Tht W«oth«r ’ «.i. Wwtkar Awmi hrtwH Omtif . mUm- NTIAC, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 13. 1960-48 PAGES State Legislature Convenes; Short Session in View LANSING Michigan’s 1980 Legislature co|(lvened at noon toda^ amid signs It might be as short and calm as the 1959 session was long and turbulent. Speaker Don R. Pears dropped the first gavel in the House at 12:01 p.m., as did Lt. Oov. John B. Swainson simultaneously in the Senate. The 34-member Senate was at full working strength for the first time since early last, spring with the return County Ming Welfare Cuts fof Sen. Frank Andrews (R-I Hillman). Andrews was I away several mpnthi? after suffering a stroke. I In a jovial, backslapping moo^. state lawmakers converge^ on the President Sees Cdmfxjign Funds Bill Russia's Testing Upsets Senate Today as OK by Law WASHINGTON liP—The Senate headed into a scrap today over a Mil to require fuller disclosure of campaign 'U.S. Has Done Samespending ceilings. Thing'; Also May Take elections measure was cleared by feeders as Dems to Summit jtlre first major legislation*-I to. be taken up at this ses-W AS H. N'OTO N .. Pair Recovering :'AfterGunfight Quarrel Over Wife Starts Shooting Spree, Deputies Say , Jrai^ol. There was talk of tl» chiet aponsor, aatf ting before ApiA Pobl’s^^^^ |tO(&y*lt would be very un-,prompt action on the bill is nec-Asking State to Split' «®v. WUUam* greeted tfiem for this country tO essary if it is to govern this!, Costs SO DaeliieA ’'***' “** general fund protest Russla'S plans to’year’s election campaigns, ii.ii ^ ^(Miry was attll Bl| mlllhM test rOCketS in tbe Central; The bUI was approved w the Millog. Ceiling " P»<^tnc since the United, Me. c-n«rtii„ i.., „ „ ., ^ - $j«.iao,oee in avaUabie funds (States has made tests there! «« to bring Oakland County wil launch a' v-,i-rd-v ^ corrupt practices art t«o-pronged effort to cut Its htghi (and mtends tO do so again.. „p ^ date. T: r!aJS*?n Sre:*Slsni;2 The president tow a news: chairman Hennings and other! Two men are m san.slactor^■ con-j S^oJ^s ^^a^in^i:C test- membra re^rened the right to of- dltion at Pontiac General HospiUl NeitiTit^s^’i; e"J.I:?ed ZT1lSsr.TT^ctS after siKx.tmg each other during an' be greeted warmly by fund-starved “ vehicleiwith mtemational law. iJS timh off wme f^woX *-any Tuesday eAcnlng.' --------------- i Russiai’s announced plans to test * ♦ * ' accoiding to sheriff's depuUos. I powerful new rockets in that area one ke>' issue is whether to were identified by deputies j “I the* iMo*Michi»s"« ^’av^ brought criticism from scv-.^nj5^k.e, me^ legislation apply to pri-ias Martin Moore. 40. of 180 Rae- LeriHlature set up shoii tojtav eral individuals—former President jUfary elections. In its present bum St., and Elmer C. Bolin. 40. e*ai-flT one lor earh^tor a^ S. Truman and Sen MikelJ®'’"' '* “PP'ia': «"•> '« candidates;of 668 E. Grand Traverse Rd.. repreo^tattve. Last year, St7 (Mansfield iD-Montl, for gen-fCommerce Towt^^^^ state officials. One would restore the i$-t$ M split between the stale and counties' on welfare coats, and the other would reduce to one mill the ceiling that a eouMy would be expected to pay for general relief out ef taxes be- Today the state steps in if counties—and Detroit as a separate ease—have to pay out of 15-miU limitations moit* than 1*4 mills of Eastman Must Go Too, Chief Allegedly Says. Study Plan for Election Giving Willman Power to Fire Returnee Herbert W. gtraley was advised at no6n to retbrn to work as Puntiec police chief tomorrow morning. Clarence L. Smith, Straley’s attorney, said he advised the chief to take this step in light of last night’s decision by the City Commission. "jeral and special elections. Eisenhower said the United' Heimlngs Mid he leh primary obvious late in the session that (States always has claimed it is some were Kohig abont their (proper to use the high seas t» chores without botherlag to reg- their state equalized valuations for license plates and exempt city and general relief. ! ■ ■ e v valid scientific eiqwriment. and has been doing so after notifying all concerned and warning away anyone who could be injured. On another subjeet, Ihe.Preid- l-Ndl’ST. 17.FAIK He said that in be unjust and unfair. (suburban bus lines from state gas The I.egislatlve Conimltlee of and weight taxes All touched off! «»«• Indicated he may take the Board of Supervisors yester- heated arguments last year « '«H*re Desnoerats to the sam- day voted to ask for the katf- ( In a speech to the Michigan | meetlag la May If there Is mUI redaction, bringing the cell- Supervisors Assn., the governor • pooslbUlty the conlereoce may lag closer to what Oakland rouh (tipped his hand on one of the! •" ■ treaty, ty spends >esrfy for genersi re- .recommendations he will make in Eisenhower made no definite lief, tomorrow's "State of the .State” commitment but noted that it has'*“"'P* Primaries from fed-1 by road. The return to the even split (-been the practice for many yearel^™' '-epilalions that govern elec- had already been made a part of “ «••«« fw creaUon of the ‘for Presidents to have members of; the county's 1960 legislative pro- ®fnee of local government rep- opposition party—usually from But Southern senators and gram and approved by the Boaid resentatlves in Ijinslag, sta- Senate—on hand if a treaty is others have made it plain they of Suiieiwiaors. The millage. re- Ihmed In the governor’s offlre. ,, , , . »'<’*•*»* effort to apply , > • >4. ■ ' . • ____a ___________ M- *s w I Ifm Hi/t nnt inni/«w4di AA'Kdsmmg* Ka .... __ duction pruposal^l br tacked on. ft wiU be presented to the full By PETE LOCHBUJSR City commissioners last night turnef^down an offer by Herbert W. Straley to pull out as fontiac police chief. One of Straley’s dtoands reportedly was that Public ___(Safety Director George D. j Eastman go too. : The Commission, which has four times fought off I efforts to fire Eastman, met (for an hour behind closed xTc^vir « x, a i doors to mull ovcr Stralcy’s ' Roiin told Deputies Lyle R Gil- NEW YORK iJr Nmeteen delegates U) the Apalachin i proposal and apparently de- .lespie and George Lumbard lhat underworld convention were sentenced today to prison'cided “no di»»i “ ^ third of the he and his wife were followed of nn t/v five vpiirs > .,,n , ' states success in the primaries is their home in Carrol Lake Sub- , ^ ^ years. We have discussed the situa- tantamount to elecUon. It would [division by Moore after he had A 20th defendant was absent because bad weather jtlon in general." said Mayor PhiMp said, to,attempted to run them off a near- grounded a plane bringing him here. !e. Rohston in a careltilly worded 7 ^ ___________ U.S. Dist. judge Irving R. Kaufman said the back--***^ states,” ......--- SEEKS ELECTION - \WIUam F. Kalwitz asks the Qty Com-mission to schedule a speciafelection to change the administrativw setup in the Police Department. Kalwitz. reprehenting the Pontiac Area Chamber of Commerce at the Qty Commission last night, said the turbulent Herbert W. Straley case has highlighted the need for a change. A bystander, Jay Wistei man, of “ ....- - 12 E. Grand Traverse Rd., was i9 Apalacbm Delegates o, ,ndSHis ST'-S: f Sent to Prison mating convention.^ was described; .i, eampalgns should be Included. Sen. Kenneth B Kentlng (R-NT) ’ hnx offered an amendment to do (LADIK K-MFE threat Board Monday for consideration. . With 195S general relief figures sliU being compiled, George ,H. Several st«tes now have such Burt, nogial welfare director, citodjofficere. including New York and 1951 reconl. He pointed out that U the ceiling had been one mill the state would have “taken care of us during the last three months of the year." * Pennsylvania. A mere fdhr-week rest from law-it making chorea after last year') » record-long session put the 34 senators and 110 representatives a mood (or a brief meeting devoid of bitter tax struggles. The timetable for " sions provided for in even-numbered years callp for the Legisla-(lure to quit the middle of April and After his metling with the brieflv for final adjourn- mittee. Burt said he places more Deadline for! fiope in seeing the Ugislature ap- introduction of bills is Feb. 17. County offteials uy the general relief lond-nithough a financial burden on the coonty-oever oeema to reodi the I'l mill OMbitanre level. The oew offlrUI was dest^ribed ! ‘le did not indicate whether tie restrictions to primaries. Thev as a “praettcal minded friend In (believes at this point that the great ^ ^e an unwairaBled ------for mayors and super- powere mating this sprii^ may j extension of federal powers. reach the treaty-making stage. _ ^ tr * ‘ o I One part of the bill approved Eisenhower said he is not thej*’>' Rulw Committee is deleast bit disturbed -about the el-P.K"^* ^ V«Men up what Hen-fect of the Soviet missile power loopholes in the re- on summit negotiations. dl^sure provisions He saM he believes m the mfll- ^cOws Act. tary power of the United States. *, * * He made clear he is confident that this power is sufficient to conations and expe^i- support this country's foreign pol-Icy and prevent it from being pushed around by «iy other na- ■ith U S well the clerks of the .Senate andj the House. grounds of the defendants*" Bolin .said Moore threatened him “read like a tale Of hor- with a knife when he got home. ___, ,___________ '1 went inside and grabbed a>. .22 that he was Spn- caliber pistol and returned to the'tencing them “for society’ front porch and fold Moore to get protection.” off mv uronertv " Bolin sulH , __ “.Antoine Pinay Leaves Post "We have roar haled that Straley should returh to sroft la ae-eordanee with the court decree.” Rowslon would not comment further nor give any details of Straley's offer 1 While officials watted today (or Straley to retuni to work, two other developments had Kcurred. A petition was filed id Circuit off my property." Bolin said. ..4,1, . 'He came at me with that knife charged with con- and I shot," he told deputie*. *P^C Moore was struck in tlie right about the purpose of the upstate _ ... ___ wrist and hip 'crime i-ondave in 1937. ^ Withdraws in HoobIbk 1decUre Moore denied threatening Bolip. a * w ^ 1 _ . I "'•'ether the Police Trial Board, He said Bolin "just opened fire! Fourteen on me." He admjtted driving to'tenced a hardware store two miles away.'yem, ^ purchasing a .410 gauge shotgun maxta^'S WO.OOO. 1 [ And the Commission had urdar and shells, and returning to Bolin's P| —«----------1 —JTT.. ^ “ 70-30 »\ella -cpurred up last .vear and the result-1 . nn amendment covering commit- m when sirueh. WUlermaa was before Kaufman, got the maximum He was followed to Elysee Palace ~ ^ ! voters. la"T"ak- in ih"«i opc-af'ng within a single .state »•<•« fe»' «"<• right ,jve years and a $10,000 fine, bv Baumgartner, F m e r g ing * P«>Pom1s intent on winding prove the balf-niill cut than /placing the present 70-30 stirred up last .vear and the result-1. . ,, . cori agrremeni Cannes cany the i,,g di,jgust among voters, lawroak-™^ shot in the left knee and right of five vears and"a $10,000 fine, bv Baumgartner Emerging heaviest share jfnd ha\e for th, g, s this yeai ate intent on winding •*cst m the niis.sile field^ |,p out of hit Qne of the defendants. Simone Baumgartner said he had « •'Ot depast several yeara after the state ,be„. ,^ork quickly and clearing •’'‘scnlwwer said he to second feature of the bill "c*' dour to see what the scozzari 38 of Rosemead Calif. De Gaulle's offer of the finance *’"**’ dutlng the public portion of changed the ratio from the .K)-a0 ^ ,he Capitol, ” "ould l;^reL e^ndhure limit- -o*- »•' «e refused coilT3are Liriry la^ night', Commission meeting. P'*"- There are fences to be mended; *“ ■ ' lions to reflect the increased cost fr**noent. boarded in Los Angeles was' * ♦ ♦ Gomraissioners later trooped into Committee nieml^rs a so voted back home and political fields to Elsenhower said it is slll.v to of political campaigning since the .Mrs. Bolin lematnod ih the house gixiunded in Baltimore- by bad Pinuy. a hard money conserva-* office, a^rt newsmen to sfeive fer^a new formtUa ofj-ep-^be cultivated before the Aug. 2' acMse the administraHon oMorr- pa.s.sage of the Corrupt Practices during the ruckus and ran to a weather. live who is the architect «*'® **"• srttled down t .... ^ 2 Col 4, in .. ... lesentalion for city superv isors on'p,.jn,an- rolls aixxind. the Board which would add an addiUonai supetrisor to Southfield' and Royal Oak based on this vear's f^ral census Thia tigAinikl. ton,.mlLcanveJie-fore supervisory Jan-. 46, (Continued 0 Brigitte Holds Her Newborn Breath of Spring Silently Stole Away Last Night A breath of spring touched the Pontiac area early this morning when temperatures climbed fromi ;» degrees at 9 p.m. to 52 at 2 a.m.i From 3:15 a.m. on the mercuiy fell steadily to a low of 34 at 8 a.m. Temperatures are expected to hit, a high of 40 today and a low of :!:i tonight, the weatherman siid.j For the next five days temper- | atares will average about five degrees above the normal high of SI and noniial low of 19. Only minor changes are expeiled j through the weekend. Precipitation will total near one inch in rain or snow on Friday ( and again about Sunday. Northerly winds this morning at 11 miles an hour will become light northeasterly tonight. At 2 p,m.' the temperature reading was 33. l.- JI50 Atttnd Reception for Monaghan, Werner More than 150 Pontiac busing-men held a reception tor Philipp. Monaghan and Calyin J. Werner,-'Tueiiday. At The Bloomfield Hills Countiy Oub. Monaghan -has left the GMC Truck and Coach Division' for the Technical Center and.Wer-ne, 'has taken his place, , John F Gordon. liresldent of (■.eueiral Motors, ^ke briefly in regard in .Monaghan's pirpmotion, by the corporation and Monaghan | vvas presented with a silver pitcher by the Chief Pontiac oiganizatkm, neighbor's to call deputies after * ★ ♦ France s economic recovery Bolin was shot, Kaufman imposed sentences on oe Gaulle, was hopelessly at odds Moore surrendered fo Gillespie the convicted men alphabetically *.jtb some cabinet niembera he and Lumbard behind the Bolin" ‘heir names appeared in the'fobgjdered sociaJlsUc after they fired several intate Bar- prosecution's star witness, slafe ibers Assn. Local No 50, covering police Sgt. Edgar CTOswell; who Pontiac, Waterford Township. |,hI the raid Nov. 14. 1957. af the Drayton Plains and nearby areas hillside estate of the late Joseph A quahfiH so *ree satd the mrsklp was Most Families look I'usvloa prior to the vole t lor Prosperity in '60 Comity News Editorials Udy aad Oiaal Marhrts Michigan Future OMtuarles Sports It is not likehe that the ooivt would consider making a ruling unless it beUev-es that soineonc's legal rights are actually at stake. The other Seven officers wm« named as interested partiea. H toe RR AN*® RAbY — A disheveled Brigitte Bardot holds her nejs son Nipotos in her Paris apartment. The seven '-pound, youngster born .Monday is her first. He was born in the apart- AP WIrvaMU raent which was turned into k clinic tor the blessed event. The French actress is married to actor Jacques Otarrier. ........... Orcuit Judge H Russel Holland Feneley is about to officials vvere unavailable, ' ' (oiidered a hearing Monday at •'* disciplined for a minor uifrac- for i-omment, »; rupii—A nation-••'^. •* asked to show-jf^®" police rules. w ide suri’ey of 1 300 adults showed oauw "'•'y “ femporary. injunction . g.i ' -■ -- ,«f today most people expect the next should not be issued, placing the ______iHve years to be "good times ' foi|tri*J board s authority in legal ’ In i oof cry S'HreSS (the (xmsumer and businessman, [abeyance. * , .T . ■ ' Jod^ Helisnd ailed -Her i The University of Michigan sur, p^itim, was IIM asking Oreul ------- - 'consumer attitudes and | ^ourt to declare whetfcer the (inclination to buy" also revealed 4^., ^gaily eoMtitnted that 61 per cent of those inter-i „ ^ ^ ^ ^ jviewiM expecied better business p,n,* (^.g s„,vto» fh (condition in the next 12 months., •,» vatm tom Amii jin families with income! of $.5,000 !a yekr and up> 71 per cent ex-' A petition for a declaratory ^___________. . ipected I960 to improve over last (judgment was filed today by Patti, itiwif, the city commissioners the • iyesr. ,Merideth. a Pontiac attorney, in neven trial Board members, Oty I The survey was condwied during,behalf ot eight members of the^Mimager W'alter K. Wfllman and October and November of 19.58. (Pontiac Police Officers Assn., an'public Safety Ofaector Gt-orge D. ; Almost exactly one half of the anti-Straley faction ' Eastman, 'interviews were "taken during,Jhe' The petition asserted that onei Hie court has been rsquested to jstec^l strike and the other half of the eight officers. Patrolman make an (Mr)y ruling so tfuii the' 'aftdf .\'ov. 9 when workers bad Larry R. Feneley. was in s posi city — if it waids to - am ask returned to their jobs. Hon ,to stfffer personally if the fContinued on Page 2, l, if* rmudder petHtoatag the eaart to allaw Straley to Mtor (he diapnte Named as defendents are the city *'T\‘ sad Radio Programs Wilaoa. Eaii fmwn * Page* IS It •klis S -I- .1 •V - f _ T~f/ TWO THK PU^TIAC FMKbS, t^Commission Rejects/ Straley Offer to Quit (CbnUnUed FYoni PMie One) jimmager'to the police chief." ile- Kt. Stniley t»d eelwl toT)e ptw-ent, but Rowtton dedde< clared Kalwitt. thiilli over, among ounelm first, be jakt: "TMa ts Kkat h Mceasaiy far ..derljr management af the Fa-IJtoeldad ttot ■» Departmwrt.” The Conmiaslon has uiiti] Feb. 18 -to decide to put the Itfias been Roaaton who has «> AprU 18 ^ gotlMed aith 8^ 'Tour proposals rttorney. Clarence L. Smith. Straley has hesitated over his re- «*e..n»«n^ turn to work. After the meeting. Rowatoa notified Smith of the Commission’s de Bat StraJey did aat report to wait this moraliig and tt was aa« knoMw when he wonM. Eastanan said he would try to and out today. Eastman said he woadd alsi^ decide how to charge Straley for the to be able to fire the police chief at will.’* declared Henry. "How much ^ntectii— _____________ Straley have under your set upt" demanded Landry. "What re-oourae would the pOUoe chief have if the manager and the Oty Com-tnisskn were againat himf” Kalwit? answered to the form id a counterattack. "H is the aty Commission which tfrauld' take ftoal reaponiibility for three days he has missed work.ithe police cmef,’’ he asserted. since Wiibnan ordered him to report to duty at 8 stm. Monday. Straley took Monday and ’Tuea-day off 1^ agreement between' Rowston and Smith, said Eastman. Eastman said he has still not decided what duties Straley will have, what hia hours will be or wfaidi desk to bis.. • "i U decide that vfhen Straley gets heie." he said. Henry retorted that the chamber's plan could lend to abuse on the part of the manage or the OiMnmisakxi "Tito pol^ chief should not be subjected to bolMcal aty Attorney William A. Ewart has advised Straley that his duties are prescribed by the city charter. While the charter describes «»e pdice chiel as "executive head" of the Police Department, he noted, it says the public safety director has "control and management." Ewart said Straley wottld be under Eastman’s "contrid and management." . Kahvitz reiriied that It is file duty of the Oommiatoon to ke^ the manager to dm^. It was Eastman who was called to 15 months ago to supplant Straley aa bead of the Police Dqiart-ment. Five months later, he had drawn up the multiide diaiges that led to Strain’s ouster. The ouster was eventually reversed, but on technical grounds. The Chamber proposals were presented by Mm H. nmnger, ohamber impi-agcr. and WllUam F. KalwlU, cteiipuui of the chamber’a gov-. Tliey were accepted tor study, but only after an attack by Onn-misiloners Robert A. Landry and Milton R. Henry, botto strong supporters of Straley. The chamber asked fbr: 1. Elhnination of the Department of Public Safety as "superfluous in a dty the size of Pontiac." 2. Reconstitution of the Police and Fire Departments as separate departments under the dty » OHy againat the chM, that’s that Me shoaM go. Ton an the repeeeen-tativoe ef the people. Yen have If the Oommisaion does not like adiiat the manag«- to doing, it can fire him,” repUed Kalwitz. "’There should be no break to the line of authority between ttie people who elect the commission-’ ers and the public servants who make policy. 'Tt it wrong to heve an ad-mlaistratlve poet that’s over the elected officials of the city." Kalwitz contended that under the present setup, the Trial Board upsets the chain of command between the peoide, their commissioners and the police chief. Henry argued that the Trial Board was part of the systeii^ of governmental ehecka-and-balances. ’On the COTitrary," Kalwitz countered: "It is the COnunission that should operate as a check on the polioe chief and the manager under our form of dty government. ale aa Informal meettag for the Cemmissloa to discaw the chamber propaoai before the Fd». II ,, _ vCity Traffic Fatal Ends Johnson Power ^ 2-year No-Deatii Record WASHINGIW (lyp) V Majod-ty Leader L^on B. Mumoa of Texas had overwhelming support his Democratic colleagues today to continue his middle of the road policies to the Senate. P80CLA1MIN0 JAYGEE WEES - Water-' ford Towndiip Supervisor Elmer R. Johnson (light) signs document proclaiming Jan. 17-^ as Junior Oiamber of Commerce Week in Waterford. Looking on are Arthur Salley (1^), Waterford Jaycee first vice president, and .Frank r»auM rms PhM* Richardson. Jaycee president. Highlighting the week’s observance will be the announcement of Waterford’s "Man of the Year” as the annual Bosses Night Banquet Tuesday at the Community Center. Oakland and Macomb May Present Plan Next Week 1st Agreement for Detroit Water Ready Piy In Birmingham 51 to 12 Veto Supfknlf His Committ«9 Control -Goro Loses Fight JBIRMINGUAII >- On* fatal at cident l4 iSSS ended Biratingham’ saMy record of no traffic deaths to more than two ypars. Police Chief Ralph W. Moxley skid today to his annuifi report: The accident occurred early Chriatmag morntog when Tlmathy ten, 17, of 21© TWten* haiti Rd., lost contdol of his ear on Woodward avenue near Bloomfield cqurt and struck two trees and a fire hydnnt. NiPidng a liberal revolt, the Denuxrats killed- by a 51-12 vote a proposal to strip Johnson of control ol the party PoHcy Committee. expand its size and direct it to develop over-all policy. ' "At this time of year an almost invisible coating of ice on the **1110 aoddent was a direct Nilt ef speed teo fast fer esMlI- The Birmingham chapter of Al-{dia Delta Alumnae will meet Jtn. 18 at 8 P-m. at the franc Mrs., Bdwar SBiarer on Wistwdbd drive, Cohostesaes will be Sirs. James-J. Hogan and Mrs. BonaUl Oldroyd- Jane Lytle, daughter ef the George L^es, will illustrate her experiences as a foreign exchange stqdent jn Holland, with colored slides. Jane is a student at Royal Oak High school and daughter of Mrs. Lytle, ahimnae member. The vote , was fiken________ _ 2 H-hour closed party conference Tuesday. The libwal group had sought a stronger voice in deter-mtotog tactics and ptdicy. By a 51-11 vote the caucus then directed Johnson to continue to appoint members of the party Steering Committee, which makes assignments of intUvidual senators covered standing committee pavement often results in a tem^-rary loss of control of a vehide." 'Speeding multiplies the serious ness of any accident and this is especially true when a ve< strikes an inunovabie object,’ said. In 1966, police investigated 7T8 accidents compardi to 19U, Moxley said. With his leadership tactics thus rwundingly endorsed, Johnson told reporters he will continue to follow the course he has to the This has Involved 'restraint to criticizing President Elsenhower and the tailoring of legislation in an effort to avoid Presidential vetoes. It has meant the enact-t of compromise measures rather than passage Of bills designed mainly to build up a Democratic political record. Last year I'M peraons were la-jared la aceUeats owrnpared with 187 the prevloas year, he added. "’These, totals show the serious-less of the traffic problem to Birmingham. W’e are losing ground in our fight to reduce traffic accidents,’’ Moxley said. * ♦ A "If we aie to reverse this U-end in 1960, it will call for the full support of all agencies In the city and state, as well as-cooperation of the citizens." added Moxley. The Birmingham Musicale will jhost guest artists from the Lansing iMatinee Musicale. its neighbor o .lu ^ .. chapter of Federated Music 6ubs, Gore (D-Tenn). whO|toroorrow at 1:30 p.m. at the Corn-led the fight to take away some m unity House of Johnson's powers, said heh thought the battle "augurs weU for our pai-ty.’ "Thou^ we lost this time, we may have won in seining lose," he said. Three water authorities repre-itivo counties will enter into sep-| It also stipulates (hat when a senting Oakland and Macomblm-ate purchase contracts with De-!city is unable to construct part of counties have drawn up a 16-pototI—- >- ----- precontract agreement for purchaae of water from the city of Detroit. R, J. Alexander, Oakland Department of Public Works director and chairman of the three-member panel, which drew up the prelim- Cecil Mullinax. vice chairman of the Trial Board, announced that his board neither endorsed nor oppo-sed the proposals. The chamber originally wanted inary agreement, said it might be presented to Detroit water officials next week. 1 Rentoval df the police chief *o water down the powers of the Trial Board. ’Iliei twe r«Mintie« are looking to Detroit tor an sddltlonal water sepply as current ground supplies dwindle with rapid popola- we have discovered that j peasloo. "These changes would create a ««• r^mmen^tions roncerning; Alexander said he expected .some ............. ■ ■ '“‘- points in the agreement "to be lowed l^ely to practice, so we i tom apart" by Detroit representa-withdrawn them,’’ Kalwitz, tives. clearcnit line of command the aty Oommissioo to the city Old Man Weather Asks. 'What'll You Have?' said. By Hm Associated Pres* The nation’s weather continued its climatic binge today, with a varied offering of rain, aleet, snow, fog and unseasonable high temperatures. Snow, sleet and freezing rains siideed highways in many parts ol the Northeast. The Weather Bureau in Washington posted warnings of dangerous driving conditions in inland sections of Eastern New York, Omnecticut, Northwestern Rhode Island, Massachusetts and southern puts of Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine. The bureau said freezing rgtos and sleet changing to rains wero Boutttorn New Sii^and, northern New Jersey. Northeastern Pennsylvania and Coastal areas at New York. The forecasters said rain considerabiy warmer weather would follow in Pennsylvania and New Jersey southward, melting most of the ice accumulation. troit. Purchase by townships is The sgreemeat drafted by the three authorities allows a aoa-votlng lepresentatlve from each county on the Board of Water (kHnmIssloners. Detroit Is working toward * charter amendment to fnellltate this. its internal system the county may do so. Costs of this construction shall be reimbursed to the county through a reduction In water rates until full amount plus accrued interest has been compensated for. When, and if, this amendment carries, the agreement requests that future representation on the Board be based on water consumption. The agreement also calls (or a three-member board of water rate ■ experts’’ to review rates periodically, but not more than once every five years. A panel of arbitrators would iron out any dis- File Suit to Test Trial Board Legality fContinued From Page One) for the reconsitution of the Trial Board at this April's election. CtvU service for police was adopted by voters in April 1957 and repealed by them two yeaia later. Alexander, as well as Walter K. i putes. Wlllman. Pontiac city managerj--------- ----------- - and another member of the panel, forecast that a request from theV • ' T i* craunties that a "slkling scale’ of |{y55|0 J |6$t I1Q Water rates be used by Detroit ' "y might be a bone of contention. The apwment asks that govern- LCUClIf JUfJ il\C A sharper comment came from iSen. Paul Douglas (D-Ill), who began a move to have more caucuses at which the © Senate Democrau could air their views. 'Die two rowutirs will ask De--troit to agree that cities and counties may have option of providing their own storage require-ments to meet maximum hour "It is apparent that a majority of the senators are libt yet ready for political self-government but prefer to stay in a state of political colonialism.' Douglas said. Macomb Prosecutor in Probate Judge Race Guest artists appeartog on the pTognun ore Mrs. Dnaae Smith. vMinlsI; Mrs. Robert Gnsttn, pianist: and Leone Hcbenneman Witter, dramatic soprano. Hie puUic is Invltid. Ihen wlfl e a small admtotoon charge. Mrs. UVancha E- Mange Service (or Mrs. LaVancha E. Mange, 82, of 350 Aritogtim Dr„ Birminghapi, will be held at 10 a.m. tomorrow at the Mantoy Bailey Funeral Home. Burial will b* at Lowell Cemetery. Lowell. Mrs. Mange died Monday after a short illness. A Birmingham resident 15 years •he was a member ef the Ftrst Methodist Church and the Senior Activities Group. ' • < She is survived by a dat^^iUfT Mrs- C; A; BItos of Harbor Springs, two sons, Richard D. and Lester R., both of Birmingham, a brother. Clifford Long of Los Angeles, and eight grandkhildi'en. Benjamin Dow Eliwood Service for Benjamin Dow Bll-wood. W, of 18173 beveriy Rd . Beverly Hills, will be held at 2 p.m. Friday at the Manley Bailey Funeral Home. Burial will be at White Chapel Cemetery. Eliwood died suddenly yesterday at the William Beaumont Hospital, Royal Oak. An electrician (or General Motors Truck and Coach, Pontiac, he. a member of Birmingham No. 44 FAAM, and RAM No. 93 of Birmingham. He is survived by two sisters, Mrs. James Groves of Lapeer. Mrs. John E. Burris of St. Petersburg. Fla., and a brother, Wright H. of Flint. West Considers Proposal for Broad Trade Setup PARIS (F — The major trading|it was Involved in negotiations powers of the Western world met which left unhealed the present today to consider a U.S. proposal trade split in Euix>pe. for a new economic organization! The United States and Canada with global responsibilities. |are not full members of the OEEC Tile proposal was formally sub-ialthcxigh they participate in its dc- MOUNT CLEMENS (UPIl—Ma-.mitted to the 20-nation meeting byibutes. They would be full mem- Besides several other technical points, the pre-contract agreement finally asks that v^benf the Lake Huron line is tied In with the original Detroit intake system, "a re-viev^ of transportation and pumping charges will be conducted and adjustment made." dacy for probate judge in the November election. U.S. Undersecretary of State C.jbers of the new organization. This Douglas Dillon, who wants to set;is one reason it may take some giraup of "wise mgn" to work'time to get the new organization He has been prosecutor for six years. The terms of present Probate Judges Joseph V. TromWf’y and Donald PareA expire this year. l^en it was adopted, it automatically suspended the old Trial Board provisions in the city charter. ly said that Al ether prevbiloiM VAers never voted specifically to reconstitute the Trial Board. city- said-ft wotdd automatically be reconstituted if votei s repealed civil service. In today’s suit, it is argued that the dty was wrong, that to be reconstituted the 'Trial Board pro-vfsions would have to be readopted by the vAers. How Low the Neckline? The Weather I ROME WMlnssdsz st t;M pm “eus! ■i':l Dau la •* Yaan Waterford Twp. Township at 7 p.m. yesterday, according to township police. Hie driver A a car heading south on Sasbabaw road. Adam J. KAlnka, ©. of 3526 Buchanan St.. Detroit, loat control A his car and swoved on slippery pavement to the wrong aide, police aAd. Detroit. wMch has lieen selling Us water to suburbs lor subatan-tIA pronts for years, was chosen. Plans now call for the two coun-i The President said he agreed ties to receive Detroit water from | that" Rockefeller s action left an its present intake within a year or atmosphere of no competition for so. Alexander said. TV agreementithe nomination, but he stuck to his! (sets up that by 1966 a Lake Huron'previou.sly-declared policy of neu-I intake and lines should >m> cnm-ltrality and stopped short of giving pleted. ;his personal endorsement to Vice This, Alexander said, is nine| Pi’esideni Richard M. Nixon, the !years earlier than the time De- only candidate now to sight troit planned to build the Lake * * * I Huron line. ’We don't entirely; Ei.senhowei also made a pica agree so far with them as to when for enactment of the pending civil they should be ready to ship us ,-igh,s bill without change, water." he sAd. ^ If H is. deemed wise to make * * * additions to the bill Areaily be- Li!! a n Congress, he said, thrt can Aker AHven by Bvateft W. Den- -} u tfiii Aa. 46. A Mil WaBAi Rd.. Onrk- Kalinka viasv takan to Pontiac {GenerA Ho^tA wdth a fractured |wrirt. abrasioM and injury to the right knee. Attendants said he was in fair condition today. Dennia was treated fA noee. ^eft knee and |Kwdble cbest injuriee at Pontiac GenerA and (cleaaed. agreement, which -WillnULn sAdIbe done later Det^t has Aready agre^ fo. « The Immediate problem. Eisen-! ^ the co^ of the entire sy^ bower told his news conference.! tern he paW tor l^m m.get passage of the bill now! enues A the total Detroit syrtem.Leld in the House Rules Com-Willman Mid It Mon must be mittee. 'u«i, !<»•? Pontiac — with its many factories has been considered ,the key to the new purchase plan. Without Pontiac it was believed Detroit woAdn’t have enter^ into it because officials reasoned woAd have been financially un> feasibie without the dty. expected to be the biggest buyer. It is-expected that cities to the $AN FRANCISCO (UPl) -Rose Wong, 49, was indigii^t last night wiien police uiTPstod 13 persons whom she said weir gathered to her home to Atend a birthday party for her daughter. Officers sAd they were unable to locate Mrs. Wong's daughter but did find dice, poker chips, cards and $7.35 to cash. Two other i _____________ ' the Juvenile Court Dls-Mon are jsult tlie 18 governments of the^f^'b*^ Gradv F n«ri Miss Nanrv Sullivan, fomierlv of r.-— T™'"* * tiraay ol bTJO r„ Darl- Swarti Creeb, and Mrs. CarA M. Fklelherg. A 1011 N. Woodward Ave., Birmingham. Miss Sullivan, a December 1959 graduate A police administration at Michigan State University, comes to Oakland County as assistant child welfare agent with the Division. She will work .with young girls placed on probation by the „ , niour Rd-. West Bloomfield Town- Ih)OEEC(, plus ship, and a brother in Rochester, the United States and Canada, ^ijnn. during the 15-month orgiuiization I period. After consuHations, the experts would work out a new economic organization acceptable to all 20 powerii. This would replace the OEXiC )ehich now is out of favor with many European powers since Mr. Grady’s ronstrnetion firm Am built Yhe UAversIty A Michigan StnAum snd did much A the work at the Ford and Hudson aA« plants. He retired 17 years ago. and moved to Los Angeles in 19^. Miss Sullivan replaces Mrs. Su--san BAley who resigned after two years with the county. The new worker was appointed by the governor. A former sqhoAteacher and juvenile worker to Syracuse. N. Y„ Mrs. Edelberg has been hired by the county « a case worker with the Juvenile Division. She will work directly with wards A the court housed in severA county homes. NANCY ool MourlM P»d with «bap. Limit I Clirifty Dry Got 24* 65c Cm 120ss. loK w idr sbMto Ktoonox Tistuot .Wc Value ir FiAl box of 900 sheete In --------|)«wer box. I/- per person. ■miiiiBaii ITrfHaff BoU Poilir fent Reg. 23c 3‘ Smooth wrltlnc ball point pene-^ket clip. B}ue Ink only. Limit 9 pens. foaiees lrsainch glass vial with easy to read numerals. Adjustable and detachable bracket, Chahey Tru-Temp brand. 1.96TrMbltL^-15Ft. fpr ear, bomt.or >erk«hpp. Metal bulb c«ft. Bulb i SOe Sisk, Drala Pliii^r . ss-lath weed aaadlt. 1 1116 Ribbar ‘Wileoae’ DooTI it far deerwers, porchw. ttt. 1.M Alio Wash Brath J-Ft, Aluminum handlt with shut-otf valvr 3J6 Boise Mall Boxes it rsnch ot upright t T.K Hi-Fi aid TV Staid 1 lUfUl. tow ttelsh. 03^’ Msh. uteaila s 5.95 indoar Clolkti Dryar » arytr raeli. OeUapalMe ter aSetaie. 3“ 50e Roli Frietioa Ta|M BlAcX trttttee Up* tor elaetrlelaai, houw e 25‘ IjOO Plaslie Drop Oiolb CC* Full IxIS It. ProtocU ■■atnit paint tplattcr. limit I . HARDWARE DEP'T. 2J5 Door Night tack 179 tuablar loelt with keys. »aiy t» install yeurwlt I m Ribbith Banart Wirt bumtr with tlpptr top and teUom tclcano ^tt.JLlmlt : 1.95 Wood Step Laddar-2 Ft; Q7< ■1 laddtr .. ^ $ T” Foldlnt ttylr. itMl rod rtinlorcad tt Folding Wood—Slutdy 9 FI. Slap Laddsr Full GALLON Cam Paial Thiaatr Regular S6.95 Steel rod reinforced stepa. Pail platform. Only 65 Fen. Limit 1. 399 Sagulat 81.00 Best thinning griBlh paints, cleaning Olig V briiihes. etc. Limit . EBwS a gallwu. ww 4.85 Hardwood toijal Boat Whin tnamtltd, rustproot tlttlnt» Stlth Ud eert: 1.95 Liglid Rnd Giaaiar ». Famous PWL braadi. Limit I 1.96 Hannar Sal-3 Pe. 2*! 69* Oet hot houith'd hammer, c ir M upholitery bommor 95* HOUSEWARES 1.00 AiuiiiBaai Fry-SkiHat Cfie l-lnch thllltt heati ta»t. doan* oaiUr. lattlns . 24o AatHe Biltar Dish ODbrostaWo dlth holdo ^«-pound butter. Bait and eovtr . ^1 Rafrigaralor Cnlaiien-6 Po> Bet of 0 asierttd slid plastic eonttintri In paly has ....... W# 1.00 SaaHary Siak SIraiMr ggs it oompleu dralnait et liquid a 1.29 Balklib Mala isxll inch, hoaty duty. eoB-tlip deilaa. Celera 2.18 Draiaboard Trays Oenuln^ Hubbtrmald 15‘»ilB*4". bullt-ln drain tlopt IdiO Wood Cboppiag Block 88* seaooeeeeeeee«eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee< JC-Qaart PLASTIC Waste Batkof 78* Regular Sd.99 Sturdy, durable poly plastic. Boiled rim. Choice aaaorted colors. Stan FiaiMk Metal Magaziao Rook RegelarSlJO room In the house. Brass finish, no^ mar Upped lega. 3.59 Spoags Floor Malt T feot. lliil Inch tin. Colon ., 58< ‘|88 to 2.T5 Kilehoi Uliitila-Ea. 07< Ladles, tpoont. potato nuMheri. tork, ot«. Colored handiM .. m ladle^ tpooni. potato puuhert, tork, otc. Colored handloi . IBM Eiawolsd Bake Paa n iteel porcelain enamel ware. SMiSlt li 1.98 Caiislir Sol-2 Pc. 30* Ddr a nut* Btyreae plaitlt Candy A Wut imprint ea cant 1,00 Food aod Oiioi Chopper Chope tU toodt easily ■— tatt tgr' flntert laty to titan 2.49 Laindry Batkbis Round plattie basket — lOtlQilUs inth Bushel site_ 58' 49* 1” 1.09 foilol Top Tray Fill uvtt toUet ttnh tops, d^ixll . Compartment tor Utiuu.. 68* v\- /■/ Geaoiae RAT-O-VAC Flashlitt Battery Iff Reg. 20c 11 Ouaranteed leakpr light battery, m size. Limit 9 battei Galvoaited With Corot Garbage Caas Regular S3.9S Large 20 - gallon olze. Bide drop handlea. With Ute-fit cover. £88 9x10 lack Skeeix Sandpapei-pkDecnS Regular 50c Assorted fine, medium and ooarse grits. Pull IS sheet pack. Limit 3. 24° Coil gpriag Acliea CloHMtpiat,50far Ragulor 50c Hardwood pine bv m . with coll spring "Jgmtz action. Bag fuU 50 pins. —tnd Floor 34° FaD Poaad Sot Solvantol Cleaner 2»c VaIuo-4 lot Cleans walls, woodsrork, linoleum. PuU pound 24° Plattie Coaled Type Shslviag I Edging Washable plastic coated shelving In assorted colors, etc. No limit. 27° Assorted Tillot—Rig Coloring Books Ragalar 10c Hours of. fun for the kiddles — choice of titles Limit 3. —Main Floor CoMoa Braided—Darabla Clolhatliae, 60 FI. dotheallne for Indoor or outdoor use. Limit 300 feet. -tad Floor 33° X of 0 Rrile-roaa Coloriig Crayoas RegaJar lOe w V- SED ALlidMNINC Tomorrow we open •f with tbi^reate SIMMS will be CLOSED , ______ promptly et 12 NOON with thaigreatest singfe day PRICE-SLASHING in months. Plan fo be here early and get your share of the SUPER-SAVINGS! The more you buy. the more you will save! OPEN Thursday NIGHT ur 9 P.M. Everybody Shops Evorybody SAVES! Every Item In thl? adv. Is Ypu ll find need r-‘—^ expeci .___ _________ly things you need priced far less than you it to pay. Just take our‘word for It - It Ftoar ■ 1 ■ ■■■« n* 58* 53* Hot-Dip Galrauitad 10-QI. Water Palis Sogular TSe . _ All metal, hot- ftMA. 0|l|C Limit 3 palls. iNw —:bS FiMr ^ ^ 75* Jloyal ExptosM Bfood 1” Motor Oil-2 Gal. 2“ 444 Sogular 82.00 _ BAB grades 10-20-30 in sealed 2 gal- gif Ion cans. Limit 2 ■ * galtons. ■ —tea FlMf _ hcmplng trip through SIMMS always pays off with EXTRA SAVINGS! Oon'F Miss This Bargain Event We are closed until noon but we'll be busy all morning marking down prices for you thrifty shoppers that know bargains when fou see tbenf! BE HERE Only a Lew Overhead "SMALL-PROFIT" Store Like SIMMS Cen Afford to SLASH PRICES SO LOW on So Many Items! aeaaaaaaeeaeeeeeeaaaeeeeeaaeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeae MAIN FLOOR SPECIALS 25c look Matekof—1000 lights, carton of SO .. 10c lighter Fliid—Fairway, 3 oz. Limit 1 .... 1.00 Iriar Fipoi—Imported, screw bits, etc. 98c Cigorotto Lightei^Automatic styles ..... 10c Ask TraVi—glass ash trays, Limit 4..... 2.00 Frail Cakes—fruit & nut cake, 2 pound 5c Caody Ian—Famous brand. Limit 10 10 Tor 29c 45c 52 c 75c 69c Chocolate CoTOiel Chonios—Lady Blair . 1.00 Chowiig Gnah—famous, 20 pack carton . 10c Flatklito laHory—North Star. Limit 4 10c Novolty Key Ckaiai—charms, football, etc. 1.50 Poi-PoMcil lighter Sot—Windsor, boxed . 2.95 Piakiag Skoan—Acme, 2nds, perfect cut . 49c Kay Caioi—Leather, zipper, fed. tax 1.79 Paper Mato laU Poi—Holiday 69c Tooiail Nippon—Gem, cuts toenails right 15c Wallet Pictiro Wiaiom—4 windows_ ................................... I Boy Scout Style—-3-Way Switch 2c Hu 1.19 ~22c ~99c 33c ~4c 2-Oell Flashlight 55‘ $1.00 Seller g As shown—offset head with belt hook. Olive drab a plastic. Bulb, included. Batteries extra. • —Male Fleer J DRUG DEP'T. SPECIALS 19c ftspiriM Tikleti—5 Gr. Pack of 100 11c 25c Tooth Braih—nylon bristles, each lu 33c Noil Polish loMiovor—famous Cutex T9c 55c PepsoloMt Antisogtic—7 oz. bottle 33c 1.00 Mom's Teiletriei—West Point, choice .... 29c 1.00 EmiMg !■ Farii PtrhuHB—boxed 39 c 59c Iihblo Both—Flower Sweet, pkg. of 15 ... 3^ 60c Alko-Seltzer—pack of 25 tablets lie 1.06 listeriBe ToothpAit»>—Twin-pack—2 tubes 44c 98c Gillotto BImo Blados—pack of 20 68 c 1.40 VO-S ft iiuo Away—Hair groom condition 69c 1.00 Dut Powder or Cologao—'Fiancee', choice 53c 3.49 lykiM Vitaniai—pack of SO Gelucaps ... 1.29 Kotoz Saiita^ Na^iii—Pack of 48 . .7.. ^ 7 1.17 73c ftai Io11>0m Doodoml—men & ladies 2 for 1.00 PHOTO DEPT. VALUES 2.85 Kodachromt V;,7 COLOR MOVIE FILMS $4.15 Mog. Lood 8mm.$3.10 2.05 Kodachrome 35mm COLOR SLIDE FILMS 20 exposure roll. Indoor or»d Outdoor 8mm Movje Film REEL and CAN-200 Ft (300 ft. . . 69c) 1400 ft. .. 79c) .. r j|39 44c ladies' d'Miti'—Far CeH Route SliiHMrt 100 S2.00 Sellers Only 200 Only 200 pairs In this group including 06 pair t-strap flats. All sizes. Wool I/pwer-4.aafhei Sole lafaol Slipper Sax ST 79c Seller AH wool uppers with designs. Sizes 5-5'v-6 for infants —M.Ib f iMr For Driving—Loalbot Palta Ladies' Gloves Regular $2.00 American made, wool uppers, leather palms. First quality. ^29 Warn Colton Flanttol Ladies'Dusters Ragular S2.95 ; Washable, color -: fast dusters. 1st i quality, American I made. Sizes 10 to 1« - to Ga. IS Den.—Soamlass Ladies’ Nyioat 39‘ V allies to $1 Pair Choice of odds and ends. 60 15 in grey or black, aeamless In grey. All alzea. —Male F1..r Dress or Stoim Suhbott BhiMreat’ Rabbort 119 $2.00 Pair Durable, long wearing foot rubbers in sizes Black, brown or Cannon Firs! Onality Percale SheeH |88 Twin Size Plattie Coated Stylo Boys' Gloves Peg. 69c Pair 29' fO-Onnee Bine Denim Mae’s Daegaraes S2.00 Seller 167 Sanforized washable denim jeans with zipper fly. Sizes 28 to 42. Limit 3. For Winter Spori — Nualers iasalatod U-Wsar Tops or, Drawers Each [88 Join Pontiac's ThriHiest Shoppers and Save on SIMMS SUPERS SAVINGS! SPECIALS for WOMEN 1J6 Ladiat’ Bitfasa-ae Gmalart 00< Oettoe kn«. utrlpw a lelld eoton. emsll m m.dlum ..... . W 3B0 Ladies’ Orloa Swaalars Limltod troup. Btirt S3 to w but not la treir color ^89 3J5 Ladiss’ Dtaiai Slasks Blue denim, tide xlpper. beltod. IV7 itrlt. nzas U-lt-lS .. . r 3.96 Ladies’ Bloasas Wbito end color*, Ions ot ihort ilrerei. aim M to 3S .... 6Bd Ladies’ Waal Swulsirs Cirdlfnn or •Ilp-er«r ttylci Jrf lesfue itylei. aim 34-41 .. 2» 2.96 Ladies’ tori aad BUttaa Ssl Whnt in wool (cart with matcIUnt aUtteni. AJl aleM 749 ■ SPECIALS for CHILDREN ■ 79* 1.i»6ii^’Fhaa^ShirN Red neonci wtui nutehtnf trim. BImi 7 ft 14 onlF 66* 2.95 Baby Fiilsd Biaakai • Warm cotton tirre*, fitted bottom. Cbntium pink only r f eeia. atieulder strap 1.95 Baby Diaper Bags lie« wstftpfoef, Xnpt hot n eeW. ■ 2.M GirU’ Ltaed Paais oroup lo fit. J to 14 naanti uaM. i eeeeeeaeaaaaeeeaeeeeeiaoeeeeeeaeeeeeeeeeeeeee 18* P Full Sjandord Size Reeeiviag Biaakai Reg. <9c Valuo Durable, long last-■“ “-lanket In color only. ing blanket in green color only. Limit 4 per per- 25° V Sanforised Flannels Bays’ ^arl Sbirts Soa SIAt Yalna tlaeve atyif Uk alae 8 to 16. Auerted colon. -------- 2.95 Boys’Robss nennrlotte, ebi|> OtelfB, etee* 4 te M enly r 1.69 Girls’Hoasa »lp|Nrs Soft Cloth or lecther uppert, fur (rtuu. nsk. blue, t le I 1.29 GbIldriB’sGlaaiNrs Cotton knit ileeperi with ptoatie dot feat. SIm 1 te 4 99" 3.96 Baby Balblabs tTnbmknble plastic. 3til7 inehn. Bnllt-tn Mcp dlib .. .. 199 BARGAIN BASEMENT 1 1.29 Table Naykias-Sior FuU ilM. dacron blend, wild colon, att ef S .. ^ 49* 29e Caaaoa Kilekn Temls-Gftr sic 1MS7 InNiu, nbiorbent eottoe teecli .. 77* Spaeial prong el HoascDrapas-Pr. VataoM lo 13.95 149 'ength. Floral ■ > r f n t In 63" g Big 2tx44 Incb Bitk Towels cloth in solid ra-on. Beavy. absorbent quAUty. 1.29 Piasfle MaHnss Com Wstorpreef. loll or twin sin, cantenr Httod ■, ^80 88* IGO Carpel Sgaara Rag 11x31 fhebrx — Mvn carpet •giierM. Pluih pile 49‘ 1 SPECIALS for MEN ■ 39e Maa’s Socks-4 Pr. Auorted colon * petterni la «lMi ISH to 13 ^00 2.49 Mob’s Drsu Skirts White broadcloth ahlrtc. barrel euffi, clMi it te IT weaaeeaaaeaaaeeeaeeeeeeeeeeoaeeeeeeeeeeceeee Clearance of Special Group I Boys' Jackets^! • Value to $7.93 ^^^99 • SURCOATS •lACKITS Your Choice Quilt lined rambler in sizes 6 & 12, Quilt lined surcoat in sizes IB & 18, Striped jacket in size* 3 to 6. 1.59 Msa’s Swsal Skirls ria«c« llnwl. er»w nt«>. vhlta enly in sim a-M-L . Mta’s Zipptr Sweat Skirts 1 as velee — fletee Unad, white. |rvy er ysUen. aU sisal ■ ItoB’s Tkeraie Uadtrwtar UI qusHtr heavTwrlfht All >lus. Cholca top ar graw^ri—aeeb 1“ 1” THK POXilAC jA^UABV 13. limo Hurry! *Hm)\ You Get a 10 Lb. Pork Loin-FREE If You Ordor o Side of Bor-H Botf This Wtok! Stall Fed lor-H FUU SIDES BEEF ,A««raf« 22S RMn4i. Cn», wr«w«e Otatp frasM fra*. , nus A FO«K LOIN Ftif Stall Fed Top Qaelity ' M JIB BAR H HIND QUARTERS Lk JQC airaeeae aaU thara fiasaa fraa. B "HURRY! BUY NOW! At Hoffmon't Low, Low Prices. Fill Your Froeceri While These StBlI Fed Bor-H Steers Are Arolloble." „ Order Your Beef Now! CALL FE 2-9114 "Yee're Wekeme ta Come In end Fkk Your Own" HOFFMAirS Oakhnd PKkini Coiniuny 716 GLENWOOD AVE. Mwir^ Muyl bUmt MBS. OOKOON T. Mrs. Gordon T. (Muy) 7S5 RoUinwood Ave. Sed^at tar ftomr yntndoy idlier m Onen of dx week*. She wt* W. ■ . A native of WitnUedon, England, •ta «'9> a mnntar of AU Satats Epiaropal Church. Mrs. Bowyer leaves live jlaucb-teni. Mm. Wiimie KmatM vi De-tcoil. Mrs. WilliRB) Dunlap of Fern-dale. Mrs. Louis Beam, Mrs. Ivy lloolihan and Mrs. Thomas Smltk' all of Fdntiac; IR grandchildren; | 2R great-grandchildren; and two sisters. Mrs. Joseph Cockle -It tiooked as though customs men were searching for contraband as they watched Prince Aly Khan lift his tiwiser leg and lower his sock to expofte his shin at London airport; ‘But the prince said he was "telling them about a skiing accident and I wanted to show them the scar." Mid-Term Opening January 18 J High School graduates (com-. mercial and college preparatory programs): Employers place more and more stress on thainlng. In the business , world demand for well-trained young men and women exceeds the supply. Business employment offers the better career opportunities, preatis^, social contacts, and pleasant working conditions. Free Placement Service The Business Institute of Pontiac 7 W. Lawrence Street FE 2-3^1 Whor's Thet Ol' Mare? ’TUL.SA, Okis'. ta—Featured by a 'downtown drugstore in iU display I window were hoisecollars at ii.M leach. New York stale leads In American Bowling Congress members with 83,494. California is se<'ond with 77.530 ABC pinmen. Kki!ii:i:iiu.£ FRYING CHICKEN A a LEGS or BREASTS Wki»« Rotory Tr*odl« MochinM, Full Round Bobbin, "ut is"......$8 ond $12 1—Davis Forfoblo Eloctric, "os is"... ... 14.95 1—BroHiors Automotk Ziu-Zoa Portoblo, Fully Equippod, "os is''................$99 1—Mohopany Consolo Cobinoi, Fits Ail . Impost and Sinpof Mocbinos ..... 7 T$35 1—Whita Fortablo Rovorsa Sow Mochino, Comploto with Carryinf Casa..............$54 1—>Whita Zig*Zog Portoblo, Comploto, Sows on Buttons, Makos Button Holos. -Luftofo Stylo Whito Portohlo, Full Round “ “ • I, Rovorso(Sow...........79.95 White Sewing Center . •, Waite's Fourth Floor Wosh, Drip-Dry ond Hong in 7 Minutos FIBERQLAS DRAPERIES ' S.W. by 63", Worn 10.99 SC S.W. by 90". Woto 12.99.... J , V / Beeutiful Aerocor fibergles In severel lovely solid colors. Woite’s Oraperiee . . . Fourth Floor Woshobio, Roodi-Upholstory KNIT SLIPCOVERS Choir, $C ■4.98 J Soto, $1A Wot 29.98 I U Was 14.! Wesheble, decorative knit slipcovers, not all styles. Woite'a Oraperf Oeparlnent. , . Fourth Fioor Whito Flockod Docren RUFFLED CURTAINS Woro 5.99 63, 72 or 81" lengths In crisp, easy-care Dacron. Wnite'a Cintnina . .. Fourth Floor Famous Botos . . . 36" Wido BROADCLOTH FABRIC 2-’! Wos 1.39 Washable, colorfast, wrinkle-resistant Bates broadcloth. Waif't Fabrics ... Fourth Floor ' Group of GIFTWARE ITEMS 88* Candy di^s, artificial flowers, fruit, figurirses etc. Waite’s Qiltwatp .. . Filth Fleer Wort 1.19 to 1.98 45-Pc. Scrvico for 8 PROLON DINNERWARE ’14.88 29.95 Voluo Famous Florence Prolon plastic. 2-yr. warranty. Mixed Colors. Waite's Oinnerware .» • Filth Floor Famous Rpyol PORTABLE TYPEWRITERS Wan S9.00 Full 44-key keyboard. Fully^tKenUitlonod end guaranteed. Waite's Stafionery ^ a . Street FFoor *69 .a' d: WOMEN'S DRESSES-Third Floor Half Sioo Flonnol Drossos, Woro 6.99........$4 Missus & Jrsa Royon Cropos, Woro 10.98$1 Missos Solids ond Prints, Woro 8.98......... $6 Missus Wool Jorsoy Shooths, Woro 22.98 D 24.98 $10 Miuos 6r Half Sioo Cropos D Wooh, Woro 29.98 $15 Cotton tr Docren Uniforms, Woro 6.99 flr 8.99... $4 COATS, SPORTSWEAR—Third Floor Mink Collor Coota, 10-14, Worn 119.00....$88 100% Wool Ploid Slocks, Woro 6.98..... .3.89 Knit Tops 6r Jorsoy Bleusos, Woro 3.98 to 5.98.. 1.99 Bon-Lon fr Orion Sllpen Swootars, Woro 6.98 .. .2.99 Control 6r Northom HI Swoot Shirts, Woro 3.98 2.88 Fur Blond Cordigon Swootors, Woro 10.98..5.88 Fomous Moko Wool Skirts, Woro 7.98.......3.99 fashion accessories—Stroot Floor .. $1 Children's Wool Gloves Or Mittens, Woro 1.00.. .79c Copper ond Cowhide Foshion Bolts.... $1 Group of Foshion Jowolry, Was 2.00 6r 3.00.$1 Group of Costume Jowolry, Wes 1.00 .......44c MEN'S FURNISHINGS—Sfroot Floor Wool or Blond Slocks, Woro 8.98 fr 10.95. .. .4.22 Cor Coots 6r Jockots, W«ro 29.95 ...........19.99 Cor Coots 6r Jockots, Woro 19.99............14.99 Cor CeoH Or JockoH, Woro 12.00...............8.88 Cor Coots & Jackets, Woro 10.99..............6.66 Famous Brand Swootors, Woro 8.95.............5.88 Fomous Brand Sweaters, Wore 10.00. ..........6.88 Fomous Brand Sweaters^ Woro 12.95 & 13^95. .8.86 FofffOus Moke Pdiomos, Woro 5.00............2.88 Thermo Undorwoor, Was 1.99 Top or Bottom. . . 1.22 FomoMS Brand Slipper Sox, Wos 2.95...........1.88 Wool or Coshmoro Mufflers, Woro 5.00.........2.88 r. Soiled, Wos 1.25 .................88c r,Seilod, Wos 1.00 ................. 66c r. Soiled. Wos 89c...................44c Fomous Brand Ties, Wero^.50...................44c Famous Brond Ties, Were 2T50.................1.22 CHILDREN'S VALUES—Second Floor Infonts' Corduroy Bonnets, Were 1.98........88c Wood Frame Bothinettes, Were 14.98.........8J8 Girls' 2-Pc. Flonnel Poiomos, Were 2.98....1.88 Girls' Heovy Anklets, 9, 9’/j, Were 69c.....38c Boys' 10-16 Drip-Dry Chine Slocks, Were 2.98. . 1.88 Boys' Ties, Were 1.00 ......................44c Boys' Behs, Were 1.00 . ...................,44c Boys' & Girls' 2-6x Lined Slacks, Were 2.98... 1.88 Girls' 7-14 Cord'oy or Flannel Slocks, Were 2.99 1.88 Subteens' Hooded Cor Coots, Were 8.98.......4.88 DRAPERIES, CURTAINS—Fourth Floor Mostly 90" Droperies, Were 7.99 to 18.99 . . .4.88 Sofo Slipcovers, Mostly Knit, Were 18.98...4.44 32" Redwood Cornices, Were 99c.............66c 37" Redwood Comkos, Wore 1.99..............1.44 48" Redwood Cornices, Were 2.99............2.44 66" Redwood Comicot, Woro 3.99.............2.44 Group of Cofo Curtoins, Woro 2.29 to 3.99 ... 1.87 Group of Voloncot, Wore 1.19 to 1.99........87c TOWELS, FABRICS—Fourth Floor Connon Mylor Border Both Towels, Were 1.98. .1.22 Connon Guest Towels, Were 98e.........2/$l 45" Rustic Weove Silk Fobric, Wos 3.98 yd. .1.88 45" Bridol Sotin, Wos 1.98 yd...........88c WASHERS, RUGS, MISC—Downstoirt Easy Regent Automatic Woshor, Was 288.00. $188 Eosy Wringer Wosher, Wos 129.95 .......$94 6 by 9 ft. Cotton Hooked Rug, Wes 29.95.... 17.88 Somsonitc Deluxe Sixo Cord Tobie, Wo« 14.95. 9.95 Full Sixe Sleeping Bog, Wos 9.95.......7.88 LAMPS, CHINA—Fifth Floor Brass Floor Lump, Wos 12.98..............3.88 Brass Toblo Ump, Was 5.98...... .........2.44 Double Toqtolus Sm, Was 10.98 ...........4.88 Silver Candle Holders, Compotes, etc.. Were $5 3.88 Gloss Serving Dish, Gold Trim, Wos 8.98..2.88 Attrocthro Shrimp Sot, Wos 8.50..........3.88 Copper D Wood Ploquos, Woro 12.50........5.88 NOTIONS, STATIONERY—Stroot Floor 30" by 6' Floor Protector Mots, Woro 1.98.88c 30" by V Floor Protector Mota, Woro 2.98 ... 1.88 30" by 15' Floor Protector Mots, Wore 4.98.... 2.88 54" Full Zip Gormont Bogs, Woro 2.98....2/$3 9-Pr. Chromed Shoo Rocks, Woro 2.98.... 1.99 Royon or Cotton . . a Sixes 4 to 8 WOMEN'S BRIEFS 3*1 Wore 49c to 89c Pastels Of dark colors In rayon Or cotton. Walfa'a IVolioaa ... StrMi flow 3 by 5-Ft. or 4 by 6-Ft. Amorkon Wore 4.98 49-STAR FUGS 66* Fina cotton. CoHocton Item after fuly I960. Waile'a Hotiont.. . Sireol floor Misses ond Holf Sixo COTTON DRESSES Wore 3.99 ond 5.99 Stvtral Sfyltt in MImm' and Pttitot , Shirtwaist, zip front, step-in and coat styles. Plaids, pr Waile'a Dartiwo Droaaoa . a. Third Floor Misses, Junior ond Holf Sixe JERSEY DRESSES Llamadown or Wool Coats Were 5.99 *4 »/4 sleeve, elasticized waist, V-neck. Washable orlon & wool. Weife'a Budget fashions . . . Third floof* In Sixes 5 to 15 t a a Group of JUNIOR BOY COATS Were 39.98 ’14.88 Warm quilted linings. Choose camel or navy. Wolfa's fashion Coots ... Third Floor Rocceen Coilored a a a Quilt Lined MISSES^ CAR COATS Were 29.98 ’14.88 Raccoon collared car coats in sizes 10 to 16. Wailo'i fashion Coats ... Third floor Misses Fomoui Moke 100% WOOL SUITS\ ’24.88\ Wore 49.98 to 69.98 100% wool suits in tweeds and solids. Sizes 10 to 18 Wailo't Sails . a a Third floor Full Panel . > Double Drop Side 7-YR. KROLL CRIBS *29.98 Were 39.98 Discontinued style at savings. Plastic teething rails; Waite's . a. Second floor Red or Red and White NATIONAL BRAND SLEEPERS Were 3.00 ’1.44 Very famous rwtionally advertised brand. Broken sizes. Wailo'o a a a Socood Floor Boys' 10 to 16 Pullon or Cordigon ORLON SWEATERS Were 4.98 ’2.88 Pullon or cardigan in easy-wash Orion. Sizes 10 to I9T Wailo'o ., , Second Floor Boyi' 6 to 16 Long Sloevo Were 3.98 KNIT SHIRTS ’2.44 wnart fOITfS in tan or blue. Sizes 6 to 16. Waite's a a . Second Floor LHtle Girli' Slipon or Cordigon BULKY ORLON SWUTERS *2.88 Were 3.98 Red or royal slipons and cardigans. Save now! Wailo’o a a a Second flo'br Little Boys' ond Girls' Woihoble Were 5.98 1-PC. SNOW SUITS *2a88 Washable I-pc. snow suits In sizes 2, '3. 4. Wailo'o .. a Socood Floor Boys' ond girls' Orion Pile Lined 2-PC. SNOW SUITS Were 8.99 *5.88 Snugly lined with fur-liks orlon pile. Sizes 3 to 6X. ‘L/d? Wailo'o . . . Second floor . / ' / / Two famous brands in 70% / / Llama, 30% wool and in 100% ^ wool. Several lovely styles in P misses' ond petite silhouettes, sizes 6 to 18. Choose black, rose, grey, teokwood, blue or teol. Charge yours now! Wailo'f Coot CrocBone.,, Third floor Women's Flannelette or Belbriggen WARM SLEEPWIAR ’3.88 Severel styles in'! Waito choose from In sizes 32 to 40. fecead fleer Women's FI PAJAMAS Were 3.98 Wailo'o lingerie a. Chellls id GOWNS .88 Assorted Styles in warm psjamet\ Contour or Soft Cup FAMOUS BRAND B Ware 2.50 Contour or soft cup styles In sizes 32A Wailo'o fenadotions ,.. Soeead fjeer Very Famous Muki GIRDLES & PANTIE GIRDLES Wore 5.00 ’3.99 W ’4.79 Fernowl make girdles end pantie girdles In sizes S,M,L Waite's foaadntieas .,. Second floee Granny Stylo . . . Embreidory Trim RRUSHED NTLON SOWNS ’4.99 Were 7.98 Pink Of blue grenny stylo gowni In broken sizes. Woite'i liegerle ... Sedead Floor Girls' and Subtoens' COTTON BLOUSES ’1.88 Were 3.98 Hi-rise style, white, in sizes 7 to 14 and 8 to 14. Waite's ... BocOad floor Girls' 7 to 14, Slipon and Cardigan ORLON SWEATERS Were 4.98 *1.88 Itwel trim slipon and plain cardigan. Sizes 7 M 14. Watio'f a a. laeoed floor 'i ......................... ■ THE PONTIAC PRESS 41 Wert Hhtod Straat * PooUac. «. WEDNISDAT, JANUARY 11. im . ' Omtda^rjOOi^lLoeailt^Thtfontk^frmCImptnif n53f».‘«nssKJ* ■ »l»t I. tlM. 1960 Session Should Be Calm for Legislature Today our State Legislature is reconvening for the opening of the 1960 se^ion. ★ ★ ★ After a stormy and at times downright belligerent 1959 session, it is expected we will witness quite a contrast now. Instead of estabUshirtg a record for the longest session ever, this one is expected to adjourn by April This is election year and wi^ a carryover Legislature, the members are looking to 1961. Most of than will be working on constituents back home In h(^>es of re-election. ★ ★ ★ Our great money hassle will not find the limelight like It did in 1959. The lawmakers will see to this. Publicity sueh as this could do too much harm and they are all well aware of it Observers seem to feel that the Legislature will not harp for new taxes. Predictions are they will try to live within the limit of funds provided. Just how they wiD handle the $100 million deficit supposedly left from last year is an open question. ★ ★ ★ No new fight on taxes is expected. The Legislators will take care of the business at hand in an orderly, quiet manner without arousing too much attentlm. In most cases they will find it desirable to wind up their terms cm a rather placid note and liustle home to round up support, hoping all will be forgotten of the 1959 debacle.- Turkey’s best known younger journalists^ Ulka Aumam. In it be said “WB should be sorry for oarwhres if we don’t understand that Uuca” is in jaii “for the sake of all of us.” Arman’s newspiqmr. Ulus, also ran the Indianapolis series'for which offense he is serving 28 months. ★ ★ ★ The International Press Institute very properly has protested Turkey’s action and has called upon newspapers everywhere |p join In the. rebuke. There is no freedom where people and the press cannot express critical opinions. “What Do You Prefer in Skirts?” -Headline of advertisement. Women. Showing up in the middle of a discussion of germ warfare, Mobona exclaimed, “^y, I’m in favor of^erm warfare—let ’em fight!” Pity the good, who die young and lose the money they pay into the social security fund. The Man About Town A Few Odd Facts About Oakland County and Its Twenty-Five Townships Financial auecess: Saving before spending. Anti-Semitic Bigots Thrive on Publicity Crackpots that are causing the rash of anti-Semitic incidents since Christmas are to be pitied for their hatred. ★ ★ ★ Tho fact Is that in every country, including the United States, there are professional anti-Semites, as well as crackpots, who become activated by anti-Semitic incidents in other parts of the world to try simOar incidents in thei]|r own tocslities. ★ ★ The professional bigot and rabble-rouser can be defeated by denying him unwarranted publicity. It can only be effective If It unmasks those persons of “respectability” who help bigots secretly. There are 3,084 counties In the 50 states, but only one Oaklatpl- Oakland has the most Dixie Highway mileage of any Michigan county. The Waterford Hill Is not In Waterford Township—in Independence. Pontiac Is our only township with an Indian name. Troy Township Is on the east border of our county, but It has a few rods of Woodward Ave.. There is less than one-half mile of Woodward Ave. In our county that*i outside the limits of some city. •niere Is no Incorporated village or city on the Dixie Highway In Oakland County In Its 28 miles northwest of Pontiac. . Our coimty measures 30 miles on all four aides, so should contain 000 square miles, but the correction lines on account of the earth’s curvature reduce It to an actual 877 square miles. Commenting on my assertion that most Oakland County residents do not realize Its size In population or Clerk-Register Daniel T. Murphy says a good way to find out,>is to bold two combined offices. In reply to a letter from “Burglar’s Apprentice,” asking why a diort crowbar is called a •■Jimmy," the office finder of odd facts tells me that In early times a thiefi helper was always called "James." Turkey Chokes Press to Stamp Out Criticism Since tbe goveniment of Turkey passed its drastic Press Law of 1954^ more than 200 Turkish newsmen have received prison sentences and heavy fines. Under this law and ‘earlier' ones, 811 newsmen were imprisoned between 1950 and 1958. ★ ★ ★ Latest to be sentenced under the five-year-old law which makes It* a criminal offense to print anything displeasing ter on the step. In my thought I oom-mended him for Ms seal hi hdpiag his church or group. If you want to protect your dog. keep Mm in your back yard. I'm -just the Mnd of a driver who thinks highwaya are for ears. Ana PhUlips ’Back Ike If You Want Less Tax’ On the Beach It turned out to he au auM-Semitio oampolty paper. At first David Lawrence Says: Primaries Better Than Bossism anttConununlst paper, hut Ift quite the oppoelte. II the Oom- In this session of Congress, Eisenhower will probably dedare war on the spending congressmen and all taxpayers should stand behind him or we’re doomed with more and more taxes from the Democrats who spend e\’eryonc't money just like it was water. Out of Work Uod help us all. ’Canadian Provinces-Use This System’ WASHINGTON - Is the Democratic Party heading toward a "boss-controUed” convention? Is a candidate to be chosen this sum-merwhohas not dared to enter a presidential primary in which the voters in the Democratic Party can have a chance to express their preferences? These questions are asked because of the time. And as to whether they should be abolished or not, I wouldn't want to criticize anything that another state had set iq>. In my state we don't happen to have it and in two-thirds (rf the states they don’t happen to have primaries.” 1938, many colleagues from other states came to Missouri to help him. He added: I believe we’ic all put here for a purpose, regardless of race, creed pr color. to go arouad aad help the Denie-eratic Party at tead-ratalBg dta-aero aad athers, why. 1 da. New Now that the question of a uni-cammral legislature for Michigan^ has been brought Up again, we're told Nebraska is the only state that has a one-hoiise q^em. LAWRENCE decision of at least two leading contenders—Adlai Stevenson apd Stuart Symington— to stay out of presidential pri- B08SES GET WAY The local bosses, of course, have succeeded in repealing the primary laws in many states. The allegation is that the primary elections take too much of the candidate's time. Yet. as was pointed out on the tame television program, the Missouri senator last autumn traveled about 32,000 miles and spoke in 22 states. Symington explained that, when he ran for le-election as senator in Hon, I am not aoth'riy oeeklag I this time. 1 I ’Force Paul Butler to Prove Charges’ itereated ia ■ohjeot.’’ It. of course, takes a lot of time to travri to 22 states and certainly fund-raising is important, but isn’t It more important to give the people a chance to vote in a primary election as to which candidate they prefer to have nominated at their national conventions? (Oapyright IMP) If Paul Butler. Democratic nn-tldoal chairman, doesn't prove his collusion charges against Nixon, he should be brouid^t before e judge, charged with slander and put away for a while to cool off. There are limits to indecency, even for people like Butler. Lloyd nuiagham ever, that 11 of tqe It province* of Canada have oae-house legit-totareo and that they are ntnrh more efficient and representative than the eld tw o-house system. And DO one ever mentions that Alexander Hamilton pointed out that the main purpose of a Senate is to prevent the enactment of popular legislation, that is, to impede the democratic system in its oparation- Frank Kerr Union Lake have his name jiresented to the people through the primary elections in several states. He feels that the primary system affords an opportunity for the people to make up their minds about candidates and instruct their delegates accordingly. Senator Humphrey also is entering some state Dr. William Brady Says: Sneeze, and Not Breeze, Spreads Much Disease ‘Let’s Shed More Light on Subject’ Portraits So Straley has been ’Vindicated.” The court, InfiiHling Straley right, had necessarily to find those responsible for his ousting wrong. W’hy are they still there? POLLS VS. PRIMARIES WMch is better—to let the Gallup Polls or the primary elections in various states appraise the candidates? In the former, a scientific sample is obtained, but it cannot be conclusive because the people have not been, able to get a fint-hand Ifhiiression of the candidate and his views and must depend on publicity campaigns waged by his local representatives. It certainly is at bekt only an indirect way to size up a candidate. Naturally. poHtieal boMes dou’t wut presideutial-pretomce prl- The British MedicH Reueurch Council has standing and author-iW at least equal to that of our National Research CbuncQ. R found in a three-year study of vohinteerl subjMts, that ev-I eryday "exp 0-1 sure" to c 01 d. I damp, draft, sudden change of weather, wet teet, insufficient doth-1 ing. etc., made j the subjects more susceptible I to respiratory In- DR. fection than a control group of volunteers similarly Inoculated but not exposed to any of the discomforts mentioned. diqposition or UIncia that it U "jurt a cold,’’ this diagnosis to preposterous. If you or your doctor resent the trut^ you can settle my hash easily by defining a "cold” In not more than two thousand words, BO any one can Understand what it to. Who needed someroe from Clii-cago to hrtag law and order to Pooliac? Has Odeago such a great record of law and order? If he was so good, why didn't . pcrUtnlni to ______________hyiloM, SM dl»- ..... dlMHools, or IroolraoDt, vfll M •Diworod bjr Dr. WllUom Brody. If a •tampod, ttIf-addraiMd anvalopa It laiit to Tho rootlac Prua, Pootlae. Mtoht(an (Copyright ISM) Seems to me this situation to like e.xamlning a barrel lor rotten apples, then throwing them all back in the same barrel, with the rotten ones on top. Maybe there should be a little more light on this subject. PeiTie Del Mootier .1660 Crescent Rd. By JAMES J. METCALFE I want to be with you, my love . Wherever you may go . . . In happiness and sadness and ... In sunshine, rain and snow ... On city street and country lane . . , Beyond the seven seas ... In all your dreams and evermore ... In an your znemories ... I beg of you with all my heart . . . Please do not ever leave me . . . And please do not do anything ... To hurt my heart and grieve me ... I could not live without your love . . . Your kind, devoted heart ... I could not bear the agony . . Of being far apart . . . You are so wonderful, my love . . . You mean so much to me ... I want to hold you in ray arms ... Now and eternally. (Cop.vrighI IMS) It puts them on the spot 11 they Ignore the choice the people have made in a primary election. But why do some of the candidates themselves avoid participa-tioh in primaries? Senator Symington waa asked questions about this on the "Meet the Press” show on television last Sunday. When he was reminded of Senator Kennedy’s statement that, if any Democratic leader was unwilling to submit his candidacy to the test of a representative primary, such a Democratic leader would not deserve well of the next national convention, Symington commented; Case Records of a Psychologist: Try HELP Method of Conversing Has the American pubic been apprtoed of ^e British conclusiotu? Never, except in a little piece 1 wrote. ' wrote. People who are veiy concerned about drafts, dampness and cMII-ing disregard cautkxis about the effective range of cough, sneeze or conversation spray. Respiratory infections and their sequds or complications make about three-fourths of the everyday work of doctors. "New, I know something nboul prlmartos. I was In n primary once tor seven months, I believe, end I was in it seven days n week. My state doesn’t have presidential primaries. Only about a third of the states do have these presidential primaries, and less than 10 per cent of tbe states have presidential primaries that are binding. "Anybody can have their own ideas as to the importance of primaries. I have decided not to go into any primaries, at least at this pllaHintton, loss sf time and Indeed life might be sns-ed U every one recognised the bntard *f spray infection. A deck of playing cards 110 years old to owned by Pierce Millhouse of Birmingham. It has been used so often that some of the faces are hardly distinguishable, but tbe joker to well preserved. The Country Parson Among the respiratory Infections which are spread in cough, sneeze and conversation spray, are dq>h-theria, scarlet fe\’er, whooping cough, measles, German measles, mumps, smallpox, chicken pox, Influenza, poliomyelitis, meningitis, lobar pneumonia — these are all spectfiq infections. Besides there are various pneumococcus and staphylococcus lesions or conditions which are interchangeable, such as acute rhinitis, sinusitis, otitis media, mastoditis, tonsillitis, quinsy, broncho-pneumonia, pieurtoy, emriRNna, lung abscess, appendicitis and sometimes arthritis — these require a good deal of surgery. Do you remember how, in the case of the President, the indisposition or illness changed from "indigestion' to heart disease? Do you remember how. in innumerable instances. the indisposition or illness of a person of prominence has changed from "just a cold” to a definite and maybe serious illness? tfH’s CAM should tMke homo to miUiono of smart men and women who are duds at carryinuT on spritely conversation, So study this case carefully and memorise the “H-E-L-F* formula. And send for the booklet mentioned below which t used with my psychology sttdents at North-toestem Univers^y. By DR. GEOROB W. CRANE CASE D-451: Ned G„ aged 20, is a brilliant engineering student. ’’But, Dr. Crane,” he began! mournfully, am a d u m ra y I when on a date. [ “How do you keep your sldn looking so soft and lovely?” Ned can casually inquire of Ms date. This query pecks a double-barrel wallop, for it not only pays the coed a compliment on her complexion, but likewise starts her off on her part of the dialogue. poetry, etc. Beware of being too highbrow, for on the usual date your companion likes to relax. Finally, resort to the "P " for "Politics.” but avoid angry debates. Keep on safe, neutral ground, such as,whether 1g-year-olds should vote,’ since they are drafted at that age for Army serv- ”I < m’t An experienced male to such a smooth operator that he will even stroke her cheek with his fingertips fo corroborate his interest in her soft skin and thus more quickly get conversation upon a personal basis. At the outset, a sky hi-troverlive engineer may not be nbto to carry oft that technique ice. Or ask if U.S. senatois should Perhaps ,vou Infer from this that a “cold” may turn lata wlial ev'Cr lUaeM the victim happens to have. That’s because .vou are naive about pathology. If any doctor suggests or implies in the early stage of lii- hat to talk| about, except nuclear fission and rockets and other engineering Nib-jerts. "But the coeds don’t know a thing about what I am saying, ao they are gdad to get rid of me. "I seldom rate a second date. At first, I dacided giria were just stupid, but I have followed your column long enough to decide that, snap judgment is just a neat little means of pasting the buck and avoiding Uame tor my own poor conversation skill. "So what can I do to become an interesting converiationaltot?” Cm^ CHAT CHAMP If you w'tnt to be, popular and make people like you, then learn the art of being at "chit chat champ.” That means you must know enough to start k conversation, but then listen to tbe other person's chatter. Aad tbe best way to laaacb Jolly repartee is'to ask a qaea-tion. Fade out wito the latorro-gatton markt?), tor it Is shaped likr a Hshhook aad sHnpiy hooks the otiier person' ask tbe question In a nseditative «iay. "You are a very graceful dancer." he can continue, "so I N suppose you attend a lot of dances. «^n’t you?” \|Uiy such query will quickly permit a lopsided scientist to strike up a gxy dialogue which to easily within the range of both their experiences. And if you are ever stymied by one of those awful pauses that may Intrude in the conversation of even sophtottoetad people, then you feel like c«Uing "HELP. H-E-L-P.” interesting conversation. Send tor the booklet “Formi tor Gay Conversation." cnclos a stamped return envelope, p 20 cents (non-profit). It Includes a fuller explanat of the H-E-L-P formula abo plus the longer "DEAR HOf PALS” formula I used with i Northwestern University studer . Alw»Ti wrtU to Dr. O«or|t W. Cr In care of Tho FootUt Pfbrr Vnni Mlchlj5ii. onclortn. T^onV i« .tamt typtoS CM prtnUnt coiU when jou t P*J'®1>®)0SM»1 cherti CM pi The ”H” stands for "Hobbies. ’ so ask your companion if ha tor she) ever collected stamps or bot tie caps. bocd( matches dr birds’ eggs, etc. If this openiag proves a qud, then switch over to **E" wktcl^ Inchidec "EntcrtalainenL” mean-lag UMvIes, athletioa. the theater, daaeing, ete. The ’’L'* Involves ”Ltterfture,” ranging from comic book* and pa^ per backed editions to the claksics, (Copyright ISN) Th» AuormtM Prm ti ratlt)( Mcludrely to tbe uw for repubi retton of cl) :ocol nrvt printed 1 The fMttac Preee terrier t— *• ——- in OckUnl oin •ten Moromb. Lipeer tenow^Counuei - - - Mirhlccb end > United SUM eubeerlptbM In »dveni-e”"'^jtoe( et Ue Aid elCM •nthisen Member THE PONTIAC PRESS. WEDNESDAY, fJANU. /Iry V.- 13,. 1960 SEVEN fiu Breaks Out inNineStates 4 Report Asian Variety os Production Drdps, Schools Close By The AMOcieled Preti Outbreak* of mild influenzza have upset community routine in various parts of die country, clos-■ iag irheotf, dnmplim- -produotiiBnr delaying Juatlce, and peridnC up the laie of pUls. , Secretary of Wdfare ArfliUr S. Hemming said Tuesday that nine states had rep<»ted outbreaks. In four, the variety was Asian flu. Flemming named Texas, Ten-nessee^Kentucky, Ohio, Michigan, Califoima. Nevada, Utah and Hawaii. There were signs that other states might be added soon. The epidemiologist for Seattle, VTash. was concerned that it might hit his 4 I •There has been a moderate spread of flu carried back to Seattle from Los Angeles by people who went to the Rose Bowl football game,” Dr. R.T. Raven-holt said. After Secretary Flemming's announcement, Dr. John Porterfield of the Public Health Service said that Asian flu had been confirmed in Tennessee, Ohio, Michigan and Hawaii. ■•We do not think there will be as many cases as in the previous, outbreak and they will nbt be as universal,'' he said. Two year* ago. a winter epidemic of Asian flu spread over most of the country. In Los An^es county, the ‘'Q-• flu” kept 20 per cent of city employes, 15 per cent of industrial woHcers, 10 to 15 per cent of students, and KK per cent of tha teachers at home. Admfa^ers Hail Colmnlius Dali Scores With Painting NEW YORK (AP) - A young balance the huge banned earri^ and handamnc Christofnier Colum- aloft by Columbus as he plants o bare foot on a San Salvador parapet. bearing a banner, appeared briefly here Tuesday night in a first showing of the latest painting by Sdvador DaU. ' is the Spanish surrealist's largest canvas, said Huntington Hartford, who commissioned it lor the museum he is building on Cqlumbtis Circle. The puUk will not see the picture until Hartford's proposed Gallery of Modem ,Art Kty hearing aids arc lower-prktdl Zenith cuts out uanecetssry tctling •xpcnscs, and the saving is pasted oa to yon. You can't buy batter quality and per-formaiioe at any price. Sea Zanith’s twelve all-transistor models—intluding the World’s most attractive new eyeglass hearing aids, a full-powered miniature aid worn entirely at the car, and tha economical “Cfusader" with amazing "Battery-Saver" circuit thst extends battery life up to 40%. One-Year Warranty, Five-Year Service Plan. Easy Tune Payments. A sayings bonanza! Men's sweat shirts Men's fully Sanforized long-wearing cotton twill ponti The President plans to stay In the Palm Springs area frtMn, WASHINGTON (AP)-President Th“”da.v Sunday or Mon-j 1 ♦1,« day. His doctors recommended Eisenhower is going batk to the,j^j November that he get away I Palm Springs. Calif., desert area ^ dry climate whenever' ~Orwant Hearing Service" Dr. Harold HlUenbraBd. here for a meeting of Uw Denver Dm-Ul Asaa., aald **all a deatifrice does Is to assist the brush -tn cleaning out food particles. All of 'late this.month for a few days of g(rif in the wai'm sun. ' The While House said Tuesday Fred Kleeman. the groom for night the Prc.sident uill go Jan. 28,1 Warfare, 1959 2-yfar-old chain-,the morning after he addresses aipion, was a stex^plcchaae ridsr iif' 1 Republican ‘‘Salute to Ike” cam-lGermany years sgo. ' Your Hearing‘^ur Only Business! 11 West LowrBiicg Strttf Pontioc, Mich. Cmm in 91 call fw Fin Honw PtriorauBct YmU AUDIOMITRIC HEARING TESTS EARMOLDS, lATTERIES, ACCISSORIES |ui» * fsw stops off Saginaw St. .FE 8-2733. R«fi. 1.69 r 1" ( 'jackpotN I 144 Heovy weight, fleece bock cotton sweat shirts in white or groy with fino rib knit crew nock, waist and cuffs. Sizot S-M-L-XL. Work Clofhaa Dtpf. Thoy'ro prt-cuffod stylo whh hoovy duty zippor fly, tunnol loops, doop p^kols. lor tockod at oil strain points. Ml cut for comfort. Choico of ton or gray. 29-42. Woilt CiMiMt Dopt. Pretty prints in newest colors moke news for spring of '60 199 Cottons by Cortloy for spring and summer woor. Iluo or boigo in sizes 7 to 15. Included in group ore Cupiohit, Arnel-cotton blends, rayon toffotos, cotton knits and linon-tiko rayons in soft prints and povy. Sizot to 52. ^ Federal dept, stores Wash tonight, woor tomorrow! Cottons for oll-around weor 3^9 Eoiy-eoro cottons for round the Rputo or shopping. Cheeio from solid*, chocks and plaids in bright colors or postols. AAcmy stylos and trims. Button-front or drossy zip-fa^ stylos in tizos . 5 to 15. 10 ta 20, 16% to 24% and 42 to 52. JACKPOT The seoson's igost talkednihoul stylie eHii 4 fohrics ond colors at sepsationol savuigst ;/ BUDGET GROUP Reg. 29.99 to 39.99 23” LUXURY GROUP Rag. 39.99 to 49.99 32” PUR TRIMS Rag. S9.M ta 69.99 52” •Wool plush or libalina •Hockonum, Windsor • Poarltst plaids, twoods • Black Jowtl •Streng-Howitt twoods •Ombre, stripes, etc. • Pihs or wool sip linings •Shokero, mohoir-wool • Poorloss plaids, twoods, •OrlenD xlp linings • Elogont mink •Dyed block fox • Luxurious muskrat • Dyed squirrel, fitefc •Boovor or Porsion lemb Far pradueti UMti to sAai* cauntry */ arigfa «/ importtd tun. Save 34c on cuddit caps, tarwarmart or plaitic baft /iSSis, 00 Parky white wool haodwoor ond plastic clutch or bucket bagt*l Bunny chokers*, tool *5^, ekuktn plus VS. tos I 2 or 3-pioca broadcloth pajamas in printi, itripat /liSmN Famous Goldmark gtamfree nylons, rog. 1.35 pr. if parfest Prints, stripes in sizes 34-40. 3-pc. sot hos extra pair shorts. On solo . . . while they lost! Wool's briofi, I-1B . S fm ••* CrystdI-cloor. Irregulars wonY show, affect woor. Now colors, co-onSnotod length*. 1% to 11. 2 an........................MB OPEN EVERY NIGHT TO 9 (Monday through Soturdoy. FEDERAL DEPT. STORES f ;■ /V.:. ■ .I" Bioiri XHE PONTIAC PRESS, WEpyESPAY, JANUAHY 18, 1960 Tlw vMrtft UiiBBt eilBrd !• locBttd idiout trap E3 PHD. Iln. Acts Fast jg lltoal Perns StumMe ' Johnson Quick on Draw lice Afb Confirniotion of 779 qt Pc^osten WASHINGTON (UPI)l — Piw Kcmwth E. Scrl^nta: HaUaad; V«n Eck. KMlamiuoo;« E. R^. Manhail: IkwlB H. KulMith. St Jodqiih. 1^ AAMEB MAUOir X WASHINGTON (AP) - l4W*« Jlcduiaon, the taU TOOn, KO lo-ward the Senate liberals like a man whiting at bis window with a shotgtm tor prowlers. He lets th«n come dose and then shoots. He likes to get it over with ealiy. Two yean in a row now, right at the beginidng ol a ecmgressional session, the liberal* sfa^'^ Jostling Johnson, leader of Senate Demodrats, Both thnes be flattened them fast. it ^ * Last year Awy waided to dtaage a Senate rule to miake it easier to smash Southern Democrats’ filibusters against dvil rights Mils. This year/ they wanted to take away some of Johnson’s tree-wheeling autiKHTity. ★ * ♦ In 1959 Senate liberals ot both parties teamed up behind S^. Paul Douglas (D-Dl) to get the rule changed. A fight over this could have lasted weeks and split Northern and Southern Democrats. Douglas had hardly opened his mouth before Johnson moved in, took over, and proposed his own rule chaise whidi, while it required some conceision from the Southerners, also pacified most herners by giving them concession. JOHNSON POLITE It called for a very slight change. The outnumbered liberals found’out in a hurry it was all the majority of both parties would go tor. The libtnttls were swamped in the US vote. Unabashed by the dubbing they got, some or the liberels among Johnaon’a own Democrats began banging away at Johnaon'hlmaelf. This was particularly true of one newcomer, Sen. William Prox-mire (D-Wte). * . ★ A Theb' complaint boiled down to this: That Johnson ran the Smate as a one-man duiw, diat DenuKrats weren’t consulted enough on what Senate Democrats should do, support, or oppose In policy and legl^tion. This discontent with Johnson’s leadership —• although one complainant conceded the Texan was the ablest Democratic leader around in his lifetime — bubbled over when the Senate opened for business this year. *1116 liberals insisted, stance, on more cloeed^r private meetings or caucuses amo Democrats so all could have vdce in what was to be done on the qpen Senate floor. Jotoson, as usual, was polite and patient with them. He could afford to be. No one in the Senate knows as well as Jotmson the views ot every! senator of both parties on every issue and how he can be expected to vote. Hie reason he knows is that he works hard at finding out. He is a master of detail. So Jotmaon pulled g surprise. He a secret meeting right tor eonfinnation. Hwaa in MkMgan Included: hficMgan - Aulfalrt D. Oox. away. No wonder. There is no Battle Creek; A. Ray Krtder, Eart doubt be knew the majority of the Lanaii«; Chartee H. Pratt. rUnt; Senate Democrats woidd line upj «i Ms side against the outspoken liberals, who are a small miaority.l A .iA. A Sure/ enough — that'a bow It turn# out. The Democrats met behind closed doors Tuesday and the liberals suffered a crushing detoat. The vote was 5142 in support of Johnson’s way of doing things. UBEBAL8 STUMBLE In all this Johnson never got >ad (Hr raised his voice. But then, of course, knowing what Johnson knew, he dhin’t have to. He Just let the liberals stumble around In his garden, ci^ up cloae,' and Mkdiigan tarmens loae 25 to 35 .sr cent of nutrienta In torage cropa fivough harvesting and stor aga prdbimu, according to a forage oommlttee at/Mldilgan State Or. Dovty on TB BoOrd LANSING (UPD-Gov. C. Mem ■aid today he has Dr. t^nthnp H. Davey. Am AitoT. as a member of the advtoory council on tuber-os for a term ;iexplrii« Oct. »r 1M2. Senate oon-firmaUon Is required. It’s questionable, anyway, that the Senate Democrats could agree on anytIUng openly or privately, they’re ao divided. ‘ ’They had a big debate about it out in the open on the Senate floor Monday and It was a dtay spectacle. CASH AND CARRY ALUMINUM STORM WINOOWS-SALE PRICED SfU Storiig .. .19.95*' *3 TrAck TUI . .114.99 2-TiAck TUI . .113.99 f** latertUHea istea__________As leag ss 5 Yssn H Ray CALL FE 3-7033 Sptciol Op«rators on Duty 24 Hours o Doy IMODERHIIATIOM Scientist Doubts Intelligent Life on Other Planets LONDON (UPI) - Scientist Alan Slater gave little credence today to the idea there is intelligent life on other planetk. He said mankind was merely a lucky accident ot evolution. AAA Slater said it would take a bas-.ketful of zeros to calculate the odds against the Green Bank, W. !Va., radioastronomy observatory I getting any reply when it tries to contact "intelligent teings’’ in the MUky Way this wintti-. "The answw to the qnestton of whether there Is Intelligent lUe elsewhere can be fouad right here M earth," Slater said. "There are roughly one million species of mammals, insects and reptiles on our planet. But only one of them, man himself, has any intelligence. l "And man’s brain was by noi means an Inevitable result of evolution. I doubt the haphazard sequence that brought it into being could happen exactly the 'Same [way anywhere else. Numerous and strange species there may be on [other ftars in the cosmos — f I intelligent ones, I think not." Soviets Say French Want Rocket Deal NICE, France, (UPI)-Sovleti space scientist Anatoly Blagon-1 ravov said ’Tuesday that French' scientists had expressed interest mi having a Soviet rocket put a French-made satelite into orbit. AAA Blagonravov, a leading space authority at the U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences, said Russia would oon.[ aider such a Joint Soviet-French project if it w;ere proposed officially by the French. The sugges-tkm was understood to have come from an unofficial group of French scientists. AAA An American soientist warned that such a move by the French would be a ’’disturbing’’ devei(q>-' ment. But R. W. Porter, a member { of the space Science Board of the| I National Academy of Science in I Washington said both American and Russian rockets would be launching other nation’s satellites | this year. He and Bagonravov arej here for a space sciemists’ ‘summit conference." JANUARY SAIES DAYS PRICES REDUCED ON THIS BRAND NEW HOOVER CONSTELLATION SHOP BY PHONE! Post bog chong* • IxcKisivo 3 toootKh Doubl^trokli 49 95 Week Full 12 Month Warranty. Throw Away Disposable Bags. -motorola- clock RADIO ONLY LONG EASY TERMS -GENERAL ELECTRIC-- AUTOMATIC^ PERCOLATOR MAKES 2 TO 9 CUPS >125 SERVICE AFTER THE SALE GOOD HOUiEfiEEIlG of PONTIAC Open Monday and Friday Nighta 51 W. Huron Street FE 4-1555 You'd Better Tip Off Internal Revenue WASHINGTON (UPD - Waiters, porters, taxi drivers and other persons who get tips In their work were warned today to report them on their federal Income tax returns. A A A ’The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) noted that three recent court decisions have held that such work-ers are subject to penalties If they fall to Include Ups in their taxable income. AAA. The IRS said^that if a taxpayer fails to keep adeipiate records and under-reports his Ups, the service is authorized to estimate them from available information. To Get New Post Office GRAND RAPIDS (UPIV - Rep. Gerald Ford (R-Mich) today an-' nounced a new post office will be, constructed In the community ofi B.vron Cfenter, southwest of here. Bids for the project will be taken Feb. 29. Fold said. YOU WIN! Chann|>ton pm QUALITY INSURANCE AT LOW COST FOR CAREFUL DRIVERS New slmpllflad package policy ot ■utomobila intursnea. Continuous protection, payable every tlx months; fast-fair claims service. Can you qualify torthe low ratee— Yes, If you are a careful driver. Sea us. Thatcher, Patterson & Wernet e*ai)M't (1Mm( Insmae* Sfcaqr 71,1 Community Notional U ‘laiia aa yea cmY ttey t* a wata •aaefenth la fs» kaatiaf la Si yaw naada. tal at Hala yaa choaM tka rlfM aaas. Il'i |atl a pa'i •> aw catlaaar aarvlca GINERAL PRINTING I OmCE SUPPLY 17 W. Uwrtnca FE 2-013S GfuUAi- q Bxecutiva and seefetarial seating eoasptofal y adjuatobte for Imfividual comfort ploa ride ebaira. oonfercncc chairt and fotdtof efaairt... an "CHBce fashioned’* to look better and wear better than other cliaira coating tarioe aa ouacfal Come in and aee our complete ariection .. .ar can for a free ten-day trial in your oOoef $13.95 $44.95 General Printing & Office Supply 17 W. Lowrtnee FE 2-0135 PROFITARIE SAVINGS Put your savings to work at the highest possible.rate of dividend! Idle money bums holes in your pockets and soon dwindles away . . . turn your change into dollars .. and put your dollars to work for you! We Offer You Higher Returns and Insured Safety 2m Current Rate Pontiac Federal Savin^hi Home Office 761 W. Huron Street 16 E. Lawrence St., Pontiac / 407 Main Street, Rochester 4416 Dixie ^wy., Drayton Plains .fc-'j'- ■ jyry ;ESS. tvE. But lt*» High in Bargaining labor's Iniluence Lags’ Compared to Business THE PONTIAC, PRESS. iVEDXKSDA V. JAXLARV 1.^, I960 |To Sentence I inYuleBredk-lh Califoriita Ave„ and \VUlie TJgf, 34, of 5A Branch St. Th?y prpb-•Wy will tw tried duriitK ■nwiftth'* Jury term of cot^, «« W a^iSSSlsRescued' LANSING UFi-Lafaor in the community lifg tnr Miind it# propoi^km In the |>oi>ulation. uy* a researcher at Michigan ,SUte University. Despite some gains in chmmun- In Laming, Form feum] of the 400 mendten db nttmielpd boa«dsl from 1945 to 1^7, 13 per cent were! from the'“woridng class." | Form held that labor’s penetra- 2 Othtrs Awaiting trio); Sofa Robbary Counts May Ba Dismissad before Judge Holland were Wash- br\0 install Menywnathers, 20, of m jQJJ tbL/O^ From Manitoba; Bitter Cold Slows Ard'ic Floe Rescue TOBYHANNA, Pa. (» -, A Soraatoa, Pa. radia spmtor re- before Us abort wave radio. Uaaley WoJewdoAl uU FAIRBANKS. AlaAa (UPl. ^ The Air Force today was hoping it would be able to resume its! remoi^nl of man and equipment! All alx are accused of ____, a safe containing |2.700 after the break-in of jthe buUding Dec. 28.' The building is located at 199 Orchard Lake Ave. ★ * Jk ururfr aw anon wave rwoio. . . ur n- 1. aT Maalev ______airlift was slowed yesterday -«u.e am™ U] oimmun- non into the community, pow-M-l Four Pontiac men who pleaded wMbpJallae temperatures ranging as. I ity influence in the past quarter strudum is limited by its todf It LJ: f wwv'e tSI “ _# . 4.— . . . I . - . . . ' . . Iguilty to breaking mto the West-iearller denied any knowledge of “®” wave lAUa ^ iop.fp guarantee financial support—as in |G*V' ^Mmund G. Brown dtm De-segmenls of the community chest, Secretary Neil H. McElroy’i the Board of Education and the ''®si8*’3lion to return to a high-Democratic Party." salaried soap company job, as an , example of what is w rong with *• •" iAmerican values. the City Coanrll, the muald|inl ' * « A appointive baurds. church boards The Poixt family s coining out and mass (wnunuoicatlon agc«- parly lor Heniy Fjird H'l daugh-jter was another. Demvrat Brown the„ Sacramento Ministerial Society Tuesday. Jan. 23. while two otltors allegedly to Pontiac Pdice Sgt. John A. De-involved are awaiting trial in Cir-iPatjw. cuit Court. I Awaiting sentetidng fbr break-1 Howard McNeill St.. Charles| FRASER tUPI) - Police here Louis M. Motvkifield. 17, ol" 73itod*y blamed 28 flat tires on the Elizabeth St., and Melvin RayjOnoss Co, strike whk* h'aa Williams. 22. of 287 E. WUson hampered-operations at the auto-Ave. |mation plant. “ ' four ptesdcd guilty to the | ^ seeoni eeent et bu^lar^ before ' CTreult Judge H. Rfassel Holinnd. Chief Assistant ProMcutdr Rob- | THilFTY 14 Ounce Site •oral OP 2s l-A-DAY USTERINE ALKA VITAMINS RARBLE SELTZER Reg. IC.9S Regular 39c legnJar 54e $^95 63‘ 39‘ 89c Mioit Rnb, loi cGldi...............89c 59c Pepto-Riimol, 4 •!............ 39c 10c Tbbi Mints ..................8 nUi 49c 89c Phillip's Migneiia, 28 01.............83c 69c HmI Linimtnl, ZVm.....................49c $1.19 Carter'i Pilli, lOO'i...............|9c Regolor $1.39 THERMOMETERS security—oral—roctol Rogulor 90c DOAN’S PILLS aids to kidneys HEATING PADS $999 5 /L Three-way speed. Try this soothing warmth for sore, ach-ing muscles. Albertos Vo-5 heir groom and | rinse awey heir cersditioner. its HOME PBKMANENT... • THRIFTY DRUGS ot A A || 4S95 Dixie Hwyi U an yjpUoUn 148 N. SAGINAW NUR suns PACKA6I HUtOH ST. CMHia or Tiijeuni VO-5 HUB 6B00M £ Is BDtSE tWST LiguiD M -l: tr- 11'<*\ ' ^ ^ A. J-,2&w SfKk-Up During Our.. .1 .If..,.' .v-i^.; Roitmo Orchodt, Z*sty SAVf 18c m4 r I Dutch Girl Wholesom* m Apple SAVI 10c •n4 PilUbury'sioatSttylt Apple Sauce “10* Phillips Whole Red Ripe Tomatoes "lO* I""' I Campbell's Cream of Hi Tomato Soup'lO' Battei^O* Cakel^ -10>| S Hunt's Whole Unpeeled Apricots ^-10< Chun King Delicious Bean Spionts-lO' Our Favorite Brand Green Peas ”10' Our Favorite Green or Wax Cut Beans -IG Newport Golden j Cream Com-IG ' r Cookquick Brand I Navy Beans-IG EVERY WEDNESDAY Specially Selected Young, Tender Leg-O-lamb Round Bone Lamb Chops 75*^ Loin Lamb Chops 99^10 Rib Lamb Chops 89'u,. Blade Cut Lamb Chops 65'u S9 G lb Lean, Fresh Small Turkeys • Ground Beef ^|[EC ^ For Mestleaf BfP Lh ^ Hambvrgers jW Tender, Juicy Lamb Roust Cut 35: SAVE I8c SAVE 10c SAVE 4c en4 UVE 4e m4 California, U.S. Fancy, Red Glo Emperor Grapes Lusciouf Large Clusters 2 “^29' Lush. Red Emperors from the fertile wine vajleys of California . . hand Miected in the field especially for Wrigley . . and brought to you by Wrigley. . . full of rich, juicy goodness ... get several bunches today at this wonderfully low, “fry me” special price! * Brussels Sprouts 0":“;:;^.. 29= Fresh Spinach Florida All Green Pascal Celery Trtfllis Whole Kernel Corn v2?on 10' Cookquick Brand Navy Beans pi? 10' Blue Ribbon Paper Napkins L 10' Dole Pineapple Juice 10' Libby's Pure Tomato Juice Diamond Crystal Iodized Salt Tost-D-Lite Sliced Beets -”fhtttip'sPofleA-^ecms— 10- pkfl. Cdn lU Lab Test Aspirin Tablets 'i Top Frost or Downyflak^rozen SAVE 9c •n4 Waffles 4G Ido Pak Frozen French Fries Top Frost Frozen Lemonade Pkfl. Con PricM effective through Soturdoy, Jonuory 16. We reserve'the right to limit quontitiee Buttermilk Bread Mel-O'Crust Sliced 2l6 0..^gl Leaves 25* 24-Site ^ KC Stalk ^ ^ Large Eggs Lily Brdnd Grade 'A' All White Guaranteed Farm Fresh or ' Double Your Money Bock Doz. i Ctn. 35* Taste 0'Sea Frozen Fish SALE Frozen Perch Fillets Frozen Cod Portions Frozen Fish Steaks . oice i: JibtM NABISCO CRIAM-FILLID COOKIE FAVORITES Oreo Sandwiches 49'- MAIL BACK 4 LABELS, GET 50c GERBER COUPON r^rkAr^e Dinrseri ^ VTClOCI 9 Stroirted or Junior jtL -I*™ OeiQOUS IMPORTED COOKIE ASSORTMENT Dare's Best-O-Bics 49* 6jT5 grease FASTER, GETS DISHES CLEANER I^UW VCL Detergent Size 39' 79' NEW MIRACLE BAR, NEW KINO OF SOAP Pk2* 45' French Fried Perch Praise 5c Off Sale 2 Bonded Regulor // FREE CANNON FACE TOWEL INSIDE THE BOX Improved Blue Giont Size Silver Dust 81* NOW IN PURI WHITE et EXTRA SPECIAL SAVINGS \ Lifebuoy Ic Sale 4J::S36' SMOOTHER, FINER, DISINFECTS AS IT CLEANS AJAX Cleanser s;:i^*:s;2S:;49' MAIL BACK * LABELS, GET 50c CASH REFUND Heinz Junior Foods 4 Jon 59' CHOICE of FLORAL, SPICE, MINT or PINE Florient«,iAi,o.odoront,. Kilit Bod Odors FASTER Sprov Con 89' POR aSANIR WASHES ih ANY WASHING-MACHINE Fluffy "all" 76' NOW with FREE DINNERWARE INSIDE EVERY BOX II A r\ll Colgote's Advoneed Detergent A f\U for Autometic Woshing-Mochines Siie UO FItSJER GIFTS FASTER WITH GOl-D BEL-L GIFT STAMPS ■; ■ \ ■i:" L -i.:; '-J I " THE PONTIAC PRESS, WEDNESDAY. JAXUARY f8. 1060 ELEVEN THE UDT AND TEE GIANT By Clarence BudingUtA Kelland I e CImm» UM OlllltrniOiKhfiiBiMilCww MrtrihMkrNUlwto 'ixsrrc?5,« U OiTta Applcgat* pod LMlto ... ai UM arriTpl o( tlu tanUitlMUp bMUtltvl Md i}eb Itadam Ctula ■ ----. LtMli rpppr—- ----- -■ duct ait Madam Jntway to l^rra- puat locicty" And than, "Of ' After taldiig Lmaie home, t ut down in a nutic diair on our lawn and lighted a' corncob |dpe, a habit I had acquired at college. A daifc figure appeared around the side of the house across the street. So furtive was his movements that I thought he was a burglar until he huddled agabnt tfrc wall under the library window and whistled a distinctive, quavering bird call. It might be some young man seeking a tiyst with one of the'servants. notice,” mother responded dy, "that it’s you men who always get the first breath of scan- "Wdl,” father told her, whisper going around Is that Mad-Janeway is a protege Drew’s.’’ After a few moments, a ligM moved inside the bouse and the sMe door opened and Madam Jangway sto^ os the threahoM. In that brief moment while she sms visible. It seemed to me that her emotions were rage and fear. The figure darted up the steps aad before he pushed past her. * saw his face indistinctly. Not so clearly that I could swear to his identity in a court of law, but ot one thing I was oertgin. He wore side whikkers of the. sort called sideburns oj* bumsides. NATION STAGOKRKD The country was still staggering from the tragic impact of Black Friday, which had shocked the nation only three weeks ago. Joy Gould and Jim Fisk had plotted to ('orner gold. It wag a scandal er demanded fdiarply. "Not specified,’’ father aii> sWered: "but Imowing Dan’l’s reputation for piety. I’d gueu it was platonic.’’ mother sported. However, on lhatXday of sure-strained hysteria on'^ gold es-change, the Pi dered tjie sale of Treal "No oM nrOi otay au^,*’ fa-Hbr tnM mrd««eally. them add-ad Ih a oort at Togafa* way he "Of coarse, you wMkbi’t hove heard the whisper. Xra wouldn’t not disregard a command from a prominent banker, to I put bn my hat and cut acrooa the aquare. I stopped suddenly Just over the tbreriiold, and I fear I gawped, For. aldrh! carefully arranged and aaa--Ha|i^:-foot triage and a tingr bonnet perch^ upon her mbdlshly arranged hair, there was Madam Jaheway. FELT HE SHOULD BOW "Madam Jaheway,” be said, "here is the young man of whom I spoke. Orrin Applegate.’’ Madam Janeway smiled charmingly and extended a hand protected by a lace mitt. Somehow I felt that I should bow over it and When we arose frwn the table 1 walked downtown to my small of-hct, in which I was ready to practice law if some client would retain i^e for that purpose. It was half past 10 by my gold watch when someone rappnl on my doOr and I called an invitation to entei*, composing myself to dignified posture and placi^ the law' “What kind of a protege?" moth- Ms* her fingers. She created that atmosphere. ’’"How do'you do,. Mr. Apple-gate," she said in a rich contralto voice, "It was gracious of you to oomfr." Though there was a third chair. occulb’ it. I was not entitled to sit in his presence. CW ' Ike Bemoans 'Bigotry Virus' Kiwanis Officer to Address Club at Luncheon Message fo American Jewish Congress Hits Anti-Semitic Outbreaks The West Kiwanis dub will hear ; Richard Huizei^, hehtenant gov-i ernor of Kiwanis District No.' 5 speak at its regular luncheon meeting ’Htursday. In Scribb’s Restau- NEW YORK (AP) - President Eisenhower, noting recent antivirus of bigotry” must not be allowed “to spread one inch.” a message read Tinaday at anv erowigency meeting of the Aiberican Jewish Congress, ESsenhower said that when bigotry "becomes rampant it can caus« the destruction of freedom and decency everywhere. In this age, when so much is expected and required of Ameri- ca, we cart ill afford tq waste a bigotry or single day combating prejudice at home,” the President declared. The message was addressed to the Natfonal Conference ol Chriat-ians and Jews in reply to a telegram last ‘Iliursday from rqire-sentativea of the “ ’ ‘ ‘ This Is the lecond Pontiac club, this week that Huizenga has ad-i dresigd. He spoke before the' Downtown chib Tuesday, Huii-enga, assistant superintendent of schods In Rochester, heads the li Oakland County clubs in the fifth district. w ♦ is He is currently appearing before' all .area clubs to urge individual! Kiwanians to activate Kiwanianj Intmiational objectives for 196(1. centered around the theme Fi-ee-dom Is Up to You.” olic and Jewish faiths. They voiced cmcern to the Presldeiit over the threat of religious bigotry in politics and the anti-Semitic outbreaks. Mr. WatU did not in^ w to., g’ i note read at the meeting, Morgan, said: "Lifee you, President has been concerned about the recent outbreak of reli- “Madam Janeway.” he said,'glous intolerance with a boW in her direction, “re-taihs, of course, eminent counsel to attend to her larger affairs. But book where It would be seen by my. visitor. It was, to my disappointment. only Bub Whitty, who was Mr. Watts’ office bqy. there will be numerous petty de- the k "What torr* l asked. "He didn’t «ay," Bub told i and backed out of the office. A young man in my position does tails and unimportant matters in which she will require the services of a local lawyer.” 1 contented myself by bowing, but I was elated. "'nierefore,” Mr. Watts continued in his pompous way, ”1 have recommended you to serve in that capacity” (To Be OonOlMied) Views it deep loathing.” Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller wired the American Jewish Congress; “The recent outbreak of vandalism of synagogues and churches Is Shocking. Every thinking person is Indignant at these shameful acts and those responsible for these depredations In various parts pf the world. At the Jewish Congress emergency meeting, ProtesUnt and Catholic leaden deplored the van- Harvey Kueoo of the D-troit Tigers led the American League bitting in 19S9 with .3U, in hits with 198 ^ in doubles wltH’^42. People 50 to 80 Tear Oat This Ad k. and mall It today to find t how you can still apply: for a ILOOO life insurance policy to help take care of final | expenses without burdening your family. You handle the entire transaction bv m a 11 with OLD AMERICAN of KANSAS CI’TY. No obligation. No one will call on you! Write today, simply giving; your name, address and year; of birth. Mall to Old American; Insurance Co.. 4000 Oak, Dept. LS’mA, Kansas City. Mo. W’e In S.vracuse were iure that, hypocritical old Dan'l Di^ and; Gould and flamboyant Jim Fisk! were allied with the poweW ofi darkness, because their engmyi Commodore Vanderbilt was an m- i mired friend of ours. Indeed, wj had named a city square for him>( and we had followed eagerly the' struggle between these giants forj control of the Erie Railroad. January' I Jamboree save oh Fieldmaster insulated men’sti6(>d^parka regularly sells at 13.98 These things are matters of' history, which you would not think would touch James Street except as a financial convulsion is bound to affect every citizen, rich and| poor. But you would have been mistaken, because James Street was touched, modified, ^aken. and! almost destroyed, merely by the strange, the unbelievable use ofj one of their names. This was the; name of old Dan’l Drew. I warmth. Charcoal ^ay only! Sizes S-M-L-XL. Hurry in today during this gigantic sale. Charge It lined suburban coats “Banker Watts," my mother said, "is planning a dinner to intro-: Says Packers Fight All Federal Grading WASHINGTON (UPI> - A farm leader charged today that meat packers are trying to pave the way for elimination of federal grading of beef. ! I.ouis A. Rozzonl, president of the California Farm Bureau and a member of the board of directors ^ of the American Farm Bureau' Federation, made the statement In testimony prepared for a Houw Agriculture Committee hearing on federal grading of lamb. Meat paekera Who oppose lamb grading “are oppoaed to the whote idea of-gweratueut-* grading," Bouonl said. ’The Agriculture Departmertt announced plans last month to suspend its voluntary grading i service for lamb because producer ajKi packer groups could not agree ^ on details of revised grade sundards. Dentists Will Discuss Family Insurance Plan woolen Melton eoat over P.AST LANSING (ft'— ’The (tow field of prepaid insurance plans' to cover family dental bills will be discussed bv the Michigan SUife Dental Assn. Jan. 18-20 at Michigan Slate University warm thermal lining! regularly sells at 12.9.^ 1A99 Charge sale ends Saturday The association saW only a few; prepaid programs for dental rare have been established^'in this eoun-! tiy. The conference, to be attended by some 140 Michigan dentists, will' be the first in the state to discussj the new field. ■Thermal inaulation of Orion* and Dyne! quilted beneath lustrous rayon create.^ vacuum air pockets to seal out cold, keep warmth in. Melton outer fabric is i-» wool ’2 reprocessed wool. Sizes 36-46. Nowadays a dude is anybody who watches less than four hours; orful art woric for the cover of her 0^ RUblished work, SHOW PROMISE Both Richard Luby and Janet Grady, as well as Rita Sloan, deserve much encoui^ ag[ement. They show promise . of outstanding accomplishment as mature musicians. It is gratifying to see such teenagers with a serious purpose in music, capable already of high level perfqi-mancea. Mrs. Ralph Nprvell, president. introduced special guest. Mis. Ralph Curtis of Oxford, ■ who is president of the Michi- gan Federation of Music Clubs. She spoke enthusiastically of the work of toe federated clubs at the national, state and local levels. Promotion of the work of American composers, the "crusade for strings" to fill our orchestras, the sponsoring of scholarship programs and toe fine work in musical therapy in mental hospitals were some of the projects mentlonrclj The Alpha Gamma Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma sorority, teacher's honorary invitational society, win have a meeting at the Hotel Waldron Thursday at 4:30 p.m. followed by dinner. Hostesses will be Mrs. Clayton Quayie and Mrs. Roger Oberg. A dinner at the church i planned for Jan, 29. Bod Taste?. No,but It' Is Unwise By EMn,Y POST ' Dear mr FosTr YfjrYntor band and I own aiid operato a smaU store. Very often my husband will have to ask me a. question about something and he always calls me "dear" — even in front of customers. I have tried to tell him that this 18 in bad taste in business but he persists in doing it. Perhaps if I can show him something from you about ha being in bad, taste, he will ■top doing it. Answer; T«n» of endearment are not in best taste In toe,j>u*bies8 worid. Before personal friends and customers you know very well It would, be all right. But even so, it is best to avoid H because if he gets into the habh of doing u, he is_ almost certain^ to do it before strangers. Dear Mrs. Post: Two other girls and myself are planning to give a shower for a friend who IS to be married shortly. They want to invite both men and women friends of tha bride and grocmi to the Slower. Every shower that I have ever been to was strictly for the girf friends of the l»ide and the men would drop in later. I would like to know if such a shower is in order. A slim white silk dress, pat-tenied front and back with panels of brown roses, is from the Spring 1960 collection of Luis Estevez. Future Bride Is Honored Answer; Showers are generally for the bride.alone and' ■ only her best friends are invited to it. However, it is not unheard of in the ptAent day in some crnninunities, wtoen tha shower presents sometimes take the place M wedding presents, to include friends of boto the bride and bridegromn. It would be in very bad taste to Invite them to a poeonal shower to which the guests bring wearing awarel for the bride. / Margaret Stevens of Park-dale street, bride-elect of Or-maJ Conely of Croswell, was honored at a shower Saturday evening at the Whitfldd street home of Mrs. Louis Martell. Cohostess was Mrs. Rohima Curtis. Guests present were Mrs. Ted Mackeli, Mrs. Ketth Pratt. Mrs. Ernest Broadway and Mrs. Nicbedaa Morris. Others were Mrs. Bird/wy McKee, Mrs. Dees HfHdtey, Ml'S.. Lyal H. Howison and Mrs. Laverne McCallum. Dear Mrs. Post: I live on the second floor of a privata houae. The front door te always locked. Whenever any-olie comes to see me I have to go downstaiti to open the door. If the visitor is a man friend, do I let him go up the stairs first, since he is my guest, or do 1 precede him? Answer: You go first. — not only to show the way but because a woman always precedes a man. -% I . ■ ■ Watch Hairdo Mrs. Floyd Mattoon, Mrs. Frank Mattoon, Mrs. Glenn Sutton. Mrs. Martha Zumbrun-nen and Beveriey Stevens were others. (NEA)-If yra*re teO end slim, you should have • hai^ do that doesn’t add height. K you’re small, don’t make your •elf look topJieavy with waves and curls. The Woman's Society of Chririlan Seivice of the Aldcrs-gate Methodist Church will meet Thursday evening at the church. Mrs. Ronald Carr, secretary, has planned a program on missions in Africa. Mrs. C. Warren Wilson Will direct the spiritual life part of the program. Hostesses will be Mrs. Eugene Taylor and Mrs. Herbert Biom. MARY ELLEN OLTESVIG Michigan has pioneeiTd in volunteer musical therapy and work here is being used as a pattern for similar projects throughout the country. Mi-s. Curtis urged members to work for finer educational music in Chairman for the evening, Mrs. George Meades will introduce speaker Victor Zink of the General Motors personnel stall. Mr. Zink who is also a member of the Board of Edu-, (-ation ot the Rochester Community Schools, will have as his topic, "What Does Indus-Uy Want From Teachers?” Start Young, Practice Long^ Love Music Figure Skater Must Learn to Strive lEilItvr'i Notr Thu ti th» trrond of throe itoriw on Miure (kswni by Pierie Brunet, noted fltsre •kellnf AP NEWSFEATl'RE sriiools and to su^rt good pi -p , programs on radio and TV by TTQ^n I OmOlTOW S notifying stations tof approval . i • t- i ................. Uothing Today of their cultural broadcasts. Mrs. FVank Kirby was chairman WEDNESDAY, JANUARY la, :i Join the Annual Marathon Want to Look Years Youiiger? Gleaners Gather Mack fox coU*r«. muffa and tfcn . hats were aeeo throughout ' se iftportent collection ^ « Pafitlan deeigner. By dOSEPmifE LOWMAN ’ i know that it ia enUnAy possible tor you to look from j to 10 yean younger eight wertet trom now. I have ahen it happen td so many in my figure molding ebnaea, and thousands o( lett^ tram readers tell me the same thing. count to from !2 to 1100 calories . a day, it you wish to lose trom lb to 30 pounds in eight weeks-I also gave you some general ' Information about how to plan I a reducing diet in order to obtain the essentials for liealth. / other detoEt in baauty, send 10 ! jlet to Josephine Lowmaa h> cehts and a stamped, seif- I cai» of 11k Ponttac Ptesr--^ addreesed,envelope wift your af Tomofraw: “Start the blew request tog my Marathon book-' P Year Jtight-With Marathon." !M>MK hints It is always very exciting to hie to watrti the change in a 1 from overweight to f weight, fi^ bulges to r^’es, from fatigue to more y and frtim aeif-conscious-o self-confidence. There’s l(jbt about itl Most of us I by the way we e gi« you some bints about how to make reducing easier.- In the first place do not skip bieakfa^. It is an accepted fact that the most successful reducers eat breakfast; Dhide your daily calorfo count into three meals. 1 Ref. $3.99 Beys' $^66 OMNO SUCKS : W * y / Ref. $3.99 Mys' Rubber $ 44 RAHKOAn/ tale K ! ■ ^ Ref. $3.99 Beys' Cerdu- S Q7 rey SUCKS sdte I Boyi' - Girli' $14.99 SNOW SUITS loyi' SisM 2-4 ^088 Cull'Sum 4-4X Q Rto-$2.99-lnfont's TERRY SETS 3-Fc. Fastol 7T Colors—loxod | Speciol Group to $4.99 BOYS’ JACKETS Limited Quantity Zipper Poplius Ref. $1.49 Cettee SWEATSHIRTS ule Rif. $4.99 leys'. ||AA/ GH.' ROIES, ale 4||yQ OFF Rtf. te .$29.99 Beys' $#A99 Bettor DRESS SUITS * | |l simto 16 sole 1V Rtf. $2.99 Sirit' Rned €m eg SUCKS CORD* SImi 7-14 sele 1 Rif. $3.99 Inf. Qellt lUNKHS acrilaa, ale i Ref. $1.99 Siris' Setter Ca 49 POLO SHIRTS ale 1 Boys'-Girls'-Tot's WINTER HATS SHcUlGroip VAliMtoS2.99 Boys' Reg. $1.99 SPORT SHIRTS SmrlCstlou SVlO WanirUBMl 3-6X 1 Girls' Better $2.99 TIGHTS Pepilar Leotards $■ Qfi Smart Colon | OO 3-14 ■ Maiy, Many Other Bargains! Sale Starts Thurs., 9:30 A.M. COME EARLY aad SAVE! WoNdErLAN **BeH for Children" TcUHuron Center 175 W. Mople Ponfioc Birmingluim &frs. Nellie Monroe cloeed meeting with devotfons. Refreshments were served by Mrs. A. D, Stimer and her com-' mittee. Future Bride Fete^lQtSupp6r If you wish to Join my Marathon for a loss of from 15 to 20 pounds in eight weeks, or to correct or improve sonae You, too, can look from five to 10 years younger eight weeks from note if you join Marathon, ff you would like to have the Marathon booklet, send IQ cents and a stamped self-addressed envelope with your request to Josephine Lowman in care of The Pondac Press. Resolutions Good:-Can You Keep 'Em? Bride-elect Diane Joyce Young was honored at a buffet supper and miscellaneous shower Sunday at the home of Mrs. Gary Smith of Ferndale. Cohostessea were Mrs Robert Hughes and Mrs. Robert Hug^ Jr. The bride - elect’s mother Mrs, Charles Strebe and her sisters Mrs. Terry Warren and Mrs. David Runyan, all of Pontiac, were among the guests, as were Mrs. Robert Gallo and daughter Mary, Mrs. Harry E. Hanes. Mrs. Osdl Hanes and Mrs. James Hanes ■^of Keego Harbor. The others were from Detroit and Fern-dale. Jan. 30 vows are planned*)^ by Miss Young and her fiance. James Hughes. By RUTH MILLBIT The reason most of us so rarely keep the New Year's resolutions we make is that we make too many good resohitians. We promiae more than deliver. So if you really want 1960 to be a j better, happier more enjoyaUe year than 1969. why hot fry making just one rescAution for Hk New Year and sticking by it? What wil that sae reaolalfea her To decide, feiak le^ aad rerefally ever the year geae by. What did It buAr Where did you fall down most often in being the kind ot penon you would like to be, in jplishing the things you i important, in living harmoniously with otl|ers? Was year biggest mistake ta Hkiag ea mere thaa yea ceoM do calmly aad eempetedtly? U aa^ reeelve le cot year «iM-gaRswe ta the petal where yea loiaw yam eaa flalab what yeu Do you feci that the past year was wasted because you had no| goal and frittered your time andi energy away? | U so, decide what you want most to accomphsh in 19tt and make a rreolve to get going on it' ras the Mggesf frastratfea at the yeer the bubimy to get eloeg wHh eemeoae hi year ewa family er a bartacM aseerlate or an hi-lawr ■ I If it was, give a lot of thought to the relationship. Once you have figured out how you can change your own attitude and reactions, set about doing it. SPEQAL! Milk Glass PLANTER $2^5 Bring cheer indoors .. collectors item miljc glass boWl planter with several hardy philodendrons, and decorated with beauty berries. Cash and Carry JACOBSEN’S flow«r$ FINE GIFTS 101 N. Sasrinaw FE 3-716S DeMvory firtM dally to Btnalng- ProfessifNTQl PERMANENTS Styled os YOU Like It! IMPERIAL BEAUTY SALON 219 Auburn Ave. FE 4-2878 No Appointment Neceesorv IDitH ariNeON. OvMr , toniirtMly deft-(toni iM ctkiwm, m with OYNAOki Cddum TeWatt. larmtniine caldum-dafkiaM ralkvtd. Su* don'* aonfuta OVNA-CAl TcbWtt with ardin-•ry cakium-phetpharua produ^S^ PVNA-CAl TablaM contain/na phaipharut whkk fraeuantly at calcium. And OYNA-CAl Tab-latt contain a ipacial ineradiant whkh halpt ta put cakium inia dta blood atraam quickaf—8*100- v:" ’ *"'slimmer Crisp, casual, easy-sew! Look forwanl to a bright spring in this shirtwaist step-in with a color-bound collar, easy skirt, patch pockets. Sleeveless, short, or \, •sleeves. Printed Pattern 4969: Misses' Sizes 13. 14. 16. 18. 20; 40. Size 16 takes 44* yards ^inch. Send 50 cents In coins for this' pattern—add 10 cents for each pattern for Ist-class mailing. Send to Anne Adams, care of The Pontiac Press. 137 Pattern Dept.. 243 West 17th St. New York 11, N. Y. Print plainly name, address with zone, size and style number. cciclum-ctirvcd rnutdac. Slan«nt-la-t(k« DYNA-CAl T«b-Icti with edeium, glutamic acid hydrochlarida, and vitamini D and C contain no druga. Thay t aata, harmlM, cakium food log miaarabla muacla crampa, and •uipact you art nat gatting anough calcium, aik for DYNA-CAl Tablait, today, lettka of *0 tablata, $1.30. NATURAL HEALTH FOODS 8 Mf. Clement St. FE 4-4601 new you in 1960 WHEN YOU NEED A Special TO SHOW YOUR FEELINGS Waist tummy flotttning Mimline firdki or ponty by . a a #. ..oV* I# ’CHMOl IT -V-.- ‘IiimM panel tucks in the h the derriere end end 3* line to e mMeiuai. Of AA-l-XL Try one enl SendfloiM/u fperf eerfet/eref fit yow ^ort and figure flatterf Open Daily 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Closed Sunday OFEN EVERY NIGHT TO ♦ Mon. threuph Sol. TWO OAIIY OiLIVERIES TO OETtOIT AND ' MTERNfEDIATE POINTS THE PONTIAC PRftSS, WEDNESDAY^ JANUARY 13, i960 £BSm STEPHANIE M. JONES Tell Betrothal of Daughter on Anniversary On fteir rilver wedding anniver-ttry Saturday, Mr. and Mra. Floyd E. Jonea of Joilyn avenue announced the engagement of tiielr daughter SM|dianle Marilyn, to t/U. Wayne A. Ostrander. A ★ ★ A graduate of the Univenity ef MicMgan, Lt. OttrandM' is the edn of the Lester V. Ostranders of Chippewa road. He is stationed at Mather Air Fbroe Base, Sacramento, Calif. w * A An October wedding is i^anned. The anniversary reception was given by the four daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Jones; Mrs. Trenton Auxiliary Gets Report Wright . Founiler Attivet Aux-iliaiy to Post 161 met Sunday evening at the Roosevelt Hotel. Mrs. Paul Kitts reported on recent service program* and Christmas baskets. Mrs. Edwin Good. Child Welfare chairm^ told of a vi^ to the group's ‘adopted child’ at Oakland County ChOdren'i Home. r ★ AW A special report on the Amvet’i children's party at the Hotel Roosevelt was given by Mrs. Albert Erosley. Games were |)l»yed under the I direction ^ Mrs. William Marshall, Shouldn't Cling to the Bannister .1. ^ dlrecUon ^Mrs. William Marshall, S. S Stt’tiac^^ ^ ^ ausan, au or Pontiac. Emsiey. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Paul Kitts, Mrs. Ja<* Mariner, Mrs. Jeret Donaldson and Mrs. Vernon Jacobs. (NEA)—When jDu walk up- i ' ---------- "Si Pburcb Women Incline your body slightly iWUl Emohasiz^ forward, place one foot on the ' “ step above and push with your iSneciOf/ DctV^ back foot. You’U find that this UUyS way you move with grace._| ^ y- r ,Churd> Women of Pontiac was 'held Monday at the First Pres-» bj^erian Church. S! Officers for 1960 were intror |;duced as fo!1o\^’S; f* - Mrs. Harry Baker, president; ■ Mrs. Lin word Miner, first \1ce pi'esirlent; Mrs. William Bussard.! I second \1ce president; Mrs. For-'rest Brown, recording secretary; • 1 Mrs. Earl Hunt, corresponding sec-■retarj': Mrs. P. G. Utimer. treas-jurer: Mrs. James C. Covert, par-jjllamentarian; Mrs. Fred L. Hau-tjsh^ter, auditor, and Mrs. Allen Priestly, nominations /t’fi SMART To Shop NORTH HILL PLAZA In Rochester ROCHESTER AT TIENKEN ROADS the Coodi, AMby ^y» You Borrowed That Trouble by Lending to Her So Readily DEAR ABBY: A Vtry dear friend, of mine who happens to be my neighbor presfsnts a problem.' She borrows things and never returns them. for almost a year. She has the identical applianras. but hers are never in worl^ order. Mine are beginning to get that battered Mo<* and will not withstand the wear and tear of two families much lodger. How cun I get her to return these things without hurting her feelings? She is very sensitive. DOING WITHOUT DEAR DOING WITHOUT: Unfortunately those who think nothing oi borroiflng things and keeping them indefinite are the most "s^tive”. There is no subtle, friend-^p-saving. method of asking MRS. CLARENCE CAVALIER Welcome Rebekah Lodge Will Install Its Officers Start 1960 With a Rabsiiifl Cr.!.. BIRMINGHAM At the morning session. Mrs. Fred Hanes, education and leadership chairman, reviewed the constitution and bylaws; A committee was appointed to make revisions in line with the national constitution. Repre*entati\ et from rhurrhe* were asked to publicite the ope-dal daj-s observed by the United Church Women as much as possible. The first will be World Day of Pra.ver March 4 at the Urst C'ongregsllonal Church. Pontiac, followed by May FcUow -fchlp Da.v. and World CbnimuBlty Day In Nmcmbcr. Mrs. Allen Priestly led devo-tione for the afternoon session. Dump Ashes Next Morning (NEAl—Time to empty ash trays is the morning AFTER the party, unless you dump their contents directly into the incinerator. Otherwise, play safe: stack trays on sink overnight. There w ill be a semipublic installation of officers’of Welcome Rebekah Lodge 246 at 8:30 p. Thursday in the Malta Temple, on Perkins street. Mrs. Randall Wilton. lodge deputy, will officiate. (hficers to be installed are Mrs. Clarence Cavalier, noble grand; Mrs. Irving Quackenbush. vice, grand; Mrs. Earl Shivley, recording secretary; Mrs. William Fyfe, financial uecretary’; Mrs. Ritchie' treasurer, and Mrs | Richard Rohrer, junior past noble j grand. I Appointed officers are Mrs. Neil Cairns, musician; Mrs. Edward May, chaplain; Mrs. Jack Mc-Adory. warden; Carol Braman, conductor; Mrs. Forest Cummings, inside guardian; .Mrs. Beatrice Fro-ling, outside guardian; Mrs. Lester Bell, right supporter to noble grand; Mr*. William Sharp, left supporter to noble grand; Mrs. As-cenith Stevens, left supporter to rice |rand; Mrs. Olive May, right supporter to vice grand. Altarbeaiers are Mrs./Russell See, Mrs. Beasle Shaw, .Mrs. Elmer Malden and Mrs. liubie Am-Idon. / Past noble grands ^stlng Mrs Wilson .will be Mrs/ Orley Bruff, deputy marshal; Lester Bell, assistant' marshah Mrs. Hattie Roat, deputy ws^en; Mrs Orion Hettinger, depu^ recording secretary; Mrs. Theodore Sutton, deputy financial secretary; Mrs. Rob-Jockwi^ deputy treasurer.; Mrs. Arthur Farley, deputy outside guardian; Mrs. Eva Mathews, deputy inside guardian; Mrs. Lucille Perry, deputy chaplain; and Mi*. John Balch. deputy musician. Escorts will be past noble grands Mrs. Irene Bowen, Mrs. Ferman Huston. Mrs. Richard James, Mrs. Albert Kugler, Mrs. Iva Proctor, Mrs. Wallace Morgan, Mrs. Richard Young, Mrs. Alfred Marezan and Mrs. Theodore Sutton. I Other appointed effloerB elude Mrs, Betty Sutton, memorial rhairroan. Mr*. Richard Brownell, Mrs. Richard James aad Mrs. Jack McAdory are trustees Bessie Huston is press reporter. Serving on the finance committee will be Mrs. Rus.sell Hetzer) Mrs. Eugene Elkins and Mrs Richard Rohrer. Mrs. Irene Bowen, Mrsr Vernon McFarland apd Mi«. Alfred Marezan will serve on the examining committee. Relief chairman is Mrs. Hattie Roat. Flower matrons are Mrs. Ralph Gould and Mrs. McFarland. for the return of borrowed-items. You must simply gather your courage and say, "May I have my things?" She plight be slightly "hurt" but she’ll heal as soon as she needs something again. And when she does, do not lend her anything while she still has something that belongs to you, or you’ll be back where you started from. ★ * ★ DEAR ABBY; I am a 14-year-old girl who is fortuimte enough to have a good home, wc^e^l parents, enough food ana warm clothing and g little money of my own. I would love to .help some other . phild or children less fortunate than I am. I have many friends and neighbors who would love to contribute pennies, nickles and dimes. But after the collection is taken, where should I send the money? I want to give it to someone who really needs it. Could you please suggest someone to give it to? jeannf;tte c. DEAR JEANETTE: Ask yOur ' teacher to discuss the various orgartized charities. "CARE ” (for our destitute cousins overseas), Salvation Army, Red Cross, to name a few. You are even mors fortunatis than you think you are; you have learned early in life the secret of happiness — sharing. Bless you! * w * DEAR ABBY; I am a freshman at college and with my pai;ents’ permission I brought my boy friend home for Christmas. He Is a junior at the same college. - I am five feet five (without heels). This boy is also five feet five. My mother kept saying, “He is SO short — you can do better! ’’ My father said, "Can’t you find a taller boy friend?’’ My lud sister said, "What do you see in that sawed-off runt?" Abby. I love this fellow. He is kind, intelli-thing a girl could want. He’S working his way through college. tVhat do you say when people ask you what you sec in a short guy? LOVES A SHORT GUY DEAR LOVE; Simply say, "He’s not short on brains, intelligence, nor is he short on character. So get along and don't try to short-circuit my romance." * * * CONFIDENTIAL TO "NO kinds of people. Those who come Into a room and say, "HERE I AM!" And those who come into a room and say, "THERE YOU ARE!" Which kind are ,vou? w A A Have you read Abby's new. best-s c 111 n g book, "DEAR TEEN-AGER"? ZERO BOOTS SPECIAL SELLING 90 • Thav'r* BOOT AND SHC« IN ONE! •SH6ARLON COLLAR-flip* up or down, is moth and mildew-proof! • INNERLINING of shearion throogb-out—thick and cozy warm I • FOAM CREPE SOLE — Sueda fnntpieca matchas the soft smooth laathar in BLACK, GREY, CAMEL. NOW . . . SHOES ot even GREATER jlEDUCTtONS in our SEMI-ANNUAL SALE reg. to 14.99 JACQUELINE & coRau SpBciol Group SPORTS Artist Speaks to Area Club Hugo Rodriquez. Detroit artist, was guest speaker when the F’rank-lin Knolls Woman's Club met Thursday. His topic. "Art Appre-j elation’’ emphasized modem art and artists. The group sewing cancer pads will meet Thursday at the Tarry-ton road home of Mrs. Edward Laconis at 9 p.m. W. Cadman Prout will speak on the "Humorous SMe of Marriage Counseling’’ on Feb. 4. 1 R 1 ' -tLx? i % i: tepp—. BRIDAL GOWNS Big Sovingt on Infants' Wtor Ont Wfik Only! Taka advantef# af riia Mg Saving* M that* easy cat* Bfylat. luy taday m4 SAVE. CURITY DIAPERS Rag. 3.7S 287 Dn. SALE. First quality. Soft-absorbent open waave whifa gauza, pinkad adg-a$. wovan-ln fold Unas. Limit 2 dozan. goddess Sale! The bfa that re>fonns you... naturally •xpcMily lor o lovaliar you, iho S leriobro with pormanonl loom moMi your figuro lo iho yoMbM cofllourf you'vo olwoyt woMod. DoiMily ombrmdorod Elostk bock. Dotodwblo forlor*. 32-36 A. 32-31 IRC WhiMk In nyloo loHolo NOW [ Spociolly jVE Pricoil you’ll say... dcu* itr ouLt'tR..g o d d • s 8 JANUARY SAVINGS TO OFF • Ballerina, Floor Length and Chapel Train Lengths • In Taffeta, Lace, Tulle ond peau de soie SALE ! HOODED TOWEL Double knit terry Perfect for baby's bath. Caner-ous siza: 30 x 36". In white, pink, blue, maiie or «“ 41.98 SALE ! CRIB BLANKET Pepperell in nylon and rayon. Warm, washabit, long wearing In full 36 * 50 siza. Soft pastels. Plastic wrapper. Reg. 2M S1.97 RECEIVING BUNKETS T9e 50^ SALIt Washabit, warm cotton flannal, white with pink, btua or multi, stripe. 36 x40. FITTED CRIB SHEETS SALSI Keg. IJ$ 88f SAMPLE SALE BRIDESMAID DRESSES and FORMALS to I/2 DrostiedMy Reduced . and moro Bridal Veils Drosficolly Reduced—V3 to V2 Off SALE! TERRY - *SNOOZYSETS E*sy care fluffy terry cloth sleeper sets. Booties. sMrf and p™. R.,. 2,9! 41.98 SALE! SLEEPER Regular 5 98 toasty warm fleece baby sleeper. FuH length sipger for./aesy In and out: Feet h«yc non-skid plectte sole*. Padhi colors. SmiR, medium end lerge. 44.88 Teeag Felt Shop -m Lewes Level V :/ .. . , ■ - ^- . ■ ■ I' . .-V, ' -T - . - THE PONTlAi^ PRESS. WEDNESDAyt^AytrARY 13, 1060 fT jBeauty Clinic DEmOP CHARM " bjf. Eiytke McCulloch ^o(«t4^6n* cam h» LMUtlhil-tbut it U •om* eonsolation. to 'know thctt w'*< c«tn all dovolop our own porsonal wqy oi btino “■ WobotM'Kiys that thit lllusi*» word 1« Ih* powor - lolighL to ctUufw Um oil yo^ skill, at tryiad to (put other pooplo .at oeni®. Nev-tor think of yourself O* felse ijiighl shore'your plight 'and ptjR them at ease imnuitoi* Olely by working your situoUpn out togetfior 6i Others that ypu will not 'have time to worry about vourself . . and others Will think of you os planning. Fhone Bdythe McCuUodi Beauty Shoppe, FE >-7l31 m Pontiac State Bonk ' Reads HerToles to Rhos AlpiM Delta* Kappa, Rho chapter, met Thursday evenli* at the home of Rhea Saunders oit Washington avenue. Wilma Webb was (tohoetem. Nora Spenow Walls ^er-' mined fellow membera with etbriM and poems from her book "Looking Back, Reoollft> tiom in \*erse.” i theater i»rty Is planned kebua kebuary. . Mrs. David Walls presided at the tea service. 9 Tables in Ploy by Bridge Club HARWOOD IT'S niN TO GO FORMAL' Nine tables wer^ In play UtOc day evening as the Pontiac Duplicate Bridge Qub met at the Ella Temple. Winners included Mrs. Robert S^la and Ernest Guy; ErioMm Lewis and David Ut-ly; Mrs. Ernest Guy and Melvin Small. Others wm JoNK Kraus and Csol Vossb^; Mrs, Douglass Haddock and Mrs. James Mr-Gttire, and Dr. an^ Mrs. M. B. Kessler. MARION B. GREENLEE GOODWIN Special Dance Taught Club; Parties Set r Wem Give You a PERMANE\T: A bi-monthly dance for the; Stpiare Set Dance Oub was held at Herrington HWs School Saturday evening. | Have You-Tried This? Strawberry Filled Cgke Hints of Warmer Days Tots'Parents See New Film at All Saints Robert Spence, master of c That Suits Your Particular Style ' t'jack Ralph, Sam Healander, Ar- and Type of Hair! Suhur ■Varger, Sidney Olson, FTank f:.Struebler and Mrs. Sperice. Extra Specialty Priced I Tbo rwuui teace, Mamie,*’ was taught by Mr. Mrs. Spence, and the (Ma *5.50 By JANKT «)EIJ, I PoatUe Prew Home Editor i plot erJaw*^ Strawberries In winter time *"**' still sounds lovriy. Whether blssolve griattne In IH cups you freeze your own or buy boiling water. When It Is the commercial ones, thdy synmy. beat until It is thick, seem fo bring a whisper of Beat 1 cup of the whipping June Into January. Mrs. Aich- cream stiff. Ftdd in sugar Parents of three and four-year-old children attending All Saims Nursery Schotd met Monday evening at the Episco-- -pal Church. A film made last year entitled "They Learo From Each Other*’ was shown and narrated by Dr. Marjorie Sanger of the Mdrrili Palmer School. aaaaKiNE sslon TONY’S beauty Shop novelty, “Del Rio." Refreshments were served dur-ing intermission by Mr. and Mrs. k I Arthur Ligbtcap. assisted by the ^,j Melvin Norbergs. I Main Floor 35 W. Huron CAN THE RIGHT FOODS HELP YOU TO RADIANT HEALTH? Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Donald Harris, the Harold Hawkins, the FE 3-7186 .*■ Robert Schneiders and Mr. and Sl^***- Wilfiatn Spence, parents o( j thg master of ceremonies. The next dance will be on 23, and the "Sweetheart Ball' Feb. 13. ard W. Thompson uses them to fill an angel food cake. and 1 teaspoon vanilla. Add. : to gelatine. Add thawed berries (not drained). Mrs. Thompson has a number of outside -interests. She is mama to a boy and a girl. This year she is vice president of the Waterford JC Auxiliary. I^e is also active in the newly formed Lakeland Players and in church activities Swimming and dancing are her hobbies. strawberry dessert By Mrs. R. W. Thompsoa it Urs* ut*l t«o0 ok* Tear cake late bits or ml or layers wUh thlcfcmed gelatine mixture. Use angel food cake paa tor this. ChIU ^ An hour or two before you serve this dessert whip the second cup of cream and frost the entire cake which you have removed from the pan. Serves 12 to 16. Owen'Morgan of the FaiRlly Life and Parent Education Department of the school was discussion leader. * Serving on the refreshment committee were Mrs. Gordon Booker. Mrs. Philip Lunde, Mrs. F. James Bridge and Mrs. H. J, Green. 'Hi* curls are soft and lovely. The hair is lustrous and beautifully manageable. The styling is as modem as tomorrow, Visit our salon for CUSTOM Removes Stains (NEA) — To remove perspiration stains from blouses, try applying a baking aoda paste to discolored areas. L«t the paste remain on the stains , * for fifteen minutes, then rinse. uy-i Sa g «7.50-n0.00 Complete CcHtppMe^ PetfMHeRtt 'V'f lYoungsters Possess Numerous Problems MRS. HOENSTINC Cwnslttai Nalrlllsalft NOT all r^Tsical problamt aro of nutritional ®rigm. ^However, scjantilio resuardi to s^wn that most ol us eon look better, fool better and live more zestfully through eating thejJ^HT kinds o* delicieus foods. And I said DELICIOUS -----bocouM 1' have definitely demonstrated . . with hundreds of my followers . , . that a good nutrffional program enhances the pleosures of eating! Proper diet can immeowwably help to brighten your life in many, many ways. You ore oordirdly invit^ to come in and TOnsuH with me personally lor a FREE MENU ANALYSIS. Learn the seven easy but Impertcfnt ways in which you can quickly improve your nutritional health. There it never any ch< " the slightest obligation ior this valuable service. “ ’ today lor appoinimenu YouTl be glad you did' HeoliUulir Tonrs, MRS. HOENSTINE VITAL HEALTH FOODS W. Huron Aerese From Pest Office FE I-IMI ■y Ml'RlEL LAWRENCE ipop will be disgusted with me. honest work in school when other eruption and the degiee of cold in n this year of Oraee an adoles-; What do 1 do? | grownups in politics, the meat bus-outer q>ace? 'oent child may be generally hard; "Everyeue says, *Oe to college iiness and TV chisel whenever they I *‘What do I believe in?” 'to live with because he is thinkingi if you wuut to murry a nico boy |get a chance? If honesty is so won-j^------------------------------------- ; half-formed thoughts like these; or get a alee Job.' Bui everyoao jderful. why don’t more grownups "If 1 listen to what mom and; also sa.vs, 'Colleges aro oo over- like it? I pop say about heavy necking, the' crowded you may not get Into ' ^an I bcticve in (fod when' (kids will be disgusted with'me. But, one.’ What do I do? ^ science lab caii t prove His ex-1 i^l Idds say, mom^j ^ Attila^istenCe as it can prove the exis- the Hun or Hitler,' I could havelfonce of bacteria, sun spots, my run away from them. If I’d been a fntenigence (juotient, a volcanic Puritan child, iVo Appointment Needed —Immediate Service Open Friday ’til 9 P.M. Beauty Salon 2nd Floor Pontiac State Bldg. FE 5-9257 STAPP'S . . . ANNUAL MID-WINTER y charge or Toto^eno Shop at Keege Center 2945 Orchard Lake Road Keego Harbor Free Parking SERVICE IS OUR POLICY! KEEGO DRUG FEf-im New Modern Stores PEGGY JEAN BA80RE I' Mr. and Mrs. Jack McCarty i| of Drayton Plains announce the *■' engagement of their daughter, Peggy Jean Basore, to Darrel JANUARY CLEARANCE I make bullets or build stockades against the Indians. But if the Rus-: sians drop an H-bomb on me. what do I do? Just die? 'Why can’t I tell these worries to grownups instead of having to keep them to myself because mom and pop would pass out if they knew I felt them? ' "Everything grownups make is so big. inciting crowds waiting for buses, new office buildings and the papers you have to fill out to get jobs or pay income taxes that, 1 keep feeling smaller and smaller all the time. ! “I feel awful about the Tlbet-ans. the people displaced by South Africa. Rassla. Israel, Utile Rock, rals to tenemeala of poor people ou relief, Charles | Van Doren and the girl to the ; Uth grade who got pregBaat. But what do I do with theae aw- j "If having votes doe^’t help grownups get rid of bad things like rats in tenements, what's the good; of the Constitution giving me the' 20% to 50% Off ialante' aad Childroa't WJulor Hah and Glovot ChMrau a Swootors — Mote' Flannol Shirts W "If" * £■'••• — fafnali' end Ckildroa's AaUois Mdios Ooslon. Cor Coots, Swootori. Skirls and Oiossot Many More Unadvertised Items Haltmark Christmas Cards on Salt Headquarters For HALLMARK VALENTINE CARDS DOR’L SHOP I "Why do grownups tell me to do Clothtog for the Entire Family Open Weekdays f-S:S§ FrI. Eves, ’til » FE 4-144* JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE ; at Gregory-4 Jewelry , ms ORCHARD LAKE RD. KEEOo’ H.ARBOR DIAMONDS Vs OFF Get Our Prices Before You Buy 1847 Rollers REMEMBRANCE RETIREMENT SALE (Jaa. 17 thru Feb. 27) ORDER NOW Isport Wahh Bepoii GREGORIOS JEHELRY KEEOO HARBOR i OKCKARD LAKE RD. TODD’S Mid-Winter Oearance of Fine Shoes FLORSHEIM SHOES for WOMEN Ifogulor tlT.95 to 122.95 Oficealinsed FoNarai NOW $1280 tu $1680 VITALITY SHOES for WOMEN Htgnlar 912.95 to 1)4.95 N0>V $795 to $1080 FLORSHEIM SHOES for MEN Discoatiaaed Fotferas Begular 919.95 le 925.95 NOW $1680 to $2080 ALL MEN’S BLIZZARD BOOTS 20% OFF Eulire'Slock of WOMEN S SNO-BOOTS 20% OFF Many racks of quality shoes at a fraction of the original price. Come in and look around TODD’S FRIBDS IF LEtieMIIF^ O OMEGA AUTOMATIC Choice el the world's “who's who" for good looks, aeeursey snd de-pendsbility. Hydro-Scsl back. Hermetic crown ■nd Pressurized crystil assure itiimaDily to temperature changes and water. Steel and UK gold modelf. REDMOND’S Jewelers Optometrists 81 N. Saginaw SL FE 2-3612 20 W. Huron St. Tt 2-3821 Where Quality Counts Quality Shoes for Boys and Girls for tots, infants, big girls, big boys and young ladias Jrom our regular stock. Evtry pair is an axccptional value at these Joaranc# Salt PricesI Table of ODDS and ENDS Includes slippers, boots, oxfords, straps, pumps and several other styles. Boys, girls, infants. But do come in, look these over. Table of DRESS SHOES Mony, many of .our most fomoui inakas are included -ii» this grouping. Girls' sixes 8V2-3; boys' sizes 12V2-3. And also some bex^s too' Styles that hove been omong the most popular. Not oil sizes, so come early. S'! 00 S^QO Pr. Moke your selection ttpm these handsome • SOOO n. Women's Slippers. CoIots ond styles opienty. LyHly , ^ Wast Huron Stort Only table of SCHOOL SHOES Famous Growing Girls' Shoes < Included ore discontinued styles of Class Motes, Friendly and other mokes you know for quality, style ond fit. 1C 00. Pr. Dress styles. Cosuol styles. And the ever popular saddle too. Discontinued Stride-Rites Shoes. ..$5.95 Pr. SPECIAL GROUP—LIMITED QUANTITIES ^ Extra Support Shoes At our 5 '.ROO Cirla' Strappa. Sizes 4-8. Boys' and Oris' Downt^n Brown OKfords, sizes 8Vi-3. B^' black ox- Store Only ^ Pr. fords 1214-3. SALE SHOES AT BOTH OUR STORES STAPP'S JUVENILE BOOTERIE 28 E. Lawrunco Street (Opfn Mott, and FrI. to 9) FAMILY SHOE STORE (Open FrI. and Sat. " V- , J '' \ it .1 THE POKmC PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JAXtTAHV K 'ii'if V ' ITS M BIG SALE VOD HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR *^ Check Great Spoi^wear Values! Entire Stock of SPORT SHIRTS Drastically Reduced! $3.95 sport shirts — now •3.16 $4.95 sport shirts-now •3.96 $7.95 sport shirts-now •5.36 $10.00 sport shirts — now •7.96 ENTIRE STOaC OF LONG SLEEVE PULLOVERS DRASTICALLY REDUCED! $4.95 knit pullovers-now •3.96 $5.95 knit pullovers—now •4.76 $8.95 knit pullovers-now •7.16 $12.95 knit pullovers - now ^].0« 3 6 ENTIRE STOCK OF SWEATERS DRASTICALLY REDUCED! •».76 $10.95 sweaters — now $15.00 sweaters — now •12 $20.00^awcaH?rr*»- now •45.96 ENTIRE STOCK OF JACKETS and SUBURBAN COATS DRASTICALLY REDUCED! $20.00 jackets - now •15.96 $23.00 jackets — now •20 $29.95 jackets - now •23.96 $39.95 jackets - now •31.96 MANY OTHER ITEMS IN EACH STORE DRASTICALLY REDUCED! CHARGE IT YOU ARE INVITED TO CHARGE YOUR PURCHASES AT OSMUN’S FOR 3 MONTHS AT NO EXTRA C6ST TO YOU! '^CHECK THESE GREAT CLOTHING VALUES! Mir 1668 iSale Siiitsi B EXTRA SPECIAL GROUP OF SUITS Regularly $SS lo $65 ‘39 Osmun^^amous Make SUIT You’ll Recogmze at Once j Regularly $65 and $69.50 TMTCFI 2 TROUSER SUITS by MARTINELU Regularly $71.50 m Petrocelli and H. Freeman SUITS in This Group Regularly $95 and $100 ‘79 Regularly $85 and $89.50 Fashion Park and Petrocelli IMPORTED SUITS 736 Sale Topcoats Ronald Bascombe IMPORTED COATS—Many ZipLined $ jM Regularly $59.50 ‘‘THAT SAME FAMOUS MAKE YOU ALL KNOW” * ^ Regularly $65 Imported TWEEDS and VELOURS in Medium, Dark Shades $ Regularly $69.50 and $75 Magnificent B.ARRON ANDERSON Hand Needled COATS Regularly $85 and $95 100% PURE CASHMERE COATS in Six Smart Colors Reguimly $119.50 077 Sale Sportcoats LARGE GROUP OF NEW SPRING PATTERNS Regularly $29.50 to $37.50 HANDSOME SPORTCOATS BY STANLEY BLACKER HAND FASHIONED IMPORTED SPORTCOvW^S Regularly $39.50 *33 *36 Regularly $45 100% CASHMERE SPORTCOATS (BY THAT WELL KNOWN MAKER) Regularly $59.50 ■'n>- 7000 Pair Sale Slacks FOR OUR JANUARY SALE ONLY, YOU SAVE EXACTLY ON OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF FINE SLACKS 20*^ NONE HELD BACK!! ^SLACKS—regularly $8.95 to $29.95 .... NOW $7.16 to $24.00 ALTERATIONS FREE, OF COURSE * --- TEL HURON CENTER HURON AT TELEGRAPH RD. OPEN THURS, FRL SAT., MON. 9 P.M. DOWNTOWN PONTIAC HURON AT SAGINAW -i-A. OPEN MONDAY, AND FRIDAY TIL 9 P.M. ALL SALE MERCHANDISE IS AVAILABLE AT BOTH OSMUNDS STORES! r^' i, p; , /, r rv- / ■' •: - i-BIQflTf.Ey THE PONTIAC PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JAJ^UARY W. 1960 ^ ELBERTA- PEACHES 50 FREE STAMPS. With $5.00 purchase or more A and Coupon below ^ STAMPS EVERY WEDNESDAY KETCHUP 19* 14.0s. Itl. ^.r VALUABLE COUPOt^ nn wHkNrft "MEXTM»*£f STMP8 WITH |S.b0 PURCHASE OR MORI (Not iRclMlIPt IMT. WiM tr ClfWtHM) Coupon Expiroa Sun., Jon. 17 Rich Croomy Tomato ^ CapnpbeH's Spiip F iO* Riwloii or SiatfBir~" ' ' ^ Cottage Cheese 19* J FkEE with thit coupon MEXTM "SrJTMIP8 J WlA“"iMMdi ly# Fiwm **•■•”"** I .................................... ’iJ 49* Brecceli Spears . . 2'SS' I Rhic's Prida Sweat or Rattermmi OardM riwii Fmm* Cut I Biscuits ...... 6 49* Green Beans .... 2 35 59* 49* Notco Grade "A" Large Fresh - All White Strained .-All Varieties BEECH-NUT BABY FOODS 7(UldSA \ garden JredL ^aie! [FRESH‘Sweet Peas ‘Tomatoes • Cream Style Corn ‘ Whole Kernel Corn * Cut Green Beans ‘ Cut Wax Beans your a oici Swoot and Joicy—Californio NAVEL U.S. No. 1 - 2Va" and Up • Mich. Hand-Picked ORANGES 2 ““69* Large Florida White or Pink Seedless Grapefruit . 5 " 49* DELICIOUS Large Site Crisp A Green Calif. Pascal Colory . 29* 6^59* VALUABLE COUPON n St Natisssl fosS Sturt. rttSus., Its. 17. VALUABLE COUPON FREE with this coupon MEXTM 'T’STAEPS WMi fSKhsM tf tny ttckttt of Perk Steaks A reoommenda-tif» to use a commtastoo aystem for selecting jurors in Genesee County has been put before the Coun^ Board of Superviaors. The County Bar Aaan. raogoi-mended die aystem although vot-. ing on the issue was «Ut. LANSING (AP)-Lanslng Mayor Ralph Crego has been named chair- . man of the Msuw*! Exchange Committee for the IMS Mldiigan Week. Crego will oversee the yearly swap of chief executives of <• 400 communities. -Hto appointment was announced hy,T. Austin Saunters, state chato-nuu of the wedc-long celebration ’ tp be held May IML > a phenomenon of the I960 cam- pa^. I Never before in living memory; liave all active contenders in both | parties been m such a pc^ittcal hot-seat. Vice President Richard I M. Nixon, unchallenged for thej OOP nomination, has just Won a| hero's crown, decorated with a fdw barbs and thorns, for his role i in settling the steel strike. Fonr Democratic challeogers : —all Bitting ta the goldOab bowl ! ■f tbo V.8. Senate — wfll be ; foreed ta take positive vottag { poaitlons on e%«ry troublesome j n from civtl rights to our i exploration to a farmer’s wleat 1 >4 In the good old days of Amerl-' can politics, presidential hopefuls had the enviable right to pondQ-cate about how "the future lies before us,” without actually having to demonstrate how they would handle the problems. In 1952, five star Gen: Ike Ei- > sanhower and nUnois Gov. Adlai Stevenson could try to be all things to all men as they flew around the! country exhorting the voters. 1 They eonid talk about what fltoy wosld do to end the Korean war, or solve the term surplus, •ad who oouM efieetively dl^te taelr words? Neither had been In a pooltloB where actual polltleal could be tested on a sa- Much the same situation existed when Gov. Franklin D. Roosevelt, Gov. Alf Landon, WendeU Wlllkle. Gov. Thomas E. Dewey, and Herbert Hoover were wooing, the electorate for the first time. Claims Home Test Birth Control Key MIAMI. Fla. . Assocuns LOAN COMPANY in DRAYTON RLAINS: I 4494 Dixio Hwy. i CAUt OR S.1207 I io PONTIAC: 125-127 N. SoBinow CALL: PE 2.Q214 2255 S. Tologroph Mkfc. Mirocia Milt CALL: PE 8-9641 M' Seeeifd^ Week! MEN'S NYLON STRETCH SLACK SOCKS WOMEN'S SOFT-SOLE FLORAL RRINT SLIPPERS Reg. $1.98 Crisp and pretty easyrics that yout satisfiction is guaranteed! Downtown Pontiac - Tel-Huron Center - Drayton Plains - Rochester - Mirocle Mile Shopping Center KRESGE’S for the /VlOSf of the BEST for the LEAST TIIb POSTIAC press. WEDNESPAV. JANUARY |3. 1960 . TWENTViQNIt To Hold Mission Studies liAVI&BlTRG — Two cJjjirchwide miMion studies wiU be prewnted this naonth by the Davisburg Methodist Church from 5 to 8 p.m. This Suodsy, s film on Africa titled’"{^ad to'Darfcness" be ■bosm. Kefreshmcnts ..will be served and then study groups _ be conducted' toi* children, youths and adults. On Jan. SI, the Rev, Louis Johnson of Africa -will be the guest speaker at the church. Mustcole to Soo, Hoar TTio Barter of ^villt' ROPHESTER - The Rochester Tueeday Muiicale will sponsor die tUm presentatkHi, in color, of Ros> rini'g comic opera. *‘Th ^Uie, - Fcb. 25 at the Hills Discuss HoroWry hi Rochester. ............... -- ' The cunmentary wiU be by Milton Cross of the “Metropolitan Opera of thp Air," and the film itself will feature opera stars from at home and abroad. Clirtain time ti T;30 p.m. •iDWAtM- WALLED LA|C£ Heraldry wiU be discussed by Mrs. Everett L. McRay at the Walled Lake Study Club meetiiut Jan. 14 at 1;30 p.m.' at the home of Mrs..William G. Nixon. 1765 Alton Clrele, Walkd M«l Out tf CiatMiii lud—I ............ uf Wud Suit bidn Stuck u O'Cuuti, JuciMta. Wuui Slucki 50% ,0ft. AN Wud Suite Ht $t0.00 tuch.,^ II S. SAOINAW SHEAR PIWISHMENT - TVo koraan women bw th” shaven heads for the benefit of camernmeh. The dipper treatment was ordered by a IkS. Army Captain. John W. McEnery of Cheyenne. Wyo., when fre two were caught soliciting American -soldiers in their barracks, Capt. McEnery did some bowing of own Tuesday as he w-as relieved of his command Mowing an official protest by the Repi|blic of Korea. A sergeant invdved was given^a reprimand; another was not punished. The women are Kim Chang-aha, 21. left, and KhnT Ae-so Week^Bnd.,. Enjoy i STAR SPWAL L^CHEONS '^eat Loaf Luncheon FUvorful meat loa(. pom-toe*, Yegemble, warm fteah roll and butter, and spicy pumpkin pie. C^ice of coffee, tea, or Coke. // FRimoHiy... ete LuncliMn Delicions baked tuna and noodle casserole, cole slaw (made with famous Marzetti dressing), gelatin desicxt; ^ffee, tea or Coke. fhrb, Ladies' Corduroy STORM COATS kigulat $29.95 $|O90 'Full length, hooded, full orlon lined. 6 button front. Antelope or green. Ladies’ Winter Coats Regular to $69.9S *28-*38-*48 Ladies’ Car Coats Regular to $22.9o *11-14-19 Ladies' Sweaters-Reg. to $7.98 $^99 $J99 Ladies' Nylon Slips-Reg. $5.98 ’3” Ladies' Wash 'n Wear Blouses $199 R.9ulor $2.98 | Ladies’ Belter %irts-Reg. le $14.98 $^90 $J90 $090 Lidiee’ fiowee and PJ’e-Reg. to $4.98 $199^ $^99 ^ $099 Regular to $14.98 Infants* and Toddlers* Proms & Snow Suits '6^9-*8^^-*10^^ Children's Snow Suits Regular to $25.00 ‘11 .’14-‘19 Annual Sole SmhiIms Stockin|9 | smmyoHty... Tutlitj Dinner Tender young roast turkey,, gravy, whipped potatoes, dreutng, cranberry sauce, vegemble, roll and batter, pumpkin pie; coffee, tea or Coke. DOWNTOWN PONTIAC—m-HURON CINTIR—DRAYTON PUINsj . ROCHiSTIR—MIRACLI Mill SNOPPINC CINTIR Save up to $7®^ yW\ on Every Box Reinforced Sheer—B y i— ROUND "SUPtt^KHT" 1$ FUUY MATURO GRAM-RD REEF N«t Younf, Immotur* Boby Bctf Not ^roii-Forf Bongo EmF Not Budfot Boot ONI HKM QUALITY—NO CONFUSION ONI Mici AS aovutiAd “sunuiioNr ouarantno fmin COAHnnilY ClIANIO, OOVY INSMCnO SIRLOIN 89* Porterhouse "■ 99* Ertn-Kj Switi|i Fresh Mushrooms 49c GroMid BnI. ... 49c Fresh Fryers -lUHI-RIOHr ROUND OR RUARF tUflR-RIOHr QUALITY ALtGOOD BBAN^A»rt FINE QUALITY , / ^ Sliced Bacon I'M Beef Roosts.... » 79c PeHc Sousoge . . . at 25e “ *** • elS.-1 M---- FANCY rUn All C k c L UfL** I: L CA "Super-Right" Sliced Bacon Q^uAun tm. 39c ^^reOHN food" BUYS ^ ^ • * “ ^9c ThicIcSIleed Bacon c3S!S?1l?i . . 77c Aer BRAND-4)UB FINEST QUALITY IiIn-RmR EaH«s ARH PACE FINE FOODS Orange Juke TOP QUALITY, GOLDEN RIPE BANANAS * 12 Ann Paga NEW lAAPROVED BANQUIT BIRP, CHICKIN OR TURKIV Meat Pies ..... 5a,V 99c FOR JUICE OR IATIN6-66-SIZE mmr eMiw liiviiP Strawberries . . . . 5l 9 > A I Temple Oranges ..... i»< 59c «. cut ot w«» sim Cole Slow S1*N?.Ki 19c California Oranges i^JSi •»« 49c r!!» ■' ■ • *Brussel Sprouto 2f Pineapple Juice * . . 4 89c Avocados UJfo’." . . . 2tS,“ I9c SaltedPeonuts K 29c QT. JAB ANN BAGE BUBE ^ ' c ^ r ' 'J'. : SKCML SALE... TMs Week Only/ AMLD AND MEUOW / r EIGHT O’CLOCK COFFEE ipO s: 49* ^ RAG f *45 Extra Savingi Tlih Wiofc on Famous Eight CyAocIc Coffee ,., . You sova ovtn more whon you buy tho 3-lb. bog. Preserves Your Choice: BEACH or BLUM BBESEBVES GBABE JAM or OBANGE MABMAUDE IN DSCOBATEO “BIRO" GUSS 3»^F|00 STABT WINTER MEALS WITH ANN BAGS Tomato Soup W W/l-01. CAH " DELICIOUS ON WABBLES OR BANCAKU ANN BAGE CLIP THIS COUPON TOUR CHOICI WITH THIS COUPON OR FAB TIDE 2 LAROI pros. 49c Good In oil loNorn Mkh. ASP StorM throwgli Bert., Jonunry 10th ONI PIR PAA4ILY—ADULTS ONLY •• OPP UBIl Comet Cleanser ih on um MR. CLEAN . A&P'i OWN PURE Vegetable Shortening dexo 3"49 4 PONDAG AREA STORES OPEN MON. THRU SAT. 9 to 9 1185 N. Berry St., «t Madison 4724 Dixie Hwy., Droyfon Bloini 949 W. Huron St., nr..Telegraph Rd. 25 W. Bike St., Downtown Open Mondoy ond Fridoy 'til 9 A&B Supermorkets Also ot . . . 637 Moin St., Rochester 85 W. Flint, Loke Orion 1160 E. Mople, Walled Uke 210 S. Woodword, Birminghom Adorns ot Bowers, Birmingham CLOSED SUNDAY AS USUAL Blended Syrup 49< ANN PAM SpoAle Paddings • e 5 MeSl 29c ANN PAM Grape Jelly . . . . . 2 j'fi. 45c ’ / ANN PAM. Nfl^fAMIlY MSI TonotoKetchup.. . 2^ 49c SAVE AT kbf ON Rinse Blue S4iOUNCI KONOMY PACKAOR 77. Lorge Ivory Sc OPP LAB8L 3 “’‘“39c ASri lew Price 1< on leM Northern Tissue Porkoy Margarine 3i.oo 4 Ji: 89c AN prlcoc in thb imI AffocHvo thru Solurday, Jon. 1«Hi In luetom Mkhlgon ASP Sw|Mr AAOrliete GREAT ATLANTIC t PACIFIC TEA COMPANY, INC. V , i’i iL - ' ! , THE POXTIAC PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JAXUA^Y 13. 1960 , ONE COLOR *powdy* Jfling *&nokey* ... This Is a Raccoon Watching You ^ Owl tfw Hard Wovi!**?* « UKrtHUHon^POy. waN. HARlUSreURQ. Pa. (UP!) -Snokay the Bear now hi rtium tn eonaervatioB -»■ Jtowcly the l^M»oon. Smohey warm against burning rtowu loreit playgrounds. Howd> urges good outdoor manners and a4 "He welcon^ you to the fored, sociation, together with ^ stste’slhis home,'If you obey th« rules of conservation officials and otherj* good guest.” I»1vate groups, crated a raccoah, * wearing a battored fisherman*!j Howdy's ^xxisors fed that the' rap and a plaid shirt,......................... . . . _ _ their message. , ____________________________________ school chUdren fo name the a d«^ states haN-e toM ^nn-| The TO-year-old (Wando man |)on|; in fiie first place. He was sylvania authorities they are to-iset out walking to Ferrell’s houseij,^ escape charae tereited In using Howdy toe Rac-inine miles away, but got lost and. * * * ^rooo In Wir osm to take him • But then ha wm "* ******^ "** Manneiw campaigns. The Canadl- The follow ing night Gould started “*®** *'* "as Jtonvicted «^ »*Woiodehuck. an Government, too, bat asked walking again. stealing a car in the process of Almotl Siiont Coolidg* Hod Soiiitthing to Say mont^pIuer, vt. uB-"aidid" Calvin GodUdge'didn't get Ida ifU>-utation Idr nothtog. Trite It iNba Rep. Joseph Moore o< Plymotth, member of thi Vermont legiria- and a plaid shirt, to delivef whole pofaif of their Good Outdowj^ujhd several hardshtps in "Good Outdoor Manners’’IManoecs campaigR is summed upjing it. j“**“ properly sent lage. They asked Peiatsylva-jin this firat-pwder’s language, and . #* * ^ ' jshouldn’t have been in Moore, who|p hither and Cdol-idge were couriiri, says he was riding from Northampton, Mass, to Plymouth with CooUdge in an Then It developed that he had! I ■ ■' CMaaiBnittt!t' ~uy u -wari prison thatl A"«rho«t msri o( too tri^ as they seared Plymoulb, he tamed qntefceiy, as If startled, and looked out the wiadwv. XImw he settled hack in kb eeat. Charleroi, who picked the name.'about the animal. time he got caught in. ajcscaplng the grison. And that was the only word be spoke through the eittire trip. SomeOiie Destined-' to Get Hopping Mad RUSIMOND. Va. » - The Junior Cliaffiber ri Commerce drive I for new roemben ii ip^iting ;»iiwg tn gear. Here’s the gimmick: ★ ★ ★ A rabbit, which wfll- become many rabUts soon, waa given to Rltterd E. Glenn, diapler presi-d«nt, ‘ When he got a new member he passed toe rabbit along to another member who must hold It gets a new member. ■■. The member who doesn’t g« a .new member and ipiickly — cant Igo Into the rabbit business. . < qUICK CUP: Barber Dennis Norton and his flattop haircut gadget. New Invention leaves'Em Flat Machine Can Produce 10-Minute Crew Cut; It's Shear Wonderful HUNTSVILLE. Ala. (P-Dld you' know it takes the average baiher 25 minutes to .give a flattop haircut? Dennis A. Norion can do it ^ in less than 10 minutes. ★ dr W Norton has an tnvention which looks Vka a combination space helmet, neck brace. do»dad and thingamajig. WWW He began working on the idea about 18 months ago. Some of the' ^ design originated from the neck ' brace his wife woce afiar she was injured in an automobile accident. Norton get a mednurie to help Mm tern toe Idee Into a praetl-eel histniment. It has a feather band wMch to fastened nbent a man’s head. Mouptad in toe leather band are four adjustable-level metal posts about tour inches long. Atoo these are two side tracks, one above each ear. A double-bar mount tor electric dippers slides back and forth on these tracks. it it It The clippers are nxxuited so that they can nun e wntoout jogging from right to left. The entire top of the head can be rut at the desired length in a matter of seconds, —and at flat as a pancake. Norton says the tool is presenflyi in the hands of patent attorneys.' And he is now working on another, dipping de^^ce which he hopck win revolutionize hedgeld hook and ladder' truck Is 80 feet long and is complete with ISO feet of hose and oawntquIpniiirtC**— it it b'. The engine fonnerly bdonged to the Newton Fke j^MfUnent. Oon-ahay«tnught it third hand for an itwHii-lnawl ■rtwntni 'sftor an sales dealer purdiased it >*. a public auction. JANUARY at MAHHEWS- HARGREAVES 631 Oakland at Cass JUNE IN JANUARY SALE STARTS THURSDAY, JARUARY 14th FOR 3 BIG DAYS THE MOST FABULOUS PRICES EVER OFFERED ON ALL NEW AND USED CARS AND TRUCKS DURING OUR JUNE IN JANUARY SALE! ABSOLUTELY FREE In Pontiac RCA PORTABLE TRANSISTOR RADIO WITH THE PURCHASE OF ANT NEW OR USED CAR OR TRUCK DURING OUR JUNE IN lANUARY SALE! OUA/£t/£/^ UAD/TSO GOan Matthews - Kbi^eaves Chevrolet Will Have 150 New 1$60 Chevrolets on Display to Sell at LOW JUNf PRICES! . WE WILL BE CLOSED Wednosdoy Night in Preparation of This Solo! JuM ii 'kmi Pried USED CAR SPECIALS 1959 Chev. Impala Sport Sedan SAIAr R. & H.. Power Clide. V8. W. W. Tires. # | JiJl ^mpeneHvory with Red Interior.... fc ■ Ww 1959 Chevrolet Station Wagon If AO A ^Dr.. R, & H., 6 Cylir»der, Solid Gothic 1959 Chevrolet 4-Dr. Biscayno $170C Freih Air Heater, 6 Cylinder, Standard R m llA Trens., Satin Silver Lucitc Finish . 0 0 00“ 19S9 r«i4 4-Dt. Cuteu 300 $4 70C R. 0 H., V8, Standard Trans., Plastic Seat N m Covers, ^lid Sea Foam Green....... ■ ■ ww w 1958 Chevrolet Biscayno 2-Dr. 14 JAO V8. Power Glide, R. & H.. Lucite Finish. RAM# Ivory and Silver Blue ............ B ■ wr Bsi 1957 Chevrolet 120 2-Dr. 3 A AO R. & H.. 6 Cyiir>der, Standard Traris . Ivory JMwMJW and Baby Blue ............. ....... IF WW 1957 Ford S.W.Ctry. Sod. 4-Dr. $ry to find th« toiophono number of your fovorito Mirocio Milo Shopping Contor Store. Just cut out this Directory on the dotted line end piece in Your Telephone Bookl e MirocI* MH# Barber Shop — — — -— FI 5-2900 • Aisociotao Loan Co. — — —. — FE 8-9641 • A. S. Bock Shoo Co. — — — — — FE 8-1920 e Capitol Shirt Shop —- — — — — FE 5-1137 • Croif'o Gift Shop — _ ~ _ FE 8-9031 • CHnninghom-KinocI Drugs •— — — —- FE 8-9104 e Williom Doinoo, D.D.S. — — — FE 8-9400 • OonnoH Hoir Styliito — — — — FE 8-9639 • Encoro Roetouront — •— —• — FE 8-9441 • Fanny Fdrmor Condy — — — — No Fhoiw • Food Foir Morkoto — _ _ FE 5-0603 • W. T. Grant Company — — — — FE 8-9645 • Hunt'o Fot Shop — —■ — -- — FE 8-3112 • Jornot Shoo Repair — — — — No Rhone' • Jana Ue Dretsei — — — — — FE 8-9722 • Kinney Shoeo — — — — — FE 8-9239 • Kirby Shoes — — — — — FE 8-2992 • S. S. Kretge Co. — , — — — -- FE 8-9871 • Kroger Co. — — — — — FE 8-2563 • Lion Store — — — — — FE 8-9660 • Lou Mor Jeweiero. Inc. — — — — FE 8-9381 e Miracle Lounge — — — — —- FE 5-8060 e Monarch Men's and 8oyo' Shop . — " — — FE 8-3105 e Nodon'i, Inc. — —- — — — FE 8-9655 • New Center Electronics — — — — FE 8-9607 e J. C. Penney Compony — — — FE 8-9628 • Pontioc State Bonk — — , — — FE 8-9614 • Poole Hardware •— — — — FE 8-9619 • Pure Oil Stotion — — — — — FE 8-3612 • Richman Brothers — — — — FE 2-0383 • Robinson's Dresses — — — — FE 8-9361 • SiSTey's Shoes — — — — FE 8-9700 • Thom McAn Shoos — — — — - • Tisdale Office Eguipment — — — —- FE 8-4545 • West Beauty Solon — .— — — FE 2-0563 • Western Auto Stores — — — — FE 8-9666 • Wiegond Music Center — — — — FE 2-4924 • Yordstick Fabrics — — — — FE 2-0642 • Younglond Children's Shop — — — FE 8-9522 • Heuso of Venus Figure Salon — — — FE 4-9582 • Miracle Milo Comoro Shop — — — —- FE 4-5992 • Mirocio Mile Record Shop — — — FE 8-0021 • Progressive Soles Engineering — •— — FE 3.7904 • Miracle Mile Eye Clinic •— FE .2-2744 CORRICTED LIST AS OP JANUARY lu, 1M0 All Stores Open by 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Doily iTWEKTY-mX TKE PONTIAC PRESS. VvEDKESDAV. JANUARY 18, 1060 SoigiiKiw Again SfwdMt Incomt Tax for Qty SAGINAW (AP) - A city ii «ome tsx tor SsgiaBw ii bdng i«-osMiderfd. Tht City Council accepted such « PNpQHl from Its ody womw Mrs. Andra IVsnds, sad it ^ the cWnmlttee vt . tht whole. ' IB Isa Ssgiiiaw votrn tp^tived a Ode per cent income tax only to have it thrown out in court rulings. J A N TJ A R Y CLEARANCE New 4 Track VM STEREO TAPE RECORDER Comply With AccMwry Spanker ’249 I o>ir KODAK AiIsmUc Loaiiig PROJECTOR Londt Ittalf !Z ‘109 1 Only KODAK BROWNIE SOO WATT PROIECTOR *79.50 Value ’68.70 Kodak AUTOMATIC 35 Sm CcRitra AuiMiMtic SAVE MONEY ON ANY PURCHASE DURING OUR GIANT JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE! SAVINGS FROM 10% TO 30% Miracle Mile Camera MIRACLE MILE SHOPPING CENTER S. Ttlagraph at FEdarol Squora Loka Rd. 4-5992 Spingloiityes ^ ProfitsinGiain Notables. Advise ^ PARAMUS.' N. J. (API-More,Their replie* Strew education M Storage Plan Is Costlyithan Rlprominent Americans have an interest in public aliairs. . e o* ' £ ^ Md sixth graders here how to The sixth-grai^ class at Rldi put expanse Kisas torlbulld a stronger United States.!Ranch Public School wrote t Short’Tarm Rentals ~ Sixth Graders WASHINGTON (UPI) r- Sen., Stuart Symington (D^Moi said to-i day that warehooeemen storing { gorernment surplus grains arej making the highest iroflts he basj in 30 years gwerm and private businew expense. | Symington, chairman a sen-' ate agriculture suboommit^ in-1 vestigatii« federal grain storage! payments, made the statement! after an Iowa State Ocdlege eco-l nonvlcs professor testified two lowaj firms made profits as high as 52 j per cent andi63 per cent storing! surplus government grain. Dr. Richard Phillips saH the figures were profit ratios figured last May wheu measured agaiast cost and losses for shrinkage nnd deteriorntkin. When measured ngntawt eosil nhme, the profits were 11 pnr cent tor one firm nnd n lor the other, he snld. The fibres were lor the Ncwhall (Iowa) Grain Co., and the Archer (Iowa) Cooperative Elevator. Ivail Summa, manager of the Archer firm, said the government could pay less if it would guarantee long-term use of commercial warehouse space. ★ W * Summa testified his costs storing one bushN of corn tor one year add up to U.2 cents. The government pays 18.98 cents for the year's storage, he said. ♦ * W Summa said storage rates could be reduced by 7 to 12 per cent! tor periods after, the first year if the government would guarantee full-year storage In the second and subsequent years. Symington said members of Congress were being criticized lor the high cost of the federal farm program and "we have a right to look at why contracts are being let at high profits. " HO HUM! UFE’A A BORE — Tiny Tim isn’t bawling, as It might appear. He’s really just yawning. His friend is Nurse I^tle Hust. Timothy Robert C^rabjree was born Nov. 9. 1959. He trelgfied one pound, 15 ounces. A week later, he had dropped to a featherish one pound, 6 ounces. -Bpt on Jan. 10, at two months , chaimtan ot the Senate Committee on For etra Relations). Gen. Wiiton B. Persons, presidential assistant, wrote for President Ei^pnhower; ^’Tha Preaident has a great deal of confidence in the ability and willingnaa of America's young ciUrens to handle the responsibiltties <4 the future and to keep alive and nourish the ideals which have made our country an outstanding OUwr repHes: Vice . President Richard Nbcan^"Develop an actlva interest to good citizenship by keeping totormed on national, totemation-al and local issue thiouidi the newspapers." Mrs. Franklin O. Roosevelt--, ‘Young Americans can see to it Uiat ev«-y child is given equality Hemsteto-id|8trength of cbarac-t«r, curioaity, sensittvlty, moiwl judimait, SKlive parttetpation in culture, kindness and Ireedom of choice.*^ Secretary Labor James P. Bditchell —‘•The interest you are ST2ir 2 see young Anterlcans learn Ian- (reedom will be guages and find out all they caajto good hands to years to copw." toxNtt the worlS.” _______ Ex-Port Huron Mayor Actor James Steward — "(1) 'Yoimg Americans should get aO the education they can <2) Learn eaiiy to life to practice (W goktHi rtde. (3), Have , and d( * religious faith.'" Gov. Qrval E. Faubus of Arkan-saa—"Raveet the laws honor and ob^ your parents, apply youraelvet diligently |c studies and follow ‘file rule." Oompoaer - conductor Leonard Dim of Hoairt Ailmonf PORT HUR(W (4)-Geoite C. Hig^, 80, tonner mayor at Port Huron and a civic leader died Monday hr a oonvaleicont hdme here, He had been iU with a heart ailment. A veteran of the Spaidsh-Amer-ican War. Higgins was mayor from 19«1 tolMSi MSU Considering Change in Dates EAST LANSING (F^-A recommendation that the spring com-: mencement at Mkhigau State Un-i iversity be from June 5 to June 12 will be considered by the school’s academic council. The spring term schedule would also be revised so that final exams would be completed by June 11 instead of June 1&. from the ImrtriH-tion, curricula and resMirh committee of the academic senate- It was sought by student gratipK. purticulariy seniors, who would like to have their flaal exams over before They contend it is meaningless to go through the formality of commencement when they are not actually graduated until after the finals. Under the proposal, four -days wfould be cut out in order to complete the final exams earlier. This hat drawn some opposition from the faculty. The student groups are backing the recommendation as a stopgap measure leading to eventual reorganization of the entire schedule. They would like to see the spring term end two weeks earlier so that there could be a full 12 week summer instead of the present 10 Says Integration /sill Prime Goa/ of Negro Church DETROIT tUPD—A white min-j ister who took a post in a Negro I church here denied today that he 'was striving for “Integration i ! reverse." 'm not an integrationist. I said Rev. Willard P. Macy, wli !to the new assistant pastor of the Negro Second Baptist Church here. "I Just believe Christianity i everyone." Rev. Mary, however. Mid he hoped the number of white per-! sons nltending services at the I church might be Increased. "We are trying to get all the people to attend church, not just I whites, not just Negroes, but all I the people,” he said. "We are not 1 necessarily frying to integrate this . church. We just hope to open the rs of the church to all people who live in this area." Can't Find Composer for Gershwin Award NEW YORK (UPI) - A juiy of distinguiBhed figures' from the music world has decided against awarding a jnijor music prize this year for lack of a worthy recipient, K was announced to(W. It marks the second time in 15 years that the (teorge Gershwin Memorial Foundation Award for ithe best orchestral composition by a young American composer will not be presented. The annual award, established in 1M5, includes a $1,«W prize and a world premiere offering of the winning composition by ,the New York Philharmonic at Carnegie iHall. NOWISMTIMEIOSAl/E During Hitoin4if€h FINAL * Final drastic price cuts on allg our clothing and (Kkatt clear the racks for new ipri shipments. OF MEN'S SOUS Formerly to ^50.00 Now Reduced to . . All wools including wool hopsacking. Ivy orid con- Jl tinentol niseis. Solids ™ 0 n d mixtures. RegulofS and longs. Formerly to ^60.00 Now Reduced to . . Expertly tailored of fine oil wool worsteds. Hond-some 3 - button models Shorts, regulars and longs. Formerly to ^7S,00 Now Reduced to . . Our luxury lines of cloth- a ^ i ing. The ultimate in tail- JK MU oring, fabrics and styling " #1 ll'f Shorts, regulars orid longs. BIG REDUCTIONS! on TOPWATS Formtrly to $39.95, Now Rtductd to-^ ’28” OPEN A CHARGE ACCOUNT TODAY We honor Security Bank and ,lo-remarioriar Charge PTates. In either set* in or r a g I a n sleeve models. All wools. Formtrly to $50.00, Now Reduetd Important sav- ^ ^ ■tc Inga for tvtry ^ 7 0 man! Taka advantage of this rvow! Formtrly to $60.00, Now Roduetd Smartly tailored C TC of a choice of W ' * all wool firter fabrics. Colhmore Blonds, Now Roduetd to^ A75 ‘34’ ‘43’ You ^ust not overlook this big dolfar savings on luxury coats! ‘54’ Mon's All Wool SPORT COATS Afhir-Invtnfory Pr«-lnv«ntory iMAIIGE .ICE FISHERMAII’S SPECIAL J CJuilted Bylon shell is filled with stay-dry Dscron to out vrind and cold as nothing else can. No bulk, no weight. Snug knit cuib. Washable, drip dry. Pearl Gfcy. Small, dMdium, large, otn large. 10 Only—Mon's SHOE PACS $5.99 ^ . Men's and Women's Canadian Zephyr HOCKEY and FIGURE SKATES Rogulor $9.88 $777 Special Mtn's Corduroy , JACKETS $^75 Wnra to $14.95 sturdy eer4uroy fe Mon's Quilt Linod and Orion Pilo Linod JACKETS PeUthed eotont—btouM itylas.’ kal collar, eutti and botloB. Soom ytu Mon's All Wool SUBURBANS Heavy quilt lln-ings. Wert to Orion Pita tin- €<117^ ings. Were to | MANY MORE EQUALLY BIQ VALUES TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION! AND BOYS' MIRACLE MILE SHOPPING CENTER 2173 S. Tcicgroph Rd. “ -, ' . i ' CLEARANCE ON ALL WOMEN'S DRESS HATS Voluof to $2.98 IT and $-|67 Opon 10 A. M. to 9 P. M. Doily Use Any 1 of Grants 3 "ChargeAt " Plans W. T. GRANT CO. MIRAtLE MILE SHOFNNG CENTER S. Tologroph ot Squor# Lokt Rd. Cemploro U.S. Petr Office at Craets Mirada Mila • I THE POXTIAC PRESS. WEDXESDAY. JANITARY 13, 1960 Tells Court Mrs. Finch Feared Husband's Rage LCK ANGELES (AP) - The young school teacher Barbara Jean Finch turned to “whw aiw was afrak) and needed a place to «ay" teUs more today pi the last weeks* ol Mrs. Flndi’s life. Pretty Maica Hellrich, 24, already has testlfled Mrs. JIik* leard her husband. Dr. R. Bernard Finch. conqtiracy. Finch was shot to death July 1|. Mri. Hellrich told the, Jury Tuesday that Mi«. Finch flayid with her twice "because, h^^lthe doctor) had beaten her up."' The slain woman's attorney tes-tifled earlier that twice—in May and June—Mrs. Finch told him she had been pistol-whipped by Finch and diat he had threatened The wealthy-^lysician and htsjto^ J^^ mistress. Carole Tregoll. 23. are on trial on charges ol murder and ^ iAd**rtiMmraS) Attorney Joseph T. Form an invesUgator in his office aome-■ as Mrs. Flnch|’s body- No Nagging Backache Meansa GoodNighfsSI^ —-------------—„ __ oT^I^. «*«t^urtian, •motioasl apMti or digr to dor (tTM and •tiaia. And folk* who drink unwIidT ■anwUmti tnSw Uaddw trHUtlon...wttk that n*t-Uu uaeomforUbl* f*«llns. If you arc mlcarablc and won oot bo-•auMrf tiwee dlccomfort*. Doan’* Pill* ten hhlp by Owlr pain rclicvino aetloa. by their aoothins oitcct to e^ Uaddor taUoa. and by their mild diuretic action throusb the kidneyc-tandins to ineroae* the outoot of the IS mile* of kidney tube*. 8o if nytsint backache make* you feel have enjoyed for over 60 year*. A*k for MW. larse. economy *ii« ud isv* wommr. Get Doan’* Pllletodaxl "Tbe seepnd'visit," Hettridh a Hffie later. * second time she guard. Mrs. Hellrich fled the courtroom, on the verge ol tears, alter phMographen aou^ to take her picture. Later rite paused briefly to explain to newsmen that she met Mrs. Findi socially at a Palm *>r fringe tennis club about a year beloie the killing. On the stand. Mrs. Hellrich was a bluntly partisan witness lor the prosecution. "Hie first time she visited me was within a day or so ol tfa first time she was beaten up. she began. Finch’s attorney jumped up to object. The ‘court sustained him and the remark was stricken fiom the record. Mrs. Again she was interrupted. The court allowed her to tell only the part ol Mrs. Finch's conversation which showed she was in lear ol . her file, Mrs. Hellrich said Mrs. Finch '■, J came to her Hollywood apartment in May, a bandage over a bad ' cut over hef eye. "She said she was atraid and Hied a place, to stay." Ml*. HeJMch, testlfled................... "Alraid ol, what?" asked Dep. Dist. Atty. Fred N. WTiichelio, "Ol her husband." the teacher said, "becaiwe he had beaten her up and she was afraid He’d do it again.” The stale charges that Finch. 42. and Miss Tregoll, the red-haired ex - model who was ionce his receptionist, plotted the death of Mrs. Finch so they could marry without splitting community property with her. Little Theater Swap Gets Start Tomorrow WEST BLOOMFIELD TC^N-SHIP — Exchange of Little Theater Workshop groups begins tomorrow when the Livonia-Redford Theater Guild presents their version; ol "The Mai^ge Proposal’ at the regular meeting ol the Township Players ol Weat Koomfield. Anyone Interested lh jstrithg thel Township Players is invited to at-] tend the meeting at the Towns!iip| hall. 4460 Orchard Lake Rd. alj 8:30 pjn. and see the perlomwnce. I CAROL TRGOOFF Backs Into Progress GOSHEN, Ind. I#^-Elkhart Coun-ty Surveyor Wildon Snyder is a man who belives in moving lor-ward with the times-wben possible. But when he lound himsell 16 miles Irom home with a air that wouldn’t operate in lorward gear, he drove ta reveisc aU'the way^ home. On March 11, the Townahip Bayers will reciprocate by presenting [ ‘'Chamber of Horrws*’ before the' Livonia troupe. i Other little theater groups In the ^a who are pailicipating in tlje exchange include the Farmington Players and the Avon PIa>ers in Rodiestcr. Ciorkston Polio Clinic Set CLABKSTON — A polio rUnie sponsored by the fSarkstra Elementary School PTA, win be set np at the school Jan. it. The cUnlc will be open from to to t «JM>.and from < In 8 p.m. Inoculations will be It. always FIRSJ OUAUTY! SAVE BIG! DOLLAR DAYS -!/»i MEN'S INSULATED UNDERWEAR FAMOUS MAKER JEWELRY BUY! 2-^1 This underwear is in-sulatetl with Dacron Pol.ve8ter Fiber Fill. Tailored with knit cuffs and collar. To keep cold out. Machine washable. S, M, I.. XL. Earringr-s, bracelets, pins and necklaces in matching sets go on sale now at Penne.v’a! ^Tailored metals, .simulated pearls, smooth enamels, more! MEN'S HOODED PARKAS Combed cotton bedlord cord styling. Quilt lined, fully machine washable. 4 exciting color.* Sizea 38 to 44 *10 MEN'S TOPCOAT Collection of IMPORTED BRITISH WOOLENS It's a superb assortment of all wool fabrics dopigaticaHy tailored to Penney’s exacting spe-• cifications . . . and priced at an unbelievable low $28.88. Find dark-tone glen plaids, salt ’n’ peppers, thistle checks and shadow verticals. Check the rich rayon satin lining, quality buttons. In raglan, set-in slaves! 28 88 BOYS' WINTER JACKETS $Q^ As warm as he could want It. Tlie bulky O knit collar, rip off hood Orion pipe lining. Easy to clean. Just it Sixes 36 to 46 GIRLS' CUDDLE CAPS At this terrtflc price you’ll want aev-eral! 100‘^i soft wool smartly trimmed with appliques and sequins. One size PRE-CUT 4-YARD PERCALE DRESS LENGTHS Think of it Just one dollar, your nimble fingers and a beautiful percale print makes the dress of your choice! All spring-new prints. All machine washable 80-square percales ! Ns MIRACLE MILE ONLY OPEN EVERY WEEK DAY 10:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. TALK ABOUT arances SI^TS All Wool Plaids, Tweeds. .SoUda ... Size* .5 to 15 — REGULARLY $6.98-$8.98.. $4.99 REGULARLY $9.98-812.98.. $6.99 REGULARLY $14.98-$17.98. $9.99 BLOUSES Roll Up and I^njf Sleeve Solids and Prints ... Sizes 28-36— REGULARLY $2.98................ .$1,99 REGULARLY $3.98-$4.98.......... $2.49 REGULARLY $5.98-$6.98............ $3.49 REGULARLY $7.98-$10.98........... $4.99 SWEATERS Famous Maker ... Fur Blend Basics, Novelties, Bulkies— Fall and Spring Dyed-to-Match Colors ... Sizes 34 lb 40— REGULARLY $5,98-$8.98....................... $4.99 REGULARLY $9.98-$10.98........................ $6.99 REGULARLY $12.98-$14.98....................... $7.99 CASHMERES Broken Stack from Famous Maker ... Fall Colors— , REGULARLY $22.95-$29.95....... $14.99 REGULARLY $32.95-$39.95. ..... $22.99 DRESSES Wool Basics and Dressy Styles ... Sizes 5 to 15— REGULARLY $14.98-$17.98......... *10.99 REGULARLY $19.98-$22.98......... *11.99 REGULARLY $25.00-$29.98......... *13.99 COATS All Styles, Fabrics and Colors ... Sizes 6 to 14— REGULARLY $39.9g-$49.98......... $24.99 REGULARLY $55.00-$69.98........ *34.99 REGULARLY $100-$115............7.. . *53.00 CAR COATS Poplins, Wool Tweeds, Solid Wools ... Sizes 8 to 16— _ regularly $16.98-.--------------------6.99 regularly $17.98-$25........... $12.99 regularly $27.98-$35........... $14,99 ACCESSORIES TIGHTS, Regularly $3.98.,........ *1.99 JEWELRY, $l-$2-$3................ 69« SCARFS, $l-$1.98-$2.98-$498........ 89» GLOVES, $1.98-$2.98-$3.50-$4.98.. $1.09 • GIFT ITEMS, $1.00 to $2.50 ------ 89* , GIFT ITEMS, $2.98 to $5.98...... *1.99 LEATHERS Broken Stock . . . Sizes 8 to 14— JACKETS, Reg. $K to $49.98 ... *21.99 COATS, Reg. $59.95 to $75....... $29.99 Miracle Mile Shopping Center S. Telegraph at Square Udte Rd. Open Daily 10 A.M. to 9 P.M. I T^VEyyy*BiGHT THE PONTIAC PRESS. ’Wednesday, January is, loeo Seeks $1,031^ Reimbursement |A Ring-a-Ding Idea AI^SIBLEY'S in the MIRACLE MILE CENTER BIG CttARAICE Hie ittoniey xea«rai'« •lfl« rontendii tiMit lU^r »houW be required to pay Mk prioon bourd berauMt he rurtently hu M.0N Baitaiit fir Ihi EiKn Fmlly ii Tip QiilHy Fiilwiar! ' -FOR WOMEN- iHw reasM te sii<(|Ra. Steflwni j pida op the tdephOM and oidli ^ , * , 1 STERLING. C3i*>. W - Asit. the hoineurf abaent students. State Sues Prison Inmate tor Room, Board Money ^ DETROIT ifv- The State oil Circuit Judge N^al Fitigeirald oli Mkhi^n ha* a board and room|Wayn*( County blonday. Inwsuit going against its reputed-1 Rieg«\ 43. is a Detro^ photP-ly wealthiest prison inmate. ‘graphic studio (Nteiatoi; "ho \\'ent Acting under tta 15-yearokl r^is-|to prison for 3 to 5 years on his pn Rambursem^t Act. the state ronxiction of defrauding studio pa-wants to collect Sl.031.33 from irons. Cymon Rieger. *tomate of South-] * ★ * em Michigan, Prison. Found guilty "1th him "-ere two! IMir the !■«, Eelger proper- sUegcd women cpwnsptah^j ly a^ that tor bb bsanT^ 52. and Helen Stock, room tor tmpriooiiiiieBt siaee The "-omen were given termsi Dee. t. 1P5S. the stote says. , •" ‘he Detroit House -of Correc-The unusual case came before^ U.olM. alDearixim ♦n nffor Arfc in FrII Reimbursement. Act lU V/llwl nl IJ III lull provides that financially capable »inmates must pay such costs. ANN ARBOR' 'f» — A liberal! for example, said Asst. Atty. arts program at the University of:(^ Pereival Piper. Rieger has sychigan s Dearlwm centeis-dry- been paying $80 a month from his docked toi- a year by lack of state prison money for the upkeep ««»■« “ tamate. part al tb* Dearborn eealer'* of- ' Counsel for Rieger presented t feriag. he aatd. but bad to be . petition to the court asking a one aacrtficed tor a .year because the man grand jury inveMigation into' State Legislature failed to ap- the Wayne County prosecutw’s pf-proprtate the needed funds. (jce. Since September the center has' The petiUon tharges impropw given dbui^s only in engineering Rctivities on thi^art of “tlaln and business admlnistraUon to stu- SjaM members. F^secutor Samuel; dents on the junior and senior level ridiculed Ri^a stetmerl. on a work-«tudy basis. Olsen said it had been investigated W * * and there was “absolutely nothing' The center now has about 24]‘® support it. atudemts enrolled In the engineer. — S!«ri.‘ar.L sa ;S!|Wouu Exempt bu.» time In evening e.xtension courses I Prom SpRCiol ToxeS Latest English Export to U.S.—Secretaries LONDON ID-EngHsh girl s LANSING (UPI> - Sen Caritom H. Morris (R-Kalamazoo) a a id today he "ill introduce a 1 exempt city and auburban buses from fuel and weight taxes, retaries are the lateot rommod- “The bus industry now. m o r lly on Britnln's Iht of exports to than ever before, should be re-the L’nltod iMnles. * ' lieved of these taxes. ' Muirii said, i Two agencteo—Manpower Ltd. “because many of them have and Ovemens Plaeementa Bn-, been going through strikes and "illj rean—have been set up here to be forced Into bankruptcy unless] train girls tor Jobs in Amerien. this legislation is adopts They saM Amerk-an businessmen signed Into law this .vear.' consider it eWe to have n tee- Gov. G .Mennen Williams twice] rotary with n Britisb accent. ' has vetoed similar bills. VITALITY 4.99 ’• 9.99 Values to $14.95 Groce Walker, Accent, Golp, Moxies, and mony others. 3.99-8.99 Values to $12.95 Dress Shoes, Casuals, Snow Boots and Flats in this wonderful selection.. -FOR MEN- FLORSHEIM 16.80^-18.80 Values to $24.95 SIBLEY and WINTHROP 630 12.80 Values to $15.95 -FOR CHILDREN- Red Goose, Simplex, Ploypoise. 3.99 .. 5.99 .Yalnot to S10.95 Not sM tisot in tvory stylo. I Cp shoes " L Michigan's lergnsl Flerthnim Dnalor RMlrocle Mile Shoppinf Center S. Telegraph ot Squere Lk. Rd. Opon Daily 10 A.M. to 9 P.M. SHOES Utt Ysnr Soenrity or IntornationsI WHO BUT KROGER HHS ■ MARY AWRSaReT McBRIDE'S COOWN6 ENcYcIPP£OIA (PL“SfkEe'R»(* VALUE stamps) »V a C/ MARY MARGARET McBRIDE Encyclopedia Of Cooking • Twalva beautiful vohimai In washabla plaifle ' ‘. • 24.592 recipai, manui. food fads and tug* gestiewa ever 3,000 pagtt • Mere than 2,700 illustrations—100 in gleriw* full color • Dishes from 17 dlfftranf. parts of the glebe • Sd ti equal fe a $200 library ef hna eoekbeob • 10 yaart in prapa'retien by e distinguished staff el esperfs. the fameus Homwnakars Rasaarch Insh'tuta sneuL INTROOUCTORf PRICI VOLUME 1 VOLUMES * 2 TO 12 49* 99 nroaer *80.000“ Includes the Complete Remaining Stock of Ferndole Furniture That Went Out of Business. WE BOUGHT IT ALL ot DISTRESS PRICES! DINING SUITES! DINETTES' Formico TobiD AP OTHER SETS to GO ot hR| 50®/o or More OFF V Ir Muy art biy tablu with 6 chairs LIVING ROOM SUITES Sliehtly Oamafod Mother 2 Pc. suites to go at 50% or More OFF Big Voriqty of Colors TERRIFIC TABLE BUYS! Aa other 3 PC. SETS to 7d 9^ 50% or More OFF ■iV Soma SiiohHy Domooed OUT 60 ALL SOFA BEDS! *20“ *39“ *44“ 3-WAY SWITCH BEAUTIFUL T TABLE LAMPS f Each % $395 Maiy others to 75*/. tii. TRUNDLE BEDS INCLUDED: 2 SPRINGS 2 MATTRESSES Use 3 Ways — Single, Twin or Bunk BUNK BEDS lacladed are: 2 Springs 2 Mattresses 1 Giiard Rail DINETTE In CHAIRS »»s In Duran Plastic Assarted Colors 291 eoch HUBBT-^HUIBT BE EARLY FOR WIDEST SELECTION OF VALUES! NOTE: Sale Will Be Held In Wnrehoase Next Door to Miracle Music Shop In Center of Miracle Mile MODERN SLEEP SHOP ALL SALES FINAL Ho Rofiinds — No Rotiirns We Roservo Right to Limit Quontitioe_____________ BEDDING PRICES CUT! Deep TnftBd Mattreii ft Box Springs ^ Your choice r I i*i*A9^xp* IfLASomo 010 not r porfoet. 35 to go. SAVE ON CHAIRS FE 8-9S5I FURNITURE and BEDDING FE 8-9551 SALE STARTS 10 A.M. TO 9 P.M. CONTINUOUS WED."*'SAT. Foom RUBBER OT* PILLOWS ( SHRIDOID LINOLEUM'S 9x12 ^^95 ODDS u4 ENDS—MdTBESSB *10®5 to *18’5 K'v f\{^ THE PONTIAC PRE8S. WEDXESDAV. JANl ARY 13, i960 A, TWENTY-NIN^ . w" no other beef so fresh can be so tender SLAB BACON C The side of the meat you dont see is even better than the side you see BECAUSE KROGER PACKAGES ALL MEAT SUNNYSIDE DOWN! U.S. GOVT. GRADED CHOICE TENDERAY RIB ROAST U.S. GOVT. GRADED CHOICE CHUCK ROAST S-INCH STANDING CUT ^ ^ ^ >•»' U.I. irr't Si«M CiMiM Tm^May •tmW PfWli lavaral TIm* Daily lam 'N' lava Waal • • 89* U.t. «a«'» QimM Cfioica Chuck Slaak . 59* 49* Wbala or Halt—Sewl-leaalais Smokod Hum' 65* 79* tshfish 1 ■dataa-Otva-Wahla A nmaafa Lunch Moat 3 ^ 89* 25* PfMssI Al Maas Mdakaa Hot Dogs a a a ik. 39* LI. 79* 43* Evary sfaak. chop an^ roait ii packagad "SUNNYSIDE DOWN" at Kroga^ Iff purpoialy packad so tha bottom sida—tha i!« you don’t faa—is laanar and battar looking than tK^sida you do taal iToaer r KROGER MOVE IT TO YOUl LIVE BETTER FOR LESS Whan/making yaur salaction—yeur Kragar maaf nUn invi^you to saloct any packa^ from tha maat di^y '0^«rould lika to inspact—Ring tha sarviia button^ Ha rill ba happy ta unwrap tha packago far your InspaC' ^ ion. If tha kwttem sida isn't as iaan, and ovary bit m rad and juicy as tha top sida tha stora managar will giva you tha packago of maat ABSOLUTELY FREfil ir< ristrv$ tb$ rigbi la limit qumtUitt. Pritu mtd Umt tffeetivi thru Sjtf., /«s. li, I960 if Kreitr ms DtroU m^Erntfrn Micbigtm. I, A. I, ' L . V THtafir - THE POXTIAC PRESS. WEPNESDAY, JAyUARY 18, 19di Keep Your Eyes Open hr New Products By JANET ODELL Ii| the ntrfi of holiday storiea a« never had wy time to — idMUt aoma of the new . that have .ooioe to your grocery {■tore. You’ve probably alreedy wen and purchased a tew. I We’W sure you must have iikA fe}e«^ Dip ‘N’ Dressings that are the thing &»* an appetlwr A table. They (^e in Bleu Cheese. Baqon and Horseradish and FVench Onion flavors. betpre swviag. (MS^egiee even.) There are two new canned spaghetti sauces, both made „ -----------as the added in- gredient Try one of them to this I Many of you keep canned beef igrav-y qn^your shell as a matter of I fat-free gravy is per^ qiddi and easy pie. Let yourjtseiv-en aftoRAebdil one tor record party. SHOBT AND SAVCV PIE 1 psckke* yoo in pack-, they’re not ’Hiis is a quick and easy receipe ■0 even cooks who have never used yeast can be successful with It. To make this bread, we give an oM mlc a new twM. We take bread, dot it with golden rahilno asMi thread It with cinnamon ami sugar. Pecans kelp to make an Did you notice this is batter bread? ’ITiat means it is made from a batter rather than a dough. days. Friends coming evening? Serve the bread with hot coffee. But be prepared. Do any of your guests refuse coffee because it ‘keeps them awake?” Have some of the instant all-coffee but decaffebiatod variety on hand and you my get an award for being a perfect hostess. RAISIN CINNAMON LOAF Cover and let rise to a warm (U 15iii “JSShti ’• dr? Pour one-third of tiw batter into a greased 14 quart casserole and sprinkle with 4 cUp of the cinnamon sugar; repeat. Add remaining batter. Mix remaining clnna-jmon sugar with peca over top. „ .—Ihtly britfoi j -4 cup* •Iftcd flour I cup (oldon rtlMns cup iuc*r tcupoopt rinnuaoa cup flooly rboppod pretnt In a small mixing bovri stk Bake uncovered in moderate (375 degree!) oven 40 to 45 min-utee. ’Turn out on wire rack; turn rigtot side up; cool. cooked. After aU, the housewife has to eera her Keep some way! But both are ready to be dropp^ into boiling water and rooked lu a matter ef minutes. The hashed brown .potat6^~ire diced. You boil them until they’re tender, then use them for frying or for potato-salad. Atong with the more familiar mashed potatoes, they are good to keep on hand. The bugbe«r of unexpected company win never scare you. . There are three new ’TV dtonm on the market. One has creamed chicken with whipped potatoes and peas; the second one has swiss ■tesk srith whipped potatoes end green beans; the third is a Friday dinner of macaroni and cheese' with glazed carroti end peas. ntes. Cool • mlButea before w tag. Makes 4-*> oervlage. Babies seem to get as many new foods as their parents. Latest ones to appear arb (Thicken a la King and Chicken with Kice. Both come in etrained and junior form. Instant baby cereals ara« being produced by a new mathod diet lets them stay the right consistency all through the meal. Last on the babyiood list Is Preiaes be! Meat paekere ere To|i With Sour Cr«am Next time you serve canned pineapple lor dessert, add a quick, leattval touch with a spoonful of dairy sour «'«he<* Peamit bnt- some of the delightful spice overl«*- *» smaU paper c u p s. the fluffy top of the nog! The teen-agers wUl love this! Whipped cream left over? Whip Some cooks like to use a nii.xtUTCj Ntoe with roast p«k; apple-o( milk and sugar as a glaze for sauce to which plumped raisins yaast rolls. |are added. own choice, but this Sesame Slutting is eq>ecially good with fresh porky. It Is made as follows: Dissolve t beef bosdllon cubes la Vt cap hot water. Cook Vt cup ckspped In a 9-inch aquare baking dish, melt 2 tablespoons butter and blend in Vt cup, each, of bi sugar' and crushed pineapple (drained). Spread evenly over M-tom of dish and sprinkle wit^ 1 tablespoon pineapple sirup. On top o( mixture, place 4 slices of raisin coated with an agg-milk French toast dip. Bake in a hot oven (400 degrees, until lightly browned on top, about I Vt c OB Vt cup batter ar niargarbic PlaoB li cBp seatme seeds In a small trytag-pan sad toast on-til Ughtty browned. Toast > cops bread cabas. Combine bi a large mixing-bowl toasted bread cubes, celery, onion, butter and sesame seeds. Add 2 tablspoons poultry seasoning, Vt teaspoon pepper ind 1 egg slightly beaten. Toss gether lightly until thoroughly mixed, ^xxm stuffing into the pocket of the fresh Boston butt and sew or skewer opening. Place the meat fat side up on a rack in an open roasting pan. Do not cover, and do not add any ' liquid to tiie pan. Set the oven regulator at 330 degrees F. allowing Add several tablespoOns pf minced picides to the gravy served with jxM roasts or braised beet Dill pickles are excellent flavor*rs but any o( tile so^ pickles rSky be Prurles in Win* Put prunes to a' covered jar or crock. Cover with port wine. Lit. them stand in the relrtgeratwi several days. Serve them as is or pit and stuff with a walnut. ' Richnicm BroHitn CloHiitrt MIRACLI MILI ONTIt Better Income Results in Bigger Food Bills Does oh Increase in bicrnne mean the food bill takes a snialler percentage of the tocome? You’d think ao. . .but that loi't usualy what happens. Facts and figures show that... as incomm increase, families usually buy higher cost meaU and foods with some services added. If you are looking forward to an increase in Income in 1960, don’ count too strongly on your food bill staying the same size as before. You may find younelf buying foods with extra serviMs add^. lettuce Belongs in Soup as Well as in Salads . Lettuce soup ta. delightfully different. .Shred ’* large head of lettuce and cook with 4 cups chicken stock, ^ cup each, chopped onion and celery, Vt cup each, chopped fresh pai^ey and green pepper til all veietables are tender, about '5 minutes. Put through a sieve. A&] salt and ground black pepper to taste. 9>red some of the remaining Vt head lettuce,over the top of each serving. Yield: 4 to 6 servings. 25 minuteq. Let stand 1 minutei^ to 50 minutes per pound fdP after removing from oven. Then the roast to reach the well-done invert dish over a platter to re- stage. move Prench toast, sugarsd side Of course it is a good idea to up._________ I plan on letting this stuffed roast j CoBpltte Cattriif Stirice ICONOMICAL lUFFETS PREPARED IT lERBT'S BAKERY FI S-3603 SHELL-HOUSE PAINT SHELL—PORCH DECK ENAMEL SHELU-ONE>COAT HOUSE PAINt SHELU-RUBBER VINYL TILE SHELL—SEMI^LOSS SHELU-HIGH^LOSS ENAMEL MARVALKOTE BASEMENT and EXTERIOR WALL PAINT $>99 Gol. Clsd R Stal for Bassnisl Walls £%SrECUU'3.IKI‘‘ • READY TO USE • NO MESSY MIXING • EASY TO APPLY G. F. SKATES L. F. SKATES B. H. SKATES M. H. SKATES SPECIAL! Sat Our Fint Stltclion of Gift Itamt ond Houttworts of Our Vt Off Toblo Stlf-SoPYt 0pMMtM.TImi RifBwiit OpMNti.TlmiS«L.10lDl ONLY flT KROGE.R MoNeY-SWiNG CoUpoNS UKeTTIESE... (PL“S Free Top VALUE sTjmps) THE SIGN OF GOOD EATING HEINZ KETCHUP ,c SAVE 6c 19 14^Z. BOTTLE SAVE I le ON 6 CANS HEINZ SOUP MUSHROOM ICKEN NOOO VEGETABLE BEEF GOOD EATING ANYTIME! HEINZ SOUP . TASTY ALL SWEET BRAND BEAN OR VEGETABLE a • 7 $-|oo Margarine 79* i*. 49c VALUABLE COUPON REGULAR SIZE FAB or TIDE RKULAR r COUPON VALID AT KROGER IN DETROIT AND EASTERN MICHIGAN THRU SAT., JAN. 16. I960. LIMIT ONE COUPON PER CUSTOMER. : 50 Extra vISSi Stamps PEANUT BU1TER C»us*a t«M at Eracer lii DctraM «aS BatUta MkWfta Uira SatarSar, Jaa. IS. last A DaiCIOUS SNACK TREAT MILD PINCONNING CHEESE FRESH ROASTED FLAVORFUL SPOTLIGHT COFFEE...........vs 57 FRESH BAKED SLICED WHITE BREAD • • KROSER 'a . , ENRICHED £ 20-OUNCI 1C LOAVIS 41 New Flavor - New Taite - New ToastabHify STRAINED BEECHNUT Baby Fo Ol 1 65* CHEEZ>ITS 2 6'/4-oz. pkgs. 39c BROOKS CATSUP... .2 12-oz.btls. 43c Sunthfna mokcB them crisp and fresh. Mode from tfte fineel Mmotoes. NABISCO CRACKERS .. ,Mb. picg. 29c RED ROSE TEA BAGS . .48-ct. pkg. 65c Frsih, cHip premium loltins crocksrs. A delightful and flovorfui teo. PET RITZPIE. 24.(jz. pkg. 49c NORTHERN TISSUE... Dsllelous frottn^oppls pie. Toilet tUsue In jottel colon. \ VYAXTEX WAX PAPER . J\ 00 ff. roil Keeps foods frsihor. .. longer. 23c NORTHERN TOWELS ksgulor white poper Mwoh. 2 rolU 3?e : SO Ixtra VALUf } WITH THIS COUPON AND PURCHAtt OP i-POUND RATN CAN9KD HAM csapwa vans at Erw** la DatraH aaS EaNsni MIchlfaa Ifera SaBarSay, Saa. 11. ISIS . \rmer Wi rsisfws i6s ritbt tt UmU qumtitin. mi Utm •R0tth$ thru Sut„ Jmt. IS, I960 ttM Krogw rtoru iu Dttroit mi Edsttm Micbigm. LIVE BETTER FOR j.. ' ■ f: i J ■ ■' '. J - THihtYTWO THE j*bynAC l^RlSSS, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY lit. $M Ut lor A Occtisics CAKES imrs lAKEBT n S4«03 IStilL^ull of spunk DRESDEN, Ohio ings by Rep. Alvin E. O'Konski (R-Wis). • They'^lolto Monday to a reginMd meeting of idficer; rf AftXSO ua> ions from IlUnois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota. Norbi and South DakoU. Nebraska and Wisconsin, part of some 600 AFL-CIO officers attending a three-day leg-isiath'e conference. McNamara said la additisa to inoreaslaig social oeeurtty beas- lation to laorease the n areas, aid something about "We should also have ingful ci\H rights pfbg^,” McNamara said. "Unlm we these things we might as weD, forget our dream of a Donoctotk president in I960." McNamara said that if labor had made itself heard mope last yew Congress would have passed a better bill than the labcw reform measure enacted. He said he Mid ©filer members were criticized for voting for the final conference report on the labor bill. But, he said, he was asked to do this very thing by union officers and spokesmen. .\ugust SchoUe, president of the Michigan AFIX:iO. criticized Rep. Gerald Ford (R-Mlch) and asked O’Konski what could be done “about this calib"c of Republican.” “Many on my fRepubUcan) : aide of the Me." O’Konski saM, ! "oonsMer the program I outlined I here as radtral and sorlalistU-. I However, there are aboiit M who I are reCeptlAe and will talk H out with you. Not all Republicans are Bill Asks Standards for TV Programs WASHINGTON l»-Rep. Henry S. Reuss (D-Wlsl has intttxhiced legidafian aimed, in his words, at requiring the tetevlsioiMwdlo in-dostty to put nave emphasis on educational, cultural and pidiUc aorvioe programs. Among other things, his bill would requlK the Federal Oom- mlnlnum standards of public service pratTiinrobig, R yro^ establish a system' of competitive bidding to broadcasting licenses. ASH-CAPAOE - Here’s a situation where it’s how much is i4> front that counts. These Reepbam, England, women are practicing to •ee how big a cigar ash they can leave standing. Come Friday It’U be the real thing as they pit-their ashen talents against the best ash col- lectors in lU of England in the annual dgar smoking compMUon. Winners are judged by the length of the ash which is retained. Contestants are not allowed to relight the cigar and must produce smoke when called upon. County Dems to Give rvs« p««‘^‘‘>ayp« I Avondale .'...,67 Birmingham..56 Troy ..........55 RO St; Maly...43 Romeo.':.....64 Flint Northern.61 Highland Park .57 lake Orion;.. .58 Port Huron... .50 Clawson... .. .43 Si Frederick.. .29 Clintondale.. .49 Flint Central.. .51 Hamtramck. Avon Clips Orion, 67-58; Romeo Gets Second Win By CHUCK ABAIB If the Avondale Yellowjackets can keep acorlng 67 points a game they may come up with a great finish to a season which atarted off in dismal fashion. The locals hit that magic number exactly for the third straight game at home last night to whip Lake Orton 67-5S in a big Oakland B contest. Each 67 has meant a 'dctory making the season record V3 now. Even mere Important is the ffeet that coach Dirk Bye’s hus- aabealen Troy which Reed swishing 14 on some excellent drive-ins before fouling out. The Dragons, who had won two in a row by wide margins, are also 4-2 now. . ♦ * h Troy had to aWk hard; for a 55-43 triumph over Clawson. The Colts held only four-point advantages after each of the initial three S aim on 1 «B-» ront ot Oak Park. Romeo came to life to trip Oin-tondale 64-49, Brighton got by South Lyon 54-47 and btica bowed to Center Line. 55-52 in some of the other area prep games Tuesday. * * A A red-hot 3rd quarter for Avon broke up what might have been a battle* to the wire. The victors ^vn^e in front all the 1st half but were being pushed h^ in the 2nd period by the ‘‘(!old” shooting Dragons. A lO-point lead dwindled to four before reserv’e Bud Peel fired in two baskets to make' it 29-21 at the intermission. Darryl Thorpe, the dackel scoring ace who was benrhed early In the and period with four fouls, quarters but reserve .Dick Bil-| goal. Troy ahio had good balance lings came (df the bench to apore Bud Actoa and Rk-k McKInnoa eight of 20 in the final eight min- ^ Snrf l»*n A.f«w«na Contributed It- Troy Is 1-1 aawnon. with Oary Boos. Kea Burton and Oaiy AUfeld combining for St of Its total, got withia two oevoral dmeo but rest session and sparked surge which decided tho lasiie. ■o Ut U of kla 17 points la the M-dIgH period, dim McDonald. Ut Bourdo and DIek Hmith dl \1ded the others as the difference reached 31 at one time. Thorpe fouled out pji ftrst yfliy of lKe ‘quarter but it meant little ditference although Orion came up with a 24-pomt session of its own. Fourteen of the total was accounted for byi LOHS ace Tom Reed.*Hc clicked! on seven of eight shots from thej floor. ! * * ♦ ' ' Reed, kept outside by a good' Avondale zone, had failed on his{ first eight attempts and was 2-^ fw-15 before coming to Ufe early in the 2nd half. His total for the game was 26 but Avon’s better! balance p.sid off as McDonald hiti 16 and Smith 15. ‘ Control of the backboards was a key factor for the winners, j Bourdo, making his best show lag. i and Herb Harris were featared ' la this department. i lU year. Fitzgerald bounced back from its beaUng by IVoy last week with a vengeance. Oak Park provided little oppoaition for the Spartans 37-17 halftime score would Indicate. Phil Morgan paced eighth success in 10 tries with 21. ‘.......♦- - ...... Romeo made a good showing in pr^aration for Friday’s Tri-County opener against Rochester. 'Ihe Bulldogs raced to a 30-16 halftime edge and had no trouble from then dim Black and Ron Schmidt caged It each and Howard Grimes garnered It to make It easy. Grimes was a big reason RHK dominated the rebounda getting 18 himself. South Lyon’s ’'lonesome center' Jack Wren really did appear tt be in a world of his own as his mates could only get three long “8 to him for easy basketo. He made three others playing a normal position to star in defeat 12. ♦ * ♦ I Brighton waa in front all the| ay in the ragged affair with thej 32-19 halftime lead proving important. Don Appleton headed the! highly-ranked Bulldogs again with I “1. Utica fought back from a deficit of 10 for a tie at 51-all with one minute left but two quick twin-pointers iHYMtght Center Line outj on top. Don Moshenko scored 23 and Fred .Sattler 17 for the losers. Rudy Evans hit 16 for Center Line. Cut of aiWdh wiis X!tIcFs lop scor- j er and rebounder Ed Weycker. He has a fractured foot and ma>4 be out for six weeks. PRESS BOX tournament i HEY, LOOK THERE - Lake Orion coach Hal Carlin finds something out on the court nbt exactly to his liking and he makes the point of it. Orion and Avondale tangled on the Avon FratUc PrrM rbst* court last night in a crucial Oakland-B game and the hom'e team came through with a victory. Oriof\ must face league leading Troy Friday nigiit on the Orion court. FoF the convenience bf airea; golf coaches, the 9th annual Pon-tike Press InviUtkinal Hi|di School Golf Tournament will be held Monday. May 23rd, at Pontiac Country aub. InvitatioiB lor the F being h"lled out. Richard J. WillUms Jr. H lots Yarmooth Rd.. Btnnlag-ham, hi a member of the Prlnce-toa Uirivetslly ireshmaa swimming team. He swims la the freestyle eveats. * ♦ ♦ F'onjier Farmington mat stars Dan Ressler and Tom Peckliam are members of the Hazel Park Amateur Wrestling Club whictf' competes against other teams. * w ♦ Earl Riehardsoa, part of Or-toarille’s three-maa a e o r I a g paaoh, hit to of II shots fiwm the floor la sa amashif display of aecurary agaiiMt Oxford afler going a tall half without a basket. WEDNESDAY’S SCHEDIXE DetroU s< Chtcsgv ncasDAY's I [Toronto at Montroal Nov Tark at Bottao LA Rams Name Waterfield Coach aVONDJU^^y^ larHt *J* H # ■ jSooners May IGe! First Aid / Pete Elliott Possible Supporter in Fighting NCAA Probation I M l* ii______ I 44 If Rumor R Wmt t l-I Laka Orion 31 Bucky Craven was the chief aid 1 game. roattao Erna Pkala THERE IT GOES — Avondale’s Les Bourdo (24) does a hop-sidp-and-jump as the ball gets away from him In the game against Lake Orion. Orion’s Bucky Craven moves in to try to get hold of the loose ball. Avondale beat Lake Orion, 67-58, in an Oaklahd-B Ravens Win 5th/Face Freds Here Saturday ROSM Trips Rams for First Victory » NORMAN. Okla 'API - The 7, University o( Oklahoma may get ____ . J help from Pete Elliott, a former Quritrt ” ** assistant coach, in its efforts loi it 14 M i4-n,get off the hook of an indefinite T 14 11 14-1* probation. Dr. George Cross. University of ^*®Vo’rTTP Oklahoma president, said yestor- oi^id.w«u » J4 13 AhifrM » J4 i» day Elliott has offered to send a wetSu'n 4 54 11 bS*'*" \ M 13 sworn Statement to the NCAA Eu?"r* I t? I Mortis 5 M *5 saying there was no Ulegal re- §852^“ I li I J” o^mrion ^he , 33 ii-iT u It T.i3 43|time he was in charge of corall- rpT . 11 3t-55 ^U. ” >* i»-iij £Uiott, now head football coach DBiaBTON^) soim iTOH (4T)|at Illinois, succeeded Bill Jen-BotworthM It M ourm.^Mtl Rings “ the Oklahoma aaaistant ? a j 1 S J|m ch^e of recniltlijg in 1954. He -------.... J “ left OU to become head coach - I fa* <« 71tPr h« Wf i IMS Nebraska in 1957. Later be was 3 54 1 a I succeeded at Nebraska by Jen- Wlth Orchard Lake St. Mary and gymnasium, dropped its fifth test Pontiac St. Michael idle, and a against a single win 13-29. Victory conflict In dates at Center Line wa.s the Irish’" first of the season forcing postponement of the St il-.ii, leaving the Rams sharing Rita-St. Qement contest, only two the SCL bottom .snot for the fii-m games were played Tuesday night time in years, in the Suburban Catholic League. .Summary sT. rBEDEaica t o FT T1 p-ond 1 M Mwtin 3 1-1 35 4-13 Col* 0 1-3^ nings. 8«*r* 5* «p*rt*r4 ' Ctoss said ’"Iliis would indicate Si!^"LTon is ‘s 11 ifl*} **’*' operate, as the ------------------ NCAA may suspect, alter early ' 1954.’* Hamtramck Falls, 57-52 But Cro6.s indicated Elliott has not yet been asked to sign such Migliland Pai’k turned giant g statement and the Oklahoma J|SignsConlracl Ifor Five Years Formtr UCLA Player li Named ta Succeed Sid Gillman ; LOS ANGELES (f> - Tlw Los ' Angeles Rams announced Tuesday they have signed former Ram quhrterhock Bob Waterfield to a five-year head coaching contract. Waterfield. 39. who guided the Rams to their only National Football League crown since coming to Los Angeles, was a popular favorite with the fans. He played with the Rama from 1945 to 1962 and formeriy was a star at UCLA. waa iavltod by the DoaM^gteeBi to lealca Just before the last game of tho 1M9 oeosoa. GUI-maa bow is coach tag the rival Loa Atofetea Otargera of the SP Wlr*fk*l* STUMBLED — After holding the lead for three rounds of the Los Angeles Open golf tournament. Eric Monti, home pro, lost his four stroke lead and stumbled to an 80 in the last round and finished in 7th place with Dow Mnstoi-wald winning the tourney BO ST. MSET , St. Frederick, tangling with the Irish at St. .Mary’s iROi bandbox Horvalh Back in NHL Lead HI. ftenedirt kept Its share of the lop spot with Itaglels by a 47 a wta (S O) over Feradale' 8t. James. Eaglets have won four straight, resame actloa Friday kt home against '8t. denieot (3-3). Other Friday games la-elude 8t. Michael (1-4) vs. U. RIU ta DHroil snd ROSM al 81. :R. Tap* 4 l-l Oulbord t 5-0 5 O’Rtlllir 5 0-1 0 Total* 5 It-33 35 killer last night to iip.set Ham- situation remains stalemated. «a a tV b’amck. 57-32, as the Michigan The core of the controv’crsy is MflpiCS WIH* uD*OU 0 HerJwtnnl 0-1 ” school basketball sea.son hit a fund administered by Oklahoma 3 £h'***' 1 accountant Arthur Wood. 1 Dor*** ^ 0 0-3 10 The Parkers blew’ a 10-point lead The NCAA refuses to fix he 0 Biaaart 0 7-13 7 ^gpjy y, game, but came back limits or lift the football team’s Total. 10 11-30 43 to whip the Cosmos on the strength probation until it takes a look at of 19 points bv Bill .Saner and 13|lhe ivni records. Wood refuses to' Waterfield served as an aaaistant to Gillman during the 1968 leaaon. ★ ★ ♦ Waterfield, husband ol movie actress Jane Russell, has dabbled in several sidelinea siaoe hla re* tirement aa e Playor. He and his wife own a movie production company. He has oil Interests in Texas and is part owner d a reataurani, Waterfield led the old Cleveland Rams to an NFL tttle in 1945, the I year he broke into pro football. I by Longworth Mapp. turn them < Birmingham Leads EML Birmingham knoclred Port Hu- possession of the top spot as Mt All-Star Pin Points Rams entertain the Ravens at Pontiac Noilliern’s gymnasium on Saturday. Bruins' Hackey Ace, * * ★ AAaua#4 *4J ' •Ttondicapped by the absence ol Maved Ahead ot null ,wo regulars. PhU Bieri and Jim| in Point Race |Kennedy from illness, and giving! jaway loo much height, the Rams[ „ .. nevertheless played well, led bvi 3TONTREAL (AP)—Bronco H«-1 diminutive Mike Reed, whose ai vath, seeking to give Boston Us | points was the SCL’s top individual first National Hockey League scor-1performance of the sea.son. Mike,, mg chai^ion in 16 yeare. hag re-j Dobski and Rudy Yapo fouled, gamrt the lead from Bobby Hul|l„y, ,^0 4th, otherwise Reed’s of aicago, itaUstics released ^ .-ertamly would have been Tuesday shwed^ ^ higher. Horvath collected five points, ♦ , ♦ ★ last week, giving hun 52 for the Mike accounted for all but six season. He has 27 goals, tops in of the. R«ms’ total, gettmg all the league, and 25 aagists. Hull has, seven in the first period, and 12 of .10 points. The Hawks’ star col-1U in the ‘2nd half. The nine goals lected only one point in last week’s for Rams, and the low score was competition. their poorest scoring in years. Andy Bathgate* of New Yorit i w w * moved into thirt plaa with '48 Dorr’s 16 and 12 by John Bliss pacedthe Irish efforts. ROSM wits in front from the first bucket [/ and Rams never were in conten- poinls. He is followed by Jean Believeau of Montreal with 47, Vie Stasiuk of Boston 45 and Henri Richard of Montreal 44. Bathgate leads in assists with 31. Tho leorths losdon: „ « . 1. Hull, OW. ^........ 3. aithist*. N T. _ BtUvaM, Uaot. . . 5. SU.Ink. Bao S. H. Mebsto. Hont.. 7. UeKaanay. Bos 'I. Ho«*. Bat. t. Oaoqrtat. Moat . Moor*. UOBt . 37 25 13 nnu Romania Taken From List tor Olympic Games flillt Northem ton out of the three way tie for Clemens suffered its first loss to first place, in the Eastern .Mich- East Detroit, igan League and took over sole! The Maples, ‘now 34) in'the league, spotted'Port lluron a 13-5 SQUAW VALLEY. Calif. (AP) -Olympic planners Tuesday tookj I Communist Romania off the list! 'of competing nations for the Feb. 18-28 Winter Games. Merv Gallup and Jon kpoelatra eaught Are In the serond half for Birmingham ocorlng IS of the to poiniN tar a 35-34 halftime advantage. In the second half Port Huron Vikings Hond City Fae kept the game close and tied It Set for Chiefs The follfliwing year the Ramf .moved to Los An^ea. Waterfield [—with his slick field generalship, 1 passing and kicking ^ led the club to three division titles and an NFL crown in 1951. „ 1 ★ ♦ ★ Ddring his brilliant eight-year caraeTi-ai’ WtterfaBcketa eontrt* btUed to 21 -team., league and -championship playoff records, including total points (554), most points after touchdown (308), most field goals (59). longest field good (47 yards) — three limes, moat IMuisea attempted (1.S96), mo a f pe.sses completed (803) and yards gained pasring (11,720). f- A I XI El c iL I ** *’“1 never got the lead. LBntrOl Ol-OI oetbacK Early in the 4th quarter Birmingham stretched the lead to 10 points and the closest Port Huron got was (our points with one minute FLINT — A note of warning to ,o play .U„ ........ basketball * a, * H. D. Thoreau said the Romanians failed to comply with International Olympic C^ommittee reg-| |MA Caurt ulations when they did not sub-;mtt a list of sports and events they wished to participate in be-foiw the deadline of Dec, 24. eight I'hv Pontiac Central weeks prior to ofienlng day, iteatn; Thoreau. managing director of . Northern is ready and wait- Clemens feU the organizing committee, said >"8 for your Friday vksit for the first time in five starts, the Romanian Ol.vmpir Commit-; ♦ * * T)ie .Shamrocks led all the way and tee was asked thi-ee times for its ’ntc Vikings proved' this last 37-24 at halftime. Bud Weinert and entries—by mail Oct. 13 and Nov. night by defeating city rival FlInt'Dick" Ickes each had 14 for titejati 3 and by cable on Dec. irenltHl. fil-M m a Sai?in;4U' Valiev U'»nm*r«: with Rill Primlpra tofiflincTi Sports Calendar TTiuritan at SouthUald Utlcs St Warren . CII; laaSatSaU r-i ... . '••■‘‘M Central CUasa A—Newman * -- - - In losing to East Detioit. 64-.M. . 1,------------- ... ,1---------.-I,_____________at f^tlaa itortkarn _"a'rfS*ceVp*JLr«^,’'S ,atda Bbopplnt. 1:30 am Csptfal, 61-31, in a .Saginaw Valley winners with Bill Praniera adding! ^ Conference battle at the IMA Au- 12, Bill Bos’had 11 for Mt. Clem- exAae TTioreau said pn answer came|ditorium. cn.s. by cable on Jan. 4. 11 days after: Victoi-y gave the Viking.s a 2-1-the deadline expired. BTEA.M1NG UP—Esther Wood's exaggerated puahaway allows her to put steam on the ball in a way all her own. Lians Name Bingaman Speedy Eddie Everhardt led the Ravens wUk 13, aad Art Mastiirol's club get some balanced scoring to make the victory a fairly easy one on their home floor. .Saturday's .St. Benedict-St. Fired-crick contest is set for 8:30 p.m. (varsityt (ollowmg a reserve game at 7 o’clock. '• DETROIT (UPD—Les Rings ‘ St, Fredeitok’i reserves last maji. former deten-hc ilar of night coritinjied their unbroken the Detroit Uons. today was string of vktortes wMh a flm named an nssistnnt oonch of < 38-23 wm ovei'.IV Irish, i’The llttl* the team. Rams’ have m\v wm six in a roe,- ■To gel good speed on the ball,i I exaggerate the pushaway on theiLions Sign QB and 2 l.[first step. I don’t push the ball up-L.^gi - ‘ ‘ I do reach straight out ta 60 Tarmi game of cellar dwellers Kimball came out the victor. 36-34. The Parkers led 32-22 going into the final quarter and managed only one field goal. .... league record and moved them i„ other EML contests H«7cl~“ ■ - -.2 Bnmdagc, IOC president, and w’as 'told that Rexnania must obey IOC rules jurt like everyone else. THE RIO SWEEP By ESTHER WOODS not what is termed a nat-j ural bowler. iward. The vast majority ot the fellows j swin* the ball in a! DETROIT (J) — The Detroit and gals on the tournament ^ to creiZte mere mornern'^* s*8n«l quarterback cult have been bowling since they ^ the'®°^ Newman of Washington State, were youngsters. Most of their P"* tackle Jim O'Brien of Boston Cbl- moves are easy and Viatural ones. must be quicker, so!'^ defensive halfback Steve I didn’t leani to bowl until I jl suppose It appears that I’mi*^***® Qncmnati to 1960 con-j * *. Oaiiup was 33 yean old IB IM7. Itat’s jracingto the foul Une. I empha-' ^The V.Umgs reboun^ 4 a late staidug aga lor a loaraa- Isiie a fuller follow through. I O’Brien and Rasso were Detroit [showed good scoring balance with oWr t m#«t bowler, la a coBseqitenee, ' After watching movies of myselfjclxiices in the recent NattonaLGene Summers hitting 17 points. • I deliver the ball. I miwl , with that claBbrate motion. I really'F«Xb«ll 1-eague draft NewmanIVIC Urlek 16 and Gary Locke 14 High. Unbeaten Pai fights to hold its Valley leadership Friday evening when the Chiefs meet Northem at 8 o'clock in Flint’s Wildanger Fteldhouse. The Chiefs i34)) are defending Valley champions. Northem trailed the Indians at the end of the 1st quarter, 19-14, but stormed back in the 2nd period 32-24 halftime edge and led the rest of the way by margins of three to 10 points. Craig Kirby tied it 34-34 for Kimball and Duane Cummings hit with three seconds tor the win, Femdale, playi^ non-league toe Grosse Pointe, won 51-43. mlaskaai (50) • fan SOffTf 10 t-3 23 Barr I ■ LautallB I -I BsMord ) 4 Hanrr 1 1 Shurkar II S-3 M 0 S-10 14 IB I S-1 t WBt*?f«d iuL'V.‘’i!!i4 ;im at PoDtUcOSltfSI — Bt ?art Bur** Walartard BatkaUaU At Crar* Jam tar Mib .. A—OraytoB Brut «•- LrUU 4 Lomphara 62, Groves 39 Lamphere High 'School of Madi* son Heights, led by three pigyers in double figures, scored a ,62-31 victory over Birmingham Graves _ last night. t! ■ i-i t! Howard Grahaih led LamphertI _______________ — _______ _ _________________________________^ _ _______ _ _ * siwlth 13, followed by Joe Murrajl make a tew qaaipeasattog moves lenjoy tnstructing ymmgeters In the!'"** signed as a tree agent after [Jack Kashleigh of Central took In- Tom, j. Total* it u-io lo.with 11 and Rogw Craig with U), that uidt.1 nXlnral btoilers don’t Tundlumentals of a compa^ deliv-|l>avliig a tryout with San Francisco dividual game scoring honors *^1*’i „.„,„,h.m**** ** ®*o'‘1i* le is-oi'^** Bearrden had M for (Sreoei hate to bother n'tk. cry. last year, ,, '23 points. ro« ifaroa . j..'... to o t ti-tolH'>U* Graen atiduig IX \ ■V" 1 1' TlfTRTY.FOUR "1. THE POKTIAC PRESS. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 18. 1960 Forfni4|(on K*gbrs Hot ' M by • 3136 t«un toore' by Hank Gnlewek’a. the tewlers. in the fbnningtn Clntiic had anether aession at Norwest. T«. John Mazino hK 733-268, Jim ftewart 71^279. Otis Ladty 711. Jack Devine 279. Bob Maccani ae. Jack Buddy and Jailk Uoey 257. SALE TkAt If DiUmBl nos IS A LEGITIMATE SALE WITH LEGITIMATE MAUDOWNS or »•/. TO S0% OF ON mtER FUHNI8HING8 AND TOP Ouamty clothing. jr SPORT COATS. PANTS, TOPCOATS. 8UITS-AU ITEMS FROM OUR REGULAR STOCE. JM ADDinON-OUR ANNUAL t5 PANT SALE Df OUR CUSTCMd DEPT. ORDER A SUIT AT REGULAR PRICE-A SECOND PAIR OF PANTS FOR ONLY SAVE 111 TO 31 aaNoeifH ilaruiooil »• W. Huron* FE 2-2300 riMT Dr/«t Stll a«auu Mad Scramble in All-Star Keg Meet ESt. Lou Bowler lakes Top Spot iftWatchPlay khayesSets Scoring Mark Syrcmiwr-Star Scorot 15,000th Point in Nat Victory PHILADELPHIA (AP) - Now that Syracuse's Ddpb Schayes has become the first player In the history of the National Ba^tball Assn, to score 13.000 paints, he has no pressing “next” amUtkn. jHe ^piy wants to continue playing basketball—“my first love.” The former New Ym% Unh-er-slty 'Star, now in his 12th season with the Nats, ^mped in 34 points last night and teammate Georgs Yardley expected 47 to lead the >’au to a 127-120 victwy over slumping Boston. I Schayes’ performance hiked his 'career total to 15,013 points. When I he hit his 15,000th point on a long Iset shot toward the end of the ' third quarter, the game was halted ^ and the ball presented to him. [Convention Hall capacity crxwwi Manii>ette in Milwaukee. _____________■ soaooL a Aroodale ST, Laka Ortaa M AlMan M. liarahaU 41 BIrnUngham Sd. Port Kuroi CaDtarllDa M. Utloa U ioly Radaama’r 73, WetWra 41 t.Itonad' - '* -------- last Pair jAit Lana_. ...---------- Parndala tl. Orotu Potnta 4] __________t 47, ai. Jamaa 35 Xaat Oatroit M, ll« ------- ----------gji. ■ Bait Lanitng li. Adrian it idala 51. OroMf Polnte 41 I Northara SI. PUnt CantrM U ____IM n M. Wrm. etrt Da> 31 Hithlaad Pi— , Laka abara M, L Lamphara (3. Bti __ , Uaateii aagM tt, Sapl Midland 71. PUnt Sooth' Ro^CMk St PMdariek H Troy 55. Clnvtmi 4l Jayvee Scores ^i.-4»re.»rW/ . krt jnrwi 51.^nbolm 31 Lniaphara 51. Orovaa 31 2 Gomes Colled Off Tvo piep basketbaH gai ImwivlBg Oaklawl Osaaty i« Tbey were tbe Oxford at darfca- on TV Tonight MOBILE, Ala, (fi — Welterweights Kenny Lane of Muskegon, Mich., and ^Iph Dupas of NeW Orleans will battle tonight in Mo-bile s first televised fight. Each is hoping tor a vietoryias a stepping stone to a title bout. The fight will be a rubber match. Dupas, a fast, elusive fighter, scored a decision oyer Lane in 19K and the rugged Lane reversed the decision the next year. . The bout wdU be nationally televised, ABC. starting at 10 p.m., EST. Each filter will receive 25 per cent of the gate after taxes or $3,000, whichever is larger, plus $4,000 each from television. was “just another effort op the part of the NFL to slow up progress of the AFL. I don’t know what will happen, but . . . we feel we have a binding contract with Billy” Walter Byers, executive director of the Nattonal Collegiate Athletic Assn., said when an athlete “signs a professional contract he renders himself ineligible for coUe|e competitkm with any NCAA member c(kl^. The facts are in dispute as of now in this case. BSitate Ifr the final outing. Smith wtis able to cHmb to the top as he swept his four-game duel with his i last opponent of the day. Carmen I With ace Charley North sitting Oscar Hobertso^snd to ^ S3 10 .703 ■ WE8TBBX DIVISIOM St Louli . 31 II ,57l' D'troO 10 JS .14# MInnrapoIli ...........II 3g 3SJ CIncliuiatj ......... 13 ss jsl In Close Mat Battles Phtladfl^lA ri. SyraeuM a.________ 8t Louis at Boston Now York vs. Otlnilt at Fort Wayi; TBl'BSDAT’S 8CBBDVLE St Louis at Sytaeusa Huskies, Vikings Victors Wrei^ling coaches Bill Willson| in the 180<-lass prevented this v„ , ,-^-0 c s at .Pontiac Northem and Walled |itors from pulling out the wrdictiWer„ Uke's Rick ^hneider had some jor at least gaining a tie. PNHiLadewiJ ^^yivia fouls. The wrath of 5,159 par- LOS Oi5^^oml»t#n*> _^(falo. N.Y. — JacUo OosmoUr, til, BuHalo. outt^tad Dick DiVtraoka. 135. Canastota, N.Y.. 10. MIAMI BEACH. Fla-Eddit Perktni. MCKEESPORT, Pa - Bobby Stlnbiata, K BotWJr - See the New 1960 ICA lad ZENITH Badiot ud Televiiirai STEFANSKI Rddio & Television 1157 W. Huron St. ARMSTRONG TIRES For Ford, Chov., Ply., Pontioc, Btfkk, Dodgo, Nosh, Stude. 95 7:50/14 6:70/15 Twbdd 15 7.10x15 Br 1.00x14 ONLY $11.95 PUU ROAD HAZARD GUARANTIi AGAINST CUTS, ■RUisn. RUPTURis, rrc. ~ no timi limit Hercoles Mifflers inO $1100 Ud sr- 0 1 WRITTIN UNCONDITIONAL GUARANTEE FBONT END SPECIAl WHEEL ALIGNMENT ★ Cambar it. Caotar ♦ Taa-la riONT WHEEL BALANCE it OyMMk it $»aHe BIAU ADJUSTMENT AAI Raw Wbaala IbcI. Fl«i4 $095 PLUS: EASY OUDGET TERMS A pkana caN wfH opaii your Account and wall batra your Hrao ruady ta install whan MacDONALD TIRE CO. 370 S. SigiiiAir R S-I13I Siace 1922 Pontiac T think it Is for Loui.sian^5>ti University and the Southd^u. Conference to determine what the game, facts are.” Pete RozeOe, genera] manager of the Rams, said he was certain his club's contract with Cannon was “not in viedation of any state, Welu of federal or local law." j 77-33. Shirley Garms Hughes Shines in Titan Win; 89-85 From Our Wire Servtees .up as one of tiie roui^iest tests 225-215-214-234 - m to Saivlno's 211-176-163-199-749. Smith had accumulated 784)9 poinU, the standard by which the champion will ultimately be decided, by the end of the round. Under the Petersen system a bowler getk one point for every game he wins and every 50 pins scored. To gain to total Smith felled 3.384 points while winning 10. losihfe; five and tying one lica of Chicago was ir rounds witt champion Billy was thiixi with ------------------.Chicago managed to cling to thd lead in the wmen’s field tor the second, third and fourth roundi^. She wound up the nii^t with a' .38-31 point total. refle«ing her' 1,581 pin totel and her i^rord ofi seven won and one lost. on the bench with a badly sprained foot. University of Detroit found anatlKr star to lead it to an 89-85 victoiy over Marquette in a wild game marked by a melee between fans and officials in MUivauke4. ^ It * It Larry Hughes a junior from Walled Lake «ho moved from guqyd to forward refdacing North, hit for 31 points and did a yoe-man's job in holding Marquettqis top scorer Walt Mangham to only eight points. Tbe win tor the 2Mb raaked Titans wnasbed Mseqaefte’s tt gsme borne wtoalai; etreak. HuglKu did most of the first bsll scoring sad then Dave Do- MicwBd half to wind up with tT. lietroit made good on 4tJi per In the final minutes, Marquette began to press all over the court running up a iftring of fouls which ^icost the Warriors’ three playns hard-earned Tuesday victories to is jiow 2-1-1 with Pontiac Ccnti^l!wp~" ti-san fans took place when many smile about today. land Waterford on next week’s The’^ead'^'’* "*' ^“'Vured, onto the court In a wUd The Huskies downed traditional | slate- i The round mhin 'final. melee with officials over tbe fouls, power Hazel Park 23-17 at the * * * 'thSighTfda^ ! P^ice were needed to rastora PNH gym by taking five straight Walled Ldke, down early as us-; men’s division order and escort players and offi- victories in the middle matches, jual. trailed 9-0 before going ahead i Htrrr siriih, at loui, cials off the court. Gutch pins in the last two bouts 15-9 on five successive decisions. | J 4,,,"“®“*'*; chiesjo ” 3444 nlJli * * * produced 25-17 Viking triumph at Detroit G. C. gained a short-lived' 4 Bni’'Lur»rd.%t*’^ui, 3333 Vill other games on the national Detroit Catholic Central. 17-15 edge on a pin and point win » m^Louit .: Southern Methodist sent before John Van Sicklen and Jim 7 xm jo»oh. Lsnimt . saw 75I30 Texas A&M crashing from the un-Teddy scored clinching pins. , o‘BiSk«i^?; JS'’4?‘‘cIty ’?M7 7JI7I beaten ranks by ending the Aggie Mike Cosgrove. Art Whipple. cim^“s.?nn^‘“WMo * Tom and Jim Balkwell and Wes )J 73-ii'66-64 victory Nortbera was down 8-1 nntti the string of triumphs wwre started by Mai Oswalt’s «t1n. A tor-Wl aided the spree. The score was np to 20-8 before the Parkers rallied to take three of the final tour. A big decision win by Dave Fox teammates since toy bowed in to NCAA tournament aanMlaals to California last March. Hie nation’s other two major unbeaten powers—ViUanova LaSalle^ risk their marks on to same card at to Pateftra ViUanova (94)) opposes temple (104) in the first game of to doubleheader and ton LaSalle (94» takes on Syracuse (5-2). Notre Dame scored its 10th victory til 13 games, 73-70, over De- Paul: Duke's Atlantic Conference leaders. downed Oemson, 5041; Nfflrth Texas State whipped Mo-Murry, 9043, and Pittsburgh defeated William and Mary, 77-59, . in the night’s other top games. 1 BETBOIT tlSRqVETTE I OPT OPT RtlflMI 1« ll-lt 31 KoJIt IS 3-S 33 Httw 4 1-3 10 iUuthkm 4S-S S VlM-es U 7-tl 37 4 4-1 IS *■"-1 4 7-7 15 KoUst 4 3-3 It ___-ikt 3 t-t 4 RIpp , 3 t-t S Wrtflit 1 t-l > SculOB - - - Parktr t t-t t Ctmr 7 4-t It 4 t-l t t t-t t t t-t t TottU SI 37-lt tl TeUU N 13-n U Sad One for Monti at L. A. Great Day for Finsterwald Cottrell were the other WslM jit lun B»n-tti"*chiS»#7^^^ This leaves only three unbeaten! LOS ANGELES (API - Dow Finsterwald, golf's third top money winner in 1959, was off to a healthy start toward a lucrAtive I960 today with $5,500 earned as to come-from-behind winner of the $37,500 Los Angeles Open. The 3(J-year-old pro from Te-questa, Fla., heading for the nearby $20,000 Yorba Linda Open, which officially opens 72-hole play tomorrow, won to 34th annual Los Angeles event with a calm 71 in to. final round and a 72-hole score of 290. ♦ ★ * It was a great day tor Finsterwald tot a sad one for a popular Los Angeles pro. Eric Monti, who ly important lead in to 1955 Los Angeto event, jusf had an awful day. He started to round With bt^y-douUe bogey-bogey and never could recover from the' shock. * * ♦ Finsterwald. who earned $33,906 last year.and was the 1958 National PGA champion, toured to Rancho Municipal golf course, with its par 35-36-71. in 96-3^71. MonU did it in 41-39-80. Tied for second place were Dave Ragan of Orlando, Fla.. Jay Hebert of Sanford, Fla., and Bill Collins of Denver, at 283. Tommy Btrit of Oystal River, Fla., and Denver’s Don January led for three rounds and then ex-|f'® * 25 in Buffalo Fold champion Gene Fullmer and Sugar Ray Robinson is “in thel „ „ _ planning stage." Fullmer's U.S. Meet u-by Aussie AAU "lf®«d?p; -SYDNEY, .Australia -APi - ■, ‘5m: 'ms ''hhtaPion miler Herb El- i,-an Fotilhall League. JtB Law- liott will not be allowed to run t«^dlri» icortri tnd )o« P^ttcruld. 33.500 TequMtB. Pl» live huui. 03.433 3.7 OrlMdo. Pit •y Rtb^t, 03 033 33 0«afWd. r equal-'tii'shes yesterday in the $37,500 I Los Angeles oprti girif tournament. ^ j Burkemo carded 72-75-70-74 — 291 uuay BiMitri r^*’^*’* posted his on cards of i 68-76-74-73. 7M4-71-71-100'.. .. .. ____________________________ 00-71-71-73-303 . .. CoUlni. 05.433 • DeiiTtr Tommy Boll 01 Si Terrv Cryitol aiyor. .. J' Don /onuory II 4: ' BUFF.ALO N. Y (AP Hensic,\', a halfback from Ohio .Slate, Tuesday night signed with *c^ the Buffald Bills of the new Amer- Prod Ho»kin» si w El Ptoo. Tok c Monti. 01.400 Lot Anitio Ooy Brower. 0030 —~T^ 100,000 MOTORISTS JOINED* One hundred thousand Michigan people joined the Auto Club of Michigan u neu members in 1959. That is more than ever joined a club anywhere, anytime, in any one year. It ia a world’t record. Such extreme popularity proves many good things for the motorist, but aaaentially, it proves " It Payt to Btlong!” •MitiJmytmAAAymt AUTOMOBILE CLUB •fTKteitfM '.'■j' the United States next week, the Th<. Bills now have 25 pla.vers “...... Australian Amateur Athletic I'n- umler r-ontract. General Manager ion announced today, Dick Gallagher said. * * * -------------■—■ (Johnny Pott. 0030 ,dol;"lourcS‘X d^sl'^rCard Grid Coaches Quit .AW rnoro than a week of conflicting^ CHICAfKJ«A^TheChicago the National •Football?«*rf'*rr tralito ace w^W be permitlrt two,«rf|~ » ran in New Yoifr and Los Ange- _ Walt D.c^’^EnjSr&o ♦ ♦ ♦ Schlinkitian and Wally Lemm — Biii®Bitd«?“i4« ‘ At the same lime Hodsdon criti-r®''® ^ ^ jtm^^^r. w jcized Elliott for delays in notify-! .Director Walter VVolf-i'^“jLM"' •«? ling the Athletic Imon jif his^^^ ! ‘’►The AAAU said Elliott can visit had decided to quit. i B«b^.bu£; g« :roaso!;s"o'? ofrhoM.y‘'lrirH Named Florida Aide 1 Ua u/i have signed point lead .in the 4th quarter, ton was aboard the favored in the two more players. General Man- handed the Aces a 35-34 oversprint in the fifth race. The horse, ager Frank Leahy said Tuesday, time defeat in a Class D City starting her rally near the furlong * ★ * League basketball game last night [pole, ran up the heels of anotlier They aro halfbaeft Bob Zeman. at Lincoln Junior High. The score horse and unseated Campbell The co-captain of the Wisconsin Rose was 30-30 at the end of regulation time. Mike McManus tallied 16 points to feature the Pledges’ 46-26 rout of Eastside Shopping in the other “D” contest. In Hass B action at PCH, a big 4th period gave Clarkstqn a >167-58 triumph over Booth Homes ^land to Avondale Merchants : drubbed winleu Walled Lake, 74-< 7'34.' Clarkston’s Lamiy Leak and i|Bl!l Dunstan of Booth each made A MONTH N 19 points, Jerry Hill had 21 for| Avondale. ENGLISH FORDS ‘199 DOWN *49 i20 RUSS DAWSON MTRS. ? 232 S. Satrinatw St. FE 2-9131 | FOREIGN ond SMALL CAR OWNERS Our new equipment enables us to better wash your automobile. AUTOMIT GAB WASH THE POXTIAC PRESS, WfePNESDAY, JANUARY la. I960 THmTY-FlVTT /tUhf\tke Out/twt Ttail With H. GUY MOATS Outdoor Editor, Pontiac Prest 'God's Country' YieldslSs Trophies for Area Men Off Ice Area Lakes YMter4«y’ii Md lurt Bight’* ntlii and Miter temperature* have made Ice extvertaig* on ALL Oakland Countjr lake* UB»ale. Area comervation men and Bjr the PreM Outdoor Editor Handsome, richly engrossed certificates attesting high angling ability have been received by two Pontiac area sp^ fishermen, from a North American territory. Din S. Holefka, 825 Mead Rd:, Rochester. Elmer W. Bemitt, 2640 Amberley Rd., Birmingham, today were announced as Manitoba Master Anglers, as ft result of their piscatorial prowess during fishing trips, last summer, to the Canadian province of Manitoba, where the pro^ncials SHARK SHAHPIES - Captain BiU Gray gazes at the mouthful df sharp teeth of a SOO-pound great white ahark at the Miami, Fla., Seoi> quarium. The maneater was caught miles out in the Atlantic. Hiese monsters have been known to reach S feet in length and 2,000 pounds. refer to their land as “Ood’s Country.” A ★ ★ , Appropriately, the fine trophy-sized catches were taken from Gods Lake, and Gods River. Both award-win-, ning fish were trout, and big ones, too. BATTLED BROOKIE IN RAPIDS Holefka's 5-pound, 12-ounce brookle. his-biggest brook trout in years of fishing, was taken after a 15-minute battle, the trouter recalled today. **niat was during the July 4th week, after we flew in to the remote section,” he explained ”We were in a canoe, working,the rapids, and I had a little' Heddon No. 3 lure, casting into the back-eddies. The trout fought for 15 minutes. It was zaVit-lnehes long and It is now mounted on the wall of my Rodiester office.’ License Hike Plan Faces Battle LANSING (UPD-Measures to hike the price of fishing licenses and charge an entrance fee for ^ park users are expected to be among the most controversial con-aerxation Issues of the 1960 logis-lature. The conservation department hopes to increase revenue by in- fishing licenses to 23, but such an increase will meet with c sltion. “I thlBk the eoaservatloB de> partroeat Is la for a rough year If It Introduce* legtslstka to In- Rep. Chsrle* A. Boyer (R-Man-Istee), la reoponae to a UPl creasing the |2 price of resident! vey oa legitlative I Graveled Tanks Stop Injury Concrete Bad for Trout Rep. E. D. O’Brien (D-Detroit) predicted a "big tight on fishing licemes," and Rep. Carroll C. Newton (R-Deltm) said he didn i think license fees would be in ★ ★ ★ Holefka was witti three other Michigan men, who have made a numbef of fiahing Jaunts together and are now planning a Caribbean sail party in April at Nassau and Bimini, where they wiU go after some real tadrle-busting deep-sea trophies. it it it But conse^ation director Gerald E. Eddy said legislators who weie familiar with department problems were in favor of the increase. Eddy said the department would not write bills to charge state park users higher fees to raise] money. ‘ We need money, but we feel it is not our responsibility to choose! how to get it.”, Eddy said. "If a sticksr Wll or some other type of] bill to Increase revenue is introduced. then we ll take a stand on| other officials warn again of thut physical condition. Attention centers around a hoWs true for problem in which a large per- | tanks and ponds. Mntagc of tnml saslalned abra- 'The experiment is being con- stons on thetr lower Jaws fn>m effort to obtain add! riibblng against ooacretehot- information. tamed tanks and ponds at the ------------------ departments hatcheries. TTOUt Hatcheiy The reverse , concrete He aald the department wonid lalradnoe tegialatkm to give It control over private Individuals filling In lakes and streams, similar to its powers over filling Great fjikes bottom lands. SiiKe*^st September, fisheries ** n • • i biologists at Wolf Lake hatcheiy L/S6S I UUgiClue have experimented with different ^ ^ sizes of gravel in several tanks as bpace-baver guide LANDS fighting 25-POl’NDER Bernltt’s buster was a 25-pound laker, while not one of toe biggest, like that in the picture, it was deemed .worthy of a Master Award, The pictured lAker was 50-pounds. 1-ounce, 8-ounces lighter than the t(^ fish. Other Michigan anglers receiving awards were Lloyd H. Diehl, Deteoit; Robert J. Bate-The commission has also ap- 8°^, Bay City (largest grayling, 2-pounds, 12-ounces), C. F. proved a recommendation the leg-iSage, Tecumseh, and M. P. WUUams, Royal Oak. ler I Lake Orion), collie, 1894. and ISSO President 4. Douglas Stranahan (Waterford), Norwegian elkhound, 1874- Rudy Buchmann was the Judge. little Worm lures Big Northern Pike Archers Invited for 'Golf Shoot' LAN.SING — A six-week experi- ialature .support a bill to prohibit | guns in cars of persons shining ]deer. Present law allows guns to; be in a case, broken down or' ment w ith a fungicide at the Con- loc'ked in the trunks. Florida visitors are reminded of the sthrt of the ha-tional game fish tourney, at Ocean Reef, at Key Largo.. Open to both men and women the tourney runs from Jan. 21 to Jan. 23. ★ ★ ★ Recent death of Mrs. M Eileen McEachern. of Toronto, I A little goldenrod worm dangling I through the ice of Union I 1 lured the first reported northern I pike to be speared in area waters this winter. Pontiac area archery enthusiasts are invited to lake part in a "golf shoot" Jan. 31. The 18-hole event is Scheduled for Pontiac Country Club's layout, and is u|H>n to an\-one interosied in the bow-and-arrow sport. Giles While Buck Archeiy Club is sponsor. Registration wlU start at 9 a.m. of the shoot, and WiU close at J:45 a m. Competition gets under way at 10 o'clock. Registry fee ii 82 per f^ntry. Handicaps wUl be based on the. Ben Pparson system. aervation Department's Wolf Lake; Eddy said he tbouglit IcgislatoiHj hatchery has paved the way for would bring up the any- rsqueee-di a space-aaving method of Incubat- would bring up the any-deer ques-i Ing trout eggs apartment ■‘'11 who died on a plane, returning from a vUlt in Bermuda, with The fungtelde eliminated the hw father, has taken a prominent and well-liked dog show ex- ruMtomaiy rhore of hand pick- ^ ^ hlbltor from the coming PKC show her# on Jan. 24. Mrs Me- Pontiac Motwxycle Gub held its annual meeting recently and lected Douglas Utter of Garkston tor its 1960 president, along with,starvation losses, other officers. ’This seasMi’i generaBy nrtiA weather hi a reversal al laat winter when the herd was caught In the threes ^ uaaeasouaMy aevere ooudltlons by uM-Deoem-her. Commercial timber cuttings in deeryard areas are reportedly pro-■gressing at a normal pace. Laat winter these cuttings covered more than 109,000 acres of state, federal' and private lands in northern Micb- Department game men term this deeryard-cutting operation as the most important factor in providing winter browse and staving off The elnb, which rouvened at Waterford CIA, will meet again In early February at wMch lime the spring rmdng schedule will be discussed. Other officers include: Harcdd Collon, vice president; secretary, Mrs. Jane Utter; treasurer. Dennis Nelson; road captain, Roy WaUace; referee, H. P. Hardy; sergeant-at-armi. Jim Lee: ing dead cggii fungus killing other eggs. And. I In removing this tedious task. It ' enabled department fisheries bl- i otogbit* to replaee screen tray* and wooden troughs with a battery of 14# gists Jar*. 'The battery of Jam, which take; up about 100 square feet compared] with several thousand aquare feet' needed under the former Incubat- Eac.hern’s ICcrry Blues have for many years been entries here, the far said the almost nbie-pounder point keeper. Glitner Snapp; execu-(34<; Inches long) slid In Jo grab j tive board. Anne Wallace, Ai Wat-tbe morsel and Instead became son. Bill Watson, Gift Martinson, , the victim. Chandler said many ] Bob Bolt and Richard King, the Ice dcapite PonUac*s Complete AUTOMOTIVE DEPARTMENT STORE CUSTOM COLOR ’’Moma ol tha Friaadfr rkiavaa" 84 S. Perry Fi 4-WI4 ____________ ing eyrtem. will hold 3J«1,000 eggs. only win lie This matches the total number —no broadheads allowed. jof eyed-eggs required to meet Monday The club dining room wir be'Michigan’s needs eadi year. open for food service. Ski Clothing Boots <24" Parkas *7" (M*n'i » Ladies') " Reg. 112 Pants *7 tym iNf IU Pants *ld*^ (StrrtcM " ^ Mifni^iNii 24 E. LAWRENCE SNOWSHOES BOfNCING BACK Man isn't alon# in his "ups and downs,” says the state Conservation Department. Take the snowshoe hare, for Instance This paddle-footed animal la a victim of the so-called ’as cycle” in which his “ H-'ihfiatibem dtp -^T'cl rise regular- 60 2 401 ” 4 iS ly over a period of about 10 “ ‘“ years. onl.v S'j-hichr* 1, and there wa* an inch of water on the mirfaee. SE.VGR.XM’S IMPORTED CANADIAN WHISKY Excess Coast Guard Property State Missing Chance to Buy'Bargain Land LANSING (UPD-^Mlchigart StdferDepjitment and Ihe U S. General parks become mort overcrowded i services Administration for 700 every year, but the state may bei..^. u. i .i. ' misting a chance to buy choice ]*""< land with breat Lakce frontage | at bargain rates ♦ ★ * ♦ * * The state is giving the federal The conservation department is government national forest land in the position of trying to obtain elsewhere. The Coast Guard was excess , Coast Guard land without given the land for a fuel depot the money to buy, because Uie when wood wa.v used for fuel, state Legislature refuses to appropriate funds. The land, given by the federal government to the Coast Guard in the 1830's and 1840's, may be sold to the state for half its ap- Cause of the cycles Is unanswerable but state biologists are convinced that hunting pressure is not the cause. The animals have periods of abundance and scarcity even where they are not hunted. Just now old satchel-foot (see picture) U bouncing back from his cyclic low of the last few years. "I was surprised," Chandler re-, ported,” when I found two thickj t very heavy rolls of eggs, and not ‘ a single thing in Ihe pike's atom acli. The fish was normal, showed no evidence of mal-mjtritioB or any reason why it could not take food” • Chandler with Leo Hrudhonune of Pontiac and Frank TIggs of Detrait, also caught many perch. Bats Really Fly Bats are the only mammals which possess the power of true flight, (jther so-called "flying'’ animals, such as fiying squirrels, only GLIDE. PadcUe-Toe for Diving PADDLE-FOOT 1110 Peddle-llke toe on diving ducks helps them to go much deep-1 ]er below the surface tor food than ^can other speciae. known by the company itRJkeeps praised value if no other federal sgency wants it. ’The Legitiature Just doesn’t appreciate the need for state lands,” said BUI OoUwra. the de-partmaat’* land um spednUsL “High quality lake front lands The Bois Blanc land doesn't include a lighthouse on the point, which is privately owped. I price if we had "But thc.v didn't use much ol ihe Umber," t)oibum *ald. “Most of It Is virgin red and white |)ine, cedar and hardwoods. We expect to heep the land as a Two other good 'parcele of land on Lake Huron, Sturgeon Point] above Harrisville and Tawasj Point near Tawas Qty. are sought by the department The Legislature seems to think, hje state has enough land, but Timber Sales $709,000 Cedburn says most of the goodl lan^^ never reverted to the state. ”1 \^*t know how long the] governWnt will hold land for us| if we dM't have the money," he snid. \ Atmos) fx^iplrtcd i<« a land ex-iltange bgtw^ the Conservatiofn LANSING - During the first six months of 1959. state forest timber saiga in Michigan kept pace with those of the 1957-58 fiscal year when receipts totaled some $709,-] (U0;ThJs figure ranks sScond high-! pst on Michigan's timber Sales records; ' FREE mSTALUTKM! 20,000 Miles er I Tew Written Gearantee Open Daily I ft 7-Se)nday ky Appaiatment COMPLETE PRECISION INSTALLATION SPECIAL WHEEL ALIGNMENT -$5.95 WHEEL BALANCIM6 $1.50 Ptf Whtel • Bast Work in tka City • All Work Dona Whilt Yau Watch • Talk fa Skillad Machanics FREE! RUBBER CAR RUG With every hrik# BUDGET mNS 7&7.rrCte. ii()\l)[|) liK'.IUS. (rutMi me rvin,fw \ z*.t> ir.»* ... luawaiw •4 HI OWtt 1.1 m% H2.S5 FOHTUC 3«7IS5 sen $3T5 V_____PINT Particular travelers like the incomparable taste of one particular Imported V.O. •titlia iiimuii eoBriar. sie veil eitT*u.e Pioir. eiuiua vsiin 4 mum wsitmi. Ill mu su 1. I THIRTY-SIX THE ROXTIAC PRESS, WEbNESDAY. JANUARY 13. 1060 mum 3 Area Quintetsm Top 10 OassAPoH Has PCH Fife ^ lUh Frame(^^ •.cnxmtuiB in 3rd Place A very disappointed 3roung man named Monroe Moore Ortonville and Brighton is back in town following a ^-day visit in Omaha, Also' Highly Ranked in Nebraska. He had hoped to stay through this week but pjrst AP Vote things didn’t work ou^ that way. | *’Mo” was in the Western city as one of 240 partici- nure Oakland County area blth pants in the big National All-Star bowling tournament which is now in the final round, strong support in the first He was going great guns at the start being first 38th' Associated Press poU of the season, and then 29th in the race but slumped the last two days of the preliminary^ • " ™n rounds to Just miss making the seminnals. A total of 96 men advanced and he wound up 101st failing by a few pins to stay in as an alternate. day lor the $10,00C first prue and maay others. games, has been ranked 3rd la Class A while Brighton holds dpwn on the ABC at Toledo, sonae loBr> 6tb i^oe in Claas B and QrtonviOe aeys to be put on by the Pro- is rated 3rd in Class C feoshNMl Bowlers Assoctattba Pontiac Central tries to maintain and Petersen CSassle. or improve its rating Friday night u ... . I j n when the Chiefs meet Flint North- He predicts current leader Lm m a crudal Saginaw Vafley Bluth will win out when Oie All- Conference game at Flint The iStar crown is decided Fftday night Chiefs are defending Val|ey The group is down to 16 men,but is milling for frilow Huron in-^ ^ . . who will battle it out through Fri- _,^, iBrighton, defending champion of ..... .... Joe Jo.seph to oome wayne-Oakland circuit battles through. Area fans can watch or - - - - listen to the Friday windup on Detroit TV and radio stations. A Texas Deiends Grid Play AUSTIN, te*,. (AP) - Hie Ua*-] vardi^ ef'Texas has called upon the NCAA tb coodkict an investi-grthn .of Uw charges of "dtaty hurled against Texas foi-kwing the Cotton Bowl game. MAY PLAY FBIDAY t Pontiac Central guard Henry Robertson. siddined by a tiroken wrist betore the 195940 basketball season ever got started, may return to action f>iday night at Flint when the Chiefs taagls witt Flint Northern in a Saginaw Valley Coolei> ence game. Robertson's cast was removed Tuesday. As far as we arc oondferned, It was . a bard^ought. exeain^ contest.’* * * * Chancellor William P. ToUey .was not availaUt for comment Ih*. Logan Wilaon. . add yeatdday he was oonvlnoad after investigation "that the diarg-es are irreap^Ue, false and slanderous." * , He sent a tettee to H. J. Donrl-oott, pmident of the National Ooilegiale Atidetk Assn., Gunnison, Cofo., regitesting the NCAA to name a committee to study the game films and to investigate the diarges. * W W Dorricott, reached at Gunnison. Colo., where he is a member of the faculty at Western State Oot-icge, said he had not received the letter and would have no comment until he did receive it. WWW Athletic Director Lew Andreas of the University Texas' foe in the Cotton Bowl, said at S^cuse: "No men Syracuse University tion, nor any member of its coadiing toff, ever has accused dll' Texas team of playing ‘dirty football’ in the Cotton Bowl JOHN MEADOWS A big, ppsverful senior who lak year jamde the Proas AU-Cbunty cage and grid teams. Meadows took 20 rebounds and scored 40 points even as Don-dero was losing, T342 to Wyan- REBUILT MOTORS ■ w.V . Mom arrived home Monday night and everyone, natui-ally, has w anted to know what happened to him Saturday and Sunday. ”1 had about seven splits and several tough spares. I felt better than I had but my approach and ball were too fast and it upset my timing,’* he eigilained. "I had a good start Sunday but then lost everything.” The Haroa Bawl staff mem- tbe fla, strep Ibraat aad staas ^trouble and was taktag medteiae at the teaney. *T wns m doped ap the first twa .teya I coalda't feel ray ball but I was going well. 1 never had any big gameo bat 1 dida’t have aay splits. I learned to play the alleys acrard- He feels and we are sure everyone here agrees that he did not do too badly under the circumstances. As a matter of fact, this corner j ^thinks he turned in quit* a job. fSlTRA ITE.M8 , Bin Smart, a former partner in the operation, has taken over complete control at Dixie, Recraation. Former proprietor Roy Stroup has dropped out due to ill heSQlh Nine • year - old Kurt Maslowski picked up a 4-10 split there recently . . . Lakewood Lanes boss Bill Kuklinski now an official in-structor. Graduated from Buddy Bomar school. All is in readincM lor the open-lag of the ,st .Side section of new year ♦ * here. He works at Huron . . . Don As far as the area eliminatioa Weichert hit '396 in Ro.val Oak and the tournament "were con-1 Johnny King of Chicago will per-cerhed, the worst his health was|form,and give, pol nt e r s wxt . Maore is bow setting his sights | Three Pontiac men have been I suspended by the ABC. Sam Corke I and Hal Sisk Jr. are out indefi-jnitely for misappropriating league funds. Dropped fo:' one year is Bill Webb for failing to make a monthly verification of his league's bank account which la considered a contributing factor to the loss of loop funds. SERVICE SPECIAL PAY AS LOW AS SI 25 A WEEK BRAKE ADJUSTMENT SPECIAL GOODYEAR SERVICE STORE PONTIAC RETAIL’S Thurs. 14th, Friday 15th, Sat. 16th OPEN ’til 9 P. M. Come In and See Us for a Fistful of Bi| Savings On the... DYNAMIC PONTIAC FOR 1960 fFlSHlNGCllNlC EDDIE WOOD "Mambar of Fishing's Hatl of FoBa" ^ ‘MOVIES— verj one Welcome ^ ^ BAllOONS S AND lOlUPOPS High quality lining, 1,000 mile adiustmant. As low as $1.25, a w«ak. I-year 20,000 miles guarantee. Notoi Mart Safety Center FEWMS-n 3.7148 121.123 E. Moatcalm DONT WAIT ) 16 Salesmen on the flwr to Assist You and Answer Your Questions %/! FOR THE KIDS! PONTIAC RETAIL STORE 63 Ml. Clemens FE 3-7117 B.F.Goodrich .5 -• '.V * / '• ' THE FONTIAC PBES$. XvEpyESDAY. JANUARY ?3. i960 THIRTYSEVEN YOU CAN DEPEND ON FOOD FAIR for the QUALITY YOU WANT.. at Prices Your Budget Will Like! LEAN BOSTON BUH Tli« Idtal Pork Roaitl Proetieolly U. S. CHOICE IIV ROUND STEAK SHOULDER CUT SAN h ikt ifly wHmwM* Ituig piM wkaw puefutw—c» li fuwMtMd bg •00» HOUU- USDAl CHOICE Pork Steak............... 39» POPULAR IRANDS Smoked Ham PeitiMi 39f. VERNOR'S I Ginger Ale | Larqt Botflt LIMIT; 3 10 EA. lUn PORTION OR WHOLE HAM.........U. 49c OImMc'b Skialcu Fnmlu.......2 Lb. Phg. 79c With this coupon at any Food Fair on Saturday, January ■' ' * P.M. ......... ■ ‘ 16, I960 . . . from 9 P.M. until Midnight. Limit: I couppn par cuitomar . . Adulti only. P MAXWELL HOUSE, Hills Bros* Lafer Bros, or Chase & Sanborn COFFEE With COHPOR Below 1 Lb. Voe. Con 59 »#*tf LAND O' LAKES Sweet Cream Lightly Salted BUTTER With Coupon Bolow 1 Found Carton 59 .iso Extra VALUAILE COUPON * With $5.00 FurehoM or Moro KNAUSrS CAVEEN MAND MUSHROOMS 10* VcKNHin Pocked — GoMm Wholo KcriMl 2 OZ. CAN You Save Ite en 4 Com! WHITE OR PASTEL TOILH TISSUE Scot Tissue = 10* NIBLETS CORN.............. CAENATION OE PET EVAPORATED MILK 7 S. *1" CHUNK PACK LIGHT MEAT TUNA BREAST-O-CHICKEN ... 4 - ’1“ CALIPOENIA ROUND PEELED \ Contadina TOMATOES . 5 H EICH. LITBLT.FUVOEED HUNT'S CATSUP.............6i:£‘1~ ••t Incudiiif 6mt, wine, ciparaHei, end Awref 6akeC geede. With TMs Coupee •» any PMd Pair Valid from Men.,,.Ian. II tkraagli Sat., Jaa. 16, IttO iw! Limit: I Caupaa . . . AduHt Oaly P jjUt VALUAILC COUPON • Irec., CboM & Saabom, Lofer Iroe. or Moxwell House Coffee I Lb. Can (Ona Only) 59- at any K)OD FAIR MARKET Limit: I Cauyan. AdulH aniy. Valid tram Maa., Jan. II tkraugk Sat., Jaa. 16, 1966 P VALUAILE COUPON Tee Save 12c ea 2 EeEil FRANCO-AMERICAN SPAGHETTI IAN9UET FROZEN PUMPKIN PIE SAVE 10c FAMILY SIZE FIE 29* h Tomato Soece oed Cbeeca Save lie OM I HARMONT ^ ^ Cut Green Beans 8 Cant I HARMONY Cut Wax Beans. .8 Cam I 30J IQC Jar DIL MONTI . Diced Red Beets PUIIN VICTORIA Bonito Chunks.. .2 cam 29* . MUtSUMANt Apple Sauce 8 303 $|0Q Cam I e---^ lt«kali» %^^md 9WWWW wTwmn bigNiij ovfw Lond O' Lokes Buffer I Lb. Ctn. (Ona Only) CQc With Thiy U # Coupon PRISH ROASTID, FULL-IODIID Food Fair Coffee .. 2 I l|00 at any KK>D FAIR UaRKET LSmit: I Caupan. Adulti enly. Valid tram Man. Jan. II thraugh Sat^ Jan. li, 1940 P Bags Goldoii Ript Swott Curtd COUPON BELOW REDEEMABLE AT YOUR FRIENDLY FOOD FAIRI BANANAS f 12 c lib. AWREY'S GOLDEN ANNI7ERSAE7 COUPON With thii GOLDEN COUPON, you get ^ off the regular price on any one (1) item of regular Awrey Baked Gooda. * Thia coupon ia good until January 30. 1960. ONI COUPON MONONBO TO A OUSTOMBR *Net good on deooratad aakaa, wedding cakae, apecial ordan. NO COUPONS ACCEPTED ON SUNDAY Shop and Save at FOOD FAIR in the MIRACLE MILE SHOPPING CENTER TELEGRAPH AT SQUARE LAKE ROAD m I ,< ■ ** :k\: }. THMf^¥»EIGHT THE PONTIAC PK±^S. WEDKESDAY. JANUARY 18. HH» ^ RocHester Council Gets iWixomRIeis Sevoef Extension Fire Oriel Schingtdi Named, lii^^ Appoinf Heating BoariJ for Pontiac Twp. ROCHEStTCR <*- H» Rochester At Wt tin village CbuncU ha» received thej Milage manager-i preliminary re^f ^ tT. port on ejctending witer and eew-l ^ foetiag the s--------- ■ aervlces aouth ot town, whlch| member haatiag board hm appointed in Pontiac " with Fire Chief Carl named act aa heating impector. Board members are Roy I' CandidotM for 64 Potti min’s hw Ud was tl.08.3« cov- ^ mh« a live-year period. MUSt Return ---------- . ....-----.SeJ^SJcmSs; WDCOM-Candidates tor aix Srtell who has be^ could lead, to lnc i *" other, actton Monaay yj^ayed renewal of rts sanitary th# eltv el^’s office iHrh»rit F - Aiferv an- yard dtssenttne ^ . 15» rePSrt WM baagjjjffl * ^ contrwct with Nii^al;^,he 5 p.m. Jaa. 1* deadline.towiudjMoiMi Sc^ said that Sam Oottea- vey conducted by .enguHsas^fnmjviUage buildings was Awarded lojTwist Drill and Tool Co. which is yiuan Byrd, dty clerk, announced; ^ applications forlmaB, the owner, had made i«ont- a.- -a a- t Nom*‘.. __ hd..s...l Tlhmimmt im An m fllUMrt^rlV oav , . .. s.-,sJi__‘a_i.^a_^ . a. a—a mm tm tta fhirlar m«I J«k Hardy, yard sraa tabled lor li days gie- jbdld a bowling alley and "W"* W am. ?^‘***"**^ to apecMIe^oaa^ lnwler on OndMm impector. mm ■ im Opdjdce road, was tabled » days for study. In atber acttea. Ow TawasMp ■Mid voted ta raloe the eleotri-cal regiatratlM lee ftom It ta match feeo b adjacent me The lecomiomtbtlaM of the xoning board for lot Hne requirements la ResidentisI 1 and it ^ ' trktsjvere apfwoved by the Township Board. Tbey specify that all front lines be a minimum ol W tSet hi width and W feet at the building line in file two districts. The purchase of a duplicating the firm of Ayres, Lewis. . Watson Mutual Agency. Tbpiset up on a gwtrter^ pay Pb" : today and May, Ann Arbor, who esli-!L mated the cost of'the sewer proj-; « « »i «« .«i tor "»..'!“5jRoci,ester Teen Attitudes ToM membership on the new bullying portion of the progjam at $29,200 j£ To Reveal Survey Results Prompted by a request from me South Hm Develepment Com- | mMteq late In November, the 1 rouncll authoriied the oarvey of | South tad Dlwrsion otreeK and , the ROCHESTE»e-The resulU of a ter mml wmth to Avon road, ^ ^ tmt^ At the time the request waii parents In the Roebdster made, councilmen stated the CommunHy Sdhool district toward of extension of water and problems as teen dress, lines south of the vil^ ‘^‘‘Ismoking. driving and conduct in lead to annexation of large puj,Hj. pieces win be revealed at' mercial and industiial proP^rt**«*i!L.rt , -nw cleric’s office also ^ Appals. ActioTon w ^ applicafions will be taken at SSS. ^ line for registrations. Renmeal ef the dismaatling B- Ises before ahd had n6t kept them. rather serve as a guide to acceptable behavior for teen-agers sad L .j » .u ’.*!rt^inext meeting of the Rochester i report both sides of the m in . youth Guidance Committee!Eugene Rounds,'a report on what The meeting will be held at 8 p.m. in the Village CotaicU room. Also on the agenda Is the annual he given by Chalrmin n Jan. 20. afiocation will be forthcoming,lrom a Questionalres were distributed to'the {^mmunity Oiest'for the W deemed poBSibtc has not and a talk by a represents- - . • M ______SUras «U,a Posltlans to he filled In the etoetton indndc tbvmnjrsr’a pmg, Recovery, ^c. Meets Tonight in Rochester Funds aim were authorised awd file new heating impectw tn| weekly meetings of n haafii« ■chool in Fbnfinc. An applicniioh for a "Gaas C Uquor Ucenae submitted by Roy )f the Justice el fiw pence. Three of the Council posts are fbur yw ternu. The.otbCT is a two-yeair term. The msyoi^ post is for (wo years and the justtce ROCHESTER — The association of the peace position 4s for tourj^ people and former mental patlenU. eSDed “R years. nie t^liron whosMerms g Sfet2l.^Gen!^d"*Al[!2lJ St. Pnul’s Methodist Church and regularly every Balon and Donald Brooks. Wednesday evening at the locntim; PfA to MmI Thundoy at Four Towms School Mettala and Alxrams have not yet announced whether they wUL I junior win ■cniur ™*n •»«- ... ■!----- seric re-election. In netition membei-s of the'dents and member of area live of the Big Brother movemeirt. Baton and Brooks both said they —o. »fd «,.t;chun:h«, dub. “1-lB -bb »» >* - Miw. after the survey, if it is found before Christmas. About 800 ^t the Rochester area^ Incumbent .Mayor JoMph Stad- to the teenagers and several hun-| | yp u« ■nminntin^ dred more to the adults. PTZT t^nunniJ ' P^fifi«* but has not yet an- Now the reouH. have bee. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ tnbnlaled and the moults are \MeetlIig Delayed - ^ He hu. been jMyor M Till Tuesday The Youth Code Committee <><_., , .u. 1 William WHke and Robert the parent organization conducted _ ^ ‘ 20* Orland. who is seek- .................a*’'* v«' i ‘"8 »«ve returned inally scheduled to take place yw- nominating peUtions to the cfarfc's terday at Michigan State Univer-,^“^"« to tne cterits sity Oakland, was postponed be- .... FOUR TOWNS - ;’PPwenttoiWof Juvenile Problems’* will be . discussed at the Four TVjwns School PTA meeting at 8 pjn. tomocrow by William McCarthy, director of Protective Services for the Oakland County JuvejMle Court. From 7:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. parents ill meet wttti teachers -pc«al to incorporate with Roqhee- To Build Post Office in Davbburg Soon ready for prrueiitottou to the Wixom became a city In May Only incumbent Justice of the DAVISBURG—A new post office! w1U be hnfit here in the nearj future, U.S. Rep. William S. Broomfield (R-Oakland Cwmty) the poll and, under the chairmanship of MW; Robert Kussee. has prepared charts dividing the answers into age groups, grades and sex on the school level. cause of bad weather and rescheduled for next Tuesday. announced today from Washing- ton. 13,020-^uare foot building to be constructed on the east side of Broadway street be-tiveen Eaton and James strehts will be accepted starting Friday until Mareh 1, said Broomflrid. I'pon cofnpietioa, the building will be leased by t^ Post OfBee Uepartnieal oa a long-ttme basis. a axM^section of the thinking In the edmmunity on problems lading every family. Now the committee will decide whether the findings wiU be used to help formulate a youth code. U Is hoped that the qaestton .Possible biders are urged contact Paul C. Bridgeman Real estate officer. Post Office Department. Box 2658, Detroit 31, for constructirti speetlicatkms. The survey was designed to give aampUag of atfitades. Rhould such a code be adopted, the committee has explained, it would in no way try to tell parents how to handle their problems. butjtcrineHd: Recovery, lac., b s nationwide I by s CM- I school. gCllimSTS AND MgMCAL AUTHOMTIiS TNMMIAHOUT TNI WOtU WIU eONTINUI TO OlSCOtfU THi TMI8 VAUM Ob MOTNR NATVnit HgAlTN OIVtNO NIKIS. ^ MTmS. AMmCAl NUMigg ONI AUNgtl TONIC. yovxi m oiAK tob trwb in KATUMD AT ALL 0RU« STORK cago physk-laa, designed to prevent relapses ta An association of lay people, it features j>anel discuarions in which paiticipanti recreate small, everyday incidents and their reactions to them. This method, sponsors say, provides a therapeutic atmosphere that helps patients re-j(dn their community as fully par-ticipating members. HlgUlght ot the program sHU will be s panel dlscussloa oa promoting good emoHoasI health mtor will be Wallace F. Watt. 1 consultant for the edurattoa unit I of the Mate Health Dept. Watt's felloW panelists will be trainees In parent educatioa from Warren. The business session te slated to’ begin at 11 a.m. and be followed | by a tour of the university bulid-l ings. After a buffet luncheon, the mental health program will start at 1:30 p.m. Any person interested is welcome i Carload Discount Prices ASPHALT TILS i-aasU sTbcE 4*75 c«t VINYL ASIISTOS $595 ca« VINYL INLAID LINOLEUM Vinyl Linoleum NavarNaads Woxiaq 75* to. Yd. 7*u WaU CoTgriBf S4" Rtf. 49c 29* rva. n. PLASTIC WAU TIU Ea. -SMITH'S TILE OUTLET , 738 W. Huron Row Across from the p| 4.4268 Now Post Office Os*n Mra.. Tkut.. Frt. iMIiw NOW DO DISHES FASTEE, CLEANER New Imperial DISHMASTER' A VERY PRACTICAL and DESIRABLE GIFT! You are remembered and apjfiMCiated scores of times each day when you give her a DialiBiagter! She’ll have extra time to do the things she enjoys. o Hands are nevet'' lasatersed ia ‘dishsTater*! o Dishes may be washed as they arc aaed! o Faster — wash, scrape and rlBM at one tbae! NEW FAaURY iRANCK on W0(N>WAIID at SQUARE LAKE RD. DIMONSTRATIpN, SALIS aed SiRVICI FI 8-2581 IN OUR PONTIAC SHOE STORE! OVER 10,000 PAIRS of SHOES EVERY PAIR MUST BE SOLD ... NOTHING HELD BACK ... REGARDLESS OF COST! SALE STARTS THURSDAY MORNING AT 9:30 A.M. Women's TERRIS OXFORDS $*|44 SANDLER 1 FLATS $3.-44 1 SPECIAL TABLE LADIES’ SHOES 1 Men's 4-Buckle ZIPPER BOOTS $344 Alto Youthi ond Beyi. RED CROSS SHOES *5 *"*6 Penobscot WEDGIES A FLATS *5*^*6 VokiM to $12.95 NATURAL- IZERS 5r*6 Children's . RUBBER GALOSHES $|44 Men's LOAFERS Si ‘6 Slock tond Brown MEN’S 10 Voluti to $18.9S Women's SNOW BOOTS While They Lott *4« SpecUl Gieap Ladies' PUTS 3 All Sixes Voluet to $9.95 NURSE OXFORDS Fomous Clora Bartons Reg. $9.95 ‘6 Boys' and Men's Basketball SHOES T Rog. $5.95 'WemgR's Wellco HOUSE SLIPPERS $< $244 Rog. $5.95 Women's Ripph Sola OXFORDS *5 Brown or WhH.e WOMEP *3 *4 ' e NATURAUZEIS • RED CROSS • FIANCEES • e SANDLEIS e PCNOISCOTS • SPAULDING Values to $79.95 LIE rOOTFLAIRS • RAUKOUN e TWEEDIES • MANT OTHEIS MEN’S FAMOUS BRAND SHOES *5 *6 *8 *10 Values Up to $22.95 Sany— Nb Rsfisdi, LiyAWAyi! All SaIbs FiBAl! 47 No Saginaw St. BE HERE EARLY FOR BEST SELECTION FE 2-8406 ' I '\ IMm IttMtiM Syriii|« Bt Cotnpact for ' • fr»vtl. ftopttf THB PONTIAC PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 13, I960 TIimTY.NINk'^ Customers Are Wise to Check Sales Tax Set On Baby SPECIALIZED SERVICE • m>fi MS :i INtM-COMS • WIKOR FACTORY SIRViCI BLAKE RADIO-TV SIO W. HimON CB4^1 LANSING ’ ihe»paW thrw|n«*¥r grade te^hei unborn child, to anyone who could provide them with a bet- mondni -will be arrairhed in Oak-! at Haviiand: ter home. A ehildlass couple from Newcastle accepted the County Circuit Court Monday,' The name film, depirtlns Ws- Td Arraign 4 in Area Thefts Pontiac Police Claim | They Hove Admitted 281 i Oakland Burglaries Thuraddy in WiUerford Area j . Four PTA Groups to Meetl - ]. ■ ' ■ . . Four Parent' - Teacher Assn, phases as mental hygiene. tnti^et[ meetings have been acheduled tor and finance, and the philosophy and’ tomorrow night in Waterford!structure*of PTA. Preceding the* Township. 'discussion, teachers will be in theirj At the first PTA meeting In the!rooms at 7:30 p.m. to meet par-! new Laura Haviiand Elementary ents. 1 Four men who Pontiac nolice a movie, "They Voted Yes.’’! The movie was filmed In Waterford! An average automobile Mver li VIVITED > SHIRT DISTRIBUTORS Tel-Hsron Shopplof Center "This constitutes an addition to the sale priqe of a tax anounting to 5.3 per cent and 4.4 per oeht, reapeedvdy. The constitutional UmiUtkm is three per c«it," Ad- Tltyn.. Fri.. St. WlHi TJilt,. CoMpgsi FREE One shot liom with aoch pmir of keif telet or keeh. Rubber Heels Tfe (Far Men. Woawaead. Childra HALF SOLES Meay, WeUMm's NEiSNETS Skee Repek •43 N, WHILi YOU WAIT OR SHOP MRViqi offer. Their names were not disclosed. Tor two weeks the Cummings received nasty and threat-Ing letters, but the letters stopped krhen they moved Into a house here 2V^ months ago. Apparently critics of the baby swap bargain decided the greater good outweighed the rest. ★ ★ k The baby, which was bom Sunday, weighed 7V^-pounds. It will be taken over by the Newcastle couple at the end of this weftk. When formal adoption procedures are completed the child will be christened and will begin a life divorced frdn the knowledge of the swap. Tbey a» James C. Van Luven. 17, of 1000 DuranI St., -Pontiac Township: Gerald McIntosh, 22, of 547.Yalencja St.; Samuel Hampton. S, ef 584 Casemere St.,. Orion Township, and his brother, Donald. 19, same address. Second Police Court ,for the position. The new Jurist Cl 1. j • <■> j B • j under Senior PMice blated in urond Rapids court judge Edward Burleson. The new'court is expected to be qRAND RAPIDS tUPII Hie Mx of the 28 break-lM were sate barglariee, acoor«a« to U. BayniMd Megxitt, bureau rommaader. 16-year-oId boy involved in the break-ins has been turned over to Juvenile authorities. lerford Township'* srowth seiiool building during the laNi 10 years, will also be shown at the 1:4S meeting at (hr Drayton PlalB* School PTA. Preface — The associate police Judge post./ |town governing board has de- Ponder Albion Merger ALBION nth in UulFalleut* s-ktasUeiB. I__^ . . . . L ^ election race next mont Shop Downtown Where There shelters must pay taxesig3i oaldand Ave.. wa.s burglarized. city primary among ckndidateslon them. ig' railroad detective spotted them i leaving the building and they fled on foot. Police found their abandoned car containing the wallets. Munde (Ind.) Malleable Foundry Co. will meet Feb. 1 to consider a merger proposal. Collins L. .Car^ ter, president of the Albion firm, Uid additional capacity is needed fo maintain the company's posi-the industry. One Lot of CHILDREN'S SHOES $199 One Lot of HOUSE SUPPERS $100 1 Reg. 3.00 & 4.00 Veluei 1 While They Ust One Lot of Women’s Choice Psll-OB Boob Red end Brown $■199 $199 1 Reg. 3.00 & 4.00 Values ■ Sixes Women's 8-3 4-9 VEMm PAMH.V •HOPFINO CBNTBR — IS— ^ A A •ring tk« family! Bring tht neighbors! You find more sfertt, more styles, mere voriety, mere volues in Downtown Pentioc . . . PLUS—A BONUS— because the merchants listed below will kelp pay for your perking . . . end folks, thoro is plenty of parking only steps from the store, or shop, or bonk in which you went to do business. Frte Forking Volidotion Stomps Givon With Eoch $2.00 Purchoso! Be Sure to Ask for Your Parking Stomp in These Stores! ARTHUR'S 41 N. Sasiaaw Sf. THE DtCOR SHOP 26 W. Hurau St. MO^UY MEN'S WEAR RAPPY'S NATIONAL 106 N. SigiMw St. RACKENSTOSE ROOK STORE 19 I. Lawnmea St. FIRESTONE STORE 140 N. Saoiuaw St. CLOTHING STORE 9 S. Saginaw St. OSMUirS MEN'S WEAR SI N. Saginaw Sf. WAYNE GABERT 121 N. Saginaw St. SALLAN JEWELRY CO. •S N. Saginaw St. RARNin'S CLOTHES SHOP ISO N. Saginaw Sf. GALLAGHER'S MUSIC SHOP 17 I. Huran St. FRED N. PAULI JEWELERS 26 W. Huran St. SHAW'S JEWELERS 24 N. Saginaw St. BIB AND HALF APRONS DR. B. R. BERMAN, 0. D. OPTOMETRIST 17 N. Saginaw St. GENERAL PRINTING B OFFICE SUPPLY 17 W. Lawranca St. PEGGY'S DRESS SHOP 16 N. Saginaw Sf. SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINT 71 W. Huran Sf. R«g.59c awSauaU cartani. S* siasy aWWrni usU (u|. art ta chaai* fraa. Suy isvaral (*r yauritif. t BOBETH SHOP 14 N. Saginaw St. GEORGE'S-NEWPORT'S 74 N. Saginaw St. PAULI SHOE STORE J5 N. Saginaw St. STARR'S JUVENILE BOOTERIE ^ 21 I. Lawranca St. CLOONAN DRUG CO. 72 H. Saghiaw St. HUB CLOTHIERS II N. Saginaw St. PHILIPS LUGGAGE A SPORTING GOODS 79 N. Saginaw St. TODD'S SHOE STORE 20 W. Haran St. CONNOLLY'S JEWELBIS 16 W. Iluian St. JACOBSEN'S FLOWERS 101 N. Saginaw St. DICKINSON'S MEN'S WEAR Saginaw at LawfancaSt. LEVYIS FURNITURE CO. 62 S. Saginaw St. PONTIAC ENGGASS JEVYURY CO. 25 N. Saginaw St. WIGGS 24 W. Huran St. Manufocturors' Somplot JEWELRY MAHeUfT ANN SHOP 17 W. Huran St. PONTIAC GLASS CO. 21 W. Lawranca St. WARD'S HOME ournniNG co. 41 S. Saginaw St. FOR Wkal a wanSarfsl array af giai, WVoluff w.H»I.OO DIEM'S SHOES •7 N. Saginaw St. McaNDlESS CARPETS n N. Farry St. THE PONTUC PRESS 41 W. Huran St. WYMAN FURNITURE 17 I. Huran St. II W. fika St. Women's Acofote Tricot PANTIES INFANTS' BKOADaOTH DRESSES Save 37c 4-791 Salia calari wlIN Uainly lac» onU aabraiSary *riisi. Yaur chaica at lasg-wtarint, abtarhasi Wsihat onS SHm awiclily, scaUt na (raning. flattie bria* ar banS \ lagi. Whita, asS talari litat 3, 0, f. SOFT SPUN COnON CREW SOX TODDLER'S COHON ifraigM ar rwirlaS. Tan^ caS.lrigla raS. &Pk9' WbMt.Si|at refill.' PANTIES law, abicrbasi, lasg. NEISNER 42 NORTH SAGINAW OPEN DAILY 9:30-5:30, Mon., Fri. 9:30-9 :V n Mfi fortV THB PONTIAC PRES^l WEDNESDAY. JAinrARY 18, I960 > Fire Germans in. Britain After Anti-Jew Ruckus State Park Fee Again Proposed Several ,BritWj companies dv were reported flrln* German , weiVeri or coid-shouldenag G«> man goods in retaliation for the anti-Semitic outbreaks in West Germany. ★ ■■ * -■-.■4:- . Dr. Joechtm Ritter, West Ger~ Pontiac CHy Affafeg Seek Soft Sell on /^epoirsESs i Two dty commissioners Sonator Says Eonds for night called for restraint by the Improvaments Can Bekity when « cans on home R«tir«d in This Wav ltW« y«ar to make side»alk Kefirea m mis way jn from of their houses. . ... ! Commissioners John A.- Dugan LANSING Jit-Three Republican Floyd P.^MIles fpoke out as tenators today lamched anotherjthe jConuntetioo, the' ^ifenginrerii last 11 the home osmri don't make them themadves. ^ ‘. Wood «fWim one day ."rtusc^kly I ' ----------------- help bntid rich, red Wood . . . to i . {Bronson s Curfew Is so starved for Iron that you just veaanvvv drag through the day. get Pinkham TaWett from drug atorea. See if you dobt soon feel like a ”nav” womaa igMn. ___________ fIMAll AllMINTI-einkham's lUquld) A Starts Thursday BRONSO;< (UPI) — Bronson s new curfew for youths under the ftnv night. The curfew Is 10 p.m. Sunday through Thursday and 11 p.m. Friday and Saturday. Parents or guardians of underage children are iubject to a HOO fine if their children violate the curlew. MIDTOWN SHOF 101 Vk N. SAGINAW the $10,000 a year post as successor to Duane H. Mosler, the Republican attorney from Detroit who was ousted by an attorney general's ruling last week. Under n quirk In the taw, Mosler had served M years wider a Wx-yenr nppnlntmenl. Atty. Gen. Pnal L. Adams ruled he was disqualified for furtber tomre by passing bis TOth birth-i day. i Moskowitz 1s a state public ad-: ministrator. a former OaUand County Board of Supervisors mem-iber and a former chairman of jthe Oakland County Legal Aid Committee. * A * He is married and has four chil-dren. His wife. Fay. is an. flllicer of tbe Oakland County Democratic Committee. ♦ ♦ A The appointment, for a tbrm ending March 31, 1964. requires Senate approval but Moskowitz will serve on an interim basis! Take Sharp Rise in Michigan The holidays that have just passed will go down in history among the most heartening events in the lives of Michigan theater operators, according to Art Sanford, manager of the Oakland The-•ier. Despite the ooM weather 8RO aigHB were up In dozens si the-nton In the state. Tbottsands oheerfiilly lined up in front of boxoMlees In Ann Arbor, Battle Creek, FItart, Grand BapMs, Xal- ported at Oapac. Mariette, Car-sonvIUe, Yale-Avoca, Brawa City and Peek wwt o( PoH Hnron nad ia several oommaidtiet near Sag- ! Innw Bay. | Kalamazoo reported 2.8 inches 1 Charged by Grond Juty in Alleged Payoff From'station, says it was the heaviest Real Ettate Promoter jf""'" j I A*newly-opened section of the; ! NEW YORK IP—.Manhattan Bor- EdscI Foid expressway In Harper; lough President Huian Jack was'Woods was closed when sewers | Indicted today for conspiracy to-burst and sent 18 inches of water | I obstruct justice and violation of the flowing along traffic lanes. j i city charter. i Temperatures, which started rta- Jack, a Negro, hgs the highest ing yesterday morning after freez- I municipal ottioe in the country hdd ' by a member of his race. The Indletment* slemined from grand Jury questioning'^out a $5,500 remodeling on Ms Harlem apartment which admittedly had been paid by Sidney J. Ungar, a real estate promoter. Both men claimed the transaetton was a loan. Jack, a Democrat, has claimed he received the loan from Ungar early in 1958 at a time the latter was seeking approval of sponsorship of a 28-miQion-dollar slum clearance program. Jack subsequently voted against such approval in tbe board of estimate. Ing rain had creaked havoc motorists, continued moving ard and hit a peak of 53 in troit at 2 a.m. today. The warming trend resulted in dense fog which halted air traffic I in Detroit Hw a time during the* night: I Capital Airlines Wants ! to Quit State Route j WASHINGTON P-Capltal Air-i lines, in a brief tiled with the! <*ivl| Aeronautics Board, has asked' to be removed permanently from aetving Sault Ste. Marie, Cheboy-! gan and Traverae City. ______ Capital also has recommended atera are stiU coming In and it: indictmentconiisted ol tour|it be replaced in serving the three' seems that the natrons in the I‘“iWtebigan cittea by North Central Ser 51., S) ,0 If I" »d,hm TV ... nM J„. „ ; vfolation of the city charter. t> in answer to a CAB examiner's .... Dist. Atty. Frank S. Hogan said.rpport in coffhection with the Great Previous to the holidays the tl end, L'ngar was named as a coconspir-'Lakes local service case.. pending senate action to higher mqvie attendance wasigt„ not a codefendant in the evident. It began In October «ndi indictment. Waterford Twp. Building Hits J20 Million High in'59 OAKLAND FUEL .,nn(tMlMOeccwe OaMER^ a«« t, M« srtwee - rou t txmi the hn thmm Imm 4 Summer AlaM t NOW Opon 10:45 illEXcrrnicm wm di»et show E[15\‘0’[X]'ir/A\KOGa©8 SKY MM UVENTUKi MU NWH TNHUII waiDeim TKROMAN SiMOUNniN "Aad ea Tka Ssmo I WJUTDlSNIVll SAT.! “THI PURPU GANG" A "THI ATOMIC SU^ARINE" I T " , ■ /. 1 1;HK PONTIAC PRgSS, WEDNESDAY. JANUARY .13, 1960 tX>RrY-ONIfi In the FabulouB *iS08. Babes, Oldsters to Up Michigan's Population Importanl Mclkt wid (ut In tbi rkbuioiM 'sei.) By PROP. ALBERT i. MAYER 0t Wayne State Vniveralty, Detroit DETROIT (B-The decade (rf the 1960b wlU be a crucial population gtuwtb. The neJrt 10 yean will determine whether Michigan will continue to grow rapidly as it has in the past, or whether It n-ill actually kwe population, particularly its youth, to opportunities beckoning outride the state. To understand why thisds so we must look at the past history o( growth in Michigan and relate this to the present day population situa- More and more training will be required to nil tiMnorrow’s* jobs. IhuB the state must be alert not only to try to energetically capture new Job producing industries, but must review its entire educational system as wen. The areas of health, housing and rcereatian for the aged will become ol increasing importance, in the life of our state and nation. Particularly acute is the underlying problem of adequate income for persons who live for more than hari>aada. preMema at the female wUl be even more If a wensaa has her last ehUdrea hi her early Ms, as most do today, and this child leaves borne while the mother Is still la her eariy Ms, that woraaa ean look forward to betweca N French Assembling Big Radio Telescope ■ French NICE,. France (AP) Bctantista hope to have dio telescope sutficlently assembled to trade space fUghtg ne^ September, PrM. G. F. ■ of the Paris Observatory To enrich this of years which for most women is relatively without a meaningful function will be one d our biggest proWems in the years ahead. The 1960s thus wiU see a increase ip the numbers of dder persons in the population. Virious programs of sodal service, both puUic and private, will wring iq> meet the needs ol our senior After-tax Inoxne at Americans is expected to rise 5 per cent to 338 billion doUars in 1960. Denisse reported to the 16«ation international ipaceconlereiice here, induding repcesmtativps, of the l|nited States and the Soviet Union, on the device under construction at Nancay. The professor said the telescope, when completed, will outrange the British installation at Joddrell Bank, now the worid’i most powerful. He did not specify toe date fd* completion. ADAM AMES By Lon 1 .j->ouANf>i-wri» M«>BEGOdOnM»nc... A Si-GSSED CHANfiRl! ooN,jojamtTHSw BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES ■ ^ODiTV\’K> WXttX. Vn By Edgar Martin Today the states’ population Is nearing toe eight million mark. Between INO and IMS Mlciilgaa gained o\'er five mllUon penonn. Thin rapid growth has been nl-most steady. In tact between ISM and ISM Michigan iacreased by tS per cent. This proportionate increase was surpassed by only two other states east of the Rocky Mountabis. Michigan is iised to growing quickly. The populatioli increase has stemmed fnm large increases in the u» of automotive vehldes and' Michigan's prominent rde in the manuufacture of these vehicles. As a result large numbow of persons have been attracted to Michigan to seek jobs in the grow-. in^ nuto factories. Until 1925 immigrants from .abroad comprised the main stream of this migration, and later migrants, both white and Negro, from the southern part of the United States were attracted to Michigan. CHILDREN TO GROW Because most of the migrants of the last 20 yearf have been young people in childbearing ages Michigan now has a puUcularly large number of phUdren who will grow to maturify and enter the labor, force duripg the 1960s. In turn, today's children i marry and raise families, to that even more population growlh Is mated that by IMO t I of Nldilgaa wlU bo about WhetIWr this projected ixq;>ula-tion growth will actually take place, or whether job opportunities in this state will lag, with a consequent out-migration of young people, is still a question mark. The key, of course, is in not only the number but the character of job opportunities that will be offered in Michigan during the next 10 .vears. The automobile industry, backbone at the state's economy, is a maturing industry. While it will doubtless continue ’ to grow to satisfy the needs of the larger and more prosperous United States population, its growth rate can hardly vbe expected to match tliat of the past. Many more new kinds of jobs will be needed in Michigan during the 1960s to meet the needs of the gtwing resident population: In the Detroit area alone over half a million additional jobs will be necessary by 1980, if all those who come of age and enter the; labor force are to be employed. Further, the advancing tech-nolog.v of automation will reduce the number of unskilled Jobs. The times wlien factory gales "No, toat doesn’t look like as good a place to eet as any!" , ’ll' ■V 'I FOEtY-TWO THE FOXTIAC PRESS, WED^BSDAT, JANUARY IB, 1960 &s and Fi Market Drifting, Chemicals Slip NEW YORK (fv-'n* stock market once aftin tailed to tnaintatn initial firmness and drifted lower earty tMa aftemom. Turnover was fairly aottve. Tlie following are tq;> prlcea covering sales of locally grown produce brought to the Farmer’s Mitfket tty growBci jtod a^ them hi wholesale package lota. Quotations are furnished by the Detroit Bureau of Markets, as of Tuesday. Steels ar« M*r. ---- 0«c........1.11 May . ■185 : UV tJTy-.: -------- -------* 33-*0. eo«* IS.N-lt.M, few up to IIM; *nd cutMr* I2.SO-M.00 Hac»-S*Ubl* too. Butehar* *nd ■oaa -joatly 25c hither; moat mind U.S. Mo 2 ond 2 IM-220 Ib. butehara 12.00-12 00; load mixed 1. 2 and 2 aTeraflnt ------- -JO n>*. 12.11: mind 1 and 2 - _ . . 1 abnnt aorly: No. 2 olW 2 120-200 Iba. II SO-ll.SO; No. 1 2M-100 lb«. 101S-1I.2S: mixed rodei 400 Ibo. 0.M-I0.M; IM-lOO PonUae Shrine No. 33 WB.J-SUted Meeting, Wed.. Jan. 13,3:00 PM. Mary m3S^. Scribe. Adv. Veslera-Soltblo Tl. Fully aU -Jolce and prime 10-42: atandard pood 11-21: euU ond attllty tl-M. ------- ------- ... filial < Lo^e No. Sheep—BalobI* 400. Slauohtor elanei fully-atcady; asotterlnt food and cholet wooled lamb* 10 00-21 00; nUllty lo sood tO IO-ll.OO; euU to cboteo alaufhtor owe* Poultry and Eggs Diraorr rortraT Port Huron man. Chai-les Knox, has been named Pontiac Terminal Manager Great Lakes ExpreM Co., ^ S. Saginaw St. SO-litb: bMi7 type ^tlen tad fryera! vhltaa 21-11; torrad Rocka lf-21; heaey typo youns t DSTltOIT EGOS.. ormorr, j*«. n (APi-i*t* f ttrolt la can Iota tederal-itale aro _Whltu—Orj^ A extra large ST 1 ledlum 21; am^ k Orada A lar*e 2*-M: madlum 2S-2ltb. Jacob Malik Recalled at British Ambassador LONDON IM-Jacob Malik, Soviet ambassador to Britain, has been relieved of his duties and has been succeeded by Aleksandr Soldatov. Moscow reported today. A Tass dispatch laid only that Malik had been released “In connection with his transfer to other Soldatov has been head of the U. S. aectlon of the U.S.S.R. foreign ministry. its Lodge Calendar News in Brief The new company was formed Jan. 1 by fhe merger of Doyle Freight Lines and Blair Transit Co. The Pontiac facilities were formerly operated by Blair, Knox has been terminal manager for Blair Transit in Port Huron for the past 12 years. He replaces Joseph Whitney who will become general claims agent fbr the Great Lakes Express general offices In Saginaw. Thieves broke Into Hutto’s Service Station, 885 Oithard Lake Ave. last night, broke open a vending machine and stole an undetermined amount of money from it, it reported to Pontiac Police. Mlehael Wright, of S3 Whitte-more St., reported to Pontiac police early this morning that mme-one stole a billfold containing about $5 fn»n his home. Banana oil ia made from potatoes, beets and grains. Highway Men Wrangle . Over Northwest Xway tnunck), a minority member, was uncertain about reviving the com- Demberat, M "draggtag bis feet” ew toe 33 I flaMied. Maekle vigorously dle- Sen. Stanley .Roatyckl CD-Ham- Inflation Likely After Steel Pact don't, know what we have turned up except that toe civil service commiaaioef tretched toe ralet in hiring appraipeni and stepping up their pay,” Rocydd said. Alter beirllif; Mackie alluded to toe controversial appraiaers eUaode Indirectly in a reply to StahUn criticism of Mackie aaid available bond funds would allow completion of a leg of toe proposed route from near Jamea Couzeni And Eight MUe road in Dqfrdt to Telegraph road OJ.& Ml. Contewets wiU be M to 19Sl,and 1962. PBODUenON HIOHER 'Compared wtth the 54 per coit increase alleged the senator, the true tocreaie to costs of ad-ministratioa over 1957 are about U per cent,*’ Madde said. "We have increased produettoa more than 100 per cent." StaltoB eaM whn toe etato eeU S3 aUllea deOare to beads la prejeet toe b prondsed oompletlaa ef the Job Pushing Idea of Hedges by Equity Investments, Says Institute Almciet three years later, he said, bon(fliolders and some taxpayer! are threatening to sue the state for perfomance. None of toe work is under contract. Only 10 per cent of necessary land has been bought. He said the state's credit was being hurt. The spokesman said this first te| would use up the bond issue monies sold for the entire extension. Mackie yesterday would not be ^ fiined down on when the project woold be extended from Telegraph road to its intended terminus at U.8. 23 near Fenton, saying financing was a critical problem. As proposed toe road eventuany was to extend past Telegraph, link up ulth Orchard Lake avenue (M218) at Haasertv road, and then continue to a link with Highland (MS9) road norUn est of Mll- "If you're Investigating waste,*’ Mackie said, "I suggest you investigate the previous admtolstratkin ha selling bonds about two years befiHn they were ready to ' the road.” Tht bonds were sold by Repub- duck commissioner. Madde said Ziegler moved in ill- NEW YOWC (UPD-The potential threat of a steel price increase could strengthen interest in Tnflation-hedge” equity investments, says Investors Advisory Institute. The market could receive a boost from the very temu of the steel n f settlement, according to the insti- \jrjYl lieSeaTCh tute. “These terms appear to be somewhat inflationary as toe steel companies may have to raise prices to offset their increased tabor costs.” ‘ In turn, H pdnts out, a price boost should tend to raise price levels throughout the general economy. Vinson Spurned by Wisconsin Brings Guide to Road Edge l?ni I Business Sendee says WASHINGTON-A umrning-buzzer to notify motorists when their cars are too dose to the pavement edge has been demonstrated here before the Highway Research Board. chlnery makers are bright. Ad-rises purrhaae of Caterpillar Tractor, Cooper-Beaaemer and Yale A Towne. Bache A D>. believes shares of Oelanese Oorp. of America are significantly undervalued. It recommends purchase for intermediate to long term capital appreciation possibilities. “Lack of patienoe over the years s probably' proved a larger source of loss to investors than lack of knowledge,” warns Arthur Wiesenberger A Co. “Many of the investors who withdrew from the demonstrably high market of 1928, only to be drawn back In 1929, suffered toe consequences.” Developed by Electronics-Instrumentation Department. General Motors Research Laboratories, the Electro Lane is analogous to the “beam” by which aircraft pilots maintain course from one airport to a Albert F. Welch, head of Elec-tronios-laBtruraentatlaa. taM the Eleetru Lane is a simple low frequency (two kilocycle) electro-mujpi^ devtoo tout eouU be .........easily la ur beside any The road syitem could be powered cither by 12-volt batteries or an alternating current power line with 12-volt batteries for takeover in^ event of power failure. Allred L. Vanden Broeck A Op. notes toe supply of new equity j' issues is unlikely to meet the gro«1h of demand so long as tax laws continue to permit toe pres-sent levels pf depreciation and depletion on the one hand and foil to eliminate the double taxation of dividends on the otoer. State Group Starts 'Draft Adlai' Drive Offers Sanctuary to Runaways Lawyer Aids Heiress, Boyfriend STOCB aVUAOES (CaaaiSM hr Tha^Aaaoclated ejaaai^^ Nat ehaaaa ....-i.i , .. 8fc! 8:2 Sl:l TSL'JV .......» >« > 12M-M blfh ....211.1 142.1 in.4 234.1 « « ii BOW-JONCe I r.24. AVESAOXS 3IaS( I42J1 air 2.41 Ralla IM.N oft 141 UtUa as.42 on 4.21 fl Btaoka 2U.M OH 1.24 Toiaai* w 1 a-ai. i.lM.oM. Boldvln Rubbar Co.* .. Xoai Oaor Co.» ........ Ot. Ukaa Oil It Cb. Co • Uka* Oil_________ ---all Boo. MW. Co* ... FaBlnauiar Mat. Pr. Ca* Th* Froohat Co •........ Rudy MaDuloeturtaf Oo A PARLS (UPl) — Runaway New iVe arranging a divorce from hls York debutante Gamble Benedict wife. Then we mairy right away. and her married boyfriend found help and protection today in manian lawyer's apartment ih the swankiest neighborhood in Paris, Attorney J. Oosacesfu confirmed last night his fellow Romanian refugee, Andrri Porumbeanu, 35, and the 18-yeai>old Remington typewriter helresa tvere “guests of mjvrif and my wife” in the Coia-cesfu apartment in the fashionable 'If necessary I will be a typisf to help us live. I can type bat if I do I cln tell you It won’t be on a Remington.” The heiress to the Remington typeivrlter fortune said she resented that Andrei had been called a chauffeur. ‘He has been slandered and called a common adventurer,” the said, adding he bad fought valiant-the U.S. Air Force in the iWPWtf^^palgn and later worited The lawyer said be woidiriitand , researcher in an American company. beturcen the nmawayi and "any* Red Men at War Over Portrayal of Indians on TV Mm Mued betag spilled la tele- Fifty braves sad chiefs from tl Mbco held a pow wow here Tueaday Bight abiicd at defend-, tag ibe red m'au’s reputaltou' foam tbe ra«age« of TV. They taa«ed a eaH to ANDREI PORUMBEANU But Cosafescu allowed a London Daily Mirror writer to talk with Porumbeanu, described in N York as a chauffeur and handyman, and Miss Benedict, who disappeared from her grandmother's mansion off Fifth avenue after attending a debutante ball Dec. 27. Gamble's grandmother, Mrs. Henry Harper Benedict, was reported ill with pneumonia in New York and to have sent a lawyer, Robert Hoffman, to Paris to persuade Gamble not to go through with plans to marry Porumbeanu once he gets a divorce. DETROIT (UPD — A group of amateur poUtidans today openly launched a drive to “draft” Adlai E. Stevenson for the Democratic nomination for president. Allen Rosenfeld, 28, cochairman of the group, said it has been organizing since October but did not announce itself publicly “s not to embarrass Stevenson.’ “Now that there have been New York, Ohio. Wisconsin, Oregon and other states, to stay In GAMBLE BENEDICT Mrtliday Friday,” qvotod by too Lmi-doB DaUy Mirror. "My grandmother Is wonderhiiy kind and generous. She would give me ears, tart, aaytMiig I asked for. Bat she can’t onderstaad that the only Mrtbday preoeat I waat Is *' “I wouldn’t, care less about my grandmother’s money. ’ Gamble said she called Andrei •‘Drachshor" — Romanian to ‘‘imp,” and he confided he referred to his young lady love Rs “my Gypsy, my Bami^ because they suit he, ’ they are better names than Gamble.” “I will marry him,” Miss Benedict vKwed. “Not in time for mp He said a meeting Feb. 1 make "draft Stevenbon” plans and a Wckoff rally nrlll be held later in February nrtth a naticaally known speaker. To date members of the group are confined largely tq the Detroit and Ann Arbor areas, Rosenfeld said, but expansion plans are under way. “We don't believe (Gov. G. Men. nen) Williams realistically considers himself a candidate for the nontowtion,” Roaenleld said. “But It wouldn’t make any difference if he did—we want Stevenson.” Market Operator _____ Challenges Principal y.s. Freighter Turn Signals DETO()IT (UPD - The P^er KinQ‘Size of school principals was being Awiay challenged today in circuit court here in a law suit brought by a restaurant and market owner. Mrs. Sophie Tripepi, operator of a market in Dearborn, charged that Salina School Principal Robert W. Young told atudents^ her business was ‘'ott limits.’ Young barred students from entering her establishment during school hours. Orcuit Judge Joseph G. Rashid denied toe woman’s request lor an immediate restraining order. He set a hearing for Jan. 22. Staff C. of C. Directors Hold 1st Official Meeting LANSING (Fv-Dlrectors of the newly organized Michigan State Chamber of Commerce held their first official meeting here yesterday. Robert P. Briggn, Chamber president, said several applications for the post of top executive director are under consideration. Internal _ _______ . organization took up most o< the birthday. Bat 1 will have him. We meettag, Brig|s repwted. NEW YORK (AP)-When the freighter Golden Eagle is going to mske a turn, even a landlubber will know which way. The Golden Eagle has king-size turn signals, like the ones on cars —only these are visible lor up to tone miles. The Military Sea Transportation Service said Tuesday the arrow-shaped lights had been installed as an experiment in finding woyi prevent ship collisions. Lloyd’s of London estimates there Is an Rear Adm. J. C. Dempsey, commander of MSTS’ Atlantic area, explained that many cbllisions re-' from confusion, rather than the lack of visibility. Whistle islg-‘wds sometimes get drowned out by engine noise or other sounds. The Golden Eagle Is believed to be the tint American ship equipped with toe lignala. Dutch afaiw have bad them for some tone. At a pabMe heartag kcM la Sontolleld baek In Aagwt 1333. “bid* M Um first M»tta4i (ISgIrt Mile to Tetograpli) prob-aUy ooiild Bot be asked befsea m4li« abeat 3Vk yean to eean- Errors in Extradition Papers Cited in Case of Kohler Suspect MADBW, Win. (UPD - Gov. Gaylord Nelson has refused “for deal reasoitt” to reqn Michigan to extradite the “third man” allegedly Involved in two Kohler (3o. strike beatings. Nelson said Attorney General John Reynolds told him the extrar dition papers for William Vinson, 32, ,qf Warren, Mich., were in Nelson mM the mertfs of tho charges against Vinson did not Vinson, a fexiner United Auto Workers International representative, is accused of taking part in the beatings of two non-strikers, William Bench Sr., and his son, William Jr. at Sheboygan Falls, Wis., July 4, 1954, early in tbe marathon Kohler strike. Two other UAW men, John Gun-aca and Nick Vrckovic, are serving prison 4erms for the beatings. In Lansing,-Mich., Alfred B. Fitt, legal aid to Michigan Gov. G. Mermen Winiams, said Wil-Itamsahas not decided what to do if and when the extradition papers are received. But Fitt predicted “tHe warrant nrUl Issue” if the papers are in order and Vinson makes no request for a hearing. Death Notices BOSTTia, JAN. 12. 1440. MART X . 256 RohUlwood Axa.; an 43; dear mother at Mrs, Lout* leani, Mr*. Wlnnla XarMisa. Mra WllUsm Ouolas. Mr*. iTT RooUhan snd Mia. nomM amitb: dear alaUr of Mra. Joaapb Ceokla and Mra. Emily Wharton; slao aurrlyod by 14 arandrhlldri____ sraodchlMren. Puna will be bald Friday. . .rmotari. Mra. Bowyor will .0 alate at Um Veorhata-SlpU Funeral Home. LLWOOO, min Dow. 14124 Beecrly ' srly HUla; ase so: botoreii nve. band of Margueilte I. Illwood: dear brother of Mrs Jamea Ororei. Mra. John I Burria and Wrlfht H. Bllwood. Funeral aerv-lee will be held Friday, Jan. 15. nl 2 p.m. from Manley-Balley Fu- BAHN, JAM 12. loss, Rtn Wllliama Lake Rd.. Dr Flalna. Arraafement* to am wu-Bounood latar ^ Coata Funeral Home, Drayton Flahia. 2CAIJt8HIAR. JAN t. It(i0, MI-chael (Mardlroai, Freano, Calif., formerly of Paottae; *ia 41: dear father of John Taahllan and Mra. Arehy iHemialett*) --------------- neral aerrle* i__________ day. Jan. 14. at 1 p.m. irom nt. Jobn’a Armenian Church, 1334 Oakman Bird . Detroit, with Rev Kasmtan offlelatlns. Interment In Oak Hill Cemetery. -Fontlae. Arrantement* by Simon Jarlalan Funeral Rom*. 12440 Woodwardi XORCZTN8KT, JAN 11, IHI. Btt-U . 6>4 Auburn Art., %%t 91; iMloTed wife of Ben Korcaynaky: _r father ot Mlaa MerrI* Can-tarell*. Leater Cantarella. Mr> Bvdney Deacon and Thomli Can-tarrlla: alio survived by nine frandchlldren.' Funeral a e r v t c a wlU be held Thureday, Jan 14, at 1:30 p.m. from Voorhees-Slpl* Chapel with Rev. Edmond Wat-kina ofticiatinx Interment In Oak Kill Cemetery, ktra. Koreiyn- ^ Coat! Flalna. WITZMAN, JAN. 11, INO. PATRICK R.. 1300 Ward Rd.: aie 12; beloved (OB ot Charlei and Clara 14ae Cramar; dear brother ot Oeorte R„ Mlehael R.. Suaanne M. and Oorald R. WUaman and Althoa a. Cramar. RecIMtlon of a Roaary will be Thuraday a p.m. at the C. J. Oodhardt i Home, Keoso Harbor. diet'* OathoUi..................... lUehard W. Tbomaa efflclatlno. Intermant in Oak Vlaw Cemetery Mr. WlUman *- r. WlUman wtO U* In ati ei>* C. J Oodhardt Funeral KeasO Harbor. Ill Memortam Dt LOTINO 2IEMORT OF FLOR-anee a. Walla, who paaatd away 1 year afo. January 12. 1000. Tou war* the Ulsca. Dalai** and T**; yos wart Mara, F,ach breath at raln-waahe|l air: th* loveltfht that U(bUd jam, .yaa, Waa oura alon* to (><•'• Sadly by bar 1 lovlni Family. XIMAR ,F. Sebula who DMaod away 2 ytara s^o^tods^ Boalrlea Sehals and V.-: COAT^ Donelson-Johns Voorhees-SipTe funeral home^ CametgwUti rotatm CT FOR WANT ADS DIAL F£ 2-9181 Fraaa I a.ak to I p.aa. AO arrora abouM ba ra> Bortad Immadlataly. Tha Praaa saasmai no isapon-aibUltv n«r arrora athai 4^ to esaaai tha ehsm 4bsn to esaaai tha ehsrtat Sr Hist perttan sMba flrat MasytloB ,„•( Ibo advortUo-want wbiab baa Em isn-,d*rad ralualaaa thAusb Iba ortnr. 20h*s eanewatiesa assrr laitar tbas rofslar ataU ^ la U o'aloab naan tha day pravioua to pubileauos. NOTICE TO ABTEansBaa Hes 04 laanalant Waal Ada tt aa* s am. tha day al Essas- OASa WART AD lun •«S”g5P'S5P 1.SS 2.S2 4.4S 2.04 2.44 E20 2.40 4.00 S.20 1.00 I.4S f JO 1.00 0.1S 0.00 AOO 2.M 11.04 140 I.IO U.42 140 0.« U.20 JiMpJ.S'bi' At 13 a.iB. Tsdaj then were npHea at The Frees otfiee to toa S3, as. 34. 33, 13, 1 131, 111, 113. S REAL 1________________________ ^h yon to bo a lop aalaamaa. IMbo^ of tratnlnt atartt Jan. to. 22- while yon laam. Jim WmiMSa^ Realty. I4S1 Baldwta, AM^aS awM^drlTan*?or_________ '»» U>e ittiaa RatlRburn Chev. Sales Northvllla ~ Afir6 iALESkfcN Neat, asfreaalTa. Sttpartanci --------------—ilale (ratnlno naceaaary. Oomplate_________. ciUkilS *• • Career Minded nswbn 13 jou ■wury. car not 14th. 1 p.m. abarp. DIE MAKERS AND MACHINE HANDS JOOENETMEN ONLT IF JtiDALIFIXD AFFLT FISHER BODY ~ "to) IT NOW Intaimthmal orianlaaUoa wUI a^ '•'* ’-------- ‘“‘T ter fulurt qualify aa tellowt; orar 11 iiltb "cnooir education, own blla. free_______ ESS " aattotad yo raoalva - 2 waeka acboollnv *•’“*»* om * »«®_for flrat 30 daya m ^a Mr. Wllkaraan. EXPERIENCED TV A RA5!B ex^erienced siNoii“MAk 6v earn iiow~in' TOlWk 6wn homt Telpbouf BoUeHinf. Up to commission. Furnace serviceman. Tm- mediate employment. Must have tools. Holland Furnace Co.. 80 N. Pad-dock. FE 2-6318. Furnace installers wanted immediately. Experienced only. Must have tools. Holland Furnace Co., W N. Paddock, FE 2-8318. _MA A02M after 0.________^ MAinPoil 8«avrdt~iTAWfiii emrianea prafarred. Fbona M office work. Typlnf required. FE 3-0111. 2:30 a m. to 4 p.m. , MACHINISTS Moat b* able ta lay out. Inipaet, and aat up IheIr own work. Job, atop aiparlanea mefarred. Reply Foattao Proas, bm SI. Help WaatM Mala 6 BO MAN. CSV, WITH MWa a saaorai termtsg O^PIOB nr- . surchaalnt 4 OTPORTONITY l>Lt)S Married man, 21-41^ ear-sboaa ta aarra aa untt mgr. for Ursa Mat. PARt-Tlk£ Sail lii.u»aijAir~5 Sw t HaU caettma, 240 ^ Saslnaw. Draw ouartataod. IE I- WANTED ElCFERlXMCim r for part ttma work. YOUNG MAN TO ASSIST MGR. I’Tomtsant Intamattonal orpaal-laUw wlUi o^a la all principal eltlaa wU< accept app. thla week *--------neri Iralniaa is Fan- tiaa. Hull ba neat appaartas a— batwaaa tha atai M 11-10. Car turniihid. Fhan# Mr. Bilw. n particular Box 24. Mattlaiit to do lab work, BMR, aalary. Apply Forilaa Fraaa Box aW la CALLXNO IN TOOK ibottood thru TV. Bo the —— RapriaantaUva and turn mro ^a Into money maklnf boura Phon* today FE 4-4500 or “Flalna F.O. Box 01 A88I8TAMT TO MANAOBR 1 Bead an aaatttaat to learn eur |i^ch|Wraaonjm^itla( work. tot appHcaat muit bara at laait 20 hta. par weak. Av(. eamlnta part Umr “■ Car nec. ALTntATION LADII I Uma 1115. 1. U 24551. iABTanTER AMD LIOkT HOD8E- COOE. FOR O E N B R A L ALL around cooking. Ulddlca(cd pra-forred^. Houri 11 noon-S p.m. Monahan* Boot BuHct. 024 E. help amMoyto. Moat atoy aoi nlfht*. Own room. bate. TV. u„ term*. Abor* ararao* aalary lo rlfht peraon. Rofr------- ““ Franklin Mich Curb Waitresses “i* sirsuK iKit%‘..r£: to. Apply In pert on only. TED'S 2 daya wk Ml 4-1000.______________ Kem m6me¥~5i“ TODi~5wM bom*. Tale^on* aoUclUnf. Dp te 200 per week, plu* eommlaato* Write Boa 14 Fontlaa Preai. experienced dub washer. Moat to reliable. Apply In pereoo at DeLlaa’a Reateurant. OMO N. Roehaiter R* - - ■ Xlerly Widow dbureb Ri^ fined penalonod lady ter aompan-- *** Apply 43 Auborn. AlO a._. #EMALE HkLP WANlEfi MA all around kitchen and etorc work. Muat bo able to haodlq each, as* 11 to 40 year*. Oood work-Ito eopdIUona, attady, aRemoon BalMar. FE aJiu. Cease d aaalat with ei ---- -—f»n. 2lu*t be r...— rtbla and nadcrataiMI children nlsbtt. CaU after I put. MI doob I Rbm AMD wAdn for yuunx lady In exiSaM* tor child _carc A aeuaawoit. FE AOOO*. MOU8EEEEFBR8. OViim"'2S TO Uve In. B'ham area. Ill up, a daya, alao. raeauan loba. OMll dally. ABC Mnraary. LlMllir MOTHER'S HELPER. ~W10TE~2l to « to Uro In ntco lakt home » »!n*ll.ehUdr*n a^ mature WHITE WOMAN TOR h^ework. Hurt Uva la. MA MATUrI" WaMAiT“AB6iJT“3A50 ¥.“*•, . ihoroushy acquainted » 0------------------------------- (DDd typlat Shorthand halpful but pot eaaentlal. dlua eroa* a-' Said hoHdaya and jetween 04 pm. FE Aoiil OLDER LADY TO LIVE WilH ------, LADY n elderly lady to h,.------ pay. (toady Reference* required. Reply Fpnttoe Frtaa, Boa to. Pn^e, Mich. toliu totoraatod la worklnx Hlrtlana Aim Call MU AlMO atonofraphy (Mlor eltrlt... t"*ltv***“*" *" *"‘•”•““2 I Milton an tetorertina eppor- .!S AJSSr.SS.VJ: fc^T'sss ■ss’v.isa Aalomn'ouSolii^ oobf. aptoluHy Store In Mtrael* MU*. 4Abr, week with lomt iwen bow*. Starttoa aalary to vlcli cd 00 par wool, pin* otbar bi fit* tor rtiht pcrium. April f Telephone solictors ed, salary and c sion. 71 ^ N. Sa Rooro 11. WOMAN FOR MOTEL ( . and reataurOBt work. Ll rid Mill altot 1 p.01. Hdp Wanted I WOMAN ran fountain i iWlOWtUMg. dTOMN LAT- ROOF REPAIRS THE PONTIAC PRESS. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 13. 1960 Haip Wanted nancUl lUUintnU Apply u. haodvntlac tUtlu r*(*rcAM —-mmf of •xponeboo tai m-lo foduac rm§ .J^ABUSHIO WATKINS RtfVH tTAlUbI*. PuU or ppn tiae. A*> PAY'S APPUANOt farts I OAKLAND AVI. Ft f-Mll LECraiC MOTOR SRRVlCX 1 ^UHNACCi •pmtlbU. toTypiTud iSu„, ------- . --------- dMllOf wt» public Complott bouilni And phono fumUlicd plui AAlnry CaII ft M7W if quAllfted. RCTIRJCD cdtJl^LB TOnVE~" tArm. ClAflutoo AroA. Bouao — nUbod A utimiAi. Muit UkA torioi a ponMt. OaU FE 4-Ull wi^b“Ar5N<* MAN oii WomAo to lupply fAmlUes wltb IjAwUltb ^ueti la WontlAoT ------- -----for produelA. I Wtf weoUy PArt\lA?****” * wanted nKSef&LoSf~ 'dirt qUAllflcAtloni And phon* fb»IMlb«P>^ Ba.a1. >btr: lUply FontUe Prtia Boi Ein|doymyt Ayenciw 9 EVELVN EDWARDS ___ VOCATIONAL ooonselino service MVi EAST HURON SUITE «| FE 4-05M - FE «-lW Reep't For front d«k ... And (tvA dlrecttonA. b And Uko vorkli^ vltl AtMl aog». MIdwtAt E^&y- PRIVATE MUSIC INST. UAch In your bom* or l.... -----CaU FE Eoon ____I WANTS W^ OF ANT EIND —r a tooU for ir -- -'1 OL P Netkae * AHT oa wmiAR hi lai A Mao^ Adylaor. FbanA "UA^ IS oufc BuroiEas' Porothy'A. 8*0 N. Forty. FB P-U44 DAINTY MAID SUFFUES~ ----------- Mn. WAUMA. KNiw’sBoES I oowint. da i-m«. Dok-A-Dlot tAblitA. M I ___ offlot. OenoTAl PrlnUnf a Office Supply Co. 17 W. Lav-ronee St. rtone FB imiM. i^mfield wall cleaners. And vladovA. RoAoonAblo. 17 Flortnto Aw.. PentlAc ERESSMABSiSr ----------- ------ALTERATKNii; drupcA, otc. OR l-dlM._______ DRE88MAKINO. TAILORINO. AL- terAtlont. Mft. BodoU. PE A man a voin^ Dn^'nk’X a'tuir -ypAlr. FE S-SSM. Edna WAWAr. Income Tax Service 19 BOLIN TAX SERVICE I E Flko. FE A-llpt or FE MTTI N INCOME TAX return FRB- pored In your hoao by quAllflod Aocountoat vith BAAtor'o disrot. ---------' — F7SM fiskndDisTS neomc tAi eU> rtUliittb in fSBR homo. SI FE A47W. WORRUm OVER DEBTS? Tto^ OMAOUdAto^All your MUa 'b^UdSeT*" slfeviCE FE S-tdOO. II W. Huron St Oror ConnollYo *voltrA otfFiCE a KHiooL ^rhJuB Olfto—Forty PoyorA— ilfto—Forty WEOOINO •i'Ji C««* Wtd. Children te BMrd 28 A-l UCBNSEO HOME. DAT <» M CillLOittCN CARSO FOR Dt LI- cenAod homo, FE mil. FURNITURE NEEDED Entiro iwmo or odd loU. 0«t Um top doUAT. WtU buy outrld ' Mil It for you. BaB Comm BaIo. Fhono OR 1-1717 WILL UQUIOATB Tl__________ bold dMdt. ottber by prlroU cam or public Auetloo. Appralanla L. E. Smort Solo Parm. RoebMUr. — OL I--— Wtd. tlonsehold Goods 29 rtnston. 7714 M MUo fad, DIoco. Wanted to Rent 32 ^mdlry i R^ Ajiii. FamUed 37 MODEST MAIDENS FVT. BATM a t MSP. FE MM, * FURN. INCLUDING iZiHi eojorod FE 1-7100 If no APAWor. EE > 7-7IW. i ATTRACTIVE CLEAN ROOMS B bath. utUIUu. odolta. FE Mia i ROOia. FURNISHED AFART-Bont down. Ill RabIH— —- Bont, down. Ill RABUton, valk-■~R«ffl" AFARTkEW. ______ TILE uAVty dMoroted It or I BOO MUAt' Ntor Waurtord. > RMS. FVT ________ _ Baby wtlooBc. FI t-MIS. 1 VERT LAROE bDOMS, ll6fi: - ^ FE i-MOt or FE 4-ldl4. S BOOMS AND BATH ATTOA& tlTAly (unlAhdd. Cantted. |A-lAgA. No cblldrtn. FE A-im 4 ROOMS -J.T 3M EDITH, FUR- n*KTbu5nn‘..Ki.!J; wAiy. a*E Min or FE HIM. M COTTAPJE ST. Titan, varB. All utU Apply lpT»l Mrt, Ootper FE B-Hui ___________1.' Ootper I____ AFT. CLEAN a WARM. FOR EL es&.ig N*»sAKg./- ^ “ ----- . ... bath a _ ______ laundry turn. W. Huron, aott to Otnoral Hotpltal. Imall child velcome. FE i-OM or FE H4I3. BACHELOR AFT. 1 ROOMS A tetb. Rent fum. Union Lnke EM i-4il6. BIRMINOBAM. By iay Alan i Rent Houses Unfy^ 40 MODIRN DUFLIX, BOCHnttR. I bMrooin mpnrtBMt. Ntvly ' -Alto tint, mit, OL i4bII. BEOROMt. i SAM WABWra MAS W SYLVAN I Lake. 3 badrB. arlek. Carpart BEO- 440H a FE UNION LAEE - LAROF room bouM. r* * ■* area lirsai „____________ WALLED LE. MOD. COHV. NR*. -------- ----Ml wk MA ME ^ ForSakHouads 49 I ^31 House, oood condi- baatBtnt aotoBatla bnSialov at 3oa Orort iBnmd. POM Pti. FE 3 bodrooB .' I YEAR AROdND ROME ON DIXIE j Lake. 14 Bl. north of Pontiac. - and rtfiigtrator fumlibed.! 1500 DOWN Ntarly oav 3 btdrooi r^,bOBM. FuU bAMl----- tber oU .>t int bttt Larpt Ntar ttpm ebnrcbea am t ^itatkm No raortfagt eott Oarage. 1 bedroom. I Fcr Rent Rooms 42 ATTRACT, RMS FOR MEN FBIV Clean. Oarm. M OoUagt St Apt FE «-23t4 Sat Mrt. CBoper. if BUS STOP, SLEXa>INO ROOM. private tntranct. 174 state. AT BUS STOP LOE. FRONT rIi. E^ijthlnr for eonvaolance. FB Sid RdOM. PLENTY CLOSETS, Shower, garoga. C.U A.M. Fd MW 0<>WN, ~lEWLT IUMNECC» AM. 4 roomt and Income. FE FORTY-THREE For SMe homm # : ‘ NO MONEY DOWN ......_ ‘SSSi mic 1171 DOWN. 3 BEONOOM. NEWLY I Suburban Living At Its Best (CON^f!BLE“24) W. W. ROSS HOMES OE 3-8021 I PER CENT IN- ALL BRICK tatement. Oaa , Fully laod- STARTER HOMES 75 I 200. 1777 dovn. LAKEFRONT I Ueman. near I Pontiac Motore, ^KIWNTOW'n SLXEFINO ROOMS j a private home. FE 3^314. AS A GROUP OF BUILDERS ITE Offer low pricti tbrougb volume mrcbaeet on cuitom ‘‘Quabty Built” bomei - WO pluiu. We'D aecure mortfage. Mo obUsaUon. r'iwdTi^ SStSifO (Arnia, plenty of ebade. Priced lor --------- .-_ARWOOD-, . . r*«~A‘^.~om,^--.VpT "He made my husband disappear, don’t you want to get OENTLEMAN. stoOM NICE PRI-vate home In FE 3-WJt OIRL8 NICE RofiE OF TOUR -------------- M7 W. Huron HOUsiblCEBPINO Builders Excfiangf AREA. CRAWFORD AGENCY 3U W WALTON PB B33I Wl E. FLINT --- ^ BIRMINOBAM oome. lull bacement large dining dupUi irea, ^uralnam elding, flnUbed * ' < ecreaUoo room, modem for- el «-l«t --------- ------- modem formica A atalnleu ------- ------- Many eatrac. Vaci____ ______ -----'“1 Webater. BlrmlnghaB, lonaoie. near town. FE 3^t!n. ail 4-3Mi.____________________ HOTEL ACCOMMODATTON8 MEN » »POM W>U8E IMS aconable. 14m Oakland. Hlowo. FE 4-3311. ........................... KU7d CALL! 6XR1 RND RENT! LAROE i 2 BEDR&I DUPLEX POR RENT ov~s "y■ ‘igrnTT -——i upSilri for 'l btSlrooms^^'loe^ ‘ i -jvrL«i«rid°Tvp.*^kTi45*”^’ fS ------------------------------- Of I FOR RESt>ONraLE COLORED IN ., ;—----.y ------------------, j ponUac. 4 toomt, 4W. 1 roomi L?.°9M apartment. J» W. after 5:30 MA 8-31K TO BUY SELL plarkston REAL ESTATE. INC. corner Rd. 3 .. kitobea. ai MA 4-3M4 Springfield Twp. FE H4M. 1 BEDROOM. OIL HEAT, rage. A leoced In yard. Bovey between Cottage and Os-, entranee. AuKii -- Heat Furnished: -------------- : J ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT. MOD- t «m. FE 44741. BY OWNER and bath. ni__________ “ * ims. located M04 | M ---- ----------from public Open OcUv g fo I: _ ------- -• e—— • - school Near Cass Lake. New gas MAple &-6 - »-»t*l'______ I furnace and completely redeoorat- ' ROOM FOR RENT. NEAA I^ONfiAC «• handle with amaU down ! vnTrrip~i crirFSa plant. FB 3-34di. ___________; payment. FE 4IM7. _____________ ROOM WITH OARAOE FOR ONE BRIC* J J*OME WITH All reasonaMy pricad" , working man, |7 veok, clMt In. * ^w* to eobools and Large aelcetioB to el W3W, 7 — COLORED, _______________ beth 331 Prospect 8t FE 4-3704 AND „ MO rror—• ---- . He ytm MOTEL EFrOtENETTB APTS Utimiet fUm. Ill per week. 1470 ----- --• OR i-1300 _________plus kitchen A I rm., 1 bedrB., plUL------------- > A >adi Cleu and attraeUveiy I decorated. Cosy steam beat, lots I of bot water and laundry facill-b^dhi|^ lOTlahed.^ DOWN- COMPLETE FAMILY LAUNDRY ----- "blyt esrvlec. PonUac HO 8. TUIetrapb. FB ACE TREE SERVICE. RB-OTAI and trlmmlM. oot our d. FE 3-7US orn: 0-0731 1-A Reduced Rates s.i?a' °>?o!?aio'“ga"“a»i?&M LIGHT AND REAVT TRUCKINO. "••*‘*>lab, fill dm. grading, aand, el end front end loading, n Trucks to Rent TRUCKS. TRACTORS AND EQUIPMENT B..I-- . ^.Ton Stakes Sei^T---- j Pontiac Farm and I In* ellng. arcbvays. attics 'ttnltbed. Rev r««- remodeling. EM 3-4TH CARPENTER WORE OF AHT kind Reesonable. Call after 0.^ - p.m. PE $-0433.______________Open DaUv____________________ flHAULINO A RUBBISH, lustrial Tractor Co. _ 830 B. WOODWARD nt 4-OMl . . PI 4-I4U OB 3AM7. WANTED: JANITOR OR MAINTE-nai'ce work, aftemooni A i 5!5*v.H.»“" « ■ r prlee. Any tl see, Boi 13, Fonttac.___________ i j -A-A-A- NEAR ROCHESTER NEW MOD-em. Couple preferred. UL 3-3IU. SLATER APTS.' U N..PAREE BT. im 4-3i4d NEAR AUBURN RTS. 3 CLEAR. l«e Rms. Nice for cbtldren Ran. rent IncI Uta MI 84M1. NICE 3 R 66m APARTMENT. Adults only. $11 g week, la W. Howard. Tol. PB 344SS or FE After 1 and Sundays, Bee Caretaker. Mr. Carroll. Al Afcadla Cf NICE 3 ROOMS A BATH PRf-vau Dtrance. UUl. Pura. 138 Wk. PE 3-7331 JAMlto K BLVD. Nearly new! bedroom terrace apartment refrigerator ROOM WITH OR NUTHOUT klteben privileges, for women. iNo smoking) Can offer part-time light work If desired. PE tumlabed Bus at door. Near st. BeoedleU Miotd A. John^ Realtor. PB MUt or Caretaker, FE 4-3MS. l6vELY 4 RM.. APT.. ELEC- i 3 BEDROOM HOia NEW OIL FURNACT FULL BASEMENT I state at,. FONTMC $80 MONTH OB 3-0417_____ t WCORM TEAR-AROUNb HOME on Lake Orion. Seml-furn. 084 mo. reliable peoplV MV 3-1M4. ibower. FE M73I. »t a lake ueeii^vke 24 Building Service CREST TV. DAT OR NIONT. service FI 04370.___________ day or NIONT TV SERVICE FB 0-ISM or FE i-OSOO ________M. P STRAKA__________ JCNSBN-S TV SERVICE AFTER------A evening. C»U_g 3-0405 IMMEDIATE ACTION On eny good land contracts. New or seasoned. Tour cash upon aat-Isfactory toepeetlon of property uid title. Ask tor Ken Templeton. K. L. Templeton, Realtor 330 Orchard Leke Bd. PI 4-40g Wtd. ContractB, Mtgi. 33 Wanted Reel Estate 36‘ FE 8-6918 . ____________________ i MANAOER 10 SALMER ST. APT. 3 ROOMS STOVE A REFRIOERA- Open DaUy A Sun, 10 a m 4 p.' ' *—- - --m ^ jg, J,--------=— 0-30H. —— ----------,—__ urrri^a. 1-e.aBm—TKuuuita D R A T T ON ABBA A Huron frootAM. Prti I. El^rie waterS^ Oaa M the I ble Immediately. FE deals to town. Ask for 7 .. Oranada Dr. MUed HOUSE FOR BALE - SU ROCK- ______________________________ROOMS A OARAOi. PRIVATE 4 ROOMS AND BATH. I privileges, oil furnace ~-Stove, FrigHalre. heat, hot wa- j Community. $70 mo. ( For Sale Housea 49. 1 BEDROOM DUPLEX - Brick with fan basement, gas beat - Tile batb. Hardwood floors. Will dseorsle Joe re-■poostole tenant. 171. per ivlleges. mi furnace. Waterford .jmmunKy. |70 mo. OB 34101. ter 33M Auburn Avo, UL 3-1330. I g ROOM IfOUBE. INQPirB 13 ^ , RENT REDUCTION TO REPINED Myra Ave,___________________________________ * responsible couple who wlU treat * , ROOM ROUSk. FURNltRED OR prr^erty u jbelr own 0 room, unfurnished MApla 4-1104_____________ dowi'pVyn US i , ■ 4f yaM 070 up;' ON down. OR 3-7444 I 0 RIM. B BATH, DUIE HTTV. I Uual teU. O* after 0 p m.___________________ I Houseman-Spitzley OWNER TRARSRRRED bedrm ranch, riew of Uppar og Lake from llvg. rm. re windows. Nice kNehen eakfaat space, separate _ . m balha CarpeU. drapea, aereeaa storme. waUr seflener included. Landscaped lot fust 110 . .---—------------- Upper Flat—Heated ___________________________ mod AUBURN AVE AUBURN HT8 sr I .r-s.-iv 10 BEDROOM AFT. 0401 BRIDGE Uvtog room, dinette bedroom. ALL G\SH Lake Road. MA 0-3117____j kU^nette and bath. Front and ^ OI A PHA EQUmiS I 3 BEDROOM AFAB*MENT NR iSnSIS If TOW nwd moneT qulekly. mU Dra?^ Bwpptnt Ctotar. OR i \j:lA---------------------' ruirerFrMioi^y ra Miso: 7100 WBgT^ MAWJ MA'yf'|irr O-giO scapod lot _______________________________ _______________IvlsM bei , 0 p m_________________________j oorboe. blacktop drii I FEfTjy?* "TTTm ! a BEDROOM HOME. LAROE ^ E g-1331 1-8 P.M, I kitchen. Uvlim room, dining room ” ~~ i full bath Walk - out basemsnl fenced back yard: near Ctty HaU. I Oood locaUaD |7,i«. terae. Wrtte O L. Harmon. 3430 E Orand River. HoweU, Mlchlgtn, or phone CASH 48 HOURS HOME —EQUITY WRIGHT-VALUET FE 04441 GI CASH FOR _________ WE TRADE WE BUILD DORRIS A BON REALTORS .. „-- FE 4-tOW I AND FHA FOR TOUk BOM] LAEE FRONT 4 BEDROOM ROME • Sf”****' Pftvaie perty. Phone Hickory P3301. Whitmore Lake. ' den —I WALKER A OAKT RADIO « TV ! R««t Apia. FurnislM4e-,37 ___|FE 0-0871. IM M. Jnhnsnn | ----------------—----------— lOT FLOOR. CLEAN WANM 3 B I. FE 3-1370, FE 4 I LAROE RMS . Ues. refrigerator after t p.r~ ‘ NEW. UTILI- - . _ Bros.. 3-1300.___________________________ Rou. a 9atb. upper beat a , bot water fum. North tide. Call refrigerator. Second floor utmtles tumUhed. OR 3-71Q3. UNFURNISHED 1 AND 3---------- utlUtlee furnished, HoUrwood Apartments 114 E Howard St * WEST SIDE iSke'SSS _ g.Wow?rap»to!'% 0 ROOM HOUSE. 3 BEDROOMS. k, wwiriJiui ~ WEST SIDE 1 AND 3 ROOM ; FULL BASEMENT. OAB HEAT. I *igL- ____________________ S^rtmonU. batb. heat bot wa-1 1 CAR OARAOE. N1CE_ YARD. I > .Bl^ROOM^KEEOO 3 ROOM AFT AUTO. OAB BEAT I ter, stove and refrigerator tor- | ’ raur*"FiTrtly tori^ Mo FE 04110 ____ ; Donel^ ^JrTirvtoT ’ Riu. FABTlV FUH- ] PftL AdnIU or older worklne e^*** “ r- WILL^CONSIDER RENT, WITH , Id I OPTION TO BUT. FE O-tOM OR I ** *•”** ' ------------------------I 3 BEDROOM. — -tide, --------- Evenings FE i-gia LAROE limo ”?vt bath a ENT Kent houses Furnished 39 ■ • —UtU. A refrlg, fum. Call ,________________ after t, OE. 34040.______ ___ | BEDROOM FURN. HOUSE NEAR • JtTOM HOUSE RMS A BATH. FVT. kNT.. i Commerce Nike baee. — too. 0 RMS., AUTO. HEAT, ATTACHED I ger. Lake nrlvlleges, FE 340U ! JJJ*,* • tnoaraato toeliMed 3 BEDROOM RANC.............. . eutometlo beet. Only $171 Witherfleld. Inquire at 7 A,-i CARPENTER AND CABINET IOraOLSTER-—Winter rates. Work guer-' ‘"Is.*”* ‘'•k* >«. EM i A-l BRICK kLOCK AND CEMENT work. Also fireplace. OR *- ADWrigNs--------------- Additions, alterations, cabinets. BUILDER •tgJrs. ettlci. ' remodellnf, 31 years eettmetet MA 04031. .mjtote BULLodZINO DON TURNER ra o-iias CEMENT IS OUR sktClALTY ___-iilietion service. FE '“Sia', BASEMENTS WATlkPROOnD week guaranteed. Free estimates. __________FE 4-0777_______ CUSTOM BOMis BT LICENIED 34300 after 0 p. LOST. AT TEL-BURON' iOM______________________ black onyx Waterford class ring. i ROOMS 110 Reward OR 3-SOOO I nriSt r__________ I RMS. A BATH, irrh, paid UL aates Phone OR 3-0173. for vat^ beaters, ranges aad dryers. R 0-0411 R. 9. Mnnro Eectrle Ce . 1018 W Huron, HOME OARAOE CABINS. AbOI- tione. Ueeneed buHder FRA . FE 4-OMO. MOVINO ............-J RAWl e. FI 4.4113 .r R 0-4371. 6 rtfvfarit KboRTATB^ oandlnt and ftoUhlng. I s-ooft T Loet and Found % ____________________________________ I 1 ROOM AND KITCRENBTTB. _____ ____________________' heat, hot sod cold weUr furn- gle FE 3-4373 or FE 040M. | 1»^- MO N Paddock. AdulU LOST. STRAYED OE STOLEN 0 mo. oW black, tan and white hai>. gla. Name Chloo. CORliER-OP 1 _ #. Pike. Tueedayi UItS ” morning. FE 4-010> after 4 p.m. ; —_____________________ white KENT FRENCH \ * 2S?*2,trS. ***vm lOOT: ______ puree to Kresg'i___________, ________________________ pipg Center keep money but 1 ROOM.01I.M. 311 Ml. ^eese return pictures and papers. > Street, R 3-lir* I tat. caA OR ! i a 3 RM. APT. NEAR DOWN- ---- private ent. A bath. Raai. laqulre 33 Auburn._____________ money, Ifneeded. OR 3-1111. Notices ft PersonalB 27 Best Carpet Qeaners Otve your rugs, fliiulture an wall to wall eatpet that IresI bright like new tot*, trae tat matea. For the qualtty. you ei a? A i!i3UT.i;«.7"" IN DEBT? IF SO ■ LET US 3 ROOMS AND BATH. NICELY furnished and clean. FE S-34S0. 4t Edison._______________________ 1 ^D 1 ul. APTS, uTniTae •toura dklmmm Aaa MP to ttotof ^ ...... Ti___ Frivsle bath. Clean, town. TO Clark. ,-- town. TO Clark. Apply Apt. 7. I - ro6m MODiRN on fontIac I Lake. Oas beat. During the week , ceil after 0. OR 343W._________ 3 RMS. UliL. FURN. PVT.' BATi}' r5om modern terrace BiDROObTldODERN, 'pTRfLY I RMS 2 BLEB _FTOI| SAOiJlAW. rumished MA 6-0000. partly tom. OR >4M1, - IH batI? full base- ____ on mhaee ini lObne Lak Bd 1 Mile Bast of Clyde. 0 ROOMS. LAROE. CLEAN, MOD- _____ _ F* Wine* Neferenees _ R^gip days, evte. ON-3-3000 down. Newly decorated. Needy to toovc Into. We here eevereil fine JIM WRIGHT, Realtor lio Oaklnnd Ave. FE 04441 after 0. FE 0-1003. mito^m. call rm n-weos i^ter ; j^ij oBAVES NEAR AIRPORf~3 ‘ 3 BM3BM 'bbPLEX, AyPllY IT ^omj. ■ ' 4711 Hlllcreat off Snababaw Rd. OR 34133. R. J. (Dick) VALUE! ____Adults only. H3 Bemtoole. i ro6m lotver apartment. ! Krego, 000 FE 04700. : commerce lERCE - UNI6n lai 000 Mo. Elwto 7-A300. ! n 040W _______ ] 0000 H^OHTON - Modem ranch Forced I •no liTTKoimcELLO - Attractive 1 ------------- ------- fgj) ________________*^i?*3-:mg! lEDROOM BRICK. RECRBA-uon room In basement. Oae Waterford Twp. Owner transi__ . *»■•» OR (4340. No Realtora FE 44431 3 BEDROOM ~r6mB. 4 L6TB. - small ga'ue 1 mile f/om Lake Ortta 04,0i0 terae. 04Y 34004. 1 BED'RgOM. LARGE ETTCHElfi • ROOMS AND BAHi LotVBR. brisk. ITHh eonarate ' baaement. oU baat Ml. R« more than I child. FE SOSIO.__________ 0 ROOMS A BATH. 'PtrOT ment. Tclcph^. FE 343U. BEAUTIFUL NlW RANCH ON bcdrJSm'buiiaiw. du"bcat.’ private lake. 1 bedroom, 1 bathe. bacement. Reaso— newly carpeted and decorated. joUKk NOBCOTT furniture optional. EM >4001. bath. OU etove b FOR RENT OR LEASE: 3 BEg { Ml 0-7060-WE 3- room brick near Waterford Junior ' ALL MODERN 1 _____ Hlfto y5l*^10M*'*^ RAY O’NEIL, Realtor . almost niw i bedroom, will la 8. Teleoja^^ B^ Opeo 04 ' bomt., carpeting, owner. OB l-iiM 0-7060—WE 1-4300-WE 3-llto ALL modern l_ROlMS^^J 3-Bedroom Ranch ' IMS dn end take on Stance at 170 Inel pavrt " nr. Watt 147 W STRATHMORE CIVILIANS $190 DOWN NO pnr«w rtnarw 1 bedroom i 01.000. Ol.OOO down. Elizabeth Lake Estates Very fine 0 room modem brick with brecieway A sarage. 3 complete baths, Ofl heat Take prtTl-leget. Quick poeseuloo. WILLir............. -IS, M. BREWER 1440 E Huron St.' ~i% 4-oi Bveg. FE 04033 or FB 04004 niCOME OF 1 APT. NEAR TTBS-“ M.M>. Terms FE 14IP. LAKE FRONT—7VILLIAM8 LK. 1 BnglU Ltomily SOO OOWN-1 bonsei en 1 lot. The large home has full '-- tomaUc oU heat, storms and aereena Is fuUyjamlera to n H. C. NEWINGHAM M oot. Termg carpetef^ living A i----- I't baths, baaemtnt. A 1 cay garage. Terms Cell Ol • —• - REAL VALUE KSk KK'S-.'TE.'ffiS S.8,“,iSF SP- 1W.S Onlmie ktteben aod d—--tolltaiemeDt wttb flr tra large 1 . reptoet. s'Si wnlnge, aad sereaaa, law in decorated pattw beok yard. AU this laeludliurei Kiios'SSwrKt CALL FE S-2978 STOUTS Best Buys Texiay S30S DOWN home you here boon wni*. g. fcarf. ThT? Mtaom ranch home thni bee bireh oupbearde, bSl-to wren and nags, formlen tm. rieetrtc oil fnnuMe and mj more features. Calfui^ffii *• to hAre i^c^avhm 3 bedrbbme ThU homft u cloM In kut etIU to Weterfotdrra. nS ^e wm .Ml to^ so doSlT 1 for this 3 bedroi U on a weoded k ones bat a torga k 3-7IM sell for balance d 1 BOOMS AND BATH. NETTLY toriiw 'wompp^TrtgTSrwnr ' CT-KAN 4 ROOM HOUSE A OA-, sym m.if snii LAKE ORION. 1 BEDR3A MOO- 3-3S10. ! CLANESfgN— eerpori. Ws Ktgn School Giroux-Franks OBNBIUL REAL BTATE Mn. Urtf ItTinf I ry elMn bomi I ROOMS Weat tNpTBA^; li^R ' lAple 1____ COLORED lern. besemn ri 0-3134. mi ioST* 111 P4 i ^St" 22uS'' ‘!:?!:? *■ d?PL_*rrtIi Lots of riiad. trees. Bee Mr. Ewers, et 3871 Auburn. _____ SMALL HOUm FOR RZHT. IN-qulre et 1876 Taylor Rd.. ask for Lonnie Wear-* ” ' UMERCE T7VF, VERT NICE II omoBT bedroom brica oupei bath. loU of itov Fireplace. Oarwe e eellent neighborhood aw 871 per mo. FB 447U JK LAROE mnen. j oeorm., family l\?I?^b.,'TOv,fe,'eV 3 BEDROOM BRICK Id Fontlao - West cldc Take advantage of low totereet rats of only 4tf per cent. This borne Is better than new. Bee tall Mtt-ment. Cerpeied floors m Uvtog room, dinette and taaUwnve. Aluminum Storms A doors. Nicely landscaped lot Paved street A drive 3 oer brick garage Only 117,508 with quick pouessloa JACK LOVELAND .f.a‘hlJ Ttli I WALLED LK. MOD.' OOH% R* DRATTON AREA. 3 BEDRM. MOD-1 kUi'Oass Uke Rd. FE 34S78 ■S5- *** ** *** ■ Se^himrr HJw'l'uthVr'iSr'chil^V 1 ’■SSW‘7u'u at*fito*5” _ FE l-7«3. ____ Rent Houses Unfurn. 40 'Sl''jone*. Real ^ S*C?RV3l.rjft?«? *“«irE 4.8818*“ ^ ""^FK ,.,i„ kRIfH, iVi (MRAOB. WILL DBOORATE $75 PER MONTH wr FE 4-7833 144 EAST BLVD. N. AT VALENOU sonkble Mr Stevens; COLORED - 4 ROOMS AND Ease Your Min^ NOT/A W E ARE NOT/ LOAN COMPANY. MICHIGAN CREDIT COUNSELLORS RM. 711 PONTUC 8TATK BANK ^UoSor*-**^ American Ataoc. Credit Oounitllori N Seginew after 1:38. MI 4-1418.___________ St. eu*s: jsr J BEDkM 'modern HOUBE L6-*WOPy* *...**^*^„ gJiair- T- c PANGUS."fefaSTOR I BEDRM UTILITY. CLEAN 1180 MU Ortanvllle NA 7-3811 trttoeellon. gas bent poR RENTjOH SELL 1 ROdili. ‘ ment. fireplace, m tlW bath Carpetad Lake privtlsgnr ““ Middlebett FE l-litl carpetliw. Inside A t- __________ _____ entor drive patio, outatds i large treaa, perennials A m________ ^.MO^ Urine RBALTfHI RTLYS. I Warren Stout, Realtor Open Tin 8 p.m. f .N, Sagtonw m. FE MMS finished In knotty < ‘-m dowm u. p. prieo. FE S3SM. 'BUD" Move into a new home in I960. No money down to vets. 3 bedrooms, full basement. W'ilson Real Estate. FE 2-3953. EM 3-6556. NO MONEY DOWN RUSSELL YOUNG JiBAL EBTATH A EO^IN^ MICHIGAN STATE HIGHWAY DEPT. lorn, desirable brick eueoe tor salt to R I Bl. Clair Bborot. meee mnat be moved to other lautne te clear the right-ot-ly far eonetrarctlon of the Bd-' Ford Expressway, and wUl —-------------- ibmlttlng the 6-ROOM HOUSE .. -—1 to pen highest tealed To receive COLORED 2 BEDROOM. OIL HEAT, 'bf*- *»>>7 welcome — downtown III per week. ' k >«U, Ne^ OMT FE JIM WRIGHT, Realtor P’lo?"iSU S?” Ik onttoAd^ve.^ FB S4M11 j.^. rZniaM. BABEM^T, , OA- Td-lU?; - • • ■■ '1418 Wbto a. tall b inil^. , 3 hedraomk, lie bathi. 1431--- tier Rd., H block eoutb off Btoh-land M west of AlrportnU. Vab. U 8431T. _____________ "mAlL houmc sijtfi Wbfik. Large living room, -flreplnce, fas beat. Immedlau econpane*. Ill Voorhals. Mi. OnU FB 44MI. FB 1 STORY—J BEDROOMS. FULL BASEMENT. OAB HEAT. 3 CAR OARAOE M BT 306. NICE BACK YARD. CLOBX TO BCHOOLB. 8HOPPINO CENTER AND BUS LINE. NICELY DECORATED AND CLEAN. WIU, receive regular sales noUcaa required toid forms prtoi ----- edq,,,, ,g , man U Spick and Span 3-Bedroom Home Sylvan Shores Sub. All on One Floor Con I mom raneh aiylo butt galew with atlaobed sarage, f W aad featuring eerpMed ll^ “Bud" Nicholie, Realtor 48 Mt. Clemene K Call Mr. ^isr ‘ Kwsi POR OOOO BUTS AND TRAtp I^IICHIGAN STATE HIGHWAY DEPT. 81S FEATHEBSTONB Val-U-Way ND TRAtp - 4 memi, Msr Ftebff 7 Mom_ IIJW DOWN AND tm I Exire R.J.(Di^mLUET FOkTV-FOCR I ’ 1.^. ■ . 'V- . THE PONTIAC t*RESS, WEDNESPAY, JFAXUAHY 18> I960. •Gls Nothing Down DO TOO KOOWII Ol ruunetng - Th«n Ukf irf a oU nooni, l»rf« klUtwn. . umlly room pto l»nt» llv- ARRO Crescent Lake Estates I bodrooa bom*, mnr oil tunmot, fcaeed rt«r spol rM^terrtta. itrAWbanlAfl. frapM. Close tp School IW. Nlcrljr -Ooljr $n60-T#rm». 3-Bedroom Home ^■t«d on Mved tirect eloH to ttoret oiMl bus. Full both, bin-ment. oU Nrnice. Kr»en«d porch. Only HMD Ttfmt. For Sak Hm ONLY $60 —All Bomoimiv “BIUCK” $7,500- 544 EAST BLVD. For Solo Hoi COHDJIED HM OOWK M-IWs IMI ateo i IMO ■UMU. UkMM* ImM*. «il hwt, lnr«« iitUttr an*. Fuy-mmtu tn Mr mo. bMlutUnf loiot and Uuttramo. lltat bar* goM Job and erodlt. Wfe SATB BIX I badfoom brtek laneb bomm in o doilrabl* looa--tlon. Tllod baths and mpdtn kUMoM. Full bOMmonU, auto. ■ or ell boot MM down wlU «ln with paynonU of per montb IntSudhut - -ind InsuianM. scrroos. II caTaar-k**. Forth Suburban, with school bur at doer. tlhlM with only 1400 morttags costs. :fE 5-1284 lo l:» p m. I FE 5-3844 ! SYLVAN LAKE ' HAGSTROM 'comfortable—1 bcdroom-homt i with plastered walls, lull bate-' msDl. oil forced air beat, new Itb-; car g a r s g e. lot ISO-zm'. all fenced, eonrenlent location, now plica of’ only 14.460 RAY O’NEIL. Realtor S(4 e. Telegraph OP*T.?A SYLVAN VILLAGE Hagstrom REALTORS 4440 Highland Rd. IMUl PONTIAC OR 4-0358 OWHER MOST SELL “-‘s attraetlva t bedroom «w.j>galow. In perfect eon-dtUon, separate dtail^ rm., full basement, gas beat, ei-cellent location. Only gMS BANOT BEACH Winter prices are In - the h ti Tscant - the owner la os town He lays “sail. ' so we earpetM living wnn lioor to ealllpw brick place, dining L Isa modem kitchen with complete ns“.eSr»i."*«at£vr.t;: --F.w^TVg m. zx ^vlnt WHITE BROS. 3-BEDRf)OM U acras^ Located 3 mllet- west ot.Plarkston. A white frame home on I floor. Apprealmately 4 years old. 4 large rooms. 13 natural blreh esblnata In kitchen. FuU basement. A 14xTP bam. t44T 641 ft. of road frontage A warl^ of fruit trees b berries. WHITE BROS. Oit 3-1344 Open Byes tU I; Sunday 14't 4460 Dixie Mwy. KENT Eatabllihad la Uia wilLTams ROCBESTEB AltEA — .Two bedroom ranch, modem to the — uU. Clean and in good ( f*s^Ar:;j«5ri;^bif i5 paly 11.010. Torma. EAST WALCnrO DBTAHCTB to grada. Junior high and new Worth-ere hlM schools. WaU eonstraeted S bedroom raaeh, full baaei—' rad atraet. so^ netthboil I can't bcaru for |g.|gS L SAFE IHTEBTIfENT - ____________________ - West ..Ja three family. Hardwood floors gist heat. Black top street. Tearly rentals $3,340. Out of eta*- —— Here U an Income that pay tor tUaU. gll.lOd^.tOO down. tOHEO COUMERCUL - Large g bedroom modem home If— on one of Fontlac'e main thoi faros. Pull bsaerasnt, gas ---- Coneanlant to pubUc and paroebtal eepBola. Hera U an opportunity for a home and business-------- billed. 411.440 - 41.400 dow Floyd Kent Inc., Realtor 3300 Dixie Hwy. at Taiegrspb FE 3-0113 — Eeaa. AMPLE CTSTOMEIt FAREINO A N N E T T brtu room, modal Utehoo. tun Mth. basamant. FA oU beat. Low down payment eoulty la land contract. N. RORTH BIDE - Wslktni I yard. Asbestos i N... 3 BEDROOMS - In excellent eondiUon Carpeted living A dining room, 2 bedrooms, tile bath, model kilcbea. AddlUoual well planned bedroom on 3nd floor. BesemouL gas beat. UFFEB LOMO l.AEE Comer let Isodecaped with large pine trees. 3 bedroom brack A eadsr shake paneled family rsom. "Ameii-esD" kitchen, picture window In Urtnt room, comer flreplaca. dmlng "L". all carpeted. I'ii bal^t. utility ^7,300 aroonS laketront___________________ FuU bath. Good sited kitchen overlooking lake with place, aleo r---------- ' with utility. or Mww, vwu ior*Ypp^tm‘es “Lady of the Lakes” Oiurch WATERFORD Lg nice close In location turbig: IVk baths, large living room and dining vea. loads of eablncu la kitchen, spaclou. ' Ity room, the large lot ts ------ teaped b has neat whits rail fanes aurroondlng It. Alas a covered patio. Homo complete with etorme fc acreena. Paved itreet and drive. Tours for only gM4 Swimming Pool pUfto tor the gentlo-r* ClewB a room mod- n tarmerTCIcan nace. 3 ear garsxr bam U 3$ a 3#___________________ barn for atorags. Tool ebed b taco bonaa Tou’U ei^y f * X 10 n. swimming pool b gi next summer. Yours ihu ' (or Just t34.gM. .with. M.bOg LADD’S. INC. M Dixie Mwy. Drayton l*lalnt ______OR 3-1331______ -_ly g40_ ggM DOWN bum Bclghte. Nicely decorated. Full basement. Attached garage. Large lot. A real value at $7,-lao fun price. Sec H today, tog DOWN 3 acres of good land joei this 3 bedroom home. Full nUMd and the full price la only 'SMITH" DRATTON WOODS JUit completed. TRI-LETEL brick and alum, elding. Featuring -bedrooms, Uv. rm , with natui.. ftreplaee. Paneled den. utility rm., Itg baths, ranlty In--------- bath. Din. rm^ beautiful k with built-in Rolpolnt oveu — range. Basement, baieboard hot water heat, garage n dec- t $31.6 Hickory Grove Road Handtome brick home, betted braeseway. double garage, sltu-on 100x400 teUlng. Carmt-—- Irsgeriei In epaeloue llv1nx~rooai wWbe InThidM'Twa baiemant. An axeellent ai tunltv to bsva a lovely bow. - srS5iST“^Ei:ATn «•- Two Family 6 fun __ owner; apariaent sad bath on the stv.— haoL Excellent north side loca-gl.MO DOWN WILL PUT III AfWT «4 YOU IN IMIIEOIATELTI LIST WITH Humphries n H. Telegraph FE 2-9236 MULTIPLE LISTTNO SERTICE TRI-LEVEL STARTER Bateman Kampsen MULTIPLE LISHNO SERVICE SPACE. QUALITY -AND VALUE SPACE lo entertain, SPACE ... family activity, and SPACE to atorc everything. Excellent corner location on Ottawa Drive. 4 room bnck breeiewsy. 3 car garage. Only 4 years old an proved far btlow replaeamant co«l. Dc'allccl for comfortable appJiitment'*jjOW! "*** T... BLOOMFIELD HlOHl A-VDs OFF JOSLYN - Well lai_____ heauUful ehadr Inx road, 3 hedrooiif galow-------- dtatine ro cn. Ule b retuon rc ■ae R.w Tadicd I Iffreplece. ful Wpdrm kileh basement rec witb fireplace T... BFORTSMAHB FARADISf.; - Enjoy hunting, tlshina b all other water b summer ^ aarei. aaoi.. ,— ---------------- _ Uiusual scenic property. -V jmrtiy CUTE AS A a BUG’S EAR Brick ranob. 3 Bedrooms. New carpeting and gas beet. Extra l!'*tty‘^WlS'::wc‘'r rnd* wrtlrV Small down paymeat to 4Vi per i.'ri"t.d“»*a.1,3’lSJ. -- Alva'S____ or catlle. b alhtr bMg«. woodoitul bay for autdooi ROT ARRETT. IRC. REALTORS FE 8-0466 Much In DEMAND location ^ new Northern .High and La-Schools. 3 bedrooms SMcmenl, gas beat. 3 — IfK. t"*' * fenced lots. Only 11.360 doan. 6V* per cent moiv -- nOrtgAtfC tae. FOR YOUR MONEY. INVESTMENT! Almtmt 140 ft of WtHon Avi frontage, on corner close Baldwin. Comforuble 4 r Vff"* ?“*■ •'“••'f-ln porch_ FE 4-0528 - realtor - im S. TELBORAFB: OPEN BTES modern kitchen with a SCHRAM 1 BEDROOM BRICE — iti baths, wall-to-wall earpoUng, watortri-toner. Tiled basement, auto. ^ heat So^ on S.E. Blvd.,^ twoon Rathm ft Raei WtlaoB. - hi» ASSOCIATE -BROKERS SS' sSJs. **• Orchard Lake PE>0S63-Aftor S p.m. PE 1-1000 $9,500 RPRS McRAB . art N apartment /m first floor; > 413.400. IVAN W. SCHRAM RICYLTOR FE 5.-9471 OPEN BTENINOb b SUNDAY 443 JOSLYN. COR. UANBPIELD MUL'nPLE USTIHO SERVICE GILES 3-Beg baths, wMl to wall carpeting throughout, full basement with recreation room, 3 ear garage. Just the Mme for the larger family Call for on appointment today. after i; call Mr. Cariner. A. JOHNSON. Realtor 1704 S. Telegraph Rd. FE 4-2533 $295 DOWN ^''^lu'^NorS'^M'ciarkiSi. '330 feet troDUge on the cldc road plua your own fishing pond. ON CANAL AT BOOIE LAEE. 3 bedroom, large livjng ro dlnlnn ell. nice kitchen. tlonaHy nice family room ■ -iWi nice family room finished -----JRAny- J car attached rage. Minimum amount down. MILLER ARE PRfHfT beautiful g room rick Bt-lcvcl located on tbc north ■or* ol surer Lake, built in M. A 13 ft. rec. room on lower lore! oeorloektng the lake. 3 large bedrooms, large kitchen with bulR tat features, i fireplaces — l>t MARMADUKE By Andarwa ft Lemiiif “I can’t PROMISE to bring back a loaf of brSad! He might not take me PAST a grocery store!" Ft»^ Sale Houses NICHOLIE & HARGER CO. baths, 3 ear garage. Tbc word tn conyenlcnce and fort. Cau for. full details. 43.000 Down. West Suburl rooms. 3 lots. oU heat. WEST BIDE I room bungalow. Basement storms and screens. 3 oar garage. Only 01,600 down. TOPS nr EVERY RESPECT 4 rooms 4k ceramic tUc bstb. aU tn new eondlUcn. Oak Doors, plasured waUs. clean dry basement. fenced vent Tnu'll like . fenced yard. Tou'll I inly 40.140. /-------- a payment 1 William Miller Realtor FE 2-0263 670 W. Huron DORRIS exclusive locttlon, _____ e^^elean bungalow can b SAINT MIEE8 AREA - borne with full basement i a car and ^ bjtU gara eludes Thl. room bungalow. Nei home on the block, spend summer fishing ot sou^laks privUeged S:SL'5?r*'o.5;‘“M‘^*- LOW MAINTENANCE — Aluminum siding and storms A screens and a large pro- tesslouAlly landscaped lot-Ressonablt terms. 743 W. HURON PHONE PE 4-1667 MULTIPLE USTINO SERVICE SMITH Wideman r SUBURBAN bedroom bungolow. Base-—• -11 heat, a lots. Rea- - tooaUy priced Only Ol.llO down 4 PAIULT INCOME Take a look at mis mooty-“ 404 0. Paddock St. WEDNE8DAT ETENIMO CALL: Ask tor Mr. Alton. Sr. 53«^ WEST HURON HAYDEN For Hoiim^ SPECIAL Best lake prtvUcocs In Oak- ---- -my go with this ____j 3 bedroom'homo stairway to possibls oom. Nice living tth ftreplaee. Au Uke )NTIAC LAKEFRONT Paul M. j5nes, Real Est, SiJe Rosort Proporty j» FOR SALE; COTTAOB IN LEWIS-neat PE 4470T botee 0 p.r SBOa STORE - lAke RurM town. pAneU. 4S44 da. ^ stock. For $«k Lou 54 ACRE MJT, <---------- boauUftd Waliorc Lake. Priced right, Midi nor r«aeb or tri-Icvcli log or eaU WRUkm 1 ^ mo qORW.pgOj^, ~x~ig^-------------- F.CWoodCo. WUUamg ih.Rd.a4 M-40 After 4°gw?:^ 34003 rOR OALE; LOT. 00 : ChcMah Obores Bw: ----------- Building rite. LajM privUessi. |ri^ rtMoaAbla lor cash. >B ___Park Subdivision across-------- St. Bensdlet. OS' x 134'. 43.040. PE 4-0370. ___________ SEE THE NEW SITBS aT CHEROKEE HILLS before too arm Tou'U Ukc Ihest wooded. lliO ft. r'— -- new oU furnace. Itk car garage. On a nice shaded lot. Reduced (or quick sale Pull price 00.300 with 01.400 RAY O’NEIL. Realtor 303 8. Telegraph Opeu OA PE 3-7103___________PE 6A000 CLARK 3 BEDROOM BRICE RANCH. West . Ude Nslghborbood. ttrgt ,ber—‘ fully landscaped lot 74x110 ! Good condition, all nicely orated, beautiful light oak (Ic modern kitchen, dining ell. k ment with recrcaUon space. 414.400 with M.300 di EAST BP>E. 3 B.R Home. Wall to wall carpet, basement has oU furnace. (Aose to school A Boy's Club. 411.740. Terms. Owner will consider trading equity tor equity In west suburban home. LAKEFRONT 50- lot. 4 room b< IRABB LAKE Large t I B.R. brick home on lot >k block to exerllenl beat 33xlt.g --------- B.R. 10x14. THc I recreation room wivn 'x oato. Oarage Outdoor grill. Landscaped Oarage. 414.400 Term: APPROX. 4 ACRES. John R. Rd. S. of Rochester. 4 Room. 3-story home. 3 B.H. UUllty room 14x14. OU furnace. Only 41740 down. CLARESTON AREA. 3 B.R. borne D., I. Waldon Rd. Built In 1047. Oak iioors. Oil furnace. Lot lOO’i Priced right at 44300. Terms. PONTIAC WATKINS ESTATES -Large 3 bedroom borne on Und-scaped lot 10axl4#'. Bieeseway. — - garage. - •---------- ear garage. 4 large e OU furnace. 413.300. Tern J. C HAYDEN. Realtor PNO'^1441 ________Open Eves CUTE 1 BEbnOOM HOME ON Elisabeth Lake Road lo Waterford Twp. 3 car tsrage on 1 OWNER TRANSPERRICD QUICK POSSESSION Brick ranch. 3 lovely bedrooms. a wardrobe closets with double doors, large ENTERS: IMMEDUTE POSSESSION 476g wUl movg you Into this (umlsbed 3 bedroom home, lull bassment. 3 car jarage. PULL PRICE ILQRte - MOTE IN NOW! Tour opportunity to putv *“*• w* 'I ***'• I'b cor garage, fenced yard. RSn.’iTt.Jsr- Partridge IS THE “BIRD " TO SEE PLEASE THE FAMILY UiUi practically IS ranch rambler. 3 Bed'roomi spacious landscaped ciudcd 'pavJd striwt, *1iSc***priy'^ leges, nearby golf shopping center. AU i been done here with SASHABAW-WALTON Idpal locaUon (or sehpols. shop-pins center. Large maln-ltnked fenced yard lor the eblldten. J bedrooms. Oil P.A. best. Cov-IffL **•!!? barbecue. Under 410.000. Only few years old. Owners In Alaska. Vacant Excellent KENNEDY Partridge __ AND ASSOCIATEg FE 4-3441 1460^ W HURON I W HURON STREET JOHN E IRWIN A SONS StJbTH BLOOMFIELD: Charming three bedroom rancher 7*011 basement, ittacbed plss-lercd garage. This U a RbNET. Lovely big lot. natural fireplace. Mrpoted. Tou wUI paut lo soc NORTH SIDE: .^ond clean, almost new. bedroom heme. Forcsd air lent. Dies kitchen sod utll- near bus and shopping. 44.500'. Yfrmi. Bhova ap- John K. Irwin & l^ons REALTORS Phoae FE 4-0447 HOYT' 3PPORTDNITT U.8. 10 commercial 44 i 400 ft. .*® ••fWro‘0 store buUdlng with all utilities Mus ample parking area. Suitable for any smaU NEW EAST SIDE 410.400 for the rcUred or newlyweds — here Is a bright shiny home. Wondbrfnl floor plan. dining _. _ ____________ „„ water beat. PIkstared walls, 'aosg to eonvcDlcnoas. Terms to right buyer. DRATTON WOODS TOc home wlUi everything. 3 yr. old r«ioh. 3 large bedroesns. Family room. Huge Uring ww sritta flroplaqo IH baths. Pull base-mont. Attachod 3 ear garagt. Roman brick A aluminum. Bosiu-Uful setting. OaU for appotnteMt berries 41.700 down to 4tb per cent roorigagt. John J, Vermett REALTT 4303 Commerce Rd. EM 3066 BROWN - Cliarmlng WIST BLOOMFIELD ______________ 4 bedroom coloolal home. Den. water softener. Oas furnace incinerator. l>i baths. Lovely kitchen. Full basement. Nicely landscaped Fenced l>x car garage. Bam. 1 ACRE of land. Paved atreet. Priced at 414,600 Lease OPTION - Modem 3 room bUDfalow. Oil heat. J storms. Id the pink of cond Pull bath. Has some fruit I Over '.X acre ol land. A buy. FuU price 47.400. CRESCENT LAKE ESTATES — Cosy 3 bedroom bungalow. Ideal for a young couple. OU furaaec. ''-'i floors. PuU bath. Good---- beach. Only i Of. 43.600 DOWN - Large I modem colonial firm style homi "Excellent condition" Bssemen Furnace Full bath. Onlv ' ’ ’ from school. 3 ACRES e N^HINO DJ>1 iWN. We have several , roUlng _____ _________ _d" lEslr Close-In country loeatlon. Drive out EUaabetta Lake Rd. to Scott Lake Rd. Turn right 3 btoeks to UeOla. CARL \V. BIRD, Realtor 60S Community Nntlcnnl Bank Bldg. -PE 6-4111______ Bmc PE 4-llil Waterford Hills Estate ebolee lols left. Avernge r. Oeod dmlnngt. Idcnl lo- For Sale AcrMfce 55 STEELE BEALTT, 1346 N.. MIL-ford Rd.. beOwcon Blghlnn'* —' Milford. Ulghlnnd, Mich. 4-1046.________________________ BEDROOM HOME ON 3 ACRES. MA 5-1014 for dctolls. For Sale Farms 56 ANNETT Sells Farms i ACRES - 41.000 DOtN DWIGHT STREET Attractive 3-bedroom ranch good condition, large ■ ■ -------- - - -------------- t 73x3M feet, bretsewajr'. garage. 4i0,400. raA . light ______ ________ kitchen, large lot. near school A rent beater. 410.400. Terms. bedrooms. 3 pc. bath,laundry f elllftes. oU automntlc furaaco, good school district, off Oaklsnd. Might accept less down. I>aymtDts SSO mnnUilv ~ PE 3-7444 — RES. PE 4-4411 CLARK RE.\L ESTATE TO BUT. SELL A TRADE MULTII*LE L18TINO SERVICE O'NHL Onlv 44.000 fuU price ai monthly. Imagine a buy Uk 6 room bungalow with l_________ located close tn. Bettor be first. WILLIAMS Partridge I TfOB “BIRO" TO SEE SHOPS-STORES . ss________________ nrtoo qyoraU 43.140. & (Us iUlkcstlnt TARIBTr STORE — Nearby cm shopping nentor. Uaal (nr e< Other nppUnnec. Party And gtP-tml mc^nadlsc ctorn both toenl nnd eulatato. TcU us wbat — want'Wc'TC got “ ' —' 1 you 1 Oai Send lor Itortridgc's new trot wti tor “MtoUgan Burinots Outdo. Partridge BosniEHaBB^mRU^? men. FE 4-30U MM W. KimON OPEW TtL 0 '■Lsrs TALE Bura_ MICHIGAN BUSINESS SALES CORPORATION ..RE OPPORTUNITY OhOOO. ** —* ROOMING HOUSE PAR'h.T PUR- OPPORTUNITY >P A LfPETIMB - Toyara bttsl-noos. PuU prieo 010.400 wlUi 06.^ 000 down. And you get PRr~ — -aqutty In n.ET x OP brick ^-Just PAT MOM bAl«a lOi par month. OM gent WortflR $600 TO $2000 Voss-u& Buckner. Inc. -J Hntlaaal Rldn. PE 4JI740 BlO BEAR COHSOLIDA'nON --------- ■id' REAR wSwmucnoN oo. 03 W. HURON PK 3-T033 Swaps taken In tnde on _________________ (Irco. Dayton Tiro Co.. 71 W. H ron. PE 0-0434, _________T fa^Sly 4-3740,___________ . CASH jrOR USED TVs. __ _______ fAiii _______________ BQUITT IN NEW 3 BEDROOM Mme. 0 mUcs weot of Pontiac, If. 0 must X— „ ELECT. CONTRACTOR WIIl ORdW ’WUT YOtt kA* 6tl « Mrje JM land with m^^pimjjr bouse, outsids of U -----Jot Pon------------- scU. P» 3“ SiCLL OR TR equity. 1 bedrooms, leged home for car bargain. PE 4-I741. STATEWIDE STANDARD OIL Has stvaral 3 staU sUttons ft lease In and around ihe Pontli DIXIE AND HATPIELD, LAEE ORION. piWRT AND MADISON. -----Li-------1- pawl LADY'S ORET PERSIAN LAMB a Lady s beige wool coat with hrowii miwlpn collar, rise 11 030. LMy s royal blue gabardine Jack-eoUar. else It. OlO. Ladrs faille dress, ^tm-SfiK*' Lady's navy princess style dress, slse 10. |15. originals. AU Ukc new. VL ME^S O itS, COAtS. EfcTJi "WA\^ For (urtbeir lafOrmatlon call MI g-63li or Mr. Oeorge Howard. OR 3-0674 after 7 p.m. _________ SERTICE STATIONS FOR LEASE. 1 0 PE 1-4141 After BEND FOR FREE NEW PALL IBSUE^ PARTRIDOE'S ''MlCm-OAN Business ouioe." complete LIST op all kinds 1060 W. HURON. PONTIAC. FE Templeton ..... ............... West Side. etty of Sylvan. Light, roomy drtv 1. ak.i,. Jo, lunehl . Fully equipped (or J -*-*-• —■— -ervice. v ™tt!Uo d REAL ESTATE h INSURANCE 1463 BALDTHN______Ff 4-0647 40 A 00 ACRE PARIISWITH AND FARMS WITH logs. Orchard ITEELE REALTT. ^ N. MIL-(ord Rd. between Highland and lUKord. Highland. kU^gan. MU K. L. Templeton, Realtor 3330 (taehaird Lk Rd. ' FE 4-450: After 0 PE 3-0601 WANTSOTTaRTNER to HELP '■‘n a Research and Develop-iLCe. CbU lUpIc 0-1631 after IS ACRES WITH UVe stream, good 1 bedrm. borne with maderalscd kitchen, hath a furnace. Bara, stor-~ Land suitable lor age bldg. Land suitable lor general farming or beef cat-Ue. 633.000 With 44.000 dn. Reiit Farm Propw^ ISO - ALL PLOWED BIO BARN. room. 1-story ranch. Approximately 1.3M square feet offers you plenty of Uvlnx ----- Large kitchen with plenty of built In ( There's a r 410.060. cupboards sad l*k-o*sr XKSo't ■ Pull pries CUTE AS CAN BE—U ItaU ranch style 3 bedroom home. There Is a living room with log burning fireplace, d I n -log room with panelM wainscoting, kitchen that ts pleasant to work Ui opening Into a lamUy room where you can see the children play 3 car garage, paved drive. On a large lot wlUi several fruit trees and ever------- Priced at 413.000. It 41.3C ONLY 1 BLOCK from excellent lake prlvUeted lot. minutes from ntw Drayton shopping center and In a neighborhood where pride 'T every borne. Yes. bllng brick rancKer <11 ft. over-an) with magnificent mature maple trees gracing the Ideally landscaped lot Is where your lamUy could cn- i—-------------------, t u.iiivT room. Vanity . Tastefully carpeted 13 COLORED — Modem 3 bedrrioro U(t WITH US - lor fast eftlclcnt service. WE BUT. SELL A TRADE — 30 years serving Pon- After 0 CALL L. H. BROWN. Realtor 3407 EllsabeUi Like Rd. PH. IVE 4-3504 or PE 2-4410 MULTIPLE LISTINO SERVICE GAYLORD bedroom Attached enclosed ^jje Business ProptHy 57 \Varehouse loading docks,' parkl^ area. Call for details. . R.J. (Dick) VALUET REALTOR 344 Oakland Ave Open 0 to . PE 641443 ar PE 4-3631 Sale Land Contracts 60 For JSalc Ctottinf 64 Sale Household Goods 65 1 EBNMORE mONER. LIEE NEW BEDRM, SUiTE, REPRIOB^- Mi* 4^3^"* *"®°’'"''^* duslef. 3^*666D^'08nn___________ plct^ _ TVs. 433' ROOMS, -Vs. 433 refrifs., all _... ..brooms, 434. •••*“« m^lnss. thing In usM f Sau/*HOU8S.'‘s torms. THl BAR-or trad*. l^N. CSM at Lafayette. PS rpisortkrrtoNAL, FOAM cusiT bed. ia^ AU for 41---- ly. Pearson’s Puralture, 43 Or- ebard Lake Ave._____________ PIECE DINETTE SET. PORUi- ______ Liks new. OB 3- 7 transistor radio, leather “^t.654.45 Nos 434.45. H. B. y. ....... 1. Munro Electric. 1040 $1,250 DISCOUNT 43.740 to handle. Payable 450 a moqlb. Iftircbaser has 0 years seniority al National Twist Drill with AAA credit rating. JIM WRIGHT DI3(IE h BAILRO^ PRONTAOB. I Bargain. Terms- Phone PE 3-0748. ^ $1,500 DISCOUNT secured by tome. $4,500 LOCATED ON BUSY STREET HAS lull basement. 3 renui units In good eondlUon. PuU price 414,-MO, with Urms. OEOROE R. IRWIN. REALTOR ka Of HfkiakTka. M. 300 W. WALIDN 34 per cent off M.i Pnys 400 per month. 5 yatr oltf.i to handle. R.J. (Dick) VALUET REALTOR 346 Oakland Ave. Open 4 to 4 TE 6-0443 or FE jM53I lXnD CONTRACTS TO BUY OR - ilT Earl OarreU. EM 3-3511 Rent, L’se Bus. Prop. S7A BUILOINO 30 X 30 FOOT ft I ^U i^^e.^^ulre at 373 Bald- USED CAR LOT WITH OFFICE. 100 ft. frontage on Baldwin Ave. at ggg Baldwin. loqulrt at 113 Baldwin. PE 4-1041. Buslnjess Oppiortunitles 59 Auto Dealership Owners other mtcrcstc prompts the sale of this marvelous business. Includes buildings, (rancblsc. parking lots, complete lervk* deportment. A wonderful opportnntty (or n Uve wire operntorl WILLIS M. BREWER BARBER SHOP FOR SALE AT 113 Osmun St. Cnll FE 3-73N after g p.m. COZY RESTAURANT. ALMOST sacrifice *at *431!.--tng can be arranged f¥ FORMICA impooing Ly«: NEAR CLARESTON 3 bedroom brick. Large, carpeted living room with fireplace opening Into a cosy den Dtmng room, very handy kitchen. 13X30 s c/erned p n 110 Carport. On laffo landscaped lot. Black 10 p ter Sacrifice price 110.50 approximately $3,300 dox and assume existing 4tx p< cent mortgage. Land slightly rolling Located Just off main 4 lane highway. Small house ft big b*n. wm ------------------------- ELKABI^ LAKE E8-■TATES-Only $460 down on this a bedroom bungsiqw. MY 3-3031. living I 30 ACRES bedrooms, family ilccd era oaui and basement. 3 car xarag Located on sasb-abaw Road. MY 3-3831. BRICK FIREPLACE In a 13.g X 35 11' gsragi naseu ____ - Jinx with a - 430 foot tot makes this a steal al 013.000 with a ^00 down pnyment. MY Income home located where renting Is easy. Auto, oil best, garage and full bas^ ment. PuU price coly $13,500 LBDOEROCK nRBPLACE * uto. oil hot water beat ith a lot 10 I 300 and s rner Included. There Is a (arage too and a lot so x 174_ Pull price only 16.160 KAY O’NEIL. Realto. FE 3-7103__________OR 1-736$ Income Property 50 3 PAMIIJ SACRIFICE. $3,3( cssh. 7*E 3-7833. 3 BEDRM HOMES ON I LOT, I’im: " I FURNISHED APTS.. LOW DOWN paymett. Pood Incoine. FE 4-lggQ. Sale Lake PryP*r^y 3 BEDRM. LOT 100 I 140 WITH picket fence. 3 ear garage. prtv. on Sliver Lake. $14,000 turn, or gIg.OOO turn. OR 3<4 "R's a Steal HERE IS that once-tn-a-Ufe-Ume opportunity. This brick Inkefront home features I rooms, full basement, nuto. LA7VRENCB W. GAYLORD 130 E PIKE®**'”*OPEN EVES FE 89693 MY 2-2821 \- Y Inaw straet. Low i conditioning. Suits- ! (or Barber shop — Beauty Hearlox A e - At s Money to Loan Olf TOUR Signature OAKLAND 303 Ponttae-state LOANS --------- -GAN CO. ) E. LAWRENCE FE FRIENDLY SERVICE LQANS $25 TO $500 On your signature or ether sec. rlty. 34 months to repay. Our service Is fast, friendly and I. Visit our dfllet or pbonc I HOME & AUTO LOAN CO. I. « I T N. Perry St. Cprner E. Piks GOOD 0<»N0 BUSINESS ON BUSY v.-k—— — _!* ’ highway, t------------ _ . HAGSTROM OUTSTANDING VALUE — g-unlt motel, plus office and separate 3 highway fronUgc. own to Umr Peninsuls. 136.000 on terms. ONLV ONE IN TOWNSHIP - This northara class C liquor bar with aeparsts boms plus 4 modern cabins, 473 loot highway frontags. plenty ri parkine. same owner g years. Will sell for 430.000 on Borrow with Confidence $25 to $500 Household Finance Oorporatloa of Ponttae 3tk S. Saginaw St. PE 4-0434 WHEN YOU NEED $25 TO $500 STATE 703 Ponttae State Bank Bldg. FE 4-1574 QUICE $34 TO gkoo LOANS Hagstrom REALTORS 4400 Highland Rd. IM40> PONTIAC OR 4-0358 "LET’S TALK .iaBUSINESS” Variety Store New modern etorc with tar^e^^^rklng^toL lUIn hljj^^ Jy equipped nod slockedi very nttrncUOe as 1st and prletd for Ideal InTcslment and oMrntton by husband and wife. Sec (or yourself. MICHIGAN BUSINESS SALES CORPORATION JOHN -------- REAL E.STATE OFFICE Bunding with npartmont above, oornor lot oo pavod streot, oner P leURSl-ture. Will sacrtfics. OR AOttO, CinHT - TYPE DEEP FREEZE". ---- onlorsd TV sc_ 0184. PE 4-3710 6a8H 'for UiiD~Wir PtlRNl- THE ANSWfeR TO YOUR PROBLEM: Want Ads! To sell, rent, hire, it’s FE 2-8181. ' > 1 HottMiKill OiKfc4g M tMor-UAT iajR.E » * onuM. elec^bct^to jycaniiE. umed ®r£^£^ iUW*rtiTiR, w. Ntw MMtU 1^tbli7'*KreteiM4 «r ■tMA M kS#-- * *• par n atft ua« ki cai WArm dAissT FSL5“tJ5^2^^ y^ Sate Ml»cellwo«; 67/ For S«lo PoU THE HONTIAC I^RESS. WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 13^1060 CAKNI?AL FORTY^T^IVE By Oic| Tamer VAJiSW ta*i»b kAallf', auto 'gai h*u«r. i-aryfe-w „ . SAVE WLOIIBIKO drr»t. SraBA n»w INO bmUL A M awtpl Miut "-•• “ ^ " ■• CAM, n Mitt. I»7 DUK Hwr. 6n 3-tm. fiTcHiN 8TOVBB. COAL. WOOD ^•W«rie eoabiatuoa. MAplt »V».. vv.irt , |4t. FE ♦■770. rAi'a* dkis *HD ifxffisiii; b^ PMn«n-| Fur: Blmr» ♦> Orrhkrd L»>e Av«. . UVXWp RMlI furniture: ^ ptRiNQ «nuP8, i"«r" it n. Manr; taanr «Umat«i »70, Btndlt »Im. dry* — * - • “ ------- B*lng-Elng lounn ebair, ui ipaee haaUr*. noor a or-VT.'ti*U. »u“r‘;y‘’te*u75? TOO COUSt CALL ACE ?*?“]*■ OR 3-4AM. ba^T R*.’Tbu“atlS? ■“anchor FfiXCES F&A°°&sr¥iS'“«r£^A*?. We Are Overstocked! You Profit! Diad SAsa WITH OUNTROLS. OMd M.« k Op plate OLAU BABB. 4l"iU-' 0**d. m.M Each NEW laialg II.M Each Sale Used Truclct 1031 ^la Used Cars 106 ^ Sale Used Care tOO •60 Dodue Pickup ’ 'M ^CTETO^CT MPl^ HT. MM cifKfROLl^_U6lVfUHiiUB ?&TSf?~NO* 1^ UU 'CHkVROLEt. VlM¥ 06^ motor du tires. Good Uansporta-MMS. ^ ^ : 'a* cSEtF~ai8CAYNB YS‘ l ok. i 31.600 mUe*. Black sad white Pawergllde. Heater IlM*. UL 6I.IIB '68 BUTCE BUPin t DOOR. 311*0 Thlt price Inelvdot all lUndard "lUat. New eondlUon. Powtr Factory oqolpmtnl A Moral la* ateerhif A krakaa. Will trade. -Mlcbiain salot Tax aiM »•*>*« MA^URn 8TUOEBAKBR BALHS eatra. itlmlted ttma ^rl - South Blvd. St Saslnaw PE-4-SM7 RAMMLER-DALLAS | (far KT'Kl UNI N. MA^R^TEH 1 $5 down 1667 cteVROLBit PICK-UP ,IuAo modal. PE S4327 aftor g. ' _ . 1666 J D- 430 HULL POZiCR WITH j Hettor'^y'SStaw- -SS o?o*J directional revtrve A Chevrolet Uke new ' one a juat siof. ulVu*!““'" ““'’'*** - — FORD - $5 DOWN Eddi© St^iSl© J Poor ••dan .Luclt, Blick ■ . . •nginc Turbogild*. Pow«r (toW-IM. powar brUaa. «Mal4 «hUa ______ aidcwall lira*. ilmaada Baal ___________________?!?_*:?••' ■ abarp Maka mt an «3?a». p® i:■ ■.■~r - *F?P“*T1£ 1^59 CHFVROr.FT -1116a PER MORTH- Eddie Steele ---------1. •bit* wans ll.DW actual miln. car perfect, lUto full price. AnyUilng down. BIR-MINCIKAM rambler. 066 S. WOODWARD. Ml------- V-gnoaa. wamuabad Oak Flooring Salaot red ........ |»6 M No. 1 Ccmaioa ....... tioo M No. 3 Oommoo ....., .. glM U No. 3 Ikiorta ......... OIOM BENSON LUMBER CO. Used Truck Center FE ’bian“”° ****5£."f „ ___t BALI 8PE- -— -----------J bcateri remain- ing In atoek. Deluae BlHlar SO.OOO BTU s with (aa bloalng on the floor. I14S.6T OA Tboaipaon 7000 M66 Wait. SPfCIAL upolaa-Bpaclal .. •rage Biding ---- epulna Schoal Desk, only 13 66 Clear fir. 100 ft. ---------- J4x«g gH i 1.000 BALES HAY. STRAW MA- i cure. Lumber. Wood. MX »0000. i [ ALL TYPES OP IBT * 3ND CUT-tlng hby. atraw and eorn.> WUl eiTrar QA 0-3170.______________ CORN, STRAW AMD OATS. $5 DOWN 10 FORD H Ton Pickup. Radio li Heater Poreat Green paint - 630 06 PER MONTH - HS I Eddie Steele -----a Myi------ .. . ith. Mr. wilw, EIng At B Saginaw, ft koifa. Economical 6 cylinder ansHia with aftonleai Pow^arglMc Irina-mUalan. healgr and brand ae» aet of flashing white walled tlrei. SeiU golf finish with siatcblsf Solid ^ fiDlah with MldlUlg ‘"*** $1993 Crissman V SPIN liyer A washer. Tappan 'E*iil67 * ”*"■ ER^USEfl Vv bets FBOII 616J0 up. TV antennas, . WALTON TV 616 E. Walton n 6^7___________ PA ti W* P7RE*1DE CHAIRS, M A- . maple bgdroom — ----a. WaaUnghoase roaiter 1. boy's bike, EM 3-3407. RCA "U•• RECORD PLAYER. EX-cellant condition. 616. Portaiilc 3 -------■* ------1 player. 66. Olrrc - 6;30. MON. thru SAT AUBURN HEIOHTS SURPLUS LUMBER sales CO. JW Hlghmnd Rd. (If06i (» 3-70S3 |if Sag cj|^d’''Takc*'up**p“y-- - 67.60 per month or pay TORRID HEAT CONVERSION OIL burner, complete. Includec fur----- eontr-'- ihance of' ----.-JUTliilUIlW oik AND Rartwan. idea. auMiiM. crock A . Super hamtone a .... . ®OOFT8 SUPPLY 3MB Lapeer Rd,_____TO 4-8411 BEAUTIFUL BINDER 8EWINO machine, blond console, alg-ug yuipped. Pny balance 6M.I0 or 07.16 a mooBi for 16 montbs. Call A. A A ProducU, OR 3-6761. rindowa A door* at iowar’prieT BECT AND W)RE _ irtera Opdyk, Mkt PE 5-764L BASEMENT FOR 8ALE~36 ^ "" - 300. 61800 ca»h At 780 eaaaoaot :______ ' hte SAtVAndN ARMY RED WELD STORE ■hrarythlne to meet your needi Clothing Furniture ^pllancee _ 110 west LAWRENCE TALBOTT LUMBER ?ssa It Kra..!r„7“ATS7,..-. out. 1038 oaklmnd Aee. PE 4-4808. USED WATER SOFTENER COM-pl4tely automatic.- Reasonable. PE 3A637. Cooley Soft Water CO. USED COMB. DOORS ANY SIZE. Reas. After 0. MA L3114 VARIETY OP U8BO~LliMBliR A »^r market equipment. Reas. - Sale 83 HORSE, OENTUej^OOLED IN TRAININq - BOARDING. il5BT modm lAcUlttea m area. II yeari *'■ **■ ®™' VOUWO|^Pl(M,^ 13 TO II 6?EmM For Sale Poultry 85 Ssle Farm Proiluc* ANTIQUE SHOP ipenlng Prr. Jan. 11. LoU of .....t*i,'n»u3r «ot OP- INSULATION TRUCE ; ^lly CQUtpiwd. M FORD Ptaoo I •“---- gum. blower. 41600 13 ; *• Tan, BUW. Diower. aiP Mile Rd. Walled Lk. MA t 8-8333 c^biiT^On door. OlV* EM *3-3010* Washen All models. Guaranteed. . iPEED queen Wmsers. All mod-tla. OaUvarad. OaaranUad PRIOIDAIRE Automatia Installed. Ouarantead. Delivered REFRIGERATORS. Choice'of • Ouartntaed. Dallvared JANUARY Clearance SALE _ L.sed 1T?UCK Center ‘ , SL HURON AT ELIZ. LAKE RD There was no payola in corinection with my client's job ------------- a disk jockey - he just naturally had bad taste in mittic’ ' i ^ 1088 BUICE SPECUL NO MONEY DOWN ■ 3-Ooor. hardtop. Ilka new 38,00. , montt *^"** *” *• I -----r¥"3^io“" "“biRMINOHAM-RAMHLER ! 1087 CHEVROLET STATION WA* 660 s. WOODWARD Ml 0-3000 on, Eeego Salta. Eeeeo Harb^ ■53 CADILLAC : 6860 Located 008 Orchard Lk. Rd i C 3-7843! H. R'Htlha & Accc.«»fic. _97 j STAB boat A_ND | DuelwheeU, 4 speed transmleslon, | eicepllonAlty clean, tliss. ',^7 FORD SX JOHNSON used. Proulg Oliver Salas on U34 I Just north of Oaford. Bvinrude motor. . . MY 3-Ul ----------J are HERBII Enter CoaMat. 301 Priaeel Larry Jerome ROCHESTER FORD DEALER OFFERS 1954 Cadillac 3 DOOR. LTEE NEW $1395 ■58 CHEVROLET *$i495 . ■ NEW AND REBUILT BPREAD-ert. Homellta Chain Bawa. Oavla Mehy Co. Ph. NA 7-33S3 -Or-•-nvllle. For Sale Housetrailers 89 13 FOOT I BEDROOM^ SMALL down p«vm.e* »-s---1—.--- PE 8-1 TrTT_________________ TrsOal Trailer Bine* 1033. dampnatratloD at Wamtr TraJh -r Salta. 3086 w. Huron. (Plan eacltta” .““..If. ■rAm'o - IW and If . ***» '•<10 »*«®b of “••2. At holly marine AND COACH BALtS. 183ie Rd. HoUy. MElroaa 4-S77I 'SO BooU A Motors Reduced CRUISE-OUT .BOAT SALES 03 E Walton Dally 1»Q PE S 4403 BIO BAYINOS OR ’59 JOHNSON MOTORS OWENS MARINE SUPPUEB 360 Orchard Lake "RUSS DAWSON ' '59 EDSEI- '57 Cadillac Convert ALL WHITE. NSW TUtlS * TOP. THIS IS A BEAUTYI $2695 'Cy'O'wens ALL lOOS MODELS I Century: ^rls-Cratt Crutaeri MERCURY MOTORS ' BAILFI8H - 8UHFI8H INLAND lakes SALES i 3137 W HURON________PE 4-7131 ! ^ $1895 - 'Russ' Dawson I Russ Johnson ^ Motor Soles MY 2-2871 or MY 2-2381 Transportyt’ii Offyed 100' 4 ENOINB AntUNER LOs *5“ rranfcuco. San D 6M. Rawll OSe 10 eatra. New 3 Pontiac’s . Truck Center 6311 Perry Service Inc. OR 3-1354.' CARS DAILY TO PENNSYLVANIA. I Rjehame Bonnle'a Orlve-a-way. Factor' OAK LAN' CMC Bran AT CASS 1060 CADILLAC. WHIT t. 03 Coupe. All power. Includlas power wtndowe end 0 way power aeet. Private owner. 04.M. CaU I Ml 64600 _______________ 1081 CAOLLLAC 01 COUPE BE-ecuUvei car. 04100. PE 3-0400. •y Brandi D A' LOOKINO FOR A UBeI) dAR7 Dluiount to all union mombert. P. A O. Auto Bales. 800 Auburn. 1003 CHEVROLET HARO T6P. RA- t -7 o .--------I leaving rOR AOUTHBAOTERN I OxforJ Trade- Sales > Miaaoun mday ul 2-4ooo. ---- ----- I RIDERS TO AND PROM ANN AR- I ' bor ilally- Call PE 0-3311. j I '''HUCE „001Na NORTH PaSt , GARDNER. ZIMMER. I OARWOOO A HOLLY . Campei* and used traUera Soma used on rental plan. We sell. GOOD HOUSEEEEPINO SHOP i CASH WAY 81 WEST HURON LUMBER PRICES j STANLEY ALUMINUM RUNDOWS ' - „ ...SANDERS-HAND SAND ; era—WALL paper r~------- 8E1L SAW - RDO _______ _ BOWNIE’S HARDWARE 400 8 SANFORD , yg 4-0108 LOWdSR PRICES ON COPPER j I CLEANER weekday! I M to o ! Sundays lO to 4. Montcalm Bulld-[r_a Bupplv - 180 W Montcalm TO BF- SOLD AT PUBLIC AUCTION ALSO CHILD S CRIB DOOR OYM SET. ALL IN OOOD Burmeister's ' CamerBs & Equlpmyt 70; ' Lake Orton on M34. MY 3-0731. I _____40 To Choete Prom_____ I PONITAC CittBF A DETRdlTBRS New A Used . | . We take boutaheld furniture In i BOT3 HUTCHINSON’S I 4301 Dllle HWT. U. 8. 10 I I Pltlwe OR 3-1303 . I 1^ 1 X 1 E TRAILER MLE8 AND ‘ Rentel. 1048 Rortb Lapeer Rd. Oatord OA A3703 . WANTED: USED TRAILERS. 18' ■ tfr. Let us lut It lor you * “ ■-------- ■ HOI load. Either way. PE 8-6800. Wanted Used Cars 101 ATTENTIONt • WHY SETTLE PqR LESS?- Turner's I Truclc Center ! BIRMINGHAM ..$ 5951 . ■■$ 495' DIO A HEATER, 3-TONE. ABAO-LUTELY NO MONEY DOWN. Ae-•ume parmenU of $11.07 per Mo. CaU Credit Mgr. Mr. Parke •» “t 4-7800 Harold Turgot Port!. 1 Turqet Ford. : SELECTION SEE OUR Of fine late model need Dooge Pbraoutb-Ctaryeltr lACK COLE. INC ION W. Maple at Popuae TraU Walled eke MA 44611 '84 CHBV. BEUAIR NORTHERN LUMBER 7640 COoIev Uk*S*M^ KM V4171 Open I a.m. to 0 p m. dally Sunday lO a m to 3 p m '•nee available Cash and Carry Specials Md IniuteHoD to 0 • **“ - - 63 N RA80NABLE - EXAkYa CAM- i —- *>o lent. Bloter P-3. M mm KUfiU-UAkro-KlIar alt ‘ 3 Inch to Inflnlly. o.e'^ i , Lee ! . .0 586 ' 6 30 p .m I TWO BIG DAYS! ■ BEGINNING “CLEAN USED CARS ’ MaSIn^ AN^ TOACH SAl^ T mVTlM'C* ’s' ^0 HoUy Rd. HUH,. MElroae! (^LLIN iN b I .J Sale Musical Oo^g 71! ALTO SAXOPHONE LIKE NEW. j PARKHLTiST j TRAILER SALES 1840 LApetr Rd. Lake Orion MY 3-4011 . Between Lake Or- Drayion Pialn,____qr 3-07341 your rough lumbe.___ HAGffERTY LUMBER A Suply BAROAINS ON USED IN8TRU-menu. Arcordlon. upright prac-flce planon. clarlnet.v. saxo-phonee. and drums Call FE 'IHURSDAY NIGHT JAN. 14 7 l\.M. Sll.XRP , I oitford'~'(>n*^3'4. Abort's i6obile aoiiE SALES A service PtAturlog all sew Sportiman- AVERILL'S 3030 Dlata Hwy tna FTC 3-Qgei._______ Trade In Specials UV, ROOM SUITE BEDROOM, COMPLETE . BED. COMPLETE cow** PE jMl» |DUO THERM L b. e " Ml. Clti «af*\ 1 WbNO-TUKINO-OSCAR SCHMIDT 8*1 7 to 3 fT 3-8317 S SPACE HEAT- davEnpoKt'bed' iiEW*" ^ LIV. ROOM ENSEMBLE NEW ON tfm5. No dowu ptymiot WYMAN’S DINETTE SET. ROTISSEI doublt Hollywood bed. auton waaher. glrt’a bike 630" fig 11", Argyll camera OR Vseia diamond rino and iniDiT watob wrtto PoBtUc Praia Boa tbadc elec.’ RAI-.-.. [•2** Munro Electric Co . Huron. UDE OA8 RANGE POR ELEC H^ror" DOO HOUSES POR SALE. 68. 66 U.sed Merchandise: Admiral phooograph Encor Upe recorder MopoToi HI-FI phooo|reph FRIDAY NIGHT JAN. 15 7 P.M. SHARP TRAVEL TRAILERS A RENTALS Tour-a-Home A Trotwood Mar-King A Huron Romet. Bpaclal ' I rataa lor Florida vacation .'/faeob- ) I lon'i Trailer Sales. 6866 Wllllami ' I L»ke Rd. OR 3-ONI. Rent Trailer Space 90, CASH FOR YOURCAR Munu TV Stromberg Carlton TV RCA TV Crotley TV buO-THERM. 7I0M BTU PUR----------- introU, 688 OR 3-4836. from. Intariar » YOU ^fk A PAINT duooraung piiblemT Rundradt « eolori to eboeae fro- 3 PC LIVINO ROOM SUITE 3 A 4 PC. BECTTONALB Your Choice of Colort. Spring Cuihlon* or Foam Rubber I LAROE SELECTION OP CHAIRS ELSWORTH A BEATTIE AUTO SALES AUBURN HEIOHTS. MOBIE Vn,'”’' “*'* SV ».i«06 iio^-Sykr*’" i ""n^-^l-ett- ; oxroRb mobilT’ MANte~'pbR .0"®% Motor Sales thoag who want the. beat. tTaM' DESPERATELY NEEDS ni:e*?..iTS;5o»u*it‘J:’ All Model Qcan Cars i villa road OA A3033. | 64S ORCHARD LAKE PE 3-7041 YOU VE ’^BEXN THE REST NOW ' PONTIAC AUTO BROKERS ♦ee Iha^at. Jouart Lake Trailer ; _Buy. a«U. tfade Park PE 3-8m. UOO N Perry and Madison PARKBURfT LAKE T R A f L iflt ! FE 4-9100 --------3-4011 7^ --- - 13 ft ___ ’56 Chev. 1 Yi ton I li van - T-t ’57 Ford F-600 ... ’58 Thames Panel 4 cylinder -« aHarp ’59 Ford F-600 .......$2595 Tractor - agtra abarp $ 995 $1195 $1195 $1195 $1295 BE SORE TO CALL BOB BUTLER HAROLD TURNER *ivvKf »®'*“l® 'KXWcYcTEnUE8S THAN ryS" I 5,*'**? MIRACLE MILE i . 433 W Huron. PE Plano Tuning Organ Repair —I ?? upVi^s d*..3;i'2:' FE*isoS I . I OF ALL KINDS A COLORS Court. MY' ^ioiT TTii *lwil i ' . Weodtrful tocstton od 73 > acrat balwten Lake Oiion and I See M v't M Motor Sales i ~i- . T—T—r—F;-------------' tY- uprlghl daapitem' fE*ios2 Lhcd trade-In Dept : after a pm______________________ Beokcaie. walnut fmub | o S8l^b:E BTAl^INO TOILETS' ' ---- I 6;08|poubl^ bor' , Uh.-EevworE5*S-^^I4»‘ USED ELEC. RANGE i Plnlab Ilka new. 676 68 Pay only .|173 N. Sale Store Equipment 731 LARGE SELECTION OP TOOLS APPLIANCES DR^ GOODS JEWELRY Chevrolet Include* 13i , t»ck mufflers and lead la pipe Alto pair ef "Bubble" aktrU In $$$ PAID 1 OOOD USED CARS for sale cheap 34" CONSOLE I ADDING MACHINES. CASH HEO- I rw, boi tr*ali?r, 4111^ revT duty, 58 model : re-Bee motor REpubllc “ahotgun, ' ^ ^pWlac"ct»h”iiegl»ter j 6-3ii. I Sale Sporting OoodB 74' 100* OTHER ITEMS EREE DOOR PRIZES i A1 USED TIRES. 03 8* DP. WE buy. >ell. Alto whltewalla. STATE TIRE SALES I 803 BAilnaw Et.________PE *-00*7 L06E! 7*0tl4 BLACK TIRES. ALL 6-0133. Full line of building >i»"'p^Btii:c''ri:l plumbing materials ' Wa taka trida-lna WOLVERINE LUMBER 330 a. Paddock PE 3-0704 USED GAS STOVE I CLOSE OUT ON INSULATED i Kelt* , *4* 01 at‘64.6V°’bootli*'few I pair M low at 66 66. Brigga Sport- i j mg Goods 3231 Orchard Lk Rd , ' ' Keego Harbor.__________________ LOCATION: 2616 Dixie Highway US. 10. 1 Mile North of Pontiac City Limits Russ Dawson 232 S. Saginaw FE 2-9131 TRUCK & EQUIP 136 Diaic Hwy Pontiac OR 3-1306 ------ .. TON STAitE good cond . 6368 FE 8-3706 ’« Aadan nallverv ^ ■81 Chevy__________ SI Int'l. Ton. Dual wheels, nice ECONOMY CARS 33 AUBURN HEAVYDUTY TOrTOP TRAli- t road baaard guarai ’s” Ca';j"'K.m ■—>, ^ 64133.______ WANTED TO BUY OOOD USED appIlAncei * furniture. THE BAR- OAIN house. 103 N Ca«> GARAGE DOORS roctorj, teoondt. all tUndard dUNS — BUY. SELL TRADE Mses in alock from 138 “P- : Minliy Leach, 10 Barley, bUNS MODERN AND ANTIqI'E peering n,,_ .... ...... ..._... s..„. . clo»et doori We^g^ive etllmatai " ^ Sf“ ‘ 1 larait r 8^11,; wFll sell oOldspot reprio- erator Coat 6175. taU lor 678 pke new. OR 3-3731.______ JEAR end slashing SAIE! 100% \’in?l L.noinnr?^,;'^^ ' LT] Belling out-ptlnti below co.l value 136.30 and —.- II, trade an 'i » FREE PARKlNTi up TO 34 MONTHS TO PAY ton Tire Co. i-0O4 ________ ' STANDARD BRAND NBW TIRES, utde in on Otnerml 0«fet7 Tlrta Up to 40 ptr ctnt Off Black or WMttvalla. I D WILLIAMS JEROME “BRIG^ SPOT ” , Orchard CfSke at Cass Open Eves r bu'ldoeer. 0178. DL 3-1330, INTL. TON flCE UP r Sedan Delivery. -"-I wheels, mcv. 33 AUBURN Auto Insurance 104 WE NEED car. For 20 year* we I the lop dollar. Trade d ■■ VAN WELT . P O. * MED. FGk MOST CARS IS SO ON I MO PAY MTS OF I FE 4-343* FE 3-4383 WILL ACCEPT ’53 Chev. V/t ton 13 FT STAKE '53 Chev. Vi t'ci , . .J-ET- .WAKE-------------- '53 Dodge 2 ton ... .$ 695 ] Fa'; ;SVy'oii'iio.' 13 FT. STAKE Ol UPT GATE RHe Auto, Mr Bel ’.>4 Ford F-lOO .....$ 5951 “ Pickup — S cylinder ’54 Chev. 44 ton .. .$ 595 Pickup - * cylinder '54 International .. .$1195 It. van ~ eatra sharp '55 Ford Courier .. .$ 495 , ,.NIce - S cylinder \friTOD CAI ire I GMC 2 ton ■•■.$1295 MOTOR SALES ! w ft. van PE 4-7^^^ »”%"e 4-n,7 ; ^95 •55 Ford* F-*1*00 ....$ 595 _Pickup - a cylinder -b^E^pima^kED^ ^CA^— ■ HARDENBORC3 MO^ ^LEA ’56 Pord F-600 ReposseaNRwi full price. No cash needed. — •*- Peb. 30tb. PE S-483* _____ ____its. refrliara- tppllancea, etc. C------ Ramblert or am aa part payment. cart, new or aaad. Teu'U aet • ■Coat Una Cda." tST ifeat « lie W^tod Laka. MA 4-4811. “ r U»ed - Wa tell both. $5 DOWN •64 CHEVROLET Convartlbi* Ptrw-Mi6i BroBae"nnlali ^wr*ito^iSi -I OH I* PER MONTH - Eddie Steele - FORD - PE wm" " ®*y 'M BIBCAYRC. 3 DR- T-S. IZT%,5S^ W. a chevy; ^7070. Repossession •• 6331 full pM*. No eakh needed: Pay only 113 Mo. dua Peb. 38th. ■ Rite A«o,.Mr. BtB PE 1-4MI BILL SPENCE I •RAMBLER" a 8 SAOINAW FACTORY BRANCH . BEL AIR 3 DOOR Radio k Heater, Power-tilde. A solid Blaot^eouty. $1495 Pontiac / Retail Store Repossession Mr. Ball PE A|]y FE 3-7117 ’58 EDSEL rvwisj.w^**- Clarkston Motor Sale* ff 118! ISW ford RAHCBEEO. RED * “Adio tad W-Walla, e P.O.M. Radio aad boaMT □dltion. Call PE S-3711 after A RADIO A HEATER V-S CYL- INDER absolutelV no MON-OWN. Aaauma paymei' per Me. Call Credit '•irke at ------- ‘ Ford. 1959 CHEVROLET IMPALA BPORT COUPE Immaculate Solid Beige with co per trim ISO boreepower engli wlQi amae«h. gliding powergUr. trtnamiBvlon.. Radio, heater and I • averytUng in tbia beauty ' ~aurSgS~ REPOSSESSION Rite Auto Mr. BeU. PE »4g3* *3 PORD f* BTRAtOHT STlci; ---- ---*1"' " food tf Jm » it 00 ttua neit ti Crissman ROCHESTER OPEN EVEg “UL * Ot 341111 FREE 38 OALLONg of gae eaeb week Teel Car Drive It yMiraoH dtiw Ins Jeouary. BEATTIE M CHEVROLET V-8 SEDAN. RA-910 A HEATER ABSOLUTELY 40 MONEY DOWN. Aaaume pey- i r— •~:r — — ■- — ---- .... --"_ Mo. MU I lis4 PORD STARUNBR, "Your PORD Dotlor Staee 1S30" 1100 DIXIE HWY. OR 3-13II “ ^ HopUght In CUSTOMER CONFIDENCE - Our - Noon % Seturdoy* - BERRY DOOR SALE.< USED SNOW TUE8 _____________ OOOD USED TIB TO »1 « DOZ ALL MERCHANDUIB BRAND NEW 1 •**’ *0, UP 140 W HURON lA^% PE^M318 --- OR 3-1388 " M40 Duie Hwy Foreign & Sports Cars 105 WRECSlS. JUNKED OR CHEAP -------------- or up 8* l.LOYD BTAnON WAGON 80 i wentfd PE 0-83*0 • _ nill»» per SOI Only *1.0*0. P. A WANTED JUNE CARS »*• *ubum.___ PR 3-H30_________It^RENAULT DAULPHINE. EM SPECIAL SALK: -Tradition-, j^CHEVBO^T BEL AIR 4 jx^LD^eala WafOB 03114 Door H-Top tlltd 4ki-Ft. Wall Tile '.7. .'.'25c Brer a. 141 w. Huron, PE 4-30*4 ZIO ZAO 8INOR SEWINO MA ehlna in modem cabinet. Mokea butlonbolea. bamt, ovgreatu. IN 40 balonct 0 pay" 118* ^8* 80. These are ilightly warred A!»o electric, oil and botUed cat beattrt at terrific yaluat. Ulcbl-^an Fluorescent: 3*3 Orchard Lk. fEADQUARTERS POR BOBBIES Tralna-Toye-Bchwlna Blket ScarltU’t Bike-Hobby Shop 0 E Lawrence, PonUac PE 3-7*43 Sand, Gravel ft Dirt 76 6-1 TOP SOIL. CRUSHED STONE, E & L Auto Service 93 i CRANKSHAFT ORINDINO IN THE ' Used Auto Parts 102 WllNUER wAsREk. ON: oTTs rofrlgefetor. J^: aloc-6r1e atoee, W: 31-In l¥. load cond. 680: )lg to*, like ntir.'^ _nutoiiinMt wniAor. M. PE 8-37Q*. Za-ZAO BBWINO MACHINE Lika new. *ttb bvflt-tn button boltr. Many decoraUy* lUtchea. Take oear paymant of M a agaTnrfrg aSLr*"^ IHSULATTON Mica pallet bouseflU 81J8 bag Plbtrtlatt Med Thick Blank A <»s,u rs SUPPLY CO. • 11 Orchard Lake Avr. PE 3-7101 KITCHEN CABtNET SINKS. S^tly aCfatched U" modeU. BN vAlue. *01.30 while they last. Ala* terrlfto ythua on 84'’ and or* modelt.' No_pboot drdtra,. I^a. Miehifan Piaairweant. 303 techard Lak* Aet. — 1. Hi.F.i. TV and Radios 66 OE COLOHHO TV, tt IN CON-tore.. 18 Mo. old. BaOutlfuI cab-tojt^Oood worklni eoodlUoB. OR knotty Pine Paneling 3 PATTERN* WP3. lypi ond wcloo CHURCH’S. INC UL 3-400* For^Salc MiscellaneouB 67 1 UaU WAT1ER SOPTXNER. BXC. oond Reasonable. EM 3-OQII. LAVATORtts CHROME MiXlNO ftuoaU. value, IM.SS. Also bathtubs, toilets, abower atalls. Factory Irrefulars. Ternflc val-utt. Michigan Fluotescaot. JS3 Orchard Lake Av'e ’^1 i TOTLFT SEA'i'S "gl 68 VALUE 63 66 A so cumpirte line of aeata In colors wood *“<* ' 1 i^n Pluomeeni. 363 ^hard j£k. | 3 IrtAILERE. 8 a 7 WITH STAKX Pe"8-^*3* *■" ♦■yiNCH JoiL pl>k s'W'll.TI 173*a^a iOPPLY 178 E Basipew PE A>81tS. _ cow MAMURd PE 4-M71 OM. n 8-8306 CRUSH____, _ _ EM 3-0831 DISTRIBUTORS CRANKSHAFT ORlNDXN^iiTfffiB i car Cylinders rebored. Zuok Hn- ' •'•'•* Located chine Shop. 33 Hood. Pbono PE PONTIAC POR PARTS FE a-4306 ______ MODEL 1*56 TRIUMPH WITH ALL EX-iras OR 3 430* after 4. all day 8st A Sun. Htn r6d and TRAILER 1178 FE MS13. M_t««:'^YM”Af’tel HouQht6n Pul) Poher. Power Steering A Bnkes \ •8S FORD 3 Dok^H-Tep W rah. exc cond ORAV- I RE-OPENINO OUR SALE JAI ------------------------>l____I 2*'«b this spue lor Pridny'.---- OOOD ROAD ORAVEL 6 YDS, I Mr * Mrs. Tyler Lnke Orion 373 Bnldwln 07 Delivered. PE 4 INSTALLED FREE Mufflers A taU-ptpei when bought ; j . .Sale ' For Sqle Cart INSULATION TRUCK Fully equipped. 84 Ford F-000. ' 16' van, auto, blower. 41600 U Mile Rd, Waled U MA < — "KU8B DAWSON" Wood. Coal ft Fuel 77 CHANNEL COAL. FIREPLACE. PIRE_ W^D^^ HARD ^ AND klmUlnt A •ord IM. Kg»«4aor»oRiaiH*^ D SLaBWO dalleered / PE 6--- ------ ...U..1BWOOD. cord* for II*. dolleered. ** - ' place wood. PE 6-3057 6EA80NKU FIREPLACE WOOD, 7. •Prt*. ' ' kln^lnf. Open Dally 0-0 for ReUU A PurehatlDB B & B AUCTION tm DnUE BIOBWAT Ac roe* from DRAYTON SHOPPINO CENTER Sale Motor Scooters 94 CHEVROLET PICKUP 1960 INCLUDES: Foam teat. Tor^lop i Deluxo cab. all f '58 ANGLI A ENOLISH FORD MOTOR COMPANY - $995.— _______________________________________ , $1688 Sale Form Equiofnent 871 'oi eaouc. aTconBittonTm*. Matthews-Hargreaves ^ -------------^^----------I _Z?L±?ni----- CASa AT OAKLAND-PON-nAC I 333 8 BAOIHAW _________PE 8-4101 - — Russ" Dawson motor company BOLENS AND traeton with *i 4 types of snow lal eloa* ent prli *807 Dtato Hwy 8-7670. i ss:s;‘ia,; ANDERSON BALES A JERVICE i ------ n ( E »0I31 OR 3 7834 6IN dAWS i^nM i^bik*! *^or Sale MotorcJclea 95 , •luff X^rtfftr'i CMta 0 i « p. Holly CHAIN SAWS ^or Sale Pets DERMA 131 WE I nl L 1804 MAIOO 38* I . J _!________FE t-TtOO ___________ , ! 8iMt>LU MbiX>R BIEE. PROM j *3**Truii 1---------. I 8* ANOLIA ENGLISH PORD, PE 8-0132. ___ , ' $5 DOWN tlSP^ IbUTCK. i*8* SPECIAL 3-DOOR '■ ■ Tpo Btake Radio A ' .hardtop, blacli. radio M ha^tw. II Una ef Slmploi Ookarts 1* 00 Cliff Dr------- - - — Caator, 16310 I. MEiroae 4-OTII Uniter A rani wc_...... - *30 8* PER MONTH - Eddie Steele 6c Son ■four Friendly Old* Dealer FOREION CAR BALES AND SERVICE - 831 N MAln. Rocheaur OL 1-OTOl 7 Specials '84 PONTIAC I SEDAN ■M DODOE SEDAN 6148 '13 DeSOTO SEDAN ■13 POBD SEDAN '83 MILLY'^ sedan ■80 BUICK SEDAN TRAINED L herd. Watch dof lor service a lion or otlier bualneet. UL 3-17 Boats ft Accessories 97 AND UP 4 6734 ^ ' FK 4-1113 ———w nURO k'TVr; RRnt; insure your boat and mo- '’S_ytt21 tv. I'Ml ortu.'i ,| tor for only 82 5* pey 6100 of,----------- Hannen Ins Atoney. PE I - FORD — l'>ed TRUCK Oiitcr HURON at ELIZ LAKE RD "JEEP WITH LWHEEL DRIVE i ■ 80Mi~5r THE PINBBT OF , Used Care arc Pound at G. G. CARPENTER sales a SERVICE 41.^ f OMMERCE RD EM 3-4101 i BUICK .J3 sf*SiciAL' 4 d66A si-dan. automatic IrammUtlon, pow-, .. ---- ------- ^ You Pay UcMi* A Take* • WE CARRY YOUR NOTE" BRAID’ 6IIN '67 BUICK oeaveri. Sharp . 61JS|, ■67 FORD -P>Lant H-rbe 613SS ■67 PORD 3 Door 6 : . . 6 66S •67 POKTIAC 6 Door H-Top 613SI '66 PONTIAC 6 Door Wntos 6inS PuU Pevor. Auto. uaa*. so PONTIAC SOblef R-TOp . glStS Povar ttaertof A Brakes. 66 OLDB Sapor I Door "M** S Off Real sharp. 'M CHEVY 0 Doer Wagoa .. 616N I oyl.. tUndari *biA. 'U FORD Palrlaaa 3 Door ... I 00* ■66 URCOLN * dr. Uko BOW I 6*0 -16 CHEVY ■totlOA WaggA .. I II* 'M PLYMOUTB. Good IriM. I IIS •M PORD 3 Door WalM .y, I MB ■64 BUICK SpOetol 4 Dr...I NS GLENN'S' MOTOR SALES 952 WEST HURO^I FE 4-7371 FE4.t797: ■F" \ -■. FbttTY-SIX POXTUC PREsi WEDNESPAY, JAWi^Y 18, 19W IV Stit fitry . Nil For 9idt Caro f oWSSS^rT^ ■M rORO. t. BT. MM. I SHEP'S ' HAUPT PONTIAC Dtmo—itM PoBtuc atarehlft (part ««4aB. Hjrdramatlc. Radio. Raat-•r. Row ttoorlBf. Powor brakea. Lead tbao «.0M milot Bavo on tbta ono. Oinn payment. M l»U*PoMat B^trUle. 4 dr. Hardtop. All iM«ar. Pactory ot-—- Hera la one that la netar complne mat you son — MOTOR- SALES r- ; Jaa*r'"?e"n5a"” 8ri»;Oao<^ > TIZZY Solo Vfiod Caro 106 HASKINS LATE MODEL TRADES ■ m OMa Dypaaale ”ar- Holitfay f doope. Poorer aUortne. hydrapiat-' *or Boati«^l r— radio. beaUr. d miWi. One o $ tM; walla. Priced to'a •id PORD r-Lane : --- •ifPONnAC B-at H-T ----------- ----- ------------ ■M CHETT CtUbTieiipe I Pontiac Btarcblef 4 dr. Hard-: ■It BUICK apee. 4 dr. aed. | W4 top RydraaaUc. Power ateertog. ' •g CHIYrTl-Alr H-T J TMJ Mwer btakoa. Radio. HeateL 4 • ‘KdregtOLirr * DSW ♦ 4W! ^ItewnUa. ah laatbcr trftn. A •il PONTIAC 4 Door Mao • M bamker'a ear at bank ratca 'U PONTIAC Cat. K-rSb I 144 lUf Pontlae Buperehlet 4 dr. Hardtop. Hydramattc. .Radio, Heater , Power ateertog. Power brakea. i Whitewalla. II you're looking lor a low mileage car - thia b it I ; tap. Hydraaaatlc. power etaering. power brakea, radio, heater. Beau-..Uful aaddle brown and tan tlolah. Shep's Motor Sales T SlI- ------ M O N C T DOWN. Aaadaa pay-mente el IU.M par mo. Call CradH Mgr. Mr. Parka at MI 4-lMt. Harold Turner Fbrd. ■H PORD REPOSSESSION Mr. BaU 1M4 PORD roCNTRT BBDAN 4 -Tor. eier"— — 1M4 Plyaontb aUtloo wagon. Too ' • Chcrrolct Bel Air 4k1o n. T-f engine. Powerglld I. heater^eautllul alTrei lah. One owner. Barr. Many Mora to t______ ____ MU One Mile North D.B. pen Kyenlnga — ‘ dAple i-4>44 Haskins Chev. grsi Dtele Highway at MAple MWl Open nlt< t>M^ MiRLJOT _4 OR.^ I aceptlonal E t-4t»4 IIM FORD 4 DOOR, t CTUNDXR. j .u « ajwvn, a -----* R. ABSOLDTELT NO MONET DOWN. Aaaume pay-1 menu ol gU.M per mo. Call Credit Mgr. Mr Parka at MI 4-UdO Harold Turner Ford [If Ford F-Lado I. Auto. IT Cher Wgn. 110, 4 dr. g lUtS lt» FORD. 1 OR. SEDAN. RAH. ^ . Very clean. No money down, bnl-anct due 41M.M Aaaime pay-menu e( gl.Ig month. Mr. White, nto.. Ill S Saginaw FE FORD DEALER - no. I LAST off?;r —■ w. vaz, vour W !»• iL. 'll Ctut. - Id Oonr. -M 0%. RT, pwr. adtamblorUke aoi •M CadlUae. ' _______ ,r*pw?“'' . JS Plenty otbere ddT to l«M1 lee rvniiMV vAzauania aaa «-Very dean. Full prtee. dltd. Ho -----doam. Make partner- -* 'sa&w'Int t. VL a-Jtn. ."■mssisn PONTUC I owner. FE J-TC-. ■i4"'»>NTiAg..i M."'ioigr.' Bherp. Carl'a M Oakland. DODGE CITY o4 Chev. 4.dr JIO, pa I 4d» H Pont I daaa wgn f auto. I tM ■54 Flym. I dr. good trana I III '54 Chev. 2 dr. atd. shltt • 315 ■54 Bulck 3 dr 8-hl, pwr 5 415 53 Chev. 3 dr. 211. pg g 305 53 Chev 4 dr pg m I 3H '53 Mercury 3 dr hardtop 5 455 *53 Pontlaa g dr etd t 3M '53 Bulck 4 door - I 3I5 YOUR CHOICE $50 53 Ford 4 door 'S3 Fontlac 4 - door SSfc ___________________ Rl-OAB HtLEAOE. BRAND NEW, "di" LARES. Juat your old oar dawn, Paymanu ae low aa did month. RINE MOTORS. Stude- •57 FORD 3 DOOR . $995 RoUadluml. OR PONTIAC AUTO BROKERS *n CadDlat 4-Dr. DoTiUo i ------ ------------ r boTl :SR3i5^ai,. 7 ju„ '07 Ford CBitom d Auto. .. 01115-'la Chtvy 4d>r. Bd Air Auto. dllM 'M Olde 4-Dr. Id. 1-ownor . . $1105 ■id BuICk Bote. 4-Dr..51006 'id Chevy 4%. d RAR .. t tdd 'M Ford Ctry. Bod. Od .. 0 Odd •U Bulck Bupor 3-Or,, HT . t It5 Id Chevy Bd Air 4br. | 7M *10 Ford Out. 4-Or. Sharp I dl5 '53 Ford Wafon 1 OO 1315 '50 Btudebaktr Wgp......d 305 '53 Fontlac 4Dr..........t 3tS Iddd FORD CONVERTIBLE RA-DIO A HEATER. ABSOLUTELY NO MONET DOWN Aaaume pav. nenU tf $7.34 per Mo. Call Credit Mgr. Mr. Faika at, MI 47500. Htrold Turoff Por4. MLCHANIC SPFXIAL WILSON PONTIAC-CADILLAC -----CTEAN^'^. 'Cy' Owens ■id Hcmb. FOM. V-*. 4 DR. WAOf- ' on. Sharp. Bait otter. OR 3-1037. 1N3 MARE Vn 3AODAR 'M DODOE Cereoet d Dr .... lUM •50 ^RD “Odd" t Door E-Top llddd ■id CHEVr Rleeaypo d DOor dUdd •57 DODOE COropet d Dr....... /KdAuvt\/-7/ -gg CREViOLET^ Door . d did “Do I have to read him his >comlc bootw? TTfcy scare the oooak i-ownor t U5 daylights out of me!" 'lo RUicR super H-tvp I'los OOOE 4 Door | IN SdtUMdCara IM uT^ra tmcSnitmiT dr.' , 1 «wNrr«.dN WO dSFord HOMER BIGHT MTRS, Cort'e. M Ooklapd. •il #A*t1a6 1-------- “5?t J?**?*!!" •ki PMftnc i ~ oooo CONOI- tlon, Tory oleap —--- •----r. 70 ■"-— FACTORY BRANCH '58 PONTIAC •ggreio^dSSftr $2195 Sale Used Cart 106! ^ Us^ Carg 106 : A T E R, ABSOLDTELT NO nauNET * Credit E... ____ - 47500. HoroM Tuwur Ford. down” Aaaume pay-1 «»I FACEABD, TBRT CLEAN! ~ & Fal^ at'lHl' K*H- >•• wwy down. Balance dte. N7 Atiuma wmanu ol U.13 month, Mr. White, Ring Auto, lU g. Baglnaw, FE 40403. 1 FEfMODfa nATioN waocm. 1M7 4paaienger auburban mndel.. AU oitiBa. Fowar a^utpuant. Par- ■51 ; '50 PooUac 4 i '4S Pontlae 4 door No Money Down Dixie OK'd Cars . FE 0AW3. FACTORY BRANCH O 0 a d body, ongihe. Needa eluteh... 1345 RntMINORAM-RAMBLER m B. WOODWARD MI 43040 iftTfSTD, 1 OR. CDSiOMLINE. vorr clean. RAH. No mon» down “yj .AT, DRATTON FLAINfl. MICH. •57 MERCURY 4 DOOR HARDTOP adlo f - " Hooter, MercO- R & C Rambler Sales Utaai. Deal n hew 'dd Rnmb EM 3-4110¥m^¥T-6666 cono. FE 3-MM: d!l I-H3I. '54 PORD, Trrrtl '50 PONTIAC EN-glne. can FE MdOd after t p.m. Il67 FORD SEDAN RADIO A HBAT1», T8, ABSdLUTELT NO MONET Damn. Auume pay '58 FORD FAIRLANE •■Odd" TOWN SEDAN, d eyUoden. crule-amatle drive, power eterr-tng a brakei. radio heater, white tlrei Real sharp. 01505. BEATTIE Tour FORD D 5100 DIXIE mr At aXWepligi 'll Ford • I ------Ctry Sod '51 Per Tletorla '51 Mercury hardtop ■57 Ford MW. J dr,, hi. Above eare la eieallent condition. All have radio, boater and automatic tranamlitloh. Priced lor $1395 Pontiac Retail Store lOHN I. SMITH DODGE Pontiac Retail, Store 8ri>UiMg«r» 106 YtlS ■IS PONTIAC 0 Dear . .. 'if CBBV7 wasan d Deer :f! FlTMOOTH 4 3 PONTUC. RRB OOOD $5'DOWN •l^^ronAC^Owr itretiht tttek. — diTonai MONTH — Eddie Steele 'U PONTIAc' 4 DR. BBDAN. R*H, hydre..Smauyyment. eiaan VymiAie l m t¥t)RABAf-le Redle > heater. FE 41701. ■45 »oiiirta6 t»iiBiAp m clif-!ord. n 47011._________ ■t 40713. “REPOSSESSIOJi Ur6< ^ : - J06 N4 RAMI ss5^: AMBIiER, Old S. WOOb-___MI Amt. _____ MUST SELL Overloaded 60 Cars RO’ FAIR OPTEE REFOTED Superior Auto Sales 13 W. HuAo______• FE 47M “g,"A^J«S&U^H MONET DdWiL lUcUM M $5 DOWN I STODERAEBR t Ober Caupa ---.. O'Diive. Radte a Beater. Eddie Steele -FORD- _ AT NEW ••or STTipEilAMER LAIgjl. 1553 Fontlac, 4 _____ _____ _ paymeata d 011.40 month. No monoy down, call Mr. Ring at FE 41C00. LUUky Auto Sales. 113 S. Baglnaw. Dealer. OR *W3ff^ * BTUOHRAEHR'LiMEi. FK 3-7117 05 MT. CLEMENS ST BtaOND THE POST OFFK D?aur. OR 4.—. ____ 11 WILL’rs~3EEF. 13kd WAR-__ ran Drive. Drayton Flalne._ DIO A HEATER. AOToHaTIC TRANSinSSlON ABSOLDTELT "O MONET DOWN. Aieume pay- menU of 13100 per h Credit Mgr Mr. ^kt _ 47500. Harold Tumor Ford MO Sil i 'it V(MltBWAO<»r - - — ‘ model. |7N. Ooo 43604 aUbrIcam INCORPORATED PLTMOOTH Keposse-ssioii - ----^.-----iivr , m fuU price. Ko etih needed. '211 S. .'^aginaw FE 3-7055 Pay only tlo Mo, duo Feb. 31tb. „ “ Rite Auto, Mr. Boil FE OA530 | --iaAJhn------------------ ■5d ">LTMOtmi 3 DR.. 0 CTL- i “ CATUMA Inder. RAH. 5545 Qusati Auto KCDOSSeSSlOn SalM. m S Beitoaw._________I f»ll price. No each needed. 1057 1>LTMOUtH. 0 FASSENOER _ P»y only |3I Mo. duo Feb. Mth. itatlon WMoo. DOW«r tteirrlDC. ! Auto. Mr. B«U FE 8-463A braked * wlndow»» radio li I ' KK POSSESSION . Full pitec IM. I at FE 4100t. Luc 103 a. aaglncw. TOM BOHR. INC. 130 B. MAIN. MILPOED MD 4-1715 I LET VB LOWER TODR PAT-mente end five yon traneportatlon. i S CAR LOT Opdyke I FE 3-7117 n MT CLEMENB BT/ BEHIND THE POST OFFICE 50 OLDS. CONVERTIBLE. WITH [i^^^pidi motor A Irene. DL JOE-S 3350 FontU C 3-7031 "RUBS DAWSON" ■weet A ivory, verv ebirp In- i •Ida end out. eioelient rubber. | >. ... PEOPLE’S AUTO BALES ■54 PLYMOUTH 4 DOOR $295 Lergi ------ vertlble. Station Watra. _ barline. Keego Bawc. Kongo cle.\rance saLf. out •175 '^okup '63 PONTIAC eodan . •64 FORD etaUon wagon ... gIM '55 PLYMOUTH 3 dr. g . tOM ■56 CHEVY V-g ... |65< ROGERS SALES AND SERVICE •52 PONTIAC 4 DOOR -7...-$145------ Birmingham Trades 1350 N. I'Cy'Owens iM3 OLDS reasonable. CALL j ^after 7 p.m. FE 43707._ 1105 PLYMOUTH 147 a saoinaw street Woodward birmuoham in 411J0 FE 5-4101 $5 DOWN fmrE iiS RETRACTABLE hardtop. TTboal on roar, turquolio and white, T-d motor. Private lady awaar. Ml 44151. '53. FORD StaUon Wafon 4 Faiirn-Bcr - FO-O-lUUe. Radio A Heat- North Chev. SAYS SAVE $$$ • er The Ideal 3nd ear. — tl3 40 PER MONTH - Eddie Steele — FORD -- . W H^N AT KUZ. LAKE RO Ft Min FE i-OOOI ON THESE •55 FONTtAO E5 4 DR. Sad till DOWN *M Chftroltt WftfOB $ 45 DOWN 1 Tear Btrvlea Warranty on Thaia: Black Tear Make Prtea 1004 llSd Chav. 3-dr. PO. d Odd 1003 1115 Chav. 4-dr. Wat. d Tdd lOr Ittt Chav. 4.dr. Waf. tlttl 143d IM7 Chav. 3-dr. attek tltft 1073 Ittt Chav. d-dr. Wag. 11433 1034 Idlt Chav. Imp. Pow. $3374 Hardenburg * OOltNXR CASS fe PIKE FE 47300 1 1153 FORD CD8TOML1NB RAH | rou. No money down. Bnlance ' duo. |t0t. Aaauma payments of 110.17 mo. Mr. White, King Auto. Its 8 Baglnaw. FE t-0403 Wa have a law Ittt company and omelale’ oara. AU have Fowar-gUda aad aoma have power atooftas. $1147 and up. ■■RUSS DAWSON" 1 ’59 FORD 1 OALAZT HARDTOP BANK RATES TOP DOLLAR FOR TOUR TRADE OAKLAND COUNTY'S WILDEST TRADER, I 3 Door — Radio A Heater 1 W. WaUe. Safety balU. 1 — $1985 - North Chev. Hunter Bird, at S. Woodward Avt. Blnnlathaai kU 43735 |"Russ"Pawson MOTOR COMPiNY 333 s SAOINAW FE -41131 LOOK! BUY!SAVE? U5d FONTTAC 43M5 Convorttblo with powlr ateoring, newer brakea, HyMmatlc, radio, heater, wbItewaU Urea. Spare navar baaa uaad. OUVER Motor Sales - $2995 - , "Russ" Dawson' NO MONEY DOWN i'Cy'Owens RAH. No money down, due 1126, Aetume payments 05.30 monUi. Mr. ^te. 1 Auto. 115 B. Baglnaw. FE a-» I. 4-door, radio A heater, car __ MOTOR COMPANY , VmillNOlfAM’-I^AMBLER 333 S. SAOINAW FE 3-0131 did S. WOODWARD Ml 43MI0 Iddd CHEVROLET Blacayne 4door •« FowergUde, eadlo. waU Urce. Uko a engine er. white 1007 HOICK ..............tlddl Roadmniter 1-door hardtop. Pow-ar iteoring. powei brakes ---wtndowf. Thev don't come I. WIDE TRACK, flood b standard ihUt. all gray with red trim. Low mileage. Economical 50 FORD WAOON IlMS COUNTRY SEDAN with radio heater, tordomatlc. red A white wUb n.dOd actual wUce. BtaTXl.1 itdeor h.rttop SSI® OONVERT^^^ eteerlng. power' brakei uondav vtokt apr boater, whitewall tlrei. MONDAY MOHT BPECUL ROADMASTBR With Vdlo. beat cr. dynaflow. power eteerlng en( braket. loUd green ilnieb will 51015 •57 PORD FAIRLANE . 11116 T-d engine, automatic treoemli-elon mdlo, heater, white A green flnteo light green trim. A elann — -—bile. Il3g BUICK ........... Super 4door bardtep. __________ steering power brakei. Dyne-flow radio, heater, whitewall <-j, buick 3 DR '*”•■ I SPECIAL HARDTOP. All v**** vhite Urai. radio. I 11735, dynaflow. Look, drlr# an Falrlane "500' btrdtop. Power: _ eteerlng. V-l englae, Fordomailc. "»‘«f ' 55 PONTIAC 4 OR. IMS teu rn Tzaunart • ....I SEDAN with radio, heeler aulo- o - •»*“! motlc traaimliilon. white tlrei Super 51 hardtop. Power steer-1 black A white trim, adjuiiable "••‘•f-i «*»M imaaueli. Nice looking ' whltewellt Like new white flalab — IdM OREVRCLEr , „ Nomad Waeoo, Fuwtr^i.. V-d •aslao, radte. heater. wbttewalU. U5d BUICK ................g 005 Ctaturr 4door hardtop. Dyiunoa radio, btMer. You miict son thu ‘55 BUICK 4 DR............. I044.0I SPECIAL SEDAN Heater, standard traoemlsslon. black A white Hnlib, ---- •-* -*------ '50 WnLLYB JEEPBTER 1544.05 RADIO. Heater, standard shirt. 5 new Flreetone white walled tlrei. Red A white convertible. A ear that you can receive a lot ot fun and onjoyment from. emluten, f-0 wr. whRawall L bw tt aeU*. .. d 005 idor. Btdpdard engine.' radio. black 1 es. All blue flnlib . . . J condition Make tome r laodeoaper a nice de- ’50 FORD 3'k TON SAVE, DUMP TRUCK Big boi' jgood - ■ ■ Drlvff It. 1 engine, good eyllader. wergllde. i r aueage. MB3 OLDdMOBILE 5 131 •user "M" 4doer sedan. Redle, Beater end aitra etean. SHELTON Pontiac' Buick ROCHESTER OL 1-8133 Aaress troa ue*, ear tal ' Opea ‘Vk '• w Miar OUVER Motor Sales ltd Orchard Lake Avs. FE 3-dIdl . Opea Bve4.‘ BUICK OPJEX --------------- JEEP I "2 More Days" -FREE SNOW SHOVEL- WITH THE PURCH.ASE OF ANY New Car-Used Car-Truck 1960 Fairlanes Asumu $54.33 P©r Mo. $181.48 Down 1960 Falcons $49.53 Per Mo. wr,.o..v $149.52 Down ‘ " “-'OVER IOO -..... - A-1 USED CARS - '59 FORD OALAXY HARDTOP 3-Ooor •.50 FORD CUSTOM "300" 4Door Sedan $1895 '.=9 CHE\ ROLKT BISCAYNS 3-OOOR $1695 •-V FORD, STATION WAOON "Country Beden $1195 •55 FORD FAIRLANE 3-DOOB $595 •.56 FORD ru.7TOM 4DOOR V-O/ $695 '.'7 FORD VICTORIA 3-DOOR $1095 '.56 MERCURY CUSTOM 4DOOR • $595 ' ' Bank Rates — Immediate Delivery Edd ie Steele " FORD- ” 2705 Orchard Lake Rd. - KEEGO HARBOR-■ FES-9204 FE 2-2529 51 PONTIAC Repossession OIM full prtee. No eaih needed. U' **« '■*5- »5tb- Rite Auto. Mr. Bell FE 44530 'it ' BONNEVILLE 4 DR. VISTA eqtllppedV“o.(Klo'milei. 1^' ■61 PONTIAC CHIEFTAIN. 3 DR., --- ------ ^ra.,----- Ctl^ c ^foM _______ U5d PONTIAC 4 - Sflee'^M'^Ti_______ . BIRMINGHAM - RAMBLER S. WOODWARD. MI 4J0»^ •54 PONTIAC CHiEFTAIN 4 D deluge, 41.000 actual mllei. owner. OR 41300 attar d p.a Schutz Motors, Inc. BONUS SALE Thursday - Friday - Saturday SORRY.. NO COFFEE NO CAKE .NO PRIZES JUST... •XSED CAR SATISFACTION^' AS YOUR BONUS . . . - One of the lelectloni ol new and uied can In ihli i ‘-- y and everyday! Let our eiperlence In the 5 l^help you lefcet the ccr that fits your ladivt credit at ,OOOORLlia.F^OUIMN^^ ..$1495 •58 CHEVROLET ^Door .......... SEDAN with radio, beater. automaUc and •57 I’LYMOUTH 2-Door ................$895 NO MONEY DOWN Radio, healer . $16.10IFerMd 1 fransDorUtlon .$12.88 Per Mo. $13.95 Per Mo. ....$1495 •53 FORD ConveVtible .......... ARIZONA CAR. no rust, ortimel I You muit lee thli one ..$1295 $AVE ..$1095 ..$ 795 ■56 PLYMOltTH 4-Door.......... RADIO, heater, puih button Kgtra nice •57 CHEVROLEY Sports Coupe....... .$1395 - POWER PACK with tfUt •58 PLYMOUTH Hardtop.................$1395 JtdOIO. beater, nysh button, tu-tone ttnleb. •55 FORD Convertible ........ IROPICAL ROSE ..........$695 MANY. MANY FINE BUYS TO SELECT FROM SCHUTZ MOTORS, INC. Oakland County's Quality Award Dealer 912 S. WOODWARD AVE.' /' MI 6-5302 106-1546 /\ -i 7 ■f" Jy 'June in January II MATTHEWS-HARGREAVES 631 OAKLAND AVENUE AT CASS YES SIR! That^s ^he Theme of T^is Terrific Sale Which Begins . THURSDAY, JANUARY Mth "Most FobuluLis Pric® Ever" OFFERED ON ALL New Cars-Used Cars-^Trucks Absolutely "FREE" - RCA PORTABLE TRANSISTQR RADIO - Trrra the purchase of any new car — used car - or truck 0 CHEVROLETS — '150" I960 CHEVROLEtS Selling at Low lune Prices WE WILL BE CLOSED TONIGHT - frefarino for this terrific event — Win "FREE" \ NEW SUMMER WARDROBE OF CLOTHES ENTER. Matthevvs-Hargreaves Chevrolet Essav Contest - WHY you bought your NEW ItdO CHEVfeOLET - PROM MATTHKW4HAROREAVK8 IN PONTIAC - EVERYONE your new*’*tSo^CBevrolel' new lldO Chevrolet ti "lUNF IN JANUARY" "O.K;"-Used Car Specials-^'O.K." •59 CHEVROLET rnWCA SFOBT REDAN ?5fid%.*^-d'**iJ{r.Uw’2r.- / White with Red Interior .'./..............$2195 •.59 CHEVROLET Heeler. d-Cyl . Btepda'd Bte^e . $1989 •.59 ford , FAIBUHIJ CLUB COUPE y-i Automatic Truhe'J" Rad • --------- - 0 and Heater nlal Yellow, . $1895 FORD 4-*DOOR „ Cuitom "30F — Radio and Hoater. V-d. Plastic Scat Coven. Solid Sea Foam Orecn. ................. $1785 •58 CHEVROLET STATION WAOON Heater, Lucite OoM Flnlib, •58 CHEVROLET BISCAY NE 4DOOR iwergllde. . $1495 I Heater. Ivory and •.57 FORD COUNTRY SEDAN Radio and Heater. Beige and Colonial Brown. ................... $1195 •57 CHEVROLET 3-DOOR "310" Radio and Heater d Cyl Ivory and Bluo Paint ..............$ 993 '56 FORD VICTORIA HARDTOP ?^n‘?..‘1?..”*«^l'tew*^ll? Ivory and Baby Blue ....................$ 995 '56 CHEVROLET SPORT . - _____Jrgllde. Radio and Heater. Whllewalli, tvorv and Onyi Black ................$ tl95 •55 CHEVROLET BEL AIR SPORT COUPE d CvllDderi. R—‘-Hcatcr Coral $ 696 •53 OEDSMOBILE 2-DOOR SEDAN Radio and Heater Sld-Trani. Solid TYhlte ............. $ 295 -- REFRESHMENTS SERVED TO EVERYONE - MANY MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM MATTHEWS- HARGREAVES OAKLAND COUNTY’S LARGEST CHEVROLET DEALER The BIG-BIG Lgt 631 OAKLAND AVE FE 4-4547 - -Today's. Television Programs- yHE fONtlAQ Fl^ESS. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 13. 1960 rngfm I, ttatlMt itaM In «• oatam are MAJaet to efeuga wMkoat iattoa Ouael «-WW« TV ChMMMi T-WXW-TV OkuuHl »>-CSLW TV »:N (2j|, Steel Hour (com.) (4) WlcWto Town. (7) Fights (amt.) (9)1 Mr.,District Attorney. M:4t (7) Destine News. (2) (4) (7) (9) News, Wes er, Sports. 11:99 (9) Telescope. - Movie. Dt«ih*r' Mayf” Britt,('54). (4) Jack Paar. Variety; Jack is back with the regulars and guests Anne Bancroft and Ellen Hanley. (7) After Hours Oub. riety: Vem Collett emcees and George Scotti at the piano, as wen as CaljiMo singer Len Chandler perforin. (9) Starlight Theater. Drama: Wallace Beery, Jan aayton, “This Man’s Navy,’’ (’45). State Dems Set for Big Parley THIIKSDAV 910RN1N0 9:99 (4) Continoital Classroom. 9:M (4) (color) Continental Class- 9:M (2) Meditations. 9:H (2) On the Farm Front. :99 (4) Today. (2) ’TV CoUege. (7) mg Show. :9i (2) Felix the Cat. (7) Breakfast Time. 9:99 (2) News. 9:19 (2) Capt. Kangaroo. 9:99 (7) Johnny Ginger. (2) For Better or Worse. (4) Boid Journey. 9:M (2) Movie. (4) Ufe of Riley. (7) Stage 3. 19:M (4) Dough Re Mi. I9:U (9) BiUboord. 19:19 (9) Ding Dong School. (4) Play Your Hunch. ' 19;U (7) News. 11:99 (2) f Love Lucy. (4) (color) Price Is Right. (7) Lady of Charm. (9) Abbc^t A Costello. 11 :M (2) December Bride. (4) Concentration. (9) Six Gun Judge. Itl;w» (4) Detroit Today. 9:99 (2) Verdict Is Yours. (4) Frinn These Roots. <7) Who Do You Trust? 4:99 (2) Brighter Day. (4) House on High Street. (7) American Bandstand. 4:19 (2) Secret Storm. 4:99 (2) Edge of Ni|^t. (#) Robin Htmd (4) SpUt Personality'. 9;99 (9) Movie. (4) (color) George Pierrot Preaenu. (9) Looney Tunes. 9:99 (7) Rocky and His Friends. Expect 4*8 Presidential Possibilities to Be in Detroit March 25-26 TONlUiirs TV RlGHUGim 9:99 (2) Movie (began at 5 p.m.) (4) Jim Bowie. (7) Curtain Time. (9) Popeye. 9:99 (2) Weather. 9:19 (2) 64) News. Sports. (7) Curtain (amt.) . 8:19 (2) Movie (began at 7 p.m.) (4) Wagon Train (coot.) (7) Charlie’ Weaver. Comedy: CUlf Arquette. (9) Movie (b^n at 7: to p.m.) 9:99 (2) Men Into Space. (4) (color) Price h R^t. (7) Ozzie and Harriet. (9) Movie (began at 7:30 p.m.) ):09 (2) MiUlonaire. (4) Bob Hope. Chmedy; Shiw filmed in-Alaska when Bob Hope took his guests to entertain the troops at Christmas. Apperaing with HN -..^ .‘Tjuemuf-tbe Orange Bowh"4^t:po-1?T-T^^ -------- Anne Francta, Johnny Car-1 (4) Truth or Consequences, son. Glenda FarreU. and| (7) Re^tlets Gun. Frank McHugh star In a (9) This livins World. '* v’cpected to comedy about a kindergarteni»:se (4) (color) It Could Be You. touring South America at the teacher turned beatnik (2) Search for Toinorrow. thus to send his regrets. Oh, Joy—Sweet Daddy s Dead LANSING (f)-A forthcoming Michigan political conference and dinner is riiaping up as one of the premier attractions leading up to the Democratic National Conven- From four to eight of the party’s top presidential possibilities and scores of other Democratic luminaries are almost sure to gather for the twin occasions in Detn^t. The big magnet, the Mid Democratic Omference March 2^ 26, aill bring together leaders from a delegate rich bloc of 14 states for spadework on the national ventkm platform. A eJumee for prestdential eaa-dtdates and potential candidates to expose themselves to 9,999 or more of the pariy faithful will be afforded by Michigan’s Jcfferson-Jackson Day dinner tho e\’einlng of March 99. Already invited are Sens. Ken nedy (D-Mass). Humphrey (D-Minn). Symington (D-Mo) Jc^nson (D-’Tex), together Govs. Meyner of New Jersey and Brown of California, and former Gov. Slevenson oTTini^ S(e\’cnson. presidential i (4) This is Your Life. (7) Love That Bob. (7) Wednesday Night Fights. ,9) Passing Parade. Welterweight bout: Kenny ijs4# (2) Guiding Light. Kennedy. Humphrey and Syming- Lane of Muskegat. vs. Ralph Dupas of New Orleans, in a 10-rounder telecast from the Fort Whiting Arena. MobUe. Ala. (9) Unforeseen. lt:M (9) News. 1:99 (4) NBC Playhouse. (2) Our Miss Brooks. (7) About Faces. (9) Movie. 1:39 (2) As World Turns. (7) Topper 1:99 .(4) Faye Elizabeth. (7) Day in Court. (2) M^cs. (Jueen for a Day. 9:99 (2) House Party. (4) Thin Man. (7) Gale Storm. (?) Kennedy’s Comer. S:W (9) Opening of Parliament. (2) Star Showcase. (4) Young Dr. Malone. (7) Beat the (lock !ton, all with inviting delegate soil :to till, appeared most lUcely to' I accept and share the spotlight with ! the host governor, G. Mennen Wfl-' lliams. ' The eonferenre falls less than two weeks before the Hlsconsln. pri'sldential preference voting to which Kenn^ and Humphrey may lock horns In n do-or-die FOnTY-^F.VEX i TV N^ws aiid Reviews Dino's Affable Clowning Sends Show Into Orbit AlX SHOOK 11* — There were times over the past year when these nwn literally didn't know whether they were coming w going. Pedio Lius Diaz Lanz, left, wa$ Castro’s air force chief, but he has fled to Florida a, reftigee. (Continuing from left, Maj. Ernesto (Che)-Guevara had better ar wuMk*i« luck. He te the pew president of the National Bank of (Cuba. Osvaldo Dorticos hit the jackpot. He became president in July, succeeding sad-faced Manuel Urritia. On the right is Maj. Hubert Mateos, former chief of,(Camaguey Province, who was rew-arded tor his service with a jail cell. NEW YORK (UPD—Affableivid Susddnd’s Talent Associatn. ' Dean Martin, America’s untamed 'The Citadel wUl (to seen on Fri. < version of Perry Como, presented day. Feb. 19; Ninotchka on "" an hour-long musical special last Wednesday. April 20. Both will night that, like its host, defies be 90-minute productions, serious di8CUs.sion, MariinIs flie sort of perm^ MtoItTS NOTER: Ingemar Jo-that you either dig or dtx)m. Per- hansson makes his second appear t sonally, I dig Martin’s puppy dog'ance on NBC-TVs Dinah Shore r friskiness, his befogged lack of i Show Sunday. Jan. 24. Next Tues- ' formality, his emphatic-but-con-jday. Jack Dempsey will be a guest fusol introductions, his Jack Ken-on NBC-TV's daytime show. Play nedy (pre-campaign) haircut and, jYour Hunch. « above all. his very sharp wit. ! poijy Bergen and Phil Silvers On his NBC-TV •tartime spe- j'vill be Jack Benny ’s special guests ; oial, Msrltn (Hsplayed these built « CBS-TV special Salmday, ^ la quaUllm aad loremosl was | March 19, . .The House on High hi* diatoste (or eorrecl lyric* Street, an NBC-TV afternoon show, ^ ‘Gone to Prgpare a Place* CHARLOTTE. N.C. (AP) -Sweet Daddy Grace was dead, but there was joy in his House ot Prayer for All People Tuesday Dry up your tearsj’* Elder Sloan Harvell told more than a thousand Negro Mowers of Bishop C M. Grace. "You have nothing to weep for. Ha-is mrt dead. He is gone away to prepare a place tor us." ’The meeting began in loud walling and moaning. It ended in weaving, bobbing, stomping dance of joy. accompanied by the blaring beat of a brass band, a Dixieland type band, and the frenzied babble of a hundred voices “speaking in tongues.” This was the mother church. It was from here in 1926 that the colorful Daddy Grace began to spread his gospel—essentially a goqtol of Christianity—and build his kingdom from coast to coast.) aad pampom praductioiii I (bund this approach — perhaps l)js chief claim to fame — overflowing into the numbers his guests performed. Thus, we found Andre Previn’s piano medley of “Porgy and Bess’’ tunes being sugar-coated; Nanette Fubray’s .singing of "Love" turning into- an enjoyable satire and, try though he dkj. young Fabian, the Dean Martin of 1980, wreaking havoc with, "Ail of Me.” gives way to ronins of the Thin Man series starting Feb. 8 , . "Ghost Bomber; ‘The Lady Be Good,*” is CSS-TV’S Amtstronf , (Circle Theater "Actual" for ' Wednesday, Feb, 3. It's the story ‘ of the World War II Air Corps bomber found In Libyan desert " last year. (Cadillac bore croases on each of the rear doors. 4The eiders of his chqivh quickly, set out to consolidate and hold ... , ................ together his band. „ ^rtufilly-. it s unfair to cnticize "Unless you believe the gospel | U.S. Giri, 10, Found ,41urdered in Mexico ............_ nearly nude body of Mary Lon wll declared, “it’s just like Itoingif^"?^’^^*“^(5?lit ttif c good. Ot Sweet Daddy Grace's; Anyhow, It seiemed (hat whenever the show moved close to the brink of straliditforward mu- name on the check." ^ About a successor, Elder H^-vell commented, “If God sees fit, he will send us another leader. But he has to have the spirit of Sweet Daddy. TTut is judgment work. We will know him" CHARLES M. GRACE IN 97 CITIES I The bishop set up houses of|^ ^ Angeles hospital t prayer in 67 major U. S. cities, before his T9th birthday. oinrivpriPiT TlikAfiRtt“ sCr ut- Red Chinese Jet Down at Taipei weeks Western Officials Ferwasq Studying H gaffiereff Ibdusar^s oSFlbllowefs trace's Wademarks, his follow'--more than UOOO in Chariotte|ers said, were his flowing white Flown In by Cominie lone—and built a financial em- hair, cutaway coats and diamond pire with the pennies and dollars rings on his fingers. His finger-! -r.,pp, iadi itc of hi. faithful. I nabs, se^•eral inches long, always ~ Daddy Grace died Tuesday in were brightly painted. His Wacki?"? Q’toese Natton^ expertt Las Vegas Show Girls May Have to Cover Up a AuttrtlUB Untmployrd it OcrniAO rivet 12 nibllCAl 14 NlflitlntiU •d4 other! M Rome of oi ♦f Hcnrr vnti 42 ^ono^ (8?bT 46 rlret 41 Bho» r r r 1 r W 1) rr T II u rr It IT rr Hi !6 h fr *1 "1 H r u If IT 1! BT - 5T 11 r R n II National committeeman Thomas II E. (Juimby said invitations also have gone out to former President Truman, National C1iairman| Paul Butlei- and Katie Louchheim. party vice ehnirman. not to mention 10 midwest state governors, 16 U.S. senators and 70 congress-i men. i The aijn of the conference is to! upite the states behind language; on important platform planks ini advance of the July 11 convention. I ; and thus to speak with the loud and' possibly decisive voice in some areas i By EARL WILSON LAS VEOAS — The Nevada legislature will be urged to ban naked shows In Las Vegas. ’This has many clubs worried that they will have to dress up their imported beauties considerably.. today examined a Red Oiinese jet fighter that crash-landed in north-|east Formosa. TTiere was : speculation the {dane is the first MIG17 to faU into Western hands. • Considerable mystery surrounded the jet which landed Tuesday at an emergency airstrip 4Q miles from Taipei, near Yilan. Byron L Cole President of Waterford CFM Comic Jack Carter, appearing at the-Flamingo, spoofs the nakedness situation: ■‘The whole tow’n’s going nude — the whole place is becoming a navel base. They resent me because I work with my clothing on." ,And speaking of clothes, my^ personal valet (my Gorgeous Mother-In-Law) will be thrilled to hear that tuxedo cummerbunds have got to go. Irving Heller, president of the League for the Suppression WILSON of Cruelty to Men’s Clothing, first to forecast the popularity of "The Continental Look’’ for men, says that the increasing informality of the dinner jacket will banish gents’ belly bands. Furthermore, he insists, dinner Jackets will soon be worn not with suspenders, but with belts. Out in Hollywood. Jack Benny’s elated that Danny Kaye, There still was no official word on. whether the pilot was killed injured, or that he was trying defect to the Nationalists. Bui Nationalist and U3. tources said the pilot was seeking asylum, and the MIG apparently develop^ engine trouble. usually aa ad lib by Martin to get things back to a atritebly Irreverent orbit. If an.>’thlng pos-lUve came out al the show. It was to remind us anew what a versatile performer is Nanette Fabray. muddy ditch Tuesday night. Gone were the lu<*y horaeshoo rings she wore on the little fingers of each hand when she left her nine days earilor to go three blocks to a shopping omter. *The inevitaENe happened last night.. Red Skelton's rube, Oem Kadid-dlehoper, paid a visit’to Al (^pp’s Dogpatch and hobnobbed with U’l Abner, idayed by Peter Palmer; Daisy Mae. play^ by Leslie Parrish — believe me, Leslie’s not a — and Marryin’ Samr> aometimes known as Stubby Kaye. The format enabled Qem. or Skelton, to unload auch gags as; Al Capp r- "I do a comic strip.’’ (3em — "You do? Go right ahead and undress. I like a good laugh." Later. Qem was invited to "set (or a spell” and he replied. "I better set "cause. I cim’t spell." The production numbers were of similar vintage. Despite it all. the performers caVbrted with such enthusiasm that I found the CBS-TV half-hour a friendly diversion. THE CHANNEL SWIM: Two famous old movies, The Citadel (1838). and Ninotchka (1939), are being adapted tor ABC-TV by Da^ The entire Tijuana police force was ordered into a search tor the person who brought the child across the border into Mexico and presumably murdered her. An autopsy was to be held to detemiine the caOse of death ,tn4 whether the chUd had been aex-ually molested. Her body, nude except for a rose-colored blouse, was found by ■ two brothers, Lucio and Rumoul-do Iniguez, lodged against a scrub -tree at the bottom of the small '««««:—’—--------------------------- SONOTONE House of Hearing li; Free Hearing Tests TTie Nationalist Defense Minis-I try said the MIG came from thei jbig Red ahr base at Lukiao, onl I the mainland. It was damaged! only slightly, according to thei ministry. 1 ANNUAL JANUARY CLEARANCE .'>4 R;udder »e HIiK** cerd M Likewise OteUe 24 Oltrlel ridge 2 Bewildered Dren bowi i Causu ipAsme M Hebrew wtlshle ta Ptredliee II Curved moldlDfi )g Bumpy 4t aickeet-41 Bntrvetv e brim M Preneb •ummere » Deesf The Waterford Citizens (or Mich-jigan group hasA^cted Byron L. I Cole as its president. Other officers of the newly • formed group are Andre DeWilde. tvWTntetdnit:'and Mrs. Mlklwd j Burns, secretary - treasurer. The I group currently consists of 18 I township residents and has adopted a charter. Two groups have been formed to study problems of the state Under the direction of DeWilde. one group will make a survey on • state government structure and organization. and a second group I will review the state's financial picture. Both will report back at I a Jan. 25 meeting oh their 1 ommendations. ■The MIG'S flight spurred the drive to lure. Communist pilots to Formosa. Nationalist radio stations renewed ..offet^ of asylum, promising the bes( of treatment and large rewards, including 2.000 I ounces of gold (or a pilot defecting in a MIG17 and 4,000 ounces (or I Phil Silvers. George Burns. George Jes.sel—and possibly Harry I ^GW^*^****^ ” * supersonic Truman—will speak at the Waldorf Feb. 24 when Jacks gets ‘ _______________ | the March of Dimes Man of the Year Award (motion picture! n____ u. i dl.Ulon^ w„t no .Motion." «ld . . George Jessel interjected: "And po check " footbaU in 1962. They wiU' , rn^t^ at ^East Lansing, Mkh, i iShiger Sariii Vaughan busted a foe. did her act from” a wheelchair . . . Joan Collins, posing with Warren Beatty, told the camerman, "Be sure to say I love him very much’’ . . . The Las Vegas dice tables are running about $69,000 ahead of Fhil Silvers at the moment. (55ta)0(^ 1959 RANGES REFRIGERATORS WASHERS-DRYERS Easy Terms HAMPTON'S ELEtrrRIC COMPANY 925 W Huron — Open nlghto *111 9 pa. FK 4-3635 After Nat (King) (jole was effectively tricked Into doing "This Is Your Life," I>ean Martin phoned him: “Gee. you were an ugly baby.” . . . Frank Sinatra got upwards of 100 friends of Peter Lawford's from all over America (and a couple from Europe) to phone him the same day and remind him to re-reglster as a resident alien. At the end of a wearying day of answering the calls,' Mrs. Lawford was automatically answering each ring; ‘‘Ellis Island.” --Today's Radio Programs- THE MIDNIGHT EARL . . . CELW <••*> WHJ «»M1 WXT% 0,J2t> WCAE dliei WfON (iei») WJtK ill«»> HWJ. Newt. wxr*. weunea CBLW Hewt WJBE. Hewt, Hum* HCAH Rewa ran OeOR Rewt. apart! • ss-wia. Pioaai Oau WWJ. UelbST . •X»a. Jobe Date ’’ CBLW Rtws beOR Cbnillallte ::to-Wj*. ciaeeiip bsyt • r Uarnb oatw PUIUIB Uwli Ir bjsa. iato BtoHMf WOAR waaSHof UKbW a laaaMa " ta-wia OamaaMta WWJ. p. niniMta »:ia WJH. Partrtlti M:»-Wja UuHc CMUBSIkSI MURNIRO tiaa-wja aneuiturt apt WWJ, Rewa Roberu wxva rraS Well CKLW aooiUr Club WJBH. Tea Oearn WCAR. Reva 8h»i WPUH ■any' iito •-.aa-wjK, Mueia WJBR Ne«e Ornrtv oaLW. Ire Opeaer itao-wjk, Oaa Ktray WWJ, Re*a Bobartt wxva. Newa waif catw He*a Toby Oivtd wjaa. Raaa WPON, Rawa uai^ i:aa-wjR, ifueic wxva. dtve, Wolf CKLW. tpaita navM l:aa-WJK. ( wavk Rtae wan WJaa. Reve arnrf* CMW Nc«ra oavie WCAR, Rawt •;aa-WJR ’ CKLW Nei WJBR. Neat W| 47 48 > 49 50 3 : 5 10 109 29 10 29 1 20 10 . 4 2 4 24|2 5 3 5 2 S 2 111 51 52 : 54 i 86 i 61 63 M |4S 1 66 ' 68 72 1 I ■ 2'i Ij , 31 4-: 2t i ' ll 5' 1 2 3 i Hurry in—Get yours while they last 1 M inch lengths x widths and gnantUies Listed Below i 50 < 52 1 54 1 S8 1 60 66 i 70 1 i rTT6“ir*4'l s-^'r-rriT, You Don't Need Cash to Redecorate Just Say ' Charge It on Sears Revolving Charge Account' 405-coiI-on-coil comfort mattress or box spring ,80“ full or twin RegnUily Sells it 39.95 29! mahogany Parquet .‘{-piece Harmony House Bedroom Suite • RegnUrly 259.95 You get years of luxuriou.s balanc^ head-to-toe sleeping comfort. 405-tempered steel coils in each piece. Insulated with new si.sal and layers of cotton felt. Hurry in today for thi.s • Double Dienei • Bookcaie Bed. Chest 187 ONf.V S5 DOWN •savings. Beauty blended veneers on .select hanlw oods, Quality constructed with center guided drawers, dovetailed construction. Has 6 drawer dresser with jewel box. 5 drawer chest, electrical outlet bookcase lied. Furniture Dept., Secend Floor your choice a88ortment handy household needs TO-'- Stock up now at this low price. Cookware, bakeware plastic pall, broom, sponges, dust mop, scrub mop, clothespins, clothesline and ironing table cover. Houseware* Dept., Main Basement Plaitic Dishpu Regular tM Chatga It nsxiavixs** -in. Large wash and rinse com- Pa rtmon t. lastic won't scratch dishes. ____ nylon yarn head with regular mop. Hurry in today for this savings. Cbarga It J n b reakable ilastic wear.* for years. Easy to wash clean. Will not rust. sale! automatic blanket8 1|44 Twin Size 62x84-ln. Cbarge It lid from falling. Cuts edges smooth. Your Harmony House whisper weight is thermostat controlled! Rayon, cotton, nylon ' blend, machine washable. Two year replacement guarantee. T2xM-ia. tingle control 1144 7txM-in. dual control 1144 Domestic Dept.. Main Floor IL big savings during this Sears close-out, ready-made draperies 299 single Just Imagine getting fully lined or unlined draperies nl this Ibw low price. Large assortment of beautifully textured fab- rics. Hurry in today for the biggest selection. 