The Waather PONTIAC PRESS Home Edition VOL. 124 — NO. * w fo PONTIAC. jMaCHIGAN, FfclDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1996 -60 PAGES Rural school district superintendents face a different situation. ROADS ABE KEY “Old of 8,500 pupils, we're transporting 7,000 over 52 square miles,” Waited Like Schools Supt. George Garver said. “We have to make sure the roads are safe enough to carry the buses.” Viet Buildup Pentagon plans foresaw far bloodier war — PAGE C-Ui * Rhodesia History holds little hope for effectiveness of sanctions — PAGE C4. Area News ........ .A-4 Astrology set in' tiie late spring, the proposed budget would not appear to forecast any hike in city tewes.'—, EXCLUSIONS NOTABLE The proposed budget, balanced onty after severe belt-tightening by department heads, is noteworthy for what it does tT? include. By L. GARY THORNE A lean preliminary budget for calendar year 1887 will be formally presented Taesday — 13 days late —1o the City Commis-sion. Totaling Igg sdUion, the proposed budget — which‘should have been presented toffec.1 — generally reflects tag dty’s austere financial condition. City Manager Joseph A. „ separate employe groups. The proposed budget genteelly holds tte.proverbial line on 1967 municipal spending, keeping ft an a par witii the current yeaf. Actually, foe 87.5-million general fund expenditures proposed for neat year are slightly under 91,478, the general trad budget- Man Quizzed After Latest Strangling CINCINNATI (UPI) - An 81-year-old spinster was slain in her apartment building today, apparently foe sixth victim Of the Cincinnati strangler. Police picked up a 29-year-old ex-convict for questioning. ★ * ★ The victim had been strangled with a white stocking less than two hours after she had attended morning church services, police said. The stocking-slaying matched foe pattern of five other killings here in the past 12 months. WWW About four hours later, police announced they picked up for questioning a man who had been convicted of assault. He was booked on a technical charge of parole violation. NEW YORK (A - Michigan’s Gov. Romney headed today for the Republican governors’conference in Colorado Springs,’ Colo., whefe Gov. William W. Scranton plahsto seek support for Romney for the 1968 GOP presidential nomination. Romney, in New York yesterday told newsmen he hadn’t made up his mind about running for the presidency yet. Scranton was quoted by the Washington Post as saying now h the time for Romney to begin his campaign. CITY TREfe — City crews erect Pontiac’s tree yesterday at Oakland and North Saginaw, holiday season is here, Of course, we knew that w Key to School Closing Is Safety of Children By PAf McCARTY When bad weather strikes, schools superintendents begin making decisions earlier in the day than nonnal. Predawn tours of their district! usually are in order before they decide whether schools will be dosed on a stormy day. The central factor in their deliberations is the safety of the children hi their ,. districts. lira, for most superintendents in north Oakland County, tiie question is: Can our buses make it? In Pontiac, where only 19 per cent of the students ride school buses, the problem is In Today's Press School Vote Utica voters ballot tomorrow — PAGE A-4. Viet Scranton added, however , that Romney “never asked me for my support and I’ve never {Hedged it to him.” ★ * * The Washington Post quoted Scranton as saying he is going See Story, Page C-13 to the conference with the avowed goal of getting “as many Republican governors as possible to say, at least privately, ‘We’re for George Romney — at least until he proves to us he can’t do the job.’ ” NO HURRY An Associated Press survey of opinion among 34 Republican governors and governors-elect in advance of the opening of the conference today showed that the bulk of those polled appeared — at least publicly — to be in no hurry to climb aboard any Romney bandwagon. Most of them took a wait-and-see attitude in the survey. While Romney said he hadn’t County Version of Airport Deal Going to Board Point of Disagreement is City's Request for Retention of Hangars Acceptance of the City of Pontiac’s offer; with one exception, for the transfer of ownership of Pontiac Municipal Akport to Oakland County will be recommended Wednesday to the County Board of Supervisors. The recommendation came at' a joint meeting today of three supervisors’ committees, ways and means, buildings and grounds and aviation. Joint committee agreement U.S. Raids Hit; Rusk in Saigon SAIGON, South Viet Nam UPl—Waves of B52 bombers struck Communist positions in South Viet Nam today in three raids that ranged from near Saigon to the northern edge of the country. As the bombers flew in from their Guam base U.S. Secretary of State Dean Rusk arrived in Saigon and discounted chances of a pro- House Votes Itself Benefits Coleadership OK'd; Auto Inspection Loses “At least 50 per Cent of the pupils live within walking dis? See Related Story, Page C-12 tance of their schools,” said Schools Supt Dr. Dana P. Whit-mer. The question then concerns ' a child’s ability to walk to school safely. PARENTS* DECISION “We feel this really is the parents’ decision,” Whitmer said. The blizzard of Febraary 190 Is the only storm which, has caused Pontiac schools to close during the 12 year* Whit-mer has beaded the system. “If even a third of our students show up, then keeping the schools open is worthwhile," be said. “In fact, it’s kind of a breathing space when teachers can work with individual youngsters." that the county deed to the city it* parking lot at Huron aad Saginaw and ill building at 1 Lafayette and nearby parking area. Also agreed at the joint committee meeting was the provision that the county be allowed to occupy rent-free the property at 1 Lafayette until Dec. 31, 1968. The point of disagreement was the provision of the city’s offer calling for retention erf ownership by the dty of 50 T-hangars at the airport dining the period the county Continues to occupy tiie 1 Lafayette building. This (Continued on Page 2, Got. 4) < longed pause in American bombing raids over North Viet Nam. “We can’t fost stop half tiie war,” Rusk told newsmen, ‘‘They’ve got to stop their half of it” In one raid on tiie North yesterday, U.S. fighter-bombers were attacked by Communist MIG interceptor* only Six mites northeast of the center of Hanoi. The MIGs fired heat-seeking air-to-air missiles but failed to score hits, a U.S. spokesman said. He reported, however, that one U.S. plane was shot down by Communist ground fire over North Vtet Nam and two more were shot down in South Viet Nam. Ground action in South Viet Nam continued light with both the U.S. and Vietnamese military commands reporting only Two of ti|e contacts were dose to Saigon where allied forces are embarked on a new campaign to clear the Vtet Cong from jungle bases from which they mount terror attacks on the capital. Wintry weather is on its way to the Pontiac area for a return engagement. Cloudy and colder with a chance of several inches of snow accumulating through tomorrow is the prediction. The day by day forecast looks like tills: TODAY - Cloudy, colder with steady or slowly falling temperatures. Cloudy, colder tonight With several inches of snow mixed with rain in tiie extreme south portions. Low 36 to 35. SATURDAY - Cloudy, windy and cool with intermittent snow in the north and near Lake Michigan, and mixed snow and rain in foe south portion. West- made up his mind, he seemed to some observers to be already on the 1968 campaign trail when he lashed out at tiie Johnson administration. He said he had no confidence in what it said about Viet Nam. The “whole facts" on Viet Nam, Romney said, are not available in the United States. NOT AVAILABLE He told the news conference he might have to visit Japan, the Philippines, England, France and Germany before he made specific proposals on Viet Nam. Other countries have had “more experience with this sort of warfare than we’ve ever had,” he said. He pointed out that the Filipinos and the British have dealt successfully with guerrilla problems in Southeast Asia. The Washington Post dispatch from Harrisburg, Pa., said Scranton believes Romney ought to ask — aad deserves to receive — private commitments of support from , the g o v e r n o r s and that he could get such pledges from at least 14 of his 24 fellow Republican governors if he asked for them. Scranton, Who failed in a last-minute challenge against Barry Goldwater'at the 1964 GOP convention, told the Poet: “As much behind - tiie - scenes cementation by the governors as possible is needed if we’re going to prevent what happened in 1964." GEORGE ROMNEY LANSING (AP) - The House yesterday voted itself liberalized mileage allowance and optional use of state cars, and wrote the Democratic coleadership plan into its rules. The Senate, meanwhile, met briefly five times and spent See Story, Page C-10 most of the day waiting for the House to take action on various measures. Hie Senate approved a House bill designed to enable the state to acquire the necessary land if foe Ann Arbor area succeeds in attracting a proposed $308 million federal atom smasher. The bill, which Increases (Continued on Page 2, Col. 3) Say Merry Christmas Area May Get Plenty of Snow Tomorrow erly winds at 18 to 20 miles per hour. SUNDAY - Cloudy, windy and colder with snow flurries. A new high for tiie day was set yesterday when the thermometer at The Pontiac Press registered 63. The previous high for Dec. 8 in the last 94 years was 60 in 1946. (EDITOR'S NOTE — This is the third in a nine-part series on shopping tips for Christmas gift buying.) By JEANNE NELSON Gifts for the home are always a nice way of saying “Merty Christinas.” This year’s selection places the emphasis on elegance. Choose the “Fleur de Bal” with its fragrant scent of Jasmine. Made of artificial flowers in green, pink and orange combinations, it hangs from wide velvet streamers. About $10. Tote shelves with their traditional gold designs are another Idea for the bath. One comes with two tiers and a towel shelf below. IMs r u n s about $12. Nothing is quite so luxurious as a pair of 100 per cent down pillows, ftith blue or pink striped Covers, these 21-x-27-inch pillows run $39.98 for tiie pair. ; t » ‘4 For use in any room are decorative brass trivets. Sizes and shapes differ for a designer look at $3.50 each. Unpainted pine bookcases are ideal {or a child’s room. Sanded smboth, they contain five roomy shelves for children’s books and treasures. The price isfll.88. For early Americana toms there is a maple finished radio styled to look likea wall shelf with drawers. Priced at $74.95, it can be hung on the wall or placed on a flat surface. Hand painted apothecary jars lend themselves to the colonial mood. Sets including coffee, tea and sugar jars are $14.95. For another $6.50, the cookie jar is available. For the “extra” bath there are brass guest towel holders to add elegance at party time. Their price of 01.95 puts them in the luxury class. Proposed City Budget to Be Presented \ spring, tiie pro-not appear hike in dty At least in the preliminary 1967 budget, dty officials project ofdy a slight $5-million hike in the city’s tax base. Of course, this projection could change before tiie final equalized valuation is set ota May 90. Traditionally, the budget adopted the first of the year— the charter stipulates by Feb: 1 — is eniy a tentative projection of the year’s revenue* and expenditures. The annual sqq»U|WMHira« wwwraraaraw rap i i ly b revised after thetax base b known at midyear. Meantime, Pontiac taxpayers can expect to pay nearly the same amount of takes in 1067 as tiiey did tills year — 07 78 per $1,000 assessed valuation. * ♦i,r IwVi ? The projected $5-miIlion jump in the city’s tax base, which would put the city’s value at $406,000,000, is the same figure projected for the current year’s budget The latter ended up with ah actual tax base of $40,047,41# NO PERSONNEL ADDED - The general fund, long at tiie charter limitation of 10 mills, gains 00,000 for each miUion-dollar hike in the equalized valuation, or $50,000 with a OS-million increase. fa addition to net including / almost certain pay hikes, the proposed new budget does net add, any new personnel to the baidpressed poltoe aad fbu da- anticipated increased overtime and holiday pay in 1967. No manpower increases are contemplated in the projected budget. Police Chief William K. Hanger had requested some 30 men to beef up the manpower strength of his 117-man force. . The fire department, meanwhile, Is to have its 1967 appropriations trimmed by 04,683 compared to 1966, according to the administration’s budget proposals. Total salaries for the deportment uott year are projected at $1427,410, or $22,513 The police department budget is up $55,43$ over the current one, according to the proposed budget, but most of foe increase ($38,823) is projectec towLu *• explain the department wfll be kept at its preseat strength of 141 UMfa which la down (rate the 111 moa on the department payteB last April What b true of tiie police and (Continued on Page 2, CM. l) A- 2 THE PONTIAC PRESS, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2,1066 Ship Toll 235 Dead, Missing ttT&V’T**61'8 ^vej,sVHivors were reported, but the (freighter Aghia Barbera went S faL riSSl TfitaSnS ab0ard , Ministry of Merchant Marine down between Rhodes and Cy- t8dWg £2 theresaid three of those were later pros, but all 16 crewmen were ”5?. lBr6 dMd be more survives than found to be bodies. £cted up by passing ships. ing today and expressed fear1 the 46 brought in by darkness that a number of unlisted, last- Thursday. Thursday night, 49 Cotnnfeion Will Receive Preliminary City Budget (Continued From Page One) fire departments is generally true of the rest of the city’s general fund and special millage departments. ★ * ★ The budget, as proposed, does allow for the hiring of replacements for some masting vacancies, such as added personnel for the engineering department which now has only 13 persons, down from 27 people last year. PROVIDES FOR VACANCY Also, the proposed budget provides for filling a vacancy in the purchasing department and the library. Those fends, outside ef fee general fend, supported by special service charges or separate, earmarked millage, do show increases hi fee budgets. Most of these hikes are met through projected increases in revenue. These fends do not operate from the general fend, but arc separate budgets in themselves. to fee city’s sewage disposal system is 1913,000, tty 190,000 over 1966, according to fee proposed budget OVER The balanced revenue and ap- needed and the size of fee tax base is the annual levy for bonded indebtedness. Pontiac has two bond outstanding — Pontiac General Hospital bonds and sewage treatment plant bonds. The proposed budget pegs payments on these issues in 1967 at 6390,000, which is the same year. Receiving the proposed budget Tuesday, the City Gommjssion 'likely set a public hearing date for some time in January. The budget must be adopted in the tom of an annual appro-: priation ordinance by Feb. 1. 2 Bandits Take $950 at Market Two bandits held up Frank’s Food Mart, 2701 Elizabeth Lake Road, Waterford Township, last night and escaped with about $950 in cash. ★ ★ ★ The robbery occurred shortly before 10 pm., according to township police. Rescue ships kept up their i search, and at mxm the Marine Minis try said 37 bodies had been recovered and placed morgue In Piraeus for fication. The sea was littered with debris and thousands of oranges from the Heraklion’s cargo. 1 AT LAST MINUTE Officials directing the search from Piraeus, the port of Athens, said many persons may have boarded fee ferry at the minute and paid their toe after the ship girt tinder way from the island of Crete. They said naval students from Canea, on Crete, often ride without befog recorded on passenger lists and some other unlisted persons travel on fee feny free, A second Greek ship sank to- The 8,900-ton Heraklion sank swiftly in a boiling storm at 2 a m. Thursday, halfway on axk] overnight crossing from Crete to Piraeus wife 206 passengers listed aboard and 73 to fee crew. Crewmen told rescuers trucks and cars, tore from their lashings as’ fee 17-year-old ship tossed fo fee stem, smashed loading doors feat had been weakened by waves. They said a 16-ton refrigerator trailer bat-1 tered open a bow door and the Aegean Sea, whipped up by 75-to 100-mile winds, poured in. ★ * * Chief Mate Nikos Theodorak-, 33, said he ran below deck after fee alarm sounded. “Water was already potiring gV. he said. “Automobiles were piled up to (me side of fee ship Cily Surgeon Elected to Post Wilt Head County Medical Association day in another Aegean storm jin the forward quarto. The far south of the scene of fee i heaving of the ship had snapped Heraklion disaster. The smalllfeeir retaining stays.” Coast Guard Sunken Ships Sister A Pontiac surgeon has been elected president of the Oakland County Medical Society, ceeding Dr. Worth Henderson of Royal Oak. ★ ‘ * ★,/ Dr. Kenneth VandenBerg, 45, whose offices are at 35 S. John- m ____________ son, will serve a one-year term DR. KENNETH VANDENBERG as head of the medical society. Dr. VandenBerg, who formerly served on fee county society’s board of directors and was treasurer of the society, is a graduate of fee University of Michigan Medical School. He is married and has one child. He and his family reside at 3118 Erie, Orchard Lake. Murder Try Told at Coppolino Trial sr-------, ■H.-r Frank Soda told po- propriations to fee water de- lice he was alone in the store partment are tty 6222,900 over at fee time. 1966 in fee preliminary budget, while fee sanitation budget is up 675,499 over fee 1966 budget of 6602,955. Ja fee proposed sanitation budget for 1967, which is supported by a separate earmarked millage, we expenditures totaling $161,666 to fee aew sanitary landfill site so CUfier. City officials plan to prepare the landfill site to an early 1968 use. Proposed expenditures include $5,606 to a greenbelt, $10,006 for fencing and $86,000 to a building and utilities. * a ★ The city can levy tty to two mills to sanitation purposes. About 1% mills were levied this year. The final levy for 1967 win be determined both by fee revenue needed and the tax base. Also dependent on the revenue Soda said he had locked the More, but reopened it when he saw two men motioning to him on fee pretense they wanted to buy soniething. * * fit: Shortly after entering the store, one of the men pointed a revolver at Soda. The accomplice opened the cafe register, taking fee bills but leaving behind checks and change. RECEIVED CALL Soda tod police he had received a telephone call at 9:30 p.m. from a man who wanted to know if he (Soda) could deliver groceries to him. Soda said he couldn’t since he was alone fo fee store. SAULT STE. MARIE, Ont. (AP) — Coast Guard investigators today probed an 16-inch crack in a deck plate of the E.Y. Townsend, freighter which survived a vicious storm feat sank a sister ship. Coast Guard Cmdr. Robert P. Chirnside and Lt. Richard J. Akridge Jr. were assigned to study fee Townsend’s damage. The fractured deck plate was discovered after the 602 - foot Townsend weathered fee storm feat sank fee Daniel J. Morrell in Lake Huron Nov. 29, with 28 crewmen killed. The Townsend, last vessel to report having been in contact wife the Morrell, is anchored at Sault Ste. Marie for the winter. Its sailing papers were lifted by the Coast Guard after its cap-ton reported fee split deck steel. Meanwhile, the lone survivor of fee Morrell disaster sued Bethlehem Steel Corp. Thursday for $150,000. The bandits were described as 25 to 30 years old. The Weather Fufl U S. Weather Bureau Report PONTIAC AND VICINITY Cloudy and colder wife steady or slowly falling temperatures today. Cloudy and colder tonight with snow flurries, possibly mixed wife rain ia fee extremfWfe portions. Low 30 to 35. Cloudy, windy and cool Saturday wife intermittent snow fo fee north and near Lake Michigan and mixed snow and rain in fee south portion. Westerly winds 19 to 20 miles. Sunday’s outlook: Cloudy, windy and colder wife snow flurries. TMar hi Pontiac .. 40 " ~ ....... At I a.m.: Wind Valocity is m.p.h. Direction: Westerly Sun Mti Friday at f:U Sun rim Saturday at 7:51 aun. Moon icta Friday at 1:11 pjn. Moon rim Saturday at 4:IJ a.m. One Year Ago In Font temperature ......... Lowest temperature .......... Mean temperature ....................39.5 Thursday in Fantiac has bounced around the Legi tore in one form or another for several years, would have permitted fee Department of State Police to establish regulations and set up inspection stations. Rep. William Copeland, D-Wyandotte, said State Police estimated it would have cost fee TftFZJXr1* » Mate $75,000 for the rest of this Grf*Rapw» 2 * kSSSTciw 4? 3siJiscal aix* 51-2 million fo Houghton 33 is Los Angates 66 49 {fiscal 1967-68. By 1969 - 70, he *|i£!J£2tta 3i n Sr 56 fee program should pay IpIhwST « m New York”* 62 8for itself through the inspection e C. SI 34 Omaha 33 29 fees. Airport Proposition Going to Board (Continued From Page One) part of fee city’s offer was re volved, was returned to the House for consideration of j WITHDRAWAL1- POSSIBLE amendments made in Senate' Delos Hamlin, chairman of committees. (fee board of supervisors, said that if the Pontiac City Commis- House Votes Self Benefits (Continued. From Page (foe) Ttu, . - . | condemnation powers of state agencies which would be in-what time the store would close.1 ■ Soda told him 10 o’clock. Dennis Hale, 26, of Ashtabula, .Ohio, who spent 36 hours drifting on a life raft in sub-freezing temperatures after the Morrell went under, filed fee suit fo U.S. District Court at Cleveland, Ohio. Bethlehem Steel Corp. operated both the Morrell and fee Townsend. The Morrell, like fee Townsend, was 60 years old. Hale alleged feat the Morrell Was unseauforfey and that operators of fee vessel failed to pro-, vide adequate inspections, repairs or emergency equipment. He charged feat structural steel was deteriorated on the Morrell. The suit said it was rusted, corroded and weakened by continuous pounding from weather, water, minor collisions and loading arid unloading, operations. It said “numerous rivets fo critical portions of fee vessel” were ' missing, ballast tanks were damaged and neither emergency radios nor emergency power sources were avail- FREEHOLD, N.J. (AP) -Attractive Marjorie Farber, weeping on the witness stand, told a murder trial jury today that Dr. Carl Coppolino tried to kill her husband on July 1963, by putting a plastic bag >ver his head as he lay ill and immobilized fo his home. ★ * * It was on the following day, fee state claims, that fee 50-year-old retired Army colonel, William E. Farber, was strangled by Coppolino, 34-year-old anesthesiologist. Earlier, Mrs. Farber, a 5-foot-2 brunette, told of a love affair wife Coppolino during which they went together to Miami Beach, Fla. “That is when Carl wrote out what he called fee love plans. Birmingham Area News ' Early Start on Mailing Is Urged by Postmaster BIRMINGHAM — Postmaster Rollie Reese has urged patrons to mail early because of the anticipated heavy volume of mall ,during fee Christmas season. He said all parcels should be wrapped securely, addressed clearly and completely and include fee Zip Code. Post office windows will be open from 6 a.m. to 5 pan. tomorrow; 1 to 4 p.m. Sunday; 8 a.m. fo 6 p.m., Monday through Dec. 17; 1 to 4 pun. Dec. 18; and 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Dec. 19 through 21. The annex at 2330 Cole will be open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. today and tomorrow rind from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.7, Monday through Dec. 20. It Ml be closed Sundays. wide, Bloomfield Mis was reappointed for a one-year term to fee State Accident Fund Advisory Board, . '* * * v■ Charles Adams of Birmingham was one of four members added to the 39-member Special Commimfon op Urban Problems. Dr. VandenBerg was chief ofi staff at Pontiac General Hospital in 1961: OTHER OFFICERS Other officers elected at fee, annual December meeting included Drs. Edwin J. Westfall of Royal Oak, president-elect^ Frederick W. Bryant of Royal Oak, secretary; and Ferdinand Gaensbauer of Pontiac, treasur-gr. i Y\ . ★ * ★ Elected to three-year terms on the board of directors were Drs. Dale R. Drew and James R. Quinn, Doth of Pontiac; and Paul T. Lahti of Royal Oak. Elected to a two-year term was Dr. Ruben Kuroetz of Oak Park. Two area tridents have been appointed fo state hoards and committees by Gov. George Romney. Robert E. Klintworth, 341 Kes- BLOOMFIELD HILLS -Christ Church Cranbrook will bold “Festival of Gifts" services at 9 and 10:4$ a.m. Sunday. * , * 1f: _' Advent and Christmris music Ml be presented at 3 p.m. by by Cranbuotik and Kings-wood schools and at 5, p.m. by the* church adult arid youth choirs.' The water ouzel has the ability to wrilk under water. It walks along the bottom feeding (« water-dwelling insects. Adopting a measure identical to (me passed earlier by the Senate, House members gave themselves the choice of using state-owned autos or continuing to receive a mileage allowance for use of feeir own cars. Rejected by the House today was a compulsory motor vehicle inspection bill feat would have cost drivers $2.25 per car per year. The auto inspection bill, wfoch -egijwh- 55 Bismi d Lowest Temperitures .Denver Data hi 94 Yuan Detroit —5 In 1175 Duluth 27 Phoenix 69 53 Pittsburgh 69 57 22 t St. L0U)6 69 36 63 46 Tempo SO 62 42 37 Sett Lake C. 37 II 65 57 5. Francisco 57 52 sion rules against the county’s proposed airport action at its meeting Tuesday night, fee resolution slated for attention by the supervisors Wednesday will be withdrawn. Hamlin said he was very hopeful that an agreement between fee city and the county on fee property transfer could be reached at this time. Meeting fo another session today the ways and drain committees recommended that the drain commissioner be exclusive agent for the countywide refuse disposal study, and fee implementing agent if fete board of supervisors decides to enter into the disposal business. ★ ★ ri This recommendation will be presented to the full hoard Wednesday and Ml mark the fourth time since Oct. 5 refuse disposal has been a supervisors’ agenda item. NATIONAL HEATHER — Snow is predicted in fee northern Plateau and ttyper Great Lakes by fee Weather Bureau. Rain Ji forecast lor fee northern Pacific Coast, wife showers in New England, the lower Great Lakes, the Ohio and Tenneswe valleys, the southern Atlantic Coast and the Gulf Coast region. Key to School Closings Is Safety of the Children (Continued From Page (foe) sore to set their clocks early. By 5 or 6 the next morning, they’re out driving on fee routes buses are to take later. The opinions of state, county and local police also are sought OUTSIDE DISTRICTS Roger Oberg, Oxford Schools superintendent, n o t e d he also must consider the fact many teachers live outside fee! open when neighboring districts have been closed because “Troy roads are for the most part straight and free from hills.” * * * After conferring wife aides, police and fee Oakland County Road Commission, a superintendent also must weigh the weather forecast tor the day. FORECAST BLAMED gunny toauicio uve uuisiue me. district and may have trouble’ Avondale Schools Supt. John making it to their schools. j Dickey blamed a faulty forecast for fee first closing of schools there this year. School closings will depend to a great extent on fee individual characteristics of fee district. Dr. Rex B. Smith noted be, on occasion, has kept Troy schools Wife more snow predicted, Dickey felt getting home would he a difficult task to- those who were able to get to school. ... you can be sure if Televisions & Stereos ... and doubly sure if it comes from SIMMS annex WESTINGHOUSE 19” attache portable television 11)1100 * oil 82-channel tuning — VHF IIV|V and UHF • steel guard picture tube —full 172 sq. inches of rectangular picture area • 5-inch oval hill fidelity speaker • built-in stowaway unipole VHF antenna • loop UHF antenna • see-matic circuit center lessens the well known chance of human error • top carry handle *essex gray. WESTINGHOUSE Instant JET-SET 19” portable television • turned-off it's a new kind of TV—it doesn't stare back at you •tuned an — a new kind of picture — clearer, easier- to watch • top front controls with illuminated pop-up VHF and slide rule UHF channel numbers • instant-on TV, no wait, no warm up, no walk-bock • special duty chassis for weak "signal areas • memory fine tuning • twin telescoping VHF/UHF antennas • cobalt blue or granOda brown WESTINGHOUSE all transistor solid-state -no tubes FM-AM Radio & Phono stereo console with free $50 record packs 199M • all solid state — no tubes • 60 watt peak music power FM stereo-multiplex — with indicator light • 4 speaker sound system • 4-speed automatic record changer with diamond stylus and retractable cartridge • total automatic shut-off for changer and set A tuned tf. stage on FM with AFC • contemporary styling in walnut hardwood veneers arid,solids. • set is 44x26x17Vb inches. Charge It! Major Credit Cards Honored you may purchaso those,famous WESTINGHOUSE gifts on tha SIMMS instant cradit plan ... ask uc about it! •vwyday 9 a.m. to 9d0 p.m. I Sunday 12 mm to 6 p.m. SIMMS DISCOUNT ANNEX 144 N. Saginaw St. tuning for short wave, adjustable automatic frequency control, variable automatic gain .control plus 'Triconal VII' speaker. Operates on low cost flashlight batteries.. Adapts to AC house current, too. Climate proof radio is only 14 19/15 x 11 1/16 x 4 3/4. inches. Black and chrome. Use your credit card to buy or $ 1 holds in free layaway. g There's one for every pocketbook . X sample specials-see the others it x SAT. - SUN. __________ Electronics- TRANSISTOR Dept, Up To 1/4 Mile Range - REALTONE 3-TR. Walkie - Talkie Perfect For The Youngsters Redltone Jade No. 633 a full year warranty , trqnsistor unit would be an -islet gift for the youngsters. With ba tery. $9.98 value—$1 heldi Up to Vi Mile Range - REALTONE 5-TR. Walkie - Talkie Per Unit Only Model 6504 walkie talkie as' shown—channel 9 crystal unit has up to Vi mile range Fuji year warranty. $17.50 value. $1 holds. With Squelch Control and Battery Level Meter... 9-Tr. Walkie-Talkies $29.98 Value 225» Alaron B919 has a 1 to 3 mile range depending on terrain and conditions . ... idea) for. the sportsman, channel No. 11 crystal unit complete with battery. $1 holds. > 12-TRANSISTOR Signal Call Walkie-Talkie 299» As shown — Alaron B120J With signal call and squelch control. Channel No, 14 crystal unit with a 1 to 3-mile range. 6-month guarantee. Use your credit card or $1 holds. ! KA.SSC | |\ |.;k This is Most Powerful 1-WATT 2-Channel Walkie-Talkie Can Also Bo Used as a Base Station With AC Adapter This Radio Is A Portable Recorder— This Recorder Is A Portable Radio ‘NORELCO’ Combination Radio and Recorder As pictured — the radio it AM-Shortwave and Aircraft1-1 Band receiver, has AFC for locked- '| in FM tuning, ferroceptor. telescopic antenna, extended fre- J quency coverage. The recorder plays bock FM and AM,programs directly through the raefo by. pushing a button. It uses tape cos-irtridges that snap in and you can record and play for I Vi urs. Comes with o remote contrpl. on the dynamic microphone make yoyr own live recordings... you've never seen such a and wait you hear ft. Use your credit card o SI holds. v* 199s8 $99.50 Value -PER UNIT Use Credit Cord or $1 Holds The highest power in ,a hand held unit... but it can be used as a base station with the optional AC adapter. 13 transistors, 2-channel, #9 ond No'. 11 crystals. Powerful up to Srmile range ond more. This unit comes with squelch control and battery meter, famous Loyd's No. 6A01B unit will moke o perfect Christmas gift for anyone special an your list, , 6-month guarantee. SIMMSJUI ^81 S Ibroker Let’s Face It, If You’re Buying A Camera Sift, It’s Going To Cost You Money ... But If You Get It At SIMMS, It’s Not Going To Cost You As Much As Elsewhere To be utterly frank with you, a camera gift does cost more than an ordinary gift, but you don't have to pay more for the same thing when you buy It at Simms . . . and more important, you'll get service after the sale here. So compare the price before you buy. Shop these specials for Today — Sat. and Sun. CAMERA DEPARTMENT DISCOUNTS KODAK Kodacolor Instamatic Color Film POLAROID Swinger FILM |48 Get 8 block 'n' ■ white snaps per roll with the-Swinger film. Limit 1( ‘ARGUS’ Automatic Electric-Eye INSTAMATIC PoiTKOrO Cot FLASHCUBE UulllGICl OGl $52 Seller—Now Instant loading model 264 sensitive electric eye camerb with programmed shutter; precision viewing. .Take 4 flash-shots without changing bulbs. Set has color film, floshcube batteries* . ‘KOWA-SE’ Electric-Eye 35mm Reflex Slide Camera $129.50 Value 6988 Extra fine fl.9 len» with built-in electric-eye for sharp color slides. or snapshots. Eye-level single iens reflex w'th shutter speeds to 1/500 seconds. a ($15 Case enly . • $5*98) Just Out—New at SIMMS KODAK Movie Projector Show Super 8 and Reg. 8mm Movies $99.50 Value >98 69 Newest model M65 pro-. jector with automatic threading and rewioding : and you can project the' new Super 8 movies 01 the regular 8mm films toe .,. use your credit card 01 $1 holds. ilnstant Credit on Purchases of $30 Up To $150 If you hove a credit card from a major or from” a stoke such, as, j Sears. Hudsons, Wards, Tmort. Penney*, Wo.tes, HHS, Kreiges, etc, JP .. may qualify tor WM Credit at Sinsm*. A*k u* j about this plan. Show Reg. 8mm & Super 8 Films • KODAK M80 Movie Projector iI399« Shows Super 8 or regu-lor 8mm films full* j automatic threading plus : 7 speeds including sto-motion feature. Best modeIv mode and at thdN lowest , price here at Simms. Use your credit cord or $1 holds. SIMMS!* A—0 1 i i l - % - • ■ i - ; \________________THE PONTIACPRESS, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1966 Vote Size Seen as Key in Utica UTICA — School officials are be filled and then some, as witfa-hopeful of good turnout far t^eir in the next three years about bond issue vote tomorrow. 7,000 additional students are ex- pected in die district ROOM SHORTAGE They fed, based on past surveys, that a good turnout will mean acceptance of the district’s $15.5-miUion building program and the additional 6 mills needed to run it. There are It, 000 registered voters in the dis trict Just this week all elementary school children were put on full-day sessions with the opening of the J. V. Mess-more Elementary School and the relief of crowded conditions at West Utica. The Rose Kidd Elementary school, last of four new schools to open, is scheduled for occupancy Jan. IS. Utica educators expect it to Oakland Iwp. Tax Bills Due In OAKLAND TOWNSHIP — Residents here are due for something of a shock come the early part of next week. At that time Treasurer Robert Barkham will put the 1966 county and school tax bills in the mail The Jump from last year is expected to cause some spectacular head scratching by taxpayers. Dae to an increased township equalization factor, from 2JB9 last year to &A8 this year, residents can expect to pay 125.34 mere par $1,600 assessed valuation, he said. Mrs. Lucy M. Alt, derk, said there has been better than a 1-mill raise in the tax levy in part of the township. ★ * * Rochester schools will get an additional .5 mill aqd that added to the caiinty’s J mill for spedal education and .11 mills for debt retirement makes the difference from last year. BIG JUMP Nevertheless the big Jump is due to the equalization factor, she feels. Oakland Township assesses about $4,000 on a $20,000 home, so owners of such a home can ex-I pect a tax bill of $447.48 I this year as opposed to | last year’s $346.12, Mrs. 1 Alt said. Schools Supt Philip Runkel said, “It will mean a shortage of 112 elementary classrooms, 64 junior high classrooms and '25 senior high classrooms by 1969. We must begin construction now if we are to meet these needs." Since die district now levies 6.68 mills to pay off previous bond issues, it expects to take advantage of the new s t ate school bond loan fond to Omit its bond payment levy to 7 mills. In other words, the district feels the new building might be accomplished on an increase of .32 mills or about $3.20 a year on a home worth $20,000. The six mills needed to op- II erate the new < facilities are asked for a period of five years. | j District officials say that tax would amount to an increase of $5 a month on a home worth All property owners who have l1 registered may vote on both the J bonding and millage proposals. Registered nonproperty owners |may vote on the millage proposal only. Avondale OKs Bonds for School V* Avondale Board o( Idn- fiT T f* H6n has voted tounderwrite ^^aW-tefoontobecpme Less-Urban Communities Beefing Up Master Plans The comprehensive master nohnced at the Dec. 19 Meeting, BIG BLAZE — More than 100 tons of hay and a 10-stall milking parlor go up in smoke yesterday In a barn fire at the Charles Hough dairy farm, 7430 37 Mile, Bruce Township. Some of the firemen, called from four area departments, remained at the scene this morning to prevent further damage. Cause of the fire was thought to be faulty electrical wiring, according to fire officials. $39,000 worth of revenue bonds which will be used to construct a high school field house. The Michigan Municipal Finance Commission had earlier refused the bond sale on the basis that payment would be from gate receipts. Lawrence Sharer, principal of the Auburn Heights Junior High School, was named as the new administrative assistant to Schools Snpt. John W. Dickey. His Job will be large-i ly concerned with obtaining federal funds to aid the district, Dickey said. Sharer will also handle spe- a meaningful (Jevilce for less urbanized communities north of Pontiac. Some communities are beefing up their planning effort, while at least one — Lake Orion — is just getting started. Nevertheless, planning, it appears, has taken on a new importance. Two separate movements toward complete planning in Orion and Oxford Townships took place recently. The Village Council of Lake Orion, having just sent its new charter to Lansing for approval, recently okayed an ordinance to set up a planning commission Rezoning Bid hr Apartment Under Fire Job-Training Center for Retarded Slated j the junior high. FARMINGTON TOWNSHIP The township has been designated as the site of a second work training crater for mentally retarded young adults. Conducted by the New Hori-ms of Oakland County, the new sheltered workshop will be located at 35100 Grand River and will serve southwestern Oakland WEST BLOOMFIELD TOWN-. County. SHIP — A request for a zoning simple and routine work for| companies which generally findl such jobs cost more than theyl are really worth,” he said. New 'zons specializes in simple assembly, packaging and correlating. cases, furniture, air compressors, and hand tools. cial and adult education, sum-.with powers over the zoning of mer programs and driver train- landing courses. * * * ' His appointment, effective] The Oxford Township Planning Jan. 30, leaves a vacancy' at Commission has voted to recom-Jmend application for federal {funds with which to acquire a master plan for the area. .STARTED IN 1962 I The Village of Oxford started its master plan in 1962. Orion Township, meanwhile, , has had a planning conunis-I sion for two years, and made ] application last June for fed-, eral money to set up a master j plan of the area. ! Lake Orion Village President . Wallace C. Crane hailed the move by his village as a big step forward. A former teacher-vocational coordinator of the mentally! handicapped at North Farming-ton High School, Smith said sev- Water Group Picks President WEST BLOOMFIELD TOWNSHIP - John Vis, 7139 Locklin, was elected president of Union Lake Shores Association, Inc., at the group s annual meeting. William Maybee was named vice president; Mrs. Raymond Olson, secretary; and Mrs. Louis Sparling, treasurer. The group is composed of 12 local associations around the lake. change at Orchard Lake and Lone Pine roads, which has drawn some protests from area residents, is presently being weighed by the township planning commission. Irwin Cohn, owner of a 31.4 acre site, is seeking a zoning change from single-family residential to multiple dwelling. According to Birmingham architect Carl Luckenbach, a 33-building complex around a man-made lake is contemplated fra the area. He said the area caOs fra “luxurious” units with rents ranging from more than $200 to more than $300 per month. Residents have voiced objections to the proposed project primarily because they say it would change the character of the single - family residential areal ★ ★ They have also expressed concern over decreased property values, traffic hazards and an il burden on the schools. IN ACCORD Henry Moses, chairman of the planning commission, points out that the multiple zoning is in accord with the township’s master plan. He said three other areas of tile township are now zoned for multiple dwellings and a request for another will be tak-en up at a public hearing next Tuesday. “In our land use map, certain areas are designated as transitional,” he said, “and we have to decide what is the best «. “I think this is a good area for multiple use and from a planning standpoint it makes better sense than residential,” he added. The center Is expected to be in operation about Jan. I with 20 to 25 trainees, according to J. Lyle Window, president of the nonprofit organization. New Horizons’ main objective is to provide vocational training for mentally retarded young people who are capable of acquiring sufficient skills to meet minimal requirements of industry. ★ ★ ★ The new center will have one-third more space than the existing Renter in Royal Ode with a capacity to employ about 40 trainees. Glen Smith, executive director, has asked individuals, groups and industry to help equip the new center. His needs la elude work benches and tables, storage bins, balance scales, a drill press, a Irak lift, hand carts, a stake or panel truck, general office equipment, book Smith is currently soliciting contracts for the new workshop. |eral area organizations have ■fUjn ' in a postition to do expressed interest in supporting! JUNIOR MISS — Janet --------------------:the new workshop including the! Blum, 1964 Meadowridge, |Farmington Jaycees and Auxili-I Commerce Township, Avon Twp. School in Carol Program AVON TOWNSHIP - The vocal music classes of West Junior High School will present carols from around the world at 8 p.m. Tuesday at the school. ★ * ★ Bernard Leshley will direct the group in a new carol “The Angel and the fnepherd,” written by West’s principal, Frank Richardson. ★ ★ ★ The Bell-Ringers from University Presbyterian Church, a band ensemble directed by Ward T. Price and Gerald Pak-kala, Oakland University student, will be featured with tlr 100-voice group. ary, Farmington Association of Handicapped Children, Farming-ton YMCA Handicap Parents Group and the Excalibur Club of Detroit. “The cost of providing work training and sheltered employment for these mentally handicapped people is about one-third the cost of institutional care,” said Smith. ‘To this can be added the jositive contributions that trained and working person can make to himself, family and community. “I can only hope that western Oakland County residents businesses will consider this program a major community effort and give It the support it justly deserves.'' BLIZZARD BEATER Feed the full |»»-er of a Husky compact tractor to a runted 32-inch enow caster and plow, up a storm. No belts to sjip-or fool with. You can start, stop, change direction-of casting chute, raise or lower the snow caster without slowing down — without getting off the tractor. Controls within easy reach for safety, convenience and smooth operation. .AAd when winter it over, Bolens Fast-Switch, attachments let you mow, til I, seed, haul anymore — the powerfun way. See both Husky Ttactor*: 6-lip Husky 600 and TVs-hp Husky 800. 42-lneh Blade Plows through knee-deep snow for low-cost removal. In summer it's a grader-blade j “Despite the near saturation of building in the village now, | the future will require plans for | rebuilding. Such a board could recommend wisely any future annexation or townshipwide incorporation moves,” he said. KEY OBJECTIVE He believed creation of the Walled Lake High School stu- new commission would be a help dent, was chosen Junior Miss in the first pageant sponsored by the Union Lake Jaycees. Janet, who is active in school activities, is now eligible to enter the state Junior Miss finals in Pontiac Jan. 27 and Meal Tickets? UTICA — Two cans Of food will admit a student to the second annual Snowflake Ball at 7:30 p.m. Dec. 16 at Shelby Junior High School. The food will be used by the Goodfellows for distribution to needy families at Christmas time. Last year the school collected four large crates of cans. to Lake Orion’s income. A building inspector, guided by such a commission, can in working with the assessor keep the village up-to-date in assessed valuation, be said. One of the main objectives of the new group, he continued, would be the writing of a zoning ordinance “that has some sense to it.” Nine men including Crane will serve on the planning board. They will include an administrative official appointed by the president, an elected member of the council, and six others appointed by the president and subject to the approval of the council. The appointments will be according to Crane. The Oxford Township Planning Commission has recommended that the township Board hire Development Planning Go. of Pontiac to make application fra the master planning grant under Federal Ad 701. Cost of the plan has been estimated at between $10,006 and $25,000. While no action has been taken, the possibility is present that the four boards might work jointly under a regional planning commission. Sewer problems and the disposal of sewage are common to tiie four areas. Countywide Lapeer Water Plan Sought IMLAY CITY — The Lapeer County Planning Commission was asked last night to establish a county wide plan for the distribution of Detroit water. The request was made by the ‘ Lapeer County Utilities Authority at its organizational meeting here. The authority elected Harvey Weatherwax, Imlay City village manager, as chairman. Howard Stone, Mayfield Township supervisor, was named vice chairman; Verne Messer, Almont village Clerk, secretary; and Robert Tripp, Lapeer Township supervisor, treasurer. The townships of Hadley and Oregon with the village of Co-lumbiaville applied for membership in the nine-unit authority. Their applications will be voted on separately by the governing bodies of the other nine units. Lapeer County Bank and Trust Co. was named as depository for authority funds. Each member has at this point been assessed $25, the money being used for file printing of tiie authority’s articles of incorporation. Joint Christmas Party DAVISBURG — Austin Chapter No. 396, Order of the Eastern Star, and Austin Lodge No. 4, F&AM, will hold a Christmas party tomorrow at the Masonic Temple. A cooperative supper at 6:30 p.m. will be followed by a visit from Santa Claus. Scotch Pine CHRISTMAS TREES Well trimmed, average 6 feet high. Michigan grown, fresh cut. Over 1400 to choose from. Special landscape Design Garden ! Information i Want Service Oaks Nursery and Landscape 3820 W. Auburn Rd., 2 Blocks East of Adams Pontiac 852-2310 THE ] , DECEMBER 9, 1966 Corner Soginow and Huron FE 4-2511 Famous Make SWEATER SALE Reg. 7.99-9.99 $397 Reg. 10.99-11.99 $497 Reg. 11.99-12.99 S $597 Reg. 12.99-14.99 $697 Your fovsrHe sty1 ns In cardigans V-necks tuft t necks and awa fine gauge wools or'ons fur blonds mohairs, and brushed w > n»ck tlipovtri. In bo ky* stylos Sizes 34 to 49. Whitt, pink, gold, beige, maize, orange. Sportswear... Third floor rust, and 0 host of others. Dress and Suiting Fabrics Reg. 2.50 and 3.00 *1 29 A large group of dress and suiting fabrics in man/ colors. Solids* prints, and checks. 