4 a . idea of having a revised Taft- fr “t.. The Weather . << ta 112th YEAR xkkk* PONTIAC, Reds Hurl Dision MICHIGAN,: FRIDAY, APRIL 2, * \ i Es Sa * +4 * > j a cee te. cra Pets Honored at Boys f-« HUG FOR A WINNER—Larry Gene ‘ Club Show Cellier, 6,| said as he hugged the 3-year-old champion. The hugs his Golden retriever, Fritz, after the dog won| contest is a part of the club’s activities marking first prize in a pet show at Pontiac Boys’ Club last| annual Boys’, Club Week of America. night. “He's the greatest pal in the world,” Larry Oe ae r d bane’ ie Nally Pentiae Press Phetes by Eddie Vanderworp = “ee ™ r a MRT. i then Ri y y e ‘ a “@ ee bh Sa ae } =* THIRSTY CAT—Jimmy Leford, 9, son of Mr. and Mrs. Virgil P. Ledford of 251 Raeburn St., sensed something wrong when his pet Punkie became unusually fidgety last night at a pet show at Pontiac, After hoisting the feline to the drinking fountein, | bil! to conference, Martin replied: Boys’ Club. Jimmy said, “She was thirsty all the time.” -The boy returned before the judges and took first prize in the cat contest. (Story on page 2.) | Eisenhower's Minister Sees Spiritual Awakening By HAZEL™ A, TRUMBLE “America is in the midst of its greatest religious renais- sance in history,” declared the Rev. Dr. Edward L. R. Elson this morning before over 3,000 Oakland County teachers. Meeting today in the Birmingham High School for their annual teachers’ institute, county teachers heard Dr. Elson, President Eisenhower's minister, claim that this country’s hope lay in becoming a “bastian of spirit- + vv Pre-Strike Vote House Labor Group to Include Ballot Provision ’ in T-H Revision WASHINGTON @ — The Housé Labor Committee today okayed the Hartley provide tor pre-strike bal- loting. icy proposals dealing with the issue. The exact language reficcting the policy, he said, will be acted on when the committee meets ual power. oe se He pointed fo the Presi- jdent-as-“the symbol of that. great resurgence which is sending America Godward.” Dr. Elson said that “in that hour when President Eisenhower took his oath of office, a new mood and a new climate came into our .na- tional life.” putting aside-cynicism for wistful prayer. : 4 Improvement in the. quality of the clergy of the country. 5 Sale of the Seri Holy ptures 6 Other religious books run- ning near the top of best selling lists. “The Statehood Bl Has Little Hope Martin Predicts Failure Due to Lack of Time, Strong Opposition WASHINGTON (—House Speak- er Maié@n (R-Mass) said today he doesn't see much hope for the Alaska-Hawaii statehood bill in its combined form. The Senate passed the measure 57-28 late Senate added Alaska to its bill. Asked by newsmen tf he knew of any efforts to be made to send the “No, but I know of plenty who | will see that it doesn't go.” He said also there was little like- lihood the House Rules Committee would send to the floor the sep- arate Alaska statehood measure it has had bottled up for the past 10 months. “We have a pretty busy pro- gram, and can’t waste fime with someghing that can't pass,” Martin commented. He said he has heard nothing from the White Houuse concerning statehood since the - President's State of the Union message in Jan- uary, which endorsed statehood only for Hawaii. Bulletin WASHINGTON (INS) berg, 55-year-old former Air Force chief of staff, died of cancer today at Walter Reed army hospi- tal. : > ES | strong opposition » granting mt was House voted earlier in the session of the ‘| for statehood for Hawaii, and the Fenton Lumber Yard, Elevator Burn in Night Loss Set at $250,000; Homes Threatened but Flint Sends Help FENTON (AP) — A spec- timated $250,000 damage at a lumber yard and a grain elevator, threatened this southern Michigan commu- nity’s downtown district before dawn today. The wind-whipped blaze was brought under control but only after some per- sons had evacuated nearby homes as a pall of smoke overspread the town. An extraordinary incident was the feat of an auto- wrecker which pulled three loaded grain cars to safety along the Grand Trunk Western Railway tracks. The wrecker, driven onto the tracks, pulled the box cars a dis- tance of 500 feet to avoid the flames. |} was threatened as well as resi- moval cars. Dri the onto Light Snow, Lower Temperatures Seen Although the mercury is expect- ed to hover in the 50’s today oc- light and cloudy weight title at the Chicago Sta- dium tonight. Pontiac took a closer look shivered. Direct H-Bomb Hit-on City Would Destroy All 75,000 at the H-monster today and It realized it could not survive a direct H-bomb hit, The H-bomb triggered in November 1952 dwarfed the | A-bomb like TNT dwarfs a firecracker. And that blast was puny compared to later ones. 6" - admitted today that the unforeseen f of the bomb, has changed defense strat- egy from botnb-sheltets to mass evacuation, ing to be Wifficult.” : Lewis C. Jarrendt, county civil City and county officials Many felt the best H-bomb pro- ita A-bomb:hit Pontiac ns Russia has both the A-bomb and) the H-bomb, tacular fire, causing an es-| space for extra beds in rooms and BEDS IN CORRIDORS—Beds have had to be set up in the corridors at Pontiac General Hospital to handle the overflow of patients. All available when the hospital was brought to its present 198- bed capacity in 1950. Up to 22 beds can be placed | for the critically ill, she added. + Name Commissioners, Judges ~ on ’ ‘Tt wards was filled Hospital, City Are Issues in Monday Vote (Related stories city commissionersend Voters in Monday's Pontiac. general election must decide two highly important proposals, besides naming’ judges aN The proposals are for a 2%4-mill ($2.50 per $1,000 of assessed valuation) property tax limit increase and a $3,000,000 bond issue for expansion of the overcrowded Improvement on pages 2, 13.) CD Sure U. $. Can Face H-Age Says Americans Have Now Seen the Worst in ‘Hydrogen Power WASHINGTON (INS) — Renew. CDA Administrator Val Peter- son was among the -national of- sumably for another H-bomb test “Operation Ivy” ‘day with a complete description of the 1962 blast, was put forward led the expected power, ts re- —* Pontiac General Hospital. _|ficials_reported to have gone to/ the Pacific proving grounds, pre- : The proposals were placed on the ballot by a vote of the City Commission after extensive study. They are backed by union offi- cials and community leaders. and | by I1 of the 14 city commission candidates. Supporters of the proposals have said that they consider a “yes” vote on both proposals essential to Hospital Expansion improvements. in Pontiac. One added ballot will be in the charter stating the requested prop- erty tax limit change. All qualified city electors may —— — —— --- Pentisce Press Phete | \ rg in corridors, a move which is often required, ac- cording to Hospital Director Lauretta Paul. Some- times it is necessary to send patients home who are just beginning to recover in order to make room Gen. Shoosmith Will Welcome Gen. Sixsmith Senators to Ask Impartial Probe Counsel for Army ROW tihe heroic defenders Disclaims Taking Stand Favoring McCarthy (R-Wis) and top Army officials. Sen. Potter (R-Mich) said he for vote on the amendment with a (Continued on Page 2, Col. 2) | feels he has “not done that would disqualify me.” TOKYO @~—Gen. Sixsmith to fo Batter French Send Strong Column of Men Into Unprotected - Cambodia ~ HANOI, Indochina (UP) —Communist Gen, Vo Nguyen Giap, with a tee yards from the center of the | besieged French fortress of | Dien Bien Phu, today hurled | three Red divisions into the | savage battle in a gigantic” effort to crush the French defenses. French sources said the Communists threw one en- | tire; fresh division into the /crumbling western defenses of Dien Bien Phu in @ wr.til Sunday Past Casualties { hold established only 1,000. +3 $100,000 in Checks Stolen From Truck — Hal Boyle Peers Into Future natives in Canarsie, “As men go, Frankenswitch was fairly brilliant, althougi nat- wrally-he couldn't solve half the that I can. He had the heart—but lacked the tubes. . “Franketiswitch hated people be- ry x5 E 4 tif : : z z 5 : i li cause they wrécked their lives with their job—which In Today's Press, |", Robots Rule World After Fourth War, Raise Just a Few Humans to Oil Them a place called Outer $4 ae f ik ik ae > euinae . - “SS ee _ s ot ae ae ~ Poe aed t fF q 1 , | i : R a i L 7 i sEiEe Riedy if i | i : : E | 4 K | g 8 ; i : g & i ! if | Ty : tt i uf. ?¢ 8 iE ? 4 i fe Hi eafes $ zg ? j Hi | | ne : i : z th Frat HI if THT z z ; i i Fj h g Pets Compete for Top Honors F ial ; | i J rij ser eeeeee S cateasudt SEUrxzEces=ss $250,000 Bond Issue for 2 Fire Stations Up oa a Die as Train Demolishes Car Bodies of Man, Woman Found in Debris Along C & O Track in Detroit frantic 30-year-old George Bres- Park, who waved his ed that a train was . struck broad- was reduced to A bizarre Addition to Hospital Big Issue Monday (Continued From Page One) majority of those voting required te pass it. é -{ tf FS} ge R 5§ [ ae yi i i Li i | however, that A the be taxed. but for Be i? Ef “cost its own revenues. A i 7 H Witty e?7y £ aeee is 8 : bands or wives are eligible to vote on the bond issue. The ordinance would provide for issuance of $3,000,000 in general obligation bonds to be paid for in 30 equal yearly installments. On both proposals, voters have . | the choice of voting ‘‘yes’’ or ‘‘no."’ If the proposal is voted down 1% cents per day. the tax limit raise passes and bond issue is turned down, the general tax limit will increase only 1% mills because the amendment tiac General will be possible. Air Conditioning Is 52 NEW YORK (UP) — Nineteen fifty-four marks the 52nd anni- for Vote | Peni. ee ‘the problem for a year before | pay aboutthe ‘April 5 deputy commissioner Corporation THE PONTIAC ees ‘Doctor Delivers Abdominal Baby in Perfect Health DETROIT WA 2Byear-old fine in a Detroit hospital today. The baby was described as “per- 4 Mrs. Augusta Pace of Detroit gave birth to a healthy T':-pound boy by Caesarean section Thurs- day. It was her first child. Dr. Vassal G. Tolbert, who de- livered the baby, sald that set stomach. “X-rays indicated Monday that the baby was in the abdomen,” he great against the baby’s survival |1 would have prayed for a few ‘Help Offered Man ° ¢ Several telephone calls offering rate for Charles, Spencer, 45 Vir- ginia Ave., whose guide dog, Fritz, died earlier this week. «+. | ‘The 10-year-old Dobertnan. Pin- | scher had guidéd Spencer's steps ‘help have brightened the past few | ae Spencer said one woman, a reg- istered nurse, had offered to ‘‘get a bunch of nurses together’ to buy ‘him another trained dog if he had trouble getting ‘one. One boy called ‘to offer his young shepherd dog to be trained; @nd anether.woman offered Spencer his | pick of 10 Dobermans. ~~ Spencer said a Leader. Dog League representative visited him Thursday and promised to send an ' application blank. He's stilt waiting | for an application form from the Pilot Dog organization in Ohio. Hospital Treats Two. for Accident Injuries for severe scalp cuts and a pas- | senger, Robert H. Segler, 19, of 345 Oak St.. was treated for face | cuts, suffered in an-aute accident. | The two were injured when Hop- | kins, trying to avoid an oncoming car, struck a tree at Shirley and Pike Sts., according to Pontiac Po- | lice. ‘Belgium ts ‘Interested’ be "ne! in Soviet NATO-Offer__| + BRUSSELS, Belgtum — The Soviet offer to join the North “interest”’ fairs circles, authorized sources said here today, official text of the Russian note has not yet reached the foreign ministry here. Onty press reports so far are available. . William Hopkins, 23. of 456 W. | scenery. the averagé .home owner would | Huron St.. was treated at Pontiac | rection of Miss Jean Bender of |” save about $5.40 each year, ar General Hospital Thursday night| Barnum, and Miss Janet Scoville jlantic alliance was viewed with! George Miller” in Belgian foreign af- Sak “The Man: Who Came to Di ’ These sources said, however. the witb the ang siny_spenaenae step in providing a means to an end.”’ lnjered a Collison at Sanford and Pike by another auto which ran a red \light while following a fire truck, according to Pontiae Police. Mrs. Sylvia Hepler, 3, of 4 N. Shirley St., was treated at Pontiac | General Hospital for forehead cuts, Her car collided at Pike and Sah- ford streets, with another driven by Robert-L. Ocamb, 18, of 199 Clifford Ave. The truck was answering an auto fire call at 243 Clifford Ave. Fire- leaking gas from the carburetor ; flat Fire's & 3 g May Spread Tax The chamber restored the heart local Lovelorn Thief Admits Rustling Goats With Girl © onto a hot engine. Birminghm High School News pared by Prank Philips. an aasso- ciate editor of The Highlander, the student newspaper.) By FRANK PHILLIPS Being named to Who's Who, con- sidered the highest honor a senior can win at Birmingham High School, was recently conferred on six prominent seniors. English classes were about 140 stu- dents, The list was narrowed to the nine seniors who collected the most votes. On the final ballot were Nancy | Carlisie,, Janice Cooper, Thor Halvorsen, Cherry Harris, Bill Hohmeyer, John Hubert, Terry | Laundry, Ann McDonald and | George Stinnett, Only seniors, | juniors and sopliomores were al- lowed to vote. Winning the honor were Nancy Carlisle, Thor Halvorson, Cherry | Harris, John Hubert, Terry Laun- | dry and Ann McDonald. In recognition of election to Who's Who, full page solo pictures | will be carried in the Piper. | * ¢+ @ - | “The Magic City” wilt be the i theme of this year’s water ballet at the Barnum Pool April 9, 10 and 12 | Girts from the high school have ; been working for about three | months in\ preparation for the show, which will depict scenes of New York City. \. | and Miss Sally Reid. of the High school. day and Saturday. Nominated Jast week by. senior} Six From 140 Candidates per cent on the semester test. For the past four years Si- monds has offered the free steak dinner to anyone who received a 100 on the test. Questions for the test have been posted. To date Simonds has been lucky. He hasn't had to buy a steak din- gil ffs a F¢ PRESS, FRIDAY, APRIL 2, 1954 = |GM Statt Employe, 45, t them, Byt a machine can go on, forever. A gear a new bulb there-and he's ds good as ever. “Take me, for example. I'm a | thousand years old and—if I do! say it myself—I look as if I had shifted on | “old ma- | At Beatie ¢ © and | explained | done if only because he | and | the of 999 times 999?" | Pew roms went blank. then | glimmered feebly as he said, ‘‘2,- the matter with you, Junior? said Adam. “Let me fix) Banditry, Burgtary Rise in Motor City lice Department records released | today indicate that banditry andj} burglary have more than doubled | in the Motor City during the first quarter of 1954. Officials said 1,041 holdups and of Easter Seal Fraud The Oakland County Society ‘for | today young boy was reportedly trying to | sell the seals. “Our Easter cam- paign,”” she said, “‘is conducted | entirely by mail.” . | | Paulus, + ‘Mier ar fnstrwctan tn dn ternational relations. * OPTOMETRIST Now Yecsted ot 4 5. Saghaw Next te State Theater 2-HOUR SERVICE Most Lenses and Frames duplicated in our Lab. by expert dispenser end technician. We will not spare quality. ‘ 4-5211 A 1-Point Adjustiient for Perfect Fit, Ne Obligation. DETROIT (INS) = Detroit Po | Fire Department Not Sponsors of Detector Gadget ‘ BIRMINGHAM — Fire Chief V. vice whivh is being sold door,to- door in the city is not epproved or authorized by the fire department paratus, but as far as we're con- i at ti i : 4 iF 9s RME. 89 gett if skF§ te zi e5 tee Mrs. Clifford (Marie Margaret) Wiegand, 53, of 212 Chandler Ave., died at her home at 10 a. m. Born at Grass Lake, Dec. 7, 1900. she was the daughter of Jacob and "| Eva Freman Griehs. She married She was a member of the St. Vincent de Paul Catholic vived by a daughter, Drikowicz, of Jackson; Flint; a brother and a sister. Griehs and Mrs. Eva Skotoki, in Monday's election | F : fF i RFE ie i ? F E A s i z : i f 3 A E 33 Exhibitors Ready for Builders Show Thirty-three exhibitors have reserved display booths for the lowing firms The G. & W. Construction Co., REDUCTION Now in Effect at Simms on— © JEWELRY © LUGGAGE © HANDBAGS © WATCHES © CLOCKS FRIDAY and —— In Celebration — SIMMS Reduces 10% Off Our Regular Prices | on All Taxable Items © COSMETICS © BILLFOLDS © BINOCULARS © LIGHTERS © TOILETRIES SATURDAY SIMAS {{@ RBROTMER* 4 Eleven candidates for the City _--_— $y enh i “ eS a eg ree ail ~ Catholics Claim Soe ke Williams Gives Talk foe nel President fo Be tnstalled Tina te warand Acton stl Vy ake Time lB 000 Protestant ministers. ment should have seen to it that |at- Kalamazoo College - The inaugural address will “be | " at Dinner in Indiana /,20"" sm ec e+} KALAMAZOO CUP}—Dr- Wai given by Dr. Guy E- dwvely,| "and Simms Is the Place ta Sami OES Members Attend er in 5 ba oe mer K. Hicks will be inatigurated | Washington,. executive director of _ ore & verts ahaa |_ANDERSON, Ind. u#—Michigan’ —— hair the 29th-pr es ident of Kala-|the Associgtion of American Col-| . : ms Friendship Gathering —_ : ON, higan's| ‘Traditionally the peach state, | mazoo College at ceremonies May | "8° of mas : ey METER aceatnaiel -9p | overnor Williams told @ Madison | Georgia has been surpassed. by |7, the college announced today . —Magazine Disputes tt —Approximate County Jetferson-Jackson Day di , aoe . ‘ Dispites the | ors members from ager ner Thursday vdght that fron oe a Sat any bet Hicks, who took over the presi-| Canada imports about one-half rt Figures Published by | O#kland County communities at- | toration and maintenance. of pros- am pads the pation in, peanuts, | dent's duties Jan. 1, formerly was! her coal from the U.S. Frid Cethuecd Christian Herald ne ‘the Metamora chapter's | perity is our major domestic is-| to, . Pa pimien AAAAAAARPAAD riday — urday — rie ip Night Tuesday. sue righf now.’ _ ” ' ‘ Among the honored guests were The Democratic Party,” Wil- ' USE OUR Pg bog tg eo of! Mrs. Grace Richards of Goodrich, | liams said, ‘‘must set itself against Try SIMMS tor Your (PECIAL PURCHASE LAYAWAY Ca thol says that MAg-/ Mrs Glenn Hagie of Pontiac and }any Republican-sponsored orderly BEST Possible PICTURES azine’s survey shows that 1,434,000 Re ar $33.75 Valie—*V U AID” > | Romap Catholics have become Evabelle Pitcher of North Branch. | retreat in business. We can have | Protestants in the United States [pane and predperity, We are Oye ELECTRIC MOTOR NIGHTS - (Sewer 10 ee Beautiful Cotton Percale SANFORIZED) Medina, Saudi Arabia, is second | party of optimism, of faith in the = pang orca have | only to Mecca as a sacred city | future of the American people.” med cam. of the Moslem world. | Williams charged | the Eisenhower The monthly Digest's editor, the Rev. Paul Bussard of St. Paul, Minn., released the figures yester- da at a news conference, chal- a SPECIAL BUY — Greatly Underpriced! reww~wsOoerereerereerrrreevrey” lle, Ati al) trae addled tng tna isc Blower Cooled ® f lenging the results of a survy ° es conducted by the Christian Herald, Men's Unlined | S$ 95 an inte t i : mee nominational Protestant G AB ARDINE } Guerenteed Fast Color o a . | The Herald said 4,144,000 Cath- Bi jetter—Bright Pot ie Head aia tion om! al ats rowtetmrtishin’ | $55.00 Holds | Choice of last 10 years, and during that pe- SU PER-SIZE |@ 2x? siide projector Assorted riod 1,071,897 Protestants became with motor dftver TWO Slesh Pockets S SBP? fi * Cheice of 4 Colors * All sizes 36 te 46 Catholics. Father Bussard contended the Protestant _magazine results were based on “inaccurate, unscientifi- cally compiled statistics.” He said the survey for the Cath- | olic Digest was “‘based on proven | techniques” by an independent re- | search firm, Ben Gaffin and Asso ciates of Chicago, ‘‘and the results Colors s ' 200 watt illumination rints ft t 4-inch tens -— life- size pictures, © All Standard Rolls construction and UL P | APPROVED. LOWEST One Low Price PRICE ever offered on & projector with these features 2 for ) $5.50 Sizes 12 to 20—14'4 te 2414 Newest Spring style short sleeve. button front, pockets, Fully Sanforrzed Complete with carrying case. FULL GUARANTEE Bring your films to Simms. for 98 Nerth {{® CAMERA faster service... : sharper prints... Y Saginaw fl M ” S ee greater savings. | Street BROTHERS loor pwewuwrrwrwrwerwvewee",_-weerwevreyvevvyy" "wvwwevweevrevreee7TTrTrrrrr,-.---””” Seeeeeeceeeseeeseeeessseeeseeoeeeeeeeeeee . within © ‘Svpct cent. marcia ot | Peper toring weight. | POPPPPIPPPIPOPPIPOSSIOSS | vadies SEERSUCKER errr.” Compare” with $5.00 SIMAS “Bt nie ine He said me Siieesla survey was | vetoes 98 N. Saginew —Main Floor W 1 Gi Yo ‘7 50 Blouses Gowns nade nme ot WA ) F | Well Uive TOU be 1 sa with 2.987 persons throughout the | Main Fleer SPECIALS! to 38 ag Herald se es findings | ———— . _ Tes 3 - for Your Old Electric Shaver $0: Toward the Purchase of Any New Model REMINGTON eck Shaver xX 2 f 23.50 Only! Large 2x $ -foot Size “( at ws a FLAG Outfit ” Assorted col- | ers roun@ ”~ yotes cap * sleeves, elastic — waistband & eyelet trim Sleeveless cot.‘ ton blouses 4% with button front All colors ~NEW .. . and Lower Priced! it’ NYLON Garter Belts ay Sizes 24 to 32 2: Ladies’ nylon garter belts with Prices Good Friday and Saturday $7.50 as trade-in when you buy a new “ adjustable garters. White only. or Complete Set ; ¥ 2 for $1.50 Holds 8 Garments 3x 5 foot_cotton flag $92 (With Your Old Shaver) SOHOSSSSSSSSSSSSSASSHSSSSSSSSSSSSHESOSSSSOSSEES G Plastic in pheshinn lags - See How = 00% Rayon t arment Bag Much You Save H $ fomous KLEENCUT “om Thesé Other Models : ] 29 ™ 100 Tablets Bottle of 300 Pinking $27.50 Model 60 ae. tae srrpric | sopa | 5-GRAIN | SHEARS $29.50 Deluxe 60° ,.:2"%., $22 PENCIL MINT ASPIRIN Reguier $25 $29.50 Auto-Home ,..::'., $22 4 Buy Ni your old shaver (regar | Ts 25° J 95 less Led mak ° or eae on) is ~~. Regular 30c | : —_— 3 / Remington Electric Shaver . 2 40 SANITARY TT OR ALL MALU Picks as fc ‘@) a North Sundrie Raraptuar hed aoc $425 Wrinkle resistant os ~ E TEETH! | omens 9 {(@ ae) See eet at 3 blag : ° Street Floor sorted colors ors. 22 to 30 { Qe 25: “ BROTHER 4-Biade Styie — MA 7 N ' S (/ F AR Scout | — Knife Buy at Extra LOW PRICES With | Men's Fine GABARDINE 1125S met “i= | MY \ »'7Q¢| ] FEDERAL TAX INCLUDED! | Dress Pants 150 SHAVES ONLY 1.25 for 1 Plate Allin... il, Ai a V7 100 Tablets HINKLES 14 Sizes 28 88 to 42 2 for $7 Better gabardine dress pants have features of much higher priced pants. Saddle stitching Hollywood w@eist- band crease resistan} ang . sipper fly MMI] CLOCKS ond WATCHES CLICK! Ready to Write Record- Breaking Low Price—Famous Make PRESS' Point Retracts Cl 40-HOUR Wind-Up Regular a | 89 | seennseesssescsoscasoonsoocseenss Evershar Retractable $2.25 Size | Intent & Adult | Ball Point Absorbine Glycerin. | PEN Junior Supos tries EATON’S | Chlorophyll — 19 TOOTH - PASTE 19° Brghtens teeth and sweetens breath. Why pay more? z. / 182.19 Value Famous “SPRING-MAID” Broadcloth : * 7 Famous Ingraham ‘Apex’ Model © Dress Shirts Dependable timekeeper, loial alarm. Metal case. convex giass, Regular J 99 easy+to-read numerals $2.59 Has no cap! Values Needs no 4 Ever sharp oi trectable has per- @ “Ingraham” Sturdy manent ink elways ready for instant use Point retracts autome- oc. e a tically when placed in jf) pocket Strong Spring Type Reduced $ 89 if _ Fingernait 1% From $2.19 Clippers} } “ow torce bt your precious wat h at home $3.50 Value and Carry this inexpensive +] 29 watch for work, for sport, for P r ec ision Sizes 14 to 17 Mens famous Springmaid” cotton shirts in white or solid colors, with regular collar and button euff. Pully Sanforized New Spring Colors Men’ s Neckties om AQ Large assortment of stripes and patterns, in men’s fully tned ties, also bow’ ties. 500 Tablets IODIN RATION 98 @ SERENE ALARM $5.75 7 Value $35 Lowest price ever! Loud buzz alarm. Styled exactly as pictured, ivory color case 8-Ounce—Sanforized Men's Dungarees Sizes 28 to 42 $1.79 Value 1 47 Men's full cut Dungarees, Sanforized and reinforced at points of strain. Heavy 5-02 material. PrrwrrrrrrrrTT TTT Titi Professional Style Caticle Nippers $4.00 Value SERUT I NOXZEMA $4 49 LAXATIVE Powder Disenfect'nt | Skin-Cream | ] sa@ | 19° | 55¢| 29°. | eclitp type 49c Size $3.25 Size Full Pound Boric Acid ¢ Value Exactly as pictured. $3 00 sav- ickel plated ings. Luminous dial, loud alarm Santorised Blue Chambray “ N ° ll Ad . ed : vss R Ideal for home or office use ean tes ationally vertis eaty Duy ao Work Shirts ¢ $1.34 Value 9 5 @ MIROALARM Model $4.25 Value $12.95 $ 95 2 Biue oe fully , 3] 69 Value ~~ | cut and well_made.- Fully Santors | — ized. Sizes 14% to.1?. All metal case in gold finish Reflecting mirror face Buzz alarm. Exactly as “WHhastrared,, IMMS.“. As pictured Spring type rr v S ((@ ff otf BROTHERS | 98 NORTH SAGINAW STREET 55 me tS $M... __ Mein Floor | ype " 3 ; : AY Ls 3) 4.4 ; the > : s ea THE PONTIAC. PRESS, FRIDAY, APRIL 2, 1954’ i COMPANY—QUALITY FURNITURE SINCE 19147 SABE Ving Boo, awing Od? y a aed pe " ,STEWART-GLENN & ; — Th Gs % oe ae OF gy! “*e” a yee - SAVE *40 on This GENUINE KROEHLER Bookcase Headboard BED and Spacious ) MR. and MRS. DRESSER ss030 QQ? pon Zaharias fortune to give your living rooms a senhower modern appearance! . Buy several of | . ——— these gorgeous blond oak Lane Tables These exciting designs are modern as peed apes - a ss epee eee abeet Yee Dene Dees ee ee ae Te ~ ; Modern edroom Gro and den . . . and sge how magically names re — LANE, jm Smart White Sand Oak DeLuxe Be 5D the picture changes from old to NEW! the name you know! talk Stn ee old, and still Siam Halen. s space! as ea wm 529 Mrs, Eisenhower - : A eae , 4 active cobalt, troaes. Bag rooney casy-oladang drawers wath aon-sodiing soled coe aie. a Available That genera throughout. Sefeceed Comb Genin Rift Cat Onk Veneers er Striking Meodera rep Table ia Biend ee , . fearmees generally fownd m hegher prcod bernstmec. i Lipe Dare Giene Knish Vanity... .$149.50 | Night Stand _ $ 29.50 . Vanity Bench $ 22.95 | Chest on Chest $99.50 TWO OTHER GROUPS OF LANE MODERN TABLES Reg. Panel Bed $ 49.95 | Single Dresser . $99.50 TO CHOOSE FROM! ct fre + Fe a i 5 i 3 F E + JUVENILE SPECIAL! WUND A WEY MM thés..and We E White they lest! ~ y fa Thay” CRIBS SOU Tact, 0. gee 3 * | for Years of \ | Carpet Beauty : ! 7 f i i | fey Hf i Le ‘ E i! Oo P it Z 2 i 5 3 5 s & 7 TROPICAL PIECES FOR YOUR LIVING ROOM, SUN ROOM OR DEN, REGULARLY $319.50 : i i AS ADVERTISED IN , t+) grasping the pointed of a $97 50 { meee eet 0 as Eee House & Carden, SPECIAL 4 fap B)y as che would © gol Eisenhower smiled and volun- House Be } teered to send upstairs for the real seen thing. They settled for the impro- vised club, however, and the Babe | proceeded to give him a few tips about his grip. { The President confided he has) Wunda Weve room-size carpets, or special sizes for been having a little trouble with | it, and before he was through he | large rooms, are super-practical. Loomed by pt just = i soneel the same method as high cost wool broadlooms, the selected cotton yarns wear for years to give you extra a iz il | value for your money. They're washable, wearable, wonderful. Suction vacuuming is easy. _ Come in soon ond select your $ Wunda Weve carpet or scatter rugs in 95 © BOTH SIDES DROP oblong, round or oval shapes. Sq. Yd. _ © AUTOMATIC TO RELEASE Choose from Thirteen New Decorators’ Colors! | © SPRING ADJUSTS TO 4 , @ WATER RESISTANT HEIGHTS © FIRM SPRING UNIT @ RAILS ARE PLASTIC TOPPED © CHLOROPHYLL TREATED FULL PANEL ENDS : ’ © VENTILATORS ° @ WAX BIRCH OR MAPLE Welsh “Boodle Buggy” Yes, genuine imported furniture of solid Rattan, hond- crafted with extra detail in the Philippines . . . 3-pe. ‘sec- tional table, coffee table and table lamp.. Highest in quality, and so very durable and easy to care for. Spring- _ filled cushions! Table tops in solid Philippine Mahogany, ; finished in bar-lacquer! Hurry! Cushions hove zippered covers for easy cleaning. CHINESE =o ES ‘ IMPORTED PEEL CANE Light, Cool, Weather Resistant IT'S A FACT... that the Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada has well = a oe SETTEE *T 9” TUB CHAIR +5” OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT UNTIL 9:00 Tn the more than three-quarters ‘a 2 fer $10.00 * mee. fname x the Conteny’e See Our Complete Displey—Over 35 Styles to Choose From air | bes bean paid to policyholders | Buy on Our Easy " ye EASY PARKING Payment Plan! Carrying Charges at OUR OWN LOT! || Just a Few Steps From Our Store, Turn Right Off Seginew ot Alley d Carriage, Bassinette ap © Wood |. and Car Bed in One <= For crowded quarters, the idea! carMage! It's eas 26% W. Heron, Room 11 for ‘Mother te _fold—end-carry_up and down stairs. It tucks in the back of the ° roy : re 5-561 ‘Oifies. “ Ne away car. Use it in i . —— ote Lighted Lot for Our Custom- ‘ . hotels, tourist camps, r . in , * : De de ee || Coe reac a ms 86 to 96 South Seginaw Street a” . Opposite Auburn Avenue | *- ‘ : \ a : ® : - : Es eeleeaitiee ' - : ee “7 i fo ) any : ~ br, ‘ of / ' - ~f Yet 4 > eee Se —_ ee ee ee a — Te Be tt at Sans 0.00 = 2 ae peeling § RE We aie CY wae aac ne Se ee NE Wee Yan ca, oj aaa { ; ‘ ' / a os 7 ee ta ae Sermon ae ae Os ~ beige rte : : poe : ‘ x a ae ee a THE PONTIAC PRESS, FRIDAY, APRIL 2, 1956 (i — 7 ~ : - * Ss . _ +a ° i ’ °,. =] Exceptional Dress Purchase! e. a + Wik 3 * i. * oh WE CUT FUR PRI | Sellout! ‘ TO MATCH THE TAX CUT! @ We've cut prices 10% and in some cases even more! @ And you save an extra 10% due to the new tax cut! solids ... checks! easy-to-care-for stoles eeere capes , J | Nylon Dresses § $9 Just Arrived! 50 Unlined ) r W omen’ s— 99 Vi Size Boys’ Campus Coats | tai siz. Miser Sees J | | $99 Deep Tone Brown Dyed Squirrel Cape Boys’ or girls’ famous campus coat ; 100 per cent wool with White Trim 4° @ Pretty-for-Easter nylon, dressy linen and crepes! S99 Moonglo Grey Dyed Muskrat Stole ee eee | @ Window pane checks, solid puckers . . . all easy- @ Even sheath dresses in sizes 9 to 15! Hurry in today! 3 Fabrics a Waite's Budget Dresses—Third Floor Full Cut, Unlined Sizes 8 to 18 in ; . ; . ‘ Royal, Black or Green. Hurry in today! care nylon! $119Grey Dyed Persian Paw Sling Cape La : @ Gucranteed not to fade from sun or water! cae : yaway Toda | Waite's Boyswear—Second Floor @ Competely mildew proof, too! No ironing neces. | 5/29 Forest Brown Dyed Let Out Marmot y: . sary! . ~ ® Low ~¢ ; , ° . Special Purchase! Values to 7.98 @ 2 classic styles to choose from in navy, lilac, coral; $99 Brou n Dy ed Muskrat Back Stole “ down Payments ° blue! . . @ | . @ Crepes ond linens in practical coat styles with $119 Black Dy ed Persian Lamb Paw Cape Many months to pa en 's Spring ac ets white collars and suffs. tn Juniors, and misses’. « y $109 Brown Dyed Caracul Lamb Cape Now ... Only 10% Federal Tax on All Prices! scaris.....3 and 4 skins! Sets regularly selling for $59 $ > 3 4 3 Skin Nat. Silver Blue Ranch Mink S-M-L Men’s unlined rayon-acetate jackets thot are crease ond spot resistant, water repellent, with a satin yoke! Comfortable elastic waist for trim, smooth fit Top values and you * save up to e99) Se 4 Skin Nat. Dark Brown Ranch Mink they lott _ 4 Skin Brown Dyed Large Kolinsky 3 Skin Natural Wild Mink 4 Skin Dark Brown Dyed Kolinsky Checks: choose 6 two-tone combi- nations! Slub Yarns: Brown. grey. tan. blue Fur Products Labeled to Show emis of Origin of Imported Furs. Waite’s Men's Shops—Street Floor unlined Dupont Zelan women’s Both sellouts! Both sleeveless! Poplin Jackets | Majestic Cottons | yp ¢o 50% off on finest fur coats oan Psa Reg. 299 Dyed Northern Back Muskrat ........... $222 > each | Reg. 378 Natural Grey Persian Lamb... . . .. ree S333 Choose fabulous awning stripes or solid colors with | = , . $= Durable woterrepatent | Smbrdeed cll, Peter Pon collar, perfect f Reg. 695 Blonde Dyed Shearéd Raccoon .. ......; Dade women’s unlined jackets dates or sports in sizés 30 to 38. Beautiful pastels, . . . . 4 by fomque pret Shore | darks, and stripe combinations! Reg. 698 Dark Brown Dyed Japanese Mink ........ 553 ~~ wi cuffs - : adwalstbendi Reg. 488 Natural Sheared Beaver ................ $393 pip dp ick: Reg. 299 Breath of Spring Dyed rpan be lame nies . 5198 , “sioper closing? Reg. 188 Dyed Sheared Raccoon ;..............+: “139 = Reg. 555 Natural Mink Paw .......... “weeeeeeas ‘A479 Reg. 244 Grey Dyed Caracul Lamb .,...........- . 189 Reg. 244 Black Dyed Persian Lamb ,....... ...-: 71938 a | Reg. 474 Dyed Japanese Mink Cape... SPT | Reg. 474 Natural-Wild Mink Stole ........... SG ee Reg. 378 Sheared Beaver Jacket... .. er we aee $298 : es : : i Reg. 599 Black Dyed Persian Lamb Jactet a 298 Choose sizes 10-to 20 in red, navy, mint, maize and blue! Waite’s Fur Salon—Third Floor at Waite’s Sportswear—Third Floor ne on * * _ ‘The seaway project was ap- ' proved by the Senate January 20. ___» On February ‘3 Rep. Donpgro’s _ it favorably and the bill went to the Rules Committee. There it has been stailed ever since. getting this bill through the lower chamber and to the White House. Making New Deserts Some very sobering statistics have been . issued by the Soil Conservation Service regarding the effects of last year's drought. These indicate that more than. “1,250,000 acres of the Great Plains region already have been eroded by drought and wind. A cause for additional concern is the re- port that more than 11,000,000 OF AUDIT BUREAU OF CIRCULATIONS FRIDAY, APRIL 2, 1954 Fight Looms on Trade Act One of the few political certainties of . the day is that President Ersennowenr’s foreign economic program faces tough going in Congress. Sound though we believe it is, it is no overstatement to say his special mes- = sage on the subject will precipitate one | q of the major fights of the second ses- acres in eastern Colorado and sion. western Kansas have been dam- * * * aged to some extent. x. ke * In general the message follows the recommendations in the ma- jority report of the Randall Com- mission. Besides asking a three year extension of the Reciprocal Trade Agreements Act, a 15 per cent cut in tariffs over a three year period at the rate of five per cent a year is urged. . Power also is sought for reducing to 50 per cent of the value any tariff above” that rate. Other less controversial pro- posals in thie message are lower taxes on profits from foreign investments and long overdue simplification of customs procedures. ‘i... * * Aim of all these proposals is to bring about as soon as fle an end to for- eign economic aid by stepping up pros- perity at home and abroad through low- ering of tariff barriers. This newspaper, long a sup- porter of the reciprocal trade idea, is convinced the President's trade-not-aid program is sound economics for the world’s great- = est creditor Nation. Business and industry in general support it, as do the automobile manufacturers and chambers of commerce. x * * | Unfortunately, however, that doesn’t mean the program won't face strong op- ' position from the high protectionist wing of the Republican Party. Almost as soon as the message reached Con- gress, Chairman Reep of House Ways and Means and Miiixin of Senate Finance announced their intentions of keeping it bottled up in their commit- The truth is, according to SCS, that the damage is almost as serious as the Dust Bowl catastrophe of the early 1930s. Prolonged periods without rain- fall are recurrent in those areas and wise agriculturalists not only expect them but prepare for them. Experts point out, however, that the tragedy in this case as in the 1930s, is that much of the land affected never should have been brought under culti- vation. “9 *x * * In other words, our farmers have been encouraged by the crop subsidy program to help make a new American desert. The result is that the owners of these lands have put their immediate eco- nomic and personal interest above the good of the soil itself. The Man About Town Big Year Was 1867 Pontiac Built .City Hall; Now Ancient Fire Station Daffynition Smoking: A habit that when we read about its alleged bad effects. we give up reading That 1867 was quite a year, according to a letter over the signature of “A Pontiac Taxpaying Booster,” who says, “In 1867 Abraham Lincoln had been dead but two years. In 1867 the mud in Saginaw _ St. was afoot deep. In 1867 Alaska was chased. In 1867 most of Pontiac's present area was away out in the-country. In 1867 the South was torn by reconstruction problems. Seems like a long time ago, doesn't it? Also in 1867 the building which still serves as Pontiac's Central Fire Station was built, then used as city ; hall. Maybe it’s time for a change. New fire tees as long as possible. stations are part of the public improvement * * * program which a favorable vote on the city , charter amendment Monday would help set in ; It has been said, with good motion.” reason, that this program more than any other issue will test President Eisenhower's ability to influence Congress. Just as surely it will test the willingness of the Republican party to implement a forward looking program, and as the President said, its right to a mandate from the voters for con- tinued control of Congress. -. 1 New Orleans for Seaway In view of the unconscionable stalling on the St. Lawrence Seaway by the House Rules Committee, it is cheering to learn New Orleans: now favors the 5 . project. i This unexpected about face by a great port previously hostile to the lakes-to-ocean plan becomes less surprising when one learns the reason, The sudden switch has been caused by the Mississippi River. The city fears the river will shift its course to the Gulf, leaving New Orleans 150 miles fo the east. = xe , : Its leaders also are aware that when cash is sought from Con- gress for rivers and harbors work one of the best ways to get it is ; by.a little log rolling. The Federal < Born on-the day that Abraham Lincoln died, Mrs. Mary E. Havill of 1T3 North Perry St., celebrates her eighty-ninth birthday April 15. A Pontiac merchant says that April 1, 1954, might have been All Fools’ Day, but in his store it was “Price Tag Shuffle Day,” in getting things lined up under the new tax system. Out at Pontiac Lake there's a heavy argument, and to settle a bet. dames Wilding wants to know what animal is the smallest at birth in proportion to the size of its mother. My encyclopedia says it is the opossum, of which a whole litter can be held in a teaspoon. ~ “Phe close of the Man About Town Baseball Contest is little more than a week away. If you want that $250 in -U. 8. Savings Reads, you'd better get busy. One of Oakland County's best known physicians was Dr. 0. R. MacKentie who was killed in an automobile accident last fall. To be erected in his_honor is a building to house a clinic, for which ground will be broken Sunday at 3:30 o'clock at Walled Lake. Its sponsors invite"you to attend. Scion of a prominent Oakland County family, * Clarence K. Patterson, ———— (better known as ~‘'C’’) can trace back his ancestors better then most of iss can ours. es Returning from a.southwestern trip, — Opposition to the s seaway on the _ theory that it will win votes for- Verbal Orchids to— I —Ap- forthe Rules Committee. there of 47 Hudson Ave; ninety-second. ‘eiethddy, =~ iow is hope that April will see it resum- ws- depuis Ginen - Ang work on the St. Lawrence bill. The "™”™asion; nelle pend _ Aatest Of several delays is occasioned by ot North Branch; golden wedding. [je No more time should be wasted in at ES 0. . How Times Change Voice of the People Rev. Geo. Garver Urges Voters: to bdrisicer Their Children, Vote for Improvements ‘Thatters Will be condensed when neces- sary because of lack of ipace. Full name address end Bumber of the gg Boge accom y letters Dut these be published ff the writer so pth cule the letter ts critica! tp tts osture.) In this time when people of Pon- tiac are thinking about and decid- ing certain civic issues, the Press is to be commended for taking no uncertain position. regarding the matter of the proposed program of public improvement. Moral issues, real or imagined «ilk loom large in the decision of many voters. Certainly it is of moral consequence whether the city shall continue to inadequately meet the needs: of the community for hospitalization Surely ‘it is a matter of moral importanee whether our children are being raised in a second rate ». ramshackle public buildings Because my life and the devel-> . opment of my children’s lives are linked to this city; because the. people of my parish are similarly involved in the city’s affairs; and because thé’ questions to be an- swered Monday. are moral in na- ture, I hope they will be answered after careful consideration by all of Pontiac’s good people. I believe Pontiac should vote yes on Mon- day' George L. Garver, Pastor Lutheran Church of the Ascension % Williams I would be glad to vote to continue our present rate of taxes for the next two years and repeat the procedure each two years thereafter as , Un- less unemployment came upon us, in which case we could ob- tain some tax relief within two years or less. Our newspapers have been tell- ing us to send men with business ability to .Washington. I believe that this has been accomplished and the senator from Wisconsin has kept us entertained during one of the preliminary bouts. That of the-two -billion dollar tax relief for the not so needy. A great many of you remember the depression, but how many of you know about the plight of the western farmers where thousands of acres were bought in wartime prosperity and lost by foreclosure while Hoover went fishing and - Coolidge kept silent. Is this going to happen again? If it does will labor be next fol- lowed by a large per cent of the smaller business firms. 