. J ^ A 4 'I. ' — ¥ Swainson Asks 3 Per Cent State thcofne Tgx LANSING t#V—Gov. Swainaon today tormaliy unveiled a. , . Ing new tax itrogram to k 3 per cent flat rate tax on personal and corporate Income. He asked the legislature to bookt taxes on imfividuals by }125 million a year and to cut tl)e net levy on business and industry by $103 coi^^r is placing this wt^oie package belere the people at tM April 3 election so they can ttetmtiiine whether they want to make this wholesale shift in oiir tax structure arid impose an Inoome tax on them^ A aaggestloB that ftsraiiiMMi’s tax package be sabmltted to the people tor a vote at the April 3 electloa was greeted coldly today by the govemor. Tile referendum proposal was made by Rep. Don 'R. Pears. Republican House speaker, while message to a joint session.« legisiatuir. Pears said; tax OM top of the proposed sUte iwith 320,000 jobless workers. U.5j bieerue levlast jtier ^t of the work force. The Democratic govemor de- “E^mic gtwtti is the singiel scribed his nine-point tax blueprint most important area of concern as an attemiu to' iWttallze the that (aces usi" he told the law-state’s economy, twesdhtly saddled| makers.' CAIU IT ‘UNMCAU8T1C’ Swainson termed Pears’ sU^S^ mehi as ‘^iih unrealistic apprbadfi,’’ and . added that the reqx>nsibility for the state’s fiscal program lies with the legislature. 'The new Chief Executive, appearing personally before, a joint ws-sion of the House and Senate, proposed a $17 million increase in state aid; to counties and local gov. emments. ‘I have assigned top pj^prity B task because all elsd depends |on It.” for'this rpsuctn. Swaiiiiion kald, ( Industry should be reduced. ★ State Ivvenue officials estimated the three per cent personal inemne tak WouM yield $23d million a year. The bite on individual taxpayers would be lessened by exempting food and drugs from the four ;^r --4AN8Di0 (AP)->^v. SwAlnson's blueprint for tax revision, baaod on a three per cenL personal and corporate Income tax, pfet heavy blasts from Republican legUfators today. ' Demociats genearlly supported it. Even before the Democratic govemor wound up his tak message to the legislature, OOP lawmakers began Issuing denouncements. He also recoitutieadrd Irgisis-tion allsning local units td levy I ’The only thing I would possiblyf a maximum one per ^nl income i “The governor isn’t going to get anywhere with any kind of income tax, either with Republicans or Democrats,” said Sen. Carlton H. Morris, R-Kalaihazpo, who led the historic 19S9 fight against passage of an income levy. “The sooner he forgets an Incoine tax, the sooner we will get a solution to the fiscal problems of Michigan,” said Mortis, who didn’t bother, to attend the Joint legislative ae»-slon to hear Swalnson’s proposals. llr TliA-Democratic floor leader.. Rep. Joseph J. KowalKkl of Detroit, called the proposals "a very courageous move on the part of the governor to achieve fiscal reform.” “The people will support It too as koon as they lead It and understand it,” he said. . ★ ★ ★ Sen. Raymond btendzel, D-Detrolt. labeled it "fair arid equitable to the* people and to the business community.” cent sales la.x at a. loss of'$95 million. The income tax'Wbukl be pegged to federal Income tax laws, including the $6(A allowance for the taxpayer and his dependents. (JAW OFFSET The three per cent corporate profits tax, aim ba-sed on similar federal laws, would produce estimated $63 mitlicsi but the gain would be offset by repeal of tW business activities tax. Exemption of machinerj’, equipment, inventories and other items (sx on nwchlaery s Tbp remaining $10^ nUlllon would to chailheled to local government treasuries from personal Income' tax revenue. Swainson proposed to boost state aid to local welfare proems-by $12 million annually. * The. state would assume the entire cost of direct relief after counties and the city, of Detroit had spent, the equivalent of one mill the state equalized property values, excluding the personal pro^rty tax. from the personal property tax| ^mier the current arrangement, base would cm tax revenues paidi,^^ iby business and in^stry to localj^p^ governments spend ni. . governments by $,>26 mltlion a amount adding up to W mills, hj-, ' eluding personal property levies. Thi-'j{o\.TiH»r |>r«|N»sed lu make | Prior to that, local governments up ibe (lis niilllun loss by suit- pay foi* 70 per cent of welfare stituting a specific nine-iiiilj state ‘costs and the state 30 per cent. The Weather ' V.B. Wsathsr Barcas raracasi Snow llarriM (PalsUs as Cm* t> THE PONTIAC PRESS Hom6 Edition llStli YEAR ★ ★ ★ POStXlAC, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, FEBRCARY 1. 19G1—48 PAGES Mr. Ham Cries: T'm Hungry' J6'/2 Million Budget Adopted by Commission City Tax Rate to Ril«| by 33 Cents From 1960 —$13.60 Per Thousand By RITE LOCHBILEb A $6,571,869 budget.j based on anticipated; 1961 tax rateof $13.60 for, every i$^000 of assessed valuation, was adopted by the City Commission last . night, r ' Budget estimates and the proposed SS-^ent increase in municipal taxes are founded on a tax base of at least $290\mllli6n, a rise of about $9 million over iastj year.- i The budget is $391,651 ovpr thatj of 1960. The propos(>d tax levy of. |3.m200 is $218.^ higher.than! that of last year. ' Approach Stirs Demonstrations, Police Patrols Ship Earlier Had Stpod‘ Offshore on Account of Ambiguous Welcome RECIFE, Bra?U (UPI)-^j Repel leader Menri(]ue Gal-vao sailed the captured ^Peppy Cftmp Back MISSED THE' BOAT — Ctorles Bonnay, French magazine photographer, bobs in the Atlantic after attempting to parachute onto the hijacked liner Santa Meria Tuesday. He missed by nearly a mile and^spent more than 20 minutes in the water before being rescued by an American ship. Another French newsman also missed, but both eventually boarded the Santa Maria.....IL. sailed into Recife Harbor this morning. ,aty Manager Walter K. Willman jsaid that salary increases under trie 1960 pay plan accounted for about 1300,000 of the budget rii-crease; $M,0I9 In adjustmeirtf CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) -A Minuteman missile, America’s hope for a gxishbutton war sentative* have agreed to apply benefits, he saM. Two other Itertis in the $116,228 contlngericy fund are: A $20,000 allocation for financing pf a master plan lor downtown Pontiac redevelopm«it, to be matched funds raised by downtown merchants. 1st Minuteman Flight Complete Success AF Pk»W(«ii H18 BONUS ... AN APPLE — Ham, the aboard the USS Donner at sea. The chimpanzee space chjjmp, reaches out from his couch to was Jired Taesday from Cape Canaveral, Fla., YOU BOUCU me cauvuicizi aiAp^e—his first .food ijiter the 420-mile riding a Mercury capsule. He was “healthy and cruise ship Sonia Maria a crewman happy” today after his harrowing trip, into Recife Harbor today toj disbharge the 600 captive 11 passengers, touching off! street demonstrations ■ s .n4^ttheP^„*ueseQf jj^ HOmC BOSC Galvao had halted at the e^-| trance to the harbor this luoming cAPE CANAVERAL. Fla; tJPi — Winding, up a spacei Tuesday's Victory for . .. — flight with a chipper, cheerful handshake, a chimpanzee; ___L;aa«. ]->'«< Ham tMay’Tign.lad a go-ahead ,or mao teenier Zlf/rvZ day appealed to President Ken Space safely. ^ nedy to use his Influence to free-J -The happy space chlmp returned to the United States Washington (AP» - After the crew of the captured liner : - '♦in an airplane, landing at scoring an impprtant victory on (Pontiac Patrick Air^Force Base, Fla.|ship main significances: Percentage Not Given! , „ for -Ro$i^ QoOrfeF- but! nigto^Teosihle. A« American C I II A O- D * I astronaut Is scheduled, this bales Up O.Z' rCT. spring lo duplicate Ham’s’darlng ■ 'S ftighl. DETROIT UK—Profits of Amer-Motors Corp. dropped in the Orbit Secret Satellite A second loan of $25,000 to thej Greater Pontiac Centennial Cfom-; mission to finance the June T7<24 centennial obseiVance^'flie jnimey+„_____. ,-----.---- to to repaid, as much as pos- ®e globe every 95 minutes today on a which may lead to a whole system of United States! electronic military scou^. This was (he first tihie that II stages of a military rocket The ultimate goal of the program is to be able to were manufactured by different make detailed photographs of any point on earth and The fight probdbly will be a .jugh one. since Tuesday’s vlctury for the Kennedy admini^ation and Speaker Sam Rayburn ’of Texas was won with only a five-vote margin. _ j; The house voted 2iT to 212 to back Rayburn’s plan to enlarge the Rules Committee fnwn 12 to 15 members, wresting committw.-^ control from a conservative ^sif-tion. Theoretically this puto-titor-a| Democrats in contrar by an 8-7 edge. The While Houaerr^rtedRen-nedy was pleased with the oul-eome. Officially he had taken no direet part In the ftght, but left •e .All mree, P^^ess .^-'is ex; j Ro„„ey nordisetose the dt' p m, doubt that he favored the Bay- me '^idance r^^ in in dollars or percentage^ - i - “-‘icomp-rix. wit^ the last 1959 quar-!„.M IN HNE HIIAPE . J- Ham himself .is reported injthe committee and Rqmblicans excellent shape, a smart 371 will add one. Republicans also pounds of amiability; jhave two^ vacancies to fill on the Plucked from Hie sea b.v s belt- |Committee. fo-Jrth quarter-of'Iast year despite 6.2 Rpr cent sales increase over the same tiime months of 1959, President Grorge Romney reported to Stockholders here today The Soviets .appepr likely to win the nace to to first to orbit a man around the earth. 3. A very slight misfiring in the rocket system hurling out Ham's caj*mey may well-'require further tests with or without a chimp atoard, before a man goes Romney did not.disclose the dr .p; up- tk's produced valua- (Continued on Page 2, Cbl. 5) spring is still six weeks off. TTie weatherman comes up with ^ partly cloudy imediction for to- ‘Ihus (ietect a buildup by a ”|p(5tefttlal foe. The mission is so secret that the Air Force won’t even confirm that the satellite, launched Tuesday, will .radio pictures back to earth, TTie orbiting" vehicle is; equipped with cameras to photograph ground terraip and Sensors to record electro-magnetic radiation. ni^t and ThurMlay. depend on the time ot day the grpHBd Itog chooses to pbek.. For the aeat live days temper-atwea will average g te 19 de- tl t» 25. Bad nonnal lew ,•( sere to 11 above. Morning east to nortiieast .winds at 10|-16 mile* per hour will become northerly at 10 W 29 miles Thursday. Ttoi lowest temperature in downtown Pontiac preying 8 a.m. was' 10 degrees. The recording at I p.m. ^ 19. It can be made to transmit information as it passes over stations umere data can to reproduced, rtored, integrated an^ in-by automatic diqilay ronlrartors. Thlkol made flnit stage, AerojeT The second and Hercules the third. Boeing Aircraft Co., test manager. “Anythii^ beyond the first stage will to strickly a bonus.” a project official said; “We decided to go for broke on the firpt Taunch becouse success would cut the test program by several months.” Previous multistage military rocket programs here started testingr of only one stage and worked up to the full configuration. gradually weaving in guidance,, note cone and other refine- News Flashes In the quarter end^ Dec. 1959, American Motors had a protiti of $12 216.665. “Throughout Aineriran Indus-tiy,” Ronuiey said, "Ihe profit ; squeeze became partirularly pronounced in 1990. As a result, of dbonomic Sgnals from Samos Ifiwere be-iiy picked up by tracking and tel-emetry stations at Vandenberg Air Force Base at Oahu, Hawaii and at Kodiak. Alpska. Ail orbital data was being revived at the Air Force $attUite Tc^ Cgiter in Sunnyvale, CaM., •otah of Safl Francisco. Samos 1, iBUMbed tos« October, (ailed to arbiL Once thd missile is perfected, the Air For/ce plans the fastest buildup in missile histoo’ with at least 600 Mimitemen to to deployed by 1964. About 450 of these will be spread across the western United States in underground ^ loB designed to survive a neth* miss by p nuclete- bomb. The remainder will to on special raU-road trains. MUSKEGON UK-A staggering, industrial blow was coMtirmed for Muskegon today by aa-nooncemeat that Norge Division of Borg-W’orner Corp. was moving Its faoilltieo to Fort Smith. Ark. Judoon Sayres, ehalrtnan of the Borg-Wanier board, said the move win come oometiine near Rojnney added he could se indication that the profit squeeze would ease in the immediate future. ATLANTA (UPI) ~ Several thousand Negro ot'iidents marched on downtown Atlanta todny to mnric the flrat nnniver-spry of. the start of the olt-ln nioveniept against segregntioh at Sonthern tench connters. her actor-hnaband Peter Law-kaa M to the hrraknp ol of hotel hnndred^ of tbonsands of dol- achieved through Increased volume, American Motors’ profit margins, too, were adversely affected In the quarter ended Dee. scientifically prescribed menu. copter from the. USS Donner, he ' shook hands with the velerin-; Brian greeting him w hen bis on^-I Ion space capsule was unlocked ; three hours after launching. After a medical checkup, Ham drew a bonus of a banana and bit more apple on top of his SI.’! Tl;e AMC president also indicate that Januaiy Rambler buy-were hot likely to receive ?25 U.S. government bonds as rebates under AMC's ''progress duCring pre^am.” Romney said indicati(>na.are fbat Rpmbler sales in December and Jamiary combinec| feU sh1d Bell: two menihm of hi* r«wach of Emnomir Ashls-era. Dr. B atter Heller and dame* TafalB; rnderKerretary af the Tieaaary hr Moiwtary i ir Diplomals Expect Mac 1o Visit JFK in March The regular members of the Na-tiond Security Council were joined by Treasury Secretary Douglas Dillon and Bell as well as a number ol other, btfidals. LDlC CONFiauSNt E AGALV This afternoon. Kennedy kill go to the auditorium ceetfitl but because it'e an eyeeora. ClD' ctiininlaaioiiers, at least |lve ef them, feel the mall Henrietta Street between tfaple and M«N tin has become "distesteftil." Set Deadline for Acquiring of Absentee Ballots If yon ere gotag to be out of town on Feb. ae, or phyMoally nanblw to go to the„ polls then, yon have nntll Feb. is at S p.m. February Makes a Mild Entry By The Araoclited Preoa . February, often winter’s hardiest month, made a mild entrance today with a-dash at rain and a toudi of snow. Temperatures ran pretty much to form with the coldest weather — a block of below-freeiing temperatures.— ladng through fbe nortbRm dates from the central Rockies through the Great Lakes regdn to middle and nohhera Atlantic Coast states. It was within this area—from the Mississippi to the Hudson— that January’s siege of stinging cold had jammed rivers, and bays with floes of ice. aame of the ice jams were looe-eneti Tuesday by thawing temperatures. Two towboats, trapped on the ice-choked Mississippi near Cairo. free with the help of a third bpat. But the ice. closed a^in 13 miles north of Cairo, where the Ohio joins the Mis^ppi. The Ohio, too, lyas still t with ice. Toi^Bats were moving but the UJk^Kngineers at Cindn-, natl renelM the goii« was slow ' andJw ice bpavy. Many towboats weft tied up, waiting for the ice to ease. No Comment On Chimp LONDON The prime miaitter ia aaxioas for the earUeat possible telks with Kenpedy bat > leaving the Initiative to the PreeUeat. the eonrcee said. Observers believed, Macmillan would prefer to confer with Kennedy betun the President has a chance to meet wl!B Soviet Premier Iflklta S. Khrushchev. ’The Soviet leader is expected to go to New YOTk tor the United Nations General Assembljr starting March 7, and there have been indications that he may meet with Kenned while he is in the United States. Anticipating a joint meeting with the Pontiac Oneral Hospital Board (rf 'Trustee this month the Qty Ckuninission has approved expansion at the hospital estimated at $80,000. liie hospital won an okay night to spend $42,500 for construe-1 the $a8,0M once owed the city HAVANA (API - Six Americ.t adventurers, who faced Visible j execution as conspirators against r Fidel Castro’s regime, have been' sentei^ed to. 30 years imprlson- The Amenrans were sentenced Tuesday, three days fCter their worked themselvesXial before a mUitary tribunal. ..................'^Castro himself reportedly had been weighing the verdict. Their sentences, the maximum Face Sentence in.Netherlands Pontiac Man and Wife From Europe Admit Robbing Dutch Farmer prison terms under Cuban law, | A Pontiac man and his European were interpreted here as the Cas-'wito who have admitted robbing a tro regime's reaction to President I Dutch farmer of 5,600 gtalders ($1,-Kennedy’s denunciation in hislSOOi face sentencing for the theft State of the Union mes-sage Monday or Communist Influence in Cuba. Defense attorneys said they will appeal. Feb. 14 in the Nethfitlanected on the nortbwe^ Pacific coast. Snow is forecast for the western poi^ions of the Dakotas and Itom Iowa and* southern Minnesota > eastward through the Laini region and the northern Ohio vailey.' Itain, Dqsfibly mixed with snoav, is anticipated in the southern portiomf 6t dik fkii, vaBey. ’ There will be scattered snow flurries in northeastern 'Nek Task nd nortbera Neir England. It udU be milder in flie Democrats voted In favor of the change ahd Bepnblleans against. k k k Here ^ I* . how Michigan can- DemOcrata for: Diggs, Dingell, OrlffitliB........... O'Hara. GRANTED ASYLUM — The hijacked Portuguese liner Santa Maria entered' the harbor at Recife, Brazil, this morning and the “pirates” City Approves Expansioit . AP PlMtofai were granted uylum by incoming President Janio Quadrod. This photognqih of the stern was made from a U. S\^troyer.. _____________ OK*s $80,000 for Hospital that t^ mall beauty*' but raggestod that It stay nnlH a tra study Is Completed. City Manager L. R. Gare has been directed by the commission to notify the sponsors of the project, the Ceitiral Business District Development Committee, city’s intention. The ^bbiness of the landscaping in the mall Is blamed by. commissioners on its poor appearaiKfe. * k k CommissMfer William Roberts said that he has bsen told by fire department officials that the 30-foot pin^ tree in the center of the block has become a fir? hazard and If it stays, fire safety checks wUl Ha^re to be made periodically.” CommIsMonern to voting to do away with the pilot project which 1* part of n lotta-range downtown tion of a three-story storage building, and $37,500 for purchase of a four-family flat lor tntem housing. The approval antlwrUcd the hoepUal to pay the costs out of aeeumniated depredatton funds, wrlttm. the expense oil contact in Caracas,” the new president radioed Galvao. “I reaffirm my loyslly to our unshakable detnocralic oonvle-tlons. The governmest and the people of BraiU fellow with pro-.......................o# the cere and responsibility. "You may be sure that in the exercise of my constitutional duties you and all who 'want it will receive the right of Atylum Jo our territory atsi all dse which laws and treatfeg permit.” 3 State Highway Dept. . f mployes Will Retire*^ LAPSING (JB-Three State Highway Department employes with a total of more than 76 years service will retire in February. They are Clarence H, Dale, 68. foreman «f ffta 'A"**® at Grand Ledge and 33 years with the department; Oscar Seugin, 64, sign painter at Eacanaba. 23 years with the department; and Hersdiel H. Stewart, 66, aide at the Aiin Arbor, engineering laboratory, 2Q years with the department. Art Institute loses One-Man Police Force DETROIT » - For the first time In its 31-year history the Detroit Institute of Arts Is going to be without a dty poUcemah. The police depsrtmeid, pjeadlng a shortage of manpower, is canceling its one-man tour of duty at the mldtowp art gallery. Since opening In 1908 the institute has always had a policeman. Settle Judy Garland Suit LOS ANGELES (AP) - Attorneys say a $30,000 suit brought by movie executive JadtL?Warner against Judy. GariaSiiuid her husband, 9d Loft, haa ' settled out of court 11X1 a $500. K Will Visit Moroccq RABAT, Morocco (UPD-Soytat Premier. Nikita Khrushchev hai accepted an invitation trqm King MahamniM V jtb yiait Morocco later this year. It was jolBfeiaBy anxmncyl today. . Liner 1$ Greeted by Demonstrations (Continued From Page Obe) mUUng throngk the area demonstrating tor Galvao, the govbmnent of Premier An- Counter demonstrations started immediately. Though President Quadras offered ptdiUcal asylum to the Galvao rebels the fate of the $16.6-million Ship remained doubt. LEggEH CHARGE Portugal demapds that Brazil seize it and return it to its owners. G^vao hsA said he would never give It back. • pretod In aome seottom as ree-ognitioB of a state of belllger-eney between the Galvao group Ctahmissioners have called the joiql meeting to establish a paUcy on the method of repayment of the rest of the east wing funds, in cash or through capital improvements. There's nothing in writing on the question. k k k The meeting is also to consldei; establisbment of a parking lot for hospital employes. Financing of the lot is still an open question. Plans for the storage building, drawn up by Hemian It Pullar, Inc., Pontiac architects, call for ex with 5,200 square feet of floor space. The only major stwnge apace re-, mainliig to the hospital proper is oiv the uii^ened fifth fla^,-of the east wing, which is now scheduled for use as a mental health unit. To complete the present program to provide, family housing married interns, the hospital has an option on the four-family flat at 49^55 Seminole Awe.,’Immediately south of. the hOM>ital. A smaller Sat at 4547 Seminole was purchased in December for $29,500. This was the first expense written off the east wiia; debt. Last night's approval means that $109, 500 has now been written off the debt ★ ★ ★ of piracy and murder made earlier by PortagnaL Inteiitaticma] law would permit belUgerdnt vessel to spend 24 hours in port feJoad supplies w: ' aboard wanting asylum could get it. But Quadros was still silent on whether he would seize the ship. He was still in conference with his foreign minister. The Santa Maria nosed Into harbor early today and dropped limit while Galvao walteAtor the ■itoatton to Jell. American destroyers and Brazilian *de8troyers and a frigate circled it constantly while planes watched overhead. EXPI^ RED DISGROERS Foreign diplomatic sources Havana reported Tues^y they had “unimpeachable” Inforination that Communists would attempt to sow disorders in Brazil during the Santa Maria debarkation to embarrass the Quadros government In Us relation* with Portugal. (The Havana report* quoted dlplonMta as saying there were "obvioas” links between Galvan nnd hla crew' and Oommunlat cUettnina In Latin America. '(They said large sums of rooqey were being flown into Brazil from Havana’ to finance the disorders.] Foreign minister Afonso Arinos said ' after a two-hour cabinet meeting the president’s office will issue a communique late today on a solution to the question of what to do with the Santa Marie, said he had nothing more to say now. , The Brazilian navy sent heavily armed marines to the dock area where the Santa Maria is td tie up and occupied it in {vqwlythifi for removing the passengers who have been held captive since Galvao seized the ship early on Jan. 22. k k k President Quadros, inaugurated only Tuesday, had maintained silence on the case until today. Portugal had said, the caae involved murder and piracy on the high seas but agreed Tuesday to permit Brazil to handle the Galvao rebels as ‘ ' eaeretoe of my coaatttattoaal da-tim yM bad all who want fewill receive dm right of asyhan on laws aad trestle* permit.” His statement did not make it dear wlwthcr Brazil w(^ld the ddp m'demhnded by Porhi-gal. tor compietfbn of the east wing . That decision however, commissioners believe, will depend on the-outcome of the traffic study now under way. by the Birmingham Po-lice Department. ■Area Library Sendee: Is Hlere an Anaww" Will be discussed by members of the Baldwin Public Library Board at the monthly luncheon of Birmingham Branch of the American Assodation of University Women at the Community House Feb. 8., Moderated by Jeume IJoyd, head of the Baldwin Uhrary staff, board members will mscuss the foirward movement of this educational frontier. - '' Area Dems Plan City Adopts Budget (Continued From Page One) a $3.50 levy on a tax base of 8281 miUion. k ♦ k The 8115,000 slash was offset by allocation of another 850.000 to the operating budget from unappropriated surpluses — the money on which the city depends to get through the‘six-month period from the end nf the fiscal year in cember |o tax-collection tints m July. ________ ia tax revenaes, tiMJmdget antidpate* reodpto of IZ.U2.4M In revenues from the state, from finei and from sale ef Ucenses and services. Balandhg the budget Is s $6M,000 sUotment from the nn-apprepidsted surplna. * Wlllman said that higher payrolls contfeued to be the majqr factor in the budget increase. Fbllowing are comparative ures\showing a breakdown of.the budget increases for operating expenses in 11 important areas: k k k Police department last yea $838,238, this year $927,450; fire department last year $800,000, this year $885,369: electrical depart-last year $69,737, this year $77,005. . k k * I Health last year $1084^4, year $122,440; library last year $141,364, this year $185,130; recrea-tion last year $133,562’, this year $158,008; parks last year $113,000, fids year $129,694; Muhicipa Court last year |100,21i this year $117,172. ^k k kr Public Wrvlce equipment last year $301.9M. this year $357,643; Lake Street jrards last year $146,-576, this year $156,062: cemeteries last year $87,600, this year i^,;205; Pontiac Municipal Airport last year $76,335, this year $93,314. ' I aty Hafl (rftlees woMd pared wttii s budget eutimuto s( 9L$8Li» lust yeur. , The iMidget Indudes expenses of $2»,192 for waste cdlection, $51,7U fpr garbage dUposal add $171,175 tor the retirement of Pontiao General Hospital construction bonds, the only debt lervlce to be raised by taxation.' Robert Pam agree *Tsn’t a fUng of by dm CBDDC, mads It clear that the ifenwVal of flu temporary mall wtU not mesa that aa-otlier msU might someday take _ p,m. Thursday -«t ths Tbmpls ! of Memories at White Chapdl Mam- * ortal Csmetery, Tray, with burial -to ftdlow there. Mr. Graham died Monday In St. Joseph Mercy Hospital, Pontiac, a short iUneks. , A resident (4 Birmingham since he was a retired Ana Artur funeral home director. He retited in 1945. k , ' k, k He was a life member of the Aral Arbor Golden Rule Lodge 159, FAAM, and a member of the Bir-mingham Senior Men's Club. Surviving are a daughter, Mrs^ John Schoeiifeld of Birmingham, two grandchildren and five greatgrandchildren. His body will be at the Mailley* Bailey Funeiai Home until noon tomorrow. Mrs. G. H. WUtmy ^ Service tor Mrs. G. H. (Marie) Whitney, 87, of 167 Townswid St., will be 1 p.m. Friday at the Man-ley Bailey Funeral H(»ne. Burial will be in GreedWood Cemetery. Mrs. Whitney died yesterday at* her home after a long illness. She was a life-long area resident and a member of the First Methodist Omrra of Birntingham. She’ is survived by a sister. Mabel Keyser of Birmindham, and a brother Frank Keyser of Groeee Polnte Farms. White Boys Quit OrteansTchoot Boycott by Mothers at McDonogh Forces Dad to Leave Job, Home PartlcIpattBC wW^-M Daniel Nesbitt. Mrs. F. Chalmers Smith and James E. Tobin. "Throughout the United States, suburban areas are laddng in library service. In 10 years, the pojHilation' a^ Birmini^uun and surrounding communities is expected to reach 9a000. The AAUW will hear board members ^lere poMibilities of solving this proble^,” the head librarian said. VU4ot Graham Service for Victor E. Graham, 76. of 1886 B^ingfiam Blvd., wlU County Democrats haven’t tar-saken square dancing just because former Gov. G. Mennen Williams is in Washington. k k k Planners of the Oakland Ctounty Democratic Committee’s annual Valentine dinner for Sen. Philip A. Hart have announced there will be a square daace as part of the “gay informality .of the event.” ^ dinner this yeac-iidll he . Feb. 18 at the Oiak Park High School, 13701 Oak Park Blvd. Williams, however, will not dall the dance. • NEW ORLEANS d and drugs......95 mtilton Total tax reduction ......................$$9$ g INCREASED SPENDING 1— State aid to counties for direct relief....$12 i 2— Intangibles tax allocation to local govenunents 3— Maximum administrative cost of \new tax program .............. ......5 r ToUl Increased spending .......pa4>iriti5? WE WEX BE CLOSED, Thursday, February ^d, atlRM.VA Doe to the Death of MRS. JOHN BAXTER Service Glass Co. Nickffe have been uaed as ( to the United States lx 94 ytm. \ 120 W. PIKE POlblAC I I THE PQNllAC l^RESS; WEPyES^AY, FKBRfARr 1. 1961 i __________________ (H«M) lrwi« ffcnIwAod Jolltf S««H ; 4.95 Irt quiUitv toilet eemt witjr' Ud cover.Jluetpi^ hingec. «UT to toitaa youreelf. XeatiaffM m ffeeton . .22 Rifl« Shtllt 7«c Box Box of 50 Liont nitt$ eu-trldgw . .. chowe of Rem* Ington or Western. Cimlt 3 boxes. 68‘ tHRBR Sedre IfM of Se Chtwing Gvpt Carton Rctular $1 caHon -r Wrig- iSnmWfflt.’SST : BUSIER SPECIAL' IM of. 3M Sbeets KImmi Tiniff a- 31' Regular ISe box. 300 shoeU In p^-up dt^eneer box. UoUt 0 boxes. ' Oeaaiae ’'barker r-XsT Jofttr F«nt 17.98 Seller iJV D00R-BU?:iER SPECIAL' Sole ef Xpedol Qroap toMuit Itwflry I1.N VaiMs-MW .59 1.09 2.49 DOOR-BUSTER SPECIAL' levoel Wee Im T»mt ‘CORITt" Diip*ii t3.75li,l «*39 Dozen first quality Curlty dlaperk in 31 X #’ foldline else. . Wash easy, dry fast Limit 3 doeen. -N.la riMr 13 X 04 inch blanket, soft and fleeey. wide sktln b^« Ing, first quality. Strlpea and solids. TOMORROWfTHURSDAY-i^'iyrg] NOON 'til 9 pm- Be Here at Noon When Doors Open • 9*Bsrgsia Paeiisd Sho|i|iiBt Hem • SENSATIONAL STORE M nets DISCOUNTS Plis Muy Mon Spseially Rsisesd for THURSDAY NOONIsSP.M. - Here ore but ^^ew-of:^e many Super-Oiscouots that snow how much YOU Con expect to SAVE at SIMMS Tomorrow ... oil wanted items for the fomily and home . . . oil GUARANTEED UNDERPRICED ... all sold with money-bock guorontee regordless of how much you save. Simms reserves thq right to limit all quontities., —tOOr iM Ifo Sywlal Tmi la twiT Dsautant Tkiraflmit 5U 3 IlMif MAIN FLOOR SPECIALS IctrccUklf PolBti Ball Nil Peis Tumii 'EVEmor '*?S!rml^ai«r£wi3Mar Tumblers 6 for Wrmigkt Iron Stand and Slieiig Board 68° 7>lntli'> round hardwood tllclnt board Mt* In black wrou(ht Iron let Mand. Limit l. $1.49 Value fUSN- LWNT Battery 6‘'25is/|Q Regular 10c pens — smooth writing ball pioinU. blue ink otty. Ufflit g p« person. I Ouaranteed leakproof batteries I by Eveready — standard size “ — meet flashily. Limit 5. 3-W«y Rell-Papw Dispensars $3.95 Value |68 on wall, bold* •SanlnuR au ■ctcl 2 Ccll Flashlight "GEllEiai ELECniC" ^ Clock Reg. 98c Value 19*1 * 2^® for Heme or Work Utility Scfiper 29c Valued is»sei|rw.' 12° Fixed focus flashlight throws I powerful 800 foot beam. Bat- I terles extra at this low price, f fSelf-Starting electric alarm clock with beige color cam. ‘Oorm' model by OE. Plus 10% DRUG DEP'T. SPECIALS PoyiUr TUr IUSm' Gillette Blades '35c Pkg. 10 21‘ Double-edge rasor blades will fit any Oimte tyM double edge ' safety raaqr. Limit 3. iMttle 300 T^lBii 5-Gr. Aspirifl Easy leU4hi Stylt “BAN” Deodsnal Reg. 98c Vilue 69 Reg. 59e Valuti 29 r—......../ pay for the name -r-asplrin is all the samel Limit 3 botUes. No fuse, no muss roll-on deodorant. Fw ladles’ or men’s use. Limlt3. Far rawiaiie Hyfi«ia Kotex Napkins 2-"s59‘ Regular 43c ^ of 13 napkins, soft and absorbmit Kotex nationally famous napkins. Idmit PHOTO DEPT. VALUES 'Hamt Box' Valandna Chocolates UM Pound Ihsrt (bnpMl rilmtlnt boi of 78° All stool 'GEM- Fingenuul Clippti Reg. 25c Cat. nnlli th. corrrot way. Built la flic, and ke. chain feature. Limit L -Mab riaar 9° I/SM S-Valt BsMery Flash Laatern neg: $1.59 lantern with epot-Ui 99° ISO-Pc. Combinerioii Sfrofionery 37° Reg. 98c ANSCO llack ft WUlt Photo Filns 3'79' Regular 0150 vahle -r pack of 3 rone 'All-Weather' to tdee snApshote In moet oamerai. 130-630-131 Fresh stock. Bn w IBn Havia Filn Splicer $1.98 SeU«r ,—Now 144 splice add repair your movto fdm tiw proflnrional way—with •quick i^lee’. Complete with nUes tape, luy tt UM. - 9-vait masism Radio Battery 3'“79* Regular glJS batterice — long life imparted batteries for almost any make transistor radio. Limit 0. Stardr ^lasdc-Nea'd Pocket Combs Reg. 10c AO riaetle combe, *4 _ —. tooth, H >* rofular tooth. Umlt B combe per pereoo. t° U-Fi Saui Recardiig Tapa Reg. $3SO 1200 Ft. 99 Plastic base sound recording taps on 7-tnch pfautie rsOl. Far any tepe rqeoOder. Ltaal|t 4 rsela Elng-Sita 'Hcturn' J^-Saw Pszzh 59° Reg. 98c Daw 98c 49° I- 2nd FLOOR SPECIALS Hat-Difpad Gilvaiixad 10 QL Water Pail i Gaiaiu *Siydar' iHdaar TV Aerial Reg. 75c Value 50*1 -79 todies'—WissM'—Girls* Shoes-Oxfords V alues to $3 . |oe One 'bit teble of Smart Che-Che ehoea end »ddle Oxforde. LADinr SLirrEBs — AU metal pail, hot-dipped to | resist rusting. With bsll carrying handle. Limit 3 per person. ] ! For all ’TV sets, black and white. ' color — sharp and clear'tecep-. I tlon. Limit 1 aerial per person. Fall Galloa Cu of Paint Thinner Solo Zipper Top-Wire Trash Berner Reg. $1.19 Gal. 59*1 ^ 99 Best for thinning paints and | cleaning brushes. In fun gal-^ Ion sealed container. Umlt 3. OalT 70 6e Oa Sale 2-Fl. Steptedder Medium size capacity — bums trash completely and safely. ■ ■ It 1 burner per person. loiad WoToa Wicker Clolbss Uasksl Reg. $1.95 Value 99*1 87 All wood stepladder with steel | rod reinforced steps. Folds com- | pactly fqr storage. Limit 1. Win Craim-rusne I Ideal for laundry, toys, picnic ; uoes. Sturdy construction irith side carrying handles. Limit 1. Froik Stock—i Vi ^Volt Clothesline I Dry Dsn nailery for Entira Family Via Prsll Shaniioo 83° famous 'Erankn' Sopor Shave Bomb 79c Can Pull lO-Duneae Id preiture a 44° Wildtoot Crooffi Oil Hair Tonic Reg. 59c 38° Oenulne Wlldroot _ cream oil In place, neat ell famoes 'Cwlox' Oily NaU Folisk Boaovor Reg. . 33c 18° The esfe;. effectlre war .. .. move nail poHih from your riniersallf. Limit 1. ■Mela PWor For Indoor and outdoor use .. . 1 wipes dean ^th w damp cloth: f Stiudy wire center. Limit 300 | I Mo.5 dry fell heUcries ard Ideal, for toys, communications, light- HOUSEWARES Staiiloii Stool Steak Knives Ckopi All Foods SSr Chopper famous “Weedbury'' After ShavM Lotion Reg. 59c 33° RafreshlDf' tfter eheve lotion eoothee and rtfreehee -the faoe. Umlt 1. -Hein near famous 'Sett Tonck' Hair Spray Ssl Reg. $1.75 44° ' eat for ladlea and aattlne. •Mata naSr $1.00 Set^ of 6 27*1 68 Win last s lifetime, sharp cut- ' ting hollow ground for all pur- . I cutting. DOW HoMdi-Wiop Food Wrappings I Safe for your fingers — fine I stainless steel btad^ with self-T cleaning action. AERO-WAX Fiat Floor Wax 35c 100 Feet 27* -38 New food wrap that needs no | tape or rubber bands. In handy | eutter box. Limit 3. I Double rich in wax — ho rub-[ bing, self-polishing floor wax I for all floofs. Uinit 3. Roasters lofMi SilTtc PUIt Salad Serve Set Reg. $1.00 Vahe 58 Durable Bluestone enamel roa^r hfdds 4jxHind " pound roast; With coi $3.95 Value 1 68 Wmv Itogers slTver plkte fork jtnd spool' plus, huife plMtlo bowl. Limit 1 pet. , Woodbury lO-Ouaca i Haid LotiOl $1.00 Value ■oothe* Toufh. cracked hand*. ---—- Limit I. ■Mata Flaar Pack of CO Rsbby Pies 11° Full paeke of so bobby pine In black or broaa colore. Limit S packi. Mata Vlaar Reg. 25c 'BoutfeW Carats Babble Balb OH Reg. 59c 33° fomaos ’'Alharto Cehraf" liaiMwar i VO-9 Reg. • $U5 BARGAIN BASEMENT Feaa Ribkoe B«cked g Ready Hrawad SBiOO" 18x30” Rags I Cheaille Drapes Reg. 69c Value 32*«1 57 Choice of 13 colors In solids end I tweeds — non-skid foam rubber I backing. Ohly 300. I Choice of attractive eotora — ny Trith scroll deelims. L|ix-r chenille. First quality. 10x95” Fint Qiality § Twii Sixe CHEipiE Sheet Blaaket I Bedspreads 157 I 199 2 lag H Falue Reg. $2.59 Value ,$1.06 Size Prell Shampoo - a> idTertfeed on TV, liquid form. Entire family vlll use It tor their 2leii 3.00 I 100% cotton in green or blue 1 colors — softly napped stitched turned edges. Wiilsc Uaed-Mni's Jadute sad Goals | 1 Only 47 spreads left — limited ootor selections — aU solid ecd-ors. Twin size onljr. WARM THERMO-XUir I Mea’s Drawers V alues to $8.95 399 W ^ QA I39 Bomber styles, ~surcost styles, I lined twlU Jackets, etc. First I quality. Broken sizes. \ ‘'I ' Moaton Collar, Liied | Boys’ Jackets | K Elastic waist, ankle length. Cot-I ton thermal traps body heat. I 1st quality American. Sixes 8- I bny «l SOTS' i Robes or Swoatera Reg. $5.95 Value 2®9j:£: 1 00 Surcott style. Imlt cuffs, zip- I per front, solids or checks. Sizes | 4-5-a-CX. Size 16 In navy color. S Eo. Cotton flannelette robes in blue [ stripe design in sizes 6-8-10. Orkm sweaters In sizes 4 to 13. SPECIALS for WOMEN ^ Nyloa S^atckiei Ladies’ Gloves Six# 32 Oily ii I Ladies’ Bloases Values to $1 Pair 38 579 One size fits all—nylon stretch | gloves in red or ‘ blue colors. I 300 p - 4 Stylax. (hrar 150 UdlR'Xtesatei Vclurs to $10.98 Many of some etyles, few of others, sizes S3 to 40 but hot all styles In eveiy size. Wool DoRogal Twood Ladies’ Car-Coals 1 Good assortment of styles and colors — If you wear a size 33 ' here’s a bif value. Jut 100 of noxf aditt’llisters Spociil Gioip of UDIES' GIRLS' Gloves 4ieg. $21.98 Value 7” |f 84® coat, all wool In- B ™ All wool car coat, all wool 4n-terlined, leather trim and leather buttene. Btaee 16-and 18 only. I Choice of ladies’ or girls’ leeth-I er palm gloves or girls’ nykm I ski mitts. 1st quality. SPECIALS for CHILDREN Oror 400 Wiator Cbild’s NMdwsar Values to ' $1.00 WoxkoUo WylM Cbild’t Sao-SaHs Values to $8.95 199 YOUR THE PbNTIAC PRisSS, WEPyESDAV. F&BHUAlt\* l.|mi wviop i^rtCn. mm to «m bMor. It nM to H m I JMh«rO«dAr*y fhmdhtotollwDtd M you'r* HanticappMl to hMrinf lot*, fellow Arthur ftodfrvy'i vice. Dieeovor hew emanfttiy a n«w BeKone mey help you hear tiaarly •tain. Come In, phona erinraa ler helpful FREE book that tails hew. COM! IN FOR FREE TEST FONTIAC COMPANY IS. letleew Sa. ,K 4.7711 HAVANA (UHI — Fete of Prt-mtor CMro^ beutoBod Iby pretideM Kenaady't State of the Uto veech. were nM toto -be plamtinK to fona a ^0(|bUtiaB levcrtohent’’ la the awiatMiirbf Central Cuba, laldnned aourcea aaii Opan 7 awk le f p.m. tally SwNlay to 5 EUmi AUTO WASH IM W. rnmrm ismssk Set Government; toBuckfidel? Poes Sesm Heartened' by JFK Talk, Mqy Man! Mountain 'Coalition' the militiaRMa who have been cordtwing oU rebel ^tions in the! Esoambray Mountains ^ weeks" would never be able to dialodiir, them from their mountain strong-i STeveleip I I Ceetral Cebe HOGHMAR IMBUEM - Ibe Waivectoe state's proud a »d chesty robin takes on a aew^l^ t^ yosr as he heralds tte ap-proaeh of fte 1961 Michigan Week to he observed next May 21-37, This year the state’s official bird. which has been the symbol of seven, prevkais state oNebrations. is pictured-with a new band teadet's cap as he leads the (lande with X banner proclaiming the 1961 slogan, "Michigan Marching Forward." The emblem will be used on all. advertising and protnotional materials. :sr.rr,;n;r.|Coi. flogers Combines ^Fun, Work asnrres aaM Castroite forces are ' MOUNT CUiMENS (UPI) -Breaking the sound barrier at one -end Is the vocation «rf Col. Official secrecy veiled details casualties inflicted by ibe'nijthUyj clashes.' . ' ^ 1 Government au|horities have been moving mJBtiamoi Into thet Escambray area from a|U over|Y BreakhaTil at the other end is Cuba, and there have been recur- his avocation. *’ rent reports ttwt a govemmentj * a * offensive is Imminent. ' | Fresh from an off-duty stint Time have been some indica.j of singing-theJto» kad of Osmin tions that the government is hav- to Mozart’s Seraglio with the fie-ing trouble wift iu own forces. | Opear theater group during ' January, Coi. Rogers todc over officially today as base commander at Selfridge' Air Force Base here. Reilectoi Repeal Bill Introduced LANSING UB-Two Republican I senators today renewed • drive • to repeal the state's reOectoriaed ! ttieenae ptote law. iBtroitoction of a r^ealer by Sens. John H. StidiUa. Jt-Belding, and Elmer R. PdrNr. RrBUssiiMkl, may tooeb cBf m of the liveliest scraps of the 1961 season. The law was passed in 1966 amid protests that it wap un-neceaaary and would benefit only the one Minnesota firm that man-ufactures the ppriW” rFflcctt^ ing paint requirto. It was de-veloi^ to improve nighUinte vls-I ibili^ on the highways. Some lawmakers complaliied ; of ondoo lobbytBg pieaMres. I Stahlin estimated the refMc-torizing process wouM cost $2 ! million a year. j "One testing laboratory even quesdoned whether it is effec* live," he told. I . a « a ; ■ The 3S<;ent fee to cover tSe : treatii^ laucess was added to 1 the .cost of Ucense platas last spring. The leglilstare, howew, made no appropriatkm to finance the operation and the special fee went into the state'o feneral fund. There is no provisian for a refund. Meanwhile, Secretary of State James M. Hare is going-ahead with plans to produce the state's fint new Ucense plate in fiiree years wiftout knowing whether they will be refleetorized or not. T«och«r AAakes a Hit Lf^fDON (UPD—Mrs. Judith Slatar, a student driver, and her instructor, Joseph Keogh„ each were fined $30 b^use she obeyed his instructions to'drive through an intnaection. Their car collided with another auto. ;ale Sellin Out! PIssHc WaN TILE Id E.. rtoaUe i* Ea. AiuNtreaf ifilaid Tilt 9s9 6c Eo. Vkwi a*hci«M S( Ba. Viiyl mioLEini 69^Sq.Td. S«s- ll-S* N»*r NMai SeraMtaf . w EMlaialM aai lisa Taa la* Taala. SMITH'S Tile Outlet 257 S. SAGINAW ST. FE 2-1155 Mwk and Fri. 'tU 9 716 W. HURON ST. FE 4-4266 !••„ Tban., Fri. *NI 9 In his own words, the singing colonel became housekeeper and shepherd to 7,000 personnel at, SeUridge who make .the boat tkk as a supersonic jet-fighter plane base. *- w , "The job of base commander is a wrap-iv of aU the other « base lhat nobody else wants.” said Rogers modestly. Actually, it is the key post that keeps the ^Mwe runnii^ smoothly and efficiently. He supervises the operations of the air police., the food concessions, housing! the engineer squadron, the maintenance of Operations squadron, all commun-Icationsr-chaplain and other per-, sonal service, recreation and post Scientista estimate there are up-wards of lO billion tons of gold in Broadcasters Reach Agreement on Pact CINCINNATr, Ohio (UPI) - Negotiators tor the-Natlonal Broadcasting Co. and engineers and technkiajns reached an agreement this morning oti a new three-year-contraef. Negotiations continued between le union and the American Broadcasting Co. The contract between NBC and represeotatives of the National AssodMian (tf Broadcast Employes and Technicians was reached shortly after 4 a.m., ending an almost continuous bargaining session that began early Tuesday. It's^yoodby By*Linel AUGIKTA, Maine (UPI)-A biU that would have required newspaper editorials to cany the writ«‘’s by-Iiiie was rejected by the state ^W8-Pc. BUNK BED SALE If You Need Extra Room Don’t Pass Up Wyman’s Sale of These Bank Beds ia Soft Maple Fiaish *2 Manrsttst *2Btos 88 * 2 Sprisgt ' * 1 Surd Rail 1 Your Credit is Instantly Approved At tTyman*s 17 [.Huron St. i TWMIM, 18 W. Pike St. ^RNITUf^ h ^ THRIFtY BUDGET BUYS- QUALITY JROADLOOM at BUDGET PRICES During ... on our traniBndous twlBcHon of Brood-loom. You con buy for lots than motl,v^|p [WOOL NYLON SHAG TEXTURE luad, Suificiant ____ rally aold fc>r $11. Scia^xit^ leolars --------““ ‘— HCAVY WOOL BARK PILE Hundreds of Textures, Fabrics, Cok WOOL TWIST PILE Tha end d a major purchoM oi a herd nubby twisted pile. Moat dealers poy over $5.50 o yd. 4 good ootos. Yours for AU WOOU TWEED FACE WOOL PILE BOUCLE WITON romoua make, lovely all wool, doeely woven hMvy boucle. 42-lS' widths in 6 fine colors. Usually S9 W sq. yd. Sqle priced below moet dealers' cost today. CONTINUOUS FILAMENT BOUCLE PILE A special purriiase oi 40 rolls oi trial runs oi o new current fabric coming out. Tremendous vedue and savings. 6 colors. WOOL ontf NYLON TWIST PILE Very specied setting oi a 70%. wool, 30% nylon twist in 8 colors. ■ ■ ■■ ' f GRECIAN KEY WOOL PILE WILTON " An all wool pile in a Greek ney design in white, peawhite, caramel, sandalwood, blue. 12 ro|ls remoin. SAVE! ROLL BALANCES AND GIANT REMNANTS ... always tnough for wall wall iniloUaHons^ ALL NYLON TWEED PILE An ^ wool pile in a Greek key design In while, poowhite, good colors. A good quality-and a good buy. iL tHE PONTIAC PRESS., ivEDST.SDAV. FKRRrARY 1, 1061 Use, Sales Tax j Record in State -• Recoipts for Docembor Bufiness Up 6.4 Pet. Ovor Previous Year LANSING (I* — State sales and use tax collections in J December business hit the State Revenue Department re^ ports. ’ • Collections totaled $3g,556.2Si. The previous high was the ^.351,-?10 collected during the same! month il year ago. •■Despite all the talk about a re-| cession, this indicates people were, still buying through December, ’, said Clarence W. Lock, state reve-l nue commissioner. j threcLto four cents. The eolfertloas were $t,S«3,I3I "’*‘*'* effect Jan. ^higher thaa the prevlomt ,v««r, an , February collections " morning papers, but . . Tk...... commended President Ken- gavammenl eMUraeis. tO 5top TflOSO Burglors expres«xl" Tills still leaves about a $1.21 puA-i-riKinfifiA T«nn ii»_Tu,n c®ncern about the state of the lUlion increase, or around 3«4 Per siolTlme promised .him ftiU sup- expgisive office machines tom Willuctns CqaT Co. "Wien cbmiiany tension, officials b^ght replacements, they put them ip a heavy safe at night. Tuesday night, burglars used one of the company’s tnicks-t«»-haul I general news mfew. was ffie first with the There was almost no chapgc in automotive sales. Lock said, all of Ihe increase comilig from taxes on other items. Some of the increase, he said, might have been -ramU of laM-mimtr to avoid the sales tax jump from without comment. Isventta noted that the world's political weather Is determined by relatlona between the United States and the Soxlet Union and added its usual claim that “it It added that this could be ex-| u not our fault that dark clouds pdeted to take some time. The| comment, buried in a full page NKW YORK tOPh - Jamesi Farmer,newly appointed national director of the Congress of RaciaL Ikpiality (COREl, Tuesday announced plans to attacy racial segregation Ihroughoqt' jhe nation. Ltmt MIRACLE MILE Two of our new Spring styles for/ into Spring public expression on the Presidents State of the Union Message. now... Izvestia agr^ that it would take time to eliminate all the debris burdening American-Soviet relations" but added that the Soviet Union took one step by liberating the two RB47 fliers. The President followed suit "by ordering cessation of flights the Soviet Union, Izvestia r Izvestia omitted stating that this order had been first issued by Pres-iident Eisenhower. ! The paper said that Kennedy taken another favorable step '/n “severely controlling" statemc of generals and admirals. / •’■The future win show,” Westia said, "whether the new Mvem-ment of the’ United States wili take Ithe road of lessening int^national tension.” Fanner, a loipidllig member of U4)RI£ who took ^iart in the na-Uon's flrBl Neg;ib «it.|n demonstration In |M$i also said the or-ganizatipn woUld utilise “hatlen-ally coordinated boycotts” ag^nsl companies that discriminate against Negroeo. Farmer, who was CORE’S first national chairman, W’ai appointed I to the^'newly established post ofj national diiWtor l\iesday. He told a news conference GORE will contvntrate on different pials ip^'differ«‘nt purls of the country. 'W for the girl who knows clothes . . . will adore this definite dolman. In smooth, washable Arnel triacetate jersey. 19 i98 World Almanac, miVoluhe, [ Full of Fiacts______________ . NEW YORK - Two major do-mestic events' of 1960 — the presi idential election afW the decennial census — give special importance ' ito The World Almanac and Book ; !of Facts for 1961, just published. I In accordance with its custom of nearly 80 years, the World Alma-jnac publishes comprehensive re-I turns froip all the states, with the I latest figures tabulated by counties and compared with the returns of the election Jot 1956. It also gives Ihe (otalk for all I parties hi ekH-ltons sim-e IMM, / and the results iu contests for ' Congress and governors. The second valuable feature of' ■ ‘ the new W«Td Atrriariae tt the report of the census, published for' the first time ^ -history jp the same year.of the”big count” because the Bureau of the Census is I able to use the new tabulating ma-ichinOry. The population reports of this annual always haye been the most comprehensive of any encyclopedia of its size. The new volume presents npt only the population of states and cities, but of metropol-* : itan areas. - • -... ^ > And in 2 sections that has proved the most useful, it pubUsbes the j I960 population of places of over ; 2,500 population, compared with^ ' 1 their figures for 1^. to demon-1 J strate the tremendous expansion of ^.^lUieminlryu------------^------4 1 I The World Almanac and Bdbk of ; , I Facts for. J961, now In its 76th year, 4 j is publish^ by the New York l-World-Telegram and Sun, 896 ,'jpa^es, in-tho formats, paper-^ i bound and clothBound. Scouts to 'Take Over' Michigan Government LANSING (B — Go\'. Swainson', a former Eagle scout, will temporarily give, up his executive seat next Tuesday as part of the annual SeoutsTin Government Day. Boy scouts throughout the state jwill spend the day learning the Ifunctipns of sfate, county and lo- I'cal government. Richard Hautau of East Lansing, also an Eagle scout, will be the ;boy scout governor. LET US TEST IT ELECTRONICALLY ON OUR nMafinr FREE FREI Th* tMt will t«U you on o printod chest (mado in 30 soeonds) oxaetly tho.eon* dition of ^ur watch. If it noods rogulortien orropalr. you will find w# otfor:>» EXPERT CRAFTSMANSHIP mAUTYlAtlS ALL WOAK tLICTRONICAUY TISTEO ON OUK "WATCHMA$Tir Woilo’S . , . Strool Float Checkmated Cotton A woven cotton with the aaucer collared jacket concealing a short sleeved dress . . . belted in patent leather. $jy98 Use a Lion Charge Terrific, low price on this CONSOLE SEWING MACHINE! $^^50 . ' !;■' : 'r i 4....... : For your shopping cpnycnience . ; Woifes announces NEW STORE HOURS: MON.. THURS., FRI. TUB,,, WlD , SAT. 9:30 Till 9 9:30 Till 5:30 Casual good looksr . ♦. . versatile charm! Misses' Cotton Knit Checked Sheath *12.98 Wonderfutly cssuil styllriig for that jifemoon in town or tor the career gal . . . this cotton knit sheath in slimming small checks, jewelry neckline, shSrt sleeves, patch pockets on the slim skirt. Choose it In brown, green or gold; sizes 10 to 18. Waiio't InOxpootiro Oretsei , . . Third Floor for the firs! time your cfio/ce of sleex girdle control s/< BRAND NEW SLEEX I ALL-NEW SUEX GALA FOR COOU COMFORTABLE EXTRA CONTROLI LIGHTER WEIGHT MATE OF SLEEX FOR MODERATE CONTROLI SLEEX stims and trims you like no other girdle in the world. Shapes you more perfectly becouse Sleex, atone, is molded of soft new Aire-lon. For extra firm support... 22 interlocking controls tuck in your tummy, derriere, hips. And Sleex' cotton lining Is so soft and absorbent, you'll feel cool and comfortable all day. New, no-tob, adjustable stretch garters ora easily detachable, too! New Stoex GALA is the newest, lightest,happiest girdle ever! Designed especially for active women. Feels as free as a fabric girdle. *. yet Sleex Gala has the special slimming power of whisper-weight Aire-lon. Only girdle of its type ever mode with front and bock panels to hold you ond^ control you. Contour-curved to fit yexn- figure lines to perfection. So Wiis-fully cod with its soft, absorbent knitted stretch fabric lining. Both ore beautifully machine-washable: dry in minutes Try Sleex and Sleex Gala, todayl H«M «Rp-«ii GirdI* f a n- arTwlM SlylM | 0.93 Zipper GIrent er Ponli* StylM $10.95 Extra Sm«R, Smog, tKodhm, lorea. Extra lare* M gkdla only, prkmd iliigMIy Hoax Oak iHp-oaGviet land and hadn’t shattered or fractured a single international - rule or clause of unwritten pro-locd. ★ ★ Thrae boys simply “got the business.” Holding them is an <^n and shut case of “kidnaping” for kidnaping; C(msi8ts of taking someone by force and refusing to let them return. There’s no other inteiTiretation. ★ ★ The lying Russians tried to show the United Nations that the airplane was over their land, but this falsehood was jammed back into their dirty, fooi mouths so forcibly that the U.N. accepted our version completely. And re-. member, there are a pack of people in th^ U.N. that are willing to trail after Russia with ver>’ little excuse — or none at all. while Esxnhow^ was occupying the White House. Richer, he waited for Kennedy. Then h? made a “noble gesture" and returned the pair In January when they should have been sent back last August. The Lond Cooperation Needed hu AU^ tor Successful Centennial* I und^and die city oificula have amugea an ^ouwamung pimram I* ow CeattimUl CWebraUon. M we want to make this aWaa. how can we do ao when ifie dty oCDdato and other degrading the uae of the beard? dtiame were beards aU e< UM tone. > SM year eemal ef the aidetaa to the paper have the eaeperatieu el wntr- ---y \ Why tl4»t' A good place to start economizing would be with their own salaries. ‘There isn‘t much use workii^ if we aren’t able to keep enough of ou( own wages on which to live. ‘Twice TaX-Weaty Laal November the people were M to beBeve that vetod lor a 1 per ceat aalsO tax to- e we would aet aeeda tha .QuecB’s huqting party, can thing more gportiiig in the hunting parttos hera to Midi-r What about driving • oooo j tree with a pack of hounds 1 with the UM of fladiUghto and t shooting it dosni? What of thousand hunters congre-I wlthbi a few square moot, t behind every tree and bush k their bigh-powered rifles. aboald have a steto taMseM We voted in sales which is a fair tax. Ihu to toy tod >» o»* left out. We know that by no» having a date income tbk there’ would be no loophotet lor graft, | and it would be easier tor the aver- ^ age werking man to have the 1 per cent sales increase. Tax Tired A newspaper i to a good will I ypto' reference I Pritoe PhlUp Is * der, fnd you are a tom 0( the barrel. The Almanac By UaUed Presa 1 Today is Wednesday, f ,32nd day the year. with\ 3! more in 1961. \ ‘Oie moon is approadiiiv ra last quarter. \ The evemng stars are Venus and tidn of more than —the majdr)^ riiould rule, and no committee m;|ulU. The inmis of change blowing through Africa gD unheeded by the fovmmedt I^isbon. .TIm Democratte poIHleal l«ad- ■ No people in the entire world have more reason to brag than those who Uve In PonUac or its Immediate vicinity. Yet many of us hesitate to teU the unvarnished good truth about our home surroundings. The great Indian chief for whom our city was named, the car about which everybody has heard, seen or has the pride of ownership, and the natural and man-made advantages of the area all give you a head atort on any other city. Never Identify Pontiac’s location as being "near Detroit." Your very Justifiable pride should cause you to reverse that remark.. Our suburb to the southeast, the county seat of Wayne County, lost more In population In the last ten years’than any other city In our naUon. But don’t tellJem that —It’s catty. Seriously, we have everything In the world to brag about. So, let’s brag. Case Records of a Psychologist: Men: Rate Y^ourself as Husband la a Tuesday to the New York Times, which supported the Kennedy tirket In the last Itempalgu. tinder the oaptloa “Lowest De- Always a champion of the Northern Spy apple. ■ Sheridan Cblnova of Waterford calls tp remind me that It now is at Its best, and quite appropriately adds: ’’There’s nothing more delicious on earth than an apfde pie made with Northern Spys” To which I agree 100 per cent. "As the fight over the Rules Committee—which reaches its climax, today—amply shows. President Kennedy And his admiiitetra- ‘ Mon are fully Aware of the need to maintain as close and favorable a connection as possible between the White House and Congress. HIT THE DEPTHS "But even the most desperate exigencies oT the legislative situation do not excoae the poIificAr depths to which the new administration subjected itself night before last in doing obeisance to the prospective chairman of the House Committee on Education and Labor, Rep. Adam Gaytoii Powell of New York. ■ "Mr. Powell’s eight House terms have been distinguished for nothing wABIed to clear It out. Balsam of ‘Tolu is obtained from slashes in the trun|c bark of a tree that grows in Soqlh America, especially In the province of Tolu in Columbia. This, has a highly fragrant odor. It is used as a stimulant expectorant in cough mlx- !. / A BAINAM Storax, smnetintes spelled styr-ax, is a balsam obtained from the sweet gum, BUsted or Alligator tree which grows along the Atlantic coast from ConnecMcut down to Mexico. It has a characteristic ■ agreeable odor. It was used as a stimulating expectorant, but today te only an ingredient of compound tincture of benzoin. //tubandt, note bene'. Gladys and iier girl friendi have a tKdidr^eetton to please study this eashu>ith care' Thm tend for the rating scales below. If vou can maintain a "superior” batting average^ thereon, then ru be glad to blame your wives for "tins of omission" if your marriages are still unhappy. A lot of lazy husbaitds will get irate when they take this mar~ riage test. in her ootic disposition for her brain is woman’s chief sex or^n. By DR. GEORGE W. CRANE . CASE G-493: Gladys G., aged 33. is an attractive housewife. •*Dr. Crane," she spoke up during a forum blowing my FTA ’■I Oomponad ttactare of beaMln, 1 or I spoonfals la a quart of upper respiratory tract, or laryn-gliis>'or broachltls. HoM a towel around mouth and nose and over flo she requires a certaiu amount of Idtolism. M«it men haya Uttle aae for poetry or even caadlellght at meal time, bat women get a uniqne fliriU out of onch “ploy aetow-’* A glib salesman caif also run circles around the usual husband in molding a woman tp sires, for the salesmain has been taught a few of thes4 A-B-C’s about practical psychology. ‘Thus, he pays compliments to women and may even recife a bit of apprepriate verse, under a romantic moon. . , cards to’do, our “talking.” Bv|t you devoted wives are deserving of a “Sweetheart’s Dtcy*’ and it should be at least once per Instead of sitting in fnmt of V every night In hte imdershtrt. date with year wUe nt least saoe per week,,to«i to rate "Ave^ age” on the "Testo for Sneoeoo-fui Husbands and WIvea.’