taking Us own life, police said. Later A. Foust, 34, was found dnd to the living room of his small frame home in a sparsely populated section of nearby Grandt Blanc Township, He had been ■hot jn tha head and a .SS-calfoer revolver was at his feet, police said. At the other and of the Uoodspattered home was the bhdyof his wife, Sonja, 30, Fortas Chances for Court P Suffer Setbacks SHOWING THE WAY — West German Chancellor Kurt Georg Kiesinger extends a hand as he shows the way to French President Charles do Gaulle at the airport in Bonn yesterday. De Gaulle arrived in Bonn for French-German ♦■n™ WASHINGTON (AP) - Abe Fortas' chances for confirmation- as chief justice suffered setbacks within Congress and De Gaulle Threat: Eurorrfart Breakup Related Story, Page D-5 BONN, Germany (AP) — president haries de Gaulle warned today that the European Common Market would confirmation, mid yesterday he would disintegrate if some of its members at-not vote to dud off a filibuster against temptad to gain British admittance with-the nomination and said be *ai now out Ftrcnch backing, undecided on whether to back Fortas. The French president told Chancellor * it ^ Kurt Kiesinger France would regret this Dirksen said he was taking thia post- ** w«di Be aWe to live without the tion because of davstopmsato tbatoc- EuropMn Community. Here -an tbUp (bit am ta t M S*"” 3!»SUB!. ».■■■■■■» the eye," DirkM Mdd. E2KJ9I 7^ France 'for tea purpose of expanding ‘LACKED FACTS’ the Euromart. , " At tha juma dm. th« —^IK. Accdrttt|1o French spekeMsmlt^^ Vamp, deGatifle responded: “You have JSrCptof "***•”' w® enlarge the cm- doraed Forty, aald tti ABA’a camnlttae munity at all Jcoat, even without France. Sparks ffy on Campaign Trail ential solidarity” between Bonn and Paris. By School Bill Compromise Desegregation Effort Hurt Related Stories, Page A-4, A-5 Ball accrued Nixon of cynical ir- WASHINGTON (AP) - Senate-House conferees have approved a bill that sources say will restrict enforcement of so-called school: desegregation guidelines lathe South. As a result, these sources soft the Department of Health, Education and Waltortt charged with me guidelines, probably will drift most of its energies to northern schooldMricts. Showers Possible Supervisors Busy Till Terms End With Mild Sunday THE PONTIAC PRB6& SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1968 Yanks Rain Bombs on Reds Near Cambodia Birmingham VP Elected for firm Consultants BIRMINGHAM — Douglas F. Allison, 1449 Lakeside, has been elected vice president of marketing by tint board of directors ofXOMACLGo., a management American troops searching the jungled frontier area found another hidden enemy weapons dump containing some 400 mortar shells and other war material. Allied intelligence officers said they with ObMAC clients in the antes «f ad- Ray's Lawyer Says He May Quit Case MEMPHIS, Tenn. (AP) — Arthur Hanes Sr. said In court yesterday that be may have to withdraw as James Earl Ray’s lawyer. “Serious difficulties have arisen between me ami my client on the best way to handle this defense," Ray’s chief counsel arid without elaboration. COMMITTEE DECISION Criminal Court Judge W. Preston Bat* tie appointed the committee of lawyers ALLISON BOOTH BIRMINGHAM - Stephen F. Booth, 1295 Lake Park, has announced plans of his firm, Booth Films, Inc., of Bloomfield Hills and New York, to present a new air show to follow up its successful Michigan Air Spectacular, held in Jack-son in July. The new show is the Arisona Air Spectacular, to be presented in Phoenix on Nov. U and 17. R Is one of a series of Hanea; Renfro Hays, a private Investigator retained by 'lienee, and reporters Charles Edmundsoa of the Commercial Appeal and Roy Hamilton or the Press-Scimitar be cited. The committee based Us recommendation on stories by Edmundson and Hamilton in which Hanea and Hays were quoted. The stories concerned,, Ray’s health and his ability to stand trial, w * a Armistead Clay, attorney for the two reporters, told Battle the hearing pitted the constitutional guarantees of free speech and a free press against the guarantees of a lair trial. STUMPING IN OREGON - Vice President Hubert H. Humphrey flanked by Sen. Wayne Morse (right), D-Ore., and a Secret Service man, waves te a crowd in Portland yester- day. After war protesters walked oi ance, he told cheering supporters by such actions. “I’m going to do everything I can to defeng my cllenf against whatever arises, including committees of lawyers. Sparks Fly on Campaign Trail 2 Teens Knifed After Grid Game YPSILANTI (AP) * Two teen-age boys were stabbed and seriously injured Friday night at the don of a football game between Ypsilanti Lincoln and Dundee idgh schools. Washtenaw County sberiff’s men said Frank (Gary) Furrow, II, and Larry Spears, 16, both of Dundee, were knifed BIRMINGHAM-—Mrs. Allen A. Strom, 1130 Wakefield, has been reelected secretary of the Michigan State FWr Authority for 1968-69. ’ Continuing as treasurer for the authority will he Mitchell I. Kararski, 6M3 West Maple. He is chairman of tha hoard of Aactpon Inc., a metal-coating firm in Madison Heights. Wallaoa or confront Mm. A Wallace campaign ride, Sherry Win-ford of Montgomery, Ala. in Michigan to make arrangements for the visit predicted the former governor would carry the state in the Nov. 5 presidential election. State Heart Recipient Makes Good Recovery ANN AHBQR (AP) - Michigan’s first heart transplant patient, Phillip T-Barnum, 49, of Maim, continues to mdbr*irjp>od recovery” according to his doctor* at the University qf Michigan Hospital In Ann Arbor. A hospital spokesman listed Barnum’* condition as good and said ha tola able to att on tha edge of his bad and was eating a soft diet. ' * a * » A TV set was brought Into Barnum’s room Thursday night so he could watch hia favorite program, ” Iron side. ” Barnum said he wanted to aee how an operation on Ironside’s paralysed legs came out. In the rofo,:pfamd by Raymond Burr, the opwation failed. he will be out of earshot of George C. Wallace Tuesday when the forpier Alabama governor brings his third-party cheerleaders at the game. Both boys ware listed in satisfactory condition today at Payer 1 Memorial Hospital in Ypsilanti. Frank underwent surgery Friday night, but a hospital supervisor said no vital organs were-damaged by fbe knifing. Ha suffered knife wounds of the left arm and left lower abdomen. Larry was stabbed in his right lower abdomen. Deputies today sought the assailants, who they said were thought to be BLOOMFIELD TOWNSHIP - James R. vQlynn, 4156 Orchard Way, public re-Jettons director, of Board Is Busy to the End ■ of Detroit, baa bain accredited by the Public Relations Society of America. BrjqBS ~«f only 1,357 public relation practitioners accredited since 1965. There are 39,-000 public relations practitioners In the GLYNN country. Glynn was named public relations director of NBD in July 1007. » 4 to win in November if party district pluralities prevail. FAIL TO SURVIVE In tha other districts, dissident types do not seem'to prevail. Many of the sharper critics of county policy did not survive the primary. Lately criticism against tha boSrd of supervisors has centered on county roads. Tike road commission is a separate entity by state.law and uses gas and weight taxes to support road programs. : Wfi ■ * * ★ ' Hie commission has gotten deeper into financial difficulties over the years and ha* pleaded for extra funds. An appeal fo the voters via a one-mill fox inquest fori in August. So the road commission turned to the county Wife its full coffers.' A token 6280,000 was granted early this month. Ibis was approximately the money left over from 1967. About the same time, the board announced that It would have 93 million left over at the end of this year. Ibis represents approximately revenues that came mostly from the state income tax which were not calculated at budget time last year. . MADE HASTE were students at Ypsilanti Lincoln, which tost the football game, 124. 'CIA Spy Ring' Arrested by Cuba The Weather Man Risks Life to Save Stranger NEW YORK (AP) - The father of five children jumped in front of a rush-hour bond issue Rmt it by the board during the summer. TO answer critics of county prifoy always more evident bear ejection time, Delos Hamlin, supclvisor from Farmington and chairman of tha board for the lari 16 tonne, has only to point to the record. SOUND , FINANCIAL FOOTING His county to on an extremely sound financial footing wtnp others am foundering. A state taxation study has revealed that Oakland operates all its facilities on a tower per-capita coat to taxpayers than any of the larger counties. “This oounty to ran on n buotoeasMke basis,” Hamlin said. Explaining the noed for tha 61-miIUon services buiMtag, Hamlin said, “We have millions of dollars to equipment and toe have to haws a place to riorit and maintain it. ft’s eMy sound economica, as any businessman toil tell you.” The broadcast aald those arrested, presumably all Cubans, had received instructions from U.S. Central Intelligence Agency by a man who and mtered Cube illegally, Manual ‘‘Pichiacbe’’ da loo Santos Ramirez. condition at Mafbodud Hospital. Santiago was unhurt. Ha has bain recommended for the Civilian Commendation, the police department's 'highest civilian award. AMC Hikes '69 Prices Average of $43 a Car DETROIT (AP) — American Motors, smallest of toe major U.S. auto companies, joined the auto price increase parade yesterday as It posted higher Parke, Davis Working to Block Flu Epidemic Unfair Trial Claimed Murder Conviction Upheld SATtJRDAY, SEFJEMfiER 28, 1968 krs. of Famous Brand Western leans Wahl Dog Clipper Set Moda Possible bv li Additions to Foret Pontiac Police Chief WilMam K. Hanger has announced seven departmental promotions, effective immediately, m a d e possible by thedecent addition Of 12 patrolmen to the force. One of the promotions — that ojf Lt. Fred L. Goines to captain Irri. of $5.75 Value 8-Pc. Colorama Teflon luminum Cookware Set Heavyweight blue denim western cut jeans, rugged regular cut, slight irregulars, of famous brand. Sturdily re- Most famous brand of Ltnen's underwear, choice of -briefs, boxer #horts, In sizes 28 l to 44, T-shirts and Athletic ’shirts. Sizes $ to XL All first Thick call aluminum combined with the hard leal Miracle Teflon surface for no* ‘zip front, and machine washable. Sizes 28 to 38. Basement quality. Basement Be A Smart SIMMS ‘BARGAIN GRABBER’ On These Specials Shop Simms and coincides with the creation of a pear-administrative post which he will fill. SATURDAY-MONDAY Ticket Stamped for 1-hoar Froo Parking in the Parking Mall WJJMONMW Wnio9ns Goines : will become t h i department’s operations officer, coordinating an police activities during file hours of S p.m. to 1 a.m. H. The 54-year-old epptain joined the force in 1842 ami has served patrol, traffic end vice bureaus. Vaseline Hair Tonic A holder of six departmental citations, Goings, who lives with his wife and four daughters at 16S W. Rundell, has been commander ofthe special investigations bureau since 1963. Promoted to lieutenant is Sgt. Ear! W.- Skrobeck, who will Wahl Home Barber Set 89c value, 316-oz. Clear Vaseline hair tank that fights dandruff with every drop: jLlsn't greo»y. ransceiversl Pkg. 100 GERITOL Tonic Tablets A 16-year veteran of the force, Skrobeck, 37, wit previously a senior platoon sergeant. lie has received three citations for meritorious service. Skrobeck, his wife and two children live at 4179 Lamont, Waterford Township. Deluxe Wahl home barber kit with multi-cut .clipper, 000 med. cut to #1 coarse cut. Barber comb, flat top comb, shears, cleaning brush, butch wax pomade, eck brush, oil, cape and* carry case., Slight irregulars of $1.29~ values. Colorful plaid cotton sheet blanket for cool nights. Machine washable. Basement Sundries—Main Floor 'RED HEAD1 Water Repellent Sturdy Molded Plastic Hunting Coat ‘DURADUK’ Pinking Shears 'KUENCUr Orville C. Johnston, who joined the department in 1961, steps up from detective to detective sergeant. Johnson, 49, has served in the bureau since 1956 and has been awarded three citations for investigatory work involving murder cases. Sat. and Mon. Special The department’s polygraph operator, Johnston will serve as supervisor tot file general assignment detail and tar auto thefts and warrants. He, his wife and 'five sons live at 484 W. Kennett. Action styled hunting .coot with foil cut blowing back, yoke lining (rf thkk cotton flannel, shall pockets, corduroy . collar, zip opan drop soot, blood-proof Kleencut pinking shears with tha automatic *tpp, with chroma finish. Made in USA by Acme Shears. , , ►:> ' * I7"x19"xM" molded plastic ventilated seat with strong cross.glides on chrome plated Hanger also named two more new sergeants. Advancing from s e n i o r patrolman is Leland G. Gormley, 43, who joined the force in 1960 and has served in the patrol and traffic bureaus. * * * Promoted from detective to sergeant is Detective G u y White, 40, a- 16-year veteran currently working in the special Investigation bureau. Gormley, his wife and son Prestone Solvent 1-pt. iln. Prevents washer water ^ front freezing. Keeps .windshield ctoMV O § Bridgeport Thermostats Model #330 HT., Change that sum- _ ' mental for a wlnterstat and bo ready 1 (or cold weather. Fits most cars. JL • - p»"m» Gas Guard 19-0*. con. Prevents fuel line 1 Ag freezing and carburetor king. B mP sm Carburetor Cleaner Anacin Tablets $2.49 value, pkg. of 200 Anacin tablets (or fast relief of headache, muscular aches Pkg. 50 4-Wiy Cold Tablets 16Hiz.pnor9il]r Breck Shampoo White, who holds two citations, lives with his wife and four sons at 2356 Anders. NAMED DETECTIVES Named detectives ate former senior patrolmen—Fred A. Stormer, 3B, and Raymond V. Sol wold, 36. I that i» aosy to handle and Msy to install. Pre-leaves from clogging gutters. Lays flat. Hardware—2nd Floor New it Simms-Motor Wahl Motor’ Barber Set $29.95 LUt Sat. A Mon. First Quality \ ard Goods 1M% Cotton American Made First Quality 3739 Belmont, Waterford Township. Sol wold, -a 12-year veteran, lives at 175 Arizona, Rochester, with his wife and two children. Case Against Woman Dropped The case against a Pontiac woman charged with attempted murder in the stabbing Sept A of a 39-year-old city man W*| dropped yesterday in Pontiac Ladies' seamless nyipn hote, choice of mesh or plain weave. Slight irrs., of 89e values. Qtoica of assorted shades. Sizes 816 to 11. Main Floor Cutsitaavyor tight Fabrics Dritz Electric Scissors \99c Imperial size, fell’ H rid oi. Choke of ragu- scenled. Grantto Macomb l^ANSDWi^AP) - Gojr. George Romney apfirovfd awarding a federal economic opportunity grant of $327,964 to the Macomb County Board of Supervisors. The Macon* Action Program The. will ad-had future antipoverty programs in the area. 32-Oz.MCMN Electric scissors with stainless stool blades. $1*98 value, big 32-dHd. size. Mkrin's foaming action loams enpay food particles that causa bod braofh. Drugs-Main Floor SIMMS"* A~4 THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 2S, 1068. As Protesters WalkOut Humphrey: I Won't Be Intimidated PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) — Hubert H. Humphrey stared impassively during an organized walkout at a Portland rally Friday sight and vowed sfterwtrds Mon.,. 9:30 am to 9 pm Hunter's Special Super Sensitive 9-TRANSI$TOR 3-Channel Crystal Control Save *10 Monday Muskie Fails Regular ♦69.95 Seller 2 in Set Dissidents . CLEVELAND, Ohio (AP) -Sen. Edmund S. Muskie failed Friday td win the support of district Ohio Denwcrats, nut got a warm welcome from are aU around ua.” ., ^ The Democratic vice presidential nominee met for one hour with dissident Democrats who supported the late Sen. Robert F. Kennedy and Sen. Eugene J. McCarthy. 108 N. Saginaw FE 3- PARK FREE in Smith's Perry St. Lot in Back of WKC or 1-Hour L in the Downtown Parking Mall ON CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT investors who know chooso Capitol's now BONUS SAVINGS CERTIFICATES. With this plan thoy warn highor dividends on funds invostad for a spocifiod timo ... six months or longor. Cortificatss in amounts of $5,000 or mam am issued and am autontatically ronowad. Tho currant iota paid on thasa longor form savings is 514%. Isn't it about timo you looked Into tho "CAPITOL" idoa? CAPITOL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION ceptable conditions in which Save 30% to 60% Remnant Clearance Plan now...enjoy later! PURE Home Comfort Program • Complete Oil Burner Service e Automatic Delivery • Budget Payment Plan dues*as*0 ■n* PHW**®** ifftow OUR WitmEB- Ts^eekwitk-^vairs PuraOHOivWon HEATING OIL THE FQNT1AC ERESS. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1968 Nixon Slumps South in Attempt td Block Wallace Stalemate debate including Wallace. Nixon replies that he "wfil not participate in any three-way debate that will build up a third-party candidate and would in my view run flke risk of a choice of president into the Hoiflie. His message to Southern audiences has been that the only choice Is betwem hlnrerfr »r^ his Democratic o p p o n e n t, Hubert H. Httnpliity and that Wallace's third-party presideh-tlal bid threatens the two-party system. Sunday Only YORK MM’S PROPORTIONED DRESS SUCKS The GOP nominee told reporters ha thinks he is three or four percentage points ahead of Wallace in the battle for Florida’s (doctoral votes, with Humphrey naming third. In a Friday night statement, Nixon called on those who want fe protest against thing as they are to stick to the coeventiona two-party method and not go off on a . tangent by supporting Wallace, a man who he says Mid PULLOVER SWEATERS Our Hey, 2/97 - The Republican presidential nominee said Friday that Humphrey is trying to use Wallace in the South to Humphrey’s advantage. “He feels apparently that by hawing debates that maybe Wallace will win a perimeter of the South that I otherwise might win, and I’m hot going to play that game,” Nixon said. Humphrey has called for a Long sleeve cardigan or short sleeve pullovers. Assorted colors and styles* Solids and patients. All machine washable. Charge Spire Backs Greek Junto Wallace Near Completion Platform Draft ANNAPOLIS. Md, (API -Republican vice presidential candidate Spiro T. Agnew says SPECIALLY PRICED KMART’S 7x35 FOCAL BINOCULARS Our Reg. 16.88 MONTGOMERY, Ala. (AP) — Third-party presidential candidate George C. Wallace has nearly completed a draft of his platform, which he says will be released next week. Wallace has rested at H&i Montgomery home and conferred with aides, on- campaign strategy all week. He resumes his stumping Monday In Chicago, and is scheduled for stopria six other states in the North and Midwest next week, s ■ * * An aide said the former Alabama governor worked with his staff Friday on the long-delayed choice of a running Sunday Only* Compare with binocular! coal. ______1 n____________ Perfect fcr (port event*. Charge Agnew leaves Maryland today Sunday Only CUSHION SOU COTTON SOCKS in Remember when you had to take off your watch before you cotHdi^awa bead, spear a fish or hookas’drive? ROYAL ROYALITE TYPEWRITER BOYS* TYROLEAN BOOTS! Our Keg. S.97 Sunday Only Ready to roufh it-leather Tyrolean boota with ritagMl cushioned soles, tough nylon ditching. 8Vi-3. Say* now! ... « s . 1£ . } Sunday Only MEN’S HOODED VINYL RAINSUIT IS WATERPROOF StiHdo? WearaRolex. COLORFUL PIN-UP LAMPS Out 3 96 j, ^ Yoitr• f* pMI KflS I SundayOnly 11Choice " ' i | i ’GALLON-SIZE" AAAIL BOX In a way, Rolax bar bean Water. There’s a Rolex making watches for sports- that's buMtto stand up to man shica 1926. That was the specific rigors of your the year we patented the sporb Why nUt lat us let Oyster,tho first waterproof you in on the full story wrist watch. Today, it’s still soonr the fiaost a man can own. , This is the Rolex Ex-’ Certain refinements have plorer. Rugged Oyster been made, of course. For Perpetual (waterproof*, instance, the mmmmL self-winding) Explorer can . iWBBwHBjSK with .officially take pressures certified 26 equivaldnt to ]miclmim‘ 330 feet under- eter movement. 1 wafer. There’s Black dial, ,_a Rojex heavy duty lu- ' me is U r e % minous mark* speed and dis- era, stainless fence. There's steal case, a Rolex that in- fi eH^KJy . $180. Match- dicateselapsed iqg steel brace- time under ‘ let, $15. Our Reg. 2.37 W? Sunday Only* ' mMWFM Rural alyl* mail box b big “gnllon-*i*«”, roomy anaugbra bdMueWA paper* and MMasiowa* walfra araaUpr r»rr—g*n4*ae» pt*c««. Mad* .of (tardy ateel. For convenience, “Charge If" Thermal-Woven f * ,*.;,; COTTCWRAYON “'BEDSPREAD OF FINEST STEEL ^^Theraiel Beauty” bedspread is 90% ;eeRen ul U% rayon, washable end pte-ehnmk, with bullion fringe on 3 lidos. Double* twin sixes.' Color choice. Charge It. jgT JEWELERS K 2*0294 GLENWOOD PLAZA-NORTH PERRY AT GLEN Tte POTE& ofFAITH THE PONTIAC PRESS Expresses Appreciation for Saf ety Pafaols’ Work Kbits oft to qur excellent groups of safety patjplboys and girls, in our city. Recently at Central Elementary School a kimiergarteb girl was ■*” m [found waiting for her family to pick her up after school. After a few minutes one safety patrol hoy stayed. with her while another went to the office to have the parents contacted and the little girl picked up. These boys did this as a matter of course but ■ - David they , were at least minutes later getting home. / Our appreciation to Mrs.Timney, flHMHR a teacher from Central Elementary MICHAEL who is in charge of safety patrols, for doing an excellent Job instilling responsibility and good fellowship among boys and girls. MRS. HELEN BRADLEY 66 BELLEVUE Fishermen Show Disrespect for Law; It is a Sad dfty when tile State Cireek ^ was revolting to fee true Conservation Department Is forced sportsman. Tons of litter And tish to close a stream to fishing because entrails were strewn along the banks, a small group of fishermen cannot Fishermen tore out much of foe. fish abide by conservation laws. cover and trampled tile banks. Hat's what happened this week. *, Jy. when department officials closed n„Jzr~. 77. -arTf cT\a, Coho fishermen because of what ” -7 they caUed “a mob attack turning eta- U^teyrtam.nwpw the fishing into a hog wallow.” CTowdedeotbythemeet*ini(H| It is precisely because of this type of behavior that we have conservation laws. Here in Michigan we have seen lakes and rivers which once were virtually teeming with game fish, reduced to barren waters, at least in part, by excessive fishing pressure and greedy disregard for conservation in general. The real losers are those sporter, men who hadn’t been able to get away yet for a weekend, of. Coho, fishing. They may still go north, but! they’ll have to do their ahg&ng on waters other than Bear Creek. praise the conservation depart-ment for itl action to close the creek. What else could it do under the dr> cumstances? ‘Let Members Choose Candidate to Support* Why not let the union members choose which candidate they want to support for President of the United States? We do Detail agree with the leaders of our union and should be able to iqake our choice. It could be done by mail with a little money. If this can't be dime, we should stick to union business. BUSSELL BIGGS — 5645 DVORAK, CLARKSTOW---- We have fished wifo “sportsmen” Who have literally shown no regard for the limits placed on a catch by law. Fortunately, these people are in a small minority. Discusses Question of Helmets for Cyclists, To clarify the helmet/motorcycle controversy, the actual question is being hidden by foe fact that it is safer to ride a motorcycle with a helmet. The question is: does foe government nave foe right to dictate to the individual the limit of risk he may assume when the risk is his alone? The government has no right to put a Unit on the risk the individual may assume if we gre to have a constitutional government as in foe past—with the power in foe hands of the governed, not We also foel that citizens should not allow this angle incident to discredit the. entire salmon fishing program in Michigan. It would be ideal if some way could be devised to batt^lhe guilty parties Ape Michigan The Rev. Daniel E. Marti is minister of tho only floating Christian congregation in the UJS. Merchant Marine. Along wifo his duties as night chef on (ha S.S. CnwUtution, ■ he to foe spiritual leader of the crew of that great ship. But his ministry is not limited to foe sea*--it is worldwide. Inspired to the ministry while recovering from a serious illness in 1566, he was licensed ns a preacher after intense study with tee Methodist Church. 1 • The^S.S. Constitution Christian Church Was established in 1567, with the blessing of ?the executives of tee foie and the gift of a new pulpit. The Rev. Mr. Marti holds sirv-ices at sea every gbnday (or the crew. The congregatioa is an active one and has helped build the Universal Christian Church at Cicdano, Italy. Its members have also helped Christian congregations in Italy, Spain and the Middle East with cash donations, Bibles and literature. A steady contact haa been maintained .with missionaries going and coining from abroad, The Rev. Mr. Marti has been able to conduct tours of tee Holy Land and effectively help shipmates in charitable projects, both at sea and ashore. The most recent project was to acquire a piece of land from the government of Puerto Rico on wMch totouiM a chapel for seamen. But the point is inescapable. They are ruining a great sport for everyone else. What happened on Bear This does not preclude enactment of law which might require that a motorcyclist must provide his passengers with the opportunity to use a helmet, or teat a rental agency must provide helmets for each Cycle and recommend their use. ■ ■ * i 7 The threatened leas of Federal funds is no JnstiflealioB of 1970 Census Questions May Be Less Personal rhere are a number of bUbnend* squarely-behind bills proposed since ; In Congress that would-limit the then to accomplish this. ’ estions the Censdr Bureau may ref- However, it is interesting to note Ire citizens to answer in 1970. - how mild thfo question Of whether rhe originally proposed 1970 cen- or not you Shafg your bathroom with i contained nearly 70 questions,* an outside plrty is, compared to ny of a personal nature dealing some things jbvernment has pried h a fane’s style of living. For into in the past. According to; the imple: 'To you share your National Observer, the following are 317 MICHIGAN ‘Some May Learn Lesson From the Past* To foe people who wail, "so whaft if a fcw black people get jobs impossible ten yean sgo—this has no effect on tee desperate needs of the black masses,” a few decades ago people were saying, “so what if Henry Ford and a few wealthy sportsman have boneless carriages-this hap no bearing on the transportation needs of the masses.’* ELEANOR BETHUNE 12106 BIG LAKE RD., DAVISBURG Several Discuss Candidates for Presidency In answer to Mr. Hester’s evaluation of Wallace as a candidate, showing Alabama’s record, a man comtag from a poorer state doesn’t disqualify Mm. Some of our bast presidents have come from states more poverty-stricken than Alabama. With the interference from northern do-gooden who cant dean up their own fbaftoe, his record doesn’t look as bad as Chicago or Detroit wifo ail their welfan and violence. What do we have to do to get a president who wants to win the war and bring our boys home honorably; to puB the trigger on the traitorous rioters; stop the abridgement of our freedom to bear artbs; pull the string on the Warren Court and stop federal interference in everything from education to welfare. Let Nikon and Humphrey say what they will do on these issues and thinking Americans will listen. Wallace isn’t afraid to come out for thin, , DONALD R. CRABTREE M14 LAKE VISTA questions asked in tee census during thtf 19th century: f • Is there anyone living here who Conlideht LiVing: is insane or idotic? • What is tile site of his head? > • Is this ch&d illegitimate? • Has the ofigin of this child been respectable? If pending legislation la adopted, those questions would be strictly voluntary. Only questions involving such basic Blatters as marital staras,sex, number In household, etc., would havwty fc* answered under penalty law.' Last December, Tho Press editorially urged legislation to cut down on the number and nature of questions which must be answered under penalty of urifor. We now stand find the Happiness You Want By t I’m happy in an lincheerio, Offering the trite suggss-NORMAN VINCENT PEALE non-back-slapping way. , tern that things - cam, TV Suppose someone asked you ‘f. * * t ' nits, costly chite~*>not \7 .. _ .. T* Excessive professional hap- necessarily guarantee happi- i question put to me tee other pyjgta iMve me cold. They ness, though why they should day. What would be your( happiness simulators if • ' ...t.-trsl. . answer? Hn'gaamHa^ you ask me. Underneath All asked, “Tell their showlneas. the tevtod me *omething.,^^^^^^R serenity are pretty Ma. That Are you hap- kind of so-called happiness as it is without the government getting into the act with sack leading questions. about. Status was one of them. He was advancing steadily but so were others and he felt threatened. He became sensitive about assod- Greek-Americans Seek Agnew Votes By EVERETT DDUCSEN the field of architecture even An unexpected new factor a— been Mfog for national tau*h* *• dlffefioee between notice in thh^Tadrennial con- tee clas^^lm of cohmms test hr the such as Doric, Ionic and Oor- off',re, of - — . inthlan. Venus is atm held nreebient tM sjfi&Sk, up *s perfection and students SStr.ff Sr^EL•» «. .17-° ” . W,,-Wm back to the days of Phidias. .mm «r.hkJ eMssHF Praxiteles and others. In tee of perhaps a MIT . . are .looking for happiness and Mm, stoat they said and bow pathetically pretending teat they said it. they have It. And font Just w * * doesn’t jcqme off. Indeed he lay awake nights Well,> then, how do you find endlessly going over slights the happiness foat you want? and * rebuffs, asking “why I ones heard a man suggest me, who do they think they teat you can go at this prob- are?” and other equally af-lem experimentally. IBs Idas fective deep disturbers. Nat-was to base the secret of uraliy he got up from bed happhtofs upon the things you disgruntled alMj hurried down-did that gave tbs deepest in- town to the comprtitive chip-ner Joy. on-tea shoulder rat race, He found, for example, teat ' "■ ^ ha onjoyed going out to a I recommended he employ charming restaurant for a thought therapy. For one delicious dinner and a delight- thing, I suggested he fora ful evening with friends. But Ms thoughts, when going, to when he wont out of hfe way . bad, upon the most rieasant to do something generous ana thing that tod happened dur-kind aid - unexpected for ing the day and dwell on someone in degn trouble that foat. Such procedure wndd he “Wt so fowl inside that tend to pleasurim Ms afte of their own to preside in high considered office In the land of their What DR. PEALE Mtoice/ s would you say to that ques- The manner in which they ,*on? are prMWfoig Spiro Agnew . Aa tor flfo, sure lim happy, for tbe Vioa Presidency is In- I got a terrific Hck out of terestlng and one of, the good tywy day; And that is a tact, lessons avallaMe hi foe art of tto -wOh’ ^ourse’J political campaigning. probtoms and setbacks. Ym cm cunt an your flu. tad ■V3L —...wt.. I want it to every day. AM w1 .T*1’.0” ' 1 have my share of unpleasant «*pwfo«*8, but on tM) whole organixatloM that have not interesting and exciting mme out officially for^tbe ^funMmSdaction. Nbt^lA*neJl[ ■l?t' Jr1*! would say unequlvocably that would have heeo unthpught of ^ three months ago when Spiro Agnew was o«t a candidate. My infonnatfop has It that by Bible reading and prayer, and the main atfojmt was taming America hade to God. This man is a Christian and taught a Sunday school dam all his fob. Let God lead foe people to vote for a man who is for turning this Country fanck to God and all these unrtoy things that are going on wiQ fall into place. GLADYS WARD 136 S. HELEN, ROCHESTER f ^School Pom Accept Returning Dropouts* It b not true that Waterford Kettering High School will net taka dropouts back fot* school Ifeqtoa then was a.food mason (hi sfood WMlBsT 1st a pgwn came back. I drooped out of aohset ahaa I wu a tador, nd gat married. Ito wnct fell I want late as a Junior and wtiF graduate next June. Verbal Orchids aerate. Of these, more than m joslyn; Site birthday. 55% an asttmamd as being „ - all out for Nixon and Anatw. Wiinam P. ram CfZer^^aSftove of Untoa Lain; 55th tSrteday. organized the National Greek- Mr. aid Mrs. Gasrga Parry American Grass Itoqts Com- & Orton; mtttes for Nixon and Agnew Mid wedding anniversary, aatteay 901, orgaoiring Yom Kippur Starts Tuesday, DISCUSS MISSIONS—The Rev. Henry D. ' p«mc rr*« mm. Jones, missionary associate of Orchard He will speak at St. Mary’s Catholic College, Lake Cpmmnlity Church, Presbyterian talks Orchard Lake Sundky evening in the second over mission fields in which he has served x of two services concerning the World Coua-in foreign lands with the Rev. Walter dl of Churches Assembly in Swedrai which Ziemba of Orchard Lake Catholic Seminary. • he attended in July. , Holiest Dgy j}f Jewish Yeari will he observed during morning worship tomorrow with a service t or, baptism and recognition of the S,u n d a y School staff. v CONGREGATION B’NAI ISRAEL Mincha Is scheduled for 2 p.m. and Kol Nidre at 7 p.m. Tuesday. A worship servtea la also slated for 8 a,m. Wednesday. Thu Kol Nidre servlip will be 8:30 p.m. Tuesday. Worship is set for 10 a.m. Wednesday and children of the Religious School will gather for worship at 2 p.m. The 3:)0 p.m. service will He followed by the memorial worship hour^at 4:45 p.m. Yom Kippur will cloak at the |:gS p.m. Worship with the blowing oftheShofar. ' TEMPLE BETH JACOB Kol Nidre service on the first night of Yom Ktypur will begin nt 3:30 p.m. Tuesday. Worship is sMad for 10 a m. an Wednesday. A service far Religious School children wDl follow at 2 p.«|. Worship Is scheduled agate1 for 3 p.m. and the Yixkor service at A p.m. ★ ew Rabbi Philip Berkowitx, leader of the temple, will conduct afi services including the final workahip hour at S p.m. - Churchmen Name Services the ministry of Christian edueatioo at the church. Christian Koch, director of Christian education, and the Rev. Mr. Jones have participated extensively in the adult education program. Mrs. Jones has worked with junior high young people.' The Rev. Edward D. Advance plans for celebrating the 23th «miversary oHhrnf* filiation of the 14-year-eld Orchard Lake Chapel with the Presbyterian Church ere underway for Oct 30. The Rev. Barney D. Roepcke, tenner pastor, is expected to bo guest preacher/:-'/ A special committee under the leadership of Beth Rutledge BLOOMFIELD HILLS Under the leadership of Mr. and Mrs. Lao Silver of Franklin many mcn,j women and young people of the New Temple will attend the performance by, the Detroit Symphony Orchestra tonight. Rabbi Ernst Conrad’s sermon will relate, to modern composition in preparing far spiritual thought for the High Holy Day Season. transgression, the guilty person must seek the forgiveness of the tedividaal who was wronged. The Worship on fite eye of the Day of; Atonement begins with the sidgteg of the celebrated hymn, "Kol Nidre” a petition for forgivenmeas. Providence Observes 20th gather at the, church for a Cooperative dinner at 6:30 pm. Wednesday. Families ere asked of" Sorrows Fdrmington The choir of Our fiady. 01 SAXiiHDAy, SEPTEMBER 28, 1068 |lint Pastor Speaks at Dedication Service Hie Rev, G. S. Hopkins and congregation of $t. Mark Baptist Church in FlintfwiU participate ih the'dedication service of Mt. Olive Baptist Church, 458 Cen-traf at 3:30 p.m. Sunday. * The choir <£ St Mark Church Group which also meets at 7:30 P-m. every Monday. An adult Bible class gets together for study and discussion at 7:30 PJ», on Thursdays. The church building houses 32 Sunday School classrooms, a sanctuary, dining room, nursery, kitchen and offices. j Trinity Trinity Baptist Ghurdi MU observe Youth Day tomorrow with the theme, “Man in the , Hands of God,” the siihjorj ftf _ The congregation worshipped in the church at 390 Osmun until purchasing the present church formerly owned by the Apos-tohc Church of Christ. The Mt. Olive Church was founded in June 1959 when the Rev. Rkeaft Dyer, the present pastor/met with eight persons in a ipme on South Saginaw. Charter members included Mr. and Mrs. Hayward Hester and/Mrs. Luethel Perkins who areftfiti active in church affair AUBURN HEIGHTS FREE METHODIST Pastor Lee A. Gragg’s sermon. ★ ★ * He will answer questions as “Where Am I From?” "For What Purpose Am I Here?” and “Where Am I Going?” r * • * * At 4 p.m. the congregation will recognize Frances Carter for her service to Trinity Church as director of Adult Choir and as assistant minister of music. The day will close with a; service,of Holy Baptism. Friendship Women of Friendship Mission-1 Mf. Olive Baptist Cong0^e^'\Dedi«G^ Church. Building Sunday “AN AMERICAN BAPTIST CHURCH" BETH ANT BAPTIST CHURCH WEST HURQN AT MARK Sunday, Suptwnbur IS 1.1 AM, SERMON "Hi. Truth -In Yaur Mind" ■ Dr. Kontz WED. EVE., 7:30, SIFT. 18 MIDWEEK BIBLE STUDY Ample Parking — Dr. Emil Kantx, Pwtor_ At 37th Annual Convention The group purchased a build-in; at 429 Central and worshipped therq until financially pble to buy the church building iqf Beulah Holiness, 390 Osmun. Pastor Dyer said the congre-Jgation has grown from a membership of eight to the present enrollment of 250. SERVICES Services include Sunday School at 9:30 a.jn. worship at 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. The youth group meets every Monday at 7:30 p.m. and prayer meeting is scheduled for 7:30 p.m. each Wednesday. Ministers Meet for Breakfast Missionaries Show Slides The Greater Pontiac Evangelical Ministers’ Fellowship ( will gather at Five Points Com-1 munity Church, 9411 E. Walfon ‘ for breakfast at 8:90 Thursday 1 l 'Tmuium ui r i tciiuauip mission- ary Baptist Church will mark their eighth anniversary with I ; i banquet at 8 p.m. today.— ; Breakfast at 7 a.m. will start , activities tomorrow. Sunday t School is scheduled for 9:30 \ a.m. and morning worship at 11 ] with Mrs. James C. Page of Johnson Temple, the speaker. The Rev. Dr. Nathan Bailey, president of Christian and Missionary Alliance, a worldwide mlssfeoMW t&urch organization withiljMlwri&ftm in New York; will visit Pontiac tomorrow for services at 11 «.m.' and 7 p.m. He wfll speak in top Alliance Church,j220. N. Cass; the first ices are held at 10 a.m. on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. MiMlotiaries expected to attend the convention include the Rev. H. Robert Cowles, former missionary to the Philippine and currently editor of the Alliance Witness publication. ON FURLOUGH Home on Airiwi from Afri* Dr. Kenneth S. Armstrong, pastor of file First Church of the Nazarene, Detroit will be guest speaker with the subject, “An Appraisal of the Evangelical Church Today.” Reservations may be made by calling First Baptist Church office by Tuesday. / REORGANIZED CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST Pontiac Congregation now mooting at 1990 Croacont Lake Rd. also 5353 Liver-noit, Troy. j. A. Oulland, Fartor *31-0732 —Mrs. Alvin Hawkins of Liberty Baptist Church trill be guest speaker for the 3:30 p.m. program. Chairman for the day is Mrs. Eddie McDonald, the pastor's wife. Mrs. Curtis Britton is chairman of the Young Women’s titrou^CtaL$. Each mraatog one of the missionaries; will -ahow color slides of his fieldand ministry, and engage In sharing his views in a symposium an1 a given topic, This Will be followed by a1 talk-back by the audience. Oftonville Church for Rally Day SPIRITUALIST Spanish American Assistant Arrives CHURCH 576 Orchard Lafca SERVICE 7t30 P.M. Sharon Bucy Spaakar Silvor Too 7:30 P.M Wad., Oct. 2 Keego Harbor Baptist Lists Adult Classes Change Time I Worship hours at Gethsemane I Lutheran Church, 1802 E. I Auburn, Avon Township, are I changed to 8:30 and 10:45 a.m. Women of the church will meet dtr A^luiRheon after* fi* morning Service Tuesday. Serv- Sunday School Rally Day lit Ortonville Baptist Church, Or-tonville, will he the Rev. Charles Vender Meer, better .known as Mr. Charlie of pm Children’s Bible Hour broad- Arriving this week to assist] According to Tomas Chavez Jr. for several volunteers are needed to help as{ 0:30 a.m. months in the work of Spanish'church school teachera on Sun-' ........- American Outreach is Baltazar'day evenings. Anyone interested Gonzalez,anatlyetf Matamoros, in this work may call Pastor] Mex., and divinity student at Edmond Watkins at the Joslyn Metfiddfsts to Bdild;! Action iOieonard A Downtown Church Huron at Waynn, Pontiac WORSHIP A CHURCH SCHOOL 10 A.M. G| Infant Nurtary I Ample Parking Naor Church ^ Parlor—Rav. Galun E. Hanhay A»»t. Parlor—Rqy. Q, f. Pop* An attorney, Gonzalez studied law at the University of Nuevo Leon St Monterrey, Mex. ' 2-*-* Through the cooperation of the Board of. National Missions of the United Presbyterian Church USA, he was sent by Hie Mexican church to assist Chavez in his ministry of evangelism and Christian Trustees of the Leonard United Methodist Church, Leonard Witt break ground for a new educational and social addition at 3 p,m. tomorrow. The qew buildipg is expected to cost approximately fits,000. A cooperative dinner wiU follow file afternoon ceremony in Leonard Rowland Hall. THE SALVATION ARMY CITADEL 29 W. LAWRENCE Guest Speaks MORNING WORSHIP 11:15 A.M. EVANGELICAL MEETING 7 P.M. TUESDAY PRAYER AND PRAISE MEETING 7 P.M. Brigadier and Mr*. John Grindla, Commanding Officers Good Mutic — Sinning — Preaching You Aro Invited I Diploma. CHRISTIAN CHURCH of DRAYTON PLAINS mporory Mooting Plqco: MASON SCHOOL ' Wdlton hhrd. (bat. SasMbaw and Silver lake Rd.) ZL WORSHIP 9:30A.M. FSfcto BIBLE SCHOOL 10:45 A.M. WaFG-fM-DITSOIT 9S.7m I >49 P.M. Sundur. T’hu Christian Hour- •! Methodists , Mark 50 Birthdays ■ ■ * Roman Catholics ate invited hut the main emphasis is to reach those who are unchurched. Chaves, a Mexican American native of Texas, directs the movement which meets In Detroit with a large membership; and a smaller group Dr. Merle D. B r o y Us, superintendent of the Detroit East District of United Methodist churches, will' participate in dip morning worship service tomorrow at St. Paul United Methodist Church, Bloomfield Township. The congregation wiU observe ‘ its 50th hirth^y tomorrow, fj Fenner pastor Rev. Loren W. Campbell of Ann Arbor will speak and the combined church choirs under the direction of Stait Lloyd will ■ sing. David Wilson is organist. SUNDAY SCHOOL... MORNING WORSHIP EVENING SERVICE... COLUMBIA AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH 64 W. Columbia Avo. (A Southern Baptist Church) ^ Waterford Church Has Guest Speaker first Missionary church • 149 North lost Blvd. - FE 4-1 til - The Rev. Sid Robinson, < former professional race-car ] driver on major track!] throughout the United States, wflTspeak every night Monday ] through Opt. 6 in Waterford < Community Church, Airport and j Olympic Parkway, Waterford 1 Township. Aa time is 7:10 p.m. i | Silvercrest Baptist Church ■; a 2562 Dixie Highway, Pontiac ■££?t45 A.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL ■T' lOdOAM. “WAKE UP SLEEPY HEAD* 7ADP.NL STUDIES IN ^AITN Nursery Open at'All Services . > Pastor John Hunter 673-9374 Warship was to the Hickory Grove School before the present Church Imttdtog w as constructed. . s TlijB PONTIAC JPRgSS. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1968 United Presbyterian Churches AUBURN HEIGHTS 3456 Primary Strsst F. Wm. Palmar, Potter Sunday School.. 9:31 Morning Worship.11 ;0( He who has health, has hope; and he who has hope, has everything.—Arabian proverb. School Opens on Monday FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH DtecipIfS of Oufst 858 W. Huron Street 9:30A.M. CHURCH SCHOOL 1100 AAA MORNING SERVICE Happiness, Love, Peace of Mind, Cpntentinigt-i Are Free For TM Ariafr-Christ Offers Them To You. Oaklet Christian Clatsas to Bogin CALVARY Assembly of God DRAYTON Cor.Sathabaw at Monroe St. W. J. Toouwiisen, Patter Bible School....... 9:45 AM. Morning Worthip.. 11 .-00 A M. Youth Group*....6:30 PM. Wednesday Prayer and Study How......... 7.90 PM The Oakland Christian School, a nonpublic schodt with grades seven through 12 is scheduled to open Monday in the new educatfcmal wing of the Oakland Avenue United Presbyterian Church, 404 Oakland. ★ " ★ % Classes will begin at 8:30 a.m. The school was requested by a group of concerned parents and students throughout Oakland County, many of whom had been affiliated with Emmanuel Christian School, which closed In June. \ CRESCENT HILLS BAPTIST CHURCH 9t4S to 10:30 Sunday School OAKLAND AVENUE 4Q4 Oakland at Cadillac The Rev. Gordon Lindsay, member of the school board and pastor of Five Points Community Churdh, said the school will meet the standards set by the state. Bus transportation will not be provided but the board will assist in organizing car pools. TUITION Tuition will be 935 per month for one child; $60 for two children, and $75 for three or more. The school is not affiliated with any particular church. Organizers are made up of area: ministers and business people. Registration fee is $15. BLOOMFIELD HILLS BAPTIST CHURCH 3600 Telegraph Rd. 10 A.AA. Sunday School 11 A.M. Morning Worship 6 P.M. Evening Service 7:00 P.M. EVANGELISTIC SERVICE SfrmjMCfe PASTOR, ELMO TAHRAN Phone, 647-3831 Central Christian Church 347 N. SAGINAW CHECK BUILDING PLAN - The Rev. James Krauss, new minister of the Williams Lake Church of the Nazarene in Waterford Township, looks over the architect's drafting for the addition to the Williams Lake Church 11 AM Moming WenMp—9i45 Bible School 6 P.M. Youth Mooting-n7 P.M. Gotpel Hour , Mr. Ralph Sherman, Minister with Roy Hewett of 5005 Rowley, Waterford Township. Mr. Hewett is chairman of the building committee. The Krauss family arrived in the Pontiac area this week. The present steering committee members include the Rev. Theodore R. Aliebach, the Rev. N. Donald Currey, the Rev. Arnold Q. Hashman, the Rev. Alger T. Lewis, the Rev. Mr. Lindsay, George Murphy, Mrs. Donald Currey, Mrs. George Murphy and Mrs. Anna Themm. faith Baptist Church H8H 3411 Airport Rood BP| . Services’ HM Sunday School... 10 A.M. H| Worship Service... 11 A.M. Evening Service . 7:00 P.M. I Wednesday . ..... 7 P.M. Daof Always Welcomo r*8*,i* LARRY H.AAALONE HIM-CREST BAPTIST CHURCH New Minister Arrives Nazarenes Build, Offer Music Coming , to the Williams Lake Church of the .Nazarene, 2840 Airport, Waterford Township from Detroit is the Rev. James Krauss. The new pastor said plana are now nearing completion for the construction of a new educational unit, and also for the Day Care Center at the chuFch to serve parents of the community. Pastor Krauss will preach on Methodist Church with Robert FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH McLean, the speaker. The Male Chorus will sing and Raymond Adams will be soloist. A musical program is set for 4 p.m. The new minister, his wife, Janice, and two children Gregory, 8, and Janelle, four months, have moved into their new home at 3517 David K., Waterford Township. Pastor Krauss is a graduate of the department of religion at Olivet College, Kankakee, Hi. His1 wife also received her degree >in elementary education frpm Olivet. Before coming to Michigan seven years ago the couple served pastorates in Ohio. EVANGELISTIC MEETINGS Nazarene, GO State will feature the Singing Goodman Family at the 9:45 a.m. Sunday School, the 11 a.m. worship service and again at the 7 p.m. hour of GOOD SHEPHERD ASSEMBLY OF GOD • SUNDAY SCHOOL • MORNING SERVICE • WQTE BROADCAST • CJSP BROADCAST • YOUTH FELLOWSHIP • EVENING SERVICE • MIDWEEK PRAYER SERVICE - Wednesday Promotion Sunday will also be observed in the Sunday School under the direction of Mrs. Betty Andress, S3 superintendent. New members will be received into the church membership at morning worship. 9:30 a. m. 10:45 a. m. 11:00 a.m. 4:00 p. m. 5:45 p. m. 7:00 p. m. CtmM.br All A(^. Morning Worthip It A.M. Evening Service 7 P.M. Patter John (tearing 1 333-5313 Birthday Banquet Scheduled Tonight Macedonia Celebrates Missions Day The congregation of Macedonia Baptist Church will celebrate Missions Day tomorrow beginning with a 7 a.m. prayer service called "Camp Fire." ★ w ,★ “Togetherness in a Great Society" is the theme tor the day. The Rev. Avery Aldridge, pastor of Foss Avenue Baptist Church, Flint will be guest preacher for the 11 a.m. .worship hour. A family dinner will follow. , At a 3:30 p.m. program the topic for discussion will he "The Unchanged in the Midst of Change in the Great Society." * ’ ★ ★ Mrs. Arvis Russell will officiate at the 7 p.m. program consisting of readings, solos, duets, trios and a drama titled “Revolutionary Faith.” KEEGb HARBOR BAPTIST CHURCH 1712 CASS LAKE ROAD Sunday School TO A.M. Worthip 11 A.M. Training Union 6 P.M. Evaning Worship 7 P.M. DAVID HOTT, Pastor Affiliated with Semthem BmftUt CAiwatiow CHURCH of GOD 623 E. Walton Church Phona 335*3733 THE GOSPEL TABERNACLE 25 East Blvd. South FSMCMNe A CHWST CMfWD MfSSAGI' IT'S REVIVAL TIME AGAIN: SEPT. 29 thru OCT. 13 OAKLAND and SAGINAW Rav. Robert Shelton • Pastor Victor Wood of the East Side Church of God will speak at the ll a.m. worship service of Mi Calvary Missionary Baptiat Church, 95-97 Mariva tomorrow. Tha guest speaker U a member of the Oakland County Board of Supervisors.. ^ 6 •k Following worship, dinner will be served in the church banquet hllh At 7 pjn. the Youth Choir will sponsor a .variety program. The R«V*J. J. Blackshere is pastor. Tha kind of spiritual mootings, and Biblo preaching you need. Tha Walken Gospel Singers from Flint, Mich., Emerson A Clarina, every night this week at 7:00 p.m. with a revival spirit already on the‘meetings. Dent miss one. Next week: (Anus-groves Trio) (Taylor Brothers) and other gospel 60 Stata St. 3 GREAT SERVICES 9:45 A.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL HOUR THE GOODMAN FAMILY 11:00 A.M. MORNING WORSHIP 7:00 P.M HOUR OF EVANGELISM GOODMAN FAMILY Outstanding Singing'Group Peace Pageant The Missionary Society of Messiah Baptist Church will Junior Church FIRST ASSEMBLY OF GOD Parry at Wide Track Drive E. '' C. A. DAVENPORT . \ V. & GREISEN j I SUN., SEPT. 29 - OCT. 6 Evangelist 11 A.M. and 7 P.M. { v , NIGHTLY 7:00 P.M. ',u (Except AAonday and Saturday'Nights) flUIUr ^ Oct. 8 thru 11 - SPECIAL WEEK OF PRAYER 7 P.M, UUMIIVIl OCT. 13 thru Sun., Oct. 27, Rav. and Mr». John Stalling^ REVIVAL SERVICES Fir$ Wesleyan Church Baldwin ot Fairmount Sept. 20 - 29 > I Weak Days - 7:00 PANf fa fi ’nv Sunday* 11 A.M. and 7 P.M. . EVANGELIST fc, Rav. A. C. DOEHRING | \ Singers A Musicians 'M ' Paul & Ruby Davis ' - Wtkoim iCome let Us Worship Together THE PONTIAC P&ES3- SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1968 In dependant, Fundamental, Evangelistic NORTHSIDE BAPTIST CHURCH 2024 Pontiac Road Located Between North Perry and Opdylcd Road Sunday School 10 A.M. / Church Service 11 A.M. Sunday Evening Evangelistic Service 7 P.M. Midweek Service, Thursday 7 P.M. ■ Nursery Provided . For Transportation or Information 335-5590 Pastor — Rev. Jack Turner FIRST SOCIAL BRETHREN CHURCH 316 Baldwin—FE 4-7631 | ' S“"d«y School-10.OOAJIIL Sunday Worship—11 iQQi AijL -Evening Worship-7:30 PM. \ Wednesday Prayer-7:00 P.M. Saturday Evening IlUo Study—7:30 P.M. SUNPAY 9:45 A.M. ' WQTE 560 on your dial CHRISTIAN SCliCE All Saints Episcopal Church Williams St. at W. Pike St. 8:00 A.M. Holy Communion 10:00 A.M. Morning Prayer and Sermon by Mr. Wilton Infant Nursery end Child Core CHURCH OF &IWST UB0N. PERRY WEDNESDAY SERVICE WORSHIP 10:30 and 6:00 P.M. BIBLE CLASSES 9:30 A.M. SUNDAY Mid-Week Bible Clast Wed.. 7:30 P.M. BOYD GLOVER TOM MILHOUANO Reading Room 14 W. Huron OeMyniOO AM. te 8:00P.M. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST 164 W. Lawrenc, Pontiac Pontiac Press Photo Mr. Long was given a certificate of recognition as an honorary life deacon at morning service Sunday when Bethany Church celebrated Homecoming Sunday and the 50th anniversary of the founding of the church. HONORED — Ivan H. Long of U7 Avery (left) and Dr. Emil K^,‘motor of Bethany Baptist Qnwoh. recall the early days of Ifon’l Fellowship as they look at the jActure of Bethany's Log Cabin now replaced by the now sanctuary. Emmanuel "BapttAt (Wck FRIENDLY GENERAL BAPTIST CHURCH VI 2,1155 3454 Auburn Rd. 334-7407 (Next to the Fire Station)-Hebert Gamer, Pat tor SUN. SCHOOL, 9:45 AM.—MORNING WORSHIP, 11 A.M. EVENING SERVICE 7 P.M.WID. PRAYER, 7 P.M. SPIRITUALIST CHURCH OF THE GOOD SAMARITAN 4780 Hillcrest Drive, Waterford 623-1074 SERVICE 7 P.M. Maxine Brandt, Waliad Lake Harold Newhouser Is Guest Speaker Opening exercises will be held It a m. and 7 p.m. on Sui in the sanctuary when St. weekday meetings at James United Methodist Church p m' 645 S. Telegraph (Near Orchard Laka Rd.) DR. TOM AAALONE, Pastor ! .‘A Fundamental, Independent, Bible-Selieving Baptist Church BIBLE SCHOOL 10 A.M. : Departmentalized Sunday School for All Agos... with NO Litoraturo but tho-BiWo Church of Christ SERVICES: Lord's Do^l0j30 A.M. Wed. 7:00 PM. 682-0042 SID ROBINSON | MORNING WORSHIP 11 A.M. | EVANGELISTIC SERVICE 7 P.M. PRAYER MEETING Wed. 7^30 P.M. former professional race-car driver BUS SERVICf CALL FE 2-8328 Deaf Class and Nursory - All Sarvicas APOSTOLIC CHURCH OF CHI 1410 University Dr. i Saturday Yeeng .People 7:1^**^ j Sunday School end Worship 10 A.M.' Every week night «t 7:30 PJA. Outstanding music will ba faaturad odch night — oikI tha Nursory will ba opan. JOYCE MALONE Choir Director Morning Worship and Church School KINA SUPf KVISID Nl 9:00 AM. and 10:45 AM. "SERVANT LEADERS" Rov. Richard Clamons adcast on WPON, 1460 X — 1U15A.M. Olympic Parkway FIRST UNITED METHODIST South Saglnow at Judean / Walter T. Ratcliff#, Minister "The Church with a Heart in the Heart of the Cfty* Sunday Service Church School 11:00AM, 9:45 A.M. Christian Education Sunday “A SCHOOL WHERE NOBODY EVER GRADUATES” Method 1st Youth Fellowship 6:15 PM. , ST. PAUL UNTIED METHODIST 1*61. Savom un M.. StmxrrftaM Htlb-FE S-S233 and K 2-2752 CHURCH SCHOOL 9:30 A.M. MORNING WORSHIP 10:45 A.M. Aijtple Porfctog - Samssl C.*Sofssit, Min. - tupuwtwd Nonary , THIRTY-SEVENTH ANNUAL MISSIONARY CONVENTION SEPTEMBER 29 - OCTOBER 6 CLARKSTON METHODIST *600 Woldea Road, Ctaifcston CHURCH SCHOOL 945 AM. WORSHIP 10 AM. ■ ..Find: A. Corodd, Minister Adelle IRiNM* Dbactor if Musk wales Rav. W. f. Kissed Rev. John Kline pater Miss Elaine Battles Dr. Nathan (alley Indonesia ■ Aon* Mall PHuUknt mm- ■ C.6IM. Everyone is cordially invited to hear these outstanding speakers, see the beautiful colored sfides, and enjoy inspiring fellowship! Sundays tfeOO and 7:00 Nightly at 7:30* U Nursnry Provided ^ St. Janws United Mwthodist Church —. 5$ 4jT W. Kannatt Rd. Opprdte the Afeert Bsmfry Idsool Sunday Schnal.«. 9:30 AA Worship Snrvka 114)0 AM.-Nursory Provided 1st GENERAL BAPTIST CHURCH 249 Baldwin Avo. Sunday School 9:45 AM. Morning Worship .. 11A.M. ! Evening Service 7 P.M. Wad. Bible Study 7:00 P.M. Rov. T. W. Bland, Pastor - Ft 4-7172 - 673-0209 | m§m i THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATl#tDA%V. Jftvftjg-- KOULNftlALONK PTacoby on jUtMtciM? /f? iw lostazxKX wng eWWZPflSBSS | fBLLAMPMRS.AlAUTWew WfOtPSPhCBS \ THOR 0O00LS& 600 mom** j y « shift to chibs after caah-jjg two diamonds wjpuld have id to a two-trick set but West ad heard''his partner’s four eart call and decided to open le queen of hearts. Sam won in dummy and dis-arded one of Us diamonds. Next came a low spade to his queen. West took his ace and led a diamond which Sam ruffed. Now Sam thought for quite a while. If West had started with four spades and two clubs the winning play would By OSWALD AND JAMES JACOBY Sam Stayman of New York, one of our great players, is particularly noted for his cour-under fire ^Maiid for scoring ^■as much as pos- Q—The bidding has been: West North Bast Booth 1W Pass }f Pass 24— Pats 4 W Pass 4N.T. Pass If Pass T you, south, hold: AA4I1I VAKII4I 42 «S What do you do now? BERRY'S WORLD—-By Jim Berry ALJ^EY OOr THWT/ YDU'RB fSOSURE VOLfRE RUSHT VOU’LL BE MIFFEP AT HIM IF HE SAYS . VtXJ'RE WROWfi—AMP F HE SAYE Wff ; VOU'RE RIEHT 1 WfflW'T BE MIFFEP Ml f At HIM, BUT HE'LL THINK 1 AM' M l WE’LL LET VOUR FATHER ,-^ V_ SETTLE ITA r— «VEUS*ID BETSY.WOl :E TRYlKJft TO wT y oM the violence mis Year, i ^ I BEd'iOUR PARDON, sir, But would sou miwd &IWKJG Me VbUR. MONEY? THIS IS A STfCK-UFl POUT W HAVE A GUM OF S0M6THIMG?. »): In en- irtalnlno friend*, visitors remember IS TODAY ts Ycftl* tlRTHDAY you all The kids say THE SAME THINS THIS STUFF IS GIVING MS A .■ mMAfiit-‘ACHE ^ LEMON Am ORANGE ADE FIRST AID LEMON ADE ORANGE ADE I'M GONNA GRABXSOU’Wt TURNIN’1 MOOSE CAMERON ME ON^SSyf/ POP'S CONDITIONIN' if FOETHS TfeNNEA HE iAWHAT SAYYJC PftOGftANN REALLY lVRQFW>>iEP Pm VEAteTl IKE PdKXA VORK6D—L COULD Dol^ASO / HE WON'T LAST (7 CLUE AND DO PUSHUPS WITH AN fj ANY LONGER THAN An WE ANIMAL ANVIL ON MV BACKTJ (USED CAR AFTER < BIT EVERY { s-------------—vr-' VTHE LAST PAYMENT/II MOffNlNsT/ TUMBLEWEEDS /%jkservices weren't > REQUIRED.,:OVER A HUNDRED SHOTS WERE FIRED, BUT. «. NOBODY GOT A SCRATCH L 'WHATfl ■ WHY •WASN'T! lNOTIFIEP? THE BIGM sirar-out' ATjTHE % l SALOON, DONALD DUCK 1**CRRP Sensed NORTH g« ^ *19954 j VAK4J , #/» 1 *981 WEST jm ' EAST (D) I A AJ 2 *7 6 1 *>0.5 WJ 10 98762 ♦ KQ8742 ♦ A 10 5 f *74 *J SOOTH * KQ8 S 1 W Void ♦ 63 f *AKQ 109 62 1 Neither vulnerable , Went North Shat South i Pass l* !♦ Dble 4V 4* 1 Dble JRdble Pass Pass f Pass «B3S»3sLrL r 1 1 Openiftg lead—W Q 'I! 1 nr®! ii j ;TgJS; l*QKT|^ jPItRSS, SATURDAY; SEPTEMBER 28, 1968 Slack Panther Jailed; Aide Due to Follow Homing for Russian Troop Withdrawals Czechs Watch for Moves in Soviet Talks PRAGUE (A — Czechoslovaks today watched for new moves in behind-the-scenes negotia- WASHINGTON (gp) - The Federal Trade Commission says the Aito industry is making cutbacks in its new car warranties that could pass on $300 minion in repair costs to the liki Dubcek, Cernik and National Assembly President Josef Sipkovsky were removed from would bring the resistance to the Soviet occupation out into the open and possibly to an armed conflict. Despite the lightning military occupation, the Soviets have made no political progress in trying to impose a Moscow-oriented government on this country. v OAKLAND, Calif. (AP) The organiser of the Black Pantherf wap: seal to prison Friday, and the Negro mOftant group’s minister of information was ordered hack to Jail as a parole violator., 4,Uwy Ndwtoo, $6, the groins Dubcek, Cernik antd Smrkovsky enjoy a popularity unparallelled in the almost SO-year history of Czechoslovakia, and observers here believe that any change in the top Jobs Sen. Warren G. Magnuson, D-Wash., made public the PTC estimates that the manufacturers would be saving about $40 per car through warranty reductions this fail. Magnuson criticised this sharply' on top Slier being sentenced to 2 to 15 yOOff on a Conviction of voluntary manslaughter In the gun-fight death a year ago of Daklawi -policeman John Frey. Newton’s attorney said an appeal would be filed. Later, to Sab Francisco, the state Court at Appeal revoked BA parole of Eldfidge Cleaver, 3E toe pottp’4 minister of information. It was not dear when Cleaver’s refamt-to-priaon order would be effective. The clerk Of the appellate court said Cleaver probably would remain free pending action by the state Supreme Court on any appeal A Cleaver attorney, 'Charles Garry,' said the parole revoca- the focal point of an academic uproar. Officials at the University of C a 11 fo r a i rtf s Berkeley campus school invited Urn to make 10 lectures to an dtpedmw>tal sociology course on racism. Gov. Rooald Reagan and toe state legislature expressed outrage, mid the state Board of Regents directed that Cleaver — and nay other guest ^received by Czechoslovak leaders, including Informed sources say it has Communist party chief Alex- been agreed that a government ander Dubcek, and the partial delegation Instead of a joint troop withdrawal was believed party-gvenunent delegation to have been one of the topics will make the trip to Moscow discussed. within the next tow days. The Soviet Union is expected Cernik would lead the mission, to leave about 100,000 troops Although the Soviets are permanently and to withdraw repotted seeking changes in the the other 400,000 that occupied Czechoslovak leadership, it ap-this country during the night of pimd they would be faced Aug. 20-21. with having to impose a The partial withdrawal was military government if any of Exclusive franchises for Maryland Fried Chicken are available. A moderate investment could return $30,000 per year in the "Fast Food" restaurant VVe have choice locations, financing and the complete package. Attend s No-Obligation Information Mooting and received generally favorable reviews. FAMILY DEPARTMENT STORES LADIES COLORAY® A gPEfD DADT ■toirnv rVK I i CORNER OF DIXIE HGWY. AT TELEGRAPH RD.-PONTIAC FREE PARKING IQNEY REFUNDED IF YOU’RE NOT SATISF 1 SHOP 1 M SUNDAY 1 12 TO 6 Sure Win ner Opening day ceremonies on .Oct 12 of the XiX Olympiad in Mexico City 7 toilt see' women" members 6f the US Olympic Teampmade in uniforms' designed by Judith Schwartz, Which feature a long-sleeved princess tine ^ iohite dress made of Burlington Knit Fabrics and executed by Catalina, Inc. The men’s parade uniform, designed by Jerrolyn Crooks, features a double-breasted red blazer jacket, slightly shaped, tpith side vents,. executed by Palm Beach in a rugged Burlington Men’s Wear blended fabric. Slacks are a trim blue and white pinstripe. the leisure-time fgckei for memhers df the V.S. Qlympw Team features a button-up$l$Ql collar, ragtan s^eeve^ and], is v^ore^pf Piniasheen Poplin—-6$ per cent Dacron Polyester and 35 pet cent Cotton. The fabric breathes when dry-steals when wet. 'Both the men’s and women’s jackets are in eggshell color. Australia’s fashion entry at next month’s games is - her officialmimsuitd^ sprigs of golden acacia on a green background. Melbourne model Jill Boughton is not a member of the Olympic sqwad. ■,■■■■ Guest List Is Still Divided Between Them . By ELIZABETH L. POST Bear Mrs. Post: A Mend is to be married this fan. The groom-to-be is a member of the state assembly. His family is Italian and his mother wants than to have an old-country style Italitut wddding with approximately 1200-1500 guests. A1. ★ < if The groom’s mother believes that she should be entitled to about half , the guest list, inasmuch as the bride’s family is not paying for the wedding. When the’ couple pays, is the percentage of the list allotted to the groom increased? Is there' some rule of etiquette which would ease this situation? — Sue THE PONTIAC PRESS. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1968 A—H patent vinyl at the snap front closure, is co-ordinated with a match- “fJO* least Veryi„ * sentiment* tteg red patent viriyl triangle scarf to cover and protect the hair ,from “° acj|f’ * ' rain. The boots ate pot part of tk*Olgmpk:3$^* uniform. Tfcr, My advice is to persuade the bride’s irian’s shorter length raincape, styled to caver his picket, is novy blue future mother-in-law that in this country banded in flag red patent vinyl at the front closing. Both styles have such an affair would seem ostentatious slash pockets and a Nehru-type collar. Designed by Uniroyal, the “d P0®1 toste, *“d that her list capes are fashioned froin Banffe, a soft, lightweight, extremely **““1*1 be cut approximately in half. drapable expandedvinyl that is a member of the Naugdhyde family .. „ * * Of vinyl coated fabrics. the. guest list should be evenly divided For those concerned about life in the inner-city Negro community, Oakland University’s Continuum Center for Women is again-offering a ten-week course in “Ghetto Life” which will begin. Oct. 3. Once-a-week sessions win continue each Thursday from 9 to ll a.ip. through do' so from their own background of experience. Further information may be obtained by calling or visiting the Continuum Center, South Foundation Hall, Oakland University, Rochester. The course wiD consist of lectures, films and field trips to inner city areas of Pontiac where individuals will be met ansi participants wiil gain fuller, understanding of the strengths in the ghetto and the problems created when its. residents come in contact with those of different backgrounds. The language of the ghetto will be studied. Among the speakers to bf, featured are Albert Shaw, Pontiac Community Schpol director and an adviser toPOOBY (Pontiac Organization of Black Youth); Charity Lindsey, Office of Economic Opportunity staff member; Howard Caldwell, principal of McConnell School; Eugenia Benton, community leader, McConnell School, and Mrs. Carole Williams, executive director of the Volunteer Placement Corps in Detroit. Each speaker will cover various aspects of the course and is equipped to Time to End This Silly Triangle, Tell Him You've Made a to list. Calendar By ABIGAIL VAN BUREN ' DEAR ABBY: I am 24 years old and in love With a man who is 28. He knows how much I love him because I’ve told says he loves too, but he Is also going with another girl. H(She saw him first.) fH^H^HlThis other girl knows ail about he and I, hut she doesn’t want to give him either'because she is ^■also in love with him. ^■He says'he is trying to his mind up about ABBY Which a one of us he wants, but he is havihg a vary hard time. Twice in six months I have given him a deadline, but when the Mm* ex-pires, I extend it. I don’t seem to be making any headway with him. How do I get him to make up his mind? 7 ^ ‘‘DI’’ DEAR “DL”- Tall him that you have made up YOURS — and you don’t want ' him! If he doesn’t beg you to reconsider, you haven’t lost anything. If he does, tell him, to come up with the ring or to leave you alone. (And YOU leave HIM wed couple moved into the apartment next to ours. They fought all tin time, so nobody was surprised when the wife went hone to mamma. It seems she took everything but the kitchen sink. All the dishes, silverware, pots* pahs, appliances and just about everything that wasn’t nailed down. him up in housekeeping. Isn’t that the end? ■ r— ( HEARD EVERYTHING - DEAR HEARD; Probably not. About the time you thhft you’ve heard every-thlng, you hear-something to top it. Post-Christmas vows are slated by Mary Lou Seavey and Daniel J. Baker.' Parents of the couple are the Merle Seaveys of Wichita,’ Kan., and the Merritt H. Batters of West WaltOn Boulevard. -The bride elect is a senior at Milligan College, Tenn., her fiance’s alma mater. MONDAY Mothers tor Better Living, 1 p.m., YWCA. Mayronnie Oldham of the Michigan Heart Association with film and demonstration on “Mouth to Mouth Resuscitation.’’ Open to anyone who wishes to attend. Pondac-Oakland Town H*H, j p.m., home of Mrs. John Knob-lock of KeQen Court, Bloomfield Township. Membership meeting. Poatiae Area Federation of Women’s Chat, 8 p.m., First Federal Savings-of Oakland building. First general meeting of the season. Eugene Russell, president of Pontiac Area Chamber of Commerce, will speak. ItiEHMY For Abby’s new booklet “What Teenagers Want to Know,” send $1.00 to Ab-by, care of The Pontiac Press, Dept, E-600, P.O. Box tk Pontiac, Mich. 46056. Now the people in the building are giving th% husband a “shower” to set Club Lists Guest Speaker: for Franklin Forum Series The four forthcoming proprams of the Research Project, will have as his topic 1968-’69 Franklin Forum warn recently on Nov. 18, “The Detroit Area in 2000 announced as sponsors, Friends of the a.D.” : Franklin Library, met tor a kick-off The Bloomfield Hills resident, a retired coffee at tile home of Mrs. G. W. Lt. Colonel In the Army, is the author of Bownian of that area. many articles and pamphlets o n Heading the fall offering is Bengt management, purchasing and personnel Swenson, vriio recently returned from A color travel film entitled, “In-Sweden and Lapland has entitled his talk comparable Switzerland.” will highlight for Oct. 15 “In the Lapp of the Gods." the appearance Jan. 14 of freelance Wjlbur Pierce, communications direc- photographer and lecturer, Phil Walker. ’ tor for Developing Urban Detroit Area “E.S.P. and You” is the title of guest lecturers, the Richard (Ruth) Eubanks on Feb. 18. The Eubanks, who have appeared on the Lou Gordon Show, before Rotary, Masonic, and school groups are Bloomfield Hills residents. The lectures, which are (pen to the public, pre held in the Fellowship Rail of Franklin Community Church. Prior to the 1:15 p.m. programs, the group wti) meet tor lunch at 11:45 at the Bloomfield Canopy with a cocktail hour preceedteg.' Those wishing to attend must make reservations a week iniid-vance of the lecture date with Mrs. G. O. Sullivan of Franklin. ' • s . ' : Tickets for the series fonty may be , Mich. 48001. Admission purchased at the door or by contacting . # ‘Mrs. Preston Dozier of Franklin. Author t& Address Unit Nila Magidoff, heroine of the best selling hook “Nila,” will be the speaker at The Village Woman’s Oub on October 1 when members meet for their find Group Slates pinner Yachim (Joe Matthesius, principal of. the Paul Best School of Ferndale) will demonstrate the Carl Orsf Music method at the annual Founders’ Day dinner tor Area III of Alpha Delta Kappa, honorary society for women educators. ' fecial guests at the Oct 3 event in Deiftin Gables wifi be Mrs. Ray Pilon and Bernice Frederick, incoming and outgoing State presidents, respectively. Opal Walter of XI chapter, Rochester, will serve ae toastmistrees for the 6:28 p.m. dinner. She wiD be assisted by Mesdames Melvin Boersma, Clifford Deytqn, Willard Greer, Omar Ttyrpe; william VPnderZee and Stuart WUUihis. Kalamazoo Club Sets Annual Antique, Show Ihe ibth annult Antiques Fair, apon-sored by 8ervict Chib of Kalamazoo, lac, will be beW Oct. 44 to the County Cantor Building on Lake Street Hours ttoy ipon to 10 p.m- on Friday and Sat. urday and noon to I p»m. on Sunday. A pre-public Admission show and ^tiptoup wSl be held at 16 a.m. Oct. 1 Reservations may be made by writing papular singing trio, The Lettermen; left, Jim Pike, Tdny Butala pad Cary Pike, uml be in Detroit Oct. 1 for an opening performance at Ford Auditorium. Tickets for ike 8:3b concert, the first.tin the l968-’69 Contrast Series sponsored by Oal^nd Cpinmuniiy College, may be purchased at J. L, Hudson’s, GrmneU’s and at the Auburn' HiSs, Highland Lakes and Orchard Ridge Campuses of the College. TKfePONTlAC jfrR&SS. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1968 Frink Challenges Rep. McDonald to Series of Debates Gtry R Frink, Democratic candidate for Congress in the 19th District, today challenged Ms opponent in the November election, Rep. Jack McDonald, tap series of debates on major Judge Drops AbortionCase U.S. Okays Grant for Play Equipment Waterford to fye Appropriation for "Police Overtime PonfiacAreo Deaths An appropriation to the Waterford Township Police: Department budgetwill be] considered Gy the township' board at its 7:89 p.m. meeting Monday at Waterford Township' An-\abortion'W«i ttoanissed yesterday against a Clawson doctor accused of performing tbs operation on a coed last December. . Oakland County Circuit Judge WQliam' J. Beerruled yesterday that UmnT.wIs insufficient evidence to bring the physician, Dr: Charles &'|Hkwes, to trial. Hawes practices in Feradale. ' 4t \ ♦ s The motion to dismiss the MAY WE HELP? The grant was made under a program whereby the federal government puts in funds to match the amount the city will spend on the new equipment. Police Chief William Stokes will submit an estimate of the overtime hours to be worked by his officers the next three months. He suggested that the debates be held in high schools and col* leges in the district “In order to increase even further the concern which our young people have already demonstrated in politics this year.” Officials said the $40,000 worth of new equipment will be dispersed to parks and playground sites throughout the 4Hy.,A -----------— Gradually and happily, it dan seem at timea that a better philoaophy is taking hold. More and more we hear incidents, we see examples of''Can 1 help yon”,.. Strangely enough, (or ie it to strange?' the “Can I help yon** attitude has a wonderful way to remora the fatal flaw of greed. More often than not, the “Can I help you” attitude provides us with an ample answer to “what’s in it for me” . . . HUNTOON FUNERAL HOME, 79 Oakland Avenue, Pontiae, Member Nationgl Selected Morticians. Phone 332-0189. The projection.was requested by Township Supervisor Elmar R. Johnson so that the board can determine the amount ofi the allocation needed. She was a .member of the Esther Circle of the Methodist Church. Surviving are two sons, Jason and Robert, and QM.daughtor, Mrs. Laverna Seib, all of Lapeer; 10 grandchildren; and 10 great-grandchildren. “This Is 'one of the major wews in Dtiet contributions that we candidates can make to American society Seven protoble televisions sets M to encourage our youth to [were stolen in a break-in at express themselves within thejCopenhaver TV, 596 W. Huron, American system of democ-lit was reported yesterday to raCft?* v , I Pontiac Police. To date, Hie police overtime budget has gone 64.264 over the. $10,000 allocated, causing a cutback in overtime with the1 occasional result Jhat only one orTvfo police officers have been: able to cover toe township. will be 1 p.m. Monday at the Coats Funeral Home with burial in Waterford Cantor Cemetery. Mrs. KmGMybstorday. She was a member of the Joseph C. Bird Chapter 294, Order pf the Eastern Stfir, ip Clarkston and the Central Methodist Church. Surviving tre a son, Donald M. of Pontine; two daughters, Mildred ft. of Pontiac and Mrs. Charles Griffith of Waterford Township; a brother, Glen R. Knight of Waterford Township; six grandchildren; and five* great-grandchildren. Harry E. Lobdell Sr. Service for Harry E. Lobdell St., ft of 189 N. East Blwj. win be 1 p.m. Monday at the Donelson-JobM Funeral Home with burial in White Chapel Memorial Cemetery, Troy. Mr. Lobdeil died Thursday. He Pontiac Mgn, Teen Charged Witfi Assault _______BUY! SELL! TRADE! USE PONTIAC PRESS WANT ADSI Donald E. Glime BIRMINGHAM — Sendee for former resident Sgt. Donald E. Glime, 24, will be 2 P-Oh Monday at Vam-Lynch Funeral Home, Royal Oik. Burial wOI be in Acacia Park Cemetery, Birmingham. , Sgt, Glime died Sept- 16 hi Vietnam erf wounds received on a combat operation when he was engaged in a fire-light with a hostile hone, according to the Defense Department. ACKNOWLEDGMENT CARDS §■ Authorities on proper etiquette |||H ..have long agreed that acknowledge .■ ment of floral offerings, donations ■ to a charitable organisation, mass ■ cards, etc., should be a hand writtenf HMHRI noJ?'. . . ... J- L. VOORHEB! It has long been accepted that ■ acknowledgment cards wiH suffice in eases where there are many ac* . knowledgments required. 'Whore a group of friends or neigh* •; hors, have Joined together in an of* faring, an individual acknowledge ment should be sent to each DAYS ONLY ftcjbdol, he attainted Port Huron Junior College before entering the Army Sept. 5,196?. He was sent to, Vietnam Aug. 12 and was assigned to Company C, 4th Battalion, 23rd Infantry Division. Surviving are his mother, person <1 Where an offering it sent by a H fraternal or social organization one H card addressed to an officer and its "nJ f members will suffice. VOORHEES-SIPLE FUNERAL HOME 168 North Perry Street , i Phone FE 2-8378 Berktoy; . teo broflMn, Wtiliam H. H of Southfield snd James A. of Madison Heights; and a sister, Linda S., at home. CLIP THESE COUPONS Joseph A. York OXFORD TOWNSHIP -service for Joseph A. Yetfc, 67, of 1714 Lakeview wUl be at 2 p.m. Monday at toe Bossardet Funeral Home in Oxford with burial in White Ckhpel Memorial Cemetery, Troy. Mr. York died Thursday. He ATTENTION MOTHERS! Do You Heed Some Time To Yourself? Enroll Your Pro-School Children and Mrs. Lester J. Hagle of Davisburg; two brothers; four sisters; and 12 grandchildren. ! Hugh Mowary j Service for former Pontiac I resident Hugh Mowery, 48, of, Eportal, Calif., will be 2 p.m. * Bio f ran Talk Set MEN’S SLACKS SWEATERS Monday thru Friday 7:30 AM, to 5:30 P.M. Reasonable Rates...... Registered Nurse on Duty Police Solve Snakenaping OCEAN CITY, NJi: (Aft)— Police hunted e snakenaper for several hnurs L , | Walter MCUugKHn, 17., to* ported about 4:89 p in, that* Ids pet boa constrictor had been vScify 'B/uat Ctmm M-59 at Crescent Lakt Road WATERFORD PLAZA - 67S-8833 S. Talafraph Road v * ■ TEL-HURON S. C. — 335-1984 FUNERAL HOME .XXMCaXMB KASTLE u 6255 Twlegraph Rd. F Maple - Behind St. Andrew's Chunk) **Thougtitful Service' hams open, the 4>foot*long make gone but nothing else disturbed. McLaughlin said that lw suspected a schoolmate who bad triad to bin the snake and that he wouldn’t press charges if the MONDAY 9:30 am to 9 pm at WKC snake, end all was forgiven. McLaughlin described Ms pet Murder, Suicide in Redford Twp. DETROIT (Aft) - Denys A. Watton, V, and bis wife, Phyllis, 89, Were found dead Friday Mght on too front lawn of IMr home in mpurimn Radford Township, ant police said toe NO MONEY DOWN-UP TO 3 YRS* 3 Michigan Gi$ Killed in Vietnamj WASHINGTON (AP) — Three Michigan soldiers wars among those named by the Manas Department Friday as meant ( victims of actisn in Vietnam. j kilted In action , werr apse, 4 j • Not on ordinary sate, bncnusu this isn’t ordinary furniture at ordinary pricni *. * it's a special introduction of Bassett's “IMAGE I" at a low Prlcp • Contemporary styling with geometric sever# and straight lirtnd with interest in tho Tovurn Walnut Finish 6 Set consists af 9-drawer drwesnr, framed plate glass mirror, 4-drawer chest and opon back panul headboard • (Nite Stand, a regular $44.95 seller is now $39.95). See this in WKCs LOWER LEVEL FURNITURE DEPT. Pafk Frew in Smith's Perry St. lot in Bock pf VVKC dr 'have your ticket stamped for 1 hour ly ptoHc-ina in the Downtown Parking Mall. 108 N. Saginqw Downtown Pohtjo$ FE 3-7114 ^ Image I \ * Y j bylBassett THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY,. SEPTEMBER 28,1068 AS%/CONVENIENT STUDY AID 'i****’Wgt mm ICE CREAM BAZLEY-ft/RFfTl FOOD MARKETS 4348 Dixie Highway—Drayton Plains OPEN SUNDAY 9 A. NL, to B P.*. 1230 North Pony at Madison OPEN SUNDAY 10 AJM. to 0 P.M. , RELIEVES EYESTRAIN, SAVES TIME AND SPACE OFFICE SUPPLIES — MAIN FLOOR General Printing i Offito Stiffly •star" ' Phone 335-9261 finest Washable latex wall paint you CANUSE/ SW|ii« IjjjjBl gallon (Whit* *nd Rtgulir Colortf. GOLF MeoijWd''&/tAo4TlW2btt SExottinc Stago Plays ft for the Price of O CALL 338-6239 FOR DETAILS ^ Be Sure te V Visit Our Booths^*" THIS WEEKEND AT The Waterford Expo Shew Located at tho v CXI. BUILDING 5640 Williams Lake Road Mall x??Y*‘*fsjpK The Arrierican Showcase A national exhibition^ sponsored by Ameri* can Heritage, the Magazine of History (a traveling "Greenfield Village") | Otfober-<2nd through 5th J ‘ • 10:00 Ipipt tb%:QQ P M VC October 6th#12 Noon to 6:00 P.M. BODS •« PATTERNS ■ Art E2M — Wathehle Colors ^ COATS and DUNK’S tfo* I RED HEART 's*ssWm KNITTING WORSTED JOOtS VlrgIn>Woa| 1 H ' ■'■fSKcr* Mothpnof -Tannin 91 I 9 Pp»of—RMcfy to Knit ■ JSmm - Pull OiitSIwtn ■ ; DHAIfS VAKIE^Y STORE MIS BaMvrin Aw. at Walton FE44MC ■ Qi»» 9 AM. te » AM, SiHMbylO AJUWte OMUL; STEAKS IN THE EXHIBITION TRAILERS' on our FRONT PARKING LOTif ■Brought to The Pontiac Mall byf 22 • Major American Industries^ , Imid The;. . ■: Pontiac Moll Shopping Center • PONTIAC PROFESSIONAL PHOTtpRAPHeRS EXHIBIT M October 2nd ihru 12th i 90S Orchard Lk. Ave. GREATER SAVINGS FARM l FRESH FRYING SWEEPER AUTHORIZED 4elead^ewito FACTORY TRAINED MIN BY HOOVER - SAMI DAY MMCi OUR GOAL IS CUSTOMER SATISFACTION PMTSttfjkVlCE CW/MI HBftHOt fWfffff . TWPNUKTB BB. vd For All Vacuums /W :S* ;sp fej. »e» ■!*?■ jS|S • BRMtae • ns. FREE MCK4IP A DELIVER^' * TIMELY SERVICES mMsrnmryou Pontiac Exhibits bv Aviation Members Ofyfc/L&2Wf Exhibits byi »<’ W; t . Eastman Kodaki National Photographers' Association, Collection of Historic Pontiac and Pontiac Area Photographs. ' LEGS or' BREASTS 3 U**" (QUARTERS) fOr OFFER THESE GREAT SHOPPER-STOPPERS! SHOP EARLY AND OFTEN TOR GREATER SAVINGS! The PONTIAC MALL \m modeling( flrhft ; use ,of new matOriais. YoiiPIN MON. wmI fri. 9 P.M. HUB ESTIMATES JUMP imaMPIATl IWTAUATSMI A New Gresham Customer Convenience, CUSTOM-MADE DRAPERIES 4•..... | t All FIRSTiHIALlTY ©FTONTl/C The Shbrwih-Wiujams Co. AUrtn* Quality HOME IMPROVEMENT IS MY BUSINESS «8riiA Sherwin-Williams Paints THE BDNT1AC FRBSS, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1968 Even Temperature Is Featured First Federal has something paw to offer you WHY PAY TRAILER See Monticeilo Estates Now! 238 Aero Mobile Home Subdivision- y w “Country Living for the Discriminating Taste” -16 High Restrictions For Your Protection- * 60-ft. wide paved sheets • M mile from new M-78 • Underground utilities including gas cross-town expressway e As low as $300 down -- $40 per e Lot sizos from 80* wide by 135* d< month to quaftfiad buyer* e 8% miles of lots „ •*Low taxes - " t j ow You con Borrow up to ‘sooo...ana toko an to 7 yours to uoy on low, low fhm Terms. Protect Patio From Grease CAUL NOW CE 4-6821 or PI2-3TI1 Cash or Term* for fast convenient service The Carpet Fiber is the basic ingredient which dictates the carpet strength, texture, styling and wearability. There are many ftjbero with certain advantages land some with disadvantages. Because of the oveir clanging and new developments in the fiber world, it is almost impossible to b# aware of all die new fiber developments. For this reason it is wise to purchase your carpeting from a dealer who knows all about carpeting fibers. Spencers keep up with the latest developments and the advantage of each new fiber. They will advise you wisely on the fiber best suited for your use. THE PONTIAC FRESS. SATUKDAY.SEPTEMBEK W, IM8 ■ How to Build, Buy ;| or Sell Your Home Full study plan information on this architect-designed House of the Week I* included In a 80-cent baby blueprint. With it In hand you CUB obtain a Contractor’s estimate. You can order also, for $1, a booklet called YOUR ^ME^H0WJtq_BuM, Buy or SeUlt. Included in it are ■mall reproductions of 16 at fba most popular House at the Week issues. Send orders to House Plans, The Pontiac Press, P. O. Box 9, Pontiac, |Oqhigan 49056 aaimvrmTTYYYYTmTTix) ARE YOU UNDER SO? Q Guarantee your wife up to gk *20,000 Ey«k to helppay Fy off the £«4Hfc mortgage Simple Construction in L-Shaped Ranch Constructed of two rectangles and without exterior frills, it nevertheless Imparts a feeling of waigrth and hospitality. Farmlike in its simplicity, this L-shaped ranch exudes charm and friendliness. But the house has more than pleasant aesthetics. It is functional in layout, simple in construction and economical, to build. The three-bedroom dwelling has a habitable area of 1450 square feet within basic dimensions of 41’0" by 52’, with the frontage increased to 6’iO” by the two-car garage. ’ Architect Samuel Paul his placed a qpvered porch at the rear to 'add livability during pleasant weather. The entrance court which leads to the front door is at the angled part of the L. A. central foyer permits easy movement to all the rooms: living man, dining room, kitchen-family room and the bedroom wing. Off the foyer am two large closets which separata it from the dining room. Approaching the living room, the eye is caught by a comer stone fireplace diagonally opposite, which can also be view* ed from the dining room. The exposed beam ceiling in the living room reflects the farmhouse qualify of the exterior. The dining room, although a completely separate room entered from the foyer, has one side fully opon to the living room, creatng a fading of spaciousness. A window looks out on the covered rear porch. ★ ■' iSr ■k The large kitchen-family room combination has three exposures. The kitchen portion toward the front of the house commands a view of anyone coming to the front door. R contains all the latest in equipment, including a wdl cover sc RORCH /instate oven, dishwasher, large refrigerator, wall cabinets and bate cabinets. INFORMAL DINING Space is provided for informal dining in tne kitchen area. The family room section is to the rear. The large covered porch fbffllks the living roam and family roan, with easy access from each area. It features an outdoor barbecue. Off the family room and adjacent, to the two-car garage is a stair leading to the 'msm muu »ii aim i uimij 11 mji mC ^ 1750 n HACKETT REALTY I i EM 3*6703 / \ MODEL OPEN . / 1 M*59 and Dolane Dr. I \ Ph. 363-6700 / The stair is also convenient directly from the outdoors. The foil basement indoles a laundry room, beater and ample storage. - At the front of the house, the bedroom wing has three bedrooms, two of which have double exposures. This area is reached by an offset hall which gives privacy to each bedroom. Ceramic Tile Blends Perfectly Ceramic tile Is a very "modern” product In the functional sense. It's easy to dean, durable and lasts a lifetime. The master bedroom suite usually possible with ranch house. Living includes a bathroom equipped --------- —-ir.u— with a shower stall, vanity and water doeet The main bath has a double basin, large medicine doeet, built-in tub and water doeet. An abundance of closets and windows is part of the Sign of Action Convenience Holds Key Pros Do Most Remodeling American maledom, with its decorative but p ir act leal passion for gadgetry and im- materials like ceramic tile on proved materials, has turned backsplaibes, f loors and the modem kitchen into a countertops have kept the paradise of convenience and kitchen technologically apace effidency that only a few yean with the astronaut's capsule, ago would have been fir beyond while the modem kitchen the little Woman's wildest bn- may mak% ftp^faig i dream of agination. ease, thou#, lfa atm oft* Seif-cleaning ovens, lalf-thought of as a “back-of-the-defroettng refrigerators, built-in house” place where the cook’s hot plate* • and ovens, isolation 4» about pa complete dlshwaaben, automatic stirrers, ax the -astronaut’s In hi* But tile 1b also a time-hon- SIMPLE PLAN The arrangement of two simple rectangles results in *£ial With Hackmtt and Start to Pack It!’ 7750 COOLEY LAKE RD.-UNION LAKE when your walls have the blues illll \\\pm | i| BUILDNOW.ee ■ AVOID THE RUSH! WNNfWMr Special Price* Now! BATHROOMS * BEDROOMS %llko ROOMS * ATTI0S * KIT0HIM New Idea* — The Finest Maierial* and Craftsmanship • KITCHENS • GARAGES • SHUTTERS You Can Be Sure of the Finest in MATERIAL, WORKMANSHIP, SERVICE FREE Estimates And Hanning Deaerator gervice FOR FAST SERVICE AND WINTER ENJOYMENT CALL NOW! Ofeedon ffonsirudionfla lm Centime Since IWI Pat Laity j HOUSE of COLOR 691*0421 xiiiiixniniiiiiiiiiiiiiiRiiiiiiiiin Protect Your Familys Home with —-n % TWO CAR 19,2S20,0* ; •tor fHB POXTIAC PRESS* SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1968 Window Lowers Plannjjng Carpet Care Overlooked? A Fence Has Several Uses A fence can be for privacy, for take or to aotbbllab a property line. It can do one or many things and^tcanbe at-tractive and useful if yodplan it writ If you pian toput up a fence, check Oral with your local bulldtog department. L o c a 1 ordinances differ concerning height, types of fen&ig and location. Generally, your fence should ’ not encroach on adjoining property or pn aright- around to aae if anything has Wpt&MW. . 1 Chances am that one major item overlookad is right under your feet. How about your rugs and earpats? A meant survey conducted by the Johnson Wax consumer service showed that about $7 per emit of all American homes have room rised rugs or wall-to-wall carpeting. CLEAN RUGS The survey also showed that about half of these ruga and carpets are cleaned once a year by tl\e do-it-yourself method, another 20 per cent of them are cleaned by professionals, but the remaining 30 per cent of the nation’s rugs rarely, if ever, get cleaned. , be all right. If there is a severe slope near the bouse, change the line of the fence in a series of papa. Types of fences am limited by ydfer imagination and your poclcetbook. Lumbar yards often ckrry a wide variety of fences made up to eight-foot lengths. If yon see something yea like, you fney he ride to save money tqr purchasing tin materiel' and febricettog your own. Figure carefully though, and allow some value tor your time. Prefabrication of fence panels can be relatively inexpensive when mass-produced. Qflecball AdwuCtagei You Can Enjoy with a Genie • Turns on th# light • Opens the Door • Night safety o Closes the Door $4 • Locks up tight • Weather protection Convenience Savings NOW thru Ootober CALL NOW FOR FREE DEMONSTRATION Ml 7*01 S3 or JO 64727 Birmingham SOAT CENTER 1265 S. Woodward at Adams Road Men., Him. and Fri. 9-8 — Sat, 9-4 Wai$r Repellent Aids Fir Decks For Oven a light fence sink 1 posts at least two feet For a 1 Ugh or solid fence, add another ' six m12 inches to the depth. 1 Fence posta should be treated 1 With a preservative. If you cannot buy treated stock, soak 1 the posts in preservative1 overnight or longer. SPBAY If you can’t find pi container I large enough for- soaking, spray | or paint the solution on. Have posts dry so they will soak up the preservative. Be careful to handling the posts since most preservatives can irritate the skin. For digging the post holes buy or rent an auger or post hole * digger. Hie former is twisted! into the earth like a drill. The latter looks like two shovels hinged together for lifting out the earth — good in rocky soil. If your aril is well-drained, keep your holes to the aim you need. In clay dig a wider hole and fill with gravel to permit drainage. If the soil is loose and may. not hold, nail a couple of crosscleats (2k3 scraps about a foot long) at the bottom ami pack adlin. A “finish” of clear water repellent helps cedar or fir deck boards to weather faster and more uniformly. Apply it liberally with a the market can clean a 10 by 14 foot rug in less than an hour without using any special ! equipment. 1 will absorb. Enjoy security,’ privacy, beauty! installation available.. 582*4940 to- day for OltfE estimate in ther comfort of your tame. Gat* and terminals extra. FOR AtilJ) LANG SYNE - Dr. ahd Mrs. David Loe-wlth of Hosner Road, Addison Township; are delighted with the friendship door started by their home’s former owner and builder, Charlas p. Pierce. The home wes originally a stable with a tack room. Friends who accompanied Ur. Pierce on huntl were invited to sign the door. Their rig* natures were then burped into the wood for permanence, The Loewitha are continuing the tradition. NEED HELP? USE PONTIAC PRESS CLASSIFIED ADS! loww Cost, fast m action, phone- ssmui. Because Beautiful Venetian Lads Pattern in: GOLD LACE ON WHITE 1 GOLD LACE ON BLUE SOOLD LACE ON FINK PLUS: ALL WHITE ■ WE STOCK COMPLETE R MOLDING * ADHESIVE 9 MATERIALS H I mA-100 FURNITURE without romovirtg tho old finish SHttmuf-WmiAMsT_____ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■a • _ FUSTIC J ■ ■______DROP CLOTH a color AL ., Mg H to For beauty that feats, use our D|tber*Form *t«a«iifeg ‘ to keep your treasured furnishings beautiful, safe, "lik* now”. Pontlac'a Favoritm FamilyPrjrelmanert Since J929 ' PONTIAC M ONTGOMERY WARD THE POM'flAC. PRESS, SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 28, 1968 Instant f* Water Saves M6rtey,TMa We JPill Supply and Install.... ALUMINUM SIDING • ROOFING • STORMSAHD SCREENS • PATIOS • COMPLETE KITCHENS • IRON RAILINGS • ADDITIONS • RECREATION ROOMS M ATTIC REMODELING • GARAGE DOORS* FIOOR and Wall tile * ceilings • insulation • air-conditioning • GAS AND OIL FURNACES* SOFTENERS AND HEATERS • HUMIDIFIERS * DfSPOSttS • AIR CLEANERS • BATHROOM REMOOHJNG • INCINERATORS • CARPETING • DRAPES • FENCING DIXIE GARAGE WINDOW, TREATMENT — Sliding panels in the guest room of the Reider Thoreson home, Deerfoot Drive, West Bloomfield Township; allow privacy when needed yet open wide to reveal the charming landscape. The panels, designed and built by Thoreson, Stop Water Leaks in Ba&ment Walls Feed Lawn in Autumn CalifortfREE Estimate* 682-4940 j With the touch of ^ur ftrigerl ment wall where water Seeps in moisture is found below this after a rain? Such cracks are a level for proper function of the common problem where settling sealing fluid, of a bouse has taken place In When poured Into tha the awan following con- preniwd tmiirit, HyrfmJilnp struction. will aeek the natural channels the moisture these cracks through which water seeps mid permit to enter the basement find its way into the cracks Jhemselves* • •• *.»:...^ Horticulturists at The Davey TWO APPLICATIONS Tree Company Technical Serv- Two appiftattipws of a gallon ice Center at Kent, Ohio, explain , yon.i», ai hours apart, are that in the early TaH Nortbern , usually requited for the ma- grasses grow much of the Wot, iority of How- systsni needed to carry them < ever; £rgw or more extensive through the spring flush of , cracks may iwpiw more ap- growfli and the heat of summer pllfHnnji the following year. Bluegrassis Hydro-Stop may be applied hi a ctdp,” TOlviPg wet* weather — even dwing a uod" concUt,(>ns- light rain. In cases where the * lip ground adjacent to the base- During the fall, healthy grass ment is covered with a paved tends to fill in sparse areas by driveway or walk or i s sending out new shoots from the otherwise^ not exposed, National baa* of each grass plant, thick-Gypsum engineers recommend anted the turf. Annual weeds Sttber of the following pro- which grow from seed each year ceduros; are very active during spring * ; fp ★ and summer but die out in the -o Drill a %-inch vertical hole fall whan cool weather starts, down through the driveway or * *> * walk, about a foot into the The homeowner can get more ground, alongside the wall, or return on money spent for seed * Drill a %-inch horizontal and fertilizer by feeding lawns I hole through the wall from in- In the fail when weed campeti-J side the basement about it in- tion is reduced and grass natuT-ches below the ground or below ally grows well. In most areas, any outside obstruction in the the fall feeding season extends area. * from around Labor Day.to mid^ Then simply pout HydroBtop into the bale, using a funnel. In " •*;. . ■ . the case Of the hartental drill- Agricultural scientists reoom-ing from inside the basement, mend lawn food high hi nitrogen use a piece of pipe throupji tee and relatively low in pboe-hole and a rubber hose to angle phorus and potash- Tbs best CURTS APPLIANCES stopped by just pouring a ready-to-use liquid on the ground outdoors above the leaking area. The product, made by National' Gypsum Company, is called “Hydro-Stop” and is available locally. HyvostUp is a milky fluid Protect children, pate and property HHLp! — Houses, like people, need protection from the sun. One of the beet ways to protect the roof la to use asphalt shingles which have alter of rock-hard mineral granite.that screen out dry- __ ________________________ _______. tag ultra-violet rays and to- USE A LOW OOST PONTIAC PRESSCLASSIFIED AD sure ti* roofs durability. PLACE YOURS, CALL 332-8181. *71Voorhafrfcd. FE 2-2919 Our Operator on Duty After Houn More Styling, Comfort, Over-All Quality ents fry sariy growth and ureaform for the slower release of nitrogen which mate It TRADITIONAL SOFAS project* by BERNE Beautiful Fabrics and Colors Reversible, dpposd seat and back cushions of the best Lu*e Foam Rubber or Foam and Dacron. “Berne Sofas and Chairs are Built Better to Stay New-Looking Longer. CoaotrUetion Guaranteed for Life.” Castoied Base for easy moving. j j BENCH BUILT . . . HAND TAILORED Ym’II Like the Raality. ..Yh’II Ob to Price! Good Furniture Cottt You Lett at Don't dolay neadad additions or repairs any longer. A low-cost | pf Horn* Improvomont Loan can mak* yoor Horn* more livableand enjoyable— now! . &BB3X I 4C*m8fltent Locations to Sens Jp! OTTAWAWILLS - 2 LOIS wiirebdhiMaisk 104 IBhio>a.Ononllpw. -Otter Homes, litotes and Invest hi out Properties WE WILL TRADE ANNETT INC REALTORS ALL DAY SATURDAY ptenrn 689-1092 National Bank Additions or repairs? ^g PQfrTlAC FfrfeSS; SATtfeDAY, SEPTEMBER, 28, lff68 Optjjfff^tfon AApbiie Homes look Like Their Stationary Counterparts ..Iffi? ***** }l taon ma6 morCj th« lower-priced field. He add* shipments, Which amounted to "i*1 ?JverV»* *?* m*m xtnii* ««* *«■, wu total ■ppfearaoce between a mobile homes sold today ftr under 265 000 units this vear Giveii *nd * j?^”y hon* !».*» are mobile homes and oontinued prosperous conditions Jgt m postage will|f|he fOrecasteS^SpS”li fcr this booming industry crease as stationary homes total 265,000 units this year, i’ I *1 become mote costly. G.lven continued prosperous •id tJ*: *A abandoned conditions, he (forecasts that vilSS2tS b^iotoif '**'*"»* housing field is shiP™e**8 will reach 400,000 a Sth^hefmSI ffi £25*! v*tt°rtly being abandoned to tip .«£ 1«» eartjf 1070’s, smttr viriZ TBTOlle home," Watkins says. An improved financial posi- E!IXm^5”L ~ Srrr*1 The executive savr efforts tton for people S5 year* and p*Seat otUrtvSsal OW t6^*rd upgrading of W »P of the important • ADDITIONS • ALUMINUM SIDINO • SRttZEWAYS ' • ATTIC CONVERSIONS • AWNING WINDOWS • AWNINGS, r’fti • DINS • RATIOS • OARAGfS • RtCRtATlON ROOMS CONCRETE WORK - MASONRY • KITCHENS-• FAMIIY ROOMS • BATHROOMS •STORM and SCRIIN DOORS and WINDOWS EASY TO CLEAN—To simplify, dOani^^M^es, Mrs. Arttor R. Stiller of Perryville Road, Groveland Township;' hangs her converted antique jShter.ng'- from! a took*. "TOie' bugs were a problem in the summer at they flocked to Ihe lightsowee,’’ said Mrs. flttter. "Now ilii a ftralc prefect ttr unplug the lantern, ltit it dbwn and clean the glims." Operator on Duty 24 Hear* • . PHONE FE 2-1211 mobile tome toying segment. Watkins asserts, “Between now and 1972 the 20-to-24-year-old group will grow at a rate of about 3.$ per cent annually, and it will be die fastest-growing age group.” I WANT TO SELL LAWN MOWERS, POWER MOWERS, BOATS? USE A LOW COST PONTIAC PRESS CLASSIFIED AD - S8 TO I PLACE! YOURS, CALL 332-81S1. Window ^creeps U Take on New look '■.' ‘•Li-** * ^ 1 Y porches or extra rooms. i Watkins saya that lines of denubcftion| betWeen ■ the mobile imd stationary home will become blurred, particularly in Hempstead, Barrett and Associates Add Personal Touch tot Picture Frames WE DO EVERYTHING IN HONE IMPROVEMENTS Free Mutes - Cketrfill; Given RESEARCH FACTS REVEAL ... Cleaning BUDGET TERMS No Down Payment ADDS LIFE RESTORES LUSTER T0 YOUR i . CARPETS, and RUGS Pickup and Delivery Phone FE 2-7132 • ’ Licensed Builder “Member Chamber of Coiumarca” I visibility while cutting down on penetraton^pf the sun’s heat. ,Tfie screen’s heavy mesh stops 45 WISNER STREET, PONTfAC BW WAV RUC * CARPET If Tfill CLEANING CO. 40 YEARS IN POW%fc.4u ': a room and reflects them bac)c outajm. TMs keeps iHm s cooler and lewam air ifcon-ditiontag operating costs. It reduces fasting of 4rW pea CLASSIC" (llhM §' Wall Space "EARLY AMERICAN' rWallSpac* Our Reg. HiAKaHlA nr Country warmth, (.rain ash finiil "PATRICIAN" 8' Wall Space Mi imm Accented styling effect. Birch fin- And, for a limited time, eikfcwijl give ybu a $100 trade-in for your . old Heating plartf (jvhqn yoii convert tp whole-home electric heat we add sonlething else; Out guarantees You get it only if you have one of'these approved heating contractors do the work. This is the .time to convert to electric beet; So, Walk your fingers .ityraly jMi list. Pick out die nearest contractor. CaH him. ^Ybu$l be protected every step of the way. your home to el,ectrio heat, trqst these heating contractors to do an excellent job. Each has been carefully screened by Edison as to qualification and financial responsibility. Each has completed EdiSOn's rigorous draining program. Each rmfst be properly licensed. Each must carry insurance to protect against nouible mm 114% § mi ifir* THE PONTIAC PRESS, 8AXUltt>AY> SEPTEMBER 28, 1968 Swift/ Efficient Gas Incinerator Leaves No Odor JUST ARRIVED - llUIID tt Mobile friomes Mobile, home? are getting so : b^.tii^Wbeeoinln« immobile, A nanny magazine notes that ovferjtt percent of mobite homes' being Jpt today «* IS feef WALLPAipER First theft are two bushels of larger than a table-high filing The operating cost of a gas Stud waste, papers and trash cabinet and can be Installed in incinerator is far leu than what m a short time later nothing your kitchen, utility room, the average family pays la ut a little trayful of ash. hreeaeway or basement. taxes for garbage removal or to That’s the swift and efficient I968 Good housek&persjoiow that it is easier, to keep a house dean if you follow a regular cleaning routine, Wpu*''M, 'the beet times to (educe all household Stores, of gourse, is when the house ia Ip the planning stage. Good spa&til design, adequate storage room, built-in appliances, broad use ef low-mainteance surfacing t ^—Biiilt by Ray Rapaport fne? tit 987 S. Telegraph, the four-bedroom mlnninl Ws in the 927,600 range on your tot Ahimi-num- siding and briclp insure a maintenance a?e exterior. The model is located oh die WJrthllrest corner of Huron artd Voorheis, But . even the best design won’t eliminate basic cleaning chores. Some jobs need to be done everyday; others once § week, mce. a month or even less frequently. Schedule them sensibly, don’t try to do too j many “special" jobs in one day. ] Learn to do each cleaning job 1 Home Storts !thebest »*y *> #***jli i lyiifw the little tricks that make It ■ is • '&&*.*■ a I easiest tor. you — how to take up mtorontof*™ steps, how to reach, bend] and stoop as Btde-as possible. , ; ____-__u, The most comfortable way to dp , 2®*?***.*L a j&b right is the best way for faster in metropolitan Toronto V0Jj > than in any other major cfty iTl________ I | in North America, according to TOOLS HANDY the Canada Builder, a trade Make sure cleaning supplies [publication. and tools for each job are han* ;i * * + dy to where you are workings i All types of housing starts Cleaning supplies, for example, ; increased 143 per cent in the can be carried about in a [first'two months of 1968 over basket or even in a child’s 'the' corresponding period of wagon where only one floor H ‘ 1967. involved. * * #. And don’t overlook safety | Almost three times as many precautions in your cleaning apartment building permits routine — or at anypther time, were issued as in the -first two for that matter, flews made j months of 1967. slippery by spills, rickety chairs the Department of Housing anf Urban Development is car* rying its war on urban problems to the enemy camp. The department has an-nounced it is abandoning its "aft back and judge" policy on housing and urban projects turned in by various cities and instead will actively seek proj-ects to fttnd and support. - To get the new operation off. thl ground, HUD Secretary Robert C. Weaver set up a new office of Urban Technology and Ratearch, headed by a former. Defense Department official, Thomas F. Rogers. So far, HUD’s new campaignI seems to be moving at a brisk, Spacious 1 and 2-badroom apartments facing Cass and Sylvan Lakes In one of Michigan’s most beautiful wooded areas. Apartments art air-conditioned, sound conditioned, fully carpeted with large ■ Hying room, separata dining area,-private balcony, deluxe kitehenp and your own private beach on Sylvan Lake. Private boat docks. Rentals from $152 monthly. Q Sylvan on the Lakes PT LUXURY APARTMENTS COLONIAL LIVING FOR 1969. $27,600 on your homesite. PRICE INCLUDES ALL THESE EXTRASt Brick ana aluminum, ground levol family room, aluminum Window sills, natural fiiwpiace, deluxe pti'knWtlo kitchen ctibinots, Frigidaire range and oven, vent ban and hood, Curamic tilo main bath. Vanity in main bath, extra Vi bath, fiberglat insulation, wrought iron tailing, sliding glass door, 22'x22' oversixe garage, eaves and downspouts, comont sidewalks, full basumont. . > MID-LEVEL EXTRAORDINARY $22,900 On Yptfr Homesite - PRICE INCLUDES ALL THESE EXTRASt "Brick and aluminum, aluminum windows, S' vanity in main bath, extra Vs bath, pro-finished kitchen cabinets, fibaiglas insulation, paneled family room, wrought iron rails, attached 2 Vi car garage, sliding glass door, cement sidewalk, all formica countertops ana oak floors. “YOU CAN TRADE” BATEMAN REALTY will guarantee in writing* the SALE of your present home with our Quality and Workmanship Customized to "Suit You" On Your Site RANCHER PERFECTION $19,700 On Your Homes* - PRICE INCLUDES ALL THESE EXTRASt Reamr H? £—4 THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 199$ 2 Million Families Wave Two Homes part oI the Joint stuty wss 'statistics Showing that these second homes are usually owned by one family and not rented | or shared; that the homes are fairly expensive and have nearly all the conveniences of the fatn-!' fly’s primary dwelling. I The actual number of second | homes was reported as 1,560,1100 I because only 7 per cent of the 11.7 million households rented or THEFT of materials or malieiout DAMAGE on this property in excess of fifty dollars by tho Precipitate on Masonry Efflorescence, the white,, salt> like material whteh is sometimes,found on concrete, stucco or mortar, most be removed before painting, according to North Oakland County Building Association Private Property No Trespassing entrance ball, don’t Juat neglect it. Take a tip from'lira. Arnold Mix of Rolling Rock, Bloomfield Township; and hum it into a wall of elegance. Mrs* Mix discovered an antique doored chest Painted an antiqued hloe With white highlights, chest it topped by tbe Mix collection of antique brasses, oil painting typical of tie Flemish artists hangs above Yes, we take the pains to be “Old-Fashioned” builders ' ' k Jv ■ * . '"^yv That’s why ^ Kampsen Built Homes consistently re-sell at higher price* OFFICERS Rr NORTH OAKLAND BUILDERS ASSOCIATION Roy Rapoport, President Elmer Dunlap, Secretary Ward Ross, Vice President Dave Zuelker Treasurer Nick Palmer HsgkJddiM Ray Rapaport Elmer Dunlap The other doy l won who wgnted to pay us a compliment called us “Old-Fashioned'* builders. “I mean,** he said, “you go on btoldfagtoquelity standard.** You don't take construction short* cuts ... or compromise on materials. Well, I*m glad you build me way you do. It moans that, if I ever have to sell my Kampsen Built Home, I*m going to get more money forit than for any other comparably priced homo I might have bought!** Yes, We're “old-fashioned** that way. We believe Kampsen Built home is Wayne DeBeaudair that every buyer of entitled to prompt, thorough service. That's why we only build b areas where we can give service •to our homeowners. Wo like to “stay on top** of the home we’ve built, KAMPSEN REALTY A BLOG. 1071 W. Huron St , Pontloc, Michigan n 4-0921 & HERBERT DAVIS Ifwindoli, Pontiac Michigan Win nucy is tbe ebject ud tilu a nit.. Ull kupsn Mg & fcoKiw C*.. FE ma » ? UL 20240 JOHN MYLES t* 117S Dsn—m, JAjtoA *MeHs«i» KM 3-67X3 ARNOLD KAOLIN 10438 ttoAMb IktHLIMM, MMipm - em trffj FRANK J.SOAVE ' SWO Atrpwi BA, VfamM, MMCsto oao-osos Kampsen Realty & Ruling Company FE 4-0921 PiMt JjtoTBNGLY JOHNSON HOMES at#T HIbMmwI IML Fesrtiac, Michigan . 1638 Union Lake Union Lok«, Michigan fJttE P!QNTXAX; PE£SS> SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER Urban Survey Hits at Property Taxes Prdpftty taxes rob the poor, hamper urban renewal and block efforts to expand housing construction and. repaft to meet demands Eft decent homes. That’s the copdnsiop drawn Igr former Sen. Paul H. Douglas • Higher property«taxis in urban centers generally are used to finance the increasing demand for municipal services but also have a tendency to drive industry and business to the suburbs 'M lowering the city's tax base even further. This is not to say that Douglas and the commission Will advocate doing away with property taxes. To the contrary, the survey also stresses the importance of property takes, especially to locid governments. “Property taxes provide two-thirds of the revenues to most local governments,’/ Douglas told newsmen at a briefing. In addition, the larvip reports, property taxes have remarkable ability to expmuf ^Dlinds, now chairman of the National Commission on Urban iProbtems which recently made public its first study ssf conditions which slow down attempts to solve urban problems. The. study, according to Douglas, is aimed at stirring up discussion so the commission’s fad report to the pfostdent :■*! due at the end of the year I MIDLEVEL — The four-bedroom brick end aluminum siding midlevel model built to Ray Rapaport Inc. of ^67 S. Telegraph is' located on the northwest corner of Huron and Voorheis, Waterford Township. Featuring fbur bedrooms, one and one-half tabu, a discussion of property taxes and possible alternatives. The study not only reaches the conclusions qnentloned above but alto carries the additional implication that property taxes may also contribute to an actual -loss of tax reveoues by central city governments. Richard Netzer, a New York University professor, devised the survey which concludes: • • Property taxes across the United States on an average equal a 34 per cent sales tax on housing which is borne M per 1 cent of tiie time by persons who ’ occupy the housing in question. i Sales taxes on most other items ; rarely exceed 5 per cent to 10 . per cent • The burden of property 1 taxes falls most heavily on the ' pom*, accounting for as much as i 4 per cent of income for persons St the poverty level of 03,000 Common Sense Mbvihg Headaches Down if you want it... we can build ill We style and personalise our homes to fulfill your desires. Custom homef from our own plans. Pictures and blueprints of Ranch, Colonial, Contemporary, Tri-Level, Mediterranean, Cape Cod. Priced from $17,500. In our 18 years we have true, there probably Is no eato way to move. But it can be mit less trying — less painful —/through some good common-sense planning and organization. If you by to do everything in the last 24 or 48 hours, you’re juft asking for trouble. to begin with, set your moving date as far in advance as Always pack heavier items along the bottoms of fee carton Ml ESTATE e Sign of Proven Success IT'S YOUR MOVE! remove all jewelry, money and valuable papers from desk and bureau drawers. Don’t load heavy objects Into these drawers either, or you run the xialc of damaging the furniture. DON'T PACK Dent pack in a t c h e s, Inflammables or paint thinner* Keep things like so^apt. detergents, cIRifting compounds, polishes and medicines separate from food items. Don’t pack pots and pans or small appliances ta the aame Next, adi in ir reputable moving company to give you an estimate on fee cost and to help you plan your move. Make sura yo0 understand feat the Don’t pack pictures or mirrors between bedding or ferns; they can easily be damaged during the unpadring. Before you move, arrange for the discontinuation of services such as gas, electricity, telephone, heating fuel, water softener, as well as milk Plank-Beam Bcnamical in old nineteenth century sy* teift of mill construction has LAKE FRONT Beautiful bi-level home near Oxford. Large, nicety landscaped lot, good beach. Home offers four nice bedrooms with two cfnd a half baths. Family room, separate dinihg room. Three., fireplaces, attached three-car gafoge. FE 8-7176 1702 S. TELEGRAPH PONTIAC, MICH. • OR 4-0363 im , 4713 PIXIE HWY. '* DRAYTON PLAINS, MICH, flV X. m .WN 1 WtOOKS U 1 S Cr-0 THE VOWtlAC PRESS. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1968 OPEN SUNDAY 2 this rising demand for apartments has resulted in loner vacancy rates and a sharp Increase in average rent, William C. Haas, Kansas City, Mo., said today. Haas, president of the Institute of Real Estaia Management, based his com- Mini-decks pan be tucked any* where around the house to ex* tend living space to toe outdoors. What makes them special is that same extra-cosy feeling' that you get from a delightful little den. MASTER BEDROOM A wonderful place for a mini-deck is right outside the mas-i ter bedroom. Open up one wall with sliding; glass doors, build a tiny deck outside, and the bedroom will i look three tones larger than it ; used to. Plus you’ll have aft Outdoor retreat all your ora — nice especially when tile children have taken over the main patio. market survey of 120 Realtors1 in all parts of toe country by the Department of Research of I toe National Association of Real 1 Estate Boards. The Institute is' a professional affiliate of 1 NAREB. Haas-continued that vacancy! rates tor all types of multifamily units, as well as for single-family rental structures,! have declined over the past1 year — a trend that was foreseen last year and whichls I expected to continue. > *T addition to units built for' rent, an Increasing number of I ■ingle-family properties, originally owner-occupied, have been transferring to the rental inventory,” Haas pointed out. “Many owners, when moving, require their equity tor a second purchase, but many others have greater financial flexibility and frequently are retaining ownership as a rental investment The mortgage market climate has often prompted their decision, and demand for this type of rental unit that made the decision a practical I 6040 CRAMLANE- Clarkstbn Threw bedrooms, brick construction. 1 Vi baths, family room, gas heat, full basement. Located In an excellent neighborhood with winding paved streets and community water. $25,950. OlRRUTHMSi North on NM 5, right an - YOUR HOSTESS WaMsn Rd., tbsnos right on Cramlana. Shirley Burton 3374 COSEYBURN- Drayton Plains Three bedroom brick, paved drive and street, fenced yard with privileges on Loon Lake. Only$20,950 with an opportunity to assume a 5%% mortgage. DIREOTIORSi Wsst on Walton Blvd., YOUR ROST left on Plains, left on Qoseybum. LsFontains TIMES REALTY NEWPORT — Tbs spacious carpeted entrance hall in the Newport model built by Cranbrook Homes Inc. opens Into too formal living room. Furnished ky “interiors by $roy,” the model Is now bring previewed at the Thompson-Brown University HQIi Commons Community, Avon and (Rd Perch Roads Just east of Oakland University. It is priced at $44,850 including base price lot and is offered in four different front elevations. The Newport also features Insulated glass, prims wood windows and screens, ceramic tile, double compartment main bath vanity and auto- 5890 DIXIE HIGHWAY 623-0600 OPEN SUNDAY 1 to 5 - DAILY 9 to 9 Go Where the Good Como on out to whom thorn's still room to atrotch and breatha* room to raiso your family, and onjoy lift. „ You'll find axcallont neighbors — schools — churchns, and rocroation throughout Northern Oakland! AND FOR YOUR COMPLETE REAL ESTATE NEEDS SEE THE ACTION PEOPLE AT NEW HOMES TRADE PROGRAM 3 Offices Conveniently Located NOW BUILDING IN 5 BEAUTIFUL DEVELOPMENTS RIVIERA SNORES homos, beautiful tnin ESTATES THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1968 Suryey Reveals Housing Wants Spur Rentals while the cart to Hvtal to an 3 already high-priced luxury apartment veto up to fl ftf, cent to the to»as surveyed. THENDARA Country Club (Land of Enchantment) Gentle .sloping oak and maple wooded homesites as well as Walters Lake privil-•god sites, located only 2 miles north of 1*75 and 30 miles from Detroit city limits. CTarkston Schools. Location is in the heart of the southeastern Michigan Recreational 1958 Beauty Queen to Address Realtors A last Brewing summer and winter retort area, ideally suited for all typos of family living. Miss America to 1968, Marilyn Van Derfaur, will be the principal speaker at the fifth annual Realtor Forum Tuesday. More Rum 1,000 Realtors are expected to be to attendance. WILMINGTON - The furnished display model of toe Wilmington, a family feaRfe* planned three-bedroom ranch built by Gran-brook Homes Inc. is open tar viewing to toe Thompson-Brown University Hills Commons Community, CHd Perch and Avon Roads, Just east to Oakland University. Available alto to dlMKOrON HAlMt TO VIEW THE LATEST IN CUSTOM BUILDING “The Morg anton”, Pi DYNAMIC 1969 PLANS! CUp and Mail Coupon BeUno Toi paneled family seal glass windows ANDERSON 1044 JOSLYN ROAD , v FE 4353* , AASSO^iNC. THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1968 A new statewide program for The reasoning behind the new hmHHng rwnpi.inin on mate- program which Is being tried risk and workmanship between far the first fin* fa Michigan home owners and companies Ji- and in the Country is threefold, by the Michigan De- according to Burton add Scul-partment of licensing and Reg- thorp: ulation ww recently announced. • Anyone having a boose farter Burton, a bullder-at-built or alterations made or new torney of Huntington Woods, a appliances installed would, Detroit suburb, made the an-'where there is a complaint, art nouncement as chairman of the faster and mure positive action state agency’s Residential:outside the necesarrUy slower ®5dkes and Maintenance and machinery of a governmental Alterations Contractors Board, agency. Burton has worked with Len- * * F ton G. Sculthorp, director of In the Detroit area, the state file department in Lansing, for agency would submit com-■emal months in efforts to find plaints to the Builders Assoda- flce in file Commonwealth BiiiMjng for handling of the compfafats submitted by the Itate agency. ' W ft Tw 1 1. § •It is felt that fids procedure will give the organised residen-tial building industry greater opportunity for aetf-regwation. e If successful, fids method of handling camfdaims will ffeO tlw State Pcputaunt of Licensing and Regulation from an enormously time - consuming routine, since the department’s staff is not large enough to handle all complaints efficiently and expeditiously. ★ ★ Ar “The most important thing about this new way of handling complaints,” said Burton, ana wnere were » wuauy n tension between thedfaP“fan<«: A-spAesmanlMvWrote “Dmiar < no cjrcumstancm,”, sdd he far said Burton, “should anyone in-1 philosophy that has pnmwn«»-terpret the intent of i^l^hUpipgepcyip work(M«fcr program as meaning that the co-operation with private 1n- you can’t beatthese anywhere < for price, location, quality HUNTOON SHORES A young subdivision with carefreev all electric _ living, trees on every lake front lot, curbs, sidewalks and driveways. Close to churches, schools, shopping' centers. LAKE FRONT DUTCH COLONIAL $32,440 Garage Pad Catches Drip For an inexpensive garage drip pad get a panel of; standard W harilboard from a lumber dealer. It will absorb
. to Cor wworo and Smoko Tr— Woy. OPEN DAILY 3-6 P-M- the Huron River” “A TOUCH OF JE3M4NCE99 PRICED FROM Carefafly The homo you'll build.. .or buy.,. will play an important part to your family's futurel Chooso it cdnifvlly INCLUDING SITE THE PONTIAC PBBSS. SATUBDAY, SEPXEMBER 28,1»g8 Apartment Emphasizes Easy Living The modem, well-designed apartment house should appeal to two groups — owners and tenants. For tenants, the building should offer comfort and ease of living; for owners, it should insure minimal maintenance. That’s the formula followed by architect Gerald T. Heulitt "ESTABLISHED 1930' VILLAGE SQUARE — Located at the through Wednesday, Friday and Sunday from northwest corner of M-53 and Hall Road, noon to 8 p.m., and Saturday from noon to •Shelby Township; the |8 million Village 5 p,ni. They are closed aU day Thursday. Square Townehouses. offer two and three The townehouses are to be fully landscaped bedroom units. The cooperative housing pro-, and areas set aside for children’s play lots, vides luxury living for moderate income Parking lots and roadways will be black- families with a minimum cash outlay, Three topped, furnished display models are open Monday for an all-electric apartment house in Bayonne, N. J. The seven-story building stresses tenant appeal aand low upkeep. High-quality features include: all-electric living, a private balcony for each apartment unit, air conditioning, color-coordinated kitchens, tile baths, and on-site parking space. EASY TO OPERATE Casement windows and gliding doors were used for their good looks and ease of operation, and because they represent a sizable saving in building maintenance. the units have a rigid vinyl sheathing over preservative-treated wood cores that does not require painting and will not pit, rust or corrode. The windows also have welded Insulating glass. “This combination — insulating glass and the low thermal conductivity of .the vinyl-and-wood sash — helps cut electric heating costs," says Heulitt | “What’s more, the protective i vinyl sheathing insures freedom from maintenance.'* * Jj i Good grief! The publication said that The United States Savings there has been a growing de-1 and Loan League echoed mand for larger homes Over the Charlie Brown’s sentiments to- past several years. Of the new i day when it reported that each homes sold, 63 per cent had 3 : year you postpone buying that bedrooms and 25 per cent had * home you want, the next year four or more. Only 12 per cent ifs going to cost you more.' had less than three and these ★ ★ ★ were purchased in the mail fay In its newly-issued Savings newlyweds and “empty-nest-and Loan Fact Book of 1968, the era.” A good SO par cent of the trade organization for the na- houses had two or more bath-: tion’s savings and loan business rooms, revealed that the average cost Leading the popularity con-of constructing a single-family test in home-style as it has for dwelling in 1967 was 817,400. a number of years was the sin-This, by the way, does not in- gle-story ran$h home. One-story elude the cost of land and other hones accounted for 71 per cent nonconstruction items common- of all new homes; the two-story !y included in the selling price, trailed way behind at 18 per “The average construction cent; and split levels dropped cost of a single-family home to T9 per cent, rose 8525 or 3.1 per cent in Pointing up the fact that 1967,” the Fact Book said. “The Americans think a great deal of annual average Increase for the their automobiles, two thirds of last five years was 8815, or 4 the homes mid had a garage Price per square foot varied in a manner suggesting that climate is an important determinant in construction costs. On a per square foot basis, the median for the nation was 813.95. Prices were highest in tile north central and northeastern regions, at 815-35 and 814.96 respectively. They were lowest in the South Where the cost was 812.55 per square foot. In the West Urn cost was $14.65. CONSTRUCTION EXCLUSIVELY FOGELSANGER & FUTRELL “The significance of the spread in regional ebsts of new homes becomes more evident when the square fort costs are expressed la terms of 2,000 feet of floor mace,” the Fact Book stated. "In the north central region a home of that size would run up to 830,700. In the South it would amount to $25,- 3 bedrooms, full basement, 22x22 garage, VA baths, all formica kitchen, insulated windows. Our models are completely decorated and prices carry an $650 well and septic allowance. New Booklet Offers Home Hints Screen Gives »r available for your home. We ir an APPOINTMENT. We have several 2-acre lets and lai will bQild on your let or ours. Call or five name* naa a . . , . _ . jn the south less than Needed Privacy half had garages. FACTS “Forty-five per cent of the npw homes sold had a full or partial basement; 27 per cent had a crawl apace and 28 per cent were built on a slab,” the Fact Sort; reported. "In the cold cUmatea, 88 per cent of the new homes bad a full basement. Slabs were commonest in the An outdoor living area can be built right in the front yard by enclosing space with a tall privacy screen of cedar boards or slats or one patterned to match the house siding. Finish the screen to blend with house, Include a planting bed on the screen’s outside and passers-by won’t even know it’s SON, REALTORS DORRIS & 2536 Dixie Highway (EXCEPT FRIDAY) gWlN LAKE! ■ village/ JACK FRUSHOUR HARVEY KEITH JIM DoFLORIO CHUCK SHOTWELL DAVID KERR MARILYN VAUGHN BOB GIROUX BUI GIROUX VIRGINIA FLANIGAN ROGER PRATT the peace and luxury of country surroundings. shops, schools and service facilities, WE GUARANTEE THE SALE OF YOUR PRESENT HOME Exclusive Sales by C-Il THE PONTIAC PRfeSS, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1968 Real Estate Reacts to Recreation Boom PRESTIGE ADDRESS WATERFORD’S NEWEST HERE'S A PERFECT LOCATION ON SCENIC GREENS LAKE With greater income and more leisure time then ever before, the American family is increasingly interested in recreation — and in recreation-oriented land and homes. Mord’than 2 million families already own a second or vacation home and by 1970, It is ex- grandmother, today’s average housewife has far more time for discretionary use, for recreation. Goodkin says consumer/ spending habits have undergone noticeable change in recent years as incomes increased and more money became available such homes — mountain cabins, seashore cottages or lakeside retreats — will be built annually. jkg| $_..★ ■ ★ In addition, there is a steadily There has been a growing attention to family activities and associations, the desire for self-improvement, and an increasing leisure-time and recreation Expenditure has. increased for. such items as housing-, household operations an d recreation. Spending has decreased for basic food and clothing items and the automobile ha* lost ground as a status nymboL Budding New Cities Are Masfe&Plan Recreational spending has soared in recent years. More and more people are spending for travel, for sports such af fishing, hunting boating, tennis and golf. Water sports are a booming industry with 40 million’ participants and an annual ex-i penditure of $2.5 billion. Snow 1 sports too are booming. Camp-i ing tripled in the decade from L1960 to 2980. Family expenditures for outdoor recreational services and i equipment were at least $13 , billion in 1000, about $20 billion , in 1966, and will top $35 billion • in 1978. ' ; ' They are exactly what the name implies — entire new towns being built on open land, and bursting with new ideas on how to live the better life. The new towns try to create an attractive environment for residents, free of smog, traffic congestion and noise. There are about a dozen ma- Look at these unbelievable conveniences! • Private, waterfront living — boating, skiing, fishing, swimming • Golf Course at your door • Walk to Shopping e Waterford Schools • Ideal Location — Enter off Dixie Hwy., 1-75 only minutes away. All this, and more, in a custom quality community Lot prices start at $5,580 Americans are more mobile than people of any other country. The average American now travels 10 times as many miles as in 1900. Little over half of for business, struction, scattered all around the country. Valencia and Irvine are in California/ near Los Angeles. Litchfield Park is just west of Phoenix, Ariz. and two new towns, Reston, Va., and Columbia, Md., are near Washington, D. C. Houston has a nearby new town called Clear Lake City, and there are other newi towns in uhio, Louisiana, Florida and Hawaii. LARGE POPULATION The six leading new towns have a planned combined population of 785,000, and will cover nearly 300 square miles of this increase VQVRHHHI including commuting to and from work; the rest is for recreation. Tnyryaaid m O b i 1 i t y has greatly widened the area within which people can enjoy their recreation md, in this sense, has increased the supply of recreational areas. The recreation industry is growing bigger every year because people have higher incomes and are spending more and traveling farther. The growth of paid vacations, and increasing vacation time, also stimulate the boom in pleasure travel and all the ■ leisure activities. Sorcalled “urban sprawl" has ! fostered the desire of many people to get away from city or ' suburban areas when they cm. WE'RE SHOWING OFF ' TWO TRI-LEVEL HOMES OPEN SUNDAY, Sept. 29, from 1 to 3 p.m, the quiet country life that is Lakeland Estates, where your children have room to roam and play. ENJOY privafobeach, golf, tennis facilities plus 8 miles of boating in 3 connecting lakes. Colonial-Ranch-Split Level Homes With'jake front ond lake privileges. Ail hove basements and double car garages with from 3 to optional 5 bedroom, 114 to 3 full baths. CarplUBg, dishwashers, ovens, ranges, incinerators and landscaping era many of the features included In the price. The prices including city conveniences range from $34,900 to $44,900. Landscaping Included 2 bedroom RANCH, 2 full ceramic baths, plastered wait* plus carpeting, dishwasher, range, hood fireplace In family room, gigonlic basement, insulated windows In Watkins Hills. COMING SOON • Colonials • Ranches • Tri-levels from *25,400 C*Smw, Water, Fa«d Hood. NORTHRIDGE Wixapi ltd. ot loon Us. M. MAX BROOCK INC PHonesFE 4-0591 1941 S. Telegraph Rd. 4139 Orchard Lak* Rd., at Pontiac Trail OFFICE OPEN SUNDAYS 444-4890 MA 6-4000 Tod McCullough, Jr* • • Dick Macintosh • • / p e e e e Office Manager ' i ✓ Joe Bigler . Bob Bartlebaugh . Dud Moore, Sr. . Dee Clarkson Al Taylor 0 Shirley DeFloria .. Dud Moore Jr Snlpjtnt.fi.il Betty Lee ....... T Saleswoman Dora Tompkins .., Penny Patterson . . . Jim Niebauer... . 1 -Tpi\f | Gerry Wilson . . . Ron Newman ...... Bill Haviland .... Gen Cobley . . Marge Schrage ... . Joan Moore .... V-' ' “ \ Norm Echtinaw... Jack Iverson . Administrative Bob Lawson . . . . Administrative Mary 'Monroe . . . .Asst, Closing Mgr, HERE ARE JUST A FEW OF THE HOMES OFFERED IH LIVING COLOR! aOTOST.JORE mm SATURDAY 1 to I MO SUNDAY I to 1 tow HmM horn* in Jayne Heights. .IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. 4 Mrewni, large family Mom wMiHMon, attached 2-car enrage, patio, named street and drive, lake privileges, a wary exclusive nslphnsrhood. Will duplicate this tri-lovol or otKwr modal homoa In this subdivision. 40 choice loft atill awailable. DIRECTIONS: Walton Blvd., to Shawnee Lana to St. Jude. RAHH AM LAKE LIVING A lovely brick ranch home with 4 lama bedroom*; 2 lota ovorfaefana jfiiu Lake. Well landscaped, attacked garage, 2 full baths, patio, refrigerator, range, carpeting and drape* Included. An excellent investment at $29,900. Cash, tonne Or trade. See this homo and adhere in living talar In our Ml new Vol-U-Vieion a how of homea. HERRINGTON RILLS fhaorqi OPEN SUNDAY I to I Terma available for thie 3 bedroom brick ranch etyle home. Full baeemont, gat heat, aluminum eterme ana ecreena, well landecapea' lot, backyard fenced. Carport. Pawed atreet and drive. Call now—immediate poeeeealon. Feotheretone to Lynch, to AAouror, right on Thor. 1 LOVELY 3-BEDROOM OFRN SUNDAY 2 to t Brick and aluminum ronefj home, attached two-car garage, juet budt, on a larae fancad lot In tha Rochester area. You can small the newness, -forms or trada, and priced at $20,950. First tiara offered. Walton to Llvamole. riaht ta Harding, loft to Mary Allan. —: 3-bedroom all brick ranch home with full baeemont, large carpeted living room, 1% baths, attached 2-car garage, large fenced yard, lake privileges. A *ory neat and attractive homo for the tidy rum of $24,900. Cash, terms or let's trade equities. This, we feel, is our best buy of the day. Call new for further Informanew. WASHINGTON PARK Is the location of this 3-bod room brick Capo Cod homo and it is offered art just $16,900. Has fufl basement with -. recreation area, carpeting, ceramic tile bath, fenced let, I paved street and drive. First time offered. Terms or trade your equity. Here is an oaeollont value. NEW HOMES WITH A FLAIR A 3-bedroom ranch, family mem and boaomont far $15,990 plus ■ - *“■' otn-level with family mom for $17,990 plus let? A 3-bsdtoem, 2 atom eslantol fesawy n $19,990 plus fait Whet's yours? Coll us new far details on ent of McCullough'* Beauty Craft Homes, you can smell the nnmfu. you can feel the pride of new heme ownership, you can so* the quality of our Beauty Craft Names, Inc. LAKE OAKLAND HEIGHTS IMS SQUARE mT ’ Just in, Mils lovely brick ranch heme, ever 2,900 square feet ei IMna space, excellent location, paved street and drive, late privileges, IH baths, fireplace in the music teem, 21x23' family room, many, many extras. A complete list of eittefas that will temain^Can be obtained by calling 674-223*. mi « m HI 674-2236 Saturday, September 28,1968 Junior Passer Sets off in Infer-Lakes Fumbles Hurt Huskies Fall to Spartans, By FLETCHER SPEARS It was just one of those nights for the Huskies of Pontiac Northern. The Huskies held the upper hand in every department but the score, and in that me they were on the short end of a 6-2 verdict against a visiting Livonia Stevenson squad. “No one will remember the game the kids played, just the score," sighed coach Dave S&hmidt Who has had perhaps more than his share of games like this one. MISTAKES HURT The Huskies Outhit and Outplayed the Spartans (Ml), but in the end it was their own mistakes that forced them to setQe with their first defeat (1-14) of the season. And it left them 0-1 in Inter-Lake League action. “The penalties hurt,” said Schmidt, “particularly a couple of them. And the fumbles...." first half," said Schmidt. “We made some changes at halftime." ★, ' A. The halftime talk was noticable. Northern made six penetrations in the second half - to the 27, 31,10, M, 10, and 1 — while Stevenson failed to get past its own 30 during the same period. Northern’s frustration was spotlighted in the waning moments of the game. Out of timeouts after recovering a fumble on the Spartans 13, Northern bent halfback Hardiman Jones for nine yards to the four. With the seconds ticking away, Jones again got the call and he rammed off right tackle to the two where the Spartan defense hauled him to the ground as the game aided. SAFETY FOR PNH The Huskies only points — a safety — came in the second period when sophomore defensive guard Ttai Miller hauled Danver downi in the endzone. The Huskies turned in a superb defensive job. After yielding some yardage in,the first quarter, Greg Adsit, Mario Castillo, Dave Guy, Ken Shields and Warren Laturneau tightened the line and stopped the Spartans arid. Sharing in those defensive honors were linebackers Mel Reeves, Leon Conley and Barry Webb along with backs Eddie Williams, Sandy Seay and Rich Chapa. STATISTICS Jlrrt Down* Ruthlng ... ..... *" * ** s on the other occasions glowed their offensive efforts and the lone fumble they lost led their defeat. Central Routs BC Handy Chiefs Roll Past1 [ Wildcats, 39-13;. I The Spartans had six points almost before the national anthem was over. Northern took the kickoff and on its third play, finnhted the ball and the Spartans recovered at the PNH 28. It took only three plays fin1 Stevenson to reach paydirt, the payoff coming on a one-yard smash over the left side by fullback Date Denver, a 213 pounder. After that it was Northern's game — defensively and offensively. “We reaUy didn’t block well in the quarter. ' Walled Lake drove into Skipper territory for first downs at the 27 and the eight-yard-line, i but each time the Vikings were halted by the hard-charging defensive line of their rivals. Special to The Press HAY CITY — The, Chiefs of Pontiac Central kicked up their heels here test night as they ambushed the Wildcats « Hay City Handy, 36-13, in a Saginaw Valley Conference contest. The victory gave the Chiefs a 2-1 record In SVC play and kept them just e the flavor of a STEAK steak! OTHER RESULTS In other league games, Midland downed Flint Central, 20-0, defending champion Bay City Central routed Saginaw Arthur Hill, 334, and Flint Southwestern pinned a 26-13 toes on Flint Northern Saginaw is at Saginaw Mae- Ferndale Rolls Kimball Wins Amrim funtto PAMIUj mtmut end of « W-ys Seabolm pulled within six-points I* the Berkley's toe third stains, 1*43, blit Kttebi# (I4| m j Take Her Out to Dinner at mb^Ll tuft fall*) Hoi Night Powers Novi to, 40-0 Win Novi tented Us record to 24 test night with a 464 rout of Dearborn Annapolis. Jon VanWagmr and Tom Boyer tallied twice each to pnee the ji t ta nk,. VanWagner scored on runs of three end five yards, while Boyer hauled In t 33-yard iwai from Gary Boyer and picked upme other on nasi,yard dive. Jim Schott ran three runs and Jsa ELIZABETH LAKE RQAD Opposite The Pontiac TD Rampage Wesf Bloomfield Rips ■ Milford in 60-25 . falcons Rivals, 14-13; Orion Falters ' , There were , a lew bad foments, but over-all, thing# after last night’s action In the fraypMtoftlind League. “I’ve never seen anything like wm o9a* Art Paddy Mtor guiding West Bloomfield to e69-25 victory over defending champion Milford. .* * There were other big scores, $0. Northville disposed Of Brighton, 4«-0, and Bloomfield )$Bb Andover welcomed Waterford Kettering to the W-0 by blanking the Captains, 3441. CLARKSTON FALLS In a relatively quiet game at Clarkston, the Wolves were victimized by a v If i t i n g Clarenceville team, #41. receiving end of a 62-yard past from Scott for the other Baron score. € ffcjCri :*■** Clarenceville scored early in the first on a 20-yard pass from Dave Branderaihl to Rob Weller and then spent the rest of the evening succcessfoDy protecting Andover and West Bloomfield nbii*» fww now lead the W-0 with 241 SIX POINTS - West Bloomfield's Ed McKenna isnesr-records, while Northville ti 14. fog the end of a 13-yard touchdown rjm against Milford last Milford and Clarenceville are Ip night to the first quarter of their game on file West Blooro-1. Kettering is 0*1, while field field. McKenna scared again late on a 47-yard ran Brighton and Clarkston are 0-2. and he and hie teammates romped to a 60-25 victory. during their game yesterday on foe Andover field. Roley led the Barons to a 344 victory. “Tfiie even had the officials talking,” said Paddy, still to a bit of a shock at the way the Lakers made the scoreboard blink. "You hired us for. a football game and then make a track meet out of it;” said one of the tired, but smiling officials to Paddy. Falcons of Rochester a# they rolled up a U4 lead at halftime, but the viettbg Trojans caught fire hi the second half end almost pulled tt out. FALCONS PLY Rod Thiel’s four-yard run and Bob Dank kick made ft 74 for Rochester to the first and Mika Scally’i seven-yard pass to Rum BID make it 124 to the second. Tom Myers then ran the vital extra point on a broken play. Myers was back to bold for Dens kick, but the snap was bad, so Myers scooped up Mott in Grid Standoff Zywicki on the conversion to forge the deadlock. TIGHTENS Mott’s defense tightened after the Dragons tallied touchdowns In each of the first two periods. Bob Olivo was the culprit. He took a 20-yard scoring aerial from Stove Lord for a 6-0 lead. Olivo broke a #4 tie With a three-yard run that, coupled .with Brad Thrower’s kick, put Swartz Crack ahead, 134, it the intermission. Tbs Corsairs’ first six-pointer came on a one-yard rollout run by Jerry McNair to the open- Pontiac Catholic Has Sunday Gama ' The Titans stay at home this weekend and they’ll entertain ar Detroit St. Rita at 2:30 pm. in what should be little more than exercise for the Pontiac squad. *. n all goes wall, the Titans will easily dispose of the St. . Rita eleven, and they could * move into first place all alone if « Royal Oak 8t. Mary can handle tl Fenxlale St. James. (SHARE LEAD St. Junes and the Titans we 24, the only unbeaten in the league, and while an assy gama * to to the offing for the Titans, * it won't be so easy for St. Chuck Currie. Romeo turned a couple of Utica mistakes into touchdowns for an early 13-0 lead but Utica tallied twice In the fourth to produce a deadlock. EARLY EDGE Marvin Graft's one-yard run ended a 37-yard march Mowing a Utica fumble and gave Romeo a 74 lead on Ron Tabu1! kick, and tBa Bulldogs went ahead 134 in the second on' a one-yard run by Fred Lebendfo. Linebacker Bruce Harms broke through to block Taber's PAT kick. The Irish of ROSM are M but they put up a tot of resistance before bowing to Pouf ti c Catbolic last week, 1»4, and the Titans we hopeful the Irish win be just disturbed enough to vent their feelings on fit. James. OTHER GAMES ^ Other games on the Sunday schedule find a tough Waterford Our Indy of Lakes (l-i) team pointers on runs of It and four yard#, and scored on a 45-ywd punt return. Steve Jones went 17 yards to tally With a pant, and also want over en a 73-yard pam play with John Maloney. The Warriors erupted fort 34 by Redd. .Troy took a 74 lead over Orion on a 25-yard pam from third and Kurt GlUasple wrapped it up with a 61-yard jaunt to the fourth. Orion countered in the fourth on Bill Baker’s one-yard nm. Bob Tremblay tamed four touchdown passes to pace the Madison attack. He connected for a pair to John Havrelko — 65 and 35 — and flipped single tallies to Garry Marrow (55) and Rich Wolrock (33). Doug Meadows raced over on a four-yarder and Jeff Miller tallied on an eight-yard nm for the other Madison tallies. statistics Oxford Victim of Lamphere Madison Team Boosts Record to 3-0 Lahser Falls, 7-0 TD BOUND - Jeff Roley (21) of Bloomfield Hills Andover looks downfield after taking a pam from ms brother, Scott, during the Andover win over Waterford Kettering yesterday. Jeff scored twice to the 344) decision. On the ground is Kettering’s Larry Thompson. Two Sharing First Place hi Southern Thumb Loop Unge last night eg they ran their record to 34 with a IMS pasting of Oxford. another score to leading Richmond past Armada. Armada went to front to the first on a 5-yard nm by Mike The list of unbeaten! in the Southern Thumb League dwindled to two last night Richmond ran its league mark to 24 with a 25-12 win DePauw, but Richmond scored 19 points in the second frame to take a 194 lead at intermission. Scofield plunged over from the one to tie the game early In the woond, and momenta-later hit Nell Evans with an 15-yard kept pace with a 74 decision over Anchor Bay (14). OCC Harriers Keep Rolling Port Huron Gains Victory in €ML Rochester Pads Harrier Record 554 SfV ! SCORES STD’s \ Dennis Garner scored threa t touchdowns and Frank 1 Bacholzky checked in wife two j to spark the Amoot victory. 4 Garner hauled in scoring passes of 29 and It yards from quarterback John Bacholzky — Frank’s brother — and raced j over on a 37-yard run. Frank B. i tallied on runs of six and io yards and Roger Hunt picked Three-Way Th in Golf Event on a four-yard run mid the visitors halted tbs Knights at every turn as their record fell Oxford yesterday in a nip^and-tuck cross-country match, 27-38, and the win kept Rochester perfect for th* season at 14. ■ Oxford’s Jim GoodfaUow took todividual honors with a time pt 10:14, but Rochester took seo-ond, third, sixth and afnntb to pull out the win. Keith Wattles led Rochester]followed by tqammates Ed GriffMS),Oo«g Hauk (•) and Cal McDenile (7). Dennm Clack and Jim Acfae-fion placed four-five lor Oxford. THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1968 Demy Needs 8 Strike Outs s PETROIT (AP) Manager Mayo Smith said Friday night ft would bat a logical move to Play Detroit Tigers centerfield-fr Mickey Stanley at shortstop to the Worid Series if an extra By MOKE RECHT Associated Press Sport* Writer Sam McDowell mid' the surprising Cleveland Indians have finished their 1968 baseball season on a high note, but they’ll have to wait another day to find out how high. The fire-balling MpDbweil took over the American League lead in strike outs by fanning 11 for 283 as he hurled a tour-hitter hi Cleveland’s 2-0 triumph over Baltimore Friday night in the season finale for both dubs. The victory also left the Indians, a preseason pick to finish in the second division, only a half game behind'Boston in the battle for third place. : * * 2 However, 31-game winner Denny McLain of Detroltmakes a final tune up today for the World Series against Washington, needing eight shrike outs to overtake McDowell. And Boston stall has games left against the New York Yankees today and Sunday, needing only one victory to leave toe Indians permanently in fourth place. The Red Sox added a pessimistic note to Cleveland’s higher hopes by running over the Yankees 12-2 Friday night as Carl Yastrzemski, Reggie Smith and Mike Andrews slashed homers behind Dick’Ellsworth. Frank Howard’s 44th homer and Joe Coleman’s six-hit pitching sent Washington by Detroit 3-1. * *• Pwittkc Mn Photo LOOKING FOR HELP - Both ball carrier Mike Earner (38) of Walled Lake and defensive end Erick Alsup of Waterford are looking up field for help from their teammates during this run for toe conversion after the Vikings’ third touchdown. Earner added the point for a 21-7 lead early in toe fourth period. In other games Oakland moved into a fie for fifth place with the Yankees by bombing Minnesota 84 behind Rick Monday’s two homers and one by Dick Green, and file Chicago White Sox beat California 8-1 to fie the Angels for eighth. Pittsburg! 4-1 in toe afternoon. McDowell, who has twice before led the league in strike outs with 325 in 1965 and 225 in 1966 and fanned 236 last season, had “When you’re going like that (for the pennant) you don’t start making preparations for the 1 World Series,’,’ he said. If Stanley does start the Series at short, Smith said hi would not keep him there if Detroit got a lead. “Then I’d move him to the outfield and take Willie (Horton) out of there,” he said. He said toe move, if it , is made for toe Series, would Gibson Gains OPPOSITE DIRECTIONS — West Bloomfield pass receiver Bill Bullock goes Ugh in the air attempting to haul down a pass while defensive back Mark Giegler goes down after sllppingon the play during Friday night’s wid Wayne-Oakland League offensive display at the Lakers’ Stadium. 13th Shutout fanned nine and not allowed’a hit until rookie Bob Floyd opened the sixth for Baltimore wifit a double. HITS HOMER Yastrzemski had a double and his 23rd homer for Boston, Smith drove hi two tuns and sewed two with a double and his ISto homer and Andrews knbeked In three and scored two with a double and his seventh homer. Monday’s homers, giving him eight, were his first In a month and drove in three runs and Green’s sixth came with two on. For Olympic Games Track By file Associated Press Bring on the Tigers. Bob Gibson is ready. The St. Louis ape, tuning up for toe World Series against Detroit, hurled his 13th shutout of toe season’ Friday night and shattered* 53-year-old pitching record while doing it. Gibson beat Houston 1-0 and lowered ids earned run average to 1.13, breaking toe National League mark of 1.22 set by Philadelphia’s Grover Cleveland Ah exander in 1915. It was toe 22nd nated season and so was Peta Rose’s move into .the batting lead. AVERAGE DIPS Cincinnati’s Rose had one hit in seven at bats as the Reds dropped a 15-inning game to San Francisco, 3-2. Rose’s average dipped two points to .330 hut Pittsburgh’s Matty Alou was ft-for-4 as toe Pirates bowed fo Chicago, 4-1, and dropped three points to .339. In other National League games, Los Angeles topped Atlanta 5-2 and Philadelphia edged New York 3-2 in 11 innings. Willie Mays broke up’thf Giants game with a leadoff ho- m9 MinMteta (Hi MO), twmlght Chicago:-(Fla SanMft ft-4), n sibility of turning Stanley into the regular shortstop next sea- now requires a maximum of right spikes,” The controversial shoe, worn by toe United States’ John Carlos and Lee Evans in bettering world 200 and 400 meter records recently, has 68 small brushes, four millimeters long, on toe sole. “Pain also said a report that Carlos’ remarkable 200 meter time of 19.7 in the ILS. final trials at South Lake Tahoe, Calif., had beta officially rejected by toe IAAF was erroneous. Pain said toe lAAC will check all stages of practice at the Olympic Village prior to start of toe games Oet. 1$ to discourage trackmen front even working out with toe brush shoe. This leaves a couple of enterprising German firms stuck with more shoes than old mother Hubbard had kids she didn’t know what to do with. TWO FIRMS The two firms (Puma and Adidas), owned by rival business brothers, brought several thousand pairs of the controversial shoe designed to send runners flying over the carpet-like tartan track and offered them to toe brushoff today for, the impending 19th Olympic Games, first ever to be held on the (Thrum) new plastic surfaced track. "Everybody knew that toe new type shoe could'not be used in toe Mexico City games, but we have made it official,’’.said Donald Pain, of England, secretary of the International Amateur Athletic Federation ^IAAF). • ‘"We sent a notice to the various athletic delegations in the Olympic Village simply printing out that no technical rule can be changed during hn Olympic year and the rule on track shoes son,.except for Stanley at Hint Mayo is expected to use Denny McLain, Eiri Wilson and Mickey Lolich to pitch to the Series. But to an effort to give the other pitchers some work before the big encounter to St. Louis he aUernated t h e m against the Senators. ■k • ft , k Joe Sparma (18-10) started for Winner Chuck Dobson, 13*14, and Twins’ first baseman Rich ' Reese left the, game In toe sixth toning after a collision at first which left Dobson with a sprained ankle and Reese complaining of injured ribs. Hie Twins also lost Rod Carew to a twisted knee and Bob Allison, who homered earlier, suffered head and mouth cuts running into a fence for a fly bail. Joe Horien, 12-14, who singled to one run, teamed with Wilbur Wood to 'pitch toe white Sox pest California. Leon Wagner doubled for two more runs as toe Angels lost their sixth straight. Gibson’s performance was typical of 1088’s pitcher-domi- Cincinnati’s Ted Abernathy. It was Mays’ 33rd of the year and career No. 587. The loss shoved the Reds into a third place fie with the Cubsi who defeated Pittsburgh. Lee May homered for Chiudnnatl. Ai Spangler’s eighth pinch hit of the season—a two-run double “No official claim has been made for Carlos’ record, so how could ft be rejected?” . Bolt Adds to Hold in Senior Go Pain said there was a slight difference to the shoes hauled to toe Olympic.center. “One had 08 brushes and toe other had 43,” he said. “They call them brushes, but they're still spikes.” With the growing numbers of Sets Pace With Record 66 Gates Thanks Donors of Car LAS VEGAS, Nev. (AP) -Tommy Bolt fired a thre-under-par 88 during the second round of the 12th annual U.S. National Senior Open Golf Tournament Friday to maintain a lead at 130. With Emotion synthetic tracks, especially in FAUBROOK, Calif. JtAP) -Judy Kimball of Sutton, Mass., kdocjfoi four strokes off toe course record with a six-under-par 08 Friday to tak$ the lead to the firft round of the eighth annual Mickey Wright hivfta- DETROIT (UPI) — They presented Gates Brown with a brand new car Friday night and the 300-pound Detroit Tigers’ super pinch-hitter did what any Southern Golfers Play for US, Title in rightfield. It was his 25th of the year. k ifi >.,t Things were deadlocked between Washington starter Joe Coleman and rdiever John Hiller (9-0) for toe next three fating*; But to the top of the seven-to, Howard greeted new Tiger pitcher Pat Dobson (5-7) with a bosne run into file lower deck in leftfirid, his 44th of the sea- ATLANTA « - Cups Person ri Memphis, Tenn., and Ben Goodes at ReidsvUle, N.C., moved into the finals of the U.S. Golf Association’s Senior Amateur Tournament "Friday, winning quarter-final and semifinal matches. , * - v Person defeated Desmond Sullivan of Wist Orange, N.J., 1- Another IAAF official, Adrian Paulen, noted that while Evan* ran his spectacular 44.0 to the Olympic trial 400 meter wearing the brash shoes, runnerup Larry James was clocked in 44.1—also bettering a pending world mark Imlay Among Loop leaders of 44.5 by Totnmk Smifh—wearing standard track shoes. The swing may be to synthetic tracks and brush shoes for faster performances, but Paulen hinted the IAAF may not rush into approval of the new foot- “Thank you,” be spoke in a •oft, humble voice. “You could have chosen anybody on the team . . .” His hand moved to his eyes again and the Crestline Ohio native spoke to the crowd: There’s still a crowd at toe top in the Greater Thumb Conference following victories Senators Up It’s a real compliment. Cfab President twinbill Held 76ersTridmph Easily, W-109 PACES IMLAY Quarterback Jerry Shull sparked the Imlay City Spartans to their league win and tfaeir third over-oil. — WASHINGTON (AP) - The Washington Senators am for California Bowler Has 37 Pin Lead 2ndW6undTie OverPistbns in Golf.Event EDISON, N.J. (AP) -r Jim Godman of Hayward, (toll!., held a 37 poin lead after two rounds Friday to the Professional Bowlers Association $40,000 Mercury Open. Godman put together sfat game blocks of 1,392 and 1,255 ROBINSON, 111. » — Rocky Thompson and Dean Refrain climbed Into a first place tie Friday to the second round of the $25,000 Robinson Golf Open at toe fewwford Chanty Country Chib. MMMlM i 1—1:11. A HOW. * '48 Tech Team Attends Ga me * it from then on. he mate an offer last year and ' 57^*:»•' ■■ f ft-was rejected. Veedt said he is aos had hoped to become “e toagw interested, rat h-ttf*1* to win a clear Comedian Bob Haps insisted ghtwright title wide still be was in Washington to play teens. golf, not buy s baseball club. k -’ k.^- k', . Veeck and Lemon both todi-rd just gone out at first cited foe asking price for the did to toe later rounds, I team was around $10 million. I could have stopped The Senators (dunged from ■aid Ramos who, along sixth to 10th place In toe league Steve Nowkkl of Rochester N.Y., was second with 2,810 aip Allle Clarke rf Aaron, Ohio, was third at U78. jwWMSSM Gredin his Uth NBA sea- teearfag’sedfon today wtom tog, son, scored 17 poMtS tS the first HusUee play Mankato State in i nine minutes of the quarter by Houston, Iflcfa, going 7-tor-7 from tte Joar and Amoqfthe«*ridters of Os < 3-for4 from file foul line. He sat 1948 Item which parted a 7-0 i Oft rat if ft* period. record, will ha Brendan Catalan i Greer’s 36 points lad the 76ers. Daly of Pontic, presently with < Detroit was led by Dave Bing the Oakland County read com-1 Noted Triftwig Stor Ditf j MELBOURNE, An f it raliir. (AP) — Sir Norman Brookes* one of Australia’s most famous < tennis players and officials, < died at his home Saturday. He! Was 98 years old and had been | in poor health for several years. I THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1968 ■ Interest Rests on Green Bay few Patriots Ace Runner I Live Packers ’Mg-. • . Take* You Where the ACTIO# Ut DRC Results mud, snow, ic* and on the : water. Cruise at 35 mph in open country. Tough Wph-impact body and Welded chassis. ; AMPHICAT is America's 'most versatile and mobile vehicle. See It" todeyl Five Teams Unbeaten iit NFL Action Nance, the AFL’s leading ground gainer the last, two years, twisted his ankle in a preseason game against the Philadelphia Eagles. He was used only tor blocking in the AFL opener at Buffalo and was Ineffective against the New York Jets last Sunday. NEGRO QB DENVER, Colo. (^P) V Rookie Marlin Briscoe could be the first Negro quarterback to see action in the American Football League if — as expected — he gets into the Denver lineup Sunday in a game with the Boston Patriots. St realize it will be the first," said Broscqe, a 5-foot-lO, 178-pouader from Omaha Universi-ty. It will be, he said, "just like baseball. IT have to perform as wefi.” NEW YORK m - Five teams Hazel Park Results $ Football League — Dallas, Los Angelas, Minnesota, Baltimore and New York — but the fate of Green Bay will at-(tract the most attention on Sunday’s eight-game program. Ever since Vince Lombardi retired as coach and named DRC Entries have on the Packers. Green Bay won its first game ahd then bowed to Minnesota list week. Now the Padcers (1-l) come up against the revived Detroit Lions (1*1), who ran the Chicago Beers mil of the park last Sunday, M. *> » * Kansas Ct^F bul did not see eo-tkm during the regular season. Willie Thrower of Michigan Skate played one regular season game hi' 1953 in the first appearance by a N e gro quarterback in an AFL game. He completed three of eight passes for 27 yards. 2 GAME STREAK CINCINNATI (AP) - The Cincinnati Bengals are headed with their two-game winning streak for somewhat of a buzz saw against San Diego here Sunday. MMatrSClWd English Prairl* a*Bee's tilttle M TUSSLES!! aa£wstfs&.»J Hazel Park Entrlet Mlrt Dlllpni Dirty Joe TlNMIgr - ■ AAr , UapmAM. F.N.TAKIS Your Host CITY OF BLOOMFIELD HILLS Meeting Set Regarding '69 “We will have to have some good bounces and bobbles,” said Coach Paul Brown about the scrappy Bengals, who adied the scrappy Bengals who aided big plays to win the two contests Drown cautioned that the Chargers are a great team and they move the ball well against all dubs, as the Bengals found out bi their first encounter with San Diego that resulted in their only loss — 29-13. 1 break habit BUFFALO, N.Y. (API - If there’s one thing the Buffalo Bills want to do Sunday it’s to kick the holding1 habit. But there’s another important task —to atop Joe Namath. MINNEAPOLIS-ST. PAUL (A — The Minnesota Twins formally announced Friday that a press conference is scheduled at 10:45 84Q., CDF, Monday regarding the American League baseball team’s manager for Traqrs Pries Volcanic Rom Tammy Slicks* Pacai I Miiai Tad J Direct Grandlloqutnca The Canadian Clubman^ Code: Rule U Canadian Club is “The Best in The House"* In 87 lands. And the best in the house In . your house. No other whisky tastes quite like it. It's the one whisky that's bold enough tobe lighter than them all. ■practice the Canadian ■k Clubman's Code, Rule12: Share the best ’ with the guest. Twins President Calvin Griffith is expected to announce a decision whether Cal Ermer, whose, one-year contract expiree at the end of this season, will be retained for 1969. Former Twins -coach Billy Martin, a Pacific Coast League manager the past season at Denver, has been mentioned as a possible successor to Ermer. the Bills take on Namath and the New York Jets in War Memorial Stadium in their fourth American Football League game of the season. They lost the first three while the Jets won their first two. Harvey Johnson, the Bills new coach, says Buffalo had five holding penalties in- the Boston game, three of four' against Oakland and five last Sunday against Cincinnati. WOUNDED DOLPHINS MIAMI, Fla. (AP) - The Miami Dolphins, sorely wounded by the loss of five regulars, are ^expected to take their R & M Motors North Stars Defeat Hawks DULUTH, Minn. (AP)—A third-period gohl by veteran winger Parker MacDonald eased the Minnesota North Stare to a 2-1 win over the Chicago Qogdak (Pete for the Gianta SCharlie for the Redskins). ilng bade Randy Mhadear hi lost to the (Hants ao rookies Ron Blye and Bobby Duhon will A* plenty of addon. MORRALL AGAIN A first-period marker by Gary Dineen opened scoring for the North Stars. Chicago countered with a goal by Pit Martin, also in the first session. Itimpe. again when they meet the Kansas City Chiefs tonight. With tight end Doug Moreau, fullback Stan Mitchell, running back Jack Harper, comerback Dick Westmoreland and safety Bob Petrdla all on the sidelines, the Dolphfau have been clobbered two straight iweeka by the Houston Oilers •and the Oakland Raiders. Natters in Semifinals BERKELEY, Calif. (AP) -Second-seeded Stan Smith of Pasadena, Calif, and fourth-seeded Charles PasareR of Puerto Rico advanced to a semifinal duel by taking quarter final victories Friday in the Pacific Coast International Tennis Championships. Lqte Golf Star Is Honored on Date of Death BEAUMONT, Tsx. (AP) -* The late Babe DkWkaon Zaharies was honored Friday as the The Chiefs also have had a heavy toll of Injured, leading to suggestions that Saturday’s lame be called the “bandage FALL-WINTER SPORTS EXPO fiunous golfer and Olympic champion. .. Byron Nelson and Patty Berg, two of golf’s alUlnte greats, spoke at the graveside ceremonies in the tame town Babe loved so well. Jhttphik223 The Family Fiat THE PONTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1968 Warren to Battle for Justice Portugal's Hew Leader Has Big Job : CAMBRIDGE, Man. (MjuL CSiief Justice Earl Warren appealed today tp lawyers to take an the “eausesot justice.” * 4,A right without an advocate » as usekss is a blueprint without a builder or materials,” Warren said. , “Justice in individual cases is ■ basis of jpstlce ior evwynnf, A failure to protect and further atyonwis-individual rights leads to justice for qo one.” Warren’s remarics were pre-pend for corneretooetophtf ceremonies at the Roscee Pound-American Trial Lawyeni Law Center. He said many countries have constitutional provisions similar to those of the United States but that in only a few countries do the provisions find effect in the actual operation of the law. the ©-year-old highly successful corporation lawyer took over the job of Antonio Salazar, who. had set the job’s salary at the I equivalent of $432 a month. OPEN Ts30 FRI., SAT., SUN. 624-3185 Salazar, whose 4 0 - y e a r authoritarian rule of Portugal was ended by a stroke that brought him near death, lived like a hermit, and his austere furniture dated to 1928. Who says they don't make Westerns like they used to? AVfejustdid. Doris Day Brian Keith 1 “WithSKSou r— 1 GetEgHF’ J Hie problems facing Caetano included: ,, • A seven-year-old an-tiguerrilla war in Portugal’s AftiaiyMSiir drive-in theater oUmmcKGc **■ Fri., Sat, Sun. Hhe Green Berets African colonies, which costs 40 per cent of the national budget: j . • A stagnant economy which, b m rtg s the average Portuguese less than $700 a year income. , • Increasing pressure to' liberalize the authoritarian style! of government, although Portugal has remained trahquil under Salazar’s rule. | YOU MUST BE 1R ~ PROOF IS REQUIRED brilliantly taught by Dr.4 Salazar,” but hinted at changes; by adding, ‘‘Life is a constant adaptation.” Political observers look .for some possible moves toward i liberalization, but only after] Caetano has gqjned a firm base] of support within the con* servatlve armed forces. wavHW(U« w ■ UfftVIU Wayne iIanbsen ROYAL WELCOME - Plaice Rainier (right) and Princess Grace of Monaco visit the Manned Spacecraft Center in Houston. <&. n Mail Orders _ Now! ‘ (■OX-OFFICE OPENS MON. SEPT. 30) Explaining the lunar landing craft in the background during yesterday’s tour is Dr. Robert R. Gilruth, director of die center. March in Chicago Today Will Protest Police Actions REFLECTIONS IN A GOLDEN EYE CHICAGO (AP)„— Hundreds, perhaps thousands, of demonstrators are expected to njarch down Michigan Avenue and assemble in Grant Park today in protest against police action during the Democratic National Convention. The rally and parade also are aimed ’at mobilizing support for ending the war in Vietnam and for, appealing for amnesty for demonstrators arrested during the convention, the week of Aug. 25. Permits for die rally and parade were issued by the city. national, has been put off until Sunday. The park district refused to grant rally permits to the patriots because, it said, it could not handle two large groups at % same location on the same day.....;...:.. A counter demonstration planned for today by a pro-police group, the United Patriots filter- FRED AS1AIRE - PETULA CLARK DON FRANCKS- KEENWI WYNN «» AL FREEMAN. JR. BARBARA HANCOCK,-TOMMY STEELE Break him! Ik ...but make ■I damn sure H} the stranger Hl doesn't HL.crawl ■Pniutof ^riown alive! No dancin ’. No sheetin'. And what ©tin. of his friends. Gary’s days are filled. There was a party on his 15th birthday Aug. 30. Nurses on his floor furnished the cake. He has finished reading a book about a Russian royal family that had five generations of hemophilia. TcSyAnthony Every Tuesday “Little Joe Special’ RIBEYE HA! TBEBAfODONir BREAK! AFIRST m MOTION PICTURES!. ^ 60 seconds for you to guess m the killer’s identity! .11 He has never been in class since entering the 10th grade— he broke bis leg before school started—bqt ha keeps up with his five subjects with the help of a teacher who visits him daily. An “A" and “B” student, Gary hope* to earn a doctorate in mathematics. ‘HE’S MOTIVATED’ “He’s a pretty motivated gtty,” says a hospital apokes- SEVEN ARTS PRODUCTIONS Pnwits 1 Mtwmtimimf .say no more: Seventy-five per cent of the Russian wot force works a 41-hour week at present. The others work longer. kansas town of Hamburg, some of whom woe flown to Little Rock on Gov. Winthrop Rockefeller’s private jet Many persons responded to s public ap-peal for donors. jfl; - 'V-,4 ■ With the number of donors, Gary’s father, Who works for the State Welfare Department, goes to the blood bank at nights to befy. “Uproariously “Wise, witty and funny!” for everybody!” MONDAY ONllY NOT 7, NOT 12, BUT FULL T7-JEWEL SPORTSMAN'S WATCH Waterproof Tested to ji 150 Feet Underwater Regular Price ^Automatic Calendar-—* •-/ 7\ • Exterior Dial to Time Underwater Stay • Easy-to-Read Underwater Radium Dior Unbreakable Mainspring Sweep Second Hand . 1 jM 9 Anti-Magnetic , J • Shock Resistant 'V / Stainless Steel J** • Dust Resistant PAY ONLY ! WEEKLY NEVER, A DULL MOMENr WKC’S SPOTLIGHT SPECIAL! w TilK PONTIAC rHmS. SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 28, I9fl8 Record of Transactions for Week Stock Market THE PONT1AC PRESS. SATORDAY: SEPTEMBER 28, 1968 i.aMBy sgfpslg? .J3L under ooth, with this XS&ASff. "88R urawvar A Detroit man is being held today in the Oakland County Jafl charged with breaking and entering a Novi home. Teddy Clark Agar, SI, was oCounpj^ SLSSbSLiPs® Slajwt whdrtS na? ■ Section 23, Whit* Lake SI coSon£^ DiSria *o» S'S5» gmcw, Campus Drive, oSSS . JOgf*j* fJMWIon of Oakland ocnooii will onvnNM: ' *■ IwWi Itio arbposod ai .< mms1«*r eewHif^^^n 1 ord«SdeetlVe d,t* of ,he ,rans,tr' 11 4i WfcW to fftMy torsanai er raal i gtogW » »+* tranatorrad and, if ]» ”» equitable consideration gfe*" wrested Thursday afternoon by Novi police after they were alerted by a person who saw him allegedly removing items from a house on Nine 3 Road. Pbbce said an investigation showed that Agar was involved in—about five Other similar breaking and enterings in approximately the last two months. His fingerprints also matched those taken at the scenes of the previous breaking and enterings which all took place between 2 and 4 p.m., police said. Police said they are seeking a warrant for a female who is alleged to be his accomplice in the Thursday burglary. _,-JSpaev uiiis jgPIP*^ of ainapOMSI alteration Ol school dlitrlct boondorv Unto of HM.Waterford Township KM blotrlcf, Oekt *w3r5 ■HlfWvt lib S niro scribed i » Oaklai fwgax’ssttaws tha above described torritor- *—— ' The Board of Educotlon o School! wol dewraUiw: 3. gfrrt.v. d«to of the ■ *' pripjirty to bt" ransftrrid ^nd™} Jdj^Jho oqullob 10 consldoratlon HI* 7mSssmm educ*M.m Schools JROWN, „ —, Wo TOill September 29. INI wlflRBr MBn»wi Child Jo dOSMgeat upon tho public for BE "“Jtautva «#*»• rlSffia mraMM MnMu of October, A.D. 3St| oy.woofc^SS^w Powtwf; Pratt, a iwwapapor or and and circulated K—s--/' OenXrjfr grit at s Detroit Man is Charged in Noyi Bre mfistiis I’M 11“® SoyM --!j| W m"3s saga ttogeupiip 1 Aa Lenore, Elly Will Campaign in U.P4 LANSING (AP) - Michigan’, first lady and its Republican state chairman will Join Mrs. Philip Ruppe next week for • three-day tour of the Upper Peninsula, campaigning foi Ruppe’s reelection to Congress. Lenore Romney, Elly Peterson and Mrs. Ruppe plan to begin the trip Wednesday and to stop at Houghton, Marquette, Iron Mountain, Menominee, Powers, Gladstone, Escanaba, Manistique, Newberry and Sault Ste. Marie. American Stock 6xch. .NjW YORK (AP) ■ jptw* aSTr#H |Ifi AlaxMa .._ Am Pair jB ArkLOw i.To Atemar* oi AwdOli a « i m ^ 37** *ft jft +M X14M » 19ft 19ft PR ... „ m im loft Mk Camatf .i5lh . 40 7ft ni 7ft Cdn javVRn in t?ft isft im +ih DyMMCtrn i hi im « fPli ilii^ Oon Plywood fit ifii lij* w — mSH* 1C Ip ot b« Pot in «w w> * • — ms*. Nycon M mdromotr Impor Oil S lyiyn Cay % ‘ a» m m Mff I i Hil »» TO ?» Asfl i ism im i /-'Bi B 7|1 13 1 ilia 4-n +1 n JPrtmi vofihtp w nS-NM John M. Hanson WiaattiaM. .See DRCt SBr ■aatdBBS ..■asa wiMf naraonally at ■’ sold Iwarlnp at which fima temporary dt taffimajSSBISf1 ES&igJSfeil fimrls r' NStMAN a- aAKNARD. filGA;jORH raw No NH ’MH3.™ STATE OF MICHIGAN—In i™------ Cofxrt tor tha Cayity ot Oakland, Juvanlla In iS mattar of Itw patMkm Kas-li#® w.erwjEjww *tmL Wsm xxtrjejmzK. Week's NV List (Continued from Page i>6) | S«Si Ha's a su sgr' Twon Cant 1 1397 ^3*ft lift 3IVi +S t{; / SI S» v 34 % *4 '■% j& k ss ®i,s 40 W III! lava ljvh — ft m OnPaeptAO i m ^ p|3 Ji.au im “ . a. UniroyB On'Tatfe*T$l „ I -------« 3 13430 129 12614 124ft .30 113 47ft . 4544 46ft iNteirUn I ' lM 44ft 41ft 41ft UnnAlrC 1J0 443 60ft S9ft - £ta i Un Fruit 1.40 ' lino lift SOft 4fft+tl9 % i s ^ ft'Unit MM 1.01 411 Wft 37ft ffft Ift Unit Nuclear n| 3ft 31ft 32ft —1ft ft'Unit Pk Mm 334 7ft Jr j Tm — it 1. 41ft T—11 «ft + ft'unit vT 4-iftjunm ifl S'CCIa Hill ii ■mMk w m St I'.Fi Jdo mvt Rolllnslnc .30 Mgrja 1 RorerW 1.24 RoyCCola .ft Iwmi .09r NoyO fftior Rukftmd .94 RydarSys J0 ta » nil JonSart JO'! xSM Sft .. .... _ , psar uo s mi ik to + jarW«|Sclp.S0 143 W IM 2M SS Bit + ft 1 :»* » © S L +M m3 mmm WiM Hills mwm* «*if jr 25ft 31ft +ift JcoWFore .40 Bi3 ■■■■I Is* ft I » au*a ai. ift SooCaiE MO 440 jf^ iwsmnflu f r j%r2 jf gj tens mrt BBSfSSPiji California Plants to Aid War Effort DHt 5 . Death Notices SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) ,->• Four boxes of a California ground-cover known as ice plant are being airlifted to Cbl. Steve Furtoaky at the U.S. Marine Air Base at Quang Tri in Vietnam. ' Furinsky wrote to Gov. Ronald Reagan that the Marines had a problem at the 'base be-' ‘This is a very sandy area with a steady 20 knots of wind which blows the sand into the Marines’ food, beds, eyes, and helicopter engines.” The colonel said Californians in his command praised the way ice plant prevents soil erosion and asked lor four boxes. Reagan arranged the shipment, via the El Toro Marine Base. The plant produces bright flowers, grows about four todies high, spreads rapidly, needs little water and is used-to many areas as a grass substitute, male in the News LONG, SUE A.; September 24, 1968; 574 West Hurota Street; age 80; dear mother of Mrs. Robert E. (Mildred) Field, Mrs. Lester (Mary Jane) McClellan Jr., Mrs. Harold W. (Betty Lou) Sibley and Calvin F. Long; also survived by 11 grandchildren and, fly e greatgrandchildren. Funeral service will be held Monday, September to, at l:to p.m. at the Sparks-Griffin Funeral Home. Interment to Oakland Hills Memorial Gardens. Mrs. Long will lie in state at the funeral home. (Sugge visiting hours 3 to 5 and 7 to 9.) i at^ 59ft 991^ 99ft H WabR P» 4.50 1260 76 72 7* BBafli v is J SS S» |S; ji Wuhth .70 Wm Wat 1.20 jm rw* i C JB& s b r Wf P pi 4.30 ylw 7f* 74 «»g-s gas Daily Almanac By United Press International Today is Saturday, Sept. 28, the 272m day of 1968 with 94 to follow. The moon is between its new phase and first quarter. The morning star is Mars. The evening stars are Venus and Saturn. On this day in history: In 1781, Gen. George Washington, backed by the French fleet, with 9,000 colonial troops and 7,000 French soldiers, began the siege of British and Hessian forces at Yorktown Heights, N.Y, In «1850. the flogging of sailor to the U.S. Navy was abolished. In 1920, a grand jtnry to Chicago indicted eight players of the Chicago White Sox on charges of “throwing” the 1919 World Series with On- to 1965, the Mt. Taal volcano erupted in the Philippines, killing at least Iftg persons. Funeral service will be. held Monday, September 36 at p.m.. at Donelson-Johns Funeral Home. Interment in White Chapel Memorial Cemetery. Mr. Lobdell will lie to state at the funeral home after 7 pop, tonight. (Suggested visiting hours, 3 to 5 and 7 to 9.) _ INDIGESTION? PAINFUL 8a«? Get new PHI tablet!. Fait at JyiNTOnlif 91 mom. Slmm's Pi afiwi NOTICE OF INVITATION The Pontiac Housing Commltsloi Invites private Builders o vroxlmately 168 apartments In a me davaiopar and satisfactory tha Pontiac Housing Cc-----'--T“ Office of the Oepertment of Hetnlng and Urban DiwMIlMiil, I It ras t ad oulldora ':oi^ dgvaR-~- -— ■ BOX REPLIES At 10 a.m, today tiiere were replies at The Press Office In the following boxes: C-5, C-8, C-12, C-35, C-54, C-64. COATS __ FUNERAL HOME DRAYTON PLAINS__________6744)441 MERCER, GORDON; September 25, 1968; 532 Orchard Lake Avenue; age 62; dear toother to Mrs. Edith Mays, Mrs. Myra Mercer, Mrs. Elsie Brown, Rueben and Cecil Mercer. Funeral service will be held Monday, ; tember 30, at 3:30 p,m. at the Sparks-Griffin Funeral Home. Interment to Perry Mount Park Cemetery. Mr. Mercer will lie in state at the funeral home. (Suggested visiting hours 3 to 5 and 7'to 9.) DONELSON-JOHNS FUNERAL HOME Huntoon 79 Ouklpiw Ava. SPARKS-GRIFFIN Va;jM— VoorheesSiple Cemetery lots 2 CEMETERY PLOTS AT NOVI.- Oakland Hills Marhorlal Cardans! O’CONNOR, ADA; September: 28, 1J68; 204 Ottawa Drive.) Funeral arrangements are fiending at the Sparks-Griffin Funeral Home. Lbrs. WHiti chi lAPEL, 125 UL 2-1740. CHRISTIAN MEMORIAL ESTATES. SMITH, HAZEL M.; September 24, 1968; 11W Dover; age 48; beloved wife of James Smitii;: beloved daughter of Hazel Omans; dear mother of * James E., Nancy Sue and Richard J. Smith; dear sister of Mrs. Ruth Gouveia, Mrs., Elsie Taunt, Sister Rosaleen,! Joe, Don, Bruce, Edward and| Russell Omans; also survived by two grandchi 1 dr en.) Recitation of the Rosary will be Sunday, at 8 p.m. at the Huntoon fimeral Home.) Funeral service' will- be held bafora s p.m. CKIaiimlil. AVOID GARNISHMENTS -3at out ol dabl with our plan Debt Consultants Btautkian now locatad at Val gfi-^rp^iigTn nW Seal at Aquarium^ Monday, September to, at Kifii' ^ at the St. Benedict) —8 Hiac nf Dirh Diof Catiudic Church. Interment in Uies OT men Uier Mount Hop£* Cemetery. Mrs. Smith will lie to state at the! funeral home. TACOMA, Wash. (AP) -' rich diet apparently caused thel )»* m 2» ML l8 of » 2-year-old seal at the Y0RK, JOSEPH A.; September Km aquarium this » 1968. m4 Lakeview • “ K 44 lift I week. 1 - - +ift An autopsy showed that the Street, Oxford; age 87. beloved husband of Antoinette J lift 1|g 7» ^40 69ft ...... rn B S» 3ft,£2!?* 8eal’s *,tomach *88 York.lialService"will to 345 sBL 2H* 8v4+'3 w4to 228 pennies, 14 dimes, six held Monday, September to •ft *n pt . ]Vk nlckeU, tour quarters and a Fil-I - - - - SEe Crime Talk Set llTft V 1‘a - 1 ffiw 4 Pi K»BStr at 2 p.m. at Bossardet Funeral Home, Oxford. Interment to White Ghapel Cemetery. Mr. York wiUliein state at the funeral home. Spartan i HOLlOftY-__ tw pvir **Yw>nl«. SM-TMl. SSJ.,5 LANSING (AP)-Three Mich-^ JJiigan State Police officers will idiscuss “suburban and urban wSnWVTX 574 19ft m @;i% J H I- SiiH lii! Pi* I sll: crime in relationship to the rise in Juvenile delinquency” Oct. 18 at » Detroit meeting of the Michigan Women’s Action Com- ftjmittee Against Crime. Death Notices :m,4um wmmi j WM I jftvanaj 2.25 — a-aawa m ran. . Unless olharwlsu. notad^ralas at dM; ffi "S' Jf ti m 8^ v* 8SU1L p+J Sr®Swift 3f sftw £wSmo' PnxX In stock during ______» on oiMlIvIdOM . ________,_____rto. o—EaM Inst yoar. —Daclarod or paid affir stock dlvMand . n-Now luiMt. p-Pold thl» yoor, EBmSKEs mEj (Jnroy L54 919 Mft 51 SunshlMn .52 272 2714 £ SupValu 1.10 » 34ft » ■Kr S Sun »r I lili IftPP^ ft® HUDNELL, TROYCE F September 27, 1988; 585 Second Street; age 57; beloved htudiand of Vecene Hudnell; beloved son of Mrs. Ethel Hudnell; dear father of Robert and Ronald Franks, Benny G. and Randall Hudnell; dear brother of Mrs. Helen Walker, Earl and Orval Hudnell; also survived by four grandchildren. Funeral service will to held Monday, September to at 1:90 p.m. at Huntoon Funeral Home with Rlv. Don GaUer officiating. Interment in White Chapel Cemetery. Mr. Hudnell WiU lie to state at the funeral! MM E i iMjft '« • J 11 WmM A * MSU Unit Chief ISSSLPm EAST LANSING (AP) -^ U-S-Air Force Col. Bert Shaber has been named fhairmuti of the Michigan State tj n't versify Department~of Aerospace Shaber of Waite., succeeds Lt. Col.?Gerald T. Hey beer, who .has .been .,W>l|nwl to duto to Taiwan. 8bator, who canto to MSU this [iatpqth, previously was dhtoctar of poUcy, concepts and force maoto(n for the Tactical Air Command, Langley Air Fordo vi > the estimated coal reserves 4 of the United States rematotog «la the ground as of Jan. l, 'ii|L J totaled 3.21 billion tons. KERR, GRACE V.; September 27, 1968; 5800 Highland Road; age 83; dear mother of Mrs. diaries (Bernice) Griffith, Donald M. and Mildred E. Kerr; dear sister of Glen R. Knight; also survived by six grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. Fur service will to held on Moo-day, September 30 at 1 p.m. at Coats Funeral Homo, Drayton Plains. Interment to Waterford Center Cemetery. Mho. Kerr win lie to state at the flmerfd home after? 7 pm tonight (Suggested visiting hours, Sto 5 and 7 to 8.) LOBDELL, HARRY E„ 1 September 36, liOi; 130 North Ef#t Boulevard; age 52; beloved husband of . Venus M. Lobdell; dear father of Mrs. Lester J. Hagle, Mrs. Roger T. Cole, Thomas F., Dallas E., Baity Jr., and Kenneth R. LOMell; dear bratheref Bin. Nellie Maysi-Mrs. Mae1 Spare, M». Ethel . Jeffrey, -lira. Helen, Marteeny, George and Thomas ■, A,i Ig)MMl; also survived by. IS grandchildren. Pial 334-4981 er 332-0181 Pontiac Press Want Ads PO« fast action ADS RICilVID SY 5 F.M. day faSsislnp pvMliuksn. M M aalt- Ucatton of well mnor la-J- fa. Mu,, «ma, I* Will b. uMwaaS IftnpS Is cairasl. Tha Fian atwmH'aa m- #F Isyftl fawsiwais si Diaa^aiWf last Nmuih Mia arra, Tha Jm4Km STBS SSt wtolw SSisySu S?ftr*""TliaTm”‘ Alk«n' MlWrad •— -ftrfefia Janata. Fur by ttkmO all , your Wit i tarvUg (ftklancICwnty HAPPY ANNIVSRMSY LOST: VICINITY-of Union Lata and Comnwrca iMii. Slack Calm Tarrlar, answart to Saral) Jana, —‘.ciato+ir* • LOSf: CkiAM COLORED Poudlt. msMto' at dmafU ‘ ^ " ’ Mila RA. Slack valv ; valval cc • itearna. im rvie* Ldirrimam..Mni IsaSBfflBf "d- division. Call 31+9420. Child's : ALASKAN M A L A Id U T t isky) 4 wasks ago, vtMjny ol ...JnK, oiyd, M.>oRMnyi.i)0 ru. to to 1« Ibo. Block and whtia with m«k fico, Smokoy. Howard. 022- LOSt: SMALL BLACK Labrador Ratrtoyor. cF1-'1-3- “* “esz-call, 332-4931. ^ aT w __ IUS Lost: COLLIC FOmALS, >orm-JnjtohoRd. Orchard Lako. Raward. lull lima and part lima. 363-0861 "2 REAL ESTATE SALESMEN WANTED" SSywL‘Tin* glraglB . School sanlori. Mon .tow art taraatotf In part ar full lima w. now tuMWIary ot Alcoa Akimln naodt aggressive ■■ ambitious It average no Mr atoning. nFjsajpm « $500-$60D PLUS CAR Solos Troinea 50 Men Wanted MONDAY 6 A.M. ' KELtY LABOR DIVISION wr‘ SEAR llPrRANCe WORK . TOafrr _~mnr PAID M rrijy VIT m EQUAL OPPORTUNITY ■ Mira FUN FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY AT UPLAND HILLS FARM New tombs gator*. Calvas, plglats, W>hr^y^flr^ milking of tho cow, shoop sboarlng at 2:30 and hava a chonca to pat baby , anlmala. Dtllghlfiil bora* drawn hamm**) pony rIdas. Delicious food from form kttchon. ,FM*(C«'iirkS 6 p.m. FAMILY VISIT* SUNDAYS ONLY. Taka Walton E. to Aitomt, N. to FOR ONi OF fHO aaif daato on s uood cor ooo Joa iurjdon at james E. toMrrjwLiii. 'County. Troosuror soi you bavt until Octobor 4, 196* to riolatar. -----------s-un-igA ■ - mr. scribner' ownXr of the Savoy Lwat '.toinMbcaa today that FWl toto IJulto ChrK .will taka ovar tha managamonl of Itw Gold Crown dining room at ^ Phil anT Juaii, ixwular Pontiac ERIONALi 40 tired of qeYtino ntwhara? wo have opportunltlos hr ttiaaa who ■- can qualify. Call Mr. n Htto Wwrtod MM| $200 MONTH PART-TIMI ys.^,nfnSto?.^ . MomtwnntY. ■ $425-s6oo mfm: Monagement Trainees 10 W. HUron, F*i $7/200-$12J)06 FEE PAID College Grads .ran ra- u,—”TjBgto t< ARC'' wiLOOR,. iXPEblBNCUO, AUTOMOBILE PORTER NEEDED by now sutonwhllo dealership, ideal working CMpkMi and good O^sm'oblil? 550 COek°e'nd"Sl-o. 332- ___NATIONAL CHAIN ORGANIZATION, THE RICHARDS CO., INC. You r— fij —- $625 Attor 3 day Indoctrination period. Automatic pay roltat and all 9624346 9 A.M.-1 P.M. ir partonal Intervlaw ilary, ac dlfraroi ASSEMBLERS For machlno assembly electrical ■ YnrtoB, amor lanes desirable, shop working 53 hours, Thoraoon-McGoash, 6*9-4510. Automatic. Transmission Rebuilders first Class, to +4JO Installers first clast 23.75 — „_.r '*9onfi*tkr * Large national organisation, 9 in , holidays, vtootlons, In coni ettoilxto tobcollent working a It lon^, 'Jdjply Afi A PART-TIME JOB __A married man, 21-34, to work 4 , hours par evening. 47+0330. Call Mnndfy 4 n.M Jt $200 PER MONTH APPLIANCE ASSEMBLY hOlP, DAV shift, ax-_8_r------------ns, gill In- ■uronco, hospital I n a u r < jmWKjwpi BERRY DOOR'S DIV. OF THE STANLEY WORKS ARBY'S ROAST BEEF Mite —iSSSaffSadit x______ APPLICATION FOR •US.BaW am AVIATION LINEMAN Masts and dlrocts Incoming alrcr«R.,_ .. .narking jhbSI ---i ■tSfPwSi e"' ,%*ssrv IM Oymanlcs Inc. FamtlM Airport. *7+ GICFRf must D# MptflUCSUp MB acM^-gridley n)ghts.h Don Pinkerton, 66+4794, PtxtoTWwIPrwftoi. ________ AUTO . BODY RiFAIRMAN, OM • oxporlonco. . no BiiliiiHigy wi fringe bonaflto, contact Kan t— ■to, Body Ibm,. miftair, ’ Jack Roupt Pontiac ill**; Inc., Clorka- Natlonal Corp. will train B I 1 ,n Interview and poraonnaj ttona.*0 «fust:Urb* "mSKS eg and nost aopoorlng. Only $^45 Weekly Solory To start otter to all succaaatm an- BARTENDERS FULL TIME NIGHTS, HIGH WAGES, GOOD FRINGE BENEFITS. APPLY IN PERSON, MACHUS RED FOX RESTAURANT, 6676 TELEGRAPH; BUS |6YS, It or over, day or night, fsyj&tn-HsSS BUS BOYS UTILITYAW0RKERS FOR DAY SHIFT, FULL TIME. MEALS, INSIDE WORK, STEADY PAY, APPLY IN PERSON JOR --EPHONE, MR. KIHiir WOEK INN, 1101 i. TELEGRAPH, TIAC. 21+2441 OR 2260444, boys wAtrrap Agw lite yyay-and tromportatlon provMad. earning P Of i a 11*1 unilrnitod. Far tSflbar tolarmattoi) can SS+4911 ar »-MI batsman IB COLLEGE GRADUATES Work-Police Adminl! $7,200-$9,000 sfiwves Court as Child Welter* Workers. Excellent opportunity lor a person wiw wrato W swtoftHh Sw maw . „ nayaa IMlMtlOirainto W with tyftton tolm> Jww* Personnel Division Oakland County court Now* 9K N. Tottgrfin RttiHaito PentltoijMlch- SNR 33+4751 EXT •oW^STOW^f" CAREER H. ahr succossfuli’ ' ME W S> -at ESsM arSwHarwT-. CARWXSHEl ml m THJS PONTIAC PHKSS, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1968 GENERAL SERVICEMAN AiBjERfflS Factory- Help Urgently Needed RECIEVING AND LAY-OUT INSPECTOR, MUST BE ABLE TO read Blueprints* call 664-8567 fOR INTERVIEW. MAWTENANCEMAN GROUNDS- KEEPER! $5200 TO $0400 iu* excellent fringe atoneMl Mnlmum ago 1|. Must hfva valh MANUFACTURINC iTRii, Secretoi NEEDED PRODUCTION WORKERS . PONTIAC Motor Division PONTIAC MICHIGAN An equal Opportunity tmptoyer NEED EXTRA MONEY? PART TIME, I toon par day or night, S2.S0 par to. and up. • 21-40 Temp. Service, Inc. REAL ESTATE Saleswoman POSITIONS OPEN FOR FULL TIME OR PART TIME Excellent canting* A boneflti i^aram* Winl^elmdn's PONTIAC MAIL at Eilat Brae. Big Boy Raataur Taharipti A Hutto. KELP.WANTEDFOR wind cleaning, experienced or will tfi handyman'-' experiIMed _» car clean up. Contact j Di SERVICE JTAflOk' time. Apply at Map WANTED SALESMAN •ERVIci" STATION ATTENDANT, EXPERIENCED GAS Station londont, lull or part time, appl Slrport Rd'*n > w,r*t*1 R mm. to 4i80 p.m. Monday thru Friday. GMC- Factory Branch ijggjpi" faperience Safrimnn TYPISTS Grimaldi Bmck*0pel ■Receptionist- FE 5-9485 ^RBENTLY HEEI Men's Clothing Building Materials Appliances GRILL COOK FACTORY WORKERS bmaTotl ADVERTISING AGENCY lorth Woodward Area, tmmad! ponlngt for full time office fei For Precision Steel Castings NO OXPaRIINCI NECESSARY .IXCiUJMT BENEFITS INCLUDING: Pay Blue Cross — Dentist Insurer 26 Week Sick Leave — 9 Day Holi $8,000 Life Insurance -JOB SECURITY- Factory Help Urgently- Needed Montgomery FULL TIME HELP ROYAL OAK rej5 CLERlC SKILLED TRADES CHIEF INSPECTOR PREFER A HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATE, DRAFT FREE AND DEPENDABLE EXC FRINGE BENEFITS ' OVERTIME AND GOOD JOB SECURITY APPLY AT S. BARBER ST. VERTICAL LATHE OPS. JIG AND FIXTURE BLDRS. ARTCO INC HousiKemKrT^iwni In ceewnp, live to. Ml 44Mt. Housewives Hudson's Pontiaj: Mall ►lantin> epj'1 tod MICHIGAN FOUNDRY TRAINEES suuw nUcnine -OPERATOR Has immediate full time openings in 'Detroit and throughout the Suburban area fori PORTER Pull time, permanent pealtlen, far«onnalPDapr.‘ 2nd ftSor! Demery's BIRMINGHAM STORE • DRIVERrSERy ICEMEN • INSTALLERS g • SPLICERS • ELECTRICAL : TECHNICIANS' mmumr NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY GOOD WORKING CONDITIONS PAID VACATIONS PAID HOLIDAYS JANET DAVIS DRY CLEANERS 647-9009 Tool Grinder JWNtL saisss >EWUkN;PLA5Tic OVERTIME-PROFIT sharino «wa,v,nm 14 MILE—COOLIPOi ARIA Mill Operator We participateiirthe "on-th# Job" training program, thru the GI Bill. W' \ jH Pontiac Press APPLY NOW! 332-8181 FORD MOTOR COMPANY Wixom Assembly Plant All Locatfane open Saturday, Sept. 28. PRODUCTION WELDEJS SPOT WELDERS PAINT SPRAYERS METAL FINISHERS GENERAL Help Waited Male 6 Help Wealed Male A Help Wanted Male ANtfp Wanted Mali 6 Production ■ Workers Experience Not Necessary Fisher Body Division TELEPHONE SOLICITORS r * Would you Mice to da better? Do you have a pleasant, voice? If this it you, you can earn a substantial income selling newspaper sub-. scriptions over the telephone. 1 . CALL MISS MARTIN «-338-9762 900 BALDWIN AVE. PONTIAC RUOL ‘ AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER THE PONTIAC; PRESS. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1968 AMBTHC?eS?; JOB HUNTING? SALES REP PROS AND TRAINEES E3fi^« AIRLINE TRAINS -mm A, MAN'S PBS? ‘I^IM/IEM., I8r25 ELECTRONICS wWmmilm a *n with RET* oi BEAUTY HITE HOMES ilDROOM AfARTMJENT. WW Md carpetad. awn COLLEGE GRADS U4.000.FEE PAI IWfWi tYOU 00 MOT FEEL THAT «AuMfvtWj* Coll: Mr. Sincox 332-9742 EX-SERVICEMEN MANAGEMENT TRAINEE »MX» to **,000 FEE PAID po^nltlesCwlth°locS? ond°natiol JJ.. ro experience necessary, c PLEASEI and. : S .< need, of i-tx M7M00 por SQ. Ft. paneled offlcs ndittanod-fumlihed.il opping center — rer rti, 23*3 Orchard Like W AYLvAN BV (WMeRi CL&b IN, fWdriejh and bath up, I badrqorn and bath down. Itrao down, balanca on land . -m >, EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY SALES Mlt ability COLLECTOR: * Ph^AMMER: ^a|||u.LOfarms. Cbusines PROPERTIES. AND LAND COt WARREN STOUT, Realtor <50 N. Opdyka FE 5-111 irgentty need tor Immediate salel Albee Homes, Inc. BEAUTY RITE HOMES HUNTOON SHORES • homes remaining starting at 115,650. Located IVi miles Mo d g^A^&d.Tumrhd', )pen Monday-Thursday, 4 p.m. till dark, Saturday and Sunday I p.m. to 6 p^ Cajj 5M-3135 Or 544-7773 MILLION Montgomery Word GARAGE FOR STORAGE Of boat ASSURED PAINT-Wall Washing. rk guaranteed: Praa estimates PgNTIAC>SPjjALT‘,lH>. DRESSMAKING. ALTERATIONS, man*! women’s. PE a-aiil. ^SYNDICATE Having unlimited funds to In vast in the Real Estate field has employed i A L PLUMBINC Gwrgaido. It;'67a ASPHALT PARKIHQ DOMINO CONST. CO. EXTRA NIC! 1V5 store bride. Living room Walk, fireplace. iLUXE HOME dtnlno DRIVEWAY 'AAWnbST} 335-WW. ATTENTION .tS«SpWVor AUTO MECHANICS a^yTr?weld^g - HELI MIC WEMMIM ii Body Fender CoHMon WOLVERINE SCHOOL mar. PH..651-0042 ROCfilsflS AREA ELDERLY COUI SNYDER, KINNEY & BENNETT ROCHESTER MaNor Under new professional management. Sheltsk Brea. ainsT Co. Country living within , minutes ol the city. You will May the friendly atmosphere of Rochester Manor Apartments. These quality apartments featuring MHfjnMM ATTMChtoIH*^ ' » Bedroom JfflML.JSID •v*1* ^beoWIanch - flattley realty to commerce Mfc:f BW. *W1 WS .ST mMUnL’Bc.'hft SNOW PLOWING, CLARKSTON 1envkl^Fi LarpentAy . I L I Complete Cm A-1 EXPERT Stumps Rdmoved Frtt HEINRICH, TUISKU, HIBBLIN, INC ASSUME MQRTNaM Red Taps on IMa 7-room ri otsl payment, per pr CALL: wL CaV fpravbS'- YORK WALK-OUT D*$ LIGHT HAULING servtca. FE LADD'S OF PONTIAC 391-3300 lASEMINtl ANff~oTl cleaned, ftaht heullno. OR HACKETT Times Realty VACANI L4UD. CASK..IN Trucks to Rent FE &-9880 WOODFIELD CONST. CO. IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY TELEPHONE SALES M&HIER- ♦tetsuiftRrsi- till month. Rnfaranow i aicMy a mint- iJW'ili > . SISLOCK & KENT, INC. h*D*L-H»l., ?44 FJA FMGhA MM«l or BMMI. . *» 4 SYLVAN. ON Tip LAKES m LBka Rd, batwitn Cass and Sylvan (mi* Pontiac Press Wdnt Ads 332-8181 ;33b*IO'- -TOM PONTIAC PttiKSS. SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER ?k, 1968 DOUBLE DUTY bUIMIhgfliaftwi be convoilod to m^MsSF* ENTICING!!! ^g|JsWiSI HAGSTROM, Realtor mQ W. Huron MU EAST CITY VACANT M» down and, good erode »..• glva you tmmedlatepossesslon of mil modorn 3 bedroom .homo, located on tho East tlda of Pontiac. Include* alum, (terms and scraont and go rag*. Pul price only *10.950. Call owner - J. A. Taylor. OR 4-0304. E»*a. EM 3-754*. NORTH CITY Only a few blocks from Pontiai Northern HWTjKhool .and nev and screens. Full prtCO -j... *13,500. $400 down plus closing wHhiwr1 J. A. Taylor Agency, Inc. 7731 H'ghland^RyM^bR 4W " ' PlItST^N VALUES RENTING $78 Mo. $1G Deposit WITH APPLICATION WH,L^1^aITa° PLICATIONS FROM ANY WORKERS, WIDOWS OR DivoNQPlA aj|| 5KSL$Ba^Hr^rEeD1eT, OKAY WITH US. OPEN DAILY AND SAT. AND SUN, or com* to 290 wHHnntlt REAL^VALUE^REALTY For Immediate Action Call FE 5-3676 642-4220 hollaWay J-bed room "Model" ranch. All asraewi. lBeteed',mev»tn"..1 (to available or $11400 on your lot US Milford Rd. Highland, $ Wit' SAlF IHtt),' sgjin “ fisVrVdr^WS! deep freer*. By owner. holIaWay ■AND TWP. litvWifiSpecial mwiN $2500 DOWN $ bedrooms m, Hytap room, dll room, klfcMn down. Full hi mont, gas hast, enclosed poi j^A^,nmrMir SYLVAN LAKE „m Warwick has J,hous. 179S WARWICK, I bsdfOpm unfinished attic, carport, IIW'WARWICK, 3 bodroom brick, carport, $19,000. I4tt GLENWOOD, 1 bedroi . dSS-1714 SEMINOLE HILtS AREA Brick ranch, with 1*00 sq. ft. Ilv Ing area, carpeted throughout, ! fireplaces with family and racrao BMttMSL""" ? C. Schuett EM 3-7188 Commerce Rd.' Union Laki UPPER LONGJJMM VjWMiMr* WOLVERINE LAKE I temljy »*pa rate m vrysv% nonJtsR^M JPfcS&sE Pw> - , 14*RWRWUIHaU.Y MBSKL. ££hhB& HAY O'NEIL REALTY 3520 >R***R* 6 *ka —-» »»r MODEL HOME OfEN SAT, SUN, 14 ANYTIME SY AffT. Also W. Build • jQgg^JIHsvaj^ with aluminum - __--colonial with SW baths, uS*u*°5i*po#S of your presant horns and Aib you m a new ana mis Tc HAYDEN, Realtor g I mip1 NEW HOMES AVAILABLE NOW DtSW^ttarjaAr* PRUSHOUR- maSBB"'*kc HOMES bl ni . itiaff medals — and l tM ANOELUS LAKE-VIEW ESTATES, ^aSn^.®3 O'NEIL EEALTY INC. ; “model" lit Milford Rd., OPEN SUN. 2-5 3 BEDR00QMS EACH * Early American Colonial, toft 1 Tri-Level. 1 Rene... Hwy. to vnme Lake Rd. Turn S. to TlmborllM Estates. Watch for signs. - vacant — *450 moves tele by owner. RHODES throwhoui -i frontar* I. On INDIANWOOO Ty ■■Ml _...aay »or detain. white LAKE. Diet 3 bedro rancher, get heat, 1V4 car garage, lake privileges. Only *11,750. Gi aTj. RHODES, REALTOR PE 8-2306 251 W. Walton FE *4711 MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE _____L OAK, 2-BI house, attached c mont, FHA ar schools. 14 Mila $17,000. 549-1406. EDROOM frame -irage, no bes* raved. Nee SEAL RIDS WILL BE accepted The Leonard United MathOL... Church tor the Beard Trusteea on ffAWiiUSW Persona wMtlng to bid must enclose security deposit of $100. Certified check which will be returned to all unsuccessful bidders. Successful bidders must make arrangamants to pay cash within M days of .acceptance of flton, Leonard, Mich, ■HRiMH MPHHMjMiO i. oct., it, ini. shown by if 4 Bedroom Makes This 2 story oldsr home s value at *115**.jVk 21 ft. * room. Country kltehan.Cai,— and hardwood floora. Now. pump and new roof. Situated an fenced, corner tot. VA terms available. Possibility of land contract. Ask ter $546, _______ ROYER REALTY, INC. PHONEt 682-2548 Oxford Office $22 $■ Lapeer Rd. 0 DOWN TO. VETS. 4. Brick rancher, 2 bedrooms plua ondosod porch, M huBmitt ... JW ™ garage. Gas FA Heat, privileges. Full price *11900. CEOAR SHORES *# iriu. -bedroom. Large open living era* with fireplece. Full walk out basement. 71 ft, *n It “ COMMERCE LAKE — Wide brick rancher. 2 full bathe. Family room. 3 bedrooms. Excellent beech (Rebooting privileges. Commerce grovel el Methodlit 50"W SMALL FARM — Large K-VS”™'. rolling acre* with plnil IM Access to lakr — RM^m IRACIOUS L.™ , zairs this 9091. wide brick ranch Matted romp. Hug* baamad i LAKEFRONT R LONO LAKE priyltega*. *• wn rsh*JR MwTTRn r». wlfH flrapim mo JM WmmmmmmMm attamd SSE&i S?4SSS- 0 R prlvllega, 3 nCM yffOd lip* onjr • ‘ mi _ ____i ^bas*m«mt!*Lara* R&r'gHiSjra Mr conditioner. Full pries pJHfj.M. J WILL BUILD TO SUIT — on our lot or yours. Ranches. Tri-isvsis. Lake yivllwH.l^llkWout bss^ mont. We will build your homo white w* ban vour present ham*. WE TAKE TRADES WANT THR TOP DOLLAR CALL JOEVO^RI«RKUYK|1EnDALL Lauinger 674-0319 VA-FHA 6744)310 Williams Laks Rd. *t M-S9 WALTER'S LAKE Designers horns unusual 1000 sq. JO™** «uT*T»|inh| WOLVERINE LAKE PRIVILEGES | bedroom ranch on largo lanmcspsg 1st, M . car \|*Ms, paved strast, Willed Lake school*. Only $wm SYLVAN LAKE PRIVILIGES I bedroom brick heme, fireplece, fullBeatmem, veer garage. A real buy at only *15,900. LOWER STRAITS LAKE FRONT (EDGEWOQP GOLF COURSE ACROSS THE ROAD) living jm banquet — extra pMMtfNr.. MM JwgbjiiiLLfMr perape. Cell tor COSWAY REAL ESTATE 631-0760 -M7* Orchard Lk, . (At commerce Rd.) YORKS SPECIAL OF THE WEEK ~ bedroom ranch, natural fireplace, uro down to QMlImd buyof. Per Private shewing Call: YORK JJSffi ”WSS 4713 Dixie Hwy. Drayton Plains naSffl&’SK'L? gf4K** ikho bowk nfluly_ dsesratsd. Owners f«snt CLEAN LARGE OLDER HOME Natural flnniacn, 1W beH bsdrawns, I extra resme recreation or MMIMr'fliilb new g^kMf ^. *HW REMODEL IT YOURSELF Per $11,901 I bedrooms, hill bl “* *“ *-rn*c* MiT fief W$r. gBwib » ■re down. tenb it P". new tom 120x1*0' k SYLVAN LAKE i*}£SW!!£!~j!!t!F2ffc gSsri*IbS less; s •tiding mm t acres, hSMy Industrial wtlh’t 25 cant down, utilities aansd. Gensrat Commercial,, many out buildings, else with hwa* Jo C. $GHUBTT REALTY WARDEN 4 LARGE BEDROOMS hraSTdStoS ISw* shads ySySfedWtiirato sssoeaft.pflsrs'n^ai with tera*. WARDEN REALTY ROYER OXPORO OFFICE "Snug As A Bug In A Rug" That's what you'll be hi this fine 2 bad room ranch with full beaament and lth ear attached gereas. 7* x sie ft. let, NMrletsOt^ *-■- —y ■ seraiied ™** custom c wSiSST isz ARRO F YOU'RE PLANNING TO SELL, STICK TO THE PROVEN .WAY: FOR HONESTY AND FAST ACTION CALL OUR OFF ICE TODAY I FHA BUYERS bungalow.i Hardwood floors, m ear garage, iwved drive an lust« few Unmef C^foMi^polpftienf1* ct**° WANT TO SPREAD QUTT 3* acres df^ftwmg tana, proxlmatefy . 1000 'ft, on sn private lake,. Wrmn* to saoo sc of state land. Only 19 mil#* fr Pontiac, 1 mile *N I-7S, Cell SCHBAM I. Only 31 m cum or ch type 3wEq FHA i List With SCHRAM And CON the Vgn OPEN EVB1AND SUN. ¥ 1)11 JOSLYN AVE. FE 5-941 REALTOR ” utoST rji, Serving FaNMitwsa tor 20 veers PHONEt 682-2211 mle ifflMat*ll*i>tiffiswifiu» «e LARGE BID jsrwi fsmiiy living arsa, t full and showers. Ext soclatlon with barbecue pi*. 3 bedroom*. 2 bathe. 2Vi car flnisMd. garags with wash well. Excellent beedl, boating and golfing within Ing dlstsnco. 6.1. NOTHING DOWN Wo hays the commitment on t larg* family horn*. Inrns th* el near bus, stores and MMptng ,*r dinar m.-nme bawl .and t give possssslon, ran and tsf us ah you this ana. Alter .comparing 1 will any the pries la right. EXCEPTIONAL! INCOME PROPERTY Located on Oaktand Ay*„ zoned commercial, ealt b* bought on land fiMnp wtth jnooo down, if yau ara iesking tor mwfw Sraedny, — •houid took Into thb on*. Claude McOruder Realtor 3710 Elliebelh Lk. Rd.. _ 4334720 Multlpl* Ltetlnfl isrvlee OPEN *4 Wideman OPEN SAT., SUN. 2-6 P.M. 389 S. CASS LAKE ROAD CANAL FRONT RANCHBR WH.. prtojkte**.. Oh Syhren end Otter ..........^^TO*uBi.,._ POSSESSION. DIRECTIONS: iLRKfrrH LAKE ROAD TO lit $. CAM LAKE ROAD. SUBURBAN RANCH ' 390x149 ft. parcel. Jf, t bedrooms, frultwood " Mrate i attached % 0. WIDEMAN, REALTOR 4tl W. HURON ST. 3344516 EVE. CALL ______________3354669 .....3 bedrooms. BOGIE LAKE ta? 2 w earago. ‘ m* fe. 2 BEDROOMS, large living room, caraaiM 20x21'.toll walkout basumant, U7J00, terms. 2 BEDROOMS, A Mott Lincoln school area, fenced yard, >16,500, farms. 3*3-7019. LAKE FRONT, Mandan Lake, lovely 3 bad reams, ivb bath, UNION LAKIr tarot farm hoott on •••ijitilfc-I terttr pCtOtnl L I contract" ----- J BEDROOMS, 4 BEDROOMS, full basement, smnbsrssL’Sss: vour LOTS ^f.^h.EC7BE,-w^ BtownfleW, Union uke arse. POTOSKEY, MICHIGAI ga&dVjS:/"1' on land eenirao. HACKETT REALTY,^IW wrtj HeiiiaF- tSpte peckjl T75 Cooley Lake Rd., UntenLeke. TUCKER 5 BEDROOMS L m eXrar. Saoo^veTyou in «8BN^sBrS tOOMS SSBtaSgyxA't*? im Mi 3 teblP of, interior defer HALL OPEN SAT, & SUN. 1 TO 5 MODEL HOME 3 bedroom aluminum randh with hot water Mat. Custom. kltchin. fully qeraetad, Ptol a toll basement andmany more extras. Directions: Ceotoy Lana Rd. west to Union Lak* Vliiago, fait an Sabi* to modal. CLARKSTON area - Extra ctoen • - t 3 bedr— — ith toll b i flreplat . Nothing mlsslnu ....... sell at mm with » ’rlced to sell at $25,500 With ter cent down; Let ana of < ourteous sahtspoopl* show \ his home. B. HALL" REALT^ REALTOR 6569 Dixie Hwy. $254114 GILES WALK TO K-MART 2 bedroomf with , fun SehwjjS^ihappln and raidy fir Immediate oc- S&adNJSS tpesnas^sn mli* west g Unfen Leko Wap*. Brakera Invited. EVM, and Sunday phone Mr. Hpyt, 625-1744. HIGHLAND ESTATES ^^'USJffZe living raeM tr paneled family room, kltthon with bulit-ln ovan- JOHN KINZLER, Realtor 5219 Dixie Hwy. 42341 Open 3:304:30 Mattingly RURAL LAKE LIVING In Nile I a r g a 1,421 aauara teat tejh c—iWnt and • | ultt for you m i aybdiyloir"' '— ssMoe. ? Baraga. Built ter fust minut»a shopping centers highways- LAKE PRIVILEGES QPEN SUNDAY 2-5 SILVER LAKE COLONIAL 4 bedroom brick colonial w. ceramic tiled' batten large room with beeuttral fir* 1replace, built-in*. move In Take W Park, Your M OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 TRKEVEL---— It DAY POSSESSION Brick and aluminum aided trt-tw9T with tf tichad 2 c window*, pmiw an , viiia Rd. J block wet of Airport Rd. between Hetchory and Tubbs Rd. Your Met will M George Shipp. OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 MAIN STREET CLARKSTON Located In IM Village af Clarks ton. 7 room bungalow, Mi BeBMamni .TSW«='-^ LAZEN1Y OPEN SUN. 2-5 5838 Sutherland Extra, sMrp 3-bad room brtd. ranch, caraeted , iivMl r«e mV separate dining raem. kitchen .with snack bar and bullt-ln rang* and fenced.yard. Ideal Wait suburb* locBtlen. DIRECTIONS: West on M-», toff a Airport Rd., left on Sutherlend. l R0YCE LAZENBY, Realtor "IBsSB" KINZLER OPEN SUNDAY*4 6110 WATERFORD HILL TERRACE An architectural Madly with In torlor charm to mis * room co K{„uWr?U'ff.i!i:, srus foyer entrance, . apeewus JM recreation room, S fl Intercom throughout. &»NiMra^ra ovan-dlshwasnar R|M ....... EsravSISfS vacant ..end immediate poMsajoH. MWlSWfS Kraher. UNION LAKE VILLAGE psAHi FLORIDA, Live, Where You May icsrytsife'S &nUm J* soparat*' raem,' could M used Mteiamv garage, fuirpeved drive. dust - finished S bedroom temporary. Gray .brick a nd Ki 1 mr minutas owwy IBBi y«t HITTER NfAtf -THe MALL - Excellent S bedroom trl level wl bullMns, fireplace, family room. wNh WOK out, baaemant, Mf wafer neat, n» FOR THB INVISTOR — 3______M and bdm,. Baaemant, Blacktop street. <4,950. 120 x 120 Ellzabeith Lakefrant let. Owner soya sail *7,500. Lendcantreetterm*. IfE BUILD' — 3 bad room ranchers with oak floors, full basements, aluminum elding. <14,990 on yeur tot or we? bhve: lot*..'Call', B,;,X. HI ITER, REALTOR, 37*2 ELIZABETH LAIU RD. 4824080 AFTER S P.M. 6424453. OPEN SUNDAY 2 W *. ■ BRIAN BLESSED WITH CHILDREN? 5 BEDROOMS Than you will 4tka this lake privileged home. It ha* a large Biring J raem,. McdMcw fleering throughout, dtnmg „ room, S bedrooms, basement with flrapMc*. Garaaa and room to i------- on land contract, ointment. . GROUNDS FOR MARRIAGE At least It** cheeper then paying rant. This 2 bedroom Mraw Commerce Is (Mra end nicely a-jsci— AMninum TRULY DR00LY n eaaamam, pwan carpet ana landscaped fenced yard, ALSO PIANO INCLUDED. . Why not trade? w* w jjetfe seltojeworries, i—>, BRIAN REALTY Multiple Listing Service W Sun conremtnct. Frteod to existing mortgage- CITY: Stadroom BUY SELL OR TRADE smm WEST SIDE Wo Invito you to look at this gracious homo with 3 bedrooms and dan oil on on* floor, REALTY BSraom?0 w*ii, io,minima from uhMim clubs. Only N4M. form*. LlStnllW.®? 3369 MANN ROAD OfiN SUNDAY 7TO S; Lovely loka Amt ranch ham* < -lcagr 1-*-- “lck to the rood 3*0'. Vary wall ding ayohwn. larao carpotod ilyhig ream, anctond porch. inod*m iSwlSBwmp**® 585 MARY ALLEN small th*; neiwnati. Bom* minor won still to ba dona, pi HL (anm* «rmetofrat timeMarad. DIRECTIONS: v ■“* ^^ndjrlg wntw. Sw itTP^ OFFICE .OPEN SUNDAY 2 TO 5 FWW>, :n. WIT — J|,| mmjam sppi Puy pMht day. CaN now pf NEW H0Mi$ WITH A FLAIR LAKE OAKLAND HEIGHTS-2500 SQIMK FEET Omi COUNTRY ELEGANCE Natures Raradlaa. An unbaltovabla thrill awaHa you whan you In-VMItoBa thto mannlflcant Country Batata and.Tree Nuraary. M :«rptt#d dining room with walk put In pnlkb all th# buln-lni In mmmmm nj^P .tr Midiua. SXT% now- OPEN SUNDAY M P.M. HERE'S A RIAL SHARP ANNETT paar City »u& AC RES-IN aultabla tor dayjppM church MM. ate. MW on 4 itroaea, aiwsr » _ Wotor -ot property. 130,000, terms. BRICK TERRACES at, separata oat furnac o in on* 4 lot mo other t ansas. *14,500, (arms. mm ___ DR, I noma tor rati S3. AMILY INCOME KHWhM onnmco, 4 private bath, m ttrm FAMILY INI EASTHAMj 10 ACRES Country Eloganc* combined wl city Luxury. Early Amerlci dasjon thia hom* I* aura to pleat with 4 bedrooms, family —— MM complataly __ &a^4s£ntwrai.or display i 4 nil UN ___nM 1 mi] REALTORS 281 Huron St. OHic* Opbn Erahto^A ‘ OPEN Sun. 2 to 5 p.m. 201 " P® right to OPEN •root you. i N. Oono***. n. Satasman to NICH0UE-HUDS0N Associates, Inc. *rmr .hv i p.m. K 2-3370 FE 5-8183 EAST SIDE BRICK Thro* bedroom bungalow. mPm, mm „ SJTo iSf. *S 3P iet.B*lAi! WEST SIDE mM MftifBft *m" NORTH EAST SIDE HERRINGTON HILLS Thra* bedroom brick bungalow nowly dacorotod. Vacant. Terms. Eva. call MR. ALTON MMISI & Harger Co. OWN - SUNDAY 2*5 699 N. CASS LAKE RD, BRICK RANCHER In * Who Waterford location. Thto SEMINOLE HILLS* Very attroctlv* 1 room, t bath-homo.. Brick construction. Fireplace, modem kitchen. Fomily - r * o m eyerloek* spa-clou* (Micod In landscaped yard. CoiT tor apt. today. roomy .} bedroom homo carpeted living room. and c —“ ^-WTWSiil, It* i d yard, cwte to m room, plus i Don't" mia* Direct--- a paved i ...„ to n”c^ Rd. watdi tor Clan*. MOVE RIGHT iN To tMo fully furnished 3 bedroom horn* In sylvan, village. That's iWw'-flnto WntoMr inrtiiiilnn wmtiM mHmrm —_ Lake privileges at mm c. HI batch** to me area. I car Baraga M,5UK£k?^t-p*,'0■PriS INCOME If you can qualify tor an FHA merts»B» thla 5-room opaftfy-* will make your payment and t INDEPENDENCE TOWNSHIP: On* otory, five ream*. Alun aiding. . Laki * prtvllagaa woodhull Lak*. Available oi ^,V5fc5t.______________ private entrance* and a Wll_ mant. Thla property la wall locatad an a paved street with city water and ga4 nil tor an appolittmant wm-'i OFFICE OPEN SUNDAY 1-4 IRWIN BUYING OR SELLING CALL JOHN K. IRWIN & SONS 313 Was* Huron - Sine* 1*35 FE M4to Attor l P.M. Fj MS44 ROYER arua Extra Sharp Brick, on cornor lot In Highland oatatos — 4 bedroom* — family bSSfjr'*tarw%^V*M UNDERWOOD 635-3415 Eva*. 435-1S74 ORCHARD CREST ESTATES BRICK COLONIAL MODEL HOME ON WOODED LOT SEWERS, WATER AND CONCRETE RD. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Quality workmanship. First fk* family ream, - dan, utility too Vt bath, Maarats dining — kltchan bufltMn. 4 bad Pi upstairs — 3 b<" ----- HOLLY OFFICE Brick Bombshell Sharp 3-badraom brick ranc attractively landacapad cor 7x13 utility room (M _ M‘T' Includes waahar, Oryar and Mrm of Maple disposal .nq water sottanaV. ^rd Laka Rd. .... u 1 Rowan5wtk;»51-1»H_ ^-“iVal-U-Way itdraom cgramtc tiu ‘--‘imont -li tMl-waat of lake SHERW^ttft and {akasM village, 10 mllaa West of Fontlac, lake lets *4400 to Bn.TCs, solo* by Eitllck Properties flUfcAL LAkfl._FRONT l 13'x33* carpeted II STRUBLE i Highland Rd. (M-5») Kt to Frank* Nursary 674-3175 3 flraplaca, 3Vk-ear attact i plus many afctraB# END OF THE RAINBOW colonial S yoara ek .na, TO baths, famltv flraplaca. il lawn plus 2VS-car garaga. LAKE FRONT Lorn Lake lust off Walton Burn in tfSfc all brick rand large roams, flvlnp room carpeting and scenic view ot th* jgkih s hwmmfc kmdwi bullt-lns, toll wslkoul btsai_ complataly finished, attached garage. S43.500, terms, ORION SCHOOLS BRICK RANCH Lsrj* Jot S bodroams, tto_ MM 80S: HATE TO PAINT FHA OR *GI TERMS EP. tlKir garaga, SIAM. Bill Eoitham, Realtor RAKCMR ffewMBrar- Xrsn STOUTS Best Buys Today SUDDENLY IT'S 1890 Charming aid I bedroom colonial homo on S gen* to axegflon Ragkjotor ofsio^|^Wi ^xcollan COMMERCIAL COLONIAL- Groat tocottan tor anttquo* six sn-rassr. largo ootonlol homo ootWtoimg _ S largo, trams. UraSod.to.action nrag which wouid m outmto tor motW lhinipB. intowNgot* thlsl ROCHESTER AREA- 4 bad room r*Mh BuW to J I to Oakland UnhtorsHy 4 1-75 thto 1751 Built SrtiSw* coat* to qMlIflodbuyors. 49 Sola Haaeee walk-out „„..d living room, it'll. , . room, 19X41 recreation1 .room, 13x33 family room with flroplaco, 13x10 kitchen with atove Open Sunday 1 to 4 kiihM in l AH this ana • imuim with stream at tha $35*900. WE BUILD - TRADE ROYER REALTY, INC, PHONE: 634^204 Hy Branch_________Holly Flora ,r«Ej»jm* Pontiac Northern Area toraotot' Moot and clean 3 bedroom hon located tn Forty Park. Faatur wall to wall carpeting In .mo tor --------------------------------- gSdilHr .Only AVON corral, family (Ira kltchan, °*rw a# Fontlac, n«at and c 6 large rooms# 3 bedrooms, TOT- **r w. room,, hist. Ml down, W par n NORTHERN HIGH r._;___________^Shtog* SI 3,000, terms. AVON REALTY 1 Brown N8At2d^Lf£«kA£i6lEti ctr garage, brick and *1 toaturos wall to wall go* lag fhEMgto osgrartono. store and ' i.aBMEMTjBlMlr-lff iraS dlttonlng and many other toaturos. Full prto* Of,300 with j tirm*. 1. LIS BROWN REALTORS & BUILDERS ~ Bill*bath Ltka ltd. u from Fontlac Mall) LAKEFR0NT In Drfyton Flalna with a baairtltully. iramgisw* .horn* featuring I btom tlraploca, csaftjrttTwrr a hard oond beach. Ottorad land confricl term* with • *3500 down. This Is a now < cluslva llstlno and won't I l°ng socoll right owsy tor Fomily si EM M -re*. Amik. and cloiiat spec*. Tiled bgtM oiw tioxci ipice. I iisq ditii# BPS hoot, storms and acraans, HETto You've Asked For It! * It to th* 3 bedroom horn* full nuoamont which cotv ------1 racroutlon tolna * flnlahod r WILLIAM* bodrootno, c "Dollhouse" Neat and cozy 2 bodroom _____ locatod ON Auburn Av*. Features paneling through. Wall to wall carpeting in Ini living room and 1 bedroom. Largo Kitcnim. Insulated aluminum storms and scrams. Enckwsd‘'front perch. Warm gas hoot. Largs storigo shad In patto. More In tor ME) costs. - Val-U-Way Realty and Building Co. FE 441531 Gran t to Incomo, *15,900, ID per rant down. jmgwE 5 UNITS 6 UNITS «MW«* 3 UNITS NCIOI WORK, * blocks trom ^ United Presbyterian Church. 38 UNITS BRICK, axcsllsnt .condition, BK.±r~n' InarSof^lfrmotly* ovoSsS* CROSS id Investment M»0,rr- FIVE'UN Its *“ luiilpia, axtre land tor % Include* 1 largo brl t, Locutod M nd a duplex. Lien i Fontlac.. 112,000 I NINE UNITS Torraen in Fontlac, e*i0 eron, d to enmNMreiilpwM eoue/M -----“‘“WraSrei.M* im-graMl w lanoagn BATEMAN FE 8-9641 LAKE FRONT Mg^Pai. -mm-n JOHNSON -loka Property - A^rwcme 12o per** with Hi miles of h 1. ot Ul 33 or 4 mil** W. of . 1-7 Calf, owner did* OR >np I evenings after 4 and vr-c-~3- ^ rtaffiWji 340o sq. ft. of lireig are* phw and exposed basement. Included or* 4 taro# bedrooms. 3H baths, separata room, dm laundry room, on first. FamiW ~^ !Luik , i ii’l ■, hSCTSB: 'mswsa i. First mn* offered by LAke FRONT, | »Sffiftt.,L Tbk ACRES OF WOODED oraa. flood H«h| ACRES OP hunting furnished i SSI •• *r_ wHw ..tor claoii water, good n ftSjtoftt. Jaa ci’l' brochure, Lak* IMS CADiLlAc ARtA, 350 acre*, tgrrlfte MBtf grtat Invtftmtnt, $24,250. liM -a—- 1 lit 1*1 gfli HwrM Partridge "IS THE BIRD TO SEE" wMBpmRmm Relax In fhb good dim northern tor LAKE OAKUND PRIVILEGES And * 3-bodroom brick roneh with a walkout bosommt Milton Weaver h«»jM»llh ^rt|oors ond Wr^ht Realty JtoSt!£rt id* ..... owntr'i food and $ for ap^ntmam. MODELS OPEN DAILY 12. to B P.M. DWIGHT ST. gmi'MSF asm COMMERCE RD, iKosrw sm arr* « CRESTBROOK SUB. vtaaxvKass^JS CLjJNWTOM: Brayogm^homo m on# gent ra" b* baugM an land mTKtJWsr '** * - ^ orery extra you con ImiMno Including a booutllully finished rang* and dishwasher, 3Vk both*, mb .MritziBmi 3SS£k hwgshsr, M baths, go tondsefpod lot, pli!! Iip> MSaSSfr" f 10 ACRES ui gin* cmd* with a ne, SrfiS? f?r*Plie£ r„* sasBirs I you 'muot ora totoreM w • personal ogpolntmant. natural jBS tlrSpiaca, huge ttwTBialwSraHpmatototom*.. . WHEN YOU MCK OUR SERVICE "JOIN VHR TO TIMII" Times Realty 5*90 DIXIE HIOHWAY OFFICE OPEN SUNDAY 12 TO 6 FOR INFORMATION CAU Ot 40324 HIGHLAND ESTATES DREAM HOME Tito Rolfe H. Smith Co. ytw BROOCK GREEN ACRE erwsir^ "menzies real estate UNDERGO®? 435-3415 — AL PAULY L HOWARD % KEATING Frahtaga on Threa lakes frontog* an Orchard, Caao WEST BLOOMFIELD OFFICE 6827700 * HAROLD R. FRANKS, Realty School .EpPFi a pleas; CONTRAST NO CROWD NO SMOKE NO NOISE COUNTRY ACROB "rSgVm&rase 838 DO down. ?18&&wS8!jXw5t THE jPQNTIAC PRESS, SATURDAY>SRP1.&MBER 28, inks ORION ROAD CTmnSfc”! 95 ACRESWXIE HWY. jpcas»raAr v towS/STr? *32 -RATTALEE LAKE ROAD Hwr Davtoburg «M 1-7* Ex- »vS?,r«;: Small'pond end liam Mini1 “ PRIVATE LAKE M other excellent building, tiles. Property fronts on -two. roads, oak •roes. rolling land — Weal In-vestment or far your enloyment. BATEMAN COMMERCIAL^ INVESTMENT Weekdays after 5, Sat B Mm — C y^{|J£ W AUT0MAt1cZI6-ZAG ■ tewtr^martrtn^-^poluxe Natures '■ Anrwrfcan" design.' Toko Over PawilSfclfc $5 Par MONTH OR $49 CASH, BALANCE UNlVERSArslwiNG^ CENTER WWiSY'LIVING AND HORSES TOO KIIIeSI Ki HPgH nortt. of mlR between Lake Orion and C. SCHUETT REALTY ®8 WWfflKA too x imhwoto8dSLot — «W iBPippf v"ta9,> 111 X Itt LOT — with view of 1.74 ACE«S.-». w». Parry__Lat» Rd. UNDERWOOD MILLION •LOVELAND 80 ACRES PRACTICE PIANOS KiMokja8*' Morris Music I 4}-*G ^ , ife**** l>ld .111" I , -- ■ •HMbrMU.MTM.he.M.tStM P !‘Nothing for me, thanks. But you go right ahead and enjoy my allowance!’' ' Clarkston Real Estote I S. Main MA UMI UNDERWOOD WaiitetfCantMefifRK^ 60-A 1 TO 50 LAND CONTRACTS extra choice wooded SCENIC HOMESITES gJFUTSSUS'J ROYER geas CASH FOR LAND CONTRACTS M. jTvon Cali 4540 Pixlo .3hK. Ml 5-1355 NEED LAND CONTRACTS, SMALL 10X13 CUSTOM BRAIDE KEATING 8£■»“»' Beautiful Braamar Lake West of Davisburg on Davisburg Rd. ■wrapra nmgtfsnfc lot tS" Seed tjooch. Ntf a.slump National Unclaimed FURNITURf „ Brand new 4-plece Bedroom Suita OniyOTI 25 Mta.to aell 45116 Cass (Utica) 7314)200 •, FREE DELIVERY / ? LOANS National Unclaimed FURNITURE * .... Brand new Nylon Sofa—545 ' 45116 Cops (Utica) 731-02,00 Owss. novelties til l - : GALLAGHER MUSIC CD. 1710 S. TELEGRAPH . PE 44 OPEN MON. AND FRI. TILL I FENDER JAGUAR AND Ml Partridge "IS THE BIRD TO SEE" APARTMENT SITE* kMILTON AUTOMATIC ' ufashof, RHODES m Oakland University.campus. Ba * and get the again, will trade Northern motel. Aak fir No. 14-5 - VL and No. 14-5SM-VL. ASK FOR FREE CATALOG ' PARTRIDGE REALRtTATE 1050 Wait Huron It., Pontloc 334-3267 KIRBY SWEEPER EXCELLENT CONDITION — 150 FULL GUARANTEE Kirby Servlet & Supply Co. 1517 DIXIE.MIGMi'V., kqNMQtirAl^iiNt.r^,GIM :qrfo0ation will fay ia pet Interact., dividend paid quarterly. DRIVE IN Main highway location near Utica. PmS parking, ,tawa and omni service, excellent equipment, shows good prollt. A beet buy at »te,000 down MCI. reel astete. Warden Realty 3414 W> Huron. FotltlOC 4M-3WQ ', for Uase Gull Service Station, 4741 Dixie >'a84':wW~.E>li Michigan. naalitnnco avail. It need ad. Call Fhli Hawley at HS4S50. EwnyplIM. *V Mr/. ; A 71 BILLION DOLLAR BUSINESS But mere u anil room for on* more. Our offerings, "Foul BunyoA WARREN STOUT, REALTOR 145> N. Ondyla Rd. FE 5-1145 VACAN+ ACREAOB - Rolling 1 aero Mrcelw VMOdoa an back, n mile to US SI. VA4W7. HOWELL Town & Country Inc. ---Highland Branch OH Ice PHONEi 313-685-1585 National Unclaimed FURNITURE Brand new Maple or Walndt Chaat 45116 C«s*(Utic *731-0200 FREE DELIVERY LINOLEUM RUGS, MO#t tlMA *347 up, Pearson's Furniture, SIS 1. Plkodt.. PiaWEI. REFRIOERATOR, SO CONDITION, I Price, *4*. ’. . 71 Sets to see 45116 Cass (Utica) 731*0200 FREE delivery 'HBnOL&SB*. heater, 547.75; 557.75, laundry mras 8MP* %.uft NORGE FREiZBR UPRWMft. RESTAURANT SUPPLIES OAK COFFEE Tf COSWAY REAL ESTATE 681-0760 Nfltianal unelMmid— « furniture imniBii irMMl now hartt Racthwrf-551 BRAND NEW ZIG-ZAG 45116 Cass (Utica) 731-0200 free DELIVERY halanca, awty .ar take gn BATEMAN fSSSm DRASTIC SAVINGS CUSHIONS—CUSHIONS 51.50 Bar week LITTLE JOE'S Notional Unclaimid FURNITURE ErendnMrS^L^|«Are.ChBlr. 45116 Cass (Utka)731-0200 SKI-DOO^S ■war p rAWw'ff? cJ% ZZMUS # gdAlh^iiSWitJetB sasgl «7.'caw! HOUSBfOLD APPLIANCE, itws9mSt STACHER TRAILER ... smisYinc ^ THE POfrTIA^ PRESS, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1968 Hutchinson's’ %■ Anniversary Mlb YES, 21 YEARS 1969..GNIWS' ^CARS^ON* DISPLAY* N< Von Camp CHevn UklMml M' I fkl. Ub* LUCKY AUTO Pontiac Farm and Industrial Tractor Co. IQfiR ECQNOLINE M ton pickup with 4 cyl. stick, only — $995 FLANNERY FE WOW or FE 3-7954 STANDARD'S FINANCE PLAN — BUY HERE-PAY HERE . Bankrupt? Need A Fresh Start? Tired of Walking? WE CAN SELL ANYBODY A CAR ALL MAKES AND ’MODELS QUALITY USED CARS CALL AND ASK FOR , MR. JOHNSON FE 8-4033 Bob Hutchinson Invites you to see Hie all new ,$22,000 DOUBLE-WIDE KROPF HOME ten sa&nt^FbOoe' SEE THE ALL NEW DETROITERS 1969 CHEVYS Van Comp Chevrolet W. Milford Rd. (Nr. Htoh Sdu i»66 poops camfer QieiSKV* e?!^I^KBWWEI Opon Dolly 'til ( pan, laturday and Sunday 'til DRAYTON PLAINS 1967 FORD Best Mobile Homo Sales . Open Daily 9 a.m.-8 p.m. WHEt . OlMUlin %*E*#l4j^FANDOS ON DUPLAY : FR&E DELIVERY AND SET UP WITHIN ano MILES. Iftpr Marietta l*M, $5,200,00 I IMCDI AV If. ” i«67 wo^RiHoauM $1795 -FLANNERY 1965 RIVERIA PULL POWER, factory t wheal, haw tires, tinted PnbMiaHmiiwwto sate. ECONOMY CARS MM DIXIE PI 1M5' BUICK LESABRE, . hardtop, full power, axctlli dffl»7MuSain.ttf-wwT 1968 Starcraft Campers cRuislIdoul??lNc. 6. Walton Dally 9-> JWQ* AUTO, 17' Thundorbird Formula Jr. with 145 U.P. Interceptor, M3. custom cover ’ end Utile Dude trailer—50 plus mph jkHtoat■ .. , WE IIS' Dorsett, 90 H.P. Johnson *1195 e«^75 CHRYSLER AND JOHNSON BOATS AW MOTORS ! INSIDE BOAT AND MOTOR STORAGE OPEN DAILY 9 to * SUNDAYS 10-4 PAULA. YOUNG, INC 40MDIXMHWY. MARINA on Loon LAKE OR 4-0411 Warned Can-Tracks 101 1966 BUICK ELECTRA 225 FuM^POwor end factory air eon- $2395 , Bob Borst Lincoln-Mercury Sales 150 W. Miolt Ml MM8 >47 BUICK ELECTRA, S15, St,530, TYLER'S AUCTION 1964 CHEVY AUDETTE REGAL EXECUTIVE 8y Active. TOWN I. COUNTRY MOBILE HOMES, INC. Telegraph at DMa Hwy. 334-6694 jnnmftst: BUICKS, CHEVY'S PONTIACS, more- H. G. Van Waif, OR A lias, one owum^twauty. Only" GRIMALDI CHEVROLETS ALL MOORS ON DISPLAY NOW I evan'S Equipment mo DIXIE HIGHWAY CLARK*™ a^wiBrfT. AveriH's CENTURY YELLOWSTONE TRAVEL TRAILERS , QUALITY AT. ANY EUDGI STACHLER TRAILER SALES, INC. Hiahiand t«ME> e HIGHEST DOLLAR PAID FOR Extra Sharp Cars! Grimaldi Buick-Opel Mansfield AUTO SALES CHEVROLET Rochester AUDETTE ! On M24 in Lake Orion MY 2-2411 ury end Morc-Crulsor i CRUISE-OUT INC. Walton P Dally 9-4, Set. 9-4 __ClottdSundays GRIMALDI CLOSE-OUT STOP • HERE LAST M&M ---MOTOR SALES — Now at aur new location 1 Par mere tor enarp. late mod sari. Corvettes naadad. ----- . . '*ZXU2U&'AT Travelmote 10 ft. Double Bod, PfeWlto *1395 If ft Ooublt bod. otffitte St.495 Pleasure Mate 1969 CHEVYS Van Camp Chevrolet •r old, light GRIMALDI TOP $ PAID for all sharp Pontiacs and CADILLAC. We are prepared to mako you a better offer! I Ask for Bob Burns. WILSON CRISSMAN CADILLAC 1150 N. Windward Ml 4-191 "TOPDOLLAR PAID" 1969 CHEVYS 23 Acres of NEW And U CARS ON DISPLAY N( Holly TrarafeSach, Inc. 10 HaRy Rd- Holly ME 44 OAKLAND CAMPER napors E oil slw REE KITTENS mim 1945 CHEVY IMPALA GRIMALDI LnUr* GRIMAUH CAR CO. 1968 CADILLAC. COUPE DoVILLE, GM EXECUTIVE SELLING WIFE'S CAR GLENN'S "Eiar Cliff Dteyer's 194«jEL!^^par FTSCHER BUICK JEROME CADILLAC CO. ilia WMo Tract Dr, PE 3-wei SEE TH< ALL 1969 CHEVYS Von Camp Chevrolet N- MlWprdJtd. Ulr. >BMi Bchmll Been, Bankrupt? Need a Car? STANDARD Auto Sales to RIM Wtl^al^Ml mronilUM) 681-0004 1966 CHEVY W Cyll^lcfcon/y - $1295 \ FLANNERY ill For your Volkswagen BILL GOUINGVW iEi Maaiswwn em. Off MopW Rd. (15 MIN) maart SHELTON t&FlflSSr} PONTIAC-BlHCK-OPfL ' ' S. ROCHESTER ROAD STANDARD'S FINANCE PLAN BUY HERE-PAY HIRE Bankrupt? Noad A. Fresh Start? Tirod of Walking? WE CAN SELL ANYBODY v A 'CAR ; AM. MAKES AND MODELS QUALITY USED CARS CALL AND ASK FOR MR. WYATT 681-0004 MILOSCH CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH SALE Motorcycle REPOSSESSION CLEARANCE . ' . ON ALL Suzala, Hodaka STAR AUTO EASYdDBIT 9*3 Oakland FE 8-9661 ale price-.only' king'bros. > rolm Ihw wd Bui Cw« 904. cagyETTt. FA}TBAgK, gr«sr^ixr^«rfct THE POJTHAC PRESS. SATURDAY. SBPTfcMT*TCR 28, 1968 ■ H!W Van Comp Chevrolet N.MMwdlfil. W$r. KWh *d» ’sgEg^MSBB Iwr CHEVROiTf~iMPALA station WOgpIt,- *37 V-J, - *"-1- vWSl!^l MTO.1 SteMr — 1947 1967 Camero 2-door Hardtop with VI, 4 speed, whltewslls, ermine whit* finish, black vinyl top, only — $2295 Matthews- Hargreaves MILOSCH CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH 1947 Chevy Impale Moor hardtop white, black vinyl top, auto., dtiu BIRMINGHAM Chryslor-Plymouth liiflii Al£'mw~ 1969 CHEVYS 8cr«rpwr Von Camp Chovrolet N. Milford Rd (Mr. High f-*-- wncorvette coupe# vmmm# mlloa, 300 h.p. Ayfc ---- ‘ ‘1. F.M., $4,450, R 1968 CHE TAYLOR CHEVY-OLDS Waited Laka_ MA 4-4501 power, ofhor oxtrae. .... . W CORViltj' IXBjlAfeRt flt, spotless, automatic traiumlselon. 1968 Chevelle Alibu 4-door $2495 Matthews- Hargreaves ^C7MtS*ON* dUpLAY* NCWvP Van Camp Chovrolet 1964 IMPERIAL BIRMINGHAM Chryslor-Plymouth 1965 Chrysler eewperi, Moor, hardtop, Jeering, eetem all whitewalle. $1295 at tho Maple I 1965 IMPERIAL dot hardtop, white, blue ir, H automatic, rad or, full power with factory i Ittlon. . • J2195 this auto at our now locatl... TROY MOTOR MALL on Rd. (15 Mila) 1ft mlloa oaat BIRMINGHAM Chryslor-Plymouth metallic I _____iWb • - - automatic, ramo, ___________ ______ steering, power brakes and air $2495 east of woodward. BIRMINGHAM Chryslor-Plymouth iDDqe'C by. EM 5- 1943. DODGE COROtjlET^ HARDTOP, steering, whitewalls, extra « m SOUTH HUNTER $695 tea this auto at our new location at the TROY MOTOR MALL, on Maple Rd. (15 Mile) I Vi miles east BIRMINGHAM Cktyslor-Ptymouth Notice to the Public -Birmingham Chrysler-Plymouth SECOND ANNUAL WHITE SALE 25 WHITE CARS BELOW COST 1968 Plymouth Satelite 4-Doors artd 2-Door Hardtops —Fully Equipped— SALE STARTS AT 9 A.M. SEPT. 26th, 1968 Birmingham- 2100 Maple Rd., 5664675 TROY MOTOR MALL 642-7000 Hwe eeiMfew DODGE DART, 6T, Ik » ■ swtemeteL I ceenear, p a-x whitewall 1 I VAN, Valvatex, $1*50. DEMO) -.JtlinSH, MHMHI „™, whitewalls, rack on LLOYD BRIDGES TRAVELAND i. Meaia Rd., waited lx. 434-1713 1968 Dodge LAST CHANCE 80 to choose from. Many body stylos, colors ana equipment. Prices start at $1945 Spartan Dodge SELLS FOR LESS (tell us H we're wrong) 133 ORMand Ave. REPOSSESSION tew Mustang 2 dear, red with red vinyl Interior, bucket seats, console, radio, hooter, whitewall tiros, ELOOO actual miles, one owner. Balance duo S1IM.11 with weakly payments Of St.51. Call King, 401-0002, ask tor Sob. LATE 1944 FORD Galaxls 500, 2-doo hardtop, axe. condition. 352 \M auto., power (leering, l owner oecrWIo, *143*. 0*2-1514._ 1966 Mustang 2-door Hardtop with 4 ay], 3 speed, with radio, heater, whitewalls, turquoise finish, only — $1295 Matthews- Hargreaves 431 Oakland Avo. KESSLER'S DODGE CARS AND TRUCKS Sslot and Service —J OA 0-1400 FORD: Whan you buy it lot MARKET YlRE give it a free safety chock. 2455 Orchard ‘ 4M 1041 FORD original * 4 cylinder stick, —— dltion. 3000 or bsst o%r.Btm» 1147 FORD WAGONl C ^______'Uts szAlstijnktB t9k4 PO^ NiC#b,« door hardtop, “ ' and SrOtaa -I -dsston. axe eon irtvata. 335-1714. $995 Bob Borst Lincoln-MErcury Solos New and Urtd Cart 106 New aad Uied Cars JOHN McAULIFFE FOR6 ' - -TjflSL Sc 41 price No money "WrfM assri!8wwtt*8» ------------ cuntMw IN- TERIOR WITH R.ECL I NT NS . knIy gauge SOLE, flNTED GLASS ALL THE w^^AEouibrTuir * GROUP. RALLY HEELS ......... ACCENTING 1 dark green Exterior, wide OVAL TIRES Atm POSITRAC- N. AtKINO *1400 BUT WE r TALK ABOUT IT AFTER ■ -II > SltTHHXAR. CALL 474-0154 BETWEEN SrIO end S.SS. automatic. Only 139 down. Weekly Manager of Ml tmL HAROLD TURNER FORD powor atoarlng, condition, *1275. 944 EONNEVIlI , double power, i top, MtoKnf ■ * $1195. 230.1957. 1944 TEMPEST CL______ cylinder Mint, power riM^wheela. — — coupe, power brek ■xc. Cend. $1340.41. INS Pontiac oonvertil—, power aqulppad. Only $39 dawn, cram manager at Ml 4-73*1 HAROLD TURNER FORD 1940 PONTIAC -LaMANS^ Hardtop between 1 pan, and19 p.m: 1967 FIREBIRD GRIMALDI CAR CO. 900 Oakland Avenue eX)HNrMcAULlFFE FORD 43* Oakland Avo. F» M1W GO! HAUPT PONTIAC 1ISE? RUSS JOHNSON PONTIAC-TEMPEST On M-24 In Lake Orton MY i6266 was tEmfesY 6bF9dIm# t dear hardtop, V4, power > steering, automatic, 4 ply Hna# llluaton btoC I960 PONTIAC Grand Prlx AUDETTE PONTIAC 19N GTO WAIHprilF. hydrX. ... gle-paafarx enriaa .controL roar Slar' tm aate-T door locks, hndroala, -Ka Groan with white tap, $2000 WN>iEf.um “fitA" dailje' |M. rally Wheels, many extras. 343- 1*4$ .FPNTJAC CAYALIHA. t*r. m KEEGO PONTIAC , REPOSSESSION I Rambler Claielc 44*, tm toWm‘‘'nwHw rP #1 interior, 4 cylinder, ' power steering, l, nearer, whitewall tlree. «ce due *131.2$ with civ payment* of Htf. King, 411-M02. INI RAMBLER, CLASSIC .Adpor --re, -rnr.... ^-^^ugia, _haMKr' mjTaaae# tell price MBLER, Union ,1968 RAMBLER AMBASSADOR 990 2 doer hardtop, avocado dram with black Interior, V4, automatic, radio, heater, power steering, power brakes and factory air .conditioning. 4*00 mllai. $2495 .tee this auto at our new location •t the TROY MOTOR MALL an ,Maple Rd. (15 Mlla)1U mlloa east BIRMINGHAM Chrysler-Plymouth 1968 Count Down HURRY Before They're All Gone BEST OLDSMOBILE# Inc. * 550 Oakland Avenue FE 2-8101 1944 PONTIAC,1 CATALINA itoor twrdton, .doiMa ■powar, vtnyl .top, tinted wlndawa, new tfraa. 21JXX) Tkt mm ?Ti^TAR c hi* udF ”” "'"fcaranahteti wtB. WL' 1967 PONTIAC Catalina AUDETTE COME SEE THESE 1969 TRADE-INS 1967 PONTIAC Catalina brakas, radte. Mater, wti 1967 COMET Calient! Tvto door .hardtop. Burgundy finish'with matching all vinyl Interior, v-a, automatic, power itaorlng mtd^brakas, radio# heater, whltewalla. Just 1966 BUICK LeSobre Convertible. Flra angina rad with matching all ymyl Interior. Automatic, newer steering and brakas, rente heater. Nearly new whltewalla. 1966 MERCURY Montclair Two dear hardtop. All white with rad vinyl tap. "390" V-a, automatic, .power it ear Ing and brakes, radio, hansr# wMtnmlia. 1965 OLDSMOBILE “442" Convertible. Four speed, power (tearing, brakas ana windows, radio# Mater. Real savings. 1965 CHEVROLET Bel Mr jpgr ^Mw,.‘iirAlc-i0rmM.^rB;r.^ 1965 FORD 96 Ton Pickup J & 1962 CONTINENTAL Sedan Emerald grabn Whh matching vinyl tnlarlgr. factory air, power etaarlng, brakas and windows ilx^ien. eStrk kxS. radtoT hrato* $2295 $1895 $1895 $1595 $1095 $1295 $1195 $1095 HILLSIDE LINCOLN-MERCURY 1250 Oakland 333-7863 1904 PONTIAC, 1 door hi Rerfect. r CARS S^tt'SteSrail ECONOMY 2335 PIXIE 1944 PONTIAC GRAND FRIX Rani sharp carl *097 fin price. No LSCK^ AUTO 1964 PONTIAC CATALINA CONVERTIBLE 2 Plus 2 JW WraigtM M M' saw Mil Bt j» a*Y 440T0R MALL. 1 Wtoodwerd!*11*1 m -rade asks permission for 160 persons, 20 vehicles—and a dog. (7) Cf—Choice — Rote of church In etirU rights ty discussed. (60) R - Movie: “American Guerrilla in tha Philippines” (1959) When his squadron is destroyed, JNavy lieutenant links iq> with guerrillas in the Philippine jungles. Tyrone Power, Tom Ewell 2:39 (7) C—Spotlight SHE (7) R — Movie: “When Willie Comes Marching Home” (1969) The town’s firri World War If enlistee is accused of goidbricMng when he’s stationed at horns, Dan Dailey, William Demarest (62) Public Service 9:19 (9) R C - Movie: “The Gift of Love” (1968) After whirlwind courtship, bride finds she has (4) C — Oopey the Clown (7) C-Dlalogua (9) Man Albe - Bible Interpretation and morality are discussed (conclusion). (80) C#-Captain Detroit 9:36 (2) C-With This Ring (7) C-Beaties (9) Spectrum (SO) C-Kimba 9:48 (2) C-Highlight (4) C — Davey and Goliath 11:69 (2) Breakthru (4) C-Houss Detective X4) C-Walt Disney-In the conclusion of a two-part story, Barney and his hound hard 500 turkeys for Widow Graham, but the birds are led astray and a hunter claims 30 as his own. Darren McGavin and Patricia Crowley star (56) Music on the River — Film report on fop floating rammer tour of the American Wind Symphony. 1:10 (2) C - Ed Sullivan -Back for his 21st year, Ed offers Red Skelton, Steve Lawrence and Eydla Gorme, Diana Ross and the Supreme* and the Jefferson Airplane. (7) C — FBI — Erskine investigates the murder of a federal agent in a Texas oil Held. (50) C — David Susskind 1:10 (4) C - Mothers-In-Law — Susie’s pregnant and the mothers-in-law develop sympathetic symptoms. (•) C —Cesar's World (90) NET Journal — A look at Israel 19 years after its independence. 9:99 (l)C - (Return) Road Promotion LANSING (AP) - The State Highway Commission has announced the promotion of Dwight A. Bell of Lansing to highway-design engineer in the department Bell succeeds John Bergh of Lansing who has been promoted to administrative en- 10:10 (7) 0 — (Special) Anniversary Game — Detroit Tigers Denny McLain, Willie Horton and Mickey Stanley and their wives appear. (0) Bams and Company — Musical comedy star Tammy Grimes and singer Jimmy Nolan are guests. (60) C-Lou Gordon—Vice presidential candidate Edmund S. Muskie will be a (French, 1960) Eddie ___C o nstantine, Francoise Brion 3:00 (2) C - News, Weather 3:06 (2) C - With This Ring MONDAY MORNING 6:46 (2) On the Farm Seen* 8:61 (2) C —News 6:60 (2) C - (Return) Sunrise Semester — First semester of a yearlong course on “the literature :I6 (2) C — Love of Ufa (7) C — Dream House (9) R - Movie: “Cur Hearts Were Growing Up” (1946) Two girls go to Twenties, Gafi Russell, Diana Lpn, Brian Don-levy 1:06 (56) Listen and Say 1:28 (2) C-News (4)alnglag group (50) R - Movie: “Call Northsld* 777” (19 41) James Stewart, Richard Conte, Lae J. Cobb (56) Folk Guitar 1:39 (2) C - My Three Sons-At foe start of foe (4) C — Let’s Make a Deal (7) C—It’s Happening 1:41 (66) Let’s Go Sdendng 1:66 (7) C - Children’s Doctor ? 2:16 (2) C-Divorce Court (4) C — Days of Our Lives (7) C-Newlywed Game (7) R C - Movie; “From foe Terrace” (1606) Paul Newman, Jo-nnne Woodward, Myrna Loy (50) C-JoePyije 11:41(4) News, Weather, Community Theaters Frl.-Stt.i clit.-Tj.i High," Clint BEL""•> 2:16 (66) — American 2:11 (2) C — Guiding Light (4) C — Doctors .. (7) C—Dating Gama \ (80) R — Make Room for Daddy 2:46 (66) Spanish lesson 3:11 (t) C-Secret Storm (4) C—Another World (7) C — General Hbepttal (9) R —Real McCoys (50) R—Tapper (56) French Chef 2:26 (2) C-Edge'of Night (4) C- Yen Don’t Say -Guests are Carl Bets of “Judd” and actress Carolyn Jones ^ (7) C - One Llie to Live (9) Lively Spot 5. (50) C-Captain Detroit (M) Invitation to Art (Q) R — Ann Sothern Mahoney, Margie Dean (7) C — World of §ports 2:66 (7) R - Movie: “Tulsa” '(19ft) Susan Hayward, Kirk Douglas 2:19(4) C—News 4:99 (2) C - News, Weather SUNDAY MORNING Stu d) TV Chapel foil (I) C —News •tU (2) U. of M. Television — f fame of traditional Japanese theater •:36 (2) C—Christophers T»99 (2) C — Cathedral of back for his 14fo season. (9) R - Mode: “In foe French Style" (1961) Jean Seberg, Stanley Baker. (56) R — NET Journal — Use of LSD discussed 9:69 (2) C — Hogan's Heroes - Sgt. Schultz (7) C — Issues and Answers — Sen. Georgs Murphy, R.-Calif., chairman of the GOP Senatorial Campaign Committee; Sen. Joseph fydingo, 1> -Weekend Radio Programs wjiicyeo) wcit«>ci iRdl wjnMCHRoai wwr»-wMMm4.-y> “Bachelor Flat” (1961) Archeology Professor finds ha can’t cope with his many female admirers. Terry-Thomas, Richard Beymer, Celeste Holm (9) C—Funtime (50) Little Rascals (62) C — Rae Deane, Bugs Bunny and Friends 8:«9 (9) R C - Batman (86^R C — Superman (86) Misterogers 6:39 (4) c — George Pier- Let FINGER’S OfTtie MALL do your PICTURE FRAMINQ for You! 400 Styles to Select From and singers Tommy Leooetti, Webb Pierce and Freda Payne. (ID USA — Andy Warhol n» Hollywood («R)R-Jioriii:LC- “The Eddie Cantor Story” (1164) Keefe Rramefle, Marilyn Bnridaa; 1 “The Winning inam” (1952) Daria Day, Ronald Reagan, frank Lovejoy, travel a r a become uuMumas - *M<§§ «*«» TOWMCOUIITRT HM9gift TJff*r67«161*Wi' Young, Tyrone rower, Adolph Menjoa 12:46 (66) Spanish Lesson 12:61(4) C—News fl r 5" p 5" 5“ r- nr IT IS li 14 15 16 If 11 9 r SI a SB 36 44 46 J ■ r 40 42 43 44 47! 48 41 A ' 11 52 53 54 56 56 * 67 a THE PONTIAC PBgSS. &Ag^JBDAr^ SBg'FlIM^^^ 28, 1968 Warm Winter Mittens, Gloves Say It with Flowers FROM SEARS Phones S84-750O kYour flower* will b« delivered anywhere ih the United States. Use your convenient Sear* Charge. Men’s Wool Lined Casual Jackets Mfr’sQoseout Nylon Gowns w«i» 0*22 Many lovely laee-trimmed nylon tricot* styles v.ith sneer nytonoysrlays. Take your choice of Ice cream pastels or white in sizes small throuRh large. Mfr’s Closeout Misses’ Robes No phone orien, C.O.D.'g or deliveries (except where note#* (not et Grant Point*) Catalog Closeout! nBoys’ Corduroy Jackets Wsre 15.94 Smooth Control For All Figures Save! Junior Shirts IN A. SMART COLLECTION OP CLASSIC STYLES ,tyl<* ‘■s uto a an oa “Camelot” Draperies Men’s Cushioned Corfam® Shoes Draperies (not «t Grots* Point*) Save! Fluffy Automatic ■UNKIT WITH A HUt1-YUK OUARANTU Eaay-car* rsyon and acrylto blend. Ragt12A9 Machine washable. D*o*cator colors. jSLaa 11.** Pall Sts* Staph Central.9.99 099 USt SE*» **Ce«ral..lli* ll v Clock TV with AM/FM Radio 8-in. diagonal measure pic- - ,ltM tun typloa an AM/FM terExn^ Sears Downtown Mondeyt Thursday* \ Satarday 9 to 9. Pontiac • Phone FE 5-4171 ( » |g||i| W^SSSSM Complete listings of programs, channels and stations for the entire weekl Highlight and feature programs especially noted. All listings corrected to publication time giving you latest information. Networks may change some schedules without prior notice because of special events. PP SATURDAY 2:00 (4) Baseball — World Series preview: Alternating cameras focus bn the St. Louis Cardinals hosting the Houston Astros in the National League and the Detroit Tigers hosting the Washington Senators in the American League. (7) College Football : Purdue vs. Notre Dame at Notre Dame, Ind. 2 : 1 5 (2) Baseball: Washington Senators at Detroit Tigers 5:00 (7) Wide World, o f Sports — The Southern 500 Stock Car Championship taped Sept. 2 at Darlington, S.C., and the Olympic U. S. Men’s and Women’s Gymnastics Trials taped Aug. 30-31 at Long Beach and Los Angeles, Calif. 11:00 (9) Canadian Pro Football: Hamilton Tiger-Cats at Edmonton Eskimos 1:45 (4) Bowling — Beat the Champ SUNDAY 11:30 (2) College Football -Taped highlights of Purdue-Notre Dame game 12 noon (7) College Football — Highlights of college action 1:30 (4) Pro Football: New York Jets at Buffalo Bills in the American Football League 2:00 (2) Pro Football : Detroit Lions at Green Bay Packers in the National Football League 4'.00 (4) Pro Football : Oakland Raiders at Houston Oilers in the American Fo otball League 4:30 (7) Bowling: Jim Certain and Jim Mack vs. Skee Forensky and Bill Harwick 11:30 (4) Bowling — Beat the Champ MONDAY 1:00 a.m. (4) Bowling — Beat the Champ TUESDAY 1:00 a.m. (4) Bowling — Beat the Champ WEDNESDAY 2:00 (2) (4) Baseball: Detroit Tigers at St. Louis Cardinals in first game of World Series 1:00 a.m. (4) Bowling — Beat the Champ THURSDAY 2:00 (2) (4) Baseball: Detroit Tigers at St. Louis Cardinals in second game of World Series 1:00 a.m. (4) Bowling — Beat the Champ FRIDAY 1:00 a.m. (4) Bowling — Beat the Champ SATURDAY, OCT. 5 12:30 (2) (4) Baseball. St. Louis Cardinals at Detroit Tigers in third gome of World Series 2:00 ( 7 ) Canadian Pro Footbfll 2:45 (7) Wide World o f Sports presents National Drag Racing Cham-p i o n s h i p s from Indianapolis, Ind. 4:30 (7) College Football: Washington at Oregon State JUST IN! Spectacular VALUE! ALL NEW 36995 2 Year Picfure Tube, 1 Yr. Parts WARRANTY 90 Days FREE SERVICE BIG 18'o,c RECTANGULAR PICTURE 180 SQ. IN. VIEWING AREA The KEPLER Model Z3*0t| Perfect for patio, den, kitchen, and bed« :om! All new handsomely styled Decorator-Compact table model. Vinyl clad metal cabinet in Brown color. 77® ©ft 0 OS, 0 BANQUET FACILITIES OUR SEATING CAPACITY IS 350 $1.19 LUNCHES - $1.59 DINNERS - $1.19 SUNDAYS Relax in Air-Conditioned Comfortl OPEN T MVS A WEEK 's 11 AJL • 2 PH. and 430 - MO PH. laity ’ We're Open Sundeyt 11 A.M. to 1 P.M. 760 BALDWIN al MONTCALM Sunday Eating Spectacular ST THE SKOEH HOUSEI Maybe you've eaten a Sunday Smorgasbord before. But never one as delightful and economical as this. Mountains of royal roast beef, pork chop supreme, our own Swedish meat balls, golden fried chicken, vegetables, crisp salads, appetizers. All you can eat. All for this one low price. Even lower prices for children. Only beverage and dessert extra. $ Many delicious meats! & ONE COLO' SATURDAY AFTERNOON 12:00 (2) C — Shazzan (4) C — Birdman (7) C — George of the Jungle (9) Audubon Theater (50) R — Movie: “China Gate” (1957) Gene Barry, Nat (King) Cole 12:30 (2) C — Johnny Quest (4) C — Super President (7) C — American Bandstand (9) Country Calendar 1:00 (2) C —Moby Dick (4) C —At the Zoo (9) Championship Tennis 1:30 (2) C — Navy Film (4) C — Red Jones (7) C — Daugherty-Elliott-Diles Report 1:45 (2) C—Music Treasures ((7) C — College Football Today 2:00 (2) C - Tiger Warm-Up (4) C — Baseball: Cameras alternate between Washington Senators vs. Tigers at Detroit and Houston Astros vs. Cardinals at St. Louis in a World Series preview. (7) C — NCAA Football: Purdue at Notre Dame (9) R — Movie: “Fo*t Massacre” (1958) Joel McCrea, Susan Cabot (50) R — Movie : “Desperate Moment” (1953) Dirk Bogarde 2:15 (2) C — Baseball: Washington at Detroit 3:30 ( 50) R — Movie: “The Face Behind the Mask” (1941) Peter Lorre (62) R — MacKenzie’s Raiders 4:00 (9) C — Marvel Super Heroes (62) R — Sea Hunt 4:30 (62) C — Rae Deane, Bugs Bunny and Friends 4:45 (7) C — College Football Scores 4:50 (2) C - Baseball Scoreboard 4:55 (4) C - Wonderful World of Sports Pontiac Press Saturday, September 28 5:00 (2) To Be Announced (4) C — Outdoorsman (7) C — Wide World of Sports — Men’s and women’s Olympic gymnastic trials; Southern ‘ 500” Stock Car Championship (9) R — Lock-Up (50) C — Hy Lit 5:30 (2) C — Gentle Ben (4) C — College Bowl — (9) RC-Gidget (62) R C r My Friend Flicka 5:45 (56) R - World Traveler SATURDAYiNIGHT 6:00 (2) (4) C — News (9) C —> Robin Seymour (50) R —Combat (56) Fairy Tales (62) R— Phil Silvers 6:30 (2) C — Grand Ole Opry (4) C — News — McGee (7) C — Michigan Sportsman (56) Puppet Master (62) R — Movies: 1 Lady Is a Square” Anna Naegele, Frankie Vaughn, Anthony Newley; “The (1957) 2. “Who Stole the Body?” (1962) Elke Sommer 7:00 (2) C — Death Valley Days (4) C — Michigan Outdoors (7) C — Anniversary Game (9) C — All-American College Show (50) C — Hayride (56) NET Festival — Negro poet-novelist Arna Bontemps reads from works of others to create word picture of urban Negro 7:30 (2) C - Jackie Gleason — The Honey-mooners kick off the season with a musical comedy (4) C — Adam-12 — Attempt to capture a burglar is delayed because two children have swallowed an overdose of pep pills. (7) C — Dating Game (9) R — Danger Man 8:00 (4) C — Get Smart — Smart dogfights a KAOS agent — who laoks remarkably like the Red Pontiac Announces THE GREAT BREAK AWAY ON DISPLAY AND READY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Pontiac Tempest ON M24, LAKE ORION I — 1969 GRAND PRIX HARDTOP COUPE 693-6266 Baron — in an attempt to save the nation’s potato crop. J7) C — Newlywed Game (9) C — An Evening With ... — The Back Porch Majority, a California folk-singing group (50) R — Movie: “Call Northside 777” ( 1 9 4 8 ) James Stewart, Richard Conte, Lee J. Cobb (56) Folk Guitar 8:30 (2) C - My Three Sons — At the start of the ninth season the big question is: Is Kathy going to have a baby? (4) C — Ghost and Mrs. Muir — Mrs. Muir welcomes an eloping couple with car trouble. (7) C — Lawrence Welk — The maestro bubbles back for his 14th season. (9) R — Movie: “In the French Style” (1963) Jean Seberg, Stanley Baker. (56) R — NET Journal — Use of LSD discussed 9:00 (2) C — Hogan’s Heroes — Sgt. Schultz must be saved from a Th« Pontiac Prott Saturday, September 28 transfer to the Russian front as the show begins its fourth year. (4) Movie: “The Train” (1964) French railroad inspector moves to keep a trainload of art treasures from being shipped to Nazi Germany as Allies close in. Burt Lancaster, Paul Scofield. 9:30 (2) C — Petticoat Junction As the show starts its sixth season, Betty Jo is with child and Steve insists delivery take place in a fancy Baltimore hospital. (7) C — Hollywood Palace — Traditional host Bing Crosby is on hand for the start of the seventh season. S i d Caesar, Bobby Goldsboro, Harper Valley’s Jeannie C. Riley and St. Louis Cardinal pitching star Bob Gibson are among the guests. (56) NET Jazz — Drummer Mel Lewis and cor-netist Thad Jones lead a 17-piece group in a big-band concert. 10:00 (2) C — Mannix — In the first show of the second season, deaf-mute actress informs Mannix she has lip-read a phone conversation about a kidnaping. Actors of the National Theater of the Deaf are featured. (50) C — News, Weather, Sports (56) R — NET Festival -A tribute to the late poet, Carl Sandburg 10:30 (7) C — (Special) Anniversary Game — Detroit Tigers Denny McLain, Willie Horton and Mickey Stanley and their wives appear. (9) Barris and Company — Musical comedy star Tammy Grimes and singer Jimmy Nolan are guests. (50) C — Lou Gordon (62) R — Favorite Story 11:00 (2) (7) C - News , Weather, Sports (9) Pro Football — Hamilton at Edmonton. (62) R C — Movie: “Land of the Pharaohs” (1955) Joan Collins 11:30 (2) R — Movie : “Sword of Granada’* (1960) Cesar Romero (7) R C — Movie; “From the Terrace” (1960) Paul Newman, Joanne Woodward, Myrna Loy (50) C — Joe Pyne 11:45 (4) News, Weather, Sports 12:15 (4) C - Donald O’Connor 1:00 (62) R - Movie: “The Durant Affair” ( 19 6 2 ) Jane Griffiths 1:45 (4) Beat the Champ 2:00 (2) R - Movie: “Walls of Hell” (1964) Jock Mahoney, Margie Dean (7) C — World of Sports 2:05 (7) R - Movie: “Tulsa” (1949) Susan Hayward, Kirk Douglas 2:30 (4) C — News 4 : 0 0 ( 2 ) C — News, Weather $1% 1® ii if 'f $ i i ^ The WILBURN BROTHER’S SHOW Friday 6 P.M. BILLY WALER’S Country Carnival Thursday 6 P.M. DAILY DOUBLE MOVIES Mon-Fri 6:30pm RAE DEANE, BUGS tflJNNY & FRIENDS Daily 4:30 P.M. 6 smmim Movies on mx& i SATURDAY 12:00 ( 50) China Gate 2:00 (91 Fort Massacre (50) Desperate Moment 3:30 (50) The Face Behind the Mask 6:30 (62) The Lady Is a Square; Who Stole the Body? 8:00 (50) Call Northside 777 8:30 (9) In the French Style 9:00 (4) The Train 11:00 (62) Land of the Pharaohs 11:30 (2) Sword of Granada (7) From the Terrace Cl 1:00 ( 62) The Durant Affair 2:00 Walls of Hell 2:05 (7) Tulsa SUNDAY 11:30 (9) Little Colonel 12:00 ( 50) Dark Passage 1:00 (9) How I Spent My Summer Vacation 2:00 ( 50) American Guerilla in the Philippines 3:00 <7) When Willie Comes Marching Home 3:30 (9) The Gift of Love 4:30 (62) Alive and Kicking 6:30 (9) A Gathering of Eagles (62) The Eddie Cantor Story 3:30 ( 62) The Winning Team 9:00 (7) Come Blow Your Horn 11:00 (62) Who Stole the Body? 11:15 (9) There’s No Business Like Show Business 1,1:30 (2) Wonder Man 1:30 (2) Women Are Like That MONDAY 8:30 (7) The Tarnished Angels 12:30 (50) Cafe Metropole 1:00 (9) Our Hearts Were Growing Up 4:30 (7) Bachelor Flat 6:30 ( 62) Bottoms Up; The Spy Who Loved Flowers 7:30 (9) Soldier of Fortune 9:00 (4) How to Murder Your Wife ^ x 11:00 ( 62) The Brigand 11:30 (2) Lizzie (9) Jassy (50) Cry Vengeance 1:00 (62) The Big Trees TUESDAY 8:30 (7) The Four Poster 12:30 ( 50) Night Unto Night 1:00 (9) The Human Duplicators 4:30 (7) The Redhead and the Cowboy 6:30 ( 62) About Face; Beast From 20,000 Fathoms 7:30 (9) Goodbye, My foady (56) Code of the Sea (Silent) * 9:00 (4) A Man Could Get Killed 11:00 (62) Strangers on a Train 11:30 (2) Edge of Doom (9) Fire Over England (50) Glory at Sea WEDNESDAY 8:30 (7) The Little Hut 12:30 (50) Whiplash 1:00 (9) I Saw What You Did 4:30 (7) Man of a Thousand Faces (Part 1) / 6:30 (62) Montana; Dial M for Murder 7:30 (9) Cry for Happy 9:00 (7) Cat Ballou 11:00 ( 62) About Face 11:30 (2) 7th Cavalry (9) The Counterfeit Plan (50) Nora Prentiss t 1 THURSDAY 8:30 (7) Adam's Rib 12:30 ( 50) Never Love a Stranger 1:00 (9) The Old Man and the Sea 4:30 (7) Man of a Thousand Faces (Part 2) 6:30 ( 62) Lullaby of Broadway; Strangers on a Train 7:30 (9) Five Golden Hours 9:00 (2) The Night of the Iguana 11:00 (62) Montana 11:30 (2) The One Thousand Eyes of Dr. Mabuse; Elephant Fury (50) The Beast with Five Fingers FRIDAY 8:30 (7) Duchess of Idaho 12:30 (50) Here Comes the Navy 1:00 (9) The Charge at Feather River 4:30 (7) Jailhouse Rock 6:30 (62) The Big Trees; The Brigand 7:30 (9) The Quiet Man 9:00 (2) The Singing Nun (56) Code of the Sea (Silent) 11:00 (62) Lullaby of Broadway 11:30 (2) Curse of the Mummy's Tomb; Girls Town (9) Beyond All Limits 1:00 (7) In a Lonely Palce NEXT SATURDAY 10:30 (50) Oklahoma Kid 12:00 (50) Desperate Journey 2:00 (50) Flowing Gold 3:30 (2) Valley of the Zombies 3:30 (50) The Boogie Man Will Get You NO MONEY DOWN The Raeburn iiffii i mm m NEW VISTA CONSOLE TELEVISION BY RCA Pictured above it the new RCA Model CL-376 22” diagonal, 282 square inch picture . .. contemporary lowboy cabinet .. . RCA’s super-powered, very beautiful TV for your long-time viewing pleasure. Solid state UHF tuner. Stay-set volume control is a special feature. Built-in VHF and UHF antennas eliminate outdoor antennas. Kmart Price • 88 Charge It! DELMONICO STEREO FM/AM multiplex-ready radio and stereophonic high-fidelity phono-graph* 4 permanent magnet speakers, 4-speed automatic stereo changer. Full-range tone control, vernier slide-rule tuning. Ferrite antenna for AM, built-in dipole antenna for FM. Remote speaker terminal. Kmart Price Charge It At Kmart • Pontiac Press Sunday, September 29 Detective (7) C—Linus (9) C—Bozo ( 50) R—Three Stooges SUNDAY MORNING * 6:05 (2) TV Chapel 6:10 (2) C — News 6:15 (2) U. of M. Television — Films of traditional Japanese theater 6:30 (2) C—Christophers 7:00 (2) C — Cathedral of Tomorrow 7:25 (4) C-News 7:30 (4) C—Country Living (7) C-TV College 8:00 (2) C - This Is the ¥e (4) C—Frontiers of Faith — One of the members of a youth center, organized and managed by teenagers which opened — and closed — in one year, talks about the center's experiences including the help it received from some parents and the opposition from others. 8:15 (9) Sacred Heart 8:30 (2) C — Temple Baptist Church (4) C — Church at the Crossroads (7) C — (Special) Contemporary Drama — Gen eralization conflict viewed in the perspective of the teachings of Judaism (9) Window on the World (50) C — Herald of Truth 8:55 (4) C—Newsworthy 9:00 (2) C — Mass for Shut-Ins (4) C — Oopsy the Clown (7) C—Dialogue - (9) Man Alive — Bible interpreiation and nmMp are dtaowmd (conclusion). (50) C — Captain Detroit 9:30 (2) C—With This Ring (7) C — Beatles (9) Spectrum (50) C—Kimba 9:45 (2) C - Highlight (4) C Davey and Goliath 10:00 (2) Breakthru 10:30 (2) C — p Faith for Today (7) C—King Kong (50) R—Little Rascals 11:00 (2) R C — Lone Ranger (7) C — Bullwinkle (50) R C — Superman 11:30 (2) College Football: Notre Dame vs. Purdue (taped highlights) (7) C — Discovery *68 — The life of thq, people of Hong Kong who live on boats is examined. (9) R - Movie: “Little Colonel* (1935) Shirley Temple, Lionel Barrymore (50) R C—Flintstones SUNDAY AFTERNOON 12:00 (4) U. of M. Presents — The “happening" as an art form and its relationship to modern theater are discussed. (7) C — College Football Highlights (50) R — Movie: “Dark Passage” (1947) Girl tries to aid prison escapee. Humphrey Bogart, Lauren Bacall 12:80 (4) C - Design Workshop 1:00 (2) C — C h a n g i n g Times (4) C — Meet the. Press — Secretary of Defense Clark Clifford is scheduled. (7) C — Issues and Answers — Sen. George Murphy ( R .-Calif.), chairman of the GOP Senatorial Campaign Committee; Sen. .Joseph Tydings (D-M d.) , chairman of the Democratic Senate Campaign Committee; House Majority Umtm carl Albert, D-Okla., and House Minority Leader Gerald Ford, R-Mich., discuss the upcoming congressional race. (9) R C — Movie: “How I Spent My Summer Vacation" (1967) Ex-GI becomes tangled in the * mysterious career of a dead millionaire. Robert Wagner, Peter Lawford, Walter Pidgeon, Jill St. John 1:15 (2) C — Pro Pressbox 1:30 (2) C — NFL Pregame Show (4) C — Pro Football: New York at Buffalo in the American Football League. j 2:00 (2) C — Pro Football: Detroit at Green Bay in the National Football League (7) C — Choice — Role of church in civil rights is discussed. (50) R — Movie: “American Guerrilla in the Philippines" (1950) When his squadron is destroyed, Navy lieutenant links up with guerrillas in the Philippine jungles. Tyrone Power, Tom Ewell 2:30 (7) C- Spotlight 3:00 (7) R — Movie: “When Willie Comes Marching Home" (1950) The town's first World War 11 enlistee is accused of goldbricking when he's stationed at home. Dan Dailey, William Demarest (62) Public Service 3:30 (9) R C - Movie: “The Gift of Love" (1958) After whirlwind courtship, bride finds she has serious heart condition. Lauren Bacall, Rj) b e r t Stack (62) R — The Story of . . . Joanie Sommers. 4:00 (4) C — Pro Football: Oakland at Houston in the American Fo otball League. (50) R — Defenders (62) R — Sea Hunt 4:30 (7) C — Championship Bowling (62) R — Movie: “Alive and Kicking" (1958) Three runaways from an old laiUta’ tenia land pursuers on a merry chase. Stanley Holloway, Sybil Thorndike 4:45 (2) C — Postgame Show 5:00 (2) R — Bowery Boys (7) R C — Movie: “North to Alaska" (1960) Two prospectors have their eye on the same girl. John Wayne, Stewart Granger, Ernie Kovacs, Capucine, Fabian (50) R — My Favorite Martian 5:30 (9) R C - Laredo -Gunman leaves his place to Parmalee and a gang of cutthroats who must spend a night in the house to share in the estate. (50) R — Honeymooners 5:45 (56) London Line SUNDAY NIGHT 6:00 (2) C—News, Weather, Sports (50) R —-1 Love Lucy (56) Insight 6:30 (2) C — Job Opportunity (4),C — News, Weather, Sports (9) R C — Movie:- “A Gathering of Eagles'' (1962) Rock Hudson, Rod Taylor, Barry Sullivan (50) C — John Gary — Guests include E d i e Adams, the Buckinghams and singers Tommy Leonetti, Webb Pierce and Freda Payne (56) USA — Andy Warhol and Roy Lichtenstein discuss pop art. (62) R — Movies: 1. C — “The Eddie Cantor'Story'* (1954) Keefe Brasselle, Marilyn Erskine; 2. “The Winning Team" (1952) Doris Day, Ronald Reagan, Frank Lovejoy, William Miller 7:00 (2) C — Lassie — Starting the 15th season, Lassie and Corey fight a landslide in an attempt to save a goose tagged for a wildlife survey. 14) “Argentlna Aoventure.f (7) C — Land of the Giants — Trapped in a human-sized village, the travelers become playthings of a giant inventor and his nasty grandchild. (56) Madame India *-Profile of Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. 7:30 (2) C - Truth or Con-sequences (4) C— Walt Disney — In the conclusion of a two-part story, Barney and his hound herd 500 turkeys" for Widow Graham, but the birds are 'led astray and a hunter claims 30 as his own. Darren McGavin and Patricia Crowley star (56) Music on the River — Film report on the floating summer tour of the American Wind Symphony. 8:00 (2) C - Ed Sullivan Back for his 21st year, Ed offers Red Skelton, Steve Lawrence and E y d i e Gorme, Diana Ross and the Supremes and the Jefferson Airplane. (7) C — FBI — Erskine investigates the murder of a federal agent in a Texas oil field. (50) C — David Susskind 8:30 (4) C - Mothers-In-Law — Suzie’s pregnant and the mothers-in-law The Pontiac Press Sunday, September 29 develop sympathetic symptoms. (9) C — Cesar’s World (56) NET Journal — A look at Israel 19 years after its independence. 9:00 (2) C — (Return) Smothers Brothers — Mama Cass Elliott and Harry Belafonte guest as the brothers introduce Pat Paulsen’s campaign song and show films of their summer activities. (4) C — Bonanza — Candy and the Cartwrights -try to help an army unit - besieged by outlaws. Its CO is married to Candy’s ex-wife. 10:00 (2) C - Missfl possible— Launching its third season, the force fights. a military coup against a constitutional monarchy. (4) C — Phyllis Diller — Leonard Nimoy, Dorothy Malone, the Doodletown Pipers, Rudi Gernreich and Vidal Sassoon guest. (9) (Return) Way It Is — First show of second season features interviews with Dustin Hoffman and “Hair” composer G a 11 McDermott and a look at Prime Minister Trudeau as Parliament begins its third week. (50) C — News, Weather, “There’s No Business Like Show Business” (1954) Ethel Merman, Donald O'Connor, Marilyn Monroe 11:30 (2) R C — Movie: “Wonder Man” ( 19 4 5) Danny Kaye, Virginia Mayo (4) Beat the Champ (7) C — Haney's People 12:30 (4) C - News (7) C — Movie: “Come Blow Your Horn” (1963) Buddy flees from family to brother’s bachelor pad and starts to live the sweet life. Frank Sinatra, Lee J. Cobb, Barbara Rush, Jill St. John. (9) Show of the Week 9:30 ( 56) NET Playhouse -Psychological study of an expatriate from Poland, Sports & 10:30 ( 50) C — Lou Gordon (62) R — Favorite Story 11:00 (2) (4) (9) C - News, Weather, Sports (62) R - Movie: “Who Stole the Body?” (1962) Elke Sommer 11:15 (7) C—News (9) R C - Movie : 1:00 (7) News 1:05 (9) Window on the World 1:30 (2) R - Movie: “Women Are Like That” (French, 1960) Eddie C o nstantine, Francoise Brion 3:00 (2) C — News, Weather 3:05 (2) C - With This Ring SEE THE ALL NEW DODGE Xptom 2! MOTOR HOME Your Dream Come True—A Real Passenger Car Sized Motor Home. Latest Interior Arrangements with 6-ft. 3-in. Long Double Ded Separated From The Driving and Living Areas. Shown Exclusively At... Call 624-1572 1010 W. Maple, Walled Lake Lloyd Bridges l ravelancl Mon., Tuet., and Thurt., 8:30-8:30; Wed.. Fri., and Sat., 8:30-6:00 Sunday 12 -6 P.M. MONDAY MORNING 5:45 (2) On the Farm Scene 5:50 (2) G — News 6:00 (2) C - (Return ) Sunrise Semester — First semester of a yearlong course on “The Literature of England.'* (4) Classroom 6:30 (2) C — America Sings (4) C -Ed Allen 6:45 (7) C - Bat Fink 7:00 (2) G — Woodrow the Woodsman (4) C-Today (7) C — Morning Show 7 :55 (9) Morgan's Merry-Go-Round 8:00 (2) C - Captain Kangaroo (9) C — Bonnie Prudden 8:30 (7) R — Movie: “The Tarnished Angels’’ (1957) William Faulkner’s “Pylon” was the source for this film about an ex-World War I pilot and a reporter (9) R — Friendly Giant 8:45 (9) Chez Helene 9:00 (2) C — Merv Griffin (4) C — Steve Allen (9) C — Bozo 9:15 (56) Book Parade 9:30 (56) Let’s Go Sciencing 9:50 ( 56) Spanish Lesson 10:00 (4) C—Snap Judgment Robert Vaughn and Florence Henderson guest < (9) Window on the World 10:10 (56) Of Cabbages and Kings 10:25 (4) C - News 10:30 (2) R C - Beverly Hillbillies (4) C — Concentration (7) C — Dick Cavett (9) Film 10:35 ( 56) Reason and Read 10:55 (56) Spanish Lesson 11:00 (2) R C — Andy Griffith (4) C — Personality — Cliff Robertson, Peter Lawford and Totie Fields are guests. (9) Mr. Dressup (50) C — Jack La Lanne 11:30 (2) R - Dick Van Dyke (4) C — Hollywood Squares (9) Take Thirty — “The Pope and the Pill’’ (50) C—Kimba • Pontiac Prots AY AFTERNOON 12:00 (2) C—News, Weather, - Weather, Sports (4) C—Jeopardy (7) Bewitched (9) C—Lunch With Bozo (50) C — Alvin 12:15 (56) Misterogers 12:25 (2) C - Fashions 12:30 (2) C - Search for Tomorrow (4) C — News, Weather, Sports (7) C — Treasure Isle (9) Bill Kennedy’s Hollywood « (50) R — Movie: “Cafe Metropole” (1937) Gambling playboy poses as Russian prince. Loretta Young, Tyrone Power, Adolph Menjou 12:45 (56) Spanish Lesson 12:55 (4) C —News 1:00 (2) C — Love of Life (7) C — Dream House (9) R — Movie: “Our Hearts Were Growing Up” (1946) Two girls go to college during the Roaring Twenties. Gail Russell, Diana Lynn, Brian Don-levy 1:05 (56) Listen and Say 1:25 (2) C - News (4) C — Carol Duvall (56) Rook Parade 1:30 (2) C — As the World Turns (4) C — Let’s Make a Deal (7) C—It's Happening 1:40 ( 56) Let’s Go Sciencing 1:55 (7) C - Children's Doctor 2:00 (2) C — Divorce Court (4 )jp — Days of Our Lives (7) C — Newlywed Game (56) Reason and Read 2:15 (56) — American History 2:30 (2) C — Guiding Light (4) C — Doctors (7) C — Dating Game (50) R — Make Room for Daddy 2:40 ( 56) Spanish lesson 3:00 (2) C - Secret Storm (4) C — Another World (7) C — General Hospital (9) R — Real McCoys (50) R — Topper (56) French Chef 3:30 (2) C — Edge of Night (4) C — You Don't Say — Guests are Carl Betz of “Judd” and actress Carolyn Jones (7) C. — One Life to Live T9) Lively Spot (50) C — Captain Detroit Monday, September 30 (56) Invitation to Art (62) R — Ann Sothern Show 4:00 (2) C — House Party (4) C — Donald O’Connor (7) C — Dark Shadows (56) Great Books (62) R - Robin Hood 4:25 (2) C - News 4:30 (2) C — Mike Douglas (7) R C - Movie : “Bachelor Flat” (1961) Archeology Professor finds he can’t cope with his many female admirers. Terry-Thomas, Richard B e y m e r, Celeste Holm (9) C—Funtime (50) Little Rascals (62) C — Rae Deane, Bugs Bunny and Friends 5:00 (9) R C — Batman (50) R C — Superman (56) Misterogers 5:30 (4) C — George Pierrot (9) Gilligan’s Island (50) R C Munsters (56) Friendly Giant (62) R — Leave It to Beaver 5:45 (56) Time For John MONDAY NIGHT «:00 (2) (4) (7) C - News, Weather, Sports (9) C — What’s (fly Line? (50) R C — Flintstones (56) What’s New -Doughtnut-ma king machine goes berserk. (62) R C — My Friend Flicka 6:30 (2) C - News -Cronkite (4) C — News — Huntley, Brinkley (9) R C — I Spy -Reruns of popular spy series begin on Channel 9. (50) R — McHale's Navy (56) American Album — “The End and the Beginning,” an award-winning dramatization of the life of Lincoln, written by James Agee and presented in five parts. Royal Dano, Joanna Roos star. (62) Movies: 1. “Bottoms Up” (1960) Students at school for the sons of gentle folk stage rebellion and end up foiling plot to kidnap a prince. Jimmy Edwards, Martita Hunt 2. C — “The Spy Who Loved Flowers” (1963) Three enemy agents lead a government security man on a perilious t r%a i 1 through Paris, Geneva and Athens. Roger Brown, Yoko Tani. 7:00 (2) C - Truth o r Consequences (4) C — News, Weather, Sports (7) C — News — Reynolds (50) R — I Love Lucy (56) Creative Person — Canadian poet Leonard Cohen talks about his visit to Castro’s Cuba. 7:30 (2) C — Gunsmoke — Matt joins cattle drive to avert bloodshed between trail boss and a handful of evil-minded hide cutters. (4) C — I Dream of Jeannie — Unseen terror grips Tony and his fellow officers as Jeannie’s long-lost pooch (also a genie) turns a reunion into a rout by invisible attacks on everyone in uniform. (7) C — Avengers — Evidence proves a British agent was murdered during routine check of a heavily guarded coding h e a d q u a rters. When questioned, office workers deny victim’s visit (9) R C — Movie: “Soldier of Fortune” (1955) (50) C — Password — Celebrity guests Bob Crane, Audrey Meadows. (50) NET Playhouse — “The Victorians,” a series of eight plavs from 19th-century England. Tonight, “Rent Day,” a penniless young farmer and his wife face eviction. This melodrama was first produced in 1832. 8:00 (A) C — Rowan and Martin — Abbe Lane joins “Laugh-In” crew. Mod Mod World takes look at “Man vs. the Machine”; Judy Came and Arte Johnson play robot lovers and computer-matched * couple (Dan, Abbe) discuss their rotten marriage with counselor. (50) C — Pay Cards 8:30 (2) C — Here’s Lucy — Jack Benny offers rooms for rent in his luxurious Palm Springs home and Lucy takes advantage of his “reasonable rates.” Jackie Gleason makes brief appearance as bus driver Ralph Kramden. (7) C — Peyton Place — Susan begs Tom to return; Jo^briefly lowers his defenses; Dr. Miles tackles Rodney’s emotional problems. (50) R C—Hazel (56) French Chef 9:00 (2) C — Mayberry RFD — Goober is too shy to ask Millie Swanson to the Harvest Ball, so he asks Sam to write to the lady on his behalf. (4) C — Movie: “How to Murder Your Wife” (1965) Disaster strikes comic-strip creator, who is determined bachelor. After wild party, h e wakes up with a hangover and a wife he doesn’t recognize. Jack Lemmon, Virna Lisi, Terry-Thomas (7) C — Outcasts — Wary bond between Virginian and ex-slave strengthens as they grapple with mystery that endangers Negro’s life. (50) R — Perry Mason — William Hopper is featured. (56) C — NET Journal — The Pontiac Press Monday, September 30 Swedish documentary on birth and a round-table discussion on sex education. 9:30 (2) C - Family Affair — The 64th Street Daredevils, a gang of older boys, give Jody a staggering initiation test. (9) C — Tommy Hunter — Tommy and the gang reminisce about their tour of the west during the summer. 10:00 (2) C — Carol Burnett — Carol Channing and (‘ Mission Impossible’s” Barbara Bain and Martin Landau guest. C a r o 1 Channing plays gold diggers after Harvey Korman’s loot. (7) C - Big Valley -Julie London plays a singer whose arrival in Stockton sparks bitterness. A spy for the South during the Civil War, the lady is abused and threatened and charged with murder. (9) C — Front Page Challenge (50) C — News, Weather, Sports (56) Joyce Chen Cooks 10:30 (9) R — Danger Man — John Drake is ordered to end the activities of i n t e r n a t ional killer. Patrick McGoohan stars. (50) C — Les Crane (56) Folk Guitar (62) R—Star Performance 11:00 (2) (7) (9) C - News, Weather, Sports (62) Movie: “The Brigand” (1954) Falsely accused of murder, young man becomes fugitive while trying to prove innocence. Adelmo di Fria. 11:30 (2) R — Movie r “Lizzie” (1957) Film adaption of Shirley Jackson’s novel about the three lives of Elizabeth Richmond. Eleanor Parker, Richard Boone, Joan Blondell (4) C — News, Weather, Sports (7) C — Joey Bishop (9) R C — Movie: “Jassy” (English 1948) In England in 1830. pvnsy girl tries to restore family t estate to rightful owner. Margaret Lockwood, Patricia Roc, Dennis Price (50) R — Movie: “Cry Vengeance” ’(1954) Expoliceman sets out to find man responsible for death of his family. Mark Stevens, Martha Hyer, Skip Homeier 12:00 (4) C — Johnny Carson 1:00 (4) Beat the Champ (9) Window on the World (62) R C Movie: “The Big Trees” (1952) Ruthless cattle baron seeks possession of timberland owned by peaceful h o m e s t e aders. Kirk Douglas, Patrice Wymore 1:30 (2) RC—Capture (4) C — PDQ 2:00 (2) R — Highway Patrol 2 : 3 0 ( 2 ) C - News, Weather V ABOVE PRICE INCLUDES ALL OF THE FOLLOWING: 2 LARGE ALUM WINDOWS • 22 FOOT SHELF OR WORK BENCH » 2x6 RAFTERS • 16 O.C. STUDS • 3/4*' SIDING • WIND BRACES • STEEL OVERHEAD DOOR • 6 BOX CORNICE • CROSS-TIES • ELEC. COND. • 235 SHINGLES • DOUBLE HEADERS - - - INCLUDES ALL LABOR 4 MATERIAL he Pontiac Press Tuesday, October 1 0 11 y W 0 0 d Squares (9) Take 30 — “The Pope and the Pill” (conclusion) (50) R — Kimba (4) C— Another World (7) C — General Hospital (9) R — Real McCoys (50) R —Topper (56) Joyce Chen TUESDAY MORNING 5:45 (2) On the Farm Scene 5:50 (2) C - News 6:00 (2) C — §unrise Semester (>4) Classroom 6:30 (2) C — Gospel Singing Jubilee (4) C - Ed Allen 6:45 (7) C-Bat Fink 7:00 (2) C - Woodrow the Woodsman (4) C — Today (7) C — Morning Show 7 :55 (9) Morgan’s Merry-Go-Round 8:00 (2) C - Captain Kangaroo (9) C — Bonnie Prudden 8:30 (7) Movie: “The Four Poster” (1952) Seven episodes in the tenderly comic story of a marriage, J beginning with wedding day in 1897. Rex Harrison, Lilli Palmer (9) R — Friendly Giant 8:45 (9) Chez Helene 9:00 (2) C - Merv Griffin (4) C — Steve Allen (9) C — Bozo 9:10 (56) Come, Let's Read 9:30 ( 56) Singing, Listening, Doing 9:55 (56) Tell Me a Story 10:00 (4) C—Snap Judgment (9) Pinocchio 10:10 (56) American History 10:25 (4) C - News TUESDAY AFTERNOON 12:00 (2) C-rNews (4) C—Jeopardy (7) R —Bewitched (9) C—Lunch With Bozo (50) C — Alvin 12:15 (56) Misterogers 12:25 (2) C-Fashions 12:30 (2) C — Search for Tomorrow (4) C — News, Weather, Sports (7) C — Treasure Isle (9) C — Bill Kennedy’s Hollywood (50) R — Movie: “Night Unto Night” (1947) A neurotic widow and an epileptic scientist become interested in each other, Viveca Lindfors, Broderick Crawford 12:45 ( 56) Singing, Listening, Doing 12:55 (4) C—News 1:00 (2) C — Love of Life (4) C-Match Game (7) C—Dream House (9) Movie: “The Human Duplicators” (1964) Agents from an alien galaxy plan to invade earth. George Nader, Barbara Nichols 1:05 ( 56) Tell me a Story 1:25 (2) C —News (41 C — Carol Duvall 1:30 (2) C - As the World Turns (4) C — Let’s Make a Deal (7) C — It’s Happening 1:55 (7) C — Children’s Doctor 3:30 (2) C — Edge of Night (4) C — You Don’t Say (7) C — One Life to Live (9) C — Lively Spot (50) C — Captain Detroit (56) A d v e Ptures in Learning — Film of Mrs. Lyndon Johnson's 19 6 7 trip to Appalachia and what is being done at federal and local levels to spur education. (62) R—Ann Sothern 4:00 (2) C — House Party (4) C — Donald O’Connor ■ (7) C — Dark Shadows (56) German Lesson (62) R — Robin Hood 4:15 (56) World Traveller 4:25 (2) C — News 4:30 (2) C — Mike Douglas (7) R — Movie: “The Redhead and the Cowboy” (1951) A Confederate girl spy, a cowhand, a n undercover Union officer and a renegade colonel become involved in plans to hold up a Union train carrying a shipment of gold. Glenn Ford, Edmond O’Brien, Rhonda Fleming (9) C—Funtime (50) R — Little Rascals (56) Kindergarten (62) C — Rae Deane. Bugs Bunny and Friends 5:00 (9) R C — Batman 10:30 (2) R C — Beverly Hillbillies (4) C — Concentration (7) Dick Cavett (9) C—Wizard of Oz 10:35 ( 56) Science Is Fun 10:50 ( 56) Listen a'nd Say 11:00 (2) R C - Andy of Mayberry (4) C — Personality (9) Mr. Dressup (50) C — Jack La Lanne 11:30 (2) R-Dick Van Dyke 2:00 (2) C — Divorce Court (4) C—Days of Our Lives (7) C—Newlywed Game (56) Science Is Fun 2:15 (56) Of Cabbages and Kings 2:30 (2) C — Guiding Light (4) C — Doctors (7) C — Dating Game (50) R — Make Room for Daddy 2:40 ( 56) Come, Let’s Read 3:00 (2) C — Secret Storm (50) R — Superman (56) Misterogers 5:30 (4) C—George Pierrot (9) R — Gilligan's Island (50) R — Munsters (56) Friendly Giant (62) R — Leave It to Beaver TUESDAY NIGHT 6:00 (2) (4) (7) C - News, Weather, Sports (9) R C - What’s Mv Line (50) R C — Flintstones * (56) What’s New (62) R C — My Mother, the Car - 6;30 (2) C — News ________ Cronkite (4) .C — News — Huntley, Brinkley (9) R C - I Spy - Kelly and Scott must find a train that disappeared on its way to Hong Kong. (50) R — McHale’s Navy (56) American Album — The youth of Abraham Lincoln is dramatized in second of five parts (62) R — Movies: 1. C — “About Face” ( 1 9 5 2 ) Gordon MacRae, Eddie Bracken, Phyllis Kirk; 2. “Beast From 2 0,000 Fathoms” (1953) Paul Christian, Paula Raymond 7:00 (2) R C-Truth or Consequences (4) C — News, Weather, Sports (7) C — News — Reynolds (50) R—I Love Lucy (56) A Library Is 7:30 (2) C - Lancer - The Lancers arrange for a 10-,, year-old boy to meet his outlaw father. This sets well with the sheriff, who has a twisted sense of ethics. (4) C — Jerry Lewis — Guests are Ray Charles and the Raelets, singer Michele Lee, and Jack Webb and Harry Morgan of Dragnet. (7) C — Mod Squad — The squad goes back to high school to probe the death of a teacher and disappearance of a student. (9) Movie: “Goodbye, My Lady” (1956) Walter Brennan, Phil Harris (50) R C — Password — Bob Crane and Audrey Meadows are guests. (56) Silent Movie: “Code of the Sea” (1924) Rod La Rocque 8:00 ( 50) C — Pay Cards 8:30 (2) C — Red Skelton — Guests are Van Johnson and the singing Let-termen. (4) C —'Julia — Her first day on the job goes well, but the scene at home is another story. (7) C — It Takes a Thief — An opera star and her hairdresser form Mundy’s entourage of a safecracking job in Rome. (50) R C — Hazel (56)» Conversations in Depth 9:00 (4) C — Movie: “A Man Could Get Killed” (1966) Spies, British officials and an adventuress collide in mistaken identities and a dash for missing diamonds. James Garner, Melina Mercouri, Tha Pontiac Pratt Tuatday, Octobar 1 Sandra Dee, Tony Fran- 10:30 (2) C — ( S p AjJl ciosa Political Talk — Wallac! (50) R — Perry Mason » 9:30 (2) C — Doris Day -A fight for recognition pushes Toby into a fib. He pretends membership in the school choir though he’s been turned down for lack of talent. (7) C - N.Y.P.D. - A young married woman refuses to identify her assailant in an investigation of rape. (9) C — Quentin Durgens — “A Tyme for Hymns and Brandywyne,” a comedy about a political rhubarb over booze. 10:00 (2) C Preview Fall Election (7) C — That’s Life — Recounting how Bobby decided to pop the question and how a friend of Gloria’s helped things along. (50) C — News, Weather, Sports (9) Newsmagazine (50) C — Les Crane (62) R — Star Performance — “A Note of Fear" with Jan Sterling 11:00 (2) (4) (7) (9) C -News, Weather, Sports 11:30 (2) R - Movie: “Edge of DOom” (1950) A detective searches for the murderer of a priest, bana Andrews, Farley Granger (4) C — Johnny Carson — Johnny celebrates his sixth anniversary on the show. (7) C — Joey Bishop — The Four Freshmen and singer Hank Thompson are scheduled guests. (9) R — Movie: "Fire Over England'’ (English, 1937) An English boy risks his life for his country as a spy in Spain. Flora Robson, Raymond Massey (50) R — Movie: “Glory at Sea” (English, 1953) The story of a U.S. destroyer given to Britain under lend-lease. Trevor Howard (62) R — Movie: “Strangers in a Train" (1951) Farley Granger, Robert Walker, Ruth Roman 1:00 (4) Beat the Champ (7) News (9) Window on the World (62) R'C — Movie: “The Spy Who Loved Flowers" (1963) Roger Brown, Yoko Tani 1:30 (2) C — Capture (4) C - PDQ 2:00 (2) R — Highway Patrol 2:30 (2) C —News. Weather 14 ONE COLOR x . £ Don’t Let corrosion Stool Yonr New cor (Ziebart Rustproofing Guarantees 100% Protection!) 100% PROTECTION IN ALL 22 CRITICAL RUST AREAS INSIDI UNDIR CHROMI °9°il *°*TI INSIDI DOM PANKLS INSIDI LIGHT WILLS INSIDI TAILGATI INSIDI INSIDI HOOD MSIM QUARTIR PANILS INSIDI DOG LIGS INSIDI IINDIR WILLS RUSTPROOF TODAY- KEEP YOUR CAR CLEAN, SAFE AND VALUABLE FOR YEARS Rustproofing it not restricted to brand new cart. Used cart can alto be protected. 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AUTO • TRUCK RUSTPROOFING 821 Oakland Avenue, Pontiac Phone 334-0502 Michigan Bankards Honored or Terms mmm mmmm m wm WEDNESDAY MORNING 5:45 (2) On the Farm Scene 5:50 (2) C — News 6:00 (2)C — Sunrise Semester (4) Classroom 6:30 (2) C — Gospel Singing (4) C - Ed Allen 6:45 (7) C - Bat Fink 7:00 (2) C — Woodrow the Woodsman (4) C — Today (7) C — Morning Show 7:50 (9) Morgan’s Merry-Go-Round 8:00 (2) C — Captain Kangaroo (9) C—Bonnie Prudden 8:30 (7) R - Movie: “The Little Hut” (1957) Ava Gardner, Stewart Granger (9) Friendly Giant 8:45 (9) Chez Helene 9:00 (2) C — Merv Griffin (4) C — Steve Allen (9) C — Bozo 9:15 (56) Science Is Discovery 9:30 ( 56) Listen and Say 9:50 ( 56) Spanish Lesson 10:00 (4) C—Snap Judgment (9) C — Pinocchio 10:10 (56) Of Cabbages and Kings 10:25 (4) C—News 10:30 (2) R C - Beverly Hillbillies (4) C — Concentration (7) Dick Cavett (9) C—Wizard of Oz 10:35 ( 56) Reason and Read 10:55 ( 56) Spanish Lesson 11:00 (2) R - Andy of Mayberry (4) C — Personality (9) R—Mr. Dressup (50) C—Jack La Lanne 11:30 (2) R-Dick Van Dyke (4) C — Hollywood Squares (9) Take 30 (50) C—Kimba WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON 18:00 (2) C-News (4) C—Jeopardy (7) R—Bewitched (9) C—Lunch With Bozo (50) C—Alvin 12:15 (56) Misterogers 12:25 (2) C - Fashions 12:30 (2) C — Search for Tomorrow (4) C — News, Weather, Sports (7) C—Treasure Isle The Pontiac Press Wednesday, October 2 (9) C — Bill Kennedy’s Hollywood (50) R — Movie: “Whiplash” (1948) Dane Clark, Alexis Srhith 12:45 (56)Spanish lesson 12:55 (4) C—News 1:00 (2) C—Love of Life (4) C—Red Jones 17) C — Dream House (9) Movie y “I Saw What You Did” (1965) Joan Crawford, John Ireland 1:05 (56) Art Lesson 1:25 (2) C—News (4) C — Carol Duvall (56) Science Is Discovery 1:30 (2) C — World Series Pregame Show (4) C — World Series Pregame Show (7) C — It’s Happening 1:B (7) C — Children’s Doctor 2:00 (2) (4) C — (Special) World Series Baseball: Detroit at St. Louis (7) C — Newlywed Game (56) Listen and Say 2:t15 (56) American History 2:30 (7) C — Dating Game (50) R — Make Room for Daddy 2:40 (56) Spanish Lesson 3:00 (7) C — General Hospital (9) R — Real McCoys (50) R—Topper (56) Auto Mechanics 3:30 (7) C — One Life to Live (9) C—Lively Spot (50) C — Captain Detroit (56) Memo To Teachers (62) R — Ann Sothem 4:00 (7) C — Dark Shadows (56) Busy Knitter (62) R — Robin Hood 4:30 (2) C - Mike Douglas (4) C— Donald O’Connor (joined in progress) (7) R - “Man of a Thousand Faces” (1957) James Cagney, Jane Greer, Dorothy Malone (Part 1) (9) C — Funtime (50) R—Little Rascals (56) TV Kindergarten (62) C — Rae Deane, Bugs Bunny and Friends 5:00 (9) R C — Batman (50) R C — Superman (56) Misterogers 5:30 (4) George Pierrot (9) R C — Gilligan’s Island (50) R—Munsters (56 ) Friendly Giant (62) R — Leave It to Beaver 5:45 (56) Film — Cameras visit Santiago de uom postela, the medieval pilgrimage city in Spain where maestro Andres Segovia conducts h i s guitar school. s, reacts to being alone; Marsha breaks up with Dr. Rossi. (50) RC-Hazel 8:55 (56) Manager’s Memo WEDNESDAY NIGHT 6:00 (2) (4) (7) C - News, Weather Sports (9) C—What’s My Line (50) R C — Flintstones (56) What’s New (62) R C — Hey, Landlord 6:30 (2) C - News - Cron-kite (4) C — News — Huntley, Brinkley (9) R C — I Spy (50) R — McHale’s Navy (56) American Album — School years of Abraham Lincoln dramatized in this third of five shows. (62) R C — Movies: 1. “Montana” (1950) Errol Flynn, Alexis Smith; 2. “Dial M for Murder” (1954) Grace Kelly, Ray Milland, Robert Cummings 7:00 (2) C—Truth or Consequences (4) C — New, Weather, Sports (7 ) C— News—Reynolds (50) R — I Love Lucy (56) NET Jazz 7:30 (2) C — Daktari — Dr. Tracy used Clarence the lion to test a theory. (4) C — Virginian — Old cattleman is caught in clash between his sons. Burgess Meredith, Brandon de Wilde (7) C — Here Comes the Brides — Demands for doctor in Seattle send Jason to. San Francisco, where the only ^available medic turns out to be a sharp-tongued woman. (9) R — Movie: “Cry for Happy” (1960) In Japan, four Navy combat photographers learn that geishas are proper young ladies. Glenn Ford, Donald O’Connor (50) C — Password (56) R — Invitation to Art SI Study cf realism in sculpture and painting 8:00 (50) C—Pay Cards (56) Rainbow Quest 8:30 (2) C - Good Guys — Visions of glory obscure view of reality as Rufus and Bert prepare to make TV commercial. (7) C — Peyton Place — Steven makes deal with 9:00 (2) C — Beverly Hillbillies - Hillbillies fly to London for first of four episodes filmed on location. (4) C — Music Hall — Guests include Kate Smith and Roy Rogers and Dale Evans. (7) C — Movie: “Cat Ballou” (1965) Lee Marvin, Jane Fonda, Michael C'l’an, Dwayne Hickman, Nat (King) Cole, Stubby Kaye (50) R — Perry Mason — William Hopper is featured. 9:30 (2) C — Green Acres —Oliver and Lisa relive their elopement and honeymoon. (9) Festival 10:00 (2) C — Jonathan and sportscaster Vin Scully (4) C — Outsider — Plain-] ooking Helen Brunner hires Ross to retrieve $6,000 she lent to younger man who promised to marry her — and then got murdered. (50) C — News, Weather, Sports (56) NET Journal — “The Way It Is,” a hard look at the odds against education in the slums. 10:30 (50) C — Les Crane 11:00 (2) (4) (7) (9) C -News, Weather, Sports (62) R C — Movie : “About Face” (1952) Gordon McRae, Eddie Bracken, Phyllis Kirk 11:30 (2) R - Movie: “7th Cavalry” (1956) Barbara Hale, Randolph Scott (4) C — Johnny Carson (7) C — Joey Bishop (9) R — Movie: “The Counterfeit Plan” (English, 1957) Zachary Scott, Peggis Castle (50) R — Movie: “Nora Prentiss” (1947) Ann Sheridan, Kent Smith. 1:00 (4) Beat the Champ (7) News (9) Window on the World 1:30 (2) R-Dobie Gillis 2:00 (2) R—Highway Patrol 2:30 (2) C—News, Weather Winters — Guests are Mike-Connors, Ana-Miller Hutchins a Natural as TV Dogwood '. 'W Here is Dagwood Bumstead, master-bumbler of the half-century, tripping over the threshold of life, and here is Will Hutchins, a chap who knows exactly how it feels. In “Blondie,” the new comedy series Thursdays, 7:30-8:00 p.m. in color on the CBS Television Network, Hutchins is the television counterpart of cartoonist Chic Young's comic strip protagonist. Hutchins feels a frank, blood-brotherhood with Dagwood. “Everything mechanical sees me coming,” Hutchins says. “They get together and say: ‘Don't work . . . Don’t open . . . Don’t close.' It's eerie." Doors, it seems, are a particular anathema to Hutchins. “Peter Robbins (the child actor who plays Hutchins' son on the series) walks up to a door, opens it and walks through,” says Hutchins. “When I try to open it, it gets stuck." it it if Disaster in the form of an onrushinq Dagwood quickly overtakes Bryan O'Byrne, who plays Mr. Beasley, the Bumsteads' mailman, on “Blondie” Thursday's at 7:30 on CBS. Beasley beneath a shower of letters. After years of short-circuiting blenders and vacuum cleaners, nicking himself on can-openers and breaking glassware, Hutchins' mechanical ineptitude is well-known to his friends. “It's not hereditary, though,” he admits. “My dad was great at fixing things around the house, and my mother was a very accomplished amateur artist." DICK FLANNERY (WATERFORD'S NEW FORD DEALER) IN OUR SECOND FULL MONTH OF BUSINESS WE SOLD......... Says: ± 268 CARS & TRUCKS BARGAIN HUNTERS THERE ARE 75 OF OUR '68 MODELS LEFT THAT WE MUST LIQUIDATE BY THE NEW CAR SHOWING, SEPT. 27, SO COME IN NOW! * Don’t Move . . '* p *»| **, ft 7x f| n i «*\ We Will Remove and Replace Your Old Sweaty Steel and Aluminum Windows with Insulated 'Vinyl Seal’ SOL'10 Vi*'YI WINDOWS IMPROVE! r 1 I —I 3s W«y$ 'VON k \ k ®c i f temMy We Will Install All-Types of Siding On Your House Mi WORN GUARINUiO BUILD NOW . . . Avoid The Rush! SPECIAL Low as THE FINEST MATERIALS AND CRAFTSMANSHIP FROM THIS TO SOLID VINYL WINDOWS Adds boouty and value to your homo both inside and out. Vinyl windowt aro guarcintood not to sweat, rot, or nood pointing and as on insulator against hoot and cold vinyl It 7,680 timos moro efficient than stool, 20 timos moro officiont thon wood, 34,800 timos moro officiont thon oluminum. Custom mado, and doan both sidos from tho insido. Mado to any stylo. } QUALITY WORKMANSHIP • FHA BUDGET PAYMENTS • NO MONEY DOWN 1 FREE ESTIMATES WITHOUT OBLIGATION L._________ Awnings Porehes and Patios Dormors Comont Work Rooting Quttors Insulation Siding Storm Windows and Doors Oarages Attics Fonoos i l I i L&V HOME IMPROVEMENT 163 W. Montcalm, Pontiuc J Call 335-2102 I <* | I \amr )Du Can Tru*l" NE COLOa ntiac Press Friday, October 4 FRIDAY MORNING 5:45 (2) On the Farm Scene 5:50 (2) C — News 6:00" (2) Sunrise Semester (4) Classroom 6:30 (2) C — Gospel Singing Caravan (4) C- Ed Allen 6; 45 (7) C - Bat Fink 7:00 (2) C — Woodrow the Woodsman (4) C —Today (7) C —Morning Show 7 :55 (9) Morgan's Merry-Go Round 8:00 (2) C — Captain Kangaroo (9) C — Bonnie Prudden 8:30 (7) R — Movie: “Duchess of Idaho” (1950) Esther Williams. Van Johnson (9) C — Friendly Giant 8:45 (9) Chez Helene 9:00 (2) C — Merv Griffin (4) C — Steve Al.lcn (9) C — Bozo the Cloton (56) Rhyme Time 9:10 (56) American History 9:35 (56) Sounds to Say 9:50 ( 56) Spanish, Lesson p 10:00 (4) C—Snao Judgment (9) C—Pinocchio 10:10 (56) Children’s Hour 10:25 (4) CV-News (56) Art Lesson 10:30 (2) R C |§§ Beverly Hillbillies (4) C — Concentration (7) C — Dick Cavett (9) C—Wizard of Oz 10:45 (56) Interlude 10:55 (56) Spanish Lesson 11:00 (2) R C - Andy Griffith (4) C — Personality (9) R — Mr. Dressup (50) C — Jack La Lartne 11:30 (2) R—Dick Van Dyke (4) C—Hollywood Squares (9) Take 30 (50) RC - Kimba 11:50 ( 56) Memo To Teachers FRIDAY AFTERNOON 12:00 (2) C—News (4) C~Jeopardy (7) R—Bewitched (9) C — Lunch With Bozo (50) C — Alvin 12:20 (56) Misterogers 12:25 (2) C — Fashions 12:30 (2) C — Search for Tomorrow (4) C — News, Weather, Sports (7) C — Treasure Isle (9) C — Bill Kennedy’s Hollywood (50) R — Movie: “Here Comes the Navy” (1934) James Cagney, Pat O’Brien 12:45 (56) Spanish Lesson 12:55 (4) C-News 1:00 (2) C — Love of Life (4) C—Match Game (7) C — Dream House (9) Movie: “The Charge at Feather River” (1953) Guy Madison, Frank Love joy, Vera Miles 1:05 (56) Rhyme Time 140 (56) American History 1:25 (2) C — News (4) C—Carol Duvall 1:30 (2) C - As the World Turns (4) C — Let’s Make a Deal (7) C — It’s Happening 1:45 (56) Sounds to Say 1:55 (7) C - Children’s Doctor 2:00 (2) C — Divorce Court (4) C — Days of Our Lives (7) C — Newlywed Game 2:25 (56) Interlude 2:30 (2) C — Guiding Light (4) C — Doctors (7) C — Dating Game (50) R — Make Room for Daddy 3:00 (2) C — Secret Storm (4) C — Another World (7) C — General Hospital (9) R — Real McCoys (50) R — Topper (56) Gospel According to Peanuts 3:30 (2) C-Edge of Night (4) C — You Don’t Say (7) C — One Life to Live (9) C—Lively Spot (50) C — Captain Detroit (56) Innovations (62) R — Ann Sothem 4:00 (2) C — House Party (4) C — Donald O’Connor (7) C —4 Dark Shadows (56) Asking for Trouble (62) R— Robin Hood 4:25 (2) C — News ^:30 (2) Mike Douglas (7) R — Movie: Jailhouse Rock” (1957) Elvis Presley, Mickey Shaughnessy, Judy Tyler Got A Basement?Have A MklOHf Let us show you our many modern family room designs . . . Ideas and plans custom styled to your needs. DEAL DIRECT WITH BUILDER AND SAVE! All Work Personally Supervised NO HONEY DOWN ■ * _ S-FOOT Mu Call Now - Operator on Duty 24 Hours r*Cr*°Wo*» foo»nl '/> HHt . f***Ktt! MEMBER PONTIAC AREA ONAMNER OF COMMERCE Staff Licensed Builder and Remodeling Contractor m /. f v/ AU '; # A ■ ■■ ■i ■f'M'Wii Sii»-TrW mSSrn Don’t Miss This Special Offer! This beautiful family room is based on up to 250 sq. ft. finished in rich mahogany paneling. Includes ceiling and floor tile, recessed electrical fixtures and wall plugs. As Low as **llome Improvement Is My Business !** (9) C — Funtime (50) R — Little Rascals (56) TV Kindergarten (62,) C Rae Deane, Bugs Bunny and Friends 5:00 (9) R C — Batman (50) R —Superman (56) Misterogers 5:30 (4) C—George Pierrot (9) R C—Gilligan’s Island (50) R — Munsters (56) Friendly Giant (62) R — Leave It to Beaver 5:45 (56) C — Davey and Goliath FRIDAY NIGHT 6:00 (2) (7) C - N e w s , Weather, Sports (9) R C - What’s My Line? (50) RC - Flintstones (56) What’s New (62) C—Wilburn Brothers 6:30 (2) C—News—Cronkite (4) C — News — Huntley, Brinkley (») R C - I Spy (50) R — McHale’s Navy (56) American Album (62) R — Movies: 1. C — “The Big Trees” (1952) Kirk Douglas, Patrice Wymore; 2. “The The Pontiac Press, Brigand” (1954) Adelmo di Fraia, Serena Vergano 7:00 (2) R C — Truth or Consequences (4) C — News, Weather, Sports (7) C — News — Reynolds (50) R — 1 Love Lucy (56) R — News in Perspective 7:30 (2) C - Wild Wild West (4) C — High Chaparral (7) C — Operation Entertainment (9) R — Movie: “The Quiet Man” (1952) John Wayne, Maureen O’Hara, Barry Fitzgerald (50) C — Password 8:00 ( 50) C —- Pay Cards (56) R - NET Journal 8:30 (2) C — Gomer Pyle, USMC (4) C — Name of the Game—Gene Barry faces loss of his publishing empire. (7) C — Felony Squad — A teen-ager, implicated in a girl’s death, is hidden from police by his wealthy father. (50) R C — Hazel 0:00 (2) C — Movie: Friday, October “The Singing Debbie Reynolds, Ed Sullivan (71 C — Don Rickies — Johnny Carson is a guest (50) R — Perry Mason William Hopper is featured. (56) R — Silent Movie: “Code of the Sea” (1924) 9:30 (7) C — Guns of Will Sonnett (9) C — Don Messer’s Jubilee 10:00 (4) C - Star Trek (7) C — Judd — A murder trial results from a heart transplant. (9) C — (Return) Public Eye-Fourth season for highly acclaimed series (50) C — News, Weather, Sports. (56) NET Playhouse — Lila Kedrova (“Zorba” Oscar-winner) stars ip a story of greed and murder, “The Servivors.” * 10:30 (9) C - 20 Million Questions (50) C — Les Crane (62) Star Permormance 11:00 (2) (4) (7) (9) C -News 11:30 (2) R — Movies: 1. cm HR FRIDAY 21 “Curse of the Mummy’s Tomb” (English, 1964) Terence Morgan, Fred Clark; 2. “Girls Town” (1959) Mamie Van Doren, Maggie Hayes, Gigi Per-reau (4) C — Johnny Carson (7) C — Joey Bishop (9) C - R - Movie: “Beyond All Limits” (Mexican, 1959) Jack Palance, Maria Felix (50) C — Joe Pyne 1:00 (4) Beat the Champ (7) R — Movie: “In a Lonely Place” (1950) Humphrey Bogart. (9) Window on the World. (62) R — Movie: “Strangers on a Train” (1951) Farley Granger, Robert Walker, Ruth Roman 1:30 (4) C - PDQ 3:15 (7) News 3:30 (2) C - News, Weather Our Convenient HOMEOWNER'S LOAN PLAN Offers Up To *5,000 ON YOUR HOME EQUITY Convenient I*arment Schedule \rnuWed to I it )our iUuhjet No Closing Costs . . No Applicotion Fees . . . No Additional Costs for Complete Loan Insurance Protection FAMILY ACCEPTANCE CORPORATION II National Building 10 WEST HURON, PONTIAC FE 8-4022 SATURDAY MORNING «:0S (2) TV Chapel 6:10 (2) C — News 6:15 (2) On the Farm Scene 6 s 3 0 ( 2 ) C — S u n r ise Semester 6:55°(4) C—News 7:00 (2) C — Woodrow the Woodsman (4) C — Country Living 7:1$ (7) C—Rural Report 7:30 (4) C—Oopsy the Clown (7) C - TV College 8:00 (2) C—Go Go Gophers 8:28 (9) Warm-Up 8:30 (2) C — Bugs Bunny-Roadrunner (7) C — Courageous Cat (») Toby . 9:00 (4) C-Super 6 (7) C—Casper * (9) Window on the World (50) R—Silent Service, 9:30 (2) C—Wacky Races (4) C—Top Cat The Pontiac llliver (9) R—William Tell (50) R—Wells Fargo 10:00 (2) C—Archie Show (4) C—Flintstones (7) C—Spiderman (9) C—Pinocchio (50) C—Home Shopper 10:30 (2) C-^ Batman^—. Superman (4) C—Banana Splits (7) C— Fantastic Voyage (9) C—-Wizard of Oz (50) R — Movie : “Oklahoma Kid” (1939) Humphrey Bogart, James Cagney 11:00 (7) C — Journey to the Center of the Earth (9) D’Iberville 11:30 (2) C — Herculoids (4) C—Underdog (7) C—Fantastic Four (9) Youth Magazine SATURDAY AFTERNOON 12:00 (2) C—Shazzan (4) C—Red Jones (7) C—George p of the Jungle (9) Trans World Team (50) R — Movie: *1 D e sperate Journey” Press Saturday, October 5 (1942) Errol Flynn, Pat O’Brien 12:15 (2) C — World Series Pregame Show 12:30 (2) (4) C—World Series Baseball: St. Louis at Detroit (7) C — American Bandstand (9) Country Calendar 1:00 (9) CBC Sports 1:30 (7) C—Happening ’68 2:00 (7) CFL Football (50) R — Movie: “Flowing Gold” (1940) John Garfield, Pat O’Brien 2:30 (7) C — Daugherty-Elliott-Diles Report 2:45 (7) C - Wide World of Sports — National d$*g racing championships from Indianapolis 3:30 (2) R—Movie: “Valley of the Zombies” (1946) Robert Livingston (time aproximate) (4) C — Car and Track (50) R - Movie: “The Boogie Man Will Get You” (1942) Boris Karloff, Peter Lorre, Larry Parks (62) R — MacKenzie’s Raiders 4:00 (4) C—George Pierrot ( 9 ) C — Marvel Super Heroes (56) R — Gospel According to Peanuts (62) R - Sea Hunt 4:15 (7) C - College Football Todey 4:30 (4) C — Huckleberry' Finn (7) C - NCAA Football: Washington at Oregon State (56) Santiago d e Com-pestella (62) C — Rae Deane, Bugs Bunny and Friends 4:45 (56) Time for John 5:00 (2) R — Dobie Gillis (4) C — Outdoorsman (9) R C—Monroes (50) C — Hy Lit (56) R — Hans the Pup-petmaster 5:30 (2) C — Gentle Ben (4) C — College Bowl (9) R C - Gidget (62) R C - My Friend Flicka Mr. and Mrs. Chair fifexind Ottoman «r High Style 3-way Recliners Enjoy deep-seated comfort in a well padded recliner. We have a good selection on display for immediate delivery. You have a choice of col- i ors in our popu- lar Naugahyde styles. Styled in that well liked modern theme. Bright colors to liven up any living room the way you like it. All 3 pieces come in matched colors. Scotch Guarded Fabric. Reg. $119 Now Reg. $129 Now AIRPORT TERMINAL Living Rooms by Gilbert 6959 Highland Rd. GILBERT'S FURNITURE, Inc. vt mii. w»»t Phone 614-3149 of Airport Town Arranged—90 Day* Cash M-39 Highland Rd. GILBERT'S FURNITURE Vt Mi. Watt ONE COLOR . GOODYEAR SERVICE STORE PICK YOUR PRICE FROM 3 GREAT SAFETY BUYSI TOR CH*V*°LCT. PLYMOUTH. FORD. DODGY, AMD ALL U.S. COMPACTS. OTHERS SLIGHTLY HIGHER. Here's what wo do! Hir*1! what you get! • Buaged lining that maats G.S.A. minimum braka ruing standards. • All naw lining, and naw or completely recondl-i tlonad brake shoes Installad by tralnad braka specialists. • Free braka adfustment at 1100 and 5000 mllas. IT MUST BE BIGHT OB WE MAKE IT BIGHT Goodyear-Installed braka lining Is avallabla In three gradas—good, bottar and bast. If tha Goodyaar-lnstallad braka lining should waar out before tha t!me or mileage (whichever comas first) as llstad abova for tha grada you purchase (and upon surrandar of tho original invoice) wo will supply now linings of tha soma 9f*da at no charga. You pay only for tha cost of Installation. GOODYEAB APPRECIATES CUSTOMEBS • REPLACE oil old linings on both front and roar whaols. • CLEAN and INSPECT braka drums for parfact roundnoss. • laspact antlro hydraulic systam (cyllndars, linos and hosos) for posslblo looks and cracks. • Inspect front whaal graasa retainers for leaks, clean, inspect and repack front whaal bearings. • Inspect braka shoe return springs for tension and balance. • Add heavy duty brake fluid and road fast. • Adjust brakes on all four whaols for full oven contact with brake drums. NO MONEY DOWN ON EASY PAY PLAN TAKE A YEAR TO PAY Installed Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday Weekly at These Prices Host. Her Appointment! 1370 Wide Track Drive WM h Sw** M' faBm i Si" | i iii w Cl sssas & VI M* 335-6167 Open Monday-Friday l:3M Sat. Till 2: J# * ONE COLOR I Karen's Carpets Presents . . . KITCHEN CARPET in 12 New Exciting Colors You probably have seen this new revolutionary carpet advertised as high as $12.95 sq. yd. Karen's, following their price-slashing tradition, have reduced the price 6f this kitchen carpet to: IMPORTANT SPECIFICATIONS 1- Exceeds FHA Minimum Standards 2— Extrema Hi-Density, Micro- * tuft oonstruetion 3- A non-woven Polypropylene « , Primary Back (water barrier) HMY *0. 4— 12* or 15* Wide for “H* SaahiIaii Installation Bronze Gold Burnt Orange Olive Gold Red Meadow Green Moss Green Harvest Black Walnut Driftwood Midnight Blue Jade Blue Aqua Beige ’ 3750 DIXIE HIGHWAY 'TOM PLAINS In Grand Blanc Twp GRAND BLANC (AP) — Distraught who bad been shot in the chest and able to tell him, “My son-in-law shot over th* breakup of his marriage, a shoulder. Her stepfather, Allen Lee, 60, ,k - -S* ’’ Flint-area factory worker bought a gun of Mio, lay dead in a hallway, shot in the ' A search of the Foust home turned up yesterday and went on a shooting spree, head and abdomen. tracesof Mood on the foot of a stairway killing his wife and father-in-law and -v* > leading to the basement. Police theorized taking his mrri :Ufe, polfoe said. Police were called to toe home by. a ' one of the victims apparently had been Lester A. Fotist, 34, was found dead in neighbor, Judith Barnet, after Lee’s chased into the basement and back the Sting room ofMs small Cradle home wife, Leota, to, stumbled critically upstairs. v • ; ■ to a sparsely populated section of nearby wuuMed from the Fouse bouse to seek *• . Grand Kane Township. He bad been aid* • - Doen said a number of shots had been shot in the head and a .38-caliber Mrs.Lee was reported to critical cod- fired inside toe home, and one bullet was revolver was at his feetrpofice said. ditfon at a Flint hospital today with a found to e wall near tbe basement. bullet wound to tbe throat Parked outsidewas Foust’s car with At tbe other end of tip bloodspattered Despite the wound, Township Police 1 several 38-caliber shells and * bill of borne was the body of his wife, Sonja, 30, Chid Herbert Doan, said Mrs. Lee was sale for the gun on the front seat, police said. Doan said the bill showed toe gun bed beCn purchased earlier to the day at a Flint-area gun shop. The Fousts’ son, Ricky, 10, was at school at the time of the shooting. Doan said that to past months township police had answered several calls at the Ftoust home concerning “family troubles.” Airs. Foust had tola officers her husband tied threatened her and she feared she would be killed, Doan said. The couple apparently separated recently, and toe Lees were visiting Mrs. Foust when the shooting occurred. Fortas Chances for Court Post Suffer Setbacks SHOWING THE WAY - West German Chancellor Kurt Georg Kiesinger extends a hand as he shows the way to French President Charles de Gaulle at the airport to Bonn yesterday. De Gaulle arrived in Bonn for French-German talks. WASHINGTON (AP) - Abe Fortas’ chances for confirmation as chief justice suffered setbacks withto Congress and without as President.Johnson’s nomination moved today toward a Tuesday showdown on Dm Senate floor. Senate Republican leader Everett M- De Gaulle Dimming W. German Hopes Czechoslovak crisis, no agreement emerged on how to confront the situation. In a speech last night at the Bonn federal ch&nceHery, De Gaulle expressed a two-ed^d approach to dealing with the crisis. , He appetoeC to counsel the West ‘Germans to exercise restraint rather than to continue to press for a new look at the Western military alliance. *‘No one else in the world can h*tter Seal with this great cause of peace in Europe or work for it with more prospect of success than our two peoples,” he said. But at the saitoe time, the French president seemed to offer support to West Germany's blocked drfoeto improve relations with Eastern Europe. “Detente is our policy andthese events will not stoptis fitom continuing It as long as we can, he declared. BONN, German „(AP) — French President Charles de Gaulle showed no signs today he is prepared to give West German leaders much comfort to their concern over Western defenses and lack of progress toward a- united Europe. ’Da Gaulle winds up two days of summit talks here with Chancellor Kurt SSUSXSJmSSSSSS tion because of development* that oc- way to jn curred stoCT Ms rertter endcreemant, but the European Common M«toL he declined to elaborate. ★ ^>er* tha* *H1^ *>"’1 ™e*t Both sides skirted the issue yesterday toe eye,’ Dirkaen said, but it was at the top of the agenda at ‘lArKRD facto* today’s final round of talks, lacked FACTS , The two leaders concentrated yester- At the *«M time, the president of toe day on the hew situation created to American Bar Association, which an- Europe by the SoViet-led occupation of dorwd Fortas, said tbe ABA’a committee Czechoslovakia, oo federal7 judgeships did not have all Although they reportedly expressed the CKte wban tt badted the nomination, solidarity to their grave View of toe "I do recognize toUtalt *1 ttw tocto Related Story, Page D-5 confirmation, said yesterday he would not vote to abut off a filibuster against Sparks Fly on C Trail By School Bill Compromise Desegregation Effort Hurt Ball accused Nixon of cynical irresponsibility to choosing vied presidential nominee Stom T. Agnew, whom Ball called “i forth-rate hack poHtion.” In other developments: the one applying to the wishes of parents, lkis, they say, would virtually handcuff the department. Administration officials contend that the provision dearly goes against a recent decision by the U.S. Supreme Court. WASHINGTON (AP) - Senate-House conferees have approved a bill that sources say will restrict enforcement of so-called school desegregation guidelines in the South. As a result, these sources say, the Department of Health, Education and Welfare, charged with enforcing the guidelines, probably will shift toost of its energies to northern school districts. NEW YORK (AP) jag Hopes for a reached to current negotiations with the Monday end to. the U*day school strike city. were dashed today as Albert Shankar, Mays’s announcement, wUph-had been president oftbe striking United Federa- expected since baQotisg began Into week, tion of Teadhtosraiineunced‘m4| \J f * •* * . . years ago, bM been tmheta by the ' imn Sunday Mtimini ^ '"*& \ General Motors sticker price increases Michigan Court of Appeals. | ....■TTi", ... jef****^ ■' •- on its ’09s averaged out at 881 a car, The youth, Alan Ross Pearson, was r1*1^**1^™,*** Ut*» Hwwit while Ford upoed its sticker Prices an attempting to overtarn the conviction on ‘ . ; averag® of 58 per car. Chrysler, after the grounds that Btwt csvsrage of . the W-Y ■:#>*•• apmrwtow anno»me8,*HWfr« West Bloomfiel 'fg£j Milford in Falcons Edge $(Yg!s,J4xJ£$-: Drf&ri F&ff&rsl The Roley boys quarterback Scott and halfback H Jeff — keep rolling at Bloom* H field Hills Andover. Scott scored H twice on runs of4 and 33 yttrds,|^M while Jeff tallied en jfl passes of 10 and 7 yards from '^H Scott. Bob Huessner was on the ■ receiving end of a (ff-yaxd pass ' from Scott for the other Baton score. , v ★ l * ; it Clarenceville scored early in H^H the first on a 20-yard pass from H Dave Brandemihl to Rob Weller H and then spent the rest of the evening successfully protecting ». g|g ; ■smgmji Andover and West Bloomfield ewttw r»w» now lead the W-0 with 2-0 SIX POINTS — West Bloomfield’s Ed McKenna is near-records, while NorthviUe Is 1-1. ing the end of a 13-yard touchdown run against Milford last Milford and Clarenceville are 1- night in die first quarter oil their game on the West Bloom-1. Kettering is 0-1, while field field. McKenna sewed again litter on a 47-yard run Brighton and Ciarkston are 0-2. and he mid his teammates romped te a 60-25 victory. /too. NorthviUe disposed of 'Brighton, 48-0, and Bloomfield Kills Andover welcomed Waterford Kettering to the W-0 toy blanking the Cajriains, 34-0. CLARKSTON FALLS to a relatively quiet game at Ciarkston, the Wolves were victimized by a visiting Clarenceville team, 64. during their game yesterday on the Andover field. Roley led the Barons to a 34-0 vieforsi See story, D4. • -2 “This even had the officials talking,” said Paddy, stlil in a Game Ends 13-13 track meet out of it,” said one of the fired, but smiling officials to Paddy. Mott in Grid Standoff Zywickl on the conversion to forge the deadlock. TIGHTENS Mott’s defense tightened after the Dragons tallied touchdowns to each of the first two periods. Bob Olivo was the culprit. He took a 20-yard sewing aerial from Steve Lord for a 6-0 lead. Olivo broke a 6-6 tie with a three-yard run that, cote pled with Brad Thrower’s kick, put Swarte Creek ahead, 134, at the intermission. The Corsairs’ first six-pointer came on a one-yard rollout run by Jerry McNair in the open-session. WINLE8S M J Pontiac Catholic Has Sunday Gama Trailing 134 with three minutes to play, Mott faked a fourth down punt at its own 45. Sophomore Bill Ziem found junior Terry Ruffato open with a pass and the Corsair halfback carried the ban to the visitors’ eight-yard-line. With some luck of their own making plus tome help from another source, the Ittans tof Pontiac Catholic could be sitting atop the Northwest Catholic League by themselves Sunday evening. v The Titans stay at home this weekend And they’ll entertain Detroit St. Rita at 2:30 p.m. in what should be litUe more than exercise for the Pontiac squad. If all goes Well, the Titans will easily dispose of the St. Hits eleven, and they. could move into first place aU alone if Royal Otoe St Mary can handle Ferndale St. James. SHARE LEAD St. James and the titans are 24, the only unbeatens in the league, and while an easy game is in fiie offing for the Titans, it won’t be so easy fori St. James. t EARLY EDGE Marvin Craft’s one-yard run ended a 37-yard march following a Utica fumble and gave Romeo a 94 toad on Ron Tabor’s kick, and the Bulldogs went abend 134 In the second on a one-yard run by Fred Lebendig. Linebacker Bruce Harms broke through to block Tabar’s PAT kick. Birmingham Brother Rice unleashed its offense Friday night and ottered the win column for jhe first time with a 60-7 rout Of Detroit Satosian at Groves Stadium. Kevin Keating notched six-pointers on runs of 10 and tour yards, and scored on a 45-yard The Irish of ROSM are 04 but they put up's lot of resistance before bowing to Pontine Catholic last week, 104, and the Titans are hopeful the Irish will he just disturbed enough to vent their feelings on St. James. OTHER GAMES Other games on the Sunday scheduterfind a tough Waterford Our Lady of Lakes (14) foam at Farmington Our Lady (1-1), wh% ,Orchard Lake St. Mary by Redd. Won. holm M 2 Romao 13. While the Titans have scored 39 points , in two games, coach Mel Larsen has not been overly pleased with the of fen As • LAKERS SURPRISING Waterford OLL, which was ___JSLj ____11 ^ if... Lahser Falls, 7-0 TD ROUND - Jeff Roley (21) of Bloomfield Hills Andover looks downfield after taking a pass from his brother, Scott, during the Andover win over Waterford Kettering yesterday. Jeff scored twice in the 344 decision. On the ground is Kettering’s Larry Thompson. 45 and 39 — and flipped single tallies to Garry Marrow (59) and Rich Wdbock (23). Doug Meadows raced over on a four-y order and Jeff Miller tallied on an eight-yard run for the other Madison tallfos. Madison Taam Boosts Record to 3-0 supposed to roll over and play dead for the rest of the league, isn’t living up to its preseason billing. ★ ★ ★ *’ J The Lakers had Font If c Catholic on the ropes before L bowing, 20-14, in their opener, and they came back last week with a solid 234 verdict otter > defending champion OL St. I Mary. t . i The Eaglets hopes of *e-. tabling the title -will take '“a-j nosedive unless they squeeze | past strong de Sates. Two Sharing First Place in Southern Thumb Loop After the Trojans were stopped at the one, they pushed back to the host team’s 11 before being stopped. TOP PRODUCER fed Westerby’s ball carrying produced most of the Black* Hawks’ 127 yards. Freshman Dexter Babbs set up the one good scoring chance with p long punt return on which he was caught from bdhind inside the Whitmore Like 40. EARLY SCORE i Flint Carman pushed across a Second-period touchdown and jpada It stand up for A ?4 victory over Bloomfield Hills The- list of unbeaten^ in the I another score in leading Rich-i Southern Thumb L e a g u elmond past Armada, i dwindled to two last night. | Armada went to front in the E Richmond ran its league first on a 5-yard run Iff Mike j mark to 24 with a 23-12 win DePauw, but Richmond scored {over Armada and New Haven, 19 points to the second frame to i kept pace with a 74 decision take a 194 lead at intermission, i over Anchor Bay (M). Scofield plunged over from > * . *, -a j the one to tie the game early to > In the other games, AbnoPt Sf evened its record at U by routing Capac, 394, «rhU* Jg J* potRittum aw ^den romped put Memphis, on’a’flve-yMd ' run with just 20 seconds left to SCORES I TD’s the half and Jerry Clark wound Dennis Garner scored three tip toe winners’ scortag with a touchdowns and Frank four-yard run to the fourth. Bacbolzky checked in with two Apaadatt other tally came oix a s to spark the Amont victory. three-yard run by Joe Blake. i Garner battled to scoring ^ • ; * i i pastes of 20-and 32 yards from ..".stMn iu-Ei quarterback John Bachohky--^ £25 1 * a Frank’s brother — and raced r^iti^i^TSS* ^. « l over on a 27-yard run. Frank; R, tewmS j^SroL Ul-.--- « ■» • tallted on runs Of six and 10 . Ttetolfo,rf wa Wwwr, yards and Roger Hunt picked "EV awaito. io run tuamteto 1 up the other on a 20-yard n£s2F ’ from John B. ’ *-• •EfflftyS'fiJr! *** *' three yards for the other tally. It was the third straight tens for Oxford which was behind 23* 0 at halftime. Larry Schultz wept over from the one to the third for the WUdcata first score and Dave Darting teamed with Dan Valentine on a 56-yard ■coring play to the fourth. OCC Harriets Keep Rotting The record-setting crosscountry team at Highland Lakes campus of Oakland Community Coltege continued Us winning wasp, yesterday by posting a trtpngular| victory;: \ a t$ Centerville. ' , , The Highlanders, taking the »PVpd plapcpf rolled up IS Glen. Oelia was second frith 01 and Macomb Community College was third at37. Setting fiw pace for the IB^ilandem4|Wpltoger Cleaver, followed by John Radotfil, Bryn Schulte, Harold Beane, # Julian GfiooBBto, fed Bailey aad „f Craig Owen. Cteaver’i time was 1 ' tt.11 tm*i tha attWan Rochester Pads Harrier Record Three-Way T/< in Golf