1 would like tm be optimistic and helpful to the present ad- ministration but I feel that I our young married couples who have gone tm debt for their homes at wartime prices. . 7. James B. Householder 107 North Genespe The bond tau |. . will the hos- pital cost all the $3,000,000 or more, or less? This js a blank check! How many hames will be con- demned for addition to the hospital and for a parking lot? Why build more in such. a noisy,. brake- screeching ared? The 2's millage .. . if the hos- pital bond issup passes we again have the debt service. plus the 21, mills. Without \extra millage the city hall is being built. Finish that before starting other projects. Each taxing anit of govern- ment talks as if they were the sewage and county taxes plus special assessments slapped on at will, add ep te eur present high taxes. With many * pedple now out of work and not able to keep up pay- ments on homes, ¢ars, etc. we should think hard before voting on either the bond issue or extra can best serve God by being of—mitlage. * service to my fellow men. When we go to yote, let’s keep in mind . . s Faith is to believe on the word of God, what we do not see, and its reward is to see and enjoy what we believe. —St. Augustine. Remember too the penalties up to property seizure’ on unpaid taxes. We are also deprived of our former right to petition against Public good comes ahead ot pri- vate in all Communistie countries, where the individual no longer counts Mrs. J. H. Chapman 250 State Schine-Cohn Case Only One of Many; Army, Navy May Telt-of Other Requests By DAVID LAWRENCE WASHINGTON — Samuel Sears of Boston has been selected to be ‘counsel for the Senate subcom- mittee which.is to investigate the dispute between the secretary of the Army and members of the staff of Sen. McCarthy’s committee. This is the beginning of what may prove to be a long, drawn-out inquiry into the hole subject of political pull in Washington. This is the time for Congress to clean up its own “mess.” For many years-now it has been well known that ‘favored treatment” for constituents has been obtained. case cannot be ie unless it is put inte perspective — that is, un- less all the facts concerning the atmosphere in which the case has been projected are fully dis- closed. keer This correspondent is in receipt of a methorandum from. a man who served as a special assistant to one of the high civilian officials of the armed services during World War I. He writes as fol- lows: because I admire him. In fact, he did a superlative job for the Army. It was so good that people in the Navy were constantly hearing unpleasant comparisons between his handling of requests for special favors in contrast to the stuffy Navy practice of the bureau of personnel in putting ‘P. I.’ for ‘political influence’ on the files of ‘mén for whom politicians had in- tervened. “It is rank hypocrisy for anyone — particularly for some -of the newspaper publishers who them- selves benefited by special favors which they never hesitated to re- quest through their senators ahd congressmen — to pretend that there is anything unusual in the Cohn-Schine requests “I cannot conceive that the De- partment of Defense would dare to place themselves in a position of tacit’ admission that their detailed records on Cohn and Schine amount to persecution of only two boys, which they certainly will be ° doing if they can’t come forward promptly with similar records and . statistics on the thousands of other senatorial and congressional re- quests for special favors. Aunt Het Detailed testimagy batcre the Senate su p by the man who wrote the above and by all other former officials of the government who handled relations between the armed|serv- ices and Capitol Hill would | pto- (Copyright 1984) Case Records of a Psychologist, | ‘Crane Explains Hand of Letters Written H m. Sally's question brings’ out the educational value of news- papers, which are really “Unt-_ versitiés in Print.” Since there are at least 3 readers for each copy, @ paper with 10,000 -cir- culation has more “students” every day than are enrolled in the state university. By DR, GEORGE W. CRANE Case K-364: Sally M., aged 19, is a journalism student, “Dr. Crane, I am to write a term paper on the ional value of the modern newspaper,” she began “So I thought it might be well to subdivide that topic and deal with the by-products of the news- paper, such as the many educa- tional bulletins and Rating Scates whieh you offer via your Worry Clinic column. “Could you tell me just what . happens when readers address a letter to you? I should think the followers of your column might like to know, too, “For you must operate a tre- mendous educational service, like the extension department of my state aniversity.” Yes. Sally is-eorrect in regarding this mail service as an educational by-product of American jour- nalism. My mail input runs about 1,000 letters per day. Your newspaper forwards them, unopened, so you have strict privacy. Yotr letters Baering Down By ARTHUR “BUGS” BAER Tnternattonea! News Serrice Secretary of intestate Dulles is finding his trouble-shooting is not a one-sided duel. Arguments at 30 paces are shrinking and coffee and pistols for two are expensive. He said he was neatly delighted with Berlin, profusely contented at Caracas and figured to pull the hat trick at Geneva : * are You understand Dulles is keep- ing his own score How about that Argentinian-Gua- temalian screech against colonial- ism in the Americas? Doesn't that mean any more than the fine hairs on grandma's upper lip? We would tout Guatemala off on that extra-curricular gimmick We had a dash of anti-colonial- ism hereabouts in 1776. We ob- jected to a penny plaster on tea and wound up paying $1.20 for coffee, That’s what you call the dregs of victory. Guatemala’s target is perfidious albumen of course Guatemala has been the prime mover in all anti- business. The priming is done in Moscow. They are pegging at England all over the world. India, Egypt, Africa and now South America. England meets the barrage of missiles by printing its maps of empire on dart boards” Portraits By JAMES J. METCALFE A little more than seven months . Is all we have to wait . Until our happy family . Can really celebrate . . . When Jimmie . His Navy - A lad of 17... So . Will be among the . And so our hearts are waiting now .. . To cheer and cele- (Copyright 1954) are deemed ' ptvilengd Lede if cation” in legal terms, rs they are A not even subject to 1a yf cape When the big sacks af mail po ide the Syndicate Building, /a staff of trained secretaries opens the let- ters. They are first slit with a reguiar machine opener. Then the big headaches begin. For many of you forget te en- close a stamped retura envelope, Or if the latter is there, you may give your address as “1225 Union Street, City.” But “City” is very confusing when mail comes from some 200 other cities. So the girl must quick- ly consult your envelope and try to decipher the city's namé on pees postmark! If you don’t enctose any ancege, she must take time out to de- cipher the name and address from your letter and then write it on a plain envelope. However, it you fail to enclose the dime and self-addressed en- velope, your mail is placed % a separate pile marked “N D or 3", meaning “No dime or stamped en- velope."’ It then ties around till the other property addressed mail is first handicd, for you have been told repeatedly to send a dime and a stamped self-addressed envelope. Even then, it costs me about four cents additional for every piece ot maij that comes in. So I ‘hrust make some 30 pay speeches per year and turn over all the proceeds therefrom to wip ing out the deficit. This mail service ts strictly a non-profit edu cational by-preduct of the news- paper = Further complications begin whén a writer asks for two or three bulletins, since these are not the same two or three which the next writer may request. As a result, we have all sorts of combinatiorts of letters piles, some of which want one thing, others réquest two, ete. Magy Pra organizations also order bulleting for their members, to cover Spine Tinting césts w dl cond one = oat hia pay: art (Copyright Mopkins Syndieate Ine) From Our Files 15 Years Ago FRANK GANNET, newspaper ‘ publisher says American people should ‘‘demand the resignation” of Pres. Roosevelt: terms regime “failure.” ADOLF HITLER tells free world he is ready for war if democracies continue ‘encircle Reich moves” any longer. 20 Years Aga SURVEY OF New Deal shows big job and business gains at less than budget cost. SESSION OF automobile labor board in Flint tries to end Nash difficulty becoming critical in De- troit. Brady's Diet for Rheumatiz (Arthritis) ‘ Is Daily Food, Not Medicine for a Week By WILLIAM BRADY, M. D. By now, I hope, one out of every hundred readers of this column does not feel indignant when I say that in my opinion the rheu- matiz (or call it “arthritis” if you ster for a definition of degenera- : _ | E : : i; 2 i 1 i i “4 A generation, etc., if in joint tissues, rheumatiz — or “arthritis.” You don’t get it? But it you leave the time ment out it is fair enough that the cells of the various s 8 gE F Ze fs F i i | 3 z Tae rf i 3 a? £ a FF i t it 2 tee bt r ; ! Hh H s 3 ? i & Zz 3 s Ht tion, not just this week, month or season, but the nutritional condi tion ever since the individual at- HT 5 t i. i j { t i $ pe i , i igrl rH : ; ' ee en a a i ee eS eee, ae a Yes ert, Sey ee oe bon = | + Ly » ; igs - tr . a yy i Boy eee, } é ae ,. 1 3 + . ee <7 7 dlls “ eee 7, ¥ Sees: Seema — ss ey nf eae er ae ¥ | . .' i PA THE PONTIAC PRESS, EMME ON SALE at all FEDERAL DEPT. FEDERAL :::::; «« Fd f SHOP TONIGHT TO 9 P.M. as well as 4-DRAWER Saturday and Monday nights ~ WATCHING “~~ GHEST IS Pgh hi {NCLUDED Z of m SET ed * “tiie i . * — The savings event of the year at Federal’s! ple in a mellow golden finish BEDROOM ce 4 Mi Double chest 44.88 ie’ er i. v Soe irror ; 0 slee this : i in eBed eChest @Dresser an , | | Fede eee jut right for aly ket! This a ederal 4-Star mattress is built for yes t ~ . nscious shoppers will snap-up this gga" comfort! tts pre-built bordeeih NOT = | \ Bargam-co " vt Solid hardrock maple, resistant smooth woven cover wil] last a lif ime! tic value in a aay the far north, finished into Wake up relaxed and refreshed on aAStarl : : a i aie to make your room look like a g Full or Twin Size. es ~'- : wness , . a glowing, mellow ‘od! Don't delay! Get in on = Matching bex-spri { the colonial per shre ‘ “SPTIAG......rerseesees 27.88 this qnce-in-a-lifetime buy! Ideal for the kiddies Ne carrying charge if paid in 90 days! room! Dust-proofed throughout! . Buy the me o your choice during the week of March 21-April 5. Complete this or the appliance, TV, sentence in’ 35 weeds ot ine: “1 bought DRY ns ancnssesctancsccilectong at Federal’s because.” carpeting or furniture of Put your entry blank into contest box before 9 p.m. eae or 5. Prizes are awarded on is of originality! your choice! 18 winners! Fijt2rs cmployees and families ‘are not eligible! Hurry! YOU may win! Save at Federal’s during this big WESTINGHOUSE APPLIANCE—~~ ee eee REDUCED *50!. Automatic Pay $60 less mt WE eTINGHOUSE 199°. ELECTRIC DRYER ‘ »39,961 Now only .---°-: Regularly tag savings this . S _ . Oper ou with save $50 during Federal’s Cried ; a trade-ia The fully automatic West nd Opening Salet The ; _" ' flexible control dial lor use Laundromat has big Late pe $30 at Federal’s during this ; peatin, - rung, stopping o estin , ; : 6 any part of cycle, Agi-Tumble peed r re clothes bone-dry for storage or dryer tai your i Delivered, Installed and ng, is perfectly safe for even miracle ri Gridligaggt ¥3 ae’ : _ Delivered and Serviced 3 — “ —— a 3 eee + per eamumeanennte ———— li ieee ee eae eee TS nee Soe ee - SAGINAW AT WARREN. PONTIAC OPEN MON. FRI. SAT. NIGHTS TO 9‘yer — Pe eg Th sap es mere —— ¥ SiS a yee da bancnee a = -_ THE PONTIAC PRESS, FRIDAY, APRIL 2, 1954 “ON SALE AT FEDERAL DEPT. STORES no.] specialist Et r if i a Hi F z wae UNG, Ge} --“t-began to-read the Ne 3 on U. &. Mighways @ We. 1 t») I began to look for God,” she Service @ Ne. 1 te Your Commentty; Born i in 454 Cive SK AF REPUBLICAN >» CARPET SALE! at HARTISUNS 999 Hunter Bivd Birmingham GOP BATTLE CRY—Trumpeting for « congressionii! majority, the GOP elephant takes ‘to the road in the form of an auto tag which is being displayed by Rep. Charles Wolverton, in Washington, D. C. Republicans hope this will be an aid in helping tip the fall elections to the GOP. Wust Celebrating | Arabs Ask U.N. Accused of throwing furniture around his room. Gregorio Colon . won a suspended sentence in po- ion on —t lice court after explaining that he : | was just celebrating after his wife Jordon Wants Security | 4 oo es se _ Council Consideration of Killings by Israelis i ! | UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. @®—)| Arab delegates pressed today for | an urgent U.N. Security Council meeting to bring Israel to task) for the latest border killings in neighboring Jordan. Israel quickly | branded the move an “effort to| cover up Jordanian guilt'’ by spot- lighting isolated cases. e Lebanon, sole Arab member of the 1l-nation council. called form-| | | ally last night for a hearing on the, | raid last Sunday night on the Jor- , danian village of Nahalin in which nine Arabs were killed. Lebanon said it was acting on behalf of Jordan, which is not a member of ‘the UN. s 7 + Meanwhile, Western delegations | studied the possibility of a broader | hearing on the whole worsening | situation in Palestine. The latest Arab demand for action in the U.N. was made in a) letter from Lebanese Delegate Edward A. Rizk to Rassia’s An- drei Y. Vishinsky, president of the Security Council this month. Rizk said he hoped the council would) take up the matter next week. | 1 7 . s The Lebanese letter followed aj complaint by Jordan's Foreign | ‘Minister Hussein F, Khalidi! Unbelievable values, every one! Spring-end-summer styles in tions. Many are washable. Here's chance to save as NEVER re. 9-15, 10-20, 16%4-24%. 4s seen in HARPER’S BAZAAR ” = Ca Paws rn " oO ey - ae oe i — t. 4 * " y 4 all it will do will be to injure the Republican party in Maine and na- | Fail to Get New Plates for Police Patrol Car Waynesburg’s police for After warn- ing motorists that Tuesday mid- Reward offer guaranteed by night was the deadline for 1953 -ennsyivania license plates. they that someone had failed order the new plate for the told a Fe ce wore THE PONTIAC PRESS, FRIDAY, APRIz-2, 1054 SAVE WASTE PAPER! [i1uck for Parish Dian , “ \We Are Now Paying Hews Paper.........30¢ per 100 Ibs. vecesves O00 per 100 Ibs. Strep Iron—Junk Cors—Structural Steel TYPHOON STEEL C0. Excise Tax Reduction MOOR 703—7.3 CVU. FT. CAPACITY - “Dream (lar of ‘|wenty-f ive) You've heard and read a lot about.warious “dream cars” in recent months—but here's the “dream car” .. of them all! Research among motorists would seem to indicate Sere ee eee that literally tens of millions of people dream of owning this car—and would take steps to change their dreams into realities if they felt their economic Situations justified them in doing so. It is—as you undoubtedly know—a Cadillac. What can there be about a motor car to make it stand so eloquently apart from all other products of its kind? - The reasons are not far to seck or difficult to — “evaluate. They are simply the fruition of a fifty-year policy of strictest adherence to the highest possible ideals in engineering, manufacturing and service. . Not once in all this time has Cadillac deviated ~e -All—more beautiful, more dist the finest performance of alf time. <-- - illion | from its policy of building fas fine a motor car as it is practical to produce. | { Today, Cadillac has [become an international symbol of all that is good and desirable in the auto- motive world—the special favorite of the most discriminating motorists to be found anywhere. Small wonder that so many millions who have never driven a Cadillac have it so high on their dream list of wonderful things) to own} The truth of its incomparable goodness is obvioys to everyone. ‘e ° . i The 1954 Cadillac is the ereafest Cadillac of them [OW, LOW PRICE - Admiral }) ony *7 Q 54° bth a « 4 pal You get all these famous Admiral features! © Full-width freezer and handy freezer drawer © Four easy-toclean shelves and two ice trays © Removable door shelves e All-weather temperature control ® Beautiful Admiral “Glacier Blue” porcelain enamel! interior NO DOWN PAYMENT Ask About WKC’s Big Trade-In Allowance! “ "A ‘ 7 f gol oe s ©. No Money Down Make Your Own Terms! | ireal 27; Think of it! :100 less than previous model S Adm | Amazing Engineering Advances Make Possible Sensational Savings on 1954 Model! ~—--"Phink of itt You-can- now-save-$100.00 over previous model on this all-new Admiral home theater! In a smartly styled.eabinet, just 22% inches wide, you get big 21’ TV ... with powerful Cascode Chassis that permits easy one-dial tuning—UHF or VHF... Super ‘600’ 3-Speed Phono- graph that plays all record speeds, all sizes with just one control .. . “TV-Integrated” Radio! Never before an all-new home theater at such a spectacular low price! TV Radio-Phonograph Sensation! 75¢ WEEKLY inguished—and with Come in and see it. Whethet you expect to’ buy a Cadillac or not, you are wer to see and inspect ‘ the meww Standard of the World. ——— ~~ JEROME. MOTOR SALES Co. << 280 8. ‘Saginaw -St., Pontiac, Mich. Phone FR 4-3566 —-& te “7 : , , WAS *89:95- NOW- ‘69% Admiral 3 Speed epee Phon, FEdopa/ 2.7114 108 NORTH SAGINAW Radio-Phonog raph — sg ore LEWIS—Fine Fareitats LEWIS—Fine poe | a On: IN OUR NEW AND EXCITING FURNITURE ste Cogubiese crpack seca Facorites frome the Cream of Americas furniture manufacturers . You too will find that ”Good Taste” is not expensive at LEWIS _ For D Den. - [SaeS or Recreation _ Room... You Will Be Happier With ‘Asheraft G alt 3-Pc, SECTIONAL | 129°° For cheerful, casual living, this versatile / 3-piece sectional is available at LEWIS’ BA Oe. OF.THE Some SPECIALLY PRICED MODERN BEDROOM GROUP PANEL BED and DOUBLE DRESSER by KROEHLER _ in colorful better quality covers: Ash; & . Never have you been offered so much a craft is made of finest quality solid birch $ 00 ity and style ot such a low price... Re- t ond bent ash to assure permanance of § member this is*Kroehler quolity with the = -, shope and many years of service.- / drawers that flow open at a fingertip’s | fs ; touch and offered to you at a price you CORNER TABLE .........,. $37.50 © " would usuotlypdy-for oe much inferior kind. SOC KTAIL LE $18.95 Specially priced at Lewis’. ‘ - COCKT FANE —— | MAY BE PURCHASED SEPARATELY osreeveereeevrer eee se eee LAMP TABLE ............. $21.95 = | = PANEL BED..............$ 44.50 * = BOOKCASE BED......... $ 62.50 DOUBLE DRESSER ...... :. .$125.00 NITE TABLE ............. ~y _- MODERN LIMED OAK SETTEE G& CHAIR 149° DESK ENSEMBLE pe Regardless of the size or shape of your bos | THE STURDINESS room Lewis’ has the type of Ashcroft 4 $ 95 AND BEAUTY OF Living Room. Furniture to'fit your needs i Limed Oak DRAMATICALLY PRESENTED . Covered in durable tropical printed a | covérs there is no limit to the mony COMPLETE - IN A MODERN DESK ENSEMBLE | color schemes from which you may select, ee Th he wal et Ber ti alle CORR ow PRETO MSS Pe ea -| by both youth and adults. During | nen? andthe ‘Wheeling. Ww. We. | Drive the 'S4 Kaiser Special at your Kaiser dealer's teday! Better quality ...ten different seven coats of finishes. been bothered. with rheumatism, Wa,” but what difference does it . >| . . iliey ... too, as the muscles in my back |make what it's called as long as prompt a omeipes erga Permpeses,”" Boca te Breauent. Pe oat. | Hear “Lowell Thomas ond the News”, Monday thre Friday, CBS redie Mere dependability ...owners report up to 100,000 trouble-free miles hips and legs were stiff and very|!t makes people better. I am re fer refereee, will fo win against ae oe of cbeat 300 songs, | raged ae et nee eo ee pres Chestnut - sem ao van . moth hat ape that | could ar ee ete Tee ore | oes gene Soe PSone MASTER’S K-F SALES =PANCHUK MOTOR PETERSON K-F SALES many different medicines but|everyone what WA has! Their teachers and ager of Columbia Phonograph Co. Sigil an cation ea parents, teachers and | St See ee & SERVICE _ SALES & SERVICE im the newspaper about OJIB-| AT ALL LEADING DRUG cooperation, prompt-|P&mer. 18, mother of Jean T Palmer, 1675 Highland Read 2618 Dixie Highway Se ee WA SITTERS, and tried it STORES ness, abite. tatevesth in General secretary of Barner College and Pontiac, Michigan Pontiac, Michigan Auburn Heights, higan . sciiool work and so forth. -_ = : = a a heii A special character trophy is pre- sented to the winner in each com- munity, as well as a trophy for the a The kids themselves bia! initiative with the “huddle prayer.” j) . heard youngsters-on Various teams PROOF . ‘ repeating the Lord’s Prayer before sees F a game, “These kids made me _ : that all of us — coaches, ADMIRAL ||[asoxy || SAVE S60 0 “trotcrour” throat the CLEANER | Revolving Shelf Models taooughort the cnt = 17” TY GENERAL ELECTRIC —— — several raver, writen, NEW 1954 : : Cu. m | all faiths. The Rev. J. J. $459" 9. Fr. ’ : \ Only wih an Trede in your MOl. £499.79 small set , Y Ww = 7 NO MONEY DOWN ne eerety Full Width Freezer 2 Crispers Even Greater Savings at Georges-Newports New Tax Reduction Lowers Prices on Furs, Jewelry, Purses and Luggage Shop Tonight—See the New ot Greater Savings! | Lh P| 2 wl _, i 8 z a meee, pone $229.95 ADMIRAL in Oraha, = Sones po = $ 95 on EE sored the trip for a eam. : eer eile tae ble Reg. $179.95 Electric Range od box NO MONEY DOWN i? SAVE $40 ig NEW EASY AUTOMATIC WASHER Nomoney DOWN LEDS “Tele IRONRITE | TAPPAN | White 30 Gal | | Look at the Features / Look at the Value! 139° | i995 es — , and old washer Little Scout f mar NO MONEY DOWN | $30 for your range uAaEeEo 8.5 Cu. Ft. Automatic Defrost KELVINATOR REFRIGERATOR . é | “EE | for Boys & Girt wom || Me. 2225 S169 wonen | nee | Ge Wal Hae 149% | owas Not Used or 49 8 Rebuilt but NEW end your WRINGER WASHER NO MONEY s99% end your DOWN old washer — SWIVEL TOP CLEANER . |{ Westinghouse 17 Inch TV | Seem || Ustiotas Sake "69" |) ates SQ -jeetcor_l_ NO MONEY DOWN | |__t®25™_ samme |] ZEGOOD HOUSEKEEPING 7. nor a ° _ DAYS of PONTIAC ‘ps BY SAME AS aaait =f CASH 5! W. Huron St. Open Daily 9 to 5:30—Fridays 9 0 9 FE 41555- PHONE o Aa R. = * ~ THE PONTIAC C’PRESS, FRIDAY, ‘APRIL + 2, 1954 WATCH MS “A NS IT'S AN EXPANSION _ WATCH BAND! YOU GET BOTH Here's the greetest wotch veive we've ever offered! it's woter- vesistent, shock-resistent, enti mogretic with @ fully gveren- toed jeweled movemen!, sweep socoad head, redive die! end eebrectedle erystcl. More, you will get « fomous Bretton Photo- tdent Expoension Watch Bond thet wif hold picteres 50¢ WEEKLY Ranora NOW at Sonal OUR MOST A Park Free in Lot Opposite. A&P 25 NORTH SAGINAW STREET Open Friday Evenings OF | WITH Bnellon PHOTO IDENT "| Bob Considine Says: ‘Atomic Energy- Chairman spurt in Buying. | President seemed as eager to hear what Adm. Strauss had to say as’ Forty-five minutes later the Is Noticed i in First Day did the room full of reporters. As; White House said Strauss didn't |ergy Commission. cas May Bring (== Press Conference Trips WAHINGTON (INS) — The! out any city in the world — was | drawn out of him. But No Marked Trend | soon as the photographers had | Tmean 6 say “destroy ih conneec-7 of Lower Taxes nia been cleared out of the aisle the oo ee by alle | WASHINGTON # — Price .cuts President state why he had brought | of commission.” Oul which took effect yesterday\as a Strauss along. This fs believed to he a new |Tesult of lowered exciee taxes — He said banteringly that he un-|record for steady-handed hair-| ranging from pennies on most derstood there was some slight in- | Putting, even in Washington. items to hundreds of dollars on terest in the H-bomb tests he | was going to give part of bia tiene | Road Chairman Takes 'to the chairman of the Atomic En- | Boss’ Orders Literally | CAMP HILL, Pa. @—Borough the | President Norman S. Keim asked A national sampling of opinion | by The Associated Press showed that merchants generally expected the sales tax cuts on hundreds of items to spur buying in the com conference by saying Pree redness | all his new committee chairmen to ng weeks. But t of them aaal going to sign the 999 million dol- get a first-hand knowledge of their the re had been wenn ue neticenble reac-| a departments’ operation. | slew the first day. he Ed Carl, just named chairman o of the Highways Committee, took the advice to heart. Yesterday he started working without pay during a week of his vacation—swinging a pick and shovel on a street con-/| level, and struction project. not been told On still had not been changed, That is tax the manufacturers’ how EXPANSION WATCH BAND WORTH $11.50 BAND worTH 5112° oI BOTH ror onty ’ 1 9°° YOU SAVE $1122 on those items the tax cuts. fr oh oe Sib lin tay eas downey the tafe reall lve immediate Butter prices drepped too yester- day,;in the wake of an order by | Secretary of Agriculture - Benson reducing leut was about 8 cents on top grades * 6 @ In some cities, the initial drop was 5 cents a pound or even less. But in many it ranged around 10 cents and in San Francisco as high as\18. Butter prices varied region- ally, with the general range from 59 to 70 cents. -Starts to Work at 65 MEMPHIS, Tenn. (UP) —C. E. | Campbell started to work for| peor Inc., here at the age of | 65, when most men retire. Now 80, * many items, the retail prices | he covers a 12-county sales terri- tory each week, The famed wheat -. producing iierchants generally had| state of Kansas last year mined | much their ' 1,350,000 tons ot bituminous coal. | the level at which the ba —-+-government stiports the price—Fhe+_— a @ i | MET nt re car _ Then the-eorrespondent he calls | Mirryvman Smith rocketed to his e “United Action” nist aggression in Indochina. against commu- Then Francis took him to the New York waterfront. He took a grave view of the port | tie-up, Ike said. Hurts the whole | country. But he had no solution. How did he feel about losing men Tough losses, good men, the Presi- dent said. Then the President said he had answered enough questions — and turned it over to Strauss. As Strauss stood up, White Strauss strayed from the script | in a paraphrasing way, but said | nothing that wasn't already down | in black and white. | His big points were that tests are necessary, if only to see what ,; Russia could do to us; that we're | |a stronger nation militarily than | lever: that the weather double- crossed the scientists on the March | 11 shot: that nobody was seriously hurt; that we'd be happy to pay | | for any suffering we caused; and | that we're now almost far enough | along with H-research to concen- trate on peaceful atomic ambitions. He did not seem quite prepared for the questioging that followed, | er he is so bound and tied by security restrictions that it ap- peared so. The answer that made Thursday's headlines—to the ef- fect that a single H-bomb tan now be built which would. wipe Federal Excise Tax Reduced! You Now Save an Extra 10%! MONDS NOW/ srvE ON DIA " F’ The OHIO OIL Company © Producers of Petroleum since 1887 | The President said he had gone | over that speech word by word, | but not to worry about U. S. in- . tervention there. Aid to the na- tives and the French should be | | in Marathon “Cat” Gasoline doesn’t seem very patient... but-it is. The time to ask for that eager, cat-quick response is when you really need it. You'll find it Distributed by Pike Clarke” Gil Com pany Pee Eek 1B D Kermit Wright Lee's Service Auto tan ‘Reed's Service 240 E.. Wilson 620 Auburn Ave. Auburn Heights, Mich. Cor. Baltet and G. C. Service Com tal Enterprise Becca 5 Sen 10 8. Woodward : . Farmington, Mich. Del's Service #1 NORTH SAGINAW STREET Barnett & MeDanial $861 Elizabeth Lk. Rd. 105 N. Milford Rd. : = “at M-50 = Del's Service #2 “Park Pree in Lot Opposite A&P} ~ —Micbnd Macn Orchard LA. & Johnown epee ener ene rena n RR NN . ‘ . . j ae ‘ 0 b ; - The extra ROAD POWER > —_ ee > wn = THE PONTIAC > ieee i ey S Juni Co-chairmea aE rg ig last an JUNIORS AT WORK—Busy with last-minute; . Featise Press Photo Getalis are Burton Belant, Jack- preparations is this quartet of junior classmen who | oblivious to the secret smiles of co-workers Jackie fe Spratt, Kaye Newlin, and Ann | are eagerly anticipating Apri! 24, the night of the | Spratt of 19 Clarence St. and Mary Mapley of 18) Coombe. annual J-Hop, This year “Southern Silhouette” | Howard McNeil! St. Phyllis Law of Lehigh Ave. | Others lending was chosen as the theme for the event, which begins | finds she can share the joke and work at the hectic time are pes pr eg at 9 p. m. in Pontiac High gymnasium. Intent on | same time, so she adds a dab of paint and joins -Carol Pendleton, Joanna Wiggs. his work is Burton Belant (left) of 169 Ottawa Dri, in the festive pre-dance mood. and Maryjane Vollmar. > ee a . = Elma Waterman is the faculty | man English students take the sponsor. Teachers’ Meeting, Exams Still Halls at 2 City Schools Two of the three city high! ‘St. Fred students “red-circled” schools were fairly silent today, a!-| their calendar for Monday as the though the usual number of proms | day report cards will be issued. and parties is brightening up the | Other than that activities were spring horizon. | quite normal. The echo of clattering. feet was | Pontiac high schoolers are still Easter Edition Editors Chosen Ed Kantzer, Charlotte rk Are Named to Frito | Schol : = a meeting to | now that two more illustrious ae oe bes {names have,-been added to thé Charlotte Stark and Ed Kantzer’ At St. Michael High School, (jyoster The event promises to be have been chosen editors for the! t@e Balls were still, too, but fof | one of the most exciting school Easter edition of the bi-annual | Tuite another reason. With quar- dances on record. Epistolae Scholae. lama C. Hook, | *fty exams facing them, stu- oe es dents are directing their en- ST. FREDERICK Pontiac High. School supervisor | Correspondent Mary Drake re- vealed that St. Fred students are looking forward to viewing a movie scheduled for April-6 on the life of St. Vineent de Paul. The film is entitled ‘‘“Mon- sieur Vincent.” “Batter up” will be echoed by feminine voices y. | Charlotte and Ed will also) handle the publicity for the paver PHS Spanish scheduled to appear April 2. | Students Attend mM be Nama Molenry. amd \U. of M. Fiesta v= will be Naomi. Moloney, and Normalee Braid is in charge of design. John Larson is handling The fourth annual Spanish Fiesta the cover details. | held at the University of Michigan : brought Spanish enthusiasts from Student editors for the junior . : high schools are Bessie Gianokos Pontiac High School to the Ann and Helen Rendziperis for East- ape ok we ee as ern, Jack Turner for Washington. — - — and Marilyn Roehl Lincoln under the direction of Neil Gray A = viewed Spanish arts and crafts, listened to a carillon concert of Spanish songs, and were present at the performance of a play. The students also attended the giris have decid- Fed to organize a “baseball Cross, Starr Commonwealth, and as members of the girl's varsity , ’s le ; | Boy's Town. tes cae Sea ketball team plan to attend a | disc — who the college students completed the _ dinner Sunday. The giris will be = he main Lone-Star Eggs ar eclvbiies \the guests of their coach Joan/ attraction at the DALLAS — The Davis street Mazza. Drive-In here “advertises fresh country eggs, “Laid in Texas for Texans.” Additional School News | on Page 30 ey ¢ & svertine > 1 wish to take this opportunity to express my deep appreciation for your vote of confidence in the primary election and to request your support for JOHN E. CARRY - for better representation for our district. James Flanary | am of the opinion that we must elect as our new City Commissioner JOHN E. CARRY, a man not obligated to any clique or faction, who is unafraid to meet all issues squarely and who will endeavor to give you and our district a voice and equal representation in the affairs of our city. Now is the time for intefligent voters to dispet- the pretense surrounding the incumbent, and to ignore the flowering falsehoods growing from seeds of hypocrisy sown by a small minority of professional do-gooders who would leave no “stone uriturned—to—discredit— your- intelligence because you, as good citizens, recognize the need for a change. I honestly believe that JOHN'E. CARRY - - will give us, the kind of representation wé seek, therefore, | earnestly recom- ssmend*thateyou go to the polls April Sth. and Cast your . -WOTE for JOHN E. CARRY For City Commissioner “DISTRICT No. 6 one from the halls of PHS as buzzing over the “Record Hop” | = softball team now | PRESS, FRIDAY; t~ for APRIL 2,.1954 —_—-—— ~ of Dolphin’s Show The theme for the forthcoming aqua show at Pontiac High will be the ‘‘Toy Shop” according to Jean Hutchinson, Dolphin club advisor. The mermaids will be perform- ing on May 13 through 16 and will be featured in many colorful acts. Among the productions in re- Swimmers will appear as teddy bears, spacemen, tin soldiers, clowns, and blocks. A highlight-of the show will be hon aquatic ballet, with the syn- chrenized swimming performed | with a background of music. ‘The creatures popularly named “electric eels’’ are not real eels, | but a fish related to carp. : COTTAGE SETS sme + Charge SHO YUOAM CN — A '« — —— “*. a. M Chromespun { . PETS i Y en a 73 N. Sag. St. |” study of peetry seriously. They began delving inte the poetic realm this week. Last but not least was the| | thought of report cards. They will ; be issued on Monday. - * * ST. MICHAEL A preoccupied hush settled over | St. Mike's, writes reporter Mar- | garet Martin, as quarterly exams loomed for stu- ~~ »dents during the iz . coming week. were frequented by busy Michae- lite sophs ard seniors as term — papers were un- der diligent su- | | MARGARET study is put into } that required item of school life. Meanwhile Drafting II classes | | finished their work on plans for | houses and began on a new project. | They are busy with machine draw- | quiz on Mary and the Marian year was presented recently. * * ® PONTIAC HIGH ' _| Still excited over the “Record | Davies, CKLW idance has pulled |another surprise. |rently appearing in Detroit. The halts of the old trick teepee | were temporarily silenced today as students took the day off legal- ‘ly (thanks to teachers who attend- ed a meeting in Birmingham). The Booster Club gathered re- cently to discuss the support of a spring sports program. President ?Bruce Oakley appointed commit- VICKY tees who will inform the mutant | body of the time. place, and re- sults of any future contests. If You Own } } j ® Underseat Heater | © Twin Defrestérs © Twin Sun Visors = | ® Deluxe Steering Wheel 1 © Directional Signals \ I WAYNE GABERT $ WILL GIVE YOU 121 N. Saginaw St. 2 WHAT A DIFFERENCE in a ? _ Pontiac Retail (front and rear) © Chrome Trunk Guards 100 REGULAR SELLING PRICE Washer, Cart and Half-Year LESS YOUR TRADE-IN Regardless of age or condition. YOU GET $ Everything for If You Owna 1950 MODEL We Will Allow as Much as $] ,200* : a 1951 MODEL We Will Allow as Much as $] ,450™ if You Own a 1952 MODEL We Will Allow as Much as $] ,300™ AND THE... —/ 1954 PONTIAC CHIEFTAIN 8 2-DOOR COSTS ONLY D616 nisi © White Sidewall Tires © Chrome Gravel Guards ® Chrome Bumper Guards ONTIAC RETA STORE Open to 9 P.M. Monday Through Friday—Saturday ‘til 5 P.M. Mt. Clemens and Mills St. Downtown Across From Post Office FOR YOUR PRESENT WASHER ona New 1954 SS Fully Automatic SPECIAL! _, $3349 234%. ® Arm Rests (front and rear) © Electric Cigaret Lighter © Ash Trays (front and rear) ® AND: ne includes License, Title = and Tax Folding Steel Laundry Cart--and-- 6 Months Supply “ALL” Detergent INCLUDED $10Q00 24 MONTHS TO PAY! Your Electrical Open Tonight ‘til. 9 P.°M. A ppliance Specialist WAYNE GABE Phone FE 5-6189" Se ane g-3 — THE PONTIAC PRESS, FRIDAY, APRIL 2, 1954. eee Ss Sa | Buy Your Columbia “Tru-Fit” Diamond Ring at ST —- THIS 1S NOT A CONTEST! — Your Purchase Permits You. to Cl a Luncuriout Cea Fond | Woda ‘ y | V3 3 : ay, 2 AT OUR EXPENSE! ~~ ‘|egem Yee i hard to belewe.... bal tt tee a ey ay You can celebrate your Honeymoon, Anniversary or Vacation at a magnificent Hotel in wonderful Miami Beach...a glorious holiday for TWO you will never ; forget —and It’s ABSOLUTELY FREE (exclusive of transportation). You get a luxurious : oceanfront hotel room PLUS breakfast and dinner for TWO throughout your stay. ALL YOU DO H Is buy a Columbia “Tru-Fit’ Diamond Ring at it’s regular nationally-established . a retail price during Columbia’s GOLDEN JUBILEE event. : a ot . MRSS sa se a 4 Po, About the greatest diamond offer ever made! wick Robert Richter %& Buy 2 Columbia “Tru-Fit” Diamond Ring during %* SELECT the time for your Honeymoon, Anniversary The Ritz Columbia’s GOLDEN JUBILEE Celebration. or Vacation in romantic Miami Beach from May Ist to Vanderbilt yee % YOU GET a complete Honeymoon, Anniversary or December 20th. Sovereign ae Vacation for TWO, including an oceanfront hotel room, %* ALL RESERVATIONS WILL BE CONFIRMED - - breakfast and dinner. Transportation to and from Miami. BY THE MIAMI BEACH HOTEL OR YOUR MONEY - Sherry Frontenac Beach is not included. WILL BE REFUNDED! . Versailles THIS IS NOT A CONTEST... ABSOLUTELY NO STRINGS ATTACHED! YOUR PURCHASE OF A COLUMBIA “TRU-FIT” RING IS YOUR ONLY REQUIREMENT. Vanderbilt .«.this offer will expire when reservations for 50 couples allotted to this pa have ponT been filled. Come in and make your Columbia “TRU-FIT” Diamond oe bape from the sample rings shown or from our vast stock of exquisite styles. select petaY the date for your thrilling Honeymoon in Miami Beach for the TIME of your life you'll remember ALL your life! —« . Michigan’s Largest Jewelers a , SS a7 7 A 3 eid) | Fie oe a aR 3 WP Peas. neem f EW ELERS—OPTICIANS . 24 N. Saginaw St. Pontiac State Bank. Bidg. __ Soe = OPEN. FRIDAY NIGHTS”’TIL 9 Ta Convenient Terms Can Be Arranged . ‘ ae , 2 Bie . z a ‘ = = “ q de simp { a Large Stocks of “APPLIANCES TELEVISION Offered to the Public SATURDAY & SUNDAY April 3 and 4 10:00 A. M. to 5:00 P. M. SAVE ‘100 REFRIGERATORS! — FREEZERS! WASHERS! TELEVISION! All Factory Guaranteed ! Free Delivery Up to 100 Miles! FREE INSTALLATION ! 10 Miles North of Pontiac on M-24 Watch for the Big Sign... WAREHOUSE 331 S. Broadway—Lake Orion ‘ | ‘a - | In Municipal Court - / af ; THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE for EXPERIENCE et : * Family Man with Children in Our Schools iF * Over 20 Years Continuous Low Practice 4 _® Student of the Law : i * Home Owner and Taypayer = by * 5 Years Director of Sotery—<. M. Corperation | | ASK THE man WHO knows HIM! ASK ANY LAWYER or Jupee! - Seppe Se aoe acccmenae mre Steet = Retain Judge JOHNSON ~ Ise — ao... «Monday, April 5th pe : . t i a \ Sponsored. by Visends Bee MRE RA sh SS NE a oe . a ee be & rl ae 7/2 +2 : e* .. : ‘nee ‘ Ley I ' a4 ja i y af papa = . “4 e a : tae iS eae pes _ "THE PONTIAC PRESS, FRIDAY, APRIL 2, 1956 |. THE EASTER BIRD By Walt Scott | BARLY NEXT MORNING Se PN “Jie is UP AND AWAY. + THAT BROSE BEFORE! a. Quet FOUOW THE PATH ANO THE THAT TO BE WAY TO THe SIGNS! et geod i = a : . Lf ———7E COUNTRY! 2 me IP 7 | >: i Pe) et fa i ° : : S a > - . Sy =~ ie A aa | _ ° 4” So» Manel Won't Rescue Animals From Trees Anymore CHARLESTON, S. C. | Rays and cats who are up a tree | here will stay that way from now on as far as the ciyt fire depart- ment is concerned. The department has had enough of answering calls from distressed pet owners whose animals have climbed out of reach and refuse to descend. Hereafter, the firemen \ will refer such pleas to‘the Depart- , ment of Public Safety, which has trucks and laborers, but no tad- ere—yet. Ooljogy ts the Reine of the ence of bird « option te purchase up to | 6 months. Only $10 a2 month — plus Cartage. GALLAGHER MUSIC CO. | 8 E. Huron, Pontiac FE 4-0566 \Petitical Advertisement) oo ca Advertisement) a 3 Retain JUDGE Odin E. ‘ move |last May Indochina Future in Hands =. s« Of Two Strong Frenchmen By CHARLES M. McCANN | United Press Staff Correspondent The lid has blown off again in Indochina At dusk Tuesday, the Indochi- nese Communist rebels opened a new general attack on the sur- rounded French outpost-fortress of Dien Bien Phu Statesmen and generals in Wash- . Parts and Londen—and_ the Communist overlords in) Moscow and Peipme—are watching every in the battle In the purely milttary sense, the battle of Dien Bien Phu is not enormously important. It is an out- post in remote northwest Indo- | china. It was established largely | as a threat to the rebel rear. But politically Dien Bien Phe | is hot. The Keds are gambling for a victory before the Geneva | conference on Korea and Indo- | china starts 26 days from aow. | If the. Indochinese rebels took Dien Bien Phu the bargaining po | l sition of Soviet Fussia and Com munist China at Geneva would be strengthened | Soviet Foreign .xinister Vyache- siav M. Molotov and Communist , Foreign Minister Chou Er-lai would | be in position—or believe. them- selves in position—te demand im- portant concessions as the price of calling off the Indochina reb-| els whom they support. The hopes of the free wortd, i as regards Dien Bien Phu, rest | with two French cavalry offi- cers. Gen Henn Eugene Navarre is ithe French commander in chiet in Indochina. He was sent there Navarre is 35, small, quiet, out- | wardly cold, a skilled organizer. | |He believes in taking the war to the enemy. | After his arrival in Indochina. | Navarre toured all the innumer- able “fronts” in a war which the) rebels fight guerrilla fashion, strik- | ing at widely separate ‘popts. point, is Communist-ip- | Gen. Christian de Castries. De Castries, hawk-nosed, dar-> His survey completed, Navarre said in an order of the day to! the second man on whom | allied hopes are pinned is the man) jin command at Dien Bien Phu—| his troops: me Sg ef we “Victory ls a woman, She gives aa tics ot bik sane tana herself to those who know how | with Washington and Lafhyette to take her. One can not win against the British in the Ameri without attacking. We must at- | can Revolution. tack the enemy wherever we find ‘De Castries was dropped by him.” But Navarre is far away from Dien Bien Phu. The entire 1% miles of country between the fortress and Hanoi. _the rm there capital and trying $a B.F. Goodrich LAWN AND GARDEN HEADQUARTERS parachute on Dien Bien Phu las t November with a few thousand men to establish and hold a fort- ress. He is likely to hold it or die USE OUR LAY-A-WAY PLAWN.... | All You Do ts Guide ft Along! ean od bist Cer E) 18” “MOTO-CUT” i . .