699 afue* to 16.M ^Satisfaction guaranteed or your moiley back” SEARS 154 \orlh Saginaw Si. Phone FE 5-4171 the WecrtHtr V.». WmUiw Sarua r>rtn*t C1«Md.v, colder (BM*Ua M p*(t I) PONTIAC PR 117th YEAR ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ PONTtAC, MICHIGAN^. WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 13, i960—4tt PAGES Brigitte Holds Her Newborn Return to Work, Says Commission Reject Straley Pullout President Sees Russia's Testing as OK by Law Red Men at War Over Portrayal of Indians on TV ''U.S. Has Done Same Thing'; Also Mpy Take Dems to Summit , FORD GIBHON. Okla. (AP)-‘8ome Amerk-an Indian* are. on the warpath over all that red-hUb Mood beiiiK Kpilled in tele- BB AND MBV - A disheveled Brigitte Bardot bolds her new son Nicolas in her Paris apartment. The s^en pound youngster born Monday is her first. He was bom in the apart- AP WIreohcU ment which was turned into a,clinic for the blessed eventj The French actress is marriwi to actor Jacques Charrier. Hope for Short, Short Session Legislators Meet Today LANSING (ft — Refreshed from a four-week break, lawmakers ^converged on Lansing today to touch off what they hope will be a si businesslike 1960 session. Pounding of gavels in the House and Senate chambers at noon bring the 34 senators and 110 representatives to order. .Brief npei—e m laU, leaving lawmaker* the rest of the day to talk over pol-itics and praapeettve legtslatloa. "This is going to'be a^ighty .............ive anythlr short session, if 1 have anymlng to say about it," said Sen. Elmer R. Porter (R-Blissfleld^L increase or a state income tax in November. Wrangles to get the proposals on the ballot by legislative resolution may give the session some of its hottest debates. Clashes over civil rights, jobless pay beiwfits, legislative reappor-tkmment, increases in state spending and similar issues of year past ' lao codM cadse trouble. The House lUceiy will be a hotspot again when Democrats jtnd Republicans square off in the same 55-.'m standoff that came out of the November 1958 election. Democrats, if they want, could rock the boat by pushing for a itroi^ voice on major committees, all controlled by Republicans. Gov. Williams is certain to turn the spotlight on cash troubles tomorrow when he delivers his a^ "Stlte oi the State’V nwssage to a joint session. &t it's questionable whether he’ll propose a solution. His budget proposals wiU come 'ithin ID days after the Legislature convenes. WASHINGTON (jPI— President C)isenhower said today it would be very unusual for this country to protest Russia’s plans to test rockets in the Central Pacific since , the United States has made tests there and intends to do so again. The President told a news conference that such test-ing appears to conform' with international law. Russia's announced plans to test powerful new rockets in that area have brought criticism from several individuals—former President Harry S. Truman and Sen. Mike Mansfield (D-Mont), for example. Eisenhower said the United States always has claimed it is proper to use the high seas for valid scientific experiment, and has been doing so after notifying concerned and warning awa/ anyone who could be injured. Pair Recovering After Gunlight I.AN8ING IB — (Hip hundnxl fnrty-fonr iobb.risl* were rvgi*- i tpred when the ISM Mirhigah ' l/pglslaturp spl np *bfp toda.v, ; exactly one lor each Hcnalor and t rpprpsentatix’p. Ln*l year, 227 lol^liila signed up. Secretary of. State dame* kg. Hare «aM it wo* obitou* late In the *e*Mion that 1st Senate Skirmish Looms Over Campaign Funds Bill P()hdr. chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee, was hopeful of clearing the all-important budget bills through the Legislature by April 11. “Then we ran go home I flr*t week of April, at lra*l week ahead *aM. would apply to political commit-tk's operating in two or more states. Hennings said he favored an amendment covering committees operating within a single state if they spend $100 or more. The timetable for "short'' sessions provided for in -even-numbered years calls for the Legislature to quit the middle of April and convene briefly for final adjournment a month later. Deadline for introduction of bills is Feb. 17. Mindful of the tempest they stirred up last year and the resulting disgust among voters, lawmakers this year are intent on winding up their work quickly and clearing out of the Capitol. FENCES TO BE Mf:NDED There are fences to be mended back home and political fields to be cultivated befqre the Aug. 1 primary rolls around. "There’s no *en*e In inlrodur-ing any tax legislation beenuMe It won't get anywhere," imid Sen. Edward Hulehliihin (R-Feik-vllle). The second feature of the bill would increase expenditure limiu-tions to reflect the increased cost of political campaigning since the passage, of the Corrupt .Practices Act in 1925. to be taken up at this ses Sion of Congress. Shn, Thomas C. Hennings Jr. (D-Mo), the chief, sponSor, said prompt action on the bill is necessary if it is to govern this year's election campaigns. The bill was approved by the Rule* (Committee lB*t July a* the niininiuni nM^ewHary to bring the 1*25 eoi^in prarllee* art up to date. Chairman Hennings and other | members reserved the rfght to of-iD»p^Jl, Qnrinrr fer strengthening amendments Ol OpTing the Senate. These are expected Cfri/o to touch off some fireworks. OfL/iC? on toy Lto'b, *»to,hto „ Last Night make the legislation apply to pri-| mary elections'. In its present(„A breath of .spring touched the form it applies only to candidates; ®eea early this morning for federal offices running in gen-l^^*^" ‘emperatures climbed from eral and special eketions. ^ ^ degrees at 9 p.m. to .52 at 2 ' — Henning* *ald he fell primary campaign* nbould be included. Passage of an 87-mil1ion-dollar tax program based on consume? levies and liquidation ol the veterans trust fund cliniaxed la*^ year’s bitter 11-month struggle to solve the state’s nagging cash . problems. LCKislators expect it will carry the state until voters express a preference for a sales tax In Todays Press Osmir* ...................41 County New* ...............M Editorial*................ « Lady and Giant . II Market* ................. 42 Michigan Fntnre ..........4« Obitunrle* ................4 Sport* .................»-.M Theater* ........ 77.f7...40 TV and Radio Program* 47 WlhHM, Earl ..............47 Women’* Page* .........lS-10 ■ \ aw frMtT** AUt. tamouii •poriiwe*r. WASHINGTON (fi—The Senate headed into a scrap today over a bill to require fuller disclosure of campaign financing and to increase legal spending ceilings. The clean elections measure was cleared by leaders as the first major legislation*- On another subject, the President indlMted he may take one or more Democrat* to the summit meeting In May if there i* a poUibUlty the conference may result In a treaty. Elsenhower made no definite commitment, but noted that it has been the praiHiCe for many years fo:^, Presidients to have members of the opposition party—usually from le Senate-HiB hand U a treaty Is I prospect. He did not indicate whether he believes at this ffoint'that the great powers meeting this spring may reach the treaty-making stage. fUsenhower *aid It is silly to accuse the BdmlnltttrathMi of forcing n scMcmcnt of the steel dispute on the companie*. The President also defended the setUement against predictions Congress and elsewhere that it will lead to inflationary steel price in- He recalled that steel company execuUves have stated there will be no Immediate price increases. He added that this is the first time in his knowledge since World War II that a new wage contract not brought prompt price creas^. njere have been at least expres-ons of hope. Eisenhower went on. that if the United Steelworkers and the companies cooperate in promoting efficiency and higher productivity they may avoid any price rises as a result of the contract. EiNenbower confessed that he wa* ju*t a* aHtoniRhed a* anyone wrhen Gov. Nelnon A. Rockefeller of New York bowed out of the IM0 Kepiibllcan presidential I The President said he agreed that Rockefeller’s action left an jatmosphero of no competition for j the giomination, but he stuck t( previously-declared policy of trality and stopped short of giving his personal endorsement to Vice President Richard M. Nixon, the only candidate now in sight. Fifty brave* and chief* from It tribe* bcM a pow-wow here Tuesday night aimed at defending the red man's reputation from the ravage* of TV. They issued *a call to Indians all over the country to battle “televlNlonV pendslent erroneous portrayal of Indian history." "Television makes the younger generation think that Indians were only savages," coqiplained rhoclaw Jack Davidson. Quarrel Over Wife Starts Shooting Spree, Deputies Say Two men are in satisfactory con-1 dilion at Pontiac General Hospital after shooting each other during anj argument early Tuesday evening, according to sheriff's deputies. They were identified by deputies as Martin Moore, 40, of 180 Rae-|| burn St., and Elmer C. Bolin. 40. j of 668 E. Grand Traverse Rd.. CommereexTownship. A bystander. Jay Wisterman, ofi 662 E, Grand Traverse Rd , was also wounded in the gun battle. Rfipoil Chief ' Demands That Eastman Go, Too To Study Election for Giving Willman Power to Fire Returnee By PETE LUCHBXER City commissioners last night turned down fin offer by Herbert W. Straley to pull out as Pontiac police chief. SEEKS El^ECnON ± William F. K^witz asks the Qty Commission to schediOe a special election to/change the administrative setup in the Police Department. Kalwitz, representigg the Pontiac Area Chamber of Commerce at the/pty Commission night, said the turbulent Herbert W. Sti^ley case has highlighted Oie need for a change. One of Straley’s demands reportedly was that Public Safety Director George D. Eastman go too. The Commission, which has four times fought off efforts to fire Eastman, met for an hour behind closed doors to mull over Straley’s pr(^)osaI and apparently decided “no deal.” hospital under a police guard. Deputte* said the argument wa* over Bolin’* wife, Helen, who i* the former wile of Moore. Bolin told Deputies L^k> R. Gillespie and Goorge lAmbar^Mat he and his wife were folk»^ to their' home in Carrol Lake Sub-dfvjsion by Moore after he had attempted to run them off a nearby road. n,AIM|< KMFF THREAT Bolin said Moore threatened him .with a knife when he got ,home./'' "I went inside and grabbed a P caliber pistol and returned to the front porch and told Moore tq get off my property," Bolin said. •‘He came at me with that knife and I shot," he told deputies. Moore was struck in thp right wrist and hip. / Moore denied threatening Bolin. He said Bolin "ju^ opened fire on me." He adm^ted driving to a hardware store/two miles away, purchasing a ^0 gauge shotgun and shells, and returning to Bolin's house, said Gillespie. l^f out Of taxes before the ital According to Bolin. Moore fired about five shots at the doors and windows. One hit Bolin below right eye, forearm, shoulder and hand, Gillespie said. Bolin wa* xtanding In the kitrh-rn when Mtruck. WlNterman wa* *hol In the left knee and right loot when he *lepped out of hi* house next door to see what the noise wa* about. He refused treatment. Oakland Asks State to ^ase Welfare Load We have discussed the situa-ti(m in general," said Mayor Philip E. Rowston in a carefully worded statement after the meeting. "We have r^lnded that Straley KbouM return to work in accordance with the court decree," Oakland Coui>ty will launch a two-pronged effort to cut its high s^ial welfare costs In the new session of itli^e State LegISHtiiw whksh (qwis today in Lansinf. Neither p^posal is expected to be greeted warmly by fund-stai^^efa state officials. ^ One would restore the 50-50 split between the state and counties on welfare costs, and the other would reduce to one mill the celling*"^------------------ Rowston would not comment further nor give any details ol Straley's offer. While officials waited ^oday for Straley to return to work, two other devek>pments bad occurred. A petition was filed in Cirouit Court asking the court to declare whether the Polk* Trial Board, which nrotecU Strafey~in hla job, is legally constituted. J; that/a county would be expected to pay for general re- itate will assist It. Today the state steps in if counties—and Detroit as a separate case—have to pay out of 15-mill limitations more than m mills of hope in seeing the Legislature approve the half-mill cut than placing the present 70-.'» w'elfarc east agreement. Counties carry heaviest share and have for the past several years after, the state changed the rajio from the 50-M plan. Committee members also voted to strive for a new formula of rep- their state equalized valuations for resentation for city supeixrisors ‘ —• ^vould add additional supervisor to Southfield general relief. The lA'glKlalive ('(Hiimillee of the Boar^ of Supervisor* yesterday voted to a»k for the half-mill reduction, brihging the c'eli-ing rioser to what Oakland County xpend* .Yearly for general re- and Royal Oak based on this year's IHeral census. Thi.s proposal, too, will come fore supervisors Jan. 18. Local Barbers by Close Vote The return Jo the even split m-. n , rr-i had already been made a part of iVJX rflCe flliC© the gounty's 1960 legislative program. and approved by the Boaixl of Supervisors. The millage reduction proposal will be tacked on. ill be presented to the full Board Monday for consideration. With 1959 general relief figures still being compiled, George H. Burt, social welfare director, cited 19.58 record. He pointed out that if the ceiling had been one mill the state would have "taken during^ the last three months of the year." From 3:1.5 a m. on the mercury!. . - , . Sen. Kenneth B Krating (R-NY) !Sm^ris° LlTex”p^t^* hit FfllTliliBS LOOK S» nflered an amendment to do ^ high of 40 today and a low of I 1*. ..................................... Mrs. Bolin remained in the house during the ruckus and ran to a neighbor's to call deputies after Bolin was shot. Moore Surrendered to Gillespie! and Lumbard behind the BolTh | after they fired several j •shots over his head. He elaimcxii After his meeting with the com-that Bolin fired the first shuts, mittee. Burt said he places more Cnunty officials »a.v the gen-I cral relief load—although a fl-i naneial burden on the rount.v— i never seem* to reach the I'/f I assistance level. A proposal to raise the pric* of haircuts from $1.75 to $2 last night voted down by a narrow mai* gin at a meeting of the State Barbers Assn. “Local No. .50, covering Pontiac, Waterford Township, Drayton Plains and nearby areas. A (jualified source said the motion, which was raised a months ago but tabled during steel strike, wa.s defeated by two votes. The eleetkHi, would be in April and one Mg ehange would give OHjr Manager Walter K. WIDinan exchwh* power (o fire iUraley at w4ll. The chamber’s proposals wet* accepted for study after a hot debate during the public portion of last night's Commission meeting. Commissioners later trooped into Willman's office, asked newsmen to leave and settled down to end the uncertainties that have existed since Qrcuit Judge Morris K. Davis last month reversed Straley's ouster by the old Police Civil Service Commission in April. The meeting iva* attended only by Rowston and flve other com-miasloner*. Oimmiwtoner William W. Donaldsan, vacaUontaig In Florida, was absent. A "fair idiowlng" of the union’s membership wa* present lor dls-cUHslon prior to the vole on the 33 tonight, the weatherman .ssid. Ih"* kfiiANN ARBOR (UPD-A nation-****'■ degree* above the normal high i wide survey of 1.300 adults showed UNJUST, UNFAIR ** normal low of 1». Onl.v ! today most people expect the next He said that in a third ol the! “r ^ states success in the primaries is! «"^kend. the consumer and businessman. to election. It would Precipitation will total neat' one; *; be unjust and unfair, he said, to I inch in rain or snow on Friday i Tw University of A^-higan sur- --------. ; . . L.j -u— *ivey of "consumer attitudes and inclination to buy" alio revealed for Prosperity in '60 Pinay, Who Led French Recovery, Quits in Huff exempt these primaries from fed- and again about Sunday, eral regulations that govern elec- * ^ A * tions in other states. Northerly ^nds this Rut Routhern senator* and H an hour vrill become light will rralst any effort to apply restrtclions to primaries. They ■ay thi* would be an unwarranted exteuHlon of federal powers. One part of the bill approved by the Rules Committee is designed to tighten up what Hennings called loopholes in th* reporting and disclostgf provisions ol the ComqM Practices Act. 150 Attend Reception for‘Monaghan, Werner More detailed reports of campaign contributions and expenditures would be required, and they would have to be filed jwtth U-S. District Court clerks as well as with the clerks of the Senate and the House. . ‘ The reporting requirements northeasterly tonight. At 1 p.m. the temperature reading was 37. More than 1^ Pontiac businessmen held a reception for Philip J. Monaghan and Calvin J. Werner, Tuesday, at The Bloomfield Hills CPtUHty Club. Monaghan has left the 6MG Truck and Coach Division for the Technical Center and Werner has taken his place. John F. Gordon, president of General Motors, spoke briefly in regard, to Monaghan's 'promotion by the corporation and Monaghan Was presented with a silver pitchef by the Chief Pontiac organiialion. that 61 per cent of those interviewed expected better business condition in the next 12 months. In families with inconies of $5,000 s year and up. 71 per eent expected 1960 to improve over year.' i The survey was conducted during October and November of 1959. Almost exactly one half of the interviews were taken during the steel strike and the other half after Nov. 9 when workers returned to their jobs. Oh, IN the Basket TULLAHOMA, Tenn. tUPIl-Lots of rebound practice night in Murfreesboro High School's basketball game, with Tullalmma High. Final score; Murfreesboro 8, Tullahoma 3. PARIS — Finance Minister Antoine Pinay announced his withdrawal from the government today after siting President De Gaulle. The architect of France’s er nomie recovery under De Gaulle found himself at opposite poles from some merpbers of the cabinet on economic matters. A conservative, he considered some* ol his colleagues socialistic. Pinay told reporters as he left the Ely see Palace; 'in the circumstances, I nm ng to withdraw from the gov-remnin nl the gov-dtspoHition. tien De Ganlle understsnds the Nitiiation very well. On my *i^ I will do whet I ran to earry^ on the work begun." The departure of Pinay is expected to bring in as finance minister Wilfrbd Baumgartner, governor of the Bdhk qf France. Baumgartner talked with both stood the president, anxious to give an appearance of French unity before the summit conference, had offered Pinay the post as minister of state. But Pinay was said to look on the job as a title without De Gaulle and Pinay yesterday and I of recovery which has been acts believed ready to take over the|complished.” position. ' _____________ Pinay met with De Gaulle at Ike's Brother Tries to Get Out of Primary Pinay. speaking with apparent emotion, told reporters: "Circumstances compel me to withdraw from the governmient. 1 remain at the disposition of the country, wishing to help to succera the work which has been accomplished up to now. "Gen. De Gaulle understands my reasons very well I aifi Withdrawing from all political life, for the time being at least. In any case, 1 remain decided to do what 1 can to facOitate the worii CONCORD. ■N il. » - Declaring that he is not ti candidate. President Eisenhower’s brother, Milton, today attemped to take his name out of New Hampshire’s lirst-in-the-nation presidential primary. But the name of Dr. Milon Eisenhower will remain on the March 8 ballot unless his lone sponsor chooses to remove it.- Bet He Flunked Out LOS ANGELES (UPU-Title of a book found in a suitcase left yesteiday by a forgetful person in Los Angeles Municipal Court; "School of Memory Improvement.” And the Commission had under study a propel by the 'PoMiac Area Chamber of Commerce for an election to amend the administrative setup of the Police Department in the city charter. Rowston had called the executive session to outline Straley's offer. Straley had asked to be present, Rut Rowston decided against I decided that we should talk things over among ourselves first," he said. It has been Ronton who has negotiated with Straley and Straley's attenmey, Clarence L. Smith, while Straley has hesitated over his return to work. After the meeting, Rowston notified Smith of th* Commission’s decision. But Straley dM net report to work this moratng and it wa* not known when he woMd. Eastman *ald he would try to And out to- (•■y- Eastman said he would also .decide how to charge Straley lor the three dqys he has missed* work, • Willman ordered him to report to duty at 8 a.m. Monday. Straley took Monday and Tuesday off by agreem*nt between Rowston and Smith, said Eastman. Eastman said he has still not derided what duties Strait will have, what his hours will be or which desk is his. "I’lt decide that when Straley gets here," he said. "City Atjtorncy William A. Ewart has -edvkiM Straley that hit dutiee are prescribed by Ibe city charter.' While the’charter describes the police chief as "executive head" of the Police Department, he noted, it says the public ufety director has "control and management. ” Ewart said Straley would be un-ller Eastman's "control and management." It was Eastman who was called in 15 months ago to sup^ant Straley as head of the Po^ Depai^ ment. Five months later, he had 1 (Continqed on Page 2, Col, 8) 1' 4 < WpiJiiiiBeB-'riop ior 6'road Trade Setup PARIS' — The major trading powers of the Western world met taday to consider a U.S. propoaal fw a new ‘economic organization Mdtfj global I'esponsibilities. |nie proposal was formally submitted to the 30-nation meeting by I ■ S. Undersecretary of State C. Douglas Dillon, who wjunts to set e lift between the two West European trade blocs and c'oordinate Western aid tb underdeveloped countries. Give Attorney MESCPost Dillon is understood to believe it will take 15 months to get a new "North Atlantic ec-onomic or-i ganization" going He wants a smaller interim group to begin coordinating aid and goading the other powers into patching up trade differences. Moskowitz Is Official of Hazal Pork, Former County Supervisor While ihost of the 20 participating powers are agreed on these ^goals in principle, the underlying differences could spell trouble when it comes to dollar and c bargaining. The "wise men" planners proposed by Dillon would come from the United States. Britain, France and possibly one smaller po These financial experts would consult the \8 governments of the Organization for European Economic Cooperation lOEECf. plus the United States and Canada, during the 15-month organization period. Alter consultatimis, the experts would work out a new economic organization acceptaljle to all 30 powers. This would replace the OEEC which now is out of favor with many European powers since it was involved in negotiations which left unhealed the present trade split in Europe. The United States and Canada are not full members of the OEEC although they participate in its debates. They would be full members 6f the neK organization. This is one reason it may take some time to get the new organization LANSING liP — Jack .Moakowitz, 33. attorney of Hazel Park, today was named to the appeal board of the Michigan Employment Security Commission. Gov. Williams appointed him to the $10,000 a year post as successor to Duane H. Mosier, the' Republican attorney from Detroit who was ousted by an attorney general's ruling last wert<. Under a quirk in the law. Master bad served U .vears an-der a six-year appatatment. Atly. Gea. Paul L. Adams ruled be was disqualllled for. Inrtber teaare by passing MsTMb birthday. \ Moskowitz is a state public administrator. a former Oakland Chanty Board of Supervisors member and a former chairman the Oakland County Legal AkJ Committee. Colleagues OK Johnson Power iThc Day in Birmingham City Traffic Fatal Ends 2-Year No-Death Record 51 to 12 Vot* Supporh' H'is CommittM Control -Oori» Losm Fight BIRMINGHAM A- One fatal ctdent in 1968 ended ftmtlogham's nfMy record of mT tzbfOc deatbt in more than two yeariL Pblipe Oiief Ralph W. Motley «ald today In his annual report. from* his Pemocratic ooUeaguM today to contbtue Ms middle of the road poUcief fai the Senate; Nipping a liberal revolt^ the Democrats klUed by a M-12 vote a proposal to strip Johnson of control the party Ptdicy Committee, expand its tiae and direct it to devriop’over^U policy. The vote was taken during 2 H-hour closed party conference Tuesday. The liberal group had sought a stronger volde in detn^ mining tactics and poliQ'. a 51-11 vote the caucus then dirMted Johnson to continue to appoint membera of the party Steeriiy Committee, which makes assignments of individual aenatoif coveted standing committee With his leadership tactics thus resoundingly endmsed, Johnson reporters he wU] continue td follow the course be has in the He is manied and has four children. His* wile. Fay. is an officer of the Oakland County Democratic Committee. The appointment, for a term fiding March 31, 1964. requires Senate approval but Mosl^itz e on an Inteilm pending senate action. December Weather ? ? Depends, Son, Depends It depends which way you look at it and who's doing the looking. Some sitting around the old coffee um figured the December pi ISM/wuldn't be beat for miset^ible weather. All agreed there was a whopping difference between them. It seems December '58 was mite colder with a high temperature of 48 on the 29th and « of two degrees ori the 11th. Others allowed as bow IMTs Old Man Weather Asks. 'Whafll You Have?' By Tbe Aaaoelated Press the nation's weather continued its climatic binge today, with a varied offering of rain, sleet, snow, fog and unseasonable high temperatures. The 'SSers reached a peak of 55 on the 16th and a low of 13 the 22nd. There were eight sunny days, ight lair, one mild, eight cloudy, ve snowy and one foggy day in tbe preceding December Last I)e«'ember tall blight, five fair, lour cloudy, five raln.v, six snowy foggy day. Sure, it was warmer" this December, one fellow - sneezed Into one Of last month's weather headlines. "Spring in December? Sure, We'll Try It. " But, he added. 58' December was consistent. 1 biin- Snow, sleet and freezing rains slicked highways in many parts ol the Northeast. The Weather Bureau In Washington posted warnings of dangerous driving conditions in inland sections of Eastern New York, Connecticut,. Northwestern Rhode Island, Massachusetts and southern parts of Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine. The bureau said freezing-rains and sleet changing to rains were indicated for coastal sections of southern New England, northern New Jersey, Northeastern Pennsylvania and coastal areas of New York. The forecasters said rain and considerably warmer weather -wbuld follow in Pennsylvania and New Jersey southward, melting most of the ice accumulation. The Weather ---I7.S. W»«(ker Barna R*aarl rONTUC AND VICOnTT—CteaST aai ^-1--AA.- ^ Wh.’; • n4 ««I4< 'la£ !• ----------- MuLt' •aifkl saS TkanSaj. __ U(k TkanSay U. Nartkarly Billta taday, kaeaalat Ufkt a aau Tkuriday at f M a. ^ Taaada^^aJ lOsheat temparaturt Loaaat temparature ... ^ Maan tamparatiuc . WaaU— • nifhaat tamparatutf............... Leatat temparaturt .................. ......... ■Kkaal aad Laaaat Taaiparataraa [1 up! And then there was the next guy hanging hia head over the steaming cup, trying to "unstuff. I enjoyed 59'a milii December, he pr^ekted. Wbat bothered an old oeatimentaliat like me was Its changeability. And he showed the headlines for the three successive days before Christmas. "Bad News for Santa; f to Go" . . . "We ll Have Our White Christmas" . , , "You Can Slop Dreaming of a White Ctaristmas." The cronies looked out the dow into a damp and gray Jan 13 and-pul down th^ii cups. '' Weil, that's the weather, 6ne of them laughed, whether .you like it of not. The others held their heads. Head-On Crash Injures Two in Waterford Twp. Two people were injured in head-Pn collision in Waterford Township at 7 p.m ye.sterday, according to lown-ship police. TTie driver of a car heading south on Sashabaw road, Adam J. Kalinka, 68, of 3526 Buchanan St., Detroit, lost control of his car and swerved on slippery pavement to tbe wrong side, police said. Kalinka’s ear roillded with sR-. other driven by Everett W. Dennis, 48, of M2I Walton Rd., Ctork-•ton.' Kalinka was taken to Pontiac General Hospital with a fractured wrist, abrasions and Injury to tbe right knee. Attendants said he was in fair condition today. Dennis was treated tor nose, left knee and possible chest injuries at Pontiac General and released. E. (RipI Miller, director of athleliai at the U.S. Navpl Academy. |ila.ved tackle for I Notre Dame 's 1924 team. PROCLAIMING JAVCEE WEEK - Water-lord Township Supervisor Elmer R. Johnson (right) signs document proclaiming Jan. 17-23 as Junior Chamber of Commerce Week in Waterford. Looking on are Arthur Salley (left), Waterford Jaycee first ^ce president, ■ and Frank Richardson, Jaycee president. Highlighting the week's observance will be the announcement id Waterford's "Man of the Year" as the annual Bosses Night Banquet iXiesday at the (Community Center. This hw involved restraint in criticizhig President EisenhoWer and the tailoring of legislation in an effort to avedd Presidential vetoes. It has meant the enactment of compromise measures rather than pasiage of bills de-^ signed mainly to build up a Democratic political record. Oakland and Macomb May Present Plan Next Week Sen. Albert Ck>re (D-Teiin), who led the fight to take away some Johnson's powers, said thought the battle "augurs well for our party." "Though we lost this time, we may have won in seeming ’’ he said. I$l Agreement lor Detroit Water Ready Three ywater authorities representing Oakland and Macomb counties have drawn up a 16-polnt troit. Purchase by townships is pre-contract agreement for the purchase ol water from the city of Detroit. R, J, Alexander, Oakland Department of Public Works director and chairman of three-member panel which drew up the preliminary agreement, said it might be ■ ■ ■ Detroit water officials Uaa growth and Indwtrial ex- Alexander said he expected some points In the agreement “to be torn apart" by Detroit representatives. Alexander, as well as Walter K. Willman, Pontiac city manager and another member of the panel, forecast that a request from the counties that a "sliding water rates be used by Detroit might be a hope of contention. The agreement asks that government units purchasing 100,000 cubic feet of water per quarter should gradually pay less each year. COST UNCiaRTAlN No prospective charges to con-•sumers in the two counties contained In the pre - contract agreement, Alexander said. These will be determined later, he said, after Detroit settles on what it will charge the cities and counties. Tbe tUrd member ef the penel waa OnentiB O. Boas, chairman of the Seathenstern Michigan Water Anthortty which named tbe three nrien. As soon as the two counties and the city of'Detroit agree upon a contract for the purchase of water the authority will be dissolved, the pre-contract stipulates. -iTiree years ago the authority was set up to build a pipeline from Lake Huron to the two counties. eventually drove Oakand and Macomb authorities where. ^^etroU, which hat been selling Plans now call for the two counties to receive Detroit water its present intake within a year or so, Alexander sAd. The agreement sets up that by 1966 a Lake Huron intake and lines should be completed. TTiis, Alexander said, is nine years earlier than the time Detroit planned to build the Lake Huron line. "We don't entirely; agree so far with them as to when they should be ready to ship us water," he laid. Another point in the pre-contract agreement, which Willman said Detroit has Already agreed to. Is that the costs at the entire system shall be paid for from revenues of the total Detroit system. ayslca to receive Detrett sn Pontiac with Its many fats ories — has been coasider^ thaw coMUtry ol origin ol imported lurt. • Wool plush or zibeline •Hockonum, Windsor • Peerless plaids, tweeds • Block Jewel • Strong-Hewitt tweeds •Shohora, mohoir-wool • Ombre, stripes, etc. Sav« 34c on cuddle caps, earwarmerg or plastic bags Your chelce 2 or 3-piece broadcloth pajemat in prints, stripes /-iMDeiN. y^icwSiN 2Tc 1 I __I- . 1 Perky white wool headwear and plastic clutdi or bucket bogs*l Bunny chokers*, tool *Bags, rhoktn plus VS, la* Prints, stripes in sizes 34-40. 3-pc set has extra pair shorts. On sole . . . while they lostl Weei's briefs, S-10 3 for SSc Famous Goldmark seamfree nylons, reg. 1.35 pr. if perfect Crystol Hrie V*a rUn Vaer Trl»" BIRMINGHAM Representatives from churches were asked to publleise the special days observed by the United Church Women as much as possible. The first will be World Day of Prayer March 4 at the First Congregational Chnrch, Pontiac, foHowrd by May^ Fellowship Day. and World Community Day in November. Mrs. Alien Priestly led devotions for the afternoon session. Dump Ashes Next Morning tNEA)—Time to empty ash trays is the momiihg AFTER the party, unless you dump their contents directly into the incinerator. Otherwise, play safe; stack trays on sink overnight. There will be a scmlpubllc Installation of officers of Welcome Rebekah Lodge 246 at 8:30 p. Thursday in the Malta Temple, on Perkins street. Mrs. Randall Wilin’ lodge deputy, will officiate. Officers to be installed arc Mrs. Qarcnce Cavalier... noble grand; Mrs. living Quackenbush. vice grand: Mrs. Earl Shivley, rccortl-ing secretary; Mrs. William Fyfe, fkiam-ial secretary: Mrs. Ritchie Johnston, treasurer, and Mrs Richard Rohrer, junior past noble grand. Appointed officers are Mrs. Neil Cairns, musician; Mrs. Edward May, chaplain; Mrs. Jack Mc-Adory. warden: Carol Braman, conductor; Mrs. Forest Cummings, inside guardian; Mrs. Beatrice Fro-ling, outside guardian; Mrs. Lester Bell, right supporter to noble grand; Mrs. William Sharp, left supporter to noble grand; Mrs. As-cenith Stevens, left supporter to vice grand; Mrs. Olive May, fight supporter to vice grand. Altarbearera are Mrs. Russell See, Mrs. Bessie Shaw, Mrs. Elmer Maiden and Mrs. Mable Am- Past noble grands assisting Mrs. Wilson will be Mrs, Orley Bruff, deputy marshal; Mrs. Lester Bell, assistant marshal; Mrs. Hattie Roat, deputy wartlcn; Mrs Orion Hettinger, deputy recording secretary; Mrs. Theodore Sutton, deputy financial secretary; Mrs. Robert Jockwig, deputy treasurer; for the return of borrov items. You must simply sather your courage and say, "May I have my things?’’ She might be slightly "hurt" but ^e’U heal as soon as she needs something again. And when she does, do not" lepd her anything while she still has something that belongs to you, or you’ll be back where you start^ from, * A % DEAR ABBY; I am a 14-year-old girl who is fortunate enough to have a good homt?, wonderful parents, enough food and warm clothing and a little money of my own. I would Jove to help some other child or children less fortunate than I am. I have many friends and nelghtors who would love to contribute pennies, nickles and dimes. But alter the coUectiem is taken, where should I send the money? • I want to give it to someone who really needs it. Could you please suggest wme-one to give it to? ^ JEANNETTE C. DEAR JEANETTE: Askyouf teacher to discuss the various organized charities. "CARE" (for our destitute cousins, overseas), Salvation Army, Red Cross, to name a few. You are even more fortunate than you think you are; you have learned eariy In life the secret of happiness —‘sharing. Bless you! Mrs. Arthur Farley, deputy outside guardian; Mrs. Eva Mathews, deputy inside guardian; Mrs. UidUe Perry, deputy chaplain; and Mrs. John Balch, deputy musician. Escorts will be past noble grands Mrs. Irene Bowen. Mrs. Ferman Huston, Mrs. Richard James, Mrs. Albert Kuglcr, Mrs. Iva Proctor, Mrs. Wallace Morgan, Mrs. Richard Young, Mrs. Alfred Marcmn and Mrs. Theodore Sutton. Other appointed officers Include Mrs. Betty Sutton, memorial chairman. Mrs. Richard Brownell, Mrs. Rkhnrd James and Mrs. Jack McAdory are trustees Bessie Huston Is press reporter. Serving on the finance committee will be Mrs. Russell Hetzer, Mrs. Eugene Elkins and Mrs. Richard Rohrer. Mrs. Irene Bowen, Mrs. Vernon McFarland and Mrs. Alfred Marp-zan will serve on th^ examining committee. Relief chairman is Mrs. Hattie Roat. DEAR ABBY: I am a freshman at college and with my parents' permission I brought my boy friend home for Christmas. He is a junior at the same college. I am five feet five (without heels). This boy is also five feet five. My mother kept saying, "He is SO short — you can do better!" My father said, "Can’t you find a taller boy friend?" My kid sister said, "What do you see in that sawed-off nmt?" Abby. I love this fellow. He is kind, intelli-thing a girl could want. He’s working hig way through college. What do you say when people ask you what you see in a short guy? LOVES A SHORT GUY DEAR LOVE: Simply say. "He’s not short on brains, intelligence, nor i» he short on character. So get alcmg and don’t try to short-circuit my romance." CONFIDENTIAL TO "NO kinds of people. Those who come into a room and say, "HERE I AM! ” And those who come into a room and say, "THERE YOU ARE!" Which kind are you? Have you read Abby’s new.i best-selling book, "DEAR TEEN-AGER"? Artist Speaks to Area Club Hugo Rodriquez, Detroit artist, was guest speaker when the Frank-Knolls Woman’s Cub met Thursday. His topic, "Art Appreciation" emphasized modem art and artists. The group sewing cancer pads will meet Thursday at the Tarry-ton road home of Mrs. Edward Laconis at 9 p.m. , W. Cadman Prout will speak on Flower matrons are Mrs. Ralph'the "Humorous Side of Marriage Gould and Mrs. McFarland. 'Counseling” on Feb. 4. r'. BRIDAL GOWNS JANUARY • ^ goddess SAVINGS TO ^2 ^ Sale! The bra that re-forms you... naturally • Ballerina, Floor Length ond Chopel Train Lengths • In Taffeta, Lace, Tulle and peou de soie OwigiMd MprMtIy (or • lovolior you, iho GODDESS lorsobro wHh pormsnont (own itnorii molds your (ipuro to iho youthful contours yeu'vo olwayi wantod. Daintily offlbroidorod. Elastic back. Datachabla flarlart. 32-36 A. 32-33 I a C Whita. In nylon laKola NOW^ Reg. 7.95 Speciolly ^99 youll say... SAMPLE SALE ^RIDISMAID DRESSES and Normals » 1/2 off Drastically Reduced . QUO mof# Bridal Veils'Drastically -............ Reduced—!/S to '/2'^f. itr o d d e s s ZERO BOOTS SPECIAL SELLING 90 They're BOOT AND SHOE IN ONE! • FOAM CREPE SOLE — Suede frontplece matches the soft smootii leather in BLACK, CREY, CAMEL. NOW . . . SHOES at even GREATER REDUCTIONS in our SEMI-ANNUAL SALE' 12 88 5 BABY WEEK Big Sovings on Infontt' Woor One Week Only! Take adrantaf# ef the Big Savinft en these easy care atyles. Bey today and SAVE. SALf]! HOODED TOWEL Double'knit terry. Perfect for baby's bath. Genet-ous size: 30 x 36" In white, pink, blue, meize or a.oa CURITY DIAPERS Reg. 3 J5 287 Dos. SALE. First quality. Soft absorbent open weave white gauze, pinked edges. woven-in fold lines. Limit 2 dozen. RECEIVING BLANKETS 59^ SALEI Washable, warm cotton flannel, white with pink, blue or multi-stripe. 36‘x 40. FITTED CRIB SHEETS sale; Jteg. 1.29 SALE! CRIB BLANKET Pepperell in nylon and rayon. Warm, washable, long wearing in tull 36 x. 50 size. Soft pastels. Plastic wrapper. Jteg. 2R8 $1.97 SALE! TERRY ^ * SNOOZY SETS Easy care fluffy terry cloth sleeper sots. BootleSjAirt and pants. Reg. 2.98 U.98 SALE! SLEEPER Regular 5-98 toasty warm fleeca baby sleeper. Full length zipper for easy In arrd out. Feet have non-skid plastic soles. Pastel colors. Small, mtdtom and large. ■ 44.88 ■V, Toung folk Shop •> Lowoi Lorol ■ THK PONTIAC. PRESs! WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 18, 19ao Bing and Gary Happy -They Toast Each Other HOLLYWOOD (AP)-BiBg Mke* Gary, Qaiy Ukn Bli«. Nody’s •ore at anybody. » prove it, Bing Croaby ^ his lour grown sons staged a togetherness sessiMi lor reportm Tuesday. The Ice did an>ear to be thinner as the crooner and his eldest aoo. . Gary, exchanged gre^ii^ in the casual Cpotby manner. They have teen on coolisb terms. house tor Chriatmas, and Gary came," brother Philip explained. "Then Gary invited Bing to his house Christmas night, and Bttt went. Everybody was full of Christmas boose and cheer, wit^ lots of good win all around." "Bing invited Gary up to the Plan Nike Hercules for South Korea Duty WASHINGTON (AP) - Nike Hercules antiaircraft missiles with nuclear warheads are destined for South Korea. The plans probably will be made public within the next few weeks. Nikes have an UO-mile range. The IU.S. 8th Army and the United Nations Command in rea have emphasised the need for missile defense against hundreds of Red jet warplanes believed to 6c based in Communist North Korea and adjacent Red China. SleepSHours- WakeUpTired? The meeting took place at a re-hearsal for Bing’s Feb. 29 TV spectacular with Perry Cotno. The four boys originally were to appear but Gary backed out. "The medics say I won’t bf able to sing for two and a half mouths because of my throat," Gary said. "One of the vocal cords is enlarged." Why not do a walk-on? "It would require a lot of ex-plaining," Gary jkald. “and there waai’t time in the script tor it. Treasury Cleaoout Aids Cities, Villages LANSING UR—Cities and villages will benefit most from the newest cleanout of the state’s general fund treasury. The State Administrative Board cut the fund into 13 pieces yesterday in meting out $26,900,000. Ilie payout leaves state debts totaling 30 and 60 million dollars. said Gov. Williams. Ohcever Mi« Wanderfwl >l»»d -Saengthenim* A(li»n Of TMs WeniM’t ITM TmiIc I fer such awful weariness. ■Talte Lydia E. Pinkham ’Tablets, only iron tonic made especially for women. Rich in iron, Pinkham ^blets start to stren^hen your blood within OM day/ ’Tnusquickly help build rich, red Mood .. Vto. resUwe strength and energy so you tea line again fasti If your blood is so starved for iron that you Jiut drag through the day. get Pinkham TableU from drug st<^ See if flMAll AllMINTS—Lydia I. Nine million dollars was set aside for a 14-million-dollar sales tax payment due the end of the month to cities and villages. Another $4,4|0,0M was earmarked for toinorrow’S payroll to M.0M state, employee and S2.IN.6M waa alloeated for the federal government In withholding taxes on stale paychecks. Five million dollars will replenish funds tapped earlier for welfare payments. Junior colleges will get $300,000, bringing them up to date on state assistance. The U n i v e r s 11 y of Michigan will receive $400,000 work on a new mental health building. If 11 Really Zoom a Rocket Detroit Shriners Vote Recorder Out of Job HEARING AIDS • Champion k •Oiyinplc Clstscs HEAR THE QUALITY "BINAURAL" HEARING . FOR BOTH EARS DETROIT (UPI)-Veteran Detroit Moslem Temple Recorder Tunis E. Stinson was voted out of office last night in a bitter Shrin-ers‘ meeting. Members were angered by the [suspension of two of their top officers and they showed up in record immhbers tor the meeting snd Section In the shrine temple. 'ne imperial potentate had sna-peaded the Detroit group’s Ulus-trieus potentate and chief rab- Stinson, 76, was replaced with retired police inspector Chester Cox by a 1,000 to 300 vote. Members hinted Stinson lost because he wrote the letter which alleged violations of the Shriners’ code by Illustrious Potentate Herbert E. Payne, Jr., and Chief Rabban J. Murray Brown. Brown was Suspended tor legedly wearingriiis fez in a commercial advertising picture and Payne was suspended for allegedly bringing up charges against Brown. There is nothing wrong with most teen-agers that their next few years won’t cure . . . Safetj Sign: "Walking reduces weight; Jay-waDdng reduces years” , . Description of a dull character: "He’s the most complete nothing since the invention of the zero. -Earl Wilson TIYTImi lEFOREYMNyThtM OeriMtat. iiMNthiy’n Th»y iwt on a laytr of natuial taar. ftatlj SBWIUtrBD than the cyn.’rhay’raOONtaCT- . k Brnwa, O.D, 17 N. Saginaw St., Bnntiac, Midi. Waterford Twp. Duilding Hits$20MilljonHighii)'59 A sebo^a bowling alley, a parochial nd an airport terminal buikUiv lielped boost oonstructlm projects In Waterford Township to an all-time high of soma $20,000,-000 in 1959, according to Tbwnddp -Building DepaHment reports. Although building permits issped last year were for construction valued at $8,800,000. this total represents about 33 to 50 per of the over-all cost, which include the building site, installations, equipment and landscaping, according to Building fnsp^or Carl Walton Township Assn. Hears Bagwell NEARS END OF JOURNEY - Sen. Theodore F. Grew (D-RI) strolls to the Capitol for a day’s work in the UJS. Senate. The walk from the. University Qub is familiar to the 92tyear-old lawmaker; he first went to Washington as a senator in 1934. He won’t m{^ the jaunt many more times, however. Tuesday be announced he will not seek reflection next November. Puny Ion Makes Big Fuss CLEVELAND, Ohio (AP)-Scl-entists have run an ion engine long enough to consider It a pretty dependable way of getting space ro^ets to speeds tike 100,000 m.p.h. ’That is a pretty good space pace, especially considering that an ion engine has less push than the muffled echo of a butterfly’s sigh; An Ion is an atom that has lost or gained one or more electrons, thereby becoming positive or negative, like profit and loss. Both kinds of ions can be made to go faster than money. < Ion fans and scienUsts will be interested in knowing that a test engine has been run tor a total of 50 hours at the Lewis Laboratory of the National Aeronautics and Spacs Administration. Scientist Howard J. Childs says this is an encouraging sign that ton engines can be depended upon. He also says this model is 36 to 58 per cent efficient. It is hoped that later models can be 80 or 90 per cent efficient. turn on the tens. Days and weeks go by. Gradually the orbit gets larger. The ions keep flowing and finally—one estimate is 127 days— the vehicle swings out of its earthly orbit and starta gathering that fantastic speed In a solar orbit. Two State Appointments Are Mode by Williams ‘^MriTiiSiAETT lY N. ScfiiMw St. . FE 4-70 FUEL VERY EXPENSIVE People who are not ion fans or scientists might think that an engine with no more kick than a passing thought, yet capable of 100,000 m.p.h. on the spe«himeter, would be slicker than anything Detroit can turn out. But the hot-rodders may as well relax and go back to their Internal combustion engines. On a good day you can get 30 per cent efficiency and a police siren’s wail out of these things, and theyTl have to do. Ion engines have their drawbacks. For one thing, the current model les liquid cesium — at $600 to $1,000 a pound—in, a chemical Tg; action with tungsten to produce a sream ot ions. It is the jet stream of ions that propels the vehicle. Tliere is sn even bigger catch. Ion streams won’t work in an atmosphere. Too much resistance. ’That means you have to get your ion buggy up into orbit. And orbits require a launching pad and tons ol chemical rocket fuel Another catch is that an ioi gine is slower on the getaway than a woman driver at a traffic light. Once your vehicle is in orbit Arthur Davis, 92, Barbershop MIAMI, Fla. UR—Arthur Vining Davis. 92, one ol the world’s richest men, fainted In a barber’s chair Tuesday, but physiciar>a aaid he suffered no apparent ill effects. Davis slumped while being shampooed. When attempts to arouse him failed medical help was sun>-moned. Drs. William C. Phillips and E. Sterling NIchol, his physicians, said Davis regained consciousness in about 10 minutes. He was taken home for rest and observation. Davis, a founder and formta-board chairman of the board of Aluminum Co. of America, has LANSING UD-Thomas J. Sedgwick of Mount Morris has been named to the State Board of Registration of Architects, Engineers and Surveyors by Ci^. Williams 1 term endidg Jan. 1. 1967. He succeeds Wells I. Bennett, dean ol the school of architecture the University of Michigan. Bennett, a board member since was named a m e m b e emeritus. Albert Lee of Detroit was named to the Michigan State Board of Accountancy for a term ending July 1, 1963, succeeding David P. Zack. resigned. Senate confirmations are not required. Launch Safety Drive to Offset Union Push LANSING UR — Michigan’s con-stnictinn industry has launched safety educatfon campaign aimed at offsetting a push by organized labor for more state safety legis- Now Hoaring Aid Has High FidoiHy Range CHICAGO (Uni-Hlgli fiteRty The seal ohnrch bnlkUng permlta accounted for about ns.M0.«0. with an Increase wf some IRM.MB more ’The largest project apineved was for the new Our Lady of the Lakes High Scimd building on Dixie Highway that will cost $400,UOO. When comideted, the school U expected .|o have coat closer to $600,-10, Walton said. A permit for constructing a n >w $187j000 airport terminal building was issued laM May. Tliis U^only a small part of the proposed $?,-500,000 airplane service center planned at the Pontiac Qty Airport. (testing more than $350,000, new 32-lane bowling alley opened in mid-October on Elizabeth Lake road. The building replaced the Bowl which burned last Republican Has Ideas an Financing Schaals; Williams Talks Today LANSING UR-Gov. WUUams was to address the Michigan Townships Assn, today as the group reached the midpoint of Hs taree-day convention. Delegates will also hear annual reports and nominpte new directors. Action on a mimber 'VI vital resolutions M scheduled for Thursday. Yesterday the state Republican titular leader, Paul D. Bagwell, suggested that the township officials explore thoroughly a new school finance program that (}ov. Nelson Rockefeller of New York has proposed for his state. Under the program, several eoromerclal permita over taaf winter. Zenith Radio Oorp^, anaouaeed today. E.M. Klimey, vies presUeut tnatranwat, called tae *‘aidc«iH ad raags aid," otfsiu; a n pery cent greater raage-M Nproduoed A building permit tor a“llM,-SOe addition to the United Presbyterian Cbnndi oa Sariiabaw riukd was issued lu May and a permit was given to the owners of the Crown Furniture Co. store opening this month. Also constructed last year were tour new gas stations, a post office, several restaurants, nine office and cUnlcs along with a large addition to the Redford Iron Works. April topped all previous records for building permits issued in the township. During that month permits were issued for construction valued at $1.217,OOO-or close to $3 ihillion upon' completion of the projects. township’s twp asse Gaud Vfiagner and James Donel-son. said they are 34 months behind in making the new assessments and admit that they have become ^snnwed under" by the increased cofetruction work in Waterford Township last year. ' Chessman Tries Again ta Escape Death Chair raitted to combine into a taxing district. ’The district would ralae additional school money at a local level on some other 'base than the property lax. ’"rhe property tax cannot beaitjl the burden of all local government it now is expected to carry," Bag-well said. He added that the Rockefeller plan provides "an opportunity for local i^ple to do the necessary job tbeniselves and not sacrifice their autonomy in return tor aid Inun some higher governmental unit." Bagwell also reiterated his earlier calls for a constitutional convention, maintaining that new state charters in New Jersey and Pennsylvania have strengthened local units of government. • “A ronstitnthmal convention, by freeing deoted officials from present restrictions, would provide more reasonable, efficient and economical government,’’ Bagwell KaM. “Our public officials must have freedom of action, and today they are too much hampered by constitutional restrictions.” He said a new state constitution should include provisions tor election of the governor and other top administrative officials to four-year terms with a limit of two terms; appointment rather than election of the state auditor general and the superintendent of pub-; lie instruction; and removal of the state Supreme Court Rom the political arena. SAN FRANCISCO (AP)-Caryl (teeuman filed another petition 'Tuesday in his long battle to escape death in the gas,chamber. The convidt - author contended the latest and eighth date set for his execution—Feb. 19—is void. Attorneys George T. Dayis and Rosalie Asher filed (teessman’s petition, which argued that a stay of execution granted Nov. 30, 1955, by y.S. Dist. Judge Louis E. Goodman still is in effect. PONTIAC CloMd Tonight OPEM FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY Theater Crowds Take Sharp Rise in Michigan The industry will promote a set of safety specifications designed to give every contractor in the state basis for developing his own company safety program. In announcing the program, C. . summon, chairman of the construction division of the Michigan Safety Conference, yesterday “Over 85 per cent ot arcidents on eonstruction projects were caused by human error or hu-maa failure. Safety engineers agree safety legtslatton cannot correct thto human factor. Contractors decided the proper way was through safety education, summon said the construcUon division would promote adoption of safety specifications by architects, cities, tfehool boards,' church organizations and owners. ’The holidays that have ju^t passed will go down in history among the most heartening events in the lives of Michigan theater operators, according to Art Sanford, manager of the Oakland Theater. Despite the coM wcathM 8RO aigns were np in dosena Sri theaters In the state. Thousands rheerfully lined np in front of boxofficcs in Ann Arhar, Battle Creek, Flint, Grand Rapids, Kal-amasoo, Lansing, Pontiac and Port Huron. Plans call for development constructions sections in all local safety councils In the state; promotion of safety seminars; a stspped-up press campaign to acquaint the public with the safety accomplishments of contractors; and distribution of safety Ipilletins, films and safety techniques tb every contractor in file construction division. Mrs. Roosevelt Would Avoid Dem Convention LOS ANGELES (AP) — Eleanor Roosevelt says she won't attend the National Democratic Coiiven-been confined to bed by illness tion in Los Angeles if she can only Once in recent years — by.ji posalUy ,h«lp it. heart attack be suffered in 1^. Davis has been a large-scale developer of Florida and Bahhmas reaort proper^ since coming to Florida at the ago of 80. HLs wealth has been estinfated, at 350 million dollars. do not want to be involved, she said Tuesday. She parried reporters' questions on whom shslpretors ton the.Democratic presidential nornlna^on. "I am not supporting anyone before the convention," she said. Reports from other Michigan tlie-aters are stiU coming in and it seems that the patrons in tl)e smaller towns too, flocked to theaters. Previous to the holidays the trend to higher movie attendance etas evident. It began in October and built up to a high level for the I Thanksgiving holiday. It remained constantly at a high plane, and a week before Christinas it started to move up and hit new highs by Jan. 3. HURRY! HURRY! LAST TWO DAYS SHOWS AT 7:00 9:30 HURON ■ nwm DIARY OF, lOSPIISCHIDKIiAyi’SiaiEY' nSYie-GUSTIHie.QIW^ imsiitiii WANTED 1.000 COMIC BOOKS ISM True Love Story Mags. We Handle Tricks, Jokes and Novelties. 2ND SPICY HIT! GFNIItMiN PRlfER GIRIS' IND SHIRIFY'S OUT TO PROVE II' DAVID NIVEN SHIRLEY MacLAINE Tremendous Crowds ... ■UT DUE TO PREVIOUS COMMITMENTS W£ ARE UNABLE TO . . . HOLD-OVER ASK ANY GIRL THIS TRULY GREAT MOVIE CURRENTLY BEING ACCLAIMED BY ALL PONTIAC! Positively . . . Lost 2 Days! The cloctric conhiaatien of Frouk jfjnotra and Gina toflohrlgida ia a rlbtaal Jovo Mtorr ROl ogoiasl a background at Bsma during World War If gives (he icroos oae of*tae year’s oulsloadfaia ollraclioas ia Nelro-Goldwya- •'IVO" - ' ----- Ma/or's "Ivover ^ fow." Ciaemo- iravelod 27M0 aiiies to Him jnagfe ii| geeacos -in Burma, Thailand Icopo and Motrocofos. A focotioa aalf miles to Him jnagfe iightiag sold Ceylon. 1:35 , 4:1> ( 7:00 9:40 Exclusive m||| in the Entire Pontioc Areo! Our Regnlor Low Prices*' s ! Wook-Dey Mathioe ..... .6Se I Ives. And Sunday..........90c ) Children Always ..........2Sc FRANK SINATRA PILPOBRLGIDA NEVER SO FEWJ ADDED ENTEBTAINMENT “ISLAND EMPIRE" (20 Min. FeotureHe) "POSSE CAT" (Tom ond Jorry Cartoon) IFRIDAY! 'niKiiiN.^ IkfliGuim... Ital SlNSATIONS.. From the best-eeller by the author of The Man in the Gray Flannel Suit' A WARNER BROS. wcTone TECHNICOLOR* ’'""‘RICIIARDEGIIN-DORIM McGUIRE-SANDRA DEE AinNURXENNEIrf-mDDNAHUEcoNSTANCEFwo ^ BEULAH BONDI im tiv MW b) SLOAN WILSON Prosed mi IHcMd k DELMER DA.iS nM« b.Mw suiNES ■ You’HhMt the hit thame from A SuirimerPtrce'f ill EXCnniC ELI WALT Dism SHOW! BMCLM\[KDKI®8 snncn UHinnci au MM musi WALT DISNEY'S THiRDMAN wMOUNmiN riii'MaiMt ilO'iiiili ' UirtillmRUBIIIII “And on The Same ProgramI mUTDlSNSVk SAT.! “THE PUIPLE GANG" A “THE ATOMIC SUBMARINE" THE PONTIAC PKESS, WEDNESHAV. JAyCAin l.J. By Jay Alan | Rent House* Unfurn. 40 l or mi uvER MONEV^txSwN •{f,i“ i-'Lxs sW ffi • E>:“r'iSS£ SErcrt%wloS' „s«S«, - - “ ! W. w. ROSS HOMES “^^li^^StaSoMiraO ■ BiRMiN^X'Mr-NE A R~wW^ husband disappear, FOT,_Nrri'kr^^^ErD^ ! :;■'* »H;~:isr ■ S;];'"„,.m-^sss-^5S’ .................. ' ' ' ............... , don, you uant b, set ; v I.AUOF- ci.f:an front siTf.I'P- TO BUYj^B SELL ”■ Clarfeton -';'(i7c>»'“ - - ------------------------------------ K.==«.i ;s3f 5"5 iis™ -=v:v »z^£ziAt^.mi~~~z •gs.H.-.-.'a s,; f-TrHFrS Ki:\l. ESTATE. INC. SLATER APTS. ^ !>s!S£l„„„. .>'"'■’- ■ ,,;.rn.^..rt.”?v." s-".”-' '“ V o« .. ... UNFUHNISHED-APARTMENT. » HM8 Al.F OP_D0PLEX^ OAs 2 BEORCKIM HOMF ,200 DOWN NV anted Real I APPCUN^ENT^^^ CAS -IS HOCRS IIO.ME. — HOLM'. W RICi a 2\fDUM PAVED -STRFFTi iigIKss 'ssrigP' .SSK KOLirC \ A1.1ET' _ W i:si .-SIDE ”s‘,ss“ V;t,“=.ssi.T...;i.j;r”^ STOUTS ^Tel<^l«io^ Scr\ Ice ^24 ' ww/srosf: Hu Wi^Serx ii e I .t CIVILIANS ' ‘ "“” “I" ^190 down if Best Buys Today Rent Apts. .M^VIGDKaN -»nv «RMS^,-;m.K.^FR^^^ II.M WKK.IIi, Realtu ■■=5 "iNDEBTf^l IF SO LET US Give You 1 Place to Fax Ease Your Mind - ' \VK ARE NOT A -LOAN COMPANY MICHIGAN (REl)IT Tks; “L“£lf-cr™;1'l^ S’-^'H.KS- S« ;lfii S ®1 .iIsS ..Ui‘‘‘-^ •<>V«-'L-- ^i-ven,t,.anexvl,«me uCrVi/J.l- «:::: ,,.4 ”t ent^.n. '"Sr''''“‘ il.sOM Reap 395J. EM l chureV CBfom'pM. rec NO itoNEY DOW.N Ni"’j' 'Hr“'’Ri'ai r>t IH^flVr**, **'* f’E 4 «x.xo*^‘ " “'""" *"* f'«E « «vxo"‘ ,..27X k CSS ELI. YOUNG ”1 ■ tsJ'Si-s ■iXSifmi’ - Ci-,U)ia)<)Mv ^“ llIGIi\\.\Y IM'PT. ru'rn* {'r-.-", nn.^a .Ulc, OU Jclyn. D«n O kCSSELL YOUNG j 'M - . . ClCkU R Ri:\ETY rrrrBRrcK-RAM "bVaf' ...; ■ lli,.l" Niiholif. K.aU6r /ay P H11P fc R TT^ R FPR »"■! 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