THE PONTIAC PRESS Home Eclftbn pontiac, Michigan, Thursday, September s, 1066 -A2 pages Dem Hopeful Admits Swinging From Floor Before State Group DETROIT UP) — Zolton Ferency was “swinging from the flooi;” at George Romney, but 27 minutes of such swinging brought only smiles and a one-min* ute rebuttal from Michigan’s governor yesterday. Ferency, Democratic candidate for governor, verbally assailed Romney before 1,000 delegates attending a Michigan Municipal League convention. 'The Republican governor smiled when the Democratic are wrong and tint they underestimate the character of the American p«opl£ and their likeminded friends,” Taylor told a luncheon meeting of the Jijl Pres* Ipstitute in Tokyo. Taylor, still an adviser tp President Johnson on Viet Nam, said the military campaign had gone well this year. “There have been an estimated 31,000 enemy killed, over 4,-000 prisoners taken and over 7,-900 defectors,” he said. “If one adds some reasonable figure, such as 60,000 to account for the seriously wounded, we see the total enemy manpower losses are in the vicinity of 100,000. . * He said “to replace such losses by the painfully slow methods of infiltration <; under air attack must present a very serious problem to the enemy leaders. “Surely the latter must be perceiving that there is no further possibility of a military victory in South Viet Nam. Taylor said the United States believes that so far this year North Viet Nam has infiltrated 40,000 men, while the figure for the whole of 1965 was about 25,-000. Taylor said 54 per cent 'of South Viet, Nam’s 15 million people were now securely under Viet Cong control. But he said that more U.S. ground troops wifi be needed in South Viet Nam Before the United States is able to “break the back” of the mainforCe Coipmunists units.” » He added that raids agaihst North Viet Nam will continue, since air strategy “constitutes an important incentive to the Hanoi leadership to come to the Conference table wHich, if withdrawn, would greatly reduce the prospects of an early settlement.” , TOKYO(AP) - Gen. Maxwell D. Taylor said today the Communists have no hope of winning in Viet Nam, but he added that more U.S. troops and more air'strikes against North Viet Nam will be needed to bring them to terms: > Taylor, retired chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff and former U.S. ambassador to South Viet Nam, told an audience which included Prime Minister Eisaku Sato that the Communists are depending on a break in the morale or determination. of the United States and its allies. * * “I am convinced that they • PREVIEW PEEK—Returning to Longfellow Elementary School to enter the second grade yesterday, Karen Sparkman thoroughly “cased” the place before stepping a patent-leather-shod foot inside. Karen, daughter of Mr/Snd Mrs. Arthur Sparkman, 61 N. Tasmania, is among Pontiac’s first-through-third graders who attended half-day sessions yesterday and today and will begin regular classes tomorrow. China Rules Out Talks—Japanese TOKYO (UPI) — Japanese correspondents in Peking said today Chinese Communist Foreign Minister Chen Yi had ruled but the possibility of any U.S.-Chinese talks on the Vietnamese war and that there was no change in Peking’s hard line policy toward the United States and Russia. Japan’s Yomiuri and Mainichi newspapers and the Japan. Broadcasting Corp. (NHK) released a statement by an 11-man Japanese , Liberal - Democratic party mission in Peking in g|g^j|^|ajjM which they “supplemented” Chert’s Tuesday statement. The Chen statement reported previously by Japanese corre-spondents said China did not ... . • . 1 See Analysis, Page B-7 want a “clash" with the United States and was not necessarily dismissing” the idea of Viet Nam peace talks. %. This had roused hopes in Washington of a possible soft- ■ a < , • ening of Peking’s hard line. This had caused s6me amaze-ment in Washington because of a fiery statement issued yester- W j^j^***^. day in Warsaw by Chinese Com-munist Ambassador Wang Kuo-chang denouncing what he |1|^H called the U.S. “peace talk swindle” and warning that if the United States started a war with China the Chinese would “pursue it to the end.” The Japanese Mission in Peking said they were supplementing Chen’s reported statement'“because there had been varieties of interpretations of ft”. ★ * * Their “supplement” deleted references to p o s s i b 1 e U.S.-Chinese Viet Nam talks. . REAL EYEFUL - Nancy Gerada Ackert, Miss Michigan, swishes down a ramp as she parades in last night's evening gown division of the first round of Miss America competition in Atlantic City. (See story, page C4.', state chairman said he expected the audience to tell itself that “There goes Ferency, swinging from the floor again at George. “Sure I’m swinging from the floor,” Ferency said, turning toward Romney. “It takes a little swinging to wake up some of the people of Michigan.” * * ★ . , . Ferency urged the audience to “take a good look behind the (Romney) image and you will see nothing but another politi-*cian who couldn’t care less if half the cities of the state burned down.” LOOKS CONCERNED, Michigan politics, he said, “has become an arena where a governor is elected because (Continued on Page 2, Col. S) Park Tax Issue Back to Board More Debate Due on Ballot Levy Revision Action yesterday by an Oakland Cou n ty Board of Supervisors committee will reopen debate by the full board on the park development tax election issue. The board of supervisors last month authorized that a proposal to levy V» mill for park . development payable over 10 years be put to the voters Nov. 8. This proposal had been recommended to tile full board by the ways and means committee. But two weeks ago the county’s parks and recreation commission went on record as favoring a 14-mill levy over five years. ★ ★ ★* Commission members felt the lower levy, which would raise about $3.5 million in local tax revenues would have a better chance for voter approval. 4-4 DEADLOCK The commission appealed to the ways and means committee for support of this revision but a vote on the change yesterday by the committee was a 44 deadlock. " ' * * * Ways and means members then voted 5 to 3^ to bring the matter to the full board again Sept. 19 for open discussion. SCOUTS RECEIVE CHECK — Area Scouts Randy Joseph (left, center) of 113 E. Fairmont and James Walton bf 6251 Willow, West Bloomfield Township, proudly display a check for $75,000 from General Motors Corp. to the Clinton Valley Council Boy Scouts* of America Lost Lake Reservation Lorean (left), general chairman _______ ________________ presented the gift to Robert M. Critchfield (right), major chairman. Development’Fund. John Z. De of the drive to raise $550,000, GM G,Ves sco^ $75,000 Gift A healthy shot in the arm was given to the Clinton Valley Council, Boy Scouts of America, Lost Lake Reservation Development Fund today when General Motors Corp. turned over a check for $75,000 to the fund drive. * ★ A This is the largest single contribution to the campaign and brings to $450,296 the total amount raised to date. The drive’s goal is $555,000. Major gifts division chairman, Robert M. Critchfield, turned over the GM contribution this morning to John Z. DeLorean, general campaign chairman for the Lost Lake Development Fund. ★ A * DeLorean asked two scouts, 10-year-old Randy Joseph and 13-year-old James Walton, to help in the presentation ceremony, 11,009 SCOUTS The two boys are symbolic of the more than 11,000 scouts in the Clinton Valley Council who will be using the Lost Lake Camp. Weather Summary: Summery Late summer days in the Pontiac area will continue sunny and mild through'Saturday. A A A -Temperatures will continue mild with lows tonight near 48 to 54. Highs will be . a little warmer tomorrow, a pleasant 76 to 82. Light variable winds will continue. The weatherman reports there’s little chance of any rain through tomorrow. ’ The low prior to 8 a.m. today was 50. By 2 p.m. the mercury had edged up to 76. Entertainment Threat to Christendom The campaign to purchase and develop 2,284 acres of land near Clare for use as a Boy Scout reservation is now nearing completion. Critchfield reported that a total of $305,506, or 85 per cent of the Major Gifts Division goal of $360,000, had been raised so far. • A A . * He said all firms in the 33 townships of Oakland and Macomb counties that make up the geographical area of the Clinton Valley are being contacted and asked to contribute. DRAWS APPROVAL “This project has received approval, endorsement and enthusiastic support by related United Funds and Councils,” Critchfield added. A a ' A .. “Evidence of this support is the Detroit Foundation Grant of $150,000 toward the land purchase of Lost Lake Reservation. And even thoUgb General Motors , contributes to the Detroit Foundation, I’m especially pleased that the corporation donated so generously to the Lost Lake Fund.” at Least 6 Hurt BARABOO, Wis. (UP!) - An explosion ripped through a manufacturing line at the Badger Ordnance Works, manufacturers of gunpowder for the war in Viet Nam, today. An undetermined number of persons were injured. ★ * A One of six persons admitted to St. Clare’s Hospital — the only one in Baraboo — was in serious condition. A A. A A spokesman at the hospital said some injured had been taken to hospitals in other towns, including some to Madison, 35 miles away. Four doctors were at the scene. (EDITOR’S NOTE — This is the third cuticle *# a five-part series by fits Rev. Dated Poling, ' associate editor of the Christian I Herald, who has been appointed a special writer and consultant oh religious news for the Newspaper Enterprise Association.) By DAVID POLING NEW YORK (NEA) — Today noint to “codless” ble television are penring out a message, a “gospel” that is captariag converts by the millions. ' 1 yi The big stars, Ute clever journalists, the swinging m»Mrf<»inn« are in head-cracking competition with the clergy and the average churchman doesn’t even know it. tainment industry which rivals the spade program when it comes to dollars. • Per example, Frank Sinatra and his friends may or may net he year) stendard of behavior and personal ethics ler young people. „ Yet their influence on television programming, their power hi the recording industry and sales outlets, their participation in movie after movie, their in-volvement in the activities of Las Vegas culture, gives you • vague idea of bow vast singer’s empire can be. Entertainment baa given us a near religion of success a James Bond is its prophet. The fantastically successful movies of “Dr. No,” “Gokifin-ger ” “From Russia With Love*’ and the stopper of them nil, “Thunderball,” are pecking people in by the millions. Yet few, Including those within the church, haye really challenged the violent anti-Christian suppositions of these films. The primary thesis of all the films to Bond’s right, not duty, to kill. ’ . J A it A And the maimer in which he kills becomes so shrouded in Immor and clever devices (ejection seat, attache case dagger, punctured air hose) that children laugh d the way home. After seeing two films, “Dr. No’’ and “Goldfinger,” I fully expected to see picketing by the Chinese-American or the Jap-anese-American societies. For tie underlying current I of most of tte Bond films is Western righteonsness verms the Oriental races. The obligation of destroying evil in the. world to the* idea — and the villain in one instance to “Oddjob,” an Oriental of Korean descent; in another, “Dr. No,” a straight Chinese type. ★ it" it If these films were made in South Africa the villain executed by Bond could be $ Negro (Continued on Page 2, Col. t) LBJ Welcomes Burma Chief f IWA den J JWASHINGTON (AP) - Presi-i Johnson welcomed Burmia’s chief of state General Ne Win today and declared the American goal in Southeast Asia wag to have all countries • ‘ ‘develop in peace . . . free from outside interference or aggression.” In a formal welcoming ceremony with military honors on the south lawn of the White House, toe President said that Burma’s independent foreign policy “to a policy which we Johnson and Ne Win were to meet tor discussions later this afternoon. In Today's Press Rights Bill Homing section likely to be shelved until after election. — PAGE 1M4. Avondale Schools Superintendent optimistic about future. — PAGE A-4. FDR Jr. Enters New York gubernatorial race as liberal nominee. — PAGE C-7. Area News ........ A-4 Astrology ........C-10 Bridge Crossword Puzzle ... D-13 Comics.............C-I# Editorials...........A4 Food Section.......G4 Markets............0-11 Obituaries .........D-8 Sports .......D-l—D4 Theaters .......... C4 TV-Radio Programs IMS Women’s Pages . B4-B4 AgrV THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, I06g Cong Continue Terror Tactics SAIGON, South Viet. Nam (AR)^The Viet Cong killed tite village chief and several other Vietnamese at Binh Hoa tonight, capping a series of wide-ranging terrorist attacks aimed at sabotaging the election Sunday -of a Constituent Assembly. The exact death toll at that hamlet, 100 miles south of {Saigon, was undetermined. Six Vietnamese were killed and more than 20 injured in daylight operations intended to wreck the electoral machinery Area Strips of Freeway Set for Fall Mgre than six miles of areajnext year. and frighten away as many as possible o£ South Viet Nam’s five million voters from casting ballots. While U.S. officials sought to determine whether saboteurs or a short circuit might have caused a milhon-dollar fire that destroyed one American military warehouse and damaged another before dawn, the Viet Cong tried again to block the main shipping channel to Saigon. A Communist mine exploded | harmlessly in the river channell ! about 40 yards from » U.S.Navy minesweeper. [OTHER ACTION | Highlighting intertwined military and political developments: ----Premier Nguyen Cao Ky, in a roundabout discourse with newsmen, put himself back In the list of possible candidates for the presidency in the creation of a new government due lelaxingHy for Gemini Pair CAPE KENNEDY, Fla. (AP) - America’s Gemini 11 astronauts, confident and ready to shatter space records, relaxed today as preparations clicked smoothly toward a,doubleheader launch' Friday. ^ ‘ * * ★ ' Project officials gave a go-ahead to fuel the 90-foot-tall, Gemini-Titan 2 rocket this morning. Except for brief meetings with project officials, Gemini 11 pilots Charles Conrad Jr. and spacewalker-to-be Richard F. Gordon Jr. planned fphr a casual review of their flight plan while relaxing in crew quarters here. * “We’ve endeavored to lay this flight plan out so we have a chance of doing everything,” freeway costing over $11 million will open when the Michigan State Highway Department opens $135 million worth of hew highways this fall. An early October opening planned for 4.5 miles of N east of Pontiac. Construction cost was $4.5 million. A late November opening is scheduled to 1.9 miles of 1-75 in two sections from lOtfe Mile to Eight Mile, a $6.6 million highway project. Ardale Ferguson, chairman of the State Highway Commission, said 40 miles of freeway would open to traffic this fall, bringing the state past the 800-mile mark hi interstate freeways and giving it more than 1,300 miles of state and interstate freeways. * ★ * He said completion of a $16-million, seven-mile segment of 1-94 in Macomb County by mid-November would allow, motorists to drive nonstop from the Blue Water Bridge at Port Huron to New Buffalo, 275 miles. COMPLETION This would complete Michigan’s portion of 1-94, he said, except to 1.5 miles near New Buffalo which can’t be used until Indiana builds its connecting link. The section extends from Vernor Highway in Harper Woods through East Detroit and Roseville to 14 Mile Road. || Another major segment, also scheduled for completion in mid-November, is eight miles of 1-75 southwest of Detroit. The $30-million section, an extension of the Detroit-Toledo Freeway, extends from Pennsylvania Road in Taylor'Township through Southgate, Allen Park and Lincoln Park to Schaffer Road on the Detroit-Melvin-dale City Limits. -The most savage in a series of operations by Communist agents to sabotage the election Sunday of a 117-member Constituent Assembly was staged at a village southwest of Saigon. A government spokesman said the Communist agents killed a government security agent, his wife and three children. PHOTO FINISH — Robert Proszkowski of, Warren gets ready for the last and most simple step in Oakland University’s registration, requiring only a smile from him. Lining Proszkowski up for his identification card picture is! Chester Allen, Alexandria, Va., junior. Proszkowski is among the last group of freshmen and transfer students going . through orientation, and registration on the campus this week. County Committee Urges $19.l-Million '67 Budget Dr. Sam Plea Is Innocent CLEVELAND (UPI) & Dr. Samuel H. Sheppard, whose 1954 conviction and life sentence in the, slaying of his wife were overturned by the U.S. Supreme Court, was charged today with second-degree murder and released under $10,000 bond to await retrial. He. pleaded innocent. Sheppard’s attorney, F. Lee Bailey of Boston, immediately aSked Cuyahoga County Common fleas Judge Roy F. McMahon for a change of venue. McMahon, who did not indicate when he would set a date for a new trial, recessed the hearing to confer with attorneys for both sides on the change of venue request. Sheppard responded with loud “not guilty” when asked how he pleaded to the new indictment. $1,500 Donated DETROIT (AP) — The United Auto Workers Union said yesterday it has donated $1,500 to the American Academy of Transportation at Ann Arbor. The academy is a new organization which plans to develop a national highway research program aimed at reducing accidents and congestion on highways. A proposed $19,1-million Oakland County budget for 1967 was recommended yesterday by the ways and means Committee of the County Board of Supervise The new budget, up $973,000 over the current one, will required county tax rate of 5.5 mills to finance. This rate is two-tenths of a mill higher than that applied to last December’s county tax bills and one-tenth mill more than the 5.4 mills allocated to the county to 1967. Consideration of the proposed budget by the full board of supervisors is scheduled for Oct. 3. In their final budget review Pay Vote Due by Supervisors Committee Bocks Per Diem Increases Th& Weather Full U.S. Weather Bureau Report PONTIAC AND VICINITY — Sunny and mild today and Friday. Clear and cool tonight. Highs today 75 to 80. Lows tonight 48 to 54. Highs Friday 76 to 82. Light variable winds. Saturday’s outlook, sunny and mild. Precipitation probability less than 5 per cent through Friday. Today In Pontiac Direction: Light, variable Sun lets Thursday at 6:56 p.m. Sun rises Friday at 6:07 a.m. Moon sets Thursday at 2:45 p.m. Moon rises Thursday at 11:30 Domntown Temperatures Weather: Cloudy day, rain night «• Wednesday's Temperature C Alpena 74 St Fort Worth Escanaba 68 53 Jacksonvltli Highest and Lowest Temperatures This Date in *4 Years ft In 1t33 ’ 43 In 181 Muskegon Pension Bismarck Boston s City 7 72 49 Los Angeles 7 75 .43 Miami Beach I 75 57 Milwaukee 6 72 47 New Orleans t 73 36 New York 7 70 43 Omaha 7 81 56 Phoenix 10 05 65 Pittsburgh 7 88 54 St. Louis 7 76 60 Tampa ’ I 69 62 Salt Lake C. t 81 54 S. Francisco 7 06 55 S. S. Marie 7 77 4? Seattle 7 73 54 Washington I AP Wire phots NATIONAL WEATHER — Showers and thundershowers are expected in the northern Plateaus, the west central and southern Plains and along the Gulf Coast tonight It will be winner in the Great Lakes region and upper Mississippi Valley. session yesterday, ways and means members set a 1967 salaries expenditure of $8,530,383. UP $1 MILLION This appropriation is nearly $1 million more than the current salaries budget and reflects an average ,8.5 per cent raise for present employes and provides for 38 new employes, Department heads had asked for 109 new people. Among those who fell short of their goal were Sheriff'Frank Irons and Prosecutor S. Jerome Bronson, who were- both allowed two new employes. ★ k It Irons had asked for 10 more patrolmen and wonson wanted seven additional employes. CRIME INCREASE CITED Both cited rising crime as the manpower Members of the Oakland County Board of Supervisors will decide,Oct. 3 whether to vote themselves a 33 per cent raise. . The per diem boost from $15 to $20 for attending committee and board meetings was recommended yesterday by the ways and means committee. It would cost an estimated $12,000 In next year’s budget if approved by toe full board. Ways and means members were unanimous in recommending the per diem hike to the m supervisors. ★ ★ They also called for a per diem increase from $25 to'$30 for the Chairman of the board of supervisors. 8 YEARS AGO * | The last per diem increase for supervisors was voted eight years ago when the rate went from $10 to $15. ★ ★ ★ Wages of county enfployes have increased 51 per cent in the last eight years, according to the County Board of Auditors. their Besides salaries, toe ways and mean$ committee recommended an expenditure of $6,-321,526 for operating departments and institutions and $3,-762,023 in non-departmental appropriations. The other expense, which will require the spread of about one-tenth mill beyond what the county was allocated, is $291,( for Building Authority and drain bonding. ★ * Estimated income is $4,341,845 in receipts, $14,520,982 from the allocated tax levy and from the added levy. OU Enrollment Moving Upward to 3,300 Level Oakland University’s enrollment was expected to take its biggest leap upward today and tomorrow as the institution enrolls more than 3,300 students in its fall semester. The university’s eighth academic year,, will begin Monday, following toe completion of orientation and registration for new students tomorrow. The estimated enrollment figure for this year indudes 1,200 freshmen and transfer students. Most of the returning students registered b y mail this summer. Newcomers to the campus attended the Freshman Convocation last night in the Howard C. Baldwin Memorial Pavilion!' ★ ★ ★ Schedule for the first week also includes a Saturday night jazz concert by the Dave Bra-beck Quartet,' also to be held in the. pavilion. The 8 p.m. concert is open to students and toe public. Base Wage Bill Near Final Vote WASHINGTON (AP) - The House has sent to the Senate for final congressional action legis-. lation that would set the minimum wage at $1.40 an hour by next Feb. 1 and $1.60 an hour by Feb. 1,1968. ★ ★ ★ The bill, passed Wednesday by a 259-89 vote, also would extend coverage to 8 million more workers, including to the first time farm workers, employes of restaurants, laundries, hotels, motels and hospitals and tipped employes. 2 City Men Sought for Alleged Threat The father of a Pontiac man charged with murder and another man are sought by Pontiac police after a witness to toe killing told police yesterday he had been threatened by the pair with guns. Curtis Lewis Sr. of 353 Howard McNeill and Levon Lewis, address unknown, are named in a warrant accusing them of “pointing and aiming a dangerous weapon.” the complainant, 18-year-old Charles Threlkeid of 19 Utah, said the two Lewis men stock a rifle and shotgun out of a car window as Threlkeid and .two companions walked on Howard McNeill Tuesday night. Trelkeld had testified Aug. ! at a pretrial hearing Uiat 23-year-old Curtis Lewis 'Jr. fatally shot another youth in front of the Lewis home July 27. The younger Lewj? had been bound over to Circuit C o u r Aug. 27 by Municipal J u d g i Maurice E. Finnegan for trial on a charge of second-degree murder. Following the decision, Finnegan ordered Lewis released from the /Oakland County Jail on $100 personal bond pending his Circuit Court arraignment Sept, 13. BIRMINGHAM - A group of concerned city residents, calling themselves Citizens far Birmingham Schools,' Will begin knocking on doors next /Week in an effort to arouse /nome owner, support for two proposals that will be on the ballot Oct. 6. The voters will be asked to approve capital bonding totaling $9.8-millimi for more buildings and a 13.9-mill operating levey. The millage request represents an increase of 2.9 mills over toe’ present 11-mill levy due to expire in December. /Schools Administrative i Navy Lt. Cmdr. Gordon said, fo* Wajter j Piel ^ ^ '‘and we think we’ve got thajt chance, I could’t ask for a better flight. ★ Goals of their planned 71-hour mission include a rapid rendezvous with the Agena target satellite on Gemini ll’s first orbit using the Agena’s main engine scoot them to a record altitude of 863 miles, flying in formation with the Agena yyhile tied to it by. a 100 foot cord, and performing an automatic ‘hands-off” re-entry. k k k Navy Cmdr, Conrad, veteran of the eight-day Gemini 5 flight slightly .more than a year ago, and Gordon are to, blast off at :25 a.m. Friday, 97 minutes after their Atlas-Agena target rocket roars skyward at 7:" Mishap Hurts Pontiac Cyclist Injured when, his motorcycle overturned on a city street, a Pontiac man is reported in satisfactory condition today at Pontiac Osteopathic Hospital. Roy L. Goforth, 22, of 93 W. Merrimac was thrown from his cycle about 1:30 p.m. yesterday. Goforth told Pontiac police his kickstand flipped down and caught the pavement while the motorcycle was in motion. Birmingham’Area N^s Citizens Group Seek School Issues Support tin more than 1,000 new students each year since 1182. They estimate that 40 new teachers and other professionals plus 40 new classrooms are needed to maintain a quality curtieulum. Twenty committee precinct chairmen this week are holding training sessions for blockwork-ers. The blockworkers will contact district voters, outline to them the needs of the Birmingham school district and attempt to explain why new biddings and an increase in operating funds' are being requested. tra mills will raise approximately $900,000 in added revenue. School officials say they have requested the increase in revenue in order to adequately serve school system thgt has taken Mrs. Edward Haapa of Pleasant Ridge will be the speaker to the Women’s Mission Society of the First Baptist Church of Birmingham on Sept. 15 it 9:30 a.m. will be speaking on the “General M City Planners Go on Record It will be a public yea or nay from now on from members of the City Planning Commission. City planners last night voted to abandon their semisecret ballot procedure, which was instituted in June. A staff spokesman said toe change back to the traditional roll-call vote was made because toe other method consumed too much time. In June the planning commission inaugurated a. voting method whereby the members wrote their vote on a piece of paper. ★ ★ ★ The votes were then tallied and’ the total vote announced with only the commission’s secretary knowing how the individual members voted. The change back to a verbal yea or nay was approved unanimously. topic, kkk , Mrs. Haapa is chairman of Special Interest Missionaries for the Detroit Association of. American Baptist Churches and is a member of the Board of Managers for the American Baptist Foreign Mission Society. , Entertainment Cited as Threat to Christendom (Continued From Page One) nd national interests would be well-served as well as box office returns guaranteed. SOPHISTICATED ATTACK Beyond the films you have the articulate Hugh Hefner, editor of Playboy magazine, which is probably seen by most Americans from 14 to 21. His theological expertise, his authoritative quotations from court decisions and medical research, plus being such a reasonable, nimble “pitchman,” make him No. 1 enemy to religious ethical teachings. (NEXT: Tomorrow's Problem.) Simms Bros.-98 N. Saginaw St.-Downtown Pontiac Nationally Advertised Ferency Flails at Governor (Continued From Page One) he looks like he is concerned qbout problems, not because he has sqlved them.” Romney, who Is, running for reelection, followed Ferency and told the league delegates: •‘“My opponent has left me a little confused about toe purpose of our appearance here. I thought we were to attack toe problems of the Municipal League, not each other.” Turning to a prepared speech, Romney said high federal taxes are threatening the independence of American cities, He said Michigan and other states have given financial assistance to cities within their boundaries to meet local problems. e CREATED RESISTANCE But the large 'outflow of public money to Washington has limited the amount of assistance a state can render land has created local resistance increased taxes. for growing local nej»ds, he said." “State spending nationally has gone up 111 per cent in the last 15 years,” he said. “State debt has increased nine times faster than national debt. Even greater state expenditures are required. in the future to meet toe soaring public demand for state and local services. “State aid to local government is at an all-time high,’ Romney added. “Over 55 per cent of Michigan’s total income b turned back to local government. tiur 1966 state budget provides some $965 million for local benefits. Tins is a 25 per cent increase over the level of support in 1963.” But, he said, states blocked in raising money ' for (increased service demands) because the federal government has control over the principal source of pftblic money — the federal income tax. “As a result, federal grants-ifMrid have been greatly increased,” the governor said. Sale Prices Good Thurs., Fri., Sat.* Rights Reserved to Limit Quantities Bottle of 225 Bufferin Tablets $2.49 Value ]40 Acts twice as fast as Aspirin for relief of headacKy, muscle ache and tension. Extra Rich Prell Shampoo1 $1.45 Value 890 I Luxurious extra rich |Pre|l shampoo leaves , f hair clean and easy A to manage. Extra StrOTS* MICKS , Vicks Fofm'i'o |reliev<* coughs *« For Your Baby ‘MENNENS’ Baby Magic Powdtt Resolve Seltzer Tablets ' 69c value, 25s. The new high ATM fR f* therapy ’ seltzer tablet, fast effective relief, Ml¥%W Score Hair Groom $1.49 value/ Clear liquid with the grooming action of a cream. NRQB Combats dryness and dan- -C ^ druff. Ben Gay Analgesic $1.69 value, 3-oz. grease-’ ~fl QQ less ointment to relieve sore H aching muscles. -JBL - Lavoris Mouth Wash $1.25 value; 22-oz. Fresh tost- ing Lavoris keeps breath M J®^ kissing sweet. w Polident Tablets • 98c value, 40s. New Polident tablets eliminates measuring. Soaks dentures clean. 59* Wernefs Dentu Creme 59* Exlax Chocolate Laxative 93* $! .49 value, 72s. New economy size. Gives gentle effective I msuhsn MOT 6 5c Value 390 Noxzema Skin Cream $1.35 value, ,10-oz. Grease-less medicated skin cream sdft- M ens /arid beautifies your skin. W Everdry Aerosol Deodorant 37c $1.00 value 5-oz. Complete long lasting protection from perspiration and odor. Non sticky. 98 North Saginaw Street SIMMS.™ Drugs -Main Floor THURSDAY rum a 13 BIG SALE DAYS 4” Paint Brush »r 4"-inch wide, 3'/2-inch lorvj bristles of King 100% Colon ... finished flat woli handle with hang-up hole. Limit ■ —2nd Floor ‘EZ-FLO’AII White Outside Paint The perfect" paint for fences, barns, boat docks, garages, etc. Limit 4 gallons. 2nd Floor- 1 39 Gal. Use on Exterior and Interior Surfaces ‘FORMULA 99’ Wonder Paint GALLON Choice of White and Colors—the paint that breathes. won't chip or ueei. And you can dp-ply in rein or shine. —2nd Floor m Caulking Cartridge 5; 89° Limit 10. -2nd floor f Paint Thinner-Gal. 660 Gallon can of thinner which is ideal Jo clean brushes, thin paints. Sealed can. Limit 2 gallons. ______________—2nd Floor _______40 Sheets Sandpaper Pack i 40 sheets of:9xl0- SSSs&MT-W frjclfc sandpaper. Assorted ® grits. Limit 2. -2nd Floor ( Final Clearance of Summer Furniture ... 3" 5" 6" 6- Web Chair 53.49 Anodized Aluminim #1201 7- Web Chair 55.49 Aluminum 2-position chair Padded Chairs* $7.88 Aluminum, 2" foam pad . Padded Rockers $8.95 Aluminum, 2" loom pad . Special Group of PADS Your Choice- Each . Choir pads, Hi-Back Chair pads, Beach Pads, Patio Cushions, etc. Values to $2.49. _______________—2nd Floor 09« Close-Out Picnic Jugs. Full Gallon Size i .t fit. #30 floating mod.l 4»» NORELCO HEAD $5.00 set fite flip-top model 34» RONSON SCREEN $1.30 value, fit. CFl modal RONSON SCREEN-CUTTER $3.00 value, fits #260 model 244 SCHICK HEAD $5.50 vakt». fit. modal 30 35 4»9 > SCHICK HEAD \ W.00 value, V33 fit. aid .tyla 3->paad SCHICK HEAD S6.50 valua, fit. modtl. 305,307, 30t, 310 550 SCHICK HEAD $4.00 vallia, fit. paw.r ihava mod.l. 52S SCHICK HEAD l| $7.30 value fit. mod«l. 301,303 050 SCHICK HEAD $7.50 valua, fit. med.110-66 3-tpa.d 050 Flat Top Country and Western Full Size Guitar Full size country/and western guitar with steel feihforced neck. Also includes 2 instruction books, carry case, 45 rpm instruction record, neck strap and pick., Sundries—Main Floor Single Pick-Up Electric Guitar Witfj steel reinforced neck and rosewood body. I pick-up. / ■ 3-Pick-Up Electric Guitar Cut-away model with rosewood body/ tremolo bur, 2 tonp controls, volume control. 27.50 49.50 Sundries—Moin Floor 2 Pick-Up Guitar Amplifier 9 5-Inch Speaker py i9®5 Electric amplifier for your • electric guitar, with 2 pick-ups and 5-inch speaker. 'Manson', Amplifier with 8” speaker.25.95 .......... Sundries—Mgin Floor Hohner MELODICA A Harmonica » on TV. Hoys single - "%* or chords. Just blow—beautiful tone, " 26 keys with 2 moulh pieces and carry cose. Sundries-Moin Floor GE Lighted Dial Alarm Clock 3" S7.98 List Model #7295K, Alarm dock with snooze alarm, vu. alarm tails you when olarm fs set. Antique whit* cos*. Factory guarantee. Sundries—Main Floor 2Vi-inoh size .... .55c 3- incn size........75c 3Vi-inch size ... ...95c 4- inch size.......1.55 2x4-inch size......1.85 AVz-inch size .... .1.85 Compare the Quality and Low Price Boys'-Youths' and Men's Basketball Shoes 57 A ll Firs t Quality At This Lower Price American Made 2 Per Pair White basketball shoes'in hi or (6 cut styles—black shoes ifj.'fjo-cut only for boys and youths. American made with arch-type supporj, full length sponge insole/ suction grip skies, heavy canvas uppers, rubber • reinforced toe. Boys' and youths' 12 to 6 size, men's 616 to 12. Fully guaranteed. —Basement Back-to-School Styles Girls’ Dresses Size 3 to 6x Size 7 to 14 |99 244 Easy to care for wash 'n wear fabrics in>.Smart A line styles, and 1-piece jumper look dresses, Choose from a variety of styles, prints, cofors, designs, etc. School Style Cardigans Girls’ Sweaters Compare to $4.95 Fancy cardigan sweaters with ruffle neck and pearlized. but- ^ ton fronts. 100% Orion Acrylic is fully washable. Long sleeve [style. Blue or red in sizes 3 to 6X and 7 to 14. —Main Floor 'FEDTRO* Battery Charger 3»5 Ar-4 TUK 1*0N 11AV UljKSH. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1066 New Bigh to Solve Wolfed Lake Woes Beach Control Switch Sought Clarkston Moving to Relinquish Authority, INDEPENDENCE TOWN* SHIP — Steps are being taken to tom over the maintenance and operation of the Deer Lake beach area ★ * “Although our present high school facilities have not pip-vented most aspects of our instructional program from being satisfactory, foie new school will provide much more flexibility,” be Said, “This will mean more course offerings and more opportunities to use various instructional methods such as team teaching. More important, it will mean greater pupil opportunities.” Fund Goal Set FLINT UFI - Trustees of foe United Red Feather Fund of Genesee and Lapeer counties yesterday set a record cam-paign goal of $2,463,036 for their 1966 drive. _J|A_ TnatStute. seventy-first year Fall term begins, September 12 18 W. Lawrence FEdferal 3-7028 SAVE *60 OFF D00R-T0-D00R FREE Illustrated World Encyclopedia School Outlook Good Avondale Chief Is Optimistic AVON TOWNSHIP - It was the fir# day of school and as Avondale’s new schools superintendent surveyed the outlook, he was optimistic. John w. Dickey was hired last April to replace George E. Shackelford, who resigned when his option was not continued. The action was indicative of Avondale’s then general discontent. There had been dis-sension among school board members and unrest among foe parents. Dickey said yesterday that he sensed, a greater spirit of cooperation in foe district than he had expected, ' ★ ★ He went on to commend Avondale homeowners for their support of miilage and bonding proposals and reported that JOHNW. DICKEY Avondale is operating in the black. ’MORALE UP’ Teacher and other personnel morale has been brought up, he believes/ through across the board pay raises. Pacts with foe custodial, secretarial and transportation staffs remain to be ratified, but no opposition^ expected. All employes have come in for additional fringe benefits. ★ ir it Dickey expects a program of curriculum development to bear fruit in the classrooms. Teachers have been authorized to make their own decisions about the curriculum, For the first time department chairmen will serve on a paid basis. Along with class improvement come plans to open another elementary school, the R. Grant Graham, by September of next year. There are currently four elementary schools in the district and space is now being rented from a church for some classes. ★ ★ ■ ★ Long-range plans call for the construction of three other elementary schools and a new senior high school. CENTRAL LOCATION The site of foe new high school has not been determined, but Dickey hopes to locate it centrally in foe district. Enrollment at foe senior high is close to 8N with about 849 junior high stndeats at foe Auburn Heights school. Dick- ey says foe present senior high would accommodate junior high students once the new school is built. Dickey went on to cite his district’s first attempt at cooperation with Oakland University and its selection as the only high school in the area to cooperate on an English methodology course for. sophomores. He hopes to participate in OU’s student teacher program. Some new administrative help has-been brought in and promoted from the ranks to give Avondale a new personality. Dickey says he’s happy he came to the area last spring. He had served three years in Birmingham as a junior high school principal before his appointment to Avondale. TAKE IT EASY! USE OUR... LATEX HOUSE PAINT PAINTING YOUR HOUSE THIS LABOR DAY? here's how you can TAKE THE LABORoUT OF IT ... AND FINISH FAST... USE F0Y-JOHNST0N LATEX SO EASY TO APPLY AND SO DURABLE 100's of Froth Colon “Beit Paint* Paint Best** FRAMED QUO/ SELECTION PICTURES /QOfF & Foy | Bloowftttd Mlriolt Milt Shopping Center NOW *39.95 Including publisher's famous 10-Year Library Research Service! Here it is, the highly appraised ILLUSTRATED WORLD ENCYCLOPEDIA, original and complete 21 volume set, the same great work sold door-to-door for $100.00! No more canvassing, no more commission-salesmen, no more bell-ringers, no more high pressure! You now save a whopping $60.05—yes, only $39.95 for the complete, magnificent 21 volume set-and youget free of charge, the publisher’s famous 10-Year Library Research Service -|pjus Book of the Year 50% discount plan. Byt hurry, we expect a complete sellout! X, Come in, or phone your, order today I], Phone FE 4-2511 BOOKS . , . MEZZANINE BUY NOW FOB BACK TO SCHOOL, WHILE QUANTITIES LAST! THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, i960 A—A S. Africa Mourns Slain Leader CAPE TOWN, South Africa (AP) — The body of assassinated Prime Minister Hendrik Ver-woertf was to be flown today to Pretoria, South Africa’s administrative capital, for a state funeral Saturday. /,./* :Jk- * Verwoerd’s widow requested that details of toe flight be kept secret. The family requested that toe bpdy not lie in state, and it was expected that it would be placed in a private funeral parlor. Flags flew at half-staff across the country. All apprts events were canceled. Pollce^at Pretoria said calm prevailed in toe country of 3.5 mUlion whites and 10 million blacks. The South African Press Association reported that toe ruling Nationalist party would caucus Tuesday to appoint a new leader who automatically will become the next prime minister. STRONG CONTENDER Acting, Prime Minister Theo-philus Donges, Verwoerd’s finance minister, was considered a strong contender, having lost the post to Verwoerd by 12 votes after toq death of Prime Minister Johannes Strijdom in 1958. Other likely contenders are Justice Minister Balthazar J. Vorster mid Transport Minister The * Nationalist caucus pledged its “unshakable determination” Wednesday to follow Verwoerd’s policies, ending any speculation that his death might result in a weakening of South Africa’s stringent racial policies. . * ... Without detailing toe investigation of the assassination, Justice Minister Vorster said information “indicates it was toe deed of one individual and his actions and movements are now being investigated in the finest detail.” - ★ * * Scores of persons were being questioned about toe accused assassin, Dimitri Tsafendas, a tall, powerful, gray-haired man in his late 40s who had been waiting as a messenger in Parliament for a month. Rep. Po Pocks .38. .WASHINGTON (AP) ^ Rep! Adam Clayton Powell says he carries a 38-caliber revolver strapped under his arm much of the time, but he doesn’t advocate gun-slinging for _ all Negroes. “For one thing,” the New York Democrat told newsmen Wednesday, “they- cost too much.” He said he didn’t carry toe weapon to toe news conference “because I feel I’m among friends.” For Wounded Socialists Detroit Is Asked to Pay Doctor Bills DETROIT (UPI)—Two youths shot by a: deranged taxi driver at a Socialist Work-' ers Party hall last May have petitioned , Common Council to pay for their medical and rehabilitation costs. The attorney loir the victims, Ernest Goodman, asked $5,0QP for the pair and $538 .for burial expenses of a third man yyho was killed in the shooting. Edward Wanielek was committed to Ionia State Hospital after he shot the trio after telling his wife he was going to “kill some Communists.” * Injured were Jan E. Garrett, 22, a Wayne State University anthropology major, and Walter J. Graham, 20, of St. Clair Shores. Leo Bernard, 27, a former biology major at WSU was killed. ★ ★ - Goodman contended the city was partially responsible for the shooting because police failed to arrest Waniolek or commit him to an institution even though they had previous information he was “potentially danger- SHOP IONITE • FRI. and SAT. NITES Till 9 "CHARGE YOURS" Cotton Knit POOR BOYS Reg. $Q 3.99 O Ribbed cotton poor boy wi elbow length sleeves, white, nav green and plum. S-M-L Sportswear... Third Floor Misses All Season RAINCOATS g, ‘11.99 Balmacaan style pile lined zip-out lining. Wpter repellent. Misses, Petite and Womens's sizes. i Coats... Third Floor % Length RAINCOATS ft* $6 fater repellent shoulder lined ■Incoats. Choose from beige, svy, and black. Sizes S-M-L ^ Coats.. .Third Floor Jr. Transitional and FALL DRESSES Reg. 11.99 and 12.99 / Choose from Transitional and foil dress In a wide assortment of styles and colors 5-15. A Dresses... Third Floor Men's Permanent Press DRESS SHIRTS 2 <* $7 65% Dacron polyester and 35% cotton white dress shirts. Spread and tab collars. 1416 to 1616 Men's Wear... Street Floor Men's Nylon SUPPORT HOSE If Perfect $0 4.95 Z. Slight Irregulars of famous make nylon support hose. Sizes S-M-L-XL Reg. and Tall Men's Wear.... Street Floor Men's Broadcloth PAJAMAS & 2 * $5 100% combed cotton sanforized pafamas In Coat or middy style. Sizes A-B-C-D. Colors and prints. Men's Wear... Street Floor • Famous Girdles and Panty Girdles »Perfect 8.00 T Ctioose from several styles In girdles and panty girdles. Slight foundations... Second Floor Misses Corduroy WESTERN JEANS Reg. . $0 3.99 VJ Popular widewaie corduroy {eons. Cranberry, blue, beige or black. Sizes8-18. Misses Winter. COATS .45.00 $QV 49.99 \JI Wool lined winter coats in tweeds, solids and plaids. Sizes 6 to 18. Charge Yours. Coats...Third Floor Misses Proportioned STRETCH SLACKS Reg. $/ 5.99 Proportioned nylon and rayon stretch slacks with stirrups. Black and colors. Sizes 8 to 18. Sportswear,.. Third Floor' 1 and2-Pc.Jr. DRESSES i&. *10. Choose from 1 and 2 piece styles in transitional and early falT styles. Sizes 5 to* 15. Charge It. Dresses... Third Floor Misses and Women's DRESSES Reg. 8.99 $7 to 10.99 /' Reg. 11.99 ?0 and 12.99 7 ■ ' iSS» • $10 *12 Choose from transitional and new foil dresses In 1 one piece styles, Crepes, Jerseys, Rayons and all wools. ^Solids, prints.. Large style and color selections. Misses and won Dresses... Third Floor Life, Stride Plain Pumps Reg. 13.00 Our regular Life Stride plain opera pumps in high or Mid Heels. Black patent, black calf In Hi Or Mid Heels. Choose from Naty, Red or Brown Calfskin in Mid heels. Sizes 4V6 to 10. AAAto B'Widths. . Women's Tennis SHOES & 2 ■«. *6 or 3.33 ea. Our regular arch cushioned tennis shoes. White, black, red or navy. 416-11. N & M. Shoes... Street Floor Women's Orion SWEATERS Reg. $Z 6.99 L/ 100% Orion acrylic fashion knit sweaters. Ideal for play or dress. Charge Yours. Accessories... Street Floor Women's Shoes... Street Floor Men's Crew Neck SWEATSHIRTS If Perfect $C 2.69 0.^0 Long and short sleeve styles. 100% cotton with raglan sleeves. Many assorted coldh. S-M-L-XL Men's Wear... Street Floor Men's All-Weather COATS* Reg- $Q 17.95 ' 7 100% combed cotton shell is water repellent. Rayon lining. Split Raglan sleeves 36-46. Men's Wear... Street Floor Girls'Cardigan SWEATERS W $Q a99 O 100% Orion cardigan sweaters bi crew neck .styles. Completely washable. Sizes 8-14. Glris'Wear... Sdcond Floor Ladies'Girdle . and Panty Girdles « 2 - *3 Chooee from several style* In Lycra Panty Girdles and Aegotar Grace. Sizes S-M-tn Charge It Foundations... Second Floor Boys' 65% Cotton 35% Vycron Polyester -Permanent Press SLACKS Reg. 3.99 2 ior ‘ 7°° 65% Cotton and 35% Vycron1 polyester. Never needs Ironing. Belt loop style and no cuffs. Remain wrinkle free all day. Olive, Black or Tan. Sizes 6 to 18. Boys' Wedr... Second Floor WEST BEND - 12 to* 30 Cup PARTY PERK NAPPEDTHERMAL BLANKETS Luxury Nylon binding. Mode of 100% acrylic fiber. Non-AJIergenic. Guaranteed Reg. against moth damage. Machine 9.00 washable. * Choice of 6 lovely ^ colon. 72x90 inch. Blanket,... Fourth Floor Famous Make COTTON BRAS 2 •» *3 Famous maker ooilon jsras are completely washable. Size* 32 to 38. Charge Yours at Wane's. foundations...Second Floor Ladies' Corduroy ROBES & 100% combed cotton corduroy in full length robes. * washable. Size* S-M-L Robe*.,.Second Floor Closet Shoe CADDY ss 2 !«*3 Holds 18 pair of women's shoes or 9 pair of men's shoes, |ust 6-inches of close space. Notions... Street Floor Assorted Print Cotton Fabrics ••St 2 *1 Choose from a wide assortment of lovely prints. Many lovely colors to choose from. Fabrics... Fourth Floor Children's Natl. Adv.( SHOES Values $£T to 10.00 sJ* Large selection of shoes in straps, oxfords and loafers. Many sizes to choose from. Children's Shoes... Second Floor 401 Nylon HOSIERY z 2 - *1 Seamless sheer nylons In your choice of beigeton* or taupe-tone. Sizes 916 to 11. Charge It. Hosiery... Street Floor Assorted-Patterns STATIONERY !S 2 * *1 Choose from a wide of patterns and colors. Fine quality writing paper. Stationery... Street Floor 50% Down PILLOWS * $0 .99 7 50% Down ahd 50% feather pillows. Jumbo cording for long life, Pink ticking. Charge Yours. PilloWs.., Fourth Floor Belleair Electric * BLANKETS' Reg, 12.99 Reg. 14.99 Reg. 18.99 Twin S.C Full S.C FullOC. *10 *12 *14 elleair electric blankets with full 2 year over the counter replacement guarantee. Charge, It. Blankets. V. Fourth Floor Solid Color • CURTAINS Reg. 2.99 Reg. 3.99 Reg. 1.99 24-inch 36-inch Valance *1 *2 50° Choose from pink, blue, qtelon green or white. Semi sheer styles. Charge Yours... Curtains... Fourth Floor Deluxe Electric KNIFE /.