45" width. Most of thejabrics are washable. Charge n ’mm SATURDAY ONLY SPECIALS! if SHOP ’TIL 9 EVERY NIGHT ’TIL CHRISTMAS Women's Winter COAT SALE $230° *36°° $540° *68°° Reg. 29.99-39.99 Junior Coats Reg. 49.99-59.99 Misses' Coats Reg. 69.99 Cashmere Coats Reg. 99.00 Fur Trim Coats Choose from plaids, tweeds, curls, fleeces, and many other fabrics in an assortment of beautiful styles. Sizes 5 to 15 and 6 to 18. Petite and Junior DRESS SALE Reg. 15.00 to 18.00 $129 10.99 *~T Your choico of jumbo 22 x 28 sizes, for regular bod or 21x39 size for king eizo bod. Cameo tick filled with fluffy DuPont Docron *. Non-ollerglc. Your Choice DRAPERY CLEARANCE $5«9 $10*9 *14*9 $2289 Men's Broadcloth PAJAMAS «•«. $099 $5.00 O • 100% combed cotton broadcloth in nnptched plaids • 65% Docron, 35% Cotton Permanent'press matched plaids B Famous Super Touch rayon flannel shirt in muted plaids Men'i wash and wear, and permanent presi iport shirt! in ivy or rogu'or 1 collars. Your choico. Sizes S-M-L-XL Charge Yours at Choose from coot or middy styles In o wide assortment of prints and stripes 100% cotton broadc'oths, cotton batistes. AH ore completely washable. Sizes A, B. C. D. Charge ft. Men's Wear . . . S r,.- floor Dectecto Clothes Hamper Reg. to 9.95 5Wx84" Reg. 17.99 116x84'' Reg. 22.99 DWx84" -Reg. 34.99 4Wx84" Gregorios... feurh fleer The embroidered look... Dutches vinyl. ChdoJb from white or pink in two styles. Charge it. Housewores ... lower lews "Cheerful Tearful'' $779 Newest addition fa the Mattel family. Closes her eyes, pouts, cries, when you lower her arm. Salt and huggable in cute sleep and ploy outfit. Charge It at Waite's. Teytond ... FiH floor Voice of the People: THE PONTIAC PRESS . 41 West Huron Street Pontiac, Michigan 48056 FRIDAY* DECEMBER 9, I960 - ’ •• ^sassrsaft *Sgjra* City Maps Antipoilution Campaign In. a major move against a re a water pollution, the Pontiac City Commission at a recent meeting envisioned a long-range $7.5 million program to separate drain and storm sewage in the northern section of the City. In order to comply with a directive of the State Water Resources Commission aimed at solution of local pollution problems, the City Fathers authorized expenditures of $12,000 for a blueprint for elimination of pollution of three small lakes within the municipality. ★ ★ ★ Primary target is Osmun Lake, where $45,000 would be initially spent to provide a storm drain to handle the segregated waste resulting from Fisher Body Plant’s planned separation of its combined internal sewer system. However, for the lake to realize maximum benefit from the Usher Body project, an outlay of $300,000 by the City for area sewer separation would eventually be called for. Source of money for such purpose would be the surplus of the sewage disposal fund. We commend the City Commission on its progressive outlook toward combating on a local level one of the growing threats facing the Nation — the pollution of nature’s vital resources. Jurist Stirred by Recent Store Tragedy A thoughtful communication to the editor reflects a somber outlook on public responsibility in^he area of law enforcement and concern for the fate of individuals beset by violence. Citing the recent case of a Detroit department store employe who unhesitatingly attempted to apprehend an escaping shoplifter and was stabbed to death while hundreds looked on, the Writer sees the apathy evidenced as a typical example of America’s deteriorating social consciousness. On the other hand, he points to the victim’s instinctive reaction on the side of law and order and considers it worthy of public recognition and indeed of material compensation for his family. ★ ★ ★ Our correspondent, an Oak Park municipal judge, points out that there exist unpublicized groups whose interest lies in recognizing and rewarding the heroism of policemen and firemen where it surpasses the call of duty. He suggests that similar appreciation be given to civilians who display comparable courage and sense of public responsibility. ★ ★ ★ The Press is in hearty accord with the sentiments expressed by this member of the judiciary and passes than on to its readers for serious consideration. Train Children to Escape From Home Fires Can something helpful be done about the tragic fate of children whose lives are sacrificed in home fires? Tes, we think there can be. The answer lies in giving children rudimentary fire drill for escaping their burning homes, similar to programs regularly observed in schools. ★ ★ ★ Pointing out that dwelling f i r e s annually claim the lives of 2,000 children and that a child is 200 times more likely to be trapped in a home Are than at school, Today’s Health magazine offers these safety tips: ★ ★ ★ • Together, parents and children should map out two separate escape routes from each room — a main route and an alternate. Main exits are usually doors; alternates, windows. • A portable ladder (aluminum) should be available for escape from upper windows. • Children should be impressed by the need for immediate escape and warned against delay by trying to put out the fire or gathering possessions. Minutes, seconds are crucial here. • If a window is jammed or frozen shut, children in their panic may not think of breaking it. They should be shown how to do it with a shoe and cautioned to run the shoe around the window frame to clean off jagged edges. • Children should be made aware of the deadliness of smoke. Warn them against venturing out into a smoke-filled hall or opening a door that would let smoke in. Caution them that a wet handkerchief over the mouth does not filter out asphyxiating gases. Drills and precautionary advice should be repeated regularly. When fire comes, panic is fire’s ally. Strange Stillness at the White House By JAMES MARLOW AP News Analyst WASHINGTON — There has been a strange development in President Johnson which may have gone unnoticed because, while be may seem to be talking as much as ever, he really isn’t He has been talking in news conferences for months here in Washington or in Texas or elsewhere but that is scattered talk on a variety of subjects, not detailed and not in any sense full explanations on serious subjects. MARLOW He has not been making sustained speeches or explanations as he did in his early White House days. As a result he has become more remote from the people. Aud as a result of that Us popularity and the public’s confidence in him have sagged. For example, It has been a long time since he took the airways to talk to the nation about Viet Nam. AH that’s been coming out of Texas about the economy so far is a jumble. He will^of course, have plenty of time and opportunity to be clear and specific about this in January in his budget and economic and State of the Union messages. I ★ w a Meanwhile, a rather puzzled public waits. That ha is hwfag ground with the public Srdi illustrated in two public opinion polls published this week by George Gallup and Louis Harris. Hie latest Gallup poll, which at the beginning of 1966 showed 63 per cent approving the way Johnson did his job, showed only 48 per cent did, although this was a 4 point increase from October. Gallup attributed the downward trend to disenchantment with the “Great Society” and the course of the war in Viet Nam. In the latest survey 43 per cent said they approved Johnson’s handling of the war, II par cent didn’t But the Harris pall was even gloomier. Hants found only 42 per cent approved Johnson’s handling of the war, a 7 point drop since his trip to tbe Manila conference in October. ' ' (i ' Sf * >r Harris also found only 35 per cent approved Ids handling of tbe economy, a 34 per cent drop in a year. An earlier Harris survey had Johnson trailing Republican George Romney, recently elected to a third term as Michigan's governor, in pairings for the presidency. FILLING THE VACUUM For months he let the critics of the war, tike two Democratic senators, J. W. Ful-bright of Arkansas and Wayne Morse of Oregon, fill the vacuum of public information without saying much himself except scattered statements. If he wants to be reelected he will have to make big changes.------ Several Express Views on Closing Area Schools In answer to “Eighty-Two-Years Old” who wanted to know why they dose the schools at the find snowfall, I came from the coldest spot in the Upper Pen- below zero.. I waded waist-deep snow to school and braved the below zero temperatures. More power to the boys and girls who don't have to bear thq hardships I did. /$ I am not richer, poorer or better educated, ao let the children stay home. It Isn’t wading tho snow that will hurt them but the amount of traffic we have. FH keep my youngsters home If their safety warrants it, even if they miss a few nouns or pronouns and arithmetic problems. NOT QUITE EIGHTY-TWO In regard to schools closing when it snows a few lndjes, in 1902 you could put on your boots and walk down the middle of the road If you wanted to. When children start to there are no walks and they sometimes live 10 or 12 miles from the school. ★ ★ ★ I drove a school bus all day on ice that had been rained on, so when they say no school because of ice, snow, fog,etc., say “thank God, maybe no child, driver or Innocent bystander will behurt” A RUS DRIVER Regarding schools closing, children today ane frometa to ten miles from their schools in most places. Buses should be kept tie roads In bad weather because each driver is responsible for 40 to 60 young lives. ★ ★ ★ Why is Mr. Whitmer so willing to endanger aQ these Hves, as well as tbe teachers and bus drivers? On Nov. 26, Pontiac schools were the only ones open. 35-YEAR-OLD MOTHER OF FOUR Another Pearl Harbor Possible j Has anyone 0001^*7^ onea^* X111UUIU1 X A AACIL X VOOIMIV open in poor weather such as we had December 5? Driving and walking were hazardous and serious accidents could occur under such conditions. ★ ★ ★ Those who did risk having an accident wasted their time. Classes were so small that teachers could not continue with regular assignments. There's A Card In Here From Washington, Says: 'Get Well Quick'.' David Lawrence Says: WASHINGTQN-Yes, there could be another Pearl Harbor. But it would be much worse next time. For it Is e s timated that 130 million Americans would be killed by a surprise nuclear attack. This is why there is so much discus- AmKKnr. sion now in LAWRENCE military circles about what is called the “Nike-X” system of antimissile missiles. This, with certain other defensive measures, would be expected to cut'the deaths to something like 60 million, and thereby save 70 million lives. Bat there are as yet no antimissile defenses in the United States, and reliance is being placed entirely on the plan to use an avalanche of missiles to retaliate with such intensity that 160 million people in the enemy .country could be killed and the economy destroyed. The argument continues, however, as to whether the deterrent is adequate. The U. S. Joint Chiefs of Staff are on record unanimously in gavor of “Nike-X.” ★ * ★ Without mentioning this phase of the problem, Secretary of Defense McNamara — after a long discussion with President Johnson—this week issued to the press a mem-v orandum designed to allay any public apprehension as to the effectiveness of America’s missile strength. FELT IT NECESSARY It is evident the administration felt it necessary to take public note of reports that the Soviets are rapidly increasing their missile strength. These reports began to filter oat about time weeks ago from western Europe and the Pentagon. They indicated that America’s lead of 4 to 1 in intercontinental ballistic missiles was . rapidly diminishing and that perhaps by 1976 the Soviet Union would catch op with the United States. Also, the Russians were reported already to be deploying an antimissile system of their own around Moscow, Leningrad and other cities. Verbal Orchids Mrs. IdOta Scheall of 1200 N. Telegraph; 87th birthday. Mrs. Mary A. Schlaff of Keego Harbor; 88th birthday. Mrs. Lena Taylor of Union Lake; 8?th birthday. Guy A Walter of Clarkston; 92nd birthday. Charles Brooks of 121 Stair; i In his statement this week, Secretary McNamara conceded that U. S. intelligence agencies had underestimated the numbei1 of intercontinental ballistic missiles that the Soviets would have in place by the middle of 1968 and in subsequent years. But he insisted that this country could still deal a crushing counterblow to any attacking enemy. UNANSWERED QUESTION1 The great unanswered question is whether an irresponsible government in Moscow or Peking will take this into ac- count. The irresponsible elements In Tokyo certainly didn’t think things through when they ordered the attack on the United States on Dec. 7, 1941. ★ . ★ ★ ' it is necessary, therefore b to make sure that the people of every large country possessing nuclear weapons are kept fully informed of the dangers of a nuclear war, so that they may exercise a restraining haul and prevent any more Pearl Harbors. in Niwipapw 1 Bob Considine Says: U.S. Is Not Butting In on S. Viet Constitution Why was Pontiac the only school system open? Why is It that Pontiac schools have only been closed once since 1947? The Pontiac school system is open more days than any other system in this area. Certainly we could afford to close the schools for a day or two to avoid these hazards. HALF OF A WASHINGTON JUNIOR HIGH ■ HISTORY CLASS Suggests Romney Stop Issuance of Permits If Gov. Romney to such a great leader, why doesn’t he atop the conservation department from issuing several thousand doe permits to meat-hungry hunters. They are not sportsmen, but the type that must kill something to prove they are great huntera. ★ ★ ★ I spent two weeks in area three in upper Michigan and talked with several land owners. They were all very bitter because of die senseless slaughter of tbe does and fawns and claim there to no food shortage in this area. I agree with tiiem. A BUCK HUNTER (Continued on Pago A-7) SAIGON—South Viet Nam’s National Constitutional Assembly, elected and seated in September, has until March 27, 1967, to draft a new constitution for this tortured land. It works earnestly each day on a task that would discourage most men. It_______ to blueprint- CONSIDINE ing a democracy to be run by civilians, and doing this in face of War, military dictatorship, pestilence and international. pessimism that anything good will come of it. The only contribution the United States to making to this noble experiment, whose success or failure will crown or curse our involvement here, to its good wishes. Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge does not show up at assembly sessions to shape the embryo constitution in the image and likenesses of the document put together by certain of his ancestors after the American Revolution. We send only an observer, a young, New York-born, Yale-trained member of tbe embassy staff, John Negreponte. It would be unthinkable of him to offer a suggestion. * Sr ★ We are maintaining what tbe State Department calls a “low silhouette” in this delicate matter. "We don’t want to risk being accused of masterminding or Big Blethering this gestation period. GREAT EXPECTATIONS So far, everything that has happened in the assembly hall, which the colonial French built as an opera house, has exceeded our expectations, \ The 117 members have produced an impressive organization of dvfl servants to ink the operation, have formed separate bet essentially compatible vatlag political parties, have hr.d few squabbles and an attendance record that would put our own Congress to shame. There have been no filibusters. Speeches are finished in five minutes and are limited to three on any one subject. There appears to be emerging from the daily discussions and statements of principle a type of leadership which we could place our confidence in when victory has been achieved and the bulk of our forces takes its leave. It all seems too good to be true. But tt to happening here, Mg as life. Question and Answer Students who have to go hone from school after 4:31 because of practice, meetings, etc., most pay adult bus fare of 30 cents instead of the lS-cent student rate. Why should they pay more just because they have extra-curricular activities? This policy should be changed. SEVERAL STUDENTS REPLY After talking with Pontiac Transit Company manager and the assistant City manager, toe learned this is a long established policy agreed on by the bus company, the City and the schools. All those concerned feel this helps to get students home right after school and discourages them from hanging around the schools or downtown. There are legitimate reasons for stayinglate, of course, but special permits for those students would present too many complications for the bus company, which already has more than its share of problems. Reviewing Other Editorial Pages Hypocrisy Pravda, Moscow Under cover of hypocritical phrases on peace in Manila another step has been taken along the road of continuing and escalating American imperialism in the area of Indochina. The Manila gathering clearly mirrored the subterfuge which the U.S. ruling quarters are resorting to in their main effort to avoid defeat in Viet Nam and to strengthen their positions in the international arena. Luxury of Labor Chicago Daily Nevis Speaking of the high cost of living — aa somebody surely was — a friend in an adjacent county called the plumbing contractor the other week to mend a teak in the stall shower floor. C ★ dr fr. \ After several intermittent visits involving considerable conversation, logistics and such, the leak was finally fixed. The tile men came and replaced the tile (for $196) and the plumber submitted Jjta MH It was for $357J6, of which $237.50 was for labor. Out Mend called for a detailed breakdown and received it Included were 20% hours of plumbers’ time at $16 an boor, and 3% boors of “laborers’” time at $8 an boor. More interesting, however, was the contractor’s explanatory note: “The union ;nle to tint the plumber charges us for the time he spends gathering the necessary material for the job, traveling to and from the job, doing the plumbing work required, an&the time for putting away surplus material being returned to the du^p. I hope this will clarify your question regarding the labor charge.” 4 * ♦ Our friend said that it certainly did and in addition set him to musing over the mental picture of some faraway plumber leisurely dropping surplus elbow joints into a bin while the adding machine tolled wearily away: 10 dollars ... 20 dollars.... Pn»» * WHIM Lasting Reminders Atlanta Journal Political campaigns come and go but political campaign signs oftentimes coma and •toy. rW * * They are left tacked tty on telephone poles or tree trunks or most anything else that doesn’t move until the rains and the winds finally put them on tbe ground. Then they stay there tt seems like forever. And political signs are not tbe only things sigawbe that ugly op the laaiaeape. There are afi sorts tt advertising signs that are unlawful sr unattractive or both. * ; Sr * • v And, to be \fair about it, there are some Interesting signs, too. - * ..Sr/t-Sr But the unattractive ones are sometimes around in such numbers that they become a Mot on the outdoor scene. Voice of the People (Continued from Page yU6) More Readers Discuss Behavior of Youth ||. ride the bus if ter school. Before grown-ups complain, they should think of the teen-agers’ side. What children hear, see and do at home, they repeat in public. If these acts are shameful, don’t blame the teen-agers, blame the parents. ARCHIE MASON 605 S. PADDOCK My- list Is off to the person who wrote about the conduct of the Negro school children. I am an ex-bus driver because of this cseduct. When a school has to keep police on duty to try and control these students, it surely is a disgrace to the many fine Negro people m hive in Pontiac. EX-BUS DRIVER THE PONTIAC PRESS, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1966 A—7 Turns Teacher SAIGON (AP)—Capt. Ralph J, Beardsley, 33, of Almont, Midi., .has flown 100 missions over North Viet Nam, dropped an estimated |00,000 pounds of ordnance in less than five months, and no# he’s going home to teach students how the job is ■ ,, ... The Ato Force, which rotates fliers after 100 combat missions over the Communist North, is sending Beardsley to MoQannell Air Force Base, Kan., where he will be a combat anew training Instructor, teaching Southeast Asia-bound F105 pilots the tac- To "Concerned Citiien,” I can’t speak tor all white because we also have people in our race who act and talk like those of your race. They can't see the harm they ana doing to .J ... - •their own race by their actions. I agree, there are a lot of fins *U1 ‘‘“P10? «* Negro people. I respect people not for their color. bttt for to® &mbat «»*tions they will ability to get toe most out of Ufe without hurting others in the face-|H » •••** | - 4 start' „ process. Until all people quit hollering “equal rights” and t_ practicing what they preach, humanity will never improve. ANOTHER BEAL CONCERNED CITIZEN Three cheers tor “A Concerned Citizen!” It’s unfortunate that others who feel as he does do nothing to try to curb the antics and activities of those who are so severely damaging toe image of the Negro race. I am not a Negro, but I am a Qiriwian, which makes me a brother to every man. I am concerned for those of any oppressed group who try desperately to better themselves, only to be undermined by others of their own group. * ★ ★ Sit-ins, demonstrations, marches, black power nor white power can ever hope to surmount the obstacles that present themselves whenever progress tries to initiate a needed change. Only by patience, perserverance, love and toe help to God whose peat love created ns all equal in His sight can any oppressed group to nation hope to survive. ANOTHER CONCERNED CITIZEN I commend "A Concerned Citizen” for the forthright letter concerning toe shameful conduct of some of our Negro children on bushi and in stores. I too have beat concerned, and have spoken to several to these students personally, that their actions affect our race as a whole. Perhaps, if parents would follow their children at times and find out what they are doing, the could be remedied. ANOTHER CONCERNED CITIZEN At 3:15 p.m. a bus is waiting to bring Pontiac Northern students home. Pontiac Central students have to walk downtown and wait until 4:00 p.m. or later. If they miss that bus, it’s a 45-minute wait. I have called Mr. Staley, the principal, and he did all he could. I have also called toe bus company. ★ ★ ★ • If “Concerned Citizen” wasn’t so busy being ashamed of being a Negro, she would know that these children have no other way home. ★ ★ ★ Thirty days In jail would stop the roughnecks. I am proud of 1 toe majority to students at Pontiac Central. 1 AM PROUD TO BE A NEGRO LBJ’s Foreign Policy Confuses Reader I read that Jordan is promised U.S. jets to invade Israel and Israel Is using U.S. tanks to invade Jordan. Is that part of LBJ’s foreign policy? MARTIN C. POOLEY WALLED LAKE Discusses Charges for Telephone Service Why doesn’t General Telephone Company merge with Michigan Bell, or quit charging toll calls. Our phone bill used to be less .than $5 and now it’s $25 to $30 a month. A call two miles down the road is long distance And the rates toe ridiculous. ★ ★ ★ t suggest they raise toe monthly Charge a few dollars and quit going through Michigan Bell Telephone facilities. DISGUSTED FROM ORTONVILLE ‘Plan Ahead to Prepare for Short Hours’ My husband works in the factory and goes to school two nights a week. We get by on less than $30 a week—sometimes $10. We planted a small garden and worked hard canning and putting a few potatoes away. I’m ready for less hours at the factory if that happens. MRS. ANNA CASKEY 3640 GREGORY ‘Reports Didn’t Tell Good Deeds of Doctor’ Your front page gave full account of Neil Sullenba*ger’s misdeeds, but what about all the marvelous and good tilings he tod? To have known Neil was to love and respect him. He was not only a great doctor, he was kind, generous, sympathetic and an understanding man — keenly aware of his fellowman’s needs and as aware of his own shortcomings. MRS. MARTIN ELLER 197 OTTAWA DRIVE Many of Dr. Neil Sullenberger’s patients loved 1dm as their doctor and friend. I regret The Pontiac Press and radio stations only stated the controversy and forgot the national acclaim he won for doing one of the first successful open heart operations. Perhaps that is what is wrong with this generation.we j remember toe bad and forget toe good. BEREAVED Disagrees With Recent Editorial Statement The editorial "LBJ, Viet Nam Face Fateful 1968,” stated "U, is we believe, democracy is a superior way of life to communism . .The United States of America is a constitutional republic, not * democracy. It is sad to think how thoroutfily our citizens are brainwashed into saying, believing and acting as if we are a democracy. MARY A. LEGNOSKY BIRMINGHAM ‘Numerous Activities Are Offered Teens* {I have rand statements in this column from teen-agers con-plaining about toe lack to activities available to foam. Recently, a rimnar statement was signed by four adults who want to start a club for teens who have no place to go. *.# ■ ★ it : •" \* and organizations which offer activities designed! to enrich the moral and/or physical well-being of teen-agers as well as to provide stimulating and enjoyable association, are Hi-Y; Tri-Hi-Y and their junior affiliates; DeMolay; Job’s Daughters; Methodist Youth Fellowship; Baptist Youth Fellowship, etc-; Boy, Explorer, Sea andGirl Scouts; Pontiac Swim Cltto; Pontine Weight Lifting Club; Squires; Circle K; YMCA; YWCA; Junito Achievement; Pontiac City Baseball and other recreation department activities; school chibs such as future Nurses, Future Teachers, etc. ' \v ■ ^ ' With these and many other activities available, it would seem that the only teens who have no place to go are tile ones ] who are just too lazy to get up and put one foot ahead to too other.- ‘ »a 1 RONALD E. MAPLEY __________ 384 TTLMOR Beardsley, who was flight leader on 24 of his missions, had his airplane hit only once and that was a small wing puncture made by small arms fire. ‘It caused no trouble andonly left a hole smaller than a quar-“ he said. “I feel very fortunate that that’s the only ground fire that hit me. When you diye into a target right through the flak, you just have to hope and trust to luck that none hits you.” Chrysler to Get Rid of Dealer Halted CHICAGO (AP) - Chrysler Corp. was barred Thursday by a federal judge from using what he called an “unfair and arbitrary” sales quota to terminate a dealer’s franchise in Wheaton, 1. Judge Hubert L. Will of U. S. District Court enjoined Chrysler from ending the franchise of J. A. Madsen Motor Sales Inc. He concluded that the termination was not Madsen’s performance but Chrysler’s “desire to establish a new, large dealership” in Wheaton. ★ ★ ★ The judge ruled that toe sales quota “is an arbitrary, unfair and coercive standard of adequate performance.” He said it would enable Chrysler to cancel to one-half of its dealerships at any time. Quotas vary from dealer to dealer. The stockholders of Madsen Motors filed suit in November against Chrysler after receiving a notice of franchise termination. TRADE RESTRAINT The suit charged that Chrysler attempted to restrain trade violation of toe Sherman Antitrust Act. Chrysler asked toe court to determine the loss to Madsen if the franchise were not maintained. Judge Will said it would be impossible to calculate the monetary damages Madsen would sustain. ★ ★ ★ I Madson Motors is owned by Clarence Madsen, Joseph Zwier-zycki, Joseph D’Ziak and Guy Ashmore. Great Lakes Level DETROIT (UPI) - The levels of Lakes Superior, Hurra and Michigan are expected to fall two to three inches during the next month, the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers said today. The drops are part to the normal fall-winter pattern, the engineers said. Lake Erie, However, is expected to remain it the same level. *;• * ' # The report said Sityerior would undergo toe biggest drop, three inches. It fell two indies In the last month. Michigan and Hurra ire both expected to drop two indies. Both are currently one inch above what they were one month ago. Alarm Clock's Ring Leads to Double Killing DETROIT (AP) — When his daughter’s alarm dock woke him up at 6 a.m. Thursday, Styeaivold Rusaell Henderson was upset He grabbed his ^caliber automatic pistol and shot his daughter, Mrs. Audrey Saver, 28, rad turned.toe gun on him-eelf, police raid. Mrs. Stover did at a hospital, Henderson was Asad at the *ne. Henderson’s wife, Vera, SO, said ha had been despondent because to flhnss. FAMILY NICHT FRIDAY 6 TO 10 P.M. MAY WIN A COLOR TV! Nothing to buy... just fill out tho entry blank below It's an exciting after-hours shopping opportunity for the entire family. Shop without rush or fuss, and complete your Christmas 'hopping quickly and easily. And remember you can CHARGE IT, and taka many months to pay. Coma in Friday night, Dec. 9. There will be bargains for you, your family and neighbors. FREE PRIZE DRAWING AH you do is fill in this handy entry blank and deposit it at your nearby Federal's Department Store. Enter right awayi Name....................... Address.................... City............Zip code.... State.......Phone.......... VISIT SANTA IN TOYLAND (Mon.-Fr I to 8; 10-8; Sun., 11-8) OPEN NIGHTS T010 OPEN SUNDAYS 11 AM. TO 9 P.M. DOWNTOWN AND DRAYTON PLAINS ajmmaaap A—8 • THE PONTIAC PRESS, FRIDAY, DECEMBER #, II Motor Corf ex 'More Basic ThanThoughf ! By Science Service 'WASHINGTON — The motor; cortex, major center in the brain for aO skilled, voluntary movements, is a more elementary structure than anyone has suspected, according to new evidence. * * * It’s more like manual steering than power steering, says a doctor studying it. Rather than guiding movement, the motor cortex determines only how much force will be applied, reported Dr. Edward V. Evarts of the National Institute of Mental Health in Bethesda, Md. Messages in the motor cortex , are coded in terms of force, whkb means the guidance system is probably located in higher brain centers. ♦ * ★ Dr. Evarts reported his research to an international con-J f erence of neurophysiologists at Columbia University in New! York. It has important impli-! cations for restoring the use of paralyzed muscles. Ibe poinsettia, popular Christ-, mas flower, was named after Dr. Joel Poinsett BEAMS CHOICE ART COLLECTION Four gift decanters with glazed-in reproductions of Mzanne (shown), van Gogh, Lautrec, Frans Hals. Great art Great Bourbon. Eight years old, charcoal filtered, 90 proof. f\ JIM BEAM GIFT WRAPPED This beautifully designed foil pack' age is yours at no extra cost A memorable gift of Kentucky Straight Bourbon, 86 proof. Reflects the good taste of the giver. And the receiver. Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey, Jamas 8. Beam Distilling CoH Clermont, Beam, Kentucky. ORCHARD'S ANNUAL CHRISTMAS SEASON HOURS: Mon. thru Fri. 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. Sat. 9 A.M. to5:30 P.M. REPEAT OF A SELL-OUT BROYHILL SWIVEL ROCKER njGive Your Home That FESTIVE XMAS SPIRIT WITH A LIFE-SIZE ELECTRIC FIREPLACE THRIUINGLY AUTHENTIC COLONIAL SOFAS CUSTOM SIZED FOR YOUR ROOMS OVER 100 IN STOCK—AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY 60-IN. LOVESEAT NESTLES ANYWHERE PltlCED FROM $13995 AVERAGE 73-IN. 3-CUSHION SOFA * 4 BAfiS Most popular sisol Zippered foam cushion. Stylish *| Jill"” print or twaad covor. ■ ww EXTRA LONG 84-In. 3-CUSHION SOFA Extra sirad for nxtra comfort! Foam Mats, pillow, tracks. Print or twood covor. 97-IN. KING SIZE 4-CUSHION SOFA For tho largo living room. Foam soat cushion. *179“ $25915 Reg. S13, in Patchwork *109** foam rubber cushion coil spring construction extra arm covers CHOICE OF stylish prints for long-wearing tweeds at one low price. STANBARBII EVERY BROYHILL SOFA e Foam Rubber Reversible Cushions e Quality Coil Spring Construction • Arm Covers and Self Decking NO PAYMENTS UNTIL JAN. 15th "x43V2"x9VzM WITH YULE LOGS THAT GLOW AND FLICKER LIKE A REAL FIRE! ★ Realistic Yule Log Set 'Ar 3 ft. Cord, Socket & Plug At Light Bulb ★ Revolving Fan Attachment A: Imprinted Fireplace Accessories t WeRdarW holiday atmispbr re. M |9| £r plug in, and thiftla lags giawasi IQ/ ..........— m flicker realistically, laads af tpaca ^ ^ for Chris tans stockings... kiddies levs ta play around it. Heavy, 3-ply fibreloard construction, wiRl authentic red brick finish. Satsip la a jiffy...folds compactly for star-age. Absolutely safa...walks as AC or DC current ;AL FIRE! .) $|99 HOWTO MAKETHE MOST OF COLOR IN YOUR HOME Come in for your free House & Garden "Color Chips" and Color Guide FREE “COLOR CHIPS” Actual pocket size samples of House Sc Garden magazine’s current and forecast colors for your home. Thousands of women have paid $1.00 for these decorator aids. FREE COLOR GUIDE A completely new and ». .....small, medium, large. Save 1.11 Save $5 NEVER IRON MEN’S SLACKS 588 RIB. 6.99 • Easy care blend of Acritnn11 nerv/ir* Rayon • Reverse twist weave for dress nr casual • Choose from an assortment of popular colors. Slacks never need iron* ing . . . no, not even totrch-up! Handsome Ivys in a year 'round blend of Acrilan1* ac-rylic-rayon. Many popular colors to choose from! Men's 29-42. Mrs', Dept. 100% Acrilan Acrylic BLANKET 799 e Choose from an assortment of lovely colors. • “Nap • Seal'* finish minimises shedding. e Blanket reverses for additional wear. Tone on tone makes this blanket a true decorator item. Wards "nap-seal" finish minimised shedding, pilling. 4-inch all-around nylon binding. Many popular new colorsl Linen Dept- You save 2.11 on waterproof boots Men! Here they are; the Wellington boots with long-wearing black vinyl uppers and soles. Orion® acrylic lined for warmth. 7 to 12. Special Purchase TABLE AND CHAIRS Spills wipe off 18x 24" plastic coated top. 2 vinyl upholstered chairs. Makes a great gift. Toy Dept. Save 2.11 AIITO. SKILLET 11*' REB. 13.99 11" square, with high dome covet. Teflon coating cleans* with, a sponge. Control dial and light. Appliance Dept. Zq!L Skkju (jJoaJU- Save 11.99 WARDS SWIVEL ROCKER Rolax as you rock . . . swivels A ^ to fact any part of the room. r/lM Heavy textured tweed fabric; RrW button-tufted back. T-cushion. ’ NEB. 99.19 Furniture Dept. 99' Re*. j.59 Buy now! Even a hilly charged battery can stall in winter. 8 ft., 7 ga. aluminum cable. 12 volt only. Infant’s two piece nylon snow suits B...Machine washable. I 1 till iSiz®* 12 *0 30 I t i IV i!M®l months. Buy now L and save at. this outstanding price. Transistor AM radio terns into a phono! Just turn' it on its carrying handle base—we it as a 2-speed phono. Light—oniy 5 lbs. Big 3Vi-inch speaker. Smart red and white case. REG. 29.99 Save 25.10 COLOR POWDER ROOM 2988 Choose Wards better Siphon-Jet Toilet of gleaming china with attractivo styled 19x17" lavatory. Bluo or beige. PlumblngDept. WMW Save 3.07 STEREO PHONO 1688 REO. 19.95 All transistorized for instant music. 45 RPM adapter. Choice of 2 colors. Plays all speeds. TV Dept. SAVE ‘2 2’x4’ PANELS 3** MG. $.19 Decorator panels look like stained glass. In many designs and colors. Reg. 8.99 . . 2‘x6* 3.99 improvement Dept. Save 15.99 30-Gal. HEATER *64 ^ REB. 79.99 Gas hoater has Demand Augmentation that automatically fits recovery to meet demand. Hurry! Reg. 89.99 heater . . $84 Plumbing Dept. Save 146 SUPREME SHOCKS •a. in prs. REG. 6.50 The finest shocks in tho world! Greater capacity; even control; loss' heating. Hurry today! open Monday thru Saturday 9:30 A.M. TO 9:00 P.M. SUNDAY 12 NOON TO 6 P.M. • 682-4940 Real Wallop in Irish Co By Science Service WASHINGTON — Alcohol can produce more than one kind of aberration. The man who sees pink elephants may also be exposing himself to the same hazard* faced by those exposed to the atomic bomb. .OR * And if he really wants to live tengMb&ly, Irish coffee is just the thing, for coffee and alcohol j are synergists;. that is, mixed! together, they are several times more potent than when used! alone. THE PONTIAC PRESS, FRIDAY, DECEMBER A—0 Shoppers Warned of Thieves I Averted by Drug] i1 By Science Service l WASHINGTON - A new fer-on a counter jtiifcy ^ that enables pre-'viously barren women to have I children reportedly does not ‘In ? crowded |toi^, a thief can be gone with a purse before present complications of piulti-a woman realizes it’s missing,’’ be said. 'V it' , 1^ -'pie births that ot|teij attend fer-Shoplifting, an annual Christmas headache for busy M 11 merchants, wUI be the target of increased patrols in the |Sinai Hospital said te^S 8tore8- the drug, Clomid, have been en-1 “We’ve been advised that some of our off-duty personnel couraging- The Food and-Drugl witi be working in stores,” Gale commented. | Administration has issued anj * * * • * * # “approval letter” signifying a! (M. atfwG to tap im'iw, to ttj "to .ddtto. print, tocurtty guard, .111 print 8" “ ml"or .•f™* rrec*ulklM PmUUc area resident! and!grasp and aorid Ibe temptation to hr a handbag shoppers during the Christmas season can assure them of awhjje shopping, merrier holiday Pontiac police advised today. 1 j CROWDED STORES Detective Capt. Charles W. Gale placed particular em-l pnasis, on locking of car doors and even securing of gift packages in the trunk. ‘Packages in an automobile in plain view of anyone passing by invite a larceny,” Gale said. “Even at homes, we’ve had reports of windows broken to steal presents placed under trees and within easy reach of the endow.” Gift Certificates Good For 12 Saunas For The Price of 10 SAUNA e Waterford Hill Sauna 1110 Dixit Hwy. - Daily 1-9, Closed Mon, 914-2839 CHILDREN OUTGROWN SKIS, SLEDS, TOBOGGANS? SELL THEM WITH A LOW COST PONTIAC PRESS CLASSIFIED AD. TO PLACE YOURS, CALL 332-8181. WHILE THEY LAST A—10 THE PONTIAC PRESS, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1066 OPEN EVERY EVENING UNTIL 9 P.M. UNTIL CHRISTMAS cHappiqess is a beautiful walnut finish, 4-speed $4 "VA xS speakers, now reduced to.. . ..VW ra*°' | f Q x: $4 M A 1 15Vi cu. ft. KELVINATOR re- £4 AA fcjf * N AH « frigerotor, 160 bottom freezer, ▼ ■ UK 1 ■ 111 # a repo, that looks brand new.... I Vll W ; 23” ZENITH Walnut console : TV, a repo, but in excellent con- $inoi±?^trr!^» $108lilmi!S? $2888 N Vll :-;2 demonstrator, reduced to only I W ;X Q||3ntltV %3SStttS8i88888Kli8raijaw^^ - - - mm ■ i • • • • -•.-w.wrv-. PRICE BREAK ON ALL 1967 COLOR TVs! I j&m21” Color TV | DANISH WOOD WALNUT CONSOLE Superb wood walnut console Id-Bey color TV. Big 265 sq. in. | rectangular screen, with 25,000 volts of picture power. High ^ gain IF amplifier, famous handcrafted chassis, automatic color DuMONT 25” COLOR TV DANISH, WOOD, WALNUT L0-00Y Admiral, 25" COLOR TV-WALNUT LO-BOT CONSOLE Rectangular screenl Tilt out control panel, styled in rich veneers . . . 25" rectangular screen, 26,000-volt picture power automatic color cut-off. Color intensity color balancer, exclusive color fidelity control, UHF-VHF tuner, lighted channel selector. Free deliveiy, color set-up, 90 day service policy. Fretter solo priced. Immediate delivery. * FOR THE KIDS! £3 GENERAL ELECTRIC SHOW ’n’ TELL Children's stories come alive with color film strip. Plays tegular rec- Recordz, Film Strips-59c FRETTER’S PONTIAC TELEGRAPH RD. 14 NILE S. of ORCHARD LK. RD. 1 Milt North ef Miracle Mile Open Doily 9:30-9 - Open Sunday 10-7 - FE 3-7051 MO MOREY DRWN - UP TO 36 MONTHS TO RAY You can tell it’s an expensive Scotch,even in thedark. McMaster’s® Scotch tastes expensive, smooth and mellow. You can tell that without looking. Try the McMaster’8 Scotch taste test: Pouf McMaster’s fine Scotch and your expensive Scotch Into separate glasses. Have a friend blindfold jvHBBR you, rearrange the glasses. 1 Taste both. Aren't you All you have to pay is $4.97 for a $7.00 value: how do we do it? We | bring McMaster’s fine Scotch over from Scotland in barrels. And bot-tie it only after it arrives in this country. So we save on taxes, ship-ping and handling. We pass the i savings on to you. The only expen- i sive thing about our 4 QH Scotch is the taste. Tstf I 4/? QT. 1 PERSON TO PERSON CREDIT N,M|#",|» Bracelet, Lapel Watches, Ring Watches, Classic and Casual Styles e No Down Poymont Exactly what you expect from WKC — dramatic watth fashions, surprise-priced just in time for • 90 Dayt Same at Coth \ Fatherfr Day, for Graduations, for Bridesmaid's and Usher's gifts. Many are adaptions of expensiveV • Up h» 36 Months to Pay watches. Most aV®^*hotkrdsij»an<, Glamdur watches for evening,^hic etyles fpr ddyfirb^Tturdy^ watches for work and sports. Rigid bracelets, expansion bands, bangles, ring watches and pend- OPEN EVERY ant, even some 14 kt. gold watches for the ladies. ' y I PUT fTII A Q || E°r men» water-repellent sport watches. We've shown otfly patio? our collection. Come see them 1HI11 |(L jf I.W. all, but come early, for we're sure these will go, go go! Sorry no mail dr phone orders. DO IT WITH (^InytlidlliJ; Sno-away Simplicity Sno-Away throws snow in any direction through chute adjustable from operator’s position. Self propelled, easy-to-store, easy-to-handle, perfect for average homes. 6 hp Sno-Away —cuts a 26-inch swath. 4 hp Sno-Away — cuts 23Vi-inch swath. See them today! Low Down Payments / Convenient Terms ■ PP/r LAWN & GARDEN CENTER LEE J We Service What We Sell! Open Daily 8:30 A. M. to 6 P. M.—Closed SUN. 923 Mt. Clemens PONTIAC FE 2-3412 Pair Seized in Teen Death CHICAGO (AP) - Officials have seized a man and wife for interstate flight to avoid prosecution for the murder and dismembering of a Tennessee teenager. Held under $75,5000 bond were Alfred W. Recor, 34, of Spring-field, Mask., and his wife, Helen, 20. They were arrested Thursday in a North Michigan Avenue office building where they worked as janitors. A warrant issued in Jasper, Tenn., accused them of murder in the slaying of Maureen B. Cordell of Chattanooga. The 15-year-old girl’s dismembered body was found in a duffel bag Nov. 4 near Jasper, where she had disappeared July 2. THE PONTIAC PRESS, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1966 Director of Peace Corps Advises Men on Draft WASHINGTON (UPI) — The Hood Vaughn, in a speech yes-Peace Corps, acting in the face forday at Utah State University of "increased pressure," is ad- in Logan, took sharp issue with vising corpsmen on how best to the policy of some local draft cope with local draft boards that boards, declaring that corps call them up from overseas for men were "second to no other military service. American” — including soldiers i Peace Corps Director J a c k in Viet Nam. Aid Cut Tragic't ready to dispute anyone on that point, including .000 draft boards if it comes to that,’’ Vaughn said. “Perhaps I am loading the) h. _ J p p* -question, but I believe that if Ij "”K0dU UlOUP ask young menjnj l of mud surround- combat a single question about, GRAND (?) OPENING—Parents and chil-the Peace Corps, it would be dren turned out to attend the opening of the LANSING (AP) — The recent this: new Hoover School in Bettendorf, Iowa, $34 million cut in federal high- * * * ‘ ■,£ yesterday, despite a way aid for Michigan will cause „If jt were in your power tol_________________ “a tragic setback to highway !(jefer for two years, a qualified Wfety programs ’the Michigan an whose service elsewhere Good Roads Federation told congressmen Thursday. Richard W. Walker, the feder- H ■ * ., of thing happening again ■hon s executive director, sa d W0(J,d |0(j d££?. he sent protest telegrams to ... £., • h ,di Michigan Sens. Philip Hart and . SSSE I ^AMI BEACH, Fla. (AP) -| its own accord. Robert Griffin. v. ’ . • * >1 Prom Connor Businessman, 12Goes WASHINGTON (AP) - Algarage. We pay one dollar rent. If I an not wHting to the corred small businessman from Rhode] a month, and we have insurance one.^ Please mail to the writ® Island, aged 12, went right to | fpr 30 cents a month. < the top with his perplexing busi-| “The second co is a co Rqland ing the structure. Although the classrooms and a crushed rock roadway were completed, landscaping of the surrounding area is obviously and sadly lacking. 