The Weather ( _ os Weathe, “ Rurean Forecast | Pe le showers, wa oe : - (Detail Page %) 4 | ' . rita Abeta ens 7 “17th YEAR ©. PO RED PONTIAC, MICHIGAN, MONDAY, APRIL 27, 1950 —88 PAGES | 7 [a oS Royal Oak Mall Will Be Paid for State Sl id 1s to Brink o a by Businessmen (This is the second of a twe-part series showing how Royal Oak businessmen are redeveloping that city's downtown shopping distriet to revitalize the area and reverse the trend of decline in shopping downtown; . BY PETE LOCHBILER Two financial considerations lie at the heart of the Royal Oak Chamber of Commerce. plan to turn down- town Royal Oak into a shopping mail. The first is that parking should be free jo attract as Many customers as possible. The second is that the business district itself, not the whole city, should pay the $2,610,000 construction Thought Necessary by costs. , | Administration CITY HALL SYMPATHETIC ‘ zs . Since public parking and vast changes in the down- WASHINGTON (#—Sen. town street system are controlled by city government, Jonn F. Kennedy (D-Mass) }. the chamber turned to City Hall and found a highly ‘said today he does not see! sympathetic ear. how President Eisenhower With an ever-practical eye carefully watching prop- could decline to approve erty tax revenues, city officials realized that a prosperous the Senate-passed Labor downtown would result in a prosperous city. Tes eguiation bill. | The Royal Oak City Commission gladly gave The bill, passed 90-1 by, : . . . ithe Senate Saturday, went approval, in principal, to the chamber’s Central Busi- hroush that body without ness District Redevelopment Plan and a_ special roug . y Mayor’s committee of business and professional men inclusion of tinue Saale wan appointed 10 study it _ (visions the administration ; ; has insisted are needed for The Mayor’s committee held conferences with prop- corrective labor legislation. erty owners and store building operators last year and aniong these are provisions with the help of the city administration was able to yhich would limit sharply organ- trim the cost of the project. izational picketing, ban al] second- It appeared that nearly everyone agreed that the municipal ary boycotts, and let state agen- parking shouid be free, if somehew this could be arranged cies handle labor cases in which legally ithe National Labor Relations . Board refuses to take jurisdiction. * * * There is no forum now for han- “Free parking would. of course, attract a few more smop- dling such cases. pers who want to save a nickle,” explained Roland Powers, Kennedy, author of the bill, re- Chamber president. sisted strong efforts in the nine days of Senate floor debate to “But more importantly it would attract a lot more shoppers whe don't like to worry about whether their write all three of these points parking meters are about to expire. Sen. Kennedy Says Ike Should Sign Labor Bill Lacks Many Provisions — Me ey B SURVEY RUINS — Firemen look over the still smoldering ruing of buildings destroyed in a pre-dawn fire that roared through City and Saginaw were called to downtown Midland yesterday. re fighters from neighboring Bay . major fire in five months in the County Traffic Midland Block Hit into the bill. He contended that they either -were unworkable or would harm legitimate union in- terests. Kennedy said he was confident the measure would be recognized Weekend Accidents Kilf MIDLAND (? — A spectacular million- dollar fire, { 2 Men: Third. Is Victim roared through a Midland downtown block yesterday. : The “It's no fun to shop when you have to rush around in a hurry in order to get back to your car in time to avoid a park- ing ticket. FEEL AT EASE “It's no fun to get a parking ticket while shopping. either. How State Solons Voted That makes the shopper fee! like a criminal and certainly dis- eourages him from coming back taking a chance on a ticket again “We want our shoppers to feel at ease. to have lots of time to Browse around, to visit a couple of extra stores if they want, to drop in somewhere for a bite to eat without having to run of Earlier Crash Tke persons died in Gukdand main street and other establishments. County traffic accidents this week. Walls collapsed and one fireman was s slightly injured end and a third succumbed Sunday| Fifty firemen, including *— Oo FASHINGTON (®—De tie wees are to injuries reeeived in a smashup, Men and equipment from It'll t Ge War mer Senators Patrick McNamara and ; Philip Hart of Michigan voted 4 8¢CK before. 5 Bay City and Saginaw, together on the Kennedy laber Dead are Dayid Huling, 5 0 regulation bill Saturday’ Both 2390 Auburn Rd, Utica: Cass “wa | y fought the blaze for four but Showers voted “aye” in its 90-1 fimal ap. 34, of 4622 Mandalay Rd. Royal, hours. back to the parking lot first to put another nickle in the proval by the Senate. Both voted Oak, and Robert \With the entire front of Sears May Dampen Fun meter.” “aye” on the substitute ‘bill of | Oakland Steinert. 32, of 712 Roenuck aflame at one time, a * ok * | rights’ amendment which was | Lewis Rd., Royal witness said the windows were Cloudy, passed 77-14. Both voted “nay” | Oak. ‘scattered showers and thunder-! “hited up like pumpkins,” Milo was dead_on Midland's industrial plants, arrival at William yhich this a “chemical Beaumont Hos- , pital shortly after <2: were not endangered, his auto smashed The cause of the fire was not- into the rear of determined clean up many abuses in unions. another car on department store at HEARINGS IN HOUSE Woodward avenue at 14Mile road to its discovery The Senate finally did accept a 4! about 12:50 am. Sunday. so-d nishes fed the flames. compromise section aimed at some Royal Oak Poltce. — Taking precautions in the emer- organizational picketing, but in a _ ow * * gency, the Consumers Power Co. ; much less drastic form than the Police said a car driven by Mrs, Cut off electrical service in) the urday — asked June Seidel, 32. of 400 Pilgrim Rd, area to protect firemen in event In downtown Pontiac Berths at Toronto After Seaway Run The House has been hoiding Birmingham. was waiting for p ‘affie light to change fac orth Tenants were evacuated from near- am. was 38. At 1 pm. the ther- | he cai skniler W¢islatioa, traffic light to ‘change facing north T° Pp but is not ted to act on it by dwellings ‘Mometer registered 62. in te not expecte 0 act on before June or-duly. Se ; Infant's Body Found Traditionally, the House has been ever to berth here. a apt to write somewhat stronger la-' in Grand Rapids Dump The Prins Willem. George Frederi t up at 4:44 bor legislation than the Senate, But’. RAND RAPIDS P—Police said a.m. EST, completing the 350-milé” “from Montreal Questions and Ancwor: the body ofa newly born baby after being the first ocean ship to enter the newly jboy, stuffed in a brown paper sack. | opened St. Lawrence Seaway Saturday. Page 2] his auto collided headon with an. Brown of Midland, was — hurt She sped from Montréal Kin . other cate which was swerving to. when a section of wall collapsed. pe to gston, Ont., in just un this. year, backérs of the Kennedy avoid a dow ninning across John Bl Dedsloahewered oe bine Me was on the amendment to give states A father ob four, the right to ban strikes in public service industries; this was re- | jected 64-27 But if the proposed parking system were not to be financed through parking meters, another method had to be found and Royal Oak turned to Lansing for help in the answer. Rep. William Hayward (R-Royal Oak) and other Oak- land County legislators have asked for legislation permit- (Continued on Page 2, Col. 1) make morrow’s high will be near 70. ‘as a strong, effective measure to 2:45 a.m five days on Woodward The Milo car struck her auto KNOCK DOWN WALLS and knocked it 140 feet across For lighting. Consumers Power the intersection into a tree, offi- brought in portable generators cers said. She is at William After. the fire was brought un- Beaumont Hospital in fair con. der control, wreckers knocked dition with spinal injuries. down dangerously sagging walls, The injured fireman, Orin TORONTO ‘?—A Dutch freighter | churned Toronto Harbor today and became the first ocean ship ‘Huling was killed instantly when \Rapids dump near the Grand Riv- er. Buildings Collapse After Blaze re-dawn blaze, spreading swiftly, destroyed the block-long Sears, Roebuck & Co. department store on showers is the weather outlook for’ this area tonight. The low tonight agents led the search for Parker| will av erage 44 to 50 degrees. To-!and his abductors throughout south- \ern iMssissippi and casters Loui- In an extended forecast. the U.S. An explosion in the Weather Bureau has predicted tem. led peratures will average 6 to 8 de- Paints and var-| grees above the normal 62 :high and nermal 42 low for the next Showers are expected again Sat- “the lowest: a of collapse of high tension wires. temperature recorded preceding 8 * AP Wirephote help quell jie flames of the: third downtown section. - y Must Switch - Position fo Vet Fund Bill Failure to Act: Tonight ~ Could Bring Stoppage ‘of Welfare, Pay Checks LANSING (#—Tension in the Capitol hit its highest ‘state skidded toward the ‘brink of financial disaster that would ruin its. credit across the nation. The focus was on 23 sen- ators—18 Republicans and 5 Democrats — who have withheld support from @ plan’ for emergency state. treasury relief. ‘The question was whether the necessary seven. would switch their position on cashing veterans trust fund securities when the Leg- islature returned at 8 p. m. j . | Action expected tonight was on: | | i o— Postpone Trial Claims 3 Lives by $1 Million Blaze’ jin Mississippi | a motion to reconsider the earlier | unfavorable vote. Such a mo- tion would need a majority. of _ these voting in it to carry. If it succeeded,.a second | passage roll call could be taken— | immediately or-in a day or two. ‘Unless the bill is reconsidered tonight, it would take 22 votes to Scour 2 States in Hunt ‘*v'’* " Accused in Rape { POPLARVILLE, Miss. «#—Wit State Treasurer Sanford Brown for Abducted Defendant has said he will lack funds to | make a four-million-dollar poor — | relief payment te counties on h| Thursday unless the lawmakers | do something—tonight or in the the defendant the object of a wide- + next twe or three days. ;spread search in two states, the A week from Thursday, the 2. rape trial of a 23-year-old Ne8rO! weasury will have to delay-a five- iwas postponed today in this saw- mill town's term of Circuit Court. | f Mack Charlies Parker, who was) ‘to have gone on trial today for : . the rape of q 24-year-old pregnant wok off te Kid gioven over the , White woman, was dragged from warmer .-and sible his cell in the Pearl River County : onder, Jail by a band of masked raiders early Saturday. A special team of about 50 FB Siana, ~ William Stewart, the county's prosecutor, said the trial had to be continued. _‘“‘We have no choice but to continue the case,” he told Circuit Judge Sebe Dale. | “We have no defendant.” million-dollar payroll for 32,000 state employes, he said. The Democratic organization weekend in dealing with five Dem- ocratic senators who strayed from the party line by opposing the trust fund bill. last Thursday. The. State- Central Committee called on them to honor the ‘‘clear and unequivocal” position taken by the Democratic State Conven- tion in February in favor of trust fund utilization. Party workers in their districts ; were instructed to call them to ac» count. Phe five bolters were Sens. | Raymond D. Deendzel and Stan- _ | ley F. Rezycki of Detroit, Gar- I A statement by the chief of the ° land B. Lane of Flint, William had vanished of finding the ac- _cused Negro rapist alive. ' ‘We are here until every is exhausted and every jdown.” ’ Hood said. “We are mak-! hing the search for the body as well as for the perpetrators of this) crime ’ Parkey, charged with raping. ay ‘was found yesterday at a Grand;23-year-old white mother last Feb- ‘ruary, was to have gone on trial in Circuit Court iti brown-haired infants body was Come In From Way Out | HOLLYWOOD (UPI) — Among the titles “of coming films an- der 30 hours, slicing the old seaway times by as much as mt He te had ave road in Troy, | treated for a back injury at Mid. . Officers said the 8'2-pound ‘two days. After hustling the same shape as the Senate vere a =? © _ and: Howpital amd released: wrapped in three women's dresses, Herter De Gaulle through the 135 miles of : sion ae of ae Ee ale ce Firemen said they found no evi- and a zippered, white jacket, Hos: , x * * Pes : ve G-“dence of arson. The fire was in pital authorities said the child was. canals, locks and channels, the Dutch { ht The 90-1 Senate tally compared rove! cont eee 2 tare do8 the same block where a Christmas- less than a week old and may reighter staged with an 8&1 passage vote’ for the , of As southbound car (Continued on Page 2, Col. 2. have died shortly after birth. a bow-to-bow race with the Kennedy-Ives bill last year. Sen, 2M he swerved to miés it but) - : Le a sqet failed to pull out of the path of / _ oe crate. Pri Barry Goldwater (R-Ariz) cast: cua: PARIS wh — Secretary of State Prins Johan Willem Friso the only negative vote this time. But Mao Still Top Man AR : Huling’s oncoming car in time. Christian A. Hertét will be re- for the honor of being the He called the measure “‘a_flea- s Compeau was treated at St: d _by ‘ le _ esate py Ecesident see pat first ship in Toronto. ‘bite’ which might mislead the pub-. Joseph Mercy Hospital for minor ; Both ships are owned by The lie into thinking adequate ‘steps, : injuries and released. He was cussion of international affairs, a! De Gaulle spokesman said today, Netherlands Oranje Line which had “ere being: taken against union not held by police. Herter is due here about noon been waiting. working and, plan- ig naennin ‘as cleared for over Tuesday to head the U.S, delega-/ning for the seaway opening week: che SY ‘eas Cleake he bai ia tion to the Western Big Four for-/¢nd for months. ae ay te ah adop. e senate urda Yo ac _ ae conference, begin-| whe winning captain was Steve tion of a toned-down substitute for je. a5 ove eke ba - jee wed d g nESaAy: _ Aaldijk. Ships of six nations were ithe bill of rights amendment of- ©" wion t ay'with bead and back Herter is beginning to forge | n the race to Toronto. ifered by Sen, John L. McClellan the father of on much closer working links with | 7). ¢ — | (D-Ark) | : OF one: Son, e Grace Line's Santa Regina “ . ‘worked for the GMC. Chevrolet Di- Democratic members of Com: |i. the biggest ship to enter the 7 . Vision in Flint. The accident oc- gress than John Foster Dulles | ‘seaway since it opened Saturday. Russia Denies fo Talk in Paris A passenger in his car. Howard Griffin, 15, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Griffin of 4630 Rochester TOKYO (AP} — Liu Shao-chi,'province, had been expected to hatchet-faced theoretician of the'succeed Mao in the presidency, In- Communist party, moved up today|stead, the 72-year-old marshal got to the presidency of Red °China./Liu’s old job as chairman of the| er second only to Mao Tze-tung.”/the National People’s Congress, Chou En-Lai was re-named pre. the Red Chinese parliament, , | . ° * * * mier, * * * Saturday. ‘curred at midnight ‘ : | maintained. and the first of U.S. registry * . * — Mao relinquished the presidency The personal Naison which Her-| Hep captain hoped to be the first a s . to free himself for his more im-: ter has established with Chairman to reaeh Chicago, but he may need Any Knowledge 1 Steinert die at 11:15 a.m. yes- portant duties as chairman of the erday after remaining - the Chinese Communist party, Choice J. William Fulbright (D-Ark) of. plenty of home stretch fury. a 6l-year-olt Hunanese, | of British Plane . leritical list at William Beaumont the Senate Foreign Relations Com-! cof Lin: mittee will be handed over until, FRISCO LEADS I aoe ___,_.|Hospital with head and internal ctrengthened his position as Mao's. his return to Asgistant Secretary. Some 10 hours ahead is the LONDON (AP) — The Sovietjinjuries suffered in an accident joiy. ‘apparent. William B. Macomber. ‘Dutch Pring Johan Willem Frisco,, Union says it knows nothing about April 19. ; * rs * 2,388 tons and also Chicago-bound. a big British freighter plane Miss-| THe Steinert car rammed into | Péiping radio indicated, how- ln The Frisco escaped most of the ing near Soviet territory with 12) a, rear of one driven by Frank ever, that Liu was not unopposed | News Flash raffic snarls that bedeviled the;Men and secret equipment, Dirkse, 47, of 617 .Florence Rd., carly this month when the party. mh place American ship. aboard. ' Reval Oak, who was stopped at ‘command chose him to be chair-| x + * | . * * * ; : Washington and Lincom roads, /Man—or president—of the govern. | LITTLE ROCK, Ark. ( — The | After passing through the Snell| The Soviets Sunday denied Royal Oak, waiting for a traffic Ment, which under Mao had been) knowledge of the four-engined| light to change. la largely ceremonial post. It said, constitutionality of Gov, Orval E. Faubus' school closing law, re- cena. N. Y., the Santa Regina garded as his last major defense jfaced one more of the seaway's against integration of Little’ Rock jseven locks and the Welland Canal public schools, was upheld today [petyween Lake Ontario and Lake. by the Arkansas Supreme Court ‘In a 4-to-3 decision, the court held the Faubus-sponsored legis: |) ses the Santa Regina hopes to jand Eisenhower locks near Mas- | | | Av ro Tudor which disappeared) that he ‘had the support of a large. over mountainous East Turkey} Royal Oak police said Dirkse and’ segment of party mentbers.’” sug- | Thursday.” British offi¢ials speeu-three passengers were treated for, gesting the choice was not unani-| Hated foul weather had forced the)minor injuries and released from jjous . | ,aircraft into Soviet Georgia or) William Beaumont Hospital. TRS ; . rmenia. ;smashup occurred: at 2:55 a.m.” Mme. Sun Yat sen witew of ASoviet jet fighters forced Jowell The two Royal Oak oe the founder of repablican China, | and veteran revolutionary Tung | . gat 'a ‘U.S. Ait Force transport in the brought that gity’s ‘total to five! eT henaitete Ramat, thei overtake the stnaller Frigo. | same area last June. ‘traffic fatalities so far this year. | Pi-wu were named vice chalr- | the issue falls within a sphere The new 470-million-dollar wa- | A Supply Ministry spokesman) . Tee Ratceoding Marshal Chu which allows the court judicial | terway brings true the centuries- | said the British aircraft carried) Inventory Reduction Sale | eh who’ had held the job alone., discretion in dealing with State | old dream of opening the great (‘certain classified items’ for the All Books 4 Oft | Chu, old crony of Mao and for- | Erie. Once jn the clear on the Great Police powers. (Continued on Page 2, Col. 2) ‘British rocket range in Australia. On Fk tee Sipe ‘mer warlordagoverner of Yunnan| PRESIDENT LIU SHAO-CHI . é he 4 f : 3 ‘ % € - a \ . e) > mn / at * ‘ . } Me *, Th Ps ‘ he 5 tt a .lalready -holds the No, 2 Though Mao gave up the presi-' _| wor ker, nounced by a major studio: “Teenager From Outer Space.” China Has New President he remains Red China's un-| idency, idisputed boss as chairman of the! ‘Communist Central Committee. | ‘He undoubtedly personally chose) Peiping radio called him a “lead- important Standing Committee of/Liu for the presidency in an appar- ‘ent effort to groom him for the) tleadership of the party? where Liu} position. were put before j-Gongress today, The nominations | were unopposed, and the 1,157- member Congress went through the formality of voting. Sixteen persons were nominated | jas vice chairmen of the Congress |Standing committee, They includ-| ied the self-exiled Dalai Lama and! ithe puppet Panchen Lama. _hisj |Successor on the throne of Tibet. ‘Despite the Dalai Lama's state- |?" 