Boston Lawyer Named Counsel for Sénate Quiz WASHINGTON —The Senate Investigations subcommittee today appointed Samuel P. Sears, a Bos- ton lawyer, as special counsel for its investigation of the charges Sen. McCarthy. (R-Wis) “and high Army officials have aimed at one another. S@i-Mundt (R-SD), who will pre- | side at’ the public televised _hear- ings, told ‘a news conference he believed the unanimous selection had broken a log jam and would permit start of the aay within 10 days. Mundt sald Sears will start work Monday “and I hope the hearings will start the following week.” Mundt said the selection was made by “another unanimous vot®,| Hoyt S. Vandenberg, former air all six members of the committee | force chief of staff, voting ‘aye’ at a closed door ses-/turn for the worse and is failing sion. , rapidly,” the air ferce announced Just a few moments eartier, | today Sen. Kefauver (D-Tenn) had made’ Vandenberg is 5 anunsuccessful move to get the /ast June. He underwent a major Senate Armed Services Committee abdominal operation May 7, 1952 to take over the investigation of and then on Oct. 3, 1953, re-entered the-whole McCarthy-Army row. |Walter Reed Army Hospital CHARTER. AMENDMENT NO. 1 BALLOT af GEN. - 8. VANDENBERG _ Thereby authenticate this ballot for the General Municipal Election of April 5, 1954. CL ix7Ol ane! City Clerk. PLACE A CROSS (X) In the Square Before the Words | “For the Amendment,” or “Against the Amendment.” INSTRUCTION BALLOT ! Refund Preblems Arise | WASHINGTON (UP) —Gen. | “has taken a | He retired | «| theater admissions. program. This Charter Amendment is designated Amendment No. 1. ‘Water Surveys Prim terse | wick Sanit teen Pee ectien 1 of Chapter IX a8 Olty Chatter of City of | proving ground since. then, Section 18. On = | Toned-Down Measure ected ss: each Wa 13, On and after January 1, 1955, the total amount - ; jewene, ue y= of caste which may be levied cuntess ‘Tremendous Victory’ }. Cas wencot 0 Saath AE Te tne ne ee elise oe for Oaklarid County | of the | shows the buge fireball; largest ever created by/e woclear bomb. ft | Here are some of the things the an additional tax of $1.00 on each $1,000 of ; po tpteaoen tonk GORE os ; the fall of 1982. Seapine, (Onerviere OOS een” |ae aaa aaa Sane may be levied to principal interest on bonds for con- in Ww pescado | 2 ee ee p teas © “3 Chil Defense. 4 ooush. = : 7 on age Oe Ae b= disclosed: structing and g a hospital and @ site | toned.down version of bill orig- ia Ta therefor and an eddtienal tax of $1.50 on each $1,000 of |inally aimed at paying half the Vision H: Bomb Hit | Butter/ Movies, Fares Cheaper ‘April ls ack aled edn a "aah s une Gain assessed valuation may be levied for capital improvements cost of a water supply survey in| gn es with __recerding and — or to pay principal and interest on bonds therefor. The | | Onidane and other Southeastern/ ‘Cuts in Taxes, Su orts | detomuting gadgets, om the islet a erin ein stall net preven te, ry sad (Mee, ae ne wy St SONA: Huron PPOTTS CancerControl Month « rss. se ase vote of 89-2 and went to the Se ' pa abedcere ee eens Settee Bring Bargains to Porttiac’ sve 2c crs, 2. Py st srs ta mt within a wih the toc plong and a quarter Se re House jaye $25.000 for nile radius, heavy damage within) Federal cuts in sales taxes and in price supports teamed pelle Cancer Society, is ask- protruding from the barrier reel ~/ FOR THE AMENDMENT vil co thal any community i {seven miles and light damage for} today to give Pontiac shoppers bargain prices on items ing Pontiac residents to observe 0 the atoll, vanished: In the place y 1 as Cancer Controi Month. Where it stood there wag # ¢rater F the state with 100 or more peo- | 10 miles, the Atomic Energy Com-| ranging from butter to theater tickets. ie tends that they follow | 175 feet deep, a mile in diameter, / rr" INST THE AMENDMENT af sala. preteen lial mission says in reporting on the) Butter.was being sold here as low as 55 cents a pound | the advice of the society and learn| 3- Created was the largest fire AGA | a share of y. | biast in the-Marshall Islands. | with an average pri¢e of 58 cents. |the seven danger signals of can-|ball of the more than 40 atomic a posremepch ‘Gat Michiann | If such a Roaelcue: teas ies Moviegoers are getting a break in Pontiac, with sizable | | Som Aor Sages pean org bPaeewes poli oy . Water Resources Commission Di-| three mile radius would extend to}-ticket reductions in the three. downtown theaters. | should the disease strike them. at the core of that churning, Bril sector We: F. Ame nee tet | Aahere Heights on the east east, beyond Pontiac merchants are? théy could seek treatment in time = ——o star presumably a —_ ont | Coss Lake rond cm the welt . to th? | passing along more price. | matigre prices turgbled trom 14 to to save ‘their lives. a momentary temperature HOSPITAL BOND BALLOT House action a ‘‘tremendous vic tory for Oakland County” but said the bill may face a rougher time in ‘the Senate. Republican introduced the original bill some time ago. Signed by Ike, in Effect Today f Slashes Expected to Be Business Stimulant but} WASHINGTON (A P )— * | A billion-dollar federal sales tax cut went into effect to- | day, with indications it may be a huge headache to the ;public; businessmen and) | government. It is a headache that will be borne happily. Businessmen have long} said excise tax rates were) holding ‘back sales. The! . public has groused at pay-/ ing a 20 per cent tax on | luggage, jewelry, furs, cam- | ‘eras, electric lights and | President Eisenhower, although | his administyation opposed the tax ewts, said yesterday he was sign- ing the bill wholeheartedly, regard. ing it as a business stimulant. The new rates, on hundreds of items, are effective on sales made today or hereafter. The administration calculates it will lose 999 million dollars revenue by the reductions, in a full year. That means 099 million dollars not spent on taxes that can be spent otherwise by business and | consumers. Anftother government action, tak- en by Secretary of Agriculture Ben. | (Continued on Page 2, Col. 3) House Approves H-BOMB EXPLOSION—Shown above is auother af the first p pie tures released showing the H-bomb explosion in the Marshall Islands. | It cased the greatest destruction ever noted from a single explosive | device. The test island (Elugelab) of the atoll completely disap- | peared. Test in Pacific Haber Flag san P| ‘ Enough to Engulf Most of New York City By ELTON C. FAY ° AP Military Affairs Reporter. WASHINGTON (A P)— The government disclosed today details of the work(’s | that wiped out an island in the twinkling of an eye and spawned a gigantic fireball big enough to engulf the heart of New York City. | Def | wetok Atoll, was made pub-. lic—in somewhat .censored form—by. the Federal Civil ~ | Defense Administration, That agency said it “firmly be- | lieves itis necessary for the Amer- |iean public to know the facts about | the destructiveness ot nuclear weapons.” And it quoted from the speech of President Eisenhower | before the United Nations Asser |north city limits and to Hickory | Local communities, however, would | Grove road on the south. have to put -up half the cost of | The bill would grant the Water | land through Bloomfield Hills and : |ten mile radius would mean a cir- Broomfield called Wednesday's .», 99 mijes wide. The county is ~ | 30 miles across. "Free home demonstration FE S2125" Vote f Edson Halleck for ae A Judge. April 5 The Royal Oak | Lake, to Waldon road to the north | |savings than those in De-| troit. The lowest butter level here is) 4..cents below Detroit prices and Resources Commission the money | j-¢5 Birmingham in the south. The theater tickets in the Motor City and the power to spend it. have remained the same. Evening tickets at the Strand | and Oakland Theaters have been | cut from 80 cents to 75 and mati nee prices from 50 cents to 5 | cents. es eee tickets were | reduced from $1 to 90 cents and| decreases were worked out for the Eagie Thea- ter. Children’s tickets have re- mained the same. Telephone service, telegram costs and bus and train fares are | lower, too. A Pontiac person with a one party line who doesn't make any | (Continued on Page 2, Col. 2) Vete Menday, April 5. fer John B. Carry. Commissioner, District 6 See gtery on page Ti. | like the body of the sum. In Today's Pr s Press Bee fcoctawme Py overwhelmed about one-quarter ‘ : clenn News 44. 47, - | of Manhattan. David eon eae ‘f fficial estimate was th , gg ei | the area of ~“complete annibila- By te attes wre & | (Continued on: Page 57, Col. @ Markets = eo |; | | Patterns 0 Open Fri. & Sat. Nites “Wi ® George's Nepport's | Want Ade Retain fodge Jebcen PLACE A CROSS (X) IN THE SQUARE BEFORE THE | WORDS “YES” OR “NO”. __INSTRUCTION BALLOT “Shall Ordinance No 1298 of the erdidiances of the City of entitled: ‘An eaioenes to phovide for Ec the City of Pontiac, Pablgn, if the sum Sed for the issuance of the full faith and ing a site costrveting and epi - bonds of the city in Ue p of said city therefor, to defray the cost of 4s-therein provided pping a new city hos ital and acquir- and the full faith and credit cipal sum of $3,000,000 be issued NO ° “4-4 which -would eventually retire the city’s general obligation debt. City Manager Waltér K. Willman, in an effort to acquaint all citizens with the city’s proposal for expansion of General Hospital and its plans for. continuing public works, has-been addressing numerous The allocation of $60,000 in 1965 will complete this fund, eliminating the necess:ty for allocating any more money for that. This allocation has been included in che city’s tax rate of $13.80 ' = eo * _ ‘De you as « voter in desire to accelerate this public = BALLOT PROPOSALS—Above are copies of ballots for the April| works program by, use of, approximately $2 per 5 city election. One provides funds for expanding Pontiac General} thousand of assessed valuation, has been going to debt Hospital and the other would raise the city’s tax limit—without in-| _ retirement, for public improvements; : ‘greasing taxes—so more money could be used to improve city services Do you want your taxes reduced $2 per thousand with a subsequent und facilities.-Bleven of the 14 city commission candidates endorse | dejay in securing poany. necessary improvements. . 1 the proposals. A “Yes” vote on both proposals also is urged by The answer can only be secured from the voters. The |pr union officials and community leaders, (For_editorial comment, turn | charter amendment to be voted upon April) 5 allocates; $1 per. to page 6. Additional election stories appear on page 17.) thousand for hospital expansion, and it should ke explained here that ~ g /} - \ ’ 4 - ~ while the $1 per thousartt ‘Covers the necessary financing of . the | Hospital Expansion, City Works Await Voters’ Approval at Polls Next Monday It is the sincere beliet of the city administration that this tam be bond issue and insures its payment by pledging the faith and | accomplished and they have dedicated themselves to that end. W. K. WILLMAN | @ The City this. charter amendment, the tax | thousand of assessed value. ™, “for this purpose, * the financing to be furnished from credit of Pontiac, the city only intends to levy 30 cents a the balance of hospital income. The total of the hospital bond issue has been placed at $3,000,000 and should provide an equipped hospital addition of approximately 150 beds. The second phase of the treat-. ment of this problem involves the The advaritages of the accelerated program of public improvements | should be manifest to everyone. The city has a $3,000,000 investment in the present hospital and ~ it is terribly overcrowded, The expansion would relieve that situation and service to the people of the community would be improved without question. The atceleration of the balance of the public improvement program is greatly desirable. Many of the necessary at this tiie and the. pro solidly conceived and planned. program involves an increase in the tax rate. This plan docs not involve an increase im the tax rate, amy allocation of $1.50: per thousand| with the exception of the hospital corstiuction, these prajects cam towards an accelerated capital| very probably be constructed without bond financing. improvement program.designed ta) Criticisms that have been offered of this progtam hit a€ the needs fora: ----7---cideration. It has been said that: Public Safety Building The hospital is of sufficient Size now te care for Main Library within the city and the responsibility for patients City Garage city should riot rest with Pontiac. . * . Civie Auditorium - - In answer to this, it can only be stated that the hospital New Fire Stations ‘by the City Commission of Pontiac Four Grade Separations deed provides that it should be operated as such. An expanded sewage system ithe city likewise have ‘an interest in the hospitalization and An expanded airport parabens presi site’ Water suppty or outside n has indicated that should the voters approve rate shall remain at $13.80 per ee ”" The pictare included an tape : LE yh Pe rae ee ee pre en, oe seas a * t . MESS TE URSD AY. APRIL 1, 19! 1S cod a8 > a oom ' ve gh ge. 2 k : on wet | HOSpital and Public Works: i ES =e : ; ee has madd a refund to the purchas- fi A : Cotes pen as Soon as Snow Bring Problems ~ “i neu ainmorne a| AWait Approval of Voters He Ground Dries Up ne ee), n i pee cot Coen,” einen Prom Page One) p Te i ite scare. abe the cut is effective for trangporta- | in time Or doliare._Ip artewer to thid, it can be only thatthe [Sibert Hawks, 23 — baw Sa ’ supports for dairy products, also | tion beginning today or hereafter. | best legal advice obtainable law indicates a@ time | —m fate . From Our Birmingham Burea at Sits Sed Com. ak will mean consumer savings start- | Thus,- no refund would-be called or dollar restriction is when written inte FSS Ba = 5 agg em em as {INGH. Despite a late | "The Church Woman ing today. Butter prices are expect- | for on the unused half of a round- a alpaca Serves Grosse | BOWs Back in Army isinter weather, city-owned |v", Defense” at a 10, 0 | Sl er-an dowd on odeonen el count trip ticket. But for aeruise-start-|2™endment. The adoption of the ceiling of $12.50 per thousand of Isle at Orchard Lake Springdale Park may still be. | mneting of the United Church) 1) cots: cheese prices somewhat | ing tomorrow, a ey is ca | assessed value-by the voters is imply permissive legislation to the | Charch. Burial will be in Wood TAPEA, that : open Women of Birmingham, tomorrow ’ lawn Cemetery. _ | tes announced today 12,000 we ieee ee at First Baptist Church. {ina ome dines calli they would) Roe it. made before travel | City Commission to levy, and not to exceed that rate, within their He was Killed Monday in a jet] of the’ 6000 former prisoners ot Atma sy April Fool's Day or vo, Bir- | 70 cent a foreseen. ' en Teaties un | mingham Business Women's Ciub The cacies ti chinges becestl ‘ A time limitation prevent the issuance of bonds for pitbtic arrangements are will join Nationalist play and picnicking will start,” he witt hold its April dinner-meeting | a whole host of questions. Pontiac Deaths improvements should it become necessary in order to achieve a costly 5 sormmataadants sa golf course and area, the| ity Meuse with o business meet: | 1s sag bot a ec a =— another level of government. : These Are Such BIG Siteporting park cotana te ee sags | Rint ian, with: pages ott Calvin Adams It should be pointed out that no bonds can be issued under the Must Limit This oom. | Feaning? consumer get | Funeral for Calvin Adams, 6, | proposed charter without the favorable vote of 60 per cent of the ~ By action of the City Commis| School at the state Hi-Y Con-| something knocked off, the .. ans Seen 2 Smee os Ss See SS are oe ee on | eee we year — | What about transportation tick-|Siple Funeral Home. Dr. Tom nel , ~*~ ee Wie one anc oe The Rev, Robert $. Graham wit |4ts, bought under the ld rates, | Malone of Ereanve Baptist | Prodected list of projects as to what they may feel necessary:“or PHOTOGRAPHERS NEEDS crowded conditions and make | speak on.“The Church at Work’ | *#ill not fully used? Church will officiate and burial/ Unnecessary. = Pi. a oe itl cece t fat at a meeting at $ tonight of the Ness shost seh fo Oe Gatiee See be Ae vee eee Ha Cee, This ‘choice tm the order of priority must naturally be left with = Record Low Price! dents. Westminster Guild or sports «vents, bought before : the policy forming officials of the city, namely, the City Admission course Presbyterian Church. Hostess will | rate reduction for an event that The body was taken to the resi- ; . te ip aa and a $3\be Mrs. E. F. Schad of Bloom-| ham't yet occurred? dence this afternoon and will be Commission, and confidence must be placed in their judgment, in ‘Herco } rial’ membership permits three rounds | field court. panertey- shat ae Se carrying out. this program. ; . wesatiys apd 1 on Stare Tax Support Cuts cae ei ued nto the rev} Monday tS Jongh Mercy Hoe | pte a pole tale ervund 900,00. The average home In FLA Birmingham voters should not : had & “special problem, possibly; ~ _—— Paes eae ot ee ete ee ser ee oe ‘ not be in the dark about . calling for a tax tefund bert 7 purposes at rate of $1330, equals $37.26 per year. Should ie decnne’ Tents how “Result in Bargains The entire techaical staff of rey.| CO0ert M. Flowers proposal fail, the tax rate would become $1180, and the tax bill for : tenes of Ween, Waser Mt) (continued Prom Page One) | Srwn'te wer wee te groving| Fenty Ave, ed roemly ti |sovings of S540 per Quer: or Te cnt er Gay tthe omer of the amera — — perelles | A ey oe Se ae ae we. ate) eee eee any ee ig mg average home in Pontiac. . - pertinent election information. a month, W:- sid je. yesterday Linden, Tenn. Industry carries of assessed value and would - : : Commanios baBicinn tor acct | 4 terminute ctation-to-titioe|came w with theee guidelines: | 1579, bé was the son of Will aie ae “ my With FLASH UNIT Menday’s slection were made | Call-in most of” Petron a: to St | 1. The tax fs at the retail level| came to Pontiac M1 yoars ego el eS 4 available today and members will Louis, $1.32 instead of $1.50. The | 0" luggage, jeweiry, furs and cos-| from Dudley, Mo. and was a re- ican _ : continue te hand them out at | ernment formerly levied a 25 | metics and has been passed direct- | tired employe of the Wilson Foun- “TTTTIITITITrTitTititiil Sg ee | et cet ax otal calls Over 2 |S par toot cnt sno | "Zs enary to dangers eot|(/ Why Pay More Than Simms LOW PRICE? \| ] ° per and clans Guach oh bell a vom A 16-word telegram to Chicago pe gg ery to sons, es Gusts. Wit. LADIES’ ~ MISSES':— GIRLS’ § : Cathal Cwmarrow af the former| Will cost the sender. fest $1.05°] the sales contract as to whether |‘ a H IES’ = * ground Kreage storeon N. Woodward. | "0%, instead of $1.00. He'll save $ | the buyer gets a refund. Jeftries, of Siheston, Me; Jasper |8 $ 4 - level view- : cents on @ li-word message te co « L. Flowers and Fred M. Ramsey, |8 t - The Junior League Musicale wil) both of Pontiac. ry P| meet with Joan Gessaway-at 7:30| New York City, paying $1.21 t | 2. Levied on the manufacturer is| “7.. a a, ‘ color pic- tonight at her horne on Wooddale| 4 ef $1.37. the 10 per cent rate (down from 20) Voubeeo-diste Fusrel Home this.