1 might in some very small lessen the chances of this kind 'Male-Pattern Baldness Still Incurable' healthy hair’’ also is a misconception. “The truth is, dermatologists feel the best way to take care of your hair is to keep he If you’re one of America’s molt- Dr. Curtis says the belief that * * * ; " ~ ,_7 T w ling millions who dreams of a;dandruff and hair loss are relat- Efforts to overcome traffic 10 date’ °nly *'n,lllP J wag'jmiracle cure, forget it. Despite fed is a misconception. He says congestion and unsafe roads al- ner> ot relton, Lain., a, what you may hear, there’s still dandruff is a young man’s con- ready were inadequate, he said. .P® volunteer in Peru,' way ^ prevent baldness. idition and usually disappears as'the hair and scalp clean,’ The federation has been cam-“as been ,nducted- , This comes from Dr. Arthur' a man ages. ] said, paigning for a boost in state * *1. ;'* CL Curtis, chairman of the de-l * * * * * * highway taxes which it esti-. Ten others haye been granted partment of dermatology at the1 “As to ethnic relationship, Dr. Curtis said there is no mated would cost the average deferments, four are facing call- University of Michigan. jNegroes are less prone to bald-|«■'' The Parents Award is given to a senior boy who has par-tidpatsd in his sport for two Wjnter Dance Near ■aU average. The other members of the team vote on who is to receive the award. Bob Mum a was given the award in footbaU, Randy Fischer in cross-country, and in soccer, Stan Tracey. ★ ★ Greg Harbage, Student Council president, launched the assembly, introducing the coaches By CATHY OBERG Fairies and fantasies come alive tomorrow night as the seniors of Oxford Hi# School put on “Once Upon A Christmastime.” kkk It is the major dance of the season. The student center will be transformed into a magic North Pole, complete with snowmen, reindeer and sleigh, Christmas trees and packages. Panic and the Pack will be on hand to offer live entertainment. k k k Refreshments will be served in a candy cane house. The semiformal affair lasts from 9 until midnight. HONOR SOCIETY The National Honor Society sponsored a cooperative supper Tuesday night in honor of the new inductees and their parents. Speeches given at the induction aapambly wart given again for the parents. It was hoped the supper would enable the parents to get acquainted and help them understand why their son or daughter was chosen as a member. The Oxford High Art Chib is decorating the school for Christmas. At its meeting Wednesday night, members worked on decorations to give the school a festive air. The Oxford Junior High School Chorus, under the direction of Mrs. Lee Valentine is presenting its Christmas concert Dec. IS in the jimior high auditorium. There will be scenes depicting the first and the modem Christmases with narration. The (Senior High Chorus, under Mrs. Valentine’s direction, will present its Christmas concert Dec. Wat 8 p.m. in the hi# school auditorium. THE PONTIAC PRESS PONTIAC, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1906 B—1 Theme Winter ’ New Ideas Featured PNH Yule Concert Sunday •mm**n* The Oxford Hi# School teen-agers ire getting the props set up fortoaorrow ni#t’s senior dance, "Once Upon a Christmastime.’’ Both are residents of Oxford. By LYNDA STEWART The Troy Hi# School Vanity Chib, assisted by cheerleaders, h grade Scotch trees. Sales Christms daily. s, tl» money earned wfll be ’used for various projects throughout the school year. /The Troy Association of Co-Ops (TACS) recently elected Joy CUppert, president; Sharon Bennett, secretary; and Pat Bea-son, treasurer. The Co-Ops have Jieen busy sponsoring bake idles every other week donating all proceeds to the Caswell House ritable goods Dominican The national winner will he awarded a scholarship to tin coflege of her choice. Thursday has been designated as the day for the new Bowling Gub which will meet at Collier’s Lanes in Oxford, -After Christmas, members of the club will be organised into teams according to averages. A Joint ski dub will again be formed between Dominican and DeLima College students. List year’s Joint dub quite successful. The did) meet at ML Christie once a f B~a TUB PONTIAC PRESS, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1066 Ifouth Beat6 By PHILIP WERDELL NEW YORK—(NEA)—W hen John Smith received a copy of his grades for the semester he found, to his intense dismay, that lie had flunked all of his courses. ( , Not so unusual, you’d say? It is when you know that John Smith happens to be a college teacher and the courses he THE NATIONAL REPORT ON WHAT'S HAPPENING THEY LOVE YOU, TORY LOVE YOU NOT: Psychoanalysts have a big, fat $25 word that gives the due to how they fed ' about you—ambivalent or, translated^ loving-hating. This is revealed in observations just released through Stanford University’s Counseling and Testing Center by its director, Dr. John D. Black. He states: “The adult population over age 4* or so reseats youth . .. confronted with the increasingly frequent and disconcerting reminders of the passing of time—of lost opportunities, of approaching obsolescence: the bifocals, tightening girdles, dentures, the painful glances at that unflattering bathroom mirror . . .” Old adults, he says, kid themselves into believing that youth is a joyous, carefree play time—forgetting the “anxiety, doubts and- fears, the loneliness” that are the badge, *aile® are ones *,e teaches, of being young .in any period. He concludes that the “genera-1 This new wrinkle in student-ation gap,” always present, is more dangerous than ever today —ft’s wide and full of tension . . . “both generations having their underlying anxieties, which make it easy for them to mis-perceive, envy and resent each other.” In a refreshing switch, he lays down “Ten Commandments for Parents Over 30”—rules for them to obey: 1. Don’t sneeringly label youth’s taste “junk." 2. Listen to young adults’1 music. 3. Read their books. 4. Ask questions—sensible ones—and listen to what youth has to answer. 5. Don’t condemn all young people because of the acts of a few. 6. Realize impatience is natural to youth (frequently, to oldsters, too). 7 Stop criticizing trivial things with sterotyped reactions —long hair isn’t necessarily dirty, bare feet don’t make a bum. 8. Be careful not to dictate the decisions youth should make itself. 9. Don’t threaten by withholding money. 10. Above all, create the feeling that home is a sanctuary, where youth—no matter how things are going—will be accepted, respected and loved. (Hey, maybe parents should read this column!!) T urnabouf Fair Students Rate Profs student pressure to bring about, change. DON'T SIGN UP , Pressure comes when students don’t sign up for a course because of bad reviews. Why do students feel the need to rate professors? "Poor and uninspired teachers are plentiful and no one type or' moderator campus report § size of institution has a corner oh the market,” the Danforth Foundation reports. faculty relations is called a “teacher eveluation program” and it’s being practiced at more than 200 colleges. Predictably, some teachers don’t like the idea at all. “This interesting but peculiar travesty,” grumps Milton Goldberg, professor of literature at Antioch College, “insists upon an obligation of the teaching Often, potential faculty mem-faculty to be judged by their bers feel that scholarship i s intellectual subordinates.” j more important than teaching. STUDENTS IMMATURE NO GUARANTEE Other teachers, who perhaps! But telling a teacher that his, | have been stung by a rough performance is a dud does not evaluation, say students are im-1 guarantee that he will Improve/ YOUTH REVOLT HITS BRAVILIAN AIRWAVES: Youth’s! mature and rate teachers in the ferment is puzzling parents in Brabil, too—where in one short same spirit with which they! year, the musical mop-top, Roberto Carlos, has set the tele- elect campus beauty queens, vision wave-lengths jangling. He has become the pop singing Lastmonth we mailed $749,606 to Community National Christmas Club members! What a merry idea! (Join out Christmas Club r67 now) idol of millions of restive young senors and senoritas. He’s 23 and features a Brazilian rhythm of rock ’n’ roll on his big-time Saturday night show that showcases youth, singing and guitar playing. Roberto’s known as a “good boy” and a rfnart businessman, with 85 factories turning out his “jalopy” jeans and shirts. Theres no rumor yet of his touring America, but be’s a symptom in Brazil of the same worldwide youth movement that looks to you and models itself on you. Half of the country’s 85 million people are less than 20, and Roberto gives this half identity and an outlet . . . under circumstances where a strict government and parents sometimes arrest youths/ for offenses like growing hair covering their collars and But the ca s u a 1 student is gushing and cnssing about courses being replaced by sophisticated questionnaires that allow a computer to diagnose teaching ailments. These evaluations, say the proponents, provide data for teachers who want to improve. Teachers have the chance to determine what students think of la course, - “Surveys can be very meaningful only if you ask the questions sufficiently precisely,’' says Peter Armacost, a representative of the American Association of Colleges who works with students in constructing new rating plans. A good questionnaire should inspire faculty confidence in the poll, he says, adding that such a s u r v e y is likely to influence teaching performance whether the effort is administratively supported or not. tence them — to the barber chair. MORE TIME 1 tu„ „__________________ The successful efforts are • SOME FAB, FAV.TW, GROOVY, NEW ITEMS: Rmm-je4tai oL^pressure pil ""*6 “pl'istlc,W-ber those summer painted knees? Don’t throw away the cos-|fess0rs who are more concerned!MANY QUESTIONS metic paints you dabbed mi the designs with, girls — you can with research than teaching to At the University of North! switch them, this winter, to coloring rouge-and-eye shadow|spend more time preparing for Carolina, the student govern- Mmnffje riaht onto thp lnhpc of vmir mk f.nt an nrtfn Cap a iui. «inn„An __•_i ____ earrings right onto the lobes of your ears. Got an urge for * their classes, jiffy pin-up? Try burlap for a bulletin board . . . outfit named| Hallman has just devised a novel version ma'de of cartoondecorated, stiff-mounted burlap that you slap against the wall and it sticks, to festoon with thumbtacked reminders. Great mustache walkout ends — students who walked out of Grand Rapids, Mich., classes recently because of ban against furry upper Ups, forsook the support of picketing parents and returned to school Kilts kfll girls in Paris — big new fashion rage is for a real kUt sewn in the Scottish Highlands (often worn with sweater — a la U. S. college girls’ costumes of 20 years ago). Will European guys seize this chance to steal back their masculine garb from girls? No, because two yards or plaid kilt a girl cutely — while seven,yards are needed for a guy! At schools like Antioch, where student participation is encouraged, the surveys are by the administration and the results are used by deans to encourage better teaching. At more traditional schools such as Harvard, students conduct the polls and publish the results. Tbey take the pools with or without ihe approval of the administration and depend upon They can be processed rapidly and they aUow the ask ing of many questions so that a professor can be rated in many areas of performance. Even when such sophisticated questions are posed, the results can still be inaccurate. Because filling out the questionnaire is voluntary, mere is no assurance that a cross-section has been polled. BOND’S, The Pontiac Moll BUY, SELL, TRADE . . . USE PONTIAC PRESS WANT ADS m. TIIK PONTIAC PRESS, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 1966 B—3 Theme Launches Show for Birmingham Unit for Lapeer School The annuel yuletide tea for members and guests of the Pontiac Association for Childhood Education (ACE) took place Thursday at Wever School. Highlighting the event was the yeaHy ingathering of gifts for Set Alarm for Teen on Dates By ELIZABETH L. POST Dear Mrs. Post: We are the parents of a 16-year-old daughter. She has a “curfew” but we find we usually sit up and wait for her, leaving us exhausted the qext day. Do you think it’s necessary for us to do this? My husband says he couldn’t go to sleep in any case until she’s safely home. — Sleepless Dear Sleepless: I just recently learned of the best solution I’ve heard to this problem. The parents set an alarm clock about 20 minutes later than their daughter’s curfew, and put it close to their bedroom door. They go to sleep at their usual bedtime and when their daughter comes in, she slips into their room and turns off the alarm. If it goes off, the parents know she is not home on time even allowing the extra 20 minutes for emergencies, and the father gets up and takes whatever steps he thinks are necessary to find her. This system lets them go to sleep without worrying, as they know that all is well unless the alarm goes off. residents of the Lapeer State Home and Training SchooL Students of Pontiac elementary schools were largely responsible for the contributions. ★ w * Association president, Mrs. Terry Cantrell, presented the articles to Probate Judge Donald Adams for distribution. w % w w , In accepting the gifts, Judge Adams said, “I would again express to you our great appreciation for your efforts hi behalf of the children and tell you that your offerings bring enjoyment notpnly during the Christmas season bu£ throughout the whole year. ★ * * “Many, of these children do not have relatives able to pro-x vide them with the little extras that mean so much to all children, and particularly the handicapped.” CAROLS Christmas carols were presented by the Wever honor choir led by Mrs. Melvin Beersma. Mrs. William Sturgeon and Mrs. Alyce Hagood were in charge of the program. w w w Others working on arrangements were Mesdames Elwin Hodges, Walter Sheffield, Robert Dixon, Ronald Turner, Zetalla Rabb, and Thomas Thompson, ★ * * Wever principal, Arthur Bell, Mrs. Byford Laur and members of the school staff served as hospitality committee. SECTION Tell Them About Condition Some Things Can’t‘Wait By ABIGAIL VAN BUREN DEAR ABBY: My boyfriend and I are both senioijs at the University of Colorado. We were planning to get married rightgUi after gradua-B* tion in June,r b u t we elopedII in^ When we went|§|| home for week - end we*| told our p a r-HB ents. They said we should keep it a secret, announce otir engagement at Christmas, amT^ave a big church wedding like we planned in June. Well, I think I’m pregnant, so I doubt if we can wait mat long. I hate to disappoint our \ 'folks, but what can I do? Mother so wanted me to have a June wedding. How can I tell her? SECRET BRIDE DEAR SECRET: Tell her that a June wedding is for the birds because you have a date with a stork around that time. She’ll understand. * * * DEAR ABBY: Is it ever advisable or forgivable to tell your sister that her husband is cheating on her? She loves him dearly, and they have a lovely home, a beautiful family and status in the community. He was a woman-chaser before their marriage, and apparently he hasn’t completely settled down yet. If my sister knew how her husband was chasing around she would leave him and break up her home, causing much heartbreak for. herself, her husband, and the children. And yet, knowing what I do, it is so hard for me to remain silent. The kind of women he runs with could cause untold misery at home. (Disease, I mean). I haven't discussed this with my husband or anyone— except you. What would you do in my place? PERPLEXED DEAR PERPLEXED: I would confide what I believe to be true to my husband, and let HIM speak to my sister’s husband. Under no circumstances would I tell Iny sister. w w w Troubled? Write to Abby, in* care of The Pontiac Press. For a personal reply, enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Local Singed to Give Concert for The annual Christmas program of the Pontiac Tuesday Musicale will take place Tuesday at 1:30 p.m. in Central Methodist Church. The chorus will present the many “faces’’ of Christmas. Calendar Tri Delta, Birmingham Alumnae Group n and husbands, 6 p.m., Fred ^ Barrett home in Birming- § ham. Cooperative holiday | MONDAY I Stiles branch, Woman’s 1 1 National Farm and Gar- I 1 den Association, 10:30 I 1 a m., TYpy home of Mrs. 8 1 Ira L. Webb. Program will I I be followed by luncheon at 8 1 Bedells. 1 Chapter CL, PEO Sis- I Iterhood, 1:30 p.m., home 8 of Mrs. J. W. Keasey of § 1 Holly Road. Mrs. B. M. 1 Mitchell will have charge | of the program and Mrs. C. L. Morgan Jr. will assist at this Christmas party. Junior Pontiac Women’s Club, 8 p.m., First Federal Savings of Oakland Building. William Coffing with Eastern Junior High School Bell Rlhgers. Christmas program. There will be early church mpsic, familiar carols and songs stressing the family festivities of the season. The chorus is directed by Mrs. Ferdinand Gaensbauer with Mrs. Walter Schmitz accompanying. Mrs. Gaensbauer earned her degree at Columbia Teachers ' %£££$$& ■ giwe8 a^Baldwto^W a*l lace College and has been a pupil of Ben Detson Netzorg, Carl Schluer, Albert Riemenschnei-der and Mark Wessel. Assisting with the program will be Pontiac Central High School students: Marsha Goldman, harpist; Jackie Washington, soprano and Tyler Schmitz, SOLOISTS Members of the chorus who will do individual vocal parts are: Mrs. Eugene A. Danielson, Mrs. John S. LaMonte, Mrs. Floyd Warczak, Mrs. Andre De-Wilde, Mrs. LaVerne G. Cox, Mrs. Fred L. Puskas, Mrs. Ronald G. Norman, Mrs. O. L. Smith, Mrs. LaVon Ryden and Mrs. M. Pelton, flutist. Mrs. Max G. Shane assisted by Mrs. Dennis M. Steiner, Mrs. — Mrs. Eugene -C. Carey Jr. and Mrs. Fred-L. Puskas are in charge of stage properties. ____ Admission is without charge ' -** . - , . . ’ and the public is invited to at- Chnstmas songs trill be featured left are Mrs. LaVerne Cox, Lorena Drive; tend. when the Tuesday Musicale chorus pre- Mrs. M. G. Shane, Hammond Lake; Mrs. * * * sents its annual holiday concert for the E.C. Carey. Jr., Mark Street and Mrs. ^Tickets on sale at this Parent organization Tuesday at 1_:30 p.m. Floyd Warczak, Sheffield Street, Pontiac n^y”°L*otoX“te^m fobs, presented in February. in Central Methodist Church. From the Township. white china and red carnations was awarded a red ribbon. Among some six small tables was Mrs. William- B. Graben-dike’s black Japanese table with avocado green leather top and yellow mats. A saki bottle ami cups in white china contrasted with lime green Fuji chrysanthemums in a low Oriental container. The New England hospitality table was done by Mrs. Lett R. Eis. Among hostesses for the show were Mrs. C. C. Pitchford, Mrs. E. Robert Leeder, Mrs. Robert Bingham and Mrs. Arnott B. Greisinger. Proceeds from the Christmas commissary will aid the branch scholarship fund. An English table by Mrs. Julian L. Gailey of Foxcroft won the tri-color award in the table class at the Christmas show sponsored by Birmingham branch, Woman’s National Farm and Garden Association. Admiring the realistic suckling pig Ptntlac Pres* Photos by Ed Vonderworp on the century-old red fringed cloth from England are Mrs. Richard F. Baird of Robinhood Court (from left) who handled publicity, with Mrs. Richard M.'Kaltz of Birmingham who was general chairman. Women's Auxi I iary Puts Children First at Yule Among the Christmas tables was Mrs. Thomas Fitzpatrick’s formal dinner setting usipg white crystal, pink ami white china, pink carnations and green ribbons. It won a blue ribbon. Amber crystal in swan pattern, red candles and matching roses in an antique chest were arranged by Mrs. Elmore F. Woilering on a cloth of printed tapestry. Mrs. Hobart D. Andreae’s table done in red with blue and Mrs. Vernon Schneider of North Williamsburg Road adjusts a bird on her figure of St. Francis of Assisi, patron saint of nature, symbolizing conservation, one o] the main objectives of the WNFGA. For this exhibi\ at the Christmas show staged by Birmingham branch in the Community House, Thursday, she used dyed burlap, paper, cotton and Styrofoam. ACE Collects Presents A wood carving brought from Spain highlights an arrangement of apricot pompons, pinon pine cones on a bamboo plaque which won a blue ribbon for Mrs. G. S. Schurman of Birmingham at the Christmas greens show. By SIGNE KARLSTROM While the Birmingham Jay-cees have been busy decorating the city’s downtown area with colored lights, evergreen ropes, and Christmas designs, the Women’s Auxiliary of the group has steeped itself in other yule-tide projects. Believing in the premise that Christmas is for children, the auxiliary has made special plans for this year's annual children’s party. Organized by Mrs. Philip Kirk of Sheridan Road, the party will be held Dec. 17 in the Birmingham Community House. WWW Planning the party for the preschool an1854 Study the latest techniques and hair fashion! Call Min Wilson for further information Make Your RESERVATION EARLY! Small or Large Group phone todqxl Dining and Fun for Everyone ... BLOOMFIELD HILLS PONTIAC MALL Stop in today • •. we’re sura you'll be pteasedl WOODWARD AT SQUARE LAKE ROAD tHE PONTJAC PRESS, FRIDAY. DECEMBER 9, 1966 This Blame Belongs to Spineless; Husband B—5 By MURIEL LAWRENCE DEAR MRS. LAWRENCE: Please write about mothers and sisters who hold on to men and won’t let them belong to their wives and children. ! My husband pays for his mother's and sister’s groceries he even buys his,sister’ party snacks — and excuses this by saying that they share the same “blood line.’’ Our two boys and! have to do without, though incomes than we do. But be- DECORATOR LOWBOY Victor New mstd COLOR TV J> Powerful 25,000-volt Color chassis a Rectangular RCA Hi-Lite Color Tube eSupenpowerful New Vista VHF, Solid State UHF tuners •Automatic Color Purifier “cancels" magnetism • One-set VHF fine tuning, stay-set volume control • Dependable RCA solid copper circuits "After (he Sale It's We Service That Counts" STEFANSKI ELECTRONICS 1157 W. HURON FE 2-6967 cause they belong to my husband’s blood line ANSWER: It seaads as though he were in the purebred cattle-raising business. What do you want me to say about these fetaale in-laws of yours? That they’re bad girls no yours? That they’re bad giHs not to let your husband belong to his family? Well, I’m not go ing to. i Because if you’re tired of female possessiveness, I’m more tired of masculine weakness that allows itself to be Ahd that your indignation is directed to these two greedy women instead of at toe man who indulges their greediness is just another depressing indication of this country’s insistence on holding women responsible for all male shortcomings. So I make the point that, precisely as these female inlaws of yours completely bypass your husband’s adult male existence, so do yon. You jump right over it to hold these two women guilty of Ms unmanly behavior. My goodness, your husband is i person — a grown-up man. He’s not a bone for three women to growl and squabble over as though he had no life, no vitalit though he had no life, no vitality, no power of his own to choose and decide where his loyalty belongs. I’m not going to criticize these two women. If your husbnad didn’t want them to hold on to him, their hold on him would have long since been ended. all choked up /$. with pollen/.: ^ and airborne dust? INSTALL A Honeywell Electronic Air Cleaner Honoywoll's romarkablo now "Whola-Houis" Electronic Air Cltanof installs in your homo's present forced air heating or cooling system romoving up to 95% of dust and 99% of Pollan. Portable units alto •Vaifabtei <, SOLD AND INSTALLED BY ★ ACME HEATING ★ Oakland Home Heating 5501 Pontiac Lake Road 671 King Circle OR 3-739* ----- ★ COMMUNITY HEATING •lit Williams Like Road 674-2166 ★ PONTIAC HeAtINQ ft Cooling Co. 1731 Williams Laka M. 532-5574,674-2611 ★ KNEALE HEATING 1S1 Mark FE 5-6507 ★ Delaney's Heating & Cooling Co. 582-7518 I ADD the COMMON L1IBD SENSE POWER HUMIDIFIER This unit delivers up to 24 gallons of pure vapor into the heme per day . .. All minerals collected by the unit are deposited into the n«n-corresiye, easily cleaned, fibre-glass housing! I do have something to say to you about your own two boys. their weak father cannot stand up to the consequences of his marriage and fatherhood, he’s not going to be able to teach his sons responsibility for their actions- So you’d better get wise to your eagerness to exonerate the male sex frofh responsibility for its behavior. It’s going to be a great temptation to you to blame other peo- ation to you to blame other people for your boys’ mistakes exactly as you’re passing the buck for their father’s weakness to his mother and sister. ★ ★. h Such exoneration is a form of contempt for male Capacity. While it’s understandable in your case, It's indulgence that can encourage your boys to be as evasive as their father. Mi$s DeLano Is Honored Sharon Kay DeLano, daughter of the Daniel J. DeLanos of Oxford is being entertained before her marriage to Donald Terry Hoy of Highland Saturday, in the Oxford Methodist Church. Mrs. Edward Bossardet of Oxford gave a recent supper-shower, with Mrs. Donald Gerds and Mrs. Wendell DeLano as cohostesses. Others who entertained at showers were Mrs. Elden Huff of Highland; also Mrs. William Erskine and Mrs. Jay Souders in the Souders home. Rosalie Lippert and Mrs. Thomas Shamblin were hostesses at a shower in the latter’s home on Seymour Lake Lacemakers Must Disagree PARIS (AP) - When Lucl Baines Johnson and Patrick J. Nugent were married last Aug. 6, the lacemakers of Alencon {wicked up their ears when they heard that her wedding dress had “white rosepoint Alencon; appliques." They examined pictures of the gown carefully and gave . negative verdict “The dress was only a pale reflection of true Alencon lace," said one expert in the lace center. Local officials decided that Luci Baines might like to have some of the genuine article. They called at toe U. S. Embassy today with a square of Alencon lace to be sent to President Johnson’s youngest daugh-BBT, The square shows the coat of rms of toe City of Alencon. The intricate pattern took 250 hours of hand work. Vincent Originals square off the neckline of this young A-line dress styled ivith long sleeves and two hipline pockets in Crompton’s black velveteen. Celebrate “New Year’s Eve” At The HEY HI Food oitcL Ftm fa/ EMPIRE * CROWN * HILLS room room room DINNERS SERVED FROM 5:00 P.M. Entertainment in the Lounge “Adam Morgan Duo’’—Glenn Ashton at Piano ATHENIAN ROOM Dinners Served from 5 P.M. Dance to “Bill Roper Trio” froa9alus. 52.50 Cover Charge After 9 P.M. ★ ★ ★ ★ GRAND BALLROOM Full Coarse Dinner* from 8 P.M. Music “Frank Venice Orchestra” Dance 9:00 P.M. to 2 A.M. 535.00 Per Conplo — m EARLY RESERVATION WILL RE APPRECIATED IN BLOOMFIELD HILLS - Ph. 644-1400, 564-5143 “Christmas Day We Will Be Closed” , Big Tablecloth Is No Problem Planning to have all the family at your house this Christmas? To make the dinner table setting especially decorative without breaking the budget, without breaking the budget, use a colorful cotton sheet for a tablescloth. For a big table, a vivid solid-color or patterned sheet is an ideal cover. No need to worry about spills. Even colored sheets are machine-washable. You might use a festive-looking green and white striped sheet. Trim the edges with green cotton ball fringe, just basting in place. Coordinated solid green pillowcases can be used to stitch up napkins. i Pontiac Mall i | Hearing Aid j Center i« wm> a—tit m«n om>coi Cam* | Our Services Include I H • Hearing scientifically « • AH make* of Staring | Iwshunioirts sonricod I and repaired i • Ear maidi custom fitted I • frath battens* available & for meet aids I v I Thos. B. Appleton "DM AND* tin ML «MLV' 852*1118 Mr. and Mrs. Gail Bracken Jr. of Joslyn Hoad, Orion Township, announce the engagement of their daughter, Linda Lee, to Howard Louis Paulson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jay McKenzie also of Joslyn Road. Bold Knit Idea The American Wool Council sees America’s pace-setting designers r u s h i n g for two-J fabrics for spring. What else is ahead: patterns and stripes made in n e w e r and multicombinations and tones. The patterns are ropy, nubby and grainy. Stripes are puffy and eye-catching. Save $2 Per Sq. Yd. TJpen Monday and Friday ’til 9 P.M, Your Shopping Problems Vanish When You Send Beautiful CHRISTMAS FLOWERS We Grow Our Own Send flowers ... so rich in the traditional beauty of Christmas ... so appreciated ... so easy to send ... anywhere in the world. Remember friends, associates and valued business customers with Flowers at Christ- Just Phone Us... , We will take care of your f gift list, you are assured of only the finest, freshest flowers delivered on the day you request. FE 3-7165 87.50 - 810.00 - 812.50 Also available in larger sices HURRICANE LAMP Completely surrounded with fresh greens, permanent holly abid berries, baubles and natural pine cones. A gay red and green Pixie perches in the branches. $500 PICTURED HERE, IS BUT ONE OF THE MANY CHRISTMAS TABLE ARRANGEMENTS AVAILABLE AT JACOBSEN’S f LOWERS 101 N. SAClNAW ST., PONTIAC S. BROADWAY, LAKE ORION FE 3-7165 MY 2-2681 Deliveries Twice Doily to Birmingham, Bloomfield and Drink Ftm el Our Back Door Your AUied Florist in Pontiac ... Shop By Phone If You Can*t Leave Home THE PONTIAC PRRSS, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1966 Bing Crosby and his family— wife, Kathryn, and their three Children—tape a "Hollywood Palace” , television show in Hollywood for shotoing on Christmas Eve. It’s the first appearance for Bing on TV with the whole family. They’ll be singing a group of Christmas carols. Left to right: Harry Lillis, 8; Mrs. Crosby; Nathaniel Patrick, 5; Mary Frances, 7, and Crosby. Do Parents Buy Toys for Children? Are toys becomming a seasonal symbol for mommy and daddy? This seems to be die case, although a veteran in the toy buying and merchandising field believes something can be salvaged from the whole mercenary mess. Ernest Thauer (pronounced Tower) is head buyer and executive vice president of toys for a store that makes every JNeumode Sift Wrapped Free... Always I 82 N. SAGINAW ST. Meet Friends for BREAKFAST and LUNCH Always Hood Coffee BIKER FOUNTAIN Riker Bldg. - Lobby KINNEY'S SHOES For the Whole Family PONTIAC MALL MIRACLE MILE Drayton Wig Distributors Authorised Marshall Um Year Michigan Bankard Han 4666 Wert Walton Blvd., Drayton Plaint, Mich. 48020 673-3408 673-0712 man happy he has a child to buy for—FAO Schwartz, New York. Adults have been known to borrow a child during the holidays just for an excuse to wander through the store on Fifth Avenue. Thauer is fortunate. He does not need an excuse for his daytime indulgence in playthings. He was born “to be in toys,” growing up in an area in Bavaria known for its wooden items. He has been in the business end of toys for 40 years and as a p a r e n t he sympathizes with the pressures of meeting Santa’s orders. Comparing today and yesterday, thauer says he feels parents today buy a toy whether die child will like it or not. Many toys, he adds, don’t appeal to the child because they lack color and are too cumbersome. This especially is true of many wooden toys promoted as “educational.” ‘‘I b e 1 i e v e,” he explains, “that every toy that is a good toy is educational To be a good toy it must be attractive and make the child want to play with it often.” To get the most for their money in a toy, Thauer advises parents to consider play value and safety. In stuffed toys, he says, check to see that the eyes are anchored, the fill nonflammable and that metal toys have no sharp corners. The Schwartz policy, aside from selling inventive, often expensive toys, is to sell nothing that would injure a child. Generally, Thauer’s experience has been that people have been buying more quality in toys and play equipment. This is good, he feels, since no one “should buy a toy tor price alone, especially if it is | an item to last longer than the | unwrapping.” This, parents know, is not j always easy. There are more toys on the market because of discount stores and television promotion. “There is a lot of low - end merchandise," ac- I cording to Thauer. There also are more good i toys sold KD (knocked down) and this means a lower price | but not necessarily lower quality. Although many manufacturers would argue with Thauer, he says that the best toy soldiers are made in England; the best dolls, metal toys and educational toys in the United States; electric trains in Ger-many and mechanical and electrical toys in Japan. Nozzle Idea To make a quick job of cleaning out button boxes, dresser drawers, or sewing baskets without disturbing the articles inside, cover the vacuum cleaner nozzle with a piece of cheesecloth held in place by a rubber gand. It picks up all the dust but leaves all the articles intact KEASEY ELECTRIC Frigidaira Appliances 4620 Dixie Hwy. Drayton Plaint, Mick. OR 3-2601 Symphony to Get Grant A Kresge iFoundation grant totaling $200,000 has been awarded to the Detroit Symphony Orchestra, it was announced by Robert B. Semple, Symphony president. * * * Under terms of the grant, the Foundation plans to give over a five-year pePfoSTstart-ing in 1967. “The Kresge Foundation has given the Symphony flexibility in utilizing the gift,” Semple said. “The funds may be used, for example, to finance the appearance in Detroit of a greater number of the world’s noted musical personalities and even to introduce a new and special series of concerts. A ★ . ★ “The grant will be of direct and vital assistance in reaching a larger and more diverse audience in our recently expanded, near year-round operation,” he said. NEW PROGRAMS Symphony officials are now developing exploratory programs that will be financed largely by the Kresge Foundation grant. ★ ★ ★ In announcing the gift, Semple said, “We are deeply grateful to the Kresge Foundation and are fortunate that toe trustees recognize and encourage in this way toe growing cultural aspirations found in today’s Detroit. “It will mean accelerated growth for us and an even closer rapport between toe Orchestra and its public.” William H. Baldwin, presi-. dent of toe Kresge Foundation, said, “As one of toe nation’s Marching Band Hosts Concert Pontiac Central High School Marching Band will hoA Eastern, Jefferson and Washington Jr. Highs Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. for toe annual Area Band Concert. The program will take place in the gym. The PCHS Brass Choir will play Christmas music before toe concert. There will be no admission charge. Make Dishmats Hot dish mats may be made from everyday use by covering a heavy piece of cardboard with aluminum foil. Also, you can have round ones, squares, oblongs or any shape that you wish. outstanding orchestrAa, toe Detroit Symphony is a vital cultural asset and an effective force for good in toe community. ■k ★ ★ “The Kresge Foundation is pleased to participate in toe Orchestra’s forward - looking program. It is our hope that toe pant will serve to assist toe Symphony in realizing its goals of even higher’ excellence and greater service to the citizens oftheDetroit area.” ALCOHOLISM A FAMILY DISEASE IF YOU WANT TO MINK THAIS UP TO YOU- IF YOU WANT TO STOP MINKINO THIS MAY K YOUR ANSWER AND HOPS A. A. Meetings: It A.M. MON. thru SAT. S P.M. SUN. thru SAT. Special AA ma«Kngi • P.M. Sort, opan to onyom lotawM. Spoolmm ham AA. AL-AN0N: IPJA. Tuts, m3 Thun. OAKLAND COUNTY ALAN0 CENTER IMS Jotlyn, Pwrtisg FE 2-3521 Curtains Stay When rinsing plastic curtains in clear warm water, add several drops of mineral oil. This helps to keep them soft and pliable. Do this after they have been cleaned with soap and water. One of America’s outstanding metro-suburban radio stations Local and world news on the hour Good music all day long Heavy coverage of community events SANTA’S Christmas Special Extra Heavy 501 NYLON 4 Rolls Only!! Gold. Avocado, Hue, Beige 9’5 wjfo i i Lake Rd. FE 4-7775 3511 Elizabeth Lake Rd.. DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT SALE! CLEARANCE Fin£ China 5 pc. Place Selling prom *2.95 57 pc. Service for 8 From *39,95 98 pci Service for 12 From *45.00 Choice of Over TOO Patterns To Choose from DIXIE POTTERY 4281 Dixie Highway OR 3-1894 BEDROOM SAVINGS! BUY YOUR GIFTS NOW AT . . . 25%to50%SAVINGS We are reducing our inventory drastically now, rather than January . . . before it becomes necessary to vacate our building to make way for any eventual Urban Renewal project. Now buy your favorite brand names such as Dunbar, Drexel, Baker, Herman Miller, Knoll and others at huge savings. All floor samples and -one-of-a-kinds. Savings in Every Department! (however not every item reduced.) 72" Triple Walnut dresser withl plate glass mirror, panel headboard and frame. (Matching chest $79.50 additional), Reg. $215.,...,.... Transitional bedroom grouping in butternut £ finish. Includes) 6-drawer dresser with land-, w scape mirror, chest of drawers, bed and night tabie. Regular $420. Reduced to . ... .... Drexel "Meridian" Bedroom in Butternut m transitional styling. Triple dresser, large .mirror, queen size Open headboard bed, chest of drawers and i $590.50.,Save 25% at. ight table. Regular Drexel "French in the Country Manor" bed- ^ room including ladder back bed, triple dresser, C chest of drawers and 2 niqht tables. Regular *** 881.50 on sale at 25% discount from series ’ illustrated above........................................... ’ from series illustrated above *169 299 449 661 DINING ROOM BUYS! Jr. dining room with 42" octagonal fable in walnut, 1 host chair, 3 side chairs. Wonder* fully convenient plastic top serving cart. Reg. $395................................... Contemporary Jr. dining group Includes: 42" round table with vinyl covered walnut grain top, 4 wonderfully foam-filled vinyl covered swivel chairs. Regular $199.50. .... Grand Rapids made, contemporary dining room, walnut with rosewood trim. Handsome buffet, oval cane back chairs, 2 arm and 4 side chairs, table is 40"x72" extended to 112" with two 20" leaves. Regular $900....... *299 *169 *699 SOFAS and CHAIRS .. . Save! OFFICE FURNITURE REDUCED Complete U-shope work center. 78" curved-top desk, side cabinet, comer cabinet and wall credenza with filing drawer, Reg- S1200. *719 GROUP OF OFFICE CHAIRS £50% off! SALE! Room-Size CARPET REMNANTS 9/xl2' Multi-color stripe, was 119.40, Now... 69.50 9V12' Olive nylon rug, was 149.50, Now... 99.50 12'x7'10" Nylon rug, was 90.00, Now..... 59.50 -Many Others Included! DECORATORS AT YOUR SERVICE Contemporary Sofa by Selig In neat Scandinavian design. All foam, 3-cushion sofa In decorator olive and gold. Regular $249. now only............... Over 8 Feet of Luxurious Quality and Comfort. Outlined quilted sofa. 4 loose cushion back. Suitable for Transitional or Contemporary setting. Regular $475. Sofa In Multi-Color in predominately Green Tweed, Gracefully molded back with 6 loose cushions. Regular $239.............. 2 Globe Sofas (lop quality manufacturer) One in Country French and one in Traditional English. Good quality covers, luxurious soft cushions. Were $295. your choice................. . .. . . .. . . J *188 *369 *199 *249 BUDGET TERMS OF COURSE PLENTY OF FREE PARKING OPEN FRIDAY EVENING FII-IIH PONTIAC GENUINE LEATHER CHAIRS Regular 269.50 Luxury lounge styles in choice gf decorator .colors. Black, gold, dark green and bittersweet. $199 4 B—7 THE PONTIAC^PRESS, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1966 %n d Cdonnoiiu A are ^dunonymou# in ^dine ; Christmas Gift Time Now... Small Deposit Holds Any Item Orange Blossom styling, from $150 Krementz; Winard, and other fine -names in ladies jewelry, from $5.00 Give her diamonds on , the side...from $200 Something different in an oval shape, from $175 Beautiful marquise with small rounds diamonds, from $375 Dinner and fancy rings, from $300 Diamond wedding bands, fancy and traditional, from $200 Signet and other birth stone The gift for him, men's rings, from $25 diamond rings, from $150 Ladies Rolex Watches, 14K solid gold. Priced at $235 Other styles and makes from $25 ttte POKTIA& FBaBSS-^FBIPAY, DECEMBER 9, 1966 nLE LAMPS MICHIGAN INVENTORY TAX ASSESSED DECEMBER Cist. WORLD WIDE STORE MANAGERS ALL OVER MICHIGAN ARE FACED WITH SKY HIGH INVENTOrflES . . . BUT THERE IS STILL TIME TO SUSH INVENTORY DY SLASHING PRICES! MOREY LOST IN PRICE GUTS WILL RE SAVED WITH LOWER TAXES ... NO REASONARLE OFFER WILL RE REFUSED! NO MONEY DOWN ... NO PAYMENTS UNTIL MARCH. QplHm 1 marts ’« i SWBHS12’ HOME FURNISHINGS and must bi sold? all taxable « ?nd »'*•. SPECIAL! 4-PIECE SECTIONAL 100% NYLON ™ * Low %***•1 StwttaW" H®^WOOO “"toad before World Widel Entire j Statewide; INVENTORY!! Hundred* of these sectional* have sold for $299.00 and motel Gut during World Wide's spectacular Inventory tax sale you'll get this 4-piece sectional for the unheard of lour price of only... During This GREAT SALE You’ll Get We have toe many of these fine tecliner* in stock . . . rather than pay tax eh them we are giving them away FREE with each sectional pen-chased regardless ef cost! SS3S Hundreds of other Hite sectionals at all our stores throughout the state . .. all must be sold before tax time... ALL 1966 TV’S AND APPLIANCES MUST BE SOLD! FLOOR MODELS . . . SOME DAMAGED IN FREIGHT DEMONSTRATORS, ETC... . MUST BE SOLD TO BEAT THE TAX! WESTINCHOUSE QUALITY AT WORLD WIDE’S DISCOUNT PRICE H WESTINCHOUSE 23” RECTANGULAR INSTANT-ON TM COLOR TV ONLY 93- HKJM MIGHT novice ' mUSt DRASTICALLY RED BB BEG. 1'*t' tOUDOrTHM|TO ’unKfrOUB FIRST MARCH, 196' Spacious double dresser . . . with large framed mirror, plus matching 4-drawer chest... bookcase bed in foil size ... and a free, famous innerspring mattress plus free matching box spring! 55^ HOURS: 1 S5**£H» \ «s *1 tJL OARAHVW® \ SUNDAYS 12 NOON tiN 6 ML ter a l( you or* 10 *Z SLi'prtis_ 0BD MB»- «%toj wmonstbator com Wee 269>» | w*jurcn£o "W0R*. MO LUMPS rp%on * mtL UVI« hom ■WWlliN ^ens At Comer of DIXIE and TELEGRAPH Glemeood NEXT TO Kmart m TELEVISION HOME FURNISHINGS! College Lockstep System Discouraging Que of Aneriafo ootstandBg metro-suburban radio stations Local and world nows on th* hour j Good music all day long Heavy coverage of community events SERVING THE 214 §1111011OOMAR OAKLAND COUHH MARKET) Despite this, more students will drop out of school this year than ever before, either because of no challenge or little encouragement in the classroom, according to Dr. Allen D. Calvin, prade system.” With the present grading syfr terns, every Class must have a low quarter nfardless of hoar carefully the freshmen are selected. students know] they may be! subject to fan-' I mediate mill-' tary service if they aren’t in the upper portion of their DR. NASON Suicide Scale Is Developed in California . By Science Service WASHINGTON - How likely are you to take your own life? There’s a nine-point scale in Hie works that will tell you. If yon keep threatening suicide, but didn’t do It when you bad the chance you don’t rate very Ugh on the scale. All suicide attempts and threats can be placed on a nine-point “lethality” scale and rated for seriousness, the head of the federal suicide prevention program proposed. Dr. Edwin S. Shneidman, chief of the Center far Studies of Suicide Prevention, said the new lethality index, developed in (^difornU, measures the strength of an individual’s drive toward sen-destruction. A threat or attempt alone will not reveal how Intensely the suicidal impulse hi felt, Dr. Shneid-man told delegates attending the surgeon general’s conference With state mental health authorities. One woman, he said, slashed her wrists to ribbons while in the pretence of her physician husband *$ a sure sign she wasted tabs saved. fUffiP mum DISKETTE EVERY Compact, 1-pc. blonds birch finish dssk sot DAY PRICE poachod board, pan*, hammer, cholic, tlnbroak-ablo masonlto black- nylon Mock nylon sopor! Nos In sisos M to 4fl B—10 THE PONTIAC PRESS, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9, 11 ON A SAX BINGE - Star of the show at a London musical instrument trade fair was a giant saxophone, tried out by John Coles, 10, who found the sound all right, but the size too much. France Facing Test on NATO Major Report Slated on East-West Tie* PARIS W — France’s Intentions toward political Cooperation with the North Atlantic Treaty Organbatton will be put to a sharp test next week. President Charles de Gaulle, in cuttby most of his ties with the military ride of NATO, continued to keep a full-fledged representative in Hie political CtnndL Just how much cooperation on political matters Hie NATO allies can expect should become reasonably clear during the annual ministerial review meeting of the alliance starting Wednes-day. The meeting is expected to produce a major report on what tee alliance plans to do about East-West relations. Members of the NATO Peraument Council were Instructed at u June ministerial meeting In Brussels, Belgium, topmpara tee report for this meeting. France has shown hesitancy in spadework on tee report, expressing doubt whether NATO should play any role in the matter. If Foreign Minister Maurice Couve de Murville fails to endorse Hie report, or bows out of discussion of it, it would indicate that France’s attitude toward NATO as even a purely political body has grown extremely negative. It would perhaps signal a break with the NATO treaty itself. De Gaulle stopped short of this when he divorced France from tee alliance’s integrated military rite-NATO has devised a mechanism to permit France to participate hi political activities while remaining out o! military riismMtona. Her 14 partners have set up a defense planning committee teat handles about four-fifths of NATO’s vital business as a defensive machine. This committee meets the first day of the ministerial session. The two following days will be devoted to political discussions. FAMILY DEPARTMENT STORES THE PONTIAC PRESS, FRIDAY. DECEMBER 0, 1960 B~Tl Yale Receives $3 5-Million Art Gift NEW HAVEN, Conn. (AS) -Philanthropist Paul Mellon 'has giVen Yale University one of the world’s outstanding private artj> collections, a$35-million body of British works he gathered over the last 15 years. ★ * *' Along with the collection of 17th-, 18th-, and 19th-century paintings, watercolors, drawings and books, Mellon also presented his alma mater funds to build a gallery and library where they can be displayed. The building’s cost is estimated BLUDGEONED TO DEATH — Mrs,, Rose Grillone, 36, wife of a prominent Somerville, Mass., physician, was foundtbeaten to death in the rear hallway of their home today. Police say it appears she was bludgeoned repeatedly with a claw hammer found ) - Zoltan Hargitay is still serious condition, but his other, actress Jayne Mans-ild, says he is improved. The boy, 6, was mauled by a in Nov. Mat a Thousand Oaks a Operations and then con-tc$|d spinal meningitis. Kiss Mansfield said Thursday r son was better and able to t some solid foods, but Conejo Bar Community Hospital ieimin said Zoltan M stiD in OPIN EVERY NIGHT 'TIJLL 11 P. M.... UNTIL CHRISTMAS! JUST A f 6H Of THt MANY SAVINGS YOU’H HND! WllMllf* UUUI HR IHUHU! FAMOUS LUX ELECTRIC KITCHEN WALL CLOCKS /mpyat f J J Beautiful Styrene* case, legible black numerals! Modem bar-type hands! Sixr. 6%"x2%". WALLACE 24-9C. STAINLESS STEEL FLATWAM SET Solid stainless steel serv-III ice for 6 . . won't rust, Ilf peel or chipi Sparkling, f easy-to-dean finish . . . never needs polishing! Attractive pattern! In a beautiful gift box! MIN'S 1*19 VALUEI TREK TRAVEL KITS Heavy duty vinyll Machine stitched aluminum zipper . . * fully waterproof construction! TOILETRIES DVT. 20 SUPER STAINLESS STEEL GILLETTE BLADES 2.90 VALUE The ideal «Mt far Falheri Beautifully gift wrapped fer Chrictmac gtvingl 1 n $1 VALUEI COLOONI BLANCHARD DUO SET Heavenly duo for marvelous gift giving! Choice of "Jealousy" or "Ive-ning Star" ... gift bexl TOILETRIES DEFT. f' BOX OF IS CHRISTMAS FAITH CARDS tnUIOMSYSWT. m- GIFTS FOR MEN % rt sens.tS.nt.llY l»">* PAINT SPRAYER FLEET TOOL 19^ WRENCH SOCKET SET Completely l... ____ talned, with Initanl •pray adjustment! HARDWARE DERI W‘W drive socket set. It complete with carrying caiel Per all kinds ef ELECTRIC PENCIL manont marking on metal, wood, piactic, a* easily at an ordinary pendir HARDWARE DfFT. SOLDERING GUN 100/140 watt, dual heat gun with 3 soldering tips ... in breakproof plastic kill Aid, solder included! AUTOMATIC BATTERY CHARGER fl EVERY' Iday $ ry charger . . . stop throwing batteries awayl tnawigu* up tw S ad a ffmel fresh cm new for lees than a pennyl FAMOUS HAMS W ELECTRIC DRILL IXteS.