O r PONTIAC PRESS PONTIAC, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JULY t 19(W -4i#AQ^ UNITED PRESS INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATED PRESS The Weather U S. WMthM- Bmtmi Het VOL. 124 ~. NO. 1S4 Is Michigan . LANSING (AP)«-A wcord -and surprising—$154 million estimated general fund surplus is in the Michigan , treasury as the pew fiscal year began today.' gut economic clouds continued to gather and 'two budget experts indicated that growth* in the new year may not be all that was earlier expected. A booming economy through most of 1H5-S4 left about 926 million more in the treasury thaS Gov. George Romney had predicted would be there prhen he proposed his state budget adopted for the new - year, state spending will pare the surplus to $62 million a 1965-86 leltel of $816 million To an estimated 1882 million. As the record budget—up $18 million from a year ago. — was revealed, however, sales and ' use tax collections continued to slump from their record pace, ’ further indicating a tightening of this economic situation. State Budget Director Glenn Allen, taking note of (he slump, in effect reduced the governor’s prediction of economic growth for 1966-67 by about one-fifth. Romney has predicted tj>e state’s revenues would grow by 7.5 per rent during ^66-67. This was to be from a predicted Now that 1965-66 revenues have instead turned ont to be about $832 million, the governor can get his 6882. mll-with a growth rate of v a shade above 6 per cent. N At the same time good news was doming from the surplus, Revenue Commissioner Clarence Lock was announcing (hat June sales and use taix tinn» urnro Atilt/ & 9. nhr ,'noni only a shade above 6 per - Allen was asked ifThe would consider projecting a 7.5 per cent rate on top of .the higher 1965-66 revenues' and said, “absolutely not.” ' ’ He said- (he higher-than-ex-pected revenues for .the. year just ended would enable the state “to absorb some”' economic ill winds, v tions were only 5.2 prir-Tfcerrt ahead of June .1965. Though a healthy increase in normal times, the rate yai only about half - the growth of late 1965 and early 1966 months, and confirmed the slackening seen in recent The sales and use tax gpbwth rate is usually an accurate in-(Continued on Page 2, Col. 1) Medicare Is Off to a Slow Start WASHINGTON (A*)—With little commotion ojyvisible strain on facilities, more titan 6,400 hospitals opened their‘doors today for the Medicare-paid^eatraent of senior Americans — with .a guarantep^of no racial discrimination. / There was no immediate sign df a general rush—such as some doctors had; predicted—in the early reports - • - : ' • on the launching of Medi- Hot Time in Old Town to Continue : MAILING BILLS - City treasurer Pontiac tax bilks with a personal Briarvale, Pontiac Township, helps financial missives/ Giddings mails out Crystal Williams, 676 a fat stack of the Tax Bills Mailed 4 a.m. 68 9 a.m. 86 5 a.m. 66 16 a.m. 86 6 a.m. 67 11 a.m. 89 7 a.m; -.72 noon 91 t a.m. 74 2 p.m. 93 to Property Owners Today is payday fdr City Hall! Pontiac property owners will receive their combined city-school tax bill in the next couple of days. The total 1966 tax rate will be higher than last year up. $1.20 per1 Old Sol is still beaming his widest smile as the Pontiac area continues to swelter in 90-degree temperatures. Residents planning picnics and outdoor fun for the Fourth of July holiday cap. expect wilt- • ing temperatures and sunpy skies. . * And what about the rain? Related Story, Page B-10 li;l'ones vVWbiW , of assessed property value. AlthougM^'nmon,y referred to as the city tax bill, it calls lor payment of city taxes, school NO RAIN There’s not a Chance of rain before Tuesday or Wednesday... when occasional thundershowers totaling about one tenth of) an inch is forecast. The Weather Bureau prediction for toe weekend looks ‘ good for toose who like gin- Home Frlififtn ___a slogan on the dash- alive.” A woman, still unidentified, was killed,' R „..s station wagon involved in a fatal She' was a passenger in one of two other oars in-' „ .a Flint this, morning says “Bring ’em back volyed in the accident. .- Pontiac Div. June Output Is Best Ever Housing Project Rejection Is Criticized by City Realtor care for 19million Americans 65 and older. Cook County Hospital in Chi-cago=one of the country’s largest, with more than 2,700 beds— reported fewer patients entering than usual. Some other Chicago hospitals said today’s admissions were like yesterday’s. ' Six Oklahoma City institutions said that 255 patients who already were* in the hospitals when the insurance ^benefits be- Pontiac Motor .Division announced today it/bbilt more cars last month than in' any other month in- its 40-year history!. . John Z, DeLorean, a- General Motors vicn president and general manager of * Pontiac Motor .Division, said 89,12? Pontiacs and Tempests were assembled last month, surpassing the previous monthly recofal of 88,903 units built in March of this ' year. The division produced 84,473 cars in June 1965 and 82,606 in May of this year, according to a company official,. The development of PontiAc is being hindered because obstacle are being created by city officials $rho are reluctant to move forward, a Pontiac realtor said today. “The city wants to wait for a utopian situation before they do anything,” said gan at midnight became Medicare, patiento^at that moment— and onlvjtaur more had entered up tournon. . I ') {Sfiot'checks in Florida, showed 'relatively few admissions, but hospital administrators .said they expected the real impact on July .5, .after the Indepfend- . ence Day. holiday. Some said they - were be-; sieged by telephone calls. One of toe first Medicare admissions—if not toe first in . toe country — was Eugene Schneider, 65. Schneider, an embroidery worker from West New York, N.J.. entered Polyclinic Hos- “Wefre confident our outstanding performance will continue the remainder of the year,” De-Lorean added. VSo far this model year, we have assembled 757,319 cars,” said DeLorean. “This is weW ahead~of the previous: record of 684,153 set in the same period a year ago.” Hours Given for Weekend July 4th weekend won’t be p three-day holiday for everyone. Most Pontiac businesses wfl 1 keep normal hours tomorrow but Will close Monday.. Pontiac State Bank, Comirtu-r nity National’Rank, and First Federal Saving and Loan Bank will all fojlow their * normal Bruce J. AHnett, “and in doing so they are holding up progress.’* Anneti, who since 1931 has-played a major role in promoting the development of ' Pontiac, aimed his criticism at, city planners, and city commissioners who turned down a 63 million housing development * by rejecting a rezoning request Tuesday. The City Planning Commission had previously recommended the rezoning be approved. -—Annett was negotiating the^ sale of the 21 acre parcel north of the Herrington Hil|s Subdivision on Pontiac’s far east side between one of (he1 owners, Frederick Poole, and Joseph Dresner of Grosse Pojnte who had intended to build 266 apartment units on the property. VOTE The zoning from residential to .multiple dwelling was denied by a 5-2 vote, with Commissioners~ * Leslie Hudson and Robert Irwin voting'In favor of the re- \ classification * BRUCE J. ANNETT. Yank Beaten by, Spaniard for Net Title “The .commissioners all are dedicated people and I realize. that toe decisions that they . WIMBLEDON, England' {API - Manuej Santana, the deft- " land Community College. “Boy, our electric toothbrush is jfisft great for polishing up my six-guns.’V ^ i j In Today's | j Press Legal Liquor. i Mississippi ends stete-; wide prohibition — PAGE A4. ’, • ■ •/ I 2nd Tragedy [ Mother suspect again in [ three drownings — PAGE 06. . ' •¥ I , Kelley f; *"rJ\ Wil)..ufge RofMiey ti> 1 veto .bill on criminally ini' saric - PAGE B-7v ; . il . ( /l " y *. 1 ifrea Newh 1 Astrology C-16 Bridge ..v. .. .,.C-i6 Crossword Puzzle ...,D4 Comics ... rC46 Editorials ,A4 Farm and Garden D-l Markets .C-ll OWtnaries D4 Sports . ......... Theaters C4-C4 TV-Radio Programs D-6 Wflsoa, Earl ■ Women’s Pages B-l-454 * Property owners,have 30 days to remit-the monies .due ontha . See Tax Hate Breakdown, Pagejk-2 ... _— three-in-one bin. After 30 days a penalty is applied . day by d*y break ddWM; FRIDAY — Sunny and warm today. Highs 88 to' 92'. Faif tonight. Lows 62 to 66, SATURDAY — Sunny and hot. Highs 88 to 94. East to southeast winds 5 to 10 miles. SUNDAY — Continued hot. fiffie rhanr-e of showers. ami. fth treatmient of an eye Mb. pitai, New'Vnrk Hty, at ri:M schedule tomorrow But will be_ ^ * * closed Monday. Ail city and couhty offices will be closed Saturday through _ Monday. • X Roth the Pontiac Motor Di-r v is ion arid GMC Truck and . Coach Division will close today at the 'normal,.time and reopen Tuesday morning. probk Miami’s Jackson Memorial Hospital,; largest in the Southeast, had its first Medicare pi-tient—Maude- Lewis, 78," who suffered a stroke — at 12:20 , a.m. There .were no others at Jackson fSr the next 10 hours. ipuljt »n» iHfBmli ones, tpl'm this instance it seems they' were listening to emotions arid considering toe political impli- • cations,” said Annett, Home owners -neighboring the proposed project objected to the development " for a number of (Continued, on Page 2, Col. 4) Spaniard who1 is11 the United -States champion, defeated Dennis . Ralston of Bakersfield, Calif.r.|n straight sets today for the singles title in the AjU-Eng-' land tennis title, 6-4, U-9, 6-4. . * The 1966 city tax rate will drop 12 cents per $1,000 of assessed value from last year, while the complied school rate has been hiked $1.32 per $1,000 assessed value. $45 JO PER THOUSAND Thus, the combined fox rate . for 1966 will be $45.90 per $1,000 . , assented value,' compared to a 1965 total of $44.70. This mean toe ewrier of a home assessed -at $5,Ml will pay $6- more hi city-ocbeol _ laxes tois year Ikaa hi 1961.' Despite the increase this year, the hike is not as Steep as the jump of $3.1f‘per $l,0b6'assessed value registered last year over 1964. ' .T... * ' The match lasted one hour, 4p> . minutes and was easily the best-final seen here in many years. Santana was seeded fourth. Ralston, the UR. No. 1, was the -sixth seed .this year. :* . § The center court was packed with' 15,000 for the match in which Santana was -toe first European to play in the- best of five finals since 1955. , A great roar went lip from die fans packed in the steamy heat of.’the center court,-most famed tennis court in the world, as Santana triumphed. Lunar Craft Hoads Toward Moon Orbit Mebdow Brook Season ^Qpens iM The bulk of this year’s tax hike comes from increased P0117 tiac School District taxe%— up $196 per $1,060 over 1965. MORE MONEY Although the city tax* rate is less this year, City Hall actupUy will receive more money because of a $14.7-million increase .in the lax base. Six' thousand people swarmed onto the Meadow Brook Mdsic Festival grounds last night tor the opening concert. . ..■ f They fiUed the Howard C. Baldwin Memorial Pavilion and; moat of tin enlarged grassy area onthe hillside. val and toe first with an eight-week season. It is also the first year that concerts are given on Sudsy evenings. Mr. and Mr*. Beij D. Mills are chairmen this season. Mills This is the third year for the Oakland University festi- is a vice president of the Ford Motor Company. Improvements have been made on the grounds. The gen- eral admission seating area has’ been almost doubled in size, j New steps have been constructed on the south sifleof the pavilion and a concrete walk laid between pavilion and Trurn-bull Terrace. \ NEWROAD A-new exit* road to. Adams Road is open. Designed to speed the flow of traffic after concerts, it.hit a snag last night. The Oakland County Road Commission had detout* signs erected at Adams and Squirrel Roads. . Concerts will continue f 0 u r1 nights a week through Aug. 20. Tickets vare available frdm the festival office at OU or at the g*te. I-';' ; CAP'S KENNEDY, Fla.^AP) — Lunar Explorer, a complex flying physics laboratory, rode-* , eted today toward an intended {4th of July orbit about the moon, seeking scientific secrets that‘could make the lunar highway safer for future asfronauts. A three-stage Delta rocket, spewing a serpentine tail of white smoke, .vaulted away from a Cape Keimedy launching pad at 12:68 p.m. to start Lunar ‘ * kltfpli * Explorer on its planned 246,000-mile, 74-hour journey to the vi-( cinlty of the moon. ‘..-r * 1-rl THE foflTIAC PRfiSS, PRtDA V, luLV 1, lOflfl Yank Planes Continue N. Viet Raids ! June BroughtHeaf f 1BJ to Hanoi mm and Twister Watch I We Wont Quit 'June’s mercury gradually crept high^ and higher —despite a tornadp. watch and some rairr. It started with a monthly low of 39 degrees. June 1, , compared to a 45-degree low for June 1965. • Says U. S. to Continue . Air Raids in N. Vi?t . Then the temperature rose to the eighties. The Pontiac area was under a tornado watch. Jiine 9 i and the weather offered temporary wisps of rainy pdolness while decorating the' area landscape With uprooted trees. Five mid-June rainy days brought the month’s rain-1 fall to 2.9 inches. Last year the June total was 2.6 inches. ( HIGH FOE MONTH I The high .Tor -the mdntb dame on June 24 when the 1 mercury hit 96 degrees.- Last year’s high for June was 92. I Last weekend’s 90-degree weather caused a mass I exodus to lake areas. 1 Public beach Officials had tp lock gates against the I sweltering hoards to prevent overcrowded beaches. However, the mean temperature for the month was 71.5 degrees,, only a shade above the 71.4-degree mean a year ago. It was a sharp contrasts with May, when the mercury never registered higher than 83 degrees and' the low was 27. State Surplus Hits Record (Continued From Page One) dicator of over-all economic' growth. * DES MOINES. Iowa (AP) -ij President Johnson has served Ijnoticfe on Hanoi that the United | States is in Viet Nam to stay— until an honorable' peace can be negotiated. * . - ‘ i I \s long as Communist leaders, s refuse- to talk peace, Johnson ' warned; U.S. air raid? wilt con-jtinue in North Viet Ndm, ; “Let me be absolutely clear," j the President told a $100-a-plate Democratic dinner - Thursday 1 night. - ‘‘I’ want the leaders of i j North Viet Nam to know exactly [where wp^and.” jl “We would rather, reason v than fight," be said. “We l^pre* using our power tn Viet | Nam because the Communists have given us no other 1 choice." - - E Johnson climaxed a fast-paced tour yesterday of Nebras-I ka and. Iowa ■**-*.■ a trip with l ». t %/ • •. [heavy* political overtones ? by V IGT V ICtimS [asserting that this country has - ■ iffever run from its duty nor) skipped out bn an ally, and does; not intend to start now. Vowing that as long as he is President "we will stand firm."! Johnson said as long 'as the | North Vietnamese “persist in .. their aggression against South Fanuhes of Pontiac wce- Viet Nhm, we wilUesist that.. Hit Fuel Depot Near Ha iphong GIs Push Back VC Unit in Ground Fight Birmingham Area News Tentative OK Reached On School Wage Scale BLOOMFIELD HILLS - Ne- The preset policy is thatjmly, gotiating teams fepresentirfg the 80 per cent of the teachers, may SAIGON,. South (AP) U.S. pilots"smashed another\North Vietnamese fuel depot today as they continued the air campaign to keep fuel from the tanks of trucks-hauling men and supplies to the Com7, munists in South Viet Nam. A U.S. spokesman said Navy pUots put all tkwir borhbs ‘Tight on the target area" irt aiwattack oh the Dbng Nham storage da pot 15 miles nprthwest of Hpi- receive incentive pay. R50UIREMENT . To be considered for the ey> ' tra -pay; a teacher must be on .tenure and have taught in the ’ district at least one year.' The two teams also agreed to a duty-free lunch period fir all teachers and a jick leave of 19 days per teacher pyt year, cumulative to 100 days'. Cayin said this includes two personal business days, although there Is still disagreement on how thesd days may be used. * Also included in the agree* LEAPING LB J—President Johnson leaps over a hog trough-and into a pigpen yesterday at the, Woodroyt W. Diehl farm near indianola, Iowa, after peeling’off his. coat in the . 25-degree temperature. The President and his party visited the Des Moines area as part of a busy day, which ended with Johnson’s speech at a Democratic fund-raising dinner, in Des Moirjes. ’ Can Get Burial Space a Project Rejection Hit (Continued Erom-PageQne) „ , e :'i,- tmen killed in action in Viet^ggrpsVion " reasons, but their chief .concern: Auto sales tax collections; reaive assistance un-j- long as they carry on the jwas jhe traffic they anticipated would be traveling through their subdivision after the housing project was completed* ; r “To >be accurate,” said An-nett, ‘toobody in Herrington Hills had a legal right to protest the development ’because none "When a broker contacts the. city to get a price on urban renewal property he receives nothing but delays, and sometimes doesn’t have bis phone call returned for dnys." According to Annett there is around Hanoi. Viet Nam. Since June 3, attacks, have been made on about 14; different such storage sites ini North Viet Nam, particularly also much surplus state-owned property , ground Wide Track Drive that could be put on the.; tax rolls, hut the city mug first (re. approve Its release. . IdA LUIIvL llUIlo j , 1 J L j it 4 / IVlig 09 were off 7 per cent’from June) |.r* P°l,cy »dopted by the ;^r, we .jvill persevere. They 19tt reflecting the.drop in thet • . 'cannot wear us down. And they, car market. : Making the announcement was|Canftfllt escape payings very to rnNTTMinr ^••J^nJony>*MP®',,^|high price for their aggression.' TO CONTINUE - tendent of. Pontiac . Municipal • 3t * L«ck, noting toat some auto I Cemeteries . J If the North Vietnamese lead- nJak‘ng According to Anthony, Am- *rs “will only, let me know When 1986 models, said the slacker r j|ieg of yjet Nam victims will ! add inhere" they would like to| lived within 500 feet of the site, saies and use tax growth rate' free burill| gpace ask us directly what, can beiL.™, JAM - wouid probably continue) ^ ^ clty ta j done to bring peace to South) ™£FIC !^8t*September aS Hill or Ottawa Park Cemetery. )Viet Nam," Jdhnsob said, “I .“Wese .people crea ed^ ** layoffs mount. • - will have my closest and rnostmendous traffic jam in their ft, .ft * Anthony said tbe Defense De^ tnistgj associates there in a minds, and assumed that alJUthp • I ■ . . For Romney, the higher-than-!partI”ent reimburses a family matter 0{ houra." traffic frttm the development 8™1* ’ ........i*-**- --------------------“ *- ' mm would^go south on Ray streetswalt; aaid W- ' I ‘ Communications between the Annett-.said that he never planning department and li the denied .that traffic would be kjjy commission, in my opiiiioo, increased through the area but Jseem to have broken down, and „_____________r... that this was a problem that ;on matters as vital to the pity Durng another attack, over could be resolved later. as ^js it could prove-irrepar-the Nortii Vietnamese Panhan- Attempts were * madf to-ob-fable," Annett hddhd. |dle north of the 17th Parallel, A 44-year-old mental patient at!M»in property on.Mourtt Clemens; Bloomfield Hills Education Association (fiH&A) and the school board have tentatively agreed i a new salary sclMhile. The proposed scale calls for a $376 boost in the sybtem's Viet ' Nam base currently at $5,300. George E, ‘ Cavin, head of the teachers’ aegotiating team said final agreement will not be reached until the entire > contract has been competed and ratified by both teachers and board. • - The salary schedule Weed to last night would providb*beginning t e ac hers with p o s' ail that the r„. _____ ,.r. lore’ degrees a starting salary I ^ard allot $125 per. teacher, per phQPg. He said it contained an °f $5,676 and a maximum ®f.j year for hospital; and medical estimated 14,000 metric tons of) 58.975 after }1 years. insurance’ except where the total fuel. - , ,;-V •' Teachers with badhiBlors’ de-premiums.are less. . . grees plus 20,hours, would re- in this< caise, Caivtlni said, the ceive $5,875 starting saldiy with! board woi^ld pay the amount of a maximum of $9,175 after ll'the premium. N years- ' L Another meeting between the AGIOBEMENT 'board and teachers is scheduled The salary schedule for teach-! I°r Thursday, ers with masters’ degrees wasj agreed to fast week, It calls fori a starting salary of $6,150 and a maximum, of $10,500 after ll! years. . Teachers with masters’ degrees plus 39 hoars would receive $6,450 starting salary and $10,$00 afjer 11 yean. "’hie school board also tents* tively agreed to the BHEA pro-EK5HTH DAT —. posal calling for 5 per'cen^Jn* Today was the eighth day of Icentive pay for any teacher who "raids in the past two weeks onj is eligible to receive it. fuel storage facilities in’ North . On the. ground, American infantrymen pushed a badly battered Viet Cdng unit back toward the Cambodian border after an aipbush that backfired' on the enemy 60, miles nortiP west of Saigon. A ’U.S, spokesman said American counterattacks, artillery barrages and air assaults killed nearly 300 of’ the 'enemy in the An Loc area. ; By late afternoon, contact was broken and the 271st Viet Cong regiment was reported 'streaming toward its Cambodian haven a short distance .away. IT Die As Bus Plunges Ddwn Embankment OZARK, Ala. (AP) - A con/ verted school bus loaded with migratory farm worWs > plunged down a 36-fbot embank-/ ‘ ment near here early today, killing at least 11 persons, two of them children; Mpre thap/ a dozen others wpre injured. “,But all we hear is ‘wait,’ expected surplus continued his ^or t^e grave s*rv'ce 00818 k* record of never overestimating i bury a veteran, but that the; state revenues. - jfaniily ordinarily would have to1* • ■ ^ ft . j purchase-the burial spacer : In Janudfy 1965, when he first proposed his budget feu* 1965-66, he fafesaw revenues of' $756 million—about $76 million less than what the state is winding up with. Howell Man Is Dead of Traffic Injuries Anthony , said the city feels) this is a small token of appre-l elation which can be shown by) its'residents for those who gave! Mental Patient, 44,j Leaps to Her Death Despite considerable adverse international reaction to the bombings on the doorstep of Hanoi and Haiihong Wednesday, the United States went ahead with its campaign to reduce the flow of aid to the Viet Cong in the South. The spokesman said the . Skyhawks, phantoms and Intruders from the carrier Constellation left a column of black smoke rising , high into the sky from the Dong Nham fuel depot. lax Rale Broken Down The following is a breakdown of the 1966 com-' bined city-school equalized tax rate for Rontiac taxpayers (rates per $1,000 # assessed valuation): *rn It tW protection of FtontUlc sie Hooplti leaped!*o eOtow f» another *£«gt.! ‘The odmtn)atratto« JS our country and our freedom. to her death from a 14th floor j1Put only one PP110" wbs obtained conduct some sort of investtga-1 Muskegon Soldier Dies in Viet Fighting Cavan# Is III;. RotaryTalk Reset him up 40 minutes later. I ;It was the 273rd AmeHc,an j -rPlane reported lost over North [ Viet Nam. lire escape at uie runuac oiaic „ ------° , , . . . « , , iBank Building about noon yes-|Paroel made impractical be- domg their jt* properly. I terday. - ' .. .’ [cause to .-improve .it would dou-j j •’--------j---fj The victim, Peggy J. Schnor-;hle the foSt 0f the land being! jberger of Madison Heights had] considered fpr development. I HOWELL (UPI) -Philip Sun-) WASHINGTON (UPlT • - A iust been. given-ground priyi-j “For some time there has • burg, 64, Howell, died yesterdav]Rduskecon Army private was leges y«s‘°fday, according to a been a lack of cooperation be-) of injuries suffered-in-a traffic I among the latest yjetims ' pflhpspitol offiptyl *,*•' " I tween ther heads of departmenta, accident Tuesday. |fighting in the Viet Nam war.) She had left the hospital in the city and developers,’ said) *~1 4r, $ the Defense Department said [ with another patient, but ran j Annett. . Police said Sunbu^g was in- yesterday. i away from her, he noted. ‘OBSTACLES’ > [yesterday before the P&i(tiac!headqu^ers"_nMr toe” wastai jured when his car Was struck! . * ’ * * \ Mr • gchnorberger, a patient! “It seems they want to throW.jRotary Club because, of ilWess,jcity of Quang Ngai and once! by another vehicle which) He was identified as Pfc.L{ ^ hospital sifice. May 24/up every obstacle, imaginable,'but rescheduled.-it for Julf*. - - - - THREE raids The Strategic Air Command’s] B52s staged three raids in South! U.S. Senate candidate Jerome Viet* Nam Thursday, twice P. Cavanagh canceled his speech!pounding a suspected guerrilla! City of Pontiac 1965 1966 $12.56 General Fflnd h .. .$12.73 1.88 Capital Improvement ....... ... 1.90 ' .54 / Hospital'Debt .... ... .51 .78 • Sewage Debt..... ... ’.73 ^.14 , Waste Collection'. .... . 1.91 $17.90 ' TOTAL f . . . . . .. . . v, v:., $17-76 Pontiac School District \ ” 19)65 1966 $12.18 General ,. .. .$12.21 10.98 . Extra voted ............... ;.. i’l:l3 2.39 . Debt ... 3.51 $25,55: .TOTAJj .. .$26.85 \ Oakland Community College 1965 ' $1.25 1966 • $1.27\ mal on ^ road in Osceda Town- and Mr,s. James E. Tazelaar, ship, Livi'nggton County, Muskegon. [rather then .{tut out the redL carpet to developers as other) The meeting was one of Ipex hitting a Viet Cong concentra-j The Wea Fowlervtlle Teachers, r -Slew Comract Full U.S. Weather Bureau Report PONTIAC AND VICINITY—Sunny and very warm today Highs 88 to 92. Fair tonight. Lows 62 to 66. Saturday, sunn] t and hot. Highs 83 to 94. East to southeast winds S to 11 " miles. Sunday’s outlook: Continued hot. Lowest ti OM.Ytir Aft is Highest’temperature ... Is FridAy.et inj p.m. es Saturday at S *.m. lets Saturday «.m.. cities do," Annett added. "They prefer to say Why -stead of giving adviA w fo . FOWLERVILLE ant Ridge — Were still balking topped its. target amount by 17 at compromise and refused ^ c*n'1 + * 1 > - [either to end or modify their . „ .’ , [opposition )6i the, proposed 18- . Ho^e,;*4 rePort? H i mile freewhy route. . W™** are he urged campaign-workers “to AMOS F. GREGORY ! $166 MILLION I At stake in the nine-year-old dispute is more thgn $160 million in federal highway- construction funds, including inprq than $10" million already allocated. Formal request for the legislation is expected to be ready in aboiit two Weeks, .and Romney said he hb|>ed the Legislature would take up the matter when U B scheduled 4o reconvene Aug: 22, if pot sooner. make a concerted effort to con-) dude this drive successfully.” Macomb District has collected 32 per cent of Us goal; Manito Wstrict 9 per cent; Ottawa District 37 per cent; and Pontiac District 37 per cent, , More than 1,500 scouters and friends of scouters are working on the drive in the 33 townships of Oakland and Macomb counties that make up the geograph-: ical area of the Clinton Valley Council. * *'■ f1IB PONTIAC PRESS, FRIDAY, JULY 1, 1966 m A--8 honestly.;. - ^' Our Location and ' Lower Overhead Saves You Money on . 1, ' Good, Dependable Furniture - Ou^Oth Successful Year Open Monday and Friday Nights till f P. M. CLOSED WEDNESDAY AFTERNOONS FUftNITUHE 144 OAKLAND JfREE■ PARKING LOT, JUST AROUND CORNER ALONG CLARK STREET! ;,£9ni«ment Terms A 2 State Areasl Bootleggers Disgusted flit by Grass, Brush Fires By United Press Internatkul Grass and brush fires burned JACKSON, Miss. (AP) -sissippi, the first state to ratify national prohibition in IMS, to- jover acres of dry land in- at day ^ last statewide least two sections of the state I yesterday. I At Camp Grayling pearly 700 National Guardsmen battled a 200-acre fire which was report-led on the military reservation. I The fire was several miles from the main installation and horning through a wooded arpa. Twenty Separate" fires were reported along the Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad tragk between Fowlerville and Brighton in Livingston County. Mississippi Ends State Prohibition Mis-logger _ Shack on (he banks of the muddy Pearl River in Rankin County across from Jackson ban on liquor in the United States with an tranie touch. Qqd bootlegger—a man of unknown years who goes by the dame Red Hydrick—is flatly disgusted with Die change. Hydrick is probably the best-known bootlegger in central Mississippi. Although liquor became legal at 12:01 a m., it won’t really be legal until a county Votes itself wet—’which will take at least 16 days. , Gov. Paul B. .Johnson has | Se v e r a 1 wheat fields were YOwed strict/compliance with burned over but no buildings statewide Deforcement of pro-were reported in danger. [hibition until such referendums I The blaze was blamed on a are held/ It* was Johnson Who pdssing train. called/tor legalization earlier ! Conservation officers said the thlsvear, terming prohibition a forest area is at an explosive faroe. > I danger point. ' /Red Hydrick sat in'his boot- Eastern U. P. Alerted to Forest Fire Threat JftULT STE. MARIE (AP)-The eastern Upper Peninsula has been alerted to be on the lookout for possible forest fires. Ransom Hill, district four fire supervisor for the State Conservation Department, said Thursday potentially hazardous com ditions exist under a formula that include^ j-humidity, days since rain, wind velocity and timber types. ■* About six billion checks are printed annually in the U. S. to u pp 1 y the need for this exchange medium. Ilate Thursday night, surv^ed (the bare, un'piaifited wooden helves, two empty bourbon bottles, and rasped: /' * h ' \ , . , ‘I’ve been in this buikuqg 27| \ years and I’ve gone, througl hell. There has been a lot pi money taken iB the front door o this shack, but. through the haz-K ards of this racket, there has been a lot go out through the | back door." ★ ★ e / A Hydrick, like all the other file-1 gal sellers of bonded booze, was closing up. He’s made no plans for the future. Most bootleggers are t going along with the l£day dry spell, because the new Alcoholic J Beverage Control Board has ' vowed that anyone caught sell-. Ing during the interim won’t get ia legal license. Simms, 98 N. Saginaw St. Tonite ’til lllp.m. | SAT. HOURS: I «.m. to .11 p.m. Have More fee This 4th of July By Taking Utjp of Pictures * if picnic*, beach parti**, d vacation. You'll enjoy it ir* when you tee the pic-•* you’ve taken of your nmer fun. All tpecial* for lay and Saturday only.' Charge It! Major Credit Cards Honored KODAK Kodaehrome II 8mm Color Movie Film rndopt or outdoor film ' to /take regular 8mm mdvies In -fdlt - action colors. Limit' 10 rolls....1 1 69 OLLIE FRETTER SAYS: THE VALUES ARE FANTASTIC Simms, 98 N. Saginaw St. Double Your Pleasure .... Double Your Fun with | , These Buys In Simms 1 Electronic-Transistor Dept. Th» Bcst-Otnuint ‘KODAK1 Color Film Processing Mailed to Your Home 039 | Roll i0&&j Charg ;e It! Major Credit Cards Honored ! npjv i Most Powerful Pocket Size : s483,000 APPLIANCE and TV INVENTORY TO BE SOLD FOR *257*000 BY MONDAY, JULY 4th at 6:00 P.M. TRANSISTOR Pocket Radio | '8mm roll,’ Super 8. roll, 35mm—20-exp. 1 rolls T27 super slides or Instamdtic slides. * Mailed direct to your home. Limit TO. ' KODAK Instamatic Electric-Eye 304 Flashcultc Camera Set S49.9S 0098 Value gQ EVERYTHING GOES, EVERYTHING IN MY’STORES, AIR CONDITIONERS, REFRIGERATORS, RANGES, WASHERS, DRYERS, TELEVISlbNS, STEREO, EVERYTHING. REMEMBER NO MONEY DOWN ON ANY PURCHASE/3 YEARS TO PAY! HURRY! SAVE! i Drop in the cortridgt odd the '304* is Ic settings to moke—electric eye sets the for you and you get 4 flash shots without ci Complete outfit fgr immediate use. $1 holds. SALE SUNDAY 10-7 MONDAY 11-6 FRETTER’S PONTIAC Telegraph Rd., '/a Mile S. of Orchard Lk. Rd. Instamatic Camera Cases 229 $4,95 value—handy camera case* fot instamatic flashcube camera* . . . plus it holds many, of the accessories. HERE WE SONE TYPICAL EXAMPLES OF THE VALUES! Under Counter FRIDGETTE Refrig-enter, hat enss top (raster, tall length vqgptabl* crisper, egg reek butler keeper and shelves in Peer. till WHIRLPOOL Wihdew Aar Conditioner, coaling sapaeity *1 M0 square ft. l'/t amps, 1 to veils, last pug in and away .me j* ... Reduced t* DIM WHIRLPOOL las’Dryer, 4 sysla, new but slightly ents marred ... |1M SYLVANIA, X 1 Speaker Stem. Years New ter Just... Ill' H0TP0INT Dishwasher, treat leader, two detergent cups, high spuud washing action ... naw $1 ID. Prs-‘ viaus ytar’s modtl. HOTPOINT 41 bal. Het Water Neater, ‘ all glass heed, in fastpry aretes, reduced t* Ml. 11 Cu. Ft. ADMIRAL Duplex, Rufiig-crater Dapper ten*, slightly scratchtd... New 4321. EASY Electric dryer, 4-T*mp. Con-trel. Day New At... ttt. Family Sized Ham* Fraaiar, holds Mi lbs., all test freeze shelves, eamplst* with bene* shsH ana in deer... New 1141. HOOVER Slim Lie* Vacuum Clssnsr, PA H.P. meter, extra easy rolling unit, While they last *11 WHIRLPOOL Wringer Wether, Large Capacity. New Dedused t* only 111, Family Sis*'Refrigerator, AH Deluxe fixtures,.. During ttfis sale... SIM Quiet Kool Air Conditioner • Larg« Cooling Rapacity, 2*sp««d • Plus i/Ari/QjjlUC NO MONEY DOWN / nh TSttn Audio ^ FRETtER’S has dn air-Conditianer for ovary natd Sale Priced Now. Sec Your Pictures Instantly iROID’ 100 Color Pack Automatic Camera color or Mock or /Toke color, pictures and see 'em in 60 seconds white pictures in fust 10,seconds; Use our charge or $1 holds in layaway. Very Deluxe 14.2 eu. ft. 2-Door REFRIGERATOR Can't mention th* name of this nationally advertised refrigerator but vault recognise it immediately. It's get all the features you went. Mg family site, seperats freezer stores 105 lbs. of frozen fend, tyrin crisper*, glide out shelves, and magnet-lok deers with super stern* door compartment. Exceptional Fretter Value of the Week' “F00DARAMA” REFRIGERATOR-FREEZER Frost-Free Throughout » Full wMtn ertsner. pwaf erswsr. , , ti Meh-csascfo enseer, n e hasieF ■ i nsirv YOURS FOR ONLY ST.80 PER WEEK FRETTER > APPLIANCE L COMPANY CHECK FRITTER'S FANTASTIC NO MONEY DOWN PRICE ON THESE AND SkVEI FULL SATISFACTION GUARANTEE MM INSTANT CREDIT—3 YEARS TO PAY FRETTER’S PONTIAC TELEGRAM RD. % MILE S. of ORCHARD LK. RD. 1 MHe North of Miracle Mile Op«n Doily tyO-9 -Open Sunday 10-7 - FE 3-7051 NO MONEY DOWN - UP TO 36 MONTHS TO PAY AC and Cattery Operated Tape Recorders «■ $59.95 value . — solid state recorder with capstan drive, pro-style mike, volumeton-trpl sets itself,-extra fine tone. I ♦remote mike. Model TP7IO - Only SI. holds in loyoway. am Electronics *■ 3eeiur Floor' St Moritz Binoculars^ 25“ THfl/PONTIAC PRESS. FRIDAY, JULY 1, IBM Regional Forum on Issues Nears A proposed vountary bounciljcal government leaders, unani-of local governments for South mously adopted a final report • feast Jlichigan moved a notch to be submitted to about 400 gov-nearer reality yesterday at ajernmentai units in Southeast meeting of the Committee of Michigan for acceptance or re-! One Hundred in Detroit'. | jection. Tt* committee, comprising lb- ne committee hopes the I council will be in deration by -next Janaary, according to a spokesman. The area to be .encompassed by the proposed council'includes Oakland County. NEW PASTOR - The Rev. Arlon K. Stubbe will conduct his first services as new pastor of Calvary Lutheran Church,Clarkston, Sunday. Ijtev. StHbbe hap served congregations in St. Joseph and Chicago, and Freeport, Hi. Membership - in- the proposed] council would be open to cities, villages, counties, school d i s-tricts and townships in the six-! cwfnty region. TO SERVE AS FORUM The council Would serve as a forum for discussing. evaluating. and proposing solutions toj common governmental proto] lems of the area. AVON TOWNSHIP - Residents of the Hamlln-Avon roads area'apparently are not going to accept defeat in their fight against reaoning neighl property from general farm to light industrial. HISTORY CAN- BE FUN - A float repr resenting the Boston 'Tea Party will be the contribution of these girls in a Fourth of July parade Monday in KCndallwood I subdivision, Farmington Township. Girls who will reenact Second School Vote Slated 2-Mill Boost Sought by Imlay City Board Some regional problems the I committee' feels require the combined energies of l o c a 11 governments are air pollution, edncntion, health and welfare, urban development, physical I planning, refuse ind sewage disposal, transportation and ; water supply and pollution. j the wort of the council would| he. divided into five functional] divisions — general cooperative services; health, education and! welfare; public safety; public.!■ works; and regional planning. | * ' * * - > FARMINGTON TOWNSHIP - It is estimated that a $250,- Residents of Kendaltwood I sub-000 budget would be needed for division will do their part Mon-the council to-aperate in its first day to bring back the original this bit of history ace Marla Stevenik (left), 28442 Thornybrae; Colleen Greeley, 28456 Thornybrae; and (kneeling) Laura Puzzuoli, 28470 Thornybrae. Avon Rift Not Over They are just waiting for an opinion from their attorney on the cancellation Wednesday of a.referendum election on the rezoning issue, Which had been qcheduled for Aug. 2. Oakland County Circuit Judge Arthur E. Moore ruled that the township cannot conduct (he election because the petitions demanding the vote lucked a sufficient number of signatory. The petitions were circulated by irate homeowners after the Township Board last March approved rezoning 46.6 acres between Hamlin and Avon rogds west of Livemois. of 3;261 signatures to be valid,{attorney and he is going to give or 15 per cent of the 21,377 residents of the township in the i860 census. About 1,4m township residents signed the petitions to place the question on the ballot. us an opinion next week,” she said. ‘‘We Certainly aren't going -to sit back and take thty," 1 } According to one of'the pe* titloners, Mrs. John W. chas-1 increased traffic will be a dan-tain, 19il Livernois, there are g«r to tjteir children, differing laws on the number of DEVALUATION CLAIM Residents of the area to be affected claim their property will be -devaluated by the change in ? zoning and,-that the signatures required. “We’ve referred' this to our The area is part of .an industrial corridor to the towfiftiipW masterplan. year, with county units being assessed 50 per cent of the total. IMLAY CITY -The board of -education again will seek additional operating millage at an election to be held early to September. The first request for an increase of two mills to help balance the 1906-67 budget was defeated In the June 13 school election. Hie same proposition will be pot to the voters, again, according to board members. Also, to help balance the budget, the board will make a number of cutbacks. 'Meaningful' Fourt by Farmington Twp. Grou The rezoning was requested.by; RAC Robertson, Inc., which plans to develop an industrial! park to the area. Owners of the firm successfully challenged the cause hearing June 20., j MINIMUM REQUIREMENT | Judge Moore ruled that the petitions required a minimum FINANCING BREAKDOWN Cities, and villages would con- tribute 25 pier cent of the budget; school districts, 20 per cent, and townships, 5 per cent. r It would cost Oakland County about $40,000 the first year. The council would bo comprised >of a general assembly, with each member local government having one vote, and an executive committee, composed of 35 members. , Oakland, County would have meaning of toe,Fourth of July celebration. While millions of . Americans are spending the day at the beach, on picnics or simply enjoying their three-day weekend, this snpll community will reenact some of toe ' historical events which made Independence Day possible. According to Robert H. Nelson,. 28417 Hawberry, chair- Another feature of the day will, val, the adults hope to give the children an appreciation of the meaning of American independence. He points out that the holiday always has been one of celebra- . nnlmn tion but that, to recent years, PLAN DINNER traditional celebrations have be-Following an afternoon of gun to fade. J games, there will be a commu- 4 * 4 [nity dinner called “The Feast of Berries and Ice Credm on Menu in Addison six members on the executive1 committee. ADDISON TOWNSHIP - The WEST BLOOMFIELD,- Firemen still are investigating to find the cause of a fire whidh man of the third annual (esti- ^Committees -of Correspondence gutted a small cottage at 4334 arid the events at Boston.” | Crestdale Wednesday night. Firbmen Still Setking Cottage Blaze Cause be ap oration by Oakland County Circuit Judge William John Bee*. Only part of the walls of ton ................ cottage, valued at $5,000, still standing. Firemen s6m the owner is .Douglas Brjiwer .of 1780 Sylvan Glen, Kdego Har- bot. “We want our youngsters to the Fourth,” followed by danc- No one was torthe Cottage at the time.7 think of the Fourth of July big and important holiday,’ he said, “and to become interested in the fascinating details of toe meaning of Americanto-dependence.” SLATE PARADE Tfie celebration will get der way about 1:3b p.m. with a parade through the neighbor- Fireworks will start ’at twilight. During the display, three boy scouts will read the Declaration of Independence to the accompaniment of muted march 1 music to the background. More dancing will follow the1 fireworks display.- | 15th annual strawberry and ice ^ at Wooddale Ele. Items such as two extra teachers, temporary classroom, purchase of one bus, camps, field trips apd salaries for board.of education members will be| dropped from the bbdget. WONT BE FILLED The position of assistant high school principal will not he filled. Wilton Nickels, chairman ef the Imlay City Federation of Teachers bargaining committee, said toe board should seek three extra operating mills instead of two. OTHER COUNTIES Besides Oakland County, toe council would include membership from Macomb, Monro,e, St. Clair, Washtenaw and Wayne counties. cream social of the Addison L Township Fire Department will be held at the fire hall in Leonard from 2 to $ p.m. tomorrow. Proceeds from the event will .be used to buy fire - fighting {equipment. mentary School where the rest of the events will take place. Neighborhood children have He said the board had not made enough curtailments t o m e e t teacher Salary demands for the coming year. Teachers been working for weeks on floats which depict patriotic events in history. Prizes Fil) be awarded for toe best entries. Farm Prodifct Control Opposed The'parade will follow toe festival’s general theme of “Contributions to American Independence of Samuel Adams, the tog. SHAWS - Mich idlin'* Fine Jetceler* .Thrill to the beauty of a Keepsake dianOnd! A per-/ fact center diamond t>. . outstanding rjng styling . . . guaranteed forevet* op replacementr«a. UP TO 2 YEARS TO PAV 24 S. Saginaw n Downtown Pontiac PONTIAC STATE BANK BUILDING Takes School Aide Post in West Bloomfield WEST BLOOMFIELD TOWNSHIP — Harvey' N. Sterns will assume his new position as ; superintendent for instruction in the West Bloomfield School Systefo today. Sterns of Southfield was formerly principal curriculum coordinator for the L’Anse Creuse Public Schools. . LANSING CAP). — The-presi-| “Now comes this new report, dent of the Michigan Farm Bu-| which recommends, among 6th-reau criticized the National >er things, placing ail com-Committee on Food Marketing modifies under ‘boards’ em-Thursday for recommendations powered by government to reg-which he said “contain danger- ulate producing and marketing ous production and marketing of virtually all food products,” controls.” . • •'* Smith said. Elton R. Smith contended that “recent developments to. the na- He said to referendums, farm- board for raises. Board members agreed to keep the request at two mills and to. hold the election at toe earliest possible date, probably in September. probable failure to meet world board or ‘ committee control of food commitments next year have demonstrated the inability for a Washington committee to plan, direct and control -even loiie agricultural commodity. THE SHORTAGE IS OVER .. , The Simplicity Factory Has Been Working Around the Clock and We Now Have a OMPtZTE SELECTION most farnTproducts. Such control, he sAid, would j Stand between the larmervand efficiently operated ■/freeI I market.” of 10 H.P. Landlord and I II. Broadmoor annuo TRACTORS . Xr- . vi1 . / AND THIS CHARMGLOW GAS LAMP WILL LIGHT THE WAY TO MQRE HOURS OF FUN! SALE PRICE ONLY *39“ INSTALLED MODEL 68-3000 Price includes installation of lamp up to a distance of 60 feet from house. Nominal charge for additional footago. Offer applies only to residential gas customers of Consumers Power. j^xtend your hours of summer fuii with a got yard -JampAgos lamp -lands-.. Sale Ends Tomorrow SATURDAY, JULY 2,1966 Buy Now! Save! BahB-Cue a soft glow te potie yard, repels insects, makes walkways safer, Mode ef cast aluminum with black finish, topped by. graceful eagle finliefl. "Snug-Fit" windows allow complete cleaning without a tool. \WITH GAS This now method, of barbecuing gives the flavor' ' of charocdl without the moss and fuss. Gas offers a full range of hoot from high to . slow. Cast aluminum construction makes it virtually-weatherproof. Now Only $349$ Installed Price Includes installation of grill up te • distance ef 40 feet from house. Nominal charge for -additional footago. Telephone 33-3-7812 ; m A—5 THE PONTIAC PRgSS, FRIDAY, JULY 1, 1966 -•/ .5 ■ .j © M ‘HEALTHY* MAO —; Red -China’s Hsinhua News Agency distributed this picture of Tse-tung, the Communist party boss, in Japan yesterday with a caption which said, “Healthy-i'ooking Mao poses for a" Hsinhua .photographer recently." U P} Holdup Suspect1 Arraigned SUPERIOR, Wis. (AP) - / Michigan man was arraigned yesterday baopa U.S. . Court Commissioner James Lavelle In don-nection with a federal charge arising from a |32,000 holdup Monday ot an Uppur Peninsula hank, ' " Robert D. Ross, *35, Flint, was ordered held for trial and bail was set at $90,000. Roy £. Waldo, 34, and hi* brother, Clarence, 30, both cf the Flint area, Were charged yesterday In the case with aiding and abetting bank robbery, according to the Federal Bureau of Investigation in Detroit ) The three: men are accused in. the Monday holdup of the Bark River, Mich., State /Bank. /*-• . ■ ' . Ross is being held hero, but (be Waldos are still at large. BORN IN StiTE The FBI said Boy Waldo whs bom in Reed City, Mich., and that the parents of the brothers live in Aberdeen, Wash,, but It had little immediate information on Clarence Waldo. ' \ The Waldo complaint was filed with U.S. .Commissioner Robert Bordeau in. Marquette, and the FBI said it was initiating .