'mehts that he fled from Tibet vol- juntarily, the Red Chinese still hope ito get him to come back and head — a collaborating government, | x * * Born. of poor peasant parents, Liu first gained prominence as a labor organizer and underground He is widely known as a ‘Communist theorist and as an or- iganizer. Though he has spent some time in the Soviet Union, he iis not considered more ‘pro-Soviet ‘than other members of the Pei- ‘ping hi¢rarchy. clpe run The party leadership's choices | the People’s | Mississippi Highway Patrol, Wil-’ E. Miren of Escanaba, and Philip ‘liam Hood of Jackson, showed hope) Raheoi ef Iron Mountain. Meanwhile, two GOP Senate lead leaders who were joined by only two other’ Republicans in support of the trust fund bill on its first (Continued on Page 2, Col. 1) ‘Mystery Photos Part of Promotion for Value Days’ Surprises and. terrific buys are jin store for area residents who take advantage of the Downtown | Pontiac Spring Value Days coming jup this Thursday, Friday, and Sat- _jurday, The eventful selling days are be- jing sponsored by the Downtown | Merchants’ Assn., with George |Richman, owner of Wiggs Colony |Shop, 24 W. Huron St., as chair. man, * * One « of tn special features. will ‘be pictures run in the Pontiac | Press today, tomorrow _ and ' Wednesday, If the person circled jin each photo can identify himself, ‘he will win a $10 gift certificate, Mystery shoppers will ream | through crowds starting Thurs- | day handing out 600 gift certifi. cates to lucky shoppers. The cer- | tificates will range from $1 to $10 in value. | Mystery'culstomers will also hand jout valuable awards to courteous ‘clerks, and chastisement notes te | those who ‘aren't courteous. | Most stores will offer free park. ‘ing and pay bus fare for co | oii | In Today's Press 1S RARE SE Comics .......- SERRE, fi es County News ...........++0. Sl - Editorials Markets eee * socepevecsécnaee = ; —— sees er | ics TV and Radic Programe... ~ Wilson, Kari ons eeeebpegnnee * : ‘pitch in years today as the | Wennen‘e Pages eeeeeeee MOMS i Be Ee Se ae gr ees ee mm ro PONTIAC 1 PRESS. ange’ Apa %, 1950 | Pa Sey Pe gi tg LW Cleared. 2 Har Cheated 3 Castro lonores. ‘Security Guard : : |Prison Appeal ~ Attorneys have hares. the’ way Goes to Houston Today -on Final U.S. ~ Stop; The. » Day in Birmingham eee a (Near: 2:Foot as Wins - lfor Area Boy at Carnival BIRMINGHAM—Robert Almond, 14, of 16991 Birwood Dr. took top for Herman Kierdorf’s ‘appeal of a 1-to-5 year prison sentence for Commissioners also wil begin silencer , the long series of discussions on S for existing parking lots, a debt which mers| + 3 — y Pro! Then to Argentina honors in his age group with a 23% |the 1959 budget tonight. : gs cuter Jerome K. - inch fish he hauled out of Quarton agreed to shoulder if it will mean the end to park he and Kierdorf’s attorney,” Eric a ne Lake during Saturday's “Carp Car- At the Ameiican Institute of E. Zisman, appea From Our News Wires’ | ~ jnival.”’ Architects Meeting held in Wash- cuit Judge. Clark: J, Adams last _|Thursday to iron out a concise _|staternent of facts which must accompany Kierdorf’s appeal to the State Supreme Court. It is expected, Barry said, that Heelers os pasdhl toe iipdan ania ts newing: Hetors Senate, with Sen. L. Harvey Lodge (R-Oakland County) ' as one of its champions. ‘. j ington D.C. Saturday, two Birming- ham. architecturat firms were among the five to win first honor awards. Minoru Yaimasaki & Associates was cited for its design of the Mc- MONTREAL —Cuban Premier Fidel Castro ends a _ whirlwind Canadian visit today and flies to Argentina; completing a North |American tour during which police ‘said he took-.almost minute-to- One lone fish won the “most” title for Tom Whaley, 13, of 470 Ca- talpa St. in the 12 to 13-year-old group. The “whder- 12 group saw Scott ke “It is generally enia that the ‘merchants should also “pear the cost of land purchase and construction involved in| this statement of the facts ‘sur- Cameron, 11, of 710 Suffield Rd. (Gregor Memorial Community Con- _ raising the total number of parking spaces from 1,306 ‘to 3,404. on: di ‘ sation nia chances on % 2858S] win the size title with bis 1544- [ference Center at Wayne State Uni- | ao tenta list of special assessments shows that ‘sometimes for leave to @ and Barry’s| The bearded Cuban rev@utionary inch catch. Jane Adams, 9, of (versity and the Benjamin Franklin e be big. For instance, a large downtown answer to the would|ieader leaves Dorval Airport for| =." Eastlady Dr. took top hon- | Junior High School in Wayne. ors for girls with a $42-Inch carp. The Lutheran Church on the Jane’s three fish also gave her campus at Concordia Senior Col- first-place for girls in the “most lege, Fort Wayne, Ind., took honors fish caught” division, — for Eero Saarinin & Associates, ‘Stephen Webb, 9, of 1095 Puritan paamesesme Rd. caught four fish to win- the boys ‘‘most fish’ division. : a a se: | Matt Wrohy,.1%, of Longmeadow Dr. and Libby Howes, 3, of 515 N, wGlenhurst Dr., were the youngest anglers. John Cummings, 10, of 989 Ken: | . ® nesaw St. tied six-feet of line on| a four-foot limb to win first place for unusual equipment. Jenelle Severry, Hi, of 31725 ° Eastlady Rd., used a forked | branch and two lines, She won | the girl’s unusual equipment | : prize but caught no fish, a * * * More than 200 youngsters regis-— Castro arrived three hours late tered. with the judges, according to) in Montreal yesterday afternoon. ‘Robert Girardin, city recreation di- and, mainly because he insisted on rector. shaking hands with hundreds of A petition signed by 281 residents Montrealers who made him feel protesting the proposed widening “as if I'm in Havana," kept run-, ‘and repaving of Lincoln avenue ~ ning late, ‘trom Pierce street to Southfield The Cuban leader was assigned: road has been received by city guards by the Royal Canadian commissioners. Mounted Police, a force which he A hearing on the project is scehd- said he hopes to-copy in Cuba, and uled for tonight's City Commission | lave to pay fu00eo and = large Apartment) Houston, Tex., where he plans to spend a maximum of two hours there before flying on to Buenos Aires to attend an economic con- ference before returning to - Ha- vana, ‘Texans threw out plans for a barbecue for thé visiting Cuban prime misister and instead lined up 150 bluechipped citizens to~ shake ‘hands with him at a tuncheon. A. federal man * with a double. -lbarrelled shotgun rode herd over more than 100 armed police and sheriff's officers who fanned out over the Houston International Air- port as a security measure. There was not enough time to hold the planned barbecue, wel- coming committee officials said. ofice balaing would store $90,000. weg Sits big kas'ta i chacemiait ian tint ty dbase ta exxpressed willingness to meet their shares of the cost, Powers said PEOPLE BEHIND -PLAN The people of Royal Oak‘have Expradeed approval of the redevel- opment plan, too. eer et ee ie ee St ee oe ot ee ee xk *®- *® ” -éliats also approved a charter amendment that would let ss businessmen pay off special assessments bonds over a 20-year period, instead of in 10 years, as the charter previously required. ; . . Besides final passage of feito ther ae eve ste to be taken before the shop; mall can become a reality. me For-one, a taxpayer’s suit is necessary to test the new legisla- = tion. in- court, and it is expected that this will have to go all the way)” to a successful test in the State Supreme Court before. bond buyers would be satisfied that their investments are legally protected. But while the test xase isin cour, the city wil be able to proceed) _ with hearings on the project, said Bruce W. Love, assistant city man- ager. x * * First it wi badd hearings on the cy’s intention ty iuakie the many changes necessary to expedite the plan, then there will be hegrings ae Sava RAMONES om ‘She Seem, PrepsEtiCR: NO OUTSIDE HELP Powers is. proud of the fact that Royal Oak is proceeding with! downtown improvement under a plan that will be financed by the busi- Court. Kierdorf, former aide to Team- sters Union president James R. Hoffa, was sentenced last Novem- ber by Judge Adams after a jury convicted him of owning a pistol silencer which he turned. over to a neighbor shortly: after learning his nephew Frank had been hos- - |pitalized for burns. 7 Airmen Of 4 ion Atlantic Trip Southfield “Man Among _ Group Trying to Cross Ocean in Small Craft An Air Force sergeant from Southfield and six companions suc- cessfully launched their two small deisel-powered craft from Lowes- croft, England Saturday and are sailing the high seas today, bound for Miami, Fla. T.Sgt. Jack E. Little, 28, son of; as on Pontiac Press Photo BUILDERS SHOW _ ne paint-splattered fellows sparked the Pontiac. - et Ie Chamber of Commerce parade Saturday, | calling atten’ to the sixth annual Home Improvement Show this Thursday through Sunday at the Pontiac Armory. Jaycees predict a highly-suceessful show, covering everything from new Follaw Footprints to ; aves, with no outside fuenctel bela.’ | homes to do-it-yourself ideas. Mrs, William Sternberger of 24316|other police units, but he moved meeting. Home . “This is the recommendation of the U. S. Chamber of Commerce Glenet, S ee ihe pe ee chansaad ing ahi ao ener ten ty wt | 6 Improvement f e Air Force for 12 years. 4 € c agreement fo permit the City of he points out, but few cities ‘have been able to live up to it. St. Little's wife, Mary, 25, ar- downtown asked Montréal Mayor) Troy to use Birmingham water mp « Housing Still Sore Point M ichigan Bias Lessening EAST LANSING «—Racial dis- ble in education. Housing is Mich- crimination in Michigan was de-| igan’s problem.” scribed as lessening today by Dr.) The committee's preliminary st- ‘John A: Hannah, Michigan State derstanding, more tolerance -and University president. ‘dy reportedly shows a better un- But housing remains a major'common sense among citizens of, problem, said Hannah. The MSU Michigan. Minority groups are us- educator made his observations ing more reasoning and less mili-+ after studying a preliminary re-'tancy, it contends. port from the Michigan Civil Rights. Hannah said the Michigan Committee. ‘group's study will continue through | The group, headed by former August before a final report is Show Starts Thursday Pontiac Armory (Compliments ef Cemm. Nat. Bank) But as a safeguard, the city is investigating the possibility ‘Sarto Fournier to call them off. “federal ‘aestance ‘under both the od ban renewal act and’ the new one up before Congress at present, The redevelopment plan hasn't met any major snags so far, large- ly. because it has such popular support. . If all continues to go well, by late 1960 Royal Oak could be one of | the first Michigan cities to have actually taken the necessary steps 2 a Soeian Ms dents: Sise, els tthe tara fF - downtown businessmen. Michigan\Skidding to Brink of Ruin. rived in Southfield Friday after a flight from England with their ‘three children, Sharon, 6; Jack: 5; and Velvet, 3. Mrs. Little said her husband | decided to make the unique At- lantic crossing as af unusual ex- perience. She sald the trip should take about 40 days. the Little will move to Shaw Air Force Base in South Carolina ‘where the sergeant wil Ibe sta-; tioned. He ta 8 Bee maintenance missed in the United States,"’ he The adventurers, all on leave, told newsmen. from the U.S. Air Force, plan . to! e ‘sail their 45-foot boats to Miami, Plane Crash- Lands; 'Fla., via Lisbon, Portugal; the cn | hydrants in the area east of Ad- _ “He could have been killed ams and north of Derby roads. three dozen times the way he | Birmingham City » , y Manager L. R. ignored us,” -one high police ‘Gare is suggesting an annual officer said of the 32-year-old,” charge of $20 for each of the six fatigue-uniformed Cuban leader. j} drants in the area. Castro apparently was as im- —— pressed by Montreal as Montreal- | ers, who shouted ‘Viva Castro’, and ‘‘Hurray, Fidel'’ seemed to: ibe impressed by him. ‘There's a: i\Latin atmosphere here that I MON: & TUES. SPECIALS MAIN FLOOR BARGAINS Paralytic Polio : Reported on Rise NEW YORK #"—Polio epidem- ic “storm warnings” are becom. | ing serious, the National Founda- Burglars Steal Sums From Auto Sales Firm Burglars broke into the R & R Motor Sales Co. building, 724 Oak- Scout Knife st 59° value 4 blade Scout Camp (Continged From Page One) land Ave., over the weekend and Defense Secretary Charles E. W il- submitted to the President. Other, stole $91 trom a safe they forced) open. The intruders also broke into a cabinet and took $25 and an unde. | amount of change from cigarette and soft drink enti test also pointed their finger’ at five Democrats, Sens. Frank D.:Beadle of St. Clair, .GOP majority leader and author of the pendin; _ treasury , and ‘Lymm 0: Fraiicis of floor leader, said machines. “Michigan is in pretty good jell givers ae a aT ] ] Hi h night at the Grosse Ile Naval Air’ Seatpee-~ - s enough blican d be Entry into the building was) shape,”” Hannah said. “The na- mittee member said 55 super-| oO 1d. er Station. No one was injured. MALL LEV RG ss Ts Ria a oe Repu votes woul gained by smashing a window on| tional study involves three areas joiendents from school boards Lt. Cmdr. D. R. McGillivray of ; Check Simard fer “Lowest-in- “Town” Prices! : supplied to pass the bill if Demo- crats closed. ranks. ‘ \ bd * * Republicans outnumber Demo- crats in the Senate 22-12. Passage of the bill requires 18 affirmative votes. It mustered 11 last week, four from Republicans and seven from Democrats. : If Michigah skips a payroll or defaults on poor relief it’s likely to happen on a day when the state treasury cash balances exceed 100 the west side of the building. Million Dollar Blaze Hits Midland Stores (Continued From Page One) season blaze caused cénsiderable damage last year. Besides the Sears Roebuck dam- age, there was loss at the Mid- 5 eetbuced ; dampened areas | three successive yearly reductions. only the tires were blown and the © million dollars. pe pa ae pots hesripieanpe an ecioes the Soeth oti halt of the |She made her’ home with her te makes it rough, with more cars |first reports were in error. - Sell C *-* .* . jcy as well as professional offices country today but it was dry and daughter, Mrs. Leslie Tripp, at and travel, to cut any further.”| At Grand Rapids Fyiday night - ears . A biweekly payrool comes to |g a taxicab office and morty-|Mild in most southern sections. 1139 Illinois Ave. ~*~ * * fen: Capital Airlines Planes had © a about five million dollats, the | 5, There were two major wet belts, Mrs. Campbell Was born in Glen-| In April 1955, deaths totaled’160,|similar experiences. One came” All Wanted _ monthly direct relief ebtigation $0 ; One covered areas from the Pa.|0¢, Ontario, Canada and married|in April 1956, 140 and in: April|down on a blown tire and the other |# Color-Tones (3 for $1.39) less than four millions. e Accounting records of Sears ‘cific Northwest into the plateau ‘Mr. Campbell of Glasgow, Scot-|1958 they reached 118 as the state |blew its four main tires on landing. Pal re ‘ Reebuck were destroyed. How- [region to the Rockies. Light snow land in St. Paul, Minn. He died| successfully pushed its long range|None of the more than 100 pas-.).. Famous Harriet Hubbard Ayers LIPSTICKS « How could such a thing occur?| ever, q safe With the payroll and /fell in the higher elevations, some 20 years ago. traffte safety campaign. |sengers was hurt” go including new “\WHITE-MAGIC” for color- The answer is complex. For a| personnel records was saved. | The second precipitation band ._ Prior to coming to Pontiac three ; = é; blending. . long-time, many lawmakers said| Company ‘officials saide the 55 |stretched from the Mississippi Riv-| ¥°4"S 480, she made her home in (ADVERTISEMENT) 4 in effect: “Phooey. It couldn’t.”| employes thus would get their ler and southern Great Lakes re-|Cleveland, Ohio, where she was 8 > ct & pay on schedule this week. gion to near the Ohio River éast- member of the Congregational a Some don’t have the situation too a ee er ward to the Atlantic Coast. The sg é | rial Reeder — rong the ones} Midland’s main fire station {s|Taim was expected to end during a aiceen,, Robert Tripp ae s wi most about it. as i the day algng the Atlantic. . ey : Pee “ almost straight across the s ] E Tn short the anawer is because Simost, straight across the street "ES cthread irom the Great|serves with @ mission in Lima.