevsvecescseces cute Pe. 30 UPPER LEVELS — Well planned room arrangement fully util- out. Fir, {deal pre > RETURNS TO © Window Stop %x1% eo teseteneseceseccese «tile Fe. I%4eU izes all living space. The living room and dining room offer ample |Vide the - natarel pers , SERVICE Window Stop 2/413 % «0.0. seeeceeeeesere shim Ft. 10% space for entertaining. On the bedroom level all the rooms have /yoven Iancalely by namie &® Ve! J ‘lee Bare Shoe Yax% ...... sxcesensancnsees sta Wh 2 Vieel good closet space and two of the bedrooms have cross ventilation. character so sought after hy archi == ggg at cteeeee se eaeeeees coos bin, Fe, Senay : tects homemakers - Mould ee ee Lin. Fr. 126 pe . : @ Mould 1 1/16x2% « 000 cues Lin. Fe, 12¢ . phalt shingles, from light pastels , ; wv Rake ; on Rock Granules Give to deep tones and blends. ‘You Can Remedy It seo This Ameatiay Sebbenee yma Ot = p i= . sie ar It's good news for people an- Spring Cove Math ..........-..0sss... sim. Pe. 1Y4¢ (Protection, Color Paint wit Preserve ret tm Menening| nae| Tae ot tote Go MBN, ssp ssssssssassnsaae ra ’ Porch or lawn furniture of| days that the installation of a mix- Spring Cove %4x3Ye'........... vec cceeeees Lin. Fr. 10%2e% wood will withstand winter damp-jing valve will correct this diffi- ‘ . Lattice 5/16x1% eee ee ee Lin. Fe r) ness better if it is repainted or| culty. The valve mixes some warm H H STANTON Lattice S/16x1% ........ ceevcccccccecveeskin, Pt. 3¥acQQ shellacked before being stored in)water from the water heater with | se Bd, Mould %x1% CGReccvciovscececcenesn chile Fe. 6c e era > he ee ie ee ee fe 6m ie oe =’ rae . aa \ Ese ‘ * : . : é = ‘ 3 ‘ | i Y ee Ai as a ~ = * > * of ey , de Swe Se Se, ce a a ee * de whe ke ew ic. a, sce es ee a a |. ete | ee “ee ae a * a oe ft Ss "= =. a £ a ce ae te ee “~ $s ee ‘ : F - P ¥, \, + + gS Fo T. | i Pe ‘4 ‘ f f } Ly . Eee f ; \y \ e- re “* , \ 24 ae 4 i - ; es sae oe 4 Se Uae ee j ; * 4 oe i ‘ y ; Doors Hide Unused TV Turned on, a television set is an animated center of interest in any home, .performing for the enter- * This is the reason more and more are hiding their TV sets in places where they'll be readily accessible when there’s viewing to be done, but out of sight and out of mind when not in use. were built to hold a record player, , For a deeper nook to conceal a larger set, wider louver doors can be used. Louver doors ranging in widths up to 3 feet are available as stock doors at build-materia! dealers. In addition to providing a prac- “entertainment open louvers also permit air to cireulate inside the nook, and and music from the record player can be heard with the doors closed, Fitting the doors into a decor- rating scheme is easy enough, since the clear ponderosa pine can be waxed or stained to retain the natural grain of the wood, or painted in a variety of ways. ts | AB] “Ne ' 2 ~ ;. = A ; \ z 5 a . : *. / ‘ ? . : : as { : i ee x, e 4 a . : ce : c. nn 9 THE PONTIAC PRESS. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1957 \TWENTY-ONE ' te. a. ne 4. \you can detect every slight un-inate such rough joints by, going 'T ok, to Garage Roof { sides near street or ,neighbor-| Everythin: Goes at Once Timely Tips Offered _. {Take Off Your Shoes (Zea: ose woe’ ota muh ah hints Wy. ste'Take to Garage gl "| Poeryining S ; : : ey crete by feeling the edges of ad- for Terrace in City 'ta-| Technically speaking, the gas in- Pl . é 3 [joining tiles. Where the surtaces of|": DOW torch. But when you install spb ohenie Cedar planters, benches and ta-| Tet ea on anning Kitchen fo Smooth the-Floor two tiles ate not completely level, Yur own floor covering you can] Some eliy d¥ellers with jittle or|bles will give festive air and ntuch/cinerator is the most efficient sys : fet aies _. |gtand on the highest tile .in your|Pertect the job by Inaking © $28ln9 yard space reverted te the| 20; rable Douglas fr, apaced|" nn ora Snrvaee fet aS } 2 fee stocking ‘come stocki: warm ; “ " 2 . . e paper. () separa’ Panning to build a new kitchen|ot Wood Kitchen Cabinets of timely aly won orl A nbn ps your ft wit soften the tle st) ne ee yeoward a yom Zan ate fone quarter inch for rain runoff.| ne from the other, The -iricinera- or to remodel dn outmoded one?|interest?- ~ |vinyl asbestos tile on a concretelenough to cause it to go down! If you are troubled with sooty|(°% Uving space. seals sews: tor takes. them simultaneously, Then you will find Sugees-/ Build your planning ‘center basement without cracking. - |feotprints on your light-colored rug,/¢™ ted cedar fence built up five} A new development of homes/saving steps, unsightly containers tions frem the National Institute around a desk unit, Include No’ conerdie ‘slab can be preci-|. Professionals, when they lay as-\try removing the marks with art-|feet high will. give privacy and let/planned for Palm Springs, Calif.,} and burning of trash in the ‘back- for @ telephone, bulletin board,|sion flat, After floor tile is laid,|phalt or vinyl asbestos tile, elimi-| gum, ak _ Ubreezes move. It need be built only|will have 74 swimming pools. —_ | yard. ae - cook books and papers. : — Ej The Exclusive “NORTH STAR” Home ™ FULL 13,990 PRICE Consider family size and living! habits. i j * x ft Select appliancés with left or right hand doors as needed to avoid | interference with work areas. Include all the electrical outlets’ you need. | Don’t place cabinets too low | over sink and range, | Provide some open shelves for colorful plants or knick-nacks, | Allow ample counter surfaces. local utilities for recommendations. §- * * * Keep the kitchen compact but without. crowding the main work areas. Remember that large windows - | usually make a _ kitchen more pleasant. Turn corners with counters for added surface And finally, in all planning, give first consideration to the family, its! size, its preferences and its living’ habits, oi —— od a = = a - a ~NEW LOW FHA DOWN. PAYMENT ASK ABOUT OUR TRADE-IN PLAN Built by STERN and SELIGMAN BUILDERS 22633 STEPHENSON HIGHWAY, HAZEL PARK at Fs Wiens none incaag Light-Color Roofing Bounces Heat Away | * More and more architects and remodeling specialists across the country are specifying white er light-color asphalt shingles for homes because of their heat-reflect. | ing value. 5 * FULL BASEMENT @ ALL BRICK 3-BEDROOM @ RANCH HOME Over 42 Feet Wide © Minimum Size Lot 100x150 FEATURES of the “NORTH STAR” | ® if © All Brick © Paved Street © Community Water System ° Asphalt shingles in white, silver-i © 5 Different Elevations . © 17° Country Kitchen with Birch Cabinets Office: UN 4-2625 xe * snias the light aren © 3 Bedrooms © Large Master Bedroom with Wardrobe Closet an ei oe | © Double Sink in Kitchen—G. E. Monotop Counters © Full. Tile Features of the sun's heat away in stead of | < LOCATION: Model ° MAple 5-1191 ; ; © Oak Flooring eL Living Area, 1,050 Feet . ores Re eee PD hemi: bethooses Vanity ™~ Gacincher cchaded *euare Take US-10 : Used in conjunction with al . ee M-13. M-15 pitched roof over a ventilated at-/f MODEL OPEN: te Waldon Rd. MODEL OPEN: ltie space and thick mineral wool insulation in the attic floors, light- color asphalt shingle are an ef- fective aid to summer comfort. Sunday 10 A. M. to 9 P. M.; Deily 1 P.M. to 9 P.M. Sundoy 10 A. M. to 9 P. M.; Daily 2 P.M. to 9 P.M, veterans: civilians: - Payments . plus taxes and insurance§ mPRACTICAL ‘a ee ARTA vit = FEATURES GALORE! ® Activities and Family rooms © Formica counter tops ® Studio and conventional ceilings © Good closet space throughout © Spacious kitchen ® Spacious lots © Ample kitchen cupboards, natural ® Street paving already in and finish paid for by the builder _ | Sliding Windows ; as LOW | FULL PRICE FROM $12,500) cemeinia sli hewai wielilac PONTIAC KNOLLS: Model Home and Sales 30 yr. GI and Office OPEN Daily and Sunday from Noon till 9 p.m. PHA TERMS | Model at 622 Linda Vista Drive—Phone: FEderal 3-9156 COPCO Aluminum Horizontal as os iT agian Re pt DETROIT : 4 I sy 452 *} A ‘ "gum, the only:marsupial living injand ‘remain there until they are a. S ti a _* ; . Ps - fo Riga ei ee = h . te hy : ° F . ‘ ba ea pe ie ‘Oftepring of the sisi Gita is he weal’ Poti M524 the United States, are hardly big-/big and. strong enough to thrive) ju | 72s eee Babies'in the outside world. : , DRESS UP YOUR HOME WITH — RAY-O-LITE FIBERGLAS or ALUMINUM NO MONEY _AWNINGS Down .Give your home new beauty and protection, Years to Pay all work and material fully guaranteed. FREE ESTIMATES CALL FE 4-7824 EVENINGS F FE 5-5578 RELIABLE [_wnsowc ens ON SCHOOLHOUSE DRIVE — This L-shaped brick and siding | home is new in Indianwoods Manor. A new subdivision adjacent to Indianwood, off West Walton boulevard, it has both lake and inland lots. This home has three bedrooms, one and a half baths and a full dining room. Ash paneling is used in the dining room. From the center entrance one can go directly downstairs to the THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 98, 1957) IMMEDIATE ] 4 ,450 $200 DOW WITHOUT BASEMENT These choice features: ® GAS HEAT © 3 BEDROOMS © INCINERATOR © 1% BATHS © FACE BRICK © CARPORT © SIDE DRIVE © SCREENS Pontiac Press Phote slppation vase whe thank ie © feiglace. In the kitchen such appliances as wall oven range, dishwasher, refrigerator, and freezer are built in. This model selling for $29,900 is the first of six that wil] be on display before the end of the year. Jim Sayers of Pontiac was the builder and Jerry E. Adams Company is han- dling the sales. MODELS OPEN: Complete Dalouoal Walerproofing é All Work Guaranieed — Free Estimates! | a “| Reliable Waterproofing |Cut Home Building CostsKifchen Hearth |""":""—. | cee - _24 Whitfield Phone FE 4-0777 With P Method SG) Ey as apr 5 Np the rubber or | oe Whether the home is built to or-fbuilder’ the cost is one of the mest ty g Sl an ae ieteatone. - $11,100 FULL PRICE [SSeS So ee ’ = tars + bye hernguelameavaghredn-gchary A fireplace in the kitchen — an/atice of will make your 2556 Diate'fiwys Ponting ; struction costs at least 10 per cent. coe old Seahioned feature . = oan place in the veda me | VETS $300 DOWN It a: builder uses these methods, |Vived in luxury house plans — CaM! piass doors can join it to a new 4 ' \the home-buyer may be sure he is be included in many home mod- patio for dining alfresco, lll hele b lets belheshleshes hee etashes telah te | 3 bedrooms, full basement, deluxe features, close to \getting maximum value at lowest/ernization projects. . schodls, shopping and transportation ... ONLY A FEW ee ee ule in| TH development of pretabricat- Water Picks Up Hardness |# } , LEFT. Model is located at Robinwood and Perry Streets, dinles cf 4’. Precet alle ema and prefabricated = r on ie of Saul Dail multip' : t all! -himneys has simplified do-it-your-| The hardness of water is caused|™ n Boulevard, Open y and Sunday framing material to avoid expen-|..i¢ improvements of this type. If|by dissolved salts of calcium and | 12 to 9. sive cutting and fitting of each'yoy do not feel equal to the task the most parts ee stud, rafter and joist as work pro-'.¢ puilding a masonry chimney,|Water that falls as rain or snow g YOUR LOCAL ; jgresses. Pre-cutting greatly, Te | vou can bolt together a smartly|is free of these minerals orig- ROSE HILL REALTY CO Sect nema Sadat Sie ar ee a eas ar f =. . | idle time and produces @ more sub-i*rhere are various types that carry|during filtration through the soil. i 19470 Grand River KE 2-9060 ‘stantial frame. the fire-safety label of the Under-| . | . | Assemble each exterior wall in | writers’ margins ” 442% GI Mortgage ts 12 — piece in a horizontal position * can then ‘itt into Saas Wee When a kitchen is not large 3 BEDR OOM BRICK . WINDOWS—any size or style men working on the level can do enough to accommodate a fire- a 20x16 double hung......... $11.54 as much work as 3 working from place and space for informal din-| $280 DOWN a | seaffolds or ladders, When ply- jing, it often is practicable to en Beason Cocco aaa INTERIOR FLUSH DOORS ....from $4.95 wood sheathing is applied while close an adjoining porc or patio, HILLS : the wall is lying flat, at least 20 eae 7 with the ksichen, ~ EXTERIOR FLUSH DOORS ... from $12.95 cent in wall cost is saved. si two large areas o s | 7] ‘tae vest t a po type ean be combined without dif- a = STORM SASH, 2’x4 tee eer we oe eee $4. 19 Lcusey reames tavemeet corsseas! Suit structural changes. A =| FRED w BASE BOARD................... $7.00 C up to 30 per cent. The trusses are’ ndow pditoks om the greund and each| on support for | 4 DOOR & WINDOW TRIM....... . .$5.50C As put into position as a single "ide doorway 3S W. MOOTE $/5 poor rrames — Exterior $8.95 ; ‘unit — a marked saving over; If your porch level is lower | s s Sets tte _ | Piece-by-piece rafter -and ridge-) than the kitchen floor level they INC = DOOR JAMS — Interior............ $2.95 pole construction. The trusses are| Cam be qqualized by raising the : hs |tied together with 4’ x 8’ sheets) porch floor with plywood laid on e a _ Contact Us for Complete Price List ‘ot plywood sheathing. Exterior| sleepers. A continuous plywood ¢ lectrical 4 walls fully support ‘the roof trusses.| wnder-laymeat through kitchen i EMPIRE SUPPLIES Also, lay the entire floor bef ing. ‘Like wall and ceiling WHEN YOU HEAT@2|3 CONTRACTOR os finish, this eliminates costly cut- State & City Licensed a iting and fitting and total savings . i} 2600 UNION LAKE ROAD |will average about 25 per cent © Commercial i. : ‘over old-style methods. © Industrial : PHONE EM 3-4148 \ : Use storage walls wherever .© Commercial eT possible as room dividers instead — Maintenance | of conventional partitions. These | | | previde a greater amount of | you're really living! The Dest | safer ~~ la! - | L LS | storage space at lower cost thdm in modern fuels deserves the Overs B Yours in Peatin : R | standard partitions and closets,’ ‘best in modern equipment. 845 West Huron St. Live Where Taxes Are Practically Nothing 5 | Place windows directly beneath) Play safe, Be sure, : FE 2-3924 & FE 2-4028 q |the plate at top of the walls to ACCEPT NOTHING BUT 154 New 3-Bedroom RANCH HOMES Full Price No Mortgage Costs Plan back-to-back plumbing to |fore partitions are in place, Keep ceiling heights at 8’\”. | This. Saves up to 20 per cent since 4#-by 8 sheets pancling, installed , exactly fit the wall without the need of cutting or add- ing sections. When the 5/16” thick tiny joint ig left. This is hidden eee et mae © Only 35 minutes to Detroit HOMES 100% COMPLET ED From Pontiac, drive west on Orchard Lake Rd. to Commerce Rd. — through Commerce and follow sign to Commerce Hills. Property on Sleeth Rd. , Open Daily and Sunday, 12 to 8 P. M. BENJ. RICH 12545 LINWOOD Bring Outside Colors In ' You can create an airy a) phere in the basement at little .cost by spray-painting the walls land ceiling yellow to give the il- \lusion of light streaming in the windows. A pattern of green stainproof quarry tile on TU 3-4000 > Gas Furnace Specials . DELCO ‘70,000 BTU of the lawn into the room, “Siwash,” a word of Chinook | jargon meaning ‘‘any Indian,” is believed to be a corruption of the age"). French word “Sauvage’’ (or “‘sav-) | de of Faved Al = Payments = ‘save as much as 40 per cent on © Lets 80’ and wider = the plumbing material and labor © Paved streets Oo | = | dill. Install the complete water © Excellent schools and Reva : n y : “supply and drainage system be-/ . 99 PER MONTH t j | HEATING EQUIPMENT EARLY AMERICAN COLONIAL ESTATE “HAY-CIENDA” 6361 36-Mile Road, West of Van Dyke Located near Ford Proving Grounds and between CONDITIONING and Romeo Ge hewranp i 10 spacious rooms, 4 bed- | Tooms, 8, sement, oil furnace, 3 natural | WATER TOWER | fireplaces, 4car frame garage, separate servants CLEANING quarters, fenced-in dog kennel, large barn. 3% acres | Otto A. Traos | 1 of land, beautifully landscaped with numerous | flowering trees and shrubs. WE CO-OPERATE. | 3101 Orchard Lake Rd. Shown by appointment only. OPEN Everyday, be- || K sg ; | fe. Maha 6. Please call or write for a brochure to | F Woodward Ave. Detratt 1, Michigan. TE 3-340. 