|? H CrutPremtn the pram | Tria an bs travelers wil | carats fim and sce | Vows i Pee Play Shoes : : Bettye Baker. Nan DeBuigne, Don |extra pennies in their pockets. | bulbs, the 5 per cent rate (down| teeta: oo Om “emi se |B ‘\] Completely Automatic $ Over 40% Off na Knappertz, Carolyn Shattuck,| Grand Trunk Railroad says com- — SS por. gene al pit oak ah Saturday ‘a 2:30 pm. . Ht e ‘ARCADIA’ Deluxe Nancy Kanell, Marion Dombrow- | muter tickets, sold seveyal at 3) zers other gas elec- , : : sky and Jerry Mills. ; i, have always been taxtre.| Ti appliances, and the 10 per cent |" burial Ghee. . 4 . : : 35mm or 828 ann dccoeethsienr sll ticket to De. | Tate (down ) on sporting , 97 4 “~ Gade Great Goodaves Mate | fitter wil ost jst $L in| €OdR, mechanical pene and pencil | Mrs. tL. J. Gilchrist | < Fit) a > Slide Viewer tonight's 7:30 mid-week Lenten | Sead of $1.07. ean | ot teams ie ee onde Funeral for Mrs. L. J. (Abbie |f £~ : “Ai AUTOMATIC _ eating at the ‘First Methodist | | TT%0' ttaey will pay just SUmS7, | hat rebstes—havebeen—givento-| Johnson) Gilchrist, 6S, of SX Mas: |8 «| Slide Changer $ $5.95 Value a no (as ee the former | Sellers. Consumers would get re-| > naan Ge : : ° renege lege * | $13.65 California fare will be $71.56 | funds to the extent merchants cut | +P — ' ‘ $ 5 = $949 ___Marry 0. Martie giving the ser- of $74.8i—a $3.25 se | prices after getting refunds. Most |Home. The Rev. Walter Teew |s __ - $15 Value ° : — nc wet! Om mates ame |suplance makers have said the| wissen 2°. of te Deaton watt —___ Sizes 4 to 10 t $1.00 Holds 7 : enue that three down, too. People riding the ©x- | tower prices. _—s = officiate with burial in the Drayton | 8 Large selection of shoes 4 ee ae © Wide held view. @ request par- aa ta will 96 H f ¢ unloads each slide always er magnifies ‘eels of land north of the present) Press Detroit pay * ee . or everyday wear, for : level, always right side up, 3 [our slides te . Kroger store at Maple and Hun-| rapa eee onlay oe 3% On admissions, the rates| Mrs. Gilchrist died Tuesday in H ploy, — +e All 8 Hpids | 36 slides thse Ng, @ tery operated ter be re-zoned from single-family cceuts instead changed generally from 1 cent tax | St. Joseph Mercy Hospital. populorcolors: . Brumberger, Viewlex, etc. comeest, fit ts residence to parking district. | Fare to Birmingham. Ala. will | SF each 5 cents of ticket price to : red, white, brown, § [| Latest model better than pice $ fins” ein bat. The land would be used for! pe $17.99 instead of $18.80; to Mia-|} Cent for each 10 cents. This in- Modern whaling methods permit |g black, blue, beige # tured. @ tories. parking for buildings planned for yj. Fla., just $31.74 instead of | “1udes season tickets, and the new the extraction of 250 barrels of oil | ond multi-colors ' nearby property. Owner Cari Bar-| 533 19. rate applies to all events scheduled ' from a 90-foot whale. in =. 15 Piece Outfi ton then offered to the city a 3+| Sport fans also will benefit trom 1 60 Brand New Easter Styles! + - Set stp of wed sing Nel sr { iit _20_par_cent cut _tn_adalesien + = >) on Oe A . rr é ig Se ‘ KODAK ‘BROWNIE’ widening street. taxes. ' vii : — '' ---~ - s : = + + Mrs. Bradlee Praden of the Oak | Wings) comune pom & “sl LADIES" and MISSES’, HAWKEYE FLASH along savings to their Fowiér, Reese Hear jsswtave stall] pie mocpeck bomciowe YS Dress Shoes : CAMERA SET | » KECSE FIAT | prices'won't be attected until next Durable ‘Bluespeck’ Enamelware — . . : = - Nothing About Shift | ">suvsmmnm 1 BOE § Pot | Ste sno Tecra | $4495 | « yet decided on their Prices * BIRMINGHAM—Neither present for athletic events at University en * auce. oO H Sizes § 97 H : Postmaster Bernard E. Fowler nor | ° Michigan and Michigan State | ' — re 44 to 9 Mh man indicated as his successor, Callens are empested to stay Go | . H 15 - piece t, Ronald W. Reese, have received| “*™*- per on | ~ cas’ Sultan: Sadamaaiiin a0 th tole horse racing track admissions | is shoes include: Sling 8) ao RO wag -peapective dismissal or appoint. remains. ; = ankle “straps, open HI roll of film. (Camera $7.20.) ment, said —_—_—_——_——_}- Ali tax—on— school tickets as = college BY ge ts A. Do (R- | was en Be o naar eon | @ ing, sanitary, easy to clean. Han- is peace Navy’ blue pr ; Royal. Oak} announced from Wash-| On the so-called “luxuries”"— J “les are securely fastened. Com- ’ patents, white, black, brown, & a ington last week that Reese Would | jewetry, cosmetics, furs and ane nem Se - purple, etc. Buy inow tor & a | succeed Fowler. He ‘added that |— the customer will pay only half | Easter. } Fowlet’s dismissal appeal to the | as much as the 20 per cent tax he's | 8 - —— Civit Service Commission in Wash- been paying {{@ a {{@ _ 8 ° ington was denied. | That means that the bottle of BROTHERS al Shoes | . Postmaster since 194, Fowler | hand lotion that cost you $1.20 yes- | . 8 Oe ; RROTHERS Besement Be —— a Ss was told last October he was being terday will cost you $1.10 now. A : * ousted due to “unsatisfactory con- | fur coat that would have cost you saeeenesnsossessaosssnsesses © — $ Latest Model Out! tte toad Oboes | whether t's tS costume pce or fica evi ~ 3 Kodak ‘PONY 135’ 3 _.__ |a $0 wptch — will show the same ear a wrap any =) Sise — Zipper Top 8 Camera Fair, Not-So-Cold |"swn ns os oc fer, 1) GADGET BAG : : aif, NOI-30- When it comes to household ap- out-of-town mailing! :' © Med $49-2°75 . pliances — refrigerators, stoves, . , Regular $3.25 Valve ; 8s Weather to Continue cieetrte teastore and ouch — the Mail for Easter Now—Compare and Save! Large sine seduet 49: 6 amounts tax reduction = ; ma, ‘ . 1 carry any <= § @ Capture ait-your-snaps-in-color =. April Fool’s Day will continue} ®re ® little harder to figure. Cand and To Filled , os ore. bulbs and Gach 1 e with this Kodak 35mm Camera. fair and not sepa olga Rend This is because the only federal Y Y in ans , Ege ca geen pincer — GAaEh Sc aitnadtadl 0s Glia 06.6 Kido | tooo ar eck te ey ae EASTER 10 per cent tax paid by to 4 on Friday. U, 8. Weather Bureau pre- Pontiac area tomorrow coupled with the comparatively mild tem- peratures. Wednesday, . the temperature ranged from a low of 20 to a high downtown Pontiac the reading was dicts increasing cloudiness for the | facturer and passed. along in his price list. From now on, the man- |ufacturer will only_pay a five per cent tax. Most manufacturers plan to pass this savings along to the | yesterday breaking into a home at |1152 W. Long Lake Rd. last Thurs- BLOOMFIELD TOWNSHIP*’=4 | Four youths, one a juvenile, ad-| | mitted to Police Chief Clark Green | -Aimension colors, . e985 Action retains dust and fuzz when mop is lifted from floor — releases when whirled. Mop head __ ¢annot shake off yet slips off fixture éasily for washing. SIMAS{&. ‘. Now in Stock! “The Easter Story” IN 8-D FULL COLOR REELS ° BASKETS —et Any Price You Wish te Pey Complete 4-PIECE Outfit “Cornel” 3-D Camera ANSCO: READYFLASH Flash Gamera Sel ie along to the public — and I'm 38 degrees. ; sure I speak for all fecal deal - w k The Weather — ae 0K Segnew dag Siow | Regular $19.95 Value . Dozens of other items face price As simple to use as a box camera. Takes pic- $ 95 PONTIAC AND VICINITY—fair and 7 : . : : tures as you them in 3-dimension . . . Enerdantngsiowdinens send miid. Frida] * — to the federal sales tax Simms Has a Complete Selection 1 indoors er outdoors... unce Kedah 127 file Bigh west winds . | e » $s 2 7 an te 13} The bill, signed: by President : iy WY | Complete outfit. $1.50 holds. , : Eisenhower yesterday. brings a _— Lowest ae on 8 am_| total savings of a billion dollars a 2 = = At 2 am: wing velocity 10 mpn.| You The law went into = PONTIAC’S LARGEST SELECTION | . ot 6.81 pm i Here's but a few items that illustrate how much { sets y at 5:03 p.m. MORE you'll save at Simms. “ieee Priday es 8: Moos ite 'Pait’ai's "=" Report Four Youths | tegen R Caen F ; pose, Pope: SHON. | SoS esses ab ico Confess Breakin travel Tomnopa her $9 118, all Royal Oak, waived out Now, ina set of 3 reek you @ | é' : = palin. ad before Willis D. Le- és NE®D \ see The Easter Story’ in’ 3“ s] Regular $ 95 . : a ' ty true color and in 3-dimen- ‘ furgy, Waterford Township justice © R ' ad mega $11.95 Value . ip i) a} sion, full. depth gives life- . om on a charge of breaking. and en-, \ Ke */ like pictures. 550 Geen 1S-piece duff rit Camera, flash, |tering in the nighttime. | The three will appear in Oak- | land County Circuit Court Monday. The .46-year-pld involved will also appear in Circuit court ifjuvenile court waives sidction: Bond of $1,000 a piece was not furnished. at this low’ price, SSHSSSSSSSHSSRSSSSTHSSSSSSSSSSSOSSOSEE Sy 10 bulbs, 2. batteries,, film, all | 98 North Street {{@ BROTHERS SIMMS TC . ¥ eee ee Te a aE , mde easy. oe a yet — P . 5 x I ae a a a Ne Cea So ik eps am, z 7 ee _ THE PONTIAC PRESS. TE SoS a School Employes ay tng procedares wi be bate. ‘ _efice in this field for the- eounty<-~- _ Farmington hon Grand Rapids’ Valuation | on Friday to all the poabgtsd Jumps $7 Million in Year| of Oaktand-county,_ GRAND RAPIDS (UP) — City n of instruction ; Assessor . Walter H, Lahde said Me < enti eilidlianca % ca yan Wank od oe igs Nad 30 tor orl Wale Sa eae ectic __greater than ever .and prices” ore less - than- “Yous ‘expect-t0-pay. Satisfaction’ guaranteed, 3 _ en you save. races te will be held in the cafeteri® of the has set assessed valuation of > af - “$ school under the direction of the|Grend Rapids for 1954 at ave “on deputy county superintendent, Ken- | $36t,495,290. | lop neth Brown. al en al %. : eet Ecotare: ae, IN © TTI LIL oe ee VISIT TO SIMM™ = The board's goreeeger tg. Rugged—Long Wearing—Heavy 8-Oz. Denim i : SPECIAL PURCHASE?! Just 200 of Theat Newest Spring Styles : Boys’ Dungarees Children’s Coats with Zipper Front if Perfect Would Be $7.89 and $8.89 Ist Quality! $ Our $1.69 Value YOUR pte: a ALL SIZES—4 to 16 Years ; Sanforized — non - shrink. Full Il st Quality—Leather 8-ounce blue denim that gives & Cabordi ond Weels extra long wear. Reinforced at . # 6 Sizes 8% to 12%—!I to 3 *S _ ee Solids all points, of strain _ z : * Bully Lined Popular Plaids and Checks ~—_ *T 79 + iat Secke” TIAA PLL L Lee eee el FRIDAY and SATURDAY Onl WINNIE FOR H-BOMB — Prime Minister Winston Churchill is | shown outside No. 10 Downing | Street in London as he leaves for | the House of Commons. The Prime Minister told the Commons mem. bers that American hydrogen bomb | tests in the Pacific are an “essen tial part’’ of U. S. defense policy | , without which “Europe would be In mortal peril."’ Texas Women Collect Pitchers Mother, Daughter Have 414 of All-Ages, Sizes- ALL| POPULAR BRANDS Cigarettes PER $ 8 9 Except Premium King-Size Stock up at this low price! Price includes regular size and some king size brands. Choose your brand at Simms and save! . mo: > OTT IO re , $2.19 Every coat guaranteed Boys’ Fine Broadcloth Ovelity cmdimarienll’ We ius early shopping for best . Spo rt Shirts wour Compouton ties niber heels, Styles for boys and girls DIL LIS, Ame +i Famous ‘FAIR WAY’ Brand Cigarette Lighter Fluid = —— Fine Poplin : , cen top apd Gone waa Sizes 8 to 18 | Boy's 398 GIRLS’ SUITS © ae Knit collar, cufts — _ SPRING COATS | PII P PP Front Sizes 2 to 6x and waist. Blue and and Shapes + S179 Vatues $ 49 BEAUMONT. Tex. (UP) — Mrs ; Sn i Cirts’ New Spring Myrtle C. Pryor and her daughter, | _ Mrs Pryor Sniith. have one | \) Patent Pumps of the nationa’s most unusual col- | \) Populer — plaids lections .) eport/_ennes and waranteed net T check broadcloth, also solid colors in 7 sshable—Conor Percale The two collect pitchers of all \ gabardines, Jizes 6 to 18 sh peter shapes, sizes and vintage, and now \) 4 oe ; i ae alld have a total of 414. | eee fer ae i de a vee ir s’ Dresses | The collection cana | . = , 8 4 Mrs. Pryor in 1939 when she was \ Carton of 50 FREE —Pack of 5 \ Warm. Flannel Lined ; $949 {ll Si 59 ; presented & large boudoir pitcher izes : of white porcelain \ Book Matches Extra Cigars” with \ Baseball Warm- Up Style 1 to 6x Mrs. Pryor’s prize item is a \ H, M. SMOK-WEL 7 i) AA me 2 fer $3 Rockingham pitcher, a gift, which + Boys’ Satin Jacket © 1 te 3... 51.98 ; she believes was made in about \ : . i \ a = Carger Sines, 7 te 14, $1.89.) A hot 1820. Rockingham ware first was Regula: siesias MG Sc Choice of. Colors ¢ 4 of new Easter and spring styles for dress- made on the estate of the Marquis 20¢ Value Stk at factory as \ ' Girls’ Black and White up and school weer 2 of Rockingham in Swinton, Eng- ie tant —_— ~— ed 59 | 4 IRS : land. It consists mainly of a brown ~ ar Mi aah tr oligo a jate fihe smok- \ 4 Saddle Oxfords . . ~ a as in| glaze of varying shades and also is cardboard carton. ing Cigar” ‘ ° Sizes 8% to? . tees ; i called brown china. SOHSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSESSSSESOSESESEE \ Rayon. Gabardine Rayon Gabardine bama plantation and is roon and ‘Den Sizes | to 6x Civil War origin. Reguler Oc Sixe Con nie ~ Lustrous Washanle weber r hant $ 49 * Pour golors. Gizes Anot favorite ta called “end . Fully guaranteed lighter fluid, smokeless rayon satin 6to $ 89 ot da ev = \ and odoriess. Use as spot remover, too. a ky ae Ce = —_— ; y:’ a Pisa aap pewypog Limit 6 cans Pear eet, Tt EE we ee an? aA ee oe pe i a ARANTEED “Co opeits bottom is the color of a rosy gun- GU 4 MONTHS WEAR Caan wd dye o ° 8B J x . = e > set, which merges into a ‘lighter \ color and finally betomes a bluish white near the top. The pitchers stand side by side POOF TTT on four tiers of shelves which line|' ~—— the walls of Mrs. Pryor’s dining room. Many are from foreign coun- tries—Germany, Japan, England, France and Italy. Mrs. Pryor also collects rocks, early American pressed giass and plates. But she said, ‘‘my pacers | aré thy reat tove:” Wexford County Woos Jet Air Base CADILLAC (UP?}~— The Wex 5 | . : ® ° 5 stati NYLON Reinforced f Bo ys Socks Valve 4 Prs. 79° 7 ML wa BR, A weer collar flare or _Boys’-Girls' Oxford | °"= =" $998 Corded Rayon Se gabardine spring colors, stiert coat » Ss better rayon oy oro Se eek cee poem em , De ‘J : elty trim epffs > tains shape. New Style Selection B > mildew. etc 32 if ah heal RR? Corded Rayon Gabardine — Blouses ‘ j | ; REDUCTION Now in Effect Corded fayGh gab- sardine with) round - ’ “ axa 2 Genuine coller§ flare —— / ~ P Leather round yoke an Why Pay Mere? je. *.. ag te . . able wearing fabd- | ric tp gheice of Newest “Spring Style. _ Rugged—Long-W earing colors. e ford ty board of supervisors * S — crt tro presmpaves Yo War at Simms on--- vine tuaeAniiede ington late W y with a reso- ’ lution inviting the Air Force to in- spect possible jet air base sites in the county. The resolution was adopted at a special meeting Wednesday. It pledged complete assistance to aid the Air Force in securing a site in| the county for a proposed 13 mil- lion dollar base planned as a de-- fense for the northeast industrial area. © JEWELRY © COSMETICS © LUGGAGE © BILLFOLDS © HANDBAGS © BINOCULARS © WATCHES © LIGHTERS © CLOCKS —- © TOILETRIES All Sizes—6 to 16 Years sf | ia Single or Double Breasted —CREASE-RESISTANT— : GneuP NO. 2 Yes, only $10.95 for a smart looking a tong wearing, fine tailored suit just y% - like dad's. Navy or light blues, *"_| ° brown, tans, grays, éfc First Woman Doctor From_U. of M. Dies GRAND HAVEN AUP) — The first woman doctor to be graduated from the University of ‘Michigan medical schoolidied at a convales- cent home in Spring Lake Wednes- day after a long illness In C el€bration —— SIMMS Reduces A, “g Pilea’ Wear “ cag re fern She was Dr. Louisa A@@usta Ro- | e) - senthal Thompson. —* a mens | Are +e 00 sf son, a ative of Ft ayne, : nn Ss a , was gra ed ee cachindaied F . Our neplar 39¢ Boys’ * Bove’ at 7S é& ° a i | medical school in ‘ All Rubber i SS rawlers | She racticed medicine in ol Regu / . ¢ eA i é *?P | York City, Her husbe a; ' ‘PA With Helmet ee ts ee —- _affmber of years ago and also on All Taxable Items Top | Ginghams, denims, prints, twills, brosd- $ qq Quality = Leathers A ~~ cloth, etc Choose from @ great selection, “ DELUXE QUALITY pereneem nee Sizes 4 to 16 $549 « Black or yele Stece low. Double cape back, 2 potkets, buc- kle front. “Boys’ and gicks’ sizes 9 months to BS year, | was-a doctor. : FRIDAY and SATURDAY You Actually SAVE 20% You pay only the regular Simms everyday tow prices plus the 3% Michigan sales tax. This offer effective for friday and Saturday only. BUY NOW—use our. Layaway Plan on any item $5.90 or, more, CANDY SPECIAL! Friday and Saturday Only Fi ine Count Broedelesh Boys’ Shirts Sizes $189 Plastics and leath. ‘ers. just arrived in all colors. NOTE — items cannot be this offer. ye t vi ae ._—_ 84g Jb — | ‘White or Solid Colors : collars — ve Al like dad’ s. eh surest createed. broadcloth. Full cut and well mode. Regular 25¢ each. Economy bene cand hers by Mie Amon y Nesties Mette ) — Bweet ((@ YTHMERSE ay ete ASIMAS. SIMMS. } _98N Seginew Pontiac's Rengain Store 90 N. Saginaw—Main Floor he : | , ) > | 3 a a ae sah sliekitikers 5 te wre ilioars mete } . Be itkrs SS ed BS aa dh ge sa a case wa ET = SR 4 aE Fie x ; ‘i ’ 0a ; 4 ed c ‘i. 4 et - > ‘ - aa ra 4 . re : =e aoa ae - Cae cs = i . THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, APRIL 1, 1034 teu Ne et ~- : . A an RTA ee i a SIR - . " , = s ey San aA —ig> 00: 0.0 9 aa aes" ‘ F € f . & Any, * '@ fas —- er Se! specs , . bd > . ; ® ce ~ ra Ee} fee ie coe = ® 6.6: @ ° ° \ | easy care double woven nylon Ta by Van Raalte ~ . 1.98 Imagine .. . 9 bunhy-pretty colors to select’ And they're long wearing, easily washed and ever-so-pretty' Sized 6 to 8 in our classic slip on style of 50 denier nylon! Weite's Street Fico: Top Musicians ‘to Play in Rome. 20th Century Music to Be Feature of International Festival April 4-15 | lustrous - pearls worth dollars more .. T. 00 Choose pink or white in this lustrous $3 volue group of chokers, necklaces, ropes, rondelles . . even matching earrings’ Choose yours while the lost! Over 400- pieces! | ROME @—Top musicians of the free world launch a two-week fes “tival of Wih century music in? Rome Sunday. A competition for 12 young composers~two of them | Ameéricans—is one of the top . eves 7 Exclusive at This year’s Internationa! Confer- ence of Contemporary Music, April 415, is an offspring of the 1%52 omaha Masterpieces of the 20th Century W atle s mat in Paris. That month-long festival | _____._of music, ballet and painting. de-_ signed to prove that art thrives, on freedom, brought howls from Yr European Communists and high Ken praise for such American periorm- | ers as the Boston Symphony Or- chestra and the New York City Bil e Waite's Street Floor Timely special purchase. of No-Seam Nylons... 