Wnr~W«crfh#r ' ’ . V U.I. WMlhw frurtau l>«rKait Chance of Ttauderabowert THE PONTIAC PRESS Home Edition VOLur 124 - NO "Roved Space in PONTIAC, MICHIGAN, g^TUBPAY, JULy\ 1966 -84 PAGES Regulations Altered Saucer RENO, Nev. (UPI)—An Indian chief in full regalia told I yesterday how a spaceship took him on a four-year flight j to the edge of the galaxy. Frank B. Standing Hone of-Ferris, Calif., told the | Amalgamated Flying Saucer Clubs of America convention [ he touched the' mqon, Mars, Clarion, and Venus, but spent j most of-his time in 'Orion, which he described as a planet on the outer edge of our galaxy and which was inhabited by ! a super-modernistic society. He said his journey began July U, 1959, near Sapolpa, Okla., at a spot where he was plearing an area for a church camp. Standing Horse, who claims he saw his ■ first flying saucer in 1949 and had sighted 14 unidentified flying objects since, said a spacecraft 259 feet in diameter and 28 feet high landed during the night. He said he talked with the crew of three men, who '{ “looked like anyone else,” and decided to go away with them I “because it was a new experience for me.” ★ ★ • ★ Once aboard, he said, be met a beautiful lady <| feet 4 f inches tall with long blade hair and blue eyes. I NOT MUCH FUN | She fed him and tucked him into bed after giving him a I Orion-style kiss—three finger taps on the.cheek "which was I no fun.” They landed on Mars at a-building “made of rock | from our moon.” After eating earth-style food, they flew I to the moon where he saw “people; buildings, animals, snow sad ice.” (Continued on Page 2, Col. 3) StHI-to-ComeRuling Spurs Ballot Jitters Oakland Gounty election officials are nervously awaiting a circuit court ruling that could give them any number of headaches before, and possibly after, the Aug. 2 primary. The pending opinion revolves around suits brought by two area attorneys who have questioned the constitutionality of a legislative Petition Law Is Challenged Area MairWants to Get on Senate Ballot LANSING Wl—A Birmingham lawyer who would like to be a candidate for the Democratic nomination for U.S. senator hss turned io the Michigan Supreme Court and Court of Appeals for help. ... Lawyer James Elsman is challenging the tonstitutionality of the state law which requires a candidate to collect nominating petition signatures equivalent to one per cent of the vote cast for his party’s candidate for secre-tarv of state in the last election. ■fc, lmm- ^HoniPC hjfTI Inc law, ntittpi the right to he considered as a candidate. He.is joined in the suit by Mrs. Marilyn Roelofs of Royal Oak, a citizen who claims the law denies her *ny reasonable hope'of voting for a candidate (Continued on Page 2, Col. 4) j In Today's f Press" I H-Power Lag ■ | ’ I AEC report says U. S. 1 1 behind in research*-PAGE | I A4, LBJ on Polls I § Individual Judg- 1 I ment still the yardstick— 1 I PAGE B-12. | New Jersey Blaze J I Harbor strait tymed into 1 I sea of fire—PAGE A-3. I {Astrology B-8 1 /Bridge j JM ft Church News B-9—B-U B | Crossword Puzzle , — C-ll I | Comics ............B-8 I I Editorials A4 I I Home Section B-l—B-4 I 1 Markets ...........C-4 I 1 Obituaries A-7 I I Sports C-l^-C4 I I Theaters .......... C4 I • TV-Radio Programs . C-ll I I Veterans’ Series .... C4 I i f Wilson. Earl B-12 1 1 Women’s Page A-*,—A-9 1 Board Acts to Ease Air Crisis LOTS OF QUIET—Chicago’s O’Hare International Airport, the nation’s busied terminal, is desolate and quiet today aa a result of a strike against five of the country’s biggest airlines. This aerial view shows a couple of lone planes (right) lout the majority of the passenger loading sections stand quiet. , Cong Force Swallows Bail, Hit by Yanks act that canceled the election this year of justices of the peace. At the same time, the legislature extended the terms of office of some justices until Jan. 1, 1968. The lawyers, Barry A. Kush-ner and Richard B. Kramer, had filed petitions as candidates for justice of the peace in Bloomfield and West Bioom-fie'l Townships, respectively, before the measure was approved. They claim they have been deprived of-their rights to be candidates. ♦ ★ it The legislature approved the measure June 9, five'days before the filing deadline, as a means of providing a more orderly departure of justices when the position is abolished on a statewide basis Jan. 1,1968. CASES SIMILAR While the cases are similar, •'""arrereBi wswcbs w and a ruling favoring one or the other, or both, can easily upset preelection procedures. One. of the first problems facing election officials is the matter of timing. Since all arguments in the case haven’t been heard, Judge James S. Thorburn isn’t expected to make a decision until July 18, five days after absentee ballots have to be distributed to city and township clerks, and only five days before machine ballots have to be ready under state law. ★ ' * * Printers already had been told by election officials to delay preparing the machine baUots for Bloomfield and West Bloomfield Townships until after the court ruling is rendered. ” ORDER BALLOTS Yesterday, election commissioners decided that the state law can’t be ignored and ordered the printing of the absentee ballots for the two townships, risking the consequences . of the ruling. One •! the commissioners, < County Clerk John D. Murphy, explained that if the eaart rules in favor of toe attorney*, it’* possible that toe absentee baUots in tho two townships could be invalid, and later questioned in court, because the names of the justice candidates did not appear. -There may be time, he said, to revise the machine ballots for the two townships, but a rulin favoring the two attorneys i have a countywide effect. . • > • SAIGON, South Viet Nam (AP) — A U.S. armored column lured a heavy Viet Cong force into the fire of waiting artillery, alerted warplaner and battalions of helicopter-borne -1st Infantry Division troops north of Saigon today. It was the second execution of such reverse ambush tactics in 10 days. Contact was broken just be- fore dark. Field reports said it was believed toe eaemy-a farce of at least regimental size estimated at more thah 2,000 men—was withdrawing to toe northwest. That would be in the direction of the Cambodian frontier. A spokesman at a forward command post reported American units were setting up a blocking force behind the Viet Cooler, Rain in the Offing The weatherman said there’s a chance of those long-looked-for showers late tonight and again tomorrow with temperatures turning cooler. Soviets Say Satellite More Than 12 Tons MOSCOW (AP) — The official Soviet news agency Tass disclosed today the unmanned heavy satellite«, launched Wednesday, Proton -3,...weighs more than 12 tons. The exact weight was not given. Proton 3 is the only one of its series of undisclosed weight. JProton 1 and Proton 2 each weighed 12.2. tons. The mercury heading for the 90s today will fall into the 60s tonight and register near 08 tomorrow. Pleasant is the outlook for Monday. * ★ ★ The' Pontiac area day by day forecast lodes like this: SATURDAY — Mostly sunny and warmer today with'highs 83 to 92. Partly cloudy and warm tonight with a chance of thundershowers late tonight, lows 62 to 70. Winds southwesterly 7 to 15 "•‘BUB today:" ................. SUNDAY — Partly cloudy with a chance of thundershowers And turning cooler with highs 80 to 88. MONDAY *- Sunny and pleasant, Cong in an effort to cut off their -escape routes: There was no immediate report of casualties on either side. Goapled with toe sudden flarcup in ground fighting after a 10-day tail, the Ui5. Command reported renewed aerial pounding of five oil installations in North Viet Nam. A U.S. spokesman said a Viet Cong force of at least regimental size hit an armored column of the U.S. 1st Infantry Division which had been put out as bait along a secondary road near .tne Cambodian border. ' By prearranged plan, the spokesman said, U.S. forces immediately flew in . several battalions of reinforcements by helicopter and hit the enemy force ‘ with pre-planned air attacks and artillery barrages. Ailing Ex-Senator ? Remains Unchanged ^BERRYVILLE, Vn. (AP) -Former U.S. Sen. Harry . F. Byrd’s condition remained unchanged today, a family spokes- The family said Wednesday Byrd, 79, a former Virginia governor and a member of the U.S Senate for 32 years,, is suffering from a malignant tumor and is not expected to recover. Teen Drov/hs $vv" imming in ~¥~ toy L An 18—.year-old youth drowned yesterdaa y in a city-owned lake In Troy _ Pronow-tnced dead at the scene was Terry L. Conn, 2126 Stirling, Tr«3y. Troy police depa m- tment diver* Oakland Drowning Toll in ’66 ody __ | Last Yoor er 20 To Data 15 the 2: all lake is located off south of South Boule- According to police, the victim had been swimming with two companions and he reportedly wse.£s not s very good swim- Police- said Michael Hogan, IS,.of 2115 Alfred, Troy, and Keith d^onn, 13, were on the shore -when' the victim went “ into wwtoa^r over his head.-—— The y ouths Attempted to rescue the victim, but were unsuccessful. U.S. Terminals Congested by Employe Strike Unaffected Carriers Are Allowed to Make Flight Flan Changes WASHINGTON M — The Civil.; Aeronautics Board acted today to relieve air traffic congestion over the nation built up by a strike against five major airlines. The board approved a series of measures to increase service at air terminals where passen> • gers have been, held up by the strike of the AFL-CIO International Association of Machinists. The relaxation of regulations affecting both scheduled and nonscheduled airlines wai announced by the board as negotiations were resumed in the day-old strike that has snarled travel in 231 cities. The strike was called yesterday against Eastern, National, Trans World, United and Northwest Airlines. * h * The orders issued by the board will: • Give authority to other certificated airlines to provide Unrestricted service between points on their own route systems where 25 per cent of the number of flights were provided by the struck carriers as of July 1. • Permit the 13 nonscheduled sir carriers to charter their equipment to the certificated lines, both trunk and local service, for traffic these’ carriers otherwise would be unable to handle. • Authorize nonscheduled and certified carriers - to agree to arrangements under which the supplementals could cany passengers who hold tickets from the regularly scheduled airlines. The supplemental carriers may .not normally sell individual services. ★ ★ * • Authorize the supplemental air carriers to carry individually waybffled cargo on their military and commercial. charter flights. • Authorize the carriers to hold discussions, looking toward tho loosing of ttCfuipjnsnV and thc rationing of route services in order to provide transportation in markets with the greatest need. Brit- ish'Golf Victor s ♦ Middays Wins Open Title NT TJIRFIELD, Scotland OP)—Jack Nicklaus won the British. Open Golf Championship today with a brilliant finish t.o an up-and-down round. A. dazzling birdie 4 on that 528-year par 5 17th hole einabled the 26-year-old blond husky from Columbus, OJiio, to beat off the • challer^ge of Welshman Dave " Jl'homas and D o u g Sandex~s of Ojai, Calif. Nickl^mus finished with a 33-.37-70, one under par, and a 72-hole 'total of 202, two under Li t ONES DEDICATE DORM—Former MkhigaqgGovemor Murray D. Van Wagoner (left) and Michigan Stole University Trustee C. Alien Harlan reminiace r. M of an earlier era in Michigan politics yesterday at the dedication of Oakland University’s newest dormitory, named in honor of foe ex-governor. “M>^ brother ate a magazine, fcwut it’s O. K. It yfas The Gaiter’S Digest.” JACK NICKLAUS A-a THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, JULY 9, im troy Mother Visits Son Abandoned in '65... Finds He's Happy TROY (AP) — "He smiles a lot... to I know he’s happy,’ said Mrs? Maynie Thorne. The subject was her sen, Rich* ard Bruce (Ricky) Thorne, whom she abandoned at Miami International Airport last Sept 21 because "I was at the end of my rope. (Mrs. Thorne’s legacy to Ricky RICKY THORNE tpd one while in Chicago on a business trip with his wife. He is an executive of a small tool t^nd die company. The family lives at 2435 Dalesford. Thome told his 44-year-old wife to go to Miami and make a clean breast of things. She did. A court order placed Ricky In a Miami clinic for mentally retarded and emotionally dis- , ----- . m . turbed children. She was for- was three cents and a sandwich, to see him until this For three days authorities triedLimnwr to identify the boy, a 13-year-old! w - w * who aimeared perfectly normal , .... . , except lor one thing.. ."he did! Charges of child abandonment not talk against > Mrs. Thome were dropped when she and her hus-PICTURE IN PAPERS band agreed to the court order, Pictures of Ricky appeared in «nd~Mrs. Thorne consented to newspapers aU over the coun- seek psychiatric help in Mich-try. His father, Victor, 48, spot- igan. She tried her hand at selling real estate and waited. Last week, Mrs. Thomt went to Florida and spent two nights aftd three days with Ricky. ‘ t * ,* “He gave me a kiss when I picked Jiim up,” Mrs. Thorne said. “He seemed embarrassed. But the doctor said, that was normal for teen-agers. It’s hard to beBeve he's 14 years old. “We went to Fort Lauderdale. It was a, nice motel. Ricky loves the Water. He came in with me but he wouldn’t go in on his own. His feet got sunburned, felt sorry tor him.” PSYCHIATRISTS OPTIMISTIC Psychiatrists at the Clinic were Optimistic, she said. . “He still hasn’t talked but they’re sure he can,” Mrs. Thorne said. ■ t it 4 Tanned and wearing a print dress, Mrs. Thorne looked relaxed in the kitchen of her comfortable ranch home in Troy. “There’s a full-time speech therapist working with him/' she said. “The doctors refuse to classify him as emotionally disturbed or mentally retarded. “He’s the pet of the dinic end the school. They say tome is much more to Ricky than meets the eye.” ♦' ★ w It’s a matter of work... setting up the climate... to make a 1 breakthrough,” she said. Although doctors declined to go into details of Ricky’s case with his mother, Mrs. Thorne said they are not entirely convinced that Ricky suffered from encephalltis-as she had always believed- when he was 18 months old. The disease often causes brain damage because of high fever. "They won’t tell me what they think caused Ricky's condition,” Mrs. Thorne said. “They took X-rays, but I don't know what the results were.1’ SURE OF DECISION Mrs: Thorne appeared turbed that doctors would not confide in her or say definitely if and when Ricky could come home. But she Is confident that her decision to lly to Miami and abandon Ridcy last fall was the right thing to dp, Her efforts to seek help for Ricky in Michigan were stymied because of overcrowded mental hospitals and a fear of leaving her son on hisjown. • f a 'i ' “If someone hnd'tbid me then I would have abandoned my son at ap airport I would have said they were crapy,” she said. “But I couldn’t give Ricky what he’s got down there. At home he would sit and become more and more withdrawn. We would play tag and hlde-go-seek. But that was all I could offer him. . A t * ‘Row he’s in a room with three boys his own age. He has buddies. He had none here.” MRS. MAYNIE THORNE \ Prison Tightens Up' After Riot Sentence for Rights Violation ATHENS, Ga., (AP) — U S. of Athens, said they would ap-District Judge William A. peal and he volunteered to| Bootle sentenced two Ku Klux represent them as court-ap- Sewer Service Is on Agenda Waterford to Weigh Contract With Pontiac Klansmen today to 10 years in prison on conviction of conspiring to violate Negro rights. It was the maximum imprisonment he could have imposed on the pair — Joseph Howard Sims, 41, and Cecil W. Myers, 26, who were convicted - last night. Four fellow khmsmen were acquitted of toe same charges. They could hav$ been fined $5,ON each in addition. Their attorney, James Hudson $35,000 18 Injured in Alps as Cable Cars Fall pointed couneel. $35,Ml BOND Bootle set bond at each. The government charged all defendants wift forming “a broad conspiracy’ to “injure, oppress, threaten and intimidate” Negroes including Washington educator Lemuel A. Penn who was shot to death in INI. A codefendant, Herbert Guest, was sentenced to two years in prison on four counts of selling ’pep” pills without a license. He pleaded guilty to that charge before the trial began. Sims, a s t o c k y, 41-year-old machinist, and Myers, 26, a be- (iso charged city residents. CHAMONIX, France (AP) -Eighteen persons were injured, three critically, today when three gondolas of an aerial cableway plunged 30 yards onto a glacier in the Alps. Police said 13 of the injured were in toe gondolas that fell and 4 others were in a gondola that was tossed about in the air but did not fall. The other injured person .'was a skim* struck by a falling cable, ♦ ♦ ★ A hospital spokesman said eight of the injured were West Germans. Five were members of a single French family, and the other five were Italians. Officials said 65 other persons were stranded in gondolas swinging over the snowy sides of Mont Blanc, Europe’s highest peak. The Waterford Township Board Monday is scheduled to consider a proposed contract with Pontiac for extension of dty sewer services to an area ii the township. ★ * * Under the agreement, sewer facilities would be extended to the new Cherokee Hills Elementary School and neighboring property. Last Tuesday, toe City Commission approved final details of the proposed 28-year agreement Provisions call for township residents to pay a double sewer connection charge—$300 against spectacled crew-cut carpenter, were identified to the FBI by another klansman as the men who fired shotguns into the Penn car on a dark and foggy road near Athens early July 11, lf$f. They were convieted in the first of two back-to-back trails but their verdict had been sealed in an envelope since last Saturday. The all-white jury that convicted Sims and Myers returned verdict of innocent for George H. Turner, 33 an employe in toe maintenance department of an Athens poultry company. The 12 white men who tried the second case deliberated about 9% hours yesterday before acquitting'Guest, 39, a garage operator; James S. Lackey, 30, former manger of an Athens service station; and Denver Willis Phillips, 26, a mechanic. Quarterly service rates also would be double to township us- In other business, toe board will consider whether to collab- orate with the school district in the purchase of three pedestrian UNABLE TO AGREE Until recently, the township nd school district had considered splitting the costs for erecting one overpass, but were unable to agree on a definite location. The three overpasses would be located on Pontiac Lake Road, Scott Lake Road and Williams Lake Road. Benefitting schoolchildren would be from Leggett, Cherokee Hills and Schoqjcraft schools I Roved Space in a Saucer' Full U.S. Weather Bureau Report PONTIAC AND VICINITY—Mostly sunny and warmer today. Highs 83 to 92. Partly cloudy and warm tonight, lows 62 to 79. Sunday partly cloudy with a chance of thundershowers and turning little cooler. Highs 80 to 88i Winds southwesterly 7 to 15 miles today. Monday’s outlook: Sunny and pleasant. Lowed temperature preceding I ».m.: Al t e.m.: Wind velocity 5 m.p.h. Direction: Southwest * Sun sett Saturday * * One Veer Age in .......st temperature Lowest temperature ... is Sunday at S:0S e. 1.1*36 t IMS Rapids Friday In Pontiac Lowest temperature ....... Mean temperature _________ Weather: Mostly sunny Friday's Temperature Chert na II 47 Detroit 16 60 71 67 Duluth IS 64 6S 63 Fort Worth *6 70 IS 6S Jacksonville *5 73 I Lansing 06 SO Karnes City *3 ■ Marquette 77 67 Lot Angeles IF Muskegon . 03 43 Miami Beech 06 Pension 03 S6 Milwaukee -OS _ Traverse C. 07 66 New Orleans *S 77 I SS Pittsburgh NATIONAL WEATHER — Tonight’s weather will be rainy over southern Florida and parts of the .southern RocUm. There is a chance of thundershowers in the upper i-efcew and central 'Appalachians. There will be little change in temperature .batons the nation. (Continued From Page One) Then it was on to Venus for a landing in a cloudburst and a stay of 80 minutes. * ★ ★ Clarion was . next. He didn’t Isay much about that stop “which lasted only 28 minutes," but on Venus he said he saw a car powered by electromagnetic force and driven by a man from North Platte, Neb. He didn’t identify his countryman. DIFFERENT LIFE At Orion, there were beautiful buildings including churches, and life was “so different I just couldn’t'tell about it all here.” He did remember eating delicious berries so big three of them would fill a quart jar, and said details could be heard on tape recordings avallnble at $15 a tape. “I wanted to stay but they wouldn't let me,” he said, asked why they brought me to Orion and they said it was so might know the mighty wort of creation. it h it ‘They said we should stop shooting off atomic bombs be- cause it disturbed them.”, About 1,000 persons were attending the threetoay convention which ends tomorrow. ♦ * * They saw displays which ii eluded pictures purporting to flying saucers and heard speakers, tell of toeir experiences with ships and men from oqter space. 1,000 Inmates Join Violence $200,000 Damage at Maryland Institution AF Wlrtphoto SILENT PROTEST—A prisoner at the Maryland Penitentiary displays a ripped sign saying “Less Brutality” after a destructive riot by 1,000 inmates yesterday. Prisoners set fire to prison shops, threw rocks and looted toe commissary. Authorities used tear gas to stop the disturbance which resulted in an estimated $200,000 damage. Personal Woes Theory in Trio's Disappearance CHESTERTON, Ind. (UPI)-Authorities worked on toe theory today that three young women missing at Indiana Dunes -State Park may have run away. They said there were indications all thre^ had personal probleriis. The' organized search of Lake Michigan and the park was called off yesterday, with no trace found of toe young Mrs. Renee Bruhl, 1$, of Chi-, ago; Miss Patricia Blough, 19, of ‘soBtirBarr westetrastefriflfl* "Miss Ann Miller, 21, of subOr-ban Lombard, left their homes Petition Rule Is Challenged (Continued From Page One) who represents her point of view. She had worked in Elsman’s unsuccessful drive to collect the more than 19,000 signatures needed before the June 14 filing deadline for candidates in toe Aug. 2 primary election. Elsman was regarded as little-known underdog against the other two Democratic candidates for the nomination, former Gov. G. Mennen William and Detroit Mayor Jerome Cav-anagh. The petition provisions, Elsman said, discriminate against any but the “rich or organisation-related candidate." He said earlier he nad spent, $4,000 in rounding up signatures before giving up. last Saturday morning to spend a day at the Dunes. They were last seen' later that same morning getting into a speed boat with three young men. LETTER FOUND Indiana State Police said a letter found in Mrs. Bruhl’s purse that indicated she was not happy in her marriage. ■ Miss Miller had moved out of her parents’ home in Lombard about two weeks ago, authorities said. to California recently; ‘and an-thorities said that she almost went wtih him at the time. . . * V ★ Scuba divers completed their underwater search last night. A mounted posse-already had completed combing the -2,180-acre park. More than 100 searchers, including soldiers from an Army missile base, checked 250 cottages in the area of the park. Bloodhounds could not pick up a trail. BALTIMORE, Md. (AP) Extraordinary tight security regulations are in effect at the Maryland Penitentiary following a 'riot by inmates that caused damages estimated by authorities at $200,000. About 1,000 of the 1,461 prisoners roamed through the yards of the 154-year-old institution for two hours, setting fire to buildings, throwing rocks and looting the commissary. it * Authorities fired tear gas to help quell the disturbance and fire hoses were used to keep rampaging inmates out of the power house. But not a shot was fired by the expanded guard force or scores of Baltimore city policemen. No serious injuries were reported. To preveiit a recurrence, Warden Roger B. Copinger Jr. said the prisoners would be allowed from their cells today in only small, controlable groups. GRIEVANCE SESSION Copinger and other prison officials, including three chaplains, talked with the prisoners in the .yard during toe riot and the warden promised'a grievance session which was held Friday night. At Uie three-hour meeting, 19 inmates complained of such things as food, low pay, the commissary, the hospital alleged favoftisra in assigning inmates work release programs, and the operation of toe state parole system. Vernon L. Pepersack, the state commissioner of correction, described the complaints as “the gripes you always hear in prisons." Pepersack contended many of the complaints were not valid because society couldn’t be pee ted to comply with aB the requests. But he agreed the prison, built for 960 inmates, was overcrowded and lacked sufficient staff. Pays Dividend Hike GRAND RAPIDS (UPI) Lear Siegler, Inc. board directors yesterday increased quarterly cash dividends common stock to 17)4 cents per share, payable Sept. 1 to stockholders of record Aug. 5. Birmingham Area News Teachers and Board Divided on 2 Issues BLOOMFIELD HILLS - Definite progress is being made on contract negotiations but there are still two areas of disagreement between toe Board of Education and Bloomfield Hills Education Association (BHEA), according to George E. Cavin, of the BHEA negotiating team. it it it Cavin said the disagreement pertains to two clauses which the teachers have included in toeir contract proposal calling for compulsory arbitratibn of grievances and released time from teaching for negotiating future contracts. Negotiations are still continuing on a supplementary salary for coaches, he said. Three meetings have been scheduled for nekt week between the board and teacher representatives and it, is possible that a final settlement could b e in the next two weeks, Cavin said. ★ ★ The teachers and board representatives previously agreed last week to a tentative salary schedule for the fall calling for a $375 boost in toe Systran’s-base pay, currently at $5,300. ITEMS OF AGREEMENT Final agreement on toe salary schedule will not be reached until the entire contract has been completed and ratified by both teachers and board. Other items of agreement inctnde a 5 per cent incentive pay for any teacher who is eligible to receive it; » dutyfree loach period for allH teachers; i tick leave of 19 days per teacher per year, cumulative to IN days; and two personal business days for each teacher. Also included is a $125 allotment per teacher per year for hospital and medical insurance except where the total premium are less. BIRMINGHAM - International guitarists Ramon Dona-Dio and Gonrria Torres will ai 18 at 8:30 pm. They will present a program including classical, flamenco, tropical and Mexican folk music. Ramon Dona-Dio is the son of Mexican, guitarist Ramon Dona-Dio Sr. At the age of 11, he was a prodigy playing at the Falcon Salon of Concerts in Havana, Cuba and toe Palace of Fine Aria. Gonzato Torres was born in Mexico and by the age of 13 was playing at national festivals. HardHains in Japan Claim Lives of Tan TOKYO (AP) - Two day torrential rains in southern Japan have resulted in the death of 10 persons, police reported today. Five others were listed as missing and 50 were injured. Police said 71 houses were destroyed. ' Romney Labels Vet War 'Mistake' He records fra* RCA Victor In-. temational. ■ ★ ' ★ ★ Tickets for the concert are on sale now at Grinjiell’s- in Birmingham and at the Community House. Cong Termed 'Off Balance' McNamara Credits-. Boost in War Tempo WASHINGTON (AP) — Secretary of Defense Robert S. McNamara said today toe in-creaaed tempo of U.S. operations in Viet Nam in recent months has denied the Communists “the opportunity to assemble sufficient forces to mount a monsoon offensive.” McNamara, returning from a Viet Nam war conference- at U.S. Pacific Command Headquarters in Honolulu, described himself as cautiously optimistic and said, “We’re gaining militarily.” ★ it t it But the defense secretary said it would be impossible to predict time when the campaign might be brought to a successful conclusion. McNamara conferred in Honolulu with Adm. U.S. Grant Sharp, U.S. Pacific commander, who recently returned from a visit to Viet Nam. AN APPRAISAL Among other things, McNamara and top aides appraised the of a major supply and support buildup in Viet Nam and measures to smooth out kinks in the supply lines. From the Honolulu meeting came a report that toe Viet Cong had been thrown (off balance and thwarted in its efforts to mount a rainy-season offensive because of the growth of Speaking., at planeside here, McNamara credited recent gains in'the war to what he called a “very substantial expansion” of U.S. forces in recent months to a total of about 280,000 men and particularly to the increase in the helicopter force to about 1,700 machines, giying the U.S. troops a swifter striking ability. As a result of the helicopter-provided mobility and toe fast reaction it permits, McNamara said, Communist Viet Cong ambush tactics — so successful in the past — are now “suffering severe setbacks.” SALT LAKE CITY (UPI) -Michigan’s Republican governor, George Romney, visiting Salt Lake City yesterday said the United State’s greatest mistake in Viet Nam was having ever gotten involved in an Asian land war when we had no commitment to do so. Speaking at an airport news conference, the governor said, It is too soon to know whether it will remain the kind of conflict we can deal with or whether it will develop into a much broader conflict and showdown with communism.” Romney stopped in Salt! Lake City to visit Us family on his 58th birthday. He was enroute to an evening speaking engagement at a fundraising dinner for Wyoming Gov. Gifford P. Hansen at Cheyenne. From the'airport, Romney’s first stop was for a visit with the first president of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-D a R Saints. plays Golf He later branched with relatives and local Republican leaders and then played nine holes of golf on one of the city’s golf During Us press conference, Romaqyr said he was a candidate air' reeleetion as governor of Michigan sod not for president of the Ushed States. He said, “Reelection to the governorship of Michigan is the only' thing I’m interested from the standpoint of candidacy." > * * Roynney praised the National Governor’s Conference in Los Angeles, which he attended during the last week. MAJOR ISSUE Romney said one of the major issues taping the conference was the problem of preventing “top-heavy” government with too much power at toe federal level. * ★ ★ When told Utah Gov. Calvin L. Rampton had chargedAhim with ms than constructive criticism on Viet Nam, Romeny said his criticism was based refusal “to give President Johnson a blank check in Viet Nam. Romney also said the real control over the direction the war takes was not primarily in our hands and, he said, “We don’t know whether it is in the hands of North Viet Nam or within the control of China or 5 Viet Generals Sentenced for Roles in Uprising SAIGON UFi — Five generals who cooperated with Buddhist dissidents in the spring uprising, including a major rival of Premier Nguyen Cao Ky, were sentenced may to 60 dip in prison and forced into retirement. The sentences were handed down by a special disciplinary council consisting of 20 generals. They had deliberated for two days. ■ * * Four among those sentenced had commanded, in quick succession, the strife-ridden Viet--namese 1st ArmyCorps, whose area covers -South Viet Nam’s. five northernmost provinces. tHE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, JULY 9,1966 A—> JERSEY WATERFRONT BLAZE - Smoke rises from the tank storage area of Hess Oil Co. at Perth Amboy, N. J., yesterday, as a fire and explosion left five persons injured —one critically. View is across the New York Harbor strait, Arthur Kill, to Staten Island ip the background. Cause of the fire is unknown: Fuel Storage Area Burns; Harbor Strait Sea of Fire Korean War Turncoat Is Back Home PERTH AMBOY, NJ. (AP)-Flames leaping from a blazing petroleum storage area have turned a New York harbor strait into a sea of fire for the second time in three weeks. Five persons were injured Friday, one critically, in the explosion and Hire on die New Jersey waterfront. dr A A About 600 petroleum storage drums blew up in a series of explosions. Some of the 55-gallon drums were rocketed like mammoth Roman candles across the mile wide Arthur Kill t&Staten Island. Mackie Claims He Helped Speed Highway Funds FLINT (UPI)—Rep. John C. Mackie, D-Mich., last night took credit for lifting .a delay of $30 million in quarterly highway funds allotted to Michigan by the federal government. Mackie, who served seven years as highway commissioner before being elected to Congress in 1964, from the seventh district, said he was contacted by current commissioner, Howard Hill, to see what he could do to make sure federal allotments for the state’s $140 million highway program would not.be held UP- A A A He said he was able to get the Public Roads Bureau in Washington, D.C. to assure him the, Michigan allotment would be approved by July 12 so that advertising and awarding of bids would not be interrupted. Others fell ih the Kill itself, spreading • a carpet of flame across the channel, whibh was closed to navigation by the Coast Guard for two hours. ★ A A The seme of Friday’s blaze was about five miles south of the Kill Van Kull, another harbor channel where two tankers collided June 16 with toe loss of 33 lives ih the explosion of naphtha carried by one of them. $250,001 DAMAGE Howard Gast, senior vice president of Hess Oil and Chemical Co., owners of toe storage area, said he did not know the cause of the fire. He estimated damage at $250,000. AAA A brush fire was started on Staten Island and some homes were evacuated but no serious damage was reported there. Joseph Spolowitz, 42, a Hess employe, apparently was Mown into the water by the blast He suffered second and third degree burns and was hospitalized critical condition. Battle Creek Crash Kills 1, Injures 4 BATTLE CREEK (AP) Judith Elaine Cain, 24, of Battle Creek, was killed in a two-car crash at an intersection here, Battle Creek police reported Friday. A passenger, Bemadine Skidmore, 37, also of Battle Creek, was taken to Community Hospital with severe facial injuries. Three persons in toe other car were also injured. They were; James H. Baker, 22, his son Brian, 7, and Eve Harister, 44, all of Battle Creek. Before Yea Buy A USED CAR... (out ooMfeody ehe’e IrteblM) BETTER PRICE OUR BRARD HEW America's hottest JPriced 4-dr» Sedan AT 6m REHAULT w' SALES art SERVICE RAM MOTORS Jotlyii at WaHan 3324)711 MEMPHIS, Tenn. (AP)— Korean War turncoat Clarence Adams, back home after 16 years behind ther Bamboo Qir-ferin, spent his first day here quietly^ visiting with relatives and friends. . ' A A Or He arrived by train in the early morning darkness Friday-unnoticed except by his family and neighbors who greeted him at the railroad station. .A ★ ★ Adams, a slender Negro, said he planned to relax for a-few days, and declined to talk at length with newsmen. ★ A .. A •' Adams said life in this country is ‘‘as different as night and day from toe one I have been living." He added he wanted to "settle down and find my way back to this life." VISITS MOTHER The former Army corporal brought his Chinese wife, Liti, and children, Della, 7, and Louis, 3, to the home Qf his mother, Mrs. Gladys 1011 where he sat down to a meal of barbecue and beer. A A Mrs. Peoples hadn’t seen her » since lie enlisted in the army when be was 18. A A A Now 37, Adams said “the immediate thing is supporting my family," repeating an earlier statement that he hoped to teach Chinese. He said he was prepared to tepch at any college or university interested in Chinese, “but I would prefer to remain on the mainland and be near my home.” A A About 50 of Adams’ relatives visited as he relaxed during his first day home. A steady stream of neighbors also dropped by. Motorcyclist Killed in Craih With Auto LANSING (AP) - Bruce Re-mor, 25, of Lansing, was killed Fridiay when his motorcycle collided with an ,auto in East Lansing. A passenger on the motorcycle, Myron Essex, 26, of Tjinufog, was treated for broken nose and severe face cuts. East Lansing police said the motorcycle collided with a car driven by Josephine Morales of East Lansing. No one in the car was injured. Remor died at Sparrow Hospital where his wife is a nurse. Britain's Discount Bank Rate Rumored Nearing an Increase LONDON (AP) —> Reports spread in British, financial circles today that the bank discount rate, which governs the country’s interest rates, may be raised this coming week. The British bank rate has stood at 6 per cent since June 3, 1965. . The prices of British government funds declined sharply on.the London Stock Exchange yesterday, with same undated issues reaching all tone lows. Strong pressure on interest rates was also evident in Lon-4 don’s money market, where the rate of "fine" bills rose to 61/6 par cent, exceeding bade rates far the first time on record. The rate of interest on Treasury bills, which toe market buys by tender, also rose again. HIGHEST LEVEL It now is at its highest level since the bank rate was cut from 7 to 6 per cent last year. Sterling had another unsettled day. Forward rates came under selling pressure from overseas and fell sharply against toe United States doDar. Confidence in the currency remained at a low ebb. The pound has taken a hammering this week and languished under what used to be accepted as the support rate of $2.79. ymrmnrrrmrrnnnnfrmrm The Stenorette* EMBASSY” the dictating machine that helps you get things off your mind 249.50 JSiscoffiLtha many ways this new electronic marvel Cf" ynlir papnnmMt pmhl*m«. too. Phono or writs for a free tryout on your own desk of the low-£ cost EMBASSY. jjj—HIM Stenorette* W EMBASSY” MACHINES DEPARTMENT GENERAL PRINTING & OFFICE ,SUPPLY: "17 West Lawrence Street PONTIAC; •PHONE 335-9261 July and August HimimtnHHtmffHimfHiHttl? Simms Bros.-98 N. Saginaw St.-Downtown Pontiac SIMMS 5 'AIMML Mon. Hours 9 am to 10 pm 100,001 BARGAINS at SIMMS 3-Floor Store Specials for Saturday and Monday-Only at Simms White Enameled Toilet Seat -fct. THE PQKTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, JPLY MlM Soy U.S. Logs in H-Test Work PRINCETON, N.J. (AP) -An Atomic Energy Commission staff report contends that the United States ie falling behind the Soviet Union and the rest of the world in the quest to harness peacefully the power of thej hydrogen bomb, it was learned! .today. I Hie report, prepared by Atomic Energy Commission ■dentists and made available to 'the Associated Press, -termed the situation “alarming” and! «urged the federal government to! boost research spending by 15 per cent annually over the next' five years. * * . * Hie scientists said that since 1962 the nation’s investment of; money and manpower in. the development of a thermonuclear fusion reactor has dropped-from one-half to one-fifth of the.total world output. This type of research, the scientists said, could provide mankind with a new source of energy that can last for some 20 billion years. They warned that if the world’s power needs multiply by > thousandfold in the' next century — as some reports! predict — present fuel sources would be’ burned out within ' decades. ft was further learped that the report has been reviewed by the AEC and will be forwarded to the Joint Congressional Atomic j Energy Committee. * * * Amasa S Bishop, assistant director of the AEC’s controlled thermonuclear research program, told a newsman, how-lever, that the commission has made some key changes in the jstudy. Bishop declined to elaborate. Cemetery Exec Gets 30 Days DETROIT (AP)- Sidney List, former cemetery manager who failed to appear for an ezhuma-i tion Wednesday, was sentenced] Friday to 30 days in the Wayne! Comity jail for contempt off court. ★ ★ * Circuit Court Judge Joseph G. Rashid found List guilty because of his failure to appear at the Brookdale Memorial Park Cemetery in Livonia to locate two! graves. ' Rashid had ruled in December that list must be available for all exhumations. Survivors of Jack Alexander and Ruthle Mae Adams had said that they were not buried in the correct graves while List operate the cemetery. List said on! June 30 he would be present to identify the graves. . An attorney for the court-appointed receiver, Bernard Belke.j testified that a telegram had been sent ta List on July 6. He] said that list had failed to comply with an order to appear. hove Music? ... Then Drink NuGRApE In every 6-pack of delicious NuGRAPE there are directions on hw f to get bargains in IP Albums—like $ for only 60c per album. Values up to $3.98—and your choico of 200 great albums in both Storso and Hi-Fi. SPECIAL PRICES FOR THIS SUNDAY ONLY - NOON JO 7 WHILE QUANTITIES LAST Sunday Only! SPECIAL SALE! LADIES’ SOFT VINYL CASUALS Our Meg. 1.86 Charge It Lace-vamp sandals with adjustable back straps. Vinyl-covered padded socks and cork wedge heels. Choice of prix or tan; sices to 10. PLIMTTaOF .......... Sunday Only! MEN’S RUGGED COTTON DENIM HOBBY JEANS Our Reg. 2.47 I.4S Charge It Designed with elastic waistbands for the men who like their comfort! Finished caffless bottoms, ready to wear, Lt. blue or charcoal; 3242. ifgEi PARKING AVAILABLE BIBLE REBINDING CHRISTIAN , LITERATURE SALES 35 Oakland Ave. FE 4-9591 Surveyor's Life Draws to End on Lunar Surface PASADENA, Calif. , handle, 10-lb. cap-acity- Innailated Snack Jar, SSc Kmart BRAND LOW SUDS DETERGENT Our Reg. 1.68 Sunday Only 1.27 Compare quality and price with Nationally Advertised Brands and 5av*f T PINT MAGIC STP FORMUU OIL TREATMENT FOR CARS . Our Meg. 99c ' Sunday Only Here’s the super concentrated oil treatment for ear* that quiets noisy engines and restores lost power to engines. It*in ideal for can, trucks, station wagons and tractors* Punt size. Shop Knirt for your auto supplies •.. charge it. 99* GLENWOOD PLAZA-NORTH PERRY AT GLENWOOD l V •npy ettes, colors, fabrio^^ri^ to Wards now I ORIGINALLY 5.99....... NOW 5* ORIGINALLY 0.99...... NOW 6" ORIGINALLY 10.99........... NOW 0" ORIGINALLY 12.99.... .. NOW 7" Misses' Supima® cotton panties Lc RES. 89C ~ Mints' panties are made of soft, strong, prtshrunk Supima® cotton. Fine elastics Comes bi hip sixes 34 to 44 Stock op now on these fine briefs at e great Savingsl Big clearance of girls' playwear Stock up today on this easy-care playwear assortment. Pick from prints, checks, and solids in the latest popular styles and colon. Comes In girls' sizes 7 through 14. Men's slacks-nerer need ironing at all REG. 4.99 S(acks are made of Fortrel® polyester-cotton gabardine. Just Wash and dry 'em—they never need ironing to look great. Choose unpleated Ivy model in popular colors. 