1764 Cass Lake Rd. FE 2-0278 Eves. and Sun. Call MA 6-6247 . PE Meer sors rte 3 si "RECREATION AREAS the floor will bring the freshness’ } Plan to Live in JAYNO HEIGHTS | On Walton Bivd. i TOWER REALTY CO. OR 3-8393 \ OUR SPECIALTY! © Let us CONSTRUCT or ENCLOSE your ‘asics Gas Foreed Air Furnace The Only Heating ‘Dealer That Gives Holden Red Stamps is NO MONEY DOWN-36 MONTHS TO PAY ORIEN HEATING & caer Authorised ° Oakland County Distributor 371 Voorheis Rd. atte tant mec _ FE 2-2919 After were Hours “NOW ELIMINATE GERMS” | Reg. $268.95 $ 73 NOW With the NEW United Pure Air installed 25 for Onl _ in your home, all airborne germs and Yéars ‘ y | cote can be killed. At the same time of i eliminates all offensive odors and you cperienc DELCO enjoy senting re pure air the year =e hae aroun or the United Air Purifie . Gas Conversion Burner Germicidal Health ‘Lamp... Call - You of Quality Reg. Completely 1 all Mr. W. K. Sanborn, FE 8-048] |} "°imastip $239.95 Installed 111 S. Saginaw Pontioc Cuaranteed ear spit a ogc al Work _ | Ultra-Violet Rays © y Baan" me ‘We Manufacture Storm Sash for All Types of Windows with the amazing new Jalousie, Awning Type | Window or Combination Storm Windows . WE ALSO. FEATURE —Jalousie Doors —Aluminum Glass Sliding Doors. —Jalousie Windows Wood Double H indows | —Awning Windows —Aluminum Siidleg Wikdous” j —Casement Windows —Aluminem & Fiberglas Awnings | C. WE EDON 1661 S. Telegraph Rd. 1 Block South ot Orchard Lake Reed See HOME EQUIPMENT COMPANY Phone FE 4-2597 _ (After Hours and Sundays FE 5-0653) A = a = - - of y t i! +7 | * \is: AS ges Seer a deat Le es * ee Be Be ge aa ~ aS { eo Ue : eG JJ pee ay. fae dee _ iF EP ; ; ‘ ‘ oe Wea oy Pol: : | i = : : / *. Co over fees Ls ee es EE 4) : % ei] wed Ye i adel < oe ROE SNIA aed: a Rin SOT THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER rk 1 Sanaa Scale PL ee _TWENTY-THRER | a saad er reg ee prongs 1A pinhole leak in a faucet, can|resentative rate ep of $1.90 States ovwonel 4 sete waste about 95,000 gallons of water| per’ cubic feet, this means Be hay pig “10 percent of : TION! eee 2 At a Fep-la $24.14 loss to the property owner. ithe land in Arizona, . ‘ — “Us HEAT - APPLICANTS! If You Have Your - Gas Permit— ACT NOW! Install a Famous ~ General Electric - |GAS FURNACE [TR DEIN S ‘SALE $12.50° Down 30 YEAR MORTGAGE Sunday We Must Sell the Remaining 4 of the Wonderful Brick Ranch Homes in Free Estim . . : re Pentice Pron Prato | Beautiful Lorraine Manor . NEW SECTION OPENS — A new section of Highland Estates the houses have oak sean folding closet doors, wood sliding | ; ; . theref itl t GENERAL @ Electaic is now open with a model on M59, east of Airport road. Subdi- - windows and ceramic tiled baths. Black- topped streets, side- Builder won't wait, wants them sold at once, therefore, we wi accep vision builder, Bert L. Smokler announces that a lake will be built | walks and curbs are being put in. There are adequate storm your present home in trade or as little as $1250 down . . . But, don’t wait in the area for the exclusive use of residents, The three bedroom, sewers and a,community water system. Complete with carport, as there are only 4 homes to be sold at this low price! . . These Gre new brick houses have full basements. Set on lots no less than 75x150, these homes sell for $13,350 with $750 down. 3-bedroom brick ranch homes, including storms and screens, over 1,000 ; sq. ft. Equipped with Waste King Incinerator, Formica Courter Tops, BRYA / MF: Forced Air Figot. Walk-in Closets. Paved Streets, City Water and sewer. proot material under the shingles , : i : . A resilient kitchen floor that will No SEPTIC TANKS. Large 75° lots. Live where taxes are practically Clogged Gutter S$ at the eaves. Decorate With Signs not be onan’ Sy eee. Lape nothing. Excellent schools. Gas heat. -. | 351 N. Paddock = FE_-5-6973 | This is i flashing stri Signs from old inns, railroadjure. acids or alkalis can ob- Endanger House recommended or ose in aditin| ste oF theaters make intigy tne by aying vinyl asbestos vie] OPEN SUNDAY and DAILY 1 to 7 P. M. : ing decorations for a ‘den or rec- = = . me the usual underlayment, mental/ ireation room. Most of them will . | @ leaves can be a potential danger to we be; ene there is Seon cleaning preserve a sign’s old look From Telegraph Road, go west dn Elizabeth Lake Road | mile to greeny : }@ house. If water standing in’ the|o¢ freezing temperatures creating|with a coat of white shellac. This. See Drive. _Turn right to top of hill. REFRIGERATION eetiers, tress aay an pai Pio : ice dams along the eaves. hes alsy will protect its surface from | JOHN KINZLER os asphalt shingles are then app further damage. REALTOR @ BUILDER “WE SERVICE EM” ae ee edge of the rooflaccording to specifications, the 670 W. Huron FE 4-3525 Get Rich Quick our roof will have a long, trouble-free/ Why Kill Off the Fish? “WE DON'T SELL ‘EM” a against this are: |life. — : nesiean ak : ie gutters clear of . Excessive alkaline in an outdoor : PONTIAC “OAKLAND co. leaves and other debris. The screen in a screen door won't|fish pool will kill the fish. To test ea GAS HEAT ‘i : 2. a be out ung children|the water, a piece of pink < REFRIGERATION ASSN. Properly applied roofing. |be budged by young drop a p P' Kost Long Late Read. Medel Open e , , tions for application |pushing against it if a piece of|litmus paper in it. If it turns blue, } f ith half-inct holes! the w: . e : FE 5-6247 | wacty used rooting tr homes, |s tacked over the hover insie\I remain pink, the weter is WOLCOTT REAL ESTATE 1! 12454 Linwood TU 3-4000 call for an extra layer of water. |area of the screen, safe, seen Fens tt i : ; INDIAN WOODS MANOR \ — “An Entirely New Way of Living For Your Family” Enjoy 6 Lakes in a Gentle Rolling Subdivision With Winding Paved Streets — 7: Community Water System and Gas Heat The welcome mat is out between ° the hours of 2:00 P.M. and 7:30 P.M. 7 days a week! Drive out and see us! a 6 Beautify] Models You'll be glad you came! a ,. i ; Tre = =e (im in "rn Z —y == se 4 =: ——s— td a: a _ oH lei : <= tt Fa a * ter 3 JERRY E. ADAMS 2B = THE. PONTIAC PRESS. SATORDAY, siren | 28, 1957 oye a SS eae ae (Oil Invades - - |Air Conditioner -\Market °* Oil, long a favoriie energy source rr ' 7 > AMERICAN J louvered Doors - Gio A useful trick of this kind}’ isa sliding louver door between/Slice. of the air conditioning mar- en wet ek ket. m : PROTECT + CHRDREN, ay », : . 7 pro- ; : % Paiste onnien : = Soars he Sy ee duces full 344 tons 2,00 Btw) PETS, PROPERTY 9 (‘SS#Xr™ be Terrace , |doors. With the door closed, the] ~~ . For complete, permanent all-round protec- HOM k 1} mT i ea Pally aoe x we — Chilled water is used as the re- tion, & insist on Anchor pred par ago me 1** vn . ; under vac- ann —is zinc coa . ™ ~ emg = taints + or ‘ juum and the equipment is said to i t before. Call for free estimate. & woop Bedrooms “the door can be painted or lotier the advantages of long’ ie 7 f . Kitch ! 160" 12°6° stained on each side to match |and dependable service. There are FE 5-7471 CIRCULATION Maure’ | colors or wood tones used in both [no moving parts - ‘ gi (GREE 4 rooms. Louver doors of pon- : Factory lastallpd Sof Dining Room i i ae deseee pine can be ebtained Spoasors of the oil-fired air : z HEAD 10 TOE ¢ SS FO oS ne ‘| from building materials -dealers | Conditioner point out that by 1965, os baveamer 1" 50 MONON: - = RT. ee smal sonic = = Ee beac i in many stock sizes and styles, patppcee Pageants ber Segoe po doiieny aa Living Roars > = - A ready. to be installed. residential cooling MENT NOVEMBER : cae | % the equivalent of 109 million bar SAVINGS UP 5 20:04 13"4 Sam = tx * ae all pace ‘ ETT HR The sliding louver door idea also : ° = = is a good one for other rooms in The oil industry is now prepar- — = - the house, éspec closets. “3 ee jally closets. The|ing to enter this market and by | Redroom louvers permit circulation of air in'so doing expand the market for Belg" closets, prevent mustiness. In-/fuel oil into a year-around opera- REAL BE AUTY ... is inexpensive } stalled “btween ns, the louver|tion. when you use doors make heatihg and air-condi- , wang sates moe ices” Cheaper Than Rent! | NATURAL BUILDING STONE A Japanese firm © Tennessee Ledge Rock © Brial Hill © Colorado Pink Ledge le electric fan which hes bef YOUR OWN HOME “@ French Lick Sandstone © Tennessee Marble Blue and Bult COMPARE THESE 3 © Silverdale Fiorita Marble ——— Stone) seonoou ALL ELecTric | | deccirecs "67 | TOTAL MONTHLY PAYMENT $28, DOWN TO_ VETS Low ra vown baYMENT folded and carried in your pocket like a portable radio, POLISHED D MARBLE ‘WINDOW SILLS Beautiful Tenhessee Marble : ESTIMATES GIVEN WITHOUT OBLIGATION PONTIAC CUT STONE Phone OR 3°1594 rs Cabinets FALEER BUILDING CO. M-59 (1 Mile West of Airport) 434 Emerson ~ Featherstone Storage Peta — AN : GAS or OIL Models Most Advanced Heaters Made 2-Car Garage Ground Level Plan qu meeting “= New York say that the —- is miscast for the role ~ Enjoy Rich textured front . . . clean, PLAN # PLETAP St apacueen ¢ Weim ana apenas sheer lines. ; will be too valuable on a space]. 2 THREE BEDROOMS, 2% baths and a conveniently located fam- |“ for the big boys. a Concealed automatic blower .. . ily room or den make this split-level a fine example of its class. |, O"€ Cxpet sald the leeal Der 4 way heat grilles, The den is at ground level on a slab, making possible an airy room jtrip would be a girl midget who = with large windows. Bedroom and living room levels cover 1,532 has graduated from M. I. ‘T. with | Lifetime GOLDEN JET Burner. square feet. It is plan PL23AP, by Architect Samuel Paul, 89-51 164th ‘a Ph.D. in physics. He also sug- gested it might be, even better if she were just a little off ber rocker’ .80 that she'd be wacky enough | to en long St., Jamaica 32, N. Y. ‘ wecesstul Installations in Pontiac Area 17 Onhrd tse =A Big Bargains all winter long terials handymen and women. Examples kissed | f - “ REA | in Older Homes 3 is Seer cre| With Shell's’Certified Comfort : READY for wall paneling designed for easy in-|Guess she preferred to be man's. = stallation, kitchen cabinets of pon-/best friend at oo peccormaoripen pod derosa pine that can be used as or : .| | OCCUPANCY! Henna he le rise lie, nono eet Sa So, ea Heating Oil Service |bargain should be aware of the the — — — ped — to investigate our mommy ried > nd blanket: iner lor | finding the perfect house or 3-BEDROOM HOME. [22s 2 ste sis; om mitch Scie may atin” War ; | ning to buy on a budget. attics and crawl spaces. i ture, remember Realtor Part. Here are a few of the adv: e . spe tig ie Re ear" tints * "a Se fed a aeaceraly out ot uene|G OLD BOND BURMEISTER. ee ace kiweees Seren _ : four or fiv roo! . Sts“ s Rummeisters 8| | Suldn a . | 4. Equipment. More often than | : r you find out at, an citer bones will Reve o ¥? MANUFACTURERS OF ) how thi or bl rrtain and drapery ° ° e 4S New Teams re eco s Aluminum Windows $3} pee | sereens, and such things as | sels and builtin storage, alll PORCH ENCLOSURES z PaRNG TEE or Ss owners. 3. Advancements. in home im- OUR SPECIALTIES ‘ gives you double A Aes cosets esting, eet| * =| dependabilit * en: m n mos! . ° eo pe [ att $1 Wodter nomes in good structural con Roofing - Siding - Garages | aependabitity < Sivek Gt dition can be made comfortable _e e Cc . DOWN JUDAH RO. ee ee a, _ Modernization > ~-at no extra , 8] techniques are” packaged bath. ea | We Will Have One of Our ! ee to VETERANS Z techniques, are, packaged ath 0] Stuer cat ce You Cll EM 3-4171) 5, Cost 7 a ee 4]. 3 § day, mineral wool insulation which @ w“ 9 is blown into walls and ceilings of _y ~REFORE YOU BuY— «+ x* existing houses, and asphalt shin- —You owe it m WALTON pane a one canter dinvely wto yourself to see the Humphrey Tension x ata DAILY 10 A. M. to 6 P. M. |new color os old house and iv- mead Aleminom Minow: Priced just above a EPT Wespesdey and ceeeay ag et ne ee om af the lowest priced windows ae weather a the same time. uw =) These win re not assem “ Insulating through the blown jg tought 10 the job—they are custom-buit at your ee] + Shell certifies you get 2. We certify you get Service FOR APPOINTMENT aS che ee ce = v home to within 1/16 of an inch. 0 premium grade, better you can count on... CALL Midwest 4-3800 — ae a ine = wi = burning heating oil We value your business—and our 3 j ' s | * . drafts and lowers fact bills In | COMBINATIONO | service proves it. We refill your tank One our oF aveny co nomes samme eure ted, winter. Summer comfort is in- 6 STORM WINDOWS AND SCREENS 7 Shell Research men spent many years = - automatically and protect it from in- om amamica Toway 18 PROOVCEO or an | rake Cra mineral re ol developing this finer oil. Highly re- . ternal corrosion with free SONITOR® | " _ © Receiving wide accopy « fined, it gives you more efficient heat— icati rteous drivers lea Drive Out Joslyn Rd. 32 Miles North of |) 4. Established lawn and garden.) ° nee | ‘tenae ane filter asi _- SPeaiow: Con eivers lexve Wol BI T ‘Most of the work of getting grass,| ° © Highest even your fuel filter as it burns. a metered receipt showing every gal- alton Bivd., Turn Left at Carpenter School ‘shrubs, flowers and trees to grow! aluminum. 100% © Yet it costs no more than ordinary lon delivered. You are comfortable— ; . ‘has been done by previous owners. rust-proof, Ce heating oils of an older house. The new own-' Z © Selfelubricating, =«s0 “~- and carefree—when we serve you. Our A T 0. ers = only maintain the © - $mooth-gliding ection * , service and premium grade oil give mae a . in Dolt-fourselt materials ana ° Coniphecly scteten- pa you modern heating at its very best. heusetime. ved “se : 2 storeaea 4 Brings Sunshine WG 7 COLOGY. a ONE WEEK SPECIAL ff crew | “oZ. Cy ColoGy sez am cS + taeaaap oe Inside de Ss = “ | 2 mrs —, On any kind of roofing or siding, es } e ao eee Py . oumaed, — garages and breezeways . Place Ml SEE FOR YOURSELF --- = -- free ventilation. © * mma Py TH, your order tow and save mo ney. Se @ Three removable imerts...Screen panel insert...Outer gloss insert... © . — = Buy direct from the owner and save pa Movable gloss aren insert Indirect dratt-free ventilation in any weather Le ] START 70 ENJOY THIS FINER =— tiie, more money . no salesman‘s = ered mage pe Py HEATING SERVICE THIS WEEK Os, SS . commission to pay. = WINDOWS and DOORS | Py Vt NN @é These are Aluminum Prime Windows featuring a mmotature Zz CALL US TODAY joc foals you of clear windows that do not fog. They All Work Guaranteed = ia seraptcist is oo shop 10 aid we we the tenes © } Ld slats ae today! . ‘ For Free Estimates Call: § ° SPECIAL OFFER! ; Pore Mae “ No Money Down r 9A. M.toS P.M a Alum. Combination DOORS 88 “ Automatic Keep Filled Plan 5 “1-5 Years to Pay rom ote! bd * eg EZ includes All $27 i : 2 . e No Pa HL cae ° Hardware and Jambs. Standard Sizes. > ; : } Till Fait Call Lumber ° GIVE THE. ROOSTER re re 7-1011 a eleculan on | Stine aves Seah j csadbenry ™ Zs H : a H | CREDIT — HE DOESNT San — Northern Wholesale Mfg..Co. ‘ “Se ee , ° y (NO Macerme~— Michigan Home Remodelers ©, Burmeister’s Northern Lumber Go. 3] 599 s. Paddock St. “Phone FE 2-8343 . 3377 W. Huron St., Pontiac Corner Cooley Lake and Williams Lake Rds. EM 3-4747_— | my: ; | GOLD BOND... ... BURMEISTER . . —_— | ‘4 i | ‘ i : \ * _waNryrIv 4 ae] : “Let Us Build ‘ THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1957 _- ; f a * ¢ 4 | | This, Is an. — - _ a ‘a i a | AUT *LAVED. H QUESTION BOX a for ou Before « a Conerete Block ae rial ak ia ater and Save! tion of muriatic, or acid with water. Wear rubber gloves and apply with a cloth. |S ' : —— Rinse well with a garden hose. : : Se as sae The acid is obtainable from most NATURE ADDS HUSH—A “quiet room” re- the slate floor. At right, the quiet of a natural ‘ Which Has Been High | *""* "re served exclusively for reading, relaxing, listening . wooded setting seems to be a part of the room, Pressure Steam Cond Q—We're tiling a basement floor - to soft: music, or just meditating is becoming an ‘The owners of this home chose casement win- important part of today's living. Here are two dows of ponderosa pine for their “picture wall,” z such rooms planned to take advantage of a rest- and have emphasized the “woodsy”’ feeling with ‘ om filled to give an even surface.| _A-Authorities on home com- | 4 setting. The room at left has rows of tall, , natural wood paneling on the walls and ceiling. +. and Here's Why an fe ea we use for this? Gert agree Ghat af tenet four | siding windows of ponderesa pine which make “ The built-in storage walls add to the rodm’s AUTOCLAVED Block AveReatensteeel @ic Miatiilere _— rasacestpsy pero one entire wall an everlasting mural. Other usefulness. Building materials dealers carry | Is a@ Superior Block! often mix linoleum paste with | winter comfort and heating econ. | features contributing to the room’s purpose are windows and cabinets of ponderosa pine in | They have hy subjected plaster of Paris. Mix a small | omy, and six inches in the house | the comfortable-looking- furniture, the unique dozens of stock styles and sizes ideal for “picture | 350- steam at 100% || mount af a time into @ putty- | 4, sir conditioned in summer, | magazine rack which acts as a dividing wall, and walls” and built-in storage. oe | | Kin I censor sotuttoted patty abe cot on | ie eee peng ; a superior i . mineral b — from lightweight block’ which is || mixture dry thoroughtly before | puttding mails nies eh ‘Buyers Go to School First, stronger permanently. putting the tiles down. It will | is simply poured between joists stabilizes the strength o! ‘én block and reduces shrinkage and expansion. __ eliminat- ing cracked walls Remem- ber Boice is the place in ne County that gives ye oy Pressure steam The Home Builders Association ‘of Metropolitan Washington, ‘D. C.,| conducts a “school for home buy. ers” where potential home-owners. can learn about financing, space | for family needs, and other prob-| lems of purchasing a house. | CUSTOM HOMES ,@ Model at © 1639 Apple Lane Review Your Insurance If You Improve Home Uniess a home owner has re- viewed the amount of hazard in- surance on his property recently, particularly if improvements have been made, he may not be. ade- ‘quately protected against loss, it, Home Improvement Center Midwest Supply FE 4-2575 Corner of Huron and Telegraph the j with a garden rake, cl ger cadeh Got cee ot fudge the size| board. =e ) =" Panel Doors Can Fit BOICE jo pr gs peg ore He'll ' BUILDERS SUPPLY eth spre | @ Block @ Concrete @ Brick decorating scheme as well as they Gured b the hazards insured by extended coverage. As an example, an owner has a home with insurable value of, | $10,000, ‘but is only carrying $6,000 insurance, instead of $8,000, or 80) j | Q—When our home was built, at inch layer of insulation was in- | 045 &. Telerraph Rd. FE 5-9186 ted out toda’ the Con-| * in the attic floor. Is this ditional decor. In fact,|“@% pointed out y by iper cent. A fire causes a $4,000. -In-the-Hills) |= enough to give us. the maximum oy thn ‘ef panel doors made/‘Tuction Research Bureau, na-|joss. =a ot sine ice dodgned — desting house for building) Because the owner has only = Moery’s Dil Burner Sales-Service (primarily for Lb This is eonere comstrertion! ei ~~ = -* ; , NACES VACUUMED READ THIS OFFER BEFORE YOU fs. 3022! °c cons are sng at's Sue's be ace te sid tave, te meses ANSON PRIEHS | rURNA : of modern panel doors are the) oo.» and 3 a a three-fourths the amount of aw GAS AND OIL—EXCEL—MUELLER “rancho,” consisting of three , aeeat anid aed the | Dis loss, or $3,000. With the ad Builder FHA Licensed Contractor—Free Estimates ADD ME fesaes Seeet e e S e e e wee aioe = a : i gpant cost of replacing a typical one- ceive the full $4,000. MI 4-6446 ycro family house has risen by 16 per cent in the past five years. * * * “Every owner of a home should review with his insurance broker a a * * * Also, insurance should be bought! for the longest possible term. In most cases, a home owner will save a full year’s premium by pur- - Nothing c sows ef two panels each, and the Low Monthly Payments We off the opportunity to i aus ae finish -and SAVE Finish It Yourself REDUCED PRICES! PRICES va Soin co aed ma ee ms ace mes SS== SE | ON FLEXALUM AWNINGS | SLASHED !! erin Baa tt ie i periptreihtepe —— bo Mpeenene el anton saa” and 109, and the 15-panel i ND 113. erie irony ete Pope ON ALL ALUM U M _Conu UMNS WINDOWS | @ ATTIC ROOMS @ KITCHENS Six Feet for Everyone laying’ tle oa C= = o~ For 5 Days Only! * SDORMERS @ GARAGES) | )\oT&,tsmutesorage some, the erent or, sor wing’ ——— D&M Building Service a= 2's sree 3) torre storm, hall, explesion, smoke, vehicles, aircraft and other causes of damage,” the state- | ment continued, “An owner may MARSH co. carry an adequate amount of LATION \ ee oe et oe \ protected against these other 8 Get An Estimate Withest HUGU ROOFING & 1 9 S. JESSIE, REAR | | an = CAKE ance policy carrie an extended |% PLANNING TO SELL 4 sda GR, Bull ro Rome with a. VIEW — YOUR PROPERTY or itunes 5 DAYS $ 50 =o Most mortgage lenders require LAND CONTRACT DOORS! COMBINATION 29 of —in DARB LAKE Colony—you'll find highly this extended coverage when . All Hardware, Inc. ONLY! ’ ’ desirable sites—exclusive West BLOOMFIELD ta Se For Fast Action = ets De pen prs pape ial ae oe ala ms 3 ) a Renault and some : Hill Cem-| Will spare and that| VINT. earned” commiss! osvaee- FALLS CHURCH, Va. @ — Anjwith _ |a restaurant od read. wen tnlof the others marking up the larg-|F. Ds His body is at the William| the last virtually the lifetime of et Dra Latarap "Vilage, deer ingver dogr te deat slicing 18-year-old youth who figured in al fr stealing six automobile tires blaze turned into a/¢T sales volume. =~ F. Davis Funeral Home. car. father ot Patricis a volved ete oe are tren 7 daughter neee pete with the & service station. 