69c Everyone has been a sking for more —— _—_—_—- ~~ The Reds so far have ignored the Rome festival. perhaps--be- cause the sponsors are playing down the political angle. And the | Americans this year are leaving e ane most of the spotlight to the Eu-° ropeans.. The program's sponsors h) | wouldn't be surprised, however, if rs organ the Communists started sniping at = them, Leading composers, music crit- : ies and performers were invited q this year from Russia and her satellites but the festival's chair- - E man, Nicholas Nabokov of New . York, now on the staff of Rome's American Academy, said only Po- Pm land's leading composer. niet aay of our famous seamless nylons and weshave them again at big savings to you! New Beige Blush and Blush colors in medium lengths .. . sizes 9 to TT. They flatter every leg and there replied—"'a very polite letter say-. ing he was terribly busy.” ee ” > The festival is sponsored by the} . _ anti-Communist Congress for Cul- =—\ tural Freedom, which staged the 1952 Paris event, the European Center of Culture of Geneva and the Italian radio The top evefit will be the judging of compositions submitted for ree 2th Century Masterpiece @stival Prize Awards. They will be given for the best concerto for violin and orchestra, short sym- phony and chamber music for solo voice and instruments U. S. gin and yeast heir Julius Fieischmann is putting up a total of 25.000 Swiss francs ($5,827) an prizes. are no crooked seams to worry about! Buy several pairs right away! + Waites Street Floor ¥ a At West Point. in the days oo when every pooge—of--the United }-—} eile fet gs Og States Military Academy had a : Bn fireplace, loose bricks were cor- monly found in the hearth. The space behind could be used as a hiding place for ‘“boodle' —iorbid den food or drink. . Choose smartest a : eRoose patent pumps... or E h IP ki ; straw sandals..... T 2 95 our new Easter hats... looking forward <- Wile. Ever pdpular. , . always style-right De Roose rns a. le shoes . . . ideal for Easter and right through = fee % , ‘ i aos Ts 7 the summenee’ =e and flattering ..a must SuPer ites, Shee Te ee eS : pee evan Pecks “tack “Nie! how | Waite’s Shoe Salon—Street Floor pop many hours of restiyl sleep you ae eg a er sat ° ° “aes : Sie ee Delicious little spring straws all sitting Opera Pumps in Blue Calf or Black ae Matlin” surge Fr. Consort | m Philadelphia. a i 2 oe . Patent in sizes 5 to 10, 34 to B. Cush- Back Guarantee : f , Ge ¢ Soo prettily at the hairline! Designed to ilind neste for-extredied opsifore ‘Spocded $100; |. Make you prettier this Easter...... ° he Muscle-Aid ; ; Fp) b , * F 7 é Beautiful MILAN straw sandal in caramel and nougat colors for Other exclusive hats from 6.98 to 22.98! complementing your. Spring 4) wardrobe! 5 to 10, 34 to B. Waite’s Miltinery—Third Floor * a en = 4! - wena renee ~ co ’ deine vf ‘ a i \ \ : 4, ~ 4, ~——+ : AReCAeeer Fi oon . , = ' be ” i , 35 : 42 oF : 4 . ) = __.__ THE PONTIAC PRESS. : 7, - Be ss 2 ie a = é me ry David 8. Heeschen stand next to which helped win them doctorates in astronomy from Harvard Uni- versity in Cambridge, Mass. The device is built of-wire mesh; is | RADIO ASTRONOMY PIONEERS—Edward Lilley, right, and the dish-shaped parabolic antenna 24 feet in diameter and cost $100,000"to build. The young scientists | use the radar-like equipment instead of the more tonVentiona! tele- | scope to, do their star gazing. {19 Lose Lives. in State Traffic February Death Toll Increases by 3 Over the Same Month -in ‘53 LANSING ® — Traffic accidents claimed 119 lives in Michigan dur- ing February, three more than in the same month last year, State Police said today. Injuries and total accidents were also on the upswing, police said. There were 4,033 injuries during an increase of }in the support prices paid for these be- ‘Same Excuse ‘| ‘|Doesn't Work TwiceinCourt | DETROIT @® — Last time the | with taking 14 pounds of. coffee | from the hospital where he worked. | “I knew someone else was plan- | ~ Ao a ee 3 & FAS important looking for Easier Parading! Rich looking and soft fleece cuddle coats for the fashion date of the year . . . Easter! Deeply cuffed sleeves stopping just below the elbow, long sweeping roll collar and a new shortie length! Yours in sizes 8 to 18 in navy, red, white, black, and pastels. bia hcebiaite URED VaR Tabe emmeece; | mason oo SS 5 a ee PRG CSE Oe Ee SR i ae Poe 4 = a en [: € ci : at at : RY put err np a meee sos. fh —— aaa oi wane ‘ . ed * STHURSDAY, ‘APRIL -1, 1956 —* e . ~ s * same io Ou--~- ror SS ADE: G EASY WEAR ‘N CARE PRINTS THAT GO EVERYWHERE. IN A COOL WRINKLE FREE MANNER! Dacron Delights| —~ ) ~ Waite's Cocts—Third Floor 14.98 |. Solons, Farmers 9 |“"" =" , ia ith Deine |Railroad Union Reveals PAY NO MONEY DOWN! Buy $120 worth . J. Eying Unemployment Crisis of Easter fashions today and take 6 months to pay by Famous Forever Young! when you join Waite’s Budget Credit Club! + Launder in a wink, dry in minutes and packs without -wrinkles! Stays crisp and crease _ resistant all day despite the heat! Gorgeous splash prints in sizes 1412-2242, 12-20. [ These suds-loving dacrons come in a bevy of beautiful pastel shades just right for _ Eastertime wear! Come in tomorrow! if x i “i 5 4 ill pay farmers for milk, 7 of union 7 . . =m the nation’s railroads. He said the | |gravity of the situation Warner Bras... perfect for ~ fy ly mf x. i Mj Spring undercover wear. . There’s a Warner Bra for your every waking hour... For the strapless belles to the sweater girl, War- ner’s gives the loveliest accent on your curves. Come in today and choose your Warner - Wonderful bra wardrobe for Easter right through summer! "Astarting — oe ! | FOREIGN ‘ Filled with intrigue, eZ yet ever so prac- | tical! Imported- . |! plaid lined trench - : TOP ... The Merry Widow Strapless-cinch-garter belt all in one! Sheer bra cuffs dip low- : ; i: * |. er for decolletes: in black and coats beautifully = ; | a! Se _ detailed by Germon a ' " re SF CENTER. fon For day-long comfort wear this Sizes 10 to 18 in . French stitched broadcloth bra in natural color. Let , Si. CUR ; wae Sizes A-B-C cup, = everyone see you in “ ‘ * : A i 4 PAN 8, Sie ee eee ° the coot they.sow a: (hes in Life! ole BOTTOM . ae ‘ t “ 4 A white Warner bre in cotton for all _ . sizes! AA.32+36;.A 32-36; B 32-40; C , pS re ae eee 1.50 , i ae F 7 | | 3 ; f 'c be ra ‘j any — , . i ee erc TY: as are > S : friatipcemeicibati ie at 7 Sear nk a L itog SS - * ag sides tig SL eae i Sel. cid sr pet OP TO TL OP Le ee ee ree rN ~ a diay : aie Ee ere eae 3 “= 5 : fi tf paises Ss AR 2 ati S cea. Be ® t ;, “J 5» THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDA y = Fa ‘ _deme: ag ere p ey 2 Pe ¥ . os ‘@ “<* -gdditional purchasing power thus re- news. A strong voice of approval has come forth from the majority of City Com- mission candidates for the ex- pansion and city improvement p in the primary election and should rep- resent the feeling of the majority of | voters from their districts. The Press ~ has backed the program from the begin-1 ning and from all indications is not alone in its thinking. The CIO has gone on record as favoring the program security of the individual. Operating the City of Pontiac and generally im- proving conditions is the same as prog- ress in industry which everyone favors. . Actually citizens of Pontiac are paying 35 per cent of the total taxes in the city. Big and little “industry pay 53 per cent, retail and commercia] business pay 12 per cent and the other 35 per cent comes from the public at large. * * * With this in mind the Press urges voters to keep in mind that a vote of yes - on both the charter amendment and in order to put through the proposed city improvement and hospital expan- Excise Taxes Lowered As a result of conference compromises between House and Senate bills and approval by President Exsexnowrr, most Only one of the levies, that on admissions costing 50 cents or less, was eliminated entirely. Most of the others were cut back to 10° — per cent but those on household appliances were reduced in the Senate version to five per cent. Ly * * On the other hand no change was made on a few selected articles classed as luxuries. These include autos, trucks and parts, gasoline, liquor, wines, beer, . Cigarettes, cigars and tobacco. Higher taxes on these items were to have ex- pired April 1 but were extended for a year. ' .* Nearly a year ago President E1sen- _ ,wowsr said the wide variety of excises “makes little economic sense.” Senate Finance Committee Chairman MILLIKIN believes the whole excise tax structure should be overhauled instead of merely amended. e *® * In general we agree with President Exsenmower, Secretary Humpmery and Senator Brep that tax cuts should await bal- ‘ ancing of the Federal budget. - We can understand, however, _. Why the President would sign a ~~ “bill cutting excises by one billion - dollars. The bill assured him extensions for a year on those levies due to expire April 1 and which net the Treasury $1.08 billion. sg: Besides, there is possibility that the ‘leased may spur business enough 80 there will be a net gain in excise reve- Dall ee, ~ ‘TMB reason we have so many laws in-- ~~ this is that nearly all of them Pravda \s right about the absence of “peasants” in our Congress. : * *. Se ~ But the truth, according to ~ Congressional Quarterly, is that 75 members of our National Leg- islators were actively engaged in or financially interested in farm-_ ing before their elections. Workers also are represented in the mem- - bership with six Congressmen listed as former officials of labor unions. e * * * Pravda should realize that it is all a matter of terminology. In this country everybody is a worker and farmers, in- stead of being called peasants are re- spected as business men who make essential contributions to the national economy. “Monae than 2,000 of iast year's fatal automobile accidents were caused by collisions with fixed objects.” — Press report. Motorists should be taught that most fixed objects have the right of way over a moving vehicle. sccsgins ———————————— == country who seem not only to think the world owes them a living, but that it is the duty of Uncle Sam to collect the po) Most people don't seem concerned ee a a —! e ———‘“Kaster’s a Little Late This Year! XD My +A —_—__—___—_—_. Voice of the People Press Readers Praise, Condemn M‘Carthy; act as if they just came along for the ride. The Man About Town Food Prices Lower Less Than in 1929 When Compared With Wages Saving face: Keeping the lower half closed. The cost of food today is lower than it was 2 years ago, according to Mrs. Harry Whittaker — - __A booster for Michigan weather ever since camé to Pontiac, Harry D. Stayton, a downtown merchant, says the past few days have him bewitched, bewildered and befuddled. he Returned to the quietitude of his underground dwelling is a ground hog neaF the home of Harold Ramsey of Rochester. The animal was frolicking around in last week's weather, but his entrance has been plugged with snow since Monday. _Not worried a bit about the unseasonable weather is - Oilman James Clarke. He notes that wild geese, traditional harbingers of spring. already are nesting on the shore of his -private lake, northwest of town According to werd received from ‘ Albert Weber, who has been in southern California since early in the year, it has been a good winter there, with the mereury about right and little trouble with smog. _ Verkal Orchids to— ~~ * of Rocheder; eighty-fourth birthday. Compare Him to Truman, Judge Medina (Letters comdensed telephone numbe me aad letters but these Pebished, the writer so Gnless the te critica) te tts nature) T see that Harry has a job for pp ti if iui Reader Says Think Before Casting Ballot The pamphlets being circulated throughout Pontiac. urging voters to vote for Charter Amendment * No. 1 in the April election, should be read very thoroughly by all who receive them. tf St. Joseph Hospital could man- age a @ bed expansion without the property owner's support why can't the General Hospital do like- wise, while they charge the same rates for their services? promoting a Communist into our government a small mistake. That sounds like Truman and his Korea Police action. I wish the politicians would keep Mrs. Giegler Gave Fox Fg $i! sé Eoed a f i: iF claims we are on the same leve} as other workers. Aunt Het ten. countless letters to Congress. 7 don't think that we are asking more than we deserve 1 am —«riting this to let people know how we are working toward «A raise in pay. Our ambition is not to become rich but only to earn @ fair and gvod living for our families. , A Letter Carrier Portraits By JAMES J. METCALFE The year is like a single day greatly on postal serv- tt ddesn’t contain “a single worker or peas- ee ee - Th the same article. r pointed ‘Rama's | “ Russia's ground armies would be This is an lin kaffee-klatch. For once again the Saar. is up for. grabs. In the last Saar plebiscite the French lost from here: to the barn. The Germans packed the election like a protean actor's trunk. There's tron in the Saar and coal to blast it. That's what red-lighted the agreement. France would rath- er see two Germans with bayontts than one with a shovel. 5s , z 8 ; } i ik f 7 é 4 a el Af i r z is an authoritative pronouncement of how the United States plans to help enforce world peace. Bat the President was care- ful te point out that each case has its own degree of risk for the United States and each mest be met on its merits, and he would not generalize , Such a pronouncement wisely leaves unanswered the question of when America will refase to be draun further into a lot of local wars and will ‘consider whmt-can . he done to cure the infection at its source This is what ‘massive retalia- tion.’ as proclaimed by Secy. Dulles. could mean and, despite criticism here and there from the appeasers or the politicians who feel they must oppose for partisan reasors American military and foreign policy, the decision will | Soviet Russia is om notice that she cannot expect to drain Amer- jean resources arid those of the free world by a series of local wars like Korea without running the risk of drastic action being. taken against herself as a partner in any future aggressions. = (Copyright 1954) From Our Files 18 Years Ago’ - TWO CITY BLOCKS in Sandus- ky, O., leveled by $2 million fire: Ohio militia called to control - crowds ‘INVESTIGATION ORDERED in transportation unit after 200 were injured in collision of two New York subway trains. 2 Years Ago DRASTIC REDUCTIONS to force end of Civil Works program in complete records. : ANNE LINDBERGH is awarded But a doctor who applies ‘such “treatment” today is in my opinion guilty of malpractice. In the gighteenth century. before Pasteur @A Lister, Semmelweiss, Morton Long, the doctors knew physicians hospitals in refer- to the treatment, df dogbite. reported in: dus Medicine that many doctors and / @ : ae i i - titoxin or toxoid to every patient for doghite- ‘ Hi o ~ ies ‘ R + * . . +4 , P se *- = U = «& | a Bw pM’ z oo ERA At ALL FEDERAL STORES a 8-16 ~ We charge for alteration nore than this low Opening nnptemaes get "em now . ing rayon, acetate, pease, o waistband! In ! Rush! Hurry! URCHASE COUPONS 4 paid in'30 days or take dy your budget! . CREDIT SHOP WITH P Pay later! No carrying char Buy now: mi 6 months to pay! Terms arrang NCWIT SHIRTS Guaranteed Short sleeve collar or rn bo crew neck style in ter- Cc ry cloth; others. 416., - 7-104. Leather moc-toe Child’s OXFORDS : 1 88 LIMITED QUANTITIES ON ALL Hurry: for this greatest of great Grand Opening values! Sturdy red SOX 4-61: S&LE ONLY WHILE THEY LAST! HURRY! Usually sells for much, much more. Baked red enamel body of 35x161/x4%4 cold-rolled steel. 10” disc wheels with 134” sémil-pneumatic tires and chrome hub caps. Channel steel frame. Compo bearings. . ra AL us MEN'S SLACKS (3.88 Solid rayon-acetate flannel, twill gab, houndstooth check, sheen gab and cross dye heather tone gab. 9 colors. Crease resistant. 28-42. Elastic tk a PLAYTOGS 1.00 Bib-top overalls, some with embroidered bib, 2-4, 3-6. Elastic-waist longies, 2-4, 3- 6. Sna h crawlers in infants’ sizes. Save! SAGINAW at > PONTIAC _ FRIDAY ONLY! Boys’ new high style GYM SHOES 1.00 “Regular gym shoes” for boys and youths. High can- vas uppers; no-mark soles, rubber mead~guard, ankle patch. In black, 11-2, 214-6.. * =, a ~ & boxer styles. 30 al b¥lon reinforced z ! cotton T-shirts «; Cotton knit briefs, anid 16 44-Combed collar. MEN’S WALDORF 30 3 " . + ‘ - * hg me: 3 ee ee ae 3 ae Fal > * ; & x ee : ent SAREE Re SE hen ost i re age — . F ious rot OF oH ii io ® .¢ i b4 . a Re < = oi 2 ox Re Ns » "ie a - As..; pe -_ o kd ~~ . Save money now! Get these values! Men's JACKETS Slubs and nubby weaves, gabs and hs and others. Many styles in blue, tan, navy, gray and brown. 34-46, S-M-L-XL in. group. I | Hurry! Save! Tots’ no-iron cotton plisse SLEEPERS 14: T Y + * - = r ba PF . ‘ . > = + a + 4 7 . +" P} F a, ~ { . f : . é é : - . => . . hey ey , " s . ; - as well'as Fri., Sat., Mon. Nights! (This o 5 me A li. Se Mi ae Bite ee ne. gene a a AE oo oleae ou a EL be se . ae Cee } rae 2 ps. gen ee Fe _ : t - , r wt : Sse a ans 1 Sa “ = ss. on jp. = ~ a - 5 rh ae es . a a --* 4 Sr a Fe " ‘a ; - i. ‘a ' p) : = ¥ + 1 ; ap ey Nee PSE = PE es Be A \ q / > Tad 4 a 4 ; i ‘ ye ¢ ~ Wi TL Mie ; ia : ce 5 ‘ f . ; Y i ne. 7 CS Bhs aad r = Py a Bz - = THE PONTIAC PRESS. THURSDAY, APRIL 1,-1954-— _ SS ee aoe i t By Walt Scott | ry: gcse | daid: “your: qntimates- of wera Peat Ink Budget (52 217 4 ("olf = teen teas, pe laid the. FEDERAL: i TH Bit Be Mes ‘ i Eg fz: i Ie ft 4 5 i ' i : i it iy é i g if uf: one wn alt reels < i psf § i itt Re z fi ifr | Tor if H Hh | ify a ti : a jie | ae E ‘ache F f 3 ! ied ey H it ite gt77 a i i Te $7 Sorell Aloka nd bea itn Occasional TABLES Dee eeas seus Correa ee cae - ! Tightly braided multi-color collander, double y cotton with solid color , Spe. sauce pan set, bands! 17x29 size! dish pan, French fryer! : | i z8 + 81x108 or 72108 regular Extra soft foam rubber style! Full or twin. Pep- cradies your head! Wash- able zipper percale. cover! HERE itt a He Ht hie j 1 4 . = A : i if é fT a ‘Bigg I rf Fiswaoe 4’ Seauil _ Colorful 20240 terryeleth Regular, fitted—tull, twin 3 styles! Your choles! Canon TOWELS ff Mosin SHEETS ‘CURTAINS 38: m7 | OF low priced towels Handy Size (qt) 1.29 Bt Reg. Size (¥2-gal.) 2.29 ore rm fared | ., Mewes FEDERAL dept. stores fmm? ept. stores ) - A , ; \ ‘ =f sm Bi ssh PRS - - Pe See Ty “ . ee cc > ; x F ° °. - - i a A sedoowaabigiiliinl ? THE PONTIAC PRESS, ae es —_—= = s : oe > : Le ye. = “e = ee ie : Ne yikes r : MISS. kz. pins ey . ae 2 Sea . ora et = . — ———— = ph

