County Panel Acts on Budget, Buildings and Roads By ED BLUNDEN The Oakland County Board o f Supervisors’ Ways and Means Com-f mittee made three recommendations of major significance to the future of the county yesterday. ' A,( 4r h At its final considerations for the proposed 1969 budget, the committee: • Set the budget amount at $25,833,778 — about $4.5 million more than 1968. It is a balanced budget with income and expenditures equal. a a * • Recommended that $3 million be spent on two new buildings, a public works service building ($3 million) and new training center for the mentally handicapped ($1 million). The amount is not part of the 1969 budget, but is money still unalloted in 1968 — income that was not calculated in the 1968 budget. > • Approved giving the Oakland County Road Commission $360,000 — with strings attached. BUDGET HEARING The budget and other expenditures will be plated before the entire Board of Supervsors Oct. 7. A public hearing on the budget Will be held at 10:30 a-m. that day at the supervisors’ auditorium in the courthouse, Telegraph and Pontiac Lake. The $3 million for new buildings could be approved at th^ heXt board meeting, 9:30 j a.m. Monday. The “fat” budget for 1969 reflects a growing county i affluence. For instance the biggest revenue maker — the countywide . tax levy on property of 5.28 mills — Will raise an additional $2 million next year. This is due to the total equalized value of jcounty growing by r* more than $400 million. TO this is added a $2.3-million expectation from -the county’s share of the state’s 2.6 per cent tax on incomes. Added to this will be about $600,000 from a land transfer tax that was ’ formerly collected by the U.S., but is ‘now local revenue. Offsetting much of the gain is about a $2-million increase for salary raises and additional county employes. General costs are also up from 10 to 20 per cant in most'operations. The two new buildings proposed by tha ways and means committee were designated emergency pleasures. The1 $1-million school will be located at a yet-to-be-determined center for county vocational training. A similar facility, Oakland Training Institute, (OTI) is located in Berkley. (Continued on Page A-8, Col. 1)‘ The Weather U. s. WMItMT Bureau Forecart Sonny