8 acing a downtown rane ened ek we Pogo was an employe of} And Pas * 8 Kher iat Sectanr “ot tare. poomegh ind tif'vos. per. year. The last seed alltghtns it Fairfax * * * The restaurant and an eliccent The Volkswagen and the Renault Division por rs Truck & Coach}make it ; phreye proceeded to pce El —— Pred = te 40, or ies been charged] rw County _ police called| or" dialin tee Wein GAs saw deliver for around $1,600 in the|Hope @ member of New|terler motive, hag ie no wl feel. mat Saniey-Baiiey nection, For ‘peasal interview a other stor ; sey-|mid-American market Baptist motives cl land, $-33 ee ayaa Cea Hig cams, Sates, ‘sake an ag of te uta ad Ope ee, ae He and wrt compay woldhenp ke tie) pete eae rey . : > > ; News in Bri a ey et ceed —— i a aS ao from the motoring pub- Cara of Than cea sneer. cucort: (08, Bal f ceny, They said Williams fire m. $750,000, by ~ sare Mr. Jackson died _ Wednesday The Rubber Com 2 ode) ks 1 i a admit- platoon chief t a| Also contending a admitt pany execu WISH TO . | @tass MAN AUTO. GLASS EX. > ar Lewis, 48, of 451 8. a Pe vlgcew 1 theft. an insurance oo by| imports in price a the GM or ’ of two years. aad cut ted * that such a me pone no | cad symonihy offered ory nen ana wome, all aroma Il St., has been bound ov » police in nearby Wash- Four firemen \ baker-Packard’s be Stude. | MRS. LILLIAN CHE but replacement sales. pad ee eI oa Pestins te circuit court over|ington, D.C., said Williams slightly n were injured 's Scotsman econ- cumustorner |°'t that he was satisfi es, co. wae me oo iiAN FOR PURN a ere emt Sy oer toc oe [ee ea “ae oe| Sees | ere Sate Ox & aed ae SS ldyaecah Gadingieaiea. <2 Shins Damac _—_ | See forthcoming sew 300-iach morning in St sont Bet. Gol Ss “aa long at they bud autome-| Pe ESSE of | ~pat, ree omoran: . . anted: ¥ : lle ~ oi ge eee Waser =.ti2 Ships Damaged |, Meters ot the Swedish bat vot Price sive Doty is atl gee In Memoriam 2 Barely st, end Ste aig & toe b Fi " . they will aim at the| service ” where| Def N = se eeetely 3:90 to. 9:30 work- _ MGs wat od Cuma mo” tae y Fite, Explosion [Sat Sat sesrsr es] man rem ni rites Nabbed | "asses | “AR : H. PERE : ° te Le 1954, ES PSON pal Court it raat bein Rend last night under] ROTTES would be about year. That MACLEOD Sla * my shepherd reulation Dept. - fam ond fined B. McCal-ifiled a deta Lgrwey, call orn AM, Netherlands w—|COmPany’s potted a sae — Service for Mrs. H in aying of Wife down in sm nme to tie The _Pootise Press aa $100 or 10 days a detainer on the rob! damaged output. Japa-|Pere (Katharine : — > 2 eS jail. in bery|in Rotterdam aaa, } wetter nese car makers also reportedly | North Bailey =a —— 2 ince cay Hie. restoretn oie. still waters. SELL THE ‘sees x *« * plosion rocked an ex-|are studying. the market Monday -» Will be at 2 P.M. netnoi (INS) — A 37- eth me in the pethe of righteous . ing eS rent, bar and din-|.“iliams was a student at at Amsterdar Norweigian tank-|Country with a view to carers Church the 2 oe we shooting of 1 sought in the fatal though nT walk through the Shadow 1958 Chevrolet 3 et tte gtt ft: |Captl Page Sool when be de Semen gaett reir Cal officiate and) burial Warren| tre wee sctina ot cattne perce hoo ee oe 1-0042.| sopeared last summer with Chris-|motorshin Willer Rare All signs point to sharp compett- |!" Romeo Cemetery will be| Ue, ovectey suas tacos? nine ystati, They cotafore me. Thou START NOW Rummage Sale, Sat., tina Wennerstrom, pretty 16- motorship Will 21.119.40n tion in the small car market next |i" of Roth's , under direc-n, Erie Sta near Monroe today the ‘prevenve ‘of. mine. enemies. aN First Methodist Penal 28th./old daughter of Col year-|terdam Loy Ruys of the Rot-|year. Survi Home for Funerals. State Police. oe een oy ts some. North Chevrolet in Birmingham at Judson. — strom, who was ae oe ae ray — wis peril include one daughter, x. * my cup runneth over. Surely goods 3 peed new cnr salemnen. ; ~ soda the time. air at-| “A Swedish s ' Story T three sons pauw of Armada; eaned a said Lutes Sa PMa eecn of my fife and Gut ey oo See Bob ; iday another alee yw and| A old of Holdup, Richard popralyemape eon a .32 revolver as on ws Greatiy ‘missed span ail State Polio C nipped ‘when Williams aie 2 ee aan Abduction in Pontiac [274 Hugh, both of Romeo, titm while he stood be-| = by her daughter, | WID METAL ases ed for speeding near wae arrest- er Bello. at Norweigian tank- A of ae Hugh Gaffney ao car, © IN LOVING = clase. rear BUMPER i15T. : : son Sta Pa, tw and Christan sald the large pat Amsterdam. A ‘Sel A, SD pant ee ud Penn ES “fice Frankie seit, ag, te] Ft Spe BS us 2D, YOUNG, MAY_FOR OFFICE 0 Case f ~al wueble t get Sartied| pe was sre gun point was told Pontiac KATHRYN MONTGOMERY to Gaia to os children, was shot une, 86%, september 3h wae rier. Some convened ygpomn Voor use of Christina's age. Another vessel reported of pli provid by Deb Clark Jr., NORTH BRANCH — Jot Dudley Orr. kitchen of the home |° wiim hing — Want Ads gi quire _in_person yas Pe. Grapes, se oeeepieeiccescee © ral thous worth] was assi aynes Convalescent|*tered in, the election, shall be s give |- Gok EXPERIENCED WITH DIN. So ee ne st Lacland AFB, ‘Tex fine He need eae S| ACTION. Dit Fe | tage Pe teg oe josones Sea 2 . ’ . : ¥ neces. " : Gee eA Gc pglAuto Tremsporiers } = BF lei ae tactics hrs sus| nae ger fain] 2-818, eam oy MEET YQ0Ng, OTE Deane, Ores ve ening" z Re-elect Chairman KRAUSE OLUTE noha eg Mattie Brooks ree Notice is hereby given ~ m 5 os : tiem” Aboat thelr iol, toe Beane, WAL bu. elacvcecessscsse 3.081 D Marine 1st Lt. Motrel GC — — oP ak The | can it et nates ea ee Geen ‘sm of Mr. and Mea, Marvel a1 CLARA amen svwan [thet tah naar, oom Stas] fF ene Apply W. 6 w Huron Carrots’ Topped bu. 1100000000000 Tae seta: Madore Acces eae ieee ‘|Clute, of Rochester, and ee SMprom Agriculture District sige Soler ade a no other Work, Celery inte We 6a Sil! o'a5|porters Ass ul ile Trans- of the former Miss J Aileen Mary Synan, 79 -|mercial I District: District to Com- DIAL FE 281 . - : Corn, sweet, ‘ occ © scceccsenee 4.00 | group's ee yesterday at the die, of Fre N, ean A, Wad- yeste in St. J , 79, who died Part of é Cc ~ 4 81 . S Cucumber, Plekles, “bu 1.78 ual convention. | from the mont, Nebr., graduated | pital pate "Joseph Mercy Hos-|uce'ts rs None 8 Be White, Lake From 8 a.m. to o , Eggplant, bs dor. oe ae cs : Seaapag — Division Air|Arntz reside id visit to the Charles | Township. A Ems ‘i 5 p.m, OOK a sense . 5 . an ’ higan, teks (bl on od ite Ohio, ar eel bes Ironton, y Jeune, N. C. ag — Le-|will be at pce alps oler bes maine ae Bet * in couhery cua tana. the . 5 OOS coe cssceccs 188 : ice chair- : i , 5 Fu i Highway: | re Gsrumes “Ho res § Parsley [ogg gg peed te >) an ee fuses, (Ee ROBERTS | Marine holt he ig oncny. ‘Burial stay: pera feet west 5 te i Bi than te tor. erzore | otber . , AND ; posenien, be aoe eee, SII Yao|Lawson of De secretary and Lloyd) Airma of leks’ Oc arles R. Harris,|Cemetery the n Calvary|fectn “S000. feet, th running fot wet portian of the Peppers, So 3 of Dearborn, treasurer. | erts man Basic Edward R. Rob- on, recently received|ments for Sealy pobenp= arrarmge-| 30° nae Be OW. ng A i dl tpg g . Reser ber’ = Fouls _ Senda o Mr. and Mrs, Ray W.| ; a certificate of|by Pursley Funeral made Highway. ther bg Mi 1 Public Goer Whee ons he 6 Radichen Red, dt se) ccc 135 he Critic to Appear {cently jee Boyds Plains, re-| | ncisaaapig to ritiac. eam, Pow way ro centr of the Pubiie High- are mage, be sare te get reenfield Restaurant Rhubarb’ (behs.) doz. i13,0n Fa . ; ning in the: air-| ji ving a score She tof — — south: | stmente amber.” we NOW HIRIN : Sauer Deicgus Fi ce the Nation’ ie coarse’ at Sher engine aaa! , 230 x 250 in Po porn 3, McGrath of Ped having rien of way in ees mitboat = “eo ERS FOR Mow on are Turmips (bchs). ¢ — aoe een “ — Harry Ash-|. 4 graduate pegged Tex. i Aa rifle re-| . HENRY M. BILL aul. | whose center lee © een sere 00 Cloning time for sdvertice RESTAURANT soe gave on kansa ecutive editor of the Ar-| School. he was e ston High f f oe ROCHESTER — peroennety ald ured right ot Smo eres Be arate PERI ees 100) nsas — and one of Ar-|!ice’s Mobil Ce ee by Fe-| ¢ ene presenta-| received of. the lara rig been le ts with the Saar tape pt der Serene te pulaantion, ENCE. KITCHENS EN. 196| ai . Orval E. F cling the Al ce before enter- _ tion was madé"by| Mortimore it Henry] sys Ss highway and thenee et TIRELY AIR CO 359 chief criti . Faubus s Air Force } E Cap’ Hill, ; 60” 'E. 333.58 feet to , B5~44". Trenciont Want | NDITIONED, 2.00' school di ics in the Little Rock Navy Ensign Alf Hy vay. , Capt. W. J. Gal-/Grand Blane pong pels 4206 W.jcurve, whence Ft. oe Sg] ee cancelled up $0. 6:30 a.m, CHOICE OF HOURS. MF. + 2.501 ow on ai appear tomor-/80" of Mr. and wee yi. Krause oq commanding| Hill. He died entre of James| love teres of land. , Containing fire ‘te after UNIFORMs FUR —. ct te 46 : . Mrs, AW ‘ ? offi . ey : : : NISHE: . 280 tion.” It will we Face the Na-|Krause, of Birmin, — iiam ide + — at the Ma-iLaren General ‘genital. a © ua alae oe sro socousted to be Cash W PERSON sa alapaes te i: » televised from 1) into th gham, integrated] = 2c? nm. ne Corps .Air| Besides , Flint, igether with of the Map to- |- ANT AD Berges } AG APPLICATIO Silos 1:45 p.m, (EDT) and broad-|Field e regular Navy at the Corry| Hi % Station, Kaneohe his son, James, he|townsnip Ngee Wax talker ot toe Lines 1-Day 3-Day 6-Da: TAKER AT CENTRE. oy 138\ED = CBS radio at 9:30 apes Pores SS ee res Station Hae Bay, . H leaves his wife, Mae. ’ ownship clerk go ag etfiee of the 3 " ry oo coat a 4 si AL OFFICR. ‘50 (EDT). = ‘ola, Fla. on A | Harris gradua oe Service will be at 2 WHITE LA wie th 3.98 : > AVE. DE. ! Krause graduated a 20. | Orion High be ted from Lake|day from the Bowl p.m. Mon- bE rd TOWNSHIP ; oS a 60 TROT. 1 AM, TO 5 from the Uni- service i fore entering the/al les & Son Funer- DON CAVIN, Ee = 3S Pm. | n January, Home, Linden with \burial fol- CHARLES R. ‘Chairman | 3 ii - 72 9 ies ANSWER TO BARE, 5S ke te mee. ot Sept, 17, 28, 'B7. 4 heen | is ua _ Want ree a BLE M: . - ’ O sell, rent, ] _ lowing in Bris ' im Bristol Cemetery. -* | ." \ gl hire, it's FE 2-8181, ee Ae ey # ve fy ee ee ee eee fi j 4 | FSS las. ie es ey. aT, 2399 Sar: 3 x aes A i Boa UPe Lata { wae Paz , Ss. SATU . RDAY; siommunin 2 28, 1957 | | od Pe ae Le ee) ic ence oe : BVEN “VOCATION Xs 600 ‘ARDS Wanted Real Est Carers Vntedicl’ mrs THINKING Apts, mals k r : 4 | A s * aiedial PTB al OF SEL . 3° RM. APT,,| 33 Rent Aor Ca NG? | CLE. u Ci in Sto =: i Us aNha nished, AN, WEL tereluhad ALL ref toda ‘f Pvt, L EVEL or Yo: All gourtious y tor " LEAR, WRil FUR | CEotom 34 YN EDWARDS. service, Agemt out. tas: «| 7 ROOMS ON © in. FE NEWL Rent Houses ROUND THE W Now! ERR emt out im- gence rooms, ona bats DEcoRATED Unfurn.. A wake at y E. AD snd | ighte. Line. HE located ad bath, 08 9 A ae fo agence: AX 1430 ee ee rms. r Cute" Foung th in fan CO. re et Foceptionist. "hr 4 ay : Bu wd cite 2B yy aS i) W w, M. Stout, Realt as ? ie *, . a! minute. Type 45 words seer ae . “le AEXCELIE VETERAN 1 c cnt ee ree ah eS jf eat Me toa : slove. Phone PE" soos ABC CARTA rie at rere, 3 C TT * pontise High cas BATH = Tied Rots. vis on|™ 1 Saal Esme, FE su - SH i Rio Apts. operaior and ae Pag .-§ Get our bi, GING. UNDER fae a” areal Wed, Miscellaneou FOR YOU! : awk PE e186, Benoa Adults. =_— Lane oe xD fink by adic gptionist ak , oe ee ae Basen h, RUBBISH HAULE "701 bore s 28 in 2 Abe HOME “nate Per — i fin “atehe got = : a. _4-7615. clean : ae re AND ENT. = os oa A ad of eras’ per Pree pn no ANE waves RUBBIER ed. FE war BIKE. rE Take 3 months } hours (ee sewer meee ele conoreay ss AVE, NEA : ance. Apply in person KEEPING a aren + pons) ani Pare es. Anytime FE. toes, AME ;_ PAPER 613 ciaex ot tom Pd Nor BE Salas ‘7 RMS, PUT BATH.” GARAGE, ome. FE $8002, aller $30. er Pear ree oat reas ! give pOMany sears fit, Main Is a pleasure when you're’ 81 ston ad et Drak hed eee ter eed ml ae no commission, "no" fees sof gus. FF. BAT Water furnished." Auto and. bot 4 N-GAY SiWELRY ee 2-0761. girl a boss. youre BULLEOAING, FROM 3-0081 nai 6 FE top soil, OS | oo Wanted 238A Call for ‘our Heo at rk th a meek 8 Ae H, GARAGE Sraitsbie: $58. PE ome parking nod date. “FOR ut e- ple 5-5: ROMPT SERV- LIG: 1. FE 32-0603, 00° , 4 OOMS, ugusta, 4807. ona SEVELRY fon] Seadeoch, teeta our e BLOCK adation | O oN ENORS a ie eo Ey SE ead _WOodward 3.0048 “rent. is Swilra PE Ste spar ain’ = - Good 8 be’ Iso chimne DE 18-6453, a wee Wenked bees VES., BA lak APT, FU 8 pr Di money ' a typing. si wal ous Resid: re. No job ra LL CAR a ac Pre mort- , SAT. & SUN : e for 2 p RNISHED ON collect _—_ es for Maid & vod It our bea time + LAMOUR . or too al and len TAGE ss Box | we SIDNEY WAGN UN 1- $17 dollars Bee e pho wa — ON | mediate po —— locations rent. = HOUS! oP aaa French They're all FICES as work, Po MY Phon: lag panes Ww anted Li. BUY OR NER 7, Week, Nea eekly first ay 1 Nich | oe mile f in bbe to R prope List T Rus. r bus | line. PE 3 and last olie - H _lot. /FE mile trom hae 3 gehegl Sones forweous ours! The on LOCK BRICK CEMEN MAN WITH 5-6806 ie. inted to Rent Seeks ee La ICE FE 4-5382. arger iy GiLLaad nara aes ac TwS| $y you cen aually mate trepaces. Wage, on “gp net Savane Fe wer 1 exusaen pases et os ee ne aa” teed berens. Not crntere 1 Ker ere = & 2 a a _Near_ 1 gees Noa-emok- 7 minute acc w Ss aena, WORE AS IT a ~ = e. FE fur, . use or di IRES . PON ey the Ra. 43 nis CLEA = Kor-| > dren & ONE § RM. = job an cy. $60 to ten - heat Ht_Mite” and “Woodward. —— arate typing, | fieble’ Seema t TF SHOULD | bn REDUCED RATES te Beem. lh aang tacies piace ssn) | See. LEAN’ MODERN, Sown payment ‘Moo, omit: | Miami, "Plond a cretegenens. We pn: vEs. DO You ward; Aa eS ets Hobie Det 6 nded ‘and re- nese vento. serve TES LANDLORDS (Ds WHO . 1 _R ‘7 Rod Takers. I crys Ua MALL 3 RO oa. Pe eas jan Florida. Prank . q = ” Phon dy ¥ pe I “ : r are erage — > ypetier sie € for As I aioe maa o Fe te "ROOMS, MODER wh ene onei ge Furnished 35 itopw paar 8S Per sae Seana’ GE ot national Division reg shh aY WAL ew & old | Pain : Wed. Contract = 2 ROOMS & BaTI | a brick 2 we Se CPPER OF | “howe i aamances Lanuouos ~» a4 / i are Cer PE asses] ete i” yo The girl ner | ea TAPING, GUIRAN-| io crags inte ting & Decoratin BUY, aieanane Megs. 32/3 1 noOM 4 x oo on oe Lee ‘own. sins ena AEP ats graniaet ek. sss ‘merying ar overs : da extremely attract tobe sae Fe timaien OB eg Sed SELL O aes KITCHENETT: Foe som Sit Hi. Sagine weon & Wat | _Reaso Pontiac Re send ee ee over. & cash, TYP. able person’ with auehaatee enp: ste Diy ORE * | a0 yre RIOR- if Sea) R TRADE alter 4 ped Th a) dha m. ws 5pm. w. FE 2-5420,/ sonable. EM M petit t thru Ma s heat, nea HOUSE . FE aetes on meet Age 45 or personality te hea _estimates. PE DONE. FREE | 4 exp Reas. R-EXTERIOR Reaity you to consult 73 Spaced "Stans — # : MM. y.|__tine. FE 4 nea. achoel and b ~ sou . Ext. 1 the publi y. Ty ce ke ELECTRIC. 5-4628. -i PAINTIN 5-2860 sel e ee 1 LARGE dren we | COUNTRY. BEDRM. HOU ~~~ WoDERW NEARLY © _ Bee be mai porreesy Ea Spee | ete ee zeae tgs ar CEE Beate | tan Samra et 2 Ses | eee oe ecee:| oh oes << = if A Or ESTIMATI i te NG is IR : Stor Oe ee = eopey. 2 -! sar Seo co. veat, i tor ATE rior = REA 1 well; #P® NISHED _; im : rivs. area. age i Saat eh & eking fer gessrt_ecarey” for waler eaters, Fe WIRING Serenade aa) dons 6390 Disie Hey pROOM RITCHENE Hrusted. 3. A Bie. “eas = cae ag ey — S menor otek we ee ESP. take. ful hp a) re- sige st es. ary | A QPAINTING “& rt res. Drajton Plains» leeated “adelt abbr lh ADULTS. a A revlon PE 42544. couplet Laree me ies or ari; ketovenese, reguiret. $35 Bleady post on men’ AiTena-| ‘ee. W charge of r to | LAYIN uren yrs. exp. Gua R. SERV. —e Albe ite only. 1. Avail, Oc & BATH. A ee $14 per EN th 8 clot orkin the of- fin. Pontiac Hi NG, BA workmanstiis r. mate v. rta Apts. 0 N.| 20022 t. Ist. 04 LL 2? BEDI wr. “4 TAL UN wothing hes. cee, aes — ne ho NDING AND . Pontiac rials 18ST FLOOR pts. : 41456. 8. And RMS. FUL Attractive NITS you st but 5 are _Bee the Yell ardwood AND | EXTER! and APA nder- 7 cabia. Nic LY ve MOXARCH soe ee oe sitet aan a Rae INAF bat, ear “Mires Bate SPE pARTMENT IN PON EERO ~ |? Nag fare een Recoonte set’ ocean Pa _ a lONARCE | MR. & cork NG REP tapy in Reasonable. LASH 1a BDRM re ee oe Te - rE. 267, ae ae ae = es SHOPS nrpt on enED i. oven SED coment, LADLE ADY | INTERIDE DECORSTOR. = land contracts, lakefront TARTLY 7 FTRN Wt tile op Calidren Seicome, Rate ete close Ss bes D LAKE. | ® enn re ess = ‘ A WA kind : tin: R, son see A 1 ISHED month 3 ea, seen toe meee A wou Bet Telegraph Re DERFUL CAREER. won: Hees Ek, ie nee, Mah PAPERIANOINO, g PE ba | lente a “ort AS | tt Pot oth ee | ot ie Dine ey adits) Hiton Gatden ee alla gutta forsee homerin' wooded arse, er | SOC OUR BI OW Woe nenery | PE 40m. entele, 7 RB rrtaneies arm. | Beart BEDRMS 7 BEDROOM FE Cn. TN’ Beet : oh B PE 2-8046, NG ral 2-4425, St: er includ 3 tiac 8 r M See bomen 1AL, work wonaisiton Poenmarion EPAPER WANGIN bi gg AD heat tae Sac S| tee ears Seiaaw sh. Pos yh Nene ary sr end te be no ORK. OBNERAL | MABON PAINING TIN | A ax iG hnson lz ae No drakers loved aM a a. MODERN 74. uahip. 2 plvcns lt ft s | “eeat reliable. e.| ing, “important Pie Melos 6 > ab YEA SORRY | — Sane ene VERY ROOMS & KITCHEN pens. | $2 Hest, lahts and warre | _LO"HTIS. Deer - wil RENT — OP : ochester stead sec portant terest- De RS TO TO PAIN i peo Age ean ath & en ‘HENETTE. PVT e. Childr gas. $15 wk.. earn New TION #1100. - y supleyment. ure future. work with rE A, Ef BUILDING aan K £. btnesall a “DECORATING 704 8. 