■ 1 li A' I % M I I Hk I w0 ■ w I W I \Jr If ^ O M PA N V The Weather U.S^WmMmt Buruu Fortcasf Warmer (OrtMh m pki i) THE PONTIAC PRESS VOL, 124 ^ NO. 203 * * * ' _ PONTIAC, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1966 —36 PAGES Horne Edition * io« Eisenhower: Viet War Should Take Priority BREAKFAST TIME—About to serve themselves at a United Fund labor breakfast are ^from left) Lawrence Hartman, international representative for UAW Region IB and coordinator of UF labor participation; Andrew Montgomery, president of the Oakland County AFL-CIO; Alger Conner, in- dustrial relations director, Fisher Body Division and UF Gilt 'industrial chairman; and Kenneth Morris, director of-UAW Region, IB. Yesterday’s breakfast at, the Waldron Hotel emphasized labor support of the Pontiac Area United Fund. . UF Breakfast Held by Labor Management Execs ’'•Attend Annual Event Union officials attended a labor breakfast in support of the Pontiac, Area United Fund yesterday at the Waldron Hotel. ★ ★ ★ The annual event is sponsored by the UAW-AFL-CIO prior to the United Fund kickoff, which is Oct. 11 tiiis year. Representatives from 17 different locals were present. The 1966 goal is $1,042,000. ★ ' * ★ Labor invited several management officials from the three area General Motor divisions as guests. * STRESSES IMPORTANCE . Kenneth Morris, director' of UAW Region IB, emphasized the importance of labor participation in the UF. “Unions were formed to help one-another. The UF does tiie same,” he explained. “Union members have an obligation to and a deeper under-«■ standing of people haying difficulties and needing help because of our past,” be added, i it ★ dr _ . “Vy^ Bruce J. Annett,, president of the PAUF, stated that,labor has played an important part in the ’ UF structure through the years. f t ★ Harold Julian, .international representative fornJAW Region IB, acted as master of ceremonies. Walled Lake School for Retarded Okayed The Oakland Schools Board of Education has authorized expenditure of $124,000 for construction of a building in the Walled Lake School District for the education of trainable mentally handicapped children. Earmarked for occupancy next September, the structure, at first, will con- ————— In Today's Press Romney Tours plant only after gaining “open door” policy for Ferency — PAGE A* Anti-Infidtion Plan Bill now faces Senate prating after House approval - PAGE C-14. Postal Tune-up' New aide probing mechanization techniques — PAGE A-3. Astrology .... M Bridge .......... D-l Church News A-ll—A-ll Crossword Puzzle .. C-ll Comics .......... DtS Editorials ....... A4 Home Section .. C-l—C-i Markets ......... C4 Obituaries .... M Sports ...... B-l-B-4 Heaters ...........D4 TV, Raffia Programs C-ll W—*» Fip M ... sist of three classrooms. Location of, the building hasn’t been decided. The classes are for children under the age of 14 from Walled Lake-and five other districts— South Lyon, Huron Valley, Dublin, Novi and* Holly. At present, 21 children are : enrolled in the Walled Lake program. Another 17 students from the six-district area are on the waiting list, according to Oakland Schools officials. Also at Thursdayspecial meeting, the board tentatively awarded a contract to the IBM Corp. for rental of a. central data processing unit for a teleprocessing system planned for county school district!. * t * Slated.for delivery by Jan. I, 1968, the computer would be. rented from IBM for $25,000 a month- The expense would be shared by Oakland Schools and benefiting local districts on a use basis. PURCHASE PRICE Purchase price of the computer is $1.2 million, according to Oakland Schools officials. However, with the ever-increasing demand for better computers, it is estimated the machine would be replaced in four years. A bid of $25,312 a month was submitted by Mother firm. ^ Oakland Schools officials contend the machine is 10 times faster than their present unit in making computations. * * * Eight county districts, including’Pontiac, have committed , themselves to the future teleprocessing system, designed to simplify and speed up business, , accounting and research work fin: focal systems. * ★ * Six other districts have signified their intent to join the system.^ * CHICAGO (AP) - Former President Dwight D. Elsenhower has criticized careless spending of the taxpayers’ money and says winning the war in Viet Nam quickly should take precedence “over the war on poverty or getting to the moon, or anything else.” * • ♦ 4r At a news conference yesterday, Eisenhower advocated im- • mediate application of “as much force as we need to win” the war. He added “I’d take any action to win,” but he avoided a direct yes or no to a question Raids Cause U.S. to Wince Investigation Begun on Cuban 'Bombing' - WASHINGTON (AP) —" Groans of dismay are heard at the State Department each time anti-Castro exiles stage a hit-and-run raid 9n Cuba. ■ It’s not that .U.S. officials have sympathy for Fidfcl Qj>s: tro’s Communist regime^^ney > hope and pelieve it will collapse sooner or later under Washington’s policy of economic and diplomatic boycott. But they insist the raids serve no useful purpose. Qne ■ official puts it this way: 1 “Such raids do not weaken .the,grip of the regime,' Indeed, they may strengthen It.” ; Beyond that, U.5. officials say such attacks only give Castro new propaganda material — and sometimes embarrasses Washington. Department officials said to--day the U.S. government is investigating the latest bombing raid to determine whether there has been a violation of,U.S. neutrality laws. The government-controlled , Havana radio this week said a “pirate plane” had dropped three bombs near the north coast city, of Nuevitas, a major sugar-loading port ' whether he proposed use of nuclear weapons. The war, he said “either will be won in, say the next 24 months or it will become much bigger than it is now.” He did hot elaborate. The World JVar II military leader said the continuing war exerts military, economic and political forced “all in the same s.direction” toward making the. party in power so strong it could . pass “any kind of law it wants.” In an address last night at a Republican fund-raising din- ner; the former president said “responsible progress is what we want.” LOT OF BELIEFS’ “Not careless spending that gives the appearance of prosperity. Republicanism can cover a lot of individual beljefo as long as we all believe in sound and responsible government.” Eisenhower also was campaigning for his brother, Earl, a candidate for the clerk of Cook Cpunty (Chicago). The dinner marked a reunion for the former president with his Killer Storm Flounders on Cuban Coast Fierce Winds of Inez Dwindle; Signs Point to Drift Into Florida MIAMI, Ela. —Hurricane Inez Stalled today over the south coast of Cuba and, her strength sapped by her long stay over the CorartiuniSt island, gave signs of jt " northward d$ft into Florida! Just when forecasters were considering the “all clear” sip for Florida, Inez crossed them up during the night with a westward turn that brought all of Communist Cuba in range of' her howling winds and torrential rains. ★ ★ ★ With more than 100 dead in her wake and possibly many more, Inez screamed out of the southeast into Cuba’s easternmost Oriente Province yesterday, battering that agriculturally richvarea with wind gusts up to 138 miles an hour. ” The Weather Bureau thought then she would veer northward, came off the island into tiie Atlantic, then hammer the central Bahamas on a track that would keep her clear of Florida. ■ But fiiefc never got to Cuba’p iforth coast. %*' Instead, she Washed to west-oortfawest back into the Caribbean and howled along the south edge of the island on a snakelike course. After 24 hours of contact with Cuba’s mountainous areas, the kilter storm’s top winds had dropped to bare hurricane force at 11 a. in. today. Since most „ of the circulation was over land, forecasters said they Could decline even more. She was expected to remain stationary for some 12 hours, then begin a northerly drift, toward Miami,350 miles to the > north, and the western Bahamas. A I* Wirephoto CAMPAIGN TRAIL—Former President Dwight D. Eisenhower and his brother, Earl (left), listen to a questioner at a Chicago press conference yesterday where Ike voiced his views on Viet Nam. Ike was in Chicago to campaign for Earl, now an Illinois representative in the Legislature, and to attend a Republican campaign fund dinner. « Russian Walks Out of China Celebration ■ MOSCOW (UPI) -The Soviet Union’s ‘ diplomatic representative to Peking, ip an unprece-■ dented move; in; the’histoty pf' Sino-Soviet r e 1 al io n s, today walked out of' a celebration marking the ‘to;jumtyersary of Communist China, the Soviet news agency Tass reported. The representative, the charge d’affaires of tiie Soviet Embassy in Peking, was followed in his Walkout by the representatives of Moscow's loyal allies — Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria, Mongolia, East Germany and * Czechoslovakia. The fence - straddling Romanians presumably stayed on as did the envoys of North Viet Nam, North Korea and Albania. The Communist diplomats walked out, Thss said, because in his anniversary speech^ Chinese Defense Minister Lin Piao “made some attacks on the Communist party of the Soviet Union and other, ftwtemal , pai^ies.’’ '■*. V ;.** '-<*■ * ★ • Lin has emerged .recently as Moo Tse-tung’s heir apparent/ “This is tfie first time,” Tass reported, “that Chinese leaders permitted themselves to make open attacks on tiie Soviet Union at festivities"marking the national holiday.’*! it it it '. Lin attacked the Russians in' Peking’s Tienanmen Square in the presence of Mao before an estimated audience oilW million persons including over a million Rod Guards. But the Russians refused to call them Rod Guards to avoid associations with their own ' “Red Guards” who helped the Bolsheviks seize .power in 1917. other -toothers—Edgar, a Seattle, Wash., lawyer; and Milton, president of Johns Hopkins University! The $I(W a plate affair was held at McCormick Place on the lakefront. i * ★ * The Sinner crowd of 2,000 included world heavyweight boxing champion Cassius Clay. A piaque decorated by the dove of peace-was-presented to • Eisenhower by the Republican Women of Illinois, “for -eight years of peace during the administration of President Dwight D. Eisenhower.” Mansfield Prods Ike on Specifics WASHINGTON (AP) - Senate Democratic leader Mike Mansfield suggested today former President Dwight D. Eisenhower spell out to President Johnson his views on what is needed to win the Viet Nam war — how many men and what kind of weapons. Eisenhower, who led Allied armies to victory in Europe in World War II and was president when a cease-fire was declared in Korea, advocated at a Chica-. go news conference yesterday the application of “as much force as we need to win.” The five-star general avoided a direct yes or no to a question whether he proposed use of nuclear weapons. Bnt he said: “H they gave me the problem, I’d take any action to win.” Mansfield noted a lack of specifics and said in an interview, “If Gen. Eisenhower has any specific ideas as to what, he would do if he were in President Johnson’s shoes, I would suggest he make his views known to President Johnson.” Mansfield, who has opposed escalation of the war, said he was sure Johnson would receive ' any Eisenhower suggestions “most gratefully and consider them seriously and with great respect.” But *the Democratic leader said Eisenhower’s statement “needs amplification and answers to such questions as does he think we need 750,060, 1 mil-- lion, 2 million men to win? What kind of weapons would he use and what does he mean when he said; Td take any’ action to Medical Aid Sign-Up to Start Charged by State Three Oakland County communities, Walled Lake, Novi and Pontiac Township, w e r e among seven in the state charged yesterday with water pollution infractions by, the State Water Resoarces Ctenmis- By JOE MULLEN The Oakland County Bureau of Social Aid will begin taking applications Monday for a medical assistance program implemented by the State Department of Social Services. Designated Title 19 of rial Security Act, this program Will provide medical aSsistancr for low income persons not , ceiving public relief as well for public assistance cases. Providers of hospitolizatioi and medical services antie this program wifi bill the State Department of Social Services. Ora L. Hinckley, director of the County Bureau of Social Aid, printed but income is tiie main standard in determining eligibility of penions not on-public assistance. a a . * An income of $1,900 is the maximum standard for a single person, a $2,700 level set for*p couple. INCOME LEVEL The protected income level for the-medical assistance program increases $420 for each additional family member, according to Miss Hinckley. Property holdings as well as t income are considered in re-• lation to the scope ef medical expenses, Miss Hinckley said. She pointed out that a family of five, whose income standard would be a maximum of $3,960, * might have earnings of $4,500 and still be eligible. "dr ' In determining financial eligibility, tho state agency would compute tho family's expenses of earning its income and determine medical expenses already paid by the family.. ELIGIBILITY If such expenses, applied as deductions, reduce toe family income te the established standard eligibility is gained. Regular aid recipients of the Bureau of Social Aid automatically are .eligible for the medical program. These case categories include Aid to Dependent Children, Aid (Continued op Page 2, Ori. 2) > Bright Blue Skies Welcome October October arrived this morning with bright blue skies that composers write about, and temperatures on the cool side. The weatherman predicts a partly clowty Weekend with climbing temperatures tomorrow. The day - by - day break down looks like this: TODAY — Partly cloudy not much change in temperatures, high 52 to 58.. Fair and cool tonight, low 34 to 39. SUNDAY — Increasing cloudiness and a little warmer, high of 58 to 65. MONDAY — Showers and turning cooler. “Well, maybe a jet plane dropped it” A-t \ jail THE TONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, OCTOBER Ij 1996 Mdny in U.N< Back US. Vtef Peace Bid UNITED NATIONS, N. YJjority called for a positive re-j He sam it had ®een experted (UPI) — The General Assembly sponse from North Viet Nam to that -the initial Communist re-approached the halfway point of fo* threepoint peace package Its annual policy debate today proposed by U.S. Ambassador With expressed Sentiment over- Arthur J. Goldberg, Sept. 22. whelmingly behind U.S. over- Goldberg, after conferring with President Johnson in Washington yesterday, said the United States was still engaged in diplomatic probing to unearth “answers from Hanoi” to its proposals de- tures for a Viet Nam peace. Forty - one foreign ministers and other delegation le ad e r s had spoken in'the opening general debate through yesterday —the Soviet Union and its Corn- action would tend to be “propa-gandistic.” Goldberg, tying into one'pack-j age facets of U.S. peace proposals, most of which previously] had emerged from the White House and other quarters, proposed that: munist colleagues being notable spite apparent rejection of its exceptions — and the great ma-l plan to date. Viet Reds May Launchl Sign-Up Near Major Drive (Continued From Page One) to the Blind and, Old Age Assistance. • U.S. bombing of Nqrth Viet Nam would cease if the* Communists made similar deescala-tion concessions' ; ★ . • The Uiiitfed States stood] ready to start a phased with-! drawal of its troops from South • Viet -Nam, Sim^taneeuely ^ith a Communist. withdrawal under UN. or other international supervision, '' ft • Participation of the Communist Viet Cong or its political -afm, the .National Liberation M UMP. Front for Sou® WNamv^eaee SAIGON, South Viet Nam ★ * ★ talks to follow Would not present (AP) — The biggest conflict of Hospitalization and physiciahjan “insurmountable obstacle,” the Viet Nam war may shape up services in a hospital, as well; Although Hanoi and Peking along the old demilitarized zone as nursing home care, will be i broadcasts denounced the Goldin northern Sou® Viet Nam avaUable to i*1"50"8 immediate- berg proposals and Soviet For- , , . . |ly under the program. - ..........■ ~ when monsoon winds bring sea-t sonal rains in that area next TO BE ADDED mon®, informed sources say Prescribed drugs' and office . and borne calls of physicians will Berp- . , be added Jan. 1. Despite repeated aerial ^ poundings of the zone and ground operations designed to .plug the infiltration routes,-the source! said, Nor® Vietnamese continue to pour over the onetime buffer territory and three or four fresh enemy battalions, have been identified in the field. Rirminghgity Area N»w> # Institute on Vanishing Playldhds Area; 8 Persons Die' ‘ i BLOOMFIELD HILLS - An born, will present toe final caril-•Thihit entitled “No Place to' Ion concert of the season from SAIGON (UPD - A Sou® Viet- to ^ p^Uc Christ Church Cranbrooks at 4 |namese fighter-bomber ^staging cranbroog institute of! p. m. tomorrow. Tragedy Mars Viet Air Show Plane Hits CroVWed aerial acrobatics' for Brainier Nguyen Cao Ky and a group of l>oy scouts crashed today in a shopping-housing area on the suburban Tan Son Nhut Airbase. Dental services, provisions of eye glasses and artificial limbs will be an April 1 program addition. i • The department, however, will I. continue until April 1 a- special dental program for the over-65’ Wi® the_ upcoming heavy;age group, Miss Hinckley said, rains, aerial support of toe —“—:—f ~ f ground troops will be restricted! and the enemy may make a major drive, ®e sources said. American military leaders are confident an attack could be stopped, but U.S. and Sou® Vietnamese forces in the area my have to be beefed up. eign Minister Andrei Gromyko said here that the Kremlin stood firmly behind the four - point Communist plan for peace, notable exceptions were in evidence. t - The principal one was that neither Hanoi nor Gromyko specified ®at the Viet Cong should be ®e only Son® Vietnamese representative in the negotiations. READIED FOR LAUNCH—Technicians check over a new communications satellite, bigger .and more powerful than Early Bird, prior to its shipment last night from Los Angeles to Cape Kennedy, Fla. Two of ®e new satellites will be placed in orbit over the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, linking two-thirds of ®e world. One is due to be launched in October and ®e o®er in November. TORONTO (AP) -The Ontario Government4 will not revoke ®e drilling permit of a U.S. oil exploration company drilling on Fawn Island, in the St. Clair River, a Detroit lawyer said Friday. " ,# Robert Reese, who led a joint Ontario-Michigan delegation in-Extended office hours were® a closed meeting wi® On-announced today for all of next tario Energy and Resources week by City Clerk Mrs. OlgalMinister J.R. Simonett, said, Barkeley. a however, ®at Simonett promis- The added hours are being to- ed no further permits for ®e stalled to permit residents to area .will be issued until the register to vote in ®e Nov. g matter has been debated at ®e Hours Extended by City Clerk for Registration Ontario Won't Void Oil Drilling Permit Also, insistence on prior U.S.;1 troop withdrawal seemed to be I less vociferous. I Vying wi® Viet Nam for dom- S ination of the assembly session | were African problems. * , 11 mmmmmm * mm mmm ** * -mmm j Man, 65, Is Bilked of $87 in . general election. Deadline for registraUon.fr Oct. io. Mrs. Berkeley said her of- next session of the Provincial Legislature. Simonett made, no immedate fice at City Hall would be open [comment but indicated a state-from 8 a m. to 8 p.m., Monday ment would follow later, through Friday, and 9_a.ni. to I The exploration drilling now noon on Saturday. 1 . (going on is being done by the Positive, Mind Attitude Oil Ex- The world parliament .. midway through debate on Afri-1 cab demands for an end to ®e § mandate over Soutn-West Africa | granted by ®e defunct league | of nations to Sou® Africa. This I demand created mountainous § legal, as well as political prob-§ lems and no generally agreedil solution was in sight. CONGO CHARGE |i The Security Council also was! I left, discussing ®e Congo’s charge | jj that Portugal harbored mercen-j § utes and found oniy crumpled aries from Europe — chiefly § France — in neighboring Angola, for an invasion of.its ter- I A 65-year-old Pontiac man was bilked of 887 yesterday 1 by ano®er man who pretended to have 87,000 he was I “afraid to keep by himself,” . I William Walker of 384 Ditmar told Pontiac police he 1 was approached outside a market near his home by a man who said he was “from Mississippi," had 87,000, and “wanted to see a preacher.” ' r Walker said he took toe stranger to a church on Bloomfield Street, where toe man went inside toe building briefly and returned to ask Walker if Walker would hold the “87,900.” After giving toe man 887 as “security,” Walker was' handed a handkerchief, purportedly containing 87,000. Military spokesmen said '‘tentative?- checks reputed eight Vietnamese were killed and. 16 otoers injured including six American servicemen. The Viet namese pilot of the plane also was killed, , Witnesses said the A1E Sky-raider wobbled as Jt swung low out of a. maneuver and struck a machine gun nest defending toe key war base, skidded across a roof and plunged into a barber shop-bicycle store complex. They said hundreds of „J>6y scouts, meeting with Ky for a jamboree, watched tte prop-] ’driven ahreraft plung#irHo a! [horizon of rooftops and explode; in flames. |: ★ ★ ♦ Ky, wearing a flying suit, rushed to ®e scene and helped direct rescue operations. jMONSOCN RAIN A sudden torrential monsoon ’rain burst and toe Sou® Viet-*§ namese base commander cred-1'ited it with dousing the flaming ildebrfr. ; J ' ★ ★ Sr . | The pilot was killed instantly, I j spokesmen said, They said there, 11 might have been a second mpn I aboard, possibly an American? I But ®e spokesmen said no trace of a second man had been I found yet. . * * ■ Science., Hie exhibit is composed of photographs, charts and, maps which demonstrate what is happening to the open lands, lakes and rivers and indicates yhere and how help may be obtained in saving “some place to play.” The concert from the 62-bell tower is open to the public without charge. The church Is located on Lone Ptoe< Rapid disappearance of open space and clean waters in southeastern Michigan prompted toe Institute of Science to prepare ®e exhibit The annual leadership tea of the Mothers March of the National Foundation March of Dimes wiH be held at i"p. m. Wednesday at Devon Gables. Frederick Fahrner, organist-director of Christ Church Dear- Walker said the man promised to return and then He said he. opened the handkerchief after a few min- . < 0E0 Officials Ask Stale Quiz Officials of toe Oakland Cmm-ty Commission on Economic Opportunity have asked toe Michigan Civil Rights Commission to investigate minority Citizens Unit Taking on 3 New Projects BIRMINGHAM—Sydney Coale of the United Foundation will present a film and talk to the Tri Deltas of the Birmingham Alumnae, Group IT at 8 p. m. Tuesday. Mrs. James Anderson of 5600 Pontiac Trail, Orchard Lake, will be the hostess. She will.be ite perature variance 30 degrees oc- . . curred on Sept. 16 when the tem- Its aim is to educate' Pontiac perature feu from a bjgb 0f 71 ‘ youngsters so that proneness to m a ]ow 0f 41 an * * . * I Efforts to recover the body Franklin Road when the robber] ' * #- • erty ht Island Park Drive and Chile ranks third to world, The showing of the filnv and have been fruitless, the state-, jumped to^ the car and pulled Ten firms submitted bids at Sashabaw for a gas station. last Monday’s board meeting, The township would finance ll per cent of the annnal serv-iCe.charge. In other business Monday, the board is expected to award a Three rezoning requests also are slated for beard action. Diey would: Rezone from local business to general business property on M59 just west of William! Lake Road establishment of * plumbing business. production tif copper. More than 600,008-tons are produced annually, with about 85 par cent of the mines owned by United States interests. the mass rally to Pricing highlighted the celebrations. For toe first time since 1958 contingents ofthe army took part in the parade'through the square. ment said. , out the knife. Costar Nico Minardos Who was to the canoe with Fleming escaped unharmed, Ambassador J. Wesley Jones said, Foster said the hum fled after taking toe money from his wallet. * , • with Douglas Higgind, Ine., of Manchester the apparent; low bidder at 840,103, afrmt 81,500 tower than the cost estimate. Rezone from single family residential property on the sou® west corner of Tubbs and Cteft-cent Lake Road for apartments. :r'TV THE POXtlAC PRESS, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1966 A—a Postal 'Mechanics' May Get a Tune-Up WASHINGTON (A?) - The Post Office Department’s new assistant postmaster general is pfouhig a revolution — a 'planned, management-controlled revolution” that would create a mechanized post office. Dr. Leo S. Packer, a former business executive who admits to having seen the inside of only three poet offices, was confirmed by tee Seriate two weeks ago as heed of the department’s new Bureau of Research and Engineering. ★ ‘ * In the next two years, Packer says he wants to doubletoe number of post .office engineers engaged exclusively in research and development and .begin “a planned lection of your budget is ter iwhfMyh.’*’; _ * -111 iV Packer believes his primary problem willbe to find new methods to cope with tee continued growth in mail volume — especially tee millions of magazines and ofodr publications of a literate socudy. . It is, he says, “a complex problem beyond the reach of the traditional approach of manual labor. We need to plan and car* ry out a program of mechanization. ; <■ . “At tee same time, touch of the equipment is sophisticated and we need a new breed of j postal employe that can live with it; and we dori’t have them1 today.” Packer Says he hopes, within [the next decade, -to 1 see, a “transfer from a predominantly I mhnual Operation to an operation teat makes intelligent] [planned use of programmed M^uneaiP •/- j * . St * • I But for all the research and! whatever it results, Packer 1 [adds, the letter carrier and hisl [familiar, leather pouch, may be | around for many years. Motorcyclists ... Are People BE COURTEOUS 1§45 S. Telegraph FE 3-7102 I OPEN Tonite til 10 P.M. \ MONDAY Hours: 9 AM. to 10 P.M. Specials for Saturday and Monday-Only at Simms IN Discounts Are Twice in Nice’ At Simms on Saturday and Monday THo we discount everything the minute it arrive* in the store, Simms makes specials of certain advertised items. For instance, leek ever these bargains on sale today and Monday only. Rights mewved to Ihtiit all quantities. Clip Zhis Coupon Clip ZhisCoupon Clip Zi/is Coupon lustra Creme’ Shampoo or i Lotion Creme A golden bonus In todays most fashionable table service... Dirilyte — solid, golden-hued metal, exquisitely crafted for discriminating hoetesaes ... for gifts to modem brides, for anniversaries, for Christmas giving».. for the return to golden elegance.. . for always. .Featuring new Tuscany... a golden symphony . of classic simplicity. In florentine finish with smartly beveled edges tapering gracefully to a squared-off point. - . Dirilyte’s 4 for 3 SALE BUY 3 4-PC. PLACE SETTINGS GET 1 4-PC. PLACE SETTING FREE Pattern * * - Price TUSCANY (4-Pa PLACE SETTING) $27.65 REGAL (4-Pa PLACE SETTING) 19.65 EMPRESS (4-Pa PLACE SETTING) 19.65 TROPICAL STAR (4-Pa PLACE SETTiNG) 19.65 FLORENTINA (4-PC. PLACE SETTING) 23.65 Charge • Layaway * Michigan Bankard Registered Jetcelen American Cam Society revolution.” ★ ★ A The revolution would create a mechanized post office — but not simply a few more conveyor belts or a couple of extra corii-puters. DIFFERENT MEANS . “There are means of communications which are differerit from the letter with the statop on it that are. the legitimate concern of the Post Office Department — it is the concern of the department to be aware of them,” he saidl w ★ ★ . Packer, 46, former engineering manager of Xerox Carp., says the department no longer will depend on “technological droppings from industry” for its new ideas. But he realizes there are vast differences between the methods of private industry and those of the government. W ★ ★ "What we’re building here I visualize is a long, uphill climb,” he said in an interview. The restraints on management i government are stronger than what I had expected.” Currently, the Post Office spends $20 million a year on research' and development out of a budget of nearly $6 billion. If the Post Office were private industry, Packer says, it would be told “you’re running a hell of a business, since such a small Airline Firm Seeks Okay Manufacturing Jewelers MM S. Telegraph fe taaii II P Open Evening! ‘til t RENT, LEASE, SELL. BUY HOMES, PROPERTY, COTTAGES, CARS, GOLF CLUBS - * - USE PONTIAC PRESS CLASSIFIED TO PLACE YOURS, CALL 33241181. The proposed service would be called Miller Airline Sera- WE PAY A 4’/4% DIVIDEND BUT WOULD YOU BELIEVE A 6’/2% DIVIDEND? Every dollar you have in your Pontiac Co-op Credit Union savings account — from $5 to $2,000 — is matched, dollar for dollar, with LIFE INSURANCE on your Ilf*.* The actual cost you would pay if you purchased $1,000 term insurance at ago 25 wquld be approximately $10.30 per _year. So the value to you is equal to an extra dividend of 1% — making your tqtrtl dividend value 5%%. If you are age 40 the cost would be approximately $15.70 ,er on extra dividend benefit of 1.6%. If you are age 50 the cost would be approximately $22.50 Oran additional 2,3% dividend value — making a total dividend value of 6’/j%., This, is an important feature of your credit union savings and should be considered as b bonus dividend. Get more information about life Savings Insurance by Calling out office tomorrow. *Tharm are certain limitations on money deposited after you reach age 55. PONTIAC CO-OP 334-2411 156 WEST HURON PONTIAC ;Ample Off-Street Parking C. Byron Gilbert Director 2). £• Purdt§% FUNERAL HOME ' 151 Orchard Lake Ave. ! FE 4-1211 OPEN SUNDAY, CADILLAC (AP) - A Reed City firm, Miller Airmotive, has announced it is seeking government approval to provide daily year-around freight and passen-l ger service between Cadillac and Grand Rapids. j ■k ,. * it - ! Joseph T. Arouney,- manager, of Miller Airmotive, said the fittn also is awaiting installation of improved instrument approaches for the Cadillac airport and addition of a certified! American BEDROOM SUITES CHERRY BEDROOM CLOSE WTS Triple Dresser,Mirror, Chert 6nd Bed Was $346 NOW ’279 MAPLE BEDROOM CLOSE-OUTS Double Dresser, Mirror, Chest and Bed $1*70 Was $229NOW 1/9 Triple Dresser, Mirror, Chert and Bed $040 Was $336NOW ’249 Double Dresser, Mirror, Chest and Bed Was $307NOW Maple Chest y Was $104 NOW T Mattreuond Matching Box Spring L«__ Par Sat Was $119NOW ’79 COLONIAL SOFAS Cloeo-Outs 3-Cushion Sofa .................Vm tumor $169 Pine Arm Sofa...................r«.wd»jw>r $279 Fine Arm Chair . ............ r««z»»m>r $169 3CushionStifa...................Wmttuirnr $199 2CmhionSofa........................wmtwaor $199 Matching Stylo Chair............. Wmtmoow $99 HkBack Chair.................. .Wmtmnor $79 Many, many mem to select from that nave boon marked down to big sUvings. 4405 Highland Rd. Cor. Pontiac Lake Rd. 1 Mila West Elizaboth Lake Rd. . Sunday 1 to 6 PM. TERMS ARRANGED' V0 DAYS CASH ice of 6-oz. Pink.-lotion e J creme jar. UmfSper epuppi Cosmetic* —Main FIck ‘Rapid Shave’ Shave Cream m 14%-ounce superiize ihave cream . in mental or regular. Aeroiol con. ’ | Limit 2. • . Drugs — Main Floor I , Hr The family size tube of ‘Cue* with 'fluor- I action' to help prevent tooth decay. ; Umit2. - . ] Drug* — Main Fir. Special Buy of Salesmans Samples Children’s Wear Nationally Famous FIRST QUALITY Creepers • Pram Suits • Pants • Snowpants Co-ordinate Outfits • Boys’ and Girls’ Jackets • Sweaters • Many Other Items You Taka A Full 1 3S ThO Regular Selling Tags Show $1.19 To $15.97-You Take Vs Off! Again as in previous years, SIMMS bought but I v salesman's famous samples of American Made line of famous children's wear house. You’ll i recognize the famous names the minute you see 'em . . . and you'll take Vs off the regular selling Si price. Sizes 18 mo., 2 yrs., 4 yrs., 8 yrs. ' CLOTHING -MainTloori1 ‘OSIER’ Electric Box 50 ‘Ben Franklin’ Dog Clipper $29.50 Value 20®5 blad. for gniwral clipping VHh InVruction book. SUNDRY-Main Floor PERMANENT ‘PRESTONE’ ANTI-FREEZE COOLANT Saaled GALLON Cpn For all cars — .with magnetic n for extra protection . . . won't boil ove/ lasts all winter. Limit 4 gallons. HARDWARE-2nd Floor ‘PRESTO’ Stainless Steel Pressure Cooker 6-Quart Size Modern extra Keovywslght I pressure cooker took! 3 times fader than ordinary cookers. With booklet. Regular $26.95. HOUSEWARE—2nd Floor Cigars ]99 Regular. $2.50 Valu# smooth smoking 'Ben Franklin* cigars in full b&x of ,50. Limit 2. TOBACCO - Main Fir. ‘Parklane’ 10-64 Formula Lawn Fertilizer 50-Lb. Bag Best for lawns’, gardens, flower beds; shrubs etc. Full 50-pound bag. Limit 3 bags per persotj. . . HARDWARE - 2nd Fir- Basketball Goal Sat! Set Near Backboard, Regulation IS* high pole, tteel goal with eet, rubber basketball As shown — 4-section 2" diameter steel pole so you < set up to regulation 10-ft. height, sturdy 32 x-24" backboard with weather resistant I white enamel finish. Official size goal and net. SPORTS - 2nd Floor American Made First Quality MUSLIN or PERCALE Sheets and Pillowcases Famous Brands 72x10S-lnch MUSLIN Twin or Fitted Bottom Sheets..... 81x108-Inch MUSLIN Futt of Fitted Bottom Sheets.... 36x42” Muslin Pillowcasas w. 72x108-Inch PERCALE twin or Fitted Bottom Sheets....... ^. 81x108-Inch PERCALE Full or Fitted Bottom Sheets.... Fin# first percales. 166 J86 75* 2,T 38x42” Percale Pillowcasas Pr 9fic quality sheets in gleaming white muslins or luxurious white . DOMESTICS - Basement | 98 North Saginaw SIMMSli THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1966 Ball Is Returning to Private life After 5 Years on Key U,S.‘Job WASHINGTON (AP) George W. Ball returned to private life today after half a decade as one of the most influential men in American foreign policy. President John F. Kennedy named Ball undersecretary of, state for political affairs in No-]1 vember 1961 and President Johnson kept him on in the State Department's top job under Secretary Dean Rusk. Friday, with only Sen. Strom Thurmond, R-S.C., announcing dissent. Katzenbach has been attorney general. “I’m not very good at giving advice," Ball remarked as he briefed Katzenbach later in the undersecretary’s spacious office overlooking the Lincoln Memorial and the Potomac River. Only Sumner Welles, an undersecretary of state in the Franklin D. Roosevelt adminis-| tration, served longer than Bail,1 in the key post Ball, 56, resigned effective! last midnight to return to his Washington law practice. Finances were one reason — his! government ~pay ~was 530,000 a year — and he said he had.not intended to stay on indefinitely in what he jokingly termed “the fudge factory," making foreign! policy. SPECIAL PUKES FOR THIS SUNDAY ONLY - NOON TO 7P.M. WHILE QUANTITIES LAST The Senate confirmed the! nomination of Nicholas Katzen-j bach, 44, as"3Ball's successor' PONTIAC _ CLARKSTON , 200 N. Saginaw * I \ wR rJIJSaXd ™ . I •»fh StorM 0*t" OwHMf' MM* Kt 4 PM. . | hr (M ll| Mot I* Ywr rnUlr, Hnn Mh M Oir X. •to MW'i SMS* (Mil •roart KltMr mt 0000 V« OWN, OWr* 1 Our Ref. 4.66 Charge J Three cone-shaped lamps oh enamelled poles . . . choose black, beige or white. Molded plastic shades. Convenient 3-way switches for licht as you like if. Limit 2. None sold to dealers. *1 SAVE! NAME BRAND SPARK PLUGS ARE FULLY GUARANTEED Our Reg. 68c Sunday Only You lose money every mile you drive With old « - -<•-<----j «u spark plop wornplup can waste one gallon of gas out olevery ten . .. & * --- ——- -MV n»ivn VI (tna uui VI pvci j svw gallons. Bava now on brand naw, factory fresh, fully nar-aateed Chantoion, AC, Fiok, and other name brands. Jnat •ay, Charge it!" GLENWOOD PLAZA North Perry Street at Glenwood : • > THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, OCTOBER I, 1966 Gov. Romney Hinges Tour of Factory on'Open Door' Policy for 'Legion fall conference in Kala- Temporary Work Wonted for Striking Members C.W.A. Local 4012 v 334-3322 By THE ASttClATQD press 9# George Romney has opened the door to a General Motors plant for Zolton Feren-ty, his Democratic opponent for governor. ™ . 'r 'W: M r The Republican governor’s campaign schedule Friday in Genesee County included a four of the Fisher Body plant at Grand Blabc. • But" the plant management had billed Rome’s visit as “a four by the governor not as a potttfcim.’* / • •, -f Romney'toWplant manager Goy Bates he refused to make the * four unless management ly as a politician” and would premise the same courtesy to Ferency if it was requested. WENT INSIDE ' Bates agreed, and Itomney went inside to shake employes’ hands. has been refused entry to another GM plant near FUnt about a week sifter Romney was granted an in-plant visit with workers. Democratic opponent fen- foe Senate, and Griffin stopped in Friday night at the University of Detroit Fall Carnival. Joining Romney - in what' was billed as the Republican ‘‘action team' bUts” of St. Clair County was Sea. Robert P,. Griffin, R-Mich. Griffin planned to speak tonight to the CaVo Rotary Club. b . G. Mennen Williams, Griffin’s Gen. Sherman took two Confederate capitals—Atlanta, Ga., and Columbia,vS.C.-during his famous march to the sea in the Civil War. Romney today attended a number of rallies in St. Clair County. He planned to speak to- Girls' animal pile jacket Roy# Adagio ski pant! Save 1.11! Ho-iron slacks SPECIAL •Lined with nylon taffeta * Acrylic and Veref® mod-acrylic pile on cotton • Iridescent ski parka has matching hood Shaggy 'n iridescent ski parka has matching hood. Fabulous faker in long-haired acrylic and Verel® modacrylic pile on cotton. Lined with nylon taffeta quilted to Dacron® polyester. D»pt. 36 •S/ackj with a long lasting prut * Ironing is totally eliminated •Ski pants that never need ironing • Machine wash and tumble dry * Boot straps that won't bind *Pleated and unpleated tty style Shape, keeping stretch pants.- A blend of Dacron® polyester, cotton, Lycra® spandex. Boot itraps won't bind. Side 1 zipper. Machine wash and tumble dry. Sizes Start a care-free fall wardobe With these year-round casual slacks. Long wearing Acrilan® acrylic-rayon blend, Great .for all/occasions. Sizes 29 thru 42. D«p». 39 Free Tammy record with this shoe! Classic Oxfords uppered in soft bfushed leather. Tan wMmd, yellow and green’ patches. Composition soles, Flannelette special! Cotton prints, solids Here's q wide array of printed patterns including novelties, small plaids, pajama prints and solid colors. 0*t. 14 Save 2.05 Women's career shoes Save! Wards nylon reversible oval rag! Room-size; 102x138* oval * reverses for twice the wear, HUfi Q half the cleaning! Nylon „ yams over a sturdy core; ww In 4 bright, dear colors. _ ” ■ Ren All OQ Universal footor develops 2-HP. Rips 2794"! Cuts 3%" stock! Insta-positive pistol grip switch. Easy to operate. Carol Brent's white, washable .leather oxfords are made for comfort and service. Narrow heels Sizes 5 to TO. [ YDS. $ f FOR SPECIAL kQ!L l. (JJoaJU-. ; w * 2.50 off Vault box 5” REG. 8.4f Asbestos - core vault box. Double steel wall, luggage-type handle. Lock with 2 keys. Dwt. 97 Portable Rofrigerator Save $1 Lawn rdko REG. 2.99 Features 22 extra-long spring teeth for bigger cleaning capacity. 52" ash handled 9i4m ihM Save 3.99 Barbell/dumbell •ft REG. 21.99 110 lb. set will not rust, corrode, make noise or mar floor. Instruction book ind. Full-size 21-inch* Airline” color TV • Enjoy fullscreen color • Get pictures in seconds • Pull-on volume control • Keyed AGC cuts flutter • 3 IF stages for suburbs *21-tn. diagonal; 265 that these people tsve dedicated their lives to doing for humanity. We lever give a thought to our hospitals until the day when we have occasion tb~use‘ flie facinfles ourselves, then, if the professionals do a good job, we accept it as routine bit when something goes Wrong, foe same people are subject to lawsuits, criticism, etc. I «ay “Orchids” to our men and women who staff the hospital, not “Onions," ---- ’ MARY ANN McLELLAN BRIGHTON I agree that Pontiac General Hospital is poorly run. If you have a loved one there, they won’t give you any information over the phone. All they say is “hospital rules.” MRS. AGGIE FERGUSON LAKE ORION Wants to See Men Back Behind thti Bars! Why don’t their barmaids a they can run a bulldozer? We weft into a Club foe other night and paid a good price for four drinks that we couldn’t drink. No wonder business is poor. Please, men, get back behind foe bars, like in foe good old days. WAITING ANXIOUSLY lon't bar owners pay men a living wage and replace taids who don’t know how to mix drinks any better than ' Confident Living: Question and Answer I understand all states are not divided into canities. Which ’ ones aren’t? _ ■ V W.L. REPLY, Alaska is divided into election districts; laujdhna has parishes. Nature’s Solace and Inspiration n,e Better Half By Norman Vincent Peale I went to bed last night after reading a London newspaper. And that is not the best readingl to go to bed | on, believe me. [ I mean no of-1 fense in com-1 ' menting that] having read! London -papers | regularly over! many years! there seems to I---------I--- be more of Dr. PEALE what you might call downright rot in the British papers than in any journals I have read throughout the world. They must figure they have an amazingly unsophisticated reading audience considering the infatitile way they jazz up personality stories. We Ameri-* cans can be proud that our newspapers are theJbest in the world. The signs of moral and spiritual decadence seem, to me at least, more clearly revealed in papers from the British capital than elsewhere, although the virus of rotting society is prevalent in degree everywhere. * After a thorough perusal of .this-newspaper I found myself gloomily wondering What was happening to mankind despite foe amazing material civilization he has developed. What good is material advancement if foe higher values and refinements sink into mnek? The thought occurred that maybe God gets sick of His human creatures even as some people get sick of themselves. Could it be that God ever gets fed up with foe, job of trying to bring man out of the jungle? _■ v' H he does occasionally feel Verbal Orchids , Albert W. Priestap of Rochester; 83rd birthday. Mrs. George M. Scott Sr. of 132 Hershey; 81st birthday, H. Robertson of Romeo; 88th birthday. Mrs. Lillian Calvert of 945 Canterbury; 86th birthday. Mrs. Imogem Fisher of Walled Lake; 83rd birthday. Veruer Crankshaw of Hadley; S9fo birthday. that Way, what is the antidote? Maybe it is foe beauty in this World, foe silent places, foe Vast oceans, the great plains, t h e, towering mountains. ★ ’ * ★ I am writing these words at.Zermatt, Switzerland, an Alpine village under the towering Matterhorn. From the balcony of my room I look out upon a scene of incomparable beauty. It is a crisp sparkling morning and the great mountain stands silhouetted "against a sky of absolute blue. Even the ancient weather-beaten chalets lining foe. village street glisten in the sunlight. And what does this beauty say to foe little men in foe village? It is as if Almighty God is saying to them: “Look up, for heaven’s sake, lode up and be cleansed and inspired by the beauty of the world.” ■ Then foe great God looking down sees little figures trying to climb these vast mountains a n d He surely must rejoice to know that upthrust He tried to build idto His small creatures still makes a caliber of men who want to match His mountains even if foe effort kills them. And kill them it often does/ • Only a few minutes ago a helicopter whirled past this balcony headed for the Matterhorn to pick up the bodies of two young Swiss climbers who fell recently onto foe Z’Muti glacier while descending the Matterhorn after they had reached the top. ★ • ★ ' ★ The helicopter let down a rope with hooks. These were fastened into a hammock Which had been placed around the bodies Bv the Zermatt guides who mund them. The guides and helicopter crew found two other bodies new by with no identification except badges of the German Alpfoe Club on their coats. The four dead youths were returned to Zermatt and laid in the chapel of the village cemetery. Many who died on the Matterhorn lie under the trees while the mountain looks down not unkindly upon them, for there, is a common bond . between foe Matterhorn and these strong young men. One gravestone says: “Think Ml sf Mm as dead. A' mind se fine could never die b n t searches on for truth.” And another reads: “In foe sight of the unwise they seem to die.”* / And so, if God’s enthasiasm for making something of the human race wanes at times He has only to remind Himself Of the beauty He has put into nature and human beings* and of the greatness that Shows in both. Everybody tends to moments when hepsks, “Is ft worth tt?,lf God Himself understands. Remember the great things in’ life and carry on. People are better than they seem. (TM Hall Syndicate, lac.) s solution to arguments ... We could get together and calmly fight things out, without a lot of talking.” , Washington Notebook: The Rippling Power of One Vote By WASHINGTON STAFF WASHINGTON - (NEA) — Sen. Karl Mundt, R-S.D., has a rather tong, involved story to prove the pow^r of "one vote in a democracy. An Ind farmer left his death bed 1844 to vote, for a friend,! David Kelso,] running fori state senator as a Democrat. . Kelso won by one vote, mid promptly bolted foe Democratic caucus over its choice for U.S. senator. Without his vote, the legislature was deadlocked. Kelso then threatened to vote with foe Whigs unless foe Democrats nominated Edward Hannegan. Hanoegan was duly elected — by one vote, of course — and arrived in Washings ton jut hi time to cart foe deciding vote in favor of foe admission of Texas to foe Union. - Mundt’s conclusion: The vote of one dying man made Texas a state and brought on the war with Mexico. *.★.*' A job seeker wrote this letter to Rep. Robert Duncan, IMJre.: “Whist is foe most important asset you have in fo£ filling your responsibilities as a congressman?' Perhaps it’s your administrative assistant, a combination administrator, public relations man and all-around good fellow. ^ “If this description fits ySilr A.A., then yon might consider foe last time yon gave him a raise. If it doesn’t, yon might consider foe attached resume.” Duncan’s assistant sent it back with this note: “Fortunately, I intercepted your letter before it got to foe boss. I didn’t get foe raise— but you didn’t get foe job.” As in every election year, pollsters seem to be getting their share of lumps this fall, particularly when they get their wires crossed., This brings to mind the story that former Alabama Rep. Tarl Elliot used to teU on himself. Facing a tough primary fight, he hired a pollster to sample public opinion. Starting out in EQfot’s home town foe man got an unusually frosty reception at foe first ^L__ ■ tune. JMfji^SSC, house he trjed. The lady who answered his knock was not only unfriendly but also openly suspicious as he plied Iks' with questions. As aeon m he left, she telephoned her husband: “Carl, * there was a strange mm here asking a tot of questions about, yon!” The lady, of course, was EL Hot’s wife, upset at foe idea of somebody prying into her husband’s life. Elliot himself probably didn’t help matters any when he boomed: . ‘.‘Relax, honey! I sent’him myself!”. - A * One of foe reasons why Rep. Walter Rogers, D-Tex., is such a staunch opponent of th e Truth in Packagiqg Mil stems from bis experience in a Leningrad, Russia, store in 1955. Trying to buy a doll for " '""' . ,**0* Mil his daughter, he was offered a cheap replica-of tan American doll for about 69 Ameri-' can. Figming foe doll wonkf cost about 50 cents bade home, Rogers declined, saying he was going to Moscow where he would shop for a better bargain. The storekeeper laughed, explaining: “The quality and foe {nice are foe same aft over Rus- THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1966 OPEN SUNDAY NOON TO 6 DRAYTON PLAINS STORE ONLY HHHl LAST 2 DAYS SUNDAY & MONDAY REG. 6.99 TO 8.99 Beys’ winter-warm corduroy pile Heed bomber jackets, nylao qriR sercoats and nylon quilted hooded parkas Mel’s rag. 5.99 oenlihenlal corduroy Koratron® slacks Cotton corduroy bomber style with acrylic pile lining, 100% nylon quilted surcoat, vinyl suede Orion® acrylic pile lined Western look, and nylon quilted parka with hood . . . your choice at one low price! 6-18. Self-belted, slim tapered! Ne^er-iron cotton/polyester corduroys. Tan, olive, stone blue. Sizes 29-36. JACKPOT SAVINGS Special purchase of holiday bright hondod Orion aerylio drosses, pins all oar rsgnlar 8.99 now Ml fashions 1, 2, 3-pc. bonded wools, Orion® acrylic knits, H|H A A acetate jersey knits, more! Shifts? skimmers, suit* K w dresses; prints, solids. Featuring white/pastel H combinations. Petites, jrs., misses' and half sizes. OHARfif IT Bar-tacked and riveted! Full cut, zipper fly. 100% cotton. Sizes 28-04 waist, 30 leg only. Rugged! Terrific value! Tapered I v y model. 100% washable cotton corduroy. Assorted c p I-ors. Sizes 8-16. Long sleeves; reg. or button-down, mock turtle, Ponde-rosa collars. Cotton or acrylic. 6 to 16. S-T-R-E-T-C-H Misses’ proportioned ponio and famou make skirts we usually sell for ainek more Men’s reg. 3.99 Sanforiitd® cotton flannel pajamas 39" wide by45. 54, 63, 72, 81" lengths. White Fortrel® polyester that washes in seconds and needs little or no ironing, Sheer loveliness '"alone, or under draperies. Save! PANTS: reg. 5.99 rayon/nylon stretch, stirrups, curtain waist. Shorts 8-16; mOd.: 8-18; tall: 12-18, SKIRTS: reg. 7.99 fabulous^ wool tweeds, Solids; a-lines, slims, pleated walkers. Fashion colors. 8-18. A nationally famous brand. 100% Sanforized® cotton flannel, full elastic boxer waist. Many patterns, colon in • the group. Sizes A-B-C-D. Rig. IS, IS famous haadbags in ill fho now stylos and colors Cotton corduroys, vinyl suedes, wool / nylon loops, acrylic pile fuzziest Warm Orion® acrylic pile lined. Toggles, back belts; plaids cmd solids. Jackpot savings! 3 prs. 93o First quality, long-wearing mesh nylons made exclusively for us. New fall shades. 9-11, medium. 9oM in 3 pro. only SHAKOS IT Casuals, dressy, shoulders. li buy a wardrobe! Simulated leathers, novas, grospoints, cut-velvets! Save! FEDERAL'S OPEN EVERY NIGHT TO 9 Monday through Saturday JACKPOT INCLUDING OUR SENSATIONAL HOME VALUES SALE! A—a XHK A»OimAC FHaSb' SATUJiUAY, OCTOBER 1, I860 Cochairmen for the Thomas Hart Benton Exhibit opening and patron dinner Don E. Ahrens of Birmngharri; Hprvey Friday evening in the Bloomfield Art Kresge of Bloomfield Hills; Mrs. Kresge Association Galleries were from left, Mrs. and Mr. Ahrens. Food Editors Conference Second Boston Tea Party By JANET ODELL The Pontiac Press 1 Women’s Editor BOSTON — Some of the same tea that figured in the Boston Tea Party of 177S played a part in the final event of the 1966 Pood Editors Conference. We were invited for tea to the Louteburg Square home of Mr. and Mrs. . Ernest Henderson. He is the head of the Sheraton Hotel Chain. it it ★ ■ At the time of the first tea party, one of the “Indians” who dumped the tea into the harbor grabbed a handful from a broken crate and stuffed It into his pocket. This souvenir of an historic occasion was kept in the 'family. ★ ★ ★ A sisth generation descended; who was a college roommate of Ernest Henderson gave him a small portion of the tea. ★ * '* The land on which the present Sheraton Hotel office headquarters stands is the site of the old wharf (Boston has a great deal of filled land). ★ ★ . ★ . A minute portion of that tea was mixed with the leaves in the brewing of today’s beverage. The Henderson home is interesting and to us Middle Westerners, most unusual. I have a picture of it and more information which I intend to share with Press Readers next week. DANISH CREESE Just before {he Henderson tea we had a hearty repast with the Danish Cheese Association. There is nothing like a Danish cheese table. There are always quantities of cheeses, meats,Jit- tie sandwiches, fruit pastries and other tempting dishes. It was quite an afternoon. Earlier, eight experts, all owners of factories manufacturing pasta, were after luncheon speakers. Pasta includes ail •forms of macaroni, spaghetti and noodles. Americans today eat over nine pounds per person per. year, and paste rates only behind steak and chlcken in popularity. The experts pointed out that economical pasta is one of the original convenience foods and that it has a place in every meal of- the day. When challenged to name a breakfast form of pasta, one man declared he ate noodle pancakes. ★ * it Our luncheon was a leSson in good menu planning, present-t ing variety )n form, texture, col-or and taste-We had a choice of three sauces on either spaghetti or tiny shell macaroni and macaroni salads. There was a crisp green salad and for dessert, a choice of melons. Tiny Italian, chocolate maccaroons completed the meal. Red and white wines were served. ★ ★ it At breakfast with the Welch Grape., Juice Company we had a fashion show! In case you hadn’t noticed, this is a purple year. Every model* wore a purple outfit and the varying array of purple shades was almost unbelievable. Betty Furness did the commentary. It’s a tremendous grape year, harvesting is going on right .now, ■ ;■ Wehch’s had all.the standard grape products on display as well as some innovations. The company is planning ex- . • pansion of its fruit drink products, including some low calorie ones. But the emphasis will continue to be on natural flavors. ' -k it if " Here ends our Boston Story. John G. Havilands Are Wed Receptioh in Rotunda Country Inn followed the marriage of ^Katherine Anne Baum of West Huron Street to John Gantt Haviland Jr., today, in the Orchard Lake Community Church Presbyterian. White satin fashioned a classic floor-length gown for the daughter of Col. and Mrs. John W. Baum of- San Francisco, Calif. A bouffant illusion veil held by a Dior bow and a Belgian lace handkerchief in her houquet of* gardenias completed the bride’s ensemble. She was attended by Susan D, Hoxie of - St. Louis, Mich, at the afternoon ceremony. ★ it . ★ ' Robert W. Haviland was his brother’s best man. William E. Baum and Michael E. Johns of Ann Arbor were ushers. The couple are graduates of Michigan State University and will honeymoon in northern. Michigan. . . Calendar MONDAY Parliamentary Stndy Club, noon, First Federal Savings of Oakland Building. First luncheon of the season. Maceday Gardens extern sion study group, 8 p.m., home of Mrs. Martin Downs of Tull Road. | Christmas ideas wffl be I discussed. TUESDAY- - ! I Women’s Auxiliary .to 8 tee Oakland County Den- 1 tal Society, noon, Fox and 1 Hounds. Luncheon and I fashion show. Past Noble Grands Club I of Welcome JHbekaJf i lodge No^ ltt, 8 p.m., .I home oFMrs. Stanley See- | ly of Pirrin Street. % Birmingham Man Exchanges Vows A family dinner in the Hotel Pontchartrain, Detroit, followed tiie marriage of Catherine Anne Thompson of Warren, to Rodger Dale Apple, Friday, in tee Arm old Runkel Chapel, First Methodist Church, Birmingham. Loren Thompson of Long Beach, Calif, and the late Mrs. Harold Krohn of Waterford are the bride’s parents. .Her husband is the son of the senior Melbourne G. Apples of Bir- A Patron Dinner Opens Exhibit By SIGNE KARLSTROM Missouri’s Gov. Warren E. Hearnes came to Birmingham Friday evening to represent his friend, and felloto Missourian, Thomas Hart Benton, at tee opening of Mr. Benton’s exhibition in the Bloomfield Art Association Galleries on South Cranibrook Road. Due to a recent illness Mr. Benton could not make the trip for tee opening but he was well represented by Gov. Hearnes and his beautiful daughter, —Lynn. ' DRAWS CROWD It was a happy evening for the some 130 guests who gathered for the patrons’ dinner and exhibit preview. The galleries had been transformed to a perfect setting of tables for ten with most unusual mid artistic . candle lights on each table. Paul N. Averill, president f tee art association presided. *n fitting words, he paid tribute to the William C. Newbergs through whom Benton’s tremendous exhibit had been made available. He thanked the many patrons for their generosity. it ★ ★ Mr. and Mrs. Don E. Ahrens pnd Mr. hnd Mrs. Harvey A. Kresge were co-chairmen for the evening. The Robert B. Benders are co-chairmen for .the entire BAA festival on Nov. 10. . In introducing Birmingham’s Mayor Robert W. .Page, Mr. Averill reminded the guests that this Was the 10th anniversary of tee Ait Association and he recalled some of its early history. 1 MRS. JOHN G. HAVILAND JR. Mr. and Mrs. M. Gene Apple Jr., of Royal Oak attended the couple at the double-ring candlelight rite performed before tee immediate families. After a' trip to Niagara Falls, Ont., tee couple Will reside in Warren. Friday Reception Honors Couple Recently Wed Hathaway House in Blissfield was tee setting tor a Friday evening reception honoring tee Lewis David Afscotts (Allison Ann Weeber) returned from a honeymoon in northern Michigan and New York City. A luncheon at Inn America followed the recent chapel ceremony attended by the immediate families in the First Congregational Church, Ann Arbor. Parents of the newlyweds who are living in Ann Arbor are tee Arthur G. Weebers of Blissfield and the Lewis B. Arscotts of Rochester. Mr. and Mrs. Arscott are alumni of the University of Michigan wheTe he has completed the master’s program in biological sciences. Appropriate Toast by Bridegroom By ELIZABETH L. POST Dear Mrs. Post: I would like some information pn what the groom, the best man, the bride’s father should say when they make toasts at the wedding reception. Anything you could suggest would be most helpful. — BobK. Dear Bob: The best man makes the first toast — always to the happiness of the bride and groom. The bride’s father then welcomes the groom into his family and says how* delight- -ed he is, etc. The groom toasts his bride, and he may also thank her family for the wedding and the guests for attending. . They may include ad anecdote. or two, humorous or sentimental, but all should indicate their happiness at tee occasion. Dear Mrs. Post: My husband and I frequently take our guests out for dinner. Do I, as-hostess, follow tee captain into the dining room first or do our guests follow him?—Mrs. P. Dear Mrs. P.: In order teat she arrive at the table first to seat her guests, the hostess should lead the way behind tee captain. If there is a guest of honor, she would walk with, or immediately following, tee hostess. Other gUests follow — the host brings up the rear. What to your most puzzling etiquette problem? To the sender of tiie most interesting question that we receive each week, we’ll send a free copy of Emfly Post’s '‘Etiquette,” revised by Elizabeth L. Post. Alumnae Unit to Host Event Members of the Alpha Omega Alpha alumnae chapter of Birmingham will hostess a lunch-‘ eon next Saturday for tee Alpha Chi Omega alumnae. The event will take place in the Village Woman’s Club, Bloomfield Hills. it it it Ferndale music teacher. Mrs. . H. P. Watson Will entertain the group during luncheon. Mrs. Rachel Burroughs, district alumnae advisor will- speak before-the group on»“The Responsibilities of Being an Alpha Chi." ♦ ,.' Hr'. Reservations for the luncheon will be taken by Mrs. Chester Bobel of Birmingham until Oct 8. The Mayor read a message from Mr. Benton. Gov. Romney introduced Gov. Hearnes. He told how their friendship had begun at the gov-, ernors’ conferences and how very mud| he welcomed Missouri’s governor to-the State of Michigan and especially now to his own community. Another distinguished guest from Missouri was Judge Sam C. Blair, close friend of Mr. Benton and Gov, Hearnes, as well as the Newbergs. Among the patrons present on Friday were: Mr. and Mrs. Maynard R. Abdreae, tee Louis E. Deans, tee Roger L. Cris-pells, tee William T. Gossetts, Mir. and Mrs. EmestrA. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard T. Lewis and the Edward W. McCauls. Still others were' the Sheldon Moyers, tee George Russells, the Gail Smiths, the C. Theron Van Dusens, and Mr. and Mrs. R. Jamison Williams. ★ . "it. . The exhibit opens today and will remain at tee Galleries through Oct. 23. There is an admission charge. The galleries are closed on Mondays. The lights; look great, the script seems to be in order and the flowers in place. These are all the little last-minute details that Mrs. Ned Michie of Birmingham (left) and Mrs. Johb, H. Baker of Bloomfield Hills must check before tonight’s “Night of Glamour” cocktails, dinner and fashion show that takes place at Forest Lake Country Club, beginning at 6:30. Purchase a Book on Subject to Insure Correct Information ABBY By ABIGAIL VANBUREN DEAR ABBY: Our boys are 12 and-14, and I have beat after my husband for nearly two years to tell teem teensra facts of Jife.^^ He say's hisjjg father never jL told him any-H tiling. All h el knows- helpf picked up* froml^ his friends andl his turned o ut| 0. K. Could my husband be right? MOM DEAR MOM: Possibly. It’s all right for kids to learn tee facts of life from other kids, as long as the other kids didn’t pick them out of the gutter. Tell hubby either to provide the boys with some ’good books on, the ; subject or offer to answer any and all questions. And he had better hurry, or it will be like giving fish a bate. • ★ ★ ★ DEAR ABBY:-Five years ago my mother, passed away and dad. was left alone and heartbroken at 63. Two years later he«married a 58-year-old widow. He told us that he was marrying Celia for “companionship” — teat nobody could ever take mamma’s place. Well, here is a sample of the ‘companionship” he has bad so far: ' In tee Winter, instead of accompanying dad to Palm Springs, Celia goes tq Chicago to stay with bar grandchildren so her daughter can go to Flor-. Ida for two months with her husband. In tee summer, Celia goes to Duluth, Minn., with another daughter who stays up there for tiie hay fever season. When Celia is home with dad, -she plays cards with the “girls” at least three days a week. Dad is retired and has nothing to do, but he’s too sweet to complain. Is this your idea of “companionship”? Any suggestions will be appreciated. HIS CONCERNED DAUGHTER DEAR DAUGHTER: For ail I know, your father,and Celia may be seeing as much of each other as they wish. If your father isn’t happy with what he bought, tell him to write to me. w ★ ★ DEAR ABBY: It 1b ever proper, when in tee company of a woman to ask, “Are they real?” To use an did phrase, “It’s fun to be fooled, but it’s more fun to know.” LIKES FUN % DEAR LIKES: Pearls, yes. Everything else, bo! * * * * DEAR ABBY: Can you tell me in simple language how psy- chiatry helps a pawn? Far as I can see it only opens old. wounds and makes matters worse. MAN OF FEW WORDS DEAR MAN: Lite is full ot of disappointments, personality conflicts, heartaches and frus- trations, which call for one adjustment after another. People differ in their ability to adjust. >By allowing troubled ones to discuss their emotions* frankly, the reasons for their insecurity, guilt, frustrations andkhostilities ■ come to light and are frequently minimized. Sometimes just knowing teat others have experienced tee same emotions can bring bfossed relief. ■ '•# ■ ★ - ★ DEAR ABBY: How does a girl know when a boy really LOVES her? USA DEAR LISA: He^expresses a desire to make her his exclusive permanent property. But he doesn’t expect to take possession Until they both sign the-contract and he can present her with the keys to his hqart — on a ring! ★ ★ ★ DEAR ABBY: Tell the 11-year-old who couldn’t stand tee noise her father made when he ate carrots, celery and other crunchy food that I would be glad to trade places with her/ My father can eat* only foods which have been liquified which he takes through a tube. He has cancer of tee stomlch, but we are thankful for every good day he has. So next time that gfrl complains about the noise her father makes “crunching,” will you please remind : her of me? “DADDY’S GIRL” * ★ ★ . DEAR ABBY: The letter in your column about people who ' bore steers to distraction with their travels, struck close to hoine with me. I went out col- lecting for a very worthwhile charitable organization, and was invited into the home of one woman who said she would write me out a check. But first 1 had to listen for \ over an hour while she told me of her trip to Europe, and then to the Orient, and back home again tty way of Hawaii. She even went and got hundreds of snapshots which she insisted I look at. - Then she showed me some of the expensive souvenirs she brought back from some foreign lands. And when she was all through, she handed me a check for’ONE DOLLAR! SPEECHLESS ★ ★ ' ★ DEAR ABBY: I do not share your sympathy with those who say they are scary their parents did not “force them” to practice the piano, violin, trombone, or . any other musical instrument'7 when they were young. / There is no reason why a normal adult cannot contimie his musical studies if hft/nas sufficient interest and7 determination. One is never“too old” to ' learn. / • As for litySelf, I make no apologies./I suffered Htrough seven miserable years of piano lessons; which terminated in a great disappointment to my parents, I never touch tiie piano to-' 3 day, and a v o i d piano recitals like tee plague. I piANoms ★ ★ ★ For Abby’s booklet, “How to Have a Lovely Wedding,” send ll.OO.to Abby, care of The Pontiac Press. “B.P.W. Brush Up” is the name of the Sunday morning workshop for members of the District No. 10, Michigan Federation of Business and Professional Women’s dubs, Inc. The event will take place on the Oakland University compus. Mrs. Lucinda'Wyckoff of Newberry Road (left), holds up the group’s poster to emphasise the theme. Shown at the right is Mrs. Clarence J. Godhardt of Keego Harbor. Both women ate on the hostess committee. THE PQy'fTAC? PRESS, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1966 A-S News in Brief Earl Hewitt of «U Alberta told Waterford Township poPre last night that threedashboar£ gauges were stolen from his car parked ai^aTOy Lanas, 130 S. Telegraph. « Rummage neighborhood sale, -Sat., Oct. 1, 10-9. 1188 Dudley. Quality Items, Herrington Hills. Q —Adv. “LIVING SOUND" ^HEARINS AIOW PONTIAC MAU OPTICAL HEARING aid center ; Blaze Damages Buildihg in Novi Fin at 10:30 pjn. yesterday damaged the second Story of a vacant building at 1900 Novi Road, Novi, formerly used as a restaurant Damage to the building is undetermined, Novi police and firemen are investigating the cause of the Maze. COIFFURE 3901 Highland Rd. . Call 335*5552 > Auto Pioneer's Wido w Is Dead DETROIT {AP} — Mrs. Louis Chevrolet, widow of the automotive pioneer wbd built the first Chevrolet car, died Friday at her home in suburban Detroit Mrs. Chevrolet, 72, had lived with her son, Alfred, at their home since the death of her husband in 1M1. She is survived by Alfred. Funeral services are scheduled for Monday. Carl Announces 3-DAY SPECIALS SCISSOR HAlRCCTlflNC | r2r Mon.—Tuee.—Wed. BLEACHING TONING FROSWES Beauty Shop _ , SI 050 Hiker Bid,. FE 3-7116 UlllX Free Parking on CourNiosss Let BEGINNING MONDAY OCTOBER 3 CLEARANCE SALE Scotts Products 25% Scotts Turf Builder—Scotts. Seed, Turf Builder Plus 2 and Plus 4 Buy for Next Year! REGAL FEED and LAWN SUPPLIES Drayton Store,*4255 Dixie Hwy., OR 3-2441 Pontiac Stoic—2690 Woodwawl—FE 2-0491 KRESGE'S for one-stop family shopping and saving! MIRACLE MILE SHOPPING CENTER INI South Telegraph - Pontiac tew..... . ' Charge 11x14 PORTRAIT Plus He tor Handling enS Mailing • Group Pictures Slightly Higher , • Choice of Several Puses • No Appointment Necessary • limit One Pur Fandly . THREE DAYS ONLY Monday - Tuesday - Wednesday Oct. 3 • Oct. 4 - Out. 8 HOURS 10-7 Deaths in Pontiac- Neighboring Areas »wniv a wi^rai»iiliaar.aBiam:.,^ji(^g ^n^raraanearaiwt’fUireiWiiwiiiwiiiBniiMnaannBae Melvin J. Nunn !Mrs. Arthur H. Upward ROCHESTER - Service for] BIRMINGHAM - Service for! Mrs. Bert Gray jingham, the Women’s Farm and ’ Garden Cfub and the Women’s Service for Mrs. Bat E. (C* City Club. ...... ,jid ^ ler of Oxford; a son, Richard 1}eVihad, ^st closed aad *** of Oxford-a daughter,-Mrs. Pa- Taverun atJ6 w- trida Tyrrell, of Pontiac; a 2am. whenh/sassf«a®a brother, Carl, and a sister, Mrs.|described as ta ear,y »>• Barbara Scheuerlein, both of c«^e out from behind a nearby Oxford; and two grandchildren.[tetophone booth^ ^ McMullen said tee men tdbk $16 from his wallet, then forced1 him back inside the bar, where they emptied a cash box of $104 and left hint tied by the hands to a storeroom. Lodge Calendar Annual meeting and election of officers — Pontiac Chapter! No. 228 OES Mpn., Ott. 3, 8j p.m. Virginia Salateiel, sec; I FACTS ABOUT PHARMACY bv HOWARD 1. DELL Your Neighborhood Pharmacist A DRUG’S EFFECTIVENESS CAN BE CHANCED WITH AGE Tin passage of lime, can affect those drugs stored away in your medicine chest. Seme drugs deteriorate with age; some get stronger? others weaker. In. any cas|, Wing,putdated medkine can be hazardous. Baldwin Pharmacy 219 Baldwin .‘r;,; > FEA.2B9H CHILDREN OUTGROWN THE WAGON? SELL IT WITH A LOW COST PONTIAC PRESS CLASSIFIED AD! ... EASY TO Mrs. Jennie Krey WALLED LAKE-Service for Mrs. Jennie Coe Krey, 90, of 1214 Pontiac Trail will be 1 p.m. Monday at the Richardson-Bird Funeral Home, with burial to Walled Lake Cemetery. | McMullen managed to free! She died yesterday : after a himself by cutting terough the ! loftg illness, ^ [plastic rope with a jacknife, po-1 Mrs. Krey was a life member p*ce ®a*d-BIRMINGHAM-Private serv- of Chapter 301, Order of East-ice for Mrs. Whitney W. (Mil-jern Star. Of An estimated 350,000 blind FRIDAY, OCTOBER 14th m ■ DETROITS NEWEST . #1! MUSICAL SUPPER CLUB SPECIALIZINB IS STEAKS AND SEAFOODS BUSINESSMEN’S LUNCHEONS Complete Menu Selection DANOlNQ TUES0AY THRU SATURDAY TO THE JERRY LIBBY TRIO SUPPER CLUB 15509 Livernois JUST NORTH OF JOHN LODGE Call.For Reservations 861-3306 dred) Buck, 66, of 457 N. Cran- Surviving is a daughter, Mra brook will be Monday at Wood- Myrtie Hazen of Walled Lake; lawn Mausoleum; Her body Isjtwo shjters, Mrs. Carrie Wolcott at the Bell Chapel of WilUam R. Hamilton Co. Mrs. Buck died yesterday; She was a member at tee First Presbyterian Church of Birm- of Union Lake and Mrs. Mary Phelps of Pontial; seven grandchildren; 25 great - grandchildren; and two great -great-grandchildren. persons in the United Stal less than 10 per cent are children and more than 50 per cei j are over 65 years of age. At least 15 per cent of the blind population is considered employable and can become self-supporting with training. Bloomfield Miracle Mile Only _ 'RE HOUR 'flWKTMWW the most in DRYCtE*HIH6_ QUALITY CLEANING AT ITS BEST! Dry Cleaning Special. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, October 3-4-5 LADIES’ or MEN’S 2-Hoce SUITS Halt 98* Bloomfield Miracle Milo Sul, Dial 332-1822 Spectacular Carpet Buys at BECKWITH-EYANS ... Pontiac Store Only! You Get Carpet, Rubber Craft Pad and Installation Beckwitk-Euans PINE FLOOR COVERINGS TEL-HURON SHOPPING CENTER WEST HURON AT TEIE6NH RD. /»» THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, OCTOBER l, 1966 . W . , Hess Now Alone in SpandauPrison as Two Bars Behind BERLIN (AP) - “I am veryi glad to be out,” former Nazi War Productions Minister Al-j bert Speer told newsmen ini English early today as he was freed from Spandau Prison after completing a 20-year sen- ‘ fence. Speer, 61, and former Hitler Youth Leader Baldur von Schir-ach, 59, were released at midnight Friday, after Completing 20-year sentences imposed by! the International War Crimes! been very trying for Rudolf[ Tribunal at Nuernberg in 1046. Hess, watching us pack and get-. * * * | ting ready to leave,” Speer said.1 Rudolph Hess, In allied pris- UP* SENTENCE oner since he parachuted into Hess is serving a life sentence, England in May 1941 in a self-; for plotting against peace apd" described -mission to end'the! inciting and carrying out ag-\ war between Germany and Brit- Jgressive war. ■ 1 ain, remained toe only inmate Informed sources said today of toe sprawling fortress-like, that the Russians have agreed prison built by toe Prussians to ta discuss a British-French-1878 to hold 660 prisoners. American proposal to fjemoYd “The last 'three days have! Hess from the main .cell block to [order to cut prison operating) Speer, accompanied by hisjby a West German weekly pic-costs. He would likely be placed!wife Margarethe, flew to Hano-jtorial magazine Which has pur-in the hospital wing of the six-jvety West Germany, by com-!pj“8^ .tbe ^wnestic rights to acre prison, the sources said, imercial airliner. He was to ibttj , 8 ry' Previously, sources said, the his sot children a) an undis-i Russians turned down a West- closed retreat before gding to Agriculture Session em proposal to free Hess. An- toe family home in Heidelberg other source said “if Hess gets to resume his architectural I ESCANABA (AP) — Members Md enough and sick enough” the career. . |of the Michigan OsswUsaion of ( Russians may agree to his release, as they did for two other Nazis serving life terms at. Spandau. * ■".* [Agriculture will meet with Up-J Von Schirachwas to, leave .per Peninsula farm leaders later in the day for West Ger- Monday, and hold their monthly I many aboard a plane chartered {meeting in Escanaba Tuesday, j A METHOD 0F MYIH6 YOUR BILLS OASB OK YOUR ABILITY TO MR ONE PLACE TO PAY? SEE Michigan Credit Counsellors Itt Pontiac State Sank Bldg. PkoMfEMUt Our 11th Year M wmMm fi to MckM fHtfSm RmO** 1 Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back” SEARS Downtown Pontiac Phone FE 5 TOE yojmAc press, Saturday, October 1,1m A-n St. Anne's Mead to Be Dedicated at 3 P. M. Sunday St. Aahe*s Mead, the first're-| A reception will fellow In thelEpiscopal Church, the Mead Is] with a bollt-in chest of draw tirement home built by the Mod- a nonsectarian residence for re- ers, ample clothes closet, bed, Michigan Episcopal Diocese, The Rt. Rev. Archie H. Crow-ltired men and women in gggd night stand and lamp, will be dedicated at 3 p.m. to-1!?’ a suffragan bishop of the health-It hw 55 tingle rooms A^itionai furnishings may by , . , T. i_ a lcinB diocese, will officiate at the4 now occupied by the First Pentecostal Church, and pur-chased the present site. Since IgBpBf " ji -Jr erecting the main sanctuary two **** fi 'mr additions have provided more * X. room; for Sunday School/ * * * -* " . While serving as pastor in, wwnm mm n** Akron, Ohio, he was responsible ARRIVE EARLY-VlcM Crawford of 4078 Lakewood and for establishing the Greater Gary McPherson of 3144 Schoolhoose, are early arrivals at Akron Youth for Christ which the ferewefi reception for Pastor and Mrs. G. J. Bersdie. Is still active. • The Rav. John Cochran, missionary to Argentina, will speak at the First Church of the Nazarene, 80 State tomorrow morning. This to his fourth furlough line* being sent to Argentina in 1938. churches andl,265 members of the denomination in Argentina, Misiaonny Cochran, born hi Georgia, was graduated from Asbury College in 1*». 1 of 6653 Shelley, Clarkston; and tlje Bersches. Mr. Dodd is a charter member of the Alliance Church. Hazlett was chairman of the farewell committee. Pastor Borsch* will preach his final sermon tomorrow. 7/'J ' / KJ;* ' SAYING GOODBYE—Greeting the Rev, and Mrs. G. J. Bersche at the farewell reaction in their home at Christian & Missionary ’Alliance Church last night are (from left) James Dodd of 1411 Rosedale, Sylvan Lake; John Hazlett ST. ANNF's MEAD EPISCOPAL m A—if THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1068 RRST ASSEMBLY f of GOD . Perry at Wide Track Sunday School £ 9:45 A.M. | EVERYONE WELCOME § 11:00 A.M. I he Confirmation Classes Begin That is not Ste choice; You must take it The only choice is how. — Henry Ward Beecher. Pentecost Church of God 1834 N. Opdyke Rd. Service in Willis School - Gymncsiurrt Between' Pontiac Rd. and Mt. Clemens Rd. Our Special Speaker •for Sunday Morning & Might Rev. Clenton Winford Sunday School.. 10:00 AM. Morning Worship 11:00 AM. Evening Worship 7:00 PM Wed. froyer/Bible Study 7:30 P.M. Rev. Wayne Melton Pastor Phone C£ 9-5501 (Flint) FIRST SOCIAL BREtHREN CHURCH 316 Baldwin FE 4-7631 Sunday School 10:00. AM. Sunday Worship ll.-OO AM. Sunday . ......7:30 PM. Wed. Prayer ...,. 760 PM. Saturday Service 7:30 PM. Rev, Lay Barger, Pastor FE 4*6994 £ FAITH BAPTIST CHURCH / 3411 Airport Road SUNDAY SERVICES SUNDAY SCHOOL.............................. 10 AM. MORNINGWORSHIP............. .V.............11 AM. EVENING WORSHIP.............................7 PM WH). EVENING BIBLE STUDY....................7 PM.. / Rev. Joe P. Massie, Pastor / Jm Independn1 fanrfawpiifaf Bmptitt Chmrch Spiritualist Church of the Good Samaritan 4780 Hillcrest Dr; . OR 3-2974 Waterford Sunday 7 P.M. <— Rev. Kaye Cation "Some battle their way to the top; others bottle their way to the bottom" APOSTOLIC CHURCH OF CHR££ 1468 CENTRAL Saturday Yeung Peoplu .... 7:30 P.M. Sunday School end Worship 19:00'AM Sunday Evening Services..... 7:30 PM s. and Thun. Services.... 7:30 PM WIMom D. ChurchPhone FE 5-8361 Pastor's Phone 852-2382 FIRST NAZARENE 60 STATE ST. The Church Where All the Family Worships Together 9:45 AM SUNDAY SCHOOL A Class for All the Family Nursery Open 11 AM MORNING WORSHIP DR. JOHN COCHRAN from South America 7.00 PM HOUR OF'EVANGELISM Come and Enjoy John Burton leading the Gre00 Sunday Wonklp !0:3Q V 1 Richotd H. Foucht, Pastor sr.«ma Jodyn of Third (N-'Sido), Portia? Phono. FE 84092 Sunday Church School-9KW Sunday Wordtip 104$ Fhonm OR 3-6621 Sunday Church School 9.1S Sunday Worship 6:00 and 10.30 E Dale EyonsOn, Pastor JT. TRINITY ‘-'H Sts Auburn Rd. (E Side). PonHoc Fhonu: FE"4-940S Sunday Church School 945 ® Sunday Worship 8.30 and 114)0 |alph C Clous, Poster THE LUTHERAN CHURCH IN AMERICA CHRIST Airport at Wm, loke Rd., Watnrford Fhonu OR 3-7331 Sunday Worship IliOO y Sunday Church School 9.20 Wayha E. Peterson, Pastor GLORIA DEI 2600 Pontiac Road, PonHoc Fhonu 335*161 Sunday Worship*,30 and 114)0 Sunday Church School 9*0 Chariot A. Coiberg, Pastor ASCS4SION 4150 PonHoc Lahn Rd., PonHoc Phono 08 4-1212 Sunday Worship 8:30 ond 11 dX) Church School 9,45 THE AMERICAN LUTHERAN CHURCH BEAUTIFUL SAVIOR $631 R Adorns Rd. Bloomfield Hills Phono Ml 45041 Sunday Wonhip 8:30 and, lL00 Sanday Church School 950 Danin! 2111, Pastor MT. HOPE $17 W. Walton Bhrdu PonHoc Phono, 335-9881 Sunday Wonklp 10:30, Sunday Church School 9,30 Ronald E Roln, Poitor- SYLVAN LAKE 2399 Figa, Pontiac - Phone, m«770 Sunday Worship 8*0 ond 10,30 Sunday Church Schopl 9,15 .’"IHt UJTHE8AN HOOT Eoch Sunday WPON 74)5 AM., CHW 12.30 AM. Reception at YWCA Installation Set Sunday The Rev. Dr. Eric White, pastor of Central Christian Church, Grand Rapids, and president of toe board of managers of Michigqn Association of Christian Churches, will be the speaker when the Rev. Jack H. C. Clark is installed as pastor of the new North Oakland Chris- | tian Church. Service , will be at 5 p.m. tomorrow in Kennedy Junior High School, 1700 N. Baldwin. A reception will follow for Pastor Clark and his family at the YWCA, 289 W. Huron. The Rev. John Boroff, associate state minister of toe denomination, will assist in toe instal- Those participating from the congregation include George Lutherans Hold Annual Antique Show The Cross of Christ Lutheran Church will hold its third annual Antique Show in Fellowship Hall, 1100 Lone Pine at Telegraph, West Bloomfield Township. The show Is scheduled for, Thursday through Saturday from 10 a.m. to 10 p. I REV. DR. ERIC WHITE Saturday, when toe closing hour Is 8 p.m. Fifteen local and out of state dealers will offer a wide variety «f antiques. Pewter, brass, stiver, glassware, furniture and china will be included in items for sale. Lunch and light refreshments will be served throughout the better. GIVE JOBS "This gives society a chance to stop punishing them once they are out by allowing them jobs of self-esteem and sery-:e.” . Since the program began at San Quentin in 1953, about 300 inmates have been prepared to give nursing care. gregation; Eugene* Thompson, chairman of Elders; T1) o m a s McGlone and William Tompkins. Mrs. Deltoar Hetherlngton, will accompany Mrs. Harold Aeschli-man, soloist, on toe organ., ★ * _ * Community pastors bringing reetings will be Dr. Emil Kontz of Bethany Baptist Church; the Rev. Edwin Schroeder of Our Lady of Refuge Catholic Church, Orchard Lake; and Rabbi Ernst J. Conrad, spiritual leader of toe New Temple, Bloomfield tolls. talk, but a wise man speaks.-Ben Jonson, English dramaist. CHRISTIAN PSYCHIC SCIENCE CHURCH 12 Warren St. Speaker 7,30 P.M. •' Mr. H, Drake Silvar Tea, Wednesday 7.30 P.M. FIRST SPIRITUALIST CHURCH 576 Orchard Lake SERVICE 7i30 PM. JEAN SWAILS, speaker Heating Sendee Mon.thruFri.7PM Talking and eloquence are not the same; to speak, and to speak well are two things. A fool may others will be toe Rev. Gus Tsompanas of St. George Greek Orthodox Church; Dr. Raleigh Sain, a director of the Metro-polltan Detroit Council of 'Churches; and the Rev. Paul J. Clark, of Lakeside^ Church In Lakeville, district director. Handling arrangements are Mrs. George Scantland, Mrs. Eugene Thompson, Mrs.. Malcolm Scantland and Mrs. Ray- mond Hayes. The public is Invited. Feature Music j Singspirationfor October jifponsored by Youth for Christ is scheduled for 9 p.m. tomorrow in First Baptist Church. Special jmusical feature will be Gary j Sinclair of Detroit playing his accordion. He is the 1988 talent I winner for Michigan Youth for jChrist Contest EVANGELICAL UNITED BRETHREN BALDWIN AVE CHURCH —'210 Baldwin Sunday School. ............ 10:00 AM Morning Worship ... --r..... 114)0 AM Evening Swvice ............. _7:00 PM Rev. Marvfg Rickey Pastor NORTHEAST COMMUNITY CHURCH - 6200 Mt. Clemens CHURCH SCHOOL 9:45 AM - WORSHIP 11 AM YOUTH FELLOWSHIP 6:30 PM Wed Adult Choir 8 PM — Bible Study 8 PM Thun. 11 Churchwomen Are Touring Africa NEW YORK (UPI)- The United Church Women are sponsoring a tour of Africa by 11 churchwomen from six states this month as the first delegation of a new project of “international Christian understanding.” * * * It is planned to make such tours an annual project According to Mrs. Anima Bose of Calcutta, India, special consultant for the project Africa was chosen for the first tour because “it has many serious problems created by changing social patterns.” WILLIAMS LAKE v CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE 2840 Airport Rood Paul Coleman Mb lnur . . to AM-SUNDAY SCHOOL 11 AM—WORSHIP HOUR 7 PM-WORSHIP HOUR Church of the Brethren 46 Roselawn North of Eaal Pike 10:00 AM Children's Rally Day Worship 11.-00 A.M. and 7:00 P.M. COLUMBIA AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH | 64 West Columbia Avenue (A Southern Baptist Church) "Where the difference is worth the distance" E. CLAY POLK, Sunday Worship Services, Paster 11 AM - 7:30 PM 1 CARROLL HUBBS, Music Olracto FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH, ROCHESTER (G.A.R.B.C.) Walnut at Fourth, Rochester SUNDAY SCHOOL 10 A.M, MORNING WORSHIP 11 AM EVENING WORSHIP 7 JPM. Rev. lee Griffin of New York, Speaker MARIMONT BAPTIST CHURCH 68 W. Walton FE 2-7239 SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:45 A.M. , f WORSHIP SERVICE ........... 8:30 AM WORSHIP SERVICE ..........11:00 AM. EVENING WORSHIP............ 7:30 P.M > Pastor Comers, preaching ot all wrvicei CHRISTIAN CHURCH Temporary meeting place: Mason School Walton Blvd. (Bet. Sashabaw and Silver Lake Rd.) Warship 9:30 am. Bible School 10x30 a.m. Gospel Hour 7 p.m. Bernard M. Cagel, Merritt H. Baker, Min. "No Book But The Bible; No Creed But Christ" Mrs. G. W. Diehl is serving! as general chairman. ; Assisting are Mrs. Richard Kuehn, Mrs. Norman Dehnke, Mrs. George Engelhard, Mrs. Leon Frayer, Mrs. Edward Horvath, Mrs. Char lesMpxley. and Mrs. D. H. Pauling. "AN AMERICAN BAPTIST CHURCH" Bethany Baptist Church ' West Huron at.Mark 9:45 AM-Chureh School tor ’ All Ages ' 11M AM -Morning Worship SERMON: - "NOT by BREAD ALONE" 64)0 PM — fYi Meeting Wednesday, 740 P.M. Midweek Meeting , Ample Parking Space Dr. EmO Kontz, Pastor Christ's Church . of Light non-denomiNational Lotus take School, Waterford Cor. Percy King and Harper St. Sundqy School, 945 AM Worship... 11.00 AM Rev. Eleanor O'Dell 674-2650 . All Saints Episcopal Church Williams St. at W, Pika St. THE, REV. C GEORGE WIDDIFIELD Rector 8:00 AM-HOLY COMMUNION 9:15 and 11:00 AM - HOLY COMMUNION AND SERMON BY THE^RECTOR CHURCH SCHOOL 7>00 PM JUNIOR and SENIOR EPISCOPAL YCliUNG CHURCHMEN The SALVATION ARMY 29 w; LAWRENCE STREET Sunday School 9:45 AM—Young Peoples Legion 6.PM * Morning Wonhlp 11 A M— Evangelistic Meeting 7:00 PM Tuesday Prayer and Praise Meeting 7:00 PM . Major and Mrs. John Grindle Ceerf Mutic—Singing- True to Ihe Word PnachUig God Meets With Us-You, Too, Are Invited * FIRST UNITED MISSIONARY CHURCH 149 North East Blyd. - FE 4-1811 Rev. Kennetjt L Pennell Sunday School 10 AM — Worship 11 AM Evening Worship — 7:00 PM Wdterford Community Church Airport Road—Olympic Parkway Robert D. Winne, Pastor Ken Orr, Youth Director Home Coming and Family Day it Sunday School.... . . ... 9:45 AM. ★ Worship Servlet ,. ........11*00 A.M. it .Buffet Supper . ....... 5:00 PM ★ Evening Service................ 7t00 PM. A special welcome is extended to all the 'XJkf Timers" Next Sunday Night-Oct. 9th ” Premiere Showing of new film .LOST IN THE CROWD Featuring Ed Beck, All AiMriGan torn Kentucky, Paul world's strongest matt; Bill Wade, Quarterback, Chicago Don Shbmiek, line backer, Baltimore Cohn Bill Curry, Une Green toy Packers, and others. CHURCH of GOD 623 E. Walton Church Phone 335-3733. Ottilia N. Collin*, THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY,'OCTOBER l, 1966 A—IS ♦United Presbyterian Churches AUBURN HEIGHTS 3456 Primary Stoat F. Wm. Palmer, Paitor 9,30 A.M. - Sunday School II A.M. — Morning Worehip DRAYTON , ,Drayton Plains, Michigan W> J. Teeuwissen, Pastor As*'t. Donald Remillord Bible School......... 945 AM Morning Worship.11 <00 41 Youth Group* ...4,30 PM Wednesday Prayer and Study Hour. ...*.....7*0 PM OAKLAND AVENUE 404 Oakland at Cadillac FE 5-4246 Theodore IL Allaboch, Minister Portoeogm 300 Ottawa Or. FE2-1S55 Audrey Umdeman, Youlh Director rmt Sunday School...9*0 AM Morning W«wh».v.. 1000 AM Second Sunday School 11*0 AM Youth Fellowship.545 PM Evening Worth*.....7*0PM Wed. Prayer Meeting.. 7*0 PM CHURCH OP ATONEMENT 3535 Clintonville Rd. Waterford Twp. Church School 9,30 AM Worship Service 1045 AM Ctea M. Clark, Portor steer my berk with hope in the heed, leaving fear astern. — Thomas Jefferson. ZION CHURCH of the NAZARENE ■ev ZnEJUSJ1’ 10 AM — Sunday School 11 AM — Worship Hour 7 PM — Evangelistic Hour Everyone Welcome ! “5eefc good, and net errif. ytha* jra mmy live.” ' I 15:14 TfcoKwhoMaksMirtttf-mss the importance of regular (torch attendance—are seldom absent from the worship service. AfaneMJtwni IS GOD S GIFT TO YOU \ SUNNYVALE CHAPEL Welcomes You Sumqvcde CHAPEL •til PONTIAC LAM MAD y V.LMartfflj Paster n ROAD \ ZJ New Temple Builds Sukkah at Unitarian Hie spirit of understanding and friendship is gaily displayed this week in a Sukkah located, on the initio of the Unitarian I Church, Woodwfaji at Lone Pine, Bloomfield Hills. *<• * df ' It ia really the Sukkah of die New Temple congregation, Iboused temporarily at the Unitarian Church. It was constructed this week by members for worship and enjoyment during the festival known' as Suk-kot, Feast of Tabernacles. The host congregation asked if its children could munch •PPles and sip grape juke under the foliage, fruits end vegetables of the Sukkah. The New Temple people were delighted to share the little hut, i which is built traditionally from iboughs and leaves with a variety of fruits and vegetables suspended from above. ■ ★ *' dr The Sukkah represents tabernacles in the wilderness used by the Israelites after their' departure from Egypt ★ * dr The top is left partially open to permit a view of the heavens to those within as they thank thp Lord for His beneficient harvest. - CENTRAL CHRISTIAN CHURCH 347 N. Saginaw St. 9,45 a.m. - Bible School 11 a.m. — Morning Worship • 6 p.m. Youth Mealing r- 7 p.m. Gospel Hour A friendly Church ft the Heart of Pontiac Proclaiming the Word of God" Sunday School, 945 A,M. Morning Worship, 3I 1 A M. Evening Service, 7 P.M.; Wed. Prayer, 7 P.M. Friendly General BcrptisfChurch 69 S.* Astor St. FE 4-3421 334-7407 (Rat Sf. fart of East BIvW. between Auburn-and E. Pike) Nurtery Open Each Evening Rev. KoBftt Gamer, Part: .MISSIONARY ALLIANCE CHURCH SUNDAY SCHOOL...........................9,45 AM MORNING WORSHIP.......................... .11,00 AM "THE CHALLENGE OF MISSI9NS" EVENING SERVICE................... .......7,00 PM THE PASTOR WILL GIVE HIS PERSONAL TESTIMONY Elmwood Church to Hear Evangelist Preaching at the evangelistic services at Elmwood Methodist Church, 2680 Crooks, Avon Township Friday through Oct. If will be the Rev. Maurice Stevens., Meetings will be. held at 7] | p.m, during the week and at] [10:45 a.m.* on Sunday, Rev. Stevens served pastorates in the Keniucky Conference of the Methodist church prior to becoming an evangelist. He has ivisited missions and preached in Europe, the Bible lands and Haiti. Evangelical Holiness Church v Alto*** Mato St SERVICES, Sunday School.......... 9A5 AM. Wonhip Snrvicn......... .11*0 AM Yeung Peopl............6,30 PM EvangnMc Sorvico ...... 7<00 PM ■Me Study (Wud.).....7*0 PAL Church PSonu 335-9896 The Pontiac | CHURCH of CHRIST Salute you (Rom: 16:16) , 1180 N. Perry Bible Study 155 and 11,10 AM Worship 7,50 AM 9,55 AM. St 6 P.M. Wed. 7t30 PM Boyd Glover, Minister HEAR HERALD OF TRUTH Channel 9, Sunday 12:30 p.m , ENROLL IN BIBLE corresponoence So* 555 Pontiac Mich Warship 11 A.M Young P*ople Wednesday Crescent Hills H CALVARY ASSEMBLY. _ OF GOD I - “A New Church 'M ' Standing for the »§• Ageless Truths" . :M WE WELCOME YOU |f AND YOUR FAMILY p TWO'GREAT SERVICES $§ 9:45 A.M. || SUNDAY SCHOOL j|| Classes for Every Age • 11:00 A.M. If CALt TO WORSHIP || The Family Service ?a;: 7:00 P.M. ' || SPECIAL ; |! o GUEST SPEAKER || _ REV. JACOB TRAUB M A Man With a Message PRESENT LOCATION JOHN PIERCE W JUNIOR HIGH 1=! ~*~ ^AUDffORIUM > || Hatchery & *Crescent Roads Pastor A. Q. Hashman DECORATE SUKKAH - Andrea Kabce-nell at 3752 Erie, Orchard Lake (left) and Robin Goerss of 3576 Beach, Troy help decorate the Jewish hut'known as Sukkah with fruit and vegetables. Andrea is a member of the^New Temple, Reform congregation, presently holds services in the Unitarian 4 Church. SUNpAY SCHOOL - 10 A.M. RALLY DAY Morning Worship 11 A.M. Church Slates* Nightly Services Celebrate Communion Presbyterians Announce Services Morning Worship 9:45 AM Sunday School 11:30 A.M Evening Service 7.30 P.M Wed. Serv. . . 7:30 PM Christian Temple The Sacrament 'of Holy Com-1 munion will be administered in' First Presbyterian Church at 10 a. m. tomorrow. Communion for Church School leathers will bo at 9:40 a. m. in the chapel. WHITE LAKE TOWNSHIP-I * *+ Rev. Joe Morone, evangelist J The Rev. Galen E. Hershey will conduct 7 pm. services will, preach on “Go, Now Dis-nightly next week at O x b o w ciples.” The Chancel Choir will Baptist Church, 10730 Elizabeth sing “Kyrie Eleisop, Christa Lake. lEleison” from the Mass in G The series of programs which by Schubert. John Ward will Christian Koch, will speak at, the annual Christian education FIRST BAPTIST CfjURCH OF DRAYTON,PLAINS (G.A.R.B.C.) 3756 Sashabaw SUNDAY WORSHIP SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:45 11 A.M*6:30 P.M WEDNESDAY EVENING 7:30 . Pastor, Rev. Marshall Reed starts Sunday will feature outstanding instrumental and vocal talent from the area, according to Rev. Paul Acker, pastor. CHURCH of CHRIST 87 Lafayette St. K Services, Lord's Day 10,30 A M., 7 P.M Wednesday ... 7:0Q P.M ** ■.' FrL 7i0O.PM Study: 1 Corinthians Bring Your Bible "The Soul You Save May Be Your Own" BLOOMFIELD HILL'S BAPTIST CHURCH 3600 Telegraph Road 10 A.M. Sunday School 11 A.M. Morning Worship 6 P.M. Evening Service Wednesday, 7.30 P.M. Prayer Meeting - Church Phone: 647-3851 I CENTRAL METHODIST 1 j 3882 .Highland Rd. MILTON H. BANK, Pastor :j: l BROTHERHOOD WITHOUT RESTRICTION . § MORNING WORSHIP 9:00 and 10:45 AM * | art on WPON H60 — - Air Conditioned 1 FIRST- METHODIST CHURCH I BETHEL TABERNACLE Firrt Penecostal Church of Pontiac Sun. School 10 a.m. Worship 11 a.m. EVANGELISTIC SERVICE Sun., Turn, and Thurj. — 7:30 PM Rev. and Mrs. E. Crouch 1348 Baldwin Ave. FE 54387 W, South Saginaw at Judson Clyde E Smith, Pastor j:;:-: Sunday Service Church School SS 945 AM ltd»A,M v$: World-Wide Communion fuhdey Sermon, "Kingdom, Power ond ®ory* K-:-j Clyde E. Smith, preaching Wednesday 7:30 P.M Bible Study |§ “Through the Old Testament In Ten Weeks’’ ST. PAUL METHODIST 145 E. Square Loke Rdv Bloomfield FRRs—FE 6-8233 and PE 2-2752 g Morning Wotship 9:30 and 1045AM ji§ Church School 9*0 AM Meftodirt Youth Fellowihip 6 P.M. i.y Ampin PnHdng-Samunl-C'Sntenrt, h&t-SupeMtad Nursery BIRMINGHAM UNITARIAN CHURCH Woodward at Lone Pin# Bloomfield Hills Mi 7-2380 Robert Marshall, Minister , . , "Wotchflret Along the frontier* of ft# Human Adventure" 9:30 and 11,00 WORSHIP SERVICES 9:30 Nursery through 9th Grade 114)0 Nursery . through 12th Grade, present the "Beatitudes.” Following worship hour deacons will guide visitors through the building and present them with a booklet, "The Gospel in Glass.” Children and. young will be prompted tomorrow. AUBU^J HEIGHTS U. P. j The Auburn .Heights United j Presbyterian will observe Worldwide Communion at morning worship-tomorrow.. “Break Thou tiie Bread of Life” will be the number by the Chancel Choir. At 7 p. m. senior high young people wiP meet with Pastor F. William Palmer In a continuation at Bible study relating to dating and marriage. Orvln Weaver will lead Bible study at 7:30 Thursday evening, ORCHARD LAKE The Rev. Edward D. Auchard, pastor, will preach on "For All] Mankind” when Orchard Lake Community Church observes Holy Communion tomorrow. The Rev. Henry D. Jones will assist in the service of Communion. »v* REORGANIZED CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST of toifer Day Softie J9 Front St. -11 AM COMMUNION SBtVfCE 7 PM .SERVICE—Elder C Cook J. A Outlond, Pastor - 651 *732 REV. WILLIAM L. OFFUTT Assistant Pastor Comes to Bethany The Rev. William L. Offutt will begin his ministry as assistant pastor of Bethany Baptist Church tomorrow. He comes to Pontiac from Newton Square, Pa. . * . ★ 4~ A native of Newcastle, Pa., tiie Rev. Mr. Offutt had his academic training at Eastern Baptist College in Philadelphia. Theological studies were taken atj California Baptist Seminary. He was ordained to the Christian ministry in his home church, First Baptist of Ell-Wood City, Pa. daring the.. .recognition dinner Thursday evening. The time is 6:30 p. m. CHURCH OF ATONEMENT UNITED PRESBYTERIAN The Rev. Crea M. Clark will give the meditation “The Works! and Word of God” at thFservice! of Holy Communion at 1(>:45: a.m. tomorrow 1n the Church of Atonement, United Presby-,! terian, 3535 Clintonville, Water-* ford Township. Frank Manning will assume his responsibility as Sunday School superintendent at the 9:30 a.m. study period tomorrow. The Senior High Class will meet in the church instead of at the parsonage, - v I w , a • * I, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mowry iand John Williams are advisors. I for the 7 p.m. Youth Fellowship, I |The Youth Club will gather for] its regular session of food, study j [and recreation at 4 p. m. Tuesday. SILVERCREST BAPTIST'CHURCH 2562 Dixie Highway, 2 Blocks N. of Silver Lake Dc/John Hunter, pastor 9:45 A.M. Sunday School H A.M. "DEATH VALLEY DAYS" 7 P.M. *"THE NEW TESTAMENT CHURCH" ' Nurtery at all Services DR. HUNTER The Church of fte Open Bible AUBURN HEIGHTS FREE METHODIST M4* Auburn ««a6 -Henry Sckiuidt, Poilor SUNDAY SCHOOl ....... 10,00 A MORNING WORSHIP.... 10 45 A. EVENING WORSHIP . . • . 7,00 P.1 WEDNESDAY PRAYER .... 7 JO P. ELmWOOO METHODIST ■ - 2680 Crook* Rd §■' Worship 1045 a.m. . Evening Worthlp 7 p.m. Proper Wed. 7 p*n. ! Brtc G. - aldersgate METHODIST^ 1536 8oldwin FE 5-7797 Horace G. Murry, partor S? Worship,945 oj 1 Church School 11 a.n Eve. Worship 7 p.m. Prayer Wed. 7*0 p-m. DRAYTON HEIGHTS FREE METHODIST CHURCH Corner Maybe* and Winell Rds., Independence Township REVIVAL CONTINUES l CLOSING * SUNDAY, l OCTOBER 2 j HARBOR LIGHTS QUARTET Singing at , Harbor Ugftis Quartet 7 PM , - -Service . | SUNDAY, 11 AM. Rev. Lyle Noriiwp . GeneratSecaf Evangellae ef (be Free MeftodW Church Mrs. Offutt, the former Ruth Anne Davis of Newton Square, is also a graduate of Eastern Baptist College. She is a teacher ]of mathematics and English in the field of secondary education. Mecfdow Brook Baptist* Church 9:45.A.M. Bible School; ] 1:00 A.M. Morning Worship Temporarily Meeting: Meadow Brook Elementary School . CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Subject: "UNREAUTY" Sunday Service and Sunday School 11:00 AM Wednesday Evening Service........ 8:00 P.M. Reading Room — 14 W. Huron ) Open Daily 11*00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. - L ’ Monday thru Saturday FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST Lawrence and Williamt St. — Pontiac SUNDAY 9-45 WJBK 1500 kc ' EMMANUEL BAPTIST • lCHURCH • 645 S. . Telegraph {Near Orchar^Lqke Rd.) DR. TOM MALONE, Pastor REV. ARVLE DeVANEY, Associate Pastor A Fundamental, Independent, Bible Believing teptirt Church ’ BIBLE SCHOOL 10 A.M. -Departmentalized. Sunday School for Alt Ages... with NO literature but the Bible. Hear Dr. Tom Malone teach the word of God verse by . verse .in the large Auditorium Bible Class, broadcast on WPON 10-15-10:45 A.M. 1 MORlsIlNG WORSHIP SERVICE 11:00 A.M. : EVANGELISTIC SERVICE • 7:00 P.M. . BUS Transportation . CALL FE 2-8328 FE 8-9401 DEAF CLASS and Nursery at all services ' < DR- TOM MALONE, Paitor. prayer MEETING- JOYCE MALONE, Music WEDl, 7:30 P.M. MUSIC TO BLESS THE HEART . Informal Songfest, Gospel Favorite* and Requested Songs ‘ CHOIR ; j under the direction of JOYCE MALONE ft . 1 l THE PONTIAC PRESS, VALUABLE COUPON SATUKPky, OCTOBER 1, im SHIRTS KEEGO HARDWARE COMPANY No. 1 3041 ORCHARD LAKE RD, 682-2660 BUSTER BRip CLOTHING FOR CHILDREN try cltininf ardar of $t.ll or mort and ttrif coupon jasITaTarTV i MONDAY - TUESDAY - WEDNESDAY , COUPON I COUPON . I - Ldit*’Plain Skirl* | !** I o {Man's Paul* |i||. I * . i Sn^s 69° I i i 944 WEST HURON ST. Omu Daily 7 a.m. 4a I p.m. Sat. I a.m. to I p.m. SUPER KEN-TONE CeHiAgwhita only 'BLUE BELL WEARING APPAREL _____FOI|JHEJNTIREFAM[LY_____ We Carry A Complete Line of YARD aml SIMPLICITY GOODS PATTERNS Art E234 - Washable Colors COATS and CLARK’S RED HEART KNITTING WORSTED SHERWIN-WILLIAMS A-1N LATEX HOUSE PAINT, OaUon. 100% Virgin Wool -Mothproof — Tangle Proof-Ready to Knit — Pull Out Skein *1 19 UHAN’S VARIETY STORE MUBaldwin Ave. at Walton FE 4-3348 OoenDaily 9AM.to9PM~£undey 10 AM.to6PM> 41 EAST WALTON JUST EAST 0P BALDWIN AYE; FI ' Open Friday 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. Waokdloyo 9 AM. to 6 P.M.-Sun. 10 A.M. to 3 P.M. REGULAR $M.SS ,£'A \ CONVERTIBLE TOPS Instant Credit! Bill Reliefs SEAT COVER 156 Oakland Auomo. Conor XiMoy 3 Block* Wott of Montcalm Tolophono FI 2-53SS Opon Daily I a.m. to < p.m. Boil Water Faster* far Instant Geffat, Tea, Cocoa, ate. ELECTRIC “INSTANT KETTLE” Specialty Priced Only 98 Complete with Gord Decorated glazed ceramicl 22K Gold Trimmodl Easy to Cleonl Beautiful "Mott Rose" Dwrignl Never before a* this low pricel Buy Now for Christmas Giving! SHAW'S Michigan's Fine Jewelers 24 NORTH SAGINAW STREET IN DOWNTOWN PONTIAC mum "Thrifty tovjnp" HDIHtt “X FACTORY REMANUFACTURED ENGINES *169 Exchange • Plus Installation 'for Most 6-Cyl. Engines Special Low Prices for Overhauling Your Engine! 6-Cyl. J95-V-8s *115 This INCLL/DES . . . Rings,, Rod Soarings, Fit ’Pins, Daglaza Cylinder Walls, Gaskets, Oil and Labor! STAHDARD ENGINE REBUILDERS 695 AUBURN RD.-338-9671 DRAYTON STORE CLOSED MONDAYS AND TUESDAYS WHOLE MEDIUM SIZED PORK r -v Sliced ■- LOIKS Bazlay Old-Fashioned Famous Thick Sliced — Plotter Stylo BACON.. 69 ft RIB STEAKS www ib. I dbaytoh puihs store only .555 BAZLEY 4346 Dixie Highway — Drayton Plains Enjoy Your Cadillac PooL All Year ’Round This winter . . hours of skating fun can be enjoyed by tha whole family! And, you’ll avoid the long waiting list in the spring for your new pool. Plus you’ll save many dollars now. x Yes, thanks to the fabulous fiberglas construction of famous Cadillac pools, unaffected by Michigan’s temperature extremes, you oan enjoy your Cadillac pool all year around, CLARKSTON POOL CO. 1 Milo North of RMS - MA 5-2914 Open Mon. thru Friday 8-4:30 Complete SALES/ FARTS and SERVICE complete JOBMttched Hne of INDUSTRIAL & _ , J CONSTRUCTION m whMl ,ractors EQUIPMENT ■ crawler tractors shovel loaders forklifts baekhoes loaders ' blades scarifiers, ote. PONTIAC FARM & INDUSTRIAL TRACTOR CO. 825 SOUTH WOODWARD AVE. PONTIAC PHONE FE 4-1442 HOOVER / VACUUM SERVICE REBUILT GLEANERS POWERFUL HOOVER UPRIGHT CLEANER Me with Purehata4 BARNES A HARGRAVES HARDWARE 742 W. Huron St. PARK FREE FE 5-9101 Acre** from the Pott Office. TRUCKLOAD SALE Prfea* (tad to Thurt., Oct. I, INI LUCITE OUTSIDE HOUSE! MON. & TUES. ONLY! Tender Rib Center PORK CHOPS a real treat for the whole family. Whole PORK LOIRS 10-14 LB. AVERAfii Sliced Free HOME OF NATURALLY TENDER MEATS! CHICKEN nuns Your Choice LEGS ID BREASTS W* Jtaaeru* Right le Limit QammtMm HOFFMANS PONTIAC FREEZER FOODS 526 N. Perry FE 2-1 from behind as an unidentified West Bloomfield player gets ready to apply the clincher from the Grant Saturday, October 1, 1966 Central By JERE CRAIG Pontiac Central’s Chiefs turned perseverance into a coveted triumph Friday night at Wiener Stadium, vanquishing the previously undefeated Flint Northern Vikings, 10-18. The Chiefs had the opportunity to let down and fed it just wasn’t their year when things went against them in the first half, but instead, they overcame apparent defeat fo inn their (1-2) game of the season. PCH took a quick lead when Ken Vofimar and Larry Jack-son blocked Carl Miller’s punt and the ball was downed at the visitors’ Jour-yard-line. Bennie Williams needed only two plays to get the six-point-er. - ' Northern, however, showed it could move against the PCH defense. Near quarter's end, Tony Smith sped 97 yards to the Chiefs’ two, and Milt Wallace scored two plays later, the tie lasted less than three The Vikings’ Laurence Dur-rett blocked Bob Boyce’s kick and Oscar Lowe of Flint fell on tbe loose ball in the PCH end none; Added to the Chief* wees about this time were injuries fgl ailments slowing key performers. Their defense else heWt effectively stopped the PCH’s determination to a a good showing for fits home fans paid oft soon. As Miller prepared to punt deep in FUnt territory, he elected to run for a first down and was thrown at the 25. for a loss. Wifii second- period replace most Hardiman Jones sparking file ground game, Central drove ■F paydirt. Jones plunged the' country victories yesterday. RARE BAD MOMENT—Bloomfield Hills had few bad moments yesterday afternoon as the Barons pummeled visiting Holly, 52-0, but here the homesters’ PAT conversion try by Mike Murphy (28) is blocked by a hard charging Bronco Pontiac Press Photo by Rolf Wtntor defense. Murphy kicked four out of eight tries—having two blocked mid two go wide. Bob Calhoun (30) to the Baron who holds the hall for the placements. W. Lake Rolls; Skippers Fall ’ By FLETCHER SPEARS ] Opponents have found a soft spot in the defensive armor of Pontiac Northern. That weakness to PNH’s inability to stop a passing game,, and Farmington's Falcons used the old aerial game yesterday afternoon in handing the Huskies a 21-6 setback in an Inter-Lakes League opener. In another I-L p e n e r, Waijfed Lake went on a scoring spree against league newcomer Livonia Steyenson and roiled up a record point total in a 60-6 triumph. Waterford wound up on the short end of a 27-0 score at East Detroit in a nonconference outing. Last week, Flint Northwest- Bloomfield Hills Grid Machine Rolls Past Holly Clarkston Squares W-0 League Record Dan Fife’s running and pass interceptions helped Clarkston spare its WayneJQpidattd League grwl tecord at*ff F& day night with a 13-0 Nanking of determined Clarenceville. Tom Allen scored the only points Clarkston actually needed When 6a sped 82 yards to paydirt with a punt return the first time Clarkston had the football. George King’s block sprung Alien loose. Jr ★ w. The host Wolves — recover-Lake's Vikings, chalked up crws-L^,, eg yarf, tette ascent Wolves, W. Lake Harriers Triumph final yard for the tying marker. Mike Prince put Central ahead, 13-12, with the conversion and lets than a minute and a half to {day in the half. Neither team threatened in the third quarter. The Vikings,, though, didn’t waste much time in the hut period. They took seven plays to drive 54 yards with Wallace scoring from the two. Walled Lake ran its record to 5-1 with a 21-37 nod foVd, while Clarkston pipped Clarenceville, 28-29. Joe Waling turned in a 10:59 clocking to capture first place for Milford, but Walled Lake took the next four spots to claim the decision. Gene Smail was seconcf for the winners. Neil Stalker came to second, losing the top spot to Boh Kent at Clarenceville, but Stalker’s teammates picked up the fourth, fifth and’ sixth places to stay hi front, Clarkston to now 5-2. Northom tried an onside kick and it backfired. PCH got possession at its own 44 and drove to the go-ahead touchdown (56 ypnis) to six runs. I —, ■ The Chiefs tmed six ^md fop Seed Wins rushes to reach the Northern C 19. Quarterback Lire White then found Walter Terry ail alone on file goaOtoe and hit him with a third down pass for tire winning touchdown.' The visiting Vikings had to punt and Pontiac then ran out tire dock, though not without two anxious moments. Gambling on the fourth BERKELEY, Calit. IB-Top-seeded Manuel Santana, the top-seeded Wimbledon champion from Spain, gained revenge and the semifinals by beating Allen Fox of Los Angeles Friday 64, 64 to a quarter-final match at tbe Pacific Coast International Tennis Champion- quarter with Fife doing much of tire work on quarterback power sweeps. The lanky senior went over from three yards out and then took a pass for ttre^PAT conversion. C’vilie, a winner at Milford last week, threw 25 passes at the Wolves. But five interceptions (three by fife) stymied the offense. The Trojans did reach the Clarkston 15 to the first half but a penalty set them back. Coacji Ralph Kenyon of tire Wolves lauded bis defensive ends and corner linebackers’ play. Barons Collect 52-0 Triumph Winners Open With 32 Points in First Lakers' Gridiron Outlook Brightens in W-0 Race Bloomfield Hills utilized almost unbelievable first period offensive to overpower ’Holly, 52-0, Friday afternoon and continue sharing the Wayne-Oak-land League football lead. 1116 Barons’ sepond circuit conquest and third over-all was fashioned mainly by an awe-stone opening 12 minutes that saw the home team tally 32 points and driving for its sixth touchdown. . .★ ' ★ A hint of what was ahead came on Hills’ first scriqunage play Speedy Dick Kraatz took a handqff on a trap play and raced around right epd for a 71-yard scoring romp.Without a defender touching him. Hie ensuing kickoff was fumbled by Holly and tire Barons’ Brent McLeese recovered it at tire losers’ 38. Rudy DeArment culminated the short drive with.a plunge for the touchdown. The Broncos galled to get off a punt at their 22 and tire Barons promptly tossed a scoring pass on tire first play for a 194) lead. Bill Scott was tire recipient of tire aerial. UNUSUAL Hie game’s weirdest play came 39 seconds later. A HoDy back let the Broncos’ third fumble of tire period pop Ugh in the air. Safetyman Roger Ifersb-man grabbed it for Hills at tire losers’ 45 and be sped to, the end zone, , The Broncos then lost their fourth fumble and Bioont-field’s DeArment scored Us second six poihtf of the opening period. The rest was easy sledding. Holly was limited to minus _ on the ground. Hills finally curtailed its penalty woes by only drawing one fiveyarder to tire last half. Aided by his long opening run, Kraatz led all runners with 112 yards to six rushes. Jeff Nebel gained 86 with 10 cantos. STATISTICS . By DON VOGEL West Bfopmfieki’s football team continues to improve^ at its pftofent rate, the Lakers could be in a position to chal- lenge Bloomfield Hills for the mark. West Bloomfield is 2-1 Wayne-Oakland championship in over-all. the final game o( the season. Northville was toppled from a The Lakers showed promise of better things to come by taking the nregihre of Milford, 19-7, last night to tie file Barons for first plaeewith a 24) . league AROUND END-Quarterback Robin Brennan of West Bloomfield follows his interference as he sweeps around right end against Milford last night. The Lakers won, 19-7, to remain tied for first place to the Wayne-Oakland League. tie for the lead by .Brighton, 19-12. The finale against Bloomfield is NovfVBetween now add that date the Lakers will face two and possibly three teams capable of wrecking any title hopes. The Lakers play Northville, Holly, Clarenceville and Clarkston in the next four 'weeks and only tire Holly con test will be at home. West Bloomfield moved the ball almost at will against Milford. (0-2). Right half Pat Windey was file workhorse, carrying 18 times for 138 yards. Paul Pep-ple, who scored the second Laker TD in the third period picked up 67 to 13 tries; Tom Carter, who netted the first touchdown to the opening quarter, powered for 51 in 11 attempts; and Gary Hahnefeld gained 60 to nine carries. All told, the Lakers piled up 319 yards rushing and another 113 passjng as quarterback Robin Brennan completed' eight of 15 fosses, including a five-yard: er to his brother, Tim, for tire final Laker TD. MISSED CHANCE Milford missed a golden opportunity to scare after taking the second half kickoff. The Redskins marefeiflo tire West Bloomfield four only to lose tire ball on a fumble. They finally scored on the first play of the fourth period with ftab McFarland carrying 45 yards on a reverse. This cat West Bloomfield’s lead to 1S-7, But the Laker* took the kick and marched 71 yards to ease the pressure. The Brennan to Brennan aerial capped the drive. The Lakers took the opening kick and drove to the Milford 10 before losing the ball. Tbe Redskins punted to their 46 and five plays later Carter slanted off-tairide from the seven for sixpotots. Early la tire second period (Continued on Page B-2, Col. 4) ern used tire air game to pin a 25-7 setback on Pontiac Northern, and Farmington picked bp where the Flint crew left off. TWO SCORES Coadh Bob Mistele alternated quarterbacks Ed Snyder and Dan Wolfman in his spread formation and the two wound up hitting on 10 of 21 passes for 166 yards and a pair of touchdowns. * * * V With junior halfback Dana Coin leading tire way, Northern rolled up an impressive lift yards bn the ground, and the Huskies’ stopped the Falcons’ ground game, but the aerial attack was too much. PNH controlled play through ni<)st of the first half, and Farmington showed little offense until the 4:12 mark pi the seednd period. ,After stopping a PNH drive that readied the Falcons’ 17-yard line, the Farmington crew moved over the 83 yards hi 10 plays with Wolfman hitting end Jerry Tinkle with a six-yard toss for tire touchdown with 42 seconds left in the half. A Wolfman-pass to Mike Thompson produced the PAT. ; 1, - *, * * The Falcons made it 144) opening the second half when they took foe kickoff and marched 50 yards for the score. Halfback Paul Misch ended tire drive with a ode - yard dive. Sophomore Doug Root booted the extra point LONE SCORE Northern’s tone score came midway in the fourth and it cut tiie Farmington lead to 14-6, but the Falcons countered moments later for a final score to put the game on ice.-< - .Defensive back Larry Gtiyard picked off a Wolman pass late to the third period at his own 38-yard line and PNH moved in for a six-pointer. Coin picked up the TD on a one-yard imash up the middle, after getting it op with a 44-yard pass to aid Bob Folks that carried to the Falcon 13-yard marker. Cota went over four plays later. With only 2:05 left in the game, Snyder pitched a pass to halfback Chris Norton who went into the aid zone untouched to complete a 38 - yard scaring ptay, Root kicked the point. it is* ^ Tinkle hauled to five passes for 59 yards and played a big hand to stopping PNH’s offen-(continued on Page fi-3, Col. 5) FOOTBALL STATISTICS . J\‘ 1 „ 1 HIM FHS Fir*! Downs Rushing .... II 4 First Downs Passing ..... \ 4 First Downs Ptnsltlss ... 0 o Yards Rushing-Passing 1S5-44 SS-1M THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1, IMG Falcons Beat Clawson, 19-13 Hollywood Finish id 120 Final Seconds of Rochester Win It started when Clawson had to punt from its 46, downing it on the Rochester two. Three plays failed and Bail waiting to punt fumbled the snap. He got away and jest off a kick which gave Clawson the ball on the If. Mult McQuarter went IS yards, I and Bill Weakly was Men hit part of the 4th period Dave Mar taking a 6 yard pass from Jim Ball and Jim Burton working with Ball for an 82 yard pass-run play.■ The second point was missed after Marr made it 13-7 on a pass for the PAT from hall. Then toe fireworks started with toe clock only showing two minutes left. Even a fictitious script of a Hollywood football movie would have trouble matching toe total hectic tain minutes of Rochester’s 19-13 win over Clawson last night. Clawson led 134 at halftime with Jim Alsup taking two touchdown passes at f and 7 yards from Larry Pinchback. Rochester tied ft in the early Craig Westley blocked toe Phillips who went into-tbe end punt and recovered on the Claw-cone Mid toe with two seconds son five. IbR, Rochester still managed a On toe first pass Don Hayesjkickatf. „, intercepted few a first down to It aO happened because of the toe 19. many incomplete passes, the * ★ * (safety Clawson could have With 18 seconds still showing] gained might have won it, but It was awarded to Rochester on the 20, and a IS yard penalty put it on toe 35. Three passes toiled and Rochester punted. How the clock showed 55 seconds and Clawson failed on three second and tern more in the third to break toe game open. Senior halfback Greg Keller, who scored three touchdowns on runs of 75,1 and 11 yards, broke through the middle ona,75-yard jaunt midway in toe tost and be ran the point to put Madison in front, 7-fc NARROW DEFICIT Avondale shamed back behind the passing of Boh Burt and cut toe deficit to 74 when Lee Saunders hauled in a 12-yard Burt pass for six points. Halfback Jerry Dash broke through for a 24-yard TD and Keller added his one-yard scoring buret in toe second period. Dash dived over from the one in toe third for his second TD. O’Dea tallied on a 67-veep and Roy Kibbe on a pass-run play with Lind-iggoner as Chian started . But the Dragons’ only r score was. a two-yard by Jim Ross in toe last Charleton, Pilette Roll on Long Runs Birmingham Seaholm and Birmingham Brother Rice are scheduled tentatively to play each other the last game of toe season and if they do, it should turn out to be hectic individual battle between Seaholm's Chris Charleton and Rice’s Greg Pi- CHRIS CHARLETON GREG PILETTE KEY KICK TOR PCH-Mike Prince (84) boots Pontiac Central into a 13-12 halftime lead with a point-after-touchdown conversion in the final two minutes of the first half last night at Wianer Stadium. An old friend pkkl an' unfriendly visit at Avondale last night. Frank Crowell, former Avondale football coach and now grid coach and athletic 'director at Madison High, returned with the Madison football team and pinned • 40-13 setback on -his hosts. Tie Oakland A victory raised Madison’s league mark to £4, and gave the team an over-all record of 34. In ether loop outings, Warren Fitzgerald romped past Troy, 49-7, and Warren Cousino out-scored Lake Orion, 44-20. Avondale made it a close! game for a quarter, matching touchdowns with the visitors itt toe o p e n 1 n g frame! but the Eagles pushed across two in the Key Contest lor Lakers Meet St. Mike Unit' Tonight at 8 The big games have come early for the Lakers of Water* ford Our Lady, and if they pass a key test this evening, fi’U be „ clear sailing the rest of toe way for toe Macomb County parochial champion. The stumbling block in the Lakers bid for a second straight championship is Pontiac St. Michael, and WOLL will try to remove toe Mikemen this evening at 8 p.m. at Wisner Stadium. WOLLhts posted two league wins in a row, while St Mike won its lone start. The Mike-men were idle last week. St. Frederick, WOLL and toe -Mikemen wore picked as the teams to beat in a preseason rundown, and the Lakers have already disposed of St. Fred. ★ ★ it ■ s * In another game on tonight’s achedale, unbeaten Midland (24) visits Flint Southwestern in a Saginaw Valley Conference game. T6UGHTEST Orchard Lake St. Mary, routed by Farmington Our Lady last week, 354, faces another rough game at Ferndale St. James tomorrow at 2:30 pm. in a Northwest Parochial game. (ft ,★ it St James has chewed up a couple of parochial foes, St. Gertrude (64) and St. Francis de Soles (35-7), and rates solid favorite’s role against toe visiting Eaglets. Other games on the Northwest Sunday schedule find unbeaten Farmington OLS. (24) at de Sales (8-2) and Royal Oak St. Mary (0-1) at Highland Park St. Benedict (9-2). In a Macomb CathoUc con- Oxford Claws Get Sharper Wildcats Win 25-13 Over Im lay Soltla Creek Ctntrel 34, East Lansing 6 Battle Creek Lakevlew 32, Kalamazoo Loy-Norrlx 14 Bog City CBnVal M, Alpena It ™ City Bangor j. CedHiec 7 (tie) lion If, North villa II Ingham Saatolm 3X Haiti Par nfield Hills 52, Holly 9 Ingham Groves 32, Wayne Gler Birch Run 44, North Branch 20 Birmingham Brother Rica 40, Oetrolt Catholic Central It Clt* It, Grand Blanc If (da) Charlotte 30, Ionia 13 Clarks ton 13, Urania Clarenceviiie o Caro 33, Martatta 4 Carsonvilie sx Caetviiie t Canter Una 21, Warran 7 Corunna 3t, Comstock 0 -Clinton Boytvlllo St, Britton-Maeon O Clinton St, Whitmore Lake 7 Dearborn Heights Robichaud It, Taylor Gimtir 12 Dearborn Edsel Ford 32, Mylvlndala 1 Dearborn 32, Wayne 13 Dundee 26, Chelsea 0 Dackervilia », Harbor Beach « Dexter si, south Lyon it Dryden 22, Brown City 14 Detroit Murrey-Wrtght 13, Western 12 Detroit Northwestern if, Finney. 14 Detroit Dtnby S4, Osborn 7 Detroit Cess Tech 33, Mumford 7 Cdhfdl * " Jackson Northwest 14, Bast Jackson f Kalamazoo Control 4), Lansing Saxton Kingston 12, Owen-Gage d Williams ton 0 , Lansing Gabriels 22, Eaton Rapids 0 1 Park if, Ypsllantl it (tla) t Eastern 7, Everett t 3X Sparta 'ViL ' • Linden 27, Hartland 7 Lake Fenton 12, Genesee 0 Livonia Bentley II, Detroit Rodford Union lia, ' ,i lichlgan School Deaf 34, Gratia Points University 14 Millington 37, Saginaw Arthur Hill Tech _hts Avondale If Monro# 21, Gross# Points' 14 Mi. Osmans 14, Port Huron 11 MayvWla 14 ANoFMiwa II Muskagon Catholic 20, Grand Rapids Union 1*, ■ r' lew Hsvsn IX Capac 7 ■HR44 Highland Park • Ecdraa If, River Rouge 6 East Detroit 37, Waterford g Farmington It; Pontiac Northern 4 Farmington North Farmington 13, Oak ; Park 4 Ferhdalo IX Southfield 7 Fowlervllle It, Stockbrldge 4 Pilnt Hamady 3t, Byron 4 ""** Bentley 26, Montrose It m 14 FUnt Atherton. f itng 6, Mt. Morris 0 . .... Machsr 6, Davison 6 (tie) Flint Ainsworth 14, Keersley 7 Frankenmuth 74, Bad Axe 0 Garden City East IX fflkstar 6 AfiS lie X Bllssnald 4 ♦a 37, Lake Odnaa Lakewood 4 20, Benton Harbor II . ______j 20, portago Control r y Hamtramck 32, Romuklt 0 Harper Woods Lutheran East If, Ml-Clemens Chippewa Valley 4 Dryden Continues Pace in Thumb Loop Race The Wildcats am growing claws. Oxford made it two wins in a row for the first time under coach Gerry Neidltoger with 25-13 conquest of Imlay City la night. N ★ 4r ★ The former South Central League opponents battled in a scoreless first-period, then host Oxford broke loose for three touchdowns mid coasted to toe victory. Speedy halfback Tim Kelley, who ground up 175 yards on nine runs, broke outside for 38 yards and the first touchdown. In all, Oxford gained 413 yards on the ground. Then Gary Cummings registered a 42-yard -scoring scamper and Roger Miller added the PAT. Don Schultz closed the first half scoring for Oxford by running 15 yards. CUTS GAP Imlay’s Gary Maples plunged over from the one and Chet Marcol’s kick made it 19-7 toe the Wildcats. But Kelley then again broke loose to toe outside to ice the decision with a 60-yard sedring sprint. John Topie passed to Gary Nolin for toe visiting Spartans’ second and final six-pointer. STATISTICS * V SCORE BY OUART1R* Imlay City ..... .... Iff 4-13 1 ' " *1t * * “ Defending champion Darden staved in the Southern Thumb footoall chase Friday night but test, Anchor Bay Catholic (0-2) title hopeful Ahnont suffered a entertains Detroit St R 0 s etough loss to Anchor Bay. Dryden dumped Brown City, 2244, behind the stellar work of linebacker. Gary Howard. The Cardinals have a wjn and a tie to their two starts. Beilino Regains Job With Pats BOSTON (UPI) -Former Navy halfback Joe Bellino and defensive end. Jim Boudreaux were reactivated Friday by the Boston Patriots for their game 7 to Rain itg firgt with toe Ndw York Jets Sun-j Howaid httDennls . _ Kalbfliesch in the mid zone for Anchor Bay rallied to take Almost, 1442, and stay tied for the lead at 99 with Ar-mada, a 32-7 winner aver Memphis. Ahnont now Is 1-1. New Havmi pinned Capac, 13- dale’s other score. The foes Mt Avondale 94 in the league race and 04 over-all. FITZGERALD ROMPS Fitzgerald romped to a 190 lead against pun&Ttas Troy In the opening quarter, and scored toe first five times it had toe ball en route to win No. 15 in row. Dave White ran 70 yards on a sweep toe first play after the opening kickoff and toe rout was started. John Pahoski, who booted four PATs, tallied the first of his two touchdowns on a 38-yard pass-and-run play from Bill Kinnie for toe second score. Troy’s lone marker came on a one-yard plunge by Gary Griffith after a 60-yard drive. Orion smelled an upset after scoring twice for a 144 lead! over offense - minded Cousino. But the Dragons’ Dad’s Night crowd was disappointed as toe visiting Patriots roared bade for seven touchdowns and nearly 500 yards net gain. Tim O’Dea yard sweep and 55-yard sey Waggoner as quickly. But the other score was. a plunge by Jim Ross period. FOOTBALL STATISTICS fa m * 2 .3*. , mr ' l/W) I f* ** t :'L' I J. O. a 1 " - Ji ^ ft " Ip^ £ ■ . dsfflmm ..Wd ..... . I ;?llk 4^' ““ - 1 M ; STEADY EXECUTION -Hills’ backs Dick Kraatz (23), Bob Calhoun (with ball) and Randy DeArment (47) ex-ecute handoff during the first half of Friday’s victory over Holly. Kraatz, who matched DeArment’s two touchdowns to the game, . Pontiac Pros* Photo by Rott Winter prepares to block two charging Broncos, including defensive end Greg Averyhardt (82), while Calhoun slips the pigskin to fullback DeArment Hills ground out 326 yards rushing against Holly. \ Same Size Backs Duel First Downs Total . Yards &—-*—■ Wil LO—O'Dea, 47 twslp though Don Hender-p5,yed«i aty £ VZ TSTSKy a*■ and will replace the injured0De.yani gcor ing Dhinge and 80 yr**10 for toe lose-Bil(y Johnson and Joe Avezza- pax kick. ere: , 'THIEVERY ' ■ j , Shift Credit to Stagg * 99 turn to the 10 of Brown City Though Knute Rockne was by Howard set up the third Dry- (Continued From Page B-l) the Lakers drove to the Milford 25, but were stopped. As foe half ended they had a first down on the Redskins’ If. Hie deriding point in game came when Milford fumbled near toe goal line ahd the Lakers marched 88 yards to take a 134) lead. Popple carried the last yard. Although impressive mi offense, the Lekere showed their Heber watt over from toe three inexperience a few tones on defense. They were badly fooled on McFarland’s touchdown dash and let Milford pass receivers open several tones. for the winning marker. Armada piled up a 194) lead by intermission. Carl Reiter tallied twice to toe second quarter credited with creating the back-field shift in footoall, be abrpys gave toe credit to Asm Alonzo Stan of Chicago. den score. Quarterback John Malinich {dunged over. After Brown City cut the deficit to 1914 with two scores to I ....II , «tt ft-W ...;0 t f 8 M KORINO MAYS D-Sofoty, Howard tackM Kalbflleth In (Camp kick) m (KatMiaacn Gary - Hankto, guard Steve Garlito and*Carter showed well on defe Kevin Rosswurm-sped 66 yards off tackle with 1:31 to play to give Brighton Us victory to a penalty marred game. Jim Zayti scored twice for NorthviUe, on a 45-yard pass' run andal7-yanl sprint. NFL Standings •srSTfe’i Chicago at Mhinsaol Cltralrad at Now Y Sanaa «t Attiaita ^fSSurgh arWasMngton St. Louts at RMtaMiMa 7 Stroke Ahead However, Milford’s were usually thrown to someone already well covered. Tackle BONSALL, Calif. (AP)—Carol Mann posted a second-round 78 for a 143 total and took a one-stroke lead to the Mickey Wright Pro-Am Invitational. Carol Mann ... ......... 7X74-143 Sandra Palmar .........74.74-144 mam mm# ...........l... »«ui Sandra Spuzich ... . . . . . . 6X76-14S Sra:, CIWord Awi Crtsd &e£8Sl~-: Glor ls Etirst .. Kimball Halts Berkley, 20-0 for First Win Two touchdown runs by Mike Yankee and a scoring pass boosted defending Southeastern Michigan Association grid champ Royal Oak Kimball to its first victory Friday night. W Sr ★ The Knights knocked Off Berkley, 204), to open the SEMA campaign with a triumph. Fern-dale surprised previously on beaten Southfield, 197. Yankee went over from the seven-yard4toe after Kim. hall’s Doug Halliday recovered a Berkley fumble on toe 10. Dun Maudlin hit Greg Schnaidt oh a 43-yard scoring pass in the second quarter as the Knights pushed their lead to 134) at halftime. ROK needed only four plays to go 86 yards. Yankee’s second scoring run' followed an interception by Keith Stahl who ran 21 yards to the Beridrir 17. It took three plays to peat the touchdown. Kimball now has won six straight gafoes to SEMA (day over two seasons, but ia only 1-3 this year over-all. mrtiTiOi J Betting Change YONKERS, NMY., (AP)~ The management et Yonkers Raceway, a harness racing t announced Friday * night twin double form of betting would be dropped,, effective Monday, Oct 3. ~ The game would come about if Brother Rice should be eliminated from the Soup Bowl and Goodfellow game to Detroit. They both won last night, Sea-holm over Hazel Park, 28-0 and Rice whipped Catholic Central, 4921 and Charleton and Pilette continued th&r onslaught on rushing yardage. BIG YARDAGE Charleton piled up 225 of Sea-holm’s 276 yards rushing, scoring on 84 Mid 6 yard runs to make it 14-0 at halftime. He set up another and 45 yard dash. Dick Trickey went four yards and Art Kale tyro yards for the other Seaholm TD’s. Charleton has 461 yards to three games. Pilette rolled up 275 yards going 82 yards, 03 yards and 22 yards for touchdowns and setting up another with a 43 yard dash. He now has 533 yards in three games. Both players are senior! and both stand 911 and 170 pounds. Rke also scored with Paul Lutz going 90 yards with a punt ridtura and 3 yards oh a dive. Greg Keffy passed for one and sneaked for another also for Rice. STATISTICS sa ^SEAHOLM—KaIs I yard mask, Kals SCORR BY QUARTERS : First Denims Passing ... Groves Opens League Action in32-7 Win Birmingham Groves and defending titlist North- Farmington began foe Northwest Suburban Activities Association gridiron race with conquests Friday afternoon. ★ * * -N. Farmington, who bps only lost three league games to four seasons, outplayed Oak Park for a 13-6 victory — its first against one defeat and one tie over-alL *.■ * */T> Groves battered Wayne John Glenn, 397, for wto No. 2 to three starts. The Falcons rallied from a 7-0 deficit. 1 North Farmingtoo’i Gary Zerhan struck for an I9yprd paydirt gafiop on toe aeosad May against Oak Park’s Redskins. Tien Oe visiters needed mdy five plays la tie toe scare. But Zerhan plunged one yard In the second quarter for the de-ckttog tally. He gained 137 yanis to 13 runs before leavim? with “ injury. ^ jnm Downs Passing ... First Downs Penalties ... Yarns Rusktog Passing . Punts and Ararags FumblasMo. Lost 'tcoKwb PLAY1*!** ■ H "*• 9 Lutz. trtPNt Mail rstur Umar pay worn Drag Kell imm. MT natal pass from KMI*. . JE—Pjlatta. 63 yard run. WotlaR- h^RlcE—Paul Lutz. 3 yard*. W ^ pass from John Hornyak anberg. ha Me* ICE—Drag Katty. Yargg RwMnoreaaini Passes intercepted by : Peneltte* and Yarda ....... 4- O—Tuttl*, 60 ord run) 76ers Playing 6 Tilts in Pittsburgh PITTSBURGH (UFI) Six National Basketball Association games will be playedjn Pittsburgh by the PhiladripLia 78era, tiie dub announced Friday . Their tot game will be Record for Birds Nov. 3, and tiiey will close the Pittsburgh stand with Xos Aa-geles on March 6. ' BALTIMORE (AP)-The Bal-! timore Orioles set a home attendance record Friday night ! when a crowd of 12^260 at their twi-night double-header with the Minnesota Twins boosted Baltimore’s 1966 home attendance mark to 1,190,026. The previous record of 1,167,849 was set in I960. ^s/T&iye AMERICAN Late Models and Compacts ( ACAAE AUTO PARTS 986 Oakland (BokU-110) Hdfhitila South of Tsiegraph Phone 332-9229 335-6855 335-5661 Ready To Mount 335-6855 335-566L liii iliLKM THK PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1966 B-* MM AVERAGES A,8SSf*8kfS»,B CLUB arr^lMMOl Fct. CLUB -RB^R H HRhmM. Balllmor* 4444 10 141} ITS **t J55 Dttrott 5436 712 1344 174 475 JSO Minnaaota 5332 44* 1233 144 454 Boston . 5444 455 131* 14548 J> Claveland 5405 572 184 154 534 J37 N#w York 528 404 1237 162 542 JOS Kansas City ' S255 58 1225 <7 87335 Washington 5317 557124518 84 xi California 538 8* IMS 12* SH 55 Chicago 817 571 1W B 81 3B HMIBlR 1 Vi SW752 158 1* 7*5 m Attanta £ 582 744148 3M 71* J44 Ctoeinnati 8ic 6741404 i8»5 Philadelphia pi 85 1433 116 422 58 LOJ Angela* ip »7 1385 106 557 S Houston 5435 594 1379 111 556 .254 HM i IU Stt 541 148 140 40* 8. Louis Ml 545 1345 107 527 35 San Francisco 505 441 1341 17* 413 5*7 New Verb 5305 5*4 1273 47 Ml J4* iNoivmuM. Vmtnm CM ar mar* at halt) > - . Flayar Club mTk N HRRaiPet. P Pnhlnc'n Nml tPl «« VOI te m flair c8b "if* hHiV RSI Fd. H Ml . la Poh t Hnmrr »dra iWfFJ- whB 8?W McAUMtl ~ Age* CM B.Robins' m « tt m 70 141 34 104 A I S 8 SI 110 * 43 JU 8 160 34 liS « 145 .14 fi/I5 44 154 M 41-M 9. m ii *? an 70 ISO S 44 JU1 » 144 30 40 .274 W 12 8 8 .274 3 8 i f! d § CartyAtt m 73 164 is 'AIM Nil 514 111 144 40 ROW On 441 H 303 14 .. _ y V ■ **• i*l 8 117 <*w MX aSjmp _r .. 170 a 5 - jn, i 2 is t nli Kiri Oarke^NY 300 34 13 4 C?p»n5l»*KC S » 150 ’* ss»*rS I m AIM Min 314 33 533K3 McMulSn WH 524 n in » til H 113 « 4$ M MU' n » _ _ 115 if M M 41 10 43 .232 M ,» IS __ « s « 1 w i 17 .m 41 133 7 45 .220 - MrlWIH. a , ____ Mr ond 4ml , NradMl, California, MeCraw, C s»«xl8^caaB jar-aajrws.nS^.. an# Whhakar, NM Yerttwid Chanea, Gonzalaz All Irokltt „ ... .. _ W.Owk LA 415 72 ITS 10 54 JU Aim Htn 421 51 120 5 42 .285 tBFst* 8 #]o «i zzz z i«i ** Rsaaboro LA 434 47 122 ♦ Baftman Htn 430 34 120 « Ballay AT = = ^ “ Repoz KC 80 Brown Cla, 332 Romano Chi 320 MeCrow CM M Gonzalez Cla 344 Brinkman Wat .M2 Grand MmMmar* ton, 2) MTOUMJ^ r "Sah aaso“W L era Mljl 4* * 4 w 204 154 44 124 11 10 2.03 111 *7 43 40 11 1 fM . .131.1 W. .44 . 04 10..». .|S 42 45 22 47 4 4 US M3 174 50 121 1012 2.31 145 110 44 tt * 3 230 45 73 23 70 4 I *52 173 4*18111* 107 17 34 57 4 I 2.02 fj i i i lf n 145 Bw .. P m I « n 8JJ 5 I 2A7 255 244 S3 203 » 12 SB 241 153 42 143'14 8 2.10 147 217 SO l2 12 10 2.W rrT1_w 171 144 43 57 14 8 2.55 u' rwlii rl. ns 124 44 111 • t 3.01 m2^m£ 145 120 45 17312 5 3.0* Wilson CM *54 114 73 155 15.11 3J47 McNally Sal *13 212 44 1571) 4 3.17 Grant Min 249 248 49 104 13 13 m UmrrtH Ml* 144 1]} 33 125 7 14 3# 254 211 75 1M 14 15 W Brunei Cal'-Brandon Ban Stanuo Ban Retersan NY RIcherT"Waa 525 71 18 405 dj 174 % X Keaalngar Chi 575 50 1 By the Associated Press Associated Press flpsriA Write Anybody up there like Hiny? PoorHarry Walker. He was up with the sun, out at Forbes Field before the groundskeepers, on the golf course to keep his mind off ids troubles, then back at tin ballpark to play a little do-cr-die with the Giants. (KECKING OUT-Dr. Francis C. Ward, medical director for the Grand Prix of the United States, checks, out Graham Hill (left) of England and JacUs Stewart of Scotland (right) yesterday. HOI and Stewart will be the BRM team in the eighth Grand Prix tomorrow at Watidns Glen, N. Y. Deteat* Goodrich Harpor l Banfei a i^23ra&.Ani lanta, Atpromonlo, Torrt, Allan?*,' HundtoyT’ChiMOO," Coke? M jiylor, ..................I i Baitty, Pittsburgh, Davao-, and McCovoy, San Francisco la and Flood, St. Louh | “ NATIONAL LSAOUI PITCHING , mart decisions) IP H BO SOW L ERA 111 S4 23 17 14 1 * 314 84 76 307 24 8 251 215 35 215 24 * .... ..... 87 153 8 174 11 10 232 g Phi 305 28 8 241 15 13 2.33 M erupted from the gridiron doldrums with a vengeance Friday night, stomping arch-rival Good-1 rich, 3S-6, for win N6.1. The victory matched the Marjchal SP Jackson 5 Jenkins C JltB Si Ail* 11.M2V- ■ 244 154 8 155 14 14 a.Wlgrysdale ( paimar aai 28 174 51147 15 IS 3A4|3jjrt ,w' McCornrk Was 84 153 8 101 11 14 13S Q'Tpol* Ramos NY 50 J5 7 8 1 * 3.8 F shar 1 Santiago Ban 172 157 8 115 12 13 334 Blass Pw.. 8}>S83IBlSGSa,TS Plzarra Chi 8 51 » 42 0 4 3.8 " ‘ Brandon 11 Erupts, 35-6 Brandon’s BlaekhawkslBlackhawks, win total far the High Ranked Dondero Rolls Against Dots Powerful Royal Oak Dondero roared on Ifciday night with a 26-6 Shipping of Wyandotte as Quarterback Dave Charlton led the 'Oaks’ attack with his passing. " 225 541261! i4 fourth ranked in the weekly As-* associated Press Class A state peril — broke a scoreless first balk with 20 prints in the second quarter. Don Infer A RaWhiy"' Rams Leave 49er Cooch Almost Speechle34-3 L06 ANGELES OR - Coach Jack Christiansen of tiie San Francisco 49ers, a man of few words and one wdio likes to leave tiie scene of football accidents as soon as possible, remains in character. After watching the 49ers take a 34-3 whipping Friday night from the Los Angeles Rams, Christiansen made this succinct observation: “I have just one thing to say; We stunk the joint out from start to finish. And that’s ft-” * ★ * Witii that, the 49ers’ boss flipped his overcoat over his shoulder and marched out of tiie dressing room in Los Angeles’ Memorial Coliseum. The Bams are new 3*1-6 in the standings, alone ft least until Soaday far second glace lathe West. The winless titer*. 644, were the underdogs at Los Angeles and fell back 1; homes 1 / r vETV : Located in the h.ort of "Beilina .Homes Detigned by Sc hot*, 'Built by Beauty Hit* Here'* fear at the mo»t appealing hemes, detlfned by the (emeus Don Scholz arid built by ‘’Beauty-Rite"—toady for you t< —smart decor and packed with "fii > charm" that you'll love, fool RESEDA ROAD and RESEDA COURT! ' i the heart of felling ’idoriand." YouTl be Intrigued by the “Fresh New Horizons” of this recognized residential community-all the conveniences \ you would expect for gracious livingl FOR INFORMATION PHONE 673-1717 VALLEYWOOD - L-sha pe Colonial Ranch on largo comer let, faces homes of oqual elegance. Features and design for the discriminating. FRENCH PROVINCIAL-Inspired by the Loire Valley Chateaus of France — fufly landscaped eh large comer let. Ratcony overlooking scenic wooded canal area. TH|5 PONTIAC PRESS. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1, I960 Take Proper Precaution When Leaving Your Vacation Home IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY By VIVIAN BROWN AP Newsfeatures Writer a sad day when the family leave of the vacation It’s back to job, schools, But it may be sadder 'when you return next year if you do not make needed repairs. Closing up the second house is more than just battening down the hatches. Many peo- OPEN SUNDAY 2to 6 P.M. Huntoon Shores » Families with children find a lot to like in a Beauty Rite buiit hi n Hunipon Shores. The floor (hearts.'lit. _ . ----r iin, away from The living room wit* re parents can entertain without their little ones underfoot. IK baths, ample storage, well planned kitchen with adjoining breakfast area. Carpeting il included throughout, Sett this model and others today at Huntoon Shores. There's sure to be one that fits your famjlly. Your choice — Tri-Level— Colonial — Ranch - from 918^250 jnciudinl lot. > V Airport Road Between M-.19 and Williams Lake Road Westridge of Waterford 5717 Tipperary Westridge of Waterford is a planned community, yet only a few minute* drive to downtown Pon* tier or nearby shopping centers. Featured is Beauty Rite Homes, Lite., new and exciting Early American Colonial Model. Also available at Westridge or our Huntoon Shores subdivision, are the popular Tri-Level Model* or the Custom Ranchers. Feature fof feature, you can't And greater value than your investment in a Beauty-Rite buiit home. Drive out Sunday—bring the family. US-IO to Our Lady of the Lakes, turn left onto Cambrook Lane. MY O'Neil 3520 Pontiac Lake Rd. OR 4-2222 Realtor Office Open Sunday 1 to 4 pie hey these homes eg re-tirement homes. Then they can have a party and bunt the mortgage. But second bouse repairs are delayed year after year. ANOTHER TIME “Well do it next spring, up dwelling that die family used for roughing it. They just bettered around in if until R fell apart The new tread is tp vacation homes with mere conveniences for the leisure life — dishwashing machines, freezers, swimming peels, saunas. “we’ll get back here sometime These investments are well next winter,” say those who notice problems but want to relax on the big vactaiom Some people do not notice little things that caa build up. Fewer get back to the chores and when next vacation season rolls around, it'll be make do again for another season. That’s one way to let a house deteriorate. Time was when a vacation house was an old beat- Is the ROOF j over your head ! GUARANTEED ! FOR 25 YEARS ill btfsrs It Mglm t* cost you issl money! Wall gut * now Mujs-HWs Fir.-Cht* Mine* roof on your homo, MS we'll luuruntss It fur iS ytsril , CALL US todoy or stag In, ' Let ut shew you whit beautiful , Mule-Hid* Flrt-Chtx Min- Free estimate...no Mllistlon. JACK VERMETT ROOFING & SIRING Call FE 8-6115 or OR 3-9590 Beautiful lake Angelus Takeview Estates' OPEN Sunday and Daily 1 to 7 These Four Models How Being IHsmtlnueJ for the Boom worth the upkeep. The time to take stock of disrepair is before you leave the house at the end of summer, painful though it may be. ★ t p ■ But a two-home owner must consider himself a twin handyman, unless he can afford help! It isn’t .easy to, get local help during vacation months *when everyone else has the same idea. MAKE A LIST But you can make' a list for the local handyman and caretaker so that everything will be put hi order before winter winds bowl . The same check-up that is given your first borne periodically most be given to the second. Check the' roof. If shingles! blew off last winter, and there] was little rain, it may not have mattereftthis vacation tjpfle. I But if there is lots of pre-J cipitation next winter, and more shingles rot or disappear in-a] storm, you may And floors, walls! and furnishings ruined from1 leaks. It’s worth ap inspection crawl on the roof. Gutters, downspouts, fireplaces should be checked. Chimneys should be cleaned if they’ve had a big cooking workout. A ★ ★ Loose window panes should be repaired and faulty door locks replaced. Make a list of things that need to be done when you get back. If you are equipped with paint or preservatives when ym return next year, the job may get off the ground. PLUMBINGPROBLEMS Resolve plumbing problems before you take leave of Die house,‘xand call plumbers before the house^dbsing rush sets in. Second homes scheduled to be retirement homes are usual-ly in less isolated areas than vacation homes. Older people want to be gear stores, doctors, hospitals. Even if you aye in one of these well populated areas, you should inform, the police (hat you are leaving the vacation' spot, and where they, can rea£h you in case of emergency. ■ - A p’' ' Find pew homes for animals adopted ~ while on vacation qr take the animals with you when you leave the temporary house. 1 Maagf little cat? and dogs come hcsfcj for an -expected dinner only to find that thi city slickers have flown the coop with food and affection. It is cruel. . and 2-BEDROOM UNITS IMPERIAL. Cabinet Cantor 6575 Commerce Rd. Oretiard-Lake 363-9510 Call FI 5-6585 or 682-2610 ARROWHEAD MALL APTS. 24)3 iMzjsbstfc I ' *«<** ns p» BUY, SELL, TRADE! ... USE iFGflTIAC PRESS WANT ADS! unaia-iwuuB C0RSTRUCTI0RINDUSTRIES 19115 W. 71 WHAT IS KLINGELHUT FACE BRICK SIDING? It is the Mutti-Purposu Brick Siding that doas so many jobs-BETTER • Gives year-round insulation • Reduces feel costs • Beautifies your heme, inereases He value • Resists fire-Lowers insurance rates • End* repair and maintenance bills-np Economical to install... phon*Ys73-75#T MODERNIZATION Opposite Silver Like Road Phone 673-7507 KITCHEN EFIIdENCY is increased with this stool to use for many tasks. The folding steps are always ready for reaching high shelves. It is easy to make with simple tools, and requires no unusual hardware. Pattern 382, which gives actual - size cutting guides,, directions and mate-, rial list; is 35 cepts. A Catalogue of There than 250 other woodworking projects is 25 cents. ’ - ' The Pontiac Press Pattern Dept., Bedford Hills, ‘New York. HIKES GETTW0 ESTIMATES and THEN CALL IIS! Buy from owner — no salesmen. Every former Dixie customer will recommend us very highly. Make us prove if." 'Personal owner’s supervision on yoitr job from start to ^pmpletion. No subcontractors, we have our own’crews. We build all style garages in Pontiac and suburbs. 5 year guarantee on ail jobs. No money d$wn., First payment in Nov, Up' to 7 years to pay. • BLOCK • FRAME DIXIE GARAGE CONSTRUCTION CO. Between Crescent Lk. and Airport Ails. OR 4-0871 - §744 HIGHLAND RD. * LI 7-4476 (Call Collact) -a OVKC I HMmasMmBMawwHilMi HOME OF FINEST BRAND NAMES lit N. SAGINAW—PH0ME 1-7114 Personal TV New 12" PORTABLE with acoustically balanced speaker Enjoy the ultimate in TV picture quality and ' compact styling with this all-channel 12" portable. Light and easy, to carry, so convenient to take with you anywhere! Keyed Automatic Gain Control, acoustically balanced speaker. Special low price. • MONDAY ONLY MONDAY ONLY SPECIAL SYMPHONI l l B THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1966 C—8 IEW HOME LIVING Immediate Possession on Most COLONIAL CHARM- Four bedroom*, IK both* and beautifully finished ground lowol family mom with fireplace.Formal dining room, tpacioui kitchon with Frigidaire range and aeon plus deluxe factory pre-fin I rhod cabinet* by "New-Tone". Loaded with plu* feature* throughout. Batement and oveneixed two-car garage. Du plication price on your lot $22,500. * You Can Trade itouSl ISOLBI |S OLD | ISC^LDI, sold| »OLP| DELUXE TRI-LEVEL-Room for everyone. Lame paneled family root* and fireplace. Large ceramic riled matter both with built-in vanity ana mirror plui twe % bath*. Spoclou* kitchen with deluxe factory pre-fini«hed cabinet* by *Nu-,.**d Flrgtdeire buHt-tn combination range and even. Marble (flit, wet privdegee, walking distance to ichool*. Price including let $?8,S00. Y thee** year Interior decorating color*. Immediate pe**e**ien. y Ye* Can Trade PH HHf factory pre-finiihed cabinet* by "New-Tone". Quality plu* conetruction and plenty of extra feature* throughout. Duplication price on your lot $21,950. You Con Trad* SPACIOUS RANCHER-Leitura living all on on* floor. Three bedroom*, 1 K bath*, Frigidaire rang* and oven plu* other quality extra*. If* o "Ropoport Home", all brick, wet planter, marble (ill*, hardwood floor* and full bo.ement. Eav**, down.pout. and ovenii* 2- -cor garage make* it complete. Duplication price on your lot $19,250.* ; You Con Trade k FE.8'7161 37? S. TELEGRAPH -PONTIAC IE SIGN OF ACTION TRI-LEVtL—Brick and Aluminum, 3 bedroom*, IK bath*, paneled family roam and 2-car garage. Frigidaire combination rang* and oven. Plaitered wall* and oak-floor*. Many custom feature* and Tri-• "level liveability that you will enjoy. Budget priced at $16,500 plu* lot and interior decorating, Immediate posteiiion. i You Can Trad* matter bath plu* extra K bath. Spadout kitchen with "Nu-Tone" cabinet* and Frigiddire built-in range and oven. Lake privilege* and walking dietanc* do new Waterford School*. Price I $27,950. Immediate peuettion. You Can Trade * RANCHER—Aluminum *iding, 3 bedroom*, 1 Vi bath*, oak floor*, full batement and large 2-car garage. Quality contraction with tteel reinforced batement wall* and floor*, heavy gauge aluminum tiding and extra heavy 235-lb. shingle roofing. Lot* of cuttom feature* and quality construction that you will appreciate. Budget priced at ‘■$15,500 plus lot and 'interior decorating. Immediate pottetsion. You Con Trod* . YOU CAN TRADE A BATEMAN REALTY will guarantee SALE of your present home with our OBARANTEED HOME TRADE-IN PLAN Trading Is Our Business BUY NOW ... SELL LATER It toasts Us *................ To toast You RAY RAPAPORT QUALITY HOMES Construction to Be Proud of FRIGIDAIRE APPLIANCES Throughout KITCHEN CHINET* WOOD CARV By "NU-TONE* INSULATION OWEN-CORNING FIBERGLASS SAVOIE INSULATION CO. . MHPM.HW, y NATIONWIDE FIND-A-HdME SERVICE . Nationwide Find-a-Home Service is set up strictly as a home referral organization. We bring together Realtors from coast to coast into one responsible team. Every member company is closely screened. Our success hds been built around a national reputation fpr simply providing a service to people who are about to move. You Set the Standards of the Home You YVant. We Strive to Find-a-Home to Meet Those Needs. No Charges or Costs to the Homeowner Are Connected With Our Referral Service to* YSur New City. Building Suppliai By. BOICE BUILDING SUPPLY Pontiac 337 S. TELEGRAPH FE 8-7161 ’ BATEMAN REALTY CO, Realtor Rochester 730 ROCHESTER RD. OL1-8518 * k V 0*4 THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, OCTOBER i; 1066 Howto Build, Buy or Sell Your Home Full study plan*Information on this architect-designed House of the Week is included in a 50-cent baby blueprint. With it in hand you can obtain a contractor's estimate. - You can order also, for. fl, a booklet called YOUR j HOME- How to Build. Buy or Sell it. Included id it are small reproductions of IS of the most popular House of the Week issues. $dnd ocriers/io House Plans, The Pontiac Press, P. 0. Box 9, Pontiac, Michigan 48056 | Enclosed is SI cents for baby blueprint on G-SI Q j j Enclosed is $1 for YOUR HOME booklet □ ; | Name..........-...:.............................w-J I Street...... ........... | PLEASING COMBINATION: The dormer is toe tip-off that this traditional home has living space upstairs, but architect Samuel Pauls has placed the extra rooms fit the back of toe house to preserve the long, low look for ti prefer a, ranch-like appearance.^ Upstairs Living Area Ranchlike House At Eoor Stneo 194S \ • BUILDING i • MODERNIZING ! ■ 81M CONSTRUCTION * ELLIS l | FE 2-1211 « JHSU ANCHOR8 FENCE protects children, pets and property a f Modemmesh® or 2” standard weave, i aluminum or steel • Distinctive beauty .. Anchor's exclusive square designed gates and posts a Anchor installed e Free estimate A® LOW AS as.oo A MONTH fp| FE 5-7471 s Me down payment • 60 montlti to pay • First payment Dec. I This house was designed forjby a design which places the* car garage and a lavatory those who like the extra living upper two bedrooms and bath strategically located •» that space of a one and a-half storyjf^ P** h°u»e. children coming in from toe .,____, . , i , . thus avoiding a too-vertical outside do not have to go residence, but who also have anjlook >t ^ g* I through the more formafpS affection for the outward ap-j . ^ + + ■ of toe house. RKSct Samud Paul has! Since are three sunkeri rown-two turned out a house that can ac-lr?orns on ^ first floor, suffi-jgteps down from the kitchen, commodate a family of almost]®1*^ J?' "Jfhy features a large glass wall with nye oearooms - yet its exterior r, -■ V (huge patio, and a fireplace with, has a Jong, low exterior front J raised hearth and a complete storage space. There are three resembling a ranch. CONTROL CENTER <4 good-sized closets off the main At the'same time, a tasteful The control center is around j The kitchen is arranged in a entrance foyer, blend of stone and wood the kitchen, where all toe infer-ju-shape, with the sink placed' exudes a charm and warmth mal activities take place. |underaeato the front window,!*«««■ , expressive of the Colonial -m,i. Ifrom which anyone walking up1 The master bedroom has a style. cathedral-type family 3, !to the front door can ** seenqdressmg room with two closets, Paul has accomplished all this kitchen, dinette, laundry, two- | A built-in oven, countertop P'us a-third closet outside toe dressing area. Very convenient, (Continued bn Page C-5) range, large refrigerator, dishwasher, and abundance of counter space and floor and wall cabinets, comprise toe other elements in the kitchen. In the iaumiry, space is provided for a washing machine, dryer and sink. A highly desirable feature of Design G-56 is the large number of closets and abundance of Wate/tfovi -Hill Maim JUST PERFECT FOR YOUR HOHR! DON WHITE, i», 2891 Dixie Hwy., Pontiac OR 4-0494 Visit the .HILL Thia'Weekend! LAKELAND ESTATES ... A planned Lake-Living Community Convenient to Shopping Centers, Schools and Churches. Colonials, Tri-Level Bi-Level with Basements 9 to Choose From 6 READY TO WOVE IN 4. BEDROOM Colonials Including Lot $AA AAA Priced From £0*91111 3-Bedroom RANCH *25,900 ANYTHING IN TRADE! OPEN 24 P.M. OR 34021 Evnry Day but Mon. Modal Phono 'OSS HOMES INC- 1941 S. Telegraph Rd. FE 4-Q591 k T' m FLOOR PLANS: Everything necessary of children, but toe plans include two bed- for comfortable living is on toe first floor, rooms and an extra bath upstairs for. large with special emphasis on caring tor the needs families which need .extra space. Lake Angelus Lake View Estates OPEN DAILY AND SUNDAY 1 to 6 P.M. KhtMPSEN Custom-Built Home 2675 Montebello Thi« beautiful brick ranch homa ha* 3 large bedroom* and a large family room. 2 full hath* and a LA bath, both dime in ceramic tilaA beautiful sunken living room, tpaciout kitchen with built-in.. CuMom cupboard, and incandescent lighting in this lovely kitchen. A first floor laundry roojn for added convenience. Laundry room, kitchen and stairway to full basement have “Montina Corlod” floors. Hardwood floor, prevail throughout homo. Other custom feature, in this beautiful home are ... wet platter walls throughout including the 2-car garage. All windows are insulated glass with marble .ill*. A .olid 16’ cement drive and a 10x20 rear patio. Gas heat with a furnace with a-lifetime warranty. Extra thick insulation throughout this home in both ceilings and walls plus a power humidifier. All this and more... plus a. large lake privilege lot is your* for only: •32,950 \ Trad* the Equity in Your Present Home KJMPSEN REALTY AND BUILDING CO. Over 100 Beautiful Lake Front and Canal Front lota available. Vail suited for Bi-Level Hemes. All paved streets and utilities. Retnember.. . yen eaft trade your present home equity on any of our homes. Come Out Today i? Drive West on Walton Blvd. to ClintonviUe Rd. North to Lake Angelus Rd/Turn right to Lake View-Estatea.- 834-0921 1071 W. HURON * PONTIAC Brush and Dustpan Snap to Store If you HAVE to clean, might as well have good looking tools. A new long-handled brush - and dustpan- come snapped together for easy storage. The nested set is available in a variety of col- IOT large House or SMI House iSpl 19819 Telegraph Rood Between 7 and 8 —I—*—f-x Mile Read, Detroit HimeA *h«n. KE 8-5550 FREE FUN FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY THE PONTIAC AREA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE and the CAKLAHD county FIREMEH Will Sponsor the FIRE FIGHTERS FESTIVAL MSNER STADIUM OCTOBER 5. 1966, 7:30 P.M. PARADE TO START AT 6:30 P.M. FIREWORKS! CLOWHS! BALLOONS! BARDS! PLAN NOW TO TAKE A GROUP FQR A GALA EVENING WITH YOUR FIRE FIGHTERS THERE IS NO PcStiac Area Chamber of Commerce tC—-5 m THE PONTIAC PltKSS, SATURDAY, OCTOHj^R 1, 19G6 Diamonds Are Frfi toAlt Little things in all walks, of life, from milady’s eyebrows to Upstairs Living Area in Ranchlike House (Continued from Page C-4) at the Discard item Before Move feet of living space on the first floor, and 673 additional square feet on the second floor, there’s a world of roomjor convenient, comfortable and- complete lining. And the exterior design makes it apparent that the family inside is enjoying just that kind of living, G-56 STATISTICS Design G-56 has a living ' room, dining room, kitchen-dinette, family room, laundry, foyer and three bedrooms on the first floor, with a total habitable area of 2006 square feet. There are two bedrooms and a bath on the second floor, adding 673 square feet. This flow can be finished when the house H built or at a later date. Overall dimensions, including a. two-car garage, are 84’ by 44’ 7”. You. can reduce mimh of the physical and mental strain of tiie move to your new home or apartment by dividiqg the work into separate stages mid allowing yourself time to carry out your plan smoothly. Before you lift a single -piece of furniture, make lists of .those items that are to be thrown out, those which you want to sell or give away and those which have to be packed. First, make arrangements with trash collectors to remove the items to be thrown I out <#• specific date. If there are. many such items and they are bulky or heavy? it of good friends and iNext, contact local on the items you wish to sell. Tree Roots Can Cause Pipe Woes price, make immediate arrange-! -ments for the buyers to comet " and cart sway their properly.: lOr if you wish to donate certain items, consider calling The Salvation Army or other charities who come1 and pick them up. Such donations are deductible jfrom your income tax. SHOP - .t'fri BLOOMFIELD 5 ; MIRACLE MILE co klrwis^r STORES & SERVICES WITH “1001" DEPARTMENTS H 1 PARK AT THE FRONT DOOR OF YOUR FAVORITE STORE ] Bloomfield Miracle Mile Shopping Center TELEGRAPH at SQUARE LAKE RD. | OPEN EVENINGS'TIL 9 s WANTED Sealed proposals ■the Fenton City Office. 402 Lincoln .Street, Fenton, Michigan, until I p.m., October 17. IMS for garbage and waste collection. Proposals and bid forms ara on tile at the City Office. VICTOR SMITH, September 30 and October 1, 7, I, City I ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS . The Board of Education of the Bloom- Big, healthy trees are nice toffi Zl^taSTSii^ivo oiS have around your home, notl?" ,h? materials, labor and related Items ,, ... , , for Landscape and ‘----* only because of the natural |Work at the George if grading, cleaning, scape but also because- they help to prevent soil erosion. one-half (3Vi) . * " :w. ■ w lopsoiling and However, they can create k Proposed tor^s of contract documents, real problem when their thirsty TJffi roots get into your underground Datne» street, bi pipe. Tree roots are extremely strong because they have a deep instinct to live and grow. They spread in all directions, seeking out life-giving moist- 0 Laird for 'each > SHOPPING CENTER Located in good residential area on main thoroughfare near future Osteopathic College. Built in 1955 of block ana brick. 5 tenants, separate gas heat and part basements. Parking front and sides, alley at rear. All rented under lease showing good return, $160,000, ANNETT INC. REALTORS 28 E..Huron Si., Pontiac 338-0466 Office Open Evenings andgSunday 1 to 4 r Certified Check In the amount! 1 (30) d If there’s a leak or a break jin your underground pipe, they will find it. Then, before you know it, your pipe becomes clogged, requiring corrective measures. _ ________ the consent of the I Board of Education, Bloomfield Hills i School District, Bloomfield Hills. Michigan, BOARD OF EDUCATION f Bloomfield Hills School] District No. 2 M. "EDWARD SEWELL . Secretary September 24 and October 1, 1966 The most effective way off dealing with the problem calls! for the tools and sendees of a plumbing contractor. He’ll use-a special flexible! auger that can be reeled into ! the pipeline, cutting away all growth. This definitely is not a job for an amateur, since improper use of the auger can break the pipe and worsen your problem. Wyman Lewis Realty Listings Wanted 389 Whittemore St.,. Pontiac - FE 8-3366 Special root solvents also be flushed through the to dear it. .... Sherwin-Williams Co. PAINTS - WALLPAPER 71 W. Huron The Pontiac Mall These corrective measures' are’ only temporary, however,] since the thirsty roots soon will find their way back into the] pipe. The only .sure way to] avoid a root problem,is to makej certain the pipe is of top-quality, water-tight material. CASS LAKE FRONTAGE ■ ' V2-23 plus approximately MAX BR00CK INC. MA 6-4000 KEATINGT0N Strong as tree roots are, they can’t break into good-quality pipe. When it comes to your pipeline, quality doesn’t cost, it Pays] BALDWIN at 1-75 OPEN DAILY 12-6 ' Lakt Privilege Lots $4990 HOWARD T. KEATING CO. 220*QW.t3MtiiM. Ml *-*200 quality & economy j! with Stran-Steel buildings •foil get ecenomy with Stren-Steel building* because economy It «i literally designed and built Into every »teel component It If the natural result of quality planned, mess production technique* that are not only better, but alto economical. The saving* ar* passed along to you. Before you build any building, discover why a Stran-Steel bullet, ing is a bettor Investment. Find out why Stran-Steel is able to - offer written guarantees to back-up the performance of the steel Components. Lower heating and cooling bills are the direct result of exclusive insulated wall systems. Faster construction, often 60 to*90 days, will get you In business sooner. - ■ Call us for a free estimate or a copy of our brochure "10 Costly Mistakes To Avoid Before You Build.” We are able to handle ybtii complete turn-key project Arrangements can be made for fi-' nancing. , , 0AKSTEEL DIVISION SCHURRER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 2431 Pontiac Road, Pontiac Phone 338-4019 Sfi el NEED HELP’ USE PONTIAC PRESS CLASSIFIED ADS. t LOW IN COST. FAST IN ACTION. PHONE 332-8181. WKC MONDAY ONLY SPECIAL mi DOUBLE STRENGTH HOME OF FINEST BRAND NAMES N. SAGINAW - FE 3-7114 DOOR MIRRORS $097 16x60 Beveled Edge Add dimension and dramatic beauty to your rooms at special WKC savings! Copper - sealed silvering. GUARANTEED 10 YEARS! PLATE GLASS WALL MIRRORS Precision polished, twin ground with beveled edges and heavy backing. 9.95 24"*30"... 24"*36"------- • I 11.95 30"x40"...... 16.95 36"x48"..........24.95 36"x60"..........29.95 36"x72"........ 39.95 ^ ^ AC, Ha«.pub^,r*LHfuER OPEN MONDAY 9:30 A.M. TO 9 P.M.-PARK FREE in WHO’S Lot REAR OF STORE m m e»-;*n TOE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1, M6 Record of Transactions for Week on Stock Market WEEKLY NY STOCKS I NEW YORK (API—Following It • complete racer* of the stocks traded mis ---L “^tJJW'OttSSck Exchange, 20 Most Active Stocks fra? NEW YORK (API-1 .ABC Con JO ABM CP 1.00 ACF Ind 0.20 AcmeMkf B AdamE 1 253 *.) Ht*h Low Lost ChB.j! —a— a 17 U IS 13 fcj&ftM ( fefc p Ml SO *7% M -2%«i„ " *% ffw 1 .#* KLM Airlines . tevrd.:: Motorola ... 42 43% 41% 42 29 37% 36% 24 + % Aow.iHs.ooa 20 1290 13 13%+ % Address 1.40 704 65% 40W 64%+ 3 «£ Admiral JO 1447 4490 34% 39 - 3% g£ Aeroquip lb 42 3610 34 341V- %l ’I* Air Prod JO 273 31 27% 20%- i Air Pd pf+75 33 90 9594 94 — 2 jjr Red 2.50 120 5794 5414 *~- SI*** ids AJ li a Gas 1.00 121 4% 3% 39V- % Alleg Cp .10* Alien 6pf .40 • AtlegLud 2.20 ■ Alleg Pw 1.14 Allenln 1.40a AMedC 1.90b AlliedKid .83 I 26% 25% 26 ... 320 52% 49% 50%+ 14 133 2414 2314 2314+ 14 10 2514 2544 25%+ Ms 7J9 35% 141 *'”■ 6114 Close CM. 132%-15% 13494 -4*4 343,200 14314 . 210,700 210,300 215,900 50% 36? 36? -52 3? *S7Vg 59% 39 5964 1*6% € 51 176% 45% 83% 3 7% 76% 73% 35% 74% 43% »% 35% CetarTr 1.30 — ,» Ceos Cp 1J0 Lt '.. CeianeseCp 2 i telenet# p(7 iCelan p»A+S* I, ■ I'*- i Will.' 14% 0414- 3% ft 8 tag, ms&L •?£ ids.) him +aw Last Chy. 504 3414 34 3414— 194 710 j 2994 i _j 12% ion 542. 23% 21 2194— 1 AmalSg 1.20a 37 23 131 37 3014 3214+ 1 13? _24c 24% 7"' ' __ ‘ .......... ”1 101 Ml* 3194 I it 3414 2514 3 « *94 fl* > „•»- _ ................. 22 3094 30 3 ‘ 7T™Z % leant iliU 1 40 2314 2214 2 23 - % C IIILt PI4.50 2130 SI 00 I 20 2314 22 22 — 94lCenill PSv 1 03 2314 2114 2 “■ 7214 JW* 72 — 14 CenMePw .94 119 17 n Raker’ 1 x42 i 336 7214 /OVA 72 — 40 MOW 14 3094 3414 37 — 194 Cent *7 4394 42 4314- >4 CentSoya 1.40 1 5494 5194 5314+ 14 Carre 1.60b ml I 1514— l j Cert-te AmBdcst 1 4 Can 2.20 134 I 7054 72 , 2494 2494 2494— %)Cert-9ed Pf.90 CattnaA 1,40 ,~~KkPl StIJSp r. 2S ^CFI St) P«75 » T. To isasteiggg 17 32% 30% 31%+ V/*\r 10 40% 38 38%+ %|> 12% r i 39% 40%— % 1 14% 14%— % Am Cem .60 AmChain l.«0 AmComl 1.60 AConsm .75r AmCredlt .72 *» AmCrySug 1 26 AmCyan 1.25 516 tsfca | AmEnka 1.30 AmExp Isbrn AExIsbrn pf6 AmFPw 1.16 47 ns lose AmHoist I JO 42 22(4-20 AHome 1.80a 310 6594 6314 . . AmHome pt2 127 54% 53 54 + 1* Am Help .50 24$ 4014 3894 3994+ V4 110 2994 2014 29 HPPk B — -m!ChaseM Bk . 15 1414 1494— 14 Checker Mot 36 3294 32H—3%'Chemetn 1.50 .. 2714 2714 2714— 'AjChemway JO 627 3514 3414 3414— 94 Chet Va 1.60 105 3414 32 3294- 294 Chet Oh 4 176 2014 26 2794— %!Chetebreu JO , H Oil* 01 0194+ 94,ChlcEatt 111 ch) Gt West ChlGW pf2.50 ChIMII StP 1 ChIMSPP pfS Chi Mute ‘ 49 1594 14 14 - 190 3994 3794 3914+ . 77 *94 61* 414+ 94 BatonYa IJ5 Eaton pf 1.19 Echlln Mf JO EdlsBros 1.30 ^ORO M lasStop 1.60 (Bands 1.72 I Music ,12a IStorBatt 2 Eitra pf 1J0 “mar El 1.32 imertEI pfl .meryA 1.20 mhart 1.30 '.mpOItt 154 mpormC .75 20 4114 41 4114+ 177 1794 1514 1594+ ' ,130 1994 10 1094- 1 I 1494—. I 1.00 122 3914 3714 3814 ... ___________ X335 9214 CWSNW, pf 5 >05 9614 CM Phew 1.80 173 31 Pec 7 IM i t UP | IM I A Optic 1.25b xsrm AResrch ,15c Am Seat 1 37 1914 101* IMt 1V4 I ■■ P 60 1094 ID1* 1094+ n Smelt 3 180 5594 5294 5394— ----ta 249 3694 3514 3JV4— n Ship .1 t 27% 2794- 194 AmSoAfr .70 AftlStd 1 e» in Am Stem .00 . 30 TOl. ■ - L . M AmSligar 1.40 120 24 pi* 2394+ 0* AmSugpf J0 22 1114 11 1)94- if Apt TAT 2.20 2776 52 . 5014 511 Am Tob 1.80 473 3094 *2994 30 - AmWWkt .56 32 1294 1214 121* AWW5pf 1.25 zVfl il 20 20 - ' AW p . , . 1JS ........ 1 M.lpf 1.43 6 2414 24 CM Title 1.80 Chock PN .40 ChMtCft 1.109 Chromal .50 Chrysler 2 Chrysler wd C)nn <“ UR 74 179* 1*1* 1 ClnGE PT4.75 130 1714 07 CinOE pf 4 2450 73 72 ClMI Mill 1 101 291* 271 CIT Fin 1.60 335 251* 241* 2494- SZ3^r» TsK CIT Fin pfS no 00 SO 00, + 94 'j" 2JJ2i5 !•*? IIS .ffi ,S5 aWT jS’eSukRi \jo 29* F|itrM 2J0^ 7 3294 3294 3294 . ______________ 39 2194 2014 2014— 194 EndJohn pflU 1270 6094 60 6014— 94 ----1 Ind 1 10 419* 4014 4014— 114 MK /Gat 2 104 3394 3314 3394+ 94 JrleUck RR 116 794 714 79*- 94. rla Lack pf *140 2914 20 20 - 194 I m am *so so. 541* save- iu .... x04 399* 37*4 3*14— 1 EthylCorp .60 670 2*1* 2514 2594- 31* Eurafnd .30e 32 1014 1014 „ ,z EvantPd .60b 569 2314 109* HiiX it §v*rshp _.50p 236 2014 W* » -W —F— ’ 167 3614 3294 3 14 459* 4494 4, .. . 257 .1394 1294 1294- 9* 74 ^lM 149* 1494+ Uj 56 1394 1394 1394 .. 70 1*94 1094 1814— — ISO 21 18 1*14—194 23 59* 514 594- 94 6 1714 1694 1694- V4 61 lfl* 12 12 — M 56 339* 32 3294 .. 1*9 1294 1194 1114— <4 9 19 1014 1*94- 94 Hoak Ch 1.30 Hooker pfC 5 Hoov Ball la Hotel cp Am Hotel jo* 1.25 Hoodlnjpfl.12 Hand pf us Houte Fin 1 HOOSF pf4.40 hdt.) High Law Lett Chg. 73 4694 439* 4*1* Milt Brad .70 579 62 5*14 5994- 24* MhierOt 1.20 * 7* Ji 7* — iffliSSi laO-1 267 34 3294 3294- llhjMliiigR.lJB mL. sal Mis* Co t en (hdt.) 1* 2814 mt M94- 94 HttdBay 3.. HuntFds J «*mEl Ti X43 041* 021* *314+ 194 M (M 3994 4194— 294 liii. 12 1094 10'A 1014— 9* 156 369* 351* '3514— 94 494 41* ' »**+ 1 ndpitPL 1.40 nEIMex 52* ngerRand 2 ntpCwMJOt nsurNoAm 2 ) 49 3014 29 3014+1 14 I *3 15 149* 1M+ I 616 76 65 6594— 9* 3994 3894 39%+ 1 *420 42 41 42 .. I 1200 40 40 40 I 1140 3tl* 351* 3594— Iw 494 49* Jit— I , 69 1094 1794. Ml*— i 2994+ 11* 320 3594 34 1107 3214 30 118 29 2*9...... 1*1 77% 7594 7694+ 94 35 21 ,.2£ 27 — 94 175 MV* 3316 3494— 14 305 29 369* 2694— 2% 415 329% 309% 317%— 1% 77 59 SS9i 56 — 19* 645 39% 3594 36 — 294 HafOafry 243 57% 55% 5596+ % Nat Olst ' 70% 7M 70%— 94 NOItf ptaiTS' '£ J2S «lzoagS.jwi. Mission Oav * ! • High L*v Lett Chg. .. 1*94 in* 1094+ % 171 2614 259* 3S14- x4 HI* 1794 m* .. 643 60% 76% 7716+ W 167 22% 21% 21'A— 94 26 # *6 14% ...' 25 TON 4994 IM- 9* 191 1? 14% 1*9#...... * 74% M 1* 24 21% 3*90 M4— if 1* 2394 2294 23%- 470 4494 411* &*+ ... “ - lit Mononfe lJ* 14 n% .... _ Montan 1.60b 1038 4994 43% 4594- 394 MontDU 1J0 51 »* SF W “ MontPow 156 IM 3194 M MontWard T 541 26% 25 MerfiweC i **■ Morrell .25p MosierSaf .70 Motorat* 1 . 10714—21% 154 18% m* % 76 mk 21% «jt+ 94 36 f£% 26 «%- 94 xl 241* 23 23 — 19* | 20 in* 1 2694.26%- ^1! 3694 M • Rexalt pf2 1*1 *3494 *35%+ Reyn Met Ji «5 4794 4294 4294— 2% ReyM pf450 17 104 M3 104 + 1 ReyM _pf3.37 26 431* 431*+ Ml MM TpB 2 49* “ 2=1 H 1 * lio 100 »% 22 Id JO Kin 1% M 19T— 1% 1 JO 99 66% 64 64 — — 50 17% 16% MB— 29 199* ^% 19%— Rhtlngold J RldtMer. 1J RiegelPap J. R^Si Text l RltferPfeud 1 RoanSel .35* RobertCont 1 RobinAH MT. RochGE 1.10 Roch Tel J4 RodcStd 150 RohmH 150 Rohr Cp JO l 5*4 M* 0 . — „ 14 2*94 27 m*- % li ^ 00 95 in*. 93 — M (176 B9* 1994 2014- 2% ^ 171* 179*- § Safeway St 1 StJosLd 250 t Aero 2 ...t Alrlln 50 NAvtet 5.68* 1.90 KM 621 34% on* 169* ..... 7 24% & 24 — 1* 13 3094 36% » — 2 96 30% »% 29%— I 26 m/4 21% 219*-1 93 5094 4996 3*94+ 94 g iTj ! C Sanders 50 x310 56% 5094 51%-1% Ll Stngemo .40 » 2594 23% M94- 94 2 SoFiOrlJl .40 19 m HI «%+ % 2 SeyannhEP 1 x2S 1994 19% 19% .... ntl Packers 97 8 j% 794 .. ntT&T pfB 4 ntTAT pfC 4 tntTAT PfO 4 IntTRT pfE 4 *? »*. 8a. Sat ,a EkCellOCp 2 93% 9394+ % FedPac Elec F Pac pfl .26 Fed PapBd l 16 15% 14% 15%+ 1% '55 20% 35% 26%— 1% 49 26% 26 26 - % 47 2394 23% 2394+ 94 Clerk Eq 1 Clark Dll .40 ClewCllt 2.40a ClevEIIII 168 ■ 3094- 2% , 1494— % f ischbch 1 Amphenol .70 327 2194 19% 1994— % : AflMM lJf An aeon 3.25* AnchHG 1.# AnchHG pf 4 Andor Clay 1 Anken Cham ............... Apco Oil 51f 111 1594-15% 1|%— % ArchDan 1.40 21 34% M9* 3394+ % Alrx. PSv .92 194 25 23% 094— Uh Arlihs D St 46r8 12% 11% 1194- ArmceSt 3 396 49% 411* 4114— Armour 1J0 M9 3094 29% 2994- Armr pf 475 11 75% 75% 75%— „ ArmsCk 1# 132' 43% «% 4296— % ArmCk pf3.75 1650 75 M% 74 +’ ArmRub 1.60 19 379* 36% 36%— Are corp 1 X5 21% 2094 2094- Arylnln 1.20b -S 27% 26 269*- AotiwdOTl 402 27% 2594 26 — AshlOll pftJO 26 5594 54% S5'V— .. AssdBrew .40 44 1396 11% 1294+ 94 ASSdDG 1.40 19 47 44% 44%+ 1% AssdSprlng 1 7 2094 " ASSdTran .00 61 16% 15% 9394— 1 Assoclnv 1.40 63 2094 M9* 2094+ < Atchison 1.60 In 29% 27% *790- 1 I Atchls pf .50 161 9 094 9 — % Colt Ti COIPIC P14.2S COlSoOh 1.52 Comb Eng 2 ComICre 1.80 CotpCr Pf4.50 ComSolv 1,20 CongoMtn Con Clg K20a Con Eflll 1.00 1 73% 71% 7194- % ‘ 1694 15% 1594- 1 294 294 194+ % AtIRch #93.75 x13 75% 73% 75 - AtIRch pf3 if| w Atlas Ch ,00a Atlas Cp AttsCp pf.75k Aurora PI 50 AyitNIch .504 ARA Inc 58^^^ Avco Corg I 1445 9 ConElacInd 1 Babbitt BabcokW 1.23 Bak OUT .50 Balt GE 1.52 31% 3194— 94 1 9% 9%— % Balt & O Pf 2 69% 49% BangSug .lie 39 24% 23% Bangs pfl .25 12 27% 26% Borbar oil 21 23 3t% .. .. Boaic Inc .00 41 14% 13% 1394— 94 Male pf 250 (Ml 40% 40% BltesMfg .40 xl4 11% 1014 BBlhlron 150 It 2114 31 BauschLb JO 195 45 41% BaxtrLab .24 397 33 10% IMuWib- JO BMm DiSt 1 AO ABVl Biirlngs jo 17 25% Beat Fds 1.50 74 43 BMtF pf4.50 Z20 8d2% BMtmtt .75 207 15% Backman .50 479 49% Becton D .40 216 7094 Beach Air JO 123 2794 Beach Crk 2 i30 37 BeeChLS 1.40 II 5194 laiiiULpa 21 54% BelCO .50 M 1594 field Hem .» 13 1794 Bell Hew .50 093 44 Bell Iflt J9t 71 .194 '.BemltCo 1.40 10 20 Bendlx nl.40 *14 os BenefFIn 1.60 Bent cvpf4.50 BenFin pf4.30 BenP fpffJi 65 7294 71 7194— 1 - 9 4294 41% 41 %— 94 535 2% 2% „ ... ... 6%— 18 29% 28% 28%— 900 29% 2*94 2094— 66 10% 17% 1*%- ' 100 50% 49% SO 62 251* 23% 23’*— 15 31% 30% 31%+ .. (5 IS 14% 1494— % ___ xlOO 29% 27 » —M* Boeing 1.20 2368 59% 49% 51 — 6 BolseCasc .25 172 10% 19 19%— BlackOk 1 BobbleBk . 30%: 3 Clevlte 2.10 CluettPe* JO j- 22% 20% 22 — % il* IM 259 75% 72% 74%- % CocaBtlg 1.10 3* 25% 24 24 - 1% COM Pal .90 295 27% 26% 27%+ % COMP pf 3,50 (360 69% 69 69 + % ColHnAlk 1.20 131 20% 1994 20%+ % CollInRad 50 1165 64% 56% 57%- 2% ColoIntG 1.60 *6 29% Ws “ .. 16%— % 16 23% 22% 23 ..... 301 57% 52% 5594- %l 270 25% 24% 2F 255 » 27% 31 1 32% 34 + 94 .A Pf-J* » Ed r 1.20 150 1 122 24% 23% 24%— % «% S% 2%=V I 88.2% 8%: S M 20% 18% 19%+ in ai% 40% 419*— 1 1 23%— ll 1 x252 46% 64% 4 307 11% 10% 1 21 56% a 55 - % (270 110 105 106 (21* 10» 1*7 (160 103 lOi .- ... 17 101% 100 101 + % 17 24% 26 24 - - 33 25% 24% 25 - 11 Wh 26% H94— IntMotF 1.r20 IntesPw 1.20 rla EILP 1.20 lowa'pL 1.50 lowaPSv 1.20 JaegarM 50i JapanFd .631 JerCPL Pf -Jewel Co ,1.24 Jim Walter 1 JlmWIt pfl.20 JlmWalt pf 1 JohnMan 2.20 JohnsnJ 1.40a 34 22 »% 21%— 1 32 23% S 23%+ % fa 28% M% Wt+ .- 30 31 30 30%— % 13 24%, 24% iM4 .... 2001 49% 46 47%+ % 265 29% 28% 29V4+ % 159 36% 34 B%+ 11' 4274 93% 82% 87%— 11 25 n% 13% 1S%— 1 40 10% 10% io%— 1 (HO 72 — jiasm*1] Joy Mfg 1.25 15% 15%......I Kals 37*44,75 74% 74% ____ Kals S9pf4.75 .35% 35%— % KalsAI pf4.12 (550 71% 7i% 71 %— 6 Kals ncpf2,37 7 43 I 20 8% 7% 79*— 1 Kals Com JO 68 12 1 66 45% 44% 45% .. KalsC Pf2.50 12 31% 3 “3 71% 69% 70%+ 1% 20% 18% 19%+ ..ifdMfgA ... OxfrdPap .80 —P— 311 2996 28% 28U . M 14% 13% 13%— 1% ______ .... 358 34% 23% 2J%- % Pac Petrel 351 9% 9 *%+ % PacPwLt 1.16 212 22% 2X% 2196— 96 PacSwAIr .68 177 3196 35% 35%— % PacT&T 1.20 171 21% 20% 20% .. PacTfcT - 196 - % Pacji .El Pae T... Packard 137 19% 17% 1 I Lehman 1.97e » 72 65 71 LeonardR .60 24 .12% ContOil 2.40a Cont Oil wd Cont Oil-Pf 2 ContStl 1 *" 1™; Gen Mot 3.05e 2107 76% L |G Mot 5pf 5 x49 9696 95% 1 %,'GenPCem JO 196:L ggettAM 5 ^ n + Par?eOa Parker h_ ParkPen .80b 10 128 127% 127%— % igTVght lb 433 52% 47% 49%+ % Conwod 1.20s CookCoff .851 Cooper Ind 2 CooperTR .K( _ 21% 22 -130 117% 117%Jjj|M 26 27V6 24 „ 2696- % „ .. 48% 48%— 296 « H5 '1 GPubSvc J G PubUt 1.W G Refrac .80 G*n Slg 1.20 33 34% 33% 1 ... .. 1 cn-iano in 29 26% 2596 26%- % 0 ?» y* S .37* 52 37% 35% »%- V| | CopwoStl 1.20 36 23% M% \ cSfSgGWk S Xm 300% 274 1i.40 Litton ptc' pf 143 4 3% 39*—- % I 65% 61% 63%+ 3% Londontn ,20 I 30% 1 21% 3 Getty Oil .10e _____ pfl.2S ’ CremptKn .00 CrouseHd .80 170 16% 1? ll%— 10 20% 20 20 -47 10% 16% 169*-vrov*™ 9 40 1*% in* »%- Crov^oTl JH 334 49% 46% JM6- Crown Cork 73 «% O Crh*2 pt4.20 (490 *0 j*%'» +. Wp‘5 xJg 33% 27% 2996= Cudahy Co 61 496 4% 4% .. Cudahy pf Cummin* .70 CuneoFrs .00 ■ ■ ■ ,,,, w 5 g j£ 15 12% 12% I 38% 36% S Curtis . — Curt Pub 3pf Cur Pub 50pf CurtWr A 2 i 17 •C pfl.40 55 35% 34 34%- 196 CyclonCn 1.80 I, Strs 1 5 18% 18% M%— % CyprusM 1J0 ___(Mh 1.20a 6 22% 32% 22%— J* Bodren 1.20 - 305 3296 29% 2996- 2% |etjW*r.2|0 Klg fSi fSS~ S DanRiv 1.20b ‘ X .!S Dana Cp 2.20 f DaycoCP JOb iSSSyFLi* 189 MW iS“ x a; 51 30% 29% 30’ 163 35% 31% 32 —0— 146 25 BsitMaCp pf ieurfM Inc ' Bran iff Air Brigos Str 2a Britt My t en BwyHaie BklynUG it! m6 n.* n zr aiAj* ^ Ml 66% 57 60V*- 2% D“r* '/0,a4() ^ 27% .. 33 41% 40% 4094 LPeLHu°. -'•*» 320 92> M % 90+2 ,ig*lFowLt rt N69 7 32 - *"'! 36% 36%+ % DbffHwLt .90 GtAAP 1.20a GtNo ir 1.40b Of Nor Pap 1 GtNorP pf.40 Gt Nor Ry^ 3 GtWSug 1.60a —— GtWSug pf 7 71 4/va 37%— IMi GreenGnt .70 ti 23 21 Mi 21 Va ... I Green Refr 1 li = % S5 !w° «Yf SJ? frWl'' ! - GrumnAirc t mbelB 1.80 21 47% 4 Glen Aid .70 Glidden t GlobeUn ,60a Globa W .70b Goodrich 2.40 Goedyr t.3S GouldBat 1.40 GreceCb 1 JO Ormby M 50 GratMU. 50b “renltCS 1.40 174 1 + 1% 147%+ 7% Loral Corp Lprlllard 2.50 Lorillard pf 7 i • 1.1* *431 61 57% 5796 95 2296 22% 22% ...... X58 16V* 15% 15%— % 164 14% 14% 149* ...... 8 77 75 76'*— % 247 19% 10% 19%— % 135 27% 24% 26%+ % 1100 V 77 77 —1 IM 11% 10% IN*— % Penney 1.50a Pennsalt la Pennslt pf2.50 Pa Co pf452 PaGSand 1.60 Pa PwLt 1.4* PaPL pf 4.S0 (940 PaPL pf ' Pa RR 2. Pennzoll 1 PeopGas ■ PepsiCo 1 PepGnBot LyttonFn .! 17% “179*— % 496 4% .. 5M 37% 34% 35%— 2% MtcAndF 21 23% 22 22%— 19* Mack Tr 4 *3 17 16% 16%— % Mack b I 85 20% 20% 20%— % MacyRf ■■NT 1.40. 61 25% 16% 36%-li* Macy p GraniWT J .10 12* 2496 M% «%+ % . ^ or* n44+ I 50 pf 4JS __ 256* MadFd pfl .20 i 269* MVk- 96 79%+ 2% I OelPowLt .90 "Co .60 248 »' 99k 1896 ..,7 IfiWdttPUW ,S ff™ — ■ - — « 30% iDenRGW *1.10 J99 1* 28%— %ioeSotoCh .70 124 19% 1* 50% + 96 OetEdlt 1.60 J13 29% *»’ «to 734 7 7 __ i*l net steel .40 137 T37/« 13 IS 13% 12% »«%= A SWff- 9 ” - 27% 2 BwnShoe 2.10 Brunswick Bucklnghm I Bucy lr 1.60 Budd Co JO • Budd Co Pf S Budfl Fin .64 Budg F pf.60 Buff For 1.00 Bullard 1 Butova 60b BunkHlll 1.20 Burl Ind 1.20 fiurndv -40 Burreught 1 Buth Ter 20r BVO Co .5* 82 2*9* 28% 195“ 1... 2 02 I 1396 14 - DlamAlk 1.10 194 1J 209* 199* 13 - 96j Mallory 1.40 ManShlrt 56 Marathn 2.20 Maremont 1 ”73 2296 2196 9%+ 9* 23 10% 11 10'/*— hiMarg cm l 16 W% 18% ll%- % MarthFlald 2 380 16% 16 14%— % MartlnMar | 5 61% 60% 40%— 1 Md Cup 50r 26 47% 45% 4594— 1% Masonite 1.20 664 46 40 42 — IWMatwy F 1 May 4Spf3.75 MayftS P?1.M Mays jw ea tn x9 10% 10 10%+ % 99 34 32% 32%-r % 5 42 41% 3l%— 1 42 45% 44% 44% 4- (470 W% 77 99, 2196 21 » 23% 23% 125 4 3% 13 10% 42 4696 44'* '45'*— % 3*14 5496 47% 49%—| 107 52 4696 4*9*- 1 1096 1096 1*9*- ', 130 14% 53% 53%— 9 .........j 80'/*— 1 .13 10% 10% 10%+ Olamlntl 150 OlanaStr .lor Dletaphon .80 . Olabold -40b % WGtorglo JO IMPeP .. % plnersCI .50b 16% 119* 15%— 9* Disney Mb 2*9 32% 28% 30 — 2% Oist See* ! 273 34% 29% 30%—2%'DlvcoWy 1.20 137 23 25% 2696+ 1 '6! nrPaooer .90 2159 ,1*96 739* 77%- 54 3FA 36% 17 + 48 8% 8% 3% ■ » 21% 20% 11 + 51 1*9* 1 Me xl40 43% 40% 42%+ 19* ,71? xl* 19% 1*96 19.-.% Opiifwiiey M .162 33% 32 DomeMn. _ _ 32%— 1% ^.qppqnpSik-13% Q< . 51 26% 24% 25%+ IM Dow Chem 2 x581 58% • CampRL 4*a Camp Soup 1 Can Ory ; 113 ^ *3 3 — % Dowrcmm * X5T 58% |4 N]*— M* iJS « *r£5,SBS5*'% Si S* Si St 8 JOS 40% *4% 2696- 4 (DrakaiE tea 15 29% 29 29 - % 105 22% T1% W%+ 9* Dreyius I 22% 20% 219*+ J 70% *!%+ * —B—— 11 34% 31% 33%— 19 14% 13% 9%- 3 153 36% 35 m*+ , 31 4% 4% 4%— .. 30 lflt 16% 14%— % 4* 25% M 25 + 2% 37 tm 30% 20%— % M 22% 21% zr” |& 74 40% 47% g 3096 SO • . M (30 126 Ip Ip t i 11* m* *396 0%+ 9* Harris li„ . HartcoCp .to Harshaw 1.20 HBtPthM jo .MMH irJU IjO B m i t Cure .40 tep pt 2.50 I jv* 7% T. , *596 261. *096 **%— 2’ Ca&tV' pf4j| ’■ 7*. 2m CanSou Ry 3 (12* 5596 5596 H96— '* Duplan Coro. J Duke Pv iv.™..,,—, 34 12% A6— %.DUpian Cow. 1? 0% . - - - H ton isreW tt.au «e ny» ■ ^ . duPont 3.7m^ 1000167 151 157 “1(96 CdnPac 2^5e 35 5W* 51% SHt- M.guPont Pf4.50 24 90 ^ * Canal Rd .90 11 1296 13% 1j?6+ % puPont pf3 50 ” Canteen . *0 *9< a g. 2!%- % 0uq u 1.» COP C Bdcet .57 27% 25% 25%— 1% Dq 4.20pf2.10 Cerborun 1.30 3M 37% N% ^ Dd 4.1$pf2.07 CarevPh 1.40 . 9 32% 32% 32'*— % OuqLI 4pf 2 CerSsle .*0 ■ 2* ff «96 M + % Dq J.75pf1J7 HMi.li •!» !L+ Jisr»Cfe LR n a% 27% 281- 2100 39, 39 39 (50 V 2*96 37 14 37 35% 36%— % (50 3396 M% M%+ “ 1 f 34' 36.-, 36 12% 11% 11 %— wt is- lOymoInf ,65t 396 16% 169* K%+ 92 32% » » - % OynemCp 50 179 12% 11% ll%- —1 5% J96— 1%|DynamCp Pfl » **“ «4~ | Ji ®96 27% 379V- % & }1M 19% »%= % jEeitAirL 4:5e 1313 77% 66% 68%= 396 46 28% 27 27 - 1 lestGF 3.1*9 7 *3 81% «%-*“ ' 59 44% fj* AN*- l'kjOWG Cigar •v-B— ‘ livi- % I Eagle F 1.50 „|4 •»% »%+ Vf RIH 15* McCall ,40b MeOord 1.20 MeCNry^fJ* McCro pH JO McCreryipf 4 Me Derm 1.20 Hmgci, - McDonAIr .40 tp|w||jj*' McGr Hill 1 McGrH pfl.» McGreg A 1 McIntyre 2.80 wm% Svii 32 49% 4796 4796— '439 1*96 18% 139*-. .. 37 37 36% 36%+ % 62 31% 30% 30%+ % 479 23% 22% 22%— “ 48 14 13% 1396 1» 40% 3»% 40 — % (100 70 70 n —‘lb (60 43% «% 63% . II 36% 34 - 34 — 11 1296 12% 1296 . 49 28% 27% fP%+ .. 77 34% 31% 31%— 2% 8 24% 25% 25%— % 70 16% 096 fi 76 20% f* 199 » 17% 1696 109 (490 60% 59% 60 . R Z280 81 80 *0 —*Vi m 19% 65% Ml r‘-• 73 M A as IL I 29%. 2 S 65 - 1% 830 31% 31 19 14% 23% *396- .. ’ 64 26% K 25%— % 13 36% 33% Ni ■ 54 , 6% ___________ 137 4NI 44% MpiV___________ Heinz HJ 1 JO 133 30 20% .2*9*— U* Merck pQJ* Helene Curtis H . WO TM* mi,i ijbMR * — Hell Coil 1.2# *0 32% 30% 31%— . mmm jo ii7 ■*% -#% *%- ~ ‘ ‘ 8 1*v* 18% ii%+ % MestaM z.soe 37 1% 1% *9*- % MOM 1 375 37 3M« 3*%- % Metromed .80 3 120 911%,110 + % MetEd pfl.90 M *496 24 «%+ % MetEd pOK 343 35 »% 33'%— 1% MetEd Pf3.10 1597 9% 19% 189*— 96 MIchGas 1.20 _______ . .48 31% 30% »%+ % Mlenfube 1* HewPack JO X277 43% 41% « + 196 MldAPJaa .40 .3(3 456 21% 11% 20 + 1% MCehtlSl .74 41 15% 1496 14%— % MMAP ipfl.11 46 2*96 2596 '269*- % MMiUNI JI 9 59% 58 1 — 1% 15* 110 12 It 11 - % MldRbfA 4.75 18 22% 21% 21 %- F* 106 479* 43V* 449b-M* 37 1* 16% 14%- 1% 102 26 m*" m*+wfi 32 16% m* a%— “ 1896- 45 + Vt RCA IhUltoS I Siegel HI 41 •Ignode IJO Immon 1.20a nwril 1.10b1 .kieialr 250. SlngerCo 2.20 Skelly Oil 2a Skll Corp .90 looUn* 3.15# SoCoro EG 1 -----' pf2.50 1 3* 15 J4% 14%+ SouCalE 1.25 x*16 i 38 19% 11% 18%— % 41 31% 30% 30%+ % 35 If 2996 2996- % 10 38% 37% V%- % mo *3% in* M 313 44% 42% 21 104 m a 24% a% 24%+ 1% 38 249*. 1% 239b- % 708 51% Wk 509b- IV* *11 If.. 119* ll - % 10 mt 18% 1196- % 31 p% 3596 36%+ % 21 30 29 39%—1% ' 42% 42% 52% i 19% 19%— 1 28V* WV6+ ’ 15% l%- 9 > 33% 3..... I 27 „ ... ... 27% 26% 26%— 4 iouInGE 1.24 12 29% 29% 29%+ ’ louNGa 1.30 131 28% 27 27%- 9 iou Nitre .70 X39 )*% 17% 17%— SouthPae 150 245 »% M% V South Ry 2.80 271 44 . 41%, 4t%- 19 SOU Ry pt 1 40 >6% 16% 1696+ SouRy MO 4 (100 70, 70 70 - 3% Swest PS 54 234 17% 16% 1496+ spart Ind n S6 1*9* 15 15, SpartlndA .40 xlSl 1696 1496 15 SpartCorp 50 54 I 7% 79 SperrHut ,45a 1*1 20% 17% 20 + % Sperry Rand 4060 29% 26% 27%— % SperRd pf4.50 z*50 90% 75 75 - 4 (Square D 5* ai 21% 11% i»%— % Staley 1.40a 12 36% 35% 35%g» I V* Sldfirand 1.30 135 32% 29% 29%-m StdBrd pf3.50 (WO 69 67% *•%- Std Kolls .130 319 *2% 19% 194b- StOil Cal 250 527 40% 59 5996- StOCal pf Cld 9 87 85% 86%+ Stoillnd. 1.70 534 50 48% 49%+ StOIINJ 2.40e 13*6 63% 41% 639*+ StdOilOh 2.40 271 64 62% 63%+ StO Oh. W3.75 xl 73 73 73 + StdOII Oh pf4 xl 98 » Packaging 1*7 j% kg' pfljt .... Press 5* StPrudUn 56 StanWar 150 StanWks 1.20 Stanray 50 StarreftLS 1 I IM I StauffCh 1.60 202 25% S iB'flbEJ 166 17% IM fl«b 41 |ff* 35 ^ ji* li 90 12% Ifil jj- --sunas pf 145 34 22V* 21% 21V8- % ^S(3I I JO IM 519* W% 51%+ 2% Bh 1LJK2 a »15%=.!. —T— , ■ 149 159* N 19% iwlngltn iymWsy Jattrt,™ _ VanRapI 1J* Taft Brd 5* Talcott 1 Talon Inc J* S El .60 TexETrn 1j05 ~exGasT 1J4 exGSul 5* ____ |M 1|%+ ■ 2*14 *596 26 + 19 1AA 13% ll%-; 170 m 6% 7 - •,9—Y— ■ 45 14% 151* Mb— 1 a 36 »% » + 96 __ 50 a% 24% 24%—% VanffyPr 1J0 Jl $0% Mb- Varlan Ax H 35% Wife ft,- 1% Vqederln IJO * Wl* » »%- % Vendo Co .50 93 24 224S— Vk victor c .30 ns m im n vif^w ’S 367 43% «% 43%— % VaERP pf 5 (500 94 9216 92%— 2V6 VaEP pM.aO (380 U% 15% *S%- 1 VonGroc 1.10 H 25% *6% 2496- .+ 796 17 122 15% VSI Core .7* "lean AM 1 ..JbR pt 4.50 WagnEf IJO WallMurr .70 (OUG .10 256 5 fU L44 V7 55% fi% 53%— 1% «tron 1.20 298 <9% -ffl* Hire pf!JS 4 ion* 100 10096— lokol ,25e 415 1394 12% 129b- % ti $1 av^ 2J%— H Ttwnoiyi .70 TtrtflJprojW IdeO pfl .20 Ima Inc 1.90 TmMMIr .80 ‘hwRB 1.80a ;ish Real .70 ToHnPack la Toled Ed 1JS 'oledoScale 1 "ootRoll .40b —tno 1.40 rtSup 50 Co JO 'ransWAIr 1 119* 1516-2 4] is# 1496 i| — 9, 79 <214 58% 58%- 3% 85 nv* a 23% . 145 7*14 75% 7899- J 35 64% *3% 64%+ 11 168 40% 3716 37%— 3 19 22V4 ,22%. 22%^.., 42 3214 31% M - .1 21 1*V* 10% W2r M --------119* 12%- • WarnBro .... WarB r pf 1.22 WarnPIc .50a WarnlSSnb'4? W 2% 5% 35 ... WarrSO 1 JOb 53 41% 3W* 4096+ 2'4 LashGas 31 29% 20% 29%+ % VrashWat 1.14 n 2196 201* *1 ...^ 42 33% ! 32 1B9* k 4016- %„ UARCO .90 Udyilte 1.60a UMC Ind 50 Unarco .40 nwmud -42a Mb $65 25% 2396 *4%- , ^ a 104 99 99 —4 017 16% 15% 1* + 50 42 13% 12% 13 + (0* 163 »% 20% 2W6+ m 50 *1 44 S% 43%+ % 1 » 27 25% »%- % 219 45% 43% 43%-1% JS 1140 140 lfl. 4 (10 74 74 74 4 lb%sa 31 2816 309*+"% —U— » a i*% 15% 1»%- % a 16% 15% 15%- 1 114 23% 2296 239b- % 277 *9* 39% WJ6—1J6 Carbide z 2099 52 49% MVt"- Elec 1.12 140 23% 22% 23% fafr-iS sast -**">.*140 « 64% E8 i Pac 315 35% 35% isi; 65 54% — 40 21% 21 ttJPRP^S' *2% 50 UnltAlrc 1.40 X501 77% 72% Unit Alrc rt 8324 15-32 5-1* UnArtlst .25* 556 27 24% Unit Car- **“• UnltCorp 7% 7% .. 8% 8% l%- % »% » 20'A+ I « 41% 49 + ... IS?* 1589- 1* 75 6% 1080 35V* oitb *'7»t 176 47% 431* 43Vfc— I 19 19% 19V6 199b- 1| 39% 319* 39% 310 18% 169* 1*96- 52 11 10 lorn 25% 24% 26%+ 47* 14% 1496 15V*— T 105' 2% 2% JV9— ’ X43 58 56V* I 57 25% 25% 2 SterlDrug .00 i 351*' 3416 . — ' US JS Borax la USForS 1.41a USFrttt 1.80a iMnrpim Ja ■ —I — US Indust JO *99 15% Ml M ............k 5* 309* 39% 30 - ■ 74 1|VA 1796 /1796- ' 43 Wife 27 ,27 ... 106 31V* 301*31 ... 286 429* 3996 40%- 1! I 41 4U4— 1 47% 47%— 1 i 1416 14%— 1 * USPIpe 1.2C ,US Play 1.41 •60a 24 9% 130 I 14% 17 — 9 Weekly Investment Companies 987 3816 37 WMs- 96 14 S »lk 2789— 1* 819 6196 4196 4396— 1* 320 a% 2096 21%+ % 21* 1% 1% 196— 9* 65 19% 9*9 10%+ % 34* 131* 12 2*=..^ unAm prz.su 4 43 - 42% g%— % UnAm2pf 1.75 if 33 31% aVb- 1* Unlv Leaf la x363 31% ,109* « + % fiMW pf* mW • 16+, M5„ UnlvOPd 1.40 154 0 619* 61%- 5% unit unlv Urls B i *7% 4 pk m ■M in* i —W— zM 75 75 75 ... 343 29% 28% 29 - % 15 3516 33% 34%— 96 74 25% 23% 238b- 1% 79 26*9 14% MM- % >4 3616 r*7 || 9 1.20 60 2296 229* 228b- % 22 23% 22 22H— 9k 144 14 ; M9k 139*+ Vk « ** S'* H* ....... - 142 3 29* 29b- J 1 let Add Weakly Stack! 4* * i 17 m*+ v* a n% 1 *%+ v* 1IV6+ 1* 48 i«i* 799 #%— 9* _______________ 34 2296 22 IM*- % WPP pf 450 (530 II 77% 7* + 1 WstFt Pep 2a 190 » 79* %l 3+ % WVaPulp 1J0 377 419* 29% J9%— 2V6 ““‘IP pf 4.50 M70 *496 04V* 04V* ..... tn AirL 1 HI 43% 3989 419*+ 1% lane 1.10 < 294 27% 2516 26 - ] , (iMd 1.60a 12 30% 29 ^ 29 -1% «Pae 3J0 44 ft* . .94 ■— 1% lT#l 1.40 *12 »% MW «%+ 9* stgABt estgEI estl | iBk 1J0 1*1' 109* 2 > -* 459b- 9* i n%.... ■% —J /Mb- 9* 510 29% 29 - l’/4 147 »% 17% 10%— 1% 16 439* 59= 60 -IV* ia 41% an* »%- 9* f sm/i im *1% 21%+ vt ft* 19% 20 - 9* 4389 42% 43 — % 1^72 7* 71 ..... ....... .Ji 1.00 244 While Str lb WlckeaCorp 1 Wilson Co 2 Wilson pf4J5 WlnnDIx 1.44 WlsEIPw 1.24 ll* is am. Kf 7» WIscPSvc .94 a 179* 17 179*+ 9* Wltco Ch 1.20 x55 29 29% WVb- V* WitcoC pf2.*5 Xlf 54% 54 , S4%+ % WolvWW 50 X35 14% 159* W ............. Womefco Jt 80 20% 19% 199b- 89 HzJ- V* b- 1 .... M— % 10496 103% 104%+ 2% *“* 51 1796+ % luriiSjfJO » M ■3#*_x-Y4Z— < Corp 1 21*7 1*496 MOW 174%- 29* IBM 1J0 » 30% 29% Wb~ - 7 iStIDr 1 X37 17% 14% 17%+ % Corp 35 319* **“ ““ H hqj,?fcs,h 638 3996 35% i 69 989 989 Affiliated Fd 13 81 8196— 27 12% 1196 12 Assoc Fd Trust 1.34 1J6 1.34 1.35 6.03 5.92 5.92 6.20 9.07 8.91 1.91 9$ 4.82 4M 4.68 4.79 1458 14J9 14.09 14.43 11.71 11.45 11.45 1154 3 4096- 39% 39%+ % Permian .50 311 24% 22% i Pat Im PfiZtrC 1.20a 317 44% 59% I Phelp D 3,40a , 328 59% 55% i Phlla El l 156 3 i 29% 29%— 1 ' 70—3 FhllEI p(4.68 PhilEj pf4.40 urn ou Phllll pf4.30 z290 80 PhilEI pf3.80 1230 70 .... . Phllldg 1.20 299 41 31% 39%+ % PhilMorr 1.40 224 25% 2489 25%+ ” PhilMor pf4 z20 72 72 72 — Phi II “ PhllVaH 2.24t Plllsbury 1.15 Piper A 1.40a PitnayB 1.20 14.99 14.59 14.66 1409 50 31 ft* 30%+ % PCoke 5pf 5 (50 IS PCoke pf4J0 1 77 PttForg 150a 25 361 PitFtW pf 7 Z220 1379 PltPlate 2.60 106 56 I Pit Steel 100 111 PltSteel pf A (30 fl pn|n pt6.‘“- n PitWtVa . PltYngA | Plrtston 1 Plough ,« Polaroid Con S,„ Growth Incoma T7I /./* Special 2.77 2.62 253 Chase Fd Bos 8.99 1.60 0 53 CMmlcil Fd --------------------- Citadel Fd Coast Secur CtaontajPuiiL ..... ColonlalGrthLEn 14.09 Com StBd Mtga 4.r Commonwealth Funds: Cap Fd 12J 1% 0% l%— % r Co 1.M 22 25 Porter Df5.50 (280 Potbm El JI H Pot El pf2.44 PubSvCol .90 PS.VWG 156 PSSG pf$.20 ....I J7%- % 12 49% 48% 40%— 1* 11 14% 14% 14%+ % 274 73 H% — w. PugS. I _____ — Pullman 2 JO «At07 PurexCp 5tb 222 Purej^^pf 160 *2% 00 *0 -32 15%— I It 19% 18% l|8b- % „ „ 14% 14%- 3 25% 25 25 - - M 34% 34% 349k- % QuakOat 2.30 QUakOita pit* Quak Sta 150 xlO 19% 1 I 3.50 tfilmrch .100 Here Inc 5Se HerclnA 1.65 HershCho .90 EESf* High Voltes* Hilton Hot j* Hiltonln 1.199 Httaert iJOe » i. M% n%+ % RabtahP 1. 49 »% 32% 326*— % Reneoln Jw JO M« 30% »%— 1% Reybestos I 488 7296 69 71%+ 1% Reyette .48 5,70. 696* 78 + % Raym Intt MT 51 2796 MR 25V9— 2V9 Rayonier. 1.40 *41 22% 19% MU 1% Raytheon .80 273 12% 12% 1t%- %,Reading Co 1» fit* » 35 — 1% Reeding 1 pf ,K —- & tl- . 2 Reeding i p RedOwf St i 2103 45%. 41% «M- (A 5 ft* 74 75 .+ % 208 48 ,41% 46%—1% 44 If (Ah MV*— *' I 5496 53 »%+ M 611 27% 2496 26%+ 196 tiO 69 , '.68 9 +1 Z20 66 66 66 -3 | »% «%.!!% .......... 24 2886 279* ' 38 - I ill. 1296 12 ' 12 —‘ % Jfii IS* + % Reed Inti la “-----1 1.50 44 M% » • 14%+ 6* 12 14% 13% 14%+ 9* H IM .1396 14%+ .% 52 fS-jii 146b - 30 25% 25 25Vb M ' a% 27% 27%. ... BMM — us 12% Jtve mi- % Rellab Str .00 7 14% W . 1*=- 6* RellanEI 1.10 147 n *1% 3166+ % ft M Jmio- 9* 5 1196 Mt 1196— % J* >6% "M* Mb-731 96 filk 45% 9%- t% ...... ptaleri, Inc., raftacl p h securities could havt been 7.97 7.06 7J7 7J 3.80 3.79 3.79 3.8. 5.96 5.18 5.11 5.94 29.M 2751 2.779 ».r 9.53 9.39 9.39 9.4 Fund A Fund B Stock Set !> Electr Blue Ridge Mut Bondstock Corp Boston Fund -Greed St inv Bullock Fund 1359 1L25 13.25 13.46 Invest Research 15.82 1 5.26 15J6 15.58 Mel Fund Inc 17j3 16.93 16.93 17.24 I vest Fund Inc 1£35 12J2 12.90 13.10 Johnstn Mut Fd MJA 16.23 16J6 16.57 Keystone Custodian/ Funds: Invest Bd 0-1 '23.07 23.95 ________ Med G Bd B-2 / 22.84 22.50 22.50 W.I2 DISC Bd B5 / 9.73 9.47 9,49 9“ Inco Fd K-l / 8.46 0.39 IJ9 8., Grth Fd K-2 / 6.14- 5.93 5.95 6.1 Hi-Gr Cm S-l / 19Jl 18.87 18.90 19... Inco Stk S-2 / 11.71 0.10 9.10 1152 Cut S-3 new/ 750 750 7.60 ! LoPr Cm 55 5.18 4.94 4.96 , Inti Fund F JU2 44“ use Knlckrbck Fd KnlckiPck Gr 7 Lazard Fund Uta^m in? Tr Lit* Ins Stk Loom |ay Can Can Gen Fd ' Canadian Capit inc( Cap Ufa Century Sn» < > Channlng Funds: ™ 8.31 8.31 159 16.90 16J0 1451 16.90 I'M 773 773 778 9l70 tis* 9.58 lira 12.22 12.15 12.17 1t.b 1.93 1.88 1.89 1.90 3.91 3.98 Crown Wstn D* da Vegh Mut Fd Decatur Income Delaware Fd Divers Gth Stk Divers Invstmt Dividend Shrs DoW Th inv Fd •ton 5 H Stk mploy Grp nergy Fd . quify Fund Bur Mut ret Gr Fd & £*» ____fly Fund Fid Trend Fd ln» Co -nc\ — . . Fd Orth Est Inv Stk Fd ■■ 12.07 12.07 1256 t-i 8.98 8.99 9.22 9.06 9.06 9.12 U 8.87 _____________ 1.47 1.44 1.44 1.46 1.SS 152 1.52 154 159 U 8.39 IS 9.08 |J« 0.96 9.0I 13.77 1357 13.57 IMS Mf "|S 2.75 5.72 jl p L49 6.78 jl il .fl 11.80 11.49 1152 11.45 11J| 11.13 11.14 11J7 14.33 14JS 14.00 14.24 nM 21.66 21.71 nSi 11.84 11.51 11.54 101 9.39 9.19 9.19 9.34 (51 9.17 iff 9.37 iMf 12.17 un ni 14.34 13JI 13.15 U.B 17.13 HR US 17.04 ».» Mil 25.95 2141 8J7 8.12 8.M 8.24 +60 459' 457 457 lfl fa fil 756 7J7 747 .... ffl lfl lfl 9.73 lfl ’ IS 554 14f 4.4* 29 4J7 4.46 Tuf 1151 1141 ii3i Gen UWM Tr Group Securjllet: ComnSf^tl? Fully Admin RevereC 250 Holt RW 80b 165 52% M Mb) MfdwOli 250 11 71 71%. M*+ % RqVtpn r SbjjisrR? s ® » ®EiS3r lfl *•» 951 9.70 nS nl Tm Hi 9.13 ffl 9J3 0.110 1152 1152 1354 13.00 M 13J4 '23.45 12.95 32.00 33,32 ilS lira ii8 liS Imperial Cap Fd fil *55 'i'ltnpeniijr" j ™ Income fwanO Income Fd Id* MSs IM . 2# 1LU 10,72 10.72 10.81 MMMMR llfl !!fl If-- Invest Tr Boe 11JI 10.71 MJ4 MJ5 Investors Group Funds:4 Mutual Inc 10.00 W51 1*55 1M7 Stock * 18J0 18.21 M.21 1. 955.9.56 9.1 7.17 7.17 8.99 8.65 L69 1.81 15JO 14.87 14.87 15.12 953 9.B 955 f s 27.80 27| 27.29 27.69 9Jf fra fn 14.78 14JI 14.55 1< ' 9.90 9.61 9.66 9.81 15.07 14.71 14.71' 14.97 H.13 1 0.98 10.99 V “ 5.78 5.72 1.72 I 9.17 (.54 155 t 3.92 5.81 Gj! 3J9 6.17 6.13 *12 6.22 16.22 15.94 15.94 1+15 5.20 5.12 5.12 5.1* 15.15 1+90 14.90 1+15 Fd Insurance M.I.F. Fqnd M.I.F. Growth Mutual Sir Mutual Trust Natl Investors +15 4.00 4.0 National Securities Serine: Balanced 10,49 1+33.10.33 1+42 - 5-56 5-33 5.45 +S m a « 8.93 alio ira. _ S.S2 5.39 5.39 5.53 9.42 9.44 954 * 10.46 10JO 1+21 ... 1*90 13.62 13/67 till 14.06 1(9 16.05 1+05 1SJ0 l|fl 1L“ •* 2 21.43 30.53 20. Natl Western Fd NBA Mut Fd , New titttand New Horn R p Noreast Inv OneVWltiam 17.07 16.82 1*17 16,81 1141 1055 10.47 ip* WM 12.64 12.64 12.16 WM 507.07 17.16 27J4 H.» 9.89 10.02 lOfl, 1+84 1059 1+49 10J2 i+2 t+w 1+04 i*S 4.88 «J6 . ii 2 ,i 10-87 10,68 10.60 10.77 1244 12.6* 12.69 1+11 tin lira ill, I*fl 1659 lira Jfl jra TS •Jl «fl til iji ________ c—Liquidating dividend d-Declered dr paid In 1945 plus stock dividend. e-Declered or paid --------------- 9-Fayabta in stack darid cash value on ex-dlvl- ________I or paid after stack dtvl- spllt up. k—Declerad or paid this n accumulative Issue with dividends In arrears, n—New IttWk. p-Peld this year, dividend omitted, deferred «r ------------------. ---—tf meeting. dIvktand!~—Feld" In stock’"durlhg 1966, estimated cash slut on sx-dlvldend or ex-dlstrlbution date. cld—Called. x-Ex dividend. v-Ex Dividend end sates In full, x-dlt—Ex distribution. xr—Ex rights, xw—Without warrants. ww—With werrants. —* — being reorganized under the Bankruptcy Act, or securities assumed by such com-' i. fn—Foreign Issue sublect To In- n tax. WEEKLY N Y STOCK SALE1 Total far week ............... 29,580,571 Week ago ..................... 25,109,000 Year ago .................... 42,355,430 Two years ago .................. 23559,045 — ‘ OMtaBte ................ 1542,057,295 MMRMIa .. 1,06251+569 1964 to date >............... 942,029,114 American Stocks NEW YORK (AF) - Following It a -ernrri of selected stocks traded nils week Americenjitoc^ Exchonpir JWffiE i individual talas tar t._ ______ , ro,et ,50a ax Magn .10g 15 12% 11% Tl%- % n PetrofA JOe » 1% 8% *14- % kLo Gas 1.50 70 36% 35% |5%b% amera 2N 31-14 213-14 215-16—V* Atlas Cp wf Barnes eng T83 2616 22% Braz Lt FW1 xd ^ *“ Brit Pet1 53exd Can so Pet Git Javelin Cbterema Cont Tel J* ■ Ctrywide Rlty Creole P 250* Data Cont &9MI a% 23%—3% WW* McCrary wt Mead John 51 Mich Sugar .11 Molybden New Pk Mng Pancst Pet RtC Group try Rain WAIT el OHA 1 175 ft* 29% 51%+1 42 1% 7% 5%+ % 167 3% 3% 3%+ % 169211-14 »*29-16-»-14 a 44 7% 7 7%...,. 441 40%. 37% 35%..... IM 14% IM 13%-'% 2^ >a r mt 23 3% 3 3%+ V 158 23% 21% 22 —2 I 24 3% 3% 3%......... 241 47% .42%' 43 — qi 249 19% 17 1716— % *14 24% 22% jam- % 4 « w $ K ff fLfvt Swtex cp .4* i Technical .40 Un Control J»_ 363 4% 4% - 4%— % Copyright by The Associated Press 1*44 WEEKLY AMERICAN STOCK SAUU .......... 331,937,41$ WEEKLY AMERICAN BOND SALES Totta for week ....'..... 12,23+000 ““ “ C*SmSo ... ... 82,029,000 Year ego ! That's the Ticket EVANSTON, m. (If - Patrol-man G. W. Wolff gavi; a ticker to one of two drirora involved in a -crash hi Evanston. The ticket was given to his boss, Chief of Police Bert Glidden. The ddef was charged Witt driving too dose to lie otter car/and damaging dty property, namely a police cruiser. School Ey for (Jnskille Program Is Proposed by Head of City Firm A government-sponsored on the-job training program at i Pontiac plant may lead to the firm opening its doors after hours as a trade school for un skilled workers. ★ ★ * William Goodman, president of the Versatube Corp., 92 Brandi, made the proposal yesterday after learning tor Labor Department approved t. contract for the training ofeigit persons at the plant / “Ike program is fine but it isn’t goteg to do the masses any good,” said Goodman. Since moving from Detroit to Pontiac three months ago, Goodman said he has received at least 800 job applications: Jy k ■ ■#„, “These people want to work, but they just haven’t the skill tp do the job,” Goodman, a native of Pontiac, said. FLEXIBLE TUBING His firm, founded eight years ago, produces flexible metal tubing toe truck exhausts and other assorted automotive tubing. Hie plant has 35 employes. “I’d be willing to, have the plant used as a training ground if this new program works out for us,” said Goodman. * ★' dr ■ He said he wasn’t we what type of arrangements could be made, but that he was open to suggestions from any local or county agency that might be able to provide a solution. INSTRUCTORS "At the present, we don’t have enough skilled workers to have them act as instructors," Goodman explained. Under tile federal program, tiie company will be reimbursed $4,MU for teaching the eight unemployed persons how to operate machines for a period of ap to 2S weeks. Secretary of Labor Willard Wirtz .agreed to the pact, which was made public yesterday by Congressman Billie S. Farnum, D-19th District. * # * Those choseir for the training will have to have some mechanical knowledge, said Goodman, but just how they will be selected hadn’t been determined. THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1966 There were about 12,000 physical therapists practicing in the nation last year. By 1975, an estimated 54,000 win be required to meet demands, a federal study reveals. GRANT KENYON DeMolay Rite Is Scheduled Cedar Chapter, Order of De-Moley, will install a new master councilor in ceremonies at 8 tonight at the Masonic Temple, Clarkston. To be installed is Grant Kenyon of 6780 Transparent, Independence Township. *....*...'* Also slated to be installed are Gary Slinkard, 6135 Paramun, Independence Township, senior councilor, and Steven Peterson of 6140 Andersonville, Waterford Township, junior councilor. College Head Installed in State MACKINAC ISLAND (AP) — Dr. S. Douglas Cornell said today in his inaugural address as the first president of Mackinac College that “Knowledge is power, and the way in which power is used is as important as the power itself.” ★ * * ’Mackinac College is out to set a new aim and a new direction in higher education,” Cornell said in a speech prepared for more than 800 persons attending the inauguration. Justice Won't Be Far Away BOYNE FALLS (AP) - You won’t have to go far to find a judge if a policeman tickets you for speeding in the Boyne Falls arqa today. Scores of justices of the peace planned to ride in patrol cars or police airplanes today as part of a fall seminar sponsored by the Michigan Association of Justices of the Peace. Some 200 justices are attending the seminar at nearby Boyne Mountain Lodge. E Junior Editors Quiz on- PLAYING CARDS QUESTION: Wife invented playing cards and why are there 52 cards in a deck? • A ♦ . ★ . r # V ANSWER: Some experts think playing cards originated in India about 800 A.D. (1). Canto were probably introduced into Europe by the returning crusaders. ... . The eastern cards had numbers, but picture cards called tarots originated in Italy, and soon tarots and numbers appeared in the same deck. Hu tour suits (2,1) appeared in France tai the UN’s. The French made symbob tor them with the names we show in our picture. pique meant pike, but the English thought it looked like a spade and called it that. Trefle, which meant clover leaf, was changed to club. _ ... ... Carreau had meant square, but the English, by mistake, translated this into diamond. When Eastern cards were combined with tarots, a W-card deck was the result. TUs was cumbersome to ptoy with, so the French started to am the simpler 82-eard and 52-card decks. Thirty-two canto are still used in the European game of pique, but the English took up whist, using 82 cards, and this became standard in English-speaking countries. . *.* * * FOR YOU TO DO: Draw-from memory-a spade, chib, Itoart and diamond, as they appear on playing cards. This to not so easy as it sounds. Two Are Held After Ruckus at local Cafe Pontisc police and an emergency crew of Oakland County sheriffs deputies took two persons ihto custody at an all-night drive-in e$rfy today despite efforts of a crowd to prevent toe arrests. Principal suspect Wtite incident to Johnnie Joiutsta .2f, of 415 N. East Blvd., held in the Oakland County Jad«0 charges of carrying a concealed weapon, resisting arrest and being disorderly. All three charges stem from a reported gun-threat at toe Mary E Cato, 56 S. Saginaw, about 2:81 ami. Police said Johnson was ordered into a patrol car at toe rear of the restauraht at Wilson and Paddock streets after a rifle allegedly used to threaten a 19-year-oki girl had been found in Bis car. * ♦ it' ' At that point, police said, toe girl — Gloria JT Harris of 58 Wail — along with a score of other persons attempted to grab Johnson and take him from police. MELEE ENSUES .— The ensuing melee, police said, resulted in Pontiac PafroI-man Norman R. Kilmer receiving a 7-inch laceration on the neck and a patrol car being damaged on tiie fender £id side With a heavy flashlight. ★: ♦ ★ The Harris girl was charged with creating a disturbance, malicious destruction cl police property, and being drunk and disorderly. City Coin Club Show Set Sunday The Pontiac Coin Club to sponsoring a coin, show from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. tomorrow at Elks Temple, 114 Orchard Lake. There will be no admission charge. Club president is. Clarence Cue of 2912 Buick, Waterford Township. Death notices of Miu SMI* Dolan, Mrs. Robert Hopkins end Mr». cteo Dunn. Recitation ol the Rosary will be Saturday at •:» p.m. at tha Richardson - Bird Funoral Home, Milford. Funoral service will be held Monday, October 3, at * a.m. at St. Mary's Catholic Church, Milford. Interment In Mount Olivet Cemetery. Miss Oolsn will lie in state at tho funeral, home. DUECHLER, SEPTEMBER 30, IMS, JOHN G., ‘30 Watt Burdick, Oxford; tgs 43; beloved husband of Gladys Richard Duechter and Mrs. Patricia Tyrrell; dear brother of Carl DUtchtar and Mrs. Barbara Scheuerleln; alto survived by two grandchildren. Funeral" service will be held Monday, October 3, at 2 m Cemetery, Oxford. Mr. Dutch-will Tm In state at the funeral ~ rTMfejdda^^H Death Notices WILSON. SEPTEMBER St, IMS, LILLIAN M., aw (Nova Street, Kate* Harbor; age Ml dear mother ef WUdem and Harvey Wilson, Sira. Ira (VMa) Vintanil and Mrs. WIHIam (Ann) Mason; also survived By five grandchildren and ana great grandchild. Funeral ear-vtca wM be held Monday, October Sdi pan. at the C. J. Gadbardt Funeral Hama, Kite Water. Interment In lefcevtaw Cemetery. Ctarkitar,. Mrs. WBSon will lie la stats at the toneral home. (Sug- ' ADVijmiiRS MS RECEIVED BY S PM. WILL B> PUBLISHED THE FOLLOWING DAY. H returned In our endk Your loving daughter I once E. Uobutrau. . . ......MEMORY Charles A. Shearer who pa: away 3 years ago Oct. 2, IMS. ■at. Tims rolls < 1 lasts. id by wits Helen. GET OUT-OF DEBT - AVOID GARNISHMENTS. BANKRUPTCY REPOSSESSIONS, BAD CREDIT ANO HARASSMENT. Wa have helped and saved thousands of people t ford. No limit as to amount owed and number of creditors. For those that realise, "YOU CANT BORROW YOURSELF OUT OF DEBT." Home^ayt^jtojem arranged anytime Heurs »-7 Mon. thru-Frt* Sat. 9-5 FE 2-0181 (BONDED AND LICENSED) ta attar 7 p.m OCTOBER" 85; dear mother at Mrs. Fred (Mabie) Lab, Theron Gray and Kenton C. Willoughby; dear sister ' Russel waMMfitajteMMkti" wo grandchildren and two groat-grandchlldren. Funeral service Will be held Monday, October 3, at 1 p.m. at the Voorhees-SIpte Funeral Home WHh Dr. Milton H. Bank Graveside service will be held Monday at .2:4S pm. at Opk Hill Cemetery, Owosso. Mrs. teitolhYi': skprttMkkR 30, ■ HR FREDERICK J„ 4)25 Airport Road, Waterford; ago 79; dear fattwr . of Raymond J., Norman F. and Alfred R. Grundy; alee survived by Mx grandchildren and tour greatgrandchildren. Recitation of tha Rosary will be Monday at t p.m. at the Lewis E. Wlnt Funeral Home, Clarkston. Funoral aarvica win be held Tuesday, October 4, al H a.m. at Our Lady of tha Lakes Catholic Church. Intarmont In Catholic Section of Lekoview Comatary, Clarkston. Mr. Grundy win lio In state at tha funeral home altar t pjn. Sunday. HOLMQUIST, SEPTEMBER 30, )9M, EVA, M Jeff (treat, Waterford Township; age 72; beloved wife of Harman Hoimguist; dear »molher of Mrs. Ihaz Thee, Mrs. Vivian Jacobson and Elwood Holmqulst; dear sister at A. Matt Hasten* and .Edmund Haglund; also surwlvad by savan grandchildron and tour greater andchitdron. Funeral service will be held Monday, October 3, at * p.m. ' at Gloria Dal Urtharan Church. Intarment in While Chapel Cemetery. Mrs. Holmqulst wnl lie in state at the Sparks-OrHfin KREY, SEPTiAteia 30, 19M, JEN-NIC COE, 1914 Pontiac Trail, Waltpd Lake; agp 901 dear mother of Mrs. Myrtle Kazan; dear sister “ Carrie Wolcott and “ AUGUST WILUAM. 91 niisntealiiitetn.i ________ of Mrs. Julia Gray, Chartaa Ball and Odors* and Earl ICutsctUm; tear brother of Mr*. Marin Krwp-skl. Funeral sarvka wBI be bald Monday. OelaBnr 3, at 2 p.m. at in D. E. Purstoy Funeral Homs wfth Rev. W:' F. Rutkowsky officiating. Inlgrmant ta Cadillac Meinorul Gardens, West. Mr. Kut-schke will lie In stale at tha tu- SMltH, SEPTEMBER ft BM, RICHARD W. 293 VowTwiS Road; age S3; daar brother gf Mi. Mildred LaRaa* and Willard Smith. Funeral, aarvica wUI be held Man-day, October 3, at it am. at the O. C. Purstay Funeral Home trim Rev. Latand Lloyd afflototliw, In- kCI O INDIGESTION? PAINFUL gas? Get new PH-5 tablets. Fast as liquids. Only tte. Simms Bros. Drugs. ________ -___________• ir schedule of 1 pickup p HALL FOR RENT, PARTIES OR BOX REPLIES At II a.m. today there j I were replies at The! iPrees Office to the fol-| | lowing boxes': 2, 4, 6, 45, 6, 6, ! ■2, 60, 61; 62, 65, 7 , ! j 80, 111, 96, IN PONELSON-JOHNS Funeral Hama "Daslgnad tor Funerals" Huntoon Voorhees-Siple FUNERAL HOMI EaiobUshod Ovs Cemetery Lots WHITE CHAPEL CEMETERY GAR-den of Rtformttlon. Section 391 1 lots 1. 9 and L MM. Reply Pon-tlac Press Sex No. 98. 825 REWARD FOR ANYONE ©IV- of Airway Rd. Ptaaat vicinity « ill 4734410. Everybody gets 10 milk Molly tha Cow and hold tho new baby, pigs. beautiful NMHtoM* Open SUNDAYS ONLY, 11 a.m. to Rd^ Adams Rd. N. to firm signs. ANY GIRL OR WOMAN NEEDING a friendly adviser, phone FE 2-5122 before 5 un. r ~ --------------- fim. DAINTY MAID SUPPLIES ■ 2SM t. Hammond FE S-7SB HOUSE HUNTING? — CALL YOUR O'Nail Really Company representative. Me win save you time and manty too. You'll oat accurate fads. You'll gat skilled proton Ion - Roy O'Neil, R 3529 Pontiac LI Personals “HOUSE OF WIGS" m N. Parry Pi SEtiS .teETQUT or Pe4t Mr* ■ PLANNED OUDGET PROGRAM YOU CAN AFFORD TAILORED TO YOUR INCOME MICHIGAN CREtMT COUNSELORS 702 Pontiec^StetMBank Bldg. ON ANO AFTER THIS DATE SEP-tamber M 1944 1 will not be ro- Kam^W.Hm^lT..Pon. c—r Princess. A bllndwoman s pet. 6*2- vlTHE ISM CIVIL RIGHTS ft :-:law prohibits, with.:-: ^CERTAIN EXCEPTIONS, X; DISCRIMINATION BE- iv P:: CAUSE OF SEX. SINCE v: :v SOME OCCUPATIONS ARE -X Iv CONSIDERED MORE AT- : : * TRACTIVE TO PfitSQNS A * OF ONE SEX THAN THE Iv & OTHER, ADVERTISE-:: »MEETS MUI PLACED v: » WWBK THE MALE OR S v: ERS. SUCH LISTINGS ARE :•:• :v NOT INTENDED TO EX- ft CLUDE PERSONS OF ft ft EITNEE MX. I MEN FOR SERVICE A rile hem# parki al - 332-I4S7. 4 WELL DRESSED AAEN TO DE-Itver advertising material, SIS per evening. Car neceisiry. 435-IMS. AUTO OEALER NEEDS: Used car reconditioning mgr. Service porter Many benefits, contact Service 'Mgr. Taylor Chevrolet & Olds 424-4501 AttitomN ALL SHORT ORDER cooks. Looking for an opportunity ?a,l*^Mr'c*Brown**at*- bu>,ns’1' kitchen tar am kttarvlew. 332-349L ATTENTION Start Immediately Mechanically Inclined Man NEW CAR FURNISHED N EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY Apply at 554 Franklin Rd. APPRAISERS ASSESSING AIDES Steady work with generous frings .bonoflts. Property appraiser needed In rapidly expanding assessing dept. Salary 14553—J738L several years expectance in municipal or real estate appraising. Assessing Alda: High school graduate desiring challenging work with opportunity for odvancement. 15304 fits te itehF^,™- ^ confidential. Contact WatVB* Gtagt, 1450 N. Opdyko Rd., Pontiac, Mich- < Igen. Member Multiple Listing ASSEMBLY - SMALL PARTS. JEM-co Electric Co. ISM N. Crooks Rd. Clawson, Mich. _______ Ings for the following, woi day shift: Assembly wantars, |_____ operators, spot welders. Company paid hospital Insurance, llta Insurance, retirement plan, vaca- L'------ expansion In prog- ' 2400 f. Lincoln. Birml rnt ax,____ at 2400 ilngham, Mich. I i. 7 a.m. and 3:30 Boy over ii for delivery, full time - Apply Peabody's Market - 154 Hunter Blvd, Blrmlpg- Bus Boy Tad's ef Pontiac Hall hei mediate openings for full thr boys. No Sunday work. -API BARBER wanted, master or young apprentk*, ram chair, closed Mondsy, Rob's MaW Shop -Trey. 593-1240 attar .7 pji BAKER OR BAKER'S HELPER wanted. Apply In person, Dawn Do-Nut Shop, GOA N. Party. ---t-n rnraf CONSTRUCTION soma knowle' and camqnt II l Hwms, 42S-143S. CAR WASHERS.' PUU. OR PART CANTEEN FOOD AND VENDING m Haights. J y employer. CARETAKER FOR APARTMENT CLERK PART TIME. ADULT. S i to» WGEto4 htoto 5 I IMg Wonted Mato CAPABLE, EXPERIENCED T U E-ret tathe ooeretor. Short end tote run prod. Over 34. Also gsn, mo-' chtalsL _LI 1-2620 between 9 am. cos"? ACCOUNTANT New And expanding paper and board converting pIMt requires ex- Co- Box IS5 Rochester, n COST ACCOUNTANT: and maintain cost contra) program. Accounting dteree and standard cost experience preferred. Sand resume to Roche tier Paper Company, Box IIS, Rochester, MkhL CIVIL ENGINEERS CONSTRUCTION INSPECTORS DRAFTSMAN The City et Trey needs man experienced . In > sewer, street, end weter lint design, construction end inspection. 1 Civil Engineers — Graduates; experienced In design end construction, Salary Open. 2 Construction Inspectors — Men experienced In Utility cons ---------------(fig Salaries depend on experience. Alt generous fringe benefits. Contact Personnel Dept., 500 W. Big Beaver Rd.. Trey, Mich. 409-4800, CLlklCAL POSITION. RSTIREO: gentleman preferred. Porters. Full of part time. Holiday Inn of Pon-Hac. 334-3444. Distributor-Manager Malor company will Mre 4 man, to train Into key management of sates force and distribution. Super-, vise 15 to 30 people. Starting Income while training of S500-S650. Potential tf,000412.M0 and batter attar training. Call Mr. Anthon, 4 lo S p.m„ 334-3444._____ blSH MACHINE OPERATOR, PART time after School, St .35 an hr. BlfPs. Telegraph at Maple (15 Mile). DRIVERS ! UNITED PARCEL SERIVE Has Immadiate openings tor package delivery drlvqrs. If you art at toast 21 years of age, have a High School Education or equivalent and e good driving record, ydu could qualify for a po- fECURITY LIBERAL BENEFITS S-DAY WEEK, MON.-FRI. CHANCE FOR ADVANCEMENT Application being accepted on Mon. Oct. 3, end Tuts., Oct. 4, from "“loiOO'RYAN RD. WARREN, MICH. Designer Experienced special machine designer, 50-hr. week, good fringe benefits with too* established manufacturer. Excellent opportunity, good salary. Acme Manufacturing Co. •“ ■ • Mlto Rd. • Femdato DU-ALL SURFACE GRINDER, perlenced In gilndlng carbide and carbide tipped tools. Champion Tool Co., 24060 Orchard Laka Rd. Farmington, 464-6200. - , DIRECT SALES, H I G H COMMIS-Sion, toads wn. 4744B53. DIEMAKER, STEADY JOB WITH top rates plus benefits. Working 58-hour week for man with prof gresslve die experience. Fisher Corp. 1625 W. Maple Rd., Troy! DISHWASHER, OvEfe It, RETIREE welcome, goad working conditions, night shift: steak and Egg Resto»-rent. 5395 Dixie Hwy., Wefertord. DISHWASHER BIRMINGHAM RES-tauranl, neat reliable older man, no drlnkor, 6 days. 6:30-3:30. No Sundays or holidays. Write Pon-**—: Press Box 63. DELIVERY, STOCK FOR DR ENGINEERS DESIGNERS DETAILERS :h end development. , nl experience. Fringe lx EXPERIENCED AUTO PORTER, must have drivers llcanse willing, to work. Set Service Manager, el ?00 Oakland today. , - EXPERIENCED AUTO. MECHANIC full-time, steady work. Excellent flat rite, fringe benefits, apply In person to Service Manager — 900-Oakland today. EXCELLENT Opportunity . IN A HIGH LEVEL OCCUPATION Pontiac branch, office of General Motors Acceptance Corp. hat in opening for a field representative. This position provides an automobile, salary plus cost of living allowance, good working conditions Inlftatlvo, o to dedl with ce l. Call liege bad 682-4040 fc aqaal opportunity employer) FULL TIME COUNTER SUPPLY. No nights or wedtands. Meals and uniforms supplied. Paid vacation and hospitalization. Apply Greenfield's Restaurant. 725 $, Hunter Blvd. Birmingham- bet. 2 p.m. and #Xi>ERIENCEO MAN TO teQRK IN EXPERIENCED REAL ESTATE salesmen. Licensed for new and used homes, members MLS. Can FE 59471 for apoointmanf, Ivan Western Electric Manufacturing G Supply Unit of the’ Bell System Career Oportunities EQUIPMENT INSTALLERS COMMUNICATIONS Installare of telephona central office equipment. On tha job training, no experience necessary. High school graduates or equivalent. Good tiaalth. . ■ ; >PH.Yi 1150 GR|SWQLD AT STATE STREET DfkVlO ITOTT BUILDING, ROOM 1300 DETROIT, MICHIGAN Hourst 7 AIM. to $ P.M. Monday through Friday TAM. to 4 PM. Saturday Surgeen. H iery. OmtheHSTtraining' prograrr Many areas for advancement. W require experleneUl climbers, Win mors, foreman. , < Fringe benefits Vacation pim fearn to ogoratq hydraulic cranes, aerial basitats, chtopers, slump removal. if you are a Jijgh school 3846 Rochester Rd., Trey, Mkh. East of Birmingham between 16-17 Mita Rd*. JO 44187 7 *.m.-5 p.m. MU 9-22W Evenings, GR 641157 A. B. McKwriB, Dtotdct M------| * FURNACE MAN, DUCT INSTALL-er, also service men. t» n»». mileage and GAS STATION ATTENDANT. EX-perlenced, mechanically Indinad. Local references. Full or part lima,. Gulf, TetoBraph and Mapla. city and suburban |ob openings. Mt. Clemens, Utica and Birmingham Included. Banded Guard Serv-tcas 441 East Grand Boulevard Detroit. LO S-tia 10-4 pjn. GRINDER HANDS ^ Surface 1.D, and D.O. also all around machinist, all frlngt bene-fits. Apply at HRS Golf Drive, SCHOOL PARKING' LOT AT-—..Jant. Law enforcement officer background preferred. Call 646-4253. HANDY MAN, CLEANING. ETC. No heavy work. For group of Brlmlngham apartments. Must be reliable. Cell Ml 6-0020._ IMMEDIATE OPENINGS for Linemen Installers BUILDING SERVICE MEN AND Coin Box Collectors ' In Detroit and the North — West Sub. Are*. America's soundest industry offers you steady work, new line, year in-year out, NOT JUST IN “BOOM" PE-RI0DS. ; High School Education Required ENJOY ' GOOD PAY On-the-lob training at full pay Paid vacation and holidays Group haolth and medical Insuranct Group Ufa Insurance plan Association with friendly people Opportunity tor advancement EXPERIENCE NOT NECESSARY But Mechanical or Electrical Background Helpful APPLY IN PERSON; between 8:30 *.m. end 5:00 trough Friday •t 1365 Cat* Avenue, Distrait. Open Saturday, October 1 only For your convenience. MICHIGAN BELL An Equal Opportunity Employer Help Wauled Male i survey* Prepare management, ra-pon* *M causq corrective action J* be taken Assist In determining disposition of discrepant parts and assembly. , Wj&SF control represent- ATIVE — to perform liaison « write comprehensive PRODUCTION CONTI Beaver Precision Products Inc. 451 Immediate Openings Lottie (vend Turret lathe hand Shaver Precision products, lne„ 651 N. Rochestar Rd,, cimnwv Mich. * Equal Opportunity E—'■-------- IMMEDIATE OP.ENINO FDR REAL gststa trainee. Earn whlto you ■t. Ex. ■■■■— - ..—lest growing tan es-.c.omP?ny: Men and women J'AJ|'>■?*»., DAYS. CALL COLOM. mere College, Clarkston. 625-5611, JOB HUNTING? WE CAN SOLVE YOUR PROBLEMI Choose your career from over s,-loh opjpinfls. Trained nnwi consul Hows tor you Ip mom 'your msatlon and Job obleetlvas, iKSBf- .international ~ JANITOR 5P Immediate openings for full-time JbB WTl-tlme workers. Best work- 5Sp.o?'X. Mut, b# ',8nd•bl•■ JACOBSON'S 336 W. Maple Birmingham LANDSCAPING. Hi OR OVER, Year-around work, $2.00 per hour to start. 8756004, - t C. UNUSUAL OPPOR- W,L||°edYLD,k.B^S- “O006' W A H T'l p , Y6 WORg~iN MECHANIC HELPER - SOME Plenfi' of Work, Apply to tog Oakland. Today. Management Trainee Iter ItZt background re- 2o.m. to'4Vo.m"- ” MEN WANTED Tomporary Work, Dally pay. Fret KELLY LABOR MACHINE REPAIR •' A'J.around plant n experience In machine i and atoetrlcal trouble shot M. C. MFG. CO. ill indianwood Rd„ Laka Orton An Equal Opportunity Employer MAN"FOR LIGOT PORTtt work, «"to reeohrtag, fun or part tlma. «r*- Hutatotaon, R. b. Shop*, 314 W. Fourth 5t. Royal Oak. MAN II TO 35 FOR FURNITURE delivery and general i *•10 par wk. Lm» Jori n at Walton. FE 2-6142. AUTO SERVICE Early in October we will have thd GRAND OPENING of. aur newly expanded AUTO SERV- ' ICE CENTER, which will be Oakland County's Largest’and Finest. We have career opportunities in the following jobs: TIRE CHANGERS MECHANICS BRAKE MEN WHEEL ALIGNMENT SEAT COVER INSTALLERS BATTERY MEN LUBE MEN PARTS MAN STOCK MEN Weekly. Salary plus commission. 40-hour week. Some part-time schedules available, Paid vacation. Group insurance. Profit sharing. Retirement plan. Immediate discount. Uniforms supplied. Opportunities lor advancement. Apply Personnel Dept. (2nd floor) 9:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. ■ MONTGOMERY WARD Join the Leader in the Medium Priced Field of the Auto Industry APPLY NGW FOR; Production Work 9 (No Experience Necessary) ALSO; QUALIFIED JOURNEYMEN FOR TOOL & DIE WORK OR MAINTENANCE JOBS IN PLAJFT ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS All of the GM employe benefit programs will accrue as you enjoy top earnings with a winning team. MAKE APPLICATION AT OUR EMfLOYMENT OFFICE Pontiac Motor Division GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION Pontiac, Michigan GENERAL MOTORS IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY IMPL9YM e-» THE PONTIAC PRESS> SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1066 WmM Mah MAN TOWORK OH THOROUGH-bred term amt Union Lake. sm r weak Mae Met opertmsnt. *264717. MAINTENANCE MEN NEEDED. MS darn Plastic Molding Co. ftol ..J StORE AND Jr ' men able to Retired man for delivery —3 hours dally—401-1177. Before f* ve dealing mostly In buslnatsae. letlnge from 14 emcee. Active man houldgrosi 110,000 a year. Call *r appointment. Rtol Estate Salesmen See reel estate at the Mall. ... have leads to keep you busy 14 hours a day) VON REALTY GEORGE VONDERHARR, Realtor In the Mali MLS Room u *82-5802 at busy 482-5800 CATION BENEFITS. STEADY EMPLOYMENT FOR RELIABLE MAN. APPLY IN PERSON. WAT-Eft SOFTENER SUPPLY CO. 2401 ORCHARD LAKE RD. SYLVAN REAL ESTATE SALESMEN! Are you getting the advertising support you need? Why not sell for Pontiac's fattest growing —‘ estate company? Supporting salesmen with bill boards, papers, TV, etc. Increase your aOtollhns Immediately. Teleprune Mr. Corby, OR 4-034L Confir Interviews. York Reel Estate SHIPPING-RECEIVING MACHINE MAINTENANCE Some experience helpful. SHIPPING RECEIVING Young man to handle scheduling and packaging of small tools and diet. Must ha reliable and willing to learn. Soma blue print knowledge helpful. Permanent position. 2!21 Industrial Raw. Trey. Between 14-15 ML Rds.. oft Coolldge. 54*. lABV SITTER, LIGHt NOUSE. werte live In er out, Clarktton. SITTER TO LIVE IN. RC_________ 1 HI .wages. 334-0604, ask tor Bawd Mi Pat Varty. __________ BABY SITTER, MY HOME, UNION "Lake, Mon., Tuts., Thar*., Fit. 7:30 to_4:30p.m. *25 week. Nc hwieawwk. 334*411 or 34S4429, STOCK AND RECEIVING CLERK for Music Store. Full-tim*. Apply Ortonallt, PonttK Mall. SUPERVISOR Canyov train and tupan man! SSOO salary per month while training l 00,000, plus franchise epportunt No travel. Call “ “ Funity. COCKTAIL WAITRESSES, EXPERI-ence not essential, good tips tor good workers. Orchard Lanas — Call today, 3354243. S3;__________________ porstlon, at Holiday li Mich, on October 4 No phone calls please, ed begins practical t TROY PLASTIC PLANT NEEDS material handlers tor day shift only. Exc. fringe benefits, cal' Mg VanVurst, 447-7154.___________ TRUCK DRIVER AND WAREHOUSE fOdt ROOM LATHE OPERATOR, J "‘ s, shaper and mill op-=ull or part tlma. Good tor midnight shift. No experlnece necessary, axe. fringe benefits. OrW. 447-71R TV-RADIO SERVICEMAN Top wages and benefits for capable, experienced Man, Hod's TV/ 770 Orchard Lake. FE 56112, TOOL MAKERS—MACHINISTS nACHINE OPERATORS, apply Holl Tool A Machine Inc. tu Rosatl SI., Hally, _________________________ O KEEP PACi, WE ARE LOOK-mg tor man seeking a professional carter, this petition pays ■ straight salary, plus commissions, 2 weeks paid vacation. Retirement, MMMmMM Ho»p- Insurance, op- TRACER LATHE OPERATORS A SET-UP MEN, Required to « " J aarvlca f “ toll benefits. Turret Lathe Operators HAND AND AUTOMATIC CRESCEN^MAciflNE CO. 2501 williams Dr, Pontiac UNSKILLED, OVER IS, APPLY person Mayfair Plastics, 2275 Celt, Birminoham. WANTED: A REAL SALESMAN ... ... who wonts to operate independently and who has ability and ambition to build his own business and long term security. Exclusive protected territory, Knteed high straight commission, full fringe bene-jgram. An exceptional opportunity for the right man! Nationally known reputable manufacturer of complete line of high quality institutional and industrial maintenance and sanitation products is expanding and has opening in surrounding territoiy for development by qualified direct Representative. Write for interview stating foil qualifications. Help Wonted Female DIO OISPA city, FE I- AAA CAR HOSTESS Olrl to work days at car hostess, ^s- p.m. Excellent pay. 4370 **■ Hek We^ml M. er r. rntnltsto+m ' 164 WeMed ieewieM Seeds t9 HOUSEWIVES Don't watte yt . Equal Opportunity Em- Kelly Service tore, to live in. Complete chei 1 girl age 15. New modem Im In Bloomfield Hill* nr. tWeedw end Qutrton Rd. 1 Mock* ft public trenta. Exc. wlary working condition* with ampte tl HOU IE KEEPER, COMPANION FOR .elderly widow In MUfanli|Mg| day*. *52. 424-0573. IMMEDIATE OPENINGS---------------- R.N., L.P.N.'s ward Clark, aurgi-cal technician toll or part tlma, shift and weekend differential. See Mn Indlth. Avon renter Hoiol- F YOU ARE BETWEEN 25 AND 34, good typist, accurate with urn, and have tome telephone perlence, write P. O. Box Pontiac, stating qualification* salary expected. Good 1— MMVB.-tlme workers. Best --- Ing conditions. Must be bondablo. Apply In person, JACOBSON'S 134 W. Maple_______ Birmingham JR. TECHNICIAN High school graduate with n chenlcal Inclinations and soma c_ parlance tor assembly and test of hydraulic and ' pneumatic -- YOUNG LADY FOR GENERAL office work. Must type 40 wpm and enloy meeting the public. Apply Liberty Loan, f» wTitoron. ASSISTANT SECRETARY Far physician. Typewritten reply to Include personal data, rator-»nco«> »nd experience. Write | EXPERIENCED El mu,' BEAUTY OPERATOR . „| OT P*'* L !■ Bm4i4H 651*1322.: BEAUTICIAN - EXPERIENCED -good location — 3354411 lASHIER With , restaurant expi... ferred. Night shift. Big tauraht. Telegraph and Hi For CLERK staffs COOK, SHOPPER AND VEGETABLE COOK Meals and unltorms furnished, paid vacations and insurance. Apply Greenfields Restaurant, 725 S. Hunter. Birmingham. MATURE BABY I NATIONAL. FOOD SERVICE CO. . . N THE MORNING UNTIL i the afternoon. Alto waitress Mapia Lake, A 1295 I 4-3081. COOK For vegetable maker and bake snop helper. Also, toll- and part-time counter girls. Meals and Uniforms supplied. Paid hospitalization and vacation. Apply COCKTAIL WAITRESS Top wages. Excellent working conditions. Fringe benefits. Apply or call Mr. Eaton at strike A Spare, MM W. Maple Rd. ot Telegtaph. COURT REPORTER $59OO.-$7T00. Forjteklentf county Prosecutor's Of- ?40*to* 2M wpmdlCS?la??' wlii vacations and sick leave, ' Cross end llto' Ins. plen. Apply at Personnel Office Oakland County Court I ‘ Telegraph, Pontloc. ______ NTS R WOMAN FDR DRY ‘ H .......... "t. Blrmlng- G P«ld o Blue to experler - Fun tiny necessary, will train Day or evening shuts — ■ — hospitalization, Insurance, vacation and pension plan. Apply Ellas Bros. Big Boy, 20 S% Tola ariph KITCHEN WRLS, chhrd Lake Rd. Pontiac. UG AND COSMETIC GIRL, . . train. Excellent salary, _ Croat, paid vacations. Days or gwMMlriMBMMtF Drugs, Rd„ Orchard 'VlHaw.- . ________ lll^LV' iwJwtt To BABY SIT, mm r out. Keego Harbor, i " ILDlltL'y.LAOY. ■ GtNERAL kltohon work. Apply Harvey’s Co-lohlal House. OR 34740. EXPERIENCED MEDICAL SECRE- EXPERIENCEO WOMAN WANTED Mon.-Fri„ »-5. General Cleaning and care Of year-old toy. S50 weekly, ref. and awn transporte- EXPERIENCEP WAITRESS, JOB'S Coney lalawjL Bey shift, 1451 $. ~ALTERA- WxVWW_________ tion tody, steady Osmun't, 51 N. Sai FINAL INSPECTOR §5? precision part*, ig'Company, day*, many banafHa.» Steady employ- C. MFG. CO. Laka O kitCHKN HELP. NIGHfi APPLY parson. Four comers Restau-• --------- Walton —*'**— CARS FOR reconditioning shop ever 25 old. S50 per week, 33*-3514. WOMAN FOB DETAILED CL^RI--•l *—*- typing required. Write education, family stand pay axparlanca to Box 2H, Pontiac. WOMEN WANTED: IS YEARS OLD Service station to pump ge> •m. to 5 p.m. Mon.-Sat. Tel Gulf, 5 N. Telegraph, 338- Y0UNG WOMAN TO ASSIST MANAGER i local branch of coast to chain organization. Ago 18-28. Experience not neces LADIES w (luring your Ira expense m< a Products and vrr: (,*334-2444^ LADIES (5) Seasonal hate na 4 hour* dally. h_ ........I assary. Call Mr. Anthon, 4 LADIES 820 cash tor sailing 40 tsott_I famous Watkins vanilla. Phone MODERN NURSING HOME WITH 130-bed addition in need of ‘ BM iTURE PROFESSIONAL V Ichlgan < i. Car fui o work at local campus, after- Nighf Supervisor Mature woman with experience tor complete dining room charge. Excellent benefits. Apply In person to Mr Michaels bet ♦ e.m. an*1 11 p.m. and 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Ellas £ros. Big Boy, Telegraph A Hu- NEED EXTRA CASH If you have 15 flexible h weekly (??) and need *35 to NOW REPLACING SUMMER HELP WiPIMIHIIIPiVIL ....sis, hospitalization, pension plan and pal-- Applv ln person Elias Big Boy Restaurant 'Telegraph at Huron Dixie Hwy, at Silver Lake Rd. PART TIME, WOMEN FOR BASY sitting, staady, every Tues. ■ 4 W0d. 9:30 am. to 1 p.m. MMMIr FE 4-3350. PRESSER OR SPOTTER Mala of female. Good wages, steady employment. Phone Kan Nichols between t4 P.m, MB-TTSO. RECORD DEPARTMENT YOUNG LADY Soma knowledge of music helpful. Full time position. Azoly Grin-noil's. Pontiac Mall. 442-0421. REGISTER NOW, PART TIME baby sitting, own transp., guaranteed wage, no toe, colngt students eccepted. Oakland Nursing START EARNING IMMEDIATELY nation's leading party plan, own hours. No collecting or ring. No Invoatmont. Will BEELINE FASHIONS 482-1494 474-8245 StioRT ORDER COOK WANTED, sa I a ry p ^en^depend I ng op axparl- IlLK FINISHER POE DRY CLEAN- i In Blrmk ilrmlngham full or part 4-7207, *570 Telegraph at SALESLADY CASHIER Apply Robert Hall Clothes, 21 Saginaw, FanWac. SECRETARY FOR AFTERNOONS. Reel Esteto^offlCT Jn jvetertord. ECRETARY WITH SOME LEGAL Experience. Shorthand necessary. Contact Thomas P. Gltletto, II W, Huron St* Room 12. IMMEDIATE OPENING FOE REAL aetato tretoaa. Cam whHe wau learn.. S45 par weak to stort. Ex- Art# i fAHUT growing ml „ m !■». Min and woman Mr. Qgrfcy at YORK REAL- y hiar our price before you PwwwbMe8 A TnHoriRfl 17 cleealng._l2 mtdnlghf^ttn*t H| Lunch, f E. Pike Real Estate Salesmen ttpe ihfoi tfetfew . R WILL SHARE FROOM HOUSE WITH - - * -tear min. Everything tor. generators. C. PIxson, OR 3-5849. OFFICE .FILES, OESKS, MA-cMnaL^raltlne equipment. Plains, Recce's. WANTED, ANT1QI tor furniture. Ci M. H. Bellow. WAITRESS WANTED, CHINA CITY Restaurant. 1879 W. Huron. WAITRESS, FULL AND PART tone. Wlnko's, 2322 Ordtonill, Rd. at end of Mlddlefcett. Sylvan Vttoje, WAitRESS WANTED, FULL TIME employment. Good pay, good bone- Re»f>oreht,K«ego HlrtwR?/'»..< wa iTRgU)a^p^r:,*iiro!';' ISwn* ter service—full or part tl MachuA h*m,Aii 4-iDi*.'i wAliraO:1 'Cxi’ERIENCib 1NSUR-I a secretary over 30 yaare' of ; Wahe Earl Nicholla, 3354812 appointment. Wages and J. C. Hayden, Realtor EM >«*0* 18735 Highland Rto (Mg) ORK lk AUTOMATIC LAUNORY. OR 3*103 or FE 8-7912. LIGHT HAULING. _____I _________ . H you have a aSafiTw jaE cdB FE Sdm Ontmaire (Downtown), ** 1 TO 50 HOMES, LOTS, ACREAGE PAR. CELS, FARMS, BUSINESS PROPERTIES, AND LAND CONTRACTS WARREN STOUT, Realtor 150 N. Opdyke Rd. FE 5«*5 Pally‘iff S MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE Any Condition .....---- RECEPTION- Ist-typlst and-or experienced bookkeeper tor CFA office In Rochester. Calf Mr. Pooling, *51-859*. WOMAN FA lit TIME FOk TYPING In our bmee. Write Past Office Bax <5, Pontiac, glvtng full particular WOMAN TO BABY SIT OR LIVE I MtenWM Shin, 2 to 1A. 3 boys, 10.12. 14. Clarkston area. Child WOMAN FOR WORK IN LAUNDRY department, no experlerwt necessary. 540 S. Telegraph. Pontiac WOMAN FOR DIVERSIFllO Off-f ice work, must be able to type end do stmpl* bookkeeping and be able Work with too public. Must ■ — transp. and bo able to evening per week. Give mm. alerting wage ex-Ppntiec Press Bax w. SNELLING 6c SNELLING s Personnel Consultants 1102 PONtlAC STATE BANK BLDG. OVER 250 OFFICES COAST TO COAST M0N.-FRI. 9-5 SAT. 9-12 ADMINISTRATIVE I 334-2471 > ALL HOUSEHOLDS - Want Ads Pay Off Fast HOUSE ON PONTIAC'S WEST —4 mo, rent In advance *74-2912. NEEDED IMMEDIATELY, 2 OR 3 -bedroom unfurnished, references <73-5481.___________A r WANTED TO RENT, ] BEDROOM home, tor Christian family, matter with drycleaning firm, ~ i In from out of state, ees furnished, 332-1422 or .. „f7. AM tor Mr. Webb. - Share Uyfog Ihwrtire FAMILY JUST SOLO HOME ANP NEEDS 3 BEDROOM RANCH OR BUNGALOW IN Gl LOOKING FOR 2 C WOMEN TO SHARE * 33 HOUSE COLLEGE GRADUATES. DESIRE --- to share 3 bedroom ranch MY CLIENT IS A SCHOOL TIACH-er who wants year 'round lake front l on Lake Orlan. Will pay up to $22,000 cash. Celt his agent, Jim Williams at Roy O'Neil, Realtor 3520 Pontiac Lake Rd. I Rapid____ _____ spied — we train you1 'caHurnished MR. GAFFNEY Between 9 e.m, end 2 p.nr appointment ____________332-9137 r a Physlatrist.- Contact Seminole Ills Nursing Home, . betwe— .m.-4 p.m. it 338-7153 ext. 34 . AROUND BA'Ar''mI$,,>_______________ "I helpers. Day work, Thomaa m “-------------------~E 4*143. APPLE PICKERS WANTED. 25 . rfun ATTRACTIVE POSITION OPE for pereon who Hkaa to work w numbers, experience desirable, the following areas, Invoicing, payroll, accounts payable, accounfs receivable, aood salary to quaII-fte Pontiac Press qualifications. No. 13, giving experience a BLOOD DONORS URGENTLY NEEDED I Positive 17.50 Neg. with positive (actors <410 B. & AB neg. |U GARDENER, COUPLE OR MALE, con bo of retirement age tor country estate, Pontiac Area. 3 room fufn. apt. Utllltlea and sal-— 343-2110 ..........M* HAIR STYLIST WANTED AT L, " ‘s Beauty Salon for Pontiac ai INTERVIEWING OCTOBER 9-10 National financial organization needs Executive-type Salesman with business-professional contact ex- Raid*^ Guarantiee to n appointn v In Di INCOME TAX COURSE If you have torjdeslre to learn ------------ %.............. will Stato-Ap- ■PH Tuition Coursat ..... — tober 17, 1944. Your opportunity tor higher tocotna. Day and classes. To register, ca H. & R. BLOCK Work Winfod Mala Work Wanted Female_____________12 LADIES DESIRE WORK, HAVE own transportation. FE 5-M70. -1, 1 DAY IRONING, DONE' my homo. 3354)981.____________ Irick A llock StrvIcB BRICKWORK, NEW AND REFAIR. ------------In flraplacas. 482-5905, EXPERIENCED BABY ^ SIT1 zd transportation, 334-1940. IRONING IN MY HOME lolldiin SenrlcGt-Stiqillas 13 Also cards and gifts wrappsd. y - BOOKKEEPER, mgn scnooi education, soma office experience. Send resume to Pontiac Press Box in. ■■■■■■■■Nr'PIKRY SALESLADY, FULL Saleswoman for children's shop; 5 days, no avas. Ml 4-7118 saleslaDy experienced ma- ture woman tor children’s shop. Apply Tet-Huron Oritdren's Shop. 1 • TYRJST | -J’h—a. go. 2311 _____.Jhl 047-j 5900. Equal opportunity ampkiyor. I MICHIGAN BELL TELEPHONE CO. Has IMMEDIATE OPENINGS ' for - KEY PUNCH OPERATORS . In Our Southfield Accounting Office —No Exparienci Necessary— -Full Pay While Training— Requirement APPLY IN PERSON 8:30 a.m. to 5*00 p.m. Monday thru Friday aft Northwest Office Center Room S-101, Service Center 23500 Northwestern Highway Southfield, Michigan AN EQOAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Architectural Drawing PLANSJDRAWN metes. FE 5-74S7. ASPHALT SEAL COATING applied by sealing machine, year guarantee. References. FE . 1573. - ■ ■ ORIVEWAYSPiCiAUST Guaranteed no watting. 4i1i new. Free esfimato, FE ,F*N ' ASPHALT I ALTERATIONS J ' SEAL COAT ffAffKlNO. LOtj, TENNIS COURTS, driveways. RallaMa Contractors, Inc. 343-2423.__________________ USTOM FIREPLACES, BRICK, block and stone, 1 yr. guarantee. PE S-447B, ________• i repairs. Hartland Building Modernizatian size. Cement were. Free estimates. Pady-Bullt Garage Co. OR 8-5419. . 2-CAR MRAGE. ADDITIONS DOiTIONS, OARAGES, ... storm windows. Red Watch Cam*. Co. OR iHf. 335-3782 All typos of Remodeling Kitchen cupboards, aMltMna, attic rooms, raerbalkM rooms, Baraga* aluminum skiing, roofing. Free at No down payment. * ’ — G & M Construction Co. AH • work guaranteed In Wffltoi. BIO EUR CONSTRUCTIONrf«SY 734 N. Parry FEWB2 COMPLETE MODERNIZATION, AD- mbm, ale. iartjcihto, - .nr- i _ Pays. Or 3-3142 Eves. CONCRETE POURED BASEMENTS liPw,. garaggL Jgamjijy" carpentry work. FE 401*2. HOUSE OF TRADES CEMENT FLOORS FOR PARTICULAR PEOPLE. BERT COMMINS. FE 8-02^5. Ceramic. Tiling Dressmnklng, Tailoring AAA ALUMINUM GUTTERS MAS GUTTER CO. COMPLETE •evestroughlng service, free as1 mates. 473-484*. Electrical Sanrkas ABTEC CO. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS *82*234 Residential Commercial Industrial Excavating i. Cliff Hourard Excavating Co, PONTIAC FENCE CO. Floor Tiling CUSTOM FLOOR COVERING, noleum, formica, tile. 741 N. Par PE 2*040. .. ■■ :■ / 1-A MERION GLUE SOD, PICKUP or delivered. UL ***43 or (21-2800. A-i iAERfOM ifiii sDd. sODbiNo, "IB grading. No money .......m MERION ttLUE SOD, tDp 6** FE MSI*. , MERION BLUE SOD Finest quality peat sad. 25 cants ““ «?. the. term. -.85 cents Piano Toning Plastering Service CONDRA’S PLUMBING—HEATING— jnfl!*FE 4-0*C?.ter lln**‘ Mod*ffllr~ BROWNIES HARDWARE FLOOR SANDERS — POLISHERS WALLPAPER STEAMERS HOT TAR ROOFING-SHINGLING. torlel. Free estimate. Reasonabla. Septic Tank Bldg. Tree Trimming Service JBAL TREE TRIMMING, REMOVAL, ‘"I estimate. FE S*<44, *7*4518. Reasonable. 3_____ WILL TRIM AND REMdvi~4QiY IT aiiii /nil. Tracfclag ':- LIGHT ARP HEAVY . TRUCKING, rubbish, fin dirt, grading endgrav- *■ m^ inadktoTFia-aBi Track Rente!___ Trucks to Rent _ AND EQUIPMENT Dump Trucks — toml-Tralters Pontiac Farm ami 'Industrial Tractor Co. , •» S. WOODWARD Wt.jtPT- , PE 4-1442 Open Dally Indudlw * 0 c°mi¥?c!~H0WES SELLING? kfour^wK’ii «■£ ® Ivon malty GEORGE VONDERHARR, Realtor If) fl)i Mall MLS Room 111 Iftw M^SiOa 1 area! cau. nT^n 40-- C*fp*t- to conditioned. Remodeled apartment 341-7*17. ff HOME, MATURE B.EDROOM. IN CITY. COUPLE %&u. * dHnk*r*' m B&ROOM HOME' NEWLY painted and carpeted. Very cte 1 child welcome. Pep. FE iaau. BEDROOMBRICK RANCH -North Side, city. Carpeted, adults, SISO per mo. plus utilities, szoa entee to give you a In tailing your ha Win consider us wh ready — no high 1 courteous salespeople .out 1° — " ' WE A^WUS'flT WHEN YOU SEEK OUR SERVICE YOU "JOIN THE MARCH OF TIMES" Times Realty MM DIXIE HIGHWAY (South of Waterford Hill) OR 4maw REALTOR Open »-» Pall OPEN J-i SUNDAY 471f Rockcroft (On Town sand Lake ^• ntL~N. Of Andersonville Rd. oH DIxIO Hwy. Waterford). Trl-level, J bedrm., nan. fireplaces, family room with bar, FX got heat. ^tt; garage. *150 too., sacurl-*V deposit required. Sailer Really. (ATKINS LAKE - I BEDROOM, •family room, bug* living room i&. SIM"*' *“• Be,0hb0r- SISLOCK & KENT, INC. 1307 Pontiac State Bank Bldg. 330-7374 - 33M275 wanted Contracts CLARENCE C. RIDGEWAY RE----| 120 W. Walton Realty. Apartments, Furnished 37 1 ROOM EFFICIENCY - FE 487S3.tfler 4 i ROOMS, PRIVATE BATH, PRI menu prlvafe hath. 330-3032. ROOMS FURNISHED, Ideal tor retiree's. MO. mo. write P. O. Box No. 330, Tampa, Flor- ties paid. IMP Pontiac Lk. Rd. 4 ROOMS AND BATH, SEMI FURN-Ishod, 030 week, $36 deposit, couple only, OR ‘ 173f or 3715 Grange RdOrtoiv GRACIOUS, LARGE 4 BEORt Tudor home on one of Pent flneet streets. Fireplace, flnl basement, fenced yard, all 4 •he#*,, near good schools. A able Jan. I-July 15, security Wit, ref. $300. ia&io. „ 2, 3 and 4 Bedrooms torn* »Hh option f» Buy. Ask tboui ww no down payment plan. Pi* up Art Daniels Real Estate K6 7-79QQ ' mffll 3 BEDROOM BRICK HOME Of Ox- w ■ mo sow area. I------ quality. materials and mIIkSSSS fireplace. 21 Idb ilWBee r ■ 49 EAST SIDE BARGAIN bedrooms, full 'basement, set. aluminum aMtmj. 130* < <9 costs on FHA-Terms. WRIGHT REALTY CO. - 3*| Oakland Ave. FE 3-7141 1 ATlor 7 o.m. call »un FIRSt IN valu^6f fine N6Me$ WESTOWN REALTY veninae' Hter*7* je tTr-n OLD. LARGE LAKEFRONT HOME, .......................... by Xwvay from Detroit, S Rod Bom Vlttage Subdivision * Wiiftn «BO«BISM__ I MODERN HOME EE 24BM Garage. 2-OT3. down^with appEd .44) REAL ESTATE WATERFORD - sharp 3 bed- I Ins. HERRINGTON HILLS. I S W. Huron OR 44858 __________8*2-0433 INDEPENDENCE TOWNSHIP PONTIAC KENNETT43AKLANO AREA, *1700 assumes the mortgage - on this spotlats 3 bedroom asbestos rancher with separata utility room, gas heat, carpeting and drapes includsd. Situated on ' a a “ c-« — YORK WE BUY WE TRADE OR 44)343 OR 44843 4713 Dixie Hwy« Drayton Plains OPEN DAILY 6 TO 9 SAT. AND SUN., 2 TO 6 > (Anytime by appointment) 3 Bedroom Tri-Level ' See This OUTSTANDING VALUE *7737 Highland Road ! 3 miles west of city airport I Will duplicate, on your lot or ours for $15,600. ILSO 3-BEDROOM, FULL BASEMENT RANCH PLANS PRICED FROM $13,1 50- we ACCEPT TRADE-INS J. A. TAYLOR, AGENCY j Reel Estate—Building-Insurance 7732 Highland Road (MS7) I )R 4-8306 Eves. Cell EM 3-7737, iGood Buy ^ ! This ^bedroom bungalow Is within-walking distance .of the Northern High School. £HA IRWIN List .With SCHRAM and Call the Van I Joslyn Ave.____FE 3-9471 OPEN SUNDAY 3 TO 6 BEDMOW brick ranch. Like lend contract, Elizabeth Lake Rd. to Cess Lake Rd; left to Mean St.; Right to Mcoarth; left to 444 Hogarth. Mary Weakley saleslady. OPEN SUNDAY 3 TO 6 BRICK RANCH. 3 bedrooms, spacious living room, family size kitchen with bullt-lns. Large family room with 4' glass doors and fireplace. m ceramic balhi, Full > basmt, gas heat. Attached 2 car parage. Lots more end ready for Immediate possession. Dixie to Sfl> ver Lake Rd. to Walton; right to Huntington Park; left to Beacham; rtght to model. Le> Dean, sales- BEOROOM BRICK In like hew condition New carpeting, newly decorated Lovely kitchen, Vh ceramic baths Large well landscaped and fenced yard Close to schools and stores Only $17,700 See this first) FE 2-0262 70 W. HURON Opsn 7 to 7 OPEN HOUSE SUN., OCT. 2 1-5“ p.m. SYLVAN LAKE PRIVILEGES 1 bedroom ettractlye modern ranch type bride, attached 2 car garage wlttt automatic door opener, fun, basement, gas P.A. heat, 2 baths, 2 fireplaces, large recreation room, carpeting end draperies, Immaculate condition, quick----- $33,500, terms, 333-74*8. SYLVAN LAKE' VILLAGE. YEAR Old 3 bedroom trl-level. Mova In today. MA 4-3251, OPEN IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Ranch - Bi-Level Quad-Level — Colonial Distinctive Homes by ROSS 9 Models Open Also Open 2 to 8 P.M. Daily Except Monday - .HARBOR V Imaginativeness oangnea Imaginativeness designed every detail of this new 4- or . .V room home and quality throughout Is the bast way to. describe | well-built this colonial is. A clous home that features so i_ that It is * must to seel Take Orchard Lake Road to Harbor Vista (one block north of Wilkins Restaurant) and follpw signs. Also Open 3407 WARDS POINT DRIVE ORCHARD LAKE If you're looking for plenty t>f room and .bn excellent location onl beautiful Cass Lake, then you must Inspect this 4-bedroom colonial featuring separate dining room, family room, library, 2 fireplaces, full basement, enclosed porch, and so much more. The Welcome Mat Is out now! Take Orchard'Lake Road to Wards Point Drive (adlacent to A8tP Store In Keego Harbor) BRICK RANCHER Cozy iafgt living room with din-' Ing L. Large ktteneh. Lots of Birch cupboards. 3 bedrooms end) ceramic tile bath. Closets gator#.] cB.rTrigem’ F^,^ardm’'COT-LORRAINE MANOR mlSSt. fha/o? oT*tX,.pP^iWE$T Of PONTIAC time offered, j When you walk through this one 0 DOWN PAYMENT INCOME I «toe 6 j^yeSn*ldJl T°?l?st besemant^*l^c»r Mr«o«h' M l. 3 large rooms andf jSrp» f" * *®*- 0nly i up. Basement, gas h«»t. i\ szi.wu. ee first, garage. Priced at $13,50( IRWIN N. SIDE 3 bedroom lto story family home with full basement, gas heat, 2 lots and garage. 114,300 cash. OFF JOSLYN | Lovely 3 bedroom bungalow. Exceptionally nice and neat. j room and bedrooms carpeted cafed on a 50* x 150* corne with m car garage. $13,800 $4900 equity to FHA mortgage. , REA ____________NO SC Set. Eve. PE 2-B5C 278 W. Walton NEAR TIL-HURON • TWO-STORY Your children will appreciate the I schools. Built easy-to-work-ln kitchen. Gas heat —pTwo-cer ^garage. Price: *19,- John K. Irwin 8, Son Ri 311 W. Huron • Buying or Selling j 3747 SA3HABAW, DRAYTON PLAINS Ctose to echoolt and churches, i Aiklng $12,300, Woodhull Lake! privileges. YORK E BUY R 44843 we trade; SPRINGFIELD TOWNSHIP IMMEDIATE POSSESSION and « $1500 down on land contract, ... a neat l bedroom asbestos ranch, pin* paneled living roon natural fireplace. Big Lek privilege*, full price (7000, ft appointment call: YORK E BUY WE TRADI R 44843 OR--4481 4713 Pixie HWy„ Drayton Plains • rSHINN 13 Dixie Hwy., Preyton P LAKE ORION ....... 3 bedroom bungalow, full bas*-j ment, l rolling acre* with live stream running through property. Could be dlvWed. Beautiful for troutpond. H mil* off — tof • TOM REAGAN REAL ESTATE . Opdyke . A-A-A BETTER BUY v REPOSSESSED FHA AND VA HOMES 850 down and monthly payments i low as 140. Call us tor locations. LINCOLN HEIGHTS BRICK A. nice 3-bedroom brick In *v.. popular Lincoln Heights. Hat fireplace, almost new carpeting, - ATTRACTIVE BRICK i SEVILLE MOTEL, SINGLE OCCU-pancy $50 per week. Carpeted, TV, telephone, meld servlet. 1110 North"' ----------- YOUNG MAN TO SHARE ROOM with same. TV 33MM7. Reomi With Board 43 GOOD HOME COOKED MEALS, Day worker! only, FE 44747, Near Pontiac Motors. FURNISHED OFFICE TO RENT ON Dixie Hwy. Inquire Fort**, OR 3-7747. N O LEVEL OFFICE OR {large CARPETED executive ' jOFFtct fOR RENT ON PIXIE tot Boeiraw Property 20' BY Sf COMMERCIALJMIILO-Ine en Cooley Lk. Rd. 308641. COMPLETELY CARPETED CUSTOM DRAPES • . HOTPOINT MR-CONDITIONING HOTPOINT REFRIGERATOR HQTMHfT OVEN RANGE. GARBAGE DISPOSAL EATING AREA IN KITCHEN CARPETED HALLWAY LARGE CLOSETS LAUNORYAMO STORAGE SPACE HEAT INCLUDED - ^ SWIMMING POOL RENT. OR LEASE, ! O^FICRS, 1 warehouee, 3»‘ by 4A **“' tie Mnr. lire* perking | xi4-JB to epSeCotfiBi ,000 OR MORE SQ, FT, STORAGE Opace, completely anctoMd, 2 S-ef Roclwstor. 451-7631. .$125 Open deny and Sunday 12 now PHONE 4314)042 CORAL RIDGE APARTMENTS Turn west N«m Mafn St., SskHrasM^ Y _ I BEDROOM BRICK WITH BASEMENT, ClarkMm ere*. Immediate peeteaeton. Family room with flr*pl*ca,bullt-ln#. 2 earge-rage, paved drive. Cyden*itone-Ing, newly daoorated- Ma 3-1382. Nix Realty. OL 1-0221, VS ___________ BY OWNER, S ROOM HOME, FULL ■ basem“* ---- *------- '*■* )Y OWNER, 3 BEDROOM RANCH carport end carpeting, heated ' ment and storm teller. Storm eertent, gas heat arid hot v..____ Lot beauflfully landscaped. Mace-day LMm privileges, 2 blocks from achool. $13,800. Buy out equity to SV& percent mortgage or land Contract. OR 34717. )Y OWNER. ELEGANT 2 BED 'room ranch alyl* horn*. Featuring: carpeting, Dlthmaster, lovely tor. mica vanffy, bath, IVb car garage, aluminum tiding, aluminum storms, screens, well lendtcaped yard wtth Anchor fencing alto —mm Priced tor with $1,500 c CeWMBSM. CLARKSTON New' 1, bedroom reach home, .... basement,, tolly Insulated, family kttdton,. large tot. Only <15,500 WE BUILD ON YOUR LOT YOUNG-BUT HOMES REALLY MEANS BETTER-SILT Russell Yeung 334-3830 W,JB7m> CRESCENT LAKE-HIGHLAND - T LAKE ESTATES Two 2-Dedroem bungalows, modern except tor furnace*. Alee extra "Win with, Shinn" Closed Sundays REALTOR 4 BEDROOM. Colonial These lovely spacious homes ar* designed for gracious living with the accent on quality.' 2vi-cel’ oe rage, tolly paneled family with beautify) fireplaces. From $28,900 Incfudlng base lot 3-Bedroom Ranch [■• f. $25,900 Including Base Lot New 3-bedroom, brick ranch tabllshed Or**. 24' paneled HUMP - "T fireplace, IV* befhr, 2Vi-ie. Thermopane wlMews, Inm ‘ .... winter while enjoying the fireplace In the family room or the recreation room; entertain graciously In the living room with dining ell — a great home for your wonderful family! Only *32,300. From Pon-1 tlec, go west on Olxle Hwy. to Drayton plains, tom right on SeshObaw and follow signs. , ■ Max -■ | broock: MA 64000 4444890 l OFFICE OPEN SUNDAYS isneo arse. *4- paneiea temiiy _ . n with fireplace, Hi bafhsi 2Vi-J A > garage- Thermopane windows. / \ I J I J f 1 jriAiiLJ IS and schools. a,x ■- ^ - "Buzz" MSFMMM TO THE HOLIDAYS. ] Tired of, entertaining family andi L----------------- —"irtors, then| Model Home OR 3-8021 "A fine builder with an excellent reputation" TRAOeS ACCEPTED Close t---------- friends in cramped q faroe*slte out Oarkstqn wSyTpea-i (,/' "}]]* «f Welton Blvd. I turlng 4 bedrooms, Vi baths, base- rr . ...y" Highway) ment, recreation room, lVi-cer ga-IFE 4-0591 OR 3-8021 I rage. $15,500, t-‘-' -■— ' CASH J FOR EQUITY-luAND CONTRACT | DOLL HOUSE. Spotless 3-bedroom I ranch, family-size kitchen with , beautiful cupboards, gas heetl I . and water softener. On nice t I ner lot, blacktop street, close school. Only (11,006, *75 a mo Including taxes and Insurance. 'GAYLORD! [PRICED REDUCED c roqm bungalow, 2*' HR_____ , spacious kitchen. this 2-bed----sd liv- fe, rage, aluminum storms Partly fenced yard. /~TR0Y r.T 1 T-. ! DEQUINDRE-17 MILE AREA, Warden Realty! %rz ‘ ~ ' Huron, Pontiac 3^5-7137 Evenings 333-1170 ' , r M (arm house ... condition, has toll PHRIP HRHP American style; ing with established ATTRACTIVE 3 - bedroom bilevel) home built In 1943. Recreation room, gas heat, aluminum storms I .... month. Must ha1 2-2*21. FjGOOD INCOME ^PROPERTY, Build-garage, situated! Privileges oi LAZENBY WATERFORD TWP. 4 bedrooms, nicely carpeted la living room, eeparate dining ro beautiful kitchen with built-in o and range. ,24*x)4' family room, baths, 2-car attached garage, < ered petto, nicely landscaped ... with- tors of trees, lake privileges qn Lotos Lake. Must be teen to be appreciated. Priced for quick eel* a| *25,000. Terms. ROY LAZENBY, Realtor 4626 W. Walton BLOCK EAST OP DIXIE HWY.) OR 44)301 Multiple Listing Service 2 ACRES enMem$S*pertment; 'n very.good ere*, wrong with Ihls.l n. Cell FE *-*493 YORK WE BUY WE TRAO! OR 443*3 - OR 448f 4713 Olxle Hwy, Drayton Plains or MY 2-3*21. OPEN SUNDAY 12-3 LAWRENCE W. GAYLORD * 2 W. Flint Street L*ke Orion, Michigan IY 3-2*21 or PE M073 KINZLER VON SHOP AT THE MALL Be sure to check our display ef homes ’-In the booth In front of Tod's Restaurant. You'll fin' ' ' terlor charm. I After 6 Saturday Before I Sunday DOROTHY GREGORY FE 5-3584 Ted McCullough Sr., Realtor PHONE 682-2211 MODEL- OPEN DAILY Located lust south of Twin Lakes Golf Course; This beautiful 4-bed- cated on your tot for only *17,270. We have a few lets available In Huron Dale Sub. starting at *3,000. GIROUX Buy On Land Contract >■ end 3-bedroom herim, vacei tot* and many tokatrant homes i the suburban seee. Call early h best deal*, no dosing cost, curroi rate of IntoraeL.HadtaltJtEAL'r ' 7750 COOLEY LAKE RD. UN 10 LAKE, 343-47B3. FIRST IN VALUE RENTING $78 Mo. MODEL HOME freem, 4*edreom Dutch colonial. 2Vi baths, toll basamantr.largs 2-car garagt. Sato Mgh above paved read in a beautiful area. 2 Mocks OIt Lapeer Roa* NT HI-HILL VILLAGE. Bus sarylca to akcaltoM schools. Immediate occupancy. Just ttnhhad and builder wants to sen. 2 minutes off t-73 express- . DOLL HOUSE Peck your suitcase and movi In — Completely furnished di silverware. This aluminum . ranch Is neat as a pin. I-car , tached garage wlttl bri—— Wall-to-wall carpeting In tl room. Get heat. Drayton i Lake privileges on Loon L< Only *7,700 with (2,000 down land contract. Hurry! . V- WANT A BARGAIN? This lovely home must be sold a weak. Prtct hat bean reduced from *1*500 to (15500. Just 2 years old. This Charming 3-bed-room trttevel with attached 2Vicar garage hat a built-in oven and renige. 1V» baths. Family room todayl VON REALTY GEORGE VONOERHARR, Realtor ! a the Mall MLS Room 110 682-3802 If busy OR 3-4033 I WATKINS LAKE PRIVILEGES. 3: bedrooms, bride, IVb baths, 2-csr garage. Lane id. r----- tral alr-condltloned. Plus carpeting end draptrlet throughout. NK ly landscaped and gentle slope safe sand beach. New too large for present owner and pricer1 below reproduction. Eves. *742337. NEWER SUBURBAN colorful interior. Has 20' family kitchen, 3 bedrooms, IVb baths end walk-out basement recreation room Custom-built In IMS.- Thermo- $10 Deposit LADD S _______ ____ screens. VA or conventional terms. Attractive 2 bedroom, carpeted ... Ing room, glassed-in porch, firm kitchen, 1 car garage. d *10,500. LOW VA dowr coals at *1*,300. Evas, phon 1744. 30-ACRE LAKE In secluded -area about 4$ ...._. from ,ctty. New modern 3-bedroom ranch-type home. Lake Is spring-led end *11 sand there land. Nice psrk-flk* wooded area. Good " and bets fishing, Ideal tor oi Izatton or large mobile home trailer park. Eve*, phene MA 5-4T' J0HN KINZLER, Realtor *21* Dixie Hwy. CLARK FE 5-8183 HARRINGTbN HILLS Three bedroom bungalow. Ltvlrig A dining ares. Kitchen. Basement oil heat. Carport, vacant. " Summer p_. raatlon room. Two car garage. Vh baths, two fireplaces. Cash r- —1 mortgage. EAST SIDE Three bedroom bungalow. Living A dining area. Kltchin, r-------- Gat HA hast. Garage, v About (400 moves you In. SOUTH SIDE Pour bedroom two story o home. Living A dining kitchen. Basement. Gat man Garages. About *300 requii ive. Cell FE 4S23* er FE' Nlcholl* A Hanger Co. 33W W- Huron St. FE 5-1183 4FAMILV INCOME. TRADE OR SELL. Only *23,500. Tim. 2-bed-room-and-bath apartments. Two 1-bedreom-and-bath apartments— Commercial tot with 14X7' frontage, garage. Ranted unfurnished, owner tarnish** stoves, refrigera- OPEN SUNDAY 1 TO 6 PRESTIGE BI-LEVEL Beautiful lake view Marble toy with powder vanity. Living roc with studio celling, stone fineptac 3 spacious bedroom*,' large 3001 '*■“*** — wWfrbuilt WITH APPLICATJON 3-BEDROOM HOME 2 BEDROOMS, ALUMINUM I ■ and N«»ne epmwA .... — ■ H ■ ■ attached garage, large1 tot. Aoburn. wOOWS 0R DIVORCEES, and John R area. *14508, *4.0001 down. t»m. e 2-FAMlLV INCOME ON O® 5 Ion, brings In STJ o month | water knd gas. *12,500. *1,S8C | WILL ACCE FT ^ALL^APPL 1C A- Y-,r romth^odeMS' sSm cUroneroe! Of PONTIAC FRANK MAROTfA & ASSOC.! 3#« LAPEER WO(M24) PONTIAC 3T75 Union Lake Xd. 1 ----------_________________ 3*3-7000 - *24-4*33 - M7-4533 yLirr«w‘ 2-BEDROOM FRAME Corner tot SS x 1ST - met end clean. *7*30. On land Contract. •MOB. Down. FLATTIEY REALTY *20 Commerce Rd, **340*1 PEOPLE WITH CREDIT PROBLEMS ANO RETIREES ARC OKAY WITH US. - COME TO 270JCENNE IEALVALUEREALTY For Immediate Action Cali FE 5-3676 626-9575 V CLARKSTON GARDENS . immediate Occupancy ERICK 3 BEDROOMS; IVb . Carpeted jrttWng tn. Large lot with, irate gueef house. Mtrl" * i east of Ctortotan. ■ 2SSU1*PJ"- C. Schuett ri with nr water front-! age wun breakwall, good boat-1 house with boat wall end holM. Electricity. *1)0*0 down. CLARK REAL ESTATE 13*1 W. HURON ST. FtVRB FE 53*7* or FI *-*017 Multlpl* Listing lorvlc* births wtth verilfy. Large paneled recreation room with barbecue. Large deck over 2-car heated ~ JO WATERFORD HILL TER- 3-BEDR00M RANCH LAKE OAKLAND PRIVILEGES itr LIVING ROOM. Kitchen with dining area and ample cupboard, space - Attached 2-car parage — large lOO'x***’ tot wtth plenty of shade. Full price, (12500. CALL! TODAYI .' ; - ' , Smith & j Wideman SUNDAY 2-5 P.M. LAKEFRONT LOTS ' * LAKELAND ESTATES; New subdivision on north side of Eagle Lake between Drayton and Waterford. Get In on the ground "— and mike your choice while the selection Is good. Ideal lei end priced is low as (*,000 with terms lust 14 down. Salesman en property 2- S-Beb Emtry. Dixie HWy. to Lekeland Estate* |u north of Drayton Shopping ere*. Watch tor sign, OPEN 967 SUNNYBEACH BLVD. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION on this almost new brick rancher Twin Lakes. Sellers are transferred and must sell. Beautifully Ian scaped and loaded with extras and built-ins including electric garag door bpener. Large family room, nicely carpeted- and complete every detail. Priced considerably under actual cost; you cana afford to build after you see this. Close-In area of all new home Drive out Sunday and find yourself a Bargain. Your I Hamilton. 'M-Sf to SunnybeacM, left to property. OPEN 2869 SIMPSON COUNTRY LIVING i walking distance of Avondale School, bedrooms and possible jth, large family ced rear yard, phi* 2-car garage. Clean o sail as owners are building new>6om*. o Simpson, left to property, OPEN 2686 WABUM refrigerator, washer,, dryer arid outside berbeque. Living room wi natural fireplace on lakes Me, carport and nicely landscaped I Priced far under original costs end * Real Bargain; M-57 to M Hams -Lake Rd., right to Gal* Rd., toff to Webum, toft to proper) OPEN 3669 BALD MOUNTAIN RD. COUNTRY LIVING will becomes* roettfv when you see this beau ful almost new brick rancher complete whn features throughout and ouer-slz* 2-car ga running water. Nicely landscaped end ct_________ ____ in H 1-Hill lust off M-24. The price is right. Your hostess—Pearl McIntosh. M-24 to Silver Bell Rd., right to Bald Mountain Rd., to property. ORTONVILLE AREA: Aluminum-elded 3-bedroom rancher, IVb baths, basement and attached garage.. Freshly decorated, over 1400 aq. ft. ‘of living area on 2'A-ecr* sit* with tots of shrub* and fruit trees. Priced fer less man you would expect, in fact, "we think It's a steel!" Modern living you can afford. Your host—Fred Hamilton. M-IS to Grange Hell Rd. In Ortonvllle, left to Perryvtll* Rd., right OPEN 6909 WILLIAMS LAKE RD. NRWM|II ... Williams L large specious kitchen and attached t_.............. .. RM end NO MORTGAGE COSTS; owners will sell on Contract wH substantial down payment. Your hostess-Marg* O'Brien. M-57 I Airport Rd., right to Williams Lake Rd., left to property. NEW MODELS BEAUTIFULLY furnished end you could wish for with bullt-li OPEN SAT. and SUN. I - 3 p.ir Dixie Hwy. to Seshabew, right I > t to Models In Lake Oakland Shores. . Everything nr urn is Mljf fO MB. DAILY 4:30-6:90 p.m. YOU CAN TRADE NINE NEW HOMES CONSTRUCTION almost finished, but y No. 63-WOODHULL LAKE A&A No. 55-IMMED1ATE POSSESION IN SYLVAN MANOR: Extra nice 3-bedroom brick ranchOr. wtth IVb baths, attached garage- and large over-sized fenced rear yard. It'S priced to sell Today at only 314,750. Sewers, blacktopped streets No. 45—G.I. SPECIAL JUST CLOSING COSTS mow Lake Orton. 3 bedrooms, wH fireplace, overlooking’ U Ha 7-room lek* 1 id living room w , 2-car garage p i must sett. IPs I •n BATEMAN FEB-7161 jtoaltor and MLS 0L1-8518 377 S. Telegraph Rd. 730 &. Rochester Road C—*0 THB PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1960 OPEN SUM. 2 TO 5 P.M. ELIZABETH LAKE ESTATES 18B, ASCOT St * bedroom brick,'t cor garage, weM tondocopod yard; ' featuring carpeting and drapes, fireplace, dtota* room, very modem kitchen, dove * r t frigs rate i, 2 tuli NICH01IE-HUDS0N ASSOCIATES, INC. 49 Mt. Clemens St. ' FE 5-1201 or FE 5Q198 'BUD" WOODWARD ,ANO SQUARE LAKE AREA Quick/’poseetston ’ on this iovi dining room, gcn-Ith additional din-i targe bedrooms full'basement, gas iter, Priced at *2! you today I NORTH SIDE TIMES OPEN SUNDAY 1 TO 5 SHAWNEE LANE COLONIAL, I room, 3 bedroom _ den, located hi Jayno. Heights * area, professional decor throughout, spacious kitchen with richly styled cabinet s, form Ice counters with "double stainless steel sink, femlly room with fireplace, done in expensive paneling. Formal dlnlnp and living room, btett expensively carpeted,' 3to bams (two ere full ceramic), all ther-mo-wlndows throughout, full basement, oversized 3 car garage, paved drive and street. This Is a brand new home and ready for occupancy. However, the builder hds landscaped the front yard to perfection, to why not drive out end see this home Sunday with you end yours. I'm worth *»“ DIRECTIONS:*Dlxle to SHver Lake Read to Walton Blvd. left to Shawnee Lana to proper, ty. Katherine Svetcos your hostess will be there te greet you, OPEN SUNDAY 1 TO 5 SHAWNEE LANE COLONIAL RANCH, located In the —-—**-*a of Waterford. 3 large built-in oven ar-“ s heat, oversized 2 c ported stone fireplace in fl-ret floor family room, wall to wolf carpeting In living room, this Is another home of distinction folks school; with one bedroom, down, dining room, full basement, gas heat end hot water, garage. Priced at *1,956 only SUM down, showr by appointment only. NICHOllE-HUDSQN ASSOCIATES, INC. / 49 Mt. Clemens St. / FE 5-1201 AFTER 6 P,M. FE 2-3370 Val-U-Way OPEN SUNDAY 1 TO 4 TRI-LEVEL large femlly. Feature* ; • TIZZY By Kate Osann TUCKER ■SLA RHODES LAKE ORION. screens end awnings, country-size 'kitchen with i Located In Northern i High Full price: Only *19,250. BRICK RANCHER This excellent 3-bedroom hoi..- .. cated 3 blocks from Our Lady of the Lakes. Features 3 large I reams. I If living room fireplace, IV* the baths, large finished recreation room, woll-to-Well carpeting, gas h*at, attached 2-car garage, Thermopane windows darground sprinkling system this beautifully landscaped 'h_ lot. Priced to sell at only S2S.S00. Call for appointment. List With Us—We Sell a Home Every 24 Hours R. J. (DICK) VALUET REALTOR FE 4-3531 Hrsj ms monthly HERRINGTON HILLS — 3 hedrji family ranch, auto, heat, lto bath, carpeting end drapes, fenced yard, fake over ewnere mortgage with no red tape. Located at tilt VACANT RANCH- 1260 Maurer at Herrington Mills - 3 bedrooms with full basement, gas heat, car pettng and drapes to go, nice H car garage, Med beeament wit Minted wails, landscaped. It. mis on equity out and assume owners mortgage balance of about $12,300. No red tape. Immediate possession. ---- .CONTEMPORARY RANCH — >ng, large carport, lovely location at 6*1 Thors .... Harrington Hills, priced at only $14,too. This-nice 3 bedroom home ------- 1 basement, gas heat. J*SL ■see carpet, 'natural fireplace, picture windows, tower level fin- $15,000 down boionce land contract. suburban. NtooMM^bOTnionie with natural fireplace, studio celling. IMr-car garage, /property fenced, lake privileges on White Lake. 12 fe |4 miles from Pr tt *12,000. Tt qualified GIs r HOMESITES end soma lake-front properties. Call today for details. 30 per cent down, balance land contract. ALBERT J. RHODES, BROKER PE t-2*06 256 W. Walton FE 54712 MULTIPLE LUTING SERVICE GILES PERRY PARK — Clean 3-room bungalow. Beth, ges heat, floors, aluminum storm doors, roof, SO'xISO' tof. Full price, *4,500. “Jimmy is/the dependable type. I can always depend on him to show i# late for a deter rments. Call today. 345 Oakland Ave. 7 ROOMS Ranch, cedarshaka tiding, attached 2 car garage, on lOO'x-120'. tor, well lonftceped. baths, alum)— Mmm screens. Tie Clarkston this a I. Call and h _jr *13,90 s th* first tim Times Realty 10 DIXIE HIGHWAY —----fog Hjii) in f-9 Dally EQUITY TRADE a you have an equity from * $15,000? Or, a free end cle, ime? If so, you ere eligible ode for • homo with 4VI per ce 6 per cent current Interest rats ill and have ana el our oxpw iced salesmen explain how to si1 iu money. 624-22 WEST BLOOMFIELD family room. Ceramic bath, Roman brick firaplaca, wall-to-wall carpeting, aluminum storms and screens. Gas forced air mat, 3V!>-car attached lent opportunity tor • 674-2239" or FE 5-3794 JUST TWO OF YOU? A perfect dill house — 1 large ter bedroom, 1 smaller used don. Largo I4'x24' living room. ____ carpeting and draM>- Firaplaca — built-in bookcase- Basement plus Utility room. Fenced yard with outdoor barbecue, 2-car garage. Extr-- to dude, built-in vanity, outdoor post, new' roof and siding. 3 wired tor AM-FM. Excellent --------------s available. heat, 44-acre to.. ________ Pontiac Motor. Only *11,600 t price. Warren Stout Realtor T450 N. Opdyke Rd. FE 5-11 Open Eves 'til I p.m. Multiple Listing service berhoed. T< I nelgh- 474-2231 .* or FE 5-2794 McCullough realty 1660 Highland Rd. (M59) TiXls OPEN Sunday 1:30-5:30 P.M. * exciting new models it fabulous ‘ -kos VIII— ------- V 21' kitchen, separate Frushour Struble II HIGHLAND RD. (W. .HURON) OPEN Sunday 1-5 Move right Into this 6-room etui num sided ranch on IO'xJ4S' lot Located only 5 miles w - Taka M59 to Pontiac OPEN OPEN SUNDAY 2 to '5 P.M. Wilder Street pacesetter ranch- New brick and aluminum rancher Maturing Hi’baths, built-in vanity, select oak floors, custom kitchen, forgo Informal dining erea, basement, gas heat, attached 2W>car garage, other extras. Will duplicate on yew lot or ours. DIRECTIONS - Hatchery Rd. to Bender, north one block *-St., right to OPEN signs. floors, fireplace, walking distance bus line. Only SI ASM with - trade. A. Johnson & Son, Realtors IMto ~. Telegraph Rd. FE 6-2533 r 7 p.m. call Cltrlss Hornbeck FE 1-6662 ANNETT EASTERN JR. HI AREA 3 bedroom, alum, skied horn* I good condttton. Living room dli Ing- room, kltchon, glassed-ln fror ____garage. Terms. SEMINOLE HILLS "■ ' time offered, charm im Colonial. 2to baths, dishwasher, new furnace Mil to wall carpeting are e few of the outstanding — Extra largo 2 car go-* blocks to Webster DORRIS OPEN. OAKWOOD MANOR SUNDAY 2-5 NEIGHBORHOOD PRIDE reflects,In well-kept ‘ tlac Northern Sdieol District also locates this beautiful 3-year-oM custom-built brick ranch home with very nice privileged perk on Little Silver Lake. Gleaming oak floors, plastered walls, 3 large bedrooms, elegant atone fireplace living room, a dream ' bullt-ins and separate , . IV2 ceramic baths, Mil basement and a 24'x2*' attached garage '‘Ttoga— ’ drive. Drive our Dixie n kitchen With 1 right 0 OPEN WALKING ON ) _ luxuriously carpeted The show place of toil t 14'x**' paneled tangly massive stone flreplooe "glass door-wall leading to spacious Anchor fenced back yard. Family-style kitchen with bullt-lns, Mil basement and breezeway attaching the 3-car garage. Go out either Sashabaw or M1S to Walden Rd., turn south on Cramtone, right on Snow Apple to 6230 Snow Apple. OPEN TRULY A DOLL HOUS of the handiest locatii haa to offer tor the wor topnotch construction :lng couple, inside end 2bedroom m awnings land contract to g OFFICE OPEN SUNDAY 1-4 CALL FOR INFORMATION OR 4-0324 bedroom bungetow wit end wen landscaped k glassed-in front porch, plastered wells, tottbi 2-car gersgs. *13,900 01 ... monthly paymt NO MONEY DOWN lory framt, tun oesemem, us family home, S car gild 100x150', vacant, move In tder *500. Low monthly pay-Located at 497 s. Paddock VACANT RANCHES - 3 bedrooms, full basement, auto., oil nest, carport, nice large yard located "at 1227 Dutrain In Harrington Hills. Asking *15,500 with $1000 plus cast on land contract. PONTIAC KNOLU:---------toree3'b*d-4 room homo, with finished reel— ■Priced LAKE PRIVILEGES INCOME '----- ----I---- and ) 3-reom one . floor.' Gas apartm I I........ heat In each wilt. Aft furniture goes. Present Income M * month. Price *10,900. /AL PAULY *7ff Wl GILES REALTY CO. 7 i-j 221 Ballwin Ave. FE j4t75l .w..., vary ato^ .. ' 1 *1X900 with tIOMWRP0HPH) m land contract. Located at 200 TIMES YOUR ACREAGE HEADQUARTERS feet ol mtege, ShteS FACTORY BAR North ^ akto of Pontiac.' High ■ -■x -dey aSerMtolh,. Substo AVON TOWNSHIP MTOto .this PARTY STORE from youm attached horns plus mm Income. Busy comer, two streets, iso it todnM / WATERFORD TWP. HM. Going Is BATEMAN COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT 377 S, Tafegraph FEB-9641 After 5 p.rn. FE 2-3759 BAR BUYERS ATTENTION t306»0 down .fed. rani estate ft fids Mat action Nquor bar on 4 lane highway Pontiac. A golds opoortuntty. ACT FAST. Warden Realty Carr. Charles M. Tucker, Jr. REALIST ' 903 Fonfiec State Bank Blvd. _________334-1545_____ JOHNSON FHA TERMS - Urge 7-raom, 2-story home, 4 bedrooms, full basement, ges heat, enclosed front porch, fenced yard. Full price, *11,500 with *150 down Including closing rests. Hurry and call today. LOOKING - for a new home? Be sure to calf us-on this lovtly 4-bedroom colonial home sltueted on e large wooded lot, 75'x205* with ■cenel frontage to lake. Lake privileges also. Bride end aluminum sided for easy maintenance, i eled femlly worn with flreplu— Large family-style kitchen. Carpeted living room; basement with gas forced air heat. Attached 2-car-ga- __________J* FRONT Hi_________... north side off Greer/ Restricted, exclusive. Ust lakealte available. *124*1, lend contract/363-7506.1 COMMERCE—WOLVERINE LAKES -ke living, 199/ *10----— private beach, fl i — BlpCh tiw., OR cAssTake 3-bedroom yev-eround t________ Ing room with fireplace. Fane sunroom overlooking lei ' —i on first tom Kitchen area on tower level. School district. Full prlct Substantial dew- —------ appointment. JACK L0VEUNI School, toltw, terms. CITY AFT. SITE Approx, to acres, room (or 155 units, sewer and water at site. *52,500, terms. NQRTH OXFORD 35 seres with stream end some woods, ‘ v* mile road frontage. Good location for country estate. $10,500, terms. See our display ad on Shopplhg Center on paga C-5. WE WILL TRADE REALTORS 28 E. HURON ST. Office Open Evenings A Sundays 1-6 3384)466, O'NEIL ENJOY A SUMMER VACATION ALL YEAR 'ROUND SLOPING LAKE length, INI' on lei walkout basemen 1-75, Cranbetry *7500. 635-2454. living room and' dining room fireplaces, recreation room, IV Ihs, gas fired hot water Hot . .jo" cor attached garage. *34,900, conventional financing available No. 3-34 HUNT00N LAKE AREA booutitul ranch style t„..... .. . a few months old, but the owner wants to move closer M work. Three bedrooms, 2 Mil Im..... 6|toibtotoMmto|||| fireplace. Full White Lake with im -A 7 t carpeting an i 1s in. Taka q . All >. 4-V IT CAN'T TALK! women get the message when see this specious family planned Mt with It's 1 bedrooms. Large dining area and buitt-ln range and oven in the attractive kitchen, leautlfully finished recreation room full basement, plus a separ-toby room fer Dad. Largo garage and revered patio. — yord fenced and Mlly landscaped. See this one today at $20,- BE FIRST ON THIS ONE Three bedroom ranch with full ment end 2 car garage. B....... electric oven and range, tepereto ree. Beautiful carpeted IN* l. Newly decorated Located (lent Waterford neighbor-,500. Why not .Trade? LOOKING FOR AN ALL BRICK HOME? to Mason . v High? Want your answer Is — ____ Bread new, listing TODAY. We can’t guarantee' It will — be avajUalhe tomorrow. No. M6 WEST SUBURBAN Shako ranch, lovely living . vtth nice fieldstone fireplace. [Three good abed bedrooms* on o nicely landscaped tof. Qutof stead Street wtfh lake privileges '"'«>■ walking distance. $i2,$oo, Clean 3-bedroom ti n kltchon — Recree- ’ ***& rts Col lege. SIA900. Terms. On ..... contract. WIN consider your acuity-5 miles to FWlNac Moll — Take ImWMh Lake Rd. to Cooley Labe Rd., turn toft to Joy St., turn right fe 1147. Yeur hostess, Oort* Underwood. For Information 025-1453. turesque private end street In wafktoL | today. This MODELS r YOUR CHOICE RANCH—COLONIAL NO. 6-36 pleasant 3bedroom slut.... .... stone ranch home In the Com-j • 16,1 SO phis tat Sjy*..?!?*;.-py!M7'ttvl* kttchenloriv, our Md* (Huron St.) "** “~*1 port Road, Mm right, IV to Wto*KL OPEN DAILY 2 to 4 WMffly n I drastically r rtra large ling state. I to *14,- DORRIS t SON, REALTORS OPEN SUN. 2-t»6 Ray O'Neil, Realtor at Dixie Hwy. 4744024 352* PONTIAC LAKE RD. OFEM 9-9 multiple Listing service Ior inn mu or 3-2021 .....d t. Keating co. 13 Milo Rd. Blrmlnohi Ml 6-1234 5 - SUNNY 3 booutitul Watte .... BEACH VPMUI Walters Lake tested, *3300. FE 1-0991 ■ ON ROUND LAKE 4 bedrooms. Living room with .... Place: Basement. Gas furnace. 5C of excellent beech. Near > Ur'— Lake Village. *11,000. *4,$00 do Immedlato possession. EMBREE & GREGG 1565 Union Loko Rd. EM 3-, EM 3-3314____________ Open OPEN SATURDAY 2-5 AT LON0 LAKE-ORION 669 N. Long Uko. Blvd. - Older age and can give quick p_______ ston. *3,500 down. Phone 651-7175 for appointment. Shepard's Real Estate TOWNSEND LAKE ~ front, ISO' deep — with lake prlviie Terms available Sisiock & Kent,. Inc. 1309 Pontiac State Bank Bldg. ' 330-9295 MHHR.. .7 Clarkton. Full price 14,900. LAKEFRONT lot on Greens Lsks with w of frontage. 150' deep. Blacktop road. Good botch. Ideal of Open basement. Full price 511,-500. Clarkston Real Estate -J65 S. Mein MA 5-562) DRAHNEk ROAD, CORNER RED Oxford Twp., 70 ft-. 500. Villa Homes, 628- HIGHLANO-MILFORD ARE!.. .. minutes Pontiac, lOO'xtSO' lot, *20 month, toko over payment*, r I LOT 286' IN 3410 Jackson Blvd. 55' rooms, '3 bedrooms, a screened pot.... . heat. Insulated, pavua srr *oo. Term*. 55* more, with boathouse. 5*7-5723. Property 51-A 10 ACRES, -WOODED, 8 MILES —* of Oscoda, tft Miles N. Of •abfe'RIrer. Near ------------ ***** 651-1435. HUNTERSI GOOD HOUSE -large rooms In heart of deer < One mile off M35 Alston. I tricitv, |ef pump, furniture. MICHIGAN TAX LAND , w list-water frontage. Cabin sites. 115 up. Upper Peninsula. Lower Peninsula. Send *1 for doecrip- comb, Oakland, ! Counties. Michigan Tax Land Service l. Clair, 6 and Servl Cadi Mac. Michigan WOODED t. wKS-SSU EW COTTAGE tot — Mil Price, il____________ down. Private sand beach on large lake. Fishing and baafiM. Oaar and parirldgs hunting. Northern Development Company, Harrison. Office on business u.S. 27 11-79) across from Wilson State Park. Doan 7-(toys a weak *“— Chamber of Cornmora. WEAVER AT ROCHESTER ACRES - W*TH NEW 3-BED- room brick homo. BOsament. “- bom. *29,900. Addlttonbl 12 MILTON WEAVER Inc., Realtors In the Village of Rochester University___________________451-8141 Ute-Aaype S4 NICE BUILDING SITES. IS MILES North of RodioiHer. 15 acre sites, *500 per acre — 10 acre site an blacktop Rd.. Umlle north of Leonard. *1,000 n, A. Frllch, Brel . H. M. Terry Satom BREWER/REAL ESTATE XE PRIVILEGES area, all properly priced *4*50 to f*7950 with H per cent blecktoppedPrnn*rh, WHEN YOU SEEK OUR SERVICE. "JOIN THE MARCH OF TIMES" LIQUOR STORE Plus Beer and Wine, groceries and party store Hems. Located In busy resort area. Good year around business. Owner must sol duo to Illness. (66)00 down plui stock. C. PANGUS INC., REALTOR OPEN 7 OAYS A WEEK 630 M-15 . - Ortonville CALL COLLECT NA 7-2H5 LAKE ORION TAVERN hoMt at Lake Orton over *51,-t groes last vr. Must settle tile estate. *6000 down. ROY STEWART VE 5-5900 to Hneorwco PHOtOGRAPHERS ATTENTION PARTRIDGE "IS THE BIRO TO SEE" 11» Imp *1 FIRST AND afeCOND MORTGAGE money evetiable. Miss Key l-UN wii E53®f Tp $1,000 To conaolldate HUS Into----M V payment. Quick service wtth reurtoows experienced counselors. CreMEfe Insurance ovafiabto • stop In or phono fc 54121.. HOME & AUTO LOAN CO. N. Party St. FE 5-5U1 9 *0 5 dally, Sat. 9 ‘ “ ACRES Township — tor late hv msr INDEPENDENCE II fer- cash Or trad* car or truck. FE FAST CRUISER 22 ft. CrullWane With Greymorine, ideoi Mr couple, or small fomtty./remplefe sleeping, eating * toilet tecitttles. Many B^fedipixeastern nwdt trailer. Fast enough fer water skiing and vary seaworthy. Excel lent condition. Offered el W of offe-Inel cod, or will tradR pa in all types of real 24S66. 665-2150. WILL TRADE EQUITY Clothing BEAUTIFUL FUR COAT. SIZE k 1 Vg* fur muff, pocketbopk and milch. FE 4-1476, ■ BEAVER COAT, 13 SKINS, GOOD condition, size medium, *100. Ml 4-5274 '. -ANADIAN TviLO MINK OkPE, Lady's dresses, s’" •* Sde NGWRhGM QmBi , iM7. ELECTRIC STOYf. .DOjaf-K - ■ good condition.^ 6Mh*5WL ^; FRIGIDAIRE APARTMENT SIZE refrigerator and Kahrthator SE electric range. Both exc. condttton. FE 5-3343. gi-ltOX FRIGIDAIRE DELUXE ELECTttjC MICHIGAN APPLIANCE CO. 2 Dixie HWV. 6734011- GAS STOVE, *35; WASHER. «> HOUSEHOLD SPECIAL g A MONTH BUYS S ROOMS OF PURWnjRE — CtetotofeK-”*- ■ -. S-plece living room outfit wtth Spiaco living room suite, 2 step tables, 1 cocktail table, 2 table lamps and 33 9-xlY rug Included. 7-plece bedroom suite with ftou«e credit is good at Wyman's. wYMAN FURNITURE CO. ’ e. HURON Fi wjn I W. PIKE FE 2-2158 HOME FREEZER SALE 00LDEN BUY—SMALL DOWN Choice reetoursht — well equipped— . all •stainless steel - located on outs row In Pontiac. Elderly or* operatlnr ■-— I wire willing Fox collar coat. 3 t hours. Live- _ Baldwin, FE 4-5*62 a WOMEN'S CLOTHING, —I to price and |4 la original factory carton. Now *149 9. £2 down# $2 per week i, FRETTER'S WAREHOUSE OUTLET CHOOSE THE COUNTRY AND YOU V BID FAREWELL TO THS L.,, FOREVER. PICK A BEAUTIFUL 5 OR 18 ACRE PARCEL “ PLAN YOUR FUTURE. Times Realty. 5*90 DIXIE HIGHWAY (South of Wotorferd Hill) 3R 44396 . - open 9-9 dolly o TRADE Your present home or Income on this Multiple Dwelling Site Choice Tto acres, six acres multiple dwelling, already proved for 72 units, plus lto AC luring buslnesi tal glisdays .craft; Zoom : 5 ACRES located north of Clarkston »nd approximately 6 miles from 1-75, large 336X660 tract, *4995, 1$ ACRES close tp Ortonville, all good usable land wHh large —‘ ages, *3950, 28 per cent down. 10 ACRES, rolling M^Termj Vi ACRES adjoining state land ant lake privileges, *1,500, 1200 down. C. PANGUS INC., REALTOR OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 30 M-15 Ortonyiiu CALL COLLECT NA 7-M15 allotment. *25,000. ■ Thumb farm* phone ____ Don Li _____ Caro, Mich. Calko, Realtor. _________________ 10 ROLLING SCENIC ACRES WITH ergek, woods and young evergreens, sandy soil, dost to US-23 Expressway. Livingston County. t2S6XX) with io “ FE 2-«4A L. — nine po illlttos. B h Bros., OR 3-1295. HILLTOP of besutlfui hbmes. Watch ft _ Ladd's signs. On Lapeer Rood 2 miles north of expressway (1-75' LADD'S DF PONTIAC 3*85 LAPEER RD.. PONTIAC FE 5-9291 HILLSIDE With beoutlful trees end * view over the surrounding countryside. A new tree wtth several parcels to choose from. On t paved winding road. Near 1-75 (Chrysler Expressway) off Lapeer Road (M24). About 0 minutes to POntloc. Where can you find anything tike ' LADD'S . OF PONTIAC 3065 LAPEER RD. (M24) PONTIAC FE S4291 KAMPSEN FILER STREET - Crescent Lake privileges, tot 50x50 for only r" complete. ACRES ON CLARK RQAO r I.Tt CtM 9m, --J - (t rolling ac h *1,000 d 25 ACRES — DAVISBURG i MILFORD ROAPS.i.Prto0d of one with term* to stilt. BEAUTIFUL FOX RAY., ESTATES — 100 x 1ft corner tot. Blacktop streots. *36)00 with torms to suit. 1071 W. Huron St. MU FE 44921 LAPEER LotT* 100x200, on Gordnor Or., t mile N. of Lapeer County General Hospital, *1,200/ Natural gas avail-able, 544 S. Mato St., Lapaar 664-3395 after-------- 1 LUMBER YARD-* Lady' fortune offers you ths tunity to rnako your 6 Lumbur yard and butldors Wore. Will gross *3006)0 year. 166XM sq. tt. of c itorago, lto acres with ra **“ rit major highway. Ex - “-ck.'<*9,000 dowi $277 THREE ROOM OUTFIT WALTERS LAKE Privileges, several scenic large homes ttes — hills — trees — *1500 Owner. 625-1016 or 3344921 iventory!01 PARTRIDGE REAL ESTATE 1050 W. HURON FE 4-3511 ‘ | "* FREE CATALOG ' Saie Land Cewtratt* 1 TO 50 LAND CONTRACTS MAPLE YOUTH BED, INNER spring mattress, *15. Blend osk *-“■ —M springs, *15. M5- MODERN BLUE mA. AND MRS. Chairs, matching- ottoman; modern toft; sofabed; chair; 2 lamp*) 2 end tables; cocktail tabto; 2 sals drepartox. triple width by 91 •**- *-^ -1 Mac. OR.347I9. 7 ACRES ON BLACKTOP WITH barn, *15,000 — on State Highway, Hya stream^S mile frontage to - mile river stream, large bar buildings. WARREN STOUT, Realtor 1450 N. opdyke Rd. FE 5414 _______Open feres, fill 0 p.m. ACTION On your land contract, larga c small, call Mr. Hitter, FE 24171 At: horses, recreation or comp, Full &a; 90-YEAR-OLD LARGE 5 BED-room home on 5 acre hill top estate. With excellent possibilities unlimited — Metamora, arr* “ min, from Pontiac. 1-7974465. KENT Established In 1914 160 ACRES Gently, rolling, good forming land. 30- miles north of Rochester. One 120 ACRES Vacant acreage. Ideal tor devek ment, on Maybe* Rd., oast Sashabaw. Call tor Information. Flqyd Kent Inc., Realtor 2200 Dlxlo Hwy. at Telegraph FE 241*1 or , FE 2-7342 ~ The Good Country 13-ACRE FARM. Pleesnt rolling land wtth larga bedroom farm house, home aolldl bull! but sedly in need of petti end general fixing. Located ap proxlmstely 7 miles from I-7S ex presswpy off Seihabow Rd. *11, 300. *2,100 down. 57-ACRE FARM Neat small home end solid born for - horses, all good lend wtth 7 acres wooded located |u*f nortl of Ortonvlllt on hordtop Nad. *23, C. PANGUS INC., REALTOR OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK M M-15 OrtanvIHe CALL COLLECT NA 7-3*15 WAR.CN STOUT, Realtor to N. Opdyke Rd. FE 54165 Odin Eves.' fit I p.m. CASH FOR LAND CONTRACT1*. Sale Butinet* Property 57 COMMERCIAL LOTS ON AU-burn. WIN felw tot* model car as part payment. UL 2-4243 after * P6W. ' _ ' . , . 3600 SQUARE FEET COMMERCIAL stoiS* front Mr toast or rant, corner Airport and Hotchory. 473-H90 or 474-1U5. LESLIE R. TRIPP, REALTOR SdeorlRdMWfe CHURCH AND ACTIVITY HALL Pric» Reduced MADDY LANE-KEEG0 Beautiful canal tot — full price] ““ jack LOVELAND 2100 Case Lake Rd. - 402-1255_______, FINE LAKE. SEVERAL tOODCIST lAr- -J3*J=7 —•- if 5,700, sq. m, hssketb... Also fedWto* SALE MOBILE LOTS. METAMORA area, 20 minutes Pontiac, 100' — *40 month. Call now fer choice. Blech Bros. OR 3-1191 tor- banquet* tor office cch-jj.™.™ . ..•. M duced from *47,500 to *39,500 for quick sato. Faf, tar ' ' “ auction cost. Terim _________ Will trade. Ask tar Nick Backa-' lukai, Xo/Tv/ ^ Roy DM Realtor Um Pontiac Lake Rd# OR 4-2222 or FE 5-4684 ant. Payment, *75 NATIONAL BUSINESS Brektrs • FE : count 20 per cent — Your cost, ' Ray O'Neil, Realtor 3520 Piontiac take Rd. OR 4-2222 LAND CONTRACTS ON CITY PROPERTY Ray O'Neil. Ray O'Neil, Realtor 3520 PONTIAC LK. Rf. OR 4-2222 Or EM 3-0531 5-PIECE C y Bo Purchased Separately E-Z TERMS' LITTLE JOE'S BARGAIN HOUSE 1461 Baldwin at Walton FE- 2-6642 ---- We light south ef l-7J^ of Free Parking ■ 'til 9 SfS 1 i $478 (Best) $4.00 Weekly UNIVERSAL CO. FE 44)905 NEW LIVING ROOM BARGAINS -7-plece (brand new) Nvlng rooi 7- piece living room suite, two sf tables, matchtag coffee tnta, t__ decorator lempe, all for *109. Only tt JO weekly. 1 _ NEW BEDROOM BARGAINS 8- plece (brand new) eodreomt; Double dresser, bookcase bed and chest, box spring and limersprlng rhattress, two vanity lampa. All for $129. St .SO weakly. NEW TAPPAN ELECTRIC RANGE, turquoise color, S100. OR 34935 otter S, NORGE CUSTOMATIC REFRIGER- , Itor, 15 cu. ft. wsiY Mod- condl-’ Hon, *75. HIS S. Blvd. *794353. PFAFF AUTOMATIC ZIG ZAG Sewing machine — deluxe feature* r- maple cabinet "Early kmarlcan Design". Take ever pay- PLASTIC WALL TILE Outlet_______1075 W. H ’ REPOSSESSED ELECTRIC DRYERS *1.75 per sreak. sate. 731416*, Utica. WELL SECURED Baiwnce ef *5610 at *75 per secured by solid 6 room ___PI can be handled for only *6214 $1059 DISCOUNT Balance of *6709 st *77 per mo property In A-t condition, rbe handled for only *5650 cosh. Warren Stout Realtor 1650 N. Opdyke Rd. Ph. FE S416S Witifed CgwtrRch-Mtg. 60-A 1 TO 50 LAND CONTRACTS SAlfCE ^ SECpjWAL ■ COUCH. $ Welt. 4540 Dixie tt OUR. OFFICE SPECIALIZES I lend, contract collections. FLOYD KENT, REALTOR to N. Saginaw St. FS.S41 LOANS TO $1,000 Usually on first visit. Quick, friendly, helpful. - // FE 2-9026 Is the number to call. OAKLAND LOAN CO. 102 Fonfiec Stale Bat* Bldg. Insured Payment Plan BAXTER B LIVINGSTONE Hmm CtC 401 Ponttec state Bank Bunding Fl 4-1538-9 Pontiac Press Want Ads Pay Off Fast PEARSON'S FURNITURE 0 E. Pike PE 4701 Between Paddock and City Hall 6-piece bedroom, Swlece *188. Terms. S2.25 a we-... M Mr. Adam*, FE 4*904 World Wide ' ' to Kmart). DINING ROOM StT MS. 4 BED-rogm lets. Walnut *48 - Maple *45 - Monde S7S - mahogany 095. French provincial couch' *90. Built In otoy* *125. Rug*. Chest. REPOSSESSED. COMBINATION RE-frlgerotor and freezer, save SI00. Color TV, save SIM. Terms available. 8F Goodrich. Hi N. Perry St. 33*4121, SPEED QUEEN ELECTRIC DRY-er. Exc. condition. Stototlass steel drum. I yr. eld. M5. MY 34492. Singer Zig Zag In Cabinet Only *33.33. terms evplleblc, guer--"*'—1 alt credit manager at ---------------------S CENTER, CERTIFIED S PAYMENT OF MOJS TAKEi POS-session of 3 rooms of furniture that has been In storage for '6 months. Contact Mr. Hubbard at FE 2-2S15. 213S Dixie Hwy/T Wide Furnishings. _ SINGER ' ZIG ZAG Sawing machine. Cabinet modal, J condition, ___________ FIECE LIVING ROOM *28. KITCH-“ - ‘ Main, Its. Coftee ROSE.COLORED FIRESIDE chairs, reas. Ml 441*6, 2-PIECE SECTIONAL, *50; ROCK- refrigerator, exc. cond.—*49.50. 332-6716, after 6 p.m., ■» day St. 6 YEAR CRIB AND STROLLER. 20" Apt. ges renM - Guar. m. . EASY TBRitS 9x12 Linoleum Rugs . $3.89 Calling tils .. .. 7toe fl. — — 30" GAS RAlteE.^OVE[N ON TOP, rntt^MeTw-tt M-YEAR-OLD SECRETARY, PINE cupboard, braat bad, pine cradle, *2" Tiffany shades. Y-Knof An-ttoyes. |0345 Oak Hitt, Hofiy ME ANTIQUES FLEA MARKET . LOANS *E TO 11400 BREAKFAST’ SET. TABLE AND 4 . chairs, wraiMi fflBii wltti formlcs top *30 - RCA Console radio *5 -~RrWawMt table. 4514567. * COMMUNITY LOAN CO, E. LAWRENCE FE S44II LOANS Bedroom ^end* HvlngNreom suites. Smalt defects. Say* almost half. Uttfe Joe's Bargain Easiimonf. 1461 BsWwtti ol Wilton FE *4162. • BEDR06M SUITE WITH ERING BRONZE OR CHROME DINETTE , BRAND NEW. nail size (round, drop ■«, n ingutor) fable* ^ to 3, S, toil * * *PexRSON'S FURfilTl'SE BLOND DINING ROOM SET BUF- miH Choice nf 15 styles, trundle bud*, camSet*, *69jB*te'” “ Furntture, 2)0 E. F PER I UNIVERSAL CO. FE 44)905 Singer and Cabinet n collect SS3J* cash or *9.N monthly, on Singer with buitt-ln zlg-zaggur for-slain and fancy •owing, button holes, horns, elc. Still has guarantee and lessons. Call RICHMAN BROS. SEWING / CENTER, 33542*3. TA^AN OOUBU OVEN GAS rang*, never used, still to creie. 6764747 6 P4W. _________, utsb tv* .......n*.ys Sweet's Radio and Appliance, Inc. i or |--------: *164677 ...........J 9.9S ............*19.95 mirror ....*24.95 *34.95 *39.95 *49.95 Credit'la Good At Wyman's” ' FE *411* s rang* ... refrlperah ichlgan State Fair G Agricultural Bid* a-:- ^ u awans l pmT - io pjn. **«0 DEMURS ^"aOmIs^h W : 'Hryfftoia tor Hi-Fi, TV A R WfIWO CONSOLE, REMOTE .liw^.wiiitM M^^Mtan si^EisBL.,. . stereo Monograph- sik ■to CARLOAD GAS FURNACES, ALL ' 1 J.ROOM 011 CIRCULATOR HEAT- grrySsau at prices Buy direct from Jot Vallety FE34S45 or OL 1*03. Satisfied Nrsm s*i,ifc«« . saatassF*1 DiviW^n^- H*AT»« Wb/n. Warwick ,Bot JALBOTT LUMBER I4f Carlos,1 off Hatchery. £PIECE COLORED BATH SET.~r —BuUt-to^hsiW^ twin. Re- Thompson. 7005 Mj7 W. 3W*xif'> -I- T- - - .. '. Ain I pair of custom made ftoH.Wflfty ** **'• "* m" f piece »it o*= o*OMi trA^ c*it sfffnSr' . _____ - «f LONG TRAILER A marten MM ■* MA-H1SI. „ fKir UHouiuM rugs n.H each plastic inirm^ Ceiling tlla — wall | BAG Tilt. PE *mi.............. mo" GALLON oiL tank, good -^acr^aip JMM4S wvw VaLjj, mTV.TV IMTTH 1*2TK£i9K*Oinr*: 1966 Zio Zog n^s^d, murt ba_cl.lmrt Gall RICHMAN BROS. SEWING CENteR.MiW3»i. - ■ CLEARANCE SALE FRETTER'SWAREHOU^E OUTLET USD S. T»ltWlTiWi.V-yc^/;TO'»^t ALL BRONZE felilUP PUNiFjidLD. repaired, axt^jaS, rented. 7i w. Sheffield pe 74442 ' TYPE SATIC OIL FLOOR «. amtiBwi. pt Urn. ■ autqMaWC wAshers in good ANCHOR FENCES NO^ MONEY DOWN PE 5-7471 rapt paint, S5.S0 !”■■■ VtlilK T”| SALVATION ARMY -ia*»Mi8SK, SiiC7J!Mg.-«gi* Tw5~LAwF~--- ’ FLUORESCENT “m “^^.D'SCOUNT itj^EO WIPING RAGS, 17 CENT lt_ *1M Dm to 36t lb. •Ivd. Supply , ego ■:,.r. PE 3-7661 ^^^!fPTiWfeE,'' •itSf BtW.'UftAQiRG 78 MS-S&SM. mb van. w ml a paat. Alsu grading. OR AIMS. black bjfrjn uAfi lak! I THE DRAYTON PLAINS ARIa, “» WlP yds. fid Sand Id move > facilitate constnibfen. We also AND, GRAVEL, FILL D 17 Builders Supplies. Trucking . doting. 0* l"“ : PI OOZING AND BACK-M work, specializing In smaller obs. Kan's dirt and doting, Clarks- Wood-CooKoka-FbBi i-TON STOKER CpAL, CHEAP YOU haul. 473-41S4.____ FIREPLACE-WOOD, Sit ill „ D. Kendall. FE 8-0780, THREE ENO-OF-THE MONTH CLEARANCE AUCJ10NS FRI-r SEPT. 30, 7.30 P.M. SAT., OCT. (1, 7.30 P.M. SUN., OCT. 2, 2t30 P.M. Chrome fables Maple dinette eats End tablet - ' - . Deepfreezes t ./ . 1 Auto. wash, end/dryert Refrigerators 7 Gas and Elec, ranges T»r" 2-wheel trailers Chain Satin “ ■' ■“d/Ges heate SHOE SKATES, BA *59P»«Q ANHOukceMgN^ ,f«rt*s Printing «fl» Suppllas, 4500 Dixie 1 BLACK MINIATURE POODLE, mala, AwC, y weeks, 3634765. . YOUR WEIDWOOD HEADQUARTERS PRAY ION PLYWOOD . Sarasota. PE HW < Long Lk. Rd. SRWL/tf SALE. ANY size. 227 E. Pike St. (^HdujSiTiUe and W. ■ ' EVANS Of'C pOrnace, Ms. ' ._____________<26-3250.___________ Rom wall to wall, no soil at all, on carpets cleaned with Blue Lustre. Rent electric sham-pooer $1, Hudson's Hdwe* 41 E. Wslton. 1 ; - For your home use. alumi- nas DELCO FURNACE, 1 leeks. . torches, battery charger I Monroe- St. dARAGE SALE: fKiDAY, SATUR-dey, Sunday: Ctottilhg, mlsc., furniture, stovu and Tclttens. 3340 Grant St., Auburn Heights. (52-1158. &ARAGE RUMMAGE,! 1 BLACK skunk coat, $30. 1 mouton coat, tio. Great bargaint, nice clean clothes and, shoes 10 cents to 72.00. 2577 Hempstead, Bloomfield Orchards. Tuat-Tnurs._______________ OARAGE SALE. 364 W. YPSILANTI. 1 hay. 2758 Hunters Way, Bloomfield Hills. <47-3247. &AS FIRED BOILER, CAST IRON, 3f SEMI STORAGE VAN, A-1. S45B Fork lift trucks, 7700 ui Supply 500 5. B ___________Ft 3-706t MACHINIST, TOOLS AND CHEST. MORRIS MUSIC U S. Telegraph Rd. Across fron Tdi-Huron fflFil5uJeN0R saxophone. fcVERETTE SPINET PIANO Lika new, Save LEW BITTERLY pLUTE EXCELLENT CONDITION, Mj. <73-7741, v‘ JACK HAGAN MUSIC~ VISIT OUR NEW UNION LAKE STORE 8192 COOLEY LAKE RD. 3G3>5Sna LOWRET SPINET ORGAN Walnut, almost, like new LEW BETTERLY tSf' excellent ^iLTR«rn cabinet, available tor MM bal •not or MKT monthly, tliaka - Certified sew- INO CENTER, 30022, ODD LOTS BASEBOARD HEATING Sheet, mgtat _ "^s datwi. tSid T . «»•»• iWwimL . PLUMBING bargains. Stendhtg taitat ttfM tstn' i Spiace oe t'ywer wm,' trim' MM, J-howl alnk, n.75; Lavs., Stall Sftiff e*sf *” Satdwlw Fi d-tBA ORGAN LESSONS, MRS. ROLLIN' ger. Sylvan Manor. <82-7134. ORGAN, PIANO AND ACCORtJlON, tar, classical, <73-5071. 5135 St., Waterford, June Peering. Of tics Equipment Store Equipment Spurting Geode SV GUNS—720 VI Ft»W7t 2 GAUGE ITHACA FEATHER-light repeater, polychoke, MO. EM &:'iWMt'vPSipL' SHAMPOOS, iiiMliB,. tae- win. <25-2775. MINIATURE MALE DASCHUNDS, A.YEAR tM.O' RpGISTERED EN-gUsh Pkmterimate, 775. 73I-M2. <-WEEK4JL0 PUPS, 74 GERMAN Shepherd/Wi German Police, S20 each, Prowlers-molesters-nemesls. OR 3P73S. BEAGLE PUPS, STUD ■ 135. <21-3015. (KC REGISTERED SILVER TOY Poodle, t months old, S75. Wt afternoons. AKC POODLE PUPPIES. APRICOT stud service 335-4772. AKC ENGLISH SPRINGER SPAN- TrfE PONTIAC PRESS. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1966 0 CARNIVAL By Dick Turner * SATURDAY 6PJVI M^jgr’wlfc,*^ tods —‘"‘-‘-.'Chest c GALE McANNALLY'S v--‘ Auto Spies 364 Baldwin . ’.FE (-65J Across from Pontiac State Bens PAYMENTS TOO HIGH?- We buy or will ad|ust your pm ments to lose expensive Car. • DON'S USED CARS STOP HERE LAST we pay mere tor sharp; late me el cer« Corvettes needed. M&M MOTOR SALES Now at our now loceNon 1150 Oakland at Vladud ' 33*4241__ f. I FOR ttRaN CARS OR trucks. Economy Cart 2335 Dixie. "TOP DOLLAR PAID" *OR "CLEAN" USED CABS GLENN'S Ice, 71,077. 1765 DODGE AIM 'issenger seat. Jit price, St.lf WANTED G CARS—CASH Immaculatel --. Reedy to move Into. Call FE 2-7*33 EM 34755._________________________ FE 4-7136 after *. 1<* BOAT WITH ACCESSORIES, <0 horse power motor, electric starter, and generator, little dude tilt trailer. S750. <73-2737. 1763 OWEN'S CABIN CRUISER 34', take over payments. For details call FE 7-7565. ____________ 1763 OWENS, 46 HOR6£ ELECTRIC Evlnrude, with contrail, top, etc. Sacrifice. <73-1067 aft. 5 p.m. ALUMINUM GUARANTEED BOATS, 75640; alao flat bottoms, V's, canoes, pram|. All W wholesale price - 3M6 Dixie Hwy. Open 6 to midnight. OR 3-1544. BOAT STORAGE ; Cass-Elitabeth Lake Area COVERED OR OUTSIDE TRAVELER; 56 HORSE MER. OPOvke Hardware " ~ PE 54EST auto .8297 83.05 BIPBSLiL-SN-wpgaRpn “ 1868 CHEVY S Mld< .... IMS BONNEVILLE CON. W7..S3.M 1960 FALCON 2 door ... 8297 .83.05 1962 PONTIAC hardtop 8797. 87.99 ■I NO DOWN PAYMENT SMALL WEEKLY PAYMENTS IMMEDIATE DELIVERY MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM hEHA handle AND ARRANGE ■ ALL PlNAMCING CALL MR. DAN AT FE 4^307t Capitol Auto h block onlYsSl'dc $1699 oil vinyl trim, snappy VI t 1962 T-Bird cull power with air, 21,000 a nil**. Now only — $1495 Downey Oldsmobile, Inc. 1084 OAKLAND Next to Rainbow Car Wath 338-0331, 338-0332 62 FAIRLANE 500, 2-DOOR, 12 THUNDERBIRD. POWI brakes, and windows. Private o r. Sharp, FE 5-0214. 1962 FORD FAIRLANE 4 DOOI VS, low mileage, sunset red'beai tyl No Money Down, Savel Autobahn MOTORS, INC* AUTHORIZED VW DEALER 765 S. Telegraph ”■ BANKRUPT? CREDIT PROBLEMS? We Can Finance You— MUST DISPOSE OF - 1965 FORD 2 door hardtop, VI automatic. No Money Down, 114.17 Weekly Call Mr. Murphy at FE 5-4101 4 DODGE THE TOP OF THE PoSra 500 with torqiwfllte, »w*r steering, V8, 1964 DODGE M'W"OartS V-8, automatic, Beautiful turquoise with matching Interior and whit* top. On* o~-“ BankAGR. Mr. Parks it HAROLD TURNER FORD, Ml 4-7500. 1963 FORD FALCON RANCHERO, camper included, 895 down and credit no problem. Immediate de- ,|V#I%0METHING NEW" MIKE SAVOIE CHEVROLET ' 1104 South Woodward Birmingham 1963 FALCON CONVERTIBLE WITH AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION, RADIO AND HEATER, WHITE-WALL TIRES, AB$6lUTELY NO MONEY DOWN, Astuma weekly. payments of 88.66. CALL CREDIT MGR. Mr. Parks at HAROLDTURMER FORD, Ml 4-7500. BEEN BANKRUPT? NEED A with as low as* 85 dowril King Plan Financing. Cali >64 FORD FASTBACK, 427 speed. Black, like new, 81495. h ‘ "" 3-5200._____ 1965 MUSTANG VS AUTOMATIC -— steering, — - ■ l, 81,500. ’ 1965-Fords 17 TO CHOOSE FROM ALL MODELS FULLY EQUIPPED NEW-CAR WARRANTIES AS' LOW AS $49 DOWN Payments as low as $11.95 Wkly. HAROLD. TURNER FORD, JNC. • : 444 S. WOODWARD AVE, '“““IDgAI* --- >65 FORD LTD 4 DOOR HARDTOP VI, Crulse-0-M«tlc, full power. Executive car. 823*5. at JEROME FORD Rochester! Ford Dealer OL 1-9711. $2395 Downey Oldsmobile, Inc. 1084 OAKLAND ’ 338-033Lb<33M33,2 LLOYD 1966 MERCURY Colony Perk wagon, _ __ white, red Intortor, full factory equipment, power luggage carrier, new ear warranty. S89 down finance balance of Only— $2597 Lloyd Motors 1250 OAKLAND IW7..FONTIAC 2 ODOR HARDTOP, full price 849. Reliable Motors 350 Oakland Ave. FE S-9742.______ 1958 PONTIAC, 2 DOOR HARDTOP. F-Z Eye g side *M os — 8 ■ „ BONNEVILLE EAOuOaM. t. 1^Tm.A^n0nlnfl- AM- RUSS JOHNSON Pontiac-Romblar On MM In Lake Orton MY 2-6266 1984 FQNTjAC' OfeANO MlStTI beautiful Birmingham 1 ownar new-cor trade. Console, automatic, power steering, power brake*, full vinyl Inferior, 8199 down and credit no problem. Immediate delivery. “SOMETHING NEW" MIKE SAVOIE CHEVROLET WQ,ULD YOU BELIEVE irs You We Want THE WISE BUYER WHO WANTS TO SAVE MONEY Check these cash prlcas — cred available at bank rate*' — no cas references. 1960 Pontiac Hardtop ...... ii si 1961 Pontiac Bwtnto. Conv. .. 1959 Pontiac Starchier .. 1960 Chevy Impela Hardtop . Cali after 4 pm. OR 3-5813. - •; 1968, PONTIAC 2 PLUS 2, 421, DOU-“T« turbo-trans., tinted win- ----- ..id tach, many more tx- tras. Private. 731-258*. ___________ mu PONTIAC LeMANS, LIKE NEW, 1 ownar. FE S-12M.___________ . 1*45 PONTIAC BLACK 2-DOOR hartfop, stick, original owner. 81550. 68241224 after 4:30 pm. J IMS GTO TRI-POWER, POSI-TRAC-' Beefed. Murat Tran*. 82500.00 330-4066. After 6 pm. 1*66 FORD9FASTBACK, HARDTOP, 420, 4-speed, power steering, vinyl top, vinyl Interior, still In — rsnly, S2550. OR 4-0034. 1966 FALCON Club Coupe with new car wa automatic transmission. Suburban Olds S USED CAR CLEAN UP 1962 -'63 -'64 -'65 -'66 New Car Trade-Ins MUST BE SOLD To Make Room for 1967 Trade-Ins 2 Year Warranty 635 S. Woodward Ave. Birmingham 647*5111 non TOin ITOU tnevy impaii 333-7863 1*41 Chevy 2-door .......... ----------- 1963 Chevy Bel-Air ...... 195* Chevy 2-door VI . 1961 Ford VO 2-door, stick 1960 Ford 2-door, wick ... 1959 Mercury Hardtop ... 1963 Ford Fall-tan* ..... 1961 PONTIAC CATALINA. 2 hardtop. Exc. condition. 8725. 647-11*5. _________________ 1941PONTIAC STARCHIEF, GOOD condition mechanically, i--------— . RUNS GOOD. 8175. 338- HAROLD TURNER FORD, INC. 464 S. WOODWARD AVE. RMINGHAM_Ml 4-7500 CONVERTIBLE. ’T^F^P^-^l^ljl-pOOC^iuj^ IOoTtBIRD WITH SOFT rAN PlN-*•*> power and all th* axf-rlnyl bucket seat Interior .... e, wall-to-wall carpeting. «m and lust 8127 weakly. Burka -* “ No t di HEATER, rovrail STEERING, WHITEWJM.L TIRES, ABSOLUTELY NO MOnIY HAROLD TURNER FORD, 1*64 .FORD GALMOS - m “ *012, 81175, 628-2715 at JMF 1961 T-Bird 2 Door Hardtop Tuxedo black finish, genuine red IMther Intortor, power windows, steering, brakes, setts. Go first- $991 onto Takas a mtnuto to Oat.e 'BETTER DEAL' at" John McAuliffe Ford uv ypnigiiH nrg. A re yMllM AUST DISPOSE OF - H6I FORD T-BIrd fun power, automatic, No Money Down, 88.87 Waagr call Mr. Murphy at F* HIM Mc- 1*64 FORD FAIRLANE mafic, radio, matallic maroon,_ tires. 100 per cent warranty. 01045. Autobahn 0 PASSEN-RV I—Ftr steering s. Very clean 813*5 FORD L 1-WlT. LLOYD Money Down, Full 1964 FORD Consul Capri Coupe, condition, No Lloyd Motors 1250 Oakland 333-7863 1964 FORD XL, SHARP. Pretty Ponies 1965 MUSTANGS 7 USED MUSTANGS TO CHOOSE F ROM CONVERTIBLES HARDT0PS 2 PLUS 1% FULL EQUIPMENT As Low As $49 Down and $49 Per Month HAROLD TURNER FORD, INC 464 S. WOODWARD AVE. BIRMINGHAM__Ml 4-7506 REPOSSESSION - 1964 FORO CON-vertlble, automatic. Power, f money Down, 818J7 weekly. Ci Mr. Maton at 3384181 McAuliffe, 1964 FORD Country sedan, vi, auto., power altering, radio, hooter, luggagt rack, traitor Mich, dust shields, ill attar 7 pm. Ft COME ON OUT ALL THE WAY OUT , BEATTIE FORD To See and Drive The AH New 1967 FORD Cars and Trucks -Now On Display^ Don't Forget to Register jr th* national and our own local contest, when you're In our show- BEATTIE 'Your FORO DEALER tinea' 1*38" SUBURBAN OLDS ,HOME OF Quality One-Owner Birmingham Trades at lowest PRICES 35 S. Woodward 647-5111 SUST DISPOSE OF — 1961 OLD5 "98" convertible, automatic, Powar, 56.87 weekly. No f , r.,1 ... Murphy al 19 1965 PONTIAC GTO, LOADED WITH 19 extras. S1788. Call FE 1-2894. 2 1965 CATALINA, 2-DOOR HARDTOP, * -bwars, radio, H/dromatlc Owner, 425-1886. >54 Ford Pickup ±.......8 1 0PDYKE MOTORS ' GET SMART ~ BUY FOR LESS 2238 Pontiac Rd. at Opidyke 6 8-9237_____________FE 8-9237 8 BONNEVILLE, DOUBLE POW- ... PONTIAC BONNEVILLE, . door hardtop, radio, heater, double yower, new Urea, low-mileage. 651- 1962 Tempest 2 1 1963 PONTIAC CATALINA SPORTS GTO LATE 1*65 BLUE WITH black vinyl top, tri-power, positive traction matmc brakes, first trans-mlsston other extras, 1 ownar, call i*M CATALINA WAGON, DOUBLE powar, exc. condition. FE 4-7843. IMS PONTIAC VENTURA 2-DOOR rdtop, power brains and atoar- 125 Oakland at wide Track FE 2-9214 '^REI 1*45 PONTIAC CATALINA, 4 DOOR ”>n, one owner. Hydra, double er, new fires, very good con- TEMPEST STATION WAGON IMS, , THE NEW AUDETTE PONTIAC NOW SERVING .^'SKMS’KrCS'JS; DON'S used Bars small ad-big lot 70 CARS TO CHOOSE FROM ' 1*65 OLDS 1M1 RAMBLER r, auto.. >, double ’pow tion, no rust green. 1965 CHEVY ’, ^hardtop, 677 S. LAPEER RD. Lake Orton MY 2-2041 * ORTT2,5t1' 1949 JEEP, «WHtEL DRIVE, ALU-m cab, 8350. mv »*nl — 1963 CONTINENTAL mafic I 849 down and payments oTII d whitewall tires, O HAROLD TURNER FORD, INC. , 464 t. WOODWARD AVE. BIRMINGHAM Ml 4-7581 MS LINCOLN CONTINENTAL — 1966 G|d$ Dynamic 2-door hardtop, radio, hea mafic, (two to choot* fr< $2495 Downey Oldsmobile, Inc. 1084 OAKLAND Next to Rahtiww Car Wash 338-0331, 338-0332 1961 PLYMOUTH Fury 4-doer hardtop. Power bri and steering. Teal bin* with ms Mg Intortor. Ideal 2nd car to good shape thrtmgtout. Only ~ BIRMINGHAM „ . CtfRYSLER-FLYMOUTH X| S. Woodward __MI 7-3214 1M2 PLYMOU TH ’BELVEPiii 'buy at GOME TQ THE. PONTIAC RETAIL l STORE . 100 Top Quality, one-owner new car trades to choose from * WHERE YOU EXPECT MORE . . . AND GET IT 65 Mt. Clemens At wide Track FE 3-7954 steering, Only—869J Oakland Chrysler-Plymouth Oektond Av*. . fe mmi CHEVROLET Beautiful 81495. DODGE Sportsman far tfi* Hw er, Cempir or Family Car ROCHESTER DODGE 451-8t0|V* A**y—**ve Mors_Pey X \ 1963 VALIANtr-A SOFT BLUE Sid- slip * model car. Past cradi 1966 PONTIAC GRAND FRIX -bronze, 2-door, vinyl top, full pew-or. Mag wheels. 682-6881 OWNER MUST SELL IMMEDIATE- / ty. 1*66 Pontiac Catalina. 4-dr. hardtop. Power iteertog and H| *-------------— Radio, Air-conditioning. mPPall extras. E— -w mileage. 82558. N 1*66 PONTIAC VENTURA 2-DOOR hardtop. Loaded. 82688. 621-2112. VENTURA 4 DOOR /SEDAN. Light blue, power, 4,800 miles. Ezl. Decor 82508. 682-1863. f 1*66 GTO 4 SPEED, /LAST OF ^74ffMo.r "■ GO!! HAUPT PONTIAC and Save $ $ $ On Mato Street Clarkston _5-5566 1M6 PONTIAC 2 PLUS 2, bOUBLE ir^Utar txc- *966 : PONTIAC CATALINA WHITE 1*66 TEMPEST COUPE, MWfelCr Sir, options, 4JXI8 ml. FE 4^179. ”66 J-DOOR TiWHbkt CUSTOM. _6',,PS»«r steering, rad% »• ’l-OW nUtes, *1,990. Fl 1963 PONTIAC CONVERTIBLE, reel sharp, 1-owner trade-in. C be purchased with no money do LUCKY AUTO 194b W. Wide Track FE 4-1886 or FE 3-7854 W pM lbLlBi DOOR hardtop. Power stoertog, sows brake*, power window*. 1 owns car. Full price *1295. •Autorama MOTOR SALES 2635 Orchard Lake Rd. 692-4410 1 Mile Wert of Totoaraph *63 PONTIAC GRAND FRIX. POW w Bepufiful condltu iiip, .... LLOYD 1963 PONTIAC Grand Frto, beautiful twilight « quoise. garage leapt condition, po„- S-tW' br,k"' $1145; Lloyd Motors 1250 OAKLAND 333-7863 *,iw- REDUCE) PRICE SHELTON , 82258. Call 674- VILLAGE RAMBLER 666 S, Woodward Birmingham Ml 6-3900 BOB BORST LINC01N-MERCURY 518 8. Woodward BIRMINGHAM 1964 CLASSIC Roilffis^ EM 341^CV " »ktk*td», a?3L.rL,*sra,1i IW6 UMtttS DEMOS Spvpjsp to 81 *“ ~ ROSE R EM 3-4155 THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY* OCTOBER 1, 1966 C—la —Television Programs— Program* fumlahed bp stations listed in this column ameubiect to chango without notieo AFTERNOON 12:N (2) Rood Runner (4) Top ,C*t v (7) Bugs Bunny (9) Window on the World (50) CowtoWn Rodeo 12:30 (2) Beagles (4) Beat the Champ (7) Milton the Monster (9) Country Calendar (50) People Are Funny 1:N (2) Tom and JerTy 1 (4) Baseball: Minnesota vs. Baltimore or'San Francisco vs. Pittsburgh (7) Hoppity Hopper (9) Championship Series (50) Movie * 1:31 (2) Movies: “Calling Dr. Death” (1913) Lon Chaney MnvU. Jr. Ramsay Ames; “Car- (9) Movle: Dean’s bine Williams” (1952)1 Stewart Granger, David Niven, Susan Straaberg. 3. “The Desperadoes Are in Town” (i960) Robert Arthur; Kathy-Nolan. 4. “Moonfieet” (1955) Stewart Granger, Joan Green wo odf George Sanders, Vireca Dindfbrs Us* ($) Movies: “The Asphalt Jungle” (1959) Sterling Hayden, Louis Calhera, Jean Hagen, Marilyn Monroe, James Whitmore. 2. “Fort Airtque" (1959) * Pier Angeli, Phil Carey, Dennig Price 11:45 (4) Johnny Carson 12:39 (9) News, Weather, Sports Brain” (1954) Lew Ayres, Jamas Stewart, Jew 11S gpk u,ppn 1:15 (4) Beat the Champ HMen ' l:45i4) News, Weather Hagen (7) Wide World of Sports 2:11 (9) Gideon’s Way j SUNDAY MORNING Sfell (SOX'Desilu Playhouse . „ ... 3:06 (7) College Football: Mis-1 *:£ (7) Living Past souri vs. UCLA (9) Wrestling 3:39 (50) Horse Race 4:99 (4) Theatet 4 (9) To Be Announced (50) World Championship Billiards 4:39 (2) It’s About Time (4) Flying Fisherman (9) Cartoons 1:99 (2) Mike Douglas (4)r George Pierrot (9) Swingin’ Time 1:39 (50) Superman 5:55 (4) S. L. A. Marshall TONIGHT 9:90. (4) News, Weather, 9:49 (2) News 9:45. (2) Accent 7:99 (2) Look Up. and Live . (7) Rural Newsreel 7:25 (2) Christopher Program (4) Country Living (7) Insight 5:99 (2) This Is the Life (4) Frontiers of Faith (7) Dialogue 8:15 (9) Sacred Heart 1:39 (2) Temple Baptist Church (4) Church at the Crossroads (7) Understanding Our World (9) Window on the Work! 8:55 (4) Newsworthy 9:00 (2) Mass for Shut-Ins (4) Bozo the Ctown (7) Three Stooges 49) Oral Roberts 9:38 (2) With This Ring • 1 (7) Linus the Lionhearted (9) Rex Humbard 9:45 (2) Highlight 19:99 (2) (Special) Mormon . Conference (7) Beany and Cecil (50) UR Him Up 19:15 (4) Davey and Goliath 19:39 (4) House Detective (7) Peter Potamus (9) Fashions Internationale (50j) Cathedral of Tomorrow (7) To Be Announced (9) Shirley Temple (50) Flash Gordon 9:15 (SO) Football Special 5:30" (2) Grand (Me Opry (4) Network News (7) Michigan Sportsman (50) Hy Lit Show 7:00 (2) Death Valley Days (4)Atth^Zoo (7)ASfCScope (9) Movie: “All Quiet N the Western Front” (1930) Lew Ayres 7:3# 0) Jackie Gleason (4) Flipper (7) Shane (50) The Beat _________ !:0* (4) Please Don’t Eat theja:|| (Yfisluiwinkle Da^es (9) Fotest Rangers ■ „ (50) Upbeat 111:30 (7) Discovery ’66 8:36 (2) Pistols’n’Petticoats ! a* 1 (4) Get Smart (7) Lawrence Welk | 9:06 (2) Mission: Impossible j (4) Movie: “Rear Window” (1954) James Stewart, Grace Kelly, Raymond Burr, W e n d a 11 Corey, Thelma Ritter (9) Let’s Go to the Races (50) Movie: “The foxes of Harrow” (1947) RCx Harrison, Maureen O’Hara 9:39 (7) Hollywood Palace (9) World of Music 19:91 (2) Gunsmoke (9) Pro Football: Montreal vs. Calgary 10:39 (7) World Adventure 11:90 (2) (7) News, Weather, Sports (5Q) College Football: Michigan vs. North Carolina *11:15 (4) News, Weather, Sports, 11:25 (2) MoVies: L “House of Bamboo’’ (1955) Robert Stack, Robert Ryan, Shirley Yamaguchi, Cameron Mitchell,. $essue Hayaka-wa. 2. “The Shortest Day” (1963) Walter Pidgeon, (9) Movie: “The Last Command" (1955) Sterling Hayden. MO (2)NakerfGty (7) Porky pig (50) Easton Football 4:36 (7) Tennessee Tuxedo 1:99 (2) Movie: ‘The Bravados (1950) Philip Yordan, . Albert Salmi (7) Movie: “Between Heaven and Hell” (1956) Broderick Crawford, William Eastham i (SO) Movie: “Mohawk” j (1956) Scott Brady, Rita Gam 5:39 (4) College Bowl (9) Rawhide 5:41 (56) Christopher Pro- I gram SUNDAY EVENING j 6:00 (4) News (56) Musicale ' ] 6:36 (4) March of Time (9) Movie: “The Spirit oil St Louis” (1957) James Stewart (56) Casals Master Gass 7:11 (2) Lassie (7) Voyage (50) Wells Fargo (56) Symphony 7:36 (2) Patty Duke (4) Walt Disney (50) College Football: Illinois vs. MSU 1:19 (2) Ed Sullivan (7) FBI (56) When in Rome 1:39 (4) Hey Landlord (9) Outdoorsman (56) Jimmy 9.06 (2) Garry Moore (4) Bonanza (7) Movie: “Move Over, TV Features Darling” (1963) Doris Day 11:05 (56) Let’s Read (9) Movie: “Captain January” (1936) Shirley Temple, Guy Kibbee. (50) Quest for Certainty SUNDAY AFTERNOON 12:19 (2) Changing Times (4) U. of M. Presents (7) Championship Bowling (50) World of Dogs 12:15 (2) Voice of the Fans 12:30 (2) Pro Press Bo* (4) International Zone (50) Herald of Truth 12:45 (2) NFL Foothill: Lions vs. Packers 1:99 (4) Meet the Press (7) Movie: “Boots Malone” (1952) )d Bagley, Johnny Stewart (9) Movie: “The Quiet Man” (1952) John Wayne, Maureen O’Hara (50) Movie: “Brigham Young’’ (1940) Tyrone Power, Linda Darnell 1:31 (4) Design Workshop 2:19 (4) Viet NairReview 2:31 (4) AFL Football: Buffalo vs. Kansas Gty 3:99 (7) Spotlight (50) Wrestling 3:19 (7) Issues and Answers James Garner (9) Flashback (58) Festival of the Arts 9:39 (9) Pierre Berton 19:69 (2) Candid Camera ■ (4) Andy Williams * (9) Galapagos (50) Lou Gordon 19:39 (2) What’s My Line? (9) Disordered Mind 11:61 (2) (4) (7) (9) NtWS 11:19 (9) Movie: “Revolt of Mamie Stover” (1956) Jane Russell, Richard Egan 11:25(2) Movie: “The President’s Lady” (1953) Susan „ „ .. Hayward, Charlton Heston “•* TaF 11.M (i) News Soecial* Guiding Light 11.19(4) News special. Ag (g6) Understanding Numbers 1?:55 (4) News ’r 1:00 (2) Love of Life ony of Two Cities” (7) Movie: “The Female ,. Animal" (1957) Hedy Lamarr, GeorgeNader. 12:39 (4) Beat the Champ 1:09 (9) Window on the World 1:15 (2) With This Ring 1:39 (7) Have Gun MONDAY MORNING 9:15 (2) On the Farm Scene 4:29 (2) News 9:39 (2) Sunrise Semester (4) Classroom (7) Three Stooges 7:99 (2) Bowery Boys (4) Today . 7:39 (7) Morning Show 7:55 (9) Morgan’s Merry-Go-Round 8:09 (2) Captain Kangaroo (9) Romper Room 8:39 (7) Movie: “Because of Him” (1945) Deanna Durbin, Franchot Tone. 9:09 (2) Merv Griffin ’(4) Living (9) Bonnie Prudden Show 9:15 (56) Understanding Numbers 9:25 (56) Cabbages andeKings 9:99 (9) People in Conflict 9:45 (50) Cathedral of Tomorrow 9:59 (56) Spanish Lesson Lions vs. the Packers MCK&1BL15A80N, 7:30 p.m. (2) “The Honeymooners” begin trip around thfe world that they won in food contest. HOLLYWOOD PALACE, 9.36 pm. (f) Elizabeth Montgomery of “Bewitched” hosts Vic Damone, Paul Lynde, Jackie Mason and the Baja Marimba Band. 1 GUNSMOKE, 10:06 p.m. (2) Bette Davis makes rare television appearance* in this drama about woman who wants to avenge her husband's .death st the hands of Matt. SUNDAY PRO FOOTBALL, 12:45 pm. (2) Lions vs. Packers at Gre#n Bay; 2:30 p.ni. (4) Bills vs. Chiefs at Kansas Gty. COLLEGE FOOTBALL, 7:30 p.m. (50) Taped coverage of Illinois-Michigan State game. ^ BONANZA, 9:00 p.m. (4) Eric Fleming portrays Mormon settler in Nevada who is determined to remain despite persecution by the townspeopteDina Merrill-and Lois Nettleton costar. ANDY WILLIAMS; 10.00 p.m. (4) Guests include Peggy Lee, Jack .Jones, Ai Hirt and Bob Newhait 1:10 (56) Interlude 1:25 (2) News ..(4) Doctor's House Call (56) Reason and Read 1:31 (2)Asthe WnrldTums (4) Let’s Make a Deal 1:41 ( 56) Sclence Ig Discovery 1:55 (4) News (56) Cabbages and Kings 8:66 (2) Password (4) Days of Our Lives (7) Newlywed Game 2:20 (56) Rhyme lime 1 2:30 (2) House Party (4) Doctors fl (7) A Time for Us (50) Peter Gunn (56) Science Is Fun 2:45 (56) Let’s Talk Spanish 2:55 (7) News 3:06 (2) To Tell the, Truth (4) Another World (2) General Hospital (50) Topper 3:25 (2) (9) News 3:36 (2) Edge of Night (4) You Don’t Say (7) Nurses (9) Swingin’ Time (50) Johnny Ginger 4:00 (2) Secret Storm (4) Bozo tiie Gown (7) Dark Shadows (9) Fun House ' (50) Jungle Jim 4:30 (2) Mike Douglas (7) Where the Action Is (50) Cartoon Carnival 4:51 (4) Eliot’s Almanac I (56) Industry on Parade > 5:10 (4) George Pierrot (7) News, Weather, Spr'. (50) Serial.Theater (56) French Cber~" 5:36 (9) Cheyenne (50) Superman (50) What’s New Time for Music I xnx of (MMrt 2 «•««* 4-Warmer, to Wn, ■ ____ 41 Amin sW£?*ch*ri<*" II Exist ** 12N*utie*l term S SSTSl IS Light brows'' UBetrepeJ* (slang) 18 Teach 20 Rigid 21 Wife At Aegir !2 Bellow 24 Egyptiai goddess 98 Tenure SMiseriy 27 “Sweetheart of 4'1-----Love Sigma-----" ■ Song" ' SO Play, aa a flute SDiamounted 32 "Now-----, now flVcMrat* mibj SS Hop*1 kiln M Glucides ' | 87 Selection (ab.) 14 Royal Soclet; DOWN of Edinburgh 1 Top of the bead —-' 2 Mouthward. Prancer.. 84 Entertain* 38 Dinner count 88 Bandleader 31 Smaller In > amount 83 Discolor 38 High homes ____ 40 Turn inside out 17 Cossack (var.) 41 Encounter* 19 Hurls 42 Narrow Met 23 Command 48 within (comb. 24 Italic (ab.) form) 28"-------of these 44 JspaMio days ..." outcasts 9:55 (4) News 10:01,(4) Eye Guess (9) Hercules (50) Yoga for Health 19:95 (56) Reason and Read 10:2* Science Is Fun 19:25 (4) News / 19:39 (2) Beveny Hillbillies (4) Concentration (7) Girl Talk (9) Hawkeye (50) Love That Bob 10:35 (56) Interlude 10:56 (56) Let’s Talk Spanish U:«6 (2) Andy Griffith (4) Chain Letter (7) Supermarket Sweep (9) Canada’s Story (58) Hickory Doc 11:30 (2) Dick Van Dyke (5) Showdown -(7) Dating Game 11:50 (56) Spanish for Teachers AFTERNOON 12:00.(2) News, Weather* Sports (4) Jeopardy . (7) Donna Reed (9) Take 30 . 12:30 (2) Search for Tomorrow (4) Swingin’ Country (7) Father Knows Best (9) Luncheon Date (50) Movie jfSSna_„ Bits eepitel is r I" 2 6 i 8 id 11 12 13 14 16 16 it W 19 20 21 23 24 25 u F 28 29 30 IT 33 U 36 ■ ■r 40 1 42 43 U 48 4d Hi S2 b3 56 66 St Johnson Averts Dog Unit Elects Waterford Man | MAICO, P entire I j 29 I. Cornell f ; j Service* end Supplies fer j | ! AU HEARING AIDS j I DON'T ; !GIVE UP.... J 1 FIX j j UP! 1 ■ ■. ■ Low Interest Rates 2 ■ On The Following: ■ S • ROOM ADDITIONS ■ ■ • DORMERS 5 oREC ROOMS : i ■ • REMODELING r 2 2 • ALUMINUM SIDING ■ ■ • STORM WIN00WS 2 2 • FIREPLACES ■ j BUY, SELL, TRADE! ,;*. USE PONTIAC PRESS. WANT ADS1 (4) Match Game (7) Ben Casey - j (9) Movie: "How to Mar-j ry a Millionaire” (1953) Marilyn Monroe, Lauren 5:45 (7) Network News Bacall. 1 5:55 (4) Here’s Carol Duvall WILSON —Weekend Radio Programs— WJ&(760) WXYZQ 270) CKlW(itOO) WWK950) WCAK1 130) WPON(l 4*0) WJBK(1500) WHFLFMff4J) saiurdaV evening ,*:•*—WWJ, News, Football tor WJR, News, Showcsss - li(M IwPLlswidmund liiii Ml tmiwlodwo 11:6*—WJR, News, Sports. Music 11:SS—WWJ, News. I :JS-WJR, Oruen Encores WJBK, Science News 1:45—WjR, The Chrll'npnen WJBK. Lfvtn* With Adolescents 7:1*- WJR. News. Mask WJBK, Hour «T Crucified WCAR, Chair Lon WPON. Luttveren Hour -' 7:1*—WJR Sunday Chorale WWJ. MMBi Muetc CKLW, Your Worship Ho WJBK, Revival Tim* WCAR. Lltt for UMW wxyz. Pot Murphy, Nows WCAR. Back to Ood Hour CKLW, RpWval Hour WJBK. Radio Bible Class t:SS—CKLW, Bethesda Tem- WWJ. Clwrch-Crossroads WJBK, Listen,. Hlchli«m» t:JS—WWJ. News, Musk port, Bible Speaks WPOtT Retiulon in News S:SS—CKLW, ChrMlan Set IS:**—WWJ, News, Radio* Put-CKLW,* Radio Bible Cipst wpon, .nircfimMN • WJBK, tiok at Books . WHFI, U.S. Navy Bend WJR, Newi, Musk, 'Marts' WXn, P* Murphy. Mutfe, IS: is—wpon, Cmmanual CKLW, Pontiac SapNsS _ WJBK, Asetpnmant DatroP WHFI. Music tor Sunday WPON. ReHgkus Musk -l:IS—WPON, Central Mathc SUNOAT AFTERNOON lt:M—WWJ, Newt, Mask WCAR, SmUt lor Sunday WPON, Sunday Serenade WJBK EddhiMen, Musk. - Newt CKLW. Windsor Labor WHFI, Oennts Voqel WWJ, Detroit Lion; 1:00—WJR, Tidora/A't 4: SO—WWJ, Dot. Symphony SUNOAT EVENING 4:00—WXYZ, NOWS . CKLW, Frot* and Ernest WJBK, MUIk, NOWS WCAR. Nows, Musk WPON, luRday Serenade WWJ—News, Raport, Meet CKLW. Church of Goo WWJ, Nows, Monitor ' -WCAR, Nows, Frank I -CKLW, Votci JN^Chorch Ol ’gWik' ___ WJBK, NOWS, ProeroM WJR, News, Showcaae., 1:10—CKLW, ThO Quiet Hour 7»eir“— S:S0—WXYZ, Publk Aftelra CKLW, Bible Study WJR, Bata mo Notion WJBK. What's he tssuo S:IB—WJR, Chapel Hour Sum. temrBMi Lutheran WWJ, Eternal Light WJBK, Tomato Tmw 11:0B—WJR, NMn, Sparts WWJ, News. Written Word CKLW, OiwMef wNf WCAR. Jewish Community S:«9-WJR, Musk Mail WWJ, Hews, Roberts WXYZ, Marc Avery Show CKLW, Bud Davies. Nows WJBK. Nows, Bab Let, Musk. Sports 7;tt—WHFI, Almanac WJR. Haws, Musk 1:00—WJR. Nows, Harris WHFi, Undo Jay WCAR, Non**, Sandtrs CKfcw, Joe Van WWJ. Newt, Ask Nolahbor 1*:OS—WJR, New Mutk WHFI, BIM Beyle WXYt. BroaSdest CMS WPON, NawsT Ben Johnson WJBK. Now Patrick, Edor it:40—wxyz, Pat Murphy " : Musk, News ■ WJR. New Godfrey WJR. UMSn wpon, Mln, l« -_. 1148m WWJ. tew Call KOn-T don CKLW, Now tews Shot WJR, MW Elliot FkM WHFI, CMoro 1:00—WPON, MW’: ' Pete Ladd”' WJR, NOW Unkloftor, WXYZ, Dove Prince, Musk 1:10-wcar, Joa Bacortlla Fanny Flag's Cold Exposes Rigors of Hbr Profession By EARL WILSON NEW YORK Fannie Flagg, a 24-year-old Southern, gal ..ho’s sort of a tourist in New York, went to see a doctor one day about a cold. The doctor said, “Honey, what’s that terrible bruise on your back?” "The White Knight hit me with his spear," Fannie answered. “Sure,” said the doctor. Next day when she revisited him, the doctor asked shout that strange milky smell. “Bess Myerson was throwing pies at me and the cream soured on my face,” Fannie replied. The doctor held his peace. Bat next day when she returned and explained her cold was worse “probably because I’ve been sitting in a refrigerator all day,” Fannie heard the doctor telling his nurse: We’ve really got some' nut this time . . . the White Knight speared her, Bess Myerson threw pies at her, and she spent toe day In an icebox.” The doctor may have been right about having a nut on his hands—but Fannie had indeed done all these things as comedienne-writer-tourist for “Candid Camera.” In New York only a year from Birmingham, Ala., Fannie’U gladly tell you how toe came to the Big Gty. "Dy train,” toe says. A strawberry .blonde, with a good figure, granddaughter of I an Alabama stage hand, daughter of a motor picture projection^ 1st, toe attracted toe attention of Allen Funt of “Candid Cam-] era” when he happened to see her performing in a revue at '‘Upstairs at the Downstaire.” Learning toe was a writer, he engaged her to write some scripts. The first script she wrote was for a Southern gal— who else—Fannie Flagg. / } * v: f ★ ★ if : .. tHE WEEKEND WiNDUP . * . Joseph Cotten, back from filming a western in Italy, sa$ at the Ground Floor he has an offer to make another—in Israel ... Peter O’Toole’s meeting with producer Ross Hunter to discuss toe “Private-Eye” movie ... Seven Arts’ll spend $1,500,000 in N.Y. to do “Reflations in a Golden Eye.” J j Hermione Gingold explained at toe Plaza 9—why she always goes to England via one of the Qtfeen ships: “They carry my -favorite cigars” . . . Errol Garner’ll perform a longhair version of his “Misty” with the Cincinnati Symphony in April. j dr Ar ★ • REMEMBERED QUOTE: “The man who has nothing to boast ol biit his illustrious ancestors is like a potato—the only good belonging to him is tinderground.”---Sir Thomas Qverbury. EARL’S PEARLS: With the Democrats, Republicans, Liberals and Conservatives all running a candidate for governor, New Yorkm’l! have * clear-cut choice of who’ll be the next man to raise our taxes. ALCOA SIDING I . Waterford Township Dog War-i i den Frederick Stitz was elected „ * H eu S 1032 West Huron J C o n t r o 1 Association at toe ■ .>*« B Rift Within 30 Days group’s annual convention held 2 .. -■ ■ ' ■ ■ recently in Detroit. 2M#mb#r Pontlae Ar*° S . O . * * ., , ;■ Chamber of Commarea ■ I WASHINGTON (AP) — Presi-j Primary purpose of the asso- iapiaaiggiaWi dent Johnson has averted for at cimtion is to maintain uniform least 60 days a strike byJ2,D00 animal legislation and a uniform members of the AFL-CIO rabies control program in the Transport Workers Union s{gte. against Pan American World Airways.. ** J Johnson signed an executive order Friday creating a three-member board to investigate the dispute and report its find-1 ings within 30 days, but did not ! immediately name the members. 1 I The union will be barred from striking for another 30-day period after Johnson .receives the .report while negotiators contin-iue to seek a Settlement. The strike was threatened for '12:01 a.m. Sunday. A Pan Am official in New York said the dispute involved wages, premium pay and health and welfare benefits. v j It was the third time this year Johnson has set up an emergen-1 cy board to study airline disputes. The AFL-CIO International Association of Machinists rejected one board’s recommendations and union members walked off their jobs on five major airlines in July. The strike lasted six weeks.* . Johnson set up the next panel. to investigate a contract dispute between American Airlines and the Transport Workers Union. Negotiators subsequently, reached agreement on a new! contract, which will be voted on by union members Monday, j WALT. . * It9* the Be»ty Really! Contractors ... We Can Save You Money! No In-Between Costs HOMEOWNERS .. . SAME DEAL!!! NO MONEY DOWN-No Payments til December BIG BEAR CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 739 North Parry FE 37833 . Operator oh Duty 24 Hourt Daily AVKC MONDAY SPECIAL SAVE ’ll" NEW ROUND Reg. 49,95 MONDAY ONLY • Full Size Head •Built-In Darner • forward and Revert* Stitch • Hinged Pratser Foot • Automatic Bobbin Winder • Numbered Stitch Regulator • Snap-Out Race for Easy Cleaning • Heavy Duty Meter • Extra Attachments • Instruction Manual • Beautiful Decorator Bfuo Finish 'r ' c_u > THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY. OCTOBER 1, 1968 MIC and (IfET CLEANING Quick Courteous Service! I FREE PICKUP and DELIVERY Phone: FE 2-7132 NEW WAY RUG and CARPET CLEANING CO. 42 Wisner Street Pontiac, Michigan Senate Gets Inflation Plan After House OK WASHINGTON (AP) - President Johnson’s bill to squeeze some of the business-spending steam out of die swollen U.S. economy Has cleared die House and now faces efforts in the Senate to exempt various industries. The measure would su: for about 16 months the 7 per cent investment tax credit that has helped produce a boom in machinery and equipment buying, plus fast depreciation provisions that encourage construction of industrial, commercial! and apartment buildings. passing the bill 221 to 118 Fri-1 day, Johnson was appealing to: 18 more governors to trim pub-j Uc spemung in their states in Conjunction with the adminis-j: tration’s anti-inflation program. All but one of the 10 governors indicated a willingness to tfy to do some economizing. Gov. Paul B. Johnson, Mississippi Democrat, remained silent when the governors met with newsmen after the third in a series of iite House conferences John-ih is holding with state chief executives. ‘WANT TO COOPERATE’ New York Gov. Nelson A Rockefeller, a Republican, said he told the President: “I know all of us want to cooperate with you.” But one governor who met with the President earlier in the week, Republican Henry-' Bell-mon of Oklahoma, said Johnson to blame for inflation. Bell-mon told an Oklahoma City news conference toe federal; government should try. to curb its spending before asking the states to. - . ★ h But Bellmon apparently didn’t get this point over to Johnson. “There’s very little discussion when you meet with toe President,” he said. “Mostly, it’s just listening.” Delay on Road LANSING (AP)—Heavy rains have delayed, the opening of a new section of M 99 in Hillsdale County by nearly two weeks, toe Highway Department reports. The new segment of highway, from Ransom to M 34 southeast of Hillsdale, was scheduled to open next Monday, but wffl be inaugurated Oct. 14, toe department said. The bill, suspending- the tax advantages was approved by on a vote that largely but dpt entirely — followed •ART OF PROGRAM Democrats urged toe action as part of John&oft's anti-inflation program which also includes an announced 88 billitfn cut in spending undo1 budget figures and a bold up In certain forms of government agency borrowing. Republicans expressed skepticism about the promised spending cuts and said Johnson should have acted earlier and more drastically to cut back or postpone Great Society programs and balance the budget. equipment for abatement cl airl to enjoy the 7 per cent tax cred-‘ water pollution to conthme|itr________________ ■ Applications Nopr Being Taken Grand Prix Apartments ★ Electric Krtchons - ★ Continuous-Faed Quiet Disposal ★ Huge Walk-in and Wardrobe Closets ir Air Conditioning ★ Insulated*Sound-Proof Walls dr Ceramic Tile Baths ★ RCA Master Antenna ★ Aluminum Sliding Windows ★ Private Pool and Recreation Area ★ Private Parking 315 S. Telegraph Rd.-Pontiae See Manager Apt. No. 1 WAREHOUSE WHILE QI'AYTITIES LAST! FLOOR SAMPLES, I, 2. 3 and T-OF-A-KIND. ODD LOTS. DEMONSTRATORS . . . ALL AT LOW, LOW SALE PRICES. ALL ARE MECHANICALLY PERFECT. MONDAY-Final Sale Day! Noon ’til 9 I ®IIS!k Warehouse Clearance Special 2 Speeds, 3 Cycles Automatic Washer Wash all fabric, S 1 d ^7 Automatically | A-fH e Brisk speed for regular wash, slow ipeed for delicate o Hot*" Warm and Cold water temperatures, lint .filter Kenmore, 2 speed, 3 cycle w/aade saver (Aa la).. 199.88 Kenmore, 2 speed, S cycle w/suds saver (As Is)...... 179.88 Kenmore, 2 speed, 3 cycle, 3 temperatures (As Is).. 169.88 MONDAY ONLY ON SALE AT SEARS WAREHOUSE* 48! SAGINAW ST. MONDAY DMA MONDAY ONLY DRY ALL FABRICS SAFELY IN THIS Installed Clothes Dry^er Venting Extra <-.*117 Normal and Wash and Wear cycles; also MAir Only** for fluffing clothes and pillows, drying plastics. Slide-out lint screen. mi LIVING ROOM FURNITURE 2-Pc. Harmony Living Room Suite Modern style sofa and chair with graceful. •,< aiQO qc sloping arms, reversible Serofoam cushions. 'J}a ® ” Choice of upholstery fabrics and colors. Aug. 22): Look btyand Immediate Indications. Oft going gn prelect. Writing It especially favored. I .........im^h enfl^5tM^has Mlth.ln GENERAL TENDENCIES: Cy ) you. Kay la optimism. Accent the tor TAURUS, GEMINI. CANCER. ' uoalt'”*' Kl I ■ - 1 positive! j VIRGO (Aug. M • Sept. 22): Highlight Ability to perceive future. Realize uE— ----■ .—i for work on an.______________ it desires. Day lavori rash contacts. LIBRA (Sept 22 - Qt». 22): Probe deep ter answers. RsuufB'^'^----------------- be no "assy Woy.**v l_,, „ ------ Is CONCENTRATION. Horn* environment also accented. Strive tor domestic har- SCORPIO (Oct, 23 - Nov. 2t): Obtain hint from LIBRA message, it thorough . . . sympathetic to problem disclosed by family member. ~ J | Should fly -■--- Sagittarius'(Nov. 22 - Dec. 21): Avoid needless brooding. Look to tutors. Don't try to convert people ... but permit others to hold tholr views. Strive CAPRICORN (Doe. 12 • Jon. It): Emphasis on creative endeevors, ro Keep emotions under control. Bo to gtvt • -■* -------*■*'** ' Don't was clativa of AQUARIUS (Jflfl. portent that you P.. .... aantlais. Otherwise costs DBS MOINES, Iowa (AP) ~ William .Larson of Lansing, Mich., Friday was elected chairman of a subcommittee of Zone 4 of the National Associa- ! tion of Insurance Commission-era. He will bead the subcom-j mittee on property and liability, i V THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1, I960 p-r SAT. * SUN. JT ■TEARS [YOU APART *,M* WITH ---- 1 SUSPENSE! ■SBtt crnnir TECHIIICOLOIt® By BOB THOMAS AP Movie-Tele vision Writer HOLLYWOOD-Starting Oct it, housewives will be able to ibid a new companion amid the plethora of soap operas and game shows of daytime television. His name: Pat Boom. The all-Amer-:an boy; now 32, will be offer-] ing a half-hour,I late - morning variety show1 aimed at young THOMAS married women, He adds that any older ladies, children or men who happen to be home at that hour are welcome to Pdt Boone Returning to Television Diet i will be able to npanion amid the iWfc M ■ “But the thaw's main appeal is fir young adults,” says Pat “I offered several names sidekick-announcer for Hie show, and NBC rejected them, saying I should have a younger personality. We hope to hive a young-looking band and win aim fir youthful guests as well” To retain the youthful pattei . he expects to feature frequent appearances of his answer to the Lennon sisters: Cherry Boom, 12; Lindy Boone, 10; Debby Boone, 9; and Laury Borne, 8. WHY THE SHOW? Why is be Ming the show? “For two mam reasons," he replied. "Om is that it will give me a chance to stay at home for a change, instead of traveling an over the world for appear ances. “Ibe second reason is that the show wiU allow me to do the things that I couldn't do before: to ad lib with guest stars and with the audience and to sing a lot of songs. PD be doing three a day — that’s IS a week whereas I used to sing three a week on my night show.’ ★ It, w Boone started out in television as part of the Arthur Godfrey; family 11 years ago. He had LAKE ««« ”)£■’ 20-^;——AlAtfhnRadanPBduchan C oe^WScops •WortySeLu® Motorcyclists: Play It Safe... bolt Right KEEP YOUR LIGHTS ON DRY & NIGHT Anderson Sales & Service 1649 S. Telegraph PI 1-7102 n* 300BOWL Where the action is 100 S. Cam Lk. Rd. Phono 682-6300 previously appeared on Ted Mack’s Amateur Hour. The garrulous redhead gave the bey a good edraatton hi audi pleasing, trod at 23 Boone offered bis own night show. “Godfrey advised against it,” Pat recalled. “He said I was too young to take onr my own show aod I should stay With him for a few more years before going out on my own. But I decided to take a chance. “I was on for three years and could have stayed longer, but 31 decided to concentrate on movies, Bing Graby and Colonel Parker, Elvis Presley’s manager, bpth advised me to get off TV. They said that people Wouldn’t be willing to pay to see me ff 1 continued playing for free on TV." Claim Beauty Contest Fraud tDETROIT (UPI) — Six young women told police yesterday they had been victimized by a fraudulent beauty contest Karen Ellington, 18, and five others said they answered an advertisement to be chosen "Miss Sepia Unlimited of 1965.” Prkes included three days at a downtown hotel and appearances at Oobo Hall and Ford Auditorium. # ★ # Police said the women paid a $7.50 entry lee and sold several hundred dollars worth of cou-pons but the crown never materialized. Pontiac Theaters EAGLE Sat-Thuni.: “Maya," Clin W a 1 k e r, color; “One Eyed jades,” Marlon Brando, Karl Malden, color. Starts Fri.: “Hold On," Herman’s Hermits, color; “Johnny Reno,” Long Chaney, John Agar | Color. . ,!“ HURON Now thru Tues.: Alfred Hitch*’* [code’s “Torn Curtain,” Julie s [Andrews, Paul Newman, color;!* Starts Wed.: “Walk, Don't FRI., SAT. and SUN. MA 4-3135 ■iuHRIs Omni ■MasmsMenl torii curtain' tTgcHfndflLfthll ALSO ^KEEGO GRANLEY COMPANY pm* CARY GRANT SAMANTHA EGGIR JMBTTM Cornel Wilde "THE NAKED PREY” PANAVBON* HnMSWaEHUM mwlJ-Waj mmemmepSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSL Pontile’s POPULAR THEATKt Week DeyvC**. AAAAAAAAAA FREE PLAYOROUNDS • EXCITING CIRCUS TRAIN RIDES AAAAAAAAAA o . i v c * i n « mm m mTiim SO. TUtGMPH AT SO. (LAKE RD. ■ 1 MILE W, WOODWARD L-F/RST RUN!, ssmmt' - f-y.Mtwi 2935 DIXIE HIGHWAY (U. S. 10) • BLOCK N. TELEGRAPH NO. CHILDREN UNDER 12 TRIE DRIVE I N BLUE SKI Waterford FIRST RUN ■ wvs. lake ro. at airpor 0 R f V.f •. I N 674-1BQO S2S0 Aian WMS. LAKE RO. AT AIRPORT Rt>. MILE WEST OP OtXIE HGWY. (U.S. SO) CIWOMW PMR iRPRtl. , MUL^j INEWMANI ioVlSEAN CONNERY. Mnwan S GOLDFINGERi__________ Run,” Cary Grant, color. ! TsiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiTiiiiiiiiioi £ TURN8 TO EXOITEMENTtn S gQB||QP£ 1 Sean Connery snitarar M JAM^ BOND in S HMKK Iffili Dtlfo mm- = DIRA MERRILL iiiiiiiiiiiiPiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiMin A STATEMENT OF POLICY Hawaiian Gardens Resort Complex 4501 GRANGE HALL ROAD, HOLLY, MICHIGAN AAobil Home Retirement Village-Restaurant-Motel-Banquet Room MONGO-MONGO STEAK JW ENTIRELY NEW CONCEPT IN LUXURIOUS DINING. AN APPEAL TO THE SOPHISTICATED. PERSONALIZED COOKING AT EVERY TABU SERVING PARTIES OF 4 OR MORE GRUB A GROUP FOR A MONGO PARTY SERVING TUESDAY THRU SATURDAY 11-2:30 5-11 P.M. SUNDAY 12 NOON T6 9 P.M. ----HAWAIIAN GARDENS RESORT HOTEL- WINTER RATES COURT SUMS $1MG Single $1248 Doubla LAKE SIDE $1241 Single $15.60 Doublt OUR MAIN DINING ROOM WILL BE OPEN FRIDAY, SATURDAY AND SUNDAY DURING OUR FALL AND WINIER SEASON FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, 5 P.M. TO 12 P.M. SUNDAY, 12 NOON TO I P.M. LUAU AND DANCING EVERY SATURDAY IN IRE KAHIU ROOM 7 P.M. ID 12 9 HOLE 3 PAR GOLF-DAILY WE NAVE EXCELLENT FACILITIES FIR BARQUETS JU» POLITICAL MEETINGS SOUND SYS1EM AND ROSTRUM FOR EACH ROOM 16 MM SOUND PROJtOTOR AND SCREEN B1KY0N OOUirr I KAHILI ROOM I LOND HOUSE IN PEOPLE j 2N PEOPLE I 4MN6HE FOR INFORMATION ON BANQUETS AND MEEnNQS Call Carole Bennett, HE7-7571 THE PONTIAC fttBSS, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1, MW PONTIAC MALL STORE OPEN SUNDAY FOR YOUR CONVEHIEMCE •jUff1"! i» a eonvirttne# families appreciate. It it an opportunity for Hi* onto* family to chap together to select B hi-fi, color TV or perhapspnew reFrigerator or rangq for too home. Buy with no monoy down. Talw up to 3 yoart IT SPECIALI ^ RCA VICTOR 12” PORTABLE ITS WITilUMF-VHF i=sssUS DOWN lightweight. $9988 • -*3!j RELAX! TUNE COLOR TV from TOUR EASY CHAIR! 8 SPACE- MEMWJJM- COMMAND gT^25" COLOR TV A Also available without Space-CommancLfiining. 319r •’VPpMf1 •UNCHALLENGED LOW PRIOn • OETTEH SELECTION tnd IERVICE • FREE 10-DAY SERVICE POLICY • FREE DELIVERY ANO SET-UP > Spies Command®“600" VHF Remote Control TV Tuning MOTOROLA STEREO COMBINATION 0999s DELUXE PHILCO 12” 2-DOOR Frostless Refrigerator With Separate True Freezer ZENITH 25" FRENCH PROVINCIAL Tho LeBlanc. Exauisito French Provincial styled lo-boy In genuine cherry Fruitwooa vanoorc and Solid*. Hand-rubbed finish. 3-speaker Hi-Fi system. Super gold video guard tuner. Automatic color clarifiar and other top quality performance features. 25,000-volt chassis. UHF/VHF. Available with or without Space-Command remote-control tuning. Handcrafted chassis. >, DELUXE PHILCO 15- 2-DOOR Frostless Refrigerator With Separate Bottom Freezer Tnrrifie low price lot thi» preferred lop brand! Hara's big family list convan-itneo foaturus. Two soparato appliances in ona! True taro dtgiM top frooiet holds 90 lbs. froxon food supply. Full width pore*- M^MMg lain crisper. Deify itoreae, egg rack, taH bottle storage. Trim slyllne leaks "built-in". Deluxe in tmy way. * M W ■ V MmkHD I apPUANCECO. \ co^ ft 4 ip H$ WESTINOHOUSK 2-Slice Toaster Automatic pop up Color control. Chroma WEST BEND PARTY KRK Automatically bmws 12 to 30 cups. Now. CORDLESS CLECYMO KNIFE Lightwslght porlablt. Uss ovorywhore. Automatic nlocfrie ifk QENERALELEC. TABLE RADIO •topt modont tabta model coblnat. Sow- ( •rial sgsator. Auto- DEN. ELECTRIC CLOCK HABIB ; |*t Ip automatically ; ; snko to music. Attractive to bio modsl finish. Dsiuxo. tRW In cottons. >789 chargor stoiogo rack. $8" >699 $997