* ; . e% a t e $5.00 low = Down Weekly recreation = rts ion SPECIAL — 1712” POWER CUT Briggs-Stratton Engine $7 9% GARDEN HOSE — SPRAYERS — NOZZLES — FITTINGS B. F. GOODRICH FARM TIRES Farm Tire Service Repairing---Water Inflation Whatever Your TIRE NEEDS You Can Get Them at B. F. Goodrich! Guaranteed Cold Rubber Full NEW TREADS On Sound and Cuaranteed Basic Tire Carcasses jUST PAY FOR TREAD Only $35.80 670-15 SET OF FOUR PLUS TAX AND OLD TIRE B. F. Goodrich “LIFE-SAVER” Tubeless Tire @ Seots penctores @ Protects ogoinst blowouts @ Defies skids tread has thousands of tiny caterpillar action. COREE TNR OTS COMPARE THE SAFETY COMPARE THE COST... —for less than 1/6c per mile you can have this’ added safety! Can You Afford to Risk Skidding, Punctures and/Blowouts for So Little Additional Cost? THOR Dryers KELVINATOR Refrigerators WHITE KING Schwinn Bikes We teke trade-ins, Your old bike may moke your down peyment, Up to 2 Yeers to Pay DGTOROLA. TV SEA FLYER 17"... . $159.95 | OUTBOARD MOTORS ai", _ $179. 95 3% te 15-H. P. we See Burns & Allen on WIBK-TV—Monday Night, 8 P. M. ~~ We ‘Months. to Pay B.F.Goodrich . 110M. Perry Se. FE 2-012 . Open Friday Nive “tt 9 week OON 2 os csawesmnnmncweaces Rotary Electric, 16" . .......... $ 54.95 Gas Powered Rotary, 16” .......... $ 79.95 20” Riding Rotary ................ $248.50 A ELE TT: A AOE OR RES cece ce A Small Sample of Books | on Gardening — a Concise Encyclopedia of Favorite Tew ng Guide ?. heen “America’s eS Getedes Guide. Me Or cel -Brown Gardening the the Small Place. W. H. Clark — Growing Year, Clilton Lisle : These and others may be obtained at the PONTIAC CITY LIBRARY Hours: 9 A. M. - 9 P. M. — Saturdays. 9 - FE 4-1508 47 relied st. | | Here is the first answer to all | three tire hazards. The new [| - II: “grip-blocks” which give it a | ! ea SPECIAL PURCHASE 100% ALL WOOL | TOPPERS Values to $19.99 NOW Choose from smart all wool suedes, downy soft, all wool fleeces, lovely checks and plaids. Each topper is fully lined with lustrous rayon satin . . . and accented with the season's latest jashion detai|s Spring—Fresh Easy-to-Care-for 100% PUCKER NYLON $5.98 Value— DRY IN MINUTES! NEVER IRON! CHILDREN’S ‘2 § tee Huge Selection of DRESSES Pretty in glazed cottons, nylons and puckered cotfons. Se!f and lace trims. Vast array of colors and combinations. 140 3, 3 to 6x. 7 to 14 White collers, some with ma fan. Sizes to 14, 7 Up "tus w ad > bd A \ =a. =. =e a at nts GRA Wikia cae Sas 4 t ¥ bd =4 ‘ ; a 4 — t? a, styles for active bigger program, GOP strategists youngsters today. conceded the issue could be close. Misses and childs } Time to vote on a 226-page re sizes to 3. ©@ PATENT vamping of housing laws ap-| Public Housing vides Solons— Close Vote Expected as’ | GOP «Leaders Try’ to) Keep Ike's Plan Alive | WASHINGTON w — Republican leaders hoped to push through the House today a controversia] pro- | posal to keep President Eisenhow- | er’s public housing program alive | with authority for 35,000 new units after next fiscal year | With one bloc of House members bent on killing public housing, and another bloc*aiming at a much PROCLAIM: BLUE BIRD SHOES AMERICA’S GREATEST VALUE! ® RED | proached after a week-long scrap © BLUE | Major issues include interest rates | © WHITE |and GI loans, easier terms for | FHA home buyers, and the avail- ) ability of money for mortgages. . - oe | Republican sponsors told the | | House yesterday the bill would as- | /sure a record of 1,400,000 new | houses this year, help to tear down | slums and improve older homes. | Chairman Wolcott (R-Mich) of the Banking Committee said the program should ‘‘satisfy the Most liberal member and yet nét alarm the most conservative.” i But many Democrats insisted it | was inadequate and would lead to SHOE STORE IN BASEMENT higher interest rates on veterans’ } oe an Other opponents accused spon- | | sors of the bill of trying to ‘‘out- | deal the New Deal.”’ } | Republican leaders said an ap- | propriations bill passed Wednes day would leave authority to build | 35,000 low-rent public housing units | in the fiscal year starting July 1—* | although this interpretation was in | dispute. They planned an amendment to the omnibus housing bill to author- ize another 35,000 units in the fol- lowing fiscal year. They said this would be a good start on President Eisenhower's request for 35,000 un- its each year for four years—and | the latter two years could be con- | sidered later. * ¢ ® a The housing bill would permit | Eisenhower to fix interest rates on loans' insured by the Veterans Ad- ministration and the FHA up to a | point 2%% per cent above the av- |erage yield on long-term govern- | ment bonds. At the present market, this would be a maximum of 5% per cent | interest. The current maximum on GI loans is 4% per cent. The rate of FHA loans is 5 per cent al- though the present law permits . Always the Best Buy in Travel, your Greyhound trip costs even less as Federal Excise Taxes are cut 1/3 ? @REYHOUND TERMINAL PP -eman Gy even higher rates. 196M. Perry st veces | ee Democrats planned a strong pro- | aa ss); eee test. a GREYHOUND The polar bear is an exceedingly . strong swimmer, having been known to cross,a strait 4 miles wide. | . DISTRICT 3 VOTERS! | This Is My Position on the 3 Vital Issues! : f, 1---Publie Improvements | 2---Hospital Addition | 3---Liquor Licenses { ! EARL J. SMITH _ There can be no question that Pontiac needs the public improvements outlined in the 10 year pion. New fire stations—branch library—grade sepdrations—sewers, etc. But the financial facts of life MUST BE OB- SERVED. Federal, State, County and City toxes together ore TOO HIGH. In the light of changing economic conditions | feel we must stayvon a pay- | @s-you-go basis in Pontiac. Next year we will be out of debt. | believe we should STAY OUT OF DEBT. 1|-promise if elected City Commissioner to join all constructive programs to supply our needs within the present tax structure. No one can deny the need for additional hospital facilities in Pontiac. | know they are urgent. But, | do not believe. j you taxpayers favor a 30 year tax burden ploced against | your homes ond businesses in our district. 1‘Il work, if if elected to provide the answer to this pressing problem with- out mortgaging our homes and property for 30 years. 1 am also definitely against any increase in the number of licenses for the ‘ sale of beer and liquor in Pontiac. | shall oppose any increase for ‘all 1 am worth. EARL J. SMITH ..__.Candidate for. City Commissioner | District No. 3 : i |on Federal Housing Administration 1 ‘Small Deposit Pontiac’s Finest Selection! Choose From ‘280 Different Color Combinations :75 Different Styles Every Set Reduced For This Great Event! Holds Any Set eT _.. THE PONTIAC PRESS. FRIDAY, APRIL 2, 1954 ~~ WHERE TRULY i See our many attractive We made this ‘Special Purchase” to make this sale possible. Every 5-pe. Dinette marked down to make this your opportunity for a new set. Easy Credit Terms Always! #. _— WROUGHT IRON! 5.Pc. Dinette with GENERAL ELECTRIC PLASTIC TOP __ > “GENERAL: ELECTION MONDAY, APRIL 6. For Free Trensportetion to Polle—Phone FE 5-0738 -e Until Wanted : | DROPLEAF TABLES! DUNCAN PHYFE! 150 5-Pc. Chrome Dinette Reg. $79.50 ® Genuine Plastic +5 DOWN! FRIDAY TILL , : Burn and oe . op @EXTRA Leaf @PLASTIC covered. , CHAIRS . @®ALL COLORS NONE SOLD TO DEALERS! Se reer rea SE EAM A alr prea ‘ Pdnaies sk Se an 7 Ns a ¥ par | Pe ; e ie & i. r ei - ‘THE PONTIAC PRESS, FRIDAY, APRIL 21056 ppb: erauness E- Se Tapa cee a ra, St auditorium at 8 ‘ m. q . 2 Oakland Cities Deaths in Nearby Communities |*%. "in «.% s1nas to ect Officials CLARKSTON — Service: for| day in @ Springfield, — : - Thomas Charles Halk, infant son| Surviving besides PLAY » TRAVEL MOBILE Way of the Rev. and Mrs. George Halk who. died Thursday following birth at Pontiac General Hospital, will Monday Elections Set in Pleasant Ridge and| : Qe £eaiw be at 10 a. m, Saturday at Sharpe Springtield; @ son, Hazel Park | Funeral Home, Burial will be in| Detroit; three sisters, two brothers | Lake View Ce q grandchildren. Voters of two southern Oakland | “po, tank is pastor ot Firat] Mew. Mary Kiwanis Club will County cities, Hazel Park and) paptist Church. The baby is also| METAMORA TOWN Ist to the Fifth Division of sistant cubmaster. Pleasant Ridge, will elect city of-| survived by a sister, Marcia Lynn, | ice for Mrs. Mary Catherine Foun- Kiwanis at an annual Receiving the badges were Timo- | ficials Monday. and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. | tain, 79, who died Wednesday at , np oA thy Mangan, Kenneth Reger, Mi- Hazel Park residents will choose | Charies Tialk of Pontiac and Mrs. tapeer County General Kiwanis Lt Gov. Mason Case, chael Hammond, —— @ mayor and two councilmen. For | | stew . mg ply Freeman eg gfe Rochester, said that the Presiipe | man, Joha, Clack, Bobbie Jenkin | the office of mayor, Zigmund NF} povaL OAK—Service for Mrs. | Catholic Church. in officer for the conference ve son and Jimmie Rose +parko former mayor, is opposed Mersaret McKechnie. 63. of 504 N. burial in Alpena. Arrangements District Gov. Cecil C. Burton. Others were Russell Linebaugh. | by Harold Young. a former council Washingtca Ave. will be at 1:39| &fe by the Muir Brothers Funeral coaches that give you & Meeting at 4 p.m. in St. John’s | Clifford Whitehorn, Toby La Form, | member an dmayor pro tem fol-| p.m. Saturday at Schnaidt Funeral | dome in Lapeer. you want for mobile living or trav- Latheran Church, dinner will be | David Adams. Jerry MacFariand, lowing the death of Mayor John| Home. with burial in Oakview Born in Germany, she is sur-| ¢1, Choose from many combine served at 6:30 p.m. Music and | Charles —_ David McCon- “4 va itd | Cemetery. She died Wednesday, a by a son, Elmer, and a/ tigns of living rooms, bedrooms club roll call wilt follow. : aw a ane ao . | Surviving are a son, Palmer egg Mews Eat ner Gordert a agro oa ee Fully Presentation of awards will be Benger a Seeking the two vacancies on the} Werner of Detrott; a daughter, as oa te grendchil- | with jubs ont eave in. four made by Lt. Gov. Case after which er aces pate Gad city council for two-year terms are| Mrs. Dell Krol of Chicago; three great-grendchildren. ———, 32 38, i the main address will be given by |) ogress Joseph Vrabel, the incumbent, | sisters, Mrs. John Covington of Brenda Lee Akins maton we aes ae District Gov. Burton. Omar Taylor, a former mayor,| Pontiac, Mrs. John Clutts of Mon-| FERNDALE—Service for Brenda ES Clubs to participate in the clinic ‘ ' \chaliets tenis and ae ah ‘| roe and Mrs. Wernert Cavinee of | Lue Akins, three-month-old daugh- GENESEE SAL will be from Pontiac, West Pon- Dublin School PTA | William Dennis , Margaret Toledo, Ohio: four brothers, Cart| ter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Akins 2110 Dixie Highway Farmington, Southfield, Metro Kroesing. Hanf of Monroe, Eddie, tus ickiey Ave.. was sched- Sesbdield. West Bloomfield, Fern- | . eee ‘Two plates on the city commis- and Irving, all of Ohio; and two/|uled for 2 p.m. today at-Ashley| 7 ES Oak Park, ey, Birming- ed ro sion are up for election in Pleas. grandchildren. | Funeral Home, Hazel Park. with; | iE nel lee dale, p ham and Royal Oak. WHITE LAKE TOWNSHIP—Re COMING RIGHT \WP—William Brooks, proprietor of Brooks ant Ridge. Five men will be seeking George Thomas Holliday burial in Oakview Cemetery. * < VV WALLED LAKE—Service for _} George Thomas Holliday, 66. of Dow Chorus to Be Heard —— 4400 Green Lake Rd. will be at 1 at Lapeer Auditorium = " " re n the Dublin | Coffee Club at 2440 N. Woodward in Koyal Oak, serves up coffee the two-year terms. The candidates Co Calendar { Sehool PTA recently was Rex Fair and hambergers to his cheb membere’en 0 model rail ; as are R. €. Crosthwaite, incumbent, { ‘club is an unusual and exclusive one. He caters only to customers Lakeville Stuart S. Wills, incumbent, Wen- =. a muse? 20 Cees p.m. Monday at Richardson - Bird j of his own choosing. And the front of the building is a locomotive | dei} Morris, Max L. Veech and eee [ee cote es | teen Sam BW {Sip th ln Fert Lars LAPEEN ~The tit om Si, “eat lowara improvement ef |. pecsident: Mrs. Gerald Fet- W 's Ch day at his home. __— - = a High omen s Chorus Ci High L He is survived by two daughters, | treasurer, and Mrs. George a Mrs. Richard Hull of Pontiac and | pg 7 Secrces om LOPE TION to Sing at Church | WHS FQN Loss sateen BRAND NEW y " , Pitiontag the sesting o mustenl a in Drayten Plains ; eS ~ rogram featuring songs i | | . Frank Ironwood, To Acid Stomach |". 7 Women’s Chorus will be heard in| sas) movhl tan-ouver ke fae] YER say lt with _— 2 Graduating Orators Lenten sacred music at St. An-| Expert Says Failure to edger T. (Gara D.) Morrison. fast-acting Lapeer Teachers Hold Are Chosen to Speak frerent srt 3)» mn Sunday Inoculate Legume Seed #. ‘of S08 W. Fourth St. will be ape TUMS (Meeting in North Branch | at Ceremony Consisting of sacred songs and) Responsible sivas taaais, wi Uprtal’ in Were spirituals by a 40-voice chorus as | . | Cemet well as vocal and instrumental | EAST LANSING—Some Michigan | land Tors Cemetery. the God | solos, the concert is sponsored by | farmers are losing as much as 100 Surviving besides her husband | of you. Doa’t suffer | Educational Association was held the Woman's Auxiliary of St. An-| pounds of nitrogen per acre aeediessiy with | at the school here Tuesday with 80 dione. toa tomes ra Clarkston | ty net Saakanbier their legume | oF° te cone, Pee wee Mie. beerthure cad | teachers attending. will be guest organist | seed. That's the word from Milton | Royal Oak: two da = gassy pressere | Officers elected at the Mary will be in | H. Erdman, farm crops specialist and Mrs. J. A. : of pains. Bet 1 of 2 Tums for top- | were Ronald Middlestat of Almont, -- Mery Lomand will be beard i ot Michi i Coleen. ane tre. J. A. Berridge Phoe- speed — whenever distress nS aan a ot Im- Vy 1 wil ta violin| ‘The 100 tw ts the |S Aria — —— Can't cause acid rebound. Require | tativer Elvira Sickler of Silver- selection, “Cavatina. | amount that will be fixed in the | children and five great-grandchil- | The concert is open to the pub-| soil from well-nodulated legume *| lic. \A free will offering will be taken no water, aq mixing, 20 waiting. | Wood, rural representative; and Get a handy roll of Tums to carry | Ruth Wilder of Lapeer Elba School, in pocket or purse today! | Gassroom representative roots. That's the reason that! legume seed should be tnoculated with the right bacteria at planting NORTH BRANCH — Service for "ag ‘Dryden Gets Water Lutherans to Join lormed angntrogen Ore. ecor | win ie Tusa a Lapeer Co ‘Problem Solution ‘Ingathering Sunday Team pound ot pare atrgen | Curch of Citord with bari DRYDEN—One of this village's biggest problems — and adequate | water supply—has been solved. Home. Surviving besides his widow, Nel- | COBRA-MATIC’ partici-| the “Advance for Christ” mission- The legume plants themséives The Dunbar Drilling Co. has | pated in band, orchestra, girl's | ary ingathering being made in the! qon’t fix the nitrogen, as many | lie, are a daughter, Mrs. Francis | EASY TERMS Come in today brought in a flowing well on the | athletics and is on the staff of the Augustana Lutheran Church of people believe. The bacteria that | Milobaszewski of Detroit; a brother | end vee the All speed radio-phonograph | Dale Carter farm, east of the vil-|school newspaper and yearbook. North America, the Rev. Arvid E. jive in the nodufes on the roots|and sister in Poland: and three | ‘$9995 with 7% inch speeker iLlage. She plans to attend Albion College | Anderson announced today. — of the legumes do the important | grandchildren. MALABAR a It is estimated tRe well is pump-| after graduation “to study lan-| Homes of congregation mem- the free nitrogen of | Theodore W. Getcheli . sid ing 200 gaillons‘of water per min- | guages. | bers will be visited by 27 adult- the air into a form avajlable for; arpwADA — Service for Theo- ute. Emil, a student here since the | youth teams “‘to tell the story of | crop plants. dore William Getchell, 70, resident | Hed's Radio Lynn Jewelers As soon as the well gets the | eigth grade, attended five different | Augustana Missions and receive) Various legume Crops need dif- here for many years who died Sun- | hard Lake Rd 1s we % State Health Dept.’s stamp of ap-| grade schools in ‘four-month pledges for new mis-|ferent types of bacteria, and it’s | day in Florida, was beld Thursday 170 Ore e Rd. ons = ee proval work will be started to Europe. Despite | sions at home and abroad,"’ Rev. important to get the right culture, | tom the A.M. Tiffany Chapel with Pentiec, Mich. FE 4-584! Pontiac, : : ‘OC bring the water into ’ Anderson said. | according to Erdman. Inotulant/ burial in Richmond Cemetery a language handi- cap, he was elected president the village, | cf | The ingathering, first of its kind | cultures are not expensive and may | im the church, is seeking a min-|be obtained from elevators and {imum of $2,000,000. for missionary | seed stores. : three: grandchildren, ——— ee Oxford Radio & TV __. 40S. Washington St. Oxtord, Mich. OA 8-2032 Rochester Radio & TV 430 Main Se. oe ee an old favorite On-Farm Storage Encouraged See Why the NEW DELTA GUN-TYPE FLOOR FURNACE A dal best / ad ‘ ~~ re . Read these FACTS. .. AST — Beceee foe drewicte: wee ote — heap anfirs Sowne 2 2 bow ote - WTOMATIC — Ser ee er mors eae lights ectereatieniht Me plat Right re pate tee t—_ . = we « — eh oe ee cheaper te bere 8) meme ne! : fol ot i BPE Gwe pe tere te : . Bilete Poo! owed oo — Government WASHINGTON (INS) — grains which are resealed in on- farm storage under an additional one year extension of price sup- port loans. The extension is being instituted by the Agriculture Department in out of government warehouses. If loans on 1952 and 1953 crops were allowed to come due this year, the government would have to purchase huge quantities. Storage facilities for grain al- Announces | Rates on Resealed Grains | 1955, and farmers will be paid 15 ieents per bushel for keeping the corn in storage on their farms. The price paid during the current year is 13 cents. with a program to build and pur- te take care of all grain coming under government ownership, Agriculture Secretary Ezra Taft Benson has urged farmers to take advantage of government loan pro- grams to construct storage facili- ties on their farms. The department this year is ex- tending price suipport loans for one year on corn, oats, barley, flax- | seed, wheat, rye and grain sor- | ghums. Only corn, wheat and oats | were included in last year’s pro- gram, when 1952 crops were re- sealed. - The 1952 crops now can be re- sealed for another year, and price support loans will be extended on them into 1955. The reseal period for corn will be from Aug. 1, 1954, to July 31, chase adequate storage facilities | homa, Michigan, Ohio it is 15 cents. | The rye storage fee also will | vary between sections of the | country from 14 to 16 cents per bushel, and the reseal date wilt be from May to next April 38. head injuries today at Mt. Carmel Mrs. Ferris Walker, vice-president; Mercy Hospital after being struck; James Hendricksen, treasurer; by a car at 12-Mile and Sutherland | Mrs. Palmer yesterday. State Police said she from behind a bus and was by a car driven by Charles L. Often the target of invasion, Hawkyard, 29, of 3506 Lihwood, ancient Paris was captured and | Royal Oak. Hawkyard was not| plundered several times by the | held. | Vikings. . They are strictly rationed. But you can rent one from evr complete stock of Reyals. Gveranteed machines ot reasonable retes. Phone— for immediate delivery. — Downing, recording , and Mrs. Elizabeth Sid- stepeed| Gall, Gremapentiing SUrCEy. struck THAT'S RIGHT! Most people can’t buy @ typewritertodey! | + } ; REGARDLESS OF CONDITION WHEN TRADED-IN ON A NEW REFRIGERATOR Model LM95K YI! WE MEAN BUSINESS! EXACT FOR YOUR OLD REFRIGERATOR! GENERAL @ ELECTRIC q ALL 1954 MODELS ON DISPLAY COLD } . a AZEL MAE’S hoe Permanent. .,. . A full line of Beauty Culture—All Work Guaranteed Highland, Mich. WAVE $2 e Complete BEAUTY SHOP > No Money. Down --- Small Payments! + General Electric Dealer . of the student > | advancement. . Rive. Andee Lasbert Rochester OL 2-214! President, Secretary es w eH lized Davisburg PTA Lists OAK PARK — Service for Mrs. _ LEONARD — Mrs. Edna Zer- is ,Woman Is Hospitalize : r the Year Audrey Lambert, 56, of 10621 Corn- wick was elected president and| editor-in-chief of After Being Hit by Car alleen ° ing Ave.. will be at 1 p.m. Satur- FAMOUS ZENITH QUALITY Mrs. Ann Schiuster secretary of| the yearbook. 9 y | DAVISBURG — Officers of the day at Sawyer Funeral Home. the Leonard PTA recently He also has SOUTHFIELD TOWNSHIP—Mrs.| local PTA elected Wednesday eve-| Berkley, with burial in Woodmere Treasurer is Mrs. Marie Forbes,| participated in | Mary Yott, 20, of 28724 Sutherland ming for the coming year are: (0 basketball and | was reported in good condition with, Mrs. Walter Reynolds, president; ition : ” onvae-- Open FR | R’ ‘till 9:00 APPLIANCES Except Sat. ree oo 589- Orchard Loke Ave. ~~ FE-44792 Pitching Horseshoes Ae stoe ne Knox looks like on,a day. ms Businessman Decides to || reses cece: 5 ara Take Off Blubber a a wi yo a we By BILLY ROSE word “weight” on a piece of pa-|cept that your head tends to nod One niorning a couple of weeks hysterically whenever anyone men- | @go; I sat down at my desk and} “While you're at it,” I said, | tions @ million ae en ee if £ | : I hav unfinished busjness, as I be X-fayed your teetli, he ry eamiorveapea le pag gto , was to figure out what to & couple of minor cavities. | ever, if this tapering-off process Mf you walt much longer, you'll | docen’t work, I know & sure-fire was weighing the merits of be chewing your gum with your way to break the habit. Al I ae 39% Dress Sale! NO MONEY DOWN 8 To put your best look forward for ” Pick your. Easter dress from.this large Easter . . . and after—choose your y suit from our handsome collection of group of juniors, misses’ and targe sizes. ress and casual styles. lightweight worsteds, miracle fabrics, blends, splash weaves and solids. “Petite Size” “Tall Size” ~ Faster Rayon Cab 100% Weel Mellyw'd Styled Zip Topcosts Plaid Topcoats Splash Pants 2997 3999 999 * - FREE! 1 Bottle of Tweed With 3-Pair Nylons 99". Yes! With every 3 pait of To- & paz hose at 2.97 you receive s bottle of Tweed. Spring shades, 149 «69169 = $5 SPECIAL! Campus Jackets 400 12.98 value. 100% Wool. SPECIAL! Men's Underwear 25° , , a 99 68c valve briefs, T-shirts, U-shirts. SPECIAL! — Flannel Diapers Doz. 199 77x27 first quality. Reg. 2.99 . SPECIAL! 2.99 Group of No Iron SPECIAL! Girls’ Dresses 2 pueres cottons styles ard half ancy gt Pane Se ne . nh | ~ = oe ] ——— " THE PONTIAC PRESS, FRIDAY, APRIL 2; 1054 . \ onl TODD’S SHOE STORE 20 W. Heron Mrs: Hulet Addresses Zonta Club Discusses Children Under Jurisdiction of Probate Court The care of children housed un- der the jurisdiction of the Juvenile Department of Probate Court was the of Mrs. Arno Hulet’s before Zonta Club Thurs- day at Hotel Waldron. Mrs. Hulet said the , Oakland County Children's Home and the/| new cottages recently built can ac- | commodate all of the children most | of the time, but occasionally, if | facilities are overcrowded, some | children have to be placed in boarding : Osa emt Finery for the Young -Set! for your boys It’s so easy st our door! ona vitie to 4 ald. fo stop here, ton, jest park Mg: A dainty for ; miss p Beg worn ——— 1 to Pretty for the “Young Set” Easter Parade! Nylon Nylon Sweaters Blouses 3.99 2.99 Cen-Con Flower Petticoats Hats Easter Accessories ae aI Raa Easter Dress-Ups sleep- *° —pesgny al Hawaii, were Mr, and Spring Vacationers Choose. Caribbean and. Hawan- WIL.H:Coles _- Making plans for the day's outing at Waikiki Beach, |\versary, and Mr. and Mrs. John R. Davis (right), also of Mrs. Ray Cunningham (left) of Birmingham. They returned to the mainland Thursday. Birmingham, who are observing their 25th wedding anni-| The county provides clothing and medical care for these children. Another duty of the court office Mrs. Florence Doty introduced| Chapter, Daughters of the Ameri the speaker. can Revolution Group Entertained {im ber home om Qneida road. by Mrs. Tedcastle | Mem graven ty mm Mrs. Robert Tedcastie was host-| Harry Going, Mre. Allan Moa- org! ceell-enagmdene Nines ot i Sole eS ee ee ee Mrs, Warry Chapman and Mrs | Mrs. Corwin Woodard of Gate| ,, _ | way drive will be hostess for the | AR is interested in the relorest: — ___ | ation of the wastelands in northern Michigan. Fifty acres were plant- UNWANTED HAIR | © s2somr costes sre wa ; | in September another 50 acres will be planted. The whole tract op Fone Nrmmmamtly fom |. 55 near Cadillac will be dedi- by Appointment Gen. Richardson Chapter partici- WARREN 6082 |pates in this project by buying WARREN 6891 _—————— MADEMOISELLE SIMONE || sichigan Room in the DAR Mv- jseum, in the DAR ip SHORT WAVE METHOD | iiointon "D.C. ie beng re Seles, Parwalt ig. Detret ‘commie divert iewbind ta the 83600 Mound R4. (Jest N. of 14 Mi.) | 1607-1830 ied. Included in the 1€ STORE FOR QUALITY FTS ERLIN NEW LOW EXCISE TAXES MEAN NEW LOW PRICES IN EFFECT APRIL Ist STERLING | Pearl, Mrs. A. Ball, \ State Conference , Avon Town- Mrs. Peter Davidson, Carolyn Dun- lap, Ida Shattuck, Louise Harper, Mrs. Gifford Andrews, Mrs. Geo?ge Boles, Mrs. Keith Deyo and Adah libraries con- one ia Viera M. Adams hostess tor the Heads Group S aucs un Lu |Of Educators Vera Mae Adams was elected to Mrs. Elbert Wilmot |»). presidency of Xi Chapter of Windiate. Delta Kappa Gamma _ Society Thursday afternoon. The meeting was held in Vaughan Elementary | school-in Bloomfield Hills Other officers elected were Mrs Erwin Gottschalk, first vice Annual reports of various com- mittees were read and recorded. It was announced that the society will held its state convention in Hotel Bancroft, Saginaw, May 14, 15 and 16. = = -|Alpha Xi Alumnae ois, ‘Plan Founders’ Day Alpha Xi Delta sorority alumnae KATHLEEN MARIE JONES are planning a Founders’ Day din- Mr, and Mrs. Frank L. Jones of | ner April 12 at 7 o'ciock in Kings- Collingwood avenue announce the iey Inn. Officers for the coming engagement of their daughter, | year will be installed at that time. Kathleen Marie, to William James} Reservations for the dinner may Charters, son of Mr. and Mrs.|be made with Mrs. George D. James E. Charters of Whittemore. | Lytle of Royal Oak,. ‘ ‘ z : ¥ ‘ 2 ’ * . J ° S a ee . 7 z ‘? . $5 “ wee : \ Burton’s Pre- Are Sailing Southward Mel W. Werdens Leaving Monday for Honolulu in Jamaica. * ¢ ¢@ After spending four moffths in Florida, Mr. and Mrs, A. O. Car- mer of Sylvan Lake and Mrs. Chester Johnson of Oxford have _ they had as houseguests Mr. and Mrs. Gust Schwartz of Sylvan Lake and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Stibbs of Buchanan, former Pontiac resi- Gems. ) * ° The Mel W. Werdens of Edge- wood Park drive will leave Mon- day to spend a month in Hono lulu. They will make the trip by plane and while on the island they will be guest¢ at the Surf Rider Hotel. . ° - After spending the last three weeks visiting in Mexico City and Acapulco, Mexico, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Marcero have returned to their Starr avenue home. While in Acapulco they were }guests at the Caleta Hotel. En jroute home they visited Sister | Marie Joseph of Albuquerque, N. M.. and attended a convention in ly from a month's vacation in Miami with relintives and friends. . 7 ’ Recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Carter in Fullerton, Calif., were Elmer Goode of Cadillac Avenue and his son, Lowell, a stu- dent at the University of Michi- _ 7 - . Edward C. Jewell of Chicago j}and his son. Michael. of Los An- geles were recent houseguests of | Mrs. Alice Jewel of South Parke street. Toastmistress Council Plans Saturday Parley Greenfield Village, Dearborn, will be the setting of the spring conference of Council Four, Toast- mistress Club, Saturday The annual speech contest will be held at the meeting. and Helen Lapisch will represent Pontiac Toastmistress Club in the contest with a speech entitled “Lest We Forget.” . The business meeting will be at 10 o'clock and a luncheon will be served at noon. Attending from Pontiac will be | Mys_.A. E. Atwood. Mrs. Wendell | Green, Mrs. Emil Mailahn. Mrs. | Gertrude Nethercott, Mrs. James |Palmer, Mrs. B. A. Pulls, Mrs. Clayton Rule and Mrs. J. R. for Manly Boys | 0 V ; O ‘and Mrs. Erion Tumer was taken . , : ur e€ un as & new member. BOYS’ __ | easter COATS. | fe Coming Events | ee @ a ae get 99 ae | ae », 14 | Gav CHO j=: fon eed are TOPPPER . herrmesone. Sizes « : ee e pecial Purchase Boys! Rt PR ote Just in Time for Easter i oe ederal Tax and are for 2 Feuw tries Plc-Setingcmiting of 1 Kil 1 Fork 1 Teaponm 7 White, Gold, Coral, Stenting moceed ae ge 4PC. fitted belted back. An all around topper for GIFT — NOW it’s casier than ever to have the Sterling of your casual or dress wear. | FREE SUITS dreams. Using our BUDGET PLAN, for cach Place Setting you Val to $22.95 SUGGESTIONS PARKING 96” | nee ae . at a ; Pay Only $]00 Per Week y - Prt-tat-Mon. | ten way ult o NO CARRYING CHARGE . meren ndd-F ad Sa ets GOVT. EXCISE TAX CUT - | : ° —— SM [DIAMONDS —“STERLING FLATWARE Ml SILVER HOLLOWARE \ ar vicunalenasiiicae fi ai --WATCHES and JEWELRY . ! ti Goer Se - EpE : , << | . naipgnenene oe scam F non ee Or FRED N. PAULT CO. | "arene ‘KIMMINS~|~ eT ante . “Pontiac's Old Iry Store” 4 ~ © Convenient i coral SHOPPING CENTER GW SrOnl vn sipuare-auairs are oe Layaray F Plan - Apparel for Women LEATHER GOODS ia Telegraph FE 80955 | 28 W. Huron St, FE 2.7257 Reserves __18 North Saginaw fe 2220 eS! oe ee oe a ~ ‘ . a —— THE PONTIAC PRESS, FRIDAY, “APRIL 2, 1054 s. My EPS INTY-FT Sprin Fling Tadies ‘Sima Wit! Be Held on Saturday | Temple Beth Jacob Youth Announces Dance Patrons HN Marilyn Goode is chairman of || the third annual Spring Fling of the Youth Group of Temple Beth | Jacob. to be held Saturday eve- | ning in the Temple. Assisting Marilyn is Judith Levin. Committee members in- | clude Judith Dickstein, Dorothy | Katchka, Joel Goldberg, Eddie | Kantzer, Dick Hartman and Joel ~ Patrons for the dance include | | ~ Rabbi and Mrs. Sanford Saper- | | pF SLRS rea as I Leather Tack ie ats = Made of Hartes Wetaseat ; Choice of White, ' Pink or Blue! 1 Sizes 10 to 20 : Milium j stein, the Harry Ackermans, the =~ George Agrees, Dr. and Mrs. | 5, - 5 Marry Arnkoff, Mr. and Mrs. (5° _ . Archie Barnett, the Marvin Bar- |) ¥ a netts, the Sam Bensens, Dr. and |. ; “ Mrs. Ben Bisgeier and the Harold | ot Lined Chapmans. Lend 1 Others are the Herman Dick & : steins, the Meyer Fines, the Jewell "% ' Fishers, the Harold Goldbergs, the | . Charies Goldes, the Louis Goldens, |g € 7 They're water- = the Isadore Goodes, Dr. and Mrs. —4 = Irving. Gordon, the Rudolph Hart-|€: ‘= | repellent, wash- % mans and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas ; & ’ : 4 Horowitz me ‘ able, crease- & Also on the patron list are the pe i Henry Jacobsons, the Michael | % “4 . resistant, fade- Kabcenells, the James Kantzers, | \J ; = 4 Pentise Press Phete | the Abe Katchkas, the Joseph | ge j proof, flame- : Among the furniture models to be dis-|Department, demonstrates its use as he pre- |Katchkas, the Eugene Ketchels, | @ : : 3 dS , Jacob Kovinsky, Mr. and Mrs. | <@ resistant, played Saturday evening at Cranbrook Acad-| pares for his exhibit, which will. be his first | Jerome Lapides, Mr. and Mrs. Abe | | & : : 3 emy of Art is this versatile chair which may | conprehensive one-man show. The show will | Lapides, the Julian Levines and |” yo wind-proof, 5 be used with or without legs. Theodore Lu-|run from Saturday through May 2 at the | Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Nosanchuk. | | é derowski, head of | the academy’ r _Design museum, Others are Dr. and Mrs. Irving | — | Z — Paul, the Al Rosenbergs, the | 7 ; a Arthur Resenthals, the dames iP ; Carol Anderson Speaks |Cortest Concluded | Serees ws tum momen | : 9) T = . Py |by Reducing Club Dr. and Mrs. Maurice Thome, | = Jj Vows in Ohio Ceremony | rm “tate: seo.” cone ote and Men Coral Wei cor |e | A , Mr. Mrs. Richa olfe ¢com-| 4 F Making their home in Oxford,| After a reception at Gray Ga- | Fashion. —— plete the list. } ; ’ ‘ Ohio, are Miami University stu-| bles, the bride changed to a navy | concluded | Thursday — = —— ae : dents Mr. and Mrs. Earl Maurice | wool cre princess-s dress | Pontiac High School and an ‘ e + Sutton, whe were married Saturday | trimmed pao white ci and a| Easter Hat” contest was begun. WEST MORELAND ao. in Oxford. ‘Corsage of red rosebuda, for the| Winner of the jackpot prize was|{ STERLING SILVER }|q § The bride is the former Carol southern wedding trip. On thetr | Mrs. Lyle Barker, and other win- | i - . ¥ Elizabeth Anderson, daughter of | return the newlyweds will resume | Pers were Mrs. Howard Hicks,|{ NZD SALESWOMEN and | oo * Charge It i Mrs. Lena Anderson of Rochester their studies at Miami University.| Mrs. Victor Camp and Mrs. James | SUPERVISOR # i ; ‘ and Leonard Anderson of Pontiac. Angus. Mrs. Angus also won the || Box 2072 me teste Mich. | at No Extra ‘ Fari is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Deleqgtes Selected weekly Oscar \ ipa - ene} | é } Eari D. Sutton of Granville, Ohio 9 s ~~ |—— ee i Cost by Postal Auxiliary a 4 Ss Carol chese a wedding dress of | thread lace and satin applique | embrodered on nylon tulle. The fitved basque was appliqued with satin flowers wreathing the oval | neckline, and a tulle cap held | her three-tiered nylon fingertip | veil. |of- Ladies Auxiliary to National | | Association of Delegates to the state convention | ter Carriers were | named Thursfay at the home of Mrs. John Martin on Woodland avenue. Mrs. James Yeager, Mrs. Ran- at aes some ~ JOURNAL A string of pearls was her only | dail Spurgeon, Mrs Harold Wright jewelry and she carried a white| and Mrs. Weiler Keebaugh were Bible with a spray of fleur d'amour | those appointed to’attend the con- with satin streamers knotted with sprigs of tulle and white hyacinth | blossoms. A gown of iridescent green taf- feta was worn by honor maid Kathryn Severance of Rochester, | who carried a colonial bouquet of | yellow carnations and wore al = bride’s sister, was bridesmaid in | a similar gown of pink with du- | bonnet carnations. | Darrell Sutten of Cincinnati was | best man for his brother and | David Frey of Dayton, Ohio, and Gerald Anderson of Rochester | seated the guests. The. bride’s younger brother, Jim Anderson, served as acolyte. For her daughter's wedding Mrs. Anderson wore a tie-silk print dress | with a corsage of turquoise carna- | tions. Mrs, Sutton wore a rose-| beige dress with matching jacket and a corsage of yellow carnations. | | Meeting Conducted by Proficiency Club Griffin Proficiency Club, OES! Chapter 228, met with Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Smith Thursday eve- | ning at their home on North | Genesee avenue. Following the business meeting, | games were played and refresh- | ments were served by Mrs. Smith and Mrs. James Householder. Bridal Party Given Mrs. Sam Merkovitz was hostess | in her Starr averuue home Wednes- | day evening for a personat_bridal- shower honoring Shirley Blumeno. ' vention, which will be held Grand Rapids Mrs. Elton Thorpe was initiated | into the auxiliary and the next meeting was, announced for May 6 at the home of Mrs. Harold} Wright on East Huron street. m What's Happening at Arthur's? Plenty ! | Come in and See Your Easter Fashions Are Here! Outstanding Value BARGAIN! 24-Pc. Service for 6—Stainless Steel TABLEWARE Easter’s in the Bag- at our astounding low prices! r - ‘| Be % * aay : fast Alor MaUES K lg your TOW COSLUINES Pumpejfor-suits and pumps dreseed up, cushioned te and flexible—soft toe box or open toe, open-look straps and flattering ties . . . pick from this bounty of new Spring fashion. Be fitted to the shoe that feels made just for you... looks made for your costumes, Come by for yours today! ours Rinna eettioks ‘9° 10" ° ; mys ado? : Charge Your Enna-Jetticks Ls at No Extra Coat ! Se ‘one I "| Floral Fragrances Comple - f ¢ id i 4 : . — SAVE oh - = = z . @ STEAM and DRY IRON fron with ease, press like a tailor. You can do half your laundry without sprinkling. Steam press woolens without a damp press cloth. Switch from steam to dry ironing instantly. ‘‘Dial-the-fob- ric” control gives proper heat for every fabric. On This Famous G-E Appliance $18.95 Value 1451 $1.00 Down -—- 50¢ a Week UN JEWELERS i = i ied fi mu Mary Margaret McBride Says: Story About Scolded Girl Brings Flood of Sympathy The headline said ‘Schoolgirl Leaves Home Because of Uncle’s Chiding,.” and, even before I read the story, the schoolgirl had my sympathy. : I was about 15 on that bright Sunday afternoon in early. spring and home for Easter from boarding school. My grandmother was hands his small camera at the entrance which of the big cave and then the two trent décor was opened by Regs Giimsbed to tho Hitio cave | @Y Uncle Tom, Ms mouth a 20 feet above and carved our | straight line, his eyes angry. rounded by hearts. Tom,” and the beys made in- Anna and I got our feet sopping audible salutations. Uncle Tom wet falling into marshes and| nedded curtly and the three toward dusk we all came home| started away, mumbling good- full of fresh air and sentiment.| byes to me. Uncle Tom waited clutching withered bunches of until I was inside my grand- and Dutchman's breeches. fire was burning low im the For a little while I had put death| S7#t. Thea he began. away, but as we got closer to my; What could I been thinking I was a disgrace to my upbringing, a bad girl! somewhere i the realization that mothers could go. away and leave their daugh- ters. But the main cause of my grief was the dreadful conviction that I was bad. I couldn't talk to any- body about it—not to the giris, not even to Mama. I could only brood over it when I was in bed at night and wake up shivering be- cause I was remembering Uncle Tom's awful words. ” * ~ fashions. One company offers a particu delightful fragrance in its Premier Floral perfumes complemelit new flower or was inspired by grandfather's watch. larly m-Bedecked Styles “ihe ame, It is encased in a sleek gregn moire pouch | Mai and a tiny almost-real blassom identifies the (First of May)..A long-lasting blend, it is fragrance in its miniature corsage package. redolent of.freshly cut lilies-of-the-valley and |A good idea for your own spring beauty or is available in a convenient purse-size flavon |to give as an Easter or Mother's Day gift. — Ba ; Gee, Newcomer Contributes | Cake Recipe Mrs. Ralph Rotsel Suggests Eggless Cocoa Dessert By JANET ODELL * pentiac Press Food Editor A newcomer to Pontiac, Mrs. Ralph Rotsel, gives us today’s recipe. Mrs. Rotsel moved here from Ohio last fall when Mr. Rot- sel began teaching at Pontiac High School. : This eggiess cocoa cake is one of her favorite recipes, for it is so moist and tender. With four children, two of them still in the pre-school stage, Mrs. Rotsel says she doesn't have time for any outside interests, She occa- sionally helps out at Sunday Schoot and is a member of the Crofoot PTA. EGGLESS COCOA CAKE By Mrs. Ralph Rotsel , 2 cups sifted cake four l cup suger 2 teaspoons dressing”! l eup cold water 1 teaspoon venilia Sift dry ingredients together into a bowl. Add the mayonnaise, wa- ter and vanilla. Blend well, pour batter into two greased layer cake pans. Bake about 30 minutes at 350 degrees Frost with some type of soft frosting as this cake is 80 tender that it tears easily; seven-minule icing is fine °—___—_— By the time a woman ts old | enough to know how to select 8 husband, she’s been married. for years. Spots often will come off 4elt hats if the soiled portion is rubbed lightly with sandpaper. Steam Wrinkles Out in Automatic Dryer Jungle humidity in the bathroom is unnecessery in any home with an automatic tumbler dryer when ‘towel is added to supply the steam, the appliance is set at “low” or “medium” heat and away you go! |- a? “ ~~? Pd ds, PA ED Faia a An cttroctive sculptured carpet that will enhance any home with new beauty . . . and give years of service os it is a round wire Wilton of all wool construction .. . avoil- able in grey, green and beige. Guaranteed First Quality! ; be nee owt me ? a ry go. a *y rae “4 4 » = . ie FF FP . we ¥ ee ich . x » 4 b “ QP > oe Se . % : , 4 ee * ‘ ; wee * lee ae * a g ee? 7 " ~~ vy z Ln % * a 4 ¥ iy Pe a a #) ’ ‘ t , . + ., a an } > 4 af , ac. { ' o 4 : . 