«& *8 Popular hole In the handle style. Guaranteed 18 months. Ideal for home or gift. Housewares... Lower Level Boys' 4 to 7\ SLACK SETS SS $4 Psrmonently presses slacks with matching picrid shirts. Sizes 4 to 7. Charge Yours. Boys? Wear... Second Floor 50% Kodel 50% Nylon RUGS Reg. 7.00 Reg. 10.00 24x36-inch 27x48-lnch or2^fRd. or 35" Rd. *4 *6 Choose from Oval or Round togs with fringe and non-skid backing, Charge Yours. s Assorted Decorator PILLOWS *.2.99 9 . M nd 3.99 Z, ' .. ■■ ■ i Rly congratulations to %e School B&Krolpl Patient Praises H6#pitki Employes After spending two weeks as a patient at Pontiac General Hospital, I would like fo qxpress my gratitude for the wonderful nurshig' tffie I VddtsMtW white theft. , * . , Hie nursel and orderfjes were cRf«rfnl and kind, and ; so wflflne to i4| to 'm comfort or help foe In any Wy. ThOwd was very good ana was served lot. f !' ■;. t y|;’; ■ Says Took fetibd GAtfe tit Reiited Properties We Tiave rented three .houses and one apartment in the last three years here, ftdeh time We have moved leaving the place In better condition thah when we arrived. We have painted and foade small improvements. Twice we have been forced to move because the bouses were sold. David Lawrence Says: Many rentals are In deplhfable condition. Very few will take children hhd most of the decent places rent for from $125 a month up. A FORMER RENTER Economic 'Readjustment’ Near Says Csttriaibr Classes ‘Built-In Inflation’ WASHINGTON -justment’’—which is a milder word than “recession”—is inevitable in the national economy in" the near future. The change will be initiated by the government, presum-j ably as policy of re-| straint with „ the avowed LAWRENCE purpose of halting the current inflation and preventing an economic d e b a c 1 e such as swept the country in the 1930s. Whatever additional steps are taken will cause a certain amount of pain, and there could be a substantial reduc-• tion not only in the number of persons employed but im the profits of certain businesses— usually the smaUcr ones or those marginal companies which have net been so fortunate in profit-m a k i n g as thfir larger competitors. Many people don’t concern themselves too much with the upward or downward movement of foe stock market, or the rise on fall of interest rates, or the effects of a tax increase applied mostly to corporations, or to th« r e m o v e 1 of the tax* credit which hat been stimulating the production of durable good* end tnackin- Read- ly or indirectly dependent ery, But the impact of all this will be felt soon in almost everyr walk of fife if the administration accepts the proposals being advocated to prevent further inflation. Already the controversy over whether interest rates have been too low and should have been raised long ago, or whether they are too high now and s.h o u 1 d be reduced, is causing hesitation in some lines of business. SIDE EFFECT Naturally the advocates of lower, interest rates are vocal, but the idea in pushing up the rates a few weeks ago was to stop the inflationary trend. At the same time, the effect must necessarily be damag- • ing to the constrsotiim industry and those businesses and workers whs are direct- Verbal.Orchids James R. Leach of 2? If. Sanford; 81st birthday. Mrs. Ira A, Haddrill 173 E. Iroquois; Mrs. Martha Kitchen of Rochester; fist birthday. Frank T. Leforgy of 123 Augusta; 82nd birthday. Mr. and ‘hB-s, Preston Stone o f Ho lly ; 58th wedding anniversary. Mrs. Nora Vsnderworp of 114 Homy Clay; 84th birthday. Mr. and Mm WiQMtr iRbSel of Aimsnt; 51st wedging anniversary. The basic question is how far the government may go with its restrictive measures without interfering to such an extent with a prosperous economy as inevitably to force things out of control and to bring on the very .depression nobody wants. Frequently heard is the expression “an overheated economy;” This is a synonym for an excessive business volume within a given period. But to introduce as its sequel a “cold’ economy” could be infinitely worse for millions of citizens. Hie ideal thermometer for government to employ in measuring the economy is one that can maintain ati even temperature in place of extreme changes either way.' But to achieve such stability, the administration and Congress have to forget about polities and elections and do what is best for the country as a whole. There must be less reliance on the doctrines of the “new economists” who have been calling 'for more and more deficit spending as the way to build a “great society.” Experience has been proving that these fallacious doctrines of the last few years have moved the nation more and more toward a disordered economy, which is what happened *irt the 19319s. Escalator c)auses in l|bor contracts should be eliminated. They Call for increases in wages if the, cost of living index rises. Those benefiting, therefore, are* indifferent and o If e r no resistance to higher costs, and management can raise prices directly 6r indirectly to influence foe cost pf living index. Millions of cjtlzens are not covered with this type contract but are affected by rising costs and are taxed for foe benefit of those who do haye this escalation protection. Witness foe present intfest of teacher and public service employes for salary and wage increases. One section of the economy is not going to stand still while the -other estalates. Escalator clauses are “built-in inflation” and a unrealistic. .< NO NAME PLEASE : unfair and Question and Answer IS there a scheduled program of inspection for those overhead crosswalks? To whom should we report damage if we see it? NERVOUS MOTHER REPLY Bob Considine Says: Sumo Wrestlers in World Without Taxes The last miner adjustments of the one on Huron are being made this week before final painting by. Depart men# pf Puptic Works which will keep it wider routine surveillance: Report any damage to that department, City Engineer Reipiing tells us that despite its'd&Qiktoe-the “cage” is designed to carry the same loan as major office "buildings. The Better Half TOKYO — Japan’s 809 stylishly stout sumo wrestlers are perhaps the only professional athletes in the world without tax problems. They engage in what amounts to a tax-free occupation, the government’s special salute to a calling near and dear to "foe heart of Nippon’s culture. The years of carrying around foaf necessary fat (it makes them harder to threw oat of the‘Fingy take their-foil. Diabetes h i common occupational disease as careers draw to a close. A few lucky ones marry 'the boss’s daughter. | Others open restaurants featuring good fattening difoes. CONSIDINE “I envy the boxer with his percentage of foe gate.” former grand champion Ka-sugano sighed heavily the other day at the headquarters of his stable of 50 wrestlers. And they die, as-a rule, just about the time In life when fragHe little contemporaries are beginning to live It up, taxes and all. In Washington: But, like the others, he would not foe) at ease in an environment where money was the ruling factor. Cong Threaten Death to Voters , As a younger man he wai offered a comparative fortune to sign up with in American pro rasslfog trust, He turned them down because the stable — which had overfed and -under-dressed him since boyhood Ipr would have been hurt If he forsook it Riki Dozen, who succumbed to foe American overtures, was later, stabbed to death fat Tokyo, Kasu-gano noted. The four current reigning grand champions of sumo receive a basic pay of $700 a month from the Japan Sumo Association, “The Estfibhfo-ment” which runs things, schedules foe six annual 15-day tournaments, rates foe performers and guardedly designate grand champions. Only 58 have been crowned in foie past 308 years. The government wouldn’t think of making Mfe any harder for these follows, so Aero is no need for foe association to lire by foe tax rules which guide other endeavors. It’s not an old min'* game. By foe time they are 38 they*wh«d ii ' ByttAY CROWLEY * WASHINGTON (NBA) * — September fl. election day in South Viet Nam; Will be major test of Viet Cong power. For foe first time; On one day nil over South Viet Nam. the Communists have decided to put their chips on One coordinated objective ~ to keep candidates from run-, ning a nd! people froth vpting. This f* disclosed in a^ series of agent I reports and! captured docu-| meMSv The Viet Cong leaders have decided that if they can frighten off most candidates and most voters they will convince foe Vietnamese foe government is weak and that the VC are the real pewer In the country. The captured documents and agent reports don't tpake It clear how the Communists expect to expbrta Wbay NfoJ ure: For a heavy vote on Sept 11 - despite widespread Com-murdst terrorism to keep Viet- namese from foe polls — will expose Viet Cong weakness. • How for foe Communists are willing to go i$ shown In these sample reports from captured documents, agent reports and open,sources: In Binh Tuy Province, VC squads entered villages, told the people foey would be four- ‘ dered if they voted. In a hairnet in Long Khanh Province, VC agents told foe people they'd throw grenades into voting booths on election day. In Binh Thuan Province, foe Communists held political ln-pioctrfnatioft courses for VC regents. These cadres were to return to their VC hamlets and condud iO-day courses in election disrupting techniques.' These courses included In- struction in invalidating ballots and on printing false ballots and fajse voter cards. Cadres were ordered fo follow , through election day with harassing gunfire and armed attacks on the polls. Other hamlets report foe VC are forcibly taking voters’ registration cards. Without them, the people cannot vote. But some Viet Cong attacks have backfired already. The Communists raided a political party headquarters in Quahg Tin Province, killing party leaders and, wounding the leading local qukfidate so badly he lost both legs. But this tough candidate has,, sent word he Intends to run anyway. Most eligible adults 18 and ^ over have registered for the u election. Out of a total adult population estimated at 7V» million, amre than 5 million . have filled out tion forms,^"BEm! not regis- j tered live hi Red-controlled s if. tifo m a forts, after . JnL election i terrorist issue, they, THE FONTIAC KRESS, l HI. EM)A V,' S^r 1 Ml ttm< i'vtir, - THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1966 shapely Isniei tfi ■ *dV1iWdrhe fi?' * * fn 1'5'*':} *' HDDMf Wilnfift % knit* in blazing autumn "colors " CHARS! IT * Dresses with a ^LCfr*th#-price look in rich new ’'.gtept'-taxturad Orion® :rylic r , / all qc^ate'tjondetf to hold thqir shop* throughput their busy fashion life. Style* that; go t everywhere a > • to clpssq^ careers, QUESTION: How cart plants survive in a desert without water? , ANSWER:* A desert is an area where fewer than 10 inc)»s of raip fall every jyear. M there, were no rain whatever in a desert area, one woidd Hind HO plants and animals there, except such animals as used by travelers. .. • But i« many deserts, such as tee American one shown in the picture, a certain amount of rain does fall irii Tha plants and animals living there have means of making ftda moisture go a-long way. Desert plates have several ways of getting Water. Plants «uah as yuccas and raesquite send down very long tap roots which .penetrate to an underground water Source-Others, of the cactus family, such as the giant sagueros we show, spread out a wide fan of roots just just under the surface to gather the last drop when rains do fall. ■ , Jtesert flowers grow Curiously during a damp spell, quickly flower and come to seedina month. Many desert, aniamls get the water they need as they 'digest their food. . HAMILTON OAS DRYER AT SPECIAL L0Wrn INSTALLED ^PRlCg' Trench coat" taEqfmdtedder and many mare T lib wedkender 1 3-piece outfit: top, pants 'n skirt . 3-pc. set . AH the raged . . dramatic duo* that are a wardrobe in themselves . . jacket, A-line skirt, matching stovepipe pant*. Lower: brasi-buttoned cotton hopsack. Navy, ioden; sixes 8-1A Uppen 3-pc. bonded eetten floral print. Black, navy, plum artd green colors. Sizes 10 to 16. Save now! v CHARGE IT The 'private qye' Took — #1 fashion suspedt Iff bur lirte-op of nationally advertised Rafrishede|er® raln-shihe coats. Cotfon/rdyon tackle twftf with Ranedare® finish. Bone, block,1 gent blub. 5-13, 8-18 ... ft .99 HigH-jtyfed, low-waist. Regent blue, oyster, blasJfewith piping. 10-18......17.99 Exceptional t ..value! Our own uuu prani Our own '1200' brand seamless mesh nylons T° s «* ^ " DON’T Including Delivery, Ac|justment and 90-Day iuicc Finer Service... No Extra Chargel Receive* brighter, clearer color . . . better black OUT and white. ZENITH BIG 21” - NEW P COLOR TV $47995 REFRIGERATOR-FREEZER QUALITY FRIGIDAIRE Frigidqire’s Finest Giant 2-Dr% NO FROST 14 cu.ft. Dig 127 It. REFRIGERATOR FREEZER *269 Pay $3.75 Weekly .Both refrigerator and freezer section completely Frost-Free -No defrosting ever! Spacious 127 - lb. freezer—sliding shelf — 2 all porcelain crisper* and much more — come see. Order by Phone Thu Big GENERAL ELECTRIC NO MONEY DOWN-EASY CREDIT 90 DAYS SAME AS CASH FREE DOWNTOWN PARKING Open Monday and Friday Evenings ’til 9 p.m. Hm\> HOUSEKEEPING . Of PONTIAC 51 West Huron Street FE 4-1555 RCA VICTOR Home Entertainment Center You’ll be amazed at the clear, bright picture imF I the fine audio quality. ONLY *25 Month FREE GAS INSTALLATION The Finest HAMILTON GAS DRYER NO MORE GUESSWORK 183 Pay Only 88.30 Monthly • All-Fabrics Drying Hot! • 5 Cycle* Fully Flexible! O Satan-smooth Zinc Dry! In* Drum • Handy “Look-In” Cla*. Door • Automatic Drying-Shuta Off When Dried Now—for the first time this year Consumers Power Co. will install1 “Free of Charge” the complete gaa lino from yonr meter to your dryer. Order now before it is too late. WE’LL ' STAMP YOURTICKET FROST GUARD $9420 no Money down wO«F THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, HOME OF THE FINEST A GIANT EFFORT—Mike, a Lincoln Park Zoo polar bear with cavities in two teeth, had them extracted this week. Dentists from the Northwestern University {School of Den- « ;; a* win»iwto tistry performed the operation at the Chicago zoo. The project was performed in en outdoor cage. To Get Taken Down a Peg There's No Place Like By Science 'Service WASHINGTON - Severe epilepsy that does not respond well to drugs may be attacked by computers in combination with surgery. The Vocational Rehabilitation administration (VRA) nounced it has awarded 167,678 to the University' of California to study whether or not computers can be used in pinpointing the exact location at brain malfunction. Once located, the malfunctioning pathways can be interrupted by surgery and die epileptic attacks Mocked. . In its announcement, the VRA said die computers would register information coming from electrodes implanted in the patient’s brain. *. * * ‘ By reading the computer, the surgeon might then be able to spot the site of “electrical storms” which cause epileptic seizures. The research is aimed at IS per cent of epileptics who experience so many seizures they, can work only under sheltered work-shop conditions. The other 85 per cent, said the VRA, is usually treated cessfully with drugs and the patients are able to work at normal jobs. Here's the way to help your, youngsters acquire the musical skills that Will enrich their leisure, for a* lifetime! Using Grinnell's Rental-Purchase'Plan, you try before you buy.. e 500 NEW PIANOS TO-CHOOSE FROM! e USE OF PIANO FOR 3 MONTHS- IN YOUR HOME! No obligation to buy, but if you do rental payment applies. e LESSONS INCLUDED! Private lessons. Qualified teachers. e NO CARTAGE CHARGES! ALL FOR GRINNELL'S, Pontiac Mall, 682-0422 Downtown Pontiac, 27 S. Saginaw .St., FE 3 BUY, SELL, TRADE . . . USE PONTIAC PRESS WANT ADS By DICK°WEST United Press International WASHINGTON—It says in her studio biography that Patricia Morrow, one of die seven stars of “Peyton Place,” is “considered a shark, in the art of] mumblypeg.” By whom, I’d] like, to know? I’m not pretending I’m in] Olympic form,] but I do play] enough mumblypeg, more' formally known as “mumble-the-peg” or “mum-blety-peg,” to keep, my hand to. It took me only a couple of questions to recognize that eyen by my standards Miss Morrow has only an elementary knowledge of th$ game. This was a big disappointment. I was counting on her reputed expertise to provide a topic of conversation at a WEST press luncheon hi Miss Morrow’s honor. Otherwise, I knew I would be hopelessly out of it. It has been several months since I have seen an episode of “Peyton Place,” and that ‘ you at a disadvantage. I figured that if I could work the conversation around to jnumblypeg, I could hold my own with the other guests, who were television critics. But, as previously noted, Miss Morrow let ine down. “Why did they kill Ann | Howard?’’ asked one of the critics. “She wanted out of the cast,’ replied Miss Morrow, who plays the part of Rita Hanrington. ‘Well, they could have let her wander off, Idee Alison,” the critic said. You can see where this left me. I didn’t even know that Ann had been killed and that Alison had wandered off. So * broke in with a question about mumblypeg. Miss Morrow mumbl'd something vague about her brother having taught her to flip the knife from her elbow. I could tell Immediately that she had mastered none of the fine points of the game. Thqre was nothing I could do but sulk in silence for the restj of the luncheon while my cbl-1 leagues explored the ins and outs of “Peyton Place." With Ann and Alison out, a new character named Rachel is coming m, Miss Morrow said. ★ * ★ “Rachel is a farm girl who has been in slave labor most of her life,” she explained. “We — my husband Norman and I — find her in a bam. She has' been crying and stabbing herself.” This sounds like real , meaty | stuff and I plan to be in front of my set when Rachel makes her. first appearance in an episode next October. I By that t i m e, mumblypeg, 12,,personal portable tv ; J* dial. 74 a*. In. raet pleturi ana featuring the rich, warm look of wood less than a foot high... yet so elegant it looks at home among your finest furnishings. Tha JETSTREAM • Modal X12U 7HC COUfAMHJK 5UICS color accents and Gold color trim, beautifully molded caMMt beck. Deluxe carry handle. Earphone Jack. In grained - . . . Kashmir Walnut color and Sold color, or K*| AAM and Gold color. e Deluxe Video Range Tuning System a 3-Stage IF Amplifier e Automatic Fringe-Lock Circuit e Custom “Perms Set" VHF Fine Tuning » Front Mounted Speaker HANDCRAFTED! No printed circuits! No production shortcuts! Every connection in Zenith’s handcrafted Chassis is 100% hand wired for greater operating dependability. SEE YOUR LOCAL ZENITM DEALER ft ennetif ALWAYS FIRST QUALITY W Even people who can afford much more expensive clothes shop Penney's! Why not?... it's smart to shop where you get so much mom for your money! Towncraft Young Gentry sports trip Be first/with the important new look for fall — our noteworthy Young Gentry sport trio. Big plaids sparkle our wool/ niohair jacket—a traditional university grad model. Color-coordinating slacks are fine all wool worsted hopsack. And th# matching sleeveless sweater completes the total look in soft Scottish Shetland wool. Altogether, an bin* pressive threesome. Compare the trim Towncraft tailoring the fine quality . . the reasonable price. Use your Penney Charg# card. , Charge it! 49.95 PENNEY'S MIRACLE MILE a—to THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, SKPTEMBKB, 3» 1966 Cracks Appearing^ in Solidarity House ZENITH PIONEERED COLOR TV ADVANCES IN ZENITH PERFECTED COLOR TV the finest in BUCK and WHITE TV (EDITOR’S NOTE—Neither compromises nor promises have staled mutterings of discontent among skilled tradesmen tn'WaltCr Reuther’g United Auto Workers Union. The following article examines the pressures that threaten to crack the UAW’s famed solidarity.) By A. F. Mahan Associated Press Writer DETROIT - Walter P. Reuther may encounter more trouble within his United Auto Workers Union over the next year than the auto industry does from it. Several hundred, maybe even - few thousand, skilled tradesmen are in a rebellious mood over the UAW’s failure last month to ga|n contract reopening and immediate pay raises for them from General Motors, Ford and Chrysler. . ★ ' ★ ★ A rather nebulous organization, the Independent International Society of Skilled Trades, is making a pitch to recruit the dissatisfied. At least some them have debated the possibil- Th# TOURNEY > N2000C-6 THE SUM UNE SERIES £ 4 A A95 Distinctive two-tone color cabinet in Charcoal color * | /Jr* and Off-White color. Beautifully molded cabinet with * matching UHF/VHF controls. Top Carry Handle. Monopole Antenna. ALWAYS DISCOUNT MUCKS SWEETS 30 DAYS SAME AS CASH RADIO & APPLIANCE 422 West Huron FE 4-5677 Open Monday and Friday Evening* ’til 9 PM. RENT, LEASE, SELL. BUY HOMES, PROPERTY, COTTAGES, CARS, GOLF CLUBS---USE PONTIAC PRESS CLASSIFIED ADS. TO PLACE YOURS, CALL 332-8181. At the UAW’-s May convention, the union amended its constitution to give the s k ill e d workers an unconditional veto over future contracts, despite the fact unskilled or semiskilled production workers outnumber them 7-to-l. Contracts signed in 1964 run until Sept: 6, 1967. With more than a year to go, grumbling continued. Reuther moved a g a i n. He asked the Big Three for contract reopening to give the skilled at least a 50-cent hourly wage boost immediately. BID REJECTED On Aug. 22 he got a rejection ity of withdrawing from the UAW. With few exceptions, no one anticipates Reuther will take any large lumps. For one thing, there are only 200,000. skilled tradesmen among the. union’: 1,359,935 dues-paying members in the auto, aeospace ricultural implement industries and in supplier job shops. IN CONTROL For another, few politicians— and that’s what Reuther has had to be to keep the UAW presidency 20 years — have the control over and support of their constituents that he does. Scores who’ve tangled with him within the union have learned such a venture can cost the job of a shop steward or a local union president or one of 800 international representatives. ★ * ★ On the other hand, Reuther has a great reputation as a dispenser of soothing syrup. And the application thereof has begun. The 300 - member General Motors Conference has been called to Meet in Detroit Sept. 12, and right behind it two GM subcouncils of the skilled ades. Chrysler and Ford conferences are coming Sept. 16 and Sept. 29, respectively, also companied by tradesmen. DISCONTENT GROWS Dissatisfaction among the skilled has been growing, and Reu|her knows it. Arguing that their auto plant ^average was $3.97 hourly, they point to Detroit scales of $4.63 for carpenters and $5.20 for electricians* Newspaper advertisements are offering, premium pay elsewhere for those with*the! af- from GM, Ford, Chrysler and the Detroit tooling Association, a major automotive supplier of tools and dies. Reuther then summoned the union’s International Executive Board to a special meeting, and from it came what some took as a sign the>auto makers will have peace through the remainder of outstanding contracts. The demand of the skilled, and the joining of production workers in a plea to be included *in any reopening, had raised fears among the auto makers that work stoppages would hit their plants just as production of 1967 models began. The UAW Executive Board Gl Gives Medal to Dead Buddy DOWAGIAC (AP)-A Marine who. won the Purple Heart in Viet Nam has given it to the family of a dead comrade who didn’t. ,r Tom Klein and Jdhn Edgerly, both 21, enlisted in the Marine Corps together. Both went to Viet Nam. ★ ★ - * Klein stepped on a mine, shattering both his legs. One was amputated. Edgerly was hit by lightning while standing guard neai Nang. Because it wasn’t a combat wound, he did not receive the medal. ★ ★ ★ Still in his wheelchair, Klein attended Edgerly’s funeral in Dowagiac recently. He rolled up to the casket and pinned his medal on the dead Marine’: pillow. ■» I figure anyone who has guts enough to fight over there deserves recognition, no matter how he died,” Klein said. climaxed Its special meeting with a .statement saying: “Our contracts’ were negotiated in good faith and we intend to carry oat our. contractual and* legal obligations In this spirit..,. Illegal and unauthorized . action cannot „ be aned.” The latter apparently was a stern warning against strikes without a contract violation upon which to base them. Production standards' and health and safety hazards are the only strikeable issues, although automakers have accused Jocal unions of using (me of these in past walkouts when another issue altogether was involved. CHANNEL B0 Enjoy Your Favorite SPORTS .On Our Big COLOR TV Air Conditioned; ' mmmmm Wd dbubt that you'll find a more luxurious permanently pressed shirting than Vpn Heusen's oll-cotton broadcloth. Srriboth, silky( soft, yet for all is luxury, this shirt is probably the/ most practical Shirt you can buy. It's permanently pressed the day it is made . . . pnd it will never need pressing again: And it's remarkable long-wearing, too. Regular collar, sizes 14-1716, sleeve lengths 32-36 . . . or with tab collar, sizes 14-17, sleeve lengths 32-35. Both in white.’$6 ■ tWWOga TMn-.M. H » 1st. t, I, "•"aT , AGENC COMPARE These LOW PRICES/ ra h(S&P drug store IQ a package IS VS-l- 15^4895 DIXIE HWY. IO H LIQUOR STORE ^ _ Fact Tooth Paste e < ■ 7»c. Got now slant, (“It color Batman and Rabbi pact- lc 1 TACKLE OINTMENT 4 ■ 1-50 Value. Medication for 1 1 toS?**' °!ly *kin and black- | 09 1 Dentu-Creme Ci W Rdgalar 9«c adhaalva daatwa ’ V cnam to baU daaTwarRi placo. ^ F sf HALO Shampoo A| M »l«0. Gantt* Rlaa Halo vflpl V ill Y 6 ABSORBINE JR. A t f>. t-M ™l*. tm .ora, .chin, |l| i iKfcr- •*—*-* * Y # COLGATE “100” m Antiseptic ill / NNw 1-29. 20-ounca mouth - ^ lc E’ ^ bupei DRUG STORI ivory oorvico • Appliineit • Sack Se»Mti I ppgwtosRm^aoaihit r MFmb Sradiiat* Fitfart • Frhrat* rmUt Ri EPRESI IRIPTIfl 111 FILLED by us 1M QUALITY DRUGS 9IV LOWEST PRICE 140 North Saginaw Huron Street 4895 Dixie Highway Next to So von SDO Pochooe ilt|ue, itole \cm Can Count on Us...Quality Costs No More at Sears bays’ broadcloth pajama sale Sizes 6 to 12 Regular $2.29 These easy fitting pa are well tailored i: Sanforized broadcloth. Big variety of new prints in coat ' style with boxer (all ’round) waist trousers. Buy during this sale! for teens .. . Color Compatibles skirts and sweaters Wool and Mohair Mock Turtleneck . 7.98 Wool and Mohair Crcwnerk.........8.98 Stitched Pleated Skirt...........8.98 Wool and Mohair V-Neck Cardigan. . 8.98 Front Pleat Action Skirt..........8.98 Sears best 100% wool skirts and dyed to match full fashion sweaters. Beautiful companions at work, on campus. Green, gold, plum. Juniors sizes 5-15. Sweaters size 34 to 40. Shop . now and save on these compatibles. boys’ and girls’ streteb gro-sleeper sale Regular $2.99 227 Charge It Our best quality 2-piece sleepers of 97% cotton and 3% Lycra® Spandex stretch with every movement. Toddlers’ sizes 1T4T and Juvenile sizes 3 to 6. Several colors. $1.99 girls*cotton pajamas include pullover and coat styles, trimmings of lace, ribbons, ruffles. Sizes 3 to 6X. X.O i $1.99 Boys’ Flannelette Pajamas of •nugly-warm cotton ip. 5'favorite styles melt' as middy, coat and "1 CS7 ski. Sizes 34X. A,w * Reg. $^.59, Junior Boys’ FlannelPfs......... 2.17 Reg. $1.49 Sweatshirts All Sizes........ i#27 - Coin dot shirts, neck Sizes 13-14% ...sw 2.99 PROPORTIONED .length ; . Cling-Alon® Stretch nylon sale Regular SI.19 pair 88£ Flattering hose designed in three leftgths to fit you marvelously. Because it stretches to your individual contours it hugs your ike a second skin. Longwearing too with a runguard aftcrwelt and toe ri^HI reinforced heel and toe. Mesh knit in Beige, Mist, Mocha, Taupette and White. Short, Medium and Long lengths to fit 8V2 to 11. Stock up on ny lons during this sale. Save Over $1 long-leg panties 599 Regular $7 Sizes Sftiall-XL Charge It This long leg panty has mesh elastic inserts at hack, waist and legs to let yoU bend or stretch in comfort. A blend of nylon and Lvcra*' Spandex with front panel. White only. CdWIrr Dept.. Floor Dressy or Casual vinyl handbag sale women’s tailored jamarettes Charge It It’s the saving-est sale of the year on Sears popular Jamarettes! Gay new. prints and colors for everyone. Notched collar, piping trim, handy pocket. Adjustable Gripper® Fastener waistband for added comfort. Sizes 32 to 40. Reg. $5.98 1st To Sears for an eye exam and then to school! Style conscious girls really like the complete selection of fashion eyewear at Sears. Naturally, Jame’Sr glasses were a priority item in her new school wardrobe — both to Jame and her parents. Janie wanted to look her very best — and her wish came true when she saw the countless frames she could choose from. Her parents — well, they want Janie to do well ip school, and they knew Sears glasses would assure greater classroom participation. Bring your youngster in — for better schoolwork and more fttn throughout the school year! Dr. BrooMHi— Optometrist in Pontiac SEARS SERVICE— • Eyes examined and glasses fined by staff optometrists • Lenses duplicated • Frames replaced while you waif • Optical repair while you wait • Prescription sun- / glas*& available ,# Satisfaction guaranteed Or. W. Littlejohn Dr. i. Steplcowici Dr. J. Draptau Me. K. Sutherland Dr £" A ■ r:- 1 -Aftu •“ FOODUND 20 E. WALTON | Mm. thru Set. 0 til A* 1 fi SUNDAY L \ owe FOODUND LAKE ORION Mm. thru Saf. 9 till ■ *“T“ . SUNDAY I lenuEt | FOODUND Sill SASMAKAW P«&V|/V5¥ FOODUND icwoRTOMnuin. flSdliMiHI ROMAN ROMAN ROMANfAORte Blench Starch SefteerL m 29° m Half. Gal. Half gal. Half Gal. B THE PONTIAC PRESS Women CrowdOU Fashion Event PONTIAC, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1966 Mrs. Alfred C. Girard wore brown and a mink hat. Mrs. Fred Hoenstine, Mrs. Neil Fletcher, and Mrs. William Furlong. They Came . . . and they came .. . and they came. Mri. James Clarke and Mrs. Mdrgan Siple are a happy looking pair. By JANET ODELL Pontiac Press Women’s Editor From the perfect day to the almost unbelievable sum of $30,-645 raised for 'scholarships, the first fashion show in the Howard „ C. Baldwin Pavilion on Wednesday was a success. Sponsored by Oakland University scholarship committee and under the capable leadership of ■ Mrs. Alfred C. Girard and Mrs. George T. Trumbull, the show . attracted over 1800 women fr^m all parts of Metropolitan Detroit. COLORFUL FOLIAGE They were there when the tea and coffee was served at 1 p.m. Some of the, tea tables had rose topiary trees adorning the middle^ others held bouquets of chrysanthemums. * Over Trumbull Terrace was a pink and white tent — just in cake the weather man couldn’t cooperate. The Scholar Shop was open and did a rushing business-A few members of the Detroit Symphony Orchestra started to play as the women found seats in the pavilion. The ushers were pretty young girls who wore green ribbons and white feather corsages tied with the same shade of green. All the adult hostesses had similar corsages. On the stage, masses of live evergreens with taU white feather ‘trees’ made an„ attractive background for the 18 models who showed clothes from Julie, hie. in the Fisher Building. It' was her first fashion show in 11 years. Baron Vincent Von Berg of Vincent Harmik, custom hat designers in New York. City, commented on the clothes. Before the first model ap-9 peared, he counseled his audience, “If it’s wrong tor you, don’t wear it!” * • Seldom have such exotic-fashions been displayed in such pastoral surroundings. During pauses in the music the cawing of a distant crow could he heard. Butterflies a thousand times bigger than life' were printed on some of'the clothes. An original winged its way over the audience. MRS. ROMNEY A telegram came from Mrs. George Roipney who was represented at the show by her .daughter, "Mrs. Loren T. Keenan. Chancellor D. B. Varner greeted the women before announcing toe amount of money raised for scholarships. This year, he said, more than 100 students will benefit from toe funds raised through women’s love of fashion. Will Meet on Monday Mrs. James Roche (left) stops to chat with Mrs. George T. Trumbull who wore her favorite color-pink. Kurt Wheelock of Detroit will speak on “Modern Memory Methods” at the 8 p.m. meeting of Beta Chi chapter, Epsilon Sigma Alpha sorority. The group will meet Monday at the YWCA. This year’s philanthropic project will be raising funds for women in G Ward at Pontiac State Hospital Early arrivals are (from left) Mrs. Daniel T. Murphy, Mrs. Merle R. Voss, Won't Solve Traffic Jam With Horn By BUZABETHL. POST 1 A polite driver would no more cheat at a red light or stop sign than he would cheat in a game of cards. Hie man who trips to force his way ahead of others in a line of cars would not think of trying to force himself ahead of others in a box office line. ★ ★ ★ If he accidentally did such a thing he would be mortified by his own rudeness, but let him get behind the wheel of a car , and his courteous instincts may fly right out the window. USING HORN • If more people realized that the horn, as toe voice of the car, is in reality toe voice of the driver, there would be less thoughtlessness in its use. H it is necessary to prevent an accident, use your horn, of course; but no polite driver ever charges at an individual, a crowd of persons on foot, or other automobiles blowing the horn as if to blast them out of the way. In other words, a courteous driver sounds his horn as a warning only in emergencies. Otherwise, he beeps it gently as a polite signal. * ★ * No well-mannered young man would announce his arrival a! his date’s house by standing at the curb and yelling at her. Yet this is just the impression given by he who, arriving by car, sits at the wheel and blasts away at the horn. I have toe greatest sympathy for toe man hi the following story. IBs car had stalled in heavy traffic, and although he was obviously trying tb find and remedy the trouble the driver behind was impatiently bonking and swearing at toe em-barr—sd victim. j After standing the noise and rudeness for as long as be could, aqr ' 4 17 JEWEL CENTENNIAL I.D.WATCH tomorrow, a handsome i^ti&satfen bracelet watch with executive-style links. White or yellow gold . '. . $29,95 „ ::;|gp£5m ; SHOPPING CENTER - TKUSGRAm AT ELIZABETH LAKE R». OPEN;fVlk|^>NlGHT UNTIL 9 P.M. BUDGET TERMS ’ « AS CASH • 18 MONTHS TDPAY in/Oim fa rJt,*guc*roRwxoiii<>.«mc«eAt*t * ■ ★ •* ★ . ■ ,Sj Anyone submitting a Polly’ Problem, a solution to a problem or a favorite homemaking idea will receive h dollar if Polly uses the item in Polly’s Point- New Hope for Victims of Handicap EAST PALO ALTO, Calif. (UPI) — Stan Radford is running an employment agency for persons with “hidden handicaps.” A person with a “hidden handicap,”’ Radford says, is someone who has been behind bars , or in a mental institution. He says that if an ex-convict cannot get a job, he usually takes to crime to get money. If an -ex-mental patient cannot gain employment, RadfoM adds, he becomes despondent and lands back in the hospital. Radford is confident that his organization, called Teamwork Associates, will help anyone with a “hidden handicap” as long as that person wants to help himself. He speaks from experience. He said he has had three mental breakdowns, and knows how difficult it is to find a job after being released from a hospital. •.*> Paul T. Schabaker, director of the San Mateo County Health Association, has praised Teamwork Associates as “ajine example of efforts in self help.” ' JHeumode "SMART GIRL” Sa&t 44< 2 pairs 85 c 82 N. Saginaw St. HEW LOCATION • 123 W. MAPLE, BIRMINGHAM WOMEN'S WEAR * Carpet Paths and Spots Easily Removed . or clean carpet waU-to-wall. Safe Blue LnMra re-brightena colon, leavaa nap fluffy. Rant eaay-to-uae electric •hampoocr for tl • day at Brown Brea., 70* Wait Huron St., Pontiac, Mich. Back to School FASHIONS RICHARDS Boys' and Girls' Wear THE PONTIAC MALL SIBLEY’S MIRACLE Sandler’s new wow sterlings are why! Handsewn* moccasin construction in leathers, finishes, grains and colors to let you * moc around the clock! Sopth Telegraph at Sqoare Lake Rd. Ft lB-9700 Open Evenings 'til 9 I1 EG GY'S Lean arid Lanky TDfr1 THAT REALLY FIT! The custom look by Davenshire . . . beautiful from any point of view . .. fine quality wool flannel... new wool liopsacking ... and available in washable nylon stretch fabric. Plaidsl Checkl Solid hi sHades! Sizes 8 to 18 in average and tails In sizes 14 to 20. From $9. Wool Flannel Bermudas ... from $8 Enjoy panty girdle comfort and freedom but... AVOH'FAHTYlfG mME DON’T WEAR A TOURNIQUET tight pantytegs can hinder normal circulation, cause unsightly and uncomfortable marking and swelling of the legs and feet. Take the time to be expertly fitted, and tq be sure... COMPENSATE Figure trimming Compensate girdles and panty girdles are made of lightweight powernet with DuPont machine washable Lycra Spandex and Antroo Nylon. Available in a full range of sizes and styles with front panels, front and back panels, and front, back and side panels to fit your figure type and your purse from $6.95 to $8.95. Nationally advertised in Good housekeeping and McCall’s. •*< Come in and try yours on today at: “ PEGGY'S Unbelievably Priced at ■ •______ THR TggU|l3lMrV> SRl’TRMnKR 8, lggfi ' Women Need More Dough for price for the year was 18 | price, faking nearly a JO per cents. Nationally, it was *>.9 cent km in the process. nJtiM Jam imai - I 1 a A Vacation to Beauty It mijHseem vain, selfr indulgent— even outrageous. But, tbavi $ c t remains that more and more women jrt flocking to exclusive and secluded spaa for reat and beauty. Each year some 3,500 American women spent any* where from $500 to $M$0 a week at one of the country's four splendiferous spas, reports Business Week. Is this ahy way to spend a vacation? Lots of ladies thiiik so. Despite male guffaws, the ladies are waiting in hue for a chance at a week or two in these pleasure domes of the deep kneebend, the stomach growl, the strawberry facial, and the Swedish Summer Skin €pre It 4s easy to have g smooth lovely complexion, despite the skin-coarsening effect of summer. The pores open much wider irf the heat so it’s essential that they have free movement to open and 'close without being clogged. Protect from cosmetic pigments, dust and powder by smoothing, on jnaur oil of; Olay. This will also protect the complexion frem harsh; sun rays and will give the j skin a cool, milky bloom; even on.the hottest days.; Your druggist can supply you | ; with oil of Olay for your per-! sonal needs. ; ,, . . Margaret Merril' DETROIT (AP) — Michigan housewives will spend more dough on bread in the near future, predicts a spokesman 'for die state’s breadmakers. three cents per loaf, depending on the size. - But even. with, the anticipated boost, bread prices in Michigan will still be below the national average, industry spokesmen insist. According to federal government statistics, Detroit is at jthe- bottom of the list of major cities when it comes to the price of bread. And Detroit .usually sets the pattern for other Michigan communities. ★ ★. • * Bread prices, as listed in the latest U.S. Labor Department’s monthly consumer price index, show that the national retail average for a one-pound loaf of bread is 21.8 cents. Other comparative prices showed Los Angeles, 28 cents; Chicago, 21 cents; Cleveland, 22.1 cents; St. Louis 21.6 cents and Philadelphia, 21jcents. “Labor costs for bakers are up from five to 16 per cent over g'year ago, depending on when they signed their cow trgcts,” said Hayes. “Wrappers for the loaves are higher by: about 10 per cent, and the price of milk has gone up 30 per cent in the past two years. “There has been a 60 per cent increase in the price of flour recently, which adds about % of a cent to the cost of producing a loaf of bread. “Although I don’t seen any move at the present for a gen* “With costs of everything going up,‘it seems inevitable that something will have to be done,” Jim Hayes, secretary of the Michigan Bakers Association, declared today. * “I just don’t see how bakers' can go on the way they have been,” Hayes added. PRICE HIRES One Detroit baker already has announced an increase in price's, and others are expected to follow suit. Price hikes may range from one' to Hayes" said the-1965 statistics show Detroit’s average’ Industry sources said that major reasons for Michigan’,? bread situation include labor shortages, overbuilding of facilities, mid a policy of generallyselling to stores on consignment; Unsold- bread — about five per cent of the total — is returned to the baker, who in All Seasons The Brady L. Freelands of Avalon Street, Avon Township, announce the engagement Prints once the tradition of spring and summer fashions now go through all seasons. New York' designers use splashy print, Op prints, subtle prints, and big and little prints in winter silks for daytime as well as evening. In Detroit, the prjee was 18.5 erai pnee increase, ultimately and inevitably something I— MHP... .JPI — must be done.” Blue 0hip Investment For the Woman of Good Taste! V/ l * Superb Winter Coats of 100PID HOCKANUM SERENA WOOL / Lavished With Magnificent EXTRA LARGE MINK COLLARS 7998 oj me it aaugrutT, ru- triad Ruth, to James William Broadwell. He is the sort if the Hiram ,W. Broadwells, Bloomfield Village. She is a graduate of Michigan Christian Junior College and he is a senior at Adrian College. A January 1967 wedding is planned. The Troyers Are Married in California Sandra Jean Johnson and Michael Lewis Troyer, both of Long Beach, Calif.were wed recently in St. Matthew’s Church in Long Beach. A reception ip the Edgewa-ter Bead) Marina Hotel followed ihe ceremony performed by the Rt. Rev. M Joseph Lynch. A Parents of the couple who left for a Las Vegas honeymoon are the Alfred M. Johnsons, Glen Ellyn, HI. and the Lester H. Troyers of Orton-ville. LACE AND PEARLS Sculptured lace touched with pearls fashioned a yoke ami sleeve cuffs for the bride’s gown of- white peau de soie with cathedral train. She donned a shoulder veil of illusion net and held an arm bouquet of white roses. ★ ★ With Linda Johnson, her sister’s maid of honor, were Nancy Johnson, Lisa Taylor and Tracy Ellen Johnson as bridesmaids. Thomas Troyer was hu7 brother’s best man with Steven, Scott, and Christopher Johnson, seating the guests.' The bride is an alumna of Purdue University and her husband iy a graduate of MichigamBtate University. cwmfovtobL Select yours today in camel, plum, green, sable, red with ranch, pastel, dawn, or Autumn Haze* mink collars. Sizes 7 to 15. and 6 to 18. . » massage. neebend, le straw-Swedish awia Separate squares are light to bold — perfect spring-summer project. Use worsted. Crochet a square at a time — one daisy! Crochet in 3 shades of a color op contrasting background. Pattern 537: directions; color schemes. Thirty-five cents in coins Tor each pattern — add 15 cents fof each pattern for Ist-claSs mailing and special handling. Send to Laura Wheeler, The Pontiac Press, 124 Needlecraft Dept., Box 161, Old Chelsea Station, New York, N. Y. 10011. Print Pattern Number, Name, Ad-3, Zip. Needlecraft Spectacular — 200 designs, 3 free patterns in new 1966 Needlecraft Catalog. Knit, crochet, garments, slippers; hats; toys; lin-Send $ cents. NEW! 12 remarkable American quilts — duplicate them exactly from complete patterns in color in new Museum Quilt Book 2. Mainly 2, 3 patches. Quilting motifs. 50 cents. Send also for Quilt Book 1 — 16 complete patterns. 50 cents. AND SPECTATORS TOO I th» ■ho m!« with StETtEU 388 3«a /,; * t THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1966 Diversified ClM^sMeeti * ' ’ %Ax Id Mn. Ralph Dean Sr; and Mrs. Harry Isenberg gave reports on the recent ratiimfi convention of Metropolitan Clubs at ^meeting of Auxiliary No. 8 Tuesday. The unit mdt in the club rooms on Yale Street, ) Adopfed Children Are Curious About Their N By ABIGAIL VAN BUREN WEAR ABBY: I have always Abby? Is she the one who con-1 woman who found out how to get ceiveathe child, carries it andlin touch with her real mother gives birth to it? after all those years, would 4eH ★ * * me how she did it. thought your advice to be very sound until I read the answer you gave “JUST CURIOUS” who was adopted in her infancy, We have adopted children, and the attorney who handled the adoptions told us that there was NO way for the children to locate their real parents. WONDERING had grown up. and .married,! and had finallyf tracked down] her real motb-1 JUDITH ANN OLES THE PRETTIEST GIRLS IN SCHOOL ARE DRESSED IN tWtef FASHIONS i were Mrs. Henry St, John, Mrs. Dean, Mrs. Isenberg and Mrs. Harold Wright, Two guests attended, Mrs. Maude Downer and Mrs. Dallas Rode, . Joyce© Auxiliary . “New Trends in Children’s Fashions” was discussed by Mrs. Philip Zachar of the Tet-Huron Children’s Shop at Tuesday’s meeting of the Pontiac Junior Chamber of Commerce Auxiliary. v * ★ * v The combined dinner-meeting was held in Fortino’X Bata Sigma Phi Mrs. Mipbael ityan of Point-view Drive entertained members of Zeta Eta chapter for tiie first taeeting Tuesday. Assisting the hostess was Mrs. Clifford Wilcox. Spring torn are planned by Judith Ann Oles, daughter,of Mr. and Mis. ' Letter Ole*, of Knollwodd Drive and Philip Lorenz Schmidt, soli of the Lorenz Schmidts of Waterloo, . Iowa. They are alumni of Wayne State • University and the State College of Iowa,. .. respectively.- b/ iJoSEPHWE LOWMAM Q. If you once use a depilatory, do you have to continue to use it for the rest of your klife? A. No, not unless you wish to continue to remove the superfluous hair. Hi other words, a depilatory does nof'ltimu- Two designs from the first collection of, patterns offered by The Singer Company were created by Calvin Klein of New York. His three-piece suit with double-breasted, full-length coat, trapeze shirt and shell blouse is shown in two versions. The warm peige wool has a pink wool shell and ’lapels. The metaUic paisley is a soft beige. Patterns and fabrics available locally. late or increase hair growth. It simply melts the hair off at skin level. However, it is only a temporary measure, and the hair wilfreappear. Many women make the mistake of thinking that shaving or a depilatory increases the growth of hair when the truth is that the hair would have increased anyway. Shavipg and depilatories have no effect on the root, or living part, of the hair. - k k k Q. I am 13 years old and 5 feet 218.1 weigh 104 pounds. Is that good? Should I diet? I think I should lose some weight. Also is ghm chewing all right? Is a pack a day too much? -1 A. Your weight is perfect.' Maybe chewing that much gum a day is exercise enough to keep you slim. Seriously, ip my opinion it isn’t good for your teeth. There aren’t that many places where it is appropriate to chew gum. k k k Q. How many calories are there in a chocolate milk? A. About 225 in a cup. k k-• "ft Q. I perspire a lot and am active in sports during the summer months. How often can I shampoo my hair without injuring it? A. As often as need be. Use a mild soap and if possible sun-dry it. The only danger in shampooing too often is, if you have very dry scalp and hair. The soap and the heated dryers tend to rob the scalp of its natural oiL Abby, how could you? I gave my baby up for adop-on 29 years ago, not because I didn’t want her, but because I had no husband, and could afford to keep her. And everyday I pray that my! doorbell will ring and she will be standing there A MOTHER DEAR ABBY: I hope that woman who is all fired up about meeting her real mother has better luck than I had. I too, was adopted, and after many years of searching, I finally located my real mother, so I wrote her a letter tellipg her that I wanted to meet her. I also asked her to please tell me where she got the name that appeared on my birth certificate. She replied with a postcard, written in pencil: “Don’t I other me. I don’t know nothing.” NO LONGER CURIOUS ★ ★ * DEAR ABBY: The question of whether an adopted person should, out of curiosity, try to contact with his natural parents is one of considerable interest to me, because did just that four years ago. And I would like to go on record as saying that it was the gravest mistake of my life. I Will not dwell on the unfortunate and ugly repercussions that followed, but your original advice to abandon the idea was indeed wise. I shall always regret having poked around in my ast. Sing this ALSO CURIOUS ★ ★ ★ , DEAR ABBY: Re the letter from the woman, adopted in in fancy, concerning her “r e a 1’ mother: I feel that I must protest the use of the word “real” in this instance. Just what is % “real” mother, giyesbirthtoit? k ★ Or is she the one who nurses the child through his first shots, teeth, and first steps? Isn’t motherhood boiling bottles and folding diapers, and being available 24 hours a day to kiss away the hurt, and to listen to the stories ot his small victories,1 defeats, disappointments , and aspirations? And raising him to adulthood? ... ★ . ★ ★ Of course, the “n a t u r a l’l mother shows great love for her child by giving him up to be raised in a home with a mother and father who can provide him with a good life, But out of respect for adoptive parents, and primarily to the adopted child to whom the adoptive parents are the only ‘‘reality” — let us use the prop-! If terms. Either “natural” | mother, or possibly, “biological”, mother. Sincerely, A “REAL” MOTHER HICK SHOES, nun «mo! i n*w styUs-and plenty of siztVfor correct fitting. HACK 2*0.£ CO DEAR ABBY: I wish that! 235 PIERCE ST. BIRMINGHAM CLAYTONS Swing to Class in a Hip-Hugging JUMPER ...14.98 Slip and step in high style in this low-belted, 1.00% wool- pleated jumper. Solids, with checks or plaids. Sizes 6 to 14 and 5 to Us&uhw ! BROADTAIL JACKETS from *359 These year 'round fashioned jackets in black or fawn are handsomely patterned and luxuriously topped with natural mink, mushroom, stand-away shawl, or wedding-ring collar. Styled i in the newest feminine silhouettes with slim or : full backs. In hip or finger-tip length, j *dyed processed Lamb CONVENIENT TERMS, OF COURSE Fur Salon — Second Floor Don't let our low sale ppicBS foolyou! FAVORITE CLASSIC SWEATERS NEWEST COAT DRESSES 3.98 to 7.98 "IN" SKIRTS Plaids, stripto and solids. The new Carnaby swingers and shifts. Sizes 4 to Ax and 7 to 14, Corduroy, melton cloth, or wool tweeds. Some hqvw hoods, fur trimmed or ptie linings. Sizes 3 to 6x end 7 to 14. 3.98*0 7.9* 4" **12" 24"** 34" MR. & MRS. CHAIRS With OTTOMAN Striking Modern group with rich button-tufted pillow-becks and matching ottoman. Reversible seat cushions for.long wear. Handsomely finished exposed wood legs perfectly accent the bold sweeping design. A choice of lovely modern fabrics in various colors. these are custom-crafted AVON Occasional Chairs! SO WHILE OUR LIMITED INVENTORY LASTS... Bring stunning elegance to your home with these lovely Mr. & Mrs. Chair with Ottoman AT AIRACTION OF THE COST YOU WOULD NORMALLY EXPECT TO PAY! *, You may have seen great values in the past.. .hut never anything to compare with these!. Custom-crafted AVON chairs in " ' a choice of charming decorator fabrics. Only our vast buying power conjd nuke such an event possible... but hurry—the inventory is limited; And once it is .sold you’ll wait a long—long time .for an opportunity to Bring this kind of elegantly styled fine *' y ' furniture into your home at savings to compare with / < . these. Come in and compare their qualities... ‘ you’ll immediately know what rate values .. X these truly are. Immediate Delivery “where quality furniture is priced right” CLAYTONS 2133 Orchard Lake Road 333-7052 THE PONTIAC PHKSS. TttURSDAY. SEPTMMBER 8, 1966 New Bride Is Honored at Shower Determine Your al shower last evening at 40 Virginia Avenue fay honoree Mrs. Kendall Ball Jr. Co-hostesses for the event woe! Mrs Richard Rompa and Elinor Ball. ENROLL NOW , Writ* for Free Literature 4823 Dixie Hwy., Drayton Plains, Mich. Vickie Robitaille, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Robitaille of Clarkston. His parents are Mr. and Mrs. Kendall Ball Sr. of Cooley Lake Road. \ No Money Dowa - 36 Months To Pay The table desk has a charcoal black ‘Formica-leather’ top which heightens tfie warmth of the distressed pecan wood. Made in Italy, the chair has a hand-woven rush back and seat. Desk, chair and work units are from directional’s American Renaissance collection. Line available locally. A shelf can be a desk. The canted shape and recessed lower shelf of this one, with an accent mirror, minimizes it visually. It’s from , Stanley’s Theme II collection and is available in pecan or blue-gray finishes. Line available locally. Lint Remover Washes Clean A new lint remover is washable. Made of perma-tac adhesive bonded to an aluminum roller, the lint can be rinsed off the roller with water and I the roller is ready to work again. I The gold-colored aluminum | top attaches to the base of the roller to form a long handle ; when in use. When the top is put back on, the roller be-comes a sleek bureau top or I travel accessory. 