— te ae ieee oe he es Pon Bags seh - wnt a9 a ? 7 — ; a ? Sy die % 2 ny! ge ; Ae ae 2 baa gt +» eae ss :” \ ted ! , i wi cee Ni : j : Ir capt i i al ac ' i Liat — ole milesteenaE 4 + rs 7 ; < ’ e waft 3; Sts . ~ é Pa : E Br \ : é ‘ os = N mee ee , aa Ra A ’ f < . ie we ! \ j ‘ »' iV? oo on = | 2 ‘ rs 88,391 Citizens Registered Swe" Sas aaa (Kentuckian, 91,) [5 ra ml Some 38.381 Pontiae linens are| snd West bythe city Unite ont | genet 4, Fue supe hh, Scnoal, 22 Wewer Sebo, ana af Bootlegging — f : : i : re 7 fi geek : : : p i “f i [ : : i i Z j i fee ek Te : | i | i 5 ! | i : ee Fy ok aT g g i 4 Fs t : : £ i F4 u E i F s E F s i : i >, den dh als om = d SAVE | , Ore Ee PE ow gE bLj if by 7E gt F fei 4 Sole! Hercules Men's Clothing! : ; : sf i! Pad il di u i i | ! j 8 23 ii i; it ff ut ty ii if 4 r2) @o a) oO oan => = n aS Hf Ej iy eit a i} t nt i EE Ree: if g i : : i i ! i e —s , Men’‘s Rayon Cord Men’s Rayon ‘ Zipper. Surcoats Gabardine Slacks « Lined Waist Watet repellent -and crease | resistant Handsome shoulder Smart looking tour front pleats = Rayon lined. 4 colors style. Zipper fly. Five colors. izes 36-46 Waist 30-42. i ie i 4 ‘ bd nm ‘ i i i ; f b ! : : tt 5 i . i 9. finest pure wool oe “Cortland worsteds” ~ "Top style, prestige ond dollar savings! Pure wool !** “Cortland Worsted” suits offer all this plus the very latest patterns and smort new decorative effects. Practically every shade to suit your foncy. And to our knéwletige there's nobody who match these fong weoring suits for value!| Styled so you'll be trim;-correct and-collect compli ts. In regulars, shorts, longs, stouts, to fit and flatter. Also available with one parit! FS : f i : i i i | i } i — itt : ‘ $i” , aE | | f Hercules Denim Girts Denim Jackets Putter Pants ¥. Case - —_ ae sien i ‘Reg. 3.49 7&8 Reg. 2.98 2% B Waterford aterford 7\%-0x or l0-oz. wot Vatdyed Neat — for smart looks. Com- at Hh et ne a ff pi Sears! x ors. Sizes 28-42. : aay it | | Sree comfort — look your — £ * — FU R FELTS . leisure best in colorful Hercules i 99 . if | Genuine Fur Felts’ 4 at 99c Savings! me > putter pants | ; and jackets | : 4 e * bs + e. Sanforized: ‘tmox ‘shrinkage fortable fer work, sports, loai- PS ae R 3 98 P i 1 Washiest 4 sizes. Save at . Self belt, elastic back. Ii f ee % ‘ ac eg. ° f rim 3 : ' pile = Sees J No Seconds—No. Irregulars! fe halide £ : an f > 7 ‘ cet, “pectiey, Peroéae easy ond inexpens look you Extra savings of 99c during this sale! > | best and feel ngs | < ras ; ons best sate “oft eae ig onert aug Top off your Easter outfit with one of these 5 “4 ay ' genuine fur felts—you'll wear it with | ‘Hercules jackets and Putter Pants ore styled for relaxing; tailored for action; and designed for that “take it easy” feeling. See fomous Hercules clothes at, Sears todoy! unlined poplin jackets 3” 7 pride! Top styles . . . newest colors! No er seconds or irregulars! Shop. Sears today— you'll find terrific values! u ai i i Men's Furnishings Mein’ Floor [ ie | 5 Zipper front, two-slash pockets, elastic in waist Gray, tan, blue. Small to extre large. reg. 9.98 gabardine jackets y rte : Rayon acetgte sheen gabardine reverses i} ' ~Gheck. “Bia, brown. Stall to extra large. washable putter pants Hi fe Hia o Our waich repairman will recas® «| * pow! \ e r " gm ye > 4 ee | it in a moderf case, odd new dial, tands w \ +h pon tg and overhaul 'the movements! ; — =f — “ ee ~ : ag 4 a a” ey / , monty back SARE + — eo Ul ee Le eo ee ee hd - eS —————— —<«_— il lll lO aa « : ie a Aa * ><. 4 ~ aa? *. ican me Ore mrt Wetter Ts Seng ai a) OY cat aaa Feats bea eS . . + aes rT 7 = 2 ) ENS 4 2 z . eT Sag — aa War's ? \ wn 3 4 . é. oa A ——¥ a [ ™e . 5 Ps ~~ TH y ¥,-AP : 1956 - mn: = i - ee — = 7 m4 *. * ving a . “8 ? a ey E ; r % : ) , 5: ey Qe VO EE: ; | a _ yee eae K ss pe es 7) .™ 2 pa ula as “ne ARS a Jakeys aft SEARS ronan. SAVE a Se Sy A Pion et gS SAAT Sis o Eee way w& SRN... ¢ PF PO ea Se Rat oS ’ a} ee? * : ‘ ee Homart Light Fixture Sale! — : bs Su x a oF Dinette ws e as — tic. Fo oe styled Harmony House Din. = ee : =a ette Fixture! Hos a smoke Recessed Fixture iin oo 100-Wett, Ready to install ™) shield for edded colonial hen 80 7 47 a-charm. Copper ploted , ° ; Fits up into ceiling for modern | shade, frosted chimney. jighting. Dropstyle clear glass Uses one lamp. ee Sy, coed. Nom it tavaes 150 Watt, Reg. 9:50..... 8.47 —-_ @, &« ee Fo et Rs (es oe rantee spring sewing © hoppy chore! Ken- Circline Fixtures Strip Fluorescents a tal size heod and he S ener ‘Beautiful "$5 Dews ana = * Witte, Congicje 5 D> niverso! air-coo : more atte bobbin winder, plus Unmet. it gry room decor . . - mares 9.95 te 1238 10.77 tests 3.47 hardwood cabinet finished | living room! New..- not : Ful it, plug in and. forget‘til Special sale price! Popular [or display cases, cabinets, vo i occasional table for your | you're ready to serve! Keeps cole fluorescent ceiling fixture, com- lance lighting. Has, knockout in a fine * + fee piping hot. Polished alumi- poe with 32- and 22-W ends to permit joining strips. . num. UL listed. ulbs. Listed by UL. 2%x25-in. long Save at Sears on SEARS HOME TRIAL Wreath KENMORE VACUUMS =:™ | x coupon for free . literature S$ ;..... 8 : Sears, Resbuck and Co. me 5 le Priced at Only 38.88 DOWN | Se her Sapte ree ' Gescrtbing Kenmore Sewing Machines j " - . Spring cleaning time is here! This quality Ken- : io ber. sas Ms 5 as, ; . my, Priced 28 2.08 more tank type cleaner will do your cleaning chores 5 mame ...... ' Sove 1.98! Fits snugly under kitchen ) f qreeewecreen pester: ses seee ‘98! ony ki or bathroom kly Se ee ae on furniture, walls or rugs. BERET ons sevonpecoseree MOND. oon noes . 3 cabinet. White enamel case with chrome-ploted frome yeor . . . complete with set of i ae 3° ond Lucite light panei. Wire for outlet or “plug-in.” attachments. ‘ Laceewonnasmanhbonnaedad UL-listed. Electrical Dept —Main Basement | SAVE 61.95! 61.95! 7 Big Silvertone =_ > 21-In. Console). . 4 Regularly 359.95 © Straight Line Design Is Best! Laundry Dries Faster $10 DOWN DELIVERS All Steel Dryers © | 4 Sted With Simplicity ; 7 Powerful S.R.O. Chassis SS @ Regularly Priced at 17.95 66 The best in television enjoyment .. . 4 Silvertone! Now at o savihg of 61.95 CP ° SS fs 4 ie Se SOT Folds, easily, compactly for you! Crisp, clear picture . . . thot is high ~ \ oe se ae “pe ae Se oe | e , ; perfect for even the smallest living room ~ : very major part treated to resist wear and weather! ei agatha ) Pad, Cover Set Ventilated Tables 20 lines hold full size sheets; toke full advontage of Ponerfut 5.8.0. chassis gives clearer pic- A Seors 4-Star Feature Sturdy Steel Construction sun and air. Cotton lines wipe clean. Revolves easily, tyres: evens in fringe creas. ' are Now Only §=— 22,95 noo.035 4.99 _ ines come to you, “A saving of 1.29~-shop today! lectaing-tand-nibbed veneer finiah| Fite iron tables snugly UP 12 For ironitig ease! Perforated Enameled Steel Dryer ............ oo DOD ONLY ONE PRICE TO PAY AT SEARS! : fle-weave urfder pad. Heavy cot- — ee ee = Household Dept—Main Basement . Redio-TV Dept—Main Floor n_ covet, , ber tipped legs. 15x54x32-in. su es a4 ) Heavy Duty Wox or Use in Hot or Cold W wie Reg. 6.39 5.88 . Aipplivater 2.81 cu. eae : 4-Star feature liquid wax is tn container. Bléach, biu- Your hands Brush cleaner into carpet, then ase DOWN DOWN e . © Bown = self polishing, no buffing. K our never touch soapy, - = : ase Down Se sl cal aay wee tell SS SSE Ae eae me | SOE devine pu et: Tsp, ee Gre 3 Ge Rare, a td em trattic, Plastic, newigcolors. Maid of Mener Brush, ,,,,.1.28 ail ewomatioaly. tgvtrown Spring Savings Sclel Ald salle’ timamed wit el me pe waite 2 ; ee reseed. +e . a teh heer radio a on ‘Circular, “Super sound” amplifier for bet ° ae . “ ' | cabinet. ay phono. sweep dial ter fidelity. Save now! ov your money back FEDS 154 N. Saginaw Street Pho : alow puananioed ov your monty back” SEARS — 34 N. Saginaw Street — Phone FE 5-4171 > }- ~ \ . : 4 - A ee * . ‘ € - Ff pa fl ty aibeemearceae ioe poe ee pe Sa ae (Ue eee ee Ge cata’ eg ae Faw jae: es EE Ak, a \ ( 7 gh , ~~ ot t er / ih . a =r = os ty : ea . , ya aes | oie aro oy A ZA Saye -—-—tasmt-si deeb -stateheed could (200 SORTS lete Selection of Colors and Paint Types Priced Low! . _ Change the situation in the House | ‘ 3 ——- " = a _ ; overnight and clear ~thdé way for Yor ; ST = two new stars in the American | E : ‘sy 7 flag. Eisenhower told.a news con- . : ference in F he . i “ge Detroit AFL chief, swept opposi . a OSE as - tion Wednesday ~es tne — (2 ee Ss ’ ———_—-— Sere i a, tthe Dewwor’|| Linoleum Lacquer Tough Spar Varnish Flat Wall_Peint —_{. ; Smooth. Easy-to-Clean Finish Use Outside for Doors, Boats Lew Priced Alkyd Base Finish i _— Quart. ._.. L.45 ~ Gives an extra tough: protec- tive suriace over picin or in- laid linoleum and Counter tops Has clear gloss finish Quart 1.79 ; Resists boiling. water. fruit acids and strong soaps! Brush or spray on. Dries in 4 hours Covers 609 to 650 sq. ft! Paint Dept—Main Basement @. _Geltes A scrubable fiat finish for walis and ceilings. One coat sovers most wall suriaces without priming. Colors Ss new two-) 154 N. Saginaw St. Phone FE 5-4171 100,000 more | _ 3.79 -* | “caro SEARS . | 99 -~ | ‘young-loves | : swing into Spring | AQP - It's a modern misacte!” _We-nevet “dreamed such lavish Easter fashion possible at this little price! - h + ou: ) . Shia: } | ; al aa bh | i yo } ' rela 104 © UEes a os — , 4 A & dod 4 al " Cleqner . and laze 79¢ Contains Sili- , cone to give lasslike finish faxes ‘as it cleans for high luster. Pints Sheepskin Wath Mit 98¢ pr. Glove-like' Fine for furniture or cars. Washable Rwbberized Backs —— > in \) With the Purchase of 5 Gallons of Any Oil! , A —_—_ < od — > =" al . rT > i ee, NEC wu fr 3 fs atte J ~ ? Oil Filter _ Refills Reg. 98c 88¢ Removes occids, i Caretully 4.98 Attaches easily to hose Built-in shut off 36-in aluminum han- ; die. Horsehair 1d bristles , : © Ser the Cas Cum Whe Wonks Labelection at Low a | iy aru. ‘Conpmeel A Full ditives © Buy Alletete Premium in Your Contciner! Seve Heavy Duty Motor Oil per Galt Paice! Tou Seve $120 oes 3" Allstate Compounded Premium quality motor oi! contains special cRemical additives that protect ageinst harmful engine weor, rust 4.78 Value = Allstate Bulk Oil 20% OFF—Regular 20c In Your Container and corrosion. Save during Sale! Special low price—-8 qt. Can of regular motor oi] for 9 Wax free.-. Low carbon con- tent. Shop Sears and Sove! - Reg. 219 kit! Cleans protects as it lubricates is packed to keep oil ci Be matcn 165. @ Cleans os it Lubricetes.for Smoother Performence " @ 100% Vacuum Distilled; Non-Detergent; No Ad- Reg. 1.39 Allstate Oi 6-Quart Oil Kit 7 Made with quilt- fed plastic covers. == Gives new driv- ing pleasure 4 nh we - A 4 og a a + t. ~ pang pa S pe ; ; i “g (gl wo. ae ~ ot “ay rien — Se WIA 2 faa’ SS 4 a. ee ‘ a aa Se eee es ea F aa 23 ee ee ss i wana cS ae sora \ . =r > > p 1 : ‘ ena 3 if Sty Ly ~— Cee Te —F 2: RS ee ee E t \ \ . oe f . P rae > : “4 is" : THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, APRIL*1, 1954 Shek cc eek a annie? — , | ote, m1 tae a IES ih Rh ee eh San ! a5 Sees ir ho + VICIO! ig Fewarms tacidnk | MASae Cumty Sets 8 warn m ©The ae eotee Gun ha testis ta se :, | \ ~~ feers-sajd Richard Ardiel,.38,ad-| -_ Nanas. ; a drawn only blanks in their quest Dies in New MOUNT CLEMENS (INS, —| mitted hé testfired a .45 caliber tops were all decided belere Whit THANE Wi psciien When it strikes for a neutral, competent lawyer ! Chesterfield Township officials yes-| revolver into a canal bank: ‘The! ™an could hold its anpual elec) t.59 Beil-ans tablets. They contain ° + «—*, | SUMMIT, N. J.\(UP)—Thomat | terday demanded the resignation! shot appargtitly richotheted into | tov this year, Every candidate on) the 4 - sev ee preside at the -N--Lacy, lormer_president-of- the tog » ithe—kitchenof a nearby house | the ballot was unopposed for the te goctors for Oe ene de ea . Bell Telephorié Co., died : ae a = of and gas. Get Beli-ans: today. sof, hearings “while McCarthy steps - died! jess use of firearms after the of-| where Mrs. Doris Hirchberger was | first time in the 73-year history of | ‘temporarily aside, told reporters | Wednesday at his home bere, "| ficer fired « pistol shot that nats! preparing « meal. =. —_{ this town of 8,300, eo sie Ps “firmly we will have something to) Lace reurd ae present ns SS a, nominee for the pivotal post .in| Working for the company in 1935 as |} 2 ae ~ on 7s _s . ° iz WASHINGTON —Sen. Mundt | the inquiry, or a change in-the+« division plant superintendent im | ring | . Me ‘ ) said he will move fdday to methods of looking for one. . = A ; force “a Wreak” in the-search for; “If we have nothing by early! In 1934,/Lacy-wis named @ vice ° ss : & special counsel to handle ‘a Sen-| afternoon, I will call the full sub-| president of Michigan Bell. He this Oil . Oil ld to Allstate 6.70x15 Tube Get Up to 3.46 Trade-In Allowance at Sears! 6.70x15 Size 99 Priced at 11.45 ao (Less Trade-In) Auto Accessories—Perry S!. Basement And Your Old Tire @ 12 Month Guarantee—All Sizes © Retreaded Sidewall to Sidewall ° Extra thousonds of miles of driving confide with these Allstate Safti-Cap Mid : “then X-41° Cold Rubber cop. Sturdy carcass meets + Strict specifications! |Buy now . . . take advon- tage of this thrifty buy. 12 month guarantee! .. 3.00 plus fed. tax _/ .. have 154 North Saginaw St. Phone. FE 5-4171 wt ae re 2 oe | face on ee BONN Pete ie! - oo. & - ea Pi gar ee 0 ee fo tn ow on RN a ie (s- BS oe es siete * , oe “Ts ob porate — os Sr *< Le Sa a ’ Fie a ye stn sete Ses ne é o : bs ikl, SE, ‘ $o.-— —_ ah + ef —_—--—+— 7 —_i---- —-—~ ———— nee Sada Le aja net ae mmmande ~— : " . F . naeeniee Teaietinct aieiiren teeta - Sart ’ > . > sr eee ‘ames ae —¢ . pe ; Sel, ae 's " ‘ & Fo ves et ied i Bae a: Ga og Ga 7's, s . 3 een ep +i Seate £, te ft Z N 45 1 ee Sa | } XA Lf bs vie ee 4 . as oe " PE ELIE A Ho Py eS team ra en ; . r we amen Seer _ — ems : rr = ' SS Ae ia - Ey pa S sy TAPP MOIS ge : 1 1.09 x pom eyeree ee ae reese ial 09.95 5-Peund “ aah eR equvceneeussecc o 11.95 pa | 3 Deiscsesteeecesave 6-9). tant ne sncccedo sewn e enw penconccees 11.95 | ane Bom... seeveee AB9 | A-Cel NO mawow cocceccrcseeerss ee ee Seed, Va-Lb.......-6%e 18 z795 eee . | Protects Your Children . . . Your Lawn! Cross Country Chain Link Fence | © Rogalarly Priced at 2c Per Pt c © Heavily galvanized alter weaving 3 T Poultry Fencing a : 4@-Inch Height. 165-Pt. Rell Grow a velvety lawn; give your children a safer yord in Galvanised 12.95 which to play and keep them at home too! Chain link |. Medi weight, hangio-teint fence makes a Tough, springy enciqsure —- weave dis- . rob ivs-geepe nee cot, © Courages climbing and intrusion. Ask for a free estimate. 42-In. Reg. 35¢.. . 32c-ft tom wire. Others 15//;-gauge, 3 ‘heights. At Sears! and Twigs Bischaryed Thra Rotary Mower Sale © Reg. Priced at 69.95 ‘ 44 © Cuts 16-in; Wide Swath ©@ Has Tubalar Steel . 50 Down Lown Rollers . Handle ; Levels Humps. Holds in Moisture . Reg. 11.48 9 99 Compare the features and price and you'll agree this J2s/8"Dram 70 Dunlap Rotary Mower can’t be beat! Powered by | H.P, Tubtilar stesl handles. 2-cycle engine; semi-pneumatic rubber tires; air-foil type cutter blade of austempered tool steel. cultivator All the. hard: tools "you for lots of saioyeble. Geivont Set includes and two trowels hy . ‘ : z q Pa ‘ os oe +, Hyg rs, | od a ae toe - s a 5 i " or Fyn , es * : . : hao rs ah a em ei 2 : 2, eth = Re o - k : tat, - ¥ ewes So d i> ~~ r {> ? { Shae =~} sar . CABINET | sqpae If Perfect Would Sell. for $16.95 ‘’ "4 Reinforced through- 2 out. 5 shelves, hi” a © deep, 60” high, 14” wide. All steel con- 50c Weekly 510° NO MONEY DOWN) Sightly irregular, if perfect would sell for $22.95. 5 roomy shelves. 21” wide, 10” deep, 60” tall. Veriable speed, foot control, ~My MONEY DOWN ' SCRATCH-PROOF PLASTIC TOP TABLE SALE! ‘MAHOGANY or BLOND! STEP _TABL Never before has anyore of- fered. these By WAC. You Get All This: Das CDI Beck SEL AT A ~ Living Room Ensemble © 2 Cushion Sofe with Full Fringe © Matching Lounge Chair with Fringe a © Mbdern Occasional Chair in Plastic *® 2 Glass Top End Tables © Matching Class Top Cocktail Table © Chair Side Smoker ® China Table Lamp REGULAR $179.95 7 329" We fe Down—1.50 Weekly e 54” Triple Dresser @ Pull Size Bed @ Landscape Mirror MATTRESS TRADE-IN SALE! : and a FAMOUS MAKER e baie SORRY, ¥ WE CAN'T REVEAL the NAME of this FAMOUS MATTRESS BECAUSE we HAVE REDUCED IT’S PRICE SO LOW FOR THIS TRADE- IN SALE. You'll recognize \." ’ Be nett Se. . AWA Ss LOOK... HOW YOU SAVE! ‘347 15" @ Famous Name Innerspring Mattress @Less Trade-in for Your -Old Spring or Mattress _ el jae ty Mian a ied BL Ld / ‘ e | t ae » 5-Pc. SEAFOAM BEDROOM SUITE Be. 139” YOU GET ALL THIS: @ Sealy Mattress @ Coil Spring Mfeme itee foots” ‘SPEED ENGLISH BIKE 3 WAYS ‘TO BUY: (1) 30-Day Charge (3) 24 Months Soe to Pay! F et m8 Phone FEderal 3-7114 108 NORTH SAGINAW ae gi ie shone tee ee ESE get SET 4 > " “a = - « Haar ena 'f ae bal : r gehen “f meant Fy yall f let | i Be He Wiles} i ae HH } 32 IN tl HHL it eae i ana! al 5 itl! Tach TE He) ga8 hah iH. siti ABH ere AR ee 3 5 S23 i Hi 2 | & id ii z be i | is aca} Tea ny | Bk rs || =: sal pe ee at ry la af; Sh; Hall Bil ft itt Hi ae nil “i RET PT aa HUBIE Se teil Baik f HEE in 1, Tt ee lll et ‘all aul Si auitiie ive im cas A = « i | s = , £2 ‘HEE ETE pe Sr ba) Bea a i aut SLUR ae aL ‘erTr uy ait daft “Bei ites Pit ait] Se Hi § ee aH fli Edict a El A © ais Hi i HELE HET BL DALEY that eagle Gb Fit EPH ee3t |i eb lg deal S af Hl alas sreeyiitne sutes Hy Se Ge SE Tear if elle IS Higa = HE oho eu RAH Hil 18 Alia ame L ra Si, al HY qs 8 al 85 bliin GU HLS i at ‘ weve hE ; ttt ig Peal “JO pH Lt <= , Pypyy MHA SEN TE itis HE HL ut aia > iH TRH i if Py sell i sjtiledality (ue it HHT i i | ‘fenele seg | 3 area on & BBE elt pasty ed 3 prpesqhtt ait ju! HE abht, Tal ar, gale 23 = = 3S Hl THREE alk HT ae shee ils apelin Ss a ir yall sey : A Slt Urb dite Fo ee duchy Je iattle |S fal pi an by re VN : = 333. setlis! vty SL Ee a Peet ee Ty rn dae Hey 3 he): = Hi alee fpd-aut Sh rHHP TH. int i i A Hale i Peasy pitas dp Ih RRR pial, Sly Hea a ddies fuer 2 Sagat igs = ¢ = pas ihr: Pty Sy ste ii. Tae i 4 Teh S3 estes he | 3 iyi Suna Fr os a . *a . - = u io3 ite - fish deity 1 Hl E ‘ies rar . effi res Fr | Hebe! : a = qe ben Done ahs! BBE THRE RE Eee Leo. stl "J Se a | | § 1 ype! : ii E i ai eses ye? fasye FE tHe rae aL a ew ; 216 ® i i Sy iat “it: Ah ree Lit lial five ed HE [ati I He Oe Ly | i rs e Be : Svilliit! THT THE TH hit iu TF iy ‘lt tit By pigs if oe hs LEE el ia: sald til He fig i: Hh Ent oor Han 8 5 1 etal i at i pertg italy 13 ap inuutit: a RHTHEE ite ij eae 1 eee —* aS ity mt ig ALI if | nS aie i HET ee ana, | Hn | 8 efltll did i Heeeel | ook ™ . ba a TTT | om z - z § fe a3 4 ital it Hf eH Hag rut HH) thi e frigid gett ey Te i 7 Sy: aye ajuate rey HG] diag POM HTR e eS eal SpA HRA FH HET Anil ' 5 Healt aT i Hee METH | el hil pi i 0 AT EH ro “iil ti ie HE €: iB iii Hitt ig glethy its Tt tt ve nt Cay a1: elit een A s Hab iC peel bale 1 Ath alii nt i ti oe Ree ili: if iB ia hil, hi poe PAE i iil a PS eltha i a { nay isi ih Hl HH nH an Cd me a SHH ey me i fit, aay F ite i jet ale jie | Het a ii i ta la 5 en ile ; ek ean go | beh Laat ; ; ie} Bug Hi ‘ith TT Ha Hae inganni S + Pel i= Pear Peru tii EES iter ite iy $= bn Eda : Hiei] if : i i Singa- ‘The Queen, standing on the top deck with her husband, the Duke of Edinburgh, looked as happy and refreshed today as on Feb. 3, when the Gothic brought her into Sydney. She had traveled thousands of miles nation and TL it ‘tis mil f fi is t 9:30-5:30 daily 13 NO. SAGINAW ST. 30 Wed. 930-8 OOF ri. 9-30.12 Gleaming white enamel fin- ich; with oll brasa tank fi- tings. 