* an extepsive search for the brothers, who agents described as aimed and dangerous. Two gunmen herded five bank employes into a vault ,ini the I$ark Riyer bank and locked them inside while cleaning out/the cash. . . * 1kGOOD HOUSEKEEPtNO Draft Appeal by 6 Rejected ProtesttrlCan Take Case ta U. S Board LANSING (P) - This State! .Selective Service ^Appeal Board! has upheld 1A draft classifies-1 tions for six young men who . participated in a sit-in at Ann Arbor draft board offices last year. Col. Arthur Holmes* state Selective Service director, said Thursday the five-member appeals board reached a split de-. cisioh ai Patrick Murphy and David Smokier of Detroit and Ronald Miller,and Robert Sklar of -Royal Oak. T-* ★ ★ * . He said this gives each the: right to appeal to the national appeal board. ■ The state board decided unani-mously on the 1A classifications for Raymond Lauzzana of De-j molt and.Erick Chester of Roy-1 al Oak. he said. ROME DEFERMENTS \of the six, Holmes said, some previously held deferments and | soke had not yet been classi-! some It fied. Not o jt only the Ann Arbor sit-in, but the individual’s entire record was taken into consideration by the appeal board, Holmes said. K . /★- f ? ★ Miller said Thursday night j that all six students would ap- j peal decision. Miller added, j "The board’s action was not unexpected by most of us in view : j of it’s previous record of injus-1 tices.” Customs Men Vote Not to Slow Down WINDSOR, Ont. (UPI) - Car nadian customs office's made it ^ -itiate a slowdown in customs checks over the holiday. There were less than 10 dissenters- among'.the more than 800 men voting. , The proposed slowdown would have affected both the tunnel and the Ambassndor with Detroit. The vote was taken after new, salary schedules and “tfther: assurances” were made Jo the Windsor branch of the(hjnadiq>j Customs land Excise Officers! Association, Jack Philip, ,pr)Mi-| dent,-said! The s l/o W d o w n would have been initiated, Philip said, by i following inspection procedures* ,to-the letter, resulting In stops! up to cite minute, rather than the usual procedure of speeding cars tnr ough in about 15 sec-1 onds. ‘Diplomats to Get Tickets (of Sorts) NEW YORK (AP)-From now on, illegally parked diplomatic autos in New York will get tickets of sorts, "the Police Department announced today. The tickets are called “request for cooperation cards” and are just that. They carry no penalty, because foreign diplomats are exempt from city traffic regulations. A series , of incidents over the oast year involving consular and U.N„ AUTOS DOUBLE PARKED OR BLOCKED HYDRANTS HAS GENERATED WIDESPREAD LOCAL PUBLICITY. Why Softer Tnnifht! COOL OFF the Summer Heat is Here! Take a 1 New, • Home NOW! 5000 B.T.U. General ELECTRIC No Special Wiring Needed, Installs - Easily-Quickly with easy mount window kitv Do It Yourself Carry One Home —Now GIBSON 5000 B.TVU. WINDOW MODEL Dependable, Quality built for ' years of long service. MO MONEY DOWN • Get Yours Today! -The GOOD HOUSEKEEPING SHOP at 51 W. Huron St% — ■ Shop by Phone, F£ 4-1555 CRA,%v -{ ) IT Pti wear ■polished MAHOGANY! Knee-skipping skirting putt the fashion focus pn your feetl Here, the Village look .', . rugged hand - made sandals with a whisper of a heel, all in burnished Mahogany leather. Center shod alio if white: fop shoe also inOfive. 5-10,N AM.: - WOMEN'S SHOES- : , . 5TIEET FLOOR; *4.90 SHOP TONIGHT 'TiL 9 . . . .SATURDAY 9;30 til 9:00 Juniors' 1- and' 2-Pc. SWIM SUITS' iChouM item I and 2-piece; stylet in I (X)% cottons and knits. Juniors sizes 7 to 15. Charge Yours. Swimwear. .. Third Near Reg. IJ.9,9 to 14.99 $4.99 Arnel Skirt & Blouse * 2-PIECE OUTFIT Pleated skirt, and sleeve' less blouse dyed tc, •match Solid pnd Polka dots. Sizes' 8-16.f Reg. 8.99 ,;“$5.99 Sportswear, ., Third Floor Misses'.Wash and.Wear * SHIFTS, and DRESSES Choose from sleeveless and .short, sleeves in many,, assorted clean sprints. -Mi: hblf sizes Many colors. Charge it. * Dresses . . . Third Floor Reg - 6.99 .99 Misses' and Womens Sizes SUNBACK DRESSES Choose from ' checks, stripes, embroidered bnd some: ruffle Trims.. Wide-ossortmtent of Rotors to choose' from. Charge it. *. Dresses . Third Floor - .Retf. *3.99 ■ $2.29 Tuftfed Condu'roy CHAIR PADS Plump foam filled, CordVroy' Chair pads fit most style bf choirs. Completely washable. Red, Gold/Green or Brown. Options.. ...Street FJpor . ’ Reg: 2.06 - 2 '?■ $3 Men's Short Sleeve SPORT SHIRTS Choice' of Ivy or Regular collars. Solids / . R8g.-3,.59 ..plaids, checks and stripes. Many' fabric and to 5.00 colors to' choose from. 'Sizes S-M-L-XL. ' d* A A q . Men's Wear... Street Floor * 7 J00 Men's Short Sleeve Knee Length •COTTON PAJAMAS Mtsses^fifrsn “Nylprt - SHELLS ( ; •» Reg. £.99 $2.99 Idea -shell to w slacks, shorts,’ i Many colors., S Assorted Summer Hats MILLINERY. SPECIAL: Choose from this wide assortment; of Req j jq 3 Q0 sun'and fun hots and wind bqnnets. Many — lovely color! Srid styles. 'Charge i Millinery . /, Tjjird Floor 1/2 OFF “ - Ladies' Assorted Summer COSTUME JEWELRY Choose from bead-necklaces and earrings infine quality costume jewelry. Many assorted styles and, colors tCTchoose from. . - • Jewelry . ■. . Street £loor Reg/-1,00 2 $1 1 Men's Plaid or Solid WALK SHORTS Choose ffqni plpid. or solid colors in regular -and Dak style waist. All are wash and wear. Many permanent prOss. 129-42. <* /*’ * Men's Wear.Street Floor Reg. 4.Q0 and 5.00 ' ^296- Men's Colorful California SPORT SHIRTS. Choose from many colorful styles in expertly tailored . sport shirts. Completely washable. Sizes S-M-L-XL. Charg'e Yours. Men's Wear ... Street Floor . Reg. 6.00 to 10.00 ]/3 OFF .Cogl crisp 100% /combed cotton Batiste. Reg. 4.00 Choose from Coot or Middy styles In stripes ■ 7 on/J patterns. Sizes A-B-C-D: $088 Men's Wear... Street Floor : / Boys' Plaid or Sol id SPORT SHIRTS ^ Girls' Assorted Sleeveless EfeSSES -. Choose from button-down or fashion c, Assorted* plblds or solids in woven 0 cottons. Sizqs 6 to 18. ■Boy's Wear.Second Floor 1.99 .Value $]10 Girls' sleevelessjttyle dresses in'er wide assort- ' ment, of-colors and fabrics. Sizes 2 to .12. Charge yours otWoite's.' // . Girls Wear .. . Second Floor > 3.99 Value, $]99 Girls' Famous Maker KNITSHjftTS 'Famous moke cotton knit polo's with*or withr • Reg.’2.99 •-------------------------47~ Sizes 7-to 14. j ' , Girls' Wpar, SecpndrFlodr 100% Cotton Thermal BLANKETS . Large 72x90-inch thermal blonkets. 100% Vner and worm in winter. Charge Yours.** Blonkets .. . .Fourth Floor Reg. 7.9? $488 Assorted Solid Colpr THROW: RUGS Solid color throw rugs i n a wi de ossrfrt- ment of lovely colors. (Aockint wa*H- ■ WQ* 5.99 to 8.99 0«r ohd dryoble. Charge .your, o, / $288 to $^88 Throw Rug,... fourth Floor. . Famous ;Make Deluxe - . . UPRIGHT SWEEPER Famous /moke, deluxe, sweeper With hfeqd-) pea 79.95 light for belter visibility/ Disposable lint bogs. ! FuH I yeor warranty. , . ■ t / Q Sweepers ... Fifth Fbpr 7 /' ■- U / For - Outdoor Cooking * ROUND HIBACIHI GRILL Ideal for patio cooking or even small .enough- Reg. .5.98 to take .with you for picnics.-. Rpynd and / , ^ _ _ compact. Charge yours. $ V 89 Housewares. .-. Lower Level Boys' Wash ond Wear * * COTTON DRESS SLACKS Reg. 3.99 $325 Wash and wear combed cott'oh slacks In regular and slim styles. Many assorted colors to choose from. Sizes 8 to 18; Boys' Wear... Second Floor ■ Boys' Plaid or Solid ■ WALK SHORT Choose from solids or plaids fn ju _ ,A L . nn no-iron fabrics. Slims and regulars Keg. 3.0U to 4.00 In this assortment. Many colors r~ r\/ r—r- Sjzes 8-20. • • 25% OFF Boys'Wear... Second FWtJf’* Bays' gnd Girls' Assorted SWIMWEAR .Choose from 1 and 2 piece- styles. Wide Assortment of lovely colors and patterns-to choose from. Sizes 4 > 14.’Subteen 8416.. • / /*u Children's Wear . .'. Second Floor Reg. 2.99 .to 8.99 V2 OFF' Round or Square Decorator -SOFA PILLOWS'" Choose. from round or "square. decorator o go sofo pilloiwi. with eip off severe fer wwihing:—~'~y--—t-..— Many assorted colors. $188 Decorator Pillows... Fourth Floor Assorted Print Fiberglass SHORT DRAPES Choose from q Wide assortment of prints Reg. td 10'99 lit many color combinations. Wash gnd , - , hong for easy core; SWx63-inch., fmg,: $000 ' Draperies . .. Fourth'floor u /Famous Make Print •i' KITCHEN TERRIES ftlmajii .maker • slight. Irregular cotton print Reg. 79c kitcheft.tferries. Many assorted colon to choose . _ 'from,,Charge Yours. . $1 'Y Domestics. . . Fourth" Floor w .1 ■ 5-Pc. Samsonite Delude TABLE & CHAIR SET Set included 1 card table and 4 durable Req. 41.75 chairs. Strong and sturdy. Ideal for extra . " serving area. Charge Yours. ’• * $OA00 .CoreTTable... Fifth Ffoor T4.0 50-Pc.- Stainless Steel FLATWARE SET Choke of 2 patterns. Plain or Star. -Ideal • Reg. 9.98 for extra serving those special occasions or ^ ___ for any occasion. Chorge.lt. I » t\/** ■1 ^Housewares ,.. Lower Level • • ■'/ ./' THE PONTIAC PRESS IB W«t Huron Street Pontiac, Michigan FRIDAY. JULY IKS v HAROLD A. FITZOKRALD How Aik H. rilkkUH ' Jomm w. rmcnuLB John a. ten hMUlt and Adwtutn* Dli OrmdStlon Mtnater Military Given Its Head in Viet Nam The J o h N.« o n Administration dropped the .other military shbe in 'Viet Nam Wednesday by giving the' green light to the U.S. Air Force" to bomb the hitherto excluded centers of Hanoi and Haiphong. •In the ait action that ensued, a force of 46 planes is estimated to have destroyed 75 percent of North Viet, Nam’s facilities for unloading • fuel ships and $0. per eent of the nation’s fuel storage capacity. This reversal of White House policy and. the strategic destruction it triggered paved the way for subsequent air strikes in prohibited zones. /Lifting of the sanctuary status of the two cities in effect untied one. of the hands without which the United States has » been waging the Viet Nam war. • The detion was long overdue. At this point it is idle to debate the. justification of our fighting a war' in a region 10,600 miles away for a . cause that has eluded precise clarification. "y But in the war we are—and have /"Been in accelerating’ degree ever since we picked up where the French left off in 1954. With nearly 300,000 American troops now in Viet Nam, supported by naval and air power ot formidable might, the Administration’s course is clearly one of taking the wraps off our .offensive potential and winning the war as expeditious--ly as possible. To do otherwise is to be false to the trust of our armied forces now |in Viet Nam as well as those who have already sacrificed their livfes there.- How did the Russians and Red .Chinese react to our - escalation *’ of the war? With shrill cries of condemnation and - threats of intervention and little else. How did our “allies” react, to our stepped-up war effort? Really, what difference does it . make? We’ve had little-except oral help from most while reaping criticism of oiir Southeast' -Asia policiea-from others. While vye approve President John-son’s action ill giving the Pentagon . greater latitude in prosecuting the Viet Nam campaign we can only decry the restraints he had, theretofore imposed;*’ Kids Warned Against Overtures of Strangers For kids, summer is a time of play. Oh the disturbing side of the coin, it can also be a time of danger from molesters. Nothing could better document this than the revolting experience Monday of an eight-year-old miss who was persuaded to accompany an unidentified man on an automobile ride. ’ v \ Children at play are easy prey 1m degenerates bent on luring victims from their home neighborhoods to in many- cases, a tragic fate. ★ ★ ★ *• The local police department has. put forth commendable efforts in broadcastingthe inherent danger to children from contact with strangers. Joining the campaign of child protection is the Pontiac. OptMlSt Club that has initiated the police department’s new film' library for youth guidance by the donation of two films — “Say No to Strangers” and “The Dangerous Stranger.” / But for everyday guidance of -—The city eotuieil -of Riverside, Calif., reportedly honored a distinguished Chinese citizen of the com-inunlty recently by renaming a strbet after him... LBJ Faces Up to Viet Challenge „ MARLOW By JAMES MARLQW. Associated Press News Analyst WASHINGTON — It was a lonely decision for a man who likes the broadest public approval. But unless he faced the problem the war would 'drift. And' public approval was dwindling anyway., . ,1 President Johnson, on the' recommendation of his highest advisers, gave the go-ahead lor bombing the Comm u n i s t oil bases around Hanoi and Hai-. phong id the North. * It was neither a simple nor-easy decision, and Johnson sweated it out a long time, although the immediate purpose was clear enough as. Secretary of-Defense Robert S. McNamara explained: to 'Shut off the fl ow of men and arms which the North Vietnamese were pending into the South by truck and powered junks. What couldn’t be predicted was whether this would induce Red China to get , into the war. ...**• Johnson, always concerned about having -the American people behind him abroad as well as at home, had been caught in the middle for many, months and had refrained'' from deciding. Those who wanted a stronger war against the Reds, in an effort to shorten the war and save American lives, urged far tougher action, including such bombing as Wednesday’s. -Those who wanted no war, or a very David Lawrence Says: U.S. Preventing Korea Repeat youngsters, parents should regularly caution them along- these lines formulated by sheriff’s deputies, state troopers and police: • Never go anywhere with a stranger or. accept gifts- from one. ’• Do not let strangers into , your house in parents’ absence. • Do not talk to strangers in the streets or places of amuse- . ment. • Always try to have a playmate with. you when playing outdoors, going to and from school and when running errands. • If a stranger tries to make you go anywhere with him or otherwise causes trouble, run to any nearby house for help. Try to remember his description and license number of his car if one is Involved.. Continuous counseling and exercise of caution will pay rich dividends in the safeguarding, of our •children. a . . ' ; Prominent Oriental Gets Own Way in California . It’s railed Wong Way. We’re waiting to hear what happened to the first joker who asked a native about the right way to Wong Way. *i i «• WASHINGTON - History is repeating itself, but only in ■part, as,the United States this tune is certainly not going to make in Viet Nam the same mistake that was made in Korea when, Jn deference to | our allies, the American air forces were LAWRENCE restrained from bombing Red China’s bases .afid supply linesT* ' Although the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff unanimously recommended - to president Truman that the bases in Red China supplying its invading armies in Korea be-bombed,1 the Labor government in Great Britain objected and the plan had to be abandoned. Today a Labor government in London is again expressing its disapproval of this same kind of strategy,^ and the prime minister has - said publicly that the British have “disassociated” themselves from the-policy being carried out by the United States. >. ' , . The present situation'll} Viet • Nam might , never have happened y- and many Ameri- * can families, could have been spareld the casualties, df the Viet. Nam- war from 1964 on- ’ ward — if the lessons of Ko-rea had bben heeded. America’s own safety and her vital interests throughout-the world. - ” * *•*.’# The -real issue is whether, when the. lives of Americans are being risked, they should be protected to the fullest degree .under tKe recognized rules of warfare — by maximum use op power in the air, on the sea and on the land. BIGGER WAR Unless these military, rules are applied, a bigger war can ensue, and the enemy will be encouraged to take chances, as Red-Chine did in Korea and now has done again in Viet Nam. ' The difference between the Korean, and Viet Nam wars is that, in the latter, the- Unit-. ed States is not bound today by any restrictions imposed by the. United Nations, and can fight, the war on a military basis. ’ V" * Voice of People:. . Says Action Nam Denies Principle On July 4,1776, the Thirteen Colonies declared the right of peoples to choose; their own government. On this Fourth of July, in friendship for us and in respect for this ideal, the peoples of Europe are holdingsilent vigils before our embassies. They are expressing their moral indignation at’our* denial of this principle of silf-determinatibn and at our inhumanity in Viet Nam, ★ ★ ★ Uet us, too, remember our Jifest traditions. - i ★ ★ ★ ; Stop the jyafr in Viet Nam, now! JANET HAWKSLEY MARGARET DUFFIELD ROCHESTER, MICHIGAN Unchurched Asked to Share Their Ideas Recently, our minister posed the question, “How can we, as Christians, spread the gospel to the unchurched in our com-munity?” It occurred to me that someone who has no church affiliation might be able to answer. I hope someone wll| hove an idea and share it with me. QUENNELLE HOWARD • UNION LAKE, MICHIGAN ‘Council Retaliates Against OiticisniV In a reeent Walled Lake Council meeting, Mr. Downey, City , Manager, reported that all streets in the city had been seal coated; Mr. Downey today advises me that Wellshioro Street will not • be treated. ★ - ★ ' ★ It seems absurd that the Council would punish the other residents .of Wtllsboro Street merely because I have shown the Council to be out of line in the manner in which they changed the zoning Jrom. residential to commercial and be-• cause I have challenged them to enforce the zoning ordinance which requires s green belt between commercial and residential property. I have bought salt and applied it the last two years in front of my property and apparently will have to continue to do so. , ' * • 1 1 Because of the change in commercial zoning and the lack of warning signs, the traffic on. Wellsboro by people who do not know it is not a through street has increased. , . CAMERON E. ROSE WALLED. LAKE, MICHIGAN Capital Letter: Republicans Overlooking a Top Prospect for 1968 Voters Urged to Make Changes’at ,Polls I hope the voters’will remember when they go tojhe polls that “Soapy” Williams just about broke Michigan, and-President Johnson is breaking the whole U.S.A. Time for a change. CONCERNED ; Contractors Accused of Scdtterjirg\Debris A great campaign is ofttto keep America beautiful, I feel we need anti-littering laws for building contractors. Lliye ip an area where many new homes are under construction and 1’m tired of picking up siding wrappers, boxes, backing board ind various other debris. KEEP AMERICA BEAUTIFUL ’ limited one, opposed the new air strikes. Johnson has been pictured as a man sn , consumed by hjs desire for “consensus” that he is forever pulling public opinion polls put of his pocket to show White . House visitors. •'In a speech he made early-in 1965 he dwelt on “consensus” 13 times. ’ although he Wasn't talking of Viet Nam at the time. ★ ★ pr */' But he has been in the presidency over 2t4-yearS now and the soaring approval the polls showed for him in the epriy days has gone down, steadily, and not just in popularity. • . . LESS QUESTIONING Thii month a Gallup poll showed only 46 . per cent of the people questioned approved Johnson’s handling (of the war, compared ■ with 63 per cent last January. ~ Gradually Johnson reached. a point -that others before him had to face: That a president is n lender and may have tq act . for what he considers the good of the country oven if popular opinion isn’t with him. And this month he sent an aide a* quote from Sir Winston Churchill on the "danger of relying on polls: “Nothing is more dangerous than to live in t{he -temperamental atmosphere of a Gallup poll, always7 taking one’s pulse and taking one’s'temperature. / . * * * . “There is only one duty, one safe coutsq, and that is to try to be right and not to fear to do or say what you believe to be right.” FPeSUMU .jflBMan. lu r-ty aware of -the current attitude of the militaryhas come to the conclusion ,lhw Qiere is nlllj/ nno may (ft prfttftCt thf Jives of American forces, and that is to bomb the enemy bases and supply Unes.. ENCOURAGEMENT . ••• It may well be. wondered Whether the indifference of America’s allies in the Korean war did not encouTage-the Red Chinese to comeRo the aid of tWe North Vietnamese Communists in their effort to seize South Viet Nam.- There is some. suggestion in London reports that Prime Minister Wilson has hitherto' been giving moral support to Mmbing raids against military installations in North Viet Nam, dCspite ' constant opposition from left-wingers and Communist sympathizers within his own party, but that now he has found it necessary, under pressure, p denounce the ' bombardment of s apply. basef. ^ r, The American people do not like tlje'Viet Nam war/any more than they did the #o-rean war or World War It or World War I. But there are certain necessities which have to do with the preservation of Verbal Orchids Mr* and Mrs. Walter J. Lee \ of Avon Towndhip; ’. golden wedding anniversary. Mrs. JCnnie Donaldson of 338 N.,Cass; 89th birthday. By RUTH MONTGOMERY WASHINGTON - GOP strategists who are Hopefully scanning the Horizon fora potential presidential winner in 1968 are overlooking a gold mine in the| U.S. Senate. - No- other] current Re-...publican officeholder can| match Sen. John Sherman . Ruth Cooper’s com- Montgomery bined exper- , ience in both foreign and do>s mestic affairs. , As a matter of fact, no tl.S. president ni modern ' time! has, at his first inauguration, been able to boast such, diversified gov--orumontol—orodontials »* this former ambassador and Circuit Court judge, who has ably served in all three ’ b r a n c h e s of government and the armed services. Cooper, a product of Yale , University, arid Harvhrd Law School, belongs to the mod-, erate wing of the GOP. - Neither a dove- nor a hawk ’ on Viet Nam, he opposes fur-,ther escalation and bombing of North -Viet Nam, but is also against withdrawal. Or abject surrender... He favors a strong international ;podji to : bring both parties to la negotiation table. HIGHLY REGARDED jr • Highly regarded by presidents of. both parties,1 Cooper • served three times as a dele-( gate to the United Nations General’Assembly and twice ^ as an adviser at NATO con-ferences? hy appointment of President Truman. / He was President Eisenhower’s highly effective ambassador to India and Nepal in 195546. . Because of* his judicial temperament, President Johnson named him to the Warren Commission which investigat-. ed the assassination of President Kennedy, .and he was LBJ’s representative to the funeral of Indian Prime Minister Shastri last January. * _ w Although born and reared in the Southern-oriented bor- Question and Answer Everyone goes around saying “Virtue is its own reward,” but some of us are having a terrible time tryiug to fbd out Where that comes from. I say Shakespeare, but'I don’t know for sure. . v /, - PEDANTIC PAUL . / REPLY V Shakespeare may have said it, too, but its first appearance seems to have been from .the pen of SUius Italicus, a Roman poet, whti lived about 25-99 A.D. He said “Ipsa quiderp. virfns sibimet_ piilcherrima metces” which means “Virtue herself-is her own fairest reward” Then about 200 A.t). Diogenes Laertius said, “Virtue was sufficient' of herself for happiness.” An English poet, Matthew Prior,, simplified it to “Virtue is its own reward,” but apparently Sir Thomas Browne didn't think somiich of that idea, because in 1642 he wrote “ThaCirirtue is hczjohn reward, is but a cold principle”. Reviewing Qthct Editorial Pages- der state, of “Ken lucky. Cooper has cosponsored every ciril rights bill since going to the Senate in 1946; arxj although he generally votes with the liberal wing of the GOP, he „.vis a party regular who supported Barry Goldwater after he became the Republican nominee in ’64.. ★ * . • * In I960 Cooper won by the largest margin ever accorded a Senate candidate in traditionally Democratic Kentucky -r a real tribute to this '“mainstream” Republican.' ......t King Future Syndktla! Which Is 112, The Marysville (Kan.) Advoeqfe An acquaintance is a fellow you know well enough to borrow, from but not well enough to lend to. » ' • Extensive ' >Shjdy The Monmt^Evenirig Mews More than 500,000 bachelor . and 140,000 advanced degrees will bq handed out this month to the largest graduation class in the, history of American’ higher education. These grad-, uates will find, the joh outlook “brighter than ever,” according to Secretary of Labor W. Willard Wirtz. But It’s ironic that a good share of these graduates won’t be going to jobs — they’ll be heading right back; to graduate sctyMkl i fori1 more advanced study,, i . £5 a ?jlF. s ♦ ' * : A factor in -this increasing trend toward graduate study undoubtedly is - the Viet Nam escalation. Those males who continue in college , ale , relatively immune to the draft; those who take a job .are prime candidates for> the armed forces. Yet it’s wrong to blame only the draff for . .this 7return-to-school movement. The trend was well es* tabiished even before the mill-, tary started calling most young men. More young men, or perhaps we {ihould^ay their families, can afford continu- _ ,-k, ■ / The principal, reason tor the popularity of graduate study is the highly , advertised theory that a graduate degree is the key to a better job. An ordinary bachelor’s degree used to be considered' adequate for almost anyone; now more advanced learning is said to he neces-. sary for success in many fields. ' 1 Still another reason for the popularity of prolonged study is tiie thought of many students that the day of facing economic responsibility — of getting and hold- , tog a job — can be postponed. Many fellowships are available and many reasonably good students can continue their education with . little wr no financial (train, and this seems to be inducing ipany to do so. r' -pjf ' it . ★ ’■ y _ In 'mod! institutions, about 10 per certt pidre I Cqn^MmC) ( ( . ( " ' Among the objectives of the tour, as stated by Mr. , Eshkol himself,, was “to . contrinute to the deepening of reciprocal ties” and “to make a common effort to dijeover new paths for joint activity on basic political, economic and' social problems in the international arena.” Reciprocal relations of various kinds now exist between Israel and some 39 African ' nations. a i Mr. Eshkoj was Warmly re- • • delved wherever he went. THE PONTIAC PRESS, FRIDAY, JUL,Y 1, 1966 Prefers to Bill Patient Direct eln Medicare CHICAGO (AP) - Dr. Mil* font 0. Rouse combines profes-siongl skill with shirp business sense. • He made that clear in his first news conference since Ms selection as the president-elect of the American'Medical Association. DISCOUNT PRICES ON HEALTH & BEAUTY AIDS Re said he! prefers, under-Medicare, ’ to ge give- the 65-or-yjF^*9'.-over patient an If a ~ .itemized a c-PBf count which th«p wL % ' patient can take j| jrf k care of ’him-j||a|HR?fl' self. Then thej^HwJH patient will be^^BE reimbursed, Jie BH JHI said, uiraer the RQUSE . new insurance system for the I elderly. , WON’T FIGHT IT “I’m not your insurance broker,” he said in capsuling his attitude Thursday. “I’m y o u r doctor. I’m trying to help you.” Dr. Rouse said he won't try to block Medicare^. Rut, he said, “I can see no way to handle Medicare except on a basis of direct billing.” Ntw Dawn 6-oz. Jjioftlti Noxzema in 10-oz. wt. jar YOUR CHOICE! 12' aluminum boat or 5-hp motor .;. buy both, save a big 45.14 Reg. 124.95 car-fop model boat: weighs only 86 lbs.) heli-arc welded Into leakproof unit; styrofoam flotation, non-skid deck. Reg. 119.95 Clinton 5-hpmotor: air* cooled*,'jeweled engine; won't dog or cor* rode, even in salt water; trolls.smoothly. Dr. Rouse is 63. He!s of medium height, balding and tanned ___a i__ . eilhAllofto and has a rather slim silhouette. “How do you keep so trim?” an interviewer inquired. “I’m a gastroenterologist,” he replied with a unite. The implication', apparently, Is that a doctor whose speciality includes the stomach and digestive tract is careful about what Bactirit in 4-fl. oz. size Nutri-Tonic shampoo, jar Coppertone Ian lotion Plastic bottle MINISTER’S SON Dr. Rouse was bom In Jacksonville, Tex., son of a Baptist minister, teacher and author. He went to high school in Vernon and once worked for a newspaper there, the Vernon Record. Borbosol shove cream Raid House and Garden Colgate \ toothpaste ■. Dr. Rouse earned his M.D. at Baylor University. ln: 1927 and went into practice In Dallas, Tex., a year later. He will be installed as the AMA’s liffind president next June at the annual convention in' Atlantic City. -A rlr ^-*1 ~v Picture your patio with this complete 7-pc. redwood and aluminum patio set one cma we-pi ice A tidal wq^oKwrlfie swim suits fust roll^in AMndfwhat buys! Fishnets, boy Uad mios, scoop backs, nmticahrvand morel Quick-dry ftbrids;Jsol-ids, stripes and pAnts.j6-16. Plane Crash Victim Found in Lake Huron Everything you need for out-door entertain* ingl twin settee, coffee table, 2 arm choirs with molded plastic armrests, 3 vinyl covered uretharte foanS pads. Weather-resistant. All pieces fold cdmpactly for storage! Save! Lanolin Plus shampoo, rinst ALPENA (UPII - The bodyj of an Indiana businessman, onej of four , who died in’ Or crash of i their small plane June 8, was found yesterday off Thunder Bay Island in Lake Huron. The victim was identified as Stanley W. Knapp; 35, an advertising man from. Fort Wayne, Ind. Knapp was believed the pilot of the single engine Pip*, er Comanche last heard from The body of .tJordoh Banks: Jr., a real estate man from Waynee *»» recovered, shortly after theYrash. *&• ' ’ O A A six-day land and air search failed to turn up the other bodies. ... ' Sjtill missing are Douglas Lawrence, 35,’ and Donald Erwin, 34, also of Fort Wayne. Knjpp’s body Was sighted by a fishing boat and recovered by the Coast Guard. Kodak "104R" Instamatic tat Keystone 8mm movie camera Cone Wonda-Sof t striped towels Reg. 8.99 velour shirts for men j Medicare Spells Trouble for Man DURHAM, N.C. (AP) - I Claims processors at Hos-_J pital Care Association did 1 a-, double take yesterday \ When a hospital claim turned jip tor. a 65-year-old man with this diagnosis: “Ruction to Medicare.” 1 ' ij-y I y ■ jjr * ★ ' r Overworked themselves, getting ready for the gov-ernment’s Medicare program which begins today, the. Blue Cross workers1 called Moses H. Cone Hospital to conform the’ diag- They were told that the diagnosis was a typographical error, It ph8uld«l have read: “Reeptidn'tct medicine.” 88 99- 87- 49‘ I58*t 18 97 H a n I e y s, competition stripes, V-necks, pullovers with zippers. Many colors. Cotton, velour. Sizes S-XL. White, pastel rayon and cotton lace-trimmed* full slips, petticoats, gowns, shifts! 32-40 and S-M-L. Dura Ion* rayon knit panels need little or np Ironing! Hemmed and headed.' ■filmy ivory white color. Utility size — extra absorbent, soft.. 20x40" size. Face cloths.......... 23c GuetYtdwels......y..... 39c, 'Super 8' |is always ready to shpot with tontinuous electric power. Fixed focus lens, electric eye. Great! ,Lumenized lens for sharp pictures. Cartridge, flash-cube, batterits and album, color film included. *£’!'« fi* Convenient! 32x80-in. plastic folding door 2.44 WhHa or beige plastic; hardware inclyded. Use 2 for cantor OPEN EVERY NIGHT TO t Drayton open Sunday rtoon to 6 Washable chonillo fringad bedspreads 4.99 Hog. 5.991 Wide bullion fringe; cotton chonillo. Vti&shahle. Full or twtn dzo. .Save Mg, todayl" Catoway B-pc. luggage sot plus bonus offer 26” 26", 29" .pvllmon plus 2W companion cost. ' Handsome, FREE vanity com Included. Luggage MM wt Oreyten IfcL.rM 57” heavy metal car top carrior adjusts 847 Heavy-duty; metal with webbed hold-down Waps. Adjusts to wkit(i of cor cosily. Big official size rubber basketball 2.28 Built for * indoor or outdoor . use. AH rubber construction. Finger grip block seams, also. Polaroid' “104” color camora is low-priced 55” Famous - Polaroid quality, complete ’with .."104" torn-•ra, Rim, album- and bulbs. DOWNTOWN AND DRAYTON PLAINS JHE PONTIAC PRESS, FRIDAY, JULY 1, 1C0C I SATURDAY t V While Quantity Lasts A Division of the S. S. Kre^pe Company with over 900 Kresge, K mart and jypiter OPEN DAILY 10 to 10 | i Sunday 12 to 1 || Monday, July 4»h \i A.M. to 6 P.M. Ltve-lt-Up Holiday cKf ASSORTED VINYL SWIM NOVELTIES Onr Reg. 86c. Made for fun-on-tbe-beacb . . sturdy but lightweight all plastic Inflatable vtnyL Selection of tjovelty. water - toys include; hydroplane, skindivers and big fish with a rider. Made in Japan.. PORTABLE 20-INCH BREEZE BOX FAN 24x36" INFLATABLE VINYL PLAY RAPT 1888 CHILDREN’S VINYL WADING POOL 15x12x30” STEEL FOOT LOCKER 1.77 5M 34” Unbreakable rigid plastic. abatter proof, seamless .ronstruction. Will not de-. flate. Weatherproof. - Our Reg. 7.87. Enamelled Steel foot locker with removable , tray. . Dust-proof closure. Charcoal, navy and olive. Charge it! . 6-FT.xl 5-INCH STEEL WALL POOL DUO-pAK STARTER SET, GUIDE BOOK J77 SUIT-SIZE PLAID VINYL TRAVEL BAG J&j TRAVELERS’ FIRST AID KIT 57* Onr Reg. 68c. Raft Is 24”x36”, inflatable, sturdy vinyl, constructed with a “•ee-ihroogb" windoy and low rope. “Charge Westinghouse 2-speed ’fan features three aluminum blades, grey baked enamel case .and safety guards, 10’ cord. 1I15-H.P. motor is guaranteed for 1 year. I- lb. pkg. “dor-Aid” disinfect- Jj ing powder: l; algaecide, plus instruction book. II- Ft. Lawn Furniture Webbing Kit.......44o . 6-Ft. diameter family-size pool. Constructed with strong steel wall and vertical support. A heavy vinyl'liner — Charge it at K-Mart. 97* Keeps clothes toil' • and Scotch Tartan plaid, length rusPproof zipper. -Coat, Drags Vinyl Travel Bag- llo Onr Reg. 1.21. Compact kit with adhesive tape, ganso bondages and pads, antiseptic ereaua, sheer stripe and first-eid book- Our Reg. 2.97 2 Day Only • SPECIAL! 3x5 FT. COTTON OUTDOOR AMERICAN FLAG 50-otar American flag of heavy cottop bunting material with a 6-foot weather-proof metaLpdle end wall bracket to match. Limit ritit. For convenience,. 1 “charge it". CHILDREN’S 2-SEAT SAND BOX WITH A SUN CANOPY 7.57 Chtr Reg. 7.97 California >redwood or western red cedag.. 41" High, 34" wide; 3514" long. Metal sand pan, adjustable canopy. it - ' 1 ■ ■ VO 5 HAIR DRESS ING, COIHNTIONER NOXZEMA® CREAM IN TUBE mum HAIR SPRAY 91* - 52* - Our Reg. 1.47. Clair-ol’-i®. gentle, new hair tightener. Shampoos in-! ALBERTO V05 regular. Help* lq soothe and re- Our Reg.^ 64c, The "all-for natural, gleaming, !■**• the discomfort of, »*xth«r" hair apray. heaUfty hair! summer aunburn. Keep* hair firm, aoft. *Ss4Wsl(W *?“*• msausmmam Adjusts to 5 Comfortable Positions' CHAISE LOUNGE WITH * AN INNERSPRING PAD t.ompure n 22JIS 2 Day Only 1688 MB ,. Charge fl Enjoy H As A Hammock, Use as a Cotl SWINGTIME 34”x80* COT-HAMMOCK UNIT “SOLARCAINE SUNBURN REMEDY/ "COPPERTONE® SUNTAN LOTION d-T COPPERTONE” SUNTAN LOTION “RIGHT GUARD” SPRAY DEODORANT Otur Reg. 11.57 2 baya Only >ng. 26L4.’’ wide. Built with 1" tubular alvminum >■ a” innertpring mattress is fabric-backed vinyl, mc, blue, yellow. Moves on 7" plastic wheels. ■ 7S.98^ IJ7 e rose, _.TT, # ..... - V ■ ■ I ■ 1 Seat, Naek Cushions ........ ......... 1.67 ** Whita, Grain, Yellow Tarry Chaise Coyar ...... 2.11 Our Reg. 97c. Stopa pgiflphelpi prevent infections an&peeltrig. -minus. Enriched with special moisturizers, conditioners! Tans better! 1* ’“fluid ozs. Mfelal stand Astro cot unit with a strong 4-point raspension. The cot is 34”x80” and has Our Reg. 1.97. Give# Our Reg. 97$. Refreshing 4^ wMu'f1,6 d^iick fabric bed you a beautiful deep,even 2-aeCond spray stops odor . , fTW . e ^nngC. And there 8 a tan quickly. 24 hours. . ptUow4o-match. Use it as a hammock, on ihe j ' lawn or indoors as a comfortable cot. GLENWOOD PLAZA CORNER NORTH PERRY AT GLENWOOD m m FRIDAY, JULY t, NY Shipping MIIHdnair* Path to Riches and all summer too.. Westinghouse Deluxe By HAL BOYLE NEW YORK (AP) - It’s hard io get rich going around Indr-cles. V „ - But that's how Francis Barry became a mil* ' Mobilaire 5,000 BTU'S-115 Volts-7.5 Amps-Nema Ceifrfied-Heavy Duty- • Weighs Only 59 lbs. Installs fast • Choice of Settings Include~ and Easy — Washable Filtorr High CoOl, Night Coot, High • Needs No Soecial Wiring Fan and Loyd Fan >le Air .tef ,V ski I1’• . resort at Wakefield, was Electedi she bfd been a faithful assist-president ’ ' / '-1*nt cashier for all those years, Jack Miller, a Rapids River « owned by her fa- ther, W. P. Iverson. She was earning $5,000 a year at the end, but had lived the life of a millionaire. • ★ * . * Sheldon, a towri of about 4,500 restaurant owner antTone of the recently resided officials, was VIectedt vice resident. Tom Smith of the Michigan Tech faculty at Houghfan became treasurer and Kenneth Dorman wil continue as/the secretary-man-1 in northwestern Iowa, appeared ager. tq be taking Mrs. Geiger’s re- * -I turn calmly. “I -would hope for -a .Christian attitude of forgiveness,” said the Rev.. Jerry Eslinger of the Sheldon Congregational Church. “IPs been a long time. I don’t 'think the people tire particularly! disturbed any more,” said Mrs. I W. R. Adkins, wife of Sheldon’s] mayor. Mrs. Geiger will live with her father, how 80, and mother, 04. The bank failed, and a business which she has chiefly fi- Investment Chief Dies CHICAGO (AP) Harold Leonard Stuart, 04, head of one 0r the nation’s largest invest; ment houses dealing exclusively • in bonds, died Thursday. Stuart, who had been hospitalized for about six weeks because of can: cer, had been president of Halsey, Stuart b Co. tor mere than M years.. nanced went bankrupt. Butl most of- the bank’s depositors were protected by federal insur-j •nee. Mrs. Geiger was said to have never taken a,day off from work nor taken a vacation at the bank. Her bookkeeping system was so intricate ttalat it took weeks before officials could see clearly how much money was involved. She pleaded guilty and was sentenced on Fab. 37, 1961, Shortly after she went to prison, her husband r Wallace, died. Mystery Writer Dins COLCHESTER, England (AP) — Margery Allingham, 61, a mystery writer, died-Thursday. She wrote more than 30 books, and her best-known character, Albert Campion, appeared in W. - You can saa forever, in a Mackinaw Truck Campar. -Breath-taking views art yours through extra-larga, alu- . minum-framed Jalousie typo windows and door, com-' plat* with screens, plus a safety glass picture window in front. Choose your own vista! How's ths Grand Canyon for a starter? J^ackinow camper TBIPLI "H" COLLISION 2634 Auburn Road -Pontiac, Mich. UL 2-1440 Science for You DO THIS: Roll the paper ■round the pencil Remove the pencil, and fatten the rolled paper with the dip. Put the roll into the balloon, at shown in fisure 2, inflate the balloon, land release it A little.experimenting with acisaort will remit in the right size and weight of the-paper and clip. When this is correct, the released balloon will nil up. If thejrocket tuck is tried indoors, the balloon will push against the ceiling until the air comes out - - HERE’S WHY: For every action there is an equal and - opposite reaction. This is the rocket principle, Newton's third law, gating from 1686. The balloon pushes the air out and the escaping., air makes for a lighter pressure on the neck side than on the opposite inside of the'balloon. The weight of the paper and clip and the balloon neek keep the balloon in an upright position so it will climb. MUSTANG TILLERS k h°y* whot counts — . ~ PSPSSPy Thera oro thro# MUSTANG tillers , to choose from — one is best MuiAaMO^^ drive-shaft tiller with fully andoaad worm-gear and clutch aaaembly. Controlled by just one lever. Quality ami dependability at a budget price. T*WwUloma£ Midiamg 4W-hp heavy-duty tiller, designed for ’ rental uae or for the professional gar. dener. Sturdy, tough, durable — vet well-balanced and easy to handle. ’ Trouble-free features include heavy-duty gear eaaa. Cheese the MUSTANG foot suits MODEL 2042, 3Va-H.P^ cw PRICED AT ONLY | Z7 KING BROS. Part$ and' Service FE 4-1662 FE -44734 Pontiac Road at Opdykt ' Vi.t THE POftTfAC PRESS! FRIDAY, JUL^ 1,1966 *V.rfV Hs:s\ A—11 QUITTING SNCC - John E Lewis, 26, an officer and form-er chairman of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, said yesterday in Atlanta he is quitting the organization. He said he disagrees with ;SNCC’d new slogan of "Black Power*'' but did. not Specify that as his reason for resigning. Ladies' Summer Dresses • JUNIORS • MISSES • HALF SIZES, Shifts, Sleeveless or Short Steele , ' and one arid two-piece dresses " . \ Regular to $35 -, 6",ol 9" FBI Men May Be Prosecuted Alleged Wiretapping Violations Probed LAS VEGAS, Nev. (AP) Agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation may be prosecuted for violation of the Nevada wiretapping - law, says Las Vegas Dist. Atty. Edward G. Marshall. „ ‘‘We’re not going to take any action until we make a complete investigation. We’ll -have to sub-poena their files. I don’t know if we’ll get them. But we’ll have to try ,” he said Thursday. FBI agent R. BdrnsToolson!':£‘| testified Wednesday in U.S. Dis- :£:£ trict Court in Denver, ColoJ that in 1962 he was in charge of !§:§ a microphone hooked by wires! !§ij:j from the Desert Inn hotel-casino j :£:£ to the FBI office in Las .Vegas. | APPEALS CONVICTION J || ‘if we can. muster the evi-1 3;i&: dence,” said Marshall, - “we’ll have to prosecute him and any- j-Si*: body else involved.” Ladies' Suits Regular to $40 *9 .*28 Ladies' Skirts, Blouses, Coordinates Woff Ladies' Summer Tops, Bermudas, Surfers, Slacks 7% off Ladies' Spring Coats / Regular $30 to $50 *15 *25 Alleged M11 Pair in. New If « $£ Dock Business * / Girls' Pajamas ' Coal/summer Baby Doll and Gown styles Regular 3.00 159 2 ter 5.00 Men's Suits Summer and Year: round Fabrics One and twapafo styles * ^Regular to $100 $48 .. $86 Men's Sport Coats ( Wools, Dacyon/Wool, Dacron/Cotton, blends Regular to $45 *13 „ *38 Men's Sport Coats Wools, DacrQn/WooJ, Blended fabrics. Regular to $85 *43. *69 Men's Slacks Lightweight and year 'round fabrics. Regular to $25 6”-18" Men's Student Suits Regular to $9.95 *29 . *48 Men's Jackets Regular and hooded, nylcm, cotton/dacron, and poplins Regular to 19.95 !99 • DETROIT (UPI) - Three Detroiters, two of them alleged Mafia members, have come up with something new:, instant stevedores. *\ ‘‘It’s just like the Kelly Girls', remarked Louis (Rip) Koury, who has joined Anthony J. .(Tony Jack) and vito (Billy> Jack) Giaoalone in the new op-1 eration. The ' Giacalones were L named by former Detroit Po-lice Commissioner George Edwards as members .of the congressional Bearing Tii IMS. .; j i “We provide stevedores and i; barges w marine terminals that ! ^ have more ships to unload thah-j; they can.handle, Koury-said. .1 Jj Girls' Coats AI1 Weather styles and lightweights Regular to $25 950 »1550 Girls Dresses Our entire selection, of summer styles Regular to $11 >99 69S - He also said the business is j a legitimate operation. " ill Order Stays Sale of Ship If Girls' Blouses Short sleeve and sleeveless styles Regiitttr to $4' ,, I”. 2” 14” Boys' Sport Shirts • Softd&^nd plaids .- ’ Button down- and Henley styles^, Regular $3 m ‘ 24s Boys' Knit Shirts Complete selection of s * crew- neck styles™ -'•• Regular $2 ■ , l59 2 for 3.00 Boys' Knit Shirts Choice of , *• crew neck styles. Regular $4 2" 2 for 5.75 Boys' Jackets Assorted kipper and hooded styles' _ Regular to 7.98 099 Boys' Sport Coats Woois, light arid 'round weights Regular to $2$ *9 ,.»14 Boys' Suits A selected group. Regular $25 Men’s Sport and Dress Shirts . Short sleeve models Regular $4 329 2 for 6.50 Men’s Sport and Dress Shirts ■ ,.Short Sleeve Styles. j■.. .__", Rigtrlnrto-$7' 4" ’2 for. 9.75 Men's Knit Shirts Mock turtle, Henleys in cotton and velours Regular to $10 039 *. ^99 SIIOi: SPECIALS KOK l ilt: WIIOI.K I VMM A *19 Boys' Slack Sets long and short sleeve styles — 3 to 7 Regular to $8 1” »3” Boys' Slacks Assorted Washable Styles Regular to 10.98 V2off Juvenile Suits and Sport Coats 4^r Sizes 4 to 7 Regular 10.98 A99 Mobile, Ala. (AP) — The battleship Alabama is safe from the auction block* for the present at least. ‘ - ’} Circuit Court Judge Dan-iel McC*U panted a temporary' injunction yesterday preventing the sale of’the ship to the highest bidder as; scheduled July) ! 6th. The- huge vessel is - berthed hr Mobile Bay as a permanent shrine fo Alabama’s war dead. County Judge Warren Finch had issued an earlier order to sell the ship to satisfy a '6416 garnishment agaipst an employe of the State Battleship Commission McCall ruled that, as 8 state agency, the commission was' not liable to garnishment proceedings. H 1 ||L Closeouts and/or Discontinued Stylos and Colors HUSH PUPPIES | Rfiutdrto*^.»9 *V88 Q88 |§ Men's ; I «® m Regular to $12.99 C88 088 Ladies ‘ 0 «• 9 R.|»lor*o$9 99 A 68 C 88 Childrens ■» andU Ladies’ and Children’s- TENNIS OXFORDS LADIES' White;, Navy* Green, Black ... * Sizes/ 4 to' 10/*N - M CHILDREN'S'; - Navy,. Red, White. Sizes 6*6 3 . rr Cushioned arch - - 7:1;-. •£ , TfrAtf. White High or Law , TENNIS SHOES 2'90&i9° Boys’'hi to & I Men'i tj> 1|2 399 Also available in’ black. 11 to 6 Ladies' Sandals MADE IN ITALY Regular $5.00 r *.\ V-„ \ Sizes 4 to 10 Use A Lion Charge Plan HHgM| Hew non-electric Hot & cold server s-t-r-e-t-c-h cotton summer coordinates 2*5 Your summertime favorite, checked gingham, goes modem in the most delightful way . .. as beruffled crop tops and trim little jackets team with shorts, surfers, slim-line skirts. Pink, ■blue and white gingham.' In sizes 8.to 18. Pick girls' cottons--Jamaicas and tops each Crop'tbps are' dreamy in print, check or -solid cottons. Teamed with jamaicas in seersucker, pOplin or madras-type plaids, they're really keen. Machine washable, 7-14. Mix 'em or match 'em!„ Double wjpr drobe. ’ Save now on Men's Brent swim trunks 244 REG. 2.99 / Comfortable boxer-length style in the bright, bold young look so popular today! Plefity of colors to choose from .... handsome style features like drawstring waistband. Comes in sizes S, M, L, and L.' Save now at Wardsl Flat 81x108-inch percale sheets 222 REG. 2.59 Look! Here are the Style House 100% comb-' ed cotton Percale sheets that are lighter, yet so much stronger than muslin. The luxuriously soft, silken-smooth finish retains it's fresh-ds-new look washing after washing. Savel Misses' cool, soft cotton knit briefs , Absorbent .reinforced cotton With elastic leg, waist, double crotch.* Comes in sizes 32 to 40. Machine, washable. Savel Aluminum frame folding chaise lounge: 6x8 strands of plastic web- HM OO birtg. 1" diameter aluminum frame. Contour,seat and back. Reg. 3.99 chair .2.88 , REG 7 99 Quality sunglasses -for men and women. Choose from newest styles and colot*..'. even wrap-arouhds! Now, just in time for summer. -nSee them at Wards today. 66' Reduced! Airline 12-in. portable TV *77 ' Perfect for your 2nd *et. Lightweight-only 19-lbs. Has aluminum picture tube and big top-mounted speaker. Hurry now. m^^USKsSmBKi Molded "Vacucel" foam plastic chest Basket-type aluminum handl^ - 42 Quart capacity. Rustproof, ' leakproof fodm chest. Light- weight; self-insplating. CHARGE IT * Sanded pine fabric decorative frames Big savings on decorative; frames — ready to stain or baint in your favorite finish. Other sizes at 25c savings.' ‘ Holds 7 quarts, serves from -non-drip faucet. Fully insuldt-ed; can be. used in or out. Black w7 satin-aluminum trim. • Mew Riverside* super spark plugs New car quality. Ribbed to prevent flash-over, nickel steel electrodes save gas. Improve performance. Save tod ay 1^ STORE OPEN MONDAY THRU SATURDAY nUUno: SUNDAYS 12 NOON to 6 P.M. Pontiac Mall PHONE 682-4940 Telegraph at Elizabeth Lake Rd. ;■ ^ ■ T*. ^ >^-v ■&y , j' J ■ ,: ,- -v / PONTIAC PRESS , PONTIAC,; MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JULY; t, 1966, r ~ B^-l "'."•"vc"r Meadow Brook Festiva[ Opens Third Season1 Mr. and Mrs. Ben D Mills 1966 That “Meadow Brook,magic” was $t work agaiji Thursday evening. The weatherman cooperated with a full moon. The grounds never looked better. And some- . thing about the Whole atmosphere brings out the best in the audience wmch was perfectly silent,, receptive and appreciative. ' • This is the beginning of eight weeks of rtiusic at~Oak-lahd University.. w eight weeks of the Detroit Symphony 7 Orchestra and world-famous soloists .. of Robert Shaw and his group of singers trained in the Meadow Brook School of Music .",of great music for 30 more magical nights. • \ Susie Varner, 12, daughter of Chancellor arid Mrs. D. B. Varner’, had as special guests Thursday evening the daughters of the Sixten EhrlingSi. Ehrling is conductor of the Detroit Symphony Orchestra. In the center is Ann-Charlotte, 8; right is Elisabeth, 12. Mrs. W. Henry Sink, Lincoln Avenue and Mrs. ' Adrian Ish,.Woodbine Drive, are regulars at the Thursday night concerts.- ■ \ . They were guests at a cocktail party dud chairmen of the Meadow Brook Music dinner which preceded the opening con-Festival, chat with Mrs. Alfred G. Wilson, cert Thursday evening. 'The Alfred C, Girards,: Bloomfield Alfred G, Wilson, Mr.I and Mrs. BejiD. Hills, and the Marvin Kktkes, Kirkway Mills and the. D. B. Varners were‘-hosts Drive, meet at Meadow Brook Hall for a for the occasion. / v- reception following the concert. Mrs. / . / > fie may Be *the you^jfesi concert goer; he's Also one \ of the most enthusiastic. Jay Marquis and- his mother, Mrs. Gerald Marquis of Detroit; have a comfortable spot on the grass.- __ MRS. R. i. BRIGHT* Personals QrchestraTSeloist Triumph By BERNICE ROSENTHAL The eagerly anticipated Meadow Brook concert season of' 1966 got under way'in magnificent style last evening. • v the capacity audience had a breathless air of -expectancy as conductor Sixten Ehrling lifted his baton for tile first time in : a concert- of music from the standard repertoire. The overture to Verdi’s ’’La Forza del Destino” unleashed, its dramatic impact jipon the- cool evening ’ ment by the solo clarinet,.'the symphony swept Inward in an, emotional torrent of. sounds Always controlled and disciplined, the strings especially showed great strength and sensitivity^ • ■ The Detroit Symphony Orchestra was in top fprm. Each little turn of a phrase, each little-attack and release in the tragic Verdi work, helped to build up/ U)p tension at the overture unfolded. ; . . r- v, A If the interpretation was somewhat bombastic and more bandlike in quality than one ordinarily expects from this composition, the electrifying effect more than compensated for the deviation from the usual. The sad and plaintive second movement and the more matter-of-fact and philosophical Scherzo which followed, • provided a .contrast to ease .the emotional tension. In the last movement, the &pic quality was heightened at the close.. . *£■; Mr. E h r 1 i n g took the final Two Pledge Phi Chapter Early arrivals at the symphony com natedby the Geof ge T. Trumbutts. It cert have dinner on Trumbull Terrace, houses the Scholar Shop, which, like the This facility was built on Meadow Brook ’ Terrace,.is open every night a concert is Music Festival grounds with money do- scheduled. SIBELIUS ■v /, • <• ' ■ /• In Sibelius’ First Symphony V which followed, Mr. Ehrling showed his great understanding and empathy „ with - symphonic literature of the Romantic Era. • In the music of Northern and. Eastern Europe, he finds perhaps his greatest inspiration, and rarely has a performance been given which ' display* so beautifully both thp composer’s intent and the orchestra’s great capacity. From the first remote state- t Mrs. Rjobert Leahy and Mrs. Donald Seconder were, welcomed as new pledge.8 of. Phi ■ chapter, Beta Sigma Phi sor*- /' ority, Wednesday, in the home coda at a Slpwer and more decisive tempo thanjisual, which '.gave unexpected finality and ' added breadth to the symphony. SOLOIST Henryk Szeryng, as violin soloist in’ the second half of the program, performed Beet-• hoven’s yiolin Concerto -in, D Major; After a 'rather unsure beginning. Mr. Szeryng hit his stride in the cadenza of the-first movement. From then on, hi? clarity of tone, his purity of intonation, his' artistic command'of his instru: ment produced an inspired performance of this beloved work. - The second movement was relaxed and'controlled, and projected the spiritual, almost-re* ligious quality of the ritusic with Inspired devotion. Robust humor and technical- skill dominated the final. Rpndo. . A relaxing holiday weekend is planned by jProbate Judge and ‘ Mrs. DunaKl E. Adams of West Walton Boulevard. They will” motor to. their farm at Wolverine for several days. The Collis Scotts of Cherokee Road are planning a weekend trip to Port Huron to visit their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. William L. Clark.- The Dana Whitmers of Genesee Avenue are attending a relative’s wedding in Cai^pn, Ohio. of Mrs. Robert Schmidt on eppnpllc Steepnollow Drive, White Lake ToWnship. Committee chairmen appointed at the closing meeting for the season were Mrs. Albert Padar, Mrs: Rds-sell Famum, Mrs. Doyle Thompson, Mrs. John-.Nord, Mrs. Roy Stuart,' and Mrs. Michael Odle. . A family picnic is planned for Aug. 38r > . The orchestral role in this con-, certo .Jh as important as the soloist's. Mr. Ehrling achieved a' perfect balance) here, which made for a performance of great stature, a truly great commencement for another season at Meadow Brook. Dr. and Mrs. John Pridmore of Onagon Trail willbe giving their new swimming pool a good -wbrkout over the holiday week-end. On Sunday there will be ' an outdoor supper and pool par-’. ty^with guests, the G. D. Apple-whites,the George Pridmores of -. Ferndale and the Howard Prid-mores>- V*. v :-1’ Colby, Amy, Alison and Libby I to help thei will be on-hand to help Their hosting parents and to welcome cousins,! Petejr and Susan.;, After a repeat performance on Friday evening, Mr. Szeryng will again be the soloist >at Saturday and Sunday’s performance of Tschpikowsky’s Violin Concerto. The orchestra . will play. Berlioz’ Symphonie Fantasti- ‘ qua." ’. . ; 'The Donald Murphys of Union Lake will again be entertaining at their annual Fourth of July aU-day pool party. * Forty guests are -expected. Sharon, Michael, Timothy, Patricia and Barbara will be assisting their parents with- tha' 1 day’s festivities. THE PONTIAC PRESS, FRIDAY, JULY 1, 1966 Don't Change Furniture Guests Are Too C ritical: By ABIGAIL VAN BUREN they vent hope, we heard from ALITY,” who stated that she DEAR ABBY: We have a nice * mutual friend that they didn't jjjjdn’t want £er children associ-a lovely guest room f^j0^ *heir stay,with us becAuseJ ,dth children of divorced . KJ. th^y aren’t used to sleeping to-,_. _jL* PEAR home with, which has a big, comfortable •double bed. We. had a couple] come to visit us for a week, and' | when showed them their room the= man said: "Aj I DOUBLE BEDr I we haven’t! slept in £* double bed ip I years! At home we have twin ! beds'.” His wife gave him a dirty look so he kept still. We would have |offered,.diem our bedroom, but we have a double bed, too. After ABBY gether. couples because they all ran | To protect furniture where ' shoes are likely to soil, uphol-] stery fabrics','use a bath towel i of appropriate size as a "alip-r! i cover;” Just fold Jt to fit at’ r the- corners, tuck in the ex- | tra material, and pih * where needed, • Terry doth has enough body , to stay put where you drape 5 it-and, most important, it can be machinewashed and fluffed dry in minutes. One thorough sudsing will banish* even the blackest shoe polish stain. Meadow Brook Was Perfect All Around Must we exchange the double^ and had n6 supervision at bed for twin beds to Bpcom-jhome, was truly ”iif!a -The - Store •Qu'a.lfty Grunts-- / F*6ntiac% OldfestJewelry Store ' ■ 28 West fluron Strootw F£ 2-7257 Susan Barnett Is -Recent Bride Former Pontiac residents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Barnett Jr. of*Fort Lauderdale, Fla. announce -the recent marriage of-their daughter, Susan Lynn, to Frederick Watson Andrews, .son of Mrs. and Mrs. Jack Andrews of Davie, Fla. Reception in the Cooper City / Country' Club followed the rttr performed by the Rev. John R. Brabham in the Davie Methodist Church. -Mr.' and Mrs. John Beaudia of Coleman Street are. the grandparents of the bride. ' J&M&btertcIt CONSOLE PIANO SUMMER SPECIAL BUDGET PIANO Specially, reinforced hammers, 3 working pedals. Full 88-note keyboard. 10-year written guarantee. Beautiful-walnut or mahogany finish available. '585 BENCH INCLUDED Only $50 Down Balance*/36 Months * . f Ereningt by Afi/tninlmpiit CALBI MUSIC efC 119 North Saginaw FE 5-82^2 FanUneV Only iMenlTy Omnnl Homy nf HAUHt l.y Piaooi ami Orgnn» — Sr Inter, Sr Inter Huntlv and Inntrumrnli FHP;p: qJSTOMKR PARKING HEAR OF BUlLDIMi;. RENT, LEASE, SELL. BUY HOMES, PROPERTY, COTTAGES, GARS, GOLF CLUBS - - - USE PONTIAC, PRESS CLASSIFIED' IADS. TO PLACE YQUliS, CALL 332-8181. - h „ V V ii ivif I Never Before Offered at This Price! 100% Continuous Filament Nylon Carpeting 6** • Includes Tackless Installation and Sponge Rubber Padding > the pontiac press, Friday, juiy vipm Mr. find Mrs. Max James of Cutler Avenue announce the e ng a dement of their daughter, Bonnie, to Lawrence L. Anderson. Her fiance attended Bdb Jones University. Mid-August vows are planned. Say Bon Voyage . .Witti Luncheon Mrs.. Ludwig Ka tarian of Locklin Drive, West Bloomfield Township, was honored at a bon voyage luncheon Wednesday in'Detroit’s Pont-chartrain Hotel. She left for Scotland and will .tour Europd for the rest of the summer. Hostess was the honoree’s daughter Mrs. i>aine Hether-ington of West Bloomfield Township. Area guests Mrs. May Muir and Mrs. Jack Scales jdined other! from Detroit and Dearborn for the occasion. Eqsy to Set a 'Bang-Up' of July Cotton fabrics were first to feature perip press. .... SHOES Far thr Whnlr family ■ PONTIAC MAIL MIRACLE MILE M o s t summertime picnics are casual affairs, and extra work is Aept at a minimum so the whole family can enjoy the vacation spot or back yard* •But the Fourth & July calls for more of a celebration And some decorations to mark the occasion. Good news for picnic planners this year are easy-to-make table decorations that won’t blow away In the wind. y •** ★ w ♦1 f To set a bang-up table for the Fourth, surround a large firecracker, centerpiece wl t h small firecracker favors filled with candy and nuts. Place-mats cut in the shape of lu-ge stars complete the festive look. MATERIALS The windproof material to make centerpiece, placemats, and and favors is adhesive covering in red", w h 1 te, and blue. Other ingredients you’ll need are junior size and man size cleansing tissues; some floral wire; and a few gold and blue stars; red, white, and- blue ribbon; two' miniature flags for each favor; two larger ones for the centerpiece. , *... * For me centerpiece f i r e-cracker, roll a piece of light weight cardboard into a < der and tape it together. Cut a circular or base from blue adh ering, but do not remove the backing sheet./Cut a large white star ana adhere to the blue base. / Cover Hie firecracker with red adhesive covering, leav-rtMUgh covering at foe bot-of foe cylinder to tape it e center of the base. ASSEMBLING Place several gold and blue stars back to back on varying Pair Returns From Trip in North lengths of floral Fire and wire' together with foe Bags. ' [ Pick up eight man-size ti*-| sues at foe center, to create a f “flare" effect. Wire foe sues around foe flag and stars. Insert flags and tissues io the. top ef^fod cylinder. Circle‘foe base of foe firecracker,, with red, white and blue bbws eng gold s t a r s, taped or wiredinplace. j' - *.*;*/*'■, '■* Follow foe same procedure for favors, using center cardboard cores from paper towels cut> in halves or thirds and junior-size tissues. Trace foe pattern of a, star large enough to bold a place setting on foe backing sheet of foe adhesive covering', then cut out for placemat. When you’re ready to set your Fourth Of July table, remove the backing sheet from placemats and firecrackers, and adhere the mats and decorations to -foe table itself. They -won't blow afray during your picnic, and they’re easily removed when you're through, with no damage to table top. YOU WMT? BE ROT! SET OK PONTIAC SPORTS CAR, MC. PHONE 335-1511 ... 447 Aobera Avsnws PHONE 335-113I RENT, LEASE, SELL. BUY HOMES, PROPERTY, COTTAGES, CARS, GOLF CLUBS---USE PONTIAC PRESS CLASSIFIED ADS. TO PLACE YOURS, CALL 3324111. \Fot a festive Fourth, let a giant firecracker '/Explode” in the center of this picnic table set} ting. It’s surrounded by small/ firecrackers as individual favors. Firecrackers and star place-, n^ats are made of adhesive covering and can be adhered to the table tdp itself. They won’t blow away and they're easily removed when the / picnic’s over. Inge > CLARKSTON APPLIANCE i 6 N. Main St. 625-2704 EXPERT PICTURE FRAMING Finger's of the Mall 6824411 r Meet Friends for BREAKFASUnd LUNCH Always Good Coflee BIKER FOUNTAIN . Hiker BMg. — bobby 1 vS * • ? Returned from a honeymoon in Northern Michigan and Mackinac Island are Mr. and .Mrs. Richard Allen Meyers (Carolyn TersignD who were wed recently in Our Lady of foe Lakes Catholic Church. Parents of foe couple who greeted friends in the Oakland County Sportsmen’s Club are foe N. A. Tersignis of Hadley Road, Independence Township, and Mr. and Mrs. Howard L. Meyers 'of Curwood Drive, * ★ 3h . Nancy Steele was honor attendant with bridesmaids, Ale-tha Tersigni, Mrs. Thelma Brown, Mrs. Mark Moultrup? and Lisa Tersigni, flower girl. With best man, Larry Meyers, were the ushers Mark Moultrup; Roger Rose and and Vio'Tersigni. *v Upland cotton, grown in U S., forms bulk of world’s crop. •». ■WiiSel AMERICAN PROVINCIAL Sot refreshingly new and different—this ; bright, gay and colorful dhjnerware combines the charm and quairftnes* of the past with the smooth, smart lines of today. Each piece distinctively styled to lend interest and accent to .your table. A truly American dinner-ware—a proud possession for any hostess.. ' ~^r- 16-Pc. . sg95- open stock DIXIE POTTERY 5281 Dixie Hwy. OR 3-1894 Lowrey You play pleasing melodies right from the start! Beginners, children, adults— anyone can play right away-it’s so easy an a Lowrey... and so oary to.ownl .The Sterlet brings you Lowray’s glorious organ voices-plus many oxciting Organ *nd •xc|u*iv* *wocts. • Finest weed cabinets enhanced with " Sti StaiM-J, mahegany and walnut. • Teuch-taba far aaay playing • Exclusive Lowrey ONde far trembene elide effects • Vibrate far pulsating effects • Solo tebe accent wdcite • full ll-nete ecdllbccrd NO MONEY DOWN no Payment til sept. MTU Oil 4224 N. Woodward Bar. 1314 and 14 Mile Ad. Open Daily TM 9 P.M. Set. TUI 5:10 P.M. Shane 549-MSS BLOOMFIELD DLLS 1710 S. Telegraph r South of Orchard Lake Rd. Open Dally TIN 9 P.M. . Sat. 5:30 P.M. , Phone 334-0544 lO'neiVATS PARKIMO I Mim Summer Dresses Washable, easy cafe in casual; , - - and dressy styles-’.; • Regular to *80* $9“ $22 j .6 Summer Skirts-Blouses- Vz » 'h Of Coordinates f Jamaicas or. Bermudas Regular to $8.00 499 Summer Suits Reg. $30 to $110 *20.*74 ■ a • Sults-Dresses-Ensembles—Knits Regular $18 to $120 V2off " r1 Summer Handbags j. Regular to $15.00 *4 - *10 c j spring Coats . Reg. to $50 17*°. *25 .Ex lartnunt , iral pOlUlMl Ss> Safe Andrew. Geller reg. to $30 18^ DeLiso Debs reg. to Stl 1490 Caressa—Mr. Eastorr reg. to $17 Town & ‘ Country Dress reg. to $16 9^ Californifct Cobblers JL90 reg. to $14 U , Town & Country Casuals A90 reg. to $12 O Italian Sandals- 3’0 * 990 • 1I fr.jp t, s- v# i HURON; at TELEGRAPH THE I»OytlAC PRESS, FRIDAY, JPfrY.l, 1666 Go I Golfers Tqkt Tim# tor Fqjn Day VA Crazy Hat theme waa lea* tured when Fairway Golf League members met for their annual Fun Day Thursday at ^dingac Country Club. Mrs. James 'Creig was chair* ipan for the event. Committee members were: Mrs. Floyd Compton, Mrs. Merrell Petrie, Mrs. William Bennett, Mrs. 'Frutk Webster, Mrs. Bradley Smith end Mrs. Jerome Koo- AFS Students to Patterns taken from the animal kingdom ran through several -designer collections for fall. They show as fake leopard and cheetah. The real thing in atHaopard skin for suits also is a favorite. Orchard Lakefamilies bost-Mg the students art the C. F. BagUngers; the Richard Grouts; Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kan Jr; dm Charles Shot-walls and the Kenneth Sag- Forty students from 19 countries will spend the weekend in. the Pontiac ana. All are American Field Service students who are ending their 16-month.stay In the United States with a bus tour of the nation. The young people will arrive at WestBlgomfleldHigh School Saturday afternoon and leaVt Tuesday morning. AFS SPONSORS West Bloomfield and Auburn Heists chapter of AFS are sponsoring their stay hero ''esigh Mrs. Wayne Smith and' Mrw'ljwig Rmrfhnrv u aKbIp. Mr.;and Mrs. William Tsy-[ Roaald Borti, thw^m Everett ir; the John HaUa; MrT and Caeays SndtheRotinr- i Scott* Its. Harold Rix and the A. H.+ .^kU^0*1 J*/"™ •■■Om- f , a a2 . . . dude Mr. ud Mrs_________ char es rotteslsbens will also enfer- Neii»n, the Home.- Joyleys; Mwi«nU. Mr. and Mn. J. W_ Philipp Completing dm list arc the I bar and to Ralph Extra Heavy Nylon Tweeds, $695 , Sava $2.00 par Yd. NEW Indoor Outdoor Carpet.. *4% See Our Large Selection of ARMSTRONG VINYL FLOORS Qpen Monday and Friday ’til 9 P.M. g^-4 Fashion in pur Artists’ canvas made of cotton. i.' usually Cooling Tot^h heat has baby rast- ““ lacbF ing touch, square in chilled _ witch hazel and hold tiffr-fatty fold aLthe nape of the baby’s node. It removes perspiration and imparts a cool- ness baby appreciates. WIN *1000 WIN $100 You Must Get 'Your Free Coni THIS WEEK AT WRIGLEY OR PACKER FOODS FOR NfXY MONDAY’S TELEVISED RACES The Bert J. BexeUs of Q%tey Drive announce the 'engagement of their , daughter Christine Ann, to Lawrence H. Taylor, son of the Howard L. Taylors of Feathersione Road. The bride-elect is enrolled at Michigan f Statjp University for fall term. No Heat Mike use of the NmHeat setting on your dryer, suggests Mary Hui*. A well-known appliance firm’s home economics director says it’s wonderful for fluffing, airing or dusting pillows, blankets, draperies, rugs or any garment just out of storage. Plastics — shower curtains, flowers, etc. — that have been washed automatically on the delicate cycle,‘can be dried on .the No'Heat setting, too. . IP** Polly's Pointers ^OEsri rmr Washcloth Slipp'ers Call a TO. to. Borrower in Office DIAMOND BRIDAL SET *129” I DEAR POLLY —My Pointeri matching towel robe-make a is in answer to Mrs. 0. 0. W*s _ CHARLENE request for the way. to make Hv 'GIRLS — Mrsr J. E. H. makes bedroom slippers out of iash M I cloths. One washcloth makes one slipper/ Fold washcloth in half, and I sew a narrow "hem up the back leaving about 1# to 2 inches to Jold down. This makes a casing in which Yi-inch elastic is inserted when the slipper is finished. Trim the first stitching and turn up the point at one lend to make the heel. Sew in place. Sew seam up the front. j - gives them a nice finish by sewing the heels and toes together with the zigzag stitch on her,sewing machine. Mrs. G. W. A. .uses a piece of outing flannel to make inner-soles which are stitched from side to side and end to end to sta/ in pl&ce. This gives long* er wear to the slippers. POLLY stick to your guns, she’ll soon AL. • ««il cfnvf 4a Terms to' Suit Your MINI-AIDS for Nervw Deafness NO WIRES—NO PLUGS 30% OFF ON ALL ran - HEARING AIDS B>Vfll truhH-IUM-TMir-Mr Ml Pontiac Consumers Co-Op Optical Z 1717 S. TELEGRAPH ROAD 333-7671 f . (ft Mile South of Orchard lie. Rd.) The pointed end -is the toe. Riin the elastic, with a safety pin fastened to one end, through the casing and sew the ends together. A nice after-bath robe is easy to make with two bath .towels. Lay'two matching, towels, one on top of Jhe other,-then measure and mark the long side 9 inches from one end (for srmhole) jnd 12 inches front the other end (for slit) and. stitch between these markings. Repeat this on the other longj By ELIZABETH L POST Dear Mrs. Post: The girls in my office are almost ail congenial, but we have a problem. One 6f the newer employees is a “borrower.” Not a day goes [by that she doesn’t ask some one for a nickel for a pack of gum, or a dime to make a phone call. This doesn’t sound like much, but it' adds up when itx happens all the time, and she never pays us back. We don’t want to create an unpleasant atmosphere in a nice office, but we’re burned up, and we don’t knowi what to do — Marian Saunders. Dear Miss Saunders; Firm-i ness is thVkey word in dealing with the borrower. If all of you girls agree to have a good ex* cuse ready’ “Sorry, I forgot tny change purse,” of “}’m;going to make a call'.myself,” and DEAR POLLY—Ake your little tin spice cans hard to open? If so, try my husband’s suggestion. Poor cooking oil into a bottle cap and with a toothpick put a drop or two 6f the oil oh each slide. Slide the opening tab back and forth several- times and from then cm the spice can will glide open quickly and easily. ELSIE Anyone submitting a Polly’s Problem, a solution to a problem or a favorite homemaking idea will receive 9 dollar if Polly uses the item in Polly’s Pointers. get the message and start to carry her own-dimes. Dear Miss Post: If fe friend telephones me when I am out, is it necessary to return her call when I get'home? I didn’t do this and have been sccused of being rude. Was I?-Julie. Dear Julie: Unless she asked that you return her call, it wasn’t absolutely necessary, but it-would have been friendlier to do so. While you weren’t actually rude, you might lose a lot of friends- of you. don’t make the effort to return their calls.: side. Gather ends of towels1 p l Rljrnc into about 14 inches to make '~are Tor Durns the neck. Sew trimming on neck edges leaving enough at each end to tie on the shoulders. A set of washcloth slippers and ' URBAN RENEWAL CLEARANCE CONTINUED SAVE .£ 50o/°: • On Floor Samples—Mostly one-of-a-kind American tola n authentic- colonial v ,$2380? Cellarette Bar complete- with !24-piece net of glgss- 2 doors: Made qf rare Movinga. Perfect ^ ^50 for.weekend entertaining. Orig. 169.50 . $22950 Sturdily Jouilt double foam filled sofd. Reversible loam cushions over foam* base. Arm caps. Orig $295 ......:........f(................ $4950 $147*. Foam cushioned DiVanwith walnut legsfand large table with white .formica top, pnd Walnut trim.-Orig. ill?!?............................... Walnut finish Dinette Table with marred top. 40"x3P" extends to . 60" with 2 10" leaves, Orig. knotty pine hunt board. Floor sample. Slightly marrikd-.Orig. $75... .. . .... • ■...» Maple trimmed cork bulletin board. Decorator dccentyfor kitchen, office or family room. Orig. 14.95 Simmons Hide-A-Bed. Love seat size with handsome green cover. Colonial wing '.fyljng, Orig. 249.50... Country. French wing chair in heavy plaid fabric: Maple trim. orig. )U>5. ................. 1..... Imported Danish ‘ rocker-recliner chair complete with ottoman. Walnut trim. Orig. 139.50 .► . . > Quaint jjuilted.tireside chair. Slightly soiled floor sample. Orig, 89.50........,......... ,th Mode'rn1 coffee table witIP mar-resistant plastic top. Orig. 19.95 ..........j^................ t Solid maple 30" cabinet with bookcase top, Orig. 124.50 $9950 $24>* $25°a $9»s $199*0 $92*o *69* *39" *9” $69*° Budget Terms, of Course Plenty of Free Parking ^ >«JRNITOR« Mqweea is. m eecNAie iMi avi. „• , WMW WtHIAT Decoratoriot Your Service .Open Friday Evening Despite asbestos gauntlets and long-handled barbecue utensils, the outdoor code sometimes grills himself instead of the steak! The best first aid treatment for such minor burns is washing with soap and cold water — the soap to cleanse the spot, and cold water to soothe it. * If the pain subsides, it Is safe to forget about further Crayton J-Wig Distributors Authorized Marshall Imparts Distributors 4666 West Welton Bird., ' Drayton Plains, Mich. 41020 673-3408 673-0712 treatment, medical authorities shunt declare. If a burn copti to give trouble,. by see your doctor. I in space suits.) Carpet Paths and Spots Easily Removed• • .*w«lean , carpet wall-to-wall. Safa Blua Lustre re-bri|htena colon, Ioavao sup' fluffy. Rent easy-to-use elec* r for SI a day a SIDE-MOUNTED SPEAKERS RCA VICTOR SOLID- STATE STEREO i Solid State stereo amplifier; 56 watts peak power ' 4 6 speaker?: Two 15* duo-cones (Bide mounted), two exponential horns, two 3J4* tweeters • RCA Solid Copper Circuits e Solid State FM-AM-FM Stereo Radio e Studiomatic 4-speed changer • feather Action Tone Arm, diamond stylus . • Frequency response: 46 to 20.000 cps PORTABLE STEREOS See It For'RCA Color STEFANSKI ELECTRONICS We Service Wh We Sell 1157 W. .HURON FE 2-6967 Extra power to cool home or small bushes: • Flooding Sueponoton tor enehf operation. Chassis floaU on springs______ • V«MOt sir distribution—left, right. Hp. down st • flick of your fingar. • Eaey-ent, eeey-fn filter it ratable. • Big moieture removal. • Pud-owl chassis. • A loo thru-ths A-24K, 24,000 BTU/hr (NEMA) Amazing new frigidaire pin-drop QUIETNESS! Another first from Frigidaire! No roaring air or rattling vibration. Exclusive Soft-Sound operating fa make the bib, quiet dttirdnoe.' Automatic Cool ing Control lor orx Smart styflpg-,- wood grain or beige (rente. Feet, easy installation. $2&: frigidaire budget buv with easy instaiiaUonl A-4UC, Single diet oontrol tele yoeulsct to ___ . degree of comfort yov want Quick-reach, reusable filter clum the •k ae the air conditioner qpolifnd dehuiras -sidlflet. Inatalle easily in juat minutei * •> g 4,000 BTU/hr (MEMA) finish. Blends with any dacor. CRUMP ELECTRIC, INC 346& Auburn Rd. UL 2-3000 THE PONTIAC PRESS, FRIDA#, JULY l, 19$fl m, INSTORE) sum SahEnds LIMITED QUANTITIES SOME TAKE-WITH ITEMS SAVE NOW ON EVERYTHING FOR YOUR FAMILY AND YOUR HOME :K If/ m WOMEN'S FASHIONS Reg. 2.99-3.99 Flatten no (A (A LADIES BLOUSES.... .. .2- 3 3 Reg. 3.49-3.99 SummerMuit . LADIES’ SLACKS... . . .. Reg. 22.99-24.99 Exciting designs LAMES OUATS......... Reg. $5.99 Miste*. Juniors, Half-sizes SUMMER DRESSES...... Reg. 10.99 Mieso*, Juniors, Half-sizes SUMMER DRESSES.. . . . ' Reg. 16.99Misses, Juniors,half-sizes SUMMER DRESSES...... Special Purchase . . Crass Strap SUMMER IRONS SANDALS \JZeg. 3prs. for $3.95 Lovely Shades SHEER NYLONS, 3 prs........ Reg. 99c Bikim^T>tqln, black, fe^ LACE STRETCH PARTY.... v Reg. $1 White, Comfortable Fit STRETCH PANTY............ Reg. 2.99 Colorful Prints DUSTER.. . ............ Reg. 1.99 Fiberfill Contour Cups COTTMBRJi............ R.g. 2.75 Whit* Nud. COTTON BRA............ Reg. $3-)$4 Long leg or brief GIRDLES.. ............. Reg. 1.19 Rubber and Acetate GIRDLE... ............. Reg. $6 Lightly boned white COTTON CORSELETTES .. Rdg. 59c-69c White Medium and Large ACETATE PANTT.......... Reg. 79c White, AAedhim and Large NYLON BRIEF........... 3 6 8 77* 222 66* m 197 99c 199 |96 488 25c 57* MEN'S FASHIONS 1 Reg. 2.50 100% eilk MEN’S ALL SILK TIES.... Values to 12. Large Selections Man's ASSORTED SWEATERS ... $122 !—5 Rag. $1 Quality AAade. MEN’S COLORFUL TIES ... Aft Rag. $2 Large Selection - CAlC SUSPENDERS, BUTTON TYPE 5U Reg. 0/1.29 Mass's Favorite MEN’S CREW SOCKS...,. 3/88° Reg. 5.98 Wash ondWeorGrdy Only WORK OUTFITS........ s 5Se> R«a. 8.18 Combtd Cotton. Gray only , mm WORK OUTFITS. ....... ,. 1 Reg. 5.99 Man's Slacks NO IRON SLACKS.... . .. 444 { HOUSEWARES | Rag. 66c Cooking Necsssitites HANDY KITCHEN UTENSILS am 25 Reg. 50c Good for so many usee PLASTIC MIXING BOWLS Reg: 4.44 $0 Convenient ' oq< RUG SNAMPOOERS.... .J.. Z The Finest Quality AAi USEFUL PUSH BROOMS.... 99 Save Now! One Quart AAi TEFLON SAUCEPAN....... 99 VACUUM CLEANERS Reg. 49.95 Full set of Attachments »/ enep CANISTER VACUUM CLEANER Z9 Reg. 49.95 Full Set of Attachments A A ft A DELUXE FLOOR POLISHER.. Z9 Reg. 69e Upright Model CASS DELUXE VAC.CLEANER .....59 Reg. 69 1 Vi H.P. Deluxe Vi bra-beat v an CANISTER VAC. CLEANER .. 58 Reg. 20—Save the Wards Way 4 ESS FLOOR POLISHER... .... . . . 15 Ideal for the kids sand box OAfS BROWN SAND 80-LB....... 88 Reg. 24.99 16" with Trainer Wheels 4k ARE 2 WHEEL BIKE................T9 Rag.999Big36- ' WH RED WAGON.V. R.g.230 15'x4S" Fill., Maint. Kt. POOL WITH LADDER........... 119 Reg. 32D. 18*x48" Filter, Maint. Kit AAA POOL WITH LADDER.... . s, Z69 Reg. 435 24"x48'' Filter,Maint. Kit enj POOL WITH LADDER ... ... 384 POOLS/BIKES BEDDING/YARD GOODS Assorted ctflors, Textures, designs ■ AO/ CLEARANCE OF REMNANTS 50% off 50° rd S yards $1 f for I Reg. 99c Solid Colors TERRY CLOTH . . . now Reg. 59c yard - Assorted Colors ORGANDY........... Reg. 9.99 Size 72z90 Air Cell-, AQQ 100% A6RILAN BLANKET .. O Reg. 7.28 Embroidered Pretector IncL Soft or ■■ nn FIRM DACRON PILLOW.... 5 Assorted patterns and colors E AO/ BATH TOWEL CLEARANCE 5U7o.« CARPETING Reg.1~32.50l r^tl 3'9Vi" Aoee.Beige Nylon CARPET REMNANT .r.... . 99 Re'g^l 39.82 15'xl 0Vi' Sand Nylon 4 AA CARPET REMNANT...................109 Reg. 179.88 15'xl4'6"Blue Nylon. jen CARPET REMNANT......... 199 R«g.207.85 11 Vh'xl5Vi'Ro*. B«ig« JH NYLON CARPET REMNANT.., .150 R.g.9.99Sq.Yd.l$'x34'6" Turguoi.. ' CARPET REMNANT.. Jtt".. Reg. 281.6912'it23' Green Nylon AAA CARPET REMNANT......... ZZ9 Rsg. 119.88 I2'*14*4"$ltl. Nylon |hJ. GflIKT REMNANT ...-vt.v. 99 TV AND STEREO 2981 Reg. 39-99—Beautiful finish DELUXE IVORY AM-FM RADIO Reg. 24.99-Rugged, all lea/her 4 ASS MAN’S PORTABLE RADIO... 19 Reg. $459—Relaxing, entertaining HA A 21” COLOR TV CONSOLE... 4Z9 Reg. $259-Save Now 4'AA 6-Speaker STEREO Console 1 FURNITURE Rn. 24.99 Won). 84.1 CRIB MATTRESS........ 1l«g. 10.99 30- Red or Whit. -. ' BAR STOOL............v Reg. 219.*99 48" Table 4 Swivel Charie 6 PIECE DINETTE......... Reg. 399.99 Modem Walnut ° 3 PIECE BEDROOM..;.... Reg. 69.99 Includes Bolsters FOAM LOUNGE......... Reg. 129499 Vinyl Plastic Cover SWIVEL ROCKER..,,.... Reg 29.99 Print Covet m nan CRICKET ROCKER,. . . . .19 APPLIANCES 8 Rig. $194—Large Capacity DISHWASHER... 139 Reg. $149 -12-Place Portable DISHWASHER/Ts......... 99 Reg. $279-40” H.eM« ZH DOUBLE OVEN RANGE . 189 R.g. $279— 30” Word. B..t ELECTRIC RANGE..' 299 R.g. $199— 17^Upright FREEZER.. 159 Reg. $199-14-Lb. Capacity AUTOMATIC WASHER..... 149 Reg, $159—12-Lb. Capacity AUTOMATIC WASHER 119 I SPORTING GOODS | Reg. 9.99—Factory matched line ZEBC0 ROD and REEL.,.. 08« Reg. 39.99—Boys'or Girls' 3-SPEED JET BLACK- BIKE.. 32 Reg. $149>-Brand New 000-LB. BOAT TRAILER ... 134 Reg. $199—Sea. King with tank Q.RP OUTBOARD MOTOR... 158 B i g 8-Qua rt Ca pacity Styrofoam MINNOW BUCKET 99c Reg. 79.99-Western Field_ ■ 12-GA. PUMP SHOTGUN ... 69 R«g. $1.65 StMl Shall 1-PINT THERMOS BOTTLE.. 99c MISCELLANEOUS Reg. $2.44. Choose from 18" to 36" sizes VENETIAN BURRS........ Reg. $4.99—Accent on remodeling FIBERGLASS SHEET, 26”xl”. Reg. $21.99-Out of sight, out of mind DISAPPEARIHR STAIRWAY.. Reg. $36,99-Save Now COMBINATION ALUM. DOOR.. Save Now — Best Buy '~1 "* Odd Size STORMS, SCREENS Quality made' pre-hung ALUMINUM DOORS .. , . L . R*g. $22.99-Mov,» 250 CFM 4AR8 KITCHEN CEILING FAN.... 14 ffeg.249.95. Enjoy benefits of soft waterf|4 Afifi 0” Auto. WATER SOFTENER Z19 OPEN MONDAY THRU SATURDAY 9:30 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. SUNDAYS 12 NOON to 6 P.M. Pontiac Mall PHONE 682-4940 Telegraph at Elizabeth Lake Rd. B—6 THE PONTIAC PfrESS, FRIDAY, JUfcY'l, 1•«*•• »,which ended Thursday, rolled .Zip Code.......... |into the red — the only (Uffer- % J ence of opinion is by how much. Start with the Issue of..... .Stop sendlsgwith issue of .'Estimates range from $2.5 bil* Jilion to $29 billion. ’ My Home Address................................ I For the new year the admirus- Clty ..........,. .ZipCode........... ! 7 •** , l lier estimate that'spending will ■ net tax receipts by $1.1 | New Fiscal ^eat Pro indeed, I wont to know what is going, on at h please mail The Pontiac Press to> ■■ \ Name..'. .Vy Address ... C. CHy. WASHINGTON (API — Hie But a source on the Senate- new fiscal years, is the amount — and net tax *acoifjts of $100 Mouse Committee -on, Internal0^!**** government col- bURon. Revenue Tanation said the • P2V-* **- '1 • . ..State. cal 1960.deficit should be cloee to the $2.5 billion the committee had predicted earlier in the yefcr, •. AT ISSUE The Treasury Department istill estimates last year’s deficit at between $3.4 biRiob and $39 billion,' but one government source said it could drop below $3'bii!ion — which would make it the lowest deficit in six years. At issue, in both the old and Exact figures for the list fiscal year won’t be fully tabulated fop gnather three weeks but' it’s already certain the government ended the year in far better sHape financially than the ad-ministation anticipatM six months ago. Premier's Widow. Dies ' MEDIA, Pa. (AP) - Mrs. Vincent Kreve-Mickevidus, whose late husband was the last premier of Lithuania before it 1 became a Soviet satellite, died - ,r * * * [Wednesday. Kreve-Mickevidus „ Last Januarv, the deficit wasland his wife came to the United estimated at $6.4 billion based States where he joined the Union spending of $106.4 billion — I versify of Pennsylvania in 1040, the first spending. program in He retired in 1952 and died in, history of more than $1M billion] 1S54. MtCP POOL' k)2£». Relax , In AIR-CONDITIONED Comfort at The Liberty COCKTAIL LOUNGE IS L SAGINAW - DOWNTOWN PONTIAC OPEN 7 A M. «• 2 AAA. WORLD WIDE MICHIGAN'S LARGEST FURNITURE CHAIN-SATISFACTION GUARANTEED YOUR DOLLAR RHYS MODE AT YOUR WORLD WIDE STORE .THE PONTIAC JRggST FRIBAY WLY i 1866 B-7 KITTENISH—Simonka, a lion cub, makes an appealing picture in the Prague Zoo where tt J» expected; to became a great favorite with visiting Czech children. Indian Plans Get-Together With Snakes HOWELL (UPIV-A Cherokee Indian prepared today- to enter People Come First—JCChief Bill pn CrimmdMy Insane im Kelley Wfll Utge Veto LANSING (AP) - Atty. Gen. Frank Kelley said today he would urge Gov. Romney to veto a bill altering procedures fop' determining the mental, condition of accused criminals. . , The measure is chiefly* concerned with the criminally insane. _ Kelley said although the intent of the bill is good, it was drafted by nonlawyers, Js vague and legally unsound “and doesn’t really solve anything.”, . The measure would provide for the ex-aminntion at a psychiatric center of persons charged with a crime but believed mentally incompetent. The attorney general further called a series of meetings faTiron out complaints that toe many inmates have been released for trial from the Ionia State Hospital for the Crimihally In- '/mmm B ERRY PHARMACY 609 East Blvd. 1211 Baldwin 197 S. Adams ATMNNT - PONTIAC Ntir MmMi-N>IM’ Nfrtt. AAA-Airm»|tn- FE 3-71*2 FE 3-7957 Ml 7-4471 PERRY Kelley said the State Mental Health Department has agreed to a 10-day moratorium on such releases. He added' that it may b$.extended. ... They could be held for up to 19 months before it was decided whether they should stand trial or be confined to an institution. Detroit Recorder’s Court'Jujtee Joseph A. Gillis complained’ at a tweeting with Kelley and. mental health representatives yesterday that some ISO inmates have been released for trial from the Ionia institution within the last eight months. ’ FORMER AVERAGE ‘BILL INADEQUATE’ Kelley said the bill is inadequate because there are about pix different types of what is legally termed criminal insanity, and the measure doesn't deal with the total problem. Gillis said this compared with a former average of about IS to 20. Kelley said this apparently was due to a new departmental polioy releasing those able to stand trial whether jprfwt they are mentally able to return tjHne community. OPEN „ SUNDAY, JULY 3rd-M0NDAY, JULY 4th SAVE Watch Our Windows for Special Holiday Savings! ERRY PHARMACY 689 East Blvd. AT MMY - PONTIAC FE 3-7152 . 1251 Baldwin 597 S. Adams 3417Eliz.Lk.Rd.' Ntir 6*teaAiA-A*irtlu N«it te AIA-linnin|hani A«4NI>Witeifenl FE 3-7057 Ml 7-4470 FE 8-9248 Buy, Trade, Sell . . . Use Pontiac Press Want Ads DETROIT *gj> gent objectives. ON OTHER HAND “Nevertheless, I do not now recommend either,.a limitation of anticipated enrollment for 1966- 67 or an increase-In tu’“ and fees,” Keast said in a report to the board of governors. “On the other hand,” he/added, “if the 1967-68 appropriation .. should again fall significantly below the university’s Reeds, we will have to face squarely the alternatives of limiting enrollment or raising tuition in order to bring our resources into balance with Its/educational research and obligations.” Keast said the 1966-67 appropriation will, “necessitate the postponement or curtailment of urgently needed programs' and faciliti£.”_ * The governors approved Keast’s budget recommenda-tions, including higher salaries for faculty and staff members. Hart,Defends Viet Policy -as 'Cautio WASHINGTON (UP!) - Sen, Philip A. Hart,, D-Mich., defended administration policy in Viet Nam-yesterday, as “cau-tious and restraint.” He said he was certain President Johnson did .not contem-plate use of nuclear weapons there. Hart also disputed the slogan advanced by some critics of the administration that “there is no substitute for Victory.” “That fcan bring d»j|gter,” he told .a hews conference. i' The bombing of oil s u p p 1 y .depots in North Viet Nam serves as a reminder that alternate policies available are very fdw, '-Hart’said. ^ - “There is no reason, as l see it, to say the President’s decision was wrong,’.’he. sgid. “1 think he can still be said rcaitftoift afM'fgflrjBnea in the application of this additional power." .. Plane toSee He's Tired | ST. LOUIS, Mo. (AP)-I The pilot got tired of fly-| ing the 39-year Texas — Airman 2. c. uujry E. Washburn, Donna. Okinawa — Staff Sgt. .Robert ^A.Cairas, Naha, Q. What i{ I’m sent back liter tion,rfto use up my full benefits than 60 days from the dis-jby staying in the hospital for charge? some additibnal days of bed- A. Then it’s a. new “spell of rest. Doe* Medicare cover the illness,’* with a hew $40 charge extra days? and a whole new set of benefits A. No. You must be sick to get —full coverage by Medicare for Medicare benefits. You can en-the first 60 days of hdspitaliza-lter a hospital and'remain there than, then[al) but $10 a day for only at the doctor’d aay so. the next 30flays.... , | •.. * *\ * Q. Suppose that I decide, | Q. Should I cancel my old when .recovering from an opera-1 health insurance policy? A. If von are 65 tuft your wife ia not, she’s not covered by Medicare. You may want to keep her policy in force. SUPPLEMENTAL PLAN Q. We are both over 65. ShoqJd r« buy the >‘wpptem«qm,> plans offered to over-($Speraons by Blue Cross, Blue Shield and other privatejnSurers for additional protection? 1 A. That depends on your own needs and Inclinations. Some policies are designed to cover !’S. “deductibles” and provide benefit* beyond the limits of Medicare. Another type of policy pays rtf in cash benefits fori cadi day of hospitalisation; the mqpey could be used for the inevitable* costs of ai;illness, or for “extras,” such as a bedside telephone or a private room instead of the semiprivate accom- modations paid for by Medicare. Q. Medicare’s doctor bill insurance cover* M percent of a doctor’s “reasonable charges,” after the $50 deductible. 'Does the doctor send his bill to Medicare or to me? hi Either one. HA can send k to Medicare’s local “jntermedi-ary” agency — in most cities, the local Blue Shield organization —jvhich win pay him 80 per cent of what it deems a “reasonable charge” for his treatment or operation; the other 2$ per cent would come from you. Or he could send the,whole bjU directly to you. fj.Tn the latter cssd what do I do? . A. Pay it, then apply for re- • imbursement to the “intermedi- State Eisenhower Day LANSING (AP) - Today 111 Golden Eisenhower Anniversary Day in Michigan. It was proclaimed by «■ Gov. George j Romney in honor of former President and Mrs. Dwight -• D. Eisenhower’s 50th Wedding Anniversary. Divorces PONTIAC MALL OPTICAL CENTER Open EvMtof* mi 0:3% 112-1111 RENTA HOUR, DAY, WEEK POWER INSURANCE STEVENS FIVE STAR ('ash & Carry SPECIAL! ' • Vinyl • KITCHEN CUPBOARD COUNTER TOPPING aT-Wido YOUR CHEVROLET DEALER Left to right: Corrair Monza Sport Coopt-rYou go for bucket seats, light steering,-crisp cornering and a flatride? In this sporty Monza hardtop you’ve got everything going your way., r. Chevy U Nova 4-Door Sedan— You’d never know by looking at it, but this .trimly styled family pleaser is a thrift car. Built with the kind of dependability that keeps saving over the miles. . . CheveUe Malibu Sport Conpe— Specify a pair of tapered Strato-bucket seats, if you like, and take off in this travel machine with your size V8 (you can order up to 27jj Jtorses). Chevrolet Impala Convertible— Even by Impala standards this one’s long on luxury. The rich upholstery, for example, is supple Vinyl, the seat! thick and: foam-cushioned, the carpeting deep and laid from door to door of the spacious interior. -And like all other new Chevrolet-built cars, the Impala offers you right standard safety features—including a shatter-resistant inside minor and an Outside rearview minor. Always check both before pulling out to pass. ChtmMDMtM 110 f>oefo'4 I O \kl. \\l> W r... ronliar Phone FE 4-1594 2 IkWMt!* TO SERVE \ < >U WATCH OUT FOR THE OTHER GUY Drive Defensively! isn't enough, in fotol col* Drive defen-siyety- a* if your Mirdepended on j| it. (It does.) n , >.yti.t..< t* 5.«. hv.J in l.op.r.ti.n wifhJt(U> j FE 2-3100. PlM Double Top Velut Stamps With Every $5 Purehato or M . Store Hours: Week Days 9.1 Q — Sundays 9-9 That’s the beauty of buying America’s most popular make of car— especially right now when summer savings are-extra tempting. Ifjfist makes sense that you’re going to save in a big way by seeing the man who’s doing business in a big way. So go see what your Chevrolet dealei; can save you right now on a luxurious new Chevrolet, racy CheveUe^ trusty Chevy n or sporty Corvair. This year’s cars by Chevrolet are the most. And right now—so are the savings. , THE PONTIAC PRESS, FBjlDAY/ JULY 1, I960 C-l Orioles Add'tp League Lead Cleveland's 'Yankee Killer Turns Bat on Minnesota By the Associated Press Fred Whitfield; the celebrated Yankee Jriller, has become, a ,Mihrtesota mauler while dubbing Twins’ pitching like a wild Indian for a .455 average, •; '■*" * * ♦ , The 28-year-old Cleveland first baseman has rifled 20 hits in 44 tries In 11 games against Minnesota this season.- Ills 1966 batting mark against New .York, the team, he has tormented since coming into'the American League four years ago, is oply Whitfield gunned three hits, including a two-run homer, and righthander- Steve Hargan fired bianks as the Indians scalped the Twins 4-6 Thursday. ' 4* . ft \+ f In the only other AL games, league. ' leading Baltimore dowiied* Kansas City 11-3 and Boston edged the Yanks'3-2. 12th HOMER Whitfield,, whose season’s batting average is only J50, walloped his 12th homer after Chico Srilmon singled in the eighth to clinch the Indians’ victory. Earlier, Whitfield had singled home Jim Landis in the 'first inning, then singled and scored Cleve- land’s second run in the fourth. Hargan, making only his third start of the year,, allowed only one Minnesota runner- to reach second. He struck out 10 and jgalked none. Jim Perry was the losing .pitcher. ★ * * The Orioles collected 10 hits? ' including eight doubles, in crushing the A’s and boosting their AL lead to/four games over idle Detroit. ' • Baltimore roughed up Ralph Trirry, Kansas,City’s starter, for three runs on five hits, including doubles by Frank Robinson and Luis Apairicio, in the opening inning and never were headed, "pave Johnson had four hits for the Orioles, who got a briK Uant relief stint from young Gene Brabender. The latter re*, lieved Wally Bunker and hurled scoreless*ball over the last S 2-3 innings. DEMETER STARS Carl Yastrzemski and Don Demeter .were the latest Yankee killers; Yastrzemski doubled and scored on Demeter’s single in the seventh inning, breaking a 2j2 tie for the Red Sox. , The Yanks had taken a 1-6 lead in the second and picked up another run in the fourth on Joe Pepltdne’s 14th home run. ton tied it in the fifth and shelled Jim. Bouton on an error, Rico Petrocelli’s single, a fielder’s choice, Yastrzemski’s double and an infield hit by George Scott. The victory went to/Don Mc- Mahon, who checked t|ie Yankees in the final three innings after Jim Lonborg'was lifted for a pinch hitter in the sixth'. Hal Reniff took the loss. ★ • ★ ★ Yankee slugger Mickey Mantle, who bad hammered two Sere- in each of the two pre-s .games, walked three times and filed out in his other two trfps. • ■, MICKEY WRIGHT started as Cleveland’s Pedro Gonzales hit a grounder to second baseman Bernie Allen who flipped Ibe ball to VersaBes. Zolio’s try for a double play With the toss, to first sms late. Cleveland won, 4-0. WINNER, LOSER — Mrs. Billie Jean King (above) ol Long Beach, Calif., made it into the Wimbledon ladies’ singles finals yesterday, but Britain’s Mrs. Ann Jones (right) fell to Brazil’s Marip Bueno in he^ semifinal match. Mrs. King, - stretching to the utmost to return a backhand in her semifinal scrap, turned back Australia’s defending champion Margaret. Smith, 6-3, 6-3; Mrs. Jones was Britain^ last hope to attain the finals. Shit fell to her Brazilian rival, 6-3, 941 and 7-5. ^ , Ralston Expects Crowd to Back Wimbledon Foe ' WIMBLEDON, England (AP) -r- United -States tennis star Dennis Ralston faced. Manuel Santana of Spain for the Wimbledon championship today and knew that all the crowd’s sympathies would be for his opponent. Santana is a lug favorite with the British fans and the first European to reach the men’s final at Wimbledon in 11 years. • * . • “it’s understandable, and it doesn’t worry me st all,” said Ralston, 23-year-old star from Bakersfield, Calif. “Of course they want to see a European win the title. Besides, I read in the papa’s that Santana is a colorful playa. “I’m not. I’m the dour type. . “Anjrway, the Wimbledon crowd Is always fair. It won’t be a repetition of the Davis Cup in Barcelona last year. To hear the Spanish fans was really something.”. LED SPAIN Santana tai Spain td victory feel that this has given pleasure to fans all ova Europe.” Mrs. King downed her old. rival, Margaret Smith of Australia, 6-3, 6-3 in the women’s semifinals Thursday with a brilliant display of volleying. . SAUNA, Kan. (AP) -Olympian Phil Mulkey, 34 yeas young, thinks of summer fun, he thinks of the grueling 10-event National AAU Decathlon the pull of competition is-too much he can’t stay home in Birmingham, Ala. It’s kind of fun," Mulkey said. ‘‘Besides, I’ve improved the last two years r- maybe I’ll over.iba United States on that occasion, but he didn’t have to play Ralston. Ralston’s match was the first installment of America’s bid for the big Wimbledon double. Billie Jean Moffitt King of Long Beach, Calif., plays Maria Bueno of Brazil in the women’s final Saturday. Santana, 28, jaw hi to the final as-much a personal triumph. . “I am nothing,” he said. ’‘But I am happy that Europe is In the final. It is a good thing for European tennis that I have been able to do this. ‘H-have nothing against Australia!^ but every yea the final has been between an Aus-• tralian arid an Australian. Now we have edged them out of ft. I Track Leader DrivesSunday Farmington's Jack Goodwin wijf be.trying to add-to his point lead whence and other super stock drivers take the. track at Dixie Bpenway Sunday night. Goodwin is out in front, with 167 points, 63 ahead of Jim Daniels of Clio. The supa stocks will rscetyi a 56-lap feature around the one-fhind mile Dixie track, and the sportsmen will duel in a 36-lapper. Trials start at 6 p.m., and the first race is set for 6 p.m. The track is located on Dixie Highway, just north of Flint. Beattie Paces Field Bone Near PGA Lead Pontiac’s Gene Borfe was twola 67 along wiffi Eldon, Briggs A total of .25 golfers . In the strokes off the pace as the state of Petoskey.*' professionals headed into the second round today of the 54-hole Michigan- Section PGA championship at Bob O'Link Golf Course in Novi. The 35-yea-old Bone, winner of last yea’s Michigan Open title, turned in a four-under-par 66 yesterday, but the honors of the day went to Plum assistant Roy Be a 11i e. w h o toured the 6,700-yard layout in 31-3344. - One stroke back of Beattie were former champion John BarnniM of Detroit and 1964 Michigan Open titlist, Thom RijKoy of Rockford. Bone sfcarrid fourth at,66 with Ed Abel of Okemos. Defending champion B r i e n Charter of Jackson came in with 189-man field carded par or bet-' ter. The final round of the tour-nament is scheduled for tomorrow. GOOD PUTTER .Beattie has never won a major championship, but if he maintains his putting touch, this could be his yea. The Plum -Hollow sharpshooter carded seven birdies and collected only one bogey. ; -*** ' * ROY BEATTIE Four shots from the lead was Jim Picard (68), aide to Warren 0 r 11 c k of Tun O’Shanter. Orlick, national treasurer of foe PGA, is also' in foe tourney and he turned in a.76 in foe first were Walter Club and-Ted Krol! of Franklin Hills. Crucial Series With Leaders on July Slate McLain, Lolich Will Face KCs Athletics in Twinbill Tonight DETROIT (AP)-rJuly looms i the pivotal and exhausting month for the Detroit Tigers in their quest to remain a contender in foe American League baseball race. > , It’s pivotal because they will 1 play 12 straight games against the other two top contenders— Baltimore and .Cleveland—in a mid-month stretch of 11 days. ★ *\ * The exhausting part comes in because there are only iwo off days besides the annual three-day break fa the All-Star game in St. Louis, July 12. \ Acting Manager Bob §wift named aces Denny McLain and Mickey Lolich to oppose the Kansas City A’s, in a twi-night -doubleheader today to start a five-game series. Looks to Decathlon 'Summer Fun' for Olympian AAU Decathlon. His only^miss in the past 15 yeas came{last year, through no fault of his own. ’’The AAU kicked me out because I had competed iri foe Kansas Relays,” he said. “The brittle with the NCAA was-fin foen you know.” * v So he went to the* National Federation Decathlon — and few I'm .46.” •— ----------— This is Mulkey’s 14th National Decathlon eight times ‘ in 12 trips, usually after threatening to retire. NEVER AGAIN “When ft’s over, you always feel like retiring, and it takes at least two weeks to recuperate,” he said. “My only public announcement of retirement, however, came after the 1965 Kansas Relays. Mnlkey ls foe iFodlgal son cf the Kansas Relays, winning foe Mickey Wright Bad in Step MINNEAPOLIS. (AP)' Mickey Wright, golf’s female, all-time top money winner, is back on ha game and seemingly was poised today to capture /] an unprecedented fifth U.S. Women’s Open crown. Others in a- field of 52 proa and 47. amateurs mainly write troubled Thursday by Hazeltine National Golf Club’s tricky and tough course. But Misri Wright moved into foe second round of the $20,000 blue ribbon tourney owning foe . only par-breaking effort, a one-under-par 71 posted in the opening round. ~ ~ 11th TRY* That gave Mickey, 31, playing in ha llfo Opep, a two-stroke lead over defending champion Carol Mann, who putted brilliantly fa her opening 73. '. Hazeitine’s stem 6,325-yard layout, built in 1962 in hopes of > landing foe 1969 National Men’s J-Jr Open, left current monpy leada • - • Kathy Whitworth and forma Women’s Open champions Betsy Rawls, Mrs. Mi^le-Undstrom, Patty Bag and Louise Suggs ail floundering at 99 or worse. The field gets whittled today to the tow 40 scares and ties fa the Saturday and Sunday rounds concluding foe chase for taetop prize of $4,919. > "MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — Fir it-round loaders In lb* <20,000 United States Wom-M‘t Open GoIt Tournamtnt at Hoiatttn* National Golf CM Thursday. ---- ? reTyMWriBht ' Donna Caponl xRoberta Albert Sharon Millar ... ■m xMmmci K -----Paul Dya Cynthia Sullivan . Pinny Zavkhay .. Sandra Haynla ... xMn. Scott Probai Susie Maxwell n? ITS tbo embaiTassirig.'' He returned this spring and woif the KU crown again with 7/ llfrpotnts, compered to his 7,666 of 1965. * it 1. ★ Olympian RuSs Hodge of San Joee, Calif., and defending champ BH1 Toomey of Santa Babra, Calif., rank 1-2 at foe 48th AAU Decathlon Championships here Saturday and Sunday. But don’t count out Mulkey. The first two irien qualify for the meet with Russia. ■ * .6—- jk “p might just slip into second plrice,” he said. ‘‘Hodge is in great shape and he has foe greatest potential in foe wald. “But Toomey might be building up Ross, to psyche him.” Local Racer After 4th Feature Win Pontiac’s Joy. Fair * and giant fireworks display will be among the features Saturday night at> foe Flat Rode Speed- 3 j '■' ■ j v .4 1 Fair won • his third/ feature race oLthe season last1 weekend and is a strong contender fa the leading point honas. Ron Grana of Farmington also i; among the fop five this summer. * '‘^SM Sunday night, foe season’s first appearance of the Offy 110 midget can now known as United ^States Auto Club Compact Sprints is set for 1:30 p.m. Time Swjjjj trials both nights will open at For County Players MB .—..Imurry, Knollwood Charles Knowlst, Holland .. -------- _ Elmar Fnsttke, Bridgeport- 33-37—70 •fib MH, Grand Rspids ... 34-34—70.i Bill Stacey. Grand Haven '.. 34-34—70 h Kan Judd. Linden ........... 32-30—70 ! Glenn Stuart, Grand Rapid! .. 36-34-70 Don White, Adrian............. 33-35—70 Larry Blanco, Franklin Hills ... 34-36—70 Bob Nodus, Bloomflsld Hills . 3S-3S—70 Hal Whittington, Gross* II* .. 33-37—76 Gary WMtaMr, Knollwood 35-35—70 Ran LaParl, Battle Creak , 36-35—71 Wally Burkamo, Dat. Galt Club 33-38—71 Tad Krall, Franklin Hills .... 36-35—71 Ban tula. Hllkrtst ................ - Bill Natter, Huron , G. Prlaskorb, Stonycroft Jack* Corbett, Arrowhead Fata Angelo, Coldwator Jack Clark, OawaM* ...i Cliff jptdgrtn, Alma . Paul Van Looian, Edgew Riy Mo, Woalbm ......... Bill Hamilton, Sapgatuck I 33-35—60 I ml Net Tourney on Tap Bill Zylstra, Comstock Park .. 36-3 Hugh Ardoyno,- Lincoln Hills . . 34-3 Rogela Mylss. Jr., Lansing ... 363 Nick barktMi, Grand Blana ,. 3430—73 lib Clark, Monros .Tam Caamos, Oakland Hills Maatia Millar, Chemung H Entry blanks fa the seventh annual Oakland County Tennis Tournapient fa men and boys ae available at area sporting good stores, The Pontiac Press sports department and the city recreation deprirtment. - The, competition, cosponsored by foe Pontiac Prirks and Recreation Department and The Press, will be the weekends of July 22-24 and July 29-31 on the Oakland University Courts. .There ae five events in foe toanament; men’s singles and doubles, boys’ (17-and-aada) singles and doubles, and senior men’s (35-and-ova) singles. The entry fee is foments per person or $1 per team. Jn addition, all entrants must provide one new -tennis ball ..for their fint match. --------j.---- 20. AH entrtex must be submittfol to The Press' a the recreation office in City Hall ririth fees. Athletics’ Manager Alvin Dak {ricked Jim Hunter end Paul Linblad to try to spoil foe Tigers’ chances of gaining more of a foothold on second place and -possibly closiiig the gap on the front-running Orioles. ORIOLES HOME V Baltimore is home tor the holiday weekend. The .Orioles .Will play Minnesota through Sunday, then take on foe A’s. Cleveland, meanwhile, must contend with California and the Twins in the same period. " ★, ★ ★ The Tigers, four games behind the Orioles, will play host to foe . Angels fa tfiree night games, including one July 4, foen face Minnesota on the road tot tour games* before the All-Sta break. ■; ★ ** it The Tigers have faced the A’s but three times to date, winning the lone game played at Tiger Stadium the third week of the Kansan GftjMhe-fost two ifoys in May. Swift said Thursday he woura ve Earl Wilson an extra day’s rest and use Dave Wickersham in Saturday’s game against the Athletics. Wilson, who suffered a pulled muscle in his right leg in Tuesday night’s game against the Angels, Sind Hank Aguirre will hurl for the Tigers in Sunday’s ’ twin-bill. Tiger Averages THE ROCK’S LATE—Cleveland’s Rocky Colavito (21) starts his slide into second base . on this fourth inning play yesterday against fori Minnesota Twins, but Twins’ shortstop Zoilo Vemitos grabbed the ball in time for a , force play on .the Indian sljigger. The play Total* « ,jM 27 6MH 3.47. ' (• ^v- % Two U. S. Stars Win HELSINKI, Finland (AP) -Jim Kant of Kentucky State won the 400-meters in 411 and Dais rail Horn of Oakland, Calif.,* took the triple jump with a leap of 11-7%, at an international track meet hero Thursday night., ■ Jjry W ’ ->'j \ K .0 3fe%.- THE PONTIAC PRESS, FRIDAY, JULY I, I9flC WIN $1000 WIN $100 You Must Get Your Free Card THIS WEEK AT WRWUY OR PACKER FOODS FOR NEXT MONDAY’S TELEVISED, RACES Michigan Team Captures Girts[ ' Tennis.,Crown CHARLESTON, W V»., (AP) -Kalamazoo, Mich,, swept all nihe. matches against Charleston here Thursday and clinched the all-girl National City Tettni Ten-Inis Tournament title. . ‘ > The Michigan girls had little !trouble defeating .Charleston, boosting their tournament score [to 34. Chicago ranked second with 126, * and though one more day- of competition remains, could not overtake Kalamazoo. The victory ended a two-year reign- by Middletown. Ofiio, as champion in national city tour-j naments. Middletown, with 21 {-[points, faces Raltimore today and could claim second place [as Chicago faces Kalamazoo, [- Further behind were Charles-i ton with 17, Baltimore 14 and ■Loufeville, Ky.,-5. Hooking around Irtui Track Meet at Cranbrook The area’s top track stars-will] a large eatry\lated for the aV'ftoWM^w'to'pm • (loin those from other parts of] junior men’* events. j li •nT.T,,ANL^5r^d^ilJ0itx\.^' W? the state for the Track and'Field Under the' rules of the'Toder-' o , Federation Olympic Deveiop- ation, any athlete who has been ■* me“t Meet tomorrow at Cran- enrolled in a school or college] . i brook school. *• i» Riyersiuti tLfliiT,inRnocRra 'King, Henderson;'Nev., < j during the past calendar year! 0NOYO REDWOOD FENCES > BEAUTIFUL DURABLE \ • ECONOMICAL . ’ Women and men wilf begin is eligible to compete, (competing at 2 p.m.' in Junior! The 25 cent entry fee can be land senior classes. ;paid on' the field. No advance I Hurdler Bill Tipton of Pon-j registration is needed: Ribbons itisc, -Waterford’s Jim Mer-jwiir jm^awarded for the first cer and Bloomfield Hills Tom tiye places. In each event. Kearney are expected .to be jirThere will be four running and j the field. They will compete in four field events for wojnen 1 the senior division. . ^ . (Men will compete in the junior The Pontiac T*aCk Club has and senior classes, in eight track ———,——land four field events. The hurdles will be run' on Beer.Sips Plaguing Plager NEW YORK - (NEAj,—There literally are thousands of people —' American .as well as Canadians — who wish they could change jobs with Bob Plager. By mid-September, Bob Plager usually is looking lor. a deal. During the winter, Plager is a defenseman for the New York Rangers. During the summer, he is a beer taster for*Brewers Retail of Ontario, Canada. FACTORY STAINED & WEATHER-PROOFED SOLID EVERLASTING REDWOOD TOP QUALITY CONSTRUCTION EASILY ERECTED Excello Walk-In Picnic Table Built with Sturdy. 2x10x5’ Long $4 Q95 Complete for your Assembly IM. ASPHALT Sealer $ T50 f I Bel. Cm Save NOW by Shopping at Burke’s -FALL sreCIALS^*^—— 4x8 Pre-Finisjieil Toned Mahogany Paneling $32S 2 ONE Shudd Bg i——■ m 4x7 Pre-Fjriished Toned Mahogany Paneling $294 to WEEK 4x8 Pre-Finished Rustic Birch Natural $5>s Cprom ONLY 4x8 Pre-Finish Luan only *3* 4x8 Birch Inlaid ; with Civil S07S ONE WEEK ONLY BURKE Lumber 4495 Dixie Hwy. -OR 3-121 l^—i HOURS- DNI WEEKDAYS MONDAY thru FRIDAY •l.M.teliMMI. ' SATURDAYS from S A.M. te 4 PAL MICHIGAN’S NEWEST and MOST EXCITING II HOLE B0LF COURSE Bay Pointe Golf. Club Sami-PaMic, Private Club A»mo,ph,r, Wa invite you to ditcun your plant with ut for: ‘ • Self Outings • Dane* Clubs • Reception* • Banquets P.G.A. Pro, GENE BONE4 mm Hautrty M. at Richarriaea R4. Ph0M 111-7147 the grass and will be limited to 120 yards in both the highs and lows. Eagles Sign QB Hill PHILADELPHIA (AP)' King Hill, No- .2 .quarterback'of the Philadelphia^ Eagles, has signed his contract for the 1966-67 National Football League season it was announced Thursday. The Standings I Oat CM Cal I San Francisco . Pittsburgh Los Angolas .... Philadelphia Houston Clncinnotl ‘ St. Louis ______ Atlanta Now York ........ Chicago ........' Only gomes scheduled. - Tadty-s Games Boston (Brandon'tH) at Chicago - (Buz- Special 4th of July Sale! During Our .Special Sale We Will Give Big Discount* < . OUT IT GOES' NOTHING HELD BACK1 Bring (It), in and we’ll trade you up to something worth your your‘while.' See all new 1966 Mercuries, Water Skis , Lifejackets , All Merchandise. M.F.G.’s, Glastron, Lone Star and Pontoon hosts. For the best deal, drop around to the < ^ Boat Center of Holly. SPECIALS! ........20% Off . Reg. $4.95 ... Now $3.95 During the fall, at the Rangers training camp, he 1$ an exhausted young man. ’’Beer tasting,” he says, Vis not the ideal off-season job for a hockey playier. It’s not veryt hard, you. know. You just sit MR _ back and . ./well... . you taste 3-j?2t'U £8S2n ft the beer to See If it’s stale.” rciiiilornfi^rhiinci mi-Plager lives in Kapuskasing. j Tr Ontario, a hunting and fishing 452 *1005 HOME RUNt-F. id Scott, Boston, II; Inson, Baltimore am IS. STOLEN BASES—Agoo, Chicago, 21( Campanerls, Kansas City, IS; Cardanol, California and Bulonl, Chicago, 11; Mc-Craw, Chicago, II. PITCHING (seven decisions)—Watt, Baltimore, 4-1, .157; Sanford, California and Barber, Baltimore, 1-2; .100; McLain, Detroit, 11-3, .714; McNally. Baltlmora —f w*------‘-i™ 4.2, .750. irt, Washington, tcsois, 95; Bell and Mc-I, 93; McLain, Detroit, Francisco, 47; HITS—Alou, Atlanta, - 101; Clemente, Ittsburgh, 13; Jackaon, Houston, II; arijn, Atlanta and Pinson, Cinclnnstl, 14, DOUBLES-Mays, San Francluss, 17; fynn and Bateman, Houston, 14; Pinson, .biclhnatt, 'Alou, Atlanta and Calllson, Philadelphia, t5. TRIFLES—McCarsrar, St. Louis. 9; ,lou, Pittsburgh and Brock, St. Louis, 7; Sin, .Houston, 4; Pinion, Clncinnotl, r and Allen, Philadelphia and detente, Pittsburgh,' 5. HOtME RUNS—Aaron, Atlanta, 74; .Jart, San Francisco. 20; Mays, Ssn Francisco, 111 Alou and Torrt, Atlanta m STOLEN BAfES—Wills, Los Angelas, , I; Brock, St. Louis. 24; Jackson, Nous-tn, 34; Phillips, Chicago, II; W. Dovls, os Angoloi, 10., PITCHING (seven dadslahs)-Porry, .an Francisco, Jl1-1. -.917; Koufax, Lot Angeles, 14-2, .37$; Knowles, Philadelphia and Blass,. Pittsburgh, 4-1, .557; Merlchal, Son F - FACTORY REMANUFACTURED ENGINES’; for Most S-Cyl. Enemas -----SPICI41 LOW PkJCtS ter -1 OVMHAUUNG TOUR INGINf I 6-Cyl. $95-V-8s $115 TMa INCLUDES:., Klnfi. Rad FM Flat, Deflai. Cylinder Walla, Oadwti, ON mi UM STANDARD ENGINE REBUILDERS 191 AUBURN RD. - 33I-SS11 .•13. ___ Gibson, St. Louis. 144; .Vaala, fftts- burgh^ 12U Bunnlng, Pmtedalphia, 119; . California Fisherman Claims Bass Record SAN RAFAEL. Caiif. (API - world record for striped b Caught oh fly tackle is claimed by Russell Chatham, of. Black Pint, Calif., with a 36 pound 6 ounct fish he caujttt in S«n Francisco'Bayf ■ ♦ Chatham landed his catch Tuesday and a check of record disclosed if beltered the world mark of 29-6 established by outdoor writer Joe Brooks at Coos Bay, Ore., in 194#. DRESSED PRICED DOWNI Indudas i% Mtchtiaa Saks In BLtNMO WHISKLY, 86 MOOf, 40% STRAIGHT WHISKEY-MX GRAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS. GOODLRHAM « WORTS LTQ, PEORIA, ILL DUO F Series Fiber^las Runabouts!.. feature deluxe appointments throughout threw new ’66 models. Standard equipment include* wrap-around windshield, deluxe steering, ikalnut finish dash and paneling, speedometer, and gunwale-to-gunwale carpeting. i * ; v PAT ONLY 10% DOWN , A EASY, LOW BANK RATES OSS, ilis’Wir] Duo MQAT* Choice of | oh noon or Chrysler Outboard* PAUL A. YOUNG, INC. 4Q3u Dixie Hwy., Drayton Pleins ”Oe Loon take” — OK 4-0411 Man., WaS., PrU Wt. 9 mMk. Is S p.m. Tana, mi Thun. V a.m. te I p.m. j San. te 4jr. to 4 p.m. THE PQW21AC PRESS, FRIDAY, JULY l, ISM c—a jn State's Mr-P Fire Alarm Sounded LANSING ID— ^fci-hl gan’s northern Lo w'er Peninsula it tinderboac ed about the fire danger- because so many people -will be visiting the area t his weekend,” said M11 fc on Bergman, chief of the department's Forest Fir^t Division. Jwgnun i said the_____de- partment may ask <3Sov. George Romney to tissue a proclamation restrict-Cing the use of fire out. of doors if the high hmaeard conditions continue. Northern Lover Michigan, Bergman said, hsasn't had a good leaking . rain for nearly * month. Occasional rains in the Tip- per Peninsula and the > southern part of the state , have bypassed northern Lowe Michigan, he said, foveril large fires that were difficult to hrisg under control already have been reported, Bergman laid. The largest burned, over some 3,000 acres about 12 miles north of West Brandi. Several others . nearly that large have been reported. -A high percentage of the fires have beep concentrated in the Au-Sable Rly,er ‘ drainage area, which extends from Kalkaska to Lake Huron, Bergman said. “All this area is intensively used for recreation and the danger from fires-will be extreme this weekend,” Bergman said. GainsBerf-fi Net Champ Falls in Cup R DETROIT (AP) - Disc 4. Cola, driven by Fred Alter, Timmirsday became the 11th boat to qualify for Sunday’s Gold Cuj» Race. The hydroplane qualified with a speed of 107.820 m.p.h. Tahoe Miss, piloted .Mira Slovak, raised her qia a mlifjiiiij[ time in a.second test to 106.288 m.p.h. on tlie Detroit River course. ’ in Tri-State Play CINCINNATI (AP) - Defend-ing Champion Bill Lenoir of Tucson, Ariz., was knocked out of the 67th Tri-State International Tennis Tournament Thursday I by 20-year-old Joaquin Loyo-Mayo of Mexico. Loyo-Mayo, his. country* eighth-ranked player, scored at 8-6, 7-5 victory over the top-seeded Lenoir. The upset came Surfing Peruvian Is 'Quiet'' Champion I Automatic, ■ ** " i .'1 TRANtMItCIOM A Y-,1 -;v a «£ . VI FELIPE POMAR Loop Leader Moves Near Title Step \ Dodge BFBLAmmr 1966 DODGE ‘CORONET* ■Spencer Floor’s titlp express keeps rolling along in the city’s American League softball race. The loop leader ran its record to 1M laht night by pinning an 11-2 setback on Francis Fuel & Oil (1-7). Louis Seay collected three doubles and a single to spark did Spencer attack, while Jim Long, Fred Calleja, Roger No-sek and Doug Hall checked in with two safeties apiece. In other AL games, Bob ft Larry’s (44) edged Bob & Ken’s (44), 6-5, and Ron’s Rooit (6-4) rolled past Town & Country (54), 11-3. & Ken’s took a 5-4 lead into the seventh inning but Bob ft Larry’s rallied for two markers on three'walks, an emr and a wild pitch. Earl McKee hit pair of home runs and a triple for the ioserSj who - out-hit tin winners, 64. BREAKS TIE Ron’s Roost broke a 34 deadlock with four runs in the fourth and chalked up an easy triumph. Walt Trivis led the winners with two singles and ; two triples, while teammates Fred Miller and Del Chavez chipped in with three apiece. In an International Slow Pitch game, Artco (3-4) surprised Sport-O-Rama (54) by coming from behind in the seventh inning to take a 17-16 decision. Lee Arnold, who collected four hits for the winners, singled borne Carl Blanchard with one pit in the last of the seventh eew up the game: Bob Brinkman picked up four hits for the los- p NEW YORK (NIA)-On the [ other sldet erf the island of Oahu from Honolulu, there’s a beach called the Banzai Pipeline.! Surfers come riding in on the crest of the waves, yelling at the top of their lungs. Fe 1 i p e Pomar is a breed apart. He doesn't yell. Maybe I that’s why he's billed as thfej world’s champion suffer. He’s m Peruvian, from Lima, where the surf crashes in with such splendor that kids naturally want to challenge it. “The challenge is similar to ’ mountain climbing," said .Felipe. “You want to ride and control t|ae biggest wive ia the world. You’re ip against the ocean, one of the gnat forces of nature, ia 28 to 36-foot " Waves that even huts won’t get near. You’re w yoor own. No one can help you.” “The ^senaation'is indescribable. Every guy who’s come to Hawaii and ridden 25-foot waves has stayed there."'-. The Hawaiian beaches have [the best waves, for surfing. ICERTAIN WAVES “You can’t surf On just any wave,” said the 22 - year - old I champ. “You need a certain! type—a wave that breaks all at once is no good. It should peel off. That way you get a very long ride. I understand there’s place in South Africa you earn ) more than a mile."' The young mam who comes in from the water goes directly to his classes at Church College of Hawaii, a little Mormon school situated at Lair — not far, of course,’ from the Banzai Pipeline, - .»• ipf He’s a psychology major with-a 3.5 average oat of a possible 4.6, aad he’s already applying his studies. “The aecret of surfing,” he mid, “is to make the fear work for you.” The fear comes from standing oh a thin board which accelerates from 0 to 35 miles an hour hi an interval of two aecopds. “As you tMoomi better.” he e x p 1 a i n e d, “you take more chances. You have lo know how fail. Miss once, and you might, not get another chance. I got wiped once on a three-foot wavfe, the board hit me on the head and I wound up with lO stitches.” i ’ f SERVICE • "all makes ALL MODELS “fully guaranteed?* RELIABLE TRANSMISSION S22 Oakland - FI 44711 Now don’t get the idea Felipe tends all his time qualifying for a rede in “Beach Blanket Bingo” or such other frippery. *1936 FULL PRICE . 50,000 He 5-Year Warranty! Dadgt MW — IKS DODGE L¥LJ~XURY C4& • PC LARA * $2# FULL PRICE 50,000 3W m.UJ5-Year Warranty! I Dodge Bt^-ANDNEW 1866 CHARGER !2*95 FULL PRICE 5MOO. HU 5-Year Warranty. NIL KMUR’S 855 Oakland 338-9222 ! Dodge Italian. Driver Killed CHAMBERY, France (AP) — Giuseppe (Nino) Farina, a native of Turin, and one of Italy’s greatest auto race drivers, was killed Thursday in in auto accident in the French Alps. Farina, 56, won the world driving cham-pionshp in 1650. Easy To Find... Easy To Reach .. re 210 Orchard Lk. Ave. 2-9101 HURRY SEE HE NEW I WIGBGT PONTIAC SPORTS CAR, MC. HI AeSeiw tomm Oliver J3uick Has been your dependable-dealer in this area for 34 years . . .4ind your new Buick will receive the very best service in the years ahead. N -*■“•**’ Buick and Opel Sales and Service! Double-Checked Used Cars! OliveivKinney teasing and Renta!! Wouldn't You Really Rather Have A Buick? 216 Orchard Lake Ave. at Williams FE 2-9101 . for “do it yourself* projects! MOOT PICIIIC TABLES BUN for every plan and purpose! e Kiln Dried Lumbar, S-2x1Axf e One 1st Artistic Wrought Iren Legs e AN Belts (knock down) REDWOOD *25** Be Sure Yep mm. Get Our Price BEFORE YOU BUY froo gdoiom Ct>ir/bffy CfeoimHiiCiwn«i-PAw« a complete package of quality material We specialise In Garage materials — our large quantity buying make* these values possible. ALL KILN DRIED LUMBER INCLUDES: • Plate* • Rafter* • All Ext. Trim • Nail* e Ns. J| Kiln Dried Deuglot Fir Studs • Reef Board* e Premium Grade No. 106 Siding e Shingle* • Cret* Ties • Window ALL STUDS II’’ ON CENTER GABLE ROOF All the Materials for a 20x20 2-GAR GARAGE $29949 LUMBER 2496 Orchard Lake Rd.f Phone 682-1600 HOURS: 8t00 A.M. to 5.30 P.M.-Saturday 8:00 A.M. to 1 P.M. THE PONTIAC PRESS, FRIDAY, JULY l, i960 For Yankee Open m LPGA Changes Far mat The game will be the same and so will most of the faces. It's the way the game will be Scored that’s different. The 1)166 version of the Yankee Woihen’s Golf Open at Atlas Valley Country Club July 21-24 will have a best-ball (four-ball) format. * ; . during the 54-hole medal play tournament. This is a radical departure from regular LPGA events where posting the low individual score, is the big goal. Atlas Valley is the only best-ball stop, for the LPGA this year. VALVOLINE GO-MIX: A refinery blend of unleaded high-energy gasoline and famous Vatvoline^Super Outboard Motor Oil. Endorsed by leading outboard engine manufacturers. ASHLAND OIL A REFINING COMPANY ^ Ashland, Kentucky “I’ve wanted to introduce such an event for a long time," said Len Wirtz, the LPGA’s tournament director. “Our long-range plans have included a best-ball •event, possibly with network teL evision, but this isn’t expected for some time. The lesser known players The' women pros will be paired and the best ball will be used to determine the’ of the tour faver the 1 bail Idea. . % They will be paired with the top stars and therefore have a good chance of winning some of the (20,000 prize money instead of watching Carol Mann, Mickey Wright, Kathy Wbitwofth and other stars carry off the Uon’s share aa they do each week. This it the third year ttr the Yankee Open. The first two fol- Church Team Ties for 2nd* lowed the regular format of individual medal competition. Kathy Whitworth won last yeir and Ruth Jessen in 1964. PRO-AM Twenty teams have been en- I tered in the best-ball event. The f only big . name missing is Miss i Wright But she and a partner j have until July 17 to enter and is expected to be on hand I ’ * V . A pro-am is scheduled July MMHiiNEHNIli 21. This will be a best-ball event with one woman pro, one woman . amateur and two men amateurs I on each team. Tournament of- | ficials are trying to arrange i clinic. Atlas Valley is located on Per-1 ry Road between Grand Blanc I and Goodrich. Advance tickets I , are available pt .foflUac’k two First Round ActionlYankeestores. Hillerest Nazarene (9-5) knocked - off Buckner Finance (2-12) last night to move into a fie for second place as the second round of the .Waterford WBA Prefers Folley as Foe for Champion Township recreation softball Judy Torleumke, Clifford Ann race cajne to a close. | Creed-Margin Masters, Betsy The church team, behind the] Cullen-Betsy Rawls, Gail Davis-five-hit pitching*"of Harold]Sandra Haynie, Gloria Ehret-Hughes, scored single runs in Judy Kimball, Frances Garrout- the sixth and seventh to take the decision. PHOENIX, Ariz. M G\J£RS\zG& tii CONFIGS€D ??? > IwrHCR-.AWU* mpub RAdHlDNeD/ GOOD; l Ho nest ***••4 4 it a AIiimissa a LaIa 44>a4 ■at the. Olympic Club, a hole that gave many trouble, including winner Billy Casper and runner-up Arnold Palmer. Not many hit the green in two ihots. During the third - r o n n d, played on Saturday, Bono, playing1 the 17th, hit his tee jhot into the wiry rough to the right of the fairway. Gene and his caddy surveyed the situation and decided that Gene could safely hit a 4-wood. SUPER SHOT Gene cracked the bail, a super shot as he described it, and the /ball hit the green, trickling just a'couple inches off the putting surface. It was one of Gene’s best shots and he was pleased and • ready to tip Mi hat to the crowd that ringed the small 17th green. The crowd wasn’t impressed. “No applause,” Gene said later. “Why, there wasn’t even a cough,” he said. After seeing that he wouldn’t get a hand for the shot, Genet, turned to his caddy, sayihg, “I thought that was a pretty good shot, didn’t you?” i FAMILY AFFAIR With-the championship flight , an exception, the Pine Lake Invitational turned out to be somewhat of a family affair. Ernie Fleming of Pine Lake CC teamed with Richard Wey-and of Birmingham to win the first flight title. Ed Stevens of Dearborn, husband of Fleming’s niece, joined Bob Hutchens to take the second flight. ' Fleming’s brother-in-law John Kelchner joined-forces with Stan Cenzer and came in second in the fifth flighty - ' 'Shoe' Rides 4 Home INGLEWOOD, Calif. CAP) -Jockey* Willie Shoemaker rode four winners at Hollywood Park Thursday. Junior Track Meet Slated at Cobo Site More than 500 boys and girls are expected to compete in the Detroit-Windsor International Freedom Festival junior champ track and field meet Saturday in Detroit’s Cobo Arena. #' ★ ★. Winners in the various catego-Ies and age groups will go oo to statewide meet in Lansing and possibly die national level in August at Houston, Tex. The meet will run from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. The meet will be directed by Hayei Jones, winner of a gold medal in the 110-meter high hurdles at die 1M4 Olympics In Tokyo. Several other sports events are planned for the day in connection with the Freedom Festival. These include Windsor track meet, a 10-mile run* from Cobo Hall to Belle Isle? an outboard marathpn race, a judo tournament and a 12-hour sports car rally. Two'New Hurlers Join KC Athletics KANSAS CITY (AP) - The Kansas City Athletics* have called up two pitchers from the minors. They! are Jim Nash, rqokie right-hander who has a record and 2.52 ERA with Mobile of the Southern League, and Wes Stock, veteran relief pitcher on the Vancouver roster in the Pacific Coast League. To make room for them, outfielder Ron Stone was returned to Rochester In the International League, and .Ossie Chavarria, infielder-outffelder, was sent to Vancouver on 24-hour recall. British Gain Change Zone Rules for Competition LONDON (AP) - Britain no longer will have sole adminis-tratJVe charge of the European Zone'of the Davis Cup lawn tennis competition. * A*meeting of the Davis Ctip countries decided at a meeting Thursday that Britain should have the help of two other countries* It was agreed that the other countries participating in the organization of the European Zone of the Davis Cup must have had at least 20 years ex- jrience in the competition. Britain has organized the European Zone of the competition since it started. The meeting also agreed that the new committee should be baped' in London, with the honorary secretary coming from Britain. RULES CHANGE The meeting made another important decision — one involving’the rules for the American Zone. It was agreed that the North and South sections of the zone should be more clearly defined. The nations in the north will be those north of the Panama and the British Caribbean. No nation in the south section will be allowed to challenge in the north — and vice versa. If there is only one entry in any section, then that nation will be declared the winner and will play the winner of'the other section to decide the American Zone finalists. American rack jAfpmg Better FREDERICK, Md. (AP) The national chairman of the U. S. AAU Track and Field Committee pays' America's female athletes continue to show improvement. But June Bellew of Park, Calif, thinks the sport needs a-little glamorizing in the field events to give it the addled push necessary to pull even with the Russian gals. 'We’re still weak in the field events,” Miss Bellew said after first session of the 1966 National AAU meet concluded Thursday night on the new Gov. Thomas Johnson High School tric|c. “We should have more depth this year than ever before,'' Miss Bellew said. “Especially in the long-distance races. And we hope to continue showing improvement against the Rus- ans.” : The American team, which will face the Polish girls at Berkeley, Calif. July 16-17 and the. a week later at Los Angeles will be picked on the basis of performances in Saturday night’s women’s competi- which require strength. “Of the field events,” she Raid, “I think the jevelin will be accepted before the discus and the shot probably will be last.’ Miss Bellew noted that two Uon. ‘But we are weak in the field events “because American girls don’t look on them as glamorous as the dashing and running events,” Miss Bellew said. “It takes longer for the appeal to hit field event people, and they’ll have to overcome a stigma usually attached to feats American girls’ records were broken Thursday night and smother was tied, adding “and that whs just in the qualifying rounds.” Denise Paschal of' San Fran- cisco lowered the record la the, 50-yard hurdles to 1.5 seconds and Barbara Friedrich ofiMa-nasquan, N.J. bettered an existing, mark for the javelin. She tossed th£ spear 158 feet, two inches in the qualifying round — topping the American record of -155-6—although „ she already has "an earlier toss of 171 feet pending to' the possible record category. ANTIQUE ORIGINAL HAND-HEWED TIMBERS and SIDING STEEL CLOTHESLINE POSTS 4-Lin« Models ^6*® u' STURDY PICNIC TABLES .14.50 .18.50 18.50 22.50 DUST CONTROL CALCIUM CHLORIDE For Djrt Driveways, Roads and unpaved parking lots. 100 Pound Bag . ®3°° American Mini-Cube Compacted Water v Softener Salt. • No fouling resin bnd or Controls • Froo of Rotiduo • 99.9% Puro Soft • Totally Soloblo M Pound $|80 . PRE-FINISHED PANELING 4x8-4mm ...... .$3.61 4x1 Sheets......82.80 STOPS WATER! $730 $495 HI TH0R0SEAL Com., in 7 iolore WATERPLUG QUICKSEAL Smooth Finith Coat PONDEROSA PINE HEATING and COOLING DIVISION SALES Toridhiet SERVICE licensed Contractors, all makes of furnaces. BOILERS AND CONVERSION UNITS INSTALLED AND serviced. 24-HOUR SERVICE 556 North Saginaw • FE 3-7171 Blanket Insulation 1 ’/a Inch . ..$35 par M 2 Inch... 3 Inch... ..$60 p«rM 1x6x6 - 27c ta. 1x6x8 - 36c ca. DENSON LUMDER CO. Building and Remodeling Supplies and Materials 549 North Saginaw Street Open 8-5 -* Sat. 8-12 FE 4-2521 Florida Golfer Leading National Junior Play CAPE CORAL, Fla. (AP) -Mike Killian of St. Petersburg, Fla. went into the final round of the 72-hole All-America Junior Golf Tournament with a three-stroke lead today.”1’ He had a three-under par 68 Thursday while Jim Smith of Clearwater, Fla., the first-round leader, shot a 35-35—70. Killian has a 212 total, Smith 215. SAVE 50% NMur paint......1.M gal. Indoor paint....t.00 gal. Latai point......1.00 gal. Malar Oil.........10c at. i-gnOaa con* t.H Sapor IM |»i, rag. M.0 gal. Sapor IN tlhyl 11.0 gal. IML hoata . . .IMS Ian........ 40.M MAJOR BRANDS, INC. iNwy. Id Johnsons Read a can of beer tonight. You can sit there the rest of your life, sipping someone else’s beer and getting no Culture. Or you can sit down with our beer and learn something. The something you’ll learn is called. The Carling Philosophy.'Wc print it on the back of every can. A It’s serious stuff, something you can sink your teeth into, and it does explain why our beer tastes so good. But if you feel silly reading beer cans, id a six-pack. Our philosophy will —the first time a paperback edition ever cost more than hardback: And we’re also putting The Carling Philosophy on our bottle labels. Why, We even sent a couple of copies to the public library. Just look for a red beer can, under non-fiction. THE PONTIAC PRESS, FRIDAY, JULY 1. WM Decision Due Predict Fas'400' on Antj-Trust Baseball Suit White, Earl Bateer, Buddy Baker add Mario Andretti will be in Dodgea. Tam Pistone will be driving a Ford and Curtis Turner will be piloting a rapid Chevelle. Parel-Dieringer baa a ride in a fast Comet. The .400 starts at id a.m. qualifiers with his W66, Plymouth hemi-head. / FAVORITE RQLES Other .Plymouth drivers who share the favorite role are Paul GoMsmith,' Jim Hurtubise, Jim Paschal and Marvin Panch. David Pearson, Lee Roy Var- Wisconsin High Court to Rulo; Loser May Take Additional Step Crewmen Using Shell Th«y Rode to Victory in Olympic Garrms brough, Sam McQuagg, Don MADISON, Wis. (API - The Wisconsin Supreme Court is Hearing a decision on whether the Natibnal League violated state law by ^stripping Milwaukee, of its oitty-1 major league baseball team. • « The seven-member tribunal is expected to rule soon on baseball’s' appeal of a lower court decision finding the game in violation of Wisconsin antitrust law.' HENLEY^ON-THAMES, England (AP> — The crew of the Vesper Boat Club of Philadelphia today row their first race Rain washed out qualifying Thursday for the $66,700 race.| The. 12 fastest cars that qualify today will be bidding for the inside and outside pole positions. Some 5? cprs were in .the garage area being given final; tune-ups for what could be a; record breaking race. Petty’s son, Richard, two-time winner of the Daytona 500 and a| . favorite in Mopday’s 400 is expected to be in the forefront of* OPAD gatta — just 24 hours after the arrival of the shell with which it won the Olympic Gold medal. Vespa- manager Jack Kelly has been chasing the 60-foot shell all week. The boat, named Doc Kigali, after the club’s president, arrived from the United States via Amsterdam Thursday morning. DI-LtVtL JIT.StS.H; SIOt.M Down; SUMS MmUi Lake Privileges-Paved Streets-CeMmuiiity Water Model at Ml Let Arbole* Open Daily 1*1 Dlorah Building Company "‘Family Tailored Hemes" SI44IH The court giveS no advance 'notice of yrheprn will act on a spedtocMdf ' \ |" But, itwill hand down a num-[ her or decisions today. The., baseball case could be included. | nine justices were believed aim-i [mg lor a ruling by early July. * The high court has been asked j I to overturn a decision by Circuit ! Judge Elmer W. Roller finding! the league and' the Braves ini violation-of state law. Roller ordered the return of [ the Braves' from their new ! Atlanta home unless the Nation-! j al League agreed to supply Mil:! waukee with an expansion fran-j chise, that would begin play in! I1967.- ' I The order was suspended1 i action in Pontiac junior base-j pending .the appeal to the St|te| I ball yesterday: , Supreme Court. I ’Jim Goldsmith gained one .ofi , • * * , * the four-hjtters as He fanned l0 '. A*e®)n^ *W>*aL this one to [while helping his CranbrookjU* U.S. Supreme Court, is the [teammates knock off Bloomfieuk^P ^e tort«ous case, Hills AC, 3-2. Striking the big j hairing a settlement, blow for the winners was sandy I u- s- SuPreme 9°™} «“> Heavenrich, whose single sent decide the case once and for all 1 home two runs in the second. either hy reviewing it or by de-i ■ ; - L _ j dining to. - ' , Pontiac Boys Club turned should it refuse' to take the' back Eaglet N* «30 . IM, :case, the decision of the State behind the four-hit hurling of sUnreme Court would stand, j n__II UMd. Mika VllUml brother of Princess! Kelly, mVIPH Grace of Monaco, drove to London Airport at 6 a.m. to supervise offloading, accompanied the shell on the 90 minute drive to the regatta, and had his crew on the water before lunch. Crowds gathered ' as the bronzed and brawny Philadelphians lowered their Italian-built craft into the Thames- Riv- fe SQUARE SHOOT1NB / KEEPS THE ^ PRICE RIGHTl W WE’RE SQUARE And f You’ll Like It! FAMOUS MIDAS GUARANTEE for as long as you tfwn-your car. If replacement is .over necessary, you pay only a service charge.- FAST Installation FREE SLIDING HOME - Baltimore's Dave Johnson slides across with a run in the eighth inning of* yesterday’s game with the Kansas City Athletics, at Kansas City, one of five runs the Orioles tallied in the inning in their 11-3 .victory. Johnson came home on Andy. Elchebarren!s single fcfter doubling off the left field .screen- A's catcher Phil Roof waits for tlwe toss from the outfield. . Vesper Coach Alan Rosenberg said: “The crew'were very excited when the shell arrived. They were out on the water as soon as dU| * “ SJ»ckson possible. After a 60-minute workodt they felt much ^ . J J j more comfortable.u ' SHrSr^b oeo long Layoff v IgEFc'1 Iff “The guys haven't used the{^^;“ *• It? shell for six weeks but after a “oo few more workouts they will bclffiwr Oj ^ o«o ready for anything." - • —— Vesper, who got a first-roundj bye, meets the powerful East some German crew of Turn ,UndLwyoSc'T'lo£ Sports Club of Berliri in the! semifinal of the. Grand Chal-jG"**- s—eotrocen lengeCup. ■ ' - Bouton ....... The Harvard University light- :::: weights meet Wallingford -RoFf wHi 435 SOUTH SAGINAW 3 BLOCKS SOUTH OF WIDE TRACK OR IVI West Coast Gals Take Fencing Title ft Shut Service t» our butine**, We al$o veil LUMBER WATERFORD LUMBER COMPANY 3176 Airport Rd."«?. Phone 674-2662 Top Drag Racers in Track Spotlight Two of the top stock car drag racers in the world will match equipment and ability at Motor City Dragway, 26 Mile east of Ethel Ford Freeway, Saturday TTf/fx. 2F%3Tfl.) Beach, Calif., will pit his Mercury Comet Cyclone roadster against Norm Kraus’ blown hem! Dodge from Chicago. Chrisman has earned honors as top eliminator at both the National Hot Rod Association Nationals anti Wintematiopals and has won the world points championship.' : The two .of- three match race series begins at S p.m. Trials for other classes start at 6 p.m. FIR PLYWOOD 4X8, per sheet WATIRFORD TOWNIHIN XICXIATIOX Qudweis*] Al Inferior, g»«».) Whu" yuw Ml , "8 \ , ff 1 %*»n tu He* uuM thu to#* I* N. char*# lar lm*lt 'til 12 Noon ♦POPULAR - LARGEST -MOST WONDERFUL FAMILY RESTAURANT Woodward & Square Lake ftd BLOOMFIELD HILLS and PONTIAC* M'ALL^ Whether she was worth her salary then or'now is a matter, of film economics, which even more muddled than normal kind. Chances are, her price will rise to even' more stratospheric heights. The reason: Natalie Wood is virtually the only young- American fills actress who can handle draina, comedy and musicals with skill and is an apparent box office draw. IN BRIDAL GOWN Natalie arrived for lunch* in the MGM .commissary wearing a bridal gown designed by Edith Head for “Penelope.’’It was the first time'during the film she had eaten in the studio cafe; she usually remains in her .dressing room. Yettherkis nothing reclusive about'lier. Elusive, yes. .Says a press agent for me of her films, ‘Natalie has the knack of talking a lot while saying little.’’ As noted above, she .also uses the device of answering an intrusive question with a question: “How's your love life?1’ “How’s yours?”. ~ - She possesses a glassy professionalism that makes you realize she knows her business-. That’s only natural; she has appeared'in 23 films since her debut, in “Tomorrow Is Forev-at the age of 5. She will be *28 next month. ... Concerning the longevity of her career,.she commented: “I was never a child star. I played important roles in big'pictures, but I..was always the daughter of the star. ,* v, I think perhaps I had an easier transition to more grownup roles because I wasn’t firmly MffiAGLE MILE w.tunmh a? so.uu ». ITS A PLOT! * LAST I DAYS NOW! at 4:00-3:00-5:00-7:00-9:00 FILLED WITH TWITTERPATEP* FUN UNION LAKE and HA08ERTY NO. 363-0661 BOX-OFFICE AT 1:11 F.M. Adults S1.25 Children Under 1? Free NOW thru TUESDAY WALT Disney ' DOROTHY and FESS McGUlRE Ha PARKER ce-slwr1 VC - I N OP.OYKE RD. AT’WAITON BlVD. I 332-3200 1 pSS&f a ROSS HUNTER-ARWIN m Thelhril! .1 OPltJAn/| nurem COLOR S i PECKk»ogi I TECHNKMIOW/PANAVISION § ‘"oaL,tt |/i« IfliillliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinGIANT FREE PLAYGROUNDS illllllML JplM .110111113= DO NOT S ______ DISTURB iliiiiimiiiuiiiiniiG|ANf FREE PLAYGROUNDS nilillilims££i1i^;:!i THE PONTlAC PKlSSS; FRIDAY, JULY 1, 1W C—• •Aamuj Lute*’ Entertainment J Mgltt l f »ik Ineledini Sanday 4425 H If bland Rd., M-59 Phone 674-0426 3 ChildreryDtown; Mother Suspected for 2nd Time ftou ARE WARMLY INVITED] TO REUX IN A PRIVATE4^ BATH. Hi Ik-Hot I - homo Thursday, In what'was s almost ■'AtpHeatton of a trage-1 dy l] yam ago whan thtlr mother was ceimnitted in the drowning of My first three din- ner first iid they\w snurii WATERFORD HILL SAUNA . o«Sr i f 9 s a. Call IliftSMj NcukMs Inn (Formerly Sharp's Inri) ,y COCKTAILS BUSINESSMEN'S NOON SPECIAL • • Steak • French Fries • Salad $p5 SEAFOOD Featuring LobstgrTails Regular Menu Also Available 2675 Dixie Hwy.’tr^vOR 3-2463 DOORS OPEN |.f.1 Drift Inn 2 ! Corner Elizabeth Lake I I And Cass Lake Roads FE 2-2981 i: 1 I BLOCK WEST OF HURON OPEN BBWLING Every Evening .and Weekends DANCING Every Wed., Fri. and Sats to the soyndsof the FRENCHMEN Now Appearing in the French Cellar; HOWE’S 1AHES 6697 Dixie Hwy. 625-5011 Police said they would seek _ murder warrant toctay against (he mother, Constance ^he^, W The bodies were found by tbel in|(, "They are in, heaven, aanithere apparently was no indtea-father, Carl Fisher, 45, When he (from evil.” v ‘ Ition of any potential recurrence from work. In) She was charged with murder|Of her illness. March 1954, he had come home i then and committed to the A Trip To Detroit In The Summer b Fun I ^ So Much To See... So Much To Del One- pf the entertainment thrills you wW not wont to miss It “DOCTOR ZHIVAGO”. You may reserve your seats now by mail. You will be glad you did. frwork, from, the same job, Hospital in Augusta.’ A grand to find the-first three chiMraijjury refused to indict her after dead. , > jthe hospital reported she was insane. River Claims 1 at Reunion Both times he found hia wife unconscious. The first time, the were 6 years, * years, BONNER, Mont. (AP) - A woman dropped her sandal in the Biackfoot River 'Thursday, and three youngsters drowned trying to retrieve it. John Fitzpatrick, 28, of Twin Creeks, Mont., who dived in to rescue the children, also drowned. —. and 11 months old. This time, children were 4 "years, 4 years and 9 months old. ICE GUARD a. Fisher was taken to Thayer Hospital in Waterville Thursday night, where she regained consciousness. A hospital spokesman said she appeared to be in good condition. She was under police guard. A hospital spokesman said today that Mrs. Fisher was released March 6, 1959, and that Tkft Qandban FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY The SKEE BROTHERS . Hie victims were at a family | reunion at McNamara’s Landing, about 20 miles east of Missoula. . ’ The children were Rose Ann Elledge, 15, Deer Lodge, Mont., Terry Pesdtati, 12, Twin Creeks, Mont., and Michael Fitzpatrick, ' of Andover, Mass. All four bodies were recovered. Police Chief Frederick Gould said three pillboxes were found empty Thursday. He said Mrs. Fisher had taken an overdose of medication. He also said a note was found,‘but did nobdisclose its contents. . * V Twelve years ago, Mrs\Fish-er attempted .suicide, officials said, drinking hair shampoo. She left a note then, saying she had killed the children because “GOd told me to do it,” and say- Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday 0 and the Hideaways JUUE CHRISTS K3M00URTTNAY OMARSHARF GBWDINE CHAPUN AltC GUINNESS • SIOBHAN McKENNA RALPH RICHARDSON ROOSTBGBl-RnATIJSHINGHAM METRO GOLDWYN-MAYER n«w«•*** ADMISSION MIC. MIC. I »•:, DtMtT m, LOGS House of Seafoods • Live Lobster Tank Russell Pulliajn, Missoula County undersheriff, said Mrs. I John Fitzpatrick lost her sandal1 in the. river. Terry Pesanti! leaped into the river first, fol-1 lowed by the other youngsters. I SAVOY LANES Construction News Manufacturer Is Dead .MAYSVlU-E, Ky. CAP) -I Ewald F. Pawsat, 85, founder of the Wald Manufacturing .Co., died Thursday. The Wald company, which employs about 350, is one of the world's largest manufacturers of bicycle parts.! Pawsat was born in Germany. I Our new bowling Center now has roof. Soon we will announce our QRJ OPENING. k FROG LEGS Roodhouie’Slyli k French Fried Gulf SHRIMP k Golden Fried Maryland SCALLOPS k Broiled LOSSTER TAILS . -oiled WHITE FISH ★ LOBSTER Newburg ★ QYSTERS on the Half Shell lumiuts daily $1 .se-si.M-tt.se i ... »M. AMU. SJ.00-SJ.S0-SJ00 | ININGS $1.00—$2.50-JJ.GO , //w/W JMLsU 1 WE.SUOGEST YOU ORDER It rim St I YOUR TICKETS NOWt SALAD TABLE choice of eur. he , made leucei, lecy • utan dish end e relish Try Our Special Steak Dinner Also Selections From Our Regular Menu 10-HI BAR Preientt “The Stringers" Featuring RtreonUng Scare . Littlo Audrey' Jim Harden Dm.rimgtMigkUaW..k ■ • Our'GOLD CROWN' Is Open ai Usual Serving.............. Butinettmen’t Luncheons Frun $1.21 Dinnart Include Stodks, Lobster Roast of Roof Chicken 27 Championship Golf Holes, A real golfers dream. - Not exaggerated yardage or a putt-putt course. Suburban-ittes Dick Murphy........Drums Sue Warner .......Organ Jack ... .... . . . . Sax SUNDAY AFTEHNODN SPECIAL The Banjo Pals Featuring 0«V Sunday Aftenwear * f 10i3° f3L MOREY’S ™-!. CLUB CHARB0-1NN 2291 Union Lake Road eft Commerce Hoad 2435 Bonstein Rd. 1 Vi Miles N. of W. Maple Rd. Frid^r and Sahaday 9-S Sill Mile Nwy. at M-11 MS S-1SII Scrib's t‘ SAVOY LANES and L0UN8E 139 S. Telegraph Rd. FE4-HS1 A HEARTWARMING ADVENTUI We Shall Be CLOSED SUNDAY and MONDAY JULY 3rd and JULY 4th So That Our Empigyats May Enjoy the Long Holiday Weekend Walt Disnqy's imbf PARTIES-BANQUETS 5‘rivwte Ptwiag B—m leoting Up to 70 Ptne I CLOSED MONDAYS \ 1S50 North Perry. At Pontiae Road Phone FE 5-9941 cnmwilmtv m Qandbtw Starting Tuesday Night • featuring the Skee Brothers Sundny-The Little Richard Trio M-59 ead ELIZABETH LK. Roads FE 1-9879, WALLED LAKE 624-3980 foBOTH IN COLOR WH* Paul is Warper SISIAir—r-, i \t£a, ____IBACAil-JUUE HARRiSARTHUR Hill-JANET IflGL RAMELA TIFFIN ROBERT WAGNER SHELIEY WINTERS 0T It's never too soon . to start laughing at JUMtev Pontiac's POPULAR THEATER f - MT. 19:49 A.M. ta ItORP.M. ■ EAGLE i The KINGSLEY II ! orineaihisf THIS HOLIDAY WEEKEND Have the MOST DELICIOUS TREATS IN TOWN w PETE'S - DAIRY ENT. I-tCARie, srlL BUY HOMES, PRW®RTY, COTTAGES, H8, GWJ CLUBS - - - USE PONTIAC PRESS CLASSIFIED >S. TO PLACE YOURS, CALL 332-8181. Across from Famed FISNCR BODY TREAT 931 Baldwin Ave.‘ j Ideal Surrounding* for ■. ! Banquets Dinner Afreiinm— Buoineet (irt-To(flhrn rmTTTTTrrrylrrrrrrrrrrr^ | NOW SHOWING 1 --lf-Jl!Li0-P«0Il J ' Superb Farllities for Weddings : | ONE OF THE WACKIEST FILMS THEY EVER MADE) | jijgagmibiBMM Irfrom|uirablr Atmnephrrr for• Birthday Parties WnliHny Annlvnrearir.— Family Olebnuioee ■ • ■, ■ j J The Perfect • Office Srttiny for.... Parties Coni I’urtiri, ' ____’ Xiorktail <^alhrrin*. o FOR RESEIIVATIO.VS.GAIX Ml 4-l4«1)-jD'4.3I44 [ 11\i 199 91JtriUil.UJLUULl JAUJUUJULUl! mi mr ;m«f ‘ iii-Mi -always a target, far aithar*ai4a of tha law I it* DEAN JIRRY The wildest laugh team that ever galloped LNasoNimLouMSiffiD m C—Iff THE PONTIAC <»RKSS. FRIDAY, JULY I, 1966 Jacoby on Bridge Coast Guard Flier Retires in Michigan BEN CASEY NORTH 1 *1 ¥73 * ♦ A K-J 6 5 4 2 *7*2 WIST , EAST ♦ 10*9 *712 UK 109 8 6 5 v A Q ♦ » +73 . . ♦ Q • S ♦ AK J 10 8 4 SOI TH (Dr + AKQJ54 ¥J42 ♦ Q 10 8 *3 ' Worth-South Vulnerable West North East South ■ 1 * ■ Pom- 2+ 3* 4 + 5 * Dble Pass Pass. .Past < Opening lead—* K ’ ' finally produced the five bid yon could hardly hear him and gave North an extra ruff, ‘ett. . ^ : TRAVERSE CITY (AP) — Lt. diamond. South took his queen Melvin Hartley of Tra- North didn’t thiak mack of his hand either offeasively or defensively. If Weft had Md a cheerful five dab* or jn*t a normal five clubs North plight' have passed. ■ South would probably have doubled the five-club bid w h e n It came around to him hut we’ll never know. He might have gone to five spades and been down one trick. South opened the king of spades and continued with the ace. Ndrth discarded the seven [of hearts on that lead and the three of’hearts whrtJ South con-Itinued with the queen. It was obvious to South that his partner was ready to trump 'a heart and South Whs one of W*CRRDJV/UcOO verse City retired Thursday after iM yews in the Coast Guard., The 46-year-old Coast Guard; aviator has flown 716 search and} rescue missions in He was awarded the Coast Guard Air Medal in 1959 for ah heroic rescue* of 11 downed Navy fliers off Port Angelas, Washington. Q—The bidding has been: Wed North East South V- Pass 1 + Pan 1 ¥ Pas* s¥ Pan 7 .You, South, lurid: ' *AZ VKJI4 +qit +A 10 84 What do ybu do? ' .. A—Bid (nr hearts. Year! . • _ • partner'* Md is nat an abeeinte ' He served in Traverse City force but it is almost a fdree from 1953 to 1955 and again w w from 1964 to the present, points pins a ten spot J TODAY’S QUESTION | 77 Instead of bidding three hearts your partner jumps to two spades over your on* heart. What do you do nowT * Answer Tomorrow By JACOBY & SON Newspaper Enterprise Assn. _________ If you make a sacrifice bid!those, players who want every-there is no reason for you to |thihg they cin get. He led the advertise it. West was pretty jack of hearts. sure that South ^ ^ considered. would b r 1 n g home his .four-spade contract. He was equally ^ .»| positive t h /y^| his partner 1 ® ^ I would be set at 1 five clubs and “he went out of his way to show it. He thought thought and when he He could cup a diamond and collect a 390-point penalty bat why his Ms partner led the jack of hearts? It had to be a suit preference signal of some sort or other hot there wu no suit to prefer. North was known to be out of spades and hearts. South had to be showing the diamond queen. North ied a low Churches Study Crime LANSING (AP) - The Michigan Council of Churches .has forayed a citizens committee to study organized crime. Its membership includes Atty. Gen. Frank Kelley, police officials, legislators and others in fields deeding with crime. BERRY’S WOttI*D State Drive to Boost Fall> Winter Tourism , LANSING (AP)-A $142,000 advertising campaign. to promote autumn and winter vacation business In Michigan was announced Thursday by the State Tourist Council. Daily and college newspapers, magazines, and radio and television stations are to he used, said Council Chairman Wesley B. Tebeau. By Jim Berry THE BERRY8_______ __2 WHEN rr WE WERE || MARRIED/ By Ctrl Grnbert umrr *rn UP hlAKIft ID ^ 5QU6^AND MCAN THAT HES HUNGRY P*XJQHTOEWj~--* A HORSE^-THBIJ SB serve r-----* »«ftl Astrological Forecast S* ' *vfc* > ■ ‘ V . VIi By SYDNIY OMARR LSI ARIES on ambition ... . iww W n- «■ pared to go tor success. Strew •xenange ol knowledge* movofnon active, optimistic. ' important persons heed your acMevertwr* TAURUS (Apr. W *■«« advance asplretiof % persistence. I. long-range gi CAPRICORN (Dec. B sequences Fece 'tears, challenges. * you do . . . opposition tends to vanish. Be alert, vital.' Cycle nines 'up. Be AQUARIUS (Jon. 30 * Feb. 10): Study APRICORN. SAGITTARIUS messages. ,jow you can achieve balance, harmony. But you must extend hand of friendship. __ » —■»- unoplallv whari C7421. -yx| iwarsi♦»• w -.--. u*aara manaw nartnarshio deals:you may discover you have been asking • are concerned. Look beyond surface ln- C^ wrong things. SE ANALYTICAL, dications. Emphesit now on Invostmcnts, t t t plans tor gaining • in monetary ettelrs. ,F SATURDAY IS YOUR BIRTHDAY CANCER (. 21 - July If): You arly position of I end epponems. utilize knowledge w . . . be perceptive. Don’t tall Into et aelf deception. M REALISTIC. LEO (July 22 • Aug. 22): Finish you start. Your Influence, praetti on rise. ' But you must organize Is sensitive and high-principled. > h A GENERAL TENDENCIES: Cycle high for CAPRICORN. AQUARIUS. Spodpl word -to VIRGO: Give attention to hobby, pet activity. Concentrate on.giving and receiving pleasure. i '- (Copyright tg*S, Oeneral Matures Carp,) 1 THE BORN LOSER AAPYS, WHERE'S MV! BOWLIN HAIL? HOW SHOULPI LOOKUP UUDGRTH6 0mt> t»m£ WHY WOULPI LEAVE IT THEREBY ^COMG OH-WHAT'O YOU DO ’ J By Art Sansora ^WeveR/WUPdFttlJJDITiJI N ’ iT I alley OOP By V. T. Hamlin WHYNTCHA TELL ME^l OH,THEY WHAT aOWCENIURV j HA9/EA LUNCHEON CLUBS / VARIETY HAVE ID EAT/ fK OF THINGS.. CAPTAIN RASY VIRGO (Aug. 21 - Sept. 21): ChlMrtn.i hobbles, creative endeavors spotlighted Spark of interest could spread. You might gain attention asrely needed. Knew this and pounce on opportunity. Go to Ml LIBRA (Sept. 21 - Del. 22): Friends Intervene where family problem Is Hocused. You can work Intelligently with those with oppoeMk views. Check details. Reed Una print. Security Is enhanced If OBSERVANT. SCORPIO (Oct.. 23 - Nov. 21): Jt' you find events confusing . . . this Is because pace Is lest. Gat Into rhythm of activities. Let others know- you or to be taken tor granted, a* vert •tort, positive. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 • Dec. "I KNOW why I do what I do-I just want to know why , de Gaulle does what he does!” * BOARDING HOLSE M+POSiP Y RIGHT1 ANp — / Hrhaap TO 'gbtAWAV WITH the flaws for A NEW PRODUCT McKK MEANT TO U9* FOR MlTt The following is a list of recent Pontiac area births u recorded at the Oakland County , Clerk’s Office (by name of father): , • Mitchell, Waterford 1 Lawrence E Harp. Jl Frederic A. Koby. MIKord Roger D. Me Vicar, Drayton Plains ^ nphhto 6. RslahsrS. m PummlH Paul E. Schultz, SOI N. Plhegrove Clayton D. OsLorge, 2450 Private John R. Korsedel, 1415 Whittier Robert W. Lindahl. Clarkston 1 Mount Clem- (6AY, MA30ff,WILL SHUTOUT 1 —THAT AlEW OR6AMIZATION’ IT NEVER 46EMED) LATER TSOU CQULD ran 6RANCW OUTTO. ' CYNICS OTHER FOR&OT-1 LIRE VOL) , By Leslie Turner roues T wwa smut i wuht ml. (JUeSTKWED HIM. WATCHEPI M START# HO LEAVE PfOPCP HE WAG \ OF ABSENCE TOMORROW—HMM! 0WLV A CRACKPOT, sui —____ unubl ( W0THIWG DOIAJ&I \ f MV MOTHER TAUGHT ] 1 ME THAT PEOPLE 1 SHCULD TAKE CARE 1 I OF. THEMSELVES / A \ SO GO GET YtXJR / V oww APPLES]^/ / 0H,H€AH? U*tt, A my Mother taught ME TD SHARE AMD SHARE ALIKE SO III JUST TAKE \j4ALF threappicsy ( HEY. MEEK, V GIVE ME SOME 1 V OF THOSE / \ apples/ J • 19M hy HIA.* Im. By Howie Schneider You ft ^ MOTHER WAS A , COMMUNIST/ dNMf . By BrniepBuahmiliar Carl L. Leach, 4175 Baldwin Donald L. Goodwin, 247 West Ci Joseph C. Drumm. 34 Front Harry T. Guadagnol), 3100 Squ William B. Edwards, Clarkston Don R. Firmer, 145 Chandler . Kent L. Hemp, 447 Kenilworth Michael L. Wallace, 410 Melro Gilbert L. Wedekind. RlCheSter Thomas F. White, Blrmlnoham Thomas J. Burkett, 574 ocr OUR WAY .... Its cast Wilson ______ ___________,3111 South Grant Ronald p. Kline, Auburn Heights Rone Id O. Mandrtll. «H Fremont Donald J. Carter, Ortonville Michael R. Oihnln Jr., Birmingham Robert J. Donaldson, 314 North Perry - Earl H. Hotchkiss, Drayton Plains Russell N. Hubbard, Clarkston James S.' Hudson Jr., ateemfleld Hills Denny Herman, 714 Sterling 1 Richard G. MtHk Utica Roger C, Smith, IIS Chalmers IwmKs C. Williams, Ml Nouada John T. Banks, 1141 Parkway Oabrga J. Cleverlng, Walled Lake Richard F. Henderehott, 147 OUSpaWi George J. Cleverlng. Walled Lake ^ ' Earl E. Johnston jr.. 70 Cadi Dennis V. Men!no, Oxford OavM A. Neel, 214 North Parry Darryl R.'Ptorca, 30 Franklin Lawrence J Rohifs. 3t Bellevue Jennas L. Varney. Waltod Lake ArttoW E. Lerm, tM Perkdele Paul R. Merchbasgsr it. Rectwlter John M. Rhodes JrH 2071 Pont lie R( James R. Office, 205 Prospect Paul L. Barnett. 110 Omar Duane a benedict. 0410 Aylesbury Attay-V. Atkinson. W-ftfrancs Van W. Baird, 10 Jauth Eastway William J. Frazier, 412V Quebec Lee D. McDonald, IS Myrtle billy M. McNutt, 425 Third Mmp gagmen. Rochester Vtotor J. Famum, NT Sunny Beach Dbte M. Fax; Watorferd Robert f. Gallardo, 04 East. Ypsliantl Robert E. Green, Watorferd Alric D. llwdbibgrmL Drayton Plains - Harold O. Portnoy. Bloomflold Hills - ' WllUom A. Presaon, 00 East Newport! . Frantic E. Welch, Cwkston Mkfwel K. Brawn. Davlsburg Michael C. McClure. 2JT7 Binghamton Lawrence O. WeMT. 2 Perknurst Ralph p Glas*,Iq|wOrton ------ G. Patpichel. 23 Boston * rB. brndtoylTbl^Haward McNam H Ilf AFTER ALL \ f THESE YEARS, \ Ul rwi/—TUteic V f WHAT FASCINATES Y \ DtCX—AND AAE,*700--/ r NATURALNESq f Ak| '/IDAT’CCI M J / CHIPS PEELING / f OFF A PIECE OF > AN uKALtrUL / i LAZINESS WITH \ ) WHICH HE CAN STILL ] \ STEEL TURNING > ALL SHADES OF J 1 BLUE STILL. > l fascinate ME/ v DRAPE HIMSELF S kL AROUND A MACHINE/ J ITS A DEAP ] «• GIVE AVYA/Z si. I THINlcl-iE^ > GCfT HIS FIRST PROMOTION TO TH'OFFICE QJZ THEY DIDN'T WANT THAT ( SEEN AROUND v TH'SrtOP/ iSEs By Bud Blakr Uyou arcH^ -CP 'V all set? It'.f, ...HERE IT’ CDMEGi DON A 1.0 IJiTK A NOTICE PRO(V\ THE, CITY) NOT TO PUT OUt MORE * THAN ONE TRASH CANl' r IT'S '—- ■WELLTOOAVS, CANOAY— i ■ WHAT ARE YOU GOINS TO OOF, 89 mm iss^rs THE OLD.SKILL CTRWidjAM> By Walt Dtenay n THE PONTIAC PRESS, FRIDAY, JULY I, *966 C—11 The following are top prices covering sales of locally grown produce by growers and sdld by them in wholesale package lots. Quotations are furnished by the Detroit Bureau of Markets as of Tuesday. MarketRali^s PicIcs Up Produce FRUITS Apples. Delicious. Red. bu... Apples. Northern Spy. bu Apples. Northern Spy. c.A„ bu. Apples. Wool Red. C.A., bu. .. Strawberries. W qt. crt. ....... VKOETABLBS Asparegut. ds. bch............. Beets, dz. belt. ............... Cabbage, bu.................r... NEW YORK (AP) -. The stock market rally picked up steam in moderately active trading early this afternoon. The advance was launched yesterday afternoon alter three TSl sessions of sharp lossc Today’s sharp gain was made despite the usual cautibn that precedes a long holiday weekend. The market will be closed Monday, the Fourth of July. The turnabout came when the 315.9 wit. S-i market was approaching mid-May lows and indicated that a support level may have been fourawd. Motors, steels, rubbers, air- rtronics, utilities, non-itals, chemicals, rails is advanced, les'posted gains rang* 2 points,but most ad* ire fractional. The Dow Joi\es average of 30 -industrials at noon was up 0.13 at 879.23. crafts, el* ferrous n and airlii Key lng up to vances w< AVERAGE*: UP The Associated Press 60-stock average a t noon had risen 2.0 to Industrials up 3.7, up --dR and utilities up ,9. General Motors was up about 1% points after having * been weak recently. Prices advanced in moderate trading on the American Stock Exchange. Solitron gained more jhan 3 points. Up 2 points or so were Conduction, Commercial Metals and Gulton Industries. Ford of Canada lost more than a point. •2 Teen-Agers Drown in Area Gravel Pit, Lake Talce Out-of-County Pair U. S. Gold Reserves Continue to Declin the drain. Some of the gold is going to France,- which Two out-of-county youths prefers-, the drowned yesterday in separate metal to Yan-accidents in. the Pontiac area, jkee dollar s. one perishing as Son!ettis lo?t41‘n, ™" - u^loperatlon of the London gold! By SAM DAWSON - .since left the country won’t be.ments with other hinds. This AP Business News Analyst I reported until the end of July. I deficit over the years has built NEW YORK A slow, but'FRANCE CASHING IN i I up large surpluses of -American stea'dy drop in U.S. gold re-| France is Relieved to have!doll?rs ‘Mdreign hands. Central continues to defy «H at-| turned in about $78 million!^8 °f! tempts to plug May. representing the surplus it piled up in April. France, and he swam iitr y Township pool set up to' worth of American dollars in!these doUars to «old “ as worm ot American aouars ln I the French are now doing. stabilize the DAWSON gravel pit and T^ile|w0rld market and control the r?OiSord price of gol serve £nk. 'note3 m t ^ , get8r ** 8 verl backed by gold. This learn only i^fTfU?S/T»LS0UrCe;la small part of U.S. reserved Monthly sales to industry.run atL f„ u m , defi. sin million tn sin million rwJlrfe Ior meeimg payments aeu Icits. $10 million to $15 million. Demand has been fairly steady this year. . .. ! The Treasury also buys gold.| 17 nr inim Snnnra i.Th* Treasury’s stock hasjSome is new production of; mond, 17, of 10033 Sonora, ^ Ar0pped” by ^ mii^n M far| mines. Some is bought from oth-wn‘ j this year and Is-now around jer nations. Canada has sold, the Oakland County Sheriff's $13,4. billion, the lowest level I U.S. Treasury $100 million so deputies aid Kreiner -was I since September 1938. March, 'far this year, as a gesture of I swimming with two friends at |May and June each showed a|helping this country stabilize Parkburst Lake about 4:15 loss of $100 million in the official the ’market and hold down its he suddenly sank I reserves. There was no change' steady losses, Sales A Is Named at Pontiac ... - r i The appointment of Harold E. while returning from a raft. Jin April. | The London pool represents a Millikeh, 420 N. Glenhurst, Bir- The youth was pronounced But the United States also hasIfluctuating loss. Lately there mingham, as assistant general dead by a coroner about 40 min-|an Exchange Stabilization Fund [have beep no. big speculative j sales managers utes later after two sheriff’s c*iv-W*1 wWeh ite gold traqsac-runs on the London gold mar- of Pontiai. Mot.| ■shad rdbovered the body. \*m wlth other nations are *«. But industrial and other | or Division was I channeled. At the end of May world demand for the metal announced to-1 . * * . * - this fund showed a one month’s keeps the market fairly active, j day by jobn % I Dimond was with several coxn-drop of $86 million to bring the When demand can’t be met by DeLoreart vice I X ^ panions at a gravel pit north of j total outflow forthe first five! the newly minted metal *he president* B + ,r Grange Hall When he slipped months of the year to $224 mil governments making up the occurred about by City Man in Shooting Case French Quit NATOtoday United States last year was $1,-865,000,000. That was the biggest drain since the $1.7 billion in 1960 when there was a speculative run on the gold market, ' *, , .. 7 t . .... with the world price soaring, A Pontiac man charged with and ^ doUar as well as ^ attempted^murder in the shot- pou^ under pressure'. The gold gun wounding jof another man p^j wa^ up to prevent a redemanded examination on thel<: el sales manager last week. In his new post Milliken will be bt . charge of central office administration. Succeeding Milliken. as central regional manager will be Gerard J. Schulte, who had been Midwest regional manager. I charge when arraigned yester- And at home, the. Unitedl ,The following other promotion-day in Municipal Court. ! States started a drive to cut the al changes in the Pontiac field Judge Cecil B. McCallum set ^jefieit in its balance of pay- sales organization were also:an- PARIS (AP) -I usual—as much as possible— was the word today as France, quit the North Atitmtic Treaty Organization’s military coip-mands. President Charles de Gaulle withdrew slightly more than 2,-officers and enlisted men from integrated allied military command posts. France also declared that, a of today, its 72,000 troops in West Germany are no longer controlled t>y NATO. preliminary hearing for. L. C.. - Chalmon of 40 Idaho for July I 12 and ordered Chatmon heldj at the Oakland County Jail in! $3,000 bond. Accountants Elect Chatmon is accused of shooting 28-year-old Johnny Jackson of 175 Lake in the back and1 neck with a 12-gauge shotgun! Wednesday night. nounced: * I • Robert V. Curie, Western regional manager, > succeeds I Schulte in Chicago. I e Carl E. Michael, Boston zone manager, has been named Western regional manager, succeeding Curie. • / ■ [ • Joseph C.' Cheesbrough, Minneapolis zone manager, succeeds Michael in Boston. Chatmon, who turned, himself ta* been elected president off t Henry C. Theis Omaha in the Pontiac Police about 90 B*® Oakland County. Chapter of^ne manager, succeeds Chees-minutes after the shooting, re-1 National Association of Ac- trough in Minneapolis. Portedly admitted, the assauR|<»u|,^n^forl966-67. j , Fred c. Resler, assistant •nci said he shot Jackson after! Br°wn. « charter member of\zotte manager in DaHas, has Jacksoq had allegedly beaten the chapter, lives with his wife v^j, nromoted to zone manager PhetmiMiia ufUa AflH tiiPAtt oh Hpaii of AA11 Mat. . ^ r . Chatmon’s wife. The French withdrawal from NATO military headquarters! here and elsewhere In Europe) was conducted discreetly. The French flag still flew alongside the flags of the other NATO nations outside the allied command post near Paris. De Gaulle says France remains a part of the North Atlantic al liance although French troops and three children at 4011 Mea-h 'dpwlane, Bloomfield Township aup^intments are effective J Other officers elected include' John J. Tomson of General Mo-| j -tors Corp., Edward L. Dunn of j Peerless Cement Co. and Hen-jj Stanford Conn of 3630 Bay-N[Ji ^-J vi«*i brook, Waterford Township, pr*"ents:: Charle* ,.L.. Moore, reported to township police yes-|of c News in Brief Business Notes ^ w Detroit Edjtson Co.,1 treasurer; Gary J. Niebauer, an account terday the larceny'of a wTofi*011 ^°™an v- Henning, Wolf!«ervice employe of McCann-golf clubs, valued at $100, from Detroit Envelope Co., secretary.,!Erickson, Inc., since 1963, has L.______ *:■ i ------------^—i---------•* . been .transferred from the firm’s Wfr;.. .. , T-----.iiwew York effiee to beesmepn , iMliir cwcottve” iwt thr fSM ara jio lougst- under., tis eosaarj -mmif Tner 6t j f mana‘ reported to Oakland Coua-Lj., "*"* u,n' ^ Sheriff’s- deputies yesterday|^ g |m. Adjusting to the new situation, officers at the NATO command defend Europe in case of attack. But their work was complicated by uncertainty over what they could expect of France in case of an attack. CONTRIBUTION. France's previous contribution to tHeNEuropean shield, available for immediate retaliation, was the two divisions caxid two tactical air force squadrons HHj HR she has had stationed in West SW iSMTS Germany. The West German - - —" and French governments aare now negotiating on the future status of those forces. , .. ,___,_____,_____the theft of a set of coif clubs *a» w.<, «.o it.* ifii ' ai continued their planning ° . B ‘ t-tuua MomtiTSo nu *|.j ‘n.if u.i -------m , rrz . -p $320 ftpm-a doorway v»«r »gT-<».t ^.t- usr w.w- -van 31W- W P08ts ?. T.Wor joint military action to French Visitor to Harao Linked to Viet War VIENTIANE, Laos (AP) Jeaui Sainteny, former French minister of veteran affairs, rived today en route t6 Hanoi on a; visit believed connected with the Vietnamese war. Sainteny 'made an ovemig / /^..atop here because! no fli^ H7.S+I.M j clearance was received from Cht Sil+iSi North Viet Nam. There are only 185,000 miles of surfaced roads in the Sowrfet Union compared to three million in the United States. FrHter'i m mvMmm n !•»-v- TeMvItMn SMrtrwMt Wellington Pue" Wind tor Fund .1 1U.« 3W.0 Reliable S at the Rochestd*' Gouhty Club, |i»m low 66$ Michalson.ii A von Township, lift! “ow fl' Truck ,& Coach Division advertising account... Niehauer, who is married and the. father of one, shortly will — move his Home from New York to 480 Madison, Birmingham. HONORED r—^Howard l. Dell (ri^ty. im-mectiate past president of the Boys’ Club of Pontiac, receives a national citation, the Man, and Boy Award, from the new president Clyle R. HaskiU for his outstanding work with youth, and particularly his- role in die- * veloping the north aide club. ''Admiring the award is Mrs. Dell. Crtssy Larson, executive director of the Boys’ Club, bis wife, Betty, and club ’ secretary Grace ElweH also received awards from the board of directors for thfeir* community service. The presentations were made last (light in ceremonies at the Pine Lake Country Chib. “ M: m lii THE PONTIAC PEESS, FRIDAY, JULY I, 1 m ORGHARD FURNITURE IS STAGING AN OLD FASHIONED Wg? Thur*., Sitij from | 9 to 5:30 p.m. • No Moh«y Down • 24 Months to pay • M Days-Cash • Free Oolivary • Free Parking THE ..pdfrTTAC • PRESS, FRIDAY, JULY 1, l9«d B-l Dry Parsley for Storage Cut sprays of parsley and [them in small glass jars for aagc and spread them out on a,Use t, seasoning during the win-piece of paper towel placed over "T” * a wire rack. r . , | tennonths,' SCHhto in a shaded, airy placfe' "~ and in about ten days the sprays i /d the nation’s 15 important will be dry,, • , /''jturkey-producing state s, Cal- *" * , * ■ ifornia to now in first place, ,At that time strip the .leaves with Minnesota the second ' town the stems, .cfumple them! largest grower of turkeys and until they are fine, and store I Texas the third. Sate of NURSERY STOCK , 30% rO DISCOUNT Everything Goes! Evergmns-Shade Trees Flowering and Ornamental Shrubs - Roses - Fruit Trees REGAL FEED and LAWN SUPPLIES Pontiac Store—2690 Woodward—FE 2-0491 Fourth of July Is Picnic Time Nothing could be more American on the Fourth of July than a parade in the morning, a picnic in the afternoon, a toe-works display at night, and traditional flowers to match the celebration. But the day needn't be a hectic oqe for the homemaker, if she,plans her late afternoon backyard picnic —-for friends or just hef family — ao she can enjoy iotpe independence, too. Her ally this day can be paper ... in tablecloth, napkins, cops, and plates. And her floral decorations can be as attention-getting as a firecracker without causing a lot of trouble. The Society of American Florists recommends groupings of red carnations and Majestic daisies for a theme-setting flor-jal design. The' flowers may be arranged in a blue vase or, better yet, in a home-made "Uncle Sam” hat. - It can be constructed of cardboard and painted with red and white’ stripes, with a hand of blue with stars, on it. PATRIOTIC THEME A blue paper tablecloth andi red, white, and , blue HOME GARDENER S Tlotdaat HOW TO PROPAGATE PLANTS Tate, several cutting© Iona.Cut Just beiow joint. Plastic bag makes a good substitute greenhouse. Weep cutting© moiat unti | stlckng them into rooting medium. (i£i Propagate Plants' t - for Your Garden Hardy Hollies on Market Two new, hardy holly plant* are available this fall. The complimenting Blue Girl and Blue Boy (you need a male and a female) were ao named (by Jackson h Perkins) because of the blue overcast to their glossy, dark greeh leaves. They are available at many local nurseries. , Blue Girl and Blue Boy may be maintained as compact, low-growing shrubs or as a hedge 3 to 4 feet tall. Most red berry hollies grow too .tall for foundation plantings and the old dwarf types produced only- black berries. • Few survive the rugged north-,-;"y ' 4 eastern climate, but the Blue Do .you have tome . favorite, little over, a period of several introductions have withstood 20 plants? Sometimes a plant, days to harden off your new|below zero cold, such as an azalea, hydrangea UtUeiJlants; [, The new variety does best in __. ... . , . * + * i partial shade but reportedly will ZJ&&SS?*',,,ue ■ ™ idK «• .«* ™ yi cm't take Ihe Dl.nl ■"MOW of equal part. «r top- —tiler, you but vou’d like another iu»tlsoi1, sand and P*®1 moss orj The female produces berries e another just|,eaf mo|d . ... when a male plant is nearby. -■ ■ —--------- -|o"ne male, aided .by wind and] Mr mi it' i insects, can fertilize' several' -Filled Trench W **0. ; J • I Mrs., F. L. Mes®rve °t St. James, N.Y. (On -Long Island) like it some day. Or you wish you bad a shrub j just like a friend or neighbor has and they offer you a “•Up” of the prize shrub. Best time to try root cuttings is from July to August as new growth begins to harden. ■ • Will Blanch Celery | developed Blue -Boy and Girl. Select jour favorite colors from this list of OVER 50 VARIETIES APPROACHING FELL BLOOM • Potted • Vigorous • Growing -CLIMBERS- • Coral Dawn • White Dawn • Morning Dawn • Pants Scarlet . • Peace • Mrs. P. S. DuPont • American Beauty * Dr. J. H. Nicholas * Crimson Glory • Blaze * Paul’s Scarlet -HYBRID TEAS. • Forty Miner • Sptters Gold a Golden Masterpiece a Countess Vandal • Pence % Talisman. TTTpgTDgipoF-” • Picture - • Horace McFarland • Lowell Thomas • Eclipse • Mn. P. S. DuPont • Mrs. E. P. Thom • Helen Traubel • K. T. Marshall • Royal Highness • Pink Masterpiece • McGredya Ivory • K. A. Vicktoria • Sterling Silver *'■*. Mister Lincoln'""*' • New Yorker • Chrysler Imperial • Zulu Qneen f “•'McGredya Scarlet • Crimson Glory • Nocturne r-FLORIBIMS and GRAAiMFLORM-i a Ma Perkins • Red Pinocchio • Pinocchio F Fashion • Betty Prior a Elaie Ponlaen • Flora cfora • Vogue • Buccaneer • Circus • Jimmy Cricket • Americana - • Red Ripplea • Garnett e • Worlds Fair • Goldilocks , v Special For The 4th ! ■ Sturdy Cedar Log PICNIC TABLES . I™*i ’ 'V? *- OPEN EV ENINGS , tod SUNDAYS TOWN * COUNTRY GARKH CENTER M12 Highland Rd.(M59) * OR 1-7147 Just East of ths Airport paper plates, cups, and napkins also will carry out the patriotic! coloricheme. . To preclude wayward winds from, scattering paper accessories, anchor the paper cloth to the table with cellophane ' tape; thumbtack each person’s j plate in position, and place a | few pebbles between folds of each napkin to secure them. * To really‘lend an after-dark surprise, tuck a half dozen “safe and sane” sparklers securely in the “Uncle Sam” hat and light them. The sparkling light and flowers will bo a fitting prelude •to % shooting off of firecrackers. If you’ri (entertaining friends and their children, their firecrackers can be pooled with yours for a very effective and enjoyable fireworks display. aim, she toys, is to ~ |hollies used in areas where! w w Cetery that has been grown broad leaf evergreens are in! Th* min nt thuink Jin a'trench may be blanched by limited use - from Boston to -r 6 * WsS th «is filing the trench with soil. ’ 1st. Louis. * ^thouLbreakili^ Im ran be' If il h«l «S*L B™™- Incidentally. Mrs. Meservel ^el^sureks^readv^00 ^ \* *round ,eve1’ sct a ^ describes .herself as “a house-! preuy surens reaay. 'along each side of the row so wife who-knows nothing about MORE THAN ONE that one edge is half an inch Botany." , If you’re making your. first d®«P. in the ground, the other - ^: attempt at propagation, it may hidden under the celery leaves, j The greatest' eaters of, po-j pay you to take more than one! to about ten days the heartsjtatoes. ate the people of the Re-cutting. of each celery clump mil be!public of Ireland. They consume Take you cuttings 3 i |blanched- * ■ 1317 pounds per person per, year, inches long, with the -lower end cut just below a leaf joint. Keep only one or two leaves! at the top. Keep cuttings moist, until you stick them into your rooting medium. Use a mixture of damp sand and peat moss or vermlcu-lite. About one-half of the stem length should be covered. The modem rooting hormones you can buy in small packages in garden supply stores encourage root development. , ■> Just follow directions on the Inbel. Be especially careful not to use too much. Impatiens Is Not Hardy Remember that the plant you may call impatience, sultana or impatiens is not hardy.-It must be potted and taken indoors before^ frost if it is to survive the winter. - It makes just as good ahousel plant as it does a garden plant, but needs ton indoors if it is to bloom. Cynoglossum Is Apt to Take Over Garden Cynoglossum, also known as Chinese forget-me-not, is one annual that will reproduce itself in every cornet of the garden ' seeds ire not T6ffi6VM. If you do not wish to weed jt out next spring, cut back the blown stalks before the seed; Tlpt---- - Plastic bags that are ,so common make a substitute greenhouse fb supply needed humidity, especially when you have only a few cuttings in a flower! pof • * * * Bend old wire clothes hangers in half-hoops to keep the plants from touching the plastic. CHECK CUTTINGS After about a month, check]1 on your cuttings to see if the/] are rooting. / r Be gentle with any you /replace J Remove the--cover little by' TRUCKLOAD SALE Prices Good to Thurs., July 7 DuPont Lucite Outside HOUSE $C49 PAINT 1966 Colors........6.95 Qal. •Whits ond All V966 Colors LUCITE INSIDE WALL PAINT $4.99^ NEW LOW PRICE I 1966 Colors K TOM’S HARDWARE OPEN SUN.L MON., JULY 3-4, 9 to 2 905 Orchard Lake Ave. FE 5-2424 MF DELUXE RIDING MOWER The MF 24S Deluxe Riding Mower makes lawn care too. Cuts a clean 24" swath. Easy starting A H:P. motor has three forward speeds and reverse for plenty of power and maneuverability. Stand-! ard model also available. See them st.... HILLSON LAWN and GARDEN TCtT HlfblMd M. AcNwFrMi TIm MSS Plaza. Ph. 673-0330 Don’t Forgst-For Summertime Planting Evergreens & ' s ' Flowering Shrubs ^ ' f'reehly Dug & Extra Nice Wo Also have a fine Selection of Flowers HURON ST. STORE OPEN TIL MIDNIGHT COLO BEER, WINE SCO. PICNIC SUPPLIES RITTER’S FamMwikeb 3225 W. HURON —FE 8-3911* 6684 DIXIE HWY., CLARKST0N SAVE . A WITH m MEMBERS OF Hardware WHOLESALES; Formerly Big 4 HARDWARE STORES KEEG0 Keego Hardware No. 1 3041 Orchard Lake Road 682-2660* RENT ’EM! • Floor Senders • Floor Edgers • Hand Sanders e Fluor Polishers PONTIAC Tom’s Hardware ' 905 Orchard LakeF Ave. FE 5-2424 OPEN SUN. - MON. JULY 3 & 4 9 A.M.-2 P.M. m BRIQUETS aw 20 lb. Bag .. t. 1.49 LAST CALL AT THIS PRICE ’5 HOLDS! SmiHGFIELD GARDEN TILLERS .. the rolls royce ' ol powered lawn & garden equipment popular bacauts lt’» Amarica'* bait. 3 H.P. with horiiontal driva, with ravana, 26" tilling widt|i. Lifatima 14" tinai. ixduiiva Otofk Tina Chang*. Ex-duiiva balanced design far aaty handling. CHAISE Strong end comfortable, LOUNGE contoured keek and - safety locking, tee! Reg. 10.45 Perennial RYE GRASS 24! -No Finer Seed .. „ KENTUCKY BLUE GRASS II*. 5lb»iormor*_ CREEPING RED FESCUE 69?. 3 GAL. TANK . SPRAYER 7*77 SOFT. RUBBER ’A INCH DIAMETER 799 ■ REG. ■ 9.95 THE HEAT IS 0U ~ 20 INCH ELECTRIC FAH Summer feeding time! ~ , AMERICA'S FAVORITE LAWN FERTILIZER TURF BUILDER TURF BUILDER, the fertiliser that's guaron-teed to grow greener, sturdier gross — or your monoy bock. Food* longer too—bocoudo I it's Trionixed. Will not bum gross or horm \ gross teed. Clean, odorless, light in woight. 5.000 Sq. ft, b.g.. .*4“ 10.000 Sq. ft. bif.. *8” WEEDS % FEEDS TURF BLUR. + 2 New TURFIUILDER PLUS 2 give* your grau the full feeding ef Turf Builder, America's foverit* lawn fertiliser - and dees two extra jobs, end ether rosette weeds. 2. Controls eMfkweed, round ivy, clever, oetd-leg knetwsed, ond other viniag we»d«. 5,000 sq. ft. bat •• 18,900 sq.ft, bat. D—S THE PONTIAC PRESS, FRIDAY, JUIL.Y I, jm Pontiac K. of C. Elects New Officers The Knights of Columbus, faurth degree, Pontiac General /Assembly, has reelected Augustin P. Gencreux. 106 N. Shore, Lake Orion, as faithful naviga- tor. Other newly elected officers ire Lawrence Sevegney, captain; • Rudolph Nosek, pilot; Thomas Farrell, comptroller; and Louis’Perry, scribe. Also elected are Rudolph Stin-gle, purser; Russell DeLong-champ and Wilfred Hinds, sen- . tinels; Paul Frye,-admiral; and Edward KrzeminSki, trustee. -School Lunch Figures LANSING *(AP) - Michigan Public Schools served more than 83 million lunches this school.. year, said the. Department of Public Instruction. Federal- funds financed <7-8 million in lunches and milk for pupils and students. \ Optimistic Returns From Russia PARIS 4iad beer* ‘ frank and businesslike exchange ’ of opinions.” land County residents in Sep-'f^P* °^er cijfes since teihber. he began his nightly preaching at Earl’s Court Arena here June A total of 47,800 last night heard Graham say the “angels in heaven may he rejoicing” at It is the latest and one of the largest links in the board’s developing' program, “A Cir- ] cleofCare.” ‘This new organization,” said! th« large number of youths who A 2,000-word joint declaratidn|Dr. Walden, “will be a com-'‘mode decisions, for sighed. Thursday contained jmunity-oriented facility for thejGhr^t so far in the crusade, broad principles of intent to'rehabilitation and study of rrien-^ Decisions were m^d; last solve such Europeans problems Jtai retardation. after a.brief illness. Surviving are a daughter, ■ -V 'Dene of Pontiac; three sons,! ntewM ISj Vernon of Waterford Township firtii bt ci*u!^p,l*ijand Leeland aftd Clarence, both, ' of Pontiac; 10 grandchildren;! Zone Ordir Residential J. Section Ur-tN. of th* W V5 of ■dec. II, T3N. R10E, disc. I Beg at a pt bearing S W tv 1312.1 ft. from ttie E 14 cor 1 th S I* 54* 10-- E 1099.65 5 & ft; th N BS* 42* E t at bag Conf, 9.IS Ac Section 2: The change In' In the above ar made pursuant • and a great-grandchild. CLAUDE G. BURT Also surviving . The State Department, in dis-nance area and pulled .away. As closing plans for the trip yes- W pulled away; the ordnance MRS. FRANK VARNER, | terday said: “Our determined ®roPPf^ o« bii the village of MILFORD — Service for for- view is that the German govern- Tan Hyen. Six containers of spe-resident Norma Varner, 77,lment Should fully offset Ameri- X °e vnree P.OUC, J«* j „ fl* reunification t)f4Germany ! “It will provide tison then- bombjover^heord- but made, r0 terete recofn- future developments of * more Build to Residential 3 l City I I purenas ft- military year P« »r,LlM7. cial antipersonnel weagxms fell on the- village and they came from all three planes. The antipersonnel containers are a special type of bomb unit which explode and hurl shrapnel over a wide area. TTa«y have-y equipment in the two- been used for some time by U.S. period ending June 30, |planes in both North Viet Nam! ______ _______ 1881 night by 3,122, bringingTo 34,-model for 499 the number who have done so, to date, i •» > mendations. • High French [units in a county wide program . thl* Commissior pianca ui uvui iiuiui ▼ ici iiciiii | . , , , . and South Viet Nam, bunt-details fihar^ 0{ ^ German inten-tions of aggression, Of ACt N as limn . 207 of the Public A notice of the time a i. than fifteen OS) of Ruskln, Fla., will h* 11 a.m.| can defense expenditures in the tomorrow at the ra^iardson- federal republic.” .Bird Funeral Home. Buriat will U n d e r an existing agree-Service for former Pontiac ^ Milford Memorial Ceme- ment, West Germany would resident Claude G. Burt, 65, of tery . j purchaie. $1.3 billion In U.S. Oscoda will be 1:30 pr.m. tomor- Mrs Varner died Tuesday aft-,Iwnr0W at Dpnelson-Johns Funeral;eralongiUnesg Mid Home with burifll in Anderson-( surviving are^ /one daughter, -^&lU* ^emetery’ IndePendence Mrs. George JnucTof Ruskipf| But ^ Bonn government has! are classified-'is secret. ^ Twmship. ^ - Fla., and one sisttf. / L^id it iots not need the equip-j - . * * * r^nit ***": Burt» a.rctired drwer forj rPnRr«- wRif^rr nrient and suggested that itL A first aid motor convoy and, I Greyhound Bus Unes, died M^fl®E0I7E//fL. spend the money for other types ffielicoptefs* were rushed to the Wednesday. He was a member LAPEER - Servkd for “LTuA’goods. .' village immediately after the !of Sportsman’s Club, Qscoda. George (Ella) Wpght, 75, of 442| McNan)ara -^as understood to [accidental jettisoning, j Surviving are two sisters, IlajClay will be 1:^6 p.m. tomorrow]haVe rejected this proposal andl The spokesman said he had; I Burt of Pontiac and Mrs. Neil! at Baird-Newton Funeral Home., insisted that the Germans buy noihing'further at present that iStrannhan of Waterford Town-1 Burial will be in Grooks teme-.^jj^^p^^ s could explain how all three1 ship. itery, Troy. , . I Otherwise, he has'hinted, the Ptones made the mistagike, but) pxnvnnv martins died yes(erday United States might be com-! investigation team was look-1 BABY M after a long illness. pelled to withdraw some of its I*""14 sources said, however, that the very fact of the general’s visit was a key contribution to an easing of East-West tensions in Europe. to serve-the retarded or those, handicapped with learning dis- The forestry industry provides abilities. 11.5 million jobs, a’ $7 ,billion an- "Our goal is to decrease the dual payroll, and products U.S. officials expressed, relief that de Gaulle brushed aside Soviet efforts to get a joint criticism of U.S. policy in Viet Nam and endorsement of Soviet necessity for institutionization of the mentally retarded aig lo provide earlier and more Comprehensive care for those returning to society from institutions,” said Walden> Counseling will be available for both ■ the mentally retarded patient and his family. worth $29.3 billion a year. OU's First Union Contract Is Signed With the AFSCME from and after the date of its ie by the City Commission of the if Pontiac. le and pasted by tht Qty Com- Prayers were to y ""’ithis morning for Baby Boy Mar-j william h. tavlor, jr. tins, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. oloa barrel^ Richard Martins of-70 E. Prince-c»y cjwk ton, at the C. J. Godhardt Fun-————-—>. -— ul—— eral Home, Keego Harbor, with j burial in Crescent-Hills Ceme- j after a long illness, be offeredj Surviving is one sister. Plans Drawn I troops to help ease its balance of payments deficit. Itery, Waterford Township. The baby was dead at birth' [Tuesday. '1 Surviving are the parents and; [grandparents Mr. andsMrs. Ade- for Rood Job Ex-Fife Aide in the C Is Dead at 64 Following several weeks of employes with the university six intuit - .collective bargaining, Oakland years or more, and improved It seemed possible t;lie COn- University officials yesterday death benefits for beneficiaries; | tainers were jarred loose as the! s*8ned * contract with the Amer* I planes did a sharp pullout to- kan Federation of S4®1** Coiin-gether, inasmuch as tfeey were I1/' “pal Empires, flying in formation. AFLao, Local 1696, according _ • to Carlos Corona, OU director; 1 r'l • v ti of Personnel. ! L-laim TOUrtn I .Ratified by the general mem- oflemployes. James Oates, 160 Middle, [ Highland Township, has been appointed local steward. According to Corona, the OU contract is almost identical to that agreed upon at Michigan bership the night before, -the State University, the first en- - * - 1uItn - -............... " Kifled Mother -F C0n^8Ct c6vers f,0Urfy|4ered 'nt0 ® Michigan college and Sister employes and will go into effector university.' today. — The agreement is the first union affiliation for the uni-| versity. LANSING (Jl — The Sta,t ej Victor O. Bodamer, 64, retired lunoli^tinS ind Mrand Mrs. [Highway Department reports I assistant chief of the Pontiac 'Elmef Caylor all of Pontiac.[engineers have completed de-'Fire Department, died yester-j *< [Also surviving are the &-eat-Jsign plans for a 9.7-mile extern!day. > larandDarents (sion of Northwestern Highway,! Mr.. Bodamer, 1151 Plover,I LIBERTYVILLE, HI. (UPI)-| ,n ,ho r r P in Oakland County, to cost $29.78 Highland Township, retired inlpolice today were holding a 15- ^ uded ,‘n (ne ecopom c " ' NORMAL.SOSEBEE Lffl*. .. llW .Iter »WOT U ft. .«nU.rt U Prayers were offered yester-j The project originally waslwitjx, the Pontiac Fire Depart-!shooting h’is mother and 7-year-[paraa paymem,° n sp -dayTor^ Norma L. Sosebee, in-[scheduled fob ‘ bid - taking In ment \- old sister to death sand then| New Officers of.Gl' Forum ‘ tion insurance, longevity pay for «nri Mrs. Anrll. 1970. • THE BUILDING ZONE ....... OF ORDINANCE NO. 964, KNOWN AS "THE BILILDING ZONE ORDINANCE" -THE CITY OF PONTIAC ORDAINS: Section 11 Th* Building Zone Map of th* Building! Zone iBruce Swebee of WO Mawdon.l n Wt | yar W+Was a" «H B b 4 P 6f P—B«(S Roger LasecH warn BALOWIN ‘ [Waterford Township, at white- ,;ause of a shortage of primary ^Chapter No. 503, Order of the about tour hours a/ ter Jtis ordinance NO 944-32 Chapel Memorial Cemetery, road fuDdg • Eastern star; Pontiac Lodge mother, Sadie, ,44, w*as found - -i-t^ pr7ttBVUu>i-y awign calls N.. ^ d^rtadAiiL Jte.hat |,"F,,r'l#"' ____________ (or Increasing the present » "» S*rt» Ne. S, Retr.lt room of her tan., Jaby girl,’ feet of right of way from Tele- Conatotory. [ Police said Roger said the fcirely, died two hours aftef birthigraph to Wchard uke to 31g! ^ ^| (> was a fatal shooringi came »fter his Wednesday. feet. member of Highland Methodistl mother hadKolded him.... Surviving are _P®„ - . -★ ■ * * I Church Jhd the Metropolitan! The boy’s sister Was also j . -,..... , . There will be a 300 {opt right-; club of Pm) Victor; and a htflf-sister ^ana 0f.w3y jrom Orchard Lake to an Two Pontiac men are among newly elected officers off he ?gmgHcfe ’Gl' ’Ffirom’ Of M1CBF City Teen Hospitalized in Motorcycle Accident A Pontiac youth whose motor-cycle rolled over and skidded into, a fence late last night is reported in satisfactory tion today at Pontiac General Hospital, 1 of Auessor'i Plot N North, Range 10 Eoit, City tioc. Oakland County, Miet sister and brother, Pauline and, There will be a 300 loot rism-i ri„b of Ftfntiac. [found dead in the bedroom near WK-.. . an-M- 55 c»pv i”* "r* -------------- -w — —His body is at the.Richardsoji- her mother’sfNxfyyesterday. I Jon E. Phillips, 16, of 636 Sec- Saginaw. th^lt .^'interchange with a proposed ex-; Bird Funeral Home, Milford." Police quoted* the boy as ond told Pontiac police he was en-butnerland. . tension of 1-275 south to Oakley; surviving are hjs wife, ina saying he went into tlie iivingiriding a curve on Joslyn south DUDLEYBROWN I in the village of Wolverine Lake. y. Qne soni Gerald R. of Ma-Toomafter his mother scolded! of Taylor when hisHrortorcycle RTRvnNGHAM — Service fori p*ans caU for interchanges son; one sister; and three%fm and began cleaning his hit some loose gravel in the [Dudley C. Brown, 76/of md flipped over. • gan, an affiliate of the national, veterans organization. Bill Garcia of 61 Whitfield was elected vtw ctiatrmair and Dan-] iel Medina of 607 Granada was elected secretary at the group’s fifth annual convention held re-cently in Detroit. Newly named chairman of thej state group is Louis Juarez of e Northerly lot thence South < East 239.61 feet to tht North I Ypsilantl Avenue (60 feet 35 seconds ' East along said North line 60.0 feet to the Westerly line pt eltey; thence North along the West alley Yosemitevillhe 1 F?: Lake and. Fourten 'Mile, Pon- row at Bell Chapel, oi the wit-,.. .. ..._____. liam ft. Hamilton Co. Burlil will‘d”1 ,a^. ““ (be in White Chnpel Memotial 1“slon 01 ',275' [Cemetery, troy. [ Mil. Brown died Wednesday af-ter a short illness. District sale| ! manager .for the Transo Enve-j lope Co. of Chicago, he was ai [member of the Metropolitan •Methodist Church, Detroit; Co-rinthian Lodge No/ 241. Fit AM; King Cyrus Chapter No. 133, Car-Truck Collision | Hospitalizes Youth [ A 15-year-old Millington youth ie*Sov» ^ RAM; and Detroit Commandary is in satisfactory condition at St. 'purtSpn*r*o th*. recommendation hio. 1, KnightsTemplar. i Joseph MercyjHospitol follow-j rtortff ir'hereby[»ppo‘nfed*o*nysk* Siirviv^g are his wife, Helfal! [tog a ^t-^uck|cpll^io^ yest^r-j Section 2: That not notic* of flu cwi5^U“PS?*y£l,i ‘tTKbil? two sondRobert of Birmingham day Ih Fontiac townihif). in? to be held Before this emend- and Thomas D. of Wheaton, III.;; Charles Sherman was injured; •-tiSs'pubhc AdJIt'wL a brother;' and si* jgrandchjl-: when a stake truck, driven by i - dren. * ~ This brother, jcollided ’with aq Eu-i | it then fifteen (ijTiiyi^ t-BAh« u fru-mk : tomobile at'the intersection of j I IT* #!l2ip™?^L,he,iwlhfe FRAlm MritiUEivus Opdyke and Perry, according-to. | 5 sew*- [ NORTH BRANCH —■ Service Oakland County Sheriff’s. depu-1-| n*ed f0*1 Franlt M- Friends, to; of] ties. .Silverwood Road will be 2 pim. w * * * „0) tomorrow at Blackburn Funeral! Nelson’L. stiermpn, 18, of 3510' I |f* Home with burial in. West Bur-1 w-* It on, Pontiac Township,, iingtbn Cemetery. [escaped injury in the’^accident,;’ i»Pc^*4%*niU^sCSth MP.' Friends, former owiier of: which.witnesses told deputies oc-l *, A.p.t*66. ' -A grocery store and m^at mar-cur red when the. automobile william h. tAvlor, jr. .ket, died yesterday after a bViefjdriven by Archer Smith, 75, of] ’oloa BARkBrfVMIllness. He was,a member of'l625lnvernesS,SyivanLake,ranj I,' • /■ / juiy''i,»iM* I Masonic Lodge No. 394/ Mdy-ja stop sign'atthe intersection. 1 Until a few years ago, Norway’s boatbuilding industry produced mainly for the Uomestic market. -Today the main emphasis is on exports, with about 622 million worth of exports produced.' ALL NEW ROCKWELL Porter-Cable Modal 346: 6%** Modal 315: 7W' The most powerful builders’ saws in their class -with totdlly failure, protected motors -i. . ail ball bearing construction . . . new modern styling. . - p -feoturwr designed—trnd~— oped by P6rter-Cbble. . calibrated dept hood angla adjust- . *i(&Hi>hiMcliin«rf bo.. I Sofity kick proof dutch SAW SERVICE 1145 Baldwin FE 2-6112 Large Flowering Clematis Vine................. $1.99 e Your choice .of blue, white or purple Hybrids. Faet RrowinR, ornamental vine for ease on houae, fence* or'trellises. 10tf%.GUAR-ANTEED TO GROW. 'uJ)(jtA#'0oJ&s NURSERYAND UNDHCAPE 3820 W. Auburn 2 Blocks East of Adams Pontiac ^<^852-2310 ' MtMBH MICHIGAN SANKARD t the City Bemmtulon of tl POWDEfr PUFF ENTRIES - Mary Ann i Noah fright)^ 1964 and 1965 winner of the Powder Puff Derby, and her copilot, Peggf Wright; both of.Kansas City, wax their Piper, Cherokee, with the aid of Maryland contest-' ants Eleanor Echols of Baltimore (left) and .AR Wire*Bate h^r cr^spiiot. Nancy Lynam of Patuxent River (second from left).They will be competing in the 20th Annual Tranaoontihental Powder Puff Derby Taw from Seattle io Clearwater, Fla., starting Saturday. | CARL F. INGRAHAM CIRCUIT or JUDGE THE PQNilAL PMKSS, FRIPAy, 4JJLY 1, 1966 NOTICE OF HEARING '^yLr*» cy** -.. -..(»Benefit ,a< th# Walnut Lain Mftwlngluii and Evergreen Unitary Sewage Dlapoul Syatem. I* WU" HMiyCarcarn. Particularly: BIGELOW, Dufftaid A. and Alkt I,; YOUARS HEREBY NOTIFIld The! mfnuaff tottto Statute, the Department •J PMOWSA on behalf of tha Calmly at Oakland, ha* cauaad la b* IM" " 1 J22*!ln *>r Slssmftald Tewnahlp Tax Owners at racard ef Mid daacrlM r ‘T ■” UTiSm WL-7-35 Lot 14 KneHWad Hal ad part of tha N VS of R 7 E, Wp Btoomfl# land Oaun*. Mtchlgte. _ .„___________ . ‘ lbar 77/ pagaa 37 and W at Plata, Oak-mid County Records) ■ Owners o» record of said described property bring Misha Sacha end Shirley Sacha, Ma wtte, at MM Waft K—*—* Circle, BlrmMMin, Michigan, mortgage of retard being held By The Equitable Lila Assurance Society at tha United states. 22th Floor, Bldg., Oi*— “ — WL-7-37 at p*tot distant E 3*4 ft fnt M f 48* 533.7* ft tram tha I I* earner, tha*—, mV# oRPtL ipw • »*«ri Hwrfe, ttai^ «,,r4i' ■ •“ J thancaW133.TR ft' hi bedn latnlng 3T.S4 -- *“■— parcel XJ47 ‘TUP' preparty being Oetrett-tam O’Shantar. lac. at (PCI Orchard taka Read. Or- ^TtS - —__________________Fart. Oatrelt, Michigan; D~« Owner dr »_______■ I . property being Oatrolt-Ta HR tax rolls; Owners of record of tald described property being Duffiald A. Bigelow and Alice It Bigelow, hit wife, of 27340 Fourteen Mila Road, Birmingham, Ml ‘ ‘ Owners af racard at aald described prep arty being Gilbert Laiklnd *•' bare Laiklnd. hit wife, at I Outer Drive, Oatrelt, Michigan; ’L-7-41 Lot 27, South g loam field Glana No. L _ subdivision ' “ —- Section 3*, T-„ „, .. , — field Township, Oakland County, Michigan, as recorded In Liber 47, page sa ** Plats, Oakland County Racdrdt; Owners of record of said described property being Claranoe E. Hornacker and Jaanat1i N.'HBf~~~*~" MB ■*■“* ** 111*1 w. Outer OrW field i *7* 23' 30" E 210.2* feat; tl on the Watt Bloomfield Township Tax Rolls; Owners n 0. Mulrhead, Jr. i *2, Birmingham, / T 1 N, R » E, Farmington Tewntl ' Oakland County, Michigan, dacrlbad . beginning at a pt which Is S *7*47*15* W 1221.35 *— ‘--------“ “ '•----- l 603.74 fMt ve Jim cower eng or je Mila Road, thence t *3* 1** 4#** E 313.75 Mat «_____ tha canter line of 14 Mila Read, thence N 1*40* E 2*3.2* feat to th* of tha stream, thence along______________ line at tha stream following courses and •dlstdhcas, N S3* 34* W *1.00 Mat, ft----- 5 11*37 W 44.40 feat, N 75* 45* W feet. S *1* 32* W 50-71 teat, s 74*5 11.13 Mat, N 17* IS* If 12* E E 71.32 feat, N *7* M* 1 ot beginning. O____________ F2C an tha Farmington 1 Rolls; Owners of record of sold i property being yyilllam P, Da Louisa M. Devon, hit wile, ol Mila Road,. Birmingham, Mlchlu a mortgage of record being held by First Federal Savings and Lear — ciatlon or Detroit, 1001 Wosdwar trait- 24, Michigan; ' 1L-M SE Vi of Section Bloomfield Town-■ to of Section I, ship, and part af the. T 1 N. R f E, Farmington ipwnsn Oakland County, Michigan, according tho plat thereof pa record'd In Liter on ppgo 10 of Plots', ( Records; - Owners of _________ „ preparty being Glann R. Mary 6. spring Li... .....JRM........,....... * mortgage of record being htld by tha Detroit Bank and Trust ICO., Fort -* Washington Btvd., Detroit, Michigan; h Bloomfield Glana No. 1, af part of tha NW to af 3 N, R * I, Watt Bleont-, Oakland Ceunty, Mkhi- ■H_________I ad In Liber d7. page S3 af Plata, Oakland County Records; . Owners of- record of said described property being Edward Gray and -M. Gray, hit wife/of (70S Gianway Birmingham, Michigan, with a me--------- of' record being held by National Bank of Detroit, Woodward at Fort Strati, Detroit, Michigan; WL-7-42C - ' Lot- 30, South Bloomfield Glam No. 1, a subdivision, at part of the NW to of Section 36, T l N, R * E. Watt Bloomfield Township, Oakland County, V**-L gan, at recorded In Llbar 47, page I Plata, Oakland County Records; - Owners at record of Mid deaci property being G. Dalton Wright Johnnie E.- Wright, his wIM, of 3144 Bradford, Birmingham, Mlehlgan; -7-4* of Lot 24, ummum a subdivision of part ad-Section 3*. T 2 N, R * B, West Btsam-■ tshlp, Oakland County, Michigan, a* recorded In Libor 47. pr~ ■ ** Plata. Oakland County Records; ~ at record of Mid described ring John J. Laughlln, ______ ...known, of 23 Shady Drive, Dtarbdrn, Michigan; L-7-47. North *0 ft ot Lot 23. South field Glens Ne. 1, a subdivision - i NW to af Section 34 f 2 N.______ Bloomfield Township, Oakland Coun-Sichlgan, at racordad In Llbac 47, t____. 53 of. Flats. Oakland County Records; Owners af record of Mid described roparty being Louie. M. Benkert i I ana j. Bankart, hla wife, af 4t Bri anc, Bloomfield Hills, Mlehlgan; \ WL-7-4B Let 1, South Bloomfield Glens, a i division of part of NW to of Section T 2 N. R 7 E, Wftt Bloomfield T« ship, Oakland Ceunty, Michigan, at corded in Llbar 5, page 85 of Pli Oakland Ceunty Racard*; Ownart of record of said dascrlbad division,of part of the SE to of Sactl 2*. T 2 N, R » E; West Bloomfield Taw ship and part of the NE to of faction-.. T I N, R * E, Farmington Township, Oakland County, Michigan, according to tha plat thereof as recorded In Llbar 57, peg* 10 af Plats, Oakland - County Records; Owners af record preparty being Glem. ... ...______ __ Mary D. Johnson; hit wife, If 7435 Cafd Spring Lam, Birmingham, Michigan; Wtd-M Lot 72, Franklin Oaks No. t a bl_ division af pert of the SE to af Section a*. T 2 N, R f E, Watt Bloomfield Township and part af the NE to af -Section f, T I N, R I I, Farmington Tewnahlp, ' Oakland County, Michigan, according to th* plat thereof at recorded Hi Llbar 57, page It af Plata, Oakland County Owners of record af aald dascrlbad property being Miriam Holian at 2452 Crystal Drive, Ann Arbor, Michigan, a lea J. B. Browning, marital atatus unknown, of 7325 Coldspring Lana, Birmingham, Michigan;' Let 74 of Franklin Oaks No. 3, a subdivision at part of tha SE to ot Section 2*. T 2 N, R * E. West Bloomfield Town-. ship and part ot tt ' T I N, l t I, Oakland County, Micnigen, as n in Llbar 57, page It af Flats, 0 County Records; Owners of roc property being I Eleanor L. - Pokryfki, Cold Spring Lane, Box mo, .Michigan, with a mortgage a Wing held by Aetna LIM Inturi 17*00 W. Eight Mil* Michigan; WL4-2I Let 4* Franklin Oal division of*-part of the -T I N, M I, Waal -ahip, and part.of the N to of Section U T I N, R I I, Farmington Township, Oakland County, Michigan, -'-mMjr*-1 *i Llbar 57, !, 115 0 subdivision of part of — „„ Section 25. T 2 N, R » t. Watt field Township. Oakland Cowity. ■an,- at recorded In Llbar 47, pag Plats, Oakland Ceunty Records; Owners at record of aald dl____________ property baing Louis M. Bankart and Elena J. Bankart, hla wife, of so Brady Lane,' Bloomfield Hills* Mlchlgar WL-8-53 ■ _______ .. _____________m no ny The Detroit Bank end Treat Company, Fort end Washington 1““* "■*“" Michigan; WL-4-27 • t 43 Franklto.Dakt Ion ot part of the S M Jivlslon ol r i n, « Section 34 ...Raid Tam at Section ■ __5 part ot (T 1 N, R* I, . -.......... Oakland County. Michigan. In Llbar 57, pags t of | Ceunty Records; Owners of record ef property being Elton 8. _ Lyles Ingersoll, hi* wit*, of-14313 Glastonbury, Detroit 23. Michigan; WL-44* >•* 24 Franklin Oak* Nl. ... __ n of part of tha I to M Section *4 wra. T.l N l f E, 1 i, Oakland „„a and part of th* N to ef Section T 1 N, R * E, Farmington Township. Oakland County, “ “ In Libor 57. pa County. Records; Owners of record of said described proparty being Irving Stavam and JEve-iyn Stavans. hi* wna, Detroit 34 Michigan; WL-4-3C division of part property being DetroH-Tam O'Shanter. "351 Orchard Lib Road, Orchard Michigan, with a martgag ...— .... ^ Rational Bai 5 to of SE to ef NW to of taction 21, T 3 N, R * E. west Bloomfield Town--*-*\ Oakland County, Michigan, coning 30 acres. Otharwli* known" as Ml X242 on' th* .Wait Bloomfield mshlp tax roll*; .- wner of record af said described jerty being Datrolt-Tam O'Shanter, , soil Ofidiard Lake Road, Orchard a. Michigan,' with a 'mortgage, of x-d being MM by National Bank at roll. Woodward at Fart, Oatrelt, N 85*33* E along saM center line 776.42 tt, thence S 0* 17* It" E 1734.20 ft, thence Due East 55.31 ft, thence S ** (“ Bloomfield Township Tax rettai -Owner of record of said described property being. Lone Fine Development Corporation, of 300 Nerthland Towers, Southfield, Michigan; Oakland County, Michigan# ad as beginning arttia N to corner ild Section 23, thanca $ 0*20* West I th* N 4 $ to lln* ot Mid Section thane* N 0* 17* 3 thane* S S*. 11* E 474.40 ft to th* beginning, containing 44.054 acre* .. lass. Otherwise known at parcel X2S* aa tha Watt Bloomfield Township tax property baing Hyman Schwartx. marital status unknown, of 1791 Guardian Build-Detroit, Michigan 41134. -IBS* County Records; Owner* ef racard of property baing Blclno i r. Jr. (marl- .a,._ . „ ____ JmNM MM Palmer (marital status unkhewn), all at *235 Middlebelt Road, Birmingham. Mkhl-gan, also Ktnnttti N. Cooper, a married man, at 23437 Military. Road, Dearborn, Michigan; WL-Mi Lot 30, Bloomfield Glens, 1 port at th* W Vb of Section 29, T R * E, Waal Bloomfield TewnaMp, County, Michigan, aa racard*. „. ----- 14, pag* 42 of Flat*. Oakland County Records; Owntr of record of aaM -operty being Norma J. P 05 Middlebelt Road, RFD 1, NT), Michigan; WL-4-54 Lot 21, BlaomflaM Gian*, a subdivision part ef th* W to of Section 25. T 3 N, 7 E, West Bloomfield Township, Oakland County, Michigan, aa racordad In Llbar 14, page 42 ef Plata, Oakland County Records; Owner of record of Mid dascrlbad property baing Norma J. Palmar, af 4335 MMdlebalt'Road, RPD t, Birmingham, Michigan; WL-a-51 t St Let 22 and pa I __ ■ . Glana, a subdivision of part ot ef Section 25, T 2 N, R 7 E, West Bloom-field Township, Oakland County. Mk gan, according to tho plot thereat racordad In Libor 14 of Plots, pages and 43A. Oakland County Records, me particularly described as follows: I at ttia NW-corner ef.uM I nca'S I* IS*' W 344.44 -feat to I Of mM let; thence N 85*3** _____ j lot line 341.0 feat to th* can line of stream; thence North 32* 35* 4 tr lln* ef stream 340.54 fa ------------14*50" W along cantor IL. at stream 77,12 teat; thanca N 47* IT 40" and Trust Company, Fori Blvd., Detroit, Michigan; w LA-42 Left, _ _______________ > part of th* W to of Section 35, T 3 KSfl Waat " ------------------ x ...Id County, __ Llbar 14, papa 42% of County Records; .Owners af record ef said dsscr property being Charles C. Mathany Beatrice Eva Mafhany, hit wife, af ■ Laiy Heart street, Tucson, Arlnna; - Ui G. Kankltr and Elltabelh H. Kanti-*"•- of 5704 BtoemftoM Glens, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, r**" -gage of racard bdlng held Kioarve ■ **- ----------- ■ WL-746 Part af Iha NW to af Section 25, T 2 N, * E, Waat BlaomflaM Township, Oakland County, Michigan, dascrlbad aa beginning at a point on tha W Ikw * “ Section 34,-distant N 1* M* W online 125.1 toot tram the W to ax Mid section, thanca N 1* 15* W l tton line 275.* feat, thanca N M* 43* 3*6.12 feet, thanca t f 23* B -------- thanca I 55* 43* W------------ 42* 31* W 111.57 N, _ 175.0 feat to the point M^BCginnini, i teining 2.023 aerep-iliigrr — Wise known a* parcel X BloomQaM Township tl . .-Owners of record o property being Charlci Phyllla «•■ Lytor, his. « Strew, Largo, Florida; B V 23* E 170.41 f**t, 1 107.43 tt, thanca * . thence S 01*42' W E. Watt Otoamfltld Town- , Oakland dew . |n Llbar V, od Port W d County J Mlchtoam SlJ-g Township, MMdH ■r3 property* beiltg jock r. «yn« tylvla StoyakaT. Ms Mft, ot 12343 ward, Highland Fork. Michigan; -,W^or?^f Section M, T I N,,B » E, Wwt BtoemftoM TewnaMp. Oakland Michigan, diwrlbail “ tt* 5 J* the I to of NW to axcapt bagU-, -SE corner thereof, thanca NJTir W 245 toat. thanca N MO 4e*t. MW 08 Let 34, Oak wood Subdivision, af part f Iha- NE to W the ME to af Section k T 3 N, R 7 E. Watt Blopmftold------- hip, OtoklaM County, McOdgOto i .•rdad In Llbar IB page 41. at Oakland County Records; Owners! of record aP* tald, das roparty being Ralph Hoxic, a n________ >an, of 5*5* willow Valtoy. Birmingham. Michigan, and Claud* J. whttmar and Jessie M. Whttmar, hit wfft, at . 3344 Walnut Lakt Road, ——*—------------ South BtoemftoM Olw... z thanca. S W M* E 305 fcet to N and S to Hna, thanca t 7*3.75 tost to bagtnmng. Was axcapt bagtonlno M QWnt M 17 * 45*30** E *2" Jf nvMr. ttwjy* N 0 23 10" E 10230 TeW, thanca OaWhVtt*Mr tut 1025-23 Mat-mane* t ri4*«f- Waat* W, ttweoa NW* W10" « ^.inLir-ja— a “* , 14* W W n loot, t, thanca S 0* „ > tt gp wBB" 1 Acres, Oftiarwta* ---------- “"*• XJ#1A WL-IMl Tha E to of th* SE to ______■ 2 N, R 7 B, West BtoemftoM Town-- Up, Oakland County, Michigan, r tainirvg ** acre*. Owwsnlac Emm parcel X250 an NM‘ w#*f Bieamfl Tewnahlp fax rolls; *1 record W said descril bring Ruth Fruahouf, of J » Rd.. BRP 3. Pontiac, Ml __ . l a martgag* of record Mkig h*M by Mcnufacfurura National Bank of Owrett, ifi watt part strew, Datrett, . . Jf BE to. kacHm’a 7 E, Watt BtoomfbM TCwo- Of *»X* iNM IT^on th* Waal BloomftoM Town- held -by Birmingham _____t and Loan- Association, t Map)*, Birmingham, Michigan; „ ail Orchard Lake Read, Orchard 7 E, waat EtoamfUld Tewnahlp, Oak-_ M County, Michigan, as ipcordtd In LJBar jErjiagat Ml and 24 *1, Plats, Oak- ______ .. record of uM daterlbail1 preparty being Stanford Cam and Elakw A; Cam, Ms wNs, W 3*11 Baybraak, Oreyton Plains, Michigan; WL-25-IM - ——rt Ol E >/i of SE VI lying N of a - Read, tcctlgn 14, 1 -N, .. . fast Bloomfield Township. Oakland County, Michigan, oxcapt "— nlng W point distant N M* 54' 537.15 toat from SE .section ilong c«r*Aa> ““ a< 1 ***■ W 34" W 150.77 Teef and N *7*' 3T 54" V 7241 tow. thane* N 21* -55* 3»" E 15442 toat, thanca N 22* S3* If" E 33f.47 eel, thanca S 73* 03* 25" E 25 teat, hence N 14* 45' H" E 45.01 toef, thanca ____J M 5 i to lint a distance of 1W7J1 W 459.23 tt from th ________ #* 3** of uM Section t and N St* N to corner beginning. containing-34 acres more or wist known u parcel XltS c Bloomfield Tewnahlp Tax rol... __________ W record W said described proparty baing John Halfman, 1817 Dim* Bldg., Oatrelt, Michigan; WL-27-134-C Part ef th* SW to. Section 13, T 2 N, 7 E, Watt BloomftoM Township. Oak-County, Michigan, beginning at —£‘“, thence N W* 4t* 30" E property being Watt BtoemftoM School District No. 5 Frc., 3380 Orchard Lake Koad, Orchard Laka, Michigan WL-12A1R _ Pert ef LW 1. Bloomfield Glei division of Sactibn 25, T 2 N. ... _. West BtoemftoM Township, Oakland Ceun-ty, Michigan, gaatrlbsd as " — SW lot corner, thanca N 1 • thanca S *7* 2T E 7K.14' “ ee B 24* 37* W 302 tt. thanca _________ to toft; radius 45145 tt, a distance W 200.15 tt to SE tot corner, thence “Ply along S tot lln* 512.72 B ' Inning; Owner* W record of “Id property being Waltti “ CmmIiib I Canning , Ha, af I Association, 405 Griswold, Detroit Michigan; * WL-14-73 Th* south 31.5 acres NE to of Section 23 X racard ef said dpa ..... being Rochester Aparin____________ Company, 227* First National Building, Detroit 24, Michigan; IL-17-M Fart W W to of sw to, section 2 T 2 N, R 10 E, Bloomfield Townshl Oakland County, Mkhlgan, described beginning at SW taction corner, than N *70 ft. thane* 5 17* 45* E 118 50 thence S 0* 27* E 470 ft, thence N 5 14445 Llnwood A WL-1M81 P.S. A part W Section if, T 2 N, R 15 ■, BtoemftoM Towiuhlp, Oakland County, Michigan, more particularly described r H on th* BloomftoM at said dascrlbad rjn Oil Cor-------- i. Oatrelt is. particularly described at 3740 N. wkwife Kttortc T-y ht'R-t e; iP«rt at ■towf*ft»k« Hill*, Michigan, and Edgar Flint, mental .status unknown, of 1, West Long Lake Read, Bloomfield Hll Fart of Section if, T.l N, R to n BloomftoM Township, Oakland Counto', Michigan, described u that part ok -W NW frc to lying N'lyP of **l to Hills No. 1" * W W "Lwir'l * H«- T‘. and containing it « torwtoo known « parcel C17I on nmfleM Township tax roll*; Beech Need, pwtS' j^iiBS^ Jm Hills Nm rt, d Ceunty, MM^L ._ u an, of Pints, Oakland County Records; m*““----------- -* saM described Jw^Nh'PtwXnrT hVetta,’of ToSltVTrey! ■ Woodward w ^ort, —| of DMrart' Michigan. SW frpcHBwel to, R IB C, Bleemfi j—jjaW1 ---------d Tewnahlp ^xreMi* *" W record of a*M described being Indian Trail end Bloom H_____R Liber ft, _, . of PteOs. Oaktond County Record* Oumere icf record af «gM daecrlkad aagiBiwB *■*••*■• ■—* Michigan. waat Fanf, Dcfrett, Michigan. ..-34-ni Let 71 BrtakftoM • Highland* Ne. 1, l —4MM^7Sip4iS to «. ♦ E, West »loom- Umt L PRIMARY BLICTIO li IXM to R T c> n Tawn^Onklmd Cev Id 4 aTptots, Oakle; ■Bai \ ■ T oars ft record cf SaM | NOTICE OF SPECIAL' ABSEiaMRNT | 2" ASPHALTIC CONCRETM fURFACE , —COURSE ON A5TOR STREET ~ wnit, uL Trr to: Mr. Hargett. Mr. Half, Mr. Clark. ^sTcairty ef Oakland, U**' $ ‘w£*STFUftl^ ™ chat, Nora O Pandit iff. Mrs. Fam CM, Frank Senevey. Liw?'l, tt»* undtrtlgnad Clark# wttl tm ..Alaa TOty ,5. — except Sunday and • , *!**** jwyi. Olwtn Bredow, Harold lorrrvty wM Highlands twto ef 3 hot i can recelv* ne names tor restoration during th* tbna intervening be-wten th* thirtieth day before any ragu-ir. Special tr official primary atoetton nd Itse day of such election. Notice It hereby given that I will W* j my eft lea at 758 Highland Rud on gigB weekday. Monday through FrMey. from t t.m. until 8 pjn.i an Saturday from i a.cri. until 12 neon; end on Tuee-day. July 5, 1744 — last day. Via thir- Acta of 1754, from’ 8 o'clock a.m. until I O'clock p.m. on sold day tor, tha purpose of revkMng the registration and raftering such af th* qualified electors , self) tewnahlp at shall property apply r Lena Fin* Read I. thence N 70* 41' nee 8 18*------------ S 17* 50* 54“ W 53 UMM — W 51.01 N 107.71 feet «. Oth.. themfest containing *8.74 .. .... .....i aa parcel xii4a < Bkytmftold Tewnahlp Tax relli Owner of record,- ot saM property baing Irwin I. Cohn, . __________ man, 3270 First National Building, De- i Township, Oakland County, i. described at beginning *7 th* _ —-—-1 of Long Lake SR jpeqel *Cad»Mww mary election, tOpplM lor A. (mil i name of any togel veter.Mr-.La ____tip. not already registered tore sled. APPLY TO Mi^ PERSONALLY Ml. I —fraying that pert ef the, cost which the Commission decided should be paM m by special assessment tor ti0an 4f 2" Asphaltic Cdncret* .. ____Inlng such resident, to • at th* next election, ahall be entered NOTICE OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENT it registration book. _____, » , SANITARY 5EWER ON THE FERDINAND C. VETTER, | $W SIDE OF OAKLAND AVENUE Townshlp Ctort T0. charto* Ellender, Louis Boacos. Richard Ranak,* W. E. Talbott, Clilferd Manning and to all persons interested. I notice:. That the roll ot the Special 'NOTICE OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENT v SANITARY SEWER IN LEHEIGH AVENUE TO: Ntlaon Chemicals Co., Lde Stel-lard, G. A. Kokx, Gerrit Hoogenstri|d, George Abrego, John E. Doriahue, Rob- Ervin wall, Francisco Garcia and to s interested, take, notice: The! I tha Special Assessment herald* by the City Assessor ter ee ef defraying that .part of which the Commission decided he purpose defraying that Ml which the Commission-I be paid and born* toy i ' tor tha construction I m flto SW side of rn 370 feet SE of Inglewood Avenue Inspection. I Commission and° the ot Pontiac, will meet Chahiber in said .Clt of July. A.D. 17** a along E and W to line 557 feet; thence * " “* **** E *14.41 feet, thence S 35* i.4S feet, thence 5 S3* 13* 30" t to W section line. IHenc* ling real ___________ _ married man, 2270 First National BulMing. Da -olt 28, Michigan; IL-2T-NO-8. 140 AR That part ef tho NW fractional to Section II, T I N , R » C, Bloomfield Tdwmhlp. Oakland. County, Michigan, hflng N'ly at th* centerline of Long LBk* Road, containing 1B0 acres. Otherwise "newn ss parcel C107A on th* Bloom-old Townmlp tax rolls; Owner of record of said described property being Indian Troll and Bloom-tMd Preparty, Inc., ISO Websck Building, Btrmkightm, Michigan; Tewnahlp, Oakland County. A lying N'ly of th* centerline like Road, containing NT —n as parcel C Township tax ’ . jf record of aaM described preparty baing Indian Troll and iloom- notice of Special assessment 2" ASPHALTIC SURFACE COURSE ON KETTERING. AVENUE .TO: August Johnson, S.B.S. Builders, Mr.' D'Amore, James T. Barnes A Co., ~ ' * ‘ 'av. A Lean, Herbert int, Michigan National »n, Bank of th* Com-j _______ | Crawford, Mr. Landry, City of Pontiac, Mr. Adimaro, Clt liana Mortgage Co., Mr. Quant, F.HJL Geiger, Mr. Cowart, Mr. haul, Farmington Savings A; Fisher, Mr.„ Walters, Mr. __________ Roberta, Mr ./Walker, Mr.l wiscombe, Mr. Gueho, Mr. Reed, Mi*, der, Mr. Hetchler, ®B.> Bower and II persons interested, take notice: thf roll of the Special Assessment the. City Assessor purpose of defraying that part dl which tni Commission decided = —*“ — apoctol _ . .. . tr w I_____ ___________ 874 toat, thanca along cantorlln* of West Long Lake Road “ 71’ IT W 274.il toot and along cur to left radius I054.7B toot, chord bai N 77’ 5T 3t" W 227.1* toot, distant 237 toat and N 13* 37' W «l«.47 toat a along curve to toft, radius 754.14 to chard bears s at* .5** 30" W 213.14 to distant 213.58 foot and S S3* 3T W 151 toot and 5 13* 47' W 107.30 fast and or 14* W 15.20 foot, thence S 7* 37* 45' N 57* 07’ E. 33.54 toot • E 77.77 fact, thence N 4* 1 I ginning. Containing Mi 1 beginning .at point distent 5 I* 27* E 5 N 77* 07' E 331.54 W 311 feet .... -4* acres. 1 parcel X71B on Township tax rolls BloomftoM I described Jenkins, hit wits, of 4125 Middlebelt Road, Orchard Lake. Mich-Wljh B mort ~* by fndlenapol " Meridian it -SE-**- of Beef (ew ......... e, Wert BMomfiaM Tewnahlp,- Oak-Caunly, Michigan, described - ce S 5B4.41 feet to beginning, *xi part platted bile Meadowlako Pa f Subdivision, Containing 31 ecr* Otherwise known as parcel X440 on Wait BtoemftoM Tewnahlp Tax “-* Owner of record of roparty being City ot lent of Water Supply, Detroit 25, MichH TOWNSHIP OF WHITE LAKE OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON SPECIAL ASSESSMENT STREET IMPROVEMENT ROLE NO. 1 TO BE HELP ON JUL.Y 12,17*4 * Notice la Hereby Given, that due to t tact tlwt the lowest bid for tho rn st ruction ol the hereinafter descrlb mated cdst. tl let* amount ot S4G732.17, i revised roll to Be p iggregato amount of ,14 7*£T Mice Is Further Given, that th* Town-> Board will meet to I I. 7523 Highland Road, White Lake mshlp, Michigan, on the 12th * July, 1*M. at g;gg o'clock p.m., J Standard Time, to review th* id special assessment rod end to I consider any objections thereto, sctlons should be Iliad to writing ■***““ - Th* revised a-“ nt of wm said roll in *_________ J tha lots and par cals of land abul ting Upon the streets specified below * defray the cost of grading, draining graveling and paving saM streets, te-wit Burgess Drive from Oxbow Lake Road to Cadar Shores Orlvt; Cedar Shares Drive jUom Burgess Drive to Colelale Drive;, Coledale Drive from Southwesterly terminus to the Southwesterly corner ef Let 77 In Cadar Shorn Subdivision No. 3; Coledale Cotodal* Drive to Beat-is; and Rartvaan Drive tl* Drive to Easterly p Board. Court f VI, 17*5 described t Depart-Randolph WL-3-1 Effective HR _______ AN ORDINANCE RELATIVE TO THE -COMMITTING OF THE CRIME OP LARCENY AND PROVIDING n PUNISHMENT FOR PERSONS FOOND GUILTY OF COMMITTING THE CRIME OF LARCENY IN THE CITY OF PONTIAC THE CITY OF FOMTIAC ORDAINS: Station i. ; shall i personal property ____ —"s or chattels, or any ’ bank note, ; Mils, bond, promissory not*, due Mil of txcbpngt or other Mil, draft, i from a stem (r^tartttlcato, a. ....__________ _ . ... , cou|jt*rf*r ar concerning money or goo, iornerof kdlBL ddTor to become due, or to te dolivere FSSSSSn or--,*n7 tt***! or writing containing Michigan,, Wince 5 conveyance ot land, or any other vat Oakland County, Michigan,. ttWhce S If* 47* 35" W 75.57 toMTi point to a public highway known sa Inkster Road; thanca atong^toSId inkatar Read t l’ IF 30" E 3*2.85 to*t to the 'centerline of a creek; .ttwnceialong wM cantorlln* of creek the following courses and distances: S 51* r W 55.47 toot, N II* XT W mss feet; N IS* 42* W SMS toot; N S3* 14* W. 14.21 tael; South *7’ 32* W 44.45 tool; M 75* 45’ W 51.41 feat; S 41* 32* W 58.71 to*t; 5 74* 57* W 11.11 toll; N 17* 5* W 47.77 toet; N 44* 35* W 50 toet; N 5* 12* E 145.51 feet; N 44* 21* E 44.05 toet; N I* 5* E 71.32 toet; and N 57* s* W 51.74 toet to ttia N Hn* at said township; ihenco N 87* 47' 35" ■ 525.47 foot to beginning. Other-— *----------— parcel FSB oh 'the shell be guilty of a misdemeanor.. . Owner of record ef saM dascrlbad property being City of Datrett Department ot Wafer Supply, Tas- Rendelph Street, Datrett 34. Michigan. YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED ftMtRRMRrl* prtttton — m Court far tt Clrcutt> C I* to ttia ( • CHy y ef July, A.D., 1744, at gw oi i hoard. Clerk J. Adams. S befgre the HM’Cwn t._. ■ %»ne m me N. Ttlegreph ■•nttoc, Michigan. YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED pen seid data the petitioner -■« “■ CdWt-v*- ———-*E-------- ar . Oakland County. Mkhlgan. OAKLAND COUNTYACOURTrROUSE*' at’jSKSJsr Fhem: 335-47517 I Juno 14 aad July 1 end A If* ORDINANCE 1543 defeasance, or an) puMlq record, If th* | be th* value of o ■ (5105.00) or lata, such wrttttn, printed o merchandise * alteration pf any •MM* Edict. 0 pretence, i rltlng or by I leket or price *r merchandise, ne hundred do w guilty, ot a P*r *pn* h*i vibtola ordinance, s punished dollars (BIOOlGO) or - Imprlsonment^Vn^the Jell net to exceed ninety both such fin* and ton-i* discretion af the Court. This ordinance shell ttk*' effect ays from and attar the dot* df •">! Passed by ttia Commhalon of tb* City of Fonflac, on this 35th do of Jung, if**. Dated: June 3A ITS* WILLIAM H, TAYLOR. JR. OLM JUkKIUll* Death Notices BARKER, JUNE 30, ITS*, INGABER /M.,v 112 s. Anderson Street; aga / 47; mother of Miss Hone, Vernon, Leeland and Clarence Barker; also survived by 10 grandchildren'- and one great - grandchild. Funeral -servlet will bt htld Saturday, July 1, at 3:30 p.m. at the Spark* . Griftin Funeral Homs. Interment In P.erry, Mount Park Cemetery. the funeral h grandchildren. Funeral BURT, JUNE 27. 17**; CLAUDE O.,* 214 E. Bank Street, .Oscoda, formerly of Pontiac; eg* *5; dear brother of Miss lie Burt agd Mrs. Nell Stranahan. Funeral service .will be held Saturday. Jely 2, at 1:30 p.m. at the Donelson-Johns Funeral Home. Interment In Ander-sonvlll* Cemetery. Mr. Burt will lie )n state at the funeral home. (Suggested visiting hours 3 to 5 end 7 to 7 p.m.)____________________ KILLING. JUNE 27, 17**. ARTHUR G., 0* N. Shirley Street; age- 07; dear father of Mrs. Ralph (Mer-. garet) Oaks, Mrs. Then* C. (Florence) Denby, Ralph L„ Edward J., end Howard G: Killing; dder brother of Mrs. Roy (Lucy) Holslngton, Mrs. Mlnnio Masters, Welter, and Fred Killing; also survived by 12 grandchildren 25 great-grandchildren. *“ service will be held Setwoey, jeiy 3, at 2:30 p,m, at the C. J. God-- hard* Funeral Horn#, Keego 'Harbor, with Rev. Richard J. Reynolds -officiating. Interment In Oakland Hills Memorial Gordons, Novi. Mr. KIMIng will lio In state at th* funeral home. (Suggested visiting hours 3 to 5 end 7 to 0 pan.) LAMOREAUX, JUNE 37, 1755; MAE G., *7 E. Burdick Street,-Oxtord; *g* *7; deer mother ot Franklin Lamoreaux; dear staler ef* Mrs, Rose Nixon, Joseph and Edward Kthrtoy;- els* survived by two grandchildren. Funoral service will be held Saturday, July 1, at 2 ’ p.m. at the Bossardet -Funeral Home, Oxford, with Rev. Fred Clerk officiating. I ford Cemetery. * will II* In state lame. it to Ox- MARTINS, JUNE 21, If**, BABY BOY, 70 E. Princeton; beloved Infant son of Richard A. end Carol J. Martins; beloved grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Adelino Martins and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Cay lor: beloved great-grandson at Mr: and Mra. Mathany. A grave- rescent Hills Cam* ’ Waterford ardt Funeral MOSHIER. JUNE 30, 174*. FREDERICK D., 11430 McGregor Rood, Pinckney, Michigan; ago *0; be-.,'—- ,—■—- -• Virginia Mesh tor; Rev. Gerald Bender officiating. I torment In Weahtenong Mtmorl Park. Mr. Moshler will H* RAMIRE2, JUNE 23, 17M,. SGT. HONORIO JR., 75 Bladmflald Blvd.; age 27; beloved husband of Lydi* Ramirez; dear son of Mr. and Mrs. HeMrio Ramirez tr.; (Trey) Smith, Rebocca, Luciano, Joel, Mark, Francis and Johnathan Ramirez. Funeral service will bt held Saturday, July 2, at II s.m. at th* Christian Temple, Auburn Avenue, With Dr. Lola Merton end Rev. Isalas H. Loera officiating. Interment In Ottawa Park Cemetery. Sgt. Ramirez will lid In state *t the ,D. *E. Pursley Funeral Hoftw- (Sitogestod visiting Martin (Helen) Weaa. Funeral « vice was held Tuesday, June 28, ttw Memorial Futwrel Home, C troit. Interment In Rosalind Pa SCHNORBERGER, JUNE 3«, 1788, PEGGY JUNE, 771 Mark Lane, Madison Heights; age 44; beloved wtto of Edward Schnorbargar; dear alitor of Robert Snyder. Funeral service will be held Satur-, day, July 2, ef 1 p.m. *t the Virgo E. Kinsey Funeral Heme, Lafayette and Fifth Street, Royal Oik. Mrs. Schnorberper will 410 IB state it the funeral hem*. fCntrt Mrs. Bruce Sosebee; deer stator of Paulin* end Victor Sosebdt; dear . half-sister of Jepnaft* »nd Steven Sutherland. A privet* funeral service was held Thursday, > the Sparks-GrlMn _______ _____ Interment lln White . Chapel Cemetery. VkfcllEk. JUNE 3B 17*4, NORMA, JOS Stevens Street, Rmkln, Florida, tormerly of, Milford: age 77; deer mothei"'of Mrs. Oteros (Betty) Jauch; deer sister of- Mrs. Alma Oevta. Funeral service will be held Uturday, July t at 11 8Jn. at the Rkhardson-BIrd Funeral tore Memorial Cemetery. Varner urlll tto In etato tunerel home. „, WRIGHT, JUNE SB ____t lUXlL 482 Ctov Street, Linear, tormerly of Hedtoy; eg* 71; doer stator af MTi; William Fraud. Funeral servlet uriM be held Saturday, juty t» at 1:8 p.m. at the gelrd Newton. to Cranks Cemetery, Trey. Mfs. Wright will Mg In Plato at the tunerel ham*. Special . Notice ’,/y . PONTIAC PBES5 Advanced Classified ,Deadlines ’ , Early > ' 4TH OF JULY . * EDITION For Soturday's Edition Tuesday's Edition Display' 5 p.m. 7/1 Wednesday's Edition Sat. 7/2 A Moil. 7/4 9 a.m. S^t. 7/2; for Tuesday's Edition' 9 o.m. Monday 7/4' THANK YOU F(jR YOUR -COOPERATION 1-EXPCRIfttEBD AUTO BOOT M-- pair men, bump and Mint, ,dty* or tfltmoons. Pontiac Cebtatan. i EXPHirnceo hjTO' UU* dttMn man My usod car clean-ve. u Auliffe F 3 Mtx To wbttK tat *tAy. cam $M0 ' MONTHLY GUARANTEED SAIAR¥« PLUS BONUS AND CO, CAR / , . Far Right Mon Steady fair - around work. N* . strikes ar layoffs. Must b* neat. w* train. Parsanel Interview only ' .Call 574-3333 (p.m. - 7 p.m.- a i orkUlNG1W&K ' fxnvr. $200 PER MONTH ASSISTANT MANAGER FOR IN-. tornstionsl restaurant chain. Good - darting Pay wi*h Incnntlv* plan. - Apply 441 Elizabeth Lk. Rd. • ASSISTANT PARTS MAltkGEr good opportunity fftr experienced parts man FE 3-7183. - ATTENTION Direct salesman,'making over Hop- Pontiac Sails and Servlet - Harbor. '____ - AUTO MECHANIC. TREMENDOUS pay. 70 per cant. Bird's .Chrysler Plymouth. Phene Milford, *54-3*71. AUTO MECHANIC: ALL AROUND or prep. Exc. pay. Guaranteed wage. New lacilities. Ask far Ken er Tam. Manlcettl Chryator, Utlce. Pay Fine Banefttt. Writ* Pontiac ic& %.T and numbat ot craditori. For thooa that realize, “YOU CAN'T BON ROW YOURSELF OUT OF DEBT." Home appointment arranged anytime AT NO CHARGE. BQX REPLIES At 16 a.m. today there! [were replies at The! [Press Office hi the fol-| ^ lowing boxes: 3, 4, 10. 17, 34, 37, 5$, SS, SI, S7, 43, IS, 82, ! 102, 183, 118 Funeral Directors COATS FUNERAL HOME DRAYTON PLAINS Huntoon ''Thoughtful Servke" Voorhees-Siple FUNERAL HOME. FE 2-S37S Eatebllshed Over 4d Yeore Cemetery Loti 4>A 1 LOT (4 SPACES) MASONIC GAR- 4 CEMETERY LOTS IN OAKLAnC Hills Mamorlal Gardens. 12 Mil* end Novi Rd: Brighton 237-457*. 4 GRAVES, WHITE CHAPEL, WILL divide. *53-4*71. Personals 4-B ANY GIRL OR WOMAN NEEDING * friendly adviser, phone PE 15132 betora 5 p.m., or H no #n-iwar. call PE 1-5734. Confidential. DAINTY MAtb SULLIES 737 ManomtorS PE S-7555 T OdT OUT OP DEBT ON A PLANNED BUDGET PROGRAM , YOU CAN AFFORD TAILORED TO YOUR INCOME NEW HILLSIDE RANCH! Trail riding, by th* hour through rolling- hills of Clerkaton. Beautiful woods, excellent horses, guides with each group. Pony rides tor *•** I Instruction, horses -1*--* it Dixie High- Big Lake Rd. i 5-5811 W busy boarded. Located way and •I-7J .By appointment ON AND AFTER THIS DATE, JUNE ' 30. 1744, I will not be respom " tor any' debt* contracted by UPLAND HILLS FARM PICNIC GROUNDS pamCTbuK Hay rides tor all occasions 481 LAKE GEORGE RD. OXFORD i WIGS' - I CENT 10. All'w *25-1411 HUMAN Wt. :-::the itm. civil, rights law prohibits, with s y. CERTAIN EXCEPTIONS. * V DISCRIMINATION be- X-!J;: CAUSE OF SIX. SINCB v: K BOMB OCCUPATIONS All -X X CONSIDERED MOM AT--X X- TRACT IVI TO . PERSONS X; rX OF ONE SIX THAN THB : -XOTHER, ADVBRTISB- X-X. MINTS AM FLACRO & » UNDER THE MALI OR -X —“IIS •X IRS. SUCH LISTINGS ARE X--A NOT INTBNOSD TO . RX- [X X. CLUDS PERSONS OF-X S; SITNRR SIX. ' X; Ellzibalh Lake Road. BOYS Far restaurant, work. Mutt bt II years and have transp. Good wages and working conditions. Apply In person, only. HOWARD JOHNSON'S Telegraph at Mapl* Rd.. Birmingham BUS BOY WANYCD FOR PULL only, Franki Restaurant, Keego Harber. CARPENTERS AND HELPERS -Pontiac area. 857-5747, Milford. CLERK. SHIPPING AND RECIIV- . ’ ing. Veterinary Supply Co. In J>r*y- ment possibilities. SW day week. 474-3383 tor appointment. COOK, EXPERIENCED. aPBCy s Fax S Hounds Inn. Ml 4-4500. * CUSTODIAN. BROOKSIDE SCHOOL, Crsnbrook. Hour* 1-7 p:m. Living quarters available. No children. 444-1400, «Xt. 110. CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRE sentative. 0 months bonk or II-nance experience. Company bene DATA PROCESSING SUPERVISOR Mutt be txperioncod In unit record equipment including knowledge of beard wiring. Minimum 3 year currant axperlenco. Send return* te PepBac Preto Dtwc 22. DESIGNERS Growing company — facogirind leader In th* field of feeding devices ler special autbmetk assam-“ —-' - offors great aggor- low jtttedjjlr- DIE MAKER WITH PROGRESSIVE .„ „ rates, working 50 wtak. Fisher Carp- 148 w. to Rd., Trey; Michigan. DIE SEWtR “ )RA>t1MA’N, EXPERIENCED. Fulltime. 6EMC0 ELECTRIC CO, IMMEDIATE OPENINGS in the Pontiac and Royal Oak*. Area 4qe. Linemen * and Installfers America's soundest industry offsrs you sttady work, niw lint, ytar in—ytar.out, NOT JUST IN “BOOM" PE-. RIODS. High School Education Rsquirtd ENJOY . GOOD . PAY EXPERIENCE NOT NECESSARY But Michanical or Elictricol Background Htlpful APPLY IN PERSON: between 0:30 g.m. and i:N p.m. Monday ttirough Friday ^al ills Capa Avqnua, Datrett. MICHIGAN ’ BELL1 An Equal Opportunity Sikptoyir Shop the Classified Columns Daily! Phone 332*8181 r*,.v TO WORK WITH '• Newspaper * Boys Steady, permanent '/* ■ employment t or .the .right mon. Should .be at least a high school grad-uate and have a . -late model car. ' USUAL JOB BENEFITS * APPLY- IN PERSON TO Mr,. McCully /• Circulation Department -The Pontiac • Press V _ MACHINIST . Precision Parts mMtvto cetod to WiM LNa, mediate opening* for n experienced on electrical___ mffhhw. Tm« it steady emptoy-Want with tot* of ov*rttow.T*ip . VALCOMATIC products ’ 2758 W. Mm* Rd. __Equal Opportunity employe experienced PaintIr NEED-1 full Hm*. «»&n. , EXCELLENT Opportunity IN .A HIGH LEVEL OCCUPATION \ MACHINISTS & ****** . : ,» »»w—Y tagwj warns its ^Iriintag.^ fsTRleifRt HrTiIrR trswsnortsttsw. Pontiac branch office of General' Motor*. Acceptance Corp. * | -opening for s field rsprat__________ /.ntis position provides an auto- VuMn UsbsrsSsrfss, PR- iwm. Maintenance Experience not required. P r e f • r' man between ages of 35 and 60. Stable . employment with liberal fringe benefits. APPLY IN RSRSON SERVICE / • TMpNmN / . |"tS owi W. MATURE LADY FOR COUNTL.. work In dry closnor, experienced preferred, pervtlm* or full-lime. sliNcondttlonadrc. s Mock* south Tors, tn* N. Woodwsrd. FE ,, - 53.------MATURE WOMAN FOR Child IEMC0 ELECTRIC CO. core end housework to.country Crooks Clswson home, >-IVS In « dsys. Will accept _____ couple. Needed by July 22. ■ini for Interview. Ortonvl) "FACE GRINDER. STEADY I_____________________________________ workhlo * IB rlSUr- Tii^Tm! MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN TO CARR T?!.:1!8.?- mSL *!!!*. Mr 4 boys, light house work, live-"" - 4S2-4MG oUontog*. MOTEL CLEANING WOMAN, FRi-md Set! only. Own transporta- 332-3344. ________ NEED COOK AND DISHWASHER. Apply In parson. NURSE POR DOCTOR'S... OFFICE neer Pontiac General. Non-smoker. Some typing required. Reply to Pontiac Pres* Box No. 13 stating NURSING INSTRUCTC tlons available at im ,v«v.u. community collage. Master's D< gree preferred, but will conskM bachelor's degree CBlNMgta* wH (parlance. Excellent eelary on OAKLAND COMMUNITY LEGE 3410 OPDYKE ROAD BLOOMFIILD HILLS, MICH. OAKLAtTO UNIVERSITY. ■| ww-f mmjm(ood jemc. Employ.. 1-A-ALUAAI NUM-VINYL SIDING FE HHS JOE VALLELY OL 1-4423 ALUMINUM SlDINO INSTAI by "Superior" .— your authorized Kaiser stowlmr. FE 4-3177. | EW UHF-VHF-FM "EXPONEN- J Hal design" antennas. You or e Install. Paltry TV, FE STUB. Architectural DriwtRf Ixcevetieg BULLDOZING * 332-8444 m ~ ll Timbers Nursery or MA 4-4271 a-ILL DOZING, BACKHOE WORK, ixeevetfng, lendtceplng, light r-— ir, water service, basement 3 fleid. FE fME MAMMfh ■ .....L PAPER-STEAMERS RUG CLEANER .- POWER SAWS Open Sun. PE 4-4105 CONSTRUCTION, GENERAL “ ROOFING AND REPAIR Free Estimwewe ' Marking, lots, tennis courts, sk ; driveway*. Reliable Canlraefsr*.l — nc., ian 11. Ctollecl. BuALIW AdWwMlT SEAL COAf-j Ing Serv.. Driveways, perking Ir" petChinB- T3-TS24. Floor Sliding l. BILLS SR. NEW AND toor sending. PE 2-S7W, | Old floors made like m 23 yrs. experS>ce*t27^77 —a. Cimenf work. Free eeflmate*: — Pedy-Bullt Garage Co. OR 3-3411. 1-CAR GARAGE. Of? ' ADDITIONS Trucking Top Soil - Black Dirt Sand and' Gravel Monroe Hauling 852-4096 Soptfc TiRfc BMg. SEPTIC TANKS, DRAIN. AND Breece Landscaping. FE rooms, recreation rooms, garages. A-1 . COMPLETE LANDSCAPING, aluminum aiding, moling. Free est' sodding, seeding, grading. Broken No down eaayment. ! Concrete, retaining waNs. Top soli G & M Construction Co. | moiJ?*h. weNnun1!"**”' FE EXCAVATING, DREDGING. DOt- RV AND REMODELING dirt. Free OL.1-8255 1 FE 4-4588. Building MASON HAULlkO GlLANDSCAPtNG 9. House Washing b^dwn<,«p''yto‘»io,T.rS' BUILDINGS AND HOUSES WASHED Insured, - guaranteed work on ato-l minum siding, -Me r anyplace. Quick e **0n*B mi: MER !ON BLUE SOD, PICKUP OR eetlmete — *32-3774 delivered. 4443 Sherwood. 428-2000 A-1 Interior basement, recreation ra end betfirooms my special 51--------------*. mtui. -------- -.2 Sherwood. 620-2000 MBLAIB6II BRUVBRBB1 •"•arsBiRF*1*'’*' «-* —■ 315-7284 or OR » 4flaJftmdaf„ CARPENTWIt CONTRACTOR ANY LAWN MOWING. LARGE LAWN! size leha. Eiw Estlmetee. 222-4110, preferred, rgps, 42S-3344. carpent&V, Hew and RIpair. ,* i.. Free est irrsates. 335-9981.' i SUMOT Ihtlhjote FINISH, KITCHENS,] T11 , ,^1 77 fE! PRintlng wd Pocwtlug ',L^km.y?3s!u70. ANP CEMENT| AAA j»A._NTINO_AND DECORATING B ALL TYPES •- Fret estimates.0R3^I72. ____ Cement and Block Work Guirsp's Construction Co. 4.7477 ^ Bum PC « I. Reasonable rates, 403- QUALITY PAINTING P|pnoTunii»g I....-TUNING 1,1 Oscar Schmidt FOOTINGS^ AND CEMENT WORK. FM¥D~"F'iRVSt'. FE MW. CEMENTlgIAN°gWNING AND REPAIRING Tiling CERAMIC TILE INST*LLED. FREE; ‘r-ri , . 6»i. a«.m seiet. MA.noot, s-iMi.l Plastering Service Concroto Steps SPECIALIZE IN H$T TAR R&OF immediate service. Free est Price, 482' N. Perry. FE MOM. Stump Removal Millwrights Electricians . Pipb Fitters Maintenance Welders Painters & Glaziers .Die Makers Toolmakers Pattern Makers t Machine Repair ; Inspector—Tool & Die Applkents mui WILL PAY $15,000 A YEAR AND. furniture business, we'll train fONtlAC MOTOR DIVISION GENERAL MOTORS CORP. pontiac. Mich: MOTEL DESK CLERK, 2 OR MOTEL PORTER. OVER 18, D€-pendebl*, 3334041. Motorcycle mechanic, full Seles end Service. FE 3-7102. NIGHT DISHWASHER, CLOSED Sundays and Holidays. Apply Be-dell's. Woodward end Square Lake. ’NRIL REALTY • Swimming PpeL _______ Swim Along with Cadillac Fabulous flberglas swimming pool to led . '"etlme ^wltlh ^tow oufpqARD MECHANIC, EXPERI-‘ Clerkston mtlec Lake Road Pool Co. 7170 Dixie Hwy. I H only, top __________________ work. Mpzurek Motor B Marine Sdlg. 245 South Blvd. East. FE 4^3W. PANEL WIRE MAN. FULL TIME. GEMC0 ELECTRIC CO. loot N. Crook* Clewaon PARKING LOT ATTENDANT, 44 WANTED: EXPERIENCED general custodian. Must have knowledge of cleaning me* terials and buffing .machine. Call Tommy Thompeon. sales manager,- *t Shelton Pontiac-• Bukk. 451-toll. fastest growing furniture chains In the Mid-West. If you love " work and want to. make money, contact Mr. Boyer a Help Wanted Female ALTERATlffhMLADY Fitter, experienced in women's I perel, pert time-work, m B mlnghem. Phone Ml .4-71B1 f Interview. BLOOMFIELD FASHION SHOP ** West Maple ■ Birmingham ASSISTANT HOUSEKEEPER, RE-Ml hqtol, summer work. Write . Box 108, Port Huron. Gratiot BAR MAID-GRILL GIRL COMBINER, t nights a wk„ no Sundays Holidays, good pay for right Baldwin Rubber Bar. 332- •ARMAID - EXPERIENCED _ sober, -mature,, married preferred -r deye, RE t-M7t W p.m. BAR WAITRESS. GOOD, WAGES. BEAUTY OPERATOR, ancad. full time,--- commission. Also lonetto -Beauty call 333-7444. Aft 1333. ~ - y -. LINGUAL STENOGRAPHER, mi-men, English wanted. /“*“ 374.5, Telegraph Rd. Pontlag Lakes Trai Co.. Trimming plumper* Trto Rtmgy^rit TRIE TRIAAMING AND REMOVAL Dave's Tree Service, re._______ - frlmmlnev ^ekallM, Im4 r,l«.ri— landscaping, cavity filling. 4Q2-07M. [•....' . ThscMeg '__________ HAULING op ANY KIND. HAVE HAULING AND RUBBISH. NAME your price. Any time. FE HOPS. LIGHT HAULING OF ANY KIND, trash, etc.»FE 3-7443. IL ED BASEMEN fS. 1241, FE 5-3*04r AND HEAVY TRUCKINO, rubbish, fill dirt, grading end oraw *1 end front-end loading. FE 2-0603. LlSHT HAULING AND MOVING TRUCK HAULING, LAWN, isemdnt cleaning. UL 1-3040. Track ReeteT Trucks to Rent W-Ton Pickups iVj-Ton Sti TRUCKS- TRACTORS .AND RQUIPMENT Dump Trucks — Semi-Trailers Pontiac Farm and Industrial Tractof*Co. 823 S. WOODWARD : 40641 FE 4-1443 Open Delly includhtg - -j-- Underground Construction BULLDOZING; WATER, GAS LINES and iprinklar system*. ^ FE 5*3400 BLOOMFIELD WALL CLEANERS cleanPi. Rees. Set 1st set ton —J -■—"J PE 2-1631. BOOKKEEPER FOR DOUBLE EN-try set .of books for hotel In Pen-tlec. Salary open. I sen berg, New-men G Stolnbetger. 322-8708- - *■ BOOKKEEPEK, iXPERIENCED sretorred. permanent peel— ju rv Service, «I2» High . (MS»». ^ 466k, DAYS, DOBSKI’S, PART TIME. EVENINGS over ji lo -^rk 'W'Ws » WMk sr mere If you wish. guaranteed. Own For. Interview cell greduete, ST" to 4*4" 160 lb*., 20-20 vision v red ton, past written PENSIONER, LIVE IN, OPTIONAL tor handy man end yard sere. Pleasant home on Orchard Lake. Private apartment, privet* entrance. Must be clean, honest and tobfr. 482-2334- > PHARMACISTS SANFORD DRUG CLAWSON . OITER POR .PAST MOVlho used Car ' | ---- steady woi Vacations conditions-------- 3433 Ofhcard Lake Rd. i PORTER We have an opening tor t good reilible men mot ha* a vend drivers license. Very good pay, hospitalization. Insurance, paid vacation and. chance for advancement. Must be reliable. Apply In person at 3273 West Huron, Pon-nec. Corner of EllzeBeth Leke Rd. PURCHASING AGENT* EXPERI-tncod |n ffib shop purchasing and Inventory control. Engineering and Real Estate Trainees Guar. Training Salary ’ e. EM 3-7112. UNION Dining Room —Waitresses-- Ted's Restaurant hot opening: dining room waitresses both —,, end night shift*. Full time, Insurance benefit* —14 food altowtnce, tc Apply in person only. TED'S » WOODWARD AT SQUARE IrK, RD. Ing (acll- ________________JeuTtod to • number of openings tor food service helpers, cook* end biker*. Day and evening/ shtRa with a I night ahlft differential paid tori evening work. Opening* quality tori ell university fringe benefit* including paid vacations, retirement, sick leave and martial payment of hospitalization insurance. The op-I WiElee M. er F. BLOOD DONORS URGENTLY NEEDED 1 Feslttve _ _ • ___ I Nib. IMG SIMS -4 ‘S12J8 DETROIT BLOOD SERVICE PenRac FS 4tk 1342 'WM* Track Dr,, W. ton. tnru^ TrL.^t ie.m.-4 p.m. COQKS FOR EViNING SHIFT I LIGHT HAULING .’ AND MOVING cheep. Any klmL PB Httt. PaiRtiHf end Dtorttlg* 23 k; retoorepl nlngherr brtetton. W' willing to i. >ppl» to COOK. MUST HAVE BROILER EX- required. 42B-17SB. COUPLE TO CLEAN RESTAURANT after we cleat. 12 mldntohM:18 a.m. Appty at blg Bey Reeraurent, silver^ LeSs Rd or 0lxl* Hwy- ,nd riwespertwlfel / 71 LEAVING FOR SOUTHEAST Missouri. Sat. July 2. FE 4-3611. EXPERIENCED WOOL^RESSE^ Insurance / 21 EXPERIENCED CLIPPER WANT- SAVE ON HOMEOWNER POLICY premiums. Saying* In A phis companies up to 14 par etnt. Dependable and prompt claim sarv . lea. Just Phone FE 4-42*4 for ad for poodle Beauty -Salon. 612-6401/ !SSY„ fllLCHAIR 22 LOTS—WANTED IN PONTIAC . Immediate ctotliw. REAL miM REALTY# 4S44WT AA MOVING Caretu^jnctoeed jm^toem tow* rate*' free 13m or flPMIS. BOB'S VAN SERVICE Mr 6-3i I. Orvet Gktcumb, 47341414. PAINTING coHaoe end a U-jflt? PAINTING, PAPERING Tupser. OR 1-7841 MlNliMo. is YEARS EXPERF Reasonable. OR 48812. 8UALITY WORK I ng< papering. « Apply Harvey's Colonial Stalled Urtt*. _________ ’ANTED, DISHWASHER POR EVE- nlnos. 487-1347. _________I •*“ — S PRODUCTS NEEDS Wanted MiscBltaRaBas COPPER, 40c. AND (IP; BRASS radiator*, batteries, starters, gen-aratora. C. Otoaen, OR 3-3SW. PRESSER, EXPERIENCED, and wool. Top wagna, dltloned. 447-7557. RN WITH. SURGICAL EXPdRI — ■ office and turgary, 4 to paid vacation, Blrmlng- I OFFICE. •Ity background tor lari 1 organization. Send coi ___me to Pontine Press B WAltREsS, PART TIME. APPLY DOCTOR' J “Ett' „ qualifications. Pontiac t EXPERIENCED_______|WV| Order, Good wages, paid vacatk Uttl^Bnewn Jug. EM 3-22# EXPERIENCED# WAITRESS Larry and Ttmmip'a Lunch. OR Mm 4SS2, Hatchery Rd. iSTtX ________ Hatchary Rd. EXPERIENCED WAITRE cooking, days. OR »1t3l. EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER account* payable end payroll, manant position with local Idlng supply company. Pontiac tat Box 55 EXPERIENCED TEACHER FOR cooperative nursery ■ -------- . Ing late September, odist Church, I 8133 or 447-7441. ___________ EXPERIENCED DINING ROOM waitress, 1 part time, 1 * --- Apply In person between work full tlm« only and can girl OH WOMAN TO DO GEN-I low provan talas dlractlvas. aral off lea# must ba abla to tvoa ..fiylMBS _ .Ptwgryn combining I Reply .|e Pontiac Fret* Bex. No: will enable you to become tlMNyeerty. ijjMii call Vebrnt at Ff 4-3531 . '4-4687, ■ . _ . . RESPdNSIBLE 31 OR OVER, MAN- »l next to , dolly 12 m r. Carter. WAITRESS, MORNING SHIFT. AP-et Baumans Restaurant. Ilvd. E. FE 5-9513, to S WAITRESS AND SECOND —ted. Gave* OrlH-. 873 WAITRESS, FULL TIME. EVENING work. 5171 Dixit Hwy.' RBtco't. WAITRESSES Dining Room and Curb Full of part-time. Paid v teat Ions' HasbitHtutton. ‘—- tarn — BIG BOY RESTAURANT Telegraph G Huron or Pixie Hwy. G Sliver Lnka Rd. WANTED. WOMAN 25 OR OLDER tor counter work at dry cleaning shop. No experience necessary. Apply V hoy Martinlztng, Miracle iXRTI 333-39M: 6r, FE 4-3177, d tdAktib: NIGHT BARMAID FOR Troian Lounge, 72 Auburn ad* Wide Track Dr.________________ WANTED STENOGRAPHER, FOR sales office, work consists at fatten, typing, quotations, f., and usual office routine. I day wedk permanent position. Dictation end typing a mutt. Located on' Telograph near Long Lake Rd. 447-3200 ter appointment. She*-flaWCorp. tendant tart ass nd Administrative Secre-ined to board office. Send > Pontiac Press Box No. necessary. Soma evening mi Invalid It G'M> CARE FOR MNkl-nice trailer home. For .............satIon call OR M472 tram t p.m. to 2:S8 p.m. WOMAN TO ASSIST In SHIPPING dapaitmanl, permanent, 4129 Hlgh-land Rd. (M-S9). ftMiAk to Work in rSaoy-to- wear department. Full company MRSlllS»..' J mft/n >' from, 11 to 1 p.m. ° Mcrn/or Woman in. the Troy ' pyaiOak Area » WANTED:. ANTIQUES AND QUAL-Ity furniture. Call 425-4197 or WANTED:1! MEDIUM-BLACK-TOP 7834 or QR 3-7723 or 674-0198. CASH FOR' FURNITURE^ AND t CASH fqA GOOD CLEAN USED furniture. Celt Hail's Auction, phene MY S-1S7I or MY >4141. HEAR OUR PRIOR BEFORE YOU .. II auction It or buy B & B Auction 9 Dixie________ OR 3-1717 garage, Pontiac __ door, Iona term leas*. ENGINEER with DAUGHTERS , FE >0810 aft. 3:30, OCCUhANCV 'A0q6ST 1, FREFER ntact Mr. WHIteffl Taylor I- Beloit Teel Corp. “ * , - Rockton Rd., S. J ’ duplex, unfumWwd, to SMALL HOUSE, SINGLE INDIVID- R A R S F l R R t D BXECUTlVl needs 3-bedroom or larger house YOliNG RESPONSIBLE 'COUPLE n need 2 or 3 dwfc homo. FE H377. UROENTI M6THER AND 4 CHIL-drtn want house by July l. raf-erences. 673-4392.______________________ 4-BEDROOM to will train at to give a moot lo door to door WORKING COUPLE, TEEN-ogn son, 9-ytor-old daughter, desire unfurnished 3-bedroom home in Clarkston school district. Home> owner care given. Refs. Call OR 3-3992 after 6 p.m. Ing plan, opportunity tor rapid advancement. Men and woman, storting salary 895, jBer —* Call Fotoy at 474JOfi t YOUNG PROFESSIONAL MAN AND family seek an unfur-- hem* In the Pontiac mid-July. Require 2 k. ^S^nd^sIHjo. Instructions-Schools TO MODERN MATH TEACHER WANT- ...-TWriK” Shore Living Quartsrs YOUNG GIRL DESIRES SAME TO share her apartment,.328-1818. Wonted Keel Estate 36 1 TO 50 Wwt WwtW M»h ______tt ALUMINUM HOUSES AND TRAIL- NEED CASUAL LABORERS PAINTING, INTERIOR AND EXTE-rlor. Quality work, reas. rates; ' FB Hto, RETIRED ACCOUNTANT WISHES I IRONING, REFERENCES h o NINOS WANTED, area. Pickup and dal. If 482-8419. PRACTICAL NURSE AVAILABLE — —— ^TMP;, or live to. Ne child SW* YORK, RS. WE wa(tin6:"'for' furthm' dIP TAILS OF OUR UNIQIM'BUaS. / ANTEEp SALES PLAN CAlZ. ._____OR 6^5363 Apartments, Furnished 37 1 owner, 3 10 p.m. 338-: i gTwSSt. Couplet only, |M or pel*. A Beverly at- ROOM AND BWTH. QUIET OLD-K,«fPG Apply: IB N. Casa, — 5-4 pm. only. ROOMS, BATH, SINOLI, CLOSE • after 4, 338-1754. ROOMS ANb lATIt, NO CHIL-dten, 734 West Huron. ‘ • ROOM, ApULtS ONLY. NORTH tkla ot Pentlac. 4* * * ROOMS AND BATH, UPPER, PRI-vate entrance, S23 week, plus utilities, mldWeaged or working couple, deposit required, can bi seen attar 18 a^n. Saturday. 4988 Whlf* Lake Road, 1 mil* oft Dlx* Hwy. 4 ROOMS, CLOSE TO TOWN FE 2-5873 ROOMS AND BATH, BABY welcome, 837SO par wk. wtlh a flOO dagpaH^ InguIre at 273 Baldwin D BATH, SfeNlfiA ST. , FE S-7B05___________ ROOMS A ROOM. PARTLY FURNISHED. Upstairs. Inqulrq at 13 - S. Rota-l““ ***** i Mk BACHELOR, NORTHWEST AREA. RyarytMnf furnished. Vary nice, tioo per me., 823 dapoalt. Adults. FE f-4341. ___________ Apartments, Onfernished 38 > 2 BEDROOM NIW, NEAR Immediate occupancy. Air sound conditioned, disposal, ------ y rafrlgarator. • BEDROOM UNFURNISHEb OR furnished, S123 “ BEDROOM DUPLEX IN FOto-flee. Special privtlege to privet* ' d*eda.«Biin. ROOMS AND BATH, *25 PER wk. Adult* only. FE SW7. ■ - AMERICAN HERITAOi Open Every Day Except Men. 1 to S and 4:90 to 1:36 From S14S t month 3343 Watkins Lake Rd. 474-2939 Morning*, 4734927 /Bloomfield Townhouse $83 PER MONTH ell elec: kitchen. Modal* at 108 Woodward Ava. Open dally an 'Sunday from noon until I p.m Sat. 1 to I P-m, Closed Thuri DELUXI 2 • BEDROOM APART. MENT. S1SS month tadudtof rich wall-to-wall carpeting, rafrlgarator, stove end dispseal, ultramodern kitchen and bath, llvtog room (13'xar>, formal dining ream, largo -| ' ' closet,' numer- xi win admire. It ml eii ----------------Carport ' - parking InduRM. DORRIS G SOM, REALTORS. OR 44)324. .FRONT, 1 BEDROOM, I UPPER 2 entrance, 1-3738. BEDROOM, PRIVATR Rent House*, Furnished 39 BEDROOMS, *125 A MONTH PLUS utilities. Deposit and references required. Available July 16. Nd chlt- r Immediate Satol MULTIPL P*LISTi'NO SERVICE A BETTER CASH DEAL FOR HOMES MVWHIRf IN OAKLAND COUNTY. NO WAIT!NO, CALL YORK, OR WAITIN6. CALL NOW. ~ T . J. J. Joil, Realty FE 2-3481 ______ 482*282 ALL CASH 18 MINUTES an If behind In payments or u tr torecloeure. Agent, 87-4488. CASH - 48 HOURS LAND CONTRACT*—HOMES WRIGHT 382 Oakland Ave._,EE 2-91 BuiMinq StrvicBS-Seppiits 13 Credit Advisor* 164 DEBT AID. INC. 711 RIKER BLDG PrsiimEkhH A TaBqHs^ 17 DRESSMAKING. TAILORING AND alterations. Mrs. Bodell FE 4-9853. FRICAN VIOLETS, MANY. V atlas. 40 S. Eastway Or. 38 MER ION BLUE SOD, DELIV-•d and laid. Ten Ttmbara Nur ry. 332444*. MA 4-4178. CUTtlHA. nano. Free >4tlme8ei. Tell .Tim. bar* Nursery. FI 1-8441 oT "* THEIR AGENT, ' ’ NEED 3 BEDROOM, _ FAY UP TO (I7J0G CALL MY AOeNT, YORK AT DR MAN WITH *1GM IS LOOKING FOR A HOME IN THE WATERFORD-AREA, CALL HIS AORNTi —- . m 3 BEDROOM RANCH WITH ffcBiVS' **M purchasers h Ray O'Neil, Realtor 1*20 Pontiac Lake Rd. OR 4-2222 el* 673-3034 leaf Haases, UgfereWied 4Q BEDROOM, -BASEMENT, GAS hpet. Drayton, immediate occu-pancy. S123. Reterencto. OR 4-1S45. ROOMS AND BATH, EXCELLENT beach, *70 a weak. EM 3-7441. / COTTAGE AT GRAND /MARAIS ON Wetlttog i DOUBLE OCCUPANCY~__ pated, TV*. Spgamare Motel. 71Tfc * * 'nrtdwa rd ? *■ .'"-T' ' GENTLEMAN'S STUDIO APART- legemer* n................. ROOM AND OR BOARD, I3I*A Oakland Ave .FE 4-1414 SLEEPING ROOM, LAKE PYTOT. leges. OR 4-1397. GENTLEMEN.'EXdhLLlHT #666 Rent Stem nsaaMT' *nra«k h THE PONTIAC PRESS, FRIDAY, JULY 1, 1066 • D—rS MR.J*UfM .F|r, MODERN Stfe'* - '*"■ after” Kart Office SpoGe 47 20x65 BUILDING. 2 OFFICES lobby, Highland Rd.,( CLAWSON. - 8 BEDROOM Oktor tom, t baths. dlnlno r basement. 2-car garage, on 77',.... W, wafc to schools and ahoeokq will trade ter smTl^hoW WU* an dand contract with *2,500, Anchor Powon Cars., 424-7221 or 547. UikUmt * Mixed Neiahfcofhood lND'. Hwnw • • , ■ - ' HOME BEAUTIFUL *|1* Mb»bb > . _ CLOSE TO CASS the ana. Sharp ^bedroom brick ranch np*r Drayton. Has 2 ■ fireplaces. beadtlful rec. room, 1'/, I boths. Ot even and range, out-! side patio, attached 2-car garage, "•alter than new" and quick1 possession. Priced at $21,500 - ifeiiT todayi TRADE . Sale Houses * bedroom.brick. aDUlts. Mis. Pep, and ret. Ft 2-0643. ■ • BEDROOM ranch, LIVING $59 Mb. Excluding taxes «nd Insurance $10 Deposit yVITH APPLICATION 3-BEDROOM HOME GAS MEAT large diming area WILL ACCEPT ALL APPLK TIONS PROM ANY. WORKII WIDOWS OR DIVORCE PST • m ear garage.___________ ’■merce area. OR-34316. . F BEDROOM, GARAGE, LAKE I 5end»I^rep**Hl0wilson M0’1’ *'| REAL vALUfWAlTV lwim-AliSten4 ISbdb»M For 'mmediot* Action Call --------pa^^an. Art FE 5 3676 626-9575 iBEOROOA r garage, new < sornar wooded lol ie grill, Huron Woo ivflogos. 343-4741, HOME, LARGE — m • only sn.ixn wnn iijro tpown. A A I 1 PARTRIDGE REM; ESTATE Model » FREE CATALOO te, $10,000 Id $12,000 p imlnum sldlrtg, • largo din-_ ottdehed 2 car garpga. , This home can be built on yeur lot for ai low os 014,000. Open Saturday and Sunday tram * 6 p.m. Directions: W milt ot Walton Blvd. onM-24. - GLENN M. WARD Builder 40 NEW HOMES BI-LEVEL - $17,500 LAKE PRIVILEGE* 1 ONLY $000 DOWN LOW AS S1U A MONTH GAYLORD NEAR FISHER BODY. Nearly n 3 bedroom, brick front, goty! c pettng, oil Improvements In. O 011.000. Tsrms. Call MY Ml Warden Realty 333-7137 CLARK ELIZABETH LAKES Is this sharp 3bddtbam ranch, featuring cargated ’living room. Large kitchen. Ceramic tile bath., . ._ ■< , Full basement. Large recreation 6 Bedrooms room with fireplace and bar. At- ■ u,i» •ached 3-car garage. Fenced back yard- with fruit and shade trees. OWNER WILL ACCEPT A GOOD .3-BEDROOM HOME TRADE — CALL. TODAYI JAMES K BLVD/ , sylvan Lake privileges • ------“Tick rancher, «• th tlrgpladS and i SCHRAM Sal* Honors CASH 49|S«Ib Hbnses sf- I Open Suijjiay ir*ir kitchen, 2 I Tilta ©u ______ 9d 10-acre paresis In Clarkston l . School District. Oot Available -• \ • / / \ , LAKE FRONT TWIN LAKES cnangar Price reduced tl ........., . ^ -------- -------- basement. Tiled batpnwnt I price, $24,300. Income Cast) will gat you another bargain] on this 10-acre parcel bordering j the pavement west of Davliburg. Gently rolling land — partly wood ] II baaamont distance to; em wim >v ,ocr Walking Rdt — V $13.-1 AND schools; Ih $2,500 List .With Schrafn I and Call the Van I Long r, 1 JOSLYN AVB. FE ,5-0471 10-acre, allowed. Reduced to S4.$50 co of 'Tolling land Ea< ‘ngfield Twp. Good « lently under cultivatl 03,930. Lend contract if .oft lor cosh on sa tv, baths, largo family room with fireplace, lull basement. 3-car garage ind kitchen .that- overlooks •he Jake. Can be bought with 10 on Steephdilow to 7265. y jy. .'. MODELS Brick 3-6edroom trHeval at 017,290, ..................... IN ORION. Naar Blanche Simms school. Nlct 2 bedroom homo on extra lot. oavad street. Only $10.-’ 3-2821. PE garage. Located SM ITH & wideman : FAMILY TAILOI lengary, (2 I LORED HO« Psnlols Really. KE __________________ 1 BEDROOM HOUSE. OFF BALD-1 Wkl. MOO dn. 343-4712. Aft, 2 p.m. | i BEDROOM BRICK, LIKE NEW. - hslh and half, finished recreation,] 33,000 dn. FE 2-0333. 1 On Middle Straits Lake LAWRENCE W. GAYLORD . Broadway and Flint Sts. Lake Orion Y 2-2021 PE 0-969 HOME OF DISTINCTION custom Built uairty, seekers will approclate thl WEST CITY mant, Uk cor ’Eat on blacktopped strt. ____ . • &n.±a Steii REALTORS ‘ FE 445?6 kitchen. Nice fenced yard: wllhl 412 W. HURON STREET - shade trees. Wipe POSSES- AFTER'S, .................| ........ SION. S15.ROO with S2.50O down on Land Contract to gc "1 — -------------- chaser. No Closing Costs. WEST SUBURBAN — Val-U-Way. OFF KENNETT v . 3-bedroom home with intage bn thls/corner the many features are IVfe baths, with farm buildings. 2-car garage, large paneled family — full basement — room, merblo window sills and CHARMING L MR. HAMILTON ' Blue ribbon 3-b berger home in e> Lake Estate*; Bath a brick Wdn-I dUv^*kltchen| ________ HH 2-5 Sunday Driva out MS? to Wllliara* Laka Rood, turn leH to first street past Twin 'Lakes Golf-Course. : OPEN DAILY - 3 BEDROOMS. BASEMENT, WILL TRADE. BEAUTIFUL RANCH DALE-HAMPSHIRE OR 3-3473 REP. FRUSHOUR «, STRUBLE ■ I BEDROOM BRICK RANCH, TILE -basement. New carpel. Fenced yard. 015,000. By owntr. Lew down! ^ paymontt. 33M330, 1 Bedroom, near school and 4 BEDROOMS 99 Ruth Street -near Telegraph and Voorhol* Rd.- Price of - $13,-300 Includes forced-air heat, all large bedrooms, fulh basement, larye fenced yard. — ‘* .FIVE BEDROOMS :ross the road from Woodhull Lake] In Independence Township, near Sashaeaw. A real bargain for S swl*--------------- thtf; w sen inis- yery near and in 4 room ranch home* only years old. IOxISVi kitchen, 1 basement with oil furnace.:, cor garage. Lovely lr‘ — fely fenced. Paved roi O'ne: V OFF BALDWIN I Completely redecorated 3-bedroom I bungalow features gleaming oak mA . I Underwood Real Estate 0665 pixie Hwy., Clarkston porch, plui In Clarksto anelled living I enclosed front j srlvllogot and >l district. Gill! YORK EMBREE & GREGG 565 Onion Lake Rd. EM 3-4393! :M*i-3314 . Opto 9 to 9 i PONTIAC WATKINS ESTATES By owner, 3 bad room brick — attached garage. Brick wall fire-! place and full basement. Extra large shaded lot with riding movt-er. Atony extras. Moving ?- quick possession. OR 3-2296. SC lot, In Jaymrl __ . lord's finest, area. Priced under $30,004 anfl /offering Immediate possession,jproudly shown by appointment by; i YORK IUY WE TR, -0363 OR 4 3 Dixie Hwy., Praytbn Plalr IRWIN 2-car CANAL TO SYLVAN LAKE — t raoe. larae lots in newly developed a. Sins van, and priced $5,000 to $7,500. 20 pel GIROUX REAL ESTATE _2a __________ *B3il Highland Rd. (MS?) 673-7837 s KINZLER FES-8183 4-BEDROOM HOME 11 ^ ^ CLARK REAL ESTATE. 1362 W. HURON ST. FE 3-7801 FE S6017 or FE 5-3690 -Multiple Listing Service Brawn If you purchase this ________ beautiful Ward's Point. Large bedroom — full basement, new.j gas furnace and many mgre good features for the large family. Beautiful beach on Cass Laka. — Price is 837,300. It'* vacant and his jdhe to«men‘tr3J Vis’ todrooms wnn loads of closets, gleaming | oak floors, tended7 yard, gas heat. blown-in Insulation, roomy kitchen! — __ and dining area. Full pricer $13,- Owner moving S0p. Only $1,400 down. s ----------- List With Us-W« Sell a Home Every 24 Hours r both and two-and-a-; TERMS. ------ Nearly 1 acre, all An- ' fenced, with OO'xTO' spring-- EAST JIDE ig $20,951 b, call to WEST SUBURBAN * ble closets. ________ _____ r basement, attached garage: fessionally landscaped. 4 beeuty at $29,900. No. B-14 BLOOMFIELD TOWNSHIP R. Jr (DICK) VALUET min .«YiRf4LT0R FE 4-3531 »ms,^'ll wfth dou- Oakland Ave. Open t-7 Minted! After hours-FE 4-0200 or FE 5-9766 ARRO LAKEVIEW HOME . Newer 2 story colbnlai bl__, ___ ..... ........ ..... .... with wonderful view of laka and car garage, Ilia -bath, oil heat, sand beach. 23 foot living room !c vacant. T*rms. and 3 nice bedrooms all newly * soft carpeted, TVj baths, ’paneled, FOUR BEDROOM BRICK walk-out rec rea t Ion room and slate entrance halt, stepdows fourth bedroom gas hast, large living room, full sized dining roonv ancBgr fence lot.’All year round modernized kitchen with diphwash Ibh/bST* toy the whole family, er. Tile powder room. Four nice $22,500. Terms._Quick possession. - bedrooms and ceramic tile bath . JOHN KINZlER, Realtor 0k!£0n£r!!£L, MrlS’^'raom M»...pAraKrsjsargsLM DORPS ci a.-Call Mr. Costell FE 2-7273 : DREAM: .thing In good condition throughout. Situated on a large landscaped lot overlooking . Upper. Long Laka. Tha price Is right, the terms are reasonable. See! this one today by appointment,1 please. No. 7-20 .....___._. s to climb. Can 1 live In- a 2-bedroom homo or canal with a larga lot and ( den apoce? S miles from cer ol Pontiac, privileges on C and Elizabeth Lake. Very:qi neighborhood. $12,200. DQNNELSON . „ v- address of importance juj cities leading cltizeni in ins a clous i room aluminum a I ir- ranch home wifh I2WX22W er peted living room with ’’ 00" ful............ „. id 2 car attached gi Income Property Si $1- 2 LAKE. FRONT INCOMES dad' OXBOW LAKE ' car? 3 apartments — Gross 8250 per 5-BEDR00M BRICK I ing doots, attached ^garage, I rooms. Ilk story, utility room,l for. 316,000, terms. >7 basement, gas heat $15,500 an1 land contract. OAKLAND LAKE FLATTLEY REALTY 2X 1 420 COMMERCE 363-69011 beach, fjsjooa J ROOM HOUSE WITH 1 ACRE I u.. witte as' of land, walking distance of gmc a—u Division. Can See at $14,300. CALL OLiva 6-0371 MAURICE WATSON, REALTOR 1 J :e 321 W. UNIVERSITY ROCHESTER! I ‘KAMPSEN ‘kitchen with _____ . Basement. Oat heat. .. , , . , . . . - , . . $11,750. at Lakefront Specials for July on mil one. prjCM for Everyone T HAMMOND LAKE FRONT ■ SPACIOUS BRICK HOME "gatort. 15'xte' ...i with $120 Pi id CpntrOct with Si 5 ACRES west ot Pontiac, excellent FOU R BEDROOMS TWO STORY.!. location for horse form, fenced The ideal family home In the Ideal:C. SCHUETT 363-7188 In corral plus new 34'x60' block west aide location with full city . mm commerce W building, electric septic and well conveniences and Waterford school ■ oS/n n»nv -tn Dark —•- .-.j-, I - ■ Installed. Near State land ot» ayatern. 3 bedrooms down and 2 -wen uany natural fireplace, i MS9.. Cell for details. | up. separata dining roo~ —4— g new,.A family Izad kitchen with bull apaclout bedrooms, LAKE FRONT. You 00 -wrong/ stove, full basement u I jMB| —-------^----------------11 Ai_0art9t> $14,900. _______ ________________ ___________________$ Waterford s< NtaY state land ote system. | sag--------------- | >r details. m mm IR _ I ........................... *“1 kitchen with built-lh Copper aluminum sided 3- APARTMENTS 55 SILVER LAKE AREA If you want to Ilya a Ilia ot ease m'nt In, a compact comfortabla home, ATTENTION BACHELOR'S - Cute! sti1 te^r.trt i«ra diH^i of storage space. Thlj^j H furnished?Terms. trance to* Dodge Park. Launch an, . Intii your boot within 10 minutes of I am ouelivl leaving home or walk to the! O* _ ...... . _ i ■ 1 DORRIS Si SON. REALTORS Ted -McGullougn Sr-, Realtor Wt.jftftL.Hwy,.-—... ««32a; PHONE 682-2211 —1L-118 U* ISTING SERVICE STOUTS Best Buys Today i A. Johnson & Spn, Realtors 1704 S. Telegraph FE 4-2533 I LAKE ORION INCOME Don't hate the landlord — BE ONE, l in this targe 5 plus I r~ EtTZRBETHPAl:E~~S1tBDtVIS1DW;-SreCTWKSTOtt“^ARg .' WONDERFUL AREA: ■niiTu i axes where living Is fun. AH new homes and beautiful Isthe selling tor tela ^bedroom aplltrOekranehar. All1 tte extra features that the discriminating buyer would expect. ***$®"-oriced and wu carl assume exTatlng 5V. % mortgage with pay-SSmteP otofllv|si25 par month with substantial down payment. #p . • ,,. ‘ * • " L-"/ PIONEER HIGHLANDS . icnonoMi Ai fine home In a most flesirable area. The family 1*5^r^TuLtotemen/plus garage and attractive letting will "the most dltcrlmlhallng buyer. EnWt. city gas services plus J^ ^ic trantporidkm and fine Surroundings. Reduced for quick Te-ir$53r*00 with terms^ MODEL HOMES * a, ULTRA'HOMES SUB—Open SAT; and SUN. 2-4 P-hLand dolly by * to Whltfler St.- opposite City Airport. living 'with fireplace, full dining, largo kitchen (dishwasher), terrific porch, oak rec. room — fireplace and bar,- gas- steam heat double garage, extra lot available. Seeing Is believing. S26.6S6. FE ’ 4-4944 (or FE 4-0581 V te I). IMMEDIATE New 3-bod room brick ranch In as-' MMtatod.araa. 34 ft. patolad family room with fireplace. tVk betttt, 2Vk cer eerege. thermo-pane windows, built-in oven and range. -Incinerator, beautiful view .of Leon Lem, W averted address and ! schools. Haw 3-bedroom bl-lovol on a waterfront let. 33 tt. paneled family room, brick fireplace, dining parch and covered patio. Ovonoeklng beautiful Bagla Lake. ■ new MODELS in Lake Oakland Stores, beautifully twMotoB •*« by appointmant. * ■ .YOU CAN TRADE P0NT4AC BATEMAN REALTY - ROCHESTER FE 8>7161 M,L.S. Reoltor 01 T-8518 377 S. Taltgraph Rd.: 730 S. Rochistir Road New 4-bedroom co|*nlel. Pone lad family roam with fireplace, 2Vi car garage. WE IMMiRtx Thermo-pane windows, Incinerator, laundry and mud room on flrgt floor. i Many choice laka front tote also [ available on land contract. Private beach, tennis court, 1 lakes. War terford schools. ’ LAKELAND ESTATES BY ROSS HOMES FF 4-0591 3384324 ALBERT J. AARON BAUGHEY REALTOR $1,000 DOWN ON THIS North 'side . doll, house In excellent condition. - -Carpeted living room — _ . room, family kitchen, WATKINS LAKE FRONT ■*. sa, he, on Wot- ----- BEDROOM BRICK - Located: IK^Waterforcl Hill ■LISTING SERVICE .! ’ ---- I GILES: Warren SfouF Rialtor are prlvitegfcd outstanding 44adrt_____ _____ to tha brim with colonial The quality ot this home Ir and spaciousness 1$ found I Opdyke Rd. Open Eve* Tilt ■ rw Multiple Listing Service c are privileged to 2? ^tond^ilte|{elKtM00M PIANNETT S^!S;pin«Lake iot Of this h 1 dousness it found Ir I--- — 4 bedrooms, formal dining roen 1 2 complete ceramic tile bath Larga living room, overlooking tl lake. Walk-out —-----|j " Ished rec. room landscaped lot, sa dock and fl»a| and ^PSO. Shown only by CLARKSTON SCHOOLS LARGE FAMILY HOME. 5 rooms, living room, dining r< kitchen, kata mini, gas heat. 1 garage and workshop. 300' lot. Full Price, Si or trod#. New carpeting, m plastered walls, s, lovely-kitchen, large h»at, basement, landscaped yana r - — -—- 1,’oak tl RANCH HOME In ax cal lent repair. Carpeted living room, dining room [and glassed porch. Full baamt, go, rage. Nice large lot. 1st time ad-'■! vertlsed. Only $14^50. I . FE 2-0262 ^ 670 W. HURON ‘OPEN t TO t r TIMES .......1957. carpeted it....._____ oil heat, exterior aluminum and fenced yard S13>?00, Terms. OFF MT. CLEMENS. 3 bedrooms, carpeted . living room, hardwood and tiled floors. Birch cabinets In] love 1 v compact kitchen. Full base-] gas heat, IVk-car garage, 2 w.ll^to°Vwpaite? — wealth ot closet spate, adds graciousness a arpeted‘formal < ^ge, paved kitchen Bbasts »'*•- S5000, t SuhuHtan Ranch oms, IY8 Mins# aiiacnea yc 1 DEER LAKE FRONT 100x273. Partly wdoded. Sloping HAROLD R. FRANKS, Realty * SUGDEN LAKE COTTAGE 5-room furnished Cottage, 751 sand beach frontage, a large roomy cottage In good condition, ready for Texet only 073 Ir ____ 11,500, I..... . r month, 0 per I “"PONTIAC LAKE COTTAGE S rooms furnished, lot 45'xl25' deep - 35' on water, good fishing, all set up ready to move In. Price 30,000, $1,500 down/365 par month I land contract. , Everett Cummings, Realtor 1 - 3503 UNION LAKE ROAO ---- rrsr- r 302.73" h Anchor tones. ( ^53!*Tarms X GILES REALTY CO. INDEPENDENCE TWP. ai AL PAULY Evas. OR 3-7393 iWcar ga-iarge carpaiaa living room, s. Good rental area, e-rice m-i wim fireplace. Hot water heal, des furniture - S2.SOO down will situated on approximately 4W idle, call today. v acres, plenty of treat, wifi con- sider on otter on land contract. ! WATERFORD REALTY ’ LA«MENT IM D. Bryson,“Beoltor OR s-ms DAiClYlCNI IN — Dlxte Hwy. Van Walt Bldg. | on a beautiful jot with lust— 1 OPEN !' DAILY 2 TO 9 L SAT. AND SUN., 1 TO 6 EQUITY TRADE IRWIN HRMPR..J 2’/t ceramic tile baths. Laundry, kitchen with bulK-lni. Eating area overlooking the, lake. Full basement with .furnished roc room. Some of the] many extra features are; hot I price only liSS%0. I i tor this bargain of tl OFF BALDWIN: , . t bedroom, good alzall room, kitchen and bath, ana floor. Needs redOf but • aoad value at price $7,500 GI terms. John K. Irwin K $0RS, REALTORS’ *13 Was* Huron—tinea 1925 Buying or Sailing Call FE 54446 n kitchen, ^ . tnis is a Terrific ouy at only ! 313,730, Id us arrange the f)-,- nandng lor you. ; TIMES wlLL BE CLOSED SATURDAY i /SUNDAY ■-••/* \h- •••" • / /uftyKiw* HAVE A SAFE AND WONQIREUL HOLIDAY 4* J. WHEN. YOU SEEK OUR SERVICE IS- "JOIN THE MARCH TO TIMES" Times Realty REALTORAPFRAISOR 5870 DIXIE HIGHWAY , ■ " '—wmiitwo Open 9-9 Dally i TAYLOR 8 MODEL See This OUTSTANDING VALUE 783* Highland Egad 5 ml lea Wait of city airport 3-BEDR00M TRI-LEVpl .30 3-BEDROOM, FULL BASI MENT RANCH FLANS PRICED- FROM $13,150 an yew let or aura WE ACCEPT TRADE-INS price? Privileges o j. A. TAYLOR AGENCY Real Estate—Building—Insuranc ’Ughland Rbatf (MSI) OR 44306 Evenings caH EM 34*37 t and recreation, r ELIZABETH LK. ESTATES l$P(E rtabla 3-be -walk to dBtecfi, Ivkia room and t _____ reatlon room Plenty pf space l keep your lawn mawar in tt IlKir garage. Lot* of Shade or a potto that I* axCeltant tor sun mar cookoute. , McCullough realty Large 15 room 3 story, on. 'amain street, dote to downtown. Ideal for. architects or engineering offices, doctors' ' clinic, finance office or fu- home sires. «r x in', sunnv Bench overlooking beautltu! Walters Lake priviogoa. 2 sandy benches, docking, $1000, $10 down, ~ ,«v -.0940 ing lor 75 cars. Terms. I WE' . WILL ■ TRADE RBoltors 28 E. Huron St. Open Evenings A Sundays 1-4 FE 8-0466 LAKE OAKLAND, 17S' FRONT, brick S bedrttom, 1 Vj baths, rec. room, bar, carpet, drapes, owner. OR 3-8381 or OL 1-3750. OPEN 3-5 DAILY /"BUD" WATKINS LAKE FRONT ' Relax ond ehfey the lovely''quiet atmosphere as you are enhanced 2-Family Income / Within walking distance to down-, town; five (S) rooms aod bath kins Lake — 'this home has many features-la en|oy. Nice sized living room overlooking the ladce. Handy kitchen with breakfast room, 3 down, 3 rooms, and' bath up, full basement, gas fired Steam heat, gas KM Water, 3 car garage, paved driva. Priced at 114.-*00.00, by appointmant only, additional bedroom In the bese-ment. Why don't you drive out and. see- It today, tha owners are( anxious to move up north — ttw Home or Income whether, you Ova ln,H or. rent !♦* »*» • good... teal at: oqty price hat baan reduced $2,000. Now only ttyjSO. Drive out MS* te Pom tlec Lake Rd., tem right to Eaten; than left to lnten*cttow of Cavort and Eason I3**0 Cowart). $5,950.00 cash; fly* (S) room*, east aide terrace, with toll base-■ mant, gas heat and hot water, close to school, but and stores. Ey appointment only. Let u* -VON- NICHOLIE-HUDSON ASSOCIATES, INC, 4* Mt. Clemen* St. FE 5-1201, AFTER 6 P.M. FE 4-8773 - GEORGE vdftDERHARR, Realtor in tea Mollr . MLS Ream llf 602-5002 . tt busy, (R2-SM Use Press Want Ads \ Press Want Ads Work 1 D—« THE PONTIAC PRESS. FRIDAY, JULY 1, lftflg Saod-Gravtl-Dirt 76 Livestock •UgKJMftT, TCP SOIL, "LL.ju-jMNTH.QI^ Slack 96mt/fSn^«AVlC children, fe mjjj a BUD BALLARD ilVEWAYl Afib , —iji»ej«hr. Fill. and gravel. OR WHO. BULLbbfiteo.. finish <*£*?£' tOPOOH. fl>d ““ reaiiMted. Stud aervlee, Call .t ", MUMS. ' V~ ' OENTLI OK SPIRITED MORilS far iala. Daubta (O) Ranch. Ml Cllntoavllla Rd. 473-7657. , ft ;___ liver is guarantee-1 ** -~~1. tact ton' 0*446111 OAnTLE MARE* m UNION! Rd.'EM 3-2410. - MORSEIACfl'RIDINO EVERY 6aV at tha 9Man H Cam). Also west- Trt.‘rtrisitt' tsua. orai/Tl. 61*3171. . / iEt-ll 4*0?4734404._____ _ [Wj^LCH AND jj!ACKNtV RORIES ___iJc lamL^Suil&ISs iUK alv. Sand, preveL fill dirt. OR Hay- -Grain-Feed TOR SOIL •&V or MAMmi ALFALFA. CLOVBR, TIMOTHY, -~i ^ i—=a crimped hay. Rick up In field,- 40c Pets—Huntina Ooas 79 j Hh. Holcomb and Bint Rd., near raw—*wraiinj *»«»• ^ ciarkston. Frank H. Williamson. POODLE TRIMS, SHAMPOOS, „ clean with MO Lustre. slKtrlc *' SOU^TON.'tHE RUB THaTTS. --- *he spot with Blue Lu»-,, . Dnnn,c tbims. «■■»—■»■■■ electric ^T^eteTalso^pups;>wks.*a£-a«y». I ALFALFA AND EROME . HAV 'reasT also puns, 4 wKl. 625-2675. ALFALFA AND HOME H»Y - t-F^i^TlR 1 ^.^gj-r^oS: Fgg&OR-” ^ StWVwM*. service. IMATODDS, 33tfl». , . J Fr, fBd J|f 028-1037 after 7 p.m 'REGISTERED ROODLE PUPPY, 2822 Homer Rd. Okfohd. No $uo-3 unregistered, 425-ay■ >. day colli. J * — with faucets,' fl4.PS, toUatii !*H«:2-3 MONTHS POODLE FURS, A Michigan Fluoraacant, 913 Orchard! jature size. Male. $55. Ftmali#. Lak». FE 4-MMb / J I FE 3-347t. . I from m meon Lumt«. “ roof glint. $5.50 gal.; o appelate Af3-aiis. Northern Property 51-A OPEN 7 DAYS A REAL CORKER LOTS, 230 . For D J SLOCKS. stt Lake Rd. n Scott Lake, i. Place needs n erry et G>nwood Snip Household Goods iiHng.9xj-2 Linoleurri Rugs* 65 For Sole Miscellaneous 67 n« Qoklond-----------------— — andTeat OUR PRICE -rs exp: In tome locality. I i and Rheem furnaces — mostly beaole pup. W. 33*4933. . •I DACHSHUND PUPS.810HOOWH. OEKALS LAYING HENS, STILL A AKC-Terms. JAHEIM5- RE 0-2530.1 M Mr cent production, oraln f« TERMS. I good itewers, S.7S each., d.000’ f choose from. Eoolend, 573 Unto 65-ACRE FARM! ' BLACKtOP ROAD , MILES 6. OF LEWISTON PARTRIDGE REAL ESTATE e business I vinyl Asbestos tils 7c s handles' i 'nlaid tile Ox*" 6c e T Floor Shoo - z255 Elizabeth Lake Across From the Mall'' NEAR DOWNTOWN, ON JUDSON * all city improvements. PE-2-3303 PINE LAKE. SEVERAL lOO'XtSO' MIST Complete w d (arm tools. Can h tr* wean. 'ered 84.00 par wp*. . j at, >200. foe. condition. 6S2-6368. . 7c ea I Goodyear Service Store I aluminum prom apache boat, ' K ea.Uiw nib* Pontiac 839: Outboard motor, 3Vj h.o., 831 yaw ** w -**....................lSSSEI Gas Jndnorotor, tts. Now tone] „ ...'HURON FE 63581 ] »*■■»»» rium mo moil | ^ . . I **" h°°d' >' * * Zig zog towing machine. Embrol-I jg, ^rt«4*32 SSTSi- 2’% nSSh-' am .^tsraFTWI ^ MU:HIGAN'» ‘l aVGEST (REAL) ders, appliques, buttonholes, etc. —I |y accepted 5-year guarantea plus HWY OP 3-9767 _ ___.__-inVTn—ana'Pv 1 wFFirt m D. - farm seryict sjore, QWf.n.]W|* lalt rnodol, school trade-in — new lessons. Call credit manager at - YOUR machine guarantee. Terms of 16' CERTIFIED SEWING CENTER, ------------ tar Fox • in years. Exc. tar private, orgsniz- , at ion, or commercial use- Write or call F. D. Roussln, Broker. 217 Mason. Cadillac. 77S-99ta er Floy(l Sundstrom, salesman, 77T FREE COLORED BROCHURE ORE GAS . STOVI, clock timer and see-in oven ‘griddle. _ _ . ______ ___ _____ . ____ FE 2-6457. ._________________! m^ine guorjnlee. Terms of $6' CERTIFIED SEWING CENTER. WELDWOOD________________________________________ UNiyrasAi co fe 4-0905 ti£*m toiTvwrw-ag headquarters * f,^ BraW^e& 8?| w°"wA.Yn^W a^oie B ADMIRAL REFRIGERATOR TV SET. S2S, REFRIGERATOR. 83S. CLlflT0N 'POwTreS RIDINGlHand TOOif—Machinery 68 ENGLISH SfeTTER ______ _• 1_________msm. gas stove. 135. electric stave. S3S. lawn mower, new Porter bell sand-, ----—------—I r I and conr WARREN STOUT; Realtor ! APARTMENT SIZE 'REFRIGERA-I punk beds, mlsc. FE S-3766. V | *r, 3 floor lamps. OR 1-7792.. Is. AND 10-VARD DUMP TRUCKS.] be 1450 N. opdvke Rd. FI H*] •*'*'*?' ■ CondH'on.LJgw*, ■ . COIN COLLECTION F0R'~ULT;[ Irwn 82ta up.-Bav Clty crsns) Cit| I IY 3-32B (Vim Evm. *111 C D.lH. I V* KTHf, f*c >17tb. WASHER 125. GAS STOVE# S35. RE*| uoo pe 3-7S3i. • I Diesel, $4,000; AHft --------------------I-------------------- * i-w- -.--VI HgnHI ------- * 7—- -■ —-------------------------- bulldozer, 1400 hr*.; LomT CONCRETE STEPS I 're'Nra-.MOO ---------------------- Ion, Ortonvllie, 1 TO 50 * LAND CONTRACT1. stock. HMreulli , Depend I traders I ____ mite* I Mackinaw Bridge. Hunter's ad paradise. Price reduced 8 acre tor ntxt. 15 days. \. I dTS ACTION and contrac Srnitgr.~97W tilMbtth1 ' ]AUTOMATIC WASHER, A llton gas dryer, like 3-6024 aft. 6. I HAM. frlgerator with top froezar, 363-71B5 "Winn wtth Shinn" 676-30041 FURNISHED CABIN ON HIGH U)T, . I40'x200' im^ttobowMooo. Rlvor- %Srstef4( AUTOMATIC ZIG-ZAG " WELCOME 30 W wii secretary, ♦ HILLTOP ANTIQUES p.SjFteofwi 1 ______Cleveland 91 dllch r, 8800; Barber Green 44e dlg-n... 1331 s,jh,b.w Rd. view. 86,500. Terms. Loke Orion lor detail! ____ LAKE HURON FRONT ON Wanted Contracts-Mtg. 60-A “Sewing machine. Repossessed — mio ,m» MU,,-h - ------- -— ----------- 196S "Fashion Dial" model — Ini fMfum Borne ' 1 1 Tfl cn - walnut cabinet. Toko over pay- J2ante?'|n the! * 1 ' •? 50 mqnts ol 85.50 PER MO. tor • mpsnies th^ LAND CONTRACTS 1 “ ............................. ^ ““ wooded rniimi butter DEHUMIDIFIER TO TAKE MOIS-] American Stone. _____ . supply- of Napco wiTe.l tarffrom damp baooment. 3636217.'u„ unuaar-H lathe vi novelty and utoful articles. Co MODEL NO. 606, 6 h.p. with rscoll . starter, and 32" rotary mower. Was ■ 8649.90. NOW, 8S03. II. 4740013,. WYMAN'S USED BARGAIN STORE ,A, _ • At Our IS W. Pike Store Only FE 4-0905'Odd tobies end lamps From Sl.PS LIVING chsir DIVING BOARDS '•10'*12' AND 14' FACTORY DEFECTS spot wtldor, S50e. OR 34514. 36' SEMI STORAGE VAN, A OR 3-0920' . 590.000. 85000 Resort Property 52 j HEW COTTAGE AND WOODED i. Private ,9V ELECTRIC LIGHT FIXTURES FOR frii^-.TCarsjIra os ell rooms. 1986 desions; Dull down, Lamerai MANY OTHERS KING BROS- FE XTOT----- KlftENS, FREE, I WKSTOLD. FC -ajrawa -sm g&naigg : From ss 95 Dravton Pool SuDDIv Co.' I •»«»* *«" bowery, otartorlHler., HjBhtand jM^tertterjfiwte 4 TRACT0R, ALLI«HAUA»Ri,C- »””|4>«S HW° pp y 47^734 2?^* “-"‘V V2& -“"T' **1 gg *?n»rt>SXi»a,m''''or Ton ’wriikerT 053-1761 months, sll while, children's ! reword. 363-2773. ______, ------- 70 male dachshun67 r m°nt+1s' wanted garden tractor. < i papers. F E 6-3750 alter|i.b, MnltailMiTBWW < M TroY*TTrEllBrB- 88 '"miniature POODLES, *61 3445 Chollco, FE 4-8076 mm POMERANIAN PUPPIES, ORANGE ' 711 sable, fomote. AKC rag. OR 4-*”» 11 .........Mmpioo. HASSELBLAD JM0C. IMPORTANT . ... fsctorv can olve. Mich-1 accessories. 8495. 336-1535. SSP- 0rch*r<1 Musical « A n qsrass. Bra , band] 4.|yy3. Sfu?* rlat.^rh Mtiocarymv Top-Quality Merchandise 'BESS** drum ** im wo^commirct Rd. union Shop AT GALLAGHER'S ! • gy,«,felg»' 8hol, ,fl REGISTERED .. washer. Restaurant equipment, j-- T«i«araoh terrier, mate, l . -r ... — — —---------... . .. fedeL^kta^r^i.,:^-sSniVp.m i | •«. Jj" .cemon* block..'*FE 4'05a wJMgS: I FE w WOLVERINE~l6vyx7, NO~CAB 1959 SCOTTY SPORTSMAN 13'. 995 pies tar solo OA 8-3397. ig. sleeps 5. Stove, Ice refrlaere REGISTERED WIRE-HAIRED FQX tor, sink, 13 gal. water tank. Clos . . -,j *■*»-' - ~ ndltlon------------ ing, hand toolt.oll’BALDWIN SPINET OROAN^AL- * * chlhuohc _ . T940 FordOWVinoL^-"1 ^mu!I service tar wms. Ft 3-1497. FOX TERRIER! I AND SEE WE NEW] ■«RPmPg«l P*BP LEW BETTERLY Dodge Pickup, GMC 1955 Vi other Items. Also somoii terns. Sate, Sat. 2, Sun. M PE 2-9429, Vi mite north of t-75, on Lapeer Rd._____ floor models. GIBSON l-ROOM AIR CONDITION- JAfK HAGAN MUSIC & 34958 3^16 p^yk*' Cill| 469 EII»bfth Lk. R'EGISTERED WEIMARANER. PAP- 81295 will sloop .' _ uviiiu 12—Travel-mates I r, shots. MV 3-5574. SIAMESE KITTENS—REGISTERED.j s on display. .______________ . 635-3111 ____ I SPRINGER SPANIELS, 2 MONTHS. h registered, T'"*’ - children. 476-3538. Farmington. GARAGE SAL£: CALL EM 3-44031 - I FRETTER'S,WAREHOUSE OUTLET] FE 11650 S. Telegraph FE 3-7051 '^tegj I DOUBLE BED COMPLETE; DISH-; es tor S. Hoover eloc. floor scrub-I her, elec, appliances) 3 rocking 433 W. Huron 334-5477 cn*ll!*< "Vy-. m----- For Salt MiicBlIaRBOus 67 [GARAGE SALE. 400 E. SHEFFIELD ■ SI. FE 54643. 1959 Ford, 875,1 portqble TV, 850, paint sprayer, . EXPERT PIANO MOVING DiAKirtc WANTED EV >7121 THE -BEST OF A WATCH DOG, ----- Elkhound, 1 vr. aid. I Or FE 2-0764: Streamlines-Kenskills Franklins-Fans-Crees and Monitors v DRAPES FOR W WINDOW. GOOD condition. FE S-5065. , ELECTRIC SEWING MACHINE. Haywood-Wakefield tables, youth bed, toy endst, platform rocker, portable garbage disposal; large mirror, end mlsc. FE &907. I FOR kALE: 40" FLpRENCE -white, olpctrfc stove. I OR ***' AND STATE LICENSE. CALL FOR FREE ESTIMATES. PONTIAC MEAT4NG CO. 67436)1 OR 682 STi Sh Moving Co. 371 I flute, $28. 3 ] Step in or phdnoFE 5-$V31. Mr!'CWix:g..commercial, C0RWj8E| HTO-THMlff tittirnr j frontage on' M24 sd|accnt to-GTR. ’ " lit, SOt. 9 ELECTRIC STOVE fh( double oven, 2 occasional choirs, davenport ond matching WBAtEE—« vifh. double -- HAMILTON-ELEGTRtC «RYER-r-c pliteV tTo.26 par 300'*. Clothing, mlsc. Iter ------h hign pressure, HOSKINS RENTAL 8, TORI ** ^ ---------- - w 1450 N. OgdykaRd. ____________ ' TOtf-XTS^T^WATKIteS-PONTIAC ~E»‘- -ac-asnm*-tates. $5,000. FE 84504, after 4:30 M ACRES i south side of Lake Artaelus Rd. The whole piece tar Sis,000. Will divide in holf. Look it over. If interested, coll owner, Fj; 5-7165. ClarksWWa # tenant hous# o R0LFE H. SMITH, Realtor . 244 S. Telegraph E 3-7040 • EVES. FE 3-731 * - TO SETTLE ESTATE ^1^1 fireplace screen interested ' " " ‘ GARAGE SALE; FURNITURE — lawn mowers, lawn, furniture, ___________________ ______________ washer, gas dryer, TV, grill andiFE 5-9545 — CHRIS CRAFT. ALL PARTS Clothing. FE 3-4374. ' muflltfH t'ZjBB new, V* power, trade tar dean GAS RANGE, $10. WALLACE 612-4613. Corvette. 3324394. ______ FE S-7805 Swops -.. -L—a—.——^( . 63 . la ADULTJOODL^REGISTERED; ’BIRDS'VINYL BIDING"- IRRIGATING SYSTEM, O'/i HORSE Won't Btnl or icroltB. no nalnt to] tEJBO oil. apocMv pump, isos' of wear out, 4s color goes clear] portable plpe c o m pie t a ,-:“1 through. The toughest of all sid- sprinklers.and fittings. Milford Ina In beautiful clapboard design, ssia: "Bird" — quality. ~ ,_T.. BITTERLY MUSIC; MUSIC FESTIVAL _ * TRADE-IN PIANOS Choose tram uprights, grands, eti and consoles. CONSOLE PIANO $369 NO“S»tr"7irr AtrsTioNUND sat- , urday. All sales to bwwwdl||d||b ■ day night until Sept. Volloly - OL 1-6023 I table lamps" » BUICK CONVERTIBLE, SWAP OE FILTER FLO AUTOMATIC) I Sfslock & "Kent, Inc. >•' 1309 Pontiac State Bank Bldg. | i™t>lo< 1330-V394 330-9295 j bOdrooi d "ZONED MULTIPLE trade 8395. OR 34277. __ HwvjFOR'SALE OR TRADE, 1952 1NfER-| eluding, Garrard tu r mo. national Tandem dump truck, OL nol master. ompWll , 1-0751. ___________ _____| speaka/s. 3354705. FOR SALE l TREADLE AND. 1 ELECTRIC Singer sowing machine. Good con- dlllon. 334-4171.____________ VALVE RIPACIR, BORING BAR, oil stove. Arbour press, steel cob-1 _____OUTtBT supplies, pot supplies, light i, paint — ail colors, ladles , toys, books, mst. ______ .... Queen and King sites. Over 10,000 “ ‘ ■ w. 23d Dixie 9. Sot. 94. dosed Sun. FE 64205. GRINNELL'S (DOWNTOWN) 27 S.' SAGINAW , Pulsnackl OR 3-5594 DR TRADE EQUITY! ....i 50'xi50‘ shaded lot, vileges on Crescent Lake, i from lake, lor ctf*n 3 CLARKST0N REAL ESTATE tral High, 17 to 20 units. All utilities. Walking distance to General Hospital and downtown. Excellent! -rental location. Possible office rmxmt i REALTOR-APPRAISER j HOUSEHOLD SPECIAL _,.J0 A MONTH BUYS 3 ROOMS OF ___ FURNITURE - Conllstl of; >v " iu—T«sT~Se S-Plec* living room outfll with 2-olece uii- living room suite, 2 step tables, I ’ cocktail table, 2 table '■>"«. *~il P5Jrtte!b^rJ2l. Ul t'xIJ'.rug lnduded. I WEDDING DRESS, SIZE lt.,1 SET LAWN ■Equipment OfflCB Auction Sates Campmate Truck Campers Franklin Truck Campers EVERY FRIDAY , 7:30 P.M EVERY SATURDAY 7:30 P.M EVERY SUNDAY , .2:00 P.M Sporting Goode-All .Tyoos Door Prizes Evoty Auction Wo Buy-Soll-TfOdo, Retell 7 days • Consignments Welce"** BAB AUCTION 5009 Olxla Good Used Travel Trailers . From 8875 to SI395 OR 3-3717 FIRST OF THE MONTH Clearance Auction Sale FRIDAY, 7:30 P.M, Saturday, 7=30 p.m. SUNDAY, 2:30 P.M. TRUCK LOADS OF NEW AND USED FURNITURE AND APPLIANCES r G A R W A Y 18', SELF-CON- I 3. OR B-1971, 1966 NIMROD CAMPERS CftUISE OUT, INC, 5 E. welton, dally 94 FE 14403 I, Apecho lor, f mile 72 s 7-plece bsdroo -1 dresser, chei ] innersprlng r box taring si II size b d matching FE 5- HI HILL VILLAGE a Hillside Drive ui Sal* or Exchange Hi Coast v i • to \ . Coast ! Trades. 58 WRINGER WASHER itrlght. 820) SS7 ' ■OR 4-1087 Sale Clottiliig FLOOR LENGTH WE0DING GOWN - size 714. $50.”ExC. FE 4-3287. FLOOR LENQTW WKWNO GOWti, WYMAN FURNITURE CO. L HURON , ' Tg S- 4 chrome]S ROOM OIL GUN BURNER FURN-8399. Your! oco with oil ducts, oil hot Water ’t. heater, stovge . link. 8150. 474- -| 1790, coll onytlms. ROEHLER COUCH, ______ . long) and chair. Block and gold, excel, condition 885. 332-3976._I Ploitlc WoN tl_ _____Coiling tile * « ■2150 BB6 Tilt, fe 4 HRUM RUGS 83.95 EACH t 1073 W. Huron. 0. 653-5371. | Salt Household Goods 65 I movingj*; 14x14' wall'Tent, S4S or sew 15 STORM WINDOWS. 525 . I52-J M6 ELECTRIC'MN, 4 5PECOS EXPECT TO PAY ' LADD'S QF PONTIAC .M-24) Pontiac . 052-4536 - ■ ' ;■ FE.54291 jMm! FlWNT LOT ON 'J WAH ~ LakO. 83J00. 61140H or 693-1121. \ $277 Lbkc Orion-20 Acres tAVERN LICENSE & j restaurant , :k»e to Pontloc,V all >•* -to ;9°ij mV TT3 t I'll I 1 . almost' oil now, equipment, table ' 11LJ O L_ L_: • end ehelre, 01c. Reel eelete and _ I [1 II I . I ■' business 860.000. 815,00Mb handle.PlA * * A AA L 1 11 1 Make on appointment now tor - more tetarmottan. ROOM HEAVY MANUFACTURING INITURE AND APPLI' oncoe tor tow. 3354120., , j j MOVING. BARGAINS) APPUAttctS - Furnishings. Coll 'EM r3-4403, ‘umlshines. _ 2 through J '.MUST-BELL to reversion, i lawn roller, oer-■cue grill with spit. PR >-7445. VANITY LAVATORY. (COM. tele with taunt end cabT~" 59.95. G. A. Thompson, - 10 C06i5PLETE|*9', APPROXIMATELY, OF — i^'¥5t,i0ld'f 1nT!,uT' Li®"' tenelng with goto ■ Best jotters. MY £tt01. [ I ' f , fittings. Rolled. .Used only 6 '{NEW TRAILER BED. COMPLETE.! M0.6364D43, * i ^ 825. 20 N. Tlkten, Trailer No. 30. ' ir - 3-SECTION M Tractors—Mowers Simplicity—Bolens lawiTBPy—Jacobson Yardman—Hahn Eclipse Snapper—Comet McCulloch Chain SoWs UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER, 820 474-1413. CaH Between 1-5 BLOND OAK SECRETARIAL OXSK. * id consltlon. Mutt toll oramplly-i 6-7109 or Ml 7-B452- ] 71 HOUGHTEN & SON 528 N. Main OL 1-9761 ROCHESTER MEDICINE CABINETS. LARGE 20" mirror, oll^tty matred, 53.95; largo sated Ion of cabinets - . Tor- teWIng machines, dishes, antiques, | toys, lawn mowers, etc. Hundreds; of other articles too numerous: to mention. < APACHE ' RAVEN m HAOIN ULTRAS mONI# woods# matched set. McGregor too - JHUI new condition, $150. PE 4-3M5. 1966 NIMROD CAMPERS CRUISE OU1.JNC. 65 E. Walton dally- 94 PE 14402 BOWS, 6 Gene's A "GUNS—I ____-iuY*t-SCLL-titAbi BURR-SHELL 3^3 5. Telegraph GOLF CARTS. *400 VALUE, 8195. rifle buys. IMIchlgOn Fluorotcanl, 393 Orchard Loko. FE 44443. CY. NEIGHBORHOOD GARAGE SALE, d BB-MiaK%Wh___________‘.. "supply days, NEW GREETING CORD STORE: / ' FE 3-7W) —‘ilng. Greet Ing cards, Bow | 1,1 ' .- Primitive Lore el Michigan . PERKINS SALE SERVICE AUCTIONEERS Phone SwartzTreek, 63G9400 1 size bed, ejedrlc end nd get electric railing tend, cloee to t-75, frontage on 2 roads Beau-'i, IMul^lte for country’ Ostota. Reduced to 53340* terms. •; ___ frontage. Somo b____ property.jq9.700 Terms. , . TELEGRAPH RD. City of Pontiac, 8200 mentt [ aq, ft. plus basement. ' parking. 1 OUTFIT BATEMAN AniMtt.Inc., Reoltors ' I- E. Murat! St. .3114) Open Evening* * Sundays 1-4 COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT • Unt. Telegraph FE 8-9641 May l LITTLE JOE'S- ' BARGAIN HOUSE 61 .Baldwin at Welton FE 24442 ." First Traffic light south et I-7' Acres of Free Farklng ten Eves.. Til » Sd. ‘ i? Dixie-Hwy. 4734011. SMALL VfANT ADS BIG DEAL FOR YOU! AIR CONDITIONER SALE 00 BTU, 110 mite, Tto amps, a Instant mount kit, moroty plug o house cwTtnl. Now ftear mod- FRETTER'S WAREHOUSE OUTLET 1650 8 'Talaoranh FE S-7G51 PUMPS, -SOLD ments', ortetoc_I...B tend gifts. Forbes Printing and Office Supplies, 4500 01x10, Dray-ton, OR34W7. NMi VIU. AND HOOP WEDDING gown, tall length, olza 10. Man's wedding ring, el» Soad—Gravtl—Dirt Rees. 335- FljcHK. TAB.L tt, Pjjj SIZEV town, ornament* and gifts * “—3 Outpost, 33SS Dlxl Tim ■OR 3-9474. PLUMBING BARGAINS. Stondteg tpltet; SIMS. ____________ heater. 847.95; Iploco bath Mt8 0*9.95. Laundry trev. trim, 11995; -*---------- trim 034.95; , 02 95) Lav*. 0245) ■=i ' TUESDAY, JULY 12-9 A.6A, 76 Perry Lumber & Coel Company 1 , lias Pony. North at Hawoll Lumber Ihvonlory — Bldg. Materials Hardware-Fixture*. Write tor Mlf STAN PERKINS, AUCTIONEER SWartz Creek -1 TOPSOIL, SAND AND G *—*---- Backhoe • Dazing, Cl :en‘s Dirt At. JO^iRCURT, tlAILBR | Sl.rcr.ft-MFO-' .... _______,__ Johnson Boat* (MMMH , . . JCRAFT BOAT, 40 H.P. MO- Weeres Pontoons and Water Blkri / TOR AND TRAILER, 674-2456, , "Double AA Motor Repair Riling" R|«— yi an(j Used ThlCkS FORD DEALER Since 1*30" On Dixie In Waterford at the double stoplight • OR 3-1291 • ,>N GLASS BOAT, 40 HORSE r NEW LOCATION ^ For Stachlers V mile wool of our old address) (M muddy foot) Modern service facilities Up .to data access. Dlspiey INSPECT CENTURY-, MALLARD SAGE- TA6-A-L0N6 Parkhurst Trailer Sales FINEST in MOBILE LIVING M ft. Feeturino Node "~ Buddy end Nomads. Located ball way bi Oxford on MM, Country Cousin. M I eight s SEE THE FAMOUS Canvas Back Camper by Mallard DISPLAY MODEL ON SALE $695 103iNaw and Used Trucks Pgr? [INTERNATIONAL 1-TCTN F» I 3 Autobain n Motors, Incr. j . 677 S, LAPEER RD. Mn-2041 ■HOMER HIGHTT !A1 Hanoute Inc. 1 REPOSSESSION Motors, Inc. .wasr 1962 CHEVROLET wale 4* cylinder 4 door s. Automatic transmission, i ainlon River, 3 FORD Flio l-TON 4-CYL|N-|1765 S Teieii «r with 4-spaad transmission. I lit. A ssnux snan 1 C,rP AT BUCKETS. ANY OLD CAR AND PAYMENTS OF JUS' WEEKLY. CALL ““ '* ‘ ISM, SPARTAN. DOWN m CAS t-l IttiMTCHEWOLET ST AT I ^ ' •*?, oh. This csr Is Ilk* i don't find another I tic price only STAKES a^d-OLIVER Autorama PUMPS ■’ . MOTOR SALES BUIOrC < blue f inish w ,rVr' $795 BIRMINGHAM /% CHRYSLER • PLYMOUTH i860 S: WoOOwtrd Ml 7-3214 1*62 CHEVY '4 'bbOll BEL AIR. j 6 cylinder, automatic, radio, axe. condition, FE 5-IOSf. 1 parking aegacaa. I upen j 10 0—7 days 'a wee. MIDLAND TRAILER SALES 22S7 Dixie Hwy. 33S-0772 • • ' th of ' ...... ...... JEROME PORth LocheitersFarJ Dealer. OL 1-0711. S CHEVROLET to TON PICK-' "starter’ end "beltery7'Flrle S./Blvd. at Saginaw FE *9587 «—»•>■ Big * tnglne and standard , ■ - ^.^S^ssssia/ Why buy i~n thTdork? i ■ cnua?°Asu?' M Rh i*°martoS^ We have a7.tine selection elluaad; ^^ochesters Fart Dealer OL 14711. SSb- mSu Sfi. or iuk.m 7\ F0*°.' 1963-1964-1965 fSdrD F-4D0 - 3x5 Dumps • $J995 to $2995 - i Save Aula. FE 5-327S. Bargain Minded Used Car Buyers Attention I '•Our 12th • ANNIVERSARY SALE HOURS: MdNDAY THRU FRIDAY, P—. T—U. C_______ *:» e.m. M 1:00 p.m. SATURDAY "Bill irgiigr spacB . ... * CLOSED ~... •1963 FORD N-75 " wheel base, will 1 ly. 332 Cu. In. enolne. ALL OAY. SUNDAY. | . horsepower Evinrude trailer. Weekdays OL ] if chris^raft; im il__TJCKY AUTO |HAWAIIAN GARDENS MO:TCamoM^ai NEW MOON ALUMINUM FOLDING! camper, sleeps 4, with cook fonf.s S175. FE 2-5351. • ; .xa6el Naugahyde deck, head, 3S Johnson, custom trallar, ext 626-4505. WOLVERINE -* Also Phoenix I Instajl 0 Orawtite Hitches HOWLAND SALES AND RENTALS 3245 Dixie Hwy. . OR 3-145*1 Open 9-a.m. Ill * B.m.___ bile Home Park; situated on Lake Maunaloa. Carat | spaces, soma lakeside j 5 still available. Applications now being accepted for couples nearing re- _< tirement or retirees. 4501 East Grange Hall Rd., HoI-Im/m ly, Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. j Earl Bither, managers. k-TON FLEETSIDE. eclair Posl-traclion — arlngs end shacks, . 6- PICKUP COVERS, $245 UP. It'S" cabcovars. Si,2*5 and ui T S, R CAMPER MFCS. CO. PIONEER CAMPER SALES ] • Barth PICKUP CAMPERS BY TraVtf Queen — Overland _ Concord trailers. MERIT FIBERGLAS . ^ TRUCK covers TRIM LINE CAMPERS BY COLEMAN THE GREATEST NAME IN THE GREAT OUTDOORS________ 1360 W. HURON FE 2-3»B* RENTALS — 15 FT. AND 16 FT. modeli to select f roam SK FOMruck Dap*. ft 54101 John McAuliffe Ford 277 West Montcalm Av» ~~ ck East oTOak I. JOHNSON, ! MORE MONEY Paid For Sharp Cars Heater, defrosters, back- A PINER SEL ----- Sefoq. . . | . 'VW . COl-Lj Except end w« repem * except at: OPDYKE MOTXJRS ! ‘ 2230 Pontiac Rd. n t Opdyke CONVERTIBLE. up lights, seat belts, 2- speed wiptrs, washurs,! _________ inside rear view mirFor 1*60 TR3, 57KL OR BEST OFFER (945 .BUICK SPECIAL CONVERT-1 vner.Custorer* MtlUxe.jlr 612-1855. 1959 CHEVROLET lira, eulomitlc framstnlselon, r $1779 jncluding.all taxes 1 625-1747. 11*60 MGA, NEW TOP, NE1AP TIRES,! ,1 good condition, 5695. E4WA 3-7565. 1*60 OPEL WAGON, TOR CONDI,- SO SIMCA STATION W>A FISCHER ) i BUICK: is ell (InancBrvcj ■FI M071 , LUCKY- AUTO" 1*40 W. Wide Track FE 4-1004 or. 3-7854 1963 CHEVROLET SUPER SMRt with 4-spaad transmlsaton and 40* angina that's rated at 470 h.p. for mora Information. . PONTIAC'S ONLY EXCLUSIVE TRUCK DEALER new, 1597 lull price. Marvel Motors) 554 S. WOODWARD 647-5600 Capitol, Auto. Autorama Ellsworth Trailer Sales' *577 Dixie Hwy- . Take your----------- you this summor In a — FROLIC-BEE LINE DRIFTWOOD — SCAMPER or tha luxurious *" BOLES AERO travel trailer or Truck c IA. 290 CC.I... ■ —V-- ______- ' i*4S LAMBRETTA. 17S CC GOOD convertible top, air h 1. 1350. Ml 4-03*1 < $695- fill out-slate orders, and to stock ■ my-jpt, that Is a tull..cHy, Blaekj ' GALE McANNALLY'S' Auta,Soles 1304 Baldwin . FE 14529 __Across from Pontiac State Bent j PAYMENTS TOO HIGH?- j We. bujt or will ad|usl your *ey- DON S USED CARS ' 677 S.--------- 1 *-'-1 GMC IMF- MOTOR SALES 2635 Orchard Lake Rd. 6B2-4410 ___ 1 Wile West el Telegraph _ 1*63 chevy HscAYNE 'Wagon, 1 VS straight slick, SljMO AAA S*ipl. , Factory Branch akldnd at Cass FE 5-9485) special, Only T" Mi Birmingham ■ CHRYSLER PLYMOO "■ . John Mc^uliff*. ' 1965 Buick ______ _»«»dltlon. FEi 1-1107 or II E. Long**0 low. Pontiac. !lt» .CHEVY f PASSE MGER WAG- on. SIM. All extras, dfa-y ___ CHEVY CONVERT R b/e HIGH', Gala AMAnnatly's Auto Salas Sport Ceupa. «_JS FOR SALE. CHURCH OR ^:amp, rest. FE 5462». ^ lutomatic transmission. IAS stick d. MW RAMBLER Cliieal- rip tiiioiHjtop ' ' 1*63 JEEP WeOuner ,1*61-1 RAMBLERS . . avertible ti7B8 '■ Devitl* Save .81*88 verp 81818 from lha* j -Good' Guys -at- Hunter Dodge ¥5^ Grimaldi Ilt27.wa. . HAROLD IMPORTED CAR CO. .xl^-11965 1966 Coronet $T,994.85 ~ plus'tax AND TALK ABOUT USED CAR VALUES 11966 CHEVROLET IAA Guy* In th* v^hiti hi TURNER I&Hrst fagoere. Full Price Like NOW . MUSTANG. -Hardtop. tr^MltAL BIDINd, 'F2B0. EARL Beckman, Hummar Ldta Rd., 2Vb| Beckman, Hummar l —1^iladofOrtonvIlk.. r housetrailer. ssot FREE-FREE .....very Suzuki, 13 months 1 12,000 milt warranty. Better thi .nythl^«n 231 W. Montcalm CLIFF DREYERS (Marine Division I 1J210 Hally Rd. Holly ME 4- Opdyfci 1 WILL PAY TOP DOLLAR-!'F9ii 1 sharp pick-ups. BUO MANSFIELD USED CARS 1501 Baldwin, 2 blocks N. el Walton 3-3841 flu ft wide Track) CHAMPION RACING MOTOR, M CdFFER 4B CENTS ANP UFi aSS; io7priv.fo|, HARLEY DAVIDSON, beach. Call affor 5 p.m. PE^atT MAIC0S, OSSA T THE NEW WHITES From 824* up. Pin* Loke Diving Center 35** Orchard Lk, Rd. 682-2180 LOOKING . Suzuki? Suzuki owner IMS MARLITTE. 10x55, 2 BED-rooms, eoparote dining room, an shaded earner let. 3354723. 1*65 RICHARDSON JIP X 12. CAR--ill attar 5, 85L5420. :«$ <- Junk Cen-Tracks 1 .2 AND 3 JUN1C CARS—TRUCKS, free tow anytime. FE 2.26k. TRUCKS RESORTER IN-j •'* |» h,^*5 •r, 119 ha. Gray, Fma teat. OR HI2L __________ 1 condition. 91900.1 ALWAYS BUYING JUNK ( —'-------------------------- -it fow. Ft 54N9. -, 10 h_a., h.p., (95. dLEAN 14' RUNABOUT. MOTOR.i-trailer, ’ many extres. — ' ■ QL1-BW3. ., • CLEARANCE! 1965 Modols : 1*57 AND 1*9* 977 West Montcalm Avar* (I Aiotlfi.olOakland Ava.) Jeep Clearance 25 Naw Jaaps on hand !Spartan Dodge Giedletor Pickups, I lilt N. of Casa Avi FE 64521 A FINER (EE EJECTION j GrimalSi. HAVE A HOLIDAY Discover the New World of owning a new Sports Car business Is 0T*>h bur larg« v-*-—-In salaii allows yt to sail for SO Select New-Used Sgaorti - Authorized Dealer FORD, INC. UNCOIN-MERCURY iiirmM000'***0 'iXr™* *^INSHA^ ON 1,17 CAD'LLAC CONVe«TIBLE,[fKi^vrfFA»SENGER, ALL •— g-aeetehery tomatlc^only *4*?. F*a0r 1961 VALIANT Wagon, Automatic ....$595 1964 CHEVROLET Convertible ..................$1695 ^Estate St dragel’’65 dodge coronet, vs. 109 S.-East Blvd. . Ffi 3-7161 automatic, radib, sharp ......... ..........$1595 *00 Oakland IU.S. 10) Fentlac -Authorized Dealer FE 54421 lire ter is excellent. Full prl< ' Marvel Moirorsi, 1331 Oakland Ave. _B^EE O-Wh! AT COLONIAL war Knowllnoly Underbold" MEDIATE OCCUPANCYJIN J OUR NEW ULTRA MODERN >A*K (Cernarot Mg at Opdyke) (rMSiWfW.‘» OPEN 7 DAYS naw shipment. No n Houghton lien, £«e. goodcandlt^anJFxlsgymod^ JUT siab taptle _ foi*. .W* Sitrlc. Jeflir* CUSTOM COLOR .1, Montcalm and 77 W. I (at Watt Wide Track) .; >, Fanttac Only , , , . , MERCURY-AAERCRUISER’DEALER BOOTH CAMFER FICK41P COVER CRUISE-OUT, INC. 1 M ISfifl - — 63 E. WalVon Oaih M ' FI B" . high, i Hingad In. Irani, White w\ wuDltwus Norton 750cc ScrrtMbw j 1 --' ^trlato-. Hrae, M ..lighting equlpmeql. Spacial. jlX DAWSON'S SPECIALS — SUN CLEARANCEI PRICES ON Tl______ MODELS! I -W Glasspar fiberglass deap Voutboard modal. |7‘ par fiberglass Inbeard wlH New Vamala so, at Ratal cheaper than awning. tnAJSENTA CYCLE 16 S, Woodward, Bgham I SACRIFICE. IMS HARLEY 76; elec. ttarRna. »so act FE 1-1919 attar SUZUKI CYdL.it, sKC-OstKc. Auff MkiHMkas at law at SIIBM. Take MS* to W. Highland. Right -Hickory Rldga Rd. la Oemoae g-K fflSic&iS Phone »«A* 9-317*. OJM.C USED 16' FfoargtaM runabout, akl mirror, home, $475. ' Glasspar, Staury, Mlrro-Craft boats. Evinrude boati and moteri, Grum and' Tamarac canaas, ^KW?Yb Mwl jwi iw< lrt)B 1M 1*46 INTERNATIONAL' Baal oftar averts*. FE Udga Rd foHgw ____;s at “ MA *-317*. Use Press Want Ads Press Want Ads Work 6734963, 3*54 Percy Kin*, CHEVY PICK-UP, CHEAP ________ . 6734387 1*55 CHEVROLit" ‘ berglass box. 1N4 Stanley B-14SS, - Ml CHOW 4. NEW EXHAUST system, I* box, — H “ 4 pm 674-WTir I FORD 1-TON, 6000 V ‘NEW LOW ■ PRICE 3966 GMC 1 ^-Tor. Pickup Heater, difrosters; bock-^^ up lights, seat belts/' V speed wipers, washers, in-sidf rear view mirror. $1777; including all taxes MG sporte eedan DOWN TRIUMPH Saltllre. SUM .... AAGB, While, test Offer IS* HEALEY UN, first 6784. f 'S3 Healey 3MB A Claisic. MM RPOSSESSION IMS CADILLAC DeVILLC-STYLED COUPE WITH FOW KIT QU0ISE FINISH. POWE READY FOR YOU. NO :an| PAYMENTS OF JU WEEKLY CALL MR. CMan, w 4521, IPARTAN. 1*62 CADILLAC SEDAN OHEViLLlJ 'actory air chndillonlng. I— *k# new 4150. FE 63974. LATE MODEL CA&ILLA9 1961 CHEVROIETS oor and' herdtaaa. 3 to choose i from; stick and •ca*omatks. Full | 1962 DODGE 880 Hardtop °b? prive!ta|V8, automatic, power steel-•*“* ing .;................................$895 ■ 1965 BUICK Hardtop. Like-....................$2195 Bank Finendng-EZ tarmt Complelt Peril end See-nric* ■ Grimaldi HAND AT Al TIAAC .'JEROME: IMPORTED CAR Houghten FACTORY; OUTLET i 28 N. Main Rochister: 011-9761 AT ORIMALOi, 99l6glrlM* CO - tt=K 54421; B_KCT10N GM ttmHCer* 1*55 BUICK 9FICIAL, NR — ——f7gjgg. • m ' TIRES >28*. 6514791. \£»br< (Owner'e Initials) Gale McAnnally't Auto 5 H63 CedMK conyer^-" Ish. excellent *.______ warranty. Summer SEE BOB BURKE 1304 Baldwin FE B-4525 Aerate tram Pwittac Stwtew ■ Capitol Auto 312 W. MONTCALM V__Juil east at Q»Bctand' , INI C0RVAIR 4 Dp(M, BLAI with automatic. 14*7 Foil Price. Estate Storage 1091 East. B'vd. FE 3-7161 " Hunter Dodge ‘ 'Wher* thi Hunt Ends" 499 S. Hunter Birmingham Ml 7-0958 Ml 7-0955 feu chevrolet^gr'eenbrier ♦ passenger. Standard trartsanfoafon, ----■*— —for Camp- excellent condition. 10 1*65 CORVAIR U tt aeata. Like n "vanTamr chew i CORVETTE, xMWit coodi i. 02-611$. METttkL-LIC BLUE, INI CHEVROLET STATI .____ MILFORD 163 CHEVROLET SUPER- SPORT Impata, all power MckedkiB windows. am mi. Frtvaea earaar, 9141k Kim _________ 1*63 IMPALA 4DOOR HARDtOF '—r steering, auto, white walla, tondltton. 6364775. . 1943 CHEVY BEL-AIR, 2 DOOh, whHewaito. Fl idBik. LLOYD MOTORS H4 CHEVY. 4tt, 4 SF«lc, power, «# down. ft-none* balance o« *1,749. LLOYD MOTORS ,1250 OAKLAND 333-7863 1964 CHEVY BEL AIA, 91050. OR 4-9966. I, ■ STICK, ie*4 Chevrolet Convertible Impale win, power steering —1 brake*, automatic tilt stw wheel. |l*d and black $897 'Ask'For The Dodge Good Spartan. Dodgei Autoramd *55 Oakland Ave, < Mile N. of Can Ave. FE MSB New odd UsmI Cars 1061MARMADUKE By Anderson and Leaning hew ini IM Can 106 E DODGE REBELLION .. Birmingham. *47-0955. 1964 CHEVROLET $1,295 • BIRMINGHAM ■CHRYSLER • PLYMOUTH In the summer weather, fllte, VS, power steering brakes and factory wr------ your protection FULL PRICE $2197 ‘ $1495! DOWjNEY • 0LDSM0B1LE, INC. 550 OAKLAND FE 2-8101. How .m. , 1959 FORD STATION WAGON - ] Runs good. $50. Save Auto. FE ; 5-3270. . ' __________ • 1959 FORD, AUTOMATIC TRANS-mlssion, runs good. $150. 334-9295. 1 1959 FORD, 1955 MERCURY.- BOTH in good shap ■ 4-1217. After HAROLD TURNER J FORD; INC. (j e 466 S. WQbDWARD AVE. BIRMINGHAM7 _Ml 4-750 j WE M/(VE JUST RELEASED 10 More 1966 Company Owned ’ Demos New Car Guarantee!' Mustangs . Falcons Customs • Customs 500s Galaxie 500s LTDs Tool T-Bird Convertible Station Wagon Save $$$ BEATTIE' fi How Am YOU Ifni For Wheels? 1965-FORDS. ■ 12 TO CHOOSE FROM ALL MODELS FULLY'EQUIPPED NEW CAR WARRANTIES I AS LOW AS , $49 DOWN Payments as low as ' •r ’ ... $11.95 • HAROLD TURNER FORD, ‘INC. 464 S. WOODWARD AVE. BIRMINGHAM_ M9 4-7500 11966 FORD GALAXIE 500. 4 DOOR f hardtop, vs, ayto-.. radio, low mile-I er’aFOTO* c*ntl,,*0n' Pri''»t« °wn-| JEEP, 1953, 4 WHEEL DRIVE, closed In, low bar, rigged tar -C.B. radio, many extras and very RIFOSSISSION 1901 PONTIAC CONVERTIBLE, POWER AUTOMATIC | ‘ READY FOR_ SUMMER New and Usad Care 106 Now and Used Cm 1965 BONNEVILLE' CONVDRTID*.*, ----WP. OR 37475. 2 Plus i........... . ! Estate Storage i 109 S. East Bivd. N,w ond Uied Cars 106 FE 3-7161 “Snyder, saying you had a BONE to pick with me was a poor choice of words!’’ 1963 PONTIAC LEMANS COUPE.- I. 049 down, weekly payments, *7.49., .LLOYD MOTORS 1250 OAKLAND 333-78631 JMF John McAuliffe Ford 1963 Pontiac Catalina Convertible $1477 ' Wt wvciai toi KEEGO Pontiac—CMC-Tempest ’ame location 50- KEEGO HARS 15 fiHnovlll«,^.M.--.p... tartay ^ brake*. othar extras, 1fc- "i Autobahn Motors# Inc. ; Public Notice Repossessions . The following cars will' be sold on or before Saturday, July 2 at Star Auto Sales, 40 0. Telegraph. Absolutely No Money Down AUTHOR I2E O.V’ 11765 S.-------- ■ —- - YOUR CHOICE. I960 SPRINT OR OTQ. Must Mil 1. 1966 BONNEVILLE, MANY EXTRAS •_________FE3-1393 1959 RAMBLER, 2-DOOR, AUTO-malic, 1965 Dodgt, 44““— - door, standard shift. ( 330-4410. 1961 RAMBLER STATION WAGON. NEED A CAR? 6 finance our 06m care. Credit or credit problems accepted. No applications refused. .Cell Mr. -* fe 0-4071 Or LLOYD MOTORS 1250 OAKLAND 333-7863 VALIANT _____OLDS TORONADO. AIR CONI’ dltloning, full power, custom trim, *1 many extras.. Ml 6-6607. REPOSSESSION, StaNM WaBon. ______ _________ no money down, 64.17 weekly. Cell^Mr. Mason, FE 5-4101, Me- 1959 PLYMOUTH 4-DOOR, RADIO, r ond Used Cart 106 i BETTER DEAL0 i King Plan Financing. Call ^ Mr. *30 0 1958 CHEVROLET Convertlbla j BALANCE DUE—$197 .. Waekly Payments 12 full price. LUCKY AUTO I 1940 W. VJUM Track . 'FE 4-1006 1960 DODGE T T Trrv A T TT<°!1 GLANCE DUE—$197 J-iUL/Il I 1 V^lwookly Payments......02 1960 BUICK IKE SAVOIEli Birmingham's New CHEVROLET DEALER 1104 5. Woodward Ml. 4-2735 1965 Chevy Impala Hardtop McCpmb. CllRYSLER-laYMOUTH CHRYSLER-P IMPERIAL OR 3-1291 __D N. Mein ’ _____________________________ ROCHESTER steering, , broke* air" conditioning. 11980 FORD 1-DOOR, 4-CYLINOER.I stereo, dark blue, sparkling beauty I) good mechanical condition, good - $2-595 tires. For .quick sale, $150. OR T T it r-r-K rev I960 FALCON 4 DOOR, LIGHT l-J A Q-lP TlxTCj 1 blwt, automatic. full price 0297. ^ ^ Estate Storage Chevy-Olds 109 5. East Blvd. FE 3-7161 les, fully equip 1100 alia fake Iveta 334-9295. AIR is Ford Convertible. Loaded. 64 Pontiac Catalina. 2-door hardtop. | Fully equipped. 41 F<0 Wagon Air. at Ford wagon. Radio and heater. 9 passenger. 3 to choose from 40 Chevy Convertible. ROCHESTER MARATHON . Rochester OL 1-33 1960 FORD . Station* Wagon With’ V8, automatic transmission, radio, heater.. Full price only $395 with Ne Money Down and just, $4.38 per week at KING • AUTO SALES J M59 at Elizabeth Lake Rd.; FE 8-4088 POM) CONVERTIBLE. BLACK How Are You Fixed' For Wheels? 2963 FALCON STATION WAGON WITH DELUXE TRIAL Automatic .transmission,. RADIO AND HEATER AND WHITEWALL TIRES, ABSOLUTELY NO MONEY DOWN, Assume weekly payments of ft JO. CALL CREDIT MGR. Mr. Parks at HAROLD TURNER FORD, Ml 4-7500. IMF John McAuliffe Ford 1963i Ford * Fastback t LLOYD MOTORS j 1250 OAKLAND 333-7863 •IMF John McAuliffe Ford . 1 1963 Mercury. 4-Door Wigon Cornel, deep see blue with, matching all vinyl trim, thirty 0-cyl. engine, radio, - heater, whitewalls. This immaculate--’---- GO!! HAUPT PONTIAC , 1965 PLYMOUTH j An extra-sharp Fury wagon would be lust the* thing wr* ywri summer vacation. Torque!life, V-8, J power steering end factory war-I ranty for your protection.. Lus-. trous turquoise finish |Wlth ! *" wlnyl puix'pricE - . $1,897 51200, by owner. 6734001. 1963 BONNEVILLE CONVERTIBLE. $1200. OR 4-2091._____________ whitewalls. 673-4041. In tha Whit* Hat" )* Good Guys' 1963 FORD Galaxie 500 convertible. .Spartan Dodge Thrifty 6 cylinder ... transmission. FULL PRICE $1397 1960 FALCON BALANCE DUE—$197 Weekly Payments . *2 1962 RAMBLER Station Wagon ~j . BALANCE DUE-$497 ! Weakly Payments . . ... 15 1962 CHEVROLET* Capitol Auto i 312 W. MONTCALM • ^ Just east of Oakland 1964 RAMBLER . | American Station Wagon i#}1 with exira low mileage.. J A sharp 1-ownerBirmingham new car trade. $895 J full price with bank rates, i j Many more to choose j from at -I Village J Rambler 660 WOODWARD BIRMINGHAM Ml 6-3900 RUSS J^S^.JjOHNSON sr The Dodge Good $888. ’ Get i BETTER DEAL" l ■ Cluster $99 down. 1*63 CUSTOM Wagon, 3 1 I rally! vacation $1,495 BIRMINGHAM ' CHRYSLER • PLYMOUTH . 'Spartan Dodge .11964 GRAND PRIX, NOCTURNE brakes, CLEAN 1956 PONTIAC, $100. CALL IMPEST l. while* bewails, Only - $1395. - 40 W. Wide Track THESE CARS CAN BE SEEN DAILY BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 1 VM, AND f P.M. AT 4 STAR Auto Sales > 60 S. Telegraph 2r Blocks South of Huron . Call Mr. Allen • FE 8-9661 1965 RAMBLER -"770" CONVERTIBLE 6-cyllnder engine, automatic tra mission, radio. Low mileage i real sharp! Priced to sail. ROSE RAMBLER-JEEP EM 3-4155 whitewalls St9 down. . steering, brakes, 1980 PONTIAC “ GTO 1164 BURGUNDY RED, ! $1395! (DOWNEY-n V1 . Uf . OLOSMOBILE, INC ' • vj/dKJ,a.iiQ On Main Street MA 5-5566 CLARKSTON SMSHELTON $999 How Are You Fixed For Wheels? 1963 COMET 2 DOOR SEDAN ----- -------.i.-n. Chrysler-Plymouth 724 Oakland Ava. ~E 2-91 SO - ..-T....*slan, Pull price, $397 assume weakly . We handle and arrange all nancing. Call Mr. Dan at: FE 8-4071 Capitol Auto 1965 PONTIAC CATALINA 2-DOOR P0NTIAC-BUICK 655 ROCHESTER ROAD 651-9911 1965 BONNEVILLE CONVERTIBLE,I- at ~ 1965 RAMBLERS DEMOS 4-doar sedans. Very low mileage cars. Only 3,000 . and 4,000 m!les. New Car Warranty. Only $95 down, 36 • month financing at Dank rates. Credit no problem. 8 to choose front 4S2-S6S1, 4:36-90 1 1966 CHEVY SS' .SW, 366 H.P., 3731 tomdtic'transml«hon,V HH _____________________ Posi-tractlon, 4-speed, low mile- Ing, 1 owner, $406. Phone 626-6(55. m. r.ll ImSim * n h. EC E.XH --------------“-------I-------------------------- 1966 CHEVELLE 396, MAR IMA blue, black vinyl top, W h.p.j 4 speed, posltraction, arMm vlbra-sonlc radio, red w»ii«. pf £m*i ,1 1966 MONZA ................. 1966 PLYMOUTH Satellite 1965 FORD WaHHjwm GALAXIE CONVERTI-Die, an power, new top, Burgundy, black, private owner. $1,050. 2515 Wlnkleroan. 6734636 1962'T-Bird .. siiso *2,600 nn S£|VS engine, automatic, has full pow< '3™ cordovan brown with white leal er Interior, anything down • monthly payments of 649.00. brive Away—Save More Fey 1 / \ hW ------------S%; /Bill Smith's : Wagon .... ............ 62.350 v 1964 DODGE Stake D-300 *1,659! ROCHESTER DODGE 1964 T-BIRD, FULL POWER, SB9 down, finance balance of 52,2*9. LLOYD MOTORS 1250 OAKLAND 333-7863 MERCURY PARKLANE. LATE ........ 4 dr. hardtop. Factory alrendition Ing. Full power, yery' ■ 1964 T BIND, ALL POWER I Ml 16. ”™r " 4 FORD 269 STICK, Nice CON Ion. 611*5. *1. Sales or 3-5260 Open Sun. 1964 FQRD-hGALAXIE 500 t top. Exc. condition, (Mil 6-2724. HEATER, BUCKBT SEATS AND WHITEWALL TIRES, ABSOLUTELY NO MONEY DOWN, Assume weekly, payments'of 66.92, CALL CRED- 1*64 MERCURY PARK LANE, brteityey, lull power, $69 down, finance balance of (1,769, LLOYD MOTORS 1250 OAKLAND 333-7863 * PLYMOUTH FURY, 5 GM KEEG0 Pontine-_JFamnoc ____ ___________ ______ heat drcuia-l tor,, rear speaker; good buy *550. 624-1420, after 2------ 1959 PLYMOUTH 9 - PASSENGER wagon. Good condition, best offer. 334-9496. ♦_______ - . WHITE, I960 PLYMOUTH, AUTO-malic, 6-cyl., exc. cond. $225. FE S-3746. 1____________• ■ _ ’ l*i2 PLYMOUTH STATION WAGON, * ■ k. Good second car. Power ring and rear window, ir paint touch-up. e , recent tune up. Excellent Pontiac—GMC—"Tempest Same location 50 Years" ______KEEGO HARBOR 1964 Pdntiac 'Boniieviri#"'conve'rilble. 1*6$ PONTIAC CATALINA CON-Excellent condition. 2-year war- vertlble, full power, tinted glass, ranty. Summer sale priced at 'whitewalls. FE S-2632. 1960 PONTIAC Hardtop with full power, j ........ _ This car is in showroom SEE BOB BURKE condition. Full price only H 304 Baldwjn FE 8-4525 $395 with No Money1 Acro,,,rwnPo Down and just $4139 peri ,Village Rambler, 666 WOODWARD BIRMINGHAM Ml 6-3900 KING 1964 VALIANT i AUTO SALES has’^factaiY IM59 at Elizabeth Lake Rd. . FE 8-4088 $1297 Autorama •P- I960 BONNEVILLE LIKE NEW# beige brown# full power# full price of Only $695.', I Marvel Motops ■re PULL PR ice $1,697 * i "Ask for The Dodge Good.Guys In the White Hat" Spartan Dodge A C BONNEVILLE' 1966 CHEVELLE 73)6. ir trade In. Fully .equipped. - $1,295 BIRMINGHAM CHRYSLER-RLYMQUTH USED CARS 462 N. Perry St. FE 4-4241 car. *1695 full FORD Rochesh 1-9711. DOOR HARDTOP, | price at JEROME ! 2< motor sales Spaftan Dodge rchard Lake Rd. 682-4J10 . K™j^.riSvffi!r’iLUCKY AUTO 625-0363. Will sell way below blue 855 Oakland Ava. I ****■•__'_______!---------------J---------. g TrVaBgcT'^ •A AAile N. Of .Cast Avt.) j|961 PONTIAC VI, AUTOMATIC, A 1965 TEMPEST ' CC L4MB .Ink Amah fint.h C(0( I * .... rUK TUU0 U9EU CREDIT "I RELIABLE MOTORS • v-8 GlowInS 256 Oakland Avt. FE M742 he.tar tar your protectlon. How Aru 'You Fixed -for Wfob' BOB BORST BLUE FINISH. V-S STANDARD I FULL BALANCE *497 *- NO I DOWN. MUST SELCT TODAY CALL MR. CASH, 33*-4526, SPAR ;PrettyPofties;|™^* *AUTO sales 125 Oakland at Wlda T FE 2-W14 --tW1 BARRACUO WE HAVE JUST RELEASED IQ Mbre J $1697 >k For -Tha Pedt* Gaad ■ COME TO THE PONTIAC'. RETAIL : STORpf • 100' Top Qualify, one-owner .{ new car trades to 4 choose ftom. 1962 FALCON TWO-DOOR^ NO MON-! . ay down. Full price, $397. _ LLOYD MOTORS J 1250 OAKLAND 333-7863 How Are You Fixed ' . / For Wheals? ’ I 1*62 FORD CONVERTIBLE /WATI FULL POWER,_______ ..CATIC TRANSMISSION, RADIO AND HEATER, WHITE-/ WALL TIREi ABSOLUTE-/ ,LY NO MONEY DOWN, At-' tume weekly payments of $7.92# CALL CREDIT MGR. Mr. Parks at HAROLD TURNER FORD# Ml 4-7500. 1962 FOR6 RANCH WaUON, Excellent conditipn~ *656. OR 3-6*06. 1965 MUSTANGS ' 7 USED MUSTANGS TO CHOOSE FROM ___CONVERTIBLES_ HARDT0PS 2 PLUS V0 FULL EQUIPMENT As Low As $49 Down and $49 Per Month HAROLD TURNER FORD, INC. 464 S. WOODWARD AVB. BIRMINGHAM BOB BORST ! LINCOLN-MERCURY .1 I»1 Waedwerd ■ BIRMINGHAM: ... ' , 646-4S38 ;■■■■ . REPOSSESSION 1660, OLDS SEDAN WITH AUtO-MATlC and power, must sell TODAY. NO S DOWN AND JUST 17.67 WEEKLY. MUST SELL TODAY. CALL MR. CASH, 336-4526,' ~ ' SPARTAN. T96T* Spartan Bodge1 1961 OLDS en extra sharp "66" 2 door hare •op In gloaming blue and white Matching like new Interior, power 1962 FALCON Spartan Dodge! 1965 MUSTANG @T CONVERTIBLE-! Racing green. Saddle Interior. 4-1 speed, 269 4-barrel. Disc brakes. Rally suspension arid steering. ] . . . • . . . i Whitewalls and wire wheel' covers. Automatic transmission, ,*2150. mi 7-3523. radio, heater. Full price MViLeD*£2,*l^ W'U'c.t only $495 with No Money speed; No Money Down', S1s!b7 _—l- Doin ond just $5.38 pe? ^ ■" j ^BILE week at lies* pZTcon 4.000* vi auto-I ...“Jr 11**3 copvair Spartan Dodge Oakland Ava. i N. of Casa Ava.) FE 8*4528 ; JULY Transportation! Specials BUY HERE—PAY HERE I No Application Refused PULL .WKLY CAR PRICE PYMT 1959 MERCURY Conv. S197 52.2$ 1959 PONTIAC 2-door *197 $2.251 1956 FORD, sharp I . S297 53.05! ,1959 PLYMOUTH .. S297- *3.05; 195* CHEVY Impala *397 *4.16! 1.Company Owned Demos \ New Car Guarantee! Mustangs Falcons Customs Custom 500s Galaxie 500s LTD* Too! T-Bird Convertible Station Wagon ■ 7665. PONTIAC CATALINA sedan double power, Fi.. ....... • walls, exc. condition. FE 4-3976, Owner. »:! MU iM BIRMINGHAM TRADES 1965 OLDS Cutlass Hardtop. V-8, automatic, power steering and brakes, electric win- - dows .....SAVE 1964 PONTIAC Bonneville Hardtop. Full power1. Priced to sell at.......... $1995 1965 OLDS Starfire 2-door hardtop, full power, red iaside and put. Transferable hew car warranty ... ....... ...... • $2995 1963 OLDS 98 Convertible. Full power. Priced to sell ................. $1695 1962 CADILLAC Coupe DeVille with full power. Jet black finish and'matching interior ... $AVE 1966 OLDS Deluxe Coronado with full power in- cluding 6-way power seat. Only '3,700 miles. Transferaalb new car warranty SAVE 635 . S. Woodward Ave. Birmingham—»—- 647-5111 WHERE YOU EXPECT MORE . . •. AND GET IT KING ; . AUTO SALE$ M59 at Elizabeth Lake Rd. ,1 • - FE 84088 11962 FORD GALAXCE 566 4-DOOR,! ; vs, automatic power steering andj l power brakes, solid black finish -r Like , new (995 at JEROME J FORD. Rocheiter's Ferd Dealer L 1-9711. ■ • i FALCON 4-DOOR V( AUTO- •utom. te ooi^ air Mnhitlonrnd 1963 CORVAIR Monie S597 ' ring, power »ut°mallc, power, air conditioning L*^ poNT,AC Conv. *597 oxtra aharp, v Ov7lJ j 1960 OLDS H-toi 51,695 at JEROME FORD, Roch-ester's Ford Dealer, OL l-t7ll. 1965 MUSTANG HARDTOP, tomatic. (59 down, finance 1960 OLDS ‘ FORD z-ooor .... CHEVY 1961 FORD 2-door aPIB IWV COMET, auto Lloyd motors j* olosmobile, inc.. II**! poNTiAc'door 1250 OAKLAND 333-78631S50 OAKLAND FE 2-8101 = DOWNEY *197 tt.|* ' FE 3-7954 1965 CHRYSLER __________________________I 36* 4 Oior hardtop. Power Steer-jR ,J’63 J 2nuav;d a d - standard trans- : •; tw95 niili BIRMINGHAM * f "'•“Wn, >adio, _ ____ (60 S^Wtaodwm’d ' PLVM0^T|H2»ui •• JEROME' FORD,*R3ha5t^J S-SL SECOND CAA FUTIhIa CONVERT! 6135. Call batara 4 p.m, 335-5*72. 1 blu*U*a n!4VEtHdI' t*M DODGE, RELIABLE, BEST OF- Clean. 36WI647. “ I tar. FE »**** ‘ 1956 bdOGE CORONET, RADIO, | JW FQRD healer, power steerfag, axC. condL Shining turquoise Country ! lion, *300. FE 6-0571. , | with *352" V6, Crutso-motk WtJJk6gSfiie PE" tSTT- SST22!,'..i"]2L'2Sr.. Marvel . Motors -Ave. ■ PBHOwl $1197 ^Spartan Dodge JMF John McAullfft Ford 1965 Mustarfg.- $1699 How Ace You Fixed For Wheels? 1962 OLDS CONVERTIBLE WITH FULL POWER, AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION, RADIO AND. HEATER AND WHITHWALL\ TMES,:ABSOLUTELY NO MONEY DOWN, 'Assume weekly payments of 66:92. CALL CREDIT MGR. Mr. Park* at HAROLD TURNER FORD. Ml 4-7500. LLOYD MOTORS 1250 OAKLAND 333-76 IMMEDIATE DELIVERY . MANY MORE TO. CHOOSE FROM WE HANDLE AND ARRANGE ALL FINANCING CALL MR, PAN AT .- I FE 84071 J !; dapitol' ^A.utol 312’W. MONTCALM Save $$$ BEATTIE "Your. FORD DEAhER Since 1936' On Dixie In Waterford at the double stoplight OR 3-1291 $1195 Downey 1 , OLOSMOBILE, InC.. 550 OAKLAND FE 2-8*101 REPOSSESSION ~ JHMOLD'SMS .Convertible, wf....... S*.r, weekly.'" HP FE MOV MeAullfta. How Are You Fixed For Wheels? 1.965 PLYMOUTH Sateilte hardtop with VI engine, i "W only takes a minute to Gat a eerreR deal" at - John McAuliffe Ford i ,oamaw< A»a. fe hui ____________ » '.pdtp'PAIRLAHi *t>OOR|OLDSr 1*65, t OORR tC U TI, [OLDSMOeiLE 1*63 CONVERTIBLE I full power, taoctor's car. ReOaon-able otter.. Air condllibnlng. Ml dltfon, ell options, air-cohdltlonlng. Rochester's Ford Desler. OL 1-9711. weekly payments «f *16.92. - HAROLD TURNER' | roRDi inc. 464 S. WOODWARD AVE. 'BIRMINGHAM t, MI 4-731 ___________ .._jd whitewalls. - AdU Mlol • $497 "Aak for The Dodge Good Guy* Spartan Dodge 1963 PONTIAC CONVERTIBLE- Automatic. power, 649 dawn, 64* mo. LLOYD .MOTORS 1250 OAKLAND 333-78631 HOLIDAY SPECIAL AT 1 TV LOTS OPEN JULY 4th ' 200 Gars to Choose From M59. at Elizabeth Lak6 Rd., Pontiac 6695 Dixie Hwy. (US 10) 2 Blks. S. MIS < ' V Clai'kston 1 THE PONTI AC PRESS. FRIDAY, JULY,1, 1968 D-S —Television Programs—- ' \ Programs fumiihod by stations listed In this column arm subject to change without notice Channoloi 2-WJBK-TV, 4-WWJ-TV, 7-WXYZ-TV, 9-CKLW-TV, 30-WKSD-TV, 36-WTVS TONIGHT , 9:99 (2) (4) News, Weather, Sports (7) Movie: “The Story of GI Joe” (IMS)' Burgess Meredith, Robert Mitchum (9) Dennis the Menace (50) Superman (56) Americans at Work 6:15 (56) Social Security in Ac- tion •:36 (S) (41 (Color) Network News (Si'Marshai Dillon (50) LltUq Rascals (SO) Big Picture . 7:60 (2) (Color) Mr. Magoo (4)Traffio Court ■ (9) Movie: “Shanghai - Story” (1954) RUffi Roman, Edmond O’Brien . (50) Soupy Sales (56) Green Thumb f 7:36 (2) Wild, Wild West (4) (Color) Camp Runa-muck (7) (Color) Fllntstones (50) (Color) Lloyd Thaxton - ' (56) Even tor One 8:60 (4) Colot) Hank (7) (Color) Tarrimy (56) Festival of the Arts 8:30 (2) (Color) Hogan’s Heroes (4) (Color) Sing Along With Mitch (7) Addams Family (50) Merv Griffin 8:55 (9) News 0:00 (2) i Gomer Pyle (7) Honey West (9) (Special) Dominion JMy ‘ / 0:30(2) (Color) Movie: ‘/The Tall T” (11)67) Randolph Scott, Richard Boone, Maureen O’Sullivan (4) (Special) Miss Michigan Pageant (7) (Color) Fanner’s . Daughter 10:09 (7) Court-Martial TV Features State Beauty Contest LLOYD THAXTON, 7:39 p.m. (50) Donria Loren sings ‘T Believe" and “Play, Little Music Box.” SING ALONG WITH' MITCH, 8:30 p.m. (4) Mitch and gang celebrate national holidays with George M? Cohan medley. MISS MICHIGAN PAGEANT, 0:30 p.m. (4) Former Miss America Naacy Ann Fleming joins in telecast of pageant finals from Muskegon. COURT-MARTIAL, 10:00 p.m. (7) Whittaker (Peter Graves) is assigned to defend deserter who lias taken refuge in monastery. (9) (Special) Why Canada? (50) Paul Winter 19:3Q (9) Provincial Affairs 10:45 (9) Peggy Neville 11:09 (2) (4) (7) (9) News* // Weather, Sports (50) Horsellacing 11:30 (2) Movies: 1. “Phone Call from a Stranger” (1952) Shelley Winters, Keenan Vfynn, Bette Davis. 2. “The Great Man’s Lady" ‘ / (1949) Joel McCrea, Brian / Donlevy, Barbara Stanwyck ,(4) (Color) Johnny Carson (7) Movies: 1. (Color) “Forever Amber” (1947) liinda Darnell, Cornell Wilde, .Richard Greene. 2, “The Screaming Skull” . (1958) John Hudson - (I) Movie: “Happy Is the Bride” (1967) Ian Car-■ michael, Terry-Thomas 1:00 (4) Beat the Champ 1:39 (4) News, Weather ,2:39 (7) All-Night Programs 3:60 (2) News, V ' Booing of 'Met' in Paris Met by Director's 'Shoeing' SATURDAY MORNING 6:10 (2) .News : 6:15 (2) Farm Scene 6:30 (2) Summer Semester , (7) Americans at Work 6:45 (7) Wheelsville, U.S.A. 7:00 (2) Captain Kangaroo (4) Country Living (7) American Stay Classics 7:36 (4) Bozo the Clown (7) Junior Sports Club 8:60 (2) Happyland (7) Musicade 8:30 (7) Three Stooges 9:00 (2-Heckle and Jeckle (4) Jetsons 9:30 (2) Tennessee Tuxedo (4) Atom Ant 10:09 (2) Mighty Mouse (4) Secret Squirrel (7) Porky Pig (9) Wizard of Oz 10:30 (2) Lassie . (4) Underdog. (7) Beatles (9) Hawkeye 11:00 (2) Tom and Jerry ' By EARL WILSON NEW;YORK*— Robert Merrill can laugh about it now Paris operagoers booing some of the Met stars . .. and dignified Cyril Rilchard, the director, taking off his shoe and chasing one § of the booers, brandishing the shoe as a weapon. "It was absolutely, horrible,” Merrill shud-id. “It was done by a clique of anti-Ameri-Icons. They were waiting for us. “Cyril was marvelous. He stood up and they booed,’and he said ‘Thank you’ and threw kisses at them. ^►“Cesar Siepi, Theresa Stratas and I hap-Ipenad ’to come off very well. We weren’t booed. ■Maria Callas came back and said the Met artists Ishouldn’t mind. She said she was booed. “Fifty-six years ago Toscanini and Caruso were booed in Paris. “At the Met I’ve heal'd one or two boos but this sounded like a million. When Roberta Peters came off stage, she was shaking. I don’t know how she stood it.” Merrill said that in the ihidst of the booing, a French composer arose and tried to quiet it “I will never write another 'note of music for you imbeciles," he told them. , . $ob added, “I have concluded that Americans are terrible suckers. “We get some lousy singers here from Europe. Not only do we not boo, but we embrace them. We want to (be loved ra much1 ttat wo hurt outsolvos.” . , (4) Top Cat (7) Casper | (9) Tides and Trails 11:36 (2) Quick Draw McGraW I (4) Fury (7) Magilla Gorilla (9) Life and Land AFTERNOON 12:00 (2) Sky King -(4) Beat the CKamp (7) Bugs Bunny (9) Nature of Things 12:30 (2) Linus (7) Milton the Monster (9) Country Calendar (50), People Are Funny 1:00 (2) Sea Hunt (4) Movie: ‘‘Lifeboat” (1944) Tallulah Bankhead, William Bendix (7) Hoppity Hooper (9) Championship Series (50) Movie 1:30 (2) Detroit Speaks (7) American Bandstand 2:00 (2) Amateur Hour (9) Wrestling 2:30 (2) Voice ofihe Fans (7) Club 1270 (50) Roller Derby 2:45 (2) Tiger Warmup / 3:00 (2) Baseball. Athletics vs. Tigers ,' ti). (Spprialj Michigan Jackie Gleason’ll forego his trip to the Fred Waring retreat go back to his beloved Miami and M. Beach • • • Bert Lahr, who’s been in every lornq of show business, opened in the Greek uiJ, ja lnitonkmu1 “The RirHs”-nlav- Theater in Yysilanti, Mich., in Aristophanes’ “Hie Birds” playing Pisthetairos opposite Judith Anderson. Few know that Met Boss Bing asked Bert to do opera (“The Gypsy Baron”) but he refused. Woody Herman was hospitalized after choking on a chicken bone, missed part of his tour with Tony Bennett. (Tony had. previously missed part, after sudden surgery) . . . Luckiest actor jjt torrid N.Y.: Peter Kestner, whose role in “You’re a Big Boy Now” had him hopping into Central Park Lake all day. ★ ★ ★ THE MIDNIGHT EARL • • • TODAY’S BEST LAUGH: Henny Youngman notes the marriages of Cary Grant, Glenn, Ford and Henry Fonda to beautifll, young women: “I can hardly wait till I get older!” REMEMBERED QUOTE: “The trouble with many people who count their blessings is that their arithmetic is'so poor.”— O. A. Battista. u. EARL’S PEARLS: The way actors keep getting into politics, adme star’ll probably put his campaign speech into the cement at Grauman’s Chinese. Cab Calloway’s dtr. Chris is the talented star of the Living Rm. show, in which comic Dick Dayey cautions: “Drive home carefully; don’t become a statistic. It’s not even a holiday— when they count it.” ... That’* earl, brother. (TIm Noll Irndkotj^loc,) « ----PGA (9) Music Hop , 3:30 (7) Movie:' “Attack of the Puppet PSople” (1958) , John Hoyt, John Agar (50) Horse Race 4:00 (9) Outlaws (50) Wrestling 5:00 (7) Wide World of Sports « (9) Lieutenant (50) Country and Western Time 5:28 (2) Baseball Scoreboard 5:30 (2) News, Weather, Sports (50) Forrest Green Show Anowor t> PTovtous funis By Tlie Associated Press Heavy rain doused northeast-m Flor- idl today at a tropical depression moved Into the Tampa Bay region, but the Weather Bureau said the storm appeared weakenia-wg;. T- r* r r~ 1 8 IT rr 12 13 u IS 16 17 U 19 V 33 33 24 2T 2r 2T1 31 37 T 41 43 [44 49 50 Bl 63 54 56 56 bJ 58 Heavy Rain Hits Flo Storm Wanes Cuban Refugees Fight Off Sharks MIAMI, Fla. (AP)-*Newly| arrived refugees report they battled sharks with a machete j while fleeing Cuba in. a rowboat.; “Sharks attacked a school of dolphins near our boat and tore one to shreds,” related Esteban Colome, a fisherman who rpade the six day voyage in a nine-foot boat with two companions. “the other dolphins fled, and the sharks, in a feeding frenzy, charged) our boat. They bit chunks tyoto tile rudder and oars. TV SERVICE OOLOB-mUHC > WHITE More than six inches of rain drenched. Jacksonville, including 14k inches in a 36-minute period et»rly today. More than six inches also soaked Daytona in the last 24 hours. Heavy s* mounts were repotted at Cocoem. near Cape Kennedy, and Cecsil Naval Air Station near Jaolcsonville. IMPROVE YOUR HOME DEAL DIRECT WI'builderTHE UlHL UIMLUI BUILDER FREE PLANS and ESTIMATES — NO CHARGE The Weather Bureau said her tween 2 and 3 inches more rain was indicated during the day in the" northeast part of Florida 1 near- the Georgia Coast. The bureau said the depression was drifting northward at 5 to 10 miles per hour. . Heavy- _ thunderstorihs. were reported.' in parts of Alabama, inqludinMontgomery. Hail pelted A^fetumpka, northeast of Montgorwraery..' CLEAR---WEATHER Thundershowers tapered .off! in the Hockies and the high x—egion and mostly clear weather- prevailed in other parts of the netion. KITCHEN CABINETS CALL - V FE 8-9880 Opon Daily and Sun. CALL DAY OR NIGHT 5-Ft. Kitchen $O|»A0l COMPLETE £09 7-Ft. Kitchen SOAQOI COMPLETE £99 INCLUDES: Upper and Lower Cabinets, Counter Tops, Sink with Faucets, ★ ADDITIONS ★ FAMILY ROOMS ALUMINUM SIDING HEC. ROOMS ROOTING—SIDING WOODFIELD CONSTRUCTION V/eekly Record List iV Warm weather continued i across many sections of the 11 country „ with temperatures Paperback' Top of Stack What young people think are the top records of the week as compiled by Gilbert Youth Research, Inc. 1 Paperback Writer............ ............. .. Beaties 2 Strangers in the Night..... ........... Frank Sinatra 3 Paint It Black ,....................... Rolling Stones 4 Cool Jerk ...... .......... ........ Capitols 5 Red Rubber Ball...............t. — ......tyrkle 6 Did You Ever Have to Make Up Your , Mind........ ...... ................. Lovin’ Spoonful 7 You Don’t Have to Say You Love Me ,. Dusty Springfield 8 'Oh How Happy Shades of Blue 9 He —.................................. Righteous Bros. 10 I Am a Rock.......V............. Simon and Garfunkel' U. Don’t-Bring Me Down.......... ............ Animals 12 Opus 17 ;............................... Four Seasons! | again T’S’x.ursday in' the 90s from I the Plains to the Atlantic Coast. It was 98 at Oklahoma City. Seasonsa 1 temperatures were reported in most of the Pacific Coast r1)0 l.ohok.w, Drayt.n Ptoim ! Obel TV FE 4*0011 J MOO [Ui.k.lh Lako no., Oontiat I THE. HANDCRAFTED QU/KLITY INSIDE MAO^ES ZENITH YOUB R OEST ■ COLOR TV BUY WJM760) WXYZQ 270) CKLWtOOO) WWJ(930) WCARG130) WPON(l 460) WJBKQ SOO) WHFI4M(94.7) CKLW, Nm Music WJBK, Tha Green Hnrnnt WCAR, NOSn, Joe Sacarnlta ' WXVZ, Mono WPON, Newt, Sportt WXVZ. Ale* Drttar k:4S—WXYZ. Nowt, Snort* • WWJ—Rnview: Emphetlt. 7:00—wxyz. Ed Morann wo W, Man Rot* WPON, Non*. Jolwwjron WWJ, Nano. Pfiont Optatp — FI, Dinner Concert lit*—WXYZ. Lee A ten, Muelc New* WJSK: Newt, Mutic, Worts iwTjSpartt 11:10—WCAR, .NX. 11:1S—WCAR, Ron ROOO . WWJ. OnornlgM II :«S—WJR, - in Doan SAIURDAV MOHNINO ■ 0:00—WJR, wokoon Show WWJ. jMNfc Pnttn, 7:IO-WJR. Newt, Mutic IKON. Now*. Bob Lewronco WHFI, Almanac / 1:00—WJR, Newt Sunnytklo WMF I, SHI Soy I* WPON, Now*, Ban Johnson 11:00—WJR, NOWS, tPOTH, SATURDAY AFT*RNOON 1:00—WJR, Ntws, Sportt, Farm WWJ Norn, Mutic WPON, Newt, Bon Johnson WCAR, NOVO, Dev* Lock- WJBK, Georg* Tolot ' CKLW, Nows. Dev* Shafor WXYZ. Norn, Music I i*B—WJR, Nows, Sporlo. j:«o—wjk, naers/iwint . WPON. Nows, Polo LOOd WXYZ, Dovo Prlnco. MuWc 1:00—WCAR, Newt, Si 11 ’* TV Antenn t Sorvie • MU k. Bafk Lk. Id. NiiklenO NT4I4I 1C I V tv, Ine. FE 4-1S15 140 OakleaO, Neka* I Dolby Radio h TV FI 4-0SS2 ' , Peer Appliance EM 14114 . *1*1 Caaiwaic. M., Uaian Lakt ' Al flooding TV FE 2-3711 > HO* W. Clarktlee Hd„ lake Oriaa ' I Groton’* Radio-TV 62B-21SS 41M ClnrOcetee k0., Clerktlen I Hod’s Radio-TV FE 14112 | ItlBoohord Lake *4,Hnkee B1 Johnson Radio-TV FE I4MS . U E. Wadea, teetiac | Lakeland Eloc. S1I4U1 14M HigMaM M„ taaliaa • j Stofantki Radio-TV FE 24K7 till W. Huran, foetiae Swoot Radio 0 TV FE 441111 J j 422 W. Huron, kentiae | Tray TV^tdiO, TR 141(0 I * 1041 Livarnoio, Tiky Walton Radlo-TV FE 2-1117 | 111 l. WaHan, haatiac | WKC, Inc., Sorvico 174-11111 Ml* Molo Mwy. Ireytea Holes rW-RADIO Service ONE WEEK ONLY SUAAMER SPECIAL COUPON WURTH $8 CASH and CARRY ONLY \ LIST PRICE 24*95 1 Save $800 1 — Chimney Mount 7—5 foot Gold. Moot I 50 foot Load in Wiro 5-3V»" Insulators 2—Straps Matt 1—OXA'—SO ANTENNAS YOU PAY 0NLY$16g^mH THIS COUPON To Be Sure It't NEW... Be Sure It's BLUEl ipon Friday ’HI 9 Orchard Uki Avt. FI 54112 ’ RECOMMENDED arid SOLD by BILL PETRUSHA & SONS TEL HURON SHOPPING*CENTER FE 3-7178 7S6^UNION LAKE NO., Unisfl Lake 363-6286 Umbrellas and Hammocks Wrought Iron Sofa & Love Seat by Bunting Canvas Porch & Deck Furniture BEG. $79.95 Extra large cushioned glider with pillow tray turns and smooth hah glide action. Sturdily constructed ' of the finest tub-' ular and extruded J alvm- BEG. $59.95 Savon and one-half foot tilting parasol umbrellas with crank. Rtf. $12.95 Portable director's chair in your choice of colorful canvas seats and backs. BEG. $79.99 Whits wrought iron sofa with turqiSoise foam cushions. > ' GIG. $1.99 to $«.9S Ham. mocks in your choice of colors. REG. $19.95 'At ease' officers’ chair. ? BEG. $49.99 Matching Love Soot. > P-r-10 THE PONTIAC PRESS, FRIDAY, JtJLY 1. 1966 JBUTCTvU. MAURICE A. MERRITT OAKLAND COUNTY CIRCUIT JUDGE ; (NON-PARTISAN) UIC1 ss±ar’-""•^, nl.i smm it temi I IIW SrSUUUr H Urn S Srtw “Merritts Your Vote’' ALL OPEN HOUSE DEMOS Now SOLD at GOST OXFORD MARINE & ENGINE At take Orion .. > at 10 N. M-24 100th Birthday Party fpr Ex-Cigar Maker KALAMAZOO im — Charles ■ SwedlsH ii and cigar maker- before etirement, today will be honored on his 100th birthday | with a party by. other members of the senior citizens , home where he resides.* ' * h *' Peterson is gardener* * at the home and despite his auge, takes care qf the garden and .finds time to read Ionian and Greek classics. JOIN GRINNELL'S UNIQUE PWTlME PLAN For fun/and relaxation, learn the Hammond Organ this summer! We guarantee you'll play in 30 days. Lessons are easy. You 1eam by playing real Spngs! You get : • 4 orgmi lessons • Oryee ia ymr heme fer 30 days • lessee ewterieh ALL FOR *25 Pee returnif yeu decide to buy. ' 6RANNELL'-S, Pontioc Mall, 682-0422 Downtown Pontiac*. 27 S. Saginaw ,FE‘3-7168 Our Mobile Fleet will bring a Hammond to your home for Free Trial . SODA HITS THE SPOT-There is nothing MtceX long, cool.ice cream soda shared by three beauties to make one forget about the current heat wave. These three, who will take part in the Miss Universe finals in Miami Beach, take their sips on the roof of a New York City hotel. They are (from left) Hedy Frick, Switzerland: Maria Re-rhenyi, El .Cerrito, Calif., and Yolla Harb, Lebanon./ Ferency Says Romney Running Williams Sees No Escalation in N. Viet Bombings; Birch Campaign, Ignores Issues By United Press International j Former Gov. G. Mennen Wil-j liams said yesterday the recent increase in bombings in -North Viet Nam will not result in.an escalation of the war, “When we bomb cities and civilian populations, then we escalate the war,” the Democratic senatorial contender told a news conference in Saginaw, '. He said only mUitary targets were hit in the recent raids. ' Williams allotted most of today to a handshaking tour in Saginaw County at factory gates and later at shopping centers in the Detroit area. U. S. Sen, Robert P. Griffin was also on a ■ handshaking spree, greeting shoppers in downtown Detroit/md dropping in on activities at the Detroit-Windsor International Freedom Festival - By The Associated Press State Democratic Chairman Zolton Ferency has accused Republican Gov. George Romney of “carrying on a Birch Society campaign which is ignoring the real ilsues” in his campaign for reelection. * Ferency’s accusation came In “a .speech last night to some 150 members of the St. Clair Shores Democratic Club. The Democratic chairman said Romney has appealed in speeches to “fears, hatreds, bigotry and emotion,” and that “We should not decide this election on the basis Of that kind of talk.” Ferency did not go into specifics. T/ ■ ■■ " * ’*• * 7 He also said Romney is trying to take credit for dccom-plishments of what Ferency termed a Democratic one-man, dne-vote Legislature. CITES ISSUES .Ferency, who will oppose Romney in- November for the first four-year gubernatorial term under Michigan’s new constitution, said issues include community problems, education, mental health, water pollution and others ■. ■ ' . . *. * * *. ' Ferency said the election should be decided “on the basis of what-the candidates stand for, what their records are, what they do and what they intend to do about the real issuesT” JUNK CARS AND TRUCKS WANTED - HIGHEST PRICES PAID Jfe Pick Up FE 2-0200 TtOHTY PROOF • TtH% GRAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS • GOODERHAM I WORTS, PEORIA, ILL It’S a Pleasure to H ave You Here PRICE REDUCED TO $7.64- $729 v 4/S quut M pint Include* 4% Michigan Stlut Tax HALF GAI,LONS AND QUARTS -AVAILABLE ON SPECIAL ORDER save at least Vz on all summer furniture! -HOLIDAY SALE INCLUDES FAMOUS BUNTING WROUGHT IRON AND ALUMINUM PLUS HANCOCK REDWOOD-NOTHING HELD BACK OR RESERVED SO HURRY! Hancock Chaise L -MANY UNADVERTISED -VALUES INCLUDED! PONTIAC 361 S. SAGINAW; FE 3-7901 ' SHOP TONIGHT AND TUESDAY TIL 9 AMPLE FREE PARKING CONVENIENT CREDIT | DRAYTON 4945 DIXIEHWY • OR 4-0321 SHOP TONIGHT AND TUESDAY TIL 9 BOTH STORES CLOSED MONDAY, JULY 4th