338-6666, Open 9 ’til 5:30 Mon* Thurs., Fri. ’til 9 1672 S. Telegraph, Pontiac Between Sctpre Lake and Orchard Lake Rd. FOR TOTS OR TEENS PONTIAC PRESS CLASSIFIED AD. JUST PHONE 332-8181. TRADING BOATS IS EASY WITH A j New Member Welcomed a t The i r T uesday Meeti ng The manuscript desk with its massive lines and deep carving has a worldly look which adds charm and character to a room. Behind the doors are two wood file drawers. Note the Spanish design influence. From Stanley’s Tour Navaca collection in three finishes, about $225., Line available locally. Super Strength Clothesline For -the homemaker who prefers t6 line-dry at least Automatically Turns Off The newest in cooking is an automatic electrical appliance that prepares several foods at once ami even bakes apples and stews fruits. ‘ * Product Engineering, the trade publication repeating on the cooker, said that basically it’s a steamer with three cooking pans and a water holder. ★ ★ * A measured amount of ^water, depending on desired cooking time, is poured into the unit. As it boils, the steam does the cooking and when the water is gone, the unit shuts off automatically. C. R. HASKILL STUDIO Ha# Photographed Over 2,000 Wedding*, May We Make Your Picture#? Mr*. Donald Mutton 1 Ml. Clemens St. Price Includes: t Picture for Pre*» 9 Just Married Sign 9 Wedding Guest Book 9 Miniature Marriage Certificate 9 Riefe to Throw Sat atlUISC mate:” WHICH CLOTHES DRYER? Mrs. George Brinkman, membership chairman, welcomed new member, Mrs. Grodon Rice at Tuesday’s meeting of the Pontiac Business and Professional Women’s Club. Vera Bassett of Cherokee Road was hostess to the group. Her assistants were Mrs. Brinkman, Mrs. Charles Harman Jr., Mrs. Eleanor Pearson, Mrs. Paul Hammond and Ruth Rogers. * ★ ★ Rosamond Haeberle announced a fall district workshop to be held Oct. 2 at Oakland University. ★ * ★ Those involved will be Mr£ Lucinda Wyckoff, Mrs. Ernestine Griffin, Helen Zdeba, Mrs. Clifton Gabler and Mrs. | • Brinkman,, 1 „ Devon Gables will .be the scene of the Oct. 20 meeting. Small Repairs Keep a hammer, tacks, screwdriver and glue in the basket Of cleaning supplies. As you go from room to room doing routine or seasonal cleaning, you can also do simple repair jobs. New Arrival Mary Elizabeth, new daughter of the Donald F. McCar-ricks of Manila Street arrived Sept. 5 at Pontiac General Hospital. pari of the wash, there is good news about a new curd with greater strength and durability. The familiar outer cover of braided cotton conceals an inner core of tough nylon fibers. ★ it It Like all clotheslines, this one should be wiped off with a sudsy cloth before each use to avoid soiling clean damp ‘laundry. DISCOVER WKC'S UNIQUE SELECTION OF DIAMONDS Where Values Reign mm ■ ■ "I Elegant Diamond Brilliant diamond solitaire to highlight her hand with beauty Perfect token of your affection. Weigh the difference in quality, beauty_and value and you'll choose th|s glamorous "Starfire" diamond. < '* Specially Priced at Convenient Term to Suit Yomr Budget $22495 108 N. SAGINAW FE 3-7114 V.......;.......... .........S 'pctmUy . At ‘It&'Stti! e PRIME BEEF e STEAKS • CHOPS e SEA FOOD Known For Our famous Smorgasbord KJecUUttf A**t Si*f*ctt?*ott£tUd Stotunim Country Inn 3290 Pine take Reed Hum. 6S2-0600 IF YOU HATE IRONING TAKE A CLOSE LDOK AT MAYTAG TAE GAS DRYER THAT NEVER BAKES WRINKLES IN FOR YOU TO IRON OUT/ HAS MODEL INSTALLED THE ONE BIG DIFFERENCE... A GENTLE CIRCLE OF HEAT An unusual low temp, dryer yet it dries fast Low heat means no shrinking, no yellowing, no boked-in wrinkles. Saves you ironing... Permanent Press and Wash 'n Wear garments are truly ready to wear. Cottons are more wrinkle free. Costs less to operate, too. It's done with less heat and more air (Eke o strong breeze), same as outside drying. See it. NOW... FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY FREE GAS INSTALLATION On Comsumers Power Gas Line* ■> FREE DELIVERY FREE SERVICE and WARRANTY NO MONEY DOWN AT FIRESTONE! Take up to 30 Month* or 90 Dav* Same as Cash. CUT YOUR IRONING TIME BUY A GAS DRYER FIRESTONE Tire and Appliance Center 146 West Huron, Pontiac-PH 333-7917 imrnrrmnmnTmnm THE PONTIAC PItKSS. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1966 • Brr, T HONEYMOONING HUMPHREYS - Mr. N and Mrs. Robert A. Humphrey, son and daughter-in-law, of Vice President Hubert H. Humphrey, visited the Polynesian Cultural Center in Hawaii over the Labor Day weekend. Martine Mapuhi, 6, a Tahitian dancer Peking Leaders Prodding Soviet Enmity By WILLIAM L. RYAN AP Special Correspondent Red China’s- actions and words these days suggest that the men now emerging at the top of the heap in Peking consider Moscow a threat to their chances of nailing down and insuring their power. Foreign Minister Chin Yi’s statement in Peking about the possibility of talks with the United States on Viet Nam and the statement by the Chinese ambassador in Warsaw, full of belligerence toward die Americans, are not so contradictory as they might seem. * ★ ★ It all seems to mean that the Peking regime does not want to get involved in war with the United States. But it badly needs an outside enemy to excuse internal measures. It could hardly do without the United States as an enemy now and apparently wants to add the Soviet Union to its list of foes for good measure. Whoever controls Red China now —and Defense Minister Lin Piao seems to be calling the shots —the regime seems hellbent for collision with Moscow. Meanwhile, around the Red world, everybody is getting into the act. Peking may be happily anticipating an all-Communist donnybrook of global proportions. OPEN COMMENT Communist parties i now comment freely, frequency and acidly on Red Chinese antics. At the same time, all play worry that a contagion which has swept China might spread beyond its borders and prove, as the Bulgarian party said, “most dangerous” to Communist world aims. ★ ★ ★ The Bulgarian party, faithful echo of Moscow, warns that China’s purge, which Peking calls “foe great proletarian cultural revolution,” might spread to Candidates Told to Keep Signs off State Roads LANSING (AP) - Keep your campaign signs off state highway right-of-way — it .costs money to tear them down, foe State Highway Commission told candidates of both major po-. litical parties Wednesday. ★ ★ ★ "All Highway Department maintenance employes have been instructed .to allow do (political advertising) signs to remain in foe right-of-way, whether in rural or city areas,” foe commission said. ★ * ★ And, it said, “foe cost of removing political advertising signs cuts into the maintenance division’s budget, thereby reducing the amount of money available for much • needed repair and other maintenance work on state highways.” Falls account for the largest number of accidents in foe home. Pfckywr&e BRAND NEW 7.10x15 6.50x13 7.00x13 7.00x14 7.50x14 7.75x15 FULL4-PLY WHITEWALLS (SSahMrMMUiwd) > «is» tahtaMInlnTu MM4 Slgfly Higher exchange:_ CRESCENT U. S. ROYAL mtitaiiM. mi hi Draft Call Set I for November by Pentagon ! j WASHINGTONW-ThePen-itagon announced yesterday a diidt call of 43,700 men in No-i vember and a boost to 49,200 men for October, 3,(MO over foe originally announced figure. The pefense Department also said induction standards win be lowered effective Oct. 1 to get I under way Secretary Robert S. McNamara’s program for training 40;000 men this year who {could not meet previous requirements. The 3,000-man increase hi foe October draft call raised foe manpower request close to foe $3,000 called in May 1953 as the Korean war approached an end. Peak calls during the Korean conflict reached 80,000 a month. All men drafted in October, and November wfll be assigned to the Army.. N. ** SUBSTANTIALLY LOWER ! The Pentagon said it expects a substantially lower draft caU in December when Army training operations “will be scheduled to avoid the entrance of new inductees into active duty during the holiday season.” This month' 37,300 men are being drafted. The September draft call also had. been re- .. ..... . ___,. ... vised upward by 6,000 men over ** figure amiounced last acuities in uniting the people s montv. masses.” In Communist lan-'___1 guage, “people’s masses”! means Communist parties. The statement reflects Moscow’s worry that more splintering and confusion are in prospect under foe hammer blows from Peking. at the center, plants a kiss on the cheek of the newly married Humphrey as his wife, the former Donna Erickson, and Jubilee Kawika Logan, chief of the center’s Hawaiian village, look on. The Humphreys plan on* returning to Minnesota this weekend. Peking’s latest official actions seem incomprehensible unless Europe one considers two probabilities: That there has been strong pro-Moscow element in foe Peking leadership and that the Kremlin must be represented as wholly wicked if foe “antirevisionist” leaders are to nail down their authority for good. — That in the midst of the struggle and confusion in Red China, the emerging leadership wants to force Moscow to make the first move and. take the blame for breaking foe slender thread still holding foe two together. Don’t Wait! Now Is The Time For Bettor Boys and Best Sdedktns Boy Now amt Save Now FREE DELIVERY GENERAL ELECTRIC - - -Fitter-Flo Automatic Washer With Exclusive Mini-Basket Up to 14’Pound Capacity • Threw Wash Cycles • Twp Wash Speeds and Two Spin Speeds • Infinite Water Level Selection • Cold Water Wash and Rinse • Two Rinse Temperatures • Extra Wash • Soak Cycles • Wash fnt Wear Cool Down Many Other Important Features Filter-FIo® Wash System Trapi Unt-fnsx in non-dogging, moving filter. Large Washbasket Capacity Up* to 14 pounds of heavy fabrics come out Spiral Activator® 3-zone washing action for gentle yet thorough cleaning. ANNIVERSARY DOOR PRIZE WINNERS Portable TV-James Millis, 3101 Angelus Dr. Clock Radio-F. KruszewiJri. 12T Dwight Ice Crusher-A. Hail, 4730 Preda FREE GUARANTEE SERVICE OPEN EVENINGS 'TIL 9:00-SAT. 'TIL 6:00 589 Orchard Lake Ave. FE 4-0526 FREE PROMPT DELIVERY BUY, SELL, TRADE . . . .USE PONTIAC PRESS WANT ADS Vflfl PAY bet less’ tttttfET CShTEB . faster service -\m ^ ALL THE NEWEST COLORS AT SAVINGS OF 33% to 61% WE BUY FOR LESS AND SELL FOR LESS Ifi two. At Coipot Center you will often Save a full week', pay M by getting ' choose from 5 to, So why settle fore Thousands of« ____ in dock for INSTANT INSTALLATION! MANY STYLES IN IN-FOOT WITH WIDTHS FOR A DELUXE “SEAM-FREE” INSTALLATION. ‘ RICHLY EMBOSSED « "501” Feature, a gracefully Kulptured pattern learned into the heavy Mylon pile. Here', proof that you can Mill buy elegant carpeting at a budget price. Slightly brag. 4.38 \ TIP-SHEARED ACRYLIC uxurious cut and uncut acrylic pile rake, a perfect ''match-male'' nth both modem and traditional I aeon. Wide color choice. An $8.95 5.44 IT COLORS! NYLON HhLO ACRYLIC PILE TEXTURE FLUFFY NYLON PLUSH PREMIUM PLUSH ACRYLIC s * I. one of the greatest carpet m ever offered! Genuine crin-me filament nylon pile wilt r like bon. FIRST QUALITY! Ari extra - durable, premium - weight carpeting loomed from thickly tufted acrylic yarn, that doom Ilka glass. • 9 colon. A $9.95 vahia, If mg. So soft to tha touch, and rich to the eye, ft*, hard to bolievo that carpeting of this quality can cod so littfa. 22 decorator colors. FIRST QUAUTYI Thie super-thick, plush-cut acrylic pilo was loomed to rail for $9.95, if regular. Now you can choose from 7 radiant colon—and carpat 2 rooms forth# price of 1. ll 3.78 s. ^5.89%^ L., 3.84 *^0 L 5.44 CONTINUOUS FILAMENT LOOP CIioom from a rainbow of 20 different color, in thie popular plain leap ityle. The long wearing nylon pda re.ift. dirt, .tain., fuzzing. "FIRST QUALITY! NO MONEY THREE YEARS TO PAY. & ALL 7 GREAT STORES OPEN DAILY 9 AM. TO 9 ML SUNDAY 11A.M. to 7 P.P. Jm COMMERCIAL TWEED NYLON Tougheet, moet durable carpeting you can own. The genuine continuous Moment-nylon pile come in 8 decorator colon. FIRST QUALITY! 5.39% BUDGED NYLON TWIST 5.87 SPACE-DYED TWEED Long-wearing 100% nylon pile in a •tunning new multi-tonea effect. Many decorator colon. FIRST QUALITY! 8.83m Sgggg 10 COLORS! ACRYLIC MTI-TM A stunning am. ityle that feature, a 3-level looped surface combined with a multi-toned color effect. 100% acrylic pile draw like glam. FIRST QUALITY! SSUfSS, —nwsssu FOOTBALL EQUIPMENT THE NEW FALL FABRICS ARE REALLY I SOMETHING SPECIAL! FOOTBALL SHOES ■ Drip Dry Cotton SHEATH°LINING 1 lr 57c I if m mm GINGHAM CHECKS 1 99c . 66e | $gap ffsin s g™ a JS"JS 25' iLsyp-^ m TEL-HURON SHOPPING CENTER Phone 335-547 WtiKBMSSSBK: Oar vary ............. are worth up to *17.98. What makes them very unusual is oar mss price tag. IV Sho riSa MOST STORES OPEN To put it modestly: HOLY PRICE TAG! IWith savings, like this you could corner the sweater market. (The possibilities for a school wardrobe or a series of leisurely Saturday afternoons are staggering.) And look at the choice you have. Handsome alpacas, alpaca-wool blends, and alpaca bier link-stitch cardigan and V-neck styles. Great snaaes w take much imagination to see that these sweaters For color so real RCA VICTOR 25" COLOR • Now vista 25,000-volt chassis • Now tunersVHF’ ^ • RCA Automatic Color PurHior plus the luxury of Remote Control! This RCA Victor consolfttA li vrtthlB th. rutch of virtually •very budget Combines fresh Contemporary styling with color reception so real you’ll think you are there. Deluxe features Include rectangular RCA Hl-Uts ColorTube with built-in Perma-Chrome for color stability during warm-up ... super-powerful 25,000-volt color chassis... New yista VHF and Solid State UHFtunars.. .RCA Automatic Color Purifier that prevents picture Impurities caused by external magnetism.. . color-quick tuning... one*»et VHF fine tuning... automatic tone balance... picture sharpness control ...6* oval duo-cons speaker. • Now Vlota Deluxe 25,000-volt • Now RCA solid Integrated circuit o Two 6* oval duo-cone speakers Large Selection and Low, Low Prices it intake dependable TEL-HURON SHOPPING CENTER 1550 UNION LAKE RD. UNION LAKE FES-7SII 153421! THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1066 Councilman's Ouster Upheld Court Rules Removal in Sylvan Lake Okay A suit charging that a Sylvan Lake Councilman was illegally removed from office by other ■ council, members was dismissed yesterday in Circuit Court. Judge Clark J. Adams a no cause for action judgment after hearing arguments. The suit was filed by John D. , McKinlay who was removed from office last month after a year and a half dispute over his eligibility. It has been alleged that McKinlay did not meet the residency requirement of the city j charted when elected in 1964. ★ ★ * Adams said the council had the right to rule on the el ibility of a council member. State Drives to End 3 Teacher Dispute By the Associated Pren State officials today intensified efforts to end three teacher work stoppages disrupting classes for nearly' 21,000 Michigan students. ■ Sv* ★ k It Meanwhile, some 1,200 teach-ers .were to report for in Grand Rapids, i, working with- agent out a master contract. Negotiations for a contract were stalled in the west Michigan city until the Michigan Labor Mediation Board' rules on unfair labor practice charges. Without the rulings it is not known which of two groups will4 become collective bargaining the teachers. Officials of Henry Ford Community College in Dearborn, a Detroit suburb, called off registration which had been scheduled for today for an expected 12,500 students. ★ ' k k Local 1650 of the American Federation of Teachers x»:v • PARK FREE in WKC’S Lot Rear of Store • OPEN MONDAY, THURS., FRI. ’til 9 P.M. HOME OF FINEST BRAND NAMES 198 N. SAGINAW-FE1-7114 OFF ON EVERYONE... B DON’T YOU KNOW? At first it seemed a bit Much ... I mean, in comparison with what 1 usually wore. *But how can you resist that lean look, that close-fitting Edwardian line, that British Military influence? Soon I was wearing Carnaby caps, , berets (Mod goes to your head before you know*it). Then I really ' shifted into Gear. My coats had epaulets and deep side vents, suppressed waists and buttons everywhere. My pants were cut low, long and lean: belted on the hips and heading downward in a tight, straight > line. My shirts had long collars, my ties ’ were unde as art ascot When l added a black vinyl double-breasted vest, the Look was so smashing I began barking with an English accent. And, where did 1 go so right? WWere you can’t go wrong: in the * Red Hanger Shops at HHS. If you feel like a dog who’s been barking up the wrong tree, trot * yourself in. It’s the fabbest thing sine'e Raleigh’s caper. RED HANGER SHOPS Out Pontiac Mall Star* Opaa Kvwy Imiag tc 9 P.M. . /' . *00 M. TMagrapk U. Oat Bhwtogkw Stem Opto PH. tc 9t Sot. «a 5-10 *00 Piatca II. THE PQNTIAC HlESS, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER S, 1963 HOLD THIS AO UP TO A MIRROR notymT aU“ 19fttffl bluOW SISfaMIK "Iibtiwa neitt frlgit ,29ldBrioJiw2nU silt niol ettsiBRis lutllt erittea UJZBt 9ftt itliw .lot snitrisit ittiow qit i9tuo 9tiriw 6 2sri nohpiBT « .leooiBrio to noit092 i9nni ns bns... 9voiqmi yllButos y9itt ,i9itt9jjoT .aooDBdot onit z'notygiBT to lovslt orit U.S. Needs $200 Million hr Current Viet Building SAIGON, South Viet Nam (AP j •— The expanding war has so altered initial estimates of U.S. construction programs In Viet Nam that another (200 million is required to complete projects already on the bodes, U.S. Navy officials said today. The money is needed to finance projects currently being built by the RMK-BRJ Consortium, a group of U.S. construction companies that holds contracts worth (800 million The U.S. Navy supervises the construction. LANSING (AP) - If it hasn’t gone up already, the price of shot or a beer is likely to rise by -a nickel soon in bars throughout Michigan, says spokesman for state tavern 'owners. Eddy Shepherd, coordinator for the Michigan licensed Beverage Association, said price hikes ar e on their way because “the bar owner is caught in the inflationary squeeze the same businessmen dealing in bread, milk and everything ©omtfttj Squire §ljnp COMPLETE YOUR BACK-TO-SCHOOLWARDROBE with another visit to Bloomfield's Finest Stocked Men's and Young Men's Shop OUR SHELVES ARE OVER-FLOWING WITH NEWLY ARRIVED MERCHANDISE FROM • McGregor Sportswear • Cricketeer Clothing • Jaymar Sansabelt Slacks • Wren Shirts • Bernhard Altmann Sweaters • Lee Slacks USE YOUR SECURITY MICHIGAN BANKARD Open Eves 'til 9 Bloomfield Miracle Mile-S. Telegraph atSq. Lake Rd. RENT, LEASE, SELL. BUY HOMES, PROPERTY, COTTAGES, CARS, GOLF CLUBS---USE PONTIAC PRESS CLASSIFIED ADS. *TO PLACE YOURS, CALL 332-8181/ Price of Booze Likely to Rise Tavern Spokesman Points „to Inflation One example df the expanding coats is improvement of the Saigon port, where the initial estimate of (10 million has been upped to (50 million. The increase was catksed by demands for more wharf space to handle the vastly increased sea. traffic to Viet Nam from the United sates. The department of Defense is now considering increased allocations to enable completion of current projects. ‘NOT CRITICAL’ The deputy officer in charge of construction, U.S. Navy Capt. W .R. Rogers, said today: “This is not a critical situation. Building is going ahead all over Viet Nam by qur civilian contractors. This money is needed because the needs of our custom-ers, the Army, Navy and Air Force, have expanded.’’ RMK-BRJ operates on a plus basis ranging from 1.7 to 2.46 per cent of the eventual cost of a project It is building jet airfields, deepwater ports, warehouses, power plants, ammunition storage depots, troop cantonments, hospitals and wide variety of other projects. struction Co. of Charlotte, N.C.lAmericans. Officials from theithey feel they could have han-The consortium has started consortium are known to be un-jdled cheaper have gone to other laying off workers, Indudinglhappy because some contracts!contractors. The last widespread increase as {our years ago when the state adopted a new tax on liquor,,he said. Generally, increases are expected to boost prices to 20 cents a glass for local draft beer, 40- cents for a bottle of beer and 45 to 75 cents, depending on quality, for a shot of whisky or Scotch. ALREADY HIGHER Shepherd said a survey showed a number of drinking establishments already have ' creased their prices. " A number of east side Detroit taverns raised prices a nickel shortly before the Labor Day weekend and more will follow suit Sept. 15, the Michigan Beverage News reported. The paper said more than 100 bar owners agreed on the price hikes. ★ ★ * Shepherd said causes of the price boosts Include increases in wages, Social Security taxes, payments for unemployment. ATHLETE'S FOOT HOW TO TREAT *Wly ktttont-dryinf T-4-L. Y« M It ... tacotog, to tart to * A r ton, watch * iiMsk m, watch mm .....BPS It. If not ptaSBtrt IN ONI HOUR, yotir 41c tack •» any One Ctoro. it Bed's Phcy., Simms Brae. At its peak, the combine’s work force numbered 51,700, the largest force ever assembled for an American construction program. NOT ENOUGH WORK While some projects are costing mqre because of the expanding war, the overall programming in Viet Nam is legg at this point than envisaged a year ago, U.S. Navy officials said. For this reason, RMK-BRJ is geared up for more work than they are getting. Four companies make up RMK-BRJ — Raymond International, Inc., of New York, Morri-Ison of Boise, Idaho, Brown and Root of Houston, Tex., and the J. A. Jones Con- Losenn GOP Bid Renamed to Post LANSING (AP) — Armand Bove of St. Clair Shores, an unsuccessful candidate for the Republican nomination for attorney general, was reappointed by Gov. George Romney Wednesday to the State Liquor Control Commission. 34, an attorney, Appointed for a three year term expiring June 12, 1969, in the (14,000-a-year job. Senate confirmation is quired. CONTINUED by HOME OF FINEST BRAND NAMES 108 N. SAGINAW—FE 3-T114 POPULAR DEMAND INVENTORY ROUND-UP FRIDAY and SATURDAY ’100,000 worth of • Stereo • TV • Radios • Gifts • Living Rooms • Bedrooms • Dining Rooms • Bedding • Washers • Dryers • Refrigerators • Ranges • Many More BROUGHT IH FROM OUR WAREHOUSE • Floor Samples • Discontinued Models • Display pieces • Trade-in* • Overstocks • All Guaranteed byWKC HOW-ALL SALE PRICED! 0PEH TIL 9 P.M. FRIDAY, 9:30 AM. to 3:30 P.M. SATURDAY PERSON-TO-PERSON CREDIT • No Down Payment • Up to 3 years to pay • 90 Days Same as Cash Sony, no phono orders, no layaways, all solos final. Many ona-of-a-kinas. • The Nelsons uncovered solid Yellow Elmsr and Id Nation, owners, Nelson Brothers Sewer & Plumbing Service, Royal Oak Elmer and Ed Nelson, owners of Nelson Brothers Sewer & Plumbing Service, write: “We started in business 40 years ago with one truck. Now, thanks to^ our advertising in the Yellow Pages, we have an entire fleet that is constantly on the go. When people need sewer or plumb-ing»service they look in their Yellow Pages and see our ad. it really pays off”. Solid yellow, pure gold, or whatever symbol you want to choose, it well describes the results of Yellow • $urwy Mnduatod to ant of America’s Urgsst In Pages advertising. The Nelson “ Brothers’ story is typical. The fact is that 43% of all the people who looked for Home and Building Repairs (builders, painters, plumbers, electricians) in Michigan during a 12-month period consulted the Yellow Pages before making a selection. 98% of these took action.* Be sure your Yellow Pages advertising tells these ready-to-buy prospects enough about you to make them your customers. CallM3-9900 today— Michigan Bell Telephone Company. ADVERTISE FOR ACTION li.Audta A Surveys Co, Ini, MO TOM Atom* Now York. Opto Daily HI 9 Except Tuesday CARPET SAVINGS at Beckwith-Evans CONVENIENT CREDIT 3 YEARS TO PAY 501 DuPont Nylon Twist Pilf I Heavy heat sat twist. Carries DuPont's N certification for weight. 10 year pro-rated guarantee. Compare this to 501 Nylon qf$8. 6 colors. *4«| Natural Yarn Wool Pile 8 rolls. Pile is made from natural undyed wool. Dealers paid over $8. 4. 4*1 SAVE 30% to 60% tin REMNANT SIZE RUGS tIZE COMP. SALE SIZE 15x9.6 Gold Intimacy.....160 MJS 12x9 Avocado Borfei 12x9 Sim Paloma .......120 SMB 12x9 GraonLymic.. 15x13.2 pragga Nmtumo... 220 119JS 12x11.2 Snips NnsMta.........— 12x9.1 Orange Pmf Paint...108 4I.SS 12x9 Rcupbatry Tdmpo... 120 12x9 Boigo E$rbizon.......132 MJl -------------- 12x10.6 GoMConcatt......4.182 SSJS 12x11 Pvngoin GUndoU... 135 MJS 12x14.6 Gold Sna Cova..... 200 I1SJI 12x9 Gold Covn............140 SSJS 12x13 Blk, Pink Fiald.tonp 170 SSJS 12x14.10 Roe Cypnn . 12x12.2 Saxton Groan 15x11.1 Grnon OBvio.......... 12x15 ‘ BoigoGlandalo.... 180 12x9 Siva Modofn........96 12x10.4 SionGiaanTwaad... 110 .180 SSJS .180 1ISJ5 -- 119.98 MJS SIZE COMP. 12x8.1 Martini Lamp.........88 12x9 Boigo Rtoarvtow.... 108 12x14.7 Chmtnut Camoo.... 175 12x9.5 Gold Andovor.......,120 12x9 Boigo Rovlotto..... 144 12x9 Bluo Camoo ..... .112 12x9 Groan Floral.......140 12x10.1 Gold Gladiatioii ... 70 12x13.4 Gold Boban.........126, 12x8.3 Gold Andovor...... 132 ^ SATURDAY 9:30 to 9 TUESDAY Ml tol Becfewttk- Evans Sr FIJME FLOOR COVERINGS vtSmirz. - TEL-HURON SHOPPING CENTER west HUROU AT TELEGRAPH RD, 334-9644 B-—1A THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY^ SEPTEMBER 8, 196> The beginning of th# Mason isn’t the time you’d expect the most )»0|Hslar suit to bo priced at savings, but right now, you can buy -ii \y *'' 'v/;, ''/&,y* i\ S % ,.'v %v- ^ yourself a luxurious shorksldn *uit at much lesv than you’d nor* «*oiiy poy» The fabric is both elegant and long-wearing, and £’s of unusually fine quality: smooth, lustrous, long-wearing pure wool. This collection features carefully tailored, triip 2- and 3-button madei* with TWO PMR OP TROUSERS; plain-front or &*#U. Choose from smart solids and lustrous Iridescent shades of medium grey, dork grey, navy, brown, or olive. A complete range of proportioned sited for regulars, shorts, longs, extra longs, portiies, and portly shoris. \ r\ T>' ANO THERE’S NO CHARGE FOR ALTERATIONS H-H-S BUDGET BUYS THE PROOF OF VALUE IS MORE THAN JUST THE PRICE Our Budget Buys are selected because they give you more for your money than you'd normally expect—kind it's what you get for your dollar that proves a value. We select each Budget Buy with great care; many are mode to our exacting specifications. Take a moment to read exactly what a Budget Buy means to you. • It means low prices; lower than we normally carry • It means satisfaction in fit# wear; in every respect! • It means better quality than you'd expect at the price • It Means fresh, new apparel... in.. I full selection. • It means top value «. • It moans no charge for alterations. And it means you'll buy it in a store you know and trust — where you can be sure of quality, of origin, of satisfpction — not just when you buy, but after the purchase, too/lt means full selections and complete size ranges. It means proper fit by trained clothing experts, and courteous attention. ' LOOK AT THESE BUDGET BUYS. SHOP THEM, COMPARE THEM, SEE IF YOU CAN MATCH THEM, AND REMEMBER YOU CAN CHARGE THEM, TOO—AT ANYHUGHES-HATCHER-SUFFRIN STORE BOYS' WARM WOOL MELTON JACKETS WITH PILE MINGS New fall jacket with an attached hood, patch pockets, zipper front, and knit sleeve inserts. Completely ’ p 11 e-lined, even the hood. Three-quarter length, in burgundy, navy, or loden wool melton. Sizes 6-14. SMOOTH, SUPPLE LEATHER JACKETS; ZIP-OUT PILE MED 26* Luxurious leather jackets In a smart 25" length . . . with warm, zip-out pile linings. Styled-with flap and cash pocket, dub collar and neat yoke beck. A versatile jacket for any weather. In black or navy; sizes 8-18. TRADITIONAL HOPSACK SUCKS WITH NO-IRON PERMANENT PRESS FINISH The season’s most popular ' fabric: hearty hopsacking Tfr a dressy traditional model, with plain-front, belt loops, . and pre - cuffed bottoms. Permanently-p r e s s e d, in olive, blue, or brown.1 Sizes 30-42, In assorted inseams. r Pontiac MoH Stan Open ivory Evening 1 309 N. Telegraph Ad., Pontine Moll ir Birmingham Stan Open Ikon., Fit, to 9; Sot. to S:|B MO Pierce Street LUXURIOUS MOHAIR AND WOOL ALPACA STITCHED CARDIGAN SWEATERS 12M Classic and luxurious: mo-hair-and-wool alpaca-stitched cardigans, accented with rib knit waist and cuffs. Handsome shades of choed-|ate brown, forest 'green, rtavy, and gold. Sizes S, M, L\ XL. J THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER I C—1 YANKEE ★ BOTH AREAS YAHKEE OPEH NIGHTS UNTIL 9-SUNDAYS UNTIL 7 -HO MOMEY DOWN WITH MICHIGAN BANKARD PLAN “BACK T0SCH00L SPECIAL” METAL LUNCH KITS DELUXE DOMINION Table Top Broiler Sinbeam Electric Slicing Knife GUARANTEED SOLE TERMS OXFORDS tabletop ing and toast- Polyvinylchloride guaranteed long woar solo. Cushion insole. Smart taper toe. Washable in wfcHoetMacfc. Sizes4-10. 129 % GIRLS' OR MISSES' BASKETBALL AND CANVAS GYM GYM SHOES TENNIS OXFORDS Washable doth up- UU per*- Suction type M ■■ ■■ contrasting preen ‘ ■■ Ml Ml ■ soleS. Cushion arch -and Insole. Veatiio- Ml ■■ tion eyelets. Green BB W stripe Hi-cut or la-cut. ■ Whit, or block. Sixes lt4,2UM>IL BB1 Heavyweight canvas h m k deck uppers. Thickly ■ IV Vi sponge cushioned in- ■ ■ L sole arch. Sturdy box MU WM toe and haul counter. «> ■ ■ _ ■ Comfy round ton. In B U BB white, block, or blue. ■" W Sites’’ S-S. BVfc-12, ■ 1214-3. | HI-TOP TENNIS SHOES treaded rubber soles. >r toe. Double stitched at allstrain points. ' Block only. Sixes M • / ondJH-6. MIRACLE MILE SHOPPING CENTER AND CORNER OF PERRY AND MONTCALM STREETS • FREE PARKING c-a THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY; SEPTEMBER 8/1966 At test IA Ha ngover Cure Goes on Sale LONDON (AP) - “This is,” said the man behind die drugstore counter, “the first hangover cure we’ve ever offered the pubAt." He held up 3 small plastic tube of pyis and smiled. “Does it work?” “We would hardly be selling it, sir, if we didn’t believe in ft.' ★ * ★ > ' IBs drugstore — called i_ chemist’s shop in Britain — was one of a chain, a big chain with a long and respected "reputation. Ittca voice,, softened by years of discreet inquiry into the aches . about the size of an Average sized man’s little fingernail. Back home this consumer consumed not one but two, and waited. 15 MINUTES In about 15 minutes the end of the world seemed less imminent, the Uttje man with the hammer stopped his violent pounding inside the skull, the brown furry taste in the mouth tasted less brown and furry and the cat moving across the pet ceased stomping. Britain’s newly advertised Actor Robert Mitchum sug-| Howard L. Rice is challenging gests brandy and bread. “““ ' Hal MyH l* «n vicitkm. Others have advocated everything from beer laced with raw Mrs. Hattie W. Caraway of eggs to the hair of the dog that Arkansas was the first worn-bit you. . * an from any, state to" be eleq- Still others maintain there is ted to the United States Sen-no cure for a hangover. J ate. and pains of men, women and;hanSover cure » ^ bra® child children, he - asked ever so of Howard L- ^ce. He says he gently. jhas clinically tested it on 1,000 “Are you, sir, as they say,'men and women all suffering hanged over?' “Let us say that I was chewed a bit by Old Rover last night.” “Beg pardon?” He looked puszled. “Yes, I’m not feeling very well, but we say hung over, not banged over.” ’SAME THING’ f: “Really, sir?” he chuckled. “Comes to - the same thing though, what?” “What what?” “Hanged over and hung, over,” he answered, and then down to business. “The pills are three and six” — three shillings six pence or 49 cents, for four. ★ ★ ★ On the side of the little tube, in black letters, the makers say the pellets are for hangovers. Orange in color, the pills are from hangovers. ★ ★ The Dunlop;»Committee on Safety of Drugs, a standing committee, tested it for any possible side effects. The committee reported it found none, and passed the pills for sale and consumption. Said Hied: “It is a simple fact that something gets lost when you drink. SO, what we’ve Wed to do is to replace what has been lost.” |B GROUP VITAMINS He said the Jost things are vitamins in the B group. “We’ve put them in the pills, said Rice. ★ ★ ★ ■ Eddie Condon, the jazz musician, once said: “To cure a hangover, take the juice of a quart of whisky.' Everything FOR THE WHOLE family ■ all ike credit you need! •CLOTHWG •FURNITURE •APPLIANCES *JEWELRY Downtown Pontiac Where’s Mods-ville? Bond’s-that’s where. Come watch the sparks fly in this great Fall shirt collection. The freshept new looks this side of London/ where it all started. ''’Here are two of the grooviest. “Carnaby Street" (a Bond exclusive). Dotted bi-boy collar and cuffs, new 2-button flapped pocket S,MX. $5.95 “Granny-print" cotton florals—red or ginger "on navy, gold on maroon, blue on olive. SJdX. ....... Bonds HARRIDGE ROW with time swinging new “Mod” shirts Pontiac Mall Shopping Center WARM GOATS S JACKETS AT LOW YANKEE PRICES! UPEN NIGHTS UNTIL 9 P.M., Sundays until 7 P.M_USE YOUR MCHIGAM RANKARD BOYS* WOOL MELTON BENCH-WARMERS Orion body and hood. Concealed xipper-fly front. Attached hood and 3 largo patch pockots. Burgundy -navy. Sizoa 6 to 16. MEN’S “WRANGLER” WESTERN JACKETS ft Brushed denim snap-front western stylo jackats. Sherpa, acrylic pit# collar and lining. Fadod blue. Sizes 36 to 46. BOYS’13" NYLON QUILTED JACKETS w Rich w-tono pile lined fold under hood. Zipper pockots. Washable, black, blue, bur-„ gundy. Sizes 8 - 20. Wide wale cotton corduroy with acrylic pile lining. Self collar, zip front, concealed front pockets. Loden or ontelope. 36 to 46. MEN’S PILE-UNED CORDUROY JACKETS LADIES’ CORDUROY OR VINYL SHORTY’S SIZES 10-18 Luxurious % length stylet with waran quilt linings. Polar Pan collar. Deep V-pocket front. Detachable back belt. Pgteh pockets with zipper closing. GIRLS’ G98 „ QUILTED | NYLON SKI I JACKETS i Quilt to quilt reversible - print to solid. 2 pockets, attached hood, zipper front closure. Red and blue print reverted to matching solid colon. LADIES’ 8” NYLON QUILTED. REVERSIBLE SKI JACKET Beautiful in either print or reversible solid. Heavy zippar and pockets. Print reverses to solid or solid reverses to print. Warm c elec loud inner-lining. S-M-L CHILDREN’S 1098 VALUE 2-OUNCE SNOSIRTS wariitly lined, attached trimmed , hoods and detail trims. All zippar front clotures. Many color combbiatlemtq choose from. MIRACLE MILE SHOPPING CENTER AND CORNER OF PERRY AND MONTCALM STREETS • FREE PARKING THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY,.SEPTEMBER 8, 1966 c~r Delicate Flavor of Chives Used , Chives, the most “polite’ member of the onion family is one of our favorite seasonings Because of itsmild, delicate flavor, cbives may be used alone or in combination with o t h e r teihs. ChiVes, a must for Vunyssoise, is excellent in egg dishes, salad dressings, vegetables and sour cream dips and toppings. « ■ ’ 'J, t p \ _ You’ll find freeze-dried chives wifl become one of your more popular seasonings, for it is easy to-use and and is readily accessible on the Shelf. Its subtle flavor has a delicious “teasing’' of onion, and the bright green coloy adds so much eye-appeal that you’ll want to use it as a garnish, too! Potato Appetizers With Sour Cream-Chive Dip 2 tablespoons butter 1 teaspoon chicken seasoned stock base 31N0. 303 can tiny whole potatoes . Paprika 1 tablespoon freeze-dried chopped drives 1 cUp commercial sour cream ★ ★ ★ Melt butter and add seasoned stock base. Drain potatoes and add to butter. Cover and .simmer until heated through. Put in chafing dish, candle-warmed dish, or you may use an electric skillet. Sprinkle with paprika. . Stir chives into sour cream* Garnish top with additional chives, if desired. Have toothpicks handy to serve the hot bite-size potatoes. Dip in sour crehm and chived. Serves 6 to | POTATO APPETIZERS—Heat tiny whole canned potatoes in chicken seasoned stock. Serve piping hot with sour cream and chives. Guests will enjoy this unusual You’ll like it because it's inexpensive. Michigan Pe in Attractive Golden skinned, touched with the “blush” of summer sunshine, Michigan peaches have the firm texture and full tree-ripened flavor that can. raise the lowly molded salad to gourmet delight. This Subset Michigan Peach Salad riot only adds sparkle to PEANUT BUTTER FAN—A1 Geiberger, PGA champion, has given new status to the peanut butter sandwich made with raspberry or strawberry jam. He carries it in his golf bag and eats it during the rounds of a tournament. On September 10-11, A1 Geiberger will be playing with Gene Littler, Jack Nicklaus and Billy Casper in the televised World Series of Golf played at toe Firestone Country Club in Akron, Ohio. your table with its red and orange layers but offers a taste surprise when served with its own Feach-y Dressing. MICHIGAN SUNSET PEACHSALAD i package orange gelatin 1 package strawberry gelatin 6-8 fresh peach halves, peeled Almond extract Lightly grease a 6-cup mold. Prepare orange gelatin ing to directions on package, adding Vfc teaspoon almond extract. Pour into mold. Arrange -I peach halves, cut side up, to I cover surface of the gelatin. Chill in refrigerator until firm. * * * Make strawberry gelatin SB cording to directions, adding V4 teaspoon almond extract.'Cool ‘ then pour over firm orange I gelatin. Arrange remaining | peach halves in strawberry lay- I er. Chill until firm and unmold. I Serve on' a bed.of greens, I garnished with a few slices of I fresh peaches. Pass Peach-y [ Dressing. PEACH-Y DRESSING 1 fresh Michigan peach finely chopped Vi cup light brown sugar 1 cup dairy SOUr cream , j Cook chopped pea eh and I | brown sugar in saucepan over | j medium heat 64 minutes, stirring constantly. Remove from | heat and cool. Stir peach mixture into spur pream and chill J itoefdfe*serv!hg. ' 11 Ever combine canned chicken I noodle soup with canned tomato j Spiced Drink a Reminder of Rome There are Ways to enjoy a bit of foreign fancy — without taking a trip. One $f the pleasantest of these is to savor a delectable foreign coffee — in this case, Coffee El Greco. Named for Rome’s most an-Sient coffee house, Coflee El Greco is a spicy, slightly sweet coffee-house coffee with plenty of appeal for you people. ★ it h Poured from the most unusual coffee pot you can find, served in toll, colorful cups, you’ll find it has an exotic mood all its own. ★ ★ , W • To go with toe coffee, quickly assembled dessert sliced pound cake topped, with whipped1 dream cheese and a dollop of currant jelly. Simple - and very good indeed. COFFEE EL GRECO 2 tablespoons butter 1 cup brown sugar, firmly packed V4 teaspoon each allspice, nutmeg and cinnamon Lemon peel Orange peel Heavy cream Hot, freshly brewed coffee Prepare Spice Base thoroughly creaming butter w brown sugar, spices and a pinch of salt. (This Spice-Base is enough for about 24 servings and may be kept indefinitely in covered container to. refrigerator.) Seedless Grapes Star in Pie In 6-oz. cup or mug, place teaspoons Spice Base, a strip of lemon peel and orange peel BY JANET ODELL Pontiac, Press Food Editor 1866 is an excellent year for California fruit. Thompson seedless grapes, for instanee. are in good supply and are bigger and juicier tom ever. ,It is interesting to note that all these grapes came from just one vine. In 1872, a grape grower notified four unusual vines ft a shipment of Other grapes he had purchased. He grew them apart from Us other vines, but Only one survived toe season; ' Recognizing , that toe seedless grapes were rare and valuable; 1/s Thompson made cuttings from the canes. Today, there are over 220,000 aeres of these grapes. .» , FRESH GRAPE AND PEACH CHEESE FIE 1 baked 9-inch pie shell 1% packages (8 ounces each) soft cream cheese Vi cup sugar % teaspoon pure vanilla extract 2 teaspoons grated 1 e m" o n peel 1 teaspoon fresh lemon juice 1Y« cups heavy cream, whipped iy* cups halved Thompson Seedless grapes 3 medium-size fresh peaches % c u p apricot preserves/or jelly Beat softened cream Cheese; gradually add sugar, continuing to beat until fluffy. Stir in vanilla, lemon peOl and juice. Fold to whipped cream and l cup of the rapes. Turn mixture into pie shell. Chill in refrigerator 1 hour. Peel hnd halve peaches; remove pits. In small saucepan, up, into filling of pie at equal intervals. Use remaining grape halves to till peach halves, COftl jellyi spoon over peaches and -apes. Chill tooroufdriy, at 1 e aj t 4 hours. 6 servings. , Seedless grapes may be dipped into a curry mixture. FRESH GRAPE CURRY DIP 1 pkg. -43 oz.) cream V& cup commercial sour cream V4 teaspoon curry powder 1 tablespoon -minced f r esh onion . teaspoon minced fresh teaspoon salt Thompson Seedless grapes Mash cheese and mi* with cream. Add seasonings and beat well. Servers a.dip for Thompson Seedless grapes. Makes cup/ Glazed grapes add lovely color to a dish of fresh buttered carrots. FRESH CARROTS WITH ^MINTED GRAPES / 1 lb. (about 8 medium> fresh carrots 2 tablespoons butter “ 1 tables p o;o n light brown - sugar Vi teaspoon salt Vi teaspoon ground black pepper Vi cup boiling water 1 tablespoon butter 2 cups Thompson ,< grapes ■ 2 tablespoons chopped fresh '■ mint ‘/ t ’-.»»• VJV,;-.’ 1 11 Scrape carrots and cut to thin strips. In a saucepan melt the 2 tablespoons butter. Add-carrots. Sprinkle with sugar* salt and black pepper. Add boiling water. Bring to boiling point, reduce heat, cover and simmer about 15 minutes or until crisp tender. , Meanwhile to small skillet m Ci t remaining 1 tablespoon butter. Add grapes and mint. Cook over low heat, stirripg gently, until lightly glazed and heated. Serve over carrots. men preserves over low heat; m\ I peach halves and simmer into a tablespoon Fheav?teBder’ ab#ut 2 1 cream. Fill with hot coffee and mtnutes- Place peach halves, cut side GRAPE AND PEACH CHEESE PIE Peters SLICED *<5 >1 MCK BACON 3 lb*. u.S. No. 1 Michigan ALL-PURPOSE POTATOES 50JTO FRESH DRESSED FRYERS [WATERMELON SUGAR SWEET BLACK DIAMOND I ONIONS 3 - 29c I BANANAS mellowrif e Kfc 1 PDA DEC CALIF. GREE 1 Ul\ArLO TOKAY or SEEDLI » IQc ESS | \Jlb. POTATOES ?59c HICKORY SMOI r.r — 69! 45*' KED BACON SQUARES I? 1QTPWFD 99c |oILtYli\ dressed . ZOlb. I CTCAIfC u.s. choice 1 01 LMWO sirloin 99a | HOT DOGS SKINLESS 3 $105 LBS. 1 SAUSAGE '» 59s. WE’LL SMOKE THE NAM, SMOKE THE PICNIC, SMOKE THE BACOT AND WRAP IT TO TOUR SPECIFICATIONS Alt AT HO EXTRA CHARGE. Lean and Meaty Bar-B-Q SPARE-RIBS IXTRAFRBH aary 41$ IiiaterforbI ■■MEAT P6GKERS HOURS: MON. THRU SAT. 1:30 - 740 WML HAMBURGER FRESH GROUND Gmanmtnd for U 0pm Wseily 9 to 9-Fri. and Sal. 9 to 10 WUCiS SUBJECT TO M UR CHOU ■When ml mlWIal— / 608 W. HURON STREET NEAR WEBSTER SCHOOL C-* I'm PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY; SEPTEMBER 8, 1966 Ml Genetics Aid hr Mankind Limited Now A PAIR OF WINNERS — Winners in two categories of tiie Miss America contest under way in Atlantic City, N.J., were announced last night. Nancy Naylor (left), 19, Miss New Hampshire, ' won the swimsuit division, and Charlene Dallas, 19, Miss California, won the talent division. Vears and Laughter at Beauty Pageant By Science Service CHICAGO — Optimism concerning application of genetic experiments to improve mankind is unwarranted how, a Canadian pediatrician told the Third International Congress of Human Genetics here. “The success of experiments in genetic transformation and transduction* in microorganisms has encouraged some to hope that techniques of directed mutation could become available to benefit man,” Dr. Charles R. Scriver of the Montreal Children’s Hospital said. Although striking and some-t lines controversial experiments in genetic surgery have in fact been performed in multicellular systems, he ex-, plained, public demand seems likely to outstrip scientific resources for tiie detection and treatment of mhny forms of genetic disease. One really practical example J exists where basic principles have been used to control gene replication and transcription to advantage in man, he conceded. f&TS* mVENTOEY CONTINUED byNHHAR ;hy eoto-up - DEMAND FRIDAY a SATURDAY NEW SPBMMEEN UTOMATIC WASHER and DRYER ive on ONE! Save More on BOTH! AUTOMATIC DRYER . .. 3-way haat control dry all fabrics «afoly—HI, low or air $rtly. Exclusive "In-a-door" !int trap. Positive timer control. Drum Stops automatically, when door is opened. $188* AUTOMATIC WASHER . . . Water temperature control, partial load tub fill. Automatic Ifiit. remover. Automatic sedimeht ejector- Special cycle for silks and woolens. $178* ATLANTIC CITY, N-J. (AP) — One beautiful teen-ager sobbed with joy and’another bubbled with happiness . The girls, from opposite ends of the nation, shared honors last night in the opening round of competition in the Miss America contest Miss California, Charlene Diane Dallas, 19, who was awarded her state title by default performed a classical n tiie piano to take talent honors. Miss New Hampshire, Nancy Anne Naylor, IS, won the swimsuit competition. Her father, an Air Force pilot stationed in the Philippines, flew in as a surprise after a year’s absence. He brought along her 15-year-old toother, Steven. Nancy said she spotted her father, Lt. Col. Harold Naylor, as she paraded down the 120-foot runway in Convention Hall. SAW FATHER “I saw him there waving over the floodlights,” she said backstage later. “I was thrilled.*11 Mrs. Naylor has been with Nancy at tiie family’s home at Nashua, N.H. Nancy, who lived and traveled throughout Asia and 42 states in this country, hopes for a career in the diplomatic service. She is a sophomore at the University of Colorado. . Cltitching a gold trophy, she smiled and posed in her aqua bathing suit for photographers. Her 35-22-35 figure was viewed by 6,000 spectators and 11 judges in the huge auditorium. Miss California played “Toccata,” by Khachaturian. White calm and sure of herself onstage, the statuesque brown-haired beauty broke down in tears afterward. “I am ecstatic,” she sobbed. SPARTAN PET SHOP each High quality pump with molded plastic case. Economical for aerators and filters with extra high air output AUTOMATIC HEATER sy to adjust atrol knob. tety pilot If || bt w “ FAMILY DEPARTMENT STORES Step Spartan WO A.M, to 10 P.M. Daily ... Sunday 12 Noon •a C P.M. Carasr sf Diale Hisfcway *nd Tekgraph Road —- in FEUC^HJALITY MARKET FELICE QUALITY MARKET FELIGE QUALITY MARKET THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1906 13EBBHI Musicians Get IBJ's Praise i; . G—Jl . BATTLC OF THE BULGE ULTRA-PANAVISION* - ™cwieou)n« Pm SpDfhpTerrifyingj JntfTBWtATIONAt^wwM, COMMERCE Union Like and Uulls $1.15 HWgyB.Sd Children Under WAII 12 Frio «0X OFFICE OPENS 7:00 P.M. __ Khow Starts at Dusk Young Yank* Won Prizes in Moscow WASHINGTON (AP) — President Johnson hailed 13 young American musicians — winners of an international competition in Moscow — for doing more than diplomats tb inspire under, standing between the United States and the Soviet Union. : ■ *• * * He bestowed the title “national .treasures” on the winners Wednesday night before a White House audience that included some of the elite of* America’s world of music jind the performing arts. With the Soviet minister counselor, Alexander I. Zinchuk, in a front row East Room seat, Johnson declared: “I hope history will record this example of how music has reached across the oceans, the walls and the ideologies that separate us, and found response in the hearts of the Russian people. I hope that it will be followed by other actions in other fields so that other threads of understanding can be strung across the space between us.'* Afterwards, mingling at a buffet supper in the state dining room, Zinchuk said Johnson’ remarks were “Very true.” In order to vote'and hold office in Liberia, a person must be of the Negro race. FIRST HpLLYWOOD FILM — Anthony Newley, British author-director-actor, is making his first Hollywood film with a starring role in “Dr. Dolittle.” He plans to stay in Hollywood to give his family a permanent home for a while. Broadway Newley fo Movies By BOB THOMAS AP Movie-Television Writer HOLLYWOOD — No more Broadway for multitalented Anthony Newley, who conceived, Friday .and Saturday 3:30 P.M. to 7:30 P.M, TEENAGERS IIP TO 21 CflC with ttiii 'EARS OLD UU COUPON - Pontiac’s POPULAR THEATER Wnk uktollu. SnSqn RMtaeem 1! e*.ta 1*mu BBaa Starts nt B—WMlwirti kORUUBHS mm mines COIM 111 CIKIISCOPf SEE the AMAZING New SCOPITONE! m HU MUR.,.