4 54-Inch ee Cabinet urs , SAVE $26.45 aT THIS PRICE — © Deuble drainboard — © 2 bel-in shelves fer es e storage ‘ a ay Mie Seas ot coage (peso os telly bonderized oo on ‘sda We large doors 4 faucets and basket strainer i deal that brought us these NEW LOW PRICES. That's what we mean aa when we say ONLY OUR 250 STORE BUYING POWER COULD CET 24 SUCH BIG G SAVINGS! COMPARE! SEE HOW MUCH MORE YOU ea SAVE HERE! MAKE BARNETT’S YOUR FIRST STOP FRIDAY OR = 3 SATURDAY SURE! Medicine ‘Cabinets Shower Stall Complete with shower Head, faucets, curtain, pins and drain cover Now $39* 300 “y © Pree standing closet with sturdy seat. 50 a 2/18 china levatory. triple plated ond closet seat. $159.00 Value ~ ©, Open Mon. thru Set.. 9 to 5:30-—Fri, 9-9 Fie Sa-5 42 - 3-Pc. WHITE BATH SET @ Moderh W recessed tub with chrome $139.50 Value mis a i chain and stop- ~ 3-PC. COLORED BATH SET with chrome fittings 0 - Phones: FE 5-2100 — FE 4.5831 —4 NEW St. Free Parking Free Delivery. / ____ SPRING. CLOT HING PRICES! | | Our hats aff to our BUYING SYNDICATE who put over a tremendous seen Get Your New Easter Outfit Here — Now! 225 New "souk rs SHARKSKIN ¥ SHOP SUIT S FRIDAY NIGHT > ‘tl 9 P.M. Hard Finish—Year-'Round Weights W Many With Zip-Linings Bs SATURDAY . fay fxd We Could Sell These Easily for $50! = 23°/ | Gabardine TOPCOATS We Could See ‘Em for $37.50 My val OP ae: oO es x | 34° —" “9 ia oe thar oe Skee Look! New Spring 3 Wier’ tl PAM MOK PAK. 1-BUTTON.. 5: Z GUITS |i tweed and Flonn 1 Tweed and Flannel Nassau Flannels and Rich Elma SUITS __ } New Petch Pocket Style We Could Sell These for $50!) WELL WORTH Sos1. ie Imagine—Only Our Rock-Bottom Price just *36" || *43° 6° a ey aa a ee, ae Yo 1 Tsk New All Wool SPRING TOPCOATS These Would Sell Eosy for $45 We've Blasted This Price! What a Buy! x Beautiful Imported “ TWEED \ TOPCOATS. Well. Worth $60! Sa il re Ps aE no x Be <#% ee 5 ned A&P ae “~ B = fea ~©-Here’s a Real Buy, Too! ee Ao You QUE / *: New Spring All Wool ~~ Our Finer All Wool - Fl Imported Tweed - SHARKSKIN 5 Sport Coats SUITS Well Worth $35! - = They're Beautiful— Well Worth $60 to $65! - 4 be 0s eS mt Sand Ml 2h boas 'y Thet “ Look What We've Done to oo What a Buy 6 ra 4 Look! Finer Grade Corduroy, ib § =| SPORT COATS EY Extra Pants aay Not the y Sens ; if Desired $14.87 pat —6- Smart Colors — All Sizes PN, - SEEM “ey We smu repeat! Only our 250-store buying power could possibly bring you such TRENCH COATS 1 9° avings as thesef_It will pay you well to be here early Friday and Saturday! Worth $30 Sid Says: epee = CH at TAR Low P eon sTO PAYTS | kc cee Costt_ Ne Goreng es a y a> ma aaa ~ <2 , . . Aa A? = bs \ ee ' : . ‘ = ag hcer emec ae = - . clare sae ” ~ :* ‘= P + . - Easy to use tumous PET 34-Pc. Drill Kit 4 a Ideat for Handymen! © Six piece adapter set © Boffing disc ® Side handle, paint mixer ® Rubber backing © Horizontal drill stand © Set of 12 sanding discs © Grinding wheel © Steel kit bex © Lembeweel polishing bonnet * One set carbon steel bits Drills, sonds, grinds, polishes, mixes point. : Saves you dollars in home repair bills Compact, lightweight powerful drill. Self - lubricating bronze Beorings . . . freedom from vibration. Safe, corwenient ond useful. 39°" Makes any cut desired. Hous- | ing, frame, and guard are strong © aluminum die castings. Fan- |) cooled motor, air-guide blows away sawdust. Light, easy to handie and accurate. Adjust- able guide line and level index. ¢ Boor EASY. TERMS! Waite's Electric Saws and Drills—Downstairs Store NEW LOW P RIS ices Low Down Payment ... Months to Pay! "Mai 75 Aquamatic Twist-Shift 7.5 K.P. Trim 44 Lbs. © Choice of America’s top Sportemen! © Available at the price of ordinary outboards! © Makes beating. real pleasure! © Time-saver to and from fishing location! Oil-Sealed Lower Unit 4 long tife. Bglanced armoture offers ” Frames RugA M + Saltout: Repeated! Save § .- The DAV-0-NIT A regular ps 99.95 value! © Cushioned in moulded foam rubber for nae extra comfort! ~~? * @ A 6-ft: Dav-O-Niter converts into full length bed!” @ Handsomely covered in rich textured tweed! ? =] ® For apartments, study, living room, spare bedroom! — 7 @ Choose rich green, red, or grey....Nomoney down) z Metallic Coverings in 4 Colors ...,..69.95 and 79.95 ; “EASILY BECOMES A BEDI ae ae See $20! Foam Rubber Modern i 3 + ; MATCHING CHAIR ; Reg. 49.95 in Matching 95 = Fabrics! @ Designed to match your Dav-O-Niter! ' @ Choose red, green, or charcoal colors! ; . @ All the Dav-O-Niter’s quality features! ®@ Comfortable styling and-foam rubber inside! _ ; ) ate ie Waite's Furniture—Fitth Floor ° | Save $40_on TV sets regularly as much as 249.95 Call FE 42511 for Free Home RAYTHEON 21— ® Choose 21” Deluxe Table Model 59"). Reg. 279.95. Blond Mahogany Console! ‘249° a _@ Pre-focused picture tube and all parts fully pak | © Rugged powerful chassis for top performance in any areaf ~ ° ’ - Demonstration! ® Choose 21“ Blond Mahogany Console wet ety > Reg. 199.95 21” —table- model! No Cash Down! When you trade in your as ee @ Price includes Federal Excise tax, and full year warrantye sf 4 a oe a ee i iniul on all parts and picture tube! ——seegggpisesassaeers Serst Never Before! Assembled 10-Ft. PLYWOOD BOATS © + oe ed -— ae. 65 see ee 4 i Exclusively! © _ Re eta . a - = wes: oon : ; 10-Ft. Model Length9 ft., 9 in Width... .42 in. { sta wet . -85 Ibs. oe 36 In, Sactec® ee Weight Stern * Seats TA ret) Braces .. 12-Ft., Only ...69. 95, 14Ft, Only 89.95 lim weight for smooth car-fop caring! Highest’ eating Ue in weit tor wrath cto Sturdy end dependable for fishing safety!’ a oon Al oats salad wit welwoed 64" Marina phrwsed atom : give! otdint ' wae Pie Biv. anaae ices o “THE seis ea smynabay, ee ee — = er A \ i eo 3 wre we “Better Things “Optometrist — _7 North Saginaw Street Phone FE 4.6842 in Sight” Sagi Closed Wednesday Afternoons SE eS wer oe i fe he sighs be &:achall’ teneian! - 1 the” moan ine the-middie tn Pal FT | estine. ; . Maj. Geh,. Vagp “Bennike is! - I chied of the United Nations: Tt is his jed to see that lerac! on the one hand and om the other ing country after each of the coumt- : “incidents” is likely |to blame the U. N. and Bentike, | less frontier ‘ dees not break out again between dan, We Selene pas et ‘tece] dor. Benpike Carries 2 Work of De : Runche in oo | “He broadcast ae 5 part IL 1, 1954 eb eiees F ais oF uae eee LA. Gea! William EB. Riley as | truce wupervision chict. i ‘Bince then, there have been three | te incidents any One of Which Might have caused an explosicg into war. 2 no explosion | wil { 58 | | =... Ps $ | na 4 [ ! i a i fd . re tel Husband's Disregard of Wife Costs Him $27 DENVER ® — Mrs, Jack Suck peeenes her funberin. cases g to “| his pants in the back yard. Miss- ing, he told patrolman, were his | inte re- on Here’s Your Chance to Tell Us What You Want to Pay! ! Name Your Own Trade In Offer Tres re W Werth No Reasoneble Offer = a Our Finest Tires! DAVIS Luaury Ride and Suner Safely Witheet Tredete 6.00x16. . 670x16. .5. tort oe 7.60x15. 2H All Other Sizes! Mounted Free! ilidion we”, - ae $20.45 °° “SILSS += $24.65 °° 3 = = Te i i e = YOUR PRICE’ With Trede wallet and $27. : ee A ig oe En " . s 3 2 | fee Se oe a a ms <= a }iT'S A TRUETONE Bee ck Beare 4x5 with full 4. “ied ee ae" ee + 24 Ra hs ws eta: = Campers With ten MG: Up to $100! Truetone Auto Radio _ $495 Compare this revolutionary new Truetone with others costing twice as much! Powerful 5-tube chassis gives superb performance wherever you drive. Brings-in distant stations sharp and clear. Compactly styled ‘tor | custom. in-the-dagh installation. 04320. - : ‘ Back-Up Light Reg. $2.25 ~ : $] 45 Also parking light. 10-ft. ex- tension wire. Gleaming chrome. 2LR6226 Steel rena Visor Reg. $8.95 $695 Sturdy and rigid. Easy to in- stall, No drilling required 3 pays OnLy C1288 Por beby. Plugs in cigar lighter Warmer Reg. $1.98 $169 while baby Gafety arid comfort Por rides! 59 traffic aa “finding.” Contees Met : Hurry! $398 i | Reg. 4.45 Designed for perfect fit, Grves | new floor comfort, appearance Clock Radio. fey, $34: $34.50 $3145 With appliance switch. Walnut plastic. D2216 Extension Cord — 9 Ft. Reg. 69% 49« All rubber’ )-way cube tap. sJR3160 Reg. 37c Brush 24¢ . 1. Easy - grip handle Bteel wire +HRI357 Plug Body Reg. 9% Easy - find siots i screw, 2 plug out Plastic 45R3217 | tete pull chain. - Handy —i type now, save! 45¢ 6-ft. length. Buy 4JR3118 Winer Tessar od 95 wt 3! 3.79 +9 Insert bread and adjust brown- ness. Teast pops up when done. | j1129/ fag: 10 7¢ pon duty bdiack . 98¢ Cleanag polishes quickly. P71 1324W — Roll S reg. sin.95 $1395 Streamlined for close - quarter : work. Pistol grip Key chuck. 21377 / $1.79 4-Pc, $137 pattern. ’ Wrench Set | Porged steel come versatile. trimming, It’s Portable for Home, Shop Powerful Lightweight = 9 ITS Reg. $35.75 Handy, easy-to-use elecrtic saw for fast, efficient cut-off sawing, ideal for home workshop because it’s portable, ripping. 211032. YOURSELF WITH. THESE SENSATIONAL WEEKEND MONEY - SAVING SPECIALS!- pa ES _ Reg. $1.15 Only - | Godd-looking carrier for books, @tc. Heavy steel, electrically welded. 15", Bike Besker- 79 HEY tettofs 3-DAY SPRING BARGAINS ON BIKE ACCESSORIES! Speedometer Tee gz $4489. Multi-color speed dial. Regis- ters mileage. Tool accurate xX FR2574 ease. Fite any Deluxe. chromed Dike Important Notice to Our Customers! New Low Prices Now in Effect in Our Store! | “Shop Now for the Greatest _ - Values in Years” - - | FEDERAL EXCISE TAX REDUCED All new federal excise tox reduction on Western Auto merchandise will be post on to you . . . dur Customer. | Others from STORE HOURS ~- 9.9 Friday 9-6 Daily 162 S. Saginaw” and nd F 4.5 opter 3-D FOR YOUR VACATION : ont¥- $899 ‘pown ar 99 That’s right, no need to wait, when 10% down ste you with the photo equipment of your choice And member there is no interest or carrying charges, LOOKIN’ FOR A LEICA? - ONLY $3930- pown 111F—Summicron F2* ONLY $2780 sync grophex shutter ONLY 5148 _ BEEN_DREAMIN’ OF A REFLEX? ILOCA STEREO 2722, 995 vown © “REAL FUN WITH MOVIES — F.25 Bell s Howell SPECIAL OFFER!. no. interest or carrying chorges and receive fre certificate worth 15.00 on a Bell and Howell Pro} TAPE RECORDERS, TOO! | ~2-Hour he ons E 1800 10.00 Down DOWN OR A SPEED GRAPHIC? $29” som Viewer a 00 phil Price 172A — Magazine _ Fe - ony $1 995pown down MARK DAVIS ~ = Caan WART. Pontiac's Largest Camera Shop; : aN. Saginaw St. Fe g Sao eee —e ad 2 i. po i i a Ts seep hb ect biheia ig Ron’ toned oa THE PONTIAC. PRESS, RO bee ipsa.” ‘CEOES-REWORTS Ope Oe Fie an Saat WM — Dress Up for Ease. wa Special Purchase of 29.99 oe , wee ‘Group of Ladies’ Easter ‘ S07. Vie >gay Sale! 5.99 Easter Gd), Bonnets eo 5; TOPPERS SF : y SUIT Mothers! Here Aré Big Savings! Ri 16.99 Toddlers’ and Girls’ Easter 2° a i S_ ~ I , Gere & a = a WA | ig Se NO MONEY DOWN . . a TOPPERS. All woot fleeces, checks, , | . pastel shades. Sizes 10 to 20. ' NO MONEY DOWN .. “, SUITS in rayon, flannel, gabardine and Felties end: L novelty fabrics. Come, bring a friend, suits ie fitted, princess and. boxy styles —pastels, checks and navy. Sizes 1-14, Girls’ Con Con Girls’ Linen Girta'—Teene Dresses Belere Suits Nylon Toppers 399 69 8=§=—. 1999 10-Way Boys’ Suits =. TOPPERS 14° WAWA | SC te *25 popular -— crease resistont ‘ with 2 pair oo slacks and reversible - — ; , 39.99 value 100% wethelole nylon. . Blue, brown and checks. 2-12. . A ee ae Boys’ 2te0 8 Boys’ 12 te 18 Boys’ 6 te 12 Tepcoste §§ Wardrobe Suit Sport Costs 999 -- 2999 1299 SPECIAL! SPECIAL! SPECIAL! Replicas of 5.99 - Girls’ Blouses Flannel Diapers Toddlers’ Coats - Smart Easter - joo. Dez. 99 495 a ——— ‘ tons, lens 27x37 first quality. 598 =6pastels, 6 Fapom, ©. i sin "2.28. i: with bonnets. 1 3 SPECIAL! SPECIAL! Gowns, Kimonas Y .€ Bath Towels 48<- All shapes, all sizes in ae 50s : 4 “Plaanciette.. Reg. S00. “Rew spring colors. - Lge p ab Gussen, neve oon SPECIAL! SPECIAL! — = - Campus Men's Underwear 4 400 25° & 2.99 Group of No Iron 5 Cotton Slips of Easter Sale From a Maker of | Plisse Aa In Time for Easter Wear! 59.92 Quality .:. You Save $20! - * ea | Group of 12.99 Ladies’ 2-Pants SUITS | 1°° “WE DRESS SALE! sain are shadow Qs | 2 aa A ry 50 NO MONEY DOWN “To put your best look forward for ¥ “Pick your Easter ‘dress from this large Easter . . . ond after—choose your yo & ' ae KS? group of juniors, misses and large sizes. suit from our handsome collection of = : uf Dress and casual styles—stock up now ight worsteds, miracle fabrics, , = . i. r , splash weaves and. solids. ’ ; wisn eels With 3-Pair js Rayon Gob 100% Weel Hollyw’d Styled : “Petite Size” “Tat Sine Paste! Easter “Be ‘2 9 Nylons BA 4 1 & .) / , es! Wi rt of To- i 50 Se wT & Za. PER Tenet by ed) (7) ca Stampe is i“ 4 ae =e Ug THE PONTIAC press, \T is Polio May Still Have Ace oe : ‘ito Play Against Vaccine ROME: ~ a (fs True! i You “tee | trials this year on half a million! trom studies of communitywide \\ or more childrem can supply use of G.G. to say whether or not } anaes, it had been beneficial. Most times, | o <87:9 - G.G. was started too tate, or when r Are some strains of virus | epidemics were dying down natur- which mot be affected by the/ aity. q to | “EF There are thgee types faumilies| strated that G.C oa bene e Y iF S ag are or any = of virus which cause human polio. | ficial effect. But this also means erly on a hans G T or. There cam be many different it could not be demonstrated that @ : See Shioteeiad alee ene cao Sian nat bev ot oes rt a Compe! ; = Weddings « Graduations ss care . . 3 x sae o* from ‘each family. Do antibodies | periments in 1952 showed it could ; { = ; jagainst one strain protect against ‘help prevent polio if given to chil E25 55 * Birthdays * All Gift Occasions other stfaifis in the type or family? dren in time. and in the right dose. = — — ' —_ + ROCKER SHELL IN SEWN STRAW Take any group of half a million! LOS ANGELES_a—An allergic | children and some are sure to die | wife, Mrs. Rose S. Savenick, 24. { ss x Fe cage eee ego gp | At the best, G.G. is a temporary" . é‘ . — a ; - <= sivet bows. From s evidence tha y do. kind pf f ha : 5; ° seas een ' i : ALL the field tests hold the real answer ioe tatp extinguish the sprena No Mone No Cc e | { our tremendous collection of excitingly | | whether some strains can sneer at | of polio t i A J > e . $ sew Seog niin for women od © QUR HATS $f jtevecdn. ny The onty practical anew = Down ! 4 for Credit! 4 a a ne , ‘ { - e , The vaccine faces one burgle or The field tests can mark the : = Sadles = Fild Boxe 99 chin eumrian 20° ait Gress = % Shel = Bonneh ; NONE $ |. This problem is that human! exosure , We: “ ! NEW STRAWS ) jdeings are not all alike. Even) that “if” will be answered CEM me ia me She 5 aspirin in bad for a few persons. ty thousands of volunteering, chil at ome All new Spring colon. ‘© HIGHER } | There is no perfect drug which | dren the thain and tragic victims — _ in these lovely BRIDAL PAIRS : High fashion et low prices. m ' 7 —— ot the of polio for too many years past : . eee ) | peculiar reason, develop - Wife Allergic Spouse ¥ og ) | antibodies. How many people are . Hoty $ | am gienate? So Judge Grants Divorce UMLOT , A appealing to the teenager. Variety of colors and shapes. All so kind to your budget. Magnificent 6 diamond Perky, flattering new styles $1 | | natural causes, whether pneumo-; mony that she developed a rash pair in 14k gold. attorney. of these had been vac- “I became allergic to him.” she the vaccine could be | testified, “because of his abusive, and hysterically blamed | belligerent and offensive treat- death. Health offi- | ment. I would break out into a) doctors and the National | rash all over my face and body. | Interlocking 8 diamond , Men's diemond 14k gold bridal pair. sembles! Here are rings that express your love with ring. AS FOR YOUR OLD WATCH -. Regardless of Age, Make or Condition 8 cordially invite you to a fashion showing Woe bright new springtime on wheels... To see the tomorrow-styled Buicks we have ready for you today—but now in airy new body styles never available before, and in fresh new summer colors never shown before. For these are smart new Convertibles, hand- . some new “hardtop” Rivieras and néw all-steel ; Estate Wagons ready for the first time in the . budget-priced V8 SpgeciaL models, and in the high-powered Century models — and alt with the ultramodern windshield design of sweepback pillars. And these high- ieiltioa teeeealion come in bril- liant new summer colors — rich new hues that > nite lift your spirits like a robin’s spring song. Jent= i Tile With Your Old Watch in Trade Come see our sampling of these rakish new cars and fresh new colors—and discover, in the doing, what beautiful buys thése supremely powered, Mow Estate Wagons Now AilStee! Bodied] © smoothly responsive Buicks are in every way. - MILTON BERLE STARE POR BUNCK- See the Bevich Barta Show Iveedey F-enings | Drees nannee a, Glace fashion first in a 5 = obulen Leg | Matador Red * Malibu Blue > Willow r ayy ee re A SO so a —— aa ae MOTOR SALES omen FRIDAY NIGHT “TIL 11 bl gO Orchard Lae yom = = aiPhone FE 29101 “Pontiac: Michigan =F = eee 108 NORTH SAGINAW agate le 24abs os besethe tae 18 sdd (OO) OORT PEST OSC 04 Hbenee ehel > }-session is | }of Clarkston. Afternoon chairman || will be Miss » esaeeal Daniel of © | Royal Oak » | t +. oO4% ‘ Perfume ... $27.75 ~ $110 ~“~Categne .. . $2.75 — $8.50 mun tas : pa tagenesstaginnis dtl tniliton” end semendiietdente. CLOONAN’S ; “Where Quality Counts” : 72 North Saginaw St. FE 2-0161 + |mittee in charge of this year’s | Margymae = | Richard Phelps, Clawson; - Tt Fi este =. ‘All Die lettre: on Friday | Oakland anh Coat tabi Shasta Pontiac, wil close Frida —— sd a ; to allow-classroom y teachers’ ‘institute in the Bir- 1 Se a “Chairman for Friday's morning —heslie-F=-Greene Sescher-ssadiiuitdl-teediiee! institute are Rosco ville; Richard Carison, Clarkston: Cleon Boussaum, Dublin; Ronald Jack- son, Farmington: Audrey Filson, Ferndale and Mildred Jutkins of Hazel Park. ton; Lonis Corbat, Oxford; Theodore Wiersema, Pontiac; + Mary Winton, Rochester; Mary Probes Started Authorities Investigate Fire Near Buffalo That Killed 10 Children | CHEEKTOWAGA, N.Y. # —, Three investigations were opened tiday into a fire that cost the! lives of 10: sixth grade pupils and destroyed the frame annex of an/| STOP L LEAKY ooo BASEMENTS ADVANTAGES © TAKES LESS THAN AN HOUR TO DRY @ AVAILABLE IN ALL POPULAR COLORS © APPLY DIRECT FROM CAN _ | 1, One cost waterpréots exterior. r 8. Repels Bacteris. Walls stay clean and fresh looking and does not waterstresk. 4. Dries to «hard fn In tom than on awe oven when applied to damp walls! 5. Alkaline Pgpet and not,sffected by mild acids. G. aatic « « «will net, creck cote: ahmewie “practice Winters of Syracuse, a sal = i i i af 3 4! ahi i a Hite Tae — ‘i i sf Ee u on School Blaze } for all the children .. . durable Poplin Jackets — 2.98 0 5.98 ~ Spot. and stain resistant Northlander jackets . Ideal for active youngsters: Completely water repellent, elastic sides for snug fit. Choose yours in our lightweight unlined version for cool Spring days ahead! Sizes 8 to 16 for sub-teens Boys’ dnd girls’ sizes 14 in pink, blue, maize, *Sizeg 3 10° 6x 3.98 Girls’-sizes 7. ta.14, in maize, aqua, pink, red, navy 4.98 comatgungieages eeretere CUSE CECT ERTES 6668 6CTTET OE oe ~ Waite’s Yeung Folly’ Contet—Second Floor é corner and to make sure your children are dressed in the very best on Eoster Sunday visit Waite’s Children’s Center for tops in town selections D. . Little giris’ pretty dress. coats for young timers starting at rs . . of quolity children’s coats! eCoet*teoeteegeeerers and girls’ fully lined washable pink, biue, mint, maize. Sizes wrelvisicinieiev sielea cic s/eeets's wate 6.98 C. Subteens’ shorty coat in fully Nned fush pastels in-100% wools. Pink, pow- der, maize, white. 8-14... 