Boston Lawyer Named Counsel for Sénate Quiz WASHINGTON —The Senate Investigations subcommittee today appointed Samuel P. Sears, a Bos- ton lawyer, as special counsel for its investigation of the charges Sen. McCarthy. (R-Wis) “and high Army officials have aimed at one another. S@i-Mundt (R-SD), who will pre- | side at’ the public televised _hear- ings, told ‘a news conference he believed the unanimous selection had broken a log jam and would permit start of the aay within 10 days. Mundt sald Sears will start work Monday “and I hope the hearings will start the following week.” Mundt said the selection was made by “another unanimous vot®,| Hoyt S. Vandenberg, former air all six members of the committee | force chief of staff, voting ‘aye’ at a closed door ses-/turn for the worse and is failing sion. , rapidly,” the air ferce announced Just a few moments eartier, | today Sen. Kefauver (D-Tenn) had made’ Vandenberg is 5 anunsuccessful move to get the /ast June. He underwent a major Senate Armed Services Committee abdominal operation May 7, 1952 to take over the investigation of and then on Oct. 3, 1953, re-entered the-whole McCarthy-Army row. |Walter Reed Army Hospital CHARTER. AMENDMENT NO. 1 BALLOT af GEN. - 8. VANDENBERG _ Thereby authenticate this ballot for the General Municipal Election of April 5, 1954. CL ix7Ol ane! City Clerk. PLACE A CROSS (X) In the Square Before the Words | “For the Amendment,” or “Against the Amendment.” INSTRUCTION BALLOT ! Refund Preblems Arise | WASHINGTON (UP) —Gen. | “has taken a | He retired | «| theater admissions. program. This Charter Amendment is designated Amendment No. 1. ‘Water Surveys Prim terse | wick Sanit teen Pee ectien 1 of Chapter IX a8 Olty Chatter of City of | proving ground since. then, Section 18. On = | Toned-Down Measure ected ss: each Wa 13, On and after January 1, 1955, the total amount - ; jewene, ue y= of caste which may be levied cuntess ‘Tremendous Victory’ }. Cas wencot 0 Saath AE Te tne ne ee elise oe for Oaklarid County | of the | shows the buge fireball; largest ever created by/e woclear bomb. ft | Here are some of the things the an additional tax of $1.00 on each $1,000 of ; po tpteaoen tonk GORE os ; the fall of 1982. Seapine, (Onerviere OOS een” |ae aaa aaa Sane may be levied to principal interest on bonds for con- in Ww pescado | 2 ee ee p teas © “3 Chil Defense. 4 ooush. = : 7 on age Oe Ae b= disclosed: structing and g a hospital and @ site | toned.down version of bill orig- ia Ta therefor and an eddtienal tax of $1.50 on each $1,000 of |inally aimed at paying half the Vision H: Bomb Hit | Butter/ Movies, Fares Cheaper ‘April ls ack aled edn a "aah s une Gain assessed valuation may be levied for capital improvements cost of a water supply survey in| gn es with __recerding and — or to pay principal and interest on bonds therefor. The | | Onidane and other Southeastern/ ‘Cuts in Taxes, Su orts | detomuting gadgets, om the islet a erin ein stall net preven te, ry sad (Mee, ae ne wy St SONA: Huron PPOTTS CancerControl Month « rss. se ase vote of 89-2 and went to the Se ' pa abedcere ee eens Settee Bring Bargains to Porttiac’ sve 2c crs, 2. Py st srs ta mt within a wih the toc plong and a quarter Se re House jaye $25.000 for nile radius, heavy damage within) Federal cuts in sales taxes and in price supports teamed pelle Cancer Society, is ask- protruding from the barrier reel ~/ FOR THE AMENDMENT vil co thal any community i {seven miles and light damage for} today to give Pontiac shoppers bargain prices on items ing Pontiac residents to observe 0 the atoll, vanished: In the place y 1 as Cancer Controi Month. Where it stood there wag # ¢rater F the state with 100 or more peo- | 10 miles, the Atomic Energy Com-| ranging from butter to theater tickets. ie tends that they follow | 175 feet deep, a mile in diameter, / rr" INST THE AMENDMENT af sala. preteen lial mission says in reporting on the) Butter.was being sold here as low as 55 cents a pound | the advice of the society and learn| 3- Created was the largest fire AGA | a share of y. | biast in the-Marshall Islands. | with an average pri¢e of 58 cents. |the seven danger signals of can-|ball of the more than 40 atomic a posremepch ‘Gat Michiann | If such a Roaelcue: teas ies Moviegoers are getting a break in Pontiac, with sizable | | Som Aor Sages pean org bPaeewes poli oy . Water Resources Commission Di-| three mile radius would extend to}-ticket reductions in the three. downtown theaters. | should the disease strike them. at the core of that churning, Bril sector We: F. Ame nee tet | Aahere Heights on the east east, beyond Pontiac merchants are? théy could seek treatment in time = ——o star presumably a —_ ont | Coss Lake rond cm the welt . to th? | passing along more price. | matigre prices turgbled trom 14 to to save ‘their lives. a momentary temperature HOSPITAL BOND BALLOT House action a ‘‘tremendous vic tory for Oakland County” but said the bill may face a rougher time in ‘the Senate. Republican introduced the original bill some time ago. Signed by Ike, in Effect Today f Slashes Expected to Be Business Stimulant but} WASHINGTON (A P )— * | A billion-dollar federal sales tax cut went into effect to- | day, with indications it may be a huge headache to the ;public; businessmen and) | government. It is a headache that will be borne happily. Businessmen have long} said excise tax rates were) holding ‘back sales. The! . public has groused at pay-/ ing a 20 per cent tax on | luggage, jewelry, furs, cam- | ‘eras, electric lights and | President Eisenhower, although | his administyation opposed the tax ewts, said yesterday he was sign- ing the bill wholeheartedly, regard. ing it as a business stimulant. The new rates, on hundreds of items, are effective on sales made today or hereafter. The administration calculates it will lose 999 million dollars revenue by the reductions, in a full year. That means 099 million dollars not spent on taxes that can be spent otherwise by business and | consumers. Anftother government action, tak- en by Secretary of Agriculture Ben. | (Continued on Page 2, Col. 3) House Approves H-BOMB EXPLOSION—Shown above is auother af the first p pie tures released showing the H-bomb explosion in the Marshall Islands. | It cased the greatest destruction ever noted from a single explosive | device. The test island (Elugelab) of the atoll completely disap- | peared. Test in Pacific Haber Flag san P| ‘ Enough to Engulf Most of New York City By ELTON C. FAY ° AP Military Affairs Reporter. WASHINGTON (A P)— The government disclosed today details of the work(’s | that wiped out an island in the twinkling of an eye and spawned a gigantic fireball big enough to engulf the heart of New York City. | Def | wetok Atoll, was made pub-. lic—in somewhat .censored form—by. the Federal Civil ~ | Defense Administration, That agency said it “firmly be- | lieves itis necessary for the Amer- |iean public to know the facts about | the destructiveness ot nuclear weapons.” And it quoted from the speech of President Eisenhower | before the United Nations Asser |north city limits and to Hickory | Local communities, however, would | Grove road on the south. have to put -up half the cost of | The bill would grant the Water | land through Bloomfield Hills and : |ten mile radius would mean a cir- Broomfield called Wednesday's .», 99 mijes wide. The county is ~ | 30 miles across. "Free home demonstration FE S2125" Vote f Edson Halleck for ae A Judge. April 5 The Royal Oak | Lake, to Waldon road to the north | |savings than those in De-| troit. The lowest butter level here is) 4..cents below Detroit prices and Resources Commission the money | j-¢5 Birmingham in the south. The theater tickets in the Motor City and the power to spend it. have remained the same. Evening tickets at the Strand | and Oakland Theaters have been | cut from 80 cents to 75 and mati nee prices from 50 cents to 5 | cents. es eee tickets were | reduced from $1 to 90 cents and| decreases were worked out for the Eagie Thea- ter. Children’s tickets have re- mained the same. Telephone service, telegram costs and bus and train fares are | lower, too. A Pontiac person with a one party line who doesn't make any | (Continued on Page 2, Col. 2) Vete Menday, April 5. fer John B. Carry. Commissioner, District 6 See gtery on page Ti. | like the body of the sum. In Today's Pr s Press Bee fcoctawme Py overwhelmed about one-quarter ‘ : clenn News 44. 