29-40. Big assortment of quality remnants 50* How, Just In time for sum-■Mr. Sew dresses, skirts, short* slacks. Choose solids, check* stripes In the latest REG PRICES Lovely as glass-plastic tumblers fomblen arearadeof break wa. reslrtimt plastic. Comes in 1^9* each tZXZSS32 " Our best 1-inch rubber lawn hose Hose is lefaforcsd with Tyraafi oorL Stays soft in dl weatitsr. Woo* crack, CDVBb Or QoGOIOr« OaVW REG. 939 Ksdvpduly formula for indoors or outi Durable finish resists heavy feet traffic. Belli come hi me REG. 539 CTfjpC OPEN MONDAY THRU SATURDAY OlUnC 9:30 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. HOURS: SUNDAYS 12 NOON to 6 P.M. Pontiac Mall PHONE 682-4940 Telegraph at Elizabeth Lake Rd. -A-—lit..- STAY COOL WITH A GIBSON OR FRIGIDAIRE CONSUMERS POWER CO. FE 3-7812 WELDERS NEEDED Full Time 6 Days a Week Presently Working 11 Hours a Day ’ Starting it $3 up It $3.60 per hoir Apply at Plant Between 8:30 A. M. to 5:00 P. M. ANDERSON TANK & MANUFACTURING CO. 2702 NORTH DORT HWY. FLINT, MICHIGAN In California Town BRAWLEY, Calif. Mrs. Gfena Walton of 211$ Snellbrook; 83rd birthday. Orfey Brnff of 168 Henderson; 80th birthday. Arthur Leonard of Holly; 88th birthday. “As I made my rounds seeing customers I just couldn’t get out of my mind what a shame it was that those pies had gone forever. Thai an idea hit me like a ton of bricks. My wife’s pies were every bit as good as those I’d gotten in that restaurant. I dashed home. ’Honey,’ I shouted, ‘gdt busy and bake up a half dozen pies.’ She thought I had really gone off the beam, but she is a wonderful wife and she made three apple and three chary pies that would make your mouth drool.” T h e a oar friend went downtown and sold those homemade pies to a restaurant man who willingly gave double the price lfe was paying for regular pies. They went like bot cakes — or in this case like hot pies. “Today,” ha said, “I have a two-million dollar pie business.” “But now that you are commercial how about that homemade touch?” I queried. “Well some of that may be a bit less but I still think my pies are the greatest!” Would you believe this?.I had Just gotten into bed about 11:'M p.ra. when came a rap at my dqpr. There Was a bellboy with two hot pies, a cher-ry and an apple. By WASHINGTON STAFF WASHINGTON (NEA)-Jo-seph Martin of San Frandsco, former Republican national committeeman of California, was trying to buy a house near a small • Swiss village. The Swiss don’t encourage foreign interlop-5 ers, so he was! having a little] trouble.* He had to hire a Swiss lawyer to plead his case before the town council. The man wasn’t too confident of wlnalug until Martin dropped a casual remark. He happened to note that he had been for New York Gov. Nelson Rockefeller against Barry Goldwater in not as an interloping foreigner bat as a political refugee. Martin got his house. 4 ^ ★ ★ When Rep. Ben Reifel, R-S.D., first came to Congress in 1961, many people were unaware of his Indian background (his mother was a Sioux). They included Sargent Shriver, who at that time was trying to sell the Peace Corps to dubious congressmen. Cornering Reifel—who had been a bit critical of the me- climate, he proposed at the recent meeting tfaari the committee convene next January la New Orleau. Drawling ont his resolution, he sounded remarkably like Everett pirksoa: “Whereas, the mid-winter meeting of the National Committee is and has been subjected to the vicarious vicissitudes of inclemency previously unmet in historical recordings, and “Whereas, this baleful occurrence has stricken our labors alike in Chicago and Washington on consecutive Januarys and, chanics of the proposal—at a hearing, Shriver said: “What we seek in this program, Congressman, is a kind of pioneer spirit—like that of the men who settled the Dakota territory.” “Yea, I know all about that,” Reifel replied coolly. “My folks were there to meet them." ■, of eminent Republicans deserves a more salaMoui clime for its Mannmal convocations ., ” V Political analysts gleaned a trend from this advertisement in.h leading liberal magazine: j “KENNEDY - FULBRIGHT 1966 [jumper stickers, 50c each." the 1964 California primary. Since Rockefeller lost the rate, said Martin with a laugh,"his key supporters were pretty close to being political refugees from California. The lawyer’s face brightened. When he wept before the council, he focedty | The mid-winter meeting of the Republican National Committee, generally held in January, has run into foul weather the last two years in Chicago and Washington. This foct is most disturbing to warm-blooded Thomas* Stagg, national committeeman foam Louisiana. 80, clearly for reaseas of THE KlMUAC 1'lifc.bS, bAAUKJL)AV, JULV 9, 1966 A—7 Shows Boost June Value Way Up In New Construction While the total number of building permits increased only ■lightly last month over May, the estimated value, of the new . construction was considerably higher. According to Robert M. Gerds, city building inspector, there were 137 permits issued in June, construction estimated at 61,-188,227. * Is May, there were 134 permits tor contraction worth $752,685. A permit (or a 107-unit apartment project hiked the total value. The apartment construction was valued at $861,906. There were 56 permits issued last month for residential alterations and repairs, construction valued at 660,088; 23 permits for residential ghrages, construction worth 621,730; six permits for commercial alterations and repairs, valued at $37,813; and two permits for new commercial buildings, construction valued at 848,720. There were 14 permits issued last month, for new , family dwellings,' construction estimat-«1 at $123,400. '"This compered with five new family dwelling permits in May for construction worth' $27,500. Man in Pontiac Struck by Car A 37-year-old man, struck by a car early this morning, is reported in serious condition today in Pontiac General Hospital. Jamfta R. Wilson, whose ad-„ dress was not immediately known, received a fractured arm and leg ih the accident oh Walton about one mile from Opdyke. ★ * * Bulo Riddle, 39, of 180 Coleman, Waterford Township, was the driver of the car, according to Pontiac police. Traveling west on Walton, Riddle told police his vision was obstructed by bright lights from cars traveling In the opposite direction and he wag unable to see the pedestrain until it was top late to avoid hitting him. Tq Quiz Cuban 'Skyjackers' KINGSTON, Jamaica (AP)—-Authorities planned to question today nine Cuban* who hijacked at All Saints Episcopal Church, a plane on a crop dusting mis- Burial will be in Perry Mount sion in Cuba and ordered the Cemetery by1 the D. B. pilot to fly to Jamaica. A Cuban Punley Funeral Home, guard aboard the aircraft eras Mr. Alam died yesterday after wounded. ' ja long illness. He,was a retired storekeeper. AUGUST V. JACOBER Ex-Grocer, Postmaster Is Dead at 83 A former Waterford Township postmaster and a longtime grocer died yesterday at the age of 83. V. Jacober of 6020 Van Syckle was postmaster from 1926 to 1945. He moved to Oakland County in 1904. He operated a grocery store at Andersonvilir and Dixie Highway until 1945. In 1917, he built a new store to replace the old county store Oh that site. Bearing the name Brown, the old store was sold and reconstructed at Greenfield Village. RITES MONDAY Service for Mr. Jacober will be at 3 p.m. Monday at Christ Lutheran Church with burial at Drayfbn Plains' Cemetery by Coats Funeral Home. He was a life member of Cedar Lodge No. M, and a member of the Waterford Rotary Club and the Metropolitan Clab of Pontiac. Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Robert Amos and Mrs. Joseph Helman, both of Waterford Township; four sons, Williun W. of Las Vegas, Nev., John A. of Phoenix, Ark, Harold F. of Burbank, Calif, ma August H. of Waterford Tdwnship 18 grandchildren ana 31 great-grandchildren/ Donations may be made to Christ Lutheran Church. The refugees, who included a oman and three children, asked for political asylum after the plane landed Friday at Ver-nam Field, a former U$. Air Base, about 10 miles south of Kingston. Police held them in protective custody and there was no immediate explanation why they wore aboard the plane. GUARD SHOT The guard, Elueido Torres, 18, was shot in the shoulder with MRS. JACK L; COLE Service for f o r m e r Pontiac resident Mrs. Jack (Susie) L Cole, 70, of Lewiston, will be , . , a.m. Monday at St. Michael’s the pilot’s gun and the rant of JCathoUc ^ ^ burial ta Bloodmobile to Visit Elks TempIkMonday The Red 6ess bloodmobile will visit the Pontiac Elks, Temple, 114 Orchard Lake, Monday, July 25, from 2 to 8 p.m. Officials of the Southeastern Michigan Red Cross Blood Center said summer blood donations are needed. Home Project Loan WASHINGTON (AP) .— Hancock, Mich., will get a $17,260 loan for planning 86 low - rent homes, the Department of .Housing mj-ifrbtn Pwvelvp-inent aiuiounced Friday ‘ ADVERTISEMENT FOR Sealed bld$ o’clock p.m. ft ... 25th. IMS, Hall, 2060 Opdyke in, for • Vt-Ton specific; " undercoating comph 2 outside mlrrort (t icc Man 3-speed standard ihl heater and defrosts 2-speed windshield I a tire e Fire Dept, rad pal Truck dealer jl manufacturer el . genuine full factory The Pontiac the right «o ml of blda In the ’ transmission d painted franchise* by meed f p Board reserves advertisement for bids The Board et Idyrtjoo «*• *!oon>' field Mills Med PMtW Mo- «-Held Mllle. Michigan will rw on materlele. later sad rela tar Landscape end Hta l-TV---~r-|",j work at West H ilt Junior High School \ of Education. 4171 AnRTer Roe uiiir. AAichiaan. 1 Th« work comiiti of t* _________ (22) acres d town eger»«p"«;.,r control and I SR Hn. n. ee foevemg. Pi oocssd tome el contract docum mTeWce W Wlicwt send jjJgjj- ten dollars (SlO.tO) with the Wilcox and UW lereeeh Proposals mud t» an .•WJJp prwvjdud and bo accompanied to n-dH. Bond W Certified Check In the amoewt W tlw per cent ^ W8^en; and tw0 Broth-' was a thin) *8(1 fourth d$gne J - _ Crackdown Urged on Ticket Defying LANSING* (UPI) - Secretary of State James Hare yesterday (Med again for a law to crack down on motorists refusing to answer traffic violation summons. ' Hare said there were 260,000 G.; IwoIom? Richard' D““djrePorts ± failures answer DAVID F. MEYER I Service for David FL Meyer, M/of 216 Judson will be 3 p.m. Monday at the D. E. Pursley Funeral Home with burial to White Chapel Memorial Cemetery, Troy. Mr. Meyer died yesterday after a long illness. He was a retired plasterer. Surviving are his. wife, Mabel Pontiac and Raymond of Birmingham; two daughters, Mrs. Melvin Haselhuhn of Mansfield, Ohio, and Mrs. Anthony Lukos In Waterford Fire Statistics Are Given summonrlast year. The secretary of state proposed a person’s driver’s li; cense could be picked np when a police officer issues a ticket. Hie ticket would serve as a temporary license valid until the court date shown on the ticket. If the person fails to appear by the court date, he would be driving without a license. ST. fAUL, Minn. (AP)-Min-nesota Republicans, seeking a candidate for Vice President Hubert Humphrey’s old Senate m, rfiay turn to a Negro lawyer. The lawyer Stephen L. Maxwell, 45, of St. Paul, a World War II veteran, and former Re-, publican State Chairman Robert Forsythe of Edina are the most-mentioned prospects to oppose Democratic Sen. Walter F. Mondale, 38. Neither is a declared candidate, however. tw * * -i A father of two, Maxwell has spent 15 of the last,21 years to public service, including fivei years as assistant Ramsey County attorney in St. Paul and: the last two years as St. Paul corporation (city) counsel. Either Maxwell or Forsythe would iiave a formidable opponent in Mondale, who polled more than 58 per cent of the vote for state attorney general in two elections before being appointed to succeed Humphrey; * * * ' ■ And both have indicated they would demand adequate campaign financing before allowing themselves to be picked by the GOP State Central Committee next Saturday. Fifty-five Arts were quenched by Waterford Township firemen last month, raising the number of blazes to 271 at the midway point of the year, the total is. three less than for the same period in 1965. > ' ‘ ‘ Last month’s figure exceeded the total for the previous June by two, hut was five fewer than the 60 fires extinguished In May j this year. Broken down, the 55 fires included It of the brash and grate variety, 14 in cars and eight in buildings. For the first six months this year, fire damage was estimated at $96,375, far less than the $140,040 in damages for the same period of 1965. Last month, township firefighters responded to 73 alarms, compared with 79 the previous June and 84 this May. At the halfway mark, 414 alarms have been answered against 416 a year ago. McDonald Endorsed by OU Republicans Oakland University College Republicans have endorsed Jack H. McDonald for the Republican nomination for the 19th District Congressional seat. McDonald, the supervisor of Redford Township, and two other GOP candidates are making a bid for the post held by Gongreuman Billie S. Farnum, D-Waterford Townahip. Memorial tribute fnay be sent to the Michigan Cancer Research Foundation. MRS. FLOYD OLDS METAMORA TOWNSHIP — Service for Mrs. Floyd (Bernice) Olds, 69, of 2587 Drydqn, will be 1:30 p.m. Monday at Muir Brothers Funeral Home, Lapeer, with burial in Meta-moca Cemetery. Mrs. Olds died -Thursday. She was a member of Metamora OES 172, and Lapeer Rebekah Lodge. Surviving besides hor husband, are two daughters, Mrs. Doris Whitney and Mrs. Fern Wagner; a son, Gerald Potter, and a" brother, Lewis Burt of Lapeer; nine grandchildren and 12 great grandchildren. MRS. EBER WARD BRANDON TOWNSHIP —. Service for Mrs. Eber (Cora A.) Ward, 77, of 3731 Davison Lake,; will be 2 p.m. Monday at C. F. Sherman Funeral Home, Orton- j ville. Burial will be in Mt. Pleas-1 ant Cemetery, Oakwood. Mrs. Ward died yesterday after a short illness. She was a member of the Hadley Metho-dist-Baptist Community Church and Thomas Chapter No. 428,1 OES. Surviving are two brothers, Lewis MiUer of Ortonville and Marvin Miller of Grayling. J.L.VOORHEES UNDERSTAND LIFE "Nothing in life is to be feared^ It is only to be understood.” Madame Curie became famous with that thought; yon and I may never be famous but we can be informed. Charles Sleipmetz who never feared the unknown gave us among many things elec- trie lights from generators many miles distant. We'send satelites into space to discover an unknown, take photographs of the moon,- Tomatoes, once thought to be poison, are harvested by the millions of tons-because someone had the audacity to "not believe the myth.” We refuse to subscribe to some new phii-osophy-until we nnderstand it. When we understand it we heartily endorse it. Understand and you will light a candle to dispel darkneu. M.E.SIPLE VOORHEES-SIPLE FUNERAL HOME 268 North Perry Street Phone FE 2-8378 News in Brief Jack R. Hill of 24 Norton reported to Pontiac police today ; the larceny of a camera and ciothing, total value of $110, from his car which was parked at 377 E. South Boulevard. Dr* J. W. Eastman ef Uil Washington, Avon Township, W ported to sheriff’s deputies yesterday the theft of golf clubs and equipment and two tires, total value of (378, from his garage. He theft ef $58 from her wallet ih an office at 385 W, Huron was reported to Pontiac police yesterday by Ruth Watson, 528 Linda Vista. California Lang White Potatoes. 10 lbs., 29c. West Town; Market, 706 West Huron. BUILD THIS BUILDING FOR ONLY s280°° PER H0HTH PLUS DOWN PAYMENT I Ms Wuelity Stren Steel building can be built in the (city) km mi your own property, complete and ready to occupy, fur only $00000 pc month plug yuur down piyment of nne-tbird. j firm to Wn tbs h fled pwchmrs. Modifications ef tMs building can bo nudg to suit your rgguiromnnts; then —“ nun tbs monthly payments to This is one of 2.500 Strsn-Steel building sizes available. You miy be (Me bo own this building tor toss thin whet you are now paying lor rent. Or, yw miy wist to build and tease it TMs is I high guilty Strin Steot building, • Enchnivt 80,000 lb. "wpsrstrenc” stool tor walb sod roil. • Choice of 10 durable and attractive colors for wslh md roof, factory sppliod ever gal-vaeuing. • Complete clesr spin interior with esekniw Strsn Mister smooth will design • Exclusive Strsn Will sculptured panels tor front of building. • Doors, gins, skylight;, finished offices tnd display eras, plumbing, heating, electrical ; add other sccamrin on bill of spociflciMont. Cell us taytoy end we will show you com ptete plans and gpsdBcitbns for tMs Strsn Steel building, ar discuss any ethor sire of type ef building you and. J ft SHOT OR WAKHOUSI A n OAKSTEEL DIVISION SCHIIRRER CONSTRUCTION C0NPMY FRANCHISED BUILDER j 2431 nerve tte rtgM Is d w me (eindeBen. «r A METHOD OF PAYING YOUR BILLS BASED ON YOUR ABILITY TO PAY! ONE PLACE TO PAY! SEE Michigan Credit Counsellors 712 Pontiac Stott Bank Bldg. Phone FE 1-0456 Our 11th Year mrtelw...Lento Owed—«»gere*edl FEDERAL’S DRAYTON PLAINS STORE ONLY OPEN SUNDAYS NOON" 6 P.M. SUN.-MON. ONLY value! /Men's . or play denims Slight irrdgularitilg will not impair btauty or wear. No-slip safety ribbed ernpn sole for surd footing. Full cuihion arch and insoldy washable uppers. White, navy. Men'i 6^-13. SPECIAL PURCHASEI 3.94 Marcia Ann Fredericks In Gay Whirl of Parties The junior Edward J- Me-Grattys of Bloomfield. Village will host the rehearsal dinner for their son, Edward, and his fiancee, Marcia Ann Fredericks, Thursday, in the Orchaird Lake Country Club. Mrs. Michael A. Thornbury and Mrs. Norman J. Fredericks Jr. will give the spinster dinner in the Thornbury home" in Beverly Hills, on Wednesday, - while Stephen A. McGratty hosts the bachelor dinner for his. brother. HOSTS DINNER 'William C. Potter who will usher at the. July 16 wedding in St. Hugo of the Hills, will give a dinner on Sunday in his parents’ Bloomfield. Village home. The Henry C. Murrays of Grosse Pointe will host a cock- Miss Mopley Plans Late Summer Vows Late August vows are planned by Shirley Kay Mapley of Rochester, dkughtel* of the Gerh H. Mapleys of Greening Street, Farmington Township, and James Morton Zanoni, son of the senior Mr. and Mrs. William J. Zanoni of Queens bur j Street, Orion Township. Hie bride-elect is an alumna of Oakland University,^jirhere ■ her fiance if presently enrolled i i/m tail party on Saturday for their piece, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Fredericks of Bloomfield Hills ami her fiance. Guests at a recent poolside luncheon and recipe shower for Miss Fredericks, at the Bloomfield Hills home of Mrs. William A. Michaels, brought gadgets used in preparing the recipe. it * to • Mrs. Walter R.. Kuckelman of Cranbrook Road entertained at a . luncheon and Mrs. Joseph F. Flaherty of Bloomfield Hills with Mrs. Kenneth C. Tiffany of Toronto were cohostesses at an electrical equipment shower and tea. The junior John Foleys, the J. Richard Foleys, and Peggy Foley, hosted a recent brunch at the Grosse lie Golf and Country Cliin.' Mrs, Edward J. Shumaker and Mary' G. Command gave a tea at the latter’s home in Grosse Pointe' and Mrs. John Mahony was hostess at a luncheon-shower. ★ Hosting a kitchen shower-luncheon in Bloomfield Hills Country Club were Mrs. John T. Annas and daughters, Mrs. Thomas-J. Feely of Birmingham and Mrs. Gerald J. Fitzgerald of Whitefish Bay, Wis. The Arthur S. Thornburvs were dinner hosts in their Birmingham home. % i ■ Elegant arabesques combine to make elegance with Oleg Cassim’i pure Italian print silk, renaissance-inspired new evening wear. THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, JULY 0,-196# his collection Donald Brooks emphasizes , asymmetric design and tong-bodied Don't Build Fire Under Suitor or Romance Goes Up in Smoke Emphasizing neon colors in her short evening dresses with glitter for instant impact, Adele Simpson achieves a paradoxical combination of simplicity and dramatic sophistication in this mandarin yellow shift with gold beading. The full-bodied lustrous Sheraton twill of “Orion” acrylic, “Acele” acetate and Du Pont nylon is shaped with seaming to give the suggestion of a waistline and the ^season’s flared skirt. A myriad of beads band the neerb and hemline. In this mood the short evening dress can go almost anywhere. Throughout Parents Host Dinner Event The t): J. Garretsons of South Cass Lake -Road will host the rehearsal dinner on Thursday for their son, Gary Donald, and his fiancee, Suzanne Murray Schmidt. The daughter of the Carus B, Schmidts, of Pine Ridge* Road, West Bloomfield Township, and Mr.‘ Garretson, will exchange vows July 15 in Our Lady of Refuge Church. ' She was honored by Mrs. Joseph Fields of Dearborn Heights at a recent kitchen shower. Other showers were given in Detroit by Mrs. William Barnard and Mrs. Leonard Field, respectively. Joseph Balogs Honeymoon In New York City Dr. and Mrs. Joseph A*. Balog (Mary Margaret Wilhelm)' will leave for a trip to New York City after an afternoon reception today in the Italian-American Club. The Joseph A. Wilhelms of Sylvan Lake and the Joseph H. Balogs of Detroit are parents of the couple who took their vows , today in Our Lady of Refuge ' Catholic Church. SPANISH LACE A mantilla of Spanish lace complemented the bride’s gown and train of white silk organza over taffeta with Empire bodice of matching lace touched with pearls. She carried white orchids and miniature white carnations. With Mrs. Roger Ulrich, matron of honor, were thd bride’s other sisters, Elizabeth and Marion Wilhelm . as bridesmaids along with Mrs. Daniel Armi-stead, Lucinda Kelley, Mrs. Eugene Sikorsky end a cousin, Suzanne Wilhelm. Dr. Sikorski was best man. The usher corps included Robert Grove, Donald Cowan, Jerry Zarko, Capt. Thomas Gordon, Thomas Delorier and Jade Orr. " / to ‘ * to. The bride is an alumna of Northern Michigan University. Dr. Balog was graduated from the College of Osteopathic Medicine and Surgery, Des Moines, Iowa. Van Cl iburn Appears at OU Van Clibum, the tall Texas pianist whose exploits, dazzle “the music world, will appear four times as soloist with the Detroit* Symphony Orchestra at Oakland University’s Meadow Brook Festival next week. Robert Shaw will conduct while Sixten Ehrling guest conducts at Ravinia in Chicago this week. PLAYS BEETHOVEN Cliburn will play the Beethoven Concerto No. 5 (“Emperor”) Thursday and Friday on a program which will include Mozart’s Overture to “Hie M a g i C F1 u t e,” Hindemith’s Symphonic Metamorphosis on Themes by Weber, and Tchafc kovsky’s Overture-F a n t a s y, “Romeo and Juliet.”. ■ On Saturday and Sunday he will play the Tchaikovsky Concerto No. 1, in B flat minor, on a program which will include Shubert’s Symphony No. 3 in D Major, and Hindemith’s Sym* — phony “Mathis -der Malcr. ’1 — This summer Clibum, in addition to his Meadow Brook* appearances, was engaged to open the new performing art) center at Saratoga, N. Y., L*-wisohn Stadium, Tanglewood, Robin Hood Dell, Ravinia Park, the Hollywood Bowl, and at Interlochen. MAUREEN FORESTER In the meantime, Maureen Forrester will -complete her Fete Bride-Elect at Linen Shower Tea and Luncheon Judith Ann Lembke, who will become Mrs. Arnold L. Smith July 30 in All Saints Episcopal Church, was honored at a linen shower Wednesday in the Newport Avenue home of Mrs. John Lilliquist) Mrs. George Lembke of Stanley Avenue and Mrs. Homer H. Smith of Pine Knbb Road, Independence Townkhip, mothers of the pair, were among some 30 guests. Andrea Hess and Christine Rohring, sorority sisters of Miss Lembke at Central Michigan University, gave a recent kitchen shower and hincheon in the Rohring home on Orchard {fill Drive. * ' ♦ ,to Mrs. Gary Green of Pingree Avenue honored the bride-elect at a recent tea in the Hudson Avenue home of Mrs. Lucile Green. stay at Meadow Brook with a concert Sunday, at 0:30 p.m. She will be heard in two arias by Gluck and Verdi on a program which wiU include Gluck’s “Iphigenia in Aulis” Overture, Mendelssohn’s “Scotch” Symphony, the prelude to Act 1 of Wagner’s “Lohengrin,” and the dances frorrf deFalla’s “The Three-Cornered Hat.” dr to to Tickets are available both for grounds and the Pavilion at the Festival office at Oakland University or the Grinnell stores the area. Susan L. Uligian ’ Is Honor Guest at Showers A bridal shower Wednesday Hammond Lake will honor for-- mer Pontiac resident, Susan Lae Uligian of Long Bead), Calif. Mrs. Kester Carleton of Flint will be cohoste: The honoree is\xthe daughter of the Charles G. Uligian* of Port Huron said will marry John Allen Pfleeger of Richmond, Va. July 16, in the First Congregational Church. His parents are Mrs. Henry Pfleeger of Sam Diego, Calif, and the late Mr. Pfleeger. Mrs. Robert J, Ensworth of Waldo Street, with Mrs. R- J. Ensworth Jr. gave a shower for Miss Uligian on Thursday. Hostesses for a luncheon, Friday, in the Pine Lake County Club were Mrs. John Blamy Jr., Mrs. Howard Powers and Mrs. Ralph Strang. ★ ★ In Long Beach, Mrs. Charles Morris along with the bride-elect’s coworkers and friends entertained at a recent linen shower and branch. Mrs. Hartsell ' / j Heads Group ; Installation Of officer! for members of the Fashxraette Chib was held recently In the Adah Shelly Library. Taking new ofifees are Mrs. Larne Hartsell, president; Mrs. Brat-charl Williams, vice president; Mrs. Milford. Wilson and Mrs. Harry Ault, secretaries and/ Mrs. Frank Reichert, treasurer. Hie group will meet Tuesday at 7 p.m. in the library and will play miniature golf. Swimming Party for Brookside , Members of Brookside branch, Woman’s National Farm and Garden Association, enjoyed a box luncheon and swim-party, Thursday, at the home of Mrs. Robert E. Bratton on Lane Lake Road. Cohostesses were Mrs. Jack J. Turner Jr. and Mrs. Clifford C. Grovogel. * * * , A pin was presented to Mrs. Eugene R. Nielens for her efforts in behalf of the club since its organization in 1963. Original flower arrangements were judged with recognition going to Mrs. Peter Hoogerhyde, Mrs!. William W. Donaldson And Mrs. Alger B. Scott. to - to to Guests were Mrs. John Main and Mrs. R. B. Haley, also Mrs.. Philip Hoops df Chicago. By virtue of her title, Miss Chancey won a $2,500 scholarship, this year plus wardrobes and other benefits including the right to compete for the Miss America title iii Atlantic City. I The Detroit Symphony I Orchestra and Maureen I Forrester, contralto, pre-I sent their final perform-| ance together Sunday at * 6:30 p.m. in the Howard I C. Baldwin' Memorial Pa-| vilion. r i.u: The Bloomfield Women’s Republican Club will hold a'joint meeting Tuesday with the Bir-mingham-Troy and Beverly- FranHIn -U.ih. __________1__ Joint Meeting for GOP Units HOLLAND (UPI) - The Holland Junior Chamber of Commerce has informed directors of. the Miss Michigan Pageant the local group will not participate in the program in the future unless four changes are made in the procedure for choosing a winner. to to, ★ The Jaycees are asking that no person having any relationship to a contestant shall sit as judge; no judge shall sit who previously judged a contestant; the judges shall not confer while balloting; and no pageant official shall be associated with any contestant in any way or. seek aid for any contestant.. The controversy arose over a $1,000 scholarship arranged for Gayle Ann Chancey of Dearborn who entered the pageant in 1966 as “Miss Wayne.” Miss Chancey entered again this year and won the Miss Michigan Queen Contest title at Muskegon July 1 over 48 ether Michigan Community queens. NEEDED FUNDS The Holland Jaycees said a Pageant official learned in 1965 that Miss Chancey. would not be able to continue college without a scholarship. The officials arranged for a philanthropist to give her the $1,000 scholarship. ■ ★ to Spokesmen for the Pageant said today that Miss Chanqey entered in 1965 as “Miss Wayne" and there was no indication she would enter. again this year. Planning Autumn Wedding Vows An October ’to e d d i n g is planned by Barbara Ann Osani, daughter of Mr. and' Mrs. James B. Osani of South Boulevard East, and Richard Frederic Fellrath, son of the Jerome J. Fellraths of Dearborn. * * * The bride-elect attended the University of Detroit. Her fiance is a graduate of the University of Notre Dame and U. of D. Law .School. Mrs. Robert Lytle of* Pine-wood Court will be hostess for the 1 p.m. meeting. ★ ★ ★ A question-and-answer period will follow talks by candidates for the state legislature from the 63rd and 65th districts. Those expected to speak are James F. Carey and Robert J. Huber, Troy; Donald E. Bishop, Rochester; and William P. Hampton, Dale A. Winnie and Mrs.-Mary Mead Bawden, all of Birmingham. Holland Jaycees MRS. JOSEPH A. BALOG Joseph A. Balog (Mari Margaret Vilhelm) wei wed today n Out Lady gj Refuge Catholic, Church. The i parents are :he Joseph A Wilhelms oj Sylvan Lake nd the Josej. H. Balogs of Detroit,, jackets, often with pleated skirt flaring beneath. These fashion features and fabric give particular distinction to his gold-yellow suit in jersey. Object By ABIGAIL VAN BUREN DEAR ABBY: My mother is a. very attractive widow, 62 years old but she looks much younger. She met i 60-year-old 1 bachelor, and -they hit Jt off like a couple of teen-agers. He’s sport and^^^^^^p all their mutual he adores her,^^^| They have va-^® cationed togeth- ABBY er, he took her to the Derby, and noyr he’s talking about a trip to Europe. Abby, mom is going out of her mind waiting for this pian to ask her to marry him. They seem so perfect for each other. She doesn’t even look at anyone else, and as far -as she knows, he doesn’t either. What on earth is he waiting for? It’s-been nearly two years now. How can mom build a fire under this man? She’ll do anything. HER DAUGHTER DEAR DAUGHTER: Tell your mom not to build any fires under her reluctant Lothario or she’s likely to see the romance go up in smoke. He sounds like the kind of sport who would rather rent than buy. ■ a ■■ * - ★ DEAR ABBY: What do you think of a 22-year-old college girl who has to be continually coaxed and begged to help her mother .now and then with an e/fening’ meal, to clear off the table, help with the dishes, make her own bed, hang up her clothes, or do her own ironing? When .she was away at col-' lege, she lived at the dorm and •hipped her laundry home for mother to do and ship back. During the summer she is not punching a time clock as so many girls do to help pay for her college expenses. Instead, she is out having a good time and sleeping late. Ever since she was a young girl she has expected me to be her slave, Why? HER MOTHER DEAjt MOTHER: Because somewhere along the line she was given the impression that she could get away with it. And apparently she was right. ★ ★ ★ DEAR ABBY: A very attrac- tive, fortyish woman is posing quite a problem among the hui- 4 bands at our country dub. She dances the first dance with her husband, and then he goes into the bar where he spends the remainder of the evening, and she goes around Asking the other husbands to dance with her. This leaves our wives sitting and seething. How does a man handle this situation without being rude to the woman or to hid wife? NO GIGOLO DEAR NO: It isn’t necessary to be rude to either. Tall the lone woman that you are “sitting it out*' with your frau, but you’d be glad to waltz her over * to her husband. Van Clibum 1 ■ A~» THE PONTIAC PBESS. SATURDAY, JULY 9, 1966 Her Real Objective Interest By MURIEL LAWRENCE DEAR MRS. LAWRENCE: Our tyear-oid girl, though four yean older than our younger one, has to have everything her sister gets. She haa three pain of aboM, all in good condition, but when I recently bought her little sister a new pair she really needed, there were the sulks at my unfairness. My husband says she likes to feel unfairly treated. She haa two spring coats because I didn’t dare buy her sister one last, season without getting her one, too... ANSWER: Nobody enjoys feelings unfairly treated. We miss the point entirely when we imagine that happiness is the result of this kind of demand-ngnesw In children. Power over ns Is 1U retail. By suing accusations of our uafarfraess to scare us into buying her a new spring coat she doesn’t seed, our daughter gains control of ns. That’s wheat she’s after. The accusations are a power ploy. They’re used to make us feel so mean, so unjustly indulgent of her sister at her expense that we surrender our decisions to her and allow her dictate the purchase of the v shoes or the new spring coat. Your daughter .derives fas more joy trad this power over you than she does from the things she compels you to give m The soft life calls for the ease of a knit knicker ensemble, designed by McKnit for leisurely fence-sitting and related autumn afternoon activities. The outfit is of down brushed “Orion” acrylic, subtly argyle-patterned in tones of blue and green. Care, too, is a leisurely project; this knit has a knack for the ins and outs of a quick hand sudsing. The ReginaldI Shows of Montroyai Avenue announce the engagement of their daughter, Penny Lynn, to Pfc. Robert Carter Moore, son of Mrs, Maurice Nolvn of Granada Drive and Robert D. Moore of Anaheim, Calif. Her fiance is stationed at Frankfurt, Germany. Early November vows are planned. her. It’s rooted lit distrust of your interest in her. Until this distrust is dealt with, you can keep on giving her things until doomsday — and still fail to satisfy her. As so many of our problems with children, this demand for dapUcate things given to brothers and sisters develops oat of oar failure to give the demanding child true attention. If instead of' buying your daughter a second spring coat, had you taken the trouble to show some interest in her old one, that interest might have been just what the needed begin to trust your interest her. Had you suggested that R might be brightened by new buttons made in the shapes of fruits or flowers, die thought and imagination expended to create sudh a suggestion would have been very reassuring to her. Had you taken her to a button store and with her selected the new buttons, all this effort would have made clear, not merely your concern with the brightening of her old spring coat but also your concern for her happiness with it. * * * It requires .no. time, no attention, no effort or imagination to merely buy a child a coat she thinks she wants. It Just takes money. Q. I am 14 years (rid. I am wondering if you have any beauty tips for me. I am asking because at school I do not make many friends with girls or boys. I wonder if you have any material to send to help me make more friends. What dp you think about dancing? Some say that if you don’t go dancing you won’t have any friends. My weight may have something to do with it. I am. five feet and three inches tall and weigh 133 pounds. Please help me. A. I am sure that your weight has much to do with it because you should lose dose to 20 pounds. This, ho doubt, makes you less attractive looking, and I bet that it makes you self-conscious. FORGETSELF Self-conscious people are not usually popular. They are their own Worst enemies. Being self-conscious keeps them from making the first gesture toward friendship. Their shyness is often mistaken for conceit or unfriendliness. Lose Miss Holland Repeats Vows A noon ceremony Wednesday in the First Church of the Naz-arene marked the vows of Paula Ann Holland add Norman Thomas Brent Wilsop, before Their parents are the William . Hollands of East Ann Arbor Avenue and the Charles D. Wilsons of Pontiac Lake Road. The bride’s gown of white taffeta was styled with bouffant tiered skirt and chapel train. She wore an illusion veil and held a bouquet of white roses and carnations. Jeannie Lee: Hart was maid of honor with Randee Emory, bridesmaid. Connie and Randy Holland were flower girl and ring-bearer. With Alfred Hill, best man was Michael Gray, groomsman. Seating guests were Ricky and Roger Holland, with Robert Stoneburg. Reception in .the UAW Union Hall followed the ceremony. your extra weight by eating less of everything and leaving off inbetween meal snacks. Then forget self and how you are impressing others. Become interested in them and in their interests. If you are a good dancer, it certainly helps build popularity. Of course, you can have friends without dancing but this is. a pastime which most young folks enjoy and, therefore, you would be left out many times if you didn’t dance. LOW HEELS Q. I have worn high heels constantly for years. Now that low heels are so stylish I am wearing them much of the time. However, since starting this I find that the backs of my legs seem to feel tired and ache a little. Could this be connected with the change in shoes? A. Definitely! You have worn high heels so constantly that your calf muscles have shortened. As they stretch, the discomfort will disappear, if this is. the cause. Exercises which stretch these muscles will help. This is why I often advise readers to change from high heels to low periqdically. High heels should not be worn all the time. w w w Q. Is there any truth in the idea that wearing a pony tail hairdo will lead to baldness? A. Most experts feel thgt the constant tension on fte Raw may lead to Uiinulng. Q. Why do people get in-grown toenails when they don’t file their toenails straight across; they don’t get ingrown fingernails and they aren’t cut straight across the top. ( A. I suppose it is because of the pressure on the. feet which the hands do not have. Mrs. G. J. Hoffman Jr. Couple Visit Montreal on Honeymoon. Reception in^-the Middle Straits Community Association followed the marriage of Vicki Irene St. Dennis to Airman 2.C. Gilbert Joseph Hoffman Jr., today in St. Benedict’s Church. Mr. and Mrs. Delore St. Dennis of Lakeside Street and the Gilbert J. Hoffmans Of Edison Avenue are parents of the couple who left fbr a motor trip to Montreal. ★ ★ ★ Pale blue popcorn pompons in her bouquet of white carnations complemented the bride’s sheath gown and cathedral train of while silk organza over taffeta. Her veil was of tihred lace. With Mrs. Thomas Lauinger, matron of honor, were bridesmaids Mrs. Richard Ryan, Mrs. Robert Lamson, Mrs. Steven Sheeran and Laurie St. Dennis, junior lniUd. Clifford Frazer Jr. was best man. Ushers included Steven Sheeran, John S c b 1 i e h t, George Tayfor Jr. and Thomas Lauinger. The bridegroom is stationed at Lockbourne AFB, Columbus, Ohio. Find True Motives < Try to Analyze Yourself By DR. GEORGE W. CRANE CASE Z-4S5: Dr. Jay, aged I, has a problem that troubles many people in all fields of endeavor. * j "Dr. Crane,” he began, “I have a flourishing practice in my own small city of 5,000 population. • "Yet I don’t feel satisfied! "I have a craving to be in a big and do teaching the side. “But I a wife a__ family so I DR*CRANE debate whether I should pull Volunteer Speaks Up on Rudeness By ELIZABETH L. POST This week’s prize-winning letter, is, „ I think, particularly interesting because the situation the writer describes is so con-rary to the theme I try to stress: that etiquette, or good manners, is not a rigid formula but a code of behavior * consideration, appreciation and| enough electiricty for opening “ an endless number of caviar tins, for frying a week’s supply of buffalo meat, or for 1,000 hours of TV viewing. Inspired by a wonderfully colorful period in American history when generations of frontiersmen fought to push {his country’s borders to the blue Pacific, Vera Maxwell designs fa {Earliest Americana” collection fot Fall 1966. Here fad takes a contemporary—yet warmly nostalgic look at that wild, sweet strain of pioneer women who contributed their own 'spirit and! candor and spark to the winning of the West, the rendering here, in sassafrass tweed, heathered for a rugged, homespun look, is called “Mrs. Lewis.” The gently/curved shape is forthright add uncomplicated — and the sudden, smoldering brightness of the trim is as unexpected and refreshing as a fiery spirit under a tranquil exterior. In this case, the trim is mile? arid miles of rich, wool ric-rac surrounding an inset j border of printed challis. Dangling Hose Are Outmoded . Your husband will be glad to hear that wet nylons and lingerie draped over the shower SInjay soon be a thing of past That drippy line-up he runs into and growls about now has a new place to dry. Merchandising Week reports Oat a built-in clothes dryer for the bath is on the market Designed mainly for drying lingerie, it fits flush to the wail, conventinetly out of the way. The dryer also serves as a* room heater, towel wanner, and humidifier. Looks like your husband will have to find a dew pet peeve. VFW Women Select Two The "City of Ppntiac” Auxiliary to Post 1370, Veterans of Foreign Wars, elected delegates to the national convention in' New York City next month, at Friday’s meeting in the V.F.W. Hall, South Saginaw Street. * * * Mrs. Carl Hansen and Mrs. Virgil Vandecar will serve as delegates with Mrs. Donald Moore and Mrs. C. D. Bird-sail asalternates. Post Commander* Dick Kirby and Comrades Bruno Kearns and Karl\ George were guests. Karen'Strong, daughter of the J. L. Strongs of South Ardmore Street was. graduated cum iaude from Kalamazoo College. A chemistry major, she has done laboratory, work at the University of Chicago. Elected Phi Beta Kappa, she has been awarded the Upjohn Graduate scholarship for advanced study at Stanford University. up stakes and start over afresh in a larger area. "Why can’t 'I be content here in my present location?’’ Ambition" to a splendid trait if you don’t use it to camouflage a secret complex, sexual or otherwise. So f a c e the facts and analyze yourself! Is it merely egotism that makes Dr. Jay want |o link up with a professional school in a big city? , Or does the "Professor’’ ti -tie servo as a superior status symbol? If he simply craves the chance to teach and thus wield a constructive influence on young people,, he can do that right where he now lives. For he can become active in the Boy Scouts, (hr teach First Aid to those seeking Merit Badges. Or he can handle a teen-age Sunday School class. Besides, when you save a human life by removing an inflamed appendix in a city of 5,000, that is just as laudable as removing such an ap-p e n d i x in Chicago or New York! Notice how I am showing you how to attack your own problems, for we shall never have enough psychiatrists, to handle evferyb6dy. So learn how to eliminate your problem by toe simple aetentific method of self-analysis. * ★ * J; Obviously, Dr.,Jay has sotoe hidden motive for feeling frustrated in his present prac- . tice. During the War, he served as a Major and was accustomed to being saluted. ■ Does he thus want more public acclaim? Many egotists also crave to be writers, hoping to crash the big time in that fashion,-just as the typical teen-age girl looks to Hollywood as the Mecca for her egotism. But Dr. Jay had another secret motive that was rankling his ego. His wife seetned indifferent to his erotic advances, so he felt he had lost prestige in her ‘ sight. --»----"LIVING SOUND" hearing aids Campers Tote Electricity If you’re the sort of camper who wishes the good old outdoors had some of the modem appliances you left sitting at home, don’t despair. G o ahead and pack the electric frying pan, the toaster, the electric can opener, even the television. Just don’t forget the portable electricity. All you need to make camp-, ing less primitive is a portable 12-volt battery and* automatic charger that comes in a stylish carrying case. It’s capable of providing Prateription Delivery terviea FACTS ABOUT PHARMACY by HOWARD L DELL Tour Neighborhood Pharmacist CAUTION: SHORTAGE AHEAD! chtttlnt hit carter, lot ut makt a tmiattioa. Ctnsldir pharmacy-it's a carter that tHtrt much, Ki a Ma|th worth dainf. Sea PAUL MANN World', Greater) Trick Shot Artlrt TUESDAY, JULY 1Z at IlM F.M., Carl’s GotflanS Sponsored by Pontiac Optimists Baldwin Pharmacy, 219 Baldwin £2. FE 4-2620 * Ml?. W Foam Footlets If you go stockingless in the summer, protect feet and shoes with footlets available in many styles. Some have foam rubber soles built in for walking comfort. The average family annually consumes over 1500 items packed in glass containers. A copy of*Emily Post’s "Etiquette," revised by Elizabeth L. Post, has been sent to the writer who asked that her name be withheld. Dear Mrs. Post: I’m a housewife and mother who- lists ‘home duties" as my sole occupation. I am therefore called upon to take up most of the charitable collections in my neighborhood, for cancer, heart, cerebral palsy, etc. I could evep enjoy doing this but for to*-”*-Tensive manner in which I am| received at some homes. For example, the houseowner who saysV ,fWe don’t choose to give" and slams the door in your face. Or, toe two-income family that comes up with 25 cents. And the family just back from a month in Hawaii that tells you they’re broke. These people are redeemed somewhat by the poor widow who willingly hands over all that she can and wishes it were more. But as for the others I wish they would realize I am doing this for them, and often in place of them, and a little polite attention and generosity would mike the job worthwhile. Mrs. C. R. Dedr Mrs. £. R.: The idea that neighbors could be short, or actually rude, to someone willing to give time and effort for the benefit of others is repugnant. It is not up to the volunteer to criticize the amount given as there may be circumstances about which he knows nothing. However, it is his right and duty to persuade the family to give1 as much as they possibly Can tobis cause. . But whatever their decision may be, it is inexcusable of them to take out tbeir irritation or inflict their feelings on the volunteer. The clothes of the bride and groom as well as those of their attendants are described in toe booklet, “Clothes of the Bridal Party.” If you want a copy, send 10 cents. to coin and a stamped, self-addressed envelope to Elizabeth L. Post, in care of The Pontiac Press. *Easy Job Keep a small magnet in a drawer of your sewing machine. It comes in handy for picking up'needles and pint dropped to toe floor. ^ . CALL Mommy 'NEW WAY Our Rugs Need Cleaning! FE 2-7132 New Way professional cleaning method! will restore the original Insure and color to yonr rugs. The deep cleaning will also remove the grit ana dirt that cut* the nap—add lift to your rugs, have them cleaned by New Way. NEW WAY RUG and CARPET CLEANERS 42 Wianer Street Pontiae STORE HOURt: r 8:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. Bloomfield Miracle Ifils Only _ 'IK HOUR *MWgK the most to Shirt Service FREE Storage at Ragular Price *1.60 VALUE for 98* .Dry Gleaning Special. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, July 12,13,141k • Slacks • Trousers »Skirts • Plain Sweaters 2 for 98$ (Pleats 2c ca.) Professionally Dry Cleaned and Prassed Bloomfield Miraelo Milo Only Dial 3)2-1122 1 A—It THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, JULY 9, 1988 r oaysjtW HOME OFFICE 761 W. Huron Street Pontiac OAKLAND SEVEN CONVENIENT BRANCH •FftBES TO SERVE TW DOWNTOWN PONTIAC 16 last Lawrence Street ROCHESTER 4IT Mata Street DRAYTON PLAINS 4411 01*1. Highway WALLED LAKE 1102 West Maple Head MILFORD 351 N. Male Street CLARKSTON 5799 Ortonville Road LAKE ORION "f/- 47! South Broadway 1111” in,iii/«ft * **I iMM *>J Oakhmit Rmerm Sphit jtf Tfrmittute Tit*« Keep your family out of the crossfire! rates on savings. Like other, wars, there can be ‘ no winner. Certainly not you and your family. What to do? Keep calm* Stop switching your savings-from place to place just to earn a dollar or two extra in interest a year. Rates that 'go up can also come down. If gambling is in your blood, go play poker or bet on the horses. If you wafit to do some serious investing, go see a good stock broker. Or dabble in real estate. This is what risk capital is for. This is thrift. It’s what sends youngsters to college, pays for vacations (cheaper when you pay cash) and makes the retirement years happy and worry free. Be. = wary, too, of the so-called “90-day j notice” account. This is where the hank thrift institutions, not investment houses. Our dividends (whether 414% or 5%) are not designed to make you rich. They are designed to encourage you to save the money that will make* you rich. Say you now have *500. in a savings account. A year from today dividends will have probably added *20 or *25 to that amount. But-if you save just two dollars a week, you’ll have close to *650. says something like, “Promise not to touch your savings for 6 months or a year, and we’ll pay you, an extra half of one percent.” The trouble here is you then have to give the bank 90-day advance notice before you can get your money. (How many of us kntiw when we’re going to need emergency cash 90 days in. advance!) v . ■ While the rate wair rages, our advice is simple and sound. Keep your head-and keep saving whatever dollars you can. And keep your money where it’s safe, insured, convenient, and always available at a moment’s notice •.. And have a nice summer. L&LMisi jStf %*&$$$$ & THE PONTIAC PRESS PONTIAC, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, JULY 9, 1906 B—1 Sp||S|£ W&M background for LIVING N^| Early American Is Favored Mr. And Mrs. Wing-Back Chairs In Gold And Brown Tweed Flank Maple Coffee Table Before Tennessee Ledgerock Fireplace By JOPY HEADLEE Home Editor, The Pontiac Press Heirloom ' pieces passed down through generations influenced Mrs. Dean Gotta’ selection, of a colonial interior for her-home on Rippleway, White Lake Township.. “Besides,” said Mrs. Gotts, “I like the warmth and friendliness Early American furnishings project.” * Among the family’s heirlooms is a trunk dating back to the Civil War. “After the war,” she said, pointing to the trunk at the foot of the bed in the master bedroom, “my husband’s .'grandfather, who had been held prisoner in Georgia, sent his clothes home in that trunk.” The mustard-gold walls and • area carpet in the room are accented by the red ball fringe on the white draperies aiuj the olive green of the rocker cushions and table lamp. Leading the way to the kitchen, she Continued, “That cranberry and crystal berry set on the table belonged to my great-grandparents.” Wallpapered in a provincial print in shades of gold and green with muted bittersweet touches, the kitchen features knotty pine beams and cabinets. In the adjoining living room, Mrs. Gotts chose a neutral background of pale gold walls, .shades of gold horizontal striped draperies and a textured sand-beige: carpeting. The room’s maple dry sink acts as a table for the amber glass eagle lamp and as an entertainment bar.. A barn-red and brass drop fixture illuminates the deacon’s bench, and harvest table grouped midway in the ell of the large room. Introducing an interesting and deliberate change of pace is the French provincial coffee table before the scarlet wing-back sofa. The Gotts have two children, Debra, 11, and Jerry, 13. Antique Paperweight Red Door Highlights Gray Exterior Of The Dean Gotts' Home On Rippleway, White Lake Township Kitchen's Breakfast Bar Conceals Television Set 11-Year-Old Debra Puts Accent On Pink With Canopy And Spread In jl Raspberry And Shocking Pink Antique Trunk Belonged To Mr. Goff's Grandfather B—2 THE TPONTIAC? PRESS, SATURDAY," JULY 9, 1906 No Great Skill Needed Floor FmishCan Brighton Your Home Making old wooden floors look'one wall and move straight to like, new can make an old, run- the opposite wall down house look bright and in-| _ viting once more. samu, path * * * " Come back along the same No^great skill is needed, only!path. The next pass with the chre. The equipment can be sander should overlap the pre-• t^ted.' so that the only invest-Ljous by two or three inches, ment is in a new floor finish and your time. The coarse grit paper cats _ through the old finish. The Floors will seed sanding be- , secood ending wjth medium-fore applying a new finish. paAt is to get rid of But before sanding, prepare ------I-----—— the surface. If nail heads show, set them; . Laj i > with a hammer and nail set and UlSCOVery by manUTOCWrer fill the holes with wood putty. . ■ ■ ! Cracks should be filled with| putty also. MOLDING Tq make sanding around the! the roughness left by the first sanding. The final sanding with fine paper is to make the floor properly smooth for finishing. Although the second sanding leaves the floor smooth, it is the final sanding that will give the finished floor a mirrorlike surface. NEXT STEP Dusting is* the next step, Use Mattresses Last Longer edges of a room easier, removej Your mattress would last long-the molding along the base- er ft invited your friends b°a™s- and neighbors to take turns Pry up carefully to avoid j sleeping pn it splintering or cracking. That’s the surprising report You can then bring your sand- ^rom makers 9** double-duty er right to the edge of the floor *quiP™ent Y00 find in without damaging the molding ■ c^tless motel and hotel rooms, or the baseboard. i They discovered that mat- j * , * * j tresses last longer in motel Occasionally, a 'floor will! and hotel rooms than in priJ have a bulge or high spot. Plane! vat* homes — when you’d these smooth, since the sander think it would be the other would Just ride over such ani way around — and decided to area. j find out why. CLEAR ROOM The secret is that a mattress Clear the room of all fumi-!,asts >«««• if « different per-ture, shades, pictures, mirrors.son sleeps on it every night, Open windows but clpse doors' which is what happens in hotels to adjoing rooms. and motels. I position, on a different part of Have the dealer show you ex- the .mattress, and the whole1 * actly how this model works, thing wears out evenly. expect neighborhoods - or even large families — to start rotating beds just to prolong the life span of their mattresses. * The 'psychological wear and tear if every day were moving day would probably be even worse than the wear and tear on the mattress. But if a day comes when you can’t climb out of bed after the alarm has gone off, don’t blame your old age until you’ve checked the mattress. You may find youself lying in a trench. Lacquer Tip for Painters Buy enough sandpaper for the machine and get three grades — Coarse, medium and fine — which you'Will use in that order: * ★ * Start with coarse grit paper and sand the floor lengthwise with the floor boards. Start atl Practically everybody has a favorite sleeping position — and if die same person sleeps on the same mattress every night, the wear and tear is always in the same spot. In real life, it’s impossible to Lacquer used over oil-base paint acts as a paint remover, reminds the National Paint Varnish and Lacquer Association. So be sure to use it only oyer previous coats of lacquer. ★ If you’re in doubt about the nature of previous coatings, stick to an oil-base finish. as vacuum to pick up every speck of dust. Be sure t* dust window sills, (boards — any place that doit may have nettled. Nothing will ruin your new ftnlih mare quickly than dost. Clear finishes are used on floors to protect the surface awhile permitting the attractive grain patterns to show through. * .* * The usual finishes are shellac, plastic finishes and wax. GOES ON EASY Shellac goes op easily, dries, quickly, does not chip or crack but is not is durable as varnish | for long-wearing use. . , Shellac is too thick to use as it cooes oat of the container and should be thinned with aus equal amount of alcohol or commercial solvent. Apply several this coats. Varnish is hard and brittle but wears well. It goes on easily but dries slowly, about 24 hours between coats as compared with four or five hours for shellac. Two or three coats are needed. Sand in between. Finish both shellac and varnish by wax-ing. SEALER LASTS Penetrating sealers are oil-based, penetrate the wood, leave nothing on the surface. The sealer, because it has soaked In, iast under heavy use. Use wax as a finish coat. . A variety of plastic finishes go os easily, dry rapidly, wear well, need no waxing unless desired. T h e s e are more expensive than shellac or varnish but could be worth it. Special penetrating waxes seal and finish the floor at the same time. Use several coats; polish with floor wax. FOCAL POINT — All yards need decorative landscape accessories. Besides being attractive, a wishing well can serve double duty as a storage center tot the garden hose and small tools. An easy project, the pattern gives step-by-step directions and photographs showing Jhe assembly procedure. To obtain wishing well pattern number 371, send $1 by currency, check or money order to Steve Ellingsop, Pontiac Pattern Dept., P.O. Box 2383, Van Nuys, Calif. 91400 Gas Provides Cooling Agent Three-Dimensional Effect * Natural Design Is Stressed Another entry for the "Leave IttoAmerican Know-How’ notebook: Now they’re. cooling the air with a gas flame. It may sound a little chilling, but the paradox is explained by the fact that since air conditioning equipment needs a source of energy, natural gas can provide this source as well as it can for warmth or cooking. Still a fairly new development, gas cooling systems in use now number more than 100,169, twice the amount of a year ago, r e p o r t a the Gas Appliance Manufactorers Association (GAMA), Home buyers have welcomed this equipment, GAMA said, be- cause of its a i mpllqity and economy 6f operation. The only moving part is the blower apparatus. Gas air conditioning can be added in homei with gas-fired furnaces using the same duct systems to distribute the cooled air that in winter distributes the warmed air. Special Nails Pill Construction Needs The lowly nail hasn’t been neglected in the march of construction progress. Today, stainless steel and aluminum nails are widely used in places where no rust qualities are required. Modem design brings- out wood’s natural character as nev-er before. New styles and patterns play the full dimensions of solid lumber as well as texture and grain. This creates a modem impression and a warm feeling of the forests inside your New patterns of Pine pestling offer a pleasing three-dimensional effect on interior room waHs. There is a slight spacing of vertical panels so that the full thickness of each panel IS visible along with width and length. This gives depth and substance to the walls and conveys the same pure image of the wood as it grows lara (where two facing waHs re used) are less efficient, but rcumstances sometimes dic-ite their use. If the kitchen has a window, yrmu’ll probably want the sink lcscated beneath it. REFERABLE' Most women prefer this ar-r-aangement, because while work-ig it the link, they can watch tR~ae children at pay or watch anything but the wall. The man to solve this fanrily’s problem is not a marriage counselor" but an understanding kitchen designer who knows that a motion-saving "work triangle” can conserve time, steps and. energy in meal preparation and! Tl1® 8otomatic dishwasher kitchen cleanups. | *h«ild be positioned next t* ... * * * ' Rhe sink, near the plumbing ... ..1.. . f -muid within easy reach. The points of the wbrk triangle” ire formed by the kitch-l " T*14 «Perts suggest that en -sink- and dishwasher area, range and, refrigerator-freezer-the three main work centers of the kitchen. RIGHT SPACE The sum of the three legs of this triangle should be at least 15 feet (less than that will result in an overcrowded work pattern) add no mortf than 22 feet (more than that will cause the -homemaker unnecessary motion and effort). -hether the homemaker is right left banded, the dishwasher r Remodeling? Below Ceil Prices on Picture •nd All Typet of Windows „ Glidorama arSt.-KesfO Harbor RII First, this appliance should he rge enough to accommodate tM~ie family’s needs now and in tBre near future without exces-ive trips to the market. If the doors to your refrigerator-freezer open to tbe ■tight of the siak. _ If they open to the left, you’llj want jt to the left of the sink.! V * * ★ Otherwise, you’ll be walking! around the refrigerator and| f weezer doors all the time. COUNTER SPACE For most efficiency, provide fmve to five-and-a-half feet of counter space between refrigerator-freezer and sink. - The third leg of the triangle { is formed by the range. Pref-i curably, it should be located near tlie dining area. The new electric ranges are su.'vailable in a wide variety of s Ryles - free standing, eye-level consoles, high-low double-oven r-amges, separate cooktops and _____ompact, one-piece built- TSrTrffigeS-to suit any need. Lady of House Should Share in Renovations Here’s a revolting develop-teit: After years of tolerating an | c» ld-fashioned kitchen with | s Rained sink, old-fashioned wash-j t sjbs and antiquated stove, 'oiiian is put in the position of! .. . discovering that I’m 11« have a hew kitchen, but rude-told by my husband that I’ll kmave nothing to do with the _ of it or the equipment £*iat will go into It.” Shouldn’t i woman be able -to plan her own kitchen, ahe •wants to kaow. Good kitchen planners. are| (Sneak a* hint that you hope tmc’ll have sink, range and refrigerator in a step-saving tri- - But the lady of the house sRiould be able to make some suggestions about (1) the color c»£ appliances (2) ■ what she’d need in the way of equipment ( 3) preferences about such tilings as standing oven vs old-f -fashioned range (some women I»refer the old-fashioned oven) an nd freezer-refrigerator an gainst a full freezer and small Booklet Tells Siding Facts The first balmy days of spring will bring several million home owners out into the sun to take a look at the exterior of their houses and note any deterioration Or damage caused by the rigors of winter. A good percentage of them will see flaking and peeling paint on siding and trim. Nail holding ability is all-important. The safety oftbe house fin violent storms depends on the I firmness-with which the ,lum-The floor structure should Iber grips nails and bo|(s to' hold I have strength to support its house and foundation4 together.' great loads. It should provide * * * cohesiveness to prevent the Therefore, the lumber should! [house from being blown from be properly seasoned and pre-its foundations by hurricanes or shrunk before being surfaced to other violent storms. final size. Nails will not loosen Rattar CUinliiv STABILITY in preshrurik lumber as they do oerrer quality shou|d have gtabiUty t0 when unseasoned material dries Materials May Stable sizes of preshrunk Mean Savings " be securely bolted to foundation walls. It ahouM also be formed with lumber to take advantage of wood’s resilient | No down payment • 60 moqtlu to pay • First piymegt Sopz. 1 If you are among this latter] lesser quality. If you're planning a major home improvement, it pays to use high-quality materials. It’s often more economical in the long run. -Home improvement experts note that labor costs for installing premium - grade materials in a home are frequently about' tile same as for materials of group, hold up your'repainting plans long enough to take a look at a booklet entitled ”26 Straight Answers on. Aluminum Siding,” whictfSvill give you all the facts on this relatively new but fastgrowing h o n e improvement material. The longer life expectancy of the materjals, however, may make them more economical on a per-year-of-life basis. . Heavyweight asphalt roof shingles, for example, are applied the same way as standard weight shingles, so the Heating Unit Against Wall Are you stuck, decoratively speaking, with an indoor heating system that just won’t go away? And no matter how many couches, chairs or tables you buy, you can’t cover up the ugly heat distributors? SEE AN ACTUAL APPLICATION 262 Harrison Ave., Pontiac , Between Bagiey St. and Franklin Rd. 3 Blocks North of South Blvd. WHAT IS KUH6ELHUT FACE MICK SIDING? It is the Multi-Purpose Brick Siding that does so many jobs-BETTER Will it eliminate the need for jtion cost is about the same, painting? Will it improve the! But since heavyweight shin- looks of my house? Will it aavelgles last longer, look better and| Take heart! A modern hydron-j the money? These and many increase the resale value of a i ic water) heating system is other questions are answered in I home, many homeowners con-| gttfactive and simplifies home! a clear, objective way. [aider them a better investment.l^EPM-ating For a free copy write to “26 IriMirtd brick of Stamford dimension except that tt Ml inch thick. is bonded to Vi inch inflating panel* by an exclusive process developed by Klingalhat. Thie pcodocoi m insulating combination actual fa 4 inchet of blewntn insulation-ar 4 foal of solid brick. . • Gives yoar-reund insulation • Ha* I Suet* foal easts • Beautifies year home, increases its valaa a Resists fire-Lowers insurance rates a hit Answer Booklet,” Alcan Aluminum Corp., Ill West 50th, | New York, N.V. 10030. i Nearly one-third of all lumber Baseboard units for hot wa- country goes ter h « • “ * 8 (»•* known as hydrOnics) fit snugly against the waU at ankle level and, thus, do not interfere with wall-to-wall carpet- COMPLETE 2503 DIXIE HWY. PONTIAC MODERNIZATION Opposite Silver Lake Road k REJUVENATE that old LAMP SHADE UK INS NEW GLASS FISCS MATERIAL - COMES IN SEVERAL COLORS, AND FINISHES. IT’S WASHABLE AND DIFFUSES UOHT WELL FOR A LACED EDGE* PUNCH HOLES JO* FROM EACH BOOB CUP TO FRAMES WITH CLOTHES PINS - CEMENT UPPED BOOS - OR FOR A TAPED EP^F: fit it Also, they can be painted to. blend or contrast with the decor l of the room. Furniture can be] placed against any wall and draperies can be hung full length. * * ★ Even the boiler in a hydronic I system can be a pleasure fori the decorating woman. Today’s heating plant is at-! tractively encased and extreme-1 ly compact (almost as small as a bread box in some cases), j And the boiler can be installed | anywhere — in a closet, the garage or even in a pit in the] back yard. l$UZZ'12aZ&m Says O BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHEI SUPERBLY BUILT RAY RAPAPORT BATEMAN REALTY CO. Pontiac—377 S. Telegraph 338-7161 BATEMAN TRADE-IN PLAN Action Today... Not Tomorrow! ROCHESTER-730 S. ROCHESTER RD. OL 1-8518 1»2 BEDROOM MODELS WE -CLIf AND SAW ■■■■!■■■■■■■■•■ aMHmnini ■ DIM CONSTRUCTION*ELLIS ■ |H aUlLUtlW IN « IM MIDwK 1743 ■ fggia*rco US“« *OZen J5d dUS In the blue bathroom were | toothbrush, water pick (re-places toothpicks), electric, j shaver, bathroom scale and a pair of art nouveau copper shields with beetle motif and j inlaid with New Zealand sea-j shells. Outside ger) in an 'adjoining room, statues of Napolean and Wellington on a Siamese table flanked by French Gothic Revival chairs in the foyer. How to Build, Buy or Sell Your Home Full study plan information on this architect-designed House of the Week is included in a 50-cent baby blueprint. With it in hand you can obtain a contractor’s estimate. You can order also, for $1, s booklet called YOUR HOME-How to Build, Buy or Sell it. Included in it are small reproductions of 18 of the most popular House of the Week issues. Send orders to House Plans, The Pontiac Press, P. O. Box 9, Pontiac, Michigan 48056 r............................*•..................1 | Enclosed is 50 cents for baby blueprint on G-44 □ j | Enclosed to $1 for YOUR HOME booklet □ « J Street To save the cost and effect of sewing in a separate lining, look for a new-type drapery fabric with a “built-in” self-lining. A chemical process called 'cross linkage" gives the back of the fabric a pure white permanent coating for opacity and insulation against heat and cold —as well asimproved drap-ability, crease resistance, and tensile strength. ★ * * This roc-ionized fabric is also shrinkage-controlled so it can be washed safely by hand or machine in warm soap or detergent suds. Switch from ,Q HOT POWER ROOF VENTILATOR HERE'S WHAT KOOL-O-MATIC GIVES YOU: 1. Automatic thermostatic temperature control. Set It, forget it 2. Direct-drive fan and remote location of unit for quiet operation. 3. Efficient, low cost cooling with* out drawing dust or pollen-laden air through living areas. 4. Low cost, easy installation ... lifetime service. Come in.. .see it nowl Install yourself Complete, only $3900 CHANDLER HEATING CO. 5480 HIGHLAND ROAD Vi Milo East of Pontiac Airport Seles 674-3411 FHA Terms Night’Service OR 3-5632 ' Hie handsome and commercially valuable Ponderosa pine tree grows in a belt that extends from the Cascade Mountains eastward to the Rockies. GARAGES freer ewptote 8 year guarantee in writing issssufe ____ >7 ToyWc Ov*r- *Ssnl mg**" ♦ Owilmn fa. MICH. GARAGE BLDRS. urn w.nns«.tt porn* unsown KE 4-7080 TT FE 4-1400 JULY OCCUPANCY JUST 2 LEFT!! This completes our building in Clarkaton Gardens—f^AST 2!! and freshness will be at .their | peak. * ' -n A good rule is to plan on! seasonal turnover, and to use. { foods first which have been in[ the freezer longest. A pretty front yard fence for traditional house can be designed with stock spindles set between 2X4-inch rails. "Sw/w along with Correspondence education to a! Outside his bathroom, they method of teaching people who Prince’s dressing room was a find it inconvenient to 1 e a v e work of art nouveau - a hand-1 home and attend classes on col-lsome military chest of camphor lege campuses. I wood and church chain. . T KEATINGT0N Lake Privilift Lots $4»M HOWARD T. KEATING CO. 22000WlUMMU. ciAffisroins™^ GARDENS (US-10> to M-15, turn right 1 mile to Wuldon Rd., right i mile to models or 1*75,- thru Clarkaton. Left at Waldon Rd. off Main St. WA8.DON ROAD AT AI.MONI) LANE GAUGES GET TWO ESTIMATES and THEN CALLIIG! lay from owrsor - no talesmen. Every former Dixie customer will recommend us very highly. Moke ut prove it. Personal owner's supervision on your job from start to completion. No subcon tractors, we bevo our own crews.'We build all etylo garages in Pontiac and suburbs. 5 year guarantee on all fabo. No money down. First payment in Sept. Up to 7 years to pay. DIXIE GARAGE CONSTRUCTION CO. lofwoen Crescent Lk. and Airport Ms. , OR 4-1111 - 5744 HIGHLAND RD. - LI 1-44TG (Call Collect) BUILT IN 4 DAYS TO LAST A LIFETIME! Healthful living and family plsasura at O price everyono can afford. Cadillac Psolt aro constructed of Fabulous FibtrglaVand steel rtinforcod concrete in all shapes and sixes. Cadillac's Fibarglai walls da not require annual patching and painting and carry a 10 year guarantee. Vln-r«ml< raping FlMtrSyittm !'-• V Dsse A pradvet of Oenerel Pad Ctrpwsti.n — America’, largest , msiMitscrvrar et ^pfe-eeghrarsN Htorgles peah. l CAU TODAY FOS FREE ESTIMATE! See DISPLAY POOL at: CLARKSTON POOL CO. 1 Milo North of M-15 am.. Monday Through Thandsy . OPEN: Wdews Saturday and Sundsy. . .1 AM. te 4:30 PM. ..SAM: te SKN) F.M. ..I P.M. re 8:00 P.M. The WESTERNER '20,390 Lot and Fifeplacc Included! 1,350 Sq. Ft. of Living Area Built pud Sold by ARISTOCRAT Building co. Designed for Living Features! d ★ Spacious Family Room With FIREPLACE ★ Large kitchen and . , Dining Area ★ 1 and Vi Bathe ★ 2-Car Attached Brick Grunge i:*:; ★ Full Basement ★ Gaa Heat ★ Lou 106x140 il WALDON RD. at ALMOND LANE M Open Daily 12 to 6, Sunday at 11 A.M.-Phone 625-2882 for m appointment at any Other itimo. THE PACESETTER ANNETTSlpj! PROPERTY PREVIEWS W* NEAR ISAAC CRARY SCHOOL * - OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 P.M. BRICK RANCH B. PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, JULY 9, 1966 Cancer Victitn A $.* v . A/r .-JWK( * BUFFALO, N.Y. (AP) - Larry Rink’i aecond experimental cancer tranapl been completed and he is out of the today with hope the operation might prolonged his life. RMc, 21, of Centerville, Mich., tyas discharged yesterday from Roswell Park Memorial Institute. He and hia wife, Jean, who is expecting their first child in September, plan to visit his mother in Constantine, Mich. He exchange. “pant, Harry T. Pa., also la Constantine, the mother said she was told her son’s travel plans had been disrupted by the nationwide airlines strike. “We still expect him home later one way or another,” she said. He was the only survivor of a four-way series of transplants last March at Roswell WILL DUPLICATE $16,W (ALL ALUMINUM FOR ONLY • THREE BEDROOMS t ONE AND ONE-HALF BATHS • CERAMIC IN MAIN BATH • ALL BIRCH CUPBOARDS • FORMICA COUNTERS • PAINTED BASEMENT • HARDWOOD FLOORS • 22'x22' GARAGE • MARBLE SILLS • SNACK BAR OPEN SUNDAY ONLY 2-6 P.M. WARREN STOUT, REALTOR OPEN EVES. 'TIL 8 P.M. MULTIPLE LISTINGf SERVICE A. C. LINNEY, BLDR. YOUR CHOICE BEAUTY RITE HOMES HAVE FEATURES GALORE I • 3 different devotions • 3 and 4 bedrooms • V/t baths • Family room • 2-car garage • Large dining area • Carpeting included • Gos furnace • Full basement • Paved driveway • Fireplace (opfionaO • Marble window sills • Storms and screens COMPLETE NHO/IUU (plus lot) 1 RH COMPLETE ■iftlQjlUU -■ ■ (plue let) • Brick and aluminum •xtiriors • Community watsr • Lake privileges • Blacktop streets $16,150 COMPLETE (plus lot) Visit Our Model Homes at HUNTOON SHORES Open daily 2 to 6........;.,.... ............ Sunday 2 to B p.m Airport Road Between M59 and Williams Lake Road ONEIL rata smelter horn, on tt» property that wouM make an Waal «et-up If Mam or Dad ware pfenning on living with you. Beautiful landscaped ( ^ tlal na ecMNh 100-FT. LAKE FRONTAGE On Lake Oakland, 2 badrooms, J t living CLARKSTON AREA t considered. <*#4-09 WILLIAMS LK. PRIVILEGES SYLVAN MANOR Owner moving out of town. Mi brick }■ bedroom ranch ityle ho family roam with flreplece, basement. fear garage, nice WATERFORD AREA will find In this price range. Three bedroom* IVb bathe, nice kitchen with lata of cupboard* Lena Priced I RAY O'NEIL, REALTOR 3520 PONTIAC LAKE ROAD OR 4-2222 OPEN SUNDAY 1 TO 4 Saturday Evenings After.6 Coll EM 3-0531 MLS CONSENTS TO EVICTION — Ellen Borden Stevenson, former wife of the late Adlai Stevenson, is assisted J>y two Chicago policemen yesterday as -she consented to leave her house under an eviction order. A Circuit Court jury ruled March 10 that Mrs. Steveson is incompetent to handle her financial affairs. . . ■** Drug Profiteering by Doctors to Be Investigated, by Senators WASHINGTON (UPI) — Senate hearings later this summer will follow the Justice Department’s lead and. probe for situations where doctors are profiting from drugs or devices they prescribe. Sen. Philip A. Hart, D-Mich., said yesterday “we’re going to expand on the Justice Department action” which a day earlier accused the American College of Pathologists of promoting artificially high prices for some laboratory medical tests. Hart heads the Senate Antitrust and Monopoly Subcommittee which in n few weeks will begin hearings on legislation he introduced to prohibit doctors from profiting on items tiuy prescribe for their patients. These hearings, and others to be held by the Monopoly subcommittee of the Senate Small Business Committee, are also expected to touch on the week-old Medicare program, rising medical costs aqd the drug industry: large metal barn. Small, prlvata good fishing lake in addition to the' larger semi-private taka frontage. Ideal for prlvata attate, Institutional or Investment purposes at 1X2,500, terms. 0 ACRES 3-FAMILY-WILL TRADE 2 fireplaces, family ‘baths, beautiful sculp-l-to-wail carpeting. 2-car a. Clarkston school dis-to 1-75. Quality construction end materials used to *37.900, SHOPPING CENTER ANNETT INC; REALTORS WE -WILL TRADE 28 E. Huron St. FE 8-0466 Open Eves, and Sundays 1-4 BUY, SELL, TRADE . . . USE PONTIAC PRESS WANT ADS Hart, calling a doctor’s patients "captive consumers,” said the “worst situation” involves doctors who own drug repackaging firms. The physician buys big wholesale quantities of a drug under its chemical name and packages theta, under a trade name, Hart charged. “Then thd doctor will prescribe his own drug which the druggist is required to give ,the patient.” Reserve Force Awaits Tests Part-Time Soldiers Molded Last October AMC E Rumble Seat i Car for '68 WASHINGTON (AP) — The Selected Reserve Force — am elite band of citizen soldiers — concludes its summer training program this weekend and then faces a battery of rugged readiness tests laid down by the regular Army. The National Guard Bureau, which has guided the force since its controversial beginning, pre- major units will pass the tests with flying colors. DETROIT OJPI) - A sporty “experimental” | American Motors Corp. car with a new-fangled rumble seat may be in j production during the i 1968 model year, Chair- j man Robert B. Evans said j yesterday. The car, called the i AMX, would compete with I Ford’s Mustang and a nutaher of other sporty j troduction with the 1967 line. The guard bureau has added reasons for its high hopes: It has the job of proving that Defense Secretary Robert S. McNamara was right. The McNamara decision to eliminate the old-line organized Army Reserve and reduce the National Guard in order to concentrate on a ISO,000-man ready force of part-time soldiers drew anguished cries from members of Congress, governors and veterans groups. ON THE BOOKS The Selected Reserve Force —SRF for short - went on the Pentagon books last October when 976 units - with three divisions and six brigades of the National Guard as its fighting corps —were organized. Gen. Winston P. Wilson, chief of the National Guard Bureau, said these units have achieved oils major objective already: to | be able to move with seven days notice from local armories to a mobilization .station for advanced unit training this summer. * ' ► !. ' .|- If For many SRF units, the summer training in the field was the first exposure to the difference, as one participant put it, between “moving pins around on a map in an armory and having to position and fire artillery With real tanks charging down on the unit*' The rise in imported alcoholic beverages last year amounted to 11.4 per cent over the amount Imparted in 1964. Evans said a final de-cision on whether to j produce the sleek AMX would be made “is the latter part ef the faB.” | • He said the rumble seat, j a modem version of a fea- j ture which wowed the ! younger set of a genera- j tion ago, would be op- j tional, Evans said. * ★ ■ * The back roof, which | would be the trunk lid on j a normal car, is hinged at the extreme rear of the car. The roof panel and j windshield swing up, opening the rumble seat. The AMX is one of four j “idea cars” AMC has been displaying in various cities. The other three j are not presently sched- j uled for production. Two person Drown in Kalamazoo County KALAMAZOO (AP) - An instructor at Western Michigah University and a Kalamazoo County man drowned in separate accidents near Kalamazoo, Kalamazoo County sheriffs officers reported Friday. Dr John E. Vollmer, 39, was believed to have drowned Hiuraday (light while swimming alone in Pretty Lake. Sheriff’s skin divers recovered the body of Join' Kloosterman, 61, after he apparently drowned while fishing! in Gull Lake. Sunday 2 to 5 OPEN 3570 WALNUT ST. 'Buzz! Bateman SAYS: OPEN 54 MOHAWK INDIAN VILLAGE, 2-story b OPEN 5995 MARY SUE OPEN 2060 WATKINS LAKE RD. in this modern contemporary J-______...... lull ceramic tils baths. 2 fireplaces, 2-car It garage, kitchen built-lna and much more. OPEN 648 J0SLYN FIRST SHOWING NEW MODELS YOU CAN TRADE HOUSE SHORTAGE - NO MORE WORRY, attractive ri the city, i BI-LEVEL WATBRFORO TOWNSHIP lust «W MW. 7 roorm, 3 bedroomt with all the extras, Ita baths, new carpeting, roc. room, fenced yard, electric garage doer opener and much mera. TMa la an extra •harp, well-built heme* bulldar'e earn home, and'1 reasonably priced at only StAtM. Batter "iUZZ" Bateman on this one TOO AY. - PIONEER HIGHLANDS IN ROCHESTER VILLAGE TRADING IS OUR BUSINESS!- 730 .5. ROCHESTER RD. - 011-8512 377 S. TELEGRAPH - FE 8-7161 . B—4 THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, JULY 9, 1966 ONE COLOR Hospital Aides [ Given Assist Defendant Free on Bail Boat Case Adjourned ATLANTIC CITY, N.J.,— Fari Preliminary examination of a » minutes a day, five days a j Waterford Township man fac-week. a psychiatrist appears on ing a charge of manslaughter television to advise, educate, was adjourned yesterday until calm and correct hospital aideslAuK t6 at ^ requegt of fa in charge of mental wards. [fense counsel in the case. Once a month, he .travels 120 miles for a meeting with his staff and patients, the only time he ever sees them. Closed-circiit television was * cited today as one' radical solution to toe manpower shortage that exists in some state mental hospitals. Drs. Emmet M. Kenney of j the University of -N e b r a s k a j School of Medicine, and Robert! Osborne, clinical director of the Norfolk State Hospital, told psy-chiatrists attending the annual American Psychiatric Association meeting here that the staffing situation at Norfolk Hospital had become so bad that there' were only fpur psychiatrists and two general practitioners in the) entire 1,000-bed facility. Although the hospital had 12 nurses, only five worked directly with patients. Since the 100-bed Nebraska School of Medicine in Omaha, only 120 miles away, was amply ’ staffed, the doctors instituted a closed-circuit TV system to help; the Norfolk Hospital. The defendant,. Harold Ions, 1, of 4489 Parnel) is free on 21,000 bond. He was arraigned before West Bloomfield Justice Christian Powell following the drowning of a Pontiac man in a boating collision last Sunday night. Oakland County Sheriff’s Lt Donald K. Kratt, who headed an investigation into the accident, asked for a manslaughter warrant after witnesses testified a boat driven by Ions had run into an anchored fishing boat at a high rate o( speed. * * *' Walter Balaskey, 30, of 174 Florence was thrown from the boat and drowned. Three other persons in the boat suffered minor injuries. I Attacker'Barely' Saved His Skin DENVER (UPI) — A nude would-be assailant probably got! a bigger surprise than Ms two prospective victims. Two femal^ employes of Children’a Hospital said an attacker climbed into their apartment. After a short scuffle, the two girls tossed him out the second-floor window. * * .*, The women reported the as- ] sailant thumped to the ground j and limped off—still without, his j clothes. - : Waterford Man Faces Charge of Obscene Phoning A 21-year-old Waterford Township man faces trial next week on an obscene phone call charge following his arrest by Pontiac police. Norman W. Sluiter of 7048 Howell entered a plea of innocent before Municipal Judge Cecil B. McCallum, who set the trial for Friday and released a Sluiter on personal bond. ★ ★ ★ Sluiter was apprehended by vice squad officers Thursday after an allegedly obscene telephone call had been traced to his number. , Lt. Fred L. Goines said police have formally cleared 14 previous complaints with the arrest. Studies of hiking trails have been completed for the President’s proposed nationwide trails system. ft MAGAZINES We constantly receive calls from house* wives complaining that some magazine salesman or woman was at their door explaining some kind of a contest of they give a very strong sympathy appeal urging the housewife to purchase books or magazines. Your Business Ethics Board frowns on such tactics. ' Buy the magazines for what they, are worth and give charity to some local, legitimate agency. BUSINESS ETHICS BOARD of the Pontiac Area Chamber of Commerce T/VKC iiMmsaa-wri-w. HOME OF FINEST BRAND NAMES 108 N. SAGINAW FE 3-7114 MONDAY ONLY SPEQALS! Deluxe SPEED QUEEN WRINGER WASHER with DOUBLE WALL TDD . |a Lamp uniter hat lawyer I Other deluxe features: Deluxe, adjustable safety wringer — Bowl-shaped Tub td^treat clothes gently — Aluminum Agitator — Welded steel chassis. VACATION SPECIAL 3-PIECE MATCHED LUGGAGE SET ■on Voyage and Happy Holiday Smart luggag* anyone will bo proud to travel with. Complete includes matching pullman. of tcuff-proof, washable t Rag. 19.99 Monday Only.. $1488 Add Extra Sleeping Space to Your Home With This MODERN 7-PC, SOFA BED OUTFIT 1 WKC Guarantees, Finances and Dalivort Everything Thay Salll ★ PARK. FREE IN WKC'S PRIVATE LOT AT REAR OF STORE ★ OPEN MONDAY FROM 9:30 A.M. TO 9 P-M. \v:.v: ■ , I 5 : Featuring Miracle-Wearing, Easy-to-Clean Nylon Frieze Upholstery Lot on* room do the work of two! Baa lit I-, fully dasighad deep coil spring sofa (loops 2. Has concealed bedding compartment. Covered in gorgeous nylon friese. Matching lounge chair hot foam-filled, reversible cushion. Correlated accessories include modem cocktail table, 2 matching stop end tables and 2 attractive table lamps. PERSON-TO-PERSON OREOIT e No Down Payment a 90 Days Same es Cash • Up te 84 Mowltm to .Pay MOVER f VUOUM Ready-Made Redwood Basket Weave Erection of Readymade interlocking Panels and Poata la S aim pi* end easy thatevstom looking f*nc* can be ataombled with the least offey* ReadymadeTone* Is built of natural weather roslatcmt CoHfbmla redwood that will keep Ms boauth (ul appearance and last a liUtime. All SECTIONS ARE 8’ LONG STANDARD HEIGHTS I*...........