1.4. Waile’s Young Folks’ Center—Second Fleer 10 Complete Outfi. | for Your Boy... Only 19°* Wonderful! 10 complete outfits for only 19.98. - You get 2 pair slacks (gabardine ~~ and flannel? ©. filly lined. jockat-aned potter “ubtatehe wih solid pe ly Brown, navy, grey, tan, sizes 4 to 12. | | : | | ] : | } } i pre Gees eines » | | hsedbestsabashiah acidemia tS (gon Cx Me x 8%-12 safeguarding growing feet. New and complete stocks of eB fine fitting, long wearing shoes for Easter wear... bring your youngsters infor « pertect ft ‘ _from our ut trained salespeople! From 7 _ Buster Browns ai fae ee FRIDAY - SATURDAY ONLY |} * * id Ht ig ; i | oe ae i om | ? ‘t Re ee s ws ¢ 4 r i ¥ Se re oe Ale for License Bureaus | Gotoretine Sf thay deed oniote for {27 Or = } more license examination bureaus| LANSING @ Agpalgendoves, | I in townships now without them. {Leonard Lunau, ‘according to Sheriff Clare L. Hub- | bell. $1.500 worth of “The absence of bureaus to, They said Lunau has rved a serve the growing population of | term for forgery in a Florida jail :need for additional ones.” | office is assisting in the progrem./ Police said when picked up-in | the added. 1... t 2 ‘ ry SAC SEAS AR ae Wb ee YT : C pee a a ‘ sok = A “ ic paris, THURSDAY, APRIL-1, 1954 iv a sy Aa “> F REE!.--We Loan. You the Tools-—SAVE! | MUSIC IN HIS HEART—John B. Ely, 84, has taken his time ‘before starting work on a music degree at the University of Califor- nia at Los Angeles. Ely says he always had an inferiarity complex ' ae higher education and. now he wants to use the new knowledge || to work over &. stack ef his original compositions. One of his sym- | T phoni “Bachiana, bad alssady basa_pocteraned bythe Lee Angeles | Cha: nee Sy nphony orchestra. Check County Need which might well serve as a pat- | oct aed apt gay anti nsing of Michigan drivers.” | sate said. Ny whiting A survey of driver licensing in. Oaktand County-ts—being made to - 15 Checks 3” BONNY MAID TILE Vinyl Sealed—Inlaid Tile — 4 9x9 “ney Perfect 1$} 360: | Quolity | | all colors PLASTIC WALL TILE TILE Enough for 5x7 Bath 70 sq. ft. 1342601 Quality 18° Sq. Ft. townships has pointed up possible | and is suspected of passing a num- | Hubbell | ber of checks, all made out for; said, \ The secretary of state's | $77.15, for the past-six months. | }downtown Lansing Wednesday. | “I will advise the secretary of Lunau had eight checks in his J’ state of the results of the survey+ pocket. ait made out for $77-15- ; ACCORDION You get this famous Magnus Student Accordion FREE of extra charge when ee buy the 120 boss | accordion below. Sale! Long-Playing | 7 RECORD : All New CL, Varsity . Records! . (As Many as. 7 “45 Tunes on ; -- Each Record ; _3 POPULAR MUSIC ALBUMS ALBUMS _ as agence == ALL NEW, GUARANTEED PERFECT. - 2 “MONEY BACK IF NOT SATISFIED _wKe's MUSIC .& RECORD DEPT. SPECIALS! Zé a= Choose from 8 different beautiful color combinations in this professional! 120 bass accordion =@ RELIGIOUS © MARCHES © POLKA ALBUMS = ‘STANDARD GAUGE INLAID Nationally Advertised Marble Pattern 6 FT. WIDE LINOLEUM - Ideal for. ary Kitchens for 9x12 5 Patterns 17% _ Felt Base unouum 6 FT. WIDE 2S FROM 9 =-49° Sq. Yd. 9x12 RUGS ‘4” ree FROM 12-69: Sq. Yd. SAVE $120 United Artist 120 Bass. Italian. p ACCORDION — Regular $319.95-— ie | ZB $199 ‘NO MONEY DOWN 335 RPM 12 Inch ALBUMS CORK : Gold Seal Viny! Plastic THLE Needs no ‘wax no scrub- bing. Grease proof, all colors. made to sell for $1.29 ya. SUPER SPECIALS While They Last! —INLAID TILE 9x12 2. © WOOL FACE RUGS colors $ 95 only os" 19 . Sink Frames Plastic Counter Top ou 95". 19° ASPHALT TILE Light Colors iz 9” 9” x14” . 6 COLORS [% RUBBER TILE 9x9'x4" | dee T rrs iCdera > DITA iis ChE RS 2 ee F Reg. Price $319.95—NOW $199.95 This Price Includes Free Student Accordion 108 NORTH SAGINAW Perfect Quality All Sales Final pee —— = ‘We loan you the tools U-DO-IT and save! } _—— -|—99'$. SAGINAW AT AUBURN Free Parking in Rear | TT % re een oe _THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, APRIL 1, 1954 2g See = Sj MNES SO RW es Sore a ayy gee Se eee as GE” fewer se. me Wr tr ey wl . eas eS aay ee Rigas. Sees ” a tiait Anse cee oe oe ee os seme a ne Se est ea Ba ree oe een Ra AL Pi a rend Se ¢ [- : = ri ~~ @ ae = j VSS eS ye ate SEL 3 etate sia TS SPL ‘ ah ; {3 ee Ee SES A Be * 5 a —+ At nd ae kl a Fi ol “SR y ++ + + ; =: BARRIER BREAKER—Prince Bernhard of The Netherlands is I asked him over the long-dis- Lyle of Texas, both Democrats, people home,” he said. | like that, beca “Funny about reaction trom homé. | didn’t suffer much hardship by not Sometimes we hope they take no- | having them.” extreme. People whe | voted with him. But ‘this time they Ps ee camacy Gaty Goa: . . He - . +» never _fe color is “locked-in? Seven. luxurious colors: Rose, seo- foom green, grey, copper, pair chartreuse, cocoa, tucevnest 62" wide, 84” long i { te « ' Before You Decorete 34 S. SAGINAW OSENBERGER’S etme SET eR 2 Rw ee — < ee eee COAT and HAT SET 12° The ensemble idea — borrowed from Mom, the charming details are strictly all her own! Pert and pretty from the word go .. . these exciting dressy fabrics for the little 3-6x’er in coats or suits with matching hats! Choose from plain or embossed cotton and rayon faille or rich looking rayon and acetate shantung! Peek inside to see the bright linings! Dressy black patent leather for fancy-free footwork thru spring Multiple strap style with side buckle closing. Miles of wear in the sturdy and summer! neolite sole. Sanitized. Sizes 8V,-12.. .4.49 Sizes 51-8... .3.98 “See Peter Cottontail in Penney’s Shoe De- partment Saturday:: _He has something ‘for every boy and girl! OPEN FRIDAY NITE TILL 1” = _ . ‘RT. TALK ..; PENNEY’S < + . _~ : eo ES —_ 3 ° w VW yj) LOOK, MOM! WEAR IN z3 10 HANDSOME — ‘ =. COMBINATIONS Jr. Boys’ Multiple Purpose 5 Piece Suit 90 Sines 3-3 Here's a complete wardrobe on one hanger. Think of it .. . ten completely different out- fits to suit every occasion ... school ... dress or play AND... all you pay fs 9.90. Imagine! yd Es; for tans than ane ee WAYS TO WEAR —|-— GIRLS sur dC DRESS | — = 1090. A wardrobe wonder... five dif- ferent outfits for big and little sister! The suit is navy rayon faille with touches of frosty white on collar and cuffs and in the sheer, white rayon blouse ‘underneath. News! The skirt reverses to gay roman stripes! Mix ’em, match "em for many gay changes! It's « cold Color Seit! Sizes 84, to 12...4.49 Sizes 54% to 8... .3.49 = A igh, - pore ’ = F a = Z $ ere ere = sO te aes ceca eae vi + “+ a } \ a 4 : a ay s . ¥ \ r pe ¥ > ks - \THE PONTIAC PRESS, TH see "T * ae oe a5 se as = * Dominate 2. Fr a | Hse - URSDAY, APRIL 1, 1954 — os ri ee Sg eee eee ' is A be. Tm — ‘ . ars * P 5 eontenenite 4 —_ a i —— * before returning home May ?. Some of the cities she will visit are Paris, Nice, Rome, Florence, 4 wo comodo cee, al b Dick Hartman of Glendale avenue and Joet Goldberg of James K boulevard (back, prs —— ae oe ae whe " ae ae) pit ot e —— -—. 2S, y ¢ , Pentiae Press Photo Seeing that all arrangements are in order | ir_deco left _qnd right) stopped the -|Washability Asked project long enough to check on the progress drive-and Marilyn Goode of Cherokee road. | of plans for the third. annual “Spring Fling” of the Temple Beth Jacob Youth Group.| Temple Beth Jacob. are Judy Levine (left, front) of road | |The dance will be held Saturday evening in| for Dressiest Garb So many of the most attractive ‘At Oakland Hills Wednesday (Officers Elected cottons are machine-sudsgble this season, women are getting more and More accustomed to putting | their. dressiest clothes into the i ile : ‘doesn’t have a guarantee of com- /Tipacon Chapter of American Busi- plete washability! It's a healthy , ness Women's Association trend to get the outfits that cost| Julie O’Brien, general chairman practically nothing to care for and of the event. has announced that require so little effort! Dr. George B. Bohman, professor z | j MALING SHOES Boss Night-Dinner Slated ; | Oakjand Hills Country Club will | of speech at Wayne University, ; Thrifty shoppers don't hesitate to be the setting for the Wednestlay and Judge George B. Hartrick will turn down a party gown which | Boss Night Dinner sponsored by{be speakers for the’ evening. chairman,. and on the reception in the Monday committee are Judy Reynolds, Isa-| cussion was bel Van Tassel and Betty Le-| Corn. lips head ‘the ticket committee. iby Past Presidents {Remove Egg Stain -| water and then wash. ~ by Bagley PTA Officers were elected at a re-| cent meeting of. Bagley PTA at the school. {. Mrs. John Woodward is presi- | dent; ~ Committees for the program in- clude Derethy Brooks, Shiriey Albrecht, Peggy Cooper, Corrime | smith, secretary, Halerow, Evelyn Cole and Alice | Bridge, treasurer. Cook on, decorations, and Bessie pb ort Cai a Holliday, Hazel Wells and Pan a aie ae he ad Trent on provements needed in city, Frances Phillips is program which will be brought el ; Mrs. James and Mary Jean 7 addition to schools. Members of the Ninth Grade | Girls Glee Club of Eastern Junior | High School entertained the group. They were directed by Connie Kolb. Club Is Entertained Dorothy Reynolds and Miss Phil- Banquet Attended the. Sp ba Ww just with *Wlatory kiss ee. we: + as Miss “for 1954. > By DONNA “ANDERSON afterndoh “she was a litle girl in a pink dress became “Miss Boys’ Club of 194." @ pink ribbon in her golgen|- ‘leurts, but Wednesday evening she a tig ‘grace. According to the rules, Boys Club members may enter siste?s | “he? eff to his-fetiow club ” said Mr. Hamlin. had been planning fer evening's festivities for a it Michael whe + Pamela -was calm as she re- ‘ceived ber crown and a _ doil for she is a very tiny girl of 3 years old. Her other reward was a congrat- from her adoring brother. who blushed a little, ‘‘but who wouldn't with all the feilas out in front?” A talent show by Boys’ Club members was aise on the program for the evening. Merry Minstrel Trie mem- | Warren, Jim Jef- John Givens. In second LEE is 23] Eg g a78 : : : are ‘ ORTH SAGINAW STREET Open Fridey Evenings ant bee a € SBS se Pe ON _—-, ’ bs ' Ty" TO KRESGE’'S Little Rosebuds Blossom Out in SPRING HATS. 169 Oh, 100 the pretty, pretty hats for your little girl, mommy! Rippled brims, velvet trims, flower whims! _Heart of Her Heart PURSES seceton girl loves? Colors - gelere, tool | are 6 years old or younger in) announce the engagement of their daughter, Ann, and Eart W. Skro- beck, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Skrobeck of Drayton _Plains...No wedding date has been set: Pontiac WCTU Meets Tuesday With Mrs. Bluth Mrs. William Bluth was hostess ~ in her Gottage street home for the Tuesday meeting and cooperative luncheon of the Pontiac WCTU. Mrs. Roy Fosbendér fave devo- |tions based on the 24th Psalm. Mrs. | Sherril Grubb gave a review of a | book, “Real Living Takes Time”’ | by Hazel Werner. “According to the book,” Mrs. Fesbender said, “We won't have | time for our fears if our faith is ; great enough. | + An artiele, “Dealing With AL; }eoholism"™ was read by Mrs.’ Prari Karr. The April 27 meeting will be held in the Shirley avenue home of Mrs. LeRoy Shafer. Mrs. Lee Feted . at Bridal Party Mrs. Jamés Robert Lee ~was hon- ored Tuesday evening with a mis- cellaneous post-nuptial shower at ; the home of Mrs. Mary E, McCtus- ky on Glenwood avenue. ce vie S : N ViewersGo to Bermuda~— | 600 See Cruise and Resort Collection Aboord ‘Liner’ "By JUDITH L. CLEMENCE More than 600 fashion-minded spectators took an imaginary trip were shown to excellent advantage on the very slim models. The “separate look’ v was be- this year's exciting fabrics. You'll | find the polished cottons from this collection at Alvin's dress shop — | just what you've been wanting for | spring and summer. into winter-very important to the Dresses, too, from this collection may be worn from season tp sea- son. A typical example was a gray | Striped cotton date or special oc- | casion dress. ; | Sheath dresses appeared in cot- Ttons, linens and silks, and not to ; be overlooked was the empire waist +which- these oh=so-slim models wear to perfection. ! is as nearty wrinkle-resistant as any fabric can be. This dress, called “Airmail Special Detiv- ery.” is white trimmed in red and blue. | A striking suit which drew ap- plause was of black cotton with a print blouse matching the jacket lining. Another combination was in Dior blue, boasting a sheath dress, 4 jacket and skirt. During intermission dance num- bers were performed by Pamela Grischow and Beverly Fox, and the from Waterford Singshots High Mrs. Lee is the former Jacquel- . len Haight, daughter of the C. R.; 5Chool sang several numbers. Haights of Terre Haute, Ind.. and Im the second scene, the boat James is the nephew of Mrs. had decked and modets were pa- McClusky. They spoke their vows, rading Jan. 5 at Mount Zion Methodist | ; Church in -Lafayette, Ind. Mrs. Lee, who lq residing with | Mrs. McClusky, will leave later in April to join Her husband in Nor- | folk, Va., where he is stationed ‘Good Woolens Feel with the Naw. l sieerah Twenty-four guests were present the dessert luncheon Flint District of the W Society of Christian Service of Methodist Church will have its Methodist Church, Flint. | Registration and coffee hour will en at Clark College. Atlanta, Ga. Reports of committees will be given and election of officers will be held during the all-day meeting. Mrs. Arthur Beaudry of Fiint. and | nual meeting Friday at First inc huding | cruising | mer. ! Perfect j William . Mrs, Ray Slaughter, Mra Suecitg Menzel, | Betty Lippard, Mrs. Dallas Nelson, ey, Mrs. Joha Riley, Dee Brim, Mrs. L. Raymond Sampson, Geor- ‘gia Lee Tasco and Mrs. Claud Ure- ee ee ee tee | OPEN SUNDAY 10:30 to 2:30 Use Our Layaway! (7IPL7ITIM Anny “txt gentleman, little { Feelfig very much the well brother make Nh manner SPORT COAT show in this dash- + NES : : a e : ‘Te ° ? 9 ev ivers © Serial es aaa oa GOgeaes i : a err SS een | — ee 4S at ta safe P ‘paeeeas ¢ se Se —— en ee ee Se PRs ie Sak enh a £ 5 : te . : “haere nce woe eae ee ¥ ? ; : te a iy ~ : i 3 : ‘ { \ , ——- ~ traqCaldron -. Conducts. | Ceremonial _ Ohioan Serves. as! cr Tr “Officerr i ees eoeeal peBOOK aes arene : han Ir x = 7 aa == : . are M fa '. ie { ee = HIO S and inspection Wednesday evening 2 La in Grotto Hall on West Pike street. + oe i } acl . ‘i 4 + 2 ‘ He pe lis il irl iy F hal ee 3 ] ey * -— 2 i E i i ; While visiting the west codst, the Robert| Pictured, le{t to’ right, are Ann Oliver, Mr. Mr, Pritchard. royat 2+ Olivers of West Iroquois road met Buick’s|and Mrs. Wiles, the Olivers and their son, patron of the Order of Amaranth: general manager, Ivan L. Wiles, Sore bs Robert B. Oliver-}r, - Mrs. Matthew Sheiton; president of PF i/s 4 1 Lew Mothers Club of the Order of De- Wiles of Flint a the Moto Pheri laa es Motayand- Walter Shetton— of the-— ti Onion at Yetta" Grooming Warkshop Set |Walk for Beauty 2 J .. 24.95 Time for dressing up to look your loveliest. One and Choase from boxy or fitted, slim or fuller gored skirts, Cutler and Mrs. John Thomas. p.m. for Girl Scout leaders and ideyman, : two-piece, rayon, crepe varied length jockets, ~ troop re ti celene Dennis, Jacqueline Andrews, | proving your posture. And bs , , : : : Others were Mrs. Grace Hugg . Carol Murphy and Joyce Living- course, the fresh air will do = taffeta, faille, jewel trims. 100% a3 Berth Mrs. Ray Lawson will speak on ilk prints, surrahs wool flannel, tweed, : Mrs. tha Clendenning and , , St ill / stone. Gers for your skin $s prints, ’ .~ a nee hints $" ond a large collection of gabardine, silk shantung, silk and wool blends. Navy, | pastels, checks, novelties, Junior © and misses’ sizes. dressy cottons. Navy, pastel, Junior, - misses’ and women’s sizes. derson, Mrs. White. Mrs. Mat-| *8* 7 thew Shelton and Mrs. W. J. Mor- an Better Dresses—Secoad Floor a Marion, Mrs. Charles Kugier, Mrs,| 84 Staren McRae. derson, a Dee Pritt and Mrs. oe Harry Miller. : . ° Mrs. Eart Anderson, Mrs. Fred Working Girls Mrs. Roger Smiley completed the| Are Assuming Directwess ef the cant wes Mrs. Mature Attitude - 3. Mor-|' ST. LOUIS (INS)—The nation’s working girl is taking a new at- | titude toward her job and fash. | Mrs. Miller were in charge ef (ions, according to the editor of a Sica) on Gar Sesund 2 Floor Your... On the hospitality committee taking a “more mature viewpoint.” | were Mrs. Bodamer, Mrs. Russell, After talking to hundreds of Woodbury and Mrs. White. “girts ima job” —a term she pre- fers to “career girls” — Mrs. 10.98 Transparent yond aoe Pe -Sprina Bags ino and sans 9 idle emey ea 14.98 New But Sad Reg eraclagertcertae Ah Master rayon sheers, spuns, trim paperwomen, and other ladies who | Chance to be successful in their | boleros, silk are victims of packed purse-itis, “@reers- ry Briat skirts (sometimes referred to as heaped! “And women don't want to be| fie billowing over petticoats of net or taffetas. Bolero ‘or boxy jackets. Empire waist, scoop and high necks. Navy, black, high colors. Junior, misses’ sizes. than ever. : | When this trend was first intro his top. no one thinks anything Navy, black, spring- time colors. Junior, misses sizes. White Magic for EASTER ~ ... 9.00 te 35.00 You'll look prettier in Easter’s fashion-new hats in gleaming white—Temptingly elegant—tfresh “sleek and lovely. All have twinkly touches and wispy trimmings on exquisite straws. The magic of these hats is sure to entrance him Today, experts reveal, the ° . Se nandbae te the |2tainless Utensils of the summer | Easily Cleaned . Net enty that Stainless steel. kitchen equip- {ment and utensils are easily (cleaned if you don’t allow deposits | @ ot 4% food and grease to congeal and x4 harden. “ile —— : : It's important to suds off stain- yles will be bags jess steel promptly vecause mois- of plastic, with {ture trapped under food- deposits | & flowers sealed in be-| con set up a chemical action which | | confuse further ine | pits the surface wi i H i ref Ff ; i a ‘\ Lance COLLECTION, = ast of COTTON di 3 —UNGERIE 7 SLIPS, PETTICOATS, GO@NS ag a7 i; le 1 | Millinery Salon—Second Floor ert ... Bright... right 3,95 07.95; choice for EASTER! ‘ ft Fine- eyelet or organdy trims, slips with adjustable shoulder strops, full cut, shadow panels, shorty and waltz The bride is the daughter of | #= Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Burling of i i i t sheer, batiste, and linen, ideal for your Easter suit or spring skirt. Many new necklines to choose from. White, pastel and dark colors. Sizes 23-38. . Slip sizes 32 to 40. Petticoats, S-M-L. Blouses—First Floor Lingerie—Main Floor = —_—_ | ’ ' _' NYLON and aon v7 ns GLOVES «=f: ) .. 