**.-. from ear great nalecHanl ALL METAL TOOLBOX HARDWAM NTT. CABIHET PARTS BOX Find things fast with this see-thru drawer cabinet! Keep small things handy! HARDWARE DIPT. 25-FT. INDOOR-OUTDOOR EXTENSION CORD |m IDAY Utefel In home or garaga JPRjCI Migipat. in emergencies! If ll needed In every homel 1— SPARTAN C SHOP SPARTAN 9:30 A.M. TO It P,M. DAILY . . . SUNDAY 1? NOON TO 8 P.M. Corner of Dixie Highway and Telegraph Read —IB PORTfAO SBEaBBBMBEE m THE PONTIAC PRESS, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9 1966 SEE SANTA ON HIS SLEIGH WITH TOYS FOR ALL GOOD LITTLE GIRLS AM TELL SANTA WHAl YOU WANT FOR CHRISTMAS AT BLOOMFIELD MIRACLE “,,r SHOP EVERY NIGHT, MONDAY THROUGH B—13 THE PONTIAC PRESS, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1966 Coronary Heart Ills in Men 'at Epidemic Proportions' sies to 21.07 per 100 autopsies. |fect arteries. Their heart ar-* * * teries were taken to> be repra- But this did not satisfy the sentative of female arteries gen-scientists who are specialists in erally. Many more of (hem were epidemiology. The deceased entirely free of “hardening” at came from the general hospital the beginning of the 20-year population and, statistically, period than at its end. such a population is not repre- * ★ * sentative of the population at All this means the “epidemic” large. 0f coronary heart disease STUDIED RECORDS among men k “real” father Thev then studied the autoosv ..merely “apparent,” the . And notably after the menopause when the natural but Hi-understood protection against artery-hardening for females NEW YORK (UP!) - Is the rate of coronary beart disease among men now at “epidemic” proportions? Yes, said a scien- ] tific team after studying the heart arteries of thousands of women. It was not as roundabout a way to answering the question as it seems, since it is A question which has long failed to get a direct answer that was beyond dispute and controversy. Previous studies were of Female arteries have been' largely ignored in this regard because up to about 40 years of age they are much less subject, to “hardening” and in cop-sequence women are much less given to coronary heart disease. * ★ Dr. Henry M. Parrish and his associates of the University of Missouri, Columbia, proceeded on the premise that if there was truly an “epidemic" it would have to affect women as well as men. Arteries cannot be properly * measured for “hardening” in ] living persons, so the teapv 1 worked instead with the pre- , cisely kept autopsy records of tee hospital Yale Ualver-sity’i Medical School operate* hi New Haven, Conn. Over a 25-year period the rate of coronary heart disease hi women 40 years old or older in-creased from 8.58 per 100 autop- Kilts have been a customary Scottish garb for centuries. NEW ATTACK BOMBER - The A-7D aewirwMt. Corsair H, a light attack bomber developed fense this week awarded the company an and built by LTV Aerospace Corp., Dallas, initial contract for the plane, presently in Tex., has been added to- the Air Force’s hill production for the Navy and Marine stable of aircraft. The Department of De- Corps. snuteuf .WAVS FIRST QUALITY ^ ALWAYS FIRST QUALITY ALWAY8 FIRST QUALITY The most elegant underfashions, all dressed up with rich designer detailing...ready for holiday giving Santasl find the most, glamorous presents of all in our Couture Originate collection) Dainty, carefully detailed underthings to spice a holiday wardrobe. So richly trimmed, so lavishly styled, you'd expect to find them only in haute couture collections. Luxurious Celanese nylon for the slips, beautiful fabrics for the undershajsers. All completely carefree. Exquisite Gaymode® nylon tricot slip, lavished with French nylon lace. Full dip, $7; Half slip, $4. Adonna® preshaped nylon lace bra, contoured with polyester fiber* fill. Nylon-spandex back 3.95. Adonna® long-leg panty girdle of nyloq/spandex with stretch lace of nylon-lycra® spandex 9.95. Perfect for all seasons ... 'Towncraft Plusiof course For your leisure We, and always casually correct ... our Towncraft Plus' all-wool classics. Hqndsomo heather shades •(Sark our traditional sport coats, carefully Penney-taiiored of Imported, woven-in-England wool hopsacfcs, herringbone* and glen plaids. Coordinate with wool worsted reverse twist slacks, permanently creased. University grad style, non-roll waistband: True Penney quality at value-packed prices! **12.98 r 39.95 PBWEY’S miracle imle a J i V \ * B-U THE PONTIAC PRESS, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1966 Cassandras Ignore Views of Pro-U.S. Europeans By LEONDENNEN Foreign News Analyst Newspaper Enterprise Assn. NEW YORK— “At this very moment when skillful propaganda depicts President Johnson as a warmonger who delights in bombing North Vietnamese babies I am one of thousands of Europeans whom such crude propaganda cannot touch.” So writes Guy Vinatrel, the distinguished French journalist,! political commentator and authority on Asia. His letter to this writer is a comment on the wails of some Americans who shed crocodile tears over the decline of U.S. prestige in Europe. The professional Cassandras cite the activities of a handful of European anti-American intellectuals as proof that American prestige hit a new law because of the Vietnamese conflict. Did not such seasoned Ameri* ca-haters as Britain’s 94-year-old Lord Bertrand Russell and France’s Jean Paul Sartre decide to create an “International Wars Crimes Tribunal” to “judge” President Johnson for his Viet Nam policies? IGNORE VIEWS Kit the Cassandras conveniently ignore the views of Guy Vinatrel and the thousands of Europeans like him who qpver forgot that young Americans fought and died in two world wars for Europe’s freedom. Yet Vinatrel’s voice is certainly as authentic, if not more so, than the anti-American diatribes of the Russella and the Sartres. Here is a translation of some of his comments on the United States and Viet Nam conflict: “It really does not matter what some newspapers and misguided intellectuals write or say about the United States. President Johnson has a majority of the American people with turn. “Your American labor unions support him in whatever must oupjjuri nun in wuawvci iiiuov,jwu me uwi be done in Viet Nam. Your tax-1 of the world. payers pay their taxes and yoor{ youth fights the battles it has to fight. ‘CONSCIOUS OF DUTY* “So there is no need for me, a Frenchman who must put up with de Gaulle, to tell Americans to hold fast. You are conscious of doing your duty on behalf of human freedom even in a place as far away as Southeast Asia. “You are fully aware of what confusion and what stampede would follow the departure of your troops from Southeast Asia. “Unless, of course, it were preceded by a negotiated ceasefire which will insure the freedom and independence of South Viet Nam. “A people has the history it merits. Americans, I know, have meditated on the lessons of history. LEARN LESSON “They have learned that dictators are never satisfied with they have conquered to-j day. Tomorrow, as you wellj know, they will seek new areas for subversion and conquest. “France capitulated to Hitler in 1936 when he reoccupied the Rhineland. The demilitarization of the Rhineland was a symbol of the guarantee of the Allied victory over German militarism in 1918. “Frightened by Hitler, the French abandoned Czechoslovakia in 1938. We entered the war to save Poland when it was too late. We French paid dearly for our cowardice. “Fortunately, you Americans know how to say ‘no’ to aggression. It is foe only way for an aggressor to learn that aggression will no pay. “Indeed, we in Europe face a more secure future because young Americans are again resisting dictators and aggressors in Viet Nam. “So do not be troubled by foe clamor of those who do not ■have the courage to do what you are doing for foe freedom Science Cited Case NEW TWIST — Something new in hair switches? No, it’s a coil of tungsten-rhenium alloy wire — 100 miles of it — displayed here by Rita Bennett of Towanda, Pa., where the wire is produced to make heater filaments in color television tubes. Symphony Grant DETROIT (AP) - A Kresge Foundation grant totaling $200,-000 has been awarded foe Detroit Symphony Orchestra. Under terms of the grant, foe orchestra will receive $40,000 annually for five years, starting in 1967. Lodge Elected NEW YORK (AP)George Cabot Lodge, son of Henry Cabot Lodge, ambassador to South Viet Nam, has been elected to the board of trustees of foe Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. _ By Science Service WASHINGTON - Science, as well as years of legal precedent, is being cited before foe U-S. Supreme Court in Virginia’s effort to defend its age-old state antimiscegenation law. Hie court may decide soon whether it is good science — or well cited. Virginia is trying to convince foe court it should not consider a challenge of the law now being sought. Virgbda’g Atty. Gen. Robert Y. Button has warned foe court that if It hies to pursue foe scientific basis of laws banning interracial marriage it will find itself “mired in a vertibale Serbonian bog of conflicting scientific opinion . . . we only wish to make it dear that oar emphasis upon this point was not occasioned by any dearth of scientific material supportive of foe wisdom or desirability of foe Virginia statutes.’* Virginia's brief then quotes only Rabbi Albert I. Gordon’s “Intermarriage: Interfaith, Interracial, Interethnic” (1964) as! the most recent sdentific treatise .on the matter and qhotesj Harvard’s noted social psychologist, Gordon Allport, as saying I foe book is foe “definitive bode on intermarriage.” v In support of its position foe state quoted certain passages in particuar from “Intermarriage.” One indicate Rabbi g*. V ffftp WMWf "' t * Wwwwwfe x-x-xx-x:-: at Sibley’s • .. Miracle Mila y. _ | ■ | Gordon's feelings about reli-l “When foe feeble-minded wed, and we would dot defend the giously mixed marriages. L when persons from ^en|C0^SJ?allty 7 th"t **** °f “It is my conviction that ln-W,M or no homes at all mar- P^f"1^ .jon cannot I. stress and strain upon mS much more <****' ^ believes, |a bad outcome,” he said. than is ordinarllly true when persons of similar religious views alre married.!’ Although foe rabbi opposes intermarriage on sociological and psychological grounds, saying for example, that children of mixed marriages have a harder time growing up than others, he concedes that there is no biological evidence to support a theory font mixed marriages are harmful or that one race is genetically superior to another. He quotes a section of a report from an agency of foe United Nations on foe question: “As there is no reliable evidence that disadvantageous effects are produced (by foe mixture of races), no biolbgical justification exists for prohibit- j ing intermarriage between per-| sons of different races.” Prof. Allport, commenting onj the use of Rabbi Gordon's book] to defend Virginia’s law, to 1 d| Science Service that he does noti consider it “convincing or relevant to foe case.” “One could make many morei certain predictions than one that racially mixed marriages may be detrimental to society, he; said. Decton Perma-Iron ^•ARROW^'* CHRISTMAS permanently ironed to lost the Ilf• of th* thirl... It’* the perfect gift for him at Christmas... end a year round preeent for yon. The luxurious fabric of 65% Dacron* polyester, 36% cotton is completely machine washable and tumble driee to a wrinkle-free finish wadi after wash. We have his favorite collar styles in white, solid colon and today's new fashion stripes. O QQ DuPont R.T.M. FREE G*T BOXES! - USE ^CHARGE I MICHIGAN BANKARD BLOOMFIELD MIRACLE MILE 338-3105 for the in your house CUSH’NVLYTE How to succeed at seeming extravagant Lay Ivans slipper* at his foot. Tho look of Evans says "Expensive*. Tho price tag says "Not So". On# exposure to tho fool-tiko-a-million comfort and you’ll novor convince him you weren't extravagant. Many Other Slipper Styles from 4.99 to 10.95 “Michigan's Largest Florsheim Dealer” Uie Your Security Ishoes Michigan tankard BLOOMFIELD MIRACLE MILE SHOPPING CENTER OPEN EVENINGS 'TIL 9 FE 8-9700 LADIES LONG SHAG BOOTIE SUPPERS GIRLS-LADIES SHIRRED .'English Hoc’Slippers MENS-BOYS CORDUROY MOCCASSIN SUPPER BOYS-MENS SOFT SOU MIC OPERA SUPPER E'imV-FIi Otrlotmoo P'rspISJ'lpW 3 YANKEE STORES IN THE PONTIAC AREA * MIRACLE MILE SHOPPING CENTER ★ CORNER OF PERRY ANO MONTCALM STREET' Saga of Death for Viet Cong Related “We Jast stared at each oth-, er,"Contreras recalled. "I re* i member be had on this tunny i hat and I didn’t know whether i to shorn him or what. > “But in a second I realized f what was up. I grabbed my Mlf and cut loose. The first guy (Dong) dors behind a mound of , dirt, but the second guy was hit , I fired the whole clip. The guy ! dropped his rifle, which they I never do, so he must have beat and a new, nylon hammock-poncho. . In a doth sack Dong carried a plastjc bag rigged as a gas mask and ammunition for his old French-madd bolt-action rifle. A bayonet with foot-long " 'V" y: • ' ■ *’ f \ * / tiie Pontiac press, Friday, December 9, im B—13 EDITOR’S NOtE ju Pieced together from captured documents, personal papert and conversations, here it how one young Viet Cong guerrilla — fictitiously named he Van ' Dong — met death. By JOHN NANCE WAR ZONE C, South Viet Nam balls. And that wasn’t all j There were things no one else would dream of serving fori breakfast. Deepdish apple ptoi and coconut layer cake with! orange filling and seven > (Citadel, $10) by John private collection of film vol- Springer. A disjointed but fascinating view of toe lush, lavish era of the movie musical. ‘HOW SWEET “How Sweet It Was” (Shore-crest, $12.50) by Arthur Shul-man and Roger Youman. A compendium of television history, profusely illustrated. “Meeting Mrs. Jenkins" (Morrow, $2.95) by Richard Burton. A reprint of the actor’s magazine article of his courtship of Elizabeth Taylor with the scandal excised. Written with surprising skill. ♦ ★ i ’Bogie” (New American library, $4.95) by Joe Hyams. The official Bogart biography, with introduction by Lauren Bacall. An affectionate portrait: “the films of W.C. Fields” (Citadel, $7.95) by Donald Descher. Plots and stills from the comedian’s movies. “Now I’m running out of shelf space, not to mention money,” says Murray of his specialized biblmphilia. He started collecting many years ago when he was a movie-struck vaudevil-lian. That was when he began taking his home movies of stars he met; toe results of that hobby can be seen in his nostalgic featurettes that sometimes follow NBC movies. Some prizes of Murray’s book collection are a 1916 biography of D.W. Griffith by his wife; a 1923 book on Wallace Reid by bis mother; “My trip Abroad” (1922) by Charlie Chaplin; “Confessions of an Actor” (1926) by John Barrymore. Other biographies include those of Marie «Pressler, Lillian Gish, Vernptt and Irene Castle, Jeanne Eagels, Mary Pickford, j Douglas Fairbanks, Adolph Menjou, Edward Arnold, Harold I Uoyd,' right down to Linda Christian and Hcriy^aMarr. j MOST ARE) TRASH v \ j “Most of the books are (rash, but they are ideal for my research,” said Murray. Beit of toe books, he feels are “Goodnight, Sweet Prince,” toe Barrymore biography by Gene Five Women I Love” (Doubleday, $4.95) by Bob Hope. Ski-nose tosses posies to the girls who went on his last Viet Nam trip. “Horror” (MacMillan, $6.95) by Drake Douglas. A study, photographs, of toe scare films. An ideal gift for your favorite ghoulfriend. THE NEW 1967... POLARIS There Is Time To do your Christmas shopping by mail Stop ht and got your Free catalog, at pjur now storo. V ALDEN’S c££' 929-W. Huron St. FE 4-0259 STABILITY... from Mu«t*n*’» w-i-d-e *et steering alas and w-i-d-e 18* track. * t DEPENDABILITY ... Power to pull 1000 pounds. Speeds over 40 mph... it keeps on going, hour after hour after hour. RUGGED... Engineered to gine sizes.,. optional electric starting and muffler by-pass, tool ■ HUITAM.„hr Skims MICHIGAN TURBOCRAFT SALES 2527 Dixie Hwy. 1 Slack Nartt sf PonMsc DrwHn WKC HOME OF FINEST BRAND NAMES 198 N. PRE-CHRISTMAS SAVINGS! wm COMPLETE MODERN BEDROOM BUDGET PRICED! THIS BEAUTIFUL MODERN ENSEMBLE FEATURES STURDY CONSTRUCTION WITH A MAR AND SCRATCH RESISTANT “PLASTICIZED" FINISH) SPARKLING BRIGHT BRASS HARDWARE - DRAWERS GUARANTEED NOT TO STICK - AND A BEAUTIFUL HIGH GLOSS AMERICAN WALNUT FINISH. 10 PCS. COMPLETE • DOUBLE DRESSER • CHEST • BOOKCASE BED • TILTING MIRROR FAMOUS BQX SPRING & MATTRESS, TWO VANITY LAMPS. TWO PILLOWS CONVENIENT TERMS TO FIT YOUR BUDGET (iiuF trim ©smith’s for Christmas Every man can use at least one Osmun’s. It’s suitable for all occasions. It includes free gift boxes, and free alterations, and the kind of people who know a perfectly fitted suit when they see one. Of course, if your man’s suited fine for now, how about a sport coat? Or a robe? Or any of the other great woolens from Pendleton? Or—if you can’t make up your mind, why not give him an Osmun’s gift certificate? They start «t $5. (Which shouldn’t stop you.) Either way, you’ll be giving him a lot more than a gift. You’ll be giving him Osmun’s. PENDLETON LEISURE JACKETS Rich 100% Virgin Wool from $19.00 PENDLETON SPORT SHIRTS Rich 100% virgin wool. $15.00 to $19.00 UY-AWAY YOUR GIFT. A small doposit holds it 'HI Christmas. SMUN’S STORES FOR MRN * YOUNG N FREE PARKING *t ALL STORES I Downtown Pontiac Open Every Night ’til 9 I Tel-Huron Canter in Pontiac Open Every Night tii 9 ■ Tech Plaza Cantor In Wairan Open Cveiy Night IN 9 c-^g THE PONTIAC PRESS, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1966 FRI., SAT., SUNDAY Our Reg. 74c. Petite, (8-91/2); average (9-lOVi); tall (lQ-Uftf. 2 Days only! «- , CANNON* 42x36 "CASABLANCA’ GASES IN SELF-TONE STRIPES ■* OVER-KNEE STRETCH HOSE Discount Price Charge It*. Heavy cotton terry 12x12" clotha in white, pink, yellow, green, bine. Our reg. 34c. Fringed cotton terry towel* are lint-free! Gay kitchen print*. 16ftx27”. Our Reg. 94c. Misses’ hi-bulk Orion® acrylic, etretch nylons. Fit Ml. 2.'Days Only. «»#Mtasc.m fitted, tut meets; stripes, souas . .. w l; stripes... 2.77. Solid deeptone cases... 1. one sheets; fitted, flat... 2.57. Our Reg. 57c loths . . 44c. Reg. 92c BdL 3 terry dishtowe; Shop Sunday and Charge It REVERSIBLE BATH MAT SET Our reg. 2.07. Women’s average, tall sixes. Seamless stretch. Colors. 2 days only. • L SS! KM M "BEN OF NOSES” DOUBLE AND TWIN SIZE QUILTED SPREADS Our Reg, 9*97 'V'9 2 DaysOnly M REVERSIBLE NYLON BLEND THROW RUGS Our Ref. S2.1T Our Reg. $1.27 21’x36* 100% cotton twintuftrugs, accented by a thick fringe. Matching lid cover. Many colors, limited quantity, none sold to dealers. Our Reg. 87c 19”x33". Nylon with cotton blend. Multi - Color combinations. Thick fringed ends. Completely washable. Reversible for double wear. 24”x45" Reversible Nylon Rug... Our Reg. 1.48.......... .1.38 A luxations rayon satin bedspread in pink, gold or lilac flower print on harmonising tinted pound. Decorative wiring. It will ha "pretty as a picture" in your room. Charge Our reg. 76c. They’re 75% Orion® < acnrlic; 25% stretch nylon. Sites 6.9ft; misses* 10-llft. >DsPsntR*i.TJL DAPHNE BEDSPREAD Our Reg. 6.56. Fringed cotton chenille spread in popular "Wedding Ring" pattern. Twin, doable. Choice of colors. 2 Days Only. Our Reg. 1.87. Solid color low cut-pile runner with fringed ends. Non-skid back, ttsir sert* Tims Has 1,54 Our Reg. 88c. Misses* nylon stretch, in 1-tise (fits 8V4-11). Colon. 2 Days only. VELOUR i LOUNGING SUPPERS! 3-PIECE GIFT-BOXED BATH TOWEL SET FOR CHHISTMAS Our Reg. 2.88 A fll 2 Days Only Our reg. 41e fancy lounging: slippers of 100% cotton vet! our. Washable, quick drying.! Aaaorted colors. Sites me- j dium and large. Not exactly ; [as pictured. Matching cotton terry bath towel, hand towel and washcloth in floral print, embroidered noodle pattern, reversible jacquard. Pink, bine, gold and green. Charge It. Our Reg. 1.88. Cases are 42x36", with hemstitched or piped hema,. pretty embroidery patterns. Pink, blue and gold. 2 Days Only. blh OMt "Floor Grip* skid 1 Latex nnderct In 3 Tone Colors. {mm NEW, DECORATOR kill TOSS PILLOWS Our Reg. 1.88. Your choice of 4 lovely patterns . . . including “His/Hers” set Popular colors. Save on gifts at Kmart Charge Our Reg. 1.87. Center button or ban pillows, 12xl2xlft", with Kapok filling. Jewel-tona solids and stripes. 2 Days Only. Our Reg. 9.88. Long-bound vinyl covering, 15" vanity, 21* ovemighter and 24" tourister. Buie, gray, red, navy, 2 Days Only. OPEN SUNDAY. DECEMBER 18TH -10 T010 PRETTY CANDLES FOR CHRISTMAS Our Reg. 3.66. Plastic with a rich tortoiseshell look. It’s 14ft”x9Vix8’’ . . . -roomy enough for all accessories. 2 Days Only. Our Reg. 1J88. Set of f6ur 12x18" place mats, four 11x11" matching napkins. 3 patterns. Pink, aqua, gold, white. 2 Days Our Reg. Die. Gaea or kitchen towel acts in aaany pattern*. 1 Days Only. A Wonderland of GLENWOOD PLAZA CORNER NORTH PERRY AT GLENWOOD JS=4_ THE PONTIAC PRESS, FRIDAY. DECEMBER », 1988 History Points to Rhocfesid Curb Failure UNITED NATIONS, N.Y.i (AP) — The history of sanctions in international affairs offers no] comfort to tboae seeking to overthrow the Rhodesian rebel] regime of Jut Smith by such They never have worked. Shxw the days before 1914 —I when war and reprisals were| considered legal sanctions there has been no evidence that any delinquent nation has been] forced by punitive economic] measures alone to change itsj ways. In some cases the sfcnc-J tions have boomeranged. The United Nations has neverl voted mandatory sanctions against any country. The League of Nations invoked such penalties only once. Outside these world organizations, numerous efforts have been made by individual countries and by alliances to take coercive measures short of war against those they considered wrongdoers. Such measures go far back in history and include papal interdictions and excommunications of rulers. STILL IN POWER (hie example in recent times Is the trade embargo against Cuba by the United States and some of its Latin-American neighbors. This was aimed at the overthrow of die Communist regime of Fidel Castro. But he is still in power, even though the Cuban people undoubtedly have felt an economic pinch. A companion case is Castro’s decision to cut off the water supply of the U.S. Naval Base at Guantanamo. The United States established its own water facilities on die base. The United Nations has voted punitive measures in several cases. But they have been in the Ram of recommendations to die the assembly and die Security Council have recommended limitations on trade with Rhodesia and South Africa — the latter because of to racial policies — but study groups report little or. no results. Business is booming in South Africa despite repeated U.N. condemnations. . Last May 23 the council re- jected an African rcsoludoB calling tor an economic embar-1 go against Rhodesia to be hacked by a British sea and air blockade. The vote was 6-1 with I abstentions. This was three votes short of the nine needed for approval. The one instance in which the League of Nations voted sanctions came in 1935 after Italy’s Invasion of Ethiopia. In i . rate votes, the League assembly ordered an arms endiargo, a financial ban and a boycott of all imports from Italy. The sanctions did not include an oil embargo, and they failed to halt Italy's operation. The next year Italy announced the annexation of Ethiopia and die league canceled its sanction!. do not qualify as sanctions under generally accepted legal definitions. In one such cue, die assembly hi 1946 called on all to members to withdraw their ambassadors or ministers from Madrid until the Spanish people ousted Generalissimo Francisco Franco and set up a govem-j meat of their own choosing. Only three countries complied,! and (to following year the as-! sembly refused to reaffirm to GLENWOOD PLAZA ■ North Perry Street Corner Glenwood AND SATURDAY Double Action, SHAVEMASTER SHAVERS shave you TWICE-TWICE with a single stroke! KENNER’S Automatic KNITTING MACHINE! CffiETJUl « DIM FERRARI 14 «nlt Ul ImhwI powr packed, 3 mw hand contend ecnheWcn itefte tended tfnek tectton. 12 curved tracks. I Mg!* CMcnnn 01 ted# Tteck, 13 nnndnvUng tenon oncWniwu fyten mnwi wpporti noil Inciting logo, worfonty cord. Uqrovt dlm«nim-72*x42*. $096 TINS UIIRIIE THUN FE 5-2424 NEW HOURS mi. CHRISTMAS, r-SURDATS M SUNBEAM DELUXE Shavemaster Shaver MODEL 777 SUNBEAM CORDLESS Shavemaster Shaver MODEL 888 1966 2666 Sunbeam Shavemaster shaver hat a double action stainless steel shaving head combined with six precision honed eurgical steel blades. Professional barbeMype trimmer for clean-cut sideburns, “touch-up” grooming, trims long hairs on neck. Flip-top latch. “On-OfP’ switch. In handsome gift case. Bny now for Christmas at this low price and say, “Charge it" LADY SUNBEAM Electric Shaver 12* Built-in light lets yon see what you’re doing. Push-button head release for easy cleaning. White gold finish twin head specially designed for feminine use ... gives smooth, comfortable combing action. Ivory cate with jewelled medallion.... matching conL Contour back provides safe, easy grip. New convenient “On-Off” switch. Built-in power supply gives in excess of one weekYshaving time, depending upon beard and shaving habits. Reserve power featnre ■built into gift cue permits shaving on regular house current Charging unit isImilt into rift case, recharges on 110-120 volt AC. Has doable action stainless steel sharing head combined with six precision honed surgical steel blades. Barber-type trimmer. Charge GLENWOOD PLAZA . . . North Perry at Glenwood THB PONTIAC PRESS, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1966 Cr~7. Our Reg. 21.57 2 Day Only! Dries and beautifies hair “the beanty^salon way” with filtered, conditioned air* Professional-size hood adjusts to desired po* aition and height. Selective thermostatic heat-control with 5 temperature settings. Folds to compact travel case. Charge it PROCTOR-SILEX CLEAR GLASS FULLY AUTOMATIC PERCOLATOR Our Reg. 15.86 2 Day* Only! See-as-you-serve with this beautiful new cofieemaker. Remove •basket assembly with a “Finger-touch”; bowl lifts out for easy •cleaning. 2-to 20-cup capacity. Adjustable flavor control. Keeps coffee piping hot automatically. Charge it » < Ideal for clubs or entertain-I ing at home. Polished alum-| inum percolator is com-| pletely automatic, brews 10 | to 30 cups of coffee and I keeps' it serving-hot till Two appliances In onel Quick, easy and sanitary way to opett all eans and keep knives fhetoryoharp, “Udico quality” at Kmart savings. Charge it WAFFLE IRON HAS NO-STICK TEFLON® COATING Our Reg. 13.47 f 2 Days Only! J Imftl Automatic waffle iron has remarkable Teflon11 coating to keep foods from sticking, make clean-up faster, easier. Fingertip temperature-control. 'Jewel signal-light eliminates guesswork. Stay-cool handles. Shop Kmart arid say, “Charge it.” NEW All Transistor Home, Yard "Walkie-Talkie" Set Over Reg»lle44 2 Day Only! Kensington high-powered, super sensitive, 3-tran»irtor>minl«- lure wrikie-talkie set operates on ’ yolt bstterie^ talk switch, adjustable stick antenna. U{i to V* mile reception. Handsome black plastic case. Charge it at Kmart! \ SIX-TRANSISTOR POCKET SIZE RADIO! SAVE! Please everyone ... give transistor radios this Christmael Six-transistor pocket redid copies in handsome black case. Earphone and 9 volt battery included. Buy now at tbis special low price and just say, “Charge U.T* GLENWOOD PLAZA CORNER NORTH PERRY AT GLENWOOD THE PQNTIACPltESS, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1966 Play Up Civic Role of S.Viets—Gene SAIGON, South Viet Nam home that the effort in Viet (AP) — Gen, William C. West- Nam is largely an American moreland wants his public rela-'operation.” tions officers to. play up to The w ★ South Vietnamese role in civici Westmorland encouraged Action. n s (“internal credit for ILS. ingenu-j * * * | ity and effort” but said: “It is I IDs instructions on this score important that outside publicity! are contained in a memoran->gjven to civic actions stress the’ dum which became available cooperative, or joint aspects of. today. i nation building.” The top U.S. military chief in i^e American commander Viet Nam put it this way: also stressed that he wants U.S.| * * * servicemen indoctrinated to sell “Wherever possible, in home civic action and revolutionary town news stories, general re-;development to newsmen and leases, or discussions with the folks at home, newsmen, full credit should be1 * * * accorded to the Vietnamese rev-| “It should be a goal of each, olutionary development efforts component’s command informa-, and to Vietnamese individuals'tion program to indoctinatej involved in them. our servicemen that they will FREQUENT ASSERTION ,talk cMc action and revohi-| ... , _ . tionary development, not only. JSk'?* C“ we K* i when talking to newsmen, but fan dispel the frequent assertion at ^ lette^and ^ theirreturn - I to the United States,” West- moreland’s memo said. Countdown to Deal Ends in Arrest of Florida Man CORAL GABLES. Fla. (UPI) — The gunman began the countdown at, “sixty” with the point of a pistol pressed against the temple of Jaihes Lamka,' 18.1 Lamka’s room mate, John Kirchheiner, 21, stood, by help* lessly. _ '... * ' v J “Fifty-nine, fifty-eight ” the The gunman had knockJl on tiie d o o r of the a p a r J m# n t shared by L a m k a snd Kircb-heiner at 4-a.m. EST yesterday. Sleepily, Kirchkjtoer answered the knock. The caller j was John Clark, 2S^a casual acquaintance. SEW-WffWWTC. rn WATER SOFTtHER At “aero,” the 36-caliber pistol ericked and Lamka crtutipled to the carpet. Avoid Hard-Rutty * 10-YEAR WARRANTY * Kirchheiner sakl he begged Clark to let him call a doctor. Then, terrified, he fled. COLLAPSES ON FLOOR ‘I ran out the door to the diner up the street, and a short time,later, Jim came in all bloody and collapsed on the floor,” Kirchheiner said. -Police later arrested dark without resistance about two 'ABOUT A SLUG* “I want to see you about a slug,” Clark said. blocks from the scene, had been drinking heavily and he was thoroughly confused,” said Police Sgt. Ralph Llch-tenberger. Clark, a salesman, was jailed, on a charge of assault with in-! lent to commit first-degree mur-' CONTINUING CONCERN' The four-star general said, “It is a mattei of continuing concern” that the task of nation building “fails to receive the public attention that is accorded to combat actions in Viet Nam.”' The United States has been shouldering a bigger and bigger; role in pacification work.| Sources said one aim of publi-j cizing Vietnamese activities is to spur their contribution to the effort. j SANTA SWEATS — Used to the frigid temperatures of the North Pole and appropriately dressed for the snowy yule season, Santa is quite comfortable in Buffalo, N.Y., yesterday. Down his merry, smiling face, perspiration poured as the temperature reached 66 degrees. Santa would like to trade his furs to a pair of Bermuda shorts. “How was I to know he meant a bullet?” Kirchheiner asked. “So I opened the door and right away I regretted it.” Kirchheiner said Clark wanted der. him and Lamka to help beat upr '. ★ ★ ★ a man who had been courting! Lamka of Canton, Ohio, was Clark’s girlfriend. | reported in satisfactory condi-1 “I told him no,” said Kirch-.tion after surgery. Doctors said heiner, “but he pulled out the | the bullet entered his tot tern-; gun and told Jim: ‘Kneel down j pie and came out just behind his I’m going tojshoot you’.” 1 left ear. Kirchheiner listened, horrified,: Now Specially Pricod! You call havo tho con-venienco of Stilt Water ONLY A FEW CENTS PER DAY Have q whiter wash softer clothes, lovelier complexion and oven saya up to 50% on soap. WHY RENT A WATER SOFTENER? as little $125 W' as § week * NO MONEY OOWN * Com* In Today or Phono ft 4-3573 arts Distributer ter BsyntlEi Wster Conditioning Eguipmont GRUMP as C1 a r k counted a b o v e his B e r r i e s of the bittersweet kneeling frimd. plant are poisonous. i £4 3465 Auburn fid. UL 2*3006 Electric incorporated FE 4*3513 \ Revolutionary development, a term coined by the Saigon government, encompasses a range of activities intended to make Viet Nam a viable nation politi- Christmas cally, economically and social- !iy. KIM MOVES OUT - Actress Kim Novak carries belongings from her Bel Air home yesterday in California after a mudslide inundated part (A the yard and threatened to damage the house. Officials said the slide, a slow-moving ooze of mud, knocked down some trees in the front yard. As Westmoreland put it, revolutionary development includes “not only building modern power sources and industrial plants, but improving living conditions: and work’ methods for all of the people.” I College Adopts Cool Attitude on a Hot Issue BINGHAMTON, N.Y. (AP)— Foam failed, water steamed, and sand didn’t stop it—so Har-pur College officials are going to wait out a fire that has burned in a coal storage bin for nearly two weeks. "We’re going to sit to a week,” John Moore, assistant to the college’s president,, said Thursday. The bin, filled with 300 tons of coal, is on the college campus in nearby Vestal. It has been burning slowly since toe day after Thanksgiving. He said his commanders should insure that each U.S.I serviceman “is aware of tile1 contributions he can make to this important task.” I Audubon Chief NEW YORK (AP) - Charles H. Callison of Hastings on Hudson, N.Y., has been named chief administrative officer of toe: National Audubon Society. i SUPER 120 GASOLINE MAC-0-LAC DISTRIBUTOR 1.99 Value Oil Base . . 1.99 gal. 4.99 Value Latex Base . 2.99 gal. Indoor and Outdoor — All Colors MAJOR BRANDS, INC. All efforts to extinguish it have failed. I MuAia Center 148 N. Saginaw Downtown—Next to Sears Open Daily 9 A.M.-9:30 P.M. OF VALUE 6ti fklt HEW, ExeHIti Hand Vacuum Cleaner. OPEN NIGHTS TIL 9 1 WITH YOUR N1W H SPEED QUEEN. WASHER AND DRYER Matching Speed Queen Electric Diyer Selection of automatic cycle or time cycle plus a durable press cycle select ion Choice of totting to drying either heavy fabric, normal to brie or delicato fabric drying delicato fabric or normal fabric, plus on air (faff (no heat) selection, New 1967 Speed Queen Automatic Washer :r Special Feed for Wild Birds REGAL MIXTURE with 20% SUNFLOWER 25 lb. BAG ] 139 Utility Wild Bird Mixture cracked com, wheat and milo maize 25 lb. BAG 1.59 Cracked Corn 25 ibt.1.39 e Sunflower Seed per h>--25 REGAL FEED and LAWN SUPPLIES 4 PHONE OR 3-2441 4255 Dixie Highway - Drayton Plaint a Two complete automatic cycle* are provided, Normal cycle and durable pros* cycle plus a soak cycle. • Choice of either hot, warm or cold wash water • Automatic Rinse Water Temperature e Automatic Selector for large, mod. or small loads • Positive Action 3-way grit removal system s 199 How! for the Luxury of Two RELAX, RELY on FINESSE by This two-oven style gag range hat the luxury look of the built-in plus all these deluxe features: e Timer Clock • Fiberglas Insulation • Oven LighHn Beth Ovens • Porcelain Broiler • Porcelain Burner Box • Lew BTU Flash Tube [Ignition • Polished Burner Caps • Spill-Free Top and Many Mote. CHRISTMAS SPECIAL *247 FREE INSTALLATION FREE DELIVERY FREE 1-YEAR WARRANTY FREE 1-YEAR SERVICE Deluxe SPEED QUEEN WRINGER WASHER with DODDLE WALL TDD to keep water hot longer Other deluxe features: Deluxe, adjustable safety wringer — Bowlshaped Tub to treat clothes gently - Aluminum Agitator — Welded steel chassis. Christinas Special ‘98 v PERSON-TO-PERSON CREDIT • He Dewn Payment • 90 Days Same as Cash • Up hrto Months to Pay PARK FREE IN WKC's LOT AT REAR OF STORE / THE PONTIAC PRESS, FRIDAY. DECEMBER 9, 1966 C—9 Attention Carpet Buyers IMMEDIATE IHSTAUATIDH! SHY YOUR CARPET TORAY • • • WE’LL INSTALL IT TOMORROW! Remember, there are only 9 days left that you can have your carpet installed before Christmas. Karen’s selection is still huge! So Hurry! Buy Now! Savings Guaranteed to Floor Your Home with Carpet I NEVER, NEVER HAVE KAREN’S PRESENTED SUCH A TREMENDOUS CLEARANCE OF FINE QUALITY RR0ADL00M CARPET. AT PRICES SLASHED TO THE RONE FOR IMMEDIATE DISPOSAL! Smashes Broadloom Pricesi 1 ROOMS if CJUPEIMO COMPLETELY INSTALLED WITH HEAVY RUBBERIZED RUG CUSHION HOURS: Monday and Friday-10 A.M. to 9 P.M. Tues., WmL, Thurs., Sat., 10 A.M. to 5;30 P.M. G—Ifl Hearing Slated! on LANSING CAP) - The Statej Court of Appeals Thursday issued a temporary injunction i prohibiting Donald R. Freeman of Flint from taking office as a newly elected Genesee Ctepity l circuit judge. , Appeals Court Judges John H. Gillis, Thomas G. Kavanagh j and Timothy C. Quinn ordered a Dec. 19 hearing for Freeman to show cause why the injunction should not be made permanent. * * A The request was brought before the court Thursday by Tob-j ert Haines, Fay Wexler Taylor and Robert Abram, all of Flint. | They asked the court to pro-i hibit appropriate officials from administering the oath of office! Ar ***** to Freeman until a final decision1 . ____________________ could be made on issues raised i . STILL HAS FISH FRIDAYS — A giant black sea bass at in their complaint. . Maruieland gets ready to enjoy his favorite dish it ■/, it —fish. A school of anchovies are conveniently placed in the The complaint, filed by £ k * — ** *> * troit attorneys Sheldon Otis and1 David Rosenthal, charged that) Freeman “lacks qualifications or mental competency to entitle i him to assume the office of cir-j cuit judge for Genesee County." -IMlgQNTlAC PHESS; FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1966 Pentagon Buildup Plans Foresaw Far Bloodier War House Vote on State Car Use j LANSING (UPI) Here’sjDavis, Erlandsen, Fitzgerald, /Lfl f*mm CIjH how House members voted on Goemaere, Kehres, Kelsey, Mo V-Ufl Ollll g* resolution ^ repre-MS*1, £ Montgomery, Think of Golf fcfeHS * WASHINGTON (AP) — Thel United States expected a far bloodier Viet Nam war, It wttj learned today. Indications are the Pentagon] preparec palling perhaps 10,000 dead this] ■■ year and five times ks wounded. ■ ★ ★ * Casualties have been much! lower although still running into staggering numbers — over 4,-■“ killed and 90,000 wounded the past 11 months. A top source said that when the Pentagon began planning the big military buildup in Southeast Asia, statistical studies were conducted which projected US. losses at 200 casualties per day per 100,000 men. PAST EXPERIENCE The figure, derived from experience in World War H and; the Korean conflict, was needed to determine possible replacement and medical demands. - Traxler, Walton, M. Young. Americans have been killed in .dimples.” j Holbrook Pears Rohlfs ^Publicans not voting (16): :V|et Nam, running toe count * * * SS’S: Allen, Arnett, Buth, ConUn, De-,since Jan. 1, 1961, to 6,236 as of And he said he hopes to be s an>e' sm ri’ !>lr*nIe- Maso, Engstrom, Esch, Ford. last Saturday, playing golf by the aid ofFeb-j Democrats against (19); Bee-'Hampton, Little, Marshall, Mor- * ruary — and “I’d like to be)don, Burton, Cater, Charron. rison, Spencer, Swallow, Wag-1 This does not include 1,436 chipping (even) before then.” Cpnstantini, Copeland, S. J. I ner, Wurzel. I men who have died in plane and Averages are rather meaningless, however, when it canes to describing the toll of life due to the war. SINCE JAN. 1 Defense'Department statistics The major difference accounting for Viet Nam's fewer dead than wounded perhaps ties in toe qature bf today's military operations. Viet Nam, in’1 contrast with Korea and World War U, is a hit-and-run type conflict with no fixed fronts and few sustained battles. * * * More servicemen also recover from wounds in Viet Nam than was toe case in the world wars. and., Korea. ; ■, '' \ t ' " LUMBER and HARDWARE-151 Oakland Ave. GIVE YOUR HOME A NEW LOOK Pfvo tk& kolifioujA NEEDS A Irving didn't. Or so ho thought. Next thing/is kntw, his next-door neighbor put up a fancy one designed by Whitehall Metal Studios. Beautiful. Aluminum. Care-free. (And not tooexpensive) Nowirvlngissulklng. Calling his neighbors snobs; But Irving is only human. The Bllntzorderisgoingthrough the Whitehel! Metal Studios plant now. The $7.50 model. Naturally. SEE OUR MIRV FULL SIZE PANELS ON DISPLAY! Cash-and Carry PLYWOOD PANELS VxV Unfinished V-Groove $069 em Each 4’x8’ Unfinished V-Groove $089 P« Each 4W Pre-Finished V-Groove Panels $099 WEaoh 4'x8’ Pre-Finished V-Groove Panels $479 “Each 4’x8' Pro-finished V-Groove Maderia $K95 ll Each 4'xl' Pro-finished Decorative Inlaid Panel $6\?c 71 Years of Service Ik The Pontiac Area LUMBER^ HARDWARE tSI OAKLAND AVM., PONTIAC • FM4>IS¥4 If your furnace can’t face another winter. ♦ * consider the heartwarming advantages of electric heat We’ve got some good news for you about replacing your tired old furnace. It’s easier and faster when the switch is to electric heat. And if you choose electric heat, you get an extra bonus—a guarantee from Edison. Here’s how the guarantee works: We’ll come out and tell you how much it’ll cost to heat your home with electricity. Then your monthly bills may be lower, but they wdn’t be one penny higher than we say. We guarantee it. But some of the nicest things about electric heat are the things you don’t get: no dame, no soot, no chimney or ftye* You do get even, clean heat. There are many different kinds of electric heating systems available. So you can be sure of getting one that best fits your modernizing plans—big or small. Choose from drop-in floor units, wall units, ceiling panels or baseboard units; all give you room-by-room temperature control. Or choose from two types of central electric heating systems—forced-air or hydronic. Either system nan be tailored to give you comfortable “zone” temperature control. j Just call us. We’ll give you all the heartwarming details. OK? EDISON ■m: THE PONTIAC PRESS, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1WM C—11 STEAM-SPRAY Spray eteam-dry In DORMEYER SUNBEAM QEN. ELECTRIC HAND MIXER MIXMASTER HAND MIXER UghtwriflM, compact. 3 speeds. Beats, whlpo, - 7 :• JP5 m - 3 ipM^t for bootingu •••fioodl mlxmattor. mixot. Lightweight. Febne Otid* Right- whipping, mixing. PoworfuI nn^f Wow h> Ch»me. Mm mod. loft cord. #5-6. oortons. Model #H. jp.47. $|]M $04T $088 ■M GENERAL ELECTRIC SHOW ’H’ TELL Shows lull color picture* In tlmo to words and music. 4-spood rscord playor and a lull color sildo-lilm projoctor. Big 11* full color scroon-Automatic slid* changor. Fully tronsistorizsdl Plays all sizo records. 97 $21 OUR PRICE COMPLETE RECORD SELECTION '■««: EAc OVea, TRANSISTOR OE CARTRIDGE PANASONIC OEN. ELECTRIC Walkie-Talkie TAPE RECORDER TAPE RECORDER TAPE RECORDER Mr. 1 hr. ploy. 3 »PO»d». TrorntHor Solid rtoM, Instont me- *5S88 *39** *19«* $2088 *29“ *39** *10** ADMIRAL STEREO HI-FI 4-SPEED AUTOMATIC Solid state transistorised — no tubs* to bum out. Instant play of 4-speed automatic rscord changer. folds compactly for sasy carry- ZENITH ZENITH 8-TRANS. RADIO CLOCK-RADIO Sharp clear tuning. |aly p md c|ock sot Pocket rice. Custom cor- to automatically wok* A.F.C speed automatic hi - II changor. largo tpoak. er. Taae control Smart $I5*« «69»8 $3yss WESTINOHOUSE VAC. CLEARER Pawarful ena * H.P. cloonar lor homo clean- •Walla aa air* With Mg neadi. With oat aI oot of attachments. ■■ Model 454. *2l*y *18” *18“ *1® WITH UHF-VHF , Compact! Lightweight! No skimping hors. Top 1W H.P. heavy duty motor. Medal 47$. Wile , \ IM| comploto oot of attach- CoiinMMl on dll lip *49“ *49“ *9“ »39— Handcrafted, handwirod chassis. Carry handle, antenna, sound apt front. Pull warranty. The perfect Christmas gift for everyone — to give or to receive! $9988 SUNBEAM ELEC. PARTY PERK FRY PAH | Siam IS M 30 anT*«o* SUNBEAM TEFLON ' '(i. .-7^,7 anuitl - cooker beffat Model! 061-M. *12“ *io** *11“ *16“ 'nsfc*'- sr^aes vgBgpga «"■****• «•* W SMrnA *9“ *13“ *35“ *18** § C—12 THE PONTIAC PRESS, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1968 Thank yon for making this our best year for cider and doughnuts. (600 dozen an hour.) We are closed now bat our cider will be available at Bailiwick’s Antiques next door. Thank You! Paint Creek Cider Mill 4483 Orion Road at Goodison Was Ice Enough to Close Schools? HELD OVER! NOW1 thru TUESDAY SHOWING: AT 7:00 and 9:00 ' ./ ,. am • • > , | w~:‘ Monday was not a typical win-i Consequently, almost SO per,commission and drive the roads try day. But was it bad enough'cent of the district’s (7,000 stu-{themselves, when feasible, ac-to close schools? {dents were absent from school cording to Tdtiyte. Secondary r o a d'$~were icy Monday. j * * slick, for sure. Main roads were* * * * ■ | „This procedure begins at 4:30 much less hazardous. j Later the same day, drivers a.m. 1 t . " _______ , .. . . . « , were told if they wanted to work nFnsmv RFArmrn . You can t make a decision LTU . ’ ^or the districT they would have ° , 1 ^ kkls « ± *ere asm. In Mhprc nlMtff vprp II.. ... / . Tha Mvi/w mmivm it nrvn_ u/ai finer [q|> j “Once having made a deci-sioQ, it’s gather important we don’t confuse people and change our minds,” said Tatroe. clo«d. la others, classes were ^ The advice received is con-waiting hektasnsnaL 'decisions sidered and then a decision is serted. School officials in Pontiac and ADVICE CONSIDERED |rCached’ Tatroe- ! Waterford Township decided to j a]so were told their A quick decbion is peces- hold dasses and to provide *is!advice ^ * considered on radio station service even if on an irregularquestionable wintry days if they ? ** information to stu-baas- * . I were willing to get up early dcnt8 aad * * * * i enough. Announcements were made to, ,, this effect In “Y 12 of making | these decisions, I’ve probably WENT WELL been wrong more than I’ve In Pontiac, things went well.! been right,” - said Supt. of But in Waterford Township, none j Schools Dr. Don O. Tatroe. of the buses traveled their j “It’s hard to make a right de-routes. I cision (on whether to close schools).” - the buses,” he as-i "AMONG THE GREAT MOWS OF ALL TIME!”-*.*,.-. Accondlnq to st Matthew* m tmi ti» fM. 7USU2 KEECO 1 Feeling the roads were too hazardous to transport stu- I On questionable days, school deals, Waterford Township I officials in Waterford Township drivers left buses in the ga- | contact police departments, the rage. weather bureau and the road COMMERCE UNION LAKE AT HAGGERTY NO. EM 3-0SS1 - Show Starts at Dusk NOW thru SUNDAY SHOW SUNDAY STARTS AT 6:30 P.M. =d FREE IN-GAR HEATERS 1= ___ For Complete Comfort . MISS HONEILMISS GALORE NEED HELP? USE PONTIAC PRESS CLASSIFIED ADS! LOW IN COST. FAST IN ACTION. PHONE? 332-8181. siANWMNffir GERT FROBE#ou8«k otAN UfRtJtTisJAMu BUNU HONOR BLACMN ^l***.****™ E2EE ELECTRIC CORN POPPER o Polished aluminum for perfect, quick popping. e No shaking or stirring necessary, e Transparent glass lid. # Guaranteed for 1 year. Sale price $2.99 (cord extra) IONA ELECTRIC SHOE POLISHING KIT "Toko the mess out of shoo polishing" • Permanently lubricated motor. I Variety of brush attachments, s 5-year guarantee, s Attractive storage case. ■«9< Price $17.95 Sale price $12.88 AUTOMATIC ICE CRUSHER j "Perfect for parties" • Makes crisp, frosty lea flakes In seconds, e Removable see-thru Ice tray. Bim e Die-cast metal housing for extra strength. £ $18.88 i0 EARLY AMERICAN , MOLD SIT e 18 pieces with hanging rings* 1 e Perfect for attractive gelatine desserts, e Tarnish-proof coppertone, aluminum. • A fashionable decorator tooch to any kitchen. Reg. Price $4.95 Sale price $2-99 All WATERFORD HD WE. CUMMINGS HARDWARE J & J HARDWARE \ ' 5SS0 Dixie Hsv^n Waterford 47 I. Stint, Lake Often t 2015 Auburn, Utica BROWNIES HARDWARE DAWSON HARDWARE WEINMAN HARDWARE 952 |esiyn, Pontiac S5S0 Seshabew, Drsyten Plaint 445 Union Lake Rd.. Union Lake AP Wirtphoto FEARS POLLUTION—Mrs. Mary Ann Beaty of Raytown, Mo., was impressed by her chiropractor’s worries about air pollution and began wearing a gas mask as she drives to and from work in Kansas City, Mo. “I still feel a little self-conscious,” she says, “but this air pollution can make us all sick.” STAY ON MAIN ROADS Tatroe said he and the bus' supervisor had agreed Monday ; that buses should stay on the main roads. j Learning the drivers had re- L fused to drive their buses, Ta-| troe went to the garage. How-1 ever, by the time he arrived, i they had left. j “In effect what they did was strike for a day,” said Tatroe. .“Apparently a handful of the drivers made the decision not to ’drive and told the others.” it it * Two alternatives presently "he-} ing considered by ' Waterford Township school officials to cope {with future similar situations iare an emergency routing 'system for buses and starting classes later in the morning. PIZZA Deliver and Carry Out JOE'S FAMOUS SPAGHETTI HOUSE 1088 W. Huron, Pontiac FE 2-0434 - Open Till 3 A.M. 300 BOWL Where the Action J# 100 S. Cass Lk. Rd. 682-6300 1 Pontiac's POPULAR THEATER Week Oww Ocnl. II m. IS » us. . Mm omhmms it m. it it pa EAGLE NOW SHOWING ■ SAT. 10:46 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. { ■ undar | With This Coupon J a ; KIDS 25c ” I With This Co is this the girl next door? Mother Says Son Innocent State Man Is Hunted in November Slayings Fried Chicken Dinners 99c AIm Steaks, Chops, Seafoods and Spaghetti WESTERN DRIVE-IN 1765 N.Talngraph for Cony Out. - 335-5570 CHILDREN OUTGROWN SKIS, SLEDS, fOBOGGANS? SELL iTHEM WITH A LOW COST PONTIAC PRESS CLASSIFIED AD. DETROIT (UPI) - It was the voice of a worried mother. A tired voice. “I don’t believe my son is a murderer.” Mrs. Leslie Walker waited at her home in the Detroit ; suburb of Lincoln Park and J hoped her words would reach the son she has not heard from since Nov. 18, the son who is sought for questioning I about two killings. ! Robert Lee Gawne, 27, is the object of a nationwide search by state and federal authorities in the mysterious slayings of ,Mrs. Janet Stewart, 23, near Dry Ridge, Ky., and Eileen Marie Alex, 19, near South Bend, Ind. Both women were killed within days of each other last month. Both were from suburban Detroit. IN WYOMING Police said Gawne and Tom Banks, 23, were in Wyoming earlier this week but may have fled to Mexico, Mrs. Walker’s words were aimed at Gawne: “I want him to hear me, wherever he is. I want him to give himself up because I don’t believe he’s involved in either one of the murders. “He’s not the type of boy who would do a thing like this. I want him to turn himself in. ■‘‘Maybe he is in one of the cars that belonged to one of the girls. I don't know. But there's--a difference between car theft and murder.” DRIVE-IN 1 SO TELEGRAPH AT SO. LAKE RD. | l-MUt W. WOODWARD .... MMCLEMILE ‘‘CHILLS AND SPILLS CROWD THE SCREEN. LEAVES A VIEWER BREATHLESS.”-^ ^ “MAGNIFICENT FILM. NOT TO BE MISSED.’’ Z 1 * T—■ -Harper's BazaarJ = “SOMETHING VERY 2 SPECIAL.” “ —Archer Winsten. Z N.Y. Post 2 “BRILLIANT!” Z -The New Yorkei i f'RSaut»'- Pi&NuSe | m&i I' FIRST RUN! at I Woody ALLEN ■ llKESBACK! Bolt Cuts Power THREE RIVERS « — Lightning struck a 69,000-volt trans-| mission line at a substation west I of Three Rivers Thursday and the community was without power for 30 seconds. Michigan Gas and Electric Co. officials said they were not sure the power failure resulted from the lightning. TEEN DANCE featuring "Dlfc ,y \ CwMbojd From Birmingham Saturday Night 8 -12 P.M. I.A. C. Hall 60 N. Tilden Near Rips, Off Huron Admission $1 BOX OFFICt OPENS 6:30 P.M. ' }T Hi .jts'all. DRIVE-IN OP.DYKE RD. AT WALTON UVD. 332 3200 0lfA^ T11K PONTIAC PRESS FRIDAY, DECEMBER 0, 1966 C—13 it'Shalea US Enjoy on Evening of Europoan Atmosphar* Found Only in Our "Wim ROOM" Entertainment Friday and Saturday Nights ... Swing Complete Dinners... SS1I AStUlft JtO. at the Light in Askers Hslgkts TAVERN ■; | 5838 Dili. HittfX.y ”BK" OB 3-1907 Complete Serviee Dept. Aid Hemp Shop All Makes - Free Estimates HANK NEWMAN'S Study to Court Bar Bigger Drain-Off by Chicago, It Ada WASHINGTON (AP) - A recommendation thin Chicago be enjoined tram taking any more water than it now tykes from Lake Michigan was regarded today ai « qualified victory far Michigan and five other Great Lakes states. The suggestion was contained hi a 574-page report filed with; tee U. S. Supreme Court Thursday by Albert Maris, a special master appointed by the court to investigate the diversion problem. Marts, a retired federal judge from Philadelphia, conducted hearings from 1950 to 1963, compiling a 30,000-page transcript hi the process. He also inspected rims and harbors, and industrial . complexes on Lgkes Superior, Michigan, Hur-Lakes Superior, Michigan, Huron and Erie. Chicago had sought to Increase its “diversion of Lake Michigan water by 1.000 cubic feet a second over its present 3,200 cubic feet a second, con-j tending it needed more water to' handle increased sewage. I LOWER LEVELS Michigan, Minnesota, Wiscon-! Sin, Ohio, Pennsylvania and New York objected, saying the increased diversion would lower i of the interconnected lakes and affect shaping. The six states also asked toe Supreme Cdurt to order Chicago return waste water to Like Michigan after treating its sewage, rather than sending it into the Mississippi River system. In his recommendation, Maris said Chicago should be permitted to continue discharging its sewage waste into toe Chicago River, which flows into the Mississippi River system. Now Open _____________ EAST SHORE LOUNfiE lU Appearing Friday and Saturday Nights Mitt Dotty Viow NEW YEAR'S EVE Males Your Reservations Note Closed Party-$25 a Couple This Includes Dinner, Drinkt, Dancing 9 P.M.-2:30 A.M. ' 14-Mile at WaHed Lake MA 4-9522 : b CAMELOT INN ■ Cwey Chfik EXECUTIVE VIEW — Five governors attending toe winter meeting of toe Education Compdttoe of toe States look over the famous New Orleans French Quarter yesterday from a balcony trimmed in iron lace work. Admiring the view down Royal Street are (from „ AP Wlr.pholo left) Govs. Charles L. Terry Jr. of Delaware, Otto Kerner of Illinois, Robert McNair of South Carolina, Richard Hughes of New Jersey and Calvin Rampton of Utah. Eight governors are taking part in toe meeting. GOP Governors Go to Work Building hr Presidential Bid COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (AP) —i Republican governors, demanding a party role to match their bolstered numbers, went to work today to build an organization that could propel me of them into toe GOP presidential nomination. Their potential leaders were not saying which one — although Michigan's Gov, George Romney clearly is the front runner among them, as he is to the public opinion polls. and The Lazy Ranch Boys Stars of the Casey Clark Television series, and WJR Radio show. Most popular ^ : Country Western and Rock bands North r of Dixie. O, f 129S W. Maple, Walled Lake MA 4-3081 Wagner's Kin Force Behind a Met Opera By MILES A. SMITH NEW YORK - The late Wieland Wagner, famed for producing his ancestor’s operas at Bayreuth, was toe creative force behind the Metropolitan Opera’s new production of Richard Wagner’s “Lohengrin," and naturally has formed it to toe abstract Bayreuth style. He had completed toe designs and had conceived toe staging before his death last October. The actual stage direction was carried through by Peter Lehmann, his assistant. The result, as presented Thursday night, is dose to a concert version with costumes, for the sets have been underplayed and the action has been so muted that it has a tableaux effect. Yet for those not bound tradition, toe opera gains to mu-j sical intensity what it loses ip! visual impression. IN FINE FORM Sandor Konya, in the title role, Walter Berry as Telra-mund and Christa Ludwig as Ortrud were to fine farm, but Ingrid Bjoner was less impressive as Elsa. The part of King Henry was to have been performed by Jerome Hines, but he became til and was replaced by John Macurdy. Sherrill Milnes toe Herald. The conducting, Karl Boehm, was in the proper Wagnerian spirit. The simplified sets resemble huge stained glass abstractions. The famous swan boat is merely symbolized by a painted swan on a backdrop. The lighting was kept in Urn key for moat of the Colorado Gov. John A. Love and Rhode Island’s John H. Chafee, both seeking toe chairmanship of toe Republican Governors’ Association, agreed that toe 25 GOP state executives should seek to line up behind a single candidate for the White House. With broad, if not unanimous agreement, Chafee told a joint news conference Thursday night, toe governors can control toe selection of the party’s 1968 candidate. ‘NEW SOLUTIONS’ He said toe governors also should work to make sure that the next Republican platform embraces imaginative proposals for "new solutions to the many old problems.” Chafee said toe governors should take an active role in the selection of their state delegations to toe next national convention. And he said they should decide “early in the game” who they want nominated. I have no first choice now," he said. Love said he believes toe next nominee will be a governor. "We have an outstanding slate of governors,” he said. He added that Republicans in Congress are trapped to a position of minority opposition to administration proposals, which does not beset toe governors. SEES NO DISSENSION House Republican leader Gerald R. Ford of Michigan said there would be no dissension between Republicans on Capitol Hill and in toe state-houses. “I am tired of reading how we are going to fly off into all kinds of collision courses,” Ford said a speech prepared for the ‘ first fori association’s first formal ses-sion. it it * At an afternoon meeting toe governors are expected to elect a chairman to succeed retiring Gov. Robert E. Smylie of Idaho. Ford said Republicans to Congress are not going to use their increased numbers for obstruction. He promised a positive, meaningful minority program — and offered toe governors chance to help shape it TAX SHARING He said GOP congressional leaders will propose next year system of state and federal tax sharing, and Social Security increases tied to cost-of-living! factors. Asking the governors for their ideas, Ford said, “We all subscribe as Republicans to the theory that all wisdom does not repose in Washington.” If we all hang together in City Building in Slow Season success as well as we did in adversity, we are not going the way of the Whigs,” he said. “We are going the way of Abraham Lincoln and Dwight D. Eisenhower.” The House minority leader said he 'would like to see toe governors accorded a bigger role to toe Republican Policy Coordinating Committee, toe party’s top policy-making council. OFFERS RESOLUTION ' The governors were looking for the same thing. Gov. Daniel J. Evans of Washington offered a resolution seeking to increase from five to seven the number of gubernatorial seats on toe coordinating group. That would be generally to line with the increase in GOP gubernatorial numbers — up from 17 to at least 25 as a result1 of toe Nov. 8 election, (toe race, that in Georgia, still is contested. Chafee and Love were early arrivals for toe twfrday meeting in this mountain resort. Other governors and govemors-elect, with Romney among them, scheduled arrivals today. An Associated Press survey of GOP gubernatorial opinion showed signs of cautious sup-port of Romney and some for Richard M. Nixon for the 1968 nomination. Wayne t Davisson Tk& Fo4^ Frenchmen • Dine and Dance to Detroit*$ w Mott Versatile Combo | 'Than., Fri. and Sat. Nights ^ Bonnie Brook | • Supper Club • 4a Telegraph Between 7 .ml 8 HO. A % KE 4-2830 _ # Mr. ,B#b T T*7 Rutz.n X PINE KNOB r'*' Make Your Reservations Early n for HOLIDAY PARTIES Cocktail Lounge Dancing Saturday Night—Closed Monday l 7777 Pine Knob Rd., Clarkslon Phone 625-2641 Tk QandhaJi Featuring The CONTINENTALS with SYLVIA SOMMERS Vocalist Singing Your Favorite Tunes M-59 and Elizabeth Lake Rd. NO SIGN OF BANDWAGON * But there was no sign of a governors’ bandwagon for Romney. “I’m not committed to any one candidate at toe moment,” said Love. Fine/ FwkIa ojuL Lu^uum FRIDAY SIGHT DINNERS Up SEAFOODS: Fresh Baked Shrimp* Scallops, Frog Legs, Trout, Seafood Halo and other delicious food for your' choice. Interoatiesal Smorgasbord T SATURDAY 7:00 P.M. to 11:00 P.M. CHILDREN UNDER 12, 82.50 Your Choice of Fine Food SEE OUR COMPLETE MENU Hie “NEW SOUNDS* of GrOJtUKBUS/ f s On the Haituimna Organ Mon.-Sat. MAKE YOUR NEW YEAR'S RESERVATIONS NOW Tickets Available 4S25 Highland Rd.(M-S9) _____ 6744)424 m The winter season settled on building activity in Pontiac last month, according to toe statistics compiled by City Building Inspector Robert M. Gerds. He reported tost 66 building permits were issued in November for construction valued at $177,274, compared to 112 permits and <2.5 million in October. Thera were nine permits issued for new family dwellings, construction worth $57,666, compared to four permits to October and construction valued at $63,606. Seventeen permits were issued to November for residential alterations and repairs, construction valued at $25,294; three permits tar new commercial buildings valued at $58,716; and 1$ permits for residential garages valued at $16,700. ■ -7; * * * For 11 months to 1966, there have been 1,263 permits issued far construction valued at $19,-431,476, compared to 1,385 and $8,575,962 dining toe san period to 1966. Bus Usage i Shows Drop Patronage of local buses dropped last month compared to toe previous month, i According to bus company figures, Pontiac Transit Corp. buses transported 66,796 passengers in November far a revenue of $14,525. pared to 69,363 passengers and revenue of $15,067 in October. FREE Hats end Noistmakers DfcMi Inti ,*•*••* /JOIN US FOR A FUN-FILLED 2 FUN-PACKED FLOOR SHOWS Make Your Reservations Now! Corner Elizabeth Lake J And Cass Lake Roads 2-29811 t BLOCK WEST OF HURON HOWE’S LAKES B69T Dixie Hwy. 625-5011 $ JAM SESSION | Every Tuesday Night All .VmlriaM Welcome! FLOOR SHOWS Evary Saturday Night! The fabulous * RILL HART Hillarioui Comedy M.C. * NONDRUS GREEN ^Singing Sounds of the Sixties CHILDREN OUTGROWN SKIS, SLEDS, TOBOGGANS? SELL THEM wrra A IX)W COST PONTIAC PRESS CLASSIFIED AD. TO PLACE YOURS, CALL 33X418L -u TOE PONTIAC PRESS. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1966 1 Junior Editors Quiz on- BOLIVIA QUESTION: Why does Bolivia have two capitals? ★ ★ ★ ANSWER: The country now called Bolivia was very important to toe Spaniards, who had conquered South America, for silver had been discovered there. hi 1821, toe famous liberator Simon Bolivar won an important victory over the Spaniards. He helped toe people of what was then called Upper Peru to establish an independent country, which they, in gratitude, renamed Bolivia. One of Bolivar’s generals, Antonio Joe de Sucre, was elected as Bolivia’s first president, and his name was given to the city which was the seat of the government. Another city had been founded by toe Spaniards in 1548-La Ciudad de Nuestra Senora de La Paz. After throwing off toe Spaniards, Bolivians edited this city La Pax, It was better situated than Sucre to he toe seat of toe government because of Its excellent transportation facilities and It grew to be toe center of BdMa’s life. So In 1898, all government offices except the Supreme Court woe moved to La Paz, which became toe actual capital. ★ if ,★ FOR Y0(J TO DO: See ff you can find out what makes Lake Titicaca, near La Paz, so distinctive? NOTICE or TAXIS CITY Of PONTIAC and payable at tha office of fho Pontiac City Treasurer, December 12,1966, through Febraaiy 14,1967, without fees. On February IS, 1967, a collection fee of 4% will bo added to all County taxes paid through February 28, 1967. On March 1,1967, aH unpaid County and 1966 City and School tarn* will bo latomad to the Oakland County " office, and must bo paid there with additional m Payments made lw mail than February 14, 1967, to ai Walter A. biddings City Treasurer 450 Wide Track Drive East Pontiac, Michigan Stock Ip sa Holiday Trials at SIMMS Low Prices! MAIN FLOOR SPECIALS 2-lb. Rum and Bratady Fruit Cake $1.19 value, delicious fruit cake chock fult ^Oc 4-lbs. of Mils and trek. In emboned tin. W Stall [ Lady firaham Fancy Mixed Nuts 16-OZ. box. Fresh, delicious mixed nuls includes ^ A pecans, almonds, walnuts, filberts. JL JL 5-lb. Box Asst Milk Chocolates 5-lb. famous Sisco Hamilton assorted Sto €% flft* chocolate creams. Milk chocolate. 1-lb. Bag Hard Mix............. 37c 1-lb. Bag 109% Hard Candy..... 39* 24-oz. Bag Cream Jelly Mix...... 35* 1-lb. Bag French Creams......# 37* 1-lb. Brach’s 20 Varieties...... 78* Your Choice Ail Popular Brandt Fresher Cigarettes 4-Pc. ‘Falcon’ Pipe Set By HAL BOYLE NEW YORK (AP) -Do you have a friend whose whole world turns dark when his television set la on toe blink? Why let him sit there in lonely despair? There is a rem-z^ rifle hot high 1______ pow.r, oitonithing accuracy. It's powerful enough te knack ov.r .mall gem*. *10“ JOE’S SB SURPLUS II X SttUMf FE 2-0022 i>-4 ■ ' ! 1 7*1 TIIR PONTIAC PRESS, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1966 j IVMMl One of America’s oatstanding Local and world news on the hour Good music all day long-Heavy coverage of community events SERVING THE Vk BILLION DOLLAR OAKLAND COUNTY MARKET! Pros Batter Par ^181651 'Wo#t-°ns' . T ^ • Trade of New Impressive iff TeamOutingi Yankees' GM ,n I *MEDI-CAR(A Hade mm of Method Master Corp.) |js«ipecfetf*J« PALM BEACH GARDENS, iday for 127 and a two-stroke Fta. (AP) — A pair of gambling ledge on the money kings of golfers and two hungry team- golf. Jade Nicklaus and Arnold mates who grew up in the game Palma*, have shattered par by 17 strokes The Nicklaus-Palmer combin- to lead midway through the richest tournament in golf — the PGA National Team Champton- The teams of Babe Lichardus ATTENTION! TRADESMEN-SroRTSMEN Gaps or Covers For Pfek-llp Trucks All Sizes for All Trucks Insulated 12-Volt Light Paneled Interiors Aluminum Exteriors Locked Tailgate Doors Sole Price from s17950 Manufactured and Sold in Walled Lake LLOYD BRIDGES TRAVELAND Ills W. Maple Walled Lake Open ‘Til 1:10 P.M. Sat. Til 6:00 P.M. 624-1112 No Better Time Than Now— to Buy a New Pontiac or Buick! All Sizes All Models All Ready for Immediate Delivery! Get Shelton's Extra Christmas Trade-In Allowance! MAKE IT A HAPPY CHRISTMAS FOR YOUR FAMILY SHELTON PONTIAC BUICK S55 S. Rochester Rd., Rochester 651 -5500 Vt Bile |f uth of Downtown and Billy Farrell, Doug Sanders and A] Besselink came home with second rounds of 62 Thurs- Warriors Pad Lead Barry Hits 50 Points in 124-106 Win ation and the team of Howie Johnson and Chris Blocker tied for third with 129 in the chase for the tournament’s first prize of $50,000. Leaders after the first round with 63, Palmer and Nicklaus dropped back with a conference prepared finishing | touches on a calm,.routine win-jl (Cont. From Page D-l, Col. 6) ter business meeting, that there 0 Yankees’ outfield picture quite *ere 41 walk-ons in football andj f a bit. “We want to make a fresh, *6 «them made the squads, start,” said New York Manager The sharpshooting Hebert brothers, Jay and Lionel, were three strokes off at 130. The leaders are paired to start today’s third round. Farrell and Lichardus are a foursome with Nicklaus and Palmer. Sanders and Besselink join John&n and Blocker. Starting times will bring them back to the PGA National Golf Club’s 18th hole late in the afternoon. FIELD CUT er being told of die deal, rather expected it In fact, 1 The field of 120 pro twosomes!expected to be traded ever'since was ait to 70 after the first 36 1962." Outfielder Is Shipped to St. Louis Cardinals for Charley Smith CHICAGO (AP) - Big Ten I Commissioner Bill Reed says be< I hopes the day of the walk-on 11 athlete is here to stay. BRAKE LININGS IFROIW *9.95 SHOCK ABSORBERS INSTALLED. *19.00 WHEEL BALANCING 1 All 4 Wheels .’5.00 FRbkt IN0 ALIGNMENT.*9.95 I «ff ... FOR A LIMITED riMt ONLY, MEOfCAR will §u your I ter with mIWmI hmttm et/Mreete to five you complet* I protection to SO* Mont zoro . . . with any of the above Ralph Houk. “With two One young outfielders, Steve Whitaker and Bill Robinson, vying for jobs, we want to give them a chance." It was an open secret that the Yankees were ready to unload Maris, who only five years ago broke Babe Ruth’s record for home runs when he hit 61 in a 162-game season. “I wasn’t at all surprised,” the slugging outfielder said aft-.............. ................I By The Associated Press JS£ Sixty teams and ties had a Lt10 score 138 or better to stay in Smith, who has played for the Western Division a one-team < punnuig' The low ^ ^ ^ Angeles Dodgers, Philadel- show Thursday night. The sophomore forward, runaway scoring leader in the National Basketball Association, pumped in 50 points as he led the San Francisco Warriors to a 124-106 victory over the St. Louis Hawks in Phoenix, Ariz. A walk-on is a boy who reports oh his own initiative for the squad. “They are fellows who just Want to play but are overlooked in recruiting — they think they have something to offer," said Reed. Some did not even play football in high school. One prize example was Northwestern’s end, Roger Murphy, who set school pass-catching records. His batterymate, quarterback, Bill Melzer, also was a walk-on. “The number of walk-ons is exceptional,” said Reed. “You have to go back 20 years, before the time of intensive re- r PHONE TfiftMPHat JAMES K. *T msn mXSSmSmMi share the purse. phia Phillies, Chicago White Sox cruiting, to find a'like number. The triumph increased the Warriors’ lead to 5% games over the Hawks and left San Francisco the only team in the division over .500 at 184. The Hawks missed a chance at the break even point and fell from second to third in the West at 11-13. Gay Brewer and Butch Baird,'and New York Mets as well as winners of last year's inaugural !St. Louis, wasn't nearly as com-of the team championship, fell j posed, eight strokes off the pace with! “m be darned,” he ex- 135. Brewer needed medical attention on the fifth hole when one of his Achilles tendons became painfully swollen. Besselink, calling Sanders “the straightest shooter in the world,” said the team was willing to take chances to win. “We don’t play safe,” he said. “We’ve been playing together since we were amateurs and we j claimed. Maris, twice chosen the American League’s Most Valuable Player, dominated baseball in 1961 with Ills blistering home run pace. His smooth left-handed swing was tailor made fa* the short right field fence at Yankee Stadium. HIGH SALARY Coaches, of course, are always crying for bodies and more than' ever they like to give everyone a chance to make the squad. The Big Ten Thursday took this action: Expanded conference baseball competition from 15 to 18 games. Threw out ties in the ■ERB instead of counting them Vt game won and % game lost. Required a minimum of nine games to qualify for the title, Made the possibility of playing Sunday games in case After his record-shattering!°f rainouts on- the usual Friday-! Tn thp nniv nrtw oamp H know how to club each other season, he rocketed into base-1 Saturday playing dates. ! giv* on what ball’s higher salary class but his I Endorsed freshman intercolle-_ production slipped noticeably, giate competition in all sports 6W2-i2i He hit 33 homers in 1962, 23 in'at a non-varsity level fa* a two-&&:!»! 1963 and 26 in 1964. 64-66-130 * * 67-64-131 66-65—131 cago pulled away to a 132-120 clubs w use).» decision over Baltimore behind >f« rrell-Uchardus . Bob Boozer, Guy Rodgers and ^us-p.^ Jerry Sloan in a struggle between toe last-place clubs in each division. BIG LEAD Barry, who hit 57 points earlier this season, scored his 1,* early in the first half ohnson-Blocker Hebert- Harney-January . Wall-McCalliiter . Aaron-Rule ........... Weaver-Elli, ......... Plttman-Wllcox ....... Slfford-Hill ......... Goalby-Ford .......... Floyd-Maxwell ........ Campbell-Carmlchael . Barber-FIristerwald . as the Warriors built a 6943 sSISTk-Bi _ halftime bulge. I ^Ti^z-Bia.K.. . 65-68—133 . 47-66-131 . 64-67—133 . 72-62—134 . 67-67-134 He was crippled by ‘Injuries through most of 1965, appearing in just 46 games and hitting only eight homers. He underwent CEILING TILE IZJKIZ WNIIfi TILE mA EACH SMALL HOLE Acoustical 124 EACH PANELING 4xT V-0R00VE LAUAN MODERN 8x12 ROOM Suspended Including runnort, hangers, panel,, etc., complete. $20 Bathroom VANITIES Lg. Selection of 24" and 30" All Sizes and Colors Are Available PLYWOOD SHEATHING 4x8 W—4x8 Vi”-4x8 •%”-4xl 44”—4x8 ... 2.55 ... 3.75 ... 4.75 ... 8.18 ... 8.28 4x8 .... 2.80 Mr”—4x8 .... 8.20 4x8 Plgd. 4.60 4l1 Ji95_ Htrdbozrd Print.. 4.88 Hardboard Print.....5>88 3 colon to choote 4x8 Walnut Sec. BIRCH *13“ 5.50 6.25 4.50 Prcfinishcd Lauan 3.50 Z0N0LITE INSULATION JU.UM. FOIL 1 SIDE l1/«16,lx166 CEMENT *1” hots 3.57 2V4x16”x75’ . . 3.57 3t/8x16”x50’ . . 3.17 37/sx24”x60’ . . 4.15 LOUVERED DOORS 12” 8.84-28” 11.28 14” 1.24-28” 1144 It” 148-88” 11.88 18” 1.18-82” 1248 28” I.M-84” 12.95 24” 11.88-16” 1846 ...8840 Laminate Close-Out ah sum yuy MOST 1?-------------- Shingle *265 1 Masonite 4x8xVs 1.57 Shelving 1x12 .. 14c 56* HOUSEFUL Bag 1** MAHOGANY FLUSH DOOM $495 31” WIDE «f COVED FORMICA SINK TOPS 3” PLASTERBOARD 4xlxV4...... 146 4x8x4b......148 AxtxVb......144 CEDAR UNINQ $gll FURRING STRIP 1x2.......,.2e 1x3....... V. 3c JARO 8||| FREE DELIVERY 0:894:10, SAT. TIL I SUN. 114 1114 HIGHLAND RD. AT WILLIAMS LAKE EE. One AARe Wad of Pontiac Airport OR Mill in M-59 Ploxo OPEN SUN. 10-3 year period; This includes foot-) ball, which was installed this! season with two games granted for each university in November. surgery for the removal of bone chips at toe base of his right hand after toe season and played in 119 games last si managing only 13 homers. Hie Cardinals fed that Maris can come back for them just as Orlando Cepeda did last year after they acquired him from San Francisco- Cepeda, considered washed up by ball men, batted .301 for the Cards after being traded for | pitcher Ray Sadecki, who won jonly six games. “Roger will give us the extra power we’ve been looking for in our line-up," said St. Louis General Manager Bob Howsam. “Not only is he a fine hitter but he's also a good outfielder and, if necessary, has the ability to come off the bench cold as a pinch hitter.” Smith, who with pitcher A1 Jackson was traded by the Mets for Ken Boyer last winter, figures to be the frontrunner in the battle to replace Ken’s brother, Clete, as the Yankee third baseman. NHL Standings BOWLING BASS *5« and Up Com plat* selection of color, and stylet » BOWLING SHOES $4» BOWLING BALLS *19” and up LIFETIME GUARANTEE • CUSTOM FITTED AND DRILLED • ONE DAY SERVICE DIVE A GIFT CERTIFICATE to the bowler in yeur life. FE 5-2513 and FE 5-2525 at HURON BOWL 2525 Elizabath Lain Road MIDAS built the best MUFFLER reputation in America by being SqURHE We re SQUARE SHOOTERS.. DEAL with a SQUARE We guarantee Midas Mufflers, in writing, for as long as you own your car against rust, corrosion, blow-out, even normal wear-out. Replacement for a service charge only (the muffler itself is free!) at over 500 Midas Shops, coast to coast, U.S. and Canada. FAST, EXPERT SERVICE... FREE INSTALLATION Michigan Bankard ^ , 435 SOUTH SAGINAW 3 Block, South of Wide Track Driva BLANKET INSULATION I1/,-Inch ..... *35 par M 2-Inch ■ ■ ■,,, ■ *47 par M 3-IhcH ...... ■ bar H 1x6 Spruce Panging 15**^ Ml Ufa Size Run« SANTA CLAWS ijES LAWN DISPLAY *8” American Mini-Cube Compacted Water Softener Salt. • No fouling roiin bod or Control, • Fro# of Roeidua • 99.9% Salt • Totally Soluble "sir- M80 CALCIUM CHLORIDE THAWING 100-lb. Bag $3.00 PRE-FINISHED PANELING FROM ONLY 4’x8’ $3.55 up nr VtV $2.80 up*- THAWING for let 111 lb. SALT «**»*» $1.50 bag STOPS WATER! $]N *4*5 m TH0R0SEAL Come, in 7 color, WATERPLUG GUICKSEAL Smooth Finith Coot BASKETBALL Back Board .. $7.50 With Hoop.. $11.95 HEATING and COOLING DIVISION SALES lwiliiMt\ SERVICE LICENSED CONTRACTORS. AIL MAKES OF FURNACES, BOILERS AND CONVERSION UNITS INSTALLED ANd serviced. 24-NOUR SERVICE 556 North Saginaw FE 4*7171 BENSON LUMBER CO. ■ Buildingand Remodeling" Supplies and Materials 840 North Saginaw Street open 04- Sft. b-12 FE 4-2621 AM THE PONTIAC PRESS, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1960 D—a SAVOY LANES 24 NEW BRUNSWICK LANES ;; «»hwtthh OPEN BOWLING * Morning, Afternoons •ltd After t:B0 P.M. &(M Ctom VmnqTZim £■ Ltmge, Savoy Lanes 130 S. Telegraph Rd. gw ' Fee R..#rvotion Pontiac By JERE CRAIG Aurel Murg made a name for himself in bowling last |5unday at Cooley Lanes, but he wasn’t happy with it The self-employed Wixom patternmaker was very pleased with the 554 actual series—including a 210 game—that added to his 102 handicap gave him a 056 qualifying total and put him in the Dec. 18 Huron Bowl semifinals of the annual Pontiac Open Bowling Tournament. But he wasn’t satisfied with the name. It was published as Aurel Murry. At 76 years of age, Murg seems certain to be the oldest qualifier in this year’s A deal to boat all doals is my motto. Como in and lot mo prove this statement to you. Lester McDonnell JOHN McAUUFFE FORD 630Oakland Avo, FE5-41 “If you Care Enough to Look Your Very Best.” CAPITOL BARBER SHOP BBS W. Huron St. FE 8-4800 »THIS CHRISTMAS be different/ Give a Raynor AUTOMATIC GARAGE DOOR OPERATOR Give him □ her D yourself D the Christmas gift ' that will be appreciated every day of the year .. t used every day of the yearl The Raynor Garage Door Operator is completely automatic . ... 9pens ar closes yOur garage door at the touch of a button. Call today. Wss *159“ Mow *139“ TEMCRAFT OVERHEAD DOOR 1295 HIGHLAND RO. (M-59) 335-3350 or 513-2111 Across fronS Pontiac Airport tournament and he’d like to prove it to his friends. “None of them will believe me,” Murg notes. “I always use A. Mug (tiie name of Ms pattern shop).” * Hie name confusion isn’t new to the Hungarian born bowler with tiie Rumanian name. (He came to the United States in 1913). He used to have his telephone listed in tiie Detroit directory and for 25 years it was Earl Murg. “No one can understand An-rel,” he explains. “It’s a name my mother made np when I was born.” He began bowling in 1921 in Detroit, but stopped after one season. He resumed the Sport in tiie early 1950s at Maple Lanes in Walled Lake. He resumed using the same ball and Italian black bowling shoes he bought 30 years before. For five years he sponsored a team and in 1963 Murg was one of three qualifiers from Maple Lanes in tiie old Pontiac Bowlerama. He also had a league high 251 game that season. He just resumed bowling gain this year and now has worked his average into the low 150s. His next objective is make the name Murg a familiar one in the finals of the Pontiac Open. SPARE PINS Cooley Lanes will have a special exhibition challenge match tomorrow at 4 p.m. between the Mayflower Lanes team of Livonia and the Farm Maid Dairy squad of Union Lake. The teams will also vie noon Sunday at the Livonia establishment Mayflower’s team will indude Paul Horie, Bob Hitt, Ron Sharpies, Dale Etherington and Bud Gignsc and their averages run 193*217. The Farm Maid unit will have George Chicovsky, Larry Angott, Dick Viles, Jim Rutkowski and Bill Stobart ranging from 195-207. December is a good month for the Fife family of Clarkston. Son Dugan (Dan) has begun his bid to repeat as a Class A high school all-stater in basketball by averaging 33 points in his first two starts. His parents, Everett and Mary, last Saturday broke the Moonlight Doubles jackpot at Cooley and won the $100 jackpot. They had a 1369 handicap total. She contributed a 209 actual game and he had a 612 actual series in the effort. Pontiac bowlers Joe Bonfiglio, Art Pearson, Bill Pointer, Ed Gibbs and Shirley Pointer are still in the running for the three men’s and two women’s berths in the BPAA National All-Star Tournament qualifying at Stardust Lanes in Saginaw this weekend. Top Seeded Netters Gam Initial Wins ADELAIDE, Australia (AP) — Arthur Ashe, Cliff Richey and Charles Fasarell, the three top foreign seeds, easily won their first-round men’s singles matches in the Smith Australian State Tennis Championships at Memorial Drive today. Americans Allen Fox and Jim McManus also advanced to the second round as did Australian Davis Cuppers Roy Emerson, Tony Roche and John New-coinbe. ★ ★ w Ashe, of Richmond, Va., seeded No. 1, disposed of Australian Ian Bidmeade 6-1, 6-2, 6-1. Second-seeded Richey, of Dallas, ousted Tom Addison of Australia 64, 6-3, 7-5. Pasarell, of Puerto Rico, No. 3, ejfantoated Brian Fairlie of New Zealand 6-3, 6-2, 6-2. Fox, of Los Angeles, sidelined Barry Smith of Australia 64, 6-1, 6-3 while McManus, of Berkeley, Calif., was hard-pressed to defeat Peter McCumstie of Australia 8-6, 04, 64. Emerson, Roche and New-combe, ranked 1-2-3 in the domestic seedings, moved into tiie second round with victories over Australian foes. Liberty Bowl Teams Tangle on Saturday MEMPHIS, Tenn. Ut) - Virginia Tech has faced one had weather condition after another preparing for Saturday’! eighth annual Liberty Bowl football game here. First, there were cold temperatures in Blacksburg, Va.; then rain here Thursday forced the team to practice inside. Saturday, it will be the Hurricanes of Miami. Both teams plan brief workouts today. Miami, carries a 7-2-1 record ito the game, but is especially proud of having beaten three other bowl bound teams — Georgia Cotton, 74; Southern California Rose 10-7, and Florida Orange, 21-16. Gift with a lift! Price BERRY AUTOMATIC Opens, closes garage door from inside your carl Stop-saving family gift! Touch Hit button on portable transmitter and Borry Automatic opens, doses door, lights up garage. Gives nighttime, bad weather protection. Electronic components guaranteed one year — operator fivo years. Buy now. DICKIE LUMBER , 2498 ORCHARD LAKE RD. PHONE 682-1600 ' HOURS: 7:30 A.M. to 5 P.M. - Saturday, 7:30 A.M. to 2 P.M. Four teams continue nip-and-j tuck in the hot Airway Lanes Classic League bowling race. M. G. Collision remains atop the Howe’s Lanes Senior Classic circuity while Herk’s Auto Supply in tiie Huron Bowl Classic and Huron’s entry in the West Side Classic both picked up four points on their closest competition. Two points separate the four contenders at Airway. Tuesday night BUI Crawford led the action with a 275-493. Ray Keith continued hot there with 244-234-481 and Skin Keith Mt 267—665. Their Keith Collision team js vying for first place with Made Rite Chips, Keego Pontiac-Tem-pest and Coca-Cola. Ed Gignac (689), Jin) Joyce (232-659), and Guido Iafrate (268) were other top scorers. Monday night at West Side, Art Pearson ripped the pins for man 583. Dick Carmichael had 222-239-678 and Neil Ricketts 243-246—675. Ed Raszkowski and Art Newby each posted 256 games. Huron now leads West Side’s team by six points. In the Huron race, Herk’i broke its tie with Veterans’ Disand took a four-point lead, individually, Tom Bayliss led with 247 - 635 for Jim’s Standard Service and Bill Curtis hit a 258 for Frank’s Restaurant. At Howe’s, A1 Bennett registered 247—635 high scores to lead tiie action. Dick Fuller hit a 233 and Art Witt a 230. HOWri LANES Monday Lodiei' Doublet C... _ HIGH GAMES AND SERIES — Shirley Pointer, 239-213-443; Ruth Row, 227 (STS); Mario Reynolds, 208-200 (587); Norma Contay, 200 (M2); Holan Glare, *18. Sunday Mixed Paonamat WOMEN'S, HIGH SERIES — owe, S2S; Nancy Wood, 520. HIGH GAMES - Ernie Head, 223; Gone Brooks, 219; Dan Vachon, 314; Frod lot, 210; Wanda Mayo, 204 (524). Thursday Jots TRIPLICATE - Dorothy Galllvoi AIRWAY LANES Monday Iventog Jots HIGH SERIES — Lllah Liskey. ... 49; Shirloy Richmond, 527. HIGH GAME — Blanche Barger, 220 HIGH GAMES AND SERIES — Ray Keith, 2M-134—Mtrt John Metlema. 232; Charles Shotwell, 225; Gena Cartier, 224; Chuck Behn, 301-215-600; Paul Mexico. 316; Roy Bona, ,210; John Stenqyist, 213; 213; (Don Blend. 212. HIGH SERIES — Jo Murphy, 531. HIGH GAME — Jean Harrington, 209 (507). TEAM HIGH GAME AND SERIES - Nad's Drillers, 020-2363. FIRST PLACE TEAM — Mold-A-Metic, Monday Mixed Kegters HIGH SERIES — Jlrn Tinton. 213; Haul Armstrong, 212; Gena Davis, 203; John MacDonald, 203; George Dempster, 203. X SERIES — Ray Brancheau, 214-216-607; Lucille Myers, 217—506. 100- PLUS PATCH - Mary Foster, 257 (572). MONTCALM BOWLING CENTRE 203. Friday Pinspettars _____ GAME AND SERIES — C! Malar, 27S-667. Friday Pontiac Mater Tempest HIGH SERIES — Earl Rudd, 243-610; Chariot Shuler, 602. HIGH GAMES -Marv Kipp, 246; Harold Rynerson, 233; Ralph Brown, 233. Ahdijrao 210; J ( Covington, 212. ★. 3% ,7k% NIGHT TUESDAY, DECEMBER 13th 9 P.M.'til MIDNITE i, PCPII C’C 4490 Dixit Hwy. ULUlLL O Drayton Plains “41 the Light” OR 3-7224 ___H GAMES AND SERIES — Gerald WUIIams, 235-629; Gerald Zubalik. 206—619. SAVOY LANES HIGH GAME — Harold Roberts, 224. FAIRGROUNDS BOWLING Monday Millard Proving Grounds HIGH GAME AND SERIES - Ar HIGH GAME ANO SERIES - Mary nn Christoff, 211-521; Joyce Amenr 521; Chtrlone Egres, 200-521. LAKEWOOD LANES iy Night Mixed Plnspillero HIGH GAMES - Hazen Hillock, 23! rlpentrog, 223; Bud O’Brian, 222 in Little, 202 (523). WOMEN'. SERIES — Helen Fry, 544; Ruby nivin g; Les Griper Kathleen I HIGH SER . 516. Sunday Men er me Moose HIGH GAME AND SERIES - ... Warman, 255-654, and Bill Bull, 643, fMrttemriHM Asphalt; Jot Fisher, ~ . rmichOOl, 613, for ...IP American. TEAM HIGH GAME AND SERIES — Now Way, 1129-3162. Pasadena—The original Rose Bowl, built in 1922, seated 52,000 and cost $350,000. Automatic TRANSMISSION • SERVICE • ALL MAKES ALL MODELS “fully guaranteed' RELIABLE TRANSMISSION 921 Oakland - FE 4-0701 iMB 4 Sound the call for: The smoothest whisky ever to come out of Canada! fTT^TI eryco»my.h*wil«.*. NEED HELP? USE PONTIAC PRESS CLASSIFIED ADS! LOW IN COST. FAST IN ACTION. PHONE 3324181. EVERYTHING FOR THE HOME Build your own backyard ice skating rink. WITH QUALITY MATERIALS/rom BURKE GET THE MATERIALS AND EXPERT ADVICE, TODAY! Polyfilm Sheeting (4 mil gauge, clear) is available in 10', 12', 16' and 20' widths. 60 TO BURKE FOR CHRISTMAS Beeauss of the wonderful Christinas gifts that are In store for your there. Weather Venae, Mailbox Signs, Beautiful Doors to dress up your home for the holidays. Many other items are hero for your holiday perusal, so why go to a Lumber Yard for Christmas. WHYEETf ________________ in? 1 m 1 3 / WhoA 1 5/4" Interior and Exterior WHITE PINE WOOD SHUTTERS 14x35% ... pair $5.95 14x47%_____pair $1,19 14x55%-----pair $T.95 14x59% ... pair $8.39 THE CR9SS-BUCK ALUMINUM COMBINATION DOOR Pra-finlshad, pro-hung A whit* anamel door. A beautiful addition to w any home. 3995 Also Available ia WHITE PINE $ tha Same Style 2875 White Pine 5/4 CAFE DOORS Priced per pair 30” Wide 32” Wide 36” Wide Full stock of White Pine Louvre Doors as well at Six Panel Colonial. *8* sgx *10“ 4 T D—6 THE PONTIAC PRESS FRIDAY, DECEMBER 0, 1966 Jacoby on Bridge Talks Progress in GE Strike THE WILLETS By Walt Wetterberg NORTH (D) • *AQ4 ¥64 ♦ AKQ106 *742 WEST , 'i'EAST . *£.109 3 I 4 2' \ 4A72 4 10 9 8 5 3 *73 4'854 *KQ9 8 *10 6 53 SOUTH *J8765 VKQJ . 4 J9-2 * A J Both vulnerable West North East South 1 4 Pass 1 * Pass 2* Pass 4* Dble Pass Pass Pass Opening lead—* K I West’s doable of four spades of the diamond suit gave him i really bad nothing to com- his ten tricks. j WARREN (AP)-Negotiators j mend it North and Son* had j The double had cost West 890i for General Electric Co. and the not staggered into game. They Jpoints, the difference between I United Auto Workers union re-had bid it easily. They did South’s making a doubled game portedly have matte progress to-hot have a misfit. Once Smith and going down one undoubted. Iward settlement of an eight-had bid a spade the bidding | . r wifNfvninHa jweek strike that has idled some wept right to game.! : , kAlLSLlJjiJ^XlfaLhwiL** 11,100 workers. I West did hold four tramps but Q—The bidding has been: | * * * there was no guarantee that he] Wei* North East South j would make a club trick andip^ p>ss at best he could not expect to! Pass 2* Pass l* By OSWALD & JAMES JACOBY In his discussion of the double of a contract when opponents have bid undo* their own steam, A1 Morehe a d points out that there is one double you should never make. That is when you hold, massed trumps against the declarer and your double may tell set declarer more than one trick. If West had not stuck in his double South would almost surely have led a low spade from his hand at trick two. West would have played the three spot dummy’s queen would tihve held the trick. From that point op South would have' been down lone. The double told South how, to play the hand. He led toe jack of spades at trick two. West’s king fell to dummy’s ace. South returned to his JACOBY You, South, hold: *AK87 4A2 4542 *K986 What do you do now? A—Pass. Tour partner la not showing any interest in no-trump and, while he is‘showing club support, your hand does not look as if it will produce a game in this suit. TODAY’S QUESTION Instead of rebidding two clubs your partner raises to three spades. What do you do now? Answer Tomorrow Prince Bismhrk was the first hand with toe nine of dia- chancellor of Germany and wj monds and led the eight of {known as the “Iron Chancellor. Spades. West covered with i—------------------------------ - -1 the nine. Federal Mediator Richard Wonnacott said there was considerable progress made in a bargaining session Thursday, and a union membership meeting has been called for Sunday morning. 4 4 4 The workers, employed at GE’s Carboloy plant in Warren, went on strike Oct. 17, about two weeks after the UAW Local 771 contract expired. They had walked out earlier in the month but returned after a plea from President Johnson. 4 ' 4 4 But toe union then rejected the company’s offer on a new contract, and the second strike was called. This lost to dummy’s queen and another spade lead accounted for West’s ten. West cashed his queen of clubs and] forcedij South to ruff another! club but this didn’t worry South. BERRY’S WORLD By Jim Berry the declarer how to play the|He still had a trump to pull hand against you. West’s three spot and the rest Astrological Forecast By SYDNEY OMAR* ARIES (Mar. SI • Apr* >*>:; Mil* I parkier may taka certain actiena which ^mjpfeYMttng. Don't Bm *—■ Mg* ** In later prom. TAURUS (Apr. M - May »); to cope with wdden changes Is a test. May involve one dost to you flexible, adapt to unusual sltuatia Is taut temporary. Stand Mill GEMINI (May It - Juno 20): recent efforts bear fruit. This may In form «* public iwcogrtllten. Be cre- mate or partner. Than day glows. CANCER (Juno » - July 22): Questions answered, primarily In romance — Activity Indicated In connection children. Day features pleasure tt protects possible. But you overa efcstades H persistent. Subtle char 3 occur. Be aware! ------ (Aug. 2J - Sept. 21): olunteer Information. You l t evaluated, Study LUO n tr investigative technique nc sharpening. Forge ahead. LIBRA (Sept. 23 • Oct. 22): Gr« VIRGO (J persons volu If data is a day. Short tourney could brighten atmosphere. Letters, messages are featured. Fine time for writing, outlining advantage of circumstances. Be .at right; place at right time. Stress INOIVIOU-. ALITY. CAPRICORN (Oec. 22 - Jan. If): Be thorough. Some reports tend to be dis-torted. Know this end examine the source. Serves no useful Purpose to be! rumors. Throw off secret tears. { succeed) IUS (Jan. 20 - Feb. II): New leek solid Inject spirit m ongmaim satisfied with sacqnd-bt abilities full play. FISCES (Fab. If - A realities. Choose wisely In making re-quttta. Now you art likely to receive! what you demand. Be eensiblal 4 4 4 * IF SATURDAY IS YOUR BIRTHDAY | . . success due to crown efforts. You emerge from period of Inactivity ...1 GENERAL TENDENCIES: Cycle high sr SAGITTARIUS, CAPRICORN. Special! -J H LIBRA: Reap dose watch on “We may be able to lop off a few years, but/,can’t promise you’ll look like a rioter on Sunset Strip!’’ BOARDING HOUSE EEK & MEEK Group Urges Authority for State Water LANSING (AP) - The Senate Conservation Committee recommended Thursday that Michigan form a water authority to make sure toe state takes fullest advantage of its water “from raindrop to sludge tank.” 4 4 4 Meanwhile, it said, the legislature should double toe technical staff of toe state’s pollution control agency, the Water Resources Commission (WRC), to permit it “to fully meet the demands of toe legislation it is, authorized to enforce.” The committee also urged the] Legislature to extend provisions] of the 1965 pollution control lawj to Upper Peninsula mining operations which now are exempt. The Legislature, it said, should direct the WRC to change from a per capita debt basis to a per capita cost basis in deciding priority of grants to local governments for antipollution projects. This would permit fuller participation by small communities, said toe committee. State Nurses Sign Their First Bargain Pact Highland park —The cash posltlc ( 3,419430,074.55 $ 1479,160,994.75 s Fiscal Year July 1—, A *44.241,525.21 39,924,003,095.95 321,903471,5971 American Stock Exch. NOON AMERICAN NEW YORK (AP) - Following Is list of stlocted slock transactions on Hi American Stock Exchange with npo ArkLaGas 1.50 pars mC^an £ Inks i.uua AmFPw 1.16 AmHome 1.M Am Hosp .50 AmlnvCo 1.10 eir ci i.9o ■P.JIFd .00 Am Motors AmNGas 140 * Optic 1.35b m Photocpy . .m Smelt 3a Am Std 1 Am TAT 2.20 Am Tab 1.00 AmZInc 1.40a AMP Inc .60 Ampex Cp 43 Ml* 4714 4716 -IV 17 2016 20 2016 + N 60 >614 9316 751* + 1 10 47 4116 4616 - 14 1 149* 14% 149* . 60 3316 331* 33'* + H 21 391* 391* 3916 + 1* If 30ft M46 *4* + 14 5 low Til* lev* -i- vt 17 fi** |i 15 ms 48V. < 17 .'fni. oil* i 10 m io'* l Phil Rdg 1.20 52 4 Praetor G 2 PuWklnd .340 2 916 916 944 .. 76 1671* 1644* 1641* -21* RelttohP 1.20 Reyonler 1.40 Raytheon 40 Reeding Co - - Reich Ch .40 ■ ___ ii lift m 211*1 16 NpuWII *40 54 3966 38ft 39ft + *4 two Bto-wiSgB? at toMfitettr swf % 52S'L?ob«, I 5316 53 5316 + 1* I RheemM 1.20 ? RosnSel ill * I Rohr Cp 40 , I RoyCCmle .73 * RoyDut 1.790 RyderSys .60 I 231* 2216 23'* + 12316 B 23'* + I 3516 35 31 - 16 Who »lll build fe supersonic jtions will come to bear the final however, is basing its hopes on 'judgment of one man, Lyndon being best. ,B. Johnson. His decision is due NATIONAL PRESTIGE | by Jan. 1. I But more than national pres- | To the winner goes an almost is inVolved. Based on any assured market during the nextiestimatei the contribution to toe few decades, measured by some Amerfcan international balance standards as low as $30 billion, of payments situation will be but as high as $54 billion by'enormous. I Boeing. I General Electric and United COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — AI Aircraft also are involved, for former mental patient has been.they are competing for the con- Suspect Held in Slaying of Noted Cleric Automotive News estimated lis week's passenger car production in U. S. plants at 199,476] compared with 204,626 in the previous week and 214,519' in toe comparable 1965 week. Truck production for this week was estimated at 37,962, against last week’s 38,453 and toe comparable year-ago week’s 39,769. . I. . . I , K 6 arrested in the bludgeon slaying FIGURES COMPARED of a nationally known church The week’s output brings U.S. and civil rights leader, output for 1966 to date to William R. Minor, 23, who 8,132,438 passenger cars and gave his home town as Paints-1,670,668 trucks, compared with ville, Ky., was due to court to-8,822,732 automobiles and 1,682,- j day for a preliminary hearing . 667 trucks, respectively, to the on a first-degree murder i least a decide of scientific re-| same date of 1965. charge. Deputy Police Chief!search. More than 200 govern- A Canadian turnout of 16,393; Herman Beck described minor ment authorities reviewed the] tract to build the jet engines, designed to be three times as powerful as those used now. SUBMITTED PLANS Hie four companies submitted plans earlier this year after at Gulf MO 2.60a Butt on 2.20 GuHStaUt .00 ill, Aft M/V*. — Heroine 1.10 Hertz 1.20 Hewfack .1 Hmff Election 16 11* 116 844 - Vi sefeway 1.1* 61 161* 1616 1616 + '* | St JosLd 2.80 3 *15* 5? ™ , .JSLSenFren 2 .......... I 6216 ill* 62 + '* StRegP 1.41b 7* 17 2616 34 <01*. 591* 6*. .. Sender! 46 “ “* - ' 9 361* 261* 261* — ftlschenley 1.40 —H— 4 2916 29V* 2916 3 291* 2916 2916 . .. II 44 43 4346 —IV* ID 46 46'* 45V* ... 66 411* 41 4166 + 1 64 491* 4116 4116 - ' 1 12 1116 12 + ' 14 391* 39 391* .. 3 321* 521* 526* .. * + % I 8616 86 *6 - V* tv Benguet .Ole IS 2'* 2 It) Sit 1.50a 123 2Mb 2Mk 281* -+ V* J 171* W* 171* . 8 374* 374* 376* ... 3 411* 414* 411*-', 41 5S46 551* S5V* - V 14 70 64* «k + 1 44 23'* 23 231* + 1 BtgelowS .80 Boeing 1.10 BoteeCaec .21 Borden 1.20 BorgWer 2.30 Briggs* 2.40a v BucyEr 1.60a Budd Co .80 Bullard I Burl Ind 1.20 Burrought 1 Cal Flnanl 1 3H 34* 31* Calif Pack 1 4 2366 23V* 234* — CalumH 1.20 16 344* 3316 341* + ■ Camp Soup l 03 274* 271* 04* — 1* can Ory l t mk uii Jit* .. Canteen JO 15 24 234* 239* — CaroP LI 1.21 II 43 42V* 421* — Carrier 1.60a 10 68'* 68 681* .. CarterW ,40a 324 139* 134* 134* +14* Case Jt 15 lfM 181* 19 CaterTr 1.10 14 171* 3646 37 CalanaiaCp 1 36 MV* 11 10 --------- - 2 IMh M46 3046 1 45V4 451* 451* 3 146 Nl 146... Carre 1.60b COrt-toid JO ^V-l-16 15 479* 47 471 19 616 61* 64. M 9 16 1S46 1M*+ 4* 11 79* 716 716 JS 21* 216 214+ 4* 13 24'* 24V* J irpz Lt Pw 1 Campb Chib Cm |o fat Cdn Javelin Cinerama u Ctrywlde Rlty DM*. Cant EqwlyCp 05r Fargo Qll* Fabnt Oil Fly Tlgar 1.249 Gan Devel Fen Plywd It GimlTal JO sgrPM Guff Am Ld Hycotl Mfg imp Oil 2a Kalaar Ind Mapy Air McCrery wt Mead John JO Molybden New Pk Mng Pancat Pat R I C Group Samr Rain Mf Mr Signal oil A I SperryR wt Syntok Cp Toiinloot .40 Un Control .20 -■ —„ Copyrighted UK The Associated Press I960 Stocks of Local Interest Figures attar decimal potato are aW*h* OVER THB COUNTER STOCKS Quotations from Stwa NASD are ft aontottvt Intar-daator prices of oppr matofy " -3- ChiPnu 1.90 ChrlsCraft 1 Chrysler 2 cir Fin u CitiesSvc l.l CtovEim Li CocaCola l.l Collti Comw Ed 2 Con Edit 1 J* 117 314* 314* 314* 2S 19'A 194* 191*+ 1* 25 251* 251* 254*-' “ 8 25'* 2116 254* Cota Can IM Cota laa 3 Cont Mot .48 18 U4k 1416 1416 ... If Ml* 314* 314* + ■5 384* 3716 3* — 14 6314 434* 614* — 45 37<* 3616 M46 + 8 23'6 23V* 23'A — V* 245 »1« $19* 1 inRad JO 116 5844 57'* MV* -11* Marelhn 2.40 Mar MM 1J* .. . Marquar JSa ji rn* «1* W46 + 4*jM^W*LM j Howmet .80 MutaFds .Mb Hupp Cp .17t tdahoPw 1.40 Mata Cam f IllCsnlnd 2JO imp Cp Am Inland Stl 2 InsNoA 2.40a InterlkSt 1.80 16 4946 4116 t SingerCo 2 SmlthK l.( SoPRSug .1 SouCalE 1. South Co 1 SouNGas I n Pap 1. LTfttl. 14 rib, JM 744 1.35 IM 264* 2616 24'A + 16 76+46 174 175 +144 Kalaar Al 1 KayserRo .60 Konnocott 2 KernCLd 2.60 KorrMc 1.40 KImbCtark 2 Koppers 1. 0 Kresge .00 Kroger 1.30 cars was forecast for this week, j* against 16,326 the previous week w and 19,038 to the similar week a | year ago. Canadian truck pro-, vS duction this week was estimated US*!it!at 5,400 units, compared with “ V4|5,664 and 3,584 for toe other i41 periods, respectively. Road-Funds Slash Stops Bid-Taking _______________mi „ LANSING (AP) - Scheduled drifter type” who some-!plans, as did 10 domestic and jan jj bid-taking on highway times works as a painter. j21 foreign airlines. construction projects worth $3.3 * * * ! Wind tunnel tests, mockups, miWon has been cancelled be- He is accused in the slaying of laboratory analyses are among cause of a slash to available Dr. Robert W. Spike, 43, minis-the' ingredients offered for the federal matching funds, toe try professor at the University decision. No prototype aircraft Highway Commission said ItFopor 1 b AL 1.1* 4* 5* 499* mi* t v*| Canadian passenger car pro-*» ’1ft t U duction to date this year totals 41 3346 33ft 33v* + ft]657,703, compared with 065,442 " it!* “ft “v* 11* to tois date a year ago. Trucks To 434* ST* on* + w are 185,759 and 182,556, respec-S Jgt gJJ “ ^ tively. 211* Jlft-i-'ft ----------------- SterlOruo .90 ftOVMJF 2.21 wSTott Sunny 1.401 twin co 2 Tampa El .60 TaMyna Inc Tennaca 1.20 Texaco 2.60a TexETrn 1.05 TexGSul JO Taxaslnst JO •““Ld .35* I 35ft 35'* 35ft + 1 I 8 3646 S +4 I 204* 1946 20 — ', I Aft MJ* 1216 - I 194* 3916 3916 - , Johnson Flies to P. C for Talks and Tree Lighting of Chicago credited with a ma-|has yet been built, jor role to bringing the church ★ * * ‘"o d:!Lrlght8 f|eld'J , The preliminary decision per-" 81 haps already has been made by pool[of bloodlast Oct. 17_to a; ^ Fes> tional center the day before. I 1 Various possibilities are open1 WITHHOLDING DETAILS to him: Beck said police were with-, • Simply award the basic air-holdtog details in the case as a|Craft contract to Boeing or Lock-result of recent U.S. Supreme j heed and the engine contract to Court decisions involving pre- United Aircraft or General trial rights of prisoners. But he did disclose this much : Early Wednesday, Minor stopped a police cruiser to downtown Columbus and told itrwSfrao jTrl Cota .93* ■itwetaC 1.20b LO*r Slog .70 13 219* lift 2146- LOhFCwn JO I® * * L. il- Lch Vollnd 156 9 09* 09* + ... Lehman 1.97* 16 3146 *i_ »!* + * UMC Ind JO LOFGIS 2.80u 10 4f*^ - LlbbMcN .491 2 9 JJI AUSTIN, Tex. (AP) - Presi-g^w'dent Johnson flies back to 2a to fn* 2°?’ I ^Washington today for a round of officers he had committed a is 40V* Mu if* + vS budget conferences and such | burglary the night before at the :—T— {official engagements as the Southeast Christian Church to 10 ul* am fm + 4* j lighting of the national Christ-71 75ft 75ft Hi* - ft Otos tree. 11 204* 30ft 204* + ftj ★ fr R 171 1*946 IN 109ft +11* , . . , , , . to 109 10716 to* - ft Johnson scheduled a morning 2I 52^ lift 5m + Luckenbach, Inc.1 Separate proposals will bs rtcelved far PROPOSAL NO. 1— Central Construction Wo Architectural, Structural a I SIN M PROPOSAL NO. J-Machanical Work Including Plumbing, Hooting and Ventilating. PROPOSAL NO. S-Elactrical Work Bidders for tho Architectural Trades (Proposal No. t) shall include in their Boss Bid Proposal a sufficient sum ot money hr a fixed foe for assuming and coordinating contracts awarded lor work Included in tho Mechanical and Electrical Proposals (Proposals No, 1 and 1 respectively). Bidders for work under Ihe Mechanical end Electrical Proposals will. mUVRR- l j General Contractor i looted by Ihe Board ot Education. T , Bidder for the Architectural Trades wl By the submission of hit bid. Indicate agreement to assume contracts tor Me-1 chanlcal Trades Work and Electrical Drawings and specifications wil available at tha office of tho Architect,. ♦SO North Hunter Boulevard. Blrmlng- proposels, for the v oncliwjd tourney^ommiopen j fBto of the worn, and shall bo delivered '•» office of « -----Mjgjtfto For Dramatic Stereo Music Realism! Astro-Sonic Radio-Phonographs 100 WATTS OF UNDISTORTED MUSIC POWER AT YOUR FINGERTIPS! AMtowar Rood, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan. Board Of Education o Behool District 0. Michigan i. COWARD SEWELL Mognavox space-age stereo gives you the full beauty of music Aith unequaled tonal dimension and fidelity from your records or stereo FM-AM radiol Micromatic Record Player has diamond stylus guaranteed lO years. Two i000-cycle treble horns, two 15" bass woofers and authentically-designed acoustical wood cabinets. YOUR CHOICE OF 3 STYLES 595 smmm open (every til 9 p.m. ... until Christmas for your convenience PARK FREE IN WKC’S PRIVATE LOT AT REAR OF OUR STORE! •WuONtCT HUT" et SI Oieiiwlh, toko Orton. Michigan. Bide e“ *' opened Ode. K tf« of 7 pjn. PERSON-TO-PERSON CREDIT • No Down Payment 90 Days Some as Cash -• Up to 36 Months to Pay MARGARET STEPHEN 1 Orton TownaMp Clerk Hi non Si i r ♦, IN* THE PONTIAC PRESS, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1966 PONTIAC PRESS NOTICES Card Of Thanks . In r . 1 . 2 . 3 Florists....»«,**#»*•••• 3-A Funaral Directors ........4 Cenwtwy Lots Y.,»4.'.....4-A Persona* ................4-B Lost and Found............5 EMPLOYMENT Help Wanted Male........ 4 Help Wanted Female....... 7 Help Wanted NLw F* .... 8 Sales Help, Male-Female...8-A Employment Agencies ...... 9 Employment bifomation ...9-A Instructions—Schools .......10 Work Wanted Male .........11 Work Wanted Female........12 Work Wanted Couples ....12-A SERVICES OFFERS Building Services$upplies...l3 Veterinary ................14 Business Servico .........IS Bookkeeping md Taxes......16 Credit Advisors..........16-A Dressmaking and Tailoring.. 17 Gardening .................18 landsMfaift .,..;.......18-A Garden Plowing .........18-B Income Tax Smite .......19 Laundry Sendee........ .20 Convalescent—Nursing .....21 Moving and Trucking.......22 Painting and Decorating....23 Television-Radio Service..24 ering ............25 ...........26 Deer Processing .27 WANTED Waited Children to Beard. .28 Wanted Household Goods...29 Wailed Miscellaneous,....,.30 Wanted Money..............31 Wanted to Rent.............32 Share living Quarters.....33 Wanted Real Estate........36 RENTALS OFFERED Apartments—Furnished......37 Apartments—Unfurnished ...38 Rent Houses, Furnished ....39 Rent Houses, Unfurnished.. .40 Property Management....40-A Rent Lake Cottages........41 Hunting Accommodations 41-A Rent Rooms................42 Rooms With Beard .........43 Rent Farm Proparty .......44 HatelMotol Rooms..........45 Rent Stores ..............46 Rent Office Space .........47 Rent Business Property.. ,47-A Rent Miscellaneous ....ft,..49 REAL ESTATE Sals Houses ...............49 Income Property...........50 Lake Property.............51 Northern Property ......51-A Resort Property ..........52 Suburban Property.........53 lots-Acreage ..............54 Sale Farms.................56 Sale Business Property ....57 Sale or Exchange..........58 FINANOAL Business Opportunities....59 Sole Land Contracts.......60 Wanted ContracteMtges...60A Money to Lend.............61 Mortgage Loans............62 MERCHANDISE Swaps .................. .88 Sale Clothing ............64 Sale Household Goods .....65 Antiques ................65-A Hi-Fi, TV & Radios........66 Water Softeners.........66-A for Sale Miscellaneous .... 67 Christmas Treas........ ,67-A Christmas Gifts .........67-8 Hand Toois-Machinery......68 Da It Yourself............69 Comeras-Servica ..........70 Musical Goods.............71 Music Lessons...........71-A Office Equipment....... .72 Store Equipment...........73 Sporting Goods............74 rolling SuppBos Baits.....75 Sand-Gravel-Dirt ........76 Wood-Cool-Coke-Fuel ....77 Pefs-Hunting Dogs .......79 Pet Supplies-Service....79-A Auction Sales ............80 Nurseries.................81 Plants-Trees-Shrubs ....ll-A Hobbies and Supplies ......82 FARM MERCHANDISE livestock 83 Meats....................83A Hoy-Grain Feed .........84 tamra.....................85 Farm Produce..........,...86 ..87 Young Couple $5,000 Richer for Hall Mix-Up DETROIT III - A young Detroit area couple was awarded 15,000 by a judge Thursday because a hall canceled reservations for their wedding reception two days biefore the marriage. V*. ‘t "8 Common Pleas Judge George '. Kent awarded the judgment to Mr. and Mrs. Alphonse B-Resmer of Royal Oak. They said the action spoiled the wedding. * . * ★ Mrs. Resmer said the hall was rented by. her father almost six months before the wedding July Two days before the wedding, the hail telegraramed her saying the reception was canceled because of a scheduling mix-up. Bifls Piled Up BOSTON (AP) - Legislators at the 1967 session of the Massachusetts Legislature will be faced with 5,550 bills, the Bum-ber that had been filed by the recent deadline. AUTOMOTIVE Travel Trailers... Rent Trailer Space ...... Commercial Trailea..... Ante Accessories ....... Tires-Auto-Truck ....... Auto Service........... Motor Scooters......... Motorcycles ............ Bicycles................ Boots-Accessories ...... Airplanes............ Wanted Con-Trucks .... Junk Care-Tracks........ Used Auto-Truck Parts . New and Usid Tracks * • • Auto-Marine insurance . Foreign Care ........... New and Used Cars .... Death Notices BERGSTEOT, DECEMBER I, 1964, CARL REUBEN, 48*PI Pontiac Trail, Wixom; age 80; dMr father , of Mrs. Edgar (Dagney) Nygren, Mra. Harry (Gunhllda) Lybeck, Mrs, John (Marian) Dodcaay, and Eric Barkstadt; also survived by i Mr. Bargstadt v and Oarald ilster at Mrs, . Grata Wood, krs. Dorothy Kramar, A 10, at 1 p.m. at Rlchardson-Bird Funaral Hama, Walled Lake, with Rav. Ellis Hart officiating, interment In Oakland Hills Memorial Gardens Cemetery. Mrs. Blanchard will lla In stata at tha funaral home. FLEMING, DECEMBER t. 1944, PEARL E., 137$ Devondale, Avon Township; age 71 ; beloved wife of Morris Flaming; daar mother of Mrs. Ruth Johnson, Mrs. Burns Parks, Let Nr, wilfOrd, and Wilbur Schrader; daar sister of Denial and Marahall Whitfield; also survived by thrsa grandchildren and seven grtat-granicMMren. Funaral arrangements are pending at tha Harold R. Davis Funaral Home, FLICKINGER, DECEMBER 7, 1964, PATRICIA, MM Poalorla Road, Fostarla, age 19; belayed wife of “—■ Fllcklnger; beloved dough- be held Saturday, December 10, at 1:38 p.m. at Belrd-Nawtpw Funaral Hama, Lapeer. Interment in wmi Deerfield Cemetery, Lapaar. -------------- ... ||( jn ,t,w F66flN, bECEMBER 9,19M, DALE J„ 270 Cedar Street, Ortunviilt; age 1$. Funeral arrangements are pending at the C. P. Sherman Funeral “ ■ KUEBLER, DECEMBfeR 7, 19*6, HENRY J„ IMS Patrol la. West _______________j Kuebler; daar sen at Amalia KueMar; daar fath*r of Mrs. Raymond Laa, Mrs. Mildred Jones, Mrs. Albert Weaver, Mrs. Dorothy Malady, Shirley Kuebler, Robert, James, Frits, Lawrence, William and Dwayne Kuebler) dear brother ot Arthur, Albert, Carl, Frederick and William Kua-blar; also survived by 35 grandchildren end one great-grandchild. Recitation of the Rosary will be at I p.m. today at tha Elton Black Funaral Home, Union Lake. Funaral service will be held Saturday, December 10, at 10.-10 a.m. at St. Patrick's Parish, Union Lake. Interment In Oakland Hills Carl of Thanks 1 neighbors, ■■Prorate—jr, the Pur.„, aAsurs. mother, Clara M, wST The tem-Mos ft Or. qmm» R. will and Kuablar v I Ha In i LOMASON, DECEMBER 4, I9M, PVT. DOUGLAS L^ SI1 West Flint Street, Lake Orient «ge 19; beloved son of Lawrance J. and Gertruda Lomasan; beloved grandson ot Mrs. Karl Hecht and Mr. and Mrs. Jess Lome son; deer brother of Dale, Carol, and Bonnie Lomasan. Funaral servico will be John's. Cemetery. There will ba MOORE, DtcfeMBER 7, 1886, IDA R„ Traverse City, forniarly of 991 North Casa Lake Road, Pontiac; age *7; dear mother of Mrs. filva Moon Burnet and Mrs. Earl Srandowt alto survived by three •fflPWlWFPl 911 — ■—- child. Funaral sen---- Saturday, December to, p.m. at lha First Mefhodltl__ Davison. Intarmant In Qracelswn ot Mrs. Laron Hotel or, Mra. 4 Thurman, Mrs. George Siam, Georgs and Lance Archer; atae survived by one brother, five sisters, 12 grandchildren and ana great-grandchild. Funaral aarvtce i age <5; Robert Eller by. Mrs. IMbart Tsdrow, and Mra. J. 0. Jonea; also survtvad by two sMars, one brother, and in White Chapal Cametsry. Mrs. Smith will lie In state at tha Rmeral home. (SuMatted visiting hpM* 3 M f Md fl t pmj Smothers, December i, MB, EMMA, 4M Kenilworth Street; ags 71; daar mother ot Mra. Lola •ahrandt, Mrs. MyiHa Graham, Mr*. Lets Thornton. Mrs. Syttt Stinson. Mrs. MHdrtd Hall, Victor L. Mid Brad L. Smothers; also turvlvad by 26 ftiMidldran, 44 great-grandchildren and three greaf-great-grendcMIdran. Funeral aarataa win be hop Monday, December It bt tl oan. at Sparta Griffin Funeral Home. Intsrmant In Parry Mount Park Cemetery-Mra. tmaBara mm lla bi state at the funaral home. (Suggested visiting hour* 3 It I and 7 to 9 gin.) WtOttN, Qldhtot*. s/ftM, wIl- lard W., 48738 Pontiac Trail, Wham; age $5; daar tafthor of ' Mrs. John (Bernlct) B. FJnlaysoh. Funaral tarstea sstli ba MM Saturday, December 18, at 1 tun. at Katamo Methodist Church, Kalamo. f——— I «M Ha b family ’9.200, depending upon education and ex-per lance. Contact ray Engineer, 485 N. Main, Clawsoa Mich. 48017. Call 588-7800._________ XRM6RY CUSTODIAN, MUST BE ATTRACTIVE PROFESSIONAL CA-roer in sales' an established In-surance debit. Salary, commissions, bonus and paid fringe benefits. minaham, 585-3356. VERS KNOWING BIR- CARPENTER HELPERS MA 5-2128. Company expanding: nei COOK-GRILL MAN, NIGHTS, TO? Cutter Grinder GRINDING DOESN'T HAVE TO BE A GRIND Aggressive, unionized plant doing nattU wide and International business In special cutting tools has overtime and fringe benefits. Automatic Press Products, wyHaB. bath. Law Orton. bRAmMEN, ELECTRICAL AND GEMC0 ELECTRIC CO. DRAFTSMAN IMp Wwted Malt 6 EXPERIENCED ALUMINUM AP- FOREMAN Small stamping and manufactur-Ing plant, F-- ---- —■ ■rtttaa pi Man, n NjLt YlME i BUS ROY. daV Restaurant, 725 S. Hunter, Blr- estlng position, designing molds, tooling, plastic parts. Ftwsant surroundings. Fringe benefits. Overtime, Call Mr. Montgamary. 647-7154. EARN AND LEARN TO IB A Dsvey Tree Surgeon, high school ^raduataa, axp. aft necessary, on LIVE laWWAIlCB RETIREMENT PROGRAM Lesm to aparata hydraulic crane, atrial bedsit, chlppars, stomp remover. If you are a high school graduate and Ilka outdoor work, da not miss Ids opportunity. Came Fend see us or unite the: Davey. Trite Expert Co. Ilft^Regheetarra, Tray * E. of llrmtnghem between 14 and ITMta Rd. . JO 44189 7 4411.4 p.m. MU 84181 Evenings, GR 44157 A. ■■ McKbwtry, Dlftrlct Manager ELECTRICAL FANEL WIRE MEN, itfimliOM' AtTENDANTS, ite* chanics and wracRtr drivers. Lo- ■ cal rtfarencas.1 Minimum 8148 hourly to start. Must be 25 years of aga. Mill lima only. Shall Station. woodward B Long Lake Rd. BhRMtiftf WBta. GAS STATION ATTENDANT, Experienced, mechanlcelly Inclined, local ref., full or part time. Gulf, Telegraph and Maple. v GAS STATION ATTENDANT-M* . Manta, exp., full time. Over 25, married. Guaranteed salary. *'3S par weak. Texaco Station, Woodward and Adams Rd., B6raiH0lim GRILL MAN Day Mlft. Night shift. Part time. Good wages and all benefits. Big Bay Rests u rant, Telegraph and 81* HOLIDAY CASH 668 Earn extra Christmas cash on Our FREE unskilled factory and Rapurt anytime 4 a.m. to 6 p.m. to EMPLOYERS TEMPORARY SVC. S4 Henry St., DETROIT 8561 E. 10 Mile, CENTERLINE 45 South Main, CLAWSON 2828 Hilton Rd.. FERNDALE 26320 Grand River, REDFORD Immediate Assign- ments DAILY PAY All types of temporary work svsll-able. Free Insurance. Register In person at rear entrance to 125 N, Saginaw. 4:30 am.-18 a.m. KELLY LABOR JOB HUNTING? WE CAN SOLVE YOUR PROBLEMI Cheese your career from ever 5,-000 currant |ob openings. Trained personnel consultants wlH arrange Interviews for you to meet your compensation and lo b abject Ives, Mr. Mara an. INTERNATIONAL PERSONNEL, IMS Woodward near " 6424240. time driveway salesmen, gasoline attendants and mechanics days or afternoons. Starting pay 0500 a mo. plus fringe benefits. No ags ftjtataftta“ ““Tim. MAN FOR PERMANENT Position In local savings and loan assoc. Established firm with sound background. Goad fringe benefits Including bonus. Must be at toast 25 yrs, ot age, have good arithmetic aptitude and ba capabla of meattng the public. Apply in person: Capitol Savings and Loan, 75 MAN FOR DELIVERY, 10 TO 12 a.m., Tuaa., Tburs., Sals. 4135 Or-Chard Lk. Rd. Orchard Lake. 602- MAN, PROFICIENT . modal shop. Tap rates, excellent fringe benefits and werklna conditions. Celt Mr. NEEDED AT ONCE Experienced mechanic wtth 6M products. Apply In person to Bud Smith, Service Manager. (NO SATURDAY MiORK) HAUPT PON-TIAC, Ctarfcatan. NEW CAR PREPARATION AND clean up man tor new car deater-ship In Birmingham. Good pay, fringe benefits, Ideal working conditions. Bob Borst Lincoln Mar-' cury. 520 &. Woodward, Blrmlng- NIGHT PORTER WANTE6, 6-DAY week. Apply I In person. Wilkins bar and restaurant. 4105 Orchord Lake Road. NO CANVASSING, NO DOOR TO door, strictly appointments, demonstrating one of the world's finest products of It's kind, average 67$-800 per week part time, 363-9529. 6RfeSukTORS, bAV SHIPT Pgjjt lerd machines. Also machine repair man. Good future and bene- OPPORTUNITY ADVANCEMENT DO YOU WANT IT? Wa have It to otter 11 If you are a qualified high school grad, ever 21 M duM a stem future, DON’T DELAY - CALL TODAY, aft tor Chuck Hopkins. Associates Consumers Plnance 673-1207 OPPORTUNITY If you are looking tor a I with a c—*— — Sire 6 nonclei securny in sates. STOP at 146 W. Huron and speak to Mr. Eskelincn. RAR+ TIME GAS PUMPER. DAYS. 2065 Auburn Rd. Avon Twp. 132-■ ........ K, bavaraga cony. EXPERIENCED CABINET MAKER, and ptaiMc tobrtaetar. Good o» ^ortunlty, good jtay. Evas. OR EStlMAtoR ~*liWia^WiAIUNG axpartsncs far grenlwg we Whig and and steal tobrtieaHan Om OMI land County area. GUM ago, ax-' garianeau agaanton and aftfenr ax- Evgnings PartTimg neat, maturw married and haua PARTS COUNTER MAN with GM experience preferred. Apply — Haupt Ron-Hoc, Clerkston. PURCHASING FOLLOW-UP YOUNG MAN EXPERIENCED IN FOLLOWUP OR BUYING# READS PRINTS, ANO HAS MECHANICAL MANY FRINGE BENEFITS, STEAOY EMFLOYMENT AND OVERTIME. salesmen. For Information o Vonderharr 612-5100. VON REALTY RECENT COLLEGE GRADUATE. RAraurn For WATERFORD TOWNIHtF" FOLIC! DEFARTMENT Culllgan Orchard ■ u rin ai&i; Salesman Full Time itng as after f tarred., w beneliti. Apply to Robert Hall Clothes SCRAPER HANDS, AND MACHINE repair man. Top gay tor tog man. Overtime and benefits. Apply Machine Tools Scraping Co. 14*11 W. if Ml. Oak Pm. Li 4-1700. or aaftwitont. Apply Waterford Townehlp Ctert(% pHtaa. Diadites tor ratumlne sgpncafteno. Jan. 3, 19*7, 11:80 noon/^ REMOOEL CARPENTER SUBCON-kETlREO MAN TO WORK IN COIN n&ss^tk.vr „kN, PART TIME/AFTEr-and Set., year around, I & Gretel Shop, Blrmlng- SALARY SALES POSITION. *408 plus commissions. Car expanses. Call Harry Swaef, 384-2471, Snail- Salesman Sail tha top of General Motors and other benefits ale. Must ba sober, at toast 21 years «* »"* married preferred. FE 2410). TIME STUDY MAN , Rochester# Mich. 6J1- TURRET LATHE OPERATORS VARIOUS MACHINE OPERATORS WANTED COMPOSITOR AND LOCI<---------------------, -wowng Woodward# Famdato, M WANTED 2 A AND P MECHANICS. Top wages, 4734704. Wanted' man to sell iL66 trtcaT appliances and water softeners. Fleer time and leads. Must ba over 25, have mr ln good rnnaitinfi and be able te furnish nt. Call Krump Electric JAuburn Rd.FE 4-3573, a.-Fri., hours I te 5. S Wratod FinMi 7 A BEAUTY OPERATOR, EXPERI-enced. Imperial Beauty Salon. ISO Auburn Ave, U M800. A PART TIME JOB 4 hours per day, choice el hours, top earnings for right girl, dependable, enthusiastic, pleasant telephone voice. Cell Mrs. Wixom of 4744233. ALTERATION LA&Y, MKRi- gABY UTTER TO LW# iM. t child welcome after 5 p.m. vteek-deys. ell dty Sun, FE 84427. BABY SITTER, LIVE IN OR OUT, 1 child welcome, FE 44314. Iar restaurant waTtKeIs, nights, steady work, good pay. FE 84— BEAUTY OPERATOR, PART TIME. Geed working conditions. FE >4143 BEAU T I C I A N, EXPERIENCED Thursday, Frl. and tel. FE 1-5052. FE 2-5823. ovomngi. BEAUTY 0PERAT0RS-2 $100 GUARANTEED PER WK. Andre Beauty 8*lon 11 N. Saginaw N. Saginaw St. FE *4257 CAPABLE SECRETARY FOR RE-sponsible position with Interesting co. 6265. Call Marea Parker. 334-2471, Snailing and Spelling. CASHIER 4 DAYS A WEEK: tufet. and Wad. I e.m.-5 p.m.; Sat. and Sun. 6 p.m.-2 a.m Apply at Big Boy Rastaurant, Telegraph and ■ HHH.........tram. Douglas Clltners, 534 rd, Birmingham. CLERICAL AND G9NVRAju. ?F- ____ ___) bit accurate typtet. mediate^ opening. Must have Im- ransporfati ARTCO INC. 2358 Indienweed Lake Orion CLERK SECRETARY, MEDICAL Building Pharmacy, no nights, Sun-deys or helwey. ^Must type and ly. Pontiac Press' Bex 10,____ CWrk-T ypist-RacBptionist We have a need tor 1 young lady to perform a variety tf'Ws oral office work. Shorthand la not tfg fogewMB I typteg, light jrence end per-phone voice and Design Ca me. rd, Gleenw Bldg., CLERK-TYPIST Experienced, needed Immediately, must ba able to type 45-83 wpm. Apply personnel beat. PONTIAC GENERAL HOSPITAL Seminole at W. Huron CLERK FOR ACCOUNTING DE- parin'*-------——*— but a Blrmlrygham. 30K, NlGHI liGHTS, C IMSW2. IMp Waited Frawfc EXPERIENCED SALAD WOMAN. IVWlBJI WaHrott. Part tlrrra EXPERIENCED WAITRNIs OL 1-7330 ___________ T FUU. TIME Pressor tor Drapery , Dept., wt win train. Apply Gresham Clean-era, 488 Oakland Ave. : Aal who WOULD like TO BE >« nut ,k#,h# of busy office. Near ______ Jse, cal l rany Wa- I, 334-2471, Smiling and Snail- 4MMERAL HOUSEWORK, MONDAY. Wednesday and Saturday. Sit Sat. night. References, $35. 647-2S29. OIRLS F6R TELfFHoitC MiA file work Pari tima, full time. For appointment, 474-2110, aft tor GIRL OR WOMAN WANTED TO babysit, mere for home than wagas.«7M576. HELP 1 LADY FOR DETAILED CLERltAL Box 4S PonHK. Pontiac Laundry, 540 S. Telegreph. LET US DO THAT MESSY JOB, garages end basements cleaned, light hauling. OR 34797. Don Port- LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING, drinker*. Live In, 12 noon ' p.m. FE 2-5323._________ own transportation, 5 days. 482-9452. MULTILlTH OPERATOR NEEDED beginning January 30, 1367. For Information call Mr. Gerald Krati, Huren Valley Icheels, W7-4113. Neat Xnd all around b6oK- keeper and receptionist lor depend-ebto firm. 6321 Call J* Martin, 3344471, Smiling and Snottlng. NURSES!! l privilege of toll SALARIES, EXCELLENT WORKING CONDITIONS,' SHIFT DIFFERENTIAL, BENEFITS, (pentlih, life Iniurance, BI u a Creak sick time, 7 paid holidays, many others) PrSnOTONAL OPPORTUNITIES Ear further Information write Port-JSk. Press Bex 49. ________ » • NURSE AIDES All ahlfts. Training program on a year-round basis. Good working conditions. Experlanced and Imx-pertanced. Apply In parson any weekday from 11:08 a.m, Seminole Hills Nursing Hama, 532 fgraanr 474-2732._____________ , PERMANENT, LIVE IN, BABYSIT-tar, light housework, tor working RECEPTIONIST FOR M. D. OPPICB mutt have doctors attic* experience or equivalent. Slat* education, axp. refs., and salary expected. Reply Pontiac Box No. 54. RfePOfcTER FOR WEEKLY,Nlw£ paper, must excel In Enolkm typing, car essential. 363-7141 36>QW7 tor SALES GIRL Hosiery counter, part time caahlar. Experience prtterrad. salary. Badu ' Mall, 6624511. SALESLADY, WljWMWte ilCRETARY FOR REAL NsYatE - •—- -av* good typing and s-m vacation ancfpamtaft (tag. Apply Eilat Bros._Mg Bay, II *. Tata- - agtafy# Mtoa Kara, 3»4T||7 Dining Room Hostess TED'S WOODWARD AT IEUARE LK. RO. DISHWASHER. « t6 « YEARS eld, toft aM reliable. 61.40 par hr/ptaa Eta* ciW mi wwI. doctor’s opKick, oooo iAtJutV tor right girl, FE S4II3. emergency 66#! ciiUt tx- perianc* ht typing mcamary. 241 ftftft. Saa Mra. Htuaman, Avon ciitar IIUBWil. between 74 mmtt> dayi, 65143D. EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER TO work ft country dub a too must be abto to type. Ctaitatoa ana. 62S-373I hr*. 9 to I. SKI SHOP Noo 6 a f H i I - sMXu. 'friendly attic*. Fait ahorthand, IBM Executiv* typawritar, indu»-trlal background preferred. Good pay. Am 2M6. A.F. Holden Co., fit's s Mittord Rd., Milford, Call C. A. Zaverakai 465-1591■ TELEPHONE SOLICITORS Add to your Income. Fa~ — cell 332-3053 « N M «Jki. 2471, Snelllna and Smiling._ waitress Saturday, nights r Amly m parson after 4 Gall'* lim, am Elizabeth Lfte R HEAP BETTER WAY TO INSURE TEEPEE! SAVE WAMPUM I I BRUMMETT AGENCY non-drinkers" cMiH §jf cost auto and home insu..„. HytMaad .Asaqelataa. PE 4*2*1 PRESCHOOL, BY DAY, butift- ALL HOUSEHOLDS -Auctionland ___________ Rent Homos, Onf nenkbed 40 Sale Haases 3 ROOMS AND BATH, ADULTS. Vicinity *8 .Howard Beat. Dap. required^ 818 a mo. with uHHNta 4ft REAL ESTATE s room, Private bath, adulti deposit. 8* Maty Day. FE 4-3975. entrance, dep., 820 BakfwtoAve. i «>jjMl|liED ROO^, MIVAra bate and entrance. 853493*. 1 ^8BX. *eiLClMPaXk. 3 ROOMS, UTILITIES FURNISHED, adults, no drinkers, may ba seen W^^tadara | pm^3n^Pr°» car garage, baaemenL S150 per metdRsac. tap. 34*441*. 4 ROOMS, UNIVERSITY AREA -adults only, m; FE 44454. - ***«*. t-yty. ** pysariiiss dawn — payments SUB plus tax and Ins. on tendcontract. ’ 5844 Dlxlo Hwy. * OR 4-1394 3 ROOMS NICELY FURNISHED, beriwler or working couMav pri- AnwlRJh. OR 34455 OR 3-3391 vate entrances, 2740 Judah Rd, off Baldwin. . 3' ROOMS AND BATH, 1 OR I 4-ROOM EN^jPQNTfAC MIL- $500 DOWN ad. <80 weak, SSO dap. PE 54181 3 _ROOMS AND_BATH._ADULTS, J 166ms. COUPLE ONLY, NO drlpkarv ft Potter St. 332-4572. 3 ROOMS AND BATH, CHILD WEL---------------- Baldwin Auk Call S ROOMS AND BATH. We'll________ _. B & b Auction OR 3-3717 Wanted MkceBaaeeas 30 AIR TOOLS WANTED, dltion, 48244*9.__________ COPPER, 35c AND UP: BRASS: Wanted to Rent WE HAVE QUALIFIED TENANTS chuck* and aaaurity ■HPW rental In the Pontiac area - Waterford and Drayton Plains araa. Sislock & Kent, Inc. _1309 Pontiac State Bank BWg^ few UvIb| Qanrteri 33 tOOM WITH KITCHENETTE, gentleman only, BIB a weak dapoilt, FB 4.1701.___ SMALL APARTMENT, LADY OklLY, Pontlac-Opdyka araa, 130 a - FE UHL _____________ TWO LAKE ptlONT ALSO TWO IN COMPLETE MOVING SERVICE. Local and long distance. Hourly or flat rate. Plano exparts. UL 7 3797. PaiBting and Decorating 23 1 TO 50 HOMES, LOTS. ACREAGE PARCELS, FARMS, BUSINESS mtOP-ERTIES, AND LAND CONTRACTS WARREN STOUT, Realtor 150 N. Opdyke Rd. FE 54145 Peperlng. FE S-4314. GRIFFIS A SONS ASPHALT ORIVEWAY SPECIALIST Guaranteed no Waiting. Call now. Free estimate. FE 1 JOHN TAYLOR, FLOOR LAYING.1 I ANA'S SANITARY SERVICE Sandlna and flnlshlna. 333-4975. LMnw J JHIsl i nhI 3CKVILC Any *-cyt. angina .. Acyl, rebuilt . 1 2538 Elite bath Latte Rd. 3344H4 Brick A HockSifvteo BLOCK BASEMENTS, BRICK VE-naerlng, flraplaca work. 493-1855 afl. 5. IRICK, BLOCK, STONE, CEMENT work, fltaptecH speciality. 335- CERAMIC, VINYL, ASPHALT, stalled. Yoon or mins. All m guaranteed. 4734494._______ CUSTOM FLOOR COVERING, noteum, formica, tile. 741 N. Pat SCAR OARAGES, 30'XJO', S875, WE ADOITIONS-REMODELING ANDERSON-GILFORD, INC. Builders and Designers CARPENTRY AND REMODELING MASTER CRAFTSMAN A-1 Interior and exterior at Co—t Work ALL TYPES OF CEMENT WORK, Mock work. OR 4-3347. CEMENTWORK. Cement and Block Work Guinn'* Construction Co. PE 4-7477_______Eves. FE E-Gli AAA ALUMINUM GUTTERS MBS GUTTER CO. COMPLETE eaves trough Ing i mates. 40-6844. Electrical Service* GENERAL EXCAVATING—TRUCK- tanTdair- 1—jj *— —— •*— 473-3933. LIGHT EXCAVATING, PERCOLA- GORDON LANG SANITATION SERVICE RESIDENTIAL-COMMERCIAL ELECTRIC SEWER AND SEPTIC TANK CLEANING SEWAGE HJMP AND SUMP PUMP SERVICES, ETC. tensed and Bonded 474-4393 CASH 48 HOURS AND CONTRACTS-HOMES WRIGHT 383 Oakland Ava._FE 3-9141 CALL FE 4-2533 Get the best deal on your property. Homes — Business — vacant land — equities and listings. Cell iff before you buy or Mil. A. Johnson & Son, Realtors 1704 S. Telegraph Rd. FE 4-2533 Floor Tiling SEPTIC TANK CLEANING ELECTRIC SEWER CLEANING SINKS, DRAINS, TOILETS NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR EMERGENCY 34 HR. SERVICE 474-7344_____Marvin Lang, Ownei DALBY & SONS STUMP^TREE,- SNOW_ RE_MOVAL$ Building i 835 Oaklan: Moving and Storage SMITH MOVING CO. Lakes Tree Co., Trimming Stump and Tree Removals Fireplace Wood — Plantings 473-3130_____________<25-3888 TREE TRIMMING AND REMOVAL Reasonable. 334-0066. PORCH AND STAIR RAILINGS, columns, room dividers. Modern Metelcreft. 335-3443. -1 INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR painting, tree estimates, work guaranteed. Reasonable rates. 482-4430. A-l PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING THOMPSON__________ FI ______________Root. Ff 5-7443, LIGHT MOVING, TRASH HAULEO reasonable. FB 4-13SL________ LIGHT HAULING, BASEMENTS, parages cleaned. 474-1241 FE 5-3*04 Plastering Service A-l PLASTERING Restaaraats BIG BOY DRIVE-IN. DIXIE AT Silver Lake-Telegraph *• “■— WALLPAPER STEAMERS RUG CLEANER - POWER SAWS S3 Joalyn Open Sun. FE 4-4105 QUALITY ROOFING. BONDED MA-terial. Free estimate. Rate- 483-751L ________ SPECIALIZE IN tj6Y TAR ROOF- DO,YOU WANT IT SOLD OR JUST LISTED? Tlr*d ol waiting and hoping, w need more properly for a re: son ... we Mil It. Let us dit cuss Mlllngj your home at n cast or obligation to you. Fo efficient and fast action . . plus satisfaction . . . CALL: YORK Tree Trimming Service Tracking________ LIGHT AND HEAVY TRUCKING, Mii, fill dirt, grading and grav-tront-end loading. FE SGML Track lentil Trucks to Rent tib-Tan Pickups IVk-Ton Sti TRUCKS — TRACTORS AND EQUIPMENT Dump Trucks — Saml-Trallers Pontiac Farm .anti Industrial Tractor Co. 135 S. WOODWARD PS 444*1 FE 4-1443 Opow Patty tachMbw WeB CIieeih BLOOMFIELD WALL CLEANERS. Wall* cleaned. Rea*. Satisfaction guaranteed. Insured.FB 2-1431. ALL TYPES WELDING. » portable service. Work teed. AAA Welding. 3374 graph. 334-1747 or 334-4813. Dally 'til I E LISTING SI AMERICAN HERITAGE. I HAVE $3500 TO WORK WITH AND NEED A 3 BEDROOM HOME ANYWHERE IN THE WATERFORD AREA, PLEASE CALL MY AGENT AT 474- J. C. Hayden Realtor Vs need listings, equities bo 4*04 10735 Highland Rd. (M») LONESOME: JUST TRANS-FERREO FROM CALIFORNIA, NEED 3 OR 4 BEDROOM HOME IN WATER-FORD OR CLARKSTON AREA. CALL MV AGENT, STAN KORBY AT YORK REALTY, OR 443*3. PONTIAC MOTOR EMPLOYE —Is 3-bedroom homo with tatna saga around Bald Mountain I - 814.000 - 830,000. R 4-3333 or FE 4457* rUK TOUR tUUHY, VA, rnS, OR OTHER. FOR QUICK ACTION CALL NOW. HAG8TROM REALTOR, OR 44358 OR EVENINGS We Need Listings Buyers Galore J. A. TAYLOR AGENCY Reel Estate— WANTING TO BUY SMALL FARM 30 miles of Pontiac. FE after 10 am xpsutiMwn, Famished 37 LARGE ROOM, OB PER WEEK, STS Dap. Inquire Hollert ' Parte, 373 Baldwin Am. -BEDROOM APARTMENT NEAR Pontiac. Adults. $35 weakly, r— furnished. Sac, dap. EM 3-4333. ' bedroom eppiciIncY Apt,. and two bedroom cottaga. In Lake Qrlow. mail, '■ rl 1 BEDROOM APARTMENT. ' 43 Marten. . "rooms, clean, private BAirl — j- 331 n. - ' BEDROOM APARTMENT, Living room with flnpleos, bedroom unto walk aut bawny. Beautiful m utility room yar. Kitchen v d garbage die >11 >744393. I *M1 iaL Mi ROOMS AND BATH, NO CHIL-dran, W. Skis. SS Nowtarry.. ROOMS ANO BATH, AU.UTIL-Itles, adults, private, garage '"'Eh able. 403-3748 or FE 343*1 3 ROOMS AND BATH. ___________333-1994. 4 ROOMS AND BATH, NO CHIL-Bn 734 W. Huron. ROOMS ANO BATH. ADULTS only, no pots, 83750 par weak Mm dap. inqulta at Hollerbacks Parts, PSBsldwin Ava, ______ 5 ROOMS, PRIVATE, ENTRANCE, FE 54444, 118 —-------- APARTMENT FOR 7 -----r* In Pontiac. FE 3-3043, I N EA BACHELOR, MAIN FLOOR, i Private. Real nice, i north and. 333-4378. SLEEPING ROOM, WARM, CLEAN, BATH, UTILITIES, PRIVATE EN-trances, flraplaca, near be* aa Sylvan Lk. $135 mo., older EFFICIENCY APARTMENT, COM-| irnlshed, including i'"' conditioned. 343-7571 .EEPING ROOMS FOR GENTLE-man, day worker, FE 4-5193. WilAWt' MOtdL, SINGLE OC- cupancy, 340 per week. Meld- lie, TV, telephone. 719 South MIDDLE AGED 1 utilities I 47 r pels. wailed LBUCr NTiHMW._________ AND 2 BEDROOM NEW, NEAR Mall. Immediate occupancy. Air and sound conditioned, dispose I, fully carpeted, stove, refrlger— Adults, no pets. $13541*0 per FE 5-8585 or 483-2410. Rent Office Space 300 SQUARE FEET OFFICE WITH private bath, 24 hour telaphono switchboard service, new decorations. By day, week or month. Fum. or unfurn. Savoy * S. Tategraph.__________ IN ROOM APARTMENT, SB PER week. References required. Wright Realty Co. 382 Oakiend Ave. ROOMS AND BATH, BASEfAfeMt, FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED ROOMS, TILE BATH, GARAGE, stovo, refrigerator, formica NHH ers, carpeted vestibules, rr-very dean, lower duplex, a. 4514m. ____ ERITAGE. A l4fD-2-bedroom apartment wiwIIMlWi^Wn. electric UH Included In your rent. You furnish phone end we furnish the rest. Be one of the last to move Into this luxurious apartment. Prices start at $145. 3345 Walkings Lk. Rd. 473-4927.____________ PREVIEW SHOWING BEAUTIFUL NEW CORAL RIDGE APARTMENTS Rochester, Michigan - TO WILCOX. HI INCLUDED IN LOW MONTHLY RENTAL) t- AND 2-BEDROOM COMPLETELY CARPETED CUSTOM ORAPES HOTPOINT AIR-CONDITIONING HOTPOINT REFRIGERATOR HOTPOINT OVEN RANGE. GARBAGE DISPOSAL EATING AREA IN KITCHEN CARPETED HALLWAY LARGS CUTSETS' LAUNDRY AND STORAGE SPACE MEAT INCLUDED SWIMMING MOL _ PLENTY OP PARKING MASTER TV ANTENNA $125 CORAL RIDGE APARTMENTS Reel Value Really orated. See them n I beautifully dec- 5379 Highland R_ . 4744549 LAKE OAKLAND MANOR APTS. 3610 W. Walton Blvd. ten S to 4 p.m. Monday th Friday. wn 3 to 4 p.m. Saturday at NEW 1 and I 3-7374."' 4 ROOM NEWLY DECORAT-Refrlgerator and stovq. a. 8108 dap. 42^1741. ONE BTDROOM CARPETED, AIR conditioned apartments. Adults ---------------■(. Cdil FE 1-BEDROOM COTTAGE ON BIG Lake, gas heat, Immediate occupancy, sit. only- 777-24*3, St. elite-Shores. <178 Nelison Rd. BEDROOM, CLEAN, ALL UTIU- SL* iO» id, JH LOVELY 1 BEDROOM, FULLY carpeted, beautttulty twmiahod. adults only, no drinkers, dap., and ref. Send detain to PaatiacPmM LOVELY 3 BEDROOM HOMl^Tif May 4 er longer, adults. OR MM. mhSp^fc rent. *1 mo*1! ... alt. 3MB Hearing. Fi 3-1451. elAUTukin. roo)m for propes- *14 a PERSON, LOVELY ROOM, : . OR S-WW-___________ NICE, LARGE, O.OSE TO PONTIAC Motors, man or woman. FE 4-1*41) NICE ROOM FOR MAN, PRIVATE • entrance, near Sears, 43B-38I4. NICE clOAn, WARM SLEEPING 81500 DOWN i your new home _...ract, Idt Included. GILFORD REALTY I ROOM Aim OR iSOARD, listk QaktePdAva. FE 4-1454 LEePING ROOMS, NEWLY FU ■'•‘■id, private parking lot In Lai ON YOUR 1 HU—ame hpl*„. ............ money dn. 3 BEDROOMS BRAND NEW with full basement, cteea to union Lake and Collaga, Only 814.900, terms. We trade. Y0UNG-BILT homes REALLY MEANS BETTER-BUILT Russell Yeung 334-3830 W. Ho SLEEPING ROOM FOR MEN. sylvan 435-1S84 or 334-8223. building In J. A. TAYLOR AGENCY Real Estatei-lnsurance—Building 7733 Highland Rd. (M59) OR 4430 Evas. EM 3-9937 or EM 3-7544 A WINNER I Is It, look no further as 1M ly, 2313 Orchard Lake Rd. ........ 425-1884 Sh0ppln^ Canter. Sylvan. NEW OFFICE SPACE M24 NEAR 1-75 Now altering tease space In Lad: new office building, reedy for < cupancy Feb. 1st. small and mai urn suites, carpeted, paneled, |i Itorlal services, ample paved pat Ing. For particulars call LADD'S OF PONTIAC . Call Jack Ralph Rent Business Property 47-A 16,800 Sq. Ft. Downtown Pontiac 2-story masonry bldg., 0400 iq. ft. on each floor, freight elevator, will rent “at Is" er remodel end SaleHonses___________49 BEDROOM HOUSE, APPROX. Underwood Real Estate 42S-241S, 1445 Dixit Hwy., Clerkston " *1 answer, 43S-S015 ~~ 2-BEDROOM, LAKE PRIVILEGES. --------r. $15,*50. 84,000. 3451 VOOT- 2-BEDR00M FRAME Large living room, fireplace, large lot, 3 car garag*. an blacktop. 812400. Terms. FLATTLEY REALTY 430 Commerce Rd. BEDROOMS,^MME no,ldown0nMynrSmt plan.*Pick ' list at Art Dantels model, 7300 IS Mile. S44-MSS. BEDROOM BRICK RANCH, 2Vk * fly mam, Un' ------ Call 343-2314. 814,400 mortgage. I VILLA HOMES Medal phone 438-1431 4-BEDROOM COLONIAL Situated on S acre parcel In Clarkt-ton-Orion area. IVk baths, largs family roam with flraplaca, — clous kltchan with mapla cat by Marsh, eaaamant. 1 cai to chad garage. Brick and mlnum aiding, CALL FOR APPOINTMENT. SMITH & WIDEMAN Twp. 427-4135 BEDROOM, WkKk. garage, paneled recreation room, full basement, |mgad beck yard, PC 34147 or FE 2-9404 after * p.m, j , ii j\ v? - u ■ BEbROOM HOME. NICE CEN- 946 Panorama Dr.—Milford B-bedranm mem, am and dbmw < ft OranTi IPs vacant- Val-U-Way 345 OAKLAND AVE, FE 44531 Pontiac's FHA Appointed Properly Management and Sales Broker FE 3-1*34 fete""! $7950 ARE YOUR RENTAL SLIPS SHOWING? garage, payments c 4* FE S-1783 afternoon ~ FORD wixom Houses at S1L458. FHA *500 down, VDL0RAH BUILDING CO. •_____437-1500 T FIRST IN VALUE RENTING ' $78 Mo, $10 Deposit WITH APPLICATION 3-BEDROOM HOME GAS HEAT, LARGE DINING AREA WILL ACCEPT ALL APPLICA TIONS FROM ANY WORKERS WIDOWS OR DIVORCEES. PEOPLE WITH CREDIT PROBLEMS AND RETIREES ARE OKAY WITH US. . OPEN DAILY AND SAT. AND SUN. OR COME TO 3*0 KENNETT NEAR BALDWIN REAL VALUE REALTY For Immediate Action Call FE S-3676 626-9575 SileHenses LAKEVIIW ESTATES LAKE ANGB.US Immediate Occupancy 4 new homes that are the finest homes in the area. We invite you to see them any day, 1 to 7 p.m. See the home you desire, be ft Contemporary, Colonial Ranch, French Provincial or New Englander. We have all 4 and erne ready to sell. Save on these homes and move in now. Beauty Rite Homes 673-1717 A REAL CHRISTMAS PRESENT for a large family. S large bedroom,, family room plus dan, 3 full HIM GAYLORD LIKE NEW 2-bedroom brick. 30-foof reerr knotty pint. E BUYERS- can sava i - buying acreage now. i up in the iprlng. We have -------•-». parcel. FE *-**“ m YORK 3 Dixie Hwy., Dreyten Plain, LAWRENCE W. GAYLORD 2 West Flint Street _jke Orion, Mlchlga 4*3-383^ or___________FE B**l ATTENTION INVESTORS PRICE REDUCED FOR QUICK SALE. We have a Century old < housa, 2 acre, of land, zoned multiple dwelling, located on bl lop rood within 1 mile of (hop center. Lake privileges m street. Full price: 813,580, 8i_ dawn, assume 4 par cent land contract. Call OR 44304. LAKE FRONT IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY 9 down payment, now closing «t. If you have good credit id a good lob, move In this ree bedroom east side home, 'a a buy at 0*000. Oh! aura has a garage. Cpll OR 4-1005 r appointment. Ask far Ron. ____I kitchen and breakfast i, 12x24 Combination llvlng-dln-room, carpeted, 15x30 family i with picture window f—■— HAYDEN NEW HOMES bedroom, tri-level finished family room, lli car garage MUM oven, dishwasher, attached 2 car garage. An exceptional buy at SnaiL G-l‘ Jus* el0SinB cosi* Warden Realty storage. 817,730 plus lot. *0 PER CENT FINANCING AVAILABLE TRADES ACCEPTED J. C. HAYDEN Realtor 343-4404 10735 Highland Rd. (M-5*) Ing I HIGHLAND AREA , A 3 bedroom ranch with alum num siding and attached garag Pleasantly located on nearly ( acre. Huron Valley school sy tern. Nearby shopping, 812,50 term,. CO 3134. HOWELL Town & Country MIXED AREA NOTHING DOWN 352 GOING STREET 5 room bungalow, cute and cozy as can be. Full basement, automatic heat. *150 dosing costa ^WRIGHT REALTY CO. 383 Oakland _________FE 34141 YORK HIITER 3-bedroom bungalow ... located In Keego Harbor, 875 r month on land er-*—-* BY OWNER. ORION LAKE FRONT. Paneled 3 bedroor lift. Underground noting and m Seths, 'flreplao ■I 3 bed WSfc.1 BEAUTIFUL 4-BEDROOM SPUT- and Vj, plus 2Wear garage with —Tient drive. Located 423 Pontiac L Oxterd. Call Oon Ludwig. — * •ssv- ^*di Esi Cresibrook MODEL OPEN straate, euita gutter, i and city water. Drive e GIROUX COMMERCE LAKE AREA Look what 81M00 buy*. 1 wooded per* with 2 story 4 b rooms, full basement, 2 car __ rage, lake and river privileges, real country living, walking distance to state park, school out at front door. Term*. - DAN EDMONDS REALTOR 335 Pontiac TralL Walled Lai 4344311 _____________ MUSI on your Id. To see the model call B. C. HIITER, Realtor, 37*3 Ellz. Lake Rd. FE .2417* eft. ‘ HUNTING FOR PEACE, QUIET* En|oy country living on Hlghf Lk. 2 bedroom knotty pine 2 wooded acres. $*,500 with 01 down. 087-50*7._______________________ HAYDEN NORTHERN. First offering of »— toaterhq fujl this attractive basement, p' num aiding, si Me fourth. IVk car garage « J. C. HAYDEN, Realtor EM 3-4404 10735 Highland Rd. (MS») HOW COMFY IT IS11 By fireplace In family room this newly decorated brick frame ranch, grand piece to up tha festive board and estate guests. 4 bedrooms, each has closet. Owners bedroom has own HAGSTROM, Realtor MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE NN W. Huron OR 44351 II* ROCHESTER, on to this like now _ _____ sparkler, near Union Lake shopping. Cozy, cute, comfy for couplo or retirees. 