| - | HERE'S THE TOTAL SELLING PICTURE | suPer oe sae chek all will ‘Firemen were on the scene with- Lakes into oe eum Mrs. Robert Lewin of Rye, NY., . . SPECIAL HARRIET HUBEARD AYER : string > in moments of the report of the omg 7 ine “ oy The and Mrs. Marshall Adams of Gree- NEWSPAPER READERS PAY A FEW é : - explosion, But the flames spread opel tae at Burlington, Vt. coi, | ley. Colo. CENTS A DAY TO BUY THEIR LOCAL # nant /wussard LOLORO ONE The Weather 20 swiftly firemen were unable t0inereq to 64 Sunday. en ee oe NEWSPAPER AT NEWSSTANDS OR HAVE | in ' . ee ean Temperatures in northern areas] "Tv eooq, Ohio, for service at IT DELIVERED TO THEIR HOMES.ITALL =| 2 *COLOROTONE’ | Full U.S. Weather Bureau Report. | Robert Wilson, operator of the! in the eastern half of the country La ADDS. UP HERES THE TOTAL PICTURE. Z PONTIAC AND _ VICINITY—Cleudy| Wilson Funeral Home, said he saw tly in the 40s and 50s. 1:30 p.m. Wednesday, with burial . s through Tuesday with possible seattered! 4 ‘sheet of flame” at Sears Roe- coh mos ; “ted read.|in Lakewood Park Cemetery, ig ampoo 4 Ss Seas Se kee tanies Mavilinick afer being xwakend by an so eae eend tow Ts, (Rocky River, Ohio. Arrangements PEOPLE IN THE UNITED STATES AND q ' | 48. a — explosion, Today in Pontiac Lowest temperature preceding 8 a.m. Dutch Ship ls Fist fo Navigate Seaway At 8 a.m,: Wind velocity 15 m.p.h. . . as 1: * Only, at Director ae em No Practical Objections Burglars Fail in Tries NEWS OF EVENTS NEAR AND FAR... Sinams - rises Tuesday at 5:32 a.m. Moon sets Monday at 9:36 a.m. Moon rises Tuesday's at 12.26 a.m, inower’s Commission on _ Civil Rights which has probed into race, prejudice on a state and national level. Hannah ‘is chairman of the commission, — voting, education and hous- ing. We have no voting prob- lem here and only scattered trou- Two Wet Belts Pelt North Over Weekend By The Asasciste’ Press Rain wide degrees in Texas Sunday. to Fluoridation in N.Y. ALBANY — The State Health in Pontiac at 101 The mercury climbed above: 100) son, stems from President Eisen- jpreliminary findings included: Disclosure that 50 Negro families ‘who had moved into white neigh-, 'porhoods in Kalamazoo were ac- cepted slowly,- Availability of a large reserve! | through the state gave flimsy ex- cuses for not hiring Negro teach- ers. ; Mrs. Campbell Dies Mrs. Lorn _ (Katherine Ann) {Campbell died Sunday at Pontjac |General Hospital at the age of 101.) iwere by Sparks - Griffin. Funeral Home. to Rob 2 Warehouses Attempts by birgtars to break ithe period ended at midnight Sun- inary Islands, Puerto Rico, and t West Indies. Bloody Weekend > Pushes April “Troy Pilot,.4 Safe crash-landed a bomber plane with, four other men aboard Saturday | EAST LANSING \®—The bloody weekend on state highways pushed, fatalities for April to 106. * * * 2758 Pine Hill Dr., Troy, was land- ing the P2V- Neptune bomber from a routine training flight when the; two tires blew, The State Police report covered; was the third incident of its day. The corresponding fatality to- tal last year April 1-26 was 77, or 29 fewer. * * * Orin Lucas, police traffic analyst, said that in this type of compari-, and the ship caught fire. However. son ‘we're period between Friday and Sat- urday nights, A Navy reserve pilot from Troy At first the naval station report- ed the plane's landing gear cracked ©; running up against in a later report the station said | s | x kind in Michigan within a 24-hour | | | iz CANADA SPEND $1563 942000 A YEAR . FOR FHEIR NEWSPAPERS. ONLY NEWSPAPERS GIVE THEM ALLTHE PLUS SPECIAL FEATURES FOR EVERY MEMBER OF THE FAMILY. tion reports. * the number of paralytic polio gases in the United States in- creased 83 per cent for the first | quarter ef this year, compared > Not a dye . * * The foundation said Sunday leather opener ring On NEW Knife blade NOVELTY DEPT has cutting screw ociiver puach can e and bel loop end. Gi ‘ i —Main Floor “hi-fashion”’ ~ All $1 Washes Color Into Your Hair 119 Colortones for Every Shade of Hair but a rich lathering, deep cleansing ‘shampoo that literally apna RO LiF MIPSTICKS dnd Popular Colors $s. * SE aes 8 Ee | Including New ‘OFF-BEAT’ Shades RED HEAD SHAMPOO 6 AM... ....eees 57 into the warehouses of two down- : : Neseoes cs : _ | Commissioner reported that there . ; ’) washes your hair with color . . . no COLOR-TONES a3 3 om. poreeee a ms + -ee+-88| (Continued From Page One) was no longer any practical ob. /town Pontiac stores over the week- | wmixing @r diluting. . . color iasts ‘til tikinaes or cele 10 am. SoS heartland of the continent to di- | jection to the fluoridation of the end were unsuccessful. your next shampoo . . . quick and easy : ) elincncs in Pontiac rect ocean trade with foreign | New York City water system. .. de coported nc ie ont someone IOS aiins (As recorded downtown) ports. Dr. Herman E. Hilleboe made 5 Hfighes sain aNTNINS 8 Y 1 tore away boards over the door of Lowest Temperature «loves soo 43 | The Jong gray line of freighters public a study of the water sys: his store’s warehouse but failed to SAVE 8) N Cos M ETICS . Li eepete ace neagiees 695 waiting at Montreal to enter the tems of twenty major American get into the building "bated in Pontiac Seaway created such a jam that| Cities that | flworidate thelr water He is the owner of Osmun’s | 69¢ Fresh Deodorant—roll-on dispenser .....- 49 , = elp reduce the chane =a _ a TS Sermo ig only slightly more than half _ of children will develop cavities in Men's Wear Store, 51 N. Saginaw 4 : Deodorant ; bl d 72¢ Lowest, temperature. 0 o..s.sscso... 37 (the 24 slated to start through the) io teeth. St. J $1.10 5-Day Deodorant—disposable pads .... Men there-Cloudy, “coi “eoid. 7" mee the grade. "The canta Regis and “From a public health view: rear Teer ihe Sinme free, Dept . $2 H. H. Ayers Lemon-Cream Shampoo ...... 89c One Year “Age in Pontiac 1 others back in the pack got start. point, on the basis ny werk Store: warehouse at 34 Osmun St. PEOPLE WANT NEWSPAPERS 4 : “- Lowest, temperature wiipy ot eiidic 26 ed more than nine hours late and “| haem ys at "ar rk 1 (but failed to get into the building. pepatihefearilind Dosipiog « 79c Hazel Bishop Make-Up—compact ..... .. 39¢ ean temperature seeeeres S99) could make only 80 miles the first : 4 ——— > —— overcome by standard engineer- ; ; ; \ we Fe Highest an@ Lowest Temperatures This day. ing practices in extending this | LAKE ADVERTISERS INVESTED 60c Toni Facial Lotion— Deep Magic aon ea 39¢ ; 04 fm 1938. Date tn 87 Years |. e14|OFFICERS COMPLAIN program to New York City,” A $3,120,000,000 IN DAILY © $2.50 Luxuria Cream—by H. H Ayers $1.19 © siandase:ugeclions ae otters the larger ships| Dr. Hilleboe declared. PROPERTY NEWSPAPERS LAST YEAR= , : a ania =, m euste po riley” piles, tack of pilings ond| | : AGAIN MORE THAN IN RADIO, © 69c Cashmere Bouquet Talc—economy size... 53c iw ack .0 Ss a - tjmore 78 65 ne ned » ELEVISION, MAGAZINES ANO a 3 eville Be Si stent goes 33 [bumper -cuarie in the lowe locks Kecarne fo Trowel on Feet SPRING: ED-TAES OuTooOR coMBINED FOR ALL ADVERTISERS~ | 29¢ Nestles Wave Set—Super-Set ceceeeee 28O> uftalo 61 4 innes lis $2 ai and approaches and a tedious “do NORTHAMPTON, England |f 60 bea utiful acres, no. buildings, situ- : : aes wg . Ghasiosion 14 $8 New Oricans ty Clit’ yourself” system of moving) qypTy — James Wagstaffe, 22, | fate “bellemtl., rental, ving 'in | THE TOTAL SELLING MEDIUM IS THE DAILY NEWSPAPER?! 60c Toni Pink-Pamper Shampoo—fFree Bottle...49¢ - Ginchenett 78 65 Omaha se 42\ships along by ropes through the just loved it in the Army, He Towasbip. wieclant fishing! ¢ : —— a 5 Server’ 8 f Phomis fl lOcks. was shipped home from Singa- CALL 3 / $1.50 Helene Curtis Tempo—Hair Spray ...... 97¢ Sk 38 Pittsburgh fgg; Many ‘of the bigger ships and] pore at his discharge last July, |f . , FF — a f 4, a 2 + OFFUTT AIR FORCE BASE, _hydrogen bombs in their bomb A al iy et read t¥ 4° 4 wv ot } ” .; ee ee “ed : | é . 2 of" ; “ t f ' 4 weP x 3 ie al ee ae & *} , _THE PONTIAG'PRESS, MONDAY, APRIL : 27 1959. ~All ‘Alert’. U.S. Planes Ready at Minute’s Notice;. Pilots Live. in Flight Suits Neb. (UPI)—The Strategic Air Command, founded on the theory that the best defense is a good, offense, is poised for the day it hopes will never come. Even as you read this, SAC planes could, if necessary, deliver hundreds of nuclear weapons to already-plotted targets anywhere in the world. The crews would be winging their way within minutes after receiving the signal they hope never comes — the signal that the enemy had attacked. They know that the atomic and NOT A CHINA STOP —, This gus Wyo. when it jumped from bays are so destructive they could| obliterate every key factory, nd and military position of the e my. SAC moved its global head- quarters. to Nebraska 10 eer | ago, a decade dedicated to pt fecting the Free World’s No. 1 striking forcé, a force so power- ful that no one would dare at- tack America or its allies. It was a small force with a . handful of men and propeller-driv-- NEW YORK (NEA)—This town en aircraft when it moved here|being what it is, and conventions in 1948. Today, its bases ring the being what they are, i: was not sur-! world. Virtually all its planes are prising that a New York hotel's: jets, with missiles being ‘phased main ballroom should be booked rapidly. solid for 18 months ahead. * a “But, said Adrian M. Ziegler | The ‘Strategic Air Command is Wh_D., Ps.D., F.A.S,), consulting now capable of its bombers — the “alert force" the convention sales department, — on a few moments’ notice. The) “if you will check this morning's remainder of its 3,000 B4Ts and, ‘mail you will find a cancellation B32s, and one wing of out-moded| ‘for the first week of October, 1959. B36s would be right behind: in —Which is the week we want for keeping with SAC’s determination | UF convention.’ to hatch all its nuclear eggs at ~*~ *e& once And lo, it was as Dr, in” Ziegler had bull was being trucked through Milne’s truck and made a APBIOER | tour of the Astrologers Pick October. and Fine Weather--to Meet of launching one-third 4 curious chart as He talked with yall over the world, and all of them £ ~~ 2 AP Wirephoto area, chased by police and would-be toreadors. A ticklish moment came when the bull caught his reflection in a store window. The bull didn't try and enter the hard way. « | 1,500-pound An- Casper, rancher James wonderful. And that’s why there are ad ion followers These are pedple' twho are not “alraid to face the} truth, not afraid to learn, not afraid they can alter their avoid trouble.’ and work as a guidance counsel | one of our men for the weather. lor, Dr. Ziegler uses his astro- | He's a neighbor of mine in Holly- wood; I wouldn't plan a_ picnic without him. Another friend and. ‘ } “We began our relationship, colleague specializes in stock MAF-!7 16 said, “when the doctor had ket horoscopes.” ‘to perform an emergency opera- . * * tion, He was in a real panic—a} There are 1,500 A.I.L. members| typical Aries. He gave me the birth time of his patient an | worked professional people in California. tops in the field. Tools of the'out the details. Unfortunately,{ trade: A book of the houses of | there was no hope’ for the patient. the stars, an Ephemeris—astro-|] told the surgeon what he'd find nomical tables fixing heavenly po-! and . ©, well, the stars are always! sitions for any time—and plenty of right ” But Backs Macmillan Idea Nikita Rejects Ike's ‘Plan LONDON (UPI) —Premier Nikita Khrushchev’s week- ‘end notes to President Eisenhower and Prime Minister Harold Macmillan were intended to drive-a wedge between thé Western allies, diplomatic soyrces said today. Khrushchev in effect rejected a U‘S. by-step limitation on nuclear tests, while pointedly accept- plan for step- ing previously-secret Macmillan proposal for a limit on in- spection trips to suspected test sites. * * The. Macmillan proposal, * ‘ advanced tentatively to Khrushchev while the Prime Minister was in Moscow re- cently, is known to’have found no favor with Eisenhower, The Khrushchev notes were the latest development in a systematic propaganda campaign to exploit differences between the Western allies. e Father Denies | Pouring Coffee ° on Daughter ATLANTA (2 — t over her last night as she cowered ‘behind a stove. She said he then locked her and a smaller’ brother in the bathroom but they smashed the door and ran to the home of a neighbor. A 41-year-old ‘unemployed father of seven today: Boy Is Electrocuted denied that daughter. “Good gracious alive, do such a thing,” to burn one of my babies.”’ ‘and battery. Betty Ann Lane, ‘left side of her body, ——— — he poured a pot+of in this boiling coffee over his 9-year-old: While Taking a Bath MONROE (UPI) —A three-year- | I eouldn’t old Carelton boy was electrocuted | said Joseph while taking a bath Saturday night. to see the road signs ahead 80 Clarence Lane from his jail cell.; Joseph Wickenheiser, son of Mr. | course and|‘‘What kind of a father would I he and Mrs, Ear} Wickenheiser, was, He dead on arrival at Mercy Hos- In addition to persona! affairs |!S Charged with suspicion of assault pital. He was taking a bath in the suffering first;Wickenheiser bathroom which was logical tools to advise several jand second degree burns over the being remodeled when he grabbed | said her'a bare wire. The Wickenheiser's ” Dr. ‘father poured the boiling coffee have eight other. children. x Two Wallets Found but Money Mi&sing iwallets returned over the weekend | ‘Saturday that he'd lost his wallet wallet was found later but not the $50. . 2 ' Lucy L. Morris of 820 Lake. ‘Angelus Rd., Pontiac Township, | reported her pocketbook was stolen _while she shopped at a local store. | urine; and by relaxing, analgesic pain relief Sale for pune or old. Get CYSTEX | we inary a Two persons had their. missing each $1,000 wortir of life insurance + than the average outlay per $1,000 ‘The average life insurance prem. ium paid by policyholders for lin -1957 was about 20 per cent less. in force in the United States a but not the money inside. Roger Vella of 609 S St. reported Paddock to Pontiac Police containing $50 and miscellanecus papers at a local car wash. The A clerk recov erg@pthe purse but ($3 and miscellaneous papers were. missing. The railroads of the United States represent an investment of about 35 billion dollars. About 60 per cent of this is in fixed property and the remainder in rolling sok. (Advertisement) Does BLADDER IRRITATION MAKE YOU NERVOUS? : Thanks to new, selentifie Ia og Fy ney emetic thou- ods of men afd women now escape | feeling old, tired, irritable and depressed rom losing sleep and worryiriy about | “Bladder Weakness’—too frequent, | burning and itching urination, Bed Wet- ties: Getting Up Nights—or Strong Urine, ~ to common Kidney or | Bladder Irritations, which often ~— | in secondary Back, | Nervousness. In such cases New Fepseced OYSTEX usually gives quick, calming re- Hef by — irritating germs in acid FLY TODAY See... Get Plane and Steamship Space... Use AAA’s Complete TRAVEL BUREAU SERVICE Agents for all Air & Ship Lines NO EXTRA COST TO YOU Also headquarters for: ® Foreign Documents and Road Guides ® Auto Shipments, rentals and purchase. @ Guided and Independent Foreign Tours & Cruises. — 76 Williams Street FE 5-1451 Bomber crews on alert pall shifts around the clock, sleep- ing and eating near their planes. predicted. Consequently, the Astrol-| ogers Internationa] Ltd. ‘a profes- siona) organization) wijl hold its annual convention next year at the [Saperienee. ¢Advertisemen o —_ “I always tell novices,’* ae _ Worry of ‘ Ziegler said, “not to attemp; crreaia con ecyreted > FALSE TEETH | at least 1,006 horoscopes, < i even then, you keep secing = Slipping or Irritating? Don't be embarrassed by loose false stock un NOW? During This Gigantic ~ SALE! QUALITY © PLUS SAVINGS things in the horoscope long aft-_ er you've first cast it.” The doctor himself has been a working astrologer for the past 40 of his §7 years, In that time he’s seen all kinds of air and railroad) wrecks long before they occurred. / Ground crews keep the planes iitei New Yorker, Oct. 2-10. i + ready to zoom skyward. i fight “The weather will be saperb 4 The fliers live in thei igh that week,” Dr, Ziegler sald, suits, waiting,Jor the squawk of a consulting his chart, “There will | siren peculiar to all SAC bases — not be enough seats in the ball the siren that sends them on daily, estes tor ol ou le. One of _ practice alerts but some day could teeth sg dropping or wobbling | when talk or laugh. Just | sprink. ag : uiteie PASTEETH on your , pilates. This pleasant powder gives a | remarkabie sense of comfort and security by boiding plates more | frmiy. No gummy, gooey, pasty taste | or feeling. It’s alkaline (non-acid). Get PASTEETH at any drug counter. PRICES EFFECTIVE: MONDAY thru WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27th to 29th Northern recappable tires — if they pass f Inspection, we'll give you FREE in exchange: MEMBERSHIP GOOD COAST-TO-COAST FAV NPNET NUE ENE E eT PUP oT FEKETE ew vvean the real thing our — will try to baarl He is also on record for having) WAAAAAAARRARRRIITR ‘ ‘ our aims a purpose, we ‘told the New York World's Fair ¢ > : The alert force is strengthened) will be able te reason with of 1939 not to open on the date $ MIMEOGRAPHING ; CLIP ond- SAVE further by SAC’s dispersal pro-| him...” 7 they had set or pay the penalty of, ¢ 4 > ’ i : «a i? grarh. While Dr. Ziegler prefers to spe- heavy monetary loss—which hap-| 3 SERVICE ’ Northern By keeping a number of its ai ¢jalize in vocational guidance ($15) pened > . p Cc ‘TOILET TISSUE craft scattered at Wases around per horoscope), the presidency of: Today, Dr. Ziegler lives in Cali-| g Bulletins, ’ j the country and around the world, the A.I.L. requires his reading the fornia with his wife, a pleas- > - OLD BELL Gift Stamps , FREE GLOVES! For a Course Individually | inches Off Hips and Ad¢_ two Inches to Bust ED SE with the Purchase of 1 Lb. or Mare of § Designed For You! 4 Waist — take one inch = reproportion Body meas- ! SLIC 2 : :PETER’S Lb. { Oft Ankles. urements. 1 ss hi Nothing te buy—just bring us ' 2 = v PYese ain vain aie QU UU UU) DU As Call FE 4-9582-3 For Your Free Trial Today! , NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR SUN ROOM, MECHANICAL MASSAGE and- STEAM CABINETS A Wilson Official Leagve Rase- ball for every recappable tire, or a} A Genuine Louisville Slugger Bat. { For 2 such tires we'll “give you FOOD-O-MAT § House of Venus FREE a handsome Fielder’s Glove. > i HOURS: > Diba Ctraa nr “A Cheac 2-12 ) HURRY — OFFER ENDS «Fic Ss | ‘tenet 465 E. Pike Street Corner Sanford Street Ph. -12 os tt : Sure JaiOns 10 to 10 Mon., Fri. fi MacDONALD TIRE CO. | ; ee nt aad PONTIAC MIRACLE MILE SHOPPING CENTER—S. Telegraph at Square Lk. Rd. PHONE FEderal 4-9582-3 VAUCRoattititiut meas econ Ph. FE 5-831] SUBER*MADK wah, " 4 F ) Fe EP ee ie j ‘ «id rj re ( 2 % Zz , ‘ . yp Don't Call ‘fm » Fiy-by-Nights THE STYLE ings! women weer... be separate-door Freezer made fomous by Insects Ist Creatures 3 on top! , Frigidaire! in Air, but: Information| ~ 9 i *®S THE SIZE on Them Uncertain most women want, BIG. 12.2 CU. FT! WASHINGTON—Severa] decades . THE PONTIAC PRESS, MONDAY, . APRIL 27, 1959 A&P’s Own Allgood Brand _ FRIGIDAIRE Gold. Crown. _ Refrigerator-Freezer 7 le FRIGIDAIRE ADVANCED APPLIANCES .. Be Yes, another great Frigidaire Special Gold Crown Appliance Value... of the many you'll find throughout our store now during Gold Crown Value Days! typical | MAKE YOU FEEL LIKE A QUEEN Value on o~ - . - REFRIGERATOR FEATURES TO {N YOUR KITCHEN! * True zero-zone freezing. * 86-lb. frozen food capacity. * Cycla-matic automatic defrosting in the refrigerator section. ers for eggs. tection Plan. All yours for as little as | s 33 a week after small down poyment or suitable trade-in at... - DESIGNED WITH YOU IN MIND! Big storage door with compart- ment for butter and cheese, serv- 1-year Warranty, plus 4-year Pro- - ago, it was thought that a deer fly could buzz along at 820 miles an hour, The belief still is popular, speed to be impossible. * * * ' On the other hand, according to aerodynamic principles, a bumble- Some insects are especially effective at distance flights. The familiar orange-and-black Mon- arch butterfly apparently has flown the Atlantic Ocean. and desert locusts fly hundreds of miles, says National Geographic. Wings have been found in the earliest fossil insects, but their _ jorigin is uncertain. wo ' “It is generally accepted that they developed from lobes on the back, to have mastered the air without sacrificing a pair of limbs. Doubtless insects were destined to fly when the first tall plants appeared in prehistoric swamps. They climbed the plants amd then, as the lobes developed, began gliding to the ground. Their rudimentary wings vi- brated. This promoted muscular changes that enabled the insect itself to initiate the vibrations. * * * Insects were alone in the skies ‘for perhaps 100 million years after they learned how to fly. when birds and bats took to the air, they jate and otherwise eliminated the jless efficient species of insect flyers. The survivers flourished might- lly because of their special ability to find food, homes, and protection. It is easy for a tiny insect to seek out a new place to live. # ee: Ce Two acres are needed to sup- ME-5048-RE9C-30 porta horse or a cow, for instance, : CONSUMERS POWER COMPANY | |but eight million insects can live comfortably in the same area. t 39 per cent of the deaths wa 35 per cent of the injuries re- sulting from motor vehicle acci- idays, despite studies of muscle weight} ’ ‘jand efficiency that show such aj. bee shouldn’t be able to fly at all. |- making insects the only animals} - dents occur on Saturdays arid Sun- She Deserves a OWE KITCHEN... A good starting point for that modernizing program... YOU can doit... WE have the cash to help. SHE deserves it... ee at * (oa MODERNIZATION LOANS CAN BE MADE IN MINUTES om é . THRIFT BOOK ACCOUNTS Start tomorrow on HER room. oO F. Walled Lake . Milford . National P ON T Offices at W. Huron at Tilden . . Keego Harbor. . . N. Perry at Glenwood . .. Union Lake . . Waterford and Bloomfield Hills Member F.D.I.C. Bank A ¢ Lake Ofion helm iinet a ee ee nL TT LT hm M i - Only Fancy Sliced Bacon “rtm, . BE 49¢ - ‘Thick-Sliced Betton counrey'stme 2 vxo. 97 “Super-Right” Smoked er CENTER CUT p C N CS ° Pork Chops ar ney LB. 69. “SUPER-RIGHT” PORK er’ Tenderloins nnn . MONDAY TUESDAY wae 4. 69: oat LARGE, CRISP, 24-SIZE HEADS LETTUCE .. 2 ro FOR CHASE & SANBORN , PLUMROSE BRAND } e an. Instant Coffee Deviled Ham ce OQc xe se [0c FREESTONE HALVES ; | A&P Peaches......4 s% 79 SAVE AT A&P ON DELICIOUS Sultana Tomatoes 1 sx 1.00 SAVE UP TO 17c on “Super-Right” 7: | iLuncheon Meat Another A&P Special Savings NATIONAL BABY WEEK > -~ FEATURE Keyko Margarine Bab IN QUARTERS 7 _ y , | 4 1-LB. Qo: | (Val Foods CTNS. GERBER - HEINZ — BEECH-NUT . : All Strained Varieties Your Choice - Save at A&P On Soap Needs, Too! ; — 00 Cheer or \ Fab Lesser Quantities Sold at Regular Retail . cee Prices Effective Thru Tuesday, April 28th . REG. C ee, THE GREAT ATIANTIC 8 PACIFIC TEA COMPANY ne Super Markets 3c OFF LABEL | Eee TUTURORRLE F000 MERCREET 1050 aoe epee, 8 ce BT ae So eer ty é Shige f Ws Pa . eras ee \ eg ¥ ‘ FR oh em oe ; * i 4 a) ay op} ee a is ct es ee ae : y Sete ri bee es a yf : 2 5 : yp f ak s ¢ | #* ie cae ised PONTIAC PRESS. MONDAY, APRIL, 3 27,1950. eee ee ts "Sug gest He e (First 5 Pounds ‘ Bee "ho A , ‘ , : uO You'll get more done around the jspecialists at sacle State Unt. ast 5 the dishes, - Wash Inhave no drying. chore and no drain dry, and you'll towels. to.Jaunder, house if you rest before you be- come ‘fired. Home management versity suggest you try to rest 10 minutes ,out of every hour. ‘ TONY'S $8.00 It’s Tony's 29th ‘Anniversary our Opportunity to Save Plenty BUDGET PERMANENT . eng nl ai dae with Set ......... 9 Saw “All h Ficonanite 20% off is am art — not just o Le HAIRCUTTING $ , $0 that there eA age Rl bog BEAUTY AN eens BARBER sor FE 3-7186 7 ony 3 ae waka — RIKER BLDG. Ld SPINNING WHEELS 1959 - Coming Soon ROLLADIUM It’s Time to | STORE YOUR . WAITE’S Gives Complete Scientific . COLD Fur Storage FURS You Re CALL FE 4-2511 to have our bonded messenger call for your precious furs. * Your furs are protected against heat, moths, dust and theft. * Waite’s offers you expert fur repair, remodeling, and cleaning service. * Modest rates. * Furs fully insured. RCA VICTOR New THIN SPORTABLES y RCA Victor gives you ren ees Value, 99 Day Free Service BRAND NEW! Sleek, slim, beautiful to be- hold. So powerful that you get outstanding perform- ance—even in fringe areas. 110° Pieture Tube—Trans- former Powered Chassis — Front Tuning and sofind. 90 Days Same as Cash rel Extra Quality Features PAY ONLY MFREEN, Flee DOWNTOWN :7<\ PARK-SHOP (2 SAVINGS PRICED so WEEKLY 2 Fears to Pay WAYNE GABERT 121 N. Sagitiaw Open Monday«® Friday Nights ‘til ® P.M. FE 5-6189 ~|Give the: Pin to a Friend . By EMILY POST “Dear Mrs. Post: friend of mine gave me a pin which was his mother’s (his mother passed away recently). It isn’t the kind of pin that I would have much use for, I think it is more suitable for an elderly woman. “There is just such a person who was very close to his mother who I’m sure would appreciate it much more and it would be a nice remem- brance of her for this friend to have. I would like to sug- gest: this to him but hesitate to do so for fear of hurting his feelings. What do you ad- vise?” ° Answer: Unless he is a very sensitive person, I don’t think it will hurt his feeling if you _ tell him how much you ap- preciate his wanting. you to I. have his mother’s pil but. that you know “Mrs. A.’’ would love to have it and would have much more use for it than you. This will be better than your accepting it now and then let him ‘discover later that you rarely if ever wear it. _ “Dear Mrs. Post: I plan to be married soon and both my fiance and my brother, who is going to give me away, are officers in the army. They both would like to wear their uniforms for the wedding but the best man and the ushers are not in the army and would be wearing civilian clothes. Would it be proper to mix the military and civilian clothes in this manner?” Answer: While it Jooks better to--have all the men dressed alike in either military or ci- vilian @lothes, it will be quite proper for your fiance and brother to wear their uniforms even though the best man and - ushers have to wear civilian clothes. “Dear Mrs. Post: How should the professional cards of a dentist be engraved, and how the personal cards that include his wife?”’ Answer: Professional cards would be engraved John Henry Smith followed by the letters of his degree, and his personal cards Dr. and Mrs. John Henry Smith. A old . jthe enemy, EXTRA POUNDS. Beware. of Over she goes to touch the toes. It looks difficult but you should be able By JOSEPHINE LOWMAN | must be feeling pretty pleased with There are two facts wihch I be-|» ow. You ha > just two 1 give in ; now. You have just two more days lieve hy ——— to hg womn-|tg to go. mn a pees.” Many a who| | “Here are tomorrow's menus: _ gain easily find the scales going Breakfast . egg poached or broiled up and down periodically like a: ‘One thin ae slice of whole wheat toast seesaw. If these women are the| Black coffee least bit careless, they gain from jet Ges Riad mk five to 10 pounds in between zip- Luncheon pings! Of course the smart thing . Boe ane is never to allow a greater gain) One- “has Kad J steamed carrots than five pounds before attacking mene brepetren Dinner Minute or club steak (small) One-half cup string beans One-half cup squash One glass skimmed milk Orange slices * Make it a point to keep your| weight at the ideal for you for several months. If you will do this. you will find that you can- get! away with some splurges in food the floor on your back with your! without gaining immediately. There | arms resting on the floor at your, is a scientific basis for this. Your | sides. Raise both legs up and con-, weight becomes stabilized. Natural-'tinue on over until your feet are ly you cannot take this too far or touching the Noor behind your go haywire with the theory. | — a _ hos e Nibbles Hers is today’s exercise. Lie on; ALL PERMANENTS: to do this Spring Makeover exercise.. | | floor. (Knees stiff throughout ex-| ercise.) ‘ * * *. ; | If you would like to have my 9- a loss of from five to 10 pounds jin nine days, send 10 cents and la stamped, self-addressed envelope jwith your request for it: Address \Josephine Lowman in care of this: newspaper: am | Tomorrow: ‘Nine Day Diet Gives ‘You A Quick Loss of 3 to 10. |Pounds.”’ i “| od Women in White | In Paris, the Woman in_white is on the tennis courts, not the, hospital wafd. Shops show white cotton stockings to go head. Slowly return legs to the, ' HOLLYWOOD ONE PRICE — SQiS COMPLETE WITH CUT and SET NONE HIGHER You Get All This: Carefree Haircut Pérmanent by on Experi- enced, Licensed Operator Styled Set Our Famous Guarantee: A Complete Wave for $3.75... Nane Higher BEAUTY SHOP — 782 North Saginaw Street | with short white pleated skirts. THEY NIBBLE! Then, too, many women who have too many pounds really do not eat large meals, but they do inibble during the day and some- \times even during the evening. iThey may eat very small bits of this or that at these times and probably would be astonished if they know how many calories they consume in this way. A couple of cookies, a portion of cream cheese mix left over from a party spread on four crackers, two dozen salted nuts, one scoop of ice cream and one | or two other little (2?) nibbles— and soon you have close to 1,000 | ealories. This is the seventh day of my. Nine-Day Reducing Diet and those of you who have been following it lronrite lroner. Ruth Shain Class Has Anniversary Banquet By ALICE MORGAN | Another year, the > has ended for the Ruth n In- ternational Relations | Class. This year’s event was~ cele- brated with a breakfast and program held Friday morning at, the Orchard Lake Country Club, with Mr, and Mrs. Car- son Bingham as host and hos- tess. * * * Guest speaker was James Kerr Pollock, head of the de- partment of political science at the University of Michigan. . oo’ ‘* * Mrs. Shain introduced a-num- ber of special guests, includ- ing Mrs. Preston Weir, first vice president of the Birming- ham Branch of the American Association of University Wom- en; Mrs. Irene Murphy, only woman on the U. of M. Board of Regents; Mrs. F. G. Gar- rison, president of the Oak- land County Branch of United. Nations - Evan Hannay, study group; Mrs. newly-elected | | 3465 Auburn Rd. THE PERFECT GIFT LADY YOU LOVE MOTHER’S DAY DELUXE MODEL IRONRITE $239" Give mother more time with the family, by | cutting her ironing time in half with “an For Information C all: CRUMP ELECTRIC, Inc. FOR. THE -FOR president of the Birmingham League of Women Voters. Others were Mrs. Florence Willett, Birmingham mayor pro tem; Mrs. E, E. Schaffer, Community House director; Mrs, Willys Wagner, first vice president Village Women's club: Jeanne Lloyd, Baldwin Public Library; Mrs, Cyril B. Lewis, Birmingham represen- tative and chairman of the wel- . fare division of the Oakland County Board of Supervisors; Mrs. Pearl Newcombe, presi- dent Altrusa Club of Greater Birmingham; Mrs. Ear! Tripp- lett, United Church Women president; Mrs. Peter B. Loom- is and Mrs. Dean ier, Bir- mingham Board off Education: Mrs. William Grabendike, Woman's Club president; Mrs. John Schramm, Ruth Shain In- ternational Relations Class sec- retary; and Mrs. Géorge Green, Mrs. Karl Bailey and Mrs, A. Coit Allee, who as- sisted with details of the 1959 dept. stores reunion breakfast. K : . | <' DRY CLEANERS by, vo | be inert-inct smart imams k ING iD; S be smart look smart. RAS “COMPLETE - HIRT SERVICE 719 W. Huron, FE 4-1536 Quality Cleaning Since 1929 ey Shop the savings now! Just say ‘CHARGE IT’ at Federal’s FE 4-3573 EE AE a PARENSOEES = ~ = | | OPEN EVERY | EDERAL NIGHT TO9 Mon. through Sat. | Downtown AND | Drayton Ploins Ss Monday through Saturday Over Bazley’s FE 8-3560 Air Conditioned OPEN EVERY EDERAL NIGHT TO 9 _ Downtown AND Drayton Plains “AMAZING - ‘JUST A's" dept. stores BRABY | Federal’s expert corsetieres will fit you correctly for comfort and figure flattery 3 * " Pull tab down for more ~ separation, less cup depth Pull tab up for less separation, more cup depth JUST YOU and to fit the fashion necklines you wear... 95 CHARGE : IT Now, a revolutionary new bra by Exquisite Form that gives you a “custom fit”... in-front. It actu- ally changes its size to fit and flatter your own contour. W hite cotton, 32-36 A, 32-38 B, 32-40 C. ~ - THE PONTIAC PRESS, MOND. AY, A PRIG 27, 1 a Hye a ae een em tie t save 50¢ a ton! a ee a IF PWN POI BOI = he s > 26 ee 4 Ae O88 4 8 ey AP ee en j bur ial to follow in Willow Grove, fic to the Drayton fishing site down | “Americ can farm exports in fiscal The Yukon, about 2,300 miles | ~ Deaths in Ponfiac and Nearby Areas fic.‘ {~Mateow Soar! eurierpsssraanarrarae oe haa . | more irect routes ts t e site an Mr. Lyons « Siturday at us Tonight to Get i traffic |hazard has seushoged =u | waa i: } ; home after a long illness. Splvay. a : MRS. SAMUEL BAER - MRS. WALTER R. GROSS 2 p.m. wasisady. at Donelson-| Surviving are two daughters, Citizen Requests The ‘Boar is expected to dis: 7 ‘Wee ee ‘a Mrs. Samuel (Anna) Baer, 74,| Word has been received of the/Johns Funeral Home with burial MTs. Payoe Downey of Lake Or- | Several Waterford Township res-| iy the rh setae alin Board $0 Built-to a Standard of | of 204 Osmobile St., Waterford dedfh-of former Pontiac resident,|at White Chapel Cemetery. [ion and Mrs. William ‘Gass of Ro- idents are expected at tonight's replace Lewi Ru ry h esi = i ae . township, died Sunday at her home| Mts. Walter R. (Marian E.) Gross,” y4- Duberville died this’ morn- '€0; one brother, Delbert of Ro- are ext fo ne liven de aewen “mae board. Nene QU ALITY : 59, of Palo Alto, Calif. Mrs, Gross meo: and six grandchildren, - | Waterford Township Board meet-|‘rom ine peven « man ard re. : after a long illness. ___,died Sunday after an illness of one ing at St. Joseph M@¢cy Hospital, oe - ing g for various business’ reasons, CeMuy. . ; She was a member of First’ week. in Pontiac after a short illness. [ STANLEY R. SCHOFE according to Clerk Janice ‘Sesier- — Check Our. Prices : $i stiadliee ‘tXapels She was a member.ef the Pres-| A retired general foreman at) ROMEO~Service for Stanley R jin. Vandals Wreck School Before You Bu j Surviving besides her husband, byterian Church, Pontiac Motor Division be was ajSchoff, 51, a former resident he re,| Home builder Samuel Block has, : ; . . y are a. son, Clyde ~Putman, of Surviving are a son, Joseph L. member of the Foreman’s Club. |was held at 2 p.m. today at Wil-' protested water supply assessments. DETROIT (UPI)—Vandals broke Markers ionuaris Clarksville, Tenn.; two daughters,| Gross, of Los Altos, Calif.; a sis-/ Surviving are his wife, Sadie, his | bur’s Funeral Home with burial on seven lots. in his Lorraine Mac-| into the Gordonier Elementary from een Mrs. Bertha Schmitton, also of|ter, Mrs. C. F. Heymann, of Pon-'son Kenneth E. of Pontiac and im Romeo Cemetery. lor subdivision on Walton boule- School in Romulus Township over Clarksville, Mrs. Lauretta Baer, of|tiac; a. brother, arid three grand- two daughters, Mrs. A. E. Davis) Mr. Schoof died unexpectedly yard. | the weekend tearing apart five $ 00 $ 00 Watkins Lake: and a sister, Mrs,| Children. _ ‘of Clarkston and Mrs. Jack Martin Friday in R teceiving Hospital, De-| A sequest for sidewalk to-new- yan , hook ; Josephine Haynes, of Pontiac. The body is at the Case Funeralof Pontiac. Thre sisters, two)troit after a long illness. I by-constructed schoo! buildi amage fo the school ‘wag ‘estk ‘brothers and tw d hild Lis ing besides’ his wife, Mil-| 2 °° micings on ‘mated at $2,000. School janitor John Pontiac's Oldest and Most The body is at the Farmer-Snov-| Home in Saginaw. <0 survive. S erences Be laced, 2 ee a e antag 7 Fredericka| Hatchery road will be presested | Haidynaik said the vandals scat- Reliable Monument Builders ~ - % a e a > | er Funeral Home. CHARLES A, HIBNER _ a lat home: Jive brothers, Frederick! ee Bowell eas George- | tered books and supplies and DIANNE E, EVANS Service for Charles A. Hibner.| ALERED W. LYONS and Raymond both of Northville, | rayree 2 ae. ‘i wrecked chairs, desks and other INCH MEMORIALS, INC. Dianne E. Evans, 16, daughter| 15-month-old son of Airman 1... ROMEO — Service for Alfred Howard of Detroit, Philip of Ro-'! ee Ballock of 1762 Solvay equipment, i. iand Mrs. Charles W: Hibner who W. Lyons, 84, of 17825 31-Mile Rd... meo, and Edmund of Armada; St. wout@-like to have the town-) He said the school had been ; of a and Mrs, Hubert vend onla stationed with t 1S, Air will be held at 2 p.m. tomorrow and~ his parents, Mr. and Mrs he request the Oakland sonny vandalized before but “never any-| Telephone FE 56931 864 N. Perry St. aaa ae Pontiac General ool Fotke at Casablanca, Morocco, ,at Roth’s Home for Funerals with Frederick Se hoof Sr. ‘Road Commission to prohibit traf-’ thing like this.” f pital Saturday following a heart|formerly of Orchard Lake, will be) . attack. She had suffered prolonged ibeld at 3:30 p.m. Tuesday at Don- ill health. son-Johns Funeral Home with Surviving besides her prents is| perisl in White Chapel Memorial a borther, Rodney. Service will be; Cemetery. We reserve Prices held at 1:30 p.m. Tuesday at Don-| The infant dicd Tuesday of in-} east othective &: elson - Johns Funeral Home with|juries received in a fall. rents a hey and % burial in Acacia Park Cemetery.| npkew Fike « = é The family suggests | ANDREW TASCA _ tions be made to the Association) Andrew Tasca, 38, of 647 Phil-) age SR OR for Handicapped Children, Inc. lips Rd., died Saturday at Pontiac | : = = — — 'Genera]. Hospital after a one year, . ‘illness, | ORCHARD FRESH, FROZEN |. A pipe fitter at Pontiac Motor) Division, Mr, Tasca was a mem- & 2 ber of St. Paul Lutheran’ Church. | ” had < Surviving are his wife. Gizella: «Wy i = two sons, Andrew J. and Alexan-| > sm ‘ der C., both at home; and a broth.) . - “ — er, George of Pontiac ! w The body will be at the Pursle y| STOCKTON PEELED lees | Funeral Home until noon Tuesday! 9 _ at which time it will be taken to! 2] STOCK YOUR St. Paul Lutheran Church for serv-} ‘ 20 ice at 2 pm. Burial will be in ee FREEZER AT Oak Hill Cemetery ; : or = HARRY W Ee R | «eg THIS LOW, LOW 6-OZ. . : . YEAGE - CANS , | Harry W. Yeager, of 749 Ge- a are you a little neva Ave., died Sh udes night at NO. 21 : oy @) PRICE + St. Joseph Hospital Mercy Hospital. | - /2 short this month? Mr. Yeager attended Central CANS ss | + . Methodist Church and was a! Most of us have months J)“; ” sue sintendent at General Prudential Sweet when we are a little short Motors Truck “and Coacly ‘Divigior , of ready cash to pay bill es wus neue at, Heecereel SOFTEE — pay Dills, He was a member of the Roosevelt fe | = buy new clothes, take Lodge, the Foreman's Club, and! ; @oeee es ee. weekend trips, meet med- was one of the first employes to ¢;) @ . ical expenses or for other be in GMTC’s “Hall of Fam " Pik-Nik Tomato worthwhile purposes. If He also served as chair: you can use some extra “@the pastora) relations com srnitien . cash right now, call f his church : : @eeese@ SEABOARD~—your lend- ~ J Sutiving are his wife, Donna, a . ing neighbor! daughter, Mrs. Twyla Johnson, of, Silver Floss . Park Forest, Ili.: a som, Rich ard | M., of Milford, and six grandchil-' ap dren. He also leaves six brothers quer rau Loans $25 to $500 a a SRE . no Loy | oervice wii ye id at c p.m cs ss Phone Tuesday at Sparks-Griffin Funeral Natco Evaporated , . FE 8-9661 Home with burial in Whate Chane] Mi Ik. Memorial Cemetery i 1185 N. Perry St. The family has suggested th i) @ece @ & @ @ ocr gy create contributions be made to the bun : ing fund of Central Methodist | Church be ~ e SEABOARD EDWARD A. DUBERVILLE | ; FINANCE COMPANY LAKE ORION — Service for Ed. ; ward A. Duberville, 71, of 208s 4 Paint Creek Dr. will be. held at D. Personal Size 00 BURNETTE FARMS — ivory Soap wn 9 ) For Banquet Fresh Frozen Apple or Cherry S 00 Pies i Pies e@e@ee @ @ @ STOCK UP AT Green Glo Tender S 00 NATIONAL'S 46-0Z. 303 CANS Green Beans © :. LOW PRICE . Natco Chunk Style 9 f | ‘ @ sf z , ig . f= "4 W E 4 ED oe 6'/2-O2. were §$ he ay GEEREA WESED o o © ‘Cons = s . “ to Cleaner, Easier, More TOP TASTE -- FROZEN: ° * e . Economical Oil Heating! 0 : During the past heating season our hundreds of satisfied users of new Mobilheat furnace oil has been increasing . . . we know that you, too, will appreciate the cleaner burning quality of New Mobilheat which actually cleans as it burns thereby eliminating : “p costly furnace repairs . . . for cleaner, easier, more economical e CHICKEN e TURKEY OR e BEEF oil heating 8-0Z. Call FE 5-8181 Now For | PKGS. ; | Lb Mobilheat | | nD > e SHORT SHANK e SUGAR CURED DINNER BELL SMOOTH SPREADING 1, i § 00 And, Remember .. . UNCLE TOM — THE EASY TO CARVE HAM — SEMI-BONELESS | . For over thirty years Gee has been servicing the Pontiac area FULLY COOKED Hardy U.S. No. 1 ; | ~with finer quality fuel . . winning and holding warm friends a € | “~>swe pride ourselves on the courteous manner the painstaking — ROSE BUSHES eee @ aide | care and dependable delivery system we are known for and which WHOLE ; ® | you expect from GEE! May we serve you? ‘ OR H i | watt S olden | . i R Bush and Coupon Below Betty~Natco - 51 Gauge, 15 Denier With Purchase of Any Rose Coup ° " | HONEY BEIGE CCR CCCIACRRC RRL COCK NCO ; WITH THIS COUPON iq | = ~ 100 FREE = | Z . co! —> 9) LAKE ST. FE 5-818] = HOLDEN RED. STAMPS , . oJ WITH THE PURCHASE OF 1 U.S. NO. 1 PLYMOUTH VARIETY | s a sy c ATTENTION COAL USER: _—| | $4 00 = ROSE BUSH a. G9 | > : «Redeem this cou a ationa ore. Coupon expires Sat ay SAVE 50° A Order your coal in load ba = _ May 2nd. oe lots of 2 ton of more— ° : VOR T TTT TON \ s , S24 5200" s ba7 283. APATPESLIGIE ] *F ' e & e i: af $23 sis & me a ea) * *t kot : 9 2 ee eae i a ? x if x. im se = i ve i : : * a 2 2 Against erates ee ae » another game yester- Tiger fans will be happy note that their favorite picked up a half e on the league lead- Cleveland Indians who ropped a double-header to if ga 1 By United Press International > Paul Richards says the sky is g Bengals Leave. 15 Men) ois: for bis Baltimore Oricles ¢ Stranded as Athletics jand who's. going to argue with him y=. By BRUNO L. KEARNS - ~$;- $94 ' the Chicago White Sox 1 also a half game on New York- Yankees lost twice to Balti- A $5 It was the Tigers’ good fortune that the schedule Veesatys te (This bit of sarcasm is ffered for the expressed are only 8% games be- qieaargaeeaeast We 2 a pitched ball. Cerv singled Frank House singled to send here's Yan i TG t Bombers § the Indians Sunday by them, 6-5 ang 5-2, as Early z i PESTEEeS Hil i ks?--In THE PONT! tits oj xk *« The Washington Senators shaded} jthe Boston Red Sox,2-1 in the other American League game. The Los Angeles Dodgers took over first place with a 17-11 win over the St. Louis Cardinals, the Cincinnati Reds outslugged the Milwaukee Braves, 11-10, the San Francisco Giants beat the Chicago! ‘Cubs, 3-2, and the Philadelphia Phillies bounced back from a 9-2 to down the Pittsburgh Pi- rates, 10-5, in National League ac- tivity. - dim. Finigan tied the opener with 2 ninth-inning pinch single * AC PRESS, eek tesa ‘MONDAY, a League record by being charged with four passed balls. * * * Wynn doubled with the bases filled during a six-run third inning rally and Gerry Staley’s four shut- out innings of relief preserved big Early’s 25lst big league win. Then Pierce pitched an eight-hitter, dou- bled home twe runs and scored himself after a ninth-inning triple : MEN IN BLUE GATHER — and A! Barlick join forces as an pires (left to right) Shag Crawford, Vic Delmore go toward them to argue a play. Danny Mur- taugh does the arguing while coach Don Hoak is .The three um- army of Pirates ¥ AP Wirephete restrained at the left by coach Jimmy Dykes. Rhubarb started when outfielder Bill Virdon missed the plate because he and umpire Delmore collided and catcher Valmy Thomas of the Phil- lies made the tag. | ST. LOUIS (UPI)—They were tearing down the lanes and tear- ing up the record books today at the American Bowling Congress headquarters. - ~ ‘The 72-day meet closed yester- day with the Pfeiffers Beer of De- troit and that team captain, Fd Lubanski, accounting for two all- time marks. The Pteiffers bowled a 3,243 total which replaced the 3,234 scored by the Birk Brothers team of Chicago in 1938 and which had been the highest team total in the 56-year-history of ABC tournaments until the Pfeiffers ie * * Detroit scored in the first inning * the third day in a row. Eddie| Yost opened with a single, but _ was forced by Frank Bolling who went on their strike spree. Lubanski wrote his name_ in the new record book. with a 2,116 all-events - score which replaced RR Rae Pe us: NE See gee by Jim Spaulding of Louisville, Ky., at Fort Worth, Tex., in 1957. : * x * Several team records were set at the 1959 ABC. There were 10 series over’ 3,100 which supplants the old mark of six such scores bowled at Syracuse in 1958. Thirty teams managed to go over the 3,000 total mark, bettering the old record of 25 set at Fort Worth in 1957. : Even more important to the huge field of bowlers who traveled here from all. parts of the country, igcluding Hawaii, Alaska and Saudi Arabia, are the low in-the-money totals, | The unofficial totals, with little chance of any major change are: re) Grim and Al -Kaline’s single * * with and Kaline flied out. But Doby blooped a single to and Rocky Bridges singled bases walked pinchhitter Kuenn’s single, a fielding error Q second Tiger run in|” ninth, Kuenn again |» a single, Gail Harris |; the : . ; “Daley went in to pitch for the (8 lg | Doctoring PATIENT'S COMPLAINT: traps. ~~. hitter, Red Wilson, to end the game. DETROIT KANSAS CIT Y . : abrh bi . abrb + Yost 3b 4010 Tuttle cf 4006 Bolling 2 4110 Williams ib 411 Kuenn . cf 5241 Lopez 2b 312 Barris ib $000 Maris 316 * Kaline $021 Cerv 412 , y if 5030 Smith 3b 401 ‘ ivares 0000 House 403 ; s 88 4030 DeM'stri sq 400 , Berberet 4000 Grim 300 + me p tere? of Pp * gMaxwell 10106 ¥ oeft 0000 », Davie p 0000 Dp 0000 * fWijson 1000 , 313 als 33494 ‘ @—Singlied for Bunning in 6th; b—Ran * Maxwell in 6th; ¢c—Struck out for ‘ vie ih 8th; d—Ran for Doby_in 9h; . oat s for a Sg il Mh; f—Struck _ for an * - Detroit « 100 106 01-3 * Kenses City 013 600 00x—4 ROI Gay tell, DP; Destecsiri. Le. * i. “hE, aestri, ae - and Williams; Loped and Williams; ‘lt and DeMaestri; M ‘- * Marms Detroit 15, Kansas City 7. ‘ 2B—Kuenn, Lapety. Bridges§ HR—Cerv. ‘ Pr. . R ER BB SO : ees 7 44 0 4 vie 2 2¢0%1i1 ‘CW. 41) $1316 3 2 3 5 ’ 0 Ss 1 i Dylans (Maris.) Rommel, -Sievens. Rice, . « 74030, 2e0-ovcesel Your Golf DIAGNOSIS: Wrong technique. _ Treatment: The simple explosion shot will take you safely out of almost any sand trap situation. The tech- POONER GOD! EB ROMME NE POT COR, BUTE ea Strokes being lost in sand the previous high of 2,088 ‘rolled| Detroiters Champs as ABC Ends Open team division, 2,746; boost- ‘er teams, 2,659; doubles, 1,091; singles, 555 and all-events, 1,721. ‘This means all scores rolled over these figures will .share in the $385,977 ABC prize fund. : . * * * High individual games rolled were three 289 scores. Elmore Brodhage of St. Louis, Robert Orth of Kenosha, Wis., and Allan Post of Las Vegas, Nev., rolled the 289 single games. The best team game was a 1,176 by the Pfeiffers. Meanwhile, at Buffalo, the WIBC had its biggest excitement yet as Katie Gesaman of Can- ton, Ohio rolled a 266 game and | 680 series for the highest scores since the event started while rolling in doubles. She and her | partner in the only major week- end change. Al Andressi, a 22-year-old Rochester, N. Y. cab driver, moved into 4th place yesterday. in Peter- sen Classic. His eight-game total was 1645. Chevy Chase Chevrolet of Washington held its lead in the National Duckpin tourney at Balti- more despite strong bids by Mary- land entries. Terry Grosslight of Michigan captured the all-events and sin- gles championships in the week- _|end’s annual Big Ten keg meet. He hit 622 in singles and 1739 for -|nine games. Michigan State's Joe pointed Art Glass, 157', Dayton, Ohio, 10. to win the second game almost single-handedly. % scoring RIL 27,1959 ivision! innings. Charlie Neal went 5-for- 5, Carl Furillo had four hits and Gil Hodges drove in five runs with three hits to pace the 20-hit; attack. The home crowd booed the Cardinals derisively in the last two innings. x * * The Reds, who hadgn’t beaten the second time in 24 hours when Johnny Temple doubled iri the ninth and scored on Frank Robin- son's sacrifice fly. Spahn, now 51- 17 with Cincinnati over the years, struck out the side to end a threat in the seventh but yielded a game- tying homer to Frank Thomas in the eighth. Fourteen pitchers, eight Reds and six Braves, saw action. i years until Saturday, did it for). | AP Wirephoto CALL ME TARZAN — Catcher Sammy White of the Boston Red Sox does a bit of net climbing trying to get a pop fly off the bat of Clint Courtney of Washington. He missed the ball off the screen even trying to use the chair in his climb. Washington won Jackie Brandt's seventh-inning homer was-the decisive blow for; ithe Giants who beat. fireballer! Glen Hobbie. Jack Sanford pitched, a four-hitter and fanned four in| winning his third game in four ‘decisions for the Giants. | Dick Groat’s first grand slam in the Majors led the Pirates to their: opening win but then Dave Philley, and Willie Jones homered to gain the Phillies a split. Vern Law, The largest representation in his- into first|pitched a three-hitter for Pitts- tory -turned out for the year’s. as a Los burgh in the opener and Jack’ first: tournament of the Michigan! four,Meyer picked up the win for Publinx Golf Association yesterday Phyllis Shaul and Gerald Weber are the 1959 Elks Mixed Doubles champions and 61-year-old Leo Roy is the Howe’s Lanes Singles titlist . jafter several weekends of heated competition in both tournaments. The Shaul-Weber duo sat back vious week stand up as the Elks event concluded Saturday and Sunday. | * * * Biggest threat was posed by M. and J. McCasey of Ferndale with 1309 for 8rd place. Shaul and Weber are from Pontiac, as is the runnerup team of Mary and Charies Oshust, Lou Koprince, whose brother Jay ‘was on the 4th place team, turned in the outstanding individual per- formance of the tourney Saturday but he and Millie Anderson failed to make the top 5 due to a slim handicap. - a a 2 Big Lou rolled 707 for the only 700 of the season in tournament or league play at the Lodge 810 alleys. One other Ferndale team fin- ished on the board making 12th. Port Huron gained the 10th and (13th slots and Ann Arbor No. 14. day. The pins really took a beating in the two-day Howe’s windup as Ortonville’s Ray Ball had to be satisfied with 2nd after leading all the way with 942, ween Cleveland Chicago BOZO ose a eae 5 643 1 Baltimore —s...... 5 643 1 Kansas City .., 7 6 538 2% New York ....... 6 7 42 3% Boston _........... 6 7 462 3% Washington --» 6 8 429 4 Detroit |... 1 12 O77 «68% SATURDAY’S RESULTS Baltimore 2, New York 1, ee 8, Washington 8, Boston 4 YESTERDAY'S RESULTS Chicago 6, Cleveland 5, Ist game Chicago 5, Cleveland 2, 2nd game Baltimore 5, New York 4, ist game » 2. re . is | HAVANA—Paul Diaz, 156, Cuba. oat Coneeee at Milwaukee, 8 p.m. Only games scheduled. f ‘e | t and watched a 1322 rolled the pre-| |All competed Saturday and a Roy, who has been bowling only jtwo years,. took the crown with a '960 handicap total. | Other last round standouts were, ‘Bill Horton of Milford and Gene ‘Shell of Drayton Plains. | | Horton fired the meet’s high oTmMER LOW ACTUAL RESULTS:| jactual game of 258 and also took handicap honors with 297. George ‘Cross hit a 257 actual in the wind- up. -He is from Flint. | Horton finished 4th and Shell 6th. | The latter's 830 was the best actual series of the annual Clarkston feature. The Michigan State Men's and Moose State came up with new, leaders, Coca €ola of Monroe now} heads the Men's teams with | pack in Moose doubles. The fina) eee 1 . 8 | ‘Bhaul-O Weber, Pontiac -.. P Sheul-O Weber. Pon 1322 countries against their arch-rivals, | . . ‘ust, oe ‘ 7 M and J. McCarey. Perdale . 130 the New York Rangers. . — Fm ce. Pontiac . 1301 | * * * i. Koprinee M. Anderson, Pontiac. ea, The first game will be played VA. . Hagen, Pontiac ....... 1282 Wednesda ndon’ ;D. and J. sg. Royal Oak .... : fee we y night at io nm |V. Gote-J. Stone, Pontiac _... 1269;Wimbly Stadium. V. and R. Boles. Keego Harbor .... 1288 * * * \D and R. ie eres wgeidins A cal t NHL | the | " . es, 4 |Leo Roy. Clarkston ................ 960 ne 7. | Bey Ball, Ortonville _..... Frank Miller, Clarkston ... |\Bi Horton, Milford Jim Bishop, Pontiac se eee Gene Shell, Drayton Piains .. rvin Horsch, Royal Oak .. Tempies. Pontiac Milton Torrey, Fenton Art Kendall, Drayton Plains the game, 2-1. aie 227 Turn Out for MPGA Meet runs in both the eighth and ninth|Philadelphia in the second game.jat Sylvan Glen. City, Clarkston Keglers Win Tourney Honors Ot 300 players registered in ¢he MPGA, 227 played in the MPGA handicap event with Bill Ickes, 44-year-old toolmaker from Li- vonta shooting 37-35—72 to take the honors. Ickes’ bright spot as a MPGA member came in 1946 when he qualified for the Nationa] Public Links tourament. . * * * Mike Andonian, state Publinx champion, and Wally Smith, both of Pontiac shot 73's along with Doug Wilson of Ann Arbor. The next MPGA handicap event |will be held at Sunnybrook instead | of Maples Lanes, May 7th. Ray Cane 14. Sam Lima 15. Hank Oladys 16, Leet Gohs 76, Alien Thompson 7, Jay Law 7, Roy CullenbDine 16 FIRGT FLIGHT NET SCORES; Sher- man Chute 7 minus $60, Earl Wilkie 78 minus $—68; SECOND FLIGHT: Stan Hicks 62 minus 13}—¢0. THIRD FLIGHT: Lou Gingrass 88 minus 20—48 Bruins, Rangers Head for London BOSTON (AP) — The Boston play 23 exhibition games in six "*'" 943;Rangers will travel in a different} a $!3| plane from New York with referee honor roll of the Detroit District .::. 