300 |= + . Four button, slip-on~ “# style. All hand stitched, ) Bridal Sclon—2tnd Floor wash easy ond: : dries quickly. White only. Sizes 6% to 7‘. Gloves—Main Floor z 3 i qi Q 1 al i q 8 8 e i Sener ee ae ne oe tt i alesis: a i ; it Navy . . Bright... right choice for Easter. Smooth Navy calfskin: in a id clinging halter strap . . or a white-stitched - $12.95 -artklet. And notice.. “they're on ‘fashion new . ‘ : slim sheets. _Malter sting in a ma Beech calf, Bla¢k patent. Anklet ; also in Black patent, ail rT. ‘ 4 vom @ = agli apts we ¢ Shoe Selon . ‘A “do Cites s Mezzanine Floor 3% ef be Hy i! 2 i i a r i a [ts iH it et 2 Es 7% Ae Fett | i = oe ei EL SESE Se ee Se ee =F tre “fs Modified to U.S. Look . -Fresses Are Fluid» Without Appearing °, Tousled ah Hair ‘styles for spring and suIT mer will continue to accent the fluid but controlled lines that made news last fall. This comes straight from New York's top coiffure cre ators. © The future points to femininity without frivolity, neatness without severity, individuality without af- fectation. It would seem that stan- dards of styling in this ere-of short hair are finally well-established. ~ Spring arid Summer Are Accenting Controlled See 2 eee - 7 , 1 is out of a subject eof conversation,” and then starting a new topic your- self-is about all that you can do that evening. ity was short-lived. However, it did herald a new direction in But for the future. you can avoid at inviting to your house any person fing. a ; . who does not respect your wishes In the past year American sty in this matter. ists have been adapting the mo Dear Mrs. Post: We're an- i of the Italian cut to the nouncing our daughter’s engage- American look. The results have ment ata dinner. We been notable. aa peg we Our stylists have tempered the x Rts wie ee relatives. My daugh- . " i it. -~ — mobility with considerable re- “a takes bd mocener gy ogy Hair . styles in coming months will fea-| The sentimental note is struck in his Bot- straint, giving us a look that is at slightly. Do we have to invite them ath femininity and controlled mobility. The|ticelli cut (upper right) that flows back in once tree and controlled, sleek and pal neces __ | styles shown here are the spring innovations | waves that are caught in half curls. Versa- "ie By ELIEABETH MULYER_ care of everyting when HY Are! alow’ parents are srancers to|°/ Sylist Henry of the Roosevelt, His Nina| tility reigns in the Chop Chop (lower pic- the wey to the vying. the posse | | cut (upper left) is a sleek cap from crown to | tures) which bends easily to the brush. The bilities for variety are limitiess. Ww dre don't closed, but they must be opened | &§ pH It covers —s draperies oe to let in light. = “7 ee ett ; es) whi ; esl _ kind ‘ef job-problem. solve the problem, design ven with the osfa placed to| ret eer nape, softened by a_few kiss curls. hair is-Gut carefully in layers so that neat- _ For spring, stylist Neary of the For example, if your tains into the window treatment pl | viting them to the engagement din- — “ Roosevelt ts taking his care from has had such bad luck what they can do. cover the strip of wall below the ner is not an obligation of cour- ness is not last to casualness. _» the fashion world and accenting ee 3 draperies and short cafe tesy. = - | youth. wrong field. together polish off some ' G s C ae Mecae end 3 af the toa pt tapi pee, at xmas wt oxmeted mat ee CGir]S Who Travel Around in a Crowd |, :t<:2,% sousieated sim: is sbtitieg and tntereate. and may any dimmer gives by the bride . . - a slinky look,” Henry pointed out. 8 gums nats nan tre |Discourage Lads With Date Intentions ‘sis coime?re sain “ie ee ee b weedwerk. The sills are reception, then you would, ef | By ELIZABETH WOODWARD {ot the crowd and go out on dates | acquainted—for cementing date-| tine are most important . See a taal ceten. on whens tee high. The windows are too course, invite all members of the A gang of girls is enough to ter-| With them. our fellows bellow and producing friendships. “So, to complement these styles onan tll : sorties close te the house next door. ether family. rity many a mere male, The busi-;%Y to scare them away. That It's quite possible that the boys’ | 1 have introduced the Botticelli an- Of your husband will study” this Flootlength draperies alone take Dear Mrs. Post: Should a widow | ness of isolating the one he likes| fone) “ue ™ % Sertous) complaint is justified. Not that you gel cut. It features individually se san maid bat hm the Beh seme Ihe ty te sour abc even Beara be | Pos ns Mn a - e you seen like See Our New her fret. eee family? Or She always seems to be in the se wil you please tal a a group tle girl's, they . ama ‘ o ‘ our ” ould it be better taste to send’ very middle of the clusterand the | tion?” think ee oe ~~ a Alba wedding? . bere ipa dle! deren Ipeation Beiry. sn You girls have undoubtedly given| moments. Around scheol at the wick lok Geel ee aipe Answer: It depends entirely upon | jo4 When he gets up his courage | 2% 2878 the impression that they | times when the boys are avail- | ist’s spring and summer Innova- Biendtone Nylons her relationship with her first hus-/to try, he faces the smiles of the | wit ee eer ee ate, yan souifhe saniiehta, tos | ore,’ _ Color keyed to your tinued-to love her, they may be | Thole, bunch. And he can’t think of |" |" “6 BS OT oa The fluidity of the new mode of costume. almost as glad for her as they |incint oY Wit all of them) ont te be together. You have eee nce he ould be more Te-lhair styling is most evident in be for daughter : : ted the first, which falls into a new pat- 8 anges Deter Se fen bewing geste | Gwe are conatnty war | Ny Tir, Mam Za, tmnt | vu bors. Each of you could | rn ata command a he brs $] 1 wedding. rounded by other girls are hard | Jor own nuutusl admiration se- rate ain mit ts coer eee. To create this cut, Henry shapes Sizes 8% to 1! - On the other hand, if they have| % date. They're even tough te ciety. Together you gaits just | Fach could make arrangements for | Lut, molds the hair to the head in : drifted apart, it might be best to| Set’ acquainted with. Which is | Jo all 2 | layers. Consequently, he says, this wherever you & |herself without insisting that the “Tts : CECILE’S send nothing out. "| py te, ere are comping | fight ite tnependenfgreap. " |"whole toard. of drecors” tag| ciel eis, never ‘aes Is “jut E Pur tenon on Arma | aon ate eS Ta 6 as wal oe ne ’ 4532 Dixie Hwy. OR 3-720 - 4 rm “Dear Miss Woodwarl: We're a| . ' 't . you s ve -| pretation of sophistication for eee . ~ — : When group-0t-girle-tetween--28-end-27)"* | courage Ub laztie pi ae But divided, you might have more. spring. The smooth, precise cap —— going right up to the elbow if you| Who have been best-friends since | Gnu” Couraée F a —— from -crown . want soft, beautiful arms. school and have com- jad even if the boys gang up— or Shining Mirror = tinued this friendship through high | a mob scene that} When cleaning mirrors, you will Answer te Previews Pussie : all get really shining results if you Be the = A nN and pr phd elgg haa iad alcohol to the water : Provdest a ae — sail a @ Oriental Mother | a0 Bronte in the sta : Er o «0 Diminutive ot EASTER aie “i gfe = feu bird Tisin if $3 uteanoe _ |PARADE yates CHOOSE... —~ sang 4 ty 3 Danish ‘a 5 “ LZ yy 8 paobutne Seen - 595 ot G2 Uj 1 oade 2 8 Affirmative 1g Embemmed SHOES ~ Weskit and i +t Lo Jo] i Derogstes For Your Boy and Girl © — | 3 Conductor , , slacks. | 29 Symbol for across ae ott ine a Whether their Mother, here is the biggest boys’ clothing buy | | ™™ia ie Seater = Fowerhu 3 One Sho — of the Easter & tiny | ell Choice of blues. | § Sving — = tegeeeaen 3 Sure sane Ey or Drowns and y mix and metch wonderfully: 12 Opera by. FA pang am BS] Beariet = Sew. ieaeely Weskit ‘ 13 —— Marie 26 Feminine a: anes 4 Converses reversed COAT - 14 Sea eagle eppetiation 3 41 Raves . checked. SLACKS iB Weight of ot Soy fy eo 1s pants, VEST © Demag Army vontrasting Slacks : ae ‘ the outfit .... and Sizes 4 to 7. Smaxt, stylish and casual the : way he likes his clothes. Mannish materials JS hens he loves to wear. 7 Weskit with coat Little Boys’ Bouckle GIRL’S COATS and slacks, SUITS . ote tn "Detunfed ae Cy ‘Any-Size! wee washable. $595 e ; Any Shape! $895 Sines 2-@x...... $8.95 Sport coat - . ; contrasting Custom-Made nee MATTRESSES = : BOYS’ SHIRT- Whether it’s @ tailored pad for your window seat... or @ VEST SUIT “SHORTIES “king-size” mattress . . . you'll find our workmanship and Ts sa ‘ materials. superior in quality. Made fo your own specifications ; Matching © sevel style Mother win Grven - to - fourteaners love with your choice of materials. a, re * 5 suit. - See plains. Choice of colors. is hs R hoe Box — Res Sree. |: @ OLD MATTRESSES REBUILT & or ee $595 ~$]295 ~~ @ PILLOWS RENOVATED ' i ir ' Men's—Women $—Children’s Better Shoes : ee ee: See SE ee > | _ Tel-Huron Shopping Center 1 caiitorew’s rastion centae~ |--— “FW , _ | FUNCTION OF TELEGRAPH AND HURON RoADs , 930 W. Huron St. _~MATTRESS COMPANY |. PLENTY of FREE PARKING | Aaa! Phone FE SAI > <9: 332_West Huron. Street ~ f' ; } Pn Ap a 2 7 . ‘a ; * ; j x or “ a emt “4 — mors me - an = ° nays =f rr oie c = * G PI Rena . e: 4 =" te = £ a ead , s = : oe. = < $ re eae ee ee : 3 _ APPEALI INGE ; “CONCEALING! REVEALING! . Fi ‘ es gl Zo _ Whatever your's sithouette preterence, -we'vea shoe that has you in. mind 54 yb a = ee eS ng errs . . Pe? ae i: Bo ‘ , Mie x S eer ———t SaaniecnGeseree ee . Sane... an — Ba. ie 4a a x s » ‘> 1 ante A “<9 nnn Soot csi eh nw ST og - y y_stie t. .. faint out! f ; . ; ‘go § calfskin classic to live in leather to show your foot } , we block aint Ria pent hae an a Block poteoeni ce. es en ' ; beech calf. block potent leather. calf, ac beat t Nesditen ; : = . . = + _ pis $14.95 12.95 $16.95 iy . “Sa j 3 3 ‘ a TOPPERS SATE $99". $39" ; AND = t ——___—_—_—___————-Our-—toppers—are—_packed-with fashion news! Thelr lines are most flattering above your quits or dresses’. ‘:.aind- their colors : are the most important and becoming of Spring! Be sure to see our selection of beautiful toppers' You'll find \the one Sere _. you want ,.,. at an agreeable price, too - eal sath Maras RATS coda = siuclina Abia os Ak 22” ». °49” You will spend a fot of time ina suit this. Spring? : And we have.a large selection of styles and colors in fem « .f, RS ‘Shi / Sh , your size . choose a ‘‘Glenhaver'’ fashion must in f =" : ip n ore beautiful pastels or mavy at $2295 and $29.95 or. : ; if you prefer wool we have théfm from-$49.95 and up. ; a, ; Q ‘Bobbie Brooks’ . ‘Shirt ‘n Sweet’ WF dell 538 : & Pe + = : + 4 : Open a Convenient Charge Acct. Our courteous office personnel will gladly help you in opening a charge account—takes only a very few minutes and 80 very con- venient, too. . 4 "Easy to Park — -— a ee sce ag bese Hig toe SSCS OE EES Sciaeaenee The, Sherk toed Wa tenn Sher on Cry , a Parking Lot, 22 W. Pike Street, opposite ° eh aeT : eee the A v2. » Have our cashier: Stamp your . - * o “ Z ~ - : ‘ OT ee es * . : : a \ \ i—- Se : aN pe 4 an ie or - Ay a Open Thursday, Friday and Saturday ’til9 P.M. BABY- BLANKETS FRIDAY SPECIAL! bh) WONDERLANI soft flannel in TEL-HURON CENTER CNN | and the smaller the patch the bet- | oe rim powrtac’rr ‘Use Bleach | ce to Remove after Easier? Take a tip from, eg ee that house in Tyler, Tex. which) sag, een CORR a home magazine featured -recent:| One of the things that you get out ° a — : yof-rearranging furnitures, ‘rooms of this ranch- some miscellaneous! pains in your of Machines: type were done in denims bask. is 0 chance to look of ports OPE. Te because of this fabric’s suitability agile ant enen Smee © The World-fomous Alto @ warm climate. Se, ee ee oeengen ee ; sR IGER* : . id ‘ % ; — ee de die tomes a. mapein Some ofthese areas are pretty @ The Amazing New tieated color combination of citron | ™eresting, especially those where yellée:: gold and gray styled the S0mething has been spilt on the | Slant-needie SINGER ot eee while the t ge floor and has left a dark stain to’ { to tad oige i. ail remind you that you should have | © The all-purpose R Sen and tate -comniniaomnt of biue | WiPed up whatever was spilt. | Swing-needie SINGE }| jean popularity. Stains of this sort are pretty | » ot th an tough to remove. Sanding away q ech be ~ aptnerwedigs 4 the finish won't de too much geod | 1 ¢ because the stain has worked See them at your through the finish inte the wood a itself. oa Trade Mert of THE SINGER MFG CO : Sanding the wood sometimes) SINCER SEWING CENTER does the trick but more often than| Hie not the dark stain must be re ¥ Pentiec, 102 N. Seginew moved by bleaching. : ss! FE 2-0811 To do this, first sand off the a ae damaged finish. Use a fine grade, : | Birminghom, sandpaper for this job and remove an oe 177 W. Maple oly os much of Ge Sey as bo ua yess MI 4-0050 een | When the stain is finally out H ite.) | you'll have to patch up the finish, i ‘lke 4849 r Bleaching the wood can be done | with ¢ commercial wood bieach Hiss, THURSDAY, APRIL a. 1086 - |Beefburgers | -|Baked Atop Potato Dish- . me a gS) Fresh Collection . ASTER ROMENADERS To be walked about on the most ‘talked-about feet this spring... each heralding the new focus-on-leg fash- ion with ultimate flair ond flattery. Deticate “T" strap in black patent or navy gif $16.95 esbidiicoaies Sa - Pork Right A omer @ Our Front Door! MOT BF RET ETRE ee Med S. Telegraph 1662 Rd. t of Representatives. Harmonious hat-making, despite opposite party affilia- tions, occupies these congressional wives at their club mil- D. Abernethy (left) is a Newspaper students, Mrs- John Taber (left) of New York and Mrs. Karl LeCompte of lowa take time out from ‘sional Congressional Club journalism class to see what's in the | paper. Both are wives of Republican members of the House point count system under Mrs. -™ Copitol Hill Wives Work . / in Harmony _- Dem, GOP Women Even with elections coming up, | the Congressional Club school bell =. tolled recently for around 100 en-_ thusiastic students. Why would a congressman's wife Vississippi Democrat; Mrs. Gerald R. Ford Jr. is a Michi- want to tackle journalism? wives better. who signed up already played but want to master the new Ruth Kathan. Equip Upstairs Hall _as Handy TV Nook | If you do not have sufficient space in your living room for the TV set, and you have an empty hall upstairs, your problem is solved. weight furniture you can have 7 a TV corner that will be Sftvactive and provides the necessary pri- vacy. And the set will no longer be a conversation-stopper when guests are visiting. { as Se A Save °50 During Our Hoge Frigidaire’s “Porcelain Pair” —gy Automatic Washer Live Water Action’ Porcelain Throughout Gets Clothes Drier $299% ~———"Frade-” In 269" High fashion on a lower i heel! Black patent or navy i calf $16.95 mat | YOU GET | BOTH FOR Pye ~~ A “30% | Congressional spouses, who are {apt to make humerous public ap- now wc to | among its honorary life members umn for a California paper. wive of Rep. John Taber (R-NY) has had experience turning out material for a Republican women’s newsletter. chairman Mrs, Kari Le- as Re ee Ve cee oS tre weer Pe ee a Sei s a RE ye gto ee ; i t ° a \ ; are’ : ae \ si i} ; - Se Te SN - : A ae a: + : eS LF ‘Sis em ! __.»____ == THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, ia 'D, ‘4 3 *% f , < ‘\Plans Launched’ }#t,e..Ss"" {for Antheon Bal] | == 3 -3 =: our Lips. . ! another charge, plans are well under way | line Gabtiel, tickets; Evelyn Rye name bud-new Muses George | sde fr sig. Tab wa cen hee mee z | 1662 S. TELEGRAPH'RO, - fav Jor br notching te delcncy | TMTETY™ we te theme and wat COMING vents : of the flower with the vibrancy of DM. 10) wapssee Pirst Baptist ; its coloring. “= |12:30 in the Hellenic Hall on Ma- | cusrdh wu bere penat” Grose Be” riva_ avenue. Proceeds will bene.! £5",.", 5%" = ™*"™ . ‘ hance and sfc mais Pri 1 AT OUR NEW a py ng yt | seaeeh bebe thee ak Gade SPECI A L! | HAT BAR! and-white mixtures in your spring f wardrobe ‘and a highlight for the * pink and soft watercolor pastels. . | if you're a blende or a bru- | if- pitle rue wae Perfect Rose |. ONC group of / WE'VE THE zi Ht : F E i : | cS i Dresses = | HATS for = your choice a i gi § 3 i ; 4 ; t i § 2 q 5 g g z 33 John Frederick Charmers d e ions | -AFINER™ , + Tailored Madcaps, Bloom icld ; Smooth Straws, sh te ] 5 Newest Shapes FER F +8 | z F ° > < é tl | : : - - Photographed while staying at the Surf Rider Hotel | |- i in the Hawaiian Islands were Mr. and Mrs. Frank McGinnis of Birmingham who returned today from their first trip to the islands. They visited Hawau with a group of friends. District WCTU Conducts saht in time f | i ‘ | | B Spring Institute in Pontiac rig in time Tor Ee ors Sees - THESE MOST TERRIFIC VALUES! ac- the| Mrs. Tom Malone opened the af- rehabilita- | ternoon session with a devotional suggested | Message. On the contitution com- Sewee—Fesee=| Tonite! Friday and Saturday! Committees working on ‘the in te cd mmag Py psrcinnan yr stitute were Anna Gordon Unit, sbeorving proposed hostess; Frances Willard Unit, dec- orations; Pontiac Union, book sale; |Dora Whitney Unit. under the di- |) rection of Mrs. John McCormack ive Pee PH . be : - Mrs. Ruth Townsend, 18th Dis-| and Mrs. David Gee, courtesy and trict publicity director, reviewed | registration; Emor L. Calkins Unit, ¢ ’ the work dope in publicity, and | luncheon; Mary Morton, literature, Dr. H. H. Savage, pastor of First | Mrs. Townsend, publicity; Royal ‘ Baptist Church, spoke to the group, | Oak, programs: Walled Lake, piat- promising to increase the number | form, atx Elia Irish, resolutions. | - of temperance sermons to be! (Others were Drayton Plains, ban- 8 preached. |oore Troy. pages; Ferndale, re- . 'iception; Birmingham, corsages; to houp the country strong and S| Care P. Tedd, assistant publicity | through temperate, | agent, and Novi, ushers. president of the 15h District and | Need No Ironing state corresponding secretary,; If household duties are press- spoke on membership promotion, | ing ‘don’t take the trouble to con | ~~ bership. She said the need of tem- | Sheets and pillow cases. Instead | Stiresceeree===| g995 SUITS $ 75.00 SUITS — lex 79.95 SUITS | SPECIAL AT... 2.99 \S 4.99 A Sale of profoundly elegant suits! Fashion and fabric Wf, 40 12-121, 403 never found af $59. Forstmann’s smooth telga . . . Juilliard’s asia aed finest wool worsteds, grey flannels, worsted checks, Italian silks, navys and spring tones dress-up suits, boxy ' suits. 3-piece costume suits. Misses’, Juniors’ and brief sizes. , | | A aoa Ls Free ||} “Bloom : aon = omen — . i so a — Pane Ee tw gors if sturdi-1 SHOP Friday ‘til 9 Saturday’til 6 Sunday 2 to 5 a SS en Open Fri. 9:30 - 9 i . 