* Send a stamped return envelope, plus 20 cents and get these frank The Country Parson Feb. 2 also te Candlemas Day, and Mrs. Betty Ann Pfebter of Rochester asks Ita meaning. iMy encyclopedia sayA It te a fesUval in honor of the purification of the Virgin Mary, when she presenWd ttie Infant Jesus In the temple. Verbal Orchids to- Siman fltrieWch of 143 Waverty St.; ft2nd birthday.' Mrs. Alice Wotkahlre of Auburn Heights; 82nd birthday. Hartfwd Balhnan I don't know whether I'd submit to benzoin inhalations if I were the patient. I, might cemsent to give H one try. and then, if I were not mudi irapresaed. I'd say the heck with it. Nevertiidess such inhalations show patient or family tHAt doctor and nurM are not Jurt awhistling. "I goMw we don’t have much right to eemptatla ahoat mb-takes made by people who are Compound tincture of benzoin te an excrilent protective local i^Ii-caMon to minor wounds, chapped skin, sore nipples to small raw . suriaces that are Ak>w to heal. It 1s mildly antiseptic. loiqi t club;----- “And we -dte-cuas your newspaper column at every meetitB;. We like your stress, on paying compliiprtits. “But we arguel a lot, _concemlng| your marriagel cases. For ex- DR. CRANE ample, if we are guilty of ‘sins of omission' by failing, to feed our husbands in their erotic appetites, maybe it isn’t all our fault. “Some wives complain that when they do tty to betxMne more aggressive, they «re rebuffed by the fumes of toflacCO or liquor on their hnslMm^s’' breath. “Other men eal onions or Shriic; then expect a wife to become romantic at a moment’s notice. "And some neither use A toothbrush nor a cake of soap often __'ITM average^ M«b^ so prosaic he can’t recite any' poetry except probably the first slansa ef “Mary had a pHed with a wisp of rattan on a to dry. demited verstoa at Several aM tbne - r of Waterford; SSrd Urthday^ U ihch AS Fit- frudte^ «, mean. Why don't you warn thesA careless husbandg?” HJRsiRAND N. B. « O: K., husbands, please taka note, tor ..! am warning yai now as I have evAiy tew mon^ for ihe past 25 years. A wife to always mere sluggish a teat. The asnaLeiMlng remark af the typical nntalkatlve Aroeri-Aaa ihale Is no “smoke”? at hs proftera her a dgaret. Then he takes p girl to a movie where he soon tries to drape bte arm around her. After that he may invite her to a tavern tor's beer br a hot dog sandwteh, following which he wants to park in lome lover’s lane and demonstrate RomAn hands. American men are thus quite Inarticulate. That means they don’t talk enough.i“Yeah," “Huh?” and “Ifliuh," serve os“flieir major vocabulary. Despite the s|dendid training via advertisements for to^brushef, after ahave lotiohs, deodorants, etc., they mpy still have dirty teeth, halltoate and “fl. O." New HOI.IDAY Tt warii’t till this 20th Century that we even grew articulate regarding cur parents as by sck*8-uling a "Mathbr’s Day,” k^ed aifcw years later by a “FAther’s Dhy." Evan so,^ wt ba^ greeting rating scales. Juat becaum you aren’t divorced te no sign you aren't a Hog as a modem mate. So rate yaursdi as a hupband. If you acore “superkH*,” then I’U blame your wife tear sina of omte- ran vTlta torn. .•ss jsz^sm.’sr^ sssa Mtim of tod I DtVtSOpM' I r» StaMtenra. Til* PnntUc Pr*«,.l« tfeltrarcS bs' “ -wiu • week; vbfis Bd, Oram**, ckrrUr to- 45 ««bU maltad' In Otklrad. ' •ton, Mtrnsib. ' '/ i j r— -I ' THE Pontiac fRESS. AVEDNESPAY. FgBHUARY (HECttOR AlnMtfk Big Mlt YOO’VE 1m WMTIK FDR. STARTS TOMORIlOW at 8 A. M. SHARP! CHECK THE CHART BELOW FOR QUAHTITY OF SALE SUITS IH YOUR SIZE... SIZES 35 36 37 38 39 40 42 44 46 40 Ragilar 1 14 21 37 61 97 73 39 8 2 Shorts 6 3 6 14 13 7 18 4 LORgS 7 11 27 43 24 21 9 1 Eiln LoRgi 1 4 6 4 4 1 1 Porllr 1 i 2 2 1 YCC ot this unprtc«dcnt«d low prict you F 010 ipviftut^to chorpt your purchoto and } toko lip to 90 ddys to poy ot no oxtro cost to you. i ■ ' \ f. /every SUIT tokwn from our Downtown and Ttl-Huron Storo rogulor stockt. . . Airoro products of our top cslobrotod makers. Wo must soil thorn to bolonco our stocks boforo invontory. Mortinolli, Phoonix, Timoly ond other famous moke suits included. i# finest yeor round weights in oil w ^“*"^wool worsteds, flonnels," tweeds, gobor-dines and shorkskins . . . hundreds of patterns . . . in top quolity imported and domestic fabrics from European and Americo^s finest mills! /extra SALESMEN! I ond CREDIT PERSONNEL will bo * in the store to give you speedy ond courteous service ... No charge for cuff qlterotions . . . other olterotions ot our cost. ^ The Store Thu JVeoer Compromises on QutdUy** This Sole Huron Slwe Only! TCl-HUkON SHOrriNG CCNTfK . . ! CORNER TEUGRAPH AT HURON PLENTY OF FREE PARKING RIGHT IN FRONT STORE HplJRSs ..E SNvfd^, 9:30 AM, I..9 P.M^ -j ■/ ! :i: ■ V EIGHT THE POXTlkc PRESS, WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 1. • Winkalmon't • Osmun's • Kresge's • The Shoe Box • Sew 'N Sove Fobrics One Hour Volet • Tel-Hufon Childrees Shop • Wrigley'e Cunningtioni's . United Shirt Dist. Murroy's ^Sisters Beouty Studio Myers Jewelry Store Montgomery Words Cotolog Store Vivione Woodword Cosmetics Senders Borton's Shoes '17 FRIENDLY STORES TO SERVE YOU Clearance of Quality Shoes Florsheim SHOES FOR MEN NOW Regular $24.95 *^400 PORTO-PEDS KINGS WAY - Rat- $1* *5 • Gray aii4 Fawa luckt $1080 $600 SEE PAGE 7 FOR *^REALLY BIC-NIWS for All Oakland County Men in Today’s Paper At Tel-Huron, you'll find very friendly service, top in quality merchandise for the best possible price. Open* MONDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY NIGHTS 'HI 9! Free Parking for 1000 Cars ^TEL-HURON SHOPPING C^lmR FEBRUARY SPECIAL! 1C Lodiet' or Men's SUCXStr noKEn Bea|itifuliy Dry Cleoned ond Pressed . 59 Bry Cleoners end Sidrt Unnibrers t«rh li«ieotieni->-T«l>Htfreii end 2d L Huron. SPECm WHMMSt 36" Kitchen Prints Washable-*-all cotton — Lovely for cafes, traverse drapes! (short lengths) jm ■ g SALES ^1 Tel-Haraa Steis Chocolate Covergd BOXED CHERRIES Krasge's Cut Pric« 43 These boxes of top-■ two of them beriHuen legialatofa — dwln I fairer ta Convoir Suptt N^iner Service daily to DiTROIT Over in the Senate, whm ooo> trolling Reputdicana tried earlier to eaae the tenaion with Demo-by aUowing them one more member on coinmitteea, Sep. Far^; roll E. Roberta, tUJakland County, will be chairman of the elecUona' ................................. Baker wiU man of the committee on reviakn and apiendment of atatutea, and aa a member of the inaurance and liquor, control committee*. Third-term Rep. U<^ L. committee. deraon, R-Waterford Townahlp. was ju u ^0,-s, dietary and retirement committeea. and conv«nitnt connoctions wlHi oli airlinot northbound dody to SAULT STL MARIE ondFUNT SAGINAW/IAY CITY/ Fellow Oakland Democrat in the Houae, Rep. John C. Hitchcock, Hazel Park., won aaai|nment to the committee on horticulture—“that* the one I waa on last year, but didn’t learn .whether we were to examine peaches or an^ea," Law said—tubercukwia hospitals, village oorporatians and Juvenile correc- ALPENA • PEUSTON ID i North Centred now serves 33 key Michigan dties _ wherever you wont to fly—g ask us or your travel agency ^ For informatbn and reservations — call fORIando 4-0487 AMBUCA'S LiADlNG tocAL Ateuttf NOBTH CENTRAL AiBLINES. serving more cities in Michigan than any other airline respectively, of Oie committees on revMon and amendment of statutes affairs. 'We'rt so proud of our now spring togs for boys wo con'f wolftill later to show them to you! See theniy get them now •; s \ sS hblds in layaway Law Mid he had been made a member of the apporttonmenl, JuvonUe-“tUs detemtaeo with * named to six committees. WWW Aaderoon will sers-e •* Chair-niaa of the drainage committee mad vice dMlrmaa of the appor- state capitol and pabUe I He’ll be a member of the liquor control, puUic health, state affairs, and towns and counties commit- AT FhaUfu. AUTHOR — American authored and newspaperwoman Dorothy ’Thompson died in Lisbon Monday night at the age ol 66. Miss 'I^mpaon, former wife of the late novelist Sinclair Lewis, suffered a heart atUck. She was visiting her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Michael Lewis, in Lisbem. Club Takes In JFK Rep. William Hayward, R-Royal Oak, will chair the city corporations committee, be vice chairman of the more important labor com- bership. mlttee, which Roberts, as a representative last year, chaired, and WASHINGTON (UPD-'The National Press Qub has posted the following notice; “John F- Kennedy. a former newspaperman now in poiitics, was annoved fqr mem- Flrst-tlme re'presentatives Henry M. Hogan Jr., R-Bloomfield ~ public utilities committees. There are less than oiie-half as be a member of the Insnrance andmapy independent banks in’the U’S. now as there were in 1921. ship, and Raymond L. Baker, R-BeMey, were named chairman, ' Rockefeller Presents Record State Budget ALBANY, N.Y. o|ilin oll'weother coots Definitely fashion leaders of the season. Water repellent, button front, rayon lined, worm zip-out Orion* acrylic lining. Slosh pockets, sleeve tabs ond set-in sleeves. Ton. Sizes 12 to 20. Shop now. itITuPoni Boys' rtvorsibis Btdford cord cor coots 10^ Water repellent Bedford cord reverses to polishod rotton. Button front, flop pockets, large tailored collar. Completely woshoble. Olive, chorcool, onfelopo. Sizes 6 to 14. Hurry, get yours nowl FREE ALTERATIONS on beys' foshient, from 10.99. Shpp Foderol's. DOWTOWN AND DRAYTON PLAINS Ir :l - TBN TUK POyyAfe |4BSS, WBCNKiPAy. fKBRU^V Ip Ifteil Pontiac Motor Output Is Down Hoydi Laos Troops Grab Key Junction Division Reports Dip VIENTIANE. Lkm a!P9> __L ffb-Ww»OT> troops from previous week; hatl»d\ b> rerkn-finn* flcMer Truck & Coodl Gains jp>ws captu-rd ihe imporbnt , iRMurjoM'tian of Sa!a Phou Kboin 'today, hurtling Communist rrbrt PootiK Motor DivTsiM pr^ ,orc« into retreat and clwing to.* lasMresk totaled 7.TO paksen- the way tor an assault on the far can. down eom S.2M lat-the4v«ai «aine des Janwr week ending Jan. gl, the Auto- * ^ “ V ^ -VEi'" Two Mote Vatant Lotsr Will Add to Playground The dly has acc«f)ted two vacant lota in the area of a mobile Manufacturers Aaodation reported t ^ ..,.1 Oulpat at Teoipoi^ h>M I S.SSS far the neea ending -Ian. ‘ n to i,M» IBM week. For the merit ending Jan 2*. „ read Jaartioa abaat tt prodiM^ of Ponti^ cars ^ ,1,, EA8TER SKAUS-Designs for at 4.306 as compared mith o.OS. ,, laaag Prebaag. i the 1961 Easter Seal poster and the previous mwk Khoun was raptured : duction of both standard and com-,®*;5'>^ ^ pact cars. There ww 4.T22 Olds- Army column had mobiles and 1.615 compact ^ Luaiik Prabang. turned out last meek ^ Total Pontiac production tor the »«wl year is 33J68 passenger cars a* ***^ miille the compared to 41.473 for the. cwre- runmmy at Van VIeng was spondtoc period in 1980 >mrthened to nmnu ..m.i ^ CMC IriKk * Csadi MvIsIim Pontiac atyAffa^ ,Tte average ahmi^ flow of dl-|/ibout HS6 milUon-Htoout I rM privato ftvMti;^ from the pent of It in ttoe pstrolsam U. 8, to Africa, the Middle East, try. The total la about 13 pc Asia rinoe )963' hca heenlot aU U. AJtacrign tovei^ r] Some tribes pf ^the Puehlo In-I- {bans live on land greats In Nkw \ It Mexico that^’date back to 8w ommendatiom of the ]K8 Barton new nclghboihood playground. In exchange for the lots, CMy Oommlsslon last night c celsd the SUB Un that the prop-‘Mrs. Carolyn QwiiL luA. hemjclinxgecr lor junk, brush clearance from other lot she owns at 436 Orchard ^ Ave. Shiriy Street, esath sf WUIard Street, the fow tots are adjaeeat Is three the elt}' already awns. David R. Em-alt, director ol pailcs and recreation. Mid lengthened to permit aerial supply ofihe royal* forces. can homes are revealed today by *ue is a good one for a play-, the National Society foT Crippled !.grciund. although its development Children and Adults. The Easter has not yet Wn scheduled. reparM prsdaittoa ''bp last el.4U B to Review Electronic Seal Campaign opens-March 2 and continues through Easter Sunday. April 2. The designs are# the m^ of tmio of the country's leading advertising artists. The paster, in muted tones of blue and grey. Teatures the portrait of a small boy on crutches. It carries the appeal. “Help Easter Seals Fight Crippling. ” k the prevlaas merit. ■ 1A« “ ,. Wonts Opium Cut Out On the subject of zoning, a public hearing was scheduled for Feb. i 21 on an ordinance amendment rezoning from residential to com-inercial the four lots on the northeast comer -af Paddock Street at, Jessie Street. Right-of-way for an alky was deeded to the city. At the request of City Engineer James M. Oarilsle, 19Mm«ceed-ings leading up to p^^r^tX.por-tions Bnash and Un]^ Streets uere LOS A.VGELES tOPli - About j3.000 elev'tronics specialists begaB* RAXrk'rtK ThaiiatM n pn * w * So far this year. CMC trucks a three-day meeting today to re-|_, „. .’ - . -n™ i Carlisle said the proposal eav- prodaced total 4J6I, down, frwh'^ the'Oewnst devriopraents ini*^"^ Minister Sant ThanaTOtBaglcy to Unfere', and 9.178 for the same 1960 i^tiod. spare age military sciences and" Tuesday urged representatives of.Linferc, Franklin to Brush, but Ward’s Automotive — Reports, jhstfn to speeches by military and | fire major hill tribes to give up: was never carried out becauM the weekly trade paper, reported J«i.i*rience leaders. . Itbcir major crop-opium., project did not fall within the ree- l-20 hew car sales ran 15.5 per cent below foe like 1960 kvri. payment were Oenfinned the special “on of a new sanitary foe south side of Montcalm, Street; and curba and gut-OB S. jcHie.Stzeri. Pzoipect >Mlcka«|rtiit Syriwn Csnptotolsak... *3* ...•too PARK PRII DOVIfNTOWN tt >Ump Tsur U«ket. iiv* a Ms 9k«i or pay jrour parilni 1- ANNOUNCING THEARTMKTAL 5QQ GROUP FULLY ODOROINATCO omec ruRNrruRE JIIIOUF DUItoNKO TO aCLL AT A MDDCNATC fsitlCC Tha 500 Group is tha first fuRycoordinatad and which hat mads ths Art Mstal nsma synony-eomprahsnsiva sariss of motal daskt, chairs, mous with valus for mors thsh 70 ysars. fRas and cabinatt. It givas you a NaubiNty of Tha complata llna Indudas dasigns for aach function and appaarancanavarbaforaavaHabla. part of your offica. ft la fnginaarad to kaap 1 by tha KnoR Ptonnlhg UnR. M ia pact with your changing naad*. Ssa tha naw I tho quality of tachnical skW Art Matal 500 Group soon! _ PARK FREE OOWNTOWN Ws Waaip ysar tfcfcar, oivs s has takaa ar pay your yflt-StWf parkiat awtsr fsa wRIi svary $2 sr amra purchaM. ytCljy General Printing & Office Supply 17 Wtst Lowranc* Sf., Ponf'ioc FE 2-0135 u-a. veMrie predaetioa iM IIE.7SS ai I and I»,4S7 IS and motor eaaehes; Oar-foe prr>-teas week. I sad I7JRT tracks sad bases Oimulatire output for through Jan. 28 totaled 449.368 imits. including 375.498 passenger cars. 73,606 truda and 265 motor coaches. In foe same period last year. m.487 vehicles were produced — 688.770 passenger cars, 122.332 trucks and 385 buses. State Republican Asks Repeal of Auto Excise Tax WASHINGTON tUPIi-A bUl to repeal the excise tax on automobiles and trucks was introduced ini Congress today by Michigan Rep. Charles E. Quunlterlain as an I measure. Chamlieriaia called aad said lU repeal womld nut aaiy ease foe emptoymeat dtaa- tiaa la ROcUgaii “With' automobUe production down, unempfoyfiient problems are naturally growing in our' area and this marks foe beginning of a chain reaction whiefa will be felt in moat every congressional district In foe country.’’ foe Michigim Re-' publican said. Divorce Decrees toners froa KraneOi Bukui. Zuet IroB PaUock Jr. toTmond *. Iroa Jua* U. Porbn a. tnm Sp’--------------------- a Jua* U. ... ..wji Waiver a. n,u 0«n« C fron Olend* R. Hutton. Done from Matt DIclull. Bertbo M frota ChaTke t. WllT^froia^eJya “ — Redmlf r from AnK~ Carteen R. from Edvanl a January Ford Production Foils ^y Below 1960 DEARBORN (UPIl-Ford Motor Co. today reported a January car and truck production total of 142, 472 units. The figure compares with units assembled Jamiary isisb. The 1961 figure includes 96. 988 Ford passenger care, 7.080 Mercurys, 7,821 Comets, Lincolns and 27JJ97 trucks. The Ford passenger car total includes 31,213 Falcons and 7.945 Thunder- WHA1IISi:K.SSAY lEEmuKtlll 0-Jib-Wa Bitters Par o Mr« koofeM oo oar SorS»ro«arU OM rMoottaa orttr to: O-Jia-WA inmciNs f«.. «.wrr i mnwigam. V .A A ftklA7 TONIC Wt WINTER AT AU DRUG STORES shop Seal’s TOMORROW NIGHT UNTIL 9 p.ni. for big values! SEARSDIAMOND JUBILEE TRUCK-LOAD SALE Automatic Blankets SAVE $22! Sears-O-Pedic Duo For Tops in Comfort and Wear SAVE UP TO 25%! reg $10.98 up to $39.50 8“ " 36 50 Charge It Sears huge blanket assortment carries guarantees from 1 to 5 years! All conspletely washable. Assorted fabrics and combinations in choice of colors. Quantities limited . . . some only 2 of a kind! Doaietthf DepL Mala Pfeer Lowest Price in Our History! S27-eoll full size mattress or 527-coll box spring FULL OR TWIN REG. 69.95 Plastic Shower and Window Curtain Set Reg. 5Jt 3» Sal Save 1.10 on 5.98 Reversible Quilts 488 This terrific sleep set passed Sears lab tests with flying colors ... and just look at all these comfort features! Same number of coils in both mattress and spring for balanced support.'.. extr _______ Btitohed no-Mg mp. 'Flight’’ pattern. 1I.M Trioet Shower Set . 5J9 Wide choice of patterns In washable hues, ruffled edges. Lightweight viiuinth. rubberized tiair padding for buoyancy . . . Serofoam reinforced borders for longer life. Beautifully covered in a luxurious grey and white damask cover of heavy cotton and rayon. Promise yourself to see this spectacular buy now . . . enjoy the super-savings and the super-comfort of the finest Harmony House quality mattresses and springs. Mattress or Box Spring $$ DOWN, Months to Pay I SUPER SAVINGS ON SUPER SIZES! KING-SIZE SET JSfi 177” TWIN 4W FULL LONGSTEB 57” Includes both mat-trisss, spring. - Mattress or box spring. Sam* Complsl# Fstsitvis Ospl., SscMd Sale! Sears-O-Pedic Quilt-Top Tuftless MATTRESS OR BOX SPRING Foil or Twin C^TS Rernlnr $0.95 0 4 -"Satisfaction ffiaranteed or your money back” SPECIAL WEMEND^ALETT Console Sewing Machine Includes Beautiful Cabinet Sews forward and reverse, A Jg ha« aimpUfied easy threading. '• */B XK Get a machine you can depend on . .1. get a Kenraore t^y I $5 Down Sswisg Maetias Ospl., Mala Plow 154 N^rth Saginilw Phone FE 54i71 More Head Room, Nongl Fussy Buyers Tha Mg&eerinc i^ttentlon |o-cuaed on impco^ed paswnger com-pnrtment dMign in the 1961 Pon-U«c tehinpiuralleled in our history, says 8. E. Kraidsen, vice prssi-dent of Geoerd Motors and gen* era! manager of Pontiac Motor "The various comfort and sal^ advances within the new compartment are tailored to satisfy even the most exacting depiands reflected in customer research sut veys over the past three years,' he points out. THE PONTIAC PRESS/WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY I, 1961 Paijel 9 '67 Pontiac Interior design and, the winddiidd corner I or dog-leg; has been virtually £>5112210716 janUaiY eliminated. Also enhancing driver ELEVEN ore compart-beallaed from Poo. the floor in the a change made poesiMe by dur adoption of ptlrimetM^type \fnnne, plalnp, "The Immediat^ benefit is an incre^ in head nxmi by as much as two inches in some models. In addition, the lower'floor enables a better then two-inch increase in front seat height witli respect to the car flow and controls. "TMs gives both driver and peaoengera added senHtrt under the upper leg ureu\and, f taxed aittteg pesitloa iniajr be, "And, by inoreasinjg the ft«at seat bottom ’ aseraiwe over the entry and exit is a U pgp cent improvement in front seat to steering nbed clearance. ‘Pontiac's new hhi h cushions front m ntlacs anfft^a .1. ^ 'Doors open as much as five inches jvider due to a new hinge signed for. the ultimate in driverl u per ' eeat, ahoar*t - pereeatage polafs more than a aern^ seaeenal A safety cushion completely encircles tlw face of Oe panel. Now _____ ______________________ ____instrument ^dhisters, gages, Oontnl: floor, we provide rear seat oc-knohe "abd panel Ug^g are de-' cupmti with greater leg room and a better flow of heater air. “Also contributing to greater accordli« to Knudsen, "is a pad of one-inch foam which all new Pontlacs most models. will find it much easier to get in and out of the new PontlM,” he continues. Construction at $3£ Billion WASHINGTON (UPn-Ihe Com-|| merce Department ‘Hieaday. esti-1 mated the: value of construction I activity in January gt blUioo, I > unchanged from January I960. ” C^Hupared to DeeentSer, oM- Lizard Skin Telit Story AUSTIN. Tex. (UPI)-The $ex of lizards Is discerned by their skin coat, acoording to zooloidsts at the UnivMuity of Texas. Male lizards |iave pronounced longitudinal body stripes, whereas females give an over-all imm-eeskm of cross-blotching. Males also have a bluish stripe on their sides. However, department experts! said their estimate of construction!! activity in December probably was I too hi^, partly because it did notl take account of unusually snowy I and cold weather. I The department said the Janu-1 ary construction total. included I $2.75 billion of private activity and I $1.08 bilUon of government-financed I Iconstructkm. SALE! SAVE *3.00 A YARD % LOOP PILE NYLON 'T'T T-'T 'T^'TT T T T "T GUARANTEED 5 YEARS IN WRITING! The mqnufocturmg corpet millf guarantee the corpets herein described not to weor out under normal home use for o period of 5 years from dote of installation. PERFECT QUALITY Not Remnants! Not Seconds! Not Short Rolls! BUT FULL ROLLS of 12' ond 15' BROADLOOM! 3,000 yards in stock for immediate jielivery. -Thdrg^ovi been ^ at $7.95 a iqTYd. '.Now sove $3 a yOrdl Get all you want;—cut from full roll*—12' ond 15' wide—All Perfect l^olity. f xc/usfVe at Karen's Cttrpeis-Get All You Want! SAVE >3.00 A VAEDI The Carpet You Never, Never Pamper,.. • Guoronteed in writing to wear for five full yeors! e Stoins wipe airoy — cleons eosily. • Heovy double becking prevents ctretching and wrinkling after instoilotion. e No fire hozord; nylon will not support combustion e Furniture morkc disoppeor. TIm nylon is textured and returns to originol shope. • Most durable fiber in the world. Finest thing thot .ever happened to corpets. 3 ROOMS INSTALilD WALL TO WALL 100% LOOP PILE NYLON Guaranteed 5 Years In Writing ' You get your choice of c-plors, in 12' or 15' widths cut from full perfect Quality rolls. You get deluxe Tockless installation oyer heavy rubberized mothproof waffle podding. Includes all labor^door metal, no exltros. s 230 00 NO MONET DOWN Onry 18.31 Psr MoBth 40 Sq. Yds. Only $307 $10.83 per month 50 Sq. Yds. Only $384 $13.56 per month NOTHING DOWN 36 MONTHS to PAY OR 3-2100 FREE PARKING in tho FRdNT . ond REAR of th# STdRE 4528 Dixi* Hwy. Drayton Ploins on mi HOURS: Op«n 9 to 9 except Yues. 'til 6 ptm. Sot. 'til i (ffH Tllllliaiir-12 IflOII b GEORGE'S Friendly Depi Store TO PREPARI FOI HUS SAU-WI AM OOSB 'TX 11 NOON V iO'HOOR ivaa at Th«M Law THUIS. 12 ROM TO 9 P.I. ni 9:30 AM.T8 5f.l. NO MONEY DOWN-JUST With This SAY I SUPER 2IHI0UR SAU SARGAmS-UwMt Prkn M«0MlHy N B« Hart Wbai Hm Dam Opae et TlrarMlay Jflaan SharpI Charge It" Wa Urga Yae ta $10 GIRLS' WARM LINED 3 TO 14 GAR- COATS $499 **c5ffs* $12 »-ta aai sLAcas 3.99 $16 SOYS'. GIRU' S-PC. WASHAILI SNO- SUITS $ys KNIT RAT8 1.66 III SOYS' WARM HOODED 6 TO IS IParkas $y99 «.M BOYS’ •wxATEaa ' 4.88 AM WINTIB CAFS 1-^ (w SAVE ON HEN'S VALUES TO 12.W Jackets $488*3 4.M MIN'S PANTS 2.88 COATS 10.88 49.99 VALUI MEN'S QUAUTY >SUITS '25 4I.M WOOL TOPCOATS $25 t4.M SPOKT COATS 16.88, SAVE S0% 19.99 HEN'S SUB-I URBANS MO SJS INSULATSD MCKKTS 3.88 tt.N DOl-LON JACKITS 18.88 * 'ftftrtrtPtCIAU Dowuslalis Store 1.69 PLAID ILANKET 19c DISH-aOTH, WashclaHi 39c INNO Towas 19* 99. NYLON 1.99 RUGS 69‘ Main •69c NYLON NOSE 29* Floor 35c UDIES' PANTIES 19* 79c UDIES' IRAS 19* 1.99 V UDiES' BLOUSES 69* floor 59c MEN'S irsNiin 29* ieTlirM Noia SSc MEN'S SOCKS 19* 1.99 UDIES' SLIPS 89* 1.99 M8R'| SWUT SNIRTS ' 99* ITIfflE Sacoa $3 GIRLS' OILON SWUTttS S|99 ' Floor 19c TRAINING PANTS 9* BOYS' $2 SPORT SNUTS 99* 3.99 ROYS' DRESS PANTS $|99 MW Maia S.99, Ratter UDIES' SNOES l|00 Floor $5 UDIES' LUTNER LOAFERS $2^ UDIES' $2 PUSTK SNOeOOTS 67* 7.99 lari', Girls' PsN PARROn %^99 NOW! $25 WINTIR LONG, SHORT LADIES' . COATS 10 t» 8IZK8 S-44 W1NTEK COATS $15 SAVE EXCLUSIVE $59 WOOL SIZES 6.52 COATS $29 T(^ COATS ^59 LADIES' TO 3.99 CARDIGAN. SLIPOVER sxmTS 1.88 GEORGE'S DEPT. STORE I FRU MD STAMPS 74 M. SAGINAW StUIT NIAR HURON ptn fARRN^\ hwflLVE Retiring Today siGMCInick A. A. Shantz Leaves Sales Post After Being With Firm 40 Years A. A. ShanU. a lOryear vetcraa of General Motors and one of the towan men |it the ooaor try, retired today from hit federal government sales post at CMC Truck A Coach Division. rA tiath’e Detroiter. 9iantz began his career aith GM in 1921 as a scivioe department emplove »iKnnieMs aili'onierspf the natioh aind to such t»w of his first ................ resalted la the esiahH-shnieot of « Ubrador and Mexico, a flat rale system for siaiidattlis- government sales manager, Ke vis-lag dealer serslee ekargea. The '’«• niajor mflitary installations sysleni became a model lor the ^ Europe. He served; in various executive capacities in GMC Track's Service' Department and was named genera) parts and service manager m 1944; ; In 1953. be was appointed assist-: ant general truck sales manager.' Three years tater he became man-! ager of federal government sales. ^ SALE of IP's . $300 6ALUGHER MUSIC It I. Homii FE 4-50M SPECIALIZED SERVICE « RADIO •TV o hi-fi TAFT RICORDCRS • F. A. SrSTIMS OFFICi INTIR-COMS WEKOR FACTORY SERVICE BLAK£ RADlO-TV nwnED SHIRT DISTRIBUTORS Td-Hwoa Shoppinc Center He is a member of the Economic aub of Detroit.- Detroit chapter of the Society of Automotive JEn-gineers. Association of the U^S.| Army. American Ordnance Association-and the Oakland Hills Coun-! try Qub. Shantz resided m Royal Oak from 1^ to 1967 when he moved to 5525 %adow Lane, Bkximfield Hills, son. John F. Shantz. is associated with the Dell ft Shantz law offices Royal Oak His other son. Thomas, is a junior at Bloomfield Hills High School. Planning Program for leukemia Aid Dr. ]->eeihan Wilner. will address the Carolyn Carr chapter the Children's Leukemia Foundation next Tuesday at 7; 30 p.m. the Cook-Nelsplin.aropi>>ngorwob- i,. The schools, at JuefiprtnkisTimiirxIrttra^ Arbor, Bay City. Dowagiac. your pi*t«*.This siksiino (non-oetd» Grand Rapids. Higgins Lake, Man-“o‘’5^t Marquette, wUI have ”----------------r (Mltnt.OiMi 1 lectures on communism, tracking fastSth «*®g programs and' prepolygraph drug countsit syorywhor*. ; intemJgation. EVENING SERVICE Open Until 9:00 P.M. Phone FE 3-7921 for Free Pickup and Delivery ■♦BRAKi SPECIAL MIKE SURE YOU A the FEBRUARY i; igei 1 ■ ~lr ■i •; . T CAN STOP good/Itear SERVICE STORE 30 S. Cots FE 5r6123 I Mffl FROM THE VERY BEGINNING PENNEY’S BABIES THEM WITH VALUES! PLENTY OF VALUE IN PENNEY’S RECEIVING BLANKETS A nursery necessity. Use them as wrappers, as a light cover, , and as a bath towel. These blankets have been .sanitized for bab>'*8 protection. Made of fine quality cotton and they’re a big 30 X 40 inches. |39 IDLER SNAP SHOULDER COnON KNIT POLOS These. 100't durene cotton polo shirts are just the ticket for your little ones. Easy-on snag shoulders, long wearing, and mom thej^’re easy-care and’ machine washable. Sizes ' - to 4. 98' a BIG NEWS! PENNEY'S PIMA PIXIE UNDIES! Try them ... .see why we rate pjckagc them our fipest! Pima cotton for superior sioftnesa, absorbency. extra long wear! Cut full, knit tight! Extra comfort features! pack*9c of 2 139 CRIB BLANKETS OF HEAVY QUALITY COHON Penney’.9 quality crib blankets made of qoality cotton and they’re a big 36 x 50 with wide, nylon or acetate binding. Nursery prints on the binding and solid colors. 349 STURDY, EASY TO HANDLE COMPARE THE WEAR, THE COMPACT BATHINEHES PRICE FOR TODDLETIMES! Heavy gauge vinyl tub with ^ Q fiT drain hose and bath spray. 1 ^ ^ Foot pedal for raising and dressing table t(Op. Figure it out — you pay less _ than 20c each for our m^ium OO weight, absorbent cotton F Vo puze diapers ! Full 21 by 41 ^ inch size in easy-on rectangu- lar shape. ■ *" PANTY DRESS SETS FOR BABETTES PENNEY'S BIG BUY STROLLER! 4-PiECE ETON SET FOR CRAWLERS! COTTON PRETTY FOR tlTTLE-GlRLi SPRING FASHION in TODDLER DRESSES Fintft Ptrcalf Fitted CRIB SHEETS VZM Vz to I Vl 595 J49 398 i» 1 69 Lots of sweet frills ’n fuss but these little darlings are machine washable 1 Cotton broadcloth embroidered cotton or-yoke or panels! 'astels. gandy Pastels, Front wheels swivel for sharp tuims, easy maneuverability! Back rest reclines. Canopy hood is removable I Folds up! Even has a shopping basket! - toMItrt' I to 4 A comjjlete outfit in one purchase, .at Pennay’s! Checked cordUroy jacket, crawlabout and clip-on tie. Short Sleeve white cotton shirjt. Animal mo- tif. ■ Lustrous talfetized cotton bouffant white slfp. Three-tier ruffle sweep skirt, nylon trim bodice, elasticized waist-back fit 1 . . machine wash at medium sett Don’t miss these won-derfot spring beauties. Now only 3.98. {Casual cqttons or nylons.. All new styles, new colors. In sizes I to 8. Our lowest price ever for these fine quiairty sheets! Closely knit construction smooth to baby’s touch. , Slip-on easily — simplifies crib-making.' I. C. FEMEY MMGIE NLE HOU 0|HH Evtry Wssk- Sstvrdsy 10 AM. ts t P.M. ■' , n '1 ;■ , t'. .1 ... : ~ ' . ' WEDX^ESDAY. ^^BRUARY 1. IpOl THE PONTIAC PRESS (^ONTfAC YilCHIGAX, A thirtkeiT Congress Tells Jack: No Drastic Farm Plans iTo Offer Drama inRochesfer Avon Players Slate 'Desperate Hours' as 1st 1961 Presentation riOCHCSTER -r -The Des;>on.lpj ’ n„tflui dmma which re-| reived wTde WUJcal a^airo~ wiifit Fi'edoricU March in t)w ktarring! rate. wUl be the first 1961 offering! of they^Avon Players. j !»r.. LVNN M..BARTI.inT The play, first presented as n| maRozine serial and later as a, I novel .' is s'-hcdulrd for m-psenta > ■ tion Feh. 17-18 in the Rochester: Junior Hi'^h School auditorium. Will Speak at Founders' Celebration , It is family. (la taken over by three coni ROCHESTT:r - Featured speak- j“'‘' er at the annual Founders^ Dayi________A_—*- * pwfn^nr FebrJfTal Ro«dWster High The lute I lumphre\ Bogart School will he Dr. Lynn M. Bart- the lole of ohe uf llte convict lett, state superintendrtit of-jmbUti.,Ihc movie version of the si instruction. ' .Carroll Chapman will iKtrtray .. . convicts’ leader in the Avon HI; Dr. Bartlett. v\ho will meet local leaders of gov erniiiental and civic organizations at a 7:15 p.ni. reception. Is sehedaled to speak on the cusis and .t|nallty of education at 8 p.iii. els' pi-e-sentution. „ Jarvis Ijtmb vvlll be seen as .Mr. HillUrd and Mrs. David Keena will portray Ms wife. Gregoi^' Halbacb will enac't the £rsr.”.=i-:= Task Force Suggestions-iCIoser to GOP Ptetfomi I WASHINGTON i.'pi—Democrats and Republicans who steered farm legislation in Congress in reefent years had^ tthis advice today for the Kennedy admtoistration: Build ion existing faiin programs. ^ ' ' The legiJatorS saw little’ ^ Democ-ralie- chance m Congress for congr^ cut if oif. .drastic farm proposals. | ^llender and Aiken both pro-I The advice comes before the; eridetem of the recent nev. administration , gets down toj niultlbllUon-dollar costs charged .drafting the farm proposals Presi-' against the farm programs, dent Kennedy will submit to Con-1 They pointed out that, much of gross within the next two weeks. |»his outlay went to milk for school lunches, food for the needy in this A thn-e niember task fo^ ^ overseas and grunts lominittee on "JJ"’ key e'rmeirt* ! undertaken* in behalb of foreign policy of mitional defense. Members, of the task force were Lauren K. Soth, editorial paee )ines Register ‘I'cspceisr^fS ifie?1iiig"bfoihises'of, j»n. dean of the Collage of Agri- ittu? Republican rather than of culture of Louisiana State Univer-ithe Democrats m the 1960 cam- sity, and Jessee W. Tapp, vice ;paign ' ' president of the Bank of Ameiica ( The commiltec- opiwsed—in- Francisco. ^.creases in price supports for nia-! tor eommodlties and expressed I the view that farmers would be I unlikely to support rigid farm pro- I duetion control measures. which will be a discussion of education on the state level, James Lodwick will explain the superin-: tendent’s remarks as they apply of the HlUlard's attractive, teenage daughter. CPritten by Joseph Hayes, thpj to the Ttochester School District.|l o c a 1 adaptatioft of vDesperatef Ludwick, a trustee on theiHours” will be directed by Gor-' federation, Rpehester Board of Education, was,don Miller who will^ be assisted: head of a finance committee which'by ^IrS. James Jackson, set up Rochester's current J3-mll-l * * A - lion school building progrA.'ft be-’ Edvvauxl Kucera is executive pro-i fore he joined-Die Stratton is slated; 'lO design the dels. Stage manager All Mne ,parent-teacher awio- j * etatioas in the school dtstrief J®™®* ^1 n«^ togefter fl"‘ others in the cast incliKle George ^ a 'Albert .Szczesny. -nZis! irti and ^Severance. William Parker. Louis! Acaullltion of RfhoartV T^e Founders Day p ro gr a m, DeShantz. 0\Srles Mitchell. Ed- . ^ ^ */ vviiich will be presented in the wai-d Riimsay and .Mrs. Gusiaw ' * student center of five h i g h*Konopnicki. .school, is sponsored by the Roches-' ★ * . ♦ ter Council of Parent-Teacher As-| The technical staff also includes sociations. Robert Halbach. Mrs Dennis Car-j FAR.NIINGTON TOWNSHIP The Founders Day celebration Tsfraher, Laura Gardner, Mrs. Paul Plans for an addition to fhe Edge- KECEli Kti (MAKTEU — Mrs., Qiaiies B. Taylor, right, president of the* Milford Business and Professional Women's Gub. accepts the new organization's charter from Mrs. Mildred Chamberlain of Grand Rapids, president of the Michigan BPW ceremonies last night at the Elks Temple In Pon- '' r»niuc rrni rhai* tiac. Holding the gavel is .Mi's. Chester Zielinski, first vice president of the 15-member club. Some 125 women from neighboring clubs attended the charter night progi ani.A sponsored by the Fannington BPW and District Ten. iiPlan Addition r; o jo Area School By Mayor and 5 Institutions Savings Plan lor Taxel Worked Out lor Berkley fami program and the Deihocratlc platform’ favored higher price support* and measures to control ' farm production and to halt surplus output. On Capitol Hill today. Sen. Allen J. EUender, D-La„ chairman jof the senate agriculture commit-jtee, said: "With the ixjssible ex-^ ceptlon of wheat and its surpluses, I think the best qbances are to improve and continue our existing ! programs.” In the Hou.se. Rep. Charles B. Boeven of Iowa, wnior Rejiubli-can on the House" Agriculture Committee, said he doubted that ........r. ...... Congress Would pass n '"moral WALKED LAKE - Three l>|jj,rm Will this year. mmute skits depicting problems ml { -------------— .youngsters will be .presented to- MUST HAVE SITPDRT Ex-Farm Heads to Get Together Smart PTA to Oo iSkitsAbIrtKids 5 Former Agricultur„e Secretaries at MSU to Discuss Problems east LANSING (UPI) - Five former secretaries of agriculture were to appear on the same platform today to discuss the problems of ''/^riculture In an Uneasy Wortd.” Henry A. Wallace, Gaude R. Wickwrd, Clinton P. Anderson, Charles F. Brannan and Ezra Taft Benson w ill speak at the annual Farmers' Week at the Michigan State Univentity campus here. Wallace and Wickard served . , bERKLEW’-A readv-madc plan . Ofl Loan find the wevtu'Oaktand "< »he 8 p.m. meetlirg of' Ellender said his committee; tinder President Franklin D. to Allow Construction m monthly tax payments for local Bank 'be Clifford H. Smart Junior High would give careful i-onsideration | Roosevelt, Anderson aad Bran- Clarenceville O^lltrict tresldeots has been evolved by May- Commenting on the tession. the^^^Pi, PHrcnl-Tea^r Associa- to all proposals rnade 1^ Kenney| imn under Harry S. Truman and T<^ George W. Kuhn With the oo^’mayor said. ”1 am delighfed to of-^' , , * tnd Secretary of Agriculture Or-; Henson under Dwight D. EIsen- loperation of bankers from five fi-fer this read.v-made plan to the! The skits are entitled "Too i'''"® L. .Freeman, inancial institutions. citizens of Berkley, especially since ■ Young To Date," “Every jKbl's ★ * ★ - it will-not require any financial! Got One” and "('heat.” The John Peterson and iGarenceville School District were I '<“bn V commend i ■announced today by Supl. Louisjjbrec bai^ two savings anv< i-vuiiii - III. imiivii.,.r—»' >— —*' - .—ra... ■■■ mwi .i.i.-i- II.-Iluisupport of major farm orgaiiiza- cr farm fobs, but there is still a jlthree banks and two savii^s and* “TTie banks are to be commend-j are made up of teacher* and ; Hon* It the.v «re lo win congres- great future in fanning. ^oan associations sent representa-f®'' ♦b®T flvic-minded interest, j parent*. : *100^1 approval. So far, there ap- | Robert Kramer; head of MSU's uiict Iho nrndrH i^*^®® lo meet With him in Berkley.;^^ I sinrerely thank them fori reviewed in the skiiaj <• be IHtle prospect of sueh ragricultural marketing and utilira- !iiars.*:i.tariss;r -wij?s«,*sjrr£ the school ^stem-has recently ac-i that the best way to provide a Berkley " he concluded ■ '' nominating committee will be!, Another veteran farm legisla-:T®' ** farming continues to sp^ auined adlkcent Drooerty to thei monthl.v payment tax plan for . .selected to present a slate of offi-itor. .Sen. Georee D Aikens. R-Vt..'b®*^ more ana J. . ~ ™ ., I --i.i--i_ ----I. —I. «t I .1.1 — 'IT i—----- -- -I .................. . . mnee lohs av.oilahle off the farm. 'AVONTOVVNSHIP -Guestmin-|sionservices, according to the Rev i ‘be Inn contains approximately Irter at Kmwood Methodist Oturch!Henry W. Powell, minister of the ^ces, Schmidt said. local church. The addition will consist of a * * * , minimum of five classrooms and In addition to his preaching min-' istry. Rev. Kirchenbauer will help : train teams of laymen wito, will cUI in community homes in the interest of the church. SciHWl ffbm the own- our citizens I* through pij^afe fi-Botsford Inn. • : nancfal InsHlutlons,” said M't,\or The property purchased from ■ *'“bn. Auburn road at Grant street, beginning Sunday will be the Rev. Harold A. Kirchenbauer, minister of the Shepardsville Methodist Giurch. The Rev. Kirchenbauef's appearance in the local church is of the statewide United Witness for Christ mission bbing carried on by nearly l.OOfl Methodist cpngrega- Yeuth tA the ^al congregation will attend an area youth 'ratly at Fenton Methodist Church at 7:30 Saturday as part of the mission. a boiler room. Thp present boiler room area will be renovated in order to provide a hallway from the existing building to the proposed addition, explained Schmidt. "The Citizens' Committee on Fu- - Mr added, "The administrative costs of a city-operated plan would be prohibitive and the taxpayers would not benefit froih it.” 'Since each of the bank.s interviewed -already has a suitable spe- ScoutLeaders to Hold Talks Thursday Night cial . purpose savings plan, it nat-|be held tomorrow at two locations uralfy follows that this private source of commercial banks and savings and loan associations is the ready-made answer to our taxpay- The guest nitntsler, who re- , '*''*%•*\Hazel Park Blast bury College,.Hihuure, Ky., and | destroys Home, lIn}uresMan,71 the’.need lor additional property!,. ,u„. and an addition to the ^getrobd,^''® iSchool. more .than* a .year ago,’ Schmidt added. "At that ^Inie they recomuiend-I (Vd that an addttlou be built oil the Edgewood School to provldie : facilities In the northeast section . of the school district.” No date has been 'set lor in the county. The monthly meeting for the cub boy scout leaders will begin at 7:30 at the Blanche SJms-Elementary Sch^l in Lake Orion.. Explorer scout leaders will meet at 7:50 p.m. at Camp able and can easily be adapted to' Agsw’sn^.on Tonim.v’s Lake fit the needs of the,local club I account plans are .uniformly suit- r next year. Guest Speaker Named questioned the alarm persons over the surpluses of ^nd farm products country'. BROOKLANDS - -nio Rev. De-’ "H Soviet Premier Nikita layne Pauling. pM.strM- of Cross of Khrushchev could match ourjarm Oirist Church. Bloomfield Town-i be would feel he was ship, will be guest speaker nUanlo'’ ‘oP ‘be world, " Aiken said, open house service at 6:30 p.m.! The task force committee also Sunday at Gethscniane Luth-said a greatly expanded land re-: eran Church. / Wrement prtvgram miglit be the sonic jous dvaiiaoit? vi r ,^l "But there are and good jobs in agri-; young men and worn' tmen who wiH-wotk. . .and who do not expect to start at the top,’’ he continued. nie regular service will be Conducted by the Rev. Norman Kuck. pastor of Gethsemane Church on Auburn Road near Dequindre Road. In Tuesday’* judging. Mahogany Farms of WHliamston look the grand champion prize In the rattle show for their angus^ileer. An -angu*- oyyned by Don 8win-tMlehurid of Rosebush was named reserve champion. A 205-pound hog owned by the Slid brothers of Mason was judged the top hog at the hog show. Iwke Orion. Ttic topic lo be discussed by the i-ub leaders -will be "Cub Scout ■ Elmwood hazel PARK - A 71-yearrold', . . . . construction of the .OtOrch at 11:15 am. Simday. at "van whose house was destroyed lii“schmidt^t every Scouftr tooking for Two Dan Mothers JOYCE ANN DEVINE CLARKSTON — Unless at least two ejarkstbn women volunteer as The engagement of Joyce Ann Devine and Donald F. Morse is announced by the bride-elect's, parents Mr. and Mrs. Leo De-' vine of 2976 Gerald St., Avon .Township. The jH^apective bridegroom is the ton of Mrs. Elmer M(»re. 47385 Dequindre Road, Oakland Townshfp, and the late Mr. Moore. No date baa been set fo» the 'we^Ing. J' den mothers, there wlU .be mivre than 20 Cub Scouts without leadership in Pack 49. At flw present time, two dan mothers have resigned. Beside* the eight boy* h> each den, more' yorngstar* nnder It yegn of age have iadicatrd a desire for Any mother interested, in Cub 1 Scouting, has been arimd to call DHiWafter, of 3 Waldon road. a time table that would permi^the [use of the addition by this fall.’' The board of educatiop sres <^y possible major problem. Schmidt pointed out. That is the. . , , m. ,, , completion of sewer facUitfes in;At TlFSt MetnOdlSt the township in time to enable the,' addition to tie into the Um prior to the 1961-62 school year. He will speak - - - ■ ----- iviioae nousewas aesiroyea; _.:j o^hmiHt the 7:30 worship service that n^t. jin m explosion.last night is made to establish ■'tnitr'Sl 7:45 p.m. week nights next I William Beaumont Hospdal with '® Monday through Thursday. , second-and third-degree burns oti The iMiblic' is Invited to all mis-his head and hands. ■.......... ■■ -k-k-k ' Anthony Zw-ark of 23811 Haiel-w’ood St., is listed .in fair condition by hospital authorities today. lie was alone in the house when the accident happened and has been unable 4o make a stale-; meat, according lo Hasel Park Fire Chief Frank 8, Durbin. The explosion occurred in a small utility room, ripped through the kitchen- and into the Ihing room, blowing out the wails and a portion of the living room roof, the chief said. „ - A small fire followed and »as unknown, but firefighters say that immediately extinguished by fire-meh. Cause of the explosion is Zwark had been using i to thaw frozen pipes. ‘ Each plan uffered pruvides a sv>lem of regiihkr savings in.ad- , vahee for e^wh depositor for a Railroaders. ’ Compass At.vc. pre set ohjecHve. tn this case ing " will be t|ie theme of the taxes. .'Mayor Kuhn-explained. srouts leaders' session. Tlte institutions represented at kr k kr the meeting ,with the mayor were! Paul Tomshany, commissi Detroit Bank and Trust Company.;in charge of the roundtable tr Fitn Federal Savings and Loan ings requests that all units in Association, National Bank of De-'Manito District send at least troll. Stanidard Fedt-ral .Savings representative to the meeting* Junior Woman's Unit Gets New President „Wed in Evening Rites ROCHESTER — Mrs. William Beardmore of 213 Nesbit Lane is president of the Rochester Junior Woman’s Gob, Mrs. Beardmore. former vice president, succeeds outgoing president Mrs. Richard C. Jcroijie, of 157 Ferndale St., who resign^ her post because of illitoss to the femr- ron In a. letter to the club’s executive board, Mrs. Jerome said she was resigning because of her bus-band's health. Htwever, she will remain an active’ cUib rhember. Mrs. Paul Christensen of 147 Old Perch Road wHl be the neW -vice president. recently at the First Methlodist Church here. The Rev. William J. Richards performed the evening rites. Parents of the bride are Mr. and Mrs. Gerald' L. Burley of 9848 Hadley Road, Independence Town-, ship. The bridegroom is the son orivnaT Pear! Capron of Detroit pnd Avery Capron of Anacortes, Weah. GOP Open Meeting Set HIGHLAND TOWNSHIP - The Highland Republican Gub will hdd An open mctHing at 8 p.m. Tuesday In the township hall to give the public an opportunity to question candidates seeking nomination In the Feb. 20 primary election. CLARKSTON Fayann Burley honie,at Westhampion peach, Long the bride of Donald Cap- Island, New York. ' double-ring ceremonj’ For her wedding the bride chose a princess styled govsn of taffeta with a oval neckHae, fitted, waist aad laee voke extending to short eap sleeve*. 11w skirt featured lns««i* of lace. A Swedish crown WEPifESDAY, gEBEUARY 1, 19W fxtrtf Special Shopping Hours To Take Advantage Of These Extra Special Values! 3-hour specials Thursday night family wearables ItcfiiUr S2.M daby-fresh cotton dresaea 1 *7/7' . In eye catching prints and colors ...... » Recnlar S2.M Spanking white half-slip 1 QO in sizes small, medium, and large . .... 6 to 9 savings in every department specials for men! LW Regular S2.M cotton dip with trim and 1 tfO shadow panel. In sizes'^ to <0 ................ x«oo Regular SiSS Nn-hack corset with dde ho(^ in Reg. Itc rail-fashion Nylons, Nutria and beige, sixes 8H-11 Values to S1J»! Children’s. |LM Korrystecn rayon, tricot H-slip white, blue, pink. Sare at Sears! — $1.49 Honeylane sateen dacks-ln beige black, turquoise . , .10-12 and 14.1--- 2for97^ 57» 1.22 99^ %eg. iiOi Hom plaid siaeiks in sixes 10 to 12 and 14 . . . save 99c . ., 1.99 1.88 Men’s $2.9$ fleeced lined sweat shirt, buttbn front style in small, medium, lai^e : Regular |SJ8 hooded sweat shirt, thermal n qq lined in small, medium sizes for men....,.... Regular 29e! White' canvas ghnres in workingmen’s sizes Itegalar 94.99 fressare switches for Sears..... .... Regular $2.79 air volume control for all jet pumps. Save $2.81 at Sears.......... Workmaster 7-lnch Roller Set Includes Uay and foUer........... Tirpolene Makes painting easier! Ideal paint thinner.... gal. Regular $1,29 ALLSTATE Darosone Anti-Freese. What a bargain . .save 41c gal...... ALL-STATE SPRAT DE-ICER for Car "can.T7T~T7... Regular $59.95 gas water heater, 30 gallon. AQ QC shorty model, «lass lined ............. '^Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back*’ SEARS just say. “CHARGE IT” at SearsI l54 N.„Saginaw St. Phone FE 5^171 3 Hour Sole—Thurs. 6 P.M. to 9 P.M. Only! COMPLETE SPEED QUEEN HOME UUNDRY OUTFIT • lig Cupucity Spuud Queen Wosher. 1961 model. • Folding mctol ironing Boord. • 6 Months Supply of TIDE 8-PIECE RUGGED MAPLE BUNK BED OUTFIT! . . . • 2 M.|>h M.—Uh n TwM or Bunk Stylo. • Springs and Bedding • Guard Roil end Ladder DELICIOUS Choc. Covtiwl Gbsrrist « Dork or Milk , Regular THIS 59c Value SALE u.37< EXCELLENT ' QUALITY Upholstery Material Tremendous assortment of patterns and colors. 54-inches wfde. SPECIAL Ladits' Royon'Acototf PANTIES Regular THIS 39c Value SALE DISH TOWELS Seconds In terry assorted stripes SPECIAL 4'x6' RUGS We have received a large shipment of irregular rugs to sell at this spscist pHcv. Made in high-low loop patterns. Many assorted colors. Regular THIS t3.99 Value SALE $247 JUMBO LOUNBINB PILLOWS TIum Ura* puiovt era flUae srlth 1S0« Utredetd Regular' THIS $176 tl.99 Vahte SAU I ■ ^ or 2 ^ $3.00 •niliRCnAY **You Can Charge It at Kresge*$** ”lS - DOWNTOWN PONTIAC STORE ONLY ; I IIS' 6«000 Parking Spaces Downtown! Misses shell stitch foss-on BULKY ORLON CARDIGAN 5.SS ^ A eemplieaoiit to any ceeteme... M QA this bulky cerdigan ef 100% Depeat V V Orion. Pretty sMI etitebing, fleltor- . lag cellar. Cheese urkite, green, ■A sees Of lilac; siaae 9, M, L. Sperisweai . . . Third Floor WoHe's oxclusive oil-cotton Hordwick Jj?ASR.’HJSfEAR^6HIRT a,.. 3.50 $088 128 breadcletb er the buttea-dowa cellar eafeH dath sMrt. lotb are wash V svear, bath have ceavettiUe caffs. Hack aiaaa 14-17, doavoa 92-J5. Men’a Wear . . . Siraaf Floor Downtown Store Only 3-HR. SPECIALS * Thundoy Night.6 to 9 only Sturdy aluminum Large oluminum ice cream scoop flour sifter, now 12-cup muffin pan 19\ A& 44' Convenient, great for partial or family use. Easy spring action. Great in the kitchen. Convenient trigger hon^ for oosy MO-Fkio tcreon-A must" in every kitchan. Save. Fast heerting aluminum. Cleons oosily. Gram for muffins, cup cokes. Thurs., 6 to 9 onlyl . FEflEML’S OPEN EVERY NIBHT TO 9 Meeday threegb Saterdey DOWNTOWN ORLY ^ THURSDAY NIGHT 5:30 to 9 New Patternt < .-. New Colon 80 SQUARE PERCALES Never before! First quality cotton percales in 4-yard m lengths that cut to advan- 4yo.|fif tage. Solid ahades or excellent prints. Non-SMd Ploiric Dot Solas KNITTED SLEEPERS Penney’s own Toddletime cotton knit aleepers with gripper ifast-enera and breathable plaatic-dot^ soles. Pink, blue, green, ytmow. f , 88* -Tf- J :■} PONTIAc press, WKDNT.SDAV, TKBHUARY 1. 1901 FIFTEEN on of Centenni lai — ^^^h^MAWeiUB^KlCHER. Wommi’i Editor, The PentlAe Pieu Thla If the Aty: muffled, dlfgulied.-. •oftoned and hushed by.the burden of . white Toucluafed from the skies. Thlf Is the city,- winding its sinewy streete athwart a wondrous huddle of homes where none repeats the pattern of another; alone, unique, like Individual snowflakes. En masse, they rep-jresent a unity we term community and label with names that proudly bear a., ciptury’s weight wl«i grace to matefr the mantilla of„snow her stately elms wear In their hair. ir. -k it. This Is the city ringed by lusty factory spires that spew a smoke that spells of man’s Ingenuity to gpan the years from buggy whip to meshing gears with continuity. This Is the city—biding the gleam of a valley str^m cdlled Clinton 'neath : concteto-cloak. Yet inlndful still of the ' moccaslned throng that stood on Huron hill and marked its loveliness short centuries ago. • Did they know this place would bear a mighty chieftain’s name? Yet kindle from the white man’s need of transport Its own peculiar flamt, and grow in years and grace and streh^h, emeom-’ passing the length of Clinton stream? ^Thls is the city of a hundred years. Three hundred thousand sunrises have gone before, and stretching o\it Its strength Across a span -of century-growth, this strange amalgamy of home and man, of loveliness and labor, will mark three hundred thousand more! For thU IS a city. T Alumnae i Bridge-Tea I Saturday i Proc^ds Will Go I to Society for I Crippled People I Plaits are being completed for the annual bridge-tea spop- Abby Not, Sold Shrugs at rointed Shoes Ahimnae Saturday at I’p.m. in ^ the~9ownldwn auditorium of Ihe J. L. Hudson Co. Proceeda will benefit the Na-ttanal Society for Crippled Childreii and Adults and Its affiliates, the Oakland County and Western Wayne County, societies.' Ticket chairmitn for the Worth Suburban Group 1tW«. John Boyd, with Mm. Frederick WUellner, also of Bir-minghani aerving as cochair-man. MTs. ftichard HiUwy of Madison Heights Is door prize Chairman. w w ★ North Suburban Alumnae idanning to attend are' Mrs. E. W. MCGovem, Mm. Glenn Dick, Mm. David MiUer, Mrs. Harry Dunn, Mrs. Ernest Berger, Mm. W. E. Saylor. Mrs. George Baird, Mm. Phillip Pretz, Mm. Daniel Bishop and Mm. Jake Hawley. . w ♦ w Serving as hostesses (or the benefit wall be Mm. Robert Bnnwii, Binningham. and Mrs. Preston Hubaod. ,Royal Oak. Mrs. ElizabHh Kirkby (second froni right), executive secretary of the Oakland County Society for Crippled Children and Adults, shows Alpha Delta Pi North Suburban alumnae Mrs. Jake Hawley (left) and Mrs. Daniel Bidiop how benefit funds are used. ' Noted Designer Tells Us: Little Kenneth Adams, patient at the sdciety's train- , ing center, is learning to stand and to balance with a standing table purchased by donations. The sorority will stage a benefit bridge and tea Saturday. American Homes Reek With Bad Taste ABBY By ABIGAIL VAN BUREN DEAR ABBY: A wW l^^^ you started a campaign to get rid of the sack dress. How about a campaign to get rid of those horrible pointed year and my feet are almost back to nqpnal again. There are just DO comfortable, good-looking shoes to be had anymore. Even elderly women are hobbling, around in those ridiculous pointed - toed, spindly - heeled shoes. And the steel tips are mining everybody's linoleum and carpets! Gosh, Abby, can't-you do something about it? FOOTSORE AND WEARY DEAR F. and W : I am told the women "lave” the new pointed shoes. ' ^ed the biide to the sanctuary. Their hats and shoes were also red. Mrs. Richard Srot attended hfr sister as matron of honor. The bridegroom's sitter Maureen Molrmey and Mrs. Paul Boebnig served as bridee-mai*. with seed pearls molded bodirfo of the whifo satin bri^ gown styled with a chapel train. A hip-length v veil of Frendi illusion fell from , a' crown of pearls. White roses and stephanotls comprised the bridal bouquet Charles Moloney stoo<< as best man for his brother. ^ James Moloney of Detroit ushered with Suhail Sbaya of Livonia and Paul Bochnig. Wedding breakfast was served ‘at the home of the bride's moflier. Four hundred ■guests attended the afternoon reception at the home of the hridegrootn’s father. r,etuming from a honeymoon Judith R. Gutzke exchanged weddiiig vows with Grover L. Tipton Jr. before the Rev. Paul T. Hart Friday evening •in First iSethodist Church. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. ■ Leland M. Gutzke of Baldwin Road were hosts at the church re^ption. Greeting some 300 guests with them were the senior Grover L. Tiptons of Adelaide Street, parents of the brtdegnx>m. ,* ,♦ ..*■ Draped' panniers of rose pointe- pattern 'Chantilly lace held by:, soft fabric rroCs accented the bride’s gown of a gray and gold plakl wrxrf suit, 1^ bat and gray acops-sories. Ibe newIjAveds are graduates of Eaatsm MkMgaa Unl- varsity and will'live toi Ypri-- ■ mbs. BAUni E. PLAGENS were w ■ I T ■ ■ ' master'SHdegree.: ♦ W * Green cymbjklkun orchids accented Mrs. Brosted’s gold brocade jacketed sheath dress worn with uoooa aecenories. Mrs. Plagens appeared ki a blue taffeta dress with matching accessaries. Her flowers Figure Fashioners Slides of Trip Mrs. Wayne Shaw toowed slides of her recent trip toEhfe-land, Germany and Switzetfand at tile Fashion Your Fivne Club meeting ’Thweday evening in the Adah Shelly U-^ The trophy for the greatest weight toss for the previoes week was presented to Mol Pan Nique. Mrs. Ri^rt Thompson received a golditar. orchidi. loa. L, MBS. GBOVBit L. TIPTON iU. I ^ white taffeta styled with chapel train. W'rist-point sleeves of lace extended from the basque bodice of lace designed with scalloped Sabrina neckline touched with seed pearls and sequins. A queen’s crown of pearls, sequins and lace secured the full circular veil of imported sILk iUusfon. White roses, feathered camatioitt, Stephan-otis and ivy comprised the bride's chapel bouquet. Attendants were honor nwiid^' Mary Ann Smith, Mrs. James Crosby, cousin of the bride, Mrs. Kenneth Karlzen and the bride's sister Janet. Their ballerina-length dresses of cerulean blue ' satin featured tulip skirts. They, held baskets made of pink pompons and silver leaves. On the esquire side were Kenneth Leece, best man and u^iers Fred Wilson of Unedn Park and Duane Whitson. The bridegroom’s brother Billy Tip-ton was junior uqfier. Leaving for a honeymoon, the new Mrr. Tipton was wearing a toast shadetoiit'suit with' brown accessories, the cpuple will be at home on Newitorry Street. • Mrs. Gutzke chose a tiered dress ei Wedgewood rose Ince and Mrs. Tipton appeared In beige brocade with turquoise accessories. Both mothers ^ wore cymbidium orcUds. ' Sounds Delicious (NEA)-Wool jersey for diy-time is cut flrom such de-UdouB colors as silver, mist gtoen, aihethyst, and cherry. Thou^ the cut is casual, the Parents of the couple, the Royce K. LazenbyS of Rwley Street, Drayton Plains, and the William J. Studts'of Overridge Street, received some 400 guests in< the church parlors foUowing the ceremony. W ♦ ★ The bride’s gown of white slipper satin was fashioned with molded bodice add bateau neckline Alencon'lace embroidered with seed pearls. The torso waistline extended into a bouffant skirt and chapel train. SILK ILLUSION Fingertip veiling of silk illusion waa caught by a Swedish crown of pearls and rhinestones. The brjde wore a single strand pearls, gift of her husband, and carried a round arrangement of white carnations, miniature red roses, Stephanotls and feathered carnations. w ★ * Marlene Lazenby, her aiater's hpnor maid, appeared in floor-length cotillion blue crystal-backed satin. Styled along princess lines, the dress featur^ a tiered bustle. A white fur headpiece and muff topped with cotillion blue feathered carnations completed her ensemble. ♦ ♦ a Bridesmaids Mrs.' Richard Ryan. Mrs. Vincent Alond and Mrs. Donald Lucareili, aunt of the bride, wore similar gowns in royal blue. Royal blue carnations rested on their white fur muffs. In their cousin’s wedding party were Pamela Lucareili in cotillion blue taffeta and white fur headband. She carried a basket of rose petals. Tommie ■ Knight ranged the rings. John Studt was best man for his brother. Robert Studt and , the bride’s brother. Larry Lazenby Mated guests with Stanley Larkin. A * A J Before leaving on a ihotor trip through Illinois and Ohio, the new Mrs. Studt changed to a navy dressmaker suit. The bridegroom is a graduate of Augustana College, Rock Island. in. The couple will live in Elizabeth Lake Estates; - A A A ' Mrs. Lazenby chore a dusty rose-pink sheath dress of em-broi^red silk organza over taffeta with matching organza hat. She.carried a pearl clutdi bag and wore long white gloves and a spiral of miniature pink rosei. Mrs. Studt diose cocoa beige Chantilly lace over taffeta and a bei^ hat. She carried a gold beaded purse and wore beige wrist-length gloves. Her flowers were green cym- F/ve Pages Today in Women's Section who damns us, above, is architect-industrial designer George Nelson, creator of everything from the storage-wall and b-shaped .desk, to tlje United States exhibit in Moscow and the "atoms for peace” exhibit in Cairo. "And I’m not really angry," he says firmly. "It just makes me sad to see our rows and ' rows of little badly made modem houres. What could be more anthuman and soul .-destroying than thousands of people living' in a series of file drawers? "We'll pay for there developments in terms of mental health problems, social discontent, and the money we will use to tear them all down a _ieK.YBars from now.” Nelson has a lean, brooding face when he describes America as a land of "tiasue paper culture. We are not building antiques for the future — just things to use and throw away." He unilea wyyly wfeui he pointa out that industry cares little what it makes, .aa long as Mils. His slogan for businessmen. “Always first with what the other guy has, provided It’s selling.” A A A Of course. Nelson says, the American people could "work out their own salvation. But the salvation is not acceptable to them. They’d have to sit down and study ardiitecture, and art, and beauty. They'd have'to read, rather than sit down and watch television for a real dead evening. "People don’t like to work thkt hard." Besldesi he concedes, what the aveikge family doesn't know won’t hurt them. It only hurts people like.the late Frank Uoyd Wright and George Nelson .. . and the occasional home -seeker who hks good taste and cannot afford to indulge it. "Theee are the ,peO-, pie to feel sorry, tor. There is ^ an assumption that the average citizen can make his house beautiful because he has some knowledge. But if he makes, say, $10,000 — what can he do? He can't go to a fine archi-, tect. He can’t buy beauty cheaply. He must just do his best, a little frnstrMed.” AAA Another curious anomaly of culture, as reflected in htane decor, is the (act that "aa people’s lives become more complicated, they tend to want their homes to be nuae simple and uncluttered; peaceful refuges from their complex world outside. "On the other hand, as their Status goes up, they must collect stuff. There is a growing fear among people that they aren't people any more. •Things’ keep them In touch with reality." So they buy things they don’t ^need. They want “different" tiling, they think; but in reality tb^ want -everything to remajn the same.” -•. FINAL REDUCTIONS in our semi-annual shoe Hurry! Cresfest savings ever! High heels, fabulous .littia -; haais, favorite sports ar>d flats. Suede, caff, glove leather in a wide selection i of colors. All sizes in I the group. SIXTEEN ITO PONTTAt ITOSs; WedNESDAY, FEBRUARY 1. 1»61~ ^Hbb» pw! ^ atli the While fflNE IMPORTED CHINA 534*c. Set $^95 98-Pe. Set *39’* DEUE POTTEHY Home^ode^ Gand ies S57 JT. Huron St. Plan to Giv« a Box of Crockor's Horn# Modt Candies for Valentine's Day '^Always Taste Good ... Aluays in Good Taste" •6 50 Ea^iy Week Special! BUDGET WAVE. ... CAUJEl^.]^ ns KoHli Pmy FE 2-6361 Mople*V«6fers Hold Lunch^n Mn. wmua HcQuie *el lUiaait Avenue aad Mn. stuvt TiWBKnd Qnwell and Mn. Lawrence Terrien will be hoateaaea lor the February htaGhedh at the Waldron. Iron Discolored? (NEA) - When aUrch dla-colon the bottom of your iron, nae the ape0al paate cleaner for copper to remove it. Rub a thin paate on the iron' riaae out the aponge with dean water and wipe off the bottom of the Iron until water forma ' in droplets. This film will make the iron slide easily. Set Good Example (NEA) — Don't neglect your own beauty care just because you're a busy houaewife and hiodwr Not oidr aNMd you Je aa jdltaidiM your family, but you should, set a good grooming example for your children, too. ' Her Weight Still Dropping The bride appeared in a bpuf-W «o«B of white XSiantillyiace and tulle over kUk taffeta. Back nifflea extended from a front overlay of the lace to the floor-Ief«fli By JOBEPHCNE LOWMAN Those of you who joined my Eight-Week Self • Jmprogemeiit Maratboli will be e^wiiHy inter-In the foUowti\g letter. It comes' from a reader who used routine at die end of last Seed .pearls and aequhu were appiiqued on the ltilQile bodiec tat ' snent to the tiara wbidi •Jl^ acalkped fingettip veil-t of coffee, you can enjoy a teaspoon of sugar in it. You can take ad- How Young-in-Heart Get to Stay That Way vaiUye of the mi^ h>w-caloried and artificial sweeteners dming your reducing program. Don’t for^ powdered, fat-tree milk. Maiqr people prefer this to si^ milk from a dairy. If you would like to join my It’a a safe bet that the "young-rt" older women you know have a lot in common. Isn't it true that ... They don’t fiiul the younger generation shoddng? PRE-SraiNG SPECIAL on Monday. Tuesday or Wednesday 20% Off on All Regular Priced PERMANENTS ron AN ADDfco lAvnoB or ii.m BUDGET DEPT. SPECIAL $10 Permanent Now $7.50 on Mezzanine Floor TONY’S Main Flow, 35 West Huron St. FE 3-7186 At Our Birmingham Store 3 DAYS ONLY Thurs, - - Fri. - - Sat. FINAL CLEARANCE For those of you on the Marathon, don’t forgei powdered, fat‘free milk. Many people prefer this to skim milk. By aura MOXETT They art always looking forward to something? t be more than coincidence that the young - in - heart share so many attitudes. Cauld it be that their particular attitudes 'towacd life and living would keep anyone youi%? ta the exclnaloa et the preeent end the faturef They refuse to be bossed by their grown children and firmly D about doing aa they please? ★ '‘•■A A They have a keen interest in what is going on in the worid and keep themselves well-informed on worid affairs? ' They make light of their troubles' and much prefer to talk hbout {peasant subjects than vibout de-i pressing ones? They have plenty to do to keep them busy? imDEBSTANDING Ihey are sympathetic and under-Utaoding instead of being hi|^ critical of others? Tliey have a sense of humor and can even i^e fun at them- Pioneer agricultural five societies were organized in Nova Scotia late In the 18th century. They have a *‘let*a not get excltod" attHnde toward Hfe’e Ht-tte ndsferlnneB, for hnidug seen Mg treublM they nion’t too hn-preaeed with smaB eifeeat They can get ready to go anywhere in nothing flat — and so have identy (g^oortunitie); fw They'all take pride in dh someMng exceptkmally wen? Beauty Clinic by Edythe McCulloch TEEN-AGE HAIR STYLING . through doytiine •venlng'i boskatbcdl game and a pajama parly. " ; With just .a hairbrush It will coma up shiny and bright. No fussy hairdo will stand up un.-der dits poos. A wise mother ^11 guide her daughter in the right direction . .. not push her or gain control by demanding it Kelp her leom the (M ol grown-up grooming by teocdiing her the smartness of simplicity. An exotic -hcArdo can be just as bard and cheap looking as heavy mokarjop..^ Phene Edyttie MrCallech Beauty Sbeppe, PE 2-7431 SM Pentiac State Bank ofers one-of-a-kind ORIGINALS at exceptional reductions Arr excepfioridT offeririg of luxury Ftiri, Ca< Mw. «e S> I •A FAMILY SHOE STORE I i j- :u l-Jl -f... I T^E 'pOMTIAt. PaESS. \VKE}^DAY, FEBRUABY l./lSfel . SEVENTEEN 'Moving Is d Problern., for Child By DOBOray V. VBIPPUB. M.D. AP NewifeatiirM Moving lilwayi a chore since there Is a lot of work to Ae done and the presence the pbper the other dny, some ] ^ The mother of a five-year-old told a psychiatrist, “I don’t know whether or not he feels insecure, but everybody else in our neighborhood surely docf’.’ . . . People who use the expression "cheap as| dirt’’ just haveiyt been pricing | real estate lately. Guests at . Dinner Husbands >A the OpU-Mrs. Qub were special guests si a cooperative dinner at the Oakland. County Boat auD. , In charge of entertainment were Mrs. Leon Bigger, Mrs. Richard Wolfe, 1^. Robert Bradley and Mrs. Julian , Galjan._, ___^____ . Mr. and Mrs. Homer ^fitndle-decker who observed their 32nd wedding anniversary that Sat-u r d a y evening, presented orchid'Torsages to the ladies -Mr. and Mrs. George Almas celebrating their silver wedding anniv^ary gave carnations to the 'men. In observance of thejr 26th wedding- anniversary which falls on Feb. 6, Mr. and Mry, Tom Hniska contributed the priine ribs of beef to t|» menu. Guests of the club were Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Rosner, the William Whitlows, the Stephen Tzineffs, the Arley J. Lowes and Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Thum. Prizewinners for games were Mrs. Wolfe, Mrs. Rob^ Taft,^ Mrs. S. C. Wattles and Mr. Thum. r Children's Shop Mirscit Mile Sheppinf Center ._8. Tci*r»M St SsMrr .Uk* SPRING. IS JUST AROUNP THE CORNiR and AS USUAL, HARWOOD WILL LiAD THE WAY— IN STYLE, IN SELECTION, A N D I N VALUE I BONTIACS COMPUTE TUXEDO ROITAl SERVICE far i AU OCaSiONS I rs t-MH os« B»iig|,eU-huntingwilh ^^yeeiMJld Cero-i®>uch as possUdefrom the goldfish-'line alonTth?*M«hore. or jtdnlwexistence that transformed ALL RED CROSS and CORBIES S^LE SHOES One Ixjw $D90 Women's sius Sno-BooX ^ ^10’* Pauli’s Shoe Store $i N. Safinaw Street Open Fri. Eves, ’til 9 SPEQAL PURCHASE SALE While They I^st! Fine Jack Winter tailoring and quality wools in plaid, stripe and solids. Sizes 5 to 15 and 6 to 18. STOREWIDE CLEAKANCE SALE CONTINtfES Save to 7t% M Winter Stocks 16 N. SAGINAW ST. *OPP ON THESE 4 FAMOUS STERLING PATTERNS LIMITED TIME OFFER FEBRUARY 1 thru 20 SM Mvini* on • tS pc. MnHc* for tour. R*t. 1120 NOW SS« SS4 MVt*S* an • 24 pc. tcrvic* tor •is. Rat. tltO NOW S12S SAM. J0% ON OPEN STOCK OPfN STOCK SIC UK MM Tuipaw' SS2S MU $1.51 flac* r»il tM tM 2.70 n«tl Km<* SM SM 2.4t MM Fan 7 7$ 542 3.33 •ullar SptMar SM 315 1.11 Cratw Saw Mcoa 7 25 5.01 1.12 rtacalaaaa 7.7$ 543 1.33 N M. (Sau Hat.) JM 5M 3.1? Cackuil Fart S.2S 3U 1.IT CanaatpaP) 325 2.21 .IT M4 Ita. Mm 72$ 5M 3.1 T lunar Kalla, Sara. S.M 5.15 3.IS Ckaaaa Kalla S.M 5t5 CaMMaatFart IS.M lOM 4.H Sraw U«a isae 'Wt»*'4.IS NRy taruar • so s.ts IJS DnnarNcUaFarK SM 4.20 1.M tufty Sarvar tl7S 5.(3 4.13 Salad Jat (Nylaa) 17.M 12.25 5.1S Sufa'Maaa 7.7$ 5.43 3.13 TaWaSaaan 13.7S • 53 4.11 rncM MMa FaSaral tai Ride the Bus Downtown Mrs. Gereddine Pfahlert of Orchard' Lake and Eugene Pfahlert announce the engagement of their daughter Jacqueline Ann to Ted C. Klingler, son of the Stanley P. Klinglets of Ortonville. ^ Her f iance attended ~ GeneralJ ~ Motors Institute. EVELYN /. COCHA JACQUELINE ANN PFAHLERT Because she is now the leading lady of our American poUUcai sta^, she is determined to spend more time instead c i a 11 y impeccable John and of her teens in WasMngton and Newport with her mother and stepfather, Hugh Auchincloas. for YOU (Youth Organization lor UNICEF) and youH mate dreams coma true for the world's needy. But there's no tiipe for daydreaming, because the "idea-ology" is early in 1961. Just your quick-thinking cap and come up with a nationwide idea for raising funds and spreading interest in UNICEF (United Nations Childreh't Fund, of tM Collect old soda and beer bottles frem house-to-house and return them for the deposit at local stores. Hold a Powder Puff Bowl — game of "touch football" for girls ~ and charge admission. Organize a UNICEF "Thanksgiving a day fo UNICEF. Spmsor nationwide “Sidewalk Cafes" on high school or college campuses — local merchants to-caast have already become "Mem men" for YOU, with aag-gestioM raagtaf from naltooal YOU fain , to aelllng sham to Interaattoi^ Good Will. And you might have a dream-comc-true, too, because the teen who submits the best idea-will _ York, includmg a reception at the United Nations, as the guest of Seventeen Magazine. What kind of projects ^an you take part in to help YOU, the new Internationa g^-will program tor teen-agCnj only which waa launched this fall by Seven-tecn in cooperation with UNICEF? Here are just a tew of the fundoing, fund-raising su^estions already submitted? National Penny Nights — when teens' could pay a penny per minqte to stay out a half-hour beyond curfew. Local clubs could be organized to collect money. a. Modem Classic c William & Mary b. American Victorian d. Rose Elegance _ NOTE: THiie 4 patterns revert to regular prices after Feb. tO CLUB PLAN IP DBSIRIID ' The Store Where QualUy^Counts F. N. PAUU CO. I Pontiac's Oldest Jewtjlry Store 28 Huron ' FE 2-7257 throughout the country sponaor annual YOU dances. Have a special YOU day ae-roM the ooantry when teens canid raise foada by washing enrs, baby-sitting sad other Preceding the bride fo the chancel were Joanne Deipbinsid maid of honor, with Sue Deweese and Vicky Seibert, sister of the bride- > ■ groom, serving as bridesmaids. Fashioned of raspberry pink nD-lon sheer over taffetk, their bal-Accustomed to the well-ordered |lerina-length dresses were worn homes of her conservative P-epiUi-1 with velveteen jackets and Cum-can mother, Jackie at first found.merbunds. Azalea pink carnations adjustment difficult to the highly rested on their white muffs, with ’ * ■ variegated pink carnations for the f inf(»mal ways of the burgeoning Kennedy clan. One 0^ her chief problems, she said, was the raft of unexpected guests whom Jack - the - politician for wliat we havc.^by giving to of the faU campaign, "We an average of 70 meals a day at our house. Even if you haw no ideas for YOU projects, you can join the thousands of teen-agers who have helped UNIC3EF by charter members in YOU. for the membership dues of $1. your ideas and/or your dues to YOU, Box 1392, Grand Central Station. New York, N.Y.' Sales tax figures show (fonnecti-cut residents spend more for the of motor vehicles than they spend in the family grocery If GOOD APPEARANCE Is Important to You-—■ You’ll Finrf GRESHAM CLEANERS *3mt a Little ^ Bit Better!* Every year of our business has be^n built on a reputation of guaraiiteeing your clothes to hpk better, last longer to try just a little bit harder and offer you more for the money. With U8, it’s the little 'things that count I like checking seams,- resewing bu^ns. Try Our Additional Services: • Expert handling of wool knits, sweaters, cashmerM • Guaranteed M&thproofing • Guaranteed Waterproofing She waals to ensure that ter owe childreH will See •• much of their tether as possible, however. Neceivteg some guests in the Central Methodist CItorrh parlors, were Mr. and Mrs. Willard Dweese of Joslyn Avenue arid the Ftoyd Kimballs Gta-gell Chart, par^ato^ the jatoly- honor maid. Nikki Purvis, fai white nylon sheer over taffeta, wore a^sreath of variegated pii^ carnations in regularly brot«hf home for Awe™ inkier or dinner. A bit wiyly she recalls that during her husband's vacation white lace basket. 'the bride appeared in floor- lea 81 by This problem will be less acute for Jackie at the White House, thanks to a large and well-trained stall of aervants that is virtually immune to shock. Some have been household retainers since Sir Winston CTiurchill —like the man who came to dlhoer —once stretched his White House visit to a month, popping in and out of his Rose Rmm suite wearing the "siren" sleeping suit that made look like a roly-poly Humpty ipty. Any staff thal' could sutwlve the wartime visit at Madame.Chta^ Kai-shek and her incredlbry thoughtless niece and nephew, die perpetual houseguest Harry Hopkins, and' Sir Winston's array of brandy bottles will be serenely undisturbed by a few extra dozen for luncheon. The Pentagon's cooling system is roughly equivalent to melUng -3S million tons of ice each 24 hours. 00U>#II1C0 WATCH *7»4t Good tstto and simplicity are distiagnishtog dMtectaristks ef the Omega‘aaisicr aetlas. 14K white or yslow gold-ilbd am, each widi tiitsd ISK gold hoar-markers,. it jewel n Jewett Optometrists 81 N. SagiiiBw Street FE 2^612 taffeta with ruffled tulle panels set into the bouffant skirt. Sequins onflioed the Sabrina neckline of the molded bodk-r. MBS. JESSE L SQBE8T JR. Art Experts Will Assist With Show 11 Tables in Ploy The Pontiac Duidlcate Bridge Clidi’met Monday evening at the Elka Temple with 11 tables in play. Winners wer^ Mr. and Mrs. Ericson Lewis; Mrs. Sheldon Kushner and Mrs. Harry Shcr-.man: Henry Georgia -and' David Utley: Mrs. Arnold Richards and Dr. Douglas Campbell; Earl Waterman and T. A. Landis. 4-Hour Sei^ice on RequeRt 5 SHIRTS *1.13 CASH and CABBY 605 Oakland Avenue FE 4-2579 donnell soys . . . FEBRUARY Special COLD WAVES »7« *10 ____ fine quality permanonts you enjoy at our Mion all through ths year, but now thi prices are whittled to helf! Shampoo eftd tot included. watTite 8Mttm rriMM aueuir Wiaw BEoctaa ntfeks in oim aveon enov lUiiaitt — JHiItf ft CUUm................ 11.00 ShMifM BBi S«t........ 12.00 NnMBMti.............. SIOS* Tiitf ................................... IS.S0 IlMCll AHi Tomi.......................... I0.S0 SlrUM Dari- FrlcM auskur aistor donnell hair stylists ^icLlciaHj MIRACLE MILE FI 8-9639 Participating in the Art Teach- *Tm mliilimini Bamber for muy ExhibUion sponsored by the pracOeatly alt et flto guests tvy centered Tier cascade bouquet . , Education and ---------—................ William Kurz was best man. Mucaiwn ana Seating guesti were the bride's brother Richard Deweese, James Stoglin of Clarkston, Robert Mur-I*y and Dennis Plfer of Holly. Danny Persinger carried the rings. The new Mrs. Seibert, who is a graduate the Ann Arbor School of Practical - Nursing, donned a brown plaid sheath dress with hon-ey and brown accessories for the honeymoon trip. Mrs. Deweese selected a cotillion blue lace over taffeta and Mrs. Kimball was dressed in beige lace over taffeta. Both mothers wore pink roeebuds. Bloomfield Art Associations, will be Mrs. Sue Preston, Julius Kusey and Mrs. Dorothy Whipple, art consultants > tmn Rochester Com-munity Schools. Hie riiow at Bloomfield Art Galleries on North Woodward Avenue, Birmingham will open a reception at eight o'clock Sunday evening. Gallfry hours will be frenTtwo to five, and seven to nine on Saturday and Sunday afternoons and evenings. The exhibit will run through Feb. 26. An art consultant tary schoois, Mrs. art major mMtSkan State Uni-„ attended painting, design and sculpture at Cranbrook and the Batjle Crodt Art Center. In his fourth year as conniltant in the eionent^ schools, Mr. Kusey did his undergraduate' woric in art at Central Michigan University, He is doing graduate work in art toward a Master's Degree at the University of Wisconsin during summer sessions. His special interest is in seri-graphs. ^ Head of the elementary art department. Mrs. Whipple is a graduate of .the Qeveland Institute of Art. She received a degree in af-I filiation with Western Reserve University there. ^ She alro holds a Master's Degree bom Wayne State University and has studied at Cranbrook. BIRMIN6NAM TRAVa SBIVKE ns BMlHMi, StmiashMi Ml 4-SlU Professional PERMANENTS Styled as YOU Like It! HAIR CUTTINO—TINTS FREE PAREINO IMPERIAL BEAUTY SALON 219 Auburn Ave. FE 4-2878 Keeps Busy Feet Happy ''»h. Their blissful comfort actually shows in your face. A lovely shoe in the-newest fashton ^ with correct materials and colors—so right with your every daytime fa^km. We have your size. ‘'Shoes for the entire Family * 20 W. Huron Strefit ^ - FE 2-3821 ~\<1 p. THK PONTIAC yBESS, WEDNESQAY, FBBttUARy 1, IMl TTiarar NINETEEN Have You Tried This? 4667 Brown, Vermicelli First Then Simmer in Sauce By JANET ODELL . PontUe Vnm Hmim Editor Some of the Pontiac women «iw attended the recent cooking aobool were hind enough to bring to rednea tor this VEIMICELU ^ , By Mrs. Lea dcbeok 1 souBd fnntMlu H pe««e n»rt*rtB* s iCfjjrsK.^ — oohimor We everyone to know that we are iii constant need o( new 'recipes, especially from cooks who have never shSred one with ui and;bur leaders. ★ ★ ★ Mrs. Lou Schook b( Leonard, who had a front row seat ’ at last week’s sessions brought in this pasta redpe. Mrs Schook’s hobby is sewing. a eoDi ino. IN) toowtoci Melt margarine in skillet and brown vermicelli in it. Stir often and watch that it do« not bum. U» low heat. In another pan brown together the .hamburger, garlic, onions, chili powder and seasonings. Add to browned vermicelli. Add rest of ingredients and simmer 2 hours. Add more water if more liquid is needed. Serves M. SEW SIMPLE By Eunice Farmei^ “Dear Eunice: i “Are there any tips on sewing with velvet? I have the worst luck on t^ls kind of rngterial and yet I love It so much that 1 Iwip tr^ng.*.....— Mrs. B.E.M, It takes a woman with plenty of sewing ’'knoN-how" to Sleek ’n’ simple for day, glaim orbos by nigtit-4t’s fashion’s geih of s dteath! Top if off for town, travel, work with the tucked-front Jacket. Easy-sew. Printed Pattern 4867; 4t,40,..qSiaB--lA -dress takes yards 35-inCh; Ijadcet takes yards. ♦ W ♦ Send 50 cents in coins for this pattern—add 10 cents for each pattern for Ist-class mailing. Send to Anne Adams, care of The Pontiac Press, 137 Pattern Dept., 243 West 17th St., New York IL N. Y- Print plabdy nhme, address with zone, size and style number. Announcing the biggest fasMon show of spring-summer, pages, pages, pui^ of patterns in our new color Mtalog—Just outf Hurry, send 35c now! ’ ^ No Jackie Look? (UPD — Straw* in the wind for 1961 . . . the return of the fitted waistline to dresses. Several Seventh Avenue manufacturers hint that the idpped-in-at-the-waist look is on its way, to replace the "fluid” or him of a fit which has been ‘ around for the last few give you A few pointers however, which diould help you. The tension on your sewing machine should be loosened sUghUy. Your nwcbine stitch should be a little longer, about It atitches per inch. Alao loosen the pressure screw ■that controls the presser foot. This will make the fabric feed into the sewing machine a little easier. itemove pins before sewing over them to avoid a pin mark on yout velvet. Any bastfhg should be done with silk thread. The pressing Is perhaps the most important. Never press velvet without using a velvet presser, which is a board composed of thousands of tiny wires which prevent matting down the pile of the vglvet as you press. Since a board of this type Is rather expensive for the limited use It will get. It would be better to send your garment to —a dry-cleaner ^ be professionally pressed when cdmpleted. ★ ★ ★. “Dear Eunice: * “The last dress I made had a zipper closing at the center back and the zipper was so long that I was sitting on it. I got the length zipper that was suggested on the pattern. Do they make mistakes?” Mrs. R.B.T. You haven’t given me much information about yourself but I Imagine that you are shorter than average. If you are short, use s dress zipper that Is at least 2 inches shorter than suggested on ypur pattern. The Census Bureau reports that; A good point to remember about side closing zippers as well major United States cities, as back zippers: They should not extend more than 6” or population to nearby| below the waistline. Always buy them In proportion to yourl**’”**^'**'_ _ height. ★ ★ ★ “Dear Eunice: •now can I apply rlck-rack without basting first? It seems to .streMi and become too tight." Mrs. M.W. I would mark an exact line where you wish to sew the rlck-rack with chalk on your garment. Be sure and ease the ricgriiisk Intb the sewing machine and don’t let It pull tight! when applying. If this Is to be applied to a garment that will be washed, be sure to wet the cotton rlck-rack In HOT water and let It dry thoroughly before using. This will avoid later shrinkage. ' ' if it it “Dear Eunice: “Would You please help me with this problem? I sew dvlrts .for my husband and It seems thht the patterns don’t taUor like bought shirts. My trouble Is with the top of (he sleeve. It seems thm is too much excess fullness in all the patterns I have tried.'A man’s shirt sleeve should not be a bit gathe^d and yet the instructions can for a gathering line uul to puUi up the gathers to fit tlie bodice. This always turns out to be more than It should.’’ Thaflk you, Mrs. E.J.B. The secret of a smooth sleeve is to use a smaller stitch, about 10 to 12 stitches per Inch when you dp the gathering. You win find that as you draw up this fullness. It will be smooth and eased and not pleated and gathered looking. ITie sleeve should always be a little larger than the armhole and eased in. This ease is very necessary in order to have enough fabric to form your flat-felled srap. When working with a man's shirt, always try to get {he sleeve into the armhole before stitching ihe under-arm seam of the sleeve and shirt Itself. V . Complete general instructions for sleeves U available in my 10-cent pamphlet, “All About Sleeves:” Obtain It by sending a dlQie.and a large stamped, self-addressed envelope with your request to Eunice Farmer In care of this newspaper. ____Heasaiseml idl questions and suggestions to Sew Simple, 4b care of'Rte Pontiac Press. No Reason to Give Her Door Prize By Tbe Emily Poet ImSHuto Question: A friend of mine ‘ gave me a ticket to a card party which she was unable to use. The holder of each tkdcet was eiitttled to a chance on a door prize. It so banned that the ticket I held was the lucky one and I won a very nice |«tze. ' My fauriMmd seema to think that 1 should give the prize to my friend as it was actually hjT ticket, it nevej^^tered my bead to do this but now that he has mentioned it I am wondering if I am expected to turn the prtl* ovw to her. I would greatly appreciate ^r^ opinion on fliis matter. [ Answer: Since im gave you the tidcet, you are entitled to keep the prize and there Is no reason why you should give it tO’ jfeur friend—unless when she gave you the ticket she Udd you that jhould you win a prize with It she would like to Question: Would it be pixH>cr for me to give my boy friend a pair of socks whfcb I intend to knit mysdif, for a birthday present? My ^ter says it is not pnqier for a girl to give a boy anyVartlcles of wearing apparel. I do not think this applies to handknit socks. However, I certainly don*t wish to be '‘misunderstood.' ’ WilFyafSeeae-telt me if there is any bad taste in this? Answer: It will be entirely proper tor you to give your boy friend socks that you have knitted yourself. A ★ ♦ .Question: Several friends and I were discussing the question of who buys the furniture for the bride and groom^s future bouse. I have always thought, and still do, that the buying of the furniture is an obligation of the bridegroom. ’Ihe others in the group said that this is no longer true and that it is just as much the bride’s obligation as the groom’s. Will you please set" us straight on this matter. Answer; If, as is so often the case today, the bride earns a salary comparable to that of the groom, or If she has money of her own, she usually contributes her share toward buying the furniture for their future house. A generation ago 1t was different, ami in the majority of cases the groom alone was the breadwinner and the bride was neither 4iblc, nor expected, to help in buying their furnitui-e. Effect of Action on Child May Be Happy By MM. MUBIEL LAWRENCE Dear Mrs. Lawrence; . ^ Some time ago you wroje about mother whose girl wouldn.’t listen when she said to go to the store for her, You said that;the mother to the store beraell and aharaed the daughter so she started ^Ing what she was tdid. r have tried this many "Qroies and my daughter doesn’t feel any shame but just lets me do the things I tell her to do. A woman like you is dangerous to have writing in newspapers ... ANSWER: Ysa mast be feel-j lag pretty Rsoomfed abeaLjae I M 1UA daaibter •( years. I Periiaps we can straighten out not hr igy mind -that we should shame a oiild by-doing a chore that he haa resisted doing. Let's return to the original situation I presented. We want some oranges from the store, ask our daugdtter to get them; she pretends not to bear, fo put on our coat and go get llinn ourselves. But we do not go reprpachftilly, complainingly, with any wish to shame the child at all. Indeed, wb don't care a whoop how the dtUd feels about our action. We are taking it for selves. We are serving our wish for oranges because we.jdmp^^ sped our wishes. So, free ef all ttM. sticky worry abeat what effect oar actlea ie goiag to have oa the child, ea oar ^scIpHae aad fatare eeatral a( That’s -where our misunderstanding cotnes, We^n't. go oft to the store dnxving dying Radiator hilt HAPPYiT And return happy. Anivlng hoim, we don't lulk or Aim. Quite the contrary. We come fa wlUi the oranges iIikI say; do you think? The Browna’ puppies have their cyea opm! Mrs. Brown says they’re go-Ig4o4oeep them alL" Because we were happy, we've made going to the storji an interesting and enviable oqierience. Isn't the child going to want nOne like it? Of course she is. Yom see, I wasn't tMnkfag about our obligatioa to dilfdren in that column. I waa thinking about obligation to oursetvea. I waa aakiag >QO to ao respect your wtsbes tint you could forget alt about whether tbe child reepecta them oc not. Club Sashays The Elkfl Sashay Quadrille Square Dance Oub met Triday aMhe Elka Temple. Callero were John DePauw, Oscar E.. Denham, Russell Pope, Howard Upton and William Schmiel. * ★ a Mr. and Mrs. Frank Coad were guests for the eveidng. PRE-SPRING SPECIAL ^0% Off on All Regular Priced PERMANENTS Bring This Ad on Monday, TuMdayLor Wednesday For an Added Savings of $1.00 TONY’S Main Floor, 35 West Huron St. FH 3-7186 PARAMOUNT 8EAUTY SCHOOL 11 Vi S. SsplMw, leple Theater OMy;, Pontiac, Mich, EntollmoBiM AreUehle ia Day or Eranino Claseet Write. Pboae or Call ia Perioa lor Ftaa Pamphlal PHONE FEDERAL 4-2352 limn a pic'tui’o-WITII , I'LOWERS “ScIs-WIe” C;nt, and Salon CMBpietiPwith CatUBf aad SiyHaf Open Friday ’tll 9 P.M. iVo Appointment Needed —Immediate Service— Beauty Salou ir, Pontiac StaU BUf. FE 5.9257 from the Jergens laboratories^ ~-the perfect hand cream! 'OffcCtMH. with Lanazur absorbs in seconds... protects for hours! Never before a hand crearh like fragrant, fluffy, heavenly-blue Dream Touch! It looks different... is different... and fast-acting LANAZUR makes the difference! This exclusive new ingredient helps Dream Touch penetrate deep, deep to soothe, soften and moisturize your skin — instantly! Only an invisible_j^^completely greaseless veil of protection remains to lovingly shield your hands from water, wind and weather — for hours on end! Motrey-back guaranteed—if you're not convinced new blue Dream Touch with LANAZUR is the loveliest, most effective hand cream you've ever used! Only 33F, 59^ and 98F. DREAM TOUCH ... from the makers of famous ^Jergens Lotion .Jl !.• TWENTY Mystery Death Brings Arrest Oldster found Shot in Charred Ruins of Cattle Buyer's Home ..• ' PINE CTTi'. Minn. f«tlle b«^r 4ioIvwly- knw rerv noads hoiw in handniffs !oda> to' answpf tho qNrstinw of a'quiot rommujiitj’ pusd«d by murder Lui L. Henter. fi(). is charged «ith murdering John Doe. an un-.Wentified elderly man whose remains were found in the sm HenterV THE PONTIAC VRESS, WEDNESDAY. EEHHUARY 1, IBiOl . Tt was the wariness erf a Geeugia divespoee that fumed up Hepter—; still very much alive. Mrs. Arrie Newberry had Henter through her sort and Jis-tenedto his . . ’ ' ' ■at her prospenng farm near Col- quiff. But she wanted to know UuDie COf nlUeT more, and wnrfe to "the honor- ahle mayor" of Pine Citv. a title SAN FRANCISCO lAP' — San held bv Art Bietfrmann. _ »•>"<•«»<>>-'» -pm*- paasengers ... ' always get off about (6 feel from the end of the hne. Ihen the ears: FATAL TntXPWE CTUSH -r Firemen ah early morfihg crash of a truck iffto an empty toll booth on the Connecticut Turnpike at Branford. Conn., Tuesday. The dri\-er, Robert C. Estes, 39, of Mancfle6l?¥N> (towTi to avwd the JFK to Close i 250U.S. Bases Giv«i Defens* Dept. 3 Weeks to Ready-List; , Eyes $3 Million Spying i WASHINGTON tUPH-Prasident Kennedy has given the Defense ■Deoartment three weeks to decide Iw-hlch of the 25D U S. military i j bases over>ea.s can be declared [••obsolete'’ and closed down. I Officials said Kennedy's order' ; left no doubt that he hoped to i close some bases, primarily to [cut the S3 billion a year outflow jof dollars they cost to maintain. i~^Tbe hurry-ap order Is part of a Bweeptag reappraisal of U.S. : military strategy and arms pro-; ducthm Keaaedy' has laiinehed in i preparatiM tor submitting to : Congress bta revisions In the defense budget. [ arjphsi»f»» Kennedy wants to cut the. dollar-TrTwas Jtilled as he'was htfffef lhnragh the—rrirain and to release defense hud-windshield. Police say fhe truck, carrying cakes jget fun4s wherever possible for and cookies, made ^ apparent effort to slow j b i g g e r spending on missiles. I End of the Line “^ir™tJ^/orCon(rary Did Henler farm? Whs he fli- JZ 'i':-move onto t '■ reversed for i she wanted tO p^ell Street. n But Monday h/Rt Israel Leader Risks Future Ben-Gurion Quits Post Eighth Time in Hassle Over Lavon Affair polaris submarines, troop-transport planes and other high priority | I , items, ly, stems from the smashing of an 'israeU spy nng in Egypt In 1954. However, officials said Kennedy wh«i Uvon was defense minis-|ha* rejected proposals to with-ter. Lavon was accused bf respon- draw U.S. troops from Europe. Isibility for what was termed a j Korea or other cftflcal areas •security mishap" and was forced|where the United States has; out of the Cabinet. He lias been,hedged...jtself to help guard nrvit* to clear himself ever since, against Comitiunist aggression. back up' JKFU S.XLKM Israeli S Frank An- r) wailing to get to the turn-i’*V^s^>'* K*''*’ *** immediate in- A nl*.T m Tsrwooih table. Hundreds of would-be riders I dication whether he wotfld ask loaded with packages, Jammed the como*- jhim to try and form-a new gov- mment or call for new elections.; Ben-Gurion’s Cabinet will continue! Policemen Geom* Lab. ash and “> . . i F^S? Gerald Sweeting suggested that . A" ♦ ♦ ^ Mrs. Andrade disembark, aie: Ben-Gurion. who has led the 13- Birml^Am in SauU «t. Mtnr DraSIs L Hat---------------- -- WsiriiM >nS PAtnciw K Bwkai ttn CmcrM L*kr Karl Pliiwr til Oolcr Ifoilir *l«r» A. mornl M3 Em H«Ur RaMi a BourdrAH. M EM KAihcOni A, Sbtrbr. R«ch»«Cer_ ___ _ 'HdoiaTT Emrnlkf; SE OlkWn, BIJ- . , . ----------- "iSiSS Ubrash on the head withjyear-old Jewish state tor aU but ummrtt M ii*m mauimo Hewtiu jher Umbrella.* . ji4 of its yeari—when he retired «wd rfieered as the cops;voiuntarily-said he was going to; ‘'li' rowier 4*7» k»«MaI. P“* *** * »;“*»;take a leave of three or fouri t.AiiA' BtAonrirui Hiu«' Ami BArbArA A for home. "I jusl wanted to ride[^.^,, to do some reading and *wrh^!*T"^>-Bri««. t«* RwiMm AAd <0 the end of the Hne, ’ Mrs An--siting ■ ll•rrurrtt«' A tl Wun«r. rirswld> pSrt«r J Bofftiu Jr im Dnrunt __________________ ______________________ ttn*n*^iJ"‘d'aiSSS Qqq Assigns Finnish PA^rtlrtA* A BoTd*'l«* RorUiOior* Orion Ambassador to Laos Snminr VAU«hn;_ ^ OolorAdA And 1 JordAx “PtrAlif t LaVi* aim John O 1 ■rM JAO> O •ntnAhom Qlly 7 TIMES —The^ veteran Salesman Jia-s qi«t as prime minister seven times before — usually as a political raa-; neuver—and'' always has bounced jiiruriiaford ADd, united nations, N.Y. tl^PIi i’acit on i»P Ilf WAiind —Secretary General Dag Hammar- He said in his letter of r?signa-IrnOnAAM skjold Tuesday announced assign- tion that he had "no afteraative" ment of Ambassador Sakari Tuo- after failing to gain unanimous Mii-imioja of Finland to temporary Cabinet support in his row with ***J^“'”duty on coordination of U n i t e d former Defense Minisli^ Pinhas ____, _ *“'* Nations activities in Laos. Lavon, ‘ i chA^w "a. , w'rjthr Viiks I Tuomioja will replace Dr. * * * ' Trvme»*r*Viiird i'av? Edouard ZellwegM- of Switzerland' Kraeli censorship iiJW ciouded] Br-hSm while the latter takes htrnie leave., the Lavon Affair but it apparent- WfwiM»rt J TVtrMt ind* fv»rr>4t»ir A/Hi'* "■ "■ HpMt wh»n#T' — vnav • — ntliami f wmuiBM Wp ([arry a (AJiuplelf (supply of SEA BRIIVE as Recommended by Noted Columnist, DR. CRANE 64-Day Supply SI 69 KELP (tablet form) .300 for l.OOQ $1 $2.25 NATURAL HEALTH FOODS 8 Mt. Clemens SI. Your thoft insuraiKe touching up, tool This year, the emphasis it OQ more outdoor living. No doubt you have some lawn furniture . . . a-barbecue outfit... or other outdoor equipment Be sure everything you own ... inside land out... it in-tured igainst loss from theft. Call us for deUils. THATCHER, PATTERSON & Wernet Pontiac's Oldest fnaronca Agancf 111 COMMimiTT NATIONAL BANS BLDG. tiaih'. 3. by miUI diuretic adtkm tendini to increaae output of the 15 miles (rf kidney tubes. Enjoy a food nifht’s sleep and the tame- happy relief millions have for o»e/eO yetrs. Laigc. eoDnomy 33% to 20% OFF GRANTS REGULAR LOW PRICES PRICE CUT 37% ON GRANTS OWN BRAND SPRING-COLORED POLOS sStrip9» •fancies • Solids • Infants' 6-18 mas, • Toddlors' 1-4 • Childron't 3-dX RtguforfPeao. \ ou can’t buy better shirts at 79« -there aren’t any! Washfast combed cotton keeps in shape after repeated machine washings. SAVE 45c NOW ON 'BOUNCING BABY'DIAPERS Get more than you pay for —12 1^ 2.29 birdseye cottons, only 1.84. Take 1 o 177 life easy, get extras & save. Fine I2a textured, absorbent. 27 x 27 in. 2'. 99' tnlanti 9.24-m»- 1,59 M fidmuY KIT LIKE ONE FREE...'BOUNCING BABY' PROVEN QUALITY TRAINING PANTS Regular 25c. Shrink-resistcombed cotton, double thick knit; extra | absorbent triple crotch. Sizes 1-6. 5"99* NEW STOCK-UP PRICE ON FULL-CUT UNDERSHIRTS 1x1 rib knit cotton has plenty of stretch for non-bind, non-bulk fit Children’s sizes 2 to 6X. SAVE MORE ON EVERYDAY .SPECIAL CRIB BLANKETS Jacquards in.eoUon or I ^ rayon-nylon. Big 36x50. ■ , Boincing B«by RECLINER STROLLER 0 AfiJUSIABLE JUCJC 0 SWIVEL WHEELS O NYLON BEARINGS 12»1 lAlY SALI fRICI Deluge ityling now in low pried field — thwks to Grants. Chrome pUted tubular steel frame -- folds flat. Baby Will Bo Happily Active Rnd Abfolntely Safe in Oni "Bonneing Baby” JUMPER Mir. List Price 11.95 5 « ; •^•ryth, I "fed fo Grantos* boxer denim JEANS ■ -sSf 6T BRilf. fori lad *f*es 3-6x Reg. ^ I Wee*. Eiderlc /ANTie 3-«X Thvnday el 10 A.M. TREASURE HUNT Set If you find tha red tag items that, we will hide on our sale floor they will not be under counters, ONE ONLY OF EACH ITEM rat* AAlA • Udy’ejewel-------— Watch *....15.88 S.OO • Staam and Dry Iren ......8.98 1.00 a lasslNatte .. 10.98 5.00 , • ••in. Trfka .. 8 98 1.00 • lahy Stroller 11.98 5.00 lABY SALI PRICE New design iMves nothing in the way of baby's feet. Tip-proof, heavy-gauge steel tubing. Folds flat quickly. Coil-type iprirlgs for smoofh action. Sender ______19.98 5.00 • Raceed Mayer 19.95 7.00 * Rad RecNnor Leange Chair ....49.95 10.00 ThinBay at 40 AM. USE OUR CHARGE IT PUN ~ TAKE 30 PAYS OR MONTHS TO FAY *r W. T. GRANT CO: Ssa Sheppiag S. Talegraph ot Squara Lake Rd. 10 A.M. Center Fro# Porting for|^5,000 Core 'HI I^PJI. THE PONTIAC FRESS. WEDNRSPAY, FeSbRUARY 1. 1961 • r’- TWEXTYOyig : Deaths in Pontiac and Nearby Areas Pick Youth tor Summer ; PAUL E. ANAiT A TriMckn service will be held ' at 8:30 tonight ia the Vooriteea-'^Slple Funeral Home tor Paul’E. Anast, 71, ot 374 Oamun St. ; Service will be h^ at 3 p.m. ] Thursday at the St George Greek .Orthodox Church with burial in : Oak Hill Cemetery. \ Mr. Anast died Monday at SL' • ioseph Mercy Hospital after a long : ^nesf.' Mrs.' DwYsthy Ohetwood in California. ' - Mr. Sturdy was Rilled aircraft ^cploaion Saturday when ah American Airlines Boeing T07 let transport crashed In the Atlantic Ocean Just offsltorr from Long Island, N.Y. i 0. ABNOLD J Elmer C. Arnold, 66, of 5496 Cruse St. Waterford Township, : died yesterday at PonGaC Osteopa-' thic Hosidtal.' He has been ill three weeks. A retired metal finisher at Pon-. tiac Motor Division, he is i vived by his wife, - Minnie; daughter, Mrs. Clair Sherman of _;jPalerfori Township; -twu grandchildren; a sister* and a brother. ' Service will be held at 1:30 p.m. Friday at Donelson-Johns Funeral Home with burial * following White Chapel Memorial Cemetery. MRS. SARD BURLINQHAM • Mrs. Sard (Lillian M.) Burling-ham of 90 Waldo St. died yesterday a,t*her residence. She was 90. * Mrs. Burlingham was' a member ^ of Central Methodist Church. Surviving are a daughter : E. of Pontiac; and a son, Donald ■ of Chicago, HI. A private service WHHw held at p.m. Friday at thr Pursley Funeral Home with burial following in Perry Mount Park Cemetery. MBS. JOSEPH TAFT Mi^. Joa^ (Maude M.) Taft of ittemorei d' ........... at St. Joseph Mercy Hospital. She had been' ill several we<^ She is survived by her husband. Mrs. Taft’s body Is at the Sparks-Griffin Funeral Home. ROBERT N. THOMASON Service and burial for Robert N. Thomason, 53, of 102 Calvert wni be held frm the Kiser Funeral Home in Greenville, Tenn. 694 W. Walton Blvd. .was held today frbm the Huntoon Funeral Home with burial in Oak Hin Cemetery. An. employe of General Motors Truck B Coach Division fw the past 25 years, he leaves his wife. Rose; a daughter Linda at home; a RAYMOND B. SIBATTON in Europe A 16-year-old Waterford Township junior, Douglas Lyon of 7388 Hatchery Road, has been selected Lake; arid two brothers, Joseph of Auburn Heights and James of Pontiac. Mr. Stratton died Sunday of a heart ailment at his residence after an ilness of three weeks. spend tho-sum-mer In a foreign country. The youth was elwsen for hii outstan^ leadership qualities. H. KIRK WHITE LAPEER — Service for f<»iner Lapeer arwi resident H. Klrit White, 26, of Sanford; Fla.,' will be at 2 p.m. Friday atJJJuir His body was taken there _ fSTnwed nOonelson-Johns Funeral'«ome. Home foUqwed uiicAson>aunnB r uiwi w-’numc. . i. ^ i s_ Mr. Thomason died (foexpecte be held at 10 a.m. Thursday at Voorhees-Siple Chapel. Burial will ■ be In Perry Mount Paric “ A retired tool crib attendant at General Motors Truck' & Coach Division, he leaves his wife Gladys; a son, Stewart L. of Ifontiac; a daughter, Mra. Richard Keller of Pontiac: ■ five grandchildren; a l«x)ther Elmer of Oarkston. Mr. Conklin died Monday at Vet-erans Hospital, Ann Arbor after hmg illness. WALTER T. DeBAENE ROCHESTER-Scrvice iar Wal, ter T. DeBaene, 51. of 401 North-wood St., will be at 10 a.m. Friday at St. Andrew C^thqlic Church fol-by burial in Mount Avi« Cemetery. Mr. DeBaene. owner of the Walter T. DeBaene Tax and Bookkeeping Service in Rochester for the past 20 years, died yesterday after a long illness at St. Joseph Mercy Hospital, Pontiac. A Rosary will be recited, at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow at the William R. I'otere Funeral Home following a| Kiwanis Qub Memorial Service at 8 p.m. at the funeral home. He was Mr. White died Friday iif an airplane crash near Sanford, Fla. His body will be at the funeral home after 9 a.m. tomorrow. Surviviiq; besides his w i f Norma are two daughters, Tanya and Tamra, both at_J»oiai-Ws father Henry WhltiTbf New Hudson; his mother Mrs. Robert Whlt-stock of Lapeer: and two sisters, Mrs. Arlette Keeran of New Hudson and Mrs. Alice Brim of North Branch. Three-Bfths of the components of smog come from automobiles and buses, burning of trash, and the heating of homes and buildings. Notre Dame Qub of Detroit. Surviving besides his wife Selma are four daughters.. Mrs. Walter Kowalcyzk of Rochester and Janice Ann, Diane and Joan DeBaene, all at home; a son, Walt' Jr. of Rochestet;; his mother Mrs. Camille DeBaene of Rochester; a brother: a sister; and three grandchildren. CLARK E. PARDEE Service tor Clark E. Pardee, 63, of 5402,Camboume Place, West Bloomfield Township, will be at 11 'a.m. Friday from the Bell Chapel of the William R. Hamilton Co., Birmb%bam. Burial will be in White Chapel Memorial Cemetery, Troy. ■ Mr, Pardee died yesterday at William Beaumont Hospital, Royal Oak, after a lengthy illness. He was an automotive manufacturer’s representative and a ber of the Episcopal Church of the Advent in Orchard Lake, and the ^ Recess Club in Birmingham. He ' also was past master of Dearbon ; Ma^ic Lodge 172. Mr. Pardee was a veteran of World War I, serving with the Army's 107th Aero Squadron, and of World War II when he was a major with the 2nd Air Force. Surviving are his wife Helen; a daughter. Mrs. Thomas C. Tucker of BISOmfleld Hills; a son. Clark E. Pardee Jr. of Birmingham; a stepdaughter, Mrs. Carol Elliott of Highland Park; a sister, and 11 grandchildren. HOWARD L. STURDY • Service for Howard L. Sturdy. 37, of Park Forest, Ul. will be held at 2 p.m. Friday at Sparks-Griffin Oiapel. Burial will be in White Oiajpel Memorial ftme-tery. A flight engineer for American • Air Lines, he leaves his wife, Loaine; his mother, Mrs. Hazel Davidson of North Ridge, Calif.; Two children Eric L. and Yvonne S. at home; and two sisters, Mrs. Marilyn P(^eer of Pontiac and Fred M. (Antoinette) Kelso, 78, of 4226 Scinner Lake Road, will be at 10 a.m. Saturday at Immaculate Conception Catholic (Siurch. Burial will be in Mount Loretto Cemetery. A Rosary will be recited at 8:30 _ .m. Friday at the Muir Brothers I'uneral Home. MM. Kelso died yesterday at Lapeer (founty General Hospital after a four-day illness. Surviving besides her husband i^re two sisters, Mrs. Mary Elliott of Lapeer and Mrs. BeMce Starr ot CSiilUcothe, Ohio, and a brother. Deaths Elsewhere MRS. FRED M. KELSO LAPEER — Service for Mrs. bT THUR. m.SM.-4W«t/l:6fSpteiat tivities. the selection was made by a committee of Waterford Township High School studenU, another committee of high school teachers. Sponsored by the ,WatdHord branch of the Women's National Farm and Garden Gub, and Gif: ford Bentley ct Waterford, the prp: gram is under the ausidces of the MUMgan (Council of Guirches. Douglas will have a choice of which' country he would like to live in fcHT two months and has indicated he'd like to visit a French- -h Queen's Aunt Has Flu Duchess of Kent, aunt Elizabeth II. is confined to bed with flu. Kenya Talks Bring Riot NAIROBI. Kenya (AP) - Riot, squads armed with rifles, and pick handles broke up aj political meeting of 4,000 Africans [ Tuesday. ] We Extend an Area-Wide Invitation to our , OPEN HOUSE Suntjay, February 5th From Noon 'til 6 P. M. Fsr Susktims, Pntytiiiw, Aiyliim! Sals PriMf for Thrta Days Osly! Here’s the candy treat everyone loves to eat—tasty, nourishing peanht clusters. Each flivorful cluster is a blend of rich milk chocolate with fredi-roasted peanuts. Get several pounds TODAY at Big Buy savings! Special—Thursday, Friday, Saturday anly! Our new facilities ore completed and we are proud of fhe results. We will be hoppy to have you inspect them on this occasion—,— At Kresge’s—"This Week’s Big Buy is Your^gi’/ Buy' "Thoughtful Service" MRS. JULIUS NEIDHARDT AVON TOWNSHIP - Mrs Julius iFrances) Neidhardt, 84, of 1100 S. Livemois Road, died y^erday at her residence of a heart attack. Her body is at the Pixley Funeral Giapel, Rochester. Service will be held Friday at the Reitz Funeral Home in Saginaw with burial to follow there. Surviving are two sons, Garence of Grand Rapids and Carl of Saginaw; a daughter. Mm. Ruth Hub-with whom she tiuule her home; six grandchildren; and 10 great-graixichildrm. FOOD FESTIVAL SPECIAL LUNCHEONS ' 1 NAPLES. Fla. (AP), - Alvin Griesedieck Sr., 66, board chairman of Fatstaff Brewing Corp. the nationV third largest brtnving : Company, died Tuesday at,^ his winter home of an apparent Heart attack. He had flown from his home in St. Louis tp Naples Monday, MRS. ALGENA8 L. ROSS FARMINGTON - Service Mm. Algem L. (L(da G.) Ro«, 84, of 23400 Floral St., wUl be at 2 p.m. Friday at the Farming-ton First Methodist Church. Burial will be In Oakwood Cemetery, Royal Oak. Mm. Ross, a member of the W«nen‘s Society of Christian Service of the First Methodist Church, died ye«erday In Uvonia after a long illness. Her body is at the Thayer Fu-» neral Home. Surviving betides her husband are three daughters, Mm. William Lavejoy at BirmbiiJiam, Mrs. Frank Femstrum M GWOS Pbinte and Mm. John McGellan ot Lake Orhm: seven grandchildren; and nine greatigrandchildren. NEW YORK (AP' - Eugene ' Dennis, 56, national chairman of the Cfommunist party in the United States and one of 12 arrested . Ih 1948 under the Smith Act. died Tuesday at Mt. Slngi hospital. Dennis had suffered from a heart ailment and last year underwent a lung cancer operation. He was a native of Seattle. CHICAGO (AP) - John Doherty. 61, an international representative of the United Steel-woritcM of America, died Tues-. day in a hospital after suffering in ffinningham, Ala. Ca^YDE C. SWIFT KEEGO HARBOR - Service for Clyde C. Swift. 62, of 2200 Beech-mont St., wiU be at 1 p.m. Friday at fte C J. Godhardt Funeral Home. Burial will be In New Hud-Ml Cemetery, New Hudson. Mr. Swift died yesterday at Pontiac Osteopathic Hospital after an illness of five years. Surviving besides ‘his wife Gertrude are two sons, Keraietti E. and Gyde J., both of Keegi^Har-bor; three daughteM, Mm. ESdwtn, G. Trombly ol Drayton Plains and Mrs. Beojamfai B. GohUng and John Ford, both of Keego a heart attack. Doherty was bom Harbor; a brother, Claude of New Hudstxi; and .’T4“ grandchildren. The Better Career TWO DOCTORS ON DUTY assure you IMMEDIATE SERVICE EYE EXAMINATIONS ■ FILLING PRESCRIPTIONS EYE GLASS REPAIRS PONTIAC OPTICAL CENTER 103 N. Saginaw (across from Cras) FE 2-0291 Hrs. 930-5:30 Dally Mon. or Frl. Eva. by Apmt. A. A. M whippM po«t^ yegets-We, cranberry sauce. rolL >me», pie, beverage. 0r^/Fi»h Dinner Compute With Pie, Beverage Fried fillet of Haddock, with cseamy. tanai sauce, fresh Marsettl cole sUw, poutoes, roll, butter. Pie, bevtsage. Ut. Lb. Horn Pinner, Gelatin Deifert, Beveroge W -lb. grilled ham xeak topped with pineapple ring phis uble, tSl. butter. Gelatm with top-^ pmg.be»e»ge import Ciiitia Show Opportunities Are In Business To obtain the preparation that will qualify you for jobs in buainess attend Pontiac Business Institute! Investigate the Specific preparation for earning a living offered in intensive programs of study that are pract^ and effective. Accounting, Secretarial, Gen^l Business, Clerical and Office Machine courses are offered. / ' • Free Placenegt Service for Gradnates "Training for Business Careers Smee Pontiac Business Institute, Inc* 7 W. tawrence, street FEderal ^3551 -r Delicatessen Specials BAKED HAM 99^- POTATO SALAD. ...... MARZErtl COLE SLAW. . 25< KORN KURLS m kippered snacks 10 . . . 99< HEINZ SOUPS 10 . ..... Croste and Blackwell DAT! Etpeckilly built for workort who nood sturdy, non-skid, acid and oil rosistont dross-type service shoes with plenty pf comfort and long wearing qualities. OXFORDS BREAD ir FRESH, NEW SPRING COLORS IMHI PMTIES 4'-’ I, ♦, to Select long wOering eCt-ute i(|«tic Miracle Mile Shopping Center OPEN EVENINGS UNTft 9 P. M. __ 29e Eo. DOWNTOWN PONTIAC^TEL-HURON CENTER—DRA/YTON PLAINS ROCHESTER-t-MIRACLf MILE SHOPPING CENTER deffodlt, roM, Hlec . ChertreuM. Shop without cash "'CHARCE AT HRESGi*$- pui only once a month! ■/ ' •I, • / -Tn'KXTX'jvva T THEiPONTMC PKESS> WEPyESDAY. FEBRUARY 1. 1961 Propose Siake-Up in Elective Offites ^NSIXG «ttn«. Rep K. D. P’Biien, D-Detnwt. prapCMwd an an»*»dment to Iho c^insotutWB, To lourAcar tewwa to the eov’enatt. lieutenant esn’crnoT. auditor general and state The other three members of the Admiiusfrative Board—supenntend-ent of public instruction, attorney general and highway commissioner —would be appointed by the gw ento if tliie legislature appnned the reaolutioii and voters (toided ..To change the comtitutio|n. towmakers propewed a rules ftonge wtob >ould require breakdown of agency expenditures, salarto and otber money uses in. all appropriation bills. FIXIRID.I WKFCK SITE — This Is the scene e|A Merry Hospital. AndroTs car, travelii^ west on Montcalm, collided with a cor driven by Betty J. Harris, 26, 635 Second St. She* was driving north on! Joslytfc . I AndroTs wife^ Recie. 52, and a daughter Lindd, 12, were treated! to mim iajuries'at the-hospital! and released. j An average Ameriiaui motwrUtifuel taxea each time be bks 10 itow pyi abotti 95 c«>ts te^rngtor I gallons of gasoline put into his car. u.s. ROYAL rwo'/::rmmm5 «niK’ 1"'^ AirfboHssj U.S. hoys! Ssfvklng PsliW — Open 9 H < KING INSTALLATION CENTER PMONf ^0 SOUTH TFLEGRAPH RD FE 3-7068 ‘ fAcrois from Tel-Huron Center) Commissioners Laud Retiring Dr. Marbach Qt> coromtssiDners last night pit- ^ First Presbvierian Church.. w * a Manager Walter K. Will- Piesenled b> .Mayor Philip E.,"’"* principal speakcri Pjiwston, the citation singled out ■* op«»r. Marbarti during ®* tb«?nImemational Otyj Often cursed by drivers, ke has | victims. ^is 30 years as a Pontiac pastor. Association (lOIA) to- its stiver lining — providing tt’Si Altogellier, «• penuMs drowned . The- dtation, signed by Roiwition^^^ ^ thick enough. , la the cMUdy fai iMi. Mm|. to ke 4rel the other cominisekjoers, read* WBIomb. ISM pend^ ef the __Good-oT^tce_______in * --- ■ t K|Ma, wW talk ao lbw pWlewe- t{^o thick — probably has; -He MlabUfibed ' aa almos- j P*V •» «**»> iwaa^eiMeot. prevented recent additions to thef True to form-, most of the coun-piling Another swamped his boat „ni -pbere of good wUI ama^ all af | Robert A. SUeMr. assistant dty>»>Tady grim diwhiog toll In lake- ,y,, drov^^ing (atals were recoidedjand tangled his feet in a loose line,! ™ M»e rhurrbea af this cammaaUy. manager, will participate in a pan- dotted Oakland County. during the hot months last year. divers neglected the rules. I Jle gave aaselfisMy •( Ms time |el discussimi on public relations Winter lakes enthusiasts. Ihclud-' n ymd energies to remmimMy pro]- itomorrow. during the second day?ing ice fishermen, skaters and ' Jpcts. |of the meeting. , boatera. have reveled across the|'*‘"«^" ■ Ho h-wwic h. ..II ..hiv. ..ri Willman Sierer and David Teel bard, (substantial surface. There A long, cool spring saw four kfe and among persons of^SaJlwmnum's’adroinistTOti^ltiSSt^ little d^r !*“**’drownings Religious beliefs. His outkxtiTwui'have planned to attend the meet-; through sinre winter set * broad and charitable. ” ;tag today and tomorrow . plenty o| cold weathei-. t™* ice ciaira • * * * ------------—--- , ,U4ST WIXT»:B GRLM sehretaSto SIav U. Dean Young i a diL...... seneiiuiea iw Sunday afternoon at; .... ^ — Rrim. with several drowrangsi _ , .. , „ ... ^ to Direct Urban League - through the ice. Four small boysj ,^,2”aa“toJlS ll2r^0«iw Whitney M. 1 | bring a record low In drownings liYoung Jr., dean of the Atlanta|o I University school of social jggrk. ^6 Served | before the year ended . has been selected by the bpard of|at Ortonville Church lit surpas.d the previous y»ar' trustees of the Natiopal Urban; by one. (League to bp^ tto-organization'si ORTONVILLE— Ap^ake SUP--I The majw faetbr in. the fatali ,;wt?^Ber or., Kajmv pn^Mutrut. on- Meuroisi unurrn lomonw 9;jU|young ancf Old, I nouncetj torjoy. V p.nv by the Wwnen*s ^icty of | ^ a. .. a.. I Young, 39. will take over the,Oiiistian Service, ' The very young new Imd tto I'organbation's top pntiessional Job] The Esther Circle of the organi-j ** *'™'* | from current cxecutiv-e director zatkm is sponsoring the dinner to 1 water’s way^ Invariably „ ___ , . „ . . . . , , tuev had waiulered off unattend- Frozen j orange juice concentrates are ex-; . pected to increase by 1 cent a can were some of last .vear'siin ,he near future. The Ftorida; victims. !orange crop Is late in rtoning and! Cramps and ihe uhexpectedislightly smaller than last year. In-claimed The rest, except one. addition cold storage stocks are| Oitii' he intended to die. He was 40 per eept below the level of a suicide. WRITE TODAY . . . FOR OUR FREE BOOKLET They don't touch the eye! CONTSIT ’ LESS LENS / 1. Made to fit the individual curves of the cornea arid to rest .securely on a natural layer ofa tepr.. .2.. Made tinier^ the cornea. 3. Mad^ to be invisible, regardless of thickne^ of your glasses. 4. Made of new Safe-T-Lite, a lighter^ thinner^ stToMer plas-, .. .. - .1 ,Vo Appointment polnlment Ntcdcd. Try before You/4uy with our Trial Weeing Plan DR. B. T. l^RETT, O. D. DR. B. R. BERMAN CO. 17 N. Saginaw St. Ft) 4-7071 --i/ THE l>OXTIAC PRESiS, WEDNESDAYj-FEBRUARY 1, 1961 twenty-tHree Eighth Chapter.,. Michigai^t^le in the Civil War Frank (Undetected Sarah) Fought Side by ^Side^ With Comrades B/DK. FHl AnklvW. WajiM BtMt Uirivwrfty Franklin Thompaon ot Flint wu one of Bw firat Midiigan to raapond to Preildent Uaooln'o call for voloatoera at the outbreak of the GIvU War. On thA ITth of April, U81, Itanp- offered its aervioet to the 2nd Michigan Infantry Regiment, then being recruited in the atate. Eijoy dgtbnus mm sow cocMails>at ht>tne MAKE THEM THE QUICK.' EASY WAV WITH THE OmOINAL WHISKEY SOUR MIX In the fdkwlng month*, the 2nd Idlchigan fought in aome o< the tottgheat battlea P freeaer. $128 17 INCH THIN LINE PORTABLE TV With Dual Autonns $97 EASY SPIN DRYER Aluminum a*ltotor, twin purapa. $163.20 NORGE 30 INCH GAS RANGE Wirii sufoutstic evsu. $114.50 12 C«. F». WESTINGHOUSE REFRIGERATOR •■Froet Froo" ST89.90 FAMOUS RCA VICTOR LOWBOY TV IN POPUIAR DANISH MODERN " Tultor • New Full-FI*tors Tubs J HstIlLShl!rFii»W^^ • Tans Csufrol • Hdturs SfsWHssr Circuit* • Bstouesd Fidelity FM Smntd ♦ New Hlgh^ r^T^uninVUii Fu*h Ou-OH, Stoy-See Vrium# Ceortrol • All-Proiit Tuuluf sud Only ’.S' J82 Per Week FAMOUS RCA VICTOR PORTABLE TV Thfi TROUPER Model in-iuis ^ SUSC VBW-IHBI SPORFAIOUr TV Viewable Picture ' a BuOMnTeiesoopina Afltama Ofllv • PdcLHot Carrying Handle m e NowHigh-Effidency ChaidB e New RCA Long-Range Tuner ^ I e RCA Security Sealed GrauHs , I Hllr BUDGET TERMS |M0NEY BACKI GENEROUS TRADE' I FAST 24- I Courteous, after I NO MONEY DOWN liKi 5 0 l|f Hoi Fully Saii-.lipdl ALLOWANCE | HOUR DELIV£Ry| the sale service jCN ANY PURCHASE r».a,-.c.H.ri iii,wmiM«mute*i«w«.-e»wBt.iw^ a s«,k. c-, nnnwwe»» ^ FREHER APPLIANCE MIRACLE MILE SHOPPING CENTER S. TELEGRAPH at SQUARE LAKE ROAD Open Doily 10 A.M. 'HI 9 P.M. - FE 3-7051 - Sundoy 10 A.M. 'til 7 PM. All Children’s 2J99 Shoes SIZES 3 THRU 8; 8V^z THRU 3 All Ladies’ Casuals and 2JN, Flats SIZES 4 THRU 10 Hill f SELF-SERVICE fSHOE STORES OPEN 9 ’til 9 DAILY aid SUNDAY ^Itnfy of Fre# Forking 125 WEST HUROII V THF. POXTIAC-PRESS, tCROXBSDAr. gEBRCAHY 1. 1861 Ciraflar pattern identifies deposits scraped from ctimbustion chamber, it tells researchers many secrets. To get this pattern, deposits are ground up and placed above a Bln). Llectrons ^r^ beamed directly at the deposits. The beam is diffracted—scattered at precise and characteristK^ angles. This registers as the partem of dots shown above. Reading this photograph, Shell scientists ieam composition of deposits, determine how to aautiaUzethem. BULLETIN: Weird electron “pictures” help Shell scientists develop improyed TCP, for today’s Super Shell -to give your car top performance Bead how electron dififraction revealed the inner secrets of the combustion deposits in your car’s engine. How improved TCP was developed to neutralize these deposits, prolong spark-plug life, increase mileage—and release up to 15% more power. Here’s the full story of today’s Super Shell—and the 9 ingredients that give your car t^ performance. The rCP in today’s Super Shell docs its job belter titan ever. It ncutrafi/cs certain harmful effects of combustion deposits —deposits that can-prevent eset knowing your engine’s top pcrfonnancc. There's not a single engine with more than a few thousand miles ort it that doesn't have this tjpe of deposit in its combustion chambers. These deposits can cause real trouble vvhen you need power most. Thev glow red-hot and set off the fuel before the spark plug has a chance to get lormance by short-circuitirtg the spark.What happens? No firing-\x>u get a miss. Problem: I low to add something to gasoline that ncuiralizcs the effects of deposits. •Aiisurr: Shell ilcscaieh. A scientific detective story 0 the act. Ihe e.vpcrts call this prc-ignilion. The c.v plosion punches the piston on the way up. Two forces meet head-on. No wonder your powetialls qE Deposits can also cramp your car’s per- Shcll scientists announced the first TCP* additive eight \ cars ago, after lesearch^had pcouvl it could virtually end this misfire problem once and for all. TCP was hailed as the greatest advance in gasolipe in thirty^ one years. .Now Shell Itas improved it. Scientific detectives like the electron “photograph’’ (above) made new, improved TCP possible. They helped Shell scientists to look engine deposits right in the face. And to find how Ix'st to neutralize them. II pivves bow TCP nevtnlizes stowing deposUs. The electrically htated piston, above, has been inid^ with two Lindt ctf engine deposit. The glowing deposit, at left, had not been neutralized I witli TCP. The depoat on die right had. With TCP in action, there is no trace of ^k>w. What today's TCP can do Tests have already proved that TCP can help^yoU get up to 15 per cent more power, up to 17 more miles per tankful. And it can make plugs last up to twice as long. Y - ( •. f ’ T. ■1.-: yirPi POXTIAjC^ PRESS, WEDNESDAY. FEBRUAIty 'nVENTYFIVE Squash Makes Gaod Pie, Tastes Like Pumpkin NEW, YORK (Ul^)-Combine 1 cup of nigar, with 1 tablfipoon of of flour, H tewpoon of lalt. 1 spoon ead> of ground glngier cinnamon, % teaspoon of groundjwith unbaked pbstry. Bake In • Cannnci nutmeg and Is teaspoon of ground preheated ekHlcgree oven 50 min- VfgetaUle ^lad doves. Stir In 2 cups of mashed utes, or until a knife Inserted smihtn «fdp- nf cooked fresh yellow squash. Seat! the center co6n prepared mus* Instant mincCd oo^ adds just the right mild onkm flavor to fciod 'tud, ami UbSKd faure^ saR and •^--Oavor that doeral growsttw^. Elegant Ilam Dip” is as sim-! pepper to taste. Thin with a little pie to nmke. as It is delicious, milk, if necessary. Serve with Combine 1 cup (8-or.) cwnmerdal crlsb crackers or pretzels. Makes cream, 1 (214-oz.l can deviled!about 1 cup of dip. No annoying paring or chopping of onions to do; just measure instant minced onlcm and it's;, ready to Yes . , IGA has the Pork VolMes. Porl^is plentiful jnd, now is the time to stock your freexers or. purchase thot extro cut. Just look at the Low Prices . . . ot IGA. JONATHAN APPLES 49‘ LETTUCE . . . . Only 10‘ CELERY . . . . Stalk 15< wniCKen or rne )eo M TUNA FISH 4 Del Monte SWEH PEAS6 Chose ond Sanborn Instant COFFEE Del Monte Tomoto CATSUP Vi flat LAKE ORION Woitc's IGA Morkct PONTIAC Paul's IGA Foodlincr 'Opin Daily 9-9 ( Sund.iy 10-7 f> . I .! h li: : 1.3.::: -i- 4- tWENiTSlX THE PONTIAC PRESS. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 1. 1^61 Secret of Mysterious MSG Is Revealed meat cakes wtth the mixtuR. Pan-broil in hot aUUet, bastli« several times wtth remaining saaoe. jiakei gAlVET ODIXL MSG stands tor monoaodlurai any psetcia er vegetable «ah. « ™ ________ .«.« the one with whkh| Semeeumed foods may alieady ■ brand in oOr.artides.(*»’« fanuliar. , I have MSG ta them.. Read yoor Once we did — unknowh«dy — andj Ceoturtes ago the Orientals dis-i •*^***> were called to account tor it. Stooalcovered this t)i^otve^hlep|p-j \Ve hope this clears up a punling then we have always started theltrin. -ntey found that itymhanced queeUoa. We don’t deliberately woid "Thmnos” with a capital the taste of a good roiny toodsJkeeD you in the'dark. Npsv we’U letter. ^ l*^hiwe to rtart on the grocers. We had 90 many (juestions at the own. It is only since the wid- oroi whom don’t know the me you don’t have |f on hand. you’ll have a better tasting product Hof ,SpiC«d Punch t you indude it. dive’s a sample of one way it can be used; Steamed Date Pudding Good Winter Eating Cooking School, We get telepbooe^WorW War II that Aknericans bavejof the m^tertous letters. Won? calls every week on the same been i^ing MSG in any great you share your knowledge thing, lamount. jyour grocer? ■ "What Is MSG? VThere do I MStJ Is a basic seasonlBg like { By the way, it is all right to bay It?’’ . salt and pepper. It la good in Ileave the MSG out of a recipe if i I peoaO* iMn STouad bast > Uiuii^i taR I Ublwpeou sraUd oaMa ^ cup butur M Bscsarta* I uefuiMoiis >«moa,fac« sail, pepper, MSG and onion. Shape lightly into 4 thick ’’steaks.’’ stand in cool place 1 hour. ' Melt butter: add lemon juice On a cold winter’s nU^ tastes as^good as hot.pu^ j^ popcorn! An exdting cRUIw your redpe collection—simply heat a oan of apricot whole fruit nectar with a daah of ginger and tomoo juice. Keep the pot on fsr scconds! Make whopping balls oi cottee w v«am too oren Freeze on cooky sheet,'then roll in chopped or ready-diced almonds. Freeze again And keep on hand. Serve with ftidge or mocha sauce for splendid and easy dessert. Supper idea for a cold winter’s ni^t;, JSQKrli cidi vegetdile spm^' crusty rails, large fruit salads ahd “Chocolate Date Pudding With VanilU Sauce." Rich With luscious fresh California dates, this spicy, cbocdate puddtaig is really easy to make. Serve U hot its Wmim sauce spooned over each serving. Save this recipe, for the family, you can be sung, will ai' for it again and again,.'^ Chocotate Date Puddiag WHh 1 eup S Mati . rs._________ HatBoou bUlnt |wV4ir CIxqi» dates coarsely. Melt b and chocolate together over heat. Remove from bad and salt, slightly-beaten egg lagredieats all at Place on a rack In a large ket: de aai pour baling water around mold to reach baU way up tides. Cover tightly and steam 1 hour . and 45 mlnutee, replenishing water if needed. Unmold end s^ hot with Vanilla Sauce. , Vanilla Sauce: Boil water, sugar and butter togathsr tor $ minutes. Remove from beat and stir in vanilla. Serve warm. Makee 8 fresh grapefruit, avocadoa and oranges on a bad of lettuce on a large ptattv. Dotwith diced unpeeled red applee. Serve with may- 0 a a a a a a a a a a 0 a a a a a a a a a'a a m a • a ma a a a a^a a a'a^ a a aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa9aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa*aaa*aaa^a^aaaaaaaaaaaaa^aaaa,a^ The best things in ADVERTISED IN LIFE are Food Club FryingX^kicken Parts - S PFrigky Lamb Sale! Buy parts your farni^iy prefers. Whole Legs Fill vour fraezeg^-a^^Lbis-tew^wice^ Shoulder Roust or Drumsticks Mk Backs Attached Mm **** 1J Table Trimmed • Nourishing I^K Young, Tender Frying Chicken BreastsNo BoS?*A^h.d) 59^b. &;■ Lamb Chops, Cer\ter Blade Cuts 59*#,. Frying Chicken Thighs ‘ISJSS 59^b. Lamb Chops, Round Bone Cuts 69*#,. Breasts, Thighs, Drumsticks 59*,t Lamb Chops, Tender Rib Cuts 89ib. Wings 29*ft,;. Backs or Necks 10*,b Breast-aLamb 251 ,4..'J GEX RIIMER GIFXS F/\SXEFt WlXtH GOLD BELL GIFT SXAfVIFG r- f\-' -^[^ PQyriAC PRESS. WEDNESDAY, i^oiidt, ~i ^ social action agency of six Lutheran denominations. He la president d the Lutheran World Federation. Speaking of merger among Lutheran denominations, he said, "We Lutherans feel there should be an agreement in faith before there is unity of organization. now Specially Priced at./. Blue Ribbon Farms, Table Trimmed tUniek^sasts C«t 4S Lb. TOP FROST Ducklings 49 STANDING BEEF Rib Roust Ocean Perch Fillets Gulf Kisf Shrimp Fresh Cod Fillets UflHtly Breoded Pkg. 1-lb. Pko. 55V, Govt. Grade A Inspected M BC 3>A-5-lb. ^ V Avg. wt. ■■ Jm lb. PrlcM affaefivt WRIGLEYS CREAMED Cottuge Cheese 19 SAVE lOc 16^x. Ctn. Food Club Cream Cheese Denert Topping Presto Whip In Wine or Creom Pep-E Herring For Ycur Automoftfc 6i$hwo*her Dishwasher Pure white mild , lifebuoy Soap Mild for dothei Duz White Soap Stoinlew tteelwore pock Surf Detergent Beef Chuck Roasts Beef Chuck Roasts Boneless Chuck Rcxist Lean Ground Chuck Lean Boiling Beef Beef Short Ribs bJ Boneless Beef for Stew Round Bonepr English Cuts 69=^. 79V 69i. 29*. 43=*. 79.: DARTMOUTH TENDER Frozen Pens SAVE 10c 4''^59* TOF FROST FROZEN SLICED Strnwberries 3U.100 Pkfi. I SAVE 17c One bor FREE when you buy two, Cashmere Bouquet 3 Bor. 3i .i:49‘ Peck-A-Boo Cherry, Blueberry Muffin, Bonono Nut Loaf Py-O-AAy Mixes 3 ^ Fresh Ground — 3-lb. Bog . . .1.45 • Del Crest Coffee • TEL-HURON CENTER • 398 AUBURN • 536 N. PERRY • 59 S. SAGINAW '.It 49‘ • 5060 DIXIE riWY., DRAYTON PLAINS White or Assorted Chormin Tissue f\ 4-Roli 0 Poks 99- For your dirtiest ..tLothts Lorga ' Size 34‘ Oxydol Detergent Mild, gentle Large Size 34‘ Lux Flakes Gets clothes really clean 25-01. Pkg. 39' Dash Detergent Mild, favorite . ' Ivory Large Soap 2 ^ 35' Del Crest 100% Pure Instant Coffee WRIGLEYS 2S EXTM GOLD KU STAINK WM Panlfosa af Oaa a0-c». Pkg. LION SNIP OFF BAGS... 49( Ceveen reOeeiatolc enfy et Wrfolevs tHrmai tetJ^y, Ptorwery «. This cewyee^ im Msh vetve. Limit eee per evstemer. . • NORTH HILL PLAZA, ROCHESTER ir PLENTY OF rREE PARKING ^ 50 EXTRA SOLD lUL STAMPS* WM Pmehese ef One 2-U. Leef CHEF DELIGHT OET GIFTS R/VSTEFt WITH GOLD BELL. GIFT STAtVlRRi '■V- I V twexty-eigIit, THE PQXTIAC PRESS. WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 1. TMl ■ ■' i: ■' , Hoffnai’s Oaklanr Failing larket Will Chong« Th«ir Nam« to Pontiac Freezer Foods 526 N. PERRY FE 2-1100 70-Foot Moot CoMiitor Tender, Boneless, Rolled Rib A(%^ Roast Hw lb. BUY and SAVE! Choica Gils Tnder Staar BaafI ROUND-CLUB-SIRLOIN-RIB Steaks 69i Non* Highor Oven-Reody Stewing or ROASTING HENS Young, Tender Steer Beef POT ROAST «>«>i Hswisds Park • Smss|« CsttaN# 5tyls Perk Cbspt Saew Whhs CklHsrHiifs “■'a’ WISCONSIN . MSDIDM CHEESE 3 ^‘•99* 3 “-99* $|69 “49* — FAIRLAIVE FROZEM FOODS — CUT GREEN BEANS, O-oi. $2.19 doi. BROCCOLI CNOFFED, lO^t. $1.9$ dti. PEAS md CARROTS, 10-ol . $llS dtz« FR0KH GREEN BEANS, 9 u. $2.19 in. BRUSSEL SPROUH, lO^i. $2J9 doi. SPINACH, 10^ .$1.79 dot. LIMA BEAN$, lO^i. $2.59 dot. aUUFLOWER, 10-ot. $2.49 dot. Frtiicll Fritd POTATOES, 9-u. $149 dn. BROCCOLI SPEARS, lO^i. $2.49 dot. GREEH PUS, 10.ot. $2.15 dot. White Face Groin Fed Beef ^-k HIND >/4 FORE . ------ ------------•-m p< Norilumiplon Dip 1 l-os. fsr cheese tpresd with W cup-s»ur cresm 2 Ubietpoons loetsnt allied, oi Beat together-the chem spread and sour cream until smooth. Add minced onion and barbecue season-half hour before^ t teble'epoon chicken Msumed l»<’^}n,ed onu r tesepoon iraen onlont I tsbieepoos chopped pimlenie Cojnbine' cottage cheese, cream, beating makes dip too thin.).Chill. Concoction /| One especially delicious concoc-;tion that may be served as a naiad |or as a desert is CHANBKRRY'N P1.A'EAPPLK VELVE'r. Top With Peaches and Whipped Hone/ Butter 2 teMpooni cblU powder I Isn’t it nice thut many of the foods which contribute to the happy ..nd'chl*. «.»n,d tok l«.„i . bH».l and beat until well mixed. Mix in [day, - start with W Uupoeii tstt Mix beans srith mixer or blender until smooth. Stir in remaining gredienU. Chltt until serving time. Named for Pennsylvania’s Rucks Oounty, well known as a country retreat of many artists and writres, this unusual dp is truly a gour- gdish. -------------- —— Biu ks fWunlv INi. P»P«nS unopened can in pan of “bieSpoonf rinm iWHh ait electric mixer or rotary R^friferatej^achre, whjpp^’honey’butter| until shortly before servimr time, hot mob. k™..., k... me joys or me nwiaay Thaw soup, just before using, by I Spread warm i whipped butter^ that class uid give a real holiday touch to the simplest of meals. This month especially you'll find supplies of both the fresh and process^ berries abundant, so if you yearn for a return to some of the holiday atmosphere, make ’ To prepare, combine t parts of whole cranberry sanee wrilli I part mlnlaihire marsbnuillews and 1 part drained rnMhed pineapple. Add Just en,ougir fresh lemon a plarb of salt tor mell PoM into fimity wMpped sweetened cream. Pour‘-lnlo refrigerator trays and chill until firm enough to cut. For salads, scr\'e cut intc squares, atop a bed of lettuce udtb finely chopped fresh cranberry garnish. As a dessert, it is most attractive when broken apart with a spoon and biled loftily into chilled sherbet dishes ... and garnished a whipped cream tupping. juacamole Joins 1st of Good Dips Often wrved In Me.\k’Bn restatr--ants, this appetizer is equaMy good at home., ' •* Gnacamoie With Cora mipo "" 1 tsssnooii uut ---- 2 imsll onloB let werti eiBUsoto oUlpt Coro chips Peel and mash ripe avocados dhd mix with lemon juice and salt. ^ finely grated onion, including bdlh pulp and juice. Turn into serving-dish; garnish with pimiento. Serve with corn chips to dunk into mhi- No- flour sifter in the house? ITpe i fine wire sieve. 20< OFF LABEL Rcgulor or Drip • Kroger VAC-PAC COFFEE 2 *1®’ Weinviteymto * so frfro T«p Vole* Stofflpi WIfk Ceppoit M§w VLASIC POLISH DILLS...... 49c J POPUtAtt RRANtJ^ltEGUDW.STZr-.. - ' . fr? - CIGARETTES________ ... 4 96<: \i HOMESTEAD—GOLDEN VELLOW MARGARINE..... .4 69- lOc t The only vmy to get Low PricesPlusTbpValue^mnp¥ SVVEET ‘OR BUTTERMILK PILLSBURY BISCUITS SAVEtOcON -- - WHK *A' 49c SAVE 6c ON U. S. GOVERNMENT iNSPECTED-Whole JIFFY BISCUIT MIX .. til 33c I- FRESH FRYERS ■ 50 EXTRA Bi I Top Value Stamps I Ltf ■ With this coupon and $5 purehoso or I mort of mtrehondiso exetpt loor, ™ v.3 CHICKEN LEGS win. t.ck p.,g.« . ib. 49c CHICKEfil NECKS OR BACKS ..... .lb. lOc CHICKEN BREASTS win. Rib An..h.d .. ...|b. 59c FRESH Roasting Chklcens . . . u HYGRADE - WHOLE OF HALF Semi-Boneless Hem . SAVE 19c ON 2 LOAVES-Of KROGER SUCE& RAISIN SAVE 16c ON i CANS OF PACKER'S LABEL ■ . TOMAYOES SAVE 19c ON 4 CAhis OF DWANS FREESTONE With l^c Coupon in Thursday's Pontiac Press ROBINHOOD FLOUR PEACHES • • • • HOLLYWOOOS MILK SHAKE ■ PAY DAY OR BUnERNUT CANDY BARS 1,400 BEST WAYS TO SING HAPPY BIRTHDAY^ SOMETHING SPECIAL FOR YOUR MELLOW N' SWEET “VALENTINE” GOLDEN MWvVAVMWVASS'vYiW VALUl Tkif CouMh Hm r«Kk«M •! i-LI. CAN aECULAk Ok ORir KROGER VAC-PAC COFFEE aicbiAa'oii'oiiir " • F It, J>r«rlH ruin., Odnra 6 BIG KROGER STORES TO SERVE YOU! Order from our Daffodil Form Girl 1C for your fovorite Volentine. Beoutl-fully heort shoped cokes. ' OieJ.ayar Hurt ShapMl.. Two Layer Heart Shaiwil- ■ tt49 AveilaMa at Kre«w et Eliiaheth Lake Rd. and Mirada MiU aniy. Wrap up birthday gift problems with th« right gift evety time—Top Value Stamps’ exclusive Gift Certificate! Take your4illed saver books to the nearest Top* Value Redemptioa Store for an equal-value Gift Certificate, packaged with a new Top Value Family Gift Catalog. Happy Birthday, with a Top Value Gift Certificata, means more than 1400 different brand-name gifts from yrhich tochoose. ELIZABETH LAKE and TELEGRAPH MIRACLE MILE SHOPPING CENTER PERRY at lOSLYN DIXIE HWY. and SASHABAW VAN DYKE in UTICA 211 BURDICK in OXFORD Jk kst pHs in Kfi 3f9 fm fvTof Value Stamps. PLENTY OF FREE PARKING Wm neette, the rlgbl lo limit qaantiliM. hicet and items elleethe Ihrn Sal., leb, 4, If SI at hagei in reiKioc. Diarten Plains. Oxford and l/lica, Mich. Hone sold to ^dalori. / IHiRTV I j , A,; ^ .. ------------------^■ -^.1404—^ ■ / ' - : , ' . i;' •" I ' THE FOXTIAC PREStj. WEDNESDAY/ t^EBRl A«4. 1^ 19G1 ■y i'-' T wV 1 ’. * I: 1 , ;| 4~ /., / "SUPER-RIGHr QUALITY Standing Rib Roast 4Hi 0 5Hi RIBS FIRST 5 RIBS FIRST 3 RIBS "Sup«r-Righr" it Fully Mo-tur^, Groin-Fod Boof ... Quol^ Riflli^ Trimmod Right, Frico^^idht, Sold. Wight... On# High Quolity No Conhitien—^no Prict At Advtrtitod. 65; 69; 75 LB. COM! SEC.^YOUTX SAVE! For Ti^te Plus Thrift-The Best PIE Buy in Townf JANE PARKER REG. 55c One bite will tell you why thk it o great pie. Ift a flal^-cnitted treat... almost bursting with ht own juky goodne^ (|^’t be biat for flavor or value! Just take a look at the hundreds ofit^s on display—and you’ll know why so many people prefer to shop at AaJ*! Low prices — all through the store! Fine foods—all you like and more! For top value—anytime—pick quality-famous AfcP Exclusives; Jane Parker Baked Foods, Ann Page Fine Foods, and. AfcP premium-quality Coffee. None Better At Any Price! ii. 79c For cooking and baking, for beverages, for infapt feeding, there’s no finer evaporated milk at any price. A great buy now ' JANE PAtKBt ORANGE Chiffon Cake 49T The cake with the delicate air... golden, feather-light, luxurious, orange-flavored. Superb "as is" or served with fruits or icecream! Potato Chips TWIN PACK j FRENCH ONION Dip-N-Chip Crocked Wheat Bread S-OZ. CTN. JANE PARKBR 1-LB. LOAF 29c 17< JANE PAHCBt DANISH Pecan Rmg ^ UCH - JANE PARKER Sandwich-Creme Cookies » 39c CHOICE OF: Cocener, Orange, lemon or Feonut Batter Filling Special Offer! SULTANA BRAND Peanut Butter 2*65* Folks can’t resist the fresh flavor of this fine quality peanut butter. It’s tasty, nemrishing and excepbkmally thrifty NOW at AfcP! SPECIAL SALE Our Own Ten Bogs 64^49< — WARWICK BRAND AfirP’s Own Fina Quolity Chocolate Covered Cherries AU MILK OR ALL DARK CHOCOUTI SPECIAL Week-Ind Coffee Sole... EIGHT O’CLOCK C 1-LB. BAG 49 ; Thrifty 3 LB. BAG ONLY 1.45 Stock Up on Good Taste-and Savings with ANN PAGE Fine Foods! I40Z. BOX 39< Sparkle WHITE HOUSE Instant Dry Milk 79. #^C ««• REGULAR STYLE 5 "'“'.jg* ANN PAGE Preserve Sale Rod Raspberry i>-oz. mr Stra¥fberry ^ar Blockberry i*«z. jar Damson Plum jas CHOKE 3 35^ Blackberry Jolly • • • 3 85c ANN PAGE BLENDED CANE and MAPLE SyTup 4Sc Grapu Jelly «««« 2 /£■ 45c Strawberry Preserves 4 J2. 1.» 1 I I THE PONTIAC PRESS. WfiPNEgDAiY. FEBRUArV 1. 1961^ THIRllY-gNE 1 Mart Good Eoting from End to End .. . bocoutt shonk ond tmoU bokos ofo rtmovtd. Lon Shrink . . . No Skin... No Excott Fot. 'Super-Right" lully Cooked SEMI-BONELESS HAMS^59^ 6KADE "A” 19 TO 24 POUND, OVEN-tEADY Turkeysv “ Poric'lousage'3^3 ^1.00 •$0rW4«0Hr QUAUTY Polish Sausage . . . f ^ 49c TEXAS STAR CLEANED, PEELED AND DEVEINED Shrimp ■ • 3 3*79 Scollo|i Dinner cap-m johets , , V?o. 49c Hdibut Steak .... . . . « 49c Medium Shrimp . .. . . 69c COMPLETELY CLEANED, Government Inspected, Top Quality Fresh Fryers Cut-Up Fryers .... lb. U. S. No. 1 Grodf, Ail PurpOM MICHI6AN 25 ‘“75* Potato Sale U. S. No. 1 Grodo, All PurpoM MAINE 25-85* 501b. Bog 1.39 50-lb. Bog . . . 1.59 , BUNCH 29c THIN SKIN, USY TO PIEl, 100 «ZS YOUNO, TENDER SHOOTS Temple Oranges .... 59c Fresh Broccoli . . RUBY SiiDlUS FOR TASTIER SAUOS GniF«Z. PKO. 10-OZ. PKO. 10OZ. RKG. fOZ. PKO. 9-OZ. PKO. 7 1 PKGS. ■ 00 MARVEL BRAND—AOrs Own Fino Quality 4 FLAVORS HALF GAL. CTN. 49^ 49< Biscuits 3 Sifo 29c Margarine 3 ^ 85c Ice Cream WISCONSIN Mild Cheddar Cheese YOUR CHOICE 10 PIUSIURY OR BALLARD AfrF BRAND—Aero FINEST QUALITY ^ Yemato Juice .. 4 89c DRESSING Miracle Whip Preserves • Corned Beef Grope Drink Royal Puddings Diced Carrots. YOUR CHOICE Toble Napkins Kidney Beaiis Pork 'n* Beans Tomato Soup Tomato Sauce Pineapple Juice Cut Green Beans Whole Potatoes Navy Beans Tomato Paste Sliced Beets Iona Hominy CONTAOINA 4-OZ. CAN AAPBIANO 1S-OZ. CAN Deviled Ham Cream Styb Corn Iona Sweet Pens Cut Wax Beons 10c 10c 10c 10c 10c 10c 10c 10c 10c 10c 10c 10c 10c 10c IONA BRAND 1743Z. CAN UROR SIZE 17:OZ.CAN IONA BRAND ISH^OZ. CAN THJ eWAT ATUNTIC A PACWC TIA OOGAMY, INC 5uper Markets AMERICA'S DEPENDABLE FOOD MERCHANT SINCE I8S4 A&P FRUIT SALE A&P Fruit Ccraktail A&P Bartlett Pears A&P Freestone Peach Halves A&P Apricots, Unpeeled Halves MIX OR MATCH ^ f .00 LctMr Quontitin Sold at Regular RotalU CAMPBELL'S SOUPS n-OZ. CAN Vogetoblo Boot MIX OR MATCH 8 %■? J*00 CEREAL SAIE Post Sugor Crisp, Vka Post Alpha Bits, 'Vk”' Com Flokis,K.n**t‘<”Kl!!' Wheoties Corool, MIX OR MATCH 4 1*^ luMT QmnHttM SNN M R.««il.r RaMli FOUR PORTUC AREA AAP Sapti Mariiots to Servo Tor ALL OHN MON. THRU SAT. 9 A.M. TO 9 R.M. 1185 North Perry at Moditon 4724 Dixie Hwy., Drayton Plaint 949 W. Huron St., Neor Telegcoph Rd. (TMt ftere eam Satuidayt at S A.M.) 25 W. Pike St., Downtown Pontiac Om* MeNday aad Friday till 9 F.M. ' Oriiar Caaaaaiaat ADR Staiat m lUta sc, XMhMtw I . as W. ritat. Ck. OriM lit* t. Msal.. W.IM Uk. ------ - - VS-M MS M-lt, CUrkMM . rMSwar^ Blnil^k.a Wqth Dry Oswraanl Fob k OH UM 2/^S*59c WiA Mth Tewsi Brenze ^ 79c An Furpota Clsanar Handy Andy S: 69c' For Waihint Silvtr Dust Blue 79c a Urea Fkgi 47t Fiamkim bi Fackogs Surf 2 a. 69c Giam Fkg. ! . . 13c With Rafrigaralion Dith Praise Soap . 3 & 43c . a Seth Coke* ... 43c For Automatic Wo||hari Condensed oil 79c 5c OH labal Spry Shortening 3 & 69e THt) PONTIAC- pi^E^s. \yhDyKmAY,. rmnvAiiY Florida Snap Beans Take Minimum of Cooking It‘i understandable why mp beans get qtecia]' attention in the luxury hotels along Miami Beach. It is only a skh> and a Jump trom the beach to Florida's sinter vegetable belt where each year enough hftn plants are cultivated to make a Iktrip ui acre sHde from Florida to the state of WasMngtao. Florida is the major producer, of snap beans for the fresh market and for the next few months virtually all fresh snap beans on the market kUI be from Florida. pcrature hnd not chilled before of approximately the tame ity s6 that they will cook uniform^ ly. Pods should have a good green color. Very promlifent bulges or whiteness of the pc^ may be an Indication of overmaturity though aonte vaiieUea are naturally not as a green aa others. pepper and than saatad la butler -> about Vt stM or als tablespoons to a piwnd of beaaa. This preparation is the four' variatiotts served In the hotel's several dlalag For snap beans almondine, sparingly dice blanched almonds and At the Americana Hotel, one ofj|n«»hroom pieces are tossed with tJ»e more famous along the Gold!**** Coast Executive chef Hugo Hun-i For' snap beans provhiciale. ecke and his staff of «0 chefs pay-beans are sauted with chopped on-1 partieuiar aMcnt^ to vegetahieiion and hcaits of ftesh prtled to-; 7-^ dishes. Snap bcisns; cate of the fop inatoes. Garnish with mwhrbmn Qf| LCrO LVcniliy Spbolic Bread Nice for Shower Snap beans should not be. stored In the refrigerator lor loijg pcHodi. they loae in both color and texture. When they must be held, they ritould be kept In the vegetable bii} «r in b tightly cloaud bag to ^ vent loss of moisture. Optimum tempetatuie f«r storing snap beans as with most other fresh vegetables is between 45 and SO degrees. Prolonged exposure at 40 decrees will injure tlje beads. ^ Hot Juice a Treat . Orange Blossom Ring is a f^am- ComUne 3 tablespoons mnrga-rine with orange rind and juice And confectioners’ sugar; spread half ot mixture on dough. Starting jMiprbpriate interest and goodniMi to any bridal shower table. Its delicious flavor, tendemeaa and good looks are all due to the met that it is made with yeast. The lepipe has an unusual twiat: the same frosting that deemates the finished ring is also used to fW the dough before baking. Orange BkMaom Ring 1* U^umkI (Ufsr m«n»rlnft pr butti flour III mpke soft daugg. Turn damh sut sa lightly flaured aw-f^ca and knead uatU Mnouth ahd elastic. RoU wl Into ISxT Inch FLORIDA SNAP BKANS — Four snap bean recipes from the kitct. Caa at I wall raitlma at 4-0*. Caa at Hate# __ I BLACK PEPPER 11 KITCHENWARE II PAAA DRY FRY «■ 39« ” || >1 88* " II «t Pfr I Wkfc Percl»a*a af I LW. at Mara at ' I With farcheN af Aay 1-U. Fk»- *t ' I FRESH "l| LUNCHEON H [I fiROUND BEEF || MEATS »|l WM iba Patchaaa at Aay FRESH ORANGES . , j Natiaaal faad I | kadatai tWi coaaMi at NatiaSal Faad I I Radfaai th1t caaaaa at Natiaaal Faad I I Sadaa** thh caasaa at Natiaaal Faad I i Radaaai ihh caaaaa at Naftahal fm4 I I Radaaa» ihh caasaa at Mariaaal ta* ( I I ti *i ****^»at iat., r#k. 4. I ' Stare*. Caasaa lasire* Sat., fth. 4. ' ' ' Sre*ai. Caas#* l*akaa Sat., tab. Caaaaa t*sirei Sat., tab.^4. | $*a«a. hskre Sa*- RM. 4i I Styrea. Caasaa iasONTIAq PRESS, WEfaSESDAY. FEBRUARY 1. 1961 i’ -S - - / * THIRTY THREE 1 Jnany-Way/Le0on Dessert Sauce hMandyl^^^^^^ Knowing your refrigerator U ■tedced with « winptuaui deseert uuce gives you • 'wonderful air of serenity wijen unexpected guesU , drop by, Glammous tikany-Wayi Lemon Dessert Sauoe Is a starkly, tangy-tasting tonwr that goes de-liciausly with moat every and any the use of fniit Juicer and strainer .. Buptdies tingling zjp to Many-Way'Lemon Sauce. Butter ad^ its own subtle and elegant flavor while granulated sugar and light corn Creamy smoc^ and lemony flavored Many-Way Lemon Dessert Sauce is made in ahoct-ordertime — Just five minutes. But it kedga so well that at the dose of three weeks, you’ll find it as luscious and refre^ing as the minute you pre- It's so simple to Mend that-you might even mix it after company 'canned or freshly fruits, pound or plain cake. BhwdaMe evaported milk is the miracle dairy food that thick--«M this saaoe ; . . to swsh a velvety-smoeth oonalsleacy ah-sightly bumps aad lumps lisd It Impossible to appear. Kvsporated milk Is s» dependable, yon need seooad -* thsi a recipe "won’t Freshly bottled lemon Juice the tart^weet pri» of the lemon that’s now available to use without is mighty good over a Midwinter Fresh Fruit -Sundae. Maay-Way Lemoa Dessert ih IH lUck) kuu«r We’ve told you about the basic luce . . . we’ve yet to tdl you of its many exciting variations. Foamy Lemon Sauce U airy lli^ and Jrothy . . . like a doud spooned oyer scoops of ice cream, shiinmerlng gelatih cubes, date or duih pudding. It’s prepared fay adding a frosty whip of evapor-ated milk and bottled lemon Juice Jo the basic redpe. ^ Marshmaltow Lemsa Sauce Is w In saucepan melt butter. «xn syrup and salt. .Cook oveiMow heat, stirring constantly, 3 to ^ minutes (mixture will b» come ^dightly i^wque). Remove from hrat. Gradually stir in evaporated n^. Add lemon Juice; beat vigmously. Serve either hot or cold er bat Just as heavenly-tasting topper. This sauce like all the variations la Idesl splashed ever spicy aad fragrant frnit cakes, Oottoge pudding, tustord aad |hi- Fruited Lemon Sauce ia the last variation we’ll mention, for we want you lo have the fun of concocting your own Intriguing variations. We wiU say that Fruited Lemon Sauce w h i c h f natures crushed piaeapple^erciioilfledlttfii cup chopped dates into 2 cups Many-Way Lemon Dessert Sauce. Try Steaming Cup of Mocha Drink Foamy Lemon ganoe: (3»IU one-third cup evaporated milk in refrigerator tray until icy cold; add 1 tablespoon bottlM lemon juice and beat .in chilled bowl until stiff. Fold into 2 cups chiliad Mairy-Way Lemon Dessert Sauc^ Makes 3 cups. pare Many-Way Lemon ,Dessert Sauce os directed adding " miniature marahmaBows v sugar, corn syiup and salt. 2% ctow. t sursKUse chsnlss, wsU drslstd 1 eas rrultod Ltasa Ssoes Ped bananas, cut in half croos- wise, slice lengthitise |md dip In orange Juice. To serve arrange 4 banana slices in each dish; top with 4 scoops of ice cream. Spoon remaining orange Juice and orange sections over 1a cream. (Garnish each sundae with 2 maraschino cherries and top with ^ cop Fruited Lemon Sauce. For those who want a good omemade vanilla sundae, in which, they are sure ci getting Curried Sardineiand Rice Try an eastern-states favorite a combinatian of chocolate and coffee flavws. Sweet Mocha Cbocolstt-tlSTorsd •VMUatd brrerstt mis I Hot brtwsd itronf cotftf Hllk or llsbt crsbrn For «Kh serving, put 2 teaspoons M the mix into a muK add K cup very hot coffM and stir well. Pass milk or cream. Note; One of tM qutdc-diaadving beverage mixes made with Dutch cocoa is fine to use for this good drink. Ever serve browned pork saus- Fniltoi Leman Sauce: FoM JkggpJiok& wifll BBuerkxaut? The two cup ci^ed d^ihed pinei^lie wjmake a good main supper dish. made with pure vanilla extract. DTE ON WHITE SIJNDAB ID tmiMllAUd MIMr Oheppbd PSMUU pur* naUis utraet Quick fWalnuti Datt Burt Combine angar, eofanstarch, ir in milk. < and salt Gradually stir In raitk. Cook over hot water or very low heat until flie mixture is of medium thickness. Stir in butter or margarine and pure vanilla exi ■lining occasionally. When to serve, place a scoop of vaniUg ice cieun in each Mierbst dish over which spoon cooled vanilla sauce. Sprinkle with chopped peanuts. Yield: Sufficient sauce for 8 to 10 sundaes. 3\M follow dlrectkm tor preparing data hors uHiig pwdnged dato bar mix. Add M cup chopped wal-nuU to the date fiUiqg mixture prepan and boka as dirsMed. lUstea delicious whan served In Vou ean.lmprovlsa a steamer by using a wire rack in the bottom of a large covered kMtle. Curried Maine Sardine, in an East Indian mood, is a delightful dish tor a quidc ‘n* easy supper. Add two teaspoons of cuoy powder — or more if you like —, to a can of condensed mushroo^n Wip. Add a chopped apple, rind and all, a diced banana and two cans of drained Maine Sardines. Serve over boiled ilce when it's piping hot. M'm, good! 1 CAN FREE .Npthing to boy! No hbels to seodi" TO Tift OIAlll. Ym. may n----- -----1 a------M» »l^pT«vbl»a y. Scars Not Harmful Surface scars do not affect the flavor and Juiciness of fresh grapefruit unless tiiey are soft and wet. Cboqpa Umm- whioh are .firm' an) heavy for their sire. '• than iOc slut tc kaaditaf. invaimt YOU JUST CAN’T FINO FINER...FRESHER PROOUCE Top Quality Golden Ripe Bananas .10 Credit Ue^talrie features Hot Houto, Medium Sira, Fresh . . . , S 59' Califernia Large Sne-Whita Heads Cauliflower.................39' Mushrooms . . . 30 Sin. Califorma Crisp and Fresh Florida, Pure—In Free Decanter Bottle Pascal Celery .... & 19* Orange Juice . 49' U5. Me. f AH Purpose California Graan Diamond Maine Potat6esT.10 li 49' . . . . ^ ^^^^9' Fiorids, Fresh Romaina, Escarola er Packed Daily. Fresh Endive Lettuce .... tea 19' Tossed Salad .. 2 29' U.S. No. 1, Miebigae Head Picked Macintosh APPLiS 13f She, CalHernie. Jpiey Navel Oranges -59* Califeniio, Flamt Red. Large Clatters imperor Grapes - 25‘ 210 Sise, Horida Zipptr Shfa Tangerines 2-49* at National Rick Temafe NaVor Hunt's Catsup Garden Prnth Cnt Wax ar Green Bean^ SAVE No. 303 OO 23c Cons 1 Natco Evoparatnd Canned Milk SAVE Ct 14Vi-6*. OO 11c Cant 1 " FREE WHb TMs Gm|ms 50 EXTRA "sa-STAMP; With $5 Purchase or More I Not loclediiig beer, wine er dgereftesJ RsdMm riih cMipan at NstioMl Fssd Storss. Lhnit Oiw CoupM Far Family. CaapM Ixplrss Sal., Fab. 4. ^^rozen ^ood Specials Garden fresh Frozen • SpiiMsch • Peas & Carrots • Green Peas • Broccoli Cuts • French Fries Tm Ta»ta Apato, qtwry •» faato aOZEN FRUIT PIES 3 *1” Orchard Frath Fresaa SLUED STRAWRERRIES 3 'AST •I®* Pineapple - Grapefruit Dole Drink . . Sava 17c—Garden Fresh Cream Style White Corn . . Sava 5e—Garden Fresh Whela Kemal Golden Corn . Sava 17c—Solid Pack Hunt's Tomatoes Save lAe—Garden Fresh Sweet Peas . . Top Toate Enriched—Made with BuHermllh White Bread SAVE 20-Oz. ^■1 Help Your Children in School Orchard Fresh Apple Sauce . . . |.,|j GOLDEN BOOK Natco Sparkling—9 Daucious Havers Bemages^ PICTURE ATUS Save I3e—Butterfield Whole, Diced or SNced_ 6M.». $100 Irish Potatoes _ 9«j.»*$ioo Sava 16c—Your Cat Will Leva \ 6Kj.».$loo Chomp Cot Food 12 'It »T.““ Sava 7c—Treat Your Pet to Slietd or Haivsi , . Chomp Dog Food 13 S. *1“° Natco Peaches [D Whit# Bathroonf TIttus ^ Softee Tissue. .(H 16 *1®® ^ a.M wrU Thto6e«a7 I. FREE WNb TWs Coepot I I FREE Wltfc TWs Ceepen i| FREE With TMs Conpen ■■ FREE W/th TMs Conoon |l FREE With TMs Conpoe a IW»«««•,«=•• SSK.'H.SE “JSSS.2-ES • af S Pnb Peck af I I WHb PwchaarM RM- •» !• Maa'a I | With Pctchoaa at 3 Pair Pk«. eF Mlaai | | Wkh Pm^j^ k. P^^ SseHM | | Crystol I I Imirfas laaie | lIURDKEROUIEFS I UORPUl MKLET8 h CHIU’S PARTIES |. mYwROWL ii PRO I COVER SET i Ira «»i** I I wniEwmmn i m 1 aitot, I Caaaai rto. a. y a» I .“SS; I is 11' V , , hllRTY-FQt^R, n~' ■, -,,4, ' ,.,j,^ THK PONTtAC PRESS. WBDSKSDAY. FEBRrARV 1. Wl JusDA|”¥op-0'-#he-Grcide" J*IO »X/mnipr\_ - rAiR Tep-e'-TI>*-6rad« TO* CHUCK STEAK .... u.s. Choi................ Lb. / 7 WITHOUT COUPON—49e Lb.... 3 U. PACK $1J9 PrMMl't, Grad* I SKINLESS FRANKS. MOZEN FOOP food FAIR-Our Finart 9u.IHy-^-S. vegetables Ocaaa Spray Whota ar Strainad • CRANBERRY SAUCE .2 ptr79‘ .2 'c‘;?^49‘ Hyjrada'i Sficad LUNCHEO laar Salami, Coekad Salami, Datch, diva, Livar, Piekla t Plmaata, Spicad i-Lb. JAc LUNCHEON MEATS .......... plt- ^7 PACK m COUPON w BELOW I , a ftllEN WAS a H. WHO fOTATOIS a lEOCCOU CUTS a COOSIO , a PEAS AMO CAItOTS " a ftRIIN SMMACH 1-W SAVE Up TolOe-MAXWELL HOUSE or CHASE & SANBORN > C.0UROWM > •REIN RIANS li.enco.* ! a *aRT tIHAS • MIXIO VR»«TAW.» 4 89* Tree»weet Orange Juice Minute Maid Blended Juice Morton'i Dinner, oia... R.'-t-w. h.> ,,.,....4‘cJ;89‘ . ...sssr 39* FAIR'S Golden Ripe Top Qu*^'^ bananas lOi FOOD FAIR COFFEE.......... •.. •r„u, ...e,.—i-u. i.. 49* FOOD FAIR INSTANT COFFEE s...... j„ 69* FOOD FAIR TEA BASS ...... o,.„.r.u. 100 79* YUBAN IKfHBr INSIANP COFFEE 99* FOOD FAIR VACUUM PACKED COFFEE.. m,. c.59* Ml. VACUUM PACKED CAN .0* CO WITH COUPON BELOW SwRtt Cured CALIFORNIA SAVE Uc SAVE 6e save" 17e Kraft's Grape Jeny Campbell's Beans Franco-American Crown Icicle Dills SpoghtHi KBskor Stylo Duncan Hines forty Aioorlcoo C^Kf MIXES Fadfa pat, baHtr paaaan. applatavca raiaia 15« S'^ SfOO ”sr 29' J|00 'ill HYGRADFS LEAN SUGAR-CURED SMOKED PICNICS Tilt Short Shank Moons Extra Moot For Yenl A Groat Volut at Tilts Low Frieo—• 29 C lb. , I iHK PON^AC PRESS. WEDNESDAY. tE^^UARY 1, 1^1 . . . . -)•.: ■ ' f THlhTY-FlVE .5. CHOICE BEir SALE! jm/ mc£ WITH THE COUPON lELOW Feed Fell—Out Finest Quelity jt 303 f| 00 BARTLEH PEAR HALVES . .4 Cam 1 . Food Feir Yellow Cling *1- 303 Si 00 PEACHES Helves or Slteesl^ C«ni 1 Feed Feit—Our RnestO»elity . / 303 Si 00 TOMATOES ..... Solid Peekl O Cam 1 Food FeIr—Our Finost Quelity n Tall S 1 00 EVAPORATED MILK . 7 Cam 1 IPw^l ISUOAR] SAVE lOe-PlONEER Pure Granulated SU6M TEXSUN GRANGE JUICE N.h,,.i 39‘ TEXSUN GRAPEFRUIT JUICE w 29* BUTTERFIELD TOMATO JUICE.. . 4 * I" FOOD FAIR SHORTENING vJX’u. 3 63* 5-LB. BAG BETTY CROCKER CAKE MIXES.. Except Angel feed '?r 39* ^ ^ COUPON SAVI 11c $AVI I lOe I CHUNK PACK LIGHT MEAT jm f i^d Fair fuiia • e By 3F FOOD FAIR GENTLE LIQUID Disli Pelergenf 22-Os. SpMfol Lobell $ii« JfiMONTE WNiAPPii. ^ . MAPw,„„ Drink Mt MONTI "|iu£t^, ' Cockiaii 4 £ S9* ^*0t. M A ^ - -we LAKE" ^C«„0yf Green Beane » . “a WN« "SE^or SWCED" ^ ®*" 8F r!!:!^Tomo#oe* !e --1 i— _ ©oWtii m?nte del 4JS.S9* MONttSwMi ^Teciii **y/» PEAS T’oiM/tl fffld Ta$tyi *tvi2«e-.| Monte Tomato Ju/ce '^^'WonteCU-Seuc. ■■■ ■■•■•• ^S* ..^e'MonteEarfySardenS • L " Del Monte Whole Kernel Co............... , '^"®'^om... c ii-oi t.M Ponte Cot* "P SilSiag. ROYAL OR Jell-0 PuddinQs AU PUVOIS ncm instant PKG. 10* Cyereu Gerdeni Sweetened 12-Ox. GRAPEFRUIT JUICE ....... c.. IV SHOESTRING POTATOES Amerteen leeety Greet NORTHERN BEANS...... S! IP*. S’. 10* t\jNK & mcmju i?!ycyclopEDl^ VALUABLE COUPON ■■ VALUABLE COUPON VALUABLE COUPON VALUABLE COUPON Feed Fetr'i Feewee Grpund Beef Mexwell Henee er Ciief# i Seebem Coffee lU. I ^ oee CA* Nch I ; f-U. Ceu QT Sugar 39* rCM^MttUf OlW. P I Unutl Oee Ownn. AR^te ! Fnd Feb-On Knee* QuelHg {Apple Sauce ! A m AO* *** ** I ■tCosi^T ‘••P** , M ew ree< f>A tkru AM. M « VALUABLE COUPON VALUABLE COUPON 60 Eilra —1 SIgnpt | 50 Extra ^ Stamps i i 50 Extra ^ Stamps! ^ WM Finlni (iT 1 er ^ IdAkCaBRel 1 'wNk—— U 1 - M*. 1 14-Or. Can | ; WM NreiMM eM er Mere ! ; 4!’er|"She { Eataway Dog Faoi j Reddi Starsh 1 88* M^u Hoase Plaalt 1 1 With Thia Coopoo at aov Food Fair { llmNirfi Brtvrdare Fdx 4 mi F t 1 With This Coiiiidti at aor Food Fair i Through Setimitr. Fchib 4. 19dt P J 1 1 1 With This Coupon « anv Food Fair ■ ; Throuib Senudnv. FcK d, 19«> P { 4 ?.r.pJ Food Fair i. ik. F.b.i... MIRACLE MILE SHOPPING CENTER — Telegraph at Square Lake Rd. 1 I ' -l!v- THIRtV-SI?t iL '.-■^ r ■ ■ ^. :'; ~ I . V I ;THE POXTfAC PRlftSS, pED^^ESDAV, F EBRUARY 1, 1061 J RAZLEV JL^ CASH MAJRKET 1. . 78 NORTH SAGINAW STREET. Rib Center Cut PORK CHOPS u. SSf Grode "A" I^OE EGGS Doz. 49‘ Arm Cut SWISS STEAKS u. Meoty Cuts BEEF ROASTS u. 39‘ Leon - Meaty SPARE RIBS Lb. 23‘ Two Pound Limit REMUS BUTTER iC Lb. 59‘ Well Trimmed SIRLOIN STEAKS -sst Pon Reody FRESH FRYERS Lb. 27‘ SKINLESS __ 1 frahksT. .. . . 1 BREAKFAS'T i l-’l SAUSAGE ..... R BAZLEY'S a OLEG........ 1 'U.5. Russian Ambassador Returriing (dr Sharpening WASHINGTON (UPI) A Jteyl Di|>ioii|atic officiate expect the phase in Presideht Kennedy's pro-jtop^iedt American strat^or talks gram to "sharpen our political aw^jt© set the course -lor new AJS. e|* diplomatic tools" aiU begin next|f©rts to blunt aonne of the sharp week when V.S. Ambassador Ue-l^UKci^nw* between, the Ktemlin aellym Thompson returns fnan-end the West. But look tonw bfoscow lor consultations on U.S.-!*>■**ean i^Rusk and would arrive about Feb. I. II was emphasised that he would cetuni to .Moscow. . Thompson is an expert aLmkny; years' standing on j|<^vict. affairs, j •He S|Wa1»th^language flueirtiyi and has enjoyed the personal con-i fidence of Soviet. Premier-Nikita* lariSBcfieTevin during the grim-i Imest periods of the c
-■ flow n by remote control from ground station. *' communes monitors in the barnyard or otherP‘°“8»7'8'^®^‘»8 farm areas, the company said. f~P® ha™l' did not like Michigan Bell proposed an ^11.50 - It was mmething similar to the o..„ Commerce Department or- door speaker mlcrophone-unUs,— dering II S Steel Co, -te-seH -aH-its------------ products in P^sylvania. or re. YOUNG TENDER GROUND FRESH HOURLY BEEF LIVER GMHIIID BEEF 2& 3«-99' Speakers'’"'aTso can be used as. 1 The charge would be in addi- stricting Standard Oil to sales in tfcn to the regular fee for a stand-New Jersey. Although the exaid telephone. apples might be exaggerated, the The utility said it hoped to begin,jsystefn was no less true, installing farm interphone units' n;q„,| distribution of niami-this spring. , factured goods Is the new by- wori. It appears Peiping’s eeo- STEAK 5 g ROUND-SIRLOIN W W C lb. TEIIBER-BEEr POT ROAST 3& Fill Your Freezer With Tender Grain Fed Beef At Wholesale Prices! FRONT QUARTERS BEEF SIDES HIND QUARTERS 37^139^145 CUT AND WRAPPED FREEI FINE- FOR SWISSING STEAK 49 RIB-GHUCK "nsr “ W c lb. 2 N. Saginaw Corner of Pike SHINNER’S MEATS SALE PRICES ROOD THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY The new scheme calls for big lactories to servo cvetyane Jn the area. i Under the commune system,! agricultural cooperative were i«e-; organized in 1958 in country-wide "corporations," with authority over all government and economic ^functions. . j Farming, industry, taxation and the militia all fell within the authority of the commune. i From now on the factories havej their own special niche. Several communes have organized indus-j trially into networks, an econom-l Ic grouping that includes hall a dozen dr more commune. Forced by Rocks to Flee Congo-Mission Doctor ELIZABETH, N.J. (OPI) - An African mtesion doctor he cabled his parents in New Jersey that he and his family were forced A fle the strife-torn Congo when Iribes-hurled rocks at mission build- ings. Mr. and Mrs. Howard B. Carpen->r said they received w-ord Tde-daj; from their son Dr. Robert D. Carpenter. 36. They said he and I his family were not hartned. ! The younge Carpenter said in his caWe Ttat he. his wife May, and their two children Patricia, 5. and John, 48 months, deov ir$ Deliciou, . . Fresh, Leon, Pork Shoulder Roast Emlir CoUforfHe CARROTS Colifornio Crisp HEAD LEHUCE Lorge, Sofid Heods MEAT FOR YOUR FREEZER at WHOLESALE PRICES We cut and Wrap Meat for Your Freezer Free! WILiilDE QUALITY MEATS 4348 Dixie Highwoy of Soshobow OR 3-6616 Oprii 0 A.M. to 9 P.M. Dsilf SuddsITo A M. 10 5 P.M, HOLRROOK MEATS-GROCERIES 2366 Auburn Ave. Between Adorns ond Crooks Rood UL 2-1230 OpM a AM, to 9 P M; Dailir Sundays 10 A.M. to 6 P.M. TOM'S NORTHWOOD MARKETS mmmm 888 Orchard Lake Ave. We Reserve the Rifkt to Limit Qeaiitities U.S. GOVT. INSPECTED WHOLE FRYERS unonrs-celnkie lieal pirtrcMi •a happy thli wlntarl Juit burn* Pohy Coot, ‘Iha loty Mon'i Fwat",! Pohy ^ivM awr* haol DETROIT CITY ICE and FUEL LAITD O' LAKKS — 183 N.fCoM, Pontioc FE 4-1507 FRESH EGGS isucnAA "T”!-? IiacmDS ’ i giant tide COFFEE ^ I ; Guptinil Diiak 'ciJ 49< -T! I 15, X 1 Caa WHA Oaaaaa { 1 rackan •«« taapaa 1 t Caae WUb Ciwau CaOpaa lapiraa Vtk. 4U I ' CitiM txpiraa Vak. M | Caapan Xxpiraa Fak. AW - ) V . -Vr I I I THE PpNTlAG PRESS, U EDNJP^jSUAY. FKHUUAUV 1, 1901 THIRTV-SKVEN Flint South . , Waterford.. MSk. b.* > r., r ..75' Avondale..,:..69 Lake Orion,.,. 55 St. Michael.... 60 01 St. Mary... 47 RODondero...46 OakPark.....62 South Lyon. .91 i ..58 Madison.......55--Fitzgerald..;'.. 53 Farmington OL 46' St. Alphonse... 21 Hazel Park... 44 Clawson. ...45 Brighton..... 83 1 Drajgons Upsety Fitzgerald, 55-53; St Mike, St Mary Win; Waterford Trounced Avondale in Oakland-B Lead Again, Tbanks toLake Orion i BTAMDINOS ■A I tfree throw shoolins; to doZeut Madi-jvored Troy and pualicd Avondaleland Fitzgerald took the rebound. Avondale hit on 33 or to fr-e “ison. 69-55. iinto a’co-championahip. .|rtoger Williams however stole the,throws tor its margin ot Victory,* Ji In another league game. Oaki * ★ * hall with ^ seconds to play and as Madison outscored the Jackets i I Park stayed In contention with an A year later. Orion .pulled the Orion then played lor the last shot.jrrom the tloor on 19 lield goals tOi. * “ rug Iixim undfr .Fiti!$$ridd to 8 i^ondg l5lt,_(Jjr^y_ea Ml thcllS. ^ ■ Tsieasy 62-45 win over Qawson. li In other games of Interest lo-Coach Dick Bye at Avondale [ wanU the Lake Orion basketbalil team to know that he certainly 7S-M, Mouth Lyon got ty Brighton appreciates the help his Yellow Jackets have received in the Oak-j land B conference race, but notj to expect any favors when the two teams tangle late in February. ! ” “ Orion did It again by defeating | *“PP^ “*»«' P***- ^ Fitzgerald, 55-53, to allow AvonJ Lake Orion has made a habit points with Bucky Craven dale to take over first place iniof helping Avondale. Couple years hittii^ for the tying point 53-53 the league ail by itself. Avondale ago, in the last game of the sea- 1=20. meanwhile had to depend on hefty son the Dragons upset highly fH-j An Orion free throw was missed, Troy to win the title. Last night Fllsgerald heM a S4-30 haUtliiie lead and then Miretrhed the margin to Jl polnls earl.v In the thlyd-nuarter. Orin ^Melted away and rioaed ih« gap to 48-45 to start the final period. Fitzgerald again surged ahead 53-45 with six minutes to play and ^al was it. Orion scor^ jatrai jumper and that was the gai^e. Civen Mped by finished with 18 points, Tom Heed with n and Mike Rurh with 18. lUirh, who halftime .Ivondale led 38-'hi lost the lead. Tim {' WATERKOKI) MOITHWKSTICRN ■ Stan Robak got 18 for the Sham-games. The first stringers Waterford* loll behind 42-23 atirocks with A1 Tunny and Hun-.mlP’®^*^ ....." each getting'10. Machan had -oinrt,. SOLTH LVO.N-BRItiHTON Jack W'ren and Steve Tapp put % high scoring show in beating Burl led Avon with m pq^nts and !' Jim McDonald hit' 16 as four play rrs got dmihte Jigucea. Oak Park led 2541 at and got double figure sraing from!; ^**’■1*^"** *'*’* i*^®bic floldcnberg with 18. .Steve- started and he rll|ipcd in with *Deresler 13 and Dave Pink 11. Tom to points. i Martin had 13 for Clawson. Duane Pisarek who got 11 ini Oak Park now moves into second; tfle first half, was held to five by;place**in the league and still has a' Williams' defensive play in tl>e home encounter with Avond-uei second half and finished with 16. which could change the standings. Anlcipate 'Holdout' Problems halftime and made a surge by scoring IT straight polntsjj' to tw'o for Southwestern, but ltp‘ wasn't enobgh as the home teamiST. .MARV-8T. ALPHO.NMIS then pushed the margin from ninej Orchard l.ake has nineM>h4y^'*^Brighton. Wren scored 39 points to 17 points. jon (^o squad and all nine playedj'vith 17 field goals and Tap)) got Harold Brabbs with 20 led thCias the Eaglets defeated Sl.i.32 points with 15 field goals. Jeam^. yhilc Ed Stlgerej^ql^Alpllo^ _ team from Dcurboi-n.; Leading 60-43 at halftimcy keted 21 lot tlw> Skippers wj;Hi47-2J. iBrighton slow^ the game to pre- ^ Newman adding 12 abd Dickj Alphonse squad man- I'ent South Lyon from hitting the Shipman 10. . . | century mark for the 4th tim# this SI. MIKE 01 R IJVm' the third and fourth quarters I year. Mack Bidwell with 20. Fren Precidcnt in the NFL.JliMJqns^ ■ have" A total of ten"players arc still BAYLOR - Los Angeles Laker ace Elgin Baylor outside the Tiger fold including^ drives Detroit Piston Waller Dukes (23i to,score in their NBA high-priced outfielders A1 KalineJ^ flameJmNew-¥erte4asH«ghtr-fkorgrLec-mt mrd^TraeriSoBIF and Charley Maxwell. Ferrell is! tl4» of the Pistons stand helpless as Baylor scores. The Pistons not "a bit worried" about the sign-! won however, 121-112. ing of the two veteran sluggers. at home on .Satorday night. Sept. 16. 'nml is, of eoiirse,' it their jPosa' landlords — the Detroit Tigers ■>— w«mtd grant tlie use of Tlg<‘r ' Stadium for the. orcas^H. The Tigei-s. it was discoveredi lyesterday, ha\'e no such intentions.| I ll seems Ih.'it ^ manager Bobj IScheffing's base*ball charges are; ischedu'ed to pliiy the New York' Yankees at homo that particular' w eekend and the Tigers don.T w ant! the landscape chopped up with foot-; ball cleats on the Satwrday nigtill. preceding the .Sunday battle with; 1 yet responded to the pro- Pcntlac Preta Pbato (iOINO I'P — The long reaches of Jack Myers (33) of Madison and Bud Peel (30) of Avondale batllc f<^^a rebound as other team--mater await Its flight dovniward. Bale Yarger (40) oL Avondale. .and Tom Rcdiger (45) and Bob Nucci (43i are the Madison pla.\ in the picture. Avondale won the game, 69-35. "«p would Uk<* dale the however. “In Kaline’« case, it's not secret he had a mediocre season In I960 and ho Is fully aware that a salary cut la inevitable,’’ aaid Ferrell, “there Is a slight dispute over how large the reduction ahould be, but we’re not very far apart.’’ Kaline, experiencing one of his worst season,8 slumped to a .278 average in i960 after finishing nm-ner-Up in the American league batting race the previous year with a .327 mark. Baylor Sprains Ankle as Pistons Defeat LA Moik. as we always ^ Tiger vb-e president Harry M. Msson said yesterday, ’•but we must maintain iHir tore-most ohIlgaHun at the stai^m > baseball.'’ The possibility of inclement weather, which would leave fielil in Undesirable condition in By The ANHoeialed Press ( Inagisiiwa. was that Baylor had Modern medical science and the I suffered a bruise and sprain but! demands of the. National Ba.sket-'should he able to play against Sf.1 '•ban Association schedule 6eingiT«uls ai Philadelphia Thursday. ' Maxwell, who has been a hold j what they are, Elgin Baylor gets o ★ ♦ . out problem in other years, has a whole day to recover from if In Iug?d«y;irtgtrtT ottl(T'g sprained ankle before playing his; from a one-night slump ai^ beat next NBA game. |the' S(, Louis Hawks in a duel indicated he plans to come - iy to terms this season. • "Charley is ju.st one of those ballplayers who prefers to take his unsjgn^ contract to Florida wdlh him and sign down there," said Ferrell "I have beard no argument from him so I assume he js not too dissatisfied.’’ / Maxwell, dislodged from a starting outfield position by the acqui-sition of Bill Bruton from-Mil-waukec, hopes to diallenge (!ash and Larry Osborne for the starting first-base job. The Tigers also announced today that Pat Dbbson, a rookie right-handed pitcher from Depew, N. Y., has returned his signed contract Dobson is ttic 25th Tiger player to accept terms. , PNH Tankers Triumph, 61-44 Bcr)U» 61. b«lr6lt The sprain could be an important factor in the race between his club, the Los Angeles Lakers, and the Detroit Pistons for second place in the league's Western Division standing. It occurred Tuesday night. 4 Ms minutes before the end of the third Los Angeles-Detroit game in as many nights. The Pistons wo(b this one. played as the first IValf doubleheader in New York’ Madison Square Garden, 121-112', and moved (git 2^ games ahead of Los Angeles in the second-place race. The Lakers had won at home Sunday and Monday, The post-game report on league's , No. 2 scorer from the, Garden physician. Dr. Kuzeo Ya- header,. New York's poor !>«**>>« Capac^ New Haven Win Thumb League Still Ti^ C^pac and New Haven kept pace with each other as leaders in tiK Southern Thumb League by scoring viefories last n«ht. Capac scored 54-36 win over Brown City and New Haven roHed over Anchor Bay. 48-41. In other games. Armada kept Almont winless. 62-43 and Menjphis sqi^zed by Dryden 50-48. Erv Oiopp with 13 aiMl Tom Grifnn with It led New Haven with Jim IMIbnick getting It and jTeOer It for Anchor Bay. 'll was 34-33 at halftime and Aacbor 'Bay led by aevea la the third Staasa. In 4he «h ifUarter, New Havw went ahead by 10 and never lost it. Julius TVaub paced Armada 19, BiU Loma 16 and Jim Porte 15 but Almont led 19-17 at halftime. A big-25 point third period did'it for Artna^. Bill Harris got 12 and Ray Bollert 10 for Almont. Dryden had better balance double figures as Toro Lobstein got 16, Paul Grondin lO'and L^w Khchenmaster 12. but Memphia had more scorers to gain its vic; tory. Berber and Jakubiah each had 10 ,for the winners. Grondin hit tpo baskets in the final seconds btit it wasn't enough nil it out Rir Dryden. lIm 61, VIIU 91, Orstfa Biaiiu am C»p»c M. Brown City 16 FIuyMns 6). rtlnl Krtmloy 66 75, Pont. Wwterford SI ______„__________,___nsint IvorrU LiSke Orion 55, Worren PIttterild S3 MomphU M. Dryden ik lilt. Clemcne Cllntondilr 56. Cherry Hill 41 Ne« Haven tt. Anchor Bay il Oak Park 63. Clawton 45 OL 8t. Mary 4). St. Alphoneue 31 Pontiac St. MUe 60. Parmlneton OL Hoyal Oak Ooodero 46. Haeel Park between the divisional leaders and the Syracuse Nats* thumped the, punchless New York Knickcrhoi'h-ers 122-106. Detroit was leading Los Angeles 106-100 when Baylor went out after scoring 47 points •— 31 in the first , hAlT. The Lakers cut it to tiyo points at 109-107. a spurt that stirn^ Piston coach Dick McGuire to a frenzy when two tedi- ----- nical fouls were called against hisjpravw^ie^M.'^Brown Team and led to his bcii^ i piu” ** from the bench bv referee MendylMai*.’k. sp^i/ficw it Rudolph. , But Detroit spurted !*«’• “ ahead again at the finish. loukc, wt. south cwroiini m .,Bi B*. 7J, WUt Foten r Vlrtlnit .56 •“ ''Irglnlw MUUiry •Uc 66 HHD.Y. THERE — Bob NilCd of Madi.son runs into Avondale's Jim McDohaljl-who put a stop to an attempted drive toward the basket in their game la.st night. By winning, Avondale Pwiillic Prr» Photi stood alone atop the Oakland B league with the help of l.ake Orion which scored a 55-!to win over Fitzgerald. Avondale now stands 8-2 for* the season. t-fuskies Meet - Bluejoys Tonight; Ferndale Ace -j- Hits :58.6 in 'Ffy' Calvin Stays Unbeaten; Bradley Gets> 33 I Pontiac Northern's swimming jleam had-an easy time in defeat-ling Hazel Park 61-44 last night but I tonight the Huskies face a strong Southfield team in a North Suburban Swim League meet. aouth Lyon 91 fn^Bday Western Jarred by U-D Secret Weapon’i In the second half of the double- gave the Nats frequent oppe^uni-ties to steal the ball. Hal, Greer, Dick Bahictt and Al Bianchi made the fhost of them, breaking away time after time, to (core, Greer was high man with 34 points. Boston, the only team to beat I Louis on the Hawks’ home court in<24 games, did it a second time with a last quarter sourt. The Celtics were trailing 81-76 going into the final period but slowly drew ahead and iced the game with a five-point burst in the final minute. Although he was out-scored by the Hawks’ Bob Pettit, 26-25. Boston’s Bill Russell contributed two important free throws to that spurt and. handled his r bounythig chores expertly, . -----Igyp, IV CttMlfl 6 KALAMAZOO >d f„ . Msr'h i? H ?5 .Southfield, along with Fitzgerald f Ond Thurston, is a top contender for the league title. The Jays are 4-3 for the season including a win ^over Pontiae Centrah They stand . 1-0 in the league, front. a ♦ * slpnstl .. ... BmkvMiturr tt. M«rqueUr S3 DePkul tt. ChriMUa Bret. TL DclroU 11. Wuteni Mieb 61 Orion Skaters Tied Rmrall '»/* Detroit qulcklv fiiiiiopa lo ■ viTmurt "l 3-3 it k» -the University of Detroit's "se- margin eari.v 1» «be see- iHugh*. .,4 o-a a WoWuixf. rret Weapon‘'-war more than the ^ Brom os were 5 H , Broncos bai-gaincd tor, unable to mote closer than that joimiir Villcmure. the diminutive guai-d thereafter. Ron Robinson was | Touii 35''ii-who lust broke into Detroit's start-j hi|# man for Western with ,18. jwMWrn .. . 33 ing lineup for the first time iMtj xhe Brom-os’ record Is 6-11. \ -------- iSaturday. arehed in 19 plants and „ 4 r-ui ir- / c /a/ . KP, ™.PJ„ 2^^ Score A in other meets last night, ,Iloyal_ rp Oak Kimbalt won an inteiesting }* victory over Fpidsorl (»-42 and » Ferndale won oVer Dondero 64-42. rt Larry Jaeotur broke Dave Gillan-J der's butterfly record in :38 6. B«ott 11-13 * * * totsis 2a 12-13 61 Lloyd Goodwin of Ferndale won 33 35^ *1 the 400 and 200 fceestyles in times of 4.54.6 and 2;15J;-^^ Titans to an 81-68 victory Western here last nig^t. The conquest was the third in a row for the Titans and their 12th of the season against five The Lake Orion Hornets and the Knights battled to a 1-1 tie Tuesday nigfit at Detroit’s Butzel Field In the final game of the regular season schedule in the Detroit 3" Hockey League. Each team scored in the 1st period with Don (Duke) Thompson connecting for the Hprnets. Orkm wound up with a 6-2-2 record. League playoffs begin Sunday. urday night. By winning, conch Bob Cnli-linn's resnrgents niM straek nn- Victory in Waterford ' ! In Waterford recreation activity It was another great night forij^j ^j^ht. Spencer's led by Joe _i.j— Lawrence'- - . . - . ---- Calvtai- Ctoilege and Tedi's John Bradley. , C^vin, the, state’s only unbeaten college team, nailed down victory number 12 by ripping through Elmhurst of Illinois, 81-45. In other-meets tddaiy Fitzgerald travels to Utica and Madison is home to WapenXTScdlh^ ~ ... Jttutrlt: Rick Oould iPNRi, Rick Stcysrt «PNH). 0«argeCh«d (HP). Tlonc Pred Kern (PHHl. Tom ityl*: I_________ _______ ______ IHP^, D«»e TeiMkikch (___________ buttrtnj: Herold Loyd (HP). Fhll Went (PNH), 0«ry Omy iPMB) TUne TTESDSr'S nOBtS MIAMI BKACK, Pl(.-,BlUy Ryu. Irocktin, Mam., outpomtod Aluui I 1 IS Nut “sAN’*»• S8SM^‘1S2: Villemure’s scoring effon was exceeded only by North who connected for 25.« It was a sharp reversal of form for the sharpmoot-ing center from last Saturday when he was held to'one point by Toledo. Debusschere contributed -18 points to the U-D cause. | The score wasJpwttod six; times Duby with 16 scored a 73-35 win over'LyteU Colegpov-e in a class A game. Joe Humphrie had 12 for. the losers. . In class B, Johnson-Andersbn defeated Drayton Di-ugs, 61-50, with I Bruce Berstrom getting 12 for the winners and Wayne Zilka 21- for rr« 7.dlne >««''*• Another B game saw i Treble a w!t ver Isteve's defeat, George's.,77-43 wjth ____________________ er Indiana Tech Waylon Abertathy getting 19 -and Art Ruelle 14. - , tto ind. In other gamps last night, AI-* Tonight in rlass A. «• 160 (rcootylo: Prod Kcrii (PNH).. Bill IkthcMm iPNHL Alat. CMyUm iHPx ime :»I “ Diving KoB Bortnem iHPi, Lou l|or ----- -------------,p„„, ;ss." and Grand Rapids J. C. trimmed!spencers and Lakeland meetsi' Battle Creek f C. 70-58. ' ’ ‘ ------------------ - “ “ Calvto dare aigaln wi breezci The ^ghts jumped off rojSpcncers and Lakeland meetsli:ii.5' Ijohnson-Anderaon at 6:45 and 9:00i„rpT4?rT;iS^orJSn'Tl!ff7:Jy^^ I Maz's Home Riin Voted Bigg Hggest Thrill of '60 iPt fl'sjot 13. tK • TV I By IV) AmmIMM Pr«i I The pl^ was Pittsbursh' Patterson's Ingemar Johanison to regain Fbrbes-fcld: the time, Oct. lilthe world hea\-ywelght boxing ]i980 — late afiemooh on a hazy championship. Nine listed the pro laununn day . Hie score was tied|football thriller between the Deal M in the ninth Inning of thejtroit Liora and Baltimore Chits, seventii and Anal game of the Eight picked the .(Hympic World Serlet when Bill Mazerosid. Gaines as the most thriUinjg event .773 hitter, strode to the plate of 1960 and three individual peis formances in the summer games mention; aeven votes went clutching his bat in the manper of Mighty Casey, detenniiiW to jfc or die. Masemdd did. He slammed Ralph Terry's second pitch high o\fr the left field wall and thb Pirates had won the game and the Wbrid Series from the New Yoit Yankees. ♦ There was a moment of stunned silence, then the 36,683 fans In the park and the entire city- of Pittsburgh was struck with the kind of noisy madness that can afflict a major league city that hasn't on 41 wodd champifln. for Cincinnati at its fieldhouse, where it plays all but two or three of its home games each season—and the biggest of all for Jucker, who stepped into perhaps the sizzlingest hri-seat in college basketball when he moved from assistant to head coach afier George Smith waved farewell to Hobertaon last season and became athletic director. The^ Bearcat bomb exploded into the feature of a Ttiesday cri- AUTOMOBILE CLUB 4/ TflUdUftim VISIT OR PHONI YOUR NIARtST OmCI a A. Wirfcm. rs t-«M a L. Tnli. re l-MI* c. a. wum. re s-MM C. a Bnran. re t-tllt C. C. Cmu. OB «-4fU aaTTM,^ra«-H t. miKtMtr. OL Sf77U to* IM poos St iMri HWM bosks tor sOtoM to tore totas T lege program that also saw victories tor second-ranked St. Bona-ventirce, fourth-ranked Duke, fifth-ranked North Carolina and some key performances by such pre-tendeia to the Top Ten as Providence, West Ifirginia, and St. Joseph’s (Pa). ★ aw Tom Stlth scored 41 prints and soph Freddie Crawford 24 as St. Bonaventure, which plays Bradley in New York on Thursday, routed Marquette 92-63 at Milwaukee for a 15-1 record and a six-game winning sUeak. The Bonnies, leading the nation in field goal accuracy, hit 54 per cent with Stith, toe No. 2 major school scorer with a 31.1 average, clicking on 62 per cent of his stiots. Colliers Lanes ~Ha& — Debut Thursday The premier opening for the new Collier's Lanes in Oxford will be held Thursday night Members of the Oxford Township board and Mark Baldwin of toe Brunswick Co. will be guests of proprietor Red Collier at the t^en-ing. An oftiw grand ening will be held at a later date. The new establishment, housing 12 alleys, will hove open bowling starting Friday. It is located right onM-24. Afier chalking up a triple win in the three age groups last Saturday against Port Huron, the Pontiac YMCA swimmers will wait until February Hth to play host to Flint YMCA. ★ ★ ★ In the Junior Division the local swimmers won, 60.30; in the prep division 50-46 and in the midget division, 61-8. There were four pool records and anmher (xie tied at the YM(^ pool. Alex Hiller, a promising diver scored 1&.4 points for a new record. , ★ ★ ★ These were the results^ jumoa BinsioN (u-u> - ■ IL Itoddlth (H _ U. IftlUa (P). TUb»- Entir* Stock Of LONG SLEEVE SPORT SHurrs 20% OFF Bottoto Dowa and Rrealar Coltor Stylca Btoes; 8, M. L, XL and XXL. Cbaiga XeeoMb lavitod als are^e3q>ected to have a sliitot height advantage even though none of the starters stand as hi|to as Brosseau. up in the Huron Valley at Milford Fairgrounds. The lad KnlgU of rney was I Ledger aad Betty lag champs, were lad atj Sylvan Lanes has another tournament to add to an already amU- Junior Bowling Congress Mail-0-Graphic event will be held >t Art^ Rosner's place Mardi 2^. The top gston ’throughout toe area be battling tor local and na- SBlPFtNO ABOUND Cslhi Music bad two high games and leading series in West l^ie .. Oankr wito 1045-10Q3-30aO. Tony’s Rental fired Ktt4. Triple X Lunch 1006, Sparirs Griffin 1002. Tom| Auadte’s 724 realbr rocked fi3e REBUILT MOTORS CUSTOM COATED Fred Zittle and Dick Ayllng, Pontiac Central coadtee, were unsuccessful doubles partners in the Ooi^TatulationB to Red the premier opting at his new locatkm. He has 12 alleys with room to add more t :~3nHil-waukeie man rriled four consecutive keries of 631 in the same kx^>, one shy of the alftime record of five set in 1943 by a Philly ke^er a string J. Poatar (PH). T)me-*0 4. 100 Madlay ralay: (N. Hollenahead. P. PRSP omsioN ai-iti 20 Fratatyla; B. etootanbarf (P) D. " ^---- (Ph) M. Staab (P). Tima— (PR) D. F). Ttea— 00 Baekatreka: ----- ------ .. plDk (P) T. Attart (PH). Tima—US. SO Braaitatroka: R. (P) * Danotaa nav racord. 0 ------------------^_ full Prep Wrestling Slate Set Thursday Another big high school wrestling program is cn tap for Thursday night around the a ★ ★ ★ Pontiac Northern will visit South-field in a key Inter-Lakes match. Waterford hosts WaUed Lake in a| local duel and Farmington goes to Berkley rounding out the league slate. Pontiac Central swings back into action fi4sh from on Impressive showing in defeat against powerful Hazel Park. The ChiefB face another busy eveniizg .at Bay City Handy ho^ to halt their lodng String at five. EHsewhere, Royal Oak Dondero 111 be at Flt^erald and Port Huron meets East Detroit. MUD AND SNOW TIRE DISCOUNTS Wky My a BmarT Broad NW Pint OMt Tnra oad Omtiy Tyyt Trood 6.70x15 *¥? $10.95 7.50x14 $10.95 Flu Uz ud old Ur* *H mr NO MONIY DOWN Sp*i4, laycU *ad C*aif*«4 N(» l(M» Tiiw At Bto Mm***!* Unhed Tilt StnricB IW7 B*M*la An. PB S-S4I7 $169$oo We Will N«l Xaowiagly '' le Vndtnold BIRMINGHAM R^BLER ‘VaffiR'Kir IMPORTED CARS of OAKUND COUMH "S«rrl<4 Sst.lAllata far lapartod Car*" W. Maple t OrchaM Lk. U MA 6-2491 B.F.Goodrich (!' SNOW TIRES Guaranteod Now Treads 2ioi’2222 «.70-15 — 7.50-14 Motoi Mart Safety Centei lSl-lt3 L HMIcaki H 3-7MS-fl 3-7HI BIrh UbIb(. 1,N0. mil* adiml. MONROE-MATIC SHOCKS 15,000-Mne Si%75 ‘8’ $QI5 OOARAMTtt I THE PONTIAC PRESS, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 1, IWl ; ■ THIRTY-NINE Wjld Fish Disappear Each Yeai* Trout Kill Is Problem Winter Rainbow Fishing Becoming Popular locating Fish Is Big Problem Facing Anglers Many Boits Being Tried at Fishermen Imprave on Methods LANSING (AP) - SUte conaer-vation men are puzzling ovar a myatery that has baffled more than two years — many wild trout die during the winter? They’d kive a lot to know flie answer. Natural trout larjwtnum-ber hatchery-reared trout in Michigan streams and any assists could bring more of them .through the winter would more than pay their way. Yoder, hatcheries supervisor lor while* it is -to ti^ to build up the trout populations if our work goes for naught because of the winter kill.” Canada Expects RecofcMntlux— By DON VOtiEL OtUdoor Writer, Poatiar Press Tiwt fisherfflhi who normally trout are cooperating. Oaklaad t'eiuity has M lakes storked by the state. Hiese lakes are aU open to the public for winter trbut ashing. _ TIGHT FIT — Bert Cross, Whitehall, Mich., measures the 3d-inch pike he ...—« -« ». Lakg j( weighed 16 pounds and ment has been busily nuking fresh plantings thia winter. From SOO to 1,000 rainbows are released at individual lakes and chains lakes. This practice is repeated each d'ear b«auae- rainbows have poor reproduction record on lakes. The methods used to catch these rainbows vaiy. This being the second season, improvements are constantly being made. But the trout can be as c^ey in winter as those in a stream during summer.' , mueh to the angler*’ delight, they do not seem quite aa caudotts when feeding. Com borers, grubs, mouse*, doughballs, small spoons, pieces of fish or cut bait, minnows and wig-glers are all tested baits. Hie favorites in the Oakland County area seem to be perch minnows vigglers. EDMONTON, Alta, (f - The more than a dozen outfitters in Canada's Northwest Territories are expecting the biggest influx of sport fishermen ever next season. They will be guiding anglert to waters teeming with itike trout, great northern pike, ^ckerel, Arctic char and Arctic grayling. AT nwui» will require some carving bafore it will fit in the oven. Who Says He Was Outsmarted? Fish, Animals Aren't Very Bright LANSING TtJPI) - "Outsmarted again" is a famfliar comment from a hunter or fisherman returning )ty4ianded from a day of watch- watting. Biologists and conservation of-flciala are hesitant to describe (*-jecU of the hunt as "dumb animals" but they are equally hesitant to call animals and fish "smart.” ducks that survive the opening day of a season have a good chance to get through the rest of the hunting days. generally not "smart” enough to remember being hooked before, a University of Michigan zoologist contends. Dr. Ge«ge J. Wallace, prof^ sor of zoology at Michigan Stsite University, agreed with Warbach but said a duck's memory is shortlived. 'They may recall being shot at during a given season, just as they seem to stick with a single | E. Bartlseh. ’’From what IMIle we know about learning ablliUes of fish, yon would have to hook a bass four or five, or even more times in a row within a relattvely Nhort period of Mme In order that Two-pound test lines up to six-pounds are fastened on the rods. Four pounds appears to be the average and the most productive. No. 8 hooi^s get the best results. WTiere do you locate the rain; bows are the late* of your chdlcCJi •This has been the big problem confronting fishermen. Moat of the winter rainbow- fishermen like 12 to 20 feet alond drop-offs. Hunt Planned By OCSG Then there Is the cate of Deer Lake where most of the rata-bows have been taken in three to five-foot depths. Most of thm trout have been In the eight and Foxes Better Hide Sunday to have come from a recent vllle area this Sunday wUl need every trick in its escape bag or it might end up in a hunter’s game bag. Square Lake on the aputh edge of Pontiac has long been noted for big trout. But most of the larger fish are taken in the spring and fal\. by anglers wading from shore. some good fish have been caught in Sugden Lake this whiter. Cedar Isiand and Oxbow have'been good producers. The Oakland County Sportsmen’s Qub has arranged a bunt that day. He said that permission .Jias been secured from land owners Deep Sea Woimsf^ ^ The ice ti-shing season lor rainbows opens in December and runs through February. ^ Baifle Experts on Existence Flamingoes Spotted During Florida Tour Deep-sea creatures with brains but no mouths are being bailed as a major biological discovery of the. 20th century. • MIAMI - Audubon Wildlife Tours, conducted by the Natibhal Audubon Society into the Everglades of Florid, recently made news by discovering two wild flamingoes in Snake Bight, a remote saltwater bay neaf the visitor’s center in Everglades National Parit. Although pale colored captive flamingoes at Hialeah Race iSsck and a few other commercial k)ca- acientlsts had estimated that, before Hurricane Donna,, than nine of these birds lived in the wild in the state. Perhaps afl nine had escaped from captivity. Since the htmi-cane, only one bird, disheveled ahd far north of Itr normal range, had been lighted. The country’s safety education program graduated its one milBonth stu-dert. Hje honor of being thi millionth graduate of , the National Rifle Aseociatidn's Hunter S^My Training Program wenMo Samuel L. C5cero. 20. pf Niagara Falls, N.Y. Jack Ardon of Lakewood, N. J., who avera(^il5.1 ppints a game fW Tulane's basketball team last la It. seMon. la majortat ia nolqey- Being "outsmarted * by ducks or;mate during a season," Wallace! fish could be a toct. they «ay. butigaid "But by the Ume the next I-season rolls around, they seem 'to have forgotten much and t "Birds learn ^ experience,’’ niogist Oscar Warbach. ‘‘For example, we nenaJiy figvbn the just a* vulnerable as they .were the previous year. Fish, on the other hand, are Any fox lurking in the Ortun- Begtasaiiig poinf for the hunt ta on ioMnnui Rd., m half mile north of Orange Hafi Rd.. !n Orovpland Township. It is about three miles Mothwes) of Orton- Techniques of hunters and fishermen, for example, often fail to be effective because they hit the rey where it is sharpest. Fish and ducks both have sharp abilities to distinguish color, the experts say. “Some species of ducks react more to shades of dark and light,’’ said Warbach. “So if a hunter Itftn his face up in the blind too soon he’ll lose any chance at a shot.’’ Hunters living in the southern part of Oakland County die to meet at the’ OCSC club house in Waterford at 9 a.m. Others can report directly to the starting point, according to hunt chairman Le^ M. Wrenn. ■ The island-studded eastern arm of the Great Slave is ideal for camping, affording havens never before visited by white men and re-wa,rding the angled with silver-Color perception in fish often!sided lake trout weighing up to '50 means the difference in wFiether a i pounds, fish will toke an artificial liire. Bardach said. Both ducks and fish lack one ability common to mammals which often proves , their undoing, This is the ability to link incidents together — to make "mental jumps’" monkey which puts two sticks together because they will reach a banana outside the cage. ishotgims will be allowed. The weird animals, known as pogom^hores, resemble slender worms. Unlike ordinary worms, however, they have no digestive system, no excretory organs, and no means By^ payroch^ iST hearing. Unless h(^ can raise the bond he may lose the stairing role in 1 39-week television series called The Beachcomber” being filmed 43. failed to 4wo ri-forts for freedom at hearings Tuesday, dmilt Court Judge GOOD NEWS: DOWNTOWN- CENTER of SHOPPING Now Over 12 Stores OPEN TOMORROW NIGHT and Eveiy THURSDAY ’til 9 Ir DOWNTOWN CEiTER a sHornn Opes TOMORROW HKHT and Every THDRSDAY Fraidr A. Smith said he could aee no substantial guarantee the actor would remain here under Juriaific-tirai of the court nnlcu the hi^ bond remained in effect. "Why can’t I talk?” kept Hope Camera to Offer Clue PLEADS ON KNEES After the judge ended the bear, ing, MHchell fril to his knees with hands duroed. "Please, your honoC' he cried, 'in the name of Jesus Oirist—my faflier wsto a minister—let me talk, please. My very life to at Judge S^th ordered MitclA taken -from the courtroom. Ihe- TV and movie actor apparently will remain in Orange OHinty jail until March 6, when ;a hearing is scheduled on his I wife’s compla&it, unless he mtoes ithemoOO'bend; One of MitefaeU’s attorneys. i] Jamw"Bynt uf Orlandn, laiiTTD totended. uled Redstone engine burnout and activated a rocket escape tower which l|elped pnvcl the chimp’s space capsule hii^r and farther I far as he knows the actor "doesn' Ihave enough to put up a SSOO ibond, much less-$^,000.’ New Education Chief The abortive action did not harm the diimp, \>ut it complicated the recovery operation be-cauae the capsule overshot its ii^ tended 290;i^e range by miles. Backs Federal Aid WASHINGIDN (AP)-J>r. Ster-|lmg M. McMurrin, 47. a quiet, affable philosopher who believes ' firm federal direction to keep the nation’s sc^hools from drifting off course, is the new U.S. commto-Isioner ol eduffiUkn. The academic vice president at the University of Utah was appointed Tuesday by President Kennedy. He succeeds Lawrence G. Derthick in the S20,0004-year job. "I believe that certain types of federal aid are both desirable and necessary for education,’ McMurrin says. T see no reasrai why fsdera aid to education must mean some kind of federal dictation to local institutions.’’ 'til 9 Ask tht Parking Lot Attendont for the CASH REDEMPTION COUPON — When Stomped It Entitles You to FREE PARKING (hie pt the key proposals in the Kennedy legislative program to a bill providing toderal aid to education. McMurrin to almost cer-to play a majm* part In drafting this measure.. Transit Strike Ends for Boston Area FREE PARKING ■FREE BUS TOKENS When you pork in th* lots with ths BIG BLUE DISC the ottendont will give you one of th« CASH REDEMPTION COUPONS. He win validate it by stamping the dote and time on the bock . .. then you take it to ony of the stores listed below ond when nuHcing o two dollor pvrehosB we will refund thr money you paid for porking. We're happier when your shopping is easier . . . wi hope this helps to moke it so. When shopping in downtown Pontiac ask the clerk for your free bus ride tokerr when moking o $2..00 purchase. This will entitle you to a free bus ride on the Pontioc Transit bus in Pontioc, the Bee line bus from Keego Horbor, Rochester, Commorce, Oxford, Loke Orion ond Auburn Heights, ond the Airport Lines bus from Waterford ond CIcwiston. AITHUI’S 40 N. SaglMW U. DIEM'S SHOES 17 N. Seffiaaw St. LEWIS rUINITtJlE CO. «2 1 SagiMw it. THE POMTMC PIESS 40 W. Haraa S», BMHEnS CLOTHES SHOP 150 N. Sifiamv it. niESTOHI STORE 140 N. SmImw it. Dl. I. 1. BEUUH 0. D. OPTOMEmST 17 N. SaMaaw S». WATHE 6AIIBT 121 N.iHMUWJr. McCAHDLESS CAIPETS 11 N. P«ty St. SHAW'S lEWELElS 24 Nr SaoiiMw St. BOSTON (AP)—The metro^i-tan area’s transit strike was over today but ^ bitterness lingered among 700,op riders eau^ without transportation 1^ the second nounced walkout in five m^ths. A threat still hung over the city. An official of the striking operators’ union was quoted as saying that if further oonferences today did not produce a contract agreement "the men will probably go out again.” Retalt trade leaders said Tues- DETROIT Uhr-Michigan BIu. day’s lOJiour stoppage, caused by puss announced toda^ that it will 1,602 transit employes reporting award 10 $300 mining acholandilpa sick, resulted in i drastic slump this year Iq a competition open to in busineu — with loss figures all MIchlgBi 1^ schooi aenioa ranging as hi^ as $6 mOiion. {and graduates. TV Pictures Token Rocket With Horn May Tell Booster Trouble CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) -A tiny television camera may provide a clue to what caused a malfunction in the Redstone rodt-et which boosted Ham the space chimp 155 miles above the earth. The trouble could delay a plan to hurl an American astronaut aloft on a similar flight. Federal space officials had hoped to accomplish this within two months if Tuesday’s shot had been pletely successful. normal Sl-mllUon and only a -bare for a script. When it finaUy finishad, the rtiooting and editing time totaled two years and five price tag $6 million. The first rough cut of the picture lasted eight hours and 42 minutes on the screen. The movie now runs* a little over two houra. Some acton wbq socMe how'toe hidQr if they rate 15* seconds on the screen. ^______ marian, besiitos bis Mvm job of direction, abto eetaUirtied him- The teJevtolon, canera was attached near the top of the Redstone to transmit pictures of capsule separation and booster performance during powered flight. The 3%:Pound unit, 12 inches long and 3 inches in diameter, transmitted 560 pictures during the 140-secraid powered phase of the trip. An (dficial said the photos will be studied to determine why the usually reliable Redstone engine cut off too aoon. „ Fin«s 4 Union Mombers Involved in GE Strike HOLLAND (AP) (tourt linra were levied 'Ainday against four members of the In-teniatkmal Unhm of Electrical Workers kxtol on charges rising tram General Qectric Co. strike incidents last year. Donald Boerman, 28, of Holland paid $60 fine and Paul Delp, 20. of Koiddns was fined $4D, both charges of assault and Each algo paid $5.30 in court costs. Deibne Fuglseth, 25, and^Fred Sherrell, 35, both of Holland, were fined $40 each plus $5.30 court costs on charges of disorderly conduct. Miracle Milo DRIVMN THEATER 2103 8. mEGIAPH ROAD rei-iooo — “ Open 6i3Q. Show Starts 7 pja. EXCLUSIVE FIRST RUN! IS ™s 'Imlpnil BRAUANT. TUflJlKRlBilU -I ANQ : IM-CAR HEATERS NO EXTRA C5IARGE Senate Rules Committee Gives Jack the Chair * WASHINGT(M4 (UPI) — The Senate Rules Committee has voted to give President Kennedy the desk chair trom hto old Senate office as a souvenir «f hto almost eight years as a The action was taken by unanimous vote of the committee’s nine members — three Republicans and six Democrats—at a recent meeti^. AHhough the chair may have PrMideat, It hardly is a prise as a piece ef, fansltiire.-The b%. heavy leather swivel chair to Nd and badly worn— so much so Oiat It would have been "surwyed” and discarded rfit for Bssignment to a new senator. For/ that reason, the gift presented no problem of vkdat-ing tew* about giving sway government property. Tt^ Comedy HU ... AU PonUac h Talking AbauXl- Offers Scholarships McHAUT MEM'S WEAB STAFFS JUVEHILE BOnm SHOP 14 N. Sagtosw St. GALUfiHn'S MUSIC SHOP 17 I. Haraa St. I0« N. Ssflalw St. OSMUrS NETS WEAI 51 N. Ssttosw St. CLOOHAH DIU6 CO. 72 N. Sagtosw St. comours jewelhs IS W. Hatsa St. E orna supply 17 W. UwraaM St. DICimSOH'S MEH'S WEAR GEOIOE'S-RIWPOIT 74 N. ] riED R. PAUU JEWELnS 21 W. Naiwa St. HUB CLOTHIEIS IS N. Sagtosw St. POHTIAC EH66ASS lEWELIT CO. 25 N. Sagtosw St. THE OeCOI SHOP 26 W. Haraa St. JACOBSER'S FLOWERS lOl N. S PORTUC CLASS CO. 23 W. Lawrsacs St. ■'> r T3EIK PQyTlAC 'PR|:SS. WEDNESDAV. FEBIIUARV 1, 1961 FORTY-OI^K Caffleman Smith Couldn't Cow Sam By DICK WEST WASHINGTON (UPli - Tile great ralea committee fight In the Houae of Representative! began with a round of applause for Speaker Sam Rayburn and ended the same" way. The gentleman from Texas had predicted victory by a close vote, and that’s - how it turned You might say, then, that he had control of the situation from start But fills would be a little Hke saying that someone using chopsticks for the first time has control of a plate of chop suey. On this occasioo, the House re-ae'mMed a can of worms, and 1 doubt that even Mr. Sam could be certp^ which way some —benrwere^n^t NO SWEAT? HA! If, before it was over, the jpeaker'a bald pate wasn't festooned with beads of perspiration, then his sweat glan^ must have gone out of the costume Jewelry business. At slake when the House met at noon Tuesday wu a move SPEAKER SAM RAYBURN by Rayburn to expand the inenibership of the rules committee. Behind the proposal was a long squabble over whether Itopublican and joutbera Dm . ocrats on the committee were Voters Approve 'Rain or Shine Park in Houston HOUSTON, Tex, (AP)-Harris County: voters bimed /a bright green light on the world's first Air Merger OK ;HdsCondiioris - Cop^l, United Must FttlfHf^-Recrowts to w smnr’ oMenau sudium - ^ , by voting m record numbers for Governmenrs Approval |J22 million in bonds that wUI build __________ _ , . a home for Houston's 1962 entry WASHINGTON GOOD Of COOKIE ^ w. DONALD DUCK By Walt Oisuey , atuLy sPiRc; hcis ooT , THE EMSeeST CASE OF measles on record/ FORTY. .’i'WO THE PONTIAC PRESS, WEDNESDAY^ FEBRUARY 1, 1961 Business and Finance ^ Grain Futures Weak;] MARK^ Soybadns Stubborn n* mmin •!« top pncn.^, jcovertag tales of locatty grownIVfi CHICAGO m - Grain futmw!l»wtace by (rawers ODd mM Brices wera generally week ogotalthem ia nMeBpie package Ioisl' Xw!."* IMreit PrcKduM «XS»T?!i Produce irragulariy early this afternoon. Tnidkig was fairly Changes of most stocks were small.. Some gains of 1 or 2 potnts resulted frcrni the Minutonan flauncMilg, described as an amazing success. A apart of boytag lalo bn Ike moiwliig tslowed news of the The Associated Press average of Isp stocks at noon was off .20 at -tHth Indostrials-do™^ ! and both rails and utilities unchanged. Steels, nonterrous metals, utih-ties,^ lobacoot diemiciyt were uneven. Big Three motors were fipn. Airline^ yflectilcia eq‘vnpm«te a btt higher. Dealers said the broad tfectines in soybeans Tuesday apparently had shaken out the bulk 'S? pewM OcUrcred Otuolt (or No. i «Kal-> Un poullri: _l.JSHj 0^„ tm bMM «-»; Court Date Feb. 15 in Assault Charge Chrysler Gets Delay-in Newberg Suit Chrysler Corp. has receh’ed a delay until F^. 30 to. file an answo- to the suit brought by its former president. William C. Newberg, and his wife Dorothy, of 1411 Kirkwaj^ Road. Bloomfield HiBs. TV delay was graated Taes-day by Wayw OMorty nrralt Csmt dodge Chestfr F. O'Hara aver tbe streaooas obJeeOww of Newbetf's lawyer, dosepb W. LoaiaeiL He aaid that wttb all Livestock ready wltboat delay. The Newbergs are seeking to /set aside an agreement under ' which Newberg is to return S4S.000 to Chrysler. He signed the agreement he resigrted as Chrysler > 1 (API - ir $tKf, clcai »dy: 1 mi tuDy ttMdy ---------- a M ciMtet mrMiit---------------------- Ibt. U.M: Ibv btsd sood b*U«n U.M; ‘iMW bbato Mesdp «Kh wriy wwk ImUm: odd b«ad MandArd hcllcri MtS-Sl.M; utiuty eovi is.aa-lTJO: ~ wn aad eaUars UbO-lSat; baUi ihaatad. aUlity U.M-1I.M: cttUer i *«ak. >pou Uc lowtr « MWf iWady: few loU h batetim IMO-IIW: J Ibt UZVIIAO: Mltad y Thiokol. maker of the first sti^ (A the rqcketj was heai............ . . arid up ab^ 1 Boeing. .... . contractor, also aicountered jdemand and advanced about a! (point. A Pontiac man accused er8 could get along on any Iras steel than they now are stocking. The head of tbe country's No. 1 steelmaking concern also detected "slightly better" new-order trend in recent wVks arid scaUered other "signs of s|Mlng appearing." Talking with newsmen Tuesday, too oneGme IVnrisyh’irraa principal looked hopefully to pick-’ ups in tin|date business, the auto industry, construction and houae- Mrs. lus Dr„ Watraford Township, ported to Pontiac police yesterday that a thief stole two money orders totaling I1MJ3 from her purse In a Pontiac supermarket. HanU Naida, 4W Qsi— It. reported to Pontiac police yester-d«y that burgtars stede S6 cash, a 1154.43 dieck. tym car tttira. registrations, and two'aets s IMS I17.S MS tll.1 .1 1IS.I'|M.S ^StSI DETR<3lT — Appointment William M. W'alker Jr., as gere jj j manager of United Motors'Service js i Division of General Motors was kn-jssjnounced today by GM Presidwit John F. Gonion. \ The awointnient Is effective Ini-mi^iately. Walker success land S. Withers, who has been' named graieral sales manager of Buick Motor Division. A -A Walker has been executive assistant to the general manager of United Motors Service since July 1958. He joined General Motors In 1944 at a member of its personnel staff, and was named director of the Central Office personnel section in 1946. Private Plane Comes In on Belly at Grand Rapids GRAND RAPIDS (APJ-A twin-engiiw aircraft with three persons aboaie-ziiade an cmeigciiey bd^f landing at Kent County Airport today when trouble developed in landing gear soon after tak&off. Pilot Jerry- Hobnee, 26, brou^t le Cessna .110 in on a < ered runway with only prop damage to the crgR and .no injuries his two passengers. The plane is owned by Bergsma Furniture Enterprises of Grand Rapids. It was on a flight to Louisville, Ky., when Holmes reported he wasBU-aUe to retract the nc fidly- Ask Gerber Common Stock Be Split 2 for 1 FREMONT (UPD - Dan Ger-;r, president of Gerber Products, announced tixlay tbe firm’s directors have proposed a two-for-one (kplit of the common stoek. The isoponl is subject to stock-hoider approval at a special meet- ral'HtjliiV to be in April. Harold Wright Heads Cuddie Engineers, Inc. Jlarold R, Wright, architect: and 1 registered jrotrasional engiiieer, has joine(rCitodie Eiipieere,Tnc7, 950 N. Hunter Blvd., Birmingham, as its (Resident, it was announced today. He has been in (xivate (iractice as a consultant since 1946. ' At” the same time, it was an-'nounced that WUliam Gillett will be office manager and Calvin J. iSaari. manager of the structural jdetailing department. The firm specializes in structural engineer- oonstderatton Is ceutored ea the poeriWIIty ef bnyliN a targe aam-ber of oominerclal-type Jet tnns-perts and eeavertiag them to Now dependent on ptopeUer-driv-en transp^, the nation's airborne combat forces thus might be (Hit on a jet basis before any of the Pentagon’s longer-range (dans for aoebmpUshing the transition went Into effect. T“ Roles Commiftee Clears 3 R^lutions WASHINGTON (JM*‘ - I" may be ita ooiy cdmpieteiy tar-monious session of tbe yonr. the House Rutra Ooramlttee today unanimoualy cleared thrra reaolu-tions for House action. Auto Dealer Sues GM for $620,000 DEmOrr (dl-Car daalcr Gib Bergstrom is suh« Gcnergl Motors Corp. for $630,000 danugn hi connection with a oaetime GM Detroit dealerdiip. A A * Bergstrom brought suit in Federal court Tuesdogr alleging that GM had cost him anticipated/prol-its of $60,000 a year by Closing the dealership after havhq; In- ;fd«*a him lb The platatlff. whe now sell* another make of ear in North-rtlle, also claimed IM.Me whieh he siild he had taveated la toe The dealership at issue is a -f«mer Pwlttae branch in Detroit. Bergstrom said the branch was fallii^ when General Motors induced him to take it over in 19.17 on a (iromise he could keep H .for 10 years. He Mid he that GM closed it in 1958. China Rods Blast JFK TOKYO (AP)—Red China Tura-I day night blasted President Ken-Ine^'s State of the Union mes- mongering document aimed at spurring economic and cultural aggression. The attack from the New China News Agmcy. (rfflclal organ of the Peiping regime, was the first Red CWna reaction. IT IHT JUST PUH INK That Murphy Men Are Most Successful We jg^^m^lnterasted ^ seU^. Reminder Publicity. AAAI rating and national reiwutkm for pro- _______and performance. Murphy's line, strictly new, exclusive, coivrighted. is endiwsed by Industry, tinanctal institutions, general business and pro-fcnloDftl ffrw \ Our territories are definite. Your kccounts are protected. High commissions are paid upon acceptance of all orders, plus a liberal cash bonus and extra Incentives. time htah. We furnish everything —\ n Samples and all supplies now availabfo. Act promptly. Outline experience. Oive MALCOLM B. LOMAS. nuSlDENT The THOS. D. MURPHY CO., RED OAK, IOWA no Investment required, three references. Write Turn Down Cadillac Field for NCA Flights WASHINGTON (UP!) -Civil Aeronautics Board has ruled that Nixth C^tral Airlines maY conttBue to serve Cadillac and Reed- Oty WiroughtReed fSW't MiUcr Field. The board rejected a protect by ICadillac which had mf^nally expected that its municipal atarort wodd be used by North Oentral aa the twodty service (wint. Norto Oratral asked the beard for permission to ase Miller Field od groamls that Hs nw-wa,v was I eager and, nnUke Cadillac's airport, ronld safely acromniodale Convair SW air-(liaiies. The board agreed with North Central, citing a report from tiw federal aviation agraicy that the Convair 340's could use Cadillae Airport "only with severe ui nomic weight penalties." This meant that the (Hanra would have to carry less than a full load of passengers, baggage, mail fuel. wm WAY ovDisToa(a)..juiD THEY’K PMOD TO (X) FASTIII FORD DEALERS RED HOT 1^ Explorer 3 Years Old , HUNTSVILLE, Ala. (UPI) -Explorer I, the free world's first acteattfle earth satellite, waa 3 yuan old TUeaday and has trm-vded aome 435 raUUon inilra, the I Army Onlnanoe MissBe Command ■eld today. Pakistanis Cheer Queen KARACJHIfUPI) of Pakistads in a holiday mood Il/and Prince Philip on their arrival from ty to begin a le^lay four of divided Pfodstan. The National Notion Asaociation rqwru notions satei run S900 mil- SELLOUT Well COOK YOU UP A deal THAT WILL I warm I YOU UP 11 ^'7TliriT’'T7’T: LOOK FOR THE MAN WITH THE RED MITTENS FOR THE BEST SELECTIONS AND EASIEST TERMS! JOHN MlAtfUFFE FORD, MC 630 OeUand Avs. KATTIE MOTOR SALES SI06 ^ Hwy, Watortwd, Mkh, aou STHU. MC. FARM AH) COOTS UP - The 195(W0 decade has seen the cost of the government’s farm prc^ram spiraling. Newschart above shows that from a low of one billion dollars annually, expenditures l»ve«ioMirted mrtfl talSfa rnty reaou o.. ndOS Plorsl at.. t^mlaitoB; s|e >1(0 tarred by two lUton, eeTOD trsBdcbUdreB bsd Bine g r • s t-Staadcblldrea. haenl • e r v t e e wtu be held msy. Fbb. S. >t 3 p.m. from the Ptret MettaodUt Church. Psrmliunoa. with Ree. Richnrd T. Mtniwin offlctstlnt. Interment in Oakwood Cemetery. Mrt. Rou wUI Ue In lUte st the Thayer Funerel Home, Pbrmlns- .\iidy Csiki ( iaragc S|>ect«lbt on domeette end .1 Phone PS S-dOOI -7T3 Baldwin. Poatltc Vt have tipendcd our buotneu I VW Service T* niSt* for** lit! DRIVE IN SUPERVISOR r Rett rf. Bethtbtw , P»‘- ■ Ntlton. PS ! i:oeT: CHOC. POiHT 8IAM18E ui, mtie. Antwert to- help with upkeep. AB ’utlUUae C^d't pet. Commerce Rd. --- ! and espdntei peuT Ofl MIS. OR ---m Lnke tie. EH S-4T«._ 3-sa04. ' Wtd. Contracts. Mtgi. 35 ------------------------- UJ -r it 1 >'0®'*': REDDISH BROWN MALE ESTATE SAUBPSOPLE. ‘ Dressmaking, Tailoring 17 - Dechthund. in the tlcmlty of Mr ------- —w...,- , ------------• -^1. . ciomMtt nod Poetherttone, PE 4-3SM. chlkft pet. Reward ABaOLUTELT T C PASTWT AO- ALTERATIOHS gl I imt A°TAyN^*^* ”*#{‘Y.S»3i i i tSss friSt 7 to t p m * DREMMAklNOT^^ I O fmttb, 3S WUlleme it. Ponlltc | Cnll Tod jUeCunwfh Jf» ddMt. CASH d eoBlractt. ea. Don't le EVELYN EDWARDS "VOCATIONAL COUNBEUNO SERVICE " VALENTINE CARDS M tor tic: 30 tor lie epunti ------- -----a 11 for kitchen end -------------It ebsrso of ew tarv^. * area. Top working Sdlary. Joaumnst.^ 'rneetloB, ate. Ap- ____________Da bondnbla. Wrtu employment feoord. Armed Sery-toe. and martial atatua. Haply Pentlec PmaBoa MV______________ Plym. end Valiant. Demo tur-nltbed. Oood comm. pUn. ROB Motort, 73t OekMnd. Pontiac. aufh.'_________________________ ' EXPEBfiNCTD SAl-hSMIH Rtfsh Weaver for Job / WASHINGTON (UPI) - Chairman A. Willis Robertson, D-Va.. said to^y he i*anted the Senate Banking Committee to hold hearings on the nomination of Dr. Robert C. Weaver as federal bousing administrator as soon as possible. I pretsnb^next Tuesday. Fanner and Indiana Farmer. * ft * TTiey are published every two weeks and each is among if not the dominant farm publication in its state. Laager estimated circu-|lation of the eight Is above one million. He said , the acquisition made the Home State group the largest publisher of state farm periodicals in tbe country. IP- :-4R¥ PUBLIC SALE .... . Ttolet. apt. Cpt . Berlbl PMPU3SM. Sble to be h«l< PebrUA wSMw*rt**Ay»»»«.^mUe tAlt «t ce^ of Alichigan opened last night with dedication of a new, $1.7 million dk)cesan cathedral center. OfOclatliig at the ceremsay Is IgAB. thgt AddriM bclBf where the re Mcb lA btmwd And mny M PUBUC BALI At M.VS A.m. “ ------ 1N7 OldemoUle PebruAry I. IMI, SwriAl No. a Av public eub inAC Acurees being where the •tored And iDAy^ Ineje^^ PUBLIC BALE „ en Pebfnw INd Plymouth g Plasa adn. isontif. ---------- -* "*-T9aw«ra jkTOTBw. \ be'’toApe^' TOM Woodwnrd Armine. PtradAle. l^h-Igen. thet uddrcei being *»>• ••- hide teetered end Delegates to Uie convention were to consider srftnaiirial plan todtw that would permit local vestries to abandon giving what they are assessed and allOR' them to determine their own contributions under cer- PUEUCJULI Unf|er the proposed system, par^ . ___ ---------- - ishes would be required to en- wie^eedSJd A^ulf iS5d&e?*&ch* eoui»ia tithing hyJteir members. AtM;M..2^"-5liSr,K3^- _ ___________________________ At PbWtC ■Ab At TOM woodweVd Arenne, Pm-dMe, MiehltAB. thAtAddrejA betasjehere the rehWe b itored • At M M ,.5^®F5lftfr, S. IMI. Bt TOM ’ Arndb. Pbrndi •****‘- VbS. I. k MSI MM SeSoto HM1SM, — At UMt J!SS*b "‘^^ASTunrsiSera.M... Notler b heeeW glren to flgntd thet «», * --------- •r St. PsBl wss the Rt. Rev. Arthar UokteHberger, presMtag btskop df the Episoepai Church. Umi Rt. Rev. RIchaid S. Em-bishe.p ReeoA Appointment FI BAST LAWfcEHCB_ Phone r Ederal 4-0584 i incofir^Air~ASsiBTAiicB. mb. ; smart form O NeaU. OB 3-S341. ------------ LaboraWy Technician Han or women experteneed ta blood chambtrlee. BKO'i urta-alyeb. All Dbaeei ef medicnl technology. lOdwett Employment, 4M Pentlae Elate Bank Bldg. PE t-0337.______________________ BOLIN TAX SERVICE ! lAvalUb'e Tear Round I CORNER PIKE a lULL STB. PK AUI3_____to_____PE SATIS Instructions—Schools 10 ---Ceie-EU--------^ CASH POR OOOD land OOK- ---«• l^rtvate. FE 3-MM. 5NTBACTB TO I _ 3*t{tl°*"***' * IMMEDIATE ACTIoK’ ~ -any good land eontraeta. Haw ■ teaeSnaa. Tour caab upon eat-factory taipeettan of prenaitT -----------------------_jd tMe. Aik tor XtB Tempratoa. ARF nFRT<^ i K. L. Templeton, Realtor ! 333g Othcard Lake Bend FE 4-4M3 WORRYING YOU? II OB 3-U33. age rate—S3 - S». Keye S Necker- | man. FE S-3337. M3g N. Perry or i BO^KBEPiNO. AUL'TAXEB. EKI^re 3^3413^ ______ -- PAINT BEAUTIFUL Chin*. CtA»i openings. Wst» War* __ _ _____________' ^nlY trained — W yrs, eip i/i 2-2602 _z_F^2-^54 WorJeJiVanUd Male A-i cABi»EHTEB. -NE^ <» ^1 591 Sccotid FE 5-3876 S^l'o“*ra^t*30f7.“"'“‘'- " LbWpdBMTfBfl^ W-Yb^ ----------W^HINd-CA^ I hmne. y. Phon..PE_4J7M GENTLEMEN I W*e an'hl^ S JSS!''.Si;; J aa-CARPENTER WO«. HEW KrtuSieA tto^ei*o?« and repair. PE S-7340._ 4ft, I ai^^carpiK| ft-^‘ At’8 LAllOeCAmO * moval and ^iminiiit,. ^------ Ing and eomplete landtcaplog -Free eitlmates. PB 4>4ttft or O] 3>01ftft. :St«?o*i._______ «rrtro^5Li?fW..“a.; MICHIGAN CREDIT COUNSELLORS . 703 PonUac StatcBank Bldg Pontlac'e oldeeiand torgeet budget AMletance company. Member; • Mich. Aeeocletlon ef Credit Counsellort • American AaaoClatton of Credit CouneeUon Wonted Real Eituto 36 ' ACREAOE WANTED: 3d TO 3M. ANT OniL OB jpMAB f»y° 6133. ktU I NEEDINO ^^f M 3-ATO. ConfUinV CASH 4k HOURS P(» TOUR MOM EQUITY OR LAND CONTRACT. JIM WRIGHT, Realtor 346 Oakland Avt. Open 'til ■:3S ,'week. If you ; ter. Kltcheae a epectalty. ___________________and are not 4-60M. ________ tatereeted ta learning a career, do j CARFUN^n WORK OP not contact ut. Cafl b**-"" ---------- -• A-1 ACi TREE service, STUMP REMOVAL e removal, trlmmtar " Reatonable. PEg-»4Jt. Immtag Oet PE 1^36. ARE YOU WORRIED OVER HAVE BUYER ih f4,iM oath down for c bedroom borne on weet ut.' !u2tor**^*N. ^giwll Moving^n(d Trucking 22 DEBTS ? unemployment beneftte back teniorlty .' Apply h. Eddie Steele Ford. 37N Orchard i.eke Rg. 1 Ml. well of Telecraob. Harbor. :t wlUi ! merclal o- realdantlal. You 6-3333 Terma. FE , SMITP MOVINO CO PE 4-4M4 MAULINO AND R DEBT SIT *3 Anytima. PI 4-0364. I ix w. HURON AND LET ya PIVK YOU ONE PLACE TO PAT BULKiET SERVICE PE 4-dMl MAX WITH CAR TRUCK DO jjaHf’^UL- HAULINO AND RUBBIsk N^E DON T LIT MARRIED MAN _DE8PHtATELY ; ypur price. Aey time. FE 33036. . vou down - --- mx^WSh^^h^-^W-op' 0^ CARTAGE—' •a*oSfi;‘BSt!r';s3Vigi."w".M ________________^*' *p"hC'e”VE*taa &‘uydiS*”d.^L^i”*griU'!s.^ j UOHT ANh HEAVY TRUCKING. I AKROTREDfT___ I ----- ' ‘froifin/toSSto. *3^ i KNAPP SHOES I VTANTB WORK FOR ODD »a. CaU FE t-3614.____________ ' I YOUNO MAN 33 NEEDS ANT KIND ' ' ■[. re 3-36M. ______________________________________________________________! FRKD HERMAN OR 31633 i New Car Salesman Needed nowl To handle our In-creaalng butlneat. Only top^iotch men need apply for earning of $1,030 up per year. Sea or mil Mr. Bob llllltr at Jerome Olto Caddllac. 3M S. BagtaaW. 3-7031. reach cash cus. wAiir—wAEHiMa vr MACM. | “fi FE k-MSTbtapMn'? Mo^i; TOMERS through Qassi-Work^W anted Femdie 121 thwi^^AroTaolS^^ | ued Ads. Call FE 2:8181. j Attractive, i--- - . tota bri^^Cei^^ly | come!'*I^FBItabeth Lake, ’oM weekly. PI 4-630T ____^ 1- AND 2-BEDROOM Apenmenta. Penttaa MA 3-lSM. nilTORM DLX. BXrCHiNii^. ApU. newly dec., let floor, parking In front of door. Oaa host. Pvt, ahowtr. PE 33301. utt^ay^toie 'ta'^Plf 33^™’ PART TIME WALUD ARIA. Beaded 3 men, muat be ?i:?“j:e*?Rl?-WV5rrc%2, 4-3411. 4 to 3 1-DAT nUBflNO BBRVICI. EXP., ref . Mre. M^owan. PE 3-1471 BABTSirriNO, WEST SIDE. 30c per hr. PS 3-3401.___ doctors B3DCTPTIONI8T. mWT dent, pleaeant peiaooaUty. typing OL 1-1637.___________s ffiONDfbS AND DAY_*^ wanted. Tel-Huron vie. PK i-SOlO MOfEOORAPHlNO TTPINO BKO-retarial eervlte. EM 33043. WASHiNOT’^NWO. riCK" and deUvery. OB 4-OIW. ■_ Buikiilng Service __________O OUR kind nclglibori and thoughtful friendt our heartfelt thanke Tor their many expreeatona of tym-pathy. The beautiful floral offering! wore etpeclally apprecl- tX' Eldon, Jamea and Prank Ptach, I^, Chrla, Arnold and Norman Armatrong. Madallnc Parka and Mary Dobaan. Futwral Directorf COATS FUNERAL aOME DHAYTON PLAINS OR 3-7767 IDonelson-Iohns LBOn at Puntrala' WAKTib expIrienced barber; . ----- ^lteratTonb AND modebn . _ liation ReeldonUal and commer- Helo Wanted Female 7 cui. oaie cook conatnictioo co. i . .. i OR 3-0033 ___■ . . AVON PRODUCTS POB THE EN- I A-1 CARPENTIH AND CABINET family are much In demand work, work guaranteed. Pricee --- ^11 I... >A reatonable. OB 3-37«a. j . A-1 BRICK BLOCK AND CEIiENT i -work. Alao tlreplacea. OR 3-3403. ] An~RXaibKNTIAL. COMMERCIAL j and taduttrlal Maton and gen. ' eontrnctlng. Alto atora front re- I 13 Automobile Repairs ;LLED 1 . mofflers. way. Par inwnrltw rrK~ BABYSITTER. DATS. WHITE Referencet. 016. PK 3-aeee aply. Referencet. 016. PK 6-taW ^WlmU Mt^^re *3^””’^ •ulrementa. expertonee I Truck and Trailer ^rvkc ........ truck * TRAILIB SERVICE 6 ABOLON WATERLOX - BRUCE , , CABL-L~klLUT SR OLD^t 3340.EU»..1^»J^-----------ESilfiTT ................... Truck Rentol BARGAIN Oarage. 3433, recreation-- - x 16 63M. Additions, porchea, Mich, besement. ModernI- i work. Terme. PE 30133. | ne. Be reedy for fun ta '61. TOUR EVDIRCOB DEALER « ! Harrington Boat Works •’ ' •*“ Telegraph Rd. PE 3-3033 CURB WINTER PRICES _ . On wR toaU. motort, trallera, OL 1-M33, after 3 p.m. and martoe tuppUea. CEMENT WORK, "all* E I N.D 8. P‘*‘* Voi^'r***! Vf* Special winter price. OB 3-dl73. , P.ALL VOUXu, INL. CUSTOM BbllblNO. RESippi- ' Janitor ^rvke COMPLETE JANITOB SERVICE. Painting, paperbangtag. wall waahing. LI 3-0673.___________ janitor SERVICE. RBWUmAL 1 commerclal."TtM 3-4406. If Botrdt : p O' 1 tial and commercial. Remoceitag IT'S A SAD FACT-. And Oh So True! , tow eoet WANT 1 opcnloge the night ■niH. aanat ee m. evmr ^ pereon TED’S . Woodward at Sq. Lake Rd. iXPERIEHCBD WAITRKSS. UOK way, Wetorfwd. ____________ HObSEKtePER. WHlrit. ABOUT • greraga wages. toot^ and Ught doetag. UL custom BOIdEa AND REMODEL-tag. free eetuastee. Uoented buUd-W. toll ftaanm. R. B. Munrp ” ■ Electric CQ.. 1001 W. Horen. BOUSE RAISINO, ROUSE MOV- S&m^S?.*“*Bl.“all?II**'&.'*-= ***”** ***** "“mto anT;toSroR I-57«r t riwwERAL HbUBE ' HOME," OABAOB.' CAMUtm. LADY FOR . OENEBA^^ HOOBE ^ gitione. . Licensed builder PHA ■ bOMMERaAL AND BI8IDKNTIAL ___ 6e Wn. ft ' .... PURRINO STRIPS 3*bc Lin. ft 1 iBjur*-"**' 2x4—8 Economy (ttude ... 4x1 >V' A3 Birch Ply 014.06 ea. j PONTI.AC LUMBER COr CASH AND CABBY 131 Oakland Ave. . PE 4-8IU LOVE JEWELRY? We want several MtraeUve », groomed women. Should be 1 Vemttd to modettnr; nMitoar ai related flelda. PoetUon.U detlgni -------the faiotaattaf wor Pen 60 3TO3. AND I ? tank, l^t 1 - tm and beard. MU 3ATO. ■ANT. Ask for Want .Ads It’s Easy Just Dial' 'FE 2-8181 PrtvaU HYSICMN'S----------- Typewritten appItoaUpn refereoeex, experience. . data, and expected ealary. 1 Box 31. PonOee Prete^______ J RiblSTlii^NUMB TO BE IN ■! cndlge of crib room Snndaya. I 3:16 to 13:46 In — church. MI 4-1343. HObsK MbVlN* capped, re 4-3460. LOW. LOW PBIcEo. work by cransmen. Ptreplaeea, addUloiM. recreation roome. attic rooma family rooms, rede-detlxncd bathe, and kitchens, toee eattmatea. plana and per-Star Modernlxatton Co and III WokK. BLOCK. BRICK. ROOF REPAIRS ___----------- PK 4-3444 R. O. . sand 6-3033. Painters ft Pe^Btore FAINTIHO-PAPERINO-WALL nlng OB 3-7001 Tupper . CUSTOM PAnrrtNO -- rULLY INEOBlfe C. McBath PE 6-043 PlBSterinf Service t-l PLASTEBIMO. AND REPAIRS. Real Pat Lea. PE 3-7S3I. •LMTERINO rRM-fEBTOiA^ Rent a Truck By Hour, Day, Week or Long Term Lease *’T«^i?icrN*'*TR'ssirR^*" 333 N Peddeck FE 6-363# Trucks to Rent ^b-TWo Plckttpe Ito-Teo Itakea TRUCKS TRACTOTIS WHO BQUIPMBNT Dump Trucks-Beml-TraUirt Pontiac Farm and Industrial Tractor Co.- UpholiitcrlBt_ TBOMAS U1 137 NORTE _____ FE 5-8888 1133 Merierat. A EAKLE’S CUSTOM UPW>tf**R- iPIkl * ^** ^* ****" *** Sew and Mower Service PreMinaking. Taito^g Television, R«Ho and HivFi Service olS^aL': Dry Wall WATERPROOFING Woik guaranteed. Free eaUmaUt. re 4-3777 : JOHNSON RADIO & TV 46 K. Waltan Blvd PB 3-4633 AUTOMATIC WASHMS. SKBVIgB. Water Softener Serviqe Prompi Sendee e# AB JUtaR Schick's MT 3jri to *U 3dW3 This apace reserved^-fbr your Business and Service Directory Ad. Business. Sgrvke 19 DRY WALI- Your Job ftnlahad by expert ereftiUMto. We f^lallic ta pkea-terlxed anray. AU. work and nut-tftial fuly gwantoad. M Job U ^ fMdUTftiiiMr lic: /VORTV-FOrR Apts. FurnisliMi UBhiniisliwI», Rent ttowes VtAmrn. 40 I ATtuiSTnitiUN^^ on’* and j soon • ■ , ' e»*» «*U.«o-vfta Morr rrt»l*ut*. THF. POX^TlAr rygss. WEDNKSDAy. rKBBLAn|\- I. l»ai Rent St«m ______^ FMurrr By -oldt Tunisr xr-iii, «iC tiqiAL wmi •rj^—- >ROON $1* N ]-|IOOII. CUAN WOD8MN t>ROOM -------------— \t UUI- MfW»h«a n dart _ t /ROOMS .ARD asm yrtLi- J^*’’*y*y* .. rooms tiue bath, down- 1 ROOMS. BATH TOR COt?FtB-^ t««n r.Jrlfri»*Of. Wv» »»d Tf*« —ClMB. «ArM appr/ ninu..BBd«ri. potuhtri. - >l» a Bo»i prtt PB I-W04 ' I Rooai - >-^re«B loai J AND 3 RMM8. PHIVATl EN trinco ABd Both, utu lecJaoM !| CiA^, apply Apt 5 if .AND i~ ROOM APARTMENTO t ROOM Basement apart- II Roaltor Porlrldic; I 4 ROOMS AND BATH, UTILITY E Road PE 4.4II3 1 ROOMS AND BATH, ' UTILITY ■ ‘ il D««ato- .room. NeAr AuPern Huron PE 4-MSl LARGI RCOMS OVEBLOOKJNO ________________________ _ ____ ---- NtSf T*THi|fnB AdulU OL 1-SISS _ “ * VBEDROOM BRICE GAS HEAT SArACt ---------------- I BEDROOM HOUSE. 31 BUST I Brooklyn PE SJM7 A«*r «l». J^EfcROOM. BASEMENT. 1“L0T8^ PI S-i«l Afltr ! j Rooms and bath ground * «;Vp ...... _ CASH PS 3-7SSI. 2-FAMlLYlXCOMir Mott In And 1»« r«Bl aiAkn ’Uio pAvBtoBU Parod ktrotu, tldt-wAlki, oxcaltoat city loCBttoa. I roomi down. « raomi up. Only lU.SM BtM of termi BVBt— Call broktr OR TbEOBOWs' IH PONTIAC ^ 5 AND SATil AND •OARAOB. 1- ROOMS AND BATH CLEAN north-tad PE J-TU3 Hijb ------ » i.ini „r i.rooM APARTMENT WEST BIDE. NEAR PONTIAC GENERAL H< — ........d cnnct PB S-SB8* pitnl J-h»drm cnrpttrd i:»li L HEAT CHILDBEN '« ru4M& 81 PI 4.5«r». tKcupaocy ^ p,r mo ---omioomOTiif .«fc-TMn . ------—______......____________ROUPS H. WflTH. UALTQR I RObMS^AND BATH, UTILITIES .... “ ' ^ » l-ROOM-pLATr'BiCOND PLdbR » ■room’’ TERRACE PARTLY __________ !►/ and ..I furniihtd or unlurn Oil htnl _ ---- «!• w 8 Ittocm *^4HI or fk °f***? " l-ROOM HOUSE'ON OUdt RWT . n"s3lo“d'^' *1 For Si^ KAMPSEN BUT-SBLL-TRAOB 5 to 64 Acres Ar* ntallabl* aiui' Uiit i roam iiadtrn farm home. L«rft Uvlof room.. hufO row with bath dow^ j SmJT&r 6est buys TODAY I For Syiii Hom O'NEIL MA^AT OAWiMa. Let .ISSSIIO wall*, alum, ildlat. i mtnt Ka* cadar Ibil MPLTIPLI UPTINO SBRVieS VUXAOS OP STITAM. Tbl* th* tint o/fertni oa thi* -a family hoiaiTlfi a NO MORTOAGB cost. ITM dot NeV t lolMdrfsAm hMB «upancy. Good north offSaMwtn jn * ..n** fill* i«n5i. (3RSs*wlth?|l.B COUMKRCB LABS CIOM to Mbeel (or Ibrft B.R. an * EUSABSTH LA KB B8-TATIS. Very iharp and clean. 1-bedroom Mtir oak* '■—T. plaMered wail*. c»r-t»th . (paeloii*. Ut-id dlalOE elL •' , ---------rvlee to Pon- IU.1M. pwnar * wouM itry road, I wtarmriTbiM {l O^do P****M*VN' j!cj1aYDEN. Realtor M E. Walton Open tea*.. Baa IS-I __________PBt-SW aace. attachtd l-ear farafe. only III.4M with ti ■ IndT. 111.,. ] 3 ROOMS'bath PRiVATE I ■ 4»«t It* - ■ **• t ROOMS A • ISM to lEb bn m «R PM i "Dissatistaction among young people everywhere over the N;wT,-^«M;d.“i«u''i;;m*‘'ta* I setting: in Japan, in Utin America, and now --- -n-* ■Ma-wta. ............-...t.,*/— ----------- . -----------_... » wlUi IHM dow* PACE BUIX3IT 8TRBTCHBR - Por only I7M down to qu^ied buyer we can offer thU dandy 3-(amlly located in |ood reatdentUI mr btu and acbool*. caetr 5 fuU *lu room* and eaparate entrance*, i** turnuhed PE M»14 l-ROOM APARTMSHT. SXCSL- 3 ROOMS ON WILLIAMS LABE _ Hurt mut-Md* Kicatimi PI 7-S1M - Mod kitchen |»i utit lurn 1 ^ OAKLAND. 3 ROOMS HEAniD.. adult OB 3-M7S _ _ ; tioan «M Mn ASarf*LOr3ed modeiin home - ' Full baaement Oil furnace Salt ' able for couple No chtWren. PE garage. glO.MO. urm*. PB 3-Quick pqaaearton^ _ , I ibOMS ^ 3 BATHS * Income, only .g yra. old. I 3 ACRB8-3 BEDROOM HOME eloae la. Juat weat of city. Bright double duly kitchen with new cupboardi Oarbg*. tool abed or ' ■ 8f’^ 'road.*Own«r *moilng to mahed EM 3-3Sd7, near Plaher ! norida. Liberal price and term*. POR sAlE BY OWNER. NEW modem 3 bedroom hoffli - ■ GAYLORD! will accept your equity la your amaller bopia Itn or out of lowni a a down payment on tbl* Inyety lafgc comlortabl* tamUy-alged home. 3 large Iota and garage, lib batbi. huge baaement with gaa heat. »' llylng room, IT dining room. I lyea |i cioaeu A auper baetatn. ----- aonablc caeb down p • NO OTHER COST. ONLY Pfgg DOWN f&r IBVa 331SDOWN-_______ Only' IM per month Including! ■tttxeeand tnaurance. Like n“ * oSiy* ITM., ............ I3.4M down. Monthly pgy- . I bedroi k.\Y O-.VF-M.. KcEltor 3S3 Bouth Tclegiipii Road O^n l-l p.m. E 3;71M ________OB I 3031 : EXQUISITE LAKE PR0NT. II ■■ e_waur Thli altracrty Bide Drapeiie* 1. Ctll.PB l-MM NEAT li CLEAN 4 ri Carpet la' UeAlg room, n bath. Nice kitchen V partly lanced m car J ROOM. DIXIE mdHWAY ^ApaimeBU OR 3-dMI_____ 3 ROOM 'apartment, oaraoe. utill COLORED E7CHILDREN V\ hlXO.MF. 'ViS"r.Tr*“ “ fletd Terraci CHOICE LOCATION ON TELE-graph Road. 45S iquare tool ol-tice Heal and water furnlUied Ample parking. 1104 per mouth Rolte H 8mith. Realtor ’ ’■*• up Reau for W a mo IWd 134 roR SALB BY OWNER: giQ you buy * - mnrtvaw# HarrlnwtAn H' PACE tngion HUH. 3-bedroom brick, atormt. carpeting. fenced, well *-—*--- eterythlng malred I comlort. nothing apared Built-In ranai attracllve < I condition. PE 1-131 >OM SMALL SUITABLE PGR Idle Friyate bath and emraoce litiet fumtahed. gSI a mootb | _ APART.; iriaj^itr'L "1 ^N*iJssroik‘‘J5iT3qif“'"’ r.AKF. VISTA APT . . ______ OR 4-043S Builder BEDROOM . HOUSE I3M DbWH~PATM^^ month. rent. 3 bedroom ranch, on lars* Clarkstt ** ' nrl»ll.*». ■ of atorag*. Bhold. Yeuil w ! COt^RXD - J- BEDROOMS , *300 down. Largt famiir hom I with baaement. all beat, re I vampad kitchen, tile cellins. mod i em bath. Only Ml per montl I tncludlBf Uxea and Inabrance. JOHNSON 'U YEARS OP BBRVICS i OR 4-04dI _______ 5750 DOWN 4-room. fuB baaem IP YOU NEBD SSM r down payment lor boa help you 0 PINANCB Cl William Miller ; Realtor ^ FE2-026.V 175 1 DONIL80N PARK Lovely 4-bcdroam borne Ideally located. I^lU baaement. attaohad 3-car garaft, large eloaots. Juat : reduced tor quick akie. Call for further detail* I It and entrance. SLIZABETH LAKB PRIV vd apartmeu lao month. r- -------- ai-LCjuiaitt L-iiuA rniv . a OR3-S0EI j 3 NICE ROOin. GROUND PLOOk i ■ priyatc entrance and bath. W.. , ---j„„ Side Pl^a41S3 after 4 _ ------- month OR 3-43kd V CLBAH LARGS ROOMS:* isf NEAR UNCOLN JUNIOR NICE HOUSI IN PONTIAC, floor, front, utlUtlei. PI 4-1341; clean 4-rm b)|N^lth astple cloa- 143 Patrgroye t el_Bna cupboard apafe. gSS per _ ______ ^ ROOblA AND BATH7baBT:Wl4^ ■* HARRINGTON*HILLS, 4 ------PAsnm 99A viMpwpkP* i*ciuue»_c%H rE *■ ---- ——* NEED AN APARTMENT? POUR BENtOOMB In thia 3 ram ^tn* a room. Baaement Bx-1 < a t o r y. Carpeting, la a home your family wUI cnloy ' with reaeonaUa _ 315 Florence _ ? LARGE. iXEAN ROOldB FBI- SLATER APTS. l-ROOM MTH.-^AdTOMATfC i. for couple only , *’ " ^ AFTER i AND SUNDAVS. SEE CARSTTAKER MR CARROLL A _57 N PARKE STBE^ NEWLY DICORATBD no drlnkera i J*r66mb; NEAR CITY hospital ,|vln* t AdulU* m W Huron PE g-lSX« : ,u ,'t ROOMS AND BAm BABYNWEL- hall, built-in bathtub. coma IS3 Ptorence _ ----- ‘ ‘ ' ‘ 3 ROOMS. CHILDREN WELCOME ■ 334 Btatc Street, let floor. --3 AND 4-ROOM APARTMENTB ' rooms. , _ .... ... iisiahre 444 EVERYTHINO PRi- 1 Pike PIS-I3S1 NEWLY DECORATED mic. j.eupl^o^y _rE_4-3a5l. SEVERAL APTS, POR RENT ' ' ' 5 ATTHACriVE ROOMS. PBIVATl ' *■ ---- ' bath, prlratc oniraace, adulu ,huly PlS-3473. _______ g:'R60MB. BATW. UTILITIM AND 5!?^,;;?^ to^.rnTlMr ------* cilUAACc 383 Auburo - I e iL' . ^ WMt ti ; R. J.(Dick) VALUKT i 'j Realtor FE 4-3511 ^ 344 OAKLAND AVENUE ' ropen S * XOW OPENING -THE ALL NEW, ~Ccfve!!e 1344 d.__ ---------- ------ Re-decorated Iniide and out. Lge (amiW atyle kitchen. ISS-ft wide *-• "'"* •* achooli ThI* la on* ,—-------.a*. Let u* dhow you I. call Mr. Those. PE 4-TsM A. JOttNSeN & SONS REALTORS FE'4-253.1 1704 B. TELEGRAPH $11,660 PXATtmn PAMILT ROOM WITH ' SLIDING OLASS WINDOW WALL : ONTO PATIO: 1 BXOROOMSi WITH ATTACHBD OARAOE IN- the flnt.’faink touebea HEAT. I DIVIDUAL ROOM_______ __ ALUMINUM STORM DOORS. . l AP , SIDING oMBN BO MUCH little moniy. ALUMINUM I Lake Front . . . t jocaUooi. L Eltri* BEDROOM Uk. JUU-Lct, I7i RdOM HOMtr 3 roomt 2 buios Loon l.«kf Ift^. Shown hy appolntmi I’aul .\r. Jiine.s. Real FXt. 433 WEST HURON STREET PE 4-4440 __________PE 4-137.5 PE 3-0773 Owner—Birmingham •VKSTCHT—” Almost ipactoua CUSTOM , ____coma, fourth bed- paneled den. Also large T ■P* aVM attrarti i'R06Ms“>RIVAfE*llAfH~A^^ Cool u Theae 3 t It for 443 50 Ai Hempitead. 133 l_PE V7371 _____ _ ^ ^_______________________T aiDB LOWIR. 3 ROOMS -4 ROOMS AND BATH, PBIVATi| and bath, garage. 375 reference ..eaurance. 1*3 B. Blyd. Bouth. i reqvUr^a^ only. Inquire 100 Bkis AND BATH. bOWRTOWN. ---- ---------------- , „ 3U ipq xty Auburn. PE »3434 ; Refit Houscs Fumishcd 39; ROOMS. BATH HSAT urr — - - - — —^ i j OPTION TO BUT ; 3-bedroom with baaement. gat I heat, dining rm . near Northern High. giO ajno. MA SrtSOl _ ART OP DUPLEX HOMS. 3 ----- ----- 1 ----------- , ‘•HUrT" >W 8HOWINO'- the new 1*31 let of thU tremendoua vblue -le at 4133 Midland St. off habtw Rd. PInIthed family n. Ilk ttlc hatha, gat heat, ir co-ordinated kitchen. 1 bed- ' —--------leaturea. Open ; family mom. Ilreplace, 3H batba. fully Bir-condittontd. buUt-ln, ----------., carpeted, ; ^rochlal "i through hl| 3 A-.M.-3 P.M. j' USTINO SBRVICE —|r- FE 4-4526 teparale baaemenU, tep- (ufnacet^^JSwd- ------ Accordingly. Oi^*ll.0C0 Dlorah Building'' ■* wm pay you to look • :—T" YOUVL______ HOUSE FOB »_..... 4430 MOV18 YOU IH. _ ____ month INCLUDES BVERY-LYn” PAST’wALTOM "a‘uil''SA WHIPPLE LAKE TOLL0W*thi?*^™**' ^ **J1'S*- ' Loke leyel recreation room with FOLLOW THI ^ { natural fireplace, alap a kitchen VaildlCWlCK Woods Sicn ’ •»<* hath. Mam floor haa 3 bed-" roam*, a 14x31 camoiait -llxlux _PE__3-41 Dixie'-’ Commercial Located In hcort of Draytoh Plaint. Ig^ fL; Dixie Highway , ANNETT . delightful -----aloptnx lawn .. — ------- - hug* 130x333 lot. Only two-year-old ranch home attached double garage. CALL FOR SHOWING. .* LIST WITH Pretty White Frame 340 ft to Union Lk. Pine nelgb-bdrhood Dandy big lot. Circular 4-gliS. MODEL Pb. OR 4-1711. 4 ROOIO. MAW _________. BEDROOM COZY. CLEAN. BUSj UTOjmB Itno, uuntloa Mm PE 3-3344 4ISUO. PB I-BEIMtOOM MODERN. NICT'aNO j ^«nSac.°A*dlUto*wly. re>M3a.°* 1 Lease Option {BY OWNER. MODinkN 3 BED- BEDROOM MODERN HOME. ; monthly paymonta. gat Many other niot feoture*. Dreadcit. Por appointment PB 4-37i3 bet f and 4 c 3-443d oyea. altar i p.m. Wei lota on SallD* Dr. Watar lorA C rently rentod. Can be bought w amall down payment or a r b*r|ttn for caab. PE X7I13 i uUI. Lenox (Umacc. Carpeting, dmpes. 3 car gtmge. tl.403 down. 474 me. HAROLD iREOi PRANKS. Rotitor. 3433 Union Lk. Road. EM 3-3333.___________ ROCHESTER 4 BEDROOMS, ONE Ideal' 1 1 ftmUy, No atllltiea 144 me. PE LARGE ROOMS AND bath: very clean, near acbool tad bur. _ ______ home Sfe^ONSlBLE .COUPLE ONLY - j pwitiK >MiYmww, ax«.Fp apvhwvaaam. ,iw i rymii 'mT^ t.]4Al ! RCV mOdeill 2 b«drOOm hOBki». d DHYSr ! 8 ftOOM8. TV, WA8Q9SII. DRYXR. i (unilahMl LsSsU® Pftrk tTO no >......- — -- -^ .• ..— - s- •>** : ptuTuSmtio. 3blxk"l"om « "MAIX HOU8E BTOVl^RSnup- ^ PE3-3ql3. _ ; PE a-4431 emtor. alter 4 p.m.. PB 4-1301./ •* , n...... »-»KDR00M HOMS 374 A MONTH I" KEEO'o GA^ ■"LlSSSl/i aH.!\?r*,Sru 2Si .12 plututmoai PS 1-3444 heat PE 3-1334. mo™ b% "‘o Hemp\le!d* ?b5 3-BEOROOM UNTIL JULY NEAR •*»* E.“ Huron Street ‘pi 4-3^ MM U» • ■»«- MA 4-CS07 .frame^houae In ^ Alter i pm call PS 4-7443 3 ROOM HOUSE ALL UTILITIES “mn rooiiC garMt $ui letie -BACHELOR APARTMENT NEB fumithed ChUd atlcome vmite yg 4-4830 re 3’^«73'“’*" J^ PratSit *^5*^ BACHELOR APARTMSHT, 313 w il kia*! ” 3-MM ™ pitmutlltSei. Si * ”* WIST BIDE BRICK. 3 ROOldS CLEAli NEWLY DECORATEbr 3 CtonerA*Hot|!lu!*rE ^‘478V roomt. bath heat, tod laundry rs yilt, 18 a m to 3 p.m _ a-ROOM MODERN (aclltuei MI 4-1453. a Hriou bcuihk i rkiihoqm 1 "“L_ . iSi*"" EXCLU8IVE*3-ROOM*APART3dBrr for working couple Heat and hot water fdmiahcd Prt both and _ aBtraBm Near aWpert OH 3-4374 rm _ EPPICIENCY APARTMENTB. NSW- ; 4 ROOMS. ADULIB. ly decorated, new hath, near OM PB 4-6144. Truck. Baldwin Rubber and OM:' ------------. .... ’**,* BOOMS AND BATH OAi HEAT, . ™ . ______ near Nortbera HIgb 434 month FIRST FLOOR. 4 ROOMS A N D‘ Anneu Inc . Realtmi. M E. Rur-bath. private enfrance. Adului on St. PE 1-3431 only. 74 8 Bellevue. Bellevue Wand. Uke Ortrm 4 R005U. BAnMENT. OAS HBAT. ground floor 3 ROOMS PRI- near Central High. 134 per wk.. vtif bath and entrance PE piui ullllliet PB 1-4374. ...... 3 "rooms'* COMPLETELY PUR- iURGE 3-ROOM LOVtER PRI- niahed full baaement »d ga- *o« *^\mtt« 'luTOl«hed**™PB Btroet’^ft'a-MM'''" “own:' rooinYato* 447 w’-Huron: -4-3333- __ SMALL ASusE - 144 llONtfr “ mEAL* BACHfeLOR 8 QUARTERS. POR COLORED 7-ROOM APART-. OK Dixie Hiry >, ml. N of Tele*-—rammer poWJSS mo PE t«» niem JdA 5 1784_^ , _ ________ LAROE CLEAN ROOM FOR ~OEN- LOWER front KITCHENETTB.>LOHO LAKE. SUITABLE POR 1 tieman. Private, entrance. 344 pvt. eat . uttlUlei. alao tleapUtg gjq mo. EMJ-37N after 3. Nelran St. » 4-4371. ♦ '-AKE OBJON. OMY LBBDROOM. I NICE ROOM FOR REPINED HE- LAME NICE ,3 AND BATH. NEAR- iss Helghta Road MT 3-1334. i ipoDtlble person. No other room- . MODERN FURNISHED DUPUnC era. PE 4-4343 _ ____ UOOERN NICELY FURNISHED.; reaaonoble. U 3-1773. ___ ROOM IN QUIET HOME. NO NICK 4-BKDROOM *10081. P^ , amokert or drinkers, U3 8 John-■ ‘ ' • ilahed. fll “ — bedroom homo, arltfa prtytleget on wimarnt Lnke. 31.130 Wiu make down paymont.. Land con-tTMt balance of rt,480. payment! 370 I5^r mo^OR 1-3W___________ ■ BL’I1:df:R’S mode!. Now for sole - thU new 3 b^rf* room brick Clarence C. Ridgeway' OPEN M PE 4-7331 731 W. WaHan Bled ST mCHAEL PARISH 3 Bedrme. up, IAt. room, dlnlni r lot. 3tb car | HA tKlUfS C^. DO^. Well “Bud” X'icholie. Realtor' **.¥XLot 43x143 In city, FE 5-1201 1 pymt. or WIU tmde. After 6 p-m. FE 2-33/0 j Many Shade Trees I On thU 130x21) l< Humphries FE 2-9236 complete with ------ RScreatlon impicte with bar oola Brtck (Ireplact KENT ------------------iwiP u^f Ukei. Beautiful view of lot from 13x33 Pino pan-nlly rm.. nvtai m. all wet plastered floor*, handy HOSIE IH TOP-TOP shape: WBBSirXR SCHOOL DISTRICT 4 bedroom home. IS batha. rvii k.... Beautiful corner Near Pontiac- General' waIkKXit baaement You can' ■ rlahl In Total price 413 800 JOHN J. \ lO^.METT Real Inturtnct PACE Really OR 4M33 STTLVAN flLLAGS L __________ full baml., gaa heaL PE 1-3710 SulHjj:bau-ULv4ng ^ At lls Uest Your futura home la tb* ((OX’VERTmEK 24) 3*4 bedroom*. I'b batha' W. W. RO.S.*^ HOMES OR 3-3331 Hoapital. ONLY 33.143. S-MITlil - WJDEMAX I w. HURGN ST. PE 4-4423 ; BATEMAN REALTY ■ I 13*30, j kUchen.'miuuir'My^ 18, Ige. uUUtv garagi 33x34.113,1 Comer 100x145 3 bedrn MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE LET'S TRADE WATKINS HILLS Over 1330 aqoar* fe«- of re* exqataltq living l« thIa 3 bed , . : SEE IT NOW! -a ____________________: m 11 ir^ _ 1 if LAROE I'BEDROOM MUCK Everybody! SUB S-i'OPPiNO AT DOOR LOE. : i 13M ft. of luxury living on fl _froM_attracUye rm J|'E^71S3 ' : Iloor. 33x33 Uvlng room, fan CLEAN SLEEPINO' ROOM, CLOSE , i rlr n*tost!!?rrt i About It with a; Ft 4-4341. 340 W. Huron wall*. Trade* arranged ' CLEAH RCWMS. « room. PRI- LADD'S. INC. P^R-yWMD-Rci^M rN tn Lapee, R_d ,5«4I_o, P^^^ • 1350 6 oBly pleaaant kitchen. LoU of ploaeta < Iftill Bam't. with ftnlahed rec ! rm and bar. tiled Door. Now ; at 114.350 Term*. Cipsm IN Convenient to achoofv. bus. and Pontiac Mtra ' Ad Bldg Nice -................. •-rm homo iTACAHTI on landieaped fenced lot luat wdat, of clto UmlU. Feature* carpetad Uvlng and dining rms, new birch kitchen, 3 Ige. clo«et* with bullt-ln drawer!. 1*4 batha. 3 bedrma il on lat floori, baaement, new GAS furnace. 3-ear tar»e and acreened patio Prlvllego* on Illeaheth Lake. 313.. Close In 3-lamiIy Incoma—g room*. Ulo bath, private entrance, (l) 3-room furnlabed apU.. bath and pvt. tntranco* each. Gao heat, large lot. conaldor Uking a Mo model traUw aa part down payagaat. Sheam by appcdntnwnt. Riverside Drive tibule entrant*, carpeted Uvlng room. 3 bodnng., Ulo bath, wefi arran^ kltehen, marvelont bamt. go^ cltan 3-room mo^rn brick! garate. will give quick pqmetalon. Couple thonaand dollar* down. WILLIS M. BREWER JOSEPH P. RBI8Z. BALES MGB - M., 3S baths q r era. plu* l Iqur r r ahowing -good retu Unme and rental 1 Plica only 3 I PAMar - Modern I liabed rcaldonUai neighberhood. School*, atore* and bua nearby. Corner lot UOnt two paved atrecu. I31N - SOM down. Pontiac Press Want Ad PI Cor.^BItoerbelM SYLVAN) •1331 NEAR ROCHESTER Oyer I6M aquare (a t -harming " • Floyd Kent Inc.. Realtor 3238 Dixie H PE 3-3173 Seminole Hills Hear WebaUr and Washington Jr., 3-bedrm. cedar w---•- oicellent location. Annett Inc. Realtors FE 8-0466 I &tl ter of Keego Rarlwr , PE 4-3373 After g p_. WCI 3-ROOM AP/OtTMEHT" irnlahed. 4: Ded._re_l , OKCHARDXT. APTS. Rent now greatly reduced . , Pumuhed or Unfurniahed I l-BBDROCW APARTMEHT I AIR COMDITIONBO i Modem In Every Detail i ADULTS ONLY FE 8-6918 I Manager. U Salmer St.. Apt. I. Open PaTly * Sun. 13 a.m. toJ p.m. t^ATE 4 ROOMS AND BA'TO: ‘ ■ d Prigldatoe I. OL M333 TORNiSHED, . —- ,___________________________________ cottage and Og-, £|i*'j|Si '****^**' ' ■LKxFlMO R^OOM. PRIVATE EN- WALUBD~iTAKil l' ea^eveataga. lliM-1 ____ Rent Houses Unfuriu ^ That's because of the 1; greater selection of every- Uvlng. LET'S TRADE y ' 313 a week.4-3331 ___ ________________________________________ i WARM Rooid IR CHRISTIAH thing from automobiles to----------_m:^_„_ home Near buaT Alao 3 room " j TO SETTLE ESTATE. Sam Warwick ha* brtok -4rt-f Ityel Ikl7 Sherwood Road. 3- bed-; room*. 3'y baths, recreation room,; 2-oar tarage. 323.018. Alao have 3-bedroom frac*. ItU Lakeland. I14.883^rs 4-43|q jrJW 2-2104. j TKI-LEVErSTARTER ! on y0ilr°im^TriTlS^^r Ranch. OUT OF TOWN Tour plau ur oura. Havu model. But in Pontia- a*h.u.i ru- O. PTattley. Builder. SM 2-0402.! trtet.. S-reroi‘^uiMpIlow %t TO BUtf OR SELL SEE' j -baaement and garai? Ol'aaaod- clarkston I '■p?J*d’™^l^Bito« REAL EST.\TE. INC. ukS ‘rl^"";." MM S 'Main at- ' rraaonaM. Open DaUy I to I: SOndaiy 12 la 4 rancho 3“ilr«e''‘bed^S"m7M!j.\MES K BLVD. Dt*f e Hjyefalii?’?* fcM**n* ’ ’*»»»ly *Tl»«n Ultr from hOIBF en with bullMns *“*’ * Nveh., Exquisite three r*» .nrf ' r* bedrma . doubit cloaet*. carptt- •*S In? fitst ? miy‘y.n n I '“K- Inter-Com three lot, Jaat a HEAP of good ' b,ih,. Bvtyythlng for tuxurleui Phono PS 2-4001. u.s. Government living. ; WILL TRADE 14 aerta with 200 ft. kge on Scott 1 Propertj^ Managj^r ATTENTION. HOME BUYERS contract. Bxcriloi 2-BEDROOM BRICK Duplex. (uU bocomant. go* boat. daooratoC OH par moatb. NICHOLIE - HARGER FE 5-8183 ■fIfesT SIDE. OIVPKR 3 RdOMS PK S.Q4M , 5S.' 2-BEDROOM DUPCEX a»» p” »». 1 Automatic Heat - PoU Baaoaiont IrwY ubc *3 aooMs ard bath.! _ w^ eicoi^ -privato entrance, mahogany pan- $75 PF-R .MONTH . fled walls, air eondlUonod. aewly • ' V-t: \ A,v : dreorated. ExeeUent loeatlon. Lady F F. 4-7833 f “ - t 444 Bast Uvd H at Vatoacla DHPURITHHED BPACIOD BOARD. ROOM AND CARE FOR 400 inert-^^^!cdr”'^r*d* S Iota Ohd rerj reasonable monthlr parments. Crescent Lake prleiJekes. It's va> rant. $$.7U NEAR whJLiams lake. Verr clean buofalow vtth Uris kiteben. eraU>to-walI Templeton Sylvan Lake I bedroom ranch heme. Nicely arraifned. dxtra larco llelnf room, natural firenidee. ceramic W88T smX BRICE - Four badrooni home, '' garage. An eieellem t bedroom frame home, full basement, dtning room, a three and a ball car garage, large lot. fruit trees You should like It Would tike Priced* right. By "appointment lOVE IN - IN TWO WEEKS No down payment. Just money for taaes and Insurance only.; Quite a few OI resales Many, Hiaby TocMtons. TW gualtfy all you need Is a Job and good credit. Ha»e them m Pontiac. Milford. Waterford ai --------- pendeeice township , For SrIb riptof . PACE LAXEFXfWT lee thu loealr 4 ■ iDdlanwo iwoed Manor, a - «—.— *“-ahedl n brlckfroi beat. I WILLIAMS ialdwEi ~ • fir Iter g P.M. UL a-»M SPOTLITE BUIUIIHO COMPANY The Bonneville $100 Moves You In T BedfdOms . .. Carpeted Living Room Gas Underground Heat tile Bath with Vanity Birch Cupboards Choice" of Colors FE 4^0985 STOP This , IS IT! ■•Jggl TCMFEBr' -CITY OF FONTIAC - for limited time only $00- NO MONEY DOWN to Non-Vets. (uiidor anangtwenti Payments Cess Than Rent $55 FotsStk LeIm! PMji^ at !TS _ 19 LEBUE R, TRIPP a bedroom brick. Cbrpetod flying room with tlreplaeo. IVb batbe. AlUcbad garage. Nicely decorated. Will eoneldcr trade. Sale RcBort Property 82 mo. a» mla. I LAKB UVrs. gig 1 meath. FB a-fiai. Suburiaan Property S3 By Owner. Rochester 3-bedroom ranch hmne, IH bathe, fireplace, family raom, a-ear at- For Sale Lota 54 $8999 including lot) AT NO EXTRA OOBT 3 large bedrooms Gas heat -- W«H*tor*watt"CSf^ting Copper plumbing Vanity in bath Furniturc-finish’d cabinets Double-compartmcnt sink Farm kitchen •Alum, window: LAURA LANE. NEAR MAPLE ItalM’. beautiful bnlUUim sites. Ncaa stores, schools and ewgrehas. Only $1.»T>. ea» terms. R I. VnCKBRSHAM 71tS W. MAPLE MAYFAIR CLARBBTON'BBTAtKS LOTS Wi tl,4M. lit Blacktop streeU. churches, schools at FE 4-iiM. U B-TIU. .Si‘p '"Soar' DORRIS RANCRER —Out-fstsmUng a bedroom brisk home only a years oM. two full ceramic tile beths. t wonderful modern kitchen with, all bulli-tni. outstanding ---------------‘ fricerator, a ear attached earsge. a restricted neighborhood off Woodward. tll.ItO terma. consider nice FINISHED MODEL i 108 S.East Blvd. ___—-See-fof- Youraeli—. CHEROKEE HILLS! ratei“L“2.jsssi: ‘ better hemae — and lu e country location — IN-li-Elisabeth lAkc Road to BooM Lake Road, turn right a blocke V loLaoota. \ Carl W. Bird, Realtor VVaterford Tfills Estate A tew choiae lots IsfL Ayeragt HWX3M). Oood drainags. Ideal location. Herbert C. Davis, Rltr. _ FE t-eaii __________ CLARUTON ARiU. S1.4IS. iTt rvvat I A tci . looxa I catlor DRAYTON PLAINS : M s aoo n. Ob gashaliaw lU OPEN DAILY AND SON. la TO i 1 ?•«»• ‘ - Walt0fi Blvd. tfAV SHIFT By Frank Adams For Sale MlBcallaiiefW^ 67 BARGAINS »Uet" tW.IS wlUi trade. WOLVFJUNE LUMBER M«_8. FaSSSt*”*'' * *FB a-tTg4 BATHOOM FIXTORBB. OIL^AND gae fumacee. Hot woUr and steam boiler. Automatle water hoaur. ^dware. aloe. eupwUee. crock and pipe and fittings Liiwt Brothars Paint BupOr Emtone and Ruetolaum. ’ HEIGHT SUPPLY ______MSS Lapeer Rd. FX 4-iUl . gat.tt I B A B ■ B O A R b RAOIATIOH AT I iUrgeln prl^gi.gt pn ft.. O. A Tbompeop. ftgg lit# West. BBBP AMD PORK — HALF AMD jtuarUre^Opdyke^Mkt. PS t-Tw" BUILDINQ SUFFUlBrPAIHTa'. ln.ul^,^,rtde.............. f'ORTY-FlVH- BLAYLOCK' COAL 1 UPRIOHl FAMOUS -----ecratebed. Terrific gl4l.lt while they last 8UFFLY*cb. _______________________ FX 3-TlOl OL ! BOLENS AND WHEEL HORSE tract^v snow blades, snow blow. AUb *kWt* ‘Pdclal price. evan's^bquIfment >507 Dixie Highway — Or- "Whst say we quit looking for a parking place so we can work today and concentrate on finding a place to eat lunch." OAB* AND BLICTRIC KIILT-m. Ovens and cook tops. IMO mod- •M^iinr*.‘«»iorlaiw’‘Hu“: ,ET ua BUT IT OR BELL IT FOR YOU. OXFORD community AUCTION. OA l-MIl.____ LEXMIAHb'ltf«iaiaiAT(k(TW MA t-TTII CHILD .CRAFT AND COMPTONS CASH REGISTER TREADLE SEW-tng macbfne. chrome table, steno-type mMhine coffee — g-3044. 'K^*'.'-r7..u' Elisabeth Lake Road. Uble. cbtl « 4 CXMEIfT STXPB, READY MADE, all elsei. Splash block, door sills, chimney caps. Pontiac Pre-Ossi Co., >4 W. Sheffield. FB Mndikinify CamerRB, Equip., Serv. TO Sale MubIcrI QomlB 71 .yiOLm^^ i NEW. i. r% u ACCORDION BALE. ALL I USED nm GRAND PIANO T KbRRIa MUSIC. 3 Sped, ocroee trow. a,, Shoplng Cenur. FE t-glgg. Busincsi Opportunity 59 Partridge Thumb-Area. Bar Msui highway. Beau 4M. bln room, Oood liquor bar. api over and rental rooms TRADEI IIW.OSO terms. Will ccptlofiall] e heat. 3 I ear ga-baautUul _________________ % oepbalt tiled, gae beet, . heat, floaet ol materUl and workmanship, a home -ax ata Jiroud to habt llstod. pored street,' eewer and wtur. Baey RHA ternu. _____AN OFFER _ Meal kscatum for the young couple, off Joslyn, close “ cooreolencee. 1 bed-bungalow 75J W. Huron. _______________ MULTIPLE LUTINO SERVICE SMALL COTTAOE WITH PRIVILBOB8 OH WILLIAMS LAKE —4 ROOMS. HAS OOOD SIZED LOT ONLY t4 »0 PULL FRICE. 135 PER MONYH. COLORED _________AND OA- RAOB. OWNER WILL DECORATE. ONLY I5M DOWN. $gS PER MONTO. \VRIGHT, Realtor « 345 Oakland Are. Open tU S:30 PE S-t441 . FE a-Tttl UHIQH LAKE AREA Acroes the- etreet from Round Lake. 3 Bedrm., kitchen, break-faet Rm., dining room. 1 porches. PACE FOR COLORED - NO DN. PAYMT OdMUN-- W ALLED LAKE 1. BuUt IM5. Picture windows nss owD well (no Water Mill. Buy it for only 4300 down. g5g per month Including Usee and lo-turance. No mortgage coat. Full price gl.tM. Why pay rent? Own larga trees and shrubs, j L.ADD’.S. INC. 3ggg Upeer Rd iMI4l or Perry . Cor, SllrsrboU Rd. JE 5-gggI. After 7 p m. OR 3-1 For ^e Acreage Acres Terrific yalno here on thU desirable level, parcel, 300 feet frontage on good rood to bo black-topped this year by County. Walking dlelanct to grade school. Only »e down will handle. Warren Stout Realtor. 77 N. Saginaw " — 5-glgt. 7 ACRES Or xeenlr rolling land with good bulidfba site on pavement. 3nst eae. of OrtaovUle only $3,000. 1300 down^ 4U A-monih. C. PANGUS, Realtor ORTONTILLE .------ 10 South Btfoot___NA 7-3015 80 ACRES ' Well located. >« mile road front-aae. Southwest comer* Hummer Lake Rd and Hurd Rd.. Bargain price. $105 acre. Terms. PONTIAC REALTY 737 Baldwin PE 5-0375 F43P 8«le-F«fftiB Country tJrocery $1,000 Down In Oakland County. All good futures and 34 X M Bldg on 175 X 300 lot Included. Stock of am proxlmstelr M.ooe extra, owner on enftebes. Waata a quick tale. Send lor our FREE osw "Michigan Business Oulde." Partridge Swaps 63 SlOM, MO . I eMtonftl cha f Wsiton Blvd. A VVorld of New SoiUMls GULBRANSEN TRANSISTOR ORGAN Ws now have all modtit la stock THE ^ABi5L0US THEATER ORGAN Frteos start at OUOO PIANO TUNINO-OROAN REFAtR lusic Cei OAS CONVERBIOH BURNER. ALL controls, exeellent shape, swap for what have you. IT 4-07oir BUMl* PU3^ TRaCSD. 80L13~^AND . repaired. Dirt coavcvprt and i' hammers tor Tent. W t-ioii. _ Bl^ OR T^DB RBOISTBRXD hone. OR 4-OMO. Alio playpen and baby ehatr. several >3 to $7A0. Orlenl brand new, 115.05. Pearson's Pur-nlturs, 43 Orchsrd Lake Avt. IU8T SACRIPICB BBAUTiPUL new Drexel genuine mahogany, doubte dresser. ||g0. OL l-g430. For Sale Clotliing; 64 . -................. ~— -----------------------5—da> amrhinit. I0-I3.JM1 jt I BUOC sun*. 1 PUR TBIMMK), ; MAPLE LSbltiSW I black fitted spring cost. 3 , Love-test, >30. double inten block wool dresses, I red and 1 buck tllk dreu. 1 navy silk suit, sites 11 to 14. FB t-4>34. - raEBT OENUINB U"‘’'‘«r*e.S CASH WAY 10x40 33-ft Rock Lath . i .gt 4lt Plasterboard . . ... {l it Burmeister LUMBER COMPANY ----ley Uke Rd. BM 3-4171 9 1 a.m. to 1 p.m. dally sday 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. HAW JL PAIMT^ CM ktoglelio-drip BWDTIPUL B P I N B 'ir PIANO- RE - CONDmONED CUT - DOWN upright piano. Oood toon. Owgr-anteed and delivered. gtOt. GRINNELL’S - I S- Baginew_____PE 3-7I0S BAND iNsfRoMcinrr repair - By factory expert. CALBI MU8CI CO. jj»._BAoiNAw ■ rurtm WN' fmeiHW''1!E8*wr*S manuals—3t PEDDLES, gl,7|i. LEW BETTERLY MUSid c6. Sale Household (ioods 65 •,i PRICE - BE3ECT8. BEAU'n- , ---------------- ful living roofi eultes. Low et |70. Kenmore wesber tl.50 wk. Bergaln House, 103 N ' RUMMAGE Cass FE 3-0043 _________ ,ikS mlsci WALTON TV 515 B. Wallon PE 3-3357_____ OROE REFrTOERA'TOR. I ”■------------ —State and miscellaneous ’ Friday DUO-THERM. DOUBLE BURNER space heater and 175 gallon oil UOT MY 3*l|& PORmTca, PLUMBiHd~pTTI N Y 0i«LE.NEtB0if irtNirt rtuid. REAL VALUE AT ONLY 0440. LETT BETTERLY MUSIC CO. _________Ml SW03_________ ELECTRIC OUITAR OIBSON t pick up. Solid be* - = model. Wg S-1070.__________ FREE : 1 Months Rent Rent a new ptane of your eBMce Borrow With Confidence GET $25 TO $500 Household Finance Corporation of Pontiac It front-*^t «1* j; BUCKNER s Nicholie & Harger Co. I3'i W. Huron PH FE 1-1103 Eves. Call FE 4-*ttl or FE SCHRAM Lakefront, $12,900 Three bedroom. U'lng room U X 34 with fireplace and aludi celling. Ceramic tile bath, nlc kitchen with dining space. Uivi , ly enclosed porch, that ovet-looks the lake. Bt' an aarly-blrd on tbU one. CALL TCH3AY. $9,500'Full Price * Surd beSroM? MrtJallj^e^ newly remodcM kitchen. Col-ored bath lUluree. FnU base-meat, fenoed In yard, only glOM down and $75 pet month. T* CANT and ready to move rl| In. • New 1961 Bonneville Three-Bedroom Home fftfl forced 44^1 h*»t. On . Lfl^nron 9cbool Ared. IVAN W. SCHRAM REALTOR FE 5-9471 t43 Joalyn. Cor. Mancfleld ^vnrix^STtSo sERVi^ rooms and bath, basement. oU i-eLARKSTON LAEEFKONT hsM $0,000. mootblr payment: , M7.tr. new panelad kitchen, large t worn with nawral firepi slate floor, spacious in gioglg cash. C. PANGUS, Realtor FINANCE COMPANY gg South Bt. NA 7-M15 ' WHERE TOU CAN _______ OHonvllle " BORROW L^P TO $.■«) Sale Business Properly 57 j ____ 75 models „ ................. Prices start Singer portables. *•7.50, clg sag Mulppcd. Curfi pllances.. 1077 West Huron. PE BERRY DOOR Sll^J:-ES Open from 0 to 5 ^ Noon on Saturday STl 8. Paddoa_________ Ft 3-3131)1 HOT WATI*-HEATrai.~ 30 OAL: gas. Consumers spprbved. got 50 value. tlt.tS and Ml tS. marrsd. Also electric oil, end bottled heater. Michigan ~ t Radio a CAUPORNIA STREET: Five room bungeiow. nkwly dec-oratad. basement, gerecc, gg,-MO tod IM.N per mo^. BROWN need la flret and last months rent In advance snd you ci buying this lovsly home. -~-for Mr. Brown. Eves, cell OA 1-3111. bell OR TRADE—Urge 3 bedroom brick and frame rancher with eiow sraU to wall carpeMnr ■ciwenad porch. Urgt lot wl» . lake privlICBce. Thto om li only .' 5 yrt. old and just Ilka new pneod at only 013,100 and worth every pchny. Will accept howe-traller. land oohtraot or late WBST BIDE BPBCTAL K»Ul-lent eohdiUon. An older W weH eartd for homo with 5 badro^. Payed at. Nlet Uwn: ITiead at „ only 0S5OO —- •“* -------------- Brisk raoMser with 3 «a— bodreeau and attached t« war. AU bulIt-lD ftatorti. tom bom wiu beet of ma—__ and workmaneWp. PlreplOCT., Ub batiu. TEN ACRkS OP WND -Priced at only tOO.Ogg. WUl i cep^heMiar boma or woot al U8T WITH DB — -We need'ge modern homoe. Over 30 yrt. i«i tne PonUae and vlclalty. Open 0-1. KULTIPLE UBTINO SnV-ICf. L. H! BROWN, Realtor ~a£bCBNT LE. 8UBI ^ . 0000 DOWN i bedrm. ft-“ ‘ : PACE II5.M0. 005.74 per n Phone FE 1-0447. EVE. FE M040 MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE IRWIN WATERFORD TOWNSHIP 3 bedrooms, large tiring room Pull basement, finished recrea tton room. Aluminum siding. 3 csr gsrsge. Large lot and cles to school. Don't miss this! WEST SUBURBAN Brick rancher. 3 bedrooms. Oal floors, plastered walle. fsramlc beth. PuU ^--------------- gsrete. Baeement. gas heat. Es-cellent condltioa. Err—— warmth and charm. In qui venlent locatloa. CerpeUnj —■“ draperlea todud Rolfe H. Smith. Realtor 3U S. TEUCORAPH RD. FE 3-7Stt_______ MA M431 63 FT. ON TELEGRAPH ; Comer lot. west sMe of city. Excellent locctlon lor office or serv-leg ibop. IPrIeed right. W. H. BASS. Realtor ! FE 3-7310' I Welled Lk.. Blrmlni^am. Plymouth • I buy for bilencc due. !ir. ON DIXIE nORWAT ON OUT- I ikirte of PonUoc. Oood business area. Ideal lor most any huslnei.! Owner need cash for other in-. veetment and will sacrifice The : terms are rlgbl. About ’ Income Proptrty M Partridge - le Uid "Urd” to eco Income. Home Plus Extras Space aultable tor large femlly With Inoome apartments. May be a home where you can have a business too. Auburn Heights. fu!«N»*w 3355 Sq. Feet Plus U X 14 office, brick and btoek bldg. Lge. OH doors, heavy concrete floor, high eell-Ine. eteam hieot. Lot OO x 300. Mug. Main highway in , adkito^ lot I Annett Inc. Realtors • E. Huron St. FE g-04g( Open Eyeolugi and Sunday 1-4 garden If dratne ft new! Only t Will TRADE f : Ideal truck I ou ebould tee i W on' terme. ! BuBiness Opportimity 59 A-1 LIQUOR BAR Signature Up to 34 months to repay PH. FE 2-9200 OAKLAND Loan Company __33 Pontiac State Batik fcldg. LOANS $3t TO glFO BAXTER 34 LIVIHOBTONX 4 W Uwrence Bt. PB 4-l>3t LOANS■ $50 TO >500 — $35 — $500 ' .COMMUNITY LOAN CO. 30 B. LAWRBNCB_PB i-0431 Need $25 to $500,? See / Seaboard ' Phone FE 3-7017 1185 N. Perry St. PARKINO NO PROBLBM SeaJioard Finance Co. Itoron^_________ AND UP^ ' ___________ppl.. 433 W _ JX 4-1733-_____________ USEDTKADE-INS ; 3-Plece living room sully _ 533 i Youth bed snd chest, birch .. >34 : Roiia h6TiyyTiiaistrBmr*r : . tmi Odd dlnlfu; room tablet ... >31 i Marlowe Furniture 7g0t Highland Rd. OR 3-Mll _______ -.......—. Dixie' Used Trade-In Dept. DrsylOn Plalni. ______OR 3-»734 Lounge Chair ........... >g 15 ItXIO hINOLEUM g3 >5 ; Davenport and Chstr .. : >3> >5 RANDOM TILE, ea ............Me I Refrigerator ...........g3t.50 I VINYL UNOLCUM. yd. 4gc *-pe. Breakfast set ,. glg.50 ; "BUYLCr -HLE 103 S SAOINAW | Elec. Range ...............g4t 50 1x13 RXVERSIBLB RUOS, >I> M. ' Rug pads, ilturs. 43 Or-cn^n Lmse nee._______' "~3a-iNcH XLX(5tiuc RMbx. too. ABOUT ANYTHINO YOU WANT, FOR THE HOMr ------ — POUND AT L 4k Bookcase Rad. New . .. _ THOMAS ECONOMY 301 8. Ssglnsw___FX 3-llH WASHBRS. $30. SIMMONS mOB^-bed. gtt. lUfrIgerstor. g3t, Oss stove. I3>. Electric stove. g4>. »l In. TV $40. Davenport snd C BUY AND SELL INSULATE NOW WITH WHb^VS‘‘S°,mard SAVE UP TO *4 ON mCATINO Immediate IntisIlaUon St low winter prices INSULATINO ALUtf BTORM WINDOWS SOLD AT COST WITH SIDINO JOB Fay nothing ’till Spring CALL JOT VALLELY NOW _ _.OL_ 1-0033 OAB-On. FURlfiCES. KBW-UBEd: Beft buys! A3rH Bales. MA 5-1501. INSULATION All Types, Call- M. A. BENSON i______Pontlac^Fl 4-3431 _ IF YOU NEED 55M ' for any emergency we cen help you SEE SEABOARD FIIIaMCE CO. 1105 N Perry Bt FE 3-7017 parking. Phone PE 5-__ OPEN MON. BAT. I TO PRI. • TO g 34 MONTHS TO PAY CuU 3-bedroom, screens. Hardwoc and clean.,. Can b*. iwui low down payment. Call bolntment. flools. Neat A Niftv for tlw! Thrjfty Oanelsttng of a home. 4 .motel type qpartmenU and lake frontage I To put mote frosting on thii rs«i .eute uiers are frontage. Real -omUaa-profito. Investment! A beautiful comUi 3 or 4 bedrooms. Nlct kltchan. Storms sod screens. Oarsse. large lot with lake pririlegM. Can be bousht with low down HOYT Urge lot — l-and two-t EXECUTIVE RANCH HuraoimiM wetoiwe.'S!?^ peted Bring room. BoauUful flro-plaee. Attached IH ear ga~o. Privileges on Sylvan Lake. Built-1ns galore I Friend'to eeU today. Eicrilent torma. Xmm" *----- *‘J^SMi.X'‘S’ogg2rHlgha, HOYT REALTY IM 8. TELEOBAra FE t-tg4a . FE 3-ftS tlULTIPLE UBTlNd SERVICE Your down POTmenl 1» Jt^ Ow eloelM eoot. This Is nto Ol. you buy on land con^t. Madison High District I bodrooma. larga kitohen. nring cat garan. Large tanead fot. Small garden spot. Pull price ffi\WR5~A5E?TcY BuUder NS K Pitot Partridge irasT IN TOUR _ xsr.w.mh.L.1 Vl-f pi»V. I APARTlifBNT- SIZI RBFRlbmA- FT/.. ---^-----------' tor. -good • condition. $30, UL li&V'dSt^n. -Vl; I TEAGUE FINANCE CO. foW"' ""'202 s. MAIN : Peterson Real Estate 214 E. CLAIR *‘“‘'** ^ MY 3-1681 ROCHESTER ROMEO L23!ll ---------'----------- LOANS lU TO 0500 AUTOS LIVBBTOCK HOU8BROLD GOODS OL >-0711 " OL 1-0701 PL l-Ull PL 3-3510 "FRIENDLY BERVICI" __ NEED $25 TO $500 JANUARY SPECIALS SURPLUS LUMBER & MATERIAL SALES CO. Highland Rd. lM50l. OR 3-7003 -"Payment’Plan _______10 B. SAOINAW tunino and RXPAliUNdrM- t«rice. all work tuaran->y Taetoix trained mea. CALBI MUSIC CO. lOlNAW__________PE X333 Used Organs ! . Holiday, e Baldwin I . CONfT DEMO'S- I Morrie Music. 34 8. Telegraph Rd„ acrose from, the Tel-Hhran I Snapping Center. PE 3-0001.-; WANTED UBED PIANO COHUoLK 1 or spinet. OL 1-0353.____ i Safi 9^*5*: Equipin«at 72 I ADDING MACHINES, NEW ELECV tries, tdd. subtract-AUOJO. TV*#-I'" -2** riectric. gltlAS. Cssh registers. PONTIAC cash REOISTBR 331 8. SAOINAW FE BSIOI NEW AND USED OFFICE filT-chlnes, typewriters, adding machines. comptometers, dupllcntori, photocopy machines, and dlcUt-Ing machines. Oenersl Printing snd offict Supply. 17 Weal Law-rence Bt. Ponttae, FE 3-01». nKw national eA8^1iilbt5- ters from SIM Un. New Hattanal adding moohlnee liom ON upTWe County where you can buy -now or factory rebuUt caeh regMoea. The National Caeh RegieUr Co. 103 W. Hurom PonUae. PE ZS3II. D^S^ Oratlog Mt. Clemona. BtO*. chlnee!^'typ^nlUn,'^^Unf Chtnea, -coinptomoiort, dapHoa-tors. photocopy maohlno ^ahd FLORIDA TYPE MSi ISO PER MONTH. AND THE RENT from the apartment of this 3 family will Bake.Totir payments. You win.have T bedrooms, large •i-*— -»m, dialog room and kltcWn, glassed-ln porch. * -“‘* secreaUon room, garage, all on large lot. to i^lnt oentcr; 'gl3.70« ......— payment. LAUIN- OR 4-ONl. PER REALTY. nice kiteben overlooking lake, lovtly bedrooms, full walk-oii basemont. Large recreation area Bol water htaf. Thermopano win dowi. 1 flro^cee. Attached ga rage, ownei leariag etato. Fttaol for aeUon. H. P. HOLMES, INC. 3SH 8. n^r Rd. — ........ L A K B UVnO, WATERFORD, Clatkoton. Poailae. EoBelaston. ivtiT wtDdtei tftrMtf. School “Swrvii I Lake Sherwoexi stoves ai^ refrigerators, iau^y pai^eV** in *^Xk e*”area"*^Sh o win g HAGSTROM TAVERN In fssl growing comn nity near Howell. Lake iw»-.. nearby. 4M ft. frontage on UB-10. Excellent Bring quarters. Orqse-tot over gattSM w year. CLABS "C UQUOR BAR - Retort area near PonUae. InveeU-nte now. Purchase on terme. S sjr “• HARDWARE - Big volUBe. Big mark-up. Ownev'e beattb forcing sale of this thriving business. Approx, value of stock N.MO plile small down payment on equipment will handle. H. R. HAGSTROM REALTOR 40W Highland Rqnd ntMl PONTUO ______ OR 4-S3gg FE 4-7IM Otter t__ LBAVINO CITY, wax SACRIFICE. Stock and equlpmant tor tOOS. Texaoe Berriro. After- MY 3-4MI. 3;N p.n “LET'S TALK BUSINESS” m Koa VMT7. HwusDK ; Grocery, SDM Price cut to the bonel Property ATTENTION carry a large selection of radios and TVs. All guaranteed at least Ig days ■vriUna. gltM and up. r- *' rade-lni. TVe oiv other WYMAN’S USED TRADE-IN DEPT. • ---- elec, waiher .... I3>.t5 Apt.-slse gei stove . . glt.tt 3-Pc. living room suite .. >lt.«5 3-Pc. sectional sofa . t3*.t5 5-Pc. chrome dinette..>34 >5 1 mile 5-Pc. bedroom outfit >4t >5 Auburn. . Dresser with mirror _ >14.95 •i JW-PIXE____ E-Z TER5M WASHERS & DRYERS _ _ ____ ■We hsve on tale a large se-iMEblCTNECAlBINET8.~t.AROE lection of good used wsshers e*--* -h.kii* —- dryem, that were tkken in li — Buring our pre-Chrlstmai sgle-An reasonably prteod; . Con sutTirfs'Power Co. 28 W. LAWRENCE chard L LOVELY 8INOER SEWING MA- I chine, tlg-tagger. rubbed walnut i cablnei Bslsnce or >54 30 or take, FOR SALE. dktattns "CTt.* P^nTifc ‘y r-oisr USED ADDING MACKINBB USED CASH RBOISTERS Valley Bu ‘--- Tf^AUBURN A N AYE, FE 441S7 l^ie Spofilnff Oo4Mb 74 ^Wmen^j^ month. [ _bmdlhgs^>l STATE FINANCE CO. lOt Poatlftc 0taU _ FE 4-LS74 LOANS $25 td^$5b0 ^ . On your signature or eUier se-' curlty 14 months to repay. Our service Is test, friendly and helpful Visit our office or phone PE >41«. HOME & AUTO LOAN CO. 7 N Perry St.. Corndr ~ ~ . TVe oiH other ertIcMa ir -Obd-Rudlo and--- __labeth Lak4 Road, n Open g to t. s¥LLbbZEiSrTTCRRAIRAC bT~J0 Oood CBidlUon. |t>g EM ZWfe BIG SPECIALS REPRIOERATORS-RENIWED Ousranteed AUTOMATIC WASHERS Rebum-Instelled BTOVEB. OAS OR JR.ECTR1C Hi-Fi. TV and Radio 66 chenyr ^WeUnum JTB~ANb~LOTr~op'liisw~Tv«T best deal on trade-ins. Peer Appliance. 0101 Commerce Rd.. at --- aEwaVs FIND A irlectlon of late model, gusrsnteed used televisions. OBKL TV ttAfi. HOiteir • • Fi'iPitii TjT TT"\/“*T7'T' xrr"\T TT> T"smvT*c 1 X®fbl5~~DUO-MATIC ELBCTRIC BUDGET YOUR DEBTS washer and dryer. Oood condl- OONSOUDATE BILU—NO LOANS -________________________________ For Your BMt Bet BLONDS DOUBLB BED. BOX to Oet Out'Of Debt. See springe and mattresi. Oood coa- Financial Advisers, Inc. I , 314 8 SAOINAW FE 1-7053 ' BSJDROOM OUTFIT, 3 PIECE 1^..° --------£2L±™"i plus raattrees and epringt. mov- mrr wiu eeu cheap, ra Mortgage Loans^-62 MOR-raAOBS ON 1-ACRB UP. With 150-Ioot troataso. No appraisal fea. B. D. Omrics. Eqalt-able Farm Loan Serriee, 1717 B, Telegraph. PBJ^l._______’ SHILL mSta OWNERS AND BASS- FREEZER REPRIO. - AND stove, gas. MO dn. PE 3-M4L ILACk AND~WHmi T7VEXD CAR- Otnetto tabla and 1 chslri. gig. BUND NEW WROUOHT IRON ! CARPET. T Voss & BueWner, Inc. i omia. fe mmc! Swaps CASH FOR U8BO TVe RADtOsT ne4. many other pieces not listed. Electric sewing meebine. 535 Merrill. Birmlnfham. 1 biks south of Maple 81.. betweeU Boatofleld road and woodward Avt. 3a« h«n.. «rr Southfield, very clean For Sale Miscellaneooa 67 t-lNck SOIL PIPE, ».M copper pipe at special prioea. First rUty 3Sgll double tlnke. gtg.ts. A. Thompson. 7005 M» West. 4-INCH BOIL PIPl, I W. .. mTw 1-toeh Boll Pipe ......... 03.79 Bump PumM............. >N.g5 . BA VI PLUMBINO SUPPLY 171 8, UOWAW _ _PB >-1100 M-OAL. RBATER, OLABS-UHEDI; 040.7>. Warwick's__3070 Orcharg Lk. Road 1. a. 3. RIGHT NOW (^L MA S-HS3 about any bsatlag problem and be convinced that this Is really and truly the ttnu to have It does. A R B HeaUng. __ IM ITO CENT AUTOMATIC BLBC. Baringi up i ealt7l331. O. U-U West. to to per cent ( Thompton, IMO is^ALlnjicr RBATER OMirio: I. 110.00 8A\_ . 171 R sa^aw................ ATTEinfON INDOOR ORRDBN-ers — floral cart 1 Uer flnoree-coBt Ufht complete OM. FX »07Si ANCHOR FENCE§~ No money dowxPHA enproved.' FREE ■STlMAltS. _»B >-7471 AROUS C AND PROJBCIOR; praeUeaUy new. FE 1-1104. ARMFrilONO TILE i M PIB^ PER carton J ASPHALT .. .... U >i CARTCB4 SXCELON YINTL I0.M CARTON 1RUYLO" TILE. IN B. SAODtAW 'uLi-f^ wrra ______________r; I BULMAN HARDW^TO sllghUy merred, 03.05. Browirins Oune * . lecllon of ceblndts with »« ELIZABETH LE. FB tVftt ... ii-i,. ---I ripw^ DAILY •’TIL 0; BUN S-3 ^I'KEAY II metal supports. >71. : uiihL’ siiilln* ,s. M“*—• , _ rchard____ __ .... MEYERS PUMra AND REPAfRS i 5-3004. KELLY HARDWARE ouhs- *u, I^dr but^ 30M AUBURN RD i Burr-BheU. 375 OPEN SUN. lO-I FB 3-Mll OR FURNACB. TANE AND COt-Also 30.g.l.w.ter tank. FLYWOdb Me SQ. VINYL UNOLEVM . vd. 40c 0X13 LINOLEUM RUOS . . $3 41 "BUYLO" TILE, 103 B. SAOINAW PLYWOOD MAHOGANY WALL PANELING Unfinished 4l0' , . |3 05 Fra-flnlxned. 4X0' • |477 PON-nAC PLYWOOD CO. 1400 Baldwin Ave_____FE 3-354.1 ROOF LEAKS 4elaaa.Jei e ^ of 11 coats' per ft. Heater oable 31 SINOER ZIO ZAC ] wood console. M sews on butt all without a_________________ 00 monthly, or nay cuh. *804 PE S-OtOT CaptlaVAppllanee. SPECIAL lOBSBER- ..._________ ^ttomlsed 103 British I FE 0-0133.____________ Sand, Qravel uid Diri 76 A-I BEACH SAND. GRAVEL, FILL 83« Haff hulldoslng. FE 5-8831. . *' " A-1 TOP SOIL CKOSREb 8T6NeT boqo BKAbH AND SHARP SSJO). CR'ISHED STONE SAND. ORRV- . Al. C-A.l Uaa.aa-1' WU « AA«« ^ COW^^^^^. SAND AND ORSV: LOADnibTT “ >yo^, CoirI and Fiiefi^ Airs LANDSCAPING Se^od wood. Oroplaes. fWBMo and kin ‘Uns. fl| Boott Laha m!. daj^ Uto?.*'Terms7“ Berry Door Sales Co. LAWN MOWERS REPAIRED Air Cooled Engines Repalrod Incorporated Crafts MV4 Union Btroet TOILETS CLOSE-COUPLED. gN.M value. glS.M. marred. Large se-leeUon of tovatoriee. bathtubs and shower etaUs Michigan FUtorcs-cent. 303 Orchard Lake Ave„ — 30 THE SALVATION ARMY RED SHIBLOffTORB BTarvtlilng * ---- ---- —** CtottUng I CORD WOOD AND eVRO AfVS wood. OR 1-81N or MAJ-tNT. FURNACB AND rfRXPLACB'iraSK >7 a cord dqUyereil. PB l->m. mEPLACE A Nil FURMACi W'-oo FE i 1048. __________ FURNACE OR IriRE^CE Odiitl Kentucky Lump Pooa. BrteMla. Olga and Kentucky BMker Oa^ BLAYLOCK COAL 00 FE 1-TIit. FIREPLACE CANlte,' OO Ai. — ire. AppUanees. _____________ ITTBENCB TALBOT tUMBER Now le the ttma to gel ready tor .wtotorg Baesmewt waterproofing, ’glaee iMUIled. also wood sitoh. hardwan electrical, plumbing, paint and lumber eup^y. Open UBXp OPPiCI PURHliURB AND squtpment. We buy and eeu. USED LINDSAY T^ilTER iOFTEN~ 1 cord t_ _ ______ler MlUs. PB 8-nil. FQRTY.SIX Fw-Siil^Pi^ _ 7* S«le Hoiim Traters «*i Altc WKIMAIIAWE* PUP« Wn,l^ . -•** .*:•*•*:_l's«)Tr?il^rS .52^:5 SI c: “i •*• Mxxir ptn>nn~Y'«iac8~oLD ' liollv Marine & Cmch Parfbr«I n 4-«4« _. IMW HD MS «-fm c™ rowB --------5?5«M™ 1^ 3-«tM tlUJ « ^ „1 VACATION TRAILICRa CVTiE PART DACH8HUND PCP-I R»**’ _______—I OA DRCHiSlU’ND PCPPHS MALES ,—... -R«l ARC TE l-KM _ .1 n . * t- SoMSMAK7>iiJSCilraB A RP« R«it Trailer Spscs 90 OrcAt Daqm. rtAaoBuhl* io *o«<> ■ - bom* MA *-ms BRAND NEW SPACER POKTUC C^LMH'PSSOn: DOTBIZ- PV- -*ce» «on» Pirt: rr ».'■— lir 1-^ Usel TtnckB laij Rr Sale to 1 Willy j vzn and t'sed Trucks:; Parts and Service "A Truck for Every Job" iMcAuliffe Ford 4?0 OAKLAXp AVE. I Ask for the Truck Dept. FE 5-4101 r» oM Oeodj loti l« E« ( _______ _____ _ jodl--' r JJ 3jAM»_ ■ 1 “; BHEPH*>D P»6l-i BEL-AIR SRARP •. ___« J-wifl I tSFatA si4)Rt 1 la*. Ra«*r(Uitr. power krakw. | firs"lsa^^3' _ wnoham miJ^» _ Itii csrriMMxr rel air 4-ti^ ,»*^. ^V-S •Acta*. povottildr. raato. h*At*r, wliluwAlk, pe«*r »i**rtn« paver Iwakc*. Usbltur. tWalr. stork W. tUt. Qaljr tl.IM. Bk«v t*rmt. Mortk Cherrolft Co,. IMt S. WooooorO i Ai^^HrmlB«^Bk a%4*iwt. _I LETS MAKE ROOM i ;u PooUoc tod ‘M .. IBS up' U Matn. 'W AmbOMOdor .. iu «p I ** Piimoutb ABd -M- tu ut^ b.^u [(Sew****' a Auburn : For Sale Tires 9» ---- t TON flCKUP, V ...,...f. rUadord riiirt radio oi b*kt«r. TbI* U rcallr « Birr or ’'“puppies , ,_____ «sa IKPCUIATldNS ALSO j 'O* »’0*P mESTbCE fiUARARTEE- - “iSt ------ BVRT S PET SHOP PEI-llHirH 7:d Idd. (M (St Tirra Balet. U] g. B«(lBav 8L ■ *d nrriRNAI _ PB MSdi or pE (^«s(s. I ^4STO..'. ' Tire* Balet. U] t P*(-(SdIorPE«-towk___________ R I-rnt VEW TR^D ' tires, dlttlU. ! Ti K Its MAE_„ Ecooonr Ora ARO b _ •■_r»rOL, I -nss,______ Auto Insurance 104 { S20 FOR 6 MONTHS | for BMut can. includlBc ».«dd Uabllltr (COM ordtcBl tl.OOO drAlh benefit M OM unlanired notorUU PHONE FE 4-3.S36 We Bleo write csnnted lulo. ^ _____ PRANK A ANDERSON AOBNCV i r»___•■•„■__j flnmrdMt M IPDEPENDENT VW SERVICE. W4E Jotljn pE t.SU« WOfs Trained, Boarded «u ^a, psragr. m Boidvts . Evei. ft i-isis or Pi»-«» , Foreijcn and Spt. Cars TOST i ^mplon. PI ¥-(0Ji ooop USED TIRES Sfiiir^WiSt^-^n^NTm TO SERVICE »W? ".in'*"®_______rE J^Mli i Sii?»T5^Btrhor.Y. I* took' «diH BLAOI TIRSaB, ALl iirv PL SSStC j "** “ OPR NEW PET SHOP P MICT'aND'rABBITS All - ». U WUiUm»_rc_(4«U Auto Service This Week's Sjiecial '58 C MKVRUI.ET Sporkllat uUd white BltcoiBe t"*lo9r »tlb luruttOlM . taterlot. Rodio. heater Bad whltowaU Uret. Oolr tlOSE CrUman CherroM. RoeWiter. OL S-A7I1 _ i»44 Chevrolet's door, radio AND heater, white WALL ; TIRCB ABSOPTELT NO MON- I inr DOWN Awame paymeni, of;' *f«EI per mo. Odl' Credit Mtr. t Mr Park! at MI (-7M0. Hardd '. Turner Ford, j ISiS-CHEVT-WAdoN. V-«rA0T0K i malu. U5d. term* OR 3-d6St. , C»Uan Manalnt^______ IMi CHinrROLET BEL AIR'(■ joor ardta Royal blue flnltb. ' Vw eagin* l^wergltde. radio, ' - beater, whitewalls VouTI like this one Stoci No lltS-B Oaly ggM. : E*sy terms NORTH CHEVRO- ' LET CO, lOOe S. WOODWARD AVE JlIRM^NOHAJil^Ml 4-SW I ■M^'cHEVROLET BROOCWOOO ! 4 DR STATION WAGON with V» ! WE HAVE ■13 W60 CHEVY DEMOS AND LEFTOVERS ■ ALLtrOINO THIS MONTH AT YOUR PRICE Easy Terms NORTH CHEVROLET toot S. Woodward Aro. Blrmtogbam maa'i price. BeauUful bl. . stMrtng and brake*, radio, bn wh^waltaL Out bug 7tk* w M UNCOLN CAPRI. RADIO aad hooter vwilleW ebhditlon. no money down. Full price gSM. Assume paymeata of gison •'And I.will not ha,\e you refer to your Uncle Charlie as 'early American’!” ■S57J 'e*!^.. 8AWV si^AL' iMBiiiff Bnuaay ftod ABysoirat *^ront vbe«!j bftK; ^ Hunting Dogs 8i: to.,ji^ortbard’ Kk« Rt . ynST AND SECOND CUrnNOiCRANESHAPT ORINOrNoTN T1 Ipaltm. rtonr; oora O* S.4S1L, r»; CPUnders rrbofed Zuck k “**^AVE hay: wtli DELIVER **’“**' ® ’ ■»• ___MAt-lMI. ._____------------ 1^ jntPTTRAW^l^ALE OH}.-. n or ‘or 3dH». “sUa22w y*oo>* ' Mii^TORn ChevroW. luc, nut price gl.S»#-lhciud*e etery- [ 1»6S CHETOOLiCT ’ BEL ______ , thlira -Low monthly poymenu of I door sedan V-g eogtae. power-i gil M will put one of these la glide, radln. boater and white- i your garage! | w»lU. Oleemln* black finish with | For Sale Cars 106 For Sale Motorcycles 95 ^HFof Sale Livestock, ■fei: aaoTTED R^airm (TimT____ Sale Farm Pr^uce COUKTT MABKET.j- TRTUUPH BALES * SERVICE SSI E. PIEP PE MldO For Sale Bicycles 96 ■' WIJT PSEiS^ kiKBS NOW Boats and Accenories 97 kOAT IHSPRANCE-I per cent Jwll-.ri'^kS g^^ciag.; *««*«p T*: o&antWt op seui-rotted EXPANSION >-ALE . caw Btaaarc. reosooable OA S-SMS Big Reduction on new and ueed “T ^ --------------_ Boot*. Motor*. Trailer* Sale Farm Equipment 87’ accet'u^t^'l wuMw»f&ti ~ ' ------ _CRPI81-OOT BOAT SALES C K Walton »-4 FS *-44M EVINRPDS u6tOR8 «d. Alum., ftberglai boat*. *c- 5‘f \ Or.K.'^WAGI-N •^ Ufts Saver! tnjoy ■ moor -isw>r' Stop* of eco-; -wmlcai motoring pleasure U) tint r.ne littlr Volkswsgra. Equipped wiih delightful sunroof *na beautiful sohd blue finish $949 Matthews- Hargreavey a Birmingham family. No money down. Assumr paymeata of $n per mo. Call Mr O'Brian. Credit Mgr at MI g-Udd BIRMINO-HAM-RAMBLER. Md 8. WOODWARD._________________ I lor i«?^l H dome RI ------ „-^MU_4^1, CHEVROLET BEL AIR'T I WOODWARD AVE BIRMINC HAM Ml 4-I13S _ _ INd Cmvr BUCAYNE. 1-OOOR HARD- er and whitewalls Cor^ _ Stock No IKi. Onlt gnfc. Easy terms NORTH CHE^VKOLET CO. low 8 WOOOWARD..AV1L WIR- MINOHAM. Ml 4-yi»____ MAKEOPPER ON M CHEVY For Sale Cars '5d Ford cusloattne 4- i'ij:/* net. U3 INVESTIGATE Mlrs. UncidnSderciityS 8. Saginaw. PB J-S131^ •57 PORO 2.-DOOR— omR, au 8. Sag- _____________in i»st Bird., at Auburn 1961 Dodge $1961 Mgr Parka i lUjold Turner_l^rd. Stock No IM3. Only I13M. North INCLPDES HEATER WASHERS Urgi ATTENTION CHAIN SAW BUYERS' lASr T L WITH" OAKLAND COPNTYS ,.A Volume ChcTroiet Dealer f3I OAKLAND AVENUE _____f’'F_47547_ iSdO VADXALL 4-tX)OR WAOOR Like brand-new! Beige and white, radio, beater, whitewalls A steal I CHEVROLET DELRa4 j-OR. ’ £2*iuTt **•' Ml 4-ro5. SAW — START A TOC PAT POR 1 H THE SIZE OR MAKE! WE ALSO TAKE IN TRADE-INS ON ALL OPR CHAIN SAWS I -JOHNSON OUTBOARD MOTORS. , Starcraft boat*. Oator trsUert Everything lor the boot OWEN’S MMINE SUPPLIEB 3W Orchard Lakt Are •''■'Fr'I-IDM..; ....... SEE IT NOW “ Inboard power for the priv* '' outboard The SEA POWRR a BIRMINOHAU For Sale Cars »r-g B D I C K EIKCTRA bardlofL Boow Khttg and. everythin* Inrludina vea I l.st IIKR lU t( k.lXt DREYER GUN & SPORt center lUId ROLLT ROAD rOLLT. jnCH • ME l-ITi;i ur outboard lor at mtle as «g5d Eaav terini OAKLAND MARINE EXCHANGE -- 3»1 8 sailnaw PE g-4101 bUICKS’' WHY WA.UTED: IJ OR 14 FOOT FIBER- URBAN-OLDS, glas dr'aluminum boat MA a37*7 Birmingham. S das 8 WOODWARD I%1 Impala Hardtop l-door. big aarlngt. MA_4-3BM. r«5» CHEVROLET iMFALA (-DR. aport tedtn. VI engine. Power-gude. power window*, power tteer Ing. power brake* Many other extras. Low mileage and one NOff'TH °cilEVRm:CT'^^o‘*^ioSa 106 * WOODWARD AVE. BIRMING- HAM Ml 4-27J5. _OT . 'Sg CHEVROLET T 0WNER: BAR^ ower' »(ln. FEMg«._ A 1*5» CHEVROLET BISCAYNE* 2-mey! doors. 4-drs , Vg’s and g’s. Priced ■ from tlW' Easy Terms. NORTH CHEVROLET CO- lOW 8 WOOO-WbRU AVE. BlRMlWOHAM Ml l*W BLUB FORD PALCON J-DOOR. standard shift, fully equipped. A8MCB5 *»«r * P ® . Ml s-ssn. sidNAL''LldH^r8‘.‘T)iL"mTSR ‘^RD PICKUP WITH cus-FOAM. ETC ALL TAXES.; t«® bo^. Lakeside Motors. Hur-J^-T^^^^BRICATION POR JS,- j OB^M EUaabeih Laaa Road. PE Plus Free Bonus | 'u ford cpstomune ^oooR. . ( cyllndy stick, radio and heater. POIWE-CHRTSUn^-TRPCKB I»5* OODOE y DOOR. RADIO AND HEATER. APTOMATIC TRANSMISSION. ABSOLUTELY NO MONEY DOWN Assume payments of (23.M per mo. CaU Credit Mgr. Mr. Parks at MI (-75M. Harold Turner Ford.. “__ Llncoln-MercuryJDMi^** SaEnaw. PE »SUI. 1H7 FORD 2 DOOR. STANDARD Pantmlsaloo. V-g, radio and heater. whites. Immaculate. |M down. Aaaume payments of ll(« per mo. Call Mr, O’Brtan, Credit Mgr. at MI e-]g00. BIRMINOHAM-. RAMBLER. *84 8. WOODWARD. IMT PtHtD TOOK! ■ ^glnal owner. See to appreciate! - OR 3-1M3. WM Highland Read. J«M MERCintT MONTCLAIR. 2-eicelleat condltloo. down. Full ppce E paymenu of lltW pi CALL MR WHITET ■ MANAQER. FE M4«a. King Auto Sale* lit B. Baglnaw IMS MERCURY S-OOOR. BLACX Radio, heater, white wall Urea.' I3M full pric*. LAKESIDE MOT-.„.ORs, .Hutoa-^-at- Eiiigbegrxak* Road. XE M9tl_______________. ' ■ ;"' -r ( ' i ^ For S«le Cwt 106 ' il PLYMOUm SDOOR EARD-ttm. v-g auta trana.. radln and heatgr. , Assume paymtnU of U3 J2 per aoMh. N* money down. Uwd MM. Uacola -Mareura Comet. 233 S. Baglnaw. PE 2AU1. 'M nYMOOTH 4-DbOR •WoaiUe tnoHatiglnn. powar ateertng and hrnkat. rndlo nnd : heater, k^RRY*‘jEROME . { OL r#m For Sf^ : 1M2 PONTIAC STAR CRIMP 4-doof. .h^top, la tacoU*^ opn-dlUoal ^dramatic, power ateer- •pMiktri. •VB«r. OR ^*930i. ’ll Fbin’iACrTfW ■ttRlIl JlBI. Drayton TranimTiiUn. Oixl* lU^ way. OR J-gjSI. ^ ’56 PCiNTIAC 4-DQ^R AUTOMA'nC g ^Quality (QK) Kornors 1 UM PLYMOItTH, RAblO AHD 1 money'down, full pri«* IN. As-I sum* pavraanta of gt par month. CALL MM. WHITK CRSOIT i _ MANAGER. PB g-8482. ! King Auto Bale* tit 8. SMlnaw This Week’i Special •58 RAMBLER A 4-doer tadan family ear with g-eyllnder angln*. standard shift, very lav ^mlleti*. tmmaeliala ^lasmM Chevrolet, aoeheeter. OL 3-1721. RAMBLER IN* CUSTOM"sTAlrbN wagon. , radio and haater. whlu eldawalla. 2-tone. Ih* economy .!. In supurb coodlttoo. glN down. Assume paymenu of $3IJ« per mn. Call CradU Mgr. Mr. O Brian at MI gjMo. biriAnoham-ram- BLER. IN S. WCKH)WARD. 1000 RAMBLER 8TATTON W»OS^ 4-door, pvt. ownar. Taka avar l^^jmmU, nolhtog down. OR __ il PLYMOUTH ONM OWNER! BRAID 1 CA88 AT PIKE 8T. PE 2-«lM Uni PONTIAC sierra. " « pab-•eager wagon. ITM. TOM BOHR. INC. U* g. Main. MUfOrd MU 4-1115 f«M CATALINA. RTORAMATIC; aorAi-i-s?. 1»M PONTIAC HARDTOP. HYDRA-MAnC. RADIO AND HEATER. POWER STEERING. ABSOLUTlP LY NO MONET DOWN. Assume ^f“ftg?«*»,«rr;a““.l‘*tfl MSOO. Haraid Turner Ptrd. ■« PMmAC V18fAiarWAO«f. $2,IN. A-l condition. OR }-272g. CLKAN. SHARP CARS ^^MRI^O^HAM'K^ Bob Frost, Inc. 2M a. Riinur Blvd. I*W RAMBLER 4 DOOR CDBT6U sedan, radio and heaUr, automatic. 120* down. Assam* pay- ■ menu ol I3I.M per mo. Call Mr OBrian Credit Mgr. at hU 83*00. birminohaiTrambucr •M 8. WOODWARD. ■54 PQHIIAC 4-O06ir~iFuTT(r Iran*., radio and beater. No mon-ev down, assume paymenu ol *$.M per month. Uoyd Mtr*.. Un-^a-M^ctt^J^met. 233 8. SagI- YESI BUT ON A NEW COMPACT, we arrange g3M down payment ll.lM balance-40 flnaoce. *311* per OKWlb. iLOYD'g OOT IT. Liacoln-Mercury-Comet - 233 8. gagUiaw. FE 2-»Ul. CREDIT ISM Vtn^r WAO.ON. BABY blue. 4-dr.. S-pastengcr. On* m the whole family to cnjoyl Power ateerlng and brakes, radio, beater up’**! *l * ***** FISCHER BLTCK. INC. IM 8. WOODWARD BIBMINOMAM Ml 4->lW_________ CHEVIES 1955 • ’56 ~ POJU38E BPICK8. PLYMOPTH8 BAD CREDIT.> NEED CR'EDIT? No eo-tlgnert, Immtdlate dellr-cry. WeAIy iwymts. on lot. low St MS down. Walk In. Drlee out. Inter-City Motor Sales' SOMEBODY. OR 4-13M. >7 MBRCPRY WAOON, RADIO, leaier, Mereonutlc, power steer-ifi and brakes.. Na money down. 17*5 fuU price. Bddla ateel. PO^ I7M. Orchard Laka Road. M 3 M^URY 4 DOOR. RADIO AUTO. MO OAKLA NASH RAMBIXa BTrcK! (SR MOTORS: 4 OAKLAWP AVE. FK 4-to3< ^ DQJXJJ; ^5 Economy Car. No money _______ FE 4-2314. I price M45. Lucky Auto Bales, --------- *•> 8®“th Baglnaw. PB 4-2214. Ml ye^**l2 ' TRY BDBPRB; 101 *4 for 2 year*. KM . anoldb, U3 Woodward. Blr- BIRMINOHAM SUPERIOR AUTO,,5i —--------J-T-v:,-. .’.\v . - « AIRLINER, LOS AN ' BARGAINS J®e» San Francisco San Diego USED CHAIR SAWS gj Fer'r?*Wra*ic7lM O?3*1254 j CAR8''T0 new'YORK"' 2 wsed electrtc mdters In A-l BONNIE S DRIVEAWAY FE J-7»3* . shape. 2 HP A >,.HP CHEAP ikavINO FEB «TH. LOUISANA and Arkanus. through Southern HI and Southeast Mo. Room for three Call evenings U t-MIO. KING BROS. PS NOW FOR HOMELITE/ BdB APCnON SALES HTERr FRIDAY BVSHT SATURDAY BYBHY SPNDAt 3 ----- 7 DAYS WEEK • PM ! r boiNO~ NHRI H ' PAKT-her way.JFE 5dM*._; If WANTED RIOKRS. LXAV»0 POR Los Angeles. California. Wednes- j “I day, itlr. Pt J-7I7I ketWMB " ^ Wanted Used Cars lOi ALWAYS TOP dollar Ij For high grade used cars. H. J VAN- WELT 4 Dtki* Hwy_____Ph OR I-UM ' SHARP' ' Yloy'd m” or* ' LmcSmMfrcu'e" Comeu 333 8 Saginaw. FE 3-*l3I ia57 B U I C K SPECIAL 3-DOOR HSCHER Bl lCK. INtv .- ...----- paymet jf 113 30 per month Lloyd Mtr I ificoln - Mercury . Comet. 233 Saginaw. FE 2-0131 iim'red corvette FE 3-0553 II.-KX) -U TUAi: M1LI-: , . . *5 43 ! per week. Bddla Steele. Pbrd. 2700 i Orchardjt^a Ho^JPI 2-252S._ • BIG BARGAINS 1 ■50 QODOE 4 DR. WAOON. Auto, j Trans. Radio and hVater. Very ; Clepn! beaufy today, PaymenU ol |4I H per month. Lok cash down or old trade Uoyd Mtrs. LlncoS-l FE^LoSf'”**’ “ Saginaw. | >nly $17 CHEV’l 1000 PALCON. 2-DOOR. 8TAND-ard transmlaaloa. exceilent-—-■ Uon, 01,500. OR 3-0150____ -- 50 PORDS--CBEV Uoyd Mtr. Sale*. Inc.. Pueblo 1. Easy termiV NORTH OLIT CO. 1000 S RD AVE. BIRMINO- 11 1.1057 . PLYMOUTH ; ‘ moB^y down, fuii jmem Lucky Auto Saks. 103 PONTIAC87 WHY NOT TRY SUB-DRBAN^OLDB! 103 B Woodward. Blrmln|ham.^fl 4-44M. IT S SMART TO LEASE COMPACTS TO CADILLACS PROM OM MONTH TOM SULLIVAN _ APTEORIZED DEALER MAln P2255 tbeth I money down. LAKIHl OB8 Ruroo -* ■ Road, FE Oh__________ •52 PONTIM NEW TIRES AND battery. Qrt. OR 3-0140 after 5 ------SPECIALS” -New -01 car for $1,003 41 dellyer-ed. 0103.41 down. 140.10 por mo. In atxwk. Must sell In January. R&CRAMBLER Super Market IM 2-415t- *_ WOODWARD. •63 STDDEBAKEB 'i CTfc. A-T llunftlng $0$ BUPl^R AUTO. 550 OAKLAND AVE. ,FE 4-7tOO. IIM RENAULT VERY CLEAN. Economical transportation. Pull price 04M No money down. Assume payment* ol IIOJM per mo. The perfect second car. Call Mr. O Brian. Credit M$r. at MI MOOO. BIRMINOHAM-RAMBLER. OM I. WOODWARD. lOM VOLK8WAOIN. BON ROOF 2-door. radio, heater $5 down, 020$, »>in price. Eddie ^l*. Ford, ft - i»i WILLYB n-BP 0 ply tlRES. heavy duty clutch. tuU eadyasa cab. 0800. MA 5-1007 WnXYlTjEl’^----------- Rrar i^e dual htatera. front UnTSr. many extras. BxecUent coodltloa, new m^r Must an. $0H. PE i-m. loss Rustle Lana. Eeego Barber. -----^----------------------- . taka off transmls- 0 help V RATHBPRN CREV. aat.ipw 5*0_8. Main, Nerthyllle. FE^34 FONTUC, M. CmEPTTAN. 4 —T. sedan, red and white, hy-BOtlr radio, heater, 21.000 P M j AS MUCH AS 050 FOB JUNE AND buy" ftrr* RETAlTDAn-Y $50 BUICE ROADMASTER. 2 DR. hardtop. Full power. 0 way seat, blue'and white finish. Slock No 1053 . 0801. NORTH CHEVROLET CO 1000 S. WOODWARD AVE.CHEVROLET STATION WAO-BIRMINOHAU ui 4-2735 on; radio and beater, excellent condlUon, no money down f price $125, aaaume payments $535 per ---- ^ -- "IHITE, C liSO FORD V-$. 2-DOOR. RADIO ! 9“!»!!*y -M?‘®r W«i_ ____ RAMBLER 4DR SEDAN-YWdlo : ABSOLUTELY NO | 1055 OLD8MOBILE 8UPER""gO ' nd heater. Perfect condlUon! MO^Y DOWN^aume payment radio and heater. excrUent con- of $32.06 per mo CaU Credit M$r dltlon. no money down. lull >^PLE4 AUTO SALES /-r-ivr- ,x- • »»ED CARg 050 TO $500 NO PE ^oSioo”*™**^ MANAOER. mj-m J-\CK COLL. INC. : ***™'^^^ nos. Sagmew a|32^iAElL^^.-z MA B SAQlNAW.-------- •SI-^aR-piBSTrvnK^ _ _ _eellentxtmj«tlM£PE $J»M^__ Eddry'swVlo'Pordr 37M'btch*7d —. j HY V J_i$yJ 1 lVJ/1 1 £j PLYMOU'TH 1107 3 DOOR. RADIO ,.w. ... — ... -----1---- . of $22.07 per mo. cau Mr. O'Brlan CredR lilgr. at W_8.3068!- BIRM1NOHAM4UM- Murphy. Credit Mgr PE 2-2520 Eddie Steele Pord. 3705 Orchard Lrte Road, ______________ _; 55 OR 1000 CHEVROLET WAOON. PARE- > OPEN 7 060 BUiCK. EXCELLENT CDNDI- tjm. 01415. OL 1-4416^___ 55 BIHCE SUPER RAROTOpT Power brakes and steering, radio ------------------- smn. STORAGE CHARGES OP $30 Lloyd Mtrs . Lineolu-Mereury-COmcL 3^ 8. Sagtnaw. FE 3-4131. 2 BUiOK. CLEAN. RADlorifKAT-er. stAndard transmission. Make ..........an offer. Ml 4-3541 before 4 30 , _____^ ' I**'' BUICK CBN'TORY'hARDI^' -------- LIOHTWEIOHT *52 W. HURON 8T, FE 4-7371 New condition. U down LAKE- m £",'rhe‘i“ai5“;i- s****? --------- ’ lio You iNwiJ'MQnjfy ? ‘ WE HAVE IT! .-------------------------FOB EXTRA CLCA.N USED CARS . Sale House Trailers 89 , dollar psp boater, excellent sum* paymi jonth. Call _____ _____ CREDIT MANAOER, Kl^ Aut^Saies____115 8. Saginaw •IS CHEV. HARDTOP. POWER. t3i 3-00*1. Stuart Conway. itftft cHievRourr 4.Ddbii. radio. he*ur. r**-*- — ------ 2-2»^.‘^ 1050 ENOUSH PORD 2 I - HEATER. ABSOLUTELY MONEY DOWN. Auume payment of 010.50 per — - Mr. Parka i t MI 4-7SM. Harold AIRSTRE Trarel Trail aotced for L... i a demdbatratlon ,—I W. Huron. iPUn to| * of Wally Byam't exciting i •• SHORT'S MOBILE ROtlli , a ftAfwKa AWn ■■■■PI** *Conpieu lin# of paru ai PONTUC WASTE PE 2-020* (California Market ' need ‘*0 Pontlaca. C Y7 'MlSd’&*SilSS **“ ‘* AVERILI.S __ 202* Dial* Hwy re_2-M7i________Ft 4- JUNK CARS ________OH l.a*3*_ FOR TOP bOLLAK ON LAI ^*d._FE * , M BUICE CC. ' Quality^ Motor 8 GOOD ’6* BUiCK HARDTOP.' 1345 ' - ■: V ' FE »33*T ... 1*55 BUICE c6#VEBT3LE RIL I dlo and heater, automatio ttboa- | I-TONI BLUB ________________ door Bel Air, V-8 engine. peck with at—-------------- CaU FB 4-27: > AND 1*50 FORD CUSTOM 3*0. 2-DOOR, V-*. radio, htttar. Fordomatlc. whit* waH*. padded dash. Pyt. clwner. KM 2-0153.________ 1$5S FORD 2 DOOR. RADIO HEATER, FORDOMATIC. f__________ LUTELY NO MONET DOWN. Assume paymanti of $34.3$ per mo. CaU Credit Mgr. Mr. Park* at Ml 4-7500. Harold Turner Ford. ION FORD COUNTRY BXDAN: power steering, auto, -‘on, radio, heater, sharp, r. PI 3-71M altar *:30, I price I of M OO 2-Door, cTeain Body, I Ow e r e d. _ Need.s some engine | work. Hest otter, 675 — -Scott wood. Palrldne, power .atrcrlng. __________ dowa. brakes, all wUta, new tlrea. kA'shtoEi?. *'•« : & M ilotor Sales CAN.J627 iHiie Hwv OR "SIZE PROM 15TO 5* El.worth A Beatte MA 5-14*0 -ALSO WE HAVE A VERY GOOD JUNK CARS." ' " ' -SECnON OF NEW AND USED Ft 5-340* •traveltrailers, and SOME'—1. — - ,1* Wide, hch.lv marine a’ Used Auto Parts 102 .COACH SALES, 15210 ROLLY BD ' TOLLY. ME 48771___________-gg CHEVROLET 313 INCH. COM- Mir U-POOT. 3-BEDROOM.' Plete engln^ EM 3^30 amrlamor. Ilka paw. Ft 4-*og2 _ two i*54 CHEVROLET' WHEE1.8 4*irkhur.st Trailer Sales ........ ‘ -----T IN^MMn-E LIWO _______________ ________ ________ _ t. Reaaonabla'prl'ca dB 3-0454. ....i Sale^Coml. Triilers 102A i OxtoV »°'M3r* MY" .... MANAOER. PE A0403. In* Auio Salea II$_S oegiu »«■'BU1CK *3-d6oR HARDTI ^dramaHc. 0400 PB 3-0576 ~ Special- V)5H lU'lCK brakes. 7.50# Immaculate. ■ TAYLOR'S OK USEU- CARS CHEVROLET OLD8MOB1LE ' Open Evenings -u., X Waue-' ' iNYEStlGATE’ . ’55 PORD 3-DOOR Ills fun price. DO cash Pay only $ti mo. DuO RIM Auto. Mr. Befi, PI Salea, 1*3 OAR^PAYiMNft tohdeS: **p*D*lv/'ctr"* •*9»*t*t6'** *D0N’S*USED CARS S77 M24 ' r.xk. n-4, MY M041 InMo Orion »»M ford RANCH WAOON. RADIO AND HEATER WHITE-WALLS. ABSOLUTELY NO MONEY IXJWN. Assume paymeots of Op.2* per mo. Call Credit Mgr Mr. Parks at Ml 4-TOO*. Harold Turner Ford._______. TTONDERBIRD ISM HARDTOP. Immkculate. $!m do^ Auvfm*. paymenu a< $07.2 Mr . O’Brtan-- AJtOO. BIRMINORAl *08 a. WOODWARD. .a^ per mo. Ci iii^jAinLi 1150 PORD CONTERTTBLE. BEAD-Uful coral sod while. Abeolutely no. ruat. Radio, heater, power steering, white wall tires. |$ down today. LAKE SIDE MOTOia Huron at EUzabelb Lk. Road. FE •*“* BLEH, 000 S. tVOODWARP. INVESTIGATE ^ PLYMOUTH S-OOOR MfS full price nn raiRh nsadlaoi Si "a-'u!' I. Mr. : at Blyd., Ford.’ 270$ imbrlce.K Orchard I PLYMOUTH. RADIO AND . ’57 PLYMOUTH B^VEDBRS 4 DR With Radio $595 lohn J. Smith OODOE INC. 211 S. SAGINAW FB 2-7000 ■67 PLYMOUTH. 2 DOOR «3kHD. top. automaUc tranamlaslon. ra-' dlo and heater. |54*. prlyat* own- r ^ ^ChODM^■ ehln^”.y*?.. 1^° 8TANbARD~TRAlli; I 'lHs cHSiYSLra WINDSOR,*RAbib SSrt'L..“ •"'* HASKINS SHARP CARS ■WILSON j PONTIAC- CADILLAC 1959 CADILLAC FLHtTWOOD 8PICL. Betu-ttfui hunter green, full power and a complete Une of accesaortee. Including OM ADt CONOmOimO. Truly a loyrly carl Like new throughout. 1958 CADILLAC SEDAN. Full power and full Un* of aceeaaorlea. Coral with light top. A real beeolyl $2295 1957 CADILL.'\C ; 12 ’ SEDAN WhIU with medium bhie interior. A retired OM exec- — sedan. Oaa earing f-cylln- ; der engine, sUndard transmission. utV'n’lV’.olSl'am^lgfy.r OM FORD TRUNI^RBIRO RARD-top. automttic tranamlaalon. power iteerUg, power brake*, radio, heater. Beautiful blue flnltb. one- HASKINS CHEVROLET ■071 MApI* uipeoiilon. I’*®! fB *'^1- ' monlh, CALL 1 r betwrea OrioaL' =■ OXFORD ■ TRAILER ; SALES rr klerrtog Em»v whitewftU Ures. eli PONfiAC RETAIL Iran*- ***NAOEr! oSa*. I Klng_Auto Salci_111 B. SMlnaw ^.chrvbler 'beauttful $1495 i JOh^tlon “ ” ■ ABSOLUTELY DOWN. Aasui alter ■t »ep*e*l*ly. ft $-0*M o . J FB 3-$$47 .. S«ie Used Trucks 10 See Us ! FOR 'iOUR i Truck Nee(ds -Sales & Service GMC BRAKES. MONEY DOWN Assume pay-of $32.35 per mo. Call Cred-• -- 4-7100 STORED le paymei Oalf Cre* “HioOrCHRVilXR NEW YOR^IRri^ door hardtop with power. No —'UM down. $8.n per week. Ka-meele. Pmi1, W 2-3S29. YES!; 1 •51^00^^*34 * * “* ‘•‘*“ •A______MT 2-8721, ______ ■ mi NEW MOONr» * I. FULL Y •equipped. exceUent condition .Must sell. 017*5. MA »30r Jarobson's Trailer Sales ■ and Rentals Rricei o .ion -tains OR 3-MU__ ■lALL VACATION 'TRAILER FOrI t84ie^ ch^ap. Ma M63« ! iMYE SAVE''--- • DETROITER S : PONTLAC CHIEF -e---- - Mip-WLNTER ^ MOBiLU HOME , "CLEARANCE SALE " ' Mobile R03ie8i ■ r-r- • WE VE OOT EM' i both ai «B AKE RB3DUCINO INVENTORY I hn>« ON BOTH NEW AND USED MO- Choice lor $005 Eatj i «ILB HOMZa. SEE U8 NOW KORTH CHEVROLET 60 <«d^rar5 ATjuJjAS^^sr^SjT^ ^ •S?F?52!^SE’?oil?S|*Y?^ >1^ REPORT BOOK AND OUR Bale* 103 MUh' l^aw n REDUCED from! ™ . bedroom *ldy aisle CHBVR^ET ■',-'rON''rtct-UF, u!m «e good condlUon. $30*^ 1053 Myrtle • Yhl* U Dlit an example 10*4 CmtVHOLEt'"'i-TOR FICK- • Not pot lead -r i--- up No money down Locky Auto • Bot a real ii«e prlcv Salev 1*3 South BtglDaw. FE .See ue q0« tbi* mon.b v..a 4-lOCO or FB 4-2214. ,wdl aaro iMndradt of d.dla:> 1215 DODGE MfON V-S'PlCK^UF ‘ Bob Hutcllinson ^ heats’I4H Wlll tr«l*. $1.3*5 brfa'nce to flnancV 'fbi Pft jnoUlK LLOYD'S . OOX Lincoln • Mercury - Comet. 232 8 Saginaw, FE »fell . ” O.AKLAND At CAS.S FE 5 9485 _ vTl'i'ton;STEEL BOX « >.uc>y. I'a ton. long wheel : '53 Ford >y ton, pickup rtl ImernaUanal I ton -E«m^^y Car* FE 4-2J31 23 Aoburn ■1*3* CHEVROLET 'VTDH PANTEL K>i«ction.'! tfims I irMino- I 05 Ml. Clement ■'ANir — I onier Cai.s aiul like FE 3-7954 ^ VCb4:«UT 0N A WBW'COMFACT we arrange *300 down payment $12*5 belanee to finance $17.14 per monlh. LLOYD'S OOT IT [.Incoln-Mercury-Comet -• 231 S. Saginaw. FE 2-Ull______ i$5* cAniyutC ' i* " coups, owly . > $1$$. Easy terms North Chevrolet Co. ION 8. Woodward Are. BUmlnaham._Ml 4-2735. ItM CADILLAC DE VTlLE. "AC-lual mileage $.43*. Very Tm* ean-j—owoer— PE_M802 "’ STAfWN \VAG()N 1057 Chevrolet, V-0, 4-door, cop- j •** rord 3-DOOir per and bewe. autoniaue trana- S «‘!i“?lr*'a**I ;SSe?“*LJok’*^S;; ' J-DOOR°" Jvtrt *’ l-o»h« I®<* Ihit 54 CHEVROLET 3-OOOR Clarkf-on’ Motor Sales i 'o* ”ooor i ’M This Week’s Special ‘ incw COMPACT. .0 down paymeni tp_flnance *37 7* SUPERIOR AUTO. ISO OAKLAND AVE. FE 4-7140. «67 FbS& l-CYUNOBR 4-DOOR. Fordomotic, $0 down.’ *1*1 full price. BddI* Steele, Ford. 2701 Orchard Lak* Hoed. PIJ-2i2t;_ 115* PORD (IaLAXY i-DbOR, brlge and white, auMmatlc trans-mlsilon. radio, heeler and whlta-waUt. “he ’em cleqn—this FISCHER BUICK. INC. SCS 8. ’WOODWARD BIRMINORAM ---- Ml 4-0101 aeWaiii., iitb RANCH WAOOliS V$: i. cond 0*5*. FE FORD lOM * PABSENOER COUN-try ledan. Radio and beaur, automatic. black And whit* beauty. All aet lor the highway. Wonder- .SHEFS....... February Specials . CHEV. Bel X^lr. 3-Or. .02 WHY ^ Oi; SHOULD SEE AUTO-SAT.TtS TODAY-TONIQRT-ANYTTME , i-Dr. i ■57 ^NTTAC. 4-boor H4op^ •07 POBD, 3-Door H4op I 7M ■57 CHEVROLET. 4-Dr H-lop I 005 i '5* FORD. Oalaxic. U>r. . *13*0 j -S^EVROLET Bel Air, W)r ^ Shep'^^Jotor Sales 5 EAST kLVD. FE 8m8T Lucky AuM Bale*. U3' iwtb .Baglnaw. PB 4-2314._______ IIM CHETSoiSt PARK WOOD wagon. Auto, trank. Radio and heater.....................$1113 : 1250 Pontiac' 'l-Dr. Catalina $14*5 ■1153 PoOtiic 3-Dr. Good comT. $145 1*50 Olds 3-Or. Hardtop 02*5 il$7 Bulck 4-Dr. H-iop. Dynallow. Radio and beater .. ........... $715 ItST Chevrolet 4-Dr. aedan. Power-lHdo. Radio Bod baiter . itn IMT Panttae 3-Or. Catalina. Hydrt- :lo5i LOOK! BUY! SAVE! $ 1*5 I l$M Tbunderblrd. all power '$1485 * >*5 IN* Bonneville 4-Dr. R-Mp .. $11H • ^ ]»» guick LaBabre Coovt. , $IM5 $ 1*5 IMf PonUae Chlaftatn uiaer $1885 s: !aa!,.;“Ki,rC^ii!s !a!!Sfs’-i8t.-4ic:“riffl many MORE GREAT VALUES I iSl NO PAYMENTS TILL MARCH » I IW l^c i 'ltM DUUl C l-*73l S Woodward / Extra Sfieciid Value 1960 Fmo t- 2-door,'' Vi Standai ioa Radio I 'tii. Compai $1995 k century HSop iUM 9u. liw* Hwy. Drayton PlalnaillSl ChevrSet^i ton pick-iip 8358. ! $3315 p*f*mo*Oi K. Fpm^ OR 3-12*2, TOM b6hr WC , P», at -IH f ofca iT Davy Week III* 8. Main. Mllfmd MU 4-1^1$ 1 *Turv"^ •56 CHE\ ROLET BeaullfW Bel Air Sport Coup* klTK AUTO SATES . ! I- *A«'t |LVD.^t AuVfli lea* Ivory and turquolM flnt*h _____, ______________________________ ---- ^ " 1»*4 PonUac B-Chlef 1*M Bulck teeclal 4-doer ItM Bulck Century H-t*p ^1*55 Ford flUiUon WH«o Oalaale-^ 2-door./^V. BUnd.rd ““ UlL Oo^ 1^. ■«, ; sCrc%. ^S^Cbr.**" PONTIAC - BUICK i I Rochester OL 1-81331 HOMER MIGHT MOTORS OUR'BEST: FOR LESS 1***^ PONTIAC SPORTS OOOPE, .hydra., r^o. heater, whitewalls. IIM PONTIAC STATION WAOON. hydra. radio and heater, whitewall*, color groen with wblta top. Low down payment, urn CHEVROUET 2-DOOR. RA-dlo, beater, light blue. $14g down. IN* CHEVROLET 4-OR. STATION wagon, radio and heater. A Uttl* I»f$*p6NTiAC*CATALINA. 4 DR. Hydramstic. Radio. BeNer. IVhlte walls. A 1-Owncr car. White over 1961 DEMOS AT GREAT SAVINGS CATAUNA VBTA BONNEVILLE CONVERT _ HAUPT . PONTIAC ^ CLARSBTON ' i M-ll one mU* north of U S. It 1 Open Eret. Uatn ( . MAple r- ' OLIVER Motor Sales Trading Fast and Furious! Our tarentory Is changing rapidly assuring rou of always a fresh •toek to choove from. Always de- Iborou^ly TKondllloned 1960 PONTIAC 4-DOOR SAFARI t-pasaanger 8U-Wagon. Power ateeiHif and -—*1, heater, hydramatlc ' $2595 , 1958 “T” BIRD SILVER IN COLOR with red a White taterlor. A full Un* 1959 MERCURY BTAnON WAOON 4-DR. Power l.‘>™''e*. radio, heater MODeI’SALES Prices Jrom $395 Up - OU3BMOB1LE AND HEATER, BEATTIE r paymeBts;^ of 7 -■ * * wATmrinp pord dealer " •*«iJ 'w^. mS Si ' k I I JEROME "Bri(3hl Spot" 'orcksrd Lake M'Uaia PE SSMI lOHNSON Offers WAGONS ’60 Rambler Wagon .. Save $1,000 ’58 Rambler Wagon ’59 Chevrolet Wagon .... ’57 Rambler Wagon______ \\ agon ... $1,3951 $1,595 ; $995 . $395 Russ Johnson | Motor Sales 4 LAKEORIO^^ MY 2-2871 ^Y 2-2381 [, 1959 PONTIAC _ 4-dr HARDTOP Power steering end brakes on this one owner. low mileage boau- $1795 1960 OPEL 2-DOOR- Showroom new and ready to git* you many many miles of economical drlylng. $1495 1956 OLD.S . . "M" 4-OOOR ^5 19.58 RAMBLER ™>jfyet«^Ia*?^*Jewel 'Ideal! *"”''"■$1095 I 1957 “MG" ! ROADSTER pieamtu -wim* finish and spoke type whcela. $1195 1957 PONTIAC STAR CHIEF CONVERTIBLE HydramaHc tranamlaalca a a ■ bright rad flnlab. $1195 6H^^mhh.r COMPLETE BBLBCnOH OF BUICKS AT ALL TIMEB TRUCKS A aeiectloa of plekupt, price fuseh on th4$* thoroughly reeoi tuthmed and read ready tnicki OLIVER Molbr Sal^ ^^mOrehardL.^.^.^^ ttoerl&g Mkd b tnd BiilomBtlc______ $1895 1958 OLDS "98’’ HOLIOAT BID AN. Pink with whlu top. power all tha way. AH the acocaaorle* including OM AIR OONDiriOHIHO. You mult ^ 1959 CHEVROLET Btt AIR SEDAN. V-g. PowergUde. radio. bMter and whiuwall lire*. A very Tow mileage car and very ms CHEVROLET UtfALA CONVXRTIBLX. Beautiful metaUlc blue with white top. y-g auto. traaoimiMlon. radio. ^Ur and whitewall tire*, a top $1395 1959 CHEVROLET 4-DOOR STATION WAGON. V-g, ““f »ht*ri#T to match. TMt car I* clean and ready to go. Burry, only . . . $1395 1958 CHRYSLER "WDBOB SIDAK. MaUIUe blue with mnteblng InUrlor. Power ateerlng. nutomatlc tranamlaslon radio and beater. A clean enri ""$995 1957 BUICK ^ Ulterior to mnteb. Power ateerlng. rndlo, heater, automatic tranamtsiloQ whltewaU Una. Cleao SoStilMtl .$995 Beautiful emerald green tlntah' power eanipped and a fOl Um irf aceeaaorlot. Uke n^l $695 1954 FO^- ■ victoria COUPt Vg e-gte. Oo^ AM threuSoirtTHo rust and nia* goodi $395 1954 TONT1AC $395 WILSON PONTIAC-CADILLAC 1350 N-. WoodwoTid ' T THE PONTIAC PRESS, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUAllY’^ 1. 1961 -Todciy's Television Programs-^ Piy^ iOTtofced hy rt«ao— Itoted hi thto oolumn are wibjected ^ changa without nottoa . fc.----■ *__rm________________________« Vo ------------- — ------^ • " - ' f»MMWl >-WJBK-TV Chanol i-WW^-TV Cfuuuol T-WXVZ-TV OwiimI t-CXLW TV TONiairrs nr moHUaiiTs <:N (2) iOovle (coot.) (4) Tnckdown ^ (7) Newt, Weather (9) Popeye (56) Biology fcU (7) Spo^ ______ ftU (7) Newi ---- 6:9f (2) Newi Analyaia (4) WeMher t:S6 (2) Newa (4) ^ (7) Carcus Boy (9) Yogi Bear •:46 (2) Sports (4) Sports 6:46 (2) News (4) ^ WJld” Van Johnson, June Allyson. THURSDAY MORNDfO (56) Topic 7:66 (2) Aquanauts (4) Dangerous Robin (7) Brothers Brannagan • (9) Pioneers (56) Aro^lcan Mind 7:66 (2) Aquhhauts (cont) (4) Wagon Train (7) Hreposltlo Salt Ml r^ 1 TV Features By Vnitod Press International PRESIDENT KEBfNBDY, 4 p.m. (2, 4i-7fTV^s^ "Presidfflt John F. Kennedy Meets the Press,” which made its debut on Jan. 25, moves to a different time slot for its seomd presenU-tlon. ^Iff Jan Clayton portra^ a woman who is unable to endure the pressures of the prairie; Beulah Bondi a woman refuses to let the prairie dangers defeat her. HONG KONG, 7:30 p.m. (7). Felicia Farr stars in the role of twins who temporarily confuse foreign correspondent Glenn Evans (Rod Taylor) vriien a man is slain and one of the twins asks him to help her: PERRY COMO, 9 p.m. (4). Harry Belafonte and Buddy Hadcett Join Perry in a “stag” program (c(dor) rVE GOT A 8ECRET, 9:30 p.m. (2). Originating in Hollywood. Garry Moore presides over a panel that consists 'of Steve Allen, Bess Myerson, H4nry Morgan and Betsy Palmer. Spike Jones is their special guest. ’naked CTTY, 10 p.m. (7). The victim of an “accident” turns out to be a professional wiretapper. JACK PAAR, 11:30 p.m. (4). Jack’s guests include Albert Dek-ker, B^ White and Florence Henderson, (color) Disability Benefits Plan Is Considered LANSING (UPI) - A disabUity benefits program similar to current unemployment compensation benefits was under, consideration today by the legislature. The new benefits program was Introduced Tuesday by Sen. Philip Rahol, D-Iron Mountain. I Best Chimp Picked for the Flight >*CAPE CANAVERAL (UPD-Ham, the 3714 pound male chimpanzee, was selected aS physically and psychologically best for the role of pacing America's first human astronaut on a flight to the edge of space. The chimp was chosen from among six primates — four males and two females -r to ride a Redstoie rocket on a sub orbital flight to an altitude of 115 miles on a 290 mile trip over the atlantic ocean. The chimp was picked out by MaJ. Dan Mosely, chief of the bkHurtronautlcs branch at Hollo, man Air Force Base. N.Y. He also picked a second chimp -asw ”ba CKLW WiBK (IMS) nnasDAT HonNiNO S:S0—WJR, Afrlculturc Rpt.-WWJ, Newt. Roberto WRTZ. Frod WoU CK W. ElO Omot _ WJBK. Newt. Morn. Exp WCAR. Ne*o, She ' WPON. Bob Urk d:SP-WJR, Mock RnU WJBK, Mora. Rxp.. I CKLW. Xpi Opener IHj^WJR, Ree^Mylo •WPON. Newe. Rbb Ldrk 1JS-WW4 Newi. J-Birt WXTE. Newe, Wolf CKLW. Newe, Darld WJBK. Triine-Cepur WCAR. Newi. Sheridan ». WCAR; MinT S:SS*>irjR, Mhfto mtU WJBK. Newe. Urtmer »:i*-WJB. Newi. Murrar WWJ. Newt, Utrteni . WZTZ, Bewe. WoU WJBK, Newe, Reid WCAR. Newi, Mirtrn WPON. Newi, CiMT t:Sd-WJR, JMk Hnrrti - WWJ. ntwi. Hirwiii ■ wzrz. Braaioit aub CKLW, Joe Von WJBK. Newe, C. Reid WCAR, News WPON. PCH Woibdwp :1;0*-WJR, Beelth WWJ, News, AlUien WXTE.. HoNeeleF CKLW. Joe Venn WJBK Newt. ROM WCAR, Newt, B. Mortrn WPON. Bob Lnik UMS-^WJR, TIom Pbr MoMa TRnkSDAT AFnBNOON 11:00—WJR, Nows, Pinn WWJ, Newt, AUieoa WXrZ, McNeelsF WCAR, Mei^ Pnno WWJ, Newe, Mnrteno CKLW. Joe Von ■ WJBK, NSTI, Retd WCAR, Newi. Pone -WPON. Chude LewU I:M—WJR. Compottte WWL Newt, MixweU CKLW, Jot Ton WJBK. Newo, Leo *WKVX^IntSf ****** WCAR. Newt, BhoMdon CKLW, Newt, Dtrltt wzvk, Mnoler Winter CKLW, Newt, Dnrten WJBK. Mnete WCAR, News, Sberldoa WPCW, Ctrrtote Trade ■MS-WJR. Newi. MBMt WWJ, News, LTnker CKLW. Bportt, Oorlee WJBK. Newt. TritflO I WCAR. Newt. Sberidnn fTPON, CorriSfO Trade Sas-WJR, MnMo Roll WXTE, Ntwo, Mwle CKLW, Sports, Dortoo Isn't Allowed to Show Torso on Television In this connection, pected to renew Eisenhower’s recommendations for postal rate increases and a half-cent a gallon boost in the federal gasoline tax. -Althougli the-PresW«ir-Kpett«I]TOdlg:ir-warH8M^1oUgle\^^ out no advance details, his anti-recession message to Congress Thursday is not expected to frir any massive increase spending. The biggest immediate outlays would be involved in a request for grants to states to extend unemployment compensation payments. As a TV-program, *The Square World of Jack Paar” offered amateurish, heavy-handed^ uninformative, pointless and, above The hour seemed to be a throwaway. Surely, Paar Is capable of doing clever, zany things. His first nighttime special last season was venturesome project that deserved better treatment than it gdt from the critics. I hope he hasn’t been Kared off. But film.-xUas-ef Brtttai wax muMums, Venetian canals, Spanish buU rings, and a narrative with lines such as, “Mihibco — that’s where Prinefew Grace lives,’ or Paar’s determined impression of the Charlie Chaplin toddle . Bmadaad-irf 'mTget'Taiighs with thls'lamp- sluide on my head ’ approach. The program wasn’t serious I InstmetlTB documentary. It Joyable. Only at the end of the hour was there a touch of immediacy and interest, as well as humor. Paar repeated a bit of his late night show when President Kennedy — then Sen. Kennedy — visited the iUtook place only last spring. DARIN FALLS FLAT Bobby Darin, the music world’ roving ambassador of m will, brashed his way through his owr full-hour special last night. Jotnliig Bobby la his Mg venture on NBC-TV were Bob Hope, •Inger Jonnnle Sommers, the Jud This Week Should Run Lighter Chicken Pox Hangs On and Mumps Count High Figures released today ly the Pontiac and Oakland County Health Departments confirmed a sudden rise in mumps cases indicated several weeks ago. Also indicated is that a outbreak of chicken pox cases is far from over. Die Increase in mumps cases is centered in Pontiac. T^re were 55 new cases reported here last week. The previous week there were only 7 new cases In the dty. like maBy com- mnniceble disensee, run la two- Italians Again Threaten Ficket of 'Untouchables' By EARL WILSON NEW YORK—“Miss Torso” sat across the table from me . in mink ... not in her torso. “Miss Torso” doesn’t wear her torso any more so, read on. Georgina Darsy’s torso got famoiia In the Hitchcock film, “Rear Window,” for she undressed behind a window shade. Now, as Pat O'Brien’s secretary Gypsy In the ABC TV series, “Harrlgan it Son,” her torso’s retired . . . gone undercover. “We get so many letters from children, they decided not to show my torso ever,” said Georgina, a Brooklyn gal 4rho used to dance for Jackie Gleason and Ed Sullivan on TV. She let her torso talk for her then; now, as an actress, she must project, and LuclUe BaU taught her how out in Lucille’s theater at Desilu Studios. "Very simply,” Georgina said. "She’d stand In the back of the theater and scream ‘LOUDER, LOUDER!’” A cab driver told Eleanor Roosevelt his mother-ln-Uw problem: •> The woman, in her 76i, wouldn’t-give np living alone and live with them; she fplt she’d yield her independence. Mrs. Roosevelt told the driver, "t understand your prob-leih."My children have the same WILSON “heavy” BO the current wee should be relatively light. Three weeks ago the number ew cases In Pontiac went up to 70. eek the number of new cases in the county was 39. Diere were 22 new cases the week before. For the same week a year ago in Pontiac there were no cases reported. -0.-TOLL STILL HIGH Last week diicken pox was in what health officials call an “off-week.” Yet, for an off-week the ill was high. 'Diere were 13 new chicly, pox casifs In Pontiac last'week'^d 13 toe week before. Last Week’s total in the county was 62,'^mpared to 74 the previous week. In other categories. Peggy King’s About to sign for her first Broadway show, “How to Succeed In Business,” opposite Robert Morse ... Lucille BMl got a standing salute at the special actor'* ml4tel^ sereeRlBg of her Bob Hope picture, “The Facts of Life.” She got up and sang a few bars of her "Wildcat” song, "Bty, Look Me Over.” lust week to one the week i fore, and 6 cases of scarlet f( to 1 the previous week. Two cases of hepatitis were r ported in the city last week I only one the preceding week. The following is a list of new cases of communicable diseases reported in Pontiac and Oakland County during the past two weeks. w*»k - ■ EndiBf Jaa. M WASHINGTON (Ul»D - Rep. Alfred E. Santangelo, D-N.Y., warned today that American-bbni Italians will picket the American Broadcasting Co. in New Yorit City March 9 if the television show, "Die Untouchables,” continues 'stereotyping Italians as crimi- Santangelo’s protest against the television series which depicts Prohibition-era bootleggers battling the efforts' of federal agents, is the second in the past three weeks. James V. Bennett, head of the Federal Bureau of Prisons, also has objected to the network program. Santangelo is presiefent of the JMew Yoric Italian-American Democratic Federation, a statewide ganization interested in cultural and political activities. 43 Flee School Fire MARYLAND, Tenn. (UPI) -tworroom mountain school u stro^ by fire^ ju was out liiesday, but the 43 p cKwithout injury. Conhm S{|ngen, a squad af dane-era, and the BlUy May Orchestra. The show was called, “Boti-by Darin and Irieoda.” (He hM. no enemlea, you gee). taping, freshness, drive disiqipeared. Attempts 'to blend Bobby into sets occupied by artful dancers and impressionisfic designs were foUe4 6V Bobby’s own style. He has a facility for redudag class into Hash. tougb-mlndad mannerisms grated against the lofty, handsome designs of Bud Yoridn and Monnan Lear, the pro-ducers-directors-writers cd the AF Fkatofas SUBMITS RESIGNATION — Paul Henri-Spiudc, 62, submitted NATO secretary-general to re-' turn to Belgium and lead his Socialist party in the next national electitm. Varnish Firm Woricers Get Coffee, Miss Blast GRAND RAPIDS (AP) — Emr ployes of the nltro-ccUulose mixing room at Grand Rapids VarnW (3orp. were out on a coffee break Tuesday when a blast shattered doors and windows in the two-story concrete building. Deputy Fire Oiief Ernest Es-baugh said concentmted fumes apparently exploded. Radar Building Razed PRINCE ALBERT, Sask. (AP> -A fire of unknown origin ’Dies-day destroyed the main administration building ci the secret National Defense Radar Research Laboratory near here. The two-story building boused most of the laboratory’s expensive equipment. Whoa, Partner I ; Have you seen the new 1961 General Electric and RCA VICTOE Portable TelevlsloQ; Sets, now on display at Electric (bmpanj Opaa Bran HH* rtfl B 835 W. Horam FEOGT JHE MIDNIGHT EARL ... Fabianll do a personal appearance in Hong Kong . .. Judy Garland and PoUy Bergen yokked at Shelley Berman’s act at the Waldorf. The rock ’n’ roU Everiy Broe. sank some of their lecwdlng dongb In building a new Hollywood iracht basin . . . Producer ~ an Foy offered Bobo Rockefeller a role in his next picture. if if -k EARL’S FEARLS: Alimony Is a ease of a man going from a co-starring spot to a sivportlng role. WISH ID SAID THAT: You can qx)t a lawyer at a puly. He’s the one who meets Marilyn Monroe—and talks to her atxnit her property settlement. Those new kltch^ products have practically eliminated dUbpan hands and housemald’A knee. You hardly Over see a hu6hand with them any more ... That’s earl, brother. ' VCCopyrlght, 1966) GET OUT OF DEBT! WITHOUT A LOAN CONSOLIDATE and Arronge to Pay All Your Bills Paist Due or Not . . . One Weekly Payment pays all your bills, you moy avoid garnishments and repossessions and keep yt^r good credit. Debt protection insurance included. No cosigners needed. Michigan's-largest credit Management Compony. IIKET Ml ASSOCHTHM, IM. D0N7 BE CONFUSED WITH IMiTATOBS .. . DEAL wM MiCMIOAN'S MOST MPUTAIU COMPANY AddidoBMOlficM ia Osirolt tail W. HiroB "'i •» T.iw*pt>) FE MNL ■i : I I \ FORTY-EIGHT ;rHE POXTlAG PRESS. WEDNESDkV^F:EBRUAli^M. 19GI Kennedy Staggers Newsmen , . He K^ods TTieir Offeringsl^^^j^^^ SEARS •y KITH MON’ntOMKRV tar prehk-nut, t ‘_v ' . ^ , tt ndieri. raaihn trr^i. WASHLNGTON - This »«rt admlnitHHi fn«n ■ tty blase capital is ra.«cinaKa d\i Hie novelty ol l«ivin« a pre^^nt* who reads the new^pers " That maj seeirt odd to aborigi-nn and outlaiiders who. having heaiM from missionaries and ilin-«rant drummers that practwalR evoyone in Amerka ran r«d and write. quaintl>- assume that oar highest otfirtals scan the im frttered pres.s Alas, during r<\'**iw >eai* hare hadi little proof of it. Pii-si dent Eisenhower, an old Ann> man whoae heaxy presidential - i-hores were constantly interfering with golf and hunting, fouiio « Iktlc time for hew spapem that la' ngiallv took his news in cap.Mili>i tarm. with additional weekly brief ings from Press fkwtary Jtn-Hagerty Pireidehl Roov xrM. aa iwlif lent in ••#Ue«e da.re. wspapt tar pnta «r paHHrnl nptaian. inaugural ^ddrm. State of the.able that he would prooably win a| Approidinately"Velihth of the.cans are sflll prayerfully w.hlng|| The current reaction to and o«i- rt^ election today by a land-^verblal • honeymoon" period to ^ the find real Kennedy blooper, || .... .. ha. h-n « w«v«H«iiv W gone, and dle^ Republl.llt ig nta™t ta silT^ o«»per || BROTHERS CLOTHIERS MIRACLI MIL! CINTIR OPEN TOMORROW NIGHT UNTIL 9 machine-washable SLIPCOVER SALE c'lioice bf 12 styles "MiperfliKMi'." ; The only time this ..orrespond rot can recall that President Tni- paper was when he blew his stack / over an unfarerable rrvTew of daughter Margaivt s overambitious attempts h> be a ivnceil .singer. M-lf who I a Piditrer Prise for hhi mniiolh and poliobed writing*, not only llkeo columnists, bnl also likes to read newsjMper*. .\t least twice during hLs first ten days as president probably, the btniest period of his life —, he has demonstrated that he notj only skims the headlines, bid acidly pores orer the fine print REAIiS LOk'AI. PAPER The first proof occurred when he read In a local paper that the VVbite House had slammed the door on special totfia for the constituents of congressmen, and that GOP Rep^ Robert R. Barry of New York had hit die reiling about it. )y mild compared x^?th JFK's action. Throwing down the paper, he sent for Press Secretary Pierre Sallt^r and read the riot act to him and es’eryone else on the, staff who had had anything to cio with fhe decision A* a former eongressman as well as reporter, he needed no one to tell him the public rela-UoM valiw nf doing little favors for comditnenla. The VIP tonra were promptly retastated. The second incident similarix stemmed from Kennedy's deep-rooted habit of reading fhe paper Learning that tbe^staff of former President Elsenhower wa.s being denied exerylhing from paper clips - to Stationery by the General Serx -icea Admini-stration. in attempting to acknowledge lO.OOO pieces of maU, Jack phoned the acting GSA admlntarator and ordered Tum id cut the red tape. Ttic-elfec like waxing a magic wand * * .* Such acts of thoughtfulness ever minor their individ.ual effect may be in terms of gl^l prob^ lems, are nonetheless capturing the public imagination and heart. GhaPifc U • Regularly at $9.98 • Made of 100% Cotton 'Just .look how littte ii costs to perk up a Tbrnur with a pretty provincial print. "Ruffled skirt, hfttmonizing-^ett ^ritn. Pa^r^ ment brown. Sage green. Others at big savings! REDUCED 5.01... no-iron chair covers regularly a I 5.11 Thi.s modern multicolor stripe will do wonders for your bedroom or den. Power-tufted with heavy rubberised back for longer wear./Jub-duetl tone.s to blend with almost any color .scheme. regularly at 14.98 097 Charge I HordoT m tbrMtMiMi wirii deofiMSS? Rtace your probltm in Hi# trained hands of a CERIIREP HEAIING AID AUDIOLOGIST Membsrs of The Society of Hearing Aid AudiologisU have been CEOTIFIED aseompe-lent, because of their espen-ence, ability, and conroientioiM handling of their responsi-bititaH to the hard of hearing **'*'Thm Certified RearlRrAid AudiologisU are qualified to make the necearery hearing analysis and non-medical rec-omiMndations. They have the practical espenence to furnish you theesBCthearing aid which - win h»t overcome your own ‘ iypeaitd degree of hearing lorn. You can be^^aurtryou are in the best hands, when you discuss your hearing problems with Certified Heariire Aid Audkdogiats, who proudly ^s- - play the ^ The * Society. Certified Hearing Aid Aedialegisl ia This Aree It: David Orwant ORWANT HEASING AID CENTID II W. Uwraaca St., Peotiac n t-27IS Adjust-fit heavy te.xtured. wriakleproof cotton. Machine washable. In 5 rich colors. Kick pleat skirt. Makes your old furniture look like new! Shop Sears and save time and money! Shop ’til 9 tompTTQW nightL ---------- - - 27.98 Sofa Cover 19.97 19.98 Daveno Cover 14.97 Drapery and Slipcover DepU Main FMor all wool pile wilton regularly 9.14 with padding Here's a texture tweed carpet that will brighten^ and add life to any room. Its Ifelge color lets you place IV anywhere In your home. Mothproof. .99 " sq. ytl. in 12-ft. width picks up , the djrt and dust fast and easy NOW ONLY *38 Only $5 Down So powerful-, dint? hair and thread disappetlr as if by magic! Suction-Brush action does it. See it, buy it today at Sears! Shop Thursday night ’til 9. >' ,s *501 nylon carpet regularly 10.14 with padding Outstanding In wear,- resiliency and beauty. . You’ll love Its / x X multilevel texture and Us clear. A . bright colors. Stains can be re- • )”• moved with mild detergent. 12-ft. width treebark *501 nylon Regulaidy 12.14 with padding AT corflplefery c t u s h-resildant carpet that has superior, reliance to spots; stains. Choose your DuPont nylon carpet from many gorgeous hues. - 8q. yd. iit 12-ft. width Floor Coveriag. Second Floor ^Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back” SEARS Why wajl until Spring lo buy year 'round protection from 8un, rain, sleet, snow!_ Save 20% PRE-SEASON AWNIXG SALE NO PAYMENTS UNTIL MAY 1st ALUMINUM All have free-^ow air ventilation. Finest baked-on enamel finish. Many colors ami styles to choose from at Sear*! Rustproof! CLOTH In drill, dpek and woven fabrics. Choose from many lovely patterns. Finest hardware. YOUR CHOICE: Metal awnings that add beauty to trailers, doorways; rugged metal vertical stripe; “WeathernHatic” that are easvrto-adjust; open, scroll or.full sidA “Fashtonaire;” cloth awnings that keep porches-and windows ^1. See them at Sears! Awntag DqU.. Main Ftoar 1.54 N. 'Saginaw, Street Phone FE 54171 .4, -4- Th« Weather (DtnuiiMrM imhYEAR THE PONTIAC PRE ~ ____jL^ ' PONTIAC, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1961-4^ PAGES Liner at Recife-Asylum Is Granted ★★★ ★ ★★ i . Swainson Offers Tax Plans Asks Hat 3 Pel. on Corporate, Personal Income Wants to Cot Payment From Firms, Industry to Build Up State LANSING m — Gov. Swainson today formally unveiled e sweeping new tax program geared to a ^^4, _A A. *Awv/x%«i/iojau^ orcnuxnu iot direct relief ..'.$ia million on personal and corporate income. He asked tfie legia|lature to boost taxes on individuals $125 million, a year and to cut the net levy on business and indtistry by $103 million. The new Chief Executive, appearing personally before a Joint lion of the House and Senhte, proposed a $17 million increase in state aid to counties and local gov- tion allawhig ioeal wilts to levy a nHudniwn ^.,per cent Income tax art top of tl4 proposed state Income levies. The Democratic governor described his nine-point tax blueprint u an attempt to revitalize the state’s economy, presently saddled with 320,000 Jobless workers, ll.r per cent ol the work force. “Economic growth is the single most important area of concern thal faces us," he* told the lawmakers. OlVB rr PRIOUTY "I have assigned top priority to this task Micause all else dep^s on it.” State revenue officials estimated die three per cent personal income tax would yield $230 millicn a year. The bite on individual taxpayers would be lessened by exempting food and drugs from the four per coit sales tax at a loss of $95 million. The inconu^tax would be pegged to federal income tax laws, including the $600 allowance for the taxpayer and bis dependents. Governor's Figures on Proposed Taxes LANSING (AP)—GK)t. Swaliuon's estimate of the effects of his fiscal reform program m state revenue: STATE REVENUE INCREASES ^ • I—3% Personal Income Tax '...........$230 numnn a—3% Corporate Profits Tax........... 65 million 3-—Specific tax on tangible personal property 123 million Total revenue Increase ...........jwlmUllon TAX REDUCTIONS 1— Repeal of taxes on personal property..$226 million 2— ^Repeal of business activities tax. 75,-mllllon 3— Repeal of sales tax on food and drugs. 393 Total tax reduction .................$393 INCREASED SPENDING 2— Intangibles tax aUocation to local governments 5 3— Maximum administrative cost of new tax program .................................... 5 muuon Total Increased spending ...................$CH million Victorious House Dems Prepare for Tough Fight WASHINGTON Ml—^After scoring an Important victory on enlargement of Its Rules Committee; the House Democratic leaderehlp digs In today for a long fight to enact President Kennedy’s legislative program. The fight probably vdll be a tough one, since Tuesday’s vict^ for the Kennedy administration and Speaker Sam Rayburn of Texas/----------------- News Flashes was won with only a five-vote margin. The House voted 217 to 212 to Bck Raybon's plan to enlarge the Rules Committee fnmi 12 to 15 members, wresting committee _________ control from a conservative coall- DBTItOIT tk». TheoKtically this puts liber- AmeeloM Motors Oorp. dropped -• Denuxarats in contrxd by an| In the tonrih gmier of last year deqdto a at per eeat sales The White House reported Ken- ' aedy was pleased wUh the out- { moatks stoddMilderB here today. direct parf la Ike flgkt, tort left no doubt that he tavored the Bay- " ' WA8H1NOTON (UPf) — Soviet Under Tuesday’s artfoo, Dmo-I Mlk^ A CTBU will add two members to iJ^T^"******* the the committee and Republicans ?*** P®l**buiat today tor the GAIN The three per cent corporate profits tax, also based on similar federal laws, would produce sn estimated $te million but the gain woidd be offset by rqieal of fiw business activities tax. Exemption of machinery, equlp-(Continued (m Page 2, Od. 6) ★ ★ ★ Dems Show No Dislike to Taz Plan LANSING »—Democratic reto-tlon to Gov. Swainson’! tax program reflected restndnt and caution today but no outrigtt position desidte the possi^ liticU impact of a state too tax. ★ dr W The Governor dtadosed Us program to legislative members of his party at separate House and Senate caucuses lUesday. Iho mlnortty floor lender of Ike heme. Rep. dooeph Kowal-rid ot Detroit, said a apecial a aet 19 to n found 22 Republicans Jrintog 195 Dmocrats to uphold Rayburn, and 6( Democrats and 148 Republicans voting against him. r eaU for n major shift In there will be variations on It,’ said. "The program la ao flexibls that we < ■ Other House Diinocrats generally agreed that the {Hx^osals needed to be studied. On the Senate side, the Demo- the program u ★ w w Repuhlican reaction leaks alN)|irt SaMdaron's program was gene^dly cool to the tocome tax provistona. Most of them aaM they IhriH^: the tome «f taoiane va ealee taxea had been abttled at the poDs lari ■ ; I / The new lineup will be 10 Demo-rats and 5 Republicans. The ccxnmittee previoUriy had 8 Demind 4 Republkans-witfa the Republicans and two « vative Southern Democrats usually in control. Ground Hog Is Star of Weather Picture win he or won’t he? Tomorrow Is Ground Hog Day and the legend goes that the ground bog comes out of his burrow on the second day of Fetouary, looks about, and if he sees his shadow, decides ' spring is still she weeks off. Hie weatherman comes up ^ a putty doudy inedictian for to-idl^t and Thursday, so it may aU depend on the time of day the gfound hog dnoses to peek. ataras wO average a to M de-grom boiow the oermal high af n to aa. and Bsnnal low of aero to u above. CUd temperatnrM will prevail throegh Frtday. Bat-arday wifi be a ttttte warmer, tort tempcMtarec wU he oelder agaln Bmriay anl Monday. Predidtation for fiie period will toUd 1 or 2 tenths ot an inch to or anow flurries mostly over at 10-16 milea per hour will northeriy at 10 to 20 miles Thurs- •y- ^ ‘Qie loweat temperature to downtown Pontiac preceding 8 a.m. was 10 degnes. The recorttoi at 1 pjn. was 22. Fear 9 Dead jn Plunge MILAN im - N a oonauir rs to their toll feet of wtoer to a **^»i*^ VIENTIANE, Laos (UFI) — Pro-Weotera government troopo backed by rocket-tiring fighter road Joaetlon of Sato Phen Khou today, hartling Commanlst rebel > way for an aeeanlt on %V2 Million Budget Adopted by Commission City Tax Rate to Rise by 33 Cents From 1960 -T$ 13.60 Per Thousand By PETE LOCHBILER A $8,571,869 budget, based on an anticipated 1961 tax rate of $13.60 for every $1,000 of valuation, was adopted by-the City Commission last night. / Budget estimates and ^el proposed 83-cent increase! in municipal taxcK are-founded on a tax base of ati ^ ^ U.S. Coy on Orbitinsr Samo* II about $9 mllllon/over last---------------------------------- year. / The budget Is $^,651 over that arath» toe Walter K. Willman the I860 pay plan accounted for about $300,000 ot the budget increase. Another SM.fN In adjnstmento for IMI was toclnded in «en-tlngency funds. Employe representatives have agr^ to ap|rty POINT ARGUELLO, Calif. i formation as it passes over sta- lary incroaws .»wt^i (AP)-Samos II is cirollng thejl'^s where data can be reproglobe every 95 minutes today in- ......... - - terpreted by automatic display qiiipment. Signals from Samos II were be- In Todays Press benefits, he said. Two other items in foe $116,218 contingency * ' A $20,000 alkx^ for financing ol a master plan tor downtown PDRttoc matdled by foikb raised by downtown merchant * A secemd knuilof $25,000 to foe Greater Pontiari Centennial Coi^ mission to finri(-'e the J«me 17-24 ance. IhenNiiejH is to be repaid, ys much as possible, out of centennial revem WFROVEMENT iPVNDS CUT As they decided last week, commissioners attempted to hold down the 1961 tax increase by slashing capital improvement funds by $115,000 to anticiparion of a sladc year for neighborhood improve- Inrtead of raising aboat |1,01£,-n through a ftdi $SAS capItol Imprpvemrat levy, they plan on (Contimied on Page 2, Col. 5) a pioneer mission which may lead to a whole system of United States ' electronic military scouts. The ultimate goal of the program is to be able to make detailed photographs of any point on earth and thus detect a buildup by a potential foe. The mission is so secret that the Air Force won't even confirm that foe satellite, launched Tuesday, will radio pictureo back to earth. The orbit^ vehicle Is as to piMto- graph grouiid terrain and sensors to rrcord electro-magnelio radia- ing picked up by tracking and telemetry stations at Vandenberg Air Force Base at Oahu, Hawaii and at Kodiak, Alaska. AH oftotal data was being received at .foe Air Force Satrillte Test Center to Sunnyvale, Calif. ot San Frandsoo. It can be made to transmit in- Women’s Pages ............. 15-19 Chipper Chimp Due Back af Base Today CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. Ml — Winding up a space flight with a chipper, cheerful handshake, a chimpanzee called Ham today signaled a go-ahead for man to enter space safely. Ham is due back this afternoon to this rocket space port—which he left mighty abruptly Tuesday atop Jtedstone rocket. The largest animal ever sent aloft, Ham's trip 155 miles high and 420 miles southeast into foe Atlantic into the rescuing hands of ihe U.S. Navy carried several main significances: 1. It Indicatps manned spuce flight Is feasible. An Amerlran No. 2 to the series roared aloft ito a drizzly sky at 12:23 p. m. Tuesday and disappeared heavy overcast. Two hours later the Air Force said it had achieved potor orbit. Its path carries the satriUte at altitiite ranging from 300 to 350 miles. The launching was from foe Point Arguello Naval Base, adjacent to Vandenberg Air Force Base, 170 miles northwest ot Los Angeles. Future satellitas of this type are expected to take pictures from 300 miles up with equipment so advanced that quality will equal foe view from a human eye at removing foe passengers who have been held captive since Galvao seized the ship early on Jan. 22. ■k it k President Oimdros, inaugurated only Tuesday, had mrihtalned since on the case until today. Portugal had said the case Involved murder and piracy on the high seas but agreed Tuesday to permit Brazil to handle the Galvao rebels s ' feet. The Samos program, begun In 1957, was given top priority last year after cessation of the U2 reconnaissance flights over the Soviet Union. Perfect Flight forMinuteman AF Jubilant Following Successful Firing and 4,000-Mile Run CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. m-hope for a poshbuttoa war weap- 2. The Soviets appear likely to win the race to be first to whit a man around the earth. 3. A very slight mis-firing in Ihe rodtet system hurting Ham’s capsule may well require further tests with or without a chimp aboard, before a man goes up. But this also produced valuable dividends. HAM IN FINE SHAPE 4. Ham himself is reported in extent shape, a smart 37 pounds of amiability. Flacked from Oe sea by a helt-copter from foe VSS Danner; he shook .hands with foe veterinarian greettog him when his one- Ainnan 3/C L L whidi rode a Mercury-Ifodstone rocket Trteaday on h fUgbt fiiroqgli MNtoc after being laqiiched fron Qspe Oinawsnl, 11a. Hie Nafleoel Aeto- r“ photo after the shoot, did not say when or adwi it was made. Ham,' the chimpanzee, was chipper and chectfid alter his 5,0094n.|iJi. cli^ through ipaoc and might have rskUoed Uto rifove After a medical chedcup, Ham drew a bonus of a banana and bit more apple on top of his scientifically prescribed menu k k k Ifis fli^t was one of graduated stqts in a- National Aeronautics and ^»ce Administration .|Mni>-gtam bcgtefully intended to pu{^ American astronaut toto several round trips about the earth to 1961. ORAVmr LIRE CRAZY In a big first step, Ham twice fdt the crushing weight of to-creased gravity. Taking off, he weiched seven tiines more than on earth, and on coming down at a S,00p-aiile per hour cl^ into fo^ j .r I forpea 12 fimes normal gravity. ★ A LISBON, Portagal III — Twe ortagaese orgaaiiaaeBB today appealed to Presldeat Kea-' r to Bse his infiBeiice to free ciW of foe < the capital af Brarith today that “Yea may be sere that la the exercise ot aqr eonsUtotloBai da-llea yoa aad all who want It will of aeyhan on statement did not make ft dear whether Brazil would setoe the ship as demanded by Poi^ gal. But the Brazilian navy alreat^ was on the scene ready to act the. moment It received new orders 'jfrom the government on Its lint test IHgM today. A Jnbihurt Air Force reported tt nilnatos Athuitic Ocean, more than 4J99 mileo away. The Air Force had gone all oat on the Initial flrtag of thto Quadros disclosed that Galvao lessaged him at 1 a.m. today asking him to clarify his position and disclosing that the rebels had been in contact with the president-elect (Continued on Page 2, CM. 6) ★ ★ ★ Land Ho! Passengers Sick of Sea By United Prero InteraaHonal “The Santa Maria passengers are satisfied with the ending of their odyssey but simply crazy to touch land after to many days wandering the high seas,” rebri Capt Henrique Galvao said today. "I expect a good receptkm in Redfe. l am satisfied with everything." He made the statement as the big luxury ship amnoached port with only three days’ water supply left. Pierideat Jaato Qsadros hot he deoHned to say what they were. Quadros, who wss tohua^mrtsd only Tuesday, acknowledged lor the first time today an appeal fresa Galvao to the early moratog hours as the Santa Maria approached foe port of RediB. sace system and nose eaae were trotod today. The distaace eovered was fori SAM mOes ahart s« the “Tm may be SIM that la Bm ■rctoe ot m coBstttultoBsl 4b-tiesyoaaBdallwIiowaalKaplll « foe right of sayhari b, our tsirttory aad at! daa wM*' ■,' , ' '/f TtiE PONTIAC PRESS. WED^fESDAY, FEBRUARY 1, mi ,/u Resident and Advisers \ Discuss Plan on Slump •WASWNCTW «m> - I DiJm P**!!?* 4pnt Keni^ conierred today with dtawa* to* Tath Warid** lii$ chief ecoaomic aihiaers on the dhttnCBMliB pofram he wiD tuh> mit to Oo«n«k and met tar the lirat time with die liational Security poundl. . * * • WM econoniir emphasis at both meetinri as Keimed>' put the^ tiai^diMrtauches an his reoonunea-i j^wlespurrlig the U5. eeon-' tev^wiaeb (a ta Coogreas Thurs- flw flial an»Wag. the Prea-Meat baddM with Badget Diree Mi namh at ee». Dr. Walter HeBer TabtaM f ____ jtioo headed hy §en. Estes Ketsuv- Kelisble somres said ^ ^ . rabably would anaounct today the Tbandpr his racoinmendatloBe lor apiointinent of Paul Hand Dhxm'impraMiK the nation's eaonoay. chainnan olthe Fedend Trade which he contaJers to be "ta trOU- ^;to Visit JfK in March UONDON 'Cfir — Diplomatici The sources said the visHiproh- ----said today tint Prime Min- ably would be late in the mqptii. mU MacmBlan expects to with nb flmi'tlate arravedhaych fister HaipW MacmBlan expects The regular members o! the Na- go to ^Hasb^ h tional Secoritj’Council »'ere joined tnrettag sdth Preodent Kenneoy. by lyeasmy Secretary Douglas DU-i kta and Ben as well as a number of other oociais Jjeadline ilVK CTOfTEBEXCE AGAIN - . .______t ^tteraoon. Kennedy win to lOr ACqUlWig Ot o tise awfitorhi—* partnseot ior h ae«toma«ata wiU be broadcast live ootwdUb and televudon. kare Out White Integrationist ■aabto to ga to the poUa thea. yea hare aaM Feh. U at t pja. to apply tor year abaeatoe bal-tot, Omaty CtorkJtoftotor Daw let T. Mafpiv dr. said today. The Foreign Office said it could not confirm the press reports. Macmillan will meet with the Commonwealth prime mtaisim for about 10 days In Loudon, starttag on Maitfi 8. Ns trip to Washington sad sevreal dtiea havtag a prl- They eaa he rated when picked q» at the cletfc’s effioe e< the confneooe, the sources ♦ ♦ ■ t Ihe sources added, that Macmillan probably would be ready to, Qy to Washington earlier —possibly some time this month — if Kennedy suggested an earliel' meeting. The prime mlalster is saxtoas lots caa be se- — ^ ^ , . cored If the rator is to be abwal MtDOQOgh 19 Father Isj ait day aa rieetlaa day, physical- T^UinJ to Sneak From ^ trem^- Niw Orleans hw that day, oraaelectloawork- - . ee aaable to make It to ---- NEW ORLEANS iLTl* - Seg-reSlitiontsts won their fight today to restore the total white boycott at newly integrated McDonogh 1# tEtomentory School, forcing a white hmily to move from the city * * * Johnson Thompson, 3S-yearold asgiftoiit Alkbama4)ani soda toun-' tain «n^oye, took bis family from New Orieans during the night. Two of ;Jbs. tons. Gregory, 9, rh^. t, were enrolled in the Mc-Donogh School, the first white children to attend McDonogh since Nov. 17, the titird day of integration. Walgrcca’s Drag Stores, which rotii« preciact oa Feb. 5«. Wtiallva to the PresUota, tha Observers belieyed Macmillan would prefer to confer with Kennedy before the President has a chance to meet with Soviet Premier Nikita 8. KhniMiehev. The Soviet leader is expected to go to New York for the United Nations General Assembly starttag March m M .»-_i n 7, and there have been indications I op AltlSt r r©i©rsitiiat he may meet with Kennedy — ^ -- iwhile be is in the United States. Famous Horses to Society Girls OLDWICK, N J. iP-Horses are! much easier to paint than society' women, according to Arttet Rich-j aid Stone Reeves. * A a ! ReevM has done both, and horses always are "far less trou-Wt" than his human subjects, be Isaid. Reevia is one of America's top equine artists and has painted many famous horses both here and abroad, including Assault. Native Dancer. Citation and Stymie. Diy in Btoilli^Bham < * 'hnsightl/ Shopping Mall to Be Removed From City BIRMIN(»AM - After a twh-month trial tUa city's Uodc-tam udl is gohig to go. Not became it hasn't been aue-Hsful but becams IFs an . City canuaWmiars, at least five ot them, tod the tosU tm ~ ts Street briareen Maple i tin • ■ ......... GRANTED ASTtUM — The Mjadied Portuguese limr Spjtejla^ Redfe,r8ncA Iblf iiW7dpg-|i|dht'^)bf^'' were granted aaylum by incoming Preihlent Janio QuadrM. This photograph of ^ stern, WM nude fiiim a U. S. destroyer. City Approveg Expansion study Is eeaapletod. City Manager L. R. Gam has been directed by the comBiission to notify the sponaoKi td fite-proj-ect, the Central Busbiass Devriopment Committee, of file ctty’e intentian. The AabbfaMtt of the landscgp-tag in the man is bldaed hy coop miarianen on Its poor appeanmee. * A A Commissioner William Roberts said that he has been told Iqr fire department officials that the 30-foot pine tree in fiw ooiter of the Mock haa beooms a fin hhsanl ‘and If it stays, fire safety checks will have to be made periodicaUy.' OK^s $80,000 for Hospital Atitiripadig a lotat meeting with the Pontiac Genrial Hoqtital Board of TVosteas this month tiie Qty skm at the hoivitel estimated at The hospital won an okay last night to spend 142,500 for construc- tion of A tUtee-story storage building. ada $37,501 for purchase of a tour-famllir flat tor intern bousing. The spprmal autherised the hospital to pay the oesis out ef accumalated deprectaHoa toads. Face Sentence in Netherlands Pontiac Man and Wifo From Europo Admit Robbing Dutch Farmer The Ttaunpaons, alth their tix> cfiiiiiren. thus succumbed to segre- Even horses can Reeves said, but Stymie was not. "He always acted as if he knew exactly what I was doing—he was the most attentive and moat regal subject I ever had." Reeves said. The Ttaompaoo family had been ordered to move from its four-rooos' sRartroent ta the McDono^ Sdpiiri District because of thetK Will Visit MorOCCO bOjnPt-bNakiiM action. A Pontiac man and his European wife who have admitted robb^ a Dutch fanner of 5.GOO guildets (SI.* 5004 face sentencing for the theft Feb. 14 in the NetheHisnids. AAA According to an Associated: dispatch from Alkmaar, the Neth-erlanda, the public prosecutor demanded 30 months in prison for the Dutch-American couple-Joseph R. iLucasiewicK. 36. who lived at 156 I Baldwin Ave.. and his wife. Februaiy Makes a Mild Entry By Tito Aasselated Press , February, often winter’s harshest month, made a mild entrance today wiQi a dash of rata and a touch of snow. Temperatures ran pretty much to form with the coldest weather — a block of below-freeztag temperatures — lacing through the northern states from the central Rockies through the Great Lakes irrtpon to middle and mstheni At-ilantic Cbast states. It u’as within this area—from the Mississi|4>i to the Hudson— that Jaamy’s stage of stinging cold had jammed rivers, lakes and ba|s wiUrfiass of ke. Some of the ice jams were loosened TUasday ly ttewiia temperatures. Two towboats, trapped on the ire-choked Mississippi near^ C^dro. ni., worked themselves tree with tiie help of a tiiird boat. But the ice closed again 13 miles north of Cairo, where the Ohio joins the Mississippi. The Ohio, too, was still troubled with ice. Towboafi were moving but the U.S. Engineers at Cincinnati reported the going was slow and the ire heavy. Many towboats were tied up, waiting for the ire RABAT. Morocco -Sovirt|hanna Myer M ____________j mothers from the.Preniler Nikita Khrushchev has , j sdMdrdUtrict Tliesday picketed a accepted an invitation from King, Walgrewj's drug store. Walgreen s. Mohammed V to visit Moirecoi dn* sddM ^ ^ ^ ---------- - ------------- officially! terms hi The lidted Stoles ___________ a $T0-a-week Ver this year. 1 fountain assistant manager.'announced today. The Weather j for itealtag cars. ^ Pontiac pollre records show Lac-- asiewicz was arrested in Jtdy 1966 .tor investigation ot i released, however, when the com-gtove? Fall U. S. Weather Bureau Report ' SiMtIy cloudy and rather cold with occasional light snow today. High 22. Partly cloudy end a HttIo eoMor tonight and Thursday with a few mow flarrlea Low tonight 6 ahove. High Thnnday 16. East to northeast artnds 10-16 aaileo heeomlnf northerly 16-21 miles Thnnday. plainant failed to press charges. AAA He went to Europe last year and married Mist Myer in Anuterr dam. The prosecution'claimed that In May I960 the two were ordered out of the country after a aeries of petty offenses, but that they returned to Alkmaar to. get monqr for their passage. A Mewl gave them the addroM of Jaa de Oroot. a rich bOohclor farmer la oeai^ Wanneoholsoa, City Adopts Budget of Some $6’/i Million (Contiaued From Fage One) around tSM.IN nader a partial IS.10 levy. This is only about IKJWO lest >d last yea on a tax A A . A The $115,000 slash was offset by allocation of another 650,000 to the operating budget from unappropriated surpluses — the naoney on which the city depends to get through the six-month period from the end*ef;the fis^ year ' " cember July. Researchers Gauge Body Temperature MANHATTAN, Kan. IP-How hot a hotfoot can the little wonum take while she's slaving over a hot Kansas -State University to tiT' ing to find out In experiments, designed to find the range of temperature at whidi moet people are comfortable. The reaearchert etpap a thermocouple haimsa on the sabjeet to measure body surface at 17 points. air move-ioor temperature are controlled ' in the conditioning room," eiq^ained an instructor. The reculte wifi be used by de-tagners of panri Waated buiidings. Explorer 3 Years Old HUNTSVILLE. Ala. (UPl) — Explorer I, the free world’s first ■cientiflc earth satellite, was 3 years old Tuesday and has traveled some 425 million miles, tite Army Ordnance Mto^e Command said today. Pakistanis Cheer Queen KARACHI (UPl) Thousands of Paktotauto in a holiday mood cheered Quten EUzabetk II and Prince Phi^ on their arrival from India today to begin a 1C ' of dhided Pakistan. Brazil Chief Gloomy BRASILIA (UPI) -r President Jaitio Quadroe said ’Tueeday nl|ht Brazil to in "terrible ’financial shape^’’ wiffi foreign debts totaling more than 1X6 biUion,'and.ta no better off morally, admtatotrafivs-ly or politically. NA1IOKAL WEATHEB - Moet of the ludion wlU have partly ctoudy to cloudy skies tonigM. Rata to experisd on the aorthweat Pacific ooasL &iow to fnnecast far the wcstani 6*rttana of. the PalrotM and from Iowa and aontfarin pnneaota eastward through the tnlw regtaa and the aozfiieni Ohio vaUeyi Rain.' feasibly arixQd teltii sapw, to anticipated to the soutirra porUons ef the OhroTNIHy. There will be scattered mow fluRtes to aorliiearteni New ToeRfaad nnfhern New England. It will be milder to the f No Commont on Chimp , of the Miaee fltaht V the , panaee aeronmit Ham from (tope Qmuniatadaers have called tor the joint meeting to establish a policy on the method of r^siyment of the rest oSibe east wii« funds, in cash or tMough capital improvements. There’s nothing writing on the question. The meeting to also to conaktar establishmait ot a parking kt for hospital em^oyes. Financing of the lot is still an open question. Plans for the storage buUdtag, rewn up by Heenan to PuUar, Inc., Pontiac architects, call for n wtth 5,200 square feet of floor spare. The only major storage «nee remaining ta the boefdtal proper to on the unopened fifth floor of the east wing, which to now scheduled for use u a mental healtii Hit to comidete the present program to provide family houritag tor married interns, the hospital has an option on the four-family flat at 49-55 Seminole Ave., immediately aouth of the hospital. A smaller flat at 4547 Seminole was purchased ta December tor $29,500. 17118 was the first expense written off the east wing debt Last night’s approval, means that $169. has now bm written ott the appropriated Mrpfis. WiUman said tlui higher payndto contintied to be tiw major toctor ta the budget increase. Increafed operating costs i;re another influence, he saw. / ^ Followtag arercomparativc figures stated k makdown of the buiktet ipcKksesltor operating expenses in 11 important areas: Police departitent last yea $838,238. iMs yeai- $927,450; fire department last year $800,000, thto year $865,369; riectrical department last year $69,737. thto year |T7,006u Swa/nson Offering State Tax Reforms (Continued From Page One) ment, inventories and otiier items from the personal property tax base would eut tax revenues paid by business and industry to local governments by $226 million yrer. Publle Aervire equipment last year $301,900, thto year 1357,643; i-ahe Street yards last year M46,-576, thto-^ $151,082; cemeteries last year 87,600, this year $96,305; Pontiac Mnnictiiel Airport last year $16335, thto yea; $96,314. ef the Oty Hafi afflces weeld oeal ILM43N thto yen. een-pared with a itiOget eattnato ef I1.ML1M hut year. The budget tadudee expenaes ot $2^,193 for waste collection, 151.711 for fBihne disposal and 87L17& for ^ retirement of Pontiee General Hospital eonstructkm bonds, the onto debt service to he raised by tvti^. Wrdgbt House iti Racine Goes [to Charity Group its late detagner, Frank Lloyd Wrigjrt, as the "last at Ota prairie bouaea," has opened as a * " ' _ __ _____„ The ftsiitatton to deacribed 9s Associated Preps n«ort a pfillantiiropic organization - - ^ gageti to « bread program ot ae- tor oempMfae ef the e Oemmleeieeer Behert Page that Ike maU ‘Tn’t » Ihiig ot heeeiy'’ r ‘ .......... p.m. Thunday at tte Ten^ GMC Track A Osaeb IMvtalm after local governments q>end amount adding up to IH mills, including personal property levies. Prior to that, local governmrata pay for 70 per cent of welfare and the state 30 per cent. ______.. The remaintag $103 million would Health last year $106.38, flitoj^ rhanw-fail to local govenunent yaar $123,440; Ubrary last yaar $MMl tUs year $185,130; radrea. tkm last year $133,562, thto year $158,608; parks last year $1]3,000, thto year $129,(»4; Municipal Court last year $100,211, tiito jtaar $117,172. tax revenue. AAA Swatoson proposed to boost state Id to local welfare programa by $12 motion annually. The state would assume the entire cost of direct relief after counties and the dty of Detroit had spent the equivalent of one mill of the state equalized property values, excluding the personal property tax. A A A Under the ctarent arrangement, the state takes over full payment needs could be met by adding H 6er cent to tite proposed state taxes on personal and corporate income and returning the added revenue to local gov-nmcatB. Swatoson said. However, be said he pwtorred legislation enabling local units to levy income taxes themselves. Liner Is at Recife; Galvao Gets Asylum * Reguiai^lSc bos. 2^a6!set8 1n pcg>-a|> dlsp«is«r'Box. Limit 6 boxes. -MSta Hmt Sp9ci Ing. first quality. Stripes Be Here at Noon When Doors Open • S-Bargaii Patkoi Shoppiac Hoars • THURSDAYoffis) NOON ’til 9 p-s. mnii SENSATIONAL STORE- SAVINGS EVENT All These DISCOUNTS Piss Mesy Mete SpeeieNy ReSsceS fer THURSDAY NOON te 9 P.M. Here are but o few of the many Super-Drscounts that show how much YOU Con expect to SAVE at SIMMS Tomorrow ... all wonted items for the. family end home ... oil GUARANTEED UNDERPRICED . . oil sold with money-bock‘00Q'’antee regordless of how much you save. Simms reserves the right to limit oil quantities. LOOK fw tliM SpMMl “9-HOOR" Fiict Tagi in Evtiy OtpirtanfBt ThnigkMt All 3 FImii MAIN FLOOR SPECIALS lotTMtaUo PiiBtS Ball Poial Peas r Fumu IVEUADT' FUSM-L- U6HT Battery 6'*25‘ sIQ Regular 10c pens — writing ball points, blue ink only. Limit S per person. P Ouaranteed leakproof batteries ■i by Bveready — standard size for most nashligbts. Limit 5. All Motel 2-Coll Flashlight i ‘GEMEIAL EIECTIIC" : Clock 19*1*2®® Reg. 98c Value Reg. $4.98 Value f Fixel focus flasbl^t throws 1 powerful SOO foot berun. Bat- i Self-Starting electric alarm : clock with beige color case. 'Dorm' model by OE. Plus 10% DRUG DEP'T. SPECIALS PMgidoi Thli BUGm' ^ Easy loU-Oi Stylf Gillette Blades I “BAN” Oeoeoraai 23i-49 Double-edge razor blades will 9 fit any OiUette tyde double e^e I safety razor. Llnut 3. ^ lottio 300 Takltte For FoMiiMiio Hygieie 5-Gr. Aspirio I Eotex Napkins Reg. 59c ^ Value 2912 "59 r Regular 43c box of 13 napkins, soft and,absorbent Kotex nat-i ionally famous, napkins. Limit PHOlO DEPT. VALUES ARSCO Bteck A WUto l-Voll TIANSISTOi Photo Films | Radio Battery 3-79* 379* Regular flM viOue — pack of m Regular $1M batteries — long a rcdls 'All-Weather’ to take ||l life imported battoies for al-snapshota in moet cameras. 130- w nxMt any make transistor radio. 130-137 else. Fresh stodL ^ Lindt 0. $1.98 Setter —Nou^ ftoUce and repair your movie film the orofessionaf way—with Ckrorae-Flofe AlnmiaOni Tumblers 0 fsr 00c sr oo TBius—lo-oi Wioofit hoa Stead ead Slidag BoanI 00c $1.49 Value 3’War ReU.Poper Dis|Misers $3.95 Value |68 II nttUl cMutructloii — |i«ag> For Heme er Wort Ufility Scrape^ 29t Value 14 Tool lioel blade, plaatic bandit. UM lar lea rtmovtr. mUiiapar ramorer. paint romorar. Ooor tcraper ttc. -tad Vlaar ‘Hoert Box' Veloafiao Chocolates $J.OO 78' Raart .haped aalentlnt box All Sloof 'GEir Fiaganiail Clippai Reg. 25c 9' Vsts C-Volt leltorr Flash Laatara w Reg. $1.59 All metal lantern «lth «pot-llte ireot, for motoriate, sportsmen, etc. Battery extra. -Hala riear ISC-Fc. CoaibiaatloB Stationery 37' Reg. 98c tine wrlttns paper and SO •taodard alae envelope!. Limit 1 pack. -Mala Flsar SluTdr Haxlie-Mou'B Pocket Goaiks Reg. 10c <00U>, Ml le refUlar toot UaUt I combs per person. -Mala ria liag-Siso 'Kctera' Jig-Saw Paziit Reg. 98c -----------.-tlO ploeea make s torse MMi X 3S ineb picture. •Mala naor . Wirtmuool Shorn Dsw -mms” Reg. 98c Deo Cbamlcal "SUlaooa” ws-targroot! sU taatban, praam^ Isatbsrs. Larsa botth St 2nd FLOOR SPECIALS Hot-DippeG GtlviBizid 10 Ql. Water Pail GeiMiMo 'Siydor* ladoor Reg. 75c Value TV Aerial 50*i a 79 ^ metal pall, hot-dipped to rusting. WUh bad carrying handle. Limit 3 per person. For all TV sets, black and white. S. color — sharp and clear recep-tkm. Limit 1 aerial per person. Fill GallM Com of Paint Thinner Reg. Soft Zippor Top-Wiro Trash Buroer Gal. 591 - 99 Best lor thinning paints and cleaning brushes. In full gallon sealed container. Limit 2. ^ Medium size capacity — bums trash completely and safely. ^ Limit 1 burner per person. Oily 70 Go Oa Solo 2-Ft. SlepladNar loud Wovoa Wicker Glolhat Basket OonulD* WUdroat __________ batr tonic for men. Koape bair In place, naat all day. ladies’—Misses'—Gills' Sheet-Oxtenis Values to $3 For Ealire Family lisa Prall Shasigoe (S' Famens 'Ktaakx' Soper Shove Bomb 44' 79c Can Hair Tonic 38' Reg. .59c $1.95 100 Feet Sturdy wire center, f.imif 3W H lor toys. communtcaUons, llght-“ “ ing, alarm uses. Limit 2. HOUSEWARES SteialMf Steel Steak Koives I Ckepi All Foodi r Chopper $1.00 Set of 6 27*1 * 68 Will last a lifetime, sharp cut- j ting hollow ground for all pur^^ pose cutting. I Safe for your fingers — fine I stainless steel blades with self-I cleaning action. DOW HaMAl Wup Food WrappiRg 35c 100 Feet 27' New food wrap that needs no tape or nd>ber bands. In handy eutter box. Limit 2. AEIO WAX Piit Floor Wax Reg. 47c Value 38 Double rich in wax — no rubbing, self-polishing wax for all noon. Limit 2. BliMtoie EbammI Roasters Reg. $1.00 Value 58' Dwrablf' Bloeatone enamel robster hdlds 4,pound fowl or 7. pound roast. With eovc|r. Limit legm Silvet Plate Salad Serve Set $3.95 Value 1 68 Wm^Rogen si^er p|ata fork and spoon plua large plasUg After ShiWM LotiM s 33® Fomeos 'Soft Touck' Hair Spray Ssl 44' .Main rtewr Woodhiuf lO-Ovaco Naid Lolion 38® $1.00 Value Lanolin Rich band lotion soothei rousb. cracktd hands. Osnulna Woodbury. Limit !. -Mala risar Bobby Piss Reg. 25c If Full pack! of M bobby i BabUs Bath Oil 33' Reg. 59c fooMiia "Albarle Cmlrot^ KiUMwtf 1i VOrS Reg. 1 ' $U5 1 - lUnatavay »ba af Vo4 :t a deals. -MahsFIssr BARGAIN BASEMENT Fssa Bsktoi Sscksl 18x30” Rugs I Sssky BsuisS MiM* i CbeRille Drapes Ree. 69c Value 32*1«1 Reg. $2.95 Pair 57 Choice of 12 cf^rs in solids and ^ tweeds — non-skid foam rubber backing. On^ 200. ^ ChiUce of attractive oolora — many with scroll designs. Luxury chenille. First quality. 80x99" Tint Qmality Sheet Blanket 57 Twii Sin ennm Bedspreads Reg. $2.59 Value 157| s 4 I 2 Im i I ■ 3.00 a; ■ 99 100% cotton in green or blue ^ c colors — softly napped, whip ^ c med edges. o stitched tumM Wiiter LiMed MEN’S WAIM 'THEBMO-inf, Jackals asj Coals | Men's Drawers 399 IQQi I 73^ Bomber styles, aurcoat styles, j lined twill Jackets, etc. First I quality. Broken sizes. Elastic waist, «nkU length. Oet-I ton thermal traps body hsM. I 1st quality American. Sixes S-f M-L. MobIoi Colter, liMod Gioip ol DOTS' Boys’ Jackets or Sweaters 991’l: 109 Reg. $5.95 Value 2 $2.95 Eo. Surcoat style, knit cuffs, zip- i per front, solids or checks. Sizes > 4-5-6-6X. Size le In navy color, i S Cotton fUmnelette robes in Upe SPECIALS for WOMEN NylM Stretebies Sin 32 Oily te Ladies’ Gloves f Ladies’ Blouses Values to $1 Pair 39’is79 one size fits all—nylon Stretch gloves in red or blue colors. 300 pair Oood assortment of styles and colors — If you wear a size 13 here’s a big value. 4 Styles. Over 150 test 100 ef Then Ladiss’ Swssten | Ladles’ Dusters 2991 4 00 g; —Now ■ Values $10.98 Many of some styles, few Choice of an < styles In every size. Spcctel GnMf el Weel Deaegel Tweed ^ Ladies’ Car-Coate f GloVCS Reg. $21.98 Value 7”i^84^ coat, all wool in- ji* " All wool car coat, all wool in- SPECIALS for CHILDREN Over 400 Wiatei m WeaheMe RyteM Child’s Headwsar I ChHd’t Sas4rite piscount DtpsrtmerW Stora TEN THE i*OXTlAi PRESS. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 1. 1961 Obacrvere Differ on Methods How fo Solve Gold Crisis a Real Problem The a\-en«e annual flow ot dt-jabout $158 mllUon-^dbout 60 peri Some tribes gt the Pueblo In-rect private investment ftom tiie cent «( tt in the petroieunt indue-diaas live on land grants in New tJ. S. to Africa, the Middle fiaM. try. The total U about 13 per cmt Mex Ico that date haidk to flie and Asia since 19S3 has beenlol all U, S. foreign investment. I^nish crown. ' ' By HAM DAWSON >eoce and has uckled in bis Statejprices and putting and kcepinglcus Nadter. consultant to thei 'AT BaslMas Ncsrs Aaalyat of the Ut^ ntessage. jtfae U. S. Treasuty on, a balanced|Haiiov«' Bank of New Yt alone by bringing the dol- steps already taken to trim cner-ito meet all the legitimate requite i who daily grow more xocnl on,tor’s oxeruess outgo and incoine seas spending wUI make its endimerks of the country He holds! die problem which President Ken-;into batonoe-but only if it is also,certain. jthat gold no longer plays a signi- j" "* by stabilizing ^ betxxeen aie those who hold «*'««»» itde as a basis tor domestic that the Ion of gold in the last:‘T«f't- bqt that ite princ4»I func-,three years is indeedi serious and-lton now is fo effect international must be st(H>ped, that half-way|P®>*’’^"to measure* wron i do it. but that the His thesis is that while the L’nit-doUar isn’t in present dangei asied States can take measures to vnnopructors m>m t^miac whl *’«»*«* might indicate jcorrect its balance of payments! > attend a special meeting at the * * * ,h* n President Kennedy sums up the,*^"®^ undermine thcj problem this way; rhe oxw-nll!^"®*^*®*^ political relattonsj , Itroit. Thursday iat 8;30 p m. ^ ^ puynients;®^ nations. ” Local chiropractor* pUxnnmg to with the rest irf the world in-i * ★ * attend include: Dr. C L. Baker, creased by nearly $11 bUlion in; Dr. Nadler’s thesis is: ‘"rhe dol-iDr. M. E. Baker. Dr.'William L. the last three years. And holders;lar pioblem is an international Dunkeid. D*-. Harry Godsell. Dr. of dollars abroad (foreigneis andjone. It was caused by the efforts Walter Godsell, Dr. Gilbert J. Pa- Americans! converted some $.5 bil- erf the United Stetes 'to help toe I cene.' Dr. W A. Sears ami Dr. lion of that talo gold once held by pother nations and to protect tlirtn ^Clarence R. Will. the Treasury. against Sbxlet aggression. It mtisf * * * . All bank economists heard frorajtoerefdre be sohTd by Intema- Guest speaker will be attorney agree with the President that thejlional cooperation and agrec-Siexen Victor, who win discuss the dollar miisl be .maintained at itsjment. ” ! relationship between doctw and|present lex'rt. which means the' Achieving such cooperation ia ai lawyer in court procedures ’IV goJd price must V kept at $35 anjmajor task. But many bankers! meetmg IS sponswed by the Michi-ounce 'here agree that such measures! EAHTER SE.A1S—Designs tor gan Slate Chiroptachc Society. Inc. On bank economists. Dr. Mar-imust he sought and started. As! the 1961 Easter Seal poster and ------------ the (Win Easter Seals which xriit go into some 40 million American homes are rexwaled today by the National Society fw Crippled Children and Adults. The Easter Seal Campaign opens March 3 and continues through Easter Sunday , ^ril 2. ”111# designs are the WM* of two oi the country's leading adx-ertising artists. Tlje poster, in muted tones of blue and grey, features the portrait of a small boy on crutt^es. It carries t b e appeal, ’’Help Easter Seeds Fight Cripfdihg.” ithe Hanover Bank economist seesi |it: "The mere adoption of 8uch{ measures, ex'en though some time! must ela{»e beftoe they come into! full fruitim. will reduce the out-1 flow of gold and ultimately bring it to an end." So. patience, maybe other affluent nations will see it our way. IDEAL BookksepiinBSystmn Compkt* took . .. ^ fre. "a** IDEAL BudgstRtcoed EACH, .afoo PAAK FREf DOWNTOWN to >iamp your tM«. cl«» a bw Aon 01 pajr your parkhti motoi ANNOUNCING THE ART MCTAt 50D GROUP FULLY COOROINATCO OFFICE FURNITURE OROUR OEBIONCO TO BELL AT A MODERATE PRICE Ths SOO Group if the first fuHy coordinated and which hat mads tos Art Mslsi nsm* wfnon^ comprshsnsivs sshes of mstal dssks, chairs, mous with valus for mors than 70 yaars. filss and esbinsts It givst you a flsxlbitity of Ttto oompista Nn* includas datigns for aach functionondappsaranctnavsrbsforaavMable. part of ypur otfica. It is snginttrsd to kasp Ossiinsd by ths Knoll Planning Unit, it It psco with your chariging noodt. Soo too now producod with tha quality of tschnicai akW Art Motel SOO Group toon! PARK FREE DOWNTOWN General Printing & Oifice Supply 17 WfMt Lowrtnet St., Pontioc FE 2-0135 Turn Down Cadillac Field for NCA Flights WASHLNGTON «UPI! - The CHil Aeronautics Board has i-uJed that North Central Airlines may? c'ontlnue to serve Cadillac and ‘ Reed City through Reed City's' Miller Field. The board rejected a protest by Cadillac which had origihalty tx-pected that iu municipal airport! would be used by North Central as: the twocity service point. FleM an grsnad* that Iti 1 waa Isager and. aeeonuiMdate Caavair SM air-ptanes. TV board agreed with North; Central, citing a report from the! federal aviation agency that the? Com’air 340’s could use Cadillac! Airport "only xrith tevere uneco-! nomic weight penalties." This meant that the planes woidd have to carry less than a full load of passengers, baggage, mail and; fuel. Art Institute Loses One-AAon Police Force DETRCHT (J» — For the first tinid in its 31-year history the Detroit Institute of Arts is goit^ to be without a city policeman. The poUce department, pleading a diortage of manpower, is canceling its one-man tour ot duty at the midtown art gallery. Since opening in 1026 the institute has. aiwRys had a policeman. Divorce Decrees Ssadrs P«m Ecniwth Baekai. Jaaet Iran Joim Pollock Jr. BMmood C. from Juo, M. Forbt, Vgorl. from Mott DickUl. Sortlis U. from Chorio, 8. Noy. BlIiT from Thclms D. Block. StevMi A. from jMdc o. Adanu. Bedwt* P. from Anton Zadurovyez Wlocn R. from IMward O Leatenz Irlrta from Joa^ R. Cannoa. fUrcarot from RiArrt Anderton. M ill 0-Jib-Wa Bitters ■ II V. aama aksaa-.-qsy m. E M., oaraoiT-“i «aa ms .. pock as aaS mo.o to Arlaoao tor my At 0 laal rtaort I Mt« O-raS-WA aaf mom tai “ o-ia-WA BiTTEas._______________ mSalaa*Ai*tAi**!iui?***'**l aa* SNIckar Aattat naa AT AU MU« STOMt shop Sears TOMORROW NIGHT UNTIL 9 p.m. for big values! SEARSDIAMOND JUBILEE TRUCK LOAD SALE Autoi^atic Blankets SAVE $22! Seai*s-0-Pedic Duo For Tops in Comfort and Wear SAVE UP TO 25%! reg $10.98 up to $39.50 r 36 50 Charge It Sears huge blanket assortment carries guarantees from 1 to 5 years! All completely washable. Assorted fabrics and combinations in choice of colors. Quantities limited .. . /ome only 2 of a kind! Lowest Price in Our History! 527-eoil full sixe mattress or 527-eoil liox spring This terrific sleep set passed Sears lab tests with flying colors . . . and just look at all these comfort features! Same number of coils in both matti-ess and spring for balanced support,.. extra-thick rubberized hair padding for buoyancy . . . Serofoam reinforced / borders for longer life. Beautifully covered in a luxurious grey and white damask cover of heavy cotton and rayon. Promise yourself to see this sp^tacular buy now . . . enjoy the super-savings and the super-comfort of the finest Harmony House quality mattresses and springs! FULL OR TWIN REG. 69.95 75 47 5IatliC«M or Box Spring $5 DOW!X» Months to Pay! Plastic Shower and Window Curtain Set Raff. 5.M 388 Set Chazt* It Heavy gauge aeamless ptoctic with double - stitched no-aag top. "Flight ” pattern. 11.9S Trteet Shower Set . 5JP Save 1.10 oh 5.98 Reversible Quilts •OxM-ia. ^88 Wide choice of patterns in washable hues, ruffled edges. Lightweight wsrmth. ^ SUPER SAVINGS ON SUPER SIZES! KING-SIZE SET JSf. 177” Inclutles'^ DoU) mattress, spring. TWIN or FULL I.ONGSTER 57” Mattress or box spring. Soon Ceaipleta Fursitaye Dept.. Sacead Fhoi Sale! Sears-O-Pedic Quilt-Top Tuftless MATTRE^ OR BOX SPRING 57"^ Full or Twiib Regular 69.95 SPECIAL WEEKEND SALE . . Gtnsole Sewing Machine Includes Beautiful Cabinet Sews forward and revere C /fl SS has simplified easy threading. ^/M Mm Get a machine you can depend on ... get a Kenmore to^y! $5 Down Sawing Nackia* Oqpi.. Nate flsay ''Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back^ SEARS 154 North Saginaw ooLp Phone FE 54171 THE PbxTIAC PRESS. WEDNESDAY Musings oh Eve of Centennia Alumnae Bridge-Tea Saturday f^roceeds Will Go to Society for Crippled People By MABJORUE BICHER Womcn’i Editor, Th« raatlM fraM ThU to tbe city: muffled, dtogutoed— uftened «n'd hushed by tbe burden of white vouchsafed from the skies. This to the city, winding lU sinewy streets athwart a wondrous huddle of homes where none repeats the pattern of another; alone, unique, like Individual snowflakes. En masse, they represent a unity we term community and li^l with names that proudly bear a century’s weight with grace to match the mantilla of snow her stately elms wear In their hair. in it it This to the city ringed by liuty factory spires that spew a smoke that speius of man's Ingenmt^ to span the , years from buggy whip gears with continuity. This to tbe city—hiding the gleam of a valley stream called CUnton 'neath concrete cloak. Yet mindful sUll of the moecasined throng that stood on Huron hill and marked its loveliness short centuries ago. Did they know this place would bear a mighty chieftain’s name? Yet kindle from the white man's need of transport Its own peculiar flame, and grow in years and grace and strength, emcom-passing the length of Clinton stream? * * ★ This to the city of a hundred years. Three hundred thousand sunrises have gone before, and stretching out Its strength across a span of century-growth, this strange amalgamy of home and man. of loveliness and labor, will mark three hundred thousand more! For this 18 a dty. Plan* are b e i n g completed ' ter the annual bridge-tea spon- sored by the Alfdia Delta Pi Alumnae .SHturday at 1 p.tu. in the downtowii auditorium of Tl»e J. L. Hudson Co. Proceed* will beneUt the .Na-Monal Society ter Crippled Children and Adults and its affiliate*. the Oakland County and Western Wayne Cuunt> ad-cieties Tictict chairman foi the Nortli SuburtNUi Group Is .Mrs. John Boyd». with Mrs. FTed-'erick Wuellner, also of Bir-minghuni ser\dng ss oochair-man. Mrs. Richi^ Hilkey of Madison llei^s is door prize chairman Mrs. Elizaheth Kirkby (setond from right), executive secretary the Oakland County Society for Abby Not Sold Ngith Suburbiui Alumnae planning to attend are Mrs. E. W. McGwern, Mrs. Glenn Dick. Mra. David Millrr, Mrs Harry Dunn. Mrs. Ernest Bei-ger. Mrs. W. E. Saylor. M«. George Baird. Mrs. Phillip Pretz, Mrs. Daniel Bishop ami Mrs. Jake Hawley. Crippled Children and Adults, shoivs Alpha Delta Hi \orth SuAmrlnm alumnae Mrs. Jake Hawley (left) and Mrs. Daniel Hishop how benefit funds are used. Little Kenneth Adams, patient at the society's training center, is learning to stand and to balance with a standing table purchased by donations. The sorority will stage a benefit bridge and tea Saturday. Noted Designer Tells Us; Shrugs at Pointed Shoes Serving as hostesses tot the benefit will be Mr*. Robert Brown, Birmingham, and Mrs. Prestem Huband. Roval Oak American Homes Reek With Bad Taste By ABIGAIL VA.N DEAR ABBY: A while back you started a campaign to get rid of the sack dress. How about a campaign to get rid of t h o i e horrible pointed shoes? I have held out buying shoes for She ignored my letter. Don t you think there is something wTong with people who lock themarives in? FRIENDLY NEIGHBOR ABBY year and my feet are almost back to normal again. There are just no comfortable. good-looking shoes to be had anymore. Even elderly women are hobbling around in those ridiculous pointed - toed, spindly - heeled shoes. And the steel tips are ruining everybody's linoleum and carpets! Gorti, Abby. can’t you do something about it? FXX)TSORE AND WEARY DEAR F. and W.: Pam told the wmmen "love" the new pointed shoes. (Yes, and even the spindly heels that ruin the floor covering! ! I may be a heel—but I am not sold. DEAR FRIENDLY: Folks rarely lock themselves In—but they frequently lock others out. Latch on to some friendlier neigWaors. CONFIDENTIAL. TO "TROUBLED TEEN”: Its nice tp be important, but it’s important to be nice. Tells of Work in W. Pakistan Zonta Hears Talk by Harold Euler DEAR ABBY: My best gill-friend's husband is the type who “loves his wife but oh. you kid!" He tells her he has to work late, go to a meeting, etc., and in the meantime he is running oiuund with other women. She is a wonderful person. They have two nnall children. Do you think it's my ' place to tell her? This has been going on tor four years. They have been mairied for five. A VERY GOOD FRIEND DEAR FRIEND: If you are Harold B. Euler, administrator of Pontiac General Hospital, was guest speaker at the lunchfeon meeting of Zonta-Internatkmal of Pontiac at the Hotel Waldron. Films were shown of different ty’Pes of rooms and new equipment In use at the hospital. Fi^-eeds fixun the annual Zonta card party Feb. 9 at 8 p.m. at the American Legion Home on Auburn Av^enue will aid the many community charity projects sponsored by the club. Gene Purdy, a teacher of Bible and English at a girl’s boarding school in West Pakistan, spoke of her , woric at ttie cooperative d:nner for Wesleyan Service Guilds at Central Methodist Church Monday. Members modeled several native costumes during her talk. R> I'Hi lXIK BAT1 KLI.K, NEW YORK — ."Not one nut of KXJ Americans knows a decern house from a bad one. Aixi after they buy a house, they haven’t any idea what to furnish it with. "But that’s no matter — because about 99 per cent of the houses being built now are so — awful it really doesn't matter too much what you do with them inside. "Why does tite ljuii:a! .American house look like the i.Npical American house? The obvious answvr. of course, is the taste level of the population. But I suspA.; much of her work has been done in collaboration with Methodists in West Pakistan. *rhe Junior Wesleyan Guild Central Methodist was in charge of the dinner meeting. DEAR ABBY: Some neigh bors of ours were very friendly at first. Then all of a sudden they stopped coming to see us, so I went over there one night to sec what was wrong. Through the window I could see her and her husband sitting there watching television, but I couldn’t get in because the screen door was latched. I wrote her a letter telling her I thought it was insulting to lock up a house as tight as a bank so people couldn’t even get ig) on the porch to ring the bell. Womens Section Moloney-Smith Vows Are Repeated Margaret Mary Smith of Highland Parit pledged wedding vows to Robert L. Moloney Saturday morning in St. Benedict Church, Highland Park. The Rev. Thomas Sauter was assisted by the Rev. M. Dam- ien of Mai-mlon Military Academy. Aurora. 111., where the bridegroom attended school. Hotel Beception Follows Plagens-Brosted Bites A reception in the Hotel Waldron followed the nuptiato of Donna Jean Brosted and Ralph K. Plagens of Detroit Saturday morning in St. Vincent de Paul Church. The Rev, Edward Olszewski performed the cere^y before an altar banked w^ white gladioli. Daughter of Mrs. Harry I. Brosted of South Francis Street and the late Mr. Brosted, the bride was given in marriage by her uncle Thurman G. Newbound. Mr. and Mrs. Louto Plagens of Detroit are tiie bridegroom’s par- The bateau neckline of the bride's gown(of wMte silk taffeta was trimmed with galleon lace. Her basque waistline extended into a bouffant floor-length skiri accented with lace medallions and soft self-fabric roses. A lace cap secured the butterfly veil of pure silk illusion. White cymbidlom orchids centered the bridal cascade of white carnations and ivy. Mrs. Del Chavez attended the bride as matron of honor. A college roommate, Mrs. Donald B. Fraser of Uvonia. and Barbara Corte. of Port Huron were bridesmaids. Daughter of Mrs. Gaven Smith of Highland Park and the late Judge Smith, the bride was given In mairiage by her brother-in-law Richard Szot of Chicago. The bridegroom is the son of Lawronce J. Moloney of Colonial Trail, and the late Mrs. Merfoney. Attendants In princess-Ime red vdvet frocks, carrying cascades of white carnations, preceded the bride to the sanctuary. Their hats and shoes were also red. Mrs. Rictord Szot attended her sister as matron of honor. The bridegroom’s sister .Maurren Moloney and Mre. Paul Bochnig served as bridesmaids. in Chicago, the couple will be at home (mi Menominee Road. For her daughter's wedding. Mrs. Smith selected a Ceil Chapman original In royal blue shantung with matching hat and shoes. Her flowers were white cymbidium orchids. Evening vows of Cared M. Lazenby and Thomas D. Studt were repeated to the Rev. Ar-vld ' Anderson Saturday in Christ Lutheran Church, Waterford. White cborsanthe-mums and gladioli adorned 8ie Mtar. Parents of tbe couple, the ^oyce K. iazenbys of Rowley Street, Drayton Plains, and the William' J.' Stftdts Of tSveirldge Street, received some 40© guests In the diurch parlors following the ceremony . who damns us. above, is aifhj-tect-industrial designer Gporge Nelson, creator of everything trom the storage-w all and L-•shaped desk to the United States e.xhibit in Moscow and the "atoms ter peace" exhibit in Cairo. "And I’m not really angty," he say# firmly. “It just makes me sad to see our rows and rows of little badly made modern houses. WTjat could be more anthuman and soul-destroying than thousands of p<^ pie living in a series of file drawers? “We’ll pay tor these develop- . ments in terms of mental health problems, social discontent, and the money we wll^ use to tear them all dovyp^ few yeart trom now." / Nelson has a lean, brooding face when be docribes America as a land of "tissue paper culture. We are not builil-ing antiques tor the future — just things to use and throw away." He smiles Wryly when he points out that industry cares little what it makes, as long as it sells. His slogan tor businessmen. “Always first with what the oflier guy has. provided it’s selling. ’ dow n and watch television tor a real dead evening. "People don’t like to woi-k that hard." Besides, he concedes, what the average family doesn’t know won’t hurt'them. It only hurts people like the late Frank Lloyd Wright and George Nel-8(m ... and the occasional home -seeker who has good taste and cannot afford to indulge it. “These are the people to fed sorty tor. There to an assumption that the average ^ citizen can make his house | beautiful because he has some , knowledge. But If h'B makes, say, $10,000 — what can he *M»y, #AW,VW --- rstm* do? He can’t go to a fine archi- • feet. He can’t buy beauty cheaply. He miut just do his best, a little frustrated.” | The bride’s gown of white slipper satin was fashioned with molded bodice and bateau neckline of Alencon lace em-bruideied with seed pearls. The torso waistline e.xtended into a bouffant skirt and chapel train. Of course. Nelson says, the American people could "wori< out their own salvation. But the salvation is not acceptable to them. They’d have to sit down and study .ansWtecture. and art, and teauty. They’d have to read, rather than sit Another curious anomaly of -culture, as reflected in home decor, is the fact that "a* people’s lives become more complicated, they tend to want their homes to be more simple and uncluttered; peaceful refuges from their comjdex world outside. “On the other hand, as their status goes up, they must collect stutt. There is a growing fear among petite that fliey aren’t people any more. •Things’ kfeep them in touch wffli reality." So they buj' things they don’t need. They want ’’difterent’’ things, they think; but in reality they want everything to remain the same." .AIKS. THOAUS'D, STUDT Pontiac Couple Is Wed at 1st Methodist Church Wearing identical dresses of gold taffeta; styled wifli short sleeves and bell skirts, the attendants Carried cascades of tangerine carnations and gold foUage. Richard Zaborowski of Detroit attended the bridegroom as best man. Louis Plagens Jr., seated guests; also Kenneth Raysln of Detroit. For a short honeynmon trip; the new Mrs. Plagens donned a gray and gold plaid wool suit, gold hat and gray acces- Alencon lace embroidered with seed'pearls enhanced the , molded Ixidice of the white satin bridal gown sivled with a chapel train. A hip-length vril of French illusion fell from a crown of pearls. White roses and stephanotis comprised the' bridal bouquet. Oiarles Mtrfoney sUxx’ as best man tor his brother. James M(rfoney (rf Detroit ushered wifli Snhail Shaya ot Livonia and Paul Bochnig. Wedding breakfast was served at the home of the bcide’s mother. Four 'hundred guests attended the afternoon reception at the home of tiie bridegroom’s father. Returning from a honeymoon Judith R. Gutzke exchanged wedding vows with Grover L. Tipton Jr. before the Rev. Paul T. Hart Friday evening in First Methodist Church. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. lieland M. Gutzke of Baldwin Road were hosts at the church reception. Greeting some 300 guests with them were the senior .Grover L. Tiptons of Adelaide Street, parents of the bridegroom. Draped panniei-s of rose pointe pattern Chantilly lace held Iv soft fabric roses accented tbe brick’s goWn of Figure Fashioners See Slides of Trip The petriyweds are graduates ot Eastern Michigan University and win live in Ypsi-tonti wrheiie flie iiridegroom will oratinue studies on his , master’s degree,. Mrs. Wayne Shaw showed slides of her recent trip to England, Germany and Switzerland at the Fashkm Your Figure Club meeting ’Hiursday evening in tbe Adah Shelly Lt- Green cymbidium orchids accented'Mrs. Brosted’* fold brocade jacketed sheath dress worn with cocoa accessories. Mrs. Ftogetii appeared in a blue taffeta A«se witfa matching acceaeories. Her flowm were white cymbkHum orchids. The trophy for the greatest weight lbi« for the previous week was presented to Mrs. Park Nique. Mrtf Robert representing cumulative weight On the esquire side were Kenneth Leeoe, best man and ushers Fred Wilson of Lincoln Park and Duane Whitson. The bridegroom’s brother Billy Tip-ton Was junior usher. Leaving for a honeymoon, the new Mrs. Tipton was wearing a (oast shade knit suit with brown accessories, the couple will be at home on Newberry Street. Mri. Gutzke chose a tiered dress of Wedgewood rose law and Mrs. Tipton appeared in beige brocade with ttirqUolse accessories. Both mothers wore cymbidium orchids, white taffeta styled with chapel train. Wrist-point sleev’es of lace extended from the basque bodice of lace designed with scaUo(>ed Sabrina •neckline touched with seed pearls and sequins. A queen’s crown of pearls, sequins and lace secured the full circular veil of imported silk illusion. White roses, feathered carnations, Stephanotis and Ky cominised the bride’s chapd bouquet Attendants were honor maid Mary Ann Smith, Mrs. James Crosby, cousin of the bride. Mrs. Kenneth Karizen and the * briite’s sister Janet. Their ballerina-length .dresses ot cerulean blue satin featured tulip skirts. They held baskets made of pink pompims and silver leaves. SILK illusion Fingertip veiling of silk illusion was caught by a Swedish crown of pearls and riilne-stones. The bride wore a single strand of pearls, gift of her husband, and carried a round arrangement of white carnations. miniature red roses. Stephanotis and feathered carnations. ★ A ♦ Marlene l.azenby. sister’s honor maid, appetuM in floorJengtb cotillion blue crystal-backed satin. St>1ed along princess lines, the dress featured a tiered bustle. A white fur headpiece and muff topped with cotWion blue feathered carnations completed her ensemble. m I FINAL I REDUCTIONS i in our semi-annual shoe Bridesmaids Mrs. Richard Ryan, Mrs. Vincent Alopci and Mrs. Donald Lucarelli. aunt of the bride, wore similar gowns in royal blue. Royal blue carnations rested on their white fur muffs. In their cousin’s wedding party were Pamela Lucarelli in cotillion blue taffeta and white I fur headband. She caiTled a ^ basket of rose petals. Tommie Knight carried the rings. John Studt was best man tor ‘•(4 his brother. Robert Studt and jj. tbe bride's brother. Larry Laz- j; enb>’ seated guests with .Stanley [I Laiicin. Before leaving on a motor trip through niinois and Ohio, the new Mrs. Studt changed to a navy dressmaker suit. The bridegroom Is a graduate ot Augustana College, Rock Island. 111. The couple will liv-e in Hizabeth Lake Estates. Sounds Delicious MM. OBOVGK L. 'SEPTON JR. (NEA)—Wool jerzey for daytime to cut from such d^ lickMis colors as silver, mist green, gmethyet. and dierry. Thbq^ the cut to casual, the ooiori «re beinifleB. ^ a Mrs. Lazenby chose a dusty rose-pink sheath dress of embroidered sUk organza over taffeta with matching organza hat. She carried a pcari clutch bag and wx>re long white gtoves and a spiral ot miniature pink roses. Mrs. Studt chose'cocoa beige diantilly lace over taffeta and a beige hat. She carried a gold beaded purse and w’ore bdge wrfet-len^ gloves. Her flowitrs were green cym- heels, .fovorite teiO»»-«nd flats. SuatiB, cafe, okwa laather Iri ji wi^ selection n4 nUitoP« AR dxei |n Five Pages today in Women's Section 1 V, THE PONTIAC PRESS. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1961 Deaths in Pontiac and Nearby Areas in Europe A li6-yau>old Watarford Town-Up Junior, Douglas Lyon of 7388 Hatchery Road, has been selected from a group of 50 township M|Ji school students to spend the summer in a fmeign country. The yotttii was chosen (or his outsttndihg leadership qualities, academic standing and church activities, the selection was made by a committee ol Waterford Town-High School students, and another committee of high school teachers. ^xmsored by die Waterford branch of the Wpmen’s National Farm Garden Club, and Clifford Behtle>' of Watwiord, the pro-gnun is under the auspices of the Mkhigan Council of Churches. Douglas will have a cbUce of whidi country he would like to live in for two months and has indicated he’d like to visit a French- PAflL e. ANAhT A Triaagion service will be held at 8:30 tonight in the*'Voorheds-Slple' Funeral Home for Paul E. Anast, 71, of. 374 Osmun *St. •Seivicp’Will be held at 2 p.m. Thursday at the St Gemge Greek Orthodox Church With burial Ook HID Cemetery. Mr. Anast died Monday at Joseph Mercy Hospital after a i illness. ELNKB 0. ARNOLD Ebner C. Arnold, 66. 5486 Cruse St. Waterford Township, died yesterday at Pontiac Osteopathic’ Hospital. He has been ill three weeks. A retired metal finisher at Pon-tia<^ Motor Division, he is i vived by his wife, Mlraiie; daughter, Mrs. Clair Sherman of Waterford Township; two grandchildren; a sister and a brother,' Service wHl be held at 1:30 p.m. Friday at Donelaon-Johns Funeral Home with burial following in W'hite Chapel Memorial Cemetery. MRS. SARD BURLINOHAM Mrs. Sard r Lillian M i Burling-ham of 90 Waldo St. died yesterday at her residence. She was 90. •Mrs. Burlingham was a member of Central Methodist Qiurch. Surviving are a dau^ter Helen E. Of Pontiac: and a son, Donald of Chicago, 111. . A private servli-e will be held at 1 p.m. Friday at the Pursley Fu-m-ral Home with burial following In Perry Mount Park Cemetery. IJCSIJi: K. (X)\'KLL\ Ipm- tomorrow at the W'ilUam **Wriiing of trash, and the|pdltical meeting of 4,000 Africans .Se.vice lor Le.slie E, Conklin buildings. T^sd^ 62. Of 560 Crescent Lake Road will Mqmo^ Service at| be held at 10 a m. Thuraday at * P *"- I Voorhees-Siple Chapel. Burial will He was a member of tlie ............. .. Rochester Kiwanis Club and *He Mrs. Dorothy Chetwood in CaU->rnia. Mr. Sturdy wu killed in an aircraft exploaioa Saturday when an American Airlines Boeing 707 jet transport cradled in the Atlantic Ocean just offshore from Long Island, N.Y. MRS. JOSEPH TAFT hfrs. Joaeph (Maude M.) Taft of 330 Whitteipore St. died yesterday at St Joaeph Mercy Hoqihal. She had been ill aevefal weeks. She Is survived by her husband. Mrs. Taft’s body is at the Sparits-Griffin Funeral Home. ROBERT N. THOMASON Service and burial for Robert N. Thomason, 53. of 102 ,Calvert St. Fill be held from the' Kiaer Fu-heral Home in Greenville, Terai. His body was taken there by the Donelson-Johns Funeral Home. Mr. Thomason died unexpectedly of a heart attack when at work at General Motors Truck & Coach Division yesterday. WALTER T. UeBAENK ROCJiKTER-.Serv1ce for Walter T. DcBaene, 51, of 401 Norlh-wxxid St., will be at 10 a.m. Friday Andrew Catholic Church M-lowed by burial in Mount Avon Cemetery. Mr. DeBaene. owner of (he Walter T. DeBaene Tax and Bookkeeping Service in Rochester for the past 20 years, died yesterday after a long illness at St. Joseph Mercy Hoapital, Pontiac. A Rosary will be recited, at 8:30 RAYMOND R. STRATTON Service tor Raymond R. Stratton. 60. of 694 W. Walton Bivd. was held today from flie HuntooO Funeral Heune with burial in Oak Hin Cemetery. An empicve of C>fneral Motors Truck k Cbach Division tor the past 25 years, he leaves 1^ wife. Rose; a ^ghter Unda at home; a steter. 5^. Maiy Smith of Walled Lake; and two brothers. Joseph of Auburn Heights and James of Pontiac. Mr. Stralton died Sunday of heart ailment at his re^en after an ilness of three weeks. H. KIRK WHITE LAPEER Seiyice for fmmer Lapeer area' resident H. Kirif White, 26. of Sanford, Fla., will be at 2 p.m. Friday at Muir Mothers FXineral Home followed by burial in Mount Hope Cane-tery. * ★ * Mr. White died Friday In an airplane crash near Sanford, Fla. His body will be at the funeral home after 9 a.m. tomorrow. Surviving besides his v Norma are two daughters. Tanya and Tamia, both at home; Ids father Henry White of New Hudson; his mother Mre. Robert Whit-stock of Lapeer; and two sisters. Mrs. Ariette Keeran of New IHKEOVI t», THUR. m. SAT.-d SjneM Queen's Aunt Has Flu LONDON (AP) - Kensington Palace said Tuesday night the Duchess of Kent, aunt of Queen Elizabeth II, is confined to bed with flu. *1 ------------- ; NAIROBI. Kenya (API - Riot Three-fifths of the components of squads armed with rifles, pistols smog come from automobiles and and pick handles broke up be In Perry Mount Park Cemetery. A retired tool crib attendant at General Motors Truck & Coach Division; he leaves his wife Gladya; a son. Stewail L. of Pontiac; a daughter, Mrs. Richard Keller of Pontiac: five grandchildren; and a brother Elmer of Clarkgfon.' Mr. Conklin died Monday at Vet- j erans Hospital. Ann Arbor after ai'”’’ ® brother; a sister: and three lung Ulnesii. I grandchildren. CT-4RK K. PARDEE I ^ Service for Clark E. Pardee. 63,; LAPEER — Service for Mrs. Notre Dame Club of Detroit. Surviving besides his wife Selma are lour daughters, Mrs. Waiter Kowalcyzk of Rochester and Janice Ann, Diane and Joan De-Baena, ail at home; a son, Walter Jr. of Rochester; his mother Mrs. Camille DeBaene of Roches- o( .5402 Camboiirne Plaqc, West Bloomfield Township, will be at 11 a.m. Friday from the Bell Cliapd of tile William R. Hamilton Co., Birmingham. Buqal will be in W’hite Chapel Memftrial Cemetery, Troy. Mr. Pardee died yesterday at William Beaumont Hospital, Royal'Funeral Home. Mrs. Kelso died! Oak, after a lengthy Ulness. jyesterday at Lapeer County Gen-{ He was an automotive manufac-jeral Hospital after a four-day, turcr’s representative and a mem-i illness. her of the Episcopal Church of the Surviving besides her husband j Advent in Orchard Lake, and thelare two sisters. Mrs. Mary Elliotti Recess dub in Birmiiwl|am. Hejof ^P«er and Mrs. Bernice Stair; also was past master of Dea................. Masonic Lodge 172. Mr. Pardee was veteran ofi World War I, seiving with the Fred M. .1 Antoinette) Kelso, 78. of 4226 Skinner Lake Road, will be at 10 a.m. Saturday at Immaculate Conception Catholic' Church. Burial will be in Mount' Loretto Cemetery. ' ' A Rosary will be recited at 8:30, p.m. Frid^ at the Muir Brothers; f Dearborn'of Chillicothe, Ohio, and .a brother. MRS. JLXIUB NEHMiARDT AVON TOWNSHIP - Mrs. Julius 1 We Extend an Area-Wide Invitation to our OPEN HOUSE Sunday, February 5th From Noon 'til 6 P. M. Our new facilities ore completed and we ore proud ot the results. We will be hoppy to hove you inspect them on this occosion "Thoughtful Service” SpwtksQ/u$iv MMMIMSKIBMSBCMM Swi 22f/ 69f U, nmcemcom Kmmms This Sate Oaty 47i For SaukUme, Pirtytims, Anytime! Sale Priced lor Three Deys Only! Here’s the candy treat everyone loves to eat—tasty, nourishing peanut clusters. Each flavorful cluster is a blend of rich milk chocolate with fresh-roasted peanuts. Get several pounds TODAY at Big Buy savings! Special—Thursday, Friday, Saturday aniy! At Kresge’s—"This Week’s Big Buy is Your Buy' Aimy’s 107th Aero Squadron, and of World War II when he was a major with the 2nd Air Foi«e. ^rviving are hia wife Helen; a daughter, MrS. Thomas C. Tucker of Bloomfield Hills: a son, Oark E. Pardee Jr. of Birmingham, a stepdaughter, Mrs. Carol Elliott of Highland Park; a sister, and 11 grandchildren. > (Frances! Neidhardt 84. of IIDO S. Livemois Road, died yesterday at her residence of a heart attack. Her body is at the Pixley Funeral Chapel. Rochester. Service will be held Friday at the Reitz Funeral Home in Saginaw with burial to follow tliere. Surviving are two sona, daroice of Grand Rapids and Carl of Saginaw: a daughter, Mrs. Ruth Hub-ner, with whom she made her home; six grandchildren; and 10 great-grandchildren. 3530 Auburn Rd., Auburn Heights HOWARD L. STITIDV Service for Howard U Sturdy. 37. of Park Forest, 111. will be held at 2 p.m. f'riday at Sparks-1 Ciiffin. Chapel. Burial will be in] MRS. *.LOENAg L. BOSS White Chapel Memorial Ceme- FARMINGTON — Service for d Tuesday at hiaiFrank Femstrum of Grosae Pointe winter home of an appaient heart!®”** ^'^rs. John McQeUan of Lake attack. He had down from his | Orion; seven grandchUdren; and home in St. Louis to Naples Mon-j "in® great-grandchildren, day. TWO DOCTORS ON DUTY ASSURE YOU IMMEDIATE SERVICE on EYE EXAMINATIONS FILLING PRESCRIPTIONS EYE GLASS REPAIRS PONTIAC OPTICAL CENTER 103 N. Saginaw (across from Simms) FE 2*029) Hrs. 9:30-5:30'Daily Mon. or Fri. Eva. by Apnit. A. A. Miles, O.D. — P. C Falnberg, 0.0. f FOOD FESTIVAL SPECIAL LUNCHEONS rA#f. ^lUiy/CompUteTurkfcy Dinner With Pie, Beverage Tender roast t»|tkey with uwry diew-ing, gravy, whipped potaioes. vegetable, tranberry wivice, ron. buftet, pie. beverage, fri, Fish Dinner Com- plete With Pie, Beverage fried fiUft of Haddock with cteamy outar jaiKC, fresh Marietti cole slaw, potatoes, rod. butter Pie, bevetage Stri, Lb. Horn Dinner, Gelatin Defiert, Beverage grilled ham steak topped with pineapple ring plus potatoe^ vege Ule, roll, butter. Gelann with moping. bevemge impart CPtna Sttaw Deaths Elsewhere NEW -YORK (AP> - Eugene Dennis,- 55, national chairman of the Communist party in the United States and^'one of 12 arrested in 1948 under the Smith Act, die& Tuesday at Mt. Sinai hospital. Dennis had suffered from a heart ailment and last year underwent ,a hmg cancer operation. He was a native of Seattle. ★ ★ ★ CHICAGO (AP) - John W. Doherty. 61, an international representative of the United Steelworkers of America, died Tuesday in a hospital after suffering a heart attack. Doherty w'as born in Birmingham, Ala. CLYDE C. SWIFT KEEGO HARBfXt - Service tor Clyde C. Swift, 62, of 2200 Beeeh-mont St., will be at 1 p.m. Friday at the C. J. Godhardt Funeral Home. Burial will be in New Hudson CemeteiT. New Hudson. Mr. StWft died yesterday at Pontiac Ostet^thic Hospital after an Ulness ol five years. Surviving, besides his wife Gertrude are two sons, Kenneth E. apd Clyde J.. both of Keego Harbor; tlvee daughters, Mrs. Edwin G. Trombly ol Drayton Plains and Mrs. Benjamin B. Golding and Mrs. John Ford, both of Keego; Harbor: a brother, Oaude of New. Hudson; and 14 grandchildren. , The Better Career Opportunities Are In Business To obtain the preparation that will qualify you for jobs in business attend'Pontiac Business Institute! Investigate the specific preparation for earning a living offered in ifttensive programs of study that are practical and effective. Accounting; Secret«1al, General Business, Clerical and Office Machine courses are offered. Free Pheemeat Service for Gradnatea “Training for Business Careers Since Poiitiac Business Institute, Inc. 7 W. Lawrence Street w FEdenil 2-3551 Especially built for workers wKo need sturdy, non-skid, odd and oil resislont dress-type service shoes with plenty of comfort- ond lQi;ig weorirvg POTATO SAIAO......Vh MARZeni COU SIAW . . 2S. ^!. diploinats pivdict the Security Ownctt't Caago debate (^Kning today will end in a deadlock. as haw aO others receirtly, itnlew the United States announces a new middle-road policy. * * « Adlai Stetenson. facing his fust debate as chief U.S. delegate, has gieen no indication of any switi-h in policy. He said Fn^ that President Keonedy's administration support.^ Secretary General Dag Hanuuardtjoid's efforts to Mfd the Congo erWs "by whal&er means he chooses . ’ ^ of| HamraarNkJoid s policies have been erkkiaed by the Omimumst bloc bnd African I’.N. members who si4^»n deposed Premier Patrice Lumumba, now jailed by President Joseph Kasav'ubu. Their fa • Pi demmids that the I N. force in the 3|X AlTienCanS 061 Congo re«tor« Lumumba to power 30 Years in Cuba ITiiKfDA TK.UN WRFXIi tUTK - This is the scene Of a hi'.ti;. irwk frailer and the eiytress passenger train Florida East Coast Oiampiua Tuesday in which Pontiac Press columnist Joel «r rsM«u« Haas escaped injury. The driver of (he truck. Wallace H. Futch Jr., waa killed. Thclve paaNengrrs were hurt, none seriously. The crash occuned in Ormond Beach. Fla. Proves Blessing to County Agency Studies Latin America ; Kennedy Worries Over ' Reds, 4. Gives Powers ! to Tow Force WASHINGTON tAPt - Utin America. in President Kennedy's State the Union message, is getting immediate attention from the new adminisiration. I For e.xample- i * * * I I 1. A new. high-level agency.! headed by Adolf A. Berte Jr., ai iFraidcUn D: Roosevelt brain tnist-i ,er, haa been named to handle Latin American affairs. • t. A food tor peace misaion to south of the border may bei : named early next week and, may go on lour before the end of the month. Two da.vs ago. Kennedy in his ; message to Congresa lamented I Cuba's Communist leanings. Hei said broad action was needed to' aid all Latin American nations. Late Tuesday. Beiie's task force was announc^. He has been at work at the State Department for; several days. The task force, according to an intonned source, will have the' jbioadest powers ever given any' Before the council were a variety HAVANA .AP. - Six Anueum - ^ ^ ^ wwe . . w - - --------- ol complaints;-Chaiges from the adventurers, who faced pos-siblt . B.v fUcy HA.NSON ,and two teen-age ice sltaters were,«^^ ^mic aid and fi-i ^on in the Congo: Kasavubu’s ac-!sentenced to JO years impns»n- uilen cunsi^by drtviTs, ice h*«jvictims ’ » » is » a ,Wioi^ nn™t»nfiv Wion that the United Arab ment. its .silver l^ig - providing it s: A,h,gother. SS perwn. dmwned ‘ i- f Republic interteml in Congo in- The Amcricai« were sintenc.il thick cnousfr- connti In to be J, iemal affairs, and a complainf that Tuesdaj . three day* after their { ,„;xl ole k e — in »me cases „„re, met their antlmcl.v fair at " ', in.',! unkniii^ denths State* ^ the imprisoned Lumumba has been trial before a milhm-y tribunal. ,„vveiiUil n. enf addition.s io the (be beck ®l sunaner. .tlTh-" ___________- Ighen • inhuman and brutal treat-Ca-Mio himseU reportedly had .i,v:,(h grim drowning toll in lake-' _ . , . . ‘*'1° ^nt." This was submitted by,been weighing (he verdict. dotted Oakland County. True to foi m. most of th ^ Ceylon. Ghana. Guinea. MaM.' Their sentenees ffa^ ^ximum ,akea enthusiasts. WWUd-‘y*SS ^ jUbya. Morocco, the United Arab prison terms under Cuban law, * fishermen .skafei-s and ice-during tlie hot months last j,ar. negieciea me ruics. , ANGELES (APi — Altor- Otopublic-and Yugoslavia. mterpreled here as the Cas-booic-s. have reveled acro^ theU late summer claimed 11 Hveti some of last year'sjneys say a $30,000 suit brought * * * i'ro regime s reaction to President substantial surface. There Ibetween July and September, jVictims. iby movie executive Jack L. War-' ; The Soviet Union charged Bel-K^nn«ly'» denunciation m ^ ^ |our Cramps and the unexpectedjtier against Judy Garland and he^i -gium was “taking steps to organire'State of the Union nH•3-^a„e -Mon 'sjrn.^ rt.iUer set in with plenty of months m by with no drbwnings'rlatmed the rest, e.vcept one. .husband. Sid Lult. has been; > S(«alled foreign legion” to fight «»ay W Communist Influence in^^,,„hcr. ‘ iin the countv'last year. *■“ •" In the Congo and demanded the Ct^- Deirnse attorneys said they ^ rwiv. The tricky ice claimed its last JBecurlty CouncU take ‘ decisiveappeal. LA^T WlNThK r.Ki.M .victim Feb. 2. The next person action.- The Soviet complaint also' . --------- l*“s* winter was a different *|«ry jyjy „„|y ^ jays accused Belgians of btanblng Con- A y Dean Youna after the fiist warmth igolese towns under the contnd of UCOn TOUng „,,ough the loe. Four small boys Lumumba-s supporters. to Direct Urban League ' i,.^r*S”a* thJjS*^i9» NEW YfMlK -* Whitney M 3 State Highway Dept. | brlag a record tow ia drowaliigs I Young Jr., de.m the Atlanta Employes Will Retire ’ I University school of social work, ^ ' , However, beftne the year ended, 1 been selected by the board of I.A.NS1NG tS'—ntroe State High-|[t -sutpass^ the previous year's I trustees of the National Urban way Dc|)ar(m«U employes with ajtQU by one. League to be the oipanizalion s total of more than 16 years seiv- pbe major factor in the totals' executive director. Ht iiry* ic-e will letire in Febniary. [was inexperience on the part ofj I Sieger Sr., league president, in They are CUirenCe H. Dale, S*,|young and old. |;noum-ed today. - forwinn of the garage at Grand! ^ Young. 39. will lake over the Unige and S3 years with the de-organization’s top professional job p;*rtment; Oscar Seugin, 64, sign! ef^rtiiniij i grow ^ from current executive director painter at Escanaba. 23 years with! iiLcster B. Granger who retires Oct. the dt'partmenl, and Herschel H. I L 1961. Granger was recently liect- Stewart. 66, aide af the Ann Arbor V pays about 1$ ciots hi n I taxaa aach Ume he haa U a put IMo Ma ear. Ice Cuts Drowning Tolll it of court for a reported | U.S. ROYAL TWO rZ^MOmPAYS fl^H?TYREX*2-‘23“ ‘AvHisrtisd U.S. Koysl lonrisim Ntat — Opow 9 to < KING INSTALLATION CENTER . 60 SOUTH telegraph rd ■ E 3“/0Oo lArrott from Tel-Huron Centerl WRITE TODAY . . . FOR OUR FREE BOOKLET They don't touch the eye! o T«rm» Op i* * P»y Come tn polntment Needi 1. Made to fit the individual curves of the cornea and to real securely on a natural layer of tear. 2. Made tinier, Iwrely covering the cornea. :t. Made to lie invisible, regardless of thickness of your glasses. 4. Made of new Safe-T-Lite, a lighter, thinner, stronger pias- \o Appointment heeded Try before You Buy with our Trial Wearirig Plan DR. B. T. BRETT, O.D. DR. B. R. BERMAN CO. 17 N. Saginaw St. FE 4 water’s wajfs. Invariably I they had wandered off naattend-i ed to answer the water’a rail. ed to the presidency of the Inter-enginiiM'uig laboratory, 20 years Older victims either overestimat-national Conference of SocutI Work.'with the department. ;ed their swimming ability or under-' GREATEST SALE EYERI Expand your train set into a real scale miniature railroad empire with extra cars - cars feature authentic detail, scale realism. All cars ready to run. All ' have standard nylon automatic couplers. Every flat car made of all die cast metal. Come see our great asso.rtmepc; cement cars, tank cars, gondolas, refrigerator cars, flaf |Cars, and hopper cars. TRADE BIG. FAIR'S BIG SAMSONITE TABLE and 4 CHAIRS Men's Skagwoy INSULATED UNDERWEAR i7v Snop Front, Complete Suit REX TOASTER OVEN *6“ STMULESS STEU UTCHEII TOOLS SCOOPS YOUR CHOICE LADLES FORKS PANCAKE TURNERS MASHERS MANY OTHERS Values to $1.89 60 FOLDING Reg. *179S HI-CHAIR TRADEr some sign that Koi-nedy would meet him at that time. AT ALLEGED KILLER-John B. Raleigh. 17, was booked on suspicion of murder in Los Angelsa Monday night by police who said he admitted dropping an 8-year-old boy to his death from the roof of a five-story building. Commie Plan Found Wanting Red China Cools or Idea to Link Factories! With Farm Communes TOKYO (UPI) - Communist, China has taken stock of Its plan to link huge fact^es ectmomi-j cally with the individual farm: commune. The appraisal ai^>ar«it-| ly has found the sdieme wanting.! Reports from Peiping indicate' that planners will take the factories out of the hands of commune basses and tuck them safely under the wing of the Heavy Industry Ministry. In an early effort to “sell” the oommune system to Odnese peasant farmers, Peiping had promised them first call on the output from nearby factories. Farmers, eyeing the big, gray _________________________ madiines rolling off the assembly wsy speaker system, users can ]Une of a nearby tractor plant, talk to and from any telephone .went along with the plan. This was on the farm and page other per- 'fine with those on the tractor plant sons over the speaker system. Icommune, but neighbors living on Speakers also can be used a. m^toto in the baniyani or other farm areas, the company said. ^ ^ ^ Michigan Bdl proposed an $11.50 Seek Authority to Install New Phone-Speaker LANSING m - Michigan BeU Telqihone Co. today asked the State Public Service Commission for authority to begin installing a new telephone-loudspeaker unit on Michigan farms. ★ A The device, known as farm inters phone, is designed to save steps and energy for the farmer, hu family and employes, the company dd. The system is a comUnntkm of - Two Bomarc “B" mls- monthiy charge for a basic system, including one phone and one extension and two indoor and one outdoor speaker microphone units. AAA Tile charge would be in addition to the regular fee for a standard telephone. The utility said it hoped to begin installing farm interphone units this ^>ring. TENDER, Grain fed beef STEAK 5 9 ROUND-SIRLOIN W W lb. T0UN6 TENDEB BEEF LIVER 2& GROUND FRESH HOURLY GROUND BEEF 3 lbs. 99* TENDER-BEEF POT ROAST 39^ Fill Your Freezer With Tender Grain Fed Beef At Wholesale Priees! FRONT QUARTERS '.BEEF SIDES HIND QUARnRS 3Th39*'|45 CUT AND WRAPPED FREE! FINE - FOR SWISSING « STEAK 49 RIB-CHUCK “ w -l-T SKINNER’S 'a Pike f , meXts ' SATORDAT if a r to the U.S. Commerce Department dering U.S. Steel Co. to sell all itsi products in Pennsylvania, or re-i strictlng Standard Oil to sales in New Jersey. Although the examples might be exaggerated, the system was no less true. Equal distribution of maim-factored goods Is the new byword. It appears Peiping’s economic booses are working to- I The new scheme calls lor big factories to serve everyone In the area. I Under the commune system, agricultural cooperatives were re-. organized in 19M in country-wide I "corporations," with authority jover all government and economic functions. Farming, Industry, taxation and the militia all fell within the authority of the commune. From now on the factories have their own special niche. Several communes have organized industrially into networks, an economic grouping that includes half a dozen or more communes. Forced by Rocks to Flee Congo-Mission Doctor ELIZABETH. N.J. (UPI) - An African mission doctor has cabled his parents in New Jersey that he and his family were fwced to flee the strife-torn Congo when tribesmen hurled rooks at mission buildings. Mr. and Mrs. Howard B. Carpenter said they received word Tuesday from their son Dr. Robert D. Carpenter, 36. They said he and his family were not harmed. The younger • Carpenter said In his cable that he, bis wife May, and their two children Patricia, 5, and John, 18 mcmfiis, drove to British Uganda under an escort of United Nations troops. HAPPY PATsTctU •« hoppy Njh wbifw! JvP bum Futiy Cool, "Thu Usy Mtm'i FwaTI fotiy 0Itm laar* kuot DETROIT CITY ICE onend A year later, Orion pulled the rug from under Fttsgerald to attow. Tro^ to win the title. Last olgM Flrigerald heU a TAM, Senth Lyea got by Brighton M-n, Orchard Lake 8L Mary ever BL Alphonoas of _________ «7tl, _______ titaniMd Fsnaington Oar Lady •e-M and Royal Oak Dondero Ldce Orion has made a of hetoing Avondale. Qi^le years ago^ to the last game ai the sea-the Dragons upoet highly fto and Fttsgerald took the rebound. Roger Winiami however stole the ball with SB seconds to play and Orion then played for the last shot. 8 seconds left, Graven hit tiie Jumper and that was the game. stretched the margta to U polats early la the third gaarter. Orton peeked away and olooed the gap to «MI to start the final period. Fitzgerald again surged ahead 53-e with six minutes to iday and that was it. Orion somed straight poinU with Bucky Craven hitting for the tying point 91-53 at 1:20. An Orion free throw was missed. Avondale hit on 33 of 49 free throws for its margin of victory, as Madison oidscored the Jackets from the flp(»- on 19 field goals to 18. craven finished wtth U petots. helped by Tom Reed with 17 and Mtte Rach wtth U. Rnch, who n’e manager, le playing Ms t year ct baaketbaO. Last It was the 7th game he haa IS potato. Duane Piaarek who got 11 in the first half, was held to five by Williams’ defensive play, in the second half and finished with 16. At halftime Avoadale led 36-29 and never ieet the lead. Tim Burt led Avm with 20 points and dim McDonald hit 10 as four ptayert go! doidile figures. Oak Park led 25-21 at halftime and got double figure scoring from Robie Goldenberg wtth 18, Steve Deresler 15 and Dave Pink 11. Tom Martin had 13 for Qawsoa Oak Park now moves into second place in the league and still has home encounter with Avond-ue which could change the standings. WATERFORD SOUTHWESTERN Waterford fell behind 42-25 at halftime and made a last quarta* surge by scoring 13 Haight points two for Southwestern, it wasn’t enough as the home team then pushed the margin from nine to 17 points. Harold Brabbs with 20 led the Flint team, while Ed Stigers collected 21 for the Skippers with Bob Newman adding 12 and Dick Shipmdn 10. ST. MIKEOL'R LADV St. Mike had a 2S-point second quarter to five for Our Lady and that was a 47-21 halftime advanl-ago, which was more than enough to preserve a victory. Robak got 18 for the ^am-rocks with A1 Tunny and Hurren each getting 10. Machan had 13 for the losers. 8T. .MARY-ST. ALPHONHS Orchard Lake has nine players 1 the squad and all nine played I. the Eaglets defeated a. Alphonsls team from Dearborn, 47-21. The St. Alphonse squad managed only one field goal In each the third and fourth quarters and Dirk Kelly with six points was the best scorer for the Tigers Anticipate 'Holdout' Problems Aguirre, Cash Farther Apart of Unsigned to Kaline, AAoxwbII Also Among Those Giving Contract Woes DETROIT (UPI)The moat likely candidates tor hohkwts when the Detroit Tigers open spriqg training next month are fim-base-man Norm Cash and southpaw hurler Hank Aguhre, the ball club revealed today. “Actually, we don’t anticipate much trouble wtth anyone,’’ general manager Rick Ferrell, “but we are farther apart from Cash and Aguirre than from any of the other unsigned players.’ Agalrre, wtth a M record aad a 2J4 eanwd-nn-aTerage, showed "But it seems they feel tkey deserve a still larger one,’’ said Ferrell with a tinge of resignation. A total of ten players are still outside the ’Tiger fold including high-priced outfidders A1 Kaline and Charley Maxwell. Ferrell is not “a bit worried” about the sigB-ing of the two vetoiha eluggers, “fa Kaliae’e oaae, tt’o not ae- hi Ufa and he la faUy awaiw that a ealary cut la faevltabto,’’ eald FerreB. “there la a ellgM very far apart.’ Kaline, experiencing one of Ms wont seasni;s slumped to a .278 avera^ in i960 after finishing run-ner-up in the American league batting race the previous year with a .327 mark. Maxwell, who has been a hold Out proUem in other years, has indicated he ittans to come readily to terms tiiis season. “Charley is Just one of those ballplayers who prefers to take his unsigned contract to Florida wtth him and sign down diere,” said Ferrell. have heard no ar«D-meqt from him so I assume be is not too dissatisfied.” Maxwell, dislodged from a starting outfield posttion by the acquisition of BUI Bniton from BIU-waukee, hopes to challenge Cash and Urry Osbonte for the startfag first-base Job. The ’Tigers also announced today that Rht Dobson, a rookie ri[^-handed pitdier from Depew, N. Y„ has returned Ms signed contract Dobson is tbe 2Sth ’Tiger player to Lions Have Stadium Scheduling Problems- ONE FtNg BAYLOR — Los Angeles Laker ace Elgin Baylor drives Detroit Piston Walter Dukes (23) to score in their NBA game In New York last night. Qeorge Lee (12) and Chuck Noble (14) of the Pistons stand helpless as Baykir scopes. ’The Pistons won however, 121-112. ’The Tigers, it was discon'ered yesterday, bare no such intentions. It seems that manager Bob Schefflng’s basebaU charges are scheduled to play the New York Yankees at home that particular weekend and the ’Tigers don’t want the landscape chopped up with football cleats on the Saturday night preceding the Sunday battle with the Yanks. Baylor Sprains Ankle as Pistons Defeat LA The possiMlity of inclement weather, which would leave the fidd in undesirable condition in By IlM AsMcfatod Prem Modern medical science and the demands of the National Basket-Association schedule being what they are, Elgin Baylor gets whole day to recover from a sprained ankle before playing his next NBA game. - Tte sprain could be an in^oit-ant factin- in the race between his club, the Los Angeles Lakers, and the Dc^troit Pistons t1 ---- . 4-7 14 3 *1? VasCon't 0 1-3 1 Matteun S 3-4 Tartar 3 5-4 3 CtalarotU f ' * Lucero 1 1-3 3 Redlnsar < 0 e-3 3 Wooda ~ I i-4 : u .11 It 13 I Ruch 3 4-7 10 HaHnian 0 3-3 3 Winiama « 3-3 2 Mackle 12-4 3 Reed I 1-1 17 Plaarak 7 3-5 15 3^ IS Craaaa 7 4-4 It I Snbtda t ( I 13 It It—ft Brabbt • M M Uorrlf t t-t it ranUae Praaa PhaU GOING UP — The long reaches of Jack Myers (33) of Madison and Bud Peel (30) of Avondal^ battle for a rebound as other team- Navman t 13 Shipman 4 3-« 10 Mann 1 0-4 3 • 4-13 31 * I mates await its flight dow'nward. Dale Yaiger .(40) of Avondale, and Tom Rediger (45) and Bob Nucci (43) are the Madison players in the picture. Avondale won the game, 69-55. Whar'am 3 0-4 4 Lamauz i 3-1 Pranklln 1 1-3 3 Oermlar 4 1-3 R'term'd 5 1-3 11 P.Uoras 1 O-I 11 75 TMato 30 14-33 51 Baara to Qaartara «n> ........II 24 17 1#-7I .........11 13 14 14-^ date the Uom, as we ahvays try to do,” Tiger vice preaMent Hiwry M. SIsmo said yraterday, moat obUgalton at the ttadlum V Results Armada 43. Alnumt 43 BtrUn 44. Detroll Thuriton 54 Clio 4T, Qtaod Blanc 55 enpae 54. Brown City 35 Plnahlnt 17, Flint Kearilejr II . Flint 8'woetem 75, Font. Waterford S3 Frankanmuth 57, iKulatte 55 Lansint Baitem IS, Lanalat Kverett 14 Lake Orion 55, Warrtn Fltifarald 53 Mam^a SO. Origan 4B Itt. (nemena CUntondala II. Maw Karan a Jtnebor Bay 41 Oak Fark 53. fclawi— “ t. tlary 47, St. AI lac Bt. Mika 30. F J Oak Dondero 41,.__ naw 13. Bay City Band li Lyon tl.BrltbtOD 31 M.C. State 41. TTIrtlnU 54 Wait Vlralnla Ml VtrtlnU lllUtary n Waitam ty. 73. Laaalla 44 --------------------------- llol^h CUaaewwi^ a Florida Slata 44. OriQn Sko/ors 1 The Lake Orion Hornets and tbe Knights battled to a 1-1 tie Tuea-day night at DetrMt’s Bntol Fidd In the final game of the regular D schedule in the Detroit r i'B” Hockey League. Each •cored in the 1st period with Don (Duke) Thompson oounectfag tor the Horneti. Orion wound up with a (la3-2 record. League play^ offs begin Sunday. Daul 3 4-1 I SutUr ... . Tunny 3 4-1 10 OXeary 3 3-14 I Rurran 4 3-3 14 Oabal 3 0-4 4 Bldfuaa 3 0-0 4 NcU 3 3-7 3 Keealint 3 3-3 I Darb 3 •-• 4 S'aeburi 4 1-3 1 PNH Tankers WHOA, THERE — Bob Nucci of Madison runs ttito Avondale’s Jim McDonald w)io put a stop to an attempted drive towaref the basket in their game last night. By winning, Avondale FantUe Preu Phala Stood alone atop the Oakland B league with the help of Lake Orion which scored a 55-53 win over Fitzgerald. Avondale now stands 8-2 lor the Calvin Stays Unbeaten; Bradley Gets 33 Pontiac Northern’s swimming team had an easy time in defeating Hazel Paric 61-44 last night but tonight the Huskies face a strong Southfield team in a North Suburban Swim League meet Western Jarred by U-D 'Secret Weapon’ 1 •^KALAMAZOO (UPI) - Wcsteni Michigan’s basketball team may l},ave been prepared for the likes of Dare Debusschere and Charley North, but litUe Tommy VUlemure —the Univmity of Detroit’s “secret Weapon’’—was more than the Broncos bargained for. VUiemure, the diminutive guard who just broke into Detroit’s starting lineup tor the first time last Saturday, arched in 19 points and played a key role in leading the Titans to an 81-68 victory over Western here laM night. ’The conquest w’as the third in row for the Titans and their 12th of the season against lire in the first five minutes and then the ’Titans began to roll. A flurry late in the first half pushed them 41-33 lead at intermission. Detroit quickly climbed to a lO-poInt margin early In the second half and the Broncos were upable to moi’e closer than that thereafter. Ron Robinson wau bigli man for Western with 19. The Broncos’ record h 6J1. The *Titans now move on to Chicago for a battle with Loyola Saturday night. By winning, eoach Bob Call- “Jtax” that ptagned them dving the early staiM of the caiMpaign. Villemure’a acoriiv ettvn was eTcceedpd only 1^ North .viho connected tor 2S. It was a sharp reversal (rf form for the riiarpslioot-ing center from last Saturday when he was- hfld to one point by Toledo. Debusschne ^ contributed 18 Ixiints to the U4> cause. I It was another great night for CaKdn (toUege and Lawrence Tech’s John Bradley. CUvin, the state’s only unbeaten ctttlege team, nailed down victory number 12 by ripping through Elmhurst of nibiois, 81^. And Bradley, one oi the tion’s most proUfle pooned in U pointa In lending Lawrence Tech to a 96-87 verdict over Indiana Tech. In o(her games last night, Alpena J.' C. downed Soo Tech, 98-70, and Grand Rapids J. C. trioliB^ Battle Cree^ J. C. 70-58. once again . ____ ______ „ pjn* At;9:15 in class B Frotitop The Boore wa(i knotted six tillMMIpifeeato .Tbe Knights Jtntiped off inlets Ron’s. to a 37-15 lead and were in front 39-21. at halftime. ---------- WESTtatN (M) Southfield, klong urith Fitzgerald and ’Thurstqn, is a top cdlitHider for the league title. The Jays are 4-3 for the season including a win over Pontiac Central. They stand 1-0 in the league. JO 5-5 35 Bolton 3 3-4 ____jr« I 3-3 I# Key 3 0-0 . Huohe* 4 0-0 0 Woodruffs 1-1 17 Oentlle 0 0-1 0 Scott I Holmoi 3 0-0 Spencer's Score 'A' Victory, in Waterford In Waterford recreation activity last night, Spencer’s led by Joe Duby with 16 scored a 73-35 win over Lytell Colegrore in a class A game. Joe Humphrle had 12 for the losers. In class B, Johnson-Anderson defeated Dragon Drugs, 61-50, udtti Bruce Berstrom getting 12 for the wimten and Wayne ZUka 21 tor the kieers. Another B game saw Steve’s defeat Geoige’a. 77-43 with Waylqn Abernathy getting^ 19 Art RueUe 14. Tonight in class A, at Pierce Junior High, 'Tom Thumb ' IJjlrcJandt at 6:65 and 8:00 Spencers and Triumph, 61-44 Huskies Meet Bluejoys Tonight; Ferndole Ace Hits :58.6 in 'Fly' In other meets last night. Royal Oak Kimball won an interesting victory over Fordson 63-42 and Ferndale won over Dondero 64-42. Larry Jacobs broke Dave (ROan-der’s buttarfly record in :56A Lloyd Goodwin of Ferndale iron the 400 and 200 freestyles in times ,of 4.516 and 2:15.1. In other meets today Fitzgerald travels to Utica and Madison is home to Warren Lincoln. _____JHtrlc; Rick OouM (FMH). Mek Stewart (PltH). Oaui* Chad iBF). Tline K^lraeaWe: Fred Kara , Tam _____ ^________________________ / ■ • ’ 4hB FONTIAC PRES$. WEDNESDAY, j^RUARY 1, 1961 lUlpk IteTyt MCOBd pttdi ht xKtT tiw left (Md w«n and t iSmAC , mSTAHMD Mazs Home Run Voted Biggest Thrill of'60 ■ylfce d*w*rtid Tnm wThe place was PWrianth’s FtKbm the thne. Oct. U. 1980 — lat^afternoan on a basy antuinii day. The score was tied at M in the nhith iimto« o( the seventh and flaal game o( the Worid Series when BOl lUserosid. a JT$ Utter, strode to the plate chitcidBc Us bat in tee mumer of Mffaty Casey, determined to do or die. of Ingemar Johansaon to regain tee worid heavyweight Ufftag championship. Nine listed tee pro football thriller between the De- Games as tee most thrilling event of 1910 and terse Individual per-lonnances in the summer gi MaseroaU dM. He tee Worid Series from tee New York Yankees. There was a moment of stunned sUence, teen the 36,60 tans in the park and the entire city of Pttts-buT|h was struck with the kind of itdisy madness teat can afflict a major league city thU hasn't a worid champtensUp tor 35 to tee victery of the U.S. dympic hockey team's victory over Russia in the Wintre Games at SquSw Valley, Chffl. Arnold Palmer's tingjing last-round play to win the Masters and U.S. Open golf championships drew six votes. There were a tew acatl voters for other exciting events but in tee final count the World Series finish drew more votes for thrill of the year than all the other any more thrill^ oecaskm in morts during 19^ the natkm's sports writers broadcasters hardly know about it. Voting in the umuai Associated Press poU, 7T named Mamrorid’s g homer aa the thrfil of tee year. Another 36 Usted the final Worid Series game, including a aeries of exciting evenU that led up to the winning wallop. ., only 13 listed Floyd Flyers Advance in Hockey Semis Douglas Is 3rd in SVC Point Race Pontisc Omtral’s Clarence Douglas has dimbed into 3rd place in bote conference and all-games di-visioM of the Saginaw Valley bas-J1 'Scoring race wtte lour tSSt JANUARY tMt firestone WINTER SAFETY SERVICE The PCH shariHriNxiter wiO nev8 Sylvan 2*1 Conquaror of Forge in NL Tilt; Raiders Forfeit llth Frame aiy arooKABAni AAdjora, Corporals Win j Boys' Club Cage Gomes ' Willie Powell^ Tolbert Carter Mb scored le’Wte^ to lead the Majan to .a 'SSdT upaet (d the, Coionels in the Army League divi-sion«^ Beys' Club basketball. SeriM around the 700 mark do not oome easy any* < whkrbuVtiterhaYe been eepedailrrare at Motorinn. Armand QigUo reached the maigic number recently at the Perry Street keg establislmient bowling iex Btroh’s in the Motor Inn League. Anchoring his team in fine style, OigUo totaled 703 on KaiBM of 234-255-214. It was his own 1st 700 ever and IS the other kn^ game, the Oorpocals edged the Generals, 44-' 41, ss Jim Wilkins hit 17 pointo. Leapie scoring bonora for the night to P^ Lowery of the Col-wlthll. double overtime tussle to the Royal Oak Boys’ aub, 42-40. Dan File 14 points for file losers. the initiai one this at that “house. The’ teat was actually a hiricay-maklBg event for the league. Only two other m series have been roBed ia 36 yeara of cr-— IV in the Huron Valley at MIlf|rd ~ ilrgrounds. The M KaigM of Cohn Gii^ is a ITS averaga bowlw. KING’S Wk-K VIEW — Here’s a camera closeup in a boxing ring of Floyd Patterson' who just finished a workout in Spring Valley. N. Y., where he is training for the heavyweight Otle fight with Ingemar Johansaoo March 13th in Miami Beach. Floyd’s younger brother, Raymond, was helidiag the champion fime up fflf the fight That was certainly a big start fir tee Elks Etete featuring the 1368 hi douUes handicap .which not only topped last year’s high W was also 3rd best since the dirision was started. The all evente high I960 was beaten and the ringles handicap title total ogualed. Hie actkcs also went Sylvan Lanes hu another tournament to add to an already anahi-■chedule. The American Junior Bowling Congress Matt-0-Graphic event will be hrid at Art Rosner’s place Mar6h 25. The lop youngsters fhroui^ioat fiie area win be battling for local and na- Tif/e Fever High _ in OrtonvHle Area goal-i turned in by Syhraa’s C DrumheUer and Terry WUllai Forge. Eadi team bad one ally. The Flyer* wtll meet N that the Pontiac Central Raiders have forieited thdr positian tai the American loop finals because they used two Ineligible idsyers. Both boys had ' By DON VOGEL Many people around Ortonville will be doing their Friday night shopidng earlier than usual we^. The reason for the rush will be the big clash between Ortonville and Millington. And those fans who Aach the local gym just before the start of the varsity game could very well find the doors dosed or 'standing room only” sign on disiday. Interest in tiie Bladi Hawks has been high all season, but it will reach a peak Friday. If Ortonville i|ins, the Black Hawks will be sssured a riiare of their second straight South Central League ing with the Lake Dpion Hmiets in a Detroit circuit and dty rules prohibit Miy player from compet-iiK in more than one league. The Raiders’ forfeit m Standard Fbrge and the MaoDtaln View Rsngen, both oace-beaton la the double-riemination event, win clash tar the AL title Saturday at 11 a.m. layvee Scores CU«M|I M, oa P*rk Mt« asm IT, ABehar Araads A Almoiit M A large i r of MUltogton trek oMtk. A victory far tee Cardinals could very well mean Seating capacity at OrtnoviUe Brandon ia about 800. The gym can |lhold nearly 1,000. Millington will carry an eight-game winning streak into the game. The CanUnals have not lost since Ortonville beat them at Millington by one point Except for an overtime loas to Flint UUey, file Blade Hawks hwe been near-perfect Tbe 7-1 record Indudes the last five wins in a Os a e h Harvey Fletehei's Hawks are . M ia the leagae. MlUIngtoa to S-1. A win for Or-ton\1U« would give them at least a share of tte erawn. AU teat wobM be needed for an outright rhampionshlp would be a win over either bnlay* City or Oxford to tee remaining toagne au- ville managed to stay In the first place. ‘T figured we would be to eow Millington can move into a position to either share or take tte crown outright by topidng Ortoii-ville. Fletcher admits being worried about the game. “Bat we have been looking better in our last two contests,” said the coach, “and this will hrip us against Millingtcm. It’s going to be s dose one.” Oae leasou tee Black Hawks ksve looked stronger to tke re-tarn of Ugh aeoring Lee Hotch-ktos. The 8-M senior guard kas He credits Pst Barrick with doing "a good job of filling in” for Hotdridsa in the early games. "The experimee d playm Uke Doug Moors,. Jim Htudiinp and Bob Hickey was aaoteer Ug factor.” Hutddngi, a 64 senior, is fiM leading scorer wiUi a 17.4 mark. Moors, 64, is hitting at a 1L3 dip and Hickey, 56, is averaging 8J. The last two are seniors. Hotchkiss did not play against Milliivtan the last time. This could make a big difference. The Cardinals are expected to, have a slight height advantage even though Done of the starters stand as high as Brosseau. He has scored at a 14.3 dip in the last three games. Jerry Brosseau, the 6-5 center, has scored 29 points in the last two contests and has shown definite improvement in the r^bbund department, accordiiig to Fletcher. The big senior is averaging 7.3 after being hampered by a grid injury. Even with two starters undo* wraps because of injuries, Orton- 4 YMCA Pool Marks Fall After chalking up a triple win in the three age groups last Sriur-day against Port Huron, the Pontiac YMCA swimmers will wait until February llth to play host Flint YMCA. the Junior Division the local swimmers won, 6630; in the prep divirion 5(M6 and jn the midget divtsion, 61-8. Qncinnati Stuns Bradley, 73-72 Ike Aassetatod Press OndnasM’s Bearcats, without Oscar Robertoon and with a new bade to ■gain challenge for a BDsaouri Vallqr Ccn&ence bariutball CAR SAF-FTY HLADUUARTLRS CABTEB TIRE CO. S70 S. SwfifMw FE S-61i€ ■m POCKETFUL OF PRIVILEGES All AutomobUo Club of Michigan mam-benhip card fills your pocket with privilegerBId protoctioni. It givea you the worid’i fineet touring informatioii, enurgency roa^ aervice, broad accident imnranoe protection, a bail bond guarantee and firtendly aid from AAA officee throughout the world. Put thia paaeport to more enjoyable, more aecttfe travrt in your pocket by juci calling your nearby Auto Club office. aUTOMOBIVB CLUB 4^ 1SKlttdd^00 (/ A. |. aoom—hfeiw 7« WIUIAMS ST.~fl S*4ISY crnSStJfimm ^ "• frStaSkfisSBi JtakBMwVIMSta aC-«re*a.n«-«n p. j. Batow, oa s-hm 6waMpagssthsri,9feMri^ltoriRHito riris«to _ champianship that thought was powerful Bradley’s for the taking. With aophtanore Tom (Double T) Thacker leading the way and coach Ed Jucker calling the strat-_ the bustllQg Bearcats whipped the third-ranked Braves from Bradley, 73-72, Tkesday for their lOth straight victory and 15te in 11 games. And just-Uke4hat, it’s a pontble lree4hr-all In the talent-filled lege program that also saw victories for second-ranked St. Bona-venture, fourtb-raiteed Duke, fifth-ranked Norte Carolina and some key performances by such pre-teadeiB to the Top Ten ss Provi->, West Virginia, and St Joseph’s (Pa). Thm Stith acored 41 potato and sofdi Freddie C^rawford 24 as St. which plays Brad- MVe wlfij Cincinnati, written off after losing Its lint two games, oidy percentage pointo behind Bradley. Thacker, a Robertson look-alike from (fovlngtsn, Ky., scored 22 points in the upset, including a dunk shot with 8 seconds left that put away Bradley's second loss (both by one point) in 16 games. More important, it cut the Braves’ MVC lead to almost nothing with Rradley on top with a 5-1 record and Cindnnati an eyelash back at 6-2. It Was the 4Ste straight triumph for Cincinnati at its flridhouse, it plays aU but two or oi the biggest of ail for Jucker, who etepped Into perhaps the sizxlingeet hot-eeat in college baiketbell when he moved up from esstotant to head coach after George Smith waved farewell to The' Bearcat hpmh ^ieJtploded a ‘niriifiRy col- Into ^ freture of a ley in New Yorki on Thoriday, routed Marquette 92-63 at Milwaukee for a 15-1 record and a six-game winniiv streak. The Bonnies, leading the nation In Arid goal accuracy, hit 54 per cent with Stith, tee No, 2 major school scorer with a 3L1 average, clicking m 62 per cent ot his riioU. Collier's Lanes in Oxford Has Debut Thursday Members ot the Oxford Township board and Mark Baldwin of the Brunswick Co. will be guests ef proprietor Red Comer at the <«»en-ing, An official grand opening wfil be hrid at a later date. The new estabitohment, housing 12 alleys, will have open bosiing starting Friday. It is located right on M44. I at tl U. Bin Ledger atol Betty I WM tee ehsmpterehip la eveta tor ereptoe wite a , were lad at IM. 8KIPHNG ABOUND Cribi Music had two Ugh games and leading aeries in West Side Clasric trite 1045-1621-6006. Tsny’a Rental fired 1014, Tripte X Lunch 1006, Sputa Griffin UNS. Tom 134 iwBy tacked the tee ABC hn certifled 129,624 nes in 10.810 eetohUihinents. * ♦ * JnniM' kegW Stme Foster Mt aiBM e( 177 ead m srblle to BiindiB ten tops aay prevtow Jntor tem. Re to 18 yean «M Fred atUe and Dick Ayling. Pontiac Central coaches, warp unsuccessful doubles putners |n_tee opening weekend of the St^ . . . CongntulatiaBe to Red er on the premier opening at lew location. He has 12 afieys room to add more ... A waukee man rolled four coosecu-'■ of 631 in the same loop, one shy of the alltime record of five eet in 1943 by a Philly ke^ with a string of 618b. ItWiliiftwidP* (OlH.) X. Btosdrtos* (Pin. Tlm»—1;MJ. ** UaMiy nl»; (K. Stssb. D. tatlsi-O. WtotMd, a TT——•-* ■-?—* There were four pool records and another one tied at the YMCA Alex Hiller, a promising mver scored 163.4 points for a record. / ^ ^ ^ * N. (h»nk m (oiis!) M Petite: B. Ttilttn (P> C. Ustatfoot - J. Hsl) (PH). ’nas-MS* These were the results: imnoR DIVISION m-14) DsvUm -T.I. 40 Butternr: i- WUdtr (P) S. Krrls P) (IXss >- B. WUmm (PH). TUds- M Pnwtyk: D. UtrM (PR) L. Nls-eman (P). C. Mans (P). Ttm*-M.t. 40 Baelutrokf: N. HoUtuhaad (PH). J. ftMBfl.i C IfBiin 191. TIbu -3 (PR) J. Osborn (P). Tbne-1: A. Rtlter IH.4 (P) C. R SO IndlTMnal; B. Xrsla (PI R. Rlw (P) 3. POftar (PH). Ttma-M.4. IM Ifsdlsr relay: (R. Hollensttaad. P. Csnnron. J. PsMr, 3. Hoftnaa) Port Nlifsaian. C. Bis*. 11. IUMMiT. Psotlae. Tims '* pnxp DtvnioN (ii.it) Prtaityk: B. Btostaoberg (P) O. Mwr (FH) U. Btsab (P). Tlaw- M Butterfly; O. Winfield -ins (P) T. Btalto (PR). P. TedUB I 7p) i! wiito**?KSr "m Proeetyle: O. Quiet (PR) T. Mob-tn^ (PR) M. Morriiaey (P). TUna— birlDf; R. Broaditone (PR) tt.O, O. ------1 MTIIION (t-M) 20 Preestyk: 3. Btorrk roval to the merger, widdi would make the combined aiiiine the nation’s .biggest air carrier. The three-man board majertty al. Ihe other twe i The majority opinion called ft>r (1) Job protection tor employes of both companies, (2) Limited valuation of transferred assets tor rate- Voters Approve Rain or Shine' Park in Houston HOUSTON, Tex. (AP)-Harris County voters turned a bi _ p«en light on the world’s first 'rain or shine" baseball stadium ly voting in record numbers tor 32 million in bonds that will build a home tor Houston’s 1962 entry in the National League. "We now must get on with our Job of building the stadium,’’ Roy Holheinz, chairman of the executive committee of the Houston Sports Association said. "Dirt will start to fly on South Mato Im-start ri^t away. One tormality remains. ’The State Legislature must \^idate the bonds—a step considered easy. Gabe Paul, general manager of the HSA^-whlch holds the National League franchise—said it "will matter of days" before work on the plush, ab>conditioned stadium actually starts. He said HSA will underwrite the first costs of constiuctioa so work can and (3) Protection ot Mohawk and Allegheny airlines’ in certain markets. The two-member minority report suggested that an investigation be held to determine whether Coital’s authority to serve certain markets along the New York-New Orieans-Miami route should be retained by United, tmminated, or given to odier carriers. U.S. Flying Medicine, Food to Yemen Disaster CAIRO (UH)-The United Sutes Tuesday began an airlift of food, medicine, and other supplies to the town of Hodeida to Yemen, where a fire destroyed 600 houses. The fiir left 3,000 persons homeless. A UJ5. medical team already is at Hodeida. Births ’The following is a list of births reccHtled recently to the Oakland County Clerk’s Office (by name of father): ROT O. Usddox. Um' Bowtre*. JunoK E. Bandon. 4$7 Central. Ivao stamper Jr.. M W. Oileaso. Henry R. CWiraer. iM, Boortr.,. John W. Oraeiet. SSw —• ■ MUo W. Pamey. 10 H. ADUumyOeryen. 3ns Jamti W. Orocf. S«. L«Bt«r O. fltocom. jLwmocnu mm aumomnammn wno js onainnah of the committee. Smith frequently has been ac-