5 twlegre Re. 7 oki 100 red new furniture PVT COUPLE en welcome. OR 3 RM pear. also Pd bedroom brick, basem : Smeal EXECUTIVE - [ous fOUSEMOVING — FUL i Fino 6 PAPER WAN RMS. ARD Bat cot PVT. ROO Hoos RN HOUSE _B Webster 34208 homes, PE #6163 do house : TRAINEE A lz E Vin 32076 | pFE NO & PA — A BATH. CLEA} on bus line nf BATH & E} j ROOM Hi E _8-0847 SMALL HOUSI : 5-6767 WOMAN work. PE eta. T° INDUSTRIAL 8A #400 eves ta Fane BT OS opERHANGING HANGING. AG J i ae peas AN, CLIN. | peter ee eee oar aa Oak hor WOOeEN. | oe , ome an sie TURES RD 5 =a: kee i aces : __ "yaaine and - NO PAPERHAN I | ry feet FUR | pear pe see ~ BATH — MMOD -| “WEST SUBURBAN RENTALS 2 oe ye ee in pervon. between EVE finishing AYING, TUP ER. LEAN NGING U ; rage. elittios ts on iar comer 5s fo 79 eal steam heat. 69 | read ae MODERN | HOUSE | AT Aoderr. cb aN RENTALS wrp- 3 Perry. trison’ PLASTERING elevisi oR ze nN ROOM A ve “| bed. LE ia ee «= Open Pull ew 3 bedroon Heb REPINED = * Lunch. LYN ae fea Pe Sahn REPAR. REAS. FE| __Television Service ice 22|, nlimited 2 x — 490 ROBINWOOD. _ Drv off Onkisnd He bate rr * Le & BAT FURNIBiD On heat, close basement.” auloma: _Liv jousework DY Fo FE &- ALI COPE MS & cozy er Danang Are On e| Rd A furn. 4708 D OR | 5 room, : WTD: oot = atest Joe Fe MING pLOOR 1 pone a e Repair ee en a or new land api a, fara. 648 sauant | Senn TH & ENT ‘. rage at cabin & clean, lake oA es pola SL = OGte. D finiah FLOOR wayne. ese re ison et Right serv ‘= =r ae yl mai =e ema Guin iF ee ear edad mo. Bet. a Oxbow | Modern 3 bed Heges, 066 = = - La PAN- I 7 hee 158 AYING DRAYTON 7 man cons: ted con| = 1m-_tlean, ARE B SEIN api BU, COUPLE Ta | required. reom : r es, Writ vd ROYAL — vit bine P| N Tv SERVICE = con-| Os op wed Sag ee “No drinkers, BUS, COUPLE, «RMS. mo crete gag peter BOOKEEPER e 205 Main Oak 8 ROOF REPAI | OR 34 service D VICE RO _Osmun & Co’ k Place, be’ E Gean ers, 105 Oakis 5 Pp PART BATE. i tober 3. Will lease ‘Availa base- era} office rR Wit GEN. tie Fretessicna; Big F RE ee 1G DE 3-4204 ay oF might | {E Al 7 OR 3 ttage. tween CLEAN YEAR xepet willie FURNISHED D . $100 ble Oc- _ ferred. MI exp. Midd GEN- IN 4400 . SAVESTRO PAIRS DAY OR NIGHT Y c ROOMS. | front apt. EAR AROUND a wk. 2: orothy S monthly. pani Ss cao lea, 602 PONTIA JUGHIN NIGHT CA ontinuous 1 GROUD fu on Cass TARE: only. urity a nyder La WHITE. MIDDLEA = Communi cr “TT = G _OFE 4044 FE 51206 TV SER and ask f LL 43844 ing. 133 as heat, ND FLR ra. Children w Lake rn “or > 3-2100. ‘po yr vende » RN “ . r HITE, | MIDDLEAGED, "Ww PEDERAL Bask, ‘pia ‘RENCHING A 7 __M.P ira ce no cas tecuties | 2 ROO: tao | 1800) Cons Lake reg ee RMS. & sari | AE GAR Ph. “hot Siguaod ‘na y YEARS of children. & help AN © BL Z AND “Ty: __ = Sears _Cass - Elizabeth: Broker | entr MS WITH cc i —_ “*, Keego | _den space, $50 a EM Eat Sew em core] _ WY 4 Pe _ Typewriter Service | MORTGAGES only Ne rita vr BApW AND Sept 70 Fi cn noUsE IN wa Peden ey are Sood megrh, bee Dalaale earch ork Wanted Ss : rvice 22A "orton GAGES | vinoee a cester” couple | Pina Misa “SE Cc Jie te Di Union Lx. TH 4 —- : : | § <_es DRAYTON. 304 ON Wa pare, eee as se Gmanmans Male 10 Build FE ¢6o | MACHINE. hee oa ee LARGER — ep ahd waese St aitanie One 15._Afte re WwTD : 1 M8U ae ing Sup 1 MACHI RS AND .D with 1 4, ACRE | apt. pat OOM BASEN _land. welcome | LABLE U Po 5A r 7 = EM ever, Shift . EXP sith GRADUA ———— plies NE REPS: ADDING RLES. 00-ft fron | window & ba ASEMENT | FUR! _ 74a Port. | Tished, " NTIL JUN M WARWICK Foe oo ber eee ee FI 12A ee ae aaa t Farm IT1T &. tage se qasrheat weamer! 4 RN. APT. Pay gy tocar my = Fur.| 3, dedrm. with : - bees : white Pao duetiy p setae wil a. ey Reg. rick, 2 conte cures 5 Supply Cos + W. Lawrence. see | FE rab nan | Sian, welcome Caer, dryer | FoR bath a Jevjgta | Toews” heme: ment > entiec: bedrm. with i 2 ; EN TO Livi tiac LE _Availabl very short pro- —8 Mile. ea. 3 Upho 2 ROOMS, le. FE APTS. FOR AILABLE _ ar e. Also ta & for * live _ Rd.) A. ie Oct. 15. period. 1345 gi SOUT 2000 Isterin FE to CLOSE en. no ehi MEN bed JMMED See ae ‘ige, $70. emali house + child Compl IN & vl CA . FE +8430 B tering 23 pen; tows & TO _ | _2-87 ldren. 120 & WOM- rm, brie ATELY ease. Immed. with home. Con! CARE|_repair. FP! . usiness BEADLE'S ant _ties on bus sai DOWN | ~ 5750 Raebura. G1, wh front to 5 et 45080 0 Peseession tween b tact i charge of PE pe an hEW OA Services | _ cove Les DRAPES, La 13 | paid. FE 2-2300. e. All utili- HO = FE _loan. ae 4 rol net used qualified W AL 2-2105. _ 8-2051 am & 1 shman be- AGE 3) WORK ¢ 4420 A-l ACE $ Services 13 Sa ers, bed spreads, SLIP n t 2 ROOMS AND - OLLYWOO : ai all_OR 3-6031 afte his GI. New TERS = PMA FOE CORRE A F sat ror ayy Te | _FePne trimming. et ox RE- ake ORTON , UPROTRTER Contracts | ise ie ae Leet, ao Sa D APTS. Market eter BM, MOORE tan Bei as tare work . & DOWN —_—— . Get our bid, | — > 1 FP ° 4 yrtle m. $65 a 14S rE. HR i) f +338 olverine 1 64 uschell ; with TV Adults. Pv N- binet | CARPENTER A-l ee id. Tes Rd. EM ave clients 7272 Apts, 42 mo. Villa pe eatas oward. FE BEA Ls, WA: 133, Realty MI 46 & bath. t reo] ook: Ne NTER FURNACE CLEANING THOMA in either ieee ore = Murph KITCHENETTE oo UTIPUL — LNU? LAKE. ) BEDRM BUD voupenyer-< Local” reter.| Sze aa BAW CHA revs, ns | ie ke _nTTPLPORAPa OLSTERING | fh = vor sseasco land 2 RMS. WITH PVT. oe) oe apr TC aEE Pontiac. modern i DAM. CLEAN. ne. vata y BEDRM BOK. ———— FOL OPPORTUNITY Tree. removal IN SAW WORK. Fengired Medes pad) ee ee tae Lt Teas tie Best spection ot oper = a Di oe eceeame FORE CLEAN BO “oe eee sane ¥R. AROUND. 414 iy ROOM HOTS Aeeien ip oT MAKER ‘ | F m0 | of % ep 4 a4 orgy So ‘an Qrise. on “pm OR 5.2828, after oe a wer Es upp oe prams 8 | Lost & i re ssi.) K. L. Tem ™ sander «BA TH seria fe caROR &, 0 we. Hy Pest; Lahde bs wie pie ens bil bil "sas =o tet guns Ta oo ore Help Wanted CAR ome epecaiy. FE, § et, Paone Pe Sas. tae FOUND —— rg te nme Oreiner_& a Realtor lr re ain weiy or aoe one om oeet Re Pai | POUR ROOM a Re * . * open pour he 8 eS repatr Formica wichone: | Soon “teen gt Ponting hee — tent ec Cg ING PLEABAET ANDRA reine ae Rent Lake Cottages, 364 OPPORTUNITY. ak ‘Ew | Pontiac washe er area! v AND CO: ane. 81 -& bus NEWLY 1 duit MOD w Cormtasens home Baliga ot Mien Bete ROY’ ers 30 FOUND. | ai Q anWeit NTRACTS. $012. 4wk 23 1 ehild EWLY D s. OR 3-194 new ERN . ALLED ee = Raa ret ree er meer St Te SLE Boone re san) Sa naa ace —is| OVE LORS [a i eer ee Ha | “En onc Bre ear a Se St Bn pee ee tees er een an apg Hot MAN Wri pe FES 1538." Duct. finish |r gradin ROCGE ge ey collar. vert 8 9 b Olver: esata ity avery ER $1,000,000 Sites ae ag EX, “inp | MEV eet er es e2 Ruth o Fons Bot ——— yeteae, Bright F ae oo oe ; i LIGHT 10. Ca eways. Reas. coer wate FF a; tracts pure _Oaklan Northvt ry te | woe ECORATED — urea’ welcoms FOR F Dl, | eee er Bart Lae hear ae mo cutting, cog = ce cat WALL, +P . sci . 2 MALE BRITTANY AN. tgs Tnmediate setant an a oe aco ott) ferme pa cuveuienes , = F $e 3 ee aor . asi. Rent Rooms 37 nb A : r. Smith, 190 WinDOws < Free est. winéow - pase 8. Bl Vic. of Liver- 4-358). ow. H quire 100 ENT. we MY 24311 iutiac|) Coe ———— KITCHEN, neg) courte 76—T1 sce Mr. Smith. 180 7JiwO WAN 3 CLEANED | ™ ree ert. Ro opige Reasovable | post: va. “REWARD. OL | er snares | 7 ROOM APT. ELDE Lowen | NEWLY Foe — URNISHED. LAREFROS \ Eis ts Gente On charge Pied TAKE ST | wean vita on 41a & pLacn Ic to obligation. FE 10 Lost BLUR OL anted Real Esta W.sside, ELDERL bath. Cates a ae: 3 $85 per m mies noc & i ? men. FE 5-43 ae with oF this fee home.. iG tN A eo anos __moved, Cait ANTED BAIR HY PACE THE FLOOR otra ure Ave. per mo. 246 ee cde cere ae 2 petrests mete | 200M @ S0aRD FOR MEN. Pontiac Sau Oraebner's, 2 “ign WA . re ustin-Norvell Age TP TIP TOP, RAR serene on ED HAIR RE- Se os sell it out from WHEN 3 J Pur BAT 1 j oar FE se porch, cannes. Lp Ni ear tema & BOARD. Raa s Bigg, FE t housewor: ow ne asbion hayrid OFFERS OLT ood 57584. 402 W. HU- . AND BA ee Laue Levee “a ie es * 19. & days & W._ Lawrence 12 And other’ wints moonlight = ROOMS & —— after 9°30 TH. PE 4-04 a fe)s & month. lead. |© : oie wk. PE 3808). : _Mightand Ra. M60." "esas N BA = p.m. o ane , CADY wourDi FE INSURAN rer Cass wees A 50. MU 40525 es. 5500 ar S on baby ee desorstea’ lata > te Chere aba TIGVE RE. ASTOHNSOS, Realtor | __ Hotel f Rooms a i NO TIONIST $200 | F TaaiSTA neSash bt cae tm oe i od Pardon HO FOUND REAL ESTAT 3 ait has E 5-9066 after 3 R ros ¢ pes FE ce raph Rd. | HOTEL AU saad Downt EX PERIENCE aaa e CBS. itaat ote ot aa nicholie & I arger C Sere Tavern — = are oe INC. Haag level, eat APT., GROUND wove” » ONFURN. EXCEPT ¥ FOR — int Pecoe mel ” Day BURIN trendy ome _Oitiee or small-clinie. OR rs ree er v0 2 hee 956 betwee Mich. facil, elec, & wa patna, | lige Msp oy Ris B 52 MONTH Cookin room i a Tl to w fo needs 41M mall Dr's — : eh me bp rating get in id couple oF y ished. For ND | FE 3-0087. to school. y re. drm. how H 464 @ and refri partments, oe eS cower Ge wt s SIMEOGRAPHTN ¢. GR _4-6738 L PE ssie3| Very ur 7 railing MY touch 7 _RM Tadien FE D400. After 8:30| Kuschell . inet caper FR BA: e. If you i _snewer the —— retariai servic NG TYPING sec | ~~ aundry Servi habal | pea & this info 2-0761. 9 pital i NEAR GENE ose t| 2 ROMs AND ‘ _Kuschell Rea et ens HOTEL ROOS FE 2-9: “an. type le-| VOM ¢ EM 8EC senescent Cotbed med portant. Pi rmation is 154 Line RAL | Utilities Sate et vin. |? Fame | Realty C ession | eet EVELT, = you need and. lik AN WIS . FOR 18 ediately ease ¢ » 13 R oln. OR HOs-| of $ and soft 8T FLR. 2 FAM me Lael 2 a, rms. & CLEA ebner's, 3 experience.| wi FE BA OR FAMILY ne: \ On all im-| Call MS. & 3-052. of heat. V water furn, ILY HO Mreass || By 4 apts. So . ” rite ee e L = AN us re ¥ BATH. t ery clean. rots | S268 Aub USE, = feed me with k Bldg., FE Pontiac. State WASHING aes ih tae 3s prem: testis Lanner Fe Bent. eae THis DA as OiTE. property as =e erading your elcome: 193 TH. SMALL BABY | 4 rs rear door an, Inaaire care: aes ubers hoe on a 8 Ra. 125 N. Py te eae nv. = = - fates. Phone RONING, REAS. LA . FE sponsible f not b Cy specialists 3R ¢ ROOMS ATH, FAMILY. = R FE 40 s. GB CURTAINS PLAIN OR RUF. ed by any d ere| fey are ma tn OOMS, ated. NEWLY LY. § Bae ent SECRET. Work 5 word fed, Beawttuly PLAIN OR RUF Archie > Clady. 1a pond geagsior tation Call ue f6 Don feel ‘ob |. wan ate bath rerngersign we wears dining room, hit nome ¥5 Neen wea po bed tare! ad Rent Stores 40 . ARY $350 wana eae go os ry Phone figtshea. Poatiae oes: lardy. 725 Auburn Le . atiO0 ADE. cr further tafor- | 3 trance Ae Adults rigerator & en-| 4 sooua uae rem. Encben 6 BEDRM, HOME. Se in, eae nENT OR Least 5. : ee ? 2 ar Rirmingham firm (on, Wondwant| “fnmy tome, Fao boeds Te Landscaping 18 ee eae CESARE ATL | unas, maou ABUTS, FO an ake Bae SARE | aes ee Fo | ana Ma ea = & “i lor & be Oa ES nt “ARGE hooMis” A 3443. ATH BA frealary and chance t mit WON suet TRONINGS, CA “Removal rere ur suetnate aged) © tcf ens a “enrance ueat TB aatm |S “ea ian bot GARAGE “ors io siren 3, ak Rent Office Space 41 Bank ee Sree. ond trimming. Fires __tiac, Mich Norton Ave. | ue borat. a tease A AT ee Se eet tera ; NW. HEAT 3 1414. | 3 BEDRM. . DOW! - Bldg, FE FE 6-927. Btate Want TO WAG AR —TRGH| a FE ss1e, ° Free sHORTY's SS EEERY e. Pon- = + will als aoe: A patie F pee F nook oe eet 5 pea j ee 6. Sey SIDE. CALL eee pow NTOWN ‘ shi new. manag SER VICE. ediate ac- atthew . FE?- . arn. W ATH, HOUS ee | plus full im grou! MIDWEST. _ $4401, rts in my home, FE rep, fl, MIL ugky Bh Blue ae OR ess name, ne ment, Same Pe eee Vena -e . 3853. 38 @ RMS. peor side. MA eee TS | partly pig ek THE COUNTRY. | yised. reer sei ela : ee MUL- » Rew phone Ne. W_Huron 8t. F Nicely turn. ATTRACTIVE heat ze BATE. i. 18T FLOOR. ¢ Welcome. EMM 3-3002 wk. Childr aiiorney 3 ine, teas ie TO | Buildin Senioten : Pe ren | oe ee Lorraine Cla ant pd gg He of |@ RMS & BATH. = sell icres aly 4 cee Gant ce ans a3 By Peano plate | See Pra IN DEBT? we DoWwHAT | Bt TOW | a ee CAR tees Fin Pata or FE gt SF pee WT BSS” IT = ~ pee ape ‘ . ae ce. M rE 29-6663 CLOSE 32 or F Realtor ease avail r Bank Bldg Pe oe NENT AAA - : Service W Prt, ‘ean te Post | or FE 2-7 a iz | * 8M. E|. FE Portree. ise we ~~ 2 SANDING ’ 2 IF E SAY Pe Nae ed cairn ¢ RM. BA A134. RE is +38 1000 W ituron, : , 1 & drt ry st. PE iidren. i furn. shell. TH. UPPER r $50 mo. Pa USE, $13 MANUF, owe uron +_|€: BuO Bit - : rte erading. SO 6. Fe + 16 N. Adults, Ga: 8. MAR _.2-2910 rtly mod WK h ACTURERS ie een i a aad after | ROOM U aPPan rage. PE 2-6603.| * vB eects share office AGENT “er ae NDI wremors! Ai TES TRMMING AND L t | a IW aulenty Bee , beth LA ey _+1173_ Small R PVT, ENT. qe az birmine? svatiabie. Secretaria! UNDER FE . € iS CH and Ad Ask & 10" Oakland. well, ogg . Ome. Ai a ae FE arurens leans leo 4 b Es ing fact m busines, Located in toon FE 5-593 Giv a ng ® awa wit . adulte. modern BATH, G i se home on La‘ edroom |_ ® cilities, Call area, Park- or OR e You I Place mata da a TOO LIT. RMS, WITH PVT. BATH & ENT. Sena AT poe bom MA Laxe Orion, | fac pporntm en 65080 for _ Ease Your atied somenn beco, erapved. ‘by ule at 0 Baldwin. Piao. In: ne Near H o RMS. 8 BATE. MY |MWuron St. Available sround.t ie a = i” r - Weeks Credit roti — it “tort 3 PTARGE RMS TILE BATH CA gecorated 4, too management. piel 7 pont. maguire we BE. _agent. Gall vor a8 — Dee. = Fr 'B- ; mm. H. % rm RM. auten een Deer M BE 2-2119. . &. LOAN Sole A Your WEN, orp UL A Seopa ma antily. beat, Gove fe ie See CARETARER. «a _ eege. y87 OR a Ry 5, KEEOD Han- DANY SE: HBO oe BATH GENT APT. HEA — 4 ROOM -{| Parking off vate b MICE AN CREDIT HOUSE ana WE'LL ons 1TR fare at Faeut afer ExT aren weiame, Ie Raced rtuee outa Tn office cperauay iS sizeet,° Denia OUNSEL Ed «Huron. tqul APA FOR 1 OR? OR _ 3-936 Pett ain @ heat, range; « — w. M.S 3 _ fiom, sigue # Mier 8 got W | hot OR 1 OR-2 AD 1, ne OR se For —_aners Onin (‘ier TS atney Stout, Realtor ~ vse. am plore GARAGE, ORF LES OF ob FE bois OR 3- eaan ‘Bub. oe WaT- 2 aM, ~~ Sale House le Houses: 43 Es ru 6:30 PM. |’ ton couple. FE| low: incom st tet wre oe ees ete tet | a tote gue down, oo ; 30 P.M. ROE . ; tsae ee year of age for ea (AROUND ns. $500 down Ws CAR OARAGE bir “Cities ta reat. | fetes be panes. tite Sa Nest eee, ODER t. Ciem- ce in rear. a i FOR tac, 835 Branch "Big. ‘Lake Rd. elec. Inde a Pe bas Ono k ae LOWE near |_3112 bet penaence. gia whe | Po Sheet os rooms & a BATH LOWE \ ay etween 8 & en. ‘on r4 | nishi ill sah OWNER. tial . o Peidock ner heat fur Carpeted, fu 3, . doe a, — meat, full 617 Hear. atached 312 308, ‘San. tarage be j “| | ’ mee # ie : ‘C F \e cy pi as os aes ain she PIRES. SATURDAY, SEPTEME R 28, 1957 Me “For Sale Houses ay PE 53-55. foe wen getGRY PAY 4 , & Foom lb “* ‘large living "elin, lable spnce Ron - plaster ot ok tn et &, oe : Oe. feat home for re FE - etd BY OWNER 1 1 sag agg oh - in one ie room, — screens, & take “< GI paym 3-0293. cRAMGPaRAED OUT OF STATE— Must sell my new & room, plus ranch, 100 b by Abe aot, will take pA teasnoable offer. Walled Lk, MArket 4-2316. LVD. E & MOUNT THE Stadt ewe LI it ATTENTION, ~— Bey FAMILIES , oe pee ce enily #38 Dorothy Snyder Lay Lavender REAL Ph. Po, EM OPE SUNDAY 2-3 P.M. 6050 Southward sehen poten Ther or MUtual 4-417 plaste eden home with R rales ra. 3 97h i Pu heat, 12 x 18 got ind fee bedroom, rae 5 se 3, $11,990 PIONEER HIGHLANDS—| _ 12,100, "terms. PE 6-861. Acar jearage wilh attached, on this immaculate 3 § MILES OUT seabed ok x 160 ft, Only Sue Heme. Atcousre Home, garage and breeseway, §| $1 with $5,000 do area, © kitchen, full] Seis" gt ar bie! orxrs MIQHWAY TO WILLIAMS | — : alam, storms, screens F LAKE Lerr “tO ag od FRUIT FARM FORT BD. niont on Bineost Rehost are. SYLVAN LAI LAKE pete 10 Acres, trees. | TO SOUTHWAR : myo PM. M ¢, garage, fruit a “= eee, Bemege- Aine Series. CalyT A TOHNSON, Risitor . “l *CUCKLER REALTY . 1704 + Ean re hg Rd. an FE 44001 + ee ee 14118 we Sagibcopegs reree | ,,. FOS COLORED 3090.99 DOWN ae ba oe LOW DOWN P Eim st.| New 3 face brick, full =—¢custom built BRICK homes. Each h has ¢ foo _. paved street, E-Z terms, custom | bull BRICK] }homes. Eee scene. | 2 left. Phone FE §-6767 or on beautifully landscaped 100 porch. Peneed yard. 1% car ga-| Webster 3-4200. 4 x 550 Jot. Lovely fora} af ease. ; r. ely ¢ _ Le doa. Tile] Central “a wsten WILL ACCEPT ining room s . bed. Tt, car, lot uity @ ey yy Aw ge reome, “tiring grou khan down payment on fami rome. 6 rocmns, lots Lente den aeamen Bae one P other just vacated. OR fe RA il . Fe Soe Gas month. $16,000. Terms: 30272. aE . Woodward Ave, at| IRWIN ST. 2 homes. Fach is 2|8 RM. MODERN HOME, 2 BATHS. Square Lake Rd., take. inte: . 2 bedroom with dining 2 car garage. : ing M drive to and rch, Pull besement, E i Boyt in Charge. OPEN aoe down. One for $5,000) 8 rm. modern home West side be | MM. cash, C). UW SEpes 4 LAND LAKE 2 room PRICED TO SELL 3-BEDROOM RANCH selling below cost, count of health e OR 3-5311_for Appointment. BAXTER S&T. $800. Down. 6 Rooms, with basement. RAEBURN 5T. nm. 8 e. Gas rnace, 1% GRAND OPENING INDIANWOOD MANOR SUBDIVISION “A new way of living” 6 LAKES 6 MODELS A RESTRICTED COMMUNITY OF BETTER: HOMES PAVED STREETS _LAKE LOTS CANAL LOTS RIVER LOTS ROLLING HILLS $23,900 UP DRIVE OUT WALTON BLVD. way OUR SIGNS NEAR 8sCHOO RD LAKE & CLINTONVILLE DON’T. Fail to See This EQUITY ON 2 BEDRM HOME| tor reba tee Down payment. = HAYDEN | &. EDITH. $i,126 pees Bal. $50! per month. On FHA. 2 Bedroom home, gas furnace. W. COLUMBIA, $800 Down. 6 room home, bath, 2 lots. os MADISON, 2 Bedroom, mod-| rm home with stairway to partiy! finished attic. sv carpet! im living room, dining room and! hail. Breakfast ay Kitchen has) Youngstown cabinet. Ceramic tie bath, oak floors. plastered walis. Basement, oll furnace, 1'g-car ga- ee Landscaped yard. $10,900, term DRAYTON WOODs, Spacious 2 story, 3 —— home. Fireplace, separate room, plastered walls, onk teers, full basement. Oil furnace, 2-car garage. Large corner lot. Landscaped, $16,800. pee HILLS. 4 Bedrooms. 2 sto 7 room home. Oak floors, gas fi bead P { $13, 950, j. ic “HAYDEN, Realtor 86 E. Walton FE 86-0441 Open Eves. Sun. 10 to 2 OPEN SUNDAY 2-6 P.M. CORNER UARE LAKE & ing state. H, P. HOLMES, INC. 2631_8. Lapeer Rd. OPEN SUN. 2-5 iit wage od CIRCLE, 1585 This brick and frame tri-level) s- *to ae maxi-| fire-| with desi mum. livability, The » 1% baths, kitchen, 2\% car attached fines patio and many more) iniments will please ee is right, IN TMENT ! | | | : i FE_§-2953 | n Eves ‘till 9: Sun. Ss Dixie Hwy. John K. IRWIN Webster School District. A Ve paved areeh te ee ‘iving room & — room 2 bedrms. bath up, Full basement, gas heat, 1% car garaee. Fenced yard, do Cherokee Hills A lovely home on corner lot Large living room, wall-to-wall carpet. 