47, - | of Manhattan. David eon eae ‘f fficial estimate was th , gg ei | the area of ~“complete annibila- By te attes wre & | (Continued on: Page 57, Col. @ Markets = eo |; | | Patterns 0 Open Fri. & Sat. Nites “Wi ® George's Nepport's | Want Ade Retain fodge Jebcen PLACE A CROSS (X) IN THE SQUARE BEFORE THE | WORDS “YES” OR “NO”. __INSTRUCTION BALLOT “Shall Ordinance No 1298 of the erdidiances of the City of entitled: ‘An eaioenes to phovide for Ec the City of Pontiac, Pablgn, if the sum Sed for the issuance of the full faith and ing a site costrveting and epi - bonds of the city in Ue p of said city therefor, to defray the cost of 4s-therein provided pping a new city hos ital and acquir- and the full faith and credit cipal sum of $3,000,000 be issued NO ° “4-4 which -would eventually retire the city’s general obligation debt. City Manager Waltér K. Willman, in an effort to acquaint all citizens with the city’s proposal for expansion of General Hospital and its plans for. continuing public works, has-been addressing numerous The allocation of $60,000 in 1965 will complete this fund, eliminating the necess:ty for allocating any more money for that. This allocation has been included in che city’s tax rate of $13.80 ' = eo * _ ‘De you as « voter in desire to accelerate this public = BALLOT PROPOSALS—Above are copies of ballots for the April| works program by, use of, approximately $2 per 5 city election. One provides funds for expanding Pontiac General} thousand of assessed valuation, has been going to debt Hospital and the other would raise the city’s tax limit—without in-| _ retirement, for public improvements; : ‘greasing taxes—so more money could be used to improve city services Do you want your taxes reduced $2 per thousand with a subsequent und facilities.-Bleven of the 14 city commission candidates endorse | dejay in securing poany. necessary improvements. . 1 the proposals. A “Yes” vote on both proposals also is urged by The answer can only be secured from the voters. The |pr union officials and community leaders, (For_editorial comment, turn | charter amendment to be voted upon April) 5 allocates; $1 per. to page 6. Additional election stories appear on page 17.) thousand for hospital expansion, and it should ke explained here that ~ g /} - \ ’ 4 - ~ while the $1 per thousartt ‘Covers the necessary financing of . the | Hospital Expansion, City Works Await Voters’ Approval at Polls Next Monday It is the sincere beliet of the city administration that this tam be bond issue and insures its payment by pledging the faith and | accomplished and they have dedicated themselves to that end. W. K. WILLMAN | @ The City this. charter amendment, the tax | thousand of assessed value. ™, “for this purpose, * the financing to be furnished from credit of Pontiac, the city only intends to levy 30 cents a the balance of hospital income. The total of the hospital bond issue has been placed at $3,000,000 and should provide an equipped hospital addition of approximately 150 beds. The second phase of the treat-. ment of this problem involves the The advaritages of the accelerated program of public improvements | should be manifest to everyone. The city has a $3,000,000 investment in the present hospital and ~ it is terribly overcrowded, The expansion would relieve that situation and service to the people of the community would be improved without question. The atceleration of the balance of the public improvement program is greatly desirable. Many of the necessary at this tiie and the. pro solidly conceived and planned. program involves an increase in the tax rate. This plan docs not involve an increase im the tax rate, amy allocation of $1.50: per thousand| with the exception of the hospital corstiuction, these prajects cam towards an accelerated capital| very probably be constructed without bond financing. improvement program.designed ta) Criticisms that have been offered of this progtam hit a€ the needs fora: ----7---cideration. It has been said that: Public Safety Building The hospital is of sufficient Size now te care for Main Library within the city and the responsibility for patients City Garage city should riot rest with Pontiac. . * . Civie Auditorium - - In answer to this, it can only be stated that the hospital New Fire Stations ‘by the City Commission of Pontiac Four Grade Separations deed provides that it should be operated as such. An expanded sewage system ithe city likewise have ‘an interest in the hospitalization and An expanded airport parabens presi site’ Water suppty or outside n has indicated that should the voters approve rate shall remain at $13.80 per ee ”" The pictare included an tape : LE yh Pe rae ee ee pre en, oe seas a * t . MESS TE URSD AY. APRIL 1, 19! 1S cod a8 > a oom ' ve gh ge. 2 k : on wet | HOSpital and Public Works: i ES =e : ; ee has madd a refund to the purchas- fi A : Cotes pen as Soon as Snow Bring Problems ~ “i neu ainmorne a| AWait Approval of Voters He Ground Dries Up ne ee), n i pee cot Coen,” einen Prom Page One) p Te i ite scare. abe the cut is effective for trangporta- | in time Or doliare._Ip artewer to thid, it can be only thatthe [Sibert Hawks, 23 — baw Sa ’ supports for dairy products, also | tion beginning today or hereafter. | best legal advice obtainable law indicates a@ time | —m fate . From Our Birmingham Burea at Sits Sed Com. ak will mean consumer savings start- | Thus,- no refund would-be called or dollar restriction is when written inte FSS Ba = 5 agg em em as {INGH. Despite a late | "The Church Woman ing today. Butter prices are expect- | for on the unused half of a round- a alpaca Serves Grosse | BOWs Back in Army isinter weather, city-owned |v", Defense” at a 10, 0 | Sl er-an dowd on odeonen el count trip ticket. But for aeruise-start-|2™endment. The adoption of the ceiling of $12.50 per thousand of Isle at Orchard Lake Springdale Park may still be. | mneting of the United Church) 1) cots: cheese prices somewhat | ing tomorrow, a ey is ca | assessed value-by the voters is imply permissive legislation to the | Charch. Burial will be in Wood TAPEA, that : open Women of Birmingham, tomorrow ’ lawn Cemetery. _ | tes announced today 12,000 we ieee ee at First Baptist Church. {ina ome dines calli they would) Roe it. made before travel | City Commission to levy, and not to exceed that rate, within their He was Killed Monday in a jet] of the’ 6000 former prisoners ot Atma sy April Fool's Day or vo, Bir- | 70 cent a foreseen. ' en Teaties un | mingham Business Women's Ciub The cacies ti chinges becestl ‘ A time limitation prevent the issuance of bonds for pitbtic arrangements are will join Nationalist play and picnicking will start,” he witt hold its April dinner-meeting | a whole host of questions. Pontiac Deaths improvements should it become necessary in order to achieve a costly 5 sormmataadants sa golf course and area, the| ity Meuse with o business meet: | 1s sag bot a ec a =— another level of government. : These Are Such BIG Siteporting park cotana te ee sags | Rint ian, with: pages ott Calvin Adams It should be pointed out that no bonds can be issued under the Must Limit This oom. | Feaning? consumer get | Funeral for Calvin Adams, 6, | proposed charter without the favorable vote of 60 per cent of the ~ By action of the City Commis| School at the state Hi-Y Con-| something knocked off, the .. ans Seen 2 Smee os Ss See SS are oe ee on | eee we year — | What about transportation tick-|Siple Funeral Home. Dr. Tom nel , ~*~ ee Wie one anc oe The Rev, Robert $. Graham wit |4ts, bought under the ld rates, | Malone of Ereanve Baptist | Prodected list of projects as to what they may feel necessary:“or PHOTOGRAPHERS NEEDS crowded conditions and make | speak on.“The Church at Work’ | *#ill not fully used? Church will officiate and burial/ Unnecessary. = Pi. a oe itl cece t fat at a meeting at $ tonight of the Ness shost seh fo Oe Gatiee See be Ae vee eee Ha Cee, This ‘choice tm the order of priority must naturally be left with = Record Low Price! dents. Westminster Guild or sports «vents, bought before : the policy forming officials of the city, namely, the City Admission course Presbyterian Church. Hostess will | rate reduction for an event that The body was taken to the resi- ; . te ip aa and a $3\be Mrs. E. F. Schad of Bloom-| ham't yet occurred? dence this afternoon and will be Commission, and confidence must be placed in their judgment, in ‘Herco } rial’ membership permits three rounds | field court. panertey- shat ae Se carrying out. this program. ; . wesatiys apd 1 on Stare Tax Support Cuts cae ei ued nto the rev} Monday tS Jongh Mercy Hoe | pte a pole tale ervund 900,00. The average home In FLA Birmingham voters should not : had & “special problem, possibly; ~ _—— Paes eae ot ee ete ee ser ee oe ‘ not be in the dark about . calling for a tax tefund bert 7 purposes at rate of $1330, equals $37.26 per year. Should ie decnne’ Tents how “Result in Bargains The entire techaical staff of rey.| CO0ert M. Flowers proposal fail, the tax rate would become $1180, and the tax bill for : tenes of Ween, Waser Mt) (continued Prom Page One) | Srwn'te wer wee te groving| Fenty Ave, ed roemly ti |sovings of S540 per Quer: or Te cnt er Gay tthe omer of the amera — — perelles | A ey oe Se ae ae we. ate) eee eee any ee ig mg average home in Pontiac. . - pertinent election information. a month, W:- sid je. yesterday Linden, Tenn. Industry carries of assessed value and would - : : Commanios baBicinn tor acct | 4 terminute ctation-to-titioe|came w with theee guidelines: | 1579, bé was the son of Will aie ae “ my With FLASH UNIT Menday’s slection were made | Call-in most of” Petron a: to St | 1. The tax fs at the retail level| came to Pontiac M1 yoars ego el eS 4 available today and members will Louis, $1.32 instead of $1.50. The | 0" luggage, jeweiry, furs and cos-| from Dudley, Mo. and was a re- ican _ : continue te hand them out at | ernment formerly levied a 25 | metics and has been passed direct- | tired employe of the Wilson Foun- “TTTTIITITITrTitTititiil Sg ee | et cet ax otal calls Over 2 |S par toot cnt sno | "Zs enary to dangers eot|(/ Why Pay More Than Simms LOW PRICE? \| ] ° per and clans Guach oh bell a vom A 16-word telegram to Chicago pe gg ery to sons, es Gusts. Wit. LADIES’ ~ MISSES':— GIRLS’ § : Cathal Cwmarrow af the former| Will cost the sender. fest $1.05°] the sales contract as to whether |‘ a H IES’ = * ground Kreage storeon N. Woodward. | "0%, instead of $1.00. He'll save $ | the buyer gets a refund. Jeftries, of Siheston, Me; Jasper |8 $ 4 - level view- : cents on @ li-word message te co « L. Flowers and Fred M. Ramsey, |8 t - The Junior League Musicale wil) both of Pontiac. ry P| meet with Joan Gessaway-at 7:30| New York City, paying $1.21 t | 2. Levied on the manufacturer is| “7.. a a, ‘ color pic- tonight at her horne on Wooddale| 4 ef $1.37. the 10 per cent rate (down from 20) Voubeeo-diste Fusrel Home this.|? H CrutPremtn the pram | Tria an bs travelers wil | carats fim and sce | Vows i Pee Play Shoes : : Bettye Baker. Nan DeBuigne, Don |extra pennies in their pockets. | bulbs, the 5 per cent rate (down| teeta: oo Om “emi se |B ‘\] Completely Automatic $ Over 40% Off na Knappertz, Carolyn Shattuck,| Grand Trunk Railroad says com- — SS por. gene al pit oak ah Saturday ‘a 2:30 pm. . Ht e ‘ARCADIA’ Deluxe Nancy Kanell, Marion Dombrow- | muter tickets, sold seveyal at 3) zers other gas elec- , : : sky and Jerry Mills. ; i, have always been taxtre.| Ti appliances, and the 10 per cent |" burial Ghee. . 4 . : : 35mm or 828 ann dccoeethsienr sll ticket to De. | Tate (down ) on sporting , 97 4 “~ Gade Great Goodaves Mate | fitter wil ost jst $L in| €OdR, mechanical pene and pencil | Mrs. tL. J. Gilchrist | < Fit) a > Slide Viewer tonight's 7:30 mid-week Lenten | Sead of $1.07. ean | ot teams ie ee onde Funeral for Mrs. L. J. (Abbie |f £~ : “Ai AUTOMATIC _ eating at the ‘First Methodist | | TT%0' ttaey will pay just SUmS7, | hat rebstes—havebeen—givento-| Johnson) Gilchrist, 6S, of SX Mas: |8 «| Slide Changer $ $5.95 Value a no (as ee the former | Sellers. Consumers would get re-| > naan Ge : : ° renege lege * | $13.65 California fare will be $71.56 | funds to the extent merchants cut | +P — ' ‘ $ 5 = $949 ___Marry 0. Martie giving the ser- of $74.8i—a $3.25 se | prices after getting refunds. Most |Home. The Rev. Walter Teew |s __ - $15 Value ° : — nc wet! Om mates ame |suplance makers have said the| wissen 2°. of te Deaton watt —___ Sizes 4 to 10 t $1.00 Holds 7 : enue that three down, too. People riding the ©x- | tower prices. _—s = officiate with burial in the Drayton | 8 Large selection of shoes 4 ee ae © Wide held view. @ request par- aa ta will 96 H f ¢ unloads each slide always er magnifies ‘eels of land north of the present) Press Detroit pay * ee . or everyday wear, for : level, always right side up, 3 [our slides te . Kroger store at Maple and Hun-| rapa eee onlay oe 3% On admissions, the rates| Mrs. Gilchrist died Tuesday in H ploy, — +e All 8 Hpids | 36 slides thse Ng, @ tery operated ter be re-zoned from single-family cceuts instead changed generally from 1 cent tax | St. Joseph Mercy Hospital. populorcolors: . Brumberger, Viewlex, etc. comeest, fit ts residence to parking district. | Fare to Birmingham. Ala. will | SF each 5 cents of ticket price to : red, white, brown, § [| Latest model better than pice $ fins” ein bat. The land would be used for! pe $17.99 instead of $18.80; to Mia-|} Cent for each 10 cents. This in- Modern whaling methods permit |g black, blue, beige # tured. @ tories. parking for buildings planned for yj. Fla., just $31.74 instead of | “1udes season tickets, and the new the extraction of 250 barrels of oil | ond multi-colors ' nearby property. Owner Cari Bar-| 533 19. rate applies to all events scheduled ' from a 90-foot whale. in =. 15 Piece Outfi ton then offered to the city a 3+| Sport fans also will benefit trom 1 60 Brand New Easter Styles! + - Set stp of wed sing Nel sr { iit _20_par_cent cut _tn_adalesien + = >) on Oe A . rr é ig Se ‘ KODAK ‘BROWNIE’ widening street. taxes. ' vii : — '' ---~ - s : = + + Mrs. Bradlee Praden of the Oak | Wings) comune pom & “sl LADIES" and MISSES’, HAWKEYE FLASH along savings to their Fowiér, Reese Hear jsswtave stall] pie mocpeck bomciowe YS Dress Shoes : CAMERA SET | » KECSE FIAT | prices'won't be attected until next Durable ‘Bluespeck’ Enamelware — . . : = - Nothing About Shift | ">suvsmmnm 1 BOE § Pot | Ste sno Tecra | $4495 | « yet decided on their Prices * BIRMINGHAM—Neither present for athletic events at University en * auce. oO H Sizes § 97 H : Postmaster Bernard E. Fowler nor | ° Michigan and Michigan State | ' — re 44 to 9 Mh man indicated as his successor, Callens are empested to stay Go | . H 15 - piece t, Ronald W. Reese, have received| “*™*- per on | ~ cas’ Sultan: Sadamaaiiin a0 th tole horse racing track admissions | is shoes include: Sling 8) ao RO wag -peapective dismissal or appoint. remains. ; = ankle “straps, open HI roll of film. (Camera $7.20.) ment, said —_—_—_——_——_}- Ali tax—on— school tickets as = college BY ge ts A. Do (R- | was en Be o naar eon | @ ing, sanitary, easy to clean. Han- is peace Navy’ blue pr ; Royal. Oak} announced from Wash-| On the so-called “luxuries”"— J “les are securely fastened. Com- ’ patents, white, black, brown, & a ington last week that Reese Would | jewetry, cosmetics, furs and ane nem Se - purple, etc. Buy inow tor & a | succeed Fowler. He ‘added that |— the customer will pay only half | Easter. } Fowlet’s dismissal appeal to the | as much as the 20 per cent tax he's | 8 - —— Civit Service Commission in Wash- been paying {{@ a {{@ _ 8 ° ington was denied. | That means that the bottle of BROTHERS al Shoes | . Postmaster since 194, Fowler | hand lotion that cost you $1.20 yes- | . 8 Oe ; RROTHERS Besement Be —— a Ss was told last October he was being terday will cost you $1.10 now. A : * ousted due to “unsatisfactory con- | fur coat that would have cost you saeeenesnsossessaosssnsesses © — $ Latest Model Out! tte toad Oboes | whether t's tS costume pce or fica evi ~ 3 Kodak ‘PONY 135’ 3 _.__ |a $0 wptch — will show the same ear a wrap any =) Sise — Zipper Top 8 Camera Fair, Not-So-Cold |"swn ns os oc fer, 1) GADGET BAG : : aif, NOI-30- When it comes to household ap- out-of-town mailing! :' © Med $49-2°75 . pliances — refrigerators, stoves, . , Regular $3.25 Valve ; 8s Weather to Continue cieetrte teastore and ouch — the Mail for Easter Now—Compare and Save! Large sine seduet 49: 6 amounts tax reduction = ; ma, ‘ . 1 carry any <= § @ Capture ait-your-snaps-in-color =. April Fool’s Day will continue} ®re ® little harder to figure. Cand and To Filled , os ore. bulbs and Gach 1 e with this Kodak 35mm Camera. fair and not sepa olga Rend This is because the only federal Y Y in ans , Ege ca geen pincer — GAaEh Sc aitnadtadl 0s Glia 06.6 Kido | tooo ar eck te ey ae EASTER 10 per cent tax paid by to 4 on Friday. U, 8. Weather Bureau pre- Pontiac area tomorrow coupled with the comparatively mild tem- peratures. Wednesday, . the temperature ranged from a low of 20 to a high downtown Pontiac the reading was dicts increasing cloudiness for the | facturer and passed. along in his price list. From now on, the man- |ufacturer will only_pay a five per cent tax. Most manufacturers plan to pass this savings along to the | yesterday breaking into a home at |1152 W. Long Lake Rd. last Thurs- BLOOMFIELD TOWNSHIP*’=4 | Four youths, one a juvenile, ad-| | mitted to Police Chief Clark Green | -Aimension colors, . e985 Action retains dust and fuzz when mop is lifted from floor — releases when whirled. Mop head __ ¢annot shake off yet slips off fixture éasily for washing. SIMAS{&. ‘. Now in Stock! “The Easter Story” IN 8-D FULL COLOR REELS ° BASKETS —et Any Price You Wish te Pey Complete 4-PIECE Outfit “Cornel” 3-D Camera ANSCO: READYFLASH Flash Gamera Sel ie along to the public — and I'm 38 degrees. ; sure I speak for all fecal deal - w k The Weather — ae 0K Segnew dag Siow | Regular $19.95 Value . Dozens of other items face price As simple to use as a box camera. Takes pic- $ 95 PONTIAC AND VICINITY—fair and 7 : . : : tures as you them in 3-dimension . . . Enerdantngsiowdinens send miid. Frida] * — to the federal sales tax Simms Has a Complete Selection 1 indoors er outdoors... unce Kedah 127 file Bigh west winds . | e » $s 2 7 an te 13} The bill, signed: by President : iy WY | Complete outfit. $1.50 holds. , : Eisenhower yesterday. brings a _— Lowest ae on 8 am_| total savings of a billion dollars a 2 = = At 2 am: wing velocity 10 mpn.| You The law went into = PONTIAC’S LARGEST SELECTION | . ot 6.81 pm i Here's but a few items that illustrate how much { sets y at 5:03 p.m. MORE you'll save at Simms. “ieee Priday es 8: Moos ite 'Pait’ai's "=" Report Four Youths | tegen R Caen F ; pose, Pope: SHON. | SoS esses ab ico Confess Breakin travel Tomnopa her $9 118, all Royal Oak, waived out Now, ina set of 3 reek you @ | é' : = palin. ad before Willis D. Le- és NE®D \ see The Easter Story’ in’ 3“ s] Regular $ 95 . : a ' ty true color and in 3-dimen- ‘ furgy, Waterford Township justice © R ' ad mega $11.95 Value . ip i) a} sion, full. depth gives life- . om on a charge of breaking. and en-, \ Ke */ like pictures. 550 Geen 1S-piece duff rit Camera, flash, |tering in the nighttime. | The three will appear in Oak- | land County Circuit Court Monday. The .46-year-pld involved will also appear in Circuit court ifjuvenile court waives sidction: Bond of $1,000 a piece was not furnished. at this low’ price, SSHSSSSSSSHSSRSSSSTHSSSSSSSSSSSOSSOSEE Sy 10 bulbs, 2. batteries,, film, all | 98 North Street {{@ BROTHERS SIMMS TC . ¥ eee ee Te a aE , mde easy. oe a yet — P . 5 x I ae a a a Ne Cea So ik eps am, z 7 ee _ THE PONTIAC PRESS. TE SoS a School Employes ay tng procedares wi be bate. ‘ _efice in this field for the- eounty<-~- _ Farmington hon Grand Rapids’ Valuation | on Friday to all the poabgtsd Jumps $7 Million in Year| of Oaktand-county,_ GRAND RAPIDS (UP) — City n of instruction ; Assessor . Walter H, Lahde said Me < enti eilidlianca % ca yan Wank od oe igs Nad 30 tor orl Wale Sa eae ectic __greater than ever .and prices” ore less - than- “Yous ‘expect-t0-pay. Satisfaction’ guaranteed, 3 _ en you save. races te will be held in the cafeteri® of the has set assessed valuation of > af - “$ school under the direction of the|Grend Rapids for 1954 at ave “on deputy county superintendent, Ken- | $36t,495,290. | lop neth Brown. al en al %. : eet Ecotare: ae, IN © TTI LIL oe ee VISIT TO SIMM™ = The board's goreeeger tg. Rugged—Long Wearing—Heavy 8-Oz. Denim i : SPECIAL PURCHASE?! Just 200 of Theat Newest Spring Styles : Boys’ Dungarees Children’s Coats with Zipper Front if Perfect Would Be $7.89 and $8.89 Ist Quality! $ Our $1.69 Value YOUR pte: a ALL SIZES—4 to 16 Years ; Sanforized — non - shrink. Full Il st Quality—Leather 8-ounce blue denim that gives & Cabordi ond Weels extra long wear. Reinforced at . # 6 Sizes 8% to 12%—!I to 3 *S _ ee Solids all points, of strain _ z : * Bully Lined Popular Plaids and Checks ~—_ *T 79 + iat Secke” TIAA PLL L Lee eee el FRIDAY and SATURDAY Onl WINNIE FOR H-BOMB — Prime Minister Winston Churchill is | shown outside No. 10 Downing | Street in London as he leaves for | the House of Commons. The Prime Minister told the Commons mem. bers that American hydrogen bomb | tests in the Pacific are an “essen tial part’’ of U. S. defense policy | , without which “Europe would be In mortal peril."’ Texas Women Collect Pitchers Mother, Daughter Have 414 of All-Ages, Sizes- ALL| POPULAR BRANDS Cigarettes PER $ 8 9 Except Premium King-Size Stock up at this low price! Price includes regular size and some king size brands. Choose your brand at Simms and save! . mo: > OTT IO re , $2.19 Every coat guaranteed Boys’ Fine Broadcloth Ovelity cmdimarienll’ We ius early shopping for best . Spo rt Shirts wour Compouton ties niber heels, Styles for boys and girls DIL LIS, Ame +i Famous ‘FAIR WAY’ Brand Cigarette Lighter Fluid = —— Fine Poplin : , cen top apd Gone waa Sizes 8 to 18 | Boy's 398 GIRLS’ SUITS © ae Knit collar, cufts — _ SPRING COATS | PII P PP Front Sizes 2 to 6x and waist. Blue and and Shapes + S179 Vatues $ 49 BEAUMONT. Tex. (UP) — Mrs ; Sn i Cirts’ New Spring Myrtle C. Pryor and her daughter, | _ Mrs Pryor Sniith. have one | \) Patent Pumps of the nationa’s most unusual col- | \) Populer — plaids lections .) eport/_ennes and waranteed net T check broadcloth, also solid colors in 7 sshable—Conor Percale The two collect pitchers of all \ gabardines, Jizes 6 to 18 sh peter shapes, sizes and vintage, and now \) 4 oe ; i ae alld have a total of 414. | eee fer ae i de a vee ir s’ Dresses | The collection cana | . = , 8 4 Mrs. Pryor in 1939 when she was \ Carton of 50 FREE —Pack of 5 \ Warm. Flannel Lined ; $949 {ll Si 59 ; presented & large boudoir pitcher izes : of white porcelain \ Book Matches Extra Cigars” with \ Baseball Warm- Up Style 1 to 6x Mrs. Pryor’s prize item is a \ H, M. SMOK-WEL 7 i) AA me 2 fer $3 Rockingham pitcher, a gift, which + Boys’ Satin Jacket © 1 te 3... 51.98 ; she believes was made in about \ : . i \ a = Carger Sines, 7 te 14, $1.89.) A hot 1820. Rockingham ware first was Regula: siesias MG Sc Choice of. Colors ¢ 4 of new Easter and spring styles for dress- made on the estate of the Marquis 20¢ Value Stk at factory as \ ' Girls’ Black and White up and school weer 2 of Rockingham in Swinton, Eng- ie tant —_— ~— ed 59 | 4 IRS : land. It consists mainly of a brown ~ ar Mi aah tr oligo a jate fihe smok- \ 4 Saddle Oxfords . . ~ a as in| glaze of varying shades and also is cardboard carton. ing Cigar” ‘ ° Sizes 8% to? . tees ; i called brown china. SOHSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSESSSSESOSESESEE \ Rayon. Gabardine Rayon Gabardine bama plantation and is roon and ‘Den Sizes | to 6x Civil War origin. Reguler Oc Sixe Con nie ~ Lustrous Washanle weber r hant $ 49 * Pour golors. Gizes Anot favorite ta called “end . Fully guaranteed lighter fluid, smokeless rayon satin 6to $ 89 ot da ev = \ and odoriess. Use as spot remover, too. a ky ae Ce = —_— ; y:’ a Pisa aap pewypog Limit 6 cans Pear eet, Tt EE we ee an? aA ee oe pe i a ARANTEED “Co opeits bottom is the color of a rosy gun- GU 4 MONTHS WEAR Caan wd dye o ° 8B J x . = e > set, which merges into a ‘lighter \ color and finally betomes a bluish white near the top. The pitchers stand side by side POOF TTT on four tiers of shelves which line|' ~—— the walls of Mrs. Pryor’s dining room. Many are from foreign coun- tries—Germany, Japan, England, France and Italy. Mrs. Pryor also collects rocks, early American pressed giass and plates. But she said, ‘‘my pacers | aré thy reat tove:” Wexford County Woos Jet Air Base CADILLAC (UP?}~— The Wex 5 | . : ® ° 5 stati NYLON Reinforced f Bo ys Socks Valve 4 Prs. 79° 7 ML wa BR, A weer collar flare or _Boys’-Girls' Oxford | °"= =" $998 Corded Rayon Se gabardine spring colors, stiert coat » Ss better rayon oy oro Se eek cee poem em , De ‘J : elty trim epffs > tains shape. New Style Selection B > mildew. etc 32 if ah heal RR? Corded Rayon Gabardine — Blouses ‘ j | ; REDUCTION Now in Effect Corded fayGh gab- sardine with) round - ’ “ axa 2 Genuine coller§ flare —— / ~ P Leather round yoke an Why Pay Mere? je. *.. ag te . . able wearing fabd- | ric tp gheice of Newest “Spring Style. _ Rugged—Long-W earing colors. e ford ty board of supervisors * S — crt tro presmpaves Yo War at Simms on--- vine tuaeAniiede ington late W y with a reso- ’ lution inviting the Air Force to in- spect possible jet air base sites in the county. The resolution was adopted at a special meeting Wednesday. It pledged complete assistance to aid the Air Force in securing a site in| the county for a proposed 13 mil- lion dollar base planned as a de-- fense for the northeast industrial area. © JEWELRY © COSMETICS © LUGGAGE © BILLFOLDS © HANDBAGS © BINOCULARS © WATCHES © LIGHTERS © CLOCKS —- © TOILETRIES All Sizes—6 to 16 Years sf | ia Single or Double Breasted —CREASE-RESISTANT— : GneuP NO. 2 Yes, only $10.95 for a smart looking a tong wearing, fine tailored suit just y% - like dad's. Navy or light blues, *"_| ° brown, tans, grays, éfc First Woman Doctor From_U. of M. Dies GRAND HAVEN AUP) — The first woman doctor to be graduated from the University of ‘Michigan medical schoolidied at a convales- cent home in Spring Lake Wednes- day after a long illness In C el€bration —— SIMMS Reduces A, “g Pilea’ Wear “ cag re fern She was Dr. Louisa A@@usta Ro- | e) - senthal Thompson. —* a mens | Are +e 00 sf son, a ative of Ft ayne, : nn Ss a , was gra ed ee cachindaied F . Our neplar 39¢ Boys’ * Bove’ at 7S é& ° a i | medical school in ‘ All Rubber i SS rawlers | She racticed medicine in ol Regu / . ¢ eA i é *?P | York City, Her husbe a; ' ‘PA With Helmet ee ts ee —- _affmber of years ago and also on All Taxable Items Top | Ginghams, denims, prints, twills, brosd- $ qq Quality = Leathers A ~~ cloth, etc Choose from @ great selection, “ DELUXE QUALITY pereneem nee Sizes 4 to 16 $549 « Black or yele Stece low. Double cape back, 2 potkets, buc- kle front. “Boys’ and gicks’ sizes 9 months to BS year, | was-a doctor. : FRIDAY and SATURDAY You Actually SAVE 20% You pay only the regular Simms everyday tow prices plus the 3% Michigan sales tax. This offer effective for friday and Saturday only. BUY NOW—use our. Layaway Plan on any item $5.90 or, more, CANDY SPECIAL! Friday and Saturday Only Fi ine Count Broedelesh Boys’ Shirts Sizes $189 Plastics and leath. ‘ers. just arrived in all colors. NOTE — items cannot be this offer. ye t vi ae ._—_ 84g Jb — | ‘White or Solid Colors : collars — ve Al like dad’ s. eh surest createed. broadcloth. Full cut and well mode. Regular 25¢ each. Economy bene cand hers by Mie Amon y Nesties Mette ) — Bweet ((@ YTHMERSE ay ete ASIMAS. SIMMS. } _98N Seginew Pontiac's Rengain Store 90 N. Saginaw—Main Floor he : | , ) > | 3 a a ae sah sliekitikers 5 te wre ilioars mete } . Be itkrs SS ed BS aa dh ge sa a case wa ET = SR 4 aE Fie x ; ‘i ’ 0a ; 4 ed c ‘i. 4 et - > ‘ - aa ra 4 . re : =e aoa ae - Cae cs = i . THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, APRIL 1, 1034 teu Ne et ~- : . A an RTA ee i a SIR - . " , = s ey San aA —ig> 00: 0.0 9 aa aes" ‘ F € f . & Any, * '@ fas —- er Se! specs , . bd > . ; ® ce ~ ra Ee} fee ie coe = ® 6.6: @ ° ° \ | easy care double woven nylon Ta by Van Raalte ~ . 1.98 Imagine .. . 9 bunhy-pretty colors to select’ And they're long wearing, easily washed and ever-so-pretty' Sized 6 to 8 in our classic slip on style of 50 denier nylon! Weite's Street Fico: Top Musicians ‘to Play in Rome. 20th Century Music to Be Feature of International Festival April 4-15 | lustrous - pearls worth dollars more .. T. 00 Choose pink or white in this lustrous $3 volue group of chokers, necklaces, ropes, rondelles . . even matching earrings’ Choose yours while the lost! Over 400- pieces! | ROME @—Top musicians of the free world launch a two-week fes “tival of Wih century music in? Rome Sunday. A competition for 12 young composers~two of them | Ameéricans—is one of the top . eves 7 Exclusive at This year’s Internationa! Confer- ence of Contemporary Music, April 415, is an offspring of the 1%52 omaha Masterpieces of the 20th Century W atle s mat in Paris. That month-long festival | _____._of music, ballet and painting. de-_ signed to prove that art thrives, on freedom, brought howls from Yr European Communists and high Ken praise for such American periorm- | ers as the Boston Symphony Or- chestra and the New York City Bil e Waite's Street Floor Timely special purchase. of No-Seam Nylons... 69c Everyone has been a sking for more —— _—_—_—- ~~ The Reds so far have ignored the Rome festival. perhaps--be- cause the sponsors are playing down the political angle. And the | Americans this year are leaving e ane most of the spotlight to the Eu-° ropeans.. The program's sponsors h) | wouldn't be surprised, however, if rs organ the Communists started sniping at = them, Leading composers, music crit- : ies and performers were invited q this year from Russia and her satellites but the festival's chair- - E man, Nicholas Nabokov of New . York, now on the staff of Rome's American Academy, said only Po- Pm land's leading composer. niet aay of our famous seamless nylons and weshave them again at big savings to you! New Beige Blush and Blush colors in medium lengths .. . sizes 9 to TT. They flatter every leg and there replied—"'a very polite letter say-. ing he was terribly busy.” ee ” > The festival is sponsored by the} . _ anti-Communist Congress for Cul- =—\ tural Freedom, which staged the 1952 Paris event, the European Center of Culture of Geneva and the Italian radio The top evefit will be the judging of compositions submitted for ree 2th Century Masterpiece @stival Prize Awards. They will be given for the best concerto for violin and orchestra, short sym- phony and chamber music for solo voice and instruments U. S. gin and yeast heir Julius Fieischmann is putting up a total of 25.000 Swiss francs ($5,827) an prizes. are no crooked seams to worry about! Buy several pairs right away! + Waites Street Floor ¥ a At West Point. in the days oo when every pooge—of--the United }-—} eile fet gs Og States Military Academy had a : Bn fireplace, loose bricks were cor- monly found in the hearth. The space behind could be used as a hiding place for ‘“boodle' —iorbid den food or drink. . Choose smartest a : eRoose patent pumps... or E h IP ki ; straw sandals..... T 2 95 our new Easter hats... looking forward <- Wile. Ever pdpular. , . always style-right De Roose rns a. le shoes . . . ideal for Easter and right through = fee % , ‘ i aos Ts 7 the summenee’ =e and flattering ..a must SuPer ites, Shee Te ee eS : pee evan Pecks “tack “Nie! how | Waite’s Shoe Salon—Street Floor pop many hours of restiyl sleep you ae eg a er sat ° ° “aes : Sie ee Delicious little spring straws all sitting Opera Pumps in Blue Calf or Black ae Matlin” surge Fr. Consort | m Philadelphia. a i 2 oe . Patent in sizes 5 to 10, 34 to B. Cush- Back Guarantee : f , Ge ¢ Soo prettily at the hairline! Designed to ilind neste for-extredied opsifore ‘Spocded $100; |. Make you prettier this Easter...... ° he Muscle-Aid ; ; Fp) b , * F 7 é Beautiful MILAN straw sandal in caramel and nougat colors for Other exclusive hats from 6.98 to 22.98! complementing your. Spring 4) wardrobe! 5 to 10, 34 to B. Waite’s Miltinery—Third Floor * a en = 4! - wena renee ~ co ’ deine vf ‘ a i \ \ : 4, ~ 4, ~——+ : AReCAeeer Fi oon . , = ' be ” i , 35 : 42 oF : 4 . ) = __.__ THE PONTIAC PRESS. : 7, - Be ss 2 ie a = é me ry David 8. Heeschen stand next to which helped win them doctorates in astronomy from Harvard Uni- versity in Cambridge, Mass. The device is built of-wire mesh; is | RADIO ASTRONOMY PIONEERS—Edward Lilley, right, and the dish-shaped parabolic antenna 24 feet in diameter and cost $100,000"to build. The young scientists | use the radar-like equipment instead of the more tonVentiona! tele- | scope to, do their star gazing. {19 Lose Lives. in State Traffic February Death Toll Increases by 3 Over the Same Month -in ‘53 LANSING ® — Traffic accidents claimed 119 lives in Michigan dur- ing February, three more than in the same month last year, State Police said today. Injuries and total accidents were also on the upswing, police said. There were 4,033 injuries during an increase of }in the support prices paid for these be- ‘Same Excuse ‘| ‘|Doesn't Work TwiceinCourt | DETROIT @® — Last time the | with taking 14 pounds of. coffee | from the hospital where he worked. | “I knew someone else was plan- | ~ Ao a ee 3 & FAS important looking for Easier Parading! Rich looking and soft fleece cuddle coats for the fashion date of the year . . . Easter! Deeply cuffed sleeves stopping just below the elbow, long sweeping roll collar and a new shortie length! Yours in sizes 8 to 18 in navy, red, white, black, and pastels. bia hcebiaite URED VaR Tabe emmeece; | mason oo SS 5 a ee PRG CSE Oe Ee SR i ae Poe 4 = a en [: € ci : at at : RY put err np a meee sos. fh —— aaa oi wane ‘ . ed * STHURSDAY, ‘APRIL -1, 1956 —* e . ~ s * same io Ou--~- ror SS ADE: G EASY WEAR ‘N CARE PRINTS THAT GO EVERYWHERE. IN A COOL WRINKLE FREE MANNER! Dacron Delights| —~ ) ~ Waite's Cocts—Third Floor 14.98 |. Solons, Farmers 9 |“"" =" , ia ith Deine |Railroad Union Reveals PAY NO MONEY DOWN! Buy $120 worth . J. Eying Unemployment Crisis of Easter fashions today and take 6 months to pay by Famous Forever Young! when you join Waite’s Budget Credit Club! + Launder in a wink, dry in minutes and packs without -wrinkles! Stays crisp and crease _ resistant all day despite the heat! Gorgeous splash prints in sizes 1412-2242, 12-20. [ These suds-loving dacrons come in a bevy of beautiful pastel shades just right for _ Eastertime wear! Come in tomorrow! if x i “i 5 4 ill pay farmers for milk, 7 of union 7 . . =m the nation’s railroads. He said the | |gravity of the situation Warner Bras... perfect for ~ fy ly mf x. i Mj Spring undercover wear. . There’s a Warner Bra for your every waking hour... For the strapless belles to the sweater girl, War- ner’s gives the loveliest accent on your curves. Come in today and choose your Warner - Wonderful bra wardrobe for Easter right through summer! "Astarting — oe ! | FOREIGN ‘ Filled with intrigue, eZ yet ever so prac- | tical! Imported- . |! plaid lined trench - : TOP ... The Merry Widow Strapless-cinch-garter belt all in one! Sheer bra cuffs dip low- : ; i: * |. er for decolletes: in black and coats beautifully = ; | a! Se _ detailed by Germon a ' " re SF CENTER. fon For day-long comfort wear this Sizes 10 to 18 in . French stitched broadcloth bra in natural color. Let , Si. CUR ; wae Sizes A-B-C cup, = everyone see you in “ ‘ * : A i 4 PAN 8, Sie ee eee ° the coot they.sow a: (hes in Life! ole BOTTOM . ae ‘ t “ 4 A white Warner bre in cotton for all _ . sizes! AA.32+36;.A 32-36; B 32-40; C , pS re ae eee 1.50 , i ae F 7 | | 3 ; f 'c be ra ‘j any — , . i ee erc TY: as are > S : friatipcemeicibati ie at 7 Sear nk a L itog SS - * ag sides tig SL eae i Sel. cid sr pet OP TO TL OP Le ee ee ree rN ~ a diay : aie Ee ere eae 3 “= 5 : fi tf paises Ss AR 2 ati S cea. Be ® t ;, “J 5» THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDA y = Fa ‘ _deme: ag ere p ey 2 Pe ¥ . os ‘@ “<* -gdditional purchasing power thus re- news. A strong voice of approval has come forth from the majority of City Com- mission candidates for the ex- pansion and city improvement p in the primary election and should rep- resent the feeling of the majority of | voters from their districts. The Press ~ has backed the program from the begin-1 ning and from all indications is not alone in its thinking. The CIO has gone on record as favoring the program security of the individual. Operating the City of Pontiac and generally im- proving conditions is the same as prog- ress in industry which everyone favors. . Actually citizens of Pontiac are paying 35 per cent of the total taxes in the city. Big and little “industry pay 53 per cent, retail and commercia] business pay 12 per cent and the other 35 per cent comes from the public at large. * * * With this in mind the Press urges voters to keep in mind that a vote of yes - on both the charter amendment and in order to put through the proposed city improvement and hospital expan- Excise Taxes Lowered As a result of conference compromises between House and Senate bills and approval by President Exsexnowrr, most Only one of the levies, that on admissions costing 50 cents or less, was eliminated entirely. Most of the others were cut back to 10° — per cent but those on household appliances were reduced in the Senate version to five per cent. Ly * * On the other hand no change was made on a few selected articles classed as luxuries. These include autos, trucks and parts, gasoline, liquor, wines, beer, . Cigarettes, cigars and tobacco. Higher taxes on these items were to have ex- pired April 1 but were extended for a year. ' .* Nearly a year ago President E1sen- _ ,wowsr said the wide variety of excises “makes little economic sense.” Senate Finance Committee Chairman MILLIKIN believes the whole excise tax structure should be overhauled instead of merely amended. e *® * In general we agree with President Exsenmower, Secretary Humpmery and Senator Brep that tax cuts should await bal- ‘ ancing of the Federal budget. - We can understand, however, _. Why the President would sign a ~~ “bill cutting excises by one billion - dollars. The bill assured him extensions for a year on those levies due to expire April 1 and which net the Treasury $1.08 billion. sg: Besides, there is possibility that the ‘leased may spur business enough 80 there will be a net gain in excise reve- Dall ee, ~ ‘TMB reason we have so many laws in-- ~~ this is that nearly all of them Pravda \s right about the absence of “peasants” in our Congress. : * *. Se ~ But the truth, according to ~ Congressional Quarterly, is that 75 members of our National Leg- islators were actively engaged in or financially interested in farm-_ ing before their elections. Workers also are represented in the mem- - bership with six Congressmen listed as former officials of labor unions. e * * * Pravda should realize that it is all a matter of terminology. In this country everybody is a worker and farmers, in- stead of being called peasants are re- spected as business men who make essential contributions to the national economy. “Monae than 2,000 of iast year's fatal automobile accidents were caused by collisions with fixed objects.” — Press report. Motorists should be taught that most fixed objects have the right of way over a moving vehicle. sccsgins ———————————— == country who seem not only to think the world owes them a living, but that it is the duty of Uncle Sam to collect the po) Most people don't seem concerned ee a a —! e ———‘“Kaster’s a Little Late This Year! XD My +A —_—__—___—_—_. Voice of the People Press Readers Praise, Condemn M‘Carthy; act as if they just came along for the ride. The Man About Town Food Prices Lower Less Than in 1929 When Compared With Wages Saving face: Keeping the lower half closed. The cost of food today is lower than it was 2 years ago, according to Mrs. Harry Whittaker — - __A booster for Michigan weather ever since camé to Pontiac, Harry D. Stayton, a downtown merchant, says the past few days have him bewitched, bewildered and befuddled. he Returned to the quietitude of his underground dwelling is a ground hog neaF the home of Harold Ramsey of Rochester. The animal was frolicking around in last week's weather, but his entrance has been plugged with snow since Monday. _Not worried a bit about the unseasonable weather is - Oilman James Clarke. He notes that wild geese, traditional harbingers of spring. already are nesting on the shore of his -private lake, northwest of town According to werd received from ‘ Albert Weber, who has been in southern California since early in the year, it has been a good winter there, with the mereury about right and little trouble with smog. _ Verkal Orchids to— ~~ * of Rocheder; eighty-fourth birthday. Compare Him to Truman, Judge Medina (Letters comdensed telephone numbe me aad letters but these Pebished, the writer so Gnless the te critica) te tts nature) T see that Harry has a job for pp ti if iui Reader Says Think Before Casting Ballot The pamphlets being circulated throughout Pontiac. urging voters to vote for Charter Amendment * No. 1 in the April election, should be read very thoroughly by all who receive them. tf St. Joseph Hospital could man- age a @ bed expansion without the property owner's support why can't the General Hospital do like- wise, while they charge the same rates for their services? promoting a Communist into our government a small mistake. That sounds like Truman and his Korea Police action. I wish the politicians would keep Mrs. Giegler Gave Fox Fg $i! sé Eoed a f i: iF claims we are on the same leve} as other workers. Aunt Het ten. countless letters to Congress. 7 don't think that we are asking more than we deserve 1 am —«riting this to let people know how we are working toward «A raise in pay. Our ambition is not to become rich but only to earn @ fair and gvod living for our families. , A Letter Carrier Portraits By JAMES J. METCALFE The year is like a single day greatly on postal serv- tt ddesn’t contain “a single worker or peas- ee ee - Th the same article. r pointed ‘Rama's | “ Russia's ground armies would be This is an lin kaffee-klatch. For once again the Saar. is up for. grabs. In the last Saar plebiscite the French lost from here: to the barn. The Germans packed the election like a protean actor's trunk. There's tron in the Saar and coal to blast it. That's what red-lighted the agreement. France would rath- er see two Germans with bayontts than one with a shovel. 5s , z 8 ; } i ik f 7 é 4 a el Af i r z is an authoritative pronouncement of how the United States plans to help enforce world peace. Bat the President was care- ful te point out that each case has its own degree of risk for the United States and each mest be met on its merits, and he would not generalize , Such a pronouncement wisely leaves unanswered the question of when America will refase to be draun further into a lot of local wars and will ‘consider whmt-can . he done to cure the infection at its source This is what ‘massive retalia- tion.’ as proclaimed by Secy. Dulles. could mean and, despite criticism here and there from the appeasers or the politicians who feel they must oppose for partisan reasors American military and foreign policy, the decision will | Soviet Russia is om notice that she cannot expect to drain Amer- jean resources arid those of the free world by a series of local wars like Korea without running the risk of drastic action being. taken against herself as a partner in any future aggressions. = (Copyright 1954) From Our Files 18 Years Ago’ - TWO CITY BLOCKS in Sandus- ky, O., leveled by $2 million fire: Ohio militia called to control - crowds ‘INVESTIGATION ORDERED in transportation unit after 200 were injured in collision of two New York subway trains. 2 Years Ago DRASTIC REDUCTIONS to force end of Civil Works program in complete records. : ANNE LINDBERGH is awarded But a doctor who applies ‘such “treatment” today is in my opinion guilty of malpractice. In the gighteenth century. before Pasteur @A Lister, Semmelweiss, Morton Long, the doctors knew physicians hospitals in refer- to the treatment, df dogbite. reported in: dus Medicine that many doctors and / @ : ae i i - titoxin or toxoid to every patient for doghite- ‘ Hi o ~ ies ‘ R + * . . +4 , P se *- = U = «& | a Bw pM’ z oo ERA At ALL FEDERAL STORES a 8-16 ~ We charge for alteration nore than this low Opening nnptemaes get "em now . ing rayon, acetate, pease, o waistband! In ! Rush! Hurry! URCHASE COUPONS 4 paid in'30 days or take dy your budget! . CREDIT SHOP WITH P Pay later! No carrying char Buy now: mi 6 months to pay! Terms arrang NCWIT SHIRTS Guaranteed Short sleeve collar or rn bo crew neck style in ter- Cc ry cloth; others. 416., - 7-104. Leather moc-toe Child’s OXFORDS : 1 88 LIMITED QUANTITIES ON ALL Hurry: for this greatest of great Grand Opening values! Sturdy red SOX 4-61: S&LE ONLY WHILE THEY LAST! HURRY! Usually sells for much, much more. Baked red enamel body of 35x161/x4%4 cold-rolled steel. 10” disc wheels with 134” sémil-pneumatic tires and chrome hub caps. Channel steel frame. Compo bearings. . ra AL us MEN'S SLACKS (3.88 Solid rayon-acetate flannel, twill gab, houndstooth check, sheen gab and cross dye heather tone gab. 9 colors. Crease resistant. 28-42. Elastic tk a PLAYTOGS 1.00 Bib-top overalls, some with embroidered bib, 2-4, 3-6. Elastic-waist longies, 2-4, 3- 6. Sna h crawlers in infants’ sizes. Save! SAGINAW at > PONTIAC _ FRIDAY ONLY! Boys’ new high style GYM SHOES 1.00 “Regular gym shoes” for boys and youths. High can- vas uppers; no-mark soles, rubber mead~guard, ankle patch. In black, 11-2, 214-6.. * =, a ~ & boxer styles. 30 al b¥lon reinforced z ! cotton T-shirts «; Cotton knit briefs, anid 16 44-Combed collar. MEN’S WALDORF 30 3 " . + ‘ - * hg me: 3 ee ee ae 3 ae Fal > * ; & x ee : ent SAREE Re SE hen ost i re age — . F ious rot OF oH ii io ® .¢ i b4 . a Re < = oi 2 ox Re Ns » "ie a - As..; pe -_ o kd ~~ . Save money now! Get these values! Men's JACKETS Slubs and nubby weaves, gabs and hs and others. Many styles in blue, tan, navy, gray and brown. 34-46, S-M-L-XL in. group. I | Hurry! Save! Tots’ no-iron cotton plisse SLEEPERS 14: T Y + * - = r ba PF . ‘ . > = + a + 4 7 . +" P} F a, ~ { . f : . é é : - . => . . hey ey , " s . ; - as well'as Fri., Sat., Mon. Nights! (This o 5 me A li. Se Mi ae Bite ee ne. gene a a AE oo oleae ou a EL be se . ae Cee } rae 2 ps. gen ee Fe _ : t - , r wt : Sse a ans 1 Sa “ = ss. on jp. = ~ a - 5 rh ae es . a a --* 4 Sr a Fe " ‘a ; - i. ‘a ' p) : = ¥ + 1 ; ap ey Nee PSE = PE es Be A \ q / > Tad 4 a 4 ; i ‘ ye ¢ ~ Wi TL Mie ; ia : ce 5 ‘ f . ; Y i ne. 7 CS Bhs aad r = Py a Bz - = THE PONTIAC PRESS. THURSDAY, APRIL 1,-1954-— _ SS ee aoe i t By Walt Scott | ry: gcse | daid: “your: qntimates- of wera Peat Ink Budget (52 217 4 ("olf = teen teas, pe laid the. FEDERAL: i TH Bit Be Mes ‘ i Eg fz: i Ie ft 4 5 i ' i : i it iy é i g if uf: one wn alt reels < i psf § i itt Re z fi ifr | Tor if H Hh | ify a ti : a jie | ae E ‘ache F f 3 ! ied ey H it ite gt77 a i i Te $7 Sorell Aloka nd bea itn Occasional TABLES Dee eeas seus Correa ee cae - ! Tightly braided multi-color collander, double y cotton with solid color , Spe. sauce pan set, bands! 17x29 size! dish pan, French fryer! : | i z8 + 81x108 or 72108 regular Extra soft foam rubber style! Full or twin. Pep- cradies your head! Wash- able zipper percale. cover! HERE itt a He Ht hie j 1 4 . = A : i if é fT a ‘Bigg I rf Fiswaoe 4’ Seauil _ Colorful 20240 terryeleth Regular, fitted—tull, twin 3 styles! Your choles! Canon TOWELS ff Mosin SHEETS ‘CURTAINS 38: m7 | OF low priced towels Handy Size (qt) 1.29 Bt Reg. Size (¥2-gal.) 2.29 ore rm fared | ., Mewes FEDERAL dept. stores fmm? ept. stores ) - A , ; \ ‘ =f sm Bi ssh PRS - - Pe See Ty “ . ee cc > ; x F ° °. - - i a A sedoowaabigiiliinl ? THE PONTIAC PRESS, ae es —_—= = s : oe > : Le ye. = “e = ee ie : Ne yikes r : MISS. kz. pins ey . ae 2 Sea . ora et = . — ———— = ph
— te ae ieee oe he es Pon Bags seh - wnt a9 a ? 7 — ; a ? Sy die % 2 ny! ge ; Ae ae 2 baa gt +» eae
ss :” \ ted ! , i wi cee Ni : j : Ir capt i i al ac ' i Liat — ole milesteenaE 4 + rs 7
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os = N mee ee , aa Ra A ’ f <
. ie we ! \ j ‘
»' iV? oo on = | 2 ‘ rs
88,391 Citizens Registered Swe" Sas aaa (Kentuckian, 91,) [5 ra ml
Some 38.381 Pontiae linens are| snd West bythe city Unite ont | genet 4, Fue supe hh, Scnoal, 22 Wewer Sebo, ana af Bootlegging —
: re 7 fi geek
: : : p i “f i [
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u E i F s E F s i
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d SAVE | , Ore Ee PE ow gE bLj if by 7E gt
F fei
4 Sole! Hercules
Men's Clothing! :
; : sf i! Pad il di u i i | ! j
8 23 ii i; it ff ut ty ii if
r2) @o a) oO oan => = n aS Hf Ej iy eit a i}
nt i
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! i e —s ,
Men’‘s Rayon Cord Men’s Rayon ‘
Zipper. Surcoats Gabardine Slacks «
Lined Waist
Watet repellent -and crease
| resistant Handsome shoulder Smart looking tour front pleats
= Rayon lined. 4 colors style. Zipper fly. Five colors.
izes 36-46 Waist 30-42. i ie i 4 ‘
nm ‘ i i
; f b ! : : tt 5 i .
i 9.
finest pure wool oe
“Cortland worsteds” ~ "Top style, prestige ond dollar savings! Pure wool !**
“Cortland Worsted” suits offer all this plus the
very latest patterns and smort new decorative effects.
Practically every shade to suit your foncy. And to
our knéwletige there's nobody who match
these fong weoring suits for value!| Styled so you'll be
trim;-correct and-collect compli ts. In regulars,
shorts, longs, stouts, to fit and flatter.
Also available with one parit! FS : f i
: i
i i | i
i —
: ‘ $i”
aE | | f
Hercules Denim
Girts Denim Jackets Putter Pants ¥. Case - —_
ae sien i ‘Reg. 3.49 7&8 Reg. 2.98 2% B Waterford
aterford 7\%-0x or l0-oz. wot Vatdyed Neat — for smart looks. Com- at Hh et
ne a ff pi Sears! x ors. Sizes 28-42. : aay it
| |
Sree comfort — look your — £ * — FU R FELTS .
leisure best in colorful Hercules i 99 . if
| Genuine Fur Felts’ 4
at 99c Savings! me > putter pants | ; and jackets | : 4 e * bs + e.
Sanforized: ‘tmox ‘shrinkage fortable fer work, sports, loai- PS ae R 3 98 P i 1 Washiest 4 sizes. Save at . Self belt, elastic back. Ii f ee % ‘ ac eg. ° f rim
: ' pile = Sees J No Seconds—No. Irregulars! fe halide £ :
an f > 7 ‘
cet, “pectiey, Peroéae easy ond inexpens look you Extra savings of 99c during this sale! > | best and feel ngs |
< ras ; ons best sate “oft eae ig onert aug Top off your Easter outfit with one of these 5 “4
ay ' genuine fur felts—you'll wear it with
| ‘Hercules jackets and Putter Pants ore styled for
relaxing; tailored for action; and designed
for that “take it easy” feeling. See
fomous Hercules clothes at, Sears todoy!
unlined poplin jackets 3”
pride! Top styles . . . newest colors! No er
seconds or irregulars! Shop. Sears today—
you'll find terrific values!
u ai
i i
Men's Furnishings
Mein’ Floor [ ie | 5 Zipper front, two-slash pockets, elastic in waist
Gray, tan, blue. Small to extre large.
reg. 9.98 gabardine jackets y rte : Rayon acetgte sheen gabardine reverses
i} ' ~Gheck. “Bia, brown. Stall to extra large.
washable putter pants
Hi fe Hia
Our waich repairman will recas® «| * pow! \ e r " gm ye > 4 ee
| it in a moderf case, odd new dial, tands w \ +h pon tg
and overhaul 'the movements! ; — =f — “
ee ~ : ag 4 a a” ey
/ , monty back SARE
— eo Ul ee Le eo ee ee hd - eS —————— —<«_— il lll lO aa « : ie a Aa * ><. 4 ~ aa? *.
ican me Ore mrt Wetter Ts Seng ai a) OY cat aaa Feats bea eS . . + aes rT 7 = 2 ) ENS 4
2 z . eT
Sag — aa War's ? \ wn 3 4
. é. oa A ——¥
a [ ™e . 5 Ps ~~
TH y ¥,-AP : 1956
- mn: = i - ee — = 7 m4 *.
* ving a . “8 ?
a ey E ; r % : ) ,
5: ey Qe VO EE: ; | a _ yee eae K
ss pe es 7) .™ 2 pa ula as “ne ARS a
Jakeys aft SEARS ronan. SAVE a Se Sy A Pion et gS SAAT Sis o Eee
way w& SRN... ¢ PF PO ea Se Rat oS ’ a} ee?
* : ‘ ee
Homart Light Fixture Sale!
— : bs Su x a oF
Dinette ws e as
tic. Fo oe
styled Harmony House Din. = ee
: =a ette Fixture! Hos a smoke Recessed Fixture iin oo 100-Wett, Ready to install
™) shield for edded colonial hen 80 7 47
a-charm. Copper ploted , ° ; Fits up into ceiling for modern
| shade, frosted chimney. jighting. Dropstyle clear glass
Uses one lamp. ee Sy, coed. Nom it tavaes 150 Watt, Reg. 9:50..... 8.47
—-_ @, &«
ee Fo et Rs (es oe
rantee spring sewing © hoppy chore! Ken- Circline Fixtures Strip Fluorescents
a tal size heod and he S ener ‘Beautiful "$5 Dews ana = * Witte, Congicje 5 D>
niverso! air-coo :
more atte bobbin winder, plus Unmet. it gry room decor . . - mares 9.95 te 1238 10.77 tests 3.47
hardwood cabinet finished | living room! New..- not : Ful it, plug in and. forget‘til Special sale price! Popular [or display cases, cabinets, vo
i occasional table for your | you're ready to serve! Keeps cole fluorescent ceiling fixture, com- lance lighting. Has, knockout in
a fine * + fee piping hot. Polished alumi- poe with 32- and 22-W ends to permit joining strips.
. num. UL listed. ulbs. Listed by UL. 2%x25-in. long
Save at Sears on SEARS
KENMORE VACUUMS =:™ | x coupon for free .
S$ ;..... 8
: Sears, Resbuck and Co. me 5 le
Priced at Only 38.88 DOWN | Se her Sapte ree
' Gescrtbing Kenmore Sewing Machines j " - .
Spring cleaning time is here! This quality Ken- : io ber. sas Ms 5 as, ; . my, Priced 28 2.08
more tank type cleaner will do your cleaning chores 5 mame ...... ' Sove 1.98! Fits snugly under kitchen ) f qreeewecreen pester: ses seee ‘98! ony ki or bathroom
kly Se ee ae on furniture, walls or rugs. BERET ons sevonpecoseree MOND. oon noes . 3 cabinet. White enamel case with chrome-ploted frome
yeor . . . complete with set of i ae 3° ond Lucite light panei. Wire for outlet or “plug-in.”
attachments. ‘ Laceewonnasmanhbonnaedad UL-listed. Electrical Dept —Main Basement
| SAVE 61.95! 61.95! 7
Big Silvertone =_ >
21-In. Console). . 4
Regularly 359.95 ©
Straight Line Design Is Best! Laundry Dries Faster $10 DOWN DELIVERS
All Steel Dryers © | 4 Sted With Simplicity ; 7 Powerful S.R.O. Chassis
SS @ Regularly Priced at 17.95 66 The best in television enjoyment .. .
4 Silvertone! Now at o savihg of 61.95
CP ° SS fs 4 ie Se SOT Folds, easily, compactly for you! Crisp, clear picture . . . thot is
high ~ \ oe se ae “pe ae Se oe | e , ; perfect for even the smallest living room ~ : very major part treated to resist wear and weather! ei agatha
) Pad, Cover Set Ventilated Tables 20 lines hold full size sheets; toke full advontage of Ponerfut 5.8.0. chassis gives clearer pic-
A Seors 4-Star Feature Sturdy Steel Construction sun and air. Cotton lines wipe clean. Revolves easily, tyres: evens in fringe creas. ' are
Now Only §=— 22,95 noo.035 4.99 _ ines come to you, “A saving of 1.29~-shop today! lectaing-tand-nibbed veneer finiah|
Fite iron tables snugly UP 12 For ironitig ease! Perforated Enameled Steel Dryer ............ oo DOD ONLY ONE PRICE TO PAY AT SEARS!
: fle-weave urfder pad. Heavy cot- — ee ee = Household Dept—Main Basement . Redio-TV Dept—Main Floor
n_ covet, , ber tipped legs. 15x54x32-in.
su es
a4 ) Heavy Duty Wox
or Use in Hot or Cold W wie
Reg. 6.39 5.88 . Aipplivater 2.81 cu.
eae : 4-Star feature liquid wax is tn container. Bléach, biu- Your hands Brush cleaner into carpet, then ase DOWN DOWN e . © Bown
= self polishing, no buffing. K our never touch soapy, - = : ase Down
Se sl cal aay wee tell SS SSE Ae eae me | SOE devine pu et: Tsp, ee Gre 3 Ge Rare, a td em trattic, Plastic, newigcolors. Maid of Mener Brush, ,,,,.1.28 ail ewomatioaly. tgvtrown Spring Savings Sclel Ald salle’ timamed wit el me pe waite 2 ; ee reseed. +e . a teh heer radio a on ‘Circular, “Super sound” amplifier for bet °
ae . “ ' | cabinet. ay phono. sweep dial ter fidelity. Save now!
ov your money back FEDS 154 N. Saginaw Street Pho : alow puananioed ov your monty back” SEARS — 34 N. Saginaw Street — Phone FE 5-4171
> }- ~ \ . : 4 - A
ee * .
‘ € - Ff pa fl ty aibeemearceae ioe poe ee pe Sa ae (Ue eee ee Ge cata’ eg ae Faw jae: es EE Ak, a \ ( 7 gh , ~~ ot t er / ih . a =r = os ty : ea . , ya aes | oie aro oy
A ZA Saye mo a ce ba Fs * oe ~ x _— Sat ie sal PERT ORI 4 aa
3 — rag on 8 @ x dn | 4s h Le) Pp a ; Boe vee igs Mb er es Salo
* . ) e $ * ;
Sale! Fairloom were mer : . oyviiie opring ults
Matched Twosomes 9 8
Sears finest tailored all year-weight suits
of long wearing 50% rayon, 50% acetate.
; Designed with the fit and style Dad eh i
Lots. of extras are built-in, ,like bi
Regularly 69¢ yd. edge lapels, tailored shoulders and snap
fastener waistband. Blues, tans, in junior
re sizes 6-12.
Boyville Sharkskins fn yd. yville
Solids, 36-Inch Width Sizes 13 thru 18 198
~ Take advantage of this once-a- oat . A splendi m look
/ year price reduction . . . stock up 45 Sd A wear a ‘. wier single ra Toate teoued models oo f -St ign with a fit thats proven itself a favorite
N SL /- sacra Snira!” Seotnon "| Je, Boys’ Wool and rin ter nd ft tie’ ETS gy Tin = c versatile denims are for Rayon Sport Coats , dresses, suits, skirts . Also in Student Sizes 35-36........ and play togs, how smart they Sizes 4 to 12 98
look on every occasion. i a ae Select from our sparkling . :
UF A QUR collection of mix ‘n match ol Dg Belfer poles
solids. Be sure to buy your Fully rayon lined, ieather but-
denims at Sears today tons. Sizes 4-12
» » you'll agree it poys : . . ae aa! Ie. Searaion Pants......... 3.98
SAVE on Fairloom
Ba — p ; 7
; =
OQ a -
2 ys
Ay ‘ e vd ~ b4 Ld £
Rn Prints and Solids ta ‘ ’ . 5
Ay A . ... Regularly 59¢ He a wd 4
: . ; Cc bey" 4 - a Po rs ~—s
9: ws ‘\ YARD ya b ! Lary Se [2°
“2 Ade > x Fraternity P L ye oh x) e ratern rep “¥ ' ag y e ¢ 7. \EE a > lipichomriadeen Sport Coats ey A een rj RP}:
4 wy ih AY pis price r this sale! ’ . ’
) tie: . Made of long staple combed Many T yk Boys Dress Shirts Boys Dress Hats 4a Z - NAY cotton — permanently Colors — Sanforized* Cotton Broadcloth 100% Wool Felt. Rayon Bands Boyville Heelguards for Wear
wee . »8 * crinkled ... needs little or , ? $0”, wool, 50%, rayon coats, Boyville 2.29 Sizes 6%-7% 1.89 Poy 3 Pr. | 19
Mat ied an? Sx no ironing. Make your se- Boyville Jr rayon, acetate avid’ nylon trou- ° 8 4 * lections mers _-. . create T yv - . sers Many colors, sizes for Rich looking Bo el srs 10% —_ felt hats with wide —— —— sa —
, wee your own Spring styles! opcoa most boys. ae 4. French cu ‘in. brims, rayon a ra ZAR SG Prints ond solids! gg «Bere Searlon Pants... 4.98 siaye. Mat. oleiebage 1%,” heahar atures Buy noe!” Pitta and’ Games tome . a, : 7 ——e P = Boys’ Department—Main Floor
.« me; a i. 4 Yards Goods—Main Floor rae 4% 10 1 ] Mee a: ©. As4°
eS Se 235 ne Big variety of latest fabrics, rege se ° =e
> a : MANY VALUES IN tweeds, splasles, checks. All t out
ASN. EVERY DEPARTMENT! | ‘<:-.'v0°* “™ * * ~ , ‘th ES «: make ready for a Brighter Easter wit
. ’ : . *
noe dainty Honeysuckle
priced as 98
low as
J Our Very Best Shoes! Tayi) Springtime fashions
a for gay little misses Sparkling new styles! Dainty one
strap dress shoes for little
4.90 girls in black patent, white mesh
er ree ge ep —. a i as \°] 8 an rown. -Wi f
sugyed-litie-boys! Childeon's sizec. a low- a
Other Biltwels from 4.45 to 5.95 21 as each
Shoe Dept—Maia Floor Sat A. Delightful Honeysuckle
dresses fashioned in suds-loving
cotton ore always spring-time
favorites with pert young misses.
Sizes 3 to 6x. Choice of many S . colors.
Kerrybreoke fashions B. Honeysuckle dresses in or- ; F a, ea or domestic dotted
mm iss for little girls’ special party
Women's Kerrybrookes |=\/2 occasions, Many. styles In om BS : f eet _ array of lovely colors. Sizes 3-6x. f f :
iced | j i C. Popular easy - to - care - for price ow . \ { Cotton dresses in new spring pair in A styles that ore sure to be fav-
orites harp ee Many . beautiful colors. Sizes 3 v High Fashion for Spring Days! | Deinty -_—
Here’s fashion at its most delightful Little D. For, tiny mites! Adorable ‘al with unbelievable walking ease too! klé springtime fash- : ect . _tons_in lovely cotton dresses. created with the Juxury-shoe tent te 6:29 “Z "EL, Variety of colors. “Sizes 9 to a features that float your foot in ee . a V {7 18months, .Many styles!’ +7 cushioned bliss! Many exciting Boys’ boxer pants, - \\ * i id by Aare \ 8
— - = ae § ina
mony ac 4 ge 8