«a anlie-markable innovation sinoa television! SEE it at THE CHALET INN A showcase for musical productions of fho most professional calibre, featuring tho biggest names In the world of entertainment... see your favorite recording stars In full dimensional color . . . accompanied by America's most exhilarating GO-GO GIRLS! " Try Our Delicious RNEDI I CORNED BEEP SANDWICHES FOOD SERVED UNTIL 2 A.M. 71N. SAGINAW - DOWNTOWN PONTIAC-338-8045 THOMAS rected and starred in “Stop the World - I •Want to Get Off’ and “The Ro-ar of the Greasepaint The Smell of thej Crowd.” Newley is herel for his first' Hollywood film, “Dr. Dolittle” with Rex Harrison and Samantha Eggar, and he plans to stay at least two years to pursue his second movie career. A ★ a This may well be considered a blow by the London and New York theaters since Newley has bera one of the more promising actors in the construction of a new form of stage musical. Not that his efforts have been completely successful. But at least he attempted innovations to an art form that has lohg been tied to tradition. HAD TO LEAVE “That was the trouble,” NeW-ley reflected at 20th Century-Fox. “What I was doing was generally conceded to be avant e. Because of that, the offers for work in other fields simply did not come. I decided I had to get out of the theater to order to be able to do other lings.” So he chose “Dr. Dolittle, which he and his fellow stars are up to their elbows in animals — 1,500 in all. Newley has moved his wife, actress Joan Collins and their two young children to California, and he intends to stay. ★ . “Like all actors, I harbor the urge to direct,” he remarked. HZ3KEEGO Atlanta Campaign ’Black Power Opposed ATLANTA (UPI) — A “good neighbor” association campaigned against “black power” today in a Negro tenement ’district shaken by the worst racfel outbreak in modern Atlanta history. , * Formed during a grievance session with city- officials last night, the association pledged to ten poverty-stricken Negroes their best hope lay in cooperating with authorities. , Another group, composed of Negro cjvic, religions and professional leaders, went from door to door yesterday to the SummerhiU area where 1,000 persons rioted following the shooting of a Negro suspect by police Tuesday. “I told the people that there was no sense in rioting.... . . that the police were there to help them and not to hurt them,” said one member «f the group, Dr. William H ,Borders, pastor of Atlanta’s largest Negro Baptist church. . * ★ ★ ★- y * “We were received graciously in every home and. I have high hopes something gpod will come of this trouble.” GATHER ON PORCHES Hundreds of Negroes gathered on front porches to Sum-merhill, a rundown area within sight of the gold-domed Capitol and only four blocks from the new 118-million sports stadium, yesterday afternoon, 4 A police emergency , squad, armed with shotguns, submachine guns and tear gas, rushed in to keep a mob from forming and 10 persons were arrested. Last night, police went to Vine City, one of Atlanta’s worst slums, when about 400 Negroes spilled into the streets, some fighting each other. • ★ * ★ , Negro officers and a Negro leader, the Rev. Clyde Williams, restored order. NcokK Inni COCKTAILS HEN’S NOON SKOAL! Steak • French Fries e Salad $|25- " iPEOAL SUNDAY DINNER Featuring Lobster Tail* Regular Menu Also Available |J5 Dixie Hwjr. 3-248 WE DON’T DI f 7 A IS THE BEST CLAIM OUR r I AX H IN T°WN BUT OUR CUSTOMERS DO PISH and CHIPS SPAGHETTI Colo Slow french Frias Roll and Buffer , (Anytime) 95* With Meat A j e a Sauce, Cola hi | (J Slow, Roll end ~ R v Butter O DINE IN j RICKY’S r “77“ Call 335-1164 or 338-7782 20 Varieties Aero** from St.Jo.eph Hospital 3 SIZES NEED HELP? USE PONTIAC PRESS CLASSIFIED ADS. LOW IN COST. FAST IN ACTION. .PHONE 332-8181. “The amazing thing about the film business today is that producers are willing to take chances. I had an idea for an adult fantasy which I wanted to shoot to the Big Sur country. I had no trouble getting the backing for the film, and I will be directing it next summer.” Ms decision to settle in Hollywood was for personal as well as professional reasons, he admitted. FIRST HOLLYWOOD ETLm ‘For two years we have been living out of suitcases in hotel j rooms,” he said. “It was time to! stay in one place for a change. “Dr. Dolittle” is his first Hollywood film, but Newley is a movie veteran. He made his debut at 14 to England and appeared to 40 movies, his most memorable performance as a boy being the artful dodger to “Oliver Twist.” ★ ★ ★ His stage debut was to “Cranks,” which he played in London and New York. Later he collaborated with Leslie Bri- cusse on “Stop the World’ ____ “Roar of the Greasepaint.” The pair has a knack for producing surefire hit songs. “Leslie and I are still writing for the theater; right now we’re ■■■if out a musical qf ’Cyrano de Bergerac’ tpr David Merrick,” said Newley. IDs previous Broadway efforts had been under Merrick’s sponsorship and he agreed to a third on one condition: that he didn’t have to talk to David Merrick. A*\FOODVMUf£S Police Consultant to Head State's Training Plan EASTJLANSING (AP)-Noel Bufe, a management consultant for the International Association of Chiefs, of Police, will head Michigan’s new train-tog program for county, township, village and city police. Bufe, 32, a native of Wyandotte, will start Oct, ID in the $15,000-a-year job as executive secretary of the Michigan Law Enforcement Training Council. * * * “The new training program will signal the start of a pivotal progressive step to improving file standards and effieicne? of police officers,” said GoL Frederick Davids, State Police director and chairman of toe council. “Bufe has toe qualifications to fully carry .out this objective.” *, A A AAA A A AAA FREE PLAYGROUNDS • EXCITING CIRCUS TRAIN RIDES AAAAAAAAAA O f I y £ • I N FE 2-1000 0 * f V C • f N 174-1090' MIRACLE MILE [?MM€ 'BLUE SKY Waterford ___FIR5T RUN _ SO. ttlEGRAPH AT SQ. LAKE RO. ■ I MILE W. WOODWARD -FIRST Rl/NI-LAST 6 DAYS OfOYKE RO, AT WALTON BLVD. I MILE WEST OF DIXIE HCWY. (U.S. 10) imm* : niREOHIKIBOCrS f TMIMRTRIR’ £ 5 T . IECHNKOLQR P~And-------- jSSSt uwTHE : CHILEJRERT8 s HOUR w mrnm ■■w i JUEFam |BALLOU BACK TO SCHOOL CHUCK STEAK Grade 1 BREAKFAST SAUSAGE Large Link, SPECIAL! Back To School Super Value! Sliced Sizzling Hot... Heady To Eat MR-B-CUED CHICKENS BAZLEY MARKETS Quality Meats Since 1931 71-North Saginaw-Pontiac Open Friday Evening* *til 9 P.M. Thu Ad in Effect Both Store* »' Friday tmd fatumiaj1 4348 Dixit Highway-Drayton Opon Wednesdays 9 A^A. to 6:30 PJ/L Thunday thru Saturday 9 A.M. to 9 PM. Sunday* 9AJMLf 6P.M, THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1960 UNITED TIRE SERVICE 8ELESS WHITEWALLS 4 for$37^ Tax 6:50-13 ... •... ■.... .8:S(M4 7:00-14.............0:50-14 1:1*14....:....0:8*11 FULL ROAD HAZARD GUARANTEE FREE MOUNTING Fed. Tex 41 to 41 RETREADS ON BOAT TRAILER TIRES Md WHEELS COl BRANI (UPON SPECIAL - NO TRADE NEEDED ID NEW NYLON 8:25-14 TUBELESS WHITEWALLS Fed. Tex $240 $1495 You Pay Otely Advertised Prices at United Tire new pottangar ear that are prised plui Federal Tax and aid Hi four car. Advertised price* are the maximum you pay for new tin at United. I> FBI. 0 to 0— SAT. Pie | - CLOSED SUNDAY Aid Authoriza Goes to President UNITED TIRE SERVICE “WHERE PRICES ARE DISCOUNTED— NOT QUALITY" 1007 Baldwin Ave. 3 MINUTES FROM DOWNTOWN PONTIAC WASHINGTON (Ap() - Presi-; dent Johnson’s foreign aid program is over, the Nil for this year—but cot out of the "After weeks of debate and fussing, a compromise 13.5-billion aid authorization wds on its way to the White House today. ★ ★ ■ ★ But the measure, whit* previously had been approved by the House, cleared the Senate Wednesday by only eight votes -33 to 25. Sen. J. W. Fulbright, chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee which handled the measure, wasn’t even there to vote either aye or nay. But before the Senate gave its approval, one foreign aid critic, Sen., Allen J. Eilender, D-La., was urging that the appropriation measure providing the funds be slashed down. The appropriation follows the authorization bill, which sets ceilings and restrictions on the program, and may set off a new round of debate. ' COMPROMISE VERSION The pleasure as finally approved was a compromise worked out by a conference committee that reconciled dozens of differences between the Senate .and House versions of the program. As a result of the compromise, the administration actually got a little more money overall than it asked. * -K ★ Originally, the President had asked for $3,367,000,000 for the aid program—both military and economic. The House,had authorized $4,109,119,000. But the Senate, in an obviously rebellious mood, chopped the request to $2,852,702,000. Maiusiiek MEN’S WEAR see our double-breasted blazer that sets the fashion face for &all Stage center on the sportswear fashion scene this Fall is our avant-garde double-breasted blazer. Wider, peaked lapels, slight shaping and double vents In bapk all attest to Its right-now fashion newness. But all the authentic, traditional Mazer touches remain. $3500 mm*****-------—"“mi MofuifeeV* w MEN’S WEAR Bloomfield Miracle Mile S. Telegraph at Square Lake Rd. Open Evenings ’til 9 r. Lady Bird Sets Western Trip- WASHINGTON UP) ~ Mrs. Lyndon B. Johnson launches a four-day, preelection trip to three Western States Sept 20 to boost scenic highways, parks, dams and Indian crafts. The trip—the First Lady’s first beauty and conservation journey since mid-June—wifi take her to California, Arizona and New Mexico. . ★ ft ★ ' Sources said it is hoped the visit, billed by the White House as solely in the interest of improving America’s visage, would help California Democratic Gov. Edmund G. Brown in his race for reelection against Republican Ronald The general outline of the crosscountry trip was announced today by the White House. Elizabeth Carpenter, press secretary to the First Lady, said more details will be announced later. Fatal Shooting DETROIT (AP)—Mrs. Mary Meadows, 50, was shot to death Wednesday during what police described as a family argument at her home. A 61-year-old man was arrested. OPEN DAILY TO-IO; SUNDAY 12-7 THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY TgHWL The quality goes in ... before the name goes on! .No Money Down ... Easy Terms! ZENITH PERSONAL PORTABLE 12" TV ggn Discount Price Charge It y inter c« printed circuits, procthction shortcuts!) Custom “I’erma-set" VHF fine tuning, 3-state IF Amplifier, altitude tested sweep transformer, automatic fringe-lock circuit, “gated beam” FM sound system. Jade 6-Transistor Portable Radio 388 THE ALL HEW 1967 MODEL AM SUM DESIGH CLOCK RADIO RCA 6-Transistor Pockette Radio Enjoy your favorite music, news and sfton* wherever yon go. 6-transistor radio in I towerful in |>erfornianre. Complete With carrying ease and battery. . Discount Price Charge It The “Trumpeter” . .. slim, trim modern decor styling. Outstanding Zenith quality value. Radio alarm and time set control. .Cloek radio switch. INev^elecgric clock with large, easy-to-read numerals. HMmpaet cabinet in choice of colon. I0B8 All-transistor ehassis provides plenty of AM station-pulling power. 2" speaker delivera rich “Golden Throat tone. With earphone, battery and ease. GLENWOOD PLAZA — North Perry at Glenwood LUMBER and BUILDING SUPPLY CENTER Como cot during our Grand Opening Celebration to see our big, mw showrooms... and get acquainted, plenty of storiside parking, 1000’s of self-servo Roms, tremendous selections of famous name brands. 4UST SOUTH OF FLINT ON 1-75 at BALDWIN and HOLLY ROAD * 5; MILES SOUTH OF GRAND BLANC WICKES OWN WIXSAVE PAINT Goes on smoothly, easily with brush, roller or spray. No’paiht odor. INTERIOR LATEX J# exterior oil base i98 GAL 1 CELOTEX PLAIN WHITE I CEILING | TILE 1 Painted hovel . I ACOUSTICAL 1 PTN PERFORATED 9th lUfe TRUE VINYL Reg. Price 17$ Ea. 1 FLOOR SALE PRICE 4k MM • I TILE ICc I 9" x 9" patterns. | 1 Also available in 19' ^ | 12" xl2* size. exteuioW House is ANTIQUE RUSTIC BIRCH PREFINISHED PANELING $i|98 4' x 8' panels NOW ONLY CEILING LIGHT FUTURE Choice of brass or walnut ceiling fixture. Reg. Price $6.22 Each SALE PRICE . MWSON“8m°CH,yS5|S! SPECIAL LIMITED OFFER! A special 10% bonus discount will begivsn Wlckes customers ordering Kitchen cabinets from Friday, Sept 0 thru Friday, Sept 16,1966. (Special discount has been included in package price listed above.) Tfc# kitch®n if yoor dreams at a tamfi. , H«r«’s what you get for Mil. i * ! ,0W price! * inets, 8 ft. of pos?formi5 ** p,ck>*« Pricer 10 ft « Plete with f.ucT,nd^ar;?,;t0pi 3 J^or installatton ^ and tw° bask«t straS, aij ’ WICKES KITCHEN APPLIANCES! REG. SALE REG. SALE 1/3 h.p. Disposer $26.95 $19.99 Each Single Electric Top $ 54.92 $ 48.88 Each 32" x 21" Stainless Steel Sink 23.95 18.88 Each Range Hood 43,50 39.87 Each Single Electric Oven 99.91 88.88 Each 2 Button Dishwasher 149.95 129.88 Each .WICKES. LUMBER & BUILDING SUPPLY CENTER puniic BALDWIN and HOLLY ROADS ....... V ! * MILES SOUTH OP a«a code 3is GRAND BLANC, MICHIGAN EVERY FRIDAY EVENING! THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1966 c—t FDR Jr* in New York Rqce as Liberal BUFFALO, N.Y. (AP> -Frank D. O’Connor, trying to become New York’s first Democratic governor since 1958, faced vote cutting opposition today from, a Liberal party ticket beaded by Franklin D. Roosevelt Jr. ■ ; .. O’Connor, pledging a “i effort” to unseat Gov* Nelson A;________------ smashed Us way to a first-ballot victory at a nominating convention in Buffalo Wednesday night. ‘ Drawing heavily on votes from upstate New York delegations, O’Connor, 59, president of the New York City Council, hurtled past his only opponent on the convention floor, mining. tore businessman Howard S& muels of Canandaigua. 11)0 Liberals, a splinter 'group j Roosevelt’s candidacy - wpuld, the state’s major political par-ftat broke away from feetim-lwrakO’CtotetorV chance* and ties, broke away from the Re-ocratic gubernatorial fold tasure'Itockilbller’s reelection.jwblican party four years ago we iitbc ume m ns ^ywir nw ^ w proies tory, meets In New York tonight;. 1 policies, to make the nomination formal. f Roosevelt witltfrew Rockefeller, seeking his third term, is assured of nomination ai the Republican convention in Rochester tonight. He seemed certain to benefit by RQBseveU’s acceptance late Wednesday of an invitation to run for governor on the Liberal party’s ticket COMPARE VALUE! RCAVICTOR 25" COLOR Color so real you’ll think you are there Th* WINSLOW S*rlt* GH*6S2 •25* tub* (ovtrall dlag.) 295 aq. in. plctur* • Super-powerful Now V'uU 25,000-volt chassis • Ultra-sensitive New Vitia VHF and Solid State UHF tuners • RCA solid copper circuits for Space Age dependability YOU wheathe Mes 'can 9°0Ut MOBILE MAID-DISHWASHER new Lift-Top Rack! Alex Rose, Liberal party chairman, qaid the party’s own poll, taken abofct 10 days ago, showed that O’Connor would defeat Gov. Rockefeller and sblintef party candidates by about edor* ‘ 800,000 votes, despite toe Roosevelt candidacy. His comment came in reply a newsman’s question asking away in the campaign. But our intention is not to ru jq O’Connor oTthe Democrats. We are fitting for principles.” CONSERVATIVES Another splinter group, the Conservatives, nominated Paul Adams, dean of Roberts Wes-leyan College, in a one-day con-vimtien at Saratoga Springs. The Conservatives, newest of two weeks ago as sn active campaigner for the Democratic nomination, contending that the: party’s nomination was boss-i controlled. "He charged that the nomination had been promised to O’Connor a year ago. In accepting toe liberals’ offer, Roosevelt said he was doing so as “an independent Democrat.” HAMPTON ELECTRIC 825 W. HURON FE 4-2525 DETROIT (UPI) - A former Royal,Oak Township policeman was one of two men scheduled be arraigned today in tion with toe daring holdup cff a mail truck and the shooting of a guard. 2 Men Face Charges Mail Holdup DAILY 10-10; SUN. 12-7 THURS., FRK, SAT.. A Go Go Back-to-School Discounts U.S Attorney Lawrence Gu-bow said teams of postal inspectors and Detroit policemen late yesterday arrested Oflie J. Banks, 36, and Sylvester Copeland, 30, on charges of aggravated assault in the com-mission of a robbery of a small truck. Conviction on the c h a r g e carries a mandatory 25-year prison sentence. Postal Inspector M. P. Wood lid Copeland had been missed from his job with the township police department in June when it was revealed he had a criminal record in Rochester, N.Y. Four mail sacks were stolen Sept. 1 when two gunmeb flagged down a mail truck near downtown Detroit, shot and seriously wonded one guard and abducted the second guard, who was later released unharmed. RCAVICTOR 25” COLOR TV T&UR PRICE 100 o GlarO-prdof rectangular RCA Hi-Lite Color Tube • New Vista 25,OOO-volt chassis o RCA solid integrated circuit • RCA Auomatic Color Purifier (01 THE MOST TRUSTED NAME IN ELECTRONICS *650“ MwiCenjek Earhart's Plane to Smithsonian PHILADELPHIA (AP) - The little, red Lockheed airplane that carried Amelia Earhart on her solo flight across the Atlantic in 1932 was on the move again briefly recently. It was lowered from its hanging display at the Franklin Institute to the floor. ELECTRONICS INC. Bloomfield Miracle Mile FE 8-9607 The plane, in which Miss Ear-11 hart became toe first woman to, fly the Atlantic solo, is . being turned over to the Smithsonian Of The BEST Reasons To Boy at The FLOOR SHOP! TOPxQUALITYI Sale Priced VINYL ASBESTOS Till Enough TILE. -ir ms * Birtlo ' . Qmujng r MHtltTW ■ WALL TILE MOSAIC TILE TILE RUGS 12*N13- EC « Sh**tt 03b 39* m n. *1* w - We Buy Glait Lamp* and Leaded Glaei Shade*! FRONT DOOR HRKING______ p=i ACROSS from The HALL * ttll tUUICTH IK. RO. FE 4-6216 ■touSapwJ JSt 1 FLOOR SHOP Authentic Western Look! YOUNG MEN'S CORDUROYS Our Reg. 4.97 Limited Time Only! Huge Selection Men9s SWEATERS STYLED IN CALIFORNIA, U.S.A. 3 Days Only Chargelt Sixes 36 to 46 Charge I t Tough wide-wale cotton cor* duroy jeans, tailored with authentic western styling. We’ve rounded ’em up in bronze, loden, bluestone, forest green and burgundy. 28* 36. 4«4 Cardigans: button-and zipper styles. -^SKetland-look wool, brushed wool-mohair, bulky raglan wool-mohair, Orion® acrylic. Stripes, solids. Pullovers: V-neck and Henley styles in brushed mohair and, alpaca. V-necks in 75% wool— 25% mohaif argyles, wool Shetland-look cables. Fall* colors. j GLENWOOD PLAZA North Perry Street at Glenwood m sm. aw-. rvK- C—8 THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, IBM THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY iff KSSKmEEm 9m *v \ * . l lf__• & ■ • " Home-A-Rama Discount Sale For School and Sport Clothes. .. NEW "DAN RIVER" Cottons For Fall Famous Dan River cottons for fall. Plaids, plains, fancies... in cotton poplins, oxfords, gabardines. 44” widths. 2-10 yd. pieces. VINYL REED TIER CURTAINS WITH FELT APPLIQUE TRIAAS 1.47 NEW SELECTION OF SUITING FABRICS FOR FALL SEWING Discount Price 3 Days Only yds. KMART BRAND SPRAY STARCH 32* 23-oz, Can "NO PRESS" COTTON-RAYON Jacquard Window Draperies 4.44 Discount Prjice 3 Days Only 63”, 84” length draperies’ in a rich-looking rayon-and-cotton blend. Drapery tops are pleated (with 10 pleats to a pair), to a total width of 48”. Blindstitched 1” side-hems, 2” bottom-hems. Washable. No ironing. White, gold, nutmeg, champagne, avocado. Charge it! 84" x 36" AVRIL- RAYON TIER CURTAINS IN WHITE, COLORS Discount Price 3 Days Only 1.57 2-TIER “SPACESAVER” TURNTABLE Decorator-look tier curtains for modem windows. Washable, easy-to-iron Avril* rayon .. « 36” long. 84” wide (per pair). Choose-from sparkling white, champagne, olive and melon. For convenience.. charge it. Matching 60»x1i» Avril* Rayon Valanca....................86c •raoetrg.ins.TJi 1.27 Our Reg. 1.47. Styrene® “tables” are lOVi” in diam.; height is 5%”. Organizes cooking aids, keeps them within easy reach. Sandalwood. DANISH HARDWOOD CLOTHES PINS 2 pkgs. 72 pins to a bag. Durable Danish wooden pins ... spring - type, 3W* long. Smoothly finished to prevent snagging. Charge it at Kmart. Household Items at Discount Prices Smart ‘Wood Look’ Waste Basket 99* 10-quart. round. 11-quart square basket in attractive maple or walnut look wood-grain pattern. Ideal for use in office or-den. Discount Price 3 days only Gay-looking, easy-to-care-for kitchen window curtains. Popular tier style .. in vinyl reed.. now with felt appliques for bright trim. In 24” and 36” lengths, with “tea pot” and “Pueblo” trim. 9” x 54” Matching Valan........................9To Charge It fi-"-- 1 ’ ■; E. i JTlt 1® ^0** LLX1; LYSOL SPRAY 1.27 “EASY OFF” 87( w . , , ... New, spray-on “EASY Qtndriy eliminates 0FF” rem0ves hard odors and kills house- “oven-crust”. •N^tco^Tstvofro,.. -NotwalahtMovalr.oa. Nylon Dust Mop 237 “Crest” swivel-action mop gets at hard-to-reach* spots! •AnO’CDM* -Ivory-WhlcH. War-mop , SQUEEZE MOP* 1.94 O’CEDAR* “Crest”» sponge flop. 0’CEDAR" Sponge Refill96c *UmR»d quantity. N^twaoM to deafen. Fabrics so lovely you'll want yard-after-yard for your sewing for fall:.Choose rayon-and-Dacron* polyester blends: rayon-Orlon* acrvlic blends, ravon-acetates! In 44“ and 43” widths. -Du Pom R.s. TJA “just spray and iron”. Kmart aerosol instant starch gives your clothes a beautifully crisp and fresh • looking finish. Charge it. *Het Weight **Umitid quonfity. None told to doolort UNT REMOVER SP CORN BROOM VACUUM BA6S 21 Our Reg. 77c ‘PIXALL* Sturdy com fiber broom Our Reg. 77c. Pkg. 3 with hanger. 40” handle, refills* . ............66c •loch rofill roll, 180 tq Inchot sxmmmtmimsm _4.66 PORTABLE CLOTHES RACK Our Reg. 3.66 3 Days Only Tubular steel with chrome-plate finish. 38” wide, mounted on casters. Use as ironing caddy! Charge it. <4 Metal Coat and Hat Rack Our Reg. 3.97 :• A C62 3 Days Only OeUV 1” tubular metal rack has shiny chrome-plate finish. Self-locking construction. 8 hooks, hungers. Charge it. . FOLDING CLOTHES RACK 4.36 Discount Price 3 Days Only Tubfliar steel with chrome-plated finish. Rack is 46” high and holds as many as 24 garments. Charge “BRAVO”WAX “CREW” Cleaner “KLEAR” WAX ( 1 «;♦ /# .. J2* 24-o». 8 1 1 I The floor was so tough it’s detergent-resistant! “Instant” bathroom cleaner ., . cleans, disinfects! *Net weight Use on all types of floors. * ... it won’t ever yellow! liquid Wt. • :• 1 1 KIT FOR CLOTHES DRYERS 2.76 Our Reg. 3,33 3 Days Only include: two elbows, hood, plus four feet of 4” snap-lo_ pipe in two sections of two-feet each.. Accessories are allaluminum. Shop Kmart for home-improvement accessories at savings. Charge It! 3 Days Only! FULL LENGTH V & I AIR FRESHENER J i—-* | Disposable. Designed to Kmart aerosol deodor- ^ fit most popular clean- ant in choice of fra- ’ ers. In Appliance Dept HAS WOOD FRAME Our Reg. 3.44 137 Charge It 16x56” quality door mirror has 1” natural wood frame. Ideal aid in overall good grooming... adds to room beauty, too. Easy to install. Limit 2. TEFLON® -COATED IRONING COVER 77* Triple-coated with Teflon®." it’s scorch-resistant... holds heat for more efficient ironing. Fin standardise ironing board. GLENWOOD PLAZA CORNER NORTH PERRY AT GLENWOOD M m THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1966 SUNDAY 12-7 THURSDAY, FRIDAY*, SATURDAY WHILE QUANTITIES LAST) A Division of the S. S. Kresge Company with over 900 Krpsge, K mart and Jupiter Stores. SINGLE CONE DESK LAMP /.If Our Rep. 2.97. Single cone style with flexible arm. Assorted colors. UL approved. GENERAL ELECTRIC FULL-RANGE ELECTRONIC DIMMER CONTROL Discount Price Charge It Now'you can have flattering mood lighting for entertaining, dining, relaxation. Dimmer's full-range variable brightness control lets you dial the level' of light you' want Simply push for on-off, turn to dim. Save at Kmsfrt... charge it. *UMN*01«1O "COMMAND" FOUR-SPEED SINGLE PLAY PHONOGRAPH Out Regl 13.88 3 Days Ontjy “Command” manual phonograph plays all four speeds monauraily. Features dual flip-over needle, 4-inch speaker. .Wood frame cabinet/with plastic turntable. Coral/gray marble, blue/gray marble, charcoal/gray marble. Charge it at Kmart! ECONOMY PACKAGE OF FIVE, 45 R.P.M. "HITS 45 R.P.AA. "HIT" RECORDS YOU’VE MISSED” 2*1.00 5 Discount Pricei Charge It Here’s your chance to get ten “hit” records for only 1.00! Choice of big hands, country and western, big-name vocalists and pop artists! Shop early for the best selection •» quantity is limited . . . ii Kmart! for e fold to dealers. Charge it at 45 sing] and westers, bands and Save at charge it! GLENWOOD PLAZA CORNER NORTH PERRY AT GLENWOOD C^IO THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY/SEPTEMBER 8, 1966 on “| Ky Will Address Newspapermen at Confab In Fall NOETH | *102 #14 . 4KQJ102 . +AJ109 WEST EAST 4AKQJ *74 3 VQJ10 *32 4 84 4 9*783 4K732 4 Q 8 5 4 SOUTH (D) . 49865 4AK9765 ♦ A5 *6 Both vulnerable Wot North East South 1 * ■ 14 2 4 . * Pass 2 * Pass 3 * Pass 4 * Pass Pass Pass Opening lead—4 K By OSWALD AND JAMES JACOBY i West opened the king of spades and shifted to the queen of trumps. South popped his . king on the queen; cashed I his ace and started on the' diamond suit. He managed to discard one | spade on the ■ third diamond r but West ruffed in at that point JACOBY and proceeded to set Southwith turd more spade tricks. South proceeded to criticize North's raise to three hearts. South pointed out that North had shown at least 10 or 11 points when he bid two diamonds and that 11 points did not warrant the raise with only two trumps. North pointed out that South hqd gone right on to game with his own 11 high card point opening and that, in any event, the game contract would have made if West had started with three or more diamonds. We aren’t gojng to get involved in the merit or lack of it in North’s three-heart bid. It wasn't the' best raise ever given but it did have some merit. It is the sort of raise we give or withhold depending on how -we feel about conditions in general at the time. As for South’s rebid to four Hearts we are all for it. He held a strong distributional hand and his partner had given him a delayed raise. The partners failed to discuss the one real point of interest which is that South should have made his contract. He had to lose a trump trick sometime. Why not right away while he still could keep a trump in dummy to guard against the spade suit? That way he would even make an overtrick unless West took his second spade right away. V4»CRRD Sente** Q—The bidding has been: West North East South 14 bble Rdble 14 2 4 Pass ? ' You, South, hold: - 4K 6 5.4*^0 3 4A 3 2 4Q87 6 What do you do? — A—Bid three no-trump. Your partner has shown Ions diamonds and some slight additional values. TODAY’S QUESTION ; Your partner continues to four clubs over your three no-trump. What do you do now? Answer Tomorrow U. P. Is Toured SAULT STE. MARIE- (AP)-Lenore Romney, wife of Gov. George Romney, visited War Memorial Hospital and. Lake Superior State College here Wednesday on a tour of the Upper Peninsula. TAY NINH, South Viet Nam (AP) — South Vietnamese Premier Nguyen 6ao Ky said today be has accepted an invitation to address The Associated Press Managing Editors convention in SanIMego, Calif., id November, j <* > * •*. ★ Ky told newsmen he also planned to show his wife some of the United States during the trip, . • / . ., “She hak never been ,and anxious to go,” he .said. The premier said he would make a private visit to the Uhited States. Computer Keeps Family Together RICHMOND, Ind. (AP) - A computer used for the first time by Richmond -High School to figure class schedules placed Sherry Pemberton, 16, a junior, in a social science class taught by her father, John. The computer could have picked 10 other science teachers. THE W1LLETS BERRY’S WOULD By Jim Berry By V. T. Hamlin V this— 1SSL ARIES (Mer. 21-Apr. 19): You could . receive opportunity to free Yourself of red tape. Take It when it appears. Celebration, party with family member is favored. Discuss receive love. TAURUS (Apr. 20-May 20): , Observe ARIES person to learn valuable leer— Day features contacts with relatives, also messages, special requests. Be el versatile. . ..end wise. GEMINI (May 21 -June 20): Avoid i deception. Be practical. View unplea) situation In realistic light. Confused “ tlons cause careless action. Knov * organize Inner feelings. Be strong! CANCER (Juno 21-July 22): Cycle high. You can make favorable Impression on superiors. Especially good — for reunion with loved one. Key Is atlve self expression. Throw off ter cy to harbor foolish tear. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Take practical view. You can't start bafort —■ *,-l-K Means don't anticipate pre---- HI suits. If mature, you get what you really need. Otherwise you chase relnbows, WWRG?r(Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Emphasis ■■ new starts toward achievement of . Soma of hopes, wishes magnified. - - —-1 can analyze vr1—• —Ives, 1m—“ ____?ROACH. , (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): You u**ll^thls*lntSmalfon0tor personal bene- & firjjr&ssrswETi Artist Says His Work Is 'Crate'", LOS ANGELES (AP) - Seymour Rosen, 31, is an artist who is proud of what he crates. His crates, obtained from j piano factory and a shipping company, hold his exhibit, “J Am Alive,’’ now in display at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art. In one crate there are kitchen utensils from the past — strainers, spoons, a lantern, a meat grinder. ★ ★ ★ Another crate holds 30 different kinds of bread in 30 different shapes — large, small, twisted, animal-like. One box contains only light bulb filaments. “Everyone sees the light, but who sees the filaments?” Roseq asked. “Look at these shapes. See the ballet dancers inside our lights, see the wonderful pieces of sculpture.” Money Orders to Resemble I Bank Checks ]j j WASHINGTON W—Post-it al money orders will take P on a new look next- month I —they’ll resemble regular X bank chedks. I The money ordersf will j have new magnetic ink ; numbers at the bottom allowing them to be machine processed by banks in Ae same manner as p checks. | The new, gray-tinted I money orders will go on < I sale Oct. 4, marking the 8 first major change in their j I style since 1963 when the j I Post Office Department I began using punch-type 1 money order issuing Key is expression, .... __________ Wrftlr- ------ mind open to new thoui SAGITTARIUS (Nov. _ Investments, knowing now to use emphasized. Day when your fi|f jf put to, practical I papers. Exchange .Information. Keep door open to concession, conciliation. Important to let Ideas flow freely. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Keep promises made to yourself. This may be difficult ... but it Is important. Areas of work, health4dMI)|te*|i|| with associates need thoughtful; ale to peak behind the ood look I Whet you (Ind could prove ..gnificant. Applies especially --------- romance, affection enter picture. would eminently Fields of advertlsin _.----f|y jylf ypyf f,|( GENERAL ^ND^NCI^S: Cycle high jr CANCER, LEO. Special word tc CAPRICORN: Be warv when It r~ to finalizing agreements.,. Study (Copyright 19m, General Features Corp- Losses Deeper The following are top prfc& covering sales of locaily'grown produce by growers and son. by them in wholesale Package lots. Quotations are furnished by the Defroit Bureau of Markets as of Wednesday. Stock Mart Continues to Slip Produce ir.CMjun Apples. Greening, bu. / Apples,. McIntosh, bu. nir. Canteloupes, bu. ......... Grapes, Fredonle, pk. Peaches, Elberta. bu.... Peaches. Hale Haven, bu. Peaches, j. H. Hale, bu. . Peaches, Kale HMUtn, bu. Paadws, fed Skin, bu. . Peaches, Rich Haven, bu. PeanflwtMt, bu. ........ Plums, Stanley, bu, Sir YORK (AP) — The market deepened its loss-routine trading parly this afternixm. Key stbqks fell from fractions > more than a point along a jj> broad frontX * \ Sr The more volatile* glamor S stocks stretched some losses to o several points. V The market headed lower after a mixed opening, without many particular selling pressure, io prices gave ground. spending plans at a level 17 per cent above last year and the sharp August gain in retail sales lent an encouraging background of hews. Analysts noted, however, that the stock market often has ignored good news this year, The Dow Jones industrial average at noon was down19.08 at 768.31. Ik * ★ „ the Dow industrials at noon were barely above the clqsJng i, Kentucky Wonder, t v low of 767.03 reached Aug. 29. The news of a copper price Some market technicians have maintenance of capital regarded that as a temporary bottom to the seven-month decline, one that would have to be tested. The Associated Press average of 60 stocks at noon was off 1.6 at 278.6 with industrials off 3.8, rails off .1 and utilities off X ■ ; at" Prices were mixed in moderate trading oh the American Stock Exchange Up about a point were Atlas Consolidated Mining, Conduction and Molybdenum. Baifield Industries lost about 2 points. Alloys Unlimited and National Video were off about a point •- each. umi, oc. m. , Beets, topped, bu. . Broccoli, db., bu. .. Cabbage, Curly, bu. Cabbage, standard, Carrots, dz. bch....... Carrots, Cello Pk., 2 d*. Carrots, topped, bu. .... Celery, Pascal, dz. stks. Celery, Pascal, crt. .... Celery, white, crt. ...... Chives, dz. bch. ................... Cucumbers, Dill, Vi bu.............. Cucumber, sllceirs, bu. Cucumber, Plcktas, bu. Corn, ' |H M The New York Stock w (Ms?) High LOW Last Chg! n. Flintkote .1 22 16 14W Pa Pow 1.21 10 42W\42 42 + 1* Pa Viet Objector Gets 3 Years Court-Martial for 2nd Soldier Starts Today s.) High Lew Last civ M 51 Oi 49Mi 4»Vj —1 I 31'/. 31 Vi 31 Vi .. FT. DIX, N.J. (AP) - A second soldier faces general court-martial today for refusing to go1 to Viet Nam; The first, Pvt. I Dennis Mora of New York, was sentenced to three years of hard labor, a dishonorable discharge and forfeiture of pay. Mora, 25, stood at attention Wednesday as his sentence was passed by a 10-officer court after 18 minutes of deliberation. Seconds later, he was smiling at his family in the court room. A defense attorney said M verdict would go throughjhili-tary appellate procedures, then would be appealed^) the U S. Military,CoUrt of Appeals, composed of three civilian judges appointedJay the President. Todays Pfc. James Johnson, 20, a^o of New York, goes on prim for the same charge. Both soldiers told a news conference in New York June 30 that they would not fight in Viet Nam. A week later, Army authorities picked them up and brought them here. AWAITING TRIAL A third soldier, who also attended the news conference, being held in the Ft. Dix stockade awaiting trial on similar charges. He is Pvt. David Sa-mas, 20, of Modesto, Calif. During the trial, the defense had sought to prove that the United States’ presence in Viet Nam was illegal but law officer Col. Robert F. Maguire'ruled to the contrary and did not permit Mora’s lawyers to discuss the point before the court. 2 ARMY LAWYERS Mora was defended by Stanley Faulkner, a civiliah lawyer from New York, and two Army lawyers, Maj. Edward A. Lassiter and 1st Lt. Jason M. Cotton. A fourth soldier was apprehended with the three last July but was later cleared. He is now in Viet Nam. The court said Mora’s tence could be reduced for good behavior. comforts as well as heavier truck-type frames. Ranchero models are available with color-keyed interiors. No Quibble, Kresge Sales Up No Quarrel: No Quorum DETROIT (AP) — S. §. Krel-ge Co. yesterday reported its sales in August rose 33 per cent over the same month of 1965. i. Cunningham, Kresge NEW FORD TRUCK-Among 1967 truck models introduced today by Ford Motor Co. is this F250 pickup. Company officials said new Ford pickups will have passenger car f67F6rcl Truck Line Both Sporty, Heavy ‘ - GMC Trupk & Coach Di- A sport-type Ranchero with tiac area dealers: Beattie Mo- vision’s realers were given a interior fashion options for worn-! tor Sales, Inc. 5806 Dixie, Wa- preview showing of the 1967 line en drivers and a heavy-duty terford Township; Jerome-Ford of light-, medium- and heavy-“W” series of diesel-engine unitsInc.>215 Main, Rochester; John.duty GMC trucks today in a are among 1967 truck models McAuliffe Ford Inc., 630 Oak- nationwide closed-circuit tele-introduced today by Fcsrd Motor land; and Shuman Ford Sales cast to 22 cities. Co. | Inc., 209 E. Walled Lake, .Walled 67s Previewed by GMC Truck The new trucks will' make their appearnace in the next few days at the following Ppn- Highland Mishap Injures Detroiter Lake. A$o included in the company’s new lines are medium weight trucks with redesigned steering and axle assemblies; pickups with a roomier front seat; and a light truck series featuring Ford’s Bronco and Econoline models. The Ranchero line of pickup , trucks — available with color- A head-on collision last night keyed interiors and bucket slats in Highland Township has hos-|— is part of the company’s ex- 54-year-old Detroit panding light truck line. j - ★ ★ ★ man- . / I * * * | Those watching the division’! Clarence J. Burke is listed in| Highlights of Ford’s “heavy” first closed-circuit TV dealer an; Originating from the General Motors Technical Center in Warren, the luncheon TV, program consisted of messages from Martin J. Caserio, a vice president of General Motors and of the division; Robert C. Stelter, general sales manager; and other staff members. Among those attending the telecast were executives from GMC Truck & Coach Division’s main manufacturing plant in Pontiac- - fair condition at Pontiac General ! jjne include restyled grilles and Hospital with multiple lacera- use 0f new sheet metal on cabs; a 6-cylinder diesel engine fix city delivery work; and wide I-beam front axle for extraheavy and school bus chassis. SAFETY FEATURES Safety and convenience features are high among changes made in Ford’s 1967 medium truck line- tions. ★ ★ ★ Oakland County Sheriff’s deputies said a car driven by Burke collided with another automobile driven by James P. O’Grady, 24, of 4449 Hunters, Highland Township. The accident took place on Duck Lake Road near the intersection of Engleman in Highland Township about 7:25 p.m., deputies said. nouncement were briefed on the numerous product improvements in the tipcoming line and other business matters of vital concern to the dealer organization. Lack of a quorum last night 0 q t jj I forced cancellation of the monthly meeting of the human rela-tions committee of the Oakland County Board'of Supervisors. Committee chairman Duane Hursfall and Mrs. Marguerite Simson, both members of the board of supervisors, were the only committee members at the scheduled meeting. Horsfall ruled that the meet-was canceled 45 minutes after the scheduled 7:45 p.m. starting time. He said that the ratio of nonwhite county employes compared to the county’s nonwhite population was one of the scheduled discussion topics. The four members absent all are appointees to the special committee and are not members of the board of supervisors. They were Democrats Harri-tt Amowitz and Dr. Otis Ferguson and Republicans Thomas Fowler and John D. McKinlay. A transistorized emergency lamp flasher, nylon cord tires, improved seat anchorages, padded dash and sun visors and two-speed electric windshield wipers are standard fix ail cab models. Standard engines in the medium truck* line include both 150-and 170-horsepower models, with an, optional V8 available generating 210 horsepower. Bronco, introduced by Ford ist year, has Been bolstered i with the addition of two new models. The compact Econoline continues in three models and two engine options. News in Brief Election Near for GOP Club Election of 1966-67 officers will ighlight the 8 p.m. Tuesday meeting of the Waterford Township Republican Club to be held at Pierce Junior High School. * * ★ Officers to be elected at the meeting are president, vice president, secretary, recording secretary, treasure^ and 10 directors. » ★ ★ ★ Current president is Either. R. Johnson, the Republican can- -didate for Waterford Township. supervisor in the Nov. 8 election. . County, Municipalities Closer Thah Ever—Hamlin Delos Hamlin, chairman of the Oakland County Board of Supervisors, said yesterday in Detroit that the relationship between Oakland County government and county municipalities is closer than ever before. Speaking at the Michigan Municipal League’s annual convention, Hamlin cited several examples of the growing relationship. He noted that 10 years ago Oakland County experienced a breakdown in sanitation and was under indictment from the State Health Department for pollution of streams. Richard Ryan of 4175 Rural, Waterford Township, reported ltol.wi.sMp police yeslenfaythej ^ "BJ BB ^ Ute iteS i vi ol srdte-«- j-slsstisyttss septic tank systems. “•gt&JJIat 5803 Dixie. M.10-044 > ' Day’s Sanitary Service New Location — Moved Across st. to 2605 Dixie Hwy. -Adv. Rummage Sale — Rochester Women’s Chib, Avon Pavilion, Fri., 9 ajn. —Adv. Rummage, Bake Sale, 81 S. Astor, 1 Block east of E. )Blvd. bet. Pike and 'Auburn, Fri'., 9-7, Sat. M. ' -Adv. Mom’s Rummage. Friday 9-1. '(Fife Hall on Auburn Rd., Au- burn Heights. —Adv. Rummage sale. Community wide sale Fri., Sept. 9,10 to 10, at the Waterford C.A.I. Budding. 5640 Williams Lake Road. ■ . ■ —Adv. First Methodist Church Rummage sate. Sat, 8 to 12. Judson and Saginaw. ^Establishment of the County Department of Public Works in 1957 gave the county the vehicle for solution of sanitation problems, said Hamlin. FIRST COUNTY , He also pointed out that dak-land was the first county in the state to establish a health department and that this unit now had countywide responsibility fix public health. ’Hamlin said he would not like > see the county take over any services that municipalities can do on their own. A • ★ He added, however, that he feels the court? has a responsibility to perform those services that municipalities are unable to provide effectively and eco- —Adv. nomically. Montgomery Ward Sales Hit Records CHICAGO (AP)—Montgomery Ward yesterday reported Record sales for the first seven months of 1966 and .for the month of August.- Ward said cumulative sales for the first seven months of the^ year were 81,632,997,000; an increase of 14.6 per cent over sales of 8901,145,000 for comparable months of last year. * ★ ♦. Estimated sales for August were 81624467,000, ad increase of 15.3 per cent over August MM sales of 8140^71,000. & THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8,1066 /S GENUINE ?«*/ DIAMONDS) DETROIT (AP)-m the wake of, recent manifest unrest among the union’s skilled ismen, the 26 -member International Executive Board ,of the United Auto Workers opened a three-day session here There were reports the board likely will act on recommenda- tions of a skilled trades advisory committee to give the dolled a larger voice in a union in which they are outnumbered some seven to one. UAW Board Meets in Wokeet S The Borinqueno Indians were the first'inhabitants of Puerto Rico. A quickly called, one-day session was held Aug. 27, immediately after refusal of the Big Three automakers—General Motors, Ford and Chrysler—to reopen 'contracts for the possible immediate raising of wages for skilled workers. The committee favors requiring each local union with skilled tradesmen to elect a chairman and secretary for the skilled ranks. These two would be responsible for calling monthly meeting of the skilled within the local. This group then would choose delegates to a quarterly skilled trades council meeting, which would have direct access to the executive board. ‘HOUSEKEEPING’ A spokesman, however^ said the initial session was confine*' to “housekeeping c h or e s,’ pointing out the board's last regular meeting was held in May, immediately prior to the UAW’s 1966 convention at Long Beach, Calif. ■ The DRC Story DALE SHAFFER President HOW A MAN WITH SHORT LEGS REVOLUTIONIZED A LONG-LEGGED SPORT The Odd Man On Horseback. Stardom in athletics comes to many. lt is only a select few, however, who, by their individual brilliance and flair for the unusual, set styles which help change the pattern of sports. "A Monkey On A Stick* is the apt and colorful phrase used to describe the basic riding style of jockeys in the United States. It is a style started 70 years ago because t young man with great talent had ab-rally " I T Sloa . Hall of Fame. formally short legs. The young man was Tod Sloan, now a member of The Jockeys' If you visit the Detroit Race Course - and we race daily except Sundays, from now through November 5—you will see the widespread application of the technique Sloan Drought to Thoroughbred racing. “Monkey On A Stick* is the stylederived from the use of extremely short stirrups and the marked crouch which puts the rider virtually on his horse’s neck. From Sloan's day to the present, there’s been only one major refinement in riding styles. The great Eddie Arcaro is credited with it, Arcaro introduced the “acey-deucey” seat, whereby the jockey uses an extremely short outside stinup and has his inside stirrup approximately two to two and one-half inches longer. William Kelly, an old-time rider and one of the most respected officials in racing, is Paddock Judge at the Detroit Race Course. * He is an authority on riding techniques. “In my day,” Kelly relates, “our style was more like that of today’s steeplechase riders. A jockey might drop his inside stirrup a notch, but the difference never was marked until Arcaro came along. Now, you see almost every rider with nis right stirrup so short his knee almost touches nis chin. What’s the reason for the technique? “It is a sound one,” Kelly says, “Watch a horse as he goes into a turn. Notice how he leans toward the rail. With the lower inside stirrup the jockey is able to shift his body in the same direction and achieve greater balance. That’s the value of the acey-deucey’... balance.” Lany Snyder, the youthful riding star who is a top contender for the DRC Jockey championship and ranks seventh in the national title race, daily gives excellent displays of the patterns pioneered by Sloan and Arcaro. * “The style of each ridier may vary, but thetnost important thing is to be comfortable in the saddle,” Snyder says./ I believe the more Fans know about Thoroughbred racing and the People in it, the greater enjoyment they wfll derive from it Watching the riding techniques at the DRC of talented shirs like Snyder, Bob Gallimore, Ronnie Campbell, Tommy Bar-row, Donald Holmes, Eddie Truman, Dick Lawless, Jack Fieselman, Joe Lopez and Earl Knapp^11 put a new spice into the, racing pleasures. The UAW had promised to consider any increase “a down payment’’ on demands it will make in bargaining next year. Current contracts run to Sept 6,1967. * The Big Three pointed to automatic , wage increases whjeb became effective Labor Day "under current contracts, atobg with an additional two cents hourly under the contracts’ cost-of-living escalator. STICKS TO CONTRAST The executive board’s special session said die union would live by its contracts, demanding what it termed ‘'equity*’ for the skilled in next bargaining. The union’s SjjMhnember General Motors Conference has been called to meet next Monday, to be followed by two days of meetings with skilled tradesmen from GM • plants. The Chrysler Conference meets a week from Friday, and the Ford Conference Sept. 29. Ploy It Solo. Do It High* KEEP YOUH LIGHTS WBlTtHHIT AndsrsM Sales * Service 1645 S. Telegraph Ft 1-7102 Your pleasure js ourconstant objective. 