$11.78 8*.............$12.50 FREE DELIVERY Sffl 8:3041:30, SAT. H1L 5 SUN. 10-3 mm UMUIRCO M SUN, 10-3 H^S^RBRRN POWERFUL Hoovilt UPRIGHT CLEANER *55 Open Sunday* •Til 2 PM. 1314 HIGHLAND RD. JIT WILLIAMS LAKE RD. Ono AAlte Westof Pontiac Airport _^ _ OR 44318 la M-jy Plaza OPEN SUN. 10-9 BARNES A HARGRAVES HARDWARE 743 W. Huron Sf. park free FE 5-9101 Apses from the Post Office BAR-B-CUEDnn CHICKENS W No Phone Order* Aftpr Noon .. . Please/ fWBffTQN PLAINS STORE ONLY gggrSkl BAZLEY m“kbet 4348 Dixie Highway - Drayton Plains 20 Inch FANS r« Cor 'Em *18" Sale End* July 16th AU PRICES WITH THIS AD ONLY! *Hb store WHERE your d6LLAr buys •••M OREU* TRUCKLOAD SALE Prises SssS to Them, Je|y 14 LUCITE OUTSIDE HOUSEtfiAQ PAINT 01 r Only tueita colors ..... $8,88 OaL LUCITE INSIDE sm jSsst -MINT 7ms nme"*' • liil DOItFI NEW LOW PRICE Sr $999 TONE 0. All 1966 Colors.84.18 GoL » TOM’S HARDWARE OPEN SUNDAYS 9 A.M. - 2 P.M; SOD Orchard Laka Ava. FE 8-2424 20-Inch All-Purpose Portable Home Cooler a Manually ravoralbto • 2-Spesd Motor partite both sidoe for ( Child’s safety protection 1 a II. L. Approved • Moves f,IN OFM. .ewwMMM. KEEGO HDWE. NO. 1 SMI Orohard Laka Rd. 682-2660 FLYTHE COMHBf PROUDLY 3x5-Foot US.FUG PIXJS- 12xl8-lnch MICHIGAN STATE FLAG Includes pels, cord halyard and heavy cast 2-way pennanent matal socket with mounting screws, Mold Sail tap decoration COMPLETE FOR ONLY S^OO ■ •aasaaoiaiaaaaaaaa Pentiae Junior Chamber of Oammeroe Pentiso Prsss lex M PA. Bex I Pontiac, Well. 4MSS Enclosed is $.......per sat Please sand.........Flag Sale lei ADDRESS. cm...... THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATUKDAV, JULY 9, UM6 iraiMnM'S SPECIAL SUMMER SALE Headquarters for Vjacation and Play Clothea for Summer! Art E2S4 — Washable Colors COATS and CLARK'S RED HEART look for the Golden Arches ™ §j McDouble Cheeseburger J OPEN 11 foil III LURRY at BUT UVD. $|19 100% Vitsin Wool - UHAN’S VARIETY STORE 1475 Baldwin Ave. at Walton FE 4*3348 Ooan Daily 9 A.M. to 9 P.M- Sunday 10 A.M. to 6 PM. “TYPAOOir 1 J DISCOUNT... MAY BE USED AS YOUR DOWN PAYMENT HONDA SUPER 90 Now sport vtnion of tha popular Honda 90. Tha Honda Supor 90 weight in at a lightweight 176 Ibt. Powerful, ture^agile, ll capable of tpeedi up to 65 M.P.H. fe ANDERSON SALES AND SERVICE 1645 S. TELEGRAPH, PONTIAC fE 3-7102 Full Size $4295 20”.. 39“ 24”.. 41 $1 DOWN $1.35 A WEEK SCARLETT’S BICYCLE and HOBBY SHOP 2 D3 N. Perry NEW at WIDE TRACK LOCATION FE 3-7843 Paul Hohn, Golf Trick Shot Artiet, TJckett Sold Hero We'll Be Back Monday Morning! after a wonderful vacation oil week the mHie force of Huron cltenoa will bo back on tho |eb Monday morning to glvo you.. “A Heap O’ Cleaning For A Wee lit O’ Money" SHIRTS LAUNDERED CLOSE OUT SPECIALS! Monday-Tuesday-Wednesday With Dry Oltming Order of $1.71 er Men ' VALUABLE COUPON 4 or more shirts VALUABLE COUPON * MONDAY - TUESDAY" - WEDNjSaY^1^ J I .COUPON I COUPON I 1 m Lean' Mil* Skirt! I • K* U|tM|W Coats m 59t^^99c! ARMSTRONG VINYL ASBESTOS TILE Cat* of 80 tila, f*guler!y 9.95 NOW 595 BOXES OF ASSORTED ASPHALT TILE SO Placet to tha box 39* Beg.-919.95 20 Inch SUPER KEMTONE Calling whita only. Gal... 3>» FANS 14” SHERWIN-WILLIAMS A-IM LATEX HOUSE MINT, Gal. 695 DuPONT LUCITE WALL PAINT oil daeorator colors, Gal. ' 4 <0 Limited Supply Sale Plastic Coated Fibre SEAT COVERS ’ fuH tel for back and front installed far only Strytd RQc _ h* £7*“**,_______________ lflIIDflll EC0N-0-DRY CLEANERS nufiun AND SHIRT LAUNDRY 944 WEST HURON ST. Oltn Diily I a.m. to • p.m., Sat. t a.m. ft Y p.nu SALE ENDS SATURDAY. JULY 16,1966 HUDSON’S i'JZ? DISCOUNT 41 EAST WALTON JUST KAST OP IAUHNIN AVE. FI 44242 Opm Friday 9 AAA. to 9 PM. Workdays 9AM.to6P.M.-Sun. 10 A.M. I«3 P.M. All Seat Covers On Sale $90. Auto Tops ... **.».* **.. ... ..*■»* 79.95 Convertible Rear Windows and Zippers Replaced e Free Insurance Estimatps Bill Kelley’s SEAT COVER Telophona FE 2-5II5 Open Daily ls.M.te fp.m. FACTORY REMANUFACTURED ENGINES s169 Exchange Rlua Initallatien for Most 6-Cyl. Engines Special Low Prices for Overhauling Your Engine! 6 Cyl. $95-V-8s *115 This INCLUDES . . Ring*, Rod Bearings, Fit Pins, Deglaze Cylinder Wails, Gaskets, Oil and Labor! STANDARD ENGINE REBUILDERS Ml MINIM RD.-IU-MH GIANT WAREHOUSE SALE NO THU 0B MILEAGE LIMIT GUARANTEE Dwta Nmmmt Tfcorwe mmmUmd bt Tie DhIm Tha Limit Rleate Tires Mounted and Balanced FREE IARuKpUSK or Direct VmtmUMluU'r* (or CQ] RlgJltyUWfi MONDAY and TUESDAY ONLY Hoffman's Own GUARANTEED TENDER STEAKS 20-lb. Limit FRYING CHICKENS 35i LEG OR BREAST QUARTERS 10 Pound Limit Hoffman’s Famous ALL BEEF HAMBURGER STEAKsttss 49c>. We Reserve Right to Limit Quantities HOFFMAN’S POWTUC FREEZER FOODS B2BN. Parry FE 2-1100 mm DOG-GORE.. IT’S HOT!! ALL NEXT WEEK! The Pontiac Mall DON'T SWEAT IT! Let Pontiac's Only Authorized MARK IV Auto Air-Conditioner dealer install cool comfort in your car now. • Favorite Custom Installed Brand • Revolutionary Coolant routing to permit cold cooling without freezeups. - . Only \l MANY OTHER MODELS! DOWNEY OLDSMOBILE 550 OAKLAND 332*8101 and "Betty "BafdwirtM !AnM >£tawptajc& Monday thru Saturday July lltn thru July 16th Visit the Beautiful and cool Pontiac Mall and thrill to another Betty Baldwin art market and show. Hundreds of ob-jets d'art to see and purchase — including oil paintings, metal and wood eculpture, water colprs, floral arrangements and crafted Jewelry. 1 J- f.. Pontiac Mall Shopping Center Telegraph at Elizabeth Uc Rd. I1IWMII i iWfF B—8 THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY^ JULY 9, 10M Jacoby on NOKCR • 4k Q 7 32 OP 1062 ♦ QUTf ♦ Q86 wnrr east 6AJ984 46 fll WKQJ743 6KI4S 411 *75 *J10I4 SOUTH (D) 4k K 105 ¥ A9 ♦ AJ98 ♦ AK32 fioth vulnerable We4 North Ext South tit T4>—-if: iss Pass Pass Opening lead—ft 3N.T. By JACOBY & SON Newspaper Enterprise Assn. The expression “counting the hand” represents bridge thought at its best.' It also is fairly easy if you get in the j habit of starting' your count early and bear In mind that * ■r - when you know # how min y * L ^ cards a player holds in three 'suits then by simple subtraction from 13 you know the total in the fourth. JACOBY Everyone ait the table except South scraped the bottom of the barret In order to find bids. With 19 high card points, South was well within bounds when he jumped to thro* no-trump. Sooth wan the second heart and west to dummy with die queen of clubs in erder to lead the ten of diamonds for a finesse. West won with the king and, for want of any* thing better to do, returned the aoit. Usually, when both sides play the same suit one is wrong but time both sides were playing correctly. South checked off two hearts for West. Had West held another heart, West would have led that Isuit. South ran die rest of his diamonds while West followed'. South checked off four dialmonds. Then South took his ace land king of clubs and checked joff two clubs when West discarded on the last club lead. This meant that West had started with five spades and was still bidding four sf them. East therefore held only one spade. South played his king of spades. West took his pee and led the suit back. He couldn’t' do anything else because he |was down to spades. South ducked in dummy and, let the trick ride around to his ten spot. Thtoe Was no danger. in the play. South knew that East had no more spades just as surely as if East had exposed his hand ' Q—The bidding has been: West North • East South 1* Pass 19 1* v,l* Pass 3+ Pass 3* Pass 4 9 Pass ? You, South, hold: 4kA2 VKJM9QSZ AA10 8 6 What do you do? A—Pass. You have already bid everythin! your, hand calk for and probably a trifle more. TODAY'S QUESTION Instead of responding one diamond your parkier responds one heart to your opening club bid. What do you do now? Answer Monday New Exec, for Restaurant The city-owned Skyroom taurant at Pontiac Municipal is closed pending the acquisition of a new operator. * . * * A Acting airport manager J. David VanderVeen said the restaurant closed June 30 when the lease with Waterford Township School District was terminated. * d ♦. ■ ■ VanderVeen said negotiations are underway with a new operator. He expected the restaurant would be reopened within 30 days. Railroads spent more than $300 million in 1965 on 1,500 new and ntore powerful locomotives. The average price of the most common model, rated at XS00 horsepower, was $213,-000. Dividend 1$ Deo lared by Lapeer Trail' r Firm 'Lapeer — The board of directors of Vesely Co. of Lapeer, manufacturer of Apache camping trailers, he declared a regular quarterly dividend of cents per share of common stock, payable July 29 to all stockholders of record July 14. • ★ ★ ★ • This is Vesely’s tenth consecutive quarterly dividend payment. BERRY’S WORLD By Jim Berry BEN CASEY ['fll11 * Astrological Forecast MARCELLUS (AP) - A 28-year-old Dowragiac man was killed Friday when a ditch caved in, burying him and the only shovel at the scene. Police said Richard L. Lillie was installing . drain pipe when a side of the eight-foot-deep ditch collapsed. A companion, working r tractor, ran to a nearby to Mother shovel but was unable to lave Lillie. THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, JTOY 9, 19M New Pastors Arrive €01160110 Churches It § Arriving in Waterford Town-■hip this week to become pastor of Faith Baptist Church is the Massie, former minister of Central Baptist Church, Dayton; Ohio. to the ministry May 7,1964, at. Worth. During his three years in seminary, he was employed at vduth director of the Gideon Church. , j' Seminary in Arlington, Tex. Die.school is supported hy a group of independent Baptist churches which make up the World Baptist Fellowship. In 1964 he was called to the church in Dayton. Born in Hamilton, Tex., Sept. 9, 1939, the new pastor moved the Fort Worth, where he lived until enrolling for Bible Baptist Mrs. Massie, who also attend- wife he hunts for antiq Massies do their own tag. REV. J.C. SCHOTT The Rev. J; Clement Schott accepted the call of First United Missionary Church, 149 N. East Blvi, to serve as minister of youth.' » ed the seminary where she Specialized in children’s work, con* ducts a children's class every Sunday evening. She plays the piano for her own pleasure^ Pastor Massie and family like Pastor Massie was, ordained'outings and picnics. With his He comes, to church from Cass he serv the R* of two churches. Women of Church Conduct Services The congregation id Providence Missionary Baptist Church will celebrate Women’s Day tomorrow with Mrs. Walter, A.* Richarson guest speaker at the 11 a.m. worship hour. Born la Seaman, Ohio Aug. 12, 1937, (he Rev. Mr. Schott entered Bethel College in Mishawaka, lad. in 1954. - He received his theological degree In 1961. The new minister served a small rural church in Indiana from 1961 to 1969, when he moved to Cass City. Fishing, photography and fly* tag are his special interests besides the ministry. lie earned a private pilot license in 1962. A charter member of the Providence Church, Mrs. Richardson is a member of the Senior Choir and served seven years as supervisor of the youth department of her church. Known for her dramatic readings, Mrs. Richardson worked with the Metropolitan District Sunday School and Baptist Training Congress. She is a member of Mary Morton Christian Temperance Union and United Church Women of Pontiac. Mrs. Schott, the former Edith Campbell of Ulby, was graduated from New Bethel College with a degree in education in 1958, She taught several years in Indiana and Michigan schools. Knitting, sewing and camping are her hobbies. The Schotts have a 10-month-old daughter, Kristina. FAMILY FUN-Children of the Rev. and Mrs.1 Joe P. Massie think 3411 Airport, Waterford Township. The parsonage is across the street from summer is for picnics and here they are (from left) Kay, 8; Sheryl, 3; and the church. The Massie family came to the Pontiac , area from Central lynn, 5. The Rev. Mr. Massie is the new pastor of Faith Baptist Church, Baptist Church, Dayton, Ohio. Mrs. Virgil Chance is general | chairman of the day. The Rev. Claude Goodwin, pastor, will conduct the revival meetings which start Monday. The hour is 7:30 p.m. Services will continue each evening through July 15. < AUBURN HEIGHTS UP. Dr. Roy Aldrich of the Detroit Bible College will. bring the message entitled “The Wisdom of the Word" at 11 a.m. tomorrow in the Auburn Heights Unite d Presbyterian Church, Pontiac Township. Dr. Aldrich will also be heard at a week of meetings in November. r Senior High Fellowship will get together for discussion and worship at 7 p.m. Boy Scout Troop 23 will meet at the church at 7 p.m. Monday. At 7:30 Tuesday evening Mrs. Wayne Lidyard, general superintendent of the Sunday School, will conduct the meeting of the Sunday School cabinet when officers and departmental superintendents gathe> for a planning session. News of Area Churches FIRST PRESBYTERIAN Church will be hosts, to a group Church honored their pastor, The Search” will be the Rev. young people from Mt. Zion the Rev. Lee LaLone with a Richard ' J Reynolds sermon AME Church, Buffalo, N.Y. to- dinner this week to mark the 13 theme when he preaches tomor- morrow. lyears he has served the congre- row morning in First Presbyte- * * * gation as pastor, rian Church. ! Accompanying the group is * ★ ★ Mrs. Michael Siano will sing the Bev- Rudolph Wells whoj ipj,e rcv> jjm Mercer, re-‘The Hand of God” by James will speak ’at the 11 a.m. Wor-jj i r e j Pontiac area pastor^ Clark with Lyndon Salathiel or-ship service. A cooperative din* bought greetings to the hon-gan accompanist. ner will follow. . ored guest and a quartet com- Mr. and Mra. J. Blaine . At13:3®J,I1m'the visitin* ^l^posed of choir member a Me Derm id and the William P®°P,e wi" present a special provided musical numbers. Neff* will serve aS coffee hour jPt08r*m- ^ ^ ^ ★ ★ * hosts following morning wor- • . . M B ..| Working with Elizabeth Oliver *h|p- I ^J^^Jm^JLwJSS and Duane Mersino as commit- Boy Scout Troop No, 18 is members were Mrs. Gordon planning a canoe trip on the ™ L .L„,t„„lDuengal, Mrs. Marvin Sprug, Manistee River July 15 through1^ southerniMrs. Albert Leighton, Mrs. r. part of the^ntry. Charles Minton, Edgar La- NEWMAN AME I DONELSON BAPTIST {piamme and Mrs. John Drill*, Youth of Newman AMEl Members of Donelson Baptist non. ENJOYING OUTDOORS—Kristine Schott, 10-month-old daughter of the Rev. and Mrs. J. Clement Schott, loves to play on the parsonage yard at 632 Benson. Kristine’s father is the new assistant pastor at First United Missionary Church where he will work with young people. Before coining to Pontiac, the Rev. Mr. Schott was assistant pastor of the United Missionary Church in Cass City. ________ ital Fund Planned for November turn are (left) Clayton Ross of 4152 Lanco, Waterford Township, and Keith. Humbert of (440 Snowapple, Clarkston. Plans for a capital funds campaign with a goal of “more $20,000,006“ by Die Amer-Lutheran Church for its colleges and seminaries were nnounced in- Minneapolis, Minn., this week by Dr. Fredrik . Schiotz, president. * * ' Blue print for the campaign is subject to final approval by the ALC convention here Oct. 10 to 26. * * * Tentative a p p r o v a 1 for the campaign has been voted by the ALC’s Joint Council at its meet-Winnipeg, Manitoba, Can-)r. Schiotz said. ITie Rev. George S. Schultz, executive secretary af the ALC board of trustees, will be given a leave of absence from his present position to aisame charge of the drive, according to the.plan. Twelve ALC colleges and three theological seminaries will the chooU mrden facili- congregations d uring the 12 month period beginning immediately after the church tion in October. Gifts and pledges win be sought in a church-wide solicitation in November, 19(7, carding to the plan. FIRST METHODIST Two Upper Rooms” will be the theme of the Rev. Clyde Smith’s Communion meditation at the 1:45 tomorrow in Church. Glen Williams will sing the offertory solo. Senior Citizen’s Fellowship wiU enjoy a chicken barbecue picnic at the. home .of Mr. and Mrs. Eldon J. Sweasy, 537 Braf--ford, Friday noon. NEW BETHEL The Senior , Choir of New, Bethel Baptist Church will: sponsor an appreciation service in honor .of the director, James Stephens, and organist, Albert Rhodes, at 3:30 p.m. tomorrow. ★ ♦. ♦ Guests will be the Challengers from Grace Methodist Church, Detroit, and the Community Youth Ensemble also of Detroit. The enaemble consists of 75 vourut people directed hy Mrs.i HEADED FOR CHURCH - The George The plan provides that «n Bim« Hendrix, owner of the! Scantland family of 1240 Woodlow, Waterford intensive program of informa- Ebnsi & Carl House of Music. Township are on their way to North Oakland tion and promotion be designed Mrs. Lee Atrice is president! Christian Owrch, a mission of First to reach each at the ALC’s 5,200 of the Senior Choir. • I Christian Church. Services are currently being held In Kennedy Junior High School. Shown are Mr. and Mrs. Scauitiand, Barbara and Mark. Sunday School is at 9:11 aJd. Worship foiiowa at 10:16. - 1 B—lO THE PONTIAC PRESS. SATURDAY, JULY 0,1968 W FAITH Baptist Church 3411 Airport ltd. Bible Believing Rev. Joe Massif, Postoi SUNDAY SERVICES Sunday-School 10 a.m. , Morning Worship 11 a.m. Evening Worship 7 p.m. Living Rosary on Belle Isle A carillon recital frtxi} the Nancy Brown Peace Tower will precede the 16th annual Living! Rosary for World Peace to be held on Friday, at 8 p.m.! at the Jerome H. Remick Band Shell on. Belle Isle. Spiritualist Church of Good Samaritan Waterford No Summer Sunday Services Watch Ad for Activities FE 2-9824 , OR 3-2974 In the event of rain, the event will be July 17, at 7 p.m. The Living Rosary was first I presented in 1951 as a gift to i the city on its 250th birthday. iThe annual presentation is j sponsored by the Living Rosary I Group of Michigan, the Soqiety for the Propagation *of the Faith. President is Mrs. Kath- "AN AMERICAN BAPTIST CHURCH'1 Bethany Baptist Church West Huron at Mark 9:00 AM. - Church School for All Ages 10:00 AM — Morning Worship Swmoite "Christians-PUPPETS OR PERSONS’ Wednesday 7:30 PM. QUARTERLY CHURCH MEETING Ample Parking Space Dr. Emil Kontz, Pastor leen Sullivan, 796 Trombley, Grosse Pointe. Nfsgr. Jos. V. Pfeffer, pastor -Of St. Elizabeth's Parish, Detroit, will participate in' the Rosary .which will be offered by the Altar boys of St. Mary of Redford -Parish and the Michigan State Circle, Daughter!; of Isabella. The Rev. John G. Van Antwerp, pastor of St Edward's Parish, Detroit, will speak. Meadow Brook Baptist Church 9.45 AM Bible School 11.00 AM Morning Worship Temporarily Mating. Meadow Brook Elementary School Castlebar and Munster Rds., ROCHESTER ' t W. R. Peterson, Postor (Baptist General Coherence) WILLIAMS LAKE CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE 2840 Airport Rood Paul Coleman 10 AM.-SUNDAY SCHOOL 11 AM.-WORSHIP HOUR 7 PJ4.-WQRSHIP HOUR STAMPS QUARTET J.D. SUMNER The Pontiac CHURCH of CHRIST Salute you (Rom. 16:16) 1180 N. Parry j Kbia Study 8:55 and 11,10 AM. I Wonhlp 7,50 AM. j 955 AM. a. 6 P.M. I Wed, 7:30 PM Boyd Glpver, Minister HEAR HERALD OF TRUTH 9, Sunday, 10:30 am. i The Duns Scotus College I Monks Choir also will participate. Other musical selections will be provided by the Detroit Concert Band under the direction of Dr. Leonard B. Smith. PMHac Prat, Phot, COMPLETE SETTING-Putting the finishing touches on the outdoor church sign at Church of Atonement, United Presbyterian, ,3535 Clintonville, Waterford Township, are (left) Edward Lange of 3587 Schoals, and Brady Freeland of 3330 Coseyburn, both of Waterford Township. Others who helped with the volunteer work are Duane Francis, Elmer Fauble, Kenneth Bristol, Thomas Hawblitzel, Dane Bertram and Ray Bush. EVANGELICAL MISSIONARY CHURCH BLOOMFIELD HILLS BAPTIST CHURCH-3600 Telegraph Rood—— 10 A.M. Sunday School. 11 AM Morning Worship 6 PM. Evening Service Wednesday, 7.30 P.M. Prayer Meeting Church Phone. 647-3851 ’ Visiting Preachers Speak 2800 Watkins lake Road • CKLW SUN. 7.30 AM. WMUZ 8 A M., 10 P.M. J. Baughey, Pastor FIRST .ASSEMBLY of GOD . Ptfrry at Widatrack Sunday-School S| 9:45 AM. R EVERYONE WELCOME ,11:00AM.' Morning Worship 7:00 P.M. Evangelistic Service Mid-Week M Wed. 7:30 P.M. l| "Your attendance in our services will be appreciated" Crusaders Quartet Coming to Sunnyvale LAKE ORION CHURCH OF GOD 740 Clarkuon Rood "Welcome* You” Sunday School., ,10 AM ACTS 2.47 Worship.......HAM" JJfwMte* Emniog.......7 PM. THURS. Y.P.E. 7 PM , Tkt Church MM at Iy ALFRED LOWE, The SALVATION ARMY 29 W. LAWRENCE STREET I The Crusaders Mixed Quartet from PHILADELPHIA College of Bible will present a program of sacred music at 7 p.m. tomorrow in Sunnyvale Chapel, j5311 Pontiac Lake, Waterford Township. The performance Is part of a| 10-week summer tour through] the Midwestern states. Included in the program will be hymns, spirituals, gospel songs, personal testimonies and a pictorial presentation of the ministry of the college. Philadelphia College with mere than 1,300 students is an accredited interdenominational school in downtown Philadelphia- Day students may study in the four-year course leading to a j bachelor of science in Bible degree. A two-year degree program is available to graduates of a recognized nursing school. Dr. Douglas B. MacCorkle is president. ORCHARD LAKE The Rev. henry D. Jones, mis- sionary associate of Orchard, Lake Community Church, Pres-' byterian will bring a message from the Book of Ruth at the morning services tomorrow. Rev. Mr. Jones will preach at the Orchard Lake Church while Pastin’ Edward D. Auchard on vacation. CHURCH OF ATONEMENT “What Does God Require of You?" will be toe sermon topic of Pastor Crea M. Clark at the 10:45 a.m. worship to- ln Saginaw Iffsecretary; and John E, Deacon, treasurer. New vestrymen include Earl Lapp, T. G. Sunday School 9.45 AM.—Young Peoples Legion 6 P.M. Morning Worship It A.M.-Evangelistic Mooting 7:00 PM. Tuesday Prayer and Praise Meeting 7:00 P.M. Major and Mrs. John Grindle Appointed District Superintendent Cood Mtuic-Sinfini-Truo (0 thm Word Preaching God Meets WMi Us-You, Too. Aro Invited Rev. John W. Mulder, former i organization to help prevent I pastor of Walled Lake Methodist crime. FIRST UNITED MISSIONARY CHURCH 149 North East Blvd. — Ff 4-181 Rev. Kenneth L Pennell Daring his present ministry he was honored with a plaque in recognition of his “outstanding contribution to the Fitzgerald Community in Dynamic Human Relations.” Sunday School 10 A.M. - Worship ]1A.M. Evening Worship — 7:00 P.M. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH A Downtown Church Huron at. ^Vayne, Pontiac ^Vorship 10 A.M,. ■ Church School 10 A-M.- I Church, and presently serving j Henderson Memorial Church, Detroit for toe past three (years, | was appointed district, superintendent of the Saginaw Bay Dis-trict by Bishop Dwight E. Loder at the annual Detroit Confer-ence Mrs. Mulder was secretary of ' * it + the organization. ' Rev. Mr. Mulder was associate L Chairman of toe Detroit Con-iminister for four years at Cen- feren“ Retir?ment Homes Cor-tral Methodist Church serving Pf?"’ whlcfh mcludes 'with Dr. Milton H. Bank, pastor ™enlh1omes foT 4®en,°n ^ at Chelsea and the Boulevard During his seven years in Temple home in Detroit, Rev. Walled Lake a new church was j - -built, and the church celebrated its centennial in 1958. —| , « i tlif #-£hurchtrfuOu Unit Mrs. Mulder is actively engaged in plans for a new retirement home to be known as For-Mor Manor tfrbe located in Flint. The hew district superintendent will continue serving as dean of the Detroit Conference School of Missions held at Albion and his work with youth. The Mulder family moved last week to their new home, 4091 Weiss in Saginaw. Instrumental i Evangelical Holiness Church SERVICES: Sunday School........9:45 AM ,11,00 A.M. . 6,30 P.M. . 7,00 P.M. Study (W«d.)..... 7:00 PM -- Church Phone 335-9896 • CHURCH OF THE BRETHREN 46 Roselawn North of East Pike S.S. 10:00 AM., Richard Durnbough, Supt, , Worship 11 A.M. "I Am For The’Church". 7 P.M. REPORT ON ANNUAL CONFERENCE BY DAN SPFNCE ‘ I- Daily Vacation Bibto School July 1 1 • 15,9 • ll:30r AM. Leonard W. Blockiwll, Poslor . ' , 332*2412 j Walled Lake Minister’s Association, the former pastor served 4a U/f|r|( III MPYim das its president for two years. »¥ "»wlB III I ICAItU| I He also helped found a youth « 1 •optE&t • SUNDAY SCHOOL • MORNING SERVICE • CKLW BROADCAST • CJSP BROADCAST t YOUTH FELLOWSHIP • EVENING. SERVICE • MID-WEEK PRAYER SERVICE—Wednesday • WBFG-FM Saturday CM 9:30 a.m. 10:45 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 4 00 p.m. 5:45 p.m. 7:00 p.m. REV. JOHN W. MULDER ANDERSON, Ml. - The Church of God’s sixth world work camp will involve 25 young people from six countries to construct a dormitory at La Buena I Tierra Training Center in Saltillo, Mexico, this summer. Rev. Isaac Mitchell, San Antonio, dean and teacher at Bay Ridge Christian College nearby, has been named director for the project. W Workers, in Mexico City for a one-week orientation program, come from the United States, Guayana, Panama, Costa Rica, Guatemala and Mexico. Rev. Kenneth Prunty, director of youth ministries for the sponsoring Board of Christian Education at general offices of the church her#, said a similar program in 1967 has been scheduled for Alaska. . ZION CHURCH of the NAZARENE 239 E. Pike St. Rev. Melvin Morgret, Postor 10 AM, — Sunday School 11 AM - Worship Hour 7 PM.Evangelistic Hour Everyone Welcome I ■ morrow in toe Church of Atonement, 3535 Clintonville, Waterford Township. The Rev. Mark Campbell, pastor of Sashabaw United Presbyterian Church, Independence Township will preach the sermon at the 8:30 a.m. worship. Church School is at 9:30 a.m. MARIMONT BAPTIST CHURCH 68 W. Walton ^ FE 2-72391 SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:45 A.M. WORSHIP SERVICE..............8:30 AM. WORSHIP SERVICE,................. .11:00 AM. "GOD'S TABERNACLE" EVENING WORSHIP...................7>30 PM. "GOD'S DITCH DIGGERS" Pastor Somers at Alt Services CHRIST CHURCH Nicholas V. Mumford was elected president of the Men’s Club at Christ Church Cran-brook. Royal E. Paulette was. named vice president; Samuel Slaught- Morning Worship 9:45 AM. Evening Service 7<30 P.M. Sunday School 11:30 A.M. Wed. Serv. . . 7.30 P.M. Christian Temple "Where Faith and Friendliness Meet" 505 Auburn Ave. Rev. Lola P.-Marlon Pastor Kelly, John Deacon and Mr. Slaughter. Members of the Marquis Club meeting semi-monthly will at-1 tend the Meadowbrook Festival Thursday to bear Van Clibumj A day at the home of Chi McMatti on Lake Angelus is planned for July 31. Swimming, water skiing, sailing and relaxing with plenty of food is the program for the day. AUBURN HEIGHTS FREE METHODIST fonry Schmidt* Pfctior " SUNDAY SCHOOL ...... 10 00 AM MORNING WORSHIP ........10.45 A.M. EVENING WORSHIP . . ... 7:00 P.M. WEDNESDAY PRAYfcP . ... 7:30 PM COLUMBIA AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH 64 West Columbia Avenue (A Soutnurn BapNH Church) "Where the difference Is worth the distance." Sunday Worship Services, 11:00 AM. 7:30 PM. CAtROU. HUBBS, Music Director FIRST SOCIAL -■BRETHREN CHURCH -316 Baldwin FE 4-7631 Sunday School . 10,00 AM. Sunday Worship 11:00 AM. Sunday .... 7,30 PM. Wed. Prayer . . . 7=00 P.M.. Saturday Service 7:30 PJA * Rev. Loy Barger, Postor FE 4-5994 m 7:00/p.m. 6:15 p.m. OAKLAND and SAGINAW Rev. Robert Shelton • Raster »ee«M0ia*eilsi»Mi All Saints Episcopal <%jrch Williams§t.atyv. Pike SF. - THE REV. C GEORGE WIDDIFIELD Rector The Rev. Charles E. Sturm ... Associate Rector 8:00 A.M.-HQLY COMMUNION, 10 AM. - HOLY COMMUNION AND SERMON . By-lhe Rector CHURCH SCHOQL v Two Years through . Fourth Grad* THE LUTHERAN CHURCH INVITES YOU THE LUTHERAN CHURCH MISSOURI SYNOD CROSS OF CHNST On Lww FIm * Ttluymh, ----e.-s-i |j,k. ■ r THE LUTHERAN CHORCH IN AMERICA HwMMUItr Sunday Chenhldml Ml Sunday WenMy 1:30 Wanda SAA and !0>4S eaa.ru. ft St ‘ - «r.mna _____*OR34«r S—dayriiwiUikiilWt SumdarWtnUaSiOOeadlOaO ZSSSMSf* MiUMhtaSw snvANun mrirbrenifii 9Immi MM770 Smduy Wunhl* SuOO mmd lOdO Sunday CMnEMmI MO Mae J. Shaata, Paad*r "7H8U/tWRAN HOURP Beds Sunday WPON 745 AM. CHW 138088. ST. TRINITY Sender Ckuah Sdheel MS Sender WanMa M0 and It OO EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH 645 S. Telegraph (Near Orchard Lake Rd.) DR. TOM MALONE, Pastor REV. ARVLE DsVANEY, Associate Pastor A Fundomenlal, Independont, Bible Belihving Baptist Church BIBLE SCHOOL 10 A.M. Departmentalized. Sunday School for All Ages. with NO literature but the Bible. 1 Dr. Tom Malone —Beech the ward cl God-esseo-fay. esrss In the large Auditorium Bible Oats, broadcast oa WPON 10:15-10:45 AM. MORNING WORSHIP SERVICE 11:00 A.M, EVANGELISTIC SERVICE 7:00 P.M. BUS Transportation CALL FE 2-8328 FE 8-9401 DEAF CLASS Nursery at ail service (YCE MALONE, Music PRAYER MEETING-WED., 7:30 P.M. music to Bless the heart Informal Songfest 7 P.M. Gospel Favorites and Requested Songs Choir Under Direction of JOYCE MALONE C GOOD shepherd ASSEMBLY OF GOD 4Lsgge«(.EIwm*ntar^hool on ELY* IA ItD* 6« Pontioc LaknM. Waterford Township Sunday'School . . . .10,00 A.M. Wornlng Worship . . 11,00 A.M. « JlM»«MCMfor EM 3-0705 United Presbyterian Churches AUBURN HEIGHTS 3456 Primary Street F. Wm. Palmer, Pastor DRAYTON Drayton Plains, Michigan W. J. Teeuwhsen, Pastor Ass't. Donald Remillard hbh School...........9,45 A.M. Morning Worship . . . 8,30 AM. Youth Groups.........4,30 PM Wudnosday Prayer and Study Hour...........7,30 P.M. OAKLAND AVENUE (404 Oakland crt Cadillac FE 5—4246) Theodora K. Allobadi, Minister Parsonage: 300 Ottawa Dr. ,FE 2-1555 Audrey Umkemcm, Youth Director First Sunday School.. .9,00 A.M. Morning Worship . . ...10,00 A.M. Second Sunday School 11,20 A.M. Youth Fellowship...4,45 P.M. Evening Worship . . ..; .7,00 PM Wed. Prayer Meeting . .7,00 PM WATERFORD Lakertand 7325 Maceday Lake Rd. Roy F. Lambert, Pastor. Sunday School .... ....9,30 AM. Worship.......'.....10,45 A.M. Sunday School _...10,45 AM (2nd Session) Youth Fellowship...4,00P.M. CHURCH OF ATONEMENT 3535 Clintonvllle Rd. Waterford Twp. Church School 9:30 AM Worship .Services Worship at 8 A.M. in Liberty Church Families of Liberty Baptist Church will rise early 8u morning to attend worship ices. The Rev. S. M. Awards announces worship at 8 a.m. every Sunday through the summer months. Pastor Edwards will speak on “The Horse Pawing in the Valley” tomorrow. Youth services known as Baptist Training Union is scheduled 'for 6 p.m.; and a service of the Lord’s Supper Will follow at 8 p.m. Pontiac Unity Center I N. GENESEE (Cornor W. Huron) Sundoy Worship . . M Sunday School 'iw AM. Metaphysical Bible Study Class Wedneldays 8 P.M. Everett A. Dell, MinMur "* 335-2773 Christ's Church of Light NON-DENOMI NATIONAL Lotus Lake School, Waterford Cor. Pefcy King and Harper St Sunday School, 9:45 A.M. Worship .. .11:00 AM. Rev. Eleanor O'Dell 674-2650 MEMORIAL BAPTIST CHURCH 599 Michigan Avenue, Pontiac Gerald H. Rapelje, Pastor Bible School ..........,9:45 AM Morning Worship........11100 AM Evening Worship........iJiOOFM Prayer and Bible Study Wednesday..............7(00 PM Visitors welcome CHURCH OF CHRIST Established 33 A.D. ■ We Are Christ's Church in faith and Practice Jesus invites you to become a member of His Body, "The Church" WORSHIP SERVICES 10,30 — Lord's Day Morning 7,00 P.M. — lord's Day Evening 7,00 P.M. - Wed, Evening Phone 482-5736 or FE 8-2071 87LAFAYETTE ST. I Block West of Sears FIRST FREE METHODIST CHURCH ■501 M. Clemens Street 10:00 A-M - Sunday School 11 AM. and 7:00 PM. — Worship First Congregational Church E. Huron ond Mill Sl. Rev. Malcolm K. Burton, Minister SUNDAY MORNING SERVICE 9,30 AM and'SUNDAY SCHOOL (hutch 9/ tht Hay f lover til fries Penttsc Press PIseTe PAINT HANDWORK-Pastor Maurice ShackeU of St. Paul Lutheran Church looks in on one of the classes of . Vacation Bible School this week. Painting craft work are (from left) Kgy Shelton of 642 E. Beverly, Teresa Buhl of 3090 Hill, Pontiac Township; and Janet Spears of 3060 Catalpa, Pontiac Township. Silvercrest Church for School Children of Silvercrest Baptist hurch and nearby neighborhoods will be on hand Monday morning for Vacation Bible School scheduled daily through Friday. Classes are planned from 9 m. until noon. The activities Opens at Bethany Bible School Continues Two weeks craouhed full of. Pastor Theodore R. fun and educational experiences — that’s what Vacation Bible!..^ singspiration led by Allebach 1 I n EVANGELICAL UNITED BRETHREN BALDWIN AVE. CHURCH - 210 Baldwin Sunday School..................10 A.M. Morning Worship..................... 11 A.M. Evening Service.................7P.M. , Rev. Marvin Rickert, Pastor NORTHEAST COMMUNITY CHURCH-62Q Mt. Clemens MORNING WORSHIP ...........;*•.>.. 9 A.M. SUNDAY CHURCH SCHOOL........ 10 A.M. Ross M. Geiger, Pastor * tist Church, Huron at M ax Refreshments will be served by Monday through July 22. I the Dorcas Sunday School * it * 1 Class. A varied program of Blblej The Sacrament of 'Com-stories, crafts, warship, outdoor1 monk® will be observed at 16 play and refreshments is! ••“•tomorrow. _ for all children 3 Elders participating include; through 13 years of age. Sessions ^Alexander, Jqhn Bee. Len- for the week will be concluded with a program at 7:30 p.m. Friday. Dr. John Hunter, pastor, and Leland Lloyd, director of Christian education, will be in charge of opening and closing sessions. Among staff members are _. „ .... „ _ • l_ , . _ a . Shaw, Thomas Simpson, Ken- Assisting Nonna Pond, gener-.Thelma FeUge, Nellie Gentry, ^ vingtra Webb amj al chairman, will be Mrs. Wal- Delores Fowler, Janice Mittel- Russell White. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH, R (G.A.R.B.C.) Walnut at Fourth, Rochester i 1 SUNDAY SCHOOL 10 A.M. MORNING WORSHIP 11 A.M. EVENING WORSHIP 7 P.M. i Rev. Donald K. Olsen, Pastor OCHESTER ; + : • - ■ t ot ,ny Borrisove, William Bo wes, are from 9 to ll: 30 a.m. daily. i Charles Bradsher, Bruce Brede, REV. PETER N1EUWKQ6P Teaching materials by Jnd- R. G. Crites, Dale Harvey, Jer-‘ ion Press are informative and | ry Lawrence, Omar MacNutt exciting, Pastor Emil K o a t x I and Orval Robb. Sunday School, 9,45 AM. Morning Worship, 11 A.M. Evening Service, 7 P.M. Wed. Prayer, 7 P.M. Friendly General Baptist Church 69 S. Astor St. FE 4-3421 334-7407 (first St. East o( East Blvd. between Auburn ond E. Pike) Nurssry Open Each Evening Rev. Robert Gamer. Po*tor Mission Director at Calvary Baptist MISSIONARY ALLIANCE CHURCH N. Con Lake Rd. ter Savage, Mrs. Don McLain, and Mrs. James Reynolds. ★ it it Bible study, recreation, handicraft and refreshments are planned for youngsters four years ot age through, 14. Nursery j facilities will be provided. doTf, Helen Hamilton, Sally Weick, Pat Schroeder, Shirley ing soloist. Dennis, Carrie Ebey and Barbara Ceandall. The Rev. Peter NieuwkoopJ Linda Schultz will be morn- executive director of Christian! Mennonite Group Others of the grodp are Mar- Pepper, Phyllis Lupescu, Cplprfr hoar fin ine Starkweather. Sue Os- JvICLID UGQLUII . CENTRAL CHRISTIAN CHURCH ■ • 347 N. Saginaw St. ' 9:45 a.m. — Bible School 11 a.m. — Morning Worship 6 p. m. Yopth Meeting — 7 p.m. Gospel Hour •ndly Church in tht Heart of Pontioc Proclaiming tho Word of God" Church in Oxford Schedules School AFOSTOLIC CHURCH OF CHRIST 458 CENTRAL Saturday Young People7.-30 P.M. S Sunday School and Worship 10,00 A.M, iday Evening Swvktt.. ■ 7:30 AM. '7130 f-M: Church ifhone FE 5-8361 Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Oxford will conduct its annual Vacation Bible School beginning Monday and continuing through July 22. Pauline Starkweather, Sue Osier. Debbie Zannoth, Nancy Crawford and the junior high youth group. Registration is Dow in progress. Parents may call the church office to enroll children. All boys abd girls of the community are welcome, die pastor said. ELMIRA, Ont. UP) - mission to the Jews in Detroit, | will speak at Calvary Baptist j Church, 3750 Pontiac Lake, Wa-j terford Township, tomorrow. | “Commendable D e ter m i -nation” will be his subject for _ I the It a.m. worship arid “The iTimes of the Gentiles”^ will be! Old Order his 7 p.m. theme. SUNDAY SCHOOL......._________. 9.4$ AM MORNING WORSHIP - "Backslidden InHeort" 11 AM EVENING SERVICE-"The Treasure of God's Word" 7 PM Poster's Phone 852-2382 "cENTlJlMmODISTi Highland I MILTON H. BANK, Pastor "WHAT DOES IT MATTER?" Dr. Bank, Preaching Amplt forking Si8SS&&SSSS SuporulMd Nonary -X FIRST METHODIST CHURCH | South Saginaw at Judion Clyde E Smith, Pastor & Sunday Sendfta Church School | 9:45 a.m. . 1I«00 am. | COMMUNION SUNDAY Communion Maditatlon "TWO UPPER ROOMS" Wednesday 7:30 PM. Bible Study ST. PAUL METHODIST l|l 165 E. Square Lake Rd. Bloomfield HlXi-FE 84233 and FR 2-2752 Monies Wonhip 9,30 and 1045 AM Church School M0 AM. Method,* Youth MowiMp 6 PM Ample Parking—Samuel C Seized, Min.-Supervisod Nursery ELMWOOD METHODIST 2680 Crooks Rd. Sunday School 940 Worship 10,45 honing ^Vorship 7 pm. Prpyr Wed. 7 p.m. Eric G. >AAehrtt, podar ALDERSGATE METHODIST 1536 Baldwin FE 5-7797 Horae* G. Murry, pastor Worship 9,45 a.m. Church School 11 am. EW. Worship 7 pm. Pray*rWed. 7«30 pm. Mennonites “made a deacon” here recently. The guest speaker will also j The choice was made by the,visit and talk at the 9:45 a.m. custom of choosing a man by J Sunday School lot. The method is based onl a pastor of churches in Mich-Acts 1:28: “And they gave forth igan for the past 28 years, the , their lots; and the lot fell upon Rev. Mr. Nieuwkoop assumed oSS The reeular Sundav Church IMatthias: and he was num- his present position last year. |§ Sd£l i |PMtor Henry WrobW extend. ^ Sunday through the summer.! More than 200 horses and j an invitation to the public. I ;:;jg _ . * . • ! All departments have special buggies were tethered outside ' || Featured in the school will bej features durlng the gumn*,. as the meeting house for the ie- . w-. . r.nrirt religious tasmtction under theLutside 8^akers, combined lection. Bar Mitzvah Service theme, “My Savior and L’f Abo la ' CHURCH OF THE SPIRITUAL FELLOWSHIP Malta Temple ’ 2924 Pontiac Road EVB4ING SERVICE 7i30 PM July 10, Spaakar, Mildred Miner July 14 Social Evening — July 17 Jack Remmlnglon ,. . . ,• n, - | classes and special programs, included in the daily program 1 will be music, games, arts and ^ PAUL LUTHERAN will continue through July 15 at Classes begin at 9:30 a.m. and close at noon. An open house for parents Friday will conclude the school. REORGANIZED CHURCH OP JESUS CHRIST of Loiter Day SainM 19 Front St. 11 AM SERVICE 7 P.M. SRVICE Roland Cuiilt, Potior FE 5-7542 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH . of' DRAYTON PLAINS 3756 Sothobaw Rood SUNDAY SCHOOL . ... .?,45 A.M. WORSHIP .......,11(09 AM SUNDAY EVENING.... .6,30 PM PASTOR, MARSHALL REED St. Paul Lutheran Church, 1133 Joslyn. Classes are scheduled from 9 a.m. to noon Monday through Friday. FIRST CHURCH BRETHREN Vacation Bible School is slatedi for all next week at First Church of the Brethren, 46 N. Roselawn. Classes of Bible study handicraft, refreshments andj recreation are from 9 The deacon is in charge of the! at Temple Beth Jacob congregation’s welfare. He first] interviews backsliders. He-nwatt P*rit -A, Kaboonall bob of Mr-7M thflt enougliTood, clothing [and Mrsr and sustenance is available for of 3752 Erie, Orchard Lai^i will widows and the needy. conduct his Bar Mitzvah service It fa an onerous position, held]at Temple Beth Jacob, 79 Eliza-for life and there is no remuner- Ibeth Lake at 8 p.m. Friday, ation. j His parents will tender a re-i ception in his honor following jthe worship hour. Dirk is the| grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Mich-; ael Kabcenell. SILVERCREST BAPTIST CHURCH 2562 Dlxtu Highway, 2 Blocks N. of Sllvwr Lake Dr. John Hunter, pastor 9:45 AM. - SUNDAY SCHOOL 11 AM Worship "DEATH DEFEATED* Nursery at all Strvices Trinity Baptist Church Features 5 in Forum OAKLAND AVE. U.P. Evening Vacation Bible School will be held Monday through Friday at Oakland Avenue United Presbyterian Church. “Living What I Believe” is the theme of the study scheduled from 7 to 9:30 p.m. Daily Vacation Bible School for elementary school children closed this week with an enrollment of )27 and an average daily attendance of 286 children. “What Christianity Means to ll:90|Me” will be the theme of the| forum featuring college students at 7 p.m. tomorrow in Trinity I Baptist Church. The youth de-| partment of Trinity Church fai sponsoring the program. Those participating include Sheila Bonds, Karen Woods, Roger Minard and J. T. Edwards. Sharon Gordon 'will be moderator. Music will be furnished by the Youth Choir of Johnson Temple. FIRST NAZARENE ' 60 STATE ST. The Church Where All the Family Worships Together ALL SERVICES 9:45 • 11 -AM GREAT EVENING CRUSADE at 7 PM The Goodman Sisters Trio and Little Miller U B. GOODMAN, Minister CHURCH SCHOOL 9>30 AM Christian Church. DISCIPLES of CHRIST Rav. Jack H. C. Clark, Pastor 858 W. Huron St. r“* CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Subject, SACRAMENT Sunday Service and Sunday School 11:00 A.M. Wednesday Evening Service.8:00 P.M. Reading Room — 14 W. Huron . Open Dally 11:00 AM to 5^X) PM Monday thru Saturday FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST Lawrence and Williams St — Pontioc YOU ARE INVITED TO A WEEK OF SHARING GOD'S WORD! July 11-14 Mon. thru Sat. 7:30 P.M. SUNDAY 1,1 AM and 6 P.M. WATERFORD TOWNSHIP CHURCH of CHRIST 4991 Williams Lake Rd. Drayton Plains THE PONTIAC PRESS; SATURDAY, JULY «. 