4 i bth tm ok ee . jee ee ae ‘ q F Sa . « - ’ - . C.. be * wae e “—. % "y r é a my ty x . ‘ > 4 7 . F Dien. “ m a ~~ s ¥ ; a : qi 7 at beaten > di . sa Rigaewe ie v4 sa : EIS / Por : “s Patterns in Standard Gauge Up to 36 Inches JUST ARRIVED New Sequin and Square Dance $9 50 Pontiac Machine Oil Window Shades $19 NEW KELVINATOR Ranges -- Refrigerators --- Washers Dryers and Kitchen Cabinets APPLIANCES & ° FRIDAY, SATURDAY and MONDAY ‘til 9—SUNDAY 11 to 2 | , bf ER’S Bp SIT Elizobeth Loke Rd FLOOR COVERINGS == Ae eee om mesnie 53-pe. set in small all-over blue pattern in imported English earthenware. Pattern Reg. $39.95 Close-Out at "19.95 Choice of Over 70 Different 7 Dinnerware Sets | 16-Pc. Set . $2.99, 32-Pe. Set . $5.95 50-Pe. Set $11.95 101-Pc. Set .$19.95 DIXIE POTTERY (Near Waterford) 5281 Dixie Hwy. cam B om om, . from 10 AM. to ‘Onee Pt tet. ar OR 3-1894 “Fe Aa = —_ z < Se Se ae & aow D2 ; Beginning April 5 ae ean LOOM SANE es OORT RES REE ST TL | OT "4 | New -Classses |. Gregg Shorthand Day, Half-Day, and Evening a Other Courses Include: DC Executive Secretarial 0 Higher Accounting O) Comptometer and © Business Administration Calculator C2 Bookkeeping tl Typewriting Check the courses esbove which interest you and maf! this advertisement : to us today. We will send you our Bulletin immediately. HOURS: Morning 8:30 te 11:30 — Afterneon 12:00 te 2:30 : . Evening 6:30 te 8:00 | | . | (ibid | ee ee Re ee ee ee ee eetoeerreeasdeeereres O@reeeerrres Corsececseeasesshgereee : '""" Name ‘ i VETERAN APPROVED i - FX _— =-_ ‘}| fling. .So beautiful! Easy embroidery plus ready- made eyelet. Pattern 604: Trans- fer 6 about 4%x13 inches. Send 3 in coins for this pattern—add 5 cents for each pat- tern for first-class mailing. Send to 124 Pontiac Press Needlecraft Dept., P. O. Box 164, Old Chelsea Station, New York 11, N.Y. Print plainly pattern number, your name, address and zone. Soak Greasy Togs Before washing greasy overalls and other heavily soiled work clothes, soak them for about 10 minutes in hot, soapy water with 14 cup of ammonia added. Then launder as usual in clean, hot soapsuds. A NTION, SNAPSHOOTERS - Bring Your Photo Problems to EPPERT’S CAMERA SHOP Quality Snap Shot Service— Fine Cameras and Equipment— Anything and Everything Photographic MOST IMPORTANT Expert and Friendly Service Eppert’s Camera Shop 57 W. Huron FE 5-6615 ile WEEK-END SALE! | | Take Along Special ~ Cut Flowers ... PEARCE FLORAL CO.” +59 Orchard Lake Ave. CASH a a Qtr ws ne \ _, THE - Track Duty Plays Havoc |- ge —With Prom | é Athlete Wishes to Attend, but Evening May Be Cut Short. By ELIZABETH WOODWARD “Dear Miss Woodward: I'd love to take a giri I like very much to the prom, but I don't know whether I should. You see, I'm a track par- ticipant and I have a good chance of goipg to the state meet which is the afternoon after the prom. “I may get to go to the prom | for only one or two hours and I) won't know until. a week before whether 1 go at all. What kind | of invita is that to give a girl? “Ww i be all right to ask | her, but explain the circum. stances, and if I have to leave early see that she has a way home so she can stay later?” | Tt’s not a question of seeing that | she gets home—it's seeing that she | has a good time while she's at the | prom, She's not-tikely to have, much fun if she's all alone and on | the loose. Everybody will be danc- ‘ng with his own girl—there’s not fra her occupied But you want to take her—even if you only have her as your big To effect a quick change mes a woman can, in a matter of seconds, remove the much chance of a-stagline to keep | lenses from one frame and insert them in another frame. Upper picture shows the simple operation of removing lens and lower view shows the easy insertion. These special date for part of the prom. So why /rames make possible a variety of changes with only one not explain the whole thing to her | pair of lenses. —and offer her a No the hours when you won't be there? That will call for some pretty smart arranging on your part— namely a pal to arrive late at the prom and take over as you leave off. You may have to pay his way in and pay for any re- freshments afterward, But tf those few hours are worth It to you—so should be the rest Fix things tentatively; with a’ boy friend who hasn't a special girl of his own and might not even want 2 boy for | —_—— of style and color in eyeglass | IF clubwomen— Plastic Helps Keep Grime Off Chairs When you have to cope with | muddy small feet and grimy small ~~ -_ ; ‘ pe me ne (Pencil Piece | ees We. Sei di = . a ,? EA eae meses SS Hold Screw PONTIAC PRESS. FRIDAY> APRIL 2, 1954 : Surprise. Se ea et ie HAs eE +-- — ‘ ca f by Inserting +Putting Matchstick in--Hole Will Also Do the Trick By HUBBARD COBB . When you want a screw to hold | in plaster or masonry and you don't have the right gadget on hand, drill a hole and insert a_ section of a wood pencil with the | lead removed. Run the screw in| and she'll hold. A few pieces of wood match- stick can be used in place of the section of pencil | . . * . | A safe way to remove a broken light bulb from a socket is with - - * If a door rubs on the threshold or floor when it’s open, put a piece | | of coarse sandpaper on the floor | and work the door back and forth over it several times. ' This should remove enough weod to prevent the door from further | binding | 7 i Ss <= If you ever have to break out a piece of window glass, put a piece of tape over it so that it won't shatter. > > . You can prevent bed springs leaving rust marks on the mat- tress if you wipe them dotm with steel wool to remove the rust and then give them a coat of paint. ° 7 . = A piece of veneer that has come | loose can be fastened down with -| an ordinary pin. Push the pin in, | cut off the portion that extends | above the veneer surface and then | a ~ Com- Be thrifty—look pretty! bine gay, contrast remnants for this sun style, See by the diagram how easy this is!--No fitting prob- lems—it wraps! No ironing wor- ries—it opens flat! Whip up a slew of these to keep you cool and com- fortable all summer. Pattern 4865: Misses’ sizes 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20. Size 16 takes 445 yards 3%inch; % yard contrast. This pattern easy to use, simple to sew, is tested for fit. Has com- plete illustrated instructions. Send 35 cents in coins for tifis push the remaining portion just | pattern—add 5 cents for each pat- .' below the surface. 7 ers needn't even be fitted since te ge to the prom, particularly. they can be whisked off and hidden Then broach the proposition to your PN in an instant wt the try girl friend. ae to bed or when ay arives She'll understand about training | aa wa — and track. She might like the idea ab : acness x : =P — ; of going to fhe prom with one boy | sz" 4 —— and sound and going home with another. & ea} \ .. >] ra She'll certainly appreciate the 4 - 1 <9 Joey” thought you're putting into making | ea | “rt —» . this big evening a success for her' ap i sere, sod 1 “Dear Miss Woodward: Last Kg \6 Performance, week I met a boy while skating 9) >, bof preer and I liked him real well. He is natives tern for first-class mailing. Send to Anne Adams, care of 137 Pon- | tiac Press Pattern Dept., 243 West | 17th St.. New York 11, N.Y. Print plainly name, address with zone, size and style number. | Foundation Wear | Must Be Tried On No matter what you buy, you ; his friends 2A , : herrea tihed me. a ei wot , Z | should oil agaeiaend time to “A couple of nights ago I went! Ye —— moun | make a selection wit t rushing. skating again and I skated with | 27 Mineral "0 ee ee buy- him practically every skate. I was, Glomorised feshion rether then tel- | 30 soap ‘plants Y a = =

rection ane tolling Fos pode y is an attractive one. " “ah — 19 Carven 2 Dry mooesre “4 Mise ~— A = = ' ae = A P ee" - sorry you were rude to him. P “a oe nt agp hanes poops 1 eee™ u Bee eagiee 31 Printing Level a0 =I = pe ea ee ee | beraran 3 Young choices 9 Name. 3 infer * $8 Spread to crs t's you were a + arene te ¢ 7 ee _ scared to accept a ride with a) i 6. bs boy you didn't know. Had you! _known, it would have been dif- ferent, et cetera, et cetera, et ; cetera. If you smile sweetly. act com- , pletely contrite and from then on | e show him that you want to be! . ; friends—you may get your chance | to skate some more with him..And | that may lead to the dates ‘you | dearty want. Choice of Shoes| Reveals a Lot Some women are fortunate enough to maintain the youthful | beauty of their legs all through | their lives. Naturally, they capi-} talize on this by wearing shoes that draw attention to the fact. Good news for these mature women is that this spring they will have a wide choice among the sandals that are destined for favor. However, we would caution | against wearing them indiscrimi- | nately. If you are blessed with good | legs and feet, be kind to them by — wearlng shoes appropriate to the occasion. Generally, it would be well to confine the wearing of sandals to late-day. They are perfect for par- ties and theater going, -not for marketing and afternoon strolls in ST aamene, one needs to be es- pecially careful in selecting san- dals. Whereas some are designed || with taste, athers lack refinement. , but the older woman particularly, should take care that Flower Service smart coupe shape Flower Ballet includes...8 each of dinner plates, fruits, soups, cups, saucers, bread and butters, cream and sugar, vegetable bow! and platter .. . guaran- teed first quality . . . Open stock, too! 16-Piece STARTER SET Service for 4. . . beginners’ set . . nice gift for the bride . . . 4 cups and saucers, 4 dinners, 4 bread and butters in this set. Ballett for 8 . not an old dog pattern... . makes a *4” $1.00 SUPER SPECIALS 6x6 Decorated Tile and Holder fi 6 x 6 hand screened tile complete with wrought iron holder with rubber feet . . . always sold for $2 .. . Expansion Sale Special for only $1.” + + * her sandals accent only grace. LAZY SUSAN — Now Serving . . Your Favorite Lenten serole center . . . this is one of the Ceramic lazy susan is decorated with either fruit or vegetable design, ha § 66 easy turning base. and covered cas- most popular models . . priced. : . very low Spoon Drips” French Ash Bar Supplies—Ceramics Biggest assortment evet, of $1! speciat-items . . / $S' are included... ceramics, metals, china... just everything in this group. - Trays . values up to $4 or Lamps 10% to 50% off ... pictures. . racks all at least 10% off =; . brass plaques, wall sconces,.etc. _. . all at i money saving low prices. % Gs . entire stock Ve off . . .wall Open Friday “~~ “HPS Ph |Visits Are 4 too. But sometimes it is most in- F discourage this habit of hers with- ; | out running a chance of hurting | |her feelings?’’ Inconvenient Pr ae F Reader Wonders How to Discourage ~Friend’s Habit By EMILY POST A reader tells me: “A dear friend of mine delights in surpris- ing me (and I imagine her other friends) by dropping in and stay- ing a few days — unannounced. “T love her and accept it, which is what I imagine others are doing convenient. Is there any way to Answer: The only way that I can think of to bring it te her attention would be if she comes at a time when you have many engagements which you nat- urally have to keep, leaving her alone. In this situation you could, of course, suggest to her: ‘Please, | Mary, the next time you come for | a. visit, let me know ahead of | time so that I can be free to be | with you.” Dear Mrs. Post: I am expecting | my second child soon and wonder | what should be done in the way of | announcing its arrival. The first | time we sent little announcement | cards (the kind stationers sell to | Post: May a bride | wearing traditional | white clothes.carry a white pray- erbook with perhaps an orchid or | ‘however, prevent any possibility | of this unfortunate effect. { Thrillingly Different! 4 Rare and Lovely Gift for the Lenten Season!- Every word of the Lord's Prayer magnified in center of cross’ ree LORD'S PRAYER Rhinestone-Studded CROSS} and CHAIN | | Never before have we otiered such a truly beau- tiful cross and chain at such a remarkable low price. ctually see the entire Lord's Prayer magnified in : the center of this mag- nificent rhinestone studded rhodium finish cross. A Lenten special from Sallan. only... 2.95 ‘ in see them . “Miss Michigan” Beautifully matched set of Biue White Diamonds, mas- terfully enhanced in natural gold, hand carved settings. $197.50 “Miss America” Large brilliant-cut center dia- mond ted by ten , Catetully cut smaller diamonds. * Mountings ‘are hand carved natural gold. $275.00 b - Open Friday Evening to 9 Sallan’s . «favorite in Pontiac for diamonds ? hd ~ Queens of Diamonds Because these diamonds are so outstanding in beouty, color, cut-and perfection we have nominated them to be the “Queens” of our collection of gems. Come . choose your set from these finer diamonds priced to give you greoter value. Insert the “Key-Lok” iate either center opening of wedding ring. ‘ THE PONTIAC PRESS, FRIDAY, APRIL 2, 1956 Farm and Garden News ‘Place Equipment Orders Plastic Wrigation Dams - . , : Flexible, Easy to Handle fos pe ‘Now, Beat Scarcity Later) ress resin sams tas b : =~ _ R uires Care | Now ts the time te place orders Garden tools should be looked oe ee Ca . ee 3m ‘for flowers and vegetable seeds, | over and given any needed re- | '° % * fertilizers (whigh may be scarce | pairs so they will be ready for) and over banks for about four 4 Soil, Drainage, Grade before summer}, insecticides and | use. feet 7 Se All important Factors tools, as seedsman are not so busy The weight of water on the apron 2 f op now. The crow is the wiliest of all the | holds the barrier in place. The or Good Grass oe oe eee birds. In the alden times the crow | plastic sheet has a loop through 0 house remove . By RAYMOND ©. KELLER ail yellowing ‘weak of dimaseg | 22 termed a bird of evil omen|which a pole can be inserted to Parks and Recreation Dept. foliage. All plant foliage, including because ot te black plumage. hold up the end across the ? ditch. } A beautiful lawn, the im-/ that of African vicets, which also ———_______— portant single element in every prefer a moist atmosphere, will ‘ | Rome landscape, can be had by appreciate weékly spraying of e = every home owner water. G { th k » | ; a - | Like all good things, however, row a awn so ic ae Vines and hanging plants | the beautiful ce wr net be Keep 4 et sd a et Rey ace | Semel mercy com | | HE crowds out weeds aa Ae gato = : ape ich watch that not ac rei et > Aa Pit | maintained in such a way that the | camulate tm jardinieres. Get beautiful nent turf, so thick and healthy it “hk eS ai at ae f' 3s | grass will be able to esfablish a crowds out weeds. All you need is reasonable care and Ma vt St Se See a ¥ va get @ | thick, healthy, vigorous turt. Take advantage of the first mild Golf Brand Lawn Seed. It’s the only blend of 11 different at ny : Nat Sp GPa" 1 | Today let's talk a bit about | weekend to start the necessary perennial grasses, all specially chosen to thrive, in-this 7 sak deo : < weeNtA 4. | aah | | Plann ing for,that new lawn and | Pruning of trees, shrubs and vines, climate. Grows in sun or shade, on level or grade. There die ee <<, i. >> +then later we'll get it growing | especially the grape vines, and > are always some grasses at peak of growth to keep your be a ee A mabe nonlin | and establish a plan that should | burn the twigs and branches that | lawn sparkling green all season long. Goif JUNIPER PLANTING—Believe it or not this picture was taken | setting out evergreen shrubs around her home at 99 Draper. In give a lawn to be proud of. [a ae of hers ee Geen nie Golf in Pontiac—and less than a week ago. Lighting in Garden | Purple Cauliflower Enthralls Visitors fe March 15-harvest of pod night doesn't mean a great bi Hollywood - You just want to pick a lew really tance of qualified electricians. says Hans H Of course, ag | opening flood display. standard varieties. With the trend to .outdoor living, you know that entertaining is both) day and nighttime job. You have day with garden lighting. manufacturer has | on lighting the | how to provide night time panoramas for yourself | {or quick freezing,” he says. ° cooked, Haugard says. are ideas on temporary add color and flavor.” as well as permanent in-- let is available from the Westing- | newly house Lamp Division. | watermelon, ——_—_—+— He explains that this type of cauliflower its not solid enough fer shipping any distance to market and “is not so widely known as its quality deserves.” The cauliflower is. deep purple garden at your disposal 24 on top but turns brig:it green when “Tt has the same table uses as the regular varieties and is perfect “It can be used in mixed pickles to Other unusual but tasty vege stallations, The latter, you are table varieties described by Havw- cautioned, really need the assis- gard are the leek, a kind of bulb- | legs onion, the savey cabbage, For further information the book- a late developing variety, and a perfected refrigerater 80 calted becaute ‘Add a Few Unusual Crops to Home Vegetable Garden You can add fun and interest to | a home vegetable garden by plan-' inte a refrigerator. we Be some of the lesser known va- rieties along with the usual crop Haugard, assistant Oakland County agriculture agent of these is a purple-type cauliflower, which Haugard says naan Sak mareen ee is much easier to grow than the its eight-inch diameter fits easily | The new melon is ideal for gar- deners in the northeast and Great Lakes regions Havgard declares grow), yields well and stays quite uniform in size. The rind is hard and firm and the attractive red flesh is crisp and juicy with a high sugar content.” Nutrients Add to Soil Water Effectiveness Soil water supplies are nearly four times more effective in pro- ducing corn when the crop gets a full feed of balanced nutrients One reason for this is that fully developed roots of fertilized corn can go deeper in to the soil for | moisture than can stunted, unfed roots. , In 1953 tests at the McCredie. Mo. experiment, roots of fertilized corn were able to use al! the mois- It is easy to, FOR RENT GARDEN TRACTORS, ROTO-TILLERS | te prepere your gerden and new lawn. At the same time buy your garden and lawn fertilizer here— It’s the famous AGRICO BRAND Also fer rent: Light consirection Wheelbarrows, cement mixers, pumps, electric hammers, ciectric saws and chain falls. Steel seaffeiding ond rolling tresties for simest any req We Carry « Good Stock of Cerlon Plestic “Pipe and Fittings MIXER PARK, Inc. 245 Elizabeth Lake Rood Phone FE 5-8780 FREE PARKING ture to about a four-foot depth. khereas— unfertilized corn could. reach down less than two feet. 9-Cow Herd Produces 153 Quarts Daily in Test SOUTH LYON — The nine-cow. herd of registered Holstein-Frie- Thompson of South Lyon recently | completed a production test with milk and 445 pounds of butterfat Production averaged approxi- mately 17 quarts ” daily for each cow for the year. By JOE HAAS ; This week's snowfall caused the | farmers of this area no cause for | worry. In fact, it was joyfully wel- | Comed by most of them. While urban residents were dig- J sive out of the drifts, our farmers - We have odded a qeality tine of ‘Corder Tools, Insectic Fertilizers, etc. Make { BUSHES thig your complete garden center. It will __gatden saad-tendscaping problems. EVERGREENS SHRUBS PEONIES GLADIOLUS | ~ MeNEIL’S NURSERY 6670 Dixie Hwy. CLARKSTON Near MI5 Junction be our pleasure to help you with your—+ smiled at the white expanse over I] | tse fields. To them the ‘‘beauti- | ful snow" of poctry was just that. A check with farmers located ; im all sections of Oakland coun- | | plaint about the snow. work in ‘the fields. With al! of | them, the melting snow_is_almost- “akin to fertilizer en their soil. Last fall's drought, followed by a winter with few heavy snows, left the moisture in many fields below normal. The mild weather through most of the winter left the soil frozen to a depth of only ' a few inches in most of the cur rent loams.~ ~~ y Grass needs a helping hand long be- fore apple blossoms and spring fever. Takes only a few minutes with a spreader and you con Scott it Yourself. Sec, LAWN SEED 70%, scorce Ken- tucky Blvegross—ol! perennio! grasses— Makes the deluxe lawn in sun or shade. 1 th $00 sq f+ $2.45 2"/y Ib - $5.95 TURF BUILDER — Clean—Odoriess — Keeps lawns vigorous a green. dl actin Sy Ba WE. RENT SEEDERS 1 elfind- ROLLERS This means that when the snow melts, the water will go directly into the ground. If the frost ex. , tended to a greater depth, the | water from the melting snow | | would run off causing top-soil erosion, » making S gues in the SEEDS in bulk or package for lawn FENCING POSTS 3”, 4", $" aT’ v6 36" lengths. + 2”. | fields, also flood conditions in ty found nobody making a com- | Very few-had started any spring * Saturday, before the Big planting low-lying junipers next to higher shrubs, Mrs. Comps is Snow, Fred Felix (left), of 505 First, joined Mrs. irene V. Vv: Compe in following a landee aping practice recommended by mest nurserymen. ae { Hay Shortage Plagues Farms Dairymen Can Give, Several Maintain Cow’s Diet EAST LANSING — A shortage of hay is plaguing dairy farmers in several sections of Michigan. Added to the normal! shortage | this tume of year — just before pasture season — is the large amount of hay which was shipped | to drought-stricken areas. If silage is in good supply on a! farm which is short of hay, the | farmer's herd will do well until pasture, according to Dr. C. F. Huffman, dairy researcher at Michigan State College. , “But,” Dr, Huffman says, “when hay can be purchased for less than $35 a ton it’s a bargain feed, providing it was cut before the seed stage and is fairty | most expensive part ef the ra- tien. ' Cows eat-more total dry matter. First, the mest important item age must be considered first. ,imteriér. All weak .or criss-crossed leaved weeds) with h . e purchase of Crabgrass In establishing the grade, make ree oe be the first to be Killer (also controls many common lawn good use of all natural con- i iminat diseases) and Ferti-Rain garden hos¢ sprayer tours to minimize the flatness Judicial pruning, caretully and $6.10 value... all 3 only $4.95! of a pertectty level lawn and | thoroughly done, results in neat. ft facilitate The sub-soil is of vital im-| resistant trees in years to come. | fertilizers. It should be of a permeable sub- | Substitutes to ' stance such as a coarse mixture of | gravel and clay or porous sand. Or, if it is of an impervious clay | nature entirely, perhe age will have to be installed. , Over this sub-soil, and mixed ' with it at the point of contact | te prevent layering, place six bility for | tne coll. Morn, quading and-ératm- | nian in providing drainage and | [ocr water, air and Now is the time to take samples -to the county order testing mn agent to | the lawn started. when fed 5 to 10 pounds of hay per Long, Triangular Box day along with the silage, the dairy Agkes Feed Carrier | reseatcher explains. Good, bright | owt or wheat straw, he suggests. ‘is of good quality. hay extender, advises. If the meal is properly molasses, as, poor hay per pound of dry matter. the streams and lakes. In most cases, the melting of this week's snows will bring the moisture content in the nd close to the point ‘needed the production of good crops. This benefit is welcomed by the farmers, not only for their wheat and rye, but also to bring about the proper moisture balance in the | ground for giving a good start for | their spring = sown crops. ‘A long, triangular box mounted may also be used to replace a on a can cart makes an ideal feed part of: the hay on farms Where ¢arrier. The front of the box is| _ Silage is not available—if the hay slanted so feed can be scooped | | out easily, The narrow width .and If corncobs are ground into a triangular shape allow the cart | sian owned by DeForest B.| meal, they are satisfactory as a to be pushed through close quar-| too, Dr. Huffman ters and around sharp corners. Jersey, vanity, Delaware an average of 11,783 pounds of balanced and mixed with grain or The Delaware river. forms a the cobs will supply, natural boundary for part of four about the same amount of energy eastern states — New York, New and Pennsyl- ps tilé drain- soil determine what grass or grasses the soil is best suited for and what fer- | the garden the last of May or tilizers or lime should be applied.} first of June, when the soil ts A watering system should be!) Warm. planned in adyance. By far the best. but also the most expensive | hapa Ai ce is a completely underground sys- | tem. Most of us will have to content | ourselves with hose and sprinklers Now as soon as you get your) leafy.” Hay usually supplies the j= report from the county agent | cheapest energy which is the | you are ready to buy seed, fer- tilizer, and perhaps lime, and get | Thin out shade and fruit trees that are heavily branched in their | Brand Weed Control Kit! Get free $1.15 value Weed Killer (destroys most bread- NORTHRUP, KING & CO., MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. Hike Your Garden Tractor pay its way the year ‘round Lilacs and euvonymus infested with seale insect should be | sprayed with a miscible of) when | — the temperature is over @ and | there. is no danger of a severe | drop in temperature that night Judging by the ads in various | Sardes magazines and news | Papers. we should buy tubers or | tuberous begonias now. The old | gardener says that you should start them indoors in a three-inch flower pot, one tuber to the pot, filled with ‘a light sandy soil. Thea shift them to the next size pot each time they need mere root reom. Twe trans- | plantings should give you splen- did young plants to be set out in for planted in | well-drained, sees ae soil, | in a partially shaded, well-shel- tered location, will produce won- derful blooms until frost. SUMMER —CuMvoting © Gross eviting Mowing hay © Pertilizing LET ME SHOW YOU || “ww... HOW YOU CAN ADD || surumn—tn anes $1,000.00 Or More Pélling trees © Grinding lenves SPRENG —Plowing @ Horrowing Seeding © Spray painting = BOLENS... Bolems Gerden rectors hove 111 erechments from which you can Choose. Boleny hes Verse-Motic Drive, which | gives you" continvovs smooth speeds of full power and under lood, with no belt i to the Value of Your Home j Stark Bros.’ World's oa IT TREES, JAMES RB. SNYDER eet ee 9610 Dartmouth Rd, Clarksten or phone fer domenstrefien ib your } OA 8-2942 gorden or on you form. ja | See or Call Us Today ‘Tia. || MING BROS. Also Baby Chicks PONTIAC ROAD AT OPDYKE ROAD Farmers Welcomed This Week's Snow All now are hoping that spring will secon open up and give farmers a chance to prepare the ground for their oats and baricy, and do their top seeding for hay LINES FEED STORE PHONE FE 4-0734 3615 Auburn Ave. Ph. FE 5-5442 || Your Authorized Dealer for FARMALL TRACTORS McCORMICK FARM IMPLEMENTS BOLEN’S GARDEN TRACTORS KASCO FEEDS SCOTT LAWN PRODUCTS omong — 5 ~— an ~ ~., "235 —— AIT .* as te = Ur > 2> Tor aw won Cure FRE EST aa 1 Dielisas.dnvacheret = : | offer ice slats ~ Order Your. Figore T ai ~ eR LAKE- 4 in ESI PIMATES S —m | GROWER § sledly. off wb a. srocK > ; 742 W. Huron mal ser Fa | _5380 Dixie Highway , OR .3-7715 | | Weedward 3.9118 ROMEO, MICHIGAN Plotess 2-3541 Ne Sections to be- Forced Apart by Frost eS NON-SkKid to" Prevent" Slipping == Sizes to. meet your needs,- Custom lem A STEP IN BEAUTY... » I MURS. FRE S (2. tree éaep 0s Meste_on-33-AMise fone) WE CORDIALLY INVITE YOU TO VISIT US “Open Every H IN ROMEO WHERE WE HAVE A COMPLETE Day and Su | SELECTION OF NURSERY. STOCK ALWAYS. AVAILABLE 8 A. M. to 6 P. | SHRUBS ROSES" FRUIT TREES Lge Assortment Gulé-Crown — Apple—Peach—Pear Sheube, aly .se, 9125 Gehesoaty , OTE yes. $2.95 EVERGREENS g Crab, 4-5’....$2.75 Taxus Capitate, 3-34’. $18.00 Honeyoue * Silver Maple, 8-10’ .. $5.00 —Pfitzer Juniper, 18-24" .$5.75 Bosra ae bod, 9-4’, BOB. .$5.25 _ Mets Joniper, 15-18": . $4.25 Bitter Sweet, 2-Yr. «.. .$1.25 % THE ~ f ; a eee eee tk Law bumabaiterar we Baie wit, a ee, ae Ciche ah Rates: aveipac aad deidephtedielh Ltaied JUNIOR HORTICULTURISTS—Webster School — - 4 \ P PONTIAC PRESS, FRIDAY, APRIL 2, 1954 Peatise Press Phete | ty agricultural agent. } first graders find growing things an interesting class project. Here Valarie Fox, of 244 Pioneer | of = plant he is holding. John Hinkley, of 56 Iiti- (second from left) examines one of the class plants, | nois, found more interest for the momentin the while Gary Rosenthal, of 365 W. Iroquojs, listens to | Press photographer. Pontiac Grade School Students Learn Salesmanship by Selling Seed Packets By WILMA GREENWAY What's in a seed? Pontiac grade-school youngsters, who have been putting on a city- wide “‘seed sale,” know ‘ ~Om the slightest provocation they'll reel off a bewtldering list of technical names for plarits and flowers, which a person then is invited te purchase at a nickel a package. And if given even an interested giance, they'll follow through with an elaborate descgiption of what | ESE) THE NEW ORGANIC | and ears of corn are too much to box, the children still watch for Mrs. Arthur Bell, of Rochester, tell him what kind | | Should be the main considerations tack and excessive loss of bark | in planning a garden, according to : | Edmond W. Alchin, Oakland Coun- Pad he In fact; Alchin places more em. | ly phasis on the amount of land to work with than on the choice of | However, the Ginkgo is vegetables. “Individual family tastes and | Gimkevs desires are important, of | course,” he says, “but even more “caterpillars. ! - Soe Mameg | Qour garden is limited as to , |space and yet we want two or “If the garden size is about 250/ three pyramidal trees like poplars happens when a seed is torn apart. The spring seed sales which the schools have been promoting are | doing a lot more than enriching | the children’s project funds. They are providing valuable lessons in honesty, self-reliance and human relationships. They also are a stepping-stone te learning about the mystery of | growth. And, incidentally, they | @f business arithmetic. Addition Pineapple .tops, onions, sweet even an ministrations. They’ve learned the meaning and names of plants most of their parents would be stumped te identify. What's in a seed? “Miracies,’’ say the children. “Growth,”” say the teachers. Wanna buy a package of seeds for a nickel, lady” Webster Schoo! is weil pleased /REQUIAF Spraying with the results of its campaign. | Instead of putting the sale on «| Needed { r school-wide basis. they made it = OF rees single classroom project ¥ Shop — in the form of an at- tractively decorated booth — was set up in Mrs. Alfred Rothweiler’s second grade classroom. Each day for the 3-week period two young: | sters dressed in gardening clothes tended the booth. | is setting, and periodically as the The 7-year-oldw sold their seeds | truit grows, in order to control all children from afl over ie! 1 various types of insects and diseases. Many home owners, says the as- sociation, should either set up a . ‘ | regular schedule as determined project ended Martti | by their state experiment station, | 22, every child had had the experi- | or else engage a local arborist or quire a regular spray schedule if the home owner is to realize a full crop of quality fruit. Fruit trees need to be sprayed Cy record player for their room. Other teachers cashed in on the | ficient spraying job can be per- interest the seeds aroused by in- itiating classroom garden projects.| If the home fruits have not pro- vided delicious fruits, proper spray- ‘ ing and fertilizing most likely is ers have brought rows of mas- | the answer. turtiums, radishes, sinnias, alys- | ween’ end tladietl throvgs | 21Adioli Provide Lots of Display the early growth stages in fine fashion. And although teacher has warned for Little Work them that real “eating’’ radishes Want lots of wonderful flowers expect from a 2': by 5 foot garden for both: garden display ahd cut- ting—and with little expense and work? Then plant giadioli. You can afford ‘em by the hundred! edible developments. @ PRIVATE SREENS | They'll bloom over a long period, too, if you start some every two | weeks from the first frost-free date until mid-summer. Now is the time | to order corms, or “bulbs.” _ Wan he eos win eo Ta @ BEAUTIFUL STOCK |}to v “grown cr" for a year. oF ch bloomi Open To The Public For The First Time! sie, Cela epeaking. Sor lack er the corm the bigger the bloom hall way between The GROVELAND FARMS 5990 CRANCE HALL ROAD fere at Mathews Clintc at Groveland on Dixie Highway (US-16) you'll get. And high-crowned corms are better than flat ones. Employ Greenhouse to Start Your Plants _ Pentiac ané Fliat their careful (or at least thorough) | Of all trees, home fruit trees se) He suggests that gardeners work- during dormancy, just as the fruit | square feet, generally, fresh vege-| for accent. What do you recom- | tables for kitchen use miake the | mend? | most suitable plants. Green onions,| A—Poplars are out because the beets, peas, radishes, tomatoes, | roots spread a great distance and the ony suitable or ot | "He gees on to point out that | BON Wall Desk | crops such as sweet corn and po | ° tatoes which require more space Easy to Build may be grown in larger gardens, | = : 3 0 to 00 square for Handyman approximately feet | He recommends growing root | A barn wall desk, handy for crops such as parsnips, rutabaga | keeping records on the farm, in and carrots along with the corm (a poultry house or garden tool and potatoes. shed; is an easy project for the “Berries make good productive | home handyman. border plantings for any size gar-; Framework for the two sections den, with raspberries leading the|can be made from scrap lumber, rest,” Alchin says. ‘Strawberry plantings are a lot of fun but re- quire qa bit of space to produce enough for family needs." ing with smal! plots avoid egg plants, asparagus, cucumbers and | similar plantings. These are usual- ily reserved for gardens running two full lots or larger, he says. Rhubarb is one plant he recom- | mends for any size garden. “Rhubarb can be grown along the back of the garage or along aah npc Mecca a ean | while a sheet of tempered * | board forms the back d : | Quizzing the Gardener ing shrubs will grow in a low chokeberry; clethra alnifolia, Dd summersweet, and azalea vis- Main Problems | =": Q—What is the reason for wrap- Small Garden Permits | ping mo —— shade Growing of Vegetables 4_rxperience has taught erbor- for Kitchen Use at tes nit bap prevet rst, Family tastes and size of plot damage, bark scalding, borer at- | Elm Branches, | Must Be Burned Before Bark Beetles Emerge | trees before greenery appears will | | help curb the flight of elm bark | beetles, carriers of Dutch elm dis- D "beautifal block your mail bax with your name in locked into a sotid, permanent unit. ugly hand lettering and ate Inexpensive, too, and simple to install. F. J. POOLE CO. FREE CUSTOMER: PARKING ures recommended by the U.S. De- ; partment of Agriculture and other | _ arboreal authorities. A DDT spray | has a fairly long, effective life and | so will help control spring canker- | worm, spring webworm and other | crawling leaf eaters. To be most effective, the spring cleaning and spraying should be conducted on a community-wide basis. Garden clubs or other local groups often plan and carry out such a program. The community-wide project is | economical, too. Since the spray- | ing can be handled as one large operation, the cost to individual home owners and residents is re- applications of DDT of || FE @ GATES FREE ESTIMATES—NO OBLIGATION FHA TERMS—NO DOWN PAYMENT ARDMORE -FENCE CO. 51 Parke St. Evenings & Sundeys FE 4-3071 Pontiec Phone FE 2-4489 mecorene smear NCES MATERIAL end INSTALLATION “@ ALL TYPES—STEEL and WOOD RANCH TYPE FENCES @ CLOTHES POSTS ‘lesser concentration sometimes are required to achieve maximum pro against the beetle scourge and for late infestations of leaf- E. B. Hill, agricultura) economist at Michigan State College, says the average age of Michigan farmers has shortened by about one year in the past decade. The average now is just slightly under 50 years of age. . . Hill reports that 37 per cent of Michigan's farmers now are ander 45 years of age, compared te only 27 per cent ip 1940. The - number of farmers over 66, however, has remained the same since 1930. , The economist’s survey shows that’ younger farmers operate larger farms. He concludes there probably is a tie-in between age and energy of farmers. Hill says it also is important to remember that younger farmers have growing families and large debt—both of which could be reasons for them having larger farms. We Now Carry the FiFne Line of PONTIAG VARNISH PAINT PRODUCTS CORNER GUARD | 18” High, 15° Wide each way Regularly $1.96 NOW 3} : 2 UNPAINTED FAST, PROMPT DELIVERY of AGRICULTURAL LIME at LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES Spread on Your Farm by One a , SUPPLY-CO,___- “BOTTI Shiawasee, Farmington 1589—2935 If you want to grow tomatoes and peppers this year, now is the} Tf you don’t have a hotbed for | | doing the job, don't depend on the | kitchen window for growing your plants. That’s a pointer from Jack |of the variety you warit and hav- ing your favorite. greenhouse~man grow your plants to transplanting size. Then you'll have the varieties you | want when:ga planting time | rolls around, And vou Won't have fo depend on spindly kitchen win- dow-raised plants for your toma- toes and peppers You're moré apt to keep good tecords on your dairy herd if you keep the records simple. eee oa || time to start the plants. } 6-Foot , 40-inch §5< Spread. Fan Trellis Large Assertéhent of Laws Ornaments . BORDER FENCE Meee S5e fog. $1.16. me 89e When ont Oe eet 2” abeve Black Tep Setlh—Peat—Cow Manere, by the bdeshel PICNIC 6 foot $2195 TABLES DOWN stot $2495 ASSEMBLED — UNPAINTED 6 toot $2695 tot - $3095. COMPLETELY FINISHED stot $3711 stot $3667 CEDAR POSTS: 60¢ Size txt 60¢ “EHR OF FISHING "TACKLE AND GAITS. oma are teem “We Give Cake BES ‘s Red Se Double Stamps on Wednesday G_and_M Co; NL W. Corner Walton and Opdyke Open a no Size 5x7 ERY Our dinners ore noted far and wide for their excellence and generous portions. Bring the family in soon tor o Treat to remember! cators from all over the country at | anniversary convocation. ly toward the unification of the | will prove a more powerful force | history spans the period “when State Civil Service Commission ithan war in the achievement of a ‘this nafion was breaking away ; from the smugness of isolationism | andycoming of age in world 4f ‘happily rigging powerful attack mazoo townspeople and edu-| fifty years = “scratch on a hog-back ridge hill- Western, Michigan College's golden | °P pte with neglected pear | trees He declared “‘all streams of mod-| largest: teacher training institution| wae quickly joined by Sea. Perry | ern history are surging relentless-| in the United States.” world. The world is already one| France is the world’s largest in economic interdependence, and | producer of wine. Buries Revision | grape vines to the fourth) meat to kill the matter and — W. Greene (R-Grand Rapids) and Harry F. Hittle (R-East | Lansing). | The Senate had just voted to S g WIIKINS | RESTAURANT —. COCKTAIL LOUNGE LP - Dixie Hwy., Weoterford SATURDAY ‘NICHT | 9-2 | CHICKEN. DINNER SUNDAY 12-9 SPORTSMAN INN __ |[2iiisswitan son DANCING get it on the 1955 ballot. Hittle said, “This Legislature | Bob, Don end Carl Trio Family Style {most important amendment in a/ long time, revision of the sales tax diversion. “I subscribe to this civil serv- lice amendment but the timing is Ph. OR 3-9325 | “Even though we have de- FLOOR SHOW | Dining at Its Distinctive Best Luncheon meat until next spring the peo ple will say the Legislature is | ‘after’ civil service and it may reflect on the sales tax diversion vote.” Club recently CARL H. THEORIN Pontiac Youth Given Scholarship to MSC €art H. Theorin, a January 1954 | Mary Keavy, Frances Sekies, Mar- | graduate of Pontiac High School, | garet Smith and Bill Bryant. entered Michigan State College | Wednesday. on a yearly scholar. | BARN ] |} ship he was awarded. The scholarship was granted on Tour General Hospital the basis of high academic rating, | has put on the 1954 tall ballot the | and individual contributions school life. Theorin, who attended Lincoln Junior High School, was active in | band activities during his school | Frances Reynolds career. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs iS! Cari H. Theorin of 3300 Baldwin Ave PHS Girls Glee Club layed the civil service amead- Performs at Eastern - The PHS Selective Girls Glee ¢lectricity that you receive a shock Eastern if you touch them, and the tree Junior High School and performed | influences magnetic needles 70 feet | }at an assembly. visited to}, Honorary | Society Holds Formal Initiation Pe Sharon Zicike, Pat Renan, aud | Over 4,000 Feet Carel Pendieten. Just Added to The initiation consisted of three | Dence Floor pledges taken by these students eeking membership. The ceremony | included speeches presented by | BILL'S PHS Future Nurses 47326 Dequindre Rd. The Pontiac High School Future | Nurses Club was treated to a tour | through the laboratories of the Pon- tiac General Hospital recently Mrs. Allan Dougherty and Mrs. ucted the girl through the tal. : Dr. John J. Marra spoke to the | organization on the subject of “Pathology.” ' The electricity tree of central In- dia is one of the oddest growths in | ‘nature. Its leaves are so full of : | away. JEWEL HOLT Dinner The chamber voted 15-10 to push | airection of J vier eftered | the civil service fight back behind |S" "incr ‘selections “Lite Has the scenes. swallowing its anger at | Loveliness,” ‘Smoke Gets in Your | the commission's belated decision | Fyes” and the “Night Wind.” to impose an $8 million pay raise; Tye Junior Girl's Ensemble also The group which was under the | —— for state employes on a new bud- | ' NEW BANQUET ROOMS \ Available for Reservation -_me ewe nw ew eee Cocktail Party Singing M. C. at , featuring soloists Ken-| GEORGIE HORTON | a ced. se amendment |" Hannah and Jim Stevens. | Fresh con tisk Ger Haven Banquet — ——— — cao —“ vareeins: to coast” for tyne BA Weedward (Upst'rs) sion’s power to fix state wage - past 25 years. The coe Be ____ ELAINE BYRON | Meet; scales, would have expanded the | About a) per cent of the world. | ™Tint Passing Brery| Fines cose oe oo |e neteten. ou've never seen anyene levelier er mere exotic j | nu : employes exem j | wes..-Fri.-Sat. all #8. - 988. - 2Un. Plus Alvin Walls and His Ehony Soghisticats ee ING “al poll enagecry would’ ave | = mes _ " India. : = - JAM SESSION proprietion fer civ service. Tuesday Night ——— | Chrome : ! aeaentiats - Seaway action PC: se DINETTE SPECIAL! : hl 5206 way Inaction * iron : 4 PB nel: Pt | PuzzlesBlatnik an Thea UNAS uzzies Diatnik — a mel $ 95 a ~ ~ 4. ) ln 1 Committee. Delays Vote , 4 on Whether to OK Bill ; : D | S { N N for House Debate — | ELL PHONE MIDWEST 41400 @. | WASHINGTON w—Rep,. Blatnik on Corner of Elizabeth Leke end Coss Leke Reeds ‘WOODWARD at LONG LAKE RD. vied” ot the White House attitude AS 1 Short Block West of Huron Street BLOOMFIELD HILLS ————— SHOWN The House Rules Committee, } ay To the fre Tharen. ncn posted Guaranteed Perfect! . BERT NOLAN 4 f TABLES J ter toor action ’ FLOOR Comedy M C ar ; . t The Senate has already passed = 1.1 sHow | JACK BROKENSHA | N=) Down a sl premvenldpens)-cterap KE. Z. TERMS SA Musical Novelty Act = > is MOREY’S age porary Maer A in . . TURDAY SUE WILLIAMS | _¢ ef the siver. open price ine 30 x 40 x 48 Extension Table, Duncan Phyfe or Exotic Dancer i. Riding and Golf Club | “Tam puzzled at the White House ’ rohibits free corner legs. Many colors to choose from. 3” set Wake See Rl: Sd Heemenn OE. attitude,” Blatnik said in an in- EE Chrome Apron on table. Wrap around chair frame Bette LaRue : _—— ‘Wile Cie ween ate Y for extra strength. Table locks. Levelers on table at the COCKTAILS || reluctant to press the Rules Com- DELIVER to prevent warpage. No-mar plastic leg glides. PIANO That Are DIFFERENT | |) prose the § ime Pic Woks Com oN SETS, FRON ea TET E ee 2985 PRE: i. &. j mittee. Apparently it is ing to . and Se oe eae keep the Ras Committee im line REGULAR PRICE ....... . . $89.95 | ORGAN Lobeers and Sen Food | |/on other lexihiation Mt wants” I open Thursday, Friday &, Saturday YOUR COST ............ $49.95 , Public Works Committee which Sunday 12 Noon ‘til 5 P. M. oe ih 7 : earlier —— agyrensd | Mon. Tues. and Wed. YOU SAVE ......... $40.00 , 23-4 margin. 2 ; | ya POTEET HUTTE 9 é CHICKEN President Eisenhower was asked iz , weewren ee! TKL-HURON DINETTE CO b— _ YOU CAN’T BEAT FUN AT HOUSE | ership to push the seaway. Eisen- | ° = ?- ” lhower replied that he has assur-|§ 36 S. Telegraph FREE PARKING FE 4-1223 = 7@ RINGSIDE = 497 Macbeth Lake Read a Telogreh ance that 1 would be fied toto, [. BAR | Chicken Dimner———___ $1.35 _{| the program and De 40 pect the he | Delicious T-Bone Steak $1.95 3) program. eas he he - West Huron ot Elizabeth Loke Road : Delicious Fish Dinner .95¢ “All we are asking ‘}/ issue be allowed to go to the Barbecued Spare Ribs $1.35 House floor for _ The =F Frida 7} BEER qe esate y BEER yx WINE te LIQUOR 74.2% {[i0tr ccm one Z § Continuous Entertainment BUSINESS — DINNERS can sot eine ane - 9 an DANCING: The Three Bits of Rhythm LUNCHEONS TO TAKE OUT! §| that port mean nothing as Can — | , s ‘ ‘ ++. served in ow new CoB 98 3-9621. poe tone | O22 MM tele & cme Awe & 2 ee ng } mischief. When Jiggs was pic ked up as a| stray after following Billy to} | school, the boy: didn’t have the $6, | required for pound fees. He went 'to th® pound for a “‘last visit” | | with Jiggs before the dog was) placed in the gas chamber. | Billy testified that as he was| leaving the pen his sleeve must | have caught in a latch and opened the pen door, He said he was out-| side getting on his bicycle when | Jiggs and the other dogs came} running out. About 80 million tons of ¢oke | were produced in the United States | in 1953. settle down. I don’t mind working + Dixie Hwy. (US-10) 1 Block North of Telegraph. FE 5-4500 Box Office Opens 6:30 — Show Starts at Dusk Admission. ....... 70e — Children Under 12 FREE TONIGHT - SATURDAY A Show Sure to —_. You! ACADEMY AWARD WINN —WItLIAM HOLDEN | | M-G-M’s GREAT OUTDOOR COLOR DRAMA! WILLIAM ELEANOR JONI OLDEN: PARKER: FORSYTHE ALSO SEE THIS MOB WORK THE BLACK HAND OF THE “FIX MOB’... THE SPORTS STRANGLING WIDE visi GREAT NEW THRiLt | ‘STEMA ART GRANGER The eudacious edventurer whit impersonctes @ king! Lovely body of royalty wooed by the impostor! ON SCREEN N MOVIE ADA Add Ls H Stanaine don't like I'm on the road about | Ala. @—Kindly | RS Di — Decree $50,000 North Hollywood home and | gets $600 monthly support for her- | the court yesterday that she recon- | ciled with Kerr not long after she | he didn’t keep his promise to give | up drinking for keeps, so she filed From 100 Ad Offers ager, who advertised for a home | tschoot, has chosen one from miore | | ing to work hard around the house. But Mrs. Evans said that's out for)... Needham resident, espa | warded him with a $5 bill. | ; Memphis Commercial Appeal. with me, and theyire all tops in|? ' MILLER STORY HELD OVER—“The Glenn Miller Story,” now | showing at the Oakland Theater here, has been held over because of | popular demand. James Stewart (above) portrays the beloved band leader in the Universal-International film, while June Allyson por- ‘Marlon Brando Will 'Go Back fo Studio Lets Glass Heir K eep Barbecue HOLLYWOOD (@®—Actor Marion | LOS ANGELES ®-—Glass jar| Brando and ‘20th Century-Fox | | manufacturing heir John A. Kerr's | Studio have settled their differ- divorce decree gives him clear | ences. title to a portable barbecue set, a eather "chair and. a presure| 7m, rue annmunced yeteng aoumer. . dollar breach of contract suit Mrs. Flora A. Kerr keeps the | against him and he will report June 7 for the film “Desiree,” with Jean Simmons. Brando failed to appear several months ago for the start of ‘The Egyptian.” He turned up jn New York, where he was under care of a psychiatrist. The studio now says it and Brando will share costs of self and the two children. She told filed for divorce in 1949, but ‘that | again. the delay on that picture. Brando returned here for the Lad Chooses Home | tere! ot hie mother, Mrs. mar lon Brando Sr., who’ died Tuesday. April ‘Gag’ No Joke and Boy Was No Fool NEWTON, Mass: persons» passed the frayed brown wallet that lay on the sidewalk | than 100 offers. | "They weren't going to fall sor | Gene Ring, 17, of Newbern, , that old April Fool's gag. Tenn., moves In with Mr. and Mrs. | But along came me Donald Morey Evans at suburban Spring | MEMPHIS, Tenn, ® — A teen- (‘with someone who will like a boy’) so he could finish high Gas kes ibed himself ot onlookers. wel escr e msell as nee contained “healthy and ambitious’ and will- ane em orphan ST ne ot angry! $ got toe much “catching * to do in school. "ile quit school last December in j the 10th grade. His parents were divorced; no one in his family was, Senate to Take Up Road, | ‘in a position to take care of him | APPropriation Bill Next He and his aunt, Mrs. W. W.| WASHINGTON w — The Senate Hendrix of Memphis. placed the | voted last night to make its pend- ad in the classified section of the | ing business a bill to increase fed- | a highway spending to one bil- | i j lion dollars annually. The Senate | Venus is smaller than the earth | is in in mass and volume. ee And Serial Phone FE 5-8331 Prices: Mate. tfe—Eve. & Sun. Se Children Always Ife 10:30 30 Mins. of Cartoons at 12:15 - 3:45 Plas - 2 Features Starte ate 11:00-1:50 4:40- es MANS We THE i oS =a sas eves. - ant eed * w—Scores of | A voice on the other said ’ 7S. . e “This is radio station WHIZ. How 467 Auburn Ave. would you like to get your name : on a nationwide radio broadcast | by helping stimulate the sale of batter awe Sieh ouppett levels. ane 7 ff changed you have to do is sell butter at half price tomor- New Lake Theater row.” , 420 Pontice Trall Deciding to play along with a gag, Johnson said he would do bet WALLED UAKS : he would give away II DAA L 22 La ~ aired over the oe of the Seat hectare word. with Kew, G. Rebinecn Birth Listing Cofrected (L444 L WANTED TO BUY We Sell Novelties, jokes and Tricks PPP DDD oe 2. USED MAGAZINES | - | dae > we 4 9) “aot aay | | Features At 1:00 - 3:08 - 5:04 - 7:12 - 9:28 NEW PRICES: ADULTS MAT. 45¢ — EVES & SUN. 75 CHILDREN AT ALL TIMES 25¢ STARTING SUNDAY *YYYY™ Randolph SCOTT = ee icine | the Plains” 4 Burke i Doors Open 10:45 A. M. Strand ~—-STARTS TOMORROW—— On Our Giant PANORAMIC Screen FEATURES START AT 12:30 — 3:12 — 5:50 — 8:35 — 11:10 aLso- THE JUNGLE GOES BERSERK? “ectuwien METRES presente UM ESS "I aT, ——————E——— ae Cp cntmare Yo. area, will watch (on NBC) the * 2° it lks Rae Camek, Jack Loe onl By BILLY SIXTY Pontise Parks & Recreation De: | favored Olson, 25. make his first Gavilan put his weiter. 65 C ye pean te acklos Wayne Ed. CASE~Chest High Start partment’s men’s tourney title defense against welterweight | title. on the against Pin Teams to | monds. Sam Palumbo and Frank! For an Easy Push-Away — For es es A ee ‘ T G id P bl Chuck Davey and Johnny Bratton | Varrichione,”’énd center Dick Szy-. beginners, both men and women. “West Side Recreation and West | wilt broadcast. {fllans LOp UII TODIEINS. in the same stadium ring. he bat-|] Pol] qt Toledo; || mans. Pr" | F cecneat idaating tes ieee, ouny Huron Recreation. lanes. Starting time ts 10 p.m., EST. | DETROIT (UP)—Wally From- _ By ot (ee a ke care Ge ; : Brennan's main job willbe to . style of Detroit's Therman Gibson, The meet, Ist ever held by the | Odds Bovered around: en hart, University of Detroit foot-| the players, I think we cam solve | 4.7 vilan said oe wa Pdehexder || Pontiac Delegation Is || replace the entire right side of |one of the game's greats. city, has attracted 20 teams and . ball coach, has been moving his| most of our problems.” - Largest Entered In the starting line, a unit wiped out | As sketch shows, hold ball in €0 doubles-singles combinations. weigh-in, at which Bobo was ex- : who is expected to have a 6-pound ‘ell Wor. | players around like pawns on &®/) syomhart cited tackle and , Ee by graduation, fullback Neil Wor- palm of left hand, or at least have Thirty-eight of the entrants will | Pected to outweigh Gavilan by Six | chess board during spring drills. oe National Tourney den and halfback Johnny. Lattner, | — i pest | Pounds, 159 to 153. *" terback as positions demanding the = All-America and~winner of the [#@ wilt all-events honors. This is the first bout between The ‘white-haired coach, who !n- | most attention. Gavilan’s manager, Angel Lopez,| Pontiac has the largest delega- i Maxed run Saturday and Sunday |... PP acini since the | Betited the Detroit football squad! Gone from last said the kid will “show a lot of| tion of bowlers of any city in the | Heisman trophies. | nights until : reigning pions ers. | . cad aled in the Elks Na-| . Drills will be dropped for the — now - retired middleweight king | When Dutch Clark resigned after | which shared the Missouri Valley | jabbing with his left hand country entered "| April 13-26 Easter vacation | Firing also starts in the 2nd an-| Sugar Ray Robinson failed to de- the 1953 season, switches ends to| Conference championhip with Ok- | hooking with the same hand.” tional Bowling Tournament, cur- ae nual Pontiac Mot " tackles, fullbacks to ends, half- ‘arity | Because Olson is the kind of a/rently underway at Toledo, O. They will be climaxed May 15 with or tournament, | throne the then light heavy champ lahoma A&M are Tim Moriarity, i the annual game against the oid scheduled to open Saturday at the | Joey Maxim in New York June 25, | backs to quarterback and things | Cag Krol, Dan Comer and Dick | fighter that likes to crowd an OP | sixty-five teams,’a total of $25 | timers. Pontiac Recreation. Test js open 1952, je EE Martwck, top flight tackles, and Ponent, the Kid will not try 10) occ, tevades Hagerty’s Bow! to all employes of the Pontiac di-| The International Boxing Club, |" ~ “We've gor w- tet ot -good-tal-—} Dave_Kline and Ed Gornak. lead- Stand toe to toe, Lopes went on. ing Center in Toledo this week | C041, es Titlist vision of Pontiac Motors in good | which billed the scrap as “the best ' eat,” Fromhart explained. “But | ing quarterbacks. However. Gavitan's~ style will pe) Soa 15 compete in team, doubies +->OU American _. |aleow standing with the American Bowl fight in the world,” admitted it we're éverioaded at some post- Fromhart has moved Steve Go |e of staying on the outsige and/ .o4 siugies events. Alleys are | |s Signed for U. S. Debut — ing Congress and Women’s Inter- | would take a last-minute rush at tiom and extremely weak at | mola and Don Furtaw from end Olson, who likes to bear iM) jocated at itth and Jackson + FLOOR gy mnntlringe Sn cher and ee ons cael led to the tackle posts. Both tip |e oe : streets in Toledo. io on SS a South s K gross a capacity | : scale at are i yan Day ner en|Wolt Resigns |r mane gwen me” yaa Data at Seas Sant See ne See ee lure about 17500 paying somei'as Grid Coach Bee catmates last sea, | Wiusal style. Flaherty explained: | year by Lichtfield, Ill., Lodge 654. | a 10-round bout against Jesse Tur- | Sam Snead Favored | s:20.000, “sweetened "by "$100,000 ton, te the Now 1 quarterback can.{ “‘Gavilan's style of flurries, us-| Two of the 65 teams from Pon-| ner of St. Louis oh April 12 at } from the TV rights ~ \at Tulane U Tidate. ‘Aithough Me 1853 test was ually coming near the end of a|tiac Lodge $10 are composed en-| Eastern Parkway Arena. Olson gets 35 per cent of the net * a brief one, he still managed to |Tound or at sudden intervals fol-/tirely of Past Exalted Rulers of) Arena promoter Emil Lence also jer hand fingers take up all the in Greensboro Test | gate and TV money, about a| ~NEW ORLEANS’ (INS) — Ray! connect for a touchdown on his lowed by breathing periods, often | the lodge. announced an April 19 light heavy-' han weight. Then only, ean fir | $119,000 pay day, against Gavilan’s “Bear” Wolf resigned as head | first pass. will sway the judges and referees! City delegation is headed by | weight eight-rounder between Chief gers be fitted tole akin avoehae GREENSBORO, N. C. @— Sami per cent for around $85,000. football coach at Tulane Univer- in their decision." J. E. (Cap) Holliday, past presi-| Alvin Williams, full-blooded Caddo rae Sige tages walk Snead, despite meagre gold and| A torrid pace is expected in the | Sity Thursday and backfield coach . dent of both Pontiac and state| Indian from Wichita, Kans., and oeha Ghentieds re am giory from the winter’s pro golf! meeting of the balding, tattooed|A®dy Pilney was immediately Bowlin Results é bowling associations and a na- | Floyd Patterson of New York, un- posi tour, ruled as popular favorite to-| Olson against the cocky Gavilan, |amed Wolf's successor, Facts, Figures tional executive cammitteeman for | defeated former Olympic middle- Meo pits — be well under day as the $10,000 Greensboro Open | who has had almost twice as many | Wolf will go to Texas Christian poqnepe szaeve : the past eight years. weight champien. breetik ~ant-nate armen diego started « three-day stand. | pro fights as Bobo, 115 to 60. It'll| University, his alma mater, as an| , we riij}on Title Bout swinging Left foot should They call this Snead’s tourna-| be Olson, a busy, flailing crowder, | assistant to the president of the | 1 res Sosy 53 50 24 Teams in Tourne New Rule Psychological groove. should ment —~and with good reason./ against a crafty, skinny-legged | Texas school. 48 -f $3 49 George's 38 8t| CHICAGO Facts and figures urney : | be extended slightly, pointed at Hands oral Sonar slasher. He had been under heavy fire| Tess to $2 Pont Re. 1 43 s/n the middleweight title bout be 9. CHAMPAIGN. tl. @ — Penn| Problem for Vet Hurlers | finishing soot — trom ; Olson won the m title | from Tulane alumni for last sea- : bossell *|tween champion Bobo Olson and s top a REENWOOD _ a in 1938, - vacated ty Robinson when be |oon’s.peor sonmon — the worst in| "=> === oung 2239. Toons 8) challenger Kid Gavilan: list of 24 schools competing today Re ae eae slay, body. thus requiring little more the history of the New--Orieans ™ DIVISION ~ Date—Tonight, April 3 and tomorrow in the NCAA gym- | "°W sii aah ing the | Push-away as first step (shuffle) A 29.5 Points | Albion Test Set May 8 | tool. Tulane won one gathe,| varmen Sidi m wan 1 H7ab| Timeste bie, Reema standard rime | astice tournament. Individual de-| 5°14 sccarical prob, | taken With right foot. ton y tied Army in a surprising upeet | Prese 4 48 Quality $i ce | ,cAt utake—Oteen's middleweight title. | fending titlists include Carlton field is causing psychological prob- | Snip petets fe onchr bachetiel petee |g ION (UP)—Eatry forme for | and lest steht. Maree $3 Be Pecer'e he. 3 M8 81 | "Bi sanen_15 rounds or lon Rintz, Michigan State, side baree.| "SS s anny: Raliensherger ot tha: MSC Clinic Planned PO become ball game | the annual Invitational track meet| Wolf was appointed head coach | “Indiv. same—t. ‘Leslie 1M. serier—J. mertcan Sreadencting com | ~ innati Red pitching statt: | 4 ee played during the season of 1952-4 at Atbion College May 8 are now at Tulane tn 1952 and succeeded | Leter4 ; team , seriee—Pontioc | PMP) vision —National 5 Con. Led Eastern League Cincin - pi ng } : Michigan State is planning a 53. available, Dale Sprankle, athletic Henry Frnka. Wolf vival He. & 00-0006. pear (Chicage and 100 mile vicinity | iGeit= tein mete - “I can't get used to carrying My football clinic to be conducted the AE eee ___| director,’ said today. Any high|coached at Florida and North. 1B DIVISION j blacked oat) Bediag ces | Danny Schell, Phils’ rookie, led glove all the way to the dugout. coming spring and expects be a : Exhibition Baseball school team in Michigan may en- | Carolina. i a goes Ge a] Crowe-—Expected 17.300 : the Eastern league in battirg in| It makes me feel like I've been tween 500 and 600 coaches from a 4 | | ter the meet. Pilney hag been backfield | jean S'earte or se Maple rat ss ackithinrt” shares —Otace, 33 et Tv feer ac lintel teh vallcaa — si ee oe (A) € Chieage () 1 coach at Tulane since 196. He| 5". sere 68S Gavilan % per cent of both 7: toe ° i), _ §|, Syracuse University’s bo xing| coached football at Chicago's Web-| | Indiv. gime—e. Eat pe tg ge 9 ee ee . *¢° = 5 KO (Ny i1| team: will attempt to win its-6th}er- High School im 1996. after grad- | 143, seriee—decobecs, Sore | este a> 6 (sf +48, costee—Jecobess 2008. P4de—Olson faversl_2-1. | ‘ x "hy §| Straight Eastern team crown at|uating from Notre Dame, and is Seoring—Referee and two jedges on @| : . Mii af Va., March 12-13. @ native of Frontenac, Kas. np Pd pat © a ace i - — ~ ‘ — : ' : Art 9 Lite 35 here nt | fer round teoer ——* ° ® * . e ; Picks Kid by Decision 7 cates EE gibsze ee = «| With Great Middleweights, but Fitzsi a , o : = ; . game, sertes—C. ’ ’ 4 peed ‘ Writer Feels Middleweight Champion’ “sese {tS Time Out! |, | g pion oi aaeiionee GRANTLAND Walker, Ray Robinson and many others. “a ~ my . ee. 1 ae Pes. NEW YORK—Back in 1867, a fighter named Tom | If I had to pick 7 Oxf. Shep 73 Cat-A-Way 4a Pars Chandler appeared on the horizon. He is remem- | would have to be pe Wil avilan Pads Saar” Bethe ane “ 20 a3 eS a bered because he was the first American recognized | and Stanley Ketche!l would fini m 8 Relterd « ha he middlewei division. Ketchel could By GAYLE TALBOT the Cuban Hawk just like him, | good enough to.win, This has not 171) sertsnA. Murpay. SOT; team seme ‘ ) || as. a8 Fis Ge" Wik aeal laser noel ana elo ocleas NEW YORK (it one may| and don't worry about the pounds! won him great popularity, but it|“"""™=™” ° - \\ WV |. Since that date is dim in the dust of the record | have been. He judige by everything he has heard|¢’® Siving away, has earned him ‘ot of money?) 0B DIVISION Pe many men have won the same crown. Tonight in | twice until he was between here and Florida, to| we happen to have been one of| Tonight will be different. This is| p's"» te Nite Hewn's Bt Ny iinnmMunwes Bob hight's middleweight title fight a| this dating ba the one where the Keed figures ¢ i 8 ohnting . Fitesimmens held ' a a ae oe Bobo_is who is often quite | stx to turn it on as he never did before, Tit, sertee— 7 facing an_opponent . years. There always } rugged, His name is Kid Gavilan, a good fighter | his actual weight when he fought Jim "Greatest television audience in his Olson the night he beat Randy/Robinson, He knew that nobody 7 tory outside the heavyweight |Turpin for the crown at Madison| his size could whip Robitson. He Wing Irish Letter close fight, with rhve tase he put on b ranks, and it might be tairiy close | Square Garden, but simply have|has no such feeling about Olson. | — ‘ may remain a mystery. But it coulde’t have been there. the feeling he lacks the class to|He would never have gone inte! Joe Bertrand of this year’s No- Olson is favored because he ts the better boxer, | very much. At every gathering we have been cope with Gavilan's prilliance for | Chicago, where he is perhapr tre Dame basketball squad is the one whe never stops punching though rather training 15° rounds. The Cuban figures te least popular of all, unless he had. first Negro winner of a basketball | Lax lightly. Gavilan has « first-clase-chance because {- Anyway, when joe dese | win y-@-deciaten. - Fuses Send cortalp. $9. hie. out snind | varsity. Wtter-in-the-histery.of tee he fo the -hatder ‘Bitter. Dempsey in 1884 to tontght's battle in Chicege, winner ; if was @°man made to institution . S$ a matter of 70 ) . ot At i deder for him. . YF a The middieweight class has. always been a strong | run of high-class fighters. oe or | By championship standards, | HOCKEY RESUL . ” fi 2 division. . The: list_.of its top men carried speed, | . Both Olson and’ Gavilan quality. . skill and power. In checking back thrcugh the |man. who wine ft wil) have woa a tough moh e ” “That's it! Ré unreasonable . . .| throne-holders we find such names as J far as one can figure in advance. Olson's weakness you knew ve very mear- Dempsey, (the Nonpareil), Bob Fitzsimmons, in hie punching. He throws too many salvoes with sighted!” J ¢ McCoy, Stanley Ketchel, Harry Greb, a half open but he throws plenty of these, - 4 THE PONTIAC” Fini ats ie National Collegiates, was clocked | fn 19:07.8, comparatively slow | time for-him.—-—-- | Stagmen, Coca Cola S.C., Cincin-| nos City Men’s Tourney and | Cuba, will battle 15 rounds or less Jan. 23 in @ nontitle Pontiac Motor Event to. ' dium tonight. TALE OF THE TAPE—Chart provides com-| Gavilan and middleweight title-holder Carl (Bobo) on statistics on welterweight champ Kid | Olson who meet tonight in Chicago for Olson's title. | H Ser Foe parison By JERRY LISKA “| 153 Ibs. 7 16 in, in. _ CHEST NORMAL 36in. Tin. 4in. 13% in. HEIGHT 5 ft.10in. Sft.10%in. 39% in. WAIST == 32in. 32m. Pete 20% in. <1 28 aGe 25 IGHT 159 lbs. REACH 1 in. 70 in.* NECK 16% in. 39 in. CHEST EXPANDED 42in. FOREARM Win. BICEPS 13 m. THIGH CALF din. | gi? ps 22in. be : ; ? e SOL * “3 SES BR ae ; | | to Out-Think ———— : me as ee a a . 4 ile aoe OLY > a ae ie ee es See — 4 re * ee Detroit Into Playoff Finals By JOE DETROIT (AP) — “I would have played until 2:30 in the morning rather than- go back te Teronto."’ Ted Lindsay, who redeemed himself, was tn the Detroit Red Wings’ dressing room early this morning after firing the winning goal which sent the Wings into the finals of the Stanley Cup playoffs. His goal at 1:@1 of the second “sudden death” overtime ended the past-midnight match and gave the it-was Detroit's 4th victory against one defeat in the best-of-seven semi-final series and sent the Wings into the championship round against the Montreal Canadiens. Qpening game of the best-of-seven finals will be played in Detroit's Olympia Stadium Sunday_night. “It was a tense, exhausting game.” said Lindsay. over—and I'm glad ye“ don't have to go back to Toronto for that 6th Cuban Planning Champ Tonight Kid Will Not Try to ‘Slug It Out’ Against CHICAGO (INS) — World wel- $, FRIDAY. APRIL-2,-1054 ’ ‘ = ne % se rs ee + | Goalie Terrific’ > FALLS happy but tired as he sat Red Wings a 4-3 victory over the “T'm glad it's sating hockey game which saw the gritty Maple Leafs overcome |= 31 deficit and force the game tablished a new playoff recard, The into overtime. “sudden death” period Lindsay, who let team down in last year’s disastrous playoffs against’ Boston, quickly | erided it. He rammed in Marcel Pronovost’s pass out, smashing | mid- for the | the | terweight champion Kid Gavilan Toronto's comeback hopes and === Gavilan, Olson Clash: in Title Bout Tonigh | whipped England's Randy Turpir | of. Gavilan, although in a heavier, tonight when he steps inte the CHICAGO uw—Two world boxing &t New York last Oct. 21: He since class, he shades the kid*in the | champions, Cari (Bobo) Olson of has had one fight, knocking out knockout department, 7 to % San Francisco and Kid Gavilan of Joe Rindone at San Francisco Olson has been stopped only once for Olson's five-month-cld middle- | weight crown at the Chicago blacked-out Chicago and a 100-mile | Sta- | Gavilan has bout. power held the welter title | | since he won a l5round decision | out and only twice has been floored, by Ike Williams and Car +, by Robinson at Philadelphia in their first meeting, Oct. 26, 1950. | Gavilan never has been knocked men Basilio. } pointed his forefinger at his head today and said: “I will fight Bobo Olson with is, too."’ s > s = Gavilan, Cuban-born king of the | 147-pound division, made no bones about his belief that he can ‘‘out- think'’ Bobo. %: “The kid will get his chance sending the crowd of 13,927 inte | near hysterics. twe one play. Leafs fought into a 33 tie on) goals by Capt. Ted Kennedy and Rudy Migay, and Chicage Stadium ring in an at- | trom there on it was a battle be. Gavilan is considered by many boxing observers as the most re- — perfect until Lindsay : 3U- , bie fehting Haren ners are quarterbacks Ralph Gu Robin- | son wore the 147 and 160-pound The Wings fired every tmagina- | ble shot at Lumley and he >was | hammered his three-footer into the twines. and hero of a spine-tingling 43 previous Lindsay Lauds Lumley; ~|-Hoewe_Sets New Mark ‘Sudden Death’ Win Moves of play. . lopped one second off the That i record set a week ago by overtime victory over the Toronto \ontreal's Dickie Moore. Maple Leafs, had nothing but Howe added another goal et 12,54 praise today for Toronto goalie | of the same period. Harry Lumley as the Detroit Red | Wings awaited the start of their |” he said, ‘wasn’t big Lum terrifie, | though?’ Lindsay drilled a five-footer —* Saad TED LINDSA shots In the 3rd period, 13 In eliminating the Maple Leafs 4 games to 1, Gordie Howe es- games, converted Alex Del- Irish Football Practice Opens Spring Drills Usher in” ‘Brennan Era’ at Notre Dame SOUTH BEND. Ind. # — The| Terry Brennan era in Notre Dame | the first of 20 spring workouts. | | said Hack. ‘‘He worries so much | about staying in condition that he wears himself out working. That s | his only trouble. I'll slow him down turning from Leahy’s unbeaten | but once tied 1953 team, This group ts headed by co-captains | Reports From Paul Richards of White Sox tabs lefty pitcher Tom Flanigan, 19 - year - old Cincinnati youngster with only two seasons of pro ball behind him, as the , | outstanding development of the spring for our team.” Major Camps By The Associated Press NEW ORLEANS Manager the Chicago ° ALEXANDRIA. La. — Stan Hack, "the Chicago Cubs new manager. | thinks he knows the mystery of | “what's wrong with pitcher War- ren Hacker?” Hacker's problem_is 9 carry- over from tast season when he served 35 home run pliches, high fer the National League, in win- ning 12 and losing 19 games, with a 4.38 earned rum average. So far this spring. he has given will be ushered in today yp eight enemy homers while and 2 runs “He's still a boy scout at heart.” Dan Shannon and Paul Matz, °°" if I have to te him to the dugout." - a oe MONTGOMERY. Ala — Lefty Chicage a few years ago. Other returning monogram win-| giielmi, Tom Carey, and Don Schaefer; halfbacks Joe Heap, Dick Fitzgerald and Dick Keller, ends Walt Cabral and Don George; | _Mel Parneil probably will open the season for the Boston Red Sox in Philadelphia April 13. Bowling Clinic DETROIT (UP) — Ted Lindsay, ; Vecchio's rebound after only ‘nine = captain of the Detroit Red Wings seconds SS pe aeaes te ak a We BP Sw he WD, cS * : ; be E ; ~ a ie etn Pad . : : Bet : Li < ii st oe ee = ‘ : fs i a tt ed oe . ee : pedeisaste = = ——— = : tein “Oy Bt ek a ji = eT (BERR ea siseriecst : : =f \__3HE PONTIAC PRESS, FRIDAY, APRIL 2, 1055 ——— 7 : re : —-—-—|Leuise Suggs |——— ie By ORLO ROBERTSON . ae a tried Free. Spin Writer | tl! tis anon, has been — wan = Pasta en Aarons bearceeiomarhonlnaia emg em girl is ee ee ee ee pltchheg pu tree ‘bie bom wie | Milwaubee Braves. 87. He gave up| Corky Valentiné, 24-year old| on_the women's -play-tor-pay-gotfe jj ——~ north today after the poorest) Manager Casey Stengel got rid of| wombe—the man they figure win |‘ ‘uns, one a homer by Bill went the route with ng cireuit, set her sights today ” =f Florida showing in years, you can | ¢ight of his youngsters yesterday,| go a long way toward winning | Bruton. four-hit ball as the Rediegs © the $875 first prize money in +4 - blame it on co-owner Dan Topping. | including Eiston Howard» first! the National League peamaat and | Cincinnati Redlegs, Philadelphia| snapped Washington's three-game | the fourth Carrollton Women's > ; st Far from satisfied with the world Negro ever to don a Yankee uni-| Werld Series, Athletics and the Cleveland Indians | winning streak 43. Valentine atvo | Oem tournasaesit: : ra champions’ petformance that has | form. They were serft to the min- Néwcombe allowed only six hits| also received good pitching, the rm with double. | Miss Suggs occupied the fav- ° DEMONSTRATORS ¢ produced only eight victories in 24| 4 ————e a eEensee —— drove rey Z orite’s role in the $3,500, 54-hole ° | games, Topping It loose a blast) ™"="="sseieGGIITy “7 ; | | Little Bobby Shantz looked more | medaj play event which began to- 3 : aimed at shaking them out of their like the Shantz of 1952 as he day at the Sunsef Hills course. * vis “Srey tenet oes oa “cel : . CHRYSLERS |” “They think nobody can beat | Se ee ee ane ride ea and cursent loader on te 3 a them,” said Topping as he tory Pittsburgh Ladies Professional Golfer Associa- ° | charged his veteran players with Indians received shutout plich- eo b+ PLYMOUTHS : being over-confident. “The five ing from Early Wynn and Bob |*°d 19 amateurs which formed a . struight penmeniy have pot ems Chakeine te whipping the ow | OEM Seid. Tourney cade Sex : , to thinking way. i Gilaats Wynn. went : ‘ will have to.get that iden out of first seven innings, allowing four | : You will be amazed at our deals their nents” | bits. Chetahep Gebshed ap mitt | Spartans, Cherry Point ; . Yanks can't the fact t permitting : | i have been a rvanay theaters Stan Hack’s debut as manager Marines Cancel Game THIS WEEK ONLY! Some of the experts say they need of the ChicagoCubs was spoiled; CHERRY POINT MARINE a take-charge guy like Joe Di- | by the Baltimore Orioles 6-1. Clyde} BASE,.N, C, (UP)—The Michigan | f, : Maggio. Mickey Mantle figured to McCullough’s homer was the only | State College baseball team moved a 7 be the man but so far he hasn't Cub tally off Duane Pillette and|to higher and drier land today : nc. been. able to play regularty. Don Larsen. for a game with Fort Eustis. rs : eed Showing of Whitey Ford, who -Two home runs by rookie Joe Cee rca Maen Marines mg Be ° . P won 18 games last season and fi- a off Tearatey : are — : 475 $. Weedward Mi 6-1200 Cwminghom ! | 15 5 . helped out as the St.Louis Camdi-| Sounds. ponte —he ° << Sees 11 State Swimmers nals downed the Chicago White Sox Get MOC Letters Suck SERVICE SPECIALS! EAST LANSING (UP) — Eleven Smelt, a Runs Michigan athletes have been * : awarded varsity letters in ewien-| Reported In State BRAKE ADJUSTMENT < m at Michigan State College, | LANSING @ — Smelt and sucker ag! ok Pay as at pera H. Young runs have been reported troch vart ’ Reg. $1.50 All Sea Only 5 : Littl Awarded ~ letters : Bruce around , Aldrich, Lansing: Jack Beattie, state conservation department said BRAKE RELINING eg. $16.95 $ 95 eas | Bay City; John Dudeck, Detroit; today. Ford-Chevrolet-P! Seve y Robert Dust, —— Robie) — . — oo was reported » ymouth $2.00 $1.25 Hesse, ‘ Grosse te; anny! River ie, Arenac County. . Johnson, Royal Oak; L is Mi light perch run was reported from RON ; Sagina Frank Paganini, Batt! _ . . . . Creek: "Russe nga Juckaon ” . » Suckers were reported running in Reg. $7.95 All Makes om Payette, Zan G HACK WELCOMED BACK—Jimmy Dykes, left, AP Wirepnete| Cold Creek, at Beulah. A light . spits. Bronson, Ottawa Lake,| ™&nager of the Baltimore Orioles and former major | game between the Orioles and Cubs. It was the|Creck end tn Lake Belluines Ane ' received a varsity letter in gym-| eague star, welcomes Stan Hack back into the big | ist time Hack has donned a Cub uniform since trim County. , GOODYEAR SERVICE ST league competition before start of an exhibition | being named manager. ; Walleyes were being taken from tered bi saciinc\ ee Sng eee an tte 30 South Cass FE 56-6123 : m an assistant coaching | ice was reported | , Open Fridey Nights Until 9 P. M. Don Cockell Refuses Bout|Bumps Elliott Plans jicrwi "tu seed’ turnea it}and thw i was” poor on most 3 lini: With ‘Hurricane’ Jackson |toRemainatlwa “7s oe ee |: “I'm going to saty with coach | ° a dca oe ao ae up our mind on‘the spur of the) NORMAN, Okla (UP) — As (Forrest) Evashevski at lowa,” weight cham ron’ ‘sistant football coach Bumps El-|he said. parently holding out for bigger; Cockell’'s immediate ambition ‘Mats shes he San bc in | ee ers whatever ini I. | "ak ae enue en ea ae game. turned a guaran sn U i Sie with the University of lowa this | Elliott also confirmed that he had been approached by the Uni- -|Ezzard Charies of Cincinnati. | year. |. Cockell set himself up for a tifle| Elliott. disclosed Thursday the away, N. Y versity Michig his al Trivett ‘promater duck [bout when he decisioned fourth-| University of Minnesota had of.’ mater, om . the age f j ager John Simpacn, ao saying | fort Sertcr (Me week in Len Get Your Boat Ready For Spring proposition’ im view of other Eastern Parkway Arena pro | Complete Steck of Marine Hardware . commitments which he was not {moter Emil Lence cabled the of: At Bencsnable Prices f er e a ya 0 at the me | cid have been singed la te DICK DEAN your Car... oun a “we have = Jue. . | Open Sen. 9 0 2 On 3-2576—OR 3-4008 . sorts lers for Cockell, | — a EE NEW STANDARD PREMIUM GASOLINE: — Don Carter Among | designed for knock-proof performance to give you all possible Doubles Contenders SAN FRANCISCO (UP — Don, Carter of Pontiac, Mich., the na | tional singles champion, is among ranking contenders who will com- | pete in the National Doubles bow!l- | ing championships here Saturday ’ and Sunday, . fend its title against 48 teams from 11 states and Hawaii. Coaches Attend Clinic Four area coaches — Pontiac | High’s Ed Graybiel and Dean Wil- | Major Motor Tune-Up 1949 to 1953 Mercury's REGULAR PRICE $27.30 PARTS AND LABOR OVERHAUL CARBURETOR INSTALL POINTS © INSTALL CONDENSER Lafayette, er for the clinic is Jim Tatum, head football coach at Maryland Uni- red STROBE DISTRIBUTOR For April Only ot Dodgers the 1953 season to drive im 0/1 INSTALL NEW SPARK PLUGS CLEAN AIR CLEANER | CHECK BATTERY CHECK BATTERY CONNECTIONS HANK'S AUTO STORE 103 North Saginaw / SAVE $3.00 I Major Motor Tune-Up 1949 to 1953 Lincoln’s | OVERHAUL. CARBURETOR REGULAR PRICE Tt Sport and Speed] jicrait POINTS $33.65 PARTS New Staxpanp Wuire Crown | with DE=ICER, too! Equipment _| INSTALL CONDENSER ae ay ae or a eae tae coe et Seman new tual, mio Complete Line of STROBE DISTRIBUTOR For April Only tnock inal bole onal perenit='| aSditive thet peoveste Spring 5 Chrome Accessories || SET TIMING . “evbegetcangmyes | Sete gee : INSTALL NEW SPARK PLUGS thet wonderdel fod. of ho wheat | Ploana lah your task run cloos' CLEAN AIR CLEANER {be tuo your srs inc: | Brannan Premium Gert 40 West Pike St. -—of. CHECK BATTERY CONNECTIONS Cental Lincaln-Mereury Sale, Ie. FE 29167 —_ os why THE PONTIAC PRESS, _ FRIDAY, | APRIL 2, 1954 = 4 ‘ 3 : is . I i & He e he i | a ‘ bit i 3 ti as o = seek ig z bei Tigers rs Scrape Past Phi, 12-11 + - New Leaders Arise ~~ |in ABC Tournament : SEATTLE @— The ABC turned | x up new leaders today. Harry Weecler | | | and John Mc- | ce... |Grew, Indianapolis, put together | ~ | third place. os * * 1307 to take the doubles lead. Buzz | : Fazio and Tony Lindeman of De-| i ; f i Two other Detroiters, Lee Joug-| | lard, 1951 singles champ, and Pete/ | Carter teamed to post a 1256 for) | place. respectively, in the aill- * | events with marks of 1926 and 1923. | Lubanski rolled 698 for third in/ BATTS THE WINNER—Matt Batts, Detroit Tigers catcher, strikes sparring pose as he puts tag on Philadelphia Phillies, Ted Kazanski in 4th inning of Thursday's game. Kazanski attempted to score an inside-the-park home run on his drive to the left-field fence. ‘Richie Ashburn looks on as Batts makes the putout. mit 7 i iat E ide ci qi q3 dif i Ei ry F Hi " | Ei i | g4 Brooks, Yanks Picked fo Win 5 & af F z H li rat f Ht * his retirement last night. team. “Ross, one of Canada's outstand- ing hockey ptayers in the earty/ | i season but will contiriue as coach. | Capt. Milt Schmidt, ‘the 36-year-old next season as part-time coach. "| Ross, 4mown - affectionately zation, has served as coach Boston a will play again | and. will “alse serve as | “Uncle Art’’ to the Bruins’ organi- or WEST SIDE “S20” Pts Trubite Young _ Tigers Are Rated 50-1 | ms» ze Sit-Clem Bint Long-Shot to Take AL! timc‘ ot Coen Eee t f ? Pennant Team game, series—Stanten Plam> : | 986—2848; indiv. game—Sa LAS VEGAS, Nev. (UP) The . and the New York Yankees an favorite as pennant 3 Team . 24— winners in the major leagues this Ls: we game—Avé 7 Bower, Theresa year. ee The club rated the Dodgers 4 = wie 5 favorites to win their 3rd | Deere, RS i. ~ straight National League pennant | Sneck © 5 Beoser 53 6 and installed the Yankees at even Fillmore oe: Hur. Theater 7@ money to take their 6th straight a. . ‘ pennnant in the Amefican league. ay = My wee a | Lamber The complete ratings were: 758, series—Bannér Linen 1142. PONTIAC SOCIAL National League — Brooklyn 4 we wt to’S, Milwaukee 3 to 1, St. Louis} Bogs, «6 SS Bere’ oS is 9 to 2, New York 5 to 1, Phila-| 064 Fellow oe ten’ eo 40 i delphia 10 to 1, Cincinnati 20 to 1,| pa. of a 56 52 Miller's 42 65 i Chicago 3 to 1 Pittsburgh a | 00 0 1 ant Langue — New York| Yanks’ Crowds Down ' a — SUITS kivie Sa 74 All colors. RAPPY’S ~~ Men’s Splash ‘Th the lotest Colifornie one button coat. Sizes 30 to 44, Weave i t Fhe STN OR OS ESTA ESR National Clothing Go. | Be / es i Men's Wear — : | a a all Pestlat’ } = bodies’ Wear ". Bruins’ General Manager Announces His Retirement BOSTON @® — conn meee Art Ross — guiding genius of the| Boston Bruins hockey team since | Which was knocked out of the! it entered the National Hockey | Stanley Cup series in the opening | ¢ League 30 years ago — announced anley Cup titles. Ross praised this year's team — | round by Montreal. Patrick, 42, said: “I'm delighted to get the opportunity but I'm sorry Mr. Ross is retiring. I've had | 1900s and later an official, was) | the advantage of the game's two | | brought here by the late Charles | greatest teachers in my father, F. Adams when he organized the | Lester, and Mr. Ress. I hope I | Prove an apt pupil.” enemas | } | Weekdays 10 a. m. te 6 p. m. Set. & Sen. 12 B actA 12 pp, =. FREE BOWLING | eeceessseeseeeseseeese Grizaly Brand BRAKE LINING SHOES “DRUMS TURNED M&S AUTO PARTS 401 Seuth Saginaw PE 2-7710 | | } Save Up to 50% on 1953 McGregor and Hagen PZ Moods and Irons Factory Close-Outs Frank Syron—Pro and Owner PONTIAC COUNTRY CLUB 4335 Elizebeth-Loke Rood FE 5-8939 |) Order Your SPRING Clothes Now! REWEAVING SHIRTS H. V. HARCOURT & SON FE 5-6885 Your Personal Tailors 534, W. Huron | Open Bowling (Alleys Open penny 12 Midnight) open Mas 12 06 SOS satertay 42 to 12 <3} BRUNSWICK BOWLING BALLS DRILLED TO FIT a oo eS Every Day WEST HURON RECREATION 1124 W. Huren Se. = ve = 2383 "PROTECT YOUR ~ INVESTMENT! There is no better way than KNOWING the firm from whom you buy! We ot B raid Moter Seles pride our- selves on our finer Used Cars—each « true value in economical transportation. well. These ore your gua Setisfection thet weers rentee. Easy terms, os al- ways. Just come in and see them—NOW! tO “MUST GO! GO! _-eeeerrerrrrrrrrrvrvrrer., -wrwrrereoetgttTrT"TvT¢8,"."? BRAID MOTOR ‘SALES DeSOTO — PLYMOUTH DEALER. 30 YEARS OF Cass ot W. Pike Se, FAIR DEALING FE 2-0186 | "46 HUDSON 4-Dr.....5 99 "51 Ford 2-Dr. Custom 8 °699 - "i Chevrolet Sedan i EVERY MAN - “Who can be a first-rate some thing has no right to be a fifth- rate something, for a fifth-rate something is no better than a first-rate nothing’ Root. And so we at — Harold Turner Ford Decided to be nothing but first-rate salesmen, interested only in . selling first-rate cars to you, the first-rate customers. SEE HAROLD TURNER FORD For the Best in Wheels and Deals! © SPECIALS! | CONVERTIBLES 49 Ford Conv. * 544 "48 Ford Conv. ° 399 "52 Ford Conv. 1295 51 Ford Conv. *1095 "47 FORD 2-Dr...... . 9299 50 HUDSON 2-Dr.... . $399 "48 PLYMOUTH STATION WAGON . $299 40 PONTIAC 4-Dr.. . 5 72 "39 PLYMOUTH 4-Dr. . $ 59 "47 PONTIAC 2-Dr... $ 99 "48 CHEVROLET 4-Dr. $129 “A 1” ‘51 Cadillac 62 Coupe °2,495 53 Ford ‘8 -Powerglide ‘51 Dodge 2-Dr. "51 Studebaker 52 Ford - Ranch Wagon . "52 Plymouth 4-Dr. . . . 599 0 Cadillac 62 ‘Dr. $1,895 "52 Studebaker 2-Dr. . . °799 ‘49 Pontiac Sedan Coupe . $499 ‘51 Plymouth Suburban n . 999 . 51,29 Lae pees $999 44 Deluxe 50 Studebaker 2-Dr. . "90 Chrysler 4-Dr. . _ All-Metal Wago "30 Ford te. "es". 52 Mercury oDr. TRUCKS ‘51 Ford F-1 Panel... °499 ‘SI Ford % Ton ‘47 Willys '/2 Ton Pickup... .. 5 Chevrolet 50 Ford 4s Ton Stake S39 tng, ’ 1 48 Ford “2 Ton Stake "39 oy pod F-1 Pickup . S44 Delivery *499 ‘50 Chevrolet Vanette . °295 TURN TO TURNER FOR the Best in Wheels and Deals! Visit Our New Location HAROLD TURNER'S FORD. WOODWARD Motor Sates 13 Mile Rd. and Woodward $1,199, —— “PHONES: MI “7ido JO 4-6266 \ Ll 3-3357 op PNR UTA ERE Cp a. L13-4436_ oie! cunmran:.) “amma nes ane th, ce WO et es 1 ee a. . a 4 a ee i ee w eee mae —_— $4» * ———— y } 5 | THE PONTIAC PRESS, FRIDAY, APRIL 2, 1954 WARDS Home Outfitting Company = 48 South ia / ; / | | , SS 8 ad 3 . BS ge ' G ee SBS BE UE EL ee RNG Ce Saar Gee Sos G cceael Be ? ge 2 | See ee, oe . Jn ioe RRS eR eee ; i, z = 2 eB ee see Ne eae eB 5 Ee: MEE Meee ar aes ae ean a ag AD © TRADE-IN NOW! 7 Regardless of age, style or condition, Ward’s will allow you up to *100 for your present living room suite _ on the purchase of any suite in stock ... PLUS extra special low prices which are typical of Ward’s greater he ~~ values on fine furniture. Come in today, select the new living room suite you wish. NO MONEY DOWN YOUR OLD SUITE WILL TAKE CARE OF THE DOWN PAYMENT! ; A WEEK! ry - Here is your opportunity to dress up your home at > | Savings .. . Choose from any suite in Ward’s stock of nationally known fine furniture including Kroehler, Flexsteel, Union and many, many others . . . Ward's nan aaa lah are Reserved . . . Buy Now! ve Ask About the | ~ WARD-WAY_CREDIT PLAN @ No Interest! © No Carrying Open | TRADE-IN for— Every Friday : ! Until 9 P.M. L Your Old Suits. : we —— ASHINGTON Ak THE PONTIAC PRESS, FRIDAY, APRIL 2, 1954 ge peaks Cy awaii Statehood Would Add Rich Acreage|“ a, | 3 Ww. “— Admission of leaders wish to admit Hawaii; Maine, an anti-clave state, was | tinent’s tallest mountsin, Mt, | Alaska and Hawaii to the Union as/ first, then take up Alaska sep Anoching at the-decr, but South- | Melinlay, 20.02 feet. gtates would increase the country’s | arately ; erners conditioned its-entry“om | It boasts the largest meat-eating size by one-fifth, boost its popu-| Others want to tie their entry| spproval of Missourl’s statehood | jand animal, the great brown bear lation by 600,000 persons and add) together in a single bill, Normally Missourt was com- | Its vast expanse‘of mountains, for- two more stars to its flag. Hawaii votes Republican, Alaska safely pre-slavery ests, tundra, and coastal waters ne en ee oo be. ual bine = no Eng in i vagallcompee now : . C1, ter considered in Congress. Some In the past, states have been | souri Compromise of 1820. Maine | 10" Son seals sen otters, admitted singly, i pairs and | was gdmitted on March 15. 1820,| salmon, gold. platinum, antimony eee and Missouri a little more than @/ ang fur Recommends eens Cocqregtte Raciety, §=—_ | vent pater. attractions ef semitropical C. of C. Road The first state added after for- New Mexico and Arizona were | tuwall chand in sherp come More Toll mation of the nation was Vermont | the latest admissions, both in 1912. | those of the subarctic peninsula. WASHINGTON (UP)—The Cham-| in 1791. It was followed by Ken-| Alaska and Hawaii would add) yas Alaska it displays some ber of Commerce of the United | tucky more than a year later, and distinctive features to the nation. ef the world’s mest spectacalar States urges the construction of| by Tennessee in 1796. From then/ Alaska is 500 miles northwest of] geesery. Waltke Alaska, it is more toll roads to finance the | until 1812 when Louisiana came im. | present United States boundaries, piessod with ene of the most wel- building and maintenance of the| only one state entered — Ohio in| Hawaii 2,400 miles southwest. quinn of teeaten, & tele dicate interstate highway system. 1908. ) Alaska, more than twice the size eas te mes Repairs and additions to the in-| One of the most troublesome] 4+ wrexas would become the big-| More scenic beauty terstate system are now paid for out of tax revenues, including fed- eral aid. But road costs have in- ereased since World War II, and there are a great many more motor ‘vehicles using roads now in exist- ence. In a recent national conference ~ on highway financing sponsored by the chamber, Charies L. Dearing, Geputy undersecretary of com- merce for transportation, said that within 10 sil : ; J omen < ; RUF aaa ii | me “se \ jf SIA ‘yi , < a. eee Cope. 1986 by WEA Serves, ten. “Let's wait for a waltz—I forgot to send the check last month for my accident insurance!” by Edgar Martin by Ernie Bushmiller TVE ALWAYS WANTED TO TRACK MUD ON A RUG WITHOUT GETTING SPANKED oy BUEMHAI HN AEB | BOARDING HOUSE Place a Quick Action > Hertha YOU CAN ) \AND S€6 THE THING / DAILY PRESS . cvrye WANT AD =| es zinc af DIAL FE 2-8181 : goss! - ‘ a Z roms] theorem" geakteckew.:. | a] _ Base that tension “4 904 for you —i => h —¥7 : SPFARMINT EWING GUM — ON ee eee ee THE PONTIAC PRESS, FRIDAY, APRIL 2, 1954 CHICAGO ( - Wheat and soy- beans’ made a little progress | on | the upside in moderately active | dealings on the board of trade to- day. Feed grains lagged although | corn showed occasional signs of firmness. Dealings weren't any- thing to get excited about and there was nothing in the news to put much zip into the market. The turnabout in the trend of old crop soybeans, conspicuously weak in the last couple of sessions, was attributed to technical factors as! much as anything. Wheat near the end of the first | hour was % to 1% higher, May $2.21, corn % lower ‘to % higher. May $1.52%, oats % lower to % higher, May 75%, rye % to 1 cent higher, May $1.0844, soybeans 45 to ei cat Sate cents a higher, May $18.92. poms Grain Prices CHICAGO GRAIN CHICAGO (AP)—Opening grain: Wheat Be pt 114%] Mey B2t%y Soypeans 4 “ay 213', Ma ) Sept a 2.16, ful 33) Dee eves 223 Sept 276 Cora No 259 MAg ...ssece 142', Jan 2 58%, y 1 $4", Lard Dee 10 May 18 90 Suhy—reevy a4 May 13%, Sept ® FV cerccece 72% Oct 410 Bept e 732% Nov 13.62 Rye Soybean Ot! May 1% May .. 1348 July 1 =voxg Rane July 13.38 Big 3 Car Output Close Up fo 53 Ford Has Biggest Gain; Pontiac Lacks 1,183 tom Equal Same Quarter | DETROIT ® — The auto indus- try’s “big three’ of General) Motors, Ford and Chrysler built 1,399,373 cars and 237.330 trucks in this year's first three months. The total compares with 1,401,614 cars and 254.705 trucks assembled in the comparable 193 period, Un- official tabulation put the indus- try’s total production for this year’s first quarter at 1,426,667 cars and 283.317 trucks. Biggest gain in production is shown by Ford. Its report shows this year’s January-March output at 468.229 cars and 4.229 trucks compared with 329.362 cars and 61.- 066 trucks in the like 1953 period. General Motors accounted for _ 148,583 cars and 129,053 trucks of this year’s output. compared with 736,999 cars and 171,232 trucks. Chrysler built 182,641 cars and 24.048 trucks this year compared with 335,253 cars and 32,407 trucks in the like 1953 period. (First quarter output at Pontiac Motor Division reached 99,100 cars, compared with 100.283 in 1953. In > z ® “4 i Others Lagging |. DETROIT (UP)—Wholesals prices on March, 35,526 were built. This con- trasts with 38,237 io March 1953. | (GMC Truck and Coach Division | produced 25.689 vehicles in the first | three months of this year, con- trasted with 37,026 in the same | period in 1953. It built 9,783 in) March 1954, and 12,792 in March | 1953.) Job Situation Shows | Increased Stability WASHINGTON (®—The govern- ment reported today that un- employment increased by 54.000 in March to a total of 3,725,000. a was the smallest monthly increase in six months. The Census Bureau, in releasing | the figures, said unemployment | “leveled off.”’ And officig)s said “‘it looks like | unemployment is stabilizing.’ They | said the figures indicated cause for hope that a turn in the em- ployment. situation is coming. While the March increase was small, the total is the highest job- less figure in four years—since the 4,123,000 in March, 1950. ' lon butchers and.siow 25-7§ lower on | ter steers and yearlings steady to weak | heifers 1600-2300; utility to cémmercia! public farmers’ markets: Fruits: Apples, Delicious, fancy, 4.00- 660 bu; No 1, 350-400 bu; apples, Greenings, No 1, 225-3.75 bu; apples, } | Jonathan, fancy, 350 bu; No 1, 2.00- | 2.80 bu; spples, Melntosh, fancy, 3.15 bu; No 1, 3.50-3.25 bu; apples, Northern | @py, fahey, 400 bu; No 1, 2.00-2.5@ bu; apples, Gteele’'s Red, fancy, 3.75 bu; Ne 1, 2.40-3.00 bu; apples, Wagener, fancy, 3.26 bu; No 1, 2.25-2.78 bu. Vegetabies: Beets, rong ord No 1, 66- 135 bu; faney, 1.25 das be Cabbage, standard variety, No 1, e018 bu; car- rots, topped, No 1, 100-1560 bu. Celery root, No 1, 1.35-1.75 dos behs. No 1. 100-150 4, ou. Horseradish, No 1, 500-600 pk bskt. Onions, dry, No 1, No |. 55-75 50-lb bag. Onion sets, No 1, 250-375 32-ib bag Parsley root, No 15-125 dos Belts. Potatoes, No 1, 90-1.10 | 50-l» beg: potatoes. No 1, 170-200 100-lb bag Radishes, black, No 1, 1.00-1.50 bu: radishes, red, No 1, 65-90 doz bdechs. Rhubarb, hothouse, No 1, 70-80 §-ib box; rhubarb, hothouse, No 1, 1.00-1.25 dos behs. Turnip, topped, No 1. 100-150 bu DETROIT EGUS METROIT (AP)—Prices paid fob. De- troft for federal-state graded eggs: Whites: A. jumbo, 49; large 45-46, wtd ave 46. medium 41-42, wid avg «2. B. large 42 Browns: A, jumbo, ef large 44: me- 4 , large 41. C, large 31. Checks 30-33, wtd ‘ovg 2 CHICAGO BUTTER AND EGGS CHICAGO iAP) —Butter weak: receipts 1 121,385, wholesale buying prices 1 to ¢ ents lower 9] score AA 57. 93 A 87 9 BMS. 88 OC OSS cars. 90 B S$? sec 865 Eges weak eceipts 15254 wholesale buying prices ! to 2 cents lower, US | aree 45-353 US mediums 32 us | standards 31 curremt receipts 30, checks and dirties 285 CHICAGO POTATOES CHICAGO 14P)—Potatoes Arrivals 06 on track 336 totel US shipments 361 old stock supplies moderete, demand good. market firm: Idaho russets 83 60 utilities $3.20; Minnesota North Dakote Pontiacs $1 88-200, new steck supplies moderete: demand geod. market steady: Plorida round reds $1 96-21% . Poultry DETROIT POULTR DETROIT ‘AP)}—Prices ice fob De- trott for Hve poultry Hens Heavy type 26-28: Nght type 21-23 Heavy type broilers or fryers 3-3% I avg. whites 26, gray erosses 28, Barred Rocks 29-20‘, oie se POULTRY CHICAGO (AP)—Live poultry steady te firm. receipts 317 coops. fob. peying rices unchanged- to 3 cents higher: ian hens 26-28. light hens 18-18, fry- ers or brotlers 22-36: old roosters 16-18, | dueklings 96-27 > Livestock DETROIT LIVESTOCK DETROIT (‘AP)—Hogs—Salabdie 56 Not enough hogs on hand early to make market Cattle—Galabie 225 Todeys market steady = last week's close Mar wetings locally about 10 per cent under last week due to bad weather conditions the fore part of the week: good clear- ance: good action all week slaughter steers and heifers fully steady cows ong. higher on in between grades: belis fully steady. stockers slow about steady: bulk choice fed steers and | DuPon yearlings 22 50-2450. few smal) lots high choice 24.25-24.75. around 1090 ib. steers with « at 2500. top for the week te low chotee fed steers and year! 19 00-22.00: load choice 913 ib heifers 21.00. odd head around 750 Ibs at 23 utility te low good steers and heifers 15.00-18. 00: bulk utility and commercial! cows 1100-1300. latter price teking more desirable heavy Holsteins. few head on the hetfer order higher: bulk canners and cutters 056-11°O mostly 10.00 and up: bulls were duit-tn spots but weekend clearance was good. utility and commercial mostly 1350-15 $0, load choice 680 ib yearling stock steers 22.00 load good and choice 529 Ib stockers | qs w, 19.50: other small lot sales ranged down te 17.50: country outlet for the most part Was narrow due to unsatisfactory weeth- er conditions Calves—Saladle 50. Today's market steady, compared last Thursday Vealers steady to $1 00 lower. practical 29.00. only head strictly prime igher. good an@ choice vealers mostly 24 00- 28.00: bulk commerctal amd good vealers 17.00-23.00, cull and utility mostly 8 00- 16 00 CHICAGO LIVESTOCK CHICAGO (AP) —Salabie hogs 4500 moderately ective; steady to 16 higher sows: mest choice 190-260 Ib butchers 27 00-27 40: one load at ee most choice 270-320 lb 26 25-2700; a few up to 375 Ib down to 2550; most sows around 600 Ib and lighter 23.50-25.00; | good clearance; shippers stock 600. Salable cattle 800: calves 100; slaugh- in cleanup trade: cows uneven mainiy steady: bulls and veailers steady to weak: few sales good to choice steers and yearjings 19.25-26.00: utility to low good 14.00-19.00: a few commercial to choice cows 1150-1400. canners and cutters 00- utility and commercial bulls 1400-1600; good and choice vealers | 22.00-26.00: odd head choice and prime 2700: culls down to 10.00 Salabie sheep 200: slaughter lambs and sheep nominally steady. choice wooled lambs 100 1b down . good and choice grades 2450-2600: cull to low | good 1600-2400. cull to choice slaugh- ter ewes 6.00-10 50. Estimated salable livestock receipts for Saturday are 20@ hogs; 300 cattle and | 100 sheep Police Get —s NEW HAVEN, Conn. (UP) — Honest motorists gave a bonus of $279 to the police department. They dropped nickels in ace meters which were not legally in use. DREAM HOMES COME ade with LOW-COST FINANCING See Us or Call Today! Capitol Savings & Loan bo. 75 =a Huron St. FE 4-0561 Bead Paria ap my te eng Belge’ Teal estate n 7 eee ; }er utilities. Others were steady to Market Resting _ ./Affer New High NEW ‘YORK ®—The stock mar- ket was quietly mixed today in early dealings after driving yester- day to a new high for the year. Aircrafts were unchanged to iow- er. They were under selling pres- sure yesterday while the rest of the market was climbing steadily. No other major division of the market was depressed today. High- mixed, At the opening there was a short rush of trading with moderate size blocks on the tape with prices mixed, Thereafter trading quieted with prices holding. Among higher stocks were Amer- Cyanamid, Bethlehem Steel, and U. S, Rubber. Lower were Douglas Aircraft, United Aircraft, Southern Pacific, and General Electric. New York Stocks Modern City Life’’ at the Rotary Club luncheon meeting in the Hotel Waldron. Introduced as the ‘Mark Twain of Pontiac’’ by City Manager Wal- ter K. Willman, Heenan told Ro- tarians he came here over 60 years ago. “Pontiac in the 19908 had a “It had cobblestone and dirt streets. Roads leading out of the city were private and controlled by toll gates.’’ Aided by a slide film projector, he pointed out in one of the pic- tures: “Those are not parking meters you see in front of those stores on Saginaw street. They are hitch- ing posts for horses." Heenan said Pontiac was divided into five wards in 1900. There were ward. “Pontiac at one time had two telephone companies and you were in luck If your friends used t the same company you did. “Eventually the city counct! which met upstairs in the Centra) Fire Station, sold the Oakland County Telephone Co. to Michigan Bell Heenan said that Pontiac in the | early days was —e known | News in Brief Harvey L. Adams, 43, of M71) Fleet Dr., Waterford Township, pleaded guilty to reckless driving | yesterday and was fined $25 and $25 costs by Waterford Township Justice Willis D. Lefurgy. West Bloomfield Township Jus- tice Elmer C. Dieterle sentenced Walfred A. Saarinen, 31, of Detroit, to 30 days in Oakland County Jail yesterday for drunk driving when Saarinen was unable to pay $100 fine and costs. William Hellams, 23, of 259 S&S. Jessie St. pleaded guilty to a reck- “me driving charge and paid a $15 | Thursday when he re Pontiac Judge Maurice E. Finnegan. , A $75 fine was paid by Patrick H. Hackett, 46, of 401 Lowell St., Thursday after Hie pleaded guilty to reckless driving. He appeared be- fore Pontiac Judge Maurice E. Fin- negan. Figures after decimal points are cighths Adams Exp . 312 Lib McN@L. 4 Admire! 21.3 & -, 63.8 Air Reduc 232 Loekh Airc a, Alleg L Sil ... 321 Leew's - M41 Allied Ch 066 Lone 6 Cem .. MT Allied Strs 4) Mack Trucks 135 Alilts Che 486 Marsh Pield 236 Alum Ltd 573 Martin Gi 232 Alum Co An Tlé May D Str 293 Am Alirlin 127 Mead Cp 31 Am Can Mid Coat Pet 711 Am Car & Fay 343 Monsan Ch 816 Am Cyan 476 Mont Ward 61 Am Gas & Ei 44 Motor Pd is Am MAFdy 275 Motorols 372 Am N Gas 434 Mueller Br 24 Am Red 171 Murray Cp 196 Am Geating 23 Nash Ketv te Am Smelt - 332 Net Cash KR... 72 Am 6tl Fd ... 295 Nat Dairy Sd. Am Tel&@Tel ..1442 Nat Lead ..... 34 Am Tod - 603 wat Bt . 1 Anac Cop .... 46 wat Thea .... 7 Armour ...... esa NY Atr Br... 195 . NY Central 23.5 Atl Refin . 334 Avoc Mig "$3 Rie M Pw | Bald Lime * 92 Nort & West. 03 Balt & Ohio .. 204 N Am Av..... 27.7 Bendix Av ... 994 Nor Pac 504 i ssees 1 Nor Sta Pw is Beth Sti » 442 Ohio Ol - 46 Boeing Airp . 774 Packard 35 Bohn Alum ... 326 Pan Am W Air 10.7 | el . a Param Pict... 31 ern . » Briggs Mi 0 foc oe J Brist My yt Pa RR 166 Brun Balke “47 Pp 1 Budd Co ‘12.7 Pepet Cole $3 Burr Add ... 115 Phelps D 1 Calum & H ... 84 Philco 33 Can Dry . Philip Mor 4 COn Fee 2... 25.1 Phill Pet a, © Case ‘JI . 193 PH Plate Gi.. 57-6 Cater Tree 484 Proct Gam ‘4 Celanese 202 Pullman . re | Ches & Ohio M5 pure Ot 7 Chi &2 WW ... 116 REO Pic .. ry] Chrysler - 25 Reaic cp 313 Cities Sve -. O24 1 Rand . 173 Cliimez Mo 103 Réo Mot 261 Coca Cola ...124.4 — Col Gas ...... 142 Repub St! . 43 Con Edis ... 431 Rey Tod B 381 Con OF | St Jos Lead a4 Consum Pw 42 Sead Al RR 467 Con Pw Pf 65.130 Sears Roeb 615 Cont Can 6 Shelli Ot) | Cont Mot 92 Simmons 328 Cont Ol 633 Sinclair Oil “0 Corn Pd .. 733 Socony Vac 01 Cruc Stl ..... 345 gow Pee 414 Curtiss Wr 102 gou Ry “41 Doug Aire 111.6 Sperry 867 yam Seem «-- 2 S4 Brand 13 . s Bact Ate it .. 905 S84 Ot Caml 80 Std Ot) Ind 73 Bastm Kod .. 856 a4 on NJ 811 Ei Auto L 426 i" El & Mus In 17 Std Ot! Ohio 378 John 27 Studebaker 18% £x-Cell-O * 67 Swift & Co 43.7 Firestone . 744 Texas Co 1 Gen 1065 Tex GO 6ul 905 Cen Wis «2.2. @ Thomp Pda 04 Gen Mot ..... 665 Timk R Bear 424 Gen Ry Gig ... 264 Tran W Air Lal Gea Tel ..... 446 Transamer Gen T&Rub . M3 Twent C Pox rH Oiliette 5 Underwood 311 Goede! B - 67 Un Carbide 44 | Goodrict . 04 On Pac te¢ Goodyear 616 Unit Air Lin 4¢ Ot No Ry Pf 52. Unit Aire a4 est B& ... 196 United 52 Orayhound ... 136 Unit Pruit @2) Quif Ol ...-, 1 p Bo Lines 44 Holland F ... 142 Ug Rup 325 Hooker El ... 7 H U & Smelt a ee i oe eet os Hud Mot .. 95 : Waigreen 25.2 Th Cent . 81 w Inland sti |). 467 Warn Bopic .. 15 W Va Pulp 28.4 Inspir Cop . 23.7 Interik Ir ... 157 West Un Tel 397 Int Herv “993 Weste A Brk 254 Int Nick ..... 384 Weste El es Int Paper . 624 White Mot 29.1 Int Tei&Tel .. 1¢1 Woolworth 433 Johns Man ... 636 Yale & Tow 49 Kennecott ... 1% Yngst Bh & T 41.6) Kroger .. . 43.4 Zenith Rad 71 STOCK AVERAGES. (Compiled by ee Press) — Rails vu Stocks —l1 - Neem Pri... cases 196 7 “7 «65868 «1178 Previous day....1566 848 589 LITS Week ago... 1544 8863.0 563 115.2 Month ago...... 145 863 S79 1632 VeRt O68. ccccs: 1446 884 840 1113 1964 high....... 1586 863 540 2 eg do See ee 143.0 78 55.4 108.0 1963 --eeee- DSR 836 558 1163 1955 low 130.2 735 S805 4 ~ (Hernblewer & Weeks) Pigures after decimal points are eighths # igh Low Noon Baldwin Rubber® ....... j n 3 D & C Navigation .. 106 106 106 Gerity-Michigan* a: 66 ssa 24 #25 Kingston Products* . one ae as Masco Screw* jeetiee esses as @ Midwest Abrasive® _.... . s 64) Rudy Mfg .. rok ee ee, Wayne Screw* .... ....... 14 616 *No sale; bid and asked Foreign Exchange NEW YORK (AP)—Poreign exchange rates foliow (Great Britain im dollars, others in cents): doliaf in New York open market 2 1/32 cent premium or 102.21% US. cen off 1/16 of a cent Eu t Britain (pound) $2.81 11/16, unchanged; Great ig 30 day futures — une eat Britain a cent: Belgium ‘franc; . of a cent; France ‘franc: cent, unchanged Holland ipateer) 36.42, unchanged. ira) 16%. of @ cent, unchanged; tugal ‘eseudo 3.50. unchanged Sweden ‘arena? 19.34, unchanged, Switzerland (franc) ffree) 23.31%. unchanged; Den- mark (krone) 1452, unchang Latin America Argentina (free) 7 24. _ (free) 1.80, unchanged; Mexico 11.63, ee Venesuela (bolivar) be eat changed Car Tests Strenuous SOUTH BEND, Ind. (INS) — ‘alarm fire A drunk driving charge against Roy Swafford, 38, of 5630 Carroll Ra . Milford, was dismissed Thurs- | day by Pontiac Judge Odin H. Johnson because the ae ae Retain Judge Johnson Muniei- | pal Court,.Monday, April 5. Adv. | If your friend's tn jail and needs | bail. Ph. FE 5-5201. C. A. Mitchell | or Ph. MA 5-4031, Guy Carter. Rummage sale Congregational | Church Sat. April 3. 8-11:30. Dresses, coats, hats and shoes. —Adv. | Rummage sale, April 3, 8 a. m. | St. Vincent Parish Hal], S. Parke | St. Altar Society. —Adv. | ‘Fish supper, 82 Perkins, 5 until. $1. Malta Temple. —Adv. Rummage sale, Central Meth- odist Church, Sat. morning. Adv. | Clarksten Rotary Ann Rummage Sale at the Clarkston Community Center, April 2 and 3rd. —Adv. 5-Alarm Blaze Hits Cleveland East Side CLEVELAND (INS) — A five- swept through the Dougherty Lumber Company on Cleveland's East Side today, caus- ing damage estimated at $90,000 and inflicting minor damage to four houses and another firm. Cause of the wind-whipped blaze hag not been determined but it is believed to have started in the rear of the company yard, which covers the larger part of a city block at east 12ist St. and Ew clid Ave. Twenty-six pieces of equipment were. dispatched to the Hear of Pontiac in: 1890s | street Businessmen’ LEO J. HEENAN two alderman elected from each | for its crusade against the use of liquor. “Perhaps there were too many who could see the benefits to be derived from the sale of liquor or rum to the Indians.’’ A Prohibition party publication “The Living Issue,” to crusade | against alcohol, was founded by Lulu V. Reynolds “Pontiac has had many news- papers throughout the years. The Oakland County Post sttcceeded the Pontiac Bill Poster and Democrat. [A young man from St. Johns, | named Harry Coleman, came to | Pontiac and purchased it later. | “The “The Michigan Military Academy at Orchard Lake was one of the finest prep schools in the United States. The school was second only to West Point.” He said ‘“‘Pontiac was known as the ‘Buggy Capital of the World.’ There was the Pontiac Buggy Co., headed by Ed Murphy, Fred | Emendorter and Stewart Beach. It later became the Oakland Motor Car Co. Today, we know it as Pontiac Motor.”’ . Others were O. J. Beaudette | Body Co., Pontiac Phaeton Co., and | the Martin Halfpenny and Co. “Morris and Max Gabrowsky built the first truck called the Rapid Motor vehicle on Osmun street. They formed a company and purchased the land on Rapid where Ike Broughton's slaughter house stood,"’ he said. “Grove High School (Pontiac High) had a fountain in front fac- ing Asylum avenue. All freshmen got dunked in it. “The large fires I remember were the burning twice of O. J. Beaudette's plant and the. R. D. Scott fire 48 years ago. “After the second fire the city built No. 2 Station on Walnut and Wessen. Jake Bombar was_ the driver of the hose wagon. “The Scott fire on April 3, 1906 carried embers as far as East | boulevard. It was feared the whole town would go. Various fires on the East side were caused by ‘the flying embers. “Detroit was called for heip and they made a record run out here. They had to put the horses in a box car with straw and hay and fasten down the hose car and steamer on a ‘flat car be- fore starting for Pontiac. “Pontiac, being a carriage town, had the finest horses. We had the finest and fastest fire team in the state."’ - Heenan recalled that most of the social events were held in the old Pontiac Opera House, which was on Saginaw street. Kaiser-Willys Moving Body Work to Toledo TOLEDO (UP) — Production of bodies fer Kaiser and Willys cars is being transferred from Michi- gan to the main Willys Motors plant here, the company announced today. The Willys body production is scene. being moved from the Murray Fire Chief Elmer Cain, who| Corp. plant at Detroit. Kaiser estimated damage, praised the | body-building operations are. being action of a cab driver whé turned transferred front the former Kaiser in the first alarm. The cabby not-| plant at Willow Run. ed the fire in driving by the yard and radioed the alarm into cab/| company officials, who immedi- Expensive Dumping SAN FRANCISCO #—The owner Engineering test cars of one auto- mobile manufacturer were driven | a total of 1,190,345 miles during | 1953 — the equivalent of 119 years | of driving for an average car. Along with ‘round-the-clock testing of proposed new models, engineer- WANT TO! bird to see” for any and all of your WARD E. Seeciabenaiay We ; Phone FE 2-8316 (es Practicing Pontiac Attey fF 26 Yau, Forme NEW HAVEN, Conn. ® — A tax withhold rh alee of an expensive automibile served ately notified the fire department. ! five days in jail for dumping his Men Seek Equality | garbage beside a street — to save CINCINNATI — Members of |}4 dollar a month. He also was | 'the Women's City Club will vote | fined $100. today on accepting men as asso- - - ciate members. Mrs. Warwick Ho-| Gasoline consumption in the} bart, club president, said men have | U. S. has increased 10 times since been demanding equal rights with | 1920 with five times as many ve- women in joining the club. hicles. 50¢ Value at Any Market Lash Whet One Thin Dine Wil Bay At FLANIGAN BROS. MARKET tne _FLANIGAN BROS. . _. PACKING HOUSE MARKET 2600 M-15 — 6 Miles North of Clarkston 7 . egege ROYAL OAK TOWNSHIP — Ser. | on vice for George W. Miller;-18,-of ‘ 2778 Park Ct., -will- m. : Saturday from-the Schnaidt Fu- Permits City - Owned | "r#! Home, Royal Oak, with bur- , ial in Mt. Avon Cemetery, Roch- Companies to Expand jester. He died Thursday at home. i Surviving besides his widow, + Without Voter OK see cer oe LANSING — A Senate-ap-| Schenk of Ferndale and Herman proved bill to permit municipally- aor pais Rayal Oak Township; owned utilities to issue revenue grendchiéren. bonds for expansion without a vote HA precy Caldwell of the people passed the House ic een Aen Coll a ge ssc 65-24 yesterday. old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry The measuie Was amended in the Caldwell, 41 W. Muir, will be at of the bil payhanactterores under Sie psd The Serge oe 160,000 population This change has Saturday to Ivel, Ky. for service te be approved by the Senate be- and burial. She died Thursday in fore the bill goes to the governor. Highland Park General Hospital A strong opposition bloc, largely Surviving hoaides her rage oy — by the private utility lob- two brothers pe ” ond An- 1e6, t , Harry \ ple eet mauccesstully (0 CTP) drew J.; two sisters, Donna Sue oe. and Sandra Kay; and her grand: : Rep. W. G. Bassett (R-Jack- | parents. 1946 . ‘ are would have required ges = ee — : ve a at 1:30 F Michigan Public Service Commie: | — Oe AL OAK — Serviw tortie. Sout &. 8-088 | sion review of rates to be charg- : a ; ed by the utilities befere the ie ee SMART BUYERS As matters stand, he said, the |i Samechutedine! revenue bond can become a gen- | oe eral obligation of the taxpayers if Look for | the tates are not high enough to ; pay them off } j eocevwnnes | ECONOMY and COMFORT | Zealand), principal House backer of the bill, said the amendment would nullify the bill because no! municipal utility would give up | ; their right to set their own rates. | : He added it was unnecessary be- | ; cause municipalities have to pledge | ’ to pay high enough rates before | ' financial houses will accept the ; bonds. The amendment was defeated | f on a 30-61 vote. , Rep. Gerald Marphy (D-De- | ; troit), am employe of the De- | troit Edison Co. in private life, | : debated against the measure as | k j an invasion of the rights of mu- ’ = = lead Gc Seer 1954 NASH STATESMAN | Reps. Herb Clements (R-Decker- ‘ vil . - ’ TT ane ns ee OWNER SATISFACTION prised” that Murphy would take | any public stand on the bil inf RATES NASH at the TOP! view of his connection with a priv- | ately owned utility. - : Stop in for a Thrilling Demonstration NOW! Business Briefs . tor, will serve as moderator of a9 . x a panel discus- .. a sion W y /YOUR NASH DEALER t Sales Problems.” || 85 W. Lewrence at Coss Phone FE 4-1545 at the Uni of Michigan Sr OPEN NITES nual Real Estate Len reese neecer norms Clinic. The clinic ; starts Tu esday and. is based on.* a theme of ‘’Solv- ing Your Sale Problems.” It sponsored by the ANNETT - university’s,School of Business Ad- ministration and Extension Serv- ice atid Michigan Real Estate As sociatio. With an attendance of more than 3,000 expected, Michigan's e dentists will meet in Detroit this month for the 97th Annual Meeting of the Michigan. State Dental Assn. The meeting will be held April 26 to 28 at the Ho- tel Statler. ~ Davis M. Miller and Paul J. / Woigdka, Pontiac distributores of investment securities for Invest- ors Diversified Services, Inc., will attend a sales conference on’ 1. New York on Frits, America s Most iaranhe Beautiful Glasses! Henry .Gaukler, president of Gaukler Moving and Storage Co., a representative of Altied } ‘ Van Lines, Inc., said the Allied i firm will spend $1,200.000 to e@x- pand truck terminals and recon- dition’ equipment. Gaukler said the Allied Co.’ Se vende oe ping has built a new terminal in para ony 8-tone ester combine- Broadview, Ill.. to serve as na- tieh for enly $11.00! Bere are ist tional headquarters and others quality frames and top quality tenses : are under construction. made to your own exact prescription. + ‘‘Because-of the Gaukler Stor- "eran": | TQ SWITCHING! NO EXTRAS!) Van Lines, Gaukler’s business J volume has risen from $78,000 in 19382 to $240,000 in 1953," Gaukler said: “I’m confident of REPAIRS a further increase during the Broken lenses, éupli- | coming year.” pe frames repair. —— and replaced at New passenger car registra- wactngs to seul - tions for this year's first quarter NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY! probably will total more than a million units FAST SERVICE : R. L. Polk & Co. statisticians, ; : z reported today the February reg- ' % stration numbered 359,592 com- NU-VISION OPTICAL C0 pared to 340,788 in -January. - There is a possibilty, it said, Rooms Lawrence 2-2895 the March total when finally tab- 2 & 3 18 ¥. st Ph. rt ulated will surpass 400,900. ee nae ~ vo es We're Ready! |. ARE YOU? al Our Usd Cars Are Ready for the Road 1 te tn A Thoroughly Reconditioned and Guaranteed iz marr TFUL ELE ECTION 8 A. Hai te ek 1 “Buick”. BOB. OLIVER A Most Reliable Dealer: CORNER LAWRENCE. AND ORCHARD LAKE AVE oD Pee [hire te THE. PONTIAC PRESS. bi hE APRIL 2, 1 1958 ' FIREBALL AND NEW YORK—The Federal Civil Defense Administration today released this | as the explosion point. The actual explosion’s fire- artist's conception of the 3% mile H-Blast fireball; ball presented aimilar white, semi-circular ap- as it would appear over the skyline of New York/ p@srance moments after the blast was set off in | City, with the Empire State building, lower center, the Marshall Islands. | Scramble Under Way “by States Which Want School WASHINGTON (INS)—President Eisenhower has signed into law the bill to establish a “West Point of the Air."” Now a political scram- ble between states and localities within states for the site is under way today. The measure as passed by Con- gress attempted to take the ques- Academy out of politics. It pro- vides for a five-member board to be named by Air Secretary Harold E. Talbott to make the selection. Despite this precaution, poll- ties is expected to figure promi- neatly as the various states com- peting for the academy location apply pressure to get it. hwo Air Foree officials appoint: ed in 19%2—retired Air Force Gen. AP Wirephote jh het ig. . in a few days. Tr the study—whieh—started in| . : 1949, the list.of suggested sites for tion of the location of the U.S. Air | Carl Spaatz and Lt. Gen. Hubert R. Harmon—will be on the new board. Announcement of three civilian-members is expected with- such an academy owas reduced from around 250 -to 7—Marysville, ' Calif.;- Colerade Springs, Colo.; Madison, Ind.; Charlotte, N. C.; and Grayson County, Grapevine and Randolph Field, all in Texas. The new board now starts all over, reportedly with the suggest- ed site list having grown to nearly 400. The seven possible cites chosen by the earlier board are expected to get top consideration —but the new board will have a free hand. Bones in the ‘Village’ | NEW YORK w — Utility com- pany employes say discovery of human remains in Washington Square is “a matter of routine.” Washington Square is the center ef Greenwich Village, artistic and bohemian resort. An estimated 100,000 persons have been buried in the area, which was used a Potter's Field from 1797 to 1823. | Urban League Hears of Locality Progress Samuel Logan, munity relations for the local Ur- ban League when he addressed the Urban League Guild Thursday evening.- Using the block unit maleed ot contact he told of his effort to win co-operation from the resi- dents of each street in his locality. More play space for children, re- duction of traffic hazards, modern plumbing and sanitary refyse dis- posal are some of the things he hopes to accomplish. Better hous- ing and employment are problems on- which he confers with govern- ment agencies. A devotional program based on “I Will Lift Up My Eyes” was given by Mrs. Lucetta Baker. Plans were made for the annual dinner meeting May 6 which will be open to the public. Four-fifths of all fatal accidental poisoning’s occur in the home and one-third of these are to children under four. OPERATOR AND HAIR +786 _ Stylist. References FE } _Nelp Wanted Female 2| — let encoranstiers | WANTED « Apply 2500 East Maple Road Birmingham, Michigan TRACTOR AND IMPLEMENT DIVISION Ford Motor Company AGED LADY ras oan for 3 chil’ren days PE 45: and chokme. Must have putting up to the Justice De-| many’s exports to, Communist the question whether per-| China have increased nine-fold in ze. hh er ate = wit-| the last year, the government re- The ‘testimony principally in-| per cent during this period. Hutchinson, now a professor at/Far East, the government said Wiliams College, . Williamstown, China climbed from llth to 5th Mass.; the Rev. Joseph Nowak. | piace among Asian nations that Soe ene a oe. to Red organizer in Baltimore, and | electrical goods, high precision end a former Communist Party Se - was : ceutical products, the government Nowak, Reno and Patterson testified that, Hutchinson and | Maple tree sap has from 2 to 7 D thN tices Help Wanted Male 6 Helhb Wanted Male 6. ARE YOU SATISPIED AT YOUR SALESMAN TO SEL! FLOOR COV.-| ab job offers you a real op- ering. Steady employment. imsur- | HWAWKG,._MARCH 2 1954 Feed this ed car a oe ance. vacation with pay Call Mr Trait ‘renard tate Vier, sce iocking tors man 30 O years) Smen'Ce FE tua | #3: eon of Mrs. Mary Smetien oredis mesnecr “2nd| STOCK BOY FOR DAY WORK be held Setuhuay, April 3, ot 230 | Seg sole position fee ral) Cia ae . store being opened in Bir- ve FM ot Orchard Lake Community minghem, “National “paint manu | SINGLE "MAN ON FARM. MA Interment ry Wood- = yg & © mea. Give | will be te (oa. Baral eee : Salesman Wanted ‘ Grosse BER ees ae sees Seer state ye ok oe ervoual qualities, who wants, to aes - ee me | GtEcE OD a N TELEO. REALTOR nsx. = Themes, 4000 Green. ot re A xh seedy. employment bar ~ a (MAT FOR GENERAL | a a tani Co. 118 Indian: modern © machinery a watles | Lag, eer ests Mie gree | BEGNWAMNER TeOor Tt APPLY | —Eahe bet. Maple o Te hue Ra” Sg ES 45 Aubure ee WANTFD . 3 WOOL PRESSER. First class sash and decor ma- Welled Lake, Mich, with oply U e e ° v ou Hareld Kamens officiating In-| re dies! Van Dyte Uuice ME. | machine own wort ‘Mendrt voce | ong BB hetudes eill public $371" round work Write Box 76 Pontiac | le im state st the Richardson- | EXPERIENCED MAN FOR FARM | _Press etek Peperet Heme, weed tame work. 2000 W. Waive Bivé. I> | Help Wanted Female 7 gare Willism Sr. 2380s. Grant | EXPERIENCED P. MAK |, ware TO Assist wirn | MIDDLE St., Avon Township, age 2: be-| ef. Siso men for and |" children and do upstairs wort laminating . Reynolds Pias- | stairs work in| Pe ee | BE | RES Mrs. Miseine, re Ar: | EXPERIENCED 1ST OCE ‘S| 638 Mayiar e303 thur Martin, George W. Jr. Betty for day work. FE 3-7403. Tes Ww. - Lee, Cart| oad Chariee, Ean. | een ences —oair—coome| ACCESSOries Boa hervers Kenworthy Mre eres fave = Goenged Lake Sam Deckard. Mrs Ruth Pried-| Comiry cue, oe Ww. sere) Soleswomen Net LaParal, and Mrs. COVERING . Position ts held Saturday, April 3. tral fo uso saamae i age hours and salary = —_ tm Avon Township, with Rev.| APPLY MONDAY OR TUESDAY Keith Inter- E ment in Wh «Chapel Mr. Ren Ma c i Js vo ME le ARTHUR’ S Dudley H. Moore Funeral Home Pp eal BEATTY oP=naron Pel until noon Saturday, when he _ part time. PE 2-038 a roduct 2 ' P| iq i vaneral’ Home. . Gerd of Thanks 1 WE WISH TO THANK OUR the loss of our wife ih : a7t os, Voorhees-Sivle FUNERAL HOME Ambulance Se:rice. Piane or Motor 2237 Donelson-Johns “DESIONED FOR PUNFRAT a WONDERFUL VALUES in homes in today’s Classified columns. Turn there now for grand home-buying news. > REACH BUYERS with For Sale ads in Pontiac =" Beast Ratiigerator real estate, rugs, Classified shoppers buy any hing ! fotie FE 2-8181, |American RELATED STRIE IDEAL p RAP LL ADVANTAOCES. CONFIDENT! YY W. L.* McRAEZ, DIRECTOR. Forging & Socket Company FE 2.0154 BORE 0 ATOR. MUST BE experienc Pontiac Precision Tool Co.. 7 Orchard Lake Ave Man to work with manager. Stead x Pa ee | MAN TO LAY 60 B utilit: ¥ reom and garage Need not be expert. Part time alright _FE 41580 MEN CAPABLE OF < Qaoalisina | r an ge ey te 5 p.m_ Eves. | _call PE 21929 or FE 48819 and sportswear Full and part INITY POR YOUNG MAN) time Excellent salaries apply tn the local sales department of ‘5 person. Burton's. 75 N Saginaw en established concern Get EXPERIENCED WAITRESS, | seulvalent ef a college course! __ Right shift, MI 49000. — | wages while trainigg. Call as i EL setae sate oe. mB merit Co 007" Bar and Re. taurast. — WANTED FOR 8A; GIRL PRESSER ON LADIES Ga PINSETTERS FOR SAT. ments. Experienced preferred and Sun. White or colored. Apply im person. Motor Inn Recreation. S Perry. (2nd fieor). FE SALFSMAN — son. willine to Serchandiates. ask Rogtanen Mr ity t- Work at retail Apply in person, Bohnet. 142 W | 28. SALESMEN $150 WEEKLY j— He EXPERIENCED GIRL TANGIBLE. AND INTANOIBtE We will ad@ te our sales force. | Local company; some leads com- winere ae mar; 5 automo! m missions oan at epee A tunity tor oa. ‘ancement. ® potntment. °. WANTED One young man, 25 to 38, who js interested in Fri- ~day_night and. Saturday sales‘work Must be ag- gressive and willing to BEAT OPERATOR FULL OR part es aa 21244 or OA 8-2008 aor 8 p. PTOMETER | with some expert Do You Want A Better Job? WE HAVE AN OPENING IN OUR ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT FOR A CAPABLE YOUNG LADY WITH TYPING AND SHORTHAND ABILITY THE WORK IS INTEREST- ING AND YOULL BE WITH CONGENIAL~ PEO- PLE 30D «STARTING SALARY: 40 HOUR WEEK: HOSPITALIZATION BENE- FITS AND PAID VACA- TIONS SEE MISS LOCK- MAN AT THE PONTIAC PRES EXPERIEYCED ONLY, NO oTH ERS NEED APPLY, for doctors assistant Ca’ FE 5&-7501 tor ap _pointment \ EXPERIENCED WAITRESS AND Seer Warrens Drive-(n OR EXP ae RI goa BEAUTICIAN. part BETTY s BEAUTY SHOPPE burn 08 B Aw OL 2-726 COOKING and genera! eye live in Modern home MI 44277 EXPERIENCED SALESL abies 7 To sell ladies’ dresses, coats, Blouses, Apply Pox Dry Cleaners. 719 W Huron GIRL * TO 1 LEARN BOOKKEEPING. work, Must be abie fo type wees, able pe rite Pontiac Press Box Stating — See, « education and a experience Girt. OR © WOMAN FOR | LIGHT. bousewory and care of 8 mos. old baby. $35 wk Cathone home: Tu stay on premises No tele. calls. Morey’s Golf and Rid- Club 2289 'nion Lake Rad. otf Commerce se TO LIVE IN AND Ph. | 4 Sree, See elderly sick lady 6 Te § p.m HOrs*KFEPrO FOR SAM 1 MIN- _chotf, PF 44139, | LADTE. NEED CASH? TAKE OR- ders for ‘eautiful new «pring dresses nylon lingerie in vour _spare time OR 32-7148 afer 12 Stenographers Must Be: Expetienced “APPLY ~ PONTIAC MOTOR DIV. works for-good-pary-e a wonderful opportiinity to learn. — ter mtn tes mohries, son 7 — is : Se aS gon rite sak lle a aaa ab, - Sine f. ‘ - Ps . h a4 ms Versqnnel Dept _ Glenwood Ave | Pontiac, Mich OPERATOR) i | ASSEMBLY. 