2 good-siz zed bedrooms, plus paneled room for den or bedroom. Basement with tiled floor, . 1 to 5 FE 44561 Tasmania Street Only $1,500 down will tae dee into this room hom Eas, monthly payments. Close me Lovely neignbor- Sylvan Lake City Here is that dream house for retired couple or the newly- ay Extremely attractive 445 room home with full bsmt. and aoe garage. Excellent condi- on. John K. Irwin paiyag ae Sin 1925 West Ruren Street 313 'Phone FE 5-0447; Eves. FE 5-4846 For Colored Families 203 Raeburn. Like new large 5 room bungalow, Ol heat, Nice asaiey tm..; teo. | yard-fruit & berries. About $1.- 500 down, 462 8. Edith St. Vacant. Neat | and cies 5 room bungalow $800 | down 298 BK. fuson All white ‘ room home in eacelient condition $8400 terme Others to select from including incomes. For best results, us. Ph. Mrs. Howard, lispie St. FE 2-6412. is @ | John Kinzler. Realtor MI %-0200 6% W, Huron st. 2 family brick, nice corner. ‘Other . §, © rooms. Modera "E lg ok ew Pr. W. DINNAN PIONEER HIGHLANDS On Draper City water, ee ’ DAILY & SUN. 1-8 FOR COLORED This 3 bedroom home ts beautiful th Built in kitchen, built in range and oven, birch cup- boards, full basement, large cor- “ner lof. A nicer home cannot be found for $10,500 with E-Z terms. JIM \ WILLIAMS ee ie i318 Baldwins ava ~ RILEY A DOLL HOUSE. Situated cn 2 landscaped & fenced lots. 2 bed- | Toom ranch Nn ba bungalow. Oak ~fhoors & plastered watis. ‘Tite | JERRY E. ADAMS CO. | bath, roomy eg oll 1% car ga- rs . with over-heed doors. 30 BRICK RANCHER. Located in Bioomfleld Mighiands. 3 master size bedrms.. 2 full tile baths, AUBURN HEIGHTS, A cory bedrm. bungalow plus malice room. §0x200 ft: fenced & land- escaped lot. It's priced right at $6,995 with $1,200 down & only = monthly. LAKE. CANAL FRONT. 3 ‘308 DOWN. We have 2 homes in Huron Gardens in this same price range, both have full baths. Call for details. bedrm. furnished cottage with Never a naet fay at with Bi 000 dn ROKER 408 baba Lk. FE 41157 PONTIAC! Tage. e.. 950. ment, gas heat, 2 car garage, $1500 down, ‘Like new, 3 pices l a — ment on 1 acre pet & dream hom 0. =e ANK SHEPARD OL 1-7$11 OL _1-1194 Johnson FOR BETTER HOMES PLeere sod CLOSETS this 4 bedroom moder pes, included in Pp you see it, you will buy ft. list | your home in this area with | - Gil | ' - Ph. FE ¢3523! Full price” only $15,000 substantial down SS LAKE FRONT 16 acres with 600 ft. frontage. Includes one 5-room modern siome and one 4¢room modern home. 2-car garage Plenty of fruit and berries. real bargain for comeone Evenings. after 6 call Mr. Lease FE #1175. A. JOHNSON, Realtor 1704 S. Telegraph Rd. FE 4-2533 dream kitehen, fireplace in living- |. | ‘ee ! « & ~“T said you couldn't DRAG ‘ “by Dick Terner 428 TM, Rog U.S. Pat. OF © @_Y967 by MEA Sereion, tn me to any concert tonight!" Eee near Schools bus, New rave decorated inside. Nice for 1 family 2. can be used for 2 family desired. 7, with $2,000 Dn. Rar m, % Balance sod “contrac OR 33712. OR HOUSE down an aay OL oF pare rage. tow Buy Thru Partridge — List Thru Partridge Cipitens “19490 Down bt Aen Ma Is bedrm. com- pletely fated, bp meng Rome tor who enjoy liv’ ving. heat, reaj = kitchen, ver large lot, $79 a ’ _ OPEN = VACANT IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Walk in & look at it & if you are interested, call owner Days WO 33350 Sat. & Sun. TO 8-0851 - —Ees.. s|MODEL OPEN Daily 1- Mon. and Thurs. 1-8 . $8,950 - $9,950 = a month including tax jurance. 3 bedroom. om forced auto- = i. wimess. L, Dalton, LU 11-3235 Y OWNER Ottawa Drive brick. 7 room mod, house, 3 acres, $22,600. Modern 8 room brick house, : we pene am, house, barn. 029 W "ea Roe! L 60611 or OL 6-1701 COLORED rm, fur- For Sale e Houses . 43 , 43 PPP ne UNION LK. PRIV. 2 BEDRM. Gree Ping? rm. double garage. . EM 3-521}, ~ LADD'S 4-BEDROOM BRICK RANCH "thant "EE etcote _For Sale Houses. Bl | : "For Sale Houses | 43 eee Templeton aI OPEN © -. in oy artri Buy thru SYLVAN LAKE ,: RAST SIDE —' * bows, 3 bedroom ranch . Full meee rms..-plus full bath _List thru Partridge | Skate in bee ne ; Take , Close ; cor $15,800. PHA or con t Hesse — Priced to Sell i ee ged DRAYTON "PLAINS uP ok i IMMEDIATE POSSESSION | Pour Bresent home or Nearly new 2-bedrm. : NACE Be at titer : : Kobe. at 2125 GARLAND. Carp li on avhal tile IMMEDIATE IN. 1 room, moar, 1% Tag Rng = 3 Open 14. sessed ais acct | QUEL, AEE, J? | Ettais Metetter"Satit™s| |New Luxury Homes pet R. J. VALUET, Realtor | el, Soma payment, ‘No, reasen| pai og 2, ects homens, “3 KET Templeton, Realtor, - avn.’ ym pema| te’ tee o Lo blocks to 2 secre private park se Orehra Fang nd, Ze eo | Mi GAREAED, ARig a Evie Soft tet ak miata BRICK, NR, KEEGO HARBOR, 5 ROOM ” In exelusive ° FULL TRADE _OR Viling . The pack ° > Jeol ges ferance, 3 walle f $800 DOWN. Gr will accept auto-| modern. hiwery Srshade ee | See a #00,” May "be “. Pontiac. Lot 100nis6 . $1,850 ‘sown: | egal pt ag og nee -. session, § nanced equity Ba eared » ‘Naren @ fear garage,| home in Wade on this room BOSE McLARTY, Broker| >e Medel ANDALE, S aareske jarge Jot, Waterford’ High Behool modern 3 room home, 3-pe. west of Orch road om $4, riée. —_ basement, ol] farnace, gas merce Rd. See 5 3. bdrm brick, on canal, $1,500 Dn, 3 oo nen. Gasees. Pull price at . $2,000 down.| — Chloe Nichols, Realtor Sc noe a tea, | Wilson Estaie FE 2-0667. . 1580 Williams Lk Rd. ot Moe. FE 44813. to see interior, : eae OR 9901 EM 3006 | IMMEDIATE* POSSESSION - 6 NOW VACANT BRICK SHELL. HOME room Block to Webster gue oves you in this com- 3 bedrm. large corner lot, near | School. 009 down. OR 3-3061. table, modern home on 110x - “US! Scent” eaontaae , acess a Tare MA 1% — eo lk ——® 83 BRYANT “ an um 6 & 8. $6,500 total . ~~ orice. pid yg Rg for intment. 1] ACR / ACRES & HOUSE BPALTY WwW BRICK BI- L 2 8 room, S dere. Sm 3 large bedrms, Convenient kitch- prin day me so lenieg moder, , Mlceiy, wooded. 8 rey = Abullt in range, 2 baths. large basement = ol” FA heat. term fh for appointment ee ee Oakland County Realty EM_3-4164_or EM 3-241! after 7 TCRON VALLEY REALTY serio x" REN BITES & 7766 Mé8 at Pontiac Lake OR 3-668! OR 3-6681 NICHOLIE NEAR HIGH SCHOOL’ : frame, Three bed- 5 basemen as heat. Excellent location, trade for house with acreage. WEST 8UB Just west of Telegraph Rd. 3 bedroom e.. Liv room, kitchen, . al area with aoor om to rear yard. 140 ft. - ner parcel, $28 50 with te: LADD'S INC. Dixte Hwy., Drayton Piains 3885 Lapeer Rd. wate) verbeil OR 31231 or rE 50292 Buy Thru Partridge - List Thru’ Partridge Oxford a6 Family Home In the quiet village of Leonard ts this pesutiful T rm. house. 3 be rooms with one down. Large a aL VAN VLEET OAKLAND 8.1160 OXFORD TEGGERDINE RD. Large new 4 rms:, some finishing, _iacre of land. 5-5037, ~~" 192 W. LONGFELLOW CIVILIANS =| $490 Down NO OTHER CosTs 2 bedrm. ranch, full basement, — new, auto. beat. Hot wa- rT. po peggy AP Bagge ted interested, call owner. Days, WO O 3.3350 Eve, Sat. & Sun, TO 8-085! |5-ROOM BRICK Reconditioned § room brick, full bath, gas ‘beat, 8 ¢ down go Ay RAINBOW REALTY FE_2-2614 802 8. PADDOCK EVE. FE $2701 PE 4-6306 "BUD" Elizabeth Lake Front_ Motorway Drive The first time this spacious home has been offered. 122 ft frontage of finest beach. 4 mas- jer — ———. 2% baths, carpeted living room, natural face stone fireplace, 18 > 2 15 separate dinin room, 0 basement with an- iz u ex- other fireplace. 3s heat. At- tra large thermopane windows, tached car gerage Heated & brick walled charming kitchen, lastered. Much more. Priced at boon poor ve & ~ 19 ati Will trade or consider potehes vier tien 6 = = room = 5 : roe ery featu esigned for family living entertainin, Shown by sppotntment. Bud Nicholie, Realtor ® Mt. Clemens St. “120i or EM 3-4200 TRIPP rE 3 bedrooms, 2 stories with base- | BLOOMFIELD HIGHLANDS. Modern brick every - convenience. rooms, charming activities ttached 2-car sage. Mas " Many extras inciuafng garage eg Priced” tee quick sale. ONEIDA 7 Nearly =. 3 bedroom breakfast fies 1s ip Leslie R. Tripp, Realtor 13 Huron Street FE 58161 or FE ¢4278 MILLER HERE 18 — « sparkling white 2 bedrm. bungalow, fully in ed @ rooms, rich w wall —, in e..! rn dining room. ring fireplace aa space in and scctea” ret ig burn plastered wane, reation room, near Yoo he ree mi; trade for amaher hea . YOU SHOULD 8EE = this fi crest. cede 1 x 15 carpeted L too. Beau- @ ining tiful kitchen, al bath, oak firs, & plastered walls, full basement, street A-1 she ‘| oil furnace, recreation space, @x- cellent Neighborhood of well pn homes. Pontiac ee district to taxes Only $10, od terms ba 4% per cent mortgag William Miller Realtor FE 20263 ‘lies excellent location close schoo and sho . Good Fog So ters er fam wn, mediate pos NICHOLIE & eecce CO: 3 OW. NT Gpen even A hs 5-8183 “$495 DOWN. lot. 008 full orice. Wood. hoa pictute window ‘uil bath, utilit room This is not a shell, ~ today or ston at office for is ab'e. also ,€ HAY DEN of E. Walton FE #441 Open Eves, 2% DOWN TO GIs g.|3 hagers — Orece Last chance VAN REAL. ESTATE OR _ 3-603) LI_ 8-6219 To BUY TO SELL REALTOR Partridge is th “Bird” see, BY OWNER, NEW 7 ROOM Hi with wall-to-wall) eases © ing L, built-in china cupboards. Birch kitchen phon vent fan & ter Teens 200 ft. corner landecepe — fence. 5-3458, FE oun ,COMPARE THIS Custom 1200 1q. ft, 3 bed- — brick ranch panes full base- ceramic tile with van- dd walls. oak floors, for $1 Poe on your ot. 1: ob: DUNLAP Custom_butider FE #-1198 — of fine residences. 01 cond, deck ‘barn suit- able for: workshop & garage. A Ales) value, $12,500, "in bad = ea village “rm, house. herecunt vith dn. Large sit- modern kitchen & path beanti? fru “trees. beved ditve ts wacod garden space. arage. irae a value at only NORTH BALDWIN . eae om Ml, Lake ae fk ; me on corner Beet ae im incl. dining. ced "G. Ly VAN VLEET: OAKLAND _8:1160 OXFORD M ~ Lakes seni * Black rae Furon Next oc Branch Post Office 3060 8. Commerce Ra. VACANT — IMMED. POSSESSION. formation We hare lots avail- 4 tered garage. All thir wag! SIDE INCOM =, investment for be an he Three full apartments. Dascunest, auto- eee heat, garage and land- ped lot. Call on this today. NICHOLIE} & HARGER CO. FE 5-8183 Phone 33: W. Huron St. SUBURBAN Nice clean 4 room bungalow, full with shower. Large kitchen with plenty of ts, oak floors, oll furnace, utility room. Also part a Large lot, A steal t ¥ ‘NR. WILLIAMS LK. Lovely shaded yard with 4room 1 bath, of! furnace. bungalow Fw electric water heater, * electric stove. 2 glassed - in screens. A. . storms & ve clean home, $7,000. CRESCENT LAKE ESTATES ——— 4 room a. Tiled tte A lot. $2,500 “RRO KR REALTY TED McCULLOUGH BROKER 5143 oe . Poe Rd. FE 5-1284 Open di andl > - to hg 30 p.m. $750.00 DOWN BUY brick Apply for this one or others West , Signa” Caney OR Ot et | Glassed-in Sunporch Phone. 8 36 Large, Beautiful Landscaped Lot ; heed 2:00 - 5:00 P.M, SUNDAY Florence on x fang REALTOR * Since 1925 Partridge Is THE ‘BIRD” TO SEE INCOM E—$1,900 DN. Good looking a income, across fro Fredericks ool, Ol] heat cos jar ga- rage This will provide you a comfortable home plus income from the 2 other apts. LIKE SMALL TOWNS! Here's @& pleasant 3 frame home, just « Boer cite the t Ortonvi main street in Oli heating system, pochdowe and screens ate $7,800 full price on ¢asy term tI WARD EF. SO RRTTIREE REALT -TOR FE 4-3581 HURON ST. Ww. ‘OPEN ‘EVES, 'TIL 9 | OPE Sunday 2.to 5 P.M. 15 Deland Court For Colored Large 3 bedroom home with large living room, full separate Guing room, big kacher, bed- fooms and th ba arag Only $800 down to qualified bay: er. ott Oakiand Ave. between Lafayette and Sanderson St. Salesman on premises. Bud Nicholie, Realtor 49 Mt. Clemens St. PE 6-1201 or FE 5-7206 3-BEDRM, BUNGALOW DOWN. Picture window, screens, Paved street. Close to — ~ a center. Large utility rm. J. R. Hiltz REALTOR 1011_W. Huro _«__ PE §-6181 LIVE AND PLAY YEAR ROUND at Lakewood Village. (10 miles west of Pontiac on » 3 bedroom brick .etricted subdivisions. wt farm with a terrific CLAWSON & TROY: OPE Telegraph 7 _ to Vorheis Rd. 2 west to Pioneer. South 2 blocks. to corner of James E Blvd. 958 James K Blvd. Unsurpassed Location . = Fondo ig beautiful ee: baggpoe: ool Seer counter ga es aishwasher, a cupboards, b tile Le pp Timken ot] heat, 31-ft. finished eso rm. Atach 2-car garse web tecioceeed lots — —_ le saree Bivd. W ogtoeed below construction costs, com with carpeta, drapes, washer, dryer and dish- washer. Owner leaving state. cap ener home, ne COLOKED VETERANS CIVILIANS NEW-LOW PHA TER Behind cmt RANCH a a ie 308 “eae ‘privilere rE Your best buy in a medium priced home. 2 Bedrooms Full Basement Finished Recreation Room 1%-Car Garage Screened Terrace KENNEDY Auburr’ Heights V acant $10,900.00 Open Sunday 1-6 pm. Auburn Avenue, turn nett + plight in rl ag Heights, to Margaret WM. A. REALTOR Te is always @ priviles you, pleasure for -us to serve Buy Thru Partridge List Thru Partridge fee | mow Tea Te caw} Nothing Down Will bulla 2.or 3 bdrm. pacar home with masomem on your lot. Will bulld on for smal dow bg a * Le MeDonaid, Sa, BDRM. BASE- 7 On 3681. On OPE Sunday 2 to 5 P.M. Drayton Plains 5560 Rowley St. wegen 2 bedroom e location overlook- ra lots, large Eving —— hoy oat 2 care din’ m cau ae e \. Bidg.), left to Rowley, ageln to “OPEN.” Bud Nicholie, Realtor 4 Mt. Clemens St. PE 54-1201 or FE OPE SUNDAY 1-5 7097 TAPPON DR. Hen “is ‘TUst $1800 TO WHITE LAKE Cosy 8 1 MILE Chicken for 700 chick- 79 ‘TAPEON. “oRN RIGHT ens with tool shed. All kinds Phra Sie el Oh W EST SIDE DUPLEX oe $55, per .mon : #63 SEMINOLE. 12 ROOMS =| LAKE er ¢ EACH SIDE, SEPARATE bedroom. home with wall to i . is Bown. I os gair $i throughout JM witicHT Leslie R. Middleton M5_OAKLA aac OPEN oor aeat ey OPPORTUNITY Bont $04 |30°ER e a | paso OP Chandler . — thing. Easy terms, ; Estates $1,500 DOWN = CUSTOM Cospeio’, ‘pas neak Jee ene, an: DEVELOPMENT ser. Bale te, omy Hae WATERFORD TWP. featurin, a aS a ings nut seaneah, Ree ESPECIALLY Anchor feochig, Hh 308 DESIGNED SASHABAW RD. “RANCHMASTERS” | fooms fal" Sascment” tus’ neat “ ween erie ilety "lan: Tri-Levels Included scaped. Only. $1500 do 3 LARGE BEDROMS ERRY E. ADAMS CO. DUN CosTOM CABIN ners xen oe Dine Hee PE! easel VADER SPACE | BROWN % x 160 SOME WITH GARAGE RANG! =? = *edroces yoom “starter home, with Bi TERMs TO SUIT Com: " Ex- OCCUPANCY 1 somE cases | Sinem. “genost bus Only + ies IN TWO WEEKS from city limits. Priced at only DIRECTIONS: —_— on Perry to Pontiac Road. — \q mile | ¢ a — Open daily to 8. NOSAN BLDG. CORP. 2556 Pontiac Rd. FE 5-7823 —— BRICK Rd. Fire- gy garage. po cael corner lot. Owner ving state. $20,900. = $11,975 OAKLAND AVE. 96,750. « 10,500 REAL VALUE —- — st. — t's. Large » => 38 ft. bun- ait xc ac turn. Extra stool & show- bedrooms, full size dining i Laome two-car garage, - Zoned Commercial, Ideal for many Ay 4 ee of business, Corner jot, Large modern 6rm. home with ges furn. 3 $19,500 a RANCH — Bun- . This lov “home, built by OPEN NEW HOME SUNDAY 2-6 P.M. plastered walls, vestibule entrance | 1 water plus many other extras. _SOUTH BLVD. TO COUGHLAN RD. AND LEFT AT OPEN SIGNS. JUST 2 BLOCKS PAST SUIRREL RD. OPEN 412 ELM STREET SUNDAY 2-6 P.M. 2 ‘bedrooms down and Ca: tiv: room and ¢. in front porch. Tile bath. kitchen with dining Full basemen oil heat and hot water. Large 2 car garage and fenced yarg. EAST BLVD. SOUTH TO ELM 8T. AND RIGHT TO OPEN SIGNS. George R. Irwin MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE DORRIS UTY $1100 wn and move right into this eve appealing, modern to — aon ate, with wataireay -to expansion ai plaste wa hatdwood ry Open Sunday 10-4 iH: BROWN. | Realtor 362 W, H FE 2-4810 ______ Multiple > Listing ers Service CLARK SELL OR TRADE. NEW 2? BED- ‘CH. West Suburban, built wa year. Large lot, school bus - children. ac home or cone te ae gt laund: area ares, You'll like - it, peek, Ho ot —— Priced. w ter. Recreation area, Only §13,- 905. with §1,700 for equity. LARGE INCOME WITH LIVING a. 11 rooms, one room th stool & lavatory & — tile bath, ceramic tile in es * e on B two-room apt 3-room apt. % mous living quar- ters, olf heat, baths. Only $12,600 with §3, oh sews war » Somcrete ‘rive, out: or trade standing caper nee on} for other real esta’ — hele Suh finer’ pinea, loonie’ off Joslyn. OPEN s8UN. lg TO 8 BEAUTIFUL, TWO. yay §=6| CLARK K REAL _ ESTATE Six beautiful, 5; and lIfve- FE = ao — on first Moor, fire- | 1362 W. on es Grauings fats ultra rn, new Multiple Li er full bath and half new with Sy shower, a very upper gt with private dandy basement with A-l garage, m a be 4000 down he oe “thats nice OFFICE OPEN SUNDAY 2-5. “DORRIS & SON REALTORS OPE Sunday 1-6. 901 Cass Lake Road a AVAILABLE, a few ore of those wonderful 3 room bricks you liked so = Vestibule entrance with large lt room, feta. window. Custom rec > a on eel M50 to OAD. RAY O'NEIL, Realtor = e. 8. OP laa Rd. zi Lad MIDDLETON capes 058 ™, Lake Privileges ; . W. it yd Manche ‘DRAYTON PLAINS Wie M ‘BREWER i, e082) on White Lake 6478 Lake Grove, 4 : pong s — o 5 el wn ment, bead 1308, ster Realtor a 44750 DOWN brick Sertee. a Rernces : 44 roa 8 rme, sites REAL Po * A | IE PONTIAC PRESS. " SATURDAY, WiLL TRADE Aca Bios quic Possession. FOR COLORED Two family income. Five ae rhs down, : FE Py bath room ments . Some og Two oA, oes to Quick possession, NICHOLIE bse: & HARGER co. Huron 8st, an ‘FE teins Ladd's SELECTED CHOICE F gp dacsipee SITES Cae terms. Acres with Stream ~ y a a os waves 3 family srs neighborhood. tty an, excellent return on a S8, Mvesimaal. pece 100 x 200 Ft. 500, Sea tavenaes masons terms, FE eSoas. ent building site on @ hill. Seed ight, Denviw Pain| ec Mar tela ardwood tim- ber with 1 acre cleared for gar- den space, ic. ing site bid = Ay utiful shade trees. "Ladd’s Little Farms - LADD'S INC. . 