The Pontiac Prett, Tuesday, December 2, 1969 TUESDAY R ~ Korun C — Color n 1M)\^ Mtu:\l\(. 5:50 I2i TV Chapel 5:55 (2l C—On the Farm Scene 6:00 (2) C — Sunrise Semester 6:25 (7) C — Five Minutes to Live By 6:30 (2) C—Woodrow t h e Woodsman )4) C — Classroom — “Some Hn’oic Soirils: Travelers of the World" (7) C - TV College — “Tanzania: Experiment in Self-Sufficiency" 7:00 (4) C - Today (7) C ■- Morning Show 7:30 i2) C—News. Wf'atluT. Sports 7:55 19) News 8:00 (2) C — Captain Kangaroo 8:05 (9» Mr. IJressup 8:30 (7) R C - Movie : “Sombrero" (1953) Pier Angeli, Ricardo Mon-tatban 19) Friendly Giant 8:40 (56) R—Human Relations — A discussion of the automated fluid chemical an alyzer originally created for the biosatellite project, 8:45 (9) Chez Helene 9:00 (2) R - Mr. Ed (4) C — Dennis Wholey (9) C—Bozo 9:10 (56) Come,'s Read 9:30 (2) R C ~ Beverlv Hiilbiilies ( 56) Singing. Listening. Doing 9:55 (.4) C—Carol Duvall :00 (2) R C—Lucy Show (4) C—It Takes Two (9) Canadian Schools (56) C — Sesame Street :25 (4) C—News :30 (2) C — Della Reese — Paul Revere and the Raiders. Pat Henry and Bill Henderson guest. (4) C — Concentration (7) C - The His and Her of It (9) Ontario Schools I (50) C — Jack LaLanne 11:00 (4) C—Sale of t h e Century (50) C — Strange Paradise (56) R — Listen and Say 11:15 (56) Misterogers ll:'^9 (9) Cntario Schools H P:.30 r? (' Love of Life (4) ('—Hollywood Squares i7) C—Anniversary Game (50) C - Kimba 11:45 fO) News rn-:si) \5 \i ri K\on\ 12:03 (?) (' N 'ws. Weadi'i\ Spoils (4) C“Jeopardy (7) R C — Bewitched (9) Take 30 (50) C - Alvin 12:25 (2) C — Fashions 12:30 (2) C~He Said. She Said (4) C — News. Weather. Sports (7) RC-That Girl (9) C—Tempo 9 (50) Galloping (iourmet 12:35 (56) F'riendly Giant 12:55 (4) C-News (56) H Singin I ist.n ing. Doing (2' C - - Search f r t,). m rr w (4) C — Letters to Laugh-In (7) C — Dream House (9) R C — Movie: "The Co sacks" (Lalian, 1959) John Drew Barrymore. Edmund Purdom (50) R — Movie: ‘June Bride" (1948) Bette Davis. Robert Montgomery 1:15 (56) Listen and Say 1:30 (2) C—As the World Turns M) C—You’re Putting Me On (7) C—Let’s Make a Deal (56) Science Is Searching 2:00 (2 ) C^-Where the Heart Is (4) C—Days of Our Lives (7) C—Newlywed Game (56) R — Advocates — Should criminal penalties for the use of marijuana be abolished? 2:25 (2) C~News 2:30 (2) C—Guiding Light (4) C—Doctors (7) C—Dating Game 3:00 12) C—Secret Storm C—Another World (7) C—General Hospital (9) R—Candid Camera (56) Modern Supervision — "Performance Appraisals : Tool or Torture?" (62) R — Movie: "The Secret Place" (British. 1958) Belinda Lee, Ronald Lewis 3:30 (2) C — Edge of Night (4) C " Bright Promise (7) C—One Life to Live (9) C—Magic Shoppe (5fl) C~Captain Detroit (56) Efficient Reading 4:00 (2) R C-Gomer Pyle (4) C — Steve Allen — Jim Ba'kiis. Evie Sands and Alan Seuss guest. (7) C — Dark Shadows (9) C — Bozo (56) Sesame Street 4:30 (2) C — Mike Douglas — Frank Gorshin, Stan Kann and Maureen * Mivan guest. (7) R C ~ Movie; ‘’Say One for Me" (1959) Bing Crosby. Debbie Reynolds (Part 1) (50) R — Little Rascals i6‘H C — Bugs. Cyrus and Friends 5:00 (4) C~George Pierrot — "Berlin to the Rhineland" (9) R C — Flipper (50) R C — Lost in Space (56) R — Misterogers 5:30 (9) R C — Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea (56) R — Friendly Giant (62) R — Leave It to 5:45 (56) Chimn-^\' Corner Beaver TI KSDA^ 6:00 (2) (4) (7) C - News. Weather. Sports (50) R C — Flintstones (56) R — Americans from Africa (62) R — Ozzie and Harriet 6:30 (2i C — News Cronkite (4) C — News — Huntley, Brinkley (9) R — Dick Van Dyke — Rob’s sense of humor backfires when he bases a skit on Laura’s penchant for opening his mail. (50) R — ^^unsters — A disc jockey hears a tape of Herman’s voice and decides he’ll be the new singing sensation. (56) Beyond the Earth — Dr. John A. Russell discusses astronomy, (62 C - Robin Seymour The Coven guests. 7:00 (2) C - Truth or Consequences (4) C — News, Weather. Sports (7) C — News Reynolds. Smith (9)‘ R - Movie: T'll See You in My Dreams" 11952) Musical biography of songwriter Giis Kahn Doris Day. D a n n y Tiiomas (501 \{ — 1 Love Lucy 156) What’s New — The t'VM Brave Boys explore a Chilean copper mine. 7:30 (2) C - National Geographic Special "Siberia: the Endless Horizon” is a picturesque study of the region which occupies more than one-tenth of the earth’s surface but is guarded by an impenetrable circle of cold Joseph Campanella narrates. (4) C — I Dream of Jeannie — After hectic preparations. Tony and Jeannie are married in a ceremony marked b y frenzy. (7) C — Mod Squad — Pete. Line and Julie as college students to investigate a young man’s mysterious death. (50) C — Beat the Clock (56) Joyce Chen Cooks — "Shanghai Duck" (62) C — Of Lands and Seas ~ France is visited. 8-00 i4) C — (S p ec i a 1) The Night Before Christmas—Clem- nt C. Moore’s If*.mous poem is animated end narrate i bv the Nor-m n l.uboff Choir. 1501 R C — Hazel (56) News Special — "Hunger: A National Disgrace" highlights the opening day ol the White House conference on food, nutrition and health, including President Nixon’s address to the meeting. 8:30 (2) C - (Special) Billy Graham — Anaheim. Calif. Crusade (4) C — Julia — A charming, talented artist who refuses to take ' steady job is influencing Corey. (7) C — Movie: "Three’s a Crowd'' ( P r e m i e r e ) A man The Pontiac Prett, Tuesday. December 2, 1969 suddenly finds h i m s e 1 f married to two women. Larry llagman. Jessica Waller, E. J. Peaker 150) C - To Tell the Truth (62) R The Nelsons 9:00 (4) C — First Tuesday — Segments include an American girl's liip t i London to cndergo an a b 0 r I i o ii. and Jc ncs Brown, black milliotnire entertainer an t b-s n s--man, talks abo.d hh . voiite project of enco r aging young peop'e i'» stay in school a*"d make the most of th-»ir livts. (9) C - What’s M y Line’.' (50) K — Perry Mason (56) NET Festival — The American premiere o I ■'From the House of the Dead,” a contemporary opera by Czech composer Leos Janacek. Based on Dostoevsky’s novel, the opera is sung by John Reardon, Robert Rounseville, David L!o\d and Frederick Jagel. (62) R — Movie: “Bottoms Up" (British. 1960) Students at a bovs’ school stage a rebellion and end up foiling a plot to kidnap a prince. Jimmy Edwards, Martita Hunt. 9:30 (2) C — Governor and J.J. — J.J.’s intuition tells h r Maggie is in love wJh Ik ' governor. Gov. Davi-j Cargo of New Mexico guest-stars. (9) C - Cesar’s World ~ “Caribbean Ports of Call” 10:00 i; ) (' ()0 Minutes - Segments include a major investigation of whether South Vietnam, faced with the prospect of an Amcr c* n m i * i t a r y withdrawal, can continue to light its battles against North Vietnam and the Vietcong. Interviews with South Vietnam President Thieu and members of his gevernmer t ar • Icat red 17) C ~ ( S p e '• i a 1 I Engelbert Humperdinck — Tom Jones, Dionne Warwick. Barbara Eden and Jos«:j3ii^no guest. - 0)1- I'mni.^’i investi jates a firm Flat pron^fs'ya full h a;l of hair to ba'dheade.i m.n. (50) C — News. Weather. Sports 10:30 (9) C Man at the Center—Society’s att tudes to the number and nature of permissible partn r-ships between males and females are probed. (50) R — Ben Casey — A veteran nurse upsets Casey when she isolates patients and feeds them plum pudding. (56) Segovia Master Class (62) R — Sea Hunt 11:00 (1l( 1 ) (7i (9' C News, WeatluT Sp?rts (62) 'J — Highway Patru! 11:30 (4) C J hnnv Carson (7) C — Joey Bishop — Mrs. Coretta Kinj, widow of Dr. Martin L tiler Kin_i dr,, guests. (9) R — Movie: “The Captain’s Paradise’’ (British, 1953) Steamer captain marries two different types of women. Alec Guinness, Yvonne de Carlo (50) C — Merv Griffi?) Hi'toria i Arthur S hlc-singer ind Tom Palt'.rs .'i gi-cst. (62) R — Movie: “Sands of the Desert” (British. COLOR TUESDAY I960) Meek travel agency clerk tries to uncover sabotage attempts at a holiday camp. Charlie Drake. Peter Arne 11:35 (2) Ii — Movie; “Women Are Like That " (1960) Undercover operator finds plenty of trouble as he seeks out a missing agent. E d d i e Constantine 1:00 (4) Beat the Champ (7) R — Texan (9) Viewpoint (50) R — Peter Gunn 1:05 (9) C — Perry's Probe - ’Fertility Pill, Hormones and Endocrinology” 1:30 (2) R-Naked City (4)(7)C — News. Weather 1:40 (7) C — Five Minutes to Live By 2 : 3 0 ( 2 ) C - News. Weather 2:35 (2) TV Chapel Km PLANNING and REMODELING Serving all OAKLAND COUNTY ALSO: additions • ATTICS • REG ROOMS • GARAGES • PORCH ENCLOSURES • FAMILY ROOMS • OFFICE PARTITIONS • ROOFING • SIDING • AWNINGS • CEMENT WORK • CONCRETE STEPS • ALL TYPES OF REMODELING MIDWEST BUILDERS « SUPPLY CO. Caff, FE 4-2575 LICENSED BUILDER FREE ESTIMATES ACT NOW- 24-Hour Phone Service 118 W. HURON PONTIAC