5 ru At the Detroit Race Course, we magnificent new $3,000,000 Clubhouse, with two beautiful Dining Terraces which offer the finest in food and beverages. There is the unique old English pub, Ye Olde Tired Horse Pub, where you can have a snack or a refreshing drink. There is never a cover or a minimum in Ye Olde Tired Horse Pub. We have close-in parking for 12,000 cars. There are three Easy-In, Easy-Out entrances and exits off Middlebelt, Schoolcraft and Inkster Roads. , I hope you will plan to visit us soon. 2)J. SLffcr President mourn mm SCHOOLCRAFT AT MIDDLEBELT ROAD RAGING DAILY THRU NOV. 5 PM Parade 3:20 Weekdays 2 p.m. Saturdays & Holidays General Admission-$1.25 Clubhouse-$2.00 CHECK THESE BIG RACES THE $100,000 MICHIGAN MILE See It September 17 FARUL0US TWIN D0URLE the TWIN Doubles YOUR Fun and Excitement Every Day I YnrrYnmTnnnrmTrmTnnfrwrfnTrTmTnn^ 11 **'* >.ma inmnnnr X Open Tonight Til 9 p.M. * \ Division of Thomas Joeralry Co., Inc 17-19 S. SAGINAW ST. IN DOWNTOWN PONTIAC 4 COMPLETE FLOORS OF HOME FURNISHINGS Elevator Service to All Floors • Provincial • Colonial • Traditional • Modem—All by America's Leading Manufacturers! as by Kroehler, Broyhill and other leading manufacturers' Values to $279 CLASSIC NO MONEY DOWN MONTHS TO PAY Here is the beautiful sofa you've been wonting in your favorite style with the deluxe comfort of foam cushions the luxurious beauty and long-wear of elegant fabrics and the peak-of-fashion look of today's most wanted decorator colors all priced for sovingsl PROVINCIAL 90 Days Same As Cash! MODERN free delivery Many other Stylws Not Shdwn Are Alto Sale Prieedt Save now on these quality sofas. Choose from over 60 pieces in Traditional. Contemporary. Colonial and Provincial The selection is great — the savings are substantial Don't hesitate Shop eoriy for these excellent values Many other sofas not illustrated are olso sale priced for this event * „ ' > Phono FE 2-4231 \ ‘jrou must be satisfied — this tee guarantee” OPEN MON., THURS., FRIDAY'TIL 9 P.M. J A: JUJLUjUUmUUJLUAUUU Tat IK)?mAC frRESS, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1966 Bmt Pete Rozelle Hints Pro Football Merger May Be Called Of) Congressman Turns Down Antitrust Plea Commissioner Says NFL-AFL Combining to Be Reevaluated WASHINGTON (API - Rep. Emanuel CeHer, D-N.Y., turned down a plea from Commissioner Pete Rozelle today for legislation that would exempt the metier of the National American Football leagues from antitrust laws. ★ ★ After emerging from CeUer’s office, Rozelle said failure to get the legislation will call for a re-evaluation of the merger, which is supposed to be launched with a title game between the two league champions next January. ★ ★ ★ It was reported from another source that he said the merger would be called off if Congress failed to act. Celler, chairman of the House Judiciary Committee and its Antitrust Subcommittee, said he told Rozelle flatly he would not act on any legislation this year. MERGER SUPPORTED He said he advised Rozelle to go ahead with the merger, however, in view of the fact that neither the Justice Department or any individual had filed suit attacking it. * * The Senate has passed a bill that would provide a broad exemption for all major professional sports from the antitrust laws. ★ ★ However, Celler, co-author of the Celler-Kefauver Act, which outlaws mergers held to be in restraint of trade, has long been opposed to such exemptions. He said he told, Rozelle that granting Congressional approval of the merger to the two professional football leagues would open the way for other businesses to try to get similar antitrust exemptions. Chicago 'M Toughest on Lions By BRUNO L. KEARNS Sports Editor, Pontiac Preys One of the few teams to hold the all-time series edge on the Detroit Lions are the Chicago Bears and one of the rarities in the rivalry between the two teams is to face each other hi the season opener. But, pro football fans wifi get their appetites filled early in the regular season opener when the Bears visit Tiger Stadium, something they haven’t done since the 1954 seasbn when the Lions won, 48-23. The Lions had one of their most successful seasons in 1954 winning the Divisional championship with a 9-2-1 record and the World Title over die Browns, 56-10. However, one of the two losses that year came .at the hands of the Bears in Chicago, 28-24. The Monsters of the Midway have always been the toughest foe for the Lions, holding 20-42-2 advantage since their : ties started in 1934. In most cases during their championship years* the lions have been able to gain only a split of their two game , series in a single season, and since 1958 the Bears have had strangle hold on the series. Detroit has won only four and lost 12 to Chicago Since 1958 in-cluding six losses in the last seven meetings. There are a lot of new faces with the Lions who will learn why Halas-coached teams have been called the Monsters. Rookie Bob Kowalkowski received the starting nod at the left guard spot and he will have his first encounter with the •likes of Bears’ defensive men Doug Atkins and Stan Jones, Ed O’Bradovich and Bob cullen. ★ ★ Sr Tom Nowatzke gets the start;, ing nod at fullback, the first time in seven years that Nick Pietrosante will be missing from the opener. To help with the kick returns in place of the injured Tommy Watkins, the Lions are grooming Jim Todd who was released last week by Philadelphia. Game time Sunday is 1:30 p.m. and stadium ticket windows will open at 9:00 a.m. Yankees Drop to AL’s Cellar | h* Arrows Await Rouge Steelers. MFL Is Where A This financial rewards aren’t! big, but for the love of the game and competition, * teams and players admit that action in the Midwest Football League can get pretty intense. ' The MFL rule on players’ salaries permits a maximum of $25 per player per game. In many cases players receive jobs in the cities of the league which *rgg provides a substantial' earning 111 and permits them to do what IP they like most — play football. Rosters of many of the minor IN MFL—Jim Kearney, for- league teams are dotted with mer defensive back of the players waiting-a chance to Detroit'Lions, has been signed move up into NFL or AFL to play with the Ypsilanti ranks. Vikings of the MFL according - The Pontiac Arrows will to Ypsi coach Tom Tracy, have two such “taxi” players Tom Myers and Jim-Edgerly, jg the game Saturday night also Lions’ released players,' when they face the Detroit-will play with the Arrows on Rouge Steelers, the newest en- Saturday. quarterback Tommy .Myers and defensive tackle Jim Edgerly. The Ypsilanti Vikings, 1841 losers to the Arrows last Sunday at Wisher Stadium, have gained the services 'of released Lions’ players Jim Kearney, two-way back, and Frank Marsh, a defensive back who-is the brother, of Detroit running ace Amos Marsh. The Arrows, defending champions of the MFL, have the advantage of an early hoinn schedule this year, but also the disadvantage of going on the road for their last four "games, | eluding final contests with Ypsilanti, Lansing and Dayton, the three toughest challengers succession. WORKING OUT ^■1 Myers, who had no opportun- try in the MFL. They are !ity«to work with Pontiac plays prim* to his showing in the Ypsilanti game, drilled with tins Arrows Tuesday and Wednesday nights, and is expected to see more duty Saturday night Wisner Stadium against the Steelers. ★ * . ★ Edgerly also joined the Arms’ workouts this week, hav-ig completed personal chores since his release last Saturday by the Lions. Tom Tlracy, coach of the Ypsilanti team, announced yesterday he had obtained the services, of Kearney and Marsh and they would play in the game against Flint Saturday night. last weekend and the Colts are considered slight favorites oVer the Lansing Stars', the 1964 MFL champions. ★ ★ tk Game time at all MFL games Saturday night is 7:30 p.m.. League commissioner John Abel announced yesterday that the three players ejected, from last Sunday’s game between Pontiac and Ypsilanti for throwing punches have been warned r and that herein any player to be ejected from a game will facq suspension for at least one game. ★ ★ ■ ★ The outbreak last Sunday took place in the fourth quarter when Pontiac's offensive guard Jerry Brown and Ypsilanti defensive By the Associated Press Now Ralph Houk knows#ow Frank Chance felt a3 years ago. Chance, a Hall of Famer who starred at first base for the Chicago Chibs, managed the New York Yankees in 1913 when they were in last place on the next-to-last day of the season. Today, Houk’s Yankees "occupy the American League cellar for lthe first time in September since that day in 1913. Houk undoubtedly hopes things turn out as well for him as they did for Chance Hlthe 1913 Yankees came on to win on the final day and finish seventh in an eight-team league. New York hasn’t finished last since 1912. HIT BOTTOM the Yankees, winners of 29 pennants and 20 World Series, plunged into the basement Braves Select Welshman as Soccer Coach ATLANTA (API - Phil Woos-nam, an international soccer star, has been signed as manager-coach of Atlanta’s new entry in the National Professional Soccer League, the Atlanta Braves announced today. Woosnam, 33, a native of Wales, will work with Dick Cecil, new assistant to Braves’ d Chairman William C. Bartholomay to assembling the Atlanta soccer team, owned by the Braves, tbe team begins play next sprng.' Woosnam, who holds an honors degree in physics, was international equivalent to U S. All-America for Wales in the schoolboy, youth, amateur and iional soccer divisions, an AU-England selection and has played Against some of walk, a sacrifice-fielder neatest soccer stars all over the world. During the recent 1966 World Cup soccer matches, he was the soccer expert on a national network of radio and television. He ineligible for toe English team in World Cup play because he is a native of Wales. choice on which pitcher Mel Sot-tletnyre failed to throw out toe man at second and an intentional walk to Frank Robinson. Brooks Robinson then hit a hard grounder to third base which Clete' Boyer hobbled and then attempted to get a double play instead of going to toe plate for a force out. Boston erupted for four runs to the sixth in beqting Cleveland. Jose- Tartabull’s bases-loaded single brought home the first run and broke a 1-1 tie. Danny Cater was toe big man to Kansas City’s victory.' He doubled homie a run in the first and singled home a pair in the seventh. Jack Aker, picked up his 24th save for the Athletics, stopping a threat after California loaded toe bases in toe sixth. Olympic Cyclists in To was Sprint TAWAS (AP) - More than 50 Olympic bicycle riders are ex-perted for toe fourth annual tour of Lumbermen’s Monument bike race Saturday and Sunday at toe Tawases. Olaf Moetus of Indianapolis is defending champion in, the 62 %-mile Olympic road race. Sprint races also are scheduled. A big game of the MFL will Vf“T u f take place at Lansing Saturday ^ s?u{'- when unbeateT Dayton and fllpBotitwe™ e^edw , Lansing clash at Everett Field. L ?!, ?etro,t*Roug?1. S ee ers Dayton rolled over Flint 464) rf UP Parity payers who once were with the Detroit Rockets’ franchise in the lit.. ~ * ;Continental League. R; * ★ v ★ ★ Tickets for the game are available ‘at Osmun’s Men’s Stores, Griff’s Grill, Bob-Ken’s, Frayer’s Furnishings, Dixie. Williams Sonoco and VFW Post No. 1370. ★ A Students can/still purchase season tickets for the remaining foin^home games at $2.50. Student tickets at toe gate are IluxC WHERE THE ACTION IS — Competition among Midwest Football League teams gets .pretty intense as indicated in tola photo when players of the Pontiac Arrows and Ypsilanti Vikings converged to break up a scuffle between Pontiac’s guard Jerry Bnwn (60) arid Ypsilanti defensive tackle Mike Cunningham; seen vaguely, amidst the players on toe ground. Both were ejected. Pontiac won toe game, 18-0, and will meet the Detroit-Rouge Steelers Saturday night at Wisner Stadium. Tigers Fail to Gain DETROIT (AP) — Winning streaks and the continued heroics of Earl Wilson have foiled bring the Tigers any closer to toe high-flying Baltimore Orioles. Wilson pitched a three-hitter Wednesday night for his ninth straight triumph and 18th of the season as the Tigers blanked the Washington Senators, 44). The Tigers have won eight of nine games this month but still trail toe Orioles by 10% games. And, Minnesota has closed to within 5% games of the Tigers in the battle for second place. “I’ve just been fortunate, that’s all,” Wilson said in summing up his success since joining toe Tigers. Now 18-9 for the season, WilSon attended his record with top Tigers to 13-4. “All my pitches were moving well and Bill Freehan called a great game,” Wilson continued. ‘‘Re really had me moving my pitches around. Wednesday night by losing 3-2 to league leading Baltimore while Boston was edging Cleveland 5 4 and Kansas City was beating California 6-3. The loss left toe Yankees 28% games off the pace, a game back of Kansas City and one-half game behind ninth place Boston.' Iq other AL, games Wednesday, Minnesota nipped Chicago 6-4 and Detroit downed .Washington 4-0. As last place teams have habit of doing, toe Yankees ‘ their game the hard way — Baltimore scoring toe winning run in tiie eighth timing without getting a hit The Orioles loaded the DARltiG PLAY PAYS OFF - Willie Mays of tiie Sap Francisco Giants came around from first base on a single, was out in tiie 12th fahfag and then *safe . by umpire Tony Venzon alter catcher Johnny AP WlriMH bafi. It was the whining run as the Giants won 3-2 to gain on the Pittsburgh Pirates in the National League race. *• f It makes things a lot easier when you get runs early like I did tonight,” he added. The first four Tigers to face Washington starter Bill Ortega got hits with Jerry Lumpe doubling home the first run and Al.Kaline and Don Wert chipping in with run-scoring singles later. Wert followed Willif Horton’ booming triple off thh 440-foot sign in dead center field with a double in toe fourth for the final run of the game. - ★ k k Wert finished the series with eight hits in 17 trips and nine runs batted in. The first two hits off Wilson were off the scratch variety but Dick Nen short - circuited any possible ’talk of cheap hits with a solid single to right in the eighth inning. ' * ★ ★ “Those first two hits - didn’t bother me,” Wilson said. “The important thing is to win, win, win. “No, I’m not even thinking about next year’s contract,” he continued. “I might end up 18-18.” WILD PITCH Only, three Senators got as far as second base. Howard walked! and moved up when Norm Cash hobbled Willie Kirkland’s grounder in the fourth and Howard’s hit followed a walk to Nen. Nen moved up on a wild pitch after his single. The Tigers completed the 7 From Minors Called by Reds « CINCINNATI (UPI) - The Cincinnati Reds announced Wednesday seven players from minor league affiliates would be added to their roster after the National League season. Due for recall are pitchers Jim Duffolo, Tom Frondorf, Dave Galligan, Phil Henderson and Dan Neville and infielders Len Boehmer and Gus Gil. on’s series with the Senators with a commanding 13-5 edge. The Tigers ’were idle today and open a three-game series in Kansas City Friday night. WASHINGTON DETROIT McMulln 3b 4 Neb lb : FHoward If 3 Kirkland rf 3 Lock cf I 1 0 Trcewskl 21 Brlnkmn i Ortega p Phillips pi Hmphrys I 1 0 0 0 Northrop rf ' 4 0 0 0 WHorton If 3 0 0 0 Wert 3b 1 0 0 O Freehan c NBA Bulls Get Rodgers From Coast Quintet CHICAGO (AP) - The Chicago Bulls, new entry in the National Basketball Association, have obtained Guy Rodgers, veteran guard, from toe " Francisco Warriors. Dick Klein,, owner of toe Bulls, said Wednesday night toe 31-year-old Rodgers will arrive at the club’s training camp at North Central College in nearby Naperville, 111., in a few days. Klein said Rodgers had agreed to terms to play for toe Bulls. Klein said the Bulls will give up players or draft choices, plus cash for the. eight-year veteran who has played in toe last three NBA All-Star games. Rodgers played his college basketball at Temple University before joining the Warriors, then in -Philadelphia, in 1958. The Warriors moved to In Francisco in 1962. American League New York ;!!!’.! 62 II BO,,*, 5Wct»*4R,“" New York 2 Chicago at San Francieco, night Cinder Meet Has Record- by 2 Germans MATTER OF INCHES Norm Cash tags the bag by a half a step ahead of Washington catcher Paul Casanova on a close play in the 4th timing last night in their game in Detroit Cash took a throw from shortstop Dick McAuliffe and the Tigers finafiy won the game, 4-0. Wff COLOGNE, Germany (AP) — U. S. stars scored five victories in an international track and field meet Wednesday, but two West Germans did all toe record-breaking. Olympic star Ralph Boston went 26 feet 6% inches in winning the broad jump and Bob SCagren of Glendale, Calif., City College took the pole vault in 15 feet, eight indies ahead of teammate Ron Morris. * ★ * Charles Green of Seattle won the 100 meters in 10.2 seconds and Lee Evans of San Jose, Calif., City College ran off with the 400 meters in 45.9 seconds. Gene Johnson went six feet 8.8 inches in the high jump. k k k Harald Norpoth of Muenster, Germany, ran the 5,000 meters in 13 minutes, 24.8 seconds to crack Michel Jazy’s European mark of 13:27.2. Another runner from Muenster, Franz-Josef Kemper, broke the 888-yard record of 1:47.4 .by Noel Carrol] of Ireland by c AP wireehete tance in 1:4?-3. Detroit Tiger first baseman II Milk of CqOtyvtik, Kan., who woh the flit Olympic gold medal to the 10,000 meters, finished third in tbe 501 meteri to D»*2 THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1960 SF Drops Dodgers; Pirates Beaten Wizard of Candlestick Strikes Again By the Associated Press |tfje Giants beat the Dodgers 'Die Wizard of ^ Candlestick i again, 3-2 in X2 innings. Park did it again. Just one day after he had extracted a three-hit performance from the previously listless Ray Sadecki, San Francisco Mariagr er Herman Franks played pres-to-chango, now you see him, The hidden player -trick involved one Frank Johnson about whom just a bit more than nothing was -known. And for6 good reason. Until Tuesday, Johnson was spending his days at the Giants’ Pacific £oast League now you don’t, with-his line-up if arnfclub in Phoenix, where he Wednesday and, lo and behold,)hit .315. With the score tied 2-2 in the, bottom of the ninth and chance to climb to within half Igame of the National Leaguer leading Pittsburgh Pirates at stake, Houdini Franks decided it was the perfect time to test Johnson and he put him out in left field. WILLIE ON FIRST Johnson didn’t discredit him- on Pontiac and Buick *66 Demoi! Just Unbelievable Prices! All Cars Plus Sales Tax HBIHlHIl PONTMC-BUlCK Inc. 651-9911 155 S. Rochester U, Rochester 14 Mile South of Downtown Rochester self out there, , but as the game went into the 10th inning, he came to the plate wi htWillfe Mays on first ,and two out. If Franks had not juggled lineup, the batter would have been Jim Hart, who had produced the Giants* only- runsrtb that point with a two-run homer back in the first Inning. Johnson struck out and Franks must have wondered what happened to his magic wand. The game sailed along into tire 12th, entertaining the record Dodger Stadium crowd of 54,993 no end, when history repeated itself in record time. With two Pittsburgh 8-3 and St Louis out, Dodger reliever Joe Moeller edged Houston 5-5. missed oa three dose pitches to Mays and decided to throw the fourth one wide purposely rather than let Willie have a whack at an easy one. v ★ Up came Johnson, again and he singled to right-center and then left the wizardry to Mays, who somehow made it all the way home, scoring when Dodg-Catcher John Roseboro dropped the ball. In the only other National League games, Atlanta beat Four Teams May Print World Series Tickets NEW YORK (AP)—Four major league teams had the green light today to print tickets for the World Series, which, barring a playoff, will open in a National League city Wednesday, Oct. 5. • Commissioner William Eckert said Wednesday he had authorized American League leading Baltimore and the three top National League contenders— Pittsburgh, Los Angeles and San Francisco—to print 1966 Series tickets. ★ ★ ★ In the past, when teams located as close together as Baltimore and Pittsburgh played in the Series, there were no open dates. However, Eckert said this year there will beta day off for travel “for the convenience of the players, as weH as the fans, regardless of the teams or the cities involved. OPEN DATE He also said that in the event of a playoff there would be an open date between, the end of the playoff and the start of the Series. In case of a best-of-3 playoff, it would start the day .after the regular season ends. The series would move to the American League city Saturday, Oct. 8, Sunday Oct. 9 and Monday, Oct. 10, if necessary. If it goes beyond that point, play would resume in the National League city Wednesday, Oct. 12, Canadian Has 1 Stroke Win at Glenhurst EUGENE, Ore. leu, Atlanta, 32; Rose, Cincinnati, 31; inson, Cincinnati, 30; Phillips, Chicago nd Mays, San Francisco, 28. TRIPLES — McCarver, St. Louis, 13; Men, Philadelphia and Clemente, Pltts-urgh, 10; Brock, St. Louis and Alley: Wsburph, 9. HOME RUNS — Aaron, Atlanta and lien, Philadelphia, 37; Mays, San Fran-Jsco, 34; Torre, Atlanta, 33; Hart, San Francisco, 31. , STOLEN BASES — Brock, St. Louis, t; Jackson, Houston, 44; Wills, Los An-,;les, 33; Phillips, Chicago, 30; Harper, Cincinnati, 22. PITCHING-(11 decisions) - Regan, Los Angolas, 12-1, .923; Marichal, San Fran- Mikita in Lead MANCHESTER, Vt (AP) Stan Mikita of the* Chicago Black Hawks, who twjpe has led the National Hockey League in scoring, held a one-stroke lead today in the first annual NHL Players’ Golf Tournament. He fired a 74 over the first 18 holes Wednesday, taking the lead over Montreal’s Bobby Rous- seau, wbohad a 75. ; Perry, San Fi , Pittsburgh, 9-ales, 22-8, 733. STRIKEOUTS — Koufax, I Okay Auto Races MILAN, Italy (AP) - The International Automobile Federation has approved five autp races in the United States. They are two 500 - mile races at Bridgehampton, N.Y., Sept. 16-17; the Grand Prix of the United States Oct 1 at Watkins Glen, N.Y.; the 24 - hour endurance at Daytona Beach, Fla., Feb. 4-5, and the 12-hour endurance at Palm Beach, Fla., April Long Off Tee Replaces Golfing Tour With Club Job SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - Big George Bayer Is driving his tee shots 360 yards and says there’s no trick to it, except that he’s* doing it 6,500 feet above sea level. Bayer, who is 6-feet-5 and ‘down” to 246 pounds, «is the golf pro at the Incline Village* County Gub, Lake Tahoe, Nev., where eight Oklahomans put up $150,000 each, bought 9,000 acres and built a public course. “It’s 7,180 yards,” says Bayer, “but at 6,506 feet it plays like 6,700 yards. I hit a drive in the air (me day and1 it seems like it would stay up forever. It measured 360 yards.” Bayer took the job three , years ago and this marks his second summer off the PGA tour. ‘After 11 years on tour,” says Bayer, “I thought it would be a good idea to take a summer job and be with the family, for few months at least.” • ★ ★ ★ He and his wife Beverly have four children, twin daughters, Cynthia and Catherine, 14, Sherrie, 12, and son Gregg, 6. ★ ★ ★ “I can’t complain about golf but the tour kept me away from home. I’ll be playing enough in the winter when there’s 6 to 8 feet of snow in Nevada. L “Unless you’re a Palmer or a Nicklaus what do yoa have after your playing day> are gone? When yon get older yon get more complacement. I’m 41 now. I didn’t start playing until I was 29. I weigh 24C. When I played football at the University of Washington I weighed 251. But I was solid then.” Bayer has won almost $200,000 m his 11 years, on tour, saved what he could and is to three ventures. Czechs Lead Volleyball PRAGUE (AP) - Czechoslovakia holds first place today in the men’s world volleyball championships top finals group. The Czechs defeated Bulgaria, 15-11,15-13,18-16 Wednesday. Soccer Teams Tied ROTTERDAM (AP) — The jDutch and Hungarian national soccer teams tied 2-2 to the preliminary round of the European -Cup Tournament Wednesday night. .1 Dies While Jogging HOUSTON (AP) - Elwin Handley Jr., 16, collapsed and died Wednesday -while jogging around the athletic field at Austin? High School X » £9 Hi. 3! x Namafh May Not Start for Jetts' Contest Taliaferro It Probable ChdicQ at QB Against Dolphins Friday 7 By the Associated Press Joe Namath, the New York Jet*’ $400,000 quarterback, was the American Football League’s Rookie-of-the-Year in 1985, bat Friday he might only be sopho-more-on-the-bench. ' Jets’ Coach Weeb Ewbank says Namath is “physically able j* to play,” but .adds that it’s a toss-up who will start against the Miami Dolphins — Joe or Mike Taliafer- ■T*|V J ' •• 2 - VV: ■m*. yoKTiAc rKKss, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 19fl« D-a Bengals' Boss to Save Lefty tqlich It is not that Namath has not been on target. Ewbank said both players have looked good in practice this week. But how do you tell Taliaferro, who directed the^Jets through an unbeaten exhibition season after Namath injured his knee in the first quarter of the first game, that he is not starting? t The new Dolphins, looking for their first victory after five exhibition losges and a near miss loss to Oakland in their opener last week, were not taking any -chances. They prepared for Namath or Taliaferro. GOOD PASSERS ‘‘We know both are good pass-ers,” Coach George Wilson said, “and that Taliaferro has led them to four straight victories. Fans around the country will see the battle on national television at 7:30 p.m., EDT. The National Football League opens its season this weekend and the first game is a dandy, pitting defending Western Division champion Green Bay against Baltimore, picked by mdny to unseat the Packers this season. That game in Milwaukee Saturday night also will be nationally televised. Hie rest of the NFL schedule will be played Sunday. Only Dallas has the weekend off. (j^eveland plays at Washington, s Angeles at Atlanta, Chicago at Detroit, Minneapolis at San Francisco, New York at Pittsburgh and Philadelphia at St. Louis. Hie AFL has Oakland at Houston and Boston at San Die- ' go in Saturday night and Kansas City at Buffalo on national television Sunday. Steelers' Looking at Lions'Discard PITTSBURGH « - Steve Barnett, a guard from Stanford, was placed mi waivers by the Pittsburgh Steelers Wednesday as the club cut its roster to the national Football League limit of 40. At the same time, Coach Bill Austin disclosed that quarterback George Izo, formerly of Notre Dame and recently released by the Detroit Lions, was working out with the team. Although Izo is not on the active roster, the Steelers said he may be signed should anything happed to Bill Nelsen or Ron Smith, the only two quarterbacks on the squad. DETROIT (A-Detroit Tigers Manager Frank Staff said Wednesday he will use Mickey ’ Lolich against Kansas City this weekend if he has to but is on having him start Minnesota «next Tues- - “ Johnny Podres throws a little Eh so the bigger park in Kan-i.City will help him,” Skaff ilained. “He’ll pitch Friday too, and I just stayed put,” Northrup said. - " Wilson was the only Tiger who didn’t have a share' of the team’s 10-hit attack. He has hit five home runs tins year and needs two to tie the record for pitcher set by Wes Farrell with Cleveland in 1931. Wilson’s total matches the McLain and Earl Wil-will follow Podres against A’s who are even with the Tigers after 12 games. National League high shared by H ** - (1955) and Con PEANUT TIME — A peanut vendor in Kansas City Stadium forgets about selling and watches as Athletics’ cbtcher Phil Roof and first baseman Danny Cater run into each other tryiifg for a pop foul near the A’s dugout. Manager Alvin Dark is the one in the white cap behind the pair. Hie A’s won, 64. Point to Busch Stadium Si. Louis' Hawks Want New Arena Jim Northrup said he thought his being so close to Jerry Lumpe in the third inning may have caused the Tiger?’ second baseman to, miss Ken Hamlin’s pop fly in the third inning. It went for the first hit off Wilson. “Jerry hollered that he had the ball and I was just coming on to give him a hand in case he lost it in the lights,” Northrup said. “He may have thought I was going tp run into him.” In the sixth inning, Lumpe raced out to short right field and had to make a last-secon stab to catch Willie Kirkland’ popper. “JeiTy yelled for that one, Newton Motors Inc. ANNOUNCING the Addition of FORREST OLK. DUANE OLK and James CHATFIELD To Our Staff—Formerly of Pontiac 1705 AUSTIN 31620 NORTHWESTERN NORTH OF 15-MILE HIGHWAY Exit 1-75 at Rochester Rd. Between and John R at MIDDLE RELT 689-4770 626-9454 Hours: t to l Monday thru Thursday Friday t to SsM Hours: A to t Mondoy - Wednesday Thursday and Friday 8 to 5:30 SPECIALIZING IN VOLKSWAGEN VEHICLES ST. LOUIS (AP) - Ben Kttr-ner and his St. Louis Hawks say they need a new place to play if die National Basketball Association team is to remain in Louis. The Hawks’ present home is Kiel Auditorium, which can accommodate 10,000 fans. However,- the structure was not built for basketball. Kerner, who owns the Hawks, says the problem is that choice seats are scarce in the auditorium. ★ ★ ★ “Moving the franchise is not the problem,” Kerner says. “We can always move. Our problem is staying. Most of our players now make their homes lb St. Louis and we like die city. “We don’t want to move, but if we must we will” Kerner pointed out that the St. Louis baseball Cardinals, playing in the new Busch Memorial Stadium on the downtown river front, recently set a new single season home attendance record — passing the old mark of 1,430,676 set in 1949. Preseason ticket sales indicate the football Cardinals also will have greater turnouts in the new stadium. . “When the fans know there are good seats available/’ Kerner says, “they are more of a mind to come. . “When there are better parking facilities, they are eager to come to die games. Falcon Cuts Include End Danny LaRose ATLANTA, Ga. - The Atlanta Falcons revealed names of two more players cut roster Wednesday, bringing the-squad to 52. ' Latest to be dropped were Frank McClendon, a tackle who attended the University of Alabama and acquired on waivers from "Baltimore, and end Dan LaRose, of Pontiac, a former University of Missouri player, acquired 6n waivers from San Francisco. The Falcons were required to trim their squad to 46 by 4 p.m. Tuesday, but they have released names of only four of the 10 players cut. It; was announced earlier that [dace kicker Larry Moore and defensive back Larry Gulock were dropped. Wednesday's Minor LOOBOt Rotl By The Associated Prats best-of-5 series T. Sealtie 3, Tuba 1, Seattle leads best-of-7 series 1-0. Texas League Austin 4, Arkl , best-of-3 series ZIEBART INNER COATING SEALS mil CM AGAINST RUST t MT! I M UHIN jiirwisi^OD'i JS£r£jal, !*j**T___iimw MSTECTISS IMTft _ compute rocuir mansl \ Nuawr FEMOtnsano supports maotWMfLmua ZiebariJ, m m LAM AVENUE - Hum FE 4-MS3 GUARANTEED PROTECTION • GUARANTEED PROTECTION 1 the city should help In construction of a new place for the basketball team to play. HoweveiC he did not spell, out details on how the city should help. The Hawks'will again play a number of home games in other cities, especially Memphis. Kerner, when asked if the team would move to Memphis, again replied: “We don’t want to move, but if we must we wilL” _ “I feel that the same thing, attendance wise, would happen to the Hawks with a new place to play as is presently happening to the baseball and football Cardinals.” Kemer’s Hawks opened preseason drills this week. He feels Twins Peddle Lefty Pitcher MINNEAPOLIS (UPI)-The Minnesota Twins sent lefthander Garry Roggenburk to the Boston Red Sox Wednesday for the waiver, price of $20,000. Roggenburk, who spent most of the 1966 season with Denver of the Pacific Coast League, was 1-2 with the Twins with a 6.00 earned run average in 12 You Can Count on Is.. Quality Costs No More at Searri 30-Month Guarantee ALLSTATE Guardsman Guaranteed Against All Failures for Tread Life, No Limit on Time, Mileage, Roads or Speed 6.50x13 Tubeless Blackwall Plus 1.83 Federal Excise Tax Whitewalls $3 More Per Tire Sizes Fit Most Cars on the Road, Old and New, Compacts! Chryslers, Station Wagons and Even Some Foreign Cars • Dynatuf tread rubber resists ail road shocks plus the heat and moisture which cause tire fatigne • Contour safety shoulders glide up and over road shoulders Guardsman Tubeless Blackwalls SIZE n j Sale Price with Old Tire Pina F.E.T. 7.00/7.35x14 * 16.60 2.11 7.50/7.75x14 17.80 2.20 8.00/8.25x14 19.50 2.36 6.70/7.75x15 17.80 2,21 7.10/8.15x15 19.50 2.35 Best Permanent Anti-Freeze Today 169 ■XArf. Foam-Back Terry Cloth Seat Covers 3" Sears Price J-Bsl. Reg.W.98 Bait and half solution of Fit any American ear. Added Allstate anti-freese and water comfort in winter. Choose protects to 34° below sero. bine, green, beige or gray. AutoAccetaorlettPerrjrSt.Biuement * Cooling System Additives Jx 33C Radiator Flnsh East Preventive Stop Leak GUARANTEED 5 WAYS . If muffler fails due to defects in material or workmanship or blow-outs, rust-out or wear-out while original purchaser owns the car, it win bo replaced upon return, free of charge. If the defective muffler was instaUed by Sears, wo will install the new muffler, charging only for brackets, bolts and other aecesaories. Heavy-Duty Mufflers for Most Cars on the Road ‘54 to ‘64 Chevy 744 Guaranteed for as long as you own the ear! Triple-tube, free-flow design relieves power-robbing hack pressure. Rngged mufflers are built tp take it... with 2 layers of galvanized steel! CaU Sears today for quiet efficiency! Installation Available SEARS D™"\ Phone FE 5-1171 .... ■■ Lfii WSsm ■ '•. *’S. ,4-£J l' I Wiijftfoffi - ‘ ■ ’ I SS 1 ■ ® - /v •'5 i* THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1966 for National Singles Croyfn Lone U S. Netmdn Still-Contending FOffEST HILLS, N Y. (AP) — The lonesomest man in the National Tennis Championships today —and perhaps the proudest —’'is Claris, Graebner, the 24-year-old son of a Cleveland doctor. He’s the lone American in a batch of invaders j|- five Australians, a Spaniard; and an Englishmen — who square off in men’s quarter-final matches] today and Friday. The good-looking 6-footer, who for years has been labelled strictly a doubles player and is ranked only 13th nationally, now becomes a key man hi the United Spates’ plans for recovering the David Cup —.a bleak prospect. THREE OUSTED The nation’s No. 1 player, Dennis Ralston of 'Bakersfield, doubles mite from Evanston, III., yielded a tough one to two-time champion Roy Emerson of Australia, 2-6, 6-3,7-5,6-3. Chuck McKinley of. Port Washington,, N. Y., bowed Wimbledon champion and the defender, Manuel Santana of Spain 9-7, 9-7, 8-6. iton Calif., lost in straight sets to Australians Fred Stolle 7-5, 6-S, "I’m glad I won, but, gee,Tm|*-7- Marty Riessen, his longtime sorry our other, guys had tot -■■■ ■■ lose,” Graebner said after her . ' . had survived a two-hour duel VOTSitY Whips R6S6TV6S with England’s Graham Stilwelll ' ~ 9-11, 8-6, 6-3, 7-5. “I would like to play Davis Cup singles but, that is up to ner said. "I just want to do anything I can t ohelp the team.” This is a big year for Graebner. He WQn the Pennsylvania championships at Merlon and went to the final of the Eastern at Orange, N, J. He teamed with Ralston to defeat the Mexicans in the American Zone final at Cleveland 5-0. Graebner’s big moment comes Friday when he plays Captain MacCall (George Mac- Stolle, Ralston’s conqueror, in Call, the U.S. captain),” Graeb-ltlfe quarter-finals. If he Wins, he Mercury Outboards and Siam Drives • STARCRAFT f SHEM. LAKE • IMP BOATS m BOATZENflf "Boating's On* Port of Call" 1 1tW S. Woodward at Moms Road JO Min Ml 1-01U • Man., Thors., Fri. I ■ I MSU Fullback Has ! EAST LANSING (AP)-Mich-jigari State fullback Bob 'Aplsa, who underwent knee surgery I last winter, ran with his old abandon in a scrimmage Wednesday, boosting Spartan morale. The 218-pougder scored four touchdowns, on runs of 17, 8, 4, and 2 yards, in the first team’s 684) whitewashing of the reserves. He totaled 44 yards in ninee carries. Quarterback Jimmy Raye ran, 185 , yards in five carries and rolled out for two touchdowns, one of 42 yards and one of four yards. He completed five, of 10 passes for 50 yards and second signal caller Charlie Wedemeyer hit the same yardage on four completions in six attempts. End Gene Washington caught four of the passes for 72 yards. Wedemeyer scored on a five-yard rollout. Halfback Dwight FUN PEOPLE - - - ARE PART OF- THE SPORTS CAR WORLD tiaaiferat ratio 046 to 1 5-SPEED SYNCHRO TRANSMISSION * the fabulous p| pj 1500 Spider Fiat moans sport cats and tho 1500 Spid*r is th* finest of th*m all. Th* smooth shifting fhm-sp**d transmission is a joy to driv* — th* car is a joy to own. See the Fiat along with a complete line of sports cars at Oakland County’* Sport Car Center Oakland ^j|'(|l<$1 tl) Ft D-84Z1 M Select New and Used Sports Car* Bank Financing, Easy Terms CaaimMi Imported Cota Lee Scored on four-and 13-yard runs. Clinton Jones dashed 62 yards for a touchdown. Jones picked up $5 yards in 10 carries and Lee ran seven times fbr 41 yards. BIG DIFFERENCE Coach Duffy Daugherty was encouraged by the first team’s performance, but added that the 10-touchdown victory over the reserves underscored a drastic dropoff in the talent between the first and second stringers. “We came out without any major injuries, which is probably more important than anything else,” said Daugherty. He lack of depth, he said, has made him especially fearful of injury to key players. ★ ★ ★ The Spartan* have one more scrimmage scheduled, on Saturday, before meeting Ninth Carolina State Sept. 17 at Lansing. Meanwhile, at Raleigh, N.C., North Carolina State continued its preparations for the Spartans. The Wolfipack’s defensive unit worked against a Michigan State-type offense in its Wednesday morning session. shot at the Enenm-fdwen Davidson winner, anomir, Aussie.test. ' » ’ '/p? That should settle whether he can stand up to the rugged trip ent from down under. | BRITISH BOMBER The top half of the men’s bracket'‘whs scheduled today with ^Santana facing Bill. Bow-rey, a 22-year-old Australian* and Mark Cbx, the blond British bomber, opposing Australia”s (John Newcombe. The latter put out America’s Arthur Ashe i Tuesday. •> Two American girls — Nancy Richey of . Dallas, Tex.*, and Rosemary Casals of San Fran- ^ ciscp ~ 'remain to challenge- • former .champion Maria Bueng > of BrazUx & toe women’s divi- UPSETS CONTINUE Kerry Melville on* y (upper court), 19-year-old Australian who de- Miss Richey defeated Esme feated top seeded U.S: player Bille Jean I Emanuel of South Africa 6-2,6-4, --------- ------------------ and today goes against seventh-seeded Virginia Wade of Britain. Moffitt King, drives .the ball past her fellow s / • A* Wirophoto Australian, Judy Tegart, foreground, in the U.S. National Tennis championships. Miss Melville won in three sets, 2-6, 6-2, 6-4, to send/her into the quarter-finals. If Miss Richey wins, she plays the winner of today’s other quarter-final test between 19-year-old Kerry Kelville, corf-queror of Wimbledon champion Mrs. Billie Jean King, and pretty Madonna Schacht, both Australians. The other half of the women’s draw, scheduled Friday, sends Miss Buenos seeded. No. 2, against Norma Baylon of Ar-m i, No. 6, and Miss Casals, No. 5, against fourth-seeded Francoise Durr of France. USED 13-14- IQ Up TIRES’5 “ •2 ROYAL AUTO* PARTS 1110 Mt. CIMIMM FE MM WE’RE READY TO PLAY BALL... YOU CALL THE SIGNALS DOWNEY WILL DELIVER THE GOODS! TAKE A LOOK AT OUR '66 OLDSMOBILE LINE-UP NO. Position Noma Pric* 12 Q.B. Cutlass Supreme $2847 55 L.G. 99 Holiday Coupe $3969 26 C 3-Seat Custom Vista-Cruiser $3219 At R.G. 98 Convertible $3895 25 F.B. Dynamic 88 Convertible $3301 3T R.T. Toronado Deluxe $3975 23 H.B. Dynamic 88 Holiday Sadan. $2915 82 R.E. F-85 Four-Door Sedan $2398 74 L.E. F-85 V-8 Club Coupe $2465 21 Flanker Cutlass Convertible 4-Speed $2796 79 L.T. Dynamic 88 Celebrity Sedan $2931 COACHING STAFF BILL DOWNEY -ART THOMAS -BILL STEYENS-DAVE WUNCH-DAN P0LASEK-TED WHITE -FLOYD BYAS-CHUCK MELL0R — Trainer Head Coach Quarterback Coach Offensive Line Coach Defensive Line Coach Offensive B.F. Coach Defensive B.F. Coach End Coach WE ALSO HAVE A STRONG BENCH READY TO GET IN THE ACTION! DOWNEY OIDSMOBIIE 550 Oakland Ava.-Pontiae-332-8101 Across From Wisner Stadium World Oarsmen Begin Padding Despite Dispute BLED, Yugoslavia I* — Five hundred athletes from 31 nations, including the United States, opened competition today in the second World .Rowing Championships: The competition was being held in the shadow of a dispute Involving East and West Ger-1 many. i The International Rbwing Federation ruled that the East and West Germans were to wear only the emblems of their national rowing associations, but the East Germans appeared at Wednesday night’s official opeh-ing wearing the emblem of their country. The two teams stood far from each other during the ceremonies. The/federatkm also banned the playing of any national anthem because of the German dispute and also said teams will be represented on scoreboards by the namies of their associations, not pected to return to practice1 ‘STOLLE’ THE SHOW - Australia’s Fred Stolle* foreground, defeated the top ranked U.S. tennis player Dennis Ralston in straight sets yesterday, 7-5, 6-3, 9-7, at Forest Hills, N.Yl Prior to the tournament Stolle was upset because he was not seeded and got his vengeance by defeating Ralston, one of the top seeded players. ¥ Stresses Oregon Plays ANN ARBOR (AP) — Veter-type defense? and offenses em-an halfback Carl Ward was «-ployed by the reserves. their countries. ... ... .. , . „ „ Rick Volk, senior defensive today with Michigan s football j,ajfbaCk, started the scrimmage Automatic TRANSMISSION • SERVICE i ALL AAAKES ALL MODELS “fully guaranteed'* RELIABLE TMNSMISSION 921 Oakland - FE 4-0791 Wolverines. Ward, a key figure in Coach] Bump Elliott’s plans for the team, has been out since Monday when he suffered a bruised leg in scrimmage. ★ * The Wolverines Wednesday continued to acquaint themselves with .patterns expected to be used by Oregon in their season opening game Sept. 17. The team watched Oregon plays in movies and pitted s quarterback. But Elliott replaced him with No. U signal duller Dick Vidmer, and later gave Dennis Brown and John Thomas tries at the key po- Daily Double Payoff Large DETROIT • (AP) - Springs Newcomer Progresses as Passer CHICAGO-(AP) - Midwest ; football briefs: Ohio State—Rookie Bill Long shows progress as No. 1 quarterback, passing effectively to . halfbacks Bo Rein and Arnie Fontes in a workout that was free of injuries. Wisconsin — Fullback Wayne Todd impressed coach Milt Bruhn in the Badgers’ first scrimmage of the season. Quarterback John Boyajian and halfbacks Lynn Buss and Vic Jan-ule were with Todd in the No. 1 backfield. > „ ★ ★ Purdue — Juniors Bob Corby and Dennis Cirbes were cited in an improved secondary .that stood out in a 90-minute scrimmage. Iowa—Fullback Silas. McKin-nie, out of contact work with a, leg injury, returned to heavy duty as the squad pointed for/a game-type scrimmage Thursday. * ★ ★ f Minnesota— Veteran end /Chet Anderson joined the Gorfhers’ rising injury toll with a strained foot ligament. Indiana—Center Harold Mau-ro, guard Mickey Parmelee and end Rick Spickard were singled out by coach John Pont for their offensive blocking work. ★ ,★ * Illinoil—Additions to the minor injury list include center Kai Anderson, linebacker Her-schpl Johnson, guards Ron Guenther and Larry Jordan, tackle Dick Stone, end Mike Murawski and backs Cyril Pin-der and Doug Harford. Northwesterly — Pass catching by end Roger Murphy and Cas Banaszek highlighted a full scale scrimmage. Two sophomores, taqkle Tom Ziokowski Chico Kirsawski, were promoted to the No. 1 offensive f TIGER PAW HEADQUARTERS KING TIRE CENTER 31W. Montcalm FE 3-7068 ltejThe$75l Tire IF IT SAVES YOUR LIFE ONCE IT’S A BARGAIN! their own plays against Oregon Arrhtel galloped home a 61-1 .—_—|shot in the first race at Detroit Race Course Wednesday and set up the largest daily double of the 33-day-old DRC meeting. Dick Lawless rode Springs Arrival in to pay. $123.20. Do’s Last Day paid $17.80 in the second race and a double payoff of $1,034 on' the 7-9 coml | ation. Seethe Popular COUPON— - While They Last! Brand New TAKE-OFFS 8.IB-14 1 Whltowolli j wwmSLSmSeb »—1—*COUPON-- — mmmm King Tire Center "ASST if C. Golfers Play j 22nd annual State Knights lumbus Golf Tournament e held Saturday and Sun-f at Bob O’Link Goif Club in than 400 hundred en-•ies are expected in the tournament hosted this year by St. Francis Council No. 4401 of Farmington. ' 1966 NEW CHEVROLET IMPALA 12489 V8 Engine Automatic Transmission Full Factory Equipment -only at tW PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1966 KANSAS CITY,/ 0 Hershbgr ,, _ . . 1 Charles 3b /3 1 1 Johnstone Fregosl ss , . . , Adcock lb 3 111 Cater .. I TKgan c 1 o 0 0 DGreen 2b WSmlth rt soil Chavarla It I Knoop 2b .3010 Gosger ph 1000 Satrleno_c f o l 0 Repor if toil e Boxes SAN FRANCISCO LOS ANOILIS Fuentes ss f 0 0 0 Wills ss. ftV mm pKuarr Hrnandez 3b 1 0 0 0 Schyirarl Brunei p 2 0 0 0 Laehtm., . . Coates p OOOOKrSusM P 1 Kirkptrck ph 1 0 0 0 Alter p 2 Roles d oooo r Burdette p 0 0 0 0/ Malzona ph l o 0 it £ Total 3S 3 V 3 Total 331 California 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 Kansas City / ..300 01 0 10 Gibbon i Burda pi MOaniel I .... _ Gjibrlelsn ph i M l Moeller p Total Lachemann. 3B—Knoop. (It). S-Krbusse. SF—Hershbei Brunet (l/ 12-11) Coates ........ Rolas ........... 1-3 2 Aker ............. T—2:43. A- 5,119. HR-/ TOSS .12-3 3 Clarke ss 5 0 10 Aparlcio ss 0__________ Rfchrdsn 2b 4 0 1 0 Snyder cf 3 o 0 0 tresh If 3 10 0 FRoMnsn rf 2 ' ' " Pep Ilona, lb 4 110 BRoblnsn 3b 4 . . . Marls M 4 011 Powell 1b 4 0 11 1 0 Blefary If 3 0 0 0 Whitaker cf 3 EHoward c 4 1 Boyer 3b 4 0 2 0 DJohnson______■ Stotlmyre p 300 0 Etchebrn c 3 0 0 0 Mantle ph 1 0 0 0 Bunker p l o 0 0 Roznvsky ph 1 0 0 0 Fisher p .00 0 0 000 35 2 I 2 Total 27 1 4 ..... 0 00 002 ttt- ... .00 0 1 00 111-. OP—Baltimore 1. LOB— I. Baltimore 5. (22). S—AparlclO.^Snyde L,12-17) 0 4 3 3 > 0 0 0 LJohnsc b 1 o o 0 Parker 5 0 10 Koufax 3 0 00 Stuart u. , _, . 101 0 NOIIver pr 000 0 Bf, 0 0 ,RJwTiter>>p ■ » » o Covington p MilBEfr ***• Federal Action Is Opposed WASHINGTON W - No federal action is necessary to preserve the natural wonder of the Indiana dunes along Lake Michigan, Rep. Charles A. Halieck, R-Ind., said today , 4411) 011-00 0—. Parker, ElMcCovey? * R.MHtfir! * * r Roseboro. DP—San Frandaco Los Angelas 1.. LpR. - San Francisco Los Angeles 13. li-WHIs. 3B-WJ3/ HR—Hart (31). SB-^J.AIeu. Davenport. SF—T.Davls. Bolin- ...- .4M'lWS Gibbon 113 4 1 1 0 McDaniel .....2 0 0 0 0 rSSL — * 4 0 0 2 ...7 5 2 2 3 U24) . Opposing a bill to authorize acquisition of more than 6,000 acres between East Gary and I Michigan City, Ind., for estab-r,lishment of an Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore, Halieck said the dunes now are protected sufficiently by the state and by local zoning laws. Glustl p Sembera p B rand'pf> 3 121 FtooftlT 3.1 1 0 Cepeda lb 4 0 2 2 Mcarvar c 4 0 10 Shannon ct 2 0 0 0 Splezlo 3b 0 0 0 0 Javier 2b 0 0 0 0 Maxvlll ss 0 0 0 0 Jester p Plche p Skinner ph B.Robinson Stotlmyre Bunker Fisher (W ^.Miller BOSTON CLEVELAND abrhbl abrh Tartabull cf 4 2 2 1 Salmon 2b 5 2 < Fov 3b 4 0 11 Davallllo cf 5 1 ! Ystrmskl If 4 0 0 0 Wanaf If 5 0 < Conlfllaro rf 4 0 1 1 Whitfield lb 4 0 1 Scott 1b 5 012 Colavlto rf 4 0 L Petrodll. ss 5 0 2 0 Azcu* c 3 0 0 0 Tillman 7. 2 o 0 0 Sims c 10 0 0 Santiago pr 0 10 0 Alvls 3b 4 0 10 Ryan c 10 10 LBrown ss 4 0 2 0 RSmlth 2b 5 12 0 Culver p 2 0 0 0 Lpnborg p 3 10 0 Kelley p ---------- Wyatt p 0 0 00 Davis ph Woodeshk p 0 0 .Total 33 5 9 4 Total ST Houston 203 0 00- St.LOMlO ■»...... 0 00 ft ft 1 3 2 X- DP—Houston 1, St.Louis 1. LOB Houston 4, St.Louis 5. 2B—Sta Aspromonte, McCarver. HR—Baten (17), Shannon (14), McCaryer (10). SI Morgan. S—Brand. Total til ' 37511 5 Total 39 4 15 ■man ............ 10 0004 00 ft — Cleveland .......100 gto i o 2 — E—L.Brown, Alvls. DP—Boston 1 LOB—Boston 13, Cleveland 10. 2B-Conlgllaro, Salmon (2), Davallllo. HR-Gentile (2). (2). SF-Foy, Whitfield. ■Ml H RERBBSO MJones cf 3 2 1 I (W, 9-8) . 13 3 : 5 5 WP^-Wyatt. PB—Azcue. T-2:50 CHICAGO MINNESOTA abrhbl abrt Causey 2b 4 1 1 1 versalles ss 4 0 Weis 2b 0 0 0 0 JHall If 4 1 Martin ph 1 0 0 0 Oliva rf 4 1 Buford 3b 3 110 Klllebrew 3b 3 1 Agee cf 4 12 2 Mlnchar lb 2 1 ward If 4 0 2 1 Rollins ph 1 1 FRobkisn If 0 0,0 0 Battey c 3 1 Skowron lb 3 0 0 0 Uhlaendr cf 3 0 Romano c^ H RERBBSO W, 2-1) .2 3 0 0 0 342 Clement 0 1 V Stargell 1 1 A II lb 3 01 d Bailey M» 5 0 12 Paglaronr c 5 0 11 Sisk p Cardwell p ODell p . Lynch ph McBean p Rodders ph 00 ( Total 40 0150 Total 351 Atlanta .........0 01 132010 Pittsburgh H .. 300 00% 000 E-F.AIou, Carty. DP—Atlanta Pittsburgh 1. LOB-Atlanta 12, Pittsburgh ' 2B—Menke, Clemente, Aaron. 3Br- ohnson. SB—Aaron, MJones (2). SF— IP H RER.BB KJohhson (W, 12-0) 9 9 3 3 1 Sisk (L, 9-3) .... 4 2-3 7 5 5 3 Cardwell ..... N 4 1 2 V O'Dell ........... 1 2-3 0 0 0 1 McBean ........... 2 4 11 0 I—Battey, BAIIen. Perry' . ..... Wflrthgtn (W, 5-3) Tournament Starting CLEVELAND (AP) - Detroit, which has won the National Amateur Baseball Federation Tournament for the past six years, meets Cleveland today in the first round of the 1966, tournament. Denver Reported Alter Pietrosante DENVER (UPD - The Denver Broncos Wednesday offered contract to, ex-Detroit Lion fullback Nick Pietrosante. Officials of the American Football League club said Pie-_ trosahte has promised to contact them Friday on their offer. ‘ Other AFL clubs also are bidding for Pierosante’s talent. Pietrosante was dropped by the Lions last week and it was reported Tuesday he had signed with the Buffalo Bills. Ibis report was lermed an “unfounded rumor” by Denver officials. Pietrosante also denied the report Details of the contract were not D Used 5 Gallon GAS CANS Goad fcondition s3.49 Flex. Spouts 996 Ammo^^S Cans Jo] 30Cal. 98* 50 Oil.. . ... $2.29 h»I SEE *1« BUCKETS % Length RAIN PARKA Full zippur front *3.98 Waist Length *2.98 2-Piece RAIN SUIT *3" Jacket and Pant* Used Army FIELD JACKETS *2.98 [ Utad Fatigue JACKETS $149 i DUFFLE BAGS I . Heavy Duck I CUP TOP . . . $2.98 I TIE TOP . .-. . $1.98 I LAUNDRY BAG . 98c ALL CREDIT CARDS HONORED ARMY NAVY II N. Stgiuw, Downtown Pontiac FE 2-0022 Open Mon., Thun, ond Fri. 9 to 9; Titftft., Wed, So*. 9 tw 3 / WE RENT CAMPING TESTS , ALL CREDIT CARDS HONORED JOE’S ss SURPLUS lltu, Glen Cove. N.Y., «1 Joiner, 1(9M, Cincinnati, 9. Series Golf This Week AKRON, Ohio (AP)- Practice rounds get underway Friday^ the 177,500 fifth World Series of Golf at Akron’s Firestone Country Club. Thirty-six holes of medal competition follow Saturday and Sunday. Masters and British Open champ Jack Nicklaus seems to be the man-to beat, judging from past performances on the par 70, 7,180-yard course. But A1 Geiberger, a slim Californian, is expected to give Nicklaus a run for the. $50,000 first-prize money.' *" * ★ Geiberger, who likes to fortify h|s game with peanut butter and jelly sandwiches he carries in his bag, has picked up $45,000 in prize Money during his last two visits to Firestone. Mildenberger Says He Sees 'Something' FRANKFURT, Germany (AP) — Karl Mildenberger Says he sees something to worry Cassius Clay> but Clay isn’t letting it bother him. v Just as Mag Schmeling said, “I see something” before knocking out Joe Louis in 1936, Mildenberger said Wednesday, “I’ve seen all Clay’s fights and I think I have found something to make him worried.” . Schmeling had referred to a weakness in Louis’ style that enabled him to upset him, but Joe -corrected the situation in their second meeting in 1938, knocking Schmeling out in a round. Louis, hn advisor to Clay, also saw a comparison between the upcoming fight and his loss to Schmeling. EASY WINS “Clay won his last three or Geiberger, who Will be play-f°ur ® the ,former ing his first series, started win- champion..said. “Clay might let ning here jiet 13 months ago *600 During Matthews-Hargreaves 8th Annual On A New 1966 Chevrolet To One Of Michigan's Largest Automobile Sales Events... TIME IS RUNNING OUT! Big Selection of 1966 Chevrolets In Stock Ready For Immediate Delivery! Look for the Red Tag Prices on Each Car Savings Santo Sat|sfaotioi C Rilli M Matthews hargriavis 631 Oakland at Cass FE 5-4161 ■ nm' THIS PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 8, 1066 Torch DHvrGod Sot DETROIT (AP) - Dw city1 United Foundation yesterday set a record goal of $24.95 million for its 1966 Ton* Drive. ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS • • Board of "Education, Avondale I District, Oakland County, Mlehl- structlon of Avondale Ser • Field, .until I September 19, Board' of Id) i Service Cantor , at the tor High School AthlBtlc 00 P.M., E.S.T.,-Monday, 1966, or the Office of ___... .. ...cation, H)$ West Au Road, ^Auburn Heights, ^ Michigan, publicly opened and read aloud. A single lump sum proposal Including work of all trades, shall be submitted In duplicate on the .Contractor's letterhead In a sealed envelope. Proposals shall be accompanied by a bid bond or cent) tot The building permit by the Contractor . necessary paid for by .the fits and licenses prosecution ired and paid m The Contractor shall maintain' such insurance as will protect him from claims and other employe benefits acts, from d during operations tlons be by ijlmsell or traitor or anyone dlre< • employed by either of 1 io following amounts: $ SUMO •/ possible. ’Contractors shall Mate Ir their proposal tha number of consecutive ' calendar days to complete after a pur chase order by the Owner. I . * The AIA Snort-Form for Small Con-struction Contracts. (A-107), Is included and furnished as part of the Contract j Specifications will b ______ R the Archi________ Linn Smith, Demiene, Kasprzak, Adams, Me., *96 South Adams ~ ham, Michigan, on- or following scheduled distribution of plans and specifications, same to be. refunded tlons In Ugood° condition within fen <101 days of the opening of bids: Base Bid "A" General Construction: within ten (10) days of the- opening bids, but no refund Will be made the return of such sets. Accepted bidders will be required .. furnish satisfactory Performance Bond and Labor and ^Material Bond, ** Everett A. Jones SOUTH LYON - Service for Everett A. Jones,-63, of 334 Lake will be 2 p.m. Saturday at Phillips Funeral Home. Burial will be in South Lyon Cemetery. Mr. Jones died yesterday after a short illness. Owner and druggist of Jones Drug Store, he was a member of Lodge No. 319, F&AM, and Shrine of Bay City and was past president of the Kiwanis Club. Surviving are his wife, El-nora; two daughters, Mrs. James Wallace of South Lyon and Mrs. Roy Bakhaus of Brighton; a son, Robert of Whiled Lake; a sister; and 10 grandchildren. Death Notices BISHOP, SEPTEMBER 1, 1966, HERBERT M- 960 Leldlch Street, Lake Orient aoe 85. Funeral ar-pendlng at the blynn, September J. ima FRANCES M., 251 Osmun Street; age 55; deer ifster of Gilbert Bullock; also survived by five nieces and one nephew. Funeral service will be held Friday, September 9, at 1 p.m, at the Sparkt-Grlffln Funeral Home. Interment In Oak Htll Cemetery; Mrs. Blynn will lie In state. at the funeral home, rted visiting hours 3 to 5 ((Rested vis BROOKS, SEPTEMBER 6, 1966', LAWRENCE, 397 South Boulevard; age 54; beloved husband of Gladys Brooks; beloved son of Mrs. Carrie Brooks; dear father of Olivia Trees, Carrie and Rita Brooks; dear brother o! John T. Jr., Hercules F., and Mattie Brooks, Mrs. Crystal J. Compton, Mrs. Mildred Thomas, Mrs. Erma Woods, and Mrs, Catherine McCauley. Funeral service will be held Saturday, September 10, et 2 p.m. at Liberty Baptist Church. Interment In Oak Hill Cemetery. Mr. Brooks will lla In state et William F. Davis Funeral Home. „ . je 65; dHMRUPmqiMP Leslee Allen and Mrs. Jean Emmons; dear sister of Mrs. Ethel Hill, Mrs. Maxine Cole, Mrs. Wilms Bussmeier, Mrs. Loren* Morls-sette, and Kenneth Parke; also survived by one grandson. Funeral service was held today at 11 a.m. at the Sparks-Griffin,Funeral Home. Interment .In White Chapel Came- 8 p.m.) ______ SEPTEMI BRETT A, 334 .. South Lyon; age bend of Elnora Jones; dear father of Mrs. James (Norma) Wallace. grandchildren. Fun Death Notices WELCH, SEPTEMBER 7,1964, fcBASY DWAYNE ALLEN, 114 South M0r-1 Wraitt J*-*"4* -“t- lesley D, ed grand iy f. Wtl uwen Coffel. runerai service win be held Friday, September *, et II a.ttfc, at Huntoon Funeral Home. ■ informant In Highland cemetery, Milford. Baby Dwayne will lie In state *t the funeral hem*. WOODEN, SEPTEMBER 6, T946, , TENA, 41 Pterl Street, Oxford; age 66; deaf mother of Edwin Bannptt, Mr*. Gall Stem, and Dal* Worden; dear sister of Mrs. Effle Dingley, end Fred and David McAllister. Funeral service urtlt r. illnpn d Friday, •m. et tn* ... Interment I «V, Berkley. J * In jtiffo St ANNOUNCING ANOTHER DEBT AID INC. office, 718 Rtker "Building, branch of Detroit's, well known Debt Aid, Inc. to serve the Pontiac Community. GET OUT OF DEBT - AVOID GARNISHMENTS, BANKRUPTCY REPOSSESSIONS, BAD CREDIT AND HARASSMENT. ford. No limit as Jo amount owed and number of creditors. For those that realize, "YOU .CAN'T BORROW * YOURSELF OUT OF DEBT." Home appointment arranged anytime AT NO CHARGE. Hours 9-7 Mon. thru FrJ., Sat. 8-5 PE 2-4111 (BONDED AND LICENSED) COIN-OP LAUNDRY AND DRY Cleaners qt M59 Plaza now open under new management. Holly, ME 4-3175 -APPLIANCE INSTALLERS, Wbttfc steady year eround. no leypffs for HALL FOR RdNT, PARTIES OR receptions. OR 3-5202. JACKIE RAE right man. Aunty 421 W. Lincoln, Madison Hefohfs. DELTA CO. AUTO MECHANICS. HELPERS. DANCE STUDIO NOW AT 3109 W. HURON ST. Thursday-Frlday 5:30 to 9 p.m. Saturday 9 a.m.-5 p.m. PE 2-212S LOSE WEIGHT SAFELY WITH Dex-A-Diet Tablets: Only 9S cents at Simms Bros. Drugs._____________ BOX REPLIES 4* 10 n.m. today there | were replies at The | Press Office in the fol-| lowing boxes: 9 l, 3, 4, 5, 10, 20, 22, ! 24, 39, 49,4f, 48,49, 50, I S3, 54, 59, 60, 64, 65, 72, i 80, 104 DONELSON-JOHNS Funeral Horn* "Designed for Funerals" s Huntoon SPARKS-GRIFFIN FUNERAL HOME "Thoughtful Service" FE 8-9281 Voorhees-Siple FUNERAL HOMT ----- Established Ove • .reward For Information leading to arrest and conviction of person destroy ing properly and neighborhood — at TOAV n-Ulmmji uiZui__ .j Pontiac Press Box 85. Highland, Mich. .. FARM VISIT TO UPLAND HILLS FARM Is a delight for the whole family. Everybody gets to milk Molly the Cow and hold tha hew baby pigs, f kind of r farm animal i real f ’, 25c. ( m. Admission . t Spe- cial Bargain Tickets.) Food concession open. You will want to take a hayrlde through beautiful wooded fields with a view that extends 35 miles to downtown Detroit. Pony rides v. 1. ’. I T « ANY GIRL OR WOMAN NEEDING a friendly adviser, phone FE 2-S122 . before 5 p.m., or If no answer, call PE 2-8734. Confidential. GET OUT OF DEBT ON A PLANNED BUDGET PROGRAM YOU CAN AFFORD '■ TAILORED TO YOUR INCOME ■ • ■ SEE MICHIGAN CREOIT COUNSELORS Why buy your cloth-« when jfou can get them for pennies by having a Queens Way to Fashion *™w inyour own home; For de- ON AND AFTER THIS DATE, sept. 7, 1966, I will not b» responsible for eny debts contracted W eny other then myself, Robert Wayne Book, 23, Rlverbank, Pon-Michigan, ON AND AFTER THIS DATE, Sept. 7, 1966, * I will not be responsible for eny debts contracted by env other than myself, Larry Sawallfch.k 1218 W*«t Livingston, Highland, Michigan. lost and Found _________________J *50 REWARD FbR ANYONE SEEN tekina Power Creft tools from e truck et Miracle Mile "■“* **** MONK / or HioomriMir1 Tin-1 LOST: GERMAN SHORT1 HAIR pointer. Liver end whit* ticked. Reward"1’ °* B- Blvd' 1 33W41<- LOST: IN KEEGO HARBOR AREA, Male Siberian Husky, silver-grey. 1 blue and i brown eye. Answers to Igor, Reward. LI 6-1103. LOST - BROWN MALE BOXER vicinity of Perry Perk. Call owner, FE 8-2625. LOSV: BLACK AND WHITE MINI-ature male poodle. Reward. 33S- FORMAN, SEPTEIlkBER 7, 1966, EpNA MCGOWAN, * 94 Chippewa / ' Street; beloved wffo of Ralph Fat-muu dear sister of Donald McGowan; also survived by many ntacaa and nephews. - Recitation of the Rosary will be Friday/at 8:15 p.m. §f the Sparks-Griffin Funeral (tog, brown end. white. In vicinity i of Oakland and Baldwin. FE 4-1451 1 Reward. J . 'LOST: MONEY AND CLIP WEST-vtaw, Adams art*. Reward. 644-1073. LOST. TOY TERRIER >N GINGER vllfo. FE 4-23SI or 335-7S70. ’ Horn*. Funeral service will be heW Saturday, September 10, at‘ LOSt: HALF GROWN MALE Mack Labrador.-Vicinity of 'Dray- 10 a-m. at St. Benedict's Catholic Church. Informant In Mount Hope ton Woods. Children's pet. Reward. 673-82*4. Cemetery; Mrs. Forman will li* In state at the funeral home. (Suggested visiting hours 3- to 5 LOST: PERSIAN CAT. MALE. Golden color, whit* paws. Aiwwan to "Pebbles." Reward. FE 2-17S2. i, chllds pet. OR 2 MEN FOR LAWN CUTTlNS, good Key. OR S-1179. A-1 OPENING FOR EXPERIENCED reel estate salesmen, extra benefits tar right person. AH Inquiries confidential. Contact Warren Stout, 1450 N. Opdyke Rd., Pontiac. Mich-RMRMfo Listing ^riAcmS to" wWwi I & OP ONE SEX TjUM THE S ers. such ulTiNtf are :* •& NOT INTENDED TO EX- S clude persons op?: vlIITHER SIX. ^ ItetyWonfosIMBb ' AA MECHANIC ALL FRINGE BEN-' efits. excellent guiiwmew Eiy' — : , flat rata. Plenty of work. See Tom . k BRANCH OF AN OLD NATION-, . el firm he« openings for two full time men, and one part-ttme. Salary S600. * month wll tlma, $200 a month part time. Call Mr. Moor* OR 3-96SS._____________________ (LERT MAN MECHANICALLY Itl- .___ In Pontlae. S „._ . growing - company. Starting rale 82.75 an hour plus benefits. 338-,7111. . _ ■ • ALtllT YOUNG MAN FOR LIGHT ----— - for focal whole- Collega student considered. Please c A PART TIME JOB . A married men, 21-34. to work 4 hours per evening. Call 674-2231 $200 PER MONTH ! manager. Keego Pontiac ATTENTION Start Immediately Mechanically Inclined Man NEW CAR FURNISHED No experience necessary as we will train you. Must he able to get along on $480 per month to start, |ob Is permaneM. Call OR 4-2231 from 4 p.m, to 7 p.m. BUSBOYS, 18 AND OVER. APPLY In person to the Rotunda Country Inn. 3230 Pine Lake Rd. Orchard BUS BOYS ' 1 Young mon, not In school, parlance preferred, but not ne< DRIVERS, OAKLAND CAB. io sales departments. This posi- s career. Guaranteed el bonus, and auto his Is a fop paying ■NBRNip, — a good salesmen. First National Credit Bureau, S02 Pontiac State Bank Bldg., FE 2-0246.___________________. Cleaner Spotter Experienced, Must do some pressing, pieaay lob, good wages and working conditions. Apply In person at One Hour Valet Cleaners 26 East Huron COLLECTOR ; Good part time lob for retired man. FE 3-7256, for particulars. COLLEGE STUDENT, ARE YOU staying out of school for .a semester to earn money? Call us for a full time Job In our stock room and store. Ml 4-6133. COMBINATION BUMP ANb PAINT man, one experience, for 2 men bump shop. Chevrolet Dealership. Apply,In person-to Mr. Bevins, 7» Combination Bump-Paint Man CHUCK MELLOR ’ DOWNEY OLDS, INC 550 Oakland COUNTER MAN HARDWARE SALES DELIVERY MAN-SHOP MAN PORTER Pleasant working conditions. New area. Opportunity for advancement. i mi u A-L- DAMMAM CO. 1200 Neughton, Troy, 6*9-4700 COOK Opening for short order cook, 11:30 , a.m. to e p.m. shift, SV4 days, paid hospitalization, vacation, holidays and meals. Apply baler* 11 "encore restaurant '“Miracle Mila Shopping Canter DELIVERY AND WAREHOUSE DESIGNERS ~ APPLY AT 101J GOLF DRIVE— . DESIGNERS for special automatic assembly machines, offers opportunity for experienced designers, to grow and become Mrt of a foam. Creative —I foarovshta *■"—---------- mediately. Mavericks Drive-In. LI 9-3096. DAY MAN. USHERS And CONCES-slon help. Apply Blu* Sky Drive In Theater. Altar 1:00._ DISH MACHINE OPERATOR. DAYS. 81,60. Sat. and Sun. off. Meats, uniforms, benefits. Biff's. Telegraph et Maple (is Ml.). DEPARTMENT MANAGERS Openings in furniture and carpeting depts. Federal Dept. Stores 6nsttigyte, stages • Jalanr open, excellent' gWWfn# Mich. Area code 517-426- ESTIMATOR. $10,000—$12,000 IK*# detlrabl. but STm* For' appointment, ohone -t DETROIT O' OF PONTIAC picker. MA 48291. EXPERIENCED Mtamn. Licensed for new a L^hi?.?ER? ®xy andniqht »i*BSSf JSr* «K8 wBn- ^^DGramk, Corp., cot par ... ,« isslanment. m. fa-1306. EXPERIENCED CARPENTER helpere wanted, m Brim. * EXPERIENCED MECHANIC" perlenced In GM car*. Full .™ ; to *"«*- EXPERIENCED MARRIED MAN m d*lTL!*rm' nl» home, good wage*, fm N.Rochester Rd. FIRST CLASS PAINTERS. BIRMING- structural fabrication and J. 'Must read blueprints, par week, pay rate* to match vour Call 647-4091 S p.m. FLOOR INSPECTOR FOR COLD Heading It” jw --------- — 7154. kULL TIME C WITH LAND- WAN WANTED FOR GAS STATION •nd feting good* ----- M jjj #RY COOK, APPRENTICE. MUST be able to work various shifts. 18 to 25 years old. Biff's, Telegraph at Maple GAS STATION ATTENDANT, Experienced, mechanically Inclined, local references, full or part time. sr-H*4" DELTA CO. Installers premL Lincoln, Good Opportunities For Older Men (OVER 50) r, healthy and willing. giving previous type of work and for whom. Also age, address, and phone number to Pontiac Press Box No. 104 Apply In person. Elias Big Boy Restaurant , Telegraph 'at Huron GRINDER HANDS 1015 Golf Dr., Pontiac neai chgrd Lk. and Telegraph. HARDWARE AND LUMBER SALES- man, full or —I "—--------* lob. 335-7100. ________ Help wanted, both day shift and night shift. Waited Lake -' “ill 357-55-----*" Helpers - beverage co. steady — FE 4-5405. H°Hg ( plenty df ILLUMINATING . POSITION gAnS ar»* . thS territory, ' bujinMj1 *».»tep4aw. _ta^»tetfwiM. itetewW ; pontiac press, Thursday, September 8, we fart time help, work eve. Mm JANITOR LSK'jk' M. C. MFG. CO. 118 Indlanwoed Rd. Laka Orion L°C,I^E OPERATORS and trim. EX*' ^“SSSTanSJ ® MECHANIC HELPERS WITH TOOLS — Plenty of work, and good perftnee. See Tom KenimfrVt Oakland Ave„ Pontiac. ! . MACHINE HAN ,-LATHE, MILL, HAND MACHINE AND BULLARD OPS. ALSO, MACHINE REPAIR and HYDRAULIC man HAWK tool A ENGINEERING CLARKSTON, MICHIGAN . MALE PRODUCTION HELP WANT-ed. Good pay and all fringe benefit*. Exc. future ter right people. App'ySeoRay Boats, 925 K7lo -----Rd., Oxford, Mich. D—7 PROGRAMMER .. have minimum ef I year . megramming, soma with storage agutemant. involved @H--------------- npleme S/S^m^lalar, ...... a«g ralajY. mquIrement to WANTED — EXPERIENCED ALL • round furnace man, this Is a year round position. Life tnwraoce, £ hospital ana pension benefits. Said Income, apply In parson Kast Heating and Cooling Co. 880 South Tatawielt Rd., Pontiac. i PRODUCTION WORKERS Experience not necessary. Fisher Body Division n equal opportunity tenployer REAL ESTATE 4 SALES/ MESMEN! «r» you getting the ............ rapport you need? why nut sail ter Pontiac's fastest growing estate company? Supporting salesman with bill boards, papers, TV, etc. Increase your earnings Immediately. Telephone Mr. Corby, OR 48363. Confidential Interviews. York Real Estate Com- REAL ESTATE SALESMEN y 3430 C MAKING A CHANGE? New N. WOodward office linked by lob order teletype to 6 other off-in Detoit area. Thousands of MATURE GUARDS - FULL AND aft timer steady, cell 482-40r “ to W. F. Miller Co., 1593 S. Woodward, Birmingham. Midwest 4-4053, ssk experience. Excellent working conditions, Multiple Listing Service, building program, and progressive pay schedule. Les Brown, Realtors & Buildei FE 3-4810 or FE 4-3544 good solary. New showroom duties, demonstrator furnished. Insurance benefits and profit Ira plan art some of tne fei of this organization. *— 4 CARPENTERS WANTED. PULL TIME OR PART TIME SILK AND WOOL FINISHER FOR ■-“-‘wn hole. Rocco's. 5171 Dixie ------------ ■ ■" Orayfon Pie., Apply eve. WAREHOUSE. MAN. FOR FULL AND PART TIME, COCKTAIL WlritWaiM Mole CARPENTRY, person The Rotunda SALESLADIES Experienced in better ready-to-wear. Pert time or tell time. BLOOMFIELD FASHION SHOP " WANTED - YOUNG, NEAT A iiflhf bookkeeping duties* to wo ter general contractor, Pontiac, a a-7»n ter—1 Wanted: used car porter, 18 or over. Regular Sn days '* per weak, no layoffs, fringe MngMu. G|til Tommy Thompson, Sates Manager at Shelton Pontiac, 651-9911. GRILL COOK, AFTERNOON SHIFT, ns Sundays. 1380 N. Perry. } R t L L AND COUWTER HELP wonted, $1.50 ah hour. Apply, at 333 South Telegraph. GIRLS FOR ALL AROUND RES- WAITRESS AND COOK WANTED. 879-0014. " Waitress, no experience nec essary. Housewives who woul like to work lust morning* fror “ *o T:ji, ft*—-- —* PAINTING, HOME repair*, any size fob*. 332-4138. EXTERIOR PAWTING-WARtED.' ' 4124541. . • FASON f Light, homo and budding repair. Painting, yard work, clean up, repair of moat types. Free estimate. We sjMcIafue In pleasing you. Call Feson. 634-3814, ■atch plasteRiHoI aLl KlMDi. H. Meyers. OR 3-1S45. Work Wanted FbimIo Pelntlngend Decorating 23 Wartad ta Hart INTIN6 A—------ s and paHerino. yoU t. Orvel Glbcumb, 6734)494. PAPER HANGING — PAWNING Plaster — Carpenter Repair. I 3-1743. BEDROOM APARTMENT, PAR- • Hally or telly furnished, 3 smell children plus dag. will pay 848 to M^a mo, MbSdIM utilities. PE APARTMENT OR HOUSE WANTED bv 3 2 mala schoodaachars. 338- FAMILY OP 4,3 OiRLS (t3 AND 18 —irately need Itern, or urn — — spt. i‘- --------- i Twp. 12 ' 1 l-OAY IRONING IN MY HOME I Wanted Children to Board 28 ■------rd Two., preferred — Elwood. 483,3410. INDOOR STORAGE FOR 40 AUTO- GENERAL OFFICE WORK, EX-perlenced on Telex end Tel ' mschlnee^Wlfhln the Pontiac PRESCHOOL BY DAY. LICENSED N EKEEPER, COOKING, LIVE 5 days, priv. room, bath, IT . .1 vacation. S35. EL 7-0143. * housbkeeper-co6k LIVE-IN, '"tol age children, A-1 ref. s. 840 e week. Ml 4^437. HOUSEKEEPER, LIVE - IN, . F/ therless home, 3 pre-schooler Farmington Ar*a, call altar WAITRESS, TABLE AND COUN-' tar service, tell and- part time, will train. No Sundays or holidays, Machus—140 #W. Mania Blr-mlngham. . ITRESS. NO EXPERIENCE .necessary. Afternoons. Good pay. Exc. tips. Pleasant counter work. Biff's, Telegraph at Maple MS Ml.h L TIME EVENING Dressmaking & Tailoring 17 Attention Housewives ' Sell toys AUg. to Dec. ter TOY GUIDANCE 20 per cent commissic investment, ell gifts s furnished. GM-----i lect. Month., ___r. Guerenteed delivery. 43SQ133. IMMEDIATE OPENINGS ‘ WOMAN FOR GENERAL CLEAN-1 child cere for 3 babies, , aays^own room^ and s WOMAN TO BABY-SIT. L Pontiac BABY SITTER. LIVE IN OR OUT. 1 child welcome. Clarksten Area, 63S-9411. Cell anytime. * I MONTHS _ 1 p.rr 11 14 after SITTING, LIGHT HOUSE-tng. Experienced mature an. 3344134.___________ BABY SITTING, LIGHT HOU^E work end Ironing. 8:48 until 6 p.m. SW days par waak, 838. Vicinity SERVICE MANAGER IMMEDIATE OPENING FULL OR Bltlger^0 We'll auction itHV IMI B & b Auction 19 Olxla * Wanted Miscellaneoas 30 COPPER, BRASS RADIATORS, BAT-terles, radiators, batteries, starters, generators. C. Dlxson, OR 3-5849. RESPONSIBLE* YOUNG LADY TO ~‘"ire new 40 n. -trailer. 8100 a i. Dep. necessary. 403-1904. , ~ WORKING GIRL, WHO W O U 1-A MERION BLUE SOD. DELIV-" and laid. Tail Timbers Nur Maying and TiSliaiWR AA MOVING WANTED: UPRIGHT GRAN ' Spinet or console pianos. If y have a piano to salt call I 3-7148, Grlnnell's (Downtown), Wanted R«al Estat« 1 TO 50 * ' HOMES, LOTS, ACREAGE PARCELS, FARMS, BUSINESS PROP-ERTIES, AND LAND CONTRACTS WARREN STOUT, Realtor 1450 N. Opdyke Rd. FE 54145 Urgently need tor Immediate Sale! Pontiac Dally 'til 8 MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE 3-3999 or 428-3518. FOR LIGHT HOUSEWORK: e of girl HMbradmwBMteH 474-1592. _ growing organization. Pre- wot oft. 474-1 wz.-iRobert tompkinx ferable age 18 or over. Good future,I WOMAN FOR DIVERSIFIED pp. hoocki iumpxins " sited opportunities, excellent j *|rawagMraraAwg||wdwMMM|d^^H LADY OVER 50 WHO DRIVES TO rlth active widow 78. Per-t home on Elizabeth Lake, ML, heat. Ilahts provided. FE 8-9914. LADY FOR GENERAL HOUSE-Work, live In, prlvste room end TV, Sto days, no children. Start-Ing pay 840. Ml 7-0849. LAUNDRY-...HELP, EXPERIENCE __________________to type - . do simple bookkeeping and be able -to work with the public.)) Must, have own transp. end be able to work one evening per week. 'Give age, experience, starting wage ex-! peeled. Reply Pontiac Press Boxl 98. _________ 1 WOOL SPOTTER FOR DRY CLEAN-Ing department. Experience preferred but not necessary. Apply Pontiac Laundry. S40 S. Telegraph, WOOL PRESSER—EXPERIENCED, steady employment. 447-**~ BOB'S VAN SERVICE j Wanted Money 31 i MOVING AND STORAGE I ----------- F£5?„5?J.t.MATE2.. *7500 NEED FOR. LANO CONTRACT, 7820 7 per cent Interest. 482-4354. ABSOLUTELY ■ op prices paid tor all types of property and land contracts. Buyers waiting. Call now; J. J. J0LL REALTY i, Bloomfield Area. TR 3-7200. 5548, call between 8:30 p.m. -n. 444-1239, ev*nlnga. MAKE MONEY EVENINGS BABY SITTER WANTED TO LIVE MOTEL PORTER, OVER 1 MIDDLE-AGED, EXPERIENCED grocery man with some knowledge of Meat Cutting. Steady employment. No evening or Sunday work. Apply In person. Birmingham Community Market. IX W. 14 Mile Rd„ Birmingham.___________ BABY SITTER - HOUS for working mother, P( I area. S days, 7:30-5:30. SHIPPING AND RECEIVING, «3dol - P*.ld holld,y»- tn~3!!jl_ SPRAY PAINTER — FOR BODY shop, experience In GM cars. Ap--ply In person to Haupt Pontiac, STANDARD STATION ATTENDANT NEEDED AT ONCE New car talesman Wanted tMRI Chevrolet-Bulck-Pontlac. (Apply In person only), Oxford, Michigan. Homer Hight STATION ATTENDANTS, RESPON-sible men, 2540. See Marv, 7-5, Cavalier Service Station, 4940 Dixie Hwy., Drayton Plains. NEW PLASTICS PLANT NEEDS Fabricators for first and secom shift. Exccultent fringe benefits —” *- 447-7154, Troy, OPENING IN OUR MAINTENANCE and cuttodlal departments 8 ternoon and evening work. Co our office tor details, of this ._ scsA. rasa p.m, dally except Sat. force fn our lumber ousmess :piease apply In person). Church's Inc., 107 Squirrel Rd., Auburn Heights. OUTDOOR UTILITY MAN TO TAKE STAMPING SHOP SUPERINTENDENT Rapidly growing plant inf ixed of man with tool and dia background, to work in hight shift superintending. Must be shirt-sleeved type man who can alsot do the work when necessary from production through shipping. Salary is open and will be considerable improvement over what the applicant is now being paid. Eventually prefer this man to locate in'an outstanding community which is less than an hoqr from Detroit, Pontiac, Flint, Lansing, Ann Arbor. Write Pontiac Press Box 42 stating your experience, background, age, etc. Join the Leader in the Medium Priced Field of the Auto Industry APPLY NOW FORt Production Work (No Experience Necessary) ALSO: QUALIFIED JOURNEYMEN FOR TOOL & DIE WORK OR MAINTENANCE JOBS IN PLANT ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS Many of these jobs are available now and others will start with production of the 1967 modal. All of the GM employe benefit programs will accrue as you enjay top earnings with a winning team. MAKE APPLICATION AT OUR EMPLOYMENT OFFICE Pontiac Motor DhrisiQn GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION Pontiac, Michigan GENERAL MOTORS IB AN RQUM. OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER s month, start. 332-8211. STOCK MAN WANTED, RETIRED man preferred. Part or tell time, must pass Physical. Gold Ball Gift Stamps, 1083 Watt Huron. STANDARD OIL" CAR CARE CEN- drlveway salesmen end i attendants. Starting pay, $ month, frlnga benefits, ! o«. For appointment call TRUCK DRIVER. PLASTICS MAN-ufacturer needs driver ' truck, must be reliable Houlehsn. 447-7154. TECHNICIAN * TRAINEES RCA * FALL ENROLLMENT ANNOUNCES NEW ELECTRONICS TRAINING PROGRAM WITH FULL PAY Rapid development j COUNTER HE! dC^D»lj QUALIFICATIONS NO RELATED work experience Mary, but you should hav. . MIc knowledge of electron theory obtained through military electron-let training, technical school, vocational school, high school electron let or correspondence study. PROGRAM CONTENT [POUR. wM of Intensive practical technician* to a focal RCA Service Company Branch. PAY AND COMPANY BENEFITS VHILE In training, you wlH celve full pay. AS AN RCA i ploye you will be eligible for regular company-paid benefits, si_ as: HospItaFSurglcal and Mafor Medical Program ter you and------ family. Paid llte Insurance, .... it Ions, 8 paid holidays, liberal RCA SERVICE CO. \ DIVISION OF___ An Equal a TURRET LATHE SET-UP AND OPERATOR HARDINGE OPERATOR TOOL LATHE HAND GROWING COMPANY, DAY., MANY FRINGE BENEFITS. STEADY EMPLOYMENT AND OVERTIME. OOL DESIGNER. GROWTHOP-toFte^SPm?lw^.to ** FREE: % clear commission essential. Good tips. Call ter an Interview today. Orchard Lanes, 445 Opdyk*. 335-9393._______ ._____________ YOUNG WOMAN TO ASSIST MANAGER In Iocs I branch of coast to c chain organization. Age 18-28. Experience not necess must be able to converse. In: gently and satisfied'with $100 week to start. 332-3428 after 4 P.M BEAUTY OPERATORS-ALBERT'S -------- -----12-, also Albert's FeshlonV-4744501 BAKERY HELPER, ICING ROLLS, MATURE WOMAN FOR CLERICAL office work, typing 'required, write giving age, education and family status, fob end pay experience. Post Office Box No. 45, Pontiac. MATURE WOMAN TO KEEP md cara ter III mother children. Good pay- y sitter. For teach-I children. Must id own trsnspor- BOOKKEEPER AND TYPIST. EX- ^ ‘ m MM I. OR 3-1294,____________ CASHIERS AND CONCESSION i— ---------- “ i Sky Drive In LEANING WOMAN, EVERY other Thursday, no children, steady. 334-7444 oft.- CLEANING WOMAN, FOR MONDAY and Frt. own t— references. Goo thorough person CURB GIRLS Kitchen help No experience necessary, will ...1 — Full time. Day or evening shifts — Fold hospitalization, insurance, vacation and pension plan. Apply Ellas Bros. Big Boy, 28 $. Tele-graph at DAVIDSONS OF BIRMINGHAM NEW STORE Now accepting applications. Experienced saleswomen, fitters, office personnel. Stock girls, shoo sales people, full or port time. Mlse Gerald Ml 4-7200. bSNTAL RECEPTIONIST-ASSIST-— ------25,^ reply to Pontiac “— DRUG STORE CLERK, EXRfcRI- Dining Room Waitresses MATURE WOMEN TO BABYSIT IN FE 4-1278. MATURE WOMAN TO WORK IN Pizza p carryout. ” ' *1.50 per hour. Will train. Submarine Restaurant. 2897 Orchard Lake Rd. Keego Harbor. 6*2-484*. MATURE -' ABLE TO ACCEPT responsibility, accurate figures, able to follow up on lots of details. AVAILABILITY PERSONNEL - Call 8MraMai||aMte Htlp Wanted M. irF. I SALES MANAGERS NEEDED, 1 ter Oakland County end 1 for Emmett County. Must be licensed. No Sunday work. Coll Shinn Real-ty< 343-7185. ADULT CROSSING GUARD WANT-ed for Webster Elementary School at the comer of Huron and Gen-essee. Approximately 3Vt hours per day. Apply In person. School District, City of Pontiac, 350 ------- Drive E ' ' ' * East, between 8 i MODERN NURSING HOME- ............ 130-bed addition In need of LPN Head Nurses and RN Supervisors, and Instructor — contact Seminole ^ Home sit 338-7154, BLOOD DONORS URGENTLY NEEDED Cement and Block Work Guinn's Construction Co. ! FE 4-7477 „ EvtS. FE 5-9122 CEMENT. WORK.'NOTHING TOO i large or small. 25 years ~ ’EXPONEN- Free estimates. OR 34172. Painting and Decorating A-1 PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING ION FE 4-8344 « INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR painting, free estimates, work guaranteed. Reasonable rates. 482- M QUALITY PAINTING. REASON- Architectural Drawing CEMENT WORK. PATIOS AND Asphalt Paving 3-D CONSTRUCTION PARKING LOT DRIVE-WAYS Estimates ASPHALT DISCOUNT PAVING . Hurry! Hurry! Discount Prices Free Estimates__________FE 5-7489 ASPHALT SEAL COATING aoDllad bv sealing machine. . lerences. FE 5- MEDICAL SECRETARY Experience potential after 4 Excellent fringe personnel departr oral HospIteL NEED MONEY? EVENINGS FREE? Be a Toy counsellor NO CASH INVESTMENT CATALOGUE, SUPPLIES, HOSTESS gifts up to 22 per cent, “ Toy Chesf-------- for six months OUR COUNSELLORS AVERAGED OVER SIS PER EVENING IN 1945. THE TOY CHEST Our 20th Year CALL ANN ORT 482-1833 NURSES AIDES NOW REPLACING SUMMER HELP PMHHML night shift for no experience necessary, wOBIMIW Excellent benefits. Paid meals, hospitalization, pension plan and wl" ' Apply In person Elias Big Boy Restaurant Telegraph of Huron Dixie Hwy. of Silver Lake Rd. OFFICE GIRL Cashtar, over 24 years old._____ perlenced. Must type. Good salary, work In Birmingham jPhor-Ml 4-7101 ter Interview. BLOOMFIELD FASHION SHOP IS W. Maple Birmingham i Restaurant has openings U iFFICE CLERK, GOOD TYPIST, automobll* Insurance agency. FE ana mgm shifts. Full tinria, Tm - 8-7157._______________________ sureties benefits, paid vacation food allowance, top wages and tips Apply In person only. TED'S WOODWARD AT SQUARE LK. RD. hospital. Salary ummer and w'~*~ Apply to Adh Hospital, Glai O 517-426-9284. FULL TIME KITCHEN HELP, NO Ml .S!17 Apply °b Canopy, otter 4:X p.m KITCHEN HELPER. APPI . person. DeLlsa's Bar and ° rant, 4980 N. Rochester ( PART TIME MOTOR ROUTE D n and expe OL 14475 bet RETIRED AAAN OR RETIRED COU-pla. Janitorial work. Early morning. 7 days. EM 3-2249 or EM 3-0411. !ull and part-time openings o Oakland County, Involving abused children, neglected a a, foster cai of service to people needing financial help. 84,813 starting salary, plus all Michigan Civil Service fringe benefits. Must possess e Bachelor's f TAG ASPHALT PAVING PE 5-1573 . WALT SEIBER ASPHALT PAVING, Inc. FE 5-7543 or FE S«8». Brick & Block Service grantee. EM 34879. : 5-3389. CEMENT CONTRAC owe* worn, footings, I™..—.. commercial work. Gwln Frye. 1528 e“ * - 4 p.m. Ceramic. Tiling Plastering Service PLASTER'NG. FREE ESTIMATES O. Meyers, 343-9595, 474-2448. PLASTERING REPAIRS, REASON- Dressmaking, Tailoring Enveetrenghing AAA ALUMINUM GUTTERS M« GUTTER CO. COMPLETE eeveetroujhlng service, free « Electrical Services ABTEC CO. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS 4824234 Residential Conamerctol Industrial Excavating BULLDOZING. Send-O) ' BULLDOZING Tell Tlmburs Nursery ______ GRADE Cook. 482414S; 332-8448 ‘ 44278 Fencing FIREPLACE, BRICK VENEERING, block work and repairs. Phone 632-7506. ________' Rental Eqnlpmont BROWNIES HARDWARE FLOOR SANDfRS—JK3LISHERS WALLPAPER STEAMERS POWERSAWS CLARKSTON ROOFING COMPANY, Insurance end ram. 4734297. HOT TAR ROOFING M| ' Price Roofing, FE 6 ..OOFS: NEW, REPAIR Genemt Maintenance 482-4448 ROOFING AND REPAIR igfoa 482-4790 Hot asphalt SPECIALIZE IN HOT TAR” ROOF-hig. L. J. Prfote Fi.»)Bli. ' Septic Tank BMg. Building Modernixatien •A 2-CAR GARAGES. WX2T, 8875 Cement work. Free estimates — ~ ' )fleld Bulldl ~ ......... Free Estlmetes All Types of Remodeling Kitchen cupboards, additions, attic rooms, recreation rooms, garages, aluminum siding, roofing. Free est. No down payment. G & M Construction Co. 6 N. Saginaw -________FE 2-1211: DISHWASHER, 25 to "est and reliable, rsx Blue Cross. Paid vacation. DRUG AND COSMETIC CLERK, teIMjr jsart^tjma, _Rue*Y Country RN WORKING SUPERVISOR, DAYS sfgSordWd 'lx ELEVATOR OPERATOR Apply 484 Rlker BuUdkig. IX-RAY TECHNICIAN—IN 48-BED hospital—presently planning stages ter comp let* now hospital. Salary GladwfoHomttai^la^^^Mllch. e 5i7-42-------- to S hours work, ter 5 days each week. Mutt ha accurate typist. Send qualifications to Pontiac Press ROCHESTER Pitta! DESIRES CAP-ABLE WOMAN TO MAKE TELEPHONE APPOINTMENTS PROM OUR OFFICE, 4 HOURS PER DAY, S P.M.-9 PM., S DAYS A WEEK, $2 PER HOUR SALARY. FOR IVXtONAL INTERVIEW PHONE MR. A.E. VAN BIBBER, 451-3500. EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY FOR sharp experienced waitress In a ameR Intonate lounge in Wes4 Bloomfield, serving Med and. cocktails. Call 4824480 tor appointment. eSFESIenSEB “housekeeper SALESWOMEN. BOMEj. EXPERL Mice. Pull time and pert “Mk Youngland Children's Shape. 2 Telegraph, Miracle Mile Six SPORTSWEAR MANAGEMENT TRAINEE starting salary plus liberal employment benefits. Apply In person, — ssk tor Miss ALBERTS ratniAC mail- . TELEGRAPH A ELIZABETH LK. RD. TEACHERS NEEDED! WALLED LAKE Consolidated Schools VOCAL MUSIC INSTRUCTOR half time or full ttmu- For. Information can 414-4881 or come to Administration BtdB-, 495 N. Pontiac Trail, Waited Lakt. Physical Education Teacher AAdni or woman. Half time of fuTT time. For Information cait 424-4881 or come/to AdmlnMration Bldg., 493 N. Pontiac Trail, Waiter Lake. Early Elementary Teachers ANY TYPE OF REMODELING Large or small fobs. Local work. Fair prices. 27 year* experience. tAII work guaranteed In writing. BIG BEAR CONSTRUCTION-JERRY CONCRETE POURED BASEMENTS end footings, garages, breezeways, mlsc. carpentry work. FE 44142. Cabinet Making CUSTOM CABINETS AND FORMICA CARPENTRY AND REMODELING work, FE 49448. Carpenters censed. Rees. 482-8448. , I CARPENTRY, NEW AND REPAIR. I Free estimate*/ttHNBI. SUBSTITUTES interior finish, kitchens. Elementary or Secondary \ 40 r"r* ,xp€rtanc» - Bap MMiMltMk faH ^ rK * l<*,‘ Floor Sanding Tree Trimming Service Ing, Pro* Est. 6244779,__ BEL TREE TRIMMiRg, REMOVAL Prss sstlmets. Pt 5-4449, 4744518, DAVE'S TREE SERVICE Jratevel, trimming cabling Lokes Tree Co., Trimming ... ..Stump and Trot Removals 673-2130 425-1414 House Roising HOUSE RAISING—FLOOR LEVELING c°FF ESTIMATES LIGHT HAULING AND MOVING OF any kind. Roes. FE S-7443. Landscaoina arfju blue xoo, pickup light HAULING, BASEMENTS, garages cleaned. 474-1242. FE 5-3804 M3"070 LIGHT AND HEAVY TRUCKING. , rubbish, fill dirt, grading and grev-1 el and front-end loading. FE 28483. TRUCK HAULING, LAWN. GARAGE, -------- -— ------ ;.5oaa. i-1 MERION BLUE SOD. SODDING, seed'no end qradlnq. Nn mnnev dn. Breece Landscaping. FE 28141 -1 COMPLETE LANDSCAPING, specializing In broken concrete retaining walls. FE 88314. J. H. Weltmen, . ________■ "A TOUCH OF IRELAND" Specializing In fleldstone, sodding, landscaping. Frte est. FE 8-9005. BROWN'S TRUCKING. MERION - 7 Sod. Delivered or Wra ” note. 8798943. TALBOTT LUMBER Glass service, wood or alumln Building and Hardware six__________ T5 Oakland . FE *4995 Track Rental Trucks to Rent V4-Ton Pickups lWTon stake TRUCKS - TRACTORS AND EQUIPMENT Dump Trucks — Semi-Trailers Pontiac Fafm aiMi Industrial Tractor Co. __ 825 S. WOODWARD PB 48441 PE 4-1441 Open Deity Including Sunday ~war BLOOMFIELD. WALL CLEANERS. OrilkllV*9"9*' Raoa. Sottsfoctton ' sod. Inrarisd. FE 2-101. Wedding Invltafiewi WEDDING INVITATIONS Moving nod Storage SMITH MOVING CO. » 495 N. Pontiac (ANTED: A atetjjh Oept”Mc' HNm, From SEw a»b, IIsMmEi 18 rw'saaarjsasaa: 8 used homos. Top c D—8 THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1966 I in payment! a ...______8. Agenf. S27-44B BUYERS WAITING 1 nd 1 bedroom houses li Keego Harbor area. JACK LOVELAND 1H* Can Lake Rd. ... ■ " 4»CHOURS LAND CONTRACTS - HOMl F EQUITIES WRIGHT, I6|lwt9mm, HnHkrt lf| (NEAR UNION LAN* VILLAGE * h*droom house, SK par mo. JW, couple paly, no pi riiMOOM HOMEC *135 mo. Nr school year i 625-7672. Detroit WO 2-1 . UN 44l». Available Imme I OXFORD, UPPER FLAT. 428-1190, I after 6. v ' p6nTIAC lake FRONT, 2 BED- 1*2 Oakland Avt. HAVE CASH ROYERS WAITING lor farms or acraade; 40 acres •Or more With in 20- miles of Pontiac Mr. Lewis. Ray O'Neil, Realtor 1520 Pontiac Lk. Rd. H ~22 or EM 1-7041 Sislock & Kent. Inc. 1409 Pontiac State Bank Si 338-9294 , *^9295 CASH BUYERS For equities, homes or farms H............. -SafltfSL» ELWOOD REALTY Gl LOOKING FOR 2 OR 1 BEDROOM HOME IN WATERFORD AREA. CALL HIS Rent Houses, Unfurnished 40 3 BEDROOMS, 0140 MONTH, 4ST Me Houses 7 ROOM HOUSE. 4 rison St. By owe F6 s-rn after l! $1,200 DOWN ■nd contract and Immediate pos-session on tins'neat 2-bedroom ranch with full basement, — heat and oarage. Situated c ioo x 300 ft. lot. localed Drayton Plains near Waited_, close to conveniences. Full price 510,300. See It through SH I YORK « BUY * WE TRADE R 4-0363 OR 40343 4713 Dixie Hwy., Drayton Plains 545Q„DOWN E MJXED NEIGHBOR- hood. 3 bedroom brick ---- fenced rear yard, paved City improvements, tlteH vestibule entrance withmMR . ... --art- with recreation furnace. 513,500. 5450 —1 ye costs. Clark ■MM. 3-7888, FE 5-3498, 482-54*3, , NEED 3 OR 4 BED* REALTjj^t24-9575. MILFORD. 3 BEDROOM BRICK. Basement. 8135 per month. ■ 8150 security dap; 343-0038. _________ SPOT CASH FOR YOUR EQUITY, ........ OR OTHER. FOR QUICK ACTION •CALL NOW. HAGSTROM REAL-TOR, OR 44)358 OR EVENINGS SOMEBODY WANTS YOUR HOME N0WI i what It takes Advertising thqf attracts attention Salesmanship that enables us I LARKSTON - COUNTRY 3 B rooms, library. Sept. tllP J 5175 per mo. Detroit, PR. 2- :e, gas furnace, n plus mortgage I Estate, f¥ 3 $5,500 Ul price tor a large 3-bedroom asbestos ranch with full |— Dark DREAM HOUSE LAKEFRONT story. 2 bedrooms plui large carpeted living ceramic baths: Hbt water heat. Exc. beach. Beautifully landscaped. Underground sprinkler CLARENCE C. RIDGEWAY REALTOR ' 22* W, Walton 338-4084’ Listing Service Sub Hgusgs . , , 4$ LAZENBY WATERFORD TWP. 3 bedroom brick ranch wllhh Walking distance to Oreyepn BN mentary and Msaen .Jr. HI g I Schools. Lake privileges on a beau ■liter* 8 Builders MIC* 1939 e^S&BSjSpro*- ft.). Alee 2 bedroom income ... same property would practically make the payment*. Full price ROY LAZENBY, Ruoltor 93 Dixie Hwy/ - OR 40301 Multiple'LtotlnE Service Val-U-Way is. Huge cour It plenty of c I floors throu beatable, bargain, term I! WATERFORD REALTY 4540. Dixie Hwy. 473-1273 HENRY . CLAY. '°ea If nn ans. 335-8511 •'‘O^^aaae *—1 style kitchen with boards. Hardwood _____ _____... out. Full basement. Gas heat. Home la newly ' . , - ~ sum b polntment. Brown M» Htm* nmer name, WMriwni mm h firimw.. Kit. Jedemd •ch - lot JO'xiei' - furnished— WHITE L B TOWNSHIP. 1 SS8R Les Brown, Realtor 589 Ellubeth Lk. Rd. (Across from the Mall) FE 2-4810 er FE 43544 GILES YORK wes^BUY " WE TRADE OR 44343 OR 40343 4713 Dixie Hwy., Drayton Plains 4 ROOMS AND BATH, 1 CAR GA- home, 2 bedroom, S ELDERLY GEN rape. 59500 52000 down. 575 a or 58500 cash. See at 195 “» 1 erd. Cell owner, 731-4416. EAST SIDE neighborhoods In Ponftac. In-, eludes. 5 rooms, full basement, auto, oil heat, ito car garage,! covered patio, fenced In yard, I 5 X cKlni A SL^SSL scenic vtew^wn rawn- rifinSlBrK cres W. of Fontlec. Goad horse, •n. Large farm home with new Underwood Real Estate -1445 Dixie Hwy-, Clerkston NEAT OLDER STYLE •re??' S..btt !o..schooS, hospital endjranspor- y^.^ a- j Entire basement I carpeted, oak________... balance. Kitchen has ample cabinet WHH^NT | ' with shower. qufet,i,5reetFw'lSl vinor similar well kept homes. Owner Is making career with Armed Forces. 514m with 5450 down on FHA1 mortgage or less 61 mortgage. 5350 down plus closing coals. EAST SIDE 3 bedrooms, living l dining room, kitchen, full bath, menC gas meat. Near. Wilson S ---- Am with 5200 down. ELIZABETH ..LAKE $9,500 For a - neat 3-bedroom colonial |A ”!!*■/_ BESS. PH* J1? with full basement, plus garage, ‘ ^ on a 50x119 lot, located In Pon- -tlec hear Pike St. Schools close. Assume the mortgage then pay| jr” $68 per monfb includinq tsxes ■ * un'iLiih' and insurance. Cheaper than rent.! 517,500 *,th - Warden Realty ■H...... 333-7157! — .......ML. ..js separate din- ing room, full basement, 2 < "■“'“I, pleasant well shaded t of elf priced at | NEAR PONTIAC MOTORS School days here, elementary, Jr. High end High School, within 3 blocks,. 3 bedrooms, carpeted living Y A veers ' w mortgage. lAPLETON, REALTOR 4*24)900: Want Your Home Sold? YORK WE BUY WE TRADE OR 40343 OR 44)3 * 4713 Dixie Hwy., Drayton Plains listings have been told foi l need more listing ft buyers welting ter your Call me at OR 42222 3-8511 tor quick, slonal service. I cost to you. Aex ror ci Howard. ' Ray O'Neil, Realtor 3520 Pontiac Lk. Rd. OR 42222 or EM 3-0531 ‘ No tale — No SLEEPING ROOM I ROOMS-FOR GIRLS IN CHRISTIAN HOMES. Very nice. 338-3439. SLEEPING ROOM FOR GENTLE-1, Pontiac. 852-4939. SAGAMORE MOTEL, SINGLE OC- ..................... a service. 1120 YORK' ORy4-0363 OR 40243 47T3 Dixie Hwy., Drayton Plains 4821 KEMPF Drayton Plains 3-bedroom, Ito balhs, . ment, 2-car attached garage, large lot. DON E- MCDONALD Licensed Builder OR 3-2837 $11,200 FHA or Gl.’ Ing and must ilnr clean 34 uioTf/: Pontiac. School I Rooms With Board 43 YORK n. nuran, romiec , Evenings 335-1198 ____ ELIZABETH LAKE ESTATES Beech privileges end bo ' I For Immediate occupancy and Alum. Clean 3 bedroom r Nothing Down To veterans on this model bedroom bungalow located Ir Immediate Possession Owner transferred. Price reduced 51,0000 for quick sale. Lovely 3 bedroom ' ranch home located 9 miles- -west of Pontiac on dead-end street. Includes 18x24 family room with fireplace, * car attached garage and exti large lot. Full price 814,St terms to suit. Call OR 40304.. J. A. TAYLOR AGENCY , Real Estate — Insurance — Bulldli j7732 Highland Rd. dock. NO DOWN PAYMENT j— . Aluminum sided 2 or 3 bedroom,THREE BEDROOM DUTCH c6lON-ranch on your lot tor only *4,950.' ial in excellent condition. Two House Is completed on outside end; car garabe, large lot. In Seminole if you are handy and can finish1 Hills $4,500 ° CALL US AS SOON 4 drapes. 2Vi - car garage. Lovely', area conveniently located—schools, shopping, churches. Owner, 524,000. Open House, Sunday, only, 12 to| 5 p.m. 390 South Avery, Water-ford. , GIROUX • fine rice. Call FE 48807 TUCKER REALTY CO. 903 Pontiac State Bank Bid? _________3341545_____ range. Large living room. Hare wood floors. Full, basement wit recreation' room. Fenced yard. 53. 000 down. No closing costs. Aa sume present owner's mortgage No Interest rate. No red tape. List With Us-We Sell a Home Every 24 Hours R. J. (DICK) VALUET REALTOR FE 4-3531 345 Oakland Ave. open 9- After hours FE 1-4040 or FE 46*87 EQUITY TRADE n Ctlj- j mg, piastereo wane, earn, hardwood floors, basement, 2Vi carl attached garage. 140 ft.^frontage lot, wall landscaped with a variety Of trero. Price 514,001. iW N E R LEAVING -ranch approximately i of clty. Studlq eelllr shake With pienry or snruos. unir a, end take oyer prroent mortgage. 5300 DOWN, 5. EDITH. - A g 5 room home. Family dining rot.... hardwood floors, plastered walls, bath, 3 large closets plu$ linen DORRIS i, newly stained outside cedar FE 5-8183 WEST SIDE Three bedroom tw Carpeted living *■ oining rooms.; Kitchen. Den. Full basement. Gas, HA heat. Fireplace. Garage. FHA NO STEPS — Here Is ' rambler you have everything on one i level tot that I* bl numerous profession end fronting on Sllve Enfoy i i In flee sweeping living adloinlng formal floors. Pies'—i 'TtZ AMAZINO" to find a home so perfect and spotless Inside and out, over 1,100 square feet of space In this outstanding aluminum sided Kircnen loaded witII Birch cupboards, counter ypac* and bunt-ln Chine cabinets and a basement that to out of this world with fireplace and fourth bedroom. Drayton area. . , home> HOME CLEAN as A PIN, S13,- WEST0WN REALTY FE 1-2743 afternoons Evenings after 7:30 LI 2-7327 t ROOMS AND BATH.j 527 PER week. Child welcome. Deposit 550. 4441431.___________________ i BEDROOM APARTMENT FUR- . 2 ROOMS, BEAUTIFULLY DECO- It party. FE 2-9755 - 2 ROOMS, ADULTS ONLY. 75 Clerk.______'________■ k ROOMS ANO BATH. CLEAN. PRI I ROOMS AND BATH, CHILD WEL- IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY-BLOOM-field Hills, new beautiful, Long Lake Bldg., Long Lake Rd. lust east of Telegraph. Will divide to suit, air-conditioned, all utilities. Janitorial service. For Information ' inspection, call 447-7280. 3 ROOMS^AND BATtL OXFORD. i ROOMS, BATH, PRIVATE EN-trehce, utllflies, no children. 1144 NEW BI-LEVEL OFFICE BUILDING on 14 Mile near Southfield, over 2,000 sq. ft. available on upper and lower levels. Ample parking, reasonable rent, utilities (urn. Individual offices also available. Ml 47333. __________________________ I ROOMS, PRIVATE BATH. CLOSE In, modern, clean and quiet. T . 2 men, employed days. 3343590. i ROOMS, EXCELLENT LOCATION. 3 ROOMS AND BATH, NO CHIL-dren or pets, dep. end re* BO - __________________________ i ROOM APARTMENT. WORKING couple. Pontiac Press Bex No.28. 4 ROOMS ANO BATHi BABY welcome, S37JO per wk. with 5100 deposit. Inquire at 273 Baku Ave. Cell 330-4054 kACHELOR, NORTH END PR.IVAT carpeted- FE 2-4376. DOWNTOWN PONTIAC. GENTLE-men only. S14> per week " 41701. After 4 p.m. iPACIOUS 2 BEDROOM APART-ment In village of Rochester, with carpeting, covered ^*rkirt(^i^J|b Aportmtwts, UiHorohlud 38 1 BEDROOM 'APARTMENT. 102 9 Saginaw. Utilities, stove, refrigei dap, required, FE 4071: 1 AND 2 BEDROOM NEW, NEAR Mail. ‘ Immediate occupancy, and sound conditioned, dfsi fully carpeted, stove, refrigei Adults, no pets. S134SH0 per FE 48585 or 402-2410. 4747104 otter 7 lurnlshed. FE 42944. AMERICAN HERITAGE i ment. 1 bedroom, IMS _ bedroom, S145 a mo. All utilities furnished, also carport. St appointment only. 4744927. BRAND NEW 2-BEDROOM. CAR-petlng, drapes, stove, Refrigerator, 8150 i month.- Including utilities. Adults only. By Pontiac Drive-In theater. 2394 Williams Drive. IGENTLEMEN, NO DRINKERS,TKF ,Bj£t WEORT 4M63 I Will peck lunches. 33S-4174.- 4713 D|X|e HwyDrayton Plains ! GENTLEMEN, DAY SHIFT, HOME----------------ax i nw AC ~ ------ i hheels. 84 Poplar.___________J *14,950 FUl! PRICE MEN ONLY, urn OAKLAND AVE. Bl-level end ranches. 3 bedrooms, privileges, lots RENTING $78 Mo. Excluding taxes and Insurance. ONLY $10 Deposit WE BUILD ON YOUR LOT . Y0UNG-BILT HOMES REALLY MEANS BETTER-BILT Russell Young 334-3830 5316 -- Owner Wi,ll Finance immediate possession! 2 bedrooms, H| --------- —’*, large garage. VON SHOP AT THE MALL Be sure to check "our display of homes In the booth In front of Ted's Restaurant. You'll find of FHA and Gl homes available. WATERFORD TWP, Sharp' 2 bedroom bungalow. I ... basement. Well to wdll carpeting In living room.- 214 sized garage with automatic garage door opener. 120x180 tot. Full price 010,500. VON REALTY lunches packed. I IOOMS FOR GENTLEMEN IN nice clean home, no drinkers, close GMC, 449 E. Pike._ft r Walled Lake. “ HOMES. AUBURN HEIGHTS, AREA, 2 BED- 49747/ A-A-A BETTER BUY REPOSSESSED FHA AND VA HOMES LARGE OINING AREA . WILL ACCEPT ALL APPLICATIONS FROM ANY WORKERS, WIDOWS OR DIVORCEES. BLOOMFIELD HILLS ADDRESS. Rant Business Property 47-A SQUARE FEET COMMERCIAL 1191 er 4741425. Sab Houses________ 49 1 YEAR OLD HOUSE, CLARKS-ton area. All built-ins. Thermo windows, brick end stone’ ex-; terior, family rOom with fire-2-car garage, completely | okay with us. OPEN DAILY ANO SAT. Alto SUN. I OR COME TO 290 KENNETT NEAR BALDWIN I REAL VALUE REALTY •>; For Immediate Action Cali FE 5-3676 626-9575 OPEN MODEL 'walled lake, ranch. !« h*v« an MM tWYi $20 NORTH side »/000? or • free and clean, two bedroom bungalow. Living & r If bo, you eligible to dining area. Kitchen. Basement. Oft HA heat* Vacant* About $1050.00 o 6 per wnt current Interest required. Call end have one of our enced salesmen explain how WEST SUBURBAN Two bedroom bungalow. Living B LET THE KIDS PLAY i this 80x110 toot fenced In yard, i Orion Township. ? ---- inch horns, gas neat. U x 13 toot living room, 15'*" x 18*10" kitchen. A real at only 89,200, 874.00 per mor LINCOLN HEIGHTS tlon . kitchen ■ si _____ ..... ■ .... house. 2Vj-car brick garage. Dcuiiful large lot with tgads of shade trees. Be sure and see this dining area. Kitchen 8, Utility. ( ha Heat. Carport. VaCent. Abo 81454.00 required. SOUTH SIDE Three bedroom bungalow. Living 8i dining area. Kitchen. Basement , . e 'dining" room wit^ rich, well to well carpeting. An outstanding kitchen with all walls iIKF'liXSr' fli? ?nd double staln- f*,1*"-' MllS^rlve, 2 car g“ ^“ORR'S 8, SON, REALTORS MULTIPLEXING SFItVICB24 WEST SIDE — 2 BEDROOM HOME.! Carpeting, full basement. 514,900. 82,000 down. By owner - FE 2-9405.1 MLS WEAVER AT ROCHESTER possession. 519, Xffr'ms! Perish. 1 block north of Square La|ie Rd., 3 blocks east of Telegraph. This custom built 3 bedrooms, IV2 bath. House with 1,550 square feet of living space is situated.on a Va acre wooded lot. Its spacious, rooms have ample GAYLORD s WEST WIND MANOR 1340 S. WILLIAMS LK. RD. NEAR UNION LAKE VILLAGE BRICK WITH ALUM. 3 BEDROOMS ?*“1'VB^THS IN THE VILLAGE - 3 BEDROOMS 1A BATHS town, Br|c|t ran£h hop,, cefamic 2-CAR ATTACHED GARAGE , bath> basement, llnlqhed recreation $17,400 Plus tot OXFORD. 15 minutes drive 1 of Pontiac, n '■■* MM^eca'blnelir 1 ir efficient and 0 appreciated. FE 4 ,, v,T,.,sn - INDIAN VILLAGE. 4 rooms, carpeted, ceramic tiled kitchen and bath. Aluminum siding, 2 car garage. 332-7849. t. garage. 4740011. E PLANS FOR OTHER MODELS STARTING AT *12,904 WILL BUILD ON YOUR LOT PONTIAC AREA - 3 BEDROOMS. Full basement. * Large tot. Landscaped. *11,904. Terms. 2 BEDROOM COLUMBIA ST. - 1, 2 baths,, basement, j ____jage. Occu starts. 4241544._______________ 2, 3, AND 4 BEDROOMS, SOME with option to buy. *a|H||M|g|| no down payment r _........ _r list it Art Daniels Realty. 31400 C. SCHUETT 363-7188 8400 Commerce Rd. Open dally ‘till * ~ BEFORE SUMMER IS GONE , ^ !' You still have time to en|oy fishing, skiing and summer fun In this home with 105' water front. 1 Living room blessed with ledge-; rock fireplace, separate dining;, room, utility, 1 bedroom first floe spdte up tor more, needs finlshli touches, breez«way to 1V5 car i (ached garage. 512,500. Can tel over land contract or trade. HAGSTROM, Realtor MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE/. 900 W. Huron ... OR 4-0351 SEVEN ROOM ranch home. Fireplace. Gas heat. Screened front porch. 510,500. Good terms. Call MY 2-2821 or FE 89693. 13 BEDROOM — Kettering- 111,900 LAWRENCE W- GAYLORD 1 °» »« or Lake Orion IV 42821 HIITER Plastered BEAUTIFUL 3 BEDROOM New home on 1 «erw land 1 Springfield Twp. Terrace, walkout basement, 2V, attached “• rage, IVi baths.1 *23,950. . Springfield |MH| -2128. VACANT — 5 rooms and bath. Oak floors. Basement. Gas heat. All tor 55,000. Lake privilege! wUfe this 4 rooms and bath. Pla! walls. Full basement. Gas hei 2 car garage. 510,900. Terms. fE BUILD — 3 bedroom' ran___________ Oak floors. Vanity In bath. Full basement. G«s heat. *11,550. your lot. To see the model Ml B.C. HIITER,' REALTOR, 3792 ELIZABETH LAKE RD. FE 40179. AFTER 0 P.M., 402-4427. 3 BEDROOM I: I FULL BASE-ment—filed, 2 car garage, patio, Grace K, Waterford. By owner. 3 BEDROOM HOUSE ON 2 LOTS, aluminum siding, gas heat, gas dryer, screen porch, "|||eM|| WRIGHT REALTY CO. DHPHRHcash for ell kinds of property Rochester 382 Oakland Ave. ill FE 47742 3 BEDROOM HOME NORTH ENO. i heat, 2 extra lots. After S 1, FE 4 3 BEDROOM BRICK RANCH, 6A-rage, Ilka new carpeting, stove end refrigerator Included. Good condition. By owner. Drayton Plains area. $14,750. OR 47571._______________ 3 BEDROOM RANCH, ATTACHED garage. Walled privileges. Small CLARKSTON. 2-BEDROOM 1 payment, HPBBwact. 398-0325, Madison Bllnilllll l 3 BEDROOM BRjCK, JS BY OWNER - BEAUTIFUL room brick bilevel with finis basement, ivy baths, natural tl... stone fireplace wim mqrbte hearth In walk-out family room, 2W-cer garage with auto, door-opener TO'xM' petto wBh 42" tootlr many extras Including carpet t qua floors, custom drapes end built-in appliances In kitchen , ■ Rochester area. Priced for quick sale, 834,950. Owner will carry land contract. OL 1-0773. „JV! FIREPLACE. i and breezeway, lake prlvl--18.400. 4244941. 42547 A I 8135. 135 3 BEDROOM i hi It. tot. New gas fum-Ctose to schools and shopping. ROOM HOUSE BY OWNER. 5 ACRES. 7 ROOM. 3 bathrooms-. Older house. 2 car garage. Horse barn. Fruit trees. Evergreens. 528.500 or best otter. 442 Hamlin Rd. Rochester. Days, 2442570 alter 5 p.m. 5041557. Open | Sunday. CLARKSTON. 2 BEDROOM. CAR-j _______ peted. drapes, stove end refrigerator. Adults only, 4242511. I Over I acre rai. CTBWi INDIAN VILLAGE. UPPER 5 ROOM' fHt W5# down on ••n**’ contract. Md bath apartment. First house! - TOu REAGAN iPHMHIW REAL ESTATE ' conditioning; j 2251 N. Opdyke 332-0154 i. FE 40954. NEW 1 BEDROOM APARTMENTS! NOW READY. Westlnghouse......... ens, carpeting. Air — - $145: Bus line, MPO__^. Adults Only, 1090 Voorheis, of Telegraph, Rflirt Hgusgs, Furnished OSH BEORC 9 Round, 1 Or Tl|l 3 I BEDROOM HOUSE, PRIVILEGES on Union Lake, $145 e month, lease, (adults, security dep., EM mortgage. $750 mo VflLA HOMES * JWodel phone 4241545 I BEDROOM WITH BASEMEN-f, |“ 3-Bedroom. Lake Front ON CEDAR ISLAND. HARDTOP ROAD, FINE BEACH, LOTS gl SHADE, 519,500 TERMS. FLATTLEY REALTY 620 COMMERCE RD. — 344 1 BEDROOM LAKE FRONT. YEAR around, ideal location, 547-4020 J ROOMS, ADULTS ONLY. UNION Uka. 3447780.______________ 4 ROOMS AND BATH. FURNITURE 4-H REAL ESTATE CITY sharp 4room bUf._---------- full basement, paved etreef. walk to Fisher Body, newly decorated, VACANT. Price S11J00, approx. 51,100 down, 545 mo. plus taxes' and insurance oh land contract. 9 ACRES - remodeled centra-; niel home. 4 large bedrooms, i family room with none fireplace,; family .sized Xlichen with '■*-- BY OWNER - UNION LAKE "PRiV-ileges — 3 bedroom ranch — living HAYDEN Off Walton, Waterford Township, 3 ROCHESTER AREA -bedroom ranch. Gl shaded lot. Vacant, i—.J^BOU ' d contract. - NIx Reelty OL Ufa 2-5375. UL 44574 SEE PLANS FOR OTHER MODELS STARTING AT S12.900 WILL BUILD ON YOUR LOT OR OURS F J. C. HAYDEN, Realtor 3444804 18735 Highland Rd. M59 IUSE.-2 ACRES, FENCED, BER- ,----— garage, ----------- iicKvn nous* t or trad#. 6 H0USESI ' HOUSES! ALL NEW 3 BEDROOM RANCHES TRI-LEVELS 4 BEDROOM RANCHES COLONIALS SUBURBAN LIVING 100 FOOT LOTS. VILLA HOMES, INC. RED BARN VILLAGE NO. ..est oi M-24 between Lake JIM end Oxford behind Alban's Country SHINN 343-7185 "Win with Shinn" 674 SHADY ANO COOL — 2 bedr near several lakes, fenced Only 810,900. (IALK TO FACTORY 3 room. 1 story, only I yrs. Make your deal or take over mortgage. 811,999. area — kitchen -screened back porch car garage on to Model phone 4241545 I, 3447932 after 6 P BY OWNER. SILVER LAKE ARE 3 bedroom, 18* living room wil fireplace, oak floors, finished re reatton room with separate stuc privileges. Tpmtlac ’School dWrlc Immediate possoeeton. FE 43147. JUST COMPLETED. Lake privileges. 3 bedroi minum sided, oak floors, garage. >14500. 482-0340. Buy On Land Contract 4 end 3-bed room homes, vacant lots and many lake-front homes In the suburban aaea. Cell early tor best deals, no ctoslnq rost. currrat rate of Interest. Hedeft REALTY, 7750 COOLEY LAKE RD. UNION LAKE, 343-6703- _________ CLARKSTON, 3 BEDROOM RANCH, lake privileges. Cash to mortgage. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 3 bedrm. ranch, full basement TERMS OR TRADE OR 43473 O. Hampshire .............. JOHNSON MIXED NEIGHBORHOOD-! story ' room frame. 3 bedrooms end basement. Full price *5,950 i 5750 down end lend contract ... ____ _____, gas heat, large screened porch, attached gn--~ and an Sflv1$0 lot With fTUff_______ tf Lake privileges. YORK MILTON WEAVER In In the Village of R 8 W. University WHITE LAKE 3410 JACKSON BLVD. 3-bedroom home, auto, hot air oil - heat, Insulated, closed-ln porch overlooking lake, 55' frontage on lake, 55' more available with boathouse. $13,500, terms. Open Srat. AUBURN-CROOKS AREA Smell family home, 2 bedrooms, large kitchen with nice dining area, gas FA heat, approximately tot. Near xtefo —■ M FULL PRICE, Near schools end shopping SCHRAM Ready to Move In *1,000 down gets you Into this 3 bedroom ranch, fully Insulated wlthjes (heat, ^*no per month 7-BEDROOM-Gl HOME Nothing down. Closing costs only, will get you Into this 7 bedroom hom*. Gas heat, 2 car garage. PONTIAC-WATKINS SUB. Beautiful brick end aluminum elded ranch home featuring 3 clous bedrooms with ample c pet and fireplace. Ceramic storage area. Petle. berbecye. ln dnerator. Large fenced back yen with beautiful lands. QUICK POS SESSION — FULL PRICE, 125,950 ATTRACTIVE TERMS. SMITH 6c. WIDEMAN REALTORS FE 4-4526 , 412 W. HURON STREET EVENINGS CALL 335-1449 ARRO 'Iff Immediate Possession Brick Ranch Home Woodward and Square Lake area, delightful 2 bedroom brick ranch home with attached 2 car garage spacious landscaped grounds! features Mg kitchen with additional dining are~ * large bedrooms with big ck ceramic tile bath, sbn room basement,' gas heat and hot er, paved drive. Priced at 000.00, shown anytime. home In excellent neighborhood; with carpeting end drapes, family room, fireplace, sliding glass door to patio, gas heat, attached 2 car garage, beaultfully scaped grounds, fast pos-' owner transferred. Priced 000.00, see it today. NICH0LIE HUDSON ASSOCIATES/INC. 49 Mt. Clemens St. FE 5*1201 AFTER 6 P.M. FE 5-0198 ANNETT Perry-Glenwood Area I 2 bedroom home, slate roof, toll basement, gas heat. Convenient to K-Mart 8. Perry ! . St* bus line. S7950, terms. Ottawa Hills STOUTS Best Buys Today breakfast nook, bedroom & lavatory on 1st floor. 2 bedrooms, ceramic bath up. Full basement, 2 car att. oarage. 818,500, terms. Dixie HiWay—Com'l 100 ft. frontage by 273 ft. deep near Pontiac drive-in 10 Acres—Inside City Multiple dwelling zoning, w er 4 sewer available. No 80 Acres—Metamora Area ’u0 El n^S tffntoflO' Weal site for private .estate 6r WE WILL ' TRADE Realtors 28 E. Huron St. Office Open Evenings & Sundays 1-4 ,338-0466 Frushour ; for equity-* land contract Convenient To Pontiac Motor ELIZABETH LAKE FRONT, A LIFE! . Shopping center, etti TIME OF PLEASURE can be room Ito story — ---.------- ~ - " - - - on. "hot NORTH WEST SIDE 3 bedroom ranch with gas I Cyclone fenced yard. FHA tei List With SCHRAM PRICE REDUCED on this 2 bedroom bungalow, 2tf carpited living room, spactoua kitchen, Urge walk-closets, breezewly to garage, -i-.” -**—* end screens Perl-Privileges on Cass Club Membership. Near Mackinaw LAKE F*09ft''HOUSE - ' 2 iflM aTs^c.:. JOCgrBy^gJl. Hagstrom. OR paneled den, kitchen with bull ins end ((replace, basement er 2 cor garage. Shown by eppoln R0LFE H. SMITH, Realtor *84 S. Telegraph . FE 47*48__________EVES. FE 47302 n A. Johnson & Sons, Realtors 170^ S. Telegraph FE 4-2533 COMMERCE LAKE FRONT safe sandy beach, minum elding, flreple setting. Only 821.000 t . .j*t telL Owner tranats- C. SCHUETT 363-7188 8880 Commerce Rd, Open Dally HI Dark MULTI-PURPOSE HOME Located on M-24, village of Lei Orion. Lot 72x285 ft. « «• (trip running beck 9 -------- 523,900 terms. C. A. WEBS JR, REALTOR PARADE OF HOMES IMMEDIATE POSSESSION RANCH-BI-LEVEL QUAD-LEVEL — COLONIAL ENJOY ' LOVELY LAKE FRONT Distinctive Homes by ROSS MODELS OPEN 2-8 RiR. DAILY EXCEPT MONDAY Colonial 4 Bedroom 4 3-Bedroom Ranch $25,900 INCLUDING BASE LOT, OFFICE: LAKELAND ESTATES Model Home OR 3-8021 628-2515 FE 4-0591 LAKELAND ESTATES (to mil*'north of Walton Blvd. off Dixie Highway) IRWIN WATERFORD TWP. 3 Iwdroom ranch home ir._______ condition., Lovely living room with Picture window. Kitchen wltti 1— of cupboards and dinette op.___ Nice bath, colored fixtures. Large utility. Lots of closet spi— large tot. Immediate 8500 will moV» a Gl in. C a must. Let us show you. Ted McCullough Sr„ Realtor PHONE 682-2211 CRESCENT^UKE FRONT - 821, bedrooms, 9 room, 2 ■rege. 90 ft. LAKE FRONT room bungalow, living room. Kltchei present home 5 HOME NEAR PONTIAC Creakiest decorated. Large tot. or $12,500. 82000 Family home that has i ■ growing family. Large GW----------1, kitchen. Iff floor, drapes. Walk-oot living roor bedroom. Carpeting ,..P basement. Recreaftan l„........ fireplace. NIc* kitchen, bath, ai lots of living space, williams L area: Priced at $20,000. GEORGE IRWIN, REALTOR MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE .......... FE 47883 credit. WESTjBLOOMFIELD TOWNSHIP - ------ i — M --------of good ■d front- TRADE, KINZLER 4-BEDROOM TRI-LEVEL brtek end frame exterior, Kitchen with bullt-tes. Paneled family roam and ell modem Innovations. Plush carpeting, custom draperies, new mo) table Back, beat sir* —— ^^__________ living room, family row size bedrooms and lake reatton room, $14-500 o lend contract. -BRICK RANCH TMe li one oT the most ettr homes In Merrlngton Hllto. 4 ____ rooms end finished basemrat recreation room. Paved street. *ewer end sealer. $500 dqwn phis costs on FHA or closbw coats only r- GJoHN*KINZLER, Realtor 5219 DM* Hwy. 04» Across from Packer's Store / CLARK NTs LAKI Bl-level, 4 k fireplace, f . 2 car attac ... Jake frontage i. Might accept y Separate dining n to grade £ with $1200 do age. 53950. 51000 down.' 1342 V IRWIN *14,900. Cell OFFICE OR CLINIC USE This beautiful and spacious family home, located at the ner of Franklin Blvd. and H ;*»«*• MO of an ae*, prol vldes plenty of parking. 14--- allow tor potent!*r office Personal service zoning. Cell tor BLOOMFIELD SCHOOL DISTRICT Four bedroom bl-level, balhs, completely carpeted, conditioned. G----------— wtth built-in__________________ dishwasher end disposal.. Large ment, gas' hot water one half baths, 1 full t ed porch, central air cUHMRRM one car garage,. other extras. Only 51X950 with convenient Sn RUBLE 1 Twp., modern k______ ____ Ing area, den, 2 bedrooms, bath bug* shaded r I led at only 515,950 with Twin Lake Village— _ stem built loki ring double dc “ " — -wm, _______ kitchen pk^jS^ft. pontoon boot I motor. Shown by appoint- West^Side- Sharp 3 bedroom .... randier with 13x10 llvlrq) large family kttdwn Ing area; ceramic b ■ ________ M carport. Con- venient to St. Benedld's and Donelson schools. Only 522,900 with terms. Warren Stout Realtor 1450 N. Opdyke Rd. * Ph. FE 54165 Open Eva* Till 0 p.m. , " —Llsttng Service KAMPSEN YOUR NEIGHBORS TRADED WHY DON'T YOU?? Ih large family room that used es a third bedroom.____ will carpeting. 1% car, gage. It** real clean and hat a * setting on throe tefflr1^ m to schools and park*. I *15,700. BUYIN' will com* natorally wtth fh* ah mosphere of this wwauaNy, af-tractlve heme wflh studio cdtliws throughout. Located-In I let ring ten Hlllt w* have Ihte three TRADE TODAY “ HOUSE HU. this lovely 4 ...~LrMW„.e. Brick anu aluminum exterior, Ito baths, big fern-HV room, attached 2 car garage. Selling for *20,500. TRADE IN YOUR PRESENT HOUSE or equity for this chermlpg 2 story - aluminum sided home near Watkins Laka. Full dining room, 3 ■ JACK FRUSHOUR v MILO STRUBLE Realtors — MLS 3881 Highland Rd. (M59) FE 4402* FE 2-0473 "BUZZ" BATEMAN No. 96-UPPER LONG LAKE PRIVILEGES with this s p • c I o u s eight room brick rancher In Bloom-JNW township. Three bedrooms, m baths, family room, loaded with ex-tr«*. OM lovely hllMop location. Quick possession es owner has- pur-A toxna. "One-of-a- k nd/, extra nice. Fairly priced •* « wonderful velut In a wondertuf locatjon. Make your ap-pointmtnt now. No. 77-GOLF MANOR Hay GOLF any day you. wish! *h*'Course lust minutes away from, this wick trUevpI. 3 hrawwwp «u/ family hraettvety landscaped yi___ other unique, features. Call tor additional Mormatton on this an<‘ other Bloomfield horn**. John K. Irwin * SONS, REALTORS ,, sMchra Real Sharp Brick R^inch r featuring three bedroerra, Hv room, dining area, kitchen w buitt-lns, IVi ceramic Hie bat baeament), gae heat, attached 2 Srub$rs8Sng*gSe (JowvrefMe patta. Priced at 824.500 trad* ^our^eW hem* In. or arrange HAROLD R. FRANKS, Realty YOU CAN TRADE BatEman REALTOR-MLS , ^_____: °L 24SI8 277 S. Totegreph Rd. 731 S. Rochester fld. Salt Hmms RHODES Jftlhp—i hourly THE PQWTIAC PR^SS. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1868. f. ttrapiace, carpet, - thermopan* ' dew*. Mr** family bar, 1 car attached garage. Plenty wMwtraa. Only *fr,ooT *»,Soo suburban, 2 ,bedroom borne, full ■“** mSt baths, targe kitchen with many cabinets and lots of extras. Family room with fireplace. 2 car attached garage. One of the largest basements -(you'll ever see. Just *29,900. Easy terms. WEST SUBURBAN BRICK Ranch. A new, ,hgme -featuring slate foyer, 2 fireplaces. 3 bedrooms, IVb ceramic baths. Sets on a large lot '*?* S»T£S ._ WALTERS LAKE *»,500. Builders welcome, owner : - ' " ttS-1006 AT LONG LAKE—ORION ®S*r„£_ ilery 4 bedroom home jS> Es 5s» “ lake. S13JOO. 1-8503 for de- SHEPARD'S REAL ESTATE ' .suraalft, HOMESITE* -* SUNNY BEACH overlodlUne ►“**■* prlvlleges. 2 . Ing, Owner, A Watkins Lake, TIMES WE HERE i At Tlnwe Realty feel like cheering when we can offer you this s‘ cute 5 remit ranch wirju|jj| and drapes, on a 10. .._ sraif&jSLSm tract. First offering, lake privileges on Wa ceder shake siding talnly be deluged better hurry. It's COLONIAL 4 bedroom brick and frame with elegance and oh what decor. Kitchen cabinets with glass doors, spacious large kitchen with built Ins . Including dishwasher,. Vh baths, 12' x 21' family room on first floor, with sliding glass doors to patio area, gas heat, full basement, rich wall to wall carpeting, all thermo windows, brick fireplace, this Is a brand new home, but landscaping Is,in, also paved drlv*. lake privileges on Loon Lake, coaid -you ask for more? Call for particulars, we dd ' sales people to serve1 STARTING AT ilMOO WILL BUILD ON VOUlTLOT OR OURS ‘ J. C. HAYDEN, Realtor 363-6604 10739 Highland Rd.M-! HUMPHRIES REALTY N. Telegraph 332-9236- Ml 7-4371 ton Lake, over 1 acre lof nftt . hftses. Ideal location ----- —..i wgplaab picture Carpeted room, m baths, kitchen has i matching stove HAROLD R. FRANKS, Realty ^iJAL FRONTAGE ' with *tOOO down arid *65' cfean^ hii^! i!?1* **«P«onaHy ciean 2 bedroom home, large kltch- T^one0|,™^^***"*o,,Op®"*'“‘ Everett Cummings, Realtor em v2iUN,0N LAKE "oad NM 3-320*____ 363-7111 HAYDEN b# room homo; 24x27 •had, great piacr ■aaa, *n,9M. Me M Centrects D~+9 AO CARNIVAL By Dick Turner ws&uSmSr.r'*- '•!!"0 SRilf ' ---- - *5100. W big dtoepg , Realtors, FE 1-4025 or Pi Wonted Cewtrects-Mtg. 60-A ■r INDUSTRIAL 25 ACRES 1 TO 50 LAND CONTRACTS Urgently needed, tea us before you deni. t. WAR.LN STQUT, Realtor 1450 N. Opdyke Rd. FE 3-8145 *' Open Evas. *ttl I p.m. 2 miles North of Pontiac. ir terms. See or ca LADD'S •5 Lapeer Road (M24) PONTIAC FE 59291________J MOBILE LOTS FOR SALE,-META . HJftjrfa, 2o minutes Pdhtlac, I00'x200', $40 month. Call now for first choice. Bloch Broe. OR 3-1295. NEARLY 5 ACRES NEAR ORTON- CASH FOR' H. J, Van V OR 3-1355. ville, M-15. 4 MOBILE HOME List With SCHRAM and Call the Van 1111 JOSLYN AVE. „ FE 5-9471 QUICK CASH FOR LAND CON-tracts. Clark Rea) Estate, FE 4-4013, Mr. Clark: SEASONED LAND CONTRACTS wanted. Got our deal before you sell. CAPITOL SAVINGS R LOAN ASS N. 75 W. Huron. FE *-7127. LOANS TO $1,000 Usually on first visit. Quick, frior ly, helpful, FE 2-9026 Is the number to call. , OAKLAND LOAN CO. 202 Pontiac:State Bank Bldg. * *3 to S:30 - Sat. 9:38 tol LOANS Swimming — Golfing. -Large wooded sites. From DON WHITE, INC. 9 *25 TO *1,000 ■ ■ COMMUNITY LOAN CO. Boating - 30 E. LAWRENCE_____FE *-0431 WALTERS LAKE Privileges, sevsral scenic large homesltes - hills - trees - $1500 Owner. 625-10*6 or 33492a. Credit ______ Stop In or phone FE J4121. HOME & AUTO LOAN CO. 7 N. Perry St. FE 54121 627-3019. KcATINGTON Beautiful lake-front and laka-orlvl-KS? £*»lrtif*iilable- t0 live in thnl»*ffut|fa| new town in Orion ItTSSfirf °Pen u d*"y' .^HOWARD T. KEATING CO. 22040 w- » Mj^Rd. Birmingham LAKE-FRONI HOMES — NEW AND u,ed — J. L Dally Co. EM 3-7114. MIDDLE STRAITS LAKE PRIVILEGES » 3_bedroom mod*rgr)ye»rJ9«TOund N FOR LEASE_ OR SALE. JIUILDJNG 80 ROLLING SCENIC ACRES WITH creek, wood* and young evergreens, sandy soil, close to . US-23 a,-----way ilvtngaf— f with 10 per ■*taSm!>! SEW- ^^^■(tCONpiTIONBR CLEARANCE SALE Sava up to 30 par cent Welbuilt, Whirlpool, Kelvlnato Hotpolnt, Westinghouse. $99 u| Cook-Dunn alum, root paint, $5 gal. Oil base Interior, S4.00 gal. Mlac latex ptlnt, SO eenti a qt. 025 Oakland FE 4-4 TRY AND BEAT OUR PRICE -years exp. In tame locality. Li air* and Rheem furnaces — A ALL BRONZE SUMP PUMPS, SOLD, repaired, exchanged, ranted. 71 W- Sheffield E * FE 5-6642 AUTOMATIC WASHER. PORTABLE ! TV. OR. 3-5520. AUtOAAATIC SIGNATURE BRAND oil spaco heater used for 2 years; perfect, condtttom also 275 gallon "S. 674-3683. USED RAILROAD TIES, HARD-wood and rad cedar. 60247108 WASHED WIPING RAGS, 19 CENT BERRY GARAGE DOOR, hardware Included, $40. 887,51 BEAUTIFUL 3 “Ethel became quite a linguist while we were abroad last summer. She learned, to spend money in'five or six different languages!” Sale Household Goods 65 i. 32*2 Dixie Hwy., 673- Sele Heesehold 6eeds 65 MOVING. NEARLY NEW FROST MAPLE BUNK BEDS, 1 MATTRESS er upright sweepers of attachments $65., BsartoFE24565 BOTTLE GAS INSTALLATION 1966 HOOVER PORTABLE S ■*...ideal ter mobile h: apartment. Must : FE 69— I ANTIQUE FURNITURE, MOD- <29. V. Harris, FE nnlng cc 5-2766. BEDROOM OUTFIT, 3 D R A \ dresser, large mirror *7S. of Music record player, records *1S. FE 5-7*71. BIG t SAVINGS Bedroom and living room si Small delects: Save almost Little Joe's Bargain Basement. Baldwin at Walton FE 2-6*42. BRONZE OR .CHROME DINETTE sale, BRANb NEW. Large small sin (round, drop-leaf, i (angular) tables in 3, S, and 7 sets. *34.95 up. PEARSON'S FURNITVRE BARGAIN PRICES, STURDY COM-‘ I trunks, televi- belt. Thursday BLOND 21" SILVERTONE TV BED, EXTRA LONG, DRESSER, Deer and partridge hunting. lots -Acreage TAKE OUT BUSINESS -oasted chicken. In cream, dPPOL: Watartprd Township. ..... estate, business, fixtures & equipment. 515,000 to handle. Let - LIGHT MANUFACTURING 150x125 corner lot lust off Oakland Avjk at slip limits. Will sell n BATEMAN COAAMERCIAL DEPARTMENT 377 1 Telegraph FE 8-9641 IvsiMis Opportunities 59 ind contract, brewer real estate Vllllam B. Mitchell, Sales Mgr. 724 Rlkar Bldg. FE 4-5101 age in abttt) L EMBREE & GREGG Country Style “PRICED AT LESS THAR 5” ACRES conveniently located 6 miles from 1-75 expressway, S4,“* 20 percent down. S ACRES with a country sldo vl nice hill for exposed baser: home, $3,950, *395 down. 10 ACRES, nice rolling land tvs bathe, carpeting like new, 14V9X-16 ft. -activity room, 2 nr gardgs. Will show anytime end possession almost Immediately. *17,950. Ho. 3-35 A FAMILY HOME l rooms, one story ranch. Near Will Roger's School. 3 specious bedrooms. Hugo family room with Preplan and walkout dorwell to fenced rear lawn. Nice kitchen with snack bar. Tbie owner has added to much to this home. Including 1V5 attached garage. We tael it's an outstanding value at 814,900. Will consider land contract with reasonable down payment. NORTH OAKLAND AVENUE rage plus olhePoutbuildings. All usabla land and 7 acres of woods. $23,350, *7,000 down, C. PANGUS INC, REALTORS OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK .... Met seddod lawn, fenced yard. Priced at *11.500. No. SM-20 MODELS YOUR CHDItE — _ RANCH—COLONIAL—TRI-LEVEL $16,150 plus lot Drive out M-59 (Huron St.) la Airport Road tom right, 1W miles RAY O'NEIL, Realtor 3520 PONTIAC LAKE ROAD OPEN* >et OR 4-2222 MLS PR 3-2CM latBie Fwpiiiy CASH CLARKSTON NOW READY FOR SALE I * parcels at acreage, located 1 mile northwest of'Clarkston. Parcels are 2 to 4 acres In six* end have a minimum of MS' road fronfago. Beautiful countryside view*. Priced from $3500 up. i ACRE WOODED PARCEL wttl view of Otar Lake and Dear Lata privileges. *6950. CLARKSTON REAL ESTATE 5065 S. Main MA MB’ house and bam. .Adlacant to Swig Household Goods •vriuiiv* subdivision. Terms farm further " BEAUTY SHOP Well equipped, the best of clientele, good grots, attract' ' " ' eludes heat. Only Here's a real g *6,000 ddwn. STATEWIDE REAL ESTATE 2661 S. Lapeer Rd., Lake Orion ____________338-0000_________ CLASS "C"—"SDM" *75,000 grow. *12S par montl lease. *16.000 down. In city of Ron tlac. UNIVERSAL BROKERS, INC. 16 s. Telegraph Pontiu CeU 334-3551 > Frlgldalre., end t T VANDERPOOL'S in tro you'll find hand decorated mil Square Lake Road, east 'of the BEAUTY SHOP EQUIPMENT. REA, able, violin, Frlgldalre I 4-3353. ' SHOP ' EQUIPMENT. *5.95 ga and bultdOT'OR^fef/ B^I^LTOZINO,^F|RISH ORAOES, I THE DRAYTON PI ’LAIN* A , fill WNI LOADING Top and Mack dirt. CalkMa. KNflAC LAKE BUILDElU' lUR. Sand, graval; fill dirt. OR ----DISCOUNT QIMIMVRIlPtyiwwrllera. adding machines, office desk, chairs, flies, tables, storage cabinets, mlm------* -id '‘ott-r - —- sting 1 Office Suppiis Waferfard. OR 39767. Wood-Coal-Coke-Fuei to 300 lb. bales WINDOWS 4'^'X4' ALUMINUM 1 storm windows, Interchang- Pets-HuntlngDogs________79 1-AKC DACHSHUND PUPS. STUD ~ lolhOlm's — FE, 2-0889. POODLE CUPPING, $3 AND . 860 Sarasota. FE 8-8569.__ 1-A POODLE TRIM, SHAMPOOS, reasonable, also pups. 625-2875. ft YEAR OLD REGI&T£Re0 b£A-— MUR HMw ** mwf. YOUR WELDW00D HEADQUARTERS YE 9LDE NEIGHBORHOOD SALE Sat. from 9 til? 1930 Alrpor_____________ Hand Toals-Machinory 68 nut cabinet with zlg-zagger (or buttonholes, hems, fancy stitches, etc. Pay only S39.2S cash or $4.64 monthly. 5-year guarantee. CER n-FI.ED SEWING CENTEtt. 34*-26» NECCHI DELUXE AUTOMATIC Zlg Zag tewing machine — cabinet model — embroiders, b1'—* hems, buttonholes, etc. 1963 r Take over payments of SS.90 MO. tor 9 mos. or *53 cam bi UNIVERSAL CO. FE 4-1 CEMENT MIXER. 331-1590 AFTER PER Colored TV .... $3.75 week WILL SWAP 10" TABLE SAW FOR FES-S357. Pft” °f ** f AMPEG. GIBSON, FENDER," tars. Amplifier*, Drum Sets, ! phones. Trumpets, Cornets, ( $15. Wringer wi Hollywood bed,____________ ELECTRIC RANGE, SIS. WATER ~mer, 515. Oil hdt water ------ Bolce Builders Supply FE 5-6186 9' BY 15'. COLONIAL DAV-i ____irt. Til* top table. FE 5-1976. I REFRIGERATOR, EXCELLENT For The Finest In Top-Quality Merchandise Shop At Montgomery Ward Pontiac Mall BACK TO SCHOOL SPECIAL Wurlltzer 4100 Organ (Damo.1 Sa ms. Used Spinet---------------( MALE DACHSHUNDS FOR SALE. FE 2-7037 LABRADOR RETRIEVER BIRO WEEK OLD BOSTON TERRIER PUPS, $50. OR 4-0194. AKC BRITTANY FEMALE, year old female. ‘Three 12 v old AKC Brittany pupa. FE 8-1 AK£ ENGLISH SPRINGER SO ADORABLE TERRIER PUPPIES, 'also Spaniel puppy. 692-1901. ALASKAN SIBERIAN MALAMUTE -"tples, registered stock. Good h children. OR 4-0078. \ Musical instructions. JACK HAGAN v MUSIC 469 Ellzaebth Lk. Rd. 332-0500 7216 Cooley Lk. Rd, 363-5500 BABY GRAND PIANO. COMPLETE- I IV reflniahad In >hnnv hu — BRITTANY PUPS RECLINER CHAIR, S25. HOLLY-wood bed, *0 and Mlsc. Good condition. FE 5-5582. _______, REPOSSESSED Self-cleaning range $2.25 wk Goodyear Service Store 40 W. Pike _______________Pontiac SIMMONS BEAUTY REST AND mattrew. Like new, S100. Redin--------- qp 33S-4199. GARAGE SALE. MISCELLANEOUS Item* plus some antlquM. 6-10 anytime. 694 Cameron. SACRIFICE sofa and c FE 2-2270 a BEIGE KROEHLER GARAGE SALE — THURSDAY, FRI-day, Saturday 9-4. Clothing, furniture, mlsc. 4771 Irwindal* off Pon-Lk. Rd. GARAGE SALE, SEPTEMBER 9. ' $277 THREE ROOM OUTFIT BRAND NEW FURNITURE 7'PIECE LIVING ROOM 9-PIECE BEDROOM 5-PIECB DINETTE COLDSPOT REFRIGERATOR LIKE ^MM 13.6 cu ft. 1S1 lb food freezer defrosting. 333-6944. LITTLE JOE'S BARGAIN HOUSE 1461 Baldwin at Walton , PE 2-6142 First Traffic llghtesoufh of I-7S . Acres of Fra* Parking bp*n E»o*._'tii 9 sat: -tn t Oniy 1—30" STOVE, STS; 3DOOR R trlgeratr- -“- — *40 toHPWIL. washer, S2S| couch. Chair, dining room wt; desk. M.C. Lip. nard, 559 N. Perry.___________ 40" FRIOIDAiRE. ELECTRIC stove, good condition, " refrigerator, 1 8 Cu. Ft. . I refrigerator. Call 6S1-6S40. EGG DELIVERY ROUTE, FLINT — " Pontiac area, average 125 cues kly, can supply percentage of L Phone 66639211410 North LIQUOR BAR Oakland County straight 4 lane highway doing . business. Yours for lust down Inc. real estate, c detail*. Warden Realty light bar on a for'lutf* mint ONLY HARDWARE sacks buyer. Excellent buslm opportunity In growing nr* Priced to toll. Calf 349-076*- PARTRIDGE "IS THE BIRD TO SEE" LUMBER YARD Grossed *256,000 Jast^year. Shm HI-HILL PARTRIDGE REAL ESTATE 1650 W. HURON, FE 43501 SEND FOR FREE CATALOG RijVAjjRAHY W LEASE, good W it, law let : alike i auwnBi ey* and then to the lop of plnnada. Some srtth trees, w as low a* 83975 and *300 n. Buy now. BuNd smew you Watch for the LADD'S SIGNS. rndes North of 1-75 on 7- A Only 25 minutes I LADD'S JF PONTIAC HIGHLAND-MILPOtlO AR E A, 1 minutes MtiMb MExlSP lot, m month, taka over paymonts. Swim-mtag pail and ctw* house te-cinttes. Bloch Erw-TOR 3» HORSES, horses! ' T 3* seres. Waldon Rd. 15' by » bam. *4000. $2000 down. WATERFORD REALTY 941 Dixie Hwy. 673-1373 If pe an*. 3354511 ----------,.......—________business opportunity yours. BEER & DOGS Kit beer that 1st Highly i franchised drNwti r_____________ with douM* highway exposure, if you wim good luck to befriend you, loin the big profit, “ drink short order business. SoloDwrtCoRtrRcts 1 TO 50 LAND CONTRACTS I dinette. *65: ELECTRIC STOVE. GOOD CONDI-tlon. Cell 6S2-60W. __________ FIRST $29 Cam claims imie used Singer In Walnut cabinet. Zlg-zagger lor de-signs, ham, buttonholes, etc. TANGERINE COLORED LOVE seat, Naugohydo A * --- ' *75. a place brown FURNITURE FOR SALE, REASON-ebel, good condition. 3364I1IT FRIGIDAIRE 13* CUBIC Ft. CY-clomatlc Imperial, largo, froazar comportment. MA 66117, FRIGIDAIRE ELECTRIC STOVE. Portable mangjo, $20. 363-9462. 1 MORE TIME ’ BRAND NEW FURNITURE $278 (Good) $2.50 Weekly $378 (Better) $3.00 Weekly $478 (Best) $4.00 Weekly NEW LIVING ROOM BARGAINS 7-plece (brand new) living room 2-plece living room tulle, two tie tables, matching coffee table, tw decorator lamp*, all for *189. Onl $1 NEW* BEDROOM BARGAINS S-plec* (brand new) bad rooms: DouM* drassar, bookcase bed an_ chest, box taring and kmersprlng mattress, two van tty lamp*. Ail ter *129. S1.S8 weekly. PEARSON'S FURNITURE 18 E. Pike FE 67181 Between Paddock and City Hail ~ Open Mon, and Fit, ttll 9,pjn. SIMMONS SOFA BED, I TWO piece sectional, I rad print wihg back chair, 4 lamps, 1 cocktail table, badroom suites, dresser, night stend, 4 poster bed, GE refrigerator, - Westinghouse washer and dryer, GAS STOVE, *35: WASHER, *25: TV set, *35> refrigerator, top freezer, *49: electric stove, tui dry-er, *20: V. Harrls. FE 5-2764. GENERAL ELECTRIC 40" P U S “ “on range In excellent cond . Oven timer and clock. *40 HOUSEHOLD GOODS, -RUMMAGE 1 BIG SALE. USED BARGAINS Used washers, stoves, refrigerators. cheats' and m3a?'0c*SiMt*. Baldwin at Walton. FE 34*42. I APARTMENT GROUPING 4 complete rot— — -■— room, 6plece b PIECE LIVING ROOM SUITE. Mr. and Mr*, chair* with ottoman. 30" gas stgsw. )* cu. ft. Frtoldalra. FE 33636. __________ 2 DAVENPORTS, 838 EACH, VERY good condition. Cad before 4 p.m.. FE 33636, _____________ Pli^E toLlb MAPLE BEDROOM suite. New cond. *75. 332-3*66. furniture. Kelvlnator i •.Open Eve*. *ttl 8 pjn 8 PIECE OAK, SPANISH INFLU* *^6- dining rm. at*. L 661^886balbra t. "Across From the Moll" ! WRINGER WASHER, rug, chlfferobe, 21" TV, hd chair, dresser, twin bed, les, desk, cricket rocker, Mjttr id m|sc. 332-0367. CAN PHYFE MAHOGANY g table, 6 chairs, china " ‘ ‘ excellent condition, also *. PE 5-2434. _____________ WYMAN'S USED BARGAIN STORE t our IS W. Pike Stare Only ----- Wardrobe ............ $ 1 Odd Sofa ........ ..........*« Walnut dresser with mirror ....*24.95 Lfi*’J!x!se toe*" suit* ...*24.95 36'' electric rang* ■MT etae. refrlge ............... •tac. dryer ..........*45.95 _ ■ Cradfis Oood At Wytnen' EASY TERMS FE 2-i chairs, chest of darwers, large steamer trunk. Lott of glass pewter. Cross cut. saw.' ft < nothing to look. 5k84 Dixie I at Watartord Hill. 6761813. HOMi FREEZER SALE In original factoryJflMRPE *2 down, *2 per wool FRETTER'S WAREHOUSE OUTLET 158 t. Telearaoh * ----- HIDE-A BED, SOFA. TABLES, ETC. HOUSEHOLD GOODS, RUMMAGE ule, some antiques, rafr’---*h 3 years old. 5 S. Paddock. HOUSEHOLD SPECIAL *38 A MONTH GUYS 3 ROOMS OP FURNITURE - Consists of: Splece living room outfit with 2-plece living room suite, a a*r- * cocktail taM» 2 table (1) 9'xl2* rug Included. L . tail eh chairs and table. All tor *399. Your credit la goad at Wymenra. WYMAN FURNITURE CO. .7 ft. HURON FE 5-1581 IB W. PIKE_____________FE 2-2150 KENMOR3 ELECTRIC RANGE [LATE MObfL KIRBY VACUUM cleaner. $59.58. Cu»r* Appliance OR 6UiL _____________________ lAVINO STATE. MUST iiLL household (ptamro. ~ | Watted Lake. ___________ LEAVING TOWN - HOUSEHOLD MOTOROLA TELEVISION. S2S. CE-dar cheat 03. TMn badtpreads sum 40m, r chair SSB. FE SINGER DIAL-A-MATIC Zlg Zag sewing machine — In modern walnut cabinet — makes designs, appliques, buttonholes, eta. Repossessed. Pay off <64 cam or *6 PER MO. payments.^ UNIVERSAL CO. FE 4-0905 QUEEN WASHER IN VERY condition. S3S. OR 3-7466. TWIN OR BUNK BEDS, GOOD condition. Coll 65* USED TV* ....................... ..... Sweet's Radio and Appliance, Inc. 22 W. Huron 336S677 (E ARE MOVING AND MUST SELL —2 ■bedroom suites; Holntpolnt refrigerator; Tappan gas range; rags 9 x 12; living room carpet 11 x 11; j oak dining room chairs; buffet with mirror; Motorola TV with itand; davenport and chair; Picturra; floor lamps. FE 6S636. *19.95 clothing, hou Wed. thru 5 Clarkston. FURNITURE,! IS iron Tel-Huron Roll gro «r*s tor EVERETTE SPINET PIANO HRD DOGS. REGISTERED EN-gllsh ratters. Best of field blood. 8 mo. Just right to hunt this fall. Sonda's Kennels Boarding and Training. 56400 Romeo Plank Rd. between 25 and 26 Ml. Rds. 7S1- BbRZOI (RUSSIAN WOLFHOUND), AKC registered puppies, champlgn blood lines, sired by champion Trezor Ivan. 625-0262. EXPERT PIANO MOVING Maple. Misses and young men's clothing. Mlsc. household Mlata Bermuda bed. LOWREY SPINET ORGAN Walnut, almost like new LEWBETTERLY r.SSTC iER KOHLER GENERA- MARTIN 12 STRING AND. CASEl Gibson Hummingbird - N and excellent condition. MA s-1698. HOT WATER HEATER, 30 GAL., gas. Consumers approved. M9.50 value, 139.95 and S49.95. Marred. Michigan Fluorescent, 393 Orchard RECONDITIONED sole piano, newrki WALNUT CON- Igan Fluore: __FE 68463 - —____________ HAVE YOUR WINTER FUN AT SUMMER PRICES j SKI-DADDLER POWER SLED. 10, h.p. with mead* up to 35 mph. 50 mpg. For let timing, hunting, ~~ skiing. Cdmplato With trailer, f price, *1135 now only $895. Spinet Plano mahogany . . ,t.$ GALLAGHER'S MUSIC ^ 1710 S. Telegraph— S. of Orchard Lake Rd. Opon dally 'til 9 p.m. Saturday, 'til S:38 p.m. DOG HOUSES, INSULATED 748 Orchard Lk. Ava. FEMALE SIAMESE ( -- t7^51 FLUFFY KITTENS, 153-4163 1 YEAR OLD. PIECE DINING ROOM SET. BEST 33" TIFFANY-tYPt LAMP MaIM, es-tae a® i 724 FIRE ENGINE — GOOD rannjnjj^ condition, Hquas. 1________________ CEDA^FENCE RAILS. «Y SINK, CHAIRS, DESKS, JEW- airy, - open Sun. 1527 North --- Royal Oak. PARLOR ORGAN'. 188 YEARS OLD. WANTfl) TO BUY i lamp* or loaded P*. FE 69096. OLD BOOKS, BOTTLES, ANTIQUES. Erl *•* .9-6. |265 Slhmr Ball, Goodlson, ODD XOTS BASEBOARD HEATING Hi-Fi, TV l Radios OIL FURNACE - TIMKEN SILENT automatic *58 OR 347tl. qff-roao Tracked vehicle. V3 power, seats 5, 4 mph. For hunting and winter sports. Call COLOR TV BARGAINS, LtTTLE Bargain Howe, FE 2-4*42 See u»—we have moat alt kinds Johnson TV — FE 64569 65 B. Walton near Baldwin For Salt MiscelhmcMS 67 * CARUJAD GAS FURNACES 100,-ooo BTU, 10 year warranty-8119. 38 yr. $129. Fra* Installation tttt- W OFF ON ANY HEATING JOB or at least It par cant. Rr---- NOW operating from hemp little expense. Local and _____ reciprocal licensed. Over 30 years experience. A.B.C. Mtg. Call 6*2-5623. early ajn. or late r 1-A ALUMINUM-VINYL SIDING Awnings Storm Windows, PRICES) Buy Direct Pram FE 69545 JOE VALLELY OL (Satisfied customers ere V storage ti I. spread st< - - -n electric <_____ Other mlra. S3P4146 BATH SET. S’ --------- -JjlB hind Satin. Re- wra trap toilet. *79.95. O. - 3-PIECE wrw —_ _______J Thcmpeon, 7>*5 M59 W. 7 HOR5EFOWER WjsKY TRACTOR after 5:3i p.m. KEEP CARPET CLEANING PI lems small — use Blue Li wall to wall. Rant electric si pooer 51. Hudson's Hdw». 4 Walton. LOW PRICED S' BATHTUB ENCLO- GERAAAN SHORT HAIR S YEAR OR £tSS7*n, hUn,*r **" br0ten' GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPPY, f; brad, female, 6 mos. Shots wormed. 6P-25S1 Ortonvlll*. SLINGERlIaND SNARE DRUM, *45; SMALL MAHOGANY UPRIGHT BY Baldwin $290, Bundy trumpet and case *65. Used 1 school year. Both -In good condition. 6475 Weldon, Clarkston. From M15 2nd house on right.__________________ GERMAN SHORT HAIR POINTtfft tranale, 2 years old, *50. OR 3-0643. GERMAN SHgPHQAb, MALE,— weeks. 363-491* jin-—- — HOUSE I 5*10 Dixie Hwy. MEDICINE CABINETS LARGE 20" mirror, slightly marred, $3.95; large selection of cabinets with or without lights, sliding doors. Terrific buys. Michigan Fluorescent, 393 Orchard Lk. FE 6*462. MOVING - HOUSE SALE. 960 5, ----ANGELUS SHORES. SAT. 9 TO 5 ~ - PIANO LESSONS FOR BEGINNING 7jra*r» old. Owen school ~ — Offict Equipmant ”72 NECCHI PRE-OWNED In excellent condition. Zig-zagger for buttohhotost designs, stc.16 Sporting Goods NEW GREETING CARO STORE: ample parking. Greeting cards, personal atatiootry, wedding — -------------*- printed napj Drayton, OR 69767. APACHE CAMP TRAILERS - NEW 1966 modal* at used trailer prices wen dally, closed Sundays. Apachi factory hometown dealer. Bill Coll PLUMBING BARGAINS. FREE Standing toftot, $16.95. SOgallen hotter, *49.95, 3-plece bath lets *59.95. Laundry tray, trim, *19.95; shower etalle with trim 539.95, 2-bowl sink, *2.95; Lavs., *2.95; tuba, *20 and up. Pip* cut and threaded. SAVE PLUMBING CO., . Bil RbIHuiIii BB J.UU r Play. PAUL A. YOUNG, INC. Dixie Hwy. at Leon Lake Drayton Plains* OR 64411 Open Deity f A.M. to 6 P.M. __Sunday H e.m. to 4 p.m. CUSTOM MADE GUN CABINET. Hold* t. *65.451-3653, 'OWER MOWER SERVICE ________Herb'*. FE 2-1311 RAILROAD TIES, S3 EACH. FREE del. FE 54128. ________ READY MADE 3 STEP CEMENT ROBES, SWEATERS, MAN'S JACK- Gift ,Itoms’.0*Llberlii* Blili?k"m5 Dixie OR 39474. RUMMAGE SALE - FRIDAY, SEP- Church of Jos Day Saints, . Bloomfield Hill; Christ of Latter Ml Sat, from 9 to 5. day. 55*5 Elizabeth Lake Road. RUMMAGE SALE BY THE SIGMA Delta Sorority, at C.A.I. Building, MMmIhM-* , Sept. 18; from 10 FE 68695. SMSMATIN PAINTS. *WA|NIIN Supply. 267* Orchard Lak*. 6» oiTPIPE. SINGLE h6b, . S4i58. 'ig3XJ?i&L§vr*-* ANOREWS THRIFT SHOP GUNNELL'S (DOWNTOWN) 27 S. SAGINAW " REGISTERED CHIHUAHUA PUP-Ptoa,_ Toy Pox, Chihuahua, toy , whtt* poodle stud service. FE ^ jRiSolI SIAMESE CAT, 7 MONTHS OLD. mS-SS?”' ,,0‘ 430 ICbIbM> M,^>rd 1966 NIMROD CAMPERS CRUISE OUT, INC. ' ~ Walton dally M------- Auction Strftf EVERY FRIDAY ... EVERY SATURDAY EVERY SUNDAY ... Date Sets October 9 SUNDAY 3 P. Nl. Rd.,* Lake Orion. MY HI71, GOLF CARTS, 1480 VALUE. *195 Mtg. close-outs Ivd. Suimlv 50P a. nive > FE 3-7081 MATCHED HUNTING ARROWS Oono** Arotury, 116 W. Nbwn EW REMINGTON AUTOMATIC Modal 1180 — 12 gauge. Marlin 12 gauge over and under, Stevens 77C — 16 gauge pomp. Collectors Heme — Baker 12 gauge douM* with Damasquas Barrel. Forbes 4500 Dbclo Hwy. OR 3-9767. GUNS Dispersal sal* — all shotguns and rttles, Burr-Shell, 375 S. Tatograph. It Supplies—6*2-640) Or 662-0927 80 . 7:18 PJW. Heirlooms, camtrat, gi Good appllanr- *—| _ Perkins Sato i Swartz Creak PUBLIC AUCTION Sat., Sept. 10, TO a.m. ASSETS OF . UNIVERSITY BUILDERS. artist gi Winter WJWar (ne** repair) 'lank* water cooler 2 tratlerfrome* wheels ■ ' i I pickup box** 'S3 1 metal Awheel tandem '4* Ford dump (poor sh '60 Pontiac, 6dg*r' ,, , Billing machlnt rubber Hr* torna us much mor6 Pisa** attend *M* 2 hr. auction. Terms call mtMm check. , AUCTtONLAND •/ , rn»s» 0—10 THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1966 , PUBLIC AUCTION UNCLAIMED ' " CARS The above cart win be sold pur-auanl to Section 232 of (Act 300 of Public Act of IMP . (C.L. IMS Sac. 257, 2S2) SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, IMS PEARS, I VARIETIES, ALREADY ungradad. *1.75 Du. Bring JmM'iHamwiiM Bat. 31 and M Mile Rd? • AT i; I PM., SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 10 10:30 AM. „ Leonard Sutton Forth Sold MtfMliford N. of Highland Dotalls here on Thura. STAN PERKINS AUCTIONEER n ymi Swartz Creek FARM t 5 BEEN SOLD AUCTION', SATURDAY, SEPT. 10 - ______ Mr. A Mrs. Leonard A. Sutt Owners -South of Holly 769S Milford Road, 5V» mite North of Highland -FARM EQUIPMENT- Tractor, John Deere B, Roll-a-matlc, loaded, tires - Plow, John Deere 44, 2x15, hydraulic Cultivator, John Deere 200 Hydraulic Cylinder, John Deere Hay wagon and rack, Corunna 10B Drill, McCormick 11 disc Planter, John Deere 290 Spreader, New Idea 12A ' Cultlpackar, Brllllon 9 ft. Roller-Weeder Disc, John Deere 7 ft. I»«m tyiiyiBRt ' j : ■ 87 CLEARANCE SALE! CASE MODEL SC TRACTOR AND ' PTO SICKLE BAR MOWER, 1295. FARMALL CUB TRACTOR AND 12" "LOW, $795. / ~ r I CADET 7 H.P. TRACTOR. " MOWER, ELECTRIC START, WHEEL HORSE TRACTOR S H.P. WITH 36" MOWER AND ELECTRIC START, S495. ' stone Boat, 10 Cultivator, 7 to Wagon steel wl T5 H0LSTEINS 15 Holstein Heifers, IVk vol.„ — cine ted, open and ready to breed to the sire of your choice. -FEED- 200 bu Oats HOUSEHOLD and RELICS Victor Talking Machine, 7S years o Victrola and records Pine fruit sa Antique radl Pine wall cawnei Oak table Oak Commode 1966 NIMROD CAMPERS* CRUISE OUT, INC. 65 E. Walton, dally *-» FE S-441 > Atwater Kent Drop front desk Easel Drop leaf table Walnut Parlor stand Oak high chair Rocker, leather back Reed rocker Child's rocker, cane Plant stand Wash stand 4 white chairs Kitchen cabinet Washing machine, Norge Victorian comb case and m Wardrobe Oil furnace. Superflex Books Oak leaf n Quilting tr Ray, coal oil am Pressed glass China covered d Crocks to 20 gal. Tin milk cooler Iron coal shovel Flatiron bank MSS? Carpenter's plane Boot lack Family heirlooms, I ’“uSSiSbus Ing pen IjTeami Gas engine* Crayjnotor License plates* 1914 others 11314 Miller Rd., Swartz Creek 1662 r FE *441734 Pontiac at Opdyke Rd. Open all day Saturday MANY OTHERS. for Ford Tractor..MI 4-7979. k 7-3292. Home- I connections. 11250: 602- Guaranteed tor II... See them and get a demonstration at Warner Tral' ' ' w, Huron (plan to ______ M _ Wally Byam's exciting caravans). ATTENTION BQW HUNTERS HOW LUCKY CAN YOU GET Would you believe we are WMI away free a Bear Alaska bow, quiver, and V4 dozen hunting rows with the last 2 1966 Apt Buffalo Mason Hardtop campers left In stock. Complete wi“- ■" nette, sink, stove. Icebox, I screen door, and oversized ... Hurry while this offer lasts. Reg. price $1325, now only $1100. EVAN'S EQUIPMENT YOUR APACHE DEALER 6507 Dixie Hwy., Clarkston .625-1711________ BOOTH CAMPER Aluminum covers and campers tor any pickup. 4267 LaForest, Waterford. OR 3-5526. _________ Johnson's Vacation Travel Trailers 517 E. WALTON FE 4-5053 FE 441410 HOBO PICK-UP CAMPERS Dally 9 to 7 Incl. Sundays HOBO SALES 14 mi. E. of Adams, rear of LBS Plastics at 3345 Auburn Rd. UL 2-3690 or 651-3357 anytime PICKUP COVERS, $245 UP. T $■? CAMPER MFG. CO.* ... --------- 152-3334 LAST OF THE '66s Plants-Trass-Shrubs , _ _ A-l TREES - SPRUCE, FIR, Pine, Hemlock, Birch, Mugho and shade trees. You dig. your toota. “T*iaS^I mk —* — wrce Village. big spender at our lot i Low-Prices Top Quality 3 Kenskllls Left 2 Fans Lett 4 Cress 13 to 24** Left 3 Franklins 19'-23' Truck Campers S' and 10* Cree Truck Campers. Self Contained 2 Mackinaw Self Contained 2' Campmates-Executlves Check Now-Bafor* Interest rate go up Holly Travel Coach, Inc. 1210 Holly Rd. Holly ME 4-6771 ■ —Open Pally—and *—1— CLOSING OUT - EVERGREENS, shrubs, shtade trees dig your own. McNeils Nursery Entrance .Maybe* Rd. at Dixie H'way, Clarkston. it of Pontiac. Lanes Evergreen Farm, 897C 625-1922. Hobbies & Supplies <* 82 AQUARIUM 2 2C|OALL.°N TANBg. stand, heater, etc. $35. EM 3-6443. after 6 PM. __________________ OR RENT — TRAVEL AND LIVE In new motor home, self-contained sleeps 6. 363-2001: _________ NEW 16' 7 SLEEPER, HEAVILY ^■gulMifcddaal tor ggaa^aiMlito it. NA Trailer S-YEAR-OLD PALOMINO HORSE. -_________FE 2-2010-_________ ARABIAN GELIAnG. 4 YEAR OLD. pie Mare. MA 5-2470. PONY, CART, HARNESS, OTHER riding horses and cutter, reglt fared Angus cow and calf. Ml 5-1553 after 3. ___________ SPIRITED OR GENTLE HORSES Hay—Graiw-Feeu 84 CUSTOM BALING FRESH CUT MIXED HAT and 50c a bale In field. Thursday 2422 Hpsnar, Ox - Mich. Phone 620-1037 J. A. BARTLETT PEARS. MAX PROS-ser, 5361 Stlckney Rd. MA 5-3912. BARTLETT PEARSJ 5591 COOMER Rd. 662-0001. 7. FALL VACATION SPECIALS N rounded comer Truvul TruBers ^TRAILER STORAGE, $5 MONTH Your awn Insurance, 110 acres HewtraBew '_lt MOBILE HOME, NEW MOON. < August Clearance SALE \ Mark II, now $1395 -_V LIGHTNING, now $1325 NORTON 750 SCRAMBLER, Now 6 FT. ANDERSON ON LOT. FQRN. Ishad $1550. 330-3104 or $533045. ' 1955 SPENCE CRAFT $ x 42, 2 BE ----7, tastefully1 decorated, carpi on lot, reas. Call attar 6 p.n 1957 21' ALUMINUM TROTWOOD. sleeps. 4, gas NtoMtowtoi stove, electric water heater, tun batn,.i condition, SHOO, EM 341062. N FONTIACGHIEF, 10* BY 4T 1961 DETROITER SS'XIO'. 3 BED-rooms. Call *fltr 4. MY 3-1354. 1963 CREE TRAILER, LOW. FOR easy pulling, electric brakes;- » Henry Clay. .__________ 1963 PONTIAC CHIEft 19 X t SUZUKI CYCLES, 50CC-250CC. RUPP Mlnlblkes aa low as 6139.93. Taka M59 to W. Highland. Right on Hldcory Rldga Rd. to Demode Rd. Left and fellow signs to DAWSON'S SALES AT TlPSICO LAKE. Phono MAIn 9-2179. 1966 12x60 WINSOR TRAILER, bedrooms, front room, kitchen, be dinel, 6500 small down paymei FE 4-6626 attar 6 p.m. 88 SALE DAYS size values Vre lrT waltirigl tor you. Ygu oat more home In a Detroiter mobile home, 12 wldes, 3 bedrooms as little as $50.13 A wide selection of | H ‘ I. Alio different si B.ndhUL 1 -of dollars, come or : Ideal Boats -Accessories P CHEROKEE BOAT, MAI... „ Mercury^ outboard motor. $200. Call 14; switze^craft,5^vinyl tip. id?17' ?° ,hp Rvlnrude, electric Start, controls, accessories, tr7,— 0475. Call 363-S210 or 6I2-2916. ..A**"'. mercury gun typo furnace, ler, low alumln RICHAROSON-HILLCREST ACTIVE—HAMPTON—HOMETTE 5 Opdyke Rd. 332-1657 (Corner of M-59 at Opdyke) Take c FALL SALE SAVE HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS on these new and used beauties over 40 to choose from-in 5 different decors. FORESTPARK PARKWOOD HOLLYPARK i . All at reduced prices. 16 to 60 ft. long, 8 to 20 ft. wide Wo have parking spaces. Open 9 to 9 — 7 days a week MIDLAND TRAILER SALES r modem MARLETTES 50'-60' long, 12' to 20' wide. Early *—lean. Traditional m Specs available Oxford trailer-sales! OPEN 9-0, CLOSED SUNDAYS gM|toto)"Tl of Lake Orion on M24 MY 2- good condition, $44100. 464-2054. i M24, n wsln. MY WATERFORD SALES FINANCING AT ONLY 6 PER CENT GUARANTEED PARKING 6333 W. Highland Rd. *--- Airport SmWLJtoj ABC-SCHULTZ-HOLLY PARK TRAVELO-RICHARDSON BELVEDERE-HAMPTON May be seen at: Sun-Air Mobile Sales GRAND OPENING SALE Deals ef a lifetime being made plus several extra* mi. udlng skirting) A SPECIALS I ..FLOOR ‘ “ .12 x 60, II on site, completely be lived In. IM49 .... IMMEDIATE .OCCUPANCY AVAIL-■ ABLE IN BEAUTIFUL Sun-Air Estates between Howell end Brighton close to 1-96 end US 23 interchange 6601 W/Grand River, Brighton Su^y1?2,noon*to,7Pp!m. - Phone: 227-1461 ti£zy RENT-A-CYCLE BY THE HOUR, DAY OR WEEK. New Yemete 50, 00 end twl- Rates cheaper then owning. RIOA-RfNTA CYCLE ........ jr. , SUZUKI DEMOS B USED CYCLES $100 AND UP TUK0 SALES INC. 73 E. AUBURN — ROCHESTER Bicycles Deluxe Touring, $50. 626-3391. (•FIBERGLASS RUNABOUT. Good corn). $300. FE 5-0276. 14' ALUMINUM FISHING BOAT, 16 horse, new trailer, Vi of original price. Only $350. EM 3-6443 after 5' FIBERGLAS BOAT, JOHNSON 35^-electrlc h.p. starter, trailer Mrd^^TT/ij4’23 ^lndla,e- Beat ««— »-■— FE B3394. 14' SEA RAY 700 DELUXE. 1963, 75 • ••ectromatlc Johnson motor, 3J&5 *h W' Ex,r**' 0R ’ CI2&S.CRAFT' 220 HORSBPOW-er, 5006 Leroy, Cass Lk. Woods. _ CABIN CRUISER, SLEEPS > lead and sink, 50 Evlnrudo,^M "">■ EM 3-2863. 45 MPH SKI BOAT Excellent 14' Speed Liner, loaded with access., 80 h.p. Mercury motor, 3 ektra tops, skis, ropes, belts and trailer Included. $1200. prices. 3660 Dixie Hwy. Open 8 i -'•‘night. OR 3-1544 BOAT DOCKS, BOAT a HORSE MOTOR AtlD trailer, $250, 887-4985, “CLEARANCE! 1965 Models Now on Display m____ Pontiac Only MERCURY-MERCRUISER DEALER CRUISE-OUT, INC. 63 E. Walton Open 9-6 FE 04402 CURATECH 10*. ALUMINUM, CAB-ln cruiser, sleeps 2, marine tlolet P|u> "ijny accessories, 75 h.p. Scott tilt trailer, $1695 or best of- DEMO USED ANg^^„w„, a of season sale. Have to make l tor 1967 stock. Inboards, 16' ____ Savings ,r .. °P*J Friday, Saturday and Monday; 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. Sunday 11-5. Mlchlgon Turbo Craft, 2527 Dixie ^Hl^hv^ay, Pentlac, 673- DAWSON'S SPECIALS - USED 15' Duo fiberglass run-a-bout, horns, speedometer, 1964 40 h.p. Evlnrude, ■ NEWII 1966 AMF Ski Evlnrude boats and motors, Orum-man canogs, Kayot pontoons, Pam-co trailers. Take M-59 to W. Highland, right on Hickory Ridge Rd. to Demode Rd. left and follow signs to DAWSON'S SALES AT TlPSICO LAKE. Phone m 9-2179. Rent Trailer Space PIONEER CAMPER SALES Auto Accessories CHROME WHEELS CITY TIRE 508 N. PERRY NEW LOCATION For Stachlers (1 mile west of our old address) 21,000 sq. ft. blacktop INSPECT CENTURY-MALLARD -TAG-A-L0NG SAG§- All self : ALL MALLARDS AND SAGE SPECIALLY PRICED . . REDUCED TO SELL HOURS: MONDAY THRU FRIDAY 9:00 a.m. to 0:00 p.m. SATURDAY 9:00 a.m. to S:00 p.m. CLOSED ALL DAY SUNDAY. TOM STACHLER AUTO AND MOBILE SALES Highland Rd~M-59, FE 2-4920 3771 RENTALS - 15 FT. AND 16 Brand new self contained models , ot travel trailers. Holly Travel Coach, Ihc., 15210 N. Rd., Holly, ME 4-6771. Of days a weak.__________• $$$ Save $$$ Pickup campers, convertible, 15' and 16' trailers. More than 20 unit* to choose from. Discounts on all units. 24", 30" and 34 " Reas* i HOWLAND 3245 Dixie ►. Open 9 a. BoOD ORCHARD. BARTLETT prar^^applas, plums. 2330 Clark- MY 3-1961, or MY >6663. Middle-- ton Orchards, 1510 Predmore Rd., Lake Orion. Bating potatoes, .asoi oriqn- Clarkston Read, end Bekt "- ^- Blberta TRAVEL WITH THESE QUALITY LINES— Luxury In a BOLES AERO,-30-35’ FROLIC, 1A24'—BEE LINE, 13-36' YUKON DELTA, 17-34' "THE red Barn" Jacobson Trailer Sales > williams Lake Rd. or >5 WOLVERINE TRUCK CAMPERS and sleepers. New and used, $395 up. Also rentals. Jacks, totereenr telescoping, bumpers, lad-dtr racks. Lowry Camptr Salts, 13! t Hospital Road, Union Lafc M 3-3681. Spar*, lira carriers.;/ STORAGE Inside boat and motor storage. Close-outs on all '66 boats and motors. PAUL A. YOUNG, INC. ‘ Dixie Hwy. at Loon Late Drayton Plains OR 4-0411 Open Dlaly 9 A.M. to I Sunday 10 a.m. to i 1966 TRIUMPH 650 CC I nevllle, TT. 600 actual miles. S U| “' Rutgers. PE S-7191. 1962 HARLEY 74, SACRIFICE, I HARLEY SPORTSTER fender and baffles. $595 or c ■h helmet. 4753941. 1966 HONDA F-90. BLUE, otd. Exc. condition. Plus and Insurance. *325 or bet 363-9497. 14 SS0 SUZUKI, SHARP. I 1966 HONDA CB 140. 3 _______________ Exc. condition. Best Otter OL 2-2754 1944 SUZUKI. MUST SACRIFICE FE+anr 766 YAAMHA 10ft $375. 1965 HAI ley SO, $125. MA 5-169$, 4905 Mohawk, Clarkston.___________ A-l SHAPE, t» HONDA, 1965, REA-soneble, FE 4-3214. FOR SALE: [U TRIUMPH 650 CC Bv Kate Osann New and Used! Can til Thinking Sports Car? DUR VOLUME SALES allow us to sell tor lessI We at* the authorized dealer -tor AUSTIN HEALEY, S U N B E A M, FIAT end MORGAN. 50 Nbw and Used Reedy For Immedldte Delivery New Car Warranty. Pull Price BANK FINANCING EASY TERMS Grimaldi IMP0RTED CAR CO. 00 Oakland Ave._FE 5-9431 7W 1942 BLUE SEDAN, EXCEL-lent rubber, runs fin*. Sacrlttc* 1943 BUICK t DOOR, SPBC1AL, —Ight stick. Cab be ' "lu^kTauto 1940 W. Wto# Tr* • m4 6r NIL to. T^. h*. UA te OK “But, Mother, I’m UNEASY when my room is heat!” ! t TRl PACER,, GOOD CONDI-on, fresh periodic, full panel, “ T-3 radio, $4500 Bl™ ““ r. Phone SW 34254. Wanted Cart»Trpcb 101 EXTRA EXTRA Dollars Paid FOR THAT EXTRA Sharp Car "Check the rest, then get the beet" at Averill AUTO SALES ■9070 2020 Dixie FE HELP! We need 300 sharp Cadillacs. .... tlacs, Olds and Buicks tor out* state market. Top dollar paid. MANSFIELD AUTO SALES 1104 Baldwin Ava. ---- FE M83S New and Used Trucks 103 1964 CHEVY to TON TRUCK. Original owner. $1235. FE 2-3832. 1964 GMC to-PICKDP CAMPER truck, 4-speed, power brakes, 555 $■ Saginaw, FE 2-9000. 1964 FALCON RANCHERO PICKUP. 1965 FORD 94-TON PICKUP. Posi-tractlon, 4-speed transmission, heavy luty springs and shocks, 100 per lent warranty .. .$1,495 Autobahn -MOTORS, INC. AUTHORIZED VW DEALER to mile north of Miracle Mile 1765 S. Telegraph FE 8-4531 MORE MONEY Paid For Sharp Cars need hundreds of sharp cars to fill out-state orders, and to sto< GALE McANNALLY'S Auto Sales 1304 Baldwin FE >4535 from Pontiac State Bank FORD 1962 to TON. I PAYMENTS TOO HIGH? .to buy or will adjust your »* ments to Jess expensive a STOP HERE. LA§T We pay more for sharp, late moi el cars. Corvettes needed. M&M MOTOR SALES Now at our new location 1150 Oakland at Viaduct 338-9261 - —- VLCwn U3CU UnKj GLENN'S FB 4-7371 WANTED G _ JH P,1 . CARS-CASH Opdyke Hardware ______ Jwik Can-Tracks 2 AND 3 101-A .JUNK CARS—TRUCKS, — ..w anytime. FE >346e. ■ AND, 10 JUNK CARS - TRl ■ree tow. OR 3-2938. ALWAYS BUYING JUNK CARS MUjjwnOr ‘ Ft >994$. COPPER, BRASS RADIATORS, BAT-ttorters, generators. C. Dlx-° 3-5849. < CARS AND TRUCKS. FREE I Auto-Track Parts 102 ANNUAL SALE Save now on new '46 boats, Johnson Motors and diving Air-Buoys, Pontoons, Water Sklls, Swim Rafts. Lay-A-Way tor Christmas Gifts Now I l PINTER'S 170 Qpdyte 9-6 cp a (1-75 at Oakland Ui INSIDE WINTER BOAT STORAGE. Mate reservations now. Kan's Boats & Motors. Lika Orlpn. MY S.1XMI nu. —i—k gniy. MICHIGAN TURBOCRAFT SALES, INC. 27 Dixie Hwy. — Pontiac OWENS ALL NEW 1967 Models on Display TRADE NOW FALL DISCOUNT Lake $ Sea'Marina Woodward 8. South Blvd. FE 4-951 Only 4 Lone Star, 1—Glasstron,\. MFG Boat. Bto Discounts o< malnlng Boats I -Alum, and Flberglas Canoes, SIS,. 