4 Work Wanted Male ~ ~~ SO PRB Rw ABINET MAKER & CARPENTER } Kitchens a specialty FE 2-3532 | PRUIT TREES AND GRAPES ex oertly trimmed FE 2.0967 MECHANIC AND SERVICE 8TA- 10) 24) Wtd: Contracts, Mtgs. 32 CASH ] : Building Service ag) ¢ Gadening Plowing 106A Lost & Found ew a ~ ~ ee ee ee MASO* ALTERATIONS & RE (2 BOTTOM PLOW OARDEN. ‘LOST LADY-S PURSE. MARCH 20 pairs All kinds. EM 3-487 _ rading and ieveling. OR 3-7306 Rg he Drive-in Reward MASON AND ROUGH sr ARP ER. +2 ter. No job too small. FE 17-6157. _Moving ¢ & Trucking 1s 19 Witt THE MAN WHO PICKED PATCH PLASTERING SPECIAL TY or Werk Wid. | Female 11 BABY SITTING IN MY HOME. _Vicinity Aubyra Mets _ PE 1-016s. BAR TENDINO pl ny references. Post th ttenfant wants rt tt ! sheet reck filline FE work ‘ovenlans FE 1.0600 =e 41783 delivery or gg pd WTD. TO BUILD FIREPLACES, | PLUMBING AND Find ew | — Mt Tete. rates, FE 1-070 j chimneys foundations, be «ments s en re +37é1, On | BAULING ALL KINDS REA. and », EM 3-306 sonable 2-6867 af —— eh Ek Bg REMODELING Rubvish hauled. FE 3-0603. Oe rte te STOPPERT & CECIL BUILDERS Ss TEES SC AFFOLDING COLORED GIN WANTS 3 OR 4 a. The ap hour plus car fare. | : 32-1005 ; | COLORED WOMAN DESIRES DAY | work @8 per dey or 835 plus fare FE 47748 j COLORED GIRL WOULD D LIKE 3 | . ial, | DRESSMAKINO “AND > ALTER A- | PE 52763 16 Palmer TRONINGS DONE IN MY HOME. OR 32950 TRONING DONE IN MY HOME | Gmeaihs ld boy im good home, Part time waitress. Minit Lunch _9 EB Pie With personality to work on gene Steady position and good you qualif. Apply 8 N Ag near West Huron. WOMEN OVER 5. UNUSUAL OP- — = unlimited permenent neome — sa comer flexible i e tlac Prese | WAITRESS — OR NINGS _Bee Diner 19 W. Pike Help Want Wanted FOR SMALL HOTEL NEAR Pontiac children tn family. New home ea | jake three m from Pontiac. Must_ have own car. FULL OR PART TIME > CAR . WASH boys, Jit: Car Pact ee ER eo ttinte sition available immediately. Sal- ary open MI 44210 \- shif Transportation provided a Apniy in person after 4nm Te'eeranh and Square Lake Rd NATIONAL ADVERTISING CON- MAJESTIC | NER Has opening " & go0d. expert | enced cook in grill work 2 cern ha for mas wp App'y Distributors. _Proucts, 160 NW. Petry. |: Instructions Ace 35 Watk tris WA NTED ~a om SVOMEN pay HONEY All — experienced all qualifications _ MA_63761 ag Birfringham Phone Mrs Burgoyne, Must be fast excel pm to 16 pm = goo, paying route vf woman with car 9 } “Serna Letco ee FREE TO TO beginner a , eee ~ Sine soa srone et PART Rr T™r electrical ere z- bulidine material LM Scasicieme Co Go tere Beatine Tred | _Walled Late, Mich ©M 3-2537. TRENCHING "on Siew and water lines Leca! and Prone "PES as08 OR 3-7640 EFFICIENT PICKUP & | up father and som st en Baldwin et Hopkins last Set urday, March 77 im the om glasses _or im E. Princeton, bua stop check car for boy's brown rimmed | If found cal FE 46638) Physio-Therapy 24A com cu 3 bed For good seasoned land tracts) We also have ¢ tomers waiting for 2 room homes | A, JOHNSON, Realtor FE 4-2533 oat, ot a SCIENTIFIC SWEDISH ame. | = 1704 S. Telegraph Rd. Giazo plastic type itnoleum coat Moving | i Tt ends wanzing Waites No | WANTED RSENS, NW | LIGHT TRUCKING RUBBISH & | LAND CONTRACT caret ime Weck. sand. grese!| Notices & Personals 25; RALPH B. GARNER 27628. | Seine Investments CONT WAULING ODD JOBS. ANY GIRI. OR WOMAN NEEDING | " & ids. at i a ed | Eee Ayes s cla | Constel, Selvetion Army a, Vanwel’ 440 Dinte Hey apse. TS SOU, has Ope pais. 633 Sng se Cab FOR Win Wrre \ 76" TROcx | — SS TEE rt TMMEDIA c wants "work Cat any time PE) OR A, hy TES, ree ee | embed equity 2 your ~ODELL CARTACE HEY HEY! Irs OK THIS NEW K |. Templeton, Realtor Vy W Muro PE >4733 INSURED MORTOAOE ne LOW INTEREST Fe5. WU REDUCED RATES | KNAPP SHOES : , PE pase. — ve to serve you. en | venti — —_— phil A sagen RANTZ he ag? ee SUDDEN Ou Mocs ee. end exit! ete? WE BAVE _commercia; werk. FE 48604. ¢aucame ruc kin boarding offered __ Business Services 13. She aoe anytime. FE 3-990 AND HAULING RUB MASSAGE FOR ‘SHOT-INS BENE- ! — tor stroke patients arthritics | and paraivzed cases PE 44331 pat bv job or housiv free estimates ish, custo abin ts floor finishing PE 22587 of MA 53488 CA A seth tat tetera | + en A _CARDE SERVICE tops repaired CaRPENTRY_ at PE igaus 7 At our @tspesa!l to purchase — } our chents YE 5-221! able rates All worry guaranteed | PORTRAITS FR Sree. opac . - Wedding Formal and Candid _tial Write Pontiac Press Box 16 DONE ALL TYPES tio Ez Pike FE aiecetbeuh work, guaranteed rea-| _ ©7301 roow West | sonable, OR 3 ARCHITECT iad =e TO RENT /| 737 Baldwin furnished Pek furnished nag in rural rth Farmingten ssen- up to $90 one K. G Hempstead. Realtor transportation. Be rg Cleaners, MA | _*) 8 bushel FE 54637 N ’ iT k for Rent OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS ONCE, ft!) ASK FOR BOB MA LAUNDERING AND STRETCHING APPLIANCE SERVICE TUCKS or ent _ Women eet for free $1950 family GAL eaclERE rT POR TOBACCO)! curtains at my home PE 3: Me service a m: : rov's #6 sat Ave. Pe aor! % Too Pac: hs Teo Gabes —,! nationelly on eM REALTY co. peat Bros @ © PART TIME POSTTION AS =a product” a RATIVE — ig —# EAT em Stn” OF (eekbeover. FE “Seine on ae ee ST Pontiac Farm an and WALLPAPER FACTORY. “OUTLET | eoP%S "Evecines 4 dl c ome oO 1075 W Huron rect leadr furnished Pull of pert | wasH#iNGs Also CURTAINS | A & B TRENCHING Industrial Tractor Co. now at 106 M Saginaw ot PE '@> WH a ch to +0061 22 Wanted Real Estate 32A | time. FE esi 9 te ‘west side. PE 2-6104 Footings water fines. field tile ve Se _ oe _ Ae WE setL_ANp_bOY seTTER | SALESLADY WITH RETAIL SELL | wagHINGS TRONTNOS AND| PE -5-006:. VOLLMAR MOVING AND Bfon | “KE SEEE . THRIPT SHOP 192 | ing experience im curtains and curtains. FE 2 ALL cL, MAKES OF FOUNTATY PENG Agente for N American Van 5 = | GREEN LAKE-- OFFICE Tne Vaan De. oe i repaired by factory trained mee! Unites | a ad ~ Fe a weno ATIONS (ON GREEN LAKE) 7 N. Se. WEDDING INVITATIONS | a = adi ¢ Siece geore bw tae aa Si rry | “Shes napkins. 3 day service | “HEDQTRS FOR ALL LAKES” SHORT T ORDER COOK. ait or antes aorta he . 5. "Phone FE Painting & Decorating 20) gine ret | Cmuages Homes Lee ae ee : J ; r, WROUGHT TROW PU ain 1923 - LIST RERE day FE 1. Fc asTERINS DORE “ALL es | Warr BM gee! PuRNi- Must be experienced Neat a;pear- wuceGent west: TRAE femora ture out middie ma n | NORMAN F. RICE : 1 waite = eee A-l PAINTING & pucons atm™o,| ain meke anything ts | 1070 COMMERCE RD EM 3-413 peg ent Ml ecas memnen | S WOMAN WISHES DAY/| sonable OR ¥ winter rates ‘til 38. Wort | ficetions Call PE ¢sem f for ep | _ WOodwaro. 7144 Rings Here a iaaweaband ilwaiirbaeea gees, | WRITE _Nork, PE $0672 =| LOOMPTFI D WALL CLEANED S Teewee tree estimates. PE | : rveayY Mt” ~—S ski's B- and Restaurant con's. 8 —_ WANTED WASHINGS. Walls and Windows cleaned W td. “Child. Board 26) We afe talging with people Sanford FE }-9780 for personal | 701 Robinwood FE 2-1631. COMPLETE PAINTING. WALL- to ms ir who are tn the market for s interview W d house- | CARPENTER WORK pf api Washing paperbanging & clean- ; ae eee ae oN home May we help YOU VERY RELIABLE AND EXPERI- oman desires tions. modernizations also sealing maintenance. C EXCALLEWT CRE IN LICENSED meet the prospective buyet Ge 6 ant wears ak © ce work by the day. Also pe Se ee | iveition DECORATING YOU! i [cmb pa CARE. LICENSED ravi rons REAL ESTATE tings @ week and some ——— babv sitting nites. rth a> a EAY ESTROUGHING © are pext. Call 3-876... Mr home, FE 54-0575 2 W Kurc VE +3908 Rete s bay t . Spt he A FE 2-2744 after 4 o'clock | { oeares air Nesting & sheet metat a Wud. # Household Goods | : | S WOMAN TO CARE FOR 2? BOYS wasHINGS IRONINOS CURTAINS | ELECTRIC MOTOR SER®ICE RE | ~ Tnterter Paimting . CA H who want gor’ home and some / washet end stretched _ FE +01 aes & esvinding 318 BE. Pike | Paper removed and wall — FU RNITURE NEFDED| IN weeee WF &ATT — LaDy WANTS DAY WORK +3061. Wet tacespente paimted ér é rntire — aes ak 24 HOURS WOMAN FO? HOUSEWORK CARE | tue, Wed ear. owe exper TREE TRIMMING & RE peleggl cheatin: Jie t peinting top & dottar” swt Say outrignt the | < : of __ = ay live in Apply | transportation. FE a Work guaranteed in writing B Community Por your equity te yeur _Ballding Service 12 Service 1 on R CLEANING *|-3% io aioe nee arn) SS SES h , we FL - a = ih}. BASEMENTS_OR, FOOTINOS ‘Sinke__Sunday Ser. Ph FE 4.2012 2 |, PAPERHANGING _OA 82681. | — none _wihe 1 Row. our offe vefore TYPISTS Come cor work, Immadinie service corviee. | SXPEERT pee E TRIMMING @ ® big hte tee ae cae — ove or , SONTIACS TARG CARGEST | ‘al Wa meus aude Startine Saiary 2508 aS ING SEVELOPES ADDRESSED at |PAINTINO PATERRAROING ant | PE cio 7" St’ ASPHALT PAVIN Home low rater Cail OA e2eiz | Puigsigreves Pree estimates. | WANTED 70 BUY ALi TYPES Edw. M. Stout, Realtor Career un‘ties Oriveway) and parking areas. Cas Between 8 am and of furniture Ph FE 2-5523 T7 N Saginaw St Ph FE Sets Paid ‘acations or terms Free o.aW7W jones TRENCHINO sane PAPERHANGINO. | Pa. ~ Wed. Miscefla .] Oper Eve ‘til! #:30 ee es ae Asphalt Pavine Co FE 2-2027, PE §-sn4? _ Site “Doss = “6 peace | : LAKEFRONT othe . = en . od ATTENTION FURNACE! FURNACE!) —ParntiIno AND DECORATING. | PLAT TOP’ DESK AND Fitinc) Detron Buvers Waiting. Brick block and stone work Chim- YOUR FURNACE SMOKE? Mason Thomrson ss PEE HH 4-0964 cabinet MA 5-7878 OR 3-8506 } C PANOUS 1918 M-15- | See hee ane | Coe and service of | PAINTING | DECORATING 30, Ror =. FOR ‘SHOR REPAIR: __ PHONE ORTONVILLE 133 : Pree estimates. en anteed reasonable shop ‘cenehamce ‘VILLE 133 | BRICK _R'OCK AND CEMENT ail makes = otf Durners | 08st WANTED TO BUY PROM PRI. | LISTINGS WANTE ’ APPLY ai oa oes tefore you 4@ | Sousk RAISING ce BLOCK. | PAINTING PAPERING & PAPER| vete party, good Fordson and STINGS WANTED Monday April 5 1054 SLOck Bk’ WORE foo en * PE) Wane OA 83001 or cen ‘actors H_ P_ SUTTON | We weed burban and lake rind removed Charles city. suburban a: * 1000 am os Be. HOUSE MOVING PUL Y|PA ———— Year : bomes Mave quaufied Buyers BRICK BLOCK +2450, estimate FE 3-41 waiting e will appreciate your ar? work Also chi Ne job too _ equipped. L. A. Young F PE PAPERING - PAINTING i gg TO BUY PING PONG call Dy giving prompt ettentics Pe Pe <0 = Us SUL YOUR Terriat RESIDENTIAL AL rE 3 im good condition om your real estate problems. work h FE +00 SATISFACTION ASSURED cau : = —— PERSONNEL OFFICE CEMENT WORK. re Se ee Ft see J. WILL PE 3016 _| PAUL D. HAMMOND * 2nd Floor Office Building | sad commercial ‘ree estimates. | ance of 903 We would like to| WOMEN WANT W WANTED TO, BUY HOUSES. 26) W Hurce & Reanor ~ A nitios “Michigaa TF ers damee et pS Mom tute. ene beddings “te bee neta ens omer | FE erie Eves. FE $47)¢ SERV ot tooting tn it "ERINO AND PAINTING. or torn SSS pee CARPET SERVICE versatile material is cheaper, | Wate Pes ctimete, PE Cage down. HI. Sutton. 2-6422. OWNERS sink and recovered. | tighter, faster to and = ANTED TO BUY HOUSES,| We need houses, all sires et Floor and wall covering -im | -very 1 Wall Washin Painting barns. and other build te locations, farms, ac Zz. g ings be acreage, land WOMAN wo WATCH 2 CHILDREN stalled. PE 46976 or Call Mr Eubanks OA 8-2808 ___Hervert a7706 tern down OR Tie contracts. For quick persona! serv. and Thurs. OR 3-0409 | CONCRETE BROKEN WITH “AIR a r 4:30 —_ sitet Bet, 7B WwW. pe om the sale of your property WANT 7 PERMA ¥ BOARD PATCH PLASTERING AND Pas | Val all Washing & Painting antec’ to Rent 29) PO NTI AC REALT 23-8007. Ly Yoo $0278 “PAY com mare or rE PRIVATE PARTY Vv WILL cash .or ‘good fafm- MA S300.” room |} 4 PLASTERING NEW AND RE- Television Service 22) ee Ml 102 -E “Huton Street i. BH) DAY MOONT, GUN, fv emnvace | Le seAMILY SENTAL GQ SERV. | re +024 Eve PE 31317 t- oF. vere eee PLASTER ING rE Sizes zee +258 ers 7s $$$. __P. Lames | COUPLE With 7 DES FORMERLY TV SERVICE WAN. | “3 to 4 roam ‘tormieieg esses SAWS. LAW XMOWT VERS ager Good ahem. | house Up to 8 mona ye | MACHINE sh now m et “Yy for m Serv- _ +2667 ——— MANLEY LEACH 10 BAOLEY| lee call Cosh pre porte. A. A ANTS « OR 5 ROOM | Is Here SUBORBAN SEPTIC, TANE | coana REIN ANT | meermished_Rowse FE 5-400 ele Take Ofion. MY 26431 a ae T¥ ANDY oon WITH INFANT DESIRE | Your p rty wall now have FREE TRIMMING AND REMOVAL| DON'S Radic TY service "| furn, or partly pare. pisos, close a real sales @ ou will Free estimate PE ¢485 PE! cous amp fOr gem _ in. Best references, PE 5-553 be paid a von pe Py for T.n628 DaY monT ELDERLY LADY WOULD Lime) {\*'? tea OR NIG . sleeping room with kitchen ture that you have We al Also shrubs and trut trees MITCHELL'S TV __ lleges, if convenient. FE poi queines for — licensed 100 N. Sar'raw Pe 2-247) GE COUPLE WANTS 70 | i hom “os “On " b2708 After 6 cal) 7 7 rent 4 or 5 rooms unfurnished | Now!’ = Pr 6eis7 ~~ Norris Radio & TV house or“apartment im Pontiac | ac REPAIR SHOP 40 Nevacs st | FE 47888 nes. | Bookkeeping & Taxes 14 Typewriter Service _22A 670 W. H Lact’ rat anieegs co 3 | args 1 een ers . N. PE a ing. or s, 123 N ww block and work. mows masMak chine Expert Gen Smetana ere Pe aa i ore = =a COMENT WORK ALT EERDS FE 5215.16 Palmer. Uphoistering 23) tae. a DOOR, EXTRUDED, ALUMINOM. | Pree 1 "the con Clove to. Detroit coup La 7 Se _ a fa: SS HINC undry Service = 2" rE rgasqnabie 16109 Fenmore Borge ra small 2 om pad aod RC —— "‘:. egy _pAvhos Leander fog. site aw Ra. EM ‘man wishes otha My apart fever Py Pa on. ster oe rents a Poa oe azote eas, ME | ee | Betas tie | gates ee | Wont to Sell? 2-719. . WORKING COUPLE WOULD | ralshed ‘apartenent or ve Sumerous clients at present “FRomes Uphol Upho eciliellog ire wa Aor om ; Have er for 5 room Phone FE 5-8888 _ =p x Sr We. home on 3 to 30 land. Wid Contracts, Bes nae -~b3| eee * Tavter, Realer, Ee roth bh hOQn dL LL BUYERS WAITING | " nfimg ie ta ihe eva el Sr Cash Pg a ee WE e}s OS. _ Nicholie & ‘BW. Saree & Phone FE 64103 Harger Co. “ v x ot. , Se ; j = ks ae Po pre: E She i Ss ane cas oe =} : , j ae. 5 » ow ‘ : wad _ - - * ¢ ‘ Be : 4 ~ ~* + > bi ee 3 | ‘ eh THE PONTIAC PRESS, --FRIDAY; APRIL 2, 1954 >. ee = - Ps - ; Wanted Real Estate 32A| Rent Houses Furnished 35| For Sale Houses 43 _For Sale Houses 43|SLICE OF HAM WiLL oe ust LAKE | RENTAL AGENCY, 334 ROC M ; 3 ‘f McKINNEY -|_ se pe pm: Saeme Realty ieee [etiewtees|Bateman | ANNETT | tet ep ; pe Sa a >> or reRS—___ : — | ave | Mr. Executive ie » © mae ) WE ARE SELLING ALL OF OUR gas heat. PE 5-136 be- | T- sad. ore UN | tween.7 and & p.m. Six epectous rooms, piansed =| Clarkston — . ‘ me... le ean gees er ares ROOkIE AND BATH MODERN. Bi ewes ie home in. good con na open | "foundation. -REALTOR nd ioare you complete satis | Bent and bas tne citterent, something ~ a gee "Kis St Satp"saise' wemes: | 6261. ANDERSONVILLE and « quick turnover, Wis} FE +8797. better than you've seen Tooms, full, : fee ‘} RD: WATERFORD tet te tea, | eT IR ee] te “theemopane ay Sy *Niad ‘maders, seeanem. bone! — PHONE OR 3-1268 Te ~To Sell-To Trade stores. Quick possession. ture window, oii 4 . NE : YOU 'BUY it- WELL INSURE rr Ro" Sail children. Weferences. | nd paneled garage. | Si- . peasion, 9000, ems both. and full becsmsens. Grece- | ~——LiGRRISONREOGN OO. ~~ Rooal parcel. Make an house a * —1_West_Ang Arbor. 7% $5531 MAHAN must Les = gppoinsment te, pee tne | 10 Acres— Clarkston Ares Bight: $1000 with $1400 dows. $695 DOWN REALTY Co. LTORS ished. PE D400 shter Spm = Yases ‘chicken house, ioait Gur, BASE. Nod to Vt. Gert > Member Real Huh. tee. | | ROOMS MODERN ON GabiL- . - work Seutd rest eoties, cation on blacktop street, 2 bed-| New home located on T ROOMS MODERN. OW CADIL- | Dp. ettiest Home pa A By Ted. ‘Tiled | Ra” between and FE 2-0263 we. Couple. Write Pontiac Press gnc tg . omaite oe —. Sah Segond Sicten, ia a4 A) Plas, Open Eves. ‘tt © Sun, 104 a s — 2 deer. ‘Owner leoving “A> | with gas heat. — Fok: Sascmnens : Huron ROOMS AND BATH. POLL BASE yo ey - sacrifice for meet sbed outside, seugh = WEXT DOOR’ TO BRancH | * ROOMS AN «ite a moni Ra the ‘vedrooms is large, with yes : ° ’ Setearg cl pete ue wiring inde, Sol ald cep toe : St re —oremees._Acuite_onty. VE 3.9008. echuitios “20 ft. liv. with down. yy * ry 7 : ee PARM HOUSE. SOME LAND ae room oy ® fireplace New—Vacant bed sion wr Py ovelas.e = 5% MORTGAGES work on shares West of Pontiac. and off the kitchen, «6 3 bedroom bunge- $2,000 DOWN. Good eastside home, | owner. OR 3-064i. x 2 : Write Pontiac Press, Box 16 shaded terrace {or cool § veom 2 bedrms. breakfast nook and| 4 ROOVS, PARTLY MODERN 9 ON FARMS OR SUBURBAN, from | - lL agench aan noons. If you are tow. ctbusted em 8 lets, one ' modern kitchen. large living actos. Ou. equiy. $0 ment g i) seve wiih 300 fe. frontage, no ogg Mg ca sare (ooking. fdr apecial” features — g,inrge Bitchen rm., beth — —— t on balance Pe tone is THE “BIRD” To ae ; re closing fees. , Realt that e basement . lot. Consider . pl s "B. D. CHARLES SMALL. WccueniWoUse— sure: | sbore the ordinary, see this we ae heal “combing. this now at only $4,500. MILLER SAGINAW BAY 2 Equitable Society, 1717 8. Telegraph ——.s oe uae teas ‘Dinle | Dome Bow. ° ton storms eerepna, Over 150 on th FE ¢0621; Eves YE $201 _| corner of Holly_Rd. Aer, of wa camege hams wATuraished summer home Largs DOING BUSINESS AS tage t A ee Rent Apts. Furnished 33 For ‘Rent Rooms 37| Money Talks ° or land contract ip trade. rm. pert beth. STONE REALTY CO. timber nogens famtiy heme chess Drayton Woods vant ame as 8 moderate Immédiate Possession foe ' LIGH HOUSEKEEPING ROOM. rayton = pesos “ 3 rooms with full beth down. 3 : ROOM EFPFICIE: prs schools. 23 ft. living room *Fe" y S gether ee, ere Cree nn Eg tn OF couste. with fireplace, 20 ft. master Almost new 3 bedroom ranch Sits E. abit ome, modernizing. Only pinished Toome upstairs. | this Westward, Pestine. T SLEEPING ROOMS (% BLOCK | — {hroughout. Two car garage tere teemace, sm oe ot eh wa - —. ——————— . Private ’ nice ‘ breakfast LAKE-PRONT. Home nesr Orion ‘ ° LAKEFRONT TROOM BASEMENT APT_3 GIRLS trance. 808 Young St PE S710. Sone. an toss oa thin space, and coramie tie beth. with cere of, land fil Mend- | 019 Josiyn PE 20059 LARGE HOME enon Re eae | Sts eTGe PRIVATe STRANCE pecoment, efi AC heat, eos, ied in i LAROE Room AMD KITCHEN. Riche end laundry 499 Wo Hu- screens, bad doors mF SY ere ne Sear Downtiurn Iy_Gecereted. 510 Crecheed tinlee, | enters arn « Lot - AB oute i o ‘with stens | down, 2 and bath Y LARGE ROOM AND KrvCkEN: | CCOSE INFOR LADY. W K ampsen Standine value at $18,000, What floor for jewelry, Bud? _ | Sen” living stone eit.” gas fired beat ette. Private bath. Idea) for cow | —————__ ~ M1 On 3 . - aes vores med eh alse car or 2 em girls, 290 N. eg Fe ee, _ - -_ . ae 43 side stone orchard, | paved street. ed at only $8,960 —=- sompd | Noe ~ . Realtors FE 4-0528| Dixie Highway— For Sale Houses 43 For Sale Houses sandy $12,500, terms. with terms. Evenings phone Mr.| 1 LARGE CLEAN HOUSEKEEPING | Souien” neden— te aint Zoned Commercial pe. ene One Fe 1 ee ein aes a Bisir OR >-1708. room. Couple enty cg ° or” Eves & Gun -ASTE : ‘D KENT, tor | = THIOMT HOUSEKEEPING WARM | 3°%men “pe tales “OM | co Uperative West Betate szcnange at. “C*miles nor of Beer | EASTER RABBITS GI HOMES |,FLoyp 1 KENT. Reaker | 1 Templeton, Realtor| Warp F. PARTRIDGE. [seers Pleeee ee down to, db acre’ lakefront part, ‘sil | 94.950 ts the full price tor this| GRQUE BRICK suBUR- as 81.000 own ‘plus mortgage 28M Segee oe et ——————EE oo _ - blees © joun . ac . 5 . : . ‘ cml ves. . a, F Trae Fierce” |e, See ee | BUTED NOW |Roger B. Henry) SSsteeh Stefi “ete: Sah car cs| SP TEE eet | ohn K. Irwin |* aspen oon ma i! of 2 children S after 5 | aeeene ee sat Men tego je _ nice os — — 1) n . rwin fee eee +4 ae 7 ae re | ees soe S| jam cea | teem KENNEDY | S°se.S.55) 2 teres SS a |e 9 ROOM APARTMENT. NEAR | cn pe sesne _ sae Sate tp Gees See, ! SAHS = quict. sale, This may’ be 101%) MN. Saginaw a. ‘Sasement. j Rees towers, ineuire ot 22) si eepino ROOM Of WN PERRY. Fieseclag Sine GH CARL SAH: eta West abamhanle hed od Your opportunity. Bre. FE D106 | room collage part Casement. “oa SHRistiAN COUPLE | ____ PE som F. O. : I have 1 2. 3 and ¢ bedroom | Open Evenings ‘til § p.m ese Ate eam terms. |g me. BRICE TERRACE ———_WEW RANCH HOME ee = ¥ Priaice te, private bath and | SLEEPING ROOM PRIVATE EW. FE 2-5053 homes for sale in Walled Lake | 3007 W. Hurc +3500 | leges. 98,960 with lerms. ¢ RM. BRICK, TERRACE. veo KEW RANCH HOME | St rt —¥ setreace. its Howard FLEE PING ROOM. BUSINESS | QMc* co Woodward at Square] Gree Aso vacant and. farms. aa Meee O. Al 3 bedrooms. 9900 down.| Has full, basement, nice picture window pear| Two ready T SMALL ROOMS YOUNG COU. |#LEEPING noom BUSINESS | PII" ng” wil build anywhere. pencont B18 Grand River 4 bedroom | OO5, 02 Je porch, lawn and shade. schools. churches, and sores, Well rage Seat = moet Tson Al. , < .. Price installed n Pe in| ae in Game Een S| | .| Sages St) HAYDEN | Seite SiS | SSSR ce Gamo ee | i ne ig crag ich ROOM POR DAY WORKER Rent free spacious § rooms, beth.| },,US¢TOP™ 08 south frontage: | 9680 Grand “Rives Detroit, | 30% W, Hurca 8. vu tem) woopwanp ESTATES. Yer William O. Whitcomd Realtor house, carpeted. 2 stall, garage, ff Ps ay Ditte Hwy. | —__'™ MENOMINEE RD. | Os floc. while 6 rooms, bath. This has been reduced to KEnwood i-To' Open Evenings | ie ~ ey py — sEendou Sa. er A 4 7 ROOM FURNISHED MEN OwLY Rooms With Board 38 Sere HE nde Sue bermnes | Sot Cutsk cate. Bo cure end 00) are © AOE, 4 beth modern bungaiow. Hoo | MEM 3. Seite close to scbeal end | part payment. FE 24008. = ¥ RooM Pur | | atemenl, 68. Mew ene hyrmees |) "ule ssthe 2 wowerel Hrepieces; | 2 HARD TO FIND full basement’ Price 98.000. dus, $150. down. PB 7-143. Vv 3 ROOMS. PRIVATE BATH EM-| ComPoRTABL ROOM. TMIN | water heater You still must re- CARL SAHS utility room, off tiled | “g7950. Have only one. 5 room, terms. Ba’ $48 mo. 4 per NEW AND VACANT SYL A N | AK E ployed _coupie, 137 Baldwin. __| __beds. t or 2 gentiemen PE 23420 | Coive the 5143, ae basement with lavatory and Gress! spotiess mod. bang. O8 best, se cent interest. Mere te 0 heme thet wil bring | apr ee | goad meals Neat Poatiee '& Pick: | sonal “down ‘payment on this, 3 | neo Oak ee | ee ree | ee BE ree John Kinzler, Realtor Tene h hes 3 Welvcome eas] SOE, Were yench’ nomen ~ 3 ROOM MODERN. PRIVATES EX |e FE Som Gage’ Pontes, 4467, Curt. Sianley, | “4 ©1005 or MA ~~ | a4 ACRES OF LAND JUST OUT) WEST SIDE on’. ann wt’ PE 43508| bath large living room wih din: ater 4 a trance. mo drinkers, Smail child | ROOM AND BOARD FOR MEN. roker_ Fenton $187 ot the high tax are in 5 room mod. bung. (5 acres).| ty no answer Phone FE 32-8029 space. modernistic kitehen| sas vine room 7 welcome FE 3-3664 PE +2839 Cail after 4 p.m Brother eaten 6 moe ANB Township. Completely medera ¢| Liv. rm. fiseplece, picture ein Open Until §@ P.M. wae ee yoom top Kitchen te | cae. T NICE’ ROOMS AXD BATH PRE | ROOM FO (RENT, BOARD IP DE- | BIRMINGHAM. 3 BEDROOM AND - » | eat oll beat, storage shed, come | OWS Tile kik’ & litle ‘bath, ree:| Cocperaiive Reel Betale rchange locasry section ‘Biectrte bet we-|. Sete “Berce ¢ vate entrance. Working cou eacher. business . basement, fruit t pertally completed | rm. OU bt. Paved | beater Goleman Blead-| wide tote ‘ Weights PE 4st! i with "home pr 7S Lin | en monlniy. Owner. i eetse |REAL BUY. CRESCENT LAKE. tt) ‘un porca, F°" deep well For |- “JOSEPH F. REISZ KNI JDSE fire ‘ol furnace, Located on 0 | fad’ sewers al “CLOSE IN | _ coinshire $545 | “\oDERN « BEep.| 7%* 6 room ‘ ‘ 06 = . sarge suburban , Fs » Hae Ae ag micsty farershed a ay Si] Soar Fon a i home. fuil basement tee gy -1760 gy Be e~| Apaxruceyt FoR RENT cuni:| Hotel Rooms 39 YOU CAN aparimsat vavement | car garage. t fas. inne privieges | PIONEER HIGHLANDS . Spportunity “tor’ combination | ee Dine Nigh WRICHT, Realtor éren welcome. Call Romeo PL : se Sante with 3 lots pay fof itself im @| to Round Vacant and Saar hance seen Humphries home and business. Be sure and JiM WRIGHT, prDROOM AND HOTEL AUBURIN one? wil pring, 660 On mais | WEST & rooms, 2 rooms | Built in 1880, $4 room ipdividuasty | ee ominwors KT 2238. Telegraph | Prigitetve_ end beth. YE _31673.| case ong revstgoretion watt, | highway élees to, tows. 51600 down, flares "be coms with | styled brick home 2 charm and | MUNTOOM LAKE Pr streets! \VM. Ho KNUDSEN Le — a CLEAN 4 ROOM Apap teey- Also 1 of 2 room Apartments down. F YOU vom up, full basement, gas beat, Featuring vestibule qutrance to e = room oe ae og REALTOR n 5 BEDROOM West side. Adults only. FE 2-8225 | 464 auburr Ph 3-050 l many other ' desirable features. | 27 ft. living room 2 large bedrooms. plenty of clos. | 310 Pontiac State Bank Bide Semi-bungalow room, “¢in- C 3 seeMaor | HOTEL ROOSEVELT Would tke @ good 2 bedroom) ‘Vacant If you see it you'll like| ¥! bedrooms. bath, com- | ets. oak floors. plastered wails. | Ph. FE 44516, Eve. 32-6320, 2-3750 BALE. We recom- room. kitchen, 2 5 epertment, electric refrigerator. bungelow with full Desememt,! x A brick Resshire — t Kitchen. seven large closets.| New 2 car Better call FORCED —s down. 3 bedrooms up. eS ee | es ee ee a a one oe 2 basement recreation room.| to see this home si 89.990. terms : oe na tee tee basement —with---steaay —— os 4 _ P sto cane garage and land FORNISHED APT FOR RENT 7 oo cae | CAMERON H. CLARK | 3, Stcase"s Seen ee ' R | R | Pp Robes te bus, Built in 1963 Terms can be arranged. or 3 men preferred, We drunks. sad Rent Stores 40 | per mo. call w TRY Freecom reg oO ty a cae umpnries . e ee, IVAN W- ee nT Nn 9 | 1362 W. Fu Open - 953. Consists : as as Pare ae rag ger | eee DEE Sorte at St) ata ED ESE | Gea a ae a | wore, m, roucmnoy! hel Lake From wreseee | SCHRAM~ - PE 36208. _ - : - 4 . WORTH E brick ranch in ee : ; Fy - I8KED gg Nie’ APT. ~~ Rent Office Space 41 will be — theme = ying 11,000 —— ag i: _ few, ownet "Five Tor en —— geet ie * bath. Large partly finish : i or 2 adults only, MA 3073 _ a ~ t — will jove. 8 RLE . = is <2) veg poem an complete bathe, enone, pla painted walls, flush ; LARGE 4 ROOM. EXECUTIVE OR ~ fed lake tha ( ’ [A HOME AND GARDEN | 13x13 ainme room. Front — 8 with recreation SS | |C FE 5-5091 ae ne or ee Fe “ony National tonal Bank Building FE | nia) Opdyke FE ¢isie 1717 WEST SUBURBAN, § MILES tie “beth "yo. “Oo heat, Cement geome of povund level, Heme Timien 2 Desk, end full | oosg Ww, muron on ¥ . a es _——_ a Built . masonry room ive * = storms “ z « aa gav- . im Pontidc, the| and bath semi-bung with $1) only $11,800 terms. any ped with alum fer Siena ae | Se eee noe | BROWN Ei ses "| Se se a ee er FEW 3 ROOM APAR’ \ eae — — FOR : EAT epee and — ' sive Harbor over- SUBURBAN : LAND co. + csuple preferred No ehuaren, od light furnished Reasonable! sees DOWN. Attractive, new, 3 Twist, DRILL EMPLOYER pe meno oo and screens, Hut I \phries home "was castog built for a eS a home 1994 Pontise Trail Walled Lake fost na Orion. MY 24883. ise Beach Der} Supsiy, IT W. Lawreace 8t civveompiead. Wel septic. fil] fatory'™ Buus "woud" ‘be | tarden’ sot. Property your ree | REALTOR | FE 2-0474| pensive entras. 3 bedrooms, Rouhed, ate fe 2 eee | I _ Houses _ 43} beth. automatic not waler heat | brightened by coat of Pie 4x38 38 fami ‘oF an be converted Ts . . ‘ a re Se = 2 car and picture window in the : ig ee Pg ar = ing. : ot taly e008 -—W and Ky, a ie aneams Pye! vat aise) 3 N. Sarno me a ees garage. Call for appofnt- : —— rm penny ‘Tine. PE 53769 after 5. . ee unga rage. ; right a . | OPFER for Quick SALE | ment. i und room, , hK nis WES CEBAN 3 noone, apowts| A HOME OF YOUR: | low” Vestibule Toeranee” of fai Gare poweeica meats ~ oe < epee 525 Lake Side “ hed gare eg penitely ii ou DRINKERS, OWN = eS ae oe always buys} DREAMS DO COME TERRACE; LIKE USED CARS| °“) oo teth Lake. New, $00. , NO CHILDREN. NO Payments are only $36 .GI RESALES are siway ge : TRUE ; are’ good and bed, see after r 3 rooms and refrigerator, 290 month. Pull price only $7.1 a oe - + p.m. or ll day “unday. leav-| #42 roou home. WILLIAMS LAKE. Only jeosry - = Commerce Area . a pay-|4 ACRES GOOD GARDEN SOIL.| ¢?: ’ ; few steps to the sandy Oe ASE ROLES | ire arms fu bom, | Magma mem RE TACK Se mechnpaes ‘Park. ¢ rooms, | Snegtt sets pope abe: TODAY ote “entrance ‘win ice isundry | car aro, AS, Beat, Beet! ierge tole, ‘Terme cen be ef | $1030 on ‘Madison and a 6 ee ee ee | full garage. je 3 "bedroom "bun eae ‘oom "ibe Highiand fa alioninpreile’ aa ne ce Se) Be aes at wereee Steet| LOVELAND - | ‘teslic R Tripp, Realtor saat oa Tas)tbe ED aie = a BOO , : . hea 5 : , : ; WEST SIDE 3 nocess, hang | | Near Waterford High $3,905 DOWN. “Two Sener. $ $12,900. at 18 sige down SUNSHINE . FE ¢166) | 22 W. Lawrence Street Tier Eve. mitchen eta Lot oy Hn 6 room 2onte : Mom Some bait to St. eet | oom’ Apt. Up, Private entrances, | WEST SIDE 7 rooms, 2 story with| AND PRES AIR. Tine Cuce Lake Rd, Keego Hareer| PE e-alle or FE S-bi0) home tor $1990. Better cail vangalow ‘sad Gece Rent Apts. Unters | HE Seticgindd tt He] Ge ete mee et] ge MH Ta pia eo SRY TALIM : pgscKoo | Fetes i wee BAe’ q - _ = ’ a. ol = ¥ --- + REFER | fab garage available. $10,966 with a eS a oe aie _ = I | A N MACEDAY LAKE cov gouty. Pe | Oak foots ‘snd piacere waa : ; : settle te, thi: roomy farm- alls. Leg + : ED APT. IN : “Visit our office and look over our! fT) CHARLES, Realtor : ; { l. “eas bone with 4 bedrooms, — Fe ont on furnace. sute. Two Family Income Many photo-listings, convenient content 7. . liv room, dining room, kitchen, plastered painted Fue Gon Gomes — Excellently conditioned sae | ae 5. on pecmuer of Poutinn | 1011 B. Tes Batate Oe e-oesi REALTY CO. REALTORS an perch. eauthy veem. Lei wells, ¥ wn kitchen jp ey ~-y -~ aati Lh aap tig convenient to "Es cog 8 ron and Co-operative Listing Exchange. 2-1704, PE 5-6878 mamecnlhing =; oi ' apammen FOR BETTER HOMES Wersaa Late ms| dome situ oe pugs pir love “The ss ath ¢ 4 and . F a é , storms screens. Located Joslyn. e Gak i-oors, plaaier-puinted seeing | 1. H. BROWN, Realtor Clarkston Opes. Bees, St 8 Sms. 4 a ag TY By sion. ‘eke, privileges close by a Beaks boone $450 DOWN : believing and priced to sell. | 1362 _W. Bone FE _2-481¢ ge ye bes thts NEXT DOOR gRRANCE = A vey wontertal oe UNION LAKE RAY O'NEILL. Realtor jer citer bigot ai a . : 7 , home what you —_ = Mn Wond: conditioned | attracts ent cinder block : = East Side are looking for. Taree ving > throughout. 2 ver garage tn base-| “S"cedrecm home “Living, room, SS. See steel ae in. = § betroom Demo te ceed Meatten. Brick with fireplace. ee moll, Upper eperement vente fer pA PR is wired but : ceeds ia t is “Living . _ electric il 7 alin. rtvitastebetetll cM ae TELS 4 ~ a RET +, iets ‘siorme” , ——— _ et - (SI ~ _ Frosiage, on heren. Bt, clove | Close to sing “bag 4 amen | ee 2 screens, Neat . ouse — a fired heat, electric wa- ~ a ey a this good * $2.50 down. ; : = 2 West ter hester, bressewsy, sad 2 car) - ____} Woes today, Brentags efter Geel! —EMBREE & GREGG T WEST SIDE = West Suburban a > Side maccary astr with Ore. FOR THAT LARGE Mr gna 1656 Union Lake Rd. EM 34093 & SEMI-BUNGALOW 4 canal leading lakes i price . y . Ls } i . : poy nice cinder block} ~ Income Fis. 200. css : FAMULY oo for Extra nice: wie oan buflt tm . 3 on Pam - aame bein ler with 100 Re tront- $8,000. PAT? 7RN. Realt * Dilarge family, "4 bedrooms. Storey vodesome, anda omn| MI L . Pipactons roomie amd 3 ae Price La pstaah E Capea oe pent to nrenutnen nped, age thas can be used a aan oe Sat. & Sun.—2 te 6 large ‘hoored ‘ra : aaa TANG BATE WiTe OL UY_AN SELL $39,500 | — Beal Retele since Hie —| _Resement_oll heat. | Storma ie yom age teal |, | NORTH SUBURBAN. | ° Sa! & Sun?! Priya oe a MODERN 3 AND ps + FES fofta fe - DRAYTON PLAINS pared road near, Wever prod vided fot peereation south. | Gade € dunes Wundecn- betes Beau. NE Corshiceetacs—e screens 4 i :. nem, Seo 8 4 ROOMS RAY O'’NEIL, Realtor | acre-s Rang ey @ rooth eet HF ye Bee Priced, to - sell a tiful kitchen. Pleaty of cepbeards. MC » Cambrook peo on ter ers. ea eg rd dN Fer cot sea” US "ta" ats| Westridge at Waterford |" one rooms : . . - a e Ex : NDY Ne ee —_ Deseo gn or ot " fap an? and base- J fect meter bongalew 2 bed- - 2-0253 ITS A = 33 W Hero St. Ph. FE ~~ BY OWNER. 57 W. CHICAGO eutomatic gas hot . Oak eS ee ae ae rooms, remodeted kitchen, base-| HOME RAS BVERYTRING. , Open 6:35 “il 8:30 Small home Moors aS beauttutly last:| aie. Live ip one and have | ment wna furnace recon e —_ the other’ This le © bargain lemorary Rabeh Redes ! ‘ ; B+] ret “Pt lace. a VACAN Bees — Doo wens ~- = “ered . floors, an price Re ore homes ST A HON GILES REALTY CO,‘ | lring Rome’? frepiees. ating | "ROOT ranged OF YOUR OWN! ; — sa el cit er] er got ae Me ae 8 GI RESALE a Bi. jr a “SESRcE MARBLE. |. wise ; ta nome-wity_ ten} *08 FE eee —~ REALTOR : 7 Pole 7 {Paap Brand ew. : |? aaiemegt, Me carpesed A. JOHNSON. Realtor | 696) ANDERSONVILLE Date Lake {ag ie; a si * | 6261 A} | _ BON ip com ' ; eter ond eaemene of Srnace, | FE 4-2533 RD.. WATERFORD =a . . oe oor ee origage. | $42. mo. Be| "1704 S, Telegraph Rd.) - “pHONE OR 3-1268 ‘ Vag oa aaree , ; : a * - mt > i sila p aoe rd lie + net. th oe aan need a ee ais > a es - va .. = nt -* F = “4 Ries, Se a OPE een Cae = j : : : whi ssa" : a : = : 4 + = ae sis s s ss ; ‘ 4 ¢ ee ~ AS aoe “ ; i ‘ ‘ ce geo = THE PONTIAC PRESS, FRDAY, APRIL 2, 1954 we Business Opportunities 51; FUNNY BUSINESS by Hershberger| Auto Accessories 57) For Sale Uged Cars 61 _For Sale Used Care 61 I. me : AUTO PARTS — hl AS ’ a ae eb eae | GLENN'S. E.e'p ws. Fe Vasis ot 2 a, aa ‘toe Se $5 . . Seo ~_ “ae | *s : 7 ee ’ OTWALL. NT 'S3 Pontiac 4 dr., One of Oakland County's finest bar | = ~ rEWALL — like new” se ps so eIaas of trate = Do W | 'S} Buick Super Hardtop a Soait Approsimately aise “ "$2 Buick Super Hardtop pelntment eniy. CRANESHAFT GRINDING f r é APe , dr., st K_ L, Templeton, Reakor shine "Sbop. 3) Hood Pa PE End of Month - _ ’ ‘ , se 3% WW. Huron @ ____—*FE 3 r=: 52 Ford Matnliner Ses ice, re tng oe aaa ee TIMATE Clearance [eves Y¥ STORE WiTh Fix. eemme cane aes 52 Studebaker 3rto08 Evins quasuer Sy Sete BRAID) MOTOR SALES ' S$] Chey. 2 dr. Powerglide oe Tess Prices 3 rr LD INE os $ ord 2 door sPRCiAL ana ae That's what you'll be saying wien Bimpore tad painting "We ties Slashed! ‘SO Ford 2 dr., sharp Se gerion os Seen ‘$0 Ford Club Coupe Tayler “Realior FE. cana? . Wanted Used Cars 89 "47 a New "$9 Ford Custom 2 dr. THE HIGH DOLLAR . ‘49 DeSoto 4 dr. tor jhe nigh grade esed care. We 48 Plym., Like New tT Tate eet = See M Motor ALSO 47 Dodg Several Transportation i + cease Specials to Choose From “I'm always stepping backwards into the hoe or rake!" «3, MO. V: ir Bias Pans ee 42 Ford, Very Good ie Sommey, but pou "can vecalion Money to Loan ad For Sale Mousetrailers 55 Top Price for Your Car _ $125 ( -LENN S | + winter { +, Hall | AVERILL'S 2020 DIXTE RW : poles ge lage vale" vox pean ACCESSORIES - EQUIPMENT i Fea? me Oe re eben ’$1 Pont.. Runs Good | : GEORGE WAND CO $05 per weet and the full price | The complete trailer home store | a, $05 S l BEAL ESTATE hot Water Nice lot With & beau: 24 Pontiac Trail Walled Lake) ts only $10.00 with reasonable GET CASH QUICKLY | (fms “pcks, lignts, paints, root CARS Te tagte ™° otor ales ; 368 win Ave tiful view overlooking lake Showa | LOTS 56 X 320 ON PAVEMENT terms. (768. ) } | eoating. bottled gas line of gas = . . : Z PE 50101 or PE 20544 » poimtment Cameron HM Easy terms. P. W. Dinnan & Son. U t $500 stoves and nes also car MO!OR MART 46 Ford, Fair Car | * a ——| Gare Reator, 1960 W. Huron, 66 W. Hurca. TE W DE Dp O | equipment. (oureid and other ig) © Montbaim. PE +4200 195 $1,350 DOWN St FE ¢6esd, Open, evenings | Near LONOPELLOW SCHOOL. STA = i 1940 to 108° cars Bring your hitehes, over load springs. cars ) CARS WANTED $193 Worm. comfortable. economical _0n8_Sundaye ALSO SOME NEAR WALTON | weal Estate Service of Pontiec Se tee ees eS ad a ee 500 CARS WA) aes ce Giemcnccre | | LAKEFRONTS | WILLIS M. BREWER | saps’ cetnece: gti) Bisse eetcune “acta "| TRAILER EXCHANGE | BAGLEY AUTO PARTS| Many, Many Others | ¢ Saginaw St phn Ey yy X= RUNTOON LAKE We the | se aadit Recseret Hotel ve ¢ a | ree ale 70 To Choose From | Je ae : wah gas Cutomatic hot} room ranch home feetur Pg | EA iow | O AKL AND ANDERSON. i004 "31 rT. save 7) ae Cie FF 4-7371 in Cuy of floors, full basement, eom- a A the season with s larg- Breman, excellent condition, Lol —_— oe aE ; Ca ed Eg ister ease | Loan Co. cane eSacn "pre pexys | “Ear, te comtuen te | Economy Cars, ee Sie my eee Fee | ce oO 9.92 “rat eee ete | we se ee —opcrae—ex| YOUr Old Car | mr zee somes SATURAL FIREPLACE details call. port, OR trained FE — 06 water ‘ wreck ‘3} Chev. Perfect motor "Sse Perce) mapas |y Ey 2S Se Pe | Oe = tem! §=Down = 8 asi ane: © Ay room ite, of this § room. 1M story Near Watkins Lake aed Const 22 PONTIAC STATE BANE BLDO.| OXFORD TRAILER WILL TAKE OVER PAYMENTS ON Th ph 4 ~ ee, ; as. nice Gown; end room for 2 bed- y ef this nT 51d Pettibone. x SALES - iat. - On | 4 °S Buick Supers ..... wall carpeting, rooms 3 Screened-in front ee et Punt. Phone 3.2306. ¢2180 »- ese | “42 et Club Coupe reseed svt : Sierare int foom 3)"carwarage. Donelson School Area : Pa “ai” pour iMEe (erty stares st ee ee eee j Pexaon and paoes ae te ie he Seco ‘Por deals call Attention wg By tte ‘ GOOD TIMES Yo have t see them te apore Sate. — a oe 50 t Mod ] cole Ceatiiec, Piymoutny Cher sl BOGIE LAKE is the setting =a = Partridge and ) SayLire. 30 foot at 68.200 a big WOULD LIKE "4 BUICK OR CAD. | La e els} models end mates 63 up. Wi : sound, desirable home con- te which you will find this Me ey es Limegy Aah private party PE 7400 er PE | E accept real estate or contracts. “uting’glvcotry bat conn closet | oven pex'e ‘mm reech’ | CARL. W. BIRD, Realtor] up “arn co ocr BAD TIMES | sf es" tot Gecartteits ware | Conse’ "TE US * F®| to Choose Fir QM) fren trmeses win onal ) Bie. tea ‘ealacd ioi| fooma fireplace, tm living | Otte FECAL “Eves, PE Sing) TOU Want TO BUY A Business| = OVER THE LAST | rewirar® SIR seat" Vehowsns | “or ty toa pickup | Steves aARDTOP Site Pow. fan He teen wasemena, 3 | , — = oe PAA { 37 YEARS trate -cu can haul with ease 4730 Joslyn Ra — MY 26432 BUICKS orgiide, Ale Goccee. Very lew mite» ~ FOUR BEDROOM BRICK car attac rage, and 2 PONTIAC LAKE DRIVE-INN 34,000 families tm Pontiac and Oak-| , S24 Se” pels. pchde ap to 6| @ TO 8? CAR. IN EXCELLENT aher 4 eae teat tome | Sate oy pigeny see | COMMERCIAL LOT | *aveizernttecud'weo( fos: Socuxina, =" renee "star ay Rialto al | Sean Pree") DONTIACS | _ ay “areterem| al deal for's boot tivery or | See'summer Dustmecs “As sete of _ Pav 7 Accesories WID JUNK CARS & SCRAP INON We have '47 through =, Livabie . Only $1,000 on terms, spece Beostitul modern DUCKNER'S ts the eld retiatie up| ‘MU* Sone ota ‘ten Mn oid cog ge oo CHEVROLETS Hudsons. Come see us — lage} JAMES A. TAYLOR gud tacks to nahe wentg ier nen | eater leea compony whore yee a for a new or used Hud- built iy chine eabineta gee fur-| REALTOR FE 4-2544| \\ ARD E. PARTRIDGE. | $hceg"al cuiy tasca 7 "| Ste “Ivars welt trested. ‘ Sale Used Cars 6 DS a cae ald’ nice REALTOR FE 2-8316 re . Pp FOR son. feaged. “tangeesbed stot” Sell or| Modern Lakelront Home a ae A SUPER MARKET | weex gives comm: |- F-ONTOC Your Hudson Dealer as Soasky Pree tetix "tits ‘S’a cat | RANCH HOMESITES | "etc Saree. Se) OF OR SHORT. TIM 93 DODGES JACOBSON'S “ ——_ _ Electrically ‘heated. Pull | A STEAL—1 dicek from Lake Ovum | fecludes all the Aistures You can pet Graes Ty OU MUL ' ee) : DORRIS & SON tesetent Parra eect |} dined trom the pavement. 2 fete | er ee eS OOO area on cee) DEALING WITH BOCK. hiet RIVIFRA BUICK Oldsmobiles sa © Pike Bt re 2.2080 fa Wares PE 4-1567| pane Seite a ty Bee Ane LARETRONT—Portect beast | Frere ‘Weaking for a Gteceny sue cose banitn SUPER - CHEVIE «7 FIVE PassENO a I ie re Br a ele Pca MORILE HOMES || S495 ee ee . ‘ ass-Etiz 5 4 n — — — WALTON Sos cs rae oak hats ks | PES E See Omew bt | WORKING MAN'S | vou can ont opto poun totay,| Team weer OPE! pour vo cnaaee trom gurty rou COMMUNITY [oat 2. 3 oh, OF sist "Gree wramome ever sat) LC LADD | rel"inad. gis yaar toh cove STORE EES ASSES eis ome) SS SAE MotorSalesinc.| avers Rest floors, full basement and two car | Neer the ‘akes. 2 mi west of A good business that will show you months to repay cn low monthly, i909 dows mission, radio, v and all are otor e C.| ends and of 4% From ® to 6 gerage. A home that must be | $280 Disio Mey. GR TFSi | Pontiac On Cass Late & Pontiec| & food return on your investment payment. The charge te loss thas | fimighed im sparkling 2 tone . , PE 22208 to berambes Vlesteting vesetital | ee aor Lake Rd. me ke er ae Oe Se aee | tae tng eatanin. Hutchinson's Trailer Sales; [tine “guarantee Really 0 true Buick-Pontiac ‘ school Prices at ay a0 | tage Wil separate. EM 3306. f. of fremsege, 63100 63,8 down, pias Ssventory (cae = youn OR ye conn tae’ comuereae pan Open til 10 | ca orem appointment be Vacant Lake Frontage Ses iy fof frontage. fis0o ) WARD FP ARTRIDGEF | Better Be Safe a ve ty Oak th taser eis “Onecbind down cna 3s menene mn ree van ( l $350 do-r os, | Righwey pay. , N. Main Street K. G. Hempstead, Realtor} , on Whipple Lake L. C LADD OTBROKERS CLEARING HOUSE. Than Sor ry! LINTZCRAPT, 4 FOOT MODERN, // ” tat the Fort Sat of Town re cate Tere Fb niset) outs a “toe nnd une | oes Penn TE ma. BE Soom CONST TOCOAST wet sad sees ax | BUICK BOB" | — kociEsreR | . : WHY NOT BUILD? | “© ee am =a —3| World's Laro Borrow the Cash — faethe Rats i er Sale Acreage ©) World's Laraest) “‘You'Ned at =| TRAILER ~| COULIVER jam samen Re ag “4 3 ; | oa capa CLEAN LAKE PRORTE si? aa 20007 |< ACRE PARCELS HEAVILY Trw-|% ¥ ~~. Bremen 8 oO EX ANGE | CLARKSTON MOTOR SALES oe. PS Se BUILD ae B wm up. Terms 8 | Sebeh hoo w wy ie minnert of, Peale CH A MOST RELIABLE DEALER Clarkston. Mich Ph, MA 5-9141 | Used Car ——— “ “~ oe LADD o— QUICK SALE. 2 PAIR CHINCHIL BUCKNER SAILES—FINANCING [210 aes ee ee | Sale Suburban Prop. 45A | 3% Pontise Lx na tee $1,000 cosh OR P10 oc1 BOpOY SRAMER Phone FE 2-9101 ! LOOK ! —— 4208 B « coors for. 8ig.s00 or Case “Late fa FINANCE COMPANY | $f : preter) a | ; r l ‘ Cretan Ballaer Le COLONIAL HOME 3 + Sine ey ee | Sale, Trade, or Lease i ee a - i~ z Jn Feat ee oven _Open 8 a.m. to p.m. _ | PS eirereuce cece Ste ease | O I ol ’ ~ § ACRE PARCELS. SETTIE N. Saginaw & Huroo St. ¢ not only |_| ‘80 Chevie deluze, 2 dr. Cle AMS E | Leceted close mm te Onforé, fret | mi seri of Pouties city limite: | stodern’tuly ped vosaaraat, sively at regvint er Tower oriees SUICK is) §UPER WF SERIES $8 Buick. special sedan Dynatiow | — =~ =“AREA [2 ee ae ston, Thi “is poeutifi ane | out ache comes, Sones or pee: Starving Ge eyes Se sell | core red. black top Oenaine req | ‘Hl Poatise ‘Chieftain detuze, 2°47 | 53 Ford sedan, radio = inies emeeg nadie te ate room. center hall, kitchen, — J age. i) tees. 9 mile north of imiay City —_ —. euurteets { leather interior. Drosfev. heater. Hy¢ramatic .. 