19M Dean's a Peanut Butter Nut Stiys His Summer • f By EARL WILSON NEW YORK — Comedian Dom DeLuise, who’s taken ove as onm of Dealt’Martin’s summer replacements, took me into his confidence and revealed to me the true nature of Dean’s secret idee. "I thought I was going to see h totally R bombed guy,” Dom said. I "Instead, Dean is in his room eating pea-I ant batter. That’s correct, peanut batter sandwiches. His room is foil of cold cats till It looks Uke an Italian wedding. And Dean is eating peanut batter, aD day long he’s eating peanut butter.” * Dom, a Brooklyn boy who looks a little like Jonathan Winters, Jias made Dean hih particular WILSON private hero. He most admired Dean’s refusal to be restricted to the usual ways of taping TV. Dean does one dress rehearsal and then one thke of the scene—and that’s it. “Dean, can you do it over?” a director may ask Dino. “I just did it, Pal, didn’t you see it?”‘he answers. If the director looks sad, Dean says: “Once, Pal, once. I only do it once." ★ ★ ★ “I heard Dean say such a wonderful thing on the set of one Show. There, was a mixup and there were no cue cards!” Dom said. . “The director said ‘It’s not your fault, Dean, and it’s my fault’.. . “Dean said, ‘It’s not your fault, and it’s not my fan! and it’s not Gregg’s fault. It’s nobody’s fault—like Hitler.’ ★ * * THE WEEKEND WINDUP . . . Sandy Dennis got into her apt. house elevator wearing a long gown, and an old woman said, “Oh, darling—you are graduating tonight?’ . . . Samantha Eggar’s role in. "Dr. Dolittle,’* with Rex Harrison, was offered first to Barbra Streisand . . . There’d be some real killing on the act of the "Vampire Killers” if one of the studio execs sees another: Budget trouble, etc. Ginger Rogers, now in “Hello, Dolly,” says she likes to see her old films on TV: "It’s so nice to watch yourself growing young gracefully" ... The first act booked into the Living Room by Sammy Davis is singer Ronnie Dove . . . Kathryn Crosby’ll end her summer stock tour in August to accompany Bing to Dublin (where he’ll make “Rocket to the Moon”). Or it it WISH I’D SAID THAT: Middle age is when you discover an eight-hour day is ten hours long.—Walt Streightiff, Quote. REMEMBERED QUOTE: "There is no limit to what can be accomplished if it doesn’t matter who gets the credit.’’ EARL’S PEARLS: BUI Copeland says a friend of his asks why we shouldn’t even things up by establishing a Salvation Navy? Frank Sinatra, who stole si' train In “Von Ryan’s Express,” tries to hijack the Queen Mary in “Assault On a Queen.” “One thing you gotta say about Frank,” says Jack E. Leonard, “-he never steals anything small.” Hut’s earl, brother. (TIN Hall Syndicate, Inc.) LBJ Fancies Views, but Denies Pofl Fever Grant for legal Aid GRAND RAPIDS (AP) -The Office of Economic Opportunity has awarded a grant of 1133,-901 to United Community Services and Kent County to provide legal aid to low • income persons in all cases for which public counsel is not obtainable. WASHINGTON (AP) - President Johnson is addicted to the reading of public opinkxi polls — but he passed the word today that he is not really swayed by them. At his news conference )pt Johnson Qty, Tor., Tuesday the President reeled off poll after poll to shOffhe is doing right well in the opinon of majorities of the surveyed citizens. ThisJpd some newspapers to have editorial qualms — lest the President be relying too much on public pulaetaking, instead of calling the shots as his own judgment dictates. \ >For example, the New York ■ Times, in an editorial entitled . “Poll Fever,” said: “Foils can be a useful if not always accurate tool. Tney are no substitute for individual judgment, which u the. stuff that leaders are made of.” : RELAYS REACTION The President read that, and relayed this reaction through his press secretary BiM D. Moy- ers: < “I agree with that — and that’s what I’m doing.” Meaning that ha’s trying to dp what he thinks is right, regardless of the polls. ★ * W ■ The subject came up Tuesday when a reporter remarked that some recent polls “show a drop in your performance rating” and that a newspaper' poll in California said Democrats there “preferred Sen. Robert Kennedy 34o-l over you.” J • The President said a number of polls come to him each day. “Mr. Gallup reported last week that we had gained 4 per cent. Mr- Harris reports today (Tuesday) that we have about 55 per cent of the total In the country.” NATIONAL POLL He said a national poll, later identified by the White House as the Oliver Quayle survey, showed 85 per cent approved the bombing of oil installations near Hanoi and Haiphong. And be cited a number of state polls approving the Johnson record. He said that if newsmen were interested in further details, he would see that Moyers supplied At the White Rouse Friday, Moyers read to an inquiring newsman from a stack of neat, brown-bound folders, each containing thHeport of a poll. * ■ ★ 'A A California poll made at the President’s request, Moyers said, showed 57 per cent approving the president’s over-all job performance, and 43 per cent unfavorable. AUTO •TOURISTS I TAKE LAKE MICHIGAN SHORTeur Mknutaa.Wk.matoim. Mich. Sm ITS Mitel Of Mint inn* IN Lite Morning, Afternoon, Night Soilings Combing a Lake Trip With Your Motor Tour. Enjoy CLIPPER boa- toilets, berths, children'* playroom, frso movies, TV, dancing, fins food and refreshments at reason-•Ma prices. Send for brochure •bowing rates, achedute*. AUTO— One way $9.25. PASSENGER — One way $6.25. CHILDREN —6 to 11 Half Fare, Under 5 Free. Detroit Ticket Office ' Tel. m/NMtll CUPPER MICHIGAN’S HIGHESPN REGULAR SAVINGS h i £ X.' i ifietK j Yes, Capitol Savings & Loan pays this higher rata on regular passbook savings ... and only regular passbook savings offer you the convenient availability of funds... and the flexibility of saving any amount you wish... at any time. Compounded quarterly, this new rate pays 4.84% ever a full 12-month period. And you receive the full 4%% annual rate every three months with a regular savings account at Capitol. Phono or write your nearest Capitol office to open your account sr to transfer your present savings. CAPITOL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION INCORPORATED 1/000 • LANSINe. MICHIGAN li FEDERAL MMf LOAN MM STSTIN OPEN SUNDAY »«■ 7 TONIGHT UNTIL 9 (HARGE-IT MICHIGAN BANKARD WINS *2,500 IN COLO CASH It MKKEES !8,50o.oo ROLE-Uf-OSE CONTEST On Win T2-OZ. TUMBLES »OZ. OLD FASHIONED DELAWARE CRYSTALLE Beverageware Your Choice Ireftl resistant, shatterproof, sift iff •ltd scratch raristant, dishwasher proof. Soff colon . etched mt* fftOft . 2 year guarantee. cl 32-cup Party Pert 6 97 Large coffeamaker b klftfti fof church at, organizations, wadding recaptions, ewy largo party or gathariag. Thermostatically controlled far piping hot aaffaa Upi: at ad times. LARGE, DURABLE ICE CREAM SCOOP ) stainless steal scoop far co-cream cones or sens- lag lea cream to the kids this £ 67< 7-PIECE PITCHER SET Sot, consists of lwary, dmabla pitcher with 4 matching glasses. ^P^E ^M^E £ la attractive hanayeamh design, 99< 24 PC. FLATWARE SET Sendee for da la darabla haary • chroma flatware. Ideal far picaies barbecues • everyday use. AUEU 8-PC. BARBECUE SET 9 7 rtoar with berbeetse pa Wares. Sat wrists of J plates aad I cape. 1 PROCTOR-SILEX 4 QT. ICE CREAM MIXER 88 7-PIECE BERRY SET 33 with 4 matching bards far bait 1 MIRACLE MILE SHOPPING CENTER ★ CORNER OF PERRY AND MONTCALM STREETS THE PONTIAC PRESS. SATURDAY, JULY 9, 1966 C~1 College Star Squaring Off With Cup Aces Howard Plays Ralston in Samifinal Round of Western Tennis INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. (AP) -Turner Howard, 18-year-old Tu-lane sophomore from Knoxville, Tenn., joined three Davi» Cuppers in the Western Tennis Tournament semifinals/ today after carving a 6-3, 8-6 victory over Bobby Brien of Australia. .* #/ m Howard faced Dmuiis Ralston of Bakersfield, Oiilif., the tourney’s No. yUffl. seed, in one of the matches. Cliff Richey of Dallas, Tex., depending champion and second-seeded behind Ralston, met Mexico’s Jaoquin Loyo-Mayo in the other match. Howard, national indoor doubles champion and a member of me Junior Davis Cup team, reeled off four straight games Friday in winning the first set. The teenager said he had been looking forward all week to a semifinal shot at Ralston and cited conditioning as a big factor in his success this week on his first swing, around the adult circuit. ★ ★ ★ Ralston settled down slow start and defeated Mike Belkin, third-seeded Canadian Davis Cupper, 3-6, 6-1, 6-3. Richey outclassed the No. 4 foreign seed, Ray Moore of South Africa, 6-2, 6-1 „ while Loyo-Mayo, No. 8 foreign,, entry, bumped Cliff Buctiholf of St. Lotiis, 6-2, 7-6. In the women’s singles semifinals today, Peaches Bart-kowicz, 17, Hamtramcl, Mich., played Peachy Ke8 meyer, Charleston, W.Va., and top-seeded defending champ Nancy Richey apposed Kerrie Melville, II, of Australia. Esme Emanuel and Maryna Godwin of South 'Africa upset second-seeded Elena Subriats of Mexico and Miss Richey 83, 87, 84, in women’s doubles Friday. * ★ * They played top-seeded Kara Krantzke and Miss Melville today for the title. The Australians ousted Mimi Henreid, Los Angeles, and Nadine Netter of Scarsdale, N.Y., 81, 83. In men’s doubles, the stage was set for a U.S.-Aussie showdown that failed to materialise in the singles. Richey and Marty Riessen, Evanston, HI., battled BUI Bo wry and Owen Davidson in one match. In. the other, Ralston teamed with U.S. indoor champ Charlie Pasarell of Santurce, PR., against Roy Ruffels and Tony Roche. Two of the Detroit Lions top rookie prospects play in AUanta tonight on the East squad in the Coaches’ All-America game, then embark for the Cranbrook training camp. The Lions will welcome rookie prospects and 12 veterans Tuesday as the annual early camp opens prior to the regulars reporting next weekend. Two Victories Help Gain Lead in Track GAINESVILLE, Fla. (AP) Wins in the broad jump and shot put Friday boosted Phil Mulkey of Birmingham, Ala., into the - lead- ef a U.8. TVack and Field Federation‘ decaffil6tr~af the One of TalfttttTtwo nmratto University of Florida. Mulkey, 34, a school teacher and former Olympic performer, soared 23-4% in the broad jump. He heaved the 16-pound shot 43 IMh His point total after the broad jump, shot put, 100 meter high jump and 400 meter run was 3,806. ■ Second in the standings at the halfway mark was Don Ellis of the University of Oklahoma with 3,618. Ellis won the 100 meter dash in 11.1. Local Athlete Holds 1st Place in State Meet .... Special to The Press FLINT — Roland Garcia of the Pontiac Track Club is the halfway leader here in the junior division of the Michigan AAU Decathlon Championships. Garcia, competing in the 16 and under division, yesterday piled up 2,607 points. Teammate Jerry Hinsperger is third with 2,433 and Jon Costello, another PIC member, bolds down fifth with 2,385.' * * * This is foe first tone Garda has competed in the meet and he can wrap up the crown today with strong showings in the discus, javelin, high hurdles, pde vault and 1,500-meter run. Costello placed fifth last year sloth. COUNTDOWN TO ROLL CALL - The Detroit Lions will open their annual rookie training camp at Cranbrook Schools in Bloomfield" Hills Tuesday so equipment manager Friday ' Macklem is busy now carefully laying out the gear for next week’s riish. Dave Craig helps the veteran Lions’ employe. Birds Boog Brandishes Bat, Bui New Breed of Kaat Hands Tigers Defeat BLOOMINGTON, Minn. (AP)] — The Minnesota Twins peared to be a new breed of Kaat Friday night as they reversed Thursday's loss to the Detroit Tigers. Jim Kaat, a native of Holland, Mich., was on the mi for the Twins and helped with a two-run homer in the fourth as Minnesota defeated Detroit 81. * * ★ Kaat and Tigers starter Mickey Lolkh each struck out the first six men faced. In the third inning, Bill Freehan hit a single to left and, after Kaat had disposed of Dick McAuliffe and Lolich at the plate, Freehan stole second. It was his fifth steal of the season, tops for the Tigers. Don Wert was at the plate but grounded to third, ending the inning with Freehan on base. FIRST HIT In the Twins’ third, Bob Allison walked and Zoilo Versalles got the first hit off Lolich. But Cesar Tovar,' Kaat and Rich Rollins ended the inning without a score for the Twins. A1 Kaline doubled in toe fourth and Willie Horton scored him with a single. ★ * . Two freak plays in the Twins’ half gave them five rung. It happened alien Lolich walked Earl Battey with two out and Ted Uhlaender hit a liner to center that took a bad hop past Kaline a double. Battey scored toe way from first. Allison hit a high' fly Which got lost in the lights and fell a few- feet in front of Horton for another double. Tovar lined a single to score Allison, making it 81. SECOND HOMER Kaat foUowed with his ★ ★ ★ Two Play Tonight at Atlanta Lions Ready to Welcome Rookies Linemen BUI Malinchak, an end from Indiana, and guard Doug Van Horn, Ohio State, should have a head start on toe conditioning phase of camp since they’re playing tonight for East coach “Duffy” Daugherty (Michigan State) at Atlanta Stadium. One rookie won’t report uriiil after the College All-Stars- Collision 9 Applies Breaks for Victory CLASS A LEAGUE R. T. Clippers K Teemsters 614 1 t. G. Collision 1 day against winless Evans Equipment. m. o. COLLISION ABRH M. G. Collision capitalized on Talbo'tt Lumber errors and walks for a 82 Class A League victory Friday night at Jaycee Park and now shares third place in the city men’s league race. The winners (7-5) scored four unearned runs in two-run sprees during toe third and sixth innings, and needed only one hit to do it. „ In each instance, an error and walk on toe first two batters ■opened the scoring gates. Holliman u : Lovell cf 1 McDon- ...... -........ 40 *-**. * SO, I W. 1 Hi. Errors—Funck, Kind, Molllmon, B. McDonald; McCray 2, R. Millor, KeDarian, was a gift. The teams entered the sixth inning tied, 2-2. M. G. broke the deadlock with a lead-off walk, followed by a stolen base, an infield error, another pilfered sack, a passed ball and a sacrifice fly. After Dick Miller’s double and Mike Miller’s single combined to give Talbott a 1-4 second-inning lend, toe lumbermen could never put more than one runner on base in an inning. t Winning burler Bob Tick (now 3-3 after a alow start this season) whiffed nine and walked only two. Only one Talbott runner reached second base after the third inning. Booth Homes- attempts to climb above .500 at 8 p.m. Sunday—CIO »4 vs. R. 1 30 pm; Talbott Lumber vs. ,.14, 4 p.m.; Booth Homos Collision, I p.m. Monday—Cranbrook vs. Tails Tuesday—CIO SI4 vs. Teamsters <14, Wednesday—Cranbrook listen, I p.m. Thursd«y--Evans .Clippers, I p.m. Friday—M. g. C Defending Champs Await Links Foes The champions will be hand next Saturay to defend their Mixed Two-Ball Foursome title at Pontiac Municipal Golf Course. Taking the title last year were (Charles Barker and his wife, Helen, who defeated Chris and Bobbl Miller in sudden death. Course manager L.C. Barner is now taking registrations for the event. Teams reserve start; tag times by calling Barner at FE 81762. I Fischer cf 3 « I McCray 2b 2 1 I D. Miller lb 3 I I Smith rf 2 1 Pappas 3b 3 1 I Kezlarian H 3 I homer of toe season to widen the gap. Tbver grabbed two near hits from Freehan and McAuliffe in the fifth. Bob Swift sent Joe Sparma in to pitch for Detroit in the bottom half of toe fifth, and Sparma set toe Twins down in order. WWW Norm Cash got to second on a wild pitchout by Tover in the sixth but Kaline ended the inning on a fly hall to center. Tovar grabbed two near hits with a double and went to third on a ground bhll by Kaat. Versalles scored Tovar with a single to left, making it 81. Denny McLain was set to pitch against Minnesota this afternoon in toe third of the four-game series. m u ■■m M* S Green Bay Packers’ game in Chicago next month. That is lineman Bob Kowalkowski, 83, 248pound guard drafted from the University of Virginia il964. The rookie camp will includel] 18 draftees and 12 free agents, p A returning draftee is quarterback Karl Sweetan, who guided the Pontiac Arrows to the Midwest Football League title last fall and is back for a second tryout with toe Lions. Coach Harry Gilmer has three new aides on his six-man staff and is expecting to improve upon last swart slow start with an earlier reporting date for toe; veterans this summer. Two National Football League all-time greats are on the staff for the first time: Sammy Baugh, toe Washington Redskin’s greatest passer; and Joe Schmidt, the Lions’ premier middle linebacker. Lou Hymkus, a former Cleveland Brown line star, is the other new assistant. Unlike previous training camp, this year’s sessions at Cranbrook won’t be open to the public. The National Football League picked off a majority of the college standouts who will battle in toe Coaches All-America game tonight. Thirty-four of the 60 players! ^KoBMlfM- flw nahnnally tfllflu- | ised game soon will be working out'in NFL training camps, with 21 of "the players ticketed for duty in toe American Football League. Five of the players have not been signed by either league, but they are hoping to make impressive showings that “ them pro contracts. Emily Fisher Tackles Plum in Net Final Speciat to The Press DAYTON,- Ohio - Bloomfield Hill's Emily Fisher picked one plum Friday and goes after a bigger one today in the Western Junior Tennis championships. Miss Fisher, a Kingswood School sophomore, meets, top-seeded Connie Capozzi of Middletown, Ohio for toe girls’ 18 and-under division title today. She ousted highly regarded 'Plums’ Bartkowicz of Ham-tramck, 7-5, 82, in Friday’s semifinals. Miss Capozzi eliminated another Hamtramck girl, Nancy Omstein, 82,12-10. Kalamazoo’s" Card Hunter 17, won the 18and-upder crown Friday by defeating Ginger Pfeiffer of Springfield, Ohio, 83,36,84. Mario Andretti Drives to Grand Rapids Win GRAND RAPIDS (UPI) -Mario Andretti moved from 14th fin the 50-lap feature race for midget .auto racers at Berlin Raceway.' Andretti, national big-car driving champion from Nazareth, Pa., took over the lead on the 21st lap fi’om Jimmy Knight of Chicago and was never headed as he went on to establish a track record of 13:59.11. Mn BEARING DOWN ON BEARS-Phil Rodgers stares as his putt moves to the cup Friday during the third round of the British Open Golf Tournament at Muirfield, Scotland. Rodgers rallied to move past the Golden Bear, Jack Nick-laus, with a sizzling 30 on the back nine-taking a two-stroke lead over-all. Early Golfing Exposure Inspires Phil Rodgers MUIRFIELD, Scotland (AP) i Phil Rodgers first handled a golf club when he was five years old, and he hit toe ball right off. “Hey,” said a spectator at toe driving range in San Diego, Calif. “That kid might gq places some time.*-*--------- ■ * ■ ♦ ★ Today, 23 years later, Phil leads the field in the British Open Golf Championship with a 210 starting toe last round in the 72-hole test. His five-under-par 30 on the last nine for a one-under-par 70 put him (nfo a two-shot lead as favorite Jack Nicklaus of Co- lumbus, Ohio faded with a 75 for 54-hole total of 212. The story of young Phil’s first taste of golf was told by his father, Harry Rodgers, who has become a familiar figure around the Muirfield links. ” itches every shot his 1 TO PLAY is a natural left-hander, but hA learned-with my clube he plays right-handed,” said the elder Rodgers. “He was crazy about the game from the start. LEADING THE ALL-AMERICAS - Cocaptains for tonight’s Coaches' All-American football game at Atlanta ade (left to right) Mike Garrett, offense, and Tommy Nobis, defense, for toe West; and Steve Sloan, offense, and Frank ill Emanuel, defense, for the,East. Garrett is a shifty halfback from Southern California, Sloan Is a talented -passer from Alabama, while Tens’ Nobis and Tennessee’s Emanuel are both standout linebackers. ' s’ I ill/ tM ■ • Orioles Win • as Powell Hits Homer in 9th AL Leaders Stretch Advantage; Athletics Defeat Cleveland By United Press International Boog Powell, losing the battle ’ | the bulge, is winding Balit-more’s war against the American League, Powell, ordered to hold the poundage line at 240, has added eight pounds to his 84 frame since the season began. And while his weight was on the upswing, his hitting took off in the same direction. In one m o n t h , Powell has raised his average 90 points to .300 slammed 10 of . his lO.hom-increased his RBI total from 26 to 67. At that time, toe were tied for first place. Today, they’re 8V4 games ahead of their closest pursuers—the Detroit Tigers. His RBI production Friday night wasn’t spectacular, but it provided Baltimore ^with a H victory over California. The 28year-old first baseman led off the ninth Inning against Marcelino Lopez by Slamming a home run over the right field^ wall, breaking a 1-1 tie and providing the Orioles with their Uth victory in their last 14 decisions. Elsewhere in the junior circuit, Kansas City shaded Cleve-and 2-1, New York stopped Washington 7-5 after losing 74 and Boston swept a pair from Chicago 81 and 3-1. MAKES CONTACT "I’m using Woody Held's theory," Powell said after the game, referring to Baltimore’s utility outfielder. “H eld'says: 'Swing hard-in case you make contact, it's liable to go far,’" -Both opposing pitchers aimed only 9ne hit for five in* ings, but Baltimore’s Billy Short wai. forced to leave after the fifth when his pitching arm tightened. Paul Blair drove Sam Bowens in the eighth when Baltimore tied the game 81. ' Stu Miller, who holds the bestwinalng percentage among AL barters, pitched one inning of relief and raised his record to 7*1 while supping California’s five • game -winning streak. Kansas City sent the third-place Indians 10 games off the pace thanks to a checked-swing double by Roger Repoz. The KC first baseman scored Bert Campaneris and Joe Nos-sekinthe'eighth when his checked swing dropped toe ball behind toeird base. Sonny Sie-bert, hurling a one-hitter through seven stanzas, lost his fourth game a g a inrft 10 triumphs. * 3F * Ray Barker drove in three runs including two with a bases-loaded single during the seventh to send New York ahead 85 in the nightcap. The Senators scored twice in used to bring him home crying from toe course in the evening. He would have played all night if I’d let him.V “When he was a youngster I each-of the first two innings but Now making his fifth try for career. the Yankees whittled away behind the hitting of Joe Pepitone and Mickey Mantle, who hit his 18th hoiqe run and 491st of his the British Open title, the ex-Marine has a reputation as clowner on toe course. But this time he has been/estraining his antics. The British crowds love his little touches like solemnly holding his ckp over his heart when the long putt goes down. And newsmen still find cult to get a serious from him. . “Just what were. you in the Marines?" one asked. “I was one over a general, said Rodgers. “A -general flunky.” • Phil Rodgtr . ....... 74-66-7MI0 Jack Nicklaus ...... 70-67-75-21! Doug Sanders . . . .. 71-70-72-213 Dm fpW ............ 72-73-47—214 Arnold Palmsr ...... 73-72-62-214 Bruce Devil Sebastian h Alex Caygll Roberto dt 74-73-71-2) .... ................... 73-75-44—21 aSSf Dave Merr .............. 73-7662-211 Bob Stanton ............. 73-72-73-211 Dick Sikes .............. 73-72-73-211 Keith MacDonald ........ 7S-74-7»-2lt Douglas lernO ............ 74-0044-116 ChrtSly O'Connor ........ 73-72-76-21 *“ 73-75-72-226 Mantle, however, tire a muscle in hit left thigh while rnnaing out a single in the fifth faming and will be out of action untfi after the All-Star break Pinch hitter Frank Howard hit a sacrifice fly with the bases filled in the opener to score Ken McMullen and break a 88 tie. The Senators had taken a 54 lead in first inning but New York came back to tie it 54 on homers by Mantle and Pepitone. ToAy Conigliaro tripled in a pair of runs during a four-run eighth inning as Boston took the from Chicago. Conigliaro, whose seventh - inning double was the first hit oft Bruce Howard, also dfeored on George Scott’s single. Jim Lonborg, going the route in the opener far the first time since last August, limited Chicago to six hits. Jose Tartabull in two Boston rum and Joe Foy homered for another. 74-71-71-22 ZS-2-&3! CHESTER, Pa. (AP) Dick Christy, 81, an All-Axxaerka foot-I ball halfback at Nolrtfa Carolina .. _ State in 1957, was killed FHday in an auto accident. 7 C-t THE PONTIAC PRESS. SATURDAY, JULY 0, 1066 Several Favorites Lose in Overtime at Forest Lake Gy Tke AlwcliM Press NATI IONM Hi------- TKAM BATTING AO I M HR RSI Pet. — AMERICAN LEAGUE TEAM BATTING PhiliKtelDhla CLUE ' AIINHI RBI Pd • Lm Ana?!* Baltimore , . 2944 432 771 97 400 .262 Houston mm' *■*> »ii » 340 .»* aSStt „„ Minnesota 2734 311 MO 77 04 .249 Cincinnati 1754 B 21 «8SSb". mi ■ ^MnFranclaco M! St. Louis HE: 2t5 343 Ml IS 339 332 N** ** — 2671 M? 626 43 261 .232| INDIVIDUAL 2763 336 63 ____ 2626 306 664 66 M X...„ 2703 283 635 (1 212 .23S N, 6 City 2710 IN 615 35 261 227 INDIVIDUAL BATTING Play* Club AAMr Pnh Snyder B Kalins D Mot* P m or wort M >«N ^ pd |5t«r8»Ugnpgh 266 < I 166 40 64 3 23 144 Clemente Pgfi 326 ■ 256 51 12 II 50 .Sl AllNl PHI 225 ! 115 0 9» 16 61 .311 WSf" » » Bal 299 45 93 20 S3 .31ll?«rty AH 246 t > 211 29 66 4 243 I R N HR RBI P 270 4 II 19 07 .300 Reichardt Cal H'shberger t Yastri'ski El Colavllo CIS Howard NY Ca'penarh kc Horton Dot Fregosl Cal King Was Aparlda Bal D. Johnson Bal Frechen Dot Cater KC 341 55 101 II 67 i £ 5 Aces Waiting for Decision Team Set to Depart for U.S., but Roster Isn't Complete 262 A 7 IS 31 ... It 52 3 26 171 14 51 2 II 216 39 62 13 31 273 35 71 t 26 .214 249 S3 71 13 35 .215 276 30 “ * ■ 235 27 ----------.... 276 32 77 10 31 .279 177 23 49 1 16 .277 326 44 09 II 53 .273 110 30 49 6 12 .272 291 29 79 0 33 .271 337 46 ' 226 22 61 5 24 .271 260 20 64 3 25 .267 150 20 40 5 17 .257 151 15 40 5 14 9 235 35 62 10 30 319 50 04 I 36 313 49 12 12 66 214 31 56 10 42 .251 . ID 16 111 If tt 7 32 .295 212 65 91 2 Williams CM 336 46 91 1 “T. 317 M 90 ’gh 197 25 54 t. .1# tt I ______Phi 315 G 19 W. Davis LA 214 30 79 Johnson LA 24 33 69 WHIN Phi 303 51 14 1 ^ WARSAW, Poland (AP) •JM Polish track athletes leave War-ii .Si saw for Berkeley, Calif. 23 j!i Wednesday but the team has not S So'yet been completely picked. ■■ “ Zygmunt Gluszek, Warsaw track expert and sports writer said in Sports Review today: “This prolonged waiting hear whether one is or ia not on the team must reflect on the athlete’s form and also cause a S .27* nervousness in the whole team, jg jjjj a thing we should avoid before a “ ™ meeting like the Berkeley one.” 16 fi| 24 .265 s * . 34 Si I 79 20 57 271 l 90 5 32 .269 PUMtM tP Taylor PM Grots NY Brock StL Harrelion Was Stahl KC Amir CM 302 W 74 6 21 245 McCarvOr 245 44 60 12 36 .245 Palrly LA 225 20 55 1 12 .244 Shannon StL 176 22 43 0 4 .244 Parker LA 231 25 56 6 20 .242 Hundley CM 104 14 45 3 15 .242 Browne Chi 166 14 40 1 10 .241 Gigllano StL 246 27 59 2 15 240 ■--- — 275 32 65 I 34 .235 112 24 43 5 B .236 141 10 35 0 12 .235 W 33 51 13 47 4)5 01 IT 48 1 13 31 f. 12 Maaroskl Pgh 311 36 13 • 7 Cardenas Cln 247 M 75 11 Lefebvre LA 265 H 69 15 Davenport SP 111 36 47 7 Phillips CM 201 33 S3 11 a ah 4 10 31 .347 Belley Bayer NY hod gen Cal ni fl 2 12.231 2» 16 51 2 15 331 152 12 35 3 12 .230 20519 67 4 15 iliJil 300 40 49 14 42 .224 219 24 49 4 tt .224 170 22 39 IS fi 211 27 64 125 Saa hi 149 12 33 3 20 236 30 52 7 14.220 259 41 59 *H.F 233 9 51 9 9 3 234 21 SI 4 24 J Thames Chi ftt 31 £' 7 , McAultfi 1 New Yw iltlmor*. Foy, Boston, Colavllo. dev-1-— and Wart, D_________ and Chance and King. Pant Cm 170 13 43 a 43 63 !• 43 .244 215 41 71 14 90 3# 176 j 41. ’ § 7 J39 ■14 37 4 i i’r I! 5 i Grand Slam h .jnte J« Aaron ■fund ley, Chicago, I McCovey, 1 Flood.~,5t. I fy ItTsburgh, Francisco Kline Wes 49 49 9 2 Wkhank'm Dat 13 71 32 4 McNally Bal *9 W 32 4 i 56 3! 1] 40 9 < 161 125 31 162 15 3 56 34 17 61 4 4 114 14 8 39 9 « 99 74 26 75 2 1 171 111 Bill 14 4 151 IN 9 124 » 4 ID IN 40 W 11 « w i n fin i ID 116 M ID 11 * 17 74 21 39 4 3 85 61 11 4P 7 3 . 77 66 II 4| 4 3 lIllO 2 9 115 N » 106 * 4 111 V a 47 7 4 9 31 55 5 7 334 McDaniel SF Polish officials are in doubt about two stars: best middle-distance runner Witold Baran and Wladyslaw Nikiciuk, holder of the season’s best javelin throw (JT72 feet, 10 inches). Baran’s foot was pierced by a fellow-runner’s spike in a 3,OOB-meter race in June. Baran was forbidden to leave the track. As a result his injury worsened and kept him out of training. LOSING FORM Nikiciuk’a arm is in a cast and doctors will decide Tuesday if he may compete next weekend. He probably will not, but meanwhile his substitute, . Glogowski, tensely awaits the " lal decision ‘losing form and . appetite,” one of his teammates said. World record holder Ewa Klo-bukowska ran her first sprint of the season at Prague, Czechoslovakia, recently. Her time was 11.$ seconds. * * * She was III this winter and resumed training in June but her coach, Andrzej Piotrowski, said “I am confident Ewa will shortly return to her peak form. If she doesn’t feel strong enough to run alone, she will never thebe a strong asset in our relay.” LIKES WHAT HE SEES - Willie Star-gell of the Pittsburgh Pirates lodes back at New York Mets’ catcher Jerry Grote after ' sliding across the plate to record an inside-the-park home run last night. The Pirates took two games from the Mets, 10-2 and 9-2. 'Helped' by Waterford Clarkston Posts Legion Upset Coach ‘Curley’ Burns of the Waterford entry in the District 18, American Legion Baseball League learned Friday night that being a nice guy haunt you. . Clarkston hurt the Waterford title chances with a 2-0 upset victory that dropped the losers (10-5) two and a half games behind red-hot league leader Farmington (13-3). The pace-setter trimmed Milford, 7-2, for its seventh straight victory, and Southfield dumped Troy, 5-2, in the other games evening. The Walled Lake-Berkley night game wasn’t.reported. When Clarkston’s new entry in the circuit had roster trouble early in the season, Burns directed some player SPORT SLANTS,' , . , .V. \ by Pap’ Franks Prepares to Take Reins of NL All-Stars Hunter KC 130 106 S ff I McCormick WM 111 1U 24 54.4 Santiago Bsn log *6 33 61 1 Sheldon Bsn ' 100 111 34 40 ! I 3.72 ■ -NY Boswell Min 101 73 47 106 5 5 1.74 Fischer Cln Sherry Det 43 40 20 17 5 2 3.77 Show ny O'Donoghue CIO 59 56 12 11 5 5 3.11 Farrell H»n OrtogoWes-- 113 17 30 46 7 7 332 Ellis Cln Bunker Oil 96 105 25 56 0 4 3.93sculp Phi Dobson KC i M 71 50 60 4 4 4-07 Spar. Htn___________ — ——-—5r lT w 7 "1 3 a Blasinaam* 4 i tt **•-«• »-» 7 -4 »rg Bsn 92 93 30 47 5 7 4 Lolich Del 101 tt 39 05 7 * ' -~simKrn —tenders ■« ____„„ ,e Det 65 72 16 4. . _ . S vvtt| a- j Segui was ' 59 65 21 45 2 6 5 Bosman Was 32 47 10 H 2 5 7 \‘ 4.96 Allen Holds PBA Lead After First Two Rounds I ENC1NO, Calif. UB- Bill ! Alien of' Orlando, Fla., has the Miss Bueno Triumphs jlead after two rounds in the IPorfessional Bowler Associa-NEWPORT, Wales (AP) - -jtion’s $130,000 Southern Califor-Brazil’s Maria Bueno displayed | nia Open, her finest tennis in a year Fri-; he put together six-game j 4^ j j i Afpino’c An iblocks of 1*327 snd 1*290 day to defeat South Africa s An-L ^ ^ fleW ^ i m nette Van Zyl, WH in the ^ top^^16 in the l^man field final of the Welsh champion-1 advance to Sunday’s match-ships. {game finals. SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — „ There is a possibility that man-jj\ ager Herman Franks of the San ijig Francisco Giants will manage the National League All-Stars j next Tuesday .in St. Louis in-4.10 stead of Walter Alston of the oS Los Angeles Dodgers.- 135 us 71 M 9 7 4.471 Alston’s mother has suffered 01* u si 4 l 8 stroke and he might go to! 11510I m 76 5 iS j Darrtown, Ohio, instead of the 57 si i! 49 3 4 sji I All-Star Game. Franks, whose ciants ran geconfl to the DudR-««; » » » 4 ».w|erg year. is one of the coaches of the National League squad. Franks said Friday night that he had been in telephone contact with Alston and “Walter told me that he would know definitely Sunday whether he’ll be able to get to'the game and told me to start thinking In terms of starting lineups, pitching rotation and strategy," The Standings help its way and the fortunes pf Clarkston’s team have improved since then. Last night, Roger Thornton limited Waterford to three hits; struck out five and pitched out of last' - inning difficulty boosting the winners’ record to M. Teammate Gilmore doubled home the only run Thornton needed. ★ ★ ★ Jerry Turner’s two-hit pitching and a' 13-hit attack paced Farmington's victory. Carl Misch had three hits and Mike Snearly two, plug two runs batted in, against Milford’s hurling. Four double-headers are< on the league’s Sunday slate. Aussie Net Trio Remains Unbeaten NEWPORT, R.I. UP — The Australian trio of Rod Laver, Ken Rosewall and Mai Anderson moved into the third day of the 110,000 Casino Pro Tennis Tournament toddy still undefeated. Laver, defending champion, defeated Luis Aaala, Chile, Silt, Friday to keep his string in-ack and run up 93 points in three matches. Rosewall nipped fellow Aus-xalian Lew Hoad 31-27 to run his point total to 62 after two matches. Rosewall is the U.S. pro title holder. ! , K r Anderson survived T deter-nined bid by Pierre BarthesUf France, winning 31-28. Extra Holes Needed in Annual Tourney By BRUNO L. KEARNS Sports Editor, Pontiac Press , It was a long bvertime golf day for many of ’the top teams in the opening round of match play of the fourth annual Forest Lake Country Club Invitational yesterday. When play ended at 7:50 p.m. many of the top names in the star-studded tournament found themselves relegated to this consolation bracket as surprising losers. Among the defeated Gentle Style Helps Golfer Miss Mann Pacing Buckeye Tourney CINCINNATI (AP) - Carol Mann says the way for her to win golf tournaments is to play just the way she feels. [ had a sort of a gentle feel today, a sort of controlled feel," Miss Mann said Friday after taking a one-stroke lead after the first round of the 880,000 Buckeye Savings Women’s Professional Golf Tournament. ★ ★ ★ Miss Mann’s gentle style gave her a sizzling 32-35—67 for the 18 holes—five under par for Clovpr-nook Country Club’s 6,200 yard course. The tall blonde from Pensacola, Fla., came to Cincinnati with four previous victories on this year’s tour to her credit. WWW One stroke behind her was Clifford Ann Creed of Alexandria, La., who stands 11 inches shorter than Miss Mann’s 6-feet-3. Three other players—Althea Gibson of Englewood, NJ.; Marlene Hagge of Pensacola and Sandra Haynie of Fort Worth, Tex., were grouped at _____'d Aim Cro*4 . . Sandra Haynie ..... Mariana Haggt ..... Nagy Wilson ..... Shirley Englehorn Sybil Oriffin ..... Susie Maxwell .... (attiy Whitworth . ludy Kimball ..... G loria Eh ret ... Fatty Sara ....... Louise Suggs ..... tuth Jessen ...... Donna Caponl .... . 34-36-70 . 37-33-70 . 36-35—71 . 35-36—71 . 35-36—7! . 30-33-71 34-36-72 . 37-35-72 Stanford Student lags LONDON (AP) - Pat Morrison, a student at Stanford University, finished last in his qualifying heat in the 220-yard dash at the British Amateur Athletic Association meet Friday night at White ay, 1te"flnlghgritt pain obviously plagued by old muscle injury. Billiards Ace to Miss Show Cancer Overrules Last Wish Franks has been studying several potential batting orders for,. „ , „ the game in case he is called I young man didn t upon to manage. NEW YORK (UPI) — This around Pocket billiards championship last October. Ailment Sidelines U. 5. Distance Star AmorlcM Lm*u* Detroit .... Cleveland California . Mlnnettt* . Chlcege .543 10 .537 11 .470 1|M .463 ii Ffhipy'a Rwulti ‘ ^SE^ork 6-7 Friday'* fTIMlfi — Philadelphia 5. Chicago 4 ^ Pittsburgh 10-9. New YOrk 2-2 ^^TlSrToin*. Cleveland (Ball 8-4) at Kdfead City ((Chano* 74 and Wright 32) •f Baltlmor* IMcNafly 7-2 and Palmar 3 (Simmon* 22) - Houtfon (Olerker 55) at St. look (Washburn 34), night #>1M*8nSfc (Segui 341 af New York (T*lbot W _ . Chicago (Paler* 544 at Baatan, (Bran- Atlanta (Johnson 7-4) it Lot Angeles (Kouftx 153). night ClMMlett (Maloney 94) *l ten Fran* cisco (Parry 12-1) ^ Saaday'a Gama* Cleveland at Kanaa* City. 2 Seedinr'l sums New York at Pittsburgh Oftrgll gt MNtffHOti , ;ial .1 ■ •** •''* CaiHamia at tammars. hvi-ught Washington at New Yark.'2 Chicago at Boalon. 2 Manday** Gnnt „ n- ihm MhaduM- '' Houston at it. Louis . Atlanta at Lot Anoelss Cincinnati at Sen PrmclMO Mandays Own** No gomes scheduiy. SPOKANE, Wash. (AP) — Gerry Lindgren, the slim distance runner who beat the Russians in .the 10,000 meter race at toe 1964 U.S.-Russian Track and Fiety Meet in Los Angeles, probr ably will miss the I960 meet later this month. ■ , W ★ h Lindgren said he still is recuperet^ from an attack of tracheal bronchitis and his doctor has “laid me off for one week. “I’ve been running as much as I could,” said Lindgren, “but I have been coughing and my throat gets sore when I’m working out.” The layoff would put' the Washington State University sophomore out of the U.S.-Po-lish meet in Berkeley, Calif., July 16-17. | . • ask too much. All he really wanted was to keep living until this week coming up, but he never made it. * w ★ HU name was Harold Worst, he came from Grand Rapids, Mich., and any affecionado of the sport will instantly recognize that name as one of the foremost in the entire history of billiards. Before he died of cancer at the age of 37 June 16, Worst, frequently refereed to aa Willie Hoppe’s “protege,’’; < won/ the world three-cushion championship, toe national snooker crown and the world all-around Pocket billiards title, making him the only man ever to capture those three championships. WAS AWARE >' Worst was aware he had contracted cancer of the lymphatic system early in 1962 but -7-pJ9i., WMIhala* v*. The Pres*. s:30 p.m. Drayton Plain*—Day'* -------------- p.m.; Lakeland va. A sion before I die,” the stricken champion told George Janaco, promoter of the all-around pocket billiards championship. As the days dragged along and Wprst’n condition deteriorated, he said to his brother, €arl: ★ ★ # “I wonder why they’re holding it up, How come they haven’t released it yet.” Carl Worst then got in touch with ABC officials and told them about his brother’s eagerness to see the championship on TV before he died. So they moved up the showing to June 25. i : Then when Harold Worst died on June 14, the network officials thought it- might bq in poor taste to show the film only nine days later. They wondered whether it might offend anyone to show it at all. But Carl Worst called them up and said he knew his brother would have wanted the film to be shown more than anything else. And so it will be on July It*- NO VANITY It wasn’t a matter of vanity at alt with Harold Wont, hU brother, Carl, explained today from his home in Grand Rapids. “Harold’s prime reason for wanting the championship to be shown on television had to do with the image of the game,’ said Carl Worst. “He wanted the people to set for themselves the difference between a- tournament type player and the so-called hustler. ’", ★ * # " “All his life, Harold worked! to raise the public image of billiards. He had a conservative, Puritan-type upbringing and /he /knew many of hU friends 6lid not have a tolerance for billiards. / “He wanted them, to see that it actually can be a high type Rower Looking Ahead players were Chuck Kocsis, Pete Green and Bob Babbish. Those who needed sudden-death extra holes to will were past champion Harry Neder-lander and Tom Draper, and outstanding GAM player Gene Woodward with Dot Miller of Lochmoor. * . * * Koscsis, playing with Red Run partner Floyd Burdette lost to Knobby Walsh and Jim Mc-Gaffin of Indian wood, 1-up, on the 19th hole when McGaffin dropped a spectacular 40-f o o t birdie putt. Walsh, former assistant pro at Forest Lake and now back' in the amateur ranks, hit his tee shot 40 feet past the cup. While Kocsis and Burdette were waiting to get their par, Mo Gaffin dropped the long putt to end the match. Nederlander and Draper took' a par on (he 21st hole to defeat Les Tuohy and Hal Olson after tying it on the 18th, 1-up, and W o o d w a rd and Miller were pushedtotoe 22nd hole by Grosse He players Steve Erickson and Roy Zellner before winning 1-up. Pete Green and his father Ed were 4-3 losers to Bob Martin and Ted Schmidt of Indianwood, while defending champions George Linklater and Dr. Robert Lurie defeated Chuck New* ton and William Newcomb ‘of Ann Arbor, 3-2. Also in toe championship flight, George Prieskorn and Dana Pearsall, plug” Walt Hagen, Jr. and Bill Benjamin were first round winners. Babbish, playing with J i m Ellis was a second flight loser 1-up to Paul Eddy and Frank Pel ton. In the same flight Canadian amateur champ Nick Westlock and Forest Laker Bob Potvin won 5-4 over B. Wright and R. Thalner of Pine take. The “tallest” win of the day was in the 6th flight where 6-7 Detroit Piston player Dave De-Busschere and his 6-6 partner Steve Krall defeated, H. Barkley and D. Hershey, 1-up. « The semifinals and finals will be Sunday. CHAMFIONSHIF FLIGHT LlrtHlater-Lurlt dtf. Nawton-Nawcamb. 2; AAartin-Schmldt def. Green-Green, 4-3; NaDerlander-Dreper def. Tuohy.Olion, 1-up aij Woodward-Mill def. Erlckson-Zellnr, 1-up 22; weltlvMcGeffln def. gRGWgwwwrw^ Pearsall def. Rouce-Gllcreet, 5-4; Clark-Slocum - def. Podleiek-Jarrard, 3-2. , FIMT FLIGHT ' ----------Novak dtf. Orr-Fumleh, «» Godbaw-Conroy def. Schmeldlng-Laver, 5-3; Haomeier-Chlsholm def. Petriti-Zan-noth, 4-2; Ademt-Dewaon def. Llvlngiton-Ewald, 5-4; Scett-Acey def. Schmatereldt-Carmicfiael, 2-1; Kottler-Kukes def. Gran-ader-Byme, 3-2; T. Skover-Lakotiih def. Funefon-AAerotis, 1-up; Latos-Badger def. Wilson-Wrlght, 1-up. BBCOND FLIGHT ' Eddy-Pelton def. Babbith-Ellls, 1-up; ete J ackson-Paui Jackson def. Linsey-llen, 1-up; Hucker-Watklne def. Sfeffen-laprow, 2-1; Downey-WIbel def. Kwail-berskl-Worzniek, M; Kaska-TItu* def. So to mon-Solomon, 1-up; Uzelac-Petoskey def. Jacobsen-MItchell, 1-up; Chedwlck-Townsend def. Role-McDoneld, 2-1; Pot-vin-westiock def. Wrlgbf-Thalner, 54. THIRD PLIOHT Eynon-weet def. CoeMcCell, 1-up; Anderaon-Esman def. Berg-Wehrman, 2-1; Males-Eilstrom def. ShieTdvGerner,. 52; Hoover-Glicksted def. Clement-TImyan, French-Duffy def. Peneilll-Hywxwn, ■ Restrlck-Moses def. Steiner-Kllne, Weyand-Weyand def. Gordon-Mtrdl- ___5-4; Venderberg-Picard def. Conner- Gierok, 4-3. FOUSTH FLIGHT Forbush-Ufner c„. Halberson-Halberson def. Peferj-Lucaa. 