23 Nr Seginew ee 'Park at our front door! —.,] —¥ ~~. a: eta Sali’ (2 Se tie sor |Hied WAN a Took of astonishment Ui Affiliates Mark. banks Soere Jou get them tee." Birthday of 8-Hour Day woe es SS . a: reek y 2 ots Peers hii sae 1: ae © ih seh ee eS ees RS | AIR ie a ———— > f - : | me aed aa = ‘ } iv a. i ii 3 : ee 4 = Sig co ss _THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY. APRIL, So a nba fe le ptt a 99 DA Be GAM ite Th PIOLADELEA @-ttery Tew | Dose qutered en ta £2.80 prrrsnuncn «ai cou mies Blamed for Breakup | Caron, 28, were: married MANILA An Igarot mountain age | ip Ae x mark the} LOS ANGELES @—A difference| He sald Miss -got-oft near Baguio City and Lwith writing worthless checks, in- contracts today to mai >.” Dar ete o bul. Oe 1 eluding gun - [36th of the union win-| in artistic interests” was cited-by +live an-intense artistic life.” Dur-} walked ey. mrmeed : —sgaowean to a/ Request ts Reasonable tring the Showr day. The tradition. George A. Hormel IT of the meat: | ing an attempted reconciliation in |15 minutes . en fund let. Crttmes Bre wih! wai CREEK, Cali» —|1! estract holiday 4 tarhod ty | packing family abe explained the | New York, la Oetabe, ot et | OO nena yng a state license | instructions to “tive. big.” . pore os numerous rallies, = ot his marriage to Lestie|his wife told him she bad never | baby boy © delivered = for a face |Dean whether be purchased his |i a liquor store, "don't go away! The tongue of a S0fenl whale | ina. : tiitie the marriage, “Migs Caron] | She: tit_te | checks at a bank, Henderson “re-| mad—just go away.” may weigh as much as 3% tons “Tam « musician; my Wile is did not contest the diverce. sume - ee Se on ada ees “nl * ee Sider cet s 7 : * e. i Susands Have Acelaiwed The LION STORE as The Finest for Boys and Girls . . . Ps CHARGE ‘the CHILDREN’S SPRING CLOTHES AT NO EXTRA cost: : _— Acderahle Bit 4.glems Fina oak Ser 0 yout Easter parader. Checked linen Eton jacket with matching bow tie tops cotton poplin blouse and Nylon-rayon gebardine sus foiees Jacket completely lined with Earl-Glo rayon to 8.98 ana 9.98 Sport Coats. Beautiful distinctive all wool Sport Coats mag- ~nificently tailored of the finest fabrics. Imported tweeds, checks, splash weaves, and solid colors. | 198 ey Charge Your Family’s Clothes at No Extra Cost! — Boys’ Topcoats By Spirit of Youth—Acecraft __ All wool tweeds, checks and cheviots. Available _in _in gigher the dressy set-in shoulder model or the “popular bal model with raglan shoulders. Many with zip-out liners. Sizes 8-20. "12.98. 27.98 “APPAREL” For Resi Boys G4 SHIRT "+ TIE + CUFF LINKS = JUNIOR DRESSED UP For the young fellow with toste, who is already show- ing interest in dress. A shirt with all the tailoring de- tails found only in a quality man's shirt —with French cuffs, a bow tie and cuff links to match. In both white and a lively checked pattern. And to make a perfect gift; each shirt is beautitully pocked won individea! git bon Sizes 2 to 12 2.98 JUNIOR DRESS-UP sl Indiv. wr a Tom SAWYER: By— Jack Borgenicht Kate Greenaway Little Star Youngland _ Everyone tells us, they’re the best looking and best selection of girls’ dresses in town, Choice of nylons, or cot- Headquarters for Husky Boys— By— Spirit of Youth, Tom Sawyer Gabardines, dac- ron and wool tweeds, all wool flannels, splashes, * checks, and slubs. The widest as- sortment of fab- rics and styles in the history of our boys’ department. PARK FREE REAR of STORE~ WHILE -SHOPPING! - 5 Also Stndant- Sizes oto. MQ scree Chubby Girls ae val tons in every style to fit every mood for Easter. ye. Sizes 1-3, 36x, 7-14, Sub Teens 3.98 » *8.98- ee Ship’n Shore su. spice stripes in fine broadcloth 2.25 ">What school go! Clow ito conbed pane dcloth.... stripes bri St ane oequul ee — sane daed tem Seam Gana . Washes daisy-fresh every time. _fat 00 of many neve Helin Ghove egies for eng aoe __ f. 3 By— Kute Kiddie Yorkster | Peggy ‘n’ Sue “Tots to Teens” All Wool Nylon - Faille Doesn't matter what kind of coat girl, or what size she is. “We can take care of any-~ girl from the cradle right through her teens. Plenty of all wool coats or. top- pers, and you'll find — 2 Girls’ Spring Coats and Toppers you want for your -—> ~ the new washable nylons, - too. Plus; .. a wonderful Leeeee. =F € a > * : : 9 * iy epee Lets talk about baby clothes and tender skin Jig - and why careful mothers use all eee ee Re a a ee all 5s controlled suds wash out every trace of dirt- and rinse away entirely — _ leaving baby things soft and fresh oe am alt AE AAC: A F< eR A and free from irritating suds deposits! _ oy a That’s why all° was created — without heavy suds—by the research chemists of Monsanto. They came up with a new kind of detergent scientifically tailor-made to help your washer turn out the cleanest, freshest wash possible. In the home, as well as in the laboratory, al/ has passed every washing test with flying colors. So leading automatie washer. manufacturers matic washer manufacturers who believe it’s now prescribe all for best results in your the best way to get your baby’s clothes caress- machine, | Ss ingly soft and hygienitally clean. =f Ps Prescribed by washer makers wf ~ The men who developed the automatic washer © . knew that old-style soaps and detergents were , wrong for such modern machines. /' . Suds riding around on top of the wash wales can’t possibly remove dirt ‘from the clothes down underneath. Thick, heavy suds don’t drain out when the wash water does. Instead, they that’s where a// helps your washer do = _ cling to the clothes and won't rinse away. finest clean-up job_of all time. ° 5 ; ante OUNG MOTHERS can and do rely on all to safeguard sensitive-skin from irrita- tion caused by the harsh suds-curd, or scum, some washing powders deposit in clothes. The difference is that al/ washes with “‘con- trolled suds’ —almost no suds—so your washer has no troublérinsing every Jast bit of dirt away. That’s why ail is | prescribed by leading auto- all’s big advantage: “controlled suds” For some reason, (perhaps “‘for old time’ssake’’) ingredient in other detergents would rather bubble to the surface than work under’ water, ‘ But that’s where the dirty clothes are, and Qs. VELL : all's full cleaning power goes to work under the water line! Instead of jamrhing your washer with a thick layer of lather, al/’s controlled suds let the clothes swish and slosh and tumble freely, so all the dirt comes out. Cleaner rinsing, too! You know how hard it is to get rid of suds when you wash clothes or dishes by hand. _ Well, it’s hard for your washer, too. Thick suds glue themselves to clothes and prevent thorough rinsing. But all’s controlled suds rinse out quickly and completely. No dingy suds deposit remains. So free-rinsing a// makes all the difference between dull and bright ... between gray and white .., between hard and soft. Why ail is all you need You don’t have to use bleaches, bluing or | water softener when you-use ali. all contains a special whitening agent that’s better. than a bleach because it’s gentler. And ail contains its own water softener in just the right amount. In hard water areas, particularly, women who wash with ai/ have learned that for week- in, ‘week-out savings, a// is their very best buy: And, in addition, their machines rarely need s * i Dear, all makes this guarantee’ - Try all next time you“wash. It’s wonderful ~ for the grimiest work clothes, for dainty lin. gerie, for baby’s diapers. - It’s unconditionally i aa for the new miracle fabrics like Acrilan, Orlon, Dynel and nylon. If you don’t honestly believe that all can outwash ordinary thick suds detergents, your cesiest ie SAC SE I eee Monsanto Chemical Company, St. Louis, Mo. e cat. + ey a 7 " ee - ¢ POE ; ?} ‘ “ —— S To * a > _ a ‘i Ww, : - saan ——-s a ‘ f " 5? ele oes Tee Ne i on | .gouainr . ee é ES a eae = pe | ) a 2 ; pol 7 : ip. a ‘ \ | - ; BE | : fics = vi 3] = = ; < > a} & aU} meen ——— | mye io = Saf: * Aa =: 31] 2 wo 7 Te = = horny es ae fai is it tH ie F i y ah = = Nat Ht i ia + Hi uy if th Heigl 2 eae’ hl al +H a8 : ip | é sit H a= pant ui ne Heal Mea ue SS SS aii, Mi fll Hi iT dk HE iy Tie my ae I fa i ut ms |! feu ite , Suiits fia 4 : MERTEN iis Bilin ae Tang | 7 sila ill: hel linn it hie r jn ot Uta , a eo *¥ies \" i Ee na ih nuit Hh itll i gt fi i ti | \) : 85 ii ial hi | ih i BH i ' «i of ; 433 “fie 5 tn se ase 8 | i] fH b& sng au Epa Ra CT ey 4: 88 iene fet i mel ei Oath . pRapl i Ef al ia; gliyyn He saint mt pu Hata fle TTR ee a ih ne ayaa tue! ut get pH a iu ee titty bygilte tae ‘iui ae adyatlint! BAZLEY’S BIGGER @ BE | | | | af MEAT BARGAINS FOR LESS BAZLEY’S BIG NATIVE SNO-WHITE VEAL SALE! 78 WORTH SAGINAW S&T. OPEN FRIDAY Rib or Loin Cut For Stuffing ROAST | BREAST | CHOPS Meety Rump SIRLOIN, ROUND or T-BONE. STEAKS ECONOMIZE! SHOP HERE AND SAVE! tf lt q rag Hi " te | Set ping] f3' 892] (232 ae VEAL PATTIES Leen, Blade Cut ~~ gen Ps ——— . he ae fe __, POW'T- WAIT=BUY SWEL TODAY-TREAT YOUR FAMILY TONIGHT! 3 , e2-@ D- ‘| BEEF ... 7 ae ee a a 3 THE. PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY. APRIL 1, 1954 hd EVAPORATED PET Ml LK @ PLASTIC CLOTHES LINE 69° CAN perce Ne Pe ee _ ONLY ee c) GXLVANIZED PAILS.--:- anne seceee® a DUPONT 51 GAUGE 15 DENIER , assorted Colors aa essesoee® | ) NYLONS 59: ewegenee® oY; Pr @ ANGUS CLOTHS ---- | (LIMIT 3 PAIRS) Package CLOTH : | @ CHIX CHEESE SSS Sree ae. Scasztes e HILLS BROS. e come ® (OS . ted VALUE BROOMS REGULAR or DRIP ' PRICES EFFECTIVE — ALL WEEK LONG! Thursday, April 2 thew A Wednesday, April 7 OPEN EVERY DAY 9-8 and SUNDAY ALL DAY Park Free in Our Big PAVED PARKING LOTS =. - For Automatic Washers Use ; ‘ALL’ Detergent ¥ tots $59 : PCCD te FOP! a S. SPEEA DRE? ear tat 8 thin A tea wi Pes Hot Dor Bia —= ¢ DOZEN CARTON . = +— , + >. e APRIL,;1, 1056 TIAC PRESS. THURSDAY, a THE PO a. 3 § 3c] kt =" a > El 3)c5 3S r > sere a agi (th T Zersiisi® . 2 — =< i, i) ws 2 EE 3 £2) —— oe i if . f BS ticle j= 5 Hi it aye af 2&2 5 = ‘— vi ale at y Oa: 3 = -— pill UE i —& UD: Fn re Le i = Bye Hays ys) ey —_ | == 4yi ay i]s Hoe eS = ELE , : | ae : - - ’ ' fe ~ fr) S 8 il sy =H! Ue Aah ns 1p teat EH o- CUS > ON 3 = Hi ATE plea jbea itah We — i 3 Silat it i iin, Se HELE 2 | | : i mE Sy TMG ese oe - 7 ra 4 ie ii x = j 593 fr Bize™ 6 Ss: Ga | os ed vi S . anit {l g Mt hay g ‘a i ieee Hig i Se C} I> | 3 sali ats all ii ca Oi; o > Hal-heldlishh gq Ml |e Ale f S qchl a 3 és" 22% a annincade. ; : 3 pA: - | wo LA e . | wf a 42) 833 SY Gched Gb Tehase = s <| ; = \ RUPEE Tm ern) eee ‘he: le \ Ns 85 in i vt that [i pany 29 _ z : |S a vil hh peel [Mss Fel eg F a a it Ky Ladin ie Hey Waaiineg an oa 1S a 6 - POE WW ni pied ate Ie a} = fe i9 18 Bi 2. Tea i a a Rp! t 35 : 5 Boe |= ry 3 / RE Hy eee em a RED a s Hi] > Hat | i r ta clei ao | Gall 25 1A Fe mis as Y= i? stay il nit; aif? be ry z | 2 o co) E> Sa Sei ae ine id ONE Baa Ws Opt AR UY tis’ {ut 33 up 3) ale } e a fa) a : i ag fqsity Tne. Tr: it ed Ht = titre | oa Ent 2 +> et E “sf iH I mitt Hil Hitt isi j\‘as it y “I; | @i\43 jsithfe, = agit Fe jie idl il Ta |S Biehl Hii REE Ah 2st in sul i aeit id uit iat RE: BO | - - 43 ie % a ‘ ae eee Seam - — Pal Di i ’ : ew Pe - - wy i hth J ——— Spat. fan res - > - nike ale Seaesst— ane : aS i : \ Ser Saucon dere he al Aiea EN JS na a se Riad a am at oo : . aad BIBS OIE — ee THE PONTIAC PRESS, ftnenspay: peli rm oN Ae * ae i Migs if ay, ae ‘ Be . .: > * hop and Save Mone a . i i ‘s ee i bs eet EVAPORATED pring H ing Needs ot Pei me DUPONT 51 GAUGE 15 DENIER 5 (LIMIT 3 PAIRS) SORRY #5 Sy a LIMI T he = i a * ana — id wah, a ? s * ie 5 me ig c| Pr. \_@ KnNGuUs CLOTHS Package CLOTH : | @ CHIx CHEESE Fo ah gms —jyunssde see e HILLS BROS. e- © BOWL 1. BRUSHES © SUPER VALUE BRO -U.S. Graded Choice Beef Round—Sirloin—Club « : 4 4 « ° . e Ld oe é “ 2 re t eee = = ae f “ee *: A . 4g ae ae, ¥ At oS ea ee gs + oy : as Saget a my eB oS ee ae * PA o3: se2 3A Bo. Cete's - { ee 2 . ~~? & ALL WEEK LONG! Thursday, April 2 thru Wednesday, April 7 OPEN EVERY DAY 9-6 ~~ and ~ SUNDAY ALL DAY Park Free_in, Our PAVED PARKING ors For Automatic Washers Use ‘ALL’ Detergent 19th $59 TOOD=O-M wy : p r() SUPDER=-MABDRKI > BUNCAN Hil Sit Package Mich: Grade 1 oe : . Feit : my a 2- “53 i Kriy Crackers mt i Pie Crust Mix a Hot gt ari «20° § Margarine ...* "$25 | = ¢ DOZEN CARTON { > .F . !) =e bs ' oo 7 ‘~. ©F Gry. Vs if. ss” UL ee Ps - —. -— se” Ue i. rs a Vier tn dn a APE, OR aR +. at * re a! a OER ey ‘ eat of \ ce 1 . " i Cae * pe ietee at 4 fa Fi } ~ I j } iy r ‘ OR a ay sec: ee ae ae THE PONTIAC > PRESS, THUNSDAY. APRIL, 1, 1934 ae ae : eee ON ee thickened cornmeal. : ‘Grandma's Tureen Back, oe ‘Kad Figs fe Pudding ar iat cis Sn 5 OY Zio ae ; That olddashioned favorite, In- eS ' Filled With Old- ‘Style Stew icc tracted gions ar Dot CS Ss con enlacs =~ ‘ he bounced dish after dish on ae shbiain Xs bf wa PITTSBURGH (UP) — The No. } frying pan in favor of the covered | marble Soor: 1 course on American menus these | dish.” | “See. he said, “won't. chip, ' i days is good. old-fashioned stew. Shs sheaber tured Gar oan won't break.” None did. | Who says so? | Tae rer ne a on The company is so sure of it] } "The nation's: leading china and | tail for 85 dr less, when they | product that it is offering to pay | glass manufacturers who can spot | te the stores in the spring. | for the first year of dish-washing | sad ee ie ag 6 napa! memy planning from | Extra famcy as high as [slips by hubby or the children. what Gey're enipe } $150 — = high price for dressing | i hee it at Ef | There's an increasing dentanad, up an old-fashioned stew. | they say, for tureens, casseroles Pour Beef- Gravy Mixture You'll like your own ‘Chop Suey—end Chow and. ether covered dishes for | Most if the china and earthen: | Oyey Baked Potatoes = | Git “Show 'Yes Sevcel t car ‘| cooking or serving the cheaper |W8re. Were of the. conventional | Oriental Shew-You Sevee! qs pe | | meat cuts used in stews and |FOund and oval patterns. The many; Big baked potatoes, topped with| with meats, fiah, chicken, soups, beled § ve | eecpe. ivarieties of wrought iron oe n gravy hash, will taste hike | macaroni, eer po Ragga a ad brass. dishes and serving pieces! c oS ae dis- | Hundreds of china and glass which hit the market heavily last | "Use & can of beet gravy (1%| manufacturers recently exhi ibited. vear will be fashionable :again | cups) and that last cup of roast | | their 1954 wares in Pittsburgh, a! inis year |beef cubed) for the hash. Mix) giass-making center o | the gravy, meat, and some chopped’ They say that the tureen, long ine af amore ota, a pushes had onion that's been browned in hot popular with New Orleans and fit te? rotreecs and sive cupboard fat You'll have a little more than | New Engiartid housewives, now is akin: dente feat t 2 cups of hash, enough for 4 pota-| ordinary equipment on tables —_— nouns ¥ a se toes ! : shaped plates. and still another is J throughout the nation. fe hate acetal dais After potatoes are baked, split “Most péople just can't afford °*T'"s ry Pee Pe cae each and mash in a little butter | Steaks and chops,’ said J Andrew ware in the Mupe ef 208 shells Pour on the hot beef-gravy topping Squires, one of the show mana- The show-stepper was provid- Feast on these with green beans gers. “They're putting away the| ed by a New Yerk firm which is and a tossed salad ae Shop at Spadafore Bros. Don't Foraet That Orevaro SxinponTop |7Q6 W. Huron AND SAVE Making Skillet P Pie ee in Making Skillet Pizza Pi foel ate Seat ® Susie tes, . i ~SEILLET-PIZZA PlE—Cook this version of the | other fish adds a prey touch and don’t nit ever popular pizza pie right on top of the stove. | the oregano—the spice that made pizza famous. The shell is made of flaky biscuit dough. Tunaor, There. Was a time the spice calledt A dish of oregano will put news a . { Fresh Killed Young . oregano was recommended in a in anv of these Lenten foods. An . ; rete aoe pray rng a 'O | after Easter. try this herb in meat If you'd like to come up with rs over- . } - list Pe emlnnard aie — and meat stews. Rub some ore. something etty special the next herba =“ >» < } i F . 5 Today we ommend oregano £80 into lamb, pork, veal of ‘me you —— . for a ro eo ’ ev “k, sev . ' for those who are given to love of chicken before roasting and — an : * : 7 brotied shrimp sandwiches ey all those savory dishes from summy”’ <5; jnkie some imto your next Vege- . . Italy — spaghetti, ravioli, pizza : Shrimp, by the way, is a good c lasagne, chicken cacciatore, and table or meat soup food to serve in the hours just be- P R d ethere. But. let'e net stop there Skillet Pizza Pie fore bedtime because it is light an-Keocy bb Oregano is a st sily di ° - herd of many uses Baking powder biseult dough, using and, like most seafood, easil) ; » one " ; ’ givin a pol Cheddar cheese gested : No Fus Fer instance, during this Lenten Sarg an tuna fish This gecipe makes four sand scacen you'll probably be erry. | i cub Saaee ante a wiches, with a spicy tomato“kauce No Muss Tall Cans ing a let of protein-rich cheese, | |“ teaspoon salt . to pour over the shrimp after ree nad Bah didion, Fade te 0.) ste Tans creel Eve, they've bree brelled e 3 a ° hes quainted with the versatile qua easpoon ¢! iy moest ‘vee. nares Brofied Shrimp Sandw ix easpoon garlic po er 2 = Part littes of oregano. Parmesan cheese 4 pe eemeal ep hecal heal evemach arate R Hi Sc recede 2 ablespeone, chopped eaves emus Hi-Score Spread biscuit dough over bottom | poon 1) Ki DS and half the way up side of 104,| beast ses re j ‘, te@speoen ore ich heavy skillet. Slice cheese} Caanean chopped parsiey land place over dough. Crumble | 2.53%) fee, crane’ whole snrimp © tuna fish over cheese. Combine | ‘4 sites whe bread next seven ingredients and spread! Saute onion in butter or marga over tuna fish. Cover pan with a/ rine. Add tomatoes, worcestershire wor oes. 29!) > BUTTER | tight-fitting lid sauce, pepper, oregano and pars- Delici Bake over low heat 4 to 50 min-| ley. Simmer sauce for five min- U S No utes or until dough is cooked utes, stirring constantly “ _ =! SIRLOIN }through. Raisé édge of dough with Toast bread on one side and }apatula to check on brownness of | brush half of sauce on untoasted | : jerust. Sprinkle Parmesan cheese side. Add shrimp and broil for 5 BOLOGNA 'over top. Cut into wedges apd | Minutes or until shrimp are pink na: 8 cue serve piping hot. Yields 6 ' Serve immediately topped with Corvenge. remaining hot sauce — — : In the Chunk STE AK La {Salad Dressing — 59: ||: 39° SHEDD’S Size STEAK. | ji iidhs.. 32 10° en 69: GRAPEFRUIT. 6 » 29°). POTATOES... 10..." 29° New miracle liquid Glim — grease faster than newest detergent powders --. gets you away from your sink - quicker ...saves up to 100 hours of dishwashing drudg- ery a year! Gets all your dishes “glimmering” clean! Amazing new, “all-purpose” Glim takes care of everything in your sink. Cuts grease faster! Ends scouring! Pots and pans gleam with a swish of the cloth! Dishes glimmer and glisten—get so sparkling clean they wash themselves dry, without wiping. Save time, save work, save your hands. Get wonderful new, “all-purpose” Glim, today! Grade ~_ ROLLED RIB ROAST } 09: Large E Ep mtn, a : > aah Fine for Stews—Broising TISSUE Short Ribs : 215° Ground Continuously en , Dor. for GROUND BEEF | , |L— 3+ 99°) 19 Tomato Juice 19 ISDADA RARE RRAS MK i VPREIAMIAR VAD DAL es LEAL 7G WEST HURON STREET , Milder to ha nds thon - Dishes wash faster. gleam more! — > MS . < es ~- — ln tame woman". * . MADE BY THE MAKERS OF FAMOUS 8480 - Sh we I oN " 4 5 . ; re $e Periz A “ae Sito’ Fe ye ~~ * Ghee, S| ee Pe ; i hing d , 4: ea : ' ; “, ets { ; ‘ on Ss ri a a ‘ uy + ‘ J i? z ‘ aa 4 : 3 : an a 6 = ‘ . . j 7) ‘ . J oe & ral os i 7 wh - a 4 , ‘ , A 3 , AG ~ THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, APRIL i, 1954 A ners — " a \W DA hw eee HOLDENS Get ALL- | | | ‘ P| RED STAMPS —— 4 ' aBa » BAKED BEANS WITH STUFFED PEACHES—Canned baked beans with nut-marmalade stuffed peaches will prove a boon to marketwise homemakers. It's an inexpensive main dish that has melt of copetite appeal. Cam with parsley for more color C y 7 4 Yee y Filled Peaches eee ee , , | tai crap toned ald ren a La Choy Chop Pi Demonstration | - - PET POWDERED MILK : . =" ate tapioca cream DEMONSTRA Top Bean Dish compe te mea FRIDAY AND SATURDAY i ES Calling all rnarket-wise home|” 2e'c2otnd,cans bated beans Delicious Samples of Tasty La Choy Meