Province CUBA SANTIAGO THE PONTIAC PRESS ★ if . PONTIAC, MICHIGAN. MONDAY, APRIL IT, 1961 —32 PAGES go Th# W.ather VJL Waste* Imni rwMMl VOL, 119 NO. 19 It's Snow Showers in April Castro Admits Many Landings; Blames U.S.' Calls on His Troops to Keep Order as Exiles Start 'Liberation' By The Associated fn* Invaders seeking to overthrow Fidel Castro landed in Cuba today by sea and air. The Cuban prime minister, acknowledging the attack, said it was launched by mercenaries organised by the United States. Up declared his troops are advancing against the invaders and are certain dr victory. He called on Cubans to maintain order and discipline. Castro was reported to be in personal charge of s the Cuban defense force.. APRIL SHOWERS (WHITE. FLAKY VARIETY)—It's aiding in the rain time—that is, 13-year-old Lucy Smith thought it was until the “rain” turned out to be white, crystalline and cold. The umbrella-toting West. Bloomfield Township miss should have been wearing galoshes when green spring time was jolted by a white setback over the weekend, transforming the Pontiac area into scenes like the one at Cranbrook in the background. Year's Heaviest Snow Blankets the Pontiac Area The heaviest snowtall of year highMed Pontiac today and - more was on its way, mixed perhaps with rain. The unseasohai, three-inch accumulation at 8 a.m. marked the heaviest single tali of toe winter, according to the Weather Bureau at Detroit-Mteropolitan Airport Tumbling temperatures a tricky driving condititona accom-1 panied toe frigid backlash of win-tor. The Same storm that started hammering the Pontiac area yesterday morning brought even heavier snowfalls to the western part of toe state, including a record 12.2 inches in Grand Rapids. Although toe snow melted by I existed, toe Weather Variable winds of IS to 40 miles an hour, becoming northerly this afternoon, were expected to cguae highway drifts until they diminish gradually tonight. Flurries may tamto rain as the mercury nudges its way up to 37 degrees today, the Weather Bureau said. Tonight's low of 28 is ★ ★ ★ Furious Spring Storm Staggers |e Midwest By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS A crippling spring snowstorm, sweeping out of the Northern Plains with all the fury of a. midwinter blockbuster, staggered the Midwest today. The heavy wet snow, whipped by strong winds, smothered spring with a blanket of white from the ^Dakotas across the north All 15 Counts Are Denied Eicfimartn Says 'Not Guilty' as Prosecution Tolls Off Charges central region. creased to tofrartly Sunday, i expected to be Mowed by a cloudy three times last night for autos Tuesday with a high el 40. The storm began when rain turned to mow yesterday morning toe temperature dove from SO degrees at 8 a.m. to 30 degrees it 11 a.m. It remained at 30 aU day and night. At 0 am. today toe pasted this winter's pic views record of l.i indies tor. toe arm M. j, the Weather Barewa said. The snowfall In Pontiac that day was measured at three fitches. Previous single storms of the season included two inches Dec. 20 and a blustery half inch March 9. The storm was blamed for at least five traffic deaths in Michigan. Some area* in western Michigan got up to a foot of snow. The fall for the Benton Harbor-St. Joseph estimated as high as 16 fitches. At Muskegon the official fall feai li fitches. The Grand Rapids fall of 12.2 inches for toe 2fbour period ending at 7. a.m. was the second heaviest for any 24-hour period there. Jbe record is 14 indies on Jan. 31, 1941. Windswept drifts of up to eight fort In sontoweotorn Michigan bis chad off practically aB read, south sad west ad Paw Paw, State Police said. The counties with the worst traffic problems were Cass, Derrisr and Van Bum. A Grand Rapids-to-Chicngo passenger train was forced to stop )eft in its path on snow-clogged railway crossings. Greyhound buses between Grand Rapids and Chicago were nearly 12 hours off schedule. Windblown lee was a hazard for freighters at Sanlt 8te. Marie. Oale-force winds broke plate glass windows and neon signs In Detroit. Some 600 homes in Rockford, rlseutfrof Detroit were without rice-tricity two hours when high winds felled utility About ISO care were stalled by drifts south of St. Joseph, some «• as long as six hours. The lowest temperature preced-ig 8 a.m. fit downtown Pontiac was 30. At 2 p.m. toe thermometer registered at 39. At Welfare Meeting GRAND RAPIDS ^-Authorities from eight states and Canada gathered in Grand Rapid* today, to open the annual Central States Regional Conference of the American Public Welfare Association. News Flash WASHINGTON (UPI) - Maj. Gen. Edwin A. Walker, Involved tea dispute over the Jaha Birch Society, today was relieved «f Ms command la Germany pending an Investigation. Guff of Mexico i ' i - Nouou MILES Comoguoy Orient* Province lsf« of Pines Caribbean Sea INVASION POINTS — This map locates three sr mwu . areas in Cuba where invaders have landed, ac- at southern border of Matanzas Province; 2 — At cording to reports from Cuban exiles in the Cabanas near western erxjrof island; 3 — Bara-United States, today: 1 — On Cuba's South coast coa on eastern tip of Cuba. Cuban exile sources in the United States said forces also had gone ashore^ in extreme 'Eastern and Western Cuba and on a beach southeast of Havana, The exiles declared “the battle to liberate our homeland” Anti-Castro Pair TempestIs County on Way to Cuba'Product of the ' Ladders Plan to Land Pontiac Motor Division’s Tempest, revolutionary new as Soon as Rebels Get car now dominating the luxury compact' field, has been Beachhead Established named Product of toe Year for Oakland County. This announcement jgps made today by Charles F. Adams v^of 1898 * 1 BLAMES Ibb- Castro’s regime charged before the United Nations that toe vaders were armed and financed ) by the United States. Raul Roa, Cuban foreign minister, told the 0. N. that the invaders came from Guatemala and Florida, The dsqrge was denied. Secretary of'State Dean Rusk declared toe Americas people sympathise with those fighting against dictatorship but the United States will set Intervene. Rusk said his reports Indiceted there woo no large-seole tnva- The Soviet government newspaper Izvestia echoed Roa’s charge of the use of Americans, in the action. Izvestia declared the Communist world stands behind Prime Minister Castro, but it made no mention of Premier Khrushchev's pledge last summer, later towed down, to tupport Cuba with rockets if necessary. A ■ A Dutch airliner could not land at Havana. The pilot was told all Cuban airports were dosed, NEWS‘CUT OFF Telephone and telegraph communications with Cuba were cut off early today, shortly after.* a Cuban army officer confirmed one landing on the south coast. The Dtoan government radio Me« militia units to report at ►nee to their stations. -Dr. Jose Miro Cardona, the rebel leader who broke with Castro, declared the battle had begun “to liberate our homeland from the despotic rule of Fidel Castro and rid Cuba of international commo-'* cruel oppression." The statement was issued after he left New York. In his broadcast heard in Miami, Castro declared: FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. (AP) — Two leaders of the anti-Castro movement in the United States. Dr. Jose Miro Cardona and Antonio de Varona, are en route to Cuba ssf wiM lasi a> soon as rebel* establish a beachhead,* Cuban exile sources said today. > Cardona is president rebel provisional movement. De Varona is Coordinator Democratic Revolutionary Front. Rafael Garcia Navarro, former United Nations official ousted Cuban President Fulgen-ck> Batista and a former member of the DBF, said rebels have waiting off the Cuban coast for 15 days. Several thousand rebels were involved ‘ in .' the operations this morning, Garcia said, and 5,600 exile soldiers will be in battle before the day'is over. He identified1 the troop mangers as ViUa Fa, ex-Batista major, in charge of paratroops; San Roman, former Batista captain, in charge of-ground troops; Alex del Valle, former Batista lieutenant, commanding a para-troop battalion; and D. Darrias, heading an infantry battalion supported by * civilian underground fighters. AAA Garcia quit the DRF wtieir CSf-dona was named to head up the various rebel groups, but he is reportedly closely tied to underground activities. * / Planners Have Scheme to Halt London's Growth LONDON (UPI) — Britain’s town planners came up with a program today to halt the spiral-, ling growth of London. A report to Houstag Minister Henry Brooke by toe Town and Country Planning Association predict* that In the next R years toe nUeat and commuting i wil l i bum 1JJ million to'14.3 million. For Detroit Court Trial Begin Selection of Lassiter Jurors selection of the jury p the rest of the day. toe cane an the advice of his darter wfcogteid he shouldn't undertake what plight be a tong and straamo* trial. Mrs. Lassiter is represented by attorney Joseph W. Louilell. The defendants. Mrs. Lassitcv and Watson, are charged with murder in the death of Parvin -Bill" Lassiter, a Royal Oak imported-car dealer, was beaten, shot to death and robbed near Willow Run Airport April 6, 1959. Three Tennessee men pleaded guilty to oecbnd degree murder state said Watson, a business partner of Lassiter, and the beauteous Mrs. Lassiter were levers and plotted the killing out of “lust and j greed." The defendants denied it. 6a the eve of the trial, Oakland County Probate Court Ret-area Waiter R. Dennison Sunday approved Watson’s claim to same « per cent el Lassiter's business. The action must be approved by the court before becoming final. # ♦ ♦ Watson went to work for Lassiter n 1957 as a business manager. Charles Nash, 4S, alleged trig-german, and two tenner employe* of Lassiter, Richard Jones, to, Md Boy C. (Buck) Hicks, ft, are In prism tor toe Maytag. lira. \ Lassiter, 'a grandmother, and Wktaon have been free' on bond sine* March I960. Watson la Court, Bevfcrjy HUls, Oakland County chairman for Michigan Week — May 21-27. Guidelines in selecting the honored product were that it must something new, significant, unique, niccessful and important to the Michigan economy. As Oakland County winn field of several hundred outstanding contenders, the Tempest how qualifies .as an entrant in the forthcoming regional and state final awards—annual highlights in the observance of Michigan Week. * * * Adams, executive vice president of MacManus, John A Adams Inc. of Bloomfield Hills, warmly commended the awarding judges for he described standing selection.” He noted that Tempest was honored tionajly last month when it selected Car of lhe_ Year by Motor Trend, the authoritative motor magazine. ♦ * it “It is particularly fitting,' said, “that Oakland County—producer of four popular motor cars and with a rich automotive tradition-should have selected an; automobile as its outstanding: product.” Adams added: “I think it is equally fitting that an automobile should be Product of the Year in the state which gave the motor car to the world!” , Adams cited Tempest's March sales total of 10,097 units—3,839 in the last l(Vday period—as proof that the revolutionary new luxury compact is contributing importantly to helping lift Michigan from toe depths of the current recession, “ The awarding judges . A. Swigert, vice president and sales manager. Automotive Conversion Corp-; Arthur Lake Jr.; vice president of Lake Jewelers; William Roberta, city commissioner and mayor pro tem of Birmingham. Danish Princess Loses Luggage, Borrows Gown LONDON (UPII—When her 21st birthday party bail got under way here ' Sunday night, Princes* Margrethe, heiress to the Danish throne, was wearing a borrowed hen. * ♦ . * On the way from Denmark her luggage had been held up and she was forced to borrow a yellow satin gown from the daughter cl the Danish ambassador to London. Two hours after toe party be-j .an. the dress arrived and the six-loot tall prinofca excused herself, went out to change and rp-, turned with her own dress. It's Only the Start for U.S. Tax Cheats By FRANK CORMIER WASHINGTON (API-Far three milion Americans, tonight’s midnight deadline for filing tax returns will mark only the start of their dealings with the Internal Revenue Service. To discourage tax cheats, IRS Commissioner Mortimer M. Cap-, lin wants to increase the number of returns which get a thorough test for accuracy. it it e The goal la to check, or audit, about 3 million of the estimated 61 million returns to be filed. In number of audits was -2.8 million. Caplin hopes for further in-peases in—the years ahead. Whereas IRS now checks about one return in every 20, he wants to approach a one to 10 ratio. The 1961 filing deadline was extended two day* because the usual April 15 date fell on the weekend. IRS' will accept any postmarked by midnight tonight'. In Today's Press Hockey Playoffs i Chicago wins first Stanley Cup in 23 years with 9-1 victory at Detroit — PAGE j David Lawrence Russia’s* man in space I just a hoax?—PAGE 6. - I * Reuther Proposals 1 , UAW president lists pro- | posala for union contracja— y PAGE U- Floating School I Floating school will make 1 world tour—PAGE 8. - Project Phoenix Atomic reactor on University of Michigan campus performs great service for nonwar agencies—PAGE 16. Man in Space AF scientists want to keep toothache from skWiniag future space traveler- PAGE Cold War Is Costly LONG BEACH, GsUff (UPI) The cold war costa the world 314 million an .torn, according to Arihy * Undersecretary. Stephen Ailes- .That total is spent primarily for budding military Ailea told the ■■ 1 Area New* P Cam lex '. I Editorials 6 I, Markets .... M 10 a.Theaters ...i.... I TV a Radio Pragmas ..» I Wilson, Bart ,... I faaafo Page# . urn Saturday. THE PONTIAC PRESSk MONDAY, APRIL 17,1061 Tile Piy in Biftafamham Detroit Minister to Speak at May Fellowship Day TWO Rebels Break Through Reds Reject Part of Laos Proposal mm, Mi “We roust clarify dUlefy" ia negotiations with Russia tha issue of the timing at a British Ambassador Sir Frankl Robots shortly after the arrival) in Moscow of Prince 'Sou vanna I Phouma, the Laotian rteutfalist recognised by the Soviet Union as the legal prime minister of * Souvanna get the full red-carpet - **— treatment. including jj' dinner at LONDON (AP) — The S o v 1 e t the Krrtnlin. long conferences Union rejected some details of! with President Leonid Brezhnev the Western proposal for a cease-!First Deputy Premier Alexei fire in Laos but kept the door)Ko$ygin and Gromyko and finally open for further negotiations, aja flight today to the Black Sea] Foreign Office spokesman said tO')coast to see Premier Khrushchev day j at his vacation retreat there. The spokesman declined to give souvanna is on a worM tear thev substance of the note, de-j to push his ideas'tor pence is livened Sunday in Moscow, but he made clear that Britain VEENTAINE, Laos (UPI)—A Mb war-divided homeland. For three weeks the Kremlin had delayed answering Britain’s proposal of March 23 that a cease strong protommuaist rbbel ^ ym called in Laos, that the fsree backed by heavy artillery barrages brake through rsyml Nbomroarath la Central Lass, International Truce Commission of 1954 be revived and that a conference of 14 nations be called to arrange for a unified, neutral Laos. The advance threatened to spilt Soviet Union won't be joining right away in calling a cease fire -to suspend the figfatigg between the Western-backed Laotian government. of Premier Boun Oum 3rd and the pro-Communtst Pathet Lao guerrillas. The spokesman said farther contacts with the Soviet government would be required end that Britain is taarottiag with the Carted States, Prance and Coro moaweaHh countries. The chief stumbling block was the Western insistence that a fire must precede any ma- jor conference on Laos. Ooqimaalat nations have beea arguing for an Immediate International conference to work out n cease lire,' an arrangement strengfy opposed by the United Mateo.’ The Soviet Unto?, In its first reaction to the British proposal agreed in principle that a cease fire should be .called but hedged on the timing. The - West was suspicious that the Soviets were delaying to that the pnvCommu-nist Pathet Lao rebels In Laos| could gain^as much territory , JUST LIKE IMS—All dressed up for a spin in a 1908 Oakland, predecessor of tin Pontiac, STe (from left) Pam ArceBo of 39 Dakota Drive, and Kathy Gotham of 2038 S. Hammond Lake Drive, W. Bloomfield Township. ,.......................... left tfte car .right where they found it, at the Pontiac Retail Store. Con-Con Race | Korea Announces Command Shifts Romney and Van Dusen to Run for GOP, Two Dems Decline Transfers 3 Top Officers iraiisfer of three police com-, mand officers was announced tit-day by Police Chief Joseph Karen. the L_______ . _________________ More titan 2.200 local and state councils of United Church Women take part in this year's observance. The constitutional convention front was stirring with intentions and lack of intentions on the part of candidates over the weekend. Fnr.ign ifinistpr Andrei possible before being brought to George W. Romney of 1830 E. [Valley R»d. Bl»»Odd Hill,. Miss Centennial 4o Spur Search Finch, Carole Formally Given Life Sentences 325 Organizations Are Invited to Hear Details of Contest Explained The "Miss Centennial” contest, to be launched tonight at Elks Temple, will involve the biggest search in Pontiac history for a festival queen. More than 325 Pontiac area or- Krom Our News Wire* LOS ANGELES^-Br. R. Bernard Finch and Carole^ Tregoff were-sentenced formally to life in prison today despite a- defense charge that a key prosecution witnesp offered to change his testimony 'next time” for financial consideration. send representatives to the inaugural meeting at 8 p m. in Elks Temple. Details of the contest -will be spelled out by Mrs. SJ V. Sekies, contest chairman and other leaders of Pontiac’s lbOth anniversary celebration. An organizations in the Pontiac area that list regular membership are invited to sponsor candidates for the title of "Miss Centennial. The lovers were sentenced by Judge David Coleman, who denied motions far a new trial. Finch and his mistress were ondemned to life in prison April bp 'a* Jury for* the killing of the surgeon's wife Barbara tew days before the official June 17 M cetebruttou. ‘ The queen and a 10-member court will rule over the celebration. The 10 runners-up in the contest will comprise the court. The public will have a hand in president of American Motors and of Citizens for Michigan: and Richard C. Van Dusen of 32305 Bingham Road, Birmingham, 1957 Republican candidate for state attorney general, said “I Jo " ... But August Scholl* of 9710 Vta-setts. Royal Oak, president of the state CIO-AFb, and former Democratic Gov. Murray D. Van-Wagoner of MM Oakland Drive, Bloomfield Township, declined to be. candidates. That put two Republicans in the race from Oakland Coun left two Democrats out. Defense attorneys sal# they would appeal the conviction. The lpvers claimed they gone to the Finch home the night of July 18, 1959, merely to talk wife about getting a divorce. The doctor testified she produced a gun, he struggled with her and wrested it away and discharged accidentally as tried to toss it aside. Mrs. Finch died of a bullet in the back, the state contended defendants deliberately killed her they could marry without ■haring Finch's fortune with her in s divorce settlement. On April 5 file same Jury of 10 men and 2 women that had convicted the pair decreed life Rompey, who has attempted fa maintain a nonpartisan position, rather reluctantly cast his lot with the Republicans. He told the executive committee of the citizens group, mgfting Saturday in Dearborn, that he had made his political choice because “only the Republican Party in Oakland County has consistently supported the calling of a convention." CANT AGREE But he- added that he "could not agree with predominant influence in either political party on a statewide basis," and reminded that he had strove to have the con-con delegates chosen on a non-partisan basis. The legislature dedded otherwise. choosing the queen. The contest j imprisonment. Under California will be tied to sale of tickets to law. murder trial juries that re the centennial spectacle, June 18-1 turn convictions then deliberate 24, in Wisner Stadium. la second time and set the penalty. The Weather Full U.8. Weather Bureau Report < PONTIAC AND VICINITY - Light snow mixed with rain nt times today. High S7. Snow Marries and cold tonight. Low 86. Tuesday mostly cleady. JHgh 49. Winds variable 18 to 49 mites becoming northerly this afternoon and diminishing slowly tonight. . Oil T«r Af* l! ). Highest tempersti Detroit SI St Phoenix t — Worth din. tools « kpMs n M (. rrsnctseo 1 OB' i n a s tors s mivllle 11 44 O. tuphie S Cite 4* M Trsverse C. 4 40 17 Beetttr * 14 SI Tamps CapL George T. Scott, 56, has pen .named head of the uniform patrol bureau,’ succeeding Capt. Donny E. Ashley. Scott, i M-year veteran of the city police force, has been head of the staff bureau alaco July MW. . ... Ashley will take over the detective bureau, replacing Lt. Raymond t. Meggitt. ... ON FORCE It YEARS Ashley, 38, has headed the uniformed officers since September 1959. He has been a Pontiac policer man for 15 years. Meggitt has been assigned to head the staff bureau, research, planning and training aim of the deportment. . Meggitt, 38, has been detective bureau commander since Septem-He has been On the force 15 yean. The transfers are effective immediately. Koren called the transfen "routine,1' explaining they were made ■o command offieen could Jtocome acquainted with all phases of police operations. Odds on Taylor to Win Oscar Romney said he has not made up his mind whether to run from a legislative or senatorial district. One delegate will be elected for each of the 144 members in the State House and Senate. Van Dusen, -who announced-his intention of running pariier, said he would seek the GOP nomination from Oakland's 4th Legislative District. Van Wagoner, another member •f the rlttseaa' group hoard, said aplte their difference affiliation. Beth Uve in the same Oakland legislative district, the Scholle told’ a meeting of the AFLCIO Committee on Political Education (COPE) Saturday that he would not be a candidate at the July 25-primary. He said he felt it would be possible for turn to serve ai Individual delegate and *t the same time serve as chief labor spokesman before ihe various committees of the convention. He also noted that he te sible for coordinating labor’s pro-gram before the kAchigah ture which Is scheduled to meet part of the time the constitutional convention would be in session. The convention is slated to open _ insihg on Oct 3/with the final ■ election of delegates set for Sept IX While Romney, Van Wagoner and Van Duaen were hearty supporters of the constitutional convention which was approved by the voters both last November and on April 3, Scholle has been against it. He has favored a redistricting of the State Senate, but has lost , legal rounds in the Michigan Supreme Court. NATIONAL WEATHER—It Will continue unseasonably, cold * tonight east of ’the Plains Cooler weather is expected-hi tits Northwest Coasts' ' “ Scaftersd snow ,flurries and showers* in the nation. • Retired Minister Dies DETROIT ID—Rev John Dystant. 90, of Highland Park, a retired Methodist minister, died Saturday. He was superintendent of the Sag-inaw Bay District of the tyethpdiet Church for 10 years and organized the first Methodist Church of Fern-dale. After his retirement, he Studied law and was admitted to ptW> tice frrlftt. 'Our theme for this year, ‘The Churches: Free and Responsible,' points up our responsibility not only as individuals but as Christian groups," sakl Mrs. Donald Tracy, chairman for the program in Birmingham. John J. Collins, Democratic state cfaiirman, will be guest speaker tomorrow at a Joint meeting of the Birmingham and Bloomfield Democratic- chibs. . GEORGE T. SCOTT Rebel Invaders Land on South Cuban Shore Beautiful Liz Excited as Sfie Awaits Show (10:30 Tonight on TV) SANTA MONICA, Calif. (APl-Most everybody is betting Liz Taylor will win her first Oscar tonight—everybody but the beautiful (tar herself. "I’m not betting on H,‘ Taylor told a reporter, “but 111 be there Jupt the same. She admits rite's feeling a little squeamish as the zero7 hour approaches for Hollywood'* 33rd annual Academy Award show. The competition looks tougher than ever," said Liz, who has been nominated four times in a Burglars Make Do in City Theft of 1140 Burglars made do with the tools at hand in looting the safe of a Pontiac auto dealership, police reported tod§y. The two-hour awards show, trie-cast over ABC-TV, gets under way at 10:30 p.m. (Pontiac time) from file Santa Monica Civil Auditorium. Bob Hope will be master of According to mart polls, only the big contention is among the men. It’a a down-to-the-wire race between Jack Lemmon and Buft Lancaster for best actor. The same goes for Sal Mineo and Peter Ustinov for best supporting Among the supporting trusses, Shirley Jones, like Mias Taylor, is rated a shoo-in. lt will be a big night for Liz, win or lose. It's her first public outing since bet* near fatal illness. U she wins, her doctor has warned her to go easy on the celebration afterwards. . She was nominated for ‘Butterfield 8." Her competition is Greer Gareon for "Sunrise at Campo-bello," Deborah Kerr tor “The Sundowners," Shirley MacLahtc for "The Apartment," and Medina Mercouri for the Greek-made Never On Sunday. Should Lemmon win for ‘The Apartment/’ he will become the first actor ever to win both the supporting and top acting awards. Fails to See Benefits WASHINGTON (UPI1—Navy Secretary John B. Oortnall; Sunday he did bet see al militia are battling the enemy at all the- points where they have landed. "They are fighting in defense of the sacred fatherland and the revolution against an attack of mercenaries . organized by the imperialistic government of the United States. Already our troops are advancing against the enemy, sure of their victory." nr FOUR PROVINCES If rebel claims are verified, the invaders landed in four of Cuba' At provinces. Entering the service garage of John McAUHffe Ford, Inc. Oakland Ave., by breaking a window, the intruders proceeded to wheel an acetylene torch Into an inner office. Into the same office the intruders rolled a large sate, then bunted a brie through the safe door. " They, took U48. Officials of the firm who discovered the burglary this morning ■aid the intruders overlooked another $200 ih a cash box. Reschedule Exam of Robert L. Draker Examination of Robert L. Drak-V 16, accused of second-degree murder in the death of a’ 15-year - rescheduled for 9:39 a m. day in Municipal Court Draker, .690 Melrose Ave., Is accused of the Feb. 27 fatal stabbing of Jerry Chestnut 693 Mdroee Aro., during a poker game at a mutual friend’s home. The pretrial hearing originally was set for April 38. At Utast They're Sorry; A drug More belonging to 8yd-ey citizen Dan Moore of Kingston! was broken into recently and burgled. The burglars broke glass to a door to gain entry, bfril before [leaving thoughtfully pllakeit the military advantage from thetrlhole up again . . . with a gympa-feat, [thy card taken frorit stock. (Continued From Page One) (Continued From Page One) of the army and the natkxF iPdngham; "and one brother. Mrs. Janies A. Service tor former Franklin Village resident Mrs. James A. tip of Cuba. Orient* waa the birthplace al Castro’s revolution. Mstanzas Province lies between Las Villas And Havana provinces and was the scene of violent big to Castro’s revolutionary movement that overthrew dictator Ful-gencio Batista. There was no mention of rebel attacks in Havana and Camaguey provinces, the latter another bat: tleground in Castro's revolution. Firemen Laud Repotter for Loft Disaster Story NEW YORK (UPI)—The Uniformed Firemen’s Association Sunday named Edward V. McCarthy of United Press International winner of its annual award for. the best feature story on firemen. The association said McCarthy m awarded a $100' bond and a . toque for. “Me vivid portrayal of the Broadway loft fire of 18. 1990, in which throe “ EdwariJ O’Neill. New Yorit Daily Newt, for .‘‘exceptional service in presenting the problems of the city’s firemen to the public." Alfred E. dark, the New Hook Times, best spot news story on John Pascal,' New York Journal- JTSr involving fte-Qgbttag personnel. THOMAS F. WIETHOBN Official to Lead Y Drive in GM The meeting begins at 9 p.m. at -the Community Boose and Collins' address Is scheduled for t pm. Collins, of Jackson, was elected in February to succeed Neil Staeb-who was chairman of the Michigan State Central Committee during the entire 12-year governorship of G, Mennen Williams. Collins will discuss the state institutional convention. Jesse Miller Service for Jesse Miller, 92, of 828 W. Lincoln Road, will be 2 p.m. tomorrow at Manley Bailor Funeral Home. Burial will be in Roseland Park Cemetery. Berkley. Mr. Miller died yesterday. He was a retired landscape gardener. >S; Surviving aro two daughters, Mrs. Clarence Wright of Pontiac and Mrs. Ernest Robinson of Bir- Thomas F. Wiethom, general / manager of the Fiahisr Body Di- . virion Pontiac plant, h*s accepted the chairmanship of the GefieTal Motors Corp. Management Dlvi- , rion in the Pontiac YMCA expan- ■ sion program. Wiethom's appointment was announced today by Robert M. Critchfield, general chairman of the Current campaign for $650,000 to improve and expand facilities of the Pontiac “Y" building. Wiethom has enlisted a cam- , paiga organisation la the plants of the three GM divisions with op*rations la the pity, and plans to atari Ma division’s phase of the campaign this week. Assisting the Fisher Body manager in the 4*T” campaign will be Robert W. Emerick, public relations director of Pontiac Motor Division, and Earl A. Maxwell, personnel director at GMC Truck and Coach Division. _ ' ' Eichmann Denies All 15 Charges (Continued From Page One) marked the actual start of his trial on charges of 'complicity in th% death of rix million European Jews during the war. It came after the throe-man court headed by Supreme Court justice Mosbe Landau overruled defense objections. to the court’s competence war the case and to the Israeli law under which Eichmann is charged. Landau said the details of the Judges’ reasoning would be embodied in their final decision at the end of the trial. An active participant in civic affairs, Wiethom „will serve as chairman of the 1961 Pontiac Area United Fund drive. The **Y" is -a member agency of the PAUF.—J Wiethom resides with his family at 2640 Broadway Blvd., Bloomfield Township. „ Commenting on his assignment, • Wiethom said: “General Motors management peddle have always supported worthy civic projects. ; Ihe need for an expanded YMCA > in the -Pontiac * area is quite obvious. Them Landau ordered Elclr-mann to stand up aad remove listen* to German of the Hebrew language af the court. . Point by point, through the 15 sections of the indictment, Landau repeated, "Do you plead guilty or not guiMyf" 1 AM NOT GUILTY* Fifteen times Eichmann replied, "In the spirit of the indictment, I- am not guilty.’’ pitched. He steed rilff-baeked. looking eteedlly at Laadaa from the prisoner’s dock enclosed In sheets of befiot-proof glass. A somber silence hung over the court during tbs’10 minutes tost it took to go through this legal Than Eichmann leaned back quietly In his chair, folded bis hands In his lap, and looked at Haunter. , The attorney gnsral adjusted the collar of his flowing black robes, waited a moment as the audience sat soundless, and then _ n In a voice vibrant with feeling: "When I stand before yaa. judge* ef Israel, to accnac Adeif "Hero with, me stand six million" prosecutors. But, nig,-they Cannot ri|e -and tevjj i in the prisoner’s Thomas F. Wiefhorn to Chairman Management Division in Expansion '"I aril confident that the management personnel In the local General Motors plants will support the “YV’ expansion program hi i The campaign schedule this week calls for reports on Tuesday from the Advance, Special Gifts “A",.* Medics] and Okteopathic Divisions. The General Division headed by Mrs. William G. Wright , will meet at the "Y" Wednesday afternoon to staff solicitations. Critchfield will receive reports Thursday from toe Special Gifts ’’B”, Business, Dentists and Lawyers Divisions. 2 Cars Collide With Train at Franklin Road Two cats aad a train collided In. the south end of Pontiac Saturday — with no serious injuries to any of the parties involved. The northbound Grand Trank Western Railroad train collided the two can at the Franklin Road crossng, j. The driven of the ears, MI Huge paagh, 4S, of 463 California Ave., aad George E. Adams, to, of SS Lake It, were headed east eq Franklin Road aad apparently failed fo head warning signals at Ike train engineer, Henry Wlx, 00, of Warren, told officers the follows a curve In tits tracks and ha was unable to stop In time to avoid the collision. and two passengers in Adams’ car were treated for minor injuries and released from Pontiac General Hospital. ^They were James Adame. U, and Robert Adams, 12, both of 265 Howard McNaO St. Both the cars and. tito train kef* ayellng at alow speeds, police' M. Ike accident poBirwd T it- Tells of Air Crash Fatal to State Youth THE PONTIAC PRESS. MONDAY, APRIL 17, 1961 GREENCASTLE, Ind. UR — A Purdue University student told to-. day of the crash of a rented plane whidh took the lives of two feUow studhpts, one Iran Saginaw, Mich., and critically Injured another. "I believe we ran out of gaa,” said Walter a Pol, 23, ot La Porte, Ind. 'T war getting sick and was asleep in the bade seat. The next thing I remember I wandering around." I • farmhouse. Before being taken to a hospital, Pol told of leaving three companions — pale C. Brushhaber, 19, Saginaw; Donald H. Atklnsori; 21, South Bend, Ind., and Jerry A. Young, 20, Eaton, Ind. — in the wreckage. Brushhaber and Atkinson were injured fatally. Ceramist Dies Tokyo .Records Quake DETROIT UN — Funeral service will be held Tuesday for Mrs. Mary Chase Stratton, a nationally known ceramist. Mrs. Stratton., a native of Hancock, died Saturday at the age of 94. TOKYO r, Dwight D. Eisenhower, [ who ofteq_ wrote letters tp Repub-. ► Ucain leaders giving his‘views on I matters then at issue in Congress. far as . he ip concerned, J Mansfield said in an interview, he > regards Kennedy’s decision as [ wise one. What Kennedy does behind the ) scenes, however, is obviously > different matter, Mansfield « I. The Democratic leader ’ said he is not directly concerned ! with and has tittle knowledge of ' such activities. case in point involves ' amendment offered by Sen. A > Mike Monroney, D-Okla., to the minimum wage bill on which the > Senate is expected to begin voting | Tuesday. . Monroney’s proposal would cut • by 1.6 .niiIIk»rtiie~more-thaa-iour ! million new Jobs that would 1 covered by the minimum wage under the administration bill. The battle over the Monroney : amendment is a touch-and-go af-| fair, with indications that the ad-! ministration has a slight edge in ' the vote. ^ 18.87 III.*5 S«*Wm DILUXI Models ............. 22.17 Tht rary finest, none better ot ssf ' price. Bap MV for Mother s Dejr. 1 graduates, weddings, etc. —Use ovr LAYAWAY Plan— Despite some setbacks and > opposition by forced delays. Mans-, field said he thinks Kennedy is » reasonably satisfied with the re-| suits of congressional considers-»tkm of his program thus far,- mms COSMETICS -Mai* Float Synthetic rubber plants built in ! the United States in World War • II were capable ot producing up-I wards of onq million tons at ruth 1 ber per year. To SHARE OWNERS of Consumers Power Company the Company's directors and officers cordially invite you to attend a regional meeting of share owners to be held in the COMPANY SERVICE CENTER. 4000 Coolidge Highway ROYAL OAK, MICHIGAN MONDAY, APRIL 17, AT 8.00 P. M. Consumers officers will discuss your Company's affairs. MOTION PICTURE REPORT , Husbands and wives of-share owners also are invited. Action S. Brown to Return for Cranbrook Talk Aaron Switzer Brown, recently-appointed United States ambawa-dor to Nicaragua, will be the com? mencement speaker at Cranbrook School, Bloomfield Hills, June 10, it was announced today by Harry P. Hoey, headmaster. According to Hoey, this is the first year an alumnus has been chosen to give the address. Ambassador Brown was a member of the first class to \fee graduated from Cranbrook School in prior to his appointrhent as tdor was as deputy assistant 1 secretary for personnel in the Department of State, Washington. The subject of Ids address - to | the 65-member graduating class has not yet been announced. g/ Complete labor and Parts YOUR WATCH Will |«: j • Disassembled , * • Cleaned and Oiled I 6 Worn or,Broken Parts Replaced With Genuine Factory < i Replacement Parts • Watch Adjusted .and Electronically Timed , i • Full Year Guarantee l on* Labor Repair Greece lias little manufacturing. Agriculture is still the important industry. 595'> BASEBALL EQUIPMENT SmaHFty—OQf Baseball <97* BASEBALL GLOVES ja i« Ben la Pwsttee, be spent a year as reporter tor Dm Paa time SINUS Sufferers Claaning of Watch Only ............ Simms low price of $7.95 includes needed parts such , as stems, crown, mainspring or balance staff. Hurry this ‘ week only, at Simms. Site Fielder.' cl1 leather wel 288 Full Slsa Professional type. FIELDERS' GLOVES S£ 388 to 788 \mssm t WATCH DEPT. Mete floor _£[ elga sendee officer in 1BJ7. He has served la the Consoler service to Bangkok, Iiaboa, Mexico CHjr, Dublin and Bogota, Cetom- l-Ee srSwat/Tole Mafia Mras sot It bnatba • sen na mi raaay ana. SYNA-CLUS H aU Oral Slots*. I to a prnvtoln. Iddata Brown’s most recent position MICHIBANS OHLY LAB. PROCESSINB HODACHROME MOVIES ARB SLIDES Irlift fee IKIACNROMI ANSCOCHI fCHROME :ol6r BLACK A WHITE Phone rgieitty $-4000 for TAKE AU YOUR SNAPS MOVIES l SLIDES WHERE YOU SEE THIS EMBLEM ON THE DOOR Price Smell TONITE sad TUESDAY! Lgyawgy Now for SUMMER «al VACATION USB . . . Let our trained experts help you get the exact binocular for your particular need. Free layaway at no extra coat. *■**—■■*-your choice. 4Special Groups BINOCULARS All with coated and prism ..lenses, ell. prices include carrying case and Federal Tax. One and two of a kind in each group. Use layaway at no extra charge—you pay only the advertised price — nothing more. GROUP 1 .M JGAA6Ss25 cf PO • 8x26 CF • 8x30 IF Values * to*36 Your Choice GROUP 2 Values to $90 Your Choice GROUP 4 Values - to$l02 Your Choice 12 is for general all-i two of ’a kind. 17" nd — but this gre 'ing—all coated pi 24 dude models thA SI hold*. Federal aaaeeaeeeaae 34 • 6x30 CF 7x95 IF • 7x50 IF-LL Values to$Sl Your Choice One and two of a kind — but this group of binoculars have up to 7 degree fields of viewing—ell coated prism and lenses.^Fed.^ax IrxL "GROUP*3* JE m AA o 7x55 CF nn 0 10x50 CFCLL l«i50 CFC O 20x50 CFC Better binoculars include models that are featherweight . . .' coated prisms and lames. SI holds Federal Tax ihrlueWI. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee AA « 7x95 W-Anglo 00*9x35 CF * ^ • W»x40 CF O 7 Be 12 Zoom Best quality binoculars In the 4 groups including magnesium lightweights.. . . all coated lenses and prisms. $1 holds. Federal Tax Included. till ll Tonight uU Tmday BIG DISCOUNTS PAtHT SUPPLIES Regular $5.95 GALLON Durable, long-lasting white house paint by Bungalow. Only at Simms In Pontiac. 31 Regular $5.95 GALLON Battleship gray floor paint for concrete and wood floors. Long-lasting enamel paint. Does You BASEMENT LEAK?—Get Famous ADDROC SEALE? PAINT If a total gaoler for; . • Cement Block • Cinder Block j<| Asbestos Shingles • Stucco, Brick '• Pburod Concrete 2* Regular 6.59 GALLON Latex Ipaint in,white.ond deco- rator colors . . . fully washable SUPER KEMTONE latex point. No Folding — 27-In. ffsfghl Aluminum Ladder 8 tardy—Wood—Folding 6-Ft. Step-Ladders St Valua 399 Limit I Ladder THREE * SPORTING GOODS ‘SALE Tonight end Seterdey isatm* I OPEN TONITE L i ’til IQ M. end TUESDAY 9 AJM. to 6 P.M. BARGAIN BASEMENT playing. Limited flight, ,0 CURITY 1st Quality Baby Diapers Regular $3.75 Dozen Super soft end absorbent Cur-ity diapers are full size ... easy to launder, too. Limit 2 dozen per person.' Natural Wood Finish—A-D-J-U-S-T-A*B-L-E Porch Gates 3-FOOT Length .. 6-FOOT Length . 9-FOOT Length . 34-inch height, made bT~Best wf grade yellow pine, riveted together, Natural wood, finely varnished. eeeeeeeeeeoeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Deodoriser Well — PLASTIC Diaper. Pails 96 N. Saginaw —2nd floor With Cover liagalow Drikote WHITE ce4t House Paint HR Compact Folding Style Baby Play Pen ill Value Bungalow PORCH and DECK Gray Floor Enamel 99 7 97 Hii 12xlO-INCH t Fully INSULATED Diaper Bags Value ' ^ 99 —Now I1 e Washable plastic bag with dou-SSWxJiiyxJO- • Me anchored shoulder strap, In-*ine*ca»url • tolated to kaep food and formu-njfjtof e las hot or cold. Zipper top and iradT. ijs» • sides. Choice of 15 colors. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeoee Famous ROC2-A-ITE Baby Jumpers leg. 16.95 4" First Quality WELSH Baby Hi-Choirs Swivel Scot I Thick padded I seat and back,! lock-on tray, I safety straps | .robins, etral fraW e quilt plastic fabric. Mot as pictured. • steel frame. aeeeeeeeeeaeaeeeeeeeeeoeeeeeeeeeieeeeeeeeeeee 1 strength SUPER KEM-TONE 379 2-in-l Combination Baby Bet-Oar Sul Ideal far Travel wad Heme Exactly as Pictured — CAX eSAT hooks *97 BCD hos chrome lOCI-A-lir Breed | Baby CARRIAGE rod reinforced. Poll platform. Folds com-poctly. Lift-Out Body — Style 117.00 list 34-inch body, —chrome steel_____ •frame. Several colors to choose from. 9* WATERLOX S as shown-sturdy steel frame Baby Stroller PAINT HOLLER SET 9” with metal pen 1 39 e PAINT .VARNI8H 1 • REMOVER, pL 49’ PATCHING PLASTER Stt pounds far one t TUBE * TILE CAULK ,£tt3 • Dewk In tabes.... 75‘ PLASTIC WOOD Wood Filler.Lb- AAt ' WALL SIZE •70 e Sealer — pound 39* ELMERS OLUE Prices start nt AAt * RCG-STA. Brash On . £tij a Stops Slipping Rags 99* $12.95 Value 8 M .Rugged steel frame, heavy canvas . padded body, foot rest, brake end wire wheels. With sun canopy. folding Lege — Woven for Ttattling end Heme White er Beige PLASTIC Folding Accordion Divider Door r$sss7 Values 3 38 FOLDING Baby Potty Chair 53*49 Fits doorways 32x80 inch sizes — _______ swinging door space. No special tools needed to igstell ’em. S PoIdles chair eompiete *Uh petty ______ _ vhlte with pastel trim. a end deftoterfec tadratow wsUthcey Smooth rolling eeefsrs on tpe tog*. « er for heme use. -ISer »• M. SAGDfiyW Pan Hoc’s Downtown WfCODHTil , A GRASS SEED STEAK Poter'l CHUNK BOLOMA Uon stands purpose project A llhd-based administration will be located In the continental United States. Oparational coats will be met by tuition. .The cost of a semester aboard will include tuition, board, room, and land arrangements. The facalty sf U ts M will he ‘drawn, from educational experts Ini, nun InmAm <• It will provide ,'a' curriculum, that emphasizes the study of man” and ‘‘a mobile environment for learning which takes the student to the world as a laboratory.” The “University of thw Seven Seas,” as it's called, got Us ii “ sponsorship from the Rotary Club of this Los Angeles suburb. This support led to creation of a board of trustees and a nonprofit corporation. PROMINENT TRUSTEES The trustees include three college professors, a former college president, a former school superintend-4«feg>dmiral, a retired U.S. Department of Agriculture entomoloadst and a lumber company president. Trustees president is William T. Hughes, president of the Whittier Pipe and Supply Co. E. Ray Nichols Jr., executive direotor, says the .college afloat will visit ports in Africa, Asia and Lath) America, and— While at sea, students wHf mb tend clssecras if they were in any stateside institution. “In port they win be accupied bachelor’s degree will be required Officials say they have chartered the S.8.- Jerusalem, “one of the most modern passenger liners 4,” from the Zlm Israel navigation Co. of Haifa, Israel. “It brill be less than a student’s expenses for a year at many land-based institutions and wffl tangs from 32,500 to $3,500 depending on accommodationa/* the anno ment says. Junior standing A TV executive insists he isn' merely a yes-man to Ms boss: “Eor instance, when thi boss says'No,' I say ’No,' too.” . . . A teen-ager is someone who thinks middle age is when you stop using! the tele-—-EaM Wilson aalvenitleo aad vtaMfcg la the homes of the people ef each area. “A full college course of 15 credits will, be offered for —eh The miracle of modem watch genius! NEW TIMEX ALL ELECTRIC MEN’S WATCH at a miraculously low *29 95 Now, the mirscle of modem watch gehius is yours it this amazing price. The jeweled movement of the TIMEX ELECTRIC is powered by a miniature Energy Cell with a life-' span of a year or more of dependable performance on or off the wrist. Waite's guarantees all parts for 4 year I Waterproof, dustpnoof as long as crystal crown and back are intact, shock resistant and e new jump . sweep second hand! Replacement battery only 1.50. I X 17 Jawtl Timex "400" $4 C Was 19.05f Now Only 13 Waite's Watches ... Street floor CAS RANCE SAVE >85° ON MODEL U59E33, WITH THE SENSATIONAL, NEW Rotis-O-Grlll •REGULARLY $354.95-NOW $269.95 WITH TRADE . * SO VERSATILE! SO PRACTICAL!/ Rotis-O-Grill Range-Top Cooking Cantor (with molorisod rotisserie, Thermo-Spit Moot Thermometer, vertical broiling rocks and built-in griddle) barbecue*, broils or grills on top of the range. Twin, radiant-heat burners transmit penetrating infra-red rays for fast, spatter-free cooking. When the weather outside it frightful just move your "cook-out" indoor* to this Roper Range! sbfo reage value. It features Retis-O-CriH, Tem-Trel deck, 2 appliance cutlets, Went-Rt SUPPLY IS LIMITED—SEE IT SOON! FREE INSTALLATION CONSUMERS POWER COMPANY 2S WaH Lawrence Telephone* FE 3-7812 ID 88 m SHOP TONIGHT TILL Mail or Phone Orders on 4 or Mora. Phono FE 4-2511 Order by Item Number GADGET SALE 88< 88* 88* 88* 88* QH00SE ANY OR ALL OF THESE MIRR0 AL0WNUM ITEMS...TWO FOR 88* f 41. Pudding 42. 4 Megsufing Cups. * 43. Riscuit Pan. 44. 12” Juke Catcher. WAnFS HOUSEWARES ... LOWER LEVEL It •Soucepon. THE PONTIAC PRESS MONDAY, APRIL IT, 1961 Snow Not As Serious As It May Seem.. • * There’s nothing of an alarming nature about a few inches of snow in April. neither is it anything unusual. We’ve had many such storms before. Some of them were also accompanied by high winds, and blizzards ensued. Sunday's storm was really a^mild occurrence with no ominous trimmings. If H is followed by a Season that runs true to former such storms, we’re doe for a bounteous growing season. The worst storm in Pontiac's history was on April 4, 5and 6 in 1886. It sho’wed continuously, for three days. • ★ ★ . ★ • It measured three feet deep on the level. But it didn't stay on the level. The Saginaw Street drifts reached the top of the store windows. The old two-ctory brick courthouse was almost buried. Entrance to, it was by tunnel ’ All busineas was paralysed for .nearly n week, and there was no rnilremd or highway travel Schools remained dosed and fu-nerale were postponed. It nil thawed on within a few days, and the Clinton River reached the highest flood stage ever recorded. But 1886 turned out to be a marvelous growing year, with all farm, dairy and garden crops attaining top levels. voluntary overseas service as one answer to the proMcm.” Perhaps our President has formulated an idea that will catch on in other countries around the world. Wrong State The Puss regrets a mistake in an editorial Friday Which identified the late Senator Joasra McCarthy of Wisconsin*as representing Minnesota. The Man AboatTown Good Judgment Shown by Families Who Had a Desire to .Change Professor: A college man who never get eat. Voice of the Peopler * Compared to Other Areas Out Shopping Area Great Within a few miles of the almost anything needed fay man, and shops In this general area an Cbunty Courthouse. you can buy woman or child. I think the atoms marvelous and much better than, In A dr A People la tklo area don’t know how lucky they are end M ranefan lor thooo sf ra that have Jeet moved have to tag thmi whet n greet niaee thta to to ohop. ★ * * - Generally, parking eoaHtionp could be better, but they’re mpertor to those in other dties. In two town* where I have lived, we drove 30 miles to dim- Ihst isn’t ever neceoeaiy here. E.L.F. Waterford ‘Give Church News Tells Why Rates Fine Coverage' Are So High . ’ I wish to compliment The Press end staff on the line coverage given to newt of different churches. Also for your excellent Easter editorial and the very Interesting testimonies from Christian businessmen. One of thaw is many times of more help to someone seeking help and guidance then many sermons. Their straightforward, sincere honesty should show many readers the blessings of Christian living. No wqnder Blue Cross rates keep . going up — and who suffers most? The poor working jnau and our Several months ago my husband was referred to a doctor by the hospital. His tool was X-rayed at the hespHal aad snapped la aa elastic bandage and he was told to aee the doctor to three weeks, which be was later billed for | ‘Methods, Actions Are Un-American’ Living not far apart on one side of Pontiac are 15 families, all of whom formerly lived on Boland Avenue in Wilkes-Barre, Pa. The movement started 35 years ago when ~ Mr. and Mrs. Michael SamaUow of 2i83 James X. Court moved here from Wilkes-Barre. • Herein, this column claims another Pontiac first It challenges any other city to show sueh a mass migration from one street in another city to a new location so close together In one city/ Tropical Storm David Lawrence Asks: I am convinced of the un-American methods and actions of the House Un-American Activities Committee. In “Operation Abolition” the students were branded aa dupes of the Communists be- “Tfeat’s what Blue Ones pays.” We hind to drop our Blue Cross when It went out of our reach, after having it far the past six. or seven years. One sf the Pear Little Working People Soviet Man in Space Just a Hoax? cause they objected and demon- The girls at Bell Telephone wholeheartedly nominate their Bruce Reigle as the most look alike of ^. Abraham Lincoln, with his whiskers, and now wish he would act like him. However, they don’t want him to be assassinated. Weather prediction of Old Parmer’s Almanac for this week in Pontiac area: “CeeUsb, foolish; makes yen foolish.” Proposed Peace Corps Considered in England Several papers (ran England have asked in the'House of Commons if Britain was prepared to set up a comparable body to President 'Joan F. Kennedy's proposed Peace Corps of young people to be sent to live in undeveloped countries. The British Government replied- to the Daily Telegraph that the Government was ready to consider further assistance to’ British voluntary organizations already doing such work overseas. ★ ★ ★ The Daily Telegraph commented as follows: The possessor of a palm that blooms in Michigan is Mrs. Jacqueline Carline of 129 Whittemore St. The green buda grew between the palm fronds, and turned to bright yellow blossoms, defiantly doing it around BL Patrick’s Day. WASHINGTON — Wat the Soviet stunt in outer space, as announced officially from Moscow, a hoax? Granted that, something went -around (he earth, was a man really in it, or did the astronaut merely make a separate flight similar to -that which an American airman, Joseph A. Walker, recently matte in an X15 rocket plane to an altitude of 32 miles? These questions are bring asked by scientists because there are some obvious discrepancies in the boastful account of his trip given by Maj. Yuri Gagarin. First of all, Gagarin says he was over South America 11 minutes after he started. “Three days after mn'e first spaes flight there are still ser- in unist newspaper in London, published an article on the flight be- st rated against .the wholesale blacklisting that occurred in California. Anyone opposing HU AC is called a Red; but, of course, under the protection of congressional immunities. ‘Papers Play Up Plane Accidents’ stances of the trip They pertain to Ms Mining, the presets or absenee si porthslsala the tore it was officially announced as having happened! The article spoke Tsesdsy ol the flight as havfog already fo which the eeeapaut returned a’t an- LAWRENCE “The timetable issued in Moscow said the vehicle had reached the sky oyer South America within 15 minutes. However, there Is no point in Soviet territory from which an orbiting vehicle could come dose to South America in so sheet 'a time.” . ANOTHER MYSTERY Three’s another mysterious aspect The Daily Worker, a Com- nooaced or tracked by Aroericaa observing station* aa In orbit until five days taler. The Communist newspaper revealed that the* astronaut, son of a Soviet plane designer, waf under medical care. Later on, Moscow dented that the earlier flight had occurred. Just why would the Russians concoct the story if It isn’t entirely true? The HU AC to a aad Illustration of the truth of the dictum that virtu© ' to so much njore dangerous than rice became H to not subject to the constraints of the coasrirwcs. There,is a sound factual basis for fear of Communist espionage and sabotage, but, ateo, lor the extensive program wMch the FBI is conducting. The HU AC to a hindrance to an effective anticommunism program. Newspapers make airplane ac-„ cidents seem greater than they are. On an average, MD people are killed every day in the year In the U.8. in automobile accidents, but newspapers only report those around their own die; tricts. If - an airplane with three paepie folk in Oregon, they print , it everywhere- Air Enthusiast The Almanac The four Mim« shown in Waterford found guilty these things: socialism, atheism, radicalism, liberalism, criticism and new-dealism. Ry l otted Prem International Today to Monday, April IT, the lOTth day of the year with 258 more in 1961. The moon is approaching it* first quarter. The meaning stars are Saturn and Jupiter. The evening star is Mars. Picking ripe tomatoes on both Christmas and Easter Was the unique experience of Mrs. Fred A. Marshall of 2827 Williams Lake Road. They grew In a pit on the South aide of her home, an extension of the basement, and covered with windows. righ tracking data collected by Americans tells the story of this gross exaggeration. ■ecsadly, Gagarin says ' he came down by parnchate. It to befog Inferred by a Russian Dr. William Brady Says-: Cold Doesn’t Bother Man but Jibes of Friends Do ‘Sponsor for JFK Just Isn’t Right* On this day inJiistory: In 1521, Martin Luther was excommunicated from the Holy Roman Chqrch after he refused to admit charges of heresy. On a field trip to Kensington park, near Milford, with Pontiac Audubon Society, —------Mrs.'Rex D. Wonders of i545 Island Park Drive, reports seeing hundreds of herring gulls, also whistling swans, Canada getse, goldeneyes, mallard and Mack ducks, and three apeeiee of hawks, including the western roughlegged type, rarely seen In .Michigan. aetaaly have glided to the earth. Maj. Gagarin, in his first interview, said: “While flying over Soviet territory, I saw perfectly great squares of collective (arms. It was possible to distinguish between plowed land and grass land.” ------ PORTHOLES OR NOT? The Russian major declared how be saw all this through portholes hut k isn’t dear' whether this vehJde had portholes. la fact, Dr. Aaatek A. Biagoa- ”1 have not worn p hat for 30 years" (writes a Minnesota reader). “I wear a light nylon jacket that most man think is too light even for summer use. I never garment padded with cotton hat-wear an undershirt, just a pair.ot ting and called a pneumonia jao-shorts. ket. I never have asked the doo- We have some cold winters tor whether ha was serious about I felt pretty silly although the four or five day* in hospital passed pleasantly — except the humiliation of wearing a father never went on program that wae paid for with wampum, beads or gunpowder. Chief Pontiac’s honor and reputation were never tarnished by sordid commercialism. here, .and sometimes I tingle a -little, but .it makes, me fori “One of the first candidates for assistance in surely Voluntary Service Overseas, which was started in 1948 by the Bishop of Portsmouth and Mr. Alec Dixon df the Royal Commonwealth Society. This organization has been sending out achool-leavera and sixth-formers to Xsia and Africa to servo for a time aa teachers and social welfare nasistanta. Bure that spring has arrived la . Sidney Owen of Drayton Plains, as both the purple and 'tree martins are here; and the forked-tail swallows always come a few days later. tatervtowed in Italy at aa Inter-nattaaal space sympostam, said at ftret there were no portholes ta the oMp but later declared (Right here let’s quote once more the teaching of a distinguished English authority I on hygiene. Dr. [ Leonard MB: “It la absurd .„ put on aa over- DR, BRADY coat when going out for a walk. I to good to go out and be braced perhaps prescribed just for Aren't there any fishwives or Saireygamps among your acquaintances, Mr. M? I notice'you say nothing about the rheumatfcz. tribal campfire the ptay away from Chief Pontiac while the peddler exhorted the braves to use Bear Grease tooth paste. Chief Poutlae never In ITU, Benjamin FraakBa died at Iris home la Philadelphia. , In' 1837. John Pterpont Morgan the rider, American financier, was bom. In 1941, Yugoslavia capitulated to Germany in World War H. In 1960, the West Berlin mayor called fear a huge flmdom iRBy^ ¥ ¥ to Thought tor today: Benjamin Franklin said: “Experience keeps a dear School, but' fools will learn in no other.” The whole idea to revolting and . my great great (13 times) grandfather would look on the Kennedy dan with scorn and disgust for the commercial TV they embraced Tuesday night. Chief Peattoe Xm Smiles Every new aad then we read about n shortage of pennies. What an they good for, aay-wayf Case Records of a Psychologist: Can the human eye really see 200 miles away through portholes "The scheme hgs been deservedly successful. There ii nothing about these boys to suggest huge, impersonal grants in aid from prosperous countries seeking some economic or political return." ★ ★ ★ . The London Times says President Kennedy is starting with a pilot project, and that the same might be dons In England. They further feel that young volunteers overseas must avoid an official label. The Times continues: “But the government backing that la needed can go far beyond -more money. The knowledge that must be available to the voluntary organization can come from embassies. They report on the quality of projects begun abroad which are asking for young {iclpera. “There are many; pitfalls in work of this kind, but voluntary organizations have already accumulated much experience. hr ■ ★ , fyv** “Those whs worry, about youth Finding a mother meadow lark burnad to death on her nest In a gram fire, Mrs. Mercedes Bakerman of Rochester phones her congratulation* to this column for its campaign against Up grass fire nuisance. It might distinguish large formations such as the lines on the moon but it seems incredible that Maj. Gagaria could have aeon anything as relatively small as meadows or fields such as he described. Assisted by the warmth from a nearby, chimney base, a lilac bush of Mr. and Mrs. Oswald Marwell of Rochester Is breaking into full blopm. A pair of Canadian geese have just made their semi-annual migration stop at Eafele Lake, near the home of Mr. aad Mrs. Reginald Kalbfletsch of Drayton Mains! It Is a regular spjjfig and autumn call. . Christopher Shawcross, chal of the British section of the Intel national Institute o( Space Law, is quoted in a Reuters’ dispatch from London as saying a protest had been launched with the International Aeronautical Federation in Paris against an attempt by the Moscow government to. seek registration of the space flight as aa altitude record for man. He said published evidence of the flight wes not credible. Witter Sullivan, a science writer for the New York Times, says to an article published over the wsek- by feeling cold and so be Impelled to take vigorous exercise."* " * ★ ★ In England people may like to keep cool and well. In America we Uke/ to keep good and warm.) ‘fMoti of my frtende” (contin-. the Minnesota man) “are idte concerned about the wap 1 /drees for cold weather, aad frequently tell me I'U get pneumonia if I don’t put something warm an. I laugh and tell them it can’t happen to me. “I- have had fhy share of Prepare Firstborn for New Baby By DR. GEORGE W. CRANE sevare aa mast people. The middle of February, .1 developed a cMgh, which pentetod, aad I be- Thinking’ I kad the ffo or some such tiring I amrt to the doctor was ta the hospital wMh | Verbal Orchids to- The Country Parson today la this country mifht look I field of to this scarcely explored i -.M. V MM - Mr. aad Mrs. Hoary Becker of 4012 Sawyer St.; 59th wedding anniversary. Mrs. Nora Olga -of Xeego Harbor; gist birthday. Henry B. Lanso of Birmingham; 84th birthday. Mrs. Isabella Haaehett of Auburn Heights.: list birthday. . Mr. aad Mrs. Fred B. Carpenter of Rochester; 54th wedding annlvenary. Mrs. Rebecca OMaagh of Rochester: 82nd birthday. Mix Catherine Olaaaford . bf Walled Lake; 83rd birthday. Mr. aad Mn. Frank Traynor of Swarts Creek; 72nd wedding annlvor-aary. f- ' _ - ■Kfl “I got;well in about a weak. '"What now? Must 1 take the jibes of my nincompoop frtende, buy a heavier, jacket and pamper myself, or should I ..continue to' rxpaos myself recklessly to cold? “Ksep up tbs good work. Ill ’ read It as long as you write it." (3.M.) I’U continue to write it as long, as two papers continue to print it. RECALLS MEMORY Your plight reminds me at ray pneumonia. One day 90 years ago I worked up a,cough aad confessed I felt a bit squeamish: Hoto they managed it I can’t remember, but my family made me go to bed and summoned a doctor- — not just a doctor ten ths* only one they knew I consider' the top watcher in these parte., • CASE H-481: Laura L, aged 9, has a problem that bothers her mother. “Dr. Crane," the latter began, "Laura ip very w'e 11 behaved around the house. "But whenever she is alone with anybody riot’d infant, Laura will pinch the baby or I .even sttek a pin in U, just to make it cry. ' "She ha. two DR. CRANE little brothers, one of whorata still a baby, but she never seems to mistreat them. “It is always some strange baby. What is wrong with her, for l thought ALL little girls had a natural maternal impulse?” WHY LAURA’S CRUELTY Children are neither cruel nor kindly at the outset.. They are simply neutral. But everybody te branded with this tattoo across Us or her chest: “I want to (eel important" So how can the. second baby make the firstborn foci more important? That’s tlie crucial problem that challenges every parent. LAURA DETHRONED Laura Was the only child who reigned supreme in her family for 5 years. Then, without warning, an intruder usurped Laura's absolute monarchy. For her parents didn’t prepare Laura- for the next baby. She resented the sudden loss of the Number One spot, as anybody would do. She hated the babies. Yet she knew she didn’t dare be cruel at Because Laura is such a big girl, too, let Laura hold the bottle for the new baby or push it along the street in its baby buggy. ★ * * And don’t keep saying how much the new baby looks like its daddy home when she wap writ super- Rot her hsetillty to behtoa carried ever to autride latent*, m whenever ska get tha chance, ska vented her tow by pinching strange babies er actually sticking s pin to them fo make them or even its mother, but exclaim how R resembles Laura. ary. In shart, keep thinking ef ways r second baby ar- Many parents think the oldest child shoald just naturally low the ncwcomaa. That’s not true at all! There ,fo no native er In. “Oaa sf man’s great food tor tunes Is Us ability to task bark and laugh at what ware calami Making them wail thus mads Laura foal more important. For it 'meant she waa regaining supremacy, She was getting evm. But til this cruelty could easily have been avoided if her mother and d|0dr l»d just emphasised the aspects of her baby brother's advent which would enhance Laura’s feeling of importance.. PARENTS MUST BE SMART Parents need to be shrewd ap-ptiad psychologists. .And they should start by showing Laura that the new baby to Laura’s Hying doll. .other * Laura fed more Important. Then Laura’s original neutral feeling will change to a positive attraction, dor this te how all love develops, even among adults. Leva must be cultivated, like piano ijaptaB- m*tM ta Ortlisp., gpmpL UfWl- BhlSraiwJK «tw»Wi in Wihiam itat *1 *fo*r SlM*« is th* United SUtM $».« _ Ml, M II tm Y; SPECIAL PURCHASE! Vi OFF! Irregular SALE! Fabric-covered Clearance THE PONTIAC PRESS, MONDAY, APRIL 17, 1901 SEVEN_ .0 lunches • coffee • donuts rat a.m. fog p.m. Mon. and FtL fa $ p.m. 29 N. SAGINAW Evangelist Faces Trouble in Japan NEW YORK — An American yangelist is headed into a massive soul-winning effort — and •tibly into trouble. "I've .been warned," said Dr. Bob Pierce,* 'before he' left Mr a month-long crusade be will con- Bniiwwsmj NEW LOCATION CURT’S APPLIANCES 1st Quality _ REMNANTS Extra Large Pieces Idurt In mostly non-Ghristfon [Japan.' '* # “The Communists nave been fighting this thing tooth and toenail. There could be violence. 1’ already counted the costs,’*. The crusade, in Tokyo's 10,800-seat Olympic auditorium, will be longest, biggest evangelist drive ever undertaken b| country. I It is being sponsosred by most Japanese Protestant churches. Christians there are a minority. ‘They say it’s now or never, [that unless Christianity takes the initiative and speaks out now, the chance may soon be lost,"'Pierce hjft, ' .':,i ' . \ Pierce, 46, is president of World Vision, Inc., of Pasadena, Calif., an interdenominational Christian service agency that maintains ITT orphanages and Y j1 .. * . r Walled Lake: 1102 W. Maple Rd. Reg. 12.99 Save today Samples! Pole, table, floor lamps! Rog. 16.98 Reg. 19.96 Lamps of distinction ; . . many one-of-a-kind . . . stylos with artistry to bring rich elegance and color to any room. Unusual shapes, 3-way lighting, beautifully tailored shades . .. wood, brass, china, ctrapic for period or modern settings. Every type. Get them at Vi. off when you shop .values at Federal's. 'CHARGE IT' and take up to 10 months to pay! LOOK WHAT LESS THAN $40 BUYS Danish-inspired 3-pc. casual" set for home, / cottage or office Tremendous valuel White, tangerine, block, turquoise ..or toast vinyl-covered set with walnut arms, lustrous branzotont legs,. £~ 40" (eveseat and 2 arMchain-at only 39.77 complete. EIGHT THE PONTIAC PRESS, MONDAY, APRIL IT, 1901 111 i." ' . • . .. 1 k. > 'V r-i « M k • . s, i\ ' ' • . I Am■■ . - - -■ I Eg V' ;• .** jL'.l V V- .r4VV An- l' ■ -v* : % i w h ''.V. ^ * ... ' $ t W- “AMERICA AFLOAT” Thales the name of a new column for all you boating enthusiasts. It’s informative,entertaining and will bring you a lot of pleasure as well as a lot of help. The author is William Taylor McKeown who is a well known writer of magazine articles and books on boating. He is a member and officer in many boating and yachting organizations includin^ ^merica Power Boat Association, the North American Yacht Racing Union and many others. Read Mr. McKeown’s “America Afloat” and get added enjoyment from your boating. Watch for This Feature Every Thursday in the Boating Pages of The Pontiac Press . v, • v*y*\ $ Li \l, . Ai \ l/v, ,C'£ jS * £ J .U, * L ' i I '*1 m & It, i f\ mmm i ■ ( . V 1 ' ' !,5i llPIllllIf ^ m Itlllllill | lifftll 11 111 WSK m ^ \ $§■: #i : 1 I iliwq S§||1J | j||||fll§§ | *M., K^.tSSSS government. THE PONTIAC PRESS. MONDAY. APRIL 17. 1961 NINE Filming Documentary on Red Space Hero MOSCOW rn — A full-length documentary it being filmed on Maj. Yur? A. Gagarin’s apace flight, Tam located Saturday. The Soviet news agency said cameramen have already visited his family, tBmfd the school he attended *as child .and plan to include shots at the ham’a welcome accorded the astronaut in Moscow Friday. Qid Trinity Church near Cambridge. Md.. was built about 1680. It has a handsome red velvet cushion which was given to the church by Queen Anne and is a^id to be the one on which die knelt at her coronation. Syngman Rhee Back in Militoiy Hospital HONOLULU (API- Syngman Rhee, 86. the deposed president of the Republic of Korea, is back In Tripier Army Hospital where he is expected to remain several days. Rhee mitered Tripler Saturday for surgical treatment of a back, abscess. He was in the hospital ) for observation of heart condition. "Life With father" ran for more than 3,200 performances on Broadway setting a record up to that time- “Tobacco Road" was second with about 3,150 perform- Returned With a Bonus PROVIDENCE, R.I. (UP!) _ A few hours after Thomas McDonough, 22, reported his auto stolen he found It, with a bonus. * * ‘ * He discovered five new tires in the back seat McDonough turned the tires over to police. NEW CAR BUYERS-Watch Thursday's Pontiac Press! To Head School Group GRAND RAPIDS » - Austin Bates of Jackson to new"president of- Michigan school bustness officials. He succeeds H. fgade Kroner of Saginew who remains on the board of directors. Focus on Fashion © Scientifically inspect and align front end to iMimhctmorg specifications. 0 Precision balance .both front wheels. Q Check power brake and power steering units where applicable. ALL FOR ONLY... Any American Made Car PAYDAY TERMS Ex - Secretary Mitchell Pits Strength Against Republican Machine TRENTON. N. J. (©-New Jersey Republicans and Democrats Will choose in a primary election Tuesdayr its candidates for governor—a contest of national significance in the nation this year. WWW The only other elections for high statewide office in 1961 are the U. S. Senate runoff contest ta Texas May 7f and the governorship of Virginia. The entry into the Republican Gubernatorial Primary of Jamea P. Mitchell, secretary of labor under President Dwight D. Eisenhower, increased interest In the New Jersey race.’ * * * State Sen. Welter H. Jones,- veteran legislator and head of Bergen County’* Republican organization, started out with a good lead, based on backing from two-thirds of the Republican organizations in the state. * * * Bu Mitchell’s reputation his backing by Sen. Clifford P. ~ase and Me ehtoy te attracftiBahclar aid. have made it a real contest. The third man. Sen.. Wayne Dumont Jr. from rural Warren County, has lacked the organization backing-and financial strength Of. his opponents, He was defeated in the 1657 Republican primary. * * * The Democratic primary was decided when Richard J. Hughes. 51, a former Judge, was given the support of Gov. Robert B. Meyner and the 21 Democratic county organizations. * * * Meyner, winding up his second term, cannot run again until 1965. ’ There are twg other Democratic names on the ballot, Weldon R. Sheets, Essex County supervisor and Eugene E. Demurest, a Hackensack councilman. if '# ■ ♦ • Each party will also nominate 60 candidates for the State Assembly and 10 for the State Senate. DIVIDED PAYMENTS AVAILABLE E. STEINMAN O.D. 100 MORIN SAGINAW ST. Phans'N 2*1005 Open Daily 0.10 to 5:10, Mds^tilO te 1)0 PENNEY'S- DOWNTOWN OpBMT Ivory Mon., Than., Fit 9:10 A.M. to 9:00 f. M.. AR Othsr Wsekdayt 9:30 A. M. fa 5:30 P^M. Good vision is important... and so is your appearance— Nu-Vision has over 400 frame styles for your selection. Shapes for every facial contour, colors to compliment every complexion, designs to dramatize every personality. Nu-VIslon offers a complete optical service including examinations, contact isnits, precision Ians grinding, fast repelr service and complete eyeglass manufacturing facilities.- PENNEY'S-MIRACLE MILE . > Open Every Weakdoy—Monday through Saturday * 10:00 A.M. Id 9:00 f.MJ r CARTER TIRE COMPANY Iformerly McDonald Tirol 370 Soith Saginaw FE 5-6136 SEE US FOR SPEEDWAY PROVED TIRES *1 DOWN *1 A WEEK TEX THE PONTIAC PRESS, MONDAY, APRIL IT, 1961 Pontiac, Nearby Area Deaths ROBERT CASEY jtroit. She also loaves one grand- Robert Casey, 38. of Howell.child. , . formerly at Pontiac, died Saturday ' Her body will be at the Coats at Veterans Ho^ltal, Ann At-bor. *'***™! Hoim in Drayton Plains following a long illness. «t» S this evening. She wiU then He was employed with the C t p* ,a*cen to ’be Booth Funeral O Railroad, and was a member of H00* Rockwood, Tout.. *“ the First Baptist Church. • iservice and burial &ovivors include his wife. June: j nzcwWter. LEE ROBINSON Ms mather Mrs- Robert Casey Of ^ Robinson, 49, of a--*- three daughters. Hlen ^ h3* Are.. died Sund^ at - and Frances all a h& residue following-a tar* Ul- David, Kathleen, borne; !,0"}e- ... * He was employed at General Also surviving are two sisters, |Motors anJ Coach. Mre. Roberta Jenkins /oMtowril j. ilo puvtoti by his and Mf*....Caroima -LxPiifr of, F) Brighton; and Ann Arbor. ___Serv ice will be held Wednesday at 2 p.m. from the Staffers Funeral Home in Ann Arbor. t MRS. V C. KORI) Mrs. A. C. dna^B » Ford* 6SV , , . -Elizabeth, and mo.— brother. Dav id of Mltchclf Robinson. Al» s Catholic Church, .Lake Orion. Burial will be in Mount Olivet Cemetery, Detroit. Mr. Jacks died at his home Saturday after an illness of several yews. An emplsye sf the oW Packard Motor Car Os. far It yean, he was manager of the Peek-ard Prstiag Cruris near Utica Mm Ms retlrwnent la INI. He was % member Of the Society of Automotive Engineers. Surviving are his wife Rose G.; five daughters, Mrs, Robert Hub-bell 6f K^wadin. Mrs. Melvin Kroetsch and Mrs. Michael Riley, | both of Traverse OW. Mrs. Arthur. Union Urges H?n to Stop Moonlighting WASHINGTON (UPD-lbe Machinists' Union has urged Us one mill km members -to -stop "moon lighting" — the practice of bold ing two or more jobs. The union said "moonlighting’ has Increased unemployment and threatens unkm-woiy wages working condition#. Canadian Sect f Burns Cars to Show Disgust CRESTOVA. B; C. (UPI)-J3rit-ish Columbia’s radical Sow of Freedom Doukhobors burned 11 of their own cars Sunday Hi « gesture symbolizing disgust luxurious living. The appeal was made Sunday night by Machinists' President A1 Tayes and. Secretary-Treasurer Elmer E. Walker in a circular to .each* of the union’s 2.163 tuid district lodges. Mental PatientTries to Avoid His Hospital GRAND RAPIDS (UPI) - Fmd Lods, 18, didn’t want lo.go bade. Lods, h mental pa tint, was scheduled to return to a Kalama-day after a two- _____| looked on while the can wore driven Inle n field outside Cresteva and set pin.. '_____‘ Royal Canadian Mounted Police said - about a dozen of the free-domites. undressed, partly or completely during, the auti. nw ** ------ -------- - three sons,.Arthur Lee. Dorcc|Doyle of Taylor and Mrs. Mwapijv'g.wiw M,,re * v,,v * . • I The freedomites explained the ,«nd Clemmie Lee Jr.; and a Dennis of Madisrm H^Ms; thrrel _ VOR^ tUPIi—A T.'-footicar-burning as a symbol of daughter, Annie Ray. all of De-!»n*. »■* .*gggA-fcfig?Aglt at 2 pm. Iron. a brother «•«» boose lor safekeeping jpMnKd recently promises to pro- foot nunciation of luxury. Baptist Church a of 7391 South Shaker Water- Hill Cemetery. Hjs body is now at *«we- A stereoscopic television system Funeral1 Mr. Jacks’ body Is at Lewis E. jWint Funeral Home, Clarkston. ford Township died Sunday « her.^ Carruthere residence following a short ill- uome Sip was a memher of the Pres-.!.-.' GRANT WASHINGTON..................FRRP bvtorian Clnirch. . Gnu,t Washington. 5L of 124 LAP™1 - S*’T^ct ** **2“' She is sawed by a daughter, | Earjmoor Blvd died Friday lot-inent Lapeer club woman Mrs. Mrs. Kathryn Groves of 1^ Wng a short iWss. Detroit; a son. J. W.. of Pontiac; | ^ j,y bis wife Elba Road, will be 1:30 p.m. Wed- . and two grandchildren Georgia; two daughters. Mrs. at *> Pool’* Utberanj Service will be held Tuesday at 'Luvina Johnson and Mrs. Lizzie C3nirch. Burial will || in Mount | 1:30 p m. from the Spari^Griffin , Minniewetthfr> ^ 0f Monroe. Hope Cemetery. Chapel with burial in Forest Lawn.. , fwo Gemwe and Mrs. Jens died last night Cemetery, Detroit. fcy. toft of Pontiac^ Lapeer County General Hospital ALBERT JOHNSON Service will be Thursday at 2ja*ter * five-month^ illness.^ Her W,re for Albert tohhsrm K pm. from the Macedonia Baptist ^ at Baird Ftfoeral Home.! Service tor Albert Johnson, T6, _ • . s„ oak Hni1 She had been chairman of the of 800 Oakland Ave.. will be T^:?^ w,th burtafl to °* "“iupeer Cbunty Blood Bank since day at 13P p.m. Irom the Hun- '^T* i#i, was voted "Woman of the toon Funeral Home. Burial will; H“ “”v “ at the Frank Car* be in Perry Mount Park Ceme-: Pangnirtung, a. past an Bpffinlword meant Island, was named for sn EskimolOkrihou." " . teetekd, he eMmbed to the reef of Ibn seven-story Heteaer Build dewatowa Orand Rapids and hung by Ms ansa from the ledfto When police started up a fire escape alter i)hn, he climbed back up and atarted hurling cement blocks at them. He also threw a knife, but all the missiles missed. He threatened to jump, but officers- kept him engaged, in conversation while another of the number managed to grab him, Lods held, for return to the hospital. i f “place of the Science Shrinks Piles New Way Without Surgery Stops Itchr-Relieves Pain New York, N. Y. (Special) -For the first tine science has found a new healing substance with the astonishing ability to shrink hemorrhoids, stop itching, and relieve pain - without In om hemorrhoid esse after another,** very striking improve-ment” was reported sad verified by a doctor's observations. -Pain was relieved promptly. And, while gently relieving pain, actual reduction or-retraction (shrinking) took piece. *. And most amasing of all — this improvement .was. maintained in cases where a doctor's observations' hers 'continued over a period of auny months! In fact, results were so thorough that sufferers wore able to make ouch astonishing state- ments M"l‘fes bate ceased to be a problem!” And among these Mffemta teebe e very wide variety of hemorrhoid conditions, seme of 10 to 20 years’ standing. All this, without the use of narcotke, anesthetics or astringents of any kind. The eecret ie s new healing substance (Bio-Dyne*)- the discovery of a world-famous research institution. Already, Bio-Dyne is In This new healing substance is offered in suppository or Jbif-ment farm called Preparation H*. Ask for individualiyeealtd convenient Preparation H Suppositories or Preparation H Ointment with apeeial anr*' enter. Preparation F nil drug counters. cielappli- I is sold at lw> MRS. JOHN ERICKSON Mr. Johnson died last Friday at: SHELBy TOWNSHIP — Service St. Joseph Mercy Hospital after for Mn John (EUen) Erickson, an illness of two years. ^ M of ^qq Ryan Road will be held MRS. CHARLES Mr NEW i2 Pm- Tuesday at St, Luke Epis- ~___. . _ „ copal Church. Utica. Burial will Mre. Charire (Mna BeUi Mc,^ Part cemetery. Bir- New. 59. of 3258 Signet. Drayton Plains. diedSunday at Henry Ford] ^TEricksoti, died Saturday at Hosmtal. Detroit. ; her honm following * longfflheas. Survivors include a daughter, . .. - ,111 Mrs. G. A. Danielson of Utica'; two of Rockwood. Tenn.. and a daugh-1 ter, Mrs. Tandy Forguson of De- HospitaJ, Detroit. She is'survived by her. husband; j her mother, Mrs. Martha Helton * Kenneth R. Wright Dies in the Hospital j sisters, three grandchildren'and seven great-grandchildren. Her body will be at the Pixley 'Funeral'' Home, Rochester,<*until time of service. Year" for Lapeer County in 19®, and was past president of the Mk^tigan Valparaiso Guild. Surviving beside her husband are a son.i Hermit of Califon^a; daughter, Mrs. Ward Newton at Lapeer; a sister, Mrs. Mary Williams of Pontiac; and two brothers, James .Walters of Dearborn and Ray Walters of Lapeer. J Her mother, Mrs. NellieWValtersj of Hadley, and three grandchil-l Iren also survive. CLYDE B. KINTZ INDEPENDENCE TOWNSHIP-Serviee for Clyde B. Klntz, 72, of 9406 Dixie Highway, will be 2 p.m. Wednesday at Bocsardet A Reid Funeral Home, Oxford. Burial will be in Metamora Cemetery. Mr. Klntz died yesterday at home following a heart attack. He ia survived fay two sons, Merwin and Ronald, both of Oxford; a daughter, Mrs. Betty Miller of Clarkston; a brother, eight grandchildren', land three -eat] grandchildren. PETER W. FRICK ORTbNVILLE — Service 1 Peter -W. Frick, 88, of 32 Cedar _ ... . ,. „ „ .. St., will be at 2 p.m. tomorrow Kenneth R-^ Wnght, ®, of 44»Lt the C. F Sherman Funeral Stizabctt Lake Rond died Sunday Burial will be in at St. Joseph Mercy Hospital fol-JviUp cemHerV lowing a brief illnesa. 4 A mimJ ^ Mr. m** died He formerly owned and operated|Saturday after an illness- of four Bob's Parking Lots located, in the I years • * town area. Surviving are a son. Oren Frick HALLIE H. SHARP .. Survivors include his Wife Elsie; jof Ortonville; a daughter, Mrs. LAPEER — Service for Haliie five brothers, Delphert of Pontiac, Florence Cooper of Livonia; three H./ Sharp, 75. of 25 S. Pine Marvin at Califwnia, Oair of Mis-jnepriiildren. Mrs. LeonardlvriU be' 2 p.m. tomorrow at Baird soun, Glen and Iradel, both of i Gamble of Grand Blanc, Mr?- Rob- Funeral Home with burial in Iowa; and two sisters, Mrs Henry. ert Crosby of Montgopiesy^Ala .|Mount Hope Cemetery. Bennett and Mrs. A1 Aitanater, and Raymond Petherbrkhf* ot Mr. Sharp died Saturday *2 . ____. . Ortonville; six grandchildren and Lapeer County General Hospital .vSTiLT vJSZZ’s “ .J u kr ■ Chapel. Following the service Mr. JACOB A. JACKS . ^«°rth^ralfh Wright will ue taken to the George INDEPENDENCE TOWNSHIP- M. Wittich Funeral Home in Mus-J service for jacob A. Jacks. ST oMme, Iowa, for service and burial of 8789 Lakeview ftoad. will be ^ in Greenwood Cemetery. 10 a.m. .tomonow at SI, Joreph ^ S2 . memorial service at 8 p.m. today at the funeral home. Surviving are his wife Mabel, son dare of. Lapeer; brother William of Imlay City and two grandchildren. Work Got Him Down Chesterfield, England (UP!I—Stewart Wells, -24, dozed' off while'iinkering With his car Sunday. When a passerby foiled to rouse him; he thought there had been an accident and called an ambulance. .The sirens succeeded breaking Wells’ slumber. lEY’RE PALS — Nicola West, 5, is the daughter of the deputy director at Whipenade Zoo in Bedfordshire, England. Because she is, there’s a chance to make friends with'affectionate creatures like this 3-month-old brown bear cub. The bear seems dverjoyed at the opportunity. '*'* . Memorial Day is fir Keneikeriig litessa now set Mswsrlsl Day why don’t yos pis* Uh fimnands of otter pooplo do ... Ip dtodlng sms t ooowwwonfe soouoot doorty tend sod tost. Wo 0 ’ BUILT TO A STANDARD OF M , QUALITY" VMSB) INCH MEMORIALS, Inc. 864 N. Parry Sf. > * Phone FI 5-6931 PONTIAC'S OCfigST MONUMENT 8Ui0|R$ The Big Difference Is . . . 4 % CURRENT DIVIDEND PAID SeRi-AMially for / 71 YEARS or * 142 CossomHvo Timss Capitol Savings A Loan Assn; Establish'd lift f5 W. Huron FE 4-0561 PmHic, MichifOa CUSTOMin PARKINC IN MAR OT MIILMNC What’s Made In Michigan ....Makes Meat affective tkrw Teat day, April II. Wo roionro the ripkt fa limit pMmtitias. Pinconning Fancy Mild Banquat Frozen Chicken, Turkey, Baef, Tuna Covcrtd lea Crtam Cheese ^ 49' Meat Pies 6 ^99( Eskimo Pies 6 ^ 39( WRIGLEVS Limit Ono For Customer Cmpm Mas No Cote Votoo. «w coupon H«a no Cote V.Km. Olv* t. Clteftr Botote Sho Chock* Voor OrOor Ruby Bee Pura Grope Jam 3 49“ Ruby Baa Puri a Peach Preseiyes 49“ Food Club Whole Kamel Golden Com ( r e Tcl-Huron Center e 536 N. Perry Michigan Navy Beans Liquid Laundry Topco Bleach Gayla Assorted Canned Pop e 398 Auburn • 59 S. Saginaw FLINTY OP FREE PARKINS 6'£4; Hdr husband. Stove Parker, telephoned academy officials Saturday and aakl Me wife could not Open TmlW*-!* Sender lilD In 5 KUHN IUT0 WISH US W. Inn Ante Fim ftmten» complete the film ‘Wy Geisha" 1 in time to fly to California. PLANNING RE UNION - These three pretty . Waterford Township matrons — graduates of the 1951 high school class — are busy planning a 10th reunion of their class, ‘to be held July 22. at the Elks Temple to Pontiac. Husbands and wive* of the graduates have been invited to the 6 p. m. dinner-dance and most of the 333 graduates have been contacted according to chairman Mrs. William Dequis. From left are Mrs. Gordon Booker, Mrs. Robert Barnard and Mrs. Robert Lussier. Mora definite plans will be published at a later da$. v Snow Partly Responsible Michigan Roads Claim lDuring> Weekend Traffic Michigan's weekend spring snow- riding struck a tree in Bruce Town- storm contributed to 14 deaths automobile trafflce for the period. The storm was blamed in part for at least four of the deaths, eluding, a crash north of dare in which two women were killed. Mrs. Alvla D. Moeckel. 83, of Wyandotte was killed Sudsy whea the car la which she was ship, Macomb County. Ruth MartindAle, 16, of Detroit, was killed SatuMay night when the car in which she was riding ran off the road and crashed into • ditch in Verona Township, Huron County. Peterson Real Estate of Lake Orion has been given exclusive franchise rights in Oakland County by Component Houses of Detroit for the building and selling of new type homes which can be purchased for as little as $1,960. Nome Ex-Wayne Prof to Senate Unit bn Aging WASHINGTON tm -‘-Appointment Mrs. Alice Wiles, 37, of Harrison and Mrs. Myrtle Spink. Houghton Lake,- were injured a two-car crash to snowstorm'seven miles north of Clare Sunday. Both of the women's husbands, Albert Wiles, 35, and Claude Spink, 44. were'reported in " critical condition hr 'Clare hospital. CRASH ON BELLE ISLE Ralph Moore, 16, of Detroit, died Sunday in a Detroit hospital of injuries suffered Saturday- when the car in which he was riding went out of control and struck a tree in the city's Belle Isle park. of Dr. Harold L. Sheppard staff director oI the Senate Special Committee on Aging has benn announced by Sen. Pat McNamara, D-Mich., committee chairman. Sheppard,"formerly on the faculty Of Wayne State University to Detroit, has been research director of the committee and its pred-subcommittee since May Charles O. Baxter, 23, of Hesperia. was killed Sunday when he [was strode by a car 10 miles northwest of Muskegon in Fruit-land Township. Police said Baxter had parked his car during a snowstorm and stepped out into the Ipath of an oncoming car. (flair M. Ryan, *7. of Flashing, was killed in a four-car crash Just west of Bay City Sat- Vincent K. Dauit. 24, of Gregory, died Friday night when his tr struck a tree near Chelsea. Julius Bennett Jr., 35, of Lansing. died Saturday when the car in which he Was riding struck utility, pole in Detroit. i Anton Nordby, 58, of Detroit, was killed Saturday when his car struck a utility pole on the Edsei Ford Expressway in Detroit. Orville McGowin, 29, of One* kema, died Sunday when his car left the road near Manistee and rolled over. Lester Msgnusson, SO, of Limestone, was killed Sunday whea he was struck hy a ear as he crossed a street la Leo Morawski Jr., 21, of Hazel Park, and Clement Senical, 38, of Detroit, were killed Saturday night when the car in Gets Exclusive Rights to New-Type Home*— The homes, which are bought on a do-it-yourself basis,' are not prefabricated even though the pieces are sold to four-foot modules. The pieces are precut and precoostruct-ed to Detroit after the lumber, is shipped from the company mill in Oregon. A model house is open lor public inspection on Sunset road just North at Clarkston road. The model is just east of The Peterson Real Estate office at 504 S. Broadway, Lake Orion. TM Parliamentary Assembly of Bermuda. British Island colony to the Atlantic, Oates from 1620. OPCN-TONKHT ‘TIL 9 #>773. REDUCTION ■sale UNGLAZED CERAMIC 12"*24" SHUT «-Hi» No Guards U. of M, Reactor Performs Vast Service for Science 12 Ex-Wives Can't Jar This Fellow's Existence | tor there are no 'granite-facedplearance arid no special pass, lei guards am) no signs reading “re-[Just an, imitation. Need ‘50 till payday? ‘ You can borrow $50 for two weeks for just, 70* The Associates makes loans from 125 t. S500 on your signature, furniture or car. Our terms are tailor-made to fit YOUR budget. TSTH"aIwaW-®86»^"^b our money, v • THE Associates LOAN COMPANY Pontiac: 125-127 N. Saginaw, FE 2-0214 t, Michigan Miracle Mile, FE 8-9641 Drayton Plains: 4494 Dixie Hwy., OR 3-1207 By DICK nu ANN ARDOR ‘ - Outside j . the building housing the Univettaty stncted ape*.’’ - ..I This atmosphere ol relaxed tool Michigan's Ford nuclear reac-] To enter, one needs no security] formamy nMjy be --------- “ “ '---------------— “ ‘ “ :-------- occult world if ate Bvt ♦•etagw" 4a »a word which fairly describee the V. mi M. pre-gram at ••■turn far peace.” It was conceived 13 yean ago as a combined nuclear research project and a memorial to the adversity's World War II dead. Since then, the Michigan Memorial-Phoenix Project has conducted all or part of over 200 research tasks — and not one has ever carried the classified” label The limitation of afi Phoenix research to the -peacetime use of atomic energy is "an absolute groui*l rule." said Dr. Henry, J. Gombergp the 42-year-old protect director, ' , Phoenix has turned down several high-priced and significant projects simply because they carried other-than-peacctime implications — but Dr. Qomberg and [his aides would have it no other way.' • v <■ “The point of Phoenix re-•rorrh Is the study of what Irradiation does to matter — and .And he points pridefully to other facts, about Phoenix: It was the. world's lint and largest peacetime atomic research project and is still the only uni- Choice of Words Confuses Eye Test COLUMBIA. S. C. » - The eye doctor pointed at ^ line of letters P* and asked 0-year-old David Hodges if ho could read than. David shook kfc head. He gave the same negative response as the doctor traveled up the chart to the huge black letters that even the most myopic can generally read. ,* David's mother gasped with horror when, again, David said he couldn't read the letters. But she sighed with relief whim her son added, "But I can spell any of them." -•BRAKE SPECIAL MAKE SURE YOU CAN STOP PAY AS YOU RIDE {GfOOD/VEAR SERVICE STORE 30 S. CASS con heat be feend In purely objective study with no strings attached,” he said: "If doing any project means imposing extra. security regulations staff or facilities, we'll have no part of it. > * ''-a Hus means we can encourage I thinking — not restrict it — and we can experiment with ideas that Shay seem peculiar or even .point-Itess in the hope of discovering! something new.” | CHAMBER FAMOUS I The favorite case in point is the now-famous bubble chamber, a milestone of atomic research that earned the I960 Nobel Prize for its discoverer. Dr. Donald Glaser. ----Re- did his research under a IMS Phoenix grant of *1,500 after ether financial source* kind turned him down. Today, an. estimated $33 million per year is spent throughout the world on further studies of the babble chamber for measuring high energy atomic particles. The nerve center of Ihe^Ehoenb! project is the laboratory on the U. of M. north campus, across the Huron River from the main campus. It contains the reactor and allied facilities and the administrative offices. * it * But Phoenix work is not limited to the laboratory. It is termed "universitywide" but is in a real sense worldwide, because Phoenix scientists have used, it as a model in helping to set -up atomic research projects, in approximately 20 -foreign countries. Many of >thc more than 100 persons involved in Phoenix are. foreign students, studying under auspices of the International Cooperation Administration. Dr. Ralph A. Sawyer, who served a* Phoenix director in the first 10 years and is now U. of M. vice { president for research, believes the value, of the program can be j | measured by the fact that the or-j iginal fund-raising goal of S6.~ million for the laboratory was I oversubscribed by $1.5 million. Movie Suits Abound BERKELEY, Calif. (UPI)-There have. been more antitrust cases in tfie motion picture industry than in any otter, reports Michael Conant, author of a recent study published by the University of California Press. vemitywlde study devoted to that With a small administrative budget. It spends an estimated I# to M cents at every nuiui The reactor itself — built • $1 million donation from the Font Motor Co. Fund, was the lint one to be owned hgr a university, Rated since 1958 at a million watt* its power to being doubled Ms year. If again will be the largest on a university eam- The reactor is the “swimming pool" type best-suited to education purposes because of the ease with which substances can be exposed- and observed to the blue-glowing uranium 235 core. More, than 92.5 million has been spent on projects, which as Phoenix directors put it, range literal8 lv from a (archeology) to Z (zoology). ... -r* Perhaps the best known tit naaoEimitaiental programs has been an exhaustive study of toe legal aspects of thry ^SWm^s peacetime uses. It baa. earned^ Michigan recognition ns the leading center for such study. Phoenix has conducted research projects, to fact, for 15 of the university's 17 schools, college* and institutes — the two exceptions being the colleges of music -——A—-------------- land finance. Out of every dollar spent at re- * -* * tail stores in the Upited States in “There probably are some things a given year, about 25 cents goes we could do for than, too," raid for the cost and upkeep of an auto- Dr. Gomberg. "But they just mobile, ^ i haven’t asked." LAS VEGAS, Nev. (UPI)-Any man can get along with his wife. But it takes a man of extraordinary gifts to .stay an good terms his ex-wives. And thereto lies the genius of hotebnen Glynn Wolfe, to, who, at last enmt, had 12 of them. Wolfe, a stocky, browtobairad exfarm boy who gave up the plow tor the vow when be Wes IT, plained to Us native Indiana drawl how he maintains good. relations with his former spouses: “I beep ’em happy by gtvtag » all living quarters H they Doewi’t Pay Alimony get the, forest one first. You gotta keep tryin’, and 1 haven’t f it yet. I hope to get married again, or elm I'll get kinds lonesome.’ "Marriage to the greatest adventure next 'to death,'* be stod. 'And' there’s nothin’ I wouldn't dojor ray bx-wtves -if they needed money tar advice. I think everybody ought to get married — and young. We need the women around, they're wonderful.” , I give 'em board and whatever else they want. They keep me happy because I’m not lonesome when they're around. It's kinds nice to have old friends visit you. it it it 'I don't pay no alimony. A fella who gets a divorce with alimony ls nayin’ tor it on the installment plan. I believe to givln' ’em what'B satisfy‘’em to one lump and have it over with." WoHe sold he dads H easier to get along with aa ex-wife than a wife. "I tell you," he said, "when somebody thinks they own you or you own them, they're harder to deal with. When you're both on your own, you know, just flow far to shove, the other.” Why has he married go often' "Well." said Wolfe, “marriage is like stamp collectin'. You don' Cockroaches Written Guarantee Box Ex Company $25 Billion for Hodlth WASHINGTON (UPI) - The public pays 925 billion a year for the concent of its health. This breaks down to a year for every man, woman and child to the nation. S Tito People of Oakland County \ 3 Who Never Ftolahed £ J HIGH SCHOOL J to an Invited to write for FREE booklet. TcBs hew yea can 3 to earn year American Reboot Diploma. B 3 AT HOME IN SPARE TIME _ 3 S™ AMERICAN SCHOOL M. Ml J r.a gn ten B. AIM rsrk. miMwe . 'to ■me as ,*ar FREE SMtoga msh MsM BsskM to S *“*• ..• .**.*.Am..................j to AdSrcsa ......... ........^ PWne ... 3 t a gasoline with an -exclusive new combination of additives that makes your car run better, farther S Rare form! Higfit price! Pontiac's Catalina! Trophy V-8 Power. Wide-Track balance. Nothing handles like it hustles like it. No car anywhere hear its price is anywhere Drive one and you’ll have one delivered. nbw snaiD on -car1 sworn wontiaci Pontiac Catalina! PURE Firebird Super with Tri-tane ‘HMI1 POUTKC- THl OHtT WISt-TMCS MSI Pontiac bet ttw widest track ot Mf cer. BodyeMthtriafflwdtorMhmtMeww-toil, tora nags tatotritonwtilla , earns for wre-toet«4*W«|dabMy- PONTIAC. MOTOR , DIVISION ■(TAIL STORE rONTIAC SALES mat SERVICE n. Msu st .Osrk^ee, Midi HOMER RIGHT SHELTON . rONTI ACnBVICK. INC.' ar iota at..'- uke Met nich. le Cuts down on engine wear-An exclusive additive reduces piston ring wear to cut compression loss and lower oil consumption. 2. Saves you money on repairs-carbu- retor adjustments am virtually eliminated, spark plugs last longer, time between tune-ups is greatly extended. 3. Keeps your engine at the peak of itS power—Spark plug efficiency and life is extended, compression is maintained, pre-ignition controlled. "Gasoline is gasoline" . . sound familiar? Well, a lot of motorists have changed their minds (bat good!) since switching to PURE Firebird Super. The mind-changer in this new powerful gasoline is Tri-tane—an exclusive combination of additives developed afar five yean of research and 4K million miles of teats, Try some. Chances a*e you’ll change yoor mind, too. New PURE Firebird Regular—it yoor car gets along well on regular gasoline, itH get along even better on PURE Firebird Regular. Fin up today. . .no extra cost! . , Fire up with PURE Firebird. ^ 7V ‘ RE SURE WITH PURE J - / 1 f; THE PONTIAC PRESS MONDAY, APRIL 17, 1061 PONTIAC, MICHIGAN. SEVENTEEN Waterford Center Benefits Teachers, Students Alike By REBA HEINTZELMAN _ Something new has been added to the Waterford Township School system to benefit every one of the 12,800 students and their teachers. Through thfr.npwiy establ^h^Xwrylcjilpa MateriaJA^^B Center in the Della Lutes School, teachers share a wide' range r of .up-to-the-mlnue teaching aids. Film ' strips, tape recordings, special books, opaque projec- JBf tors, microscopes and many kinds of science teaching .aids are delivered by a truck, which makes a daily ■ circuit from the center to*-— -----————;— | the schools. In this way, the 25 schools ii, the district can benefit from more equipment than could, be provided tor any single school. Since these improved educational service* have become available, teachers Jhave shared a pride In being able to' Improve the quality of their teaching. The object Is to make a hard subject aeem easy to April has been set aside as “Career -Teaching Month” by the National Education Association. The Waterford Department of, Classroom Teachers la paytag tribute to the Waterford Mum-tin Association, beaded by Donald L. Smith, and to the English Association, headed by Ruth Chamberlin. Building pride in the teaching profession is one of the most important functions of the Class-room Teachers, according to President Suzanne Reece. , AUF.MF-*4' harts CHARTS FOR SCIENCE — These are only one of the many items available lo Waterford Township teachers at Die newly established* Materials Center■'ht the Delia Luteg School. From (eft. director of the center Margaret Jetter ex- plains a lew things toKbiWld Arnold of the Beaumont School, Thomas Mattson of the Dray; ton Plains School and Charles Bryan of the Four. Towns'School. field trips-tor various age groups,'soundness. fratlM Prew Photo teachers, From left are Mrs. Wayne McMeans of Crary Junior High School, Harold Hemming, of Waterford High School, Daniel Addis of Cooley School, and Miss Ruth Chamberlin of the senior high. , SCIENTIFIC ADVANCEMENTS — To make science easier for Waterford Township school children to understand, the new Materials Center at the Della Lutes School is filled with maps, charts, and scientific projects available to the room, call the family to supper. A small speaker near each phone broadcasts the caller's voice. HOME INTERPHONE makes your telephones a handy home communications system. Talk from room to unseen. A small microphone-speaker unit mounted by the door broadcasts your voice and carries your visitor’s reply. HOME INTERPHONE lets you answer the door from any extension. You can find out your visitor's business safely, sight Come view what’s new at MICHIGAN BELL’S SPRING PHONE FAIR : FAMILY FUN — Even two-year-old Linda Marie Dennis wears a centennial bonnet when she comes downtown with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dell Dennis, 114 Lincoln St. on the first Old N>Um Pmm hwu Fashioned Dress Day. Father-son and mother-daughter costume combinations were the height of fashion Friday. her Mnhet. The centemfiai spirit among hospital efhptoyes is one of the livelier in IMt ' TIME OUT — Mrs. Nell Frye^ a housemother «t the PoMac State. Hospital nurses home, feauaes on downtown Saginaw Street to adjust, Whatever you need in home telephone communications, you’ll find at Michigan Bell’s Spring Phone Fair. For example: Tho Princess. It’s little! It's lovely! It lights! Smartly , styled. Comes fh five decorator colors with a separate beige ringer, if desired. Celor Extensions. Available in nine lovely colors to harmonize with any room. Fit easily on desk, table, counter top. Wad Phones. Save you time and steps. ,A “natural'’ for busy activity centers in your home. And there are many other telephone services to make your family’s life easier, more enjoyable and more efficient Volume Control Phone helps the hard of hearing. Just a turn of the button adjusts the volume. Private Line Service permits uninterrupted chats. Extra Linos let two people phone at the same time. Extra Listings in the telephone directory make it easier for callers to find all the members of your family. Why not call and order the services you want right now from your Michigan Bell business office? Or ask the man on the telephone truck. MICHIGAN BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY, (i^j) PH. 333-9911 Come view whet's new in home communications—now on display bt your busmoss office, 54 S, Huron EIGHTEEN THE PONTIAC PRESS. MONDAY. APRIL 17. 1001 FlY FREE TO LAS VEGAS! Canfergaee Hi University of Mkhlgan TKKUi --« MTl ■ I NMim -OS IU-UKNU *208 i^^SHZTL iwi8 Ocean Depths Offer Unknown Frontier ANN ARBOR M* - While roan focuses Us attention on the limit-less reaches ot space, another field of exploration much closer at hand —the ocean depthe-remains virtually, untouched. And University .of Michigan Scientists Say it may stay that wajl unless mote quitted people are found to iaae ap acute abortag* of present. Planned research in the half decade will require at least twice that many, he eaid. The University ol Wisconsin is the only other Midwectarntnatitu-tlon to offer euch a program, and it conontratae primarily on limnology—the study of biology In Iaoucre & aIUt la •w^r-gieejw tew *n4 -erfrom Mi M comfort k» cnrbin. Urtutin* nrmsta UXiS&S Michigan will''iofler degrees of master science end doctor of The twuday conference is spot jpred hy the Great Lakee Research Division of the adversity's Institute ot Science end Technology GST), which since 1®4 has supplied oceanographic techniquee to an intensive, broad study ot the Grestiakesr--=— Dr. John C. Ayers. U. of If. oceanographer, said best estimates show only 1,500 oceaftographen are working in the United Stales at * * oceanography under a wide-range program covering virtually all phases of the field, including chetniktry. biology, meteorology, geology and geophysics. A 35-foot vessel, the NUaA is used by U. of M. marine adentists in their field research on the lakes, and plans ere being made for a 100-foot craft. Push Vaccine for Youngsters The Gnat'Lakes probably will ramaia as the university’s major Add of study, although the day is foreseen when a 175-toot research vessel will travel to the ocean via 'the St Lawrence Seaway. Is taka nSsaniata of the avefi-abllity of the Salk polio vaccine Official Worrit* Ovor Children Under 5 Who Need Salk Shots WASHINGTON (UPD — Both the government and private groups are concentrating their polio vaccination drives this year, as In the past, on babies, young chfidron and young adults. The crippling effects of polio an often particularly aevero * strikes young adults. U J. Surgeon General Dr. Lutbsr L. Terry" hal/urged all Americans Bat ha to roast ewMeeaa* sheet ha many ikfitoea an* haMes ■nder five and mea aad wemea a the M It 88 age group wfee There are WTO 1 outlined in a U.S. Public Health Service pamphlet entitled “Babies According to a recent PHI report, almoet half of ttia 2,365 pore, lytic polio were to the group tu of ago. Very tew About (B per cant of the non ad 16 par coat of tbo American mans In tha 96 to 66 age SHOE REPAIR . COUPON SPECIAL! half soles $2.79 Volue With O Oeaaiae Oak With Coupon Only L##ttlOf #f "nammA.'■Iron raaaaa CsMfBdHee tstz $1/9 Pr. T l WORK CUAgANTH* Mem Teem WaA wr S. S. KRESGFS 13,3 “RE! WITH 116-LB. BOTTOM FREEZER TODAY'S HST 2-DOOR IUY APPLIAWCE SPECIALS 10 Co. Ft Refrigerator. *158 13 Ci. FL Refrigerator. .*238 Ilf Lb. Tep Fr—sec—2 Peer 400 Lb. Upright Freezer .198 Filly Aatomatie H0RGE Washer ............ 158 I0RGE 2 Way Dryer ... 128 NORGE 5 Cycle Automatic Washer............ 188 1 >peeds Cwnsw Petois (I etdyt__ FREE DELIVERY—INSTALLATION OUR OWN FRRI SERVICE R0D0WN 2 YEARS PAYMERT TO PAY 90 DAYS SAME AS CASH ! /b/dpt/fiefat DOWNTOWN orra MON. uinLKKBTS 121N. Ssfiatw SL n 841*1 I Wmk h- LB. EARLY-WEEK VALUES Fresh Chicken Parts "SipwMglrt" Quality Sliced Beef Liver 39* ALLGOOD—A&P's FINE QUALITY SLICED BACON 1-LB. PKG. 45 NEW LOW PRICE! A&P Brand Frozen MONDAY AND TUBOAY ONIY SAVE AT A&P ON QUALITY, ALL PURPOSE Maine Potatoes 25 89' Bananas1 Tomatoes LB. OUTDOOR H-OZ. GROWN TUBE as BIRDS EYE SAVE 16e—JANI PARKER, QUICK FROZEN MEAT Rhubarb Pie PIES Banff Chicken dr Turkey . | on., TQc •s? S»99i ■ SAVE lie—JANE PARKS!' * • V* - Potato Bread 2^35* “V "y ' M^]' Cut from, A8h Famous Top Quality CMckom Tender Young Frying I Fancy Sliced Bacon “SUPIR-RJOHF pko! 53c thick^beeit Bacon sif • • 2 99* Orange juke 6 ^ 1 ‘00 10< 19* BREASTS ' 45* WITH RIBS ATTACHID LEGS - 39* Frankfurters 39* "SUPER-RIGHT" SKINLESS ALL MEAT 1-LB. PKG. Ground Beef "SUPER-RIGHT PREPARED FAESH MANY TIMES EVERY DAY 49' LB. JANE PARKER SUCK) ROLLS FOR FRANKS OR DOZ HAMBUROERS 33< SPECIAL SALE! A&P CANNED FRUIT Your Choice 5 No. 303 QQ1 ^ 5J2J Fruit Cocktail, Pears, Pie Cherries, Apricots# Siberia Peaches AAP BRAND—Our Finest Quality Grapfruit Juice K 4 •“ 89 AAF PINBAPPll-ORAPEFtUIT Fruit Drink . .4«£ 99c Jlpricut In this ad affacllvu thrw Tuas., April Ittfe Inja Bnatora Michigan AAF Super Magfcete 1MOMAT ATlANTtC 8 PACIFIC II SuPer Harkets AMttKAS BIPtUBABlt fOOO MttCNAUT UNCI Hi* v cSiSlIllS S THE PONTIAC PRESS. MONDAY, APRIL IT, 1981 NINETEEN Weighed 2 Pounds, Goes Home at 5-5 ■BARTLETT, IU. (AP)-Cynthia Atm Orlando, who weighed two poond* when she was bora IS meek* prematurely Jan. X and ((van little hope ot survival, wa* taken home Sunday, reportedly la fine heajth. Hie ‘infant weighed slightly more than 5 pounds 5 ounce* when she was taken home from Swedish Covenant Hospital in Chicago by -hfe parents, Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Orlando. 'Ilia American Medical Association said Cynthia to oge of only 18 youngsters in recent history Residents Ftee as Lethal Fumes were airlifted from California to stop the leak* The gas, whjch'can be fata] In Miltion-Dollar Blaze Guts KnoXville Stores AeLo TvaneNAslallaM Public «j» being overcharged and asks iransponation poor sendee.” h* chi. _■ icized the “poor management" ^ Porcupines an exodleat climbers and spend a good part of their Uvea in frees. Escape Truck driver Frank ’ Silva. of Coikxad, Calif., lost control of a truck KNOXVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — A miUion-dollar fire destroyed three Become Nationalized2^o,.™fathl* . Quill appeared as a guest on Pldladelphia )ap) Prcsidpntthp l5th annual Phlladeiphta Eve- (ASVohlSMNat) Now MosyWtar FALSE TEETH WHfcMonCoafiH ' (aooSd/fe^srlttSfarotiSl TEETH on TOUT pUtoo. Ho SUmmZ. iomt.wu « ksnfj.tiig! T‘pUU odor" (dentuio bcooth). 0*» pasteeth m ear ana mobs*. known to have survived premature birth of more than three months. The Engttah weed “Easter” derives from an old ‘Norse triad meaning “the twuaai of new birth.” FALLON, Nev. (AP) — Deadly ammonia fumes from an overturned truck tied 19 traffic on UJ. 80 for eight hours Sunday and forced nearby residents to leave their homes, « ★ ’ * Sr • ' 1J . Experts with special gas masks centrate, used In fertilizer. Several persons who ventured near the overturned thick ts^ quired treatment. Fast , driving Is said to reduce clarity of vision and induce eye fatigue. stores and heavily damaged three others and several offices. ..Firemen fought the blaze on Market Square for five hours Sunday amid high winds, which ‘spread the flames to surrounding buildings and for a time threatened an entire block in the hea^t of tilt city. Michael J. Quill of the Trans portning Bulletin Forum Workers Union says subways, Walter W. PatcheU, vice presi-buaes, railroads and airlineadent the Pennsylvania railroad, should be turned over to the city,answering Quill’s proposal, said? state and federal governments. "You get this all set up and * ■ nationalized, like Russia, and Pm Quill said Sunday he thought thegoing to hunt; for. another, place Pennsylvania Railroad's riding to liveV’ COME ON 1 N AND HELP US CELEBRATE SELF-SERVE DRUG STORES Sale Starts Monday, April17 thru April 31 f tissTBiisa wire wars missmteybsis ran | “WcAg\eeK Agency Til... NY ONE 1* SUE ITU AT ITS RE0BUR PRICE...MD ONE PENNY TO GET 2 FOR THE PRICE OF 1 PUIS 1< 30 FREE HOLDENS RED STAMPS DURING OUR 1'SALE Valid Through April 31 ONEXENTSALE 2fa*1" Physicians or Surgaons RUBBING ALCOHOL Rog. 69* Pint BbNlts Ic COLD FIGHTERS *•9 • Walgroon'i Antihistamino $1.19 Cough Syrup ^•gTRofcMta 2 'i *1" 75c Mouth Wash 2 ¥ 70* TIDY SPRAY DEODORANT JUsaltMiarStfek Rog. Tf*»' 75c Cough Syrup ,24ff 76* & Ehild^n’T&pirins 2>^.34c Hand Cream Lanolisod—never sticky. Pa ar 2^99° ' Dm Anefrin Anhiitominic 89c' Nasal Spray 2 Iff.TO* mm OUWiW „ AYTINAL "**"««« MINBUUs W *3.9# _ r J**m 2 ? *3.99 tvowlwg In Peril Roll-On, Stick or Craa DEODORANTS ^Reg. 75c aa. , YOUR f CHOICE 2 for 76* 89?' Antibiotic Lozenges 2 ft 90‘ V Sale Beauty BISAMADINE POWDER I 5-oz. AAe Wk 1 St 2 <5.1* Reg. Formula 20 La noli zed 89c Craam Shampoo •OUKJOIS DUSTING POWDER Rm. *1.25 Six* 2 4* PO-DOAarsol SPEED SHAVE Parm&JM Foaming 89c Oil Shampoo 9*9* Formula 20 Aerosol m Hair Spray 24^99‘ R*g. La Peggie Non-Flaking 39c Waving fluid Sf-VITOL SOLUTION •vi larnlm, Bo»ar^ ®FWATWc v|T«IINJ and MINOam ** Tho» CX»r40 9i M ai Wu-Zr^ mSF** *r*NAL SPECIAL PURCHASE Helena Rubofisttin • While Magnolia Ream Berth • While Magnolia lady IWder • White Magnolia $lOOsa.2|'1i0t Ran Hillraee "K" 7* Hand Lotion TOO GOOD TO LEAVE OUT. !2-es.. kettle Rog. WAI-GREEN CHLOROPHYL 7fc Mouth Wash. OUBERON VITAMINS 100 Capsules - 2 . Hi" ■ANEFRIN A.P.C.I Antihistamine Cold ■HI Dm Briar gala, Spica Scented eg — — ~ After Shovo Lotion 2 ^99* 98c VITAMIN I »g.$2JO WITH ARC ■eJ VITAMIN C ^s«S» TABLETS With V Vitanls C p_„ PO-DO Pra-clactric a mm n Boforo Shove Lotion 2 tor 70 69c Reg. $®fr# Gentle, Children's 47c* Castoria 2j 48' Congestion and Coughs 210.98c Pkg. of 24 2 for 99* dig, Keller Adult Strength 79c Analgesk Balm 2$ff80* * Keller Pain Relief ■ Sea •3? Liniment * Just Put It On—4 oz. i for $|20 A *=* Deodorizer i tesi __________ fiimm, i *°r ^ ‘■“-•StMU / wr«JS*,r"«l rr»_______ — 8°t.of 100 FORMULA 20 LIQUID SHAMPOO H *3.79 2f*J» FREE ^••Woofloo I® I 2 iff 80e fete- HI*5] WALGREEN MINERAL OIL PINT . SHE [*fASCwihtfft^fc COME IN AND BROWSE AROUND... THERE ARE HUNDREDS MORE EXCITING If SAIE SPECIALS ON DISPLAY Wom~«• He was coasting x. to hit a comeback ball for along -wMh a M lead going Ip game-ending double play. ninth. Sad Sam *ruck out ^ ^ ^ Tony Gonzalez on a wild pitch _ Jr-r. .. but Gonzalez readied first base J*,?**t ». **»?.. ^Ibetore catcher Tom Haller could Philadelphia, combined with ^ the ball. A wild pitch and V* Aagd«* DodgwPstartey U4ja tingk ^ Hen*ra count- for example. Sum Jonesjdylsloo over Plttobugh put Sandro"^ alerted Dark to call for ODeU. Doubles by Kuenn and Orlando Cepeda helped get the Giants away to a three-run first inning and doomed Roberts to his second detest. A show-stopping kicking duel between Dodger coach Leo Du-rocher and umpire Jocko Oonian broke out during the Dodger-Pirate game in which Los Angeles [ended a three-game losing streak. * * -•* Leo and Jocko exchanged kicks] I during an argument over a high pop Dodger Norm Larker that landed in fair territory b bounced Foul. Conlon called it [foul ban, SPORTING 60008 DISTRIBUTORSHIP MOW AVAILABLE FOE this Tinmonr We desire a Distributor-to stock our famous Sports Shelf with sporting equipment from one of America's large manufacturers. Service food, drug end variety stores with displays of Hunting, Fishing, Bessbell, Football, Baa* ketbell and aR other indoor and outdoor sports equipment. 3 Worsen Kffled 42 Horses Die in Blaze Del i» Logue, If, Shelbyviile, BL, and Arthur Dean Vtqrlaa, IS, Lin* coin, Nab., who uar* Mapping In the stalls wMg the ftp started. CHICAGO (UFO - A saving the lives at am and horses in a Mam that awapt the ‘ Park . harness frock carded cigarette or electrical cir-cuit overloading from heaters used in the Stables, ft started houni altar iJKI persons attended the Saturday a fight racing pto- NO TBOT TODAY — A fireman w ruins of the barns at Maywood Park, a rose Park, IQ., where three stable boya isbed. past the smouldering trotting not track in Mel-died and 40 horses per- lift police chief Gaprge Howiett. Be tall name was Patrick Cal-lakaa. Is came from. Morris. BL, and ha was a grama far Leverett Johnson stables. Bnt mist of all he tovsi banes. Tom Peterson. If, a, driver-trainer from What Alls, Wis., credited Callahan with mving his life by shouting to him. T who was slightly burned in the dpwn fire, said he saw Chllahan running with Ms jacket on fin Park president Nathan Alton, mid none of the "key trotters" ____I 600 animals housed at the park had been ktttod. Killed beeitf Mb Birmingham's Is Mansfield Sweeney Winner Tbs ‘Jeep’ Universal is niggo«(no*s.Thafs been proved on battlefields and wheatfields for the past twenty yean It bee been use tested and abuse tested. You know that But did you know this rugged worker Is available In different sizes to suit different needs? That’s important to you because you don’t want to pay for mere wheelbase than you really need. Come in and let us measure your needs against % w *>»-pwov«d * the wheelbase of a 'Jeep' vehicle. They run from BO” to 101”. One it right for you! universal M® 0000 IRCOHE FULL srPABT TIDE Operate from Home No hnowi-edge of the sporting goods business necessary—we instruct you in the servicing of the accounts that wa establish for you—-Cash Income can start immediately. UsHwtaf Potential Earatafs Weekly Been Plan This ’business can be operated in conjunction with your present occupation or full time. An immediate minimum cash investment of $1495.00 is required. Our’ Repurchase Plan covers any unsold merchandise, if you are sincere -end desire a local interview, write at once giving name, address and phone number. Sports ShaffOorp. 1117 BROWN ST. PHILAMLPHIA 21, PA. Tom Sweeney's first place in the broad jump boosted Birmingham Seaholm to a tie for eighth place fat the annual Mansfield Relays Friday and Saturday at Mansfield, Ohio. The Birmingham distance medley relay team placed second to give the Maples 10 points. Spring-field (OMo) South won the meet with 30V4 points. .to to ■ ♦ Waterford tallied 8 points and Lapeer 3. Pontiac Northern, Barkley and Lapeer failed to score. Other Michigan teams scoring were Ypsflanti. 3, Alma, Wayne and Detroit Lutheran 2, flint Beecher lVfc and Monroe Mi. la last year’s Mansfield meet, Steve Jacobson of Seaholm placed second la the broad Jump with a leap of over 88 feet. Jacobson i* not competing this spring because of a leg Injury Buffered In football Sweeney jumped 22 feet % inch to gain toe first placfk* ribbon. He also was arnember of the distance medley team that posted a school record while being runner-up for the second straight year. The Maples were timed in 7:86.4. This was only the fourth year that eight minutes had been broken In this event. Sweeney ran the 4jj0. Bill H^y-don* the 880. Bruce Hates the 220 and Jock McPhee the mile. » Kaines, Waterford’s fine mOer, posted the third beat time bi the history at the relays but had to settle for second place. Ho was clocked in 4:26.6, a new school record. JoO VMto placed fourth in the 1M high bardie#. Ho was oa the COMPARE THE FIGURES! SEE THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE CJ-S AND ITS NEWEST IMITATOR. curb weight payload (rant ails paylsad capacity Ns. ef tire ttoss •ccom modal ad Jeep’CJ-S Vehicle "S” 2336 lta„ 3000 lbs. 1564 tbs. 900 lbs. 600 lbs. 200 lbs. •S . 3 TllklC III MAVMICK Mi P. lUNt'IN MONO KONO llshhed fourth. A mishap In the exchange saws may haws east the Skippers a first in fids event. A Waterford nmner was bumped by a hurdler from Ecorae. the Skippers were in first place at the time and the jostling caused just enough detoy to put the team behind. Ed Stigers, Terry Wilson and Dennis Tripp were toe other mem-ben of the teem. , to, to~ Lapeer’s Harry Wickston placed thifd in the shot-put, mowing, up two places from last year. The half mile record of l:B.t set by Birmingham’s Quentin Brelsford la 1W8 was broken by John Kotovich of Cteeotnad BL Jooeph. Kolovich waa timed In 1:68.8. There were ISO schools entered from OMo, Michigan, Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Kentucky, These schools sent 1,399 ....... to Mansfield. SKIPPERS DEFEATED In baseball Saturday. Waterford i dropped a doubleheader to Flint Southwestern while Cranbrook was posting its second triumph in three starts. * 4 Flint broke ties in both games to win. It was 2-2 in the opener two of Waterford's six errors helped let in three runs. The nal score was 63 with Dave bei losing despite a three hitter. Southwestern took toe nightcap breaking a 1-1 knot with runs in the last two innings. Each team had five hits. Loser Charles Lene-schmidt had two matching Waterford's total In the 1st game. ' to ■ to to Freshman Larry Willey dammed a two-run homer in tbs HP to break a 2-2 tie as Cranbrook downed Ypsilantl, 5-2. Dick Mosher wss the winner, Cranbrook’s tennis team donwed Austin Saturday. 7-0. Ban? a. .. Cranbrook a Milford at L MmJIBB Clirkiton. Waterford a -ndale a ..jfoe'Ud_____M______MS Southfield- at Farmington ---- at Lake Orton at no Kimball t Pontiac Northern Baahatm, NorthvlUe LaVer Net Champion Taking Fellow Aussie HOUSTON, Tex. (AP)—Rod Laver, a freckled Australian of 22 years, will, take the River Oaks tennis trophy out of the country j for the first time. Lfcver best fellow Australian Roy Emerson in the River Oaks finals Sunday, 73, T4, 14, 04, because Laver’s serve “to much w than when we first day." "I had a lot mote control than usually do," Lavfr sail "But he warn! returning best" NEW 1M1 . RAMBLER 2-Dmc *1695°° 1195 DOWN 142.25 BOITI BIRMINGHAM RAMBLER M L Woodward, tack tad Jo agate. "He never came out alive,’’ . .. #--vdt--^ Several other witneeses said they saw Callahan, Ms clothes afaire, race through the blinding snowstorm that was raging and Into the burning stables to lead gut. four horses. Andrew J. Hennessey, Springfield, 111., a groom who helped pull Callahan's body from the fire, said the .dead groom was trying to save another horse when ‘it sank to its knees and died.' to to to ■ The fire, caused an estimated $250,660 damage to racing stock equipment and two stablee, but officials said the month-old harness season at the suburban track would resume tonight. The cease of the blase was unknown, but officials theorised it could have been started by a dis-j TIHE DISCOUNTS ’K.fuhFJs&sr 6.70x15 TV* $ 7.99 7.50x14 5T $10.99 IfcwTfcwMU Stg PicMWitc NO MONIV DOWN UMttd Tiro Sorvico SALESMEN! SALES MANAGERS! STORE MANAGERS! Hove you looked into, the benefits of the new Elmer Wheeler Career Course In Tested Salesmanship? Workshop sessions, not lectures, developed by America's No. 1 salesman, Elmer “Sizzle" Wheeler. Dots It Pay OH? i if Edward Clerk-Candy end Tobacco: Seles up 20% in first 2 months. if Ksn Hiss—Motor Trucks: Sold 5 units, $19,047, during the course. if James Belton - feed Products: Sales up $2,000 In one month. if John Kollo—-Life Insurance: first 4 months offer course wrote insurance of- $288,500. - if James fteukol-—Bicycle Shop: Seles op 82% in i Call Mldwast 4-7700 for time and place of next session. Attend as our guest, no obligation. Switchboard open 24 hours every day. ELMER WHEELER SALES TRAIHIH8 «10 N. Woodward, lirmingh.m . Sponsored by /ska Allman « Ca. _/_ Guar. NEW TREADS 2-*17 Plus Taws and Ratraadable oino. Tuba or Tubatoas Blackwell only. “WE NOW OPERATE OUR OWN RECAPPING PLANT HERE" MOTOR MART SAFETY CENTEB FE 3-7845 121 E. Moitcsla St. FE 3-7846 SCHENLEY DISTILLERS CO, N.Y.C. • BLENDED WHISKY, 86 PROOF. 65% (MAIN NEUTRAL BFIRITS How an exclusive discovery whips extra smoothness into Schenley whisky This is a glass of unusual whisky. It is Schenley. Its extraordinary smoothness is the result of the greatest advance in whis-ky making, in the last twenty-five years. Taking the same fine whiskies and grain neutral spirits reserved for Schenley, we now put them through a costly new step. The whiskies are whirled in special vats by stainless steel blades and literally whipped into a smoothness never before*attainable. The result can only be realized by tasting Schenley whisky. We think you’ll agree: smoothness in a whisky now takes on a new meaning. So start enjoying Schenley, the only whisky with extra smoothness whipped in. S436 1275 BUfo , flat STHE PONTIAC PRESS. MONDAY, APRIL 17. 1961 Six Athletes Honored High at Oxford Banquet Top honors for six athletes tea-tuwd the annual Oxford High School sport* banquet held Saturday night. Ray Convene Jr. and Nate Mai) won dual mart valuable player awards for football while Dick Milter was named for ha«i«*a°ti Doug Stott was selected for 1906 track, Jeff Brady and Vat Sausser m baseball. The latter three grad. r uated last June. All l •wtommid were maae by the sponsoring Oxford Dad’s Club. Letters wen presented to all Wildcat Over 250 were on hand to see the boys honored and hear Wally .Weber of Michigan. School Ball Player Who Was B€aned Is Dead RENO, Nev. if) — A high school baseball player died Sunday, from a brain injury received )n an April 1 game. 'Trank C. Mendenhall, 15, was running from second base when he was beaned by a. thrown / He was knocked out, but got up and even attended school for a few days before the injury became Mendenhall, who was operated on Friday for the injury, was sophomore at Pershing County High School, Lovelock, Nev, new y®i5Smi*r85^ iw'«. m. !«•*»■ ‘topped Spider Webb. IMS, Chi-MANILA—Bert Somodlo. IIS. L—. outpointed cUco Andrade. UTW. Let An-solos. U. A Very Smooth Whisky, Indeed! Every drop of whisky in Sir John it 8 years or more old, blended toith . the choicest grain neutral spirits. N mv. we cun stmt smuts knout otsuutts co.«.». c. Sew/Scheifr auto paint job Pontiac's villa Cargal finished 2nd in state all events, Lea Samuel took the early lead in the Howe’s Lanes Singles and 1st place teams held on in doubles tournaments at the Elks and Fairground in Milford over the weekend. Cargal's 1977 was good'for run-'nerup honors at the Michigan Women’s meet in Battle Creek where competition for 6.000 closed yesterday. Carman Lewis of Capac was 5th in singles at 692. Samuel'* til handicap total »95 ANY CAR! VARIETY OF COLORS^—v IEARL SCHE1B SAYS, "Still tima to tak* I advantage of this great bargain. This I is sar OaiiXE AUTO PAINT JOB-in- | ing-masking of oil chrome and window VYprey yotaHei la dast-fm • kardaass la ear special iafra-rtd ONLY ScvUScJmA g&H his own EXCLUSIVE SILL CONE FORMULA PAINT. Make sure3?!'” EARL SCHEIB^ TOC* a TEAS WBITTKN GCAKANTCE ii BOXOBID at M all EABL SCHEIB FAINT SHOES Of Oft* M CITIES now COAST TO COAST AaAOMT TASna, mSUNO OK CHINXL ING. ONE DAY SERVICE - IN BY 9 OUT BY 5 FREE BODY, FENDER & INSURANCE ESTIMATES SmlScfaeik OVER TWO MILLION SATISFIED CUSTOMERS THE WORLD'S LARGEST AUTO PAINTERS BE SURE IF5 EARL SCHEIB 147 South Saginaw Fidcral 4-9955 TYVKNTY-THKEK Men From II States Attend 700 EventHere Delegates from 20 chapters in [11 states,attended'the successful ’ Bowling Qubs of America National Convention held Saturday at the'Elks Club. THE STATE KNOWS — These bearded Pon- , were, left to, right, Armand Giglio, A) Giglio. tiac bowlers helped spread: the word about the Rudy Fpftino, Ted Cowdrey, Len Biallas and Pontiac Centennial recently at the- state tourna- ^ Joe SaUi. ‘ ment in Lapsing. Representing. Stroh’s, they -- . GOLD CREST State men were on hand from Ann .Arbor, Howell, Kalamazoo and Flint. ■ • • ' An afternoon business meting was followed by a banquet at night for delegates and their wives. Visiting women were taken an a tow of the Pontiac area during the day. Pontiac YMCA Tankers Third in State Meet The major action at tin Ing was the adoption of rule requiring be port of a chapter. It will go into effect starting In September of 1962. W Two Pontiac YMCA swimming teams placed third in their divisions of the ’Y’ state aquatic meet at Flint Junior College. Many of the organizations over 15,000 members are on an’individual basis only. City Woman 2nd . in State Local pin buoy Clark Balfli j presented a handsome national service award trophy as a highlight jof the banquet,'*--— — Four area men were officially entered Into Pontiac Chapter St. Presented “760” shirts werdTom Augello, Armand Giglio, Pat Ttnson and Art Rosner. Jim Tin- highlighted the opening week- had 1327 last week. R. Swaney, end at Howe’s. His 823 actual for the father, and B. Bundo paced four gurnet also tertants. Bill Bell and B. Rains totaled 889, B. KSH rolled 878 and G. Killian 872. the 2nd round. Harold DeLongchamp had 253 and 27L,lw top games. father-daughter combination took over 2nd place at the EUu Mixed Doubles at 1270 but they were no threat to leaders Norm Andress and Martha Thome who Beal Small College Nines Michigan, Spartans Win Union Lake .keglers were in action, w doubtes arid singles this afternoon at the ABC. Bicmar Inn. captained by Lou Koprince, will compete Tuesday night. By The Assacatted Press Michigan and Michigan State ^oth won baseball doubleheaders against small-college ~ opposition Saturday. Detroit blanked Olivet. 10-0 and 7-0. Michigan crushed Central Micni-, gan, 9-1 and 13-8, in games that' Central commit 12 errors in 16 innings. MSU rumbled past Albion, 16-1, in the first game, but had to, work in the second for 1-0 vfetory. Joe Merullo and Dennis Spalls aba get round-trip per*. Pat Sartorius of MSU knqpkcd in four runs for the Spartans in the first game. He hit a single, double and home run. Bill Schud-licb, MSU first baseman, homered for the only run in the second game. Michigan's Mike Joyce pitched a two-hitter la the first game. BUI Freeh an hit two heme runs la the two game* and Ed Hood, Pete Craig pitched a seven-inning no-hitter for Detroit kt the nightcap. He struck out six Olivet batters and walked only,three. Dave DeBusschere scattered thrfee Olivet hits for the first game .victory. Western Michigan beat Miami of Ohio, 11-8, in other weekend ac- Miss -Suggs Wins Third Straight Civitan Tourney DALLAS, Tex. (AP) — Louse Suggs won her third 510,000 Dallas Civitan Open in a row Sunday then checked up and found it was tiie 52nd tournament she knocked off in a 13-year profes- Actually, she has moat of the 13th year to go and could make her record—the greatest in women’s pro golf—even more impressive. TTie Dallas Civitan was her third this year. The little picture swinger from Atlanta shot a 2-over-par 73 Sunday in the dosing round of the Civitan Open to maintain a three-stroke lead over second place Betsy Rawls of Spartanburg. S.C. Miss Suggs 'finished with 291—1 seven over par for 72 holes—arid considered it a good score under the circumstances. The 6,238-yard Glen Lakes Country Club course was swept by terrific winds the first three days and scores in the low seventies were a rarity. N'orbert O'Meara and Ray Reitou of Detroit fell Just one pin short of gaining a share for 1st at Milford with 1425. John Dyer and E. Rosum of Detroit took 4th at 1404. Sam Trupiano went ahead in high game with 288. Bauer, iLxmitive secretary- lreas- ,heie divisions. urer of- the American Bowling ——-—— Congress, were guest speakers. fa |he jmlm Pontiac-a * * * | Jay Wilder won the 50-yard butter- Grand King Pin Jim Pontius of j fly and tied for second in the 100 Huntington Beach, California pre- freestyle. Hugh Wilder won the 50 sided over the convention. Other j backstroke and was second in the states sending delegates were Flor-1100 Individual medley. Skip Erwin ida. Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, New|was sixth in the butterfly. UUadiats n. Andrew-ha. laorue, runtil B. Bundo-R. Bwantjr, Pontiac PAM. Hyatt, I--------- * ' f. Dobekl. Pontiac.....iff! _____k-M. Klmport. Pontiac . k H. Smith, Pontloc...... lohl-E8iot. Pontiac ........ k A. Schutter, Prendcle ..... The meet was held a week ago, but the results were nqt released until today because of a scoring mix-up. *p The juniors scored N3314. points, m behind runner-up Flint, sing ran away with the division, scoring 89%. The Intermediate B team was third;. Swimmers in this class posted 28 points. Detroit Western won with 44 and Lansing scored 291*. The Pontiac men's team finished fifth, so did the midgets, and the preps tied for eighth place. Grand Rapids, Flint and Detroit Northern were the respective winners ATTENTION YOUNG MEN Your future is in electronics ... the fastest growing industry in the world todoy! Plon for thot future by taking the finest training available. Enroll now for our next "Electronic Engineering Training" program. MaU Cwwaa cr Call far Infaruatlan Electronics Instititc of Tachiology BcfMrar’a Office Ml Woodward (DcacTIO BMg, S Blccki North of Pos Theater WO 2-5660 GUARDIAN MAIKTENANCE KEEPS YOUR CAR SHARP! tkm. MICHIGAN COLLEGE SCOREBOARD Mlchlgcn (-1*. Central Michigan t- Wtync State S2, Western & Jefferson Wet tern Michigan 17, Bowling Green Wet tern Michigan 1714, Wayne State Waatern Michigan g, Toledo I Springfield Wins Cup and Establishes Mark SPRINGFIELD, Mass. ID-Thc powerful Springfield Indians today have a firm grip on the Calder Cup and a "first" in American Hockey League history. . By shutting out Hershey 30 Saturday night in the Pennsylvania city, Springfield became the first] dub in the 25 yean of AHL com- J petition to top the regular season race and win the playoffs two years in a row. With Credit YOU CAN BUY IT NOW! Thcre’a no point in waiting, no need to miss the sale if you are one who has always considered the true value of protecting your good credi^Jtecord — For you who have formed the simple hut important habit of paying as agreed may buy today the things you’ve always dreamed of owning without the accumulated cash. Plan today to establish your credit—Work Tomorrow to keep it a credit to you. * PONTIAC CREDIT BUREAU, Inc. T« Main loin « Good Credit Jtocoid. gar Wlarty. Pay Promptly/" The Credit Bures] of Pontiac,) Organised July 12, 1923. 333 North Perry St, Pontiac, Mich, ./ , Protect Your Credit and It Will Protect You Protect your car's value... keep it sharp on the outside, smart on the Inside with regular Guardian Maintenance service! It pays off to protact the built-in beauty of your General Motors car or truck—pays off in pleasure when you drive.,. pays off in money when you trade. So, take your GM car or truck to your General Motors Dealer for ‘‘showroom" appearance and 'like-new" performance. His factory-trained servicemen use scientific equipment so the work is done right and at a fair pries. They make needed replacements with factory-approved parts for better performance and efficiency. Guardian Maintsnance is ths quality way to ktep your GM car or truck looking smart... running sharp. SEE YOUR GENERAL MOTORS DEALER FOR THESE 0NE-ST0P FEATURED SPRING SERVICES I . complete QUALITY LUBRICATION plus cooling system inspection for warm-weather drivthg’demands • 10-POINT SAFETY CHECK in accordance with the National Safety Program • QUALITY ENGINE TUNE-UP to improve performance, efficiency and economy • QUALITY APPEARANCE SERVICES to restore that “likt-new” look MR YOUR CHIVROLIT • PONTIAC • OLDSMOB1LE BUICK a CADILLAC • CMC TRUCK DRALtR ' S Guardian !........ Maintenance BIST SIND OP CABS FOR THE BEST FOND, OF CAM AND TRUCKS I GUARANTEED IN WRITIM ALL MUSKS, B CADILLACS, OLDS, MERCS. bbs m DRIVE IN TODAY FOR YOUR FREE INSPECTION NO CASH NEEDED! ALL CREDIT CARDS HONORED! SPECIAL ON. custom’r AMAZING r coated \ NEW ► — V AUOr > mill “S“ 15 MINUTUII scoops them alio COMPARE THESE SPECIALS! ’55- 56 MERCURY« IIS ’54- 55 PONTIAC I I ff 41 K DODGE 6 I IS ’52- 55 CADILLAC 13.11 Special Hoars During This Sal* 8A.M.-CP.M. Saturday 8 A. M. to 6 P. M. Sunday 8 A. M. fa 4 P. M. 973 ORCHARD LAKE RD. 1 Block East of Telegraph U., Pontiac FE34426 GOLD CREST mm TWENTY-FOUR THE PONTIAC PRESS, MONDAY, I APRIL 17, mi News 6f Service Personnel to Back Binkley if- By Lou Fine Two area men hive completed the initial conne of Air Font Haste military training' at Lack-land Air Force Bam, Tea. They are Airman Jaaon 4. Spire*, am of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Spins. « South East GKvd.. and Air Rodney G. Adler, -mi of Mr. Mrs. Ken Rounding. 5395 Maybee . Road, Glarkston. 1 * Airman Spires ha* been selected to attend the technical training course for electrical repairman at Chanute AFB, HI., and Airman Adler will attend ground radio operators’ school at Keesler AFB, Mias. Both are, Pontiac Central High School graduates.. —; -fr —rtk-----*----- Marine Pvt Frank S. Thomas, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hubert W. Thomas. 1415 Wrenwood Drive, Birmingham, recently completed a four-week individual combat training course with the 2nd Infantry Training Regiment at the Marine Corps Base in Camp Pendleton, QaHt- ____* *_ #, 1 Second Lt, William J. Price, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Price, 26 E. Colgate Ave.. left this week for adjutant general school in Indianapolis, Ind.,.for eight weeks* training. , He received his commission upon graduation from Eastern Michigan Univeoaity in January, lie is affiliated with Tau Kappa Epsilon Fraternity. s graduated i ____ the labored Mood hank technician school at the Naval Hospital in Oakland. Calif. A Rochester High School grad-pate, he haa been assigned te the Naval Hospital far farther duty. ♦ .* a Three area men we recent graduates of the naval training center at Great Lake*, 111. They GALVESTON, Tex. (AP) Texes Young Democrats voted Sunday night to back Interim Sen. William A. Blaktay, D-Tex., in a May 27 runoff etectioa ‘if Sen.- Btakley endorses the New Frontier program 1 jm I Kennedy." % Blakley and Repubiican candidate John G. Tower, both avowed lined the runoff special election. Tower led the way aa they dimes rivals for the Senate seat formerly held by Vice-Presi-dent Lyndon B. Johnson. IS14 Ledbury Drive, Birmingham; and Richard H. Talbott, son- of and Mrs. Hillary Talbott. 2600 Haggerty Road, Walled Lake. Glarkston. recently was com* missioned a Navy ensign at Pensacola. Fla. His wife, the former Hazel L. Miller of Clarkston, attended tite ceremonies Naval Preffight School, Naval Air Station, Pensacola. An Eastern Michigan University graduate, he was commissioned after completing 16 weeks of training- He has been assigned to Saufley Field Auxiliary Air Station in Pensacola for primary Right training. . . . _ ,, - „ Scheduled to complete basic | trainin* at Fort Knox, Ky. training April 17 at Lackland AFB. „ . .. * Tex . is Airman Denis F. Nichole, J ton of Mr. and Mrs. Elbert E. “•*• *£"*. °!arie* 9™*: 10“ Nichols. 77 Euclid St. James K Bjvd u serving aboard jthe tank landing ship USS Lorain Army Pvt James V. Moore, son of Mr. and Mrs. Chartes R. Moore; i 5221 Westvtew Road, recently was .. assigned to the 1st GuMad Missile . Brigade at Fort Bliss, Tex. A cook in Battery G of the ^ brigade’s 2nd Grided Missile , group, he entered the service last November and completed basic . • .. t UfC MUM MIS rasing Mll|f VOO UWWU a^givuig vua ui ui taMp-* operating out of Norfolk, virus lost control Central High School where he v ™ f^tbaU,(!f1ba!Land ‘r Squsdran 10, recentl tetbriU. He entered the AttanUe Fleet ..____ „ _ | phibious exercise for 1961 in the Friends may address mail: I>r- ^‘ jris F. Nichols. A/B, AF 16692227.1 u,n00WHV Need Homes Agencies Join to Tell f of . Foster Child Week Information Program - This is Faster Child Week in Pontiac and Oakland County, and it should prove to be one of most comprehensive welfare c paigns this year la the^Vayne-Oak. tand-Macomb county area. * The week is sponsored by the Committee for Foster Children, of Which the Oakland County Branch of Michigan Children's Aid So-: ciety is a member. drea into their homes. Foster Child Week is not a fund drive. Money is not the problem. * The problem ik that there are hundreds of children in Wayne. Oakland and Macomb counties who jftould be living in suitable homes, receiving adequate care and grid-■nee. who are not because there are not enough foster homes' to go ■round. ♦ ♦ A -Ten area welfare agencies have Banded together in an attempt to solve this double-barreled problem. - Foster Child Week is the first time the 10 agencies have joined forces m a coordinated effort to offer information about foster children and -to recruit foster jjumes. While the agencies have often cooperated on various aspects of the services they all offer, each agency has in the* past attempted fo conduct its own education, promotion and recruiting programs. Naval Reserve CPO Francis! C. Oils of Rochester who has been] in naval aviation since 1942 re-j cently spent two-weeks' active j training duty at Callender Field, j New Orleans, La. • Chief Di|s' squadron. VR-733, j naval fleet air tactical support, is; based at. Gross? He. During the! two weeks his squadron flew numerous training and airlift missions over the Gulf, tits Caribbean and the United States. He is married and has three children. Personal Income Figures Stir Up New Optimism WASHINGTON* IAPt - New ground for optimism about the! economy — Americans' personal j inebme increased in March for the first time in five months. * t * .-, * * ♦ The increase over February was! $3.4 billion, the Commerce Department reported Sunday. That] is, the annual rate of personal in-! home jumped from 14062 billion! to 9469.6 billion. * The report showed the wage and salary payments increased by $1.1 billion to 9272.1 billion, j first advance in this category •Nice last- July. " Most of the payroll increase was in contract construction, beginning to Recover from a setback caused by the severe winter. - Manufacturing payrolls went Bp 1200 million to jb rate of 934.2 billion, the first increase since tost June. Vampire Bats in Texas Feed Only on Blood ' ~ HOUSTON, Tex. (API ^-TenJ £utmntrr bats go on exhibition in j ’Houston Zoo today..' ’ i 5 Curqtnf John Werler obtained] I - -she matures, which feed only on! rhlood, to Veracruz. Mexico. He sod waters will feed the vampires ' l^ood from cattle! slaughtered pt packing plants] ■ THE PONTIAC PRESS; MONDAY , APRIL 17, 1961 Demolished Near Romeo 2 Killed as Car Shears Off Tree WmlmmA Hazel Park Men Die in, * CI. , . . . , Wh.n Driver I W"rk,'r sll"hl|y l""‘r"1 Control Near Romeo Boiler Blast Damages Parke, Davis Building DEATH CAR—This car in which two Hazel Park men wen‘riding1? when they were killed Saturday night was so badly demolished it had to be loaded onto a trailer and hauled to Romeo.. The mishap five miles northwest of town claimed h*Uu hw recto the lives of Leo L. Morawski, 21, and Clement P. Senical, 38. The car left the road at a high rate of speed and hit a tree, shearing it off 4 feet above the ground. Both men were thrown from the car.' BLUE SKY KS3KEEGO Fat lafvrmsHsn Dial 012-1 NO tuna Aaariarff r" mass HOW I -"JOURNIY T6 TNI CfNTlft OF TNI IARTH" sad "WHITI WILDIRNtSS" Concert 8 P;M. at Romeo High Inttrlochen Scholarship Benefit to Be Tuesday in Gymnasium ROMEO — The annual Inter lochen Music Scholarship Concert wtU be presented at 8 p.m. tomor-in the gymnasium of Romeo High School. Sooniored by the Romeo Monday Club, the program will feature selections by the high school concert band and the mixed chorus, both directed by E. C. Ojala. Proceeds traditionally are ased to provide seholanMpe to tend deserving 'music students to the National Music Camp at ANNEFRANCIS LLOYD NOLAN At Clarkston Friday ROMEO - Two Hast! Park men were killed Saturday night when ' their car went out of control and -sheared off a tree, 12 indies ini .diameter-, five miles northwest, of| here. . ‘ . * Dead are Leo L. Morawski dr., tl, of sot W. Evelyn 8t.. aad Clement p. Senical, 38, of US7 Goulson St. According to Romeo State Police, the victhns’ car was traveling , at a high rate of speed over a hilly rural road' when the driver lost control. The vehicle must have literally flown, through the air, troopers said, before hitting the tree. The kteee wms severed off about-tour feet above the ground and up- r0Ote^' | 'The worker was badly shaken Both men were thrown out of up but not injured," according to the car which was almost'cot the official. - in half by the Impact.. The accident happened about 10| p.m. on Bondman Road, just west ofWeyer Rosd. > |Te«ns Won't Forget I The two men were almost Memorable Kiss III Car totally dismembered, acoordingj ------By JIM LONG "boiler explosion at Patke, Davis k Co.’s Parkdale Fhrm in Avon Township extensively damaged a building under construction and slightly Injured a worker early this mornltag. The boiler was installed recently and was undergoing tests when it exploded, according to a spokesman for Parka, Davis. . Donald Marts, a power plant engineer for the pharmaceutical Arm. was la 'the buiidlag at the time of the exptoatoa but oat-' tend only superficial cola, the spokesman said. W-story-high,, building that is isolated from the rest of the research laboratory.. It is approximately 300 yards from the main buildings. The boiler had aot been ao-eeptad by the company and was still being tool run when the ex-plorioa occurred at l:N a.m. Hie explosion took place in a CYNTHIA A. WILLIAMS Announcement la made of the engagement of. Cynthia AdeUe Williams to H, Gerald Dulmage by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. IVVMxl-FlYE Re-Elect President V of Co-Op Nursery WEST BLOOMFIELD TOWNSHIP—Mn. Robert P. Redner o! 2890 Lari Court has been re-electee president of the Lakeland Coopers* live Nuroery.—" Other officers named lidil) Mrs. William Wottowa, vice pm-' Meat; Mrs. WUHam Murray, nee-' rotary; and Mrs. Roland Red-i —■* ‘-esam.- .... m-proflt organization was Hp#— formed a year ago by mothers in the ares to provide-att oppoitetlly for their preschool children to pUfy together. t j Sessions ape held Twice a week at the Orchard Lake Community* Church. Rochester Church Plant Revival Meeting Series ROCHESTER —. The Rochester Church of the Nazarene will hold series of revival meetings be-k ginning Wednesday and ending April 30 featuring Rev. and Mrs. Maurice Finger. The public meetings will star? at 7 p.m. weekdays and at 11 a.m. The Rochester Fire Department!-,. , and 7 p.m. Stondays. was called to the scene but no| DlCS "Of Crash In|urt68 Itocal talent also will partici-fire followed the explosion, accord- OSCODA «r> - David Black, 48, N*». according to Rev. T. ing to Chief George Ross. of Wurtsmith Air Force • B a.s e. | Riddle, church pastor,* and Don - „__, ... • • (Tied Sunday of injuries suffered *nd Irene Wanner will have .. Mert.t *** _, ?>ly “ April 8 to an automobile crash charge of the music, ringing and be steel and glass building. L, U.S. J3 outside Oscoda. I the choir. . Others wero to arrive at • a.m. —... t.,„ . :____........ -..... 7^. — The building ‘is part of an ex-| ■?,reem®!\ Williams of 3520 panrion program at the firm’s 000- Woodland. Drive, Highland Town-acre virus vaccine research center. > ■* proapecUve bridegroom * ir it -the son of JVfiy and Mrs. Ro* , . . land Dulmage of 3715 Woodland BMensive damage done to Highland Townrtilp, and the new structure, but total dam-| 0^^ No definitedate has Village Friends Ait To Show Mill Film Chief Roes said he had been toidL that an oil tine became plugged! land caused the boiler to explode.]* »« WINDSOR, Ont. iUPIi-Paniela Whcn completed the holler was;] to Macomb County Coroner Ray-ip , , ,orBe. ttu- kiss “tv* 88 * power pant for thei mond G. Markle. Trooper, were]™^ JJJgi1 nS from *K! «*«* rearartTfacility on Park-unable to determine which man white 18 isn’t ltkriy!dale Road- Jwt outside the Roch- I was driving. |tp forget either. ' v )«*«* .village limits, according to|] ! White was charged Simday with R®** . I1 CLARKSTON — Featured speak-r at the Village Friends of Art ! meeting Friday at the Clarkston Methodist Church will be Svea Kline of the Bloomfield Art Association. Miss Kline will present a film on the "Life and. Work of Car! Milles at Cranbrook." She also is associated with file Flint Institute of AH The Swedish - bom Miss Kline ! studied at the Chicago Art Instl-jtute for two years, then returned to Sweden where she won a scholarship, and' came back to Cranbrook. She was singled out by the nationally-known sculptor dirt Miller to be his assistant, and stayed with him and his family at Crenbrook.. MIm Kline left Cranbrook la IMS to teach at the Hint Art Insfitote, bat a year later riie rrjoiaed MUlea aad hlo family to |t to Sweden and Italy, where both the and her mentor wetted until hit death to ISM. Senical was pronounced dead at le scene and Morawski succumbed enroute to the Community Hospital near Almont, careless driving because his auto ' . , „ ~ L 1 across the street and China’s 500 million, people coin- ] crashed into a packed car while prise one-fourth of the world pop-1' he was kissing his date. iulation. Theconcert funds are augmented by contributions from area btoiness firms and organizations. Winners of the scholarships, picked by a screening committee of local citizens, will be noil need during the concert. The concert band will present a varied program which will elude selections from the Broadway musical, "Flower Drum Song,” the opera 4 Favart" by Offenbach and a recent work entitled "I Am Music,’ to be narrated by high school teacher Joseph P. Sullivan The mixed chorus will offer (Roup of numbers -featuring both {religious and secular music. The band and chorus will joia together in presenting the closing ion, a new arrangement of the "Battle Hymn of the Republic" in recognition of the 100th anniversary of the Civil War. Area Family Returns to Find Home Gutted A Waterford Township family returned from a trip to Flat Rack late yesterday, to find their 210,-000 frame borne partially destroyed by fire. Neighbors of the Vernie Crandall family at 7295 Pershing Road saw smoke pouring from file Crandall residence at 3:80 p.liL and called township firemen. It took more than an hour to bring the blaze unitor control. A cigarette left smoldering an overstuffed chair is listed the possible cause of the fire. Damage was estimated at. $5,000 M | The only known person in the United States who works in the medium of fused glan, Min Kline literally "paints colored pictures" out of ground glass, which is fused Into glass objects. Her most recent project Was a 50-toot glass wall with 15 different sections at the J. L. Hudson Cto. teenage shop at Northland which took Miss Kline and two assistants more than three months to complete. The wall depicts teenage subjects such as sports, music and proms. The film on Milles, who was regarded as Sweden's greatest decorative sculptor, will show some at his many portrait busts in bronze and wood, monuments and other t'-i'p*™— ----------— - Most of the statues at Rockefeller Center, N.Y., were made by MMes, aa ware some works at the St. Louie, Mo., railroad ter-ilnri. The public has been invited to view the film which will be pre-' at 8 p.m. Social Security Topic of Lecture Wednesday at 8 'Recent Changes in Social Sec-ty Legislation and How It Affects You" will be the subject of a lecture at t p.m. Wednesday sponsored by the Cooperative Extension Service, aooording to Mr*. Mary A. Hardy, county extension agent, home economics. Ttw, nwSlu. awa to Ik* nab-Hr, will be b*M la the Oakland Coanty Board of Supervisor* ream, 1 Lafayette fit,’, Pontiac. Keith Potter, field representative, and James Barnett, claims representative, from the Pontiac Social Security office, will he on hand to discusa the legislation. They -also will show a movie, ‘Samuel and Social Security." A question and answer period ; HURRY! HURRY! YOU MUST . SEE IT! PONTIAC DRIVE-IN THEATER IN-CAR HEATERS YOU SEE IT ALL! The master assassin's crimes...his secret affairs... and the story the trial will never tell... the manhuntI * • • • • AND • • • • ■BDflESflUH "THE SINS rachel' cade" TWDUANQ OVYUBB—These throe girls are typical of fiie attractive contestants who competed for prizes Saturday In the International Baton Contest at Lake Orion Community High School. They are (from left) Nancy Stem, 18, director of the VFW Hi-Steppers of Imiay City, junior corps division winners, and Debbie Morelle, 4, and her sister Margaret, 14, of Taylor, winners of the top style show awards in the junior and senior divisions respectively. Some 500 twitiers from fiie Midwest and Canada took part in the all-day event. [Booster# to Hold Vote j ' The Avondale Band Boosters willl hold election of officers at . their meeting tomorrow at 8 p.m Avondale Junior High School, 2900 Waukegan St. W“ w Entertainment will be provided by the students who participated in -the Solo and Ensemble Festival. Refreshment* will be served CIRL.OP THE_ NichT STARTS WEDNESDAY NOT ONE BUT TWO *FIRST RUNS AUD1EMURPRY EsaS] JOHN SAXON Z0HMIMWIBT • WMt MMSFV • VIC MOMOW * MMRT M Miracle Mile DSIVt-IN TBC1TEI ELECTRIC THEATERS LAST DAYS TRomw*«w3e^ places 0£ stranger moralities have ewer reached the'sereen! * fey Star** The'Worp OF SUZIE 'WQNG NANCY mn 5YLVM SYMS • IflCHAa WILDING JOHNP^.RlCH*rogW(E STARTS FRIDAY FIRST • SHOWING IN OAKLAND CTV. Tecmwcoudl* IT'S the BEST COMEDY OF THI t YEAH! II w TWEXTV-SIX THE PONTIAC PRESS. MONDAY, APRIL 17, 19*1 1 Mart Chums, f Trade Booms Record County Budget Submitted by Supervisors j. Thei, following lit ..... . covering sales of locally grown j* produce by growers and sold by;gj;....... them in wholesale package lots.l com-:Quotations are furnished by the ; NEW YORK -.P—The slock mar- Detroit gureau of Markets, as ,of gg; ket churned in extremely heavy Wednesday. noeu—" «* .««»», Detroit Produce J The strength in industrials was! raunt enough to push the Do* jwjtoejM. | industrial average on an hourly wnttnlw, ta- ■ basis above the recent histonclajg-. dosing high. ] VCGETABUS The ticker tape late mnl >ft1| M...... H the morning and going Into owut. w the »heritor*, lagging as mar* ns 1* mi nates hehtnd Iran*- i 'The board of supervisors today jS«ir to die talk, allocation board a ! record Sli.77S.Ml county operating I budget for next year. . The vote was 70-i to approve the e»v tentative budget—Jl,175,208 -more ,M*jtban the present one—as two su-{{t^i'Pervisors rekindled bt‘ itMt | rhubarbs over alleged budgets. Fir Guard Rails j jjiin 3 Counties tm!at Cost of $4,700 n inns. cSieot. dry, U tax. Oatoat mu. 51 S* .The heavy trading reflected cow-;P*r»y. «**. bcb» turned intense interest in the msr-jfi”^- ^^ Uet-but * rotation of interest by ns«t*>». «■**-> » traders away from some sudojimaik, s«mm! < which have enjoyed a substantial ,***[“£ rise and into others where the upside potential was regarded as greater. UPSIDE EDGE . Steels, most motors, mis and chemicals had an upside edge Utilities declined. The .group was depressed by a loss of about 3 points in American Telephone. The electronic* and aircraft mixaUe »ertlna« were mined. Drag* tended to the iniili. is# A crew of 27 men has repaired - J “ nearly 6.300 feet of guard rail in ... i a Oakland. Macomb and St. Clair I J*1 counties at an estimated cost of J» more than $4,700 as more than 19 ijtjmiles of cable guard rail have i ™! been rehabilitated jn the first three ‘ in weeks of an emergency State fligh-fSJwuy Department program. (ha He* B. Edwards dr.. Richard W. Marshall, both ef Madison Heighft, Ales, Mnjer «t Easel Park, and Sydney Frid. North-viDe supervisor, who kept la-tact his near-perfect record ef WMe*. Mppoa. * Poultry and Eggs MT7UMT IWlttf TSSLe and trrrr. 3 4 .0* *! n-n. , DETROIT toes Detroit April it iSPi-tty p e& Expectations of another boqsl weekly steel production aided the steels. The top producers were all] iq> fractionally. American Broadcasting.- Paramount jumped more than 3. aided by an advisory service recommendation and hopes of a stock split. ' Galas of about t point* were made by Polaroid and Ronton. Amprv. Collin* Radio. Sperry Along with the criticism heaped on the budget- by Edwards and Frid came a note of praise from Pontiac Supervisor Philip Rowston. former chairman of the tax allocation board, who said David Levinson's ways and means committee '“exercised s great deal of wisdom’’ in not submitting a higher budget. J But Edwards said the budget is The program, which began la Um ^ higb-Jl million too high, the highway departorenf . Kata- | ^ ^ ^ amoun, j* j sliced from the budget, bringing it year ” He said . pervisors .owed It to the people in the light of the “unhealthy'' economic conditions. The tax allocation board meets this afternoon to elect a chairman and to set hearing dates when ihe countv school and township budgets will be scrutinized as to portion of the 15-mill taxing limitation they will require. The county's will need 5.48, the same as levied on 1960-61 tax bills. .63 of a mill less than the 6.11 which would have been necessary under the original 115,188,856 budget recommended by the board of auditors. Deleting ft million from this budget by Levtaoon's committee led to the praise by Rowston. who laid a challenge In the tape ef school and township officials ta fellow the same practice of masoo, Jackson and Pontiac dls-] i rid* on March 30 and Grand i Rapid* and Saginaw districts on I March tt. will be extended to j U Northern Lower Peninsula i counties Monday and | down “so that we live jyith what Ml; The highway ‘department _! nearly 160 unemployed workers _JHRoSShivt been hired for work in the WCTE. [Grand Rapids. Jackson. Pontiac tiMcta *»■*-»*. and Saginaw districts. They have o 34S-41: “^[To Discuss Bids for Street Jobs F6rd to Revise Mileage Claims in Advertising WASHINGTON ill — The- Ford Motor Go. has Agreed to revise mileage claims used In advertising its bompect Faicop autos and pickup trucks,' the Federal Trade Conpnissfeijhsakl §unday. “I want to commend Mr- Levin-Min and his committee.” he said. “Hiey realized that there are definite amounts of funds available and that they can’t go before .... tax board and ask for more each year.” But Frid had this to say referring to the county's {1.2 million surplus from the 1960 budget: know of any. school district that came up with the surplus we did.'* Detroit Produce rehabilitated nearly 102.000 leeij n|_r|rtnn prni*r»< *„ {of.guard-rail at an estimated cost| WCICKTOp rrO|0C?$ TO Business Notes DETROIT LIVE ST OCR_____ DKTBOlf, April 17, lAT) - CslUe— ilafel* I MS. Bulk esrir *»PPlT »*»uf?“r rrr. sad heller., food and choice -odea predominating. incretaod .howing uullt; nod standard hoUtelli offering-- - holler, la larger supply than last ----—iprtae around ptr of more than $37,000. each. Radio Coip- waa I paint tower. Market analysts were optimistic. generally, and the business news background included a rise in personal income for March, another drop in unemployment and .a report of increased demand lor steel. New York Stocks ■ larger »i Vw. cornpr*- i S& \ • high- Before-the nine-week program is completed. 250 unemployed workers will have been hired to re-1 Blacktopping projects will again [.!»/-* posts which have become dominate the business scheduled ■ jtari ■* 1 **“’for tonight’s Waterford Township Again Rule Agenda atL^SCrSS^ Waterford Session |st 818 North Main St., Royal Oak. {Edward C. Bailey,-3720 Burning Trail, Bloomfield Hills, is presi- ir down 14.71* 24.33-34.3*. mixed load, low elMleo it#— 1 an: good .tel hotltl* 34 50-M.— . mum wm. «.jn *—• sod low choice heifers 14#*-** 10. Mod heifer, si id-si.M, atm* cow. i« *o-n.s«. tew *lr*ae weight, t* IS SO: esuner. and cutler. iTti-irso. mosUy ll ld up. Hog.—Salshle 1M, Butcher, opening 35 mt. higher- sow. >u*dy. mod U S Ho. . 200-230 lb * butcher. 1* 35-1*10; mixed No 1 and 3 1M-330 ibt. ll so-ll.U: 3 *M *1 110-330 ta*. 17JS-1S.M; mt«ed 3 and n*M Iks. 1( 50-17 Zl: No. J. * sod 300-400 tt. sows 15.75-11 35: No I ssd --------- — --tt-uie. _______________US. Stesdy prim* ilablo IMS .laughter Iambi 1M tMufv mut choice * mini _ „5ih.Mfal|l £ 9V* 1 |nevx pwa ’- ------ rotted and out of line during the 10 to 15 years. Cables also restnmg. are being 1 The highway department said the special majotenataie^^project was made possiUe through a savings in winter maintenance on state „ highways because of the compara-| tively m&d winter. Estimated cost of the emergency program is S250-, meeting beginning at 7. •petal it last week's meeting and referred to township engineer* Johnson k Anderson tor reewtn- The Bloomfield Hilli architectural firm of Tirapata. MacMahon Associates Trill design the Thft J unior High Bchod to be built by the Detroit Board of Education 36-acre site on Berg, just north of 7 Mile Rond. Total budgeted for the project, including site ‘ eulpment, is $2.3 million. . *1 3. LOT OlSU . 5* Ub McN*L 4*3 Uff * Mr .:. 37.1 LocSh AIK .. n Loot 8 CfM ; 41J Lat 8 Oti . 44 7 UrOMN .... .124 Ul * lluk 20 MftcfcTrk ... 47 ! .«» Martin C* . i,2 l Mead CP ::: 5.t EL-v.- u Stocks of Area Interest j*7i From Local Brokers Umtm x«wr d.c..l P-u m rijhUw e0-W[ ACF- Wrlgley Stem. IRC. , IS 4 1*7 The boand will open bids (or blacktop work on Cass Lake Road, Woodlow and Bielby streets. I A request from Clerk James E. Seeterlin to advertise for bond bids an SIS,000 sewer construction on N. Tilden Street win be discussed. The State Municipal Financing Commission has authorized the township to procure the bonds for the project. Chrysler Sees {Proxy Victory Management Ready to _ Squelch Any Dissident; M s* •p<.aMi tor tw* Stockholder, Moves H hwk* tw- the :: Z Bifii, .'S Mttmir a c* 4* * Ha-, g* . SZ Borden — Borg Warn . Brief. MXf Brut My . I N.tBIK ... I HMCaahS ■ I Nst Dairy I NstOTPs . •• PuhSpl ... ParamPUt . Parke Ds .. Penney, JC . Pe HR . Colon Osa Con N Ou ----- Coneumer Pw SM r. Coot Bk ... M l BE"60 ^gSS"a a Si "Sm ! Coilt Qop. a 8 10.3 pg f Proct i RCA . PM- Moful-Bower Bearing. . S3 131 Orest take* Chemlcsl ........ 3.J 1.1 HdOTBIL^Bsll * Bearing ................23 4 13 t^sasrowittttaa ... 1U u Oitt Matheaon Chemical . 4* 4* J prspbot Oo. ..... *4.4 111 Rockwall standard .......... *1.1 Hi triads wjgao co...............»■• 2* om in COPTTTiB STOCKS .be foUowlng ouotstlona do not nee-taaarlly represent actual transaction! — — ----------.d aa s guide to the ap- llnf rants of the ae- Amerlcan-Marlelta Op Ebetronlca International Shatterproof Olaaa Corp Taylor Fibre ............ Tuxatmllwanlol O Pipe L Vernora Olnger Alt ...... CENTER LINE UE - Chrysler Corp. management has indicated it has enough proxies on hand to squelch any dissident stockholder moves injhe auto linn's annual stockholder meeting Tuesday. * * ★ Chrysler President L. L. Colbert is expected to ask the stockholders assembled in the Chrysler Training Center here to reject six proposals put up by three Detroit area critics of the current management group. Detroit attorney Sol A. Daan, Wyandottq Chcmic ni Royal Du' 1*4 23 g St Reg Pa 15 1 Seoelne tt 151 Bear. Roe - Deo 52 SIS Oil la MUTUAL FINDS .**$.' Si AfflbaUd Pond ...........I •I Chemlcsl Fund ............II , «.* Commonwealth stock ___ .11 ml iMSIom Income K-( I M.l! Keystone Orowth K-S ....II . II Mase. Inreatora Orowth II 111.4 Maas. Inveators Treat , (2 3 Futaam Growth ......... n R d remelery depart- neais. The board will again consider employe classifications and wage recommendation^ for water, sewer, cemetery and building department employes. Supervisor Elmer R. Johnson is expected to present recommendations on the establishment of a nine-member planning commission which the voters approved at the spring election. . (J Bid ou n . . 313 atecoqa.JP . mmi nek 8ub oir Swift 4 ||Two Area Men Sj Win Fellowships : »ij/pr Year at MIT Stu a at . Osa Time ... Oen Tire ... introduced four ef the proposals. The four would give Dann the right to examine .Chrysler'* investigation of the company's affairs; provide for cumulative voting by stockholders in future elections; ban a director if he has accepted commissions, gifts gratuities; allow "write-in" i resentatkm votes on- proxies, t OTHER PROPOKAL8 The two other proposals are advanced by J. M Robins, a Royal Oak industrialist, and James H. Wilcox of. Detroit. Robbins' proposal would limit I the number Of Chrysler employes on the beard of directors to a quarter of the total. The proposal I by Wilcox would require that News in Brief The theft of foe from her purse somewhere in the city was reported to Pontiac police Saturday by Katherine Munson, 7350 Cooley Ladce Rd., Waterford Township. Borbwr Pole Swiped HAMILTON. Ohio (UPIi-Wil-Item Blake, who operates a barber riup here, reported someone took electric barber pole over the -823 SPSS'S? * rsMUri i hTotflee of th» CUp Cterk. City H* . the Ctark eod Uio rstt* ihe dlfferehi Item* noted, struottto ol Mtsmlnouo - V >urf.ring Reinforced Concrete Bsee Re- fiupk find qii$tar Meniere. Work. have cearistently attained up ty 99 miles per gallsa of gsssMne and that Falesa pickup trucks have delivered as much as IU mile* per gallon under ordinary The stipulation says such mileage is not generally achieved. According to the stipulation, the Falcon pickup “did not deliver 38.3 miles per gallon or average 30. miles per gallon under normal driving conditions as implied advertising bat only on a flat country road at a constant speed of 30 miles per hour with no starts or stops.” * It said further that the 30.5 miles]msy^w^obtsSsflMby’ miutiog’ *"d* per gallon wn not attained under - K.r-p^SFif'Rfi normal driving conditions but un- *ndt Si^cmr«tion« inw good — der simulated traffic conditions with a predetermined schedule of stops and starts. MsUs* t* CsoUseton: SmM Piuiuk will b* rsctlved *1 thg offlcs of the City Cltfk. City RsU. Pootloc, MtohWsa. »»‘U f x^tafR r.M. iSstttng RtSndsrd Tlntoi of Moodsy. Mi; I, ISS1. at WttO* JhX kW» will bo publicly opooxd ood rwd by thx ■M ._ jjhatrse- llxs of t-tach SopkoMc Conor*to Sur-'n Court* tqd rolstod work XX Orxrol The gusautlot lnvolvxd In thlo work oxBolot prlnclpt'.ly of th* following: -SO* Propsrstlsn 7t|*** Sousr# Yard, rttw Cost 73314 aoRRM Ysrdt ■Inch AxphsRie COM rot* surfsc* _ 73354 feHN VOf0* , .____ Plant nnd SpocUIcntlon* tor th. w*rk m»y be oumlned nt the office of IS* OUf Bnflnoer, Pontine. MMIlltin. or -yly Ml to IrinttM bf ttOSHU S deposit of 114 0* - per oet, which depoeii will hx refunded SSSR return ri th* Plnnx naS SpoclflcnUooi ta good condition wtthto I dan of tor th* Onto for oponlng bid*. u Clinton Streot from WlUUmt trxtt to Woyne 8t roc 1. Bltumlnoue Const* returftclng on Tennl* Count end Iny 'Anna ntfnur different locotlong i the Clt^of Pontine, hxronftxr Hrixd: Pork. Ooulbwxat Civic Pnrk. OpUmlet g" Compocted Grovel Mm. 140 Curb a Gutter Replacement. 15* ■ 4” Concrete Sldewslk Rxplocement. » S- F. 3” Binder Cpniso, SO Ton*______ V LxveUng Course i35Ai, 170 . Pontine, or coplet Hill Named Attorney* (or Western Mich. po*Sl 40 a gutrtnree of food itlptasM i*. the **^*11 ructloni PIHHw once submitted .Wlthdrswn tor si least. 4* di ; ihe sctusl opening of the n I The right to sceept i j retori »ny or sU pre rifht to Mjjxpt^W^yopsmU. to drioctoF ta proposals Is rsoervod ,c*fco^-,wr City Clerk. JAMES N. CARI.ISIJL IdSOBOf * th* MW Coart Rosso handing win, be issrixsa bn til MM s.rfTnST. Friday April 3*. ltd*, at which tidto they will be opened and rend In th* sfflto6 of the Director of the Purehsoin* assy ■ Division. ifnvsilo Streot. Fontloe! kfichltsn d blinkt nnd tpeclflreilont are evsll-upon requeat. OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OP AUDITORS Purchasing Dlvltlon EUOENE A. GUMP. Director April 17. M. M. 1*41 Henry wrote about 600 original pieces of fiction. WASHINGTON (Pi - President 0td,r «. Kennedy today selected George E. ' — chairman of the Michigan j at? Public Service Commission, to be * AprU n- ll*l| attorney for Western Michi-j gan. ' ■ I Account Humber sni.iM-s • NOTICE OP PUBLIC SALS tee Notice It htrthf given to th* Hill. 41, is s Democrat, lives talSSS&tS % YTs .Vr5f.' & IS.\ E**1 Mich., snd will ceive $13,700 a year. «ui he btM. for rexb to the hightit He practiced law in Springfield. MV 58.*! 111., and in Marquette, Mich. ^SmS1 Until he became chairman of|rT5*t»d: the public service commission. Hill' was prosecuting attorney for Marquette County. He served in.the. Navy In World War n. SEE US FIRST Tenet terries DAWSON l BUTTERFIELD B. J. Downs, Iota PE SAtMuVo‘ In February 1917 tt was 82 degrees below zero as registered at Snag airport in the Yukon, one of the lowest marks in North American records. I. TREASURY DEPARTMENT—IN- i authority contained Sam Bpmmnrito. 7M Ridgewood. I Promotion and marketing plana of Studebaker-Packard Corp. will be discussed Tuesday and Wednesday at the meeting of the Stude-baker National Dealer Council in South Bend, Ind.,' with factory officials headed by Sherwood H. Egbert, president and chief executive officer. The 17 - man council, elected to two-year terms by dealers in each of the corporation's national sales zones, meets to coordinate factory-dealer activities. Dale R. Davis of Rochester, aj r,|rrt^| member of the council, plans tolThundemrd Convertible! Yertsl wHonri 4SYJ144S4*. a,,ena . Onto th* right, Otis, tnd tatereot of .. Sam Bommerlto In nnd to the property will be offered for gait. Student Is Lincoln llnquent Internal r "— Bpmmarito. . Michigan. The property will be so!____________ with the provisions of 8eettf» l335 < • Intern*I Revenue Code, and 11 ilp, Onk&^*Q**^’ Chapel Hills Es District, Oakhuad ____ ... V uirhiesn • inxurnnce protoction ct.,a _ :he Bloomfield xurpriginrly little. A $2888 * tkinnd County. t Junior policy cooto only $8.48 « * public|. 9* year, if your child in under hearing win be' held at the Oakland • 5 years of age. Proportionate- • Psotlec* Mlch-'o VV* q Iran on the 37th dap of April. 1*41, tt Polio Bonoflts included at M JS-fc? sl» «*?• Iwr#rti**u scribed territory from the Are; School District. Oakland County. I I , tana, nnd adding the urn* to Bloom- I Al No ■ fjoM^m,“- > Rlker Oarngt, I __ ____ __ ____ ____ determine |P micJi^'1*" property; ISM Pprd j•*. , real properly li in Cantata at School n Backs] ukas, sixth grader at Longfellow School, portrayed Abraham Lincoln in the cantata, "The Lonesonme Train,” Friday, 96 years ago to the day that Lincoln was shot at Ford’s Theatre. The cantata was presented by the Longfellow Glef Club under the direction ef Mrs. William Cheat. Glee Club president Marilyn Smith, presented the members of the cast. !. Pavmei check, c Revenue Officer School District. Oskl»ndjS| Thx' County Board of Educotloa proposed 3. Tto^ effective dou of the trsosi equltsble cooelderttlOD cut ot warn M. E. DANIELS Any Interested p*rites will n opportunity to be heard at .... .... >nd piece above, quoted. Dated at Pontiac. Michigan this 131 lay. of April, AJ).. 1*41. OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OT EDUCATION By WM. S. EMERSON, . Secretary April 17, till 1 > MODERN WOODMEN m OF AMERICA » Heei* Office, Reck Island, UL • I* • -• • * 4 r# • • • ’ 24 I Two area engineers are among ■'{j j! seven Michigan men who have »> .{been named winners of Alfred P. “'T”’”-’ J}-*ISoan Fellowship* in executive! ■* « 57 j, development at Massachuiietts In- -Coibert, who .will chair the meet-ll Jptitafe of Technology, Cambridge, j ing, also is expected to ask the stockholders to elect 18 direct or* A break-in at Franklin tary School was reported to Pontiac police Sunday. It has not * ?en determined what was stolen. The theft ef a .*6-caliber pistol was reported to Pontiac police Sunday by Roosevelt Davis, 177 Fisher Ave. A mattress fire rawed by rare-less smoking ht.the home of Mat-tie Hampton, 230 Franklin Rd., Sunday morning caused $85 dam-according to Pontiac firemen. t nay StaT Cop .. 50.4 Upjohn intorisk Ir .. r 1 VsnBnnl tot Dus Mch 733 West Un Tv I Int Itore ...HI J#! A Bk tot men .... 7*1 gxste » tot Pnpsr ...31.4 Whlto Mat Int TtakTU III ert a .. M l Tnl* * To* .. 74.1 Yngst SbAT . M3 SWIth Rad in ... n i The winners will spend a yrai * • ** J at MIT. beginning June 17, study ‘--'ing the fundamentals of sound ] management. They will receive master’s degrees in industrial management on completion of the program Provisions are made tor the men’s families as part of the stipend. r£°n . 35* 3 131A IMS 341 . MIA 1SSS 137 4 S*g. . 354.1 UU fii9 *44 . 33*1 IMS 1M.4 SIS. . 310 * IMA 137.0 SO*. . 310.0 1UA ill* 310. ,. SMA 1SSA 133.7 S33J. . 300.4 SMA 0* 4 MS.* BOW-JQNES 1 P.M. AVKBSOEO N il UP 4)4 i p.mfS.n*.*oi Makes Late Payment Pueblo, cnio. * — a check fbr $40 whs .sent to St. Mari Cow in Hospital fay fa-woman hi Hollywood. Calif. She jufcHt was to pay tor a hospital hill run ■ 32 jam ago. The hpgpital The area winner* are Jack E. Chartpar of sail Norlhdafe Read Btoomneld Tewadilp: and Robert C. Paterson of UM De-Pew Drive, 9 Charipar is chief of engineering and director of products tor the! Plymouth and Valiant divisions Chrysler Corp. He attended Cooley High School in Detroit, Lawrence Institute of Technology and received a bachelor’s degree from the Univerrity of Michigan. A # ♦ • -.-'I He also has a master’s degree from the' Chrysler Institute' and served in the Navy. Charipar, 3S,[ is married and has one son, 5. Paterson. 36, is an engineer, with Fisher Body at Warren. He was graduated from the, General Motors Institute at Flint. He la married and. faae two children, boy. ll, mUf* girl, 7- backed by the management group. ♦ * Seven of the nominees are Chrysler officers and U a management stockholders. 600 Out on Strike at 2 Jackson Plants JACKSON (fll — Six' h u n 4 r e workers walked out an strike at the Walker-Michigan Co.’s two Jackson plants today. it ♦ They are members of the United Auto Workers Union. The company makes auto mufflers. Uaton lenders eaid the walkout etsmmsd from disnntUftr tton with a de railed group hi-cetaive pay ptan in xxhieh werk-ern are ~peM in grenpe rather then iedhiduall.v tor work dene. James P. Moe*. company president, said the dispute involves 24 assembly line workers on each of two eight-how shifts. . * : dry* v He sakf under the gffaup incentive plan the value "of work produced daily is' divided equally among employes. ' ten, ‘gonja Teague, John Back-atakae add Walter WiltUme. Ve-cel solo* were by Peter Pratt end James Crawford. Supporting roles Were taken by Linda Reynolds, Henry Laid-law. Randy Hill. Barbara Tarket, Clark Schroeder. Michael Freer, Charles Ross, Katherine Wagner, Ruth Ann Cole and Sheila Collier. A square dance set under the direction of William Harrington included Dhvid Huston, Leig-h Du-thane, Jerry Davis, Douglas Owen, Linda Neldrett. Ellen Stickney, Deborah Derocher and Sherry Ted- Junior High School in Wi Township, stole tour wooden msl-, lets, then proceeded to throw them through two windows of the Mon-teith Elementary School, on the adjoining property, according to police reports. Police returned the millets to the Pierce School. Damage to the broken windows was reportedly $60. A break-in at Smith’s Service Station on the comer of Union Lake and Commerce Roads Commerce Township last night neb ted thieves $290 In cash and three books of trading stamps, part-owner Roy Davis told sheriffs deputies this morning: Petatae state police today investigating r weekend burglary of Si* Lakes Markdt, 8286 Cooley Lake Road Iq White Lake Township, in which $70 in change and 15 cartons of cigarettes were Burglar* ransacked the Jaoues Lieberman home at 7429 Cornwell 9t., West Bloomfield Township, pver the weekend and stole a camera, it was reported) at the sheriff* department. VINYL EXCELON •6" ARMSTRONG'S TILE Carton 80 pet. PENNY PAINT SALE - Ontnldi «r UutU WklU it $098 2 $099 Cal. O Gal*. O ARMSTRONG ASPHALT THE Genuine Am* CEILING TILE •' tongue and tal / m IVY LATEX PAINT %295 No odor, drie* LINOLEUM WAU THE 14 inch** Mfh. 1 Qf Many colorful I W BUY-LO “ 102-104 S. Saginaw (Next Door to May's) Free Parking in Rear PLASTIC TILE Ineeflh (He end trimming, complete for only $995 OPEN TONIGHT emi FRIDAY TIL 9 P. M. 4" High ftMer Bata 9x12 Usshea Rigs 9ep Saturday 9*»6 head of fa donkey on die : yard of Ihe Donald Swanson's i fat'$178 Shlmifions Road, Pontic TQwiiriiipk early Saturday. 15 E. Lawrence Rear of Mom Office Rhone FE.4*0966 Bank Death Notices l’ Death Notices THK PONtTAC PRESS, MONDAY, APRIL 17, 1061. W. .“W 1»L >M1. IN A 1,1 Township, age M; dear mothsr of Kri. Xalhryn Orovee and j, w ISCiM Mr k mK. have Horn* • 25“ 9V> R*r. Xnmiwrt offioiat-Kptrt^n, JACltd APRIL }», 1M1. JACOB A.. (llto «l Mri. Roh#rt*fcubbe*f Mf* Mtlrln K roe tech Mrs. — chasl RItoy OMrga, Donald ___ Osrald Jacks. lira. Arthur Doyle and Mrt. Bavnrd Dennis; dear brothar at Mra. Ida Mtlnke Mr. OtU Smith Mr., PSd De’ltriSI; ^ Mr*. Wad twaidiu and William •tfiKLF16 W?*** hjr 34 grand-chlldrsnand ll great-erandohll-gwn., Punatalaarvto* wfllb*hald Tuesday. April 1|, at It in from Bl. Joaaph Catholic Church! Lab. Orion, with ft. Vincent HU'Si. lm.rm.St hi Mi.OUvet Cemetery, Detroit. Mr. Ml will lie In atata at the {£fii.-winl Funeral , Home. JOHNSON, APRIL * “ Oakland , Johnaon KlsTjlwW; daariteptoother’oi 1. Bruce and Ruaeell Lemon, runeral service will be held Tues- dsy.Apri! ll at 1:5 j!£.tia!i the Huntoon Funeral Bom. with Rer. Tom Malone officiating, in-taWMap- jerry Mt. Park Come-tmr. Mr. Johnaon will lie la atate at the Huntoon Funeral Home Dopelson-Johns FUNERAL HOME "Doalsned for pjflterals" _ BFARXB-ORIFFIN CHAPEL Thoughtful-aarvlc* FB ».M«1 8*11. *26. Signet, Drayton Plain.; H; Wife of Charlei ’f'SRi Jg dauaWer ef lira. Martha Helton: dear Imother of _ Mra. Thirty (Ekaellal Ferguson: dearMiter of Carl. 8am and John Helton and Mra. Laura Wstson • Mao survived by one grandchild' Mra. McN.w will Ue & atau at the Coat. Funeral Borne, Drayton Plain., until • p m. today ar' then wfll bo taken to the Bool Funeral Boh" m« for aerrlte »on: dear brother of Irrtng Miller. Funeral sendee will be held Tuei-day, April II, at 3 p.m. from Ufa Manley Bailey Funeral Home. Birmingham. with Dr. Bury o. Martin officiating Interment In Roatland Fork Oiaiitagy. Mr. bdUer will Ue_ In atate at the Manley Bailey FunsralBoms, Blr-mlngham. PRICK. APRIL is, 1M1. PETER W.. 33 Cedar St., Ortonvltle; ate M: ,jM»r father of Oren Prkk and vwtr» Florence Cooper; daw .tap-father of Mr.. Etnaard Gamble. . Mrs. Robert Crosby and ' Petherbridge; alao' survivea^. oy “t grandchlMren and 13 M* igJdl|u_ a-^r. - - - * -- Funeral Home, Ortonrtlle, ■■ pee. Roy Botruff officiating. In-torment In Anderaonvtlle Cemetery. Mr. Prick will lie la atote at the C. P. ■nermaa Funeral Home, OrtonelBp, ^ „ ROBINSON, APRIL 16. 11*1,* CLEM-mle Lee, IB Howland Aee.; ace 41; beloved husband of Elisabeth Robinson, dear aon of Ida Robin* .on; dear father of Arthur Lee, Cltmmte Lee Jr., Annie Ray and Doree Robtneon; dear brother of Mrs. Dixie Clark. Mra. Blaabeth ‘ . Oeorge Robinson, Anna •srvs* mat at SSEefc Clair Olan and Iradel Wright, {fejjmry Bennett and Mr*. XI a*mh*from voor&ef-Sple1 Ful Homo with Rev. Mra. Diane gsjt. afiMtotmc tatarmeal H InMemorlam Funeral Directors 4 Voorhees-Siple COATS __ __'FUNERAL BOMB DRATTON FLAIN8 OR 3-T7»7 Comatfy Lota LOTS. OAKLAND RILLS IdEM-orlal Park, sacrifice, rs g-aso*. OAKLAND HILLS MEMORIAL Park 3 sections with four graves *»«b. For only fM per gravo, you can have a lasting memorial that will be excellent for a family plot. Call PE a-lStO for further Information At It a.m. Today then won replies at Ths Press office la ths following H»lp Wantad Mai* 6 Help Wanted Mala 6 r ■ No traveling. Ww business needs local reprosonta-tlv*. Wa will train you at ear ex-ponoo at our homo office. Inter-•mint warit jJlth better clou famines. Customer referal pro. ■ram assures bo to 90% of our Mlta. Married SMS-aged SMS. Many company banana and Bonuses. This la a solid A-A corporation. With talas management opportunities. MMMt for appointment. TAC* Food company, Inc., TW&NTY-SEVBX SALESMAN Dcairo to change into n tap notch organlastlon?, write your own thecy Apply In person. S3 W. Huron., ^ Mr. Oray, from IS STILL LOOKiNG? I have a proposition for a man Interested In making batter than hut in evornga lnoome. He must nave plenty of go power needed to own thle income, but J will furnleb everyttlng in, the line of tools. Phong. FE 34111 for Inter* vtaw before a o m RAINEE. WILL ACCEPT ELlOI-ble Eorean Vet for on the lob tralntng In dry cleaning. Give past employment roenrd, 3 Ideal references, no experience needed. Reply MUnd peoos Sag at. USED CAR SALESMAN. OOOD OP- 1 portunlu. High rate, lee 01—d under pud cars. W. 3. 1 , W0r|( Wantad Mala It MARRIED MAN, OTfAN WANTS #ORk C kind. FB 34630. 5 F ■ young man desire. ------ PE 8-1204. YOUNG VETERAN. _ work. FE 2-7836, FE Work Wanted Famak 12 CREDIT MANAGER. BOOKKEEP* er. I yre. experience. FE t-2tte. experienced baby nrM£~^- Love Children. LtverbuT 130. PK mime6oraphino Iypino, sec- retortal service EM 3*3343 one bav ironing experi- enced, references. PE 34413. rA'AmCAL TYPIBT, U YEARS egg. Ei^rafirooces. Work home. >MAN WANTS NURSE’S r homework. FE 4-4M3 Building; Service . 13 education and ba batween the aioe of 3l and 4d. If you qualify call OR 44411 between 4 and __ barrier. Apply 431 «. Saginaw. ____________ WANTED REAL ESTATE SALE8 Manasar....Tar lor. OR 44334, xfsnHfisr —....................., Reas. Jensen, 663-3550. R CARPENTRY, t’e PRICE. work guaranteed, MY 37463 1 REMODELING OF ALL KINDS. Specialises la basements under hauam. Ouar. work and matei Free eatlmatoe I . FE 3-1104. 1 licence build- t-1 ALTERATIONS AND MODERN-txatlon. Residential end commercial; Date Cook Construction Co. Rent Apts. Furnished 37 2. AND NROOM FURNISHED AND unfurnlotaed, uUUUcs paid, 114 fllf , Howard Street. s, HOLLYWOOD APT. 3 AND ) ROOMS. PR IT ATE BATH ROOMS, and bath. PRIVATN ENTRANCE e furnished, lg| Mechi rgbo^UJIj^ SEVERAL 3 AND 4 RM W. S)DE “Adulte" fan utilitiesi. 346-179 apt. FE 3-6668 3 LAROE ROOMS AN& BATH, clean and nice, disposal, eoupla only. FR 9-4031 • } ROOMS FIRST FLOOR. CHIL-dren welcome. 304~ State 8t. 3 Ro6mB. UTILITIBI, BABY WSL? come, 110 Center St. PE 343*0. 3 ROOMS. FRIVaT* BATH AND ant. PE 6-64*4 144 Mt. Clemen*. 1 ROOMS. NICELY FURNISHED. Private, couple only Weat side. Rent Apts. Furnisl»ad 37 lEBgO ^HARBOR, 3 ROOMS, FBI-washer, uUUUee prtv. 111. Call 4 AROE LOVELY •Mb; --------------------- Paul Jenee Ml 3 SLATER APTS. E 5-«339 •ROOM y PRIVATE BATH. cjum welcome. FB 4*7113. 3-room Lower, nicely FbR-hlahed. TV., children welcome. • Alto trill cart for children if, mother work*. Hi 8. Paddock. ; 3 ROOMS NEAR QENERAL HOS-pltal. 134 Lincoln. OR 34143. I I PLEASANT ROOMS. PRIVATE bath and entrance.’ 133 Whltte- j 3 LAROE.. ROOMS,. CLOat^ IN. ant* welcome. FS 3-31 3 APARTMENTS. 216 CENTRAL. IKE ST. AFTER g AND ^SUNDAYS SEE CARETAKER MR. CARROLL. A67 N PARKE 8T. * • I ORCHARD CT. APTS. Rent now greatly reduced 1 bedroom tarn, FE 3-6M6 R It K K1TCHENETTE OR LAKE.' V 3470 Pontiac Lake Road:- OR 3-4364 warm ard pleasant i or 3 • people. Lakefront, no drinkers. >16 3-4130. WEI ST APARTMENTS 160 AUBURN Bedroom apartment, stove, re* frtgersWr end allltttee furnMhea. ' Rent Apts. Unfurnished 38 1 1- AND 3-BEDROOM PAK7T.V I turn, lakefront apt*. OR 34105. ; 1 pEDRodStT 142 W. Columbia Rant Alpta. Unfarnishad M Auburn, Comer of Em 3 ream newly delegated, aeeaer terrace, gas baa* tad garage. Auburn: iMMra 131 iTMfew . aWadia u 943 per month Cloee to tchoets, churchee and downtown. Warm , * in the winter, oool In the sum-mer. Ample laudry fecllitiei. K O Hempstead- life Bait Keif* on, FE 44394. Altar I pee. uatf* FE 3-7439.’ ; «u*i AVON APARTMENT*. 4 ROoMB* and bath, carpeted living room and hanway. newly d—r«t* Additions. Perches, I ’ -- -------- s. Mich, -basement. mtfdCTHI- i“ s ROOMS. BATH. UTILITIES ; ...FI 4-3M4 ......_. i ROOMS' CTD .9ATH, FIRST pleaeent : ____________ie_boday write Drayton Plaint BLOCK, CEMENT AND CARPEN-try. Fha term*. FE 9-30M. DR7LWALL. TAPINO. FREE ESTI-~ W 1401. A FIRST CLASS MOVE C SMITH MOVING C~ “ usee it i, lumnure ane mtbcet. ; laneous. Olobe Furniture. FE j - FO Boa 91. AVOID TRAFFIC Pleaeent general office work available In the Blrmlngham-Bloom-fleld area. A permanent poeltlon it trallable for a woman between the agee df 32 an8-« who p it* in gaaeral office j EXCAVATINO AND TRENCHING HAUL1NO AND RUBRISH. NAME ntture year price. Any Mm*. FE HUH raarrs HAULING AND RUBBISH. $2.001 anytime, FE 4-0394. | Feareons Fur- “l 2 ROOMS VERY CLKitV UP-per Utilities furnished. Child welcome FE 4-5393, floor end basement., gat heat, newly redecorated. 999 n month. PS 2-1414 or FE 9-3339 3 ROOMS AND RATH, NEWLY decorated, heat, hot water, refrigerator and stove furnished. Near Fisher Body 190 month FE 3,7968. WE8T SIDE - DAB #a¥T 1 rooms find bath FE 4-7328 ' Rent Houset Furnished 39 3 ROOMS- WITH NEW STOVE AND refrigerator. Tiled both. Inquire: Apt. 9 at 47 Charlott*. Ha pots. 1 BEDROOM HOME ON CAM Lake, adults only. Ph «0-l«ai. I_____ plan and hoepU tneuranc* are mil a fat beaMtm mravldid *— eurroundlnj^t.'v 'eufi^owTsprlng ook Ride Rd. 2 FREE ESTIMATES ON ALL WIR-tpg. will finance, R. B. Munro Electric Co., 10*1 W. Huron. HOUSE RAISINO. ROUSE MOV-lng. Ucenecd. fully equipped. Free eetlmates. Ruvjell Marlon.. PE 3-7248._________________________ h3mC. QARAOE. CABINETS, AD- Lane, corner Brook Moeke eaat of Mlddleoen, i eieca N, of 14 Mile. BABYSITTER FOR 9 CHILDREN, S a 4:99- FB 9-9937. d FE°i-i IGLF U L L Y Baker— Prep Cook td’t ha* an Immediate -open...., >r an experienced Bakcr-Fibp ook. Apply ln pereo- ' * TED’S LET JIM DODD REMODEL -OR repats your bpme. No ]ob too tccS* Phone 963-1043 STARKS A CONN do you A-l Job. All kind m work.’ Lay cut Jobs. Four footing and floor, special _ to builder. Call FB 4-0341. SPECIALIZED MODERNIZATION a bsr -j Residential - commercial • free est. equipment ~Retcrenc*<'^n£ WOODWARD AT SQUARE LK. RD I »«•*■ - J”*#**™“ Phone OR 3-7934,' "a 1 —-----------—— ------------: —2------:—'—’■— ----------~ LIOHT HAULINO ANYWHERE — anytime. UL 313394._____ LIGHT HAULINO AND ODD JOBS. LIGHT AND’ HEAVY TRUCKING Rubbish, RU dirt, grading, and gravel and front end loadtqg. Top i after 4 LIGHT HAUl H^INO O’DELL CARTAGE Local and lonj^dlstence moving. Paintint & Decorating 23 i til , a ul ___1 *uw. e-vv. -VW. cw oauutiwti. Wanted Miscellaneous 30 j 3 room private entrance ------—J, and bath, 78 Clark St- Apply OFFICE FURNITURE AND BU8I- Apt. 7.____________ ness equipment. Fortes Printing j rooms. VERY 1 and Ofncq ■ Supply, MI 6-3*10_ ttles, adults. Sc WANTED. DRAFTING TABLE WITH -Ftaagrova .........- __________ or without tools. MY 4*3433. |4 ROOMS GROUND FLOOR. FE 4-4346, 3T Mechanic. Money Wanted. 31 4T\"^uicrt mw UTILrnJC8' WANT: 14,000 ton i ye’Xr. have free' and dear BI-Level bouse tor security. FE 9-I06I. -JS” Share Living Quarters 33 s room* ■ —------------------------- furnished, adult* only, $90 per ELDERLY LADY TO SHARE EX- month. K. O Hempetoad M3 ---------■ —— - —* East Huron FE am, after 4 p m, FE 4r7«3 APARTMENT, NEAR BUS ST A-tlon, clean, quiet, pleasant vtaw, facet Perry St, very —• ------- “— -v dr 1 ROOMS. PRIVATE BATH AND 1 —-------- ------e 3339 Sathabaw. 3 ROOM AND BATH. STOVE, RE-frlgerator, heat si ' *-“* furnished 660 par Villa - Apartments. Avenue. PK HB8 4 ROOMS ARD BATH, HEWLY 3399 Elisabeth Lake Rd. dacaratod, _______ ,______ Christian eoupla pnferrod — U you drink don’t apply. 999 Mt. Clemens. FE 3-4415. 4 ROOMS AND BATH, UPPER. gag heat, F ' a— - — . tl 44043! 3 ROOM HOUSE. ALL FURN-Ished. FE 3-3471. 3 ROOMS AND BATH. DEOORAT-td. $14 wk plus gap. 4399 Hatch-*ry Rd, Drayton Plains. OR 3-9193 4 ROOMS. ADULTS ONLY. FE 3 Baldwin. Baptist Church with Miner officiating. In- _______ j Oak. BUI Cemetery Mr. Robinson trill lie In slate at the Praalt, Carruthere Funeral WA8H1NGTON. eraie R (Mant, 134 Barlmoor Blvd.; . -41: beloved husband of- Georgia Washington; dear mother of Mrs. Luvlne Johnson, Mrs. Ligate 7“-nltweather, George Jr. and P Washington. Funeral service be held Thursday, April tt. i p m from the Maoedosla B*i Church with Rev. L R. Mil officiating. Inteemant la Oak Cemetery. Mr. Washington Ad Book Matches CASH dally commissions bring you top. ttoady earnings. Monthly bulletins, tales helps, leads, j land Mg orders. 8how Glamour ■ Otrla, Colorama. Tenorama, dos-ens more. Pro* Matter Outftt i telle yqu when to go for quick I sale*. For fast action glvo age ; and sales experience, If any. Superior Match Co.. 7999 8. 1 ! EXPERIENCED 1 help f—“*■' * Wtd. Contracts, Mtgs. 35 I ACTION 9 6. IF YOU HA\ LMUf property on a land co ct and would* llke to caeh oi 3 Mr. .Hayden. Cash buy* person, Reas. No drinkers. 4 ROOMS AND BATH. UPI Refrig., ttov* and utltUiee nlehed Private. FE 4-4406 I ROOMS AND BATH. OAS iy,»juS‘ commission. Wonderful I 3875 Airport Rd.__OR 3-7703 |; - APPLY 41 AUBURH. Business Service BLOOMFIELD WALL CLEANERS. Walt and window*. Reasonable Work Wanted Mala ......... Mheh nfTrftf rnmg'T _BERVICES OFFERED BUUdlni Service .......... ■Biding supplies ....... Mklnett Servlet ....... Wbiemtklng A Tailoring . Income Teg Sorvio# ....... Hoy Servlc* .. ...... Hjhdeeoplng ................. II • Having * Trucking ........... 33 ffpSu a Decorating ............ SI TMtvigJsn i#rvle#TT............. “ Upholstering ................. Nursery schools .......1 dayt a week Must be steady and have references. Apply ln I J VS8SaSrVa£-&U,t ** 14,1 ’ CAREER OPPORTUNITY IN LIFE •• InvSaie*. Ouar. salary full <*••■>-[a. tot, no collecUng. Min I ._*.-----— .ages as housekeeper. Call'l Phone OR 3-8564 aai Bun. or evenings after p.m. FE 4-8687.______________ WOMAN, PREFERABLY MIDDLE- Upholstering 25 DINETTE KITCHEN CHAIRS RE-covered. Vinyl or neugabyde. Free estimates. Flct — —d dag------ MA 4-1673 _LD* COVE1____ _ Fre* eetlmates. Isfactory Inspection of property and title. Ask for Ken Templeton. K. L. Templeton, Realtor 336 Orclikrd Lake Road FE 4-4963 Wanted Real Estate 36 _____________wm 2-Way Radios j BELLI NO^ OUT OFLOBE CBHiO Asphalt Paving Building Modernization place, furnaces, water heaters, ' boilers. Discount prices now. L ’ registered Co. FE 3-7701. fire- til >Mg» i Host in appearance and ab— „ converse Intelligently., Transportation furnished $90 A WEEK SALARY PE 4-0*03 g A M. tp 1 P M. R9de*o * Feroenale WANTED Wtd. Children to Boi Wld. Household Ooo wtd Mltcellaneout Wanted Reel Esti Income Property .’.’!!!."... Per 9*1* Lake Properly . Tu«4nV^ri7WT It CANVASSER FOR PHOTOQIuS’H- Baldwin. YOUNG LADIES . ...... , 9 women to do pleastnt -phono work In our new Pontiac office. Choose your own hour*. Wo train all our own personnel, for the Job. Salary of $33. per week from -Marti™*Mon. *or Tuee. between 6 and 8 p.m. only. FE 9-3634. WHtTE LADY FOR Ll6HT HOUSE. LT£?r 3-1394. rOMAN POf. -work. Ltvo to. _ able to drive in »-*—», WAITRESS WANTED. APPLY 878 Lost and Found ; ORANGE AND WHITE a Brittany Spaniel, 7 mos., slty of Ferry Park. Reward. 6-7600. HEATING. FURNACES CLEANED and serviced. - * “ 5-1788. LAWN MOWER REPAD vsu ue so UBS your nuuse, i acreage, or lake property. Wl Mg sell land contract*. PONTIAC REALTY 17 Baldwin Aw.__FB 4-8379 BUILDER FE 2-3MS* Reward. NEED8 1 OR MORE nt Lott. City of Pontitc r -rti. Fort Action by bus CALL. FE 6-3676. 12 to • S.B.8. BtJILDIWO CO Saws, Hand Lawnmowers Machine sharpened Manley Leach_____10 Baglay St. SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED __________PE 4-4341________ HOTPOINT, WHIRLPOOL AND LOST: SMALL, BLACK MALE Lsheer * Lom Pint. Reward. MI 4-9754. , L08T: BLACK AND TAN MALE daahahund, wearing rod collar. Reward. FE 4-3321 CASH 49 HOURS FOR TOUR HOME EQUITY OR LAND CONTRACT. TIM WRIGHT, Realtor Ifo Oakland Ave. Open TU 9:30 ra9.7W.or FE 6-9441 • Automobile RepalrB I960 VOLKSWAGEN REBUILT EN-elne, complete. Exchange, 4185 88 Rebuilt tranemlselon. complete with rear axle, exchange gge.*g. New mufflers tor Volkswagen. $8 88 Complete line at repair parte at T*r,ANpV> CnSil GARAGE 773 BALDWIN AVE. INSTALLED FREE Auto springe, mufflem, ^tatl ^lpes, torbers whan bought nt regular HOLLERBACE’S* AUTO PARTS CASH FOR TOUR ROME IF YOU I EXPERIENCED REAL ESTATE salesmen with proven "**t for appointment (1 r. FE 4-9994 1363 V Help Wanted Boojckaaplng fe Taxea 16 l6bt: white wallet m kreb- BOOKKEEPINO. ALL TAXES. , return wallet. Top Soil St” Broker”1!® SPECIAL LIMITED 'j MEN AND WOMEN ARE NEEDED 0 I Immediately in this area ta tee our growing number of I Dressmaking, Tailoring 17: ALTERATIONS AND REPAIRING, ~ on all garmeots. Beatrice Stoplta. 41 Cherry Court. FE 4-4264 BKAOLE. 19 MONTH*. LISTINGS WANTED CLARK REAL ESTATE I W. Hurop FE 3-799-IT i 17 EXCEPTINAL OPPORTUNITY — “ * “ ould like ta interview a man seen ages 34 and 49 who —jt* to consider a - business opportunity which M very worthwhile. Thlo nan ehyuld have reasonably good education. toMliria . *1 co. writ* todaj ■ . restern. Inc., 493, Nicollet ’ » Minneapolis, Minn. (AK1NO »ne. Mn TAILORING., i EDNA WARNER ... — o prepared to invert cor tldorablo money U the right mot - - I ere Interested in ean 94. Mt to M eet n ye* depending upon you bgSK--o nTlto M EXPERIENCED HEARING All Work mostly outside. Weekly draw qualifications. ____ J 39 and 99, experienced " preferred. 77* aro offer! - excellent opportunity —- ct-------, and discuss It. FE 2-1239, Bob ’ Qardtn Plowing 18 to Business Pfoporty mt-Lease Business 1 S&SS.2SSX-.-.- anas-: For tod* Miscellaneous . Christmas win 1.. CTirtetmae Olfte . Maehlnery ....... Do It Yourself... Csmtraa, Beulp.. torr.. Sale Muelosl Oooda .. Sato OffKe Equipment . Salt pate Equipment Sale Sporting Ooods . Hunting Arcommodattom Balt, Mtonews, Etc. .... Sand Gravel aTH* .. wood, cm a gm ... property 6 MORE INTEREST^ “>A*»ce, coot work, iraeral office aeoouatlng. and tenoral ones work than ta engineering Write Box M Pontine Prees diving axe. Work sad pay experience, tdu-—“0B family. ________________ ’ GEAR ENGINEER Wa maaufnctar* matnten* ir Employment Agencies »] ■ - * - 3*9111.___; . DOCTOR'S j BiTo wi'h g, DtsciNO, v a'B jrMhg,. vicinity airport, O Income Tax Servica 19 irienoe, yearly salary MpSETBiwie. a «jnr=:."i Wanted UvMtock ............... g g^79~v::::::::::: i, Perndalv, Michigan £ NEW CAR SALESMAN. Ramblers and Pontiac*. Must be* experienced, i See Russ Johnson, Lake ; Orion, MY 2-237L * FOUR MEN OR WOMEN THfH ‘ ear* to fill vseanctae Full or part . Urn*. Opportunity to *•» Band > Income. 199 N. Ferry, 9:39 to , assisting the Dr., answering th phone and doing light typing, day week. Midwest Employment 406 Pontiac State Hdg. VI 9*9117. EVELYN EDWARDS "VOCATIONAL COUNSEUNO SERVICE" Silk Bart Harm Suite 4 Phone FEderal 4*0584 Instrnctlons Schools 10 WILL TUTOR — LATIN, BNO-Ueh, Reading, Artth. PK’ 9-4799. Work Wanted Male 11 93 * 99 AVERAGE PEE, DUNN'S Bookkeeping And Tax Service. OR 3-4340. FRIENDLY, PERSONAL SERVICE at your bom* er ours. Average r*KE^S* AND N ACKER MAI rE 1-2287 343j N~ Perry PE 3-3171 INCOME TAX fend Accounting Service Open Dally ¥ to9 LEE’S ACCOUNTING SERVICE 413W HURON FE 4-4431 Free Parking In Reari Laodecaplng *4 LANDSCAPINO. SEED I.. _, sodding and maintenance. Plnanc* toejrtanend- MA 9*1194 or ”' ixe. uphototory, 1 CARPENTER. ACE TREE SERVICE STUMP BBMOVAL Tree removal, trimming. Got bid. 993-2910 or PE 9-9734 , A1 MARION BLUB SOD. YOU Tick ap; delivery's made. Sod 92. RotoUUlng. Mil Crook* Rd. Rent Trailer Space gjfetov.'.v Per iato- Mrtmeyelm .. *"or Sato Btovstoe Rqata h Aeeomeriae .... PMIgBl Per fiato Airplanes YrantpertoniraMrea Wuted Deed Car* ... Used Am* Peru • * . ~nmmeieml Trailer* ... PIMS'.:::::. ton now kal could non S hr*. after 4 n to Aak fa* Mr. Honke ? PART TtifF _ . 1 We hero at Roeka » —— driver*, hat ft tJ9 wartfy pnet lime MU ear* year financial HI*, ' | call ue. OK 3-0922.1 p.m, * 9 p.m, ’ REXTTSrSfS SALESMEN FOR ' S new and existing heme*. Member lie Multiple uiang torrrtee Pull time And experienced preferred. FE III 94371 tor appointment Iven W. rgtti . w 4-4909. CARPENTER W O R K OF A tt ’ kins. Reaeonabto. Call after pin. PK 9-9439. . , CARPfKTCR AMD CKMKNT waeki new and repair, FE 9*3389 CUSTOM CKMKNT WOSkT BASE-ment our specialty. Call 962-2562. 1 KNOW MY WORK....WINDOW^ wall wminlqa, patoMun and odd Joae, T.ferenhee FK I toll. LBjjjf RAPWO^ HANU^ falOWNO LAWN WOKK AND ODD JOBS. . KEP- R*f.. 'M.99 hr. FE 8-4802. 1 s9i^aB7mi ALL TYPES LANDSCAPINO LAWN maUMeanace, tone pruning. FE ’ m OH »*9M7. COMPLETE LAWN WORK. GAR-• deh plowtotTHalahad iradlag and to lKH 34983 ■________ LOADING AND DKUVERINO TOP soil on Mt. Clemens St., to- off Opdyke Rd rE 2 44*3 =,2^33* Notices and Personals 27 ANY otRL OR WOMAN NEEDINO A. JOHNSON'* SONS REALTORS FE 4-2533 TELEGRAPH H40. FE 44999. Boats / NEW 1961 Aluma Craft i experience-free e Carpet Cleaner« I RUG AND FURNITUR1 'leaner* Call FE 4-71M. Dressmaking, Tailoring Dry Wall AEROTRED8 KNAPP SHOES PRKD HERMAN OR 3-1193 AIR CUSHIONED MASON SHOES. Chat. K. Neville, EM 3-3MS. ARE YOU WORRIED OVER DEBTS? CONSOLIDATE ALL YOUR BILI AND LET Us OlVK YOU ONE PLACE TO PAY BUDGET SERVICE 19 W. HURON PK M» ARE DEBTS • WORRYING YOU? \ ARRO REALTY PHONE 682-2211 4143 Caee-EUsaboth Road^* Rent Apts. Furnished 37 . 1ST FLOOR. 3 AND'BATH. i , . ■ ■ FK 949*9 - 1 AND tBEDROOM — PARTLY turn lakefront apt*. OR 34194 1-ROOM EFFICIENCY WITH , kitchen and bath, 446 furnished. > ALBERTA APARTMENTS ! 290 N Paddock FE 3-2088 1 1 BEDROOM DELUXE KITCHEN apartment New! floor, parking e Us play. Trade your old’ shall] Optfn Eves, and Sundays DUNHAM'S 3285 Union Lfc Rd EM 3U|49 LEAD THE FLEET! •WITH LARSON AND WAOEMAKER BOATS I ALUMINUM AND WOOD DOCKS MATERIALS FOR DO-IT-YOURSELF DOCKS YOUR EVINRUDE DEALER 'Tiarrington Boat Works UMto* Twegraph Rd. FE 34933 Floor Sandkig A-l FLOOR BANDING—WITT THE FLOOR BANDER—FE 5-3723 FABULON • WATERLOX . BRUCE DON’T FAIL TO CALL FE 2-7948 quality floor undim, flnlihj ! R. O SNYDER FLOOR LATINO. sanding and finiibtac. Ph. FE . Mill. Furniture Refiniahing i FURNITURE PINIBHINO A N D I reftntshlng. Touch-up work. Free. I 1 .»t'mat*». Merritt A Son, 174-1178. Plants, Trees and Shrub* SILVER MAPLES, 1$ TO 39 FT. high. 3 Inch Caliper, 914.98. Smaller sixes. 83.60 up. Bordlne't Nursery Rochester Rd . I mile 3L> of Auburn Rd., Rochoeter. .,,, Plastering Servica PLASTERING - SPRING SPECIALS BOAT INSURANCE FRANK A. ANDERSON AGENCY ’ Phone FE 4-3939 _____shrubbery trimmed, rs 2-0H7. _ White's Nursery ■ DEPENDABLE TRUSTWORTHY -------------a E 94999. Also apt In Orton. 34 - Short MY 34812 1 LAROE ROOM REAR ^U8 8TA- I tern okerilat canoe*-911 rflat run short* from 941 let* need outfit* priced t -No ntmrwe tor kndfrt nau._ Write er shone for free booklet. MICHIGAN CREDIT COUNSELLORS. 703 Pontiac Stott Bank Bldf. ^et assistance company. —Michigan Association al Credit Couneelore -American Association of Credit Counselors_____________ COLD WAY*. SPECIAL “B~" Complete. Dorothy * FE 2-13*4 DAINTY M > drinkers, clean, quirt, ■M an Perry FE 3-3043 FJEtCIENCY APART- 2 ROOMS & 3 ROOMS . PRIVATE BATH Cloee to Bear*. Clean. PE 4-3678 3 ROOMS FOR QUIET COCPL4E or elderly lady. FE 6-4939. 319 N. Bagtnaw. 1 ROOMS LOWER. PRIVATE > entrance 4199 3EBt. Lk FE 4-13II-> AM6 3-ROOM APARTMENTS. rial ■miiMiji ilrirt i sax Services. 199 t Br—I Wtd. Children f Baard 28 DAY CARE^rOR^CHILDREN PAUL A. YOUNG OPEN 7 day* * 4 to 9 Mon, thru Bat iTvO 6 SUNDAY 4039 Dtxt* Hwy. • On Lorn Lakt OR ,94411 NEW 1961 STAR CRAFT Fantastic new aluminum lap-. streak and fibers las models now on display. Tram your old boat. Long easy terms. Open Eves, and Sunday* DUNHAM'S 3911 Unton Lk. Rd. KM 3*4119 BrickLaying I BLOCK, FIREPLACE. CONCRETE Building Modernization day : cafeh-jMli. pre-school children, references. PE 9-3374 DAY CARE, LICENSED CHRIS-tlen home. Pi 6-3199 XPERIENCED < 1 ROOMS. PRIVATE RATH Adults, 71 8. Jeaele. 2 ROOM APARTMENT NICE. PE n^c^^ts. ratvAram Inge, aattos, — BMpai enf RotoUUlng, FE 4-4711, Lumber lx* pine ROOF BOARDS 4c Ux. ft. 1X3 PURRING STRIPS. Sc 11a ft. 3x4 XUn Dry Fir :.. 5c lln. ft. '3x44 Economy Studs — 39c go.' 4XT Fog Board ........ MAS 4x8' VOrove Mahogany .. MAS txSnto Hsrdboard ...91.91 an. PONTIAC LUMBER 00. CASH AHD CARRY 631 Oakland Ave FE 64911 Plumbing and Heating ! ,UCAS PLUMBING AHD KEATING Part* and Service. Now work and alterations. OL 3-3630 or Ob 3-4091. ,, ■ Roofing and Siding - ■ _ __ StehdU _ BOAT NUMBERS * 3 Inch — For set IS pieces -MADE-TO-ORDER STENCILS Pontiac Stamp* A Stencil Co. 44 8. Caea F» *4939 Saw and Mower Service un mm. - to«/r--- jiu mmT _________ Television, Radio and H 1-Fi Servkt ^, JOHNSON RADIO & TV: Hours 10 A.M. to • P.M. ifl B. Wfiiton Blvd. FE Mia LYNN’S TV SERVICE. WE OIV« Holden's Red Stamp*. Antenna eeryte*. Easy terms available. FE Tree Trimming Service EXPERT TREE SERVICE. FREE estimates. FE 94993'or OR 3-9*0* ■ I TREE TRIMMING AND REMOVAL 11 Reasonable rates, FE 3.1608. Truck Rental______ Trucks to Rent le-Too Pickup. l'v-Too stakes TRUCKS — TRACTORS AND EQUIPMENT Dump Tiueka—Seml-Tratlar* Pontiac Farm and Industrial Tractor Co. 731 S WOODWARD FE 94461 FE 4-1*42 Open Dally Including Sunday Upholstering THOMAS UPHOL8TERINO ’ 197 NORTH PERRY ill. FE 5-8888 Plywood 999.099 stock nt all times LL TRignnntts ard species Get oar prices before you buy 1 SHEET OR CAR LOAD Pfywood Distributor Painters i Decorators — FULLY INSURED - PAINTING, WALL WASHING I CUSTOM UPHOLSTER Water Softener Sprvks Water Softener 'Service Prompt Service on All Make* ' Schick's NT 3-3711 or FR MW. Window da—lag - WINDOW CLEARDfO. REMOVE and store atorm windows, art lip .screens. Janitor Service. DtaMOnt __________ Him new . Poll FR >4791. • PAnmRGPAPKhihO*w»i3r~ L ‘Wrecking Servica loping. OR 3-7991 TUpPer ------------ w—^ WALL PAPERING—PAINTINO COMPLETE HOUSE ,AHD COM Wall WariUng • Paper Removal | mertial wrecking ekrvta*. MY satufaettoo Guaranteed . FK 3-2311' 3-37*1. 1 PIECE , OR HOUSEFUL 7_ «&Sresrn«s: TWENTY-EIGHT THE PONTIAC* PjtESS. MONDAY, APRIL 17, 1$61 Rent He wet Lnfurn.dO mu Fee Sele Houses $50 PER MONTH J1 build « vror lot Ml iwaparm**! 49 For Sale Houses 49, 3-4773______ 2-BEDROOM HOME. NEAR CASS , im. m s^tft, wijn. ; , WI„ wnOTM1 wntjongl noire, FAMCTj furnish msten.ii -to l==B“ ---;— I A. C Compton OR 3-74H— —“ lot. Seml-flnlshed riiws rp «, |U beat. Inquire 65 But . __ j. Nalter 4 pm______ i room riotrsx utility room —— can fe - —- 1 3 4868 0 2£ DOWN : Sim,, ft. Huron | eg j-7054 SUPER BARGAIN tm Oroes. T rodms Lam Mai-ty MSB with natural llrepiarr Build In* BOW boat —1 MB. Wha 68.10* Oatr FH A valuatloa. MUM. to, It PUT*. ' 3 BEDROOM TERRACE , mrofls. BUM. 3-BBDROMM. OAS HEAT located i ,-SisS PACE: At Its Best Your future bone la the (CONVERTIBLE 241 3*4 bedrooms. 1*» baths W. W. ROSS HOMES OR MM I,mVcwJK1 4 ROOM HOUSE MODERN. OAR 1 dm iptcf, Refrit tad stove ! m$ Crooks Rd 8 off Auburn. ; OL tmii. j gsrsff and fenced lot. Only H. C^nIwINGHAM 1 ! CORNER’ CROOKS AND AUBURN ~l M1M •COMB I For Sale Houses MODEL HOME By Dick Turner OPEN DAILY twits. fesssr &™3h&2 To Model*: Union St. Patrick’* Church. TC^HATDEN, REALTOR MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE WEST SIDE. INCOME PROPERTY > $300 DOWN lit SOUTH DOING 1 S DOOMS. DUPLEX BASEMENT.: _?“>> },{ t , t») bejL^near Contra! High $550 DOWN - 3 School. Pull price. ...---s fa cash Mo ner at WATERFORD I rate, nicely landscaped, children i accepted. References required ( I BEDROOMS 3-4538. PE 5 6497 Will Trade 3-Bedroom With nicely landscaped lot. Would you like -a large Items room with ___________ 8-3433. ___________ kyUfPFPL ^VMmROdMjlOUSE. $1750 CASH ’] Pull price, tor this cute 3 rooms | condition ,Ntir Cnrroll Lake II- ; CLARKSTON-PONTIAC AREA 4(40 , Oak Visin y-b+Arm rmoch Dnv> VAlley 1-MtT. Ercnteft KEnvood 1 $9,500 W. H. BASS. Realtor SPECIALIZING IN TRADES Milder ___________PE PHIS 3-bedroom ranch-sty hoards, OR 3-793*. RDSS McNAS ART METER ACROSS FROM LABE 8 ROOMS. WIT., ACRE a~ modern ~lwae with kitchen, trig r partly covered r range PRICE REDUCED 1 m sit non m this i fireplace, netfhbortiood PRICE REDUCED heat, recreation n For Sale Houses 49 WILL BUILD Don McDonald LlCENffPJff FOR SALE * U.S * GOVERNMENT PROPERTIES ARRO need’ op BB^nejf i_ I NO HOMES WHICH ARE W*KkTp£KS; are ottered at lUhataatltl SAVINGS TO YOU — TOT NEED NO DOWN PAYMENT—You toSf PBfWBM NORTH END ht. oak n Et^tSed^ NEAR NORTIgfm HIOH — MU m-ww-ro^-w. —_ ACER by iht GOVERNMENT for thin arm CALL PE 3*7103 aad one of their . mtm aluminum storms. TED McCVLLOUOH. REALTOR Ray O'Neil Realty I. Telegraph Rd. Open M p m. PR 3-1183 PHONE 682-2211 8143 CUss-EUsabeth -------- simi Clarence Ridgeway BROKER FE 8-7081 3C« W WALTON RLVP. GAYLQRQ! "OH. I’m sorry, Mrs. Bemis, I forgot your social secimty check!” HAYDEN For Sale Houses 49 HOYT REAL VALUE-SAVE 8C.000 r.".uml.df.n..,&etj:,r® “Kfent;blUCkbamrh» fltWlSdll dining eli. carpeted living room. central hall pM, Smear garage Excellent lake privileges. Seeing tg bettering — Mike us Drove our ahore statement - c».‘ ln-lews WOI never Had ust north 9 Clarkston itjsTwsr w- MULTIPLE USTIRO SERVICE SSOO i COLORED Attractive 3 bedroom homo .with wall-to-wall .carpeting In living mom can- be yours tor a very i^tsurtskatg meat, ges best, nice taiweogpod with patio and built-in barbeque. Back yard fenced. Extra tot goes •fi*~ Wit- --- home, tm-if w. its red * ranch homes i till bnsement. All BfMlkklf down pukMt. Call ( ASSOCIATE For Sale Houses LADD S INC. PE>#2»1 ___ 30 p m __ 1 BEDROOM HOME HIITER r without furniture. I ROOMS, CLEAN. I.WJtCE RANCH. WEST SOB t bedrooms (irVct cas heat 100 R with $7»$ down Royal Oak Llncoli tsABOE SEEnROOM HOD8E. ON BY OWNER 4 BEDROOM. PULL ■L±3buT i fireplaces. large rooms. r«tte targe etesets, oak floors, plastered wells, 390--i Sltoeheth MODERN 3-ROOM HOUSE. PART" lv furnished. FS-2-SJ9*. PARTtALLY PURNUKEO l BED- . B - also Iron tags oi property. Lots o( leaped WILL TRADE ice. Extra-nice PA. heat, lowed porch. 3-car k and raft tn-f WAIT — BE For Sale Houses 49 UNUSUAL SITUATION Ftne 3 bedroom brtek home with nice shrubbery and large lot. Pull basement, hardwood floors, soma birch pane ling 8tep-up vestibule with* closet. Built In 1*87. Aluminum storms and - screens, mahogany cabinets, vanity In bath I * -‘■-pea kitchen. Only 8*00 dt— 1 CEDAR ISLAND LAKE.'EnJey Lake' Living In this custom Built 3 Bedroom Home on IP Waterfront Lob Dream Kitchen to Mahogany Formica and White. Built in rang* -and oven, lb Bath*. Basement' ogeoa at lake level with large BROWN. fered at 117.91 COMPLETELY FURNISHED — In-eluding good freeier. weaker, dryer and TV Mddeni bungalow near Cooley Lake with privilege*. „ i.u,Jy Rm. I Elf 3-9*93 NEAR LINCOLN JUNIOR - -----if '-"Cord Bat Call lor BY OWNER — I BEDROOM ALU- I intnum siding, attached garage, i — ias down payment Take I d contract. WATKINS LAKE {FRONT Sun, L to I p i CLARK REAL ESTATE THREE-BEDROOM OREY BRICK basement floors full* tiled, rec- t handy man, 94.990 t RENT WITH OPTION tent. Near CarrdU Ls int. Or, tow down pi US — ■ I heat, plastered walla. Timken garage, i E BUILD 3 and 3 me*, ready tor paint. . 89 998 and up. Cl ! 4-3*90 B c HU tote. 3*99 Ells. Lk edroomi f Open) SAM WARWICK HAS 3-BEDROOM through si and din bathe, th % ££ SMALL MODERN HOUSE, tit A month, teas Vmow cod. SMALL 4 ROOM MODERN HOUflE Fratflu*I CUSTOM BUILDER. BUILT BY WALLED LAKE bedroom, furnished. 3 blocks •om downtown. Lake privileges "oxbow lake bedroom, remodeled. APPOINTMENT. i. CALL FOR iwrence W. Qaylord 63 W HURON ST. FE 8-9693 SMITH W IDEM AN 413 W. HURON FE 4-4526 CUSTOM BUILT HOMES LAKH PRIVILEGES. I, $5,950. vacant. $-bungalow, enclosed ir Dub- bm^ll HOUSE STOVE AND RE ‘child weWome PE g-3379 SMALL HOUSE ’ WILLIAMS | DRAYTON NEAR DIXIE ACRES. ^ krpeted , NICHOLIE GLES STRATHMORE. 347 . Vacant. Open. _____________, __I WIST HURON s.-. Ptreptace j pauj M Jones, Real Est. ‘ ‘ ww ‘ PE *1379 [W.HY PAY RENT? Eves. Sat..-Son 1 DO-IT-YOURSELF Net* shell homes, a or 3 bet rooms, finish them to your spar $49 Moves OPEN 11 TO i bedroom*, carpeted 11 11 NORTHERN HIOH A Bungalow on 2 Acres A ftne home with ulumfnum .Kilt*. nn*tri tile both floor. tornace. ga-- All thla for Three-bedroom, i . Jllizabetli Lake Estate For Rent Rooms Peterson Real Estate MY 3rl681 BUILDING CO —Your Plan* or Oura —Architectural Servloe available —All Financing Arranged —We wlU.eeir your old homo o; r model* under construc- TRI-LEVELS RANCHERS 4-BEDROOM HOMES PROM ' $10,000 to $50,000 E. Huron 1 ROOM EFFICIENCY Wl kitchen and hath, I” ■ PADDOCK______ 3 BEAUTIFUL SLEEPING ROOMS. FOR PALE refrig, optional, —--------1 — pit 3*7 N Perry. •FOR COLORED 3-Bedrm. brtek bapea in new and better neighborhood* very low ^‘•‘~n j>*jr*aenu Middleton, Brok- j 'BUD' lTWO-8TORV FRAME kampsen; Realty & Building Co. MULTIPLE LI8TINO SERVICE I . TE 4-0921 PACE WEST SIDE — Near City Hospital Good modem 3-bedroom bungalow Lots of fruit, etc. Oas Pure. Chicken coop, etc Hero la on* toy only 13.950 down. SILVER LAKE — Modern home as cut* •* a bug’s ear. Baeemeot. OU Pure.. 1741. enclosed porch. Carport. Lots of nice shade trees (7 feet right on the water by 310 ft. deep. Excellent beach. Ossly 811,750. WEST SIDE INCOME — 3-famtty income with 7 large rm*. for owner a alee ton. apt*. Strictly private Large let. Pavad street. 1144 Sell or trade — » bargain of the year In home. Lara* Bl-Level t place, family room. carport with eaadoek, screened patio.. attached twe — - wmmm works*— * *—-- large h accept honeetralL L. H. BROWN; Realtor 50* Elisabeth Lake Road ' Ph FE 4-38*4 or PE 3-4910 ANNETT raE living FgtSrMH—w— 49 eeromte' til* hath*. The kitchen «*«09t Ht-pl .;;rt^kin*‘"ao*4*-ioot ,••‘“">‘"9 pool Putt bU9*m*nt with built-in RT' Attached 3-oar ftolsbsd gt-rasa. Mi 9»toM W** yard. Laastdd to beMtthU Pls»s-*glr»> leges By app t. only pleeae. 3 l*ca?*d°oH Jotlyn — Alidad, St. SS? ffiSi: Neat I badroam bom*. 17-41. Uteh-Ptfl price only Itl.lM. Terms. near ocntral hioh Lovely 3-bedroom home ■ »»^l »* the smulngly low price ol *9.900. Only 9399 down Featuring: plastered mile, —k floors, ell PA beat. PktU imeempit. idler burry thig ot WII LUAMS UNUSUAL SITUATION •*“ 1 bedroom brtek homo with shrubbery and large Pull basement, hardwood’floors, ISM2 __________ storms and eereeaa. mahogany cabinets, v bgl t y hi bath. L shaped kRehen Only 9999 down, no mortgage cost*. Assume. sppYoxlmately 913,780. 4H por cent mortgage at — • per month including tuxes and insurance. All new subdivision. Beautiful street. houM Call owner. H*r-- Ml 4-$83$» %%SiA BATEMAN REALTY MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE LETr TRADE DONELSON PARK SHOWPLACE - You’ll aay so to* when you —- superbly built brick s large earner nicely i tot. 3 bedroom, large > room with ledgerock fire-. flia room off UdM. at- d garage. Immaeglato ln-and out. Owner* moving llltornta PRICED POR A lets trade BLOOMFIELD Birmingham Area end high o g bill.- Lurie spacious brlc Only 8 rears «w7 Built by A builder tor himself. Everything custom. Enjoy the cool breeses nsmer qnd purchase at a ... cod price. LETS TRADE CLARKSTON AREA Williams Lake Priv. 3 bedim rancli, lge. lam let 100x180. fruit trees-at ty of shade. Fireplace li rm., sunporch 7x11. ol aU. garage. Canal trontoi 3411 Elisabeth Lake Road 5415 1 . Rd. | r FE 3-739W» HOME. : Iha. rB 4 e ■. ■ FOUR BEDROOM RANCH RUB 8TOPPING AT DOOR. LARGE front attractive rm FE 8-7337 CLEAR ROOMS, NEW BEDS. TV ! ■ PV EPt FE 5-9393. FEJHR79 ■ CLEAN 8LBSFINO ROOMS, PEI ■tdm. MS ltog|m|M dayl _ STARTER HOME ,h no down payment! 1 *°and' Seating1' Call t OOODELL NO DOWN PAYMENT '} Two- and three^bedroom hi areas. Call tor ’nformatldt ! GILES REALTY CO. PE 5-9178 Ml Baldwin Av Open • am - • p.m j MULTIPLE U8TIWO SERVICg Overlooking Lake ... 3 BEDROOM HOMES Sylvan Shores Brick Carpeted living rm. with .... ’ place and mirror, dinette, kltch- BRICK RANCH HOME - j Facebrick .Front 1 Paym’ts Less Than Rent ! Nr. Washington Jr. High CLEAN ROOM. HANDY LOCA- HIGHLAND tlen. *9. Call 334-913*___________1 room brtek NICE ROOMS ON ORIOLR ROAD »ltinn ler responsible young business I . - girl. PE 2-90W. 1 -!M «»»»• ' rioOM SHOWER PRIVATE EN- ' trance, .refrtg. *13 wk. without ref rig SIS. Nr. Airport on M8* OR 3-4555___________' ROOM FOR RENT. LADIES, 3*7 full base-d ferrtu (EYfningj NICHOLIE ?pp.‘,Dt? see it toduyl “Bud” Nicholie. Realtor 41 FE T-UJOl*1^ After 6 p.m. FE 4-8773 HARGER . . HURON FE 5-818-1 i Hills, oft>Feel irtgsge with, equity* be refinanced with m payment. Nicely lot, completely J Rooms with Board 4i j- »»« — u. *»*** COMFORTABLE ROOM FOR GEN- i NEAR M3UO. 3 BEDROOMS.' GAB tleman with board If desired I best. neat. 11.380 8*80 down FE Home. privileges. 3715. Lincoln- * MULTIPLE LMTINO SERVICE Nicely finished I YOUNG-BILT HOMES* ’ REALLY MEAN BETTER BUJtT $10 DN. I yard, stably pri _________jn JAMES K KLVD. Large picture windows facing th* lake In upper and lower lev-*L thru all tiled baths, HI-FI, 1, carpeting and many recreation room. FE 9-4245. NEAR ST • MILE'S CHURCH IRWIN completely fenced, ; ROOM AND BOARD FOR 1 OR I 1 ladies. Walton Boulevard and Sasha haw vtotalty. OR 4-18*3 j PACE NORTH END Rent Stores 46 14x89 REAR DRIVE-IN DOOR MU Dlxlv Nwy______OR 313*1 I* see. HEAT. LIOMTB FUR- REALTY OR 4-9439 BUILDER NORTH SIDE ON FARK- •“* •*~^«Pwhh*lull has? t IMMEDIATE POSSESSION . KENT $100 Dojvn ON OTHI BRAND NE7 R COSTS- AND n closets and located t with 3 tiled baths. Large carpeted________» _____ with ledgerock fireplace. Oood alaed kitchen and dining rm. Pull hunt, with 31 It. roe. rm. 3 ear attached garage. Nice corner lot. — Southwest oi tiled id Wever School Pontiac Golf Club ' Located on this *Ox 180-foot lot wttji three torg* ’ 1.9 g, natural-finished rds. suburban living nl I. *709 down. le garage, paved Lake privileges, TT8TANDING - WE HAVE THE LIST WITH Humphries LORRAINE COURT Spacious 9-room, family home, excellent condition, full basement, oil heht, —1 --------- ■arose. Carpeting ln< 780. Terms to respc ROUND LAKE PRIVILEGES Modern 7 bedroom, furnished cottage with enclosed front.and gear Porches. On lane landscaped tot. *09 ft. to excellent beach' *1,899 down ud *80 per month. CLARKSTON LAKE FRONT Early American 3-bedroom with new paneled kitchen Large fam-~natural flriptacs . Rent Office Space 47 h BLOCK FROM DOWNTOWN | PmiUc, new buildtng L«rgf fdSM^M^Auburo*1** *aU> FE 1 OFFICJUTFOR RENT. 484* DIX~ GEORGE R. IRWIN. REALTOR FoT Rent Miscellaneous 48 Otrhard Lake Are. FE •For Sale Houses O Flsttl-y Builder. EM 3-04*2 ONLY 3 LEFT All alumtoum rSncb-iype home*, with 3 bedrooms, large closets, spacious living -ell Nlc^ kttobl mJF3ui •7* "per"1 month*5 Including _ and. Insurance, D’Lorah Build- SiPre Igtofysiaui ”1V >rade - 31mm O'NHL MULTIPLE LISTINO SERVICE throughout, except I and that has vinyl large bedrooms sac! largo closet, central hi t BEDROOM - 4 YEAR OLD AT- ' tractive home. Oak floor,. n0 ---------------Shirley. FE 2-4813. Planning t Sill build 4^ 8*4 bsSs*' /orcr 8500 DOWN. N< . “JJM”WILLIAMS - REAL ESTATE INSURANCE ■■ 1487 Baldwin PE 4-0847 | ' ROCHESTER NEED A* LARGE esltate on this ta 3-BEDROOM PULL BASEMENT «-••* dn ft HO, _____ 3 ROOMS AND RATH. *45 MONTH Smalley Realtor UL 3-1— LOVELY 3 BEDROOM BRICK on paved street, full basement, paved drive, only 811.088 and 8*80 win move you In.. No other cost*. __________I. BATH. AND UTILITY. perfect lor retired couple. 818 mo. Want 11 000 lor my equity, bal-anee 85.709 74 E. Sheffield oU Baldwin. OR 3-9104. RANCR-TYPI baths, targ klteftea • ac two DOWN lltte Is no m take 8300 win put you this 4 bedroom home. 1 1 bathe. Very modern kttcbi large living rooth. go ft. I lake* privileges. PrfcedllrtfliPf*t *37.800. Terms, *789 DOWN — 3 bedrm home with take privileges; 22 ft Uving rm. wtth^wau to^wall^carpetlng. Owner^lU sscriflce*r*or M.500 WILLIAM* LAKE FRONT - 8ee home,. (tone I_____ In If ft. living rm. Tiled b AU furniture Included. Boat dock., 80 ft. frontage. You have Immediate possession. I WRIGHT STOUTS Best Buys Today STARTS DEAL So Mortgage Costs Oas beat-eero Williams Lake Front i Brick 3 bedrm. M-tavel. I place lu living rm. and tiled ree. rm., kitchen 14x14. walnut peneled Florida rm. ove ' ‘ —-------irpeted living .n DON’T WAIT—BUY NOW I Model Open Daily 1 to 6 414 KENILWORTH (Just north of Pe&theratoue) Model Open Mon.-, Thurs. tnd Sat. Eves, ’til 9 p.m> Partridge FAMILY TERRACE 4 room* and bath each, 171 per mo. rent each. Should not over 80% after contract 810.000 down. *3*0 per ATTN., INVESTORS! vat* bathe, refrigerators, stove* carpeting and furnishings—858-800 down. 81.000 monthly la- vement location. Carpeting toclud- OAKLAND LAKE — Brick____________ (rant. Feature! 3 bedroom*, living roota with fireplace, oak floors. — Lefts privileges * i plastered walla, oa large lots Only *6.19* jUtt 18 200 Colored Barftln m bungalow all oo - iw»l a little do Urge living root fij-- *- fNR garage - I SASHABAW RD. ^rtalhe the fret! | urban location. 81 ich hone, custom kitchen < $8,950 A MONTH INCLUDING TAXES I bedroom — 3 story — living room — dining room -large kitchen — full batt-ment — i>, cur garage — WWMBIb** J— —-—i—> ROOMS.. BATH JtND_DTIM-TY. | 1 Oak. *13.8*0. » WHOM ■DURE BY OWNER. I flee V bedroom will, take track or tractor as I only 8488* No % i\ agents FE 8 "sttYAN LAiaC ■■ .fWfM hda_kg|Mt, BROOM HOUSE WITHySCREENED ppreh. gas heal, modern. E. aide n saertflee. FE A99M or FE - ■ ivel. U17 ha 887 TOTAL MONTHLY 50* tat./El onlY j Wltiw ONLY $9,900 TQTAL SCREENS. STORMS INCLUDED YOU CAN'T EQUAL tide value. Only1 tta mile* north of. Pontiac /Interest .rate roly rmr rent, and you pry nb '3d5rx,J5off?E C. hCHUETT. 'VS I-94M [SPRING SPECIAL!, I Heat 3 bedroom , homo with ga-r*«r and lots af gardening space ra this large Ut. *9x300 Oqa* to, ro Parkway, now Dadga fUl Park Only 4788*. very tow dewa payment to qualified buyer. ■ JACK LOVELAND 3100-Cass Lake Road Pljone 99^1388 |Ytj9AN~?ILLAOK. BY OWnK — * -edroom. carpeted, foil large fenced In K mt m °w*w 9>P«ktim5tvi WRIGHT 348 Oakland Av*. Open .'til I 38 |FE 519441 FE 5*7561 T BEDROOM BRICK 'With beautiful lot. located W e s t Suburban, very attractive Ray O’Neil, Realtor I 8. Telegraph Open M P M I LTtkl / OR Mill Exceptional Beautiful HPW.WWJWJWP » living rm*.,. 3 fireplaces, 3 porches, ettra large i car garage with paved drive. Balcony Loads ~~* -— ——- ;W fir*4pi. Val-U-Way GOOD BUYS AND TRADES r DOWN—VACANT - * bedroom modern bungalow. I b cum rot, apt amahs all beat, nice corner la* oa paved strteL Nwrtb ■Me. *71 q month tec lull tag taxes Oodd 8 room modern bungalow Made mother and a father. Carrol Lake privileges, oil furnace. Asbestos sldilif, 171* dob n R. J. (Dick) VALUET Realtor Ft 4-3531 341 OAKLAND AVENUE . ________ living l place, glassed • meat with ail nreu not wan Tteat. small bam for posy < 9499 DOWN — Newly decorated and ready to move into. * rooms, plus utility room, city bom* in North, era High district. City monthly payments Hast suburban . — crjgka 99.150 With * brtek home with flrbplac*. furnace, aluminum storms mm screens, breezeway and m car brick garage, tg ner* tot toe hided at owly,*il.*M: 88,7*8 dOWB. Warren Stout, Realtor IT N. Saginaw a H. It 8-116 Open Eves. TUI I pa.. GIs LAKH PRIVILEGES'so With this r3-bedr om Wost. aide 'home. It has a 13-ft. activity . rdOm with natural fireplace. I' A tered garage. lAroe fenced Closing costs ___■ 813,188 toll prioo. Ray O'Neil, Realtor, “-BB 'PA p.m. Oft Mfll Rolfe H. Smith, Realtor _ 244 a. TELEGRAPH T: 3-7848 * MA »A*31 school. 8 bedrooms, ...__ 1 bedrooms. rage, 89.00*. TVsrms 7' WILLIS M. BREWER JOSEPH P. REI8Z, BALES .MOR. 84-96 E. Huron St. PE 4-8111 PA MM ****5 * * PE 4-473* SELL BUY TRADE MILLER Partridge Sylvan Lake Front * Old English brick. 4 bedrms. 3tq hatha, maid's quarters, step down living rm.. fireplace, ” brary, powder rm.. dmiaw with bay. kitchen and n_____ Rec. rm., log burning fireplace, --------- lertapt.^1—• r garage, 1 TRADE ANNETT INC. Realtors 3* E. Huron St. Open Evenings and Sunday 1-4 FE 8-0466 DORRIS EYr-APPEAUNO BRICK RANCH HOME SUM* with • beautiful view af Loon Lake. Situated on large Aorner lot on blacktop street trot AO_________________ -This 3 bedroom ranch t mat like new, decorated cellent taste, plastered w ------ watt e----- J pTahned TRIPP REALTOR Ottawa Drive English Style tyle ----------boane completely I decorated. New purpgtlng i and down. New kitchen, re Two-ear attached garage. Mk onrpetod living i I large" modeTn kktkml •awqsMsto i— —■* ■ ----------- with separate ,UM* terms U responsible party. LARA FRONT. Water sports .. year own doorstep. Beautiful lid g lid R. yard. I roams and bath, single sloty. oak flooes and jtiae-tered walls, brick ftreplace. huge .yjuusedjt^ parek svsrlasIniiA the Only R NORTHERN HIOH AREA. * roams and bath, brtek aaTSam. eate- >*. ewe JawaTTW (Srod. ary mens. Reereatlw room, new Urnace. gpotlsesly clean from • bottom Owner Wmtatorrad. William Miller Realtor FE2-Q263 *7t West Huron Open 8 to > Relax Rotor* the torn stone fireplace Jn-,this 8 ream brtek home, large kitchen, that ts out of this world. dtotag-L. 3-. Urge bedrooms- full basement, divided tor roc. room. . lease sr sell — saetom rout, m ’to — t bedroom brtek — beautiful tarn Bvtaar room - ftreptoe* — den ale* hde kltebrn* ■ parage i Met attOfferer WRIGHT . -3 ear M 1M Oaklaad Av*. Opro -til l:M FE 5-9441 , FE 5-7561 "OUR-BEDROOM HOME. 3U.S8*. Reasonable term* on PEA. Lo-Ju»t off W. Huron. Home. d full b WENT BIDE ABOOM HOME, $13.-M8. Beautiful cedar shake homa »t«h that stotlly English design Fiber*las awnings, spacious and VatT. lmmtollable rooms through-out. modern kitchen, gas furnace, •olid concrete drive and Roar gal IMS Would consider good 3-bad-room home la trad*. LAKK-PRONT HOME. 322.I8P. Situ. Cted 00 a beautiful----- ■ - u. 133 ft. delpy MhM. ffil* ' *1 hams with in and practically mi ns" xceptlon- :. living r gl*** toward Paaaraaslc view. flritBMtor, ramic tUe bath.^aipeting! ata» Ertfi appointments 1* »** will admire. * aw ualtohe Templeton Will »tfl V trad# equity la • cr. •r “VWla* af eqaal value. K. L. Templeton, Realtor 3338 Orchard Lk. ' ■ dInins L, nlcelj situated aa a toil* corner to with paved road both ways. . „ i moving. Price lor sal*. Take over 4 tv per Gl mortgage with onlj LETS TRADE LAKE PRIVILEGES A wonderful location for ehll-. dren. No through traffic and LET'S TRADE Income Property 50 ON WEST SIDE. BUILDINO WITH apartments and atine front. Also - 3 family~FE 3-3163. ’* “ answer/ 34414 ROCHESTER - DUPLEX easily converted to * ~ Onl^ 819.900. terms. WELL BUILT 8 UNIT BRICK, esist 3 tors* rms. and bath each. Income bettor than *4.080 yearly. For more Information write Box For Sate Lmke Property 51 - 3 CAR GARAGE ROOM INCOME TYPE ROME. On _JRmttae Lake. br« weeping willow. 3 docks. UNDERSTOOD REAL ESTATE -B 3-13M U no one. PE 8-7*33 30 FEET ON ROAD AND -71 FEET on lake and MS f**4 deep, good beach, nice wooded let. *4.888. .. POM»»* BON fWALTORji 12 W. Huron Phone FW 4-1857 ARRO LAKEFRGNTS I BEDROOM HOME — Urge Bela* room, lMi hath*, radiant beat, attached faros*, good sand beech. OOOD BUY - t brick .bunlalow only *10,800. terms room rsneb. large i, breeaeway, 2 cer 128' OF LAKEFRONT bedroom him baseaient, oil •w iwswau. sssew yard. A steal at only 33388. terms. TED MoCULLOOOH. REALTOR PHONE 6B-2211 SUNDAY 1M TO RETIRE family, union Lake im. fish, boat rid* ro ______________ porch, largo gang*, workshop space, faoeod roar yard, fruit trees, grape vine*, wooded perk ta treat, playground at roar, short walk to shopping, bank and post offlet. Come—See—You wflf be happy hero. (878*. *1.350 down. *75 per moath. WATERFORD REALTY, OR 3-4838. EM 3-7399 BEAUTIFUL LOT Off HAMMOND 18' frontage, terms. Dls-lor cash. FE 3-7399. 3 bodroooa i off* go. *8 i MS tot, targ* UTtng room and kitchen, decorated Tran n r 1 e * 8*7758. -rnai ran TTntfin 3-3187. i. tlf L-.. LAKE PROPERTY GALORE!. schram: 4 Bedrooms raagad for aatoa aa ( Lakefront Thro# h*8r*bm«. roam la 134*34 with fireplac * nice kitchen with .... Ceramic bath. PpFCh overlook!: Wf"* a ^ “ The living ro. mr**" with dining VmMIhihi IVAN W. SCHRAM REALTOR FE 5-9471 VHITE LAKE - A tail (tie log' *5,780 - 11.080 down. . WILLIAM IiftlTE 1 wooded takt-freat teti. ridihrffd*. 88 % Ml *»«h. Sandy Beach Win sell to- separate for ff.f*8*i PONTIAC ton — Cbn cotta** « Read Ugh lot wllb eereened jor* boto^^Mld^ furnished for . S ted room K take Includes carpeting, •ra washer, .laaaed lou. only •8.4*8, *3.488 daWB^ wwrmc LAKE * Sgorttmaa's * delight eeraae street-from golf eewto with lake frontage, Lovely p 3 bfilNMn v, mum yp fire- N ■arago- 3 bedroom Yr rtmnd . B!***.. basement, I gar ftoly *17,486.. Easy term J- A. TAYLOR ♦ ■ fflVF*-' m m THE PONTIAC PRESS, MONDAY, APRIL 17, 1061 Ff Sa|» Uko Property 31 IKS irjffiOyjii room carpeted living room and |wB7wTHr A frontage •H «M iut|i. only *14.460. PACE REALTY OB VMM BUILDER LAKEWOOD VILLAGE ■naar tow lake am now Robt. H. CHAPIN, Inc. »r "Build Michigan Rial... ---1 MU MW Ymt®# BIHM cor awB^* as room w'ihlrd "bedroem M x t. ■'■Liunsk Ioo»ll«mprI«»*lltUr,‘ hP .ft , reesoneble. Cell Mil Devleburg, reaeeaal llngton, TR 1-M04. .. BEAUTIFUL 380' FRONtAOE. For^sli Forms l beautiful rolling acre jtoad^buildlnge. Union Lake, El jtake Your Living TWjBNTY-NIlfl tilled) muck t bedroom house, upetelre need* flnleblng, con be WaMttde bed room», ,mall barn, eWjw»| easy. 1 ■1,*i * r tool,. Fural- .... fiffluded. . CRAWFORD AGENCY Sfts Bmtnsss Proporty 57 Package Liquor Beer end wine, elee complete In. veniory of groceries, meets, produce. Excellent building only few yeere old. brick front, sharp Inside end out. Loads of perking. TO&L&B00 °ALL LIST with Humphries RrijTAURAirr OklVE-IN ONOAK- % Business Opportunities 59 OOOD QOINO BARBER AND shop, Aj room house ^*3-355 John R.”"Phone IT CLEANING At tewing plant. alee b p station Volume pei . Rent t gain price. For quick ■*LF?TS TAIJC“ BUSINESS" Class "C", Flittt 1137,000 volume. Top toe* ton. very eherp, substantia lawn payment required. Trophy Snou volume. Rear onij ’ 3100 a manta. Reiy Money to Lotn ( UJceneea Money Lenders) “Borrow with Confidence GET $25 TO $500 Household Finance LOANS E. LAWRKOB 'FB 0-043 PONTIAC FINANCE AND MORTGAGE COMPANY ' Pontine F, O. Box JM Fqot^,:Mltal«nR FeViHO notice, Mlcblgas r£ MIN WHEN Y6U NEF.b $25 TO $500 We wtH be glad to help you. STATE FINANCE CO. FE4-1574 TEAGUE FINANCE CO. 202 S. MAIN 214 E. ST. CLAIR ROCHESTER ROMEO LOAN* 313 TO 3303 AUTOS LIVESTOCK OL PL FMM PL 34316 FRIENDLY SERVICE" Credit Advisors 61A (l) Make one weekly payment you can afford 111 Avoid Garnishment, end _ repossessions (3) Debt protection Insurance Come in Now, or Cell For A HOME AlVOtNTMENTI City Adjustment Service FE 5-9281 JUROR. FONTM JM 3SITE MAIN FOSt OFFICE yoUr BUDGET YOUR DEBTS CONSOLIDATE RILLS—NO LOANS For Your Beet Ret to Oat Out of Debt. See Financial Adviters, Inc. i-l. SAGINAW____FR 3-7053 Mortgage Loons 62 DAY SHIFT By Frank Adams For Sale Ml seeds noons 67' ANCHOR FENcft ' SQUARE COR- arrow shirt* int Store. «T__,__ ... tple. epea 34 innday 10-3. ALUMINUM DAMPER FOB FICK- Rurtolguml 'HSUONT S' 2685 Lapeer R$ Sale Household Goods 65 I YEAR CRIBS, BRAND NEW, 31138 up. Fear,on ■ Furniture, 43 Orchard Lake Art.__________________ LET US BUY IT OR SELL IT FOR YOU. OXFORD COMMUNITY AUCTION. OA 3-3331._ 3 8. 8AOINAW 12 FOAM BACKED RUOS. •M.________— TV, 318.33. IT INCH Admiral *38.31. Wee her*. *14.35. Dinette 311.35; Studio couch. MICHIGAN BUSINESS SALES CORPORATION JOHN A. LANDMESSER. BROKER 311 TELEGRAPH ROAD, FE 4-1543 1 Open 'Hi 3 Eves. 338 (3; Refrigerator a; 333.(3. Everything for ________Ml ^-8033 Olobe Furniture. 143 Partridge IS THE • BIRD” TO SEE ROOT BEER Exclusive "Mug, tin” Root Beer FraacMene-new available for the ____ Michigan. Coai operator, ,u)o>'ta( 1" In Michigan -requett. CASH AVAILABl To improve your home up alT of your debts mortgMs or load- east to qualify. Call row ter' details. Hern Rail, FB MuT William Benderoff IIMBP S#ips - 63 l«, Up” growth M HORSEPOWER . ELGIN OUT-- Full detail, on board molar, remote tank-gear shift. For good 3-wheel box trall-. er. Phone FB MR1, OR I-544>. ■ting .franeblees and |. '30 CHRVR&LET PlCJItbP ' FARK-rallaMe. mg lot posts, 3 block basement -vmdowi, earn M’’"~ Partridge ra OOl NO BtJSI-I0M yelfrly* *n-indie.'vltrUe Por- STtCS FOR . . . e or eon. Ft 3-IlB. CRRYSLER. NEW YORKER, portabls are welder or metal STATIONS FOR LEASE OOOD POTENTIAL. Fleese call be-*—an I a m. and » p m 333-3144 (dear & p m. 682-3307. PURE _______1 coder bland Lobe. WUI eaerUlet for 34,800 *" 5-5400. _____________ CLARKSTON ESTATES. LOTS 70 ~ 11,485, 111 down. 318 mo. ---- Shopping. TERRITORY. Morins Co FE 4-4134. ALllg CHALMERS DOZER T-«T lust overhauled tor 4gr, trues - (1,150 cash. FE 3-1331. MALL 7 INCH ELECTRIC HAND taw. Trade for 7 or 8 Inch table ■md||m important. Phene ' caah-,wap-term>, FE Blaek . churches, ___________ __________ Dele Brian Carp. Call Detroit I 1-7711; t FE 4-4508 HI-HILL VILLAGE Hilltop building sites on paved reads with approved perk taste. Low as $1750 with (ITS down. LADD'S INC. ^ 3305 Lepeer Rd. FE 54381 OR 3-1331 after 7:30 p LAURA LANE NEAR MAPLE Ready far building. 73 x II Only 31.573._______ R. I. WICKERSHAM 7185 W. MAPLE MAYFAIR 3-6230 ST. CLAIR COUNTY-LIQUOR BAR, OAKLAND LAKE — LARGE 73 FT lot. with good boot house. Nicely „ H. Rrown Realtor. Real Estate service of Pontiac B. D. CHARLES. REALTOR IT ». T»l»gratt> FB 4-Q631 See far Yourself CHEROKEE "HILLS Tou'll like Its wooded, rolling 100 bettor hemes - and its cia country location — Drive Elliabeth Lake Rond Ml L_________ Lake Road, turn right 3 Mocks Carl W. Bird, Realtor 303 Community Nati. Bank Bldg. FE JMU EVES, FE 3-13(2 WATERFORD HILLS ESTATES. A few fane, choice -tote In A 1 neighborhood. For (TEST BIDE 3 adjoining residential lots. 30s each. Ideal tor ranob home, e shade trees, will sell on contri WILLIS- M BREWER Joseph F. Retsr. Boles Mgr. 04-86 E. Hifron St FE 4-5111 LF CORP ADVERTISE-j TRADE C SWAP ANTTHINO ON TRAN8-portetlon care- We finance. W. J. Smith Motor Bales, Tl35 Wtlllems Lake Rd . at M58. OR 3-8810. gor. Will -6426 cape Truck or paseen-taxe tools, outboards, Dayton Tiro Co. FE IBBORT — c and Tavern — Locate., area. Wealthy farmtnj l Low price, high po- _____ SELL — TRAbfc AND Sharpen lawn mowers. BARNES AND HARORAVE8, 743 W. Huron St. FE 3-4181 64 For Sale Ctothtej 3 SIZE 16 FORMALS. LIKE NEW. FE 2-5284 after t _ 3 MEN'S OitAY %60L 51551- STATEWlDEr- A silent or working partner In new or used furuUufe bustnoes. One of the boat potential! In the etty. For appointment FE 3-71I4. IN HEART OF ..Mton. Good equlp-bood taking; RESTAURANT 111 Cooley La|c» R<» Hagstrom GAS STATION cludee garage and I no. home. Doing good grogs. Excellent hunt-fig and fishing area, 118,000 dn. SUPER MARKET Grocery and meat. Ip suburban lake area. Did over $184,000 last year. 37 SOU dn. felu, stock A real. with tall length lace c Just- right tor the to Concert. Worn I or I til Only 613. Call after f p FE 4-3816, 1 SIZE 7. WHITE TRIMMED IN CORAL. NET: STRAPLESS I SIZE 8. ALL WHITE. NET. STRAFLEBC ROTH BALLERINA' LENGTH AND WORN ONLY ONCE. (10 EACH SEE AT 43P5 WATERFORD HILL TERRACE. WATER- 7 IN. FHILCO TV. RADIO AND 3-speed record player. Mahogany -finish. Eac. condition, Pit. 683-1033 Raw. FI 3-3003. Globe Furniture. ATTENTION carry a lafge selection of r ,e]ei i and TVi _________ at least JL, _ itlng 611.15 and up. We take ________.... j otfer article. value, (tool Radio and . TV, “ *toUl Lake Road. FE n 3 to 8. APPLIANCE SPECIALS RCA l-tubo radio ........ | lt u 300-lb upright fraaaer ... (187.00 Used Trade-In Dept, Occasional chair ...... 30.00 fDavenport and e I place breakfast . ............ 3 piece sectional ..... 638 85 Studio couch........ 318.86 Platform swivel rocker ... $38.35 Vanity chut and bed .... 343.33 Dropleaf table, 4 chair,, blond, mahogany .... $83.88 THOMAS ECONOMY 131 B. Rngtnaw . FR Mtll .............. ««. Norge Auto waeher _ _____AIM. Bonita eonkele stereo ....... 6143.00 3 years to |0^ oa4*1 It! N. Baginaw ~ fe 3-0110 A-l VdLUBB AdJu,table bed frame* 84.33 _ Hollywood headboards 14.U umartpnnt mattress or 90s spring Sri Repoeee,,ed sofa 343. _ Jdroom Outfitting Ce., 4733 Dixie Drayton Plain* OR MIN Mon. Attention, Apartment ta*r* cATT.n* i Norgi Rebuilt by our Service — Your Chotoe ............... S3S.03 WKC IBS North Boglat-------------- A GOOD SELECTION OF RE-CON- dilloned TV's parts and ~ Radio and 1 FE 8-4868. 43 E. Walton Blvd. FOUND AT I e way but n lot J*XTd d^ look jtrouni^l MONTHS TO FAY it. of Fpntlac or 1 --- Auburn Heights on Auburn, A BEAL.w—---------------- —machine Itr cabinet and with atg-eagger. Like new, only ono at 648.14 or 34.33 a month. Watte'i FE 4-3(11. ALMOST NEW SINOEft ZlQ ZAO i lovely wood conaole. Mokei buttons. (All wttbiMft attachments) Fey 334 cash or 4435 par month. FE 8-44OT Capitol Bewfhg Center. ANOTHER tiOAb ' OF BRAND tnWl 4»'ymenL iris weekly. Furniture. 43 Orchard .. BIO #REEZERt REFlfflO , AND nice etove, 318. 310 dn. FE 3-6343. ADMIRAL 3 DOOR REPRIOERA-tor, 1331 auto, dafroet. repo,-eeeled, 4*1. 33 P*r wk... elec, rang*, late model, $41. Maytag washer, like new, Bal. 3130 — - Schick's. MY 3-3T11. iaiAiyflfUL aiNoER be*u*o Full balance “foe For SbIb Acrtfe 55 • ACRES. HIGH AND DRY. 6 miles out. 3380 down. 333 a month. Rohelg. FE 3-X131. M ACRES. 4 MILES NORTH C Clarke ton, terms _ or trade, _i PART OR FULL TIME Repeat business. 3tb hour* dally returns $830 monthly. 3ftta3 bqri transportation. 3783 cash required. Secured. Writ* Fontlao Free, Box epring-Iaid pond, C J ACRES NEAR LAKE OAKLAND, (ood' for | tri-level howoa. FE ISm oitar i Ti_____________________________ WANTED: 34.600 FOR 1 YEAR. ----o free and clear Bi-level house security. FE 5-1061. MUee fi lasy ti 18.50. I i Pontiac City . it and prieod at ■>, __________Mr. Brown, FS 3-431S. Uta M MB3 *___________________- . For Sale Farms CENTURY FINANCE COMPANY 166 South Broodway Orion MY 3-1*33 I ACRES WITH STREAM kta-SrattSfel..0%AeVr-Union Lake YTTmb*. 110,500, * ELWOODREALTY DIAL 033-3410 ___ 43 ACRES WITH HOUSE AND largo tan. IBS mile* from Pontiac niuiilta] **“* wheat erlU trad wtU trod*. 8 4-4034, 1 Moving 43-ACRE FARM B ROOM G77NBR ROME, toll baee-ment, new hot wntar beMpg eye-tom, targe bon. young orchard, on peved road. Bbtaefltgte poe- on corner with 1.300 frontage. Bbedreoni hoe ebttalfc eenu. Oerd, « flee tor BwBH eaen. OB ACRKg C FANGUS, Realtor . - ORTONYILLE t * SsSEi _ 'S&l^*’8 Golden Real Estate • Orchard Lk. Rd. "3-J** itL!'w^- RA%i ittii- i^srw GIRL’S GRAY. WOOL SPRING —excellent' condition, size 414, liq length spring coats, ladles, beige, one brown, sizes 13-14 Sale Land Contracts i Oerrrls, EM 3-3411 LOANS $33 TO 33M BAXTER * UVINGSTONE W. Lawrence gt. FE 4-133* Get $25 to $500 Signature PH. FE 2-9206 OAKLAND Loan Company 23 Pontiac State Bank Bldg: LOANS $25 TO $500 On ranr eignature or other eeenr. By fe month* to repay. Our eery-(M Is task friendly and helpfid. Visit OUT office or phene FS Mill HOME & AUTO LOAN CO. - - Corner E. Pike BUCKNER FINANCE COMPANY BORROW JjP ¥o $500 ""iSVStae 00l. ELECTRIC STOVE. WcLUXE, 40” Sale Household Oeods 65 14-INCH ELECTRIC RANGE ________ 035. OR 3-7871. ELECTROLUX VACUUM CLEAN-er* ripniined. New machine like new, $70. Metal cabinet sink *33. Nice blonde triple mjSf (33.3* M clean guaranteed refrigerators. stoves, and waehere-all (tees glO to (100. Using rm . (I*. Bedrm. $18. Several large mirrors cheap. Maple greeter (U. 7 piece dinette *34. Desks, dressers, chests. TV's r-* Everything tamtaJ bargain prtc GAS STOVE,. $34; RKFRIOERA- U*ed furniture i I 183 N. Case at k Htra —' UMdN.' ftxAdtt-ful Urine room suite,. Low ae *71. 31J* week. Balmain House, 13) N. „ ____ WMe*® Good cendltlem. 70 Thorpe. 2 END TABLES ASiD CORNER PIECE WALNUT BEDROOM suite, excellent condition, mlsc. Items. FE 4-3471. 3 ROOMS OP BRAND NEW FURN-' nlture. dnveaweil and chair, tablet. la»p*. hedreem suite, mat- menu wit SMS S week. P**r-eon'e, 43 Orchard Lake AV*. piECE _iJrrNa; room suite. brand new. 300SO. 31*1 weekly. Pearsons FurnUura, 48 Orchard iwfi stove, *13. WOettaghmiie dryer *33. Klttbea drop leaf table and riieln 314 8*. Refrigerator, lie up. MadtaW ■ tar* 338. I cedrfr ch_ _______ - walgut *34.30 .soob. Oecaai^al that re *3 03. Load* of tow ISr-mtur* at utile tapr* than used furniture prices., • BUY—SELL—TRADE Pearson's Fpntaur*. 48 Orchard ‘ FE 4-TBBt I UVlfio home TABLM-! 4 ebotou. Mb* new. FR 8-«81« CHROMS DINITTK. FE 3-3343 ■ ' 7.:., io'mi'ple tnd trundle nee* at big ' . Peer,on's Furniture, .me bread*, scratched. Terrific MM, CUM While they last. • phone orders please. Michigan HP 133; If TV. good, condition. *46; electric (etove, *48; weeher. $15; 7-ptece tihror* —* Renewed Model, .... TYfiBl” NtW ........ Rebuilt ttoM* ..... try eye. Beat Control . Rebuilt Models .... Automata Washer* ... ...3173.1 ...} GOOD MOUBERERPINO SHOP of Pontiac 31 W. Huron FR 4-lttt IRONRITE. PROVE TO tdUta i that an Iraurita Ironer can ' your Imtop Mr • on monte. -TE I 4-1173 I KXNMORX. Anto. washer . Kenmore dryer ... ■rtotajl refrlg. 7 eu. ft. . 7 pe. dinette ........... B swivel chairs, rad lM Ottomanf"! Blink beds e ' 3*6 aiiu-,..........m Rendu washer and dryer comb I ltd w43h bptaaaaa 1--“-—1 1 Ollverton* TV. 11” Bob Hutchinson Mobile Home Sales (Ml.Dlri* HWjt^^^Draytrm Plain, frigerator with top ___________, »t'T TV good Cond. (4g, electric ------**• ftarita. YE 5-3766. Sale Household Goods 65 MUST SELL AT ONCE Maple^jtaby Beds pllapcee. 6481 Hatchery Road, PARAKEgf CfAQS AND ELECTRIC n P*r»er ■Hhfil used machine. No do Michigan Fluoraseer chard Lake Ave. — *. TRADE GAS RANOE FOR ELEC-raoge B. B. Munro Electric AND USED TV’_ ■ ter heaters, i_______ *43.85. Sweet’s Radio Huron, FE 4-1133. gallon gale, S Appl. WASHER. 115: CHINA CABINET. Crib, JUS; Apt. else gas $30; Elec, stove. *33; Re-835, Vanity. 313; Daven-313 ; A A B Resale, fe £m*3. * WOOL AND NYLON CARPET with pad, new, 348. FE 3-7340 REBUILT VACUUMS, *12.85 UP 743 W. Huron Barnes A Horgravei REFRIGERATOR-CLOTHES DRY-er, water hooter • all bottle gas for *130. Kenmore auto washer jgt. FB ' SPECIAL 8X12 RUGS, *34.1 ■ Leod Carpet, Woodward at Square Lk. just below Ted'ejra 3-7701. SEWING MACHINES, WHOLESALE w all. New. used and repossessed. Over 73 modeli to choose from. Prices start Stager portable,, 813.30. sig sag equipment. 'Curi a A^jHtances, 4481 Hatchery Rd. OR WYMAN’S ITS 83.28 CHILD’S ____-taldrie-Boyir pate MN *1.83, l i 13 Lin-Rug 34 83. 8 x 12 Rug ---------------- —S* F WINCHESTER 36-30 LEVER AC- . tap fun- A Norge wringer washing msolvln- --- , i Tri-Ton* T Sylvania a Will a--- aehlne 343.85, 3 pe. living room I 3*8.30. Willed Lake Depart-flit Store. 731 Pontiac Trait at seed i LUMINUM CAMPER FOB t up truck, fully equipped. ¥k 6-0145. heater. Hardwar eroek and pipe a -^i„ Palm quarter,. Opdlke Mkt. I CEMENT STEPS. READY MADE. lUglxu. Splash block, door gUle. :hlmn*v caps. Pontiac Pre-Cast , U W. Sheffield. Ml Step Co , 2-3600______ I light* *Fluore, ». - U. __ ta Pegboard ......... 4x8 h Ply score ______ 3SA. Rock Lath , Burmeister LUMBER COMPANY 7*40 Cooley Lake Rd. EM 3-4171 Open g a.m. to Y p.m. dally Sunday 10 a.m. to 3 pm: DO IT NOW! Steel Clothes Feet . . . . *8 43 Field Tile .......Ulo - f Cedar Feet 45e end up "St* U» for Your Building Neede SURPLUS LUMBER & MATERIAL SALES COMPANY 134S Highland Rd. iMtll OR 3-73S3 . JET PUMP WITH and drop pipe, otto King. J»mm Rd. Off Brown Rd. $ For Sale Miscellaneous 671 Sand, Orsval tni Dirt 76 OOOD^NLAU* TOP_ SOIL. LOADH it* con,ole. Cell OL 1-0338. , aerifies, leaving country. ■ —--------J DUt’-^ ____________ u ,»n4, i revel rt » adino. IlaAe Bir t alii ‘“’*7 Lake Read. ““ CsiiorRs, Equips Stv. 70 Sale Miikal Goods IX AMP^OT^om^^Ol.. OUITAR8 from _^. iujt ilNARB DRUM SETS I39.W CLARINETS from . M CORONETS TRUMPETS IrOM »3» mfWrm Iteptal Layaway . ■ TS. speaker oMmei and pert ^T. _ unit, complete. Morris Music* 34 8. .'Telegraph- RdT. acres, front (he Tel-Huron' Shopping Cen- ALTO JAXOPHONE With lesson, FE 3-342*. BAND INSTRUMENT REPAIR By factory expert. CALBI MUSIC 118 N. 8AOINAW GREAT FOR TRAVELING. THE portable Wurlluer electric pie used, to A-l condition. *300 Oreces any home, Voee A S Baby Grand piano, completely built and reffirt-*— — I. Require* I Gulbrana little spinet, innea Morris Music. 34 S. Telegraph t___ . Huron Shopping O *ian,5 ^ujyN'o " PIANO BARGAINS tachmeot. Orfguialljj ,old for O' J14M. U»ed Sptaet piano, like new. GALI^GHER’S 18 E. Huron FE 4-0*36 EAST TERMS LESTER BETSY_ROSJM RPInHt, LEW BETTERLY MUSIC CO 41 3-8033 Frl. 'til OPPOSITE B HAM THEATER Hammond sfinkt 1 scU. Like wall paper and ueleetidn. Berry Iros. Jelled Magle no-drip paint. OAKLAND FUEL - FAINT exterior. See —itching far M. Jelled 436 Orchard Lake Ave. FE 6-6180 ELECTRIC LI OHT FIXTURES, all room*, list Design*. Full-downs, balloons, stars. Bedroom $1.33; porch 81.55: Irregulars, sample*. Fries only factory can give. Michigan Fluorescent. 331 Orchard Lake Ave. — 13. ,XW BETTERLY MUSIC CO MI MOOt Frl HU Opposite Bir cmfw cmf cm! cm OPPOSITE B'HAM. THEATER LOTTERY HOLIDA bench, like now. TORINO AND REPAllUXOi *4- year t MI 4-3 FREE STANDINO TOILETS *1*65 ■Double Bowl Sink ,«..... $8.15 Vk" copper, 30 ft, length, ITe ft. H" copper. 30 ft. length* .. 37* (t. 3e" sop per, 40 ft. eoU . 46c ft. 3 pe. bath gets with trim .. 1*8 *8 White or colored Inde SAVE FLUSCBIMa SUPPLY 172.8. Saginaw US N. lAQINAW FE 3-3332 VM TAFT RECORDER. VERY good ce—""--130 Baas ...... *78*5 iordtao, GIIINNELL’S 77 S Saginaw „ FE 1-7188 WtlL CASH FOR YOUR Sew *BIFrTCTLTMMUgl^l CO. I TYPE FURNACE. EXCEL- . GARAGE DOORS WIN FREE UPRIGHT PIANO WEIGAND MUSIC ‘ Spring Fever Sale. CANNBL COAI ■■■ and Fatal, Phone FB 8-eiw. SLAB WOOD furnee* wood, Oakland Fuel irhlEPLACE i, del, Alberta 34t3t. BEAUTIFUL NURSERY GROWN evergreens. Cultivated, sheered, sprayed. Stata miPeafed. io or more. (18* eu. Uu then id 83 each, You dig. 13 art, North 'of Foniiac an U>. 10, Coder Lane Evergreen farm. *07* Dili* Hwy. (U.S. 10) MA 8-1833. Plants, Trees, Shrubs 78 SEEDLINGS. SCOTCH. RED. Austrian pine, white —d also wild life pai Hwy. OR 3-7103.___________ STRAWBERRY PLANTS (STATE inspected I leading varieties, dug >. 3111 Dixie Rd. RU t-itlL- . 3050 For For Salt Pitt ARC DACHSHUNDS, 810 .DOWN, Itttd doit. Jamor*!. Tm • AKC TOY K)ODLE -PUPC^WO AKC POODLES. 'ORP8-*23l. AKC REOISTERED^ Anctltai liljf.s. - At- '. B&B ... mmmt Door Fries, Every. AUcUo* Lunch Room open Every Auetau 808* DIXIE HIOHWAT 7 BUD i SON9 AUCTION ’ • 7:30 FRI. AND SAT. | Open daily. We bUf (jlWOd*. SaviJirJ — tortrtM .yrnTbivs if sttK' Sale House TraHm 89 Travel' treUer. Since 185B. Qu»»-’ anteed tor Iff*. See them tai get a demouitutaB. it WilbCWp .......- “OH W. Huron ffUta to Welly Byam'i exciting A1R8TREAM. 185*7 33 TOCn, siEr eeoteined. I74-H8I. ; EXCELLENT' »u¥ - 1UI "ffi" tionri 43 foot. 1 for rent n Foot vacat<6n — OB vtm. Jacobson Trailer Safes and Rentals AU new models In travel trailer,, li ft. tor compact ear, and up. Raaerv* your trailer for va-cation,, let n (or hitches, parts and service 5685 WUltami Lake Road. Drayton Plains. OR 34*81. NOW IS THE TImK’ FOR US TO PICKUP AND SELL -““trailer any 15' TO W. 13210 Holly Rd. HOLLY. ME 44771. Venture — Ruddy Quality Mobil* Located half way betwi and Oxford on M14, M (RED. miniature . a e k Reasonably priced Dixie Pottery. *3*1 Dixie Hwy , Waterford, BLACK AND TAN HOUND DOO BOSTON TERRIER STUb SERV-and pupptea for oaio, FE 5-3480. COLLI! PUPPIES SABLE AND whit*, healthy and Intelligent, Uttar registered. I4t(t Bast 3( ------arWswiiumoS POODLE PUFB. 173 AND UP, STUD aarrioo. Professional trimming — EMI-3330 POODLE. MALE. AKC. I WEEKS. silver, curly coat. FK3-40M. PUREBRED CHnAPKAKB BAT-Lebredor Retriever puppiee, 330 bred especially tor bird and duck POODLES. AKC. 1 MONTHS MIN-lature, beige and aprieM, cham-^onmdjMtaekgreund. *73 and up. PARAKEETS. GUARANTEED TO modeling. BERRY DOOR SALES Open from S to 3 - Noon on Saturday 371 8 Paddock_____ FB 34002 GUN TYPE OIL CONVERSION burner with nU control*. 3*0 gallon tank and large blower (50. 17 Inch TV 082. II inch TV 310 *7. Roll-e-way bed CLEARANCE < Canaries eagee and tup-Crane'a Bird Hatchery. 343* Aupurn, UL 2-3200. PARAKEETS GUARANTEED TO 310. FE 8-1703. TRADE-INS Thomas 2 Manual Organs $595 Gulbransen Model B Walnut Organs $1,395- PUPPIES $8 UP INCL. INOCULATIONS. AMO LIVESTOCK GUARANTEE I Poodles $10 Down HUNTS PET SHOP. FE 3-3112 POODLE. SILVER „.. months old; clipping, ■ 3-4173. . OR FORMICA; PLUMBINO, P A I NT. Slats, wiring. Open 7 days. FE ! 4712 Montcalm supply. 15* W. , STUD SERVICE. SIAMESE CHO-colate point eat. C.F.A. Registry. z~M 3-4433 after 3 JO p.m. spring Requirements ■GUN TYPE FORCED AIR OIL ; temin*. minerals and repellent ^ A Hargrave Pet^ghop^ i. console 313.6 . ....... ..... 316.8 i. Ironer _____ 313.3 Portable_____............ 1* W. Pike FR 3-1133 EZ TERMS WINDOW SILL LENOTH' DRAPES. approx. » yards. 873. Junior blond oak _ dining room ^lurniture,^ *100, Hl-Ff, TV and Rsdto PORTABLE TV Flooe Model .... 168 86 F(SETTERS APPLIANCES MIRACLE MILK CENTER l” TELEVISION IN OOOD WOKF tag order, 33*. 1263 Venice Ct , off Case Lake Rd. Hione «33-0«36 BELL STEREO, AM-FM TONER. ’ -ear old. (SK Viking stereo deck, *60. 13 wall ampli-Y^Mo^wk *3kt*m. HEARING AID New eye glass bearing aid. Re- fosses,ed Pay olf balance of I2.H a month. Factory guaranteed. Audivox, urn Pontlec Bank Building. FE 8-0723.______ K GUTTER, 68c PER LENGTH LAVATljlHtEB. COMPLETE j PORTABLE ADMIRAL STEREOPHONIC (Cord player, wifi combined In two asperate tpeaker cabinets. Tilt speakers may be attached together for convenience In carrying. Life time diamond , needle, The ,*t I* » little MEDICINE CABINET8, LARGE 30" mirror, slightly marred, 318*. Large selection of cabinet* with or without lights, tUdine door. Terrific huge. Michigan nuores-cent, 3«3 Orchard Lake — 36 . NEW PLAT OYM WITH gLLDE, r eld. Selling t ________le model. Price eaeoneble. *124. Cali aft* a pm FB 4-3316 get a console i NEW *40x13 WHltE WALL TUBE-lets already mounted — eet of 4 Over 100 piece electrte LlOUel train act. Thpr electric Ironer. babytolay penmate. 331 W. Huron St. year reasonable. _ ---NEW SINGER ZIO ZAO USED 10-17 INCH TV SETS |3t.*8 WALTON TV FB 5-23*7 *16 E. Walton corner of Joelyn USED TVs. MANY TO CHOOftB from. Peer'* Appliance. 8161 For Sale Miscellaneous 67 tt-INCH "incite. PLYWOOD WORK US) chev. (k-taa staka. 1 NEW COLEMAN QAS FORCED __furnace and oontroU.__________ BTU. Regular 3364. sale price 3164. 1 need oil fired wall furnace — 1 Coleman gas 1 OARDEN TRACTOR. La^TH METAL CROSLEY KITCHEN cabinets, cabinet sink unit, OE stove./floors. | casement window*. etc. WM7I3. 4-INCH SOIL PIPE, i FT. taSfn ; TavST^LUMNINO dUFPLl 173 8. BAGINAW FB 3 -- POPPER till FFLY i 4" MO, PIPE, 34.18. pipe 16c ToUets *18.01. Mtoir— *“ ““ "—* 3x10 RUOS MCA GENUINE CEILING) TILE *3*5 'iUYLO" ~71LE 182 g SAGINAW 13x7' WOODEN OARAQE DOOR 32x21 DOUBLE . STAINLESS STEEL .rink*. *24.»6. 32x31 double Cast Iron sink. 321.85. Oreen coat Iron bathtub, *44. (3-gal. 10-year glaas-Unod water heater. 866.M cash and carry. G. A. Thompeon. 7065 M56 West., 65-GALLON STEEL DRUMS SUIT- buritcr FEr4-**H..77 ilgttpjc'. l^nn^lmHjta- tal. a - met a ad tltUnga, 3 ore and ell i.*5 np i, m3F. Ca*h end onrry. SAVE PLUMBINO . 172. S. Baginaw fm 5-2100 RTJBLE,' FORD CONVtJtTIBLS.' PIN-e suite, with : 6 chairs; $75. _ _mil table. *3. gaa stove 336. PE * 1‘ ALUMINUM SIDING STORM SASH i A WNINOI * money dowp. 3S mo and u _e*i direct wftb await and ea»' hot water heater. : —sumers approved, 188 85 and *48.33, mam nt, «; 3*78 Orchard Lk. Rd. ITCHEN CABINET SINKS, scratched 43" medele 388 value $4.50 while they last.. Terrific values of 54" and 66" models. Michigan Fluorescent. 313 Or- II Orchard Lai ^jan^ Fluoree- 836. FE MH8 in our window, figure with uz. April 23, INI. . Guess how i display 4Ji*t Weigand Music Center flRACUE MILK BAZAAR ARE/ Sale Office Equipment 72 JaLES-SER VICE-RENTALS VALLEY BUSINESS MACHINES 74 Auburn Ave. FE 4-3117 CA8H REGISTERS, ADDING MACHINES. CALCULATORS, TYPEWRITERS, QUALITY --------- - LOW 1------ EQUIPMENT AT LOW PRICES PONTIAC CASH KBOISTER "HERE TODAY—HERB TO STAY’ ---------- --------- -- NEW AND __________ chines, typewriters, _____ JR chtaM, comptometeri, duplicators, photocopy machine and dictating machines, oeneral Printing A Supply. 17 West Ltwrbnc* gt . Pon-tlac. FE 2-0135. 743 W. Huroi ___ WIRE HAIRED TERRIER. 8 MOB. " shot*, *■“- Doks Trained, Boarded SO TAIL' A Hunting Dogs 81 BRITTANY SPANIELS. MA 8-t540 *661 WeMen Rd. darketon. RED BONE PUPS, « WEEKS OLD. 1 after l p.m. fk' Hay, Grain and Feed 82 ALFALFA. BROOM AND MIXED hay, 40c .* bale. MA M3S1. BALED HAT AND STRAW. EAR a obis, will deliver, sow i. Troy. Mulberry »-14*1. HAY FOR SALE. 638 BAST BUELL Road. North of Rochester out Rocheetar Road. OL 64734. For Sale Livestock > OAJTBD , t$u!pl designs, appliques, button holes. etc. Fay 35 per month or cash *38.30. FE 5-8407. Capitol Sewing Cer*-~ NATIONAL CASH REOI8-tars front (1*8 up New Nataui adding machines from 388 up. fbe only factory eUthofieod branch »■■“.*»**. » —»»». »» e-— office, lr Oakland and Macomb CHOICE BEEF QUARTER HALF, County where you cen buy new Second cutting hey. OA 8-317* 533 W Huron. PooUa^FE 3-02*5.1 5“.wrA!r All 23 S. Oratat. Mt. Clemen,, HOw- ard 3487^ __ fwo WALNUT TYPEWRITER Hi | conditioB^jiut old j Sale Farm Produce LOVELY SINGER SEWING MA-ctune, rig-sagger walnut console cabinet, makes blind hem*, scallop*. designs of *53.40 or take „ __ FE^tioOS m°ntl1' Dn,V' TILERS EVANS ! ___ ___ ____ _______ hedge trimmer. 331. He 5-1111. . --------NE CABINETS. TOP rlth aluminum shelves, *23'so" 70Mtei.......... PEERLESS LAWN' MOWER grinder. Like new. 1858 Allstate motor*cooter. O melody eaxapben* t MM Oerman luger with holster, i ft. glass showcase, fe 4-4*84 PLYWOOD BARGAINS M In. masonite, 4x8 .. *1.8* to lri pegboard-U8. .. *288 PONTIAC rt.YWOOD CO. I486 Baldwin Aye.__FE 8-3543 RA RDtlM TILE 8x10- UNOLEU ys ____________, Me ■BUVLO" TILE, 103 g SAOINAW VINYL LINOLEUM, yd. 0" TILE, 107 * SHOWER1 COMPLETE wnn laqcets anq curtains $08.50 value 835 80 Lavatories complete with faucets 314.85. Toilet! 521.60 Michigan Fluorescent. 352 Or- flfte g»c «”"*! I «” • F C3M Wedgeloek $1.15 ft. 4" Sllpeeal gewer Mia Ms ft, Air «fiia sewer atee 2" thru ST Perforated pipe And split pipe BLAYLOCK BUILDINO BOTFLY 81 Orchard Lake Ave. FE 3-71111 TALBOT LuM BER of hneber, doors, trtta ' J(ft, plum blag Open t *.«. HU *:3S Sot 1*15 Oakland A— ““ lftlon1 Don't pais this one up. R. J, (Dick) VALUET Realtor' FE 4-3331 345 OAKLAND AVENUE Open 54 Sun. 114 “KB 31.554 _________________ Complete line N parte a gas, ears wired and hil stalled. • FE 4414 i860 POf PONTIAC” CHIeV, 12 FOfif. GREAT LAKES, GENERAL STUART, and YELLOWSTONE be two story and Expand*—I and IF wide. AU rise* and Ptata. Many pod used right er Hu ft- aged pi wide. Priced L —UR suit you. 60 to pleb lrom. Oxford Trailer Sales mu* *• tevui**m M] SPAN-O-WIDE DETROITER 133 SQ. FT. OP I VINO ROOM, 16 *11 ■ _______r uvino LIVINO ROOM. 16 *16' BEDROOM 12' WIDE NOW 08 DISPLAY. Du* to the Ian* demand I our 1*31 Detroiter*, •— “ *■ en la a large sell used mobile homes gug—“ - Bob Hutchinson Mobile Home Sates VACATION TRAILERS “1 Rentals 1 models . OSS tne new seel mooeu . . • u. It. and 17 ft. Draw4ite and Reg** hitehee, everloade, broke eontrele, wiring, bottle gqc, etc. - - HOWLAND (. - *0! ______________ ’OK 3-1450 VACATION TRAILERS FOR RENT Sleeps_ A 6rfer_Nowl, 81e'POCKi)DEIJLr TRAHJIR HW *. Rochester Rd. UL 34150 VACATION TRAILERS ' Flile _ Trailer 8alee_^and Jkeotal ■WE ALWAYS CARBY Of USED MOBILE HOMES 26 Ft. to 44x8 Ft. OOOD ONE WEEK ONLY NEW '61 CREE 29-FT. ONE BEDROOM on display weekend of . APRIL 15,- 1961 Id’ CREE. SELF CONTAINED MOto—complete with taxes, M.0M. licene*. Only Holly Marine & Coacb fnshloncS... 516' cacti. 'Phone OR 3-3S35 or FE M*g7. USED OFFICE DESKS. CHAIRS. nclu, drafting main um- BEE8 FOR SALE. ri 4 jia>___ CERTIFIED SEED POTATOES htb offset press, typewriter*, ad-dressograpb machine and Jplrit Duplicator iadding enaentaee. OR Sale Sporting; Goods 74 BUSMAN HARDWARE Browning Ounl 3545 Elizabeth Lk Rd. FE 54771 OPEN DA1LT 'TtL «; SUN. 5-3 FOR SALE: BEAUTIFUL NEW finish Cost *133. I FE HI M__________ GUNS. ALL KINDS. UN3 Jt BUY. SELL. TRADE. Manley Leach, 16 Bagley.___ NEW AND USED GOLF ... ____We”take trade-Ine.'carr* Poll Driving Range. FE 5-5085 Smid, Gravel and Dirt 76 t-l PEAT RUS4U8, TOP SOIL. etad-P----* ^--- ““ w 2-2888. : BLACK FARM SOIL. 1 TOPSOIL, BLACK DIRT. FEAT 1 TOP SOIL AND BLACK DIRT. travel, peat. National A-l TOP SOIL, BLACK L______________ sand, fill and- gravel. FE 3-7774. A-L BLAOT dirt" TOF SOIL, 8AND 1 BLACK DIRT AND FILL DIRT' A.i TOP SOIL, CRUSHED 8TONE, sand, gravel, tm. Lyle Oeobta. 682-3480 or FE 34373. BLAdk ftntrFILL and qraYel BLACK Ddtfi M deliver. FE 3-3362, ■ BLACK^ ErtRT/^PTLL. SAND AND jack Cochran. Laka Orton. MY 34*31 ________ ... WEST SILVER- bell Rd. out Perry. 8PV, McINTOgH. JONATHAN. DE-llcioue, Russet steel Rad, 32 bu. up Sweet elder, potatoei. eggs. DeCenlek Bros. Orchards. W Ma-' ~ -chard Lk. Rde. D0llyl64. Sale Farm Equipment 67 I OLIVER OC-4 DOZER, NEW. 261 discount. 1 Oliver OC-4* loader, new, big discount. Massey Ferguson 363-36* Work Bull tractors, diggers i 15% discount. Also lection of used Wheel aod Craw- tiae Farm and Ind. Tractor Co. S3* Woodward Are. -M6U --------- 1157 166 FARMALL. HYDRAULIC FRAZER ROTOTILLERS .PARTS d equipment, II E 44380. HARROWS - ALL SIZES READY to go. Term* available. Davie Mchy. Ph. NA. 7-3282. Ortonvilie. ,_______Deer* 53g8._____-. her 'and. mechanically goad. Mil Baehabaw. MA l-2l(7. JOHN DEERE H TRACTOR W/ mw. Ijeetnnebly priced. Davis Mohy. Fh. NA 1-3383. MOWERS I SIS. ROTA CENT DlSObui... CREDIT TERMS AVAILABLE ' ^KING^BROS. . ^oiemc.ROAD AT OFDYtttn Rent Trailer Seises 90 BRAND' NEW SPACES PONTIAO Mobile Hoa» Park. FK 5-8802 OXTORD MOBILE (lANOR TOR tmse who want tea beat, 48'x36 __________the b ____ t*’x46' cement |_________ . One all* east of Oxford on L e Road, PA *-3022. For Sale Tiro* 92 . - USED TIRES. 83.86 UP. W1 buy. seU. Also whUeweUt. Ststi Tire SaTee. — FE 4-4667 01 8. Saginaw l 4-4588. LOOK! 750x14 BLACK TIRES. ALL -----brands- Off new ears »16.»6 ------exchange. State Tire or Fg 4-466* TRUCKERS S Saginaw. FB 4-44*7. nttNfe.____UUI — — •t equally good pries*. Carter fin Company. 37# 8 Saginaw. FE 5413*._______ • CRANKSHAFT ORfNDINO IN THE ear. Cttadaii rebored. Suck Ma-' chine Shop, 33 Hood. Phan* FB WE SERVICE ALL MAKES AND models m eon: also Volkewagaa. i Andy Celkl Oarage. 773 RaMwlb. Sale Motor Scooters 94 BSA SPRING SFECtALS I Cushman Eagle, to hmeu Eagle 8135. ltd n Eagle ji* da. 1M7 i. lift Vrtocrtte *43! Service Ft 3433* Fur Sale Motorcydfil 9» M7 HARLEY-DAV3DSON. SFORT-rier. excellent esadtttaq . CUB jtoi. ft 6-3*61. After * Mb JnmFp] dltlon, 334*. m'64631. UM^TRlUMFH^*^C*LLE3rT OQII' >. ob . I For Solo Pkydee 94 BUY USED BIKES NOW More lelwtao, tower arise, Saar- h; THIRTY ALUM-CRAFT. . SHELL___________ Oil AM. FlwUsd. Pon-Toon tNU. Aqua Swab Aluminum, and Cr“-tn Inc. cllntf rbu;.t boats WK BIX AND SERVICE Eiinrude Motors and Lawn Hon DART SPOBTMEN CENTER ST'S Sag£aw‘, ALL it*M~... __________ PORTA CAMPER CAMP TRAILER COMPLETE WITH KITCHEN CRUISE-OUT BOAT SALES II E. Walton All New in Pontiac ORADY WHITE LAP8TRAKE SOPS SWAM ALUMA LAP I WHITEHODSE. VENUS CRUISERS WEST BEND MOTORS Porta-Camper Camp Trailer : Wood, Alum.. Ftberflas. S 11.-34 ft. [ SCOTT MOTORS AMD SERVICE: rRCISE-OUT BOAT SALES ! SI E. Walton PE S-4493 ___Duly AI Sundor 10-4_ ARKANSAS TRAVELER BOATS Ibampasa Clinker Built Boats 'SI JOHNSON MOTORS GASOW —SPORTS CENTER— 1179 Caaa Lake Rd PE MW KEEOO HARBOR. MICH.___ BOAT INSURANCE-! PER CENT af^velaa. Banna Agency. ______ California Market PE l-44M W» need '« Pontlars. Old*. Bilk ..... 1 -,ad Cndlllara aim ahaip W. i-orro FE ,t«t | ALWAYS TOP DOLLAR YOr high trad* »**d enri. I H J. YAM WELT 1 aw Dm* Hot ~ PR OS HR FOR TOP DOLLAR OH LATER modal eon. ‘ _ See M & M Motor Sales ian Dtata Wary. OR 3-MS3 < For Sals Can HOMER Might Small Toivn Trades: •61 Chart*. 1 door, t cylinder A 1959 CHEVROLET PARKWOOD station wagon ' er. whrtr wall*, sun Tan finish. Stack NO. 3-093. -------------■ imistion. radio and boat. 9*15. now sari A-l shape. TOM BOHR. INC. » S. Mala. MUtofd. MO 1-1115 55 DODGE STATION WAGON TtOSf JUNK. .... .... .. . Mare. 8. Extra caab good bit., radiator. OR 3-3ISL JUNE CARS AND TRUCKS. OR MSM BOAT DOCKAGE ON BEAUTIFUL UNION LAKE OPEN EVES. R SUNDAY EM MM DUNHAM'S MARINE CHRMCRAFT ____ ■ FOR LATE MODEL EU« worth S Beetle MA 5-110* ~ ARD TOP BUCK—JUNE CAR. TRUCK. PONTIAC WABTE. PE MSS* FARTED JURE AND CHEAP can, trucks. Pb. PE ***“ AND LONE STAR n and Master-Craft Trailers --- _— "Little Dude” trailers < KELLY'S HARDWARE EM AUBURN RD. OPEN SOM. IS*___UL 3-3440 KVINRUD1C MOTORS Wood. Aluminum, Plbcrglaa "HARD TO FIND" * « _ NUT BABY TO DEAL WITH • DAWSON'S SALES Tipttco Laka MAtn a-3170 FINANCE COltf AMY . v REPOSSESSION 1 ::I8# SWIFT : BRUISER” i 40 kp. SCOTT irfOTOR! TRAILER raHS Special deal lor cash or ] ”c-- , fake over payments •SEE THIS TODAY 1 f Pontiac * Sr. hardtoj I Olds liner M 4 dr. i r trad*. Economy can. Ussd Ante Parts 102 ’It OLDS MOTOR. JUST OVER- Sale Used Tracks 103 ’M Cherte Brookwood % and heater . 'It Pontiac Catalina t dr. hardtop. Automatic transmission Radio oa heater. Power stearins * kta“ SPECIAL: 53 Chart* S dr. . 53395 Radio IlM •63 P-W TRACTOR. Am OVER '! ! Chevrolet - Pontiac— Buick Dealer _____°c$E^rao. _________ WWW__________8 WOODWARD la maculate. AVE. BtRinNOHAM. W 4-3735. ---- ---- 1*54 DO DOE. STATION WAGON. rune good. Iltt PE 5-S39A. 1959 FORD OALAXIE 3-DOOR hardtop, t-t lastha. yUrd-O-Matlc. whit* walls. EtMtiNM Immaculate. Only 11005, Ei terms. NORTH CHEVROLET i IMS S. WOODWARD AYE.; BIR- 195* OMC SUBURBAN V* HYDRA-matlc. DsIuxe.OE 3-15M. ’51 FORD 3-DOOR REPOSSESSION 55*5 full arte*, no cash needed, ray only *3- a no, due May II. Roe Auto. Mr. Bell, PE 5-4539 truth about certified. A________ 535.40 par month. ___. Lean the .r folks. Owner payment# of engine. Radio. Heater. whites. . New tins. Not many of theta left BDUfaROHAM . fcaigafjpR. Woodward south of IS MU* Rd. f mtntttes from Pontta *“ 5-3505- 1151 CHEVY, « bOOtt, P tilde S 515, MY 3-3180-1*53 CHEVROLET. RADIO AND heater, balance due It* **, no tu^BHdid Jwrt Uke on pay- CALL MR. WHrr£'r CREDIT MANAGER. PE Mlk S. RSMSSW ____________Lloyd Motors. Urn coln-Mercury-Comet, MS S. Sagt-raw, PE Mill. BIRMINGHAM 1*55 CHEVROLET 3 DOOR. RADIO AND HEATER. AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION ABSOLUTELY NO MONEY DOWN. Assume pay-.0* par mo. Call Credit 1 4-1500, l Ttmherlake Dr.. Bloom field Kills 1*51 3-TON CHEVROLET TRUCK. 14-ft. flat with h"* *------- as*. Body la im tn Art condition. brr ft 8-4591 _________ M umfl. and heater. excellent coadittou. no money down, full price *3*5. assume payments of SIS a month, CALL MR WHITE. CREDIT MAN-AOER. FE 1-0403 King Aato salt* U5 S. Sagtraw ■55 DOOOE 4-DOOR REPOSSESSION b raddod !* ¥»/”■ ■M FORD 3-DOOR REPOSSESSION SIM fun pries, no cash needed, pay only *13 a in, due May 21. Rite Ante, Mr. Balk, PB 5-453* 5M East BUM- at Aubuta 1*51 FORD 3 DOOR. Y-t. RAblO AND HEATER, PORDOMAT1C. ABSOLUTELY BO MONEY DOWN. As sum* payments of *39.15 par Bio. can Credit Mgr. Mr Parks at MX 4-1500. Harold Turner, Ford. I860 FALCON, DELUXE TRIM. RA- a SATURDAY1 111 price, i u.i mua mister whitewall ecmmmy ipiotel. ONLY," drive this snsiy ivr wbij *33.30 par month, low cash down or old trad*. Lloyd Motors. Lincoln-Mercury-Comet, 333 S. Sag-Inaw, PE SAMI. IMP FORD CONVERTIBLE VI, automatic. l*o*er steering, radio aad beater, - whitewall ms. A sparkling rad ahd white beauty *---S South *1.130. Lloyd Mo- JEROME- ROCHESTER i-FERGUSON _l FORD DEALER ofc him >or t at ion ^Sgccials HEATER. TURHUONAL8. ABSOLUTELY HO MONEY DOWN. Aa-3 ~T*.Mjnr ma.' BttBikttHw>MIMPP today. Itts a bounty- S1.3M. Lloyd Motors. Lincoln . Mercury-Oomet, 333 S. BAOOfAW, PE 30131. BLER. Woodward south < Mile Rd, * minutes from * 1 Use .Ml 0-3000. ______. i Mdra*,0lS5NSS^h^V tor Sales. 3*30 Pixie Hwy. 1 ART MULLEN’S BAROAINLAND USED CARS 150 g. SAGINAW ST. - FE 4-9910 LOOK! BUY! SAVE! whitewalls. Red and whfta rinlsh. Stock No. IMS. Only 51*5. Easy terms. NORTH CHEVROLET CO 1000 8. WOODWARD AVB. BIRMINGHAM. 1MI *------------ BUICK SUPER HARDTOP. -----U power, dynafloy. PE 4-6035. 1195$ CADILLAC 4 DOOR. kmMm • walls. ( wiJ mEmoLAA fishcr” u foal hast. M is. beam Ideal IV taw. Regular 8229 »5 Me Hwiim S 8. Kresge •, Tel Hy rE __________. Nffli^HSHlNGBOATS ; CmJFt. as low as $99 , » . WE CARRY '41 ARKANSAS TRAVELER II FT ’ll- WINNER CRUISERS . CUFF DRETEfcpUN AND SPORTg. CENTER, Open 1 Days a week ME 4-dTI 1W1* HOLLY RD. HOLLY. MICH SEE SCOTTY • FOR a SCOTT . 1 H P « ISr HP. In oa a new SCOTT by NEW FIBERGLAS RUNABOUT? *0 electric Evmrudee. Tipper trailer 11,35*. 13 ft boats *04 Alum! bum 1119 Trailer 913 Evlnrude I JOHNSON MOTORS rine Supplies;-Repair Ren PINTER'S II OMC. 5 YARD DUMP TRUCi MM 5 Wheel drive tractor, power staariag. loader bucket to front, garaaa Had* oa back aad trailer OR 5-1940. 4331 CUntoo- 1900 CHEVROLET BEL AIR 3-door sedan. 4 cylinder standard whlie frnrih. Sm!“rNo.H200-Bd M^ET^.'iUrvTO WARD AVE. BIRMINGHAM. MI 4-3135. FISCHER BUICK FOR . USED BUICKS 13 MONTHS WARRANTY 154- 8. woodward B hs Just Released 9 i-Ton Telephone Co. TRUCKS Complete with special bodle ana ladder racka. Chevies, Fords, Dodges Perfect tor electricians plumb er*. or matntenanco aoea. ’* YOUR CHOICE 8395 | NORTH CHEVROLET 1000 S. Woodward. Birmingham MI 4-2735 1*5* CHEVROLET. 4-DOOR BEL I Air. V*. 1 owner, like new atm t Lucky Auto Sales. 11] S. Sag-; I maw. FE 1-3314. . I l*5a CHEVROLET 1MPALA :ON-I VERTIBLE. You'll thrill at rush | of wind lit your hair andIthe fun power operation ol this beau-titul light blue convertible with new wfiw top. The a*ry low 11,000 e*sy miles assures you of many future years of motoring I! pleasure. You'll mtsc 'a wooder-fui opportunity If you drat call OR 3-0511 Immedlataly. 1*5* CHEVROLET 210. 2 DOOR Jet black. Automatic. * eyl. New HAM Vary, ... . ___j BIRMINO- R AMBLER, Woodward sown of 15 MU* Rd. C minutes Irom Poetise. Ml 5-3M*_______ 1554 CHEVROLET SEDAN. RADIO AND HEATER ABSOLUTELY "O MONEY DOWN. Assume pay- ---------------r Call credit t Ml 4-1500 JIM Pontiac Catalina hardtop_________ MM Ford 3-dr. Pordomstlc *13*5 1159 Chevrolet Impels Convt. 115* Pontiac 2-dr. HydramaUc 1*6* Pontiac Mr. hardtop ... MU Pontuf Station wagon ..._________ Buick 4-door sedan ... 539*5 Cadillac Coupe DeVllle > *33*5 ----tattoo wagon ... ***** Super 4-door ... woo ranu d-Chlef 4-dr. ... 1*5* DeSoto PI refllte 4-dr... 1951 Pontiac 3-dr. hardtop ... 1951 Buick ‘ihdoer ‘hardtop i*5i Ford *’509” hardtop .... 1*61 Chevy station wagon ... 1M1 Cilery *s ton pickup .... 1955-Dodge 4 ton pickup .... $1*5 IPS* Studebaker President .... *195 SHELTON PONTIAC-BUICK Rochester OL 1-8133 Across from new car’Sale* losefVed. and 8st. at • p.m. i CYLINDER 3-DOOR nerasop, radio and beater, whitewall tires Sparkling black finish, see this sharpie today, assume payments of 934.50 per month, low cash down or old trade, Lloyd Motors, Lincoln - Mercury------- —- Saginaw, FE 3-5131. 1*59 FORD OALAXIE 4-DOOR ’ i, NORTH CHEVROLET C _________o8 mi. 8. WOODWARD AVE. BIR- MINOHAM MI 4-3135-____ 1*54 FORD 3 DOOR. RADIO AND HEATER. FORDOMATIC. ABSOLUTELY NO MONEY DOWN. As- £ttr«^*a,,r0l^fJK."S Ml 4-15M. Harold Turner, Fowl. i960 FORD 3 DOOR. JET BLACK. Radio end beater. Standard shift. 8.000 certified .miles. How spare. Show-room fresh. Pull price *1.545. As little ae *145 down. 3* mos. on balance. Bank rates. Birmingham - RAMBLER. Woodward south of 15 Mile Rd. I minutes from Pontlae. MI * **** 1980 ENGLISH FORD. RADIO ARD beater, whitewall, sparkling whits finish, low mileage. Assume payment# Of 134.90 per month, low cosh down or old trade. Owner certified. Lloyd Motors, Lincoln-Mercury-Cornet, 333 8. Saginaw, PE 3-9111. CHEVtotET 'M 4 DOOR. STA- 1*54 CHEVROLET IMPALA COM* vertible, Y-5 engine, Powerglide. power steering and brakes. Radio, heater. wnttewsU tires. Hort- I. UNO S WOODWARD Beachwood brawn finish. Only 51.9M. Easy terms. NORTH CHEVROLET CO. 1000 8. WOODWARD AYE. BIRMINGHAM. MI 4-3135. . ______ _____ NICE CLEAN '55 FORD CLUB Coup* t4».' Ph. OR 3-U13- 1*55 MERCURY 3-DOOR HARDTOP ^mMmrad ladto aad baatar, A real gbaip ear A^ENTION" GIRLS steering, whitewall sparkling Inca gold and whit. — ldt. Assume payments of SUM per month, low cosh down or o’** trade. Lloyd Motors. Llncoln-M( cury-Comct, 133 B. Beginsw. PE •f M.85 pi r. Ford i ISM COR VETht DELUXE 4 BAF-rel carburetor, 4 cpeeftK.LA2Sw,UN,: ^Vi%! d.Tm“baraftt 4 ------ ■ - ” 5X000 uninsured motorist* • Terrific Discount on | PHONE FE 4-3536 Y9M Evlnrude motors and boats w* also wrtto canceled auto I tt’*’'; dr'..boom, power FRANK A. ANDERSON ACfENCY ! BfSfK; .... ........ Foreign and Spt. Cara 105 8 tHardtop 58 Cadillac Hardtop M Studebaker Club Coupe 58 Ford Falrlane VI ____ 58Mercury. Nice car .... 5* Olds. M Hardtop ..... 54 Lincoln Hardtop, Rlaok NO MONET DOWN NEC___________ Stiperoir Auto Sales FE 8-7108 Soperot b Omkland / Russ Johnson Motor Sales LAKE ORION MY 2-2871 MY 2-2381 ROAD TEST THESE BEAUTIES At _ Sheps to- j $ave-$ave-$ave I960 SIMCA Has Solid Black finish. 1 Deluxe 4-door Sedan, witL ._ dlo and heater and wMteWaU Wr”' $895 BRIGHT SPOT Orchard Lake at Cass F E 8-0488 u g°w^OT BOAT 1959 TRIUMPH TR-3, 3 TOPS. TON- ^ naan cover, tinted wtndehleld. OR ' 3-0483. after I N p.m. 19*5 MO ROADSTER CONYERTf- 391 g Seglnew tmupdflira Ollcrad 100 4 * ENGINE AIRLINER, LOS AN Jim Ban Praoclsco, Ban Diego |M. H*wall *9* extra. Mew York Ml Perry Servlet Inc. OR 3-1354 LEA VINO- FOR CALIFORNIA IM mediately, want riders la share •expenses. OA S3314. ritpcs ooiNQ n5BHi part 1*90 KARMANH-OH1A. LOW >W—tid Urad Cura 101 A< GOOD DEAL-JUNEB-WRECKS-mp to 5300 Cbis and track*. PE J-3144 ROYAL AUTO PARTS COMET 4 DOOR HAOdwTcUU. ■I _____ _ MB" Glenn's Motor Siles SIS W. HURON ST. PE 4-1311 VOLKSWAGEN'S! New Authorised Dealer-Servlet WARD-McELROY. INC. I 4459 W. HURON IHHI OR 4-0491 For Sale Can BoaMI. M mos Pontiac. CLEAN Btnuinghfthi Trades WILSON pontiac-cadiLlac 1350 N. Woodward BIRMOKMIAM si an. m Air 4 s NOT TRY 8UB- •raenst why „r_________ ___ - URBAK-OLD6 501 8 Woodward. RlriifinShMi. 951 < 4199. '49 BUICK. EXCELLENT TTR1 DRIVE A MILE *'• SAVE A PILE! New Dodge Lancer ‘ $1781.65 , ' • SMALL TOWN LOW OVERHEAD 39.99S MIUB GUARANTEE RAMMLER-DALLAS T iMt n. main «uoumnai Spring Values! 19M Pontiac Catalina sports sedan. Hydramatlc. Radio. Rooter. Whitewalls. A 1-owner beauty. Law down paymeot. 34 months on balance. 1*55 Pontiac Iter Chief apart coupe. ,A|I leather trim. Hydramatlc Radio. Heater. Whitewalls. 3 tons IlMCbeeroM Impels' 4 dr. bard1 top. Powerglide. Radio, heater. Whitewalls. Power brakes. Whit*, tt* Pontiac 3 dV hardtop. HydramaUc. Radio. Ureter. Whitewalls. 3 tone. A real buy at SMI. M* Pontiac * dr. Mm Hydra-MdC Radio. UMt*rrwlUrt»ll9 blue. A littla gom far the as 1151 Bi il Buick 3 dr. hkrdtop. pynaftow. Radi*. Heatar. Whltevralls. 3 tone, row mam see this. an* betere HAUPT PONTIAC I ^ Ct^MUTOH/ 4.11 On* »U« north of 1 : j . OLIVER Buick ’57 Ford Wagon ...$ 895 ’56 Buick Hardtop $ 695 '56 Buick Sedan-...$ 695' '58 Rambler Sedan $ 995 '58 Buick Convert. $1995 ’56 Olds 96 Sedan . .$ 695 '59 Opel Wagon .. .$1195 '57 Buick Sedan ...$995 '58 Rambler 2-Door $ 795 ’57 Volkswagen .. .$ 995 '58 Ford Sedan ....$ 995 '59 Buick Hardtop $1895 '59 Olds Holiday ...$2395 '59 Rambler . 4$1$95 '59 Plymouth Sedan $1195 *55 Buick Sedati . . .$ 595 r57 Buick Hardtop $ 995 *52 Buick ’Hardtop $ 95 | OLI VER- *Motor Sales If U.S. III PE 310 Orchard Lake Are Ilf 1*5* LINCOLNS FULL PRICE Jm lUN BOB FROST. INC. BIRMINGHAM'S Lincoln-Mercury-Comet Dealer TlMMlw). )SM MASH. RUNS GOOD. SM. 8«ve Autos. PE 5-3318. 1155 MERCURY MONTCLAIR HARDTOP. Original bait* green. $495 full price, no money down, payment* *31.34 par month. LAKESIDE MOTORS. Huron at Ellaabeth Lab* Rd, PE 5S9I PRO COPPER AND DONUTS. reryonC, each Saturday. - * -—Ung p *50 brad l drivr tn a '*1 ---r---_______t SPENCE RAM- BLER. 33 8. Main St- Clarkaten. Pun price 9*55. ■“■Qf 34 mo*, mil* guar* rpmryi _—.——. _ 15 MU* Rd. f minutes from Pon- OLDSf WHY NOT TRY SUBURBAN • OLDS. 5*3 6. Woodward. Birmingham, 50 * SIRS ana aeaier, l Green and wute iimsn, rune like new. Balanc* du* * Eton Au>o tala* 115 »■ Baglraw TIRES. ABSOLUTELY NO ISOH-EY DOWN. • Aaailma peymentc of HI M pm mo. Call Cradtt Mgr. Mr Parka at U 5-15M. Harold oday s Special ) PLYMOUT BEATTIE JSED CARS *50 TO *500. NO MONirr DOWN. QUEEN AUTO ■»'" s. saoinaw. '51 OLDS, EXCELLENT CONDI-ttonTMA 5-3151. II PLYMOUTH 3-DOOR * REPOSSESSION 4 *2*5 Full uric*, no eaah needed pay only *15 a mo., da* May 31. RITE AOTO. Mr. Ban, PE S-55M- 1*51 PLYMOUTH 4 DOOR STATION WAGON. RADIO AND HEATER. AUTOMATIC. ABSOLUTELY NO MONEY DOWN.---------------- of 535.15 per n FWrka Mgr. Mr. Parka at I old Turner, Ford. |IUCatf*Sredlt 15 MERCURT. COBtPLETELY equipped. FE 5-8415. *55 Nash, new tires. trade. EM 3-4ML Stuart Conway. NICE Ittttlp SRMttM^UUMMlgMMa money 1*3 S. PINE SELECTION '55'S AND '**'8. *5 dawn, *31 month. Rttchl* Motors. Hi Baldwin. : full down. tuU rate* 9M. aaaume call*”mr. 2um?*rCREDIT MANAGER, PE 5-0403. Has A«o SaWa U» B. Sagtoaw They Must Go i* Plymouth V-S . .. 5131 ’j* Ford T.5 ..... raj s '53 Plymouth Hardtop . •53 Partial ■S3 Dads* US 0 mania of SIMS P*r maaUL low-cash down or old trad*. Lloyd Motors, UaeaM • Mercury-Comet, 333 B. Sastraw, PE 3-atli. —Special — 1959 PONTIAC * Catalina Conrertlbie with radio and heater, Hydramatlc tram-miaalon, power brakes and slaerias. r:...... $2095 PONTIAC RETAIL STORE 65 Mt. Clemens . L* and Corner: Cats and Pike FE 3-7954 1*58 PLYMOUTH 2-DOOR, f CTL-inder stick shift, no money down. Lucky Auto 8*lei. 183 S. Sag-loaw. PB 5-3315- 1*5* PLYMOUTH SEDAN RADIO AND HEATER, AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION, ABSOLUTELY NO MONET DOWN. Aasume payment* of $26.15 per mo. Call Credit Mgr., Mr. Parks at W 4-1*99. Harold Turner. Ford, 1959 PLYMOUTH. RADIO AHD needed Just take on payme of 910.33 par month, CA MR WHITE. CREDItImA! OER, PE 5- 5-rm or MA *3m. Ml VALIANT. LOW M1LEAOE 11.099. Private. LI 5-7111 or MA 5-3105. 1*48-4 WHEEL DRIVE JEEP. 5335. tranaportatloi , PE 5-3375. utattca, 5M cash. Sava 1*5* PLYMOUTH. 4 DOOR. V-*. 2 ton*, whitewall*, radio. 8745. R&R MOTORS 4 OAKLAND AYE. —rl961— DODGE DART 6-Passenger Sedan WITH 35,000 MILE GUARANTEE $1899 : HIGH DOLLAR FOR USED CARS JOHN J. SMITH 24 HOUR ' SPECIALS Prices Good Until 6 P.M. Tuesday Only '60 CORVAIFj 4-Door HASmS SHARP Trade-Ins MM Poatla* d-doar oodaa. HydramaUc. apfdS .Mlirlns. power brakes, radio, heater. Beautiful . CSw.1 aadaa Hydre-eerlng. rawer eautuul Sdan* 5 Pratlac Convertible, Hydra-tte, power ateerldk. power km radio, hoojer. LRe now! A white flnlab.°Red trine One I door bard,top. Hydramatlc, ’ White finish. Bove: HASKINS CHEVROLET- m&SBt .1 finish. Whitewall ttras. Fairly prtaad at $1459 '60 FORD Starliner Sport Coupe Y-t engine, Pordomatte traaamla-sioo. radio, heater, power steering and power brakes. Solid India ivory Uriah with white wall Urea. $2029 '57 PONTIAC Sport Sedan Star Cttfl aerie*. Block ami *U-- ver beauty equipped with hydra-metis transmission, power ateer-In* and brake*. Radio, boater and leather Interlar. Sharp l \ $899 Matthews- •Hargreavesj "ChevyiLand" Oakland qoomrY’s. Largeatvohime dim Paster *31 OAKLAND At CASS FE 4-4547 . $175 CUT! PRICE NEW 1961 ENGLISH FORD NOW *1,395 ;oo THIS INCLUDES-' HEATER - DIRECTIONAL SIGNALS-WHITEWALL TIRES AND LICENSE 30,000 MILE WARRANTY A $150 DOWN OR YOUR PRESENT CAR PAY ONLY . . $9.25 Per Week 43 MILES PER GAL. This Is the FAMOUS FORD VALVE-IN-HEAD ENGINE Used by Winning European "LOTUS RACERS" LLOYD MOTORS - LINCOLN — MERCURY — COMET ENGLISH FORD ; - LLOYD'S GOT IT - • 232 S. SAGINAW FE 2-9131 * \ •______ THIBTY-OKE^ TV New and Reviews THE PONTIAC PRESS, MONDAY, APRIL 17. 1061 JDL- Features By Uaited Pi CONCENTRATION, 9:30 p.m. (4). Nighttime version of this game show that tests the memory of its tm contestants and enables them to win prizes. Hugh Downs is the host. ADVENTURES IN PARADISE, 9:90 p.m. (T). Adam Troy (Gardner McKay) and a passenger, Virgin Shackleford (Marilyn Maxwell) are ritlpwrtcked with a cargo of HENNEMCY, 10 p.m. (3). A sailor is wounded while trying to flee the brig after being charged with stealing from the ship’s a' Jackie Cooper stars as Chick Hen- “08CAB” AWARDS, 10:30 p.m. (7). The 33rd annual presentation of awards by tire Motion Picture Academy at Arts and Sciences will be emceed by Bob Hope, making his ninth appearance as host Presenters on this special include PoQy Bergen, Yul Brynner, Greer Garson, Bobby Darin, Moss Hart, Audrey Hepburn, Eva Marie Saint, Shelley Winters, Laurence Harvey and Jack Lemmon. Then will be songs by Vic Damone, Danny Kaye, Tony Curtis and Janet Leigh, a dance by Juliet Prowse. Best-actor nominees: Burt Lancas-te^Jack* Lemmon, Laurence Oil-1 v^ Trevor Howard and Spencer TTacy. Best actress: Greer Gar-ton. Deborah Kerr, Elizabeth Taylor, Melina Mercouri, Shirley Mac- JACK PAAR, 11:30 pm. Hugh Downs is the host as Paar takes a night off. (Color). (9) Movie: “The Foxes of Harrow.” (1947) A .gentle- comes to make a fortune in Louisiana. Rex Harrison, Maureen O’Hara. «t99 (4) (Color) Continental (2) Meditations. (3) On the Farm Front (3) TV College. (4) Today (T) l CD Believe It or Not i (3) B’Wana Don (T) Johnny Ginger, i (2) Captain Kangaroo. ! (7) Believe It or Not i (7) Movie. (3) Movie. (4) Ed Allen. (7) Movie (coed.) (96) Saludoo Amigos, i (2) Movie (cont.) (4) Consult Dr. Brtohers (7) Movie (cont.) (96) Education. : (4) Gateway to Glamour, i (7) News. 0 (2) I Love Lucy (4) Say When (7) Jack (96) Our Scientific Wcrid. 0 (9) Billboard. 9 (2) Video Village. (4) (Color). Play Your Hundi. (7) Jackie Cooper (9) Chez Helene. (56) American Literature. 1 (9) Nursery School Time. I (2) Double Exposure (4) (Color). Price Is Right, j® Morning Court. (P) Romper Room. (SJ) Guten Morgen. I (2) My Little Margie (4) Concentration. (7) Love That Bob!1 (9) Romper Room (cont) (56) Guide to Modern Art uisri*. 14 MJttts IS Rlc* Held u Mima ai sBSiMtw SS Drtu rock 34 SUM ___ 37 Church Ncn M T»J Mahal si 33 John ,th« BaptUt 34 Ovsrtssrt M Abode ot th brtdgo Ward* 1 Row I Clossd ear • winter aporta r r r| r~ r r r HT IT 12 ii u IT" ir IT nr 111 w RT IT 22 ST 32 [41 42 r \r u II BT 62 IT * W n se BT IB n it Motor 4S Harry S Makaa tint 3 JSf*Sf ..a&rw nrae? ** nSw.iflL Saftm Si natural tat it Want » Canal M Sort 31 Alia* 44 One who 31 Nov Tort city (sums) 31 Charactorlatloa ____ (7) Queen for a Day (9) Movie. -----(99) CunuauHwtaith------ 1:30 (2) Verdict Is Yours. (4) From These Roots. (7) Who Do You Trust? (9) Movie (coid.) (56) Memo to Teachers. 1:69 (2) Brighter Day. (4) Make Room for Daddy. (7) American Bandstand. (9) Movie (cont) 4il6 (2) Secret Storm. (2) Edge of Night. (4) Here’s Hollywood. (7) Bandstand (end.) (9) Adventure time. 6:09 (2) Movie. (4) (Color) George Pierrot (7) Johnny Ginger. (9) Looney Tunes am Jingles. (56) Danny Dee. tit$ (2) Movie (cont.) (4) Pierrot (oont.) (7) Rocky and His Friends (56) World of Books i:4B (56) News Magazine, it 60 (9) News l:W (4) Bowling Highlights HOLLYWOOD (AP) - To the inners at , tonight’s academy awards, Jose Ferrer offers these rords of caution: Don’t' believe everything people Ml you. Pocket-Size'Escort' Marks Up Assailant CHICAGO — The assailant stented from behind a building as the girt passed. Rut she was ready for him: lifting her arm, die squeezed a hidden tube die carried in her hand. A bright-colored liquid squirted Into the would-be attacker’s eyes. Ith Joe knows. Just a decade ago, he won the Oscar for his pyro-technical Job as “Cyrano de Bergerac.” ’Immediately after you win an Oscar, they throw Luise Rainer up to you,” said Ferrer, .mentioning the star who won two awards in a row and then was heard from more. “They don’t mention Gable, Cooper, Holden and others who thrive after winning the Ob- eye- be was he appeared The liquid contained a pennant dye that weald take two weeks to wear off — by far the moot accurate Identification that could be devised. “Escort” is the name of tills saw protector that has It fits easily into a purse, glove compartment, cashier, or in the hand, and It cannot be discharged accidentally. Released in the face of an intruder or attacker, its colored liquid temporarily blinds him: tills effect wears oft in about an hour. But no amount of washing can remove the stain the solution leaves on the free. ••sts Infest Seeds COLLEGE STATION, Tex. (UPD—Farmers who store their cotton planting seed cautioned by Texas AAM College to check tbs seed for stored grain pasta. Pests will Infect the seed If a large portion of the needs are cradled or tf the seed Is stored in infected bins. - - Today's Radio Programs - isMn, I____ WXlk.Shidewe •stersuss. MX'M ‘if’ I- „ ■ 'Anatomy of a Hospital:' Disturbing and Well Dorse By FRED DANZIG NEW YORK (UPD - The street signs read,' “Hospital zone.' Quiet1 Perhaps another sign should be added: "Hofpital zone. Help!” “Anatomy of- a Hospital,” the one-hour documentary that is No. 5 in the' "NBC White Paper” series, Sunday night unfolded a thoroughly disturbing story in thoroughly profesftonal style. We were presented with g cinematic dissection of the efty hospital in Cambridge, Mass., in order as narrator Chet Huntley explained, to see the hospital crisis in human terms. as AT FltMlI landed on the Pennsylvania Rail-:ks where it was hit by a freight train, , smashing the track afid strew-for several hundred feet. XriuBpA ^toiwte BomeVM Career L. Oscar Can Bestow Kiss of Death NEW YORK (AP) — Vary big tmong Broadway prizewinners are the English and the French. Stresslng tiw ihpw season’s International flavor, top annual “Tony” awards of the American Theater wing went Sunday night to: ner. “Why? I have no idea why. You’ll have to ask that question of numerous producers around THOMAS Nor should tonight's winners believe those who say an Oscar is the open-sesame for an actor, Ferrer agreed. He himself has experienced the rude awakening of an actor when the golden glow of Oscar grpws dim. ’For three years, there has been no call for my services as a film actor,” said the 1950 wto- TRIE8 NEW FIELD Never, one to remain idle long, Ferrer is now devoting his frill energies to being a film director. He took on the job of piloting ((Return to Peyton Place” by way of the censorial shoate-”be-cause nobody else was willing to direct it after the success of the first film.” He swears to have succeeded, since reports of the sequel’s chances are good. Good enough to win Ferrer a new deal at 20th-Fox and a Job of directing another toughie, “The Chapman Report.” Thompson"—"a bomb”; “Caine Mutiny”—"no one remembers US to ft.” He and Rosemary Clooney have five youngsters to feed, ahd Joe found hlmsalf dipping into debt during the period of no Jobs. Then came “Return to Peyton Place” and the flowering of a whole new I found him happily established _j an office which Dan Dailey, Bing Crosby and Elvis Presley tee used as dressing room. ★ * r Ferrer reviewed his film career with amazing candor. He said he didn’t like “Cyrano." “Too much pussy-footing, too much penny-pinching; it should have been done in a grand style or not at an.” DESCENT FROM ‘CYRANO’ He followed “Cyrano" with "Anything Can Happen” — “A wonderful picture but it did nothing.” Among the others: “Moulin Rouge”—^‘a smash”; “Miss Sadie He admitted that in “Peyton" and “Chapman” he is dealing with highly censorable stuff, but he added: “I have that strangp arrogance in having enough faith in my own taste so that f would not make pictures P couldn't let my children see. Tm not interested in making dirty pictures. I think in both subjects there is enough worth in the human relationships so that the racy material can be eliminated or made incidental.” Attorney Philo to Run for Stellato's Post Earl Has a Kind Word to Say About Everyone . and By EARL WILSON NEW YORK—Some days, life Is quite wonderful you resolve not to write one sad syllable . . . You hear that Shari Lewis and Huntley ft Brinkley are due for a big award... You hear that Joanne Woodward admits it's nice getting a, fancy Italian scooter from her husband Paul Newman but that she cant use It as she’s doing the mother bit . . . You get a new passport sndathe nice polite young man says “That’s earl, brother,” recoghlxing you, and the passport photog says, “Keep your glasses on.” You say “Why?” He says, “They cover up the circles under your eyes.” “Thank God far good health,” you WILSON say — noting that Colo Porter’s 49 pounds heavier and win unite songs again ... that Joyce Mathews is about over hepatitis ... Yon hear from Editor Sam Boal, saying “Wonderful article on Israeli" Yon know It lent that good. Yet those experts know! ■HRSMPMHHj . .. Yon see seven guys planting a *' I weeping willow at Lever Bras, an I Park Av. “last like Ohio," yon I You Laugh. Comedian Marty Allen and Frenchy Trydell celebrate a first anniversary and Jean Carroll wires them, “Congratulations on your happy marriage. What went DETROIT (UPD—Ctrl Stellato, president of the largest local in the United Auto Workers, faces opposition in his bid for re-election. la aider to of the (JAW’S Local SOS,at Foid Motor Co. Philo worked eight years at the Ford Rouge plant while attending law -school and worked at a Ford plant in Troy, N.Y., prior to that. He held several union offices and was active in the Democratic party. Stellate* has run unsuccessfully in two Democratic primaries against Rep. John Lesinski. He has also been an opponent of UAW President Walter P. Reuther. Two Seaholm Debaters to Compete at U. of M. Peter Williams and Lorraine Shafer of Seaholra High School, Birmingham, will be among 16 high school debaters who will pete at the University of Michigan May 11 and 12 for scholarships totaling 12,900. 'Beckef Wms Best Play Tony Honors Presented Mostly to English and] French Actors The documentary,^- produced by Al Washerman, never strayed from tile human terms with which set out to deal. Hie fQms succeeded in taking the viewer all through the" hospital, treating us to everything,, in the building but the smell of ether and disinfectants. UNDERSTAND NEEDS' Upon completion pf this behind-the-scenes tour, we learned that the hospital , wouldn’t get the 33 million u wanted for its 1961 faudg-st. Said tile-hospital trustee: “The Job is to make peotde understand what we nefd.” By stating the needs in calm, objective and unforgettable terms, this program should do much to help mobilize opinion for more concerted attacks on our hospital problems. The program also left me hoping that a follow-up will -deal with a solution. "Becket,” by Jean Anouilh, as the best play. Elizabeth Seal, as the top musical comedy feminine star, repeating her London success in Richard Burton, who'haila from ’Irma La Douce.”. Richard Burton, who halls from Wales, the top musical male star, who enacts King Arthur in “Cam- dot”-- - —g- Joan Plowright^ another British visitor, the top feminine drama star, to “A Taste of Honey.” Mtos Olivier, starred to “Becket” the top honors by imports, Mostel was dted as jnale matic star for his woric^in “Rhinoceros" — which was written by a. Frenchman, Eugene Ionesco. ‘Gad, all the fellows at the zoo will be happy about this,” Mostel rumbled as he stepped onstage in the Waldorf-Astoria ballroom to receive his diver medallion. ■ Britisher, Sir John Gielgud, won the drama director award for “Big Fish, Little-Fish.” Picked as the best musical of the year was “Bye Bye Birdie, which opened last May but was eligible Mr the current competition under the Wing's deadline schedule. The musical won Gower Cham- Another double winner was Oliver Smith, scenic designer ot sth “Becket” and “Camdot.” Winners in other categories Included- featured dramatic actor, Martin Gabel, (“Big Fish, Little Fish"); featured dramatic ac Colleen Dewhurst (“All the Way Home”); featured musical actor, Dick Van Dyke ("Bye Bye Birdie"); featured musical actress, Tammy Grimes (“The unsinkable Molly Brown"). esn by spinning the crystal ball1 along a rough calypsojoura.. through the Western Hemisphere Western Hemisphere —' 1971”, set out to survey the bade changes that can be expected during the next decade to North, Central and South American countries. ITCHING Torture Stopped like lag new fcientific formula JMM nw, bruited sol toll. Stgpi. scratching—to Don't rafftr another minuts. CALL NON Consolidate! PROTECT YOUR JOB—SAVE YOUR CREDIT! CONSOLIDATED BUDGET, Inc. Os4 set e< SsM tbs as HOME AND QfFICI APPOINTMENTS Ns "riiiif r*#" 406 Pontiac State Bank Bldg. FI 1-7154 ________ie home, be earefyl, we got 10 and say In a cheery voice,”! LOVE palnt- when you come I . fir it * A. EARL’S PEARLS: A woman cam learn more In a weak’s visit than a man can pick ip la four years of college. TODAY’S BEET LAUGH: A tailor shop la Bt- Petersburg, (reports Francis Moynlhan) carries this dgn: “Nino the Tailor, the Old Sew and Bew.” WISH ID SAID THAT: One drawback of the Jet a§a to that there is no longer any such thing ,ak a distant relative. Author Charles Laxurus told a Lindy’s waiter he was a visitor from Canada. “Yeah?" said the tray-tdter. “You know, -----I r *“ That** earl, brother. Mggffi (deniright. Mil) ' GET OUT OF DEBT! WITHOUT A LOAN CONSOLIDATE and Arrange to Pay All Your Bills Past Due or Not , . . mnm an.a,iJi'.i)jJM One Weakly Payment pays all your bills, you may avoid garnishments and repossessions and keep your good credit. Debt protection insurance included. No cosigners needed. Michigan's largest credit .Management Company. MKET M ISSMttTNM, 1C. ' DON'T BE CbNfUIH) WITH IMITATORS ... DEAL WITH MICHIGAN'S UtOIST COMPANY 1011 W. Hans R FE MOt ... --,.fC - THIRTY-TWO THE PONTIAC PRESS MONDAY. APRHL IT, 1061 _____ . Finland contains more than 60,-000 lakes. Keeping Warm and Comfortable Is Thanks to GEE" No Problem FOR THAT FINAL ORDER OF HEATING COMFORT OR FOR NEXT YEAR'S WARMTH CM PI 5-0191 today . . . Y«w will be two Him pleased with CK'S personalised service and you'll pet FREE RED TRADING STAMPS. .-'"7 Idaho Collage Students Push Bed for a Record BOISE, Maher d, /'that Oakland Coanty—-pro- Th# Weather * ®-C WMtkw Mm fWllMl Partly cloudy, cool. THE PONTIAC PnOS&VHl PA V told a meeting of JBLOQ Committee on Political (COPE) Saturday that ha would not to a candidate at the July 23 primary. He explained he felt it would be impossible for Hftl to serve as an individual delegate mid at the same time serve as chief labor spokesman before the various committees of the convention. 4F. AAA He also noted that he is responsible for coordinating labor's program before the Michigan Legislature which is scheduled to meet port of the time the constitutional convention would be in session. The convention is slated to open in Lansing on Oct 3, with the final selection of delegates set for Stpt IX A A k While Romney, Van Wagoner end Van Dusen were hearty supporters of the constitutional convention which was approved by the voters both last November and on April 3, SchoUe has been against it has favored a redistricting of the State Senate, but. has lost legal rounds in the Michigan Supreme Court The spokesman declined to give i substance of the note, de- ered Sunday hi Moscow, but he VDENTAINE, Lass (UP!)—A strong pswOssniiW rebel force backed by heavy artillery barrages brake tfcroagb royal anay defences to capture the hnpertaat read Jwirttoa ef Nbommarath la Central Lass, reperted today. Motorists Cram St. Joseph Jail Freakish Spring Snow Causes 6 - Foot Drifts; Hotels, Motels Jammed For three weeks the Kremlin id delayed answering Britain’ proposal of March 23 that a ceasi fire be called In Laos, that the International Truce Commission of 1964 be revived and tint a conference of 14 nations be called to ■made for a unified, neutral Laos. Jar renfeevwre an Lass. Other Oenuiwndst nation* have been aig!E#Or an henilfti' International eenferewte to work eat i cense fire, an arrangement strongly opposed by the United States. The Soviet Union, in its first reaction to the British proposal agreed tap rind pie that a cease fire should be called but hedged timing. The West was jsuapidous that the Soviets were delaying so that the pro-Commu-nist Pathet Lao rebels in Laos could gain as much ter possible before being brought to the conference table. Tempest Car Chosen as Product of Year (Continued From Page One) Year in the state which gave the motor car to the world!” k k k Adams cited Tempest's March sales total of 10,007 units-3,1 In the last 10-day period—as proof that the revolutionary new luxury compact is contributing importantly to helping lift Michigan from tee depths of the current reces-Ion. The awarding Judges w e r H. A. Swigert, vice president and sales manager, Automotive Conversion Carp.; ’Arthur Lake Jr., vice president of Lake Jewelers; and William Roberts, city commissioner and .mayor pro tem of Birmingham. or mBurar i i"i i Tlo Day In IMrinlnghm Detroit Minister to Speak at May Fellowship Day JUST IMP—Afi dressed up for a spin in a 1908 Oakland, decearar of the Pontiac, are (from left) Pam ArceUo of 39 Dakota Drive, and Kathy Gotham of 2038 S. Hammond Lake Drive, AT IMUu W. Bloomfield Township. Consider!!*: the weather, the girls wisely left the car right where they found it, at the Pontiac Retail Store. Korea Announces Command Shifts ST. JOSEPH Ibvious. 1 am coeOdeat that the man-agement personnel in the local port the "TV’ expansion pro- j The train engineer^ Henry Wix, t of Warren, told officers the croasiiM follows a curve in the tracks and he was unable to atop in time to avoid the collision. AAA Adams' car were treated tor minor Adams, 12, both of 265 Howard Both the care and the train were trevtfing at slow speeds, police said. The accident occurred at 7 The campaign schedule this week calls for reports on Tuesday from tho Advance. Special Gifts "A”, Medical and Osteopathic Division*. A Tlr A The General Division headed by Mrs.Wllliam G. Wright wifi meet at the “Y" Wednesday afternoon to start solicitations. CritehfMd will receive reports Thursday from the Special Gifts Business, Dentists and Lawyers Divisions. . SEEK personal aid—Last week three representatives of the six-county Supervisors InterOwnty Committee wont to Washington to dtecuni proposals tor an area-wide public works program- Its tritimete estimated coot of iL208AOg,Mg would provide mar* than 300 mflHon man hours of work hr tile unemployed. Seated (left to right) at a breakfast meetiaf are Gareard H. Coleman, SK3C executive director; Rep. D-Hamtramck; R. J. Alexander, DPW; and Georgs Lenches, G. O'Hara, lMftfca; and (right) Delos and chairman of the Oeldand County ■mnddaga MLHaohrowict. of the Oakland County Sen. Patrick V. Mc-from the office of James Hamlin, glOC chairman . Board of Naporviion. % FOUR THE PONTIAC PRESS, MONDAY, APRIL IT, 1961 Mm 1b Space Plan Old Toothache a Bar to Future Astronauts Wy CMMUNM WILSON CAN ANTONIO, Tex. TOPQ Because apace travelers won't be allowed to KM toothpaste, UA. Air Force dentists spa at work to find something tost will prevent a toothache tebm calling off a trip. By developing antibodies to flftt germs that cause tooth decay, they may develop i serum to protect spacemen from bad teeth atom with other dis- The work to preventive dentistry at the Air Pane's Aero- person’s mouth (hiring the c of a (toy. - Radio Is helping h do this job: Jfe -■ AT FIRESTONE It’S MORE THAN JUST BRAKE SERVICE r doflor buys MACS N Iff W. HURON FE 2-9251 lead to better teeth Isr everyone, acoordtag to Lt Col. (Dr.) Nor- In the future, “going to the dentist will be teas trouble than a trip to die barber shop or beauty par-‘Dr. Harris said. Astronauts face a special tooth problem, he said. They won’t be allowed to use toothpaste because the sudsy water from thp brushing would not be fit to be reprocessed for drinking. FLUORIDE TREATMENT Dr. Harris believes on* way tp protect teeth from cavities is tor treatment with s tan mu fluoride two or three times a year. His said surveys show that the process reduces trouble by 30 per oent with only one treatnient annually. Dr. Harris Is also experiment-ing to find out what goes on in a Mountain Cabin Fire Fatal to 6 in Family lag habits, day transistor radios stiver-compound filling1 are okay for space flight. WOW WITH DOCTORS Working with the doctors on the application of dentistry to space flight are two man currently sealed to a simulated apace cabin. They are experimenting on what effect brushing teeth with only plain water will have over an extended period of time. a day. Dr. Harris said they have elm discovered that it will be safe to sand into space a man who has had his teeth repaired many times. They made the discovery by testing a gold filling tram a mas involved in accidentia! exposure to radioactivity. Dr. Harris said the study showed that either gold Adams' Margin Grows as Canvass Continues Bloomfield Hills fepuhflaaa Thomas B. Adams, who nosed out Ralph E. Richman for the Wayne State University Board of Gov. amors in the spring election unofficial tally, widened his lead slightly Friday in an official canvass of the Wayne County vote. Adams gained 188 votes in the invaas with a total in the county of 131,506 to 216,216 for Richman, Democrat. The official state vote canvasi will be completed later this week. 1 earn for the astronauts is the same as for men on the ground," Dr. Harris said. "Good dentistry eliminates problems in 'But it will always be a problem to go for long periods oL time without dental care, and we have to find ways to extend the time space travelers can get by,1' added. About 2,000 tons of ore must be processed to produce 27 pounds of tttekeL Belch! I*utar«vr> tMti mm KU-AMUk- h^w aisali m mw MIn ilfMUw (skMt. inn, N. Y.f*r Qreer (ourses in BUSINESS SKILLS Mid-Term Opening April 24 (DAY and EVENING CLASSES) Pontiac Business Institute offers specific preparation for earning a living through intensive programs of study. The following practical courses lead to desirable positions: SPEEDWRITING SHORTHAND 1 TERM STENOGRAPHIC ............. 4 TERMS SECRETARIAL • .............5 TERMS GENERAL BUSINESS ..........6 TERMS JUNIOR ACCOUNTING .........4 TERMS HIGHER ACCOUNTING..........8 TERMS PROFESSIONAL ACCOUNTING . .10 TERMS COMPTOMETER .............2 TERMS Oi|r free placement service will assist yes in finding a rewarding position Pontiac Business Institute, Inc. W. Lawrence Street, Pontiac FEderal 3-7028 MADBONVILLE, Term. (API-Six members of a mountain family wen tolled Sunday in a fire that destroyed their cabin home to a remote ares near here/ A grandmother, her two daughters and three granddaughters perished in the flame* which a survivor said started when one of the women threw keroeene on a wood fire to get it started. led wwe Mrs. Webster Frys, <8; her two daughters, Ruth Frye, 31, a deaf mute; and Mrs. J. R. Watson, 21: and Mrs. Watson’ daughters Barbara Ann, I, Betty Ruth, 4, and Kathy, 9 months. Mrs. Frye's husband, Webster, about 70, was hospitalised at nearby Sweetwater with eeppnd FITZPATRICK’S PHARMACY, Two Stores in Pontiac— ft. W.-Huron and 880 Woodward Are, GRIGG S, Lake Orion • LAKE CENTER DRUG, Sylvan Lake LEROY'S, Uillotd • OAK DRUGS, Farmington PERRY PHARMACY, Two Stores in Pontiac— 689 N. East Bird, and 1251 Baldwin SAV-ON, Telegraph at 15 Mi. • UNION LAKE DRUGS. Union Lk. WHITE LAKE DRUGS, East Highland WONDER DRUGS, Dixie Hwy. at MIS ______ undersells herself if she does rot take her personal appearance seriously. DIET MENUS Knowing that overweight is one of the most prevalent beauty problems I have been bringing you my Nine-Day Reducing Diet for the past seven days. Here are the menus for tomorrow. TUESDAY’S MENUS breakfast One egg, poached or boiled. One thin dry slice of whole wheat toast. Black coffee. One glass skimmed milk. LUNCHEON 1 portion salmon. Celery sticks. One-half cup steamed carrots. One-half grapefurit. DINNER Minute or dub steak (small). One-half cup string beans. One-half cup squash. The “Different* Look for You** I Permanents ' Complete *5 -*d-,750 Styled Hoir Cutting from $1.50 Contest Closes April 30th Hearing Aid Given by Acousticon-Williamson Co. Heating Aids, Batteries, Cortfs, Ear Molds, Service—AH Makes 13100 LUDLOW AVE. Huntington Woods, Mich. ANNALIESE BEAUTY SALON We Specialise la Children's Hair Cnttingi only NEW sarong* Jr. "curve-controllers" give you... $5000 in PRIZES plus Great Values in Orange slices. ■k k k If you would like to lose from S to 10 pounds in nine days and missed some of these menus or would like to have the complete diet in a small booklet, send 10 cents and a stamped, self-addressed envelope with your request to Josephine Lawman in care of The Pontiac Press. •no girdled feeling-movement freedom 9 the slender look with natural control 9 and win the battle of the bulgesI Saluting 4 New Grinnell Stores! Matching Sarong |r,* girdle ... wins tbs battle of bulges with no lots of comfort. Sizes S-M-L-XL. 5* 'Reg. T.M. Sarong, Inc. Screes criss cress bra.I.t5 Grinnell STEREO Portable lly automatic! Plays, all records! Has a ^qc scision VM changer, 4-speaker stereo Pam' AO ^rv»r■ J%lI * ' ■ Grinnell 10-Transistor Cffhpect American-made. portable has find sound, surprising volume. Complete with case, battery, earphone*. Special! Canyon, Yellowstone, Yosemite, the Canadian Rockies and many' Plus 81 other VALUABLE PRIZES! . $5000 in PRIZES Register at, Grinnell’*! You need not be present at drawing to .win! Grinnell's, 27 S, Saflinaw FE 3-7168 % • ^ Extended Accounts Available THE PONTIAC PRESS, MONDAY, APRIL IT, 1061 News of Service P WHATSOODfc A ICORSAGE WITHOUT THE B0/~ AND ^lYlCOTyDUly WHAT A POPE > I AMl I flOfcSCT TO SET YOU A THIS ICTH8AN0ST GORGSXJS CORSAGE, BRUCE. AND THE COLOR—PERFECT, k HOWDPYDU A [K KNOW? Id Back Btakley 'if- PROM NIGHT AT MAIVERN recently Two arm men lave ooaqUrted the initial coune of Air Faroe basic military training at Lackland Air Pore* Bane, Tex. They art Airman Aaw J. Stint, non of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Spire*. 47 South Earn Btvd and Alrmaa Rodney G. Adler, aon of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Rounding. 5585 Maybee Road, aarkston. Naval Hospital for farther duty. Kennedy.*' Blakley and Republican candidate John G. Tower, both avowed conservatives, gained the runoff in an April 4 special election. Three area men are recant graduates of the naval training center at Cheat Lake*. DL They are Gary W. Crawley, eon of Mr. and Mrs. C W. Crawley. 43 Oliver St.; David F. Blake, aon of Mr. and Mrs. Francis P. Blake, 1614 Ledbury Drive. Btrmingham; and Richard H. Talbott, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hillary Talbott, 2600 Haggerty Road, Walled Lake. t*r Car) Grubert Girl Widowed After One Day of Marriage TORONTO (AP) - For two year* Grade immigrant tailor Gaorga Zaglaviras saved to Mag Ms sweetheart, Angela Riga, from Greece. A month ago she finally came, and Saturday aha and Zaglaviras. 22, were married at St. George's Greek Orthodox church. Sunday they set out in a rented car for a weekend honeymoon at Niagara Falla. Driving out of the city, Zagla-viras loot control of the car, crashed and was killed. Angela. I a widow at 33 after one day of November and completed basic training at Fort Knox. Ky. A A A Navy Lt. Morton Golds, aon of Mr, and Mrs. Chart* Golde, 1MB James K Blvd., is serving aboard the tank landing ship USS Lorain County, operating out of Norfolk. Va. The ship, a unit of Amphibious Squadron 10, recently participated In the Atlantic Fleet’* largest amphibious exercise tor 1961 in the Caribbean. VgjHE \ AMP WE HAP/ SUt VWVOXY? OUR ANCESTORS By Qnincy DIXIE DUGAN By McEvoy and Striebol *1 1TEVEI MBEIYC VTW a—warn C Dils of Rochester who has been in naval aviation since 1942 recently spent two-weeks' active training duty at Callender Field. | New Orleans. La. Chief Dlls' squadron. VR-733, 1 naval fleet air tactical support, is based at Grasse He. During the two weeks his squadron flew numerous training and airlift mis-i sions over the Gulf, the Carib-I bean and the United States. He is ( married and has three children. A • A A • Dale E. Bradford, naval hospital corpsman first class, son of Mrs. Lucy B. Bradford of Rochester. Agencies Join to Toll of Foster Child Week Information Program CAPTAIN EASY By Leslie Turner This is Foster Child Week in Pontiac and Oakland County, and it should prove to be one of the most comprehensive welfare campaigns this year in the Wayne-Oak-land-Macomb county area. The week is sponsored by the Committee for Foster Children, of which the Oakland County Branch of Michigan Children's AM Society is a member. Faster Cklld Week marks the start of a e—tl—lag program de- M A 60MKR HP CAlLEP TM' HUAI l SURE W15H THAT ACAMF WOUtO; 'w*w» r N ON l» HERE A6Ai»' .j- tmcip V. EUERSEMC/ LANDING ATRIP WAT BE AiOur TWO MILE* FROM WTBCTWW, msmmj BOARDING HOUSE GIVE HIM APDKjy TAIL AND He i Load 3ES' Like MOST OP MOONKCMf F0R«R THAT MIKE MU. w 500N DO JUST THAT IN THS MOST SPECTACULAR ARRIVAL N THE REARM* r—■ UATQgv Mi*te>ian 1 SAY, 3ASOf4, PERHAPS VJE'D BETTER-DOOBLEr < OUR WA&ER/66RARO ‘APPEARS AS EAGER TO i PRANCE DOVJN 1HE S1RETCI lA5 MAN OF WAR in Mis n ^---------- ABOUTTH' 5DCTH FURLONG;— BUT X &E a Real good omen iNTU' RACK THAT LAS'NIGHT X DREAMT i Vto POT GERARD ON A ROLLER \ 5KATE AN' HE WON A 6FORTS l^/?vVCARgAceFr----- By Enii« BughmiBer NANCY Foster Child Week is not a fund drive. Money is not the problem. COME ON—LET'S TAKE A WALK— YOU’RE GETTING TOO FAT r-v/-- ANYWAY I N 1 hundreds of children bi Wayne, Oakland and Macomb counties who should be living in suitable homes, receiving adequate care and guidance, who are not because there Ten area welfare agencies have banded together in an attempt to solve this double-barreled problem. Foster Child Week is the first time die 10 agencies have Joined farces in a coordinated effort to offer information about foster children and to recruit foster homes. While the agencies have often cooperated on various aspects of the services they an ofiOr. each agency has in the past attempted to conduct its own education, pro-; motion and recruiting programs, j MORTY MEEKLE Personal Income! Figures Stir Up New Optimism WASHINGTON (AP) - New ground tor optimism about the economy — Americans’ personal income increased in Match tor the first time in five months. f OOSHI TH1G HAS GOT ME ^ SCAIRTTD TRY ANYTH BJG/ , THERE VMS MOONFIXER < ON “THE RQAP TD SUCCESS, Dewyiwa HIMOELF EVERYTHING TO PUT EVERY PENNY NTH'BANK-LOST HIS WILL POWER AN'IS WOW SLAVIN' . I OUT INSTALLMENTS ON A 1 \ BICYCLE/ NOW LOOK AT ) VOU—0OLPK MAKES S Bn/—, ME AMBITIOUS i B ViggL \an,toubcare hi itouta 1 |KbA|a|vMI// By Charles Kahn GRANDMA OOU.Y, MERC COMES ANOTHER ONE / r—* The increase over February was 33.4 billion, the Commerce Department reported Sunday. That is. the annual rate of personal Income Jumped from 3406.2 billkm to 3409.6 billion. The report showed the wage and salary payments increased by 3L1 billion to $272.J billion, the first advance in this category! since last July. Most of the payroll increase was in contract construction, begin-j ning io recover from a setback cameo by the severe winter. ; Manufacturing payrolls went tipi 3200 million to a cate of 384L2 billion, the first increase sjnee last June. DONALD DUCK Vampire Boh In Texas Food Only on Blood HOUSTON. Tex. (AP) - T vampire bats go on exhibition Mi HIM Mg W TWENTY-SIX THE PONTIAC PRESS, MONDAY, APRIL' IT, mi in Heavy Trade * "““laf Cost $4,7 NEW YORK UR - Some large transactions in a wide variety of issue* featured a mixed stock mar* ket early today. Trading was heavy. Changes among most key stocks .were small. A few of the more tpecmulative or higher-priced issues made wider moves. The business news background was good, including a rise la personal income for March, another drop la unemptoyinant and Increased demand reported for jtoeL_ ".Steels, motors and rails were slightly higher but utilities were off, with American Telephone falling more than a point. Chemicals were irregular, Du Pont falling about 2. HALVES THE L08S '.Polaroid fell more than 2, then halved the loss, Collins Radio advanced about a point Most of the Mg Mocks were traded at higher prices, reflecting keen selective demand. Sperry Rand rose % to 2914 on 35,000 shares. Ampex advanced 114 to 27% on 32,000 shares. Stude-baker-Packard gained 14 at 714 on 15,000 shares. The following covering sales of locally grown produce by growers and sold by them in wholesale package lots. I A crew of 27 men has repaired! Quotations are furnished by the nearly 6,300 feet of guard rail ini Detroit Bureau of Markets, as of Oakland, Macomb and St. Clair Wednesday. counties at an estimated cost of • , more than $4,700 as more than 19] Detroit Produce miles of cable guard rail have jraviTS been rehabilitated in the first three! Apple, Delicious, bu....;.... w.oojweeks of an emergency State High-] ‘ ----- « oo; way Department program. Chives, do*. Horseradish. : Leeks, j - M Onions, dry. I Turnips, ‘ topped, w. ..... Poultry and Eggs rU U iAP)—Prices per for SO. I quality live poultry: Hetvv type hens M-t»: H*ht type hens ll-li: heavy type router* | Pm. »-U: broiler* and tryera )-4 Whiles lt-20: Barred Rock* »-». DETROIT EGOS DETROIT. April« w*fv*r» Detroit, loose In 30 d . trade I Including U S.1: ..... -Grade A Jumbo 31Vi-41: e large 34Vi-38: tarn | RSUV n 32; cl Detroit Produce On 10,000-share blocks, American Broadcasting-Paramount roue 3341 to 61 and Smith-Corona Marchant j^1 14 In Ofi I W..1I DETROIT 'LIVESTOCK DETROIT. April ** ---- || compares last week JJ, ' The program, which began la • Hie highway department’s Kala-masoo, Jackson and Pohtiac div Ijl] tricls on March so and Grand 4.oo| Rapids and Saginaw districts on 3;“ March 37, will be extended to Ms I 3S Northern Lower Peninsula j sisoj counties Monday and to 13 L'p-j-JJl per Peninsula counties April 24. J The highway department said i!i» nearly 160 unemployed workers have been hired for work in the Grand Rapids, Jackson, Pontiac! and Saginaw districts. They have] rehabilitated nearly 102,000 feet] of guard rail at an estimated cost] of more than $37,000. Before the nine-week program is completed, 250 unemployed work-ill have been hired to replace posts "which have rotted and out of line during the] past 10 to 15 years. Cables si* PnrfJ /a Rpvicp are being restrung. ji UI U IU iieVI5c? The highway departin' the special maintenance pro was made possible through a lings in winter maintenance on : highways because of the compart. , WASH1NCTON m : 000. advanced % to 26. Coppers edged higher. Drugs |l*N were off slightly. Oils were nar- | ml rowdy mixed. Trading became heavier as the session moved on. The ticker tape lagged as much as six minutes behind transactions. bllUt »uady t to 50c higher I ... w I head choicej mo . down 25 00-2*00 mixed load < heller* utility 1 Opening blocks included: Ronson up 134 at 1834 on 6,000 shares; Bethlehem, up 34 at 4934 on 5,000; American Telephone off 134 at 127*4 on 3,000; General Electric off *s at 6334 on 5,000; and General Motors up 34 at 45% on 5,000. most choice heifers gh choice 830 lb I load* high good ||lt's Moving Day ifor Gagarins £i Spaceman With New Sr Moscow Apartment JFK Will Ask for New Post 1 pelts 1Q5 lbs. i prime, fall shorn lamb* head prime of lb. wool good and choice shorn down 10.U-n.7t: cull l slaughter ewes g.OO-O.Od mate* — Cattle 300, i — sheep 100. the task that confronts idinarv Ivan sooner of bv •, # , luahter classes I *'ov*e* government, in a Imitsd' supply' preciation of Gagarin's histoi I flight into space last Wednesda good {gave him a large apartme Would Create Cabinet Department to Handle All Urban Affairs WASHINGTON (UPI) - President Kennedy was expected to send Congress today a proposal tp creatte a new cabinet department of urban affairs to handle housing and mass transportation problems. , It was reported the President measure would shift the housing and home finance agency into the new department. The new department aim would consider ways to Improve bn* and rail service In metropolitan areas. town planners came up with a| program today to halt the spiralling growth of London. A report to Housing Minister i Henry Brooke by the Town and Federal Housing Administrator Robert C. Weaver was said to be a likely choice for the new cabinet post if it 'te created. In that case he would be the first Negro cabinet member in history. Weaver, appearing on a television program Sunday, said that statistaics make “an eloquent idea” for a cabineta-level agency to handle urban affairs. To counteract this trend the association suggests the resettlement of more than one million Londoners in new towns. It also proposes spectacular expansion schemes for a number of towns - a'nd villages within a 100-mile radius of London. Feel Red Space Feat May Kill Ban Talks WASHINGTON (UPI >—Russia’s manned space flight may have dealt a filial blow to stalemated negotiations for a nuclear test ban, congressional atomic energy experts said today. ’ Congressional leaders, who have followed the test ban talks at Geneva, said the situation had not improved — and might have worsened — since Maj.Yari A. Gagarin made his history-making trip through space. 2 Youths Are Injured by Homemade Rocket DECATUR. HI. (UPD-Two 13-year-old youths were injured Saturday in an explosion when they attempted to launch a homemade rocket using a carbon dioxide cartridge filled with match heads. The boys were identified as John Noeker of Decatur, who ur ‘ went surgery to remove a metal fragment from hip stomach, and David Rollin, also of Decatur, who suffered cuts and bruises. Thousands Welcome Ike HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) - A brilliant sun and thousands df Pennsylvanians Welcomed Dwight and Mamie Eisenhower home to PUmgylvania today, it was the utatae’s official welcome for Elan-i heWcr .who left, the White House m-m. i Wm • ' i H Cattle — Salable 20# aettve. fully steady oi Mattering good grade item 2# 60- cboics * heifer* 33 50-24 5#* few*1 S^dar^*{*#£.km I1of Moscow’s new housing de ajjfty cows |« 50-115# tanntr* and velopmcnts. ! Commission said Sunday. j{, iral fin n of Taranai la. MacMahon! * * * os will des tgn the Taft; I Ford signed a stipulation in J unior h Iigh School 1 lo be built by] j which It agreed to abandon d roit Board of Education ’ ! claims that Falcon car owners 11 l-acre site < >n Berg, just. have ennuiatently attained up to 30 miles per gallon of gawUne Soviets Reward First *“d F«*“« i»kk,M» .have delivered miles per gallon undi driving rendition*. *12 MOSCOW — Wined and Th? s,d?ula,‘on ■*** _ St d1nc* TSvto^are “Acroidtog*^ ystSS th £j|came earth today to f««|FaJcon ^ ,.did JdpIivcr' ^ jmiles per gallon or averag^S^ i miles per gallon under j advertising but only on a f subdivision !a Modem Woodmen Junior life * ^Michigan !o 'nsurance protection chats _ ..............Bloomfield j surprisingly little. A $2000 * District, Oakland County. U Junior policy costs only $8.40 • per year, if your child is under !• 5 years of age. Proportionate- • ,nh Road pnntiiS*' Mich-n 1? *°w premiums to ago 16. _ !?ih day of April i»«i. *t|# Polio Benefits included at an * ■ a extra cost Investigate ■ - Salable 2 It said further that the 30.5 n ____ mww .. ;r gallon was not attained ui ■ •n#u“l to Friends 'of the world’s first cos-i"™* ^ng conditions but 00 Not *noo‘h ‘“ monaut said he. and his family *^ R , r »«.m>ugb butch-Lpm beginning to arrange the wi,h a pTede,ermi,lcd schedu,e ol tlepOrtei lOI LOlt •handed on umitedi transfer of furniture and their per- S,°P® and ^torts. I ’ ***jsonal belongings from their subur-j " b S 6*’ ARMSTRONG'S TILE !, kitchen#, basement*, etc. Carton 80 pcs. I ported to Pontiac police Satuniai the realdent pad commuting Knth.rin^ M.m«vn too rv^in, population of London will rise from lt.3 million to 14J million. Lake Rd., Waterford Township, A break-hi at Franklin Etc tary School was reported to Pon-j tiac police Sunday. It has been determined what was stolen. |house. ,[ Kefauver planned in i question! Jloweiy echelon officials bf. major i1 electrical companies at an open). session of his Senate ant Hrust sub-!! ■Jcommittee. Hie first schi ^uled wit-1 ■Incss was John C. Fink, a depart- < tjraenf manager for Westing-. The Edward O’Neill. PENNY PAINT SALE re in presenting thp he city's firemen to Alfred E. dark. th. !3mes. best spot new: $<998 2 $499. ARMSTRONG ASPHALT TILE Centime Arm-strong, Tile. Perfect quality. $34# CEILING Till White tongue and 1 / a grooved. Flame / resistant* Slightly ^ The theft of a .45-eaiiher ptatol chairmen and other to "'hoe* iiothini; about theiAnu LATEX PAINT LINOLEUM WALL TILE PLASTIC TILE No odor, drift in 10 minutes. Cal. 54 incho# high. Many colorful 19* Enough file and trimming, complete for only $995 A matlrcss fire caused by care-In February 1947 it was 82 de- loss smoking at the home of Mat-U grees below zero as registered at tie Hampton, 230 Franklin Rd.. Snag airport in the Yukon, one of Sunday morning caused $85 dam-' the lowest marks in North Ameri-lage,-according to Pontiac firc-i’ can records. |men. WORLD’S LARGEST — Rosary Glen Convent Of the Berpadine Sitters at FaDrmingtqn will rp-ceive tlfia unique 1,300-pound Rosary, Ihe'world's largest. The Rosary, fashioned from howling Catholic Central .High School. Muskegon healing j ' camractor Charles. Flynn created it/