3-2; K. 5kover-N. Skover def. Schml9t-Ver*lcel, 65; Tuohy-Kemp def. Ratllff-Tracy, 32; Pefflbone-L. Smith def. Hudson-Bortolottl, 2-1; “— Stralt-Wclu, 1-up. Rain Delays Match ifl Tennis Tourney CINCINNATI (AP) i-y The rain-plagued 67th Tri-State International Tennis Tournament was s«t to end today after Bill Harris and Dave Power finish their .mattch for the men’s singles championship. Power, of Fort Colljns, Colo., and Harris, of Wat Palm Beach, Fla., were tied 64 on Monday when the match was halted because of rain. The rain also interfered with the men’s doubles champkm- NEW YORK (AP)—Dor Spe-ro turned his attention toward next month’s National Championships today after winning the singles sculls final in toe U& trials for the World Rowing Championships in Yugoslavia si#,’ which will be played in next September. Indianapolis, Ind FRIDAY'* PIOHTI MELBOURNE. Australia—Lionel Rose, HIM, Australis, outpointed Ray Perei, 111. Honolulu. 12. BRESCIA, Italy—Santo Amontl, 192, Italy, outpointed Leroy Green, 1V3, New York, II. CARACAS, Venezuela—Vicente Rival, Caracas, outpointed Sandro Lopopolo, 1 Italy, 10, junior welterweights. Bjodooooooooi institution available Door-to-door protection. ALSO AVAILABLE IN 100 PROOF, BOTTLED IN I0ND-E YEARS OLD HIRAM WALKER A SONS INC, PEORIA, ILLINOIS. MONEY DOWN Clip A Sar % THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, JULY 9, 1966 Ct4 Major League Boxes CLEVELAND ^ KANSAS! w2i2,t!i ills « weyj? K1!.* Iwir d _ !::Srt iKnyV* ; Franklin 9 Surprises Boys' Cluj? A final Northnde Boys Club rally fell short Friday night and Franklin upset the previously unbeaten city Junior Baseball Class D nine, 5-4, to tighten the race considerably. The loss dropped the boys club . into a first place tie with P.O.A. * .and left Franklin only one game ’ 'off the pace. Franklin needed three pitchers to subdue Northside, with Larry Kirchfier replacing winner Lee Juett in the, seventh and retiring the boys club with jthe tying run on third and the winner on second. ; Lyle Walters lifted a one-out sacrifice fly in the last of the seventh to score the deciding marker as Clarkston nipped Bloomfield Hills, 5-4 in the other “D” game. The F.O.P. Yankees thumped the Auburn Heights Boys Club Preps, 9-2, for their fourth straight without a loss fat the Class E. American League. Doug T u r,o e r ’ s no-hitter stopped Webb Fuel, 9-0, as the Moose team remained right behind unbeaten Lakeland in “F,r American action. FOR FAMILY FUN SEE OUR COMPLETE SELECTION STARCRAFT THE BUDGET LINE Aluminum and fiherplai, from cum to 21-(o«t kooll. oulboarrfi ind inboardi. IOLA (I.M.P.) THE LEADEN SHIN LINE With the aolid feel in fiberplai SHELL LAKE outboard and inboard drivea. Ul tin match your choice of beat to the new quiet Mercury outboard er inboard etern drive. looting On* Port of Coll V BOAT'CENTER tiSS S. Woodward at Adam Said JB 1-4111-Ml 1-flll Opan Daily |4 Thm. Fri. >->; Ann. IK Curtailment in Deer Quotas Gets Approval 1 o’. • Other. Hunting Laws About the Same as1 Former Years RoostertaiJ Chosen Smirnoff Successor HIGGINS LAKE (UPI)-The Conservation Commission Friday, approved deer hunting regulations which will result in a ‘substantial cut” in this year’s kill of does and fawns. The commission approved a quota of 15,000 antlerless deer for the Upper Peninsula - 14 DETROIT (AP) - Owners of the wrecked . hydroplane Smirnoff have rcpouiied another boot to replace, it and Bill Cantrell will return to racing to pilot the craft, it was annouhced Friday. Gale's Roostertail, owned by' Gale Enterprise* will replace! the Smirnoff destroyed in last' Sunday’s Gold Cup accident which killed driver Chuck Thompson, said Joseph A. Schoenith and J, Lee Schoenith of Gale Enterprises Inc. Gale enterprises also owned the ill: fated Smirnoff. Thompson, who devoted his life to boat .racing.” Schoenith also cited obligations to / employes, commitments to sponsors' and personal love of racing as factors The decision to continue. Ex-Slugger Named to Hall of Fame AUTO GLEN WOOD PLAZA NORTH PERRY STREET AT GLENWOOD OPEN DAILY W TO 10 SUNDAY 12 NOON TO 7 P.M. SAVE 50% OullRir paint ..... .1.11 |il, lnSnr paint.......1.11 pal. litai paint.. ..... .2.11 pi. Mutar Oil..........Ill it. I-taHtn urn Ul Suptr IN g*f, rag. 21.1 gal. Mojor Brmmd Oumllly *r IFmM* l«r Monty Back. WE NEVtn CLOSE MAJOR BRANDS, INC. MM DM* Hwy. Iitwaan Htward Jahnitai and Putt-Putt OR 1-1144 top In tar Ppm CwHm The combined figures for the northern two-thirds of the state average out to a 43 per cent cut in the quota. The number of permits salable was also reduced, the Upper Peninsula will be 62,000 and the Northern Lower Peninsula 71,000, The commiisjon' said ade-quite food supplies in the Southern Lower Peninra-la have resulted in a rapid increase In the deer herd. The commission consequently approved a quota of 22,000 does! "land fawns — eight per cent higher than last year. It will Issue 9,600 permits for the area. ij I SAME DATES Under legislation passed last year, the commission affirmed the datos for a split firearm deer season — Nov. 12-Nov. If in the Upper Peinsula and Nov. 19,Dec. 4 in the Lower Peinsula. The bow and arrow season will be the same as last year. The commission .made no changes in the early and regular bear sseason and for-the sec-. ond straight year bears will he j I protected in the Lower Penin-j 3 sula because of a low popula-j tion. The commission alio reminded hunterg that there will be no elk season this year. 1 There was a season for the last two years on the Pigeon River in the Lower Peninsula, but the Legislature did not renew the season for this year. The commission said lasti year’s quail season in 15 Lower Peninsula counties will be re-| peated this year and extendedi to Berrien, Cass, Clinton, Ionia, Livingston and Shiawassee counties. The season is Nov. 41-15 {with the same bag limit as last DETROIT — Big fpel-burning■ year, dragsters and match race cars! The turkey season will be re- CINCINNATI (AP)—Mike McCormick, -whose potent-bat w »u wyy- ................ Cantrell, who started the sea-|^£“ati per cent below last year — and son as Smirnoff’s driver, tndi- .I1*! quota of 19,750 in the North-cated earlier this year that he | e" elected t0 Reds Hallofj em Lower Peninsula — 55 per was through as an unlttaited ;?!?*•____.. . dent under the quota for Ml hydroplane driver. year- ... Smirnoff U-80 a strong con- r ^ wi„ ^ insUlN gj tender in unlimited hydroplane ^ Hall of Fame July 28 along racing circles in the past two years, will be entered in the sport’s next event in Kelowna, B.C., July 17, its owners said. SAME POINTS The new Smirnoff will carry on the number and point standings of the original. “Although we had originally considered leaving the circuit for the rest of the season,” Joe ^hoenith said, “we have since! realized that quitting would be an ill-chosen memorial to Chuck with two old timers whose names will be announced later. McCormick was selected by Reds fans. His closest rivals were infielders Grady Hatton and Bobby Adams, who both came to Cincinnati in 1946. FOR RENT AIR OFFICE SPACE (FREE PARKING AREA) REASONABLE CAPITOL SAVINGS AND LOAN 75 W. HURON FF 8-7127 Big Dragsters Top Feature Automatic TRANSMISSION » SERVICE > ALL MAKES ALL MODELS ufuUy guaranteed” RELIABLE TRANSMISSION 122 Oakland - FE 4-9791 itoo from the NASCAR Fueler Cfr-p oooo cult, will be featured at'Motor itoo City Dragway, 26 Mile, east of oooo Edsel Freeway, tonight.1 ------I A field of more than 20 of the im'J« nitro powered cars including |Vt.uui»|such famous rail dragsters •w aIK* toe Frantic Four will com-orue* (w. 2-*) 1 yi-wjpete against such stock-appear- o8riL.nw» :i:ii4 a 4 S a iling, but equally speedy, cars as f*1* atelfy’s 1960 Mercury Com»- dUX Mil ilet Cyclone. . ATLANTA LOS ANGELES jjflgj begin at 6:30 With nuou.it •%WfB»*rl If W, the first race at 8 P-m- peated in Allegan County and expanded to include areas of Lake, Oceana, Mason and Newaygo counties and Beaver Island. The commission also ordered no hunting signs posted in Iron! and Menominee counties and on! Drummond Island for prairie chickens and sharp-trailed grouse because of a decline In' the numbers of the birds.-------; reasons why \ /s your best buy 1 STRONGER HULLS-whether y< num MFG uses the most advanced production techniques to give you th* strongest hulls mada. 2 BIG ROOMY INTERIONS —fishing boats, utility boats, runabouts, day cruisers ond sailboats. MFG givss you plpntyof room for gesr, peopta and fun. 3 BEAUTIFUL PRACTICALITY —MFG bolts art dodgiwd for maximum performance. Interiors are kopt clean ond uncluttered. Whatever aim or typo you choose, you'll hive mors fun afloat in an MFG. MFS Won the tSSS MAwtrtli Brtnd Mini Mmlitlunr ol th* Year Pinter's Marine 1370 Opdyko Id. (1-75 At Oakland Univ. Exit) After Speed Record . i i i i_rrcovrB.ro 1 0 00 Kennedyw *11 l|> aesv 1 0 0 0 Sutton p 0 0 0 0 (API TDavIl - R-i-i SALT LAKE CITY, Utah Art Arfons, who lost the ..........33*| world land speed record for jet- Pfniwski p i o o S;P°were and Dominic J. Spadafore; dear brother of Mra. Clinton Grew, Mrs. SetttfiM Sesti. Joseph and Albert Spadefora. Recitation of the Rosary will be Sunday at 0 p.m. at the Donelson-Johns Funeral Home. Funarai service wilt be held Monday, July it, at II a.m. at St. Benedict CatMIc Church, ment In Mount- Hope < Mr. Spadafore will lie to the funarai • home after 3 p.m. Saturday. (Suggested visiting hours 3 to I and 7 to 9" p.m.) WARD, JULY I, 19M, CORA A.r 3731 Davison LOkt Road, Orton- Intar- ... ._o 77; d--------- 3 Marvin Millar. • will be held Mon r, July ti> Veterans denied their federal re-employment rights should contact the nearest regional office of the Civil Service Commission. (NEXT: Job Services FOR Veterans.) Pontiac Woman Leaves Laundry After 37 Years On earth Grant him, jm Sadly missed smile, « pleasant way, hand to all ho know generous and true, “ ■“*>>“ did his best heavenly rati. ■ I A Pontiac woman, Mrs. Loran ** ““ Wi ■ Wi mm SB mm H MS an so g Olwil*,w. ei nt Otn M«nluall« 1 "Veterans BL«nefits" I c/o Pontiac (Mich.) Press I Box 489, | Radio City Station | New York, ffNlew York 10019 | Please send m*..........copies of Ray Cromlay's new book, "What ou'vi Got Coming in—Benefits for U.S. * Veterans," af* I (Pleas* gp>Hnt clwariy—this is your mailing label) Let every moment count, nor say too lata. For Ufa la good. Strive to the last - •. To llvo It well; what's —at It Remembered In leva by Atom and Pad Chpmbert. _______________ IN MEMORY OF 0LORIA D. Gawk Ins, who passed away July 10, ms. So much llkt a slater, YOt only • triend I still sadly mite her. E. Shelton, 61, of 803 Monticello I retired yesterday from Oakland i1 County’s Central Laundry where 1 she was employed for 37 years. A A A Fellow employes held a lunch-: I eon Thursday for Mrs. Shelton, ■ a supervisor at the Service Center facility. ' AAA \ | i re a Mrs. Shelton and her husband! & par copy. I anclosa $..... . . .. | p,an to vlsit ta the state J ■ Washington this summer. Yes-| 1 terday was her last day on the I job. Sadly ml fatmty. i LOVING MEMORY OF TILLIE M. Atwood, who pasaad away July 9, 1943. LOVING MEMORY OF OUR dear Mommy and Daddy, Mr. L Mrs: Albert E. Rosa, who posted away July 10, 1943. Gone but not forgotten. Sadly mined by children, Bobby, Johnny and April Lynn Ron. -j■ -i.ppiiiiacTheater EAGLE I AtoU clwcb poya^^e^o^Vetsmiii Nnefito.1'Allow 3 wke. for delivery. | Sat.-Mon.: “McHale’S Navy,” “ ** ™ —MM-wa— mm—• mm mm grnest Borgnine (color); “Gun- point,” Audi Murphy (color). n ■, ti « | Tues.-Thurs.: “Mara of "the lommunity I heaters wilderness,” Adam west; “Hie * Blob,” Steve McQueen (color). Starts Fri: “Viva Maria,” Dl!!ly!^lolorI^''Emu*Ud ,^' dIc!8^*** Bardot, George Hamil-wait Disney, (color). |ton (color); “Bunny Lake Is wad.: "Parodiae. Hawaiian; Missing,” Carole Lynley. Elvis Preslay, (color); "Night Grizzly," Clint Walker. HURON Sat.-Tues.: “Born Free,” Vir-' ginia McKenna (color). Starts Wed.; “The Ten Com-„ mandments,” all star cast (edit or). ANNOUNCING ANOTHER _ DEBT AID INC. office. Tit Rlkar Building, Branch of DdtraRto wall known Dobt AW; Inc. to aorvo tho Fgntlac Community. -GET -GUY 6F -bEBT e— AVGIB - . ntPU'tuuCMTl »4MVBIIPTrv. REPOSSESSIONS, BAD CREDIT AND HARASSMENT. lord. No limit n to amount owed and number of creditors. For those that realize, "YOU CAN'T BORROW YOURSELF OUT OF DEBT." Hama appointment arranged anytime AT lib CHARGE. Hours 9-7 Alton, thru Frl„ Sat. 9-5 (BONDED AHD LICENSED) ROOM 2 STORY Death'Notices Fahld (Hilda) Hismeh, Miss Si Fred, Char las and Fuad Al Lgg~~ I—^tor of Jamil a ' o survived by .. Funarai service new nnonday, July It, at )i a.m. at the All Saints Episcopal Church with Rev. c. George WiddINtM officiating. Interment In Parry Mount Park Cemetery. Mr. Atom 'will lie In state at ) the O. E.. Pursley Funarai Home. (Suggested visiting hours 9:30 a.m. to 9:30 S BRAUNSTEIN, JULY 7, 1944, JOHN F.. Invcrneaa, Florida, tortnarly of Keego Harbor; age 71; beloved husband of Anna; daar fathor af AArs. Millie Tack, Mrs. Gladys Oul-tott, Mrs. Ruth Karr and John ** Braunstaln; alee survived by a received by church trustees u July 15, I960. For further Ini motion call 451-4441 or 453-0 St John Lutheran Church. 1011 University, Rochaatar, Mich. Tablets. ( Iros. Drugi BOX REPLIES At 16 a.m. today there were replies at The Press Office in the following boxes: 3, 4, 19,13,17, 26, 31, 23, 24, 32, 56, 57, 65, 82, lit COATS FUNERAL HOAAR DRAYTON PLAINS IN-JOHNa I Home; ir Funeral; Huntoon 79 Oakland Ava. L HOMR c tor Ni WUm children. Recitation at tt Rosary will be AAenday, July it, at 0 pjn. at the C. J. Gadhardt Funeral Home, Keego Harbor. Recitation of the Rosary by the 3rd and 4th degree Knights af Columbus will be AAenday, Jidy 11, gf 1:30 p.m. at the, funarail heme. Funeral service will ha held Tuesday, July it at Our Lady ot Refuge Catholic Church at If SPARKS-GRIFRN Voorhees-Siple FUNERAL HOAAE, fhs- C—III THE PONTIAC PRESS* SATURDAY, JULY 9, 1968 '■I220'f8 fpm. *r»a* so-jy- , I ftm Can mm • IfT Mhlp SU»Ptt«S -Jtebre fe s-tsos four of debt on a TED PUDGETPR0GR4 1 COOK. EXPERIENCED. APPLY .TAilorech Michigan credit counselORk JW Pontiac Stair Bank Bids FEFP454 LAO lit HAND TOOLED LEATHER pwraa* and wallah at Mid-Watt ydWwrMwr Mail M N. Saginaw UPLAND HllLT>AR>r j PICNIC GROUNDS FARM TOUR H«y rMat hr all occasions ____«1 LAKE GEORGE RO. OXFORD__________________621-1611 WIGS — IN PER CENIJ Holy Wwy Mole CUSTOMER SE*VltE REPRESENTATIVE branch nsfwerk wHI ar man la \ quickly laari mentals of flnanct toward rapid promolk a rial Bosnian. IMp Wtedd Mob RETIRED! LOOKING POR PART ; lima work! Church — ted Ion handyman. 20. 1 REAL ESTAtE SALESMEN. ES- pius liberal benefits. Applicants mutt have good driving' record. For interview appointment, call or write to Mr, Sehilksy or Mr. Straman. Universal CIT Credit Corp., 71 S. Telegraph Rd., Ppn-I tlac. Mich. FE 3-7941, N dye REPAIR MEN WANTED FOUND: BLONDE COCKER SPAN-lel female. Fr« to good home if not claimed. OR Mill.' FOUND: FEMALE COLlli IN THE Unlen Lana ire*. amit ' FOUND: MEDIUM SIZED MALE den. lleht brawn Medium length, M kids. Own- lldd entity and r 363-6078. Draftsman AMBITIOUS YOUNG MAN 21 TO 34 WITH MECHANICAL DRAFTING EXPERIENCE FOR DETAILING AND MINOR LAYOUT*. SEND RESUME OR MANAGEM'T TRAINEES , ., <22-28) $18,000 POSSIBLE ' WITHIN 2 YEARS ______ Michigan's largest used °ucr,^^% cor dealer is opening 6 * " more lots this ysor and needs men to manage Ahem. No Experience Necessary as we have a complete. training program, salary ££« pgftU" plus bonuses, fringe ban ““ fits, paid vacation, itc. APPLY IN PERSON King Auto, Inc. M59 at Elizabeth Ik. Rd. PONTIAC 338-4088 MAN WANTED TO LEARN (QUIF- ind floor time, comings untlmlti Mutt have automobUa, neat a •was ranee, same knoudedae of to mg real attoto or other Ml experience. Please sand rasun to’ Bos 37 Fowtlac Proa*. „ Wegl ktoti Trainees ' Guar. Training Salary »« have su _____ _________ lab kwhi* ----from a high garttbiB aalesm.n win jrnabie^you to become atete IL 110,000 yearly. For eonMwtlS Interview call Sab Davit or Dick Velvet af Val-u-Way Raal Estair FE 4-3531 or, Ofhr 7 P.m. FE ♦4417. SALESMAN WANTED, STEADY SERVICE STATION ATTENDANTS, axpertancod, dependable, full time, days, SLtt an hour. Shell Station, Hunter at *'*• — A FIELD hOUND — FEMALE BLACK SPAN-M typO long haired dog, Weodhull WHI ________________ pSS&fSTrSL FROM truck! APPLY TO CONDECO AUTO- ____________***** -... ..! MATION INC., 25820 NOVI ■■■ ‘Tif'craiSI Ld»?LAi»«tors "toj RD., NOVI, MICHIGAN. AT- 'SZ.rJ'oX f^^ntormatl^eodmg"todhU V* TENTION: MR. D. KAPSON. MECHANICS FOR CONSTRUCTION acovery — 550 for actual recovery. _____'* ....................... 482-4345 after t p.m._ #____DRY CLEANER AND SPOTTER. LOST: BEAGLE HOUND NORtH OF, *»P teV. axe. benefits. Clarfcston. Reword. <25-7155. LOST: WHITE MALE DOG, SECURITY GUARDS M.L Ui-a.J ■-■- mil vvirtii rtiMN Coffee Shop,.’ Clerks Neat, business-like women for counter work in our cof-fee shop. Perma- r nent positions in/' full -or port time schedules. Many company benefits. Apply porsonnol department daily between 9s30 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. Montgomery Ward v ,f: PONTIAC MALL Help WnMnd fm+ SARAH CONVENTRY. 0000 MOM. ■ tor edMERB iploy our ns IeIbo Help, MMo Hmtk I __so. mtEf oroiduct. Call n jaSkJBx' Went SECRETARY — REAL ISTATK OF-lice, knateaGg* bf generel oMIce procedure. Real estate experience dealrabto. but not necessary, catad m Bloomfield HIM*. ad Mr. McDonald. Ml 4-4157 or 444SI. ' ’ SECkETAILY. FERMANOnT FOSI-lion with. a fufuro. least 1 yrs. experience, be proficient In shorthorn typing, abla to oporeto dl< equipmont. Call 335-1125. Z SHIRT , GIRL No sxperXmco necessary, full good wgrklng conditions. Jan vis Dry Cleaners. S47-3dd>. SHIRT PRESSER FOl AJAX Cabinet unit, full Jims, paid holidays. Douglas Cleenart 534 South Woodward, Birmingham. STORE DETECTIVE Work WimtoTMale A-l CARPENTER, ADDITIONS AND Shtoll |bbs. 474-1074. Aluminum houses ano trail- layer.. FE >S7S2. LIGHT HAULING HANd ftlGGlNG, town werk. Fia-nas. ■ • liohY hauling ano ooo jobs' ipanlng for n l Individual < Top pay •Htetontly ......... ■ _ work and aUgnnwnt. Top notch____ chanic will not hava to pump gaso-“— Days, Sundays ON. Call 7-0700. a’s u R FACE GRINDER. STEADY ---------- experienced brown saddle Bcaglo mark- DIE MAKER WITH PROGRESSIVE Ings orv, head and side, name Isi die experience. Steady UR ------ Nippy, nj cense No. 53M Oakland around, top rates, wo County. 147-4743.______________ hour weak. Fisher Corp. LOST: NEUTERED MALE CAT., Maple Rd., Troy, Mlchlgor Pumpkin and whit* colored. Fluffy Concrete Stop Co., 4497 Highland! ——- . Call S r 447-3173, Die Setter LOST — SMALL BLACK AND white dog, resembles a terrier, —_____________________, ....... ebout 5 years old. Had license I Automatic Press Products, and collar.- Answers to ntme ot! abath. Lake Orion.___________________ "Rax." Please call FE 4-74SI. I DRIVEN. Stock BOY FOR LADIES shop repair. Must for advancement a B dealer. FE B4ICI. I experienced. _ , ........_ „ ..... week. Top rated- Fisher'Corp. 1425 W.. Maple tod.. Troy, Mich. TOOL. CRIB MAN WANTED. SEMI-retired with shop background ------------to "' r»rs Inc. Troy, EXPERIENCED COOK, SHOI order, good wages, paid vacat LIIHt Brown Jug. EM 1-1149 BM 34X11.___________ EXPERIENCED OR____________ , ---tor waitresses, SI.50. Apply - Telegraph, 7R5 Pontiac Trail, J Lake 3700 N. uawtwsm Oak, 154 N. Center, MEAT CUTTER AND COUNTER men. Ml 4-4474. MEN \ term .....R 425 fe. Itoan Rdl out Rochester Rd.________ MOTORCYCLE MECHANIC FULL pert ttmo, excellent pay for ed man with own tools. Ander-n Saies end Service. PE 3-7142. GROWING COMPANY. D A1 MANY FRINGE BINEFI STEADY EMPLOYMENT A M. C. MFG. CO.' idlanwoed Rd. Lake Orion il Opportunity ~ necessary, apply ii » THE • 1M4 CIVIL- RIGHTS -X X LAW PROHIBITS, W STM -X VC IRTAIN EXCEPTIONS. X; DISCRIMINATION Bl-X->: CAUSE OF SEX. SINCE '/■ X SOME OCCUPATIONS ARE ;X X CONSIDERED MORE AT- -X v TRACTIVE TO PERSONS .v OP ONE SEX THAN THE X; V OTHER, ADVERTISE- X; » M E N T S ABS PLACED v * UNDER THE MALE OR -X » FEMALE COLUMNS POR -y. EXPERIENCED used homos, ir FE S-B47. tor Sclsrgm.___ EXPERIENCED ref. Send resume t< X: BRS. SUCH LISTINGS ARE X-& NOT INTENDED TO EX- <:■ CLUDE PERSONS OP;X vj RITHER SIX. Holy Wanted Molt I $600 ‘ MONTHLY GUARANTEED SALARY PLUS BONUS AND CO. CAR For Right Man FUEL OIL DRIVER j- SALES-man. Clarfcston area. Year around lob. Must be ovor 21 to 3L Call days, MA MW. night OR MBl. GOOD OPPORTUNITY A l MECHANIC FOR GM DEALER ship, need at encol Apply In Person to Haupt Pontiac, Clarkston.l A-l 6^*i6 " «* ~tXPERl | quirles contldenlH'. contact ran Stout. 1450 N. Opdyke Pontiac. Michigan. Member ol« Llottna Servlet. sired. Contact Mr. Ralph Fuhn, at 24200 Telegraph Rd. betwstn t and IB Mila Rd._________ HANDY MEN AND GARDENERS^ Part or full time, top pay and benefits. Call Arthur Treacher, 444- Hydramatic Man Who Knows His Business Millwrights Electricians Pipe Fitters Maintenance Wilders Painters & Glaziers Die Makers - Toolmakers * Pattern Makers Machine Repair Inspector-Tool & Die Applicants must bt lournsym^n PONTIAC MOTOR DIVISION General motors cope. 'PONTIAC, MICH. , TRANSPORTATION SUPERVISOR awing Oakland County Sc let needs transportation tor to msnags and supei peratlon of Its bus float to. Salary rangi a 12 mo. posit 2310 Milford Rd., Milford, MAN TO UV^ bolter maintenance. ( school. Phone Ml 449(1 {wanted 3 MEN, I I lumber yard work. I DRY CLEANER WAITRESS, SATURDAY NIGHTS -to tarpon after 4 p.m. r Elizabeth Lake Rd. ANlp EXPERIENCED WOMAN-child cere and Il0ht housework exchange tor home- EE 4-3713. FOUNpATlM FITTER -AND / FOR visas* - WAITRESSES Dining Room and Cbrb Full or part-time. Paid vacations Hospltlltzatlon. Lunch hour and towbnt. Totagraph and WOMAN TO CARE FO LwMUtoadreman. MY L:_____ WOMAN POR OBNERAL OFFICE —Call MA 4-2777. WOMAN PGR' KITCHEN. APPLY I MR Boy Drive LL ANO PART TIME, LADY TO wrk In gift shop, selling and slock tork. Johnbee, 4544 Tolagroph ot »■ MapN‘, Blrmlnflhem.__________ GENERAL HOUSEWORK, S DAYS, “ - ■■ -— awn transporiitlon. Hoomfleld. LI 4-4297 EXCELLENT PAY. ringa benefits. PM Plpsr l. 4370 Highland Rd. FE YOUNG WQMEN INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION employ woman to train In Itsl porsonnol control a fcwyb* 184 ry. SSwf. MA VACANCY >OR AMBULATORY ■ ' ----lain In diet cases, priv- „ —,.,;-prlvate, EM 3-2534. VacaWy in Nukbks home' r>8h I ladles. Diets a specialty VB-—• —rvQtOd. P*-TtTr LICENSED 40Mf, OP P I CE PILES, chtoaa, drafting OR>y76r. * ' , W , WANtflb: ANTIOUBS AND OtlAL-■ smlturo. Coll UHtR ar ...... MB 3-41 PS. M. H. bellow. WAHTIO: SET OP WEIGHt OUM-'-^ OA M47L' ____________ -■ Movine and Trucking 22 AA MOVING 'J: Careful. BOB'S VAN SERVICE MOVING an6 storage free estimates ROBERT TOMPKINS EM 3-7M LIGHT HAULING OF ANY KlflO . - as-Tso____________k Six Rotoisrch Lobs, Southfield, Mich. 444-4100, Ext. 204. EXECUTIVE, SINGLE WITH H ■OCiiL RllilRESS MAN DjilWs 3- or 4-Mdroom house, IB Pontiac. Rochester area. 334-5312. LADY WIT1RIQR * DECORATOR, D.n.rlnn PF S^J14. FE 44314.________ EXPErV PAINTING AND DECO-rattoB. OR * •**' ancad. PE 4-4544. RELIABLE WOAAAN WANTS TO iBpng SenN»e able to write dearly and quickly, meat the public. Replies to Box 20. KiTCRer’HELP, evening work. 5 COUPLE, HOUSEKEEPER, BUTLER f 1 7 a | ^ Cerwak TUng Plnetirlng Sendee l-A ALUMINUM-VINYL SIDING FE 5-9545 JOE VALLELY OL 1-4423 CERAMIC TILE INSTALLED. FREE rest. ASH Sales. MA 5-14B1, 5-1301. Concrete S|epc CONCRETE STEPS, 12.25 A FOOT Acms step Company. <82-4453 1 .PLASTERING — REPAIRS, REA-SSIIPMa. Call 482-4291. PLAStlRING. FREE ESTIMATES D. Mayers, 343-9595, 474-2448 ALUMINUM SIDING INSTALLED by "Superior" — yaw authorized Kalsar defier. FE 4-3177. Antennas Restaurants Dressmaking, Tailoring minghem. DRIVER SALES, RUSTOLEUM Feint, only draft bxtmpt apply. C4RH42 Mr. Burton Oakland Mill Supply Co., 314 Irwin Av*„ Pon- Architecturol Drawinr FLANS DRAWN. Alterations Woman with sewing background to do simpN alterations in man's tailor shop and learn operation of pressing machine. Many company benefits. A p p ly personnel department daily between 9:30 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. - Montgomery Ward PONTIAC MAtf LEGAL SECRETARY. MINIMUM 2| years law office lexperlence, no iherihand, typing 40 wpm, r ____ ____ vacation pay. FE 1524. Between » and 5 p.m. LPN FOR MD "OFFICE. PONTIAC. LPNi, FULL .AND PART TIME, modern nursing home with 130-bed addition In riaad of UPN head nurses and RN supervisors and Instructor — Contact Ser'--'-Hllto Nursing Home at 33B-715 NEED EXTRA CASH 15 ftoxl (tote steady mm fortoty .ctlv* N° f IjHd Car Lot, All BBBT*““ - door. fttrlcTIv- aooolntmann a --------iltalliatlan ent ___ ____________jWl£S- par week pari to era licence. Good chance lor aG vancement. Apply in parson at "-' Dixie Highway. Clarkslan. strictly u ------ enstrating the world's fjnett proG-I Mich.______ ■ f^fWlBABY SITTER. I CARPENTERS AN6 HELPERS. ^,!Hl^^rrWIT^nBrirnrr' LY«!ir Can aeaar 4 pm MS4I3I . IlSL^^Sb ~ CUSTODIAL WORKER « hour mik"Tisi y. ! W. Maple Rd. Tray. Permanent position for reliable MACHINE REPAIR__ men. Pontiac area. Excellent fringe TENANCE MAN FOR DAY SHIFT benefit*. Experienced only need! OR MAH WHO_FEEU HE IS apply. Apply personnel attic*. Oak-1 OUALJFIED jAND^ WILLING^TO land County Court House. 1200 •-umak^r North Telegraph Rd., Pontiac, O'NEIL RE4U.TY HAS OPENING ■Mtegsawtonced salesman. W* ex-l 1444 sales to surpass all pro records^ your Incoma ^po- ________ _jla* manager tar par aonal RHdrvtow. 35W»*^ °l|4*ilLRkalRr d OR 4-2233* LEARN. FRINGE BENEFITS TOP WAGES. ROCHESTER MFG. CO. ROCHESTER, MICH. OPENINGS FOR part-time cleaner, forms furnished. .mi ln..,r.nr,^AR- . cooks, r Experience desired State training - ar._ Writ* to Pontiac Press Bex MOTOR ROUTES. DETROIT TREE akly (99) a . il would Ilka 2 S35 te NIGHT BAR MAID POR TROJAN ■ -— *■ kuburn at W'-^ person only. NURSE FOR DOCTOR near Pontiac General. I Some typing tegauMwE Pontiac Press I flcatlaha. iSI 6ffice »-smoker, ______ taply la 13 stating quall- NURSERY TEACHER IN OXFORI BEGINNING IN Sept, to day te ■Ions. Degree and experience elementary rag., 42G-1S40. OPENINGS FOR 1 Designers-Draftsmen Continued expansion has created- many new positions for drafting personnel. Automotive Body Drafting Full size designers and minor layout men are nie«ded for the following areas of body drafting: • MECHANICAL HARDWARE • FRONT END • INSTRUMENT PANELS • BODY-IN-WHITE • TRIM & SEATING • TRUCK • CONVERTIBLE TOPS • DOORS • ELECTRICAL • ORNAMENTATION DRAFTING TRAINEES W* also require the services of several people who have completed an* or two years el callage In mechanical ar electrical engineering. That* selected wHI be placed an • laVait and (design trgtolhi[program and will be given the opporfynlty to- kaka related scheel courses. \\ Sand Resume, call or Apply 19 Paraan to: Mr. J. B. Shaw ■ > MOTOR COMPANY Research 8> Engineering Center Indmtriai Relations Bldg. Oakwood and Villoge Roads P.0. Box 2053 W. Dearborn, Michigan Telephone (313) 323-1586 An Equal OlRtortunltv Employer ? ■■■»':—' -------------—r~ Apply Greenfield's Reatauran* OUTBOARD MECHANIC. EXPERI-I enced only, top wages, year around Days only, full time, no evenings li Mile!______ WAITRESS. GOOD WAGES. NURSE’S AIDE ■ vacation Little Brown Jug. shift. Raehaati 134411. | <47-4395. .LAD WOMEN, I costutor girls. Metis and uniforms furnished. Paid vacations and Insurance. Apply Greenfield's Rastaurant, 725 S. stem ~ptohw» WAN TIB. DAY ir area. <51-4377 or HEAD POSITION IN SPECIALTY plsa restaurant to opan Amo. 1. Hours* i ll p.m. Food axp. Twlp-* it not nacessary. $3 an hour rt. OP 3-3P44. _______ MEDICAL TECHNOLOGISTS openings for ASCP reg- Ing salary Asphalt Pt*ta|^ AAA ALUMINUM GUTTERS MAS GUTTER CO. COMPLETE esvasfretelling service. Fra* ASPHALT DISCOUNT P < Hurryl Hurry Discount Pries ■re* Estimates DRIVEWAY SPECIALIST _______ now. Prat estimate. FE 5-4480 . JIM JOHNSON Asphalt “ BROWNIES HARDWARE FLOOR SANDERS - POLISHERS WALL PAPER STEAMERS RUG CLEANER - POWER SAWS Eloctricil Services . BOYER'S ELECTRIC Open Sun. FE 4 Excavating cellent fringa benefits and to grants avanabl*. Apply Perse department Pontiac General _____ pltsl. Seminole at W. Huron, Pon- PARKING LOTS, TENNTrCOURTS. driveways. Reliable Contractors, Inc., 547-7111, collect. BULLDOZING GUAI.I7V ASPHALT SEAL COAT- T*11 Timbers_______■__________ Ing Serv. Driveways, parking lots, BULL DOZING, BACKHOE WORK, patching. 673-M24. „ —...... BateMPiaa “““ TAG ASPHALT PAVING PE 5-1573 4IN F6R TRIMMERS AND Dlfc castors, no axpprienca necessary; alto women tor assembly work. HOT TAR ROOFING [Robert Price Reefing. FE 4-——I' ROOFS: NEwi REPAIR 332-4448; Generel Malntananca excavating. It____...... ___________---- ------- —------------- PLJMgr, •"« SPECIALIZE IN HOT TAR ROOF- leptlc.fleld. FE 4-2SS5 avanlngs._ lng. immtelat* service. Free est. BULLDOZING. FRONT-END LOAD- L. J. Price, 402 N. Parry. FE 2-1034. Brick l Block Sorvico , trucking and I laSO. BULLDOZING) WATER, GAS LINES! and sprinkler systems. E, George Hubsrth. FE S-3400 V & F CONSTRUCTION, GENERAL sxcavpttog, j------ — Bailding- Modernization 2-CAR GARAGES, »,X24', «M. WE I - are local touild«rt and build anyi rtllCing size. Cement work. Free etfimate*. I ^i -!!®^srSyfwjL“-j„, roNT'« «N« “• ADDITIONS I.<932.01x1* HwY. _______OR 3-45951 EtttmatM^0WTRAC1QRt’ 4-15111 All Typos of Romodeling c Kitchen cupboards, additions, attic rooms, racrsstlen foams, garages, aluminum siding, roofing. Fraa tat No down qayment. G & M Construction Co. , S4 N. Saginaw_________FE Mill Floor Sanding IL L. GILLS SR., NEW AND i floor sending. FE 2-5749. G. SNYDER. FLOOR UlYlNO ----- I finishing. FE 5-0592 JOHN TAYLOR. FLOOR LAYING. Sending and finishing. 332-4973. ____________ __________________ LEONARb’S FLOOR SERVICl BRICK, BLOCK, FIREPLACel0M ,loar> ... plus I ,___ ..... . .. _-reonal Interview visit our branch1 Monday, through Sit. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. or call 33wm. RCA SERVICE CO. 2711'Etlzabath Lake Rd. i Division of Radio Corp. of America *n Equal Opportunity —‘------- CONCRETE POURED OAtEMfeNtl and footings, garages, breszt-wayt, m|sc. Csrpsnlry Wbrk, FE Unusual Opportunity FULL DR PART TIME Boost your present Income by Ing simple research in your i_ homs. Soma knowledge or Interest In thoroughbred rseing^h''"' and application. ITC RESEARCH. DEPT. 191 24GT. LUCIE AVENUE SARAOBVI, FLORIDA an EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER J PRODUCTS NEEDS: Landscaping l-l MERION BLUE SOD. SODDING, seeding .and grading. No money down. Greses Landscaping. FE AO completB LANDSCAPING. EXCAVATING, DREDGING, _ grading, leveling,^ seedlng and Paid vacation. EAA 3-2241 ~________________________________________________ ____ ________ Ml . .._;lne[BARMAID, APPLY IN PERSON.!PARt TIME' AND PERMANENT!",'{ Sales. 345 South Rlvd. East. FEl 2542 Pontlsc Lake Read._________i position, varied hours, some week; # m 4 to 5 p.m. 4-4SS7. ____________jBAR MAID. EXPERIENCED, SOB-1 ““ *“ licensed. Reas. 442-044S. CARPENTER REPAIR, nu «w»i too small, free estimates. 334-1150,! CARPENTER CONTRACTOR ANY; Ft'4414s,____________________ 'Ff—. I guaranteed sooding. e^cEi ! CARPENTRY, NEW AND REPAIR t(nt weeO-fre* sod OR 3G951, *v Fret estimates. 3359981. | nlnqs. NTERIOR FINISH, KITCHENS. MERION GLUE SOO. PICKUP OR FES-'i^S *° VMn> *xp*ri*nc* “I delivered, 4443 Sherwood. 42*-2000 Camtnt Work Sand, Gravel and Dirt Trucking top Soil — Block Dirt Sand and Gravel Monroe Hauling 8524096- " Septic Tank Bldg. Tree Trinteinf Service Lakes Tree Co., Trimming TREES Tree Service, removal, H2-0798! Trucking HAULING AND RUBBISH. NAME yew price. Any time. FE F0095. LIOHt HAULING OP ANY KIND, moving, trash, etc. PR MM3. Light moving, trash HAUiJko reasanabl*. FE 4-1353. _____| ENERGETIC. RE1F0N- slbto retire* to drive smell trsdar from 3 to 12 pm. at Golf Driving Rang*. Transportation essential. Mechanical apptllud* uatful. 11.25 an hour to start. Call John, EL 6-P23S, attar noon. ___ —PROCESS ENGINEER .. OR OFFICE 4kSSISTi Physician. Typewritten Include personal data. CHARGE _ _ _ t _________I........ted^'Pontiac Motor 3-1295. ", ' . i C4kPl*m.B LADY TO LYE IN AND car* for atml-lnvalld. Otters good' homer t~‘— |te|n 425-114*. Clarkston TOOL DESIGNER AND DETAILER Growing company, many (rings benefits, steady employment and svartims. M. C. MFG. CO. LAM ORION ] Me Nichols Ns. Ill, Dslroll, Mich. I. nan. 1 . ■1, M CLERKS. FULL TIME, DAYS, tx-WJ cellent salary, |MId vacation. ' ! SHERMAN PRESCRIPTIONS THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, JULY 6, 1966 c-r Wanted Rp«l Estate _____36 ABSOLUTELY \ TOP PRICKS MID POR ALL ' TYP®* OF PROPRRTY AND LAW.. cotrrnACTt^fU V ■ R I WAITING. CALL NOW. jH. Joll, Realty ~TSJT W HOURS -.JTRACTS — EQUITIES WRIGHT m Oakland ~ Pi nui lw<,l«lllClWlf> 41 MODERN HOME ON CAU LAKE. mm end clean, this week only LAND CONTRACTi - HOMES “ EQUITIES CASH' BUYERS Par older homo* or rM t lwood realty slum DOUBLE OCCUPi FAMILY MUST 11 NO A HOME IN INDEPENDENCE TOWNSHIP BEFORE JULY IS. t OR I BDDROOMS, CAN PAY UP TO SIAWB CALL .THEIR AOBNT, YORK, OR MAID SERVICE. LOFPEE. GOTTA PINO a home in THE CLARKSTON AREA, YORK JUST SOLD MINE, NMO i BEDROOM, CAN TO 117,000. CALL MY. AOENT, YORK ATOR LOfS—WANTED, IN PONTIAC ----"loto^OMlry. REAL VALUE IS AOENT, York, OR < SPOT CASH v for your nunY, va. fha, QR OTHER. POR QUICK ACTION CALL jBWV. HAGSTROM REAL. TOR, OR 4$3St OR EVENINGS uj&u. WANTED: 3 ■ BEDROOM RANCH Ray O'Nail, Realtor SSSt Pontiac Lite Rd. OR 4-mi or EM B-0531 v YORK PLAlMk WATRRPQRO, AND SURROUNDING AREAS, PROMPT, NO OBLIGATION APPRAISERS. WE BUY OUTRIGHT, NO FEES, NO WAITING. FOR PURTtflOT Of-TAILS OF.OUR UNIQUE GUARANTEED SALES PLAN CALL. OR 4-0363 , Apartments, Furnished 37 1-BEOROOM APARTMENT • dW^P«**0»- Trooms anl, M 1S4 W. PlkO._______ rROOMS AND BATH, ON LAKE, adults, 10003 Dixie Hey. 425-2546. X ROOMS AND BATH NEAR GEN- erol Hospital. $20 * ---| “ deposit. Single pane couple only. 333-7314. 1 ROOMS AND BATH, NORTH and. private entrance tor one w an only, PE B4682. i ROOMS. CLOSE IN. US I posit, 13d per wk. No drink no children or pals. 67XQ76. X ROOMS, PRIVATE, MEN ONLY, BY OWNER. TOSJpr: HT cot telephone, a BY OWNER — GROOM HOUSE, full isoamont, corner lot, fenced yard, tots of shade. IMM with UPS down. 14 Cross St. XSSdOM. ranch. lto baths, family room, fireplace, full basement, attached X tar geroBO. OR S-SIW. CLARKSTON AREA, 3-BEDROOM IEN ONLY. NEAR MA Lunches packed. PE MOM WORKING MAN ONLY. loot Starts ^ 46 LIKE NEW 23x10, AIR CONDI- tEdOWaSyw texts BUILDING, X OFFICES AND lobby. 7633 Highland Rd., 673-1301, 673-1301. 1X00 SQUARE FEEt OP OFFICE space In newly remodeled building. Air conditioned, ample park- “7 Rwt InsIrbm Prsperty 47-A . DIXIE HWY., DRAY- B KA.AflO Qfl ft. floor mptas ,.r.. 49 mrrmv ranen on nonneeov erae of town. .3 Bedroom, full bsoomont. gas heat, gleaming dak floor.. Ill AM — MM. down, plus cost. STROM?°REALTOR, *MLS,n atoo^w' HURON, OR 6-OSlO, BVRNINQI CLARKSTi Mr’S INDEPENDENCE TWP- RETIREE SPECIAL Seshabaw — PeRen arts, large I room asbestos ranch r-“-basement, gas heel, lor room, carpel Ing kh Negate W WEST ACRES. ACRE LOT OVER- _ i---| STi room.. Sr YORK WE BUY WE TRAD OR 4-0363 . \OR 643 — Dixie Hwy„ DraytonPf C. SCHUETT 363-7188 Commerce Rood | dork CLARKSTON AREA | 3-bedroom with carpeted living room and enclosed Iron! porch. Convenient to shopping end express way. On large lot. 123'xXTr. Partially fenced. Utility building. 00,- R0LFE H. SMITH, Realtor 144 S. Telegraph FE 3-7040 EVES, PE 3-7308 HOUSES! HOUSES! ALL NEW , 3 BEDROOM RANCHES TRI-LEVELS 4 BEDROOM RANCHES - COLONIALS SUBURiAN LIVING in'FOOT LOTS VILLA HOMES, INC. RED BARN VILLAGE NO. 1 COUNTRY CLUB I ream cedarshake ranch, »ms, 2 'ter garage, < ____ let, only 012,000, on eei lend contract terms, In the A dprsonvllle-Nelssy arts, see thru: YORK Tbit large ov natural fireplec i, carpeting, ai Sob Hbnbob , ,^iA. NORTHERN HIGH ■RAND NEW RANCHER ▼ooms with tuU betemtnf blrchtone kitchen, stl screenfc^fug£ Insulatod. * Y0UN6-BILT HOMES WALLED LAKE AREA lew Msdroem ranch, 1-car age, lull basement, gee h< •ved ttrseli, Immediate post 1 - BY OWNER, 0X3,000. OR 3-7366. White Lake miles wost pf Pontiac >. 3410 Jackson Blvd. «t, 3 bedrooms, largo _ n, kitchon and dinette, Large von WATKINS HILLS pter - than • new brick appliances. giuOMjl^tp^pane, fireplace, gas attached garage. A reel bosuly at MMM with terms. ! ELIZABETH LAKE Beautiful brick bilevel lake Ire Motorway Drive. Soft i beech. Over 3JM foot of area. Has 24* living room fttapMce, 3 complete kltchs J bedrooms, XW eitthfcyj#* XI etod roc. room wltp fireplace, 1- Thermopano windows, red! i- floor heat, ettachM leer gars 0. 60- deck. A prestige OPEN • SUNDAY *4 3968 W. CHURCH St Trade vour oaultv on this 3 bi Groan Acre* ' kina lake, privileges ,oarage. wm um. Immtd" Directions: Dixie fhite Lobe Rd„ , (loft on Church. * ARRO MIXED AREA 0 rooms, l'.Vstory Income, X I baths, 2 Turnaces, t attached J car garage. Remodeled Inside. Tl deal Is trade to order for vsterai Upstairs Income will pay v« overhead. Pull price 17500, Gl. VON REALTY GEORGE VONDERHARR. Realtor EXECUTIVE HOME „ Warden Realty * >1x434 W. Hurbn, Pontloc 333-71S71 * IVAN W. SCHRAM mento. Plastered walla s floors, X -full baths, start screens. Awnings and OPEN SUNDAY t TO# 731 Hatchery Rood bedroom trt-toyel, You CM have Immedlata pedeesslon liter dosing. IVY baths, family style kltch-dh with receeeed lighting. Carpet-od 11 x »l tool living room, pone led family room with fireplace. Fully Inoulotod, Thormo none *!»*««, screens, 1 Mr attached Larga 7S x 300 It. lot with s. Coll tor dotalls. GAYLORD Dixie Hwy., Drayton Plains COZY X BEDROOM, VlltY CL6aN,I looking fAltdro UNO, bese-i I, 004SO. Sylvan 625-1106 or 334-1 DAVISBURG Income Property S plus 4 money maker located the village Is on o huge lot,; id In prime condition, retiring; YORK ftE BUY WE TRADE OR 44363 Oti- 4713 Dixie Hwyi, Dreyten Plel Mixed Neighborhood Insulated. 617 frontage « 60' mere available with boathouse. 113,500 terms. Open Friday, Satur-day and Sunday. 007-57X3. Uvcnen RANCH I WALLED LAKE AREA — 3-BED- rooms, approximately 3 rdoni brick ranch, fully carpeted, -■—*------- ■— X full baths. XVk-car garage. IS'xSO'l • built-in swimming pool. 122/000. | 024-3200. ___ a room 10,x12f> ii basomont w ir attached garage, iflSTel POINTMENT. NORJHERN HIGH AREA 2 bedroom ranch home, 13‘> living ream, O'xP kitchen, r LAKE FRONT. Coty 2-bedroom bi go low, 24' living room with hr fireplace, ell hot water ho ■ the $21,000 rrnot, wo its le the home Nr iee you Sunday. M-E a Lake Rd., right to He A. Johnson & Son, Rialtors 1704 S.' Telegraph ‘ FE 4-2833 Val-U-Way ,V3SJ OPEN NEW MODEL LAWRENCE W. GAYLORD Broadway and Flint Sts. Lake Orion- ....— FE 04603! mi List With SCHRAM FE 4-7385 ond Call ths Van L . .. , „ . , B JOSLYN.AVE. FE 64471 ITEO McCullOUQh Sf., RSOltOf bedrooms, country 5143 Ciss-Elliiboth Reed -r Y T /■* FIRST IN VALUE YORK - Model t qiiw . uie To»nc * Payments like rent MOOEL OPEN AFTERNOONS 1-AND SUNDAY WEST0WN REALTY 556 Bloomfield Near Luther SAT. B SUN. 24 MON. THRU FRI. 3-7 Anytime by appointment WEST WIND MANOR 1346 S. WILLIAMS LK. RD- fhrhln w..„ . NEAR UNION LAKE VILLAGE Kl!c"r’ w"" 1 BRICK WITH ALUM. p.miiv pnom FAMILY ROOM lili bemSS 3 BEDROOMS 1% BATHS1 Ju*' Rf<,UC',d 2 CAR ATTACHED GARAGE | EXCELLENT COLONIAL J Brick and Alominum Living Room] |3'Bedraomt 1VS baths kawriss.'sr mu«« CONTEMPORARY UNCH MRE Brick and Redwood Ovarii Acral contract. Living Room with Flrepleco J VACANT^ — LIKE HEW RANCH, OPEN DAILY t-t| On MILLER _ resuor Brown ■ garage. $17,400 i tide o S rooms end bsth. Just H,tS0. ELIZABETH LAKE ESTATES ri lining re rt«is is pi ] large bedrooms, 13x11 ci WE TRADE 9R 4-0363 OR 44363 47)3 Dixie Hwy., Drayton Plaint ior M level on fenced ~ id. 4 bedrooms. IW DRAYTON AREA alnut paneled family M , ,, Y ' i carpeting over oak 3-brtroom, full hMemeat, fenced drapes! gas heat.| y"*> extras! C.**SCHUETT / 363-7188 “““ ‘ M00 Comma rct Retd Open dally *tll dark orator, storms and screens ter stereo, toolthed. Many Immediate possession. By OR 3-6365. 123400. BEDROOM HOME, WITH LARGE let, thede fruit trees. 05,000. 731- BEDROOM, BASEMENT, GA-rege, fenced yard, new gee fui eceT Land contract. M.500, SI,I IVb < 2 ROOMS, BEAUTIFULLY DEC-L ereted, carpeting, draperlr- — new furnishings, Pontiac ei— .. vote, utilities furnished. 335-7741. garage, besetr iree. OR 343M. ’,!? BEDROOMS, GARAGE, S50 PER mo. incl. taxes ond Ins., 4Vb per cent interest,. 11000 dn. OA 1-2013. 2 ROOMS AND BATH. PRIVATE ‘^MdMra" “ entrance. Mornings, 030 Baldwin. -2 ROOMS .AND BATH, CHILD WEL- JW*; come, 020 per wk. with a r-*1 p“"' deposit. Inquire at 171 Balds aCaBlr — E. E. SHINN, REALTOR HURRY—HURRY—HURRYI Far this year around lake area hwne.^tOxlOO ft. shaded let. Con- COUNTRY GROCERY A need volume veer around L—- . ill stocked^ Good^ 3 bedrooms, IVb baths, full basement, aluminum siding, large dining area, attached 2 car garage. This home can be bullt^on your Saturday end Sunday from 3 to 6 p.m. Directions: VS milt north | of Walton Blvd. on M-24. GLENN M. WARD milder • 6034324 NORTHERN SCHOOL MODEL now available at 507 E. Columbia. Ranchm SEE PLANS STARTING -. WILL BUILD ON YOUR LOT H OURS 10735 Highland Rd. 6 NOW! IBROOGK ! 015400 for*V test self! 0 FE 2-0262 670 W. HURON OPEN 7 OPEN ' -OPEN S.’hS,6 Sunday 2890 Frtmbes *2 tO 6 R OTHER MODELS INC, . _ j St 2,700. . | 4137 Orchard Lake Ro4d . r SsSbau-Q u |MA M000’’On, *C Tr*4444890i J. C. HAYDEN, Reahor J OFFICE OPEN SUNDAY | (Across from th§ M __Ft 2*4110 or FE 4-teM TIMES 3-BEDR00M MV t. S1S,- trt missing If you di et this lovely heme. ■ rooms, full basemen A -rms- 363-71S5 *’Wln 1 BEDROOM, FINISHEO BASE- — tent. ' *----------- | Plaint Drayton ACRES,! FIRST IN VALUE Cease YOUNG-BILT HOMES REALLY MEANS BETTER-SILT RUSSELL YOUNG, S3VS W. HURON LAKE PRIVILEGES LOW AS S12S A MONTH .ncludes taxes and insurance Take Commerce Rd. to S. Com- I ROOMS AND BATH, UTILITIES turn., S35 a week, — ------—1 4*34673._______________________ f ROOMS* WITH CONNECTING , ROOMS AND BATH, BEDROOMS, BASEMENT, LAKE privileges, SUM dn. OA r**** . 3 AND 4 BEDROOMS. SOME ' welcome, S37J0 per wk. wtth^e •**«« SIM (gwett^tngutre at in Baldwin;OALE_HAMPSHIRE ,^0^3-147 drinking. S_______________ 4 itOPMS AND RATH, PRIVATE entrances, close le Sears. 