810,250. Gl terms a-$1500 down on tend contract. HAGSTROM, Realtor MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE MS W. Huron OR 44350 EASY TO LOOK AT IN LAKE ORION sharp 2-bedroom home on a large lot, gas heal, farm styled kitchen and a Mg living room • easy living, a small down i FHA terms. So* It thru: YORK - 2 BEDROOM RANCH) I&SS I steal bullt-ms! hi land EVERYBODY'S OUT a fireplace glowing, auorybody lust loves .mis family room, it's gay and well ptenmd, plenty of storage, real solid comfort in living mom, can carpeted. Attached garage, 3 large bed-moms with Hi baths, purchase of this lovely hem can be arranged an easy FHA terms thru: YORK WE BUY WE TRADE OR 44343 OR 4410 4713 Dtxto Hwy., Drayton r‘— KENT tlJ50,term*. Floyd Kent Inc., Realtor '~~1I QMrtter FE 2-0123 < LET THE KIDS RUN On this Mg brief:, sate wwow name a farm styled kitchen an b4th end a had. Oh yes, can nuKhaaa “■ *•— aaay low down ,. terms. Be first to n payment on FHA YORK WE BUY WT TRADE OR 44343 _ OR 44343 4713 Dtete Hwy- Drayton Ptelm LAKE ORION AREA -Oood 2 bedroom Kama. Space second Moor for 3 large r Carpotad living rr-^-parch. Kltchan, bam attachad garag*. P Gas host. 3 tola, C.T WEBSTER, RL iR Call us tor appointment. and drapes. Paneled recreation room with bar. On beautiful acre site. Many extras. One of tho best buys In Bloomfield acheola. tinmediete possession. Call ua on GREATER BLOOMFIELD REAL ESTATE 41*0 Telegraph Rd. LIVE WHERE YOU PLAY AT PLEASANT LAKE domtr of Williams Lk. Rd. i heat, fireplace, stove, refrigerator, carport, large wooded comer let. LANGDONftYER BUILDERS 4214 N. Woodward Royal Oak ______4834340 or LI *-3238__ LAKE FRONT - $17,200 BRICK, 3 BEDROOMS. H* baths. Family room with flrtpleco, basement, gas heat, aftachad 2-car garage, terge tot, 1,350 aq. ff. Ifylng area, 120)390. Orion Rd. at snow Apple W mile oast of Clarkston. Open Sat.-Sun., 12-5 p.m. Aristo- NEW 3 BEDROOM RANCH. OAK floors- lot, M tar 141 Privilege, on Long Lk. Still flmt to pick yoyr psW colors. W338S. Terms. NEW FINANCING 10% DOWN ^•eW^ISLT HUNT00N SHORES WcSTRIDGE Of’wATERFORD 9 Models Visit our models at Huntoon Shores West on M-59 — Right on AI rnort Rd. 114 miles, open dally and Sunday 2 to 4 AND Wastridga of Water-lord North on Dlxlo (U.S.10) to Our Lady of Lakes Church, open Sunday 2 fo 4. Ray O'Neil, Realtor 3520 Pontiac Lk. Rd. OR 4-2222 NO MONEY DOWN Ranch or tri-level shall on your exterior complete. FLATTLEY REALTY 438 Commerce Rd. call 343-4981 ON WILLIAMS'Lak£, BUY OUf our equity. 474-3390. SWNER: INDIAN VILLAGE, 3 BEO-roortMirlck, 2 cor garage, Inquire, ROCHESTER, MICHIGAN - CHRIS-‘ttill Sub. New 4 bedroom I. Slate foyer. Separate dln-sm. Dinette. Large family with fireplace. 2Vi baths, rms. Open Sat. and Sun. ROCHESTER - BRICK RANCH. i--------- Carpeted living room i. 2 large bedrooms, Hdta ' closets. Tiled Large h with fir lVb bate. ______ kitchen. Family n back porch. Large let. 2 car ga-"“ with paved drive. Available l. 825,900. 9* Perrydale. Off d ■ “* north of Orion ROOMING HOUSE VERY CLEAN, nice Spertment ter owner, good neighborhood, 333-3744.__________ SHARP MODERN 3-BEDROOM homo — attached garage, large well landscaped tot. Judah Lake Estate F.MJk. commitment 81,801 down. Near Lake Orion. Harry J. Hill, Brokar, 114 North Mato Street. WMMMMMPwtodaw*. jRaai Master. All city convenience*. Lake privileges. Can choose paint colors. 1140 Stratford. 831488. Open TWO * BEDROOM HOMES FOR hy owner, 8800 down and 8808 FE *4720. TIMES TIME to buy acreage . . . TIME to buy homesY. . TIME to buy farm property . . . TIME to |oin TIMll *%bitms°f gr reol^ostate ^IMEl most poopto"do. Times Realty ___nMftes • profit" 5*90 DIXIE HiGHWAY (South of Waterford Hill) OR 443*4 REALTOR Open 9-9 I TRADE 8 room homo wim zv» cor garage, roc. room, 4 tols, aluminum storms and sciaani. paneled living mam, OXS WJ WownOwd Twp. Will trMto far (fawn----* L UNHAPPY RENTER? hy save rent racalptal They -will PMoto ItlTphaSS* endrtget mem jntefmaften an 'IM* 3-bedroom brick an* aabeetoe home on a Mg. lot. Con ba purchased on easy land canfract tormo or to •owS^XS^ YORK 4713 Dbrto th*y„ Drayton Ptelm Sol* Houses THE PONTIAC PRESS'. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1906 3 BEDROOMS, COO down. EM 34701. HACKETT REALTY - 7790 Lk. Rd., Union Lake - i otftae-lin OrchardLk. Rd. ). and bride, Cooley VACANT 1 IARDWOOD 900 DOWN BEDROOM -FLOORS, BASEMENT 339-7761 - WATKINS LAICE a” Ivllbges aft yours with this 1-'room homo on 2 large •!***?*"« pia garden space. Small bam in back yard. House ing room and full besom gas Mot. Law Interest It tract terms. Only 016,000 w ROLFE H. SMITH, Reoltor FE 3-7060*** Tn^S. 615-5173 WATERFORD ---- ranch on almost 1 acre of land. Lots of beautiful pTna HOME OR INCOME Five-room East side terrace with full basement, gas heat and hot water, close to school and bus. Whether you five In It or rent It, jt«s„a good deaf at only *5,950 -BRICK 10% DOWN sr,w i lovely, well-built lake- 2-FAMILY Home and Income, or n units, good East Side five rooms and full ba unit, full basement, sapai nace and utilities, kir quick possession. Priced 500. See It today. NICHOLIE-HUDSON Associates, Inc. 49 Mt. Clemens St. FE 5-T201, After 6 P.M. FE 2-3370 LAKELAND ESTATES 4-bedroom Colonial 4-bedroom Quod-Level 3-bedroom Split-level Priced from $31,950 Including lot Quality Homes By ROSS Lakeland Estates On Dixie Hwy., lust past Walton Blvd.-Willlams Lake Rd. tnt--- Open Doily 1-7 p.m. Except Friday Ross Homes Inc. OR 3-8021 — FE 4-0591 JOHNSON IRWIN HUNTOON LAKE AREA Beautiful Vick and stone ranch type bungalow. With 3 large bedrooms, f "—'— " NORTH SIDE (bedroom bungalow with o stairs to large room u A. Johnson & Son, Realtors 1-BEDR00M Small home on large li full besement, auto, heat bath. Only <1000 down i TUCKER per mo. No red tape. Move right In at 111 Osmun. EAST SIDE - LAND CONTRACT — at 360 Ferry, nice 3-bedroc— home, full basement. Possession 30 days. Priced to sell with mont ly payment at STS. VACANT — PONTIAC KNOLLS — Llke-new 3-bedroom brick-1 out. Comes with new oven-range. Asking tlBOOO with no money down — Located at 201 Vernon. Near Mark Twain School. ST. JOE AREA - Lovely 3-bed-room, ivy-story home, auto, heat,, nice front end reer yard. Easy FHA terms with only S4S0 4--------- Possession In 30 days or lei 373 Bi RHODES CLARKSTON. Excellent lostlon tor teechers or students. Neer I ■ 3 bedrooms, IVi baths, gas —-I carpeting. So much vs It only 013,9501 low monthly poyi__ of ISO a month including texts and insurance, INDEPENDENCE TWP. 3 bedi ■jet' - - - -------— -| living built-in range In kitchen, rage, large comer lot wl potto. Financing avallabli t BEDROOMS, basement, ges hoot. Needs work but s mol buy on todays martest. Only t7N0 and terms. New Fisher Body. FINE AREA AND SCHOOLS. side, 3 bedrooms. 3V? ACRES, Churchill Rd., *3500, MANY BUILDING SITES AVAILABLE including Indlenwood Shores at Lake Orton- ____ ALBERT J. RHODES, BROKER FE 1-1306 2SI W. Walton FE 5-671 MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE TIMES StJ*’toncetTysTd! stteched J£| ir garage, paved strew rtvo, a reel sharp, jmlt am*. brick end aluminum ig, onto 01,950, terms. Firs ring. Coll eerlyl ■N-ROOM inch, brick construction, dew SSSwend wtosd.jF £ fenced lot, only It arrange the flnenelr- es Realty DlXtf HIOHWAY. w UALkBTOtaB 9 9 Deltf W Sab Houses D—n VON SHOP AT THt MALL SMALL FARM £*• mother e break, yes, Ktodtos too - We have M i K .****"» to Ploy cops and rob- Nr*# tht house •- i --------a bedroom rambling car attached garage. Wou VbN REALTY ' 'BUD' Brown Realtors A Builders Since 1939 WATERFORD AREA. Well-kept home on comer tot In «—*■—* neighborhood Is what you'vi looking for at the price yc afford to pay! Plenty of with 3 bedrooms, spacious gesetocountry kitchen, . Las Brown, Realtor 509 Elizabeth Lake Rd. (Across from the Mall) FE 1-4010 or FE 4-3564 NORTH SIDE - gas heal, t dition, 2 tots. May be pi FHA terms. $9,750 Wl mately 0100 down. 1704 S. Telegraph Rd. FE 4-2533 LAZENBY CLARKSTON AREA ttor hurry and hove 0 I this 2-y*ar-old, beautifully 4 ited 3-bedroom Million .to g family n and Ken ,.uped scenic tot. Custom.-. _ perles »nd carpeting throughout. Realistically priced of only $29,950. Moke your appointment today. ROY LAZENBY, REALTOR 126 W. WALTON OR 4-0301 (1 block E. of Dixie Hwy.' Multiple Listing Service ANNETT Cass Lake Area retire to!" to^entoy *°se of dignity end charm, .. owning this home of Indiana Bedford Limestone exterior. * largo tots, 2-car attached ated garage, largo hooted — shop. Ample i' hobby .... Kedc&prd*stree??' *16,500 terms. Call us at once to s this Charmer. Brick Tri-level Ottawa Hills 3-bedroom------ built In 1959. Living room with ledgorock fireplace, dining room, kitchen with elec, range and refrigerator, ceramic tile both. Basement, gas heat, bath and wether. Attached plastered garage - MILLER AARON BAUGHEY REALTOR ABEDROOM^ BRICK, now a>n bath, family-sta* rooms, large kitchen, plastered wails, full base- NEW BRICK RANCH. 1______________ specious living room, family-size kitchen with bullt-lns; large family room with 6' glass doors and fire place. tt? ceramic, baths, full basement,) got heat, attached 2^cai wHh easy terms. NORTH SIDE S Val-U-Way 345 OAKLAND AVE. FE 4-3531 Pontiac's FHA Appointed Property Management and ' Sales Broker . \ ■ Mtor 7 p.m. FE 4640> or FE 0-t9»4 I city Full WEST SIDE RANCH DORRIS STORY-AND-A-HALF I *“ilf the story I This homo Is spa-'shveroresfsubdlvfsI^OT^lOT^ -3 beautiful Iflw mirike aTr" Cope Cod design -,n(iinl ______ jp INVESTMENT AND HOME Thera are 5 rooms and I J **elrooms, each unit. 7------ •ro 3 oll-heatlng systems. Located on (Mine Street near t..... tomere. For furfhor details Priced right at *10,500. it with b irmal dll JOHN K. IRWIN & SONS 'Realtors _ 313 West Huron — Since 1925 Buying or Soiling Colt FE 5-941 , LAST-MINUTE GIFT to last a lifetime. Imagine presenting your Wife with a new home for the holidays and ever after. Just S1.3S0 will move you Into this vary attrac- tot, 70‘x350’. sparkling family kitchen, luxurious -------- tiled bath. 3 nice bed- Td full basement with gas . Home to be decorated si CLARK JUST M0VEJN "^ond'ltilT fiiianc- taro of. sw per estoMIshed. Just ■tamtaEjjfHt ina ent .......... Oil rnn <89 monthly including suroncs and 5V4 per <«»■■ »,i„-est. Has full basement, gas hoot, Immaculate condition, oak floors, blacktop street. Off Baldwin. *13,-650. Full price with substantial TRADE YOUR PRESENT HOME OR EQUITY ON THIS 4 FAMILY INCOME. Live "Rent-Free" I kitchen has bullt-lns pensive family room .OTHRHN dor-wall to lovely rear yard. iH-cer garage, paved drive, many trees and shrubs. Quick possession — 123,-No. 7-44 room and 2-one bedroom apartments with separate mg) ----------- Only 323,500. LOOKING FOR AN ALLBRICK HOME? Need 3 bedrooms; want a nice recre-suck bar? kitchen? Do d gas.In end water w <2500 with <400 « ilon? .. _____ ________■ MHIH ■e this excellent new listing TODAY — We can't guaranteo | CLARK REAL ESTATE 1362 W. HURON ST. FE 3-7888 or FE S-3691 Multiple Listing Service •vellabie tomorrow. No. 3-34 BRING YOUR WIFE TRADE TRADE TRADE s and the Mall. Large fenc rd. Breezewey to attached ____ Only *14400 and E-A-S-Y nonclng available. Act fast on — because they're told quickly In nice neighborhood. Nr * “ CLOSE TO SHOPPING Comfortable ranch home oil c rooms, family room, largo 'utility Kith gas furnace. Carport, drive.. Priced at 310,900. you a guaranteed price; To~find a homo of your choice. For the first of tho year. NOTHING DOWN 3-bedroom, PontlOC Northern Arte, aluminum storms and screens, new carpeting and only 3 years old. Full price: SI." 674-2239 NOTHING DOWN 2 bedrooms, Watarford area, mmum storms end screens, .—I privileges, newly decorated. Full 674-2239 s: <8,950. itorms and screen!, I ______ _ lend, only 6 years old. Full price: 117,950. II the action lint 474-2239 McCullough realty. Seminole Hills ootonlol In excel- 'Buzz" t BATEMAN 2 both! on seewx dudes beautifulc*..... drapes. Fuli basement gas host, 3,500 end you can TRADE ' r esent homo equity as down closet. Full basement, elec. h*at, rec. room (34'xSS'l r**" fireplace, 2-car garage SOD License (Bottled Liquor) ORION TWP. ACRE SITE lust north of Pontiac. Mdous aluminum 3-bedroom ranch-approx. 1,400 Ml- ft. of living es plus over-size 2-car garage, eaufmilty carpeted, gas hot water ty. Metemora-Dryden radically new bulMIno * excellent ..... blacktop attached perking oreoffS* garage. Ideal spa stall retirement. 0 WILL TRADE Realtors 28 E. Huron St. » Open Evae. and Sundays 1-4 j 338-0466 GOLFER'S SPECIAL SILVER LAKE GOLF COURSE — b»«K door. You can too Cr breakfast from’ this Roman-1 brkK rancher. Family room | gjj|j| doors to outside look ina 111 carpeting ■RUSHOUR & Struble 4-BEDROOM COLONIAL I THE PRESTIGE AREA of Twin Ufeas Village. **- ..... a many extra ovely home, i pleted for wetter — already CO It oil there — you couldn't dupllcW priced *34,950. Colt for NORTH SUBURBAN EDROOM HOME -fhas a living room, ir ram Call quick It IS JACK FRUSHOUR . MILO STRUBLE Realtors —- » Hlghlowd Rd- (MW) . ?ri?SX FHA TERMS S Real sharp <4W . ivy-car garage, I and Permastone siding and of all — Immediate pooooMlon. « m m *^5rE-y T8?ay*J trilevisL bl tots af « looking tor of prlcos ^ton priced -*15,500 plus SfcKkr^SoM-I pjnj M59 to Whrtttor St. apposite City t. teft to models. OAKLAND SHORES: Cotodsl, ■I ana ranener tosoeu wm, «*- nd custom futures, boautlfully furnished and dahms quality all too colors. OPVH gy.T.SUN. . pm. Dixie Hwy. to Snshabaw, right to witon. right to large Bateman Sigh, lift to Models. \ _ YOU CAN TRADE HATIONWIDE 1 BATEMAN ■ KEALtW(4AL,OL.*5i. Tib t. Barhsitor CARNIVAL VACANT hsiluetsd enlarge iko Orton. 1400 d— In. It's vacant IRWIN end dining area fully carpeted. Gas heat. Excellent condition. Y°u | have immediate potsesslon Q'NETL fOofufesT^.. ' exchanged. 'our present I Srio Houses 49 STOUTS Best Buys Today yoirs longer? iHL -____________ re I with colonial elevation, iks Lotus Lake. Owner must id has priced It tor quick t $1950 DOWN larid contract, sharp sassjad **,u‘* ite bath* XMAS VALUE Roomy 3 bedroom ranch In Waterford Twp., features basement, rec area, oil hoot, king size tot. RAY O'NEIL, REALTOR 3S20 PONTIAC LAKE ROAD OR 4-3322 MLS FE 5-4684 KINZLER OTTAWA HILLS 3-bedroom ranch-home. Oak floors. Colorfully orated. High, light basement recreation. Got hoot. STM In living room carpeting, cyclone e today. 1 MGIC. G! SPECIAL Near Lincoln Jr. High. Delightful bungalow with basemer. I gas furnace to Include car-'-g In living and dining rludlng taxes ■ _______ RETIREES SPECIAL a that you will wont ■ — '------ “t-bedro. It kitchen Hera .. eight. Like new large colonial style ranch. end paneled family ............... place. Low taxes and lake privileges. Anxious owm~ JOHN KINZLER, Realty 5219 Dixie Hwy. 674-2235 Across from Packers Store Multiple Listing Service Open 9-4 KAMPSEN "SEASON'S GREETINGS" G.I. BUYER this extraordinary house money down .... lust gas hoot, 50x150 tot, streets end city at $7,950, arrange utility t living at Its best!!! This < built beauty will let hr r her this Christmas tor many years to come. This Is one of the n—* attractively decorated homes [ttscRsdTS TA.OF THE YEAR" .......... MEDIATE "POSSESSION. Priced at 033,930 and this Includes all too carpeting and custom draperies. Trod* your m house lit —* ‘—‘ mother to a surprise. SCHRAM $500 DOWN This 3 bedroom home features full bosemsnt with gas hoot. Largo tot and It In like now conMto" hevo too boy, to coll today. OFF BALDWIN This cozy 1 bedroom to,--------- ■ ' tod floors, well to ww* cor- tile bath, IV* cor « 1 priced right for IN starting out Just 0601 NEAR OXFORD It only 1600, n appointment. INCOME home to MthBO stu------- price II*,900. Aq you can't List With SCHRAM and Call 1tw Van t Jostyn Aw. Ft 5-9471 ALta -— By Dick Turner Utf-Acreafe 10 ACRES 2 mles u *4,950, *500 down, fo ACRES, toms woods and nor ' Clerkston, 660x460', *6,950, “He’s been dishing it out all evening! Let’s see if he can take it!” 49 2Vk cor garage, pa' van lent to bus and 014,500 total price. LAKE PRIVILEGES — ON WIL-llems Lake. < rooms up >nd 4 down, 2 car gsraga. Rent i lace, matched 1 t lot. Carpeting i jded at only <15,50 at, natural fdrEX WATERFORD REALTY Dixie Hwy 673-1273 Multiple Listing Service HIaS GENERAL HOSPITAL, family, FE 0-3906.________ largo 220 ft. kitchen ond dining area, basement1, oil hoot, newly decorated Inside! Only S11.7S0 with 011950 with terms. Warren Stout Realtor Ph. FE 5-0165 "• Opto** R--, Open Eves tin « Multiple Listing St GILES N CITY — Very clean 4-be home, 16' living room plu. MR dining room, 2 full botos, utility room, full basement, l’A-car —-rage. Also 3-room house on I of tot. Price: $14,900 on land NORTHERN HIGH SCHOOL -dean 2*00 i | plastered w bum In 1959. ' tiding. Price: 112400. Terms GILES. REALTY CO. 221 Baldwin Ave.___________FE 56175 Val-U-Way ......... echool, shiny osk floors, spactout living room, largo kitchen with plenty of cupboards, basement, paved t priced under <13,000, I down payment. Reeort Proparty 52 BEAUTIFUL CRANBERRY LAI • ‘ — xpra Bit -jock_ ich Bros. LAKES RPMMPMiaMl brick-front ranch, situated on large corner lot, conveniently arranged kitchen with plenty of —I--------| mont. $15,200, <600 down plus 1 PONTIAC KNOLLS homes trs wed kept. Priced under 01,500, STM down. Ust With Us-We Sell a Home Every 24 Hours R. J. (DICK) VALUET REALTOR FE 4-3531 345 Oakland Ave. t FE 2-6040 or FE 54)705 ARRO CASH FOR EQUITY—LAND CONTRACT NEW CUSTOM BUILT ‘ 'num «--------- Attached 2 csr ge-prlvlleges. Only 122,- X1 COZY 2 BEDROOM BUNGALOW -Ptoesant living room, fu« h**h-lorge utility room. Wired electric dryer. Water eoflt Cyclone fenced yard. Only I Ted McCullough Sr,, Realtor PHONE 682-2211 5142 Cess-Ellzebeth Rood OPEN DAILY 9-9 FE 5-8183 pface. Tho both wit? air master bedroom, got decorated, vocon. CLARKSTON AREA WASHINGTON PARK r^EAST SIDE BRICK ?1| bodn UnflnleNid __ pension. Priced at 114.500.00. Vo- |\M WEAVER Rochester-Utica Area ■raddf basement. .. _ $22,000 , basement, $18,900. Business Opportunities 99 - The Masters Touch C. PANGUS INC, REALTOR OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 30 M-15 Ortonvilh CALL COLLECT NA 7-2115 11-ACRE HORSE FARM •> 2 large HORSE FARM acres of rolling hills i SUNOCO SeibJHwMkBU Goods 69 PIECE . Station For Lease "BUSY, BUSY LOCAT Excellent back-room po * your own boss, earn tre capable of earning — SUN OIL COf table lamps; toys. 4*2-075. < u .'Vi "le'l'fiXia ■ • — 0" APT. GAS RANdn ........139.9* lead TV'S .............. *19.95 5w*et‘* Radio ond Appliance, Inc. 22 W. Huron 334-5477 21" TV, 30" GAS RANGE ' KENMORE ELECTRIC RANGE, WALTON BOULEVARpr 20' commercial frontage, n4w 31 ANTIQUE HANGING LAMP, CHINA ) Cabinet. -.Rounded - glass. Table I a mips, hand painfad. 4I" \round Pedestal claw feet table. Call aftor CLARENCE C. RIDGEWAY REALTOR 288 W. Walton 33*4096 Multiple Listing Service APARTMENT SIZE REFRIGBRA-(cellent running eonditinn.. Harris, FE 5-2766. BEAUTIFUL HOWELL 5-PIECE Sola Land Contracts iesf, 455; Inlaid leather cotta* table and drum table, <45 *a.; 2 mahogany end tables, $25 ea.; 2 and tabla lamps, *10 ea. 33*4073. Evas. FE 2-6319. BLOND MODERN bOUBLE BED- 1 TO 50 LAND CONTRACTS Sea us betora you deal. WARREN STOUT, Realtor 150 N. Opdyko Rd. FE 54165 Open Eves. 'HI I p.~ stead and 3 drawer chnt. Chest measures 36x19x31V? high. OR 4-2306. . BRONZE 6r CHROME DINETTE ACTION On your land contract, smell, cell Mr, Hllter, FI Broker, 3792 Elizabeth Lai Wanted Contracts-Mtg. 60-A V? cor garage. fine hardwood s beauty of this is off C. PANGUS INC., REALTOR OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 630 M15 Ortonvllle CALL COLLECT NA 7-3015___ Sale Business Property 57 MILTON WEAVER Inc., Realtors In too Village of Rochester II W. University_____________6514141 40' OF FRONTAGE, NEXT TO 290 falton Blvd. FE 04431. CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT — nry^sales and service building i. Lend contract will handle. Now CLEAN, ROOMY, VERSATILE -| located Income brick with l for your buslnatt. Con easily ^NATIONAL BUSINESS BROKERS_________FE 3-7141 51 HOME AND BUSINESS - 4 ACRES Zona commercial. With 3-bod room ranch home. Full besement. 3-car garage. Exc. for wood working canto*. Tax receipts excellent return on Irn______________ ventory as down payment. Option to buy property and buildings Included In lease. Cell Mr. Shields (collect) c« Carrlgan Quality Homos, Inc. at Flint CE 3-3165 9-5773 HAROLD R. FRANKS, Realty CEDAR ISLAND LAKE-FRONT Broom frame homo with 1-cor garage on 2 nice lake-front tots with over fa-acra of land, good " Now priced ot *9,500 with Everett Cummings, Realtor 2503 UNION LAKE ROAD EM 3-3201 2M41B11 KcATINGTON Beautiful toko-front and lake-privilege tots available. Plan to live In this beautiful new town In Orton Township. Modal* open 34 dolly, 114 (at. and Sun. HOWARD T. KEATING CO. 22060 W. 11 Mil* Rd. ----- _________ Ml 6-1234 LAKE-FRONT HOMES — NEW AND |H Dolly CO. EM 3-7114. Lake ft SYLVAN LAKE P9OTI modem kitchen, gas, , largo potto tor additional t on front of bouse. Prl d — only <19,000. Owner K. L. TEMPLETON, Realtor REALTOR 339 Orchard Lake Rd. 402-090 IN ION LAKE FRONT, 0 month per _______ fish, swim, - Bloch Bros., OR 3-1295. HlGHLAND-MILFORO minutes Pontiac, 100x150' tot, month, fake over payments. S pool, clubhouse facilities. Bl Bros. OR 3-1295, FE 44509. lots-Atraaga 5 ACRES - NEW LOW PRICE ON this small farmslfa, north of Clarkttan with payed fronts Now only *4,950 with easy Mr— 11V? ACRE* — Choice location bo- ftew Keatlngton development Woods and stream on property. Only (15400 with farms. Warren Stout Realtor 450 n. Opdyko Rd. ACRES, 1# ACRES ON BEST ROAD. BERT Charter, 4722 S. Lapeer Rd., Mtta- moro. 678-2554._____________ I ACRES FOR PRIVACY. PLEA- Investment. FE 2-2144. L. 14 VACANT LOtS School. Will trodo ’‘brewer real estate Wilt tom B. Mitchell, Sotos Mgr. , —--------- *“E 4-5 I ACRES OFF MILFORD Rb. <31,500. Terms. 3634703. 13V? ACRES — • Milford Rd. am tMvtsburg. Only $7,700 — Cat 363-77*0. LOT* - 25x110*. Only 0450 par tot. a par cant down. 36*470, HACKETT REALTY - 7750 Cooley Hg| BA Union Lake — Pontiac I Orchard Laht Rd. BUILDERS! 3? ACRES WITH lake Inslda Pontiac city ilrnltt, Walton Blvd. naar Joslyn. Will cap! land contracts, othar homas or mortgogso at port of J— payment, terms. *4400 par "CORNER l FHA *W- ________ STREET Clara. 94* (tent. *3601 proved. 628-1431. VILLA HOMES ____________6U-143* LOT 300X345 ON INDIANWOOb RD. lake prlvltogos. FE 44tt9B. NEAR BALDWIN AND WALOON RO. / 515' fiontojo, large w ad section. Only TOM REAGAN REAL ESTATE 2251 Opdyko *V 4 Suburban Acreage _ east Of Pino K Shopping Cantor on Oak P Road. Pino Knob Country < nearby. Walkging distance fa gr AL PAULY 4516 Dixie, Roar II fvts. OR 3-1700 WALTERS LAKE nie tamo ■ — »t «o : 1 TO 50 LAND CONTRACTS Urgently needed. See us b CHROME DINETTE SETS, ASSEM-ble yourself, save; 4 choirs, fablo <69.96 value, $29.95. Now 1967 designs, formica' tops. Michigan Fluorescent, 393 Orchard Lk. FE 44462.-33._____________________________ WARREN STOUT, Realtor 50 N. Opdyke Rd. FE 54165 ___ Open Eves. ___ CAST FOR LAND CONTRACTS. H. J. Van Welt. 4540 Dixie Hwy. OR 3-1355. CASH Don't lose that home, smallest possible discounts. Con Ask for Ted McCullough Sr. ARROW REALTY 5143 Cess-Ellzebeth Road Leslie R. Tripp, Realtor-Appraiser "E 54161 NEEDED-LAND CONTRACTS COMMERCIAL >n Orchard Lk. Rd:, op-N. Bloomfield High School OUR OFFICE SPECIALIZES land contract collections. FLOYD KENT, REALTOR !V? N, Saginaw FE 54105 673-1273 Multiple Listing Servlet l MS9 — HIGHLAND ROAD Largo overhang on this nearly UO'xStO'. Suitable fi FOR SALE OR LEASE , Pontiac Township near 1-75, cement block building 40‘x60* with office In front, ample parking. M59-HOSPITAL ROAD Includes corner and 1300' on M59. ASK FOR MR. WIPEMAN LOANS TO $1,000 Usually on first visit. Quick, Irk ly, helpful. FE 2-9026 . It the number to coll. OAKLAND LOAN CO. complete. $49.50 ai Furniture, 310 E. Pike. CLEANED OUT OUR CHINA CABI-- antique dishes for pressed glass, cut ...i lamps, cruets, old newspapers, pictures. Geographies, n off Cess-El Cass-Elizabeth, after DRYER, $40. ALSO STOVES AND refrigerators. Alt guaranteed. Michigan Appliance Co., 3202 Dixie Hwy. 6734011.___________________________ ELECTRIC STOVE, $25; MATCH- i ■IH washer and dryer set. *85: •In deluxe gas rang* *i Used Maytag washers — $59.95, apt. electric range <58.00, gas or electric stoves $15 up, good refrigerators $59, used furniture of oil kind* of bargain price*, easy terms. LITTLE JOE'S TRADE-IN DEPARTMENT. Baldwin at WOI-— FE 24842. FRlGIDAlif ELECTRIC RANGE1 30", excellent condition, 060. Coll FE 24460._______ 9:30 to S:30 — Sot. 9:30 to separately. Lot us show you. OAKLAND 8 KENNETT BATEMAN COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT 377 $. Telegraph Rood Weekdays 9-5 330-9641 i 1-3759 MULTIPLE tN vary good rental 11.........."2: I. 05,500 C VON HANDYMAN INVESTOR 2 stores In Davlsburg. Both with living quarters ond In need of — tensive rapalr. 1 building and -J *mm. ivm (town. Another building $1500 down on land Sab Clothing 682-5402 If busy 602-5000 Businas* Opportunities 59 E. E. SHINN REALTOR 3-acra frontage on U.S. present home at your < mont, excellent Winter mar business. Coll for 3324471. NEVER WORN-SIZE -1 Taring ajg| | "WIN WITH SHINN" EXTREMELY Nice PARTY STORE busy btohwoy an' BM neighborhood trodi oil ‘ husbend-wlf* 9 bought tor GEORGE IRWIN. REALTOR INSURANCE AGENCY WANTED Will consider partnership or i right purchase. Reply Pom Pros* Box 71. PARTRIDGE “IS THE BIRO TO SEE" PARTY STORE tot It what this prominent gene store In ttw horsey set at 100 price I 2-bed- Pork, barbecue, heated for ond your com* from the motel will mat mint gold mm WHI trad*. high promt If AMERICA'S NO. 1 Favorite and most popular year Mound eating It Ic* Cream. Tbit nationally franchised tab cream parlor Is somofhmg you wifi b* proud fo own and Optra!*. You wlTl b* pleased with the Mura, decor,|b*mi| ^profits. Only SI3.750 PARTRIDGE REAL ESTATE OPEN TIL 9:0* 1*50 W. Huron, FE 4-2W SENO POR FREE NEW CATALOG PARKING . .'tgC, » N. Pi'' easy *7,000 down and Act fast and you win Warden Realty LOANS $25 TO *1,000 COMMUNITY LOAN O !. LAWRENCE GE ELECTRIC DRYER, GOOD condition, <65. 334-1722. HAWIIAN ELECTRIC GUITAR, *25. LOANS TO $1,000 To consolidate bills Info one it ly poymont. Quick service ..... courteous experienced counselors. Credit Ilf* Insurance available — Stop In or phone PE 54121. HOME & AUTO LOAN CO. N. Perry St. FB 54121 9 to 5 dolly, Sat. fLto 11 HOT WATER HEATER, 30 GAL-‘ oil firad. All control* Includ-Good condition, S30. FE 2-42S1. HOUSEHOLD SPECIAL <20 A MONTH BUYS 3 ROOM* OP FURNITURE — Consists Of BAXTER B LIVINGSTONE t' FIBERGLASS INBOARD-OUT-board. 120 h.p. Trod* for smollor boot end toko over my contract. FE 54435. condition. 6254051 after 5. INOLEUM RUGS, MOST SIZES, 1349 up. Pearson's Furniture, 210 E. Pike St„ PE 4-71*1. MAHOGANY CORNER STEP TA-bto.^Mahiogany^ttep fable. .Both. I A Y T A 0 WRINGER WASHER URL'S SHORT SPRING JACKETS —1 white size I and 1 red size 10. OR 4-23*6. Rollini^ Furs, must sacrifice WINTER blouses; 332-7719. ADIES' tU*_7. MEDIUM BROWN DINING ROOM 2 Disc* contemporary design, oval fapto, china cabinet and 1 coir*.'' Cell Sun. OR 4-14M, may to* ft MOOERN LIMED OAK OINlUb ROOM TABLE, 4 choir*, buffet, 2 Piece sectional, 2 choirs, cock- DING GOWN, SIZE 14 OF MOVING, MUST SELL ALL HOUSE-hold furnishings, tools and wood *$ Wononoh Or, $d» HbnwIioM Qtfodt $5 V? WHAT YOU'D EXPECT TO PAY Brand New Furniture 3 Full Rooms $276 $2.50 PER WEEK Or, buy *i _-ZTERMS LITTLE JOE'S BARGAIN HOUSf 1441 Baldwin at Walton FE 2-6S42 Acres of Fra* Parking Open Evas. Til 9; Sot, 'til 4 - 36" STOVE, $25; DINETTE <25; refrigerator, *25; living S2S; i . *20; i ..., *65; china cabinet, ef, *15; table, chairs, nil_____ n sols, *40 up. M. C. Llppard, 1 MORE TIME BRAND NEW FURNITURE $278 (Good) $2.50 Weekly $378 (Better) $3.00 Weekly $478 (Best) $4.0Q Weekly NEW LIVING ROOM BARGAINS decor star lamp*, all tor $109. Only 01-50 weakly. NEW BEOROQM BARGAIN* *4>toc* (brand new) badroonr * "—"ter; bookcase b ’ lamps. All PEARSON'S FURNITURE ins L 5 piece dinette. i ttJt par week. Coll QA B4IH. Altar «»4n.__. . t PIECB OINING ROOM SET, OVAL fable, goad caramon. OR 3-7129. 9x12 Unohom Rugs w.89 Solid Vinyl Tlta:................It "Across From the Mall" Instent-on ov ^Coppertone on hjtofao Ivina room suite, 2 si ocktell table, 2 fabl* lamps ana l) 9'xi2* rug Included, lece bedroom sulfa with double Iressar, chest, full sll* bed with ig maWress and matching g and 2 vanity lamp*. .'•ssSta vtwrst t It igood at Wymon't. WYMAN FURNITURE CO. HURON FE 5-15m . ---* PE » _ _____ | MONTHS OLD GAS dryer, paid 9200, will sacrifice far 0100. 6 drawer walnut drassor *25. Wolnut chest, 4 drawer $15. MY 3-2707. table, lamps, kltchtn set, 4 chair*. Newly upholstered. TV, 1 phonographs — nood repair, mlsc. Items. PAIR CLUB LOUNGE CHAIR*, gray nylon; pr. whit* Chin* lamps; twin bad mattress and RATTAN 3 PifcCE SECTIONAL, 2 choirs, 2 tables, bookcass. <60. 3304305.___________- Ml 44250. tables, floor lamp. SINGER AUTOMATIC ZIG-ZAG Sowing machine — tows single or doubts needle, designs, overcasts, puttanhefas, etc. — modern cabinet — still under guarantee. Taka over payments of *7 PER MO. for I moo. or (56 cash bat. UNIVERSAL CO. FE 4-0905 ROTISSERIEt; 1 LARGE NEW, Brollqulk. lorn. Now SWING NEEDLE DIAl-MATIC Used 3 months, dial control, I mlng, design*, buttonholes, ■« your plain and fancy sewing. Must collect (4641 cam or pay, ments easily arranged. 60 manta’ guarantee, call Mr. RtaMrds at 363-3612. CERTIFIED SEWING C^TER SINGER DELUXE MODEL-PORTABLE Zlg logger. In sturdy cstrytatg case. Repossessed. Pay off *30 cash or poymonfa ef *5 PER MO. B yr- UnTvIrTaL CO. FE 4-0905 WYMAN'S USED BARGAIN STORE At our 1I W. pike Store Only • 1 ...771*1 SSS’SJT’rign tasks English ttB supper tat unueuot Iron, Ha ail wood v rr*ubu“ Sd^BSTotfW^ R. UL 2454*. ■ I D—12 THE PONTIAC PRESS, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1968 JM IU1 CHAIM. I ANTIQUE I SUITE. anfchlnt cabinet,’bestoffer. 4315 6AS STATION TYPE CASH REG- HdflWfct: FURNITURE, , bottle*, Bennington ANTIQUES MXKE CHERISHED gw*. Select yarn at the Shop of Antiquity. 77*4 Highland Rd. limn. CLEANED OUT OUR CHINA CABI-net* and ItM wmqu* dishes tor sale. China, pressed glass, cut is”------------------■ GOOD CONDITION 4' SKIS____________ poles, SI4. Size t double ski boots, like now, sit. I — ‘ - - track, 45 ft. hack, 2336 Carlos Drive. 0 EL TRAIN MOUNTED ON SxS a, manly artras, ML also chNr top maple desk, S5- 3*30426. LUSTERS, RED CRANBERRY WITH white milk glass overlay, S long cut glass prisms. Ilka now. *43 RTON AUTOMATIC IRONER ' electric roaster S5, 1 pr. wood S5 per pair, snow blade aladrtcML FE tm ■ ICE SKATES, SIZE 1, OM. BOY'S 5, 55.00. FE 6-3556. lock and Connecticut shell ck BswSBHn WUTVlMw < 3WAY MOTOROLA BUSINESS P dio, 4 mobile, 1 bass, good con tlon. FE 5-5115._ I, 120 S. Telegraph. PHILCO TV, NEEDS SOME Mjr. 653-1547. _________ IT'S INEXPENSIVE TO CLEAN rugs and upholstery' with Blue Lustre. Rant electric shampdper 51, Hudson's Hdwe„|41 E. Wsttto. T COMPLETE MOTOROLA, TV, FLOOR MODEL, m TV - FE 8-4567 SONY 200 STEREO TAPE RECORD-speakers. 513ft 625-3650. OSED RCA 2!" COLOR SET . 8175 Walton TV, FE 2-2257. Open 7* 515 E. Walton, comer of Joslyn ZENITH 21" COLOR TV a repo, but In exc. working condition May be had for unpaid bal. of 5351 Easy terms may be arranged.__ FRETTER'S WAREHOUSE OUTLET 150 S. Telegraph_________FE S-r for Sob Btohnw 47 H OFF ON SPECIAL BOXE Christmas cards, big selection, dl count on personalized Chrlstnu.. cards. Forbes Greeting Card Star* 4500 Dixie, Waterford. OR 3-7767. rxtr UNOLEUM RUGS 53.75 EACH Plastic weiltfle ic ea. Ceiling tlla — wall paneling, cheap. BAG Tile. FE 4-9757. 1075 W. Huron SO YDS. GOOD USED RED CAR-peting. 51 per yd. FE 4-1400 or OR 3-4044. 100,000 BTU GAS FIRED BOILER, SUMP dUMPS, SOUR repaired, exchanged, rented. 71 W. Sheffield_____________FE 5-4642 ADDING MACHINE, 525; TYPE-wrttor, 525; new Royal portable typewriter, 557.50; Elec, typewrit-or, 577JO; elec, cash register, 5125; ANNUAL SEWING MACHINE CHRISTMAS SPECIALS Singer and zlgaaggsr, little used ........*35-35 *7sr&°rr^:.'Tuu hr arranged RICHMAN BROS. SEWING CENTER 465 Elizabeth Lake Rd. Across from Pontiac Mall 3354203 Open 7:30 a.m. 'til 7:00 p.m. i Baldwin spinet mahogany piano, Montgomery Ward Ironer, 2 ends open. RCA hW, AM-FM Basement furniture sale December 7-10-11, hrs. 10-5 536 Sarstletd, Rochester, 552-1' Basement sale: antiques, vio-lln, dishes, rug, toys, f—1-mlsc. 10 Seminole. Dec. 7-1__ Basement sale, toys, dolls, clothes, etc. Frl. —11 CM ' I. 150 S.------- BATHROOM vanity cabinets- Cets (SWANS - DOLPHINS - BALLERINAS) prices to start 527.75. Michigan Fluorescent, 373 Orchard Lk„ FE 44442.—37. BRYANT OIL FURNACE AND lank. Williams conversion oil burner. Holland furnace blower. Gas dryer. Mlsc. farm machinery. '“ 2-5110. BUMPER POOL TABLE. EXCEL- COAL HEATERS, OIL BURNERS. Taylor, 402 Mt. Clemens St. COMPLETE BEDROOM SET. BED, chest, dresser, mirror, box sr-1— and mattress, 59936^ Comer chair* 55.M. 14 transistor pocket radio jvith 56.08. GE sp GE electric Many more , at bargain p 1771 RBMIatns COMPLETE Nl DIAMOND WEDDING RING SET, tSner— -------- - « 4-4115. DISHMASTER FAUCETS AT C DOG HOUSES INSULATED, chard Lake Ave. DUO • THERM SPACE HEATER with blower. Like — 4FH1M. feLECTROLOX VAQiUM 2 YEARS aid — excellent working condl“~' 545. 425-2451. _________ MHW LrtU|DATIgN..SAii: era Village Store. Entire sto substantial reductions. DecemL--th rough 15. Open deity and Friday *ltt *T 213 Commerce Rd. fiM| (URcKA CANISTER VACUUS JSX, Jfor THb Finost In Top-Quality Mirthandist Shop At , Montgomery Word Pontiac Moll K o bathtubs, toilets, Nr Sab Miscellaneous For S«h MisctltMtts 17 Nr Mo MAPLE BOOKCASE HEAD BED complete, Norge washer, au* Boy's Schwinn 10 speed, ilka n bike, household -end mlsc. Iter _____ ____(strings, round — hanging lamp, nokfley drip 1* and 12 mlsc. children's as4m. , ____________ MEW GREETING CARO STORE: ample parking. Greeting cards, personal statloneryl wedding an-nouncements, printed napkins, wrappings and gifts. Forbes Printing and Office Supplies, 4500 Dixie, Drayton, OR 3-7747. NECCHI ZIG-ZAGGER NORGE WASHER; SEARS CHORD PLUMBING BARGAINS. FREE Standing toilet, 114.75. 30-gallon heater, 547.75, 3-plece bath . sets 45741 .laundry tray, trim, mS; *41 Baldwin. FE 4-tSM. RUMMAGE SALE: 3714 7-5. Frl/Sat. 482-5152. Nr Sab MbcaNaaow HEATING OIV^ ,,M*0N 535-717: spREDSAtiK* pAIRTIl wAXwtdk Supply----------- J " TUFFED ANliftU WH, OlFTS, noyolMoo. Lap away i. Liberal r’“-2365 Dixie, OR 34474. Open 15 ***** MOTOR 577J0 IMP PUMP, GB MOTOR ralue, 527.75, marred, deep —will pumps, lerrffld_____________ n Fluorescent, 373 Orchard Michigan TALBOn LUMBER BPS house paint No. 212 54.75 gal BPS ranch MUM white No. 741 54.7S gel. i TT Cook-Dunn alum: root paint, 55JO gal. Oil baae Interior, 54.00 g«l. Mlsc. latex paint, 50 cents a at. Oakland pi 4- MBS ■.Jjfc LAWRBHCt ST. UP TO 20 PERCENT DISCOUNT _ Hee dertTch*?"" id°roi8-s»tbl „ . . . ling A Oftta Dixie, m WSHOULDER TYPE SEAT BELTS V|fASHED WIPING RAGS, 17 CENT ' 25 lb, boxes to 200 lb. bales Blvd. Supply 500 S. Blvd. E. FE 1-7051 Ftr Salt MiscellEiteBts 67 CMMme Trttt 67* W^LL||OAS HEATEN. WILD IN ATTRACTIVE PICTURE WINDOW Chrietmee jnei. bp 5* «* J#. discount EMM3 pStooihjntfta Scotch, lAnEHMa tad White Spruce. VmtiTM full follea*. 1Q9S Joslyn eTpirtt/st. Pontiac BEAUTIFUL DRAW BLANKETS, WELDW00D HEADQUARTERS ...C^Vr0N PLYWOOD 4112 W. Welten or 31711 ChrlH—» Twa» 67* l-A, FIRST-YEAR HARVEST TREES - select any tillv spruce trees all sizes, S3.75 md up. If w* don't have whet yaw went, w* will make them to pwett you. Large eatoc-tlon «f Christmas tree*. Scotch pint and Blw Spruce. Beret Produce Market, 2250 Dixie Hwy. CHRISTMAS TREES 3* FOOT TALL Choice SI Liberal Bill*, 3140 Dixie, OR 37474, open 10 a.m.-f p.m. CHRISTMAS TREES, YOU CHOOSE 02.50. 4121 Weldon Rd. Qarioton. fromjhq sturqp, S3 Out Mthebew from IS a/n. 'til dark. A-( CHRISTMAS TREES. SELECT now, cut your convenience. Lend- Commerce Village. 4130635. CHRISTMAS TREES, BEAUTIFUL bushy Scotch Pine, highly anaeM 45 cents to MJO. Delivered In truck loads. MflB Mt. Clemens, Michigen 4631542 or 443457*. CHRISTMAS TREES, CHOOSE A fresh on*' an the stump, scotch pin*. AN hand pruned. 3201 Lake George Rd/6S1-*»S or 651-0300. cut voueAbih TB«i.f-ir WiM Homes, Churches, Shopping Canton. EM ><514 p. m. 8QR RlglT^gfRWTMAS TRll PICK YOUR TREE ON THE stump. Bring the whole family. *1 and up. Alee bundlei ef pine boughs, a Miles N. of Pontiac. 14 1766 CHEVROLET IMPALA 2 DOOR hardtop, automatic and power. 52175 at SAVOIE CHEVROLET, Birmingham, Ml'4-2735. A FAMILY GIFT tor the sports minded WINTERFUN IN A T-BIRD SNOWMOBILE Close-out all '44 boats A motors PAUL A. YOUNG, Inc. Olxla Hwy. at Loon Lake tv Drayton Plains OR 44411 g Open Dally 7 a.m. to 4 p-m. 7 AKC REGISTERED BEAGLE PUPS I weeks, old. OR 3-5875.__ AKC POODLE PUPS- SILVER >N IDEAL "CHRISTMAS GIFT" A NEW OR USED CAR FROM BEATTIE A APRICOT* TOY POODLE PUPPIES. AKC. Will hold till Christmas. 3*3-2139. ___________________________ AT STACKER'S JNSPECT CENTURY-MALLARD-SAGS TAG-A-LONG Ado LIFETIME PREMIER MOTOR HOME f-1744 MODELS LEFT STACHLER TRAILER SALESv INC. 1 Highland (MS7) FE 2-4721 ton. and Tues.[7 a.m. to S p.m. Id. thru Fri. 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. i. to 5 p.m. "AVON CALLING"—FOR SERVICE In your home. FE 44437. ■ BEAUTY? economy? pricet Give Them e Used Car tram Russ Johnson Pontlac-Rambler On M24 In Orion MY 34244 3257 Seebaldt. Drayton Plains, I BE SANTA TO YOUR FAMILY. Give them a 14 hp. Fox Snowmobile. This Is an 11 day special only, Reg. 8875, we will tell for 5845. Evan's Equipment. 4507 Dixie Hwy. Clarkston. 425-1711.______ BRITTANY SPANIEL PUPS., AKC reg. flak) trial champion stock. Hold for Christmas. *25-3185. Buy Them o Home This CHRISTMAS Ray O'Neil Real Estate 3520 Pontiac Lake Rd. OR 4-2222 475 E. Maple B'Hem M CHRISTMAS GIFTS FOR THE FAMILV I Evlnrude Skeeter Snowmobiles, Northland skis. 1747 Larson boats. Inboards and outboards. HARRINGTON BOAT WORKS "Your Evlnrude Dealer*' I 1877 S. Telegraph__ 332-8033 COZY FOR A COUPLE Completely reconditioned 2 bedroom home, painted Inside and out, new bathroom fixtures, new light fixtures, new kitchen sink and cupboards. Its really pretty and Its on quiet secluded street overlooking Mandon Lake. Modestly priced at 510,250 on lond contract. HAGSTR0M, Realtor MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE 4700 W. Huron OR 44351 ________ 8030435__________ DETROIT-PONTIAC chief Set, e : DON’T GAMBLE WITH “ YOUR LIFE Rear Window OeFogger 52250 PONTIAC RETAIL STORE 45 Mt. Clemens St. FE 3-771 DIMING THE BUSY , CHRISTMAS RUSH EAT at the "BIG BOY' Telegraph and Huron Olxla Hwy. end Silver Lake Rd. "FAMILY FUN" PINTER'S •0 STARCRAFT BOATS, CAMPERS. SAILBOATS, JOHNSON MOTORS, CARVER SEA-SKIFFS, SKI IS, ALL MARINE ACCESS. . Lay-AWay — Ample Perking FUN FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILV ANOERSOfTMLE* V'IeRViSe' 5 1*45 S. Telegraph FE 37102 FOR BOYS AND GIRLS AND furniture and mlsc. household Items. We have them lust tor you. HALL'S AUCTION SALES 705 W. Clarkston Rd. Lake Orion MY 31571 or MY 34141 FOR YOU AND Y0URSI Acreage Homesites 1.10 ACRES. 200* road frontage, 1 jg|M|§gfjfi||-‘ of Clarkston. 54,700 L7 ACRES. 36V road frontage. 114 mile northwest of Clarkston. 53,700, terms. Clarkston Real Estate *45 S. Mein._____________MA 5-5421 GRINNELL'S (Downtown) 27 S. Saginaw FOR THB "SPORTS MINDED" Be sure to visit our Sports Display Department FREE-BEAUTIFUL Scotch Pine Christmas Tree With purthan of SIS or more SNOWMOBILES FOX, SKI-DOO, SKI-DADDLB Nimrod Camp Trailers Ice skates, hockey sticks. M^NE PINE AND SPORTING GOODS mercury-mercruis'Ir DEALER CRUISE-OUT, INC. 43 E. Walton FE 33302 Dally 7 to 4 Specials on boats, motors and trailers. Lay-e-way now tor big saving^! Take M-57 to W. Highland. Right on Hickory Ridge Rd. to Demode Rd. Left end follow signs to DAWSON'S SALES AT TIPSICO LAKE. GIVE WARD'S GIFT CERTIFICATE For Christmas This year open 7:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. dally Get That Second Car Mansfield Auto Sales Many sharp car* to choose from 1104Boldwin FES-5900 GLAMORIZE Your dog for the holiday tea-son. Poodles, Spaniels, and Terriers. Groomed and trimmed, 473 H.N.P.S. Hank Newman Plays Santa et Spartan. Get a second car for the family. 155 Oakland Ave. FE 3 4520._________■ ________ ICE SKATES, SPORTING GOODS, new and used, we buy, sell, trade, Bimes-Kargraves Hardware, 741 Make it a Family Gift I MADOY LANE-KEEGO _ Beautiful canal lot—full price $4,131 JACK LOVELAND 1100 Cast Lake Rd 052-1255 MAKE EVERY DAY YOUR HOLIDAY With a WOLVERINE CAMPER. Lowry Camper Sales, 1325 S. Hospital Road, Union Lake. I__________EM 33451.________ MAKE THE FAMILY HAPPY CHRISTMAS SPECIAL 1745 GTO. 4 speeds, red, sharp 513* dn. j, KEEGO PONTIAC 2051 Orchard Lake Rd. *533400 eau. ..akc toui* puppies. 414 weeks old. OR 3-45*1. NOW'S THE TIME TO BUY! And Ivan W. Schram it the PECT FOR THB . I 1963 CHEVY II STATION WAGON A sharp wagon and priced rW ROSE RAMBLER-JEEP EM 341SS EM 3415* PIONEER CAMPER SALES , BARTH TRAILERS S CAMPERS < TRAVEL QUEEN CAMPERS MERIT FIBERGLAS COVERS 1 ALSO OVERLAND * COLEMAN 3071 west Murwi FE 2-3757 REPOSSESSED-NEW GE Portable TV Sets 5US PER WEEK Goodyear Service Store 1370 Wide Track Dr., West Pontiac SIAMESE KITTENS CFA registered seal A Blue show A pot type, house r with children and dope, fron tarnationslly known Han' tity, Will hr1 --------- REPOSSESSED GE STEREO 52.25 PER WEEK Goodyear Service Store 1370 Wide Track Dr., West ----"fHd ra""*C GREATEST GIFT'* IS A BIBLE Christian Literature Sale* Oakland Aue.________FE44571 TAKE THE FAMILY OUT FOR THE SHELTON P0NTIAC-BUICK 855 S. Rochester Rd. 451-5500 tHgkE'S A "R O C K E T" F O R EVERY POCKET THIS CHRISTMAS DOWNEY OLDS, INC 550 Oakland A vs._FE 24101 THE RIGHT GIFT For a life time of family pleasure — see and hear the new Lowrty Organs. You play right away. 2 GALLAGHER'S MUSIC CO. 1710 S. Telegraph FE 44544 Royal Oak Store 4N4d||w|||M YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING HAS NEVER BEEN EASIER "OK" Used Cart are perfect MATTHEWS-HARGREAVES 431 Oakland Ave. FE 4-4547 [GIFTS FOR SON 743 CORVETTE STINO RAY black finish and standard transmission. 51745 at SAVOIE CHEV-ROLET, Birmingham, Ml 43725. 4 SMALL HARLEY-DAVISON, i for you no bov 5175 or hast r. 6744233. _____CONN PIANO OR CONN ORGAN FOR CHRISTMAS BETTERLY MUSIC Ml *4001 BEATTIE FOR HIS CAR GIVE SPECIAL CHRISTMAS GIFTS Outside mirror ...........MSS Visor vanity mirror ......*1.53 PONTIAC RETAIL STORE 05 Mt. Clement St. FE 377M H.N.P.S. Hank Newman play* Spartan. Get your ten' Looking for that first car for a Son? Make that last trip to Birmingham's FISCHER BUICK 554 S. WOODWARD Home of Doubb Check Quality Used Cars New Holiday Shipment of Musical Goods just arrived. PONTIAC MUSIC & SOUND SHI W. Huron_______Pontiac, Mich. suan6 cycles socc-isocc. ruff MtniMke* at tow at 5127.75. Take MS7 to W. Highland. Right on Hickory RMgt Rd. to Demode Rd. Left end follow Signs to DAWSON'S SALES AT TIPSICO LAKE. Phone MAIn 73177._____________ Pontiac Press WANT ADS . ARE FAMOUS FOR "ACTION" 1744 CHEVROLET IMPALA 4 DOOR hardtop. Automatic, power, sir conditioned. *2245 at SAVOIE CHEV-ROLET, Birmingham, Ml 32735. NEW CONN PIANO OR CONN ORGAN FOR CHRISTMAS BETTERLY MUSIC Ml 6-8002 AN IDEAL "CHRISTMAS GIFT" A NEW OR USED CAR FROM BEATTIE BEAUTY: ECONOMY PRICE7 Give him a used car from Russ Johnson Pontlac-Rambler m M24 In Orion "" * FINE CHRISTMAS GIFTS ARE USEO CARS FROM STATE WIDE AUTO OUTLET 3400 Elizabeth Lake Rd. FE 4-5747 FOR HIM TO FIX UP H4S CAR Touch up pencils, colors to match any finish or car ........51-00 PONTIAC RETAIL STORE 45 Mt. Clement For HIS Most Exciting Christmas Ever—' SNOW BLOWER 524540 Outboard Atotor 5141,.00 Lewnmower t 70.00 Lawn Tractor $430.00 Chain Saw SUMS H0UGHTENS POWER CENTER 112 W. University 451-7010 GOT A CLANKY CLUNKER Mako It run smooth at ntwl Give him a holiday tune-up special. Stop by and pick up nil gift certificate from: JIM AND HAROLDS "tune-up specialists'* 660 W. Huron FE 8-2030 HERE IS A MIGHTY GOOD GIFT tor Christmas. A new McCulloch chain saw. Model ‘' edAeMItoA bar and chain. C It everywhere, i KING BROS. MAKE YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING LAST ALL YEAR With an "OK" Used Car from MATTHEWS-HARGREAVES 31 Oekland Ave.___FE 4-4547 McComb CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH IMPERIAL SUGGESTIONS! GIVE GOLF equipment tor Christmas. 4731430. THERE'S A "ROCKBT" FOR EVERY POCKET THIS CHRISTMAS DOWNEY OLDS, INC. 550 Oakland Ave. FE 30101 .... CHEVELLE 2 DOOR HARD-top. I cylinder end automatic, power steering. 51475 et SAVOIE CHEVROLET, Birmingham, Ml CHRISTMAS SPECIALS .uggage and utility ....54.45 ■trk and Brake ........ 54.60 PONTIAC RETAIL STORE FE 377S4 HARO TO PLEASE? KESSLER'S your family e trailer hitch tor hit car, priced from 51.75. PONTIAC RETAIL STORE 45 Mt. Clemens «t. FE 37754 MAKE GOLF MORE PUN FOR HIM *s or electric golf car. Easy 1---- GOLF CAR OIST., INC. *2 5. SegBiew_____________FE 44SH fGIFTS FOR ALL 17*2 CHEVROLET STATION WAG- GIVE WARD'S GIFT CERTIFICATE Per Christmas This Year MONTGOMERY WARD The Mall apen7:l*------- H.N.P5. Hank Newman plays Sant* at Ken, Get a second *— **— r *** • OODLES OF STOCKING STUFFERS PONTIAC Store. Anything y ' Is In stock. RETAIL STORE Clemens St. FE 37754 Front Roar .......... .......... S7.20 PONTIAC RETAIL STORE 45 Mt. Clemens St. FE 37754 Hi dl m [GIFTS FOR MOTHER 1744 PONTIAC VENTURA 1 DOOR hardtop. Automatic transmission, . power steering and brakes, radio, heater, whitewalls. SI 375 et sa- VOIE CHEVROLET ------------- Ml 4-2735. 1744 DRESS MAKER ZIG-ZAG, brand new, no attachments needed. Guaranteed. $57.50. Update her pkl machine with attachments from our wide as- BETTERLY MUSIC A USED CAR MAKES AN EXCELLENT CHRISTMAS GIFT STATE WIDE AUTO OUTLET 400 Elizabeth Lk. Rd. FE 4-5747 an iucal LriKie i wiAa eti A NEW OR USED CAR FR( BEATTIE BEAUTY? ECONOMY? PRICET BUSY SHOPPING? 1302 W. Huron FOR HER CAR GIVE Car clock ........... ...*10.10 Car compass (dtsh) ......* 4.75 PONTIAC RETAIL STORE Give "Mom" Carpeting (INSTALLED BY CHRISTMAS) A-l CARPET SALES 4770 Dixie Hwy.________4731277 H.N.P.S. Hank Newman plays Sant* at Spartan. Get her a sparkling car of her own. 155 Oakland Ave. MAKE IT A JOYFUL CHRISTMAS WITH A New or Used Car from PONTIAC RETAIL STORE 45 Mt. Clement St. , FE 37754 NEW 3 PIECE MATCHING END "THE GREATEST GIFT' IS A BIBLE Christian Literature Sale* 55 Oakland Ave.________FE 47571 TRADE UP FOR CHRISTMAS LLOYD'S Treat Mom To Her Own Car W* have 40 top grade/ reedy t Lloyd Motors GIFTS FOR DAUGHTER l-A BARBIE, FRANCIE, SKIPPER complete wardrobes, 54, Ml 7-3364. 1760 CORVAIR 4 DOOR WITH AU-lomatlc transmission, radio, heeler. 53*5. SAVOIE CHEVROLET, Birmingham, Ml 4d7M. ZIG-ZAG, Update ”li attach men: 4 DRESS MAKER BEATTIE FOR HER CAR eilHr^ SPECIAL CHRISTMAS GIFTS Remote control mirror ....511.4! Inside Hit miner ........$5.55 PONTIAC RETAIL STORE *5 Mt, CHmens St. FE 3-7754 H.N.P.S. Hank Newman plays Santa el Spartan. Give her a car far school. *55 Oakland Ave. FE 34SB5. LESS THAN 550 Universal Sewing Centers 1415 Dixie Hwy.____________FE 4-0105 WIGS-WIGLETS Assorted gifts tor "HER" Randall Beauty Shoppe » Wayne____________FE 31424 .. EMERSON COLORED TV 0377.75 WALTON TV FE 32257 Open 7-7 515 E. Walton, corner of Joslyn CARPENTRY, REC ROOMS, K1TCH-ens, free estimates. Phil Kilt, 152-1337. COMPLETE REMODELING Service Quality work since 1745 Now Is the best tiros to plan or remodel—prices art lowest I Additions—recreation rooms attic rooms—aluminum storm 15 N. Sag! Free estii E 2-1211 COMPLETE MODERNIZATION, AD-ditlons, etc. Earl Kline, Bldr. OR 3-1726 Days. OR 3-3152 Eves. CERAMIC TILE INSTALLED. FREE Est. ASH Sales. OR 30343. AAA 31501. EXCITING NEW THOAAAS ORGAN, prices starting at MTS. Also.Incomparable Wurlltzer TOTAL-Tone .organs $775 tip. Wurlltzer and during tfw Open dally 7:337:30 JACK HAGAN MUSIC CENTERS 46? Elizabeth Lk. Rd. P 332-0500 0172 Coolty Lk. Rd. _______________343-4300 OIL PAINTING BY I. COTCHtR. Reasonable. 682-6480,______________ REPOSSESSED NORGE GAS RANGE 01.75 PER WEEK. Goodyear Service Store Everything to meet yi Clothing, Fumltoro, A ... SETTLE FOR LESS GET OUR BEST SOLID VINYL SIDING SHERRIFF GOSLIN______3#M GIFTS FOR CHILDREN 1742 CHEVY 11, 2 DOOR, 4 CYLIN- SANTA RECOMMENDS Horses end ponies tor Christmas Terms available DOUBLE D RANCH __________4737457_________ wm GIFTS FOR VOIE CHEVROLET, Birmingham, MAPLE LEAF DAIRY Exclusively Farm Maid Dairy Products . Howard__________FE 4-2547 SAVE 10 PER CENT on all welkins Holiday spices EMniMt varaHM. WATKINS QUALITY PRODUCTS 55 SIFTS It WIFI A NEW OR USED CAR FM BEATTIE A GIFT CERTIFICATE A___________ chicken, seafood, rib*.- Country Chef. 454 w.wurew. FE 3*201 'THE MOATESt GIFT" IS A BIBLE . Christian Literature Igtot SS Oakland Ave. FE 4-7571 PINf, YOUR CHOICE, 82.50. —ad up, Cut your ovr ____________il Rd. 483087. SCOTCH PINE, 5143. SELECT, CkJ later, 4720 Belton off Smhehai OR 35147. KING BR06. FE 4-1442 FE 30734 Pontiac Rd. lust east et Opdyk* ROAD. RACE SET. .2 WALKIE- UNCIRCULATED SILVER DOLLARS 42.00. Yaihica 35mm Camera end case. Ilk* new 545.90. UHP-TV converter 915.09. 4737009. I Tools—Machinery 6t m HORSE POWER AIR COMPRESSOR Kertk Way veto* seat Insert tool, 12 ton hydraulic press, Sunnen Wet Hon*. Zuck Machine Shop. 21 Hood St. Pontiac, eft Rundo?| St. Blvd. Supply 67* CHRISTMAS TRIES apples from *1.50 bu. Sweet Oder. Oakland Orchards, SOOBJLH-merct Rd., 1 mi. east of Milford. Slid ditty. - CUT YOUR OWN) Christmas tree. Finer fir, spruce. *0,900 to choose tram at Ufl N. Gamer Rd., 2 miles west of MIL PINE; Tr|eS^jYOU CUT, ~V50r Oil. 6-RACK GUN CASE, *45 Cell, T'" 22 AUWMflATK wftH SCOPE ANO ------------! Remington Ifle. 810; 20 tripod, *20. sling, *70; 3 r telescope * KC APRICOT TOY POODLES, also driftwood coffee table *• 4700 FWaot, Fenttoc. . Bennlngtor e. 672-0602. CROCHETED AFGHANS 1.0. RAILROAD, COMPLETE WITH 150 ft. ef track, switches, power packs, controllers, rolling stock, engine, and teanlce. Over mm invested—sacrifice 0150. 673391? aft- train*—FE 31440. DYNAMOMETER k and car chassis type, Clay-Model c-150, flush floor mount-lood operating condition. Quern It 5750. Cabinet and meter* Courts - Soroka 7 fALZ 35MM CAMERA, 7 ELI merrt^ tl^^ene, 1-500 sec., rang *60. Enleriitr and developing ii 520. 6533CT._____________ £ Musical Goods AMPEG, FENDER, GIBSON Gutters, amps, drums, cornets, Trumpets, Trombones, Saxophones, clarinets, flutes, new, used, bargains. Peoples. FE 34235._____________ ' Thome* Organs and Pianos. JACK HAGAN MUSIC 447 Elizabeth Lake Rd. 3330500 U| Cooley Lake Rd. 3435500 CHRISTMAS SPECIALS HHHMHMHRIlIRPrnFGi Baldwin 72, Walnut, mpdim *1150 Baldwin Chapel OrgeiTT.. 5 550 NeW Story and Clerk Spinet Organ (lust arrived) . S STS Used Lowrey Holiday . $475 Leslie Speilwrt .. SITOup Combo Organs from (Bench and Smiley B *r, M nou Baldwin A klmbell Petit* Grand (47") .............. TERMS i) $12^5 GUITARS Oan-electro 1 pick up ...............411? no Dan electro, electric bate ................,$UM M Stellas, reinforced steelneck Smiley Bros. Music Co. (prev. CaM Co.) ' ll? N. Saginaw — Pontiac FE 5-8222 FE 44728 ELECTRONIC...CONSOL* 646r6 organ and Maanut, 3337M7. ELECTRIC FLAYER PIANO, —aome repetrs, reasw *74 ~ ~ EXPERT PIANO MOVIN0 PIANOS WANTED Bob'* Yaw Service 34 GIBSON GUITAR J-4S, C wSi tkin. OR 31134. HAMMOND ORGAN, B-3 MODEL, —1* speaker. 5BM »lbreti» trem- , Md percuss loin, 4235*47. | IN TIME POR CHRISTMAS PIANOS . studios. Out they i m*ny dollert. S uted pianos at bargain prices. From MM. Buy jffi **^«j«tr*eh edUrs ;THV CHEVELLE STATION, iNUb 4 DOOR S cylinder, stick, 1(A*e miias. am. , Ing SIMA 411-1470. 1045 CHEVROLET IMPALA CON- (30-301 "g?* OUl" J4t§ ' thotounl |||Mj ^ J«t Rifle) hi Wesson pistols.%*ar ana Browning archery hunting and target eqelpment. Gun repairing, scope*, mounting. Browning hunting shoe* for men and women. All sixes. Complete selection of shells. .Tropic*) flaw „„ supplies, Christmas special*. MANCHESTER" |HiP#tn, Wlti. hold tor Santa. 30-1174. MINIATURE DACHSHUND elei, ARC igAtf—------ 1 red female, each. OR---- MIXED SHBLtlE PUPS, $10. wk. old Samovad pups ready tor Christmas, ARC Sheltia and Sa- NEED HOME FOR BLACK AND Wife kittens — 4 mo*, also 1 Whit* gray Tom. Litter trained — 5V GUNS—WO W. Huron—FE 4-7451 GENE'S ARCHERY. 714 W. HURON COLT Jtt W^TUliE, SINGLE AC-lion. FE >**». PERSIAN KITTENS. LOTlTmi Highland Rd„ War* Trailer Park. POODLES - TINY TOY FEMALES, apricot and black. Rochester 451- POODLES, TINY TOY PUPPIES— GOLF CARTS, $410 VALUE, SIM LIKE NEW SEARS AUTOMATIC 12 gauge, ventilated rib, poly choke, I ■T. Old. $100. FE 5-5430. POODLE FUPS, MINI-TC Ing, must sell, hold till 434-3107 or 358-3052. NEW GOLF EQUIPMENT, BALLS, Shoe* and Club ■■>*- rlauaut price*. OR 34)177. NEW ■ iOLT COMMANDER PIS-tol 45 caliber automatic, weight. 343-7002. SNOWMOBILE HEADQUARTERS FREE $130 snowmobile trailer with purchase of new 1047 Johnson Ska*-Horse at regull ■top the Bod ..../mobile dt_. .. ... Trailer afterraM through Dec. 10th. BILL COL-LER, Camping and Marine Sup-plies. 1 mile —1 — SCOTTIE PUPS, TERMS. 4 WEEKS “ ,J - 'l, FE 8-0800. T & R CAMPER N — HOP Auburn Rd. SIBERIAN HUSKIE AKC PUPPIES, champion sired, 4 weeks, black and white. Novi, 4738521. SIAMESE KITTENS—REGISTERED 435-3011 SIBERIAN HUSKIE, $100. Snowmobiles See the new T-BIRD Close-out ‘44 boats and motors PAUL A. YOUNG, INC. Dixie Hwy. et Loon LaOco Drayton Plains OR 4441 -Open Dally f a.m. to 4 p.m. SKIDOO'S GUNS-CAMPERS CRUISE-OUT, INC. 43 Walton Dally M p.m. FE 0-441 GOOD RICH TOPSOIL AND BLACK dirt. Pel. FE 44500. PONTIAC LAKE BUILDERS SUP-ply. Send, gravel, "" 3-1534. SAND, GRAVEL FILL DIRT I llvered. Excavating, FE 3-7547. WANTED: CLEAN FILL DIRT F lot, give cost estimate, ask Mr. French, FE 4-3531 or after FE S-4130. Wood-Cotl-Coke-Ftsl DRY OAK SLAB WOOD, 1 $35 cord, 130 delivered. 3434347 Ptts—HEttflitf Dogs........ t A CHIHUAHUA FUPS, AKC, levellebtoChrlatme*. FE 3-t45t. 1-AKC DACHSHUND PUPS. STUDS E stolhalm'a — FE SMS*.________ i-A Po6cO CLIPPING, S3-up. aeO Sarasota. FE S4S40-1—A GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPS. FE 3-1450. 1-A POOOLE TRIM, SHAMPOOS, reasonable. 425-2475. I-A/S-J -ike bACHSHUNO pups Terms. JAHEIM'S Kennels. FE $-853$ 1 AKC MINIATURE POOOLE, white, $S0. FE 5-4774.___ 3 TOY APRICOT POODLES, FE-meles - 47X001. HOME AQUARIUM , 0 wks. < MASSEY-FERGUSON Snow blowon, blades. Hr* ct and garden tractors. Pony c KING BROS. FE 4-1443 FE 4-TOS4 Pontiac Rd. lust salt of Opdyfco T TERRIER PUPS, *5. 1046-1047 TRUCK CAMPERS AND frivol trailers, on display — some will be heated every Saturday end Sunday during Dtcemberl Wo carry: STREAMLINES. FRANKLINS, CREES, FANS, and MONITORS In travel traitors, also carry: Crass, Franklins, and Mackinaws Truck Campers. Come on out this week to Holly Travel Coach, 15310 Holly Rd., Holly. 3^334.C E 44771. Wally Byam''» exciting caravans). BOOTH CAMPER Aluminum covers and campers lor any pickup. 4347 LaForest, water-' ORt-r COACHMEN AT JOHNSON'S FE 4-S453 FE 44410 517 E. Walton HOWLAND SALES AND RENTALS. Pickup campers and covert. end Drawtite hitches. 3355 Hwy. OR 3-1454. ______ COLLIES FOR! all ages — 835 ujj^—<%mal S. 425-4331. PICKUP TRUCK CAMPERS - SEE the new 1*47 DeMtey. — and Tour-A-Home pick OR 3-3481. _ / TERRIER - FOX TERRIER pups, ideal for'gift. Shots. Wig hold. Hutchings, 1434 Medley, off Oakwood, Ortonvllle. 437-**** : FOX TERRIER PUPPIES, AKC teglttorod, 330-3347. ANTIQUES AUCTION SATURDAY Doc. 10. Blue Bird Auction, 14053 Dixit Hwy. 4:30 p.m. Furnlturo, china, art glass, docks, primitives, - C«ll 437-51*3. AUCTION PUBLIC AUOION Sat., Dec. 10, 7 P.M. eattod ...... sin stove *1 couch and chair > new dlnetto i maple single bed < new hot water heater phonog SwKeet trailer ck v hair dryer rge quantity ef Imported I et tho good guys 'at Auctionland vhere the action Is. 0 Crescent Lk. Rd WOLVERINE TRUCK CAMPERS ad slaapara. New and used. $3*5 ». Alto rentals. Jacks, Intercoms, ilescoping, bumpers, laddars, ickt. Lowry Camper Sales, 1335 . Hospital Road. Union Lako. M 3-3481. Spare tire carriers. YOUR APACHF OEAI.BR EVAN'S EQUIPMENT 4507 Dixie Hwv., Clarkston __________435-1711___________ EARLY CHRISTMAS CLEARANCE AUCTIONS FRI. DEC. *, 7:10 P.M." SAT. DEC. 10, 7:30 P.M. SUN. DEC. 1L 3:3$ P.M. NEW AND USED FURNITURE AND GUARANTEED APPLIANCES Toys, dolls, bicycles, tricycles, wagons, games, dishes, rocking chairs, Christmas lights, docks, watches, radios, TVs, clodiic rr~-Ing machines, typewriters, bis ett, groceries, candles, antiques, coal vwiod stoves. Thousands of other articles EVERY FRIDAY EVERY SATURDAY EVERY jUNOAT •saw Trade, Retell 7 day Consignments Welcome f BEAGLE FtiPi WILL MOLO r -------,.« «,t. or sun. f&ONTHS I bleck, t lull grown. owIbs. t sfaR- C QUALITY BRED BLOCK MIN-loture poodles, tuit M *£..* louod bnetor Christmas. OR 34401. SATURDAY, 6 P.M. Stoves, refrigerators, wringer I the he * tor * DECEMBER Transportation Specials BUY HERE-PAY HERE No Application Refused 1*5* CHEVY 341 engine $2*7 .... —-----— $297 -- ran *3.051 1*43 CHEVY 3 4 DOOR ...... HP tomeflc. *5*5 at MIKE SAVOIE CHEVROLET Birmingham Ml 4-3735,_____;________________ *43 CHEVY 4 AUTOMATIC, 41400 ml.. 1450. Off 44330._____ 1*43 CHEVROLET BEL AIR STA-tlon wagon * passenger 0 cylinder, automatic, power steering. $**S at MIKE SAVOIE CHEVROLET Birmingham Ml 4-3735._______|_____ H963 CHEVY II, STATION WAGON A sharp cor and priced to sell. ROSE RAMBLER-JEEP EM 3-4155 or EM 3-4154 Su'd'MIKE SAVOIE'CHEVRON LET, Birmingham, Ml ~ — Hr, automatic, radio, $715 MIKE SAVOIE CHEVROLET, Bir-mlngham, Ml 4*2735. 1963 CHEVY, IMPALA 4 - DOOR (&Rvifft CONVERTIBLE, ■~m. *1945 at MIKE SAVOIE E V R 01L E T Birmingham Ml 1*45 CHEVROLET IMPALA 4000R YOU'LL SAVE plenty at tho greatest wad car sale In our history. LLOYD MOTORS 1350 OAKLAND 1*45 i CHEVROLET IMPALA CON-vWtlble, Radio, Heitor, Power steering, Power Brakes. Better Hurryl Only S14»l BOB BORST lincoln-Mercury 520 S. WOODWARD, BIRMINGHAM 444-453* 1*43 CHEVROLET 9-PASSENGER station wagon, red. $1*5 at MIKE SAVOIE CHEVROLET. Blrmlng- (3.05 VOIE CHEVROLET, Birmingham, Sport VI, automatic, i bucket seats. Low we payments. Full b a I 1*43 FALCON RANCHERO PICKUP. 1-$4*5 at MIKE SAVOIE CHEVRO-LET, SlrmtnBhom. Ml 4-3715. f 1*44 CHEVY, W TON, 4 CYLINDER, Kar s Boats t Motors, i). MY 3-1400. Open wai Snow Mobiles ’ EVINRUDE SKEETER IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Lake & Sea Marine 345 So. Blvd. E.___FE 44507 TONY'S MARINE FOR JOHNSON —-x*. boots, end eenoos, 482-3440. pickup. Celt 334-3154.___________ 1*44 CHEVY Vk-TON, S' BOX, ALL 343 *405, after 5 --------- - FE 0-9445. ........... 1*44 GMC V4 M-PICKUP," 4-SPEfeD HO springs, excellant, 483-158*. FORD PICKUP RADIO, well*. 402-4441.__________ EXCELLENT CONDITION, NO DOWN PAYMENT SMALL WEEKLY PAYMENTS IMMEDIATE DELIVERY MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM WE HANDLE AND ARRANGE ALL FINANCING CALL MR. DAN AT FE 8-4071 Capitol Auto 1*44 C ""PE VJ imar olid.. ______________ _______ ______ ______ *20*5 I 1*44 FORD COUNTRY SEDAN V-0 automatic, power steering, power brakes, luggage rack .. . *20*5 SMALL WEEKLY PAYMENTS 144 PLYMOUTH FURY III 4 door sedan, tlr conditioning, V-S, autobrakes ...... ............... $20*5 . Taylor's Chevrolet-Olds 424-4501________________Walled lake *44 CHEVROLET CAPRICE STA-tlon Wagon *-passengtr, automatic, power. $35*5 at MIKE SAVOIE CHEVROLET, 2735. 1*44 CHEVY, IMPALA 2 - DOOR hardtop, automatic with power, Sir-445 at MIKE SAVOIE CHEVRO- LET, Birmingham, “* ' ______ 1*44 MONZA CONVERTIBLE, WITH automatic transmission, $10*5 at MIKE SAVOIE CHEVROLET, Bir- mlnghom. Ml 4-2735._____________ 1*44 MONZA 3 DOOR RADIO, $**5 at MIKE SAVOIE CHEVROLET Birmingham *** UM 1*44 CHEVY, IMPALA, CONVERTI-ble, automatic, power, *31*5 at MIKE SAVOIE CHEVROLET, Blr- mlngham, Ml 4-37S5._________ 1*44 CHEVROLET IMPALA 4 DOOR hardtop. Power, vinyl roof, factory warranty. Full price $23*5 at MIKE SAVOIE CHEVROLET Blr-mlngham Ml 4-2735. 1*44 CORVAIR. 500. 3-DOOR HARD-' 3-speed. 5000 mi. (15*S. Fin-; Auto Silas. 5*3 Oakland. FE M) V-0 4 $15*5 Crissman Chevrolet ■ ~ > et South Htm^ ^ I CHEVY PICKUP. W TONf ' fleetslde. Heavy duty chi ear iprlngs. Radio, deluxe h r. 814*5. 428-2004. 0 IS 1*40 CHEVY, IMPALA, CONVERTI- HAROLD TURNER FORDfINC. 444 S. WOODWARD AVE. BIRMINGHAM_Ml 4-7500 Wanted Can • Tracks II EXTRA EXTRA Dollars Paid FOR THAT EXTRA Sharp Car th t tho bosrClt **’* r***' Averill ..$4 CHIVY Vi ton pickup VI, stick, 4,006 miles, custom S1»*S AL HAN0UTE, INC. - CHEVY — BUICK -On M34 Orion MY 2-3411 1*44 GMC CUSTOM SUBURBAN. 351 V4. 4 speed mpnual transmission. ----er br*kts. Power steering. ry^duty «|u|pm*nt tor trailer 1*45 VOLKSWAGEN.......... radio, 11,1*0 at MIKE SAVOIE CHEVROLET, Birmingham M| tr SPORTCRAFT PICKUP SLEEPERS. Stronger welded tubutor frajtie. Lined and Insulated ..W5 10 Foley. Wptortord 473-7043 S0JJTH BOUND? r Layton's TRAVEL WITH THESE QUALITY LINES— Luxury In a BOLES AERO, 10-35’ FROLIC, 14-24'—BEE LINE, 13-34* YUKON DELTA, 17-24' "THE RED BARN" Jacobson Trailer Sales I Williams Lake Rd. OR 3-5*01 MONEY Paid For Sharp Cars notd hundreds of sharp cars i fill eut-etata orders, and to steeply tot, that to a lull city block lnGALE McANNALLY'S Auto Sales STOP HERE LAST to pay more for sharp. Iota mo I cars. Corvettes needed. M&M MOTOR SALES Now at our now location 1150 Oakland at Viaduct 33M341 1967 GMC i-Ton Pickup Heater, defrosters, backup lights, seat belts, 2-speed wipers, washers, padded dash and visor, traffic hazard lights, directional signals, inside rear-view mirror. $1828 including all taxes PONTIAC'S ONLY EXCLUSIVE TRUCK DEALER GMC Factory Branch Oakland at Cass FE 5-9485 Alabama Buyer Needi alt makes and models, h ast buyer in midwest. Bring y title. "It only takoa a minute" to Get "A BETTER DEAL" it: John McAuliffe Ford 30 Oakland Ave.______FE 5-4)01 1966 MOBILE HOMES Display Clearance ALL MUST GO 12'x6»' 0400 down For Information cell 33444*4. 4 DETROITER 10W, *250 Di 1*47 NEW MOON. 13W. BRAND new. On, lot reedy occupancy 338-3044. RICHARDSON—WINDSOR__ LIBERTY—HAMPTON—HOME TT1 15 Opdykp Rd. 332-145 CLEARANCE The 1*47 modal mobile heme* ei In. Must make space avoltaM Clearing out all dhpley mode at draoHcafly reduced price Low down payment. For Into motion call 33440*4, 731-1120 I 294-1520 collect. TOWN A COUNTRY MOBILE HOMES ________Car»i Stop In Sap Mr. Gllrr Spartan Dodge SSS Oakland Junk Cars-Tracks 101-A 1 AND 3 JUNK CARS—TRUCKS, Iroa tow nyrenii. FE S-3444. ALWAYS MVIHG JUNk CARS ' scrap, wo tow. Ft IW4S. COFFER, 35c AND UP) BRASS] AKC BASSnTJPUJjE*, 050 I AKC BLACK MALEJ&bilS pjti. 890 wnd up. 33rMW. ' Altd bACHSHUNO puppibsT AKC ’ TOBER^V^jgl rssmai** Al^sfsw«‘ mev &-1471.______ *?c„fooo« Aicc fo66Q[ - mlnlatvre; MToSjoT "P 6^ tUE FIRST-BROWN P000LIS-625-2963. REPOSSESSED 1*41 Mercury station wagon. Consignments pc cop tad dothl-HALL^ AUCTION SALES, 7C5 W. Clarkston «d.. Lake Oritow J** W. Hall Auctlanaar, MY »l«7t — MY 34141. _____________ —SATItROAY DECEMBER 17 10:30 AAA. ____ James Morris FontoFprpwal 3*75 Davtoburg Rd;, Holiy Details here on Thurs. ■ton Paritlra, Auctioneer all 313435-9400 ^aa*0OC*l»| MART’S AUCTION EVERY, Fll-day 7:11 ML 3:30 W. Tlanken R d Rothoatar, CaH 437-51*3. SUNCAY 3 P-M. Tank, game of all kln*co« " *h^*l»ffaS Chrotoia of"mtac! household amdl---- HALL'S AUCTION SALfei MS W. Clarkston Rd., Lake Orton; Jack W. Hall, auctioneer. MY 31171 FALL SALE SAVE HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS on these new and used beauties ever 40 to chooae from in S different doors. FORESTPARK 1157 Dixto Hwy. 3*4772 1 Block north o* Tdtagraph IMMBOIATE PC CU M§C Y,. boy filly, also 2 horse tandsm _______RENTAL. SI____ _ stall. 035, UP, MO. EM 3*531. COMPLfelt NEW SINGLE BUGGY HOLLYPARK nil et reduced prices. Ufa 40 It. long. 0 to 20 ft. arid* we hem parking spaces. MIdTaND *TR AltiR "SALES jt 4, Grom AcrsfMjflSjPV > Brown Nd. off M34. Alter A extra charge, itoht weigtd OXFORD T TRAILER SALES OPEN ** CLOSED SUNDAYS mite spatti of Lake Orion on M Waterford Sales HELP! We need 300 sharp Cadillacs. Pon-tlecs, Olds and Bulcks far out-' state market. Top dollar paid. MANSFIELD AUTO SALES “TOP DOLLAR PAID" GLENN'S Top Dollar" Thera whet sat pay tor 1960 thru 1965 vw CENTER 60 To Choose From —All Modtls-—All Colors— —All Roconditioned— Autobahn Motor* Inc. Authorized VW Dealer Vb mile North of Miracle Mile 1763 S. Telegraph Now and Ustd Cars 106 2ND CAR HEADQUARTERS GIFT HAULERS 1 1*41 GMC V4. $4 ton, V mechanically with hard speed, full price *5*7. >65 CHEVY Economical 4 cyl. slick, spotless blue finish full price $13*7. 1*45 DODGE D-300 long ——toM 4. Set up lor camper. r» 312*7. 1*44 FORD M ton. bright rad cob, VI, stick. Full prlco *1 SPARTAN DODGE, INC. *55 Oakland Avo. Heavy Duty One-Ton Pickups 4 speed, V4 end VS, heavy di springs, tires, 1960-1964 GMCs and FORDS From $695 up ASK FO?'tRUCK DEFT. FE 54101 John McAuliffe Ford (1 block E. of Oakland Avo.) Dlxaon, OR S AND TRU< INTERNATIONAL SCOUT 1144, 4 WHEEL DRIVE I speed transmission, A-1 condH KING BROS. FE 4-1442 FE 44734 Fontloc at Opdyfco Rd._ LIKE NEW 1 - W41 CHEVY J Ion pickups, A-1 condition. 1 iootov, Fontloc ~ _______ ROCHESTER DODGE Use* Auto-Track Parts 1*3 SPECIAL $1875 FULL PRICE New 1967 Jeep Universal ROSE RAMBLER-JEEP EM 34155 :. Alto buying -4- - h"1 -8Ctii*ut" Hah A»to sotot . QR tom. , SMALL CHEVY V4 FARTS {HOT s&v Grimaldi Jeep Hew eee* Tracta 1U 1*54 FORD FICKUF. RUNS. (1*0. MSS F-7W FORD TRUCK TRACTOR, MM 1-TON FORD FtCKHJF. G ' --'"dr, Gpty mne.jlrw m ■ $385. COM 4»74l« «tt*r 7 1*40 FORD W TON FICKUF. SLEEP-~ box, good condition. *4pl fi|._s|YEAlNATi6llAL ' NOMJF, " after SRiii. — 4»44(N. jti^ VTOH, . 4' WESTERN — btodo. OR 313M. 1*41 GMC W, 1*41 OOOOE PICK- Autobahn CLEARANCE ON 1966 MODELS Wt have a modal to 5* BUICK 4 DOOR HAROTOP original. $4*5 et MIKE SAVOIE CHEVROLET Birmingham 4-2735. 1M) BUICK ELECTRA 225 CON- *45 BUICK SKYLARK 2-DOOR hardtop. Beautiful tout o sporty white Cordova I're iooktng tor on oxcwNanol j, this to the *" t 2-57*4 for n oppolntmr 1*43 BUICK 4-OOOR AUTOMATIC, I BUICK LatABRE 2 D60 l»4S BUICK SPECIAL Taka ovar payments LUCKY AUTO t»4t W. Wide Track >44 BUICK WILDCAT 4__________ hardtop .................*1375 Opdyfce Hardware. FE $-44*4. 1*45 BUICK CONVERTIBLE, POW- 335A414. ____________________ 19W BUICK-SPECIAL 4 DOOR, AIR 1 . —i —tobaMra •* AW hwraw M«rira 11 AUTO INSURANCE TERMS AVAILABLE CALL TODAY Anderson & Associates pj x.«sm tB44 JOSLYN Farabi Cm______________W| 1*41 VOLVO. GOOD CONDITION. sharp, prlca'to tall. LUCKY AUTO dpiL WAOON. MECHANIC-good motor, ttroa. brakaa, ate. jgBa pad front tender mlsa- 1*41 CORVETTE, 3 TOPS, 4 SPEED, now 345 engine, now tlroi, new paint, AM-FM radio, etc. Must see to epprecleto. Bert offer. FE 3*707. Repossession 1*41 CHEVROLET 4 PASSENGER Station Wogon poworglldo, radio, heater, ate. Pick up halanca due tTonly $217.43 with a little as *5 Down and low monthly payments: of $MZ Car being storao at King -Auto Solos M-5* and EDiabom Lake Rd. FB 340*1. BANKRUPT? CREDIT PROBLEMS? We Can Finance You- WOW! 1966 Oldsmobiles 20 TO CHOOSE FROM As Low As stt $2141.86 PIUS TAX . . . $150 Down or Equal Trad*. - DELIVERED - BANK RATES . . . 24,000 milt factory warranty, or 2 year warranty. Downey Olds, Inc. 550 OAKLAND AVE. FE 2-8101 1*43 CHEVROLET STATION WAGON - - -------‘"at MIKE] Blrmlng- 1*42 CHEVY t DOOR 4 CYLI* automatic, radio, $4*5 at J...—, SAVOIE CHEVROLET Blrmlng-ham Ml 4-2735. 1 1*63 CHEVROLET 4 IMOR t.- maHC transmission, I cyllndtr. Two to choose from. Priced to toll ILUCKY AUTO MIKE SAVOIE CHEVROLET, Blr sour0 ' l»4t CADILLAC LIMOUSINE A BETTER DEAL" Ot: John McAuliffe Ford --I Oakland Ava.______FE 34181 b 1843 CHEVY. BEL AIR, 3-OqOR. m. 4-way seat, air, AM-FM x air conditioning, power \ WILSON Cadillac Ml 4-1930 CADILLAC MM COUPE ORVILLE, air. Ml pawar, AM-FM. Lka now, Bw. BHW. ♦ H.N.P.S. Hank Hewman Plays Santo wffh Bib nil# groan 1*41 —| aftortlan artvrng, 1*41 CHEVY STATION WAGON IM-gala 313. Laadtd. Blua and 1 OR HW1. 1*43 CORVETTE CONVER1 ItoM^trmmisaton. *M*8$. Truly n axcallanf car7i5l-4554. , 3 CHEVROLET BELAIR 4 DOOR, cyllhdar with autaiMftoJpi'd^ HIKE SAVOIE CHEVROLET Blr ■ntogham Ml 4-7715, _______ toU CHEVROLET 4-OOOR I AU tomattc. Full prica, am at MIKE SAVOIE CHEVROLET, Blrmlng-I ham. Ml 33735. >L Go To Orion for YOUR G.T. O. 1966 GT0 2-door hardtop ...........$ave Gulf Turquols# 1966 GT0 2-door hardtop ........—$ave Burgundy Demo 1966 GT0 Convertible ............. $ave Tiger Oold. Lease Car. 1967 GTO 2-door hardtop ......... Save Marina Turquoise. New. 1967 GTO 2-door hardtop ...........Save Black. Now. 1967 GTO 2-door hardtop .......... Save Burgundy. Now. 1967 GTO 2-door hardtop .......... ■ Save Make This Christmas an Auto Christmas DISCOUNTS up to $1687.94 lET PONTIACS - RAMBLERS On M24 In lako Orion Opon 9 to 9 Mon.-Fri MY 3-6261 Ask for one of our courteous salesmen Pat Jarvis or Km Johnson B-14 THE PONTIAC PRESS, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1966 IhNMMi M Cm Mw mm. w Hw New and Used Cert 191 !% McComb CHRYSLER-PLYMO Jl H IMPERIAL H.N.P.S. ink Newman plays Santa Ih this Andie whit* falcon luxe sedan, rebuilt engine lb warranty. Automatic, re- Dodge Inc FE M» 0*jNo wMh olr, perfect condition, ^ wltl consider land contract. OR 1953 FORD 8495 3-1834. Opdyke Hardware. FE F44I4. mafic, 1600. 673-7712. 1962 FORD COUNTRY Repossession 1941 DODGE 2 door Hardtop, automatic, radio, hootor, power equip-ment. This car con be purchased tor the small balance owing of only 8157.14. As llttlo as 85 Down and mwll monthly payments of only UjQ drives this car home. MULTIPLY your dollars almost twofold at our greet used car tele. LLOYD MOTORS 1250 OAKLAND 1959 FORD. 1-OWNER, EXC. CON-dltkm, auto. 451-0342." power,* Vdomirifc* t r a n *-mission, radio and haatar and whitewall tires, full prica S795 Absolutely no money down, wookly payments of S7.92. Call credit Mgr. Mr. Parka, j at ^Harold Tumor Ford, M| 1940 FORD. FE 5-4940. 1960 FORD COUNTRY SEDAN. AU- Sale* Elizabeth lake Rd. and M-5t er steering, bral S37I. MA 4-7199._________________ «0 FORD. V-B STICK. GOOD CON-d It Ion. S2SC. 451-4883._____________ REPOSSESSION mn. Call Mr. Cash 338-4528, Spartan._________________________ i DODGE, 9-PASSENGER ST, Ion wagon. Power steering, brak - auto, transmission. Root rail xc. condition. 424-4008.__________ with automatic transmission, power brakes and power steering, radio and heater, whitewall tires, full price eludes buckets. ' LLOYD MOTORS 1! t radiator, $275. H 1962 FORD, CONVERTIBLE with V-8 ^engine, automatic weekly payments only $5.88. CHEVY- OLDS Our Guarantee (fib 25 Months on W "OK" Cars 1965 OLDS Holiday Sedan, automatic, double power, radio, one owner, Only...................$1895 1965 PONTIAC Catalina Coupe, 4 speed, radio, with reverbator, Now Only.......................$1895 1966 CHEVY Caprice Coupe, V8, automatic, double power, vinyl roof, Only .....................$2495 1963 CHEVY Greenbrier, radio, heater, 3 seats. Now Only.................................. .......$895 1965 CHEVY Wagon, V8, automatic, power steering, brakes, one owner, Only ...........f........$1895 1966 CHEVY Pickup Vt ton, with 4,000 miles, Now Only ....................................... $1695 Want More For Your Money -40 Others In Stock ON DIXIE HWY. AT Ml 5 i "Your Crossroads to Greater Savings" CLARKSTON MA 5-5071 -"OUTSTANDING SPECIALS" "OK" USED CAES 1965 CHEVY Biscoyne 2-Door with 4-cyllnder, radio, hooter and stander4 transmission. Solid beiga In color. $1295 1964 MERCURY V-8, automatic doubla power. $1295 1965 TEMPEST CUSTOM Station Wagon. A real buy. $1295 1965 CHEVROLET IMP ALA "327" angina, doubla power. $1795 1965 CHEVROLET Convortlbto. V-t, stick shift. $1295 1965 PONTIAC Catalina 4-Door Sedan. $1395 1965 BUICK Convertible. LeSebre, double power, rod. $1795 HOMER HIGHT Motors Inc. ON M24 IN OXFORD OA 8-2528 Mew awl Ueoi Cm „, ill 1962 FORD COUNTRY SEDAN WAG-nn, t JJJM- SNr# auto., condition. Pvt.'"aacriWc?’ 8t Rochastof. OL t-4421_______ 1942 FORD GALAXIE CONVERTl- I FORD PAIRLANE 500, AUTO- Hew o»d Deed Cm 196 MARMADUKE 1945 MUSTANG CONVERTIBLE. V8 ______ baSSjS it age blue, with _ anrMmr, Ruby only S1444 full w. 50,000 mlta new car war* I irty. only takas a minute" to Gat "A BETTER DEAL" at: John McAuliffe Ford Mb Oakland Ave.____FE M101 CHEVROLET 3 FORD FAIRLANE 2-DOOR, I- *875, 152-1436, All H.N.P.S. t Newman Plays Plays Santa— ..... .........» 1963Va Ford fastback in soft aqua finish, with Vt. Cruise-O-Matic and power steering, full price, 1987. SPARTAN DODGE INC. 155 Oakland Ave. FE 1-4521. Only 8850. Jerome Ford Dealer, Rochester's Ford Dealer, OL 1-9711 Nn egg Mu r performarw "A BETTER DEAL" at: John McAuliffe Ford 630 Oakland Ave. FE 3-4101 By Anderson and teeming MULTIPLY your dollars almost twi greet- used car sale. LLOYD MOTORS 1250 OAKLAND Ford 1966 Fairlane 500 Sport Coupe. V-8 automatic, power steering, power brakes, air conditioning. Less than 7,000 miles. New Car Warranty, too, all for a low, low $2495 Trudell Ford 777 John R, Troy 585-2522 Mi 4-speed. Cell 473-4113. 944^ T-BIRD HARDTOP, THE F price only *99 dc one 50,000 mile new car warren "It only takes a minute" to Get "A BETTER DEAL" at: John McAuliffe Ford 30 Oakland Ave._________FE 5-4101 X $1200. 330-4404. 1965 FORD ounfry Sedan with V-8 angina, automatic transmission, radio, heater, whitewall tires, power brakes and power steering, full prk‘ 81395, only 849 down and weekl payments of 810.92. HAROLD TURNER FORD, INC. 464 s. Woodward Ava. Birmingham Ml 4-751 Used Cars SMALL AD-BIG LOT 50 CARS TO CHOOSE FROM tents to less expensive car. M24, Lake Orion MY 2-2041 VACATION SALE MUST SELL — GONE INTO l________ ice, 1944 red Mustang. Take over payments.. Call after 3 p.m. — 1966 T-B ’arranty, has k>« HAROLD TURNER FORD, INC. 464 S. Woodward Ava. BIRMINGHAM_Ml 4-75C t9tt PLYMOUTH SPORTS FURY 2 door hardtop. Automatic, power, *'755 at MIKE SAVOIE CHEVRO- ‘‘Marmaduke’s such a time-saver!” New and Used Cars 106 1940 MERCURY 1942 MERCURY, 2-DOOR, AUTO-“letlc, radio end heater, power, 195 at MIKE SAVOIE CHEVRO->t, Birmingham, Ml 4-2735. BOB BORST Lincoln-Mercury 0 S. WOODWARD, BIRMINGHMA 444-4530 1943 COMET, 4-DOOR, NEW TIRES, ' brakes, bargain, private m MA 4-3700. 1944 COMET STATION WAGON, IF you are looking tor the IdealMMta ily fun car, tbit It It. I dart ... to test drive It. Reduced by Santa to only $1144 full price. 50,000 mile new car warranty. "It only takas a minute" to Get "A BETTER DEAL" at John McAuliffe Ford 10 Oakland Ave. FE 5-4101 Roches tars Ford Peeler OL 1-9711 LLOYD MOTORS 1250 OAKLAND 19«5 T-BIRD HARDTOP, LETS .. play Santa by giving you the best deal you nave ever had, ye- at 818 weekly 50,000 mile new warranty. "It only takes a minute" to Get "A BETTER DEAL" at John McAuliffe Ford 0 Oakland Ave.________FE 5-4101 Pretty Ponies 1965 MUSTANGS 7 USED MUSTANGS TO CHOOSE FROM CONVERTIBLES HARDT0PS 2 PLUS 2's FULL EQUIPMENT Priced From $1295 As Low As $49 Down And $49 Per Month HAROLD TURNER FORD, INC 444 S. WOODWARD AVE. BIRMINGHAM__Ml 4-7500 945 GALAXIE LTD HAS EVERY-thing. Yoy have to whisper when you drive the "QUICK ONE" Treat yourself to a tail drive today. Reduced by Santa to only 81991 full price. 50,000 mile new car warranty. "It only takes a minute" to Get "A BETTER DEAL" at: John McAuliffe Ford 30 Oakland Ave._______FE 5-4101 I FINANCE YOU 4 Cadillacs, 1954-59, 845 up 1942 Chevy Convertible 8 7 1957 ChevyJ Olds, $35 up S Fords 18*9-41 $45 up Plenty others and trucks ECONOMY CARS 2335 Dixie H GO HAUPT THE PRICE IS RIGHT! $ SAVE $ WOULD, YOU BELIEVE - $1,000's - STOP AND SEE OUR BIG SELECTIONS OF 1966 PONTIACS . BRAND NEW—DEALER'S DEMO'S . 1 ------\------ \ Kessler-Hahn OAKLAND COUNTY'S NEWEST CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH Dealer On Dixie In Clarkston MA 5-2635 Been Bankrupt? ir Credit quickly, j steady lob end i the Pontiac Area New and Used Cars SAVE SAVOIE CHEVROLET, 1942 OLDS 81 4 DOOR VI New end Used Cm 106 1964 PLYMOUTH 9 peseengw Fury wagon. Power steering, power brakes, fat Mack red Tntarlor. NEW TIRES. l8w BIRMINGHAM Chrysler-Plymouth s. woodward mi ♦9*5 SARACUbA, 2-OOOR HARO-too, automatic, 81485 at MIKE SAVOIE CHEVROLET, Binning- SAVE ereatast used i LLOYD MOTORS 1258 O: 19*5 PONTIAC, i PLUS 2, MANY tires, FE 2-41S5. Ill (wrdtop, torque-flit*, 3*3* Vt, power steering, add factory warranty tor your protection. Cell Mr. BuTke at 338-4528. Spartan. 198* VALIANT 280 4 DOOR t CYL-0 Klual miles. Jerome Ford, alar OL 1-9711. 19S4 PONTIAC V-8, AUTOMATIC ‘-^nsmlwton, 881 OR 4-1*87. PONTIAC CATALINA, 2-DOOR, *395. ( II 873-8889 attar 8. New and Used Cart 106 MM BONNEVILLE, PULL POWER, 8888 tor eguKy, FE54Wt. passenger with automatic and power. 81495 at MIKE SAVOIE CHEVROLET Birmingham Ml 4-2735. i MILES, RADIO, 1945 ^ON 1944 BONNEVILLE BROUGHAM 2-door hardtop. This car hat everything that cap be ordered tor a car In extra equipment todudino factory air conditioning a del gold paint with blac top. One owner car wttt mlles^ end new tlrps. Cell 19*5 PONTIAC BONNEVILLE, door hardtop, 5 way power, el loaded. *1900. 335-8414._ steering, Luggage carrier, many 1944 CATALINA, POWER STEER- r, NEW, NEW, NEW 1944 $1699.80 1945 PONTIAC with air conditio: Ing, power steering, brakes, aut< matlc, radio, heater, turquois with white top. *150 down,, *59.1 monthly. ' DOWNEY READ THIS It, you want to save dollars an a tine u*l.________ the greatest sate In our business history. LLOYD MOTORS,1238 OAKLAND Friday, Saturday, Monday, 19f allna, 2-door hardtop. Light 12,395. 1945 Catalina, 4-door Very dean, S1.S95) 1945 Chevy SS 4-speed, low ml., $1,495; 1944 Ford 4-door sedan, 4-cyllnder slick, ------- • FEI FE 2-4230. O Seles, 738 Oakland A “LUCKY AUTO 1940 |V. Wide Ti 1943 OLDS F-85 CONVERTIBLE, Automatic, power, 1995 at MIKE SAVOIE CHEVROLET, Birmingham, $1299.90 1944 OLDS "98" HOLIDAY door hardtop, air conditioning, ft power, radio, her*-- DOWNEY H.N.P.S. Hank Newman Pleys Sente with this spotless red 1942 Tempest, wagon, so that you can carry your presents and the Whole family In style. all vinyl custom I lust the perfect SPARTAN DODGE OLDS 88, LOW MILEAGE, 11 power steering, brakes, end se Cruise control, private owner, f 4417. r GM (Owner's Initials) ■HPNML $1299.80 length of time. Choose 1944 OLOSMOBILE "1 er 100 cars on our lot. We ble, full - m you with the Exclusive *' 3 have Bm| 's Auto Si WOW! G.T. 350 As Low As $2595 Make yourself a Star! with a red, white or blue Shelby G.T. 350 Trudell Ford 777 John R, Troy 585-2522 bankrupt, guaransheed, or repossessed. Calf Credit Mgr. Mr. White at King Auto FE 1-4088 M ■ it Elizabeth Lake Rd. 1966 Lincoln Conrinental. Full power. Factory air conditioning, vinyl top, low mileage. Plenty of New Car Warranty. This is the Boss' own personal car. Only $4695 Trudell Ford ”£ Vnl?DmrRthD,IOPmWTnrrEb,^;777 John R, Troy 585-2522 cortlon by Ford Motor. Why settle by Brand _________________ everything --- ....X a common new c plus 50,000 ft________ . Yes and reduced by Santa Full price. "It only takes a minute" to Get "A BETTER DEAL" at: John .AcAuliffe Ford 430 Oakland Ave.________FE 5-4101 READ THIS If you went to save plenty of dollars on a fine used car at the greatest sale In our business history. LLOYD MOTORS 1250 OAKLAND MUSTANG 2 DOOR HARD-P'te W,the V*' r*®8< Get "A BETTER DEAL" at John McAuliffe Ford 430 Oakland Ave. FE 54 LLOYD MOTORS 1250 OAKLAND On North Main Street1 CLARKSTON MA 5-5500 T Repossession 1940 OLDS 01 4 door, Hydramatlc, radio, heater, power steering and power brakes, Pick up balance $5 Down end tow monthly pai ments of $9.42. Car being store at King Auto Salat M-59 at Ell» ■—Hi Lake Rd. Pontiac FE 0-4088. NO CREDIT PROBLEM BUY HERE-PAY HERE 1943 Pontiac Grar.. ............. mafic transmission, power brakes and steering/ TWO TO CHOOSE wmtewaiis, automatic, one owner,! FR° Stop or cell Today! 1304 Baldwin FE 84525 top, white leather I..JHHHH down, 139.90 monthly. DOWNEY 1943 PONTIAC BONNEVILLE C dip, 2-door, good condition. 424-9105. 550 Oakland Ave. FE 24101 1964 OLDS Convertible with full power, automatic transmission, radio and heator and Whitewall tires, full price 81395, only $49 down end weekly payments of $11.88. at MIKE SAVOIE CHEVROLET, Birmingham, Ml 4-2735. GM HAROLD (Owner's Initials) Gale McAnnally's Auto Sain 1943 Pontiac Catalina coupes, automatic transmission, radio and haaters, TWO TO CHOOSE TURNER FROM. Stop or call today! 1304 Baldwin FE 8-4525 FORD, INC. 444 S. Woodward Ave. Birmingham Ml 4-7500 . Across from Pontiac State Bank 1943 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX,~POW-er windows, steering end brakes, auto., exc. condition, 11,358. 451- $1699.80 matic°*"Sdi ^**s*ar * door, auto- 1943 GRAND PRIX, POWER, SEE to appreciate. 4253070. Ing, brakes/ whitewaf5!^eVaHic oreen, white top, turquoise interior, 13,000 miles. One owner car. $150 1944 TEMPEST 2 DOOR, AUTOMATIC transmission. Take over payments of 838 a month. DOWNEY Oldsmobile, Inc. Oakland Ava. FE 2-0101 * DOOR 1945 OLDS DELTA hardtop, double power, wr radio, haatar. Best otter. N \ CRUISER. 9-PAS- Whitewall — n 1944 CATALINA 4-DOOR HARDTOP. steering, power brakes, Hie transr--------- "" ‘ 'heel. 18,000 343-4901. $1699.90 1945 OLDS Delta sedan, 4 < hardtop, automatic radio, he: power steering, brakes, dark I 8150 down, 859.00 monthly. DOWNEY PONTIAC, 1944 GRAND PRIX door hardtop, double power, n night blue, white Int. 8)000. 4244)345 $2199.80 1944 OLDS Dynamic Holiday dan, 4 door hardtop, dark I Ing, brakes, automatic, radio, h_ or, whitewalls, 8150 down, 849.80 monthly. DOWNEY .... DODGE ........... . 1940 FALCON ...........*197 1958 BUICK ................ 1942 PONTIAC . 1940 CHRYSLER 1959 FORD ..... 1959 PONTIAC .. 1941.CHRYSLER NORTHWOOD AUTO SALES For People Who Appreciate • the Best ... wNtowelM $1595 $ 895 brakes 1966 OLDS 98 Luxury Sedan 1962 BUICK Skylark Coup*, v-8, powor, brakes ,,,, is 2 YEAR WARRANTY^_ 635 Sv Woodward Ave. Birmingham 647-5111 THE NEW AUDETTE PONTIAC NOW SERVING Trev—Pontidc—Birmingham Are: 150 Maple, across from Btrz Alrpt $2990.80 1844 TORONADO bfllqe gold interior, full power, factory official ear, air conditioning, f "downeT LUCKY AUTO YOU'LL save ty at the greatest ___In our history. LLOYD MOTORS 1250 OAKLAND LLOYO "GOODWILL USED CAR" LOT FOR GENUINE VALUES. PONTIAC RETAIL STORE PONTIAC RETIAL STORE 45 Mt. Clemens St. (AT WIDE TRACK) FE 3-7954 c. condition. 335-4429, GM 1944 Pontiac Bonneville hardtop*, automatic, _________ brakes and power steering, TWO TO CHOOSE FROM. Stop or coll Today! 1304 Bale win FE 8-4525 Across from Pontiac State Bank |t944 PONTIAC CATALINA CONVER- READ THIS If you want to save plenty of dollars on a tint used cor at the greatest sale In our business history. LLOYD MOTORS 1250 OAKLAND f NEVER Come see for yourself. LLOYD MOTORS 1250 OAKLAND I Care 106 1945 Bonneville jfooor hard- 4 BONNEVILLE,"2 DOOR HARD-H aqua, white vbiyl tan- puu r, climate control, at II 4*4987, ; uX 182-7300 speed, 82500. FE 2-2I94 Oft. 5:30. CATALINA WAGON, DOUBLE power, whitewalls, 4-barrel eng., hydra., auto., air, elec, rear wln-dow. 9,000 ml. FE *■ E 5 Stool at $3225. 4t2-S22S°tvtt!'''*fL 4:30 and all day Sunday. . 1947 GTO 3-SPEEO, POSITRACTION 1' avy-duty suspension, 83,000 NEVER Come see tor yourtelf. LLOYD MOTORS 12S0 OAKLANP RAMBLER, STANDARD 1942 /RAMBLER CLASSIC WAGON, 4-cyllnder auto., clean Inslda and out, new battery, water pump and fuel pump, good tires and broket. 0395. 473-0397, attar 4 Pjn. 1942 RAMBLER AMERICAN. MJ 6:30 (2) Sunrise Semester | (7) Rural Report ! 6:45 (7) Americans at Work 6:55 (4) News 7:66 (2) Captain Kangaroo (A) Country Living (7) American Negro 7:36 (4) Bozo the Clown 1(7) Clutch Cargo 8:16 (2) Bowery Boys (4) Milky’s Party Time (7) Looney Tunes 8:30 (7) Three Stooges 9:00 (2) Mighty Heroes (4) Super 6 9:30 (2) Underdog <4) Atom Ant (56) Yoga for Health 10:10 (2) Frankenstein, Jr. (4) Secret Squirrel (7) King Kong (9) Wizard of Oz (50) Movie: “Penrod and His Twin Brother,” (1937) Mauch Twins. 19:39 (2) Space Ghost7' (4) Space Kidettes (7) Beatles (9) Ontario Schools 11:09 (2) Superman (4) Cool McCool (7) Casper (9) Window on the World 11:30 (2) Long Ranger (4) Jetsons (7) Manila Gorilla (9) Life and the Land | (50) Soupy Sales AFTERNOON 12:00 (2) Road Runner (4) Top Cat (7) Bugs Bunny (9) Hawkeye (50) Movie: “The Jade Mask” (1945) Sidney Toler. 12:30 (2) Beagles ‘ (4) Smithsonian (7) Milton tiie Monster (9) Country Calendar 1:09 (2) Tom and Jerry (4) Animal Secrets (7) Liberty Bowl (9) Curling 1:30 (2) Movie: “Spooks Run Wild” East Side Kids (41 Quiz ‘Em (50) College Basketball 2:10 (41 Golf v(9) Windsor Raceway j 2:30 (2) Voice of the Fans (4) Theater Four (9) Hdes and Trails 3:39 (4) Beat the Champ (9) Wrestling (50) Movie: “Strangler of the Swamp” (1945) Robei Barrat, Rosemary La-Planche 4:99 (7) American Bandstand 4:30 (4) Flying Fisherman (9) Supercar 5:09 (4) George Pierrot (7) Wide World of Sports (9) Swingin’ Time (50) Horse Race — Aqueduct 5:30 (50) Superman 5:55 (4) S. L. A. Marshall Top Irish Official, Wilson to Confer LONDON (AP) - Prime Minister Harold Wilson said today he will meet Ireland’s new prime minister, Jack Lynch, in London Dec. 19 “to discuss matters of interest to the two countries.” ★ flr ★ It was presumed Lynch is anxious for a direct briefing on Britain’s new moves toward joining the European Common Market. College Sports Answer to Previous Pualo fabric 38 Miitake 39 Greek letter 40 Matt drink .----- «GuMor 12 Athena AA W$!Lm uta£p(cwnk lGame on the links 8 Shot— tributary 82 French coin 63 Australian bird (nr.) 22 Native of (suffix) 23 Cease (nautj 28 Staining M Imperfect diamonds SI Metal 12 Earth (comb, form) ’bronze fS|?,0re" *!tm 68 Short particular 52“,**“ S3 Japanese outcast instance (2 34 Forbids words) 35Cupola " 8 Early Roman emperor 10 Glance tl Nine (comb. 17 Garret 19 Soak flax 23 On the cc 24 Ballot 25 Russian so 2« without cutw t_________ 8 Applelike fruits 27 Mr. Stravinsky 49Steep la a 6 Feminine_______28 Verne character liquid DOWN IFesUvt 2 Fetid SJacob’a wife (Bib.) 4 China, for Woman Annoys Caroline Kennedy NEW YORK (UPI) T A woman with a history of mental disturbance approached Caroline Kennedy on the street yesterday, muttered that she had evidence that her father, the late President Kennedy, was still alive and began shouting epithets at the child. | Caroline’s Secret Service es-j cort whisked the girl into the, lobby of the Kennedy apartment! house on Fifth Avenue and police took the distraught woman to Bellevue Hospital for psychi-] atric observation. ★ A A The woman, identified as Josephine Matsko, 43, who lives in a Broad way-area hotel about j two miles from the Kennedy ( residence, got no closer than 10 feet to Caroline, police said. i Budget Hearing THREE RIVERS M - City employees will share in a 829/ 000 wage increase if a proposed 1967 budget is approved by the Three Rivers City Commission. A public hearing has been scheduled for Dec. 12. Weekly Tune List» Hangin' 0nr Is Hangin' On What young people thjnk are the top records of the week as compiled by Gilbert Youth Research, hie. 1 You Keep Me Hangin’ (to.................. Supremes 2 i Devil With a Blue Dress On and Good Golly, Miss Molly....... ....Mitch Ryder and Detroit Wheels 3 Winchester Cathedral..........New Vaudeville Band 4 Mellow Yellow ............................ Donovan 5 Good Vibrations ....................... Beach Boys 6 Stop Stop Stop ............................ Hollies 7 Born Free .......................... Roger Williams 8 I’m Ready for Love.............Martha and Vandellas 9 I’m Your Puppet ............James and Bobby Purify 10 That’s Life ......................... Frank Sinatra 11 What Becomes of the Broken Hearted ...Jimmy Ruffin 12 Poor Side of Town.............................Johnny Rivers 13 It Tears Me Up ....................... Percy Sledge 14 . Lady Godiva .....................Peter and Gordon 15 Coining On Strong ..................... Brenda Lee 16 A Hazy Shade of Winter.........Simon and Garfunkel 17 A Place in the Sun................... Stevie Wonder 18 Rain on the Roof ...................Lovin’ Spoonful COLOR TV SERVICE 9 AM. TO 9 P.M. ••We Servlet Alt Make•” OBEL TV SERVICE PHONE 884-9911 I TV TECHNICIAN 1 I NEEDED IMMEDIATELY { 1 SWEET’S RADIO A TELEVISION | 422 West Huron FE 4-5677 FREE MICROPHONE With Purchase Of Any ELECTRIC GUITAR AND AMPLIFIER COMBINATION 830 Value-While Supply Laif. PONTIAC MUSIC A SOUND! ' Open Every Evening Until 9 P.M. 3101 West Huron Phone 332-4163 j Precise Thief Gets Bonus FLINT (UPI)—A precise bandit who walked into the. First Federal Savings and Loan Association yesterday knew what he wanted. “I want exactly $3,000,” he told manager William Lovelace. “Do yea want to me sit dawn and count ft eat?” Lovelace asked. “No,” the bandit replied, “just stuff it in the sack.” Lovelace did and the bandit walked off with a bonus-8*,579. No Reason for Any 8.0. in Their7own BRAINTREE, Mass. (AP) -A year ago, Braintree, like many other New England communities, wasn't sure where its next drop of water was coming! from. Today, because of more rain and better water conservation measures, the reservoirs are spilling over. Water Commission Chairman Thomas H. Matthews ttys with a grin: “I recommend two baths a!j t day this winter or we won’t jhave any place to store the spring runoff.” . Reindeer moss, a type of {lichen, is the principal source of food for the r e i n d e e r of the Arctic. Pontiac*• Number One HOME IMPROVEMENT CENTER 3:91 (2) Pro Football: Packers Colts -r Radio Programs- _WJR(760) WXYI(1270) CKLW<800) WWJ(950) WCAB(1130) WPOMfl 400) WJOK(1500) WHftHXHa WJR, Lowed Thorn** tm-SKn^nernJhm ( WJR, New*. Sports Ml—WXYZ. Joey Rtl wHP|.|.j«r\ar * 9:<9-WMFI. Jack -liter WWJ, Now*, Emphnlt WiW-wB^SKw. KateMe-tam , 11:#*—WJR, l*a_ 11:19—WCAR, Rk, Health 11:19—WCAR, Ron Row 11:19—WJBK, C9MWM9 M1UROAY MORNIM WJBK, Mem, Mwtc WCAR. Now*. BUI OotroA »:J9—WWJ, Newt, Robert* 7:99—WJR. (Mate. Mwtc \ WPON. New*. Bob Lawrancl WHFI, Atmonac BWB WJR, Near* Sunryif* ^taassSL nr5!] BIG BEAR CUSTOMER Satisfied! * P MAc WHFI, BIB A Ken CKLW. Newt. Diva Shafer WJR, Newt, Farm, Mwic WXYZ, Mam 1199—WJR. New*. Sport*. Bhewcew WHFI, Jack Fuller CKLW, MMM.( Daw Shafai WJR, Met. Opera -Torah 1:99—WCAR. Ntwa, Bacaralla WJBK. New*. Mwic. r- WXYZ—Oaw Prince • ALCOA ALUMINUM SIOIMO • ALUMINUM AWNING! • DORMERS • ALUMINUM STORM WINOOWS a FOUNDATIONS • MURAL STONE a GUTTERS ' • PLASTERING • FURNACES • OARAGES • ROOFING AND SIOUNI • MOUSE RASINO • PORCHES AND ADDITIONS • KITCHENS • BATHROOMS REMOCCUO • PORCH RAILS • Tilt FLOORS 116 BEAR lit North Pwry PONTIAC <7wsrrg>tf—<1 ttarkmuauhip CONSTRUCTION COMPANY FE 3-7833 SONY T«po Fun for th« Family! You Must Hear This One! Unmatehad Recording Fun! Parfaet for the Kids! ID Big Watts of Power! Fills a Room with Sound! Operates Easy as 1*2r3! For Hama, Office, School! Sony pMTSZj •99.50 CUSTOMADE PRODUCTS CO. HOME IMPROVEMENT IS OUR BUSINESS «$Y» “CHUCK” No Salesmen's Commission-No Middleman Profit! NO MONEY DOWN-FHA and BANK RATES NO PAYMENTS ’TIL APRIL, 1967 Member Pontiac Chamber af Commarc* ALL NEW jfeMPPfPf mi _mm Sollcf-State PORTABLE STEREO MW/Automatic whole-house humidification with aaytypa of heating system ... because a new . Aprilsire Humidifier, specifically designed for hot water or steam heat, has joined the famous forced warm air models. Some fea-/ tures—completely automatic... big capacity... rustproof construction ... minimum maintenance and service. , . UlrQ The kumpUfier thet realty works! HEATING AND COOLING CO. • Separate toudnews • controls lor each channel • New tilt-down d*ti(n • Variable ton# control The CALYPSO. Model X540 A terrific value. Lapsed changer. Lightweight tone‘arm. Dual needle cartridge. Handsome two-tone Grey or two-tone Beige color. AC only. IASI 500 TELEGRAPH At Orchard Lake U. FIS-9255 90 DAY TERMS AVAIUUHJE FE 5-9112 TV-RADIO SERVICE 770 ORCHARD LAKE AYE. r > J THE PONTIAC PRESS, FRIDAY. DECEMBER 9, 1966 IMMEDIATE DELIVERY HERE ARE JUST FIVE STYLES FROM THOMAS FURNITURE'S HUGE REC1MR COLLECTION -EACH DUALITY CRAFTED AND PRICED TO PLEASE YOUR PURSE! Give that special Santa on your list a gift of comfort that he will enjoy for years to come Thomas Furniture's man-sized recliners feature the kind of luxury a man deserves Each adjusts for 'cloud 91 lounging# TV viewing or lofig-and lazy reclining. Choose from a vast selection of styles in a colorful array of rugged tweeds or leather-like’ vinyl. So much comfort at such comforting pricesl LOUNGE-SETTLE BACK OR FULLY STRETCH-OUT# THESE RECLINING CHAIRS OFFER THE ULTIMATE IN RELAXATION! \ MODERN RECLINER-LOUNGE — Gives your Santa deep club-chair comfort. Thickly cushioned seat and button-tufted back floats him in blissful luxuiy. Adjusts for lounging# TV viewing or reclining. Smart modern lines will please Mrs. Santa too.,Choo$e from soft vinyl in black or avocado. LARGE MODERN RECLINER-LOUNGE Big comfort at a tiny price! Puffy button-tufted back and seat make this One of Thomas Furniture's most comfortable recliners. Features Upholstered footrest, full break-away seat and front casters. Black, oxblood or avocado heavy-duty vinyl. CONTEMPORARY RECLINER-LOUNGE Smart, dean lines for those who favor contemporary design. Covered in rugged olive# gold or bronze tweed. Features built-in hide-a-way ottoman# attached pillow back and thick foam rubber, reversible, zippered seat cushion. Perfect for lounging, TV viewing and reclining. CLASSIC ITALIAN RECLINER-LOUNGE Classic Italian Provincial styling with pn exquisite fruitwood finished exposed frame. Notice the decorative side panels. Covered in luxurious gold cut velvet. Features hide-a-way ottoman, thick seat cushion and plush button-tufted back. Adjusts for lounging, TV viewing or reclining. TRADITIONAL WING RECLINER-LOUNGE Comfort supreme with extra-deep reversible seat cushion and luxurious 4216" high, button-tufted wing back. Features front casters# 3 comfort positions and your choice of chestnut brown, verde green or black top-grade vinyl.