cover yt Seven hours after * Monday’s Pr launch spokesmen ‘announced the satellite was whirling around the earth ‘north-to-south every 90,84 minutés, Its path from pole to. pole \d) took. it as far out as 243 miles and brought it as close as 156 miles. hour: With this orbital pattern estab- lished by tracking stations in Alas- ka, Hawaii and Vandenberg, the meneeene 5 Separate remate aet It was traveling 17,433.8 miles per} | PRESS ae ee PONTIAC, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, APRIL 14, 199034 PAGES ASSOCIATED PRESS UNITED PRESS INTERNATIONAL CROWD. AT DEDICATION — The viewers came early, and soon filled the today before President Eisenhower dedicated a bell tower to the late Sen. Robert A, Taft in Ike Praises Late Senator available seats M. Nixon. 4 : Ring Out to Honor Taft * AP Wirephete Washingtén, Such action was most unusual: for Congress. Other speakers were former Presi- dent Herbert Hoover and Vice President Richard Taft Memorial Dedicated WASHINGTON uw — President; bell tower erected ab Wei inet | has permitted to be erezted on | Eisenhower dedicated a ovens: Capitol Hill- in-memory_of the | the Capitol grounds, : At the base of the tower is a, memorial today to the late Sen Robert -A. Taft. { - Obie senator. Taft, Eisenhower said, was a & 10-foot high statue of Taft, whose He praised Taft as a mam who '}jberal in championing individval'death from cancer on July 31. gave generously -~ unetintind)) (rights and the symbol of conser- 1953 ended a career that included of himself “for the America.” Eisenhower hohored a former political rival and aily at ceré- monies at the base of a 100-foot Court Upholds Ruling on Sewer ‘good of all Legal Snarl Continues ‘to Peril Farmington. Intercepter Project A quick huddle was called in| Detroit today after the State Su- preme Court dealt a potential! knockout blow to the $5,748, 000) Farmington interceptor sanitary sewer system, For the setond time, the court! refused to disturb an October de- cision. leav infg the project aiaiial in mid-air. - At the same time; the high court took no action on the long-delayéd! Twelve-Town Drain case, | Claude H. Stevens, Oakland ivatism in everything affecting the national -economy. Formers President Herbert Hoo- ver and high government officials| also participated with Eisenhow-| er in the dedication. Hooyer depicted -Taft as a man who chose to die with his boots! . on rather than to desert his post. | - He called Taft ‘an official with a social conscience’’ and said: ‘‘He not only would not desert his post, he never deserted his people.” Vice President Richard M. Nix- on and Speaker of the House Sam ‘Rayburn (D-Tex) arranged to ac icept the marble tower on behalf of Congress, The tower is the only mem- | Orial to an individual Congress four unsuccessful bids for the Re- ‘publican presidential nomination. Above the statue are inscribed ithese words: “This memorial to Robert A. Taft, presented by the People to Editorial, Page 6 the Congress of the United States. stands as a tribute to the honesty, indomitable courage and high prin- ciples of free government sym- bolized by his life.’’ see Republican who was a close friend of Taft, said the Ohio sen- ator ‘will be judged by historians [to have been the noblest Ameri- jcan of his time.” U.S. Plane Buzzed by Red Jet Fighters From Our. News Wires ‘ BERLIN — Two Soviet jet fighters buzzed an Ameri- can Air Force cargo plane and forced it to reduce alti-! tude while it was crossing East Germany on a flight pointed to the Board, by a scant 3-2 County’s bonding’ attorney, called from West Berlin April 3, a U.S. embassy spokesman the hurried huddle in his office with County Department of Pub- lic Works officials to see if the planned for the sewer. It is slated to serve Farmington! and West Bloomfield townships and the cities of Southfield and Keego Harbor. “Frankly, prised,” Stevens said when Jearned of the court's decision. Bids on the sale of general ob- ligation bonds to finance the. sewer} system are sc led to be taken I'm greatly sur- he a week from today. Stevens said) this morning’s conference would , determine whether bids would still be. received. then. SPLIT DECISION Oakland County had tried ice to have the eight justices of the Supreme Court rehear and —pos- sibly alter their 4 to, 4 decision handed down - last October which | = cally affirmed“by equal division the county’s legal right to pro- ceed with the project. . County DPW officials, Stevens and Louis H. Schimmel, muni- cipal finance consultant. on the project, -were leery, however, (Continued on Page 2, Col. a. ‘Yt ‘said today in Bonn. The incident occurred while the United States and county can now proceed as Soviet Union were embroiled in a series of protests and counter - protests involving+ another buzzing by MIGs on Good Friday, March 27. Only yesterday the United States delivered a protest to the Soviet Foreign Ministry in Moscow charg- ing that Russia intentionally creat- ed a hazard to flight safety in the Berlin air corridor when it buzzed the first plane. A new protest against the sec- ond incident has been lodged at the Berlin Air Safety Center, in- formed sources said, HEIGHT IN DISPUTE Both pl P , Both planes were harassed be. at all to set ceilings on plane(n pasa along: the 110/mile: corridor |’ causé they were flying at alti- tudes above 10,000 feet in the 20. mile-wide air corridors leading from West Germany to West Ber- lin, 110 miles-inside the iron. cur- tain. The United States does not aceept-such a ceiling on its flights. - The incidents were considered significant because most Amer- ican transport planes fly at high altitudes and such flights might be necesshry | to"supply the city of West Berlin should the Com- munists begin a few blockade of the city. The United States has rejected a Soviet claim that it has a right to limit American Air Force flights to West Berlin to altitudes of 10,- 000 feet or less, American planes will fly as high as they need té whenever they want to, the United States said in a formal note delivered Monday to the Soviet foreign of- fice in Moscow, . The Soviet Union has no* right from West Guneeny to West Ber- lin, the note said, SAID DELIBERATE, The Soviets cligredad the United States with del tely staging the. first high altitude flight in an aftempt to wreck. the scheduled Big Four foreign ministers meet- ing set for May 11 at Geneva, The U.S, note denied this. Rep. B. Carroll Reece, Tennes- | 0D _\Can Still Avert Cash Crisis Hamlin Given Unprecedented Fourth Term Mrs. Phillips Loses ~ Seat as Supervisor to Mayor Calhoun As expected, Oakland County supervisors today terms for: Delos Hamlin, their chairman, and Hiland M. Thatcher, vice chair- man, but there was at least one big surprise as the 83- 4member Board met in its first 1959-1960 session. . * * * Harriett Phillips, an appointed supervisor from Huntington Woods jsince 1951, was replaced last night jin a.sudden move by the Hunting- \ton Woods-City (Commission). Mrs, Phillips, a staunch Dem- ocrat who has been on the Dem- | eeratic State Central Committee | ix years, was replaced by Hunt- | ington Woods Mayor David R. Cathoun. + Calhoun, past- president of _ the Michigan Municipal League, is ‘privately in the opposite political camp from Mrs. Phillips, although his Huntington Woods post is non- partisan. ISN’T BITTER “This is- politics and you just have to face it.’’ the peppery Mrs. |Phillips conceded privately before isupervisors gathered in the fourth floor auditorium. at the Oakland ‘County Office Building this morn- ing. Mrs. Phillips declared she) bumped.” x * * Calhoun said after today’s meeting that Mrs. Phillips had | “let. too much partisanship creep | inte” her decisions on the Beard. Aasked what decisions in par- ticular, Calhoun mentioned Mrs. Phillips’ insistence that Gov. Wil- liams appoint a second probate jutige the county is seeking. HE'S SWITCH VOTER . “There's no place for partisan- ship on this Board,"’ the new super- visor remarked. He said he was voted unprecedented fourth; 3 felt ‘no bitterness at being | and Tomorrow = trunkline system. At top, truck TWO VIEWS OF TOP DANGER SPOT—These two photos illustrate two of the reasons why the intersection of Telegraph and W. Maple roads has been labeled the most dangerous in the state =e State’ s Most . Dangerous onto W. Maple have difficulty truck. Bottom = left turn slight incline. ‘Fair, Warmer’ Outlook for Today Fair and a little warmer is the Pontiac area forecast for tonight by the U.S. Weather Bureau. The low will be near 35-42. Partly cloudy and. mild with winds increasing to 18-30 miles an hour Wednesday afternoon. is to-| imorrow's prediction with the high) rising to 60-65 degrees. The outlook for Thursday is partly cloudy and cooler. The lowest recording in down- town Pontiac preceding 8 a.m. was 35 degrees. The thermomieter read a “switch voter”- leaning toward the Republican ranks. Tt was learned, too, that Mrs.' '{Phillips, a housewife, last year) batked Calhoun’s opponent for! Huntington Woods mayor. * *x- * This led, an observer said, to the ifiery Mrs. Phillips being reap- vote last year, She interpreted last night's Com- mission vote (four voted for her removal and one abstained) as criticism of her past record, “Apparently they thought I wasn’t representing the interests of the city.” Commission members, how- ever, said the change represented a new policy that the Huntington Woods supervisor should be an elected official from the Commis- sion on the Boafd. Calhoun has been mayor eight years. Mrs. Phillips, a lively figure. at most county. and Democratic con- claves, has been one of the sup- ervisors’ most outspoken ne kl. traditional policies, Another change occurred last night in Pleasant Ridge, where ( Continued en Page 2, Col, 3) U.S. Moon Red: Show ‘CAMBRIDGE, Mass, (# — The Russians may be able to see, Discoverer Il—but not the Amer! icans. ‘Operation. Moonwatch said” last night the newest American satellite will not be ‘‘optically”’ frequefhtly voicing objections to}. —_— 65 at 2 p.m. Dulles’ Resignation: Might Come Soon’ WASHINGTON \% — Senators expressed reluctantly today a growing belief that Secretary of State John Foster Dulles may have to hand in his resignation soon, -% fF There were well-founded re- ports—including some from per- sons who have talked to him— that Dulles has failed to respond te treatment for a cancerous condition. ‘lt fresh medical treatments planned at Walter Reed Army Hospital do not show results, the general) expectation among members of Congress is that ‘Dulles will step out of official job quickly to clear the way for appointment of a successor. secs SONNE visible from the United States. Maple and Telegraph Rd. and ideas for improvement. - Most area traffic official solved by making some sort* of limitations on left turns at the Bloomfield ‘Township intersection. Several county police and dix iff's officers voiced surprise at the announcement. last week placing .|the crossing at the top of the list of the top-10 accident: intersections: in the state-trunkline system. John A, Wills, district — eer for'-the State Highway De- partment, said, “This rating is by no means .a summation of county intersections that are high accident producers.” “The department's Tist is only! of bad spots’ on the state trunk- line system. The intersections men- tioned are only those which con- cern the Highway. Department,” he said. This explains why other inter- sections in Oakland County, , and throughout the state, may have more personal injury accidents but|” be overlooked by Highway De- partment officials. RELIEF EXPECTED “A plan or program to allieviate “lthe Telegraph-West Maple problem and funds to put the program into effect will no doubt be forthcoming “Ito us from officials in Lansing|’ within several weeks,”’ Wills said. “The big problem is limiting Pontiac Press Photes from Telegraph. Motorists would -seeing traffic coming up behind photo shows how W. Maple is obscured for northbound Telegraph motorists by Cite Left Turns as Hazard at Maple-Telegraph Corner By DICK SAUNDERS The State Highway Department’s rating of the W. intersection as the state’s imost dangerous has resulted in some raised exetrons S agree the “trouble’ cain ‘be 7: several oy Left Turn” — at the intersection, Highway (Department figures showed there were 27 persons in- jured in 41 accidents at the cor- ner from jJan. 1 through Dec. 3, 1958. This topped the No. 2 in- tersection of U.S, 23 at M59, in Livingston County, by-one casualty. Probably most acutely aware of ithe problem intersection is Bloom- field Police Chief Norman Dehnke. After compiling figures yester-/, day Dehnke said: “Our files show that from April 1, 1958, through March 31, this year three were 40 property dam- age accidénts and 16 accidents in- volving personal injury, resulting from either rear-end smashups or drivers ~turning in front of an on- coming vehicle.” “This, beyond a doubt, ig the (Continued on Page 2, Col. 1) News Flashes WASHINGTON (? —A House banking subcommittee today ap- proved a séaled-down bill calling for approximately : 250 million dollars of federal aid to areas with chronic joblessness, WASHINGTON (Pi—Acting Sec- retary of State Christian Herter County News .....---+-+-++ 18° ett’ turns from the southbound| Father than ailing Secretary eaitorials ,..........05606.05 lane.” > John Foster Dulles—will repre- Markets . oo... 6.6001 0P eres « 20 sent the United States at a meet- Obituaries .......ceeeeaes 8 No one knows yet just how ing of Western foreign ministers a pevtseseey 1618 | this, problem will, be over. | 4." paris beginning April 29, ; Theaters ............65 veces 10> | come, Suggsestions ranged from | TV & Kadio Programs sence .% | the costly but ideal solution— svente : Wilson, Earl ......... coove M&S | Construction of an overpass veal boatey ott Women’s Pages ......... , 12-43 ~—to the a et ee ew. Lawnase ) to. t “ lg | ee a ds Se ay a | a: Pi Pe ed ee eae a SF Ces ar ge ae ug ee RA Stale nil After April 24 GOP Senate Leader Hopes to Get Action on Vets Fund Bill LANSING (AP) — Gov Williams said today he could not guarantee what will happen if bills-to mort- — gage or liquidate the veter- — ans trust-fund fail to reach his desk in 10 days. : “If the bills reach my desk on April 24, we can meet the cash emergency problem,” he said after a conference with top admin- . istrative officials and Sen. ” At the same time, Porter said he doubted if any of the seven com- mittee members who had opposed ing and dreadful.” ‘He said it was “unthinkable” that the state should be permit- ted to drift inte a financial erack-up. . The governor said that by one reckoning the general fund cash (Continued on Page 2, Col. 8) Jury. Awaiting Final Arguments in Connie's Case ‘INDIANAPOLIS «® — Six lawe yers and a judge hammer out final instructions today for a jury that will decide the fate of Connié Nich- olas, ;* 2 *. ,. bi ; * The murder i 53 rest Teel, After receiving acne Judge Thomas J, Faulconer, jury will retire to a small, furnished room in fe 3 i. & Fs ie 1 ft » ontiac Police Official Dies Heart’ Ailment Claims Head of Weights and Measures Division Fi cee e renee Pere eee ee week “iwill be in White Chapel Memorial for several: years. He was president of the Metro- politan Club of Pontiac, a position which at 2 p.m. Thursday at the Donel-| Burial son-Johns. Funeral Home. Cemetery. Baerwolf, a native of Sandusky, is survived hy his wife, Helén, and two daughters, Mrs. A. R. Stahi “land Miss Aileen M. both of Pontiac.| ° Farmington Sewer Still in Legal Snarl Justice Eugene Black said he, rg NJOY. Yy Edward Bretzlaff, manager. Par Participating i : “Live Better by Far With a Brand New Car,” a Owens, Inc., Ford showroom, 147 S. Saginaw’ St., are a prospective customer, Wal- ter Lampi. (left) of 2188 Lake Pleasant Rd., and_- a as on in the - Le Dalai Loma Story ‘Page&8 .. Trade. sources in,Kalimpong, on the India-Tibet caravan route, From Formosa came fresh. re- ports of continuing strife in Tibet, Red-Appointed Lama Visits Peiping ; Chou Greets Tibet ‘Ruler’ ruler}None could be confirmed. The independent China Post said}on the fight against the Chinese the Communists had rushed in Tibetan rebels are still carrying but asserted that the situation in four divisions of reinforcements. Three hundred pints of blood is the goal for the newly-formed Cath- olic Community Blood Bank. Donations will be held in bank and Smooches With Film Star LONDON (AP)—French movie star Brigitte Bardot flew back to Paris Monday night after getting her hair dyed and doing a lot of = Catholic. Blood. Bank Sets 300-Pint Goal | Bardot Cuddles ‘| ‘Cooperating in the bloodbank for use of the 8,000 Catholic fa- ilieg-in. Pontiac. : te A Red Cross Bloodmobile will be at 8S “Michael's parish Monday from 2 to 5 p.m, and 6 to 8 p.m. for donations. are most of the parishes in Pon- tiac and surrounding townships, according to Mrs. Vincent Va- verek, project coordinator. General chairman for volunteer committees participating in the blood drive is Mrs, Omer. DeCon- inck, * * * * This is the first time that Cath- olics have had the Bloedmobile vis- it Pontiac especially to supply the Catholic bloodbank, In the past, se- curing and disbursing of blood has been handled in each parish by the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, : * * * “But our need is growing so great that now it is imperative to have an all-out bank a year’s supply of blood,” said S," J. Salvador, Vincentian chairman. . , * * * It is hoped that 450 to 500 po- tential donors visit the Bloodmobile Monday in order to meet the goal of 300 pints, he said. - @eeeeressreasstss SUSBNSesseeysessss All were credited to. intelligence ¥ rfl} : {and University of Michigan School p.m. at Pontiac Northern High Siti +. . a @ art é g ‘ FE : i i & Series Planned on Investments Six Public Lectures About Financial Problems Jaycees Sponsor and bond expert, will be the kick- off speaker Monday in a six-session lecture series on investments afd securities, 5 Tuesday night, April 28-May 26, the Pontiac Area Junior -Cham of Commerce “This is: the first time Pontiac Jaycees have sponsored a series prove a great interest to all Jay- cee members, as well as the pub- lic,’”’ ‘says Clyle R. Haskill; Jay- cee president, Hunter is a partner in the firm of Watling, Lerchen & Co. His topic will be, “Why Stocks and Bonds?” . A graduate of Olivet College of\ Business Administration, Hunter is past president of the Financial Analysts Society of Detroit. He is vice chairman of the Michigan Group of the Investment. Bankers Assn, of America and chairman of the Investors Information Pro- gram of Detroit. :? Other speakers include: April 28—-Philip F.. McLellan, presi- pany, Inc., All ‘programs will begin at 8 School. The lecture series has been pre- pared by the Jaycee’s National Convention Committee, Part of the proceeds will enable Jaycee mem-. Herbert Huriter, a- Detroit stock’ Bell Chapel of the William R. Hamilton Co, with burial in 10 Days Williams Claims (Continued From Page One) shortage stood to zoom to 121 mil- lion dollars as of May 15, or 8 millions if calculated another way. After the conference with Porter, State Controller James W. Miller and State Administrative Board imembers, the governor said two conclusions were reached: * a ae eee 1. That completion of legislative action on the trust fund bills, and thereafter on|their delivery to his desk, would allow the state to continue meet- by| ber, ing vital obligations. Later action - 8 might not. . 2. Agreement was reached on working up the most detailed fi- like this, and I’m sure it will/nancial resumé possible on exactly where the state stands financially. The figure job, the governor said, will “be handled _ principally by Miller, representing himself, and C. J.. MeNeill, legislative controller as a representative of lawmakers. State Treasurer Sanford A. Brown and Atty. Gen. Paul L. Adams were delegatéd to assist in the project. . READY IN DAY . Porter said that if the Legisla- ture completed action on the bills April. 23 they could be prepared for Williams’ ‘signature the follow- ing day. * Williams noted the School Aid Fund already is broke and an- nounced he had signed a bill to make up a $27,800,000 deficit in the fund. The bill is meaningless until ’ |there’s money to back it up. Hopes were also dim today for agreement on a bill to extend temporary unemployment com- pensation until July 1. A second conference committee, named after the ‘first failed to -+jattempts at compromise; met for two hours last night without re- solving Republican-Democratic dit- ferences on thé measure, The sec- ond Committee must come to terms or the bill -will die, Another meeting was scheduled today, ae \ Detroit Woman. Killed DETROIT ®—Marie Hays, 24. of Detroit, died Monday of injuries suffered earlier in the day when her car went out of control and requiring|rolied over in suburban Taylor aA - 4,40 consider the welfare of others as hve fe as our own: i ie will be taken to. G Pa. for burial. , MRS. HENRY L. ROSE ine) Rose, 63, of 3097 Caroline St., Cemetery, Tro neral Home unfil 11 a.m. Thursday. Erickson. Service will be held at & tonight at the Huntoon Funeral Home. Her AUBURN HEIGHTS — Service! Rose for Mrs. Henry L, (Mabel. Paul- will be held at 2 p.m. Thursday/a at the Auburn Heights “United Presbyterian Church. Burial will aca nig3 mga lacastas The body will be’ at the Moore $2,,\Chapel of the Sparks-Griffin Fu- Mrs. Rose. died early this morn- Glendale St., will be held at 2 p.m. Thursday at the Pixley Fu- neral Home, Burial will follow in Roseland Park Cemetery, Royal Surviving are his wife, Lourene; two sons, Paul, at home and George Jr. of.Toledo,.0.; a daugh- ter, Mrs. William Oterson of To- ledo, O.; and three ae eee ea ast: at her home. She was a mem- “Thoughtful Service” — oes ao , to the a of the Auburn Heights United = ‘no, |Brace-Smith Funeral Home Wed-| Presbyterian Church. 