97 Red Storey accompanying them. Golf Association for 1959. The top of the playoffs amidst a turmoil. v Wall’s 4-Putt Green Costly By The Associated Press LAS VEGAS, Nev. (AP)—Hefty Mike Souchak was probably the happiest guy in golf today, and he -had about $22,000 to justify his delight. Leading the delegation on to the Colonial Invitational at Fort Worth, Tex., the 30-year-old pride of Durham, N.C., by way of Gros- singer, N.Y., was the new king of the seventh annual Tour- nament of Champions, The victory Wiffi Smith Winner With Record Score SPARTANBURG, S.C. (AP)— Wiffi Smith hit the nail on the head when she said “I played as Souchak Tops af Las Vegas brought him a $10,000 purse =| the biggest of his career—and he had about 12 grand more coming besides. * x Not the least bit distressed, and richer by $5,000 himself, was sportsman Art Wall Jr., made a gallant charge at the pace-setting Souchak and misséd by only two strokes. who | Bob Leppan of Detroit led a field of 178 drag racers at the Michigan Hot Rod Association jstrip Sunday in Detroit. Leppan \joined the “Hundred-Mile-an-Hour |Club’ when he piloted a Canibal |Mark II, powered by a Triumph engine, at a speed of 107 * * * | The new Western Intercollegi- | ate Heckey Association veted yesterday to adopt a’ playoff system for determining its two entries in the NCAA tournament. A two-game series will be played | between the Ist and 4th place | teams and the 2nd and 3rd place | elubs. The twe winners , de- cided on the basis of most goals scored, will represent the WIHA | in the NCAA meet. . * * * Alma, Hope and Albion college baseball teams are tied for ist iplace in the MIAA race mith 31 trecords following weekend couble- theader action. _Hope’s Ist loss came in the nightcap of a twin bill with Hillsdale as Walled Lake's |Jerry Taylor pitched a 6hitter for 'the Dales to beat the Dutchmen, 5-1. Jim Northrup of Alma hurled \ Frank Weir and Leo Schnerstine Bruins of the National Hockey a no-hitter against Calvin. of Ann Arbor hit’1423 to head the|League were scheduled to depart! |for Europe today where they will) * * * | Richard Berry of Birmingham took 3rd place in the epee divi- sion of the state fencing cham- | plonships at Birmingham's Derby | Junior High School. Judy Good- | rich of Lapeer won the women's | title in foil with Mary Ann° | Saghy of Pontiac finishing 4th. * * * Chuck Kocsis is No. 1 on the I) gee! Storey. resigned from the NHL of-'19 selections are based on 1958 .... 692 ficials’ crew during the first round tourney performance. Completing the DDGA honor roll, in order of jrating, are Glenn Johnson, Bud |Stevens, John Myles, Bud Badger, \Fred Wilt, Tommy Grace, Tom lDraper, Dick Whiting and Jack lZinn. Badger and Grace are 18-year-olds. * * * Maury Rose, three-time winner of the Indianapolis 500-mile race, was the guest speaker at the annual Father-Son banquet at the Lake Orion Masonic Temple Sat- urday night. Romeo High athletic director Dan Barnabo was honor- | ed at a testimonial at the school | Saturday for 24 years service. x *. | The South Lyon Tuesday Night |Businessmen’s League has been A horrendous experience on won by the same bowling team for the 14th green at the Desert Inn Country Club -yesterday cost silen- der Arthur any chance of winning. He took four putts to get the ball into the cup. Mike required 77 strokes for a! 72-hole total of 281, Wall-a 74 for 283. The money-winners: Mike Souchak. $10,000 .. 66-76-68-77—281 .. 72-68-69-74—283 Inllo, | Calif. ve. .ceeee 76-75-78—229 M , Itt , Gene Littler, "| nique is nm but effective. Zambrano and Dick Pricco won Kansan City a Detrou'3 | a as 1 ever have” in winning ‘ 8 Diego, Calif... 71-72-71.71—285 bis #8 ' ton 2, ton 1 * an Leonard, / IE cance, meaning thet the aaa wn ie ot Tohowed ty] cetera, the Betry RawlsPeach Blossom |. Tutt igsae TNE om ae : Es y | rs, $1, b SaNce, MESES a e BS i i: ith: 2685 . No games ens women’s open golf tournament. iami Beach, Fla. ... 71-73-72-73—289 , tight foot is advanced | Dlinois with 2685. _; liew YOO, eee The St. Clair, Mich., swinger /Jullus Boros. $1,606 sinners f. about three inches ahead Final standings: 2 Detroit |Washington at Kansas City, 9 pm. shot a 73 over the wind-blown| Emie Vossier__ $1.360 314-16 | of the left. 43208, Old. Fitzgerald, Chicago, "3.202: Babionee sc Derek. 846 pa, Spartanburg Country Club course] amy Mexwelt i260 07 7 - | °2. Settle your feet down 4 Beets Minneapolis, “3.16%, "and Pacific! jyesterday to win the SAhole tour igo. Ventin. 31.9000 “ into the sand to insure \Pumps, Tulsa, Okla. 3.143 . NATRORAL LEAGUE susie 4 /nament with a 211, five under par ui ne Alto, Calif. ..... 71-75-72-72—290 t firm footing 4 red Potter Erie, Pa 760; Bill Pace, st. |Los_ Angeles | 5 643 — [and good enougfi to break the old Apple Valley. Calif. :°7275-73-72—292 3. Pick out a spot in the @\Werind deck R Athen, Wheeling, W Pa. isan. Francisco 3 «6 «Goo «= [tournament mark of 213 set by|Pe'e Vote’ Fis 69-77-73-73—292 an ac eu ie VA. e ‘ s ASS ‘ . | 136, ' , "\Cincinnati =... 7 6 0s“ Bets w a in! : ” sand about two inches be- || Doubles: Gi Fischbach and Barney Chicago, _t 7 mm 2 me Y. Rawls of Speriantshy Btliete lameda, Calif. 68-72-76-76—292 P| 'Vehige, St.Louis, 1,372; Anthony Malone Prilacelpnia == § FAG ‘ aes ee, ee * hind the baljl. Your club- and Ray Smith, Erle, Pa., 1.366; Duke mag oh ; 4] 698), | Miss Smith had rounds of 68, 70), Ligonier. Pa... 70-73:74-76—283 | head should enter the es Cuemn and peo Gerech Cabnae’| cud eee and 73 for her 211 total. Her first Whittier. Cait. | vec ce ee [27669-76299 Fy , * * . e : : - sand. there on the down- Hoag ome Maly WER and sim, Tete, St. Louis 6, Los Angeles 5 | place winnings were $997.50, as)" aonevitie, Tey... 72-74-73-77—296 © swing. Keep your eye”en All-events: Ed Lubanskt, Detroit, 2.116: Pittsburgh’ 4. Philadetphia. 2. _ qralked up her second victory |George, Béver, $1.20) co.77.77-—296 # : 7 ‘otter, Erie, Pa., 2.048, Fr st-| STERDAY'S- RESULTS in a row here, Dow. Finsterwald, $1,170 » the spot. wees. oe os Vetrone, | Pittsburgh 9, Philadelphia 2, 8 gen » The money-winners Tequesta Fla... 13-74-77-73—297 a 4 Tak , River Groves on ot tag ames ani, ee % bags urgh re game Wiffi Smith, $997.50 arty Freel 1,170 s0é0305i ain . eanorma rs: ‘ami Lanes, Troy, Ohio, 2 | ngeles 17, St. Louis St. Clair, Mich. ....... 68-70-73—211 Cog ill, casatbial @ % ; ai, | San Francisco 3, Chicago 2 Betsy Rawis, $769.50 Wes Bilis Jr., $2.120 ; swing of about three-quarters maximum power. Hit | inp Ko t. Ar t5) an: P, 71; Cineinnati 11, Milwaukee 1 0 ‘anbu Lo beneenes 71-72-75—218} Aldecre: ad: |, 772-75-80—300 bs h gen, Dallas, 3,771 (the), weteks, TODAY'S. GAMES Patty Berg, $598.50 : aul Harney, $1.120 % on through and under the ball, taking a divot of | Befovitie: Di. 3.783, and Vern's Vend ‘in’ 5 =[Hastore Stendord Seis m—|toutt Andrews, i seeen es 16-72-T1—219 a ergentet nie .. 71°73-80-76—300 d » 2,762. 0 ie . mm 5 . ‘ollins, ‘ ‘ 4 sand about the size of-your hand. _ Antone (24) vs. Roberts Oe nag Sea, in and, Oa. aatitfin’ Ta-7473—290| Ballimore | -.- TAT481-82—200 Pad > . ‘dl nn rai * o ° . a ' - WEEKEND FIGHT § dale (2-1) vs. Witt (0-2). j Waterford, Wis. ........ 77-70-75—222| South Africa Loe 74-75-81-71—301 7» 5. Keep the head in place, with the eye riveted on the (| yorrywoop., Calif—Joe Miceli, 14%.Chicago at Milwaukee, 8 p.m.—Smith | Mickey Wright, $356.25 Tommy Bolt, $1.060 _ * spot you picked out for the clubhead to enter the sand. | |New York, outpointed Art Aragon, 152, (00) vs. Willey 4 Bonita, Calif. —« ..... 75-73-75—905| Paradise, Fia. _. 75-76-73-78-—302 é ip | 12 Anseles. 1. | ly games scheduled Betty Jameson. Carv Middlecoff, $1.040 * ‘This is the basic sand shot. FT| RUTLAND, Vi. — Tom Garrow. yitt'| ean FreoMe vg AR ULE mactt, Aptonlo. Tex 73-75-7525] | Hollywood. | Fla 72-73-75-85—305 | ae / ” x mont, pitts arth et Jo DAET—a27| | Winstons lem, ne 18-76-76-76-—306 : : Beverly Hanson 1. lowle ngon, $1,0 San- Marcos, Calif. ... 74-74-79-79—306 jthe 8th time. in the last 10 years. . Howard's Market, captained by Dale Segrest, clinched the title recently. Hope for Sellout at Indianapolis | INDIANAPOLIS (AP) — Pro- ‘moter Al Farb was cautiously jhoping for a sellout today for the ‘Floyd Patterson - Brian London ‘heavyweight championship fight shere Friday. * * * Farb's hopes skyrocketed yes- \to see the two fighters in a double header workout at the Fair- igrounds Coliseum, where the bout will be staged. Both boxers will return to heavy drills today then begin tapering off tomorrow. ° . x & * The champion sparred three rounds yesterday and then Lon- don, who is training at Municipal (Gardens, climbed into the s&me ring for three. rounds with his sparring opponents. | London, former British heavy- iweight champion., is a 10-1 under- ‘dog in current® betting. terday when 3,500 fans turned out, ag tenorengiepeiea a: A Sy... * — A ep RS ee ew State fo. Need New Revenve | MON. TUES. ‘Next Year, Says Tax Expert WED ~—ts “LANSING. 7) — Michigan must maintain its present “standard of eapital outlay program financed by have substantial new tax revenue|living,” a legislative tax expertithe general fund and a $1,250,000 mae said today, yearly appropriation to help sup- ; in the next fiscal year merely to ' Otherwise, he said, the state Port needy veterans if the trust debt likely will soar to 178 million fund is utilized. . Births dollars, or considerably. more. Once the legislature sets aj | ° , Rep. Rollo ‘G. Conlin (R-Tip- |Spending program, Conlin said, it . 7 . _ a: " Recent births recorded in the can chairman of thetHouse Tax- |©4n get to work on a tax program. ‘ = Prices effective through Wed. April 29. We reserve the right to limit quantities. +g the a * * * : — = = —— Oakland County ‘Clerk’s office are| ation Committee, made Pp . — a saeuaina listed below by the name of: the| praisal after a series “t —— “There is no question in my ¥ if VYT-T1e] Ml ZS mee wt, monte Poaesiad sendin Lora pita uateal over team ee Flso EXTRA GOLD BELL STAMPS [50 EXTRA GOLD BELL STAMPS peed oe al He also concluded that: less there is a general feeling that é Whe Purchese of Two Pkgs. } TOPCO | SETERG Con ame the problem-must be approached recmse le 1. Because of obligations yet to Pp Pp Good y Raymond L. Beker 2 Norton Lawn be fulfilled, expanded spending in calmly and with open minds,’’ he or Good Taste COOKIES . Oo DE T RGENT ; an gg arty eo eee some fields can’t be avoided. said, but added: Coupon ee, hg at fens oupon Res nigh rele By rigleys é George ee ee f. A tax program can’t be drawn; “‘I have little hope that this will This Coupon Has No Cash Vaive. io Give Te This Coupon Has No Cash Valve. Please Give Te | EP Robert L. Ruscoe, yy ang up until the Legislature estimates|be the attitude in view of some of : ‘Cashier Before She Checks © Order . Cashier Before She Checks Your Order : Sel e ‘Boyer, 2003 302 Perndale state government expenses for the | the activity already under way.” G PY | Fa 34 e | j S¢ a mops | -_ - ; - Beare A Barrels Bent, Weaverdee 1959-60 fiscal year starting July 1.) Conlin struck out at ‘certain lob- Ae eee BE MES ERE Glean W. Bechtel, ae 3. “Strong arm pressure groups” byists” who, he said, “misrepre- . Bawerd | Aideryon. 861 Joh and “certain lobbyists” stand in sented facts’ in attacks on all . _——— —_ scanrrorie nenine-vumcannasssean sas seating Staaimbt es Janes R Caron, ZW, Tiree ithe way of-@ tax pryoram “accep- income tax proposals. 2 4 | TTR IT es MSG RIS as aaa Ww table to” the people and beneficial Unfortunate] he said, the le +. ees ae ee oe bee Sy # Oe. Se 3 whic Tiga SRE Ba ai a SGA AE i Shc OBR Ab te 0B Ol OLR TERRE LEME De é Thomas D. Rentfrow, 130 Buffington ty the lé and beneficial to the 7 eis). Se Randall Rhodes, 2801 Fisher fet peop Aap these can’t be “insulated” against ; By Lavern & Robinson, 3098 Mandrake “je these, and other pressure groups,| i Aaron ut lor, 3180 te sit - * * * ate | ‘cnn ecimaed se gente | MAXWELL HOUSE — 10c Off Label Jock D. Mustain, 1663 Belton this year will total about 379%: Boy Tells of Conching . i oe Re a geRie Bete Tee ee casted income millions in Club Baking Contest ‘ Charles L. Fuson, bases Pisher above anticipated income. Coupled. : | Jack D aE gD vA Wisher with a 21 million dollar deficit car-| RAVENNA, Ohio w — A home kes ichard B. Coutu, 3252 Pontise Trail lried over from last year, the debt | economist judging a boys’ club ts Duane D Fisher, 248 eimetor ‘will rise to 107 millions by July|haking contest asked an 8-year- alpet 4 VenBisrcom; 3705 Gaines- 1] — about three millions less than |ojq pow he prepared a recipe when Hee 3 Robert £. VarMeer, 668 Inglewood estimates earlier this year. the was:too young to read most of ee ha. | Waldron - it. pee - Vov rot ee Bdgeoree SEE DEBT MOUNTING ae . ipe 8 . Le ock, 243 W. Cornell By maintaining the current) “Another boy read the’ rec « O ‘ Waren dw Washburne, 8174 Parm i level, ‘. said, debts ‘Nd I followed his directions,’ the : 6- Zz. Lawrence L. Webber, 150 6.“Ttiden spending leve lied tt , ; Eric A. Wiltfang, 1147 Cherrylawn ‘would mount to more than 178 young man rep matter-of- Jar * Teddy R. Wharry, 4153 Wenonah b 1 factly.. i Terry D Whittington, pz Willett ‘million next year, arring uti iza- | weedy Gerald E. Wolfe, 5884 Jer ‘ - Willan J Wotiows. ss, bigs Ce ition = Se penn: soibae veter- | (Advertisement) ae . Alfred D. Yarbroug Ds r] ian rust fund. . : ; : Agepte nore. 3p O Rey __,,. Free Book on Arthritis by Charlie J terior. Ur v. | Mowever, Conlin added, the i , roert oma 4, i a ; : i Ly A TOs Lecehmore | legislature ts committed to p> ‘and Rheumatism Le 4 Ww trathmore f ~ Gerald Watkins, 378 Howard McNeil viding funds not included in the feed Thadd C Watkins, 14 ette urren .. These include H ; » Chester L Willams, 3466 Howara Me-| © A budget 2) How to Avoid Crippling Deformities| - ae . | : aaah * » o\e . & ‘ : Neil | six million dollars in additional ' : F Neil] J Williams. 1601 Canton su rt for Wayne State Uni- If u act tl en illus- ‘ 4 B. Williams, 2030 8. Hammond *@PPO promptly, A Srfake mee wee versity, a 10-million-dollar pay ‘ra FREE book . tha may ae * peer €. Wilson, 295, iiems aise for state employes decreed ‘ome Rent ga life ew be , | Gienn D. Wilson, 2715 Cooley Lake by the State Civil Service Com- y y return mai canpnorsnapnnntenn foceansnsmnsneseescanatinn eran mt ae . - sesapces o anggcenseten 2 tg . ns eke Sil ei aa es ee: nena camonagastoacennen eanpermenmenet Alford Wilson, 54 Forest Send for “it today—and discover A q Aes femeet Boot at Meop mission and 10 million dollars |wny drugs give you only temporary) © EF SSCS a ne ee i : Ge eee kes ae ae eee eee cca wan el Aseyio niore for state school aid, assum- irelief. How to eliminate the cause — Everett 2 Naug gie, =e Mines eee | ing no change in the $190 per of your . nk as pains A ons . \ Rodt kerman u | Ei. pideir apc acs La | pull formula, to tke care of SUEPSReer aca ase | Country Kitchen — SLICED a tvelt 7 aitham | CT eran ‘Noble, 405 Bouth Boulevara w. | 98 expected 70,000 enrol | You owe it to yourself to send oun ry . | Cc en Robert, ¥ Owen, ‘ _sbecer way increase. for this valuable FREE book with- nh sbor ne ‘ Louis ¥ Oporte. «20 W. Huron There are other possibilities, in- ‘out delay. No obligation. No agent ; ; a . Lean Alonzo G Ortwein, 4770 Pontiac Lake " will call. Write: The Ball Clinic. ; William T Pauley ; tts Pon tiac cluding a proposed boost in state Dept: “226, Excelsior Springs, : : Arien G. Pelfrey, 18 Jefferson Mis S k d Hermon J. Pennartz, 16 W. End contributions to welfare costs, a souri. A postcard will do. trea e Elijah J. Pemnex, 55 Olllespie | — Lawrence L. Pennington, 106 W. Ten- . ‘Boer wi Perkins, 180 Hilltop | . ren chard E Peters, 301 8. Jessie | 1 Lb Pk Clyde E Peters. 2257 Gasiand -L| 7 g. Prank J. Pheips, 2515 Normadele a John D Polmear..1175 Bamford + James H perry Hudson Edward M. Rahje, 1061 Voorhels ‘ ee bee. ~ — . William R Ray Jr. 3080 Grant bi ~ aN CR our a s. Ce bits : Reuben Redmond, 65 Clovese miCHIGAN ReEDIT oly tit eit Sah and olor permeate You yeu ca > acne | , _ | eee Mure, | wo seCUETTY Of | ry REQUIRED ; . tag Piet ee meas seine een eaten Fresh Lake Erie Perch Fillets * BQ — Fresh Lake Erie Smel “10° char onketto, $2 ’ . James R Rowse. 301 Draper oO, Alex foe ee Eatin tate | “Let 9 Years of Credit Counseling Experience Assist You” res ake rie erc t ets res ake Erie ome ts | | ete Price 260. Marshall Hours: Daily 9 to $. Wed. and Sat. 9 to 1. Evenings by App't. : _. BASES: aus” MICHIGAN CREDIT COUNSELLORS | | war ord T16 Pentiac Bank Bidg. HET S AMEN Seine — HOMOGENIZED 4 Gal. Glass ; = : e Sealtest } f - : e Borden’s e . e , . . | e Foremost Guess the cost of one page | : | Sugar Sweet Fresh. SAREE oS SEES ; : “Hershey « or Nestle |b Chocolate Blocks on OO -Snow-Drift — 10c Off Label - | | | | Shortening 3°39 | of advertising .. in one copy 4. Lb. we of the daily newspaper! SOS ER TOO OHEOR EHS ET ERE COHEDE ES * . « SOCCER COOH HOSS SEH HEHEHE EEOS ° . A QUARTER ee SAVER aves wi rr tere _ Wrigleys Krispy Flake he i: | ey \ one of & ANSWER:...JUST ABOUT A PENNY! In spite of ) Twin Pack bo ‘ ; greatly increased costs of production and moderate rate oO Ga oOo i pS -LD. BOX & increases, you can still buy a big full-page newspaper ad, to run in every daily in the U.S., for about a 1 ‘ = penny a copy. And an advertiser can continue to plan - . W oe “ss . future newspaper campaigns secure in the knowledge or “Frozen S TRA BERRI ES or ° eee that any cost increase will be moderate and will not varies Ste ary we om ‘Haspborries Fr | | ros . : , } . 7 t _ hee = ; i ‘eeee potent pris i Lr ‘ens ae : ‘ soyBnRNNRN NR AAReOReNte penn AMMO NBMAMR IAAT SANA ee rene Rs Eo 59 S. SAGINAW, ST. 700 PONTIAC “RAIL 536 N. PERRY ST. NORTH HILL fe) to 9, Mon., Fri., Sat. Cor. W. Maple Rd., Walled Lake Open 9 to 9, Thurs., Fri. cided SHOPPING PLAZA THE PONTIAC PRESS. 5060 DIXIE HWY. 45,5,,TELEGRAPH RD. 393 AUBURN AVE. —ateceseri open 910 9, Thm, fe ' (Drayton Plains) Open 9 to'9 Mon.-Fri. Open 9 to 9, Mon. to Sat, Open 9 to 9, Thurs. Fri., Sat. wi ill i lalmal ate of + oS a ae eee _THE, PONTIAC PRESS, MONDAY, “APRIL. 27, 1959 ATEN TY.NIN E - ipa Expand ~ to Meet Jet: Age assengers at to Help enge Terminals Crowde: “WASHINGTON (NEA) — USS. airports are undergoing a gigantic face-lifting program in an effort to meet the streamlined demands of the commercial jet age. Terminals are expanding, plans for new airports are taking shape) and a multitude of time-saving passenger service gimmicks are being invented to handle the air- borne traveler boom. The, problem of adequately serving the growing number of passengers is expected to be- come especially acute when more of the new jet airliners start de- livering people at faster inter- vals to the country’s already overcrowded airports. Officials of the Federal Avia- tion Agency estimate that by 1960 the nation’s terminals will handle 15,000 passengers every hour. This is an increase of 4,000 over last year’s hourly passen- ger. load. Thus, emphasis in airport im-|_ provements is being placed on finding ways to speed passengers through the terminals to and from the planes. A solution, which is al- ’ ready being adopted by some air- ports, is to separate incoming from outgoing passengers. One way this is done is by con- structing two-story terminal build- ings. Passengers who have just landed use one level while those) - who are getting ready to depart). * are directed to the other. Plans to end long waiting lines call for increasing the number of check-in and baggage weighing counters and providing special counters for passengers with lengthy, complicated ticket prob- lems. Doing away with the long walk from the terminal to the plane is another -headache that architects are tackling in their future airport designs. ——— After checking their luggage’ at the terminal entrance, passengers will go to several smaller struc- tures attached to the main build- ing to await their planes. When a plane pulls up next to a waiting room, passengers will go through an enclosed ramp which can be lengthened or shortened like a telescope from the side of the, building to the aircraft entrance. \ their battle against bugs. } | Soapsuds Search KNIGHTSTOWN, Ind. uw — Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pogmore did even| better than finding a needle in a haystack. They managed to locate one of Mrs. Pogmore’s contact lenses that popped from her eye and fell into a sink full of soap suds. Reason to Shout SAN DIEGO, Calif. i9’— People who heard Elbert Aston shouting after he escaped, wearing only shorts, from his blazing apartment thought he was just excited. But} -tthere was also another reason. Plan New -Giamicks|" ’ larvae of many insects, cause a there was also another reason. fire. ood ere The largest palace in England is Hampton Court, near London. Cardinal Wolsey built it in 1515. Later it became the favorite resi- dence ef Henry VIII. The palace and its 44 acres of gardens are now w open to the public. me f tos AN, Our Bisa True Life advan HIGH HIGH JINKS © SOME BIRDS SEEM TO | ENJOY AEROBATICS. .. .GANADIAN GEESE HAVE BEEN SEEN LANDING THE HARD WAY. : SwWIFTS OFTEN FLY INVERTED. € 1959 Walt Disney Productions World Rights Reserved e@ PRAIRIE SKYLARK PLUNGES EARTHWARD TO. SEEMING DIGASTER. AT THE VERY LAST SECOND HE OPENS HIS WINGS.... A GENTLE Truman to Give Battle Insects Truman to Giv 7 Native Breed With Bacteria a me ___ of Horses Gone Spray Disease Germs University students learn more| Pullers on Plants ta Effort to! ‘about the presidency today from| . .'~ilecturer Harry S, Truman. | Kill tarvae, “I'm no college professor,” the | former president said as he ar-| WOOSTER, bio (UPI) — Sci-|rived here, “I'm going to deliver! WASHINGTON—Once king of the entists' at the Ohio Agriculture | ectures to these kids as I've’ been Toad, the Conestoga horse was per- Experimental Station here ett! doing ever since I left the White {haps the closest approach ever putting a variation of the “fight oc. ‘made to a true native American fire with fire’ theory to work in, x k& ibreed of draft horse, “TH try to explain what we have | * * . ‘and how to keep it.’ | Thousands of Covestesies plodded with living bacteria. So far, though. | Truman said “I've got no de- the high roads of the colonies, the “‘living insecticide” has met Brees except those I didn’t earn.” |hauling the towering, sway-backed ith success only against moth- 4YPef Fe has been awarded honorary,wagons which gave them their | pests. b idegrees by a number of colleges name, Live spores of a bacterium are!anq universities. * being produced in the form of a powder which can be ‘mixed with water and sprayed on plants in the same manner as chemical in- secticides. of Conestoga Wagons ~ Last in 1863 Reports They are tryng to fight insects: re They. were mentioned’ in’ the annuat report of the United | Truman's lecture today was! — States commissioner of agricul- titled ‘“‘The Presidency.’’ Tuesday he will lecture on ‘'The Constitu- : tion.” On Wednesday his subject! Department of Agriculture re- will be “Hysteria. and Witch! Ports that the Conestoga horse Hunting.” | no longer exists. Afters each lecture a sfudent panel will bé giten an opportu- nity .to.question him. The spores, when eaten by the Never a true breed, with reason- ably stable characteristics, the Conestoga horse was developed to ; meet a specific need, says the Burglar Returns Loot National Geographic Society. to Victim With: Interest “= * *® . . Undoubtedly the most efficient ENID, Okla. — Aubry May- freight hauler of its time, the Con-, wood is one burglary victim whojestoga was originated in Lancaster profited, County, Penn., by German settlers Her billfold was taken from her along the valley of Conestoga: car but she found it a few days‘Creek. later. The paper currency had been replaced by silver dollars: and there was more money in ‘it than when it was taken. fatal disease, In initial experi- ments, the effectiveness -of this method has been limited largely to the larvae of moths and but: terflies. The method has. a number of advantages over chemical sprays: —It leaves no residues harmful to mag, domestic or wild animals. or fish —Persons applying the mate- ria] face no hazards. ‘Chemical in- secticides. often are dangerous. —Insects apparently cannot de- velop resistance .to the bacteria. —The bacteria are so specific to moth-type insects that they do not upset the balance of nature It probably was patterned on English-style farm wagons. perbly built, the Conestoga. wag- on's prime virtue lay in its light ‘ weight and immense strength, "Animals Get Upper Hand, | Mexicans Go’ | -+--But now, Noted ! ture as late as 1863. Today, the | Su- I After T es er Tourists New Administration to Set Up Department for Attracting Visitors MEXICO CITY (UPI) — The new administration of President Lopez Mateos is determined to make tourism a leading Mexican industry. The government has decided to take responsibility fer its success through a new Department of Tourism set up by the president soon affer his inauguration last Dec. 1. At its head is Alfonso Gar- cia Gonzalez, who says Mexico's tourist potential will be exploited) — methodically and efficiently. STARRING TRIO — Gary Cooper, Maria Schell and Karl Mal- den star in ‘The Hanging Tree,”’ the story of a runaway doctor ‘from the East who settles in Montana and treats a blind girl living there. The technicolor movie is playing now through Thursday at the Blue Sky Drive In. = Formerly, tourist matters were’ handled by the Tourism Bureau of the Interior Ministry. This agency, neglected by the ‘gov- ernment and choked by red tape, did little more than com- pile data on how many tourists came to Mexico and how much ‘money they spent. Hollywood Headlines Emmy: Bid Lands Role as Film Star for Phyllis ; By LOBELLA 0. PARSONS [excited over her The bureau was a favorite tar- HOLLYWOOD — So pleased is and the Cannes Film Festival, ha get of spokesmen for the” hotel, MGM over Phyllis Kirk being the canceled. Work will keep her home. and travel industries because it gi actress to win an Emmy, conducted no sustained publicity -nomination for the studio (they've! program outside the country. ‘had hundreds of Oscar contenders} ea said Garcia, the gov- that Phyllis is being given. the erament’ will work more closely biggest movie role she’s ever had. than before with private tourist, She is the first star set by Pan. Tournament gave hima big wel- interests: | Berman for "The Bixby Girls,”) come . “ee He said a good starting PONE: story. fof a Texas family and the} ‘ ; - \for this cooperation will be in the j..¢5 and heartaches of two beau-) Buddy Bregman, wh lanning of Mexico's year-leng, ' . : alm Springs over the weeken eles Fiesta set for 1 tiful daughters who. cut capers fn the year will mark the 150th an- niversary of the country’s: inde-, Vie Damone has inc luded some swing numbers in his program at the Flamingo, sang only ballads. The many people in Las Vegas for the Golf Dean Martins. has been Of course, Phyllis’ Emmy nom: | hard on i. ‘pendence as well asthe 50th an-| ination ts for her work in “The Buddy Bergman TV show, “Mu- niversary of the social movement | “Thin Maw’ TV series in the cat- oi Boy” known as the ‘Mexican Revolu- egory of “best actress in a dra-— a -|tion’’ which eventually ended the matic series." You might say Two blonde’ bears. sersancine | _ this is Miss Kirk's big year — | she's in love, you know, with ak ‘a : |pendence” is planned for a spe-) the beatnik idol, Mort Sahl. sir: ange a wie resort icially built structure in the Fed-| I have’ just heard that author potato seoling ‘eral District, and provincial cities James Michener, with whom T qgused with cas: |will stage regional fiestas. chad several pleasant conversations to burning, ° in Honolulu, is arriving here to Porfirio Diaz dictatorship. food in the garbakre A “Panamerican Fair of Inde- “All countries of America will - ad trip to Europe Heretofore he | a) went if ‘| Dallas and Fort Worth in the 1920s. “!th the Milton Sperlings ‘ed the WOKING: nlet film fur a new near a Pains mire preparatory 1 Theft Droge On: KUTTAWA, Ky. ® — Two men -jwho robbed O. B, Herring Jr., are driving around the country at his. expense, They stole his service station credit ecard. So far he's received bills: totaling $475. They took $500 in cash from him at the time of the robbery. The late W. C. Handy, compos- er of “The St. Louis Blues,”’ said that a real blues song has 12 bars — the “'C"’ seventh rr the first four bars, and the “'F’' chord to follow. Swing steps up the 12 bars of the blues to 24 or 32 bars. —-~— a re | LAST TIMES TONITE | M-G-Mopresats A George fal Producten iO) .” Gas ws @ OR.) B=} RUSS TAMBLYN - ALAN YOUNG -TERRY-THOMAS.~ PETER SELLERS FEATURE STARTS AT 7:20 & 9:20 Children 20c Adults 70c DARRYE F. ao. ROOTS | COMING FRIDAY WALT DISNEY'’S “TONKA” ‘Strand UPEN leas W...25c¢ to 1 P.M. All that can happen be- twecn men and women be invited to the fair.” the 40- talk to Burl Ives about Mic hener’s 25¢ ‘til 1:00 P.M. year-old tourist chief told Vopolis #story, “Lectag, the Legend,’ to “and it will ‘attempt to impart a | be filmed in T: shit, - true picture of Mexican life dur- | Bur! plays the California artist ‘who became as celebrated for his |drunken sprees as for his unusual | A planning committee will be technique of doing oll paintings on }. iformed soon, and private organ- velvet izations will be asked to assume «*« ing the past 150 years.” most of the responsibility. But Burl’s attorney Edward Scho- GUY: they will cooperate with govern: fieig and Leroy Prinz will co MAD mental agencies under coordina- produce the movie for Burl’s own ISON - FLEMING: tion of the Tourism Department. Morea Productions He won an Academy Award as ; 3 |best-supporting actor in “The Big Greek Meets Old Friend Country’' but Burl gets the full on Way to California ‘star treatment in ‘Leetag.”’ which will be made as soon as he fin- NOGALES, Ariz. ST ishes “Our Man In Havana.” copoulous of Bartlesville, la sionped at a Nogales restaurant en NINA FOCH BACK ‘route to a California vacation. Ina When love flew out the window | talk with the waitress, he learned for Nina Foch she flew back to ‘the restaurant owner's name was Movieland and is now back in | Peter Paptis. business. After getting her divorce | Loucopoulous gave a loud shout frony James Lipton she decided and he and Paptis had a happy that her place is in Hollywood, reutfion. Both are natives of and apparent Hollywood agrees ' onod ‘Greece and both worked in the with her, for she’s just be en signed same cafe in Memphis, Tenn. They' for a top Part with Natalie Wood hadn't seen each other in 42 years. and James (‘Maverick’) Ga umer “Cash nee all’ at Warner " She will wear stunning clothes in “Cash and has an arde nt ro- mance with him, Explanation Thorny happens in Dore Schray's “Lonely- hearts” i gam Leet At Fe Batata, € pare soe With Maureen Stapleton r -— COLOR CARPFOON FEN i STARTING WEDNESDAY? ‘The Road Racers” and “Daddy-O” HOBART, Okla. — Numerous ‘residents telephoned police head-| ‘quarters reporting they ‘saw fire) balls floating in the air. Turned) Douglas. She's a good actress ‘out they were thistles blown into. and we. all welcome: ter back. - an electric power plant and caught’ 'S ‘close friend of ‘fire. Strong wind carried them into, ‘Baby? Pignatari, Jorge Guinle- the air: told me you could have knocked him over with.a feather when someone telephoned him from Fo Previous to that she completed a role in ‘Spartacus’ with Kirk Francisco ‘Education.on Move DING etewAY tee-7e} ft ELK. NORTH #¢ TELECRAPH RP. by killing beneficial insects. xk * x LFinaE | iK TTT The bacteria were sprayed on TONIGHT AT 7 AND 10 corn -here and” at Toledo and THE mm || Marietta last summer by Dr. C. A. Triplehorn, but they had no appar- REMARKABLE ent effect on the corn. earworm. MR. PENNYPACKER Although early tests have not ‘been encouraging, entomologists jare not abandoning this new idea ‘for insect control. The bacteria \this summer to test their ability °—_| fito kill the cabbage looper, Euro- pean corn borer and other pests. The Morrocan monarchy David Niven... Best Actor! Wendy Hiller... is a remnant of theeShereefian Empire, i founded by the Arabs at the” close. of the seventh century and which jonce ruled all northwestern Africa jand most of the Iberian peninsula in Europe, . wane ev | coupled with an efficient design in Wildlife Exhibit-Debut that curved the wagon bed to keep cargo from shifting on the RICHMOND, Va. (#—-The debut! rugged roads. of Richmond’s permanent wildlife exhibit in Maymont Park was a bit inauspicious. cellent for pulling heavy loads A gray fox escaped,. two wild relatively short distances over geese wandered away for a couple Paved roads, but they proved un- of hours and City Manager Horace Suitable for the great distances and Edwards was bitten twice on the dreadful roads of ‘the colonies, European draft. horses were ex-|4¢F the floor. The U.S. Department of “gee | culture was established as a ‘sep- iin 1862. . { | ‘ less he should come here for his ‘honeymoon. * .* Snapshots of Hollywood collected arate federal government agency | at random: Shirley MacLaine, who was so ‘hand by ‘a skunk. | The Conestoga Valley farmer's ™ BLUE SKY . ‘riding horse, which also pulled his in seasons when they are. not. buggy and worked in the fields, | harvesting, farmers in Norway and Was too light and lacked the stam. Sweden - tie sheaves of ‘grain on ina for the Job. THEATER FE 4-4611 DRIVE-IN 2150 Opdyke UNTIL THURSDAY ONLY! “MAMMOTH 3c, WATERFOR Rd DRIVE-IN THEATER °& | THE: FAMILY DRIVE-IN .Cor. Williams Lake - Airport Roads—Box Office Opens 6:45 P.M. LAST TIMES TONITE Best Supporting Actress! The ways of love are many . . . some tender, some violent, some ‘‘for- bidden”! THEY'RE ALL HERE IN THIS MOTION PICTURE! “Brilliantly made = 7" One year’s best! “Dent miss rt Soa —N.Y. Journal- American ~~added “Old Italian Sport’ _Pluss Cartoon LRN LOL i i Wendy Hiller. i | TECHNICOLOR® FROM THE PRIZE NOVEL-~ OF THUNDERING POWER! Paramounl presents: LOREN | The Hanging Tree They'll float your | BEN PIAZZA cas —_—e BROS.) 1 The Rag To” bear ry on ware | , MAHER = |. oe owed IN JHE | Added Feature... inate NOW SHOWING FIRST RUN PONTIAC AREA HURTHA WYER HARRY GLAROING COMING | “PLUS ‘ue | AS Tor rw FAST GUNS _ ANOTHER PONTIAC AREA FIRST RUN meh HENRY ANTHONY DOROTHY DOLORES CinemaScopt “f UNDA CRISTAL™ a a oot a sc ADA: QUINN: MALONE — COLOR by DELUXE + STEREOPHONIC “SOUND Cine maSe OPE * FIRST ‘WITH THE FINEST * Show Starts 7:30 R=M. ROCHESTER; N. Y. (UPI)— to say that “Baby” is marrying Classes at a one-room school in Ana Matie dé Carvalho, 18-year- Open 7: 00 P. M. suburban Webster were quickly, old beauty from Bahia, early next itransférred to the new West Web- month, ster elementary school after a: This will postpone ‘Baby's’ re- TONIGHT skunk. apparently got trapped un- turn to Hollywood indefinitely, un- ALL IN COLOR TECHNIC OLOR* “GM resents 66 ~om ~dhumb .it's coforsome! o> pe the 7 TOMORROW! Released thru CSVIOLENT = HOW oe CAN A MOVIE GO... who made “MARTY”! FIRST RUN! | United Artists as the book that sold 3,000, 000 torrid copies! . Ee vovieg JOHN DREW # BARRYMORE 2 * LITA MILAN ROBERT BRAY ee ecg Okay New Contract a -AKRON, Ohio A majority of Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co, work- ers voted over the weekend to : | ) ) T ratify their newly negotiated two- | MARKE S year pension and insurance agree- : 0a Calls > I SIOCK MaIKe mee ctewane: | . The following are top . prices | The action is ex tar me | { covering sales of locally grown | eae ws i iim t ihe | : r l est OP Y@AL [rreiuee erouste to the Farmer's ‘on ise gain a Rubber. Workers against othe ‘Market’ by growers and sold by! / membets .of the industry's Big ‘them in wholesale package lots. | Four: The waikouts, affecting 5,- 17 Die Over Weekend, Quotations are furnished by the, REN SORE, ee Me Eves | Cie ‘prodection workers’ is plants. | Making It Michigan’s Detroit Bureau of Markets, as of by selected james and an Kivance| scattered in 31 cities in 16 states, | ine by motors and chemicals high-| began April 10-at U.S: Rubber and i Worst of ‘59 | Wednesday. | lighted a rising stock market in ° April 16 at Goodrich and Fire-, i “a. warily: ti stone. By The Associated Press Detroit Prod [aeove: early treding, today, | The 11,500-miember URW Local The weekend was the bl liest erro’ Froaquce Pivotal issues Were up from 2 here ratified the Goodyear..con- | of the year“on Michigan. highways. ' Apples. Odden ce “ gg rections to a point or so. Selected |tract by a virtually unanimous | At least 17 persons died. posits neteeeess i stocks carved out gains running - voice vote at a meeting aril | Fourteen deaths the previous VRORTASLES to 3 points. day, union spokesmen sai | weekend had been Michigan’s high Stett,(9PP0@. Bu --serreesersess - joo Saturday the 1,700 Los Angeles we en 1a n Michigan’s high Carrots, ‘woppea bu eee et Oils and eircrafts were un. - local members voted approval.-And - Celery we atalke ad . oe } death Horsbradish. No. 1 pk, changed to moderately lower. ° la vote to accept hag been re- e l7th death reported was; Leeks ‘bens: doe s WwW ‘h | ‘ i i Bedford that Roger. Br hae . 9 ‘Onions, dry (bags! 50-lb .....- sees 6 50 malls were unchanged to a bit | , [ported at-the New , Mass, ; at of Roger. Bruchay Jr., 21, of | Persiev Renta bens > doe. ......0. 10 higher. , : and St. Mary's, Ohio, plants. > ‘ : - . 7 -oseville. Bruchay > yy Parsnips % bu oes een ‘ \ le. Bruchay was the driver “Potatoes (bag! 50 Ibs ; . 126) The wideg gains were made by ; ; of a car‘that crashed with another Radisnhes hothouse «bens) dos. .... } 68 . me : near Selfridge Air Force Base. ee pisses, ieebe! dos. és 1s clectronics and other stocks, some Denmark is said to raise more outside Mount Clemens Saturday. vores affected by stock splits. Texas In-: . wheat on a per acre basis than Three others died at the scene: P | d E struments, Raytheon and Colgate-, » , any other country in the world. | Suzan Brew, 2): Gary W. Sea- ou try en 9g5 Palmolive were up about 3. Gains /. ne or ee . / | mans, 19; and Melvin Charbeneau DETROIT POULTRY “of about 2 were made by Litton so ; . FOR COMPLETE r., 23. 6 sme DETROIT, April 24 (AP) —Prices paid’ xi SCIENTIFIC CAMPFIRE — Several Boy Seouts from Troop 2 tiae P 4 , Jr, 23, all of Mount Clemens. per pound {0 b. Detroit, for No. qaul-' Industries and American Machine 63 Rochester examine w 6 ner eeernit a: sone oka iy INSURANCE SERVICE A Detroit mother and her 21- ''%,!!"@ poultry & Foundry 63 of Rochester examine a specially constructed ‘‘campfire demonstrations were open to the public from 10 a.m. unul 9 p.m. | | . * eavy wpe light type ; 7 _ the annual Boy Scout show held Saturday in the CAT building at (See story and pictures on page 21.) ‘ month-old son were among eight ‘hens ving , heavy | er and . Wa terford. Thirty-f booths with vari Sanat displ nd SE eee pi > Be ot. CALL H ’ - I whit 20-22, Barred at ar r ve bouotns rio ing dis é dying In Sunday ficcidents, So {255 42-4 Mune, 22. Barras” «= SNew York Stocks tener. ‘Twnigetine booths with vacioie Soonties dietiaye 5 DANIELS AGENCY were a Muskegon mother of five —— ae 7 sistas ~ — eee OO : _ 1563 We H | : j;Late Mérning uotation . uron FE 3-7101 and a Koyal Oak father of four. petK6it EGGA Figure: wer edcsieni bist are eighths : m DETROIT. Apri 24 (AP/—Eggs. f 0b C ] ] 7 S di h A C a Mrs. Katherine Estlund, 3. of ee cases included tederal-state Adeiral vt Greenies . a, Oup e eeps wedais uto oncern | ° Muskegon, a mother of-five, was Whites: Grade A extra large 33 large Alfied “Ch i Gran Paige 27 rain U ures | BUT, & t a rac arge 33 rg a jed Ct 115 Grah rales 27 . to Make Sports Car killed § 1: in the 31: medium 26: grade B large 28 lied Strs $97 2 mound . (222 Th f B k . vill agrees in ine cr vision of ?! towne. Orade A extra large 23° large ane Chas 287 OE oc AGE A as 1e rea S | er car and a girl friends at an 31; medium 25 Checks 23 Alum Lt 0 H land F .. i4 Ss *K 'rPI~— act- her car and a girl trlend's at an Hi ptaium 8 EME My wegramet aie, HN House Window ; es users at the Swedigh Volvo “aute, itersection in ! ge D- graded April 18-24 were 11148 cases. Am Airh “13 Hooker Ch 1.. 381 -urers of the Swedish Volvo auto-| ship Commercially graded 63 ae an a3} Hi Cont 482 bil j ' rt ; | Whites Grade A extra large 31 . tee | Ip 22 tases . moodiles plan to put a new s 8 \ father of four, Cass Milo, 34, large 26-31) medium 25 browns Grade Ao M&Foy "84 Ing Rand... 1064 A Watertord Township | os market b mn ; . ; extra large 29 large 27 2d, medium AM 3 : 139 . > car on the UA! 1arke y the f Royal Oak, wi as killed when $3 grade B large 24-26 Am M Os 3 “4 We’ re Up to Our. Necks and wife this morning le: ned « one CHICAGO \w—TI rain futures end 1960 his car rammed the rear of one Pe sure thin be lve ICAGQ LP—inhe grain tu Seen m * $924 4. 8U ig about themselves — it. - . | waiting for a traffic light in sub- Livestock ai in It, We’ d Better Swim, takes a lot of noise to wake m market resumed its general down-. The cur was designed by Per; , Dav ane HM of U DETROIT LIVESTOCK 1177 Says C. of C. Chief up ™ ward trend in early transactions Petterson. whose father Helmer said Davic ling, 44. 0 tica, was 36 5 eer AK . 7 ' Teade wi . 1X" | PVs killed Sunday ™m the Detroit suburb ¢ OSTROIT Apri 23 AP) ‘UsDa)— 437 . When Mr. and Mrs. David Tuck- today on the Board of Trade with en ee “ I oe a ¥ le—BSailable 150 Smal . ii ~ COeTON Sep _— = “ef . 1 ery ¥ ovbeans -' Cu : p { Troy when another driver cleanup silair. tew early sales enchangeé 5s. WASHINGTON {AP)—Business- er of 3065 Old Orchard Dr. /new crop wheat and soybeans slip- Car boay wi - € : uilt in Britain | werved to miss a dog an col- quo (Suinke Compaied ast week bveripe {#66 men must plunge into the politica] this. morning, they discovered that Pig around a cent a bushel dur-| The pl in Sweden will be| lided head-on with Huling hoice and better eters and heifers t93 arena’to battle for a sound y 4 kitchen door window had been ing the first few minutes. Other about $3,000. full Steady a.on ith utili 45 ° > _ eS es a cha, oe Daniel Capitan, 18, of Detroit am aa grades {fess low : A and free markets. the preside nt of shain 4 hed Pape ris ie ni ight and a grains shifted mainly within small ie * ferings steady to 80 cents lows c trae 8 chain lock unhooke was killed Sunday when strock ale wteeey pep cen on oe 98 } the US. Chamber of Commerce Tucker's waet containing fractions Young Boy Swept | om in rear as he pushed a good and cho} ce steers 28 56.29 50 So said today which had been left on the : May wheat attracted scattere stalled car. = M. C: m "ie chotce steers 1247 steers -* ; cg) ai rinkin , > Pe hia - . ‘ - car, George M. Campbell, o'r che! few jets and lote _hieh es We must quit thinking.of pol- room dresser was missing demand which some brokers de- Over Nia ara Fall Every home buyer has fire insur- 41. of Detroit, was arrested on a choice 1048-1198 'd steers 31 $0-32 00 a6 1 itics as a dirty word.’ Wiliam A. Also missing was Mrs. Tucker's SCTibed a8 apparently reinstate- very h yerh \ charge of felonious driving. sine kee aad 5S sireers 9 60-20 pt ‘8 \icDonnell said in the keynote ad- purse containing vo exer Ss ment of long positions, mostly by ance—every hame buyer should Donald Gillespie, 18. of Detroit, a ice attere’ ss 06 oie ao vee “8 =6dress opening he chamber's 47th — speculators who have been-in and) NIAGARA FALLS, N.Y. (AP)— have mortgage insurance. For died Sunday when a car he was choice around 900 ib heifers a ‘ ss annual meeting here cout of the market frequently dur- Thomas Bradbury, 3%, died Sun-) \ pire one home is burning, four- riding in went off a road in Center Saneere | oe soos heifers 23 00-25 80 ; i * * * Five Convicts FI ing the past wee k trying to es- day when he fel it into the river and , ° , b ‘” ag miter sah fer 16 ~ ; ieee - a ‘ ; x 3 een home buvers are aving Line! outside Detroit. and hit a {9 5° canners Pain 3 Any businessman who insists ce tabtish themrsetees- amd the bet sept _ , tn ao n Oa 10° that he is not interested in pol ities tom of the decline 8-year-old playmate who couldn't’ before the mortgage is paid. If + } ‘ ty ‘ % s lik é r 1 j bey ay P bell : Maul : 2 He reste j rater ig . . 33 B ) save . . inaw, was killed Saturday when food to, « ots wieek C Pa Pi +26) 96 v4 “ : ol inter sed in we i Me. stocks of grains in all posi. 'emPt fo . er * you'll want to know about Life her car skidded en a curve sand steers ears ° s aq me tOCB- Gor: Bak 52 3 onnel aeciared. e are indl a5 . . tions was various!s described as a . was. struck broadside iS alt Gh Vesics~eulane Bi Not enous a pets Cai $0 g up to our necks and we had better! 1ONTGOMERY, Ala. (AP) lightly bearish, slightly bullish Police said the Bradbury boy of Virginia s mortgage redemp coming auto.* The wshup oe. 2° aim Cont Meter i) learn how to swim and to swim A search with bloodhounds was.on. and of no significance. fell into the river about a mile} tion plan. Let me tell you about , : mé f ; Cont O 90.4 effectively.” ty for f . | . . above the American Falls. He had ~.,. -,- — curred in St. Charles Township. Coppe: Rr 99 4 erlectivel) _ today for five convicts who sawed ; ' ae “ . it; it's avadable at small cost. about 20 miles southwest of can c Pa ri More than 4900 delegates, Ob~ Waie way out of Kilby Prison St Prices had firmed up somewhat been playing on the rocks with his naw Bes Sore 281 servers and guests were expected . — : a ees Nn SUN in spots near the end of the first. Brother. -Albert, 6. and Michael * = John Schilling. a 71-year-old De- Der’ Bess og 6 during the meeting, which contin. Gets Nsa hour wheat was 14s cents a bushel Fournic: GARL MATHENY (rite, w ig in red tatally Saiur- 2 0 Doug Aire sa. ucs through Wednesday The ‘escapees were described as higher to 7% lower, May $1.99: * * W. day when stk (by ear on - state Sate ead pe week ot Pont : -~ * * dangerous, but were not believed corn 45 to 7s higher. May $1.25%4 Michael said he tried to reach FE 2-0219 sty a TF aughter lambs 0 cents higher slau pa: Fast Air L wt The chamber has supported Ei..tu be armed. eats unchanged to 4s lower, May the boy but the current was too) Detroit street ir ewei steeds : 44 ia Pee . i 1080 W, Huron St. . - ghérn lamps ; 1g senhower’s stand for economy in ~ & 65°.: rye '4-to le lower. Mav swift. Mrs. Ida La Fleur of West [¢# loacs high n « 6 sovernment. though it has insisted Dep. Prison Director Frank Lee $1.37: _sovbeans ‘42 higher to 4, 9 Thomas was the son of Mr. and Repescentenvs 29 High « f ot = ¥ 9 Bloomfield Township, was struck cint few load mostly chot ‘ et tt : tsyq¢even greater savings should be said the convicts broke into the lower, May $2 29%, Mrs. Richard Bradbury of Nia-, and killed by a car Saturday at SR sri 00-22 $0: bes are Ex-Ce 1-0 §* * made - home of Mr. and Mrs. Willard M gara Falls. | THE LIFE a Detroit intersection.” 1800-7000 load good and choice fine Pood Ma 395° MeDonnell. a St. Louis banker, Lloyd near the prison, and . ° wooled shorn lar 1950. cull to choice Pord M ‘ ari, ndersc ‘d the inflation theme in se che d without succes ; Grain Prices . we ; ; | WNSURANCE COMPANY Mrs. Lena Phillips, 59, of Vicks. ‘anghter ewes $ 00-10 00 Prueh Tra ug 4 UNGerscored tht indahon. heme. in Sea EIROUS SUCCESS a Eugene O'Neill's first Pulitzer’ OF VIRGINIA i - Hogs— 8al 186 Butchers under 240 rar ; ; 587 his kevnote talk weapon. They seized the Llovd's é eld hans ar . | ; burg. was killed &hen her car me § her : “ Reouh Stl ... 214 ca = Odie Ath ores ve CHICAGO GRAIN Prizé play was ‘Beyond the Hori-| aN plunged into a ditch near Three ¢ ost market tn * Bex Dese wo 14 : * * * iutomobile, but it- was found CHICAGO April 27—'APr — Opening zon" jn 1920 — * MOONE, RGN Rivers oo wales rhe ee a me B32 Sevn Me vet The dollar has lost 32 cénts of abandoned eight blocks away% Se hee! jul « F - -—-— William As hi ey Strickland. °1. of small lot mostly No rr 4 cing Dut as ..ifs purchasing power in the past * * * Ma 97 Sept 644 Mie . Is eae 47g Safeway St. 385 90 vears he said, aot conti aura Lee identified the escapees as: a2) 010" ee gue Niles, was injured fata ly Saturday Bt ea oe 3 soe 190%) Ju . 63%. < . Ps when his car went off M40 and q™ « “If we keep on going » ha Lewis Marston, 30. serving 10 95°, Sep 64%» ‘ daa 5 i I Oo é és s Reve 4434 } } . M t 198 34 en . 4 c . , Rae On ~ gs 3 been, we will have a 35-cent “dolla ip years for robbery; Ear] Phillips, “*'¢,, . Mey ; tly 0 ice 0 | 0 on jac ee EB Tee Best Dowagiac ews in ne 7 vears from now and a 23-cent 56. serving 36 years on two Mav. 124%. J eee 12849 \* ee sees Jellerson: 33." 0k De jollar in another 19 years. and a bery conyictions: Charles s..1°, 1207. De ‘ . : snd her an month-old “on The Bethany Baptist Church at xew Sree SeEe Ges 1®-cent dollar a little further down Sweeney, 26, serving 20 year rDec + Bs - Lard id ey an ‘ fname unavailable; were killed ,- : ener a . ha | viva eo 1 99 Ours ‘ol ' 101 Sunday when the pip do Mark Ave. was broken into ‘?* 4 _ F teams robbery; Jamies ‘Moore. 3, Ma B54 : 10 35 iD were ‘hen _ a wal h over the weekend and $21 stu'en Indus: Rats Ctl Stork SO ing life for. robbery: and Walter ee ee ae RA 4 thes: were riding and anot er 4 auto Offices and cabinets were ran. P70" 78° W171 227 9 The U.S. Navy uses 18 million Ta tum, 35, serving 20 years-for, In World War JT, 12.000 army ' x ‘atlided in Bo: lus Townsh Week az ) ; ® 8 < , - a ulus Township sacked by the burglars, it was Mort. ago is | pounds of hat ter ann aaills grand larceng, and navy nurses’ went overseas reorg. eH. Alipn, 60. of Detroit cospact x ‘Wieck ; Ye . ; - . me esr . was killed Sunday when his ear ePorted to Pontine polic a rm 1959 Dog Licenses now due and payable an? another collided about § miles one . eile 195. i. e ind another ¢ lider ibout § mile Someone stole a pair of tennis! 243 9 « at City Clerk’s office, first floor, City s tth of West Branch in Ozemaw shoes from the Haroutumian & Son oy H Ul, 35 So th P k $ founty. _ shoe store at 472 S. Sanford St..' DETROWT STOCKS al } US eC 1S10 I } ue a u arke Street. it was reported to Pontiac police _ (C. J. Nephier Co . . th -eekend Figures after decimai are a e s Chinese storekeepers have com. CVF Me weekend. anew Elec & Kaui . ° 2 u to and includin Ma 15 plete control over the native Maynard Johnson has now [@!cw'n Rubber P 8 y economic life of Madagascar, the merged with Austin Norvell In- Gt Lk ot & chem , French-owned island off the east Surance Agency. New location at Howeil Biec Mtr Co" , , . , coast of Africa. Cloves are the a0. Lawrence st Cass BOs Fe peaphet eae i $3 ll b h co eke J Cad, . The phet hd : wrineips ee gece : R ‘ ! il 29th d Rudv Manufacturing ¢ . . - . . 2 . . Wi e C arge \ principal crop of Madagascar and Umma ge sale, April St an ve Edison DOWAGIAC «UPT) — Dowagine like more things about Australia tas and fines he received for ex : the Chinese storekeepers harter 30th, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. St Johns “exo sale bid and ask , javmex & rank Pay chicas a ? “" Episcopal Church, 11 Mile and oe poultry farmer Stanley Yankus than Ef dislike. ceeding the quotas, but the Ohio P food products and other necessi- Woodward. Royal Oak. Ady today said he would make a de-. yo), dh nected foxy tans coal es Bein erea er me ties for the clove harvest. French Ka. Privdte Deeciive Beeause of tive poor seasons i Gisian an the next few davs ‘or Yankus said he expectes It farmer's plans called for moving a > ers are force ( ' from i rate etectives \ Weyards rane e impert- ; “ee ythur Mm on ew Z “an: ine Chi are forced to buy from 1 icensed—Bonded—FE 5-5201 its Vineyards, Frar Is IMPOYl A herher ro move to Australia within the next few days to Canada \ the Chinese. adv ing wines. ip Said His atreasion wunta 4 another wheat rebel, John Donald. Yankus said) woen Donaldson Ada R. Evans ‘ - — ene erprapitee iene feta ces i nip eparantenien dows Ore ‘ aly is { IN jtT Viki je x 4 « “hased on what he believes to he sen. of New Lendon, Ohio came here they would discuss the f Was aps the future ceurse of the U.S.” Denaldson’s protest was similar. relative merits of both Canada City Clerk tad against the future of Australia in a protest against government quo-'and Australia . egard fo social trends. ~ = o—~ — = - ee ee Yankus returned here vester- day from the land down-under to the 100-acre farm which he re- cently sold in protest against government controls on the * amount of wheat he could grow to feed his chickens, Yankus. spent 10 days looking over Aus- tralia and- assessing the migra- tion possibilities, = ! The wheat rebel said he wouldn't 'make his decision for a few days But - said if the decision was to leave the U.S... his wife and family : would tn ake the tyip with him. His wife, Mildred, last week described as “silly” rumors that | she would not accompany her hus | hand if he decide4y tn leave the | country. She said. “of @otrse TP will J , | fj JUST HOW HOT? — All in the interest of go with Stan.’ | Commenting on his ins beefing vf Australi 1, Yankus said he liked tl icountry. He said he partic ulatly watched far the attitude of the | people concerning government “handouts.”’ | He said he wanted to determine |W hether, when something went ‘wrong, the Australian people tried jto right it themselves or whether |they sought aid from the Yovern- ment, Yankus said he hadn't vet AP Wirephoto = +yvaluated his observations on the science, researcher Jack McCaffetty, left, of her, a cold shoulder, andthe like. He found the matter, and he did not elaborate os ¢ > Tag . Philadelphia, took out a portable potentiometer steam bath, as at left, went up to 150 degrees, on What he observed, and made spot checks to determine tempera: while the pretty redhead, Pegay Nolan. could When he left Sydney, Austratia, tures in steam baths, a redheads lips, a cifeum- push the temperat ‘e only to 92 degrees _last Week he told newsmen, ‘I t CALL FE 2-818] To Place Your Want !