3885 Lapee? “Ra. ao) at INCOME ood .. es, wet, Gas heat Fr + ad = Loca pemoent. Binguion Ry dead easy terms: INCOME = Z,tenm bames Sor separate ent: paogh mn My All sce Smee pee nee $5,000 “handle. Yeeethe ) plus owner's INCOME aR will time Fesidents. eve by olla! the g oy hg - dhiaies wn stores, on ~ Humphries ag = Realtor an dca iy Service OPE Sunday 2-6 - 465 Lakeside in Wonderful eqes. Be yes, very . = ‘to see this home Sun- RAY O'’NEIL, Realtor. FE sna Rt One MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE NEW 1958 MODELS ) in ; Privileges and boat anchor- qe. ft age are some of the m our ad to or only a wen ‘sen on Colberry Park | — sien*sinc, “hems es sah en io an ol as . Window. ¢ustom :| show you, No obiigation to Gir oux-Franks son ons CENEPAL REAL ESTATE OP EN vided —., ee arn LAWRENCE w. 4395 Dixie Hwy. OR 3-970! a and ind Sunday 2 ‘to 7 Priced rh aa GAYLORD OP) \T ° new — spt tz LOON LAKE ||" * "isso LD room and patio, 2: or 4 ene ee 3-5 Sunday ee ae Kitehen. “Alumina, se 4 IMMEDIATE 36 Chippewas: - ATER & BLACK- > : a Bi hugo choot ebureh and tan you “teat or $10,500. POSSESION scnocie: Br ylig recm, With = _as fe aowe. OFF On Either of the Two ee meg as special price. 1. block RAST Remaining 3-Bedroom " Direetions: Turn . SP Reisen Seeake JOSLYN Homes we have left. zon for signa. er Behe! today! Vn Bator Grive owt) Hic! ti Rit ’basement | BOTH HAVE: Leslie R. Tripp, Realtor and new Delco oi] furnace 7 W. Huron Street howe has a paneled) Plastered Walls rn eatin ya same OPEN ener and, carpeting ba ne Ceramic Tile price $4,190 —— tial) . Full Basements aig ie y have coe. Very Best in Fi ace Brick BLA Pg hm nnd atem WARD W. ROSS SILVERCREST __| ioe ind foo and stairs. 1% K am S en Builder of Fine Homes |, rooms. 2 ia bedrooms up, with mail house, 0" gr land : D “Terms to Suit flarawood floors, forced alr heat fragt My hte, Orner wan ee Ser basement, ‘iis lots. $0 ove, rant in. ve. 48 Sun./REALTORS FE 4-0528 — eine Fete ecg : Sun: pe Sunday 1-6 P.M. DRAY ON AREA’ Bunge eg some Hardwood foots, full beth: storms fect BOW ante Sats] $2 Satis ta 3s NORTH SIDE [9 ouse oe Pereherensh : 2 bed ——y brick, garage. LOOKING | Por a 3 bedroom ranch ie, So jong, about 2 yrs. me for about 260 down & $81 per mo. on 8 = per cent FHA ? A Gowns lar pape on storms and Auto, oll heat, located on a wes iatge lot in For Sale Howes ~ 48 WEST PON AC. A BETTER home "euih yeare. ago bys f Ey Se i i i af He tli ; # ment, gpbenood. ia i} Sale . Moe rte Ti eae paved yo, bua paysients. $ room modern, full pet tsa: S Garage, $1,000 "i cet house, se. ‘Michigan 411.300, Terms. FE 2543 Pour lake lots avatiable, a each, Sewer and water, Cal) FE nished. For compete te ist ot ture i ture, boats, motors, etc., tall i rE 4-2240. He' now, “Ee aa “WHITE BROS. ms, i exten ites basement 91,500 good neighbo: on a paved ee eo pointment. CASS LAKE SCHRAM Realtor ven art ner renee 4 on & Sun PE 5-2564 LTIPLE LISTING SERVICE Immediate Possession wo] GAYLORD 102 8. me Real is nice 2 heseone home ¢ Orfon. 2.2801" OPEN - = Sunday 2-3 _Blcomfield | High lands - sao HF oy ? —- oe. Come Large room, dining ~ all. Ww. over- tile Sunday 2-5 242 Voorheis Road Pane’ re. Lan are eS o few o todures. = LAKE PRIVILEGES Ideal ranch home. Extra’ large kitchen with dining space. Large ong, — = bath, SS fenc tC ear shopping ter, Priced for quick aie sia — HOME You will want to see maculate home. $12, terms. SMITH WIDEMAN Realty n Eves. 412 W. Huron FE 44526 KNUDSEN Elizabeth Lake Estates This 5 room and bath bun- gslow with ‘ull basement and stairs to atti ic is lo “cated on 2 nicely land- scaped lots with lots of —, _ the a con- dition. ‘Wenonah Drive Well located family home of 6 rooms and 1% baths with at eo Rd. Ba MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE O'N _ : ed at . Just like new, this sharp 2 bedroom home. Lovely living room. with entrance closet, ep, pot El goes with am en walls; al room. se 70 ft. yard, baseme: VERY SHARP RANCH fara HOME. rooms, . matic off heat. GI cate with a mately $1,300 down, month includes taxes and insurance. WEST SUBURBAN. 17 ft. room with entrance lot, th lake seivabese Ftd 880 with only yee including tax insurance. END. 2~ #7508 ws x : * Price 8 per month include taxes perm si SYLVAN VILLAGE BRICK 4 bedroo Story and one half. Oak Noors, plastered walls, ce- remic bath, Beautiful shad- ed ed lot. A block from the i with privi- leges — price nls 250, Terms to right p oe PARE love- : y 2 beer —— ae: 20 ft. vin with entrance aioek land and antag ell. Mod- = 4, bath, oak floors, plastered walls, full base- — Otl heat. Beautiful = sh t ade = trees. at $11,000. Terms. RAY O'NEIL, Realtor own you can- buy thi ols, churches neat ame hoe, in we and shopping center. sIL, cmmen Village off Al Rd. , tos omens all fine homes. | Near Webster. School $1,075 Full Price storms & screens. auto, of] heat: § room and bath home on For this house a @ large lot. to! 50 ft. lot. Good west side west of the city. The | price. location. Only $8500 with alone is worth the price terms. There's alse, a well =— the 5 property. us for ms. A. | WM. H. KNUDSEN 0 Home near Ortonville. REALTOR 244 8. Rhesy fp Rd. Down Nearly new. 2° bedrms., cedat | = $4516 Evenings FE 2$503/ = Im Waterford Townsht Fase” Pisctered "wail, ‘este. ‘at privileges ees e, wi : Ga ear ites | 790 Down Pavmeot | Se Oh deste e e price for si. 00 down, $9,500 total Price. basement, lake privileges. 5.580, A real buy. on for informa- Sell or Trade “ : § room, 2 bedroom, built in HOME In Rochester Proper : 1054. Automatic oll. beat. what will when 2 biocks from main street . -A good location inside the show you this immaculate 2 bed- on paved corer lot. 5 bed- hor Large lot, near school. rm. home near Waterford Drive- room brick, feted ot used $500 down, = ge hg : s ag tomy Gumeeea —! porch: 4 r poo oi) heat, | “ Soeaasene Full eament. Garage GILES REALTY Co. * icture window in iiving rm., tile 8h more but best 221 Baldwin Ave. FE 175 th, lots of closets, large kitch- . is Flotesded = me After 6; FE 23-7006 or FE 5-6293 Se oe, See. eewey,| has 8 five replace. ‘uet_me | Prime Investment Jot, 81.209 down. Vacest & reedy — ro veer 60’ x 550° on Dixie ore : NORTH END In Drayton Plains, Just south es saves of Williams sets Te” wee Modern home modern home, baths WHITE BROS. street with two large bed- basement, oi] furnace. Ideal for = a _____ | > _fooms,- Owner m to waaay uses, commercial or manu- = ae oe = Take | “t gnd ceiling ‘ully tnsulated. ~ family. Open. =. "tno Bundey Bes poy | lsst Figg aoh Lees at $55 — ate —— MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE fora ew price of Bop Suburban . f Only $750 Down a : A Warm, bi low, $450 DOWN * | sx. Michael's Schoo! Wectin ‘Eaee SRE OH sci | On @ block. “One ‘'4- aw Rd. Aluminum storms an oat iy for sue ‘ Ped pond home with two bed- screens. Fenced yard. Oil heat. Fiving room, a bed- nfinished attic. Tollet, lavatory shower. room and pape : m and large eat- & month—no serene charges. Sewer and water ing- area in kitchen practi- -No red ta Tass oo best of “an, only” cally bew ue All bape f For Colore , 456 S. Edith Nice 4room modern home. Alu- minum siding, fenced paved street. City sewer, er and rden spot, All this KENNEDY Wiss a —. Spee to {o "Berve om rooms, floors, plastered ee Sree street, #iiseo GERG IR 45% Dixie ane” ™ 3191 Bloomfield Highlands 4) TIZZY phe by Kate Osann “George, before I say another word — promise to keep your eyes closed!" -_ SEPTEMBER Pa, 1957 Business Opportunities 51 916 Baldwin Ave. Fe 46203 Open Eves. “til 8 BY ALL MEANS SEE . 7 The New Addition -to Cherokee Hills! You'll lke the secluded, coun- try beauty of ts «5-128 ft. wide home today’s a (nile wes west 2 enh oe Carl W. Bird, late 402 Community National Bank Bldg. LARGE LOT PONTIAC- atkins reali PE 1-0831, TAGE. ce $1695. yke Road, ai “Snelbreok. = Arnold Real Estate | "Rot Lake a 210 8. T Rd, rE ‘soon Fee 31050 For Sale Acreage 47 3 13 ACRES ON TITTABAWAS- River pear Gladwin. Lage hunting ang fishing. _Sise0 es Sad Bating. OR 3. 6 ACRES, QUARTER MILE Fe” nr limits on Giddings Ra. & Mi Richard steele yg! 7. SE: comes © wes Rate : . roiling | tana, For Sale Houses 43 For Sale Houses 43 Cc C. PANG Us. I Realtor MUST SELL 5 BDRM. HOUSE, RMS. TH, R! or| ans 5 (e) GAS | 6 & BA 1 ACRE OF | CLA heat, 3 rm. apt. over garage.| land, some fruit, % mile from ARESTON bedroom’ ie hows fa Rents for 960, Will take bus, on Joslyn, would take car| b t a t or truck on down payment, FE| 9-044 or RE 2-1334. ‘This is urgent. Must take wife 8.6267. OPPORTUNITY west for heath 7: 5-1372. 1049 | ~ a 20 cleared ro: athens good for : Income Property 43A oreneré’ Build one room 5 canes me for week ao and easant M-59 income, in's00 1 00 downs Own: WEST OF PONTIAC | ES Thompson. Lapeer. Ph. . cares: pone ieee r") = ome ‘ee et ; ing % center. tixio ae dee, peg | a oaks Realty. Ortonville. . ¢ extreme rea: HIG: SRES. DEEP WEL Fairg nove orto i brickcrete 2-fam thome with full Soeet was ae on Aon with 2, ” LJ . r to downtown, Ideal for rest plastered walls. Pull price $19,800, | —22-_Call_Holly,_Mirose_1-6408. home. Large Living room. x ROCHESTER AREA | fire #@, full basement, gas IN TRADE. ° Te lcsteall anlllpaved ica hea conten $13,900, w HOLMES - BARTRAM 60 acres, rolling 77 Wome down paym 4302 Dixie Hwy. OR_3-1950/ "grea. $450 per “Ss N Donelson Park bedroom home in desir- doie neighborhood White aluminum siding and the lassed-in frent porch make t most attractive. Full base- cna" af aeneaict Scho Benedict Schools near =i cert conveni- ent term. N Waterford Ranch Pochial schools fe Hoga! $17,000, reason- E There ig « great demand for mes in this desirable tractive. bedroom. construction, fireplace, "ful full automatic ot] heat. taree landscaped lot, 200 x 300. $21,000, terms. T Rochester Area bed Sch . front door, $21,500, term: T Lake Frontage On the Tape shore of Union Lake, 4 bedroom brick bi- level home. 3 8 eat. Many fre reprgg oth ea- tures make this a bes utiful lake _home.- Boy Annett Inc. REALTORS 2% FE. Huron FEderal 8-0466 Open Evenings and Sunday" 14 STOUTS Best Buys Today ONE OF THE FEW Tha ane clean, with 2 ved street. y $5,059 with 3- ae RANCH $800 DOWN will move you oer this very charming 3 pa ting fe livin a lovely blocks o ESS) ea peak ia 3 one 14 DAYS SHOWN BY The Only Possibie Solution to ar hous sont le ee is to out- Edw. M. Stout, eae WM, popes Boe on . Eves, OR +18 FORCED TO , SACRIFICE . _} Beautiful day Lake APT. HOUSE CLOSE IN. FREE Apt for owner, free heat, ts and gas, plus extra cash while paying for itself. New gas furn. ing owner. $1400 req mo. May consider trade smaller home, FE 5-3647. _For Sale Lake > Prop. 4 44 oo Ls so LAKEFRONT LOT ON SYLVAN PE 8-0805. lake, Phone Empire 3-4197. BEAUTIFUL HOM ing W Ez Ey OVER- 60x100 ft. Y uew CASS-COMMERCE RD. BRICK ranch 3 bedrm. Priced for quick sale. Owner FE 4-i1162. Now open. North yg . EZ terms and trades. See to- day. 5 MODEL HOMES IN LAKE- VILLAGE. Drive 10 miles west Ss 7 ih on Huron 6t. Cc. ‘Realtor, 404 £E. menens Ra. (M59) Phone EM LAKE FRONT LOT, BETTER BUY now!!!! 76 ff. of excellent lake frontage surrounded by fine homes. Large trees, high : RAY O'NEIL, Realtor 4 tne = res +eT1s Hempstead 7472 MACEDAY LK. RD. Lovely three bedroom home, over- loo om Bok lake, Two bedrooms sd m with natural fire- ace ‘*e scare window, bedroom, rds on with dining area of ¢upboards bath ‘down. Pu basement, with ground level entrance, of] heat, elec. wa- ter heater. Storms. & & plen ATACEDAY SHORES SUBDIVISION High & dry, partly Sans “Buitable for bed - gu ome on easy terms. KENNETH ¢- HEMPSTEAD {o2 FE. Huron FE 4-6284 1? Ever PE $0510 PE 23011 . MODERN HOME, STONY LAKE. a miles Pontiac. Good well, 3 & — Locat park 1406 Ora R AY Oxford, $6.250 with _Dn. Owner Wright, TExas 40861. SACRIFICE, CANAL LOT, 175x220’, Long fake, hear Square Middiet ‘en | 60M MOPERN HOUSE ON 0345 Gale Rd., Pontiac . open LAKE LOT —Venice of the Laks 2-8000 (Detroit) = Bunday be- tween 1 and 6 p SEVERAL GOO S “LAKEFRONT 66.W. Huron __—_—=_—*FE_¢2877 WATERFRONT HOME. PRACTI- modern. At Leo borg | dow: marks Ww. rtonvilie, ae NA For Sale Resort Prop. 44A HUNTING AND Severe! lake area tely furnished. pace i hunting. t 16 miles . Prom FRONT — oe and bath, Pb schools, available. For Sale Lots 46 100X150 LOT IN PONTIAC. WAT- kins Phone FE 8-6695. Wetat. Buy thru Partridge - List thru Partridge WE ONLY HAVE 2 BRAUTIFUL jots left in Hoostees Park. Por bore Bt a each, with smali down ALSO SEVERA L outstanding lots in Forest ane Country Club Es- tates and < Knoll subdivi- sion in Bio Tov iD. A. JOHNSON, Realtor 1704 S. Telegraph Rd. FE 4-253 ih DRA N Wi * We still have-a limited number of excellent available. Pro- tected rest FHA & Equit- om — Convenient terms » 3 bedroom home _ with - BARTRAM ent, y ae A por | 4302 ¥ ¢ Hey. ; OR ¥1950 es apd Cash to|60 FT, RESIDENTIAL ON NW. hg gt ge UR ee he mee er * . Ra . paved, $900 cash. OR 3-8082. + ; lot, 15_x 316 ft. on Mace; $17,000. CHARLES MELICK Branch office 3610 Orion Rd. ___MY_3-1200. NR. LAKE ORION = oe 10 acre building Lege nal acre. Te : ane acre lots, $800 up, —_ liberal terms. ‘ = price, $1000. Terms. =a = kn “EXCELLENT Terms. Smith Crawford, Inc. OFFICES 3300 5. Rochester Rd. OL 1-0002 1500 +E. Auburn Rd. OL 61226 For Sale Farms at § pe rest, _tonvilie, Ph NAtional 17-3017. —_ — asd ACREAGES. wR. M W. DINNAN §-0683 | 66 WwW. Huron St. PE 423577 ~~ Buy thru Enlace List thru Partridge FOSTERIA 60 ACRES La 7 rm — =e ted PE caseen betes glasen: VACANT LAND 20 acres. no buildings, will di- vide, terms = RIDGEWAY REALTOR 975 Baldwin FE 4-203 Opea Eves, ‘till 8 bag noe 9 “fon for Tomene prep operty. at se — wen goed sm — Barn ¢ oe ne coup. G. t VAN VLEET OAKLAND. Pei a OXFORD _ FOR PARMS AND ACREAGE Call Rutledge. OR 31111, rB +0003. SMALL PARM. 31 ACRES GOOD soll. 2 2 yrs. old. Sale Business Property 4 49 2 ACTIVE ACRES ON _— WEST Highland Ra. f 3-4197. -C. Schuett, Realtor. BY 0 LEAVING TOWN. _Must sell. Excellent. business—io- eation, 228° frontage on = per. Best offer takes. 2335 Dix wy. DOWNTOWN 2800 sq. ft. on ground floor plus full basement — can be di- vided. Ideai for doctors “clinic, attorneys offices, insurance, any retail stores, etc. ver close to maphaag Fad arking lot, te. Cail ase avaliable 0 Partridge: 1050 W. Huron. COMMERCIAL DEPT. one property in & out of Pon- “JERRY E. ADAMS CO. 2536 Dixie Hwy, Bud King FE 4-4562 Buy Thru Partridge List Thru Partridge Rent Lease Bus. Prop. 49A BEAUTY SHOP FOR RENT. AND R_ 3-6688. DOUBLE Henk 373-315 AUBURN rey 4 er 1M a oan center. for wholesale re retail a on any ness, Heated gas. La ark- ing lot in rear, Conv: & loading & unloading. Call FE 3-414 or FE 2-5219 GAS Eb Selo FOR | EASE. $1,000 $1,000 w $1,560 tal. Will belp f- _nance Cal 24121 STORE 18 BY 70 EXC. a ae sins ar i Baldwin Pie 96203 For Sale. or Exchange 50 2% ACRES, $6,800. TERMS OR trade. P.O. Box 535. 3} BEDROOM HOME FURNISHED, Eraier" pate jt oe Gon oe ue lo ment OLive 1-135, 3} ROOMS. $3090. OR trade, P.O. Box 538. WATERFRONT COTTAGE TERMS or trade. P. O. Box 535. Business Opportunities $1 Buy Thru Partridge List Thru Partridge RESTAURANT FOR SALE. bath — 1 to p.m, PE paren and Home on Dixie Highway Many years of successfil bus!- in e location. Well- business at $3,000 inspect, Giroux- Franks GENERAL REAL ESTATE. (0 Dine F er, OR_ 3-9701 ‘AURANT FOR 6A. FE 3-9718 ee For Sale Lots* 46) JOSLYN AVE, «da =| Partridge|: REAL’ 18 THE “BIRD” TOO BEE: 43) ‘| ACRES LARGE FARMHOUSE -A-LTRADES. B iG ALLEY in onh = aa masonry will for’ home. BOAT LIVERY - MOTEL on ular lake in metropolitan ares. en. Home ane ~y tracts im trad: TAVERN — HOME on main state now leased. ing. Will pons ae home. a ae — MILE DEPOT in eenter of business — Pro- cesses milk and ae mokys 50 @ cream, Will consider trad SUPER MAREET with spt. plus extra income, Corner locatioy in busy. town, Trade your home or contract.: MOTEL state ons er lake in Oakland Co 10 a vlus owner's home, What bave you to trade? NORTHERN BOWLING ALLEY and restaurant. Terrific business. a Will trade for : PACKAGE LIQUIR and groce ety — rs @| (ste avaliable. Will P ie a. RESORT near E. Has 5 units plus owner's home. .Trade your home or contracts, Is the “bird” to see For Businesses thruout Mich. 1060 W. Huron, Pontiac FE 4-3581 Open Eve. ‘til-® Partridge |: PEKON NTAGE ' tori alin \n raters. ni Sal avy, is : =| SHELL OIL Cc has for lease » ax nda 5 tia ad Maverasing. 21,0 37,000 gal. per me. “LET'S “TALK BUSINESS” BAKERY ume of $48,000. 5 Pongo Be & [ocary exc, net profit, V latest modern equipm Requires $8500 down, plus inventory . SANDWICH CATERING This established mist e business. a MICHIGAN BUSINESS SALES CORPORATION JOHN A, LA 873" 8. LEG: RD. PARK AT OUR FRONT DOOR Standard Oil Co. XN, PONTIAC, oa ON fice of- fices and kitchen—lavatory. Bidg. 30x44, jot size 060x150, 3 pic- ture windows for Thermopane construction; pine paneled walls, full room height basement; 1326 = ft. with interior and rior entrances pte} many other wonderful features. a — address P. O. Box 258, Wal ‘Partridge 18 THE “BIRD” TO SEB M-59 BUSINESS Over 8% acres on M50 in Water- ford near the ‘Township — or toned ——r = paved roads or latre com- mercial development, for immediate sale * WARD E. PARTRIDGE REALTOR _ FE 4-3581 to ailed i ich. WANTED: GOOD GROCERY. PRE- fer with SDD license. Pontiac Press, Box 8. ~ . ITIS A CRYING SHAME A nice little store on the Dixie Hwy., with some 50,000 people a day going by, also s small modern house, the perty. set- up so i ined a polient s _— business scone share he whe yout for $12 8 OCERY tock, rent the fixtures and bb Lj a business Seale’ Fh oe for RK . Nice Tui Business Part time or ful}. time. §2060- upon contact, W West Ontario 8t., Chicago enclosing phone number. coffee shop in heart ee ee og ao | HAMBURGER DRIVE IN IN OP. gy ages me ime A: orl NOW. RENT Wel’ ey business, Re- EDOTORES VERY REASONA- quires poses of 61,200, Call BLE. AKLAND. today FE 4-1584 Commercial | si ar BA OVER 300 FT. __Sale Land Contracts 52 0 PE pS r nh ooone INCOME MR S-FAMILY tan we. AREAL ESTATE oy L 1-1731 Contemporary ace sate foe my, 3BDRMS: $3,540.00. Secured a 3 bedroom 1%4 BATHS, BRICK iste tae. eo Ee ig dd ce === tiers i eee . with down. Bajance %4,- Kampsen int oe o aaa _Johngon, FE btm : fr ing FE 40528 | -, ven Oe Discount _ 8 ves. contract sure seems woe | fl tenet osm ta FICE ? FOR QUuICg GALE VERY! Fc. ncaa Oe tte “ne NABL OAKLAND. Lake ont OR 3-1235. After 6. FOR SALE “ Money HOME & AUTO LOAN CO, 1_N. Perry st. (Corner Pike) Loans $25 to 0 $500 HOUSEHOLD - pTIXANCE CORP. OF PONTIAC GET CASH QUICKLY oe to $500 ee otic is ee LOA SEABOARD FINANCE 1185 N. PERRY 8T. EASY PARKING CASH LOANS to $500 BUCKNER © Finance Co. Pontiac Drayton Plains Walled Lake Utica Quick $35 $500 LOANS! SEABOARD FINANCE FE 0-0es3 Buy Thru Partridge List Thru Partridge Doctor-Lawyer Merchant-Chief . Dear Telegraph. SELL OR LEASE =— spot in town, Call for de- Bateman Kampsen REALTORS FE 4-0528 ._ Tele — Eves. & Sun, DARE STORE, WELL ay with or without stock. Ask for Mr Barnes, FE 5-9101; after .m. FE $-6297 aadeathawe FOR SALE. NOT IN Oxford. Call OA 68-2461, Really income te TEAGUE FINANCE CO, 202 N. MAIN, ROCHESTER, MICH. LOANS $25 TO $500 AUTOS LD GOODS Ph. Recueeten oe OL 6-0711, OL _1-8793 LOAN S- w° [oko vost 3 FRIENDLY SERVI oome a ‘TO 64 W. Lawrence St. PE ¢1538 ~ WHEN YOU NEED *29 - $500. You can get ft quickly on your signature, car or furniture. ad endorsers, Payments to sult to : budget. We will be glad to help you with your money problems. FINANCE CO, FE 4-1574 702 Pontiac State Bank Bldg er Loans $25 to $500 Owner sa: = K ‘ly $35. gnature Only with aie ee a i. = 7 > Household Finance RIDGEWAY Me 8. a hee REALTOR = 1% Baldwin Ave. | EE 44303 ___ Mortgage Loans 54 ae OPOD_Bves, “tl 8 “GULF A LOANS~$600 to $1,500 Has ready for immediate lease » Por on the following 2 service stations: way (US-10 at Culver) Dixie way (US-10 at BSuffook) Small inv ¢ with a low rent- a. ative will be at Dist Culver Tues, Evy | € Py, ae ee tur r intormation call the & H. Cole Ou Co, 392 8. Sani as. FE 24173. 2 NS | (oar PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER aginst “ome. ee Cheap. PE 4-1967 7 BEDS SPRINGS AND sa-| he Pp. +. © NATION AL ae #1] FORD FOR ne CAR OR and take over gen 400 mi. 5408 Console E 4-5453 ~ Oxford—Well Located IDEAL FO! VING | FACTOR Y REBTILT VACUUM set, Bed — cleaner. saere. a, maeen, | sane guar =~ up. Electric _503_N. Johnson, FE 3 LARGE THROW RUGS, 2 TWIN bagi ted GAS GAS DRYER ads with drapes & chair 45168, $50. GOOD COND. Bendix a Washer, $19. Midwest 6-735 @ Pc. LIMED Oak dad eg ja) REFRIGERAT ite, oF agnon tabies. Beds, ontraect or i oe small house or building. P.O. ee i Fs #3. OLA FV WITH WEAK America’s Wat Saben” Breeser See seas Fluorescent, 383 Orchard Lk. Ave. : rete couch never Bervice for 1a. Pettect cond. ng, FE 19814, ‘OR, BEDROOM tie set, gas stove, end . SECTIONAL. springs and mat- and ottoman, $75. OR/ tress, gym set. vr 5-6627. GE REFRIGERATOR. BEDROOM MOHAIR LIVING | suite, dinette ty oe stove, end condition. FE| tables. Beds, "Par Eset and mat- 690. tress, Gym set. — 9” KELVINATOR REFRIG., GOOD | GOOD,” BIG” SLAB WOc WOOD, Di DE- Tata livered. PE 5-0415. bapont ge | STOVE, , $80, PE 6-3856 Eves. only 33 Ry 42 Orchard igrromT AUTOMATIC housetratier its aD bivi B aoa BOOM Surre. scaPAL BED, GOOD Ag NEW. ‘ed. pete Chest never been us ~ odd Lari Over 100 yrs. old MAple 5-1515. t @ chair, 2 ¢ WASHER, speed only atovt 1% oa Sree at $125. Milk’s ST. MIKE’S ‘ voeane 9 ft Mark 6 * HE. T For | Sale Miscellaneous 60 a ieee ah aaa ae eee 2 WHEEL TRAILER. $85. 131 N. Tilden. we CULVERT PIPE “Cae S, Inc. 102 8. oO nee Rad. DEMING DEEP WELL -PUNP a é tank vr 5-2704. ME TYPE FURNACE F & pate ae ie with all ht glectre rT used. iy ——— ro eh ‘Ftizabeth Lake Rd for organ, sell equal valee. . EM 3-0853_ of @ Seay Am PE reason Tank Co, PE §-1 CHEAP: WRINGER TYPE WASH. TYPE wasn _¢r, metal bedste: 59 Home 8t. FENCE 6 GATE. 16 15 volume Amert vO. 2 3 cao yolpedia, $10 MUlberry 9-1791. PALL CLEARANCE IN THE FOL- lo a" ton chain saw, fir. samp. 1 Mert 3016 HE At cond to sell. Shorty Hook’, P!. Fe 3138 Orchard Lake Rd. FE FREE STANDING TOILETS $18.95 21x32 pS eae r a ee Stites 3-pe. bath sets with ove 080.95 3-pe. colored path set one FACTORY 3nds & Irregulars SAVE PL sOPrey 17 8. iw FE 5-2100 L D. 2 pipe for ¢” sell with 40 _ftie a ta Me hi. vain ani A, Thomp Perry. ag od 5xe 2 TRAILER ev AE and racks. Reasonable. FE ‘Garage Doors Berry Steel overhead fact oe wot Oe All sizes and — Lares ae! modern door on your see costs less than you think. us give PE_2-0203 FURNACES Ol! & Gas, free estimates, ee a 3-5634. RNER ERM spat beater Almost pi Call 4 p.m. SUPER. 2 on FT, IN 10 FT. Very cheap. "MI_ 40200. aor WATER HEATERS, CJ GAL, as. New : a8 rrific values. Vicnigan Fluorescent, 393 Orchard Lk. Ave. HEATING EQUIPMENT Used oil —-. oi] burners, floor kers and space heater. Wayne & Heating Co. ester. OL INTERNATIONAL TRAILER er log 1 month, $60, gun 16 gauge, os. an tase’ Hwy Drayton Plains. JACUSSI DEEP WELL PUMP. 2 h-p.-motor, MT #0024. JET WATER PUMPs $60.95 G. A. Thompson 80 8. Pe: ITCHEN WALL CABINETS. base cabinets, broom closets. We have a number in all sizes that are slightly marred at extraordi- nary values. Michigan Fluores- cent, 303 Orchard Lk. Ave. LARGE DOUBLE CONSTRUCTED building 60° long. $300 per year. FE 4-2898. —— VAPORIZING OIL furna: Good sond. Reas. And Stoke! “ttoker. FE 5-3005. LARGE Of. SPACE HEATER, $45. Large sofa, $20. Surface plate, 12x18"", $40. r coat, size 42, $40. FE 2-4107 LUXAIRE FURNACES Installed, Fair prices _ Heating Service, OR LIVING ROOM LAMPS FROM = 8. Joseph Furniture, 78 8. LARGE SELECTION Or aa shotguns er dated Ben's Loan Of- fice, 4 Pat MASONRY PAINTS . pe ic lg 8 ubber Base eo = walls Reardons Quick Plug for leaks Other special wi BLA COAL & BUILDING SUPPLY oF 81 Orchard Lake Ave. FE 3-71 BYERS DEEP WELL & tank, $80. 197 Woodland. PE 80, | NEW INNERSPRING MATTR: Ess, $18.88. Joseph Furniture. 78 8. ae Ew GALVANIZED PIPE % = 21-ft lengths . % in, 21-ft. lengths 1744c_ ft. SAVE PLUMBING SUPPLY 172 8, Saginaw FE_5-2100 ONE GALLON JUGS, IN CARTONS, for sale, call PE 44462 ask for Mr, Ferguson PIPE CUTTERS, DIES, TAPS, _PE saiie & wrenches. Other tools. ‘PLYW OOD. aon” RRY PRICES, CASH ar oon seeerene ose Oca see wees eaes Pontiac Plywood Co. 1488 Baldwin Ave. SPECIAL 25 per cent disc: on disc ued colores of Also Rev.-satin. er Kem-tone -and Kem Oakiand Fuel & Paint, tt Orchard Lake Ave. FE 5-6156 AT 3%e ROMER 906 GOL AT Tue FER “tt AEG a «fe pies | $895.6 pson, 80 5. Perry 3 fo. GARAGE DOORS. pil ES Sine _ incl, tae installed, duct work, Kenyon Heating ALUMINUM comBi- BENSON I LUMBER CO. Fatt Ec re stove. Fle eS eaten Do It Yourself 61 FOR RENT r steamers. shampooer, w ers, carpenters & mi s It you don’t see it-call us 5488 Dixie rford 37st . Our Lady to beginners with lessons. FE | 8 CLARI 1_SEA- $230. Beautiful case. GIBSON ELEC. GUITAR, AMPLI-_ fier and carrying case. Lise new, _$130._ FE 8-8835. GUITARS; COMPLETE LINE eg rmon y. Some good used cinetzie guitars at bargain prices. ORRIS MUSIC 107 8. Saginaw PE 2-0567 PORTABLE SYMPHONIC, 2 rs : — record pi nctesi} $40. DUCE See our fine selection of ait v¥ DUTY WALL . BY HEA DEER RIFLE 32 SPECIAL, PEEP- sights, $40 or trade for do gauge ing. Boots, duck calls & de- used aN Sale APRS, 72 AKC BOXER PUPS, FAWN. 3250 AnD "Grocbs Ra. Fe b00 AKc REG OCKER PUPS. re,| White & buff, FE 2-: ag osu Sn eea Hemingway ‘Re 2.0671. ~- Wanted. Livestock 73° SoBe ree skaxt | "GR, HPS n Bante took vergze ~~ For Sale Poultry 74 . wooded area, ” 9, LEGHOR Frank 1 Ho hai he ters. cae a e | #889 Huston. A - Path hes. None MO ” Sale Farm Produce 78 ee berth oe | ncamore Fie oy teu CANNING ae ti 50 BUSHEL, Perennial Gardens, 670 E, Wal-| 231 N. Squir ¢ E. of Joslyn. YOUR APPLES & SQUASH pace Tikes 1 TO TPF. POR Oat, Suttons, Ah Ne LE. Angelus Drive 17 miles north 7 Stas ‘on US-10, turn right| GRAPES. YOU PICK at Groveland on Grange ck them. 618 E. Walton R4., follow black top to Grange| 1 block E. of Joslyn. FE 4-65: iil direct you. Dig MPaiN t 3, WATERMELONS own, Sat. 1. medium arge cuce » St. . i 130 Water- SHADE TREES ee eo ke Sugar Maple and Norway Maple. | Rep DELICIOUS APPLES. OR- Red Map e pprsee, and evergreen all kinds’ W em — at 601 N. Squirrel. 1 mile Auburn Ave. Auburn Hgts. are Gem icp SEVERAL VARGWTEIS OF APPLES MC t No 2. PE “oaTT or FE fy or FE. 32-4403. Pontiac Land- _ of Auburn, OLive 2-0607. atAT oad PICK YOUR Riphed Livernois, 42 mile N. burn Ave. For Sale Pets 69 TOMATOES ; n . level fi Pre eeeo— 3600 Giddings Rd. — WHEAT eax AW, clean and bright. EM 400 ~BALES, 3-6389. BEAGLE : PUPS. AKC REG ml - and Eves. 7 dave week. Clift Dreyer Center. 15210 Holly Re fe oly ME ceri, poem A sults. JOE'S A&M SURPLUS, FE 2-0022 LOOK! GUN SALE _ Bhotguns * we meni k _3at00. 5 hh feneouee FOR ope tel A MODERN Sa enn | 2 BEAGLE PUPS. 5 MOwTsS. ae. avkdi molgun: Lie er: $20 each. $495 White Lr. 7 a Mause — Clarkston. _ 30.06 14 | AKC - COCKER PUPPIES. 615 custom rife. 23 Cal. “Mio a3 51943) mo. ON 300. chester loading ; 30 Winchester model model #4 rifle, new. Bae PLATS Le Bic vera. ir nA athe ake Call for details, Bat. a ae ? -_ oF Sun. after i0a.m. OR 34714. reg. Harris, 19 Wall. FE 2-4628. WINCHESTER i “i < 2 OAUGE "POMP, ——— BRED | AKC bones * guper x “12 gauge oe i MUlberry erry #1701. see John R BRITTANY @PANIEL. FEMALE, AKC Reg. Good hunter. FE Hunting Accommo, 65A DEER HUNTERS 30 FT . MOD. housetrailer & lots near Rifle River & Elbow Lk. OR 3-6078. slee y or week. Nr. POR RENT. 10 miles BE. of _Sand, ¢ Gravel & Dirt 66 eves. Tek BLACR Dik? — FOR 80H. fill, sand and gravel, FE 2-349 ito LOADS. a Udon SANDY LOAM. deliver any amount. eseia. A-|_ SHREDDED aah HUMUS sale and oe = Lock- , haven, FE Ma haven. FB 6-i6t3 . | DA a-i TOP sot, PILL SAND AND| MY 3 sravel, FE 4-0214. A-l TOP SOIL, BLACK DIRT, 1 aoe 100 loads FE 23-7611. T: J. STONE, Conklin. Attention Truckers Loading Clay Fill at YMCA ‘ : A-l TOP gOIL Black dirt, sand, gravel & fill. 50 | CLINTON LEONARD. EM 34016. | | A-1 topsoil, black dirt and | peat. Fill sand, clay and| gravel. OR 3-7549, B&B SAND, GRAVEL, TOP SOIL, bulldozing. ante nae: FE 5-8323 or 4-1 TOP SOIL, RICH ‘BLACK cad sa 0 es and gene Bennett. BEST OF Se loaded Cf delivered. MY NEW MUSICAL, “{NSTRUMENTS pool lee pongo — & form: nets, corn ru - bones. Gallagher's, 18 E. Huron FE 4-0666. be Sees G —_ CALL AFT- 7 5-5674. Pia ino Poites- PLAYER RE- BET fiae. Quitmeyer. iy 60571 ~ PLAYER PIANO - COMPLETELY reconditioned. OL 60571. PRACTICE PIANO. bag pe tite - gher's, 18 E. OUTLET 18 8, SAGINAW a ee . —, WALNUT. CONSOLE like new. Bi, lngher's, is £E. — FS Gal. SAXOBHONE. GOOD COND, v0. aati ae EBONY SPINET PIANO. Can not be told from new. Gallagher's _ 18 E. Huron 8t, FE 4-0566. sITHER, $30. Sale Office Equipment 63 PORTABLE ROYAL SILENT typewriter. FE Hectograph for sale, cheap 8-3260. ROYAL PORTABLE ER. GOO) TTPEWRIT CONDITION, 875. sii FE 8-885 AFTER 6:00 Sale Store Equipment 64 : © CIGAR OR CANDY CASE. PLUS $50, FE 48326, wall case, A ONAL CASH REG Good cond, ISTER, Reas, MArket 4-3975. Sale Store Equipment GA NATIONAL CASH REGISTERS From $128 =. R itioned cr: oy a fer 8.OR 3-5204 RESTAURA Hite Cl pie cms ; om & drawe 5, FE 3 yaad (ea Yow ra, Bark, ae FREE FILL DIRT — ANYONE WITH TO . RE- maths we FE §-3808, 357 var ee FILL SAND, MA- son sand, ‘top soil & pea " gravel. Crus’ a Black dirt. $9 del, Ale Kat GooD F FARM TOP som a . ON 2% YDS. 0 ie et Salt PONTIAC Sand, gravel, fill ditt, drain tile, trucking. Cement and mortar. $y sanveres. re "27049, YARD & DRIVEWAY 200 ae Me AR aos gravel, M1 ete. FE Wood, Coal & Fuel 67) “hirs* .| DRY SLAB WOOD, DELIVERED. FE 5-2906 va on a hard. n Ty, 5 2-0300 or FE 5-2804 Kindling delivered. OR 3-8400. FIREPLACE — FURNACE — KIN- Fins Sacer ave FE “e+ | G60. SLAB livered, PE §-0415. Plants, Trees, ae & = & Boe, it mi wee nN Sar, hi ce and ay, Bare on M-72, borders miles end. $30: per week. OL D8. OF BL BLACK DIR Lage VE -3 — ay 30 days only. 61355 KC. REG. CHAMPION we ringer Spaniels. ac white 4 Bhs a 2g Reasonable. Ph. AKC BOXER geee. or FE 5-5326 after 6 p.m. PUPPIES, fawn owe 43f welndle color. Phone Hart- aE i T Sortned m exc. busting s . . _aomabie "OL ae nn eas. BRITTANY SPANIELS, AKC AND Sale Farm Equipment 76 ALLIS CHALMERS CA TRACTOR, Hydraulic !oader, blade, mower. _S tea! plows. Other extras. MAple ~ AAA EQUIPMENT Farm equipment, garden tractors, rotary power mowers, chain saws. — — garden and lawn Reg, 4 mo. old. Shots and "$ SALES & wormed, from cham) stock. | ry, * P curtin "1360 py Pel Ra. sams Bee on 4 L) = ® m, Fostoria. Mich. Tel. 682. | Artis CHALMERS TRACTORS. s6 BOXER PUPS. e! C-A Power traction Double PE ¢24h. 14" tom eee & 4 section R John Deere Drag. $1,650, Terms ——— BEAGLES, AKC REG. PUPS & all age hounds. FE 4-1194, 3036 East Walton. a German erds, also er and © spaniel, COCKER SPANIEL PUPPIES. Black &® blond. $18 each. MA 6144). REAS. OR 3- CANARIES, LOVELY SONG. OR- & Apricot. 301 4th St. FE COCKER SPAN PUPPins. Akc OR 3-4763 ND. 6 WKS. OLD. 625 MY 3-1447. 121 He’ Rd ACHSHU ED, AKC REG ctieally house abaw Rd, Dray- — : cnAHORD FUP . 8 i) age Rae yar aE ExGuisn PoIvres 1s} To we. mo,; Lewell reers 3 yre. boxer 3 2 FigCHa. TROPICAL PIB ALL oe. 6) 8. Astor, FE 4-6433. PARROT CAGE. & STAND, LIKE new. Parrot ~all brass, glass sides, EM 23341, Parakeets Guar. to Talk: Cages Go atk, Se FE bens, and aie dogs aoe puppies and _5-0851. A 8.6 3. old, Pree—good home. OR 3-7826. ma, puppies & oid ‘on ie es er s $-0851. OR 3-6126 . SACRIFICE — SoG ge Weimaraner, 4091 Dray-4 ton. FE 2-7434. SACRIFICE GooD NG Weimaraner, 4091 Quillen, Dray- “ton Plains. ALKING PA SINGING Crane's Bird Hatchery, itt babe FE casio. “pull eae ib it Bivton Gait FisH, parteet gg ee a . Brest ae Orion.’ MY 2-1691 * Dogs Trained, Boarded 70 fp ee Ny CATS BOARDED, Ph Ly Burr-Ghell. 375 8. Tele- if desired. PE 23-2473 CALIF. HERE WE _ COME We are all out to win « vacation trip in. California, = tember ts the month to F apd best deal ever on a new armall : day. We take trade-ins mas. pans | MACHINERY, NEW oe Proulx Oliver Sales on M2? pepe a Oxford McCULLOCH CHAIN SAWS, Ee and used. WP. Matter Garden and Lawn Equioment, 1593. s. . De es (North of 14 Mi.), Bir- ” coe WORK- _ing ord caer one = - THis Ee SeciPuMEnT BEEN Eo & is hey eéid to Backhoe Hen’ 7 Wrent ‘oader Hot G GHTEN “e "SON Romeser | ee en SKE OUR LINE. OF NEW AND used tractors end ne gers Da- vis Machinery ‘7-3202. Ortonville, We wi & be “sere ‘to- morrow to back up what we say today." ~TARPAULING - ALL SIZES TARPAULING ioe Pa a ) JOE'S A & N _____ Auction S. Sale 77 B&B Auction Sales 5089 Dixie Highway Drayton Plains Every Friday ....7 P.M, eit Saturday ..1. P.M. hs Sunday ....2 P.M, & SELL DAILY OR 3-2717 to | 2VERY WEDNESDAY NIGHT, 7 Ww ‘nes E. 5-7 ae Sale Acad 330 Liquidation & Sale by Public Auction Wed Sept. 195) Smith p LI "S . 0 Set etors loca at 10-5301 Fenton tone Lee »2 geen Maple Ave Construction Machinery & equip- ment. Many misc. items. Con- struction supplies, 3 trucks & 4 trailers. e equipment. Con- struction supplies cont. Auctioneers’ PERKINS BALES SER _ Liquidators & Apprais- ers ME 5-8304, Swartz Creek. gear — STATE BANK coffee tables. y bed. Living furn., din- ing rm.-furn, beds, dressers, & ebest, Rugs, lamps, linen & dish- e: at Oxford Community auction — on M24 4 just north of f Oxford For Sale H Housetrailers 3 78 4 «FT. HOUSETRAILER, GooD cond. MI 67705 before 16:30 or after 3:30. Huron | Trailer Park. 7 HIGHWAY TRAILER HOME. Sleeps 4. Fine for hunt! _ sonable FE or bunting. Rea- 27 FT. ALMA " HOUSETRATLER. In A+ cond. Will sell on low — payment. OR }-1251 or OR Til Sa eee “41 is a oe tn Ne OUSETRAILER, a ag SOUeRTRATLER = Raoties Chief ) in. yo ‘ UTCHINSON MOBILE HOMES SALES INC, Beyita eet totim: 8 aie ors eden a ah Ria 1958—2 “bedrm. 36 ft. Richardson 1958-1 bedrm, 39 ft “6 ft above topper: seta ‘tte stat ek ibe . ——— ~ on “ A-l PRI LATE MODEL Red fill length drapec on imesh | iecks. $26 for funked care, OR with brees tre eps: AS, MOGH AB (0 FOR JONE AND cious @ used hath, twin have. cheap cars PE 24060 days or Byline. Bustenilgs) Paltamed binck * walnut feature “Always Ready to Buy nume ous fe “mention cc BAGLEY PRGTORARTS that Gap immer’ Princes fe ss gt ate, eet ga tr SPECIAL ON 10 WIDES Gardner 1958-2 Soke: 41 ft. Gardner 1968-2 bedrm. 47 ft. PK. Mich.-Arrow 1958-2 bedrm. 47 ft. Richardson 1968-2 bedrm. 45 ft - Geheral 1957-2 bedrm. 46 ft. $4,905 TRAVELING TRAILERS 2 Seattle Sie ie on 2 Tour-Homes 105 Y ite ft. $005. BROKERS Al ealie Aeg ; Let us sell your car, "SS or °S¢ Anke lesare tale will iast, only &| rggh tt cleam older eats to buy. iew MY Fy. Unie 6 of 1200 8. Perry Be FE 46100 TRAILER EXCHANCE| CASH OBIL HOME SINCE 1932 eel ee men Authorised sales & service-for_ipe ogsg2) DUXIE MWY. sass ANDERSON CADILLAC, PALACE : 2 welen 8 & 10 wides, from THE HIGH DOLLAR I. om Por high grade ased ears. We wats Seat eT. = need them. er extra miles bed: used t Os Bad pay you . 4640 Dixie hide o— qo ie sen, H. J. eee Nada 3 BOTTLE GAS See M & M Motor Sales PART & SUPPLIES _|-85 Blue’twe ” * "Om sie ¥E BUY CARE IN ANY CONDI. "ROE eat Na SPORTSMAN TRAILER. SLEEPS 3. for hunting & fishing. WE TRADE pad te ice box, prchest trams./ UP OR DOWN wearer grav, cose -, 1951 to 1957 Models will make completely. furatehed| We Pay You waite Fat your seca aC CASH FOR YOUR CAR sonable dea’ be f- nanced & pay as them. Ha HASKINS Rent Trailer Space 79 8 5 ¢ a i E be ix E z : : 5 ai Fr £3” i MoM q e Lid: Exc. cond. May be Pine bake Rd. 260 a _ JOHNSON MOTORS - te ts = accessories Wanted Used Cars 88 Fe 50219 7 BAOLEY sT Bud Shelton Was Sales ‘Pays dollar Cor, Aut Silt ra eens | - SH Wal for your 1950 thru 1953 Auto, if AUBURN MOTORS Corner Pike & E. Bivd. FE 31471 HIGH DOLLAR for junk cars e Shen’ or trucks. EM PONTIAC AUTO ’ CHEVROLET WORKING MAN'S FRIEND” reeOakland County’s Fastest Growing Dealer” 6751 Dixie be he at MIS MA $4071 Open Nights ‘ti 9 WE PAY TOP DOLLAR | Matthews- Hargreaves 8. SAGINAW PE 44546 a _Uate"na 3000 ulsabeth “Used Truck Parts 89A Auto Accessories 80 USED TRUCK CK PART 2 Bn ARSTRE. MEW aaa aot ea tom _ ists | __For Sale Trucks ___90! a cote carimecd. tneurence|3 Ti TRUCKS ‘«# TON aime honored oo Oot stake, & “40 Ome; te te. afety Aste Giasa { : For Sale Tires 80A STANDARD BRAND NEW bay vag th on | Generel U; 50 per Auto Service 81 CRANKSHAFT GRINDING I THE prove FE Sale Motor Scooters 82 DYNACYCLE MOTOR BIKE. OR ‘For Sale Motorcycles 83 ‘ss TRIUMPH, $50 CC. 32 ‘9? ZUNDAPP Mi CLE, 8U- nS 250ec, 92 Washington) sours For ‘Sale Biopvic 84 BIKE, MEN'S ROLLER) sic size 7, like new. FE BOY'g 20° SCHWINN BICYCLE. Deck ona cond. $15. MI Ba180. Boats & Accessories 85 GPP TALS LOLOL ADEA ALL APA, 14 PLYWOOD ROWBOAT AND oat. . FE 46370, iL 4 writ Mers electric, Windshetid. | te Tel. trailer 4 cover Eil| 36911, “5 piywopa Super ae 55 Mer- sh, Fie erence et eae 1 ~ ig DOXPHY cond. FE 1448 * se hig if 10 railer. oes iy W : ibsa TON DODGE TRACTOR BRB |“ ‘53 DUMP TRUCK, GOOD CONDi- ‘Hon, $000 Call “OR H1018 after ood cond, Ob, 62861 stake bed OR 3-2406. OR_ 3-1066 GMC RETAIL BRANCH OAKLAND AT CASS 1952 FORD 17 STAKE MC PICKUP L TRACTOR fin walt ope pod ‘condition, #3509, UMP BODY AND HOIST, 5 TO gaa For information call 8 / SLICES OF HAM _ SURF TRUCK WITH JOBE WiLL take car in trade. 3900 Baldwin. 2 ing oe TON FICE-UF. "52 Ford 8, . at Demo Prices ‘8 FORD VIC. ............ $1305 ‘644 FORD CLUB COUPE § 154 ‘$3 KAISER ..........:-.-.. $ 506 "82 BUICK SUPER CONV. .. § 495 MANY rye 1 engpentg bah Eee SPECIALS UNDER $500. Russ Johnson Mtr. Sales 1 NM. cones 7 MY 2-287) 1953 BUICK 2-DOOR, RADIO, heater, acd sie A wonderful sec- end car fo~ the money. Our stock No, 3874. $686 NORTH CHEVROLET ‘CHEVY 20. 4) DR. LOTS OF extras. 56-0735. DODGE Pd DEMOS & OFFICIAL’ cars, Pay off balance to bank is the tu price. rag Se DODGE SALES, 44053 Van Dyke, Utica. BUICK SPECIAL. EXC: COND dio & heater & whitewalls. Must al Le to appreciate. Reas, ‘bl BUICK CONVERTIBL: engine, Good cond. Wilthite. OR 3-5363. DODGE ‘$7 DEMOS & OPPICIAL’ cars, Pay bod senere to bank is DODG! $i8. wi the full pric waost = ke, Utica. ‘82 OLDS, FULLY UIPPED. . Reasonably priced. 155. Tom Bohr, Ine. CLARKSTON Motor Sales Chrysler - Plymouth Demonstrator priced — New 1957 Chrysler Saratoga hard -dr., light pec e, filter, custom steering ‘ oe covers, 295 plus state tax and li- Goen lecaiars—Plesse i CHEVY CONVERTIB c Pow: ree an Ww gihaso pac, Powerg oe: R CHEVY CL. CPE. vei aaa ed in, 187 8. Johnson ‘3 CHEVY 2 ae LIGHT BLUE, cond. New tires, fully _equipped. MA, 5-1017. after 3 p.m. ‘Ss CHEVY CONVERT. a a: WSW. Like new. $1,400. FE 4726 ‘63 CHEVY 210 4 DR. Me glide, R_ & H. FE 32-1562 after 6. BUD SHELTON OFFERS "56 Convertible $1,785 35 Buick “apres $1 695 "66 v Bel Air 2 dr. .... $1,605 "55 Pontiac Starchiét Cat. .... $1,595 "85 Pontiac 8760 Cat 7 $1,495 "55 Buicks songs 3dr .... £1. ‘66 Ford,Custom 2 dr . $1,405 ‘$5 ereery Monterey HT .. $1,305 8 Ports Sopomline or. fis 5 iP, «+ Sh "34 Pontiac Starchief, 4 dr .. $1,095 ‘84 Mercary HT . : "$6 Chev. 210, 2 dr. .. $1,045 51 Buick ieee « a ; i, c r 4 dr $ vereeeers tise Bed ‘Bud ton Motor Seles Auburn ot 5. Bird. PE $000 1384 AIR CHEVR’ 3 DR Standard condition. é shift, One owner. afake offer. PLateau 1-2676. 1955 CHEVROLET 2-DOOR tone blue, Our stock No. Ts15B- $200 or your old car down. $798 ® more to pick from. NORTH CHEVROLET ‘BL trees at $650 MI 4-2735 1000 8, Woodward Birmingham ten Cure nace ale and on, rs . heater. Two tone paint with tor with low mileage. Phone OR fter 6. ‘LEAN a $25. MY 2-$201. : AAA QUALITY 6 Months Guarantee R..& R. Motors |* sierra - Plymouth ‘38 er. Full po $1005 "5 Like new. f rere 1405 8 Side hare. St ‘ss Plymouth V-8. 2 to. choose "36 outh V-8.4 dr. ..... $i *Be Pentine @ Gr @ Scie f FS a it. 7 ‘33 Peckard oo. 8 meee Chevy 4dr... 8 460 Pontine 8. $25 do ~. $ 185 Los de oa oot : extra path, | ae $73 | “THE v4 ae" down $ 95 OPEN EVEN I NGS 4 Oncdand Ave. ay Open Evenings—Please one MAple §-5141 32.8. MAIN 8ST. 054 : ee v¥ BEL AIR ? = R. $775 "36 LET RB iP. - = , Power brakes, loaded ¥ access, 16,000 miles. Call: _ after 5:30 FE 86-1502, 9-18 Qws AP Newsteoteres For Sale Cars . 1 For Sale Cars 91 -New Pontiacs Pontiac matching leather interior. V-8 mo- | | HASKINS Auto Brokers- "56 power, new ..§2495 ‘$8 Buick Century rT entur: rd fe Peist Covacr Raréien -. Shoes ‘4 Caribbean Convertible ... $1005 ‘HM Chev. H.T., P.G., Sharp ...$1005 55 Dodge Coronet 2 dr. 6 ...... $905 ‘52 Ramble; hardiop RAH... $4s8 Ramble, har a 52 Packard 300 Ultramatic ... S53 ‘$1 Mercury Sharp ....... soe $495 si Pontiac, R&H ........ none "$1 Ford 2 dr. FOM ........ : ise Ford stake truck ...... seocees $108 "$0 Mercury, runs good ...... $145 PONTIAC A 1260 N. Perry gro a (outed rae, NO Pay g DR. Call Credit i Mgr. ag Parks, Mid: sete Harold ‘Tune Turner Ford aa CHEVY. roe BEL AIR HARD- F “ued, 8 nT. FE 8-8205 after 7 ‘bl ‘52 32 FORD ve ef DR. NEW MOTOR. Rew WW. V clean.’ Drive 20 jailes to save rf . Tom Bohr Inc. _MU_ 46155. ‘41 FORD WITH OVERDRIVE. Runs good. Cheap. FE 2-6291. "ST FORD TAKE OVER pay- ser of $60 mo. & will tend, “Cia for L gewed 8204 conned we 36 FORD ar “WAGON, Thanderbird Nivea agen « Must sell, M ‘$0 FORD. 7 oR Re $150. do month. Hy arks. Midwest 4-7500. Har- Foe. , V8. NO NEY go i ast, cL. . e new, V-8 motor, OR SHAR? TU- ‘2 FORD © TUDOR tone, R & H. W.W., Dir Sig., $450. Prone ue 5-7921 a "M4 A teat LOW MILEAGE. Fe tise en. 970 Canterbury. Oe on chan fe bok cars, Pay © nee . the tun brice. © CARKNER DODGE SALES, ke, Utica, 44053 Van 49 FORD COUPE, 873. : Ve Ste ‘® FORD, ¢ DR. GOOD COND. $215. PE 4-5983, 193 FORD V-8 FORDOR. A NORTH CHEVROLET ~ | 1957 PLYMOUTH Pred BEL \ : \ Fe vie PONTIAC PRESS, sArUmDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1957 | For Sale Cars” m1 “For Sale Cars, 91) f For $ Sale Care / THUNDERBIRD. 10 STANDARD “NORTH. “PONTIAC chy pm aa |} ‘pease is HAUPT. SF a Bion, Fe aK; cts ! Pontiac Sales erat Cee Feveinse ">| s12_W. Monteaim 181 | oor tar GUA RKSTON dere. Ve Ca _call May Lox Pg donne * SEDAN R&H, — use mileage. Reas. Lo com payments of $19.16 month. Call Credit M Mr. Parks, Mid- West 4-7500. rold Turner Ford. 1950 PO: rE el Dongs "S] DEMOS & OFFICIAL’ an off balance to bank is ull price, CARKNER DODGE SALES, 44053 Van Dyke, Utica. — “s1 PLYMOUTH CLUB SE- an, $1,688; Old car or $168 down. sini per week MecNeail's, 635 8. Woodward, Birmingham. MI . trans. No money down, As- ‘s4 Chief custom Cate. Pull power, dealers Rooke ¢ Pont rge savings. “toce xT Ral es sagflent, eauipment ith e 52 Chevrolet ‘ ar. starid, trans- mission, R& ‘61 Chevrolet r Dr., aoe priced to sell Main St., Clarkston ™ opens Nights ‘til @ __MaApie 6 5666 or MApie §-1141 i987 PONTIAC 4 — CATALINA sedan. FE 86-6843 .95T PLYMOUTH 3 DR. BELVE- _— ‘Fe R & H. W.W. tires. Very clean Low mileage, Reas. Call MAytair 6-370. iB an, POMSTAC + DE. CUSTOM Loaded. Real L reasonable offer by Benes tabes ie. C ‘it, OL 1-1663, 1953 2 DR. HYDRA. — clean. Low mileage. 1 own- er. 23-1472. 1986 Fone AC, STARCHIEF, WILL take trade Eves. 125 LeGrande. $3 PONTIAC. HYDRA. R & H. WW. Good cond. FE 482770. DODGE ‘51 DEMOS.& OFFICIAL’ ears, Pay off balance to bank is * the full price. CARKNER DODGE SALES, 44053 Van Dyke, Utica. us phi SEDAN. EXC. BODY tires, EM 3 3-0081. H. Riggins. LL TOTE rook NOTE EVERYBODY's CREDIT Is GOOD = EASY ED is MAN'S FRIEND EASY ED JONES |, 1158. ame 16 my ‘Call Credit Mer. soni Midwest 4-7500. Har- old” Turner . i950 PONTIAC R&H, HYDRA. NO money down. Assume payments $8.65 i. ot Credit Mer. Mr. Parks _——— 47500. Har- oid Turner Fo: “Bright Spot" 1000 8. Wondward 3 m WILL ACCEPT ; ances Seas enineran otes os J EROME et carne one meet seteiom | OLDS - CADILLAC BILL SPENCE Cass at Orchard Lake | @2 Okina ave, CARS De 50001 FE 8-0488 - 153 FORD 2 DR. V-8 CLEAN. $450.| ‘56 PONTIAC CATALINA, VERY EM %-447;. 3465 Nelsen. “= V-8. Power Pack, Power/ ig FORD CUSTOMLINE WITH Glide, oe ae and ivory. Best} o = Fede Pontiac convert- offer, 104 W. Rutgers. ible, 34 Charlotte St. DODGE '5T DEMOS & OFFICIALS’ = . saad Wael catty s Beak | wy SURY alte May sie eat ee res are | Samet pes wake ease > r rake ee NEW {37 DODGE CLUB SEDAN.| ¢r'"while tires. All low. mileage, pr cer oe tie Sewn. | cnc-owner Birm: rade-ins. edeerd, “Shas cNeal's, = 6. P. to sell. CHEV. 1956 eet i AIR 4 DR. uipped. Clean as & S iene en "rey | QUDUrDaN Mrs. |; isi CHEV R&H. NO MON one weotoand down, -Assume me ved month Call Prats : CaLae Parks. Midwest +7500." "arold _Turner_ Ford PVT. OWNER, ‘55 CHEV. 4 DR. Ltr iy rey org of tone, pg 5, very ¢ _MA_ 6-6233. ow $2 CHEVY. $300, GOOD COND. FE 5-4239 after 6. ‘44 CHEV. BEL AIR CONV. Standard trans. Sharp. EM 3-081. ‘“@ CHEV, CLEAN CAR, GOOD _for_h “school boy. EM 3.4428. 4 CHRYSLER. cond. $50 Ca! ll a.m. or after 9:30 p.m, Any- time Sat: or Sun. "S? DEMOS & cars. Pay off balance to bank is the full price. CARKNER DODGE SALES, 44053 Van Dyke, Utica. pod MUST , take over pay- 7-0024 after 4 “ DODGE R sell immediate! nn Call Sebas ‘ST DEMOS & OF OFFICIALS: cars Pay off balance to bank is - full price pte DODGE SALES, no Dyke, Utica. DODGE '57 DEMO8 2 & OFFICIALS Pay off balance to bank is the full Price CARENER DO! 44053 Van Dyke, its DODGE 4 DR. LIKE _ inside & put. $145. FE ¢30 ‘53 DODGE. 4 DR. SEDAN: HY- dra. R & H Defrosters, windshield sao & al, good tires. $575. FE $5 DOWN "54 Chev 4 dr, 210, .. $77.24 month "63 Ford, 2 dr .. $27.24 an "$2 Buick Hardtop ....§Z7.24 month "63 ~— ac, ae ar. Ra - 17.4 month Hyd : "3 Sask shambier Station Wagon ..... $27.24 month LUCKY AUTO SALES ao 1956 FORD 6 CYL. RANCH WAGON Windshield washers. peckne at | R&H. standard shift. _5-3564. i654 LIN NCOLN vvbite upto! Ady whi a Take over pay DODGE “57 DEMOS & 3 OP PCTAL cars. Pay off balance to bank is the full price. CARKNER DODGE 44053 Van Dyke, Utica. Lapel [951 OLDS #8. R&H, HYDRA. NO fea down. Assume F cod wgmeers of gs month. Call tit Mgr. r. Parts. Midwest 47500. Har- a Turner Ford i%5 OLDSMOBILE SUPER = radio, heater. bydramatic, power steering, white side wails. Original Sorg ~~. Priced to sell. Our stock "$1486 NORTH CHEVROLET Birmingham MI 4-2735 1000 8. Woodward MG 1954 t} Red roadster in excellent condition. Radio, heater, custom side wall tires. Call FE 2-9341, Saturday and Sunday. : TD — ‘52. GOOD COND. MG — New top. EM 3-3265. se a DEMOS & OFPICTAL’ cars. y off balance to bank Js Log tun Trice. CARKNER DODGE ALES, 44053 Van Dyke, Utica, CUSTOM LINE 2? DR. FORD, $150 down and take over pay- _ments, OR 3-8732. = 8. Saginaw 8t. FE 4-2214 FE 4-1006 1951 NASH RAMBLER, NO MONEY 3 JAGUAR MARK 17 SEDAN, Clean. Can be seen 1334 at Bald- ie win. down, —_— ot of — Jes) HATSE: rape Eredit Mer. et mr .3 pa RUNS GOOD, “Turner Ford. ‘ . an “ errETG WILL BUY. YOUR Equrry SHOP SUNDAY. OR WILL GRADE, INEXPENS! ENSIVE WU 1D. MOTOR SALES 232 S.SAGINAW 2, Sale Weat! of Telegraph RIEMENSCHNEIDER | ry) MERCURY “DR. SHARP: ai FORE PORDOR— : Bis. _Very clean. EM 3-3263. i RDOR. KA 18 - AMBASSADORS theater sparkling white paint. | Mined can ep eck! Your car may make Pea pay- ENG NA SAL: ment, Our stock No. MAS@ & Potter Ra. eM 3-4066 $898 NORTH CHEVROLET _1000 8. Westra, po I a a Women’s hairdos hide ig SUNDAY MORNING Wron, Benben WAR, News Chuck Lewis fompletely.: On men, this #:00—WJR, Laymens Hour 1:08 WWJ. Monitor 11:39 WIR, Starlight Symp ‘Ww, Harris, Mulholland amazing hearing aid is WW, Music “ti Dawn CKLW. Woolworth Hour WJBK. Adelescente Caw: Gabriel” Heater barely noticeable from any, 6;30—WJR, Parm Review 3:30—WJR, Score, Music — WJBK, Tom George angle. - WJBK. Univ. Christophers| ww, News, Monitor w ie MONDAY MORNING $:00—WJR, Ms Perkins —_ Rive. Peed’ "WRYZ American erie Farmer 4:00—WJIR, News, Suspense “Wwa News, Maxeal ; oRLW. Austin Grant, Levie COME IN, =u CKLW. Fem Posner WWwi. News, Monitor warn "red ‘Wot WCAR, News, lec, Shop | DEMONSTRATION=NO OBLIGATION $:30—WJR, farm Porum CKLW News, Album wean News, Clark Reid "Wate Rene eee WWJ, Mariner's Church =| 4:s9_w3R, Road show ot Gounky Gem WCAR, Gports Farede ae Le Twa, News Monitor “P| S&L wg hn lates ox peapher Joperncete CKLW, News, tae WR. von of Agricit.| .WPON, Don Bank Bid Morning Musical 6:90-WIR, News, sym WOK: News’ Cirs t00_WIR, Pat Buttram tt fueteeoee eis % $:00—WwR, Kendall Wwxrz, Radio Pack Class WPON Early Bird Spta oan Record Matinee hone FEdere wan mee eee WOAR, Rowe: Top te 1:00 WIR, Dan Kirby CKLW Your W Hour| 5:%8—WWJ, Weekend Musto Xie Nees ware WJBK, X¥%, Herald of Truth a yo WCAR, M. Temple Prankie Frisch P art News Clary’ Reid WPON. Assembiy of God WAR, News witn tet ee mas SUNDAY EVENING 2: sown ate yen W. Pontiac Baptist ¢:00—WJR, News, Gunsmoke | CKLW, | De b bin Light 4 i WWJ, Monitor WJ. <, News Clark Reid WPON. Gt. John's Lutheren| Ste Drew Pearson | oe none oencn 900 Jeo. Kendall mae st ones ww, Howe, | Mazwell WXY, Religions Hows 30—WJR, FBI, News CKLW. News. David » Betheete “Twa News, Monitor WJBK News, Reid WJBK. News, 6t. Francis WXYZ. Paul Harv News, tinee WEOM. st Sohas Lutheran ‘W, Christian Witness | ¢:399_wJR, Music Hall Rote nag esaret ge WIBK U. of D. Showtime wxYa. #., J, Sunday Music Wom, en Fer Sar aoe aoe wa Christian ess” | 1:00—WJR, Jack Ben: WoAR ‘allen, Te tualone WCAR, Arthur Godfrey JBK, 2 oer etd Chureh wat Mcaitor ere. WPON, Early Bird Club WJBK, News, McLeod wi Greene : WON. Armenian Goa. Mr, | CKLW Wings of Healing | “00 WIR, William Sheehan) g:15WJR, Muste Rall 1¢:00—WJH, News, Hymns cat a oo Breakfast &: w News, E, Chase WW) Radio Pulpit woes Sep ned Goon cate. News Toby David | WXYZ. News, CKLW. Radic Bible 1:30—WJR, Stan Preberg WPON, News, Lewis WPON, Music with Mason ‘Southern Newsmen fo Discuss Integration NEW YORK ®—Four Southern ents will make a “report on in- tegration” from 6 to 6:30 p.m. * x Answer te Previous Pussie Pham hat : Serre SIV Or { MCIWMICALS 1 IAINIGIOIRIALA0 » ELLISZICISIAIR Sree tel inal TTS) Riale iets tl oletey Terex AlsielrT TAIRIEIA| felerr BOLE |the newly refurbished 10-year-old gre of Music with the play- CBS announced the participants as: Weldon James, associate ed- itor of. the Louisville Courier- Journal; Joseph B. Parham, edi- tor of the Macon (Ga.) News; W. D. Workman Jr., correspond- ent for the Charleston (S.C.) News _jand Courier and the Greenville (S.C.) News; and Don Shoemaker, executive director of the Southern Education Reporting Service. Philadelphia Orchestra Pays Tribute to Sibelius PHILADELPHIA i — The Phil- adelphia Orchestra opened its 58th season yesterday with a tribute toj ‘OU : Jean Sibelius, Finnish composer feel rain means good luck.” \» The Duches of Windsor, who dislikes the nymber 13, won't _pat a hat on a bed or bang any- thing on a doorknob. — Audrey Meadows advised Mur. row: “If something happens, you | ing of Sibelius’ fatefully mystic and haunting ‘The Swen of Tuonela.”” on CBS-TV Sunday ® rd By WILLIAM GLOVER NEW YORK W — Ed Murrow, who recently launched the fifth “Person to Person” season over CBS-TV, has collected quite an assortment of crotchets, charms Murrow’s Guests Boast Lots of Pet Superstitions spin around three times, sit down and count to 10.” * & blue jeans to every rehearsal, Imogene Coca vowed she wasn’t superstitious, but told Murrow she wears one certain pair of patched Your first lesson is absolutely free at any Arthur Murray Studio Find out how quickly and-eas- ily you can become a popular partner. Come into the studio for a free, half-hour trial les- son and discover Arthur Mur- “ray's shortcut to good times and popularity. Studios bpea 10 AM to 10 PM. ARTHUR MURRAY sodas Page London Ten Gat ae even insisted three ee and ntar| ocord albums each inciuded 13 25 E. LAWRENCE Concert star) *°95% FE 5-9438 Gladys Swarth- “et *« * Private School, Selected Clientele # out ignores one There's not a hint of superstition , |. old “don’t” byj| with Murrow himself. . singing in the| “I'm only careful about one dressing room, thing,”. insists the commentator. You Can _ but goes into a|‘I never cross a street against Charge It! 4 SIBINIE] [SiSiAK] (sige. “man, Charles Boyer, Louis Cal- _her. 11:20—(2) Nightwatch Theaier.: “Bamboo Blonde.” MONDA MORNING 6:50—(2) Meditations. _|6:65—(2) On the Farm Front. 2:30—(4) Look Here, Interviews Fulgencio Baptista, president of Cuba. (9) Dance Date. (9) Mov- je “The Fake.” 3:00—(4) Wide Wide World. The world of the American Teen- Ager. 7:00—(2) Jimmy Dean. (4) Today. 1:45—(2) News. 8:30—(7) The Little Rascals. 8:45—(2) Cartoon Classroom. — $:30—(7) Jungle Jim. 3:40—(2) Football Scoreboard. 3:50—(2) News. : 8:55—(4) Faye Elizabeth. 9:00—(2) Gary Moore. (4). Romper| ‘Room. $:00—(2) Captain Kangaroo. (7)/§- Cartoons. show’ was not the best, but had | i | SEE TH | OPEN SUNDAY 10 to 2 Open Every Night Til 9:00 7.4. Specious Free Paved Parking Lot “Owned and Operated by Local People” Auburn 5 and 10 2 dad Aubem Ave.. 1 Block East, of Eost Bivd. CHANGING TO GAS HEAT? BURDETT ‘‘RADI-HEAT’’ Free Estimates on Alt Heating Problems ‘Michigan Heating, Inc. 88 Newberry St. _ Phone FE 8-6621 — FE 8-6651 — FE 2-2254 E NEW —-, aa? a — — — — — ~~ 1 ‘es OR BP ee > ep oe ee 8 »\ sf 2 & Se PPP PCS SS CT CSCC 4 Pr rrr rere I OOCSCSC CST CT T* la i i i i ie i tn ti i th li ti dh te ti de PPP IIS FSS OTP _—e ieee ee eee eee CT UCC CCC vwrwevrrrre HOW TO SELECT ATV SERVIGEMAN When your TV receiver needs a Saviour '$ attention are you in doubt about which one to call? You should check to see if he has the proper training, equipment and experience to do a a good job. ls he courteous? Does he have the desire to do a quick, efficient repair? For those who cannot take time to check these qualifications this has been done for you. if your Service- man has been approved by the Oakland County Electronics Asso- ciation you can be certairr of a competent repair of. your TV receiver, the next time you need service. PONTIAC C & V SALES & SERVICE......... CONDON’S RADIO & TV ‘SHOP.... AUBURN RADIO & TV HOD’S RADIO & TV. ... JOHNSON’S RADIO & TV... Be safe and sure — call a member of the O. C. a ELA. . +158 Oakland, FE 4-1515 «127 S. Parke, FE 4-9736 39 Auburn, FE 4-1655 825 W. Huron, FE 5-2525 710 Orchard Lake Ave. FE 4-5841 ....45, EB. Walton, FE 4-7601 OBEL RADIO & TV..........3930 Elizabeth Lk. R4., FE 4-4945 RICH TV STEFANSKI RADIO & TV. ee ee ee ee -+ee- 1959 Opdyke, FE 4-0221 ..eeeee L157 W. Huron, FE 2-6967 SWEET’S RADIO APPLIANCE ......442 W. Huron, FE 4-1133 WALTON RADIO & TV.. WEKC, INC. SERVICE DEPT... . 1430 Joslyn, FE 2-2257 . 45 N. Perry, FE 2-0711 AUBURN HEIGHTS ACE TV & RADIO SERVICE se CLARKSTO: LAATSCH’S TV SERVICE .... 3357 Auburn Rd., FE 8-1204 iN ++ «6734 Dixie, MA 5-5311 DRAYTON PLAINS PHELPS ELECTRIC . LATIMER’S RADIO & TV.. JONES RADIO a BoC OxFORD OXFORD RADIO & TV SHOP. .23 8. Washington, OA 8-2032 z : ROCHESTE DOBAT TV & RADIO SERVICE.. _ ' warekronp GORDON’s TV & APPL., 5830 Andersonville Road, OR 3-5811 4348 Dixie Hwy. OR 3-1217 , 3530 Sashabaw Rd., OR 3-2652 KEEGO HARBOR . 8111 Orchard Lake Rd., FE 4-5862 ” 104 W. 5th, St. — 2-9722 WEST BLOOMFIELD WALNUT LAKE TY.. 2080 Walnut Lake Read, MA 6-428 eens MICH. \NORTON TV Ser neeesreees é | j be bi or Ge eee i ee ees oe ee ae Ga ee eee Sey HE fen ee oe ena ee GS Ty GNSS PR A eee VanDyke, Plateau 2-3106 ADD A ROOM Cramped for space? Need larger living quarters? We will build to your specifications, or our experts will help you plan. Take 5 years to pay. 9 S. Jessie Sty Rear We Sell More... Because We Give More! ‘Federal 2-7004 § M: Building Prepare now to enjoy the high temperatures of ‘the summer weather, Have your porch en- closed with screens. You'll find that we do the job the wa want it done. y ee Estimates. Call us for Free eae * Beautify NOW Make your home the brightest oné” on your block! To do this let us reside your home with the new, and marvelous Lyfalum Siding. Guaranteed riot to chip or crack, And it can all be done on FHA Term.s ; See or Call Us for All General Remodeling @ Concrete Foundations @ Remodeling © Gorages + Service Open pi fee 12 to 6