19* CENTURY with Gray Marine 140 outboard. Save 8$. * CUFF DREYERS (Marine Division) 15210 Holly Rd. Holly ME 44771 Open Dally and Sundays TERRIFIC DISCOUNT ON ALL boats, canoes, pontoons and ir ' motors. 30 years repair experlei Your Johnson's Outboard Mi Dealer. ■ Tony's Marine Service 2695 Orchard Late Rd. '682-3640 WINTER STORAGE SERVICE , Motors tuned, boats repaired Phone In yr-------------- 11 at Pontiac Atonlclpal Airport. prizes. We'll bt looking t LEARN TO FLY-BRAND NEW Boechcratt Mwkitaars at ADI—Pontiac—674-0441, WO 34414 DON'S USED CARS SMALL AD-BfG LOT ' 70 CARS TO CHOOSE. FROM 1945 VW BU$ 4-speed, tinted glass, exc. condition, 12,080 actual milts, white. 1966 FpNTIAC Catalina 24oer hardtop, auto, with double power, radio, heater, white- Mwr^Md^ Meed Coity \ Itt I960 CHIVY. BISCAYNE. 7-DOOR, 'irto. Whitewalls. Fully emriaped. ery good condition. Call 33M08I tiffin GM (Owner's im 'Dale McAnnally's____IPRP 1964 Rlvleras, two to choose from Aulwnatlc ■ transmission, power (tearing and brakes. Both low mlle-> ago cart. 2-yeer warrer'" $2395 I960 CHEVY STATION WAGON, r. OrVsW. Across from Pontiac State Bank 1965 Buick Skylark Convertible with VI engine, automatic, bled vinyl Interior, Mack finish, only - $2095 BEATTip "Your FORD DEALER Since 1930" 1957 CADILLAC, WHITE FLEET-wood, new paint, 1957 Cadillac con-vertlble, black, 363-9462. dnlght b IBVY 677 S. LAPEER RD. MYk2-2041 1959 BUICK. $225. GOOD CONDI- Oakland 1965 GMC i-ton pick-up. Enclosed flbergl aver, 13,000 miles. Almost I I rand new. Priced to eeHl ROSE* RAMBLER-JEEP EM 3-4155 GLENN'S Heavy Duty One-Ton Pickups 4 speed, .V6 end V0, heavy du< springs, tires, 1960-1964 GMps and FORDS $695 up 34 other used trucks to select from all maket and models Easy Terms. ASK FOR TRUCK DEPT. -FE 54101 John McAuliffe Ford 277 West Montcalm Ava. (I block E. of Oakland Ave.) LARGE SELECTION OF PICKUPS, vans, stake, tractors, tandems In stock. New and used at JEROME FORD Rochester's Ford Dealer, TRUCKS All Series In Stock JEROME FORD Rochester Ford Dealer - 0L 13711 1965 BUICK SKYLARK. 330 Wildcat engine. V4 automatic, excellent condition. Call otter 5 p.m. CORVETTB, m PON+IAC EN- |»ISS3Mf- STAR AUTO Walk In-Driva Out l I960 ChevroM Station wagon, $297. No money down, pay $11M weekly. Cell-« 338-9661 , 962 Oakland I960 CORVAIR, GOOD TIRES, MOT-tor.^dlck. 4 dr. 337 N. Saginaw, STAR AUTC We will finance a 1961 CheydWt' station wagon. No Money Down, $497 full price. Cell— 338-9661 962 Oakland Avenue JW-glMP. ct \ CYLINDER S ESTATE STORAGE 109 S. East Blvd. 1955 CADILLAC. BEST OFFER. STAR AUTO REPOSSESSION Take over payments of $6.41 ly tor.lOOOBulck. • HAROLD TURNER ford, mr. 464 S. WOODWARD AVE. BIRMINGHAM • Ml 4-7500 962 Oakland Avenue 1965 CADILLAC COUPE DEVILLE, • ” power, air, excellent condl-$3795. 6564170._______________________L $1005. AM 4-5241. 1963 Buick 4-D00R SEDAN radio, heater, automatic, power steering, brakes, only— $1395 HOMER HIGHT Motors Inc, On M24 In Oxford 0A 8-2528 1963 BUICK Riviera sport coupe. Full power, extra sharp. Only $49 down and weekly payments of $13.44. HAROLD TURNER FORD, INC. GLENN'S 1963 Buick LeSabrt, 4 door, hart top, full power with tinted glass. Real sharp. L. C. Williams, Salesman 952 W. Huron St. _ CADILLAC SEDAN DeVlLLE, air, dark blue, hardtop. $2765. Call 852-1265. - " JEROME AlHanoutelnc. Chevrolet-Buick Late Orion . MY 2-2411 1957 CORVETTE, 327, 2 4-BARREL, 4 spaed, 458 posi-tractlon, slicks, traction bars, mags, metal flake i CHEVY HARDTOP, . 301 EN-Ine, 4 speed with quads. Best War over $400. MY 3-6734, STAR AUTO TRANSPORTATION SPECIAL We will finance a 1958 Chevy station wagon. $197. No money down. Call— 338-9661 962 Oakland Avenue 1959 CHEVY BEL-AIR 4 DOOR, hardtop. Automatic, power steer-g00^ Needs 674-3710 _______________ ... CHEVROLET STATIOL. wagon. $397 full price. Can be purchased with no mo— J— LUCKY AUTO 1940 W. Wide Tra<_ FE 4-1006 or FE >7054 161 BEL, AIR CHEVY, Hardtop. $450. 332-0069. 1 CHEVY, BISCAYNE. 2 DOOR. STAR AUTO REPOSSESSION Take over payments of $350 wet ly tor a 1961 Chevrolet. No Mon Down. Call— 338-9661 962 Oakland Avenue CHEVY WAGON. RADIO, tr, V-» Auto. Transmission. > Real Sharp. $595. 338- ESTATE ; STORAGE: DOWNEY ’ OLDSMOBILE, INC. 1084 OAKLAND 338-0331, i 1962 CORVAIR MONZA WITH AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION, RADIO AND HEATER AND WHITEWALL TIRES, ABSOLUTELY. NO MONEY DOWN, Assume weekly payment M M" • CALL CREDIT M Parks at HAROLD FORD, Ml 4-7500. 1963 CHEVROLET IMPALA 2-DOOR power steering, power brakes, solid black and extra crean. $1,195 at JEROME FORD, Rochester's Ford Dealer, OL 1-9711. 1963 CORVETTE CONVERTIBLE. | speed. Exc. condition. Ex-,1 4-7072.____________ STAR AUTO We will finance a 1963 Chevy II. $597. No money down, pay $7.00 weekly. Call— > 338-9661 • 962 Oakland Avenue SMITH'S 1963 Chevrolet station wagon with VB engine, automatic transmission, turquoise with matching In-< terlor, only $1095 full price. 462 N. Perry Street FE 44241 or FE 44751 1963 FORD TRI-POWER, 35! $95. Also Dodge dual c rplet 327 tri-power. 390 _ it, earn, wilds, aluminum > H. Auto Sties. OR Forelgw Cars “105 1959 AUSTIN HEALY Equipped with 4-speed transmission. Reel sharp! Only $49 (town and weekly payments of $1154. HAROLD TURNER FORD, INC. 464 S. WOODWARD AVE. BIRMINGHAM___Ml 4-7500 CHEVY 203 AND PARTS, 550. CHEVY - FORD- COMET" FALCON 6-cyl., factory rebuilt motors. — cen Install. Terms. Other m New and Used Tracks 103 to GMC I960, EQUIPPED TO IQ, camper. 673-3912.__________ '64 CHEVROLET to-TON PICK-UP Phone 673-0203.1 1957 GMC S YARD SINGLE AXLE dump truck. Good cond., 63H629. 1958 CHEVY to TON, 4 SPEI transmission, VI motor, good she $325. 473-3033. il FORD C-050 WITH 150" WHEEL wse and 477 engine, 5-speed trans-nlsslon and 2-speed axle. Heavy 1961 FORD F-000 DEMPSEY DUMP- star VI, 5-speed tre-- 3-speed axle, heavy out. Factory true*, jekume FORD, Rochester's Ford Dealer, 4 WHEEL DRIVE, .. . rdt Camper Sales, 3411 -te Rd. 333-1— 1942 INTERNATIONAL TRACTOR "345" V8 engine with 4-speed transmission and Bipeed axle. Air over hydraulic brakes, 9Wx20' '4-ply tires. Like new. JEROME FORD, R— ------- —■— ------ __OL1-9711. JEEP, to TON PICKUP, heel drive. 6* cycl. overhead cat 500uCall after 5, 642-5404, , ---------C-000 TRACTOR.________ engine with 5-speed transmission end 2-speed axle: Heavy duty throughout. Full *iW|---- —— FORD F-350 1-TON______________ ' with 4-speed transmission. ■ —ner like new. JEROME FORO, Rochester's Ford Dealer- OL 1-9/11. 1963 GMC V-6 AUTO. up. Large box. Ready to go $1095. Evan's Equipment. 650* Dixie Hwy. *•—*“-*. 485-1711. 1 FORD ECONOUN8 PICKUP. box. 1963 Chevrolet VI FE 4-1006 . or 1960 PEUGEOT SEDAN. SUPER SALE PRICE, ECONOMY SPECIAL. ABSOLUTELY NO MONEY DOWN, As- 1961 VW SUNROOF WITH RADIO AND HEATER AND WHITEWALL TIRES, THIS * ONE IS A NICE GAS SAVING "Bug", ABSOLUTELY NO MONEY DOWN. Assume weekly payments ot $6.06. CALL CREDIT MGR. Mr. Parks at HAROLD TURNER FORD, Ml 4-7500. 196$ MW. SUN ROOF. RADIO, HEAT 1963 VW 2 DOOR, RADIO, HEATER, Oakland ■TRIUMPH SPITFIRE, ONE or. UL >4743. ____________ H964 VW, GREEN, PRIVATE OWN- Wi! JAGUAR XKE COUPE. CHROME wire. New Paint. Exc. condition. Pirelli tires. Days " ‘ “ Evenings, 493-1430. LLOYD 1965 OPEL KADET No money down. Full Price. $945 Lloyd Motors 1250 OAKLAND 333-7863 QUALITY COUNTS 1966 Pontiac Hardtop Ing, automatic temperature control, black cordovan tap, red finish end whitewalls. Many, many $1500 Discount 1965 Pontiac Catalina Venture 2-Door Hardtop. Fonteln 'blue with black cordovan top and matching blue trim, automatic, power steering and brakes, radio, Jheater, whitewalls, EZ eye glass. $2395 1965 Catalina Convertiblo With meyfelr maize finish, black top, black trim, 12,000 miles, radio, heater, power steering and brakes, whitewall*. Only— $2395 1965 Pontiac Convertibls Catalina with Ivory finish, blue top, blue trim, automatic, radio, heater, power steering and brakes. $2395 1965 Pontiac Catalina Light blue finish, matching trim, 15,000 miles, automatic, power steering and brakes, whttewrelts. Sharp all $2295 1963 Pontiac Catalina Hardtop 2-Door. Ventura trim, power steering and brake* automatic, whltewmlls, gleaming midnight blue finish and matching trim. Only— $1495 1962 Pontiac Star Chief 4-Door Sedan with a beautiful goW finish- nruitrhinn trim, aiifcv matte, p .whitewalls. Locally $995 1963 Pontiac Star Chief 4-Door Hardtop. Vista with automatic, powsr steering and brakes, whitewalls. Ths unit hat a beautiful let Mack finish. Only- $1395 1964 Pontiac ’* Bonneville 4-Door Hardtop. Guar-" ictual miles and Is a one-This Is e car you must . ■ appreciate. Has all ths right equipment,) with automatic transmission, radio, heater, power steering and brakes. Only— $1895 1964 Pontiac Bonneville pas 2-Door Hardtop with blue finish, matching matte,-------'— , whitewalls. Vary snorp gnruwiW, „ * $1895 1964 Pontiac Bonneville 4-Door Hardtop. Beautiful light blue with matching Interior, 23,-000 actual mllei. Power steering $1895 1962 Chevy Bel-Air finish, matching r $795 1966 Pontiac 2-Door Hardtop. Beautiful light green finish, black cordovan to*, match-factory air oondF walla, EZ eye gleet, many extras. $3395 19^2 Rambler Wagon . Classic, automatic, radio, heater, big economy 4-cyL whitewalls run* and drives real good) $695 1964 Pontiac Catalina 4-Door Hardtop. Light green finish,. matching trim, one Owner, tow mileage,. power steering and brakes, whitewalls. Only— $1795 1963 Rambler American Station Wagon. A reel economy lewel. White finish $595 1964 Bonneville 2-Door Hardtop. Light blue finish with matching trim, automatic transmission, radio, heater, power steering and brakes, whitewalls. 21,888 actual miles. $1995 1965 VW 2-Door Lika Economy? Try this one on tor size. Has 4-speed trenemte- $1495 tow mileage, power steering and brakes, whitewalls. Only— $1795 1966 Pontiac Bonneville Convertible. Finish Is meyfelr maize with white top, $3195 1963 Pontiac 2-Door Hardtop - with a sparkling light adua finish, matching interior, automatic radio, heater, power •tearing and brakes, whitewalls, one owner and was owned locally! $1595 1964 Pontiac Catalina 4-Door Sedan. Light aqua, matching trim, automatic radio, heater, power steering and brakes, whitewalls. $1695 1961 Ford Golaxie 3-Door, guaranteed one owner, actual miles, spare never used, automatic v-g, radio, healer, whitewalls. Only— $695 Ask for Pat Jarvis - Ken Johnson - Pontiac - Rambler On M24 in Lakt Orion MY 3-6266 V i ' Nbw —d IhM Cg» 10| NwwdlWCw 1» ^ «W*|jl MOKEA BPtOfUL a 1963 CHEVY whN.^«^1S Fiw^S*’.. , Chevys famous thrifty, six cyl. $897 ilt me* "Ask tor The Dodge Good Guys Spartan Dodge *55 Oakland Ava. «*, 4 Mile N. ef Cast -- FE flfi - . LLOYD , . $1395 Lloyd Motors 1250 OAKLAND , 333-7863 SMITH'S* >1944 Chevrolet Blscayne 2-door 4 cylinder and automatic _. most Ilka now, only $1095 full prlca. 462 N. Parry Street FE 4-4241 or FE 4-4751 on&rr»*it» steering, 9 New and Itod Carl 111 TH% POffTIAO JPBKSS, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1961 Crissman Chevrolet Jog «t south Him ROCHESTER , q(. %yf%[ CHBVY IMPALA 2 DOOR IMF John McAullfto Ford 1965 Chevy . 2-Door Sedan trlth brown flrtlshr, whitewalls, chroma wheals, VI engine, only *99 Down, Finance Balance Only- ■$1488 "It only takes a minute to Get a MB6TTER DEAL' at" John McAuliffe Ford 30 Oakland Ava. . ' FE 5-410 PRICES SLASHED 1965 Chevy Impale 2-Door Hardtop. Po\ steering, automatic, V-*, I $1895 1964 Buick 4-Door Hardtop. Power steering and brakes. Now only— $1495 ' 1962 Buick : Convertible. Invicta with automatic power steering and power brakes. Only— $1095 1964 Chevy $1145 1964 Buick LeSabre 4-Door. Silver with a black top. power steering and brakes, automatic. Only— $1495 W 1965 Jeep Ma>k IV with snow plow. Now $1795 1964 Chevy $895 1963 Ford $850 1965 Buick Wildcat Custom 4-Door Hardtop. 4-way power, automatic, new car warranty. Only— $2395 1966 Buick $2900 DOUBLE CHECKED USED CARS OLIVER m BUICK 196-210 Orchard Lake FE 2-9165 ■ Los Bniwto MffdBO. IMS CHEVY. SjjPER SPOUT.-4744741 * SMITH'S 1944 Chevrolet Impale Super sport 3- 444 S. WOODWARD AVK. BIRMINGHAM -. Ml 4-7500 LLOYD L 1966 MUSTANG * *49 down. Full Fries. v $2066 ; Lloyd Motorjs 1250 OAKLAND 333-7863 NEW 1944 THUNDERBIRD, . _ „ 1944 JEEP WAGONEER. 4 wheal drlvn. Warn hubs, jrans. H,.w duty efu unit i Sts fen Baukus at — Autorama REPOSSESSION - 1963 MERCURY. Monterey 4 door, full powe Money Down, ».|7 weekly Mr. Mason at FE 5-4101 McAl 1963 MERCURY f "toy to* ride and style of a Juxury car . tor a very Modest Price? This lovfly .blue breezewev sedan has automatic, and two power for your driving ease. $897 ■* Full Price "Ask for The Dodge Good Guys In the White^Het" Spartan Dodge CALIENTE _________vb ENGINE, AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION, POWER STEERING. ABSO- 1964 COMET WAGON, CLOSE-OUT HEEGO Pontiac-GMC-Tempest "Same location 50 Ysars" KEEGO HARBOR 965 MERCURY PARKLAWi 4 door, o cylinder automatic, full power. Breezeway window. A factory Executives car. Fantastic Sayings on this car at JEROME FORD, Rochesfers Ford Dealer. ESTATE STORAGE 1965 MUSTANG , I Convertible. White top, almost like; new condition, low miles. Only $49 down and weakly payments ot *13.44. .. HAROLD TURNER FORD, INC. 444 *. WOODWARD AVE. BIRMINGHAM "• MUST DISPOSE OF - 1965 MUS-TANG 2-door hardtop, VI, — —N* Ito money down. Mr. Murphy at I eklv. Call II, McAull IMF John McAullfto Ford 1963 Ford GalaxiB 4-Door wl*h *,ra engine red tlnl matching Interior, bid 250 HP ' with economy stick shift. Only : down, Finance Balance of Only— $699 s£5 takes a minute to Get a 'BETTER DEAL' a?' John McAuliffe Ford 0 Oakland Ava. fe 5-a 1965 FORQj «,u«n. Automatic transmlsslor Sale prlcedl Only S49 down an u*ekly payments of $13.44.' HAROLD TURNER FORD, INC. 464 S. WOODWARD BIRMINGHAM Ml 4-7500 CADILLACS 196S CADILLAC ................... ......................$445 D0WN Coupe DeVlllt. Maroon, full power, air conditioning 1965 CADILLAC ...................................$445 DOWN Sedan DeVille. Beautiful brown, full power, air conditioning 1965 CADILLAC ................... ‘ Convsrtlble. Light green with white top, sir conditioning 1964 CADILLAC ................................. ...............,....$345 DOWN «, Coupf DeVills. Medium blus finish, full power 1964 CADILLAC ..................................$345 DOWN Sedan DsVIlla, grey-green finish, toll power 1961 CADILLAC .................... Sedan Devllle. Gold finish, full i ..$445 DOWN ..$345 DOWN FROM mama OF BIRMINGHAM (Ask for Norm Danielson) 1350 NORTH WOODWARD PHONE Ml 4-1930 BLE. EQUIPPED with POWER AND BUCK- LuAi^Vo^'o^ DOWN, Assume weekly pey- - --- f $11.44. CALL CRED- | ill “-J-- gt --T-RHL .UK 4-7500. 1943 FORD OALAXlt 500, 3to Wd, sharp. Going to Viet Nat... 1963 FORD CONVERTIBLE VI, A-*-"wtlc, radio, heater, power steer-•nd power brakes. Extra etoan; 195 at JEROME FORD, Rochl tr»s Ford Dealer. OL lVn 1«3 FALCON CONVERTIBLE. VI ENGINO, AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION, MMfel 5S’cWSr«?,.1i*: Perks at HAROLD TURNER gMf'l 4-7500. FORD, M 1044 ^THUNDERBIRD WITH All* »rtth*rturquo!sa toathar Interior. Almost IDw new. ‘ STATE WIDE AUTO OUTLET 1944 FALCON. CONVERTIBLE. I ge^joor awn. Radto, Uar, 1944 FORD FAIRLANE 4 PASSEN-’ wagon, pewsr steering brakes, vary clean *1J95 1966 DEMOS AND FACTORY CARS WE MUST SELL THESE CARS BEFORE THE ARRIVAL OF THE 1967 MODELS 1966 RIVIERA,......................$3888 With air eohdltlonlng and custom trim, MOt actual miles ■ > . 1966 LsSABRE ..................,. $2788 1966 ELECTRA .... 4-Door £sr. Full p $2538 1966 SPECIAL .................$2588 4-Ooor hardtop, equipped with power steering and brakes, approdmatoty 57000 .miles, 1966 SKYLARK ................$2788 4‘0b#r ta"*B«ufi!!rrviSyr5&br*k" 1966 LbSABRE ........... . . $2788 & - DOUBLE CHECK--USB) CARS- 554 S. Woodward St 100% FINANCING On Credit Approval With a. , NO DELAY—EVEN IF. YOU HAVE: Good Credit - Bad Credit - No Credit - Refused Credit WE FINANCE: \ SOmB of tha NicBSt Cars in Town • 50, Pricod Undor $995, to ChoosB From . WOW! LOOK AT THESE- 1963 1962 . . 1960 1961 FORD Galaxie "500" Hardtop. Beautiful CORVAIR ‘ Monza. 4-spead transmission, ra- FORD Convertible, (-cylinder engine. CHEVY Hardtop, t-cytinder angina, auto- let black finish. Sts It todayl $1095 $11.32 Weekly dio, heater, black finish. $295 *3,32 Weekly automatic, bright red finish. $195 $3.32 Weekly matic transmission, radio, hoator. $595 *4.32 Weekly 1962 1961 • 1963 1957 BUICK T-BIRD TEMPEST CHEVY Skylark Convartlble. tcyllndar. •-cylinder engine, automatic transmission, power. Real Sharp! ' LeMans. a-cyllnder angina, automatic transmission, radio, heater. Hardtop, (-cylinder angina and standard transmission. See this ~$895- *9.32 Ptoakiy $695 tIM Weekly $795 . tt.32 weekly $195 *2.32 weakly 1960 1961 1962 1961 PONTIAC FORD PONTIAC PONTIAC Cenvertlbto. * S-cylihOer ( engine, automatic, radio, heater and eowqr. , 2-Door Hardtop. Equipped with radio, heater end automatic .transmission. i . . T 7) JtQoor. Equipped with radio and heater. Sharp all the way! j i 2-Door Sports Coup*, t-cydndar engine, automat)^ radio,. heater. 1 $19f $495 $595 $895, *2.32 Weekly 15,32 Weekly $*.32 Weekly *9.32 Weakly CREDIT AUTO SALES 125 Oakland Ave. (at Wide Track Dr.) FE 2-9214 •/ m&t*' HewNIMCeh IN New Mi Used Cm THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1966 , SPECIAL wpjtkpjJ convertible/ ism- 1961 01* 2-Door , • ESTATE STORAGE Suburban ■ Olds USED CAR CLEAN UP 1962-'63.'64'65-'66 New Car Trade-Ins MUST BE SOtD To Make Room for 1967 Trade-Ins ■* $1797 The Dodge Good Guys the White Hat" Spartan Dodge ,. 2 Year Warranty 635 S. Woodward Ave. Birmingham 647^5111 SMITH'S 1942 Olds. Cutlass convertible Mil y* angina, automatic transmit •Ion. power brakes, power steering, this one will be sacrificed, make us an offer.* 462 N. Perry Street FE 4-4241 or FE 4-4?51 °fdays°a' ■ *k9 1*42 OLDS 8* CONVERTIBLE, RED i top, 1 ---------- Tan be su... I Standard Service, 2065 v 1965 OLDS ilng^Jor an^ex $2197 Full Frlce "Ask for The Dodge Good Guys" in the White Hat" Spartan Dodge Its Oakland A... it to Mile N. of Cass Ave.) FE 8*528 1945 OLDS 442. 4, SPEED, POSI-traction. Extras. SI150. 474-2412. Plymouth station wagon 1959 1963 PLYMOUTH t Fury VMMM matte power, steering ■>■■, «• top In excellent condition, rad heater. Apple red with white and matching Interior. Ids School Car and Inexpensive to orate. Priced for the Student. $1295 BIRMINGHAM CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH ~ —■—------ “II 7-3214 S750, FE 5-5444. $987 Full Pries nr The Dodge In the White 1 Spartan Dodge Full Price "Ask ter The Dodge Good Guys FE 5-4528 1963 PLYMOUTH VS, automatic, 4 door, whitewa tires, Malesttc Gold with maMW Interior. Exceptionally Clei throughout. Runs real good. Ida 2nd car and budget priced. Bank $895 BIRMINGHAM CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH 540 S. Woodward SMITH'S 1943 Plymouth aMHon wagon VI engine, automatic Irens slon, a real idea car. Save. 462 N. Perry Street FE 44241 or FI 44751 5 days a 1964: Plymouth Fury Hardtop 2 door with VI automatic, steering, rose finish, Only — •$1495 BEATTIE OR 3-1291 1945 BARRACUDA, GOLD, 4 Cash Lew, Want to Go? It you hevs e lob end sso c old car. I can put Mil In I phone.0 if 585-4000. IMF' hn-McAuHffe Ford 1965 Barracuda '$1677 1965 Plymouth sis snappy red Belved jjardtop^and ^get thy year, Torquefllte ' WE WILL TAKE ANYTHING of value — boater melon, frolle end t as pert., payment — tor. ca SMITH'S ■ontll JM Teel buyToniy"ssts’tuii I X 462 N. Perry Street . FE 44241 or, FE'44751 9 to 9 5 days e 1941 PONTIAC STATION WAGON _________1447 fill pried. LUCKY AUTO . » wide Track FE 4-1004 or , - FE 5-7154 1941 PONTIAC VENTURA HARD- ranty others won't have HI next year, Torquefllte "303" VI erJ contrasting black all-vinyl Inttrloi 1966 PLYMOUTH Sport Fury "383" engine, 4 full factory power, only 3000 miles. Officials car withTtfllRIIIi able 501000 mils Warranty. Jet Mack with red Interior, bucket seats. Savs over $1,000. Bank Financing. Full price only ■ $2595 BIRMINGHAM chrysler-plymoOth SO S. Woodward , Ml 7-3214 1966 Barracuda V8, Automatic with radio, heater, whitewalls, burgundy finish, black Interior. $2395 Oakland NO ONE WALKS HOME We will finance a 1959 Pont convertible. 0197. Call— . % STAR AUTO 962 Oakland Avenue ' 338-9661 WOULD YOU BELIEVE It's You We Want THE WISE BUYER WHO WANTS TO SAVE MONEY these cash prices — < _______Me at bank rates — no needed with references. Pontiac Hardtop ........ 1 1940 Chevy li 1941 Chevy 1943 Chevy ( 1959 Chevy 2 1941 Ford VI 2-doc 1940 Ford Moor, I 1959 Mercury mom COMPACTS 1*62 Corvalr 4-spd..... 1943 Ford Falrlano ...I m| Rambler wagon ...... OPDYKE MOTORS GET SMART-BUY FOR LESS 2230 Pontiac Rd. at Opdyka ■---* FE 8-92 STAR AUTO GO FIRSJ CLASS! lance, no money down, 8597. Pay 15.80 weekly. Call- 338'9661 962 Oakland Avenue Oakland STAR AUTO Four Star Special >1 Pontiac Bonneville 2-door h op. 8497. Pay $8.20 weakly. Call 338-9661 962' Ookland Avenue NO CREDIT PROBLEM CAR PRICE 1941 PONTIAC 1942 FORD 500 ...... 1941 OLDS hardtop .... 1954 LINCOLN +door ... 1942 DODGE Dart .... 1*40 CHEVY ConvertIMe......... 1942 PONTIAC 2-door .... *1097 1940 OLDS wagon ... ---- 1955 FORD 2-door .. 1940 PONTIAC 2-door 1941 CHRYSLER, air 1957 DeSOTO 2-door ...... 8 97 1951 PONTIAC ---- MM 1941 CORVAIR 1940 FORD ______ hardtop " 12 TEMPEST convert . 10 PLYMOUTH 2-door . S 797 * 597 NORTHWOOD H. & H. SPECIALS: ’41 Tempest ’41 Ford wagon ’41 Corvalr, needs clutch ..: . OR 3-5MO New aid feed tee 106 New and Iliad Cm ’ 106 GLENN'S IMS Pontiac Catalina.4door, Imp tinhteglaM *"*”"• "f L. C. Williams, Salesman ^ *92 W. Huron St. «+Wl . . FE 4-1797 SMITH'S 1943 Pontiac Bonneville convertible. . hat trl power, power brakes ant Power Hearing, a real baauty 462 Nv-Perry (Street' FE 44241 or FE 44751 open from 9 to 9 5 days a steak .^dramatic, power brakes, steering. radio, heater/ whitewalls, tint-ed glass. Beautiful rubbtr, sharp. LLOYD 1963 PONTIAC . 2, door hardtop, frl-CarburetOrs, 4, speed, US down. Full Price., $1145 • Lloyd Motors 1250 OAKLAND ' 333-7863 GLENN'S ..Many more to choose from 1943 Pontiac Catalina Station Wagor L. C. Williams, Salesman Many more to choose fr 1943 PONTIAC BONNEVILLE ^tf^attltop, red with Me top. Full power. Must be appreciated. $1297 fi price. 19a FE 4-1804 GLENN'S 1944 Pontiacc Ventura Coupe. Real sharp. Power steering and brakes. L. C. Williams,- Salesman ' 952 W. Huron St. FE 4-7371 FE 4-1797 Many more to choose Iron cellent condition. $ COME TO THE PONTIAC RETAIL, • STORE 100 Top Quality, one-owner new car trades to choose from WHERE YOU EXPECT MORE ... AND GET IT 65. Mt. Clemens . At Wide Track FE 3-7954 gm (Owner's Initials) 1944 Pontiac StarcMsf_________ Equipped with power steering and brakes. 2-year warranty. $1795 See Bob Burk*. H gar ■■■. +0VIMOEE eamrl7!* 1945 PONTIAC VENTURA. VINYLj Now mi vmiom in Now and Us#d Can IN Now a«d Usod Ctrs IN 1*44 PONTIAC CATALINA. WAGON, «£& power, radio, 11450. OR Mil LeMANS. 2 DOOR, MARDTOf. 3 speed, console, 425-518) alter * 1*44 CATALINA ,2 DOOR HARD-top. OooM* power, auto. tun. i FE 5-5*11. llM4 BONNEVILLE 4 DOOR HARO-top.^Jxc. condition. Many extras. 1*45 PONTIAC GTO 4 SPEED TRI-powor. Loaded with axtra+ *1150. "feoSyapridtS 334-7782. - 1964 Pontiac 1*55 HONNlViaB HTOOR SPORf$ Coupe- Full power, atrto. 134)88 ml. OR 34630. GLENN'S 19M GTO* power steering and Catalina Sport Coup* . 1*45 PONTIAC BONNEVILLE 1 door, hardtop with fuli power. 1 ■ S lO |P lj,tll*7 foil price, LUCKY AUTO 1(48 W. Wide Track FE +1004 or FE +7*54 brakes* cowoIb* _ , L. C. Williams, Salesman *52 W. Huron St. FE 4-7371 . FE +17*7 Many more to choose from ■ GM 1944 , TEMPEST 6 SPORT COUPE, power steering, radio, healer,, whitewalls, tow m),, like now. FE . 4*071. v, BEATTIE (Owner's initials) . Gala McApnally's Auto Sates 1*45 GTO's, two to choose from. 1944 CATALINA 2 DOOR HARDTOP. ■Power steering, brakos. Rssr speaker. $24*5. 402-517I/ "Your FORD DEALER Since 1(30" On Dixie In Wtterferd 'at theAdubla stoplight 4 spqod transmission, trl-power, the works) +yosr warranty. $2195 “ See Bob Burke* Jim Barnowsky IOAjI OtaMiaitd CC DJK9C 1*44 CATALINA, RADIO, DOUBLE power, auto., 7AOO spotless njl,» $2*25. 652*555. ‘ 0R3-1291 1*44 - 4 POOR BONNEVILLE, Supervisors ear 47+74*8. 1*45 PONTIAC BONNEVILLE,S + ' door hardtop, Immaculate, low 1 oW baiawin rt 0-4jzd Across from Pontiac State Bank 1*44 PONTIAC CATALINA. 2-DOOR hardtop. Double power with alr- mlleagt, loaded, thermo alr-condl-ttoning, owner Ml +7431. after 6 1*44 LEMANS V-l, BURGUNDY, black vinyl top, 2 dr. 674-2725. condltionlng. Many extras. 5,000 ml/ Qnly 83N0- PE 5*1*8 Otter 1*45 CATALINA 2-DOOR HARDTOP, power steorlng and brakes; radio, whitewalls, Hydramotic, clean, call 42+]t77 after 5 p.m. 1944'BONNEVILLE. 2-DOOR. POWer steering, and brakos. Other extras. 124M ml. Exc. condition. 82750. FE +58*4, GLENN'S 1*65 PONTIAC CATALINA 2 DOOR hardtop, power 821*5. Csll* 451- 1*44 PONTIAC 2 PLUS 2 CON-vertible. 4 speed. Power steering and brakes. Can be seen after 4:30 at 311 Uberiy St., Pontiac. 333- 1*45 Pontiac Cotellni station wag, on, power steering and brakas, tinted glass/ carrier rack. L C. Williams, Salesman *52 W. Huron St, 1*45 BONNEVILLE. 82,2*5 ' 3354)784 3571. .. .. 1944 6 PASSENGER PONTIAC STA- New Md lleed Cm *106 American 2-door.- ]*»Chevy panel % ton, 4 cyl. Best offer for fktb, UL MW id. 5. ask far Louis ,194V AMBASSADOR «£gOR. V* Autobahn le north of Miracle M * VILLAGE t RAMBLER 666 S. Woodward Birmingham . Ml .6^3900 1964 RAMBLER Classic 4-door. 6-cyllnder engine standard transmission, radio, white walls. Spoclall ROSE RAMBLER-JEEP EM 34155 ESTATE SALE. 1945 RAMBLER. 4 dr. sedsn. Auto Like Now. 4200 ml. 81395, 451-4450. lodayl FE 84525 1944 GRAND PRIX, 24,000 ACTUAL mllw,81000.332-9214.______. 1964-1945 PONTIAC BONNEVILLE, s, hardtop, specially prlcedl 1944 TEMPEST. CUSTQM 4 DOOR.] KEEGO Pontiac—GMC-Tempest "Seme location 50 Years" KEEGO HARBOR R 4-1452. SMITH'S 1942 Pontiac Bonneville Goupe ...... VB engine, automatic transmission, power brakes and mmsa steering, your old car dowi 462 N. Perry Strreet FE 44241 or FE 44751 1962 PONTIAC A perfect family car Is thl tenlng b- ——- — ■ $987 Full Price rhejbodge^ Spartan Dodge; Full Price ik for Thp bodge Good Guys a Oakland A ■ V, Mile N. of Cass A' FE 8-4528 MUST DISPOSE OF - 1942 PON- SOLID BLACK 1943 BONNEVILLE convertible, bucket seats, power windows, steorlng, brakes. Take over payments, balance, 81500. FE Buy With Confidence .YES—YES—YES Month-long Savings on Rochester One-Owner Premium Used’Cars. Ride and Drive These BeforeYou Buy. 1966 OLDS, 98 Holiday sedan, has full power, full factory equipment, deluxe radio, whitewall tires, remote control mirror, tinted window, power windows, only* $3799. 1966 OLDS, Toronado with full factory equipment, radio, tinted windshield, deluxe seat belts, save many dollars, only $3904. TWO 1966 OLDS, cutlass convertibles, automatic, console shift, bucket seats, power brakes and power steering, radio, whitewall tires, only $3125 including sales tax and 1966 license. YEAR-END SAVINGS ON ALL OTHER 1966 OLDS IN STOCK. Ask for Leon (Goose) Robertson, Bob Mathews or Vern Sheffield, Sales Manager at HOUGHTEN OLDS OL 19761 Rochester I PONTIAC 4-DOOR SEDAN — ower steering, brakes, windows,! aded with extras. 8400. 482-4779.1 Used Car Location 1084 OAKLAND » PONTIAC GO!! HAUPT PONTIAC 1942 BEL AIR Chevy V 'Matte, va. power it price only 8) ,095. SB I 1965 VALIANT 1943 FORD Falrlano 500 3-dodF hardtop, buckets, radio, whitewalls, VI. Full price only $1,095. dlo I . This < jt Into your ........ _ ___34 month nandng at bank rates. Sn down payment or any old car’ | handle. This car will ftt i school budget. Priced afo $1295 BIRMINGHAM - CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH $40 S. Woodward Ml 7-3214 1944 BONNEVILLE 4 Door Hardtop, power steering, brakes, automatic, $2995 full price. 1944 CHEVELLE 2 door hardtop, VS, automatic, $1495 Full “ On Main Street CLARKST0N »MA 5-5564 «l W/V* ///iff AV G2lDS BACK-TO- ___________4i kV SCHOOL P§i SPECIALS ■ 1961 FALCON Future. Radio, heater, whitewalls, stand- ’ ard transmission. Only .......... $595 1961 CHEVY Impale 2-door hardtop, 6 cyl. Automatic, pOWer steering, radio, new tires. Only . .$795 1960 CHEVY Gel-Air, 2-door, V8, automatic, radio, heater. Only ......................... $595 1963 RAMBLER 660 4-door. One-owner. 6 cyl., standard, radio, whitewalls. Only..... $795 1962 CORVAIR MONZA 4-door. Automatic, radio, heater. Very shorpl Only ..............$695 1960 DODGE 4-door sedan. VB, automatic, radio, heater. Only ......................... $295 ON DIXIE HWY. AT M15 “Your Crossroads to Greater Savings" CURKST0N MA 5-2604 77. ■ v - iv \. -THURSDAY AND FRIDAY ONLY- BUY ANY OTHER USED CAR ON.THE LOT-, AND UPON PRESENTATION OF THIS AD, GET ONE OF THE FOLLOWING CARS FREE (YOUR CHOICE): - 1959 CHEVY 4-DOOR - 1957 CHEVY STATION WAGON - 1944 PONTIAC BONNEVILLE 2-Door Hardtop. Beautiful blue 1-owner and new trado-tn .. $1995 1965 PONTIAC Convertible. Maroon finish with block top. This Is the one you have been looking 1944 SPECIAL Sedan. Automatic. V*, beautiful white finish with blue trim. Big car ride end economical ............... $1495 1945 CHEVROLET IMPALA 2-Door Hardtop. White finish with red trim. 17.000 mile* with new car warranty ...... 81895 1943 CHEVROLET IMPALA 2-Door Hardtop, Super Sport. Power steering, automatic, V*. Go first clast. 1963 BUICK LeSABRE Hardtop. Power, steering and brakes, automatic, red finish with custom leather trim' ....... .... *1595 5 BUICK SPECIAL 2-door se-i. Automatic, 4-cylinder engine “* --------— —*•■»! mile*. . *1?*S 1,000 guaranteed actual i 1945 HONDA. 4-SPW sion, modal "45". beautiful lot black fi 1944 PONTIAC BONNEVILLE Convertible. Power steering and broket, automatic, 22,000 guar-anteed actual miles ..........81995 1944 PONTIAC CATALINA 2 hardtop. Power steering brakes, automatic Maroon I 1944 BUICK ELECTRA Convertible. Full power, out ic. Maroon finish with whlti 1943 CHEVROLET IMPALA Hi top. Beautiful white finish v red trim. Just right for Fall d 1943 BUICK LeSABRE Station wagon. Power steering and brakes, Dynaflow. No others around, batter hurry . ............... 11495 brakes, V-l, automatic I 1964 FORD XL Hardtop. Power steering and brakes, automatic bucket seats. AM white baauty. 1943 CORVAIR 2-Door sadan. A 1962 buiCK LeSABRE hardtop. Power steering egd brakes, automatic. Beautiful Cemelot Rose finish ............. ........ 81295 CHEVY Station V .... Power steering e.._ ... v-8, automatic, baautHul i finish ................ 81495 RAMBLER Station Wagon. Inside and out and runt it ilka new. The price is 1*44 PONTIAC 2 + 2. Yes folks. In addition to saving a bundle you can go first dost In this onol I AC BONNE VILtfe op. Full power, 2C-id miles. Almost now- automatlc, 20,040 guaranteed act- 1844 PONTIAC CATALINA 2-door hardtop. Power steorlng brakes, automatic new car IP ranty ................... *37*5 l»45\PO SedatU .PONTIAC CATALINA 4-Door 1*43 PONTIAC CATALINA Sadan. Factory air conditioning, power steering and broket, Mydramefic 2-tone paint ..................$14*5 Ask for: John Donley-Win Hopp-Lysle Basinger-Duane Brown-Carl Matheny Ed Broadway-Gary Cecora-Dewey Petiprin—Joe Galardi—Tommy Thompson PONTIAC - BUICK 651-9911 855 S. Rochester Rd., Vk Milt South of Downtown Rochtsttr mmmm I CHECK THE RED TAG SPECIALS ON ALL '66 CHEVROLET S AND *‘0K" USED CARS. Here’is the sale you've been waiting for. Row upon row of excellent "OK'' used cars, priced to fit your budget. Now is the time for used car buyers to really save big and MATTHEWS-HARGREAVES CHEVYLAND is the place to do it. HURRY FOR THE BEST SELECTION - IT'LL NEVER BE BETTER IMMEDIATE DELIVERY - FINANCING On the New or Used Car of Your Choice 1964 CHEVY. Impals Super Sport Convertible with V-8 engine, Powerglkte, power steering, radio, heater. White-wall time, artesian turquoise finish. WAS $1899 NOW $1599 1962 T-BIRD steorlng, radio, I tomatlc malestlc block finish. WAS $1499 NOW $1299 , 1964 , CHEVY Blscayne 4-Door Sedan. Equipped WAS $1399 NOW $1249 1963 CHEVY r Station Wagon with V-8 engine, Powerglide, radio, heater, rail tires and tropical tur- WAS $1499 NOW $1299 1963 CHEVY Blscayne 4-Door sedan \ cylinder engine, radio and whitewall tires and a b WAS $1099 NOW i 899 1964 DODGE Sport Coupe. V-l .engine, automatic transmission, radio, heater, power * steering, whitewall tlree. Eye-appealing ebony black finish. WAS. $1599 NOW $1449 1963. CHEVY ind sierra gold. WAS $1499 NOW $1399 Blscayne 4-Door Sedan with 4-cylinder engine, standard shift transmission, radio end hooter, sllvermist finish. 1962 PONTIAC Catalina 4-Door £edan v WAS $1099 NOW $ 899 1965 CHEVY Imps I* Super Sport Coupe. V-8 WAS $2399 NOW $2199 1964 COMET . There Is ptanty of "get u WAS $T199 NOW $ 999 1963 FORD Falcon 2-Door. 4-cyllndor engine, stick transmission, sparkling fawn beige finish. Don't -miss' this ons. WAS $1099 NOW $ 999 1963. CHEVY ■ 4-Door Sadan with 4*yl-engine and easy-operating Radio, Iwatar, whlte-d a nice India Ivory WAS $1099 NOW $ 999 1962 CHEVY WAS $999 NOW $799 1962 CHEVY Mia Sport Coupe with iiflomat-transmisslon, power steorlng, radio, heater, 'whitewall tlree, and WAS $1299 NOW $1099 1964 MALIBU Sport Coupe. Equipped with WAS $1599 NOW $1499 1965 PLYMOUTH lent 4-Door Sedan. 4-cyllnder ina, beautiful eye-app n bqlgt finish. Bring ths fam- WAS $1599 NOW $1399 ISBli Oakland County's Largest Volume Chevrolet Dealer M j USEE} CAR , HEADQUARTERS 631 OAKLAND AT. CASS PONTIAC • WOODWARD and 10 MILE RD.. ROYAL OAK 4-4547 . NEW CHRVYS - DEMOS' AND OVER $300,000 IN "OK" USED CARS FE -SIB* 5’J m f THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, I960 R—18 Hie four-day Gemini 11 space flight is slated for launching Friday morning, Networks plan to go on the air between 6:30 auid 7:30 a.m: preempting reg-‘ ular programming/ Subsequent preempting may be expected through continuation of the flight Programs fumlshnd by stations listed in this column aro subject to change without noHco 17" Raytheon *19” 17"Zenith *24“ 21" Westinghpuse *2995 21" Airline $2gss 21" Philco *39” 21“ GE *39»» 21" RCA *39» 21" Westing house *39“ 17" Portable *39“ 24" Olympic *59” 30 DAY EXCHANGE PRIVILEGE WALTON TV 515 E. Walton Blvd., CORNER JOSLYN , OPEN 9 to 9 —Television Programs— Channels: 2-WJHC-TV, 4-WWJ-TV, 7-WKYZ-TV, S-CKLW-TV, gO--WKBD^'54^WTVS' THURSDAY NIGHT (2) ,(4) News, Weather, (7) Moyle: ‘'Five Against the House” (1965) Guy Madison, Kim Novak Y (50) Superman *(58) Friendly Giant 8:15 (56) Merlin the Magician .6:80 (2) (4) Network News ■ (9) Twilight Zone1 (50) little Rascals S (56) Navy Log 7:90 (2) Zorro (4) Michigan Outdoors (50) Soupy Sales 7:30 (2) (Special) World of Wheel* INSULATE Your Home With OWESNS-CORNING FIBERGLAS TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR LOW SUMMER PRICES Check Our Prices on CARPORTS STORM WINDOWS 3-TIUCIC Aluminum Storms White *132 Minimum of 4 All Way Builders 5101 Reymont Dr. Pontiac 334-5001 1 of the United Community. | I Fund on channels 2 and .4. 9 PLUMBING DISCOUNTS • 3-JNace BATH SET I White or $EA95 | Colored o»*r TO II I TOILETS *16" FIREPLACE Gas Logs 24” All Formica VANITY Complete With Trim -nly *49»* i EXTRA SPECIALS! I Laundry Troy and Trim...$19.91 * StainleesSteel Sinks.. $2195 I 1«H» Tube, Irrog............ $20.00 up | Shower Stall with Trim..$35.95 UNI $49.95 !n SfiaVCr PLUMBING 841 Baldwin FE 4-1516 or FES-2104 (4) Tarzan (7) Batman (50) Islands in the Sun (50) Marketing on the Move 8:10(7) F Troop (9) The Saint (5Q) American West (56) (Special) News in Perspective 8:30 (2) My Three Sens (4) Star Trek “(7) Tammy Griipes * (50) Auto Classics 9:00 (2) Movie: “The Ladies’ Man” (1961) Jerry Lewis, Helen Traubel * 3 (7) Bewitched (9) Seaway (SO) Wrestling 1:31 (4) Hero (7) That Girl' 10:00 (4) Rowan and Martin (7) Hawk (9) Wrestling (50) Movie At 10:55 p.m., President Johnson will make a five-minute appeal on behalf 11:00 (2) (4) (7) (9) News, Weather, Sports 11:30 (2) Movie:* “Fright” (1957) Nancy Malone (4) Johnny Carson (7) Movie: “Saturday’s Hero” (1951) John Derek, Donna Reed (9) Sentimental Agent 12:30 (9) Window on the World 1:60 (4) Beat the Champ 1:15 (7) News 1:30 (2) (4) News, Weather (7) Dragnet 2:00 (7) Wanted-Dead or Alive (9) Take 30' (50) Love That Bob H:W (2) Andy Griffith ' (4) Chain Letter -(7) Supermarket Sweep. (9) Canada’s Story (50) Dickory Doc 11:30 (2) Dick Van Dyke (4) Slowdown * (7) Dating Game AFTERNOON 12:00 (2) News, Weather, Sports (4) Jeopardy (7) Donna Reed (9) Luncheon Date 12:31 (5) Search for Tomorrow (4) Swingin’ Country (7) Father Knows Best (9) People in Conflict (50) Movie 12:45 (2) Guiding Light 12:55 (4) News 1:10 (2) Love of Life (4) Match Game • (7) Ben Casey (?) Movie: “Torrid Zone’ 1:25 (2) News (4) Doctor’s Hbuse Call 1:30 (2) As the World Turns (4) Let’s Make a Deal 1:55 (4) News 2:99 (2) Password ’ (4) Days of Our Lives (7) Newlywed Game 2:30 (2) House Party (4) Doctors „ (7) A Time for Us (50) Peter Gunn 2:55 (7) News 3:10 (2) To TeU the Truth g (4) Another World (7) General Hospital (50) Topper 3:25 (2) (9) News 3:30 (2) Edge of Night (4) You Don’t Say (7) Nurses (9) Swingin’ Thne (50) Johnny Ginger FRIDAY MORNING 6:15 (2) On the Farm Scene 6:28 (2) News ** 6:30 (2) Summer Semester (4) Classroom (7) Three Stooges 7:00. (2) Bowery Boys (4) Today 7:30 (7) Morning Show 8:09 (2) Captain Kangaroo 8:30 (7) Movie: “NobHUl” 8:55 (9) Morgan’s Merry-Go-Round 9:00 (2) Merv Griffin (4) Living (9) Romper Room 9:55 (4) News. 19:00 (4) Eye Guess (9) Hercules (50) Yoga for Health 10:25 (4) News 10:30 (2) McCoys , , (4) Concentration (7) Girl Talk GM to Present Traffic Safety Show on TV A broad look at traffic safety wiU Be y shown at 10 p.m. tomorrow over WJBK-TV, channel Presented by General Motors as a public service, die program will be uninterrupted by commercials. Entitled “Destination Safety,’’ it will emphasize what’s being done to make cars safer, highways better, law enforcement more effective and drivers bet-trained and will review licensing practices. More than 130 agencies and experts in the field of traffic safety were consulted in the preparation’ of this David L. Wolper production. | Wide World of Whee •7 Before DOWN 1 Gallows rope 1----- 31 Weirder 9 Mohammedan 33 More secure 98 Bed. canopy (along) 30 Idolize* 2Agalloch 32 Internal portion 3 Bullfighters 34 Stanzas 4AnsieUoe 35 Kents 5 Not closed 40 Leg joints 41 Painful spots Mahal site 10 Hoad (Pr.) 11 Observes ___| 17 Unruffled 42 Taj _ 19 Layers , 43 Jump 2S Old-womanish 440n« time 24 Malayan island 46 Musical quality 25 Arabian gulf 47Toothed when rr r i 4 r 6 7 8 i6 IT § 12 1$ 14 ' | liS 16 17 . I 118 19 SF 20 21 26 25 r 28 29 30 3T 33 1 H 35 36 ■ 36 39 1 40 ' 42 43 44 S6 47 48 i 49 50 51 • 1 52 53 54 55 56 57 8 TV Features WORLD OF WHEELS, 7:30 p.m. (2) Actor Lloyd Bridges narrates this look at the fim-and-profit uses of production-model and custom-built automobiles. Actors Robert Fuller, James Drury, John Derek and Fabian join in; _ y* TARZAN, 7:30 p.m. (4) The jungle, hero created by I Edgar Rice Burroughs, debuts jn series — Ron Ely in the 1 lead role. #, STAR TREK, 8:30 p.m. (4) This science-fiction series, Space Slip) Enterprise as they travel on an extended space patrol. TAMMY GRIMES, 8:30 p.m. (7) An heiress (Tammy) loves to' spend money but she’s kept in check throughout this series by a skinflint uncle,* * HERO, 9:30 p.m. (4) This new series revolves around an on-screen Western hero but off-stage bumbler. Richard Mulligan has the lead role. „ THAT GIRL, 9:30 p.m. (7) Mario Thomas (Danny Thomas’ daughter) leads this series — tale of a girl who leaves home, heads for New York and a fling at an acting career. HAWK, 10:00 pjn. (7> This detective series, filmed oh location in New York City; follows John Hawk (Burt Reynolds) as a stoic Iroquois Indian who works out of the 4:00. (2) Secret Storm (4) Bozo the Clown (7) Dark Shadows (9) Fun House (50) Jungle Jim 4:30 (2) Mike Douglas (7) Where the Action Is (50) Cartoon Carnival 4:55 (4) Eliot’s Almanac . 5:00 (4) George Pierrot (7) News, Weather, Sports * t (50) Serial Theater (56) Discovering America 5:30 (9) Cheyenne (56) What’s New 5:45 (7) Network News 5:55 (4) Here’s Carol Duvall — Radio Programs- WUK760) WXYZQ 270) CKLW(800) WWJ(950) WCAR(11: » WJBKQ 500) WHFI-FM(94.7) WCAR, New*. Joe 8___ WTON, News, Sport* WHFI, Unci* Jay «:S9-WWJ, Today In Ravi* WJR, But. Barometer f:4S—WWJ, Emphasis WJR, Lowell Thomas t:00—WPON, News, Johnny Iran. WHFI, Dinner Concert WWJ, Phone Opinion WJBK, News, Music, Blocker WCAR, Ron Row 7:1*-WXYZ--Joey Reynold* t—Tlpers/Sox ■WHFi, Jack Fuller 1I:1S-WCA*, Medical Journal IIiIS-WCAR, won Row 11i»-WJBK, Consensus 12:IB-WXYZ, All Night Satal- FRIDAV MORNlhO 4:00—WJR, Music Hall WWJ. Newt. Ronarta WXYZ, Avery, Music, I CKLW,_______■■PIP WJBK, News, Books, Edit WCAR, News, Bill Dalztll 7-00—CKLW, News, WHFi. Almanac WPON, Bob Lawrenc* Show. Nwvs Bud Davies 7:19—WJBK, Sports *-fl9-WJR, News, Sunnyslde WJBK, ____I 4:00—WJR, News, Harris WHFI, Uncle Jay WCAR.tNews, Jack Sandi %!«=WjJR, TornW Work. 10.-00-WXYZ, Breakfast Club, Don N WJBK, News, Lee WHFI, Bill Boyle WPON, News, Ben Johnsoi WJR, News, Music lt:0S-WJR, Raws, Godfrey WXYZ. News. Music Pat Murphy FRIDAY AFTERNOON 12:00—WJR, Nev WJBK, News, Eder, Music WWJ, Nows, Market, Music WCAR, News, C hart WHFI, News, Boyle CKLW, News, Dave Shafer 1:00—WJR, NOWS, Elliott Field WHFI, Encore CKLW, Dav* --------- WPON. News Pat* Ladd WJR, News, Llnkletter, HOME IMPROVEMENT IS OUR BUSINESS No Salesman’s Commission-No Middleman Profit! EEBBIM • DORMERS • REC ROOMS FAMILY ROOMS ■Jog $1f295 • OARAGES • KITCHENS • BATHROOMS • ALUM. SIDING NO-MONEY DOWN—FHA and BANK RATES NO PAYMENTS *TIL FEBRUARY 1967 Member Pontioc Chombsr of Commerce mm ^CONSTRUCTION CO^G FE 8-9251 FREE ESTIMATES IhV UinU (Ho obligation) 328 N. Perry, PONTIAC IMMEDIATE OPENINGS IN THE NORTHEAST AREA for Temporary Office Jobs • Stenographer • Senior Typists • Typists BE AN AVIS GIRL IwauwuH. g424m1 Authorized RCA-ZENITH See Our Selection of New RCA and ZENITH COLOR TVs Chaek Our Low Sals Prices on PORTABLE TVs Quality Color TV Sorvioo! , Opan Saturday 'til Open Men. and PH. Eves. “W 9:00 PM. 11 YIARS BXPRRMNCn . . . WR WRVtCB WHAT WE MU., Ucemad o*M*r by MtctHgan TAM. m No. lie CONDON’S RADIO & TV Tit West Huron — FE 4-6186 IF YOU, YOUR SON, DAUGHTER, AUNT, UNCLE, COUSIN, BROTHER, SISTER, FIANCEE, GRANDPARENTS, niother-in-lain, OR the guy next door drive a car, YOU’VE GOT TO WATCH ■minium (I See this comprehensive documentary on the road, the car, the driver. DESTINATION SAFETY—|an important program for you, your family and the guy next door. A David L. Wolper Production. Tomorrow EraiBg Friday, Sept. 9, 10 P.M. Channel 2 ■m Sponsored in this area by ~ GMC Truck & Coach Division Pontiac Motor Division GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION ivi Shelving of .* Right tHB PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1066 WASHINGTON (AP) — The near-certainty that the Senate will not vote before the November elections on the hotly ” disputed open housing section of the civil rights bill is bringing quiet sighs of relief from some senators up for reelection. As matters stand, the Democratic leadership is likely to have to put tl;e House-passed bill on the shelf after a couple of wpeks of snail-paced filibustering by its opponents. Even if the measure is revived later, it would be in a postelectktti session. In two days of maneuvering, supporters of the legislation have not been able to keep enough senators on hand to transact'business. After a 75-minute call of the roll produced the required 51 yesterday, Sen. Philip A. Hart,. D-Mich., managed, to get in a motion to take up the bill. ' . But the Senate quickly turned to a $3.5-billion foreign aid authorization. After it sent tint bill along to President Johnson by a 33-25 vole, the quorum vanished. When an hour’s effort failed to get enough members back, Hart gave up and moved for adjournment for the day. '*i ‘t %8 Democratic leader Mike Mansfield called the outcome “a disgraceful exhibition of doing nothing.” ‘EQUALLY OUDL.TY’'* | ' . He said opponents and proponents of the bill were equally guilty of absenting themselves. ^ * “Unfortunately,” he said, “you’ve got a lot of them campaigning and that seems to be taking precedence.” Senate Republican leader Everett M. Dirksen, who had waited patiently to assail the housing provision but didn’t get to speak, told reporters the absentee list indicated “a cyclonic enthusiasm for something other than this bill.” • ★ ★ ★ ■ '' Mansfield said with Dirksen opposing it, the measure’s chanoe of ever becoming law is just about zero. Piggins Willing to Tell His Data DETROIT' (Upl> — Former grand juror Edward S. Piggins said yesterday he Would be “very glad” to give all the information he has on Detroit area organized crime to his succqs- Piggins, whose possible testimony before George Bowles’ new grand jury has been the object of a legal question, said, “If there is a decision that allows me to testify or tell; him under oath privately, I would be very happy to do it in the interest of the protection of the general public.” Asian Urges Force in Rhodesia LONDON W - Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew of Singapore proposed Wednesday night that guerrilla Units of black Africans be formed to bring down the white minority gm/enunent in Rhodesia. - * * •' ★ Earlier Wednesday, Lee told the. 22-nation Commonwealth conference that the Royal Air Force should bomb railroad junctions and other selected targets in Rhodesia. He said destruction of four railroad junctions would be enough,to bring the economy to a grinding halt battalions “roaming Rhodesia,” with more in training outside the colony, would be sufficient. Speaking orPa television program, Lee said two guerrilla LoggingHamlet Needs Teacfter Calif. (AP) — Unless a teacher is io school bells won’t ring this year for the 30 children in this Siski-you County logging hamlet. The job pays $5,500 a year, and the town pays for lodging in trailer, water and electricity. There’s another $2,000 if tee teacher can drive a. school bus. Lee acknowledged that it would be unthinkable for .British ground forces to invade Rhodesia to fight “eyeball to eyeball” against white Rhodesians. He bold the Commonwealth conference this would be avoided if RAF -bombers made low-level strikes against Rhodesia.' * ★ • 4r Although British Prime Minister Harold Wilson has been adamant in his refusal touse force against the white Rhodesians, only the other three white members of the Commonwealth— Australis, Canada and New Zealand—and Malaygfo have expressed fiat opposition also. [You. Can Count on Us ... Quality Costs No More at Sears Lowest Priced Kenmore Washer with 2 Speeds 117 Sears Price NO MONEY DOWN on Sears Easy Payment Plan • 2 speeds... Normal and Slow to wash both regular and delicate fabrics • 2 cycles—Set for Regular or Delicate. " Speed and time set automatically • 6-Vane Agitator • Lint Filter 7 • Spin action stops when lid is raised Automatic Washer Reduced Over $50... 30-In. Kenmore Classic Electric Ranges - 19988 Was $249.95 Has slide-out cooktop White or Coppertone Finish Automatic clock-controlled pyen lets you set it and forget it. Timed appliance outlet, cooktop work-shelf keeps utensils and spices handy. Visi-Bake oven door. Base Optional . . .$50 Extra..j Dlx. 30” Free-standing Gas Range ... .$148 NO MONEY DOWN on Sears Easy Payment Plan* Choose from 3 Water Levels and 3 Water Temperatures Sears Low Price 177 NO MpNEY DOWN on Sears Easy Payment Phut • Save one gallon in five on low water level* • A correct water temperature to match any fabric • 2 speeds and 3 cycles o Off-Balance switch Check This TERRTFTC TITTY! Automatic Gas Dryer 3 Cycles Plus 5 Heats Gentle for All Clothes... Kenmore Automatic “Soft-Heat” Gas Dryer mmm 13988 Large Capacity , Model 3764 (Gas) NO MONEY DOWN on Sears Easy Payment Plan Dries Normal, Delicate and Wash V Wear Clothes safely. Special “Air” setting for fluffing. Top-mounted lint screen ... big family-sise capacity. Sears low, low price 14988 NO MONEY DOWN on Sears Easy Payment Plan Dial the time and the machine does the rest Proper heat is automatically set C.. full at first, then tapers off as clothes dry. Lint screen mounted on top. Turquoise color. •' ’ 14.2 Cu. Ft. Frostless Coldspot Refrigerators Cheek Sean low price Top fireeser section 3-cubic-foot freezer section maintains zero-degree storage' of frozen food. Fall width slide-out crisper. Butter storage and egg rack shelf in the door. Magnetic door gaskets for a sure airtight seaL $439.95, 16 cu. ft. Bottom Mount Freezer with Anto. Ice Maker........ ..$378 Kenmore.“5Q0” Portable Automatic Dishwasher No Installation Needed! Savel • *16988 ifff V Solid-State Chassis AM/FM Console, Stereos Silvertone Modern Style 257in. Console Color TV '228 MO MONEY DOWN on Seam Easy Payment Plan Foot power rinses and exclusive random load rack let you forget pre-rinsing and pattern loading. Washes, rinses, dries service for hygienically clean. Choose white enamel or coppertone finish. Plmmhimgtmd Heating D*pt. - Perry S*. Basement Regular $269.99 / Contemporary Styling NO MONEY DOWN on Sears Easy Payment Plan Advance-Design record changer hgs ll-in. turntable, floating cartridge, diamond needle. Walntit finished hardwood veneer cabinet. Six speaker stereo sound system,. AM/FM, FM Stereo radio. *488 Cheek Sean k»w price 25,000-volt chassis NO MONEY DOWN on Sears Easy P^mertPbT ■ Tinted safety shield reduces room-light glare. Color- gaud eliminates color impurities SittDMicalh Static-free FM sound from 4-in. speaker. Excellent viewing even in far-fringe areas. "Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back” SEARS Downtown Pontiac Phone FE 5- m