46 Williams St.; Pontiac FE 2-5841°° |nesday. Graveside’ service will: be)” held at 11 a.m. Thursday at Oak Hill Cemetery. Aree Youth Gets MRS, ‘WILLIAM NEIDRICH commana omen INo Sympathy > oo —|From Judge . Moore Chapel, Auburn Heights MIL 2-1800 Séeing Clearance © Sale Come in and se® the neue’ x _tiful. new furnishings for * living room, room, and - yr dining room. ov'll be amazed at the values . . . lower prices made possible by our low overhead and earnest ef- . fort to make more friends. Very easy terms quickly erranged. Four payment plan—no carrying charge. “Yes, you should,” “Judge Hol- land quickly answered Uhlig.) your head in shame.” Uhlig’s partner in the crime, for three years and court costs by Judge Holland. lounge chair as pictured $115.00 matelasse cover—choice of colors—fruitwood finish March 30. Florida Asked to Mete Death for Bombings — ? Better Quality for Your Money’ Our 23rd Year of Greater Value Giving at This Same Location tf troduced in the Florida House. places, - Gov. Lerey Collins recom- mended mech tighter laws against bombings after schools were damaged in Jacksonville last year by explosives. . Careful FREE Delivery © - Ample FREE Parking Open Friday Evening FURNITURE 144 OAKLAND AVE. or damage property. A 19-year-old prison-bound youth got no sympathy from Oakland County Circuit Judge H. Russel Holland yesterday after the judge wa Reporters Sponge “You should look at her and hang Donald R. Ballard, 19, also of Berkley, was placed on probation assessed $150 Uhlig and Ballard both pleaded guilty to breaking and entering TALLAHASSEE, Fla. @ — A bill to impose the death penalty for bombing churches, schools or other public places has been in- The measure, sponsored by Rep. John Mathews of Duval (Jackson- ville) County, also would apply to jfiring of machine’ guns in public) The bill would provide the death penalty when a machine gun was idischarged or a bomb hidden of éxploded in any public place with /j\an intent to kill or injure persons in Area Robbery Kenneth F. Ford, a 23-year-old inicibaler: wedilg te: Wi Township, yesterday was sen- tenced to a prison term of from Judge Holland said Ford re- ceived the prison sentence because he had twice violated terms of Hoffman eae Off Uncle Sam ‘WASHINGTON (UPI) — Rep. Clare E. Hoffman said today that newsmen are “sponging on Uncle Sam” when they use government- supplied typewriters, desks and chairs in the Congressional press galleries. * * The 83-year-old Michigan Re- publican suggested that newsmen who have written dispatches criti- ca] of Congressional allowances for clerk hire and office rental should get a mirror “and take a look at themselves.”” Hoffman's colleagues grinned and applauded when he made the statements during a House speech, Congress provides newsmen cov- ering its activities with work ‘Drive P| Owner Charged in Fatal: fae Oe vaees As ae 'S\volved in, a fatal ‘collision ROCHESTER — Service for|collision w ) George J. Wintermantle, 60, of 143|Tommy King of Port Huron, in er. Sam Sturdivant, 28, owns the car. Both are Port Huron resi- dents. charges-because he permitted Fra- ser to drive the car, Schonk .said,} on, driver of the other racing car,) was accused of reckless driving. Bellini’s Body . . Moved to Enable Church Repairs years to make way for church re-| pairs. to lower the floor of the cathedral, it became ‘necessary to lower E Bellini’'s tomb. The composer's remains will be placed in a new mahogany coffin within a lead Satie ond related OS Coe dral. | e (St. Clair Shores [Park Fights Closing E amusement company operating Jefferson Beach Park has gone to court in an effort to reopen) for another year. voted 6-1 last night-to keep the amusement park ‘closed. An at- torney for the Lakeshore Amuse-| ment Co. then served the coun- cilmen with subpeenas for a show) — cause hearing Friday. keep the 30-year-old park closed after the summer of 1968. The resolution last night claimed the park had an “adverse and detri- mental effect on the health, safety) and general welfare’ of the. com munity. apne Robert Fraser, 26, was the driv- Prosecutor Richard J. Schonk off showed Fraser had been) Sturdivant was named. in the?) Robert Caughill, 26, of Port Hur- CATANIA, Sicily (AP). — Thelfe x *« * Bellini, who composed the opera/E - 2 Norma, died in Paris in 1835, His body was brought to his native Catania in 1876 and entombed in the local cathedral. * & When. werk wok hess, tein otek + MOUNT CLEMENS (UPI)—The; The St, Clair Shores Council The Council decided in 1957 to space, typewriters, copy paper, sta- tionery, envelopes and local tele- phone service. It also employs several attendants to supervise the House and Senate press, radio and periodical — _ * (The Michigan Legislature pro- vides_newsmen in Lansing with work space, typewriters, copy pa- per and local telephone service but not stationery or envelopes. One press room superintenderft supervises activities in the Michi- gan Senate and House galleries.) To Honor Romney PROVEN QUALITY... STANDARD ON EVERY S99 OLDS! eve SETTER OY man “Twa peano new CAP TRY in oweusr THAT’S EASY ON YOUR PORRET +s it costs you less than. you'd ever guess to own and drive an Oldsmobile ‘Dynamic esi The truly wonderful part about owning a Dynamic 88— Oldsmobiie’s lowest priced Rocket —is that you get a quality ride, quality looks and quality workmanship as st This traditional Oldsmobile quality is an accepted fact, but the big news for many new car shoppers is that the Dynamic 88 is easily within their, feach—-many, many dollars less than they'd sed! And whet they see the facts and figures on how their investment holds when they go over to Olds—they’re sold! Ask your Oldsmobile dealer for the facts. There was never a better featuring Soon-0-Way Carburetor and exciusive * 2-etage automatic choke att ~ “ * & ~ '599 Rocket Engine packs all the power you'll ever 8 paring news! The Otdsmobile's- ‘59 need. Sut t's the Radiol s abw economy Set Econ-O- time than right now to get out of the ordinary and into an Olds! eects Stow Se ee tat avian pany il Let your dealer show you why! * warm the theiftiest heart, See your ler for @ Rocket r ° MAKE IT ‘i tt 2 FROCKBE «OFT YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED. OLDSMOBILE- QUALITY DEALER'S JEROME MOTOR SALES Cco., 280 S. Saginaw St, Pontiac, Mich. —DoN'T Miss THE roupsmonits music THEATER”. » EVERY WEEK ON NSC-TVI—— | Beis yi eee S Ga 3) ae . * tS a ek oe Ann Arbor (®—American Motors Corp. President George Romney will receive the University of Mich- igan school of business administra-! tion leadership award in Ann Arbor May 8. The award is presented annually by the student council and faculty of the school to a businessman “who has shown an understanding of the responsibility of business to society and an in-'. terest in. business education.” . Deaths Elsewhere | By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS WASHINGTON (AP) — Julia Keeney, 69, a Republican national cut, died Monday of heart: at- tack, Mrs. Keeney, who was in Washington for a GOP women’s conference, was a member of the Connecticut Legislature from — 1945. She — born a NEW YORK an =. Thaddeus Sztybel, 61, managing director of the Polish "Morning World, a Pol- ish language daily, died Monday, joined the newspaper as a report- er upon his arrival fom Poland in 1939 and became managing director three years ago. He was born in ayratee, eee a HOBART, Okla, (AP) — R. J. Stephens, 44, a bombardier with Gen, James H. Doolittle’s B25s that made the 1942 air raid on Tokyo, died Monday. He had been retired with a disability. : REMINGTON : RECONDITIONED | committeewoman from Connecti-i— — —While You s Wail Service— Ja apparently of a heart attack. He 3 estore every Wednesday week. WEDNESDAY—2 to 3:30 P.M. Electric Shaver » — . SIMMS SERVICE—Remington fac. tory representative will . oe Reg. 98¢ - 98 NORTH SAGINAW Pink Cream e Pink Stick ¢ Pink Spray LOOK FOR THE NEW PINK:STRIPED CONTAINERS! ~checks both odor and perspiration instantly! ia wi on coolly, invis« ibly! : ~s0 quick, so light, so convenient! — Main Floor “Blestic “so overlays or twin coveriettes, - time of the. collision. Police said|—e @ tests Infan $1.10}. Choice of 3 Styles. “Infants? PANTS = 69 ‘Plastic mee ie sg oak sides, For. shorts thumba pot with Sins an ‘ete. White and colors. Sizes birth to 32 pounds. (2 pants $1.30.) SPECIALS for NYLON Knit Choice of ever- glaze cottons, . checked ginghams, hobnail designs, green coin. dot de- signs , .. and oth- ers in choice of . full and twin sizes. No limit. Tufted CHENILLE SPREADS Regular values to $8. Lovely an in twin or full so included multi-color size. Heavy sheeting base. Deluxe Quelity—UNBREAKABLE 10-Qt. PLASTIC PAILS Reg. $1.95 99° Batter of ian Rott roll-rim, s ° n he truction, | peel. abl = wt ‘metal bale "Nationally diode QDDLE T YKE ts’ ite iegeier. Valves to : $123 : : Sides from birth w 22% s. Choice of r several styles, in white. colors. (2 shirts eecces eeece soveccesecesouccvascscoeeucoees girls. Acetate tricot knit. S-M-L - WOMEN Cotton Braided CLOTHESLI NE Reg. $1.49 100 FEET Full 100-ft. Pa of famous ‘Crocus’ cotton braided 300 tines. Limit feet’ per person. Oeecccssceccccccecocccoes ALUMINUM Corry-All Cake Serv with LOC-ON COVER $4.95 sg Value rege be holds - Sens, vod cates, se P ne r 8. I high, uften diam ., Cover copper red Sauk late adh ‘iver: like finish. As shown, m—e iy 98:N. SAGINAW— -WAXIE: Waxer or Ceecooessocesoecese Choice of 2 New Styles MAGNI Broom SE ah ne AO ce are , i ! £ i 2 i i Z ett ; # &z. : fs : ge g H f E in § z 5 E er i it ir iri HL: : sit hi F ty ettiy ile a = ¢ if : z $y HL i é $ fl #5 ag if i g | f i ; @ close forma‘ion New 100-inch wheelbase RAMBLER AMERICAN STATION WAGON America’s lowest-priced, top-economy | station wagon, Save on first cost, ges. up- help satellite nations loosen Mos- a fersiqn iealee combing. Go Rambler... PONTIAC: Bill Spence, Rambler Sales & Service, 211 Saginaw St. © HIGHLAND: Wilson Auto Sales, Inc., | | Rabies 420 Mae saet CUTICAT Andereee Recbiec, 759) "Aabere Re © WALLED LAK: BSC | : : 5 bad 3 '. urn 5 3 j __ Ration controlled or dominated by Moter Sales, 8145 Commerce Rd., Route 5. 7 | { ‘Gisstance sould be bared ents) 1 LIVE BETTER BY FAR WITH A BRAND NEW CAR_GO RAMBLER! PTT 7 Tt KATHI'S sheath slim ARNEL JERSEY 7.98 a pair of sheers is afl. you need to shorten it A slim shaft of dress pleated from neck to hem with an elasticized waist for flattering fit. All of Arnel’s easy-care features .. . washes like your best nylons, need no ironing,- ever. Pleats can't wash out, won't sit out! And, you cut your own hem length with just a pair | > of shears . . . edge won't fray’ or unravel. The Alarm Clock with the arm Clock wit me Xe an Black, aqua or white, sizes 10 to 18. VARI - ore i you will, ‘ - new idea ip alarm clock styling an pleats won't Mail Orders Filled or Phone FE 4-2511 wash out! Waite’s Daytime Dresses .. . Third Floor Slight imperfections mean terrific savings! CHOOSE FROM 3 BEAUTIFUL FLOWER-FRESH PRINTS IN . CHATHAM SUMMER BLANKETS dee a ee ALL WEW FROM SUNBEAM—Electric Clocks with the smaller, quister Torgus-Mite Motor sealed in oll for years af silent servic. are Choose from three beauti- ful flowered prints in this wonderfully soft summer blanket! The slight imper- fections will not impair the wearing qualities. Com- pletely washable, colorfast, and due to a new process these blankets are. germ- free for their entire life! *plus tax | : 3 NEW mad . psy PY o® Many colors, large 72 by the Conc. ; Oo tee 90” size. Stock up now! gee" °@Ptin giectrio .: : ‘ * : Waite's Blankets ... Fourth Floor Cloth Dept. oe» Biree! Flogr Mes, Phi ; x | oa \ ANS b ’ a ; be : j & j : Se Ee 2. See SY RES eee eS Ma € Sn Cae he oe he eR ee gS foo | Lok ees OP : SE ORS Be POR a, ae. ae See el eee ee eee, ee, SP en ee ee er Pee PERE ae e a PE ae ee a A Pee kG Ca ame WR ce ee aa ie ae gn ‘ ou). : a an Bove Le oS Bees: ee see 2 Bee a 4.3 : a Pee FoF : 3 SS i \ Pg hs C5 1g : ; Sent. : - ’ Any eee satiate tee : Meee 5 . a Te oe pee } ¥aS at e : Re ; ee r f y 1 i : £ : A e rey es. ee Fe * } ‘ ‘ : ie : cae = : a ps es Bl es Way pos : fi fare oi ee Ss ss s : ij CMe Boal ate ARROW 2 Coiticell - Ambassador tabs Brown America's Favorite Children’s Shoes . & CHANEL Kei fortum a. Lae “Gloves ra i THE, PONTIAC Pass. TUESDAY, ‘APRIL us pC ee ree oe ee White mp Cy =a Health-tex Toc Fea ae i : HS Ma. ajesty 7 BUXTON i, e=asry Nei en” , Leila | Max Factor LoLuiPor” “@ SY CONSTANTING — Charm Tred - GREGOR A | You wouldn’t dream of buying ‘a pig in a ‘poké ! Whether it’s a new dress or a vacuum cleaner... you judge it by reputation! Reputation mearis Brand Names . . . names that stand for 7 cud A value, service, satisfaction. For the best — 7 is tops °° buys in every way... Buy BRAND : — — Dug NAMES at WAITE’S! | 3 : ef : Vf CHATHAM moms (| Ih \ nl maine mM Hardwick — cas *h. Cameo Pandora pss _ sarong # . , Fleet-win pa , “For 0< Think of it! Just metrics, abstracts, 80-square percale by-the-yard, only at Penney’s! PICK FROM HUNDREDS OF PRE-CUT 4-YARD PERCALE DRESS LENGTHS! es one dollar, your nimble. fin-. gers and a beautiful percale print makes the dress of your choice! Find new florals, geoe conversational prints in sun- niest colors. All machine washable, high-count prints!. Unbeatable fashion 1 yard length - WITH FREE LIFE INSURANCE T00! gordi E | 2 a zs LOXD S cam amers errreeni nun denen eR — ——-- ‘ ' REM ESO Ho | | 4 ree i js f i! | | | | Communist or not, there is no about. the leftward ten- s of many of those now in |, : ogee nag ioiorane ae : Hi The newspaper, . Revolution, BIG DAYS... | \has no political significance but the editorial content seems to have. | STARTS TOMORROW! [io cefettee commas — | ee! 148 N. Saginaw St. nde To the Revit” deba ss - only Stroh $‘IS GRE ic (De ee rn ee Bae vie Satay | ce tory Of he Ra brewed over direct fire | Huron St. poem “‘La Voz Esperanzada” (The ‘ J : ee ‘és Soe Teswonh Bet "Site's cuban comin ,.. fite-brewed at 2000! " "" -An déitrial Introducing thenew| 3 | ; 2) mag 4 : oue . . * : Bonk Bldg». Meee ge went mys ty ta . The boiling action you see going on in 4 the brew kettle above is caused by direct Phone FE 4-1568-9 : fire playing on the kettle bottom. This - | BAKER & HANSEN ‘ mia eriii”e A Wyla iro) | A a DHE extreme heat brings forth the finest flavor | 2 of the finest ingredients .... making — : Richard A. DeW its Donald E. Hansen Stroh’s lighter and smoother. Enjoy. the - : ‘ . =e Pes . ‘ : Homeowners’ Policies a 7 refreshing difference ¢ America’s only | Ageident Insurance ‘Fife Insurance _ ip _ fire-brewed beer, today! +e ———~—1 Burglary Insurance Bonds — All Types “i lg ee es : Tenants’ Policies © /~ : You'll lik e ' : Ut i better to be « has-been thax 0 never- partis roles eae tae a He ptt eneuamne The Stroh Brewery Company, Detroit 26, Michigan = Seed : ee ee interior of Cuba. The information| - eg | anys Os Vie ae nee REN og We 8 oe le . [tevane newages, |. ON’ TV: Enjoy MACKENZIE’S RAIDERS (Wednesday, 7:00 P M,_Channel 7) / DMUs ae Ce OY ie ee ont a ae es sedate om at , leg ite aay ee ie cone he — ae ee ped: r- “LorToMeTRist— ; Now Located ot | 9819. ELIZABETH LAKE RO, 1 Block West of M-59 Corner of Cass Lake Road, Pontisc OVER MAC’S DRUG STORE ' Formerly of Rochester _ EVENINGS BY_ APPOINTMENT — Phone FE 2-2362 fin Electronics — ; the first or second class sessions. {SUO Plans _ THE PONTIAC PRESS, TUESDAY, APRIL 14, 1059 Basic Course “Aetels gs oe ‘ PAGER ARENENECeSOR ie cer enesnppenevoeesereperee Established in 1898-, 4 : e ‘Farmer-Snover Funeral Home = 3 160 W. Huron.St. FE2-9171 & PARKING ON PREMISES 3 } ‘ : j j j NOW...20% OFF IF YOU ACT Now! ai, Have “BIG BEAR” Apply REYNOLDS LIFETIME INSULATED SPECIAL! 24x26x8 House Including All Aluminum Siding . . Choice of Colors . . Complete Coulking —100% Gueranteed Bonded | ALUMINUM SIDING | Every Job Unconditionally Guaranteed TE ee, FHA—60 MONTHS 1ST PAYMENT IN JUNE CALL FOR FREE ESTIMATES | 92 W. HURON PONTIAC Security forYou = ~ Estate Planning : >. By RAY HENRY . : You can provide your family with financial security in many ways against your death, And; if you're the average family man, you’ re siren - doing it. * *& * But, without much: additional expensé, could you be- doing it better? Chances are you've on some life insurance, More than 121 million Americans have, totaling. 500 billion dollars. If you’re“working, you almost certainly are covered by social security which, if you die, will assure monthly pay- ments to your widow and to the children while they're growing up. Nine out of 10 families are eligible for this protection. HOME CASH VALUE You're probably buying a home which, although not ae off, represents a-cash value, ’ ” Maybe you've ‘got a pehsion,er annuity ota which "has a cash value. Maybe you own some stocks and bonds. Maybe you own a business. All of these, whether you consider them as such or not, ° are a form of financial security for your family. x *k * Yet, the odds are you've done little to coordinate all your assets to make sure your family — if you should die — receives the. maximum security and financial protection from them. x k * For example: Do you have your insurance payments arranged so your widow and children will be able. to pey off your last debts without financial hardship? Have you taken social security inte consideration in planning for your family? Remember: social security can now provide up to $254 a month to a widow with three minor children. If you have a business interest, would it be better-'to arrange for its sale after your death? Or, should you now develop management for the continued operation of the enterprise? Don’t get’upset if you can’t answer these queations the way you'd like. Without. much trouble or cost, you ‘may be able to get the answers and, thus, coordinate your assets in the best interest of your family. * bankers, lawyers and other financial advisors to describe such planning. And, you can get their help in doing it. (3 Lost Skiers. Idea _|up spirits, survived -a frigid night -|was credited with devising the “Estate planning” is the phrase used by insurance men, Latin America Said Growing Up Rapidly | DETROIT w — Latin America rate unequaled in Western Hem- __, Canterbury Dean Off for Russian Vacation ‘Red’ is growing and developing at a LONDON #—Dr. Hewlett John- Make Your HOUSE a MODERN HOME i} MEMBER FEORRAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION ~~ @ wewva wa. . Scinghe at W. Huron at Tilden . at Glenwoed . . Niele lake cs Lake Grlon. . Waltord © 2 Waterleré © We Have The Needed CASH : You can build in a load of conveniences with a low cost MODERNIZATION LOAN Line up your list of improvements TODAY The Answer To Your Dreams In Many Ways’ National | Bank as On riae¢ Keego Harbor .. Walled Lake Bloomfield Hi Hills a NP ag ne. 20 | Sing and Slap, - Survive Cold Three lost skiers who, huddled in a snow cave, slapping each other to keeb warm and singing to keep high on Mt. Rainier. Ulla Samvik, 31, Bo pe 35, Einer Storakers, Monday noon. They were hungry but un- hurt. | ~*~ *« * Storakers, member of a moun- tain rescue team at Jamtland Fjall, Sweden, before coming to the United States two years ago, survival shelter. “We thinks Qe’ cokerichest” what saved our A experi” * said Miss! Samvik. “He showed us how to dig a cave :with our skis in the snow, where we crawled in and LONGMIRE, Wash. (AP) ~| - sf bl Oe, ae eS Age eg ES Magalt ae ® 80 & 108 Prot. Distilled trem grain. Ste. Pierre Smuisantt Fis. (Div. of Neublein), Wartterd, Cone, in Seaplane opal men board apparently were, killed. * ~« 2s The wreckage was sighted Sa’ urday on a mountain on Cheju Island, off the southern tip of South Korea, The plane had dis-| appeared on a training flight from Japan to South Korea. “Chances that any of the crew) survived are extremely remote,” the ground party reported. Three officers and seven enlist- a an men were aboard the plane. peared April 9 and reported all 10] against medical expenses. when your car = collision vty ms . wi expert, A spent the night.” i The party became lost on a “a = Sunday ding trip. Find No Survivors You OWN Gwe NEED INSURANCE. | A in Proeet yeurelf eit ability liability. *« Uva SETTER Ov na, @rano new CAF INSURANCE i 102 E. Haron St. Ph. PE 4.8284 Ratbichicily © Ful MEAT OF ANY COONING UNIT. WITHOUT SCORCHING. ¥ style sech ri i L NORGE ers _MORGE/n POWER SETTING GIVES FASTEST, © CENTER-SIMMER SETTING KEEPS FOODS WARNS © UNIFORM -HEAT OVEN e a IVD NEAT OVE Gives PERFECT Only NORGE gives you such outstanding | 1 + « such wonderful conventonce . .. nes pect range thet will be « jey te own end @. ; pleasure to use. It’s just one of the complete Hine of NORGE Ges Ranges designed for bee every budget. Ses them oll tedey, GAS RANGE SOLD, GUARANTEED AND SERVICED BY YOUR QUALITY NORGE DEALER FEDERAL Department Stores | E Triple as © Tien Pevensie Salch « » olde, +N en, prt . ‘ ‘ AU BAe VA daha db tana? aciol canta SM, ist, conta aan see ca ee ee [BETTY CROCKER CAKE MIXES Z BETTY cata 3 DESERT SERVER | wting ® MATCHLESS New NORGE Br GAS RANGE - *As PRICES START AT JUST °128 +H WAYNE gue? | fat N, Saginaw . Fluorescent Li MICHIGAN | ight Co. 393 Orchard Lake Rd. GOODYEAR | i. er \o. § \ + 4 4 \ —- — - es \ i eS aS eS ee SS eS LS ee SS Se SES 8 a ah NSO BO SES OSE rT ‘Tl QET BETTER The court, nations, -_ se or Security Council of the U.N. Netherlands, cannot consider any case not voluntarily submitted to it by one or more Nixon proposed that nations signing fu- . ture international agreements agree to be which sits at the Hague, ee See a pe eee court's ee arford Tips Gets One New Paral | One pa 0 EE Waterford ice Depart-|and has four children. ment last night in the first official] With the hiring of Griffith, business of the new seven-member) Officer John Forbush was pro- Township 1 = ———s*| meted to assist Lt. William Veteran police reserve officer| Stokes on investigation work. @ special assessment dis- trict for the blacktopping of Lans- — : .. idowne ‘and Marion streets at the Man Confesses final hearing last night Wife's Murder . et ee, ce to Billy Graham - approximately : wea SYDNEY, Austrialia uw — Bitly|°°%" construction . ; cnn i reo Se ee ors Fy ei Ed a i? Fi ‘ ily [ I i! [ election but had served the board as a replacement ‘appointee. Street Cleaner Whips About Mount Clemens © 5 ae Ge CLEMENS) Mich, (AP) Selfridge Ss z : i 7 f iil and Wiliam B, Fish. To Call Bufalino on Stand Today. Senate Rackets Group Will Quiz Teamster in Jukebox Probe Rackets Committee will call Wil- liam Bufalino, Detroit teamsters afternoon for questioning about tes- timony linking his name with gang- sters and jukebox rackets. ¥ * * Bufalino, president of the Detroit Teamsters Jukebox Local No. 9385, committee contending any attempt to connect him with lawlessness is a “sinister attack on my character and reputation.” Committee Counsel Robert F. Kennedy said other witriesses would include Angelo Meli, an un- cle of Bufalino, and Samuel Tocco, one of Bufalino’s former business In testimony before the commit- tee on Sept. 27, 1957, Bufalino said he wasn’t sure whether Meli had put up $46,000:to launch Bufalino in the presidency of the Bilvin falino a front -man for notorious Thursday Night Is Always =, Night “-SyWwan Glen Inn A Very Coniplete Hot and Cold Buffet Dinner Is Served from 6:00 P.M. to 10:00 P.M. A ‘tempting hors d’oeuvre table ig arranged for your pleasure ewhile having cocktails. Please come—we know you will enjoy I. SYLVAN GLEN INN Rochester Read, Troy | TB 9-0660 at y (Between 18 and 19 Mile Roads) to Bufalino’s local under labor con- tracts that cut their pay as much as $10 a week. They said con- tract called for $25 for a 70-hour work week, Youth Hospitalized After Car Collision A 17-year-old Pontiac youth is “WASHINGTON. @®The Senate union official to the stand thist- = fel t ag i z Ha Po E & G F i ; i 1 F g Two examiners are on duty to | offer advice in person from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m: Another is avail- able over the telephone. The last minute returns don’t add. any appreciable load at the post office, said Robert C. Miller, acting postmaster. “Pontiac people usually have filed their returns well in advance of April 15,” he observed. FIVE MILLION LEFT Nationally, it’s estimated that five million or more taxpayers will file returns today or tomorrow. Pontiac area. returns are to be 1, Be sure to include your social , leccutiie number and your name (some people always forget to sign - jtheir returns.) * 2. If it’s a joint filing, both hus- band and wife must sign. 3. Cheek your arithmetic. Last year, twe million people made mistakes in addition, subtraction or other figuring. . 3. Include a check or money see en rene Be eeey in unpaid taxes. 4. Send the return to the - address, not to Washington. Precint an always gets at least one Waterford Man *° Takes No-Pay, ‘\No-Duty Post - A Waterford Township resident was elected by one write-in vote; to a position that has no pay or duties; ge - - accepted. A canvass of the~ votes made nly the Township Board reveaied| that Democrat Walter Brinkman of 1496 Eason Rd. is the new! township highway commissioner, position township officials have been trying to abolish for years. Brinkman, who was out of the state on election day, is a retired General Motors Truck and Coach executive. Although he and his wife have lived in the Watkins Lake area for the last 14 years, this is his first political position, he rem * i Hl Eg £2 ft EI 4 a . ctdeat (WO Arvesied After Break-In | at Western Auto Western Auto Store, 162 N. Sagi- naw St., last night. Patrolman Robert H. Rood said be was walking his beat when he heard a noise at the rear of the Izet him appointed to the Federal/he discovered five iron bars pried Trade Commission. off a window. - — oe x * Ss 2 “Then I saw two figures in. "I'm. sure I'll be better off in| side,-in the garage at. the rear of the main building,” Rood said. “When the two men opened a AlyeatoFace SEStsree* Second Trial Jury Failed to Reach|——- lt Al, Mle. ay i. Ab a Mr STRITE enoahows.- hed ALL COLOR PROGRAM * Verdict in Southfield Slaying Case Raymond L, Alyea must stand) trial a second time on a charge| of first-degree murder, Circuit Judge William J. Beer ruled today. Defense motions to dismiss the charge against Alyea, whose trial] MMGK early this year. resulted in a hung jury, were denied by Judge Beer. He granted, however, a motion to|}’ let the 35-year-old Detroiter out-on bail for the first time since “last August. Alyea is accused of robbing and stabbing to death Anthony Jasinski,| 51, @ Southfield nursery caretaker, Aug. 1 at Igenfritz Nurseries, Inc., 22951 Northwestern Hwy, where Ja-' sinski was employed. : 1 Alyea’s 27-day trial ended Feb. | 4 when a seven-woman, four-man jury announced after a week's deliberation that it could not reach a verdict. Judge Beer set Alyea’s bond at $10,000. If Alyea can post it, he will be free to leave Oakland Coun-/f . ty Jail prior to his second trial, which probably wil] be scheduled soon after the next jury term be- gins May 5, Prosecutor Frederick) C. Ziem said, * one| SUpper at Clarkston BLUE SKY “THE BRIDGE ON THE RIVER KWAI ~ CINEMASCOPE : TECHNICOLOR®. 4 ‘SAM SPIEGEL PRODUCTION: A COLUMBIA PICTURI WINNER of LAST YEAR’S THEATER THE LATEST THE FINEST IN-A-CAR —Job's Daugh- ter’s of Clarkston are sponsor- ing a ‘wpeshettt: yee at 6:30 p:tn. today™°in Masonic Temple here. OUR SPECIAL for Wednesday! } Potted Swiss | . STEAK With Garden Vegetables _ 80¢ | WAIDELICH’S a} 124 N. Perry Greyhound Bus Station —— STARTING —— FRIDAY PONTIAC DRIVE-IN THEATER in satisfactory condition today at ONE WEEK SPECIAL! : USED SINGER & Electrified PORTABLE eas +4950 FREE snl | OR 3-9702 | ree A a . tebuild and service all makes. * CURT'S APPLIANCES — ne 6183 Jameson St. Joseph Mercy Hospital after being injured in a two-car collision Frid ; shall St., was driving west on Pike street when: another car, driven by Emil T. Majszak, 31, of 11 to the hospital with neck injuries. Saws Legs Off Table, Wife Wins Divorce and bear it. “We sat on v.aftows to eat, our _ SCHOOL GRADES Piper : UIPMENT co. seen pany | tendant Alfred Holmes has quite | off confused and empty handed. |ecan will adopt a filat- LONDON (UPI) — Garage at- | a vocabulary. When four bandits held him up early today he swore at them so effectively they ran _ NILES #—House Speaker Don Pears (R-Buchanan) predicts the rate state income tax and also a David M. Kosiba, of 76 N. Mar-| “DENVER (AP)—When Roberti] Last Times Tonite “ROOTS of HEAVEN” _ “STORM RIDER" - Starts Warnentgy! mM, Pal eo aVe rT yl iy ais. Academy s Award |; mic Hwy FE 5-4500 The Picture That Broke All Records for Two Weeks AT—1:00, 3:05, 5:15, 7:24, 9:30 “Rowdy, ratlish, racy, randy, robust and Rabelcisian, i) is @ hilarious siory on the joys ef simple living.” ««.» NEW YORE HERALD TRIBUNE FILMED ON LOCATION IN. THE HAYSTACK | Suing C FRED CLARK ; i se Mating Game Starts FRIDAY! She's the Sweetheart of the Beach Gemeration PLUS: SPORTS TRAVEL, TOM & JERRY ‘CINEMASCOPE = = Gn CO-STARRING—SANDRA DEE, CLIFF ROBERTSON in the Fox Theater Detroit! THE PIXIE OF PARIS! — VvuVvvVvVvVVvVVVeVeVVTVTY. pean EXCLUSIVE FIRST RUN . AMERICAN LANGUAGE VERSION ~ THE NIFTY 2 NAPLES! - wow! GINA TAKES ONSINA sr ar on THE FOREIGN LEGION — thE ‘ OPEN 10:45 25¢ to 1 P.M. TODAY ‘LAST TIMES q “Mever Steal Anything Small” anaes and Color lus: George Nader in “APPOINTMENT WITH A SHADOW” MMNER f B 6 tH HALE: om OATTAMERICAN SAGAS / by DE LUXE AASCOP E STUART reer eeT eee ee ee ee Oe OTE OT OU COC ECV CCTV CT CCC TOT U CCV CCU CCV CCCCCTCCCCCCCE CCC CCC PAPRPPPPPPPPPPD PPL PPA PPP DPPPP IPP DD PAPP PP PP PDA PP PPP PPP PPP PPP PPP PAPAS SPT a en + se cE PHC ‘ onINT OY asia WHITMAN "Mn To tonek. oe MURRAY - EGAN « REMICK - c, a8 : on_N y ae <= MO os Symbolism of Bible Is OES Topic St. Benedict Church is holding its _ annual Carnival Capers from 4 to 8 _p.m. Saturday at the church: ahd school. Giving a sneak preview of the Gerzanics. "festivities are, left to right, ‘Mike Matyniak, Teresa Visinare and John ' Pentiae Prete Photo Committee Heads Named for St. Benedict Carnival Musie¢ Guild Workshop Set Mrs. Alice M. Kern, instruc- tor in piano in the School of Music of University of Michi- gan Extension Service, will be guest instructor at the work- shop to be sponsored by Pon- tiac Music Guild, ; The workshop, open to the public, will be held Thursday at Congregational Church, tion will start at 9 a.m. and the affair will con- tinue until 3 p.m. A luncheon will be served by guild mem- bers. - Patricia Lea Hovis Wed _ to Richard. Norman Berry ea | ee “" They . Parents of the couple are Mr. and Mrs. J. Clark Hovis of Eason avenue and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Berry of Royal Oak. The bride wore an imported silk bombazine gown with a princess bodice accented with pearls and Alencon ‘lace -The bouffant skirt formed a chapel train and she carried # bouquet of camellias and hyacinths. ATTEND BRIDE Mrs. Robert Chaffin of Ithaca was matron of honor. Brides- maids were Nancy Berry, sis- ter of the bridegroom, and Louann Vath of Sharpesville, — Pa. wote aqua organza dresses embroidered with pink ‘rosebuds, and carried bouquets of rubrum lilies and green ivy. church parlors, the couple left for Los Angeles, Calif. where Mr. Berry will defend his fenc- Gt white and pink. Mrs. Berry was dres: soie dress MRS. RICHARD N. BERRY “Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Marsh of Anderson street have just ~ returned from several months’ vacation in St. Petersburg, Fla. _ w & &, Pontiac area residents Dr. J. Robert O'Reilly, publicity. In charge of indoor activi- Model's Course ° for Teeners Set at Will-O-Way ’ A modeling course designed for teenage girls will be offered _ by Will-O-Way Apprentice Theatre, Bloomfield Hills. The eight-week course will be held from 7 to 8 p.m. every Wednes- Classes will include the es- sentials of grooming, makeup, hair styling, clothes, and apply- ing for a modeling job. Guest speakers, specialists in their fields, will take part in the program. Treesa Way of Birmingham is in charge of the course. Elaine M. Monroe, . Leslie Lezcano Wed Mr.. and Mrs. Lloyd M. Monroe of Myrtle avenue an- nounce the marriage of their daughter, Elaine Kathryn, to Leslie A. Lezcano, son of Jose Lezcano and Mrs. Hilda Cabal- @lero both of Conception, Pan- ama, * *® ® The couple, was married March 21 in Sacramento, Calif. “ They are now living in San Francisco, Calif., where the bridegroom is— attending the University of San Francisco. were awarded degrees at Mich- igan State University are Rob- ert Alflen, son of Albert L. Alflen of Orchard Lake, B.A., general business; Michael V. Bell, son of ‘Mr, and Mrs. Jo- seph Bell of Birmingham, B.A., Keith Schachern and Robert E. so cia! science division; and O'Keefe are year chairmen for the University of Detroit's sixth, annual alumni fund drive. Dr. Schachern of Miami road : is a graduate of the- dental school and is chairman for the year 1937; Mr. O'Keefe of Birchland street is a 1949 graduate of. the College of Finance. . . Commerce and * * * Beth North, daughter of the Rev, and Mrs, Robert North of South Jessie street, has been chosen to be “a member of Orphetis Choit of Olivet Naz- arene College for its/ 28th an- nual spring concert tour April 25-May 3. ot, 2° ' Pontiac area students who . Birmingham, B-A:, production - Charles E. Butler, son and Mrs. William Steed of East Walton boulevard, BS., geology. Others are G. M. Christo- pherson, sén of M.A. Christo- pherson of Vinewood street, '.M.A., general. business; Sher- rill G. Lyor, daughter of Dr. Everette W. Lyon of West Wal- _ton boulevard, « B.S,, . medical technology; Richard E, McGee, son of Clarence E. McGee ‘of administration; Duane W, Rob- Russell A, Robertson of Bir- ' mingham, B.S., packaging technology. — Still others are Robert D. ‘Scheel, son of Ralph Scheel, ~ journalism; ‘ , f ' _ i * fe L. 4 pore 1 Officers Members of the Holiday - Farms Branch of the Woman’s National Farm and Garden As- Probation Officer to Address PTA Pilgrim Unit Holds Luncheon Meeting Pilgrim Group of First Con- gregational Church met at the church for a cooperative lunch- appointed for the linen booth for the Christmas Bazaar. May will be the month for birthday offerings. ‘The group sewed cancer pads. To Address Nurses Billie Hobolth, R.N., will dis- cuss missionary work in Ecua- dor at the meeting of Oakland County District of ‘Michigan Practical Nurses Association tonight. Members will meet at 7:30 p. m. in the doctors’ class- room at Pontiac. General Hos- pital. 8. TUESDAY! APRI 14, pins and needles.” | esd : j ae : Pontiae Press Photo ‘Summer can’t come too soon for Pontiac Central High School senior Marilyn Vernon. On June 24 she’ will be among 100 Michigan high school vocalists who will leave for a concert tour of Europe with the Michigan Chorale. Marilym admits she’s really “on * City Girl to Go Abroad With Michigan Chorale By MARGARET BROWN * Come June 2%, Detroit's Wil- low Run Airport will echo the enthusiastic chatter of young voices when 100 high school vocalists and their counselors spend what promises to be the most exciting summer of their - throughout the state. Among its members is a Pontiac Cen- tral High School senior, Mar- ilyn Vernon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry F. Vernon of West Rundell- street. Marilyn is one--of the 100 PEA Reveals Plans. Wilbur S. Edwards, vice president of Encyclopedia Britannica Films, will be guest banquet will be held at 6:30” p. m, April 23 at Devon Gables. Mr. Edwards’ career has been spent in the field of com- munications.. He spent 18 years . with the Columbia Broadcast- ing System: He joined the Encyclopedia. Britannica Films staff in 1956 and serves as director of distribution. A na- tive of North Carolina, he at- tended Davidson College and Yale University. His home is in Chicago. Chairman for the banquet is Vera Mae Adams of Pontiac Central High School. Melvyn Staebler. of Madison Junior High School i# the current president of the Pontiac Educa- tion. Mrs. Leo McDonald of Central High School is pub- ~- licity chairman. Birmingham, B.A., general business administration; Mary E. Wait, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. E, Wait of Ogemaw road, B.A,, elementary educa- tion; Joseph C. Walker, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Walker of West Iroquois road, B.A., and William R. Yaw, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam R. Yaw of Bloomfield Hills, B.A., economics. * * * Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd G, Backart of Birmingham §ar- rived in Mobile, Ala., Monday aboard the SS Alcoa. Clipper after a 16-day cruise in the Caribbean. The itinerary in- cluded the Dominican Repub- lic, Venezuela, Trinid and the Dutch island of Curacao. Elected t of the. jun- jor commerce class at Ferris Institute is James B. Holbel, son of Mr’. and Mrs. B. A. Holbel of Spokane drive, James, an accounting major, - of Stanley avenue and Mrs. Peter Donaldson of Ell- for April 23 Banquet W. 8. EDWARDS : News of Personal Interest in Pontiac Area is also a member of Omega Tau Omega Fraternity, vice president of Tau Kappa Delta service organization, and a past treasurer of Tau Kappa Delta. . * * * Announcing the birth of a ‘gon, David Brian, March 26 are Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Archer (nee Beverly Maguire) of Boston, Mass. Grandparents’ of the child are Mrs, Irene Archer of Court drive and Mr. and Mrs. Thom- as Maguire of Oxford. ‘* * * The birth of a son, James Lynn II, April 6 at St. Joseph Mercy Hospital, is announced - by Mr. ‘and Mrs. James L, Price (nee: Cathy Donaldson) of Omar street. The infant's grandparents are Mr. and Mrs, Harry Price r. and wood avenue. . talented students chosen from “. .. a lot of work, but worth all the effort.” * *¥ * _ This wholesome teenager is a member of the high school choir, Senior Girls’ Ensemble, Song Spinners, Playcrafters Club, and soon will be a. mem- ber of Thespians’ nationad- hon- orary dramatic society. Her fellow students ‘at Cen- tral know Marilyn well for in addition to her musical and dramatic endeavors, she finds time to be active in the Y- Teens Club and serves as an assistant in the chemistry lab. English she lists as hér fav- orite subject. And if it seems that the above-mentioned activities like- ly keep her nose to a well-worn grindstone, please be ‘informed that Miss Vernon also ig a Past Honored Queen of Bethel No, 40, International Order of Job's Daughters; ‘secretary of the Youth Fellowship at Oak- land Avenue United Presbyter- ian Church, and a member of a teenage missionary group, - The Michigan Chorale, spon- sored by the Council of Churches, was orangized in 1958 and toured Europe for the first series of concerts with some 74 students, TO SING FOR QUEEN Half of this summer will be spent in England where the young singers will have. the once-in-a-lifetime experience of appearing before Queen Eliza- beth II. If all arrangements can be cleared, Marilyn. adds, members also will present a concert in Russia. She isn’t worried about be- ing lonesome during her sum- mer abroad. Her cousin, James Casey of Oxford, also is tour- ing with the Chorale this sum- mer, Last year the two were together at Interlochen, * * * While in Europe students will Stay with a different family each week. Marilyn explains, “We'll"be taken in ‘like sons and daughters and learn their customs.” : x * * Currently the group is pre- senting concert’ throughout the state. On April 18 they will sing at Royal Oak’s Dondero High School, and on April 26 will appear in a concert at Ann Arbor. June 17 the Chorale will be at Cranbrook. PLANS MUSICAL CAREER Following graduation in Jan- uary 1960, Marilyn, who is aim- — ing for a scholarship, would like to major in music at the University of Michigan. or Alma College, ai: : * * * She’s taken piano lessons for seven years and currently. is: studying voice under Mr. George Putnam, vocal music | department head. at Pontiac Central High School. She differs little trom: most = teen girls in the favorite-singer _ department. . Pat Boone, of course, walks off with. this Mr. Janes, who will take over his duties officially Wednesday, comes here from Williamsport, Auxiliary Meets at Legion Home Verner Macom, \J chairman, and Mrs, C. S. Chandier. Verneda Forro Wed to Richard Cooper Verneda Faye. Forro and Richard John Cooper - were married recently at St. Michael Mrs. Donald Bradsher « of West Rutgers avenie an nounces. the marriage of her . - ‘. DOROTHY 4. BRM at the Door _ “Dear Mrs. Post: My daugh- ter is going to be married next month and after the cere- mony we would like our many friends to go down into the social hall of the church for a piece of wedding cake and a glass of punch. However, I pEvaRqEES at sali: ies EE retin dei r gF F ef bs, { a £ 8 lat z z!.£ ae rf Fig. i fat pill Hh F a bad fi § { f ait i. bol eel | (tes § Z é 2 r gee ! repst ep ie! balty, nie slg: g4 of aah EE AL z 4 : z z fp a ¢ iene i a ee seal, ct ili hg? a a i lf f pe At Oge’s your. germane. ae _are caréfully classified © -andcleaned in one of eight - cleaning units, the process. ~~ just right to retain the look of new. beauty and For.a ‘tailing experience in dicitg on? . FE. 4-9593 or visit one, ‘of our corivenient Cash and Carry sores For Your Cenvanioece— FREE Gifts for the Entire = mK UNION LAKE ROAD, © 4481 Highland Road Ace UNION LAKE VILLAGE _ @379 E. Pike “@ 368 Auburn ‘@ 430 Orehard Lake @ 269 N. Perry @ 523 N. Pontiac Trail _» Walled Lake lit | Husband Talks could talk for hours. Now you do | When you learn anything about} talking overhear him discussing the matter ee } Spring ia Coats — ane Suits: : _ Regularly to $89.95. co ‘ Awonderful & collection of Spring _* coats and suits. j at tremendous values. All wool 4 imported and domestic fabrics. oon - > is aN . 2) “HURON at TELEGRAPH ve ae Tha, Fri hy 9—Tues., Wed, Sat. 10. to 6 ‘ |dinner together, Leave the chil- night a week, go out tol” food is good and the atmosphere relaxing. ‘ By the second cup of coffee you -may be surprised to find that your husband is in a talkative moed. If he is—iet him do the telephone co children..What many couples need Last of ail, make a bigger effort Here, reading good books, keep- ing up with local and world events through your daily paper will be a big help. 2 If there’s a smudge on the wallpaper, rub- over the area LIGHTLY with in art-gum eraser. Don’t rub hard; you for ‘me if you think I’m right.” KEN DEAR KEN: Your mother should have given you the op- portunity to accept (or re- fuse) your own invitation... Child Problems tion, will speak on’ “Understanding Your Growing Child” at the Cro- foot School PTA meeting, to be|” held at 7:30 p. m, Thursday in the multipurpose room. “e could damage embossing. = AN OUTSTANDING COLLECTION ‘OF BEDSPREAD EN-. SEMBLES—coverlets, throw spreads? one-piece spreads, king- size spreads and many other styles. Matching draperies or cafe curtdins, valances, dust ruffles, - _ shams—JUST ABOUT ANY COMBINATION YOU WANT! . SOLIDS and ‘PRINTS in a VARIETY of FABRICS — polished cottons, ' taffetas,satins, corduroy chintz and many others: OVER 30 FABRICS from which to choose’ and each can be had in four to eight different colors.” SAMPLE SPREADS of each fabric on display. ‘SPECIAL ORDERED for you. ‘Woeradnntely two weeks det livery. Prices start at $16. bo. : COVERLET DUST RUFFLE (Fine quality polished cotton in colors of pink, butter-gold, white, brown, turquoise, blue. This spread is in erp : FE: 4-056 folls me FLOOR COVERINGS + DRAPERIES — SEDSPREADS (pictured ‘obove)... (pictured above). . But, it probably wasn't what $16 $10 OPEN FRIDAY and MONDAY NIGHTS — Cool, pretty and quick to sew— it’s the muu-muu! No fitting prob- lems — pop it over ae head to wear as sundress, smock beach cover-all. Pattern includes | I have | 2'feit-addreseed, stamped. tavelope. " \Crofoot PTA To Direct » |to Hear Talk on Services” > Birmingham Area Council: to Greet Charles Mentzer Welfare Council and the Greater Altoona Federation for College, Pa., and Ohio State University, where he received his M. A. in social work, Mr. Mentzer has held similar com- munity posts in Los Angeles, Richmond, Ind., and Bay City. He, his wife and two children will make their home in Bir- mingham. George Newton " \Elected to Head Do-C-Do Club Officers were elected when hool. George Newton will head the group. serving are Ted Cork, vice president; Mrs. Bruce Srigley, secretary; Willis Leturgy, treasurer; and Russell Newman and Marvin Alward, board mem- bers, guests Martin Lock and John Streit were callers. « A dinner dance will be held April 23 at St. Benedict Hall. Central Elementary (PTA to Plan Fair Plans ‘for the annual fair to be heki May 7 will be completed Central teachers will furnish and serve refreshments. in . . YET ECONOMICAL Nt Restyling while reupholstering . i ' can update basically good furniture, bring’ it a new look pride ... and save you a good share of the money it would cost you to replace with new ~ furniture of comparable quality, “Elliott” S of Waterford ORIando 3-1225 | : ie which you will find new Phone us for full in- formation... we will . “bring samples and give quotations, in your own home. - ; f Quality Carpeting | ove SS, TUESDAY, APRIL 14,1990. | statusineciery | Oakland PTA Conference iam - ~ i Techniques,” will be the theme Ei Pecans oad Teachert eal the workshops, -——s—=—St dings, and Samah eee eee ae of District 7 of Michigan Con-. | vice president Otto Yntema will TIPPER rs ce days of America, Indi — pone Sere 9, eee | head the “cracker barrel” RAI SR Waser emnt yee it will be| ens of every.tribe changed coit- | °° APrl pegged hagas pli P tia «oe also for| fures as they passed. from | The conference, designed to Sa adeaisrs onilac | “US I am_- often| itlhood to squawhood to moth- pr me than 55,000 mem- All school PTAs and PTSAs es a eee : aed a Oakland County an op- | can send a3 many representa- is pleased to announce that appl ae dny-| ‘This ritual of changing hair ee eee pobgnsnehigremelonen Pe are at fot the = the scene until) style, especially of shearing off | 7° byes = fe gabe maximum benefits should aie now being accepted i completely| the hair, was known through- | ean aed = “Miss International Contact Lens” Contest compan-| out'the ancient Mediterranean — “d gee foal The ‘wianer 3 of contact lenses a husband and wife might| world, especially in ancient | Tawss sttset, Boch of Clean Beverage ischodeg tctel oat Seah tite.n of. ar ‘ Israel., Assyria, Persia, Tur- * ponte sp to Chiean e * * { key, ete. It is still practiced «© * Stain at Once Beach Hotel where she will reign at the Firs “The Men Are Hav-| teday in many areas of the PR aaa gay Loo ypc ag rl phot reo a1 ‘world, which Accidents will happen when . : : ; zi - yoap be ereray ion sealed youngsters gather for Official Entry Blanks Available at. . question. It is far idea! : ys bring history wuchull’ estates drinks ! when the wile spends almost evi) t | Ch h WSES U it M t cedure books for spilled on clothing may result PONTIAC OPTICAL CENTER ery day at home, with only, the sentra Nure JNIUCS ee begin at 7:30 p.m, in a brown stain. 103 ¥ fis FE 2.0281 companionship of youpg children, : 25 WORKSHOP GROUPS _ So, when spilled, sponge the | . Saginaw St., Pontiac Vass . and’ then. has no. companionsh " Eleven circles of the irive.. Concluding the list are the | Following registration, the | Fea at once with cool. water - Ley ss Soh RAN att ; with ber basband during the eve-|- , of Christiah Ortha Circle, whose general meeting will be held or equal parts of alcohol and | , . nings.-This sort of situation, over) Women’s Society met with Mrs. D. | With workshops set up in dif- | water. Then rub glycerin into a long period, can change a nor-| Service at Central Methodist a road, and | ferent rooms for 25 the stain. After half an hour, = = —— mally happy . woman-jnto.a..sen-|_¢yurch met during the past the Jean Bagnall Circle's | £Foups. These workshops will.| rinse with water and wash 9 PERMANENTS Qn ~> hn Steen WA UE biake Sinan - "that a man should be able to McClellan Jr participated | im Meet Thacetery at the home of Mrs. Charles Neldrott, state chine washable, of course. Poy 4 , Ruby Austin on Pioneer and should have the opportunity comateagn {IT'S NEW...AND SO WONDERFUL! Emmanuel Christian School will hold its annual father-and- son banquet this evening at 7 p. m. Gilest speaker will be g . | e i William Wilson, coach from ; cee Pontiac Northern High School. Ti C S Can 2 ' Awards will be given to play- an } ‘ ers and cheerleaders. ° ‘ : ore 1 FAMILY CHINA _ THE . 3 OINA. | KNITTING NEEDLE | | 7 452 W. Faas FE 53-1330 | IT'S OVEN-SAFE! | “Time to listen’ is the most difficult factor to snag in a house- hold bursting with children or even with éne child, I believe that fun- damentally most women would _ love nothing better than to be trusted with the doubts and even the failures of the\.men they love as well as with their successes and plans, Many a time many a man would like to talk to his wife but she is too occupied with the children) or her household chores or. her! “own problems or just plain fatigue. Thelma Crow... and her capable staff: || * REPLACED FREE IF Ore Randall Dorothy McKinnis \rdythe Wehriey .IT BREAKS, CHIPS, Because we women think of Nyrna Niedling Joanne Frazer Hazel Clements : mea as strong and practically __ will be happy to serve you at: H *CRACKS OR CRAZES! page ingen teeree polly ~ RANDALL'S HARPER METHOD SHOPPE | curity and guidance, we may 88 Wayne St. -- FE 2-1424 * oan IT’S TRUE sometimes forget that they, too, | « " have their discouragements and SUSAN LAWRENCE thelr weariness, that they = Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Law- HAIR FASHIONS , . . 1959 require the base Feintorcement, which only” they| "ence, of WeBaron, street an. |. of a PROFESSIONAL PERMANENT. women they love can provide daughter, Susan, to Ronald A for them. They surety will mot | ind son of Mr. and Mrs. CALLIE’S BEAUTY SHOP get it from the outside world. Arnold Kind of Waterford. No 116 North Perry FE 2-6361 One theory as to why men die| weddifig date has been set. ; atl latiiiectindi ne iaaiinctleed Sadietiadinatiest laden dicts al io hy teh a et ee ee Ol OLLIE ANY TIME IS VACATION TIME. The Tne Fest 2 “g : : ay / on? eee ' 12 Days in Mexico Now... you and your family ¢an enjoy the: luxury. yo® 6 at. $ 00 of true china every day . . . without @ $i worry as to — cet «niet : 238 its durability—because it is absolutely guaranteed ent Brot , gre plus ait fare crazing, chipping, cxchig, tosine eee mage et ‘ . il ’ : . Crazing, Pping, cracking, f " Naoto git Complete sohaesg” est or damogecoued by dishwasher, deterguts er oven hel ‘ig , tels, t ae oct oh pve ; meals, excellent guides. or te delighted too, to offer you a choles ‘ Of outstanding ns in Franc A ore coreg : China . . . designs created by the same fertets roWr ot 4 artists whose patterns you have admired yeh gh on world renowed Franciscan Ware and cov? sa ws . ' Franciscan fine China, | / ceotes on \ RO ‘nt . , Come in soon and see this wonderful new, ane » gr? wm , —— overvaaty, Franciscan Family China! | On an \\ oo -_ | | ¢ ¢rO_ ove par | 4 BEAUTIFUL gee ig i | We x yn “A? , | PATTERNS! — | 7 ; . < F ‘ ‘ b. on ee , ” : Above: 3k @ | Indian Summer ores | | Left to Right: i Spring Song Del Mar = S-PIECE PLACE SETTING Dinner Plate, Salad Plate, Bread and Butter Plate, Cup, Saucer.......+. 16-PIECE STA | ei 4 Each ae ARTER SET Plates, Cups and SMUOONS ve nsecccccscccueee $2495 a. 45-PIECE SERVICE FOR8 : Fruits, 1 Creamer and Sugar with Lid, 1 Vegetable Dish, 1 Platter. .cccsscsssccucccecs 8 Each of Dinner Plates, Bread and Butter Plates, Cups and Saucers, ; 7495 OPEN STOCK: PIECES ALSO AVAILABLE . Bs | Pontiac Travel — Service 698 W. Huron St; ue , F 4 a “Scentist ‘Grows — “Rat Version of Disease in Test. Tube, ae eh WE .e)2 malady. 1 Pee ow ‘Polio isn’t licked! In fact, mong upecin bagh aye ves eT, A peccome hone y stricken than any other age group. The 1959 season is fast - The -—* sfa sooner you rotected, are polio-p’ * TAKE YOUR Foes sent sat tg ae AOR . ubliched « — service in Council and the Newspaper A vertising Exeoutives Association. cases 1958 over | were A government researcher an- nounced sucessful in test tube tissue culture of bacteria jwhich causes leprosy in rats, He indicated that this might open one way to: + & * 1, Producing ‘a vaccine against the rat disease. | 2. Perhaps ultimately develop- ing 4 vacine against the human ‘ / pr. Y. T, Chang, of the National Institute of Arthritis and Metabol- ic Diseases and the American Foundation, gave this outline in a: report to the 43rd annual meeting of the Federation ener Biology: - * x. ioorety to ene et tee wiles: ec most. elusive organiams. of germ: world, For many he seid, re- searchers maintain juts of the organism outside its natural fhost, the hu- man body. Though it grows vig- orously inside the body, it stops | multiplying and soon dies if placed fm an artificial environment, e. £2°% —_ would like to coax the bug into outside growth be- [ron of possible new antileprosy in baniyn of Wile + “The defendant hed pleaded in- McPhearson -was charged with - |ghooting his wife of 14 years in —|woods near Silas Jan,. 29,. Her — body recovered. from an labandoned well to which, officers said, McPhearson’ led them. se + * * McPhearson testified he and his ooo wife had: argued bit- terly-over terms of a divorce both -jwere considering; He said his wife was shot acidentally~ when he fought with her for possession of a rife. “Today 73.per cent of the families ¥ibarber, isn't, frightened by the ~ pms of ttre. tok hin stedie ppl rege i “Corp. Electric Boat Di-|Hollywood tg lle the| Dynamics Loco ara damab Aldine cise wih tecoring He Stipe ty i YUM" wife, Nan, and I both have faith:! ‘We believe there’s a reason for 1 FARM FRESH i LARGE EGGS age daughters, Pam and Jan, ‘are very close. af “When you boil it. down,” seid! Frankie, ‘‘the family is the most | “lot American Societies for Experi-| ef “The "becllles that causes human| - cause, aside from possibly am Timberman Gets Life | Ae fe aaegiat in the US. own an automobile. Tt You ee to Save Up to Piodep on, SUITS | “SAM BENSON 37 N. Saginaw St. * 7 pos Sa — - You get SMILE bef you spend another cent — t a service station! 2 SMILE-maker SeRvicE—OR YOUR MONEY BACK -The Ohio Oil Company stands behind the Marathon petfoleum products and the automotive services available at this service station. We guarantee that if you are not satisfied with such products and services, upon presentation to us of your evidence of purchase within 60 days from the date of such purchase, your money will be promptly refunded. SERVICE—or your money back—tohen you stop/at a M rathon service station. - 2, The Marathon SMILE-maker SERVICE guarantee in- sures jt. It covers every Marathon product and automotive service we offer. No if’s, no and’s, no but’s. You're got'to be satisfied. It’s the broadest the industry. j F "Homa of SMILE-naker Senvice— _SUPER-M® and MILE-mébat NEW ORLEANS—Henry Hank. 165, Charley CHICAGO - Antonio Marcilla. Me, Coleg. 8. PROVIDENCE, R.I.—Nick Preveti, » Oubpo: Joe DiPierro, oonbocket, RI e@ Berry, 141%, 187%, Joseph, 160%, New Buenos Aires, outpointed Willie Westbrook, SYDNEY. Ausiraiie—Joe Ngidi, 141% Georg ‘IPNH Baseball, PCH Golf. Teams Open Play Romeo Nine Downs Rochester. ai 136, 135, i Ex-Gopher Giel Sold to Pirates: SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — The my t De- ss i a 146, f f " § * 140, 14, Los f r America Minnesota, a bgFo El ki 14 Summary: 7 120 yard high hurdles— Johsson (FC); Drayton (P) .. Robbi. Mile run—Milum (FC); Crenshaw aah i Anderson (PCH) .4:46.5 ¥ 880-y "(FC); Barnett} FC): Byrd (PCH) 2:05. von — (PC); Davidson (FC); High ’ * : Robertson, Car- son, ¢ Kimbrell (all PCH) 6-2. Broad jump—Robb. (PCi; Drayton (PCH); Ledsinger (PCH) 20 feet, 1% in.| Ghot—Brown; Pritchett, Rush iall PCH): 48 feet 114% in; record) ghia Medley relay—Flint (2:35.8.) Western Squeezes by lowa Nine, 6-5 Before another day goes by... After all, that’s what friends are for—being helpful. Our business depends on treating customers as friends. We like to check the spare, for instance. We expect to give the extra little services that can keep your car running good, with minimum trouble and maximum economy. It’s our way of showing we really appreciate your business. , os eo od BE SURE WITH PURE j ( Pure Oil dealers are te hte Sam Benson Soys: IT'S NOW! 1 Must Baise Cash! CREDITORS DEMAND CASH! - ~ Save Up to 60% ‘SUITS ... TOPCOATS : .. PANTS _ JACKETS... SPORTSWEAR NOTICE! You Can Now PARK IN FRONT of My Store on Saginaw St... . 31 North Saginaw St for complete | Deadline Priday Ge ae . lp sg , rs | BRAKES RELINED 15 FAMOUS SERVICES: 4.25. _,_ jto Enter Tourney Silver § din Ls : | insura ronce ... le : .| ville yesterday by plane ffm California to _ytreated to a lump of sugar from trainer Bob | is taking backfield coach | ie atl et Ss ie ‘Cooley Lanes pare for the Kentucky Derby. Silver Spoon, one... Wheeler. ea: after conpling fantastic rec |] Pemeve o8, ¢ whasts: teste SAVSI-GRE: AN 4 Wheels complete, . =. a ‘ee pod au A 5 i ord at Ann Arbor High School. drums; ps ¢ yeas hand g labor and , savings on two or _— ; this PE i a ? , ; hota ge the | ganles Shea ondheo = fi adjust eccen- $49% «om. hand - famed Iowa Winged-T formation| eB toy y= Fld _ rr ae roan een Derby Experts Eye Wood Memorials: === Other Cars $16.95 Except Nash, Studebaker. Hudson MARKET TIRE CO. 77 W. Huron " . FE 8-0424 f 3 E 3 a ra ia sears our Schigns wan 241 a ds, cxample, you can go back/setson and the rebuilding ib 8 2} 15, Q00-Mile | recent years, which was attracted) “Our aim is improvement,” / Automatic . to the Derby in 1951. The race! said Ellicott. “We know we have | / °.¢ | was won by Count Lart, a 15) a lt of werk to do ‘ Transmission wows “We're not going to be big. We : ft ten tee A cmap pgp toag mg won't be able to pound with the Adjustment other teams. Our overall team | Pontiac area Suburban Catholic : oO Seg Bettie. Mora, but. only should be fair but we’don't $ | Lage tacit ear asets|U. o- Mat Title at Stake |icawete vwine suzy vero! senld mtic mee cont] Now GAZ QS ror Any One of the yesterday, with the 5 ra Det atckre, fen Arcore on our new offense tof ONLY vu, Ford Family of Fine Cars jtwo city parochials on the losing STILLWATER, Okla. (AP)—Up- expected. All but fliree of the de-| Suita carry the colt. so they|make up for the lack of great a) |Side, and Orchard Lake St. Mary|wards. of 150 amateur wrestlers, |fending titlists from last year are| finished sixth. power that has marked so many “aar: |"Sharp pitching marked two("@eing from high: school stu-lin and. one of them, Larry Ten] There may be another 20 trot. Michigan teams in the past RUSS DAWSON MOTORS lgames, that by Eaglets’ Stan Kro.|dents to everyday working men,|Pas, former Tlinois University) ting postward come May 2 at the * f *® * ‘ pens i lgulecki the tops. “Kroger” set|start gathering here tomorrow(star, may also enter. -. Downs unless one of the big three} Michigan has 23 returning let- MERCURY % EDERL * LINCOLN * ENGLISH PORD LING | down 16, ide: a> Saturday does an impressive job.|termen but will be missing such|f 232 S. Saginaw « FE 2-9131 16, retiring the side on strike-|for the National AAU champion- * *. " ' | outs the last four frames. | ships i ae other ‘wate aininbers Proof of this are the vanloads/outstanding’ performers as ends |His 8 consecutive SOs ts school — be Of of outsiders already being shipped|Gary Pralist and Walter Johnson, : |record, Eagleta blanked St Oklahoma State University will|@ Japanese teate coached BYlinto Louisville to get the feel ofjfullbacks John Herrnstein, Jim ’ : 44, on one hit. All. Eaglet ‘rung|be,the host and the 20 OSU wrest weit ee ee the track and wait out the situa-|Byers nd Gene Sisinyak, and the CARL'S GOLF boven scobed th the fleet taning on |? the | has brought a new team| tion. — man who did just about everything i so bina, dhnoccueans: Nl the Cowboy Athletic Club are onelot Japanesé high school and col-| Colts such as Sputnik and.|for/the 1958 team, quarterback DRIVING RANGE . “ 2 ae at |! the three major contenders for sven mali gtd Ser bola which give you an idea| Bob Ptacek. De-olt Out @tithe team championship which|two. defending AAU championsiof the around. horse} These are the main reasons ’ P a ied Nee ate |Tulsa YMCA won last year at NomDe nicee team finished tal Met™ay these days. /\dichiean te ecetant, txt the me Free Instruction who fanned 9. ‘Dick Weber was)" "Tancisco with an exhibition match at near| The Derby tavorite om ae. Oe ee PRO LINE MODEL ‘ ‘winner, with 28 strikeouts, Cen- Tulsa again will be strong and|by Cushing, Okla, bowing 53 to moment is C. v. Whitney’s’ Sil- | Injuries, the plague of the Michi- terline scored three rufs in the|ie New York Athletic Club is|@ team of Marines bulwarked by| YeT Spoon, which arrived im |gan football team last year, struck $125 SET GOLF CLUBS to nail the win. Rams/icaded with collegiate stars from|two Oklahoma collegians and @| ‘wlsville yesterday. early, at the Wolverine camp. — 4 Woods, 8 Irons (2-9), 1 Putter day's, practice prior) y,. 