130 per ----------------m OeklendA— children, gat heat, communl-water. Look st this attractive Ition at 777 Penormt Dr. Felr-v Hills, MIMord. Family room, ng room, kitchen with retrlg-tor and range, living roam, l'T RENTING $59 Mo. Excluding taxes and Insurance $10 Deposit WltH APPLICATION S-BEDROOM HOME GAS HEAT LARGE OINING AREA WILL ACCEPT ALL APPLICATIONS FROM ANY WORKERS, WIDOWS OR DIVORCEES. PEOPLE WITH CREDIT PROB- New 3-bedroom bl-level on a water-fronf lot. 25 ft. paneled family room, brick fireplace, dining porch and covered patio. Overlooking1 beautiful Eagle Lake. New 4-bedroom^ coloniaL^ Paneled, garage, lull basement, Thermo-pene windows, Incinerator, leun-, dry and mud ropm on first floor. Many choice lake front tots else available on lend contract. Prjvstej lost! tpllt-ri n b tebulou ing room, aluminum siding, storms end ocreens, 11b car garage. Priced to Mil right now at $16,500. will trade. Quick possession. Dixit High- Ray O'Nail, Rsaltor 1620 Pontiac Lk. Rd. 4-2222 or OR 2-2S10 lawn lending to the Canal, lovely bedrooms, t first laundry room, a dandy pu....... end tiled basement and a big 2-car garage. Beautiful wall-to-wall! carpeting end draperies ei eluded. Price has been tl to 128,500 tor s last sale. ( of landscaping, 10(7x15#' ye Anchor fenced, eknott Imnr possession and possibly no i------- costs. Only 117,750, terms to suit. Cell tor appointment. This Ir first time listing. ___ns and screens, large' utl room. Conveniently arranged kll an and dining tree. Full n $11,750. $*3 per month inciu List With Us-Ws Sill a Horn* Every 24 Hours R. J. (DICK) VAlliET l\REALTOR FE 4-3531 145 Oakland A vs. bar toque. Sunken pells. Hot wa tor haat. 2-car gangt. Brlc and Insullfa vinyl exterior. Beti tlful lake view with lake prlv leges. Immediate possession. “THE EXECUTIVE" INDIAN LAKE FRONT overlooking MR. ET carpeted living room with fir-beamed callings. Custom • built kitchen with bullt-lns, 1 spacious On Middla Straits Lake Across from ths new Bey Poln Gelt Club. Nice room family hots \BtaSMs I KINZLER BY ROSS HOMES | FE 4-0591 338-4324 Waterford grounds, off-street perklnp, r dren or pets. Professional II -tired person preferred. Phone PE 2-7SW. ; EFFICIENCY APARTMENT FOR 1 or 2 adults, ell utilities, doss In. 332-7332. . ; EXCHANGE LOVELY 2 rooms and bsth, north end, tor help with house work and light office work. Women only. PE 64443. Aportmgnn, Onfurniihed 38 I BEDROOM. ADULTS. NO PETS. Utilities furnished. SIM P»r mo $75 security deposit. FE 2-105 after 2.______________ ______ \ AND 2 BEDROOM NEW, NEAR Mall, immedlata .occupancy. Air end sound conditioned, disposal. «Mt-BB7tal}A>r— OPEN DAILY AND SAT. AND SUN. OR COME TO 270 KENNETT NEAR BALDWIN REAL VALUE REALTY ■ For Immediata Action Call FE 5-3676 626-9575 441 REAL ESTATE . ■ WATERFORD — Excellent 5-noom bungalow, full basement, nice large let, conven- FOR FAMILY FUN SHEPARD'S REAL ESTATE, Gl Sptcial WATERFORD EMBREE & GREGG 1565 Union Lake Rd. EM 3-4373 EM 3-3314 Open 7 to 7 j OWNER TRANSFERRED Ideally located 3-bedroom home| near Pontiac Northern. Specious 12'xlT* living roam, gleaming hardwood floors, closets galore, plenty of kitchen and dining space. Gas haat, dry basement. Anchor fence, alum, storms and screens. Save • closing costs, assume present owner's mortgage. $2450 down, MB per m3: includes taxes and Inturanca. List With Us—W* Stll a Home Evsry 24 Hours R. J. (DICK) VALUET X A«. FE WATERFORD REALTY After hours FE 4-6687 or FE 4-$300lr> Bryson, Realtor OR 3-1273 PONTIAC. EAST SIDE. CLIFFORD 4S40 Dixie Hwy._Ven Welt Bldg.! HAMMOND LAKE FRONT j Spacious i I speclout ------ walk-out recreation n tral air-conditioned. 1 Ing end draperies It Ray 0'Nsil, Rsaltor 3S30 Pontiac Laka Rd. OR 4-2222 or OR S-1761 FE 5-8183 and shopping, first time e only S7.750 to settle esteh for particulars. beach - s quality home through-1 out. Shown only by appointment., • Asking $37,950. 2-FAMILY INCOME Exc. North side location. Now renting tor $67.5# per week. Completely- furnished. Can be sold on land contract. Just 1250# down. Call today. 0 DOWN TO Gl 4 bedroom ranch. Putt basement. 3 car garage. Private fenced beech j on Sylvan Lake. Only $11,700 Gl below reproduction. Phoni Rockwell. 625-1744. LAKEVIEW HOME Newer 2 story colonial tooTarae summer porch. Tile powder riced wav ceramic tile bath, natural fireplace, one Mrs. '°°m with flrwIscs end Vk- bath, 2-cer parses. 10(7x175 frent-, nicely uindteeptd. Cell ( I cozy. 1 x30S' let, si bedroom heme « o money d peted living room. Basement ai garage. $10,250. Only $350 dow OA 0-3017 orOA 0-2814; * . PONTIAC LAKE FRONT tt 125' ft i$c$wi MvOtByTm. 1 ROOMS. STOVE, RIFRIQRRA-tor, bet. 4-7 p.m. 37 5enK4. 3 ROOMS AND OATH, 4TOVE anO refrigerator. 673-3706. 6 ROOMS. ABSOLUTELY NO CHIL- Hl dWer a - ■ » .... I I end South Lyon: 2 bedrw pettnd, dreeee. 4336027. ______ NICE 3-ROOM APARTMENT WITH -TbedrocT'brIck*4'-1 Isa."Kra I wiirv EShrS; phvhmol Cl TEMPLETON, REALTOR! has gas heat, and is on a 100' 2337 Orchard Lake Rd. 682-0700 Da you J | * •pp#ln'mw, PONTIAC TOWNSHIP mwi 3 BEDROOM RANCH STYLE HOMp | * EQUITY TRADE FLATTLEY REALTY 610 COMMERCE 3034001 ROOtU HOUSE WITH 1 A^RB of land. Welklno distance of GMC Truck and Coach Division. Can bi seen by MA S-rer, Cf r»«ton. Gas heal, community water system, Look et Ihls attrtctlve location at 2207 Phillips Or., north oft i Pontiac Rd:. lust east of I-7S. 111,-WE BUY WE TRADE fso WKh $450 down on FHA mortal 4-0143 I OR 4G363 gage end lass If Gl mortgage. 4711 Dixie Hwy.. Drayton Plains M i KENNETH G. HEMPSTEAD, Realtor ' ^ ■' j 105 Elizabeth,Lake Rd. FE 4-0284 Gl j ROCHESTER^-WE_J[RAD6a COUNTRY RETREAT . LAKE FRONTAOt, SAND ^ • brick, gat hot ’ garage. EM 3-0515 bet. 1-7 P. jy.'Attar 3 p.m.lfl-7274. Rent Houstw, Farniihed 39 1 BEDROOM, .LINENS, DISHES, TV. Fpr nun. FE 3-7447.______ 2 BEDROOMS.. UTILITIES^ FUR- COMPLETELY FURNISHEP - front home, new gee hoot. Will consider lease Tor a year or more. MY 31222. HOUSE POR RENT TO COUPLE 176 WEST PRINCETON Nice, clean 5-room bungalow, partially fenced, dose to stopping and factories. $7,500 FHA forms. C. SCHUETT 363-7188 1000 Commtrct Read Open dQlty 'til dark 320 E. SHEFFIELD GI'S, $50 TOTAL DOWN Payments too a month total Cute, 2 bedrooms, get heat, aluminum’storms end screens, 07,000 Near schools end shopping. JASTER 31250 PLYMOUTH, LIVONIA GA 2-7010 KE 1-3300 §64 ROBINWOOD. 3 BEDROOM * Orion, Rgflt Hbqsbs, URtanHskgd 40 J BEDROOMS. ADULT5, NO FET5. ----— —; t,2J security (W. pdslt. 474-1361. MICHIGAN, YEAR-* for’ salt by owner, m Lake Michigan. Cali n. FE 2-6411 or LO AUBURN HEIGHTS - BLUE RIBBON 3 BEDROOM BRICK Welnburger homo In exclusive bd| Lake Estates. Bdth end on tiled basement fleer, enclosed patio and large expensively landscaped tot with lk. prlv. $27,750. Underwood Rial Estate 425-1615 ' If no sns. 4254450 635-1453 \ 3-BEDROOM‘ ^RICK, CARPETED. Pdfcs3wS»< «•------ raav lbY owner, swi elkin r6aB> K garage end wMer , syetem. Open July 7 Odd ttL CeH 353-7003. »'A4TI£i!:^ct5{!JI5v 6 room ranch. 3 large bedrooms.;'. Carpeted living room, dining n— end hall. Living room hat die glass doors, bultt-ta stove and os Utility room. Gas furnace. ^^torr^nih-r borhoed at edge of Pontiac. No tousecmnbM Has everything | > trees. No spring in ing here. Immaculate to bottom. New carpeting In living room and dining room. Stone tlrtplece, basement, 3-carl garage, 217x517 out-building intW — i an antique s for $21,700 Of i lake front I nailer horn I. $32,750 7 SSStoTend’Stttng OO' water frontage, u $23,600. Appreteed W-Jjg.1*". Rottmenn. 6333 HIITER STEP OUTSIDE YOU'RE ON VACATION gather around on cool Porches, front and rear. Carport. Shakes end t rlor. $16,500. 20 Per ce, bedroom in basement, gas h gags et W interest. LAZENBY soft carpeted, ito baths, paneled walk-out recreation room end fourth bedroom, get heat, large Anchor fence tot. All year round fun here for the whole family. >22,500. Terms. Quick possession. Phone 625-4241. JOHN KINZLER, Realty 5217 Dixie Hwy. 474-5335 Across from Pecktfl Store Multiple Listing Servlet Open 7-i QPEN DAILY 6 TO 9 SAT. AND SUN. 2 TO 6 (Ahytlme by appointment) 3 Bedroom .Tri»Level- See This OUTSTANDING VALUE 7727 Highland Reed 5 miles west of city airport Will duplicota on your lot or ours for $15,600. ALSO 1-BEDROOM, F U Li BASEMENT RANCH FLANS . PRICED FROM $13,150 WE ACCEPT TRADE-INS . . A. TAYLOR AGENCY GILES DONELSON PARK-7 room tri-level I WEST SUBURBAN Three-bedroom ranch with attached garage. Aluminum siding with storms end^tcrsant^Full ^baie- ■ulltjnaeven end range. Just decorated. Vacant. Terms. EAST SIDE . .Three bedraomt wllh^ lull^ bete- oratad. Herdwowf floors. Garage. CALL US ON OUR ACREAGE LISTINGS, WE IMAY HAVE JUST THE ONE YOU WANT. ALSO SEVERAL 1S$177, after t p.m. 6S3-6427. QPEN SUNDAY hAM OUTSTANDING BRICK . .. Custom Arjjar eld with cempletely finished Ml UdSdRiSRt, $lt6e. dwd .wpgiyggSni Everett Cummings, Realtor EM ^NKHSLaKrOAO^ VA $0 DOWN Leek whet US per month buy bedroom home with carpeted H roam, big kltchpn, forced-air ... nace, 80' lot with privileges to beautiful Cedar Island Lake. Dan Edmonds / REALTOR 325 PONTIAC TRAIL Walled Lake MA 44811 HOME POR‘~SALE, HEAR. SIR geeges-gfatr large bed ream, kitchen end bath, car attacked garage. CeraeMng bato levels, lewdtetped yard, good location near new WHIM.Excottent condition Full Price. MTASS with ium deem. Cad 474$S7l after “ DON WHITE. INC. HAGSTROM, Realtor j MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE 100 W. Huron OR 4-035S; Eves. 0S3-O63S____ , nice sited k 11 c h l space, full bssdtnem sno inched garage on a large o tot with lake privileges on cent Lake. Priced to tell for VILLAGE OF MILFORD. LOVELY beards. Many extras. S15JC0. In mediate occupancy, tie egenl please No cells Sunday. 363-003#. WEAVER MILTON WEAVER lac.. REALTOR - lathe WMeggafReeheeter V. University 661-4141' ROY LAZENBY, Raoltor 13 Dixie Hwy. OR 4-0301 Multiple Listing Service Waterford Hill Wt art privileged to offer • mot< outstanding 4 built-in ovan, ram and dlshwash or. The cerbfted bedreeme tove i to ftntetwd paneling a v. Use heating has Formica farAbiR ksrisraoi----- Landscaped end e circular drive odds gracbuiMet ae watt as cr-venlence. Priced et 544,500. She by eepekitment. AL PAULY ramie bath, v, j mediate *possesslon. i pie. Cosh $7,000. - S roam! iry wane. num storms and sersens, lVKer; garage. 3 40-ft. tots fenced. Only1 #10,600. Terms. QPEN SUNDAY 2-5 AN EXCITING NEW HOME tee this raw brick ranch In _ kins HMt — Immsilstt scctpsncy — 4 epecleue reams. Including pee-etod family ream wtth brick fire. place, ten* family MCMte t In eppliancee. m ceramic I IW-cer Barege- O** heal. basement. Paved stmts end woks — See this lovely hen day. Direct tana to property: Dixie 1 Hwy. to Watkins Labe Reed to 3434 Lerera Dr. WATERFORD REALTY D. Bryson, Raaltei IR 3 7273 4540 Dixie Hwy. tt b£!I /1 Multiple Listing Service -Gels Houses — Bought and Sold Fast! Ovir 165 Expariancad Soles Personnsl at'Your Strvica Ths Following Rtal Estate Brokers Art Members in Good Standing LES BROWN 509 ELIZABETH LAKE ROAD FE 24810 LAZENBY REALTY * 4393 DIXIE HIGHWAY OR 4-0301 f RUSH0UR & STRUBLE 3881 HIGHLAND ROAD ,£E 84025 WATERFORD REALTY 4540 DIXIE HIGHWAY . OR 3-1273 JOHN KINZLER, REALTY 1219 DIXIE HIGHWAY OR 4-2235 ALBERT J. RHODES 258 WEST WALTON BOULEVARD FE 8-2306 CLARENCE, C. RIDGEWAY 228 WEST WALTON BOULEVARD FE 8-4086 JOHN K. IRWIN 1. SONS 313 WEST HURON STREET - FES-9446 HAGSTROM REAL ESTATE 4900 WEST HURON STREET OR 40358 DORRIS & SON 2536 DIXIE HIGHWAY OR 40324 CLARK REAL ESTATE 1362 WEST HURON STREET FE 3-7888 KAMPSEN REALTY 1071 WEST HURONrSTREET FE 40921 O'NER REALTY 352G PONTIAC LAKE ROAD OR 42222 BATEMAN REALTY 377 SOUTH TELEGRAPH ROAD FES-7161 SCHRAM REALTY Till J0SLYN AVENUE Ff 8-9471 IRWIN REAL ESTATE 298 WEST WALTON BOULEVARD Ff 3-7883 GILES REALTY 221 BALDWIN AVENUE FE 5-4175 ARRO REALTY 5143 CASS’EUZABETH ROAD 682-2211 WARREN STOUT REALTOR ' 1450 NORTH 0PDYKE ROAD FE 54165 McCullough realty 5460 HIGHLAND ROAD 6742239 VON REALTY 255 N. TELEGRAPH (MALL) 682-5800 .You Will Save Time and Grief When; You're on the 'Winning Team" f C-f THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, JULY .9, 1066 _____ HI CINT off Wl My MM at HEATING lob. R BASON, AM ItteBM* jg. yS8HB uptrlMCt. garde from nty home wl?h very USe mmiml ; Heating. 11*1421 biter* If «k iMMRr jg. ivn" pioitlc pip*, *tU» W w- i hp Bl^rftnnP> »y. O. A-Thomwin, 7B5M59 W WINDS VINYL fWINB" ■ of aerolch, no Mint to fcCSySJES ' clapboard f ~ rd dills n. I" - quality drive. Priced ... appointment only. $278 (Good) $2.50 Weekly NICHOLIE-HUDSON $378 (Better) $3.00 Weekly] ASSOCIATES, INC: $478 (Best) $4.00 Weekly ------ - NEW UVINO ROOM BARGAINS olKi (brand now) living room: piece living room suite, two step tables, mqtctllnq coffee table, two decorator lamps, all tor MW. Only M JO weekly. NEW BEDROOM BARGAINS Splec* (brand new) bedrooms: FE 5-1201 OR FE 5-0198 Cocktails — Fin* Foods SUMMER CLEARANCE SALE Special Summer Discount Prices Now in Effect llty call us to see it pr B^ayvoiteiy^oi um ¥lAfc* VINYL SIDING" lent or scratch, no Mint to wear out, os color goes clear through. Th# toughest of oil aiding In beautiful clipboard design. Guaranteed by "Bird" - quality tinea 1705. ■ - -p-— CALL US TO see IT. _ FE S-U4S—lot VHtely—OL 1-ddU f-30" REEL MOWER FOR WHEEU horsa tractor. 1—14" * IE owim-mlng pool. *51-1511. 1 3-YEAR-0LD KIRBY TRADE IN FROM NEW MODEL K«|BYG-rT!B ____ ate. Mutt sacrifice for 140.20 cash or $4.43 monthly. 10-year guarantee and free lessons Included. Will accept — de-ins. Coll ertdlt department 363-3022. CERTIFIED SEWING CENTER. _________________. ■' ROOM OIL SPACE HEATER AND 250 tank. 0254021. Celling tile - MH BAG Tile. FE *9957. II I O' WOLVERINE CAB-OVER CAMP-aao Bay mart; Flnto gelding. *27- VANITY LAVATORY, COM-„._.e with faucet and cabinet (59.95. g. A. Thompson, 7005 n COAAME RCIAL (SECTION TOF tea cast. Reaionabla for 3327S92 or 0744004. 106* AAAERICAN PEOPLE'S RNCY-clopaedla. Extras with It. Cost SSOO, set" for $300. 1 Brunswick ball, bag and shoos, 03S. I Brownie movie camera and Bell A Howell prolector. Cost $200, soH ter SIOO. Cosh or swap lor wtipt you have of equal value. 2120 Hentman, Kee- go Harbor, ______ fcYO M# CONDITIONkR. —— tOM. _____ „ USED CEMENT blocteo, 15c M. all or paH. 4734*77 AIR COMPRESS O R, MkblliM id. 673 ~~ AIR CONDITIONER SALE SMO BTU, 110 volte, m amp*. Has Instant mount kit, maroly plug Into house current. New floor mod: el. (88. (2 dn., « wt BRONZE SUMP PUMPS, SOLD -*—I —Ranged, rented. lONE'S FE 04642 PERMUTIT SOFTENER, 150. EX-„ erciscr rowing rrfbchlne, M2. 0150 Mouton Lamb coet, MS. FE H2M: FE 5-0672._______________________ BURKS DEEP WELL PUMP. GOOD condition. BedflBarv42*4ISI. lIad HORSE PARIS-CLOSE IN -~E 5 BEDROOM HOME. FUL-' EQUIPPED HORSE BARN. ... 1 floor wiTts im siding. Storms Fenced yard. Offered'tor «sa*^r-*t time on FHA or- Gl forms. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION North end 0 bedroom home. Newly decanted. Large living room, dirt-1 Ing mom and kitchen. Basement, gas^heaL Priced^ at $11,7*0 FHA LAKE FRONT ORCHARD LANE. SUN. 2 TO 6 2747 Huntington Pk. Dr. 4 Bedrooms 2i Baths teal home for the man with . large family. This lovely bilevel features 2,100 square feet of living DEER LAKE FRONT 100x273. Partly wooded. Sloping —i basement. Sand beach, private read. *15,000. CLARKST0N REAL ESTATE 5865 5. Main______ MA 5-5121 HOME SIT^S. KT ' I Beach overlooking tors Lake prlvfie beaches, docking, I HUNTERS, FISHERMEN, PRIVATE, wooded, Over or lake retreats I cabins, trailers, cottages or cam I Ing. SO locations In lower, upp. Michigan, 0» month. Write Bloch Brat., Waterford, Michigan ... ------Fg 4-45Q9. INHALE FRESH COUNTRY AIR. PICK OUT A S OR 10 ACRE PARCEL WHILE STILL REASONABLY PRICED AND SECURE A PLEASANT FUTURE FOR YOU AND YOUR FAMILY. CAR OARAGE. 3434 Wv Huron, Pontiac properly! Only $25,joo! 6Vi WOODED rolling s ACRES, ade, fr Christmas Terms. Mlgh , jagg y In ..... Estate, FE 3-7IM. Nice 7B acre horse farm, o n pavement, 4 bedroom modem farm "----, good, large barn, M| Top reputation. Claaa I __________________ SOD licenses. Doing over M3,0do monthly. 150,000 down including valuaMt Warden Realty DAIRY QUEEN FRANCHISE, equipment. Terms. *93-6341 i" EXCELLENT SERVICE STATION —lions tor rent. Paid I financial asslrianr--.... pB GARAGE, GAS, USED CAR SALES. —- —d parts, valid reason ter Ideal tor partner. With r~ ‘ ....... property. Lease to rlgl party. OR 4-0034. BEDROOM iET, $40; $35; refrigerator, “ 130; couch, S2S, cnair, si loaf table, 125; cheat, SIOi dresser, 115; new Name — 30" gas SI RS; 24" gas stove, $85; apt. frlgtrator, $125; 2 pc. living ~ SOS; 3 pc. bedroom *** Llppard,- 559 Parry a! 0 feet of road. hof . Mister hi JS£5SJ!g JAYNO HEIGHTS LAKE LOTS In beautiful subdivision, J between 3 natural takes, l iter, paved roads, gas. 70 v>w*^orma Vdaalred ______'OIJRJEC- Blvd., east of Silver I um bom, 10 Huntington Par" Drive, follow Horn, j ”j. A. TAYLOR AGENCY Real Estbte — Building — Insurant 7732 Highland Rd. (AASF) after « p.m.------------- a “ GEORGE IRWIN, REALTOR MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE ft W. Walton . OR 37556 to none. Owners approaching years and liquidating their pri arty Only $3900, $1,000 down. 14 ACRES, slightly rolling, tor KENT jffi! 160 ACRES lb mile square comer parcel. Good modem buildings, homa, PARTRIDGE “IS THE BIRD TO SEE"- , I A-l BOWLING 'Ultramodern, 34-lane house with e; cellent equipment. Large popular LAKE FRONT HOMES — new nnu, TttTT .... ........ used-J. L. Dally Co. EM 3-7114. C. PANGUS INC., REALTORS KFATINfiTON OPEN 7 DAYS hCAIINDIUN 430 M-15 Ortonvllle CALL COLLECT NA 7-281* iob'Xim', NEAtt SkPRELi-■R - ---------- *25-1*42. FLOYD KENT INC, Realtor 2260 Dixie Hwy. *t Telegraph FE 2-0123 or FE 2-7342 OPEN HOUSES . SUNDAY 2 to 6 P.M. "Royal Ranch" „ air hoot, tlto both with show; spacious closets, laundry roo . plenty of cupboard space, city * tiONS: Walton Blvd. to Vi anil eaat of Optekt Rd. north on Was nut Rd. tab on GENES OR. an OPEN signs. I to vonlty, * 1KAMPSEN OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 P.M. 2675 MONTEBELLO DRIVE LAKE ANGELOS LAKE VIEW -ESTATES oft cilntonvlllo and Lake Ange-I lus Red . . drive through a Angekos Laki L O T 88x306x107x351', SCHOOLS nearby. (4900. QR 4-1918. LOT FOR SALE. WEST BROOKLYN St.. $1,400 — 1400 down. FE 5-5356. NICE, LARGE LOT, CLARKSTON m Estates - In h homes unde: on, a-ricas range from Leo Kampsen will as In th* aolpctlon of your ll distinction —- Don't out your old bom* — NICELY FURNISHED SUMMER COTTAGE . Approximately 375 ft. *0*. Unobstructed view a . Clean neighborhood, tl ’INE LAKE. SEVERAL lOO'XW lots, taka privileges. Sylvan 42S-IBB* — **' —* Sole Business Property 57 REPOSSESSED LOTS, HIGHLAND-MI Word area, -20 minutes Pontiac, lOO'xISO' tot. $20 month, take payments. I blacktop road. $900 917 Stratton. Call ua for details. JACK LOVELAND 2100 Cass Lake Rd. WATERFRONT LOT ON PRIVATE ' ■ Near Lake Orton. ------- I. 651-1776. I LORRAINE MANOR- Iractiva well kept horns llent neighborhood, 1 to Wilder St HrIcTIONS; Hatchery Rd. tetidW jt, or- b nd OPtN signs. 53400 Item Rochester to Mptadre, rleM H Mack to No. WM and OPEN afore Warren Stout Realtor i ■ N. Qadyfo Rd. FteFES-BlAS 1 JB. *»“ TIUI PM pas heat, attached mm, family I dishrnoater, th Lake I colt Uka easy terms nvidS: —* oad one ------ Road Intersec- ... .n FarnbarrV to Bradley will assist ^2184 SOUTH HAMMOND LAKE DRIVE HAMMONDLAKEESTATES— Is our ipadally of the housa . located kt • dWtectlve area. 514 65-ACRE FARM BLACKTOP ROAD PILES E. OF LEWISTON ______equipped for ral urkeys. Complete with tro ra, and term tools. Land / most aaadid to timothy and /alfall A GOOD INVESTMENT AT SU Ml. TERMS. CALL FOR Dl TAILS. ^ SMITH-WIDEMAN REALTY 12 W. HURON ST. . 23*421 ESTATES. NICE, SUMMER FUN SPOTS ELIZABETH LAKE - Near this WxlHK —12,750. DUCK LAKE FRONT — 75'x300', S2.500. $500 down. ONTIAC LAKE FRONT - Sandy beach, 40'xl34'. $4,000. $400 down. HAGSTROM, Realtor MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE mt w Huron o* uxs Ev«S. 642-0435 WiPBI fow af si — 29 miles from Pontiac. 1250 per Multiple Listing Service I FEET OF COMMERCIAL FRONT-age on Elizabeth Lake Road. Has 3vx*0* cement Mock building divided with store In front and a 5-room apartment In rear. Priced at $22,700 on land contract. Call Earl Howard, EM 30531 or OR 4-2222. Ray .O'Ntil, Realtor 3520 Pontiac Lake Rd. OR 4-2222 or < EM 3-0531 LESLIE R. TRIPP, -In. Business grow- LAKE AREA S.D.D. Success with a capital "S" — Liquor beer and wlna plus high profit grocery lint. Present o-—------ only li hours, * days PIECE SECTIONAL Black. S4S. FE S-*9S3._________ 6 PIECE WALNUT DINING SUITE, good condition, $300. FE 1-4297. 9xi2 Linoleum Rugs . Colling tlto ‘ Asbestos fit* ...... TAPE RECORDER, dining room with tr* tlqut victrola i—" ‘ 2-OSU. S6Tp $25, RE 5$ WASHER, 30" FRIGIDAIRE ELECTRIC STOVE $60. Maytag automatic washer, S3S. FE 5-351*, ir $10,000 down SEND FOR FREE CATALOG 30" PHILCO RANGE Phllco Refrigerator Kenmor* 40" etac. range 3465 Auburn Rd.~ living luoavi suit ilia gas stove ...... 36" elec, ran^e .......... ' r. elec, refrigerator .. license, modern equipment, '“"■“ TOO' of river front* id 4 cabins, potential 37201. Broker. APARTMENT SIZE REFRIGERA-excellent working condition. V. Harris. FE 5-2746. qulppid, good at Art. Lavldi. iOFT ICE CREAM AND SAND wlch shop, raaionabia c*-- mant. 4734766 or 6739337. TRUCKING BUSINESS. INCLUDING 1BJB International tandeir ---------- and 1963 Chevrolet $lnf MAD Trucking, *74-2553. BEAUTIFUL SMALL 5 PIECE Dl- TREES ON A HILL true In HI-HILL, A be among the Hlllt. Onl utaa tram Royal Oak \ wav. On (MB* (Laeau ■_______I . miles north of 175. Watch tor the «K 16,500. Terms. AAY 2-0721, Lake Orlea ter detain. ML Geittor. WALTERS LAKE Ivllegas, several sCenk naalfoa — NHte — trees dl. Sylvan. 1*25-1114 or 1 :usa Salt f lKthEE|B SI Coast . to Coast Trades EXCELLENT j-J Pontiac downtown location, brick. 1080 sq. ft. opon span building plus basement with outside door. Vwesh^reome, blacktop parking. ORCHARD IX. RD. City of Sylvan L _ property with a good 4 home, fireplace, attached_ rage. SultaMt tor many types Of enterprises. Lot 50x150. AUBURN HEIGHTS On M-EP. Commercial building, divided Into 2 sterao. V tide Sated $90 a’ month. Ample parking. 15,000 tq handle. BATEMAN -■ COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT 377 S. Telegraph FE 8-9641 Soli Land Contracts__ 1 TO 50 LAND CONTRACTS WARREN STOUT, Realtor 1450 N. Opdyka Rd. FE - 5-8165 Opin Eves. * BEDROOM SUITE, $45. OFFICE desk, 415. Steam table, US. and dresser, $29. Dresser, Chest of drawers, $12. 30" range, 139. Etac. Rang*, SIS. frlgorator, SIS. Smith Movlnb i 87V E. Pike. FE 4-48*4. BOX SPRING AND MATTRESS, f-1 ACTION i your tend contract, large < 1*11, rail Mr. Hitter, FE 3017 Wanted Controcts-Mtg. 60-A WARREN STOUT, ReaHor 1450 N. Oodyke RA PE 5-8169 Dpi* tvw. * — 5siT possible Ask ton mmm ARRO REALl . _ 5143 Csn-Ellzabeth Lafca Read ASH FOR LAND CON IRACTS. M. j. Van welt. 4548 Dixie Hwy. NEED LAND CONTRACTS. SMALL discounts. Earl Garrets. EM 32511, EMelreUb. ' QUICK CASH FOR LAND CON-tracts. Clark Real Estate, FE 37ISI, Rat. FElSlS, Mr. Clark. 1 USED FURNITURE, STONEY'S, ANTIQUE AUCTION SATURDAY, July 9 at Blue Bird Auction, 1 PRICE* Drayton Pool Supply Co. 47*3 DIXIE HWY. *73*734 " ELECTRIC CHORD ORGAN, 120 bass. M50 Harley-Davldson, 19*5. FE 4-5623. ■ _____________ FOR DUSTY CONCRETE FLOORS Us* Liquid Floor Hardener Simple Inexpensive Application Boles Builders. Supply FE 541*4 1 FROM WALL-TO-WALL -at *11, on ca~ ‘ Blue Lustre. I pooer. $■ Walton. GRAVELY TRACTOR WITH CUL-'Ivator. Kenmore Ironer, new pad E GARDEN TRAC-TOR WITH CULTI- ----r and mow plow, Mb. 4032*46. S' GARAGE DOOR, *25. GOOD CON-dltion. Also bunk beds, S2S. OR 3-5928.____________’ ■ GARAGE SALE, BOOKS, TOOLS, —Nques. Sat. and Sun., lb*. 12*5 SI tv —“ — AND STATE LICENSE. CALL FL-FREE ESTIMATES. PONTIAC HEATING CO. *74-2111 OR *13 GOOD USED VACUUM CLEAN*. ERS — *15.50 UP GUARANTEED. ALSO REBUILT KIRBYS WITH SAME GUARANTEE AS NEW ONES. KIRBY SERVICES SUPPLY CO. 2117 DIXIE HWY. *74- K TABLES; ICE CREAM ^ SET OF 6 CHAIRS AntlqM—Blrdsay# bnd Tiger HOT WATER HEATER, SbGALLON — Consumers approved, *19.50 ____e. *39.95 end 149.95, marred. Michigan Fluorescent, 393 Orchard Lake. FE 6*462. y! IRRIGATING SYSTEM, II pal. e * HORSE 9, 140T of ate with WANTED TO BUY •dad glass lamps or Mated gli tip shade*. FE 4-— Hi-fi, TV a. KoJos 66 CITIPHONE SS 23 CHANNEL CB I USED . Ty . ...qn _.1T* &E 2^*‘opin t 15 E. Wallon, corner ot Joalyn i SET OF 1 bMATT, 1 C.B. talkies, 1 - mo. condition, tell loss ot eumlture, 218 E. Pike CHROME DINETTE SETS, ASSEM-Mo yourself, save; 4 chairs, table, tFPy YRtWt flfiff New Mlf to C-22 KNIGHT BASE AND MOBILE CB radio. Range exporters, D IM mlka. Damco and other modulators. signs, Formica tops, Michigan Fluoroscant. BPS Orchard Lak*. FR IMS. Golden CLR. Boat antenna. 1275. 6732283. CLEAN ELCCTRIC SYoYI, M. NIc* wringer washer, M0. *53 COLOR TV, IF" TABLE MODEL, brand new, won In contoat, must DELUXE EASY DRYER COLOR TV BARGAIN* LITTLE Joft Bargain House, FE 34843. RECORD PI_AYER HARO TO Fliwr _ SEE Ut -Hr WE HAVE MOST ALL. KINO*. JOHNSON 'TV FE *4569 6 E. WALTOPd WEAR BALDWIN. RCA WALNUT CONSOl.8 STEREO - AMFM w.. dltion, Slid. 676-- REPOSSESSED COMBINATION TV- LAWN Equipment Want A Strong Boy For Lawn Work? 1 "WE HAVE THEM" , LAWN BOY Mowars Easiest starting-longost running Mower Ever. BEST BUY YET—$79.95 also v Simplicity ' Bolens - Jacobson Snapper Comet McCullough Chain.$awi Used 6-7-10 HP Tractor Mawtrs from $275 houghten & SON is 528 N. Main 011-9761 R0CHBTER THE POSfTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, JULY 0, 1966 C—O OIL BPACB HEATER ANO TANK. *—^u--------------3Q.77I,. OLIVBR Super u in6 loader, 1—qwo btaf- -— - — 852-3133 OUTSIDE ANO INSIDE PAINT, 51.99 a gallon,, all r1- ---------1--- 3460 Dlxla Mwy. night. Pit 8-1544, PHONE ANSWERING MACHINE, TOP SOIL. PEAT, SAND, GltAV- POOLTABLE, S100; USED ELEC- MRU, MA ilfflt* "* °°,h#' Ctark,t0n-BLACK DIRT, TOP SOIL, PILL HM."* Tr"CWn» •LACK kV|UpLuilS»INO CO. Pi AIWA BULLDOZING - DRIVEWAYS AND POWER MOWER SERVICE Harks. Pi 1-1811 railroad ties, si each, pij dallvary, FE MHO. REYNOLDS WATER CONDITIONER RUMMAGE SALE SATURDAY AND Mon., clothing, househok- —I toy». 553 Plrat St. SPR ED-SATIN PAINTS. WARWICK sugNy. St“ |H * Pots—Hunting Digs _____________________Mi tollfta, SIMS. Michigan Fluoraecent, 393 Orchard Laka. FE 44442. it ROLLER, WONDERHORSE, HIGH 1-A. AKC CHIHUAHUA PUPS, STUD service. IMATODDS, 332-7130, PEKINGESE, 1 MALE,' 1 . _ mala. Reasonable. Registered. 682-3286. iTR6Ha_WAo6ti wtifhL eunk arm. SWIVEL CAR TOP BOAT CAR-rlar, cultivator, radial arm saw, electric- clothe* dryer, like new, kitchen table and chair*. Call attar S p.m. OR 3-UOO. TALBOTT LUMBER BPS house paint Ha. fll. SMS gal. BPS ranch house whit* No. MS, CtSt-Dunn alum, rorf paint, 15.50 gel. OlTbaga. Intairter, SLOP gal. VV TREE TRIMMING EQUIPMENT. aLeas,j«. sSi.Lft? chain aaw. CllmMng ropes, climb-1?., tRY AND fcfcAT OUR PRICE - Z5 yearn M». .m same locality. Lux- USED 0PFICE^SW,|rtSWIVjgL typrwrtters, adding . Offset print In* preu, r. ate. Perbet Printing Simply, 4500 Dlxla. Drat ORjm watVr neater, joil WrtTH WEDDING ANNOUNCEMENTS AT discount pticM. Porte* Printing —i Office Suepll" Bl*u r. or vne. WOOD COOKING RANGE YOUR WELDWOOD HEADQUARTERS Hmi Teeie Mtfcliry 61 M" PIONEER CHAIN S V SEMI STORAGE VJ AIR COMPRESSOR, MEDIUM sired. 6784659. UTS MODEL GRAVEL TRAIN, canto* SS tons; CMC ltepsed VS Dtaaaij 2 alum, trailer*, actual 44,000 miles. Bargain. MA 5-2141. 4335 Saahobaw Rd.", Clertuton — 1966 NIMROD CAMPERS CRUISE OUT, INC COMPLETE SCUBA Dll If tntareetod, Wwft pg AUCTION EVERY WEDNESDAY, . pm ^uctlonland. 1300 CraaciM perkirs RALi HjUMT DIVING OUT-' “-a new. Bin. 4-aou.______ 22 Roger 335-7023. Sand—Gravel-Dirt FURNITURE CAN BE SOLD ON ANY MAJOR CREDIT CARDS. MT 81871 end. MV 3-A14I HORSEBACK RIDING EVERY DAY — "■* Golden H Corral. Also wait-riding lasaons. 1800 Hlllar Rd. MONTHS OLD PLOTT AND TER-tier pup, running with old dogs. Rea». 473-40t3. __________ -1 DACHSHUND PUPS, S10 DOWN. AKC-Tarms. JAHEIMS, FE S-2S38. POODLE PUPPIES, MALES, AKC HUNGARIAN VIZLA PUPS, AKC REGISTERED COLLIE PUPS. tows and Whlte~473-I4>t. _________ AkC MINIATURE POODLE PUPS. 8445 Chalice, FE 44074, *.1 AKC COLLIE MALi PUPPIES, S30-*35. 682-5571._________________ KC REGISTERED GERMAN Shepherd, 7 mos. Mick and tan, mow, 412-2474. __________ AKC DACHSHUND PUPS, TERMS, champion stud service. ESTEL-HEIMS - FE 2-OWt. 4 1-ye*nold, S45. OR 8-8134. BASSETT PUPPIES AKC also stud service. 887-4822. lAdLI >UPS, MALES ANb Pi-mows, soma rag!stared. PE 5-1273. BEAUTIFUL BUCK MIXED LAB-rador retriever - Greet Dane puooNa tar aele. t25.332-6*5*.__________ DACHSHUND PUPPIES, BLACK and tan males, champion aired, excellent blood llnet. 451-0115. ENGLISH POINTER PUPS 882-5755 AFTER 6 GERMAN SHORT HAIR POINTERS. GgH rail. Bad offer. All shot*, II-pepers. 474-3324. HOUSE OF P06DLEb GROOMING AND SUPPLIES OSTER CLIPPERS AND BLADES tmJmiM — am facilities. McFeety I „ MIS. OrtonvIlW. CAMPING TRAILER. SCOTTY ALU- SATURDAY, 7 P.M. Hall's Auction Sals W. Clarkiton Rd., Laka Orion " —ew suite, chest at i*r, refrlgeretor, elec- REPOSSESSED 2 5-plec* bedroom suite*, end chair, 2 chroma dinette sets, --------------eulte, TV, Celd- RIDING HORSES, PONY, CART NEW HILLSIDE RANCH Trell riding, by the hour through rolling hills at Clerkston. Beautiful woods, excellent horeet, guides with each group. Pony ride* tor tots, riding Instruction, hones boarded. Located at Dixie Highway and 1-75 an Big Lake Rd. Evening ride* as lr‘ eg — o.m. Call am 5-5811 | . 5-2932 lor appointment*. Ientirely NEW FOR self-contained, 7 sleeper, dowi. vliltort invited, _ 1 6--------Traitor Men- FOR RENT: ir VACATION TRAIL- *r, atoaaa 4. FEM991._______ FOR AUGUST RENTAli.* LPT! and fraval In new motor Reasonable. EM 3-8888, Hiy-firoiB—pBBd ALFALFA AND BROME, CONDI-|—- Heavy betas. 40 cents in M097. CONDITIONED I cents a bale. In TOP QUALITY First ind sac.... I tram the field, will MIXED, toMJkTtifcRI .. CRIMPED, cutting. Direct 14 34 Mile Rd. 752-3142. DEKALB LAYING HENS, STILL AT LOW TYPE FACTORY picture wind MA 5-1014. I If Towa* Brave HI Ellsworth Traitor Sales 4577 Dixie | BALE ELEVATOR, NO. 45 INTER-njfjwpthgy leltf, H*. 44 IMar-national combine. ME 4-3175 or MA 1-2433. FORD TRACTOR WITH » IRRIGATION SYSTEM, 82(7 OF 2" and r Hf—----------------------- Pontiac. - ....... ........ — praaeijMse cation, Ortonvllle, NA 7-3292. Repairs for *11 makes of term machinery. Homellfe chain saws and Colt Hydraulic riding tractors In 'A"‘‘ Depend on Davl* Machinery- stock, 0 MODEL NO. <04, 6 h.p. with n starter end 32" rotary mower. 8849.90. NOW, 1508. KITTENS, FREE TO GOOD HOME, puppies, I weeks. 1 female. Cameras • Service MIXED COLLIE - SHEPHERD puppies. >10. UL 2-2*73.______ POMERANIANS, BEAUTIFUL OR- anpe-Sable puppies. 674-17»2._ POODLE STUD SERVICE. TINY toy* Apricots, Jet Hack. F---- Whit* also Black Miniatures. MODEL NO. ISO, S KING BROS. FE 4-1442 FE 44)734 Pontiac at Opdyke Rd. ______Open sit dey Saturday tT GARWOOD, saoo. sleep! 5, CARNIVAL Demos and Shop Worn * travel Trailers v ... at Tremenduous ' Savings to Youl Check Us This -Weekend _ Trade your Unit Today Discounts On These Units Straamlines-Kenskills Fronklins-Fans-Crees and Monitors Campmate Truck Campers Franklin Truck Campers Good Used Travel Trailers From S875 to 81295 Sleep up to *' people OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK DISCOUNTED New end used camper* and trai traitors. I FAMILY CAMPERS, INC. "'•tla Hwy., P—— 332-8828 What’s ell the rush about learning to tell time? There's a buzzer for recess, Dad’s whistle for dinner, and tinkle bell for the ice cream man!” Travel Trailers WAGON TRAIN FOR THE HAPPY, CAREFREE VACATIONI Costs less — Packs faster - Ct ries mere - Ride* Mfw and easy Sett up like magic wherever yi **' NOW RENTING JOHNSON'S VACATION TRAVEL TRAILERS NEW CAMPERS WOLVERINE TRUCK CAMPER Md sleepers. New and used m jp. Alse rentals. Jacks, Intercoms, •temping, bumpers, ladder* -acks. Lowry CafBRGr Mil, t 1. Hospital Road, Union Lai EM 3-3411. Spare tlrw carrier* 16'X44* 2-BEDROOM MOBIL HOl •" *it up In good park mar ... Owned by Don Gtliler. For EVAN'S EQUIPMENT 4587 Dixie Hwy., Clerkston 625-1711 T NEW LOCATION For Stachlers INSPECT CENTURY-MALLARD SAGE-TAG-A-LONG SEE THE FAMOUS (Canvas Back Camper by Mallard DISPLAY MODEL ON SALE $750 SPECIAL I' Truck Camper, Fully equipped, lacks and all. Ideal for W ton pickup truck. $1,395 HOURS: MONDAY THRU FRIDAY * " - - 10 5:00 pjn. SATURDAY .... ... to 5:00 p.m. CLOSED ALL DAY SUNDAY. TOM $TACHLER AUTO AND MOBILE SALES 1W. Highland Rd~ M-SP, FE 2-P Reese and Drawtlto Hitches HOWLAND SALES AND RENTALS 324S Dixie Hwy*. _________j>R 3-1454 By Dick Turner *1500. •t'-r' . IS' CHRIS-CRAFT INBOARD, *550. 1963 CHRIS-CRAFT 19' SEA-SKIFF, than . 35 hour* III Motorcycles m*. 30 yr*. Repair Bxper TONY'S MARINE 3495 Orchard Laka Rd. 4S2-3640 517 E. WALTON a or IkWA '6iMi|kRi FE 48418 FOR SALEI ind S sleepers, WMWi 3401 W FE 8-04B4 1945 GREAT LAKES — HOW, t |own and take < 5 HONDA, ft CC. EXCELLENT condition, 8400. EM 3-4302. Is. the Time to Buy Boats-CLEARANCE-Boats Lone Stars IF to IF and MF. board or outboards, Glssstron Boats, and. Flbtrglet and ------ Canoes at low os BIS*. Rivorla Crusler Pontoon Short Station boat lilts, om Lone Star Sail Boats, low at BRIOGESTONE 175CC, 8! a. old. 335-2518. 1044 BSA LIGHTNING. 1 only 81,100. OL 14W4S.__ 1944 HARLEY SPRINT, 13,000 MILS "lot oaM, IM.88Meu HARLEY-DAVIDSON SPORT- BRIDGESTONE • MOTORCYCLES From 5830.05 UP PAUL* YOUNG* MARINA 10 plxto Hwy. Dravtan Pltl OR 443411 ' 1965 MARUSHO, LIKE NEW, 500 CC touring, opposed twin, drive theft, low mileage, extra*, —“* off high- V 473-3479, BSA Mark II Special Hottest rood bike available ull race angina — racing style enk, alloy whaota, dual Gr—1 Tlx carbs, toll lighting e< BUY NOW ANO SAVE AT COLONIAL "Never Knowllngly Undersold" IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY IN OUR NEW ULTRA MODERN PAR All 1944 Model* on Display In Bvtry Pried Rang* At winter Discounts DETR0ITER-P0NT1 AC CHIEF KR0PF Top trad* tllowanc* on your eras for heiSlng, plumbing and atoctrledl. systems. You never Ramble. You always enlov the uL met* In tefely,----------- - 7 ■ Ides el bargain prkes. • at bargain prices, ns to your satisfaction CYCLE BRIDGESTONE WINNER AT DAYTONA ItCC. 40CC 90CC 175CC HOURLY—DAILY Telegraph Rd. next r FREE! FREE I ^ FREE- FREE With every Suzuki, 12____ „ 12,000 mil* warranty. Better than anything you can wear. CUSTOM COLOR 215 W. Montcalm LOOKING ■ used Suzuklt Suzuki e satisfied, they would i Ethan switch. CUSTOM COLOR (at West Wide Track) NEW 1*84 HONDA SCRAMBLER. WmmUi Cors-Trecki 101 trailer. 8750. 334-771 OFF ORCHARD LK. RD. f. 35 hp Mtrc Windshield, COflv over. Treller. E ALUMACRAFT GUEEN 1 ALUMINUM AEROCRAFT wires. I I. Ml 4-1 HORSE MERCURY ELECTRIC jotor, with contrail, 2 prop, r tank end g*8 line. 5158. 425-2733. EXTRA EXTRA Dollars Paid FOR THAT EXTRA Sharp Car , "Check ike rad, the* get the toit" at Averill AUTO SALES lNRy e-*»78 2881 Dixie FE .*489* MORE MONEY Paid For Sharp Cars ‘ GALE McANNALLY'S Auto Sales 1804 Baldwin FE 8-4525 Acre** tram Pontiac State Sink dTiwto 111 Olfmer. Sperfen. night. OR 3-1544. Bloch Bret, Centruy If Inboard, with 101 gray, with trailer, 81595 Like Newl 18' Kit- made, (nice) New treller, with 48 HP. Johnson S8t5. CLIFF DREYERS (Marin* Division) 15210Hollg Rd. Holl^ME 4-4771 CLEARANCE I 1965 Modols Now On Display fgnflML Only MERCURY-MERCRUISeR DIALER CRUISE4UT, INC. 43 E. Walton Open 94 Vt 84482 CREDIT 125 Oakland at Wide Track FII-H14 WANTED GOOD USED CLEAN CAR5~CASH Opdyfc* Herdwere_________FE 5-441 WILL FAY TOP DOLLAR FOl sharp pick-ups. BUD MANSFIELD USED CARS 1501 Baldwin, 2 blocks N. of Walton ■__________ F B 2-244) Junk. Can-Tracks 101-A 2 AND 1 JUNK CARS—TRUCKS, free tow anytime, FE 2-2646. < CABS - TRUCKS ALWAYS BUYING JUNK CARS 0 Craft aluminum Itahln par, Steury, Mlrro Craft Boats, Evlnrude beats and motors, Grumman and Tamarac canoes. Kayo! trailers. Taka Hickory Rldg* Rd. to Demode Rd. lift M tof— J~L-SON'S SALI LAKE Phone___________________ F6R MERCURY OUTBOARO*. Kars Beefs A Motors, Lake Orton. COPPER 40 CENTS AND UP: Bras* radiators, bettorles, starters, pdneratera. C. Dixon, OR 3-58 ~ Used Airte-Trvck Parts I02 FSB CHEVROLET FARTS - 454 poeltrectlon rear end, 4-speed 1942 Chdvy transmission; 4-barral carburetor or will Mil whole car. MY 3- 14W. _________. DT CHEVY BLOCK, LINE BOARD" 4- bolt mains, new meins, — Latham super charger tar LARSON, INBOARD-OUTBOARD .........................04 Lerson 14 toot outboard .....511 Used tall beet*, 12' to If, fully equipped ............... 5258 I Regulation swimming markers In HARRINGTON BOAT WORKS "Your Evlnrude Dealer" 189* S. Telegraph______332-8033 PINTER'S SPECIALS ir new Sea-Ray, deep V, 158 h.p.> 16' Hk* new See-Rey, 118 h.p., trailer. Top, Side, Mooring cover: used camping trailer with Add-A-Room. 170 Opdyke Open f-9 Set. 9-4 (i-7» at Oakland University Exit) CRESTLINER FIBERGLAS 15', 4( horsepower Evlnrude electric, tot ly equipped. Skis, LHtte Dud* Trailer, exc. condition, 51,195. 6-3594. 1959 DODGE CORONET FOR part* 530.152-4370. ___________ CHEVY • dORQ - COMlt ■ IaLCON 6-cyl.. factory] rebuilt motor*. 899 ccn Install. Term*. Other make* tow priced. SSWIir f6r sale for farts. Podge Lencer Slant 4.893-1791. MONCEY 4 SPEED TRANSMISSION d competition plus shifter. All w. Best ettor. 474-2815. v and llstd Trucks 103 HEAVY DUTY BOAT TRAILER, ■fit 15' to ir boot. 625-8444. LONE STAR, CLINKER STYLE alum. boat. 48 hp. l*Vk tael, elus trailer, —------------— —" "thant needed-, plL. many extras. 81450. LYAAAN 14'. MICHIGAN TURBOCRAFT SALES, INC. PAYMENTS TOO HIGH? We . buy or will adjust your payments to less expensive car. DON'S J/SED CARS 77 S. Lapeer Rd. Lake Orion ________MY 2-2041. | STOP HERE^LASTj •I cars. Corvettes needed. M&M MOTOR SALES -Now at our new location 1150 Oakland it Viaduct H6avy Duty One-Ton Pickups 4 speed, V* Md VS, heavy duty springs, tltae, 1960-1964 GMCl and FORDS $695 up 34 other used trucks W (fleet from *11 rhtkes and modete Easy Tirms. _ ASK F0RTRUCKDEPT. FE $4101 / John McAuliffe Ford 277 West Montcalm Ave. (1 block I. ol Oiklend Ava.) HALF-YARD INSLEY DRA6 LINE. 247V S. Duck Uke Rd„ 685-1446. STAKES and DUMPS 1963-1964-1965 FORD F480 - 3x5 Dumps From $1995 to $2995 1.963 FORD N-750 181" wheel base, will taka IS' body. 332 Cu. In. engine, S speed, 2 speed, 920-10 ply. $2495 Big Stock olothenmake* ASK FOR Truck Dept. FE 5-4101 John McAuliffe Ford GLENN'S <1 Btack But ot Oakland) TRUCKING BUSINESS. INCLUDING 1958 International Tandem dump, and 1943 Chevrolet single axle. MAD Trucking, 474-2553. ____________ OR 3-1291 Aeft Fhendei 104-A FIND A GOOD CAR AND COAA-■ plats the' Deal win Pontiac Co-op Ftdergl Crpdlt Union. 3-783G Foreign Cars I960 RENAULT, NEEDS WORK. BTOO FE 5-2385, AUSTltl HIALY, 88,HOC 52 FORD ENGINE. 890 FORD EN-glna with 427 am end solid*, aluminum pistons, 8150. 427 dual quads engine, 5375. Car phonograph, 535. Dual 4-barrel Intake, Dodge or Plymouth, 125. OR 3-5208. 1957 CHEVY PICKUP to TON, REAI good shape. Save Aute, FE 5-3275. 1*57 FORD 5 YARD DUMP, 5575 852-44*4 1964 Ranchero Pickup with e beige finish, radio, heater, Cruite-O-MetiCi whitewalls. Now Only - $1396 ' BEATTIE 957 VW, 37,000 AUCTUAL MILES. Very good tandttloh, 8425. FE 2-2228. 757 VW, G006 CONDlflON, 8250. 760 VW, GOOD CONDITION. ROOF rack, *550. MY 3-2727. 960 VW CONVERTIBLE. WHITE with black top, excellent shape, 425-1747. 1961 VOLKSWAGEN Beautiful blue sunroof. Full p only 899£ ROSE RAMBLER-JEEP EM 3-4155 1943 MG MIDGET. 87 BOB BORST 4444531 1963 RENAULT OAUFHINB WITH RADIO AND HEATER, HERE 15 A RIAL FINE OASSAVING AUTOMOBILE, ABSOLUTELY NO MONEY down, aiiwm weekly payments of I4.fl. CALL CREDIT MGR. Mr. Ptrk* at HAROLD TURNER FORD; Ml 4-7M0. BLUE, RACAo, SUN 1964 VW SEDAN, VERY CLEAN, buy at whoteule prlca of only 88*8. OH-6425.__________' 1964 VOLKSWAGEN. PRICED TO radio, gai heater, 11295. 673-5037 after 4. 1885 AUSTIN MEALY SPRltE CON- 1965 VW, WHITEWALL, RADIO — 81,100. 673-0853. WOt TRWMFH SFtT ^IRE, GREEN WALZ 35 MM, 1-500 SEC., lent with rangpnider, .flat. case. A too an larger and developing GABY GRAND PIANO . Beautiful Antiquad Green and Geld ■95 Del--- MORRIS MUSIC RABBITS AND HUTCHES 334-5322 REGISTERED A registered fox terrier, metal ary, orange. Singer, age, < 82S. FE 5-5442. 941 Cimercn. REGISTERED AKC BASSETT: mo. female. Best offer. 32B-2P08. REGIITfcRED TOY FOX TERRIER iJ-XT SiLFCOHTAINED DRIFT-wood, travel traitor, sleeps 8, com-ptoto with Reese hitch. MA 5-1813. 21' SELF-CONTAINED, r AAt electric refrigerator. 10'4" cabcovera, 51,195 and up. -TER CAMPER AAPO. CO. iiEB daibiini-RdL MB 1966 NIMROD CAMPERS CRUISE OUT, INC. 45 E. Walton, dally F* FE 5-44M PIONEER CAMPER SALES PICKUP CAMPERS BY Travel Guam — Overland — Bart EXECUTIVE DELUXE 1 BEDROOM mobile homer studio type llvl— room, fireplace, gas heat, bet tHully furnished. 4M4876 OXFORD TRAILER SALES TAKE THAT'VACATION THIS TIME W* rant new travel traitor* imping * or I. Mika your reserve 13 to 40 ft. See the newest In 4 lettes, Stewarts, and famous Wli bago travel trailers. Open 9-B, closed Sunday Mil* south of Lake Orion on i MYT-q721 mu1 'IN' AMP 5It t4e hew gen. Still have a taw dema floor modal*. ■ JACK HAGAN MUSIC 489 Elizabeth Lk. Rd. 5324I5H TIM Coolay Lk. Rd, 343-5588 XPERT PIANO MOVING PIANOS WANTED /an lervice IM THE ONLY COVE MONEY CAN " Frisky Gerthtn Shepher-* AKC, 3 mos. MA 4-3438. AIRSTREAM LIGHTWEIGHT TRAVEL TRAILERS Sines 1932. Guaraniawf • See them end jal _ __________ tion *t Warner Trailer Salas, 3BM W. Huron (plan to loin one ot Welly lytm'i exciting caravans). RENT-A-CYCLE BY THE HOUR, DAY OR WEEK. New Yamal* SO, 80 end Ratei ch*apir:*- RI DA-RE Woodwart SUZUKI BETTER GET 'EM NOW 12 MOS. — 12,800 MILE WARRANTY TUK0 SALES IN6 872 E. AUBURN - ROCHESTER SAILBOATS, 1(7 TO 28*. WAYFAR-er. Wineglass, B-L|en, Aqua-Cat, Peceshlpt, Flying Jr., Klta. Rent- side body - 8750. Evenings, 5300 Clinton River, near Crescent Lake. 1*63 ' ECQHOLINI IU5 DELUXE. 17*5. ME 4-3923. a. all 42 BRAND FIANO. REAL NIC#. 8249. Upright plana 848095, Flute, 529. Smith Me vine Co. 871 E. Pic*. WHITE TOY MALE POODLE, 3 mo., AKC teglstared, 5*0. 338- 82*6._____________ ,_________ ' WHITE AKC MALE TOY POODLE, APACHE BUFFALO with aluminum hardtop, folding ), and oversized tires, 5845, I and demonstrator Apaches Kh* Home Town Factory Dealer Bill Cottar Camping (Center I* East o« Lepeor on M21 Reasonable. 8869814. LUDWIG SPARKLE SNARE DRUM. MUSIC FESTIVAL TRADE-IN PIANOS Oxtoy^from jjrtghti, grand< CONSOLE PIANO .......$369 GRINNEIL'S (DOWNTOWN) 27 S. SAGINAW 2 SPECIAL AUCTIONS SAT., 7:30 P.M. SUN., 2*30 P.M. Truck loads of new and used furniture and appli* ances. APACHE CAMP TRAILERS Factory Demonstrator, never used 5 pm. IIU. COLLGR, Apache FMf| Hometown Dealer, f mil* wheels. Ellsworth Trailer Sales 8577 pixie Hwy. MA 5-1481 SLEEPER TRAVEL TRAILER. Best offer. OR 44)559.___________ APACHE CAMP TRAILERS OLD* TROMBONE. MUTE STAND, 878. MA 4-1651.__________ 5TANDARDOUITAR. IIEVER BEEN Dixie Hwy., 8:31 p.m. Marble tops Se^jSSKS* ^ 9H,ANO°A^8rOAN "Sloii^jfg^Eewd ~n ____ EQUIPMENT USED RESTAURANT BOOT ENT, OUTS I 8x12 TENT, July ito ' |n|ta*M>mSl ot^Grind Blanc' o* Old Dixie Hwy. to Grovelend Rd. 2 miles eat, wokh ter eigne. Grondfethers clock, brass carriage lamp*. Oil petatlngs. Ivory ptacn. love seat*, radnn, Chin* gbwet. dinner bail*, m*rtfe tap_tabt*. bronze pieces, primitives. PRIMITIVES TO|i SOLD FROM THE COUNTRY STORE. Seta Inside If weather Is bed. SSfeY,.^ ^S£?SF?d Dixie Hwy. OR M717 BILL COLLER RENTALS - IS FT. AND Id FT. Buddy and Nomade. Locafeo belt way betwaan o Oxford on M24, next k xr-.— MY 3-6611. SUMMER SALE SAVE HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS over 48 to choose from • ----rant *---- luced p _.g, 8 to perking .an 9 IV 9—7 dayw • m MIDLAND TRAILER SALES am Dixie Hwy. 33S-G772 B or Tetgriph Minlblkes a._____________ M59 to W. Highland, mgm Hickory RIO* Rd. to Demode Left and follow signs to C SON'S SALES AT TIPSICO U STARCRAFT, CABIN CRUISER it'7" alum., heed, lull ampina end reed cenvess, loeded with extras, 75 Johnson, trailer. Used very Itttta. 52,780. FE 2-6057. SAILBOATS, 17 TO ». WAYFAR-Winegtats, B-Llen, A4«-Cat, Plying Jr. Kill, nutate, S. Avon Sailboats. 152-2211 John R, Rd., Rochester. 1964 CHEVROLET V der with ' etanderc radio, hater. Pri«____ *795. JEROME FORD Rochester! Ford Paler OL 14711, SACRIFICE: 1965 HARL electric starting, 3800 ach FE 5-15 ALUMINUM, TILT BED TRAIL- r 4 SEAT ALUMINUM BOAT with trailer. IVY Bvtnrud* Fisher, man malar. Oara Iona. Phene 4253236. - RUNABOUT WITH MOTOR IriEir,' amttmiit atoarwig Can after 8 pjn. Raal lay. 4*2-uo “ WeirttJ COT-Tnwjb HELP! naa* me sharp Cadillacs, u Otos and Bulcks ter 1 I merket. Top dollar geM. MANSFIELD AUTO SALES 101 1966 GMC i-Ton Pickup Heater, defrosters, backup lights, seat belti, 2-speed wipers, washers, inside (par view mirror $1779 including all taxes PONTIAC'S ONLY EXCLUSIVE TRUCK DEALER GMC Factory Branch Oakland at Cass FE 5-9485 SPORT CAR CENTER We Sell for Less 50 Select N«w and Used 'Authorized Dealer MG-Austin Healv — Sunbeam - Triumph — x Morgan - Fiat" Grimaldi' New eed Meed Cm It Cleon Up Lot Salt 5 cars, priced hem ......if to BEdf 1959 Plymouth wagon, •» Naah Jit* Pickup*, long wheel base .ITS 9* BIAS. Ptefity ether teed cars. s.h ECONOMY CABS ttM nerf. Mgg. ,t BUICK ,2 DCjjTTOMBK be purchased with « money drnases. LUCKY AUTO c-m 1 fcsd Cars % AUTOMATIC. RUN! MOTORS ____r» mm iJQfl}g»*ri Tl»» F^HOP SUNDAY Buy on : MONDAY •OLIVER BUICK, Horn* of Bulcks and Op*Is 194-210 Orchard Lak« FE 2-9165 . MUST DISPOSE OF 1*40 „ BUICK . Convertible, full power, No Money Down, 14.17 weekly. Coll Mr. Mur- phy Of FE 5-4161. McAullfffe- "_ • WM HtUlfck C0NVEETIBJ.g~ 66U- THE PONTIAC PRESS; SATURDAY, JULY 0, I960 MwfdMwiCm INS iUKK SKVUMIK. Ctfuoo, ' —o • Peirteg %m7 116$ BUICK LtSaDre hardtop with vinyl eion, *redk) end'ISefer a won tost, only SO* c_ weekly poyments of *18.68. , HAROLD TURNER . _ FORD, INC. » T 444 S. WOODWARD AVE. I BIRMINOHAM Ml «-TSBI>l IMS BUICK SPECIAL CONVER-tlkle. Prlvoto owner. Custom deluxe. Exc. Condition. tBMRSS. iftt SILVER BUICK RIVIERA, COS-tom trim, chrome wheels. 3*3-7200 1*R C sir condition...,.___ lor Soles, 2434 Auburn, Pontiac. Its; CADILLAC, 4 DOOR HARD-I I top, power steering end brakes. Good condlton. Runs exc. $350. OR 3-03*4. 1959 RED CADILLAC I CONVERTIBLE-$450 |New mi Vtmd tan RTTB. AORTA condition. C 4115. 61 CHEVRC door, 4-cyL, pi radio and heater $395 Wkly Payments t.............|4 .STAR Auto Sales 60 S. TELEGRAPH 2 blocks south of Huron ____,FE 8-9661 il CHEVY 4-DOOR SEDAN, BELi Air. cloon as a pin. and twice as sharp I tt»S, $4t down. » R NORTH of 14 Milo 3 VonDyke at • Mile Si TRUOELL FORD IwB Ca* _ ■ IP I, IMS CHRVV II, BY OWNER. 414Mb 4 473-IOTaftorf p.m. - IBM CMIVRLLI SS JWLYAK1 ~ar bolonco. BHat tfforB. j CHEVY I MPAL-A S«»ORTS New —d Ihsd Cers 196 MUST MOVE IMI MERCURY BTAr wSkly^pll^rTcott, 33 iurwr*«. 1H2 MiRd'liRY METEOR. 4 £YL- BALANCE OF W7 ■ . -, , DOWN AND LOW WEEKLY PAY- -VENTS CALL MR. CASH. 338-4531. SPARTAN. FISCHER BUICK - c,u J- T- Warden ^at 1V62 coRVETte CONVERTIBLE _“"'liL______________,__ spssd, 300 h.p. perfect eendltii IM0 CADILLAC LIMOUSINE, BEAU- FE t-2010.__________ .... ___________ tlful Ship*. FE 4-0404. . Teef CHEvROLEt IMPALA SUPER 1C, WITH PLENTY OF POWER.jlMI CADILLAC CONVERTIBLE Sport convertible with 4-eprJ MUST SELL TODAY FOR PULL lor sole. Coll otter 5 p.m. FE trantmlsslon, 01,005 of " - “ i^--. — BOB BORST ConvortlwJ wttf°!UtfeJ power I , LINCOLN-MERCURY White finish with rod Inferior. 430 5. Woodward BIRMINOHAM 100.000 mile Vogue tires, (firming- ■_644-4530 ham l owner new cor trade. Bank mi CHEVY. 3 rotes. Full price only 1 - - $1495 BIRMINGHAM CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH - 554 S. WOODWARD 647-5600 REPOSSESSION COUPE WITH POWER, TUR- IN BUICK ELECTRA "225" CON- gUOISE FINISH. POWEB AND VERTIBLE, FULL POWER AND fv£L¥?UOFN?iI?T“SnK BUCKETS. ANY 0L0 CAR DOWN *^0 PAYMENTS OF JUST BIOJ7 AND PAYMENTS OF JUST *12.*7 7tfr?k;DTC.u casm' 33®- WEEKLY. CALL MR. CASH, 330 4sa' SFAtTAN. 4330. SPARTAN. ------,------:—,h —------- . w .1964 Buick Custom Wogon $1489 1*63 CHEVROLET 2 DOOR WITH AUTOAAATIC TRANSMISSION, — HEATER TIRES. ABSOLUTELY NO MONEY DOWN. Assume weakly payments of S4.ll. CALL CREDIT MGR. Mr. Parks at HAROLD TUNRER WOULD YOU BELIEVE heater end whitewall tl HAROLD TURNER payments 1062 Ford Galaxie 500 . i960 Pontiac Catalina Coupe . 1*60 Buick toSabre, ....... 1963 Rambler Sporr Classic .. . S509 I960 Ford Wagon ,....... j OPDYKE MOTORS I? I FORB, INC. 2330 Pontiac Rd. at Opdyke [■*! 464 S. WOODWARD AVE I FE 8-W37 , FE 0-03101 I, I BIRMINGHAM________Ml A7500 MONZA. WHITE WITH RED e LATEMODEL CADILLACS ON | Hatherjnterior, auto. ------------- BIRMINGHAM CHlUrSLER-FLYMOUTH HO S. WOOdWOltj - Ml 7-3214 057 DODGE, GOOD CONDITION, good second car. 1150. 34 N. Shore, Apt. 2, Lake Orion. 15* DObOE, EXCELLENT CONI lien. $245. FE 0-0571 _______ f~60 DODGE DART CONVERTIBLE, good condition, private ow-IfM Cell 425-0380.____ Marvel Motors 251 Oakland Aye. 4 DODGE DART CQNVERTI- --------sT|CK SHIFT “ A D I O _____ „ YHITE- ____. TIRES, AlEpLUTK- LY NO MONEY DOWN, Assume weekly payments of *9.00. CALL CREDIT MGR. Mr. Parks at HAROLD TURNER FORD, Ml 4-7500. REPOSSESSION - 1944 DODOBE PO-hsrdtop, black VI. money down, SI0J7 1965 DODGE POLARA, VS, AUTO- mafic, power steering, tnkr --------- payments. FE 4-9)29. 1964 DODGE "4". stick, excellont tires, stconomy special. Ideal 2nd car. Good con $995 BIRMINGHAM Nsw asd Ustd Cars 106 1962 FORD 2-door Cloon HOMER HIGHT Motors Inc. On M24 In Oxford 0A 8-2528 1*0 FORD GALAXIE 500 4-DOOR. ■" lulomatlc power steering gnd r brakes, fclld black finish .Ike new tots at JEROME D. Rochester's Ford Dealer INI FORD COUNTRY SEDAN, Crulse-O-Matk, real good a lion, INS - 04* down. John R North of 14 Mile 515-4000 ------ Dyke at I Mile SL 7-0007 TRUDELL FORD REPOSSESSION, 1*43 FALCON STA-i Wagon. Beige- No money down $4.87 weekly. Call Mr. Mbson. T ALL TIMES REPOSSESSION - 1*43 FORD OQN- —-eh. --- ”| Auto. pdW- . CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH I tr. No money ao*m,_SI.87 w«ekly. 160 S. Woodward Ml 7-3214 JEROME MOTOR SALES 1*43 CHEVY BIBCAYNE, 4 DR. SE- 1*45 DODGE DART 6, 2-DOOR, j Nbw —d Used Cm 106 LLOYD'S 1965 MUSTANG two-door hi O-Mitlc, I ful Hawal condition. •nee of 11,1 One Year___ ____ Lloyd Motors 1250 OAKLAND 333-7863 1*45 FORD ‘COUNTRY SQUIRE 1 passenger station wagon. Automa Ic. power steering and brake Chrome luggage rack. This Is th best. Save m on this one. Co new. Autorama MOTOR SALES 3435 Orchard Lake Rd. 611-4410 1 Mile Wert of Telegraph 1965 mustang GT CONVERTIBLE, racing green, saddle Interior, --- 210 4-berrel, disc, brek 02150. Ml 7-3523. DOWNEY'S New • Used Cor Locotion 1084 Oakland Next to Rainbow tsr wash, v* mile south at Dixie and Telegraph Rds 1963 BUICK Special four-door, radio, heater,' automatic, VO. $695 DOWNEY 0LDSM0BILE, INC. New Used Car Display Area 1084 OAKLAND 338-0331, 3384)332 1*44 BUICK CLECTRA HARDTOP, comelete sowar, mldnlaht blue, , real bar- 1964 CADILLAC COUPE DeVILLE Beautiful medium blue finish and seulpped with full power and factory elr condition try Coma out •nd.ee seml^ dawn. NORM DANIELSON (USED CADILLAC SPECIALIST) WILSON CADILLAC OF BIRMINGHAM - MI 4-1930 i CADILLAC. 1*44, GOLD SEDAN DE- 1*43 CHEVY 4 DOOR. AUTOMATIC. Geotf condition. ■ 35744. Call e- KESSLER'S Seles end Service lift CADILLAC FLEET* Brougham. Every extra. Will FE visa or 473-*731. : Trail, wailed MISSION RADIO -------- • HEATER AND WHITEWALL TIRES, ABSOLUTELY NO MONEY DOWN. Assume weekly payments of *7.8*. CALL CREDIT MGR. Mr. Perks at HAROLD TURNER FORD, Ml 4-7500. 7V 40*. 4 SPEED CON-Sen in service. Take ever i, 2*7 Hickory Lane, OA S-1400 1*51 FORD. 2 DOOR, NIFTY, RUNS " ~R 1-3715. 1*57 FORD, GOOD RUNNING CON- II. 1625, or bast offer. >. WILL TAKE BEST OF- 1957 CHEVY STATION WAGON, cyl., straight slick, 8125. 48243775. I 1*57 CHEVY, 81380. IMF John McAuliffi Ford Just Received Special Allotment .of 1957 CHEVY 2-DOOR tnglne, euh $169 4-cylinder tnglne, automatic, your DON'S USED CARS SMALL AD-BIG LOT 78 CARS TO CHOOSE FROM 0 FORD 2-DOOR, RUNS GOOD. $1489 1965 Malibu 4-Door VI, automatic, power steering — brakes. Heater, radio and whitewalls. Only- $1989 CRISSMAN CHEVROLET (On Top of South Hill ! ROCHESTER . -OL 2-972 1*57 CHEVROLET 2-DOOR. 4- -1*45 MERCURY 4 dr., auto. S, power Hearing, beautiful mist green. 1*44 DODGE Wagon, auto. 8, double power, radio, healer,.whitewall*, white. 1M3 BUICK Convertible, auto. S. double power, light blue, radio. 1*44 IMPALA Super sport, 2 dr. hardtop, auto. S, double power, midnight blue. I 677 S. LAPEER RD. Lake Orion f________MY 2-2041 1*64 CHEVELLE MALIBU SUFlR i Sport. Auto. Low mileage- Private ■ owner. MA 5-I5Q1. ASH Seles. 1964 CHEVY IMPALA CONVERTI ble Midnight " Pretty Ponies 1965 MUSTANGS 7 USED MUSTANGS TO CHOOSE FROM CONVERTIBLES HARDTOPS, 2 PLUS 2's FULL EQUIPMENT As Low As $49 Down [ and $49 Per Month HAROLD TURNER FORD, INC. 444 S. WOODWARD AVE. BIRMINGHAM *" f m FORD STATION WAGON V-t, nice ......................BUBS Save Auto FE S-327B . *1500. FE 5-4543;I960 2 DOOR GALAXIE, $200. OR DOWNEY'S TRANSMISSION, RADIO AND HEATER AND WHITEWALL TIRES, ABSOLUTELY NO MONEY DOWN, Ateume weekly payments of $7-11. CALL CREDIT IT MOVE 1944 T^BIRDAHi oney down, *14.17 weekly. Cell r. Scett, 333-7863, Lloyd'- DOWNEY'S New Used Cor Location 1084 Oakland $695 DOWNEY OLDSMOBILE, INC. New Used Car Display Area 1084 OAKLAND ' 3384)331, 338-0332 LLOYD'S One Year Sllvercrest Warranty Lloyd Motors 1250 OAKLAND 333-7B63: 1*44 FORD SEDAN GALAXIE, JOB, light blu*, power steering brakes, leaded, 18,080 miles, 4-9587. ___________ 1965 T-Bird Convertible Radio, heeler, Cruise-O-Matlc, power steering, brakes, whitewalls, $3195 BEATTIE 1*65 MUSTANG 1 FLUB 2, RED fastback, bUtemitlc trensm" ‘ tinted gleet, deluxe contele, 1*45 MUSTANG 2 DOOR HARbtOP, radio, heater, extra clean 1-owner car. SldtS full price at JEROME FORD Rocheettr* Ford Dealer OL 1-P711. 1*65 FbRD FAIRLANE 4 dee 21* High Performance V-t i automatic, radio, heater. A factory official's Car. See It at JEROME FORD Rechester'e Ford Dealer 1965 FORDS 17 TO CHOOSE FROM ALL MODELS FULLY EQUIPPED NEW CAR WARRANTIES AS LOW AS $49 DOWN Payments as Iqw as $11.95 HAROLD TURNER FORD, INC. 464 S. WOOOWARD AVE. IRMINOHAM “' H|l r car. Weakly $1595 ■ BIRMINGHAM CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH 844 S. Woodward Ml 7-S iMl JASbCURY FARKLANR Wl 4-door breeiswty- *1.5*5 •• BOB BORST LINCOLN-MERCURY 10 S. Woodward BIRMINGHAM 1966 Mercury Monterey Hardtop — • whit* finish, radk omsik, power eteertni Only- > 1 $2695 BEATTIE PSmPUPMMj i»30" On Olrc1- ~lr--at the oeuew stoplight OR 3-1291____ MERCUNY, AIR CONDITIONING, .*44 ^Fark Law, j^dBtr^hardtop. REPOSSESSION 1*60 OLDS SEDAN WITH AUTO MAT IC AND POWER. MUST SBU. TODAY. NO f DOWN AND JUST 87.R7 WEEKLY. MUST SELL TODAY, CALL “* -------- SPARTAN. SUBURBAN OLDS , HOME OF Quality Oni-Owner . Birmingham Trades AT LOWEST PRICES ■ ' 447-4111 New aad Used Cm Uft imwd heM cm; m “DOWNEY'S New Used Car Location 1084 Oaklartd ____ ____FE S-B748 1*57 PONTIAC GOOD TRANSFON-tetlen. SMS. UL t-2287 after 6. -GO!! HAUPT PONTIAC and Save $ $ $ ble power. 343-4284._______ is* PONtlAC CATALINA, dyke iwrEwt* — FE MfES . Marvel Motors FE B-407* LINA 4 DOOR, believing, only Estate Storage 109 5. East Blvd. Pontiac Lot FE 3-7161 1H1 TEMPEST STATION WAGON. LUCKY AUTO 1*40 W. WM* Track 1964 TEMPEST Convertible, VS, eu._ steering end brakes. $1595. DOWNEY OLDSMOBILE, 1NC. New Utad Car Dltpley Am 1084 OAKLAND 338-0331, 338-0332 SHELTON OLDS 1*56, DOUILE POWER, PRI 1*61 OLDS. 2 DOOR HARDTOP, I OLDS CUTLASS rey down, S10.B7 r. Scott, 333-7163, MUit MOVE II coupe. No m weakly. Cell i OLDSAAOBILE, Console. Exc. soring end condition. . k sharp automobile .with 142 PONTIAC CATALINA STATION wagon, 4 pass. Aula, trensmlsslo-power steering, power brakes, r die. 8*88. 482-0702. Cell Sun. LLOYD'S ir Sllvercrest Warn ^oSTyi Lloyd Motors 1250 OAKLAND 333-7863 CONVERTIBLI 2 PONTIAC GRAND PR IX, EXC. e.been looking1_______ TRANSMISSION RADIO AND HEATER AND WHITE-WALL TIRES, ABSOLUTELY NO MONEY DOWN, Assume weekly payments of S7.N. CALL CREblT MGR. Mr. Parks et HAROLD TURNER FORD. Ml 4-7S06. $2095 BIRMINGHAM CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH 18 S. Woodward Ml.-7- WO PLYMOUTH 2-DOOR HARD-top, auto ■■ OR 3-2771, MUSTANG 1*4S JBLUE AND WHITE convertible 28*—4 speed. rMl^te console. Ford executives ___________ car, low mileage, radio, whitewalls. MA 4-1487. ___ DISPOSE OF — 1*45 TANG. BMUtlful bronze w speed. No Money Down, weekly.'Call Mr. Murphy, i 5-4101 McAullffe. JULY Transportation Specials BUY HERE-PAY HERE No Application Refused FULL . WKLY CAR PRICE FYMT 1*60 VALIANT, euto $1*7 82.25 1*4* FALCON 4door 13*7 S4.1t 1*5* PONTIAC, suto 81*7 $2.25 1*40 FORD, stick_0*7 S4.I0 1*41 COMET, eute ..83*7 S4.10 1*43 CORVAIR Monza *5*7 $5.*5 1*40 PONTIAC .. '..13*7 S4.10 1*55 PLYMOUTH wtg I 75 S1.00 1*58 FORD Wagon ...8*7 Sl.lt Studebeker ... . $1*7 *2.25 .... Plymouth Wagon (2*7 *3.05 1*48 FORD Wagon 13*7 U.10 INI TEMPEST Wig 83*7 • S4.10 1*40 CHRYSLER con 14*7 84.75 |H| COMET Wagon *597 SS.tS IMMEDIATE DELIVERY MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM WE HANDLE AND ARRANGE ALL FINANCING . CALL MR. DAN AT FE 84071 Capitol Auto i*43 tempest Limans, n7o. POWER AUTOMATIC RUSS JOHNSON Pontiac-Rambler On M24 In Lik* Orion MY 3-6266 MUST MOVE 1*43 PONTIAC CON vertlbl*. .No money down, S12.S7 weekly. Cell Mr, Scett, 333-7863. MUST DISPOSE OF - INS Ft TIAC Catalina convertible, a u malic, power, S11.I7 weekly, y down. Ca“ MB “—■“ LUCKY AUTO 1*40 W. Wide Track . FE 61801 or Fl 3-7154 1*44. GTO 4 8FEEO, REVERB, >45 GTO, EXCELLENT CONDITION prlctd to Nil. FE 5-427*. 1nT_PONTIAC CATALINA CON- WIS8w'lbUFiSS& *1”' 145 PONTIAC LEMANS,. PowdR steerlng-br*k*«, automatic, vinyl tee. 82158. Ml 4-1141. 1*45 BONNEVILLE CONVIrTIBTE, close out prlc*. Full power. KEEGO Pontioc-GMC—Tempest "Same lecetlon so Year*" KEEGO HARBOR___ 15 PONTIAC CATALINA 66NVER- 1965 Pontiac Bonneville Convertible redle, heeler, automatic, powei steering, brakes, whitewalls. Only- $2695 BEATTIE 1*45 BONNEVILLE CONVERtlBLE. power steering, brakaa, 15,080 ml., excel lent. Sail ter best attar. OR 3-7475. , 1*45 hONNEVILLE COUPE, HARD-top. Special Price I KEEGO Pontiac-GMC—Tempest "Same location St Years" - KEEGO HARBOR 1*44 LeMANS HARDTOP, mg ned, power «9~-i™ FE 244N. .... BONNEVILLE Convertible with redle, Iwahir, full moreen with''white topi O >61 RAMBLER, RUNS GOOD, >75. Cell OR 3-13*1 before neon. 1*43 RAMBLER CLASSIC, NRW EN- LLOYD'S plus luggeg* carrier. Beautiful tropical furquolee. No money down, weekly payments of B7.B7. One Year Sllvercrest Warranty Lloyd Motors 1250 OAKLAND 333-7863 BEEN BANKRUPT? NEED A O ,lth as low as $5 down? T ling Plan Financing. Call- A fork 338-40SB __________ IMF *43 BON *1200. C '*43 TEMPEST 2-DOOR COUPE. Automatic radio. Economical transportation, *7*5. IMS MUSTANG VI, automatic, ra- 1964 Rambler Classic "770" Wagon A.rinnr With tuvMfcl - hl*ck finish rry^ged 1 -Eactoty- LUCKY’AUTO wide Track _______er FE >7154 1*45 FALCON 4-DOOR VS AUTO-matk, power steering, power brakes, redle, heafVT, extra Nip, *1,4*5 at JEROME FORD, Roch-estor's, Ford Peeler. OL ‘ 1964 Pontiac Catalina Hardtop mMhiKiW-7' Official • Cars UNUSUAL SAVINGS 1966 Ford Galaxii 500 Hardtop 4 (toor, trcBdlan blue. 5,000 act miles* 190 HP. VI, crus«m« power steering, many ether % Fret. Pull asking price $2583 1966 Ford Future 4-door Arcadian blue, Cruls-emetiC, power steering, whitewalls, rat 5700 actual mills, miny other tret. Full Asking Price $2193 1966 Falcon^ 4-door with • Night mist blue ftnl 6 cyl., whitewalls, redle. Full a tng-price only- $1771.’ Used Car Location 1084 Oakland • r«Inbqw car wash, V* milt •outh of Dixie a 1959 Noth* 1057 Plym. .for parfs ....... $11 EA. 1957 Ford Station Wogon . $67 list Lincoln, 1*48 Ford 197 Ea. I Plenty others, late models, trucks. RCONOMV CARS ~ 2335 Pixie HWy. I*» CORVETTE, 2D FOUR-SPEED,, | WM sell, going Into service. FH| ] g64 CHEVROLET —i-------:—... . •. ,,—jj----- Six-passenger station Bargain Minded Used Cor Buyers Attention Our 12th ANNIVERSARY SALE IMI VALIANT 4 DOOR, TRANS-porta t ion car* good condition* $250 or odffr. 673-5143. Estate StoraQe Waterford LcQ 3381 MSMHuren SI) . FE 2-3211 1*41 FORD WAGON, VS, AUTO. — Good transportation. Full price. savings ere greeter then ever before on ell our: . "OK" USED CARS. Shop the Big "OK" Used Car Let at MATTHEWS-HARGREAVES "Chtvyland" 431 Oakland Avenue at Cass FE 44547 $1395 : DOWNEY 01 D^MDRII F INC X U O OLDSMOBILE, INC. Net, Used Car Display Area 1084 OAKLAND 338-0331, 338-0332 4 CHEVROLET SUPER SPORT. I 1962 FALCON Future two-doer. Bucket seats, automatic, a really excellent buy- No _| money down, weekly payments of MHl mmiPmL . one Year Sllvercrest Warranty .Lloyd Motors “"TtSt CWVBOUT------------1 A , , 7 . 125® OAKLAND 333-7S63 Kingswood 9-passenger 4-| A11 TO ll Tl \ door Station Wagon. Full motors inc ■ r price $245 with bank rates. Many more to 1745 s. Teiogreph fe s^ssi choose from at ' ..Imust mov^ wh^ Chevrolet Scott, 332-1763. HAROLD TURNER FORD, INC , 444 S. WOODWARD AVt. BIRMINGHAM _Ml 4-751 1964 Ford Golaxit 500 Hardtop vinyl iW,^edk>r'hMfer, Cruist-O-Matlc, whitewalls. Only — $1595 BEATTIE "Your FORD DEALER Since 1*38" ONDIXIEHWYr INWATERFORD OR 3-1291 1*45 FORD FAIRLANE 4-DOOR with radio, heeler, power brakes, whitewall tires. Extra sharp end only 11,3*5 at JEROME FORD, Rochester's Ford Dealer. OL 1-1711. 144 FORD GALAXIE SIB, 4 DOOR 144 MUSTANG CONVERTIBLE, sliver blue, white tap. fully equipped till take ever payments. FE 1963 Plymouth itetlen wagon with VI engine, fiend erd shift transmission, radio heater. This Slimmer vacatloi special can bs bought with ok car down end US per month Ask for credit mgr. DARRELL Bill Smith Used Cars' 462 N. PERRY ST. ' FE 4-4241 $1895 BEATTIE D DEALER Since 1*30" good. EM 3-4004. 8700. 1964 VALIANT 2 door, red finish with metchlr interior, new tins. Must see er drive to appreciate l owner Bl mlngham trade. Bank rates. Only . $1195 BIRMINGHAM CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH MB S. Waodwerb Ml 7-M14 On Dixie In Weterferd at the double stop" ‘ ‘ OR 3-1291 1*44 PONTIAC 2 DOOR, POWER steering, power brakes, automatic transmission. |13*7 full price, LUCKY AUTO Village Rambler 1*64 GALAXIE, 3*0, 4-SPEED, SELL Also Have Over 30 Dealer Owned Demos at Simllor Savings *Ht *hlvJ|M • ntlnul* ta oJf ilfltei DIAL" a* John MdMiffi Ford i OeklenO Av*. FE 5-4101 l, ‘ 666 WOODWARD ‘ BIRMINGHAM Ml 6-39001 M0T0R SALK |1*M CHEVY IMFALA, 4. D O O R, 12815 Orchard Lake Rd. 462-4410 e^?S5liS2?«!8i r?H ???***;! Mile West of Telegraph em^F^r? 14*1 C **• 4; 1*45 CHIVY' 4. STICK. RAOlS, -Jg:.?-*!*-------------while waUs, vinyl fntarlor, seat AlHcmoute Inc.1 T j «. * IMS IMPALA SPORTS /} COUPE, Chevrolet-Buick Whit* «th black Vinyl tap, black Lake Orion I 4ntfrlo«r'm *tlcR- S-V48. MY 2-2411 Autorama | -specials OF THE WEEK ; 1*40 CORVETTE, h(gh-p*rformenc* LIKE NEW 327 1*40 CHEVY I Marvel Motors1 MIKE SAVOIE Birmingham's Now CHEVROLET DEALER 1104 S. •Woodward Ml 4-2735 5 CHEVROLET SUPER SPORT 1*42 TEMPEST IfB POED .... .... INC CHRYSLER ........ — CADILLAC ..... DESOTO ....... .... MERCURY .... mi PONTIAC ~~ PONTIAC Wifon CHEVY ........ DODGE ........ •UICK -........... .... PORD ....... IfM CHEVY-....... 1818 OLDS 1*48 PONTIAC 1*57 CADILLAC . >W •7*7 B ET — Like raw, $1,1*5 full price et JSROMS FORD, Eoeheefedjk Far# Dealer. OL 14711. W 1964 Ford Galoxia 500 XL 7 door hertflop. red ttnleh. Mack vinyl mef. 'vtL. engine, tow, I $1795 BEATTIE 1MJ CHIVY IMFALA CONVBKTI-j W , __ 1*57 CADILLAC . 84*7 A^°rama NOrthwood bybwkas. new tires end shocks. | MOTOR SALES . I AIITfl CAItC 1 ' v| d*M. secrittce, MTS. 4IS-4S51. eft- 2631 Orchard lake Rd. >882-4410 AUIU MLtS arlpjn. • r I Mils west of Telegraph Dixie Highway!, FE i *2J* 26*55 Ven Oykr ef I Mile____ TRUDELL FORD INS MUSTANG, 4 CYLINDER, DOWNEY'S Nsw Used Car Location 1084 Oakland $95 DOWNEY OLDSMOBILE, INC New Used Car Dltpley Arte 1084 OAKLAND 338-0331, 333-0332 Oakland Chrysler-Plymouth 724 Oakland A vs. FEMI58 1(45 PLYAAOUTH SPORTS FURY, BOB BORST 4ES S. Woodward LUCKY AUTO 1943 VlllAXT Chib Sadain i mafic HAROLD TURNER FORD, INC, 444 E. WOOOWARD AVE BIRMINOHAM Mi 4JR 1965 PLYMOUTH Fury "3" hardtop, power steering, new «mr JMR mliT warranty. 1 owner Birmingham trad*, fe i retat. Our weekly medal only $2095 BIRMINGHAM CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH fe E -J=L3!" COME TO THE PONTIAC RETAIL - STORE $1033 "It only takes a minute to Get a BETTER DEAL" el John McAuliffi Ford 430 Oakland Aye._FE 5-4181 1965 RAMBLER Marlin V8 2-door hardtop, automatic transmission, bucket stats, AM-FM radio, power brakes and power steering. Wira wheels. Excellont Birmingham 1-owntr new car trade. Full pries $2195 with bank rafts for 36 months. Village Rambler v 660 WOODWARD BIRMINGHAM Ml 6-3900 1965 RAMBLER "770" CONVERTIBLE 6-cyllntfer engine, automatic transmission,. redle. Lew mlleaee emf real them! Priced to sail. ROSE RAMBLER-JEER EM 34155 iod Top Quality, om-owner new car trades to choose from WHERE YOU EXPECT MORE ... AND GET IT LUCKY AUTO *fR w. wtss Track 1965 RAMBLERS DEMOS' 4-door sedans. Vary low mileage cars. Only 3,000 and 4,000 milts. New Car Warranty. Only $95 down, 36-month financing at bank rotas. Credit no problem. 8 to choose from at Village-Rambler „ 666 WOODWARD Ft 3-7654 BIRMINGHAM Ml 6-3900 THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, JULY 0, 1066 C-It, —Television Programs— Program* fumiihsd by stations liittd In this column art aub|oct to Chang* without notico 12-WJllC-TV, 4-WWJ.TV, 7-WXYZ-TV, 9-CKLW-TV, 36-WKBP-TV, 56-WTVS SATURDAY AFTERNOON 13:00 (2) Sky King (4) Beat the Champ (7) Bugs Bunny 4fcr; (9) Nature of Things 12:30 (2) Detroit Speaks (7) Milton the Monster (9) Country Calendar (50) People Are F*unny 12:45 (2) Voice of the Fans 1:00(2) Tiger Warmup (4) Survival (7) Hoppity Hooper (9) Championship Series (SO) Movie 1:1S (2) Basebzll: Tigers vs. Twins 1:30. (4) George Pierrot (7) American Bandstand 2:00 (9) Time for Adventure 2:30 (4) Sam Snead (7) Club 1270 (SO) Roller Derby 3:00.(4) Baseball: Reds vs. Giants (9) Wrestling 3:30 (7) Movie: “Missile to the moon” (1958) Richard BIG SAVINGS! AWNINGS - $12.89 Check Our Prices On CARPORTS SCREENED ENCLOSURES *385 INSTALLED Only 8J8 par month All Way Builders 5101 Reymont Or. Pontiac 334-5001 For real summer comfort you need whole house cooling. That’s what you get with Silent Automatic cooling, either through die ducts of your present heating system or through its own simple dUCt system with compact cooling unit in attic, basemant, garage, closet orcrawlway.Call us for free estimate. O’BRIEN HEATING 3T1 VOORHEIS SO. FE 2-2919 Our Operator on Duty After Store Hours TrdVH, Cathy Downs , (50) Horae Race • 3:50 (2) Baseball Scoreboard ri:N (2) Movie: “The Marauders” (1955) Dan Duryea, Keenan Wynn n (9) Outlaws (50) Wrestling 1:11 (7) Wide World of Sports (9) Lieutenant ' (SO) Country an Western ■ Time 1:11 (2) News. Weather, Sports (50) Forrest Green Show SATURDAY EVENING 1:91 (2) TV 2 Reports (4) News, Weather, Sports ; (9) Swingin’ Time (58) Wells Fargo 1:21 (2) Adventure (4) Network News (7) Michigan Sportsman (50) Lloyd Tbaxtoo 7:90 (2) Death Valley Days (4) At the Zoo • (7) ABC Scope (9) Movie: “The Frogmen” (1951 Richard Widmark, Dana Andrews 7:11. (2) Continental Showcase (4) Flipper (7) Ozzie and Harriet (50) The Beat 8:01. (4) I Dream of Jeannie (7) Donna Reed (50) Upbeat 8:38 (2) Secret Agent (4) Get Smart (7) Lawrence Welk 9:08 (ft) Movie: “The Desperate Hours” (1955) Humphrey Bogart, Fredric March (9) Horse Race (50) Alfred Hitchcock 9:30 (2) Face Is Familiar (7) (Special) All America Football - (9) (Special) Up With People 10:00 (2) Gunsmoke (50) Horse Racing 18:11 (1) Chorus, Gentlemen (50) Lou Gordon 11:88 (2) (9) News, Weather, Sports 11:19.(9) Around Town 11:11 (4) News, Weather, Sports 11:11 (9) Movie: “Voodoo Island” (1967) Boris Karloff, Beverly Tyler 11:91 (2) Movies: “The Two Colonels” (1962) Walter Pkig-eon, Adriana Facchetti; “I’m No Angel” (1933) Mae West, Cary Grant 11:45 (4) Johnny Carson 12:88 (7) News, Weather, Sports 12:25.(7) Movies: “The Mating Game” (1958) Debbie Reynolds, Tony Randall; “A1 Jennings of Oklahoma” (1961) Dan Duryea, Gale Storm 1:89 (9) Window on the World l:)i (4) Beat the Champ 1:45 (4) News, Weather 3:00 (2) Movies: “The Light That Failed” (1939) Rom aid Colman, Walter Huston; “Two for Tonight" (1935) Bing Crosby, Joan Bennett 4:88 (7) Rebel FEJW58T MAICO. 29 Sandra m SsppNii fw j ALL HEARING AES ' COLUMBIA AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH ; i 64 West Columbia Avenue (AfSwNwn Baptist Churth) "Where the difference i» worth the distance * , f E. CLAY:. POLK, Sunday Worship Services, rmtor 1) AM-7.30 FAA CAMQUHU2SS. Murtc deader 4:10 (7) Dickens -r Fens ter 5:00. (7) Northwest Passage Sunday morning 4:30 (7) Inquiring Mind. 8:49 (2) News 8i45 (2) Accent 7:00. (2) Look Up and Live (7) Rural Newsreel 7:25. (4) News 7:30 (2) Christopher Program (4) Country Living (7) Insight 8:89 (2) This Is the Life (4) Frontiers of Faith (7) Dialogue 8:15,(9) Sacred Heart 8:30 (2) Temple Baptist Church (4) Church at the Cross-. roads (7) Understanding O World (9) Window on the World 8:55 (4) Newsworthy 9:80 (2) Mass tor Shut-Ins (4) Bozo the Clown (7) Spotlight (9) Oral Roberts 0:30 (2) With This Ring (7) Three Stooges (9) Cathedral of Tomorrow 1:45 (2) Highlight 10:09 (2) Let’s See (7) Beany and Cecil ' 10:15 (4) Davey and Goliath 10:30.(2) Faith for Today (4) House Detective (7) Peter Potamus (9) Herald of Truth 11:00 (2) Bridal Preview (7) BuQwinkle (9) Hercules 11:31 (2) Face the Nation (7), Discovery ’86 (9) Movie: “Elephant Stampede” (1951) Johnny Sheffield, Donna Martell SUNDAY AFTERNOON 12:80 (2) Sea Hunt (4) U. of M. Presents (7) Championship Bowling 12:30 (2) Littlest Hobo (4) International Zone (60) Lift Him Up 1:00 (2) Voice of the Fans (4) Meet the Press (7) Movie: “From the Earth to the Moon” (1968) Joseph Cotten, George Sanders (9) Movie: “Kiss T h e m for Me” (1957) Guy Grant Jayne Mansfield (50) Quest for Certainty 1:15 (2) Tiger Warmup 1:31 (2) Baseball: Tigers vs. Twins (4) Design Workshop * (50) Through Children’s Eyes 2:01 (4) Movie: “Boomerang” (1047) Dana Andrews, Jane Wyatt (50) Wrestling 3:00 (7) Northwest Passage (50) RollerSkating 3:30 (4) (Special) Senate Hearings * (7) Issues and Answers (9) Movie: “The Girl He Left Behind” (1956) Tab Hunter, Natalie Wood 4:00 (7) (Special) Up With People (50) All Star Golf 4:20 (2) Baseball Scoreboard 4:90 (2) Twentieth Century (1960) James Garner, Natalie Wood (4) Viet Nam Report (?) Movie: “It Happened in Flatbush” (1942) Lloyd Nolan, William Frawley (50) Mister Ed Television Features It's Football Time, Already SATURDAY BASEBALL, 1:16 p.m. (2) The Detroit Tigers take on the Minnesota Twins direct from Metropolitan Stadium in Minnesota. BASEBALL, 3:00 p.m. (4) The Cincinnati Reds and the San Francisco Giants are/featured in this Candlestick Park contest. ABC SCOPE, 7:00 p.m. (7) News commentator Howard K. Smith interviews his own son, a member of the U. S. TJh Calvary in Viet Nam, in a program entitled ”A Father, a Son and War.” ' • CONTINENTAL SHOWCASE, 7:30 p.m. (2) Germany’s Kessler twins and Connie Froboess are among the singers featured* on this week’s show. K FOOTBALL, 0:30 p.m. (7) TPhe 6th annual Coaches All-America game between East and West squads is beamed * from Atlanta. Michigan State’s Duffy Daugherty coaches die East which leada 5-2 in the aeries. SUNDAY ^ < MEET THE’PRESS, l:0O p.m. (4) In- ! terviewed from Burbank, Calif, by panelists | is California Republican Senator George i , Murphy. BASEBALL, 1:30 p.m. (2) Detroit Tigers and Minnesota Twins meet again at Metropolitan Stadium. SENATE HEARINGS, 3:30 p.m. (4) Taped highlights of hearings conducted by a special subcommittee on internal security of the Senate Judiciary,Committee. HOMELESS CHILD, 6:30 p.m. (7) This program shows how Child Welfare Services attempts to find homes for homeless children. OPEN END, 9:00 p.m. (50) Guests are author Half Suylii and correspondent Charles Taylor, both of whom have recently returned from Red China. \ Mole and Female across tantmktr 1 That Sswyer 30 Binds boy 40 Hurl 4 Eve’s husband 41 Gibbon 8 Feminine nemo 42 Of inferior 12 Hi9l Anowur to Previous Funic quantity 14 Male noi jslcantiei 49 Pardon 'SI CoUectii sayingi 15 llaaculine nickname _____________________ 16 Product as new 93 Italian city 5:30 (4) -Sportsman’s Holiday (9) Route 66 (50) Step This Way SUNDAY EVENING 6:06 (4) News, Weather, Sports (50) Wayne and Shuster (56) Casals Master Gass 6:36 (4) Encore (7) (Special) Homeless Child (9) Movie: “Chase a Crooked Shadow” (1958) Anne Baxter, Richard Todd (56) Anatomy of a Revolution 7:10 (2) Lassie (7) Vtyage (50) Movie (56) Invitation to Art 7:30. (2) My Favorite Martian (4) Walt Disney’s World (56) Koltanowski on Chess 8:66 (2) Ed Sullivan (7) FBI. (56) Festival of the Arts 6:25 (9) News 6:30 (4) Branded (9) Outdoorsman 9:00 (2) Perry Mason (4) Bonanza (7) Movie: “Tender b the Night!’ (1961) Jennifer Jones, Jason Robards Jr. (9) Compass (50) Open End 9:30 (9) Camera West 10:09 (2) Candid Camera (4) Wackiest Ship (9) Pierre Berton (50) Probe 10:30 (2) What’s My Line? (9) Let’s Sing Out (50) Sports Dial 11:10.(2) (4) («) News, Weather Sports 11:10 (9) Around Town 11:20 (9) Movie: “The Awakening” (1965) Anna Magnani, Eleanors Rossi Drago 11:30 (2) Movie: “A Queen for Caesar” (1962) Pascale Petit, Gordon Scott (4) Beat the Champ 11:45 (7> News, Weather, Sports 12:16 (7) Movie: “Jeanne Eagles” (1957) Kim Novak, Jeff Chandler 12:30 (4) News, Weather 1:00 (9) Window on the World 9»00"(f) News -------------- 2:45 (7) Citizen Soldier MONDAY MORNING 6:16 (2) On the Farm Scene 6:20 (2) News tits (2) Summer Semester 6:36 (4) Classroom (7) Funews 6:55 (2) Editorial, News 7:19 (4) Today (7) Three Stooges 7:15 (2) News 7:88 (2) Happyland 8:88 (2) Captain Kangaroo (7) Big Theater 8:25 (7) News '8:81 (7) Movie: “Jungle Book’ (1942) Sabu, Rosemary De Camp 8:55 (9) Morgan’s Merry-Go Round 8:01 (2) Andy Griffith (4) Living (9) Romper Room 1:31 (2) Dick Van Dyke 1:55 (4) News 18:81 (2) I Love Lucy (4) Eye Guess (9) Hercules 18:25 (4) News 18:38 (2) McCoys (4) Concentration (7) Girl Talk (9) Hawkeye 11:68 (2) Divorce Court (4) Chain Letter (7) Supermarket Sweep-stakes (9) Vacation Time 11:39 (4) Showdown (7) Dating Game (50) Dhckory Doc AFTERNOON 12:88 (2) News, Weather, Sports (4) Jeopardy (7) Doima Reed (9) Luncheon Date 12:39 (2) Search for Tomorrow (4) Swingin’ Country (7) Father Knows Best (9) People in Conflict (50) Movie 12:45 (2) Guiding Light 12:51 (4) News 1:81 (2) Love of Life (4) Match Game (7) Ben Casey (9) Movie: “Dangerous” (1935) Bette Davis, Fran-chot Tone 1:25 (2) News (4) Doctor’s House Call 1:11 (2) Aa the World Turns (4) Let’s Make a Deal 1:55 (4) News 2:88 (2) Password (4) Davs of Our Lives ($0) Holiday 2:38 (2) House Party (4) Doctors (?) A Time for Us (50) Love That Bob 2:55 (7) News 3:R (2) To Tell the Truth —Weekend Radio Programs— WJR(760) WXYZfl 270) CKIWQOO) WWJ(950) WCAR(1130) WPONQ 460) WJIK(1500) WHfl-fM(94.7) SATURDAY EVENING liM-WIR. News, Sports WWJ, News, Music CKLW, News, Smk WXYZ, News. Music, Sports WJ|K, Bob Sdington WHFI, Show Btz apon, Nam. Sports 1 WCAR, News. Joe Becerell* «:S*-WJR. Points 1 Trtnds WHFI, Music ter Modsr 7:0S—WCAR, Ron ROSS t:t»—WHFI, Chuck Sponiler WXYZ, Danny Taylor Stow 1MMWWJ, Toscanini, In locton WJR, *^.**«£ JP0^ /:1S-WJR Sunday Chorsls WWJ, Mariner's Church, wxyz, Chrfettone In Action CKLW, Baughay Tabernacle WJBK. Ave Marie Hour WPON, Sunday IgHMl WCAR. The Church Today Slid—WJR, News. Music WXYZ, ^MornlnaMCtorsb CKLW, Yaur Worship Hue wjbk, Revival Tim WJR. Renfro Valley WCAR. Back to God Hour CKLW. Revival Hour WJBK, Radio Bible Clsss Music CKLW. fgB|N§i Tempi* WCAR, Music far Sunday WPON, Protestant Hour WJBK, Llfton, Highlights »ija-WXYZ, "*e»roit Call Beard WWJ. News, A.-isIc CKLW. Hob. Christian wjbk. News Credo WPON, Religion In News fids—CKLW, Christian Sc once ll.'Sd—WWJ, Nows, Radio Pulpit CKLW. Radio BMe Clsss WPON, The Chrlstopheri WJBK, Music with Worls WXYZ. Mere Avery, mat tlst WJBK.' Voice of PrsohsCY WHFI, Serenade to Blue 11:00—WWJ, St. Paul's Cathedral CKLW, Pontiac Baptist WJBK. News. Team Ha 111W—WJR, SaH L ■ Tata----- ' CKLW, I WCAR. Music far Sunday WPON, Sunday Serenade WJBK, Assignment Detroit cklw. trajdadpuaSr whfi. uMdo Jay WXYZ, Music, News 11:11—CKLW, Rspirt ham PartSmant HM ii:Sd—CKLW, Urtheraa Hear l:dd—WJBK, News, Music CKLW, Ed Bukh, Newt l:tS—WJR, Tigers/Twins lilt—WXYZ, Devs Prince WHFI, Dennis Vogel <:IP—WXYZ, Hi WXYZ, Newt, CKLW, (YMR wjbk, Nadti WCAR, Mbs WPON, Sundr WJR, Sports, Weather diSB-WXYZ. Mm On the a WWJ, Meet Me Press CKLW. Wings ot Heeling 7:dd—WXYZ, Music Sports WJR, Sports, Shswciss, 7:10—CKLW, Ebsnttzer Bep Nat l:Sd—CKLW, Voles Of WPON, Church sf Week WJBK. News, We Believe WJR, News, Musk 7' . Ilia—CKLW, The Quiet Hgnr WJBK, News, Sports, Musk t:SO—CKLW, Gnssss PoInN WJR, Naum. Showcsss WPON. Johnny Irens 1:10—WXYZ, Wayne Ststs CKLW, BlbN Study WJR, Face the Nation ll:dd—CKLW, Billy Graham WWJ, News. Catholic Hsu WXYZ. Moving (U. of M. WJR. Haas Music !:«•—WJR, Chmel Hour CKLW, Amencm Lulharu WXYZ, Current WWJ, Ktanwl Light 11:00—WJR. News, Sports WWJ, News. Written Wore WXYZ. tour ef Decision CKLW, CRurdi sf CM* WJBK. Nam, Musk II:SO—WWJ. Newt, Baod VTWJ» r Bl III, NVW3 WXYZ. Marc Avery Show CKLW, Bud Davies, News WJBK, Nows, Bob Las, Tlld—WMFl, Almanac WHFi, Uncle Jay WCARt News, Sanders WJBK, Newt, Bob Lai CKLW, Joe Van 11:10—WJR, News, Musk WWJ, NOWS, Ask Height WJBK. News, Bob Layna 11:00—WXYZ. Stive Lundy ■■ Music, News ( WJR. News, Godfrey - MONDAY AFTIRNOOR 11:10—WWJ, Nows, Market CKLW, News. Davs Stoftr WCAR, News, Dave Reck-hart WHFI. Rill Boyle WJR, Newt, Farm WPON, Newt. Ban Johnaon WXYZ. Atomic. Newt WJBK. tom Layna . WWJ, Malady Pared* i:ld—wwj. News, call Ken- 1:10—WPON, News, , Naum, Emphasis. Can (4) Anothef World (7) General Hospital (50) Topper 3:26.(2) (9)News 3:39 (2) Edge of Night (4) You Don’t Say (7) Nurses (9) Swingin’ Time (50) Johnny Ginger 4:09 (2) Secret Storm - (4) Bozo the Ch)wn (7) Dark Shadows 4:39 (2) Mike Douglas (7) Where the Action Is (9) Fun House 4:55 (4) Eliot’s Almanac 5:99 (4) George Pierrot (7) News, Shorts (56) French Chef 5:39 (56) What’s New 5:46 (7) Network News 5:66 (4) Here’s Carol Duvall Sad Trip Home for Latin Child. Miami, Fla. (AP) — A chubby girl of 6 leaves the United States today to return to her home on the edge of the Colombian jungle. She probably will never sleep in a bed again, eat an ice cream, ride in an automobile, enjoy a warm bath. She also may never laugh again. She is going blind and there is no cure. Gladedta Mbsquero didn’ know how to laugh — she rarel; even smiled - when she was brought to Miami two weeks ago. Now she must return to Bogota and her benefactors must tell some of the most powerful people in Colombia, people who moved bureaucratic mountains to make the trip possible, that it failed. MUST TELL PARENTS*" They also must tell Gladeci-ta’s parents, whose faith' in the United StttflLia toundfeas. and sister, 10 months, also probably never will see, because the trouble is hereditary. They also hope to tactfully suggest that any other children also may be doomed to I I “It's the saddest trip of my life,” said Ian Glass, whose wife and five children gave Gladed-ta a home while a battery of specialists searched for a cure. It may also be the most difficult. These are very simple peo->le. They have great faith in the-United States.” > “1,’m not sure what wiU be said or how we will say it,” Glass said. Glass, Sunday editor of the Miami News, and Terry Johnson King, a writer, met Gladeci-ta at the village of Los Micos after a safari up the Guaviare River last winter. 5 Hospitals Given Medicare Checks BALTIMORE, Md. (AP) — Medicare payments have been delivered] to at least five hospitals and first checks should be received by others throughout the nation next week, Social Security officials said today. With the government-operated program of health insurance fw the elderly just one week old, officials said checks had been received by Hartford Hospital, Hartford, Oonn; Holmes Hospital, Cincinnati, Ohio, and three hospitals in the state of Wash-n -*• Midvally in On Samaritan in Moses i-ph» General Hospital In Everett. M Guaranteed 90 Lease anew 21 Compass point 22 Goddess o( / 24 Sally—-20 Egyptian goddess 27 Depot (ab.) 30 Take into stomach, 54 Steep in gravy 55 OMglns 56 Summers (Fr.) 10 Appraise 57 Worm llEncourago nnan, - 17FIowera down 19 Beneath 1 Story . 23 Upright pa '2 BaUne chamber Of a atop 24 Foodstuff ______ 25 Wild ox ______ 4 Idolise of Celebes 32 Theater usher 5 Noted designer 26 Newspaper 3 Dispatch 34 Repress 6 Stage whispers paragraphs 35 Landed property 7 One of the 27 Flight of at airs 4 36 Auricle “little Women" 28 Hoad (Fr.) r 4 5 5“ T" 5“ r IT 13 14 15 16 t? it 19 20 St sr 23 24 25 ■ 28 31 r 3T 34 35 ■ r 39 40 r 42 44 44 46 IT 48 46 50 5i 52 53 54 55 $6 5? 1 NEWSPAPER ENTERPRISE ASSN. HOME IMPROVEMENT IS OUR BUSINESS Why Not Deal Direct? Personal and Direct Supervision on Your Job! No Salesman’* Commission—No Middleman Profit! FMHLY ROOMS uS1.. *1,295 NO MONEY DOWN-FHA and BANK RATES NO PAYMENTS TIL NOVEMBER Membor Pontiac Chamber of Commerce FREE *pPwBoad Design ESTIMATES end Ley set lervies s^Fersonal Supervision 27 Yeere Bf AH Details Local Secceul 1 s^Lecal Bentraefer Mtmkar Prnwee Area j^Local and Bniek Chamtar or cemmeres Eenrsee 4 FHA AND BANK TERMS UP TO 21 YEARS AN OPPORTUNITY TO BID FOR YOUR WORK WILL PLEASE US BOTH BIS REAR CONSTRUCTION COMPANY TM North Perry PONTIAC IT FE 3-7833 C-4» THE POfrTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, JULY ft, : You Can Count on Us . . Quality Costs No More at Sears Sl«ire Hours: Beautiful Malibu Bedspreads Completely Washable 699 Just nr* “CHARGE TP* at Sean Novelty yams create an all-over frieze texture. For contemporary or period. Decorator tailored. Panel and shag border. Needs no ironing. Assorted colors. A semi-tailored spread-ronnded corners. Foil ortwin Drapery Department, Main Floor MONDAY ONLY—9 til 9 Wrenches, Cabinets, Drill Sets Quick release ratchet wrenches, ■tardy aee-throagh plastic cab- 099 ineta (21 drawers) and 13-pc. drill 0«*rh hit seta. Your choice. Hardssere Dept., Main Basement Sears Rugged X-15 Shoes for Men! Reg. $9.99 Sta-Brite finished uppers at* scuff-resistant. Cushion insoles for comfort. Polyvinyl soles ✓ q _ and heels are noiseless. Save $3 Monday only! S%7 I Vfpalr Sale! Shrinkage Controlled Cotton Quilts Reg. $10.98 $4.99, Girls’Dress Flats............1.97 Save Monday on Galvanized 20-Gallon Cans MONDAY ONLY-9 ’til 9 | ■ 8§gSf* l Twin sim quilt, extra long, 98 inches. May be machine washed, dried. Reversible for ap maximum wear. Assorted colors. [Z “ “ Regular $12.92 Full also..........6.99 *~t. Domestic Dept., Main Floor Charge It MONDAY ONLY—9 til 9 Enamel gives Durable Finish Reg. $4.49 durable finish on laundry i .and appliances. Cover plianees with Sean Epoxy long lasting, durable Wall Tents .. • Sleeps 4 8x9Vi-ft. base, sip screen door, Reg. $66.75 two full-length screen windows. - g-noo Semi-dry water-repellent finish. -F(loo ■ Aluminum poles. 4%-ft. wall ll ✓ height. Ideal for vacation camping. Charge It Sporting Goods, Pony Bust. Mfr’s. Close-Out! H Sleeping Bag 1666 Was at $27.99 say, “CHARGE IT" at Sear Roomy Bright Red Seam Wagons Reg. $6.99 Fast riding wagon will please either boy or girL Ball bearing wheels for smooth, fast ride. Como in bright vermilion red stool with Full sise. Lightweight warmth for every camping trip ... winter or summer! Full sip closing. Monday only! Simi- 18.99 sise... .7.99 “19.99 siae... .2.66 spgfflHfoaar,' MONDAY ONLY—9 *til 9 ■ MONDAY ONLY-9 til 9 | MONDAY ONLY—O til 9 Y ““! 1 SAVE *82! 28-Pint Dehumidifiers Stop Moisture Damage *82 w Kenmore 6-Cycle Automatic Washers Regularly at 899.95 Largest capacity today! Was at I269.9& White, coppertone. turquoise *187 Charcoal Color Sears 16-Inch Portable TV (16dm. overall, diagonal, 125-eq. in. viewing area) $ House and Trim Paint Non-Chalking 'White, Regular $119.99 Tinted safety shield NO MONEYDOWN on Sean Easy Payment Plan *88 Regular $6.99 Cad. One-Coat Paint 2 s 997 NO MONEY DOWN on Sears Easy Payment Pisa NEMA Capacity Rated to remove 28 pints of water out of the air 24 hours. Takes care of the largest. and rooms. Automatic humidstat. 4 full-for mobility. 12-ft drain hose. 2 speeds, 6 cycles, 5 wash-rinse temper stares ... the right ones set automatically with one turn of the diaL NO MONEY DOWN on Seam Easy Payment Flam Self-cleaning lint Qlter; bleach dispenser; infinite water level control Strong chassis with keyed automatic gala control that reduces annoying glare from room lights. Big Much speaker for Made-fret FM sound. Reduced at Sean Monday Only! Just say, “CHARGE TF* att Seam Durable snow white, one' cost house or- trim paint Stays longer. .Mildew resistant. Provide* long p—riUhn mr home. Choose yours in white Monday! for your 4-inekbrnok Appliance Dept.—Soon Mein Basement. Radio and TV Department, Main Floor Point Dept., Mein Bose worn sat "Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back* : SEARS MYiitown Pontiac Phone FE .*5-1171 Mi M