4 $006 & heater ...... $1,395 = bathe speed porch. and laundry room Up Cc. LADD. on M53 Write 4004 Van Dyke, fined beta ince white walls. powe ond Be er sa peaks od s omens i tenes . — ha: 4 bedreoms and | 4388 Ey. 381 Imlay City of Phone ¢63F 11. #32 Paved display end parking; 4 Wmdows, top. and seat l can Cheelavchehr e . foes | °C ; » : Custom ranch home. brees il Dasement with off furnace, | $s Ditte Nur. 3 383i _ a ‘ot tiful and excellent condition. Lin- jab epe $3 Chev. tudor, radio way. .2 cor garage. 3 large bed-| 2 car garage. and paved drive (once ay SILENT MONEY MAKERS EIONT | @ 8 felegrapn Ra. coin 23-4078 o Buiek setee o308 7 rooms. tile full basement, | The large. lot ig nic ors uke Rd. te gut vendicg orvnes FE! 600 to 9000 esd to ance «| ace feveniags one bandas 00 RPI _Several cheaper cars & heater, 2 tone $1,448 5 Ag — “NEAGRER REAL EsTaTs™ Sale Business Property 49 itn 1 GROCERY S¥eR—an5| _ COMmmunity Loan Co | EW AND MODERNIZED Garp ‘51 i a tor Hardtop. Joti t meg oars '$3 Ford eeda PAUL D, HAMMOND. | axronp = noonta ano BAH |OMOCERY stone. wrru geen | gil Porters ia wort croiiin | 30 E, Lawrence FE 2-7131 Gee low prices nied sone tgs) Sut S0'aee,ena,Patgie © igi Caevin_@ DOOR tka |" Seam, ais w. “maren ot neaiter | near)? seven chien pease | snd, "ime cena. and one eat eu-| YO OP Sarit eee for Prieodiy service a gh fi Peoples Auto Sales mechental copies we | Fordomatic, radio FE +1741 Eves. PE Satia| Sie of term Sie.ene Ghee | TES Ee Nock end carrel, bee | TO BUY TC suit, REALTOR TRAILER EXCHANGE je Oatiend Ave. FE. Merits FE pee & heater ...... $1,595 : Fi Apply $2) Whittemore. _| _Partrider If THE GiRQ tn ~- "2 & Tetearent Tha: : : ; Williams Lake Canal Ws N, Saginaw “PE Seo | START YOUR il « Need Mone ? | open Bree ee, CADILLAC 1961-63 1947 Chevrolet $3 Ford tudor : Cate 9 bes . . 24 cement bidg. with 4) Sale Land Contracts 52 Ys 3 FT AMB@RICAN 9480 3123 LA 8 ee See Se eet o, . SEDAN : - : full bath, of! hest and hot water,| The “All Woman Realty’| nece Execliemt for any business. | ~~ waw~ | ; peer Rd med » eae. aan.) TAs Oe eee oma | See Oe “3195 sod vedy.| —Fordomatic, radio aan Rm SS Se For honest courtecur efficient sere | Growing community. Full price nao ee oe NEW MOON A lustrous Fordor seden with & heater ...... $1.545 ac! 5 sale, call Mr. Deyo,| '<¢ speciaitriny tm ieke end cub | 69950. with $3280 down. LAND CONTRACT , AS SEEN IN “THE LOG, LONG | "7¢TBMAtic, radio. heater. seat e Sy By Eve. FE 31002. Sree og ]. C. HAYDEN, Realtor n +. covers, white side walls, etc. Your MICHIGAN’S $2 Ford d . ! . . NEAR COOLEY LAKE = INCOME | 3.) yy , anes | end weet cubsrbes location Con = TRAILER gs FOOT oid car down FINEST 52 Ford tudor, overdrive, ) “BUD” Nicholie bedrowm Lome win o') tener For Sale F, «| om mm oe ae ie ae COMPARF IT FOR PRICE AND W. A. CALTRIDER, INC. owi-nn baven coe radio & heater. .$1,245 REAL ESTATE. house for rental purpoess. $iTs¢ = ot nanes “parment of a-steor any omer | BAREHURST TRAILER COURT Be it gall ON TRE CORNER OF |) SYLVAN LAKE PRIVILEGES % Le ‘FARMS SPECIALS” F C Wood Co worthy purpose Most loans are & SALES, 1 MILE BN. OF LAKE BUICK. i953 UPER 2 DOOR” WOODWARD AND 13 MILE ROAD 52 Ford sedan, 4 BEDROOM HOME | sere mic modern 12 bedroom | “Showa By Appointment cor ‘Wines deme ca we =. oe ae tee | : Riviera, dynafow, redie, heetet, | Mew ties CUEVRCLES BELOEE! = Eordomatic, radio Fore hs, stows 191,002, Netreee | soadertal ay at sease gis0o| Se “pinch to ‘reed. cat of ke OR 31235 After 6 OR 3-aosg | O87™MENt olan. — fa caccutive owner. Ml Cote” pth ioe a erie) © heuer $995 . 5 % P t st in ern mes, ’ oa aan bn at 2 ONSET? @& Fak 2 sner ech ee Ce . picdesapeynmienin THELMA M. ELWOOD| gotmauc neat, meagre veins i| age vs ron mvemuext! | Home & Auto | sss op nase omon:| ‘op'ast ae"trPereRn | taggnemee MT emeTer Me $ EAST OF PONTIAC 514 Cass-Elisabeth Lake Rd. lesips: ever wae eee a en Brand new 1960's... Priced for | BUICK i063, SUPER RIVIERA. “EST ATTTO RATES | nt Rord sedan ..... $09 PR 5-1284 FE 43844 Open @ to 9 ing m dg Bg. verrung full F cent discount, excellent loca- wick salé. Richardson dic>'van dynafiow. radio and heater MIKE’S AUTO SALES aS Ford tudor Sr ie? tne esS| otic 9 ‘Loan Company} Sry"sicar st" 9 “amee ciom Unmet them | © PONTIACS TOP TRADER : Ne. radi ar is eke caer nae UTICA oy creat a Eee a | eos Genumaare ag treet and oy Privak owner. Hartland ATTENTION Fordomatic, radio -WER om teens. po on oe boon. me Fre 113 acre Ny farm. | 94.140 balance $50 month b Pon. | ee a as WILL TRAD PRIVATE OWNER HAs 3 BUICK mete i. Wy haves automobile & heater ........ $895 3 CARROLL PORRITT | feo est = “ay ;| complete dairy set up, 2 modern |“ tiee Country Club. Ubera! dis TEAGUE FINANCE CO 4 Gr. Super. 2 tone green, white| facts, ct We have 9 automobile These homes feature for barns, silo, m “nen house,| count \ NA? -| For "6 to ‘4 model: @ inte newer brakes 4,000 M3 yee IS SOF . w OPE 971%| CONVENIENCE AND Foun tool shed’ tarm 106 per cout ies ASK FOR MR, YOUNG 202 S. MAIN 1961 all aluminum, fully modern wal re wate tr cidée cas,| remit) contiicn We have 50 Ford tudor, radio - PE pies er PE ssie| COMPORT actomane of ied| wheet and hay om farm, | A-i : é | 2Loveriand, completely ‘equipped. PE 0036. 4 Sea eee a eae doen ee + & heater $645 — $500 DOWN | Sutomatie bot “water "t $21,00.00 —"‘s10.000 down easy ROCHESTER. MICH. -| _F® 6-90.” BUICK, isi, SPECIAL DELORE swe also ‘have ie auteme| ttt oe) Te, 5..! = ‘ih! Russell Young LOAme ts 50 ‘ele iiee, 22 FT VENTURA HOUSE |S 'Gocr, aynatiow. radio, heater. | bilen for sale wth no down pay | , § Eat". Three 1 ret: | ‘ceilinys step saver kitchen. alid-| 90d all stock and Nothing |° AUTOS , trailer. tone paint, white well tires. up | ment. Just good eredit. -¢ | 50 Ford Club-Coupe, aN ay RB nny Me ad Bg senord Goons | "meat good constion FE hiss. | sctessoriee, ike brand new. toe | MIKE'S AUTO SALES | radio & heater. ...$695 cucpiratze Rent Ente frctange| Sets ew Sosa RENETY | cfu, oe bene Ms, Sete FEAROMED, A7 0090 pracovy | —™—eeanet_ OL Sat | wt poor owrine CHEF. ALG: | SE yt" et Dee ter | ——_™1_OANLAND AB Club Cou * on bedroom = ri ‘ sa . _ minum. Fee ee IAL RIVIERA DESOTO OU Merc. u oO ’ ert eee ure eint-an, pons waar ook ; semetene Pn ogg ot por tag ag id WHEN YOU NEED |% Fr ‘@ erewaRT__ excEL | 32 BUICK sPuctat a ae "SPOR TEMA overdrive, tadion bedrooms. Convenient east side, povrs, Be and Vormice feateree |“ Der. large bes house loceted, nings PE 4632 payments, Cal Oa 03208. "| io. eater and oe "Heater. i000 \mites. § Ace soca Pg Teco beth, Also | ErUpeF | balanced designs aod ere only "3a miles west of Roches. $ $ _payments. +5208. _ S14 Madiso. Ave. __. Heater, _miles & heater.......,. $795 a -, fmciudes @ Rice lots, 94.950 full, urban subdivision on specious lots | _ onl 98750.00—terms. z ; 25 to 500 Rent Irailer Spme 56/% C4 DILL AC PRACTICALLY 1983 DeSoto V4 Forder Power, , . ; ‘a — Pee. J08LYN AREA of more thas % acre. These bots | EARL SUGDEN, Broker aep | at Clemens eM] Bt aring. 960 miles, sere) ‘50 Nash tudor, radio Bed te this excellent norin| Svs, Diraty oF genden, space. with . ° CAROS 00F, CSTD, CEWER SOD | — 969" Deboto V4 4 ar $1998 & heater Gide section. Nice living room,| drainage Do ft yourself, Eeonom eCEPIGE, Pu MO e034 We can nelp -o- With your Sates, Cone NaN, - | -- Maroon @ Gray. RadioPower; = 28 = “""'**** Kitchen. 14120 garage’| ‘model Ay at $8800. Buyer AND SUN. MO 43828 Let Y ss$ Wor orovious. "Ben can cel up to $00 Trailer Pe. MY. Steering ie “te See shaded lot East terms. | Goes decoreting “and trim Com. | FARMS, OF ALL KIND ca t Your $$ Vork and reoay tp vwait monthly day- ” 1953 163 Dodge WT Pickup sias| '49 Ford sedan, radio CORT M. IMBLER Fea morveares avatiaple with Oboe ew aren We have 3 wy sccleusia. Sisal Felebione a or ca = ettes —- 1983 witvs ers Hard op $1808 & heater ........ $495 a : even) STATE C =| ape eae ee! rate gees] Lake F Riise at Sm srgrmee acing ow om | COEVTOLetS| Maree ore tr re Us| 48 Pont. sedan, radio ied" "Materais, acts een | LLOKE CF ATIN | Francis F. “Bud” Miller FINANCE CO. waa wile vou yeh : ter Bedito cunt, 8 ¢ ar staes| — & heater ........ $395 a gg tag al nome, just| of Vem Byte bnt Mor St) north of Pontiac Over ty mie 919 Jost ain FE 2.0253 me Pern Pr ene Tpdmigig. ye awl gutee Co 12 Beautiful Cat Blue. Radio |) '47 Chev. Club Coupe $245 off Ms®. near the airport as of wooded lake frontage with 8 | Customers: Parking Qpsce in Rear 123 Cakiand Avenue. oes. ealtiius Lats 1061 Spee 4 dr. ~ $1008 room, kitchen, bath G. L. VINEYARD good beach Large 4 bedroom | ee “To , - ATTE X To Choose Froni . 2 Bleck & Gray | '46 Ford tudor ...... $295 TD my Xe Builder of fine nones floors, plastered waits, tie’ba | $8.80 BALANCE ON NEW eo . we TP aerees ..:.., ~lDeve, FB 61401, Eve. PE 23-7002. to fit anv budget hay Wedetent, Gnd Eat ce nt | - Seeom bo 6. fall becouvent , 1981 Cambridge Sed 606 | * : “BUD” 3 . bite 29-4441 nace All in excellent cotdition 20 per cent discount. ° . . Executives’ Cars : 42 Ford tudor 2 eee es $95 Nicholie S ACRES n,| gen suruee ta vety ‘eect seutt| RAY O'NEIL, Realtor | [uick: Friendly Service New Car Trade-Ing | Ht Desoto cue “Coupe "sites | +42 P| vertibl erican colonial home has| tion. There are also 3 moderm| os wo ituron ’ poy = ré 4 des 4b tes $ 1980 Cust 4 dr. ..... 995 ym. ee ead e, been remodeled. It new) lake front cottages renting for 450 Phone FE 31103. or FE 51202 Bax ” ” new motor an ‘ bas fle, bot water, new hilehen, oo a Azprenimately 3” ear Go-sperettr Real Estate Exchange . ; ter : Bel Airs ieee ma 2 LS tod es pres new top a neeteee $195 ‘sett dining room with | of lend, 068,000 with terme, 20% DISCOUNT Livingstone ' . . 1988 Dodge Meadowbrook 4 @r. 6s ee a yp os Big Choice of Colors Desoto pe... bes ; ; asiols. ol. sew 3 ‘“ nance Co 4-183 : "hh a “felsce voces: 388} NOt a. “Rough Rider” in “li * + a E ix » : , — Studebaker Tudor ...... hé % ‘ome in tod a a ee Wo mare 6 NT in| 2 agro Bh Fa. — ’ mm >) aW:¥ = fant came shen SENET ETAT EW REBUILT. $1295 LLY | yout choice.. - ance . $60 per 6 per - ares ‘ ~| cent rest. Balance to handle 4 SRR neatly 2. . PIN 7c | EM AVRIGHT, Realtor iit ele ee ee | 220°R Felegresh — pe 4 1¢ define weeee~ canceled s tr die See Ho. PETERSON BIG Trade ’ 30 Years Pair Dealing ot Allowance On 4. Cass rm st. | Your Old Car _—\__ Open evenings “ti @ | ; es 4 » : nae YOU CAN BE ON WHEELS - . ek _ MICHIGAN'S | rom ti” as ( ) W EF] VS sn sipitiiatgtoin "| For Sale Housetraiters \LOANS $20 TO $500 : FINEST —___.. | . We have » tow goed oa ‘| AMERICAN GENERAL,” west- f , Your Ford Dealer Household Finance | Sat est "tat™alk ‘tsSeet mccoy Te nowy Re Used Cond ae 147'S St. tho ghee we Pacmn| Bene om ee i Se RG HS Mota, Mesme) Phebe FE SAMY ] Ais i; : a ‘- : é ; } ; ~ Ly - et ae yo é hia s) eS ewe ae Ae: RR sa cae Pedi # ieee AL Pe 5 ay is. Fak bx OS. Fi erren ae Ae ee eg —— = y oF ce ~4 @HE PONTIAC PRESS, FRIDAY, ‘APRIL 2, 1954 _ For Sale Used Cars 61. Used Car Lot CHEVROLETS | oS — $1495 |Every Man yc ere mileag /0ars are. yeeys ia something has no right to be Pre ap | OS ze ll A “By George! Now I remem the office—my car!" ber what it was I left back at For Sale Used Gars 61 For Sale Used Cars 61 foto) FORD FORDOR This fine car, in like new candition, owned only by the Ford Motor Com- pany for officials’ use, with only 3,000 miles, and still has that new car smell can be your for only $1895 See this and other out standing buys in FACTORY OFFICIALS CARS LARRY JEROME Rochester Ford Dealer PH. Ob 1-711 “FC MORE THAN 30 YEARS GOOD PLACE TO BUY. 1951 FORD CRESTLINE Radio and heater, fender skirts, seat covers, directional ls, Beautiful green and black E This car is well dressed for Easter Huron Motor Sales 2 W. Huron re 163i FORD. FOUR DOOR PORDA- matic New tires excellent cond! tion. 19 F at’ any vet with $300 to put down. terms on balance FE 6-410i, Courser. 00 V-8 2 Door Sedan RADIO-HEATER Excellent mechanical condities. Attractis' grey finish. PRICED TO SELL KIMBALL BROS _ INC. Your Nash Dealer 65 W. LAWRINCE AT CASS FORD CONVERTIBLE, ‘30, CHAR- teuse eondition. needs new top. 74111. 5 to 7 p.m. 3271 “8 ports Super R&H ““ | nee Connce *¢7 Praser Manhatten R&aH, OD "es kard ir. Rei, ae Bo Ford 4 dr ei sigveeree 175 Packard 2 dr... i NO MONEY DOWN “Roh” Boles Auto Sales 171 8, Saginaw St. __—«PE +7642 FORD 194 TUDOR, RUNS GOOD: needs some bump work, 8235. be ‘ord. run 194 40 Pivmouth runs $9. vm good FORD @& DET USE POUR DOOR. PE 30477 nice 456) Elisabeth Lake 1953 Fords 4 Beauties To | y Choose From, All In Excellent Condition —_—_———Lew-As Your Old Car MICHIGAN'S FINEST pAveD LS WOODWARD AND i) MILE ROAD DR. A “Open 8:30 a.m. — 8 pm. Dell rsh WO LATE i963 RO. 2 ae MLS | 1954 head in at time oy XO MONEY DOWN To cmocss | LUCKY AUTO SALES 193 8. Saginaw. ‘$1 HENRY 7 AND “¢ KAISER. FE 44092 i961 HENRY J 6. RADIO AND Heater $350. FE 46001. i051 HUDSON HORNET, REBUILT. metor. _Hydram. tic. and. heater, new tire: $200 take over payments. FE 2-326. 1950 Hudson SEDAN Radio and heater Excellent orig- inal finish. Good vires and motor. MICHIGAN’S FINEST | “THE B10 PAVED uy ON THE CORNER WOODWARD AND 13 oa ROAD JAGUAR MARK IV . SALON model, drop head, wire wheels, white leather top. Show reom con- ditien Shown by appointment only, PE ¢2283_ KAISER ‘51 RAD'O, HEATER AND wee condition ORIC 8 M-24 at Buckhorn Lz. MY 22611 Open til 8 P.M. ’49 KAISER $295 transportation Cale "einggioted eae? et tie payment required end pay snyone can afford. “BUICK BOB" OLIVER A MOST RELIASLE 210 Orchard Lake Avenue (Corner of Williams 8t.> Phone FE 2-9101 Open 8 a.m. to 9 p.m, Two "se ______CPE 61471. MERCURY ‘si ¢ heater, new seat . = Chi Be - s Clarkston, Mich. MA $610 1949 OLDS. ROCKET 8&8 $645 _ For Sale Used Cars 61) . || Barcoes | ___ 1951 Packard pitta "$1,095 MIGHIGAN’S FINEST “poliivdy tac sew. oe seer! ~FROM A DEALER cursed bys arse whe, vil vorty YOU KNOW ne oe “acummee =| SPECIALS STORE GOODWILL USED CARS “Not a Name but a Policy” Across from Post Office on Mi. Clemens St. BUY YOUR USED CAR 1953. PONTIAC Central Lincoln- Mercury 40 W. Pike St. LOOK AT THIs! 1953 PLYMOUTH When you're all through shopping, see us for your cmaiie we. Fete, OP This Ad Is True ~ =e 4 door sedan. Radio and heater. ‘$1,595 1949 FORD Sedan with radio & heater. $495 1951 Chrysler 4 door, V-8 See this one! $1,395 1948 Olds 98 Radio, Heater and Hydramatic, $595 1953 Pontiacs Officials’ Cars and New Car Trade-ins. A large selection for you. Priced right! | PONTIAC RETAIL STORE Factory Branch 63 Mt. Clemens at Mill Phone FE 3-7117 cessories 33 Giscount ot PE 48763. * ind POWTIAG, 6 DELUXE, BY. ieee Sb. dr-matic 2 Coot, 2 tone dive, ex- ~~ BTawaMLinan, 4 r AIS seone Fe 2a, millet! Coen ba baie chert pm PONTIAC ‘8 § HYDRAMATIC, 3 dr, deluxe, many er'-ss. maroon : color 9000 miles. FE ¢6506. i} PONTIAC ¢ DOOR, CHIEF- The tain deluxe. 2.500 milés 68 Supagnere between 100 A.50 ond 2:30 P.M. Transportation Specials No Money Down! Pontiac’ Top T. der ppg bo these, @ The Roe great come at Oliver's "BUICK BOB" OLIVER A MOST RELIABLE 219 Orchard Lake Avenue (Corner of Williams &t.) . Phone FE 2-9101 Open 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sad ease 701 OAKLAND AVE. MIKES AUTO SALES Set hydramatic. $1960. 3-6701 aft 49 Hudson Sed..... .$395 49 Ford Custom Sed. $295 48 Olds, Custom 98. .$395 » 1°47 Chev. CL Cpe. ....$95 47 Pontiac . 1°47 Olds 76, 2 ar... . $295 . $245 JEROME OLDS-CADILLAC Used -Orchard Lake at Cass Many Others From Which to Select Riemenschneider Bros. ‘DODGE- ~PLYMOUTH: 232 S. Saginaw St. Phone FE 2-9131 ° “BUICK BOB" 210 Orchard Lake Avenue Pone FE 29101. Open 8 am. to 9 pam = 5 PONTIAC 8 DELUXE ' $1495 ° "BUICK BOB’ OLIVER Pirig geoteon gm hg Come . (Corner of st) | ___ Phone FE : Open 8 a.m. fo 9 p.m. _r as buick Yen ta ee : ; / $695 RETAIL © | | '46 Olds.2 dr, sed... .$95} Keller-Koc My uae Bd 1983 C3 Fie 1951 Dodge eT. Panel 20 more trucks to choose ‘30 CHEV. to go. $495 Y% Ton Panel . $445 TWO ‘47 CHEV. ¥Y Ton Panels | "49 G.MAC. ¥% Ton Panel ‘48 CHEV. Package Van JACK HAB CHEVROLET S. Saginaw at A — PHONE FE 4-4546 49 Ford %4 Ton Stake New Paint Job New Tires $2 Ford F-6 2 Tondump- "50 Ford F-6 2 Ton Dump $1 Chev. %4 Ton Pickup ‘47 International 2 Ton Dump % ton panel, new paint, reconditioned and ready ‘S0 FORD - stolek a ee from. All bargains. tor Sale Used Trucks 62 MICHIGAN'S Panel ier ee WOODWARD ROAD : SPRING _ SPECIAL 46 Dodge ¥% ton '49 Ford F-6, cab and chassis eeeeeeeee 49 IHC panel eoecee $445 '49 Cheve. dump, 825/20 ‘ome LONO TRANS. tons TIRES Is LIKE NEW! WILSON GMC 195] Studebaker ‘| / MICHIGAN'S | / FINEST Rochester Ford Dealer 2 * ” Ez JEROME || nan platform: eve etee $95 tires, 2 speed axle $795 EVINRUDE MOTORS = ee i 4 ee | ae ee ee ee nya feet Rese a Tae ePup = eee ~— She ™ wees a op BS SRG = ices Satie Sn at Dn a ie ae ee ern aloes i Sys 7. S al ee LC ll Phas < » ae Ppt ee et ea eo 1» Besa SF atl ia witieers ern sseeeeh ban e — o es ase =e “ ‘ bp Bs orgs ait i fs ie Sao Sites as oe ie a ae a eS ete. re A ap ‘ ; , " — ey a Bas hte Sab sad Sid oi air > sles re = i fo ik : : : c is aS : a, oo z oe dines Soran area Sees ee - ‘ oY STR, , ! eg 7 oe rt | ans THE. PONTIAC. PRESS, FRIDAY, APRIL 2, 1956 a pag: aie : . as ee TE sa ae ee og Sale Household Goods "71 + By Jay Alan | For Sale Miscellaneous 72 ' eae . a ; : , eee For Sale Miscellaneous 72| Sand, Gravel & Dirt 79| For Sale Livestock 54 ag eee . POR SALE: ste L BANDING = _—— ’ RN titel * Pk with wire. Se. lhe teh.. 1 Goat, GIVING Vik * ; , doe, Gave we yy YS 7 jf ; doe or, wil sell -ooe of, het inst BOATS : wpa PE +3003, : 5 5 N TYPE RIDING HORSE, ’ na . Reasonable. © , MOTORS | es oy TRAILERS Wanted Livestock 55 2 PER CENT DOWN | MVESTOCK © FALL KINDS, FOR- 24 MONTHS TO PAY Jones MA 59206000 | INSIDE SHOWROOM For Sele Poultry 8° 4 630 OAKLAND AVE. CUSTOM BATCHING, | COO” OPEN SUNDAYS 9 to 5 HEP wig’ Beaver, MUlberry #2002, a TURKEYS FRESH DRESSED. } ste] Bm We Te. MY 34606 Sale Farm Produce 87 "| APPLES, WALNUT OLEN FRUIT Farms. 460 Middlebelt Rd =—— +4 AnD caries te ton st oe tos Mifter Oa 62016 ——.| Sale Farm Equipment 8&8 4 ALLIS-CHALMERS “C" TRACTOR, ne. . a cul and fi RATEX WALL palac® MILL SPRUCE FOR] Cuniveior, all like new Paul's .. $1.77 Qt. orado Pine, Mugho, A ead City Service, corner of M.15 and on most wa Scoten “ir, Douglas Dixie Hwy. Clarkston NLOCK” Sole. Arverviles Native cheds | BOLENS OARDEN TRACTORS . trees. your owt tools M. E. ROT TILLERS ae : rrr, Sie Pk gh ae mage, | EVANS Laws owen HWY Michigan Pincrescent 300 Orenera | FICK & PAINT STORE TUMBE +TiGt | west on gravel road 3 miles OR }-6506 or MA ST878 Lake Ave. 143 Oakland Ave va |_ Or UMBER Seas eS ae, tes, CHAIN BAWS DEEF FREEIE UPRIORT ONE one | Pree at Rear of Bore weed 1 cnasen, ware BPs pala. sep + Seles, corvice ond renieie MT of . Preeser | - Used T : = Tv. MY 35751 Uc ti pum A 2.000 COMP AR FE ane vale fer 9 years, rade-m Dept. | “Oh, boy! We" : ee eran aa | SSA Se tape aeeet| Ses Bm, tees Sacks et eee eh value Spe, Bightiy”seraichet 3 pe. living room... tas boy! We'll have some swell nightmares tonight.” | COOD NOMART CELL. Fock. rock lait, and ay oe eB 4 THESE PRICES a - living room ....... $18 85 ~ —_— : ~ : 4 Oakiand, Phone PE 42622 sell in smaller lots. Mrs. Thomee | F230 Farmall. $23 ¥F12 Faurmatt _ ws ra Lake Ave. _ : ving SOOM) h.0e555-5 supine For Misc Genuine Kentile UsED PowER RS AND | Comer, 017 Park St. Lapeer 95. WC. Allis Chalmers, 6245 dase na | See, GR For Sdn Mincaoneone 72) Fer Salo MiscoReneone 72/ tree tauren “eS E a, Gorse oe tans | Eb INGPECTED PREMIER) orm" Cvin oegr' tt tet DEEP FREEZE. SEARS is tables Grebe Soe peed h a —_ ‘coe = aos i vy we | aoe R Tw. Ff Garden & Lawn Latham rasberry plants OL 61882 John Deere L $225 «48 «=Ford. _ capacity, like new, $150. MI 46351. | Apt size electric stov eet ABSOLUTE . BAR iAIN FLOOR SHOP a Pg B mectvard Fer Sale Pets gh) ae ae tee — ae DINETTE SUITE. | Smal a stg Free parking Two wheel trailer built on house 99 § Saginaw Bt | i. oo seen ae ots | Gee eis a cheaea” Ge, DRLUEE thoes me JACKET | WYMAN’S LIQUIDATION trailer caasete, good Ures secri-| Parking In Rear one | the ge 1954 mode! petetiiiens AIREDALE. MALE. 1 YR OLD | Terme we trade M-M Lake pe Water softener. Pa JACKET 16 _W. Pie Onty Phene immotistety Milford. | Oia per SPREAD (SATIN: THE | able” Time payments evail- _AKC _Fegistered OL 2.0672 _ eral se eaicze rt as s 69| CRUMP ELECTRIC | USED DEPT. a , 3080 Cloverdale White Lake | _ Warwick 2078 Ae SO POOTING a -FigiD| AQUATIC GARDENS | repair service New Sad. used waps \ | ; m 463 Auburn Rd. PE 6357; | ct & GE Retrigorewer omg se isit General Warehouse! sicycigs. Bors. MADE IN ENG-| OUITAR AND batminerte. ~ | _we_FS bos ees TROPICAL FISH & SUPPLIES on no CHAMPION FOR ROOM BUPFET, |) cu ft Co this weekend and see for| 4 seratched im transit; eee < Bo tis | | USED LUX-AIRE Off Pumwace | #7 N Mul = FE jean ben + aR TOS ; . like new, $89.50 te value. $44 Michi- HORSE MANURE WILL DELIVER Motor and blower. $150. MY 3-403, AKC REG JOHN DEERE MODEL M TRAC- ee Gad | Risctrie ranees a sate ap yoursell how our excin-| $e "Hpreet HO Ovtaed Late! ened quantins, 7S ore tsEp ao” nape sTOVES, Fun | _ ®4 De. eff Bilver Lake | ijion™ jiooe. “Terms. EMpiTe electric irener.....* 60.88| sive method of Merchan- | 80NDEX HYDRAULIC | WOLCINGSHRAD VARIETY | neces, ol burners’ tlencrs. cn | baBY PARAKERT AND KEW Z — Whe topes | NEW MERCHANDISE | dic er ONDEX | HYDRAULIC HEAVY |" Stor. 1 mile out attvin, Arm | Warae Hating end Air Condsin:| "cage. = 7 Wallen Spine Toros val Gore ae 4 and 3 drawer chests 00. _s can SAVE YOU ye! basement PR ay See, Stet pateke, Peon shee USED Co. 0 West Huron. = lo bottom Grem drill, Cora . =. New = ay fF MONEY. ort Late Ave PE vi MEARIN': AIDS, $80 TO $300. BAT- condition PE $4tsa, a=T.'6000 a 7S eheeed Gup.| sorcetes MOK’ coelse. Wenee CE. Bowl OEE _: re BATHROOM PIETURES BOTT | MTS, core, revews. Rules | USED BRICK (COMMON RED SLACK COOKER SPANIEL FO NOCoRER GPAIEL FOR) TCS Pervseo MA baal 4 es er Bresson! sata (ebrome 6 ie 18 oniy brand new Geusral. Riese eT ae eee a eek INSULATION + Bigg Bomsant. deuverea.” YS | Soxun PUD ABO. LABT ONE. | ING BROS 1. eel canrpeag rr powras | fon vaca O°) CR TON | ER Te) Sai | STORM DOORS Oi SR worse et reg mack —| TO PMTATE GEE 0° ty: 3600 Sherwood, off Sasha Moving | ess sange.. gie-9s 3008 Ovehard La. Ré., Keogo Harbor You havenntiware “wanted es HEIGHT’S SUPPLY COMB. STORM SASH electric qe ~ ranges a ten MICAMARIES | AUTSORIEED DEALERS FOR eu. 5 940.86 FE Se = beens ‘@ your chance et tremendous Perry St A wni T r . Bioo. 1 Ww. ku oe rey | McCORMICK 3 “fee, boage srimmer, Yor, ry CRUMP , . savings! - oa PE 4-5431 Awning Type W mOGOWS | |. -te eee 25183 oe; CK IMPLEMENTS | SRPRERS PTE | ROME ErECrnIC™ | UseD trapea | FSieccc''0 "meen cree /M. A. BENSON ad ee A a -- 4 ee 3 ik Dbecn - z . ur “ . stoc t- | ere ——— NTON CHAIN SAWS 84-45 pickup PE | weed 3 years, refrigerator 10 ft. | Rocker en ewes maune ‘sEwINd wacurwe’ * ‘** _after Sone EM FE S08) 540 N Saginaw ___FE 2831 epply. 16 Montcalm. Buiicers Oper cocker and springer ‘pooee. | mOTEASCO FEEDS. i | _ Sad. pa og BR ne 9 -~ len ae $19.95| forth. Py geen gg Ml gaen BOTTLED GAS AND ALL KINDS JACKSON'S RENTAL $4712, FE 23-7620. Pri ‘are Ween = re ee | AGRIC ‘ND a®MOUR'S i Ser mage BB) Sh hee rs| geome sees eeacaopmenee | MT ee gg Ra | GT TERT | Beaytererse imme PMC NINO ASH “drawers. PE ie eee TS rer ap Ayo gga ae ee oe WOLVERINE aoe. “esenase “ $rED "*? : ee | excellent con- | Electric range... gaa. e! EXTENSION LIGHTS * PETRO MEAT SERVICE CO. | 00S Peatinc PE cine | LUMBER AND WRECKING CO | HAMSTERS, PINE PETS Sic. AN-; REDTOP FARM PENCE : sf : oo, ? since im 18 gauge rubber Amocieled with Trailer Ruchange KITCHEN WALL CABINETS 2x13 x, pay per we aetes Ger-oa Mamstery, 38 Oneida. FE FE 4-0734 FE 4-1112 ty & clear pouretraier, Ses ne ia Fa voit | CONVEMIENT Cancer renee | [7s "cu ey for wire __Open Evenings & Sunday PM Anish. $94.60 value, 912.56. These Mahowany Mush door. Se-si! KITTENS PREE TO 0000 HOMES KING BROS. new = robe. OR carpro.| THOMAS ECONOMY | 3 ft extension tights cnly.. 145| BUILDING PLANS FOR SALE: ria Seb Orchard Late 126 128 1x12 per Moo... “iss, SARAKEETO Denies Pontiac’ Road at Opdyke are . FURNIT $0 ft. extension lights only . 225, Complete set of plans, business| Ave. 2a4 used, per A. Dueepneres (Le OPALINES CARE itn etd er ah ae 4-8 PREEZER 16 CU PT. YEAR ‘ URE CO. 160 fi. extension Iights only 395| S24. living quarters combined. Taree aTLAS, LIKE NEW. 2x4. new, per ft te) — Ties. Mt_ Clemens. +eo00. | LET US sHOW YOU OUR com. ; used. PLanders 1-0484, 361-6. Sagaw LAWN—GARDEN OUTDOORS 20500 feet. § reome upstairs, store | LATER. AFLAC LIRR REN Masonite. per sq. ft ee PARAKEETC SREEDERS. ete line of tool for spring. Joba - Gas $125.00 power mower, reel space. work room. utility room, | , motor: new 3 jew chuck |} pe. bathrm. set. complete $105 _bies. 781 Melrose, FE ee ee ee ow: 1983 | “condition. PE GOOD | ose REPRIOERATORA GU AED | sale over’: ee 15.00] 2 cor gerage downstairs. gio 90, | 224 tool bits. $300. MI ¢1s85 | New free stand tollets | PUPPrxs— gee | pont Dene Machine” pet Dengotates wi 5. jong Gas CLOTHES DAYES ) aF | up teed washers, sae tod o ey joe mewn. Te — Call +5158 WHILE THEY LAST ~ | Pet me os pnd gg ALL! Bnenvile Machinery Ph . Sree ent cient, : mt be no smelly free tsial fp your heme. Phillips & A ee ere Tle Be) ee Ot newer mower, re LI IMBER tugs all lengths, 4c be ft | PUREBRED | BO) With pa-| LIKE NEW ¢ WHEEL OARDEW + rz Ave. FE 24i0e. Ta urea St. 00 ft garden hose in pilas- ; ’ 16 houses oa ani ce. x { "S108 Feasonable,| On 3-105 er. plus extras $406. RADE I YOUR OLD LAWW ACUUM GLEANERS, BRUSHES, SER OP ae = » : . ~~ ‘ chotc PUPPiba ALSO j SS = mower on & Bew one. See our| sonal effects of ODS AND PER | belts and bags. 056 Myrtie. 913.50 beat tes ine coders Burmeister Ss BUILDING SUPPLIES |1 aaa a ¢ 820 each. lene ls Geel gf ag Fg ess berg includes old Seusbine. 1 - $30 . gnest-rock (282% C. @ C 01%) UNION.\ tree ole | : t dog FE 1003. | ie ulie cultivator No ,- MF fed besheare end Neen | Odds and ends MY -isat gallon white inside- OPEN & AM. TO8 P.M_| ea Piyscort 4x8 5% del. en 400.) ~~ b -CKING CO. | PARAKEETS CANARIES CAGES | fnower u_plows on rubber. No. 6 tools, dishes, book. some sn- | WALNUT CLOSET, 635. SERVICE | eI -__ 1.98 SUNDAY 1 TY” Splut woot insulation 160 sq. #% | 1105 W. 8 Mile Road _ food. Sine. 1827 584 Oskland Ave | gun See ee tiques. 9%) gallen fed oti | te : SERVICE HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCES SUND: 0 TO 3 only $4.58 White pine sheathing | oR . PinikentS GAREDGSS AWD | Toe cetipecter, reoetn. ba osies tank, space Kester. man st prem- om a 8 =... room, “as | Denard Ge. Pi. tte Pir ant tine | er Momuten acrace trom Rerman| Yeuee 86D Ache Be. PE | MILK eagles ae ore ion cae oan ey + on nad 4 dishes, F 4th waft | $59.95 Black Angus Rotisserie — L BER = t m veuer” Py . 3c dl ae oto 2 ‘Prove Parming: nine OE 33 | peg double washing tank wi. - Penton , White, Hudson bianket, brotiers ...... ssn ’ a } Q BITS. DOES Bucks tools rf ° ys ya Mai Rd. ot Halters Corner.| pressure cooker W730 Lanbogaay | 69158 “amos mate’ eodien lane w bene Deed ...o% cer of eae. sume oa ee ob tame so | @2 Rave COUPLETE “Ing GP |. see" ached. “tamsbes Biot | ee T MANURE RPREAD: —% -%, 47a ee . Other electric poe Ta a 4x4 & up ee ce cat tee ee yey — ge _ 388 Sherwood Rd. Stella Ward | — 2-2085 (OUSE CLEARANCE SOFA up ported woods, Plywood Fir, White| ranges. W: ai | REGISTERED PU GER AiN SAWS bed. $18 | Seal beds, $2 Dining $22.50 popup toaster, popular. ‘BIRCH DOORS Dine & Mirch, Weidtex, Wedge- nD UNECE pEaree man Pemter, male,| ep te e's orca pets, $19.50. 2 es pe ne 18.88 | | Rosa, “suttwosd '& othe ROE ELECTRIC | _§ mos old MA 5-T700 | im for’ ® demonstration. time Gis Sa" Buttots Faas, Lirery tanie| Mery TAT © sentwieh | Routing a Siting. wacd &sepeait | 7 SUMP POMPNEARLY WEW. | NEONTERED BED “PEMALE| See 8 Lave Equipment’ 0's chitiorebe be . Dining chairs. ae deep fryer—you know ‘ Grade A ~ $9.95: pot oa mg Eg i for Me ead condition nen | Dachshund Housebroken. MY Woodward ‘North on a Mehen oo $9.96. Hide-a- make ........ 1 : Clinton ga tractor, | secisTERAD IRISH” SETTER SEV none +4009 Saise. Vamty ies wecher ws. "cial oo peveerets 11 50 es Paul St. Cyr Lumber Co. {bathroom tub. stool and lava- 9 3 aan old. Very rea- | sou tractors “ORD AND FER. { Ironing board, £1.96. Wood office POWER TOOLS. 4x8’ ; 6120 Lake Ra. Tet. now ot | 2T7_ 0%. Be ted class condition | _ Donets. 00 W. Perry | flows ana une plows. 4 chairs. $7750 B's" elec. saw—you Bae sora Come end see for yourself and | SPRINGER PUP! ame | tvstors. and — = hy know the make .. 56.00 make an offer. Pras’ Wi. | stad porvtcn Bearine epg evsom | Comat, ™ Pord ‘trestors Seek Mehyoced emer. | tomets mess.” § PLYSCORE | sasar-varvereer ences on | ent Ohi sores | rim aminns SALAS “Ph Seei | Complete ine of Massey , > aa 11.58. | 981.95 8° tilting arbor ot ic hed hy SCOOTER | TSCAGOORBEES BOXER TE | astOrs and equipment = meen beds, §42 86. | $50.00 6%" ae . 5 : ee a mericen Flyer train, mounted vis and Wagner loaders. C a oe papier $9.50 TRL Bae i pete me ogee tres] Freee SS _Parmers Gas ldoes a” Ger 5 ae rtilizer spreader. 4 ft. tropical ee i ee ren. _ me FB sentiartem tors. Tractor painting Ste WAYNE GABERT'S | as” ite" noes 4 fog aquarium ‘and, all accessories | 30 GA _RURECOVERY OAS WA-| “hecry: "w'ran m ose. | PONTIAC F —_— ME CABERTS [sda $e wee “19 in, BLANKET | tthe Soe | Ha eres (ome eaters) INDUSTRIAL. | Appliance Specials mun - als ee 33.75 . ‘ Overhes Garage Door $12.50 Bathtubs lifetime Pay Ee | TOY COLLIES (QHETLAND SHEE? IN DUSTRIAL Gre ier tak mt $e | s28 50 eee ee TS INSULATION Guadecd gion qeetabts aum-| borer. Thompson, 68 South | (06), PUPS mers bind. /_ TRACTOR CO + FAM. ate. let coer bh iitien ooe| cccenseries en. age} 94.45 PER 100 FT ber and factoty rejects, Mey we |3§ Gail OTE | WANTED TO BUY citesaPeawe | &25 WOOD\W AV oa we ed ee | Ria avin sini ot | Peete Remar an eo OF | A rch meer hme | PE 40061 OR FE A144 2 ers ——— — : 52 2 c — : _old. .OR “32547 : ~ “EF 4-1442 i30 Sma | LINOLEUM, 9x12..$3.95| "0% Retvineter emtomatic wash. | nf, hp 6° bencn . “eel Srnny DOOR CO. | code moomna i nep pow | ’ See mime peri] LINOLEUM. 1d SS) ee ae Setar an] RovzCoMMON |S * Sse rasa Sale Office Equipment 76° £20" sors Tpemtest | SPECIAL * Linclorm % Berry —- food freezer, new $350 HAND TOOLS NO. 2 COMMON - ; ~~ | Tick 3% yrs old. 1 Walker 19/ Ne Holland spreader— f is rt LIVING ROOM BOITE. Wis others to chosse from 16 os. hammer . »s $139 PER } ; OUR AB DICK NO. 96 ELECTRIC Mim-| months 1 baelf biack and tar spread fertiliver or creer ee 1953 VAGABOND 35 i rE 13 NN. Saginaw ~ FE $6189 96.00 carpenters’ hand saw 175 ; { . = com: $125. Pred Ev- | « Red Bone, and *, With equal efficiency 70 accurate —— UP 26 months to pay | 100 ft. Evans steel tape ...... 4.95 NEW LOW PRICES vile Ph FS — Site. be sold this week. 44788 12-| Sttine- allow vou to spread from oh gap ~ - 2x4's, 26s & 2x8: $80 per M re. a enceerae a _| % pounds to 200 pounds per acre. . ver s, ’ AL FISH AQUARI steel rotors pulv : 12%o"‘tiuminum bullet type - 2x4 ein Culp Riot, oanent. | Sale Musical Goods 73) isis "w. apis na" “* RACRETT INC . — ‘ e ss ceccecees . 150 WHITE FIR epee sf ex. ee eS NE NO Se ——— , y “ ‘ i Pr, SBARS ScRAP- cal -~ ie $2.75 Stanie combination 7 aoee a line of build- |ACCORDIONS FACTORY PRICES, OUR FERGUSON DEALER : Stiner or 30) OR Dat of ev ons Soesey wheat Goer, Seay S| Ne reitcr saeare: [ag]. Ze PER LIN. FT. ae manera eae ee | Sat cen wove Seaety, deen Dogs Trained, Board 82) 5486 Dine nor wate > coh ™ Ann St. Birmingham =. | oo $22.56 1 auger bit sets.. 5.75 . a = ; ‘oft W. Huron), basement | ALL BREEDS ~ SPECIAL PR —aertord EAnOUENT COREE CostEeY WIKE DAVENPORT AND CHAIR. a fey brace . 2.25 ; Building Supplies z , gua wee . al dal ag Sing hag a and used PRICES) For Sale Clothing See Pe, SREOE | pre crmtaten 7 dept | Sia.es arefsing est te cass-.-, Dixie Ctartston FUNING AND REPAIR: wanton = = tiques, couner chair. me ba MODEL TV. 6299)! $a30 rating seta caséssss 3 4x8 ss "uk son. Fling. Oscar Schmidt. Ph. PE 2-5217.| ¢¢!! service, Mil Lake Pare ed Wisconsin motors. a COLINSKI NECK SCARF, $50. FE hogeny settee, Outs, | CUttide suteune kite _ i333 $2.50 vice grip . red SHEETROCK "PIANO, CHEAP. | a ek, I 1-0358. | Pontiac Farm Supply a 5-406. us oral rugs, 3 small ones WALTON TV ut plugs as ONE WHEEL TRAILER FOR PE 43439. BOARDIN.) BATHING AND CLIP- JOHN DEERE DE , YORMAL WiTH LACE JACKET. — FE 2257 Joslyn -Cr. Waiten | 11.3 ak \ et set. 6.15 fale. gov. condition. 1 Moreland. | PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRING | —P'S.™™_N Perry. FE 26113. 31} Pentios ne “E Simih Serene = ES Pe eee -MATIRESS,| 13 PT. CONGOLEUM % OFF us inate | te $1.25 ae “oy ya0ns PRICES. | sonnet I gg ee ge Li , “SNOW AS Le 2 : : ; _ . . or RENTALS WITH . Burr-Sheil __ Telegraph sue ar, 38 Revon. Poone YE Déte8 PER IAS SUPPLY Sno 9x12 Plete Lin... 495i". 2. io . _ fs PIECE SET STERLING SiC | gption to bey io monthty Ger | mis bem a inow plows With“ targe IRLS COAT, RAIN COAT, DRESS-| id ype acm $6.95 | $11.95 3 pe. pipe wrench set.. 3.25 ver. 5-503 | _Mgher’s PS COs, Hay, Grain & Feed 83) Tt" & sn0w ow. 917) Rotary 3 and ag ge 10 Also size Rose inger carved sofa, $60 ae ft Wall El % price wane ennedy machinists - ROCK LATH -—— weED STEINWAY SPINE | Lee's Sites nS Terms. ADY'§ BLUE GABARDINE Corner what-not, $90 Cee gal Tile..... 12c $2'to-28 SS ee es 10.78 , . : | Medium Chickering a real buy, ALPALPA AND BROME. FIRST $21 MT CLEMEN “ L ead, BLUE OABARDINE | {"Socasional tablee S18. 0a Bonny {aid ving” inlaid te tee MEROUS . 99: BUNDLE All kinds, plain & decorative. xn | 904 - Diane “with “guaran: | $itting, Deled. 6281 Clarkston Rd. Fue Pee colored. sine 2° both “nies. Also J foot stoale, 63.50 wp arene Bare Pees hae en cabinet doore—irewers made | Gailigher's, PE 4080 ALFALFA. FIRST CUTTING, ite USED BARGAINS a see | . _ IMPORTED RUFFLE Swiss z PONT! WEBER DUO-ART GRA ‘ ~~ ARGAINS aint FET | Eee earl | Seb Teae tm | striae” Ath | son Pa EAE woose| PT Sore Br Twooe, 6, | "Frayer wea goat Many rome | Oo, wa ete OU] soc ene dresses and suite sises 6% and 16 | Prider tars “OTetee Pa > ee __ | $1.02 Papermate, pees osc bi | WLYOU ARE BUILDING 4 mouse! PLUMBING SPECIALS _ Pho MI ¢4119. : BALED ALFALFA HAY WN MOWER ACTORS Complete layette, Children’s eloth- cms FE 5-310¢ |? LARGE UPHOLSTBRED coan Tet Mates. pra-pewen in| QRIVE CUT TO BURMEMTER'S angered genes > = ALLIS CHALM tag & monty te Tra, On Os. |* , PIECE OAR DINING “Room |" tants "Fe cots PysintAdos | 91396. iesthar "covered trave AND SAVE'UP To s00-Ow ALL | ©2,gailon eleciric het water 1, | Sale Store Equipment 77| “ine Cross naa eT TIONAL (CASE JOHN DEEN c Plateos 59602. ae, ee Pm. ones pibstermebeteae > Make Sure it’s 9 piece beth sot. A quality AAA AAA Jf) 2 pokes Rad, ‘ JOHN DEERE SPR wet form "Both “worsens Rs orm seta bo. eat 0 new ei, Siggllent condition. cheap. FE vw 6%! Burmeister’ «Ta gout SST 0.49 | AUTOMATIC COCA COLA DISPEN- Pimne Wi ser On ee | GET OUI ES seavice ™ _ TOE CED we pamacee | wTemore 8I5:" walnat chest o>} 400 Oxid LINOLEOMS WH | “leweiry costume IStEr_S | ARN ABON TLUMBING SUPE Ne | SOPLEE BOGUTAIN LU; ee Ue TODAY | @ , - see 5 Goat “” rocepennate —_ ville 130. We deliver | COMPLETE POUNTAIN-LUNCH— | CCST? BG. Omgelivilic. H . pF ees; commode, ‘sanee base, | Asphalt Tile .......... 4c | $1400 pearl eoatume jeweiry 295). Pavement Break tot Counter, 34 stésls, sinia- WAY ALL KINDS STRAW. CAN vous eaten & Son, Ine. dresser, + smal) | Sherwin House Paint 3% pe. Rogers sijverware North ave reakers fountain, salad cabinet, steam @ $-3502 ie AUTHORIZFT y 48338 Detween 8 A.M. and ¢ PM $29 30 beeen en mar eenet. | see Pactic Wall Tle. ioe eee | , nandsome ot snl * piel Lumber Co. | rioor sander and edger, electric carbonator, iizers. Cok weet ore wis Gg AF My. Joslyn Ra, - wood e ase ; ‘ Ss, S , , 3 it. - . os 4 AL - dB } ee eed ~ WA Sa = a? Annn~ | burners, deep well Gme clot | paca prot aga | Helbros Watches +7 | 70 Mile Radius | 1231 BALDWIN. ‘FE 2-007; oughly silver wie $3,008. Cont io ACRES OF cae CORN EAND | = hs ‘or POTTOM iF OR 16 ADMIRAL 14 INCH TELEVIRION. _ Almost new. $80. FE 41350. | Double Red Stamps Tosag | 8190.08 ladies solid gold 17: EM 3 § Trucks bar ited You | POWER MOWER een $6,000. and $7,000. rent, an = |e BOTTOM — pre FE 5578 * a — w wate 5 -4650 . : “. 2 = ~~, = __ Mitch ; es Dygey ceerranty Obiy 408. a | git eee 0 aD) i? INCH TV | etl'se" iSdies “Hetoree wrist Sb dei "SALE | ede 8 lout Sontrt a = Frat tnd leveling om Snr ™ 1300, oe DIO ne & Fe + SSS Rea e . 20.50) Shan PEN EE Eo i Se ee - .. Mii a1 errand # AND ar Bie. “a camera. al tn turn te- | $100.00 “Jean” model indies 17 Cuan FR Roars —anY "eeuer 99.50 °17 im. Mastercut FIRST “CU: ' +6802 a) ih Leake Road. . | REFRIGERATOR -— 6 PI Nie Baie, | $106.00 men's Helbros wrist rei mercy gine, now ARTMENT BCT P< Se A __ + 2 : CASH ~ CAS SH | Reguiar rr) : . xt (S138 ELECTRIC ans 3000, after 4/% PIECE DINING ROOM SUTTE enti-mag ......... oo Por anything you have on rear van 2 aod. & « cycle , $1.00 AUCTIONEEP REFRIGERATORS EXCELLENT | oe ere Iw Yale | OO men's Helbros Pri. suctions Michigan Auction mi omen , + 1” any type eet, E BILL way ——— 7 GULLISTA ; VERY Goob ips. pucue cecnees Mart, Lal 18 in. Toro $80.98. ull}. FoerSale-Live “ction anywhere. Office Tit WASHER. 00. | xerniceaAToR — Pinon, ” Condition PE’) 1008 we watches to choose from. | Sieh pat Biot woke Bo Crien. DEY O-1008, | i te. Davo S008 pe sab rears TY er ANTIQUES — EARLY AMERICAN! [2° Foot _ condition M15 | “tases in teas ee TY O NUMEROUS TO List Hane | vif, mixer. palate | for yaar | Mana’ power a a wane port. ateo ormen| prey! nm: mamean iat MY 3- after § p.m _ te 371 Mill St. Ortonville | AT CAMPARABLE SAVINGS blocks and ; three phase motors, . mower, $1 . "0. - brotien. Safe and fare. pet mare. furad. , REFRIGERATOR, CHEAP TABLE |” fa vide, incceeoe NEW, Y_AND REAP OA to sell. Phone Roy Hamp- 2H. P. garden tractors, - Rade omer itucios consigned nat pe SAPS SIG "Er ay are tiamete ce | Bae pead whe ea",| OPEN SATURDAYS | CEMENT BLOCKS way "arms. adorns eee Ese tas | See eric” AF How tah — 5 _ 23-9630 or 5-2766 — de ¢ atbigeintes eee > | ier >t : = — J ¢ rayons ’ gow lke lace and gl ae = e an itter : ss oot each. gone 98 trims go “ $ ® one and two now 7 a, hey ‘em b ly piece styles uy em Dy on i gavastioe® . ele - | © misses’, juniors’, the dozen... . ay gnekt yom half sizes many styles! Two-Tone Acetate @ seve ote Honeylane Panties . aw ag $89" Youll une on Mom ihe ay Down come prices on Kerrybrooke spring and Now Just 3 9: aa Cte ah oe 1 *uety ; summer gresses! Save on rayons and cottons! A contrasting bend of fobrie mea al te Sal Sed | ot 7 Buy them by the dozens, dress-up and tailo Se ut wee FOUP avy: o ; w e ny sharkskin Pins Sr se m7 Ye) styles! In a rainbow assortment of wae nada mine 6 te a wet = mo colors .. . sizes for everyone, and savings Girls’ 7 to 14 Shop— “* . Sears Second Floor for everyone! Come'‘in now, save more! J * amet ee | um b rellas toppers Many Assorted Styles — Al SalePrced Sale priced, when you need it most! egulari Buy now . . . save and be ready for nm a $ spring rains! Many styles to choose from, 9 9 ’ including slim jims and novelty 24.95 handle treatments. Choose from a wide assortment of solid colors and plaids @ Fabulous all-wool fabrics, e « . all at a tow sale price, at Sears! Reg. 2.98 - —— Others, Regular 3.98. 2.99 Accessories Dept—Maia Floor compl... @ Full-cut styles in 26 to - 30-inch lengths. 199 @ Exciting expensive - look * fashion-first details. @ A glorious array of colors. @ In sizes 8 to 20. n : ae ew figure-slimming ode Gi ai eGirdles 2S charming = blouses madi 90 » Wonderful valves. .. tissye- ow ij thin acetetes and rayons... _.even Doctons at this tiny price! The high wo - 7. ciara acento Holy Bible give a new lease to your laste ond | ex inserts! Madeiin satin suits ond skirts. White and tn kus eno elastic, Sizes 26 to 36 pastels. 32 to 38. n four lengths. Shop a now—and save! King James Revised Edition j Written in Modern trim rayon Charmode 4.Star =i — skirts cotton bras Regulerly. 498 Crisply tollored spring skirts— . | Priced ot $6 5; SS ___ slim, gored or pleated—in . rayon svitings—checks, striped — Qnly T 50 1" 8 eit | apa Rigg slang = _— md plaids for you to choose \\ A Te stand’. thn paper bound Tas from! Some even have _ = oe 4 = —_ saa oe bs: . <., yp ee edition is periect for Easter matching collars! 22 to 30. WHE Stich Sapte = mean : at support, in sizes 92 to . ~~ Leother-Bound- 42; A. B and C é . Bibles..... from 1.50 ee —e ata ee — iti ya sale as Oa A aia. is . | . ‘ puawandeed ov your money back SEARS 154 ‘North Saginaw St’ Phone FE-5-4171- ne nde f +f