1959 season saw East-|high school student. Silver Spoon is a filly, and,j| John Walker, a junior from A $67 deficit in the first innings|™™_ Sch0~ls fare better than in C0 Oy i eset, ey Tee wos Wille’ Lake aod «(op busthdae CT NOW | : nteed |} many years, The Marines “are one of three oa : oo All Work Guore proved too much for St. Michael iat the euetaate wilt be de thelnareice ela saan in. the|in 1915. Even Whitney seems to|suffered a knee injury during a : Complete Line of Free. jto make up at Ferfidale St. James individual, which is traditional in|meet and shouldbe heard from|be backing off, “however, what|tackling drill, He was sent to the y 2 : Check-Up Service and Shamrocks lost $5. However,| 41 AAU events. with such men ag Jerry Hoke of|with this being/the time of year| University Hospital for observation. cart rose W Hagen. Ss Gorman P jit really took @ tworun homer in} officials reported/up at 136 poufds in last year’s|when a filly’s instincts turn to|The extent of his injury was not] 2045 Dixie Hwy. (Formerly Brode’s) FE 5-8095 47 NM. Parke Street FE 0.6022 | the 5th by Larry Yezak to clinch/inat 140 have entered with more! AAU: meet. romance. / immediately determinéd. ° - 3 ‘ the win. Mikemen had moved to 2 ' | within one run 65, at the time. | . | ~\ FREE | 2% WHO STANDS BEHIND THE : 4 ed USED CARS HE SELLS? : ‘ installa 4 : . : é set of new | : , MONRO-MATIC | Fo: ae es Lae 5 eit. | on your car | es a La =~ | Drive FREE for 60 DAYS | —E>——————— | J > a 4 -@ Neturel, orch fitting wedge cushion crepe. gy | | That's our offer . . . you ride FREE for 60 days. If : eer ‘os ‘en § fone : % ee . ie | ‘| .you’re not completely satisfied with your new || See your FORD DEALER'S ~ 4 CAR VALUES Re! Eo Bt. fe 2 Monro-Matics, we refund your money and re-install, © Se ie gag ieee: Boe Se ne ee ab © Genuine Goodyear welt, nail-less construction your old shocks. Our price is #0'low you'd be foolish S eau iy Sang i * <3} @ Chocolete Elk uppers for an easy shine : \ not to buy the best...and that’s what Monro- — — | Na eer Ae your budget i 2 ta ‘.: ey Lee Peas ee IL me Nos Oo. we ce ke a woe) . ; rs 2 ray 2 , “a aa? . au ee atti 4k i Shotwell’s Shoe Store ¢ . OR | ae ae es ‘ : < © : a xy a } pata A nt af ns ~ %. _ 656 Auburn Ave. - FE 5-0664 aie | n | | , GF —__ One block east of Kast Boulevard ego, ee gem ay 2. aes ae a a ee ‘|EDDIE STEELE, Inc. _ CY OWENS : BEATTIE FORD ; : : se ee 5. a es , : 3% . ame : ~ *, 2 fy / { ¢ s é > he i", |) \ : fo t / ie * rinse saaegs e 4 r = fois i , : : i *., the overseas—we aren't going to ‘be pushed out of any of our worid markets.” ~ That's how Gifford V. Leece, president of Gardner-Denver, Future Vehicles May Ride on Air ~ Pentagon’ Says Troops Someday Will Travel on Jet Cushions . “ WASHINGTON (AP) — US. troops and equipment may move! into battle some day on machines that skim just above the ground on @ cushion of air. Defense Department research- ers reported this possibility today to the House Space Committee. . * * * : J. B. Macauley, deputy directo: of defense research aad talaaar: president, said trains operating on| VA AT TH? LOCAL QUICERY WHEN I RUNS INTO THR 0, 19 A GRISLY Suing. oes may be 8 P28] WZ) GERONIMO OUR BOY'S GONNA RASSLE! THIS. 7 aad He said present research pro- grams indicate it may be possible to build trains capable of speed up to 300 miles an hour while travel- ing a fraction of an inch above a single rail. Committee members were given a demonstration of a Ford device called a “‘levapad,”’ a scooter-like affair that rises a fraction of an inch off the ground. U.S. Inventor Was Once Poor Billionaire ST. LOUIS (UPI)—William A. Patzer, who invented the new “‘bill changer” vending machine, once was a billionaire in a land where a billion dollars would not buy a cup of coffee. The Germaiiy of the 1920's was _ literally making nothing but money. Each town had its own currency and would accept no “foreign’’ money from the neigh- boring village. fore the hourly price change. Today he is.. ident of A.B.T. Manufacturing Corp., of Chicago. Hés firm manufactures coin rejec- tors for vending machines. Dubbed ‘bill changer,"’ the device changes bills into coins. Until Patzer’s invention, coin- operated machines were limited to the sale of items whose cost would not exceed the change in the av-| | erage pocket or purse. Patzer said his machine is fool- proof. It ig set for $1, it will not accept $2, $5, $10 or other de- nominations, nor will it take for- eign or counterfeit money. But a uine $1, nd matter its condition, will trigger the mecha- nism to turn out coins in correct change. The bill-changer-even has its own built-in burglar. alarm, Patzer said. Changes Tune From Itch to Ouch After Bad Fall MAYSVILLE, Ky. (#-—Charies Hutchings will be careful the next time he scratches his back. The last time he tried it, Hutch- ings was hospitalized with sprained ligaments bruised left elbow and. a swollen upper left arm. He fell back on his arm while in his shoulder, aj ° a tariff wall that gives unbeatable protection to plants operating in- side the area. That is causing The four plans that his firm use overséas are: 1. A wholly owned plant in Rio de Janeiro, where factory and tools are its own and its product is made for distribution in Brazil, its own tools. It makes and dis- tributes its own protlucts, It moved existing ma his company ot 3. In Belgium ed with a local company YS THE BERR te “MOTHER! Come here and wake met” - * “ f V/ AMOS, I'M SAMPLIN' THE COUGH MEDICINE BOARDING HOUSE _., j ; ea GREAT CAESAR! JY F THIS ISA JEST, YY 4, 4 = ‘NANCY MORTY, MEEKLE coc CS : Rv Wonie. t= veer Gy ti SOMEONE TOOK 77, TAUNT F = thle $b MY PICTURE OuT ee A HAD. > Mo decal # Pi, : LIFTED SP Topay J . . as , fe) rai 4 Bes * - —_, 9 | repairer cement Ze LISTEN TO THIS: "AMAZING TR.WILLIAMS scratching. DONALD DUCK THE SLENDERIZER Rng RP a ; By Walt Disney I CAN'T PAGS THIGUP, T = BE ae OF “GRANDMA H-M/ SO THAT'S WHERE MY COOKIES HAVE } BEEN GOIN; BH ? nl ——— we ‘HIM DOWNA BIT / -[ PLL PUT UPA LITTLE 4]. SIGN THAT-GHOULD SLOW DICK.» By Dick Cavalli oy b ay in the 1959 model ‘run are B, E. Starr (left), manu- = oe facturing manager, and-R. J. Longpre, produc- ree 3s Mabe ing added : Ma or Acee fs Already Equals ’58 Output - ee 00 Ape fa TAP) = Opening |Detrolt, fe ag rigs Tia tor nce x jarter|vantage, : ittAr i y Detroit hes improvement over the first quarter me - ax Osiil Today, lees than si 1 ; Be at ee mew l— Whites—Grade A. fu bo 3%; eatre large a year ago, a number of stocks re-| “The material could be supplied | Pay = ve Al onan Be cs Be ics: SRR a hp eo Sere S| ierestioal Busine A ee ceenets Senid ‘o =. liaat tall, 1800 Footing Motor Pro * Dec. Seer: 9M Rye Saee Means Tce fore “al 'Zoeoe ealbad te tal "etone teu acts oie te One of Three Appointed jduction reached 217,308 units, the 3 es ae co Se ict. sa, motnm UH Beles, DuPont resumed yes, |the tre, there wil be no fading or/ to . Allocations. Board/ctin, tne entire 1968 motel yeas a (eid ‘arime)— 4M browaemGrede A inrge 844-21; co ty pl . vicmperbecs Coe for Oakland County | | At the present time, sales of the 4 By ESL Sem uty occss das — es ey IFES | _ {1959 models are exceeding last q i Seenena Sep. covves 1050 ‘New York Stocks Commissioners Pontiac Mayor Philip E. Row- . tle , | ston has accepted an appointment}, : ~ iene | Trilck ls Battling niger er Sa Cpe wo the Oakland couny Tax alo-Would Sell $9 Million ‘| 3.21% Heari secutive year. ® a . i HSlate Hearings (sere -» exons in Astor Holdings : ! ee . fyesterday by Probate Jud A . Blacktopping, Curbing, |" E. Moore, who is required) POUGHKEEPSIE, N.Y. (AP)— af 33] Other Pfoposals to Beane ae eate ie the bosed| Administrators of the estate of q ! 331 Conside rus Tonight each spring Vincent Astor asked permission 74 James Gardner of Walled Lake| Monday fo sell more than nine ‘ ¥ : ‘ and William J. Oliver of Southfield| million dollars w securi cae Fr Te CI Contmnieriencre tans ng {Ste the other two appointees this|ot major corporations. ie Bo niet oe To, 0 di a:biese ile tan Game earthen 714 Bal To be aired first te the city's in| | Bopha ptiad ty om B 3.6 fention blacktop Gardner, supervisor of Com- left his $8 © maine pena Oak-| G ’ The entire estate, to 83 : # ,|land to Monticello; Roselawn drive,| merce Township for many years, |widow and a charitable founda- 94 : 28.5| Fiddis to Maines; Stanley avenue,| is serving as a citizen-at-large; (tion, is estimated between 100 and BA 818] Kinney to Kennett; and Wyoming| 204 Oliver, treasurer of the |200 million dollars. 7 st $8i}avemue, Bagley to’ Franklin road.| Soathfield Schoo! Board, was x & &- at Se hee SO” on sev. | B2MeCd by virtue of his position | The administrators -. & ,: a 0 erat ny og " | om a local school beard. earlier the estate is increasing at : tt “: $18] pimcktopping, inclading Adelaide Permanent members of the Tax/the rate of about $200,000 a month Sama a Re Fe athet. hae @akiand and /Allocation Board by virtue of their} Dutchess County Surrogate Vin- Ci ; ae Feram Pict .- $8 | Baldwin; Buctid avenue, between | positions with the county are Wil-/cent Grady will hold « public hear- ps ae, , > $f Pa RR ...... 167, High and Jefferson; Marriett (liam J. Emerson, Oakland County |ing Monday on the application to Defeated, Kills Self Goce Cola -*.138¢ Papel Cole... 304) street, Cadillac to Adelaide; and t of schools; Charles | sell $9,203,100 worth of securities. J rs re Con Bdis ...., 63 ‘Tasos D ...: 62.5) LeGrande avenue, Baldwin to (A. Sparks, Oakland County treas-| Astor died in New York City ACKSON t® — Veteran Jackson on | Sense bar’?* S42 erect G2) ena], maelld. urer; and Robert Y. Moore, chair-|Feb, 3. The Surrogate Court here County Cireuit . ‘Harry, D. Perrin |Coormn - S6 pare’ ou aval" man of the Oakland County Boardjhas charge of the administration Boardman shot and k himseit|W25 born two hours after his twin cont Ose °:..: 48.3 RCA + :ssseee S89] Three cover curbs and: gutters,| 6 4 aitors ef the estate at his home this morning. He|Tother, Chester, 24 years ago. Cont Ou'.:': das mex Drug .... a0 /including Carlisle street, Walton = was Phe gy Sgn palin x acai 2 Fg Ei SS Bate cece hone anaivuen : . cecccin' ust Man's sc] le Coe, aero eB Bart = Galan Gene wenn, Snstvon | But Will Insist on Wage Increases | oe ; : i Lesterinis ~ ai ** 96.3) Carlisle. i oi : ¢ <= ale Eatward’ Montgomery |*%che4 from the sidelines. | ous Aire. <: HS Scere awe: 24 The 12th hearing will be on va. . ea . cig Dear et aha twy yen ag and were sal ata Et Sem’: lente od a tases ned A TMONY F LOPOSES FTCEZE ON IICEl FTICES PRs ty ath lle a Germany, er was diss & Must South rie'<::: g4a|tion to change the zoning ordi- 4 tee . _ No notes were found coroner | Les: Bier Raa :.. ou By... 1+ 35 .|mance is not expected until ease-| ; : : Sta ‘Brana. ':. #44) ments are obtained. NEW YORK (AP)~The Unitedjendorsed by the union executive SS * ek * Steelworkers of American have|board and signed by McDonald, Sta Oil RS << $18] Finally, commissioners will air|proposed to the. steel industry|said in part: Suter Pap ":: 414|the proposal to vacate the alley|that it freeze its prices for the) c* * _——E4 os west of avenue term of the next contract with; “Since there can be no inflation ie si: $3 wation and the Grand Trunk Rail pei to help “economic gas bonne! ee ae the — Pep bs +s road, . : — principle which we propose can W Air 334 If there are no it is| Evep if the industry agreed to|that there be no increase in the on: 2% lexpected that more than 60 lots|do so, the union says it would|price of steel during the term of ‘ 11. 3talin the Glenwood. Estates subdivi-|insist on higher wages and other|any agreement which we may Se Gertie sion there will be rezoned from/benefits for its half-million mem-jreach. Air Lin to residential . to/ bers. . ‘ ek oe ‘ten Pre make way for some new homes spokesmen had no im-| “By adopting this approach we Un Gas CP ..; 416/planned along Walton boulevard:| mediate formal reply to the un-jcan make a. substantial contribu- = Sanne To. be rezoned ih connection with |ion’s proposal, made Monday /|tion to economic stability and eco- US Steel .... 89.2\this is the Malkim School property |night in a letter to 12 big steel-| nomic progress.” | ‘ US Tob -+-s++ 245) and Jaycee Park,*which are also|producing companies. - The letter said that wage in- pa : " oe a -4; manufacturing at present * * * . T nanan White Mot". ana oh ead a of a aioe s; . jzaureh .W. fare ger. ga| Mail Supt. bey imist week turtea down an in ) = [3’ham ree: . * . : dustry proposal that wages . prigy | saa Bs Cited for Plan other contract: benefits be frozen @ ne p enters & Private . i ' @ one-year con! pe: I ; : Liottaed=-Bonded. FE S-S201,, STOCK AVERAGES to Reduce Thetts US. Steel, the industry's lead-| T a Be ee (Compited by The Associated Press) eles ~™ jing. producer, declined comment. | : ELEPHONE | Boys wat ___Jndget Rails il tests Cornelius A. Ebey, superintend-|4 U.S. Steel spokesman the} - | ANSWERING. [occa cime,Det wat pore De: Bea Feds, tenes alotos was’ awarded lei text othe anon proposh Bar Famousiyo; ste beg ioe mage le . SERVICE Bran at Won a Say Month Ago s2.3210 iu0-7 i814 227 commendation today for his sug-| The industry's call for @ one-| i is ve : IN —. s Wear, 106 ings Nigh tiene dae is 3 sant tltive a BA, bgrtboomierg aoe you sage See 3 J nrabnegze n's 4 rR , | chumamare Sale ornereday APG! inet wow ccc aaa? WS 8 Thea Stir sidink. oupetion Leubtiane cna doe comteet fl i slit ie se oe Sham oe acs which will now be put > ane replace the one that expires June} 0 Vv. : jepbler -oa.fift post offices across the 30. i re ae decimal potats are es tes, was to warn patrons re- *- *.% let’ 5 Baldwin Rubber Go, 184-174 {eeiving service on rural and] The union's price freeze pro-| i Rows Gear Co... 31 33, )mounted routes against leaving! posal was drawn up by the execu- .) Howell Else. Bir’ Go:* 10.4 114|Mmail in their boxes overnight with tive board after it affirmed Presi-i) 2 Te ee ee eee ae set up thrvnghent {ton of the teiatiy's propoml tout cP y Mig. Co*....... 144 146] his flag, left up Ae a adv.| "No sale; bid and’askea. *" '" | the night, becomes an incentive |Present contract benefits terms be } a ee The wots vanteaees board then] . i car imports 7 mare ~ |suggested that negotiations for a Hospital Honors Robert C. Miller, acting post-'new contract begin May 4, instead A, Rev. Watkins for |= the award to|of May 18 as. now scheduled. The| fy Ebey on behalf of the United| union's 170member wage policy Sales Soar year’s sales by more than 50 per cent, said SS. E. Knudsen, G.M.) vice president and general man- | sen praised employes for the exceptional teamwork that has been evidenced throughout Pontiac production facilities and Pontiac dealers’ enthusiastic sales efforts. Briggs Co,, Lists Profit of $36,055 for Quarter DETROIT w — Briggs Manu- aa KEly « Edward oseph sister of Mra. Lizz Moore Garver: dear le in _ajgte until time of service Card of Thanks 1 seth sft a LL et OAL ARGO Loc” , WE WISH TO THANK OUR MANY alone Donaison-Johns Fu- nerai Home, palbearers. The fam- ~ Hy facturing Co. made a profit of $36,055 in the first quarter of this of 1958, A. D. Blackwood » Presi-) ident, said today. | Blackwood reported an improved isales trend for plumbing fixtures noted in the latter part of 1958) our first quarter gains.” The United States Office of Edu-| cation expects schoo} and college | enroliment duri the 1958-59) school year to tofal 44,945,000, or about 1,750,000 more than last year. | creases without price increases are justified by the industry's ity of its workers. . 3403352-16 NOTICE OF PUBLIC BALE On April 23,. 1999 at 16:00 a.m. the undersigned will sell at public sale for Pack 2. dr. gy ome stered and inspected said cbaress. The undersigned the right to bid. ASSOCIATES DISCOUNT COR . April 13, 14, IC SALE number 6561241176 be held 10:30 210 Orchard reserves P. "80. PUBL. 1955 Buick, serial Century Sedan. . e Ave., Pontiac, April 13, 14, "3 #& pin Lg eR lade _ NO SECURITY OR ENDORSERS REQUIRED : ONE PLACE TO PAY 4 “Let 9 Years of Credit Co Expetionce Acsist You" Moar: Dolly § to 5. Web. end Sato ta 1, Eeosings by App a eA cxtOer counemogs Capitol Become Home Owners Come in- real soon and your own. CUSTOMER, PARKING } homes and see how we can help you own one of Savings s have a chat about & Loan Assoc. 5 ae Established 1890 | 75 W. Huron St., Pontiac / FE 4-056/ ; IN BACK OF OFFICE year compared with a loss of. $01,700 in the first tree. mouths’ profits and the rising productiv-| © Funeral Directors 4 ME Drayton P; OR 3-1787 * 1 Voorhees-Siple RAL HOME Fe 24973 Cemetery Lots 5 BEAUTIFUL 6ORAVE LOT PER- Wt Part Cemetery. Will Di ec Reas PE ; DESIRABLE }ots Oakiand Hiljs Memorial Gardens Twelve Mile aod Novi Roads. Conta Presbyterian Church. 143 _ Michigan Ave Jackson. Mich WHITE CHAPEL sonable prices. Excellent loca- tions. Pontiac Press Box 12 BOX REPLIES 2, 5, 7, 10, 11, 14, 18, 28, 31, 32, 40, 60, G1, 62, 73, 86, 87, 104, 198. __Help Wanted Male eal A CLEAN job for honest; reliable man. Ap- Piy 1 om W ¥. pril __15th, 1064-W. Huron Sto . BUMPER AND PAINTER. PLEN- _ty of work. 7.1 BUMP AND PAINT MAN, WITH tools EM 3-0236 or EM 3-8115 CAR WASH MAN & PORTER DU- VE cemetery im ' Do You Like to Talk to People Make a Nice Appearance Want to Sell New and Used Cars We need aggressive ‘men to sell Re ty ‘mouths. Come TER SYSTEM *REAL ESTATE White Bros, yo Part-Time Salesman ' Be. & Broconlty peaplayed ext 5 day - $07 50 p d to . Call PE 32-2318, Fuller Brush BOYS — teation 18 PART TIME ate free 7-10 p. ating, and hav able to qual MOTOR INN REC- 8. Petry. “4 are car, % mt Telegraph- Maple. ~ * SALESMAN 5 Tre, ne g, have Cale’ yeu = a very Seerat! ~ ic ve career. Apply 4113 Dikle Hwy. D Plains, 9:30 to 12 pi SALESMAN WANTED “or modernization sales,. Will train A E EVE LYN EDWARDS. VOCATIONAL COUNSELING ~oun MEW LocaTION— surrz “2 RE rT aeiek aera renehen rents ate eet weg plo estima: Orchard i. Midwest Employment. ' sete atin State Bank Bldg. rE , Wed CED LANDSCAP-| -——— No others need . Calli be Sans ag “Instructions 9| Tom F0i Ww : PIANO, VIOLIN AND oa foreign cars. Must have, ova wperdy Wained. PE da0t.— = with high tie | Business Services 13 drivers license: Medysesk:|VOCAL LESSONS—YEARS OP EX-| Ti Baldwio Ave, Pon-| Petietice, competent | leneher. a M ROAD Pail “es, fee 7 LAW ROWERS NE USED : . * N 4 Help Wanted Female 7 "SHARPEN! a” a i a alien ce tia i cil ll ia alliance SER 1416 W, Auburn Road between A PREE Girr For Havina a| Work Wanted Male 10 Many items.'“~ secietiediat ca nome unusual caverns & Crooks Rd. Phone _ FE E A-l PAINTER, INTERI 1097. . BUSINESSMAN AND WIFE. NO) exterior, Reas, FE veus 45D | iLL MAKES OF FOUNTAIN PENS Pine children, x ced steady 4-1 CARPENTE? AND Pigg Ry G year-eround m ed maid for) work. Work g 4. OR 29748) Since Bu, e. General Peanting w a enere! housework in smal! ranch 11 CARPENTER W O® K. NEw _Yence_8t ag “4 re 2135 tee lake wanes néar Eaves! 8 PE 44710 valen pperiane. Top wages. Ref 4-) “FAINTING (INTERIOR & Ex ~ Acme Asphalt P aving a MR Ry Be Sina o oR Sa antee wit, i meat FE BABY SITTER Vic CROFOOT| | Que far eres oktsshees _ School, Cail FE 33228 after 4:30. ry FE 24723 MI/ANY KIND OF LAWN WORK. FE 2-0067 Ei PAINTING & — ne Blacktop Repairing Guara: work; or sell Bn bush. ‘ae gteed el. Reasonable, EM LADY FOR CLEA bess 30 years olg. oie eee GOLORED LADY FOR GENERAL AMBITIOUS VET. AGE 2 ME | BULLDOZING, LEVELING ; “homework & child care. 5 days. chanically inclined desires work.| ‘te¢ cutting FE 2-742 FE Baby sit 2 eves. Own trans) _EM 32821. _ 89 tie, Ma Canes. | AVAILABLE now CARPENTER BLOOMFIELD | WALL EaERS. ; ang work. New and re st ee coat hatte ete PEM | greg ty va uality, Unlimited territory. No. PER. ALL TAXES. T TR = ER AND caste’ above average boous. F. EMpire $3416 _removal. FE 5-€593 or OR _3-2000 ELECTRIC MOTOR SER erie aE | wl — 21a «E. ike. FE 6398 SABINET MAKER AND CARPEN. | NESS OR! ‘tr. tebens «8 y. FE mares. e children, Bjr- ‘iam Live in. Must furnish CARPENTER WORK OF Any | FURS , CLEARED AND onee Sent referetites and be free| kind Reasonable. Cal) after 6| —*erviced ©. L. Ne FE 5-1788. to travel. Call Wednesday vm PE 6-9430 LAWNMOWERS SHARPENED & Thursday eves. afer 1 VE EXPERIENCED GARDENER ig Outboard Mtrs—Parts & Service looks for day work per “—< Air cool en re mes Sone, CARS Ome Sipagh el mer ween FE] nace ite to bose __lop’s Drive In, 623 Auburn Rd. | ffiGw SOHO OL BOY wants a Yrs ioaen ——— EARN $100 7 PER 4 RS in YQUR work of any kind, oa} es ue & Tm. Pein | TIME i _ 30588. Lak 4 PT DVERTISED ~ TEMS. Mi. | SanniED “TRUCE ed DE PLASTERING, NEW FOr REP REPAIR. DRIVER |__sires work of any kind FE ne. Work guaranteed. EXECUTIVE HOUSEREEPER AT Wan tractive position in 386 eae OES R ES ont PE soos. | 9aWS, Hand Lawnmowers m. pital. Libe "Machine Sharpe salary “" state age ear es. aa WANTS TO WORK IN GERY- pertence, Write Personnel de oq a station & light repair w ment, Women's Mospital. Hancock Mich RUBBISH PICKED UF GARDEN oct Ave., Detroit 1, DEMONSTRATORS. NEW LINE eee” imported gifts, housewares. wore SCREENS MADE TO ORDER, later. No mvesiment collection or; reasonable cal] Bill. after 3 p.m. Manley Leach fom Soeiey Bt. TREE TRIMMING & ; REMOVAL. Free est. UL 23-1375 or UL 2-2684. TREE TRIMMING AND REMOV- a log pues. Call afier 6 p.m. WE CARRY PARTS FOR ALL Sees, 79-830 per cent com, FE poo = wringer washers. Whole- jASHING BY MACHINE, + aa POR NIGHTS. WALL WASHING APPLIANCE SERVICE EXP. WATTRES an _ho mess FE 66429. Cost less.) poy's ys Oaklard: PE 2-4021 L WANTED—WOPK OF ANY KIND, ’ Dressmaking, Tailoring 16 DRESSMAKING. TAILORING AL- terations, Mrs. Bodell, FE 4-0053, XP. were Sion r ORDERS. Hours 412. EM 3-@112 EXPERIENCED ORILE, cook —_— Hou msg oa. ee "Saint meniea - OPPORTUNITY FOR full or tation. WARRIED MAN. 2, DESIRES | work of any kind. 2-8519. WALL waning TN: dows ¢ Pree est FE 23-4235 YOUNG MAN RECENTLY DIB- Pe ime. have transpor- ESSMAKING TAILORING terations, drapes & formals done in_ my home Call PE 8-8455. AL- PAINTING = ‘PAPERING Wall Washing — Paper ere GUARANTEED PAINTING ANE DECORATING. Wall weeking. wal! paper fre- moved by steam 32-4608. PAPERHANGING — PAINTING — ad rep. Stephen Navarre. UL Television Servic Service 22 22 DAY. OR. NIGHT TV ur TV SERVICE ve xis OF PE 5-890 JENSEN . ay hea Vick AFTER. & evening, ¢ call Tin PE. 20495. *% _Upholstering 23 attain ts ated aieciaataeainatiae all (CARPETS AND FURNITURE cleaned in =~ Sane. 23 years _exp. Paquetie & Sons. FE 622. EAKLE'S CratGhi ‘OM U PHOLSTER- a, 8174 Cooley Lake Rd, EM ~~ AL'S ia 4-8797 RUGS AND TPAC STEED FUR- niture cleaned, colors revived. Use same day. Call UL 3-4250. $5) 5. Squirre! R40 THOMAS s UPHOLSTERING is NORTH PERRY &T. ey wr Lost & Found PLL LLL of a ee LOST: BLACK & TAN HOUND Bear on eack of neck. Call FE 83778. Lost: BLUE gag emg In vic of N. Marshall & Lois. FE 2-790% LOST: BEAGLE, ~ PEMALE vie einity of Rochester. Answers to name of “Sugar.” OL 1-1642. 24 PAINT | BY NUMBER PICTURES. Scrabble games. Backenstose Bi Store. 15 E. Lawrerice &t. Notices & Personals 25) A COMPLErE COLD WAVE $6.50 Me wake’ Ra wee. be A Wil- ame La Ful wN APP SHOES Fred Herma: OR 31592 A COMPLETE COLD WAVE $5.00 Dorothy's. FE 2-1244. — GIRL OR WOMAN gy riendly advisor phone Confidential, The saivation Army “CHARLES CHESTER CALL ELECTROLYSIs $s pasiness experienc botany oo _— eharged from the — seeking Garden Plowing 16B have wowaoted hair removed by | essary Perma: anent income, flesi- pear igaas Tau et rive, oF pm * ualified end experienced Five sur ie! . ri st artha er e ble hours, FE - ee Have car will travel, EM 3-6539. ggg eo REASONA-| Repitiered. Experienced. OR EXPERIENCED WAITRESS. MUST | YOUNG MAN. 31. HIGH SCHOOL | > eaaLT 3.2685 auvern ave. No cols. | Gredeets, Tens ie ous of say AKE EARLY ARRANGEMENTS DAINTY MAID SUPPLIES — the EXPERIENCED WOMAN FOR. 153_6. Bive, W pal ag Tie.’ Baidein ‘and Wai-| Menominee Mrs. Wallace. FE generel housework. References re) Work Wanted Female 11 _ ‘>. F | sanery WATD SURELIES re quired Good salary Stay nights . ROTO-TILLING } DONE REASONA- | ‘PPL. coed Fine Live 2-792. right persOD.') nay IRONING 63 BUSHEL. bie. FE 48046 . A. Taylor, 56 Gillespie. FE 3-7283. _Call_' ive z : References, PE 5-1471. _. ri I D b “LADIES AND GIRLS "ag ad bee WANT wart War Income Tax Service 17 n ve t? 18 and over. do you have ¢ bet Co $00 AVERAGE FEE | If having trouble meetin daily spend ae gg Me mee Te ee See AL i ooh f -and Tax : our pay — ts today: | A CAE money $e “deine sn eaghone lephene| _ nurse dociren ¥ t . corner of veep os and ICHIGAN CREDIT COUNSEL- " + Girt i4 WISHES aC Baldwin. For informs LORS. INC., Room 116, Pontiac ll That's neceuary. 3 ouriy ‘pay, 35 br., +12 p.m. -6250 Btate Bank Bdg ¥F bar Federspill. PE_3-7844 perience, cares own at yo WORKING PEOPLES TAXES | Lose WEIGHT SAPELY AND OTHERLESs ee __ 35 Sowell. economically with newly released LADY FOR MO" ‘ten wanes. After GIRL WANTS DAYS OR WEEK “"OR ‘3 ‘29 43 = “A-Diet tablet. 98 cents at wor. - rience, trans; te ee ou nie ex. -"" 40s ON AND AFTER THis DATE. baDike — ¥ co enea sc | DADE WANTS DAY WORK OR A DAY OR EVENING HOME April 14 Ais. i will net be re- i product that Z well known, _ baby 2-3421_, call for tax service Modest fee. sponsible for any debts contract- pear ie waned, investigate; — ; AVAILABLE — R. O, Reynolds. FE 8-1636 | ed by any other than myself. = Brig tiged. ieee avon| Auburn Avenue Nurses Exchange. AN INCOME TAX RETURN PRE Bion vaciamnilign,€ 4135 Waldon Seometes. Phone todey a Day & Bw Licensed & Bonded pared in your home by qualified | __ Clarkston Mi er write Drayten ' 2-5482 accountant with master’s degree. PEGGY NEWTON | COSMETICS een | WimpOGRAPHING. TYPING, SBC. Appointment 37534, tor reorders or makeup parties. LADY vic. oF OF AUBURY HEIONTS retarial service EM 3-2842. “EMPIRE TAX SERVICE Call_FE 5-3061 to:-care for wife whi and SEAT WALL W. a. CUR. Your Home or Mine VILLAGE HALL AVAILABLE FOR 3 tte dom anes | MEAT WALL WASHING. CUR C.J. Odell PARTIES, RECEPTIONS, ETC. LEGAL SECRETARY PE 5638 - Ete.| 1343 Oxbow Lake Rd. _EM 3-2125 3261 ORCHARD LK. RD. FE. 47065 revious experience desirable. Wowan WANTS 5 DAYS FORMERLY WITH INTERNAL WE RENT DISHES, j. SILVERWARE state age, experience salery "| plain cooking and light house: SENS Pe same NOTARY | punch bowie FE toms. at be fast acturate Wyoist| Tork PE. SA _—ay-youn | INCOME, TAX SERVICE REAS. WANTED pave some Enowiedge. of dmple| WOMAN YO RABY ESE euinge $04 W. Huron FE §-5492 $0 women to lose 20 Ibs. this mo, Se ne ee sttstecamomige woven | Pecan, wh eon ee | oe Meee bat A ‘ ead sk @ our mo. plan Ay. a Owe room end _ ford vicinity OR _3-3588. PEL NGOME, STAR ‘eo SERVICE ROACH N —t¥., OL +1 APPLY IN PER. "tee cen awe FE $1690 BE- 4-4131 NURSES’ AIDES_ APPL PER- wees OR 3- 5597. ; Bos call eeiBioon fea Hospital” 7100, Wo: c WaNtTtD FEA UE OM oITAL Wid. ao = ne calls joom. ‘PRACTI A N ' | INCO TAX RETURNS PRE A - 1 BOARDING HOME LI = exper eere. FE $0677. eet censed, FE 2-6031 pot 2015 Cass Lake Rd. Keego arbor. r. PE 6 8-287. ACCURATE EXPERIENCED fair rates. Evenings & Sat. pEaLANERT -pOsITION TN ~TO- WOMAN oe. 2 CHILDR — cai general insurance agency. Ex- wants “Live in’ job. 116 cellent working conditions. .Expe | fayette, @ tairs. rience helpful, ayee. cee | At Wtd. Household Goods 27 mA ANTIQUE DISHES. FURN. OIL 25 s. marble lop tables. MY 1521 C*8H POR USED hf a FURNI- ture and mise. FE 3 COMPLETE te oi MIB8C. turn. Pvt. re O32, FE 55-1090. CASH -FOR SMALL RADIOS. Working or not. PE 56-8755. CASH FOR PURNITURE AND AP- liances. Odd pieces or house full. rg courteous service. FE FURNITURE NEEDED Entire home or odd lots. Get the outright or Community m1 RR 3-2717. WANTED © TO BUY — ALL TYPES __of furniture Ph. FE 2-5523 2 | Wee LIQUID ATE "Your HOUSE- or. public L. E. oods either by private sale auction. tis seo Smart, Sale Farm, h- ~ ester, Michigan. OL 1-5631. _ Wid. Miscellaneous 28 ba alae - Top ee TIMBER. SLbenr. RTA LUMBER MILL 3390 Lapeer Rd. M24 FE 8-6131, ~WE BUY ANYTHING — SUN SALES MA 6-1341 Wantedto Rent 29 FOR poe ge — LAKEFRON' yr. around home bee Geouiee Cass, hod ‘bet or Sylvan Lakes. LUzon but net required. | ‘WA LL WASHING “& i; HOUSEWORK is iti RS Seer gt ane OORT | Se et oy Sen OE for reorders of makeup parties. ~ WASHINGS AND IRONINGS..— ” | 2B, Pike: FE ¢1192 or PE 55773 os Lt = BURTON E. § one ae MEL Earn Bilge { you are Building Service . 12 _Sppointment. . is over 25, neat appearing, have a TAX SERVICE 4 car & are — to work, this ALL oe SS CEMENT WORK. Home calls any time. Herbe: is the job for rs re experience | eae 5 is FE 2-2340, Johnson, FE 2-7194. necessary, we you. ai <1 BLOCK ND CEMENT i113 Dixlé Hwy. Drayton Pla ee '| Insurance Agencies 17A $:30 to 12 p.m.. ny cial Also. under a can it 5 n - eeaean Exp. in better dresses & sports-| teed work INSURANCE FOR Y NEED wea Pull time & part tme./ 41 BASEMENTS PUT UNDER | Round clock ction and s ae - homes, house raising and under| Sefvice. Arno Simmons, rep- mRLOOMET! ELD pinning. Also masonry. 8-8944. resentine ee ar r ingurance Agen Ak Levee FINISH. FE 5-3722. - FASHION SHOP _ “Poittiae Harawood Pioor Serviee. Laundry Service 18 WTD.: PREPARATION WOMAN, i) BRICK BLOCK AND CEMENT | eee to 40 yrs. old. Part time dsy) work Also fireplace OR 3-402. | COMPLETE FAMILY LAUNDRY shit, Also ue handle ¢us-| 7 KINDS OF CEMENT service — shirt service. Pontiac queen we Mao AKE block work. Pree estimates. PE Laundry, 640 8 Telegraph. FE care of 2 girls. Live in, PE 8-6238. “GROUP OF BUILDERS Wi WTD. RN FOR PART beg sect loe' onde Guonen ewe} UL Lanc iscaping 1 18A munity Boss ent, APreLatesu| purchases | on a watt A-l MARION AND KY. BLUE 80D. 2-3523, Almont, Swarthmore 8-8551.| secure mortg: noes pig meso. or ou k up. vce netcning al gag Builders ixchange _| A-l TREE TRIMMING. AND RE- Pee fs noon and 4pm. Fis T1| PE 3-7210__. Po 2-3463| _movals, Free estimate cn Wh OES GENTED “APPL Y 6 BULLDOZING ye A-) ACE TREE cE wy 3505 “Dixie Buy. porn TURNE * $28 moval aad trimming. Getour Bid. wapPnis 1 COMPLET BUILDING SERV- , “Joe § Ce Be ant 4183 Wy. eure beta oe core, eee, ee COMEL: LETE LAWN SERVICE, FE TTRESS. EXPERIENCED. 3 sas oF OA BuaT2 GOMPLETE LAWN MAINTE- ‘eee ik aa = aay TYPE 7 3 HOUSE PLANE, | “nance. spring ‘cleanup, fertiising p Rd er cuttin m id WAITRESSES WANTED. ‘omy Seno ; — comracta. osyeare, experi- esperienced need sper, OOS a | SUH SAREMENTS-UWDER| ence, Al work og ge -,pan’s 9 p.m Old Mill Tavern eat houses. Block en a work. | _ Landscape Servic Waterford, oh. PE 6-000 or FE 2370. = PLANDSCAPING. SEEDING & Sas. ding, call for free est. FE 2-5463. We maecessaly. A ana firepieces. MaA_5-0378. TREE (PRUNING AND REMOV- 7 home or ° t dale’s, 14 8. | wUTLDING REPAIR, PLASTER. | Sls. OR 30165 fan Lakes. Write Ponting ‘Pres sore nS ing. masonry, carpentry, Base | Moving & Trucking 19 WHITE LADY Witt TRANSPOR- ments waterproofed. PE 42200.. |... sista, Apron wiadhcd HED OF OR GARAGE. eideriy, senile I Indy, in White Lake| CUSTOM BUILT, ROMES 1-A Reduced Rates sent aed Le themes. ia, Twp. Monda ‘edne: - 2 distance moving. all turdays, Good wages. ORLANDO BUILDERS anittt! Yoitnh “Gor” ming. small bide. for’ storage. Water. Write ‘Pontiac Press Box a 207 MU 4€4072 Ai MOVING 0b ford or Drayton Plains area. OR ‘OUNG 20-30 «TO ‘ bie Rates FE 5-3458 : work 4 hrs, a day for HAULING & RUB NAME Share > Living Quarters 30 30|" ent .work, Good em —|CEMENT I8 R LTY, nee, At maitre Must have car PE _ 2-1751. a pesements.s EM +40, yer ne Vice AND REGISTERED _NU stOM Ht coi sat ‘SER hild ld like boar Help Wanted pad Fre estimates, UL 2-6175. L Hauling. OR 3-0207. nd eter ehilaren while ti pagaee: OP YOUR OWN ARPE: ORK. NEW & RE- eae HAULING works, Repiy Box 2, Pontiac Press | 97 a advertised Wat-| . Pair, Smad, i» el PE | coon HAULING 3 yowena naz.| Wtd. Contracts, Mtgs. 32 No cash outlay dua moved, Meets allers moved. Low | ~~~ ; . 9 to 12 am, FE 2-3053:) fond residential nothing too ‘ores rates, OR 36078. - AC TION YY MEN OR WOMEN — jor small, 20,7F8, experience. Free TORT mt. ND HEAVY HAULING. Ou Your Land Contenct, if you | TO $3% PER WEEK 4 .¢stim GigHg, AND mg YY TROCETRG have sold on 4 first or second Manageriai position open for am- week AMIC TILE AND HEAVY TRUCKIN lard contract, and would like bitlous. hard work son, to) tiubbtsh ravel and) your cash, aig ean get you the ture & t maby ean conduct] PRES ESTIMATES. TERMS front ~: highest Reasonable dis: Barab Cove fashion shows in| Advance Floor Co og FO OD ARTA Ek Aan for Mr. Haya me CEMENT & , cc C. HAYDEN, Realtbr . the in Pontiac- Oak area, write ie ss a to Pontiac Press Box Lona enie aae ome ’ wt : ’ FOR SUMMBi: SEASON—LARGE lakefront home on safe, private beach, Must have heat, Prefer- 86 ©. Walton Hobbies & -s & Supplies 24A » ABSOLUTELY " Call Realtor Partridge. PE 4-358). ABILITY abl CASH BUYERS WAITING Rigation. call hous FE 5-0975. ARRO REALTY CASH FOR LAND CONTRACTS. Sawin On 3.1355 Dizie Hwy. Wtd. Contracts, Mtgs. 32 ‘ £ APTS, F OFRimes a Ren¢ Apts., Furnished 33 4 ie Child welcome, Garden jab __ PE 5 263 " EN- beth. Ev tur- nished, Near Saginaw, 2 VT. BATH a clean.” re sain A. Johnson |r; REALTO! los 8. Telegraph My CASH —QUICK CLOSING— -—NO HIDDEN FEES— Nicholie & Harger Co. WEST HURON FE 5-8183 IMMEDIATE Pig! ION * LAND ) CONTRACTS T fs TO 2 BUY OR to = Earl Garrels, EM 3-251) CK ACTION ee LAND CONTRACTS. poeihe ag Ego Bree your ab- land’ eon Clark Real’ wetaie. rE pies of FE ase Lesite Jones, OLive 23-1651. | WE 3uy Land Contracts EVEN IF DELINQUENT! Ask fer Sales Manager at vine — or MA §7126 evenings “HUMPHRIES S REALTY _Wanted R« Real E Estate 32A (A ge yt IN IN NORTHERN MICHI- . Send fu a papers to Pon- ies. Press Box 80 ALL CASH hom immamietety for screage “PENN REALTY °¢1z2 N. Woodward Royal Oak LI 90-5900 GI AND FHA CASH. FOR YOUR “HOME Yes. we can seil your home for eash with very small down pay- ment Call us for further tnfor- H 7 RMS. CLEAN, $10. Wk. 355 E. Blvd. 8. FE Nees. 7 LARGE RMS. CLEAN, REA- pay pong BLE YOR, LAND CON, sonable, near Pontiac Motor, 1 NO OBLIGATION, CALL _child welcome. PE 44625 after 8. RMS.. & BATH, @ _ ey a rr 3 ROOM, PVT, BATH. 19 Clark. 7 LGE. RMS. PVT. ENTRANCE, 387 Osmun, PE 4-4750. is nome. MODERN APT, ON To responsible person, OR = ROO! BA ist FLOOR . ou ua We og hh of 3 ON UPPER. welcome. =; ROOMS AND “BaTH. PE _ 5-3036 3 RMS, & BATH FvT. Util paid. FE “er 3 Lanes BATH. CLEAN. RMS. & Child welcome. FE 4-1128. 3 RMS. & BATH. CLEAN, QUIET couple. Pvt. entrance. West sie. —, PVT. LAUNDRY bath, “ati. furn. Reduced wk. 63 5, Tasmania. 3 RMS.. & BATH. BABY WEt- come eee vi BATH. CLEAN. PVT. s parton ter work: couple. All thee 4 ‘2470 Dinie ier PE 27-1573. er 4. ; 2 RM. LOVELY APTS. NEW oo oisanees: Just right for work- .. bidg. utilites ‘re, $4638, before 5, furnished. pest m $ rooms and bath, newly decorated, Heat furnished. Near Sear’ ear s. $0 » Realtors. z. ron St. PE #-0466 ” 4 RMS, ACROSS MO- BIRMINGHAM — Comre Ales ly decorated. 2 bed- 5058 ‘on eral §-2153 ROOMS AND BATH. r flat, Heat turn, PE 44127, CLEAN Fellable’ couple to answer phone eS ned ART. HOLLY. a. ei & help with apts. 2 hrs. daily. oop RIMENTS, im E. After 4: 2-856. ___ | Howard. J NICE RMS. WITH BATH. COU- JAMEs KE BLVD. only. FE 5-4032. pend yg Ah soem sper Move 3 RMS. NICEL RN. FOR MID- Baan or Gieaged person, Pensioner pre- oy cad wacker om anes 5 $50 m0.| or caretaker PE 4-300. 3 RMSB., Gas HEAT: LAUNDRY 650 facilities: qt tO clean. _Northview off Oakland. T ATTRACTIVE VE RMS. Las BATH, “Ada NF ae We will travel to see you and show you how to get cash for your home, con rack or acre- age. Call now Ysa a minute service Mo char » Broker R.. D. RILEY ves $09, Elizabeth Lake Rd Immediate * Action We Can Py Pal House WHITE ‘3 ‘BROS. REAL ESTATE OR 31295 FE 4-4821 $660 Dixie Hwy. Open Eves. ‘til 9; Sunday 10 "tll 5 WANTED: IMMEDIATELY! Homes, farms, lake property and land contracts. Buyers Waiting. Paul M. Jones, Real Est. 832 W Huron _Rent t Apts., Fu is, Furnished 33 33 1 LGE. RM. ae Oo PectLi- ties.’ 89 State St. FE 2-0566. 1 RM, APT. 1 GIRL, $6 $8, _Ent. washing, FE_2-0663, { AND 2 BEDROOM LAKEFRONT _apts. Partly furnished, OR_3-9105. i RM _ FOR YED LADY dow ' Pvt. ent service, $40 mo, TI Douglas. FE Is #81 or or FE §-915¢. 1 re KITCHENETTE. PVT. bath, adults _. 290 N. Pad- _ dock. ‘alberta Apts. 1 RM. KITCHEN ETTE. PVT. ENT. Clean ‘) = Singles $14 wk. _FE oie T2. AN ROOM. ENT. Parking space. quiet, *loute 133 mation Do net feel obligated. We Ez. will appraise your prope tty hborhood, Alr- ted you the cash can receive . only. ne’ you WE TR WE BUILD 7 RMS, PRIVATE BATH AND EN- “ae ae & SON, REALTORS trance., a near W Huron FE 41557| downtown. 7 8. ke. 7 3 LARGE CLEAN ROOMS, Pvt. HAVE CASH, 3 bath J ent., Ist floor, 264 ; WILL TRAVEL | _Parke #-3152. 4 RMS. AND BATH. ADULTS. Ciean, Nicely furn 8 Miller St. 4 eine & BATH. iw FE 4 NICE Ooms ANDO) MORPH PHY bed, Utilities. FE 4-4€86 ROOMS, BATH. “FLOOR. _Addlts. 164 N. Pac reader’. PE 2-7563 AUBURN HEIGHTS, Squirrel Rd, $ UL Me iso. Fa Saath eno ch ADULTS. a. _. & BATH UP. ‘ont & back entrance, Garage. = R APT, NEWLY ; . Tile bath. Very nice. N, as FE 2-4376, BACHELOR APT., PURN. CRES- cent Lk. Ra. 2 rms. and kitchen- ette Pr $. -, ground floor. FE osegen ce, qu wk. May 2 bet or, Call LEASE OR RENT TO RE- ae people ig Ls 5 urn. on E. Blv ves FE 40342 LOVELY 4 ROOM. ERB APTS. 119 State. F% 53-2203, LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS . for gentlemen, 261 State St. OTEL, KITCHENETTE APTS. utilities furn.. $15 per wee week. 9470 _Pontiac Lk, PRIVATE 4 noes & BATH. UL 2-1320, 3286 Auburn Ave SLATER APTS. Three bests ae east of downtown. ‘New and furnished, ine} 0. A ge refrigerator. From sgh = one separat- ed bed Some have more. It's ifs always, warm in Slater Apts. MAYNARD SLATER -ERWIN SLATER 53-55 N. PARKE ST: burn and 8. Blvd, 3655 Crooks re eet ee rar As a nce ha RMB, pvr ENT. AND Sylva n Ghote 2 RMS & park witH i Pv a ca c . oa Maa: Siar _ soi.” 2 NICE eecians ea drinking. $10 week, FE). 39-2181. 2 RM. APT., 52 < MAple & . | 2 i. ist FLOOR ATERCHTV Eo eRe. “ Pvt. bath, ogg’ AE 3 Stove & ‘ote. aus, ef rage. i irley.& Lois, Pontise Y BEDROOM APT. BOLT IN stove & refri —— many - features, moderna atpietore. | salts, 0 FR Cee 2_ ROOM sTU ARTMENT. 7 tek erator, heat light furn, . Priv bath and: ee, $56 per mo, PA A. N, INC. 23-9209. ' . lake and ground. : ating, fishing, UN r 5. MODERN DUPLEX, ROCHESTER Apt. Prt. ent. Auto. heat. Fenced back yard. Ref. OL, 60851. Swimming, C | poene eae Saea or $40 ADIA APT. NO. 2 we ——*: rtm, with 3 rooms & bath at per month. Children we to schools, churches, and downtown, We: . Am- ned la ilities, See care- ker at A-2, Arcadia eor- ner E. St. or KE. G mp- stead, 1 Huren. FE . mo. 7 RMS. & BA MECH $35.- Sie 20% ubura Ave. PE Inquire A Dorothy Savdes Lavender =e Re Bean SMALL HOUSE. leges. Rent or sell. OR 3-6062, Terms be A SAM WARWICK AT. SYLVAN be: brick, Call can UNFURN § RM. TERRACE. NEW- ly decorated & sanded floors. : ‘ ; i * .s . a Ss bath -_ heat, ‘Exc, cond. 4 570T. : * 4 Rent Lake Cottages 36A SMALL 4 ROOM COTT: NEAR Elisabeth Lake; 683 ; Hot and cold water; shower heed washin: —— and dryer, frigera' and electric ran ge. e. if desired. Some more a $85 per mo. in summer: $63 in’ mete ee, te G. Gr ity = art mand = Rd.. 4 4 Phone : NICE 3 RMS. AND BATH. STOVE - fare. all wal. Inquire ORCHARD COURT . ARTMENTS —BR. NEW ~AIR eRDITIONED— FURNISHED & UNFURNISHED 1.& 2 BEDROOMS “RENT” —DRASTICALLY REDUCED— Pontiac's most exchigive, modern West side apart t devel i Beautiful kitchens with metal cabi- nets in decorstor colors with plas. ba . Stove and refrigerator Automatic heat and hot water fsoft) _ furnished, Bitchen fan, master TV peasy and "many other fine fea- ures, For 8 Bog time, = or secur G requ Y sDOL LTS ONLY— | | MANAGER 19 SALMER ST. APT. 6| _ FE 8-6918 » ‘OPEN DAILY & SUNDAY 10 AM9 PM. TAYLOR STREET, “QROUND D FLR. 3 room apt. Private entrance and bath, $45 per nro Auburn Avenue, second floor. Stu- haul bat in PASL A, KERN PE 32-9200 UPER APT. HEAT FURR $i4 WK, 112 Dresden. PE 4 Rent Houses Furnished : 35 2 EDROOM, eooese. PARTLY furnished, MA 5-5000. ia " BEDRC ROOM . g ton partes ity FLOOR ORS Sate tsi FE 4-3546 FE ¢. — ar ie tJ BE 8. . 2 ROOMS & BATH? easy WEi- | Wier SIDE Ris. a BATH PVT. |* RM, FORA tery ‘mn fern, et gt come. FE 60 8. Parke. ent, Util. furn, Couple tds FE| water. oi! heat, handy beach a 7 LARGE aus a0 ODERN_AUTO- 5-2432 after 6 FE 5-2347, boat, “April. thru: iM Goember, $15 SAME Sh Pepa’ BE Sas | Rent Apts, Unfurnished 34 i BEDRMS RICK VETORBOR. 4 RMR KITCHENETTE. PVT. BAT mo auth isT F 4 RMB. heed. 948_mo_ om 7H Cat FE ate eee 3 fie. = __beat_and hot wens ya free 4-7106. 3 Bad AND CALL il , Bus x NT Fg ES ates ~ 4 as Ee Reg A ing, only, Py giptine. 38 Meo |i NETTE. RMS @ BATH, PA a PoRR 7 ROOMS & BATH, $12 WEEE. water ar jurneted beat, bot 8 Cedar Isiahd Lake. me __235 Florence. _ N. Paddoc _ Apts, | _call Lake Orion. MY 3- é Rus. & BA _Child ey \ LAKE _house, $35 mo 69. State pt. 4 FOR RENT: NICE EARGE| MOD- farm house ~ Gre aT Mite | 2a K ay rent, Groveland it Groveland oa the Dixie. uly phones, ME 40451 or ME 74761. garden, otting 8 100. Ei month solgryncte regi pa ry r . olan ee Balcony butld! with individ- rg BD ad y Rent Apts. Unfurnished 34 | 4 i 5 : i Ht tan te ee eee ee ee OK Oe ee | a i TE TE. . ” * Gentleman. Call FE 2-3283. ‘Rooms,With Board 38 ROOM AND BOARD FE $0026 # Convalescent Homes 38A HAVE VACANCY FOR MAN OR woman bed or am tory, care. Rea- ee ee a ee ee | Rent Stores 40 | 20x00, 867 for real estate, Hotel Rooms _39 / ’ HOTEL ‘AUBURIN | +, ie 1 o 3 room nacre é my wt oe ie 2-073 i : * i hg i i 42 al : nm pt oO a ae Floyd Kent Inc, Realto Realtor are oa Falls risk 9 to JACK LOVELAND 2188 Cass Lake Rd. FE 2-4875 TODAY’S BARGAINS Compact we! Tg! e $500 Dow Bree antyann aot ose Hoods te fing and 3 bedroom es. payment, & per cent C. PANGUS, Realtor M-15. Ortonville. ~ BAY FRONT | Jf no answer Call EM 3-0102 3 BEDRM.—PULL : fan. eataies.” We'l cus Many other. wanted en custom ‘quality 1 top 3s. for Yo “Your 1 Home 4 BEDRMS, ica BATHS 19-Ft. Family Rm. ones 9 seaped, fence ba F sldkoee _ $14,306. 1199 SMITH aoe LAKE ESTATES ing room, me feathring mee lv. ing room, eg in Bown = oa street. om see ome N, TELEGRAPH er Li FOR FULL INFORMATION, Serasote Ave. sale , Oaktane, 9 ag yt Sater ope BY OWNER. 3 2 ban gaat ee Wideman #8 BY BUILDER Not Tri-Level starter home on : tan ck this 3 year old Immediate p * eu s'oaa.| 3 — bate VERMETT 6% ac in Rochester ores. New soorned. jmail barn and ew ec BROKER Some aot 2m ap hat pmeae Be. 2 et ee home. “¥ ts. old in FE 7 city, wae trees. pe down. kee $26,100 on terms. $7,250 FULL PRICE FULL , GAS ‘HEAT, NEAR 8TORES ‘ATION AND . SMALL DOWN AYMENT OR WILL TRADE. | 8 $55 DOWN, FOR DE- TAILS. R. J. (DICK) VALUET 345 Oakland Ave. PE 5-0693 wines Pus Listing se ace Peta Sg Es a 209 BALDWIN "MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE ecient L si $2,000 down. heat. $12,500, Oxf OR 8-3122 MY 2-229: ae Couldn't somebody read out loud?”’. For Sale Houses, 43 RAY ¥ ONEIL, Realtor Fe enon eres RA ~~” BAKE ORION attract! ¢ ae .. This garage d kitthen and plaste : Gelighirl ihe, Hmoes FHA 3 bedroom brick with attached oe oer ae @ Tpeautitul 2 bedroom. Has jarge onde: . we on oleae top. Al Oise “bas “at hy BE garage. i can be yours for mort gage cost only. GEORGE R. IRWIN, REALTOR Orion Twp.—l Acre . ivileges | waits eB AREA 1% ‘story. yoo. brick. taice Has het | Be eg nay commuters. $1 900. 4-2057, HOYT ily kil a x 280. one deserves your tion. Call now, NORTH neatest 2 you have had the jarge utifally lot. Don't poor = py. $12,760 garage. Income will make payments. Phone now and let us show w you, HOYT REALTY FE 2-0966 Se toe Lake terms. Walled Lake Gity on lot - Sante’ pine 2 axe Sek" se 18,000, terms. Crescent take Privileges ~room be, wall to bee ge 4 Fd igs 2 car Clarkston Brick Ranch | rms, includes oa & drapes. | Bloomfielé Hi Hills tives, specious, sie aa ata | ey pers i} ESP beavoome wy | ROY Annet, Inc. epecions | Realtors since 1923 Tal 8-0466 28 FE. Hurop FEde Open Evenings & Sunday 1-4 living room with down pay- ment and martonee cost moves uilt 1958. * he. 0,750, ~~ Love! ~beremin, _ $10,800 PULL PRICE . Modern bun Pull basement. Oak floo Fiastored walls, Over 100 ft. r frontage. Will trade for 6 close rea. 5 and HOTmmNG Bown is ‘alt you need. Meltcient service. WE BUY. TRADE. Open 6s. L. Hi. BROWN , Realtor gust Elizabeth. pete Coste Pra, ig. oats Ranch on Re Le Matate.? * A A seal — Only “A fast e 2-48 LISTING SERVICE SELL = eo kitchen, siete, te Terms. 3060 8. Commerce Rd. MA 41578 garage. Price reduced 10 $19,300, LAKEFRONT Hose Tooxise ti lot. Well Pi iand- Vac Pull price. MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE O'N " one APRIL 8H ring beauty to ei Wallte cs arse" Tt contains a lovely rm., 3 bedrms., e rumpus room for the chil. a fac brick home in neighborhood — At $21,900 . we invite your tn- spection, Comparison proves, AN 3. bed- room brick having «# full basement, . built-in electric wal] oven too.+ y ace .1%4 baths are certain- too. A large « opens - RAY O'NEIL, Realtor. | On 3.2028 8, th. Basement has ace, ba — 2 fireplace, t23.000 ined Decroome, ~NEW MODEL » New 3 bedrm. bungalow “with full basement, Wood Co. } = Williams Lake Rd. at M59 OR 3-1235 Office Open 9 a.m.-8 p.m. 262° S Telgraph Rd PE_3-7103 BY OWNED. 3 eer warns ve etree ir et ber down. gyre balance on mortgage mo, including ‘ion & oe. PE 32-5830. ba a LAKE TOWNSHIP, LARGE e house, needs repairs, = $80. Culy 9150 own, EM 3-0135. 2 BEDRM. HOME. $950 DOWN. FE 4-0391 : OWNER, RAN HOME, 3 BED- den, liv. ™m., ‘din, rm., “| MILLER te 5h ge ee living room . ts 19 x 13, pric includes nn and 1 car- ha Was tates ig very arranged well and Sue bent, Owuer i lea’ fenving state, an yl sol hurt wm Br Gat ope wel te is one floor 3 bedroom home new and has. « ful a = crepee | i Delco gas furnace, 2 ca r woreeei beautiful lot. Full price $12, ~—— Terms, cour Bt ge | ” Waliage Miller Realtor FE 2 ear nape iene | tile bath. | “WM. A.” NORTH... ~ Side and it's «@ dandy. i home bi in ‘60. Oak CITY... West. Three bedrooms. Walking lowntown. Older —— in hm papel repair. Sep- : Humphries aeapes | 83 XN, FEE 2-9236 commercial lot. In some repairs 407 N. Cass, owner, OA 8-2918. #3 | 8. BE . ADAMS RD. AREA, CO- lonial ranch. .3_ » screen pats h, Fh #@, recreation roo! ith bar. ‘T garage. 100x618 building $25 or best offer. By owner. Lea’ tate. 21928. . Gas heat. Gare screens. * City. sewer and d street. to perfection. $10,950, low down sar ey either conventional or 7 Ott Bil 50 4 Open Eves. ie LAKE ORION sONG LOW 950 down wo lots, . with view of a nice screened hot water, needs some work, + oll surrounding “Consid mes. rental op- tion, Ask for Mr: R. Dorris. TWO FAMILY S Five down and five ny built 2 ¢ lots. down paymenk : WILLIAMS LAKE i bath. Sasenem. oe 2 ice lage. Lake priv = “a sAer ora a . — room, car garage, 1022200" $1 xy DORRIS WILLIAMS LAKE HOM® ROOMS hen acreened. porch, 3 bedrooms. full basem neled rec- $14,050 on F.H.A. WEST SUBURBAN ENGLIS: Aver, room tuated porch, gas is, flowers and 5 izabeth Lake Ra. ate PHA. six me with attached garage, « STK oe Lakefront An reeves tional Gaecis be home, — we excep ty +3 of two families, SAVE ENERGY, USE WANT ADS! To ‘find a job, place to live or a good used car, see Classi- fied NOW. GAYLORD} HILLS AND wooDs See tis very fine —- ‘home in you gem # ed setting that will give args - rag room. and ‘paneled. 0 emeonl on po non eee oren. pgs. the hills and — iteh- and dinette combined. Large Florida room for son's overnig: t company. Laundry and furnace ‘| coape oF a6 : MODEL OPEN For Sale Houses 43 < EL EQY BENT FEATURES a etoath afer down rom de Saatibus reat cute 2 Bd only’ $7,500" LAKE ROA: Brick, three bed: home, two on first floor. Living room with , full size room, ne’ > i ith Corner = + \~ a John K. Irwin & Sons_ Phone? West st arom srrest Pave FR ttn Sen 2-4031 * eee eco 2car garage. 91! | Clarkston REAL ESTATE, INC. 20 8, Main Clarkston, Mich. open Dati He's thay 13 DOWN r ) with ment, rougs included. MeDonaid. om 3 ast. = “THIMK!" WHERE ELSE CAN YOU BUY A HOME FOR $82 DOWN Tore $69 PER MON MONTH —VA TER 3 BEDROOM COLONIAL In JUDAH LAKE Estates WITH Lifetime Aluminum ROOF & SIDING 90 MOVES YOU IN #%-PER MONTE FURNISHED MODEL OPEN DAILY 10-8 bis $8,250 COMPLETE ows PAYMENT TOTAL MONTHLY PAYMENT $69 oon BLDG. CO 8-6455 war’ BY OWNER, 3 erg re MOD- acres, MY 3-2726. reom. Breezeway makes easy ac-| . cess to 2 car garage. Handy work- shop. 2% acres, nicely landscaped. Do not miss the opportunity to see this ideal country estate. $24,- 500 — Terms. CHARM-PERSONALITY Cape God = like new. 6 rooms. living room end dining room. , Bein Fy exposed to the lotsa loaded with lake. trees overlooking Lake Orion. Only $13,500. Terms are real easy. G IN THE: COUNTRY ON to achool. lake ideal for large family. 4 big bed- rooms, 2 ment, 2% car garage, horse and many other features. $1,000. j eo Ww. baa ge | 102 5. Broadway MY 2.2821 BUY THIS Storms and screens. Paved pena ign” CAO Ry” Oneee “On 3 moos. fi iy ner, OR $25 Moves You In 3 BEDRMS, GA heat, neared street. Ciy sewer Fall ement, Gar- bare Fh gg 70 10 lot. Free po age ant [oiiseoeia. é Da; “light Bat Basem't Brick. O4 eet on Water To ver Estate } Attractive 2 bedroom with at- a pereee Good suburban 6 throw — Bet eer ae Wo asta, Bey aaass, RANCH STYLE 3-BEDROOM BRICK LAKE PRIVILEGES ay ORIGINAL OWNER - Lasateg borhood of road; aluminum storm 8 screens: a couple minutes walk acre out-lot onto lake. to Price $22,500. For sdditions! information and appointments call FE §-1784. 2 BEDRM. HOME. CEIL- inge % acres of land. 169 down. Waterford school only 3% blocks an ower , ie this lovely “3 bedroom zeny Es extras Casting with 90 ft, lot, f port & built in ‘54, $1,500 down. Near Tel-Huron —_ Fg } sane we pene has <" ras, tif ul, — brick fireplace, ‘ i floors’ & » wh Will move into a very or | bas on Cass n home ances teneed ith flowers & shrubs, $6950. oneymooners iis ently ance, Gieamin oe will fave bo to see Bi-Level and J soe evel | Yours eter" ve eas: vera | Baas MELROSE Between North Perry and ‘Montcalm PE 5-613 after 6:30 p.m. and day Sat. Sun. Tmmediate Possession “Tale” privileges. si5ss wun small * One Acre Large heme, with Seibel spe abel oe ing. a. one 4 “vie with CRAWFORD AGENCY MY 3-1143 COMPARE This bea Cape Cod with em home the $15,000 wae 3 bedrooms. 1% aths. léi8 living room, reom, large kitchen and se roomr. Plastered walls. Storms and screens. nel te rage on 3 1ots on small lake. $1 Cc. “PANGUS, Realtor 7160 M15. Ortonville, NA 7/2815 | _JOLL a 3 & ranch home. — ge lot, located ciose to and future shopping conter, Owner moving out of state —must sell. Pull price 7 INCOME PROPERTY 3 family home ail with soperee entrances. Near Clarkston, heat. otk, 1 gee E: land v way. = “ aw ‘ented which Evenings after 6 call OR 3-8507 J. J. JOLL, REALTOR DIXIE HWY. PE 44561 520 Linda AL sta droom brick, ees agemer ee | $0.58 per surance, 5 per cent interest, and principal, SEE THIS PR NOW! Call CHOLIE & of the Riker Bldg.) arge recreation room; car gatece with 16 ft. ey ave Nothing Down BUILD NOW 3-BEDROOM HOME Call today. - Financing available. Aall_types custom building On pool ‘lot or yours. Your pians or J.C. HAYDEN, Realtor £ E. Walton PE 86-0441 Partridge 6-UNIT BRICK poe BB gg os brick ogee | woe of over $300 per mo. v aes for. tenants. Full price $25,- , on terms, See it today! EASY TO BUY It's « wonderful opportunity to buy a elean modern 2 bedroom suburban home with nice fenced back ae & Available for low down ment. ments to onl per ‘mach oe after. fire 9° years. EXCLUSIV REALTOR PARTRIDGE PE 43581 1059 W. .HURON OPEN ‘TIL 9 fat rat garage. tnt Beal 2 & look at this y "Sepments aS insur. oieres fou At this 3 bedrm. home with car- Loe: a HERBERT C. DAVIS 4915 Irwindale Drive SYLVAN LAKE place, a 9 Bo Bryne Bs eee Sa Got at “$450 MOVES YOU IN 3 bedroom, ws tevel. gas heat, e eriek ranch basement, eee heat, a ec tS | “ROOM BUNGALOW Pneunt painted walls, — » Faces La e & forthe to re ait par- CUCKLER REALTY “NOt TING DOWN ‘YOUR BRICK PRONT. 4 bedrm. Storma aes . Fu Desm't. ore &Z BRZSarce Homes “OR 40042 i W, Huron PE 54-6161 GHLAND AREA, 2 BED- room home. large lot, a ws. Call evenings ‘iter sia. RA Ft . TILE agin MY No basement. #39 om 3-1906. TEMPLETON West Suburban tached garnet K. L. Templeton, Realtor 2339 Crehad i rE. PE 44563 19800 3 sEDEM RANCH | SMALL DOWN OR 3-6069. scat wi) Two LOTS, NEEDS ral sepeiee, ¥Y Pre 2 $1,500 only ‘ . BR. Unfinished 3nd. floor on ist, — $10,671, Terms. NO DOWN PAYMENT for quali fied GL in — ® Room home lent po Bong Plastered walls. on ist. floor. : en i0y frontage on paved BR ye ges & 2 ast rge8 fy ell. bath Basement s Feenees fee ta iit a. #12200 win pa ne og By sum. , ine. “tames sak ten. WATKINS LAKE FRONT-Brick noch home 120 jak age. 2 BR. with red bired e ‘36 ‘which sould be meek as . Select oak pote Lots a pend, coos bli y top nae ndseaped yar ac. cire ane. Call tor appointment. te to Ae ce on OED i ont os ae Only rc CG “HIAYD DEN, "Realtor "| 96 E. Walton PE 8-041 Open Eves, __Income Property 43A ¢ APT. 4 YEARS OLD aig modern-to-the-minute m4 4302 Dixie Hwy.. gi ge ign oe In ae — g ao _ ure . e _Own security. Owner - OR sya 15. HOME PLUS $200 OR MORE IN- come per mo See owner at 791 is Rd. north of Auburn, Au- Dor __burn | _Heights For Sale Lake Prop. 44. Ann nn errs YODA RPL 2-FAMILY jute Ffami- é home includes all furniture & —, everything except. linens. mediate seston. side. front in the Union on = a Hi be Se BARTRAM OR 3-1950_ nae OR 3-3230 3 vets room, Union Lake privilegs. 1949 Ranch, gas heat, , cash — balance $2300, EM 3-0500 ELIZABETH LAKE FRONT oo basement, no brokers, STEELE Rd, (M59). Highland. Mo Pore and on mdeck facing fake. & RESTRICTED Oter lake front lots on nearly all Oakland County lakes. REALTY, 135 a giatiend 42045, i lace, *., sliced _fiel Pedros off ba “ * 60 feet frontage z Lake Orion, on oeecee, VI EM_3-0085 Lake Lots aod Take Priv. robes dopbing st deat Wind | Pee and Cedar res ize LAKESHORE. DEV. CORP. MU 46825 Sraiae DON'T PASS UP. MONEY! Sell unneeded © ex |belongings for cash through Classified Ads! FE 2-8181, am enter ay! rs rs to Ee aos" Lavne et only” $16,- ate OFFICE OPEN SUNDAY 14 mit a mem | % inte 8 lots. WaiTON BL BLVD. 2 iots. Corner. ORION Privileges. 1 lot. VA LAKE Lot with 1% car garage. Keego. down. 42818 28 . a > 2 Ais Ee cere subdivision. Bee paved streets Ww. wW. Ross He Homes, ‘Ine. PE 4080 CHEROKEE Fi HILLS! Sée the best selection Wf pare Be “iin advantages country close-in os ll Select NOW to suit YOUR exact needs! Carl W. Bird, Realtor co om unit —_— B munity Bank ae i302 a t va, 65x210. $11,000, 8, term Montcalm. =) ft tromcage 20 ft. m Waterford Vitiage 1 190200, house} Roy-Annett, Inc. ae since 1923 Huron PEdera!l onan Open ‘Evenings & Sunday 1-4 SLYVAN VILLAGE 80 oy a wih city sewer end ae ap- cellent inke lea 8, vrorsLEr B08, Eaeabeth Lake ha. _ FE 41157 oat you Ceihdins site near Cedar . Over two-thirds acre .. table top. * L. H. eenuit Realtor abeth ee Road rz fase FE _2-4810 Sale Business Property 49 AUB wit moe! & ANDERSON BRICK PLANT~ tine 4 wpped with oes ne. ecm me Ly to Lo nag BR. - $07 500. 4 EWAY Zs rE BARBER 6HOP. aad Ferns, th a DR. CAR LOT & Hie 000 00 WORTH oF R Sell all © DAIRY QUEEN neg are. newly decorated in ar t side srolt location. $16,000 TORS apie. Same owner 4 yrs. 500 dow property. or land eéutract ac- eepted in down payment. STATEWIDE a Esta.e Service of Pontiac D. CHARLES, REALTOR int ‘8. Telegraph FE 4-0521 ‘DRY CLEANING PLANT WITH ‘| living quarters in Pontiac. Ex- cellent equipment and truck. Won- derful opportanit for man and easy collect (after ’6 p.m.) OL 43-4033, Davison, Mich FOR SALE OR LEASE, REAL estate busiess. Includes small re fices nicely furnished Situated in the center et Oakland County = area at inion Let 46 feet. A right party, Ce: tween 10 a.m. & MEATS. MIXED GROCERIES neighborhood. Priced to 32-8459 “LET’S TALK BUSINESS” Liquor Bar s gros: a its, bi . is 8 8, big aoe preiin. bg Love A or man’s bar. Substantial ane aes. No phone ormea- 24- Hour Coin Laundry Owner left state — terrific loas is your gat Will be sold Trade. Your terms. No com: =| MICHIGAN BUSINESS SALES CORPORATION JOHN A. LANDMESSER, BROKER 1873 8. Telegraph’ Rd PARK AT OUR PRONT DOOR HOLD COSMETIC PARTIES Earn $25 worry for 3 hours work. ake 60- ent profit. Hire furnished. ples and full details, perma ed Dept. MC-137 Glen- dal Partridge 18 TRE “BIRD” TO SEE “A FLOWER SHOP GREENHOUSE For sl agg Ml it bas anieree © tive “tuling with plenty of park- 3.325 sq, ft, under giass. Nike location in Dt pepe Com: munity. Only 0,000 down on ing or y in” consider trade for home. contract or motel, See this unusual offering now, BOWLING — BAR Terrific location in center of large Michigan city. 20 semi-auto, alleys. Bus tal 8 mon gross near $75,000. Ideal for power — $35,000. down Investigate now /REALTOR PARTRIDGE ecok Businesses ert Mich FE 4-3561 050 W, HURON | § OPEN ‘TIL 9° PURE OIL STATIONS FOR FOR LEASE Good tial, Please call. be- tween 6 & 5. PE 2-0101. After 5, FE 68-1448. For “Sale Aereage Lors TOGETHER. $1,- down, ae 40 ats yutidiog Sasa * ow frost sore. joke. ” privilege hot. $50 C “PANGUS, Rate 22 A ACRES eee wooded oa —_ $0500, ffberar derma, eieter’ eall CR FRAWFORD, AGENCY. PARCELS TO aoca caagt PROM. 1 to 20 acres In a, some wood- ath yA ast as, Sr at] _ SIME SITE. on gy es poor Jand ” news Port é . ere peree Ioeated ih “Water. on, blac! d conaih nt from all direc 67,250 down, Warren Stout,

t. plus 3200 and | . re waoteare SOOnFLIN SUPPLY. | FE 8-6429. 64 W, Law: to go part Must sell! After 4:30. FE De-| isa is F tavern included, a : _ NEED $25 TO $500? SEABOARD ° Phone: FE 8-9661 1185 N. PERRY ST. No. Problem’ Seaboard ¥i inance Co. oT ge FINANCE CO. } . 202 N. MAIN ROCHESTER, MICH. LOANS, $25 70 $500” HOU GOODE * Ph, Rotor OL eon. OL 16191 WHEN YOU NEE “> TO $500 ‘STATE FIN: FINANCE. CO CO. FE “qis74 Mortgage Loans 54 CONSOLIDATE . Your debts. Get cash to ott ie Stes Soumates wy _ 2 WH FE }3-7833 Swaps 55 1- anachine’ for 7 or eel ewe an com, ry at Ste Gown os . Be a ss ky p30 ¥ GAVE * A e WA av 0! cottage, jus years rented year around. tor lot im Birmingham., trey ot Rochester schoo} district 7 ses 23-1462 HIDE-A- will swap for wall type oi] fur- nace. 8-0026 INDIAN MOTOR ROCOTES, | ww Lights. Will c or -trade for _g00d_rowt Mo3-2213. NEW D UPRIGHT. Sei) or trade for ear or what have you? MA 5-121. snare drum, slightly used, Cost 950, wil) pay erence. on good a se er smal] motor bike. Phone OR afier 7 pm. TABLE SAW. % HP. MOTOR FOR _garcen trs tractor. After 5, PE 43619 WANTED — 8ET OF ENCYCLO- jas OF outboard motor, or enyth . of value. ake cal. 4 eal beantiful cabinet el sewing > fmachine. Call Lou at pitel App! FE 5-9407. GRATE MARRED WATER HEAT- For Sale Clothing 56 3 FORMALS. LIKE NEW. REAS. 4-5848 FLOWER FE ABLE LITTLE ri's dress, with gen & hat, eas. After $§ p.m. FE 2-53 ALL SIZES CLEAN USED WORK — from 20c. osed Sun. 4. stere 389 Orchard Lake A NEW WEDDING GOWN & VEIL, size 10. FE 44054 any time -SPRING FORMALS (1) Ploorength white bodice an he i chiffon with DINETTE SET GREY AND WHITE, CHROME, drop leat formica table, two matching chairs, like new, EM 3-6161 week days after six. $307 spces, MA, BEST OFFER BUYS Chest type deep freezer, re. like new. After 5 ooo bunk and mattress Furniture, 42 er. GE 52 gallon. $89.95. CRU ELECTRIC 465 Auburn PE 4-393, UL 32-3000 LIVING ROOM FUR- niture, Also refrigerator. Will sell No reasonable off ae gy BOTTLE E GAs * coal and wood heater. Brand pel = discount. Samuel's Ap- pliances, MA 5-6011, DAVENPORT & CHAIR, a-béed, $85; Frigida Soe Sha und 56-1927. * room oat’ oia che rs, & sell sroll on furniture, Dealer. | dadsa. ‘HT orchard Lakes WASHER, PAY he ; save the rest. Peer's A’ ances, 8161 Commerce uorescent, Ave. ; FREEZERS 4 20 Sa" BR PoP oot ay Git P ssa © 1080 by EA Horvien, oo “Ladk over here, Pet! Hats!” _Sale Household Goods 57 For Sale Miscellaneous 60 . “Beene OERATORS. ACROSS TOP : RCA RCA 17° Barge MODEL. TV, IN- and phonograph. beers A commers Rd 34114. a ts Electrolux Voowmme Curt’s Hee BR. NEW SOFA BEDS, ry ey I oe ; i. Pa Tih tes Seva Ag TER, 50 G get toon mm “ after 5 p.m. anes BOUGHT, BOLD. as ays Som ober TRADE-IN DEPT pt, size gas stove single iron Bc 1 dowble iron 4 —— . 284 Neilson’ VEL eu, ft. freezer. s oT oie W. Hues TRADE —_ Leg Bae GAs range. R Ca. SPECIAL IN EXCELLENT CONDITION tcu Mud OF. 10 cu. ft Used GE. + $85 GOODYEAR SERVICE. STORE 30 8, Cass __Company. Used Trade-In Dept. 18 cu ft Uprigh $260: E-Z Terms mais. MA 56-6011 - NORGE - FREEZERS est and ae New nw ond “— scratched or crate-marred models at big dis- count prices 2 years to pay days same as cash WAYNE GABERT full neces of the formal ly once on (1) Balle hae ol biue with 2 panels in back, Paid Worn onl: “Fel Saiti ener WEDDING GOWN & VEIL, SIZ 9-10. a Price Also have wedding |. FE 44-7988. ring “Sale: “Household Goods 57 Peers 1 BROWN DAVENPORT. 1 twin chairs, twin rollaway . 400 «=Edgevale _Drayon Plains. _OR 3-9660 PR. 1 SOLID MAHOGANY DOUBLE . CHI BED COMPLETE Paid chiffon $45. iE double oven & all set, incinerator, E| GOLD FRAME MIRROR. R RED leather chair. Antique chair. . Bridge iemp. a gold had nested tables, wend: painted. ‘in le | HOTPOINT “3H be. HORSE PLAY AND OR Wi HAT HAVE YOU? CHEVIE = RADIO, *CALL PE ee . $20. BRAND NEW ROCKIN $10 FF, WILL SWAP FOR BABYS ‘él GE NEW _ 17" PORTABLE . py ROVE. 6 MOS. old. MI 4-9342 TRONER. 1958 MONTGOMERY Ward Like new. $50. EM 3-3085. KENMORE | ELECTRIC ~ DRYER. ion cond., cre- Chest nity, blomd .......---se0ve- rt Full size bed, “complete peer 51) Lounge chair secon $19 Davenport & chair — couck senete erator, $49.05. oo - - eee 422 W. Huron FE Eg BABY = aa In GOOD condition. $10. 2-1626. — enippe ae co! $119.95 va [ue. $60.05, a. an Ore! Michig Fluorescent, hard Lake Ave. — 45. , APT, E ELEC, *\aundry tubs, ‘RE port. 3155 cnet aan a A A AA A AAT, WASHING MACHINES. VACUUM sweepers, $1695 up. Authorization Hoover re we Thyle Electric, vohnson and How 8 tove waatr. Tari ROOM or. ,_2-3896. I AM OFFERD NEW 21 MO- _torola for sist Base extra. terms arranged. Peer’s Appliances, 8161 ‘Commerce : 1 oe GAS REFRIGERATOR. Also crate marred coger. . Frayer's. 589 Orcha’ Ave. PE 4-0626. 3 PIECE SECTIONAL END TA- after 5 Call 2 pice LIVING ROOM a cabinet, $45; $60; rod Bm table pair lamps, __ 3425. mee, 9 x 12 Pe $9362," 2 AUTOMATI & _Sss"each “eM 3 goes ondition. d Lake TE, WASHERS. NORGE 6 PIECE SILVER GRAY SaDAW. outfit, all for gy Peres os Living ROOM SUITE. * Siend new Savesnes and 2 modern ste P coffee table All for $99, Pay only $2 weekly. Poarecn’ s Furniture. Lake Ave x12 RU Reversibie, $16.60; $34.95 - Axminster, $00.50. “Puraiure. @ Ore! Doub.e dresser, bookcase chest, 2 vanity oon Si only $2 week hard 42 Orchard denza with mirror doors, reas. Cail *wayt air 6-6803. KENMORE MA CHINE. . total $61.96 8 ring Gente of - $7.74. Michigan Center, 143 Oakland Ave. =’ US FURNISH YOUR LAKE COTTAGE | ~~ Beds complete $12 & ri Maple : OAKLAND . $7. co. WE BUYS & EXCHANGE . EVERY ING FOR THE, HOME 04 §. Saginaw < FURNITURE, rise CRIB AND MA’ careeen brana new. $15.95. Pearson's Fur- niture, 42 Orchard Lake Ave. LEAVING STATE. MUST SELL furniture. including wheel chair __& some antiques. OR 3-2395 Bisee LINOLEUM &@ PAINT SALE. HALF price At Jack’s, a Baldwin, NYLON COVE CUSHION rose davenport & ‘aeleting gray chair. MI 4-2401. NORG ASHER & oo washer needs repair, Bra: _flec, heating blanket. MY 40203 3 NICE 2 Pc. LIVING RM. SET. 8 _ See0 ik dining rm, set. Cheap, FE OWNER LEAVING STATE, STOVE rugs, misc, furniture, FE 4- cheap. . Antiques. = 57A OPENING APRIL 18, 11 A.M. SPE- & acces- sories. Moran's Town & Country mee 2660 Rochester Rd, N, of T elevision & Radios 57B WANTED: LATE Mors. T¥s. good jookers on the outs: merce ~~ Water Softeners - o Cost #425 in ‘36; w sacrifice, FE USED) WATER SOFTENER, GALL FE 23-7164 WATER SOFTENERS AT BIG Dis- count, OR 3-2360. ight SOFTENERS AT BIG wed __FE_2-6827. For or Sale ale Miscellaneous 60 “" xi veces 1640 oun, OR 3-6022, een 1-AAA- ~ NUM SIDING Geter newt “peat the Spring Tush. Alum., storm FS a ee money down. ist ality , service at Sova oy ae a ov free tow stallatio ALUMINUM SIDING STOCK FOR DO yo ELFERS. Auburn & Rochester Rds. UL, 2-4000 If no USED REFRIGERATOR PE 5-6123 $id . Munro Electric 8 rs 95 50 MS nee een eee $29.50 50 FHOMAS E sCONOMY” v ED ae $19.05 UP. oe I Sweet's Radio ‘N- wr | & ont 320 8. Paddock ide. experts fix up the insides. Bring to Peer’ am Appliance, 8161 Com- §7C Cc ae gel ELECTRO-MATIC, ba Pine woes 16@ fi Clothes Post ...... 99.45 pr. PIPE-BRICK~STEEL - ioe other | Come and Our p= Mi 4 service wil please you. FHA Terms Free Estimates OPEN 8 to 6:30 MON. thru. SAT. SURPLUS’ LUMBER & STORAGE MATERIAL SALES MAT Eieiead Ra. (hiser OR 3-082 ANCHOR FENCES | PiekEstiMares | Pe ots FREE ESTIMATES __° >_< AN EXPERT LICENSED HEAT- ae per . Cash and ei lin. 1x12 nvr 5 HAGGERTY NT HAGOMATY AWE. Between W Ww. w. Maple s. 2 muse Tral Trail BUY AND SAVE eeveweeee flooring e 42" sink cabinet with wall ca _ $81.95. Wolverine Lumber 2.0784 CEDAR FENCE POST, 3ic a ACH. PE 5.3977. COKE VENDING MACHINE, MOD- el ey has coin changer, like new, ~ CASH WAY LUMBER PRICES | STAMLES.. ALUMINUM waqors Burmeister's NORTHERN LUMBER 7T040 Lome | ake ed EM 3-4171 te 8 ¢* aay pandays 3 a.m. 2 p.m, Belveres suailape s. sean DRYER, bra made, uy: Exceptional Saha. ichigan Flu- eroqnens, 303 Orchard rd La e Ave. DOGHOU: DIES GALCINATOR GARBAGE BURN- ers, elec’ as, below cost. Sarees A a ae 56011 . TABL rockers, swings. 770 B. Walton Bivd. DAMAGED VANITY L VATORIES, com: . with canineh 440 a. A. 59 West, BA UGE . K TYPE 6c LOT, Double ¢ink -& tri: taedee Copper pipe, w, 17" on ft So zal. 8 fat ganar Ha. Latex Bg $2.15 ga Warwicks 2678 orchard 1 Lk, Ra, ELECTRIC WATER completely inatel) on Detroit ‘ison lines, ho oney down Samuels Appl., MA FOR A Smal} investment, pe 4, $5.9. Pearson Furniture, 47| OVER 60 USED TV SETS. FAM Ans. Res. 1-6623 Trac’ rcnara Lake Ave. $14.95 up TV antennas, $0.95. - | if GALVANIZED | ide dum wanon, roller and mower Sale Land Contracts 52/012 RUG AND DAO a NEW. $25. Ww ON TV ft. %" galvanised ipe, 176 per Original cont over 9650, will sel wom e | _ Call ater 4 515 BE. Walton i, — in tandard engras, aompige eens Boe Pap Dig er é Age SORES war Soot | grat i pipet, SEEN Fa egeen | ee AF GO-- AIR COW. | _Saturdng” and Bunday. or EM ane tym, se, Si Leh. TE nae Rte pressor. call between 8 & 6, OR Brae REE STANDING TOILETS we Money to Loan 53 /ir" ambassador “IN $aes | PRACTICALY NEW | BED: rant LUMeNOM AWRING TYRE Ga: | Was Washhow! nwt fittings"... $00 cv iState Licensed Lenders) | 17 Hee model -..--. $49.95, cuit, eas. TV & other articles, mee door. pm saen, G44 W. iro- Pe, 0° ae nt aah ones ls A | PAINT UP AND SAVE!]3 0ST, TANKS. biory toda tregilanss a srcscrek, reed Guar nteed house paint, OL 1-6527, Be “aaa “t's oarenteed ‘aris’ a labor Gunmen BASE PAint, Gal. ace i ¥U a a oe 173 _8. Se FE 2100 FIN ANCE COMP, ANY | {9 days. We take trades. Obel 4Y, “Ft. Wall Tile *... .25¢ tition. _Will_deliver. FE see GARAGE 8 TLDING 6x22 ini FT. om a Lk, Rd. PE 4-4045,| yy 2 LINOLEUM ........... $7.84 PER FT. ROMEX IN anne 7 wen noe ‘oi Syer's, 141 W, Huron... FE 4-3664 BORROW. UP TO $500 TN. (WESTERN ELECTRIC ; | REFRIGERATOR. § 383,, CALL, BE. br) tank, 19 Liberty. and rit | Feces O17 °°. | REPRIOENAT caeten | Garage Doors Plains — Utica _..| REFRIGBRA — ” jaeEIER, Walled m, Plymouth | #47" RCA | VICTOR — . * Paes on th good chaps. FE 2. "Gas Meant Wii's verse = STEEL OVERHEAD 1867. own —eivoren |. i rate ee so a se it i we | Pagtory seconds, and = all standard |- GET IT QUICK, “2 1d cond, RB. Mt Munro ike ham, nley Bie: ion, On 301, | Wood snd steel toxtaway closet drs ec’ BY. 8 rie — ry benter me lthrougt Classified Ads! A a WOR L CHAN 5 OWN 8 models, one of America’s BisthadE ectric. y ee operators Yes, whatever it is — dial cabinet eds ser Dest makes, perfect, new, guar. arage © sens 40 contrac for 6 years, buy ‘a new | YC! ii nor timates, - FE 2.8181 for . an ad-| palance. balenes ae. rc] sae ale pay, Feftigerator i a @ more ANDA B | BER rie on writer and get it! pan Capitol Appl, re ra meene 303 Srkerd Lane Rs ERR ¥' Boo vik Tee Fi, ORADING, ate. ve x i CHURCH'S, INC, SGESORE— BIN inG — SHEARS. fret 22 Blades, —— knifes, 26°", $15; ae”. oh; gicl's dresees, ” PE 53-8412 =» 4 a2 #14) Hi ° CONN ar, new poreise Se tape og set r sale. MY +1487 4 TaLvorr LUMBER enh, Taaemenl VIR structibie. “ings. Colors or , $4.05, G. emgems, 7 7 cay Pets “— OLD FAWN MALE BOXER, we ehildres. No papers. LOCKS. area. FE a3 ‘after 6 ¥ ers. CONDITIONERS, om = ere for trucks, saw Fre Do. it vocal 61) j ee pO IT THE EASY WaT! FLOOR SAND) STAND Poem PAPER 'STEAMERS— S| Feat 12a ot sie rare arena MA cg, Baguan » Pointe mac us ———PRED — OR FRENCH “POODLE — PUPPIES, up. 4 Z N Te Se wae Te & mos, old: Very reas. FE: Montealm paloert ¢ be: Sones, Equipment SIA Sale Musical Goods 62 ACCORDION Fo FOR SALE, USED 6 RECORDION SALE, | ALL, SIZE, ALDWIN ca a, fo * | Pontiac Chief & Detroiter Complete selection of 1g & CORN $25. a eg BLOND ox HAMMOND ‘BLOND anes FULL organ, 1 year old, MAple 5-1484, PAN AMER.CAN COR FE 29-3017 PIANO RENTAL. $10 PER M ONT ‘ Li Hunting Dogs ¥ . 2 YEAR OLD BRITTANY. RBOI- nd aa a CLE MILE FE ane PIANO FORING—O8C! AR RENT A HOM) Sa 418 a month bs carta, money applied when are. tr GRINNELL’S SMAL BABY GRAND PiAN Medium smal! Upright piano, 13 pedal organ $495 eed Lowrey one in mahogany IST & ND CUF BA Ph, GUIDE De TOG GOLD: Sell}. things you're not usin, pe LAGHER's 2%. oa through Classified Ads! x | TOP DOLLAR ATTENTION! TOPS BSL | LENN'S | MOTOR SALES ea set MA, can| "95, ey NOW READ | va tt THIS . our CLEAN CARS We Will Pay TOP DOLLAR CASS-OAKLAND Ww. CARA 3-329 Wanted Used Trucks 89 CASH PAID all models ___SLAYBAUGH’S _* BROOKLINE O' RD MOTOR,. 3 h.p. Good as new, $65. 256 boat repair. EM 3-0372. CUSTOM aS te COVE fs: Pamealtelid ‘CHRIS CRAFT 225 V8 Sportsman — at top — we we perfec ondition — custom” built ‘tr rater. $2500.00. FE SaretaT CR! 3s CAVALIERS | HOLIDAY FIBERGLAS CADILLAC ALOMINGH FE 4-7121 ier abate :e GLASS & WOOD. SHOP AROUND aS Be pe THE MOsT |? ¥ BEAU L. BOA OAKLAND MARINE zy ERCHANGE ity 39 cx Pontiac Scott "Fe naw oe ter $4101 1 LIKE NEW. : — , i FE wee, * Y MARK 208 AND 8 ‘oot 3-point heap ¢, Good con- Sitio’ $275. Bonnie Pontiac Lake, waters ie Bear, SPECIAL Vinyl sealed coast | vende Ls -; boat ie w $2. WENS E SUPPLI 396 Orchard Lake Ave as THOMPSON CREST LINER, LONE Star, and Meyers boats, Evinrude motors. Gator trailers. oy Boat Works |} $12 MONTHLY PAYM’TS FE 4-4547 “jiss Excellent rane. VE $081 FLTMOORE 3 bed AOre — , TOP KING NEW. tne hoo | ins PONTIAC, EXCELLENT. COR- e Sater SUPER STATIONWAG- AUTO SALES ines PONTIAC” « Dik HARDTOP. be 210M tag windshield wasn: | 115 SOUTH SAGINAW | bower, stee & by ake over pymis. FE 23-0630. | pe s.oua OPEN UNTIL 9 PM. | —"ametic FE Ea am Was Sonnenal rin Bas & se STATION WAGON yello $696. aid Station Pertect cond, Pvt. owner. $1 BIRMINGH AM Wagons io On or ta0 Pou RAMBLE 4 Loy Cen ere oa s wooDMARD A030 1957 PLYMOUTH | “Yeah, Bevin ar 8 i - $l. Crean Interior, 20 Ice. ee.| 1958 STUDEBAKER iy PONTIAC, 3 new, PE SOT. s ¢ $1,506 __WOODWARD. MI 6-3900. _ >NO MONEY DOWN _ We bare ® very good selection. of S354 & "55 Chevys, — Pon- isa % NASH, RAMBLER. _ 5 E eit Club Sedan. Clean & ve cond, Call after 4 p.m. RAMBLER 666 8. Woodward 1955 R a GStERE wage Sedans, 2?-drs. 4-drs. your ‘pick $695 BIRMINGH AM RAMBLER . ; 13. Larry Jerome eA CeeRS "Reas. OA 8-205. nome" Doar ings VOLKBWAOEN. PVT. OWNER 666 8. WOODWARD MI $2000 | SPECIAL 1055 Rambler, 2 dr, Sedan. $499 | used cats are what you're a fet, C RAMBLER SALES Commerce at Union Lk. EM 3-4155 ECONOMY CARS, LOOK! BUY! SAVE! 1958 Pontiac hardtop with hydra- matic, radio heater, white wall tires, blue’ and white finish, low miles and just ilke new ... $2295 dio, . sion, An extra sharp car .. - $1795 1957 Chevrolet, V8 engine. radio, ‘heater, power aoa white wali tires. 15,009 miles ......... $1695 +1957 ‘Chevrolet Bel Air 4-door s¢- Powerglide, V-8 engine, ra- heater. Better see — this $1505 er ee 1936 Butck pecial 4-door with Dynaflow, radio, heater. tires like new. One owner, low miles $1295 1956 Mercury. Victoria hardtop. Mercomatic. fadio, heater, white wall tires. Real nice car ... $1295 1986 Buick Super 4-Door hardtop. | Power steering, power” brakes, Dynafiow, radio, heater, white | wall tires: me and white finish. Extra nice $1495 1956 Pontiac ‘Star Chief hardtop. Power brakes, Hydramatic, radio, heater, white wall tires. Sa: and ivory finish with te Peer er ret? Perr rer err = wood tri 1986 Ford Fairlane tudor se Fordomatic, radio, heater, he wall eave: Red fener eee 1955 Buick Special 4-door sedan. Dynaflow, radio, heater, white wall tires bod one owner car and Po. ee ee $1005 1955 Pontiac 2 door hardtop se- dan. Hydramatic, radio, heater. white wall tires Solid green $1005 19655 Buick hegre hardtop. Dyna- flow, radio ter w te wall tires. joel “trim, blue ‘and white finish © ......... 0405 $1095 1955 Pontiac — with power steering, power brakes, radio. heater, Hydram te, white wall tires Red and te finiah . $1005 1955 Chevrolet Fpl? agon with V-8 engine, ise, tadlo, heater. Blue oa’ . $ 050 ’ 1954 Pord' with standard Lor agg sion and six cylinder engine. real economy car $ sis 1053 Pontiac oe with Hydra- matic, radio and heater, one! 4 and a bargain at only 048 Pontiac, Not as yotng sed Prod . heoad as, Young_ a8 foot SHELTON Pontiac-Buick ROCHESTER oLis 13133 wives ewree, ben Bee iy NOT ONLY SPRING. IMPALA SUPERCH and power steering. SUPER ‘'88" ‘06 dramatic, power s and beige paint. ‘99 PONTIAC: ‘99 BUICK _ bower br ‘55 BUICK 65 MT. CLEMENS ST. IF YOU'RE GOING TO BUY THAT “BETTER” CAR... BUY NOW! . THE DOLLAR YOU SAVE WILL BE YOUR BUT AN INC THE WAY — it $86 To sTaRt Yo |. ob oR RGAE ia aE AND OUR eas; park ue oD “59 couvNee oo. $2845 LA HARDTOP—Radio and mentor. Powerglide, power steering and power brakes ‘58 THUNDERBIRD FULL POWER—Brilliant red. '57 MERCURY .........$1695 2 DOOR SEDAN-—-Radio and moater, power steering and power brakes {'S7 PONTIAC ...........$2095 -‘STARCHIEF CONVERTIBLE. '57 PONTIAC ..........$1895 STARCHIEP CATALINA COUPE—Radio. Hydramatic, power eee. oat tf wer b 'S57 PONTIAC ..........$1895 IEP 4 DOOR HARDTOP—Radio, ‘56 OLDSMOBILE ™.... . .$1595 2 Door Hardtop— matic, power steering and power b PONTIAC ..........51595 STARCHIEF CATALINA COUPE—Radio, heater, Hy- teering, power brakes. Sandalwood ‘56 BUICK ....3....---- 81395 SPECIAL 2 DOOR HARDTOP. ‘56 CHEVROLET .......$1495 BEL AIR HARDTOP—4 Door, radio ‘and heater, ‘56 OLSMOBILE .......$1495 4 DOOR—Radio and heater, Hydramatic. ‘55 PONTIAC ..........$1195 STARCHIEP CATALINA COUPE—Radio and heater. Pe Beck 2 DOOR-Radio and heater, beeen eee BL195 CENTURY eae HARDTOP—Radic, bocce cece ee LB 995 2 DOOR HARDTOP—Radio, heater, FACTORY BRANCH PONTIAC "RETAIL STORE "GOODWILL USED CARS’ (BEHIND THE POST OFFICE) al . _. $3595 Mere-O-Matic, heater, rakes. heater, © Radio, Renter, Hydre- Sealkee yd Hydramatic. Sharp! heater, Dynaflow, Dynafiow. FE 3-7117 alert - By EARL WILSON ole ‘ ee ? The Hollywood Jet Set began arriving at} 3 V |the L. A. International Airport about 2 a.m. N.¥. time (11 Eyes pan, there) — Lucille Ball’s red hair and Peggy Cass’ cackle| , atiracting atvention at the check-in counter. - | Actor hei * Thete was a holidayish- flavor; it was a Show Biz or Glamour or Television flight. Mrs. Burl Ives was bringing back to West End Ayenue the Oscar her Big Daddy had won (and plans for him te do a Texaco TV show June 3). Peggy Cass was returning to “Keep Talking” (and she | kept talking all night) — and to Jack These were cross-country commuters — 50 blase they wouldn't look out a plane window WELSON at the Grand Canyon because they've already seen it. But this was a jet that cuts a continent down to 444 hours. AN AUTOMOBILE HAS THE AVERAGE LIFE OF . * * . * . Suddenly we felt ourselves being lifted — we were off just before3 am. I made notes: About lunching with Grouche Marx who _@iscussed his book, “Groucho and Me.” About Ingrid Berg- : : man, nice as always, saying she’d see us in N.Y. About looking at Martha Hyers’ paintings (a Renoir, a Gau- guin and Utrillo) at her ' home in the Hollywood Hills. ' “I wanted to paint or act as tenders: a little girl in Texas and decided |Brennen. to act because they don't ap- plaud painters till they're dead,” she said. Walk Info Trap Time works against him now. bowling alley owner, and his wife, While he battles cancer in the Bridgett, also 69, of $1,659 at the i : » | _ | "They took the money from a odd inded” a) 1, Jess than a month, the for- dresser and started looking for zs *« * New F (4) It's a Great Life. | (2) Feature. Drama: Derelict singer Diahann (1) Music Bingo. oo ir ea Rena fags (3) as the Soldier.” ('44). Anne Baxter, @ Artur Murray. Variety Atthur Murray. . of first iron-clad vessel, “The will wreck her Merrimac.” in love with man ‘Brave Eagie. Adventure: visits Indians to learn their healing herbs, tyre. (1) Gale Storm. (1) Drama. Adventure:|3:00 (2) Big Payoff. Police adven-| ‘Freight in the China Seaj- (4) Young Dr. Malone. } ir Samet | pee om re Smith learn this|10:30 (4) Dr. Hudson. Drama:|%:30 (2) Verdict Is Yours. af the results of blackmail Seuney ona hospital) ~ 2 Who Do You Trust? SS es plot. ‘ suil prospects te} . (4) From These Roots. Se -(D) Sugartoot. Western: Bank| adopt his brother. «00 @) Brighter Day. MORE DRIVERS! robber holds Sugarfoot, tt : ) (color or Conse : schooi children hostage. (9) Waterfront. quences. ms IN (957 THERE WERE (9) State 10:45 (T) News: Gordon. AT) American Bandstand. | OVER. 79,000,000 00 (4) Steven Adven.|19:55 (7) Weather. —- 4:15 (2) Secret Storm. UCENSED ORIVERS ture: T 's story tells 11:00 m4 } ade —. Weather. 4:30 (2) Edge of Night. : ype anise THEY Force (T) Soupy’s On. (4) County Fair. Av MORE ; A tae te ur 1:20 (2) (4 Sports. “|. Fas Meereene Pence THAN 8,000 MILES miles away. id Movie. oni pd sy te 5:00 a Jimmy Dean. EACH IN ONE YEAR. Hockey. Montreal ; | (4) (color) George Pierrot = ‘ at To >» Holiday.’’ ('49). William Ben- Presents. : . ‘ x. (9) 7 -. ne - dig a a mi 44:25 (2) Nightwatch Theater. Mu-'5:39@ (2) — . a \ 4 (4) (color) Jimmie Rodgers Se ae wat wala tc Bacio ieee: ek Time Gr OWS - Connie Francis, comedy-| '™_ “Shall We Dance." Fred — Sh t f quartet Kirby Stone Four. Astaire. ’ Or Or (7) Wyatt Earp. Western: A 11:30 (4) Jack Paar. Variety: Flor- D tK . thntenne’? te ence. Hi a ‘ S D I] watt “Ace Gall Sy hg Cr OeSnTANOW ‘Sec. Dulles 9:00 (2) Arthur Godfrey. Variety. EDNESDAY MORNING Guests Ernie Kovacs, sing-| - " ee . Smith. ¢:30 (4) Continental Classroom. ress a a a (4) George Burns. Comedy: /|6:°@ (2) Meditations. james Marlow George invests in recording|6:55 (2) On the Farm Front. Ki a . John Foster Dulles: once re- _company, encounters a “‘low-|7:00 (2) TV College. ing Hussein Flies to marked: “Time is the most valu- fidelity” project. (4, Today. i uffs able thing in life, and | don’t want (7) The Rifleman. Western (7) Big Show. West Point and FI S waste it.” ° I wan Stranger _— Hake) — 7:30 (2) Cartoon Classroom. Off Romance Talk ; Mark from rattler and Lucas (1) Breakfast Time. 7 4 hires him as ranch hand. He'g;e99 (2) Capt. Kangaroo. , : ; ; finds out the man is an in-|g:3@ (7) he Freeall Harry. SR secrigeid @—Jordan's Kies hospital, the hour is swiftly ap- couple's home last night. nocent escaped convict,9:99 (4) 1 Married Joan. one ain cae 0 OY Se bee orig — = policies ("| The big » NE. merica's prose-' ‘ 2 Conners stars. 10:00 (4) colo Re Mi. | a rumor romance. ‘momentous trials. , 9:30 (2) Red Skelton ——<. (7) Jean’s Notebook. dion gig rw divorced man, * * * Dan (John Carradine) hires tote - = dol a report that he might be interested -eign ministers of the United more loot. Deadeye, the cowboy (Skel-'19:39 (2) Arthur Godfrey in movie actress Susan Cabot. ‘States, Britain, France and the! ton), to tame wild town. j (4) Treasure Hunt. * * * \10:55 (7) News (9) Count of Monte Cristo. Soviet Union are scheduled to! oment the Leones’ They* met when he visited Holly-' meet to prepare the way for a At thet m the af were wood jast week. Miss Cabof was summit - meeting of government door from his home across the, quoted as calling him the ‘most heads. It is possible the United ayjey. aed Pair of Thieves . * ing, at well before 7 am., I wes penieg? Robbery et ol familiar voice: my wife's. She had the night NEWYORK (AP)—The $ . aa val ane, Sens MORAL: Planes and autos run out of gas, women don’t. pice: Veronica Lake 65 . —— Detroit Police ; temporary alimony pending trial ; EARL’S PEARLS: The biggest problem facing most wives isjof her suit for separation from DETROIT — Two armed men the one sitting across the table from ‘em every morning. —jher third husband, writer Joseph robbéd Rome Leone, 69, bar and Ken Kraft. A, McCarthy. 4 rough-talking pair ‘bound and gagged Leone and Raymond, 23, éntered the back * * * Back of me the B. W. was out- | 1 talking Peggy Cass: telling the young thother of a year-old son all she knew about child-rear-. ing. I fell asleep... . “When we came down at Idle-|'" wild into a beautiful N. ¥. morp- PEGGY WISH I’D SAID THAT: Husband-hunting’s the only sport in which the creature that’s caught pays for the license. TODAY’S BEST LAUGH: Henny Youngman heard of the) fellow who was elected to Congress but had to turn it down— none of his relatives wanted to work in Washington ... That's earl, brother. ° (Distributed 1959 by The Hall Syndicate, Inc.) (All Rights Reserved) + jfrom lake tankers to be trucked lto the Air Force base. It will \have five tanks for 400,000 barrels. Jet. Fuel Oil Terminal Near Sawyer Planned ; ‘18:00 (2) I Love Lucy. | . ; is ' : | ESCANABA w—Espada Corp. of of fuel oil. Waser ... ’ (4) Price Is ight. jcmarnsing maw: I ever Get. But States will be represented in Ge 1) 4. mirror on the kitchen Dallas, Tex., has purchased 40) i Whirtpeot with Suds *219" 4, . ‘Hussein did not recall meeting her neva by a new secretary of state. p eal ' | ; Pees erate Te (i) Cleo. ae ’ n rifling | acres of land on Little Bay de Noc ° i door he saw one of the me: ing SEATO Fleet Sail G-E Electric o toe Ee | ct Sart Reew Se ty” © none the influence of John Foster . drawer, He also heard his for « jet fucl oll termina) & supply ee! SONS SS inca: Se 11:18 (9) Nursery Schooltime | said, “I many people in les w present in any bine. - Sawyer Air Force Base near! ; 11:30 (2) Top Dollar. | Holtywood and she might have case. The past six years donee - : : ‘ Marquette. | SINGAPORE WS — Thirty war. — TERMS re aor (4) Concentration. | been among them, but I don't strated the tremendous impact a) dashed out, called Work ie to be completed before | ships of five nations sailed from oy atzl os (7) Burns and Alien. remember her.” Single personality can have upon) police and returned with his the Singapore naval base today SiTiAlely ee 49) Howdy Doody a nation’s policy. and the course| shotgun from his own home. |the close of the Great Lakes navi- , Par stam aes . On a tour of auto plants the o¢ nistory ott led the hor gation season next fall. to launch SEATO's biggest exer- WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON page hia 4 prices wear- - «+ & | Two watked im the door with |. The terminal will receive oil! cise yet in fleet cooperation. \ a blue sui maroon tie,, $2:00 (2) Love of Life. iwas a target of winks from women Basically, perhaps, American: Sms drawn. assefnbly line workers. He smiled policy in a time of cold war would| robbers surrendered meek- . — | back. have been pretty much the same jy identified themselves as . 9 f : ; «. Miriani’< office Under any secretary of state. But steve Milanovich, 40, of Gary, FFE) a savor uri ins ote makes et deal fierce nd and wis Haron, 2 and he and Miriani exchanged ban- wf -, nd ried a nter-' Harmon refused to give his ad- iT | ter. y ee Se © om. dréss.~ Both were jailed. ee) Hussein discussed international NO COMPROMISE — | The police returned the $1,659 Z affairs at a city hall press con-' Dulles’ solemn, almost evyange- to Leone. ; - Yh Uj ference. ilistic approach and his stubborn’ _ : | oad * * * \defense of moral principles have . ‘ YY He repeated a previous state- left little room for compromise on Dahlings, Says ty ’|ment that “Arab nationalism and|any fundamental issue of what hej}. allt ] Y’ 1] * so communism can never live to- considered right or wrong. Ta u ah, a a UY jgether.”” , * & : s AS ik Israel he described as “the re-| Perhaps US, policy might have] Must H. elp Us Ys sponsibility of all the world."’|done better if its architect had NAGA @ | | Asked about Iraqui Premiet Kas-/been more deliberately cynical in| WASHINGTON (AP) — Tallulah i Uy Z ? « i wy Te sem and President Nasser of Egyptidealing with a cynical enemy.|Bankhead returned to Congress 2 _. lM he replied: “I don’t think ‘very, Dulles seems to have denied him- and asked the precious dahlings highly of either’ of them.” self that weapon out of conviction|there to help her fellow actors. ‘ 7 . < that a civilized Western nation’s) “] don't know why y'all make : . diplomacy should rely on the,me so nervous.’ she told the 31 Duteh uncle Leningrad Port Opens = moral force of Christian prin- House Ways and Means Commit- 32 Pacecs” pass Hf Early as Weather Good ciples. Possibly this was a little'tee Monday. “‘I've been sitting om 38 Dropey . _ naive in today’s world. But in the) @verybody's knee up here since I ia that 83 Droop , 1 Oe World 33 Pasteboard | arblae (AP) Te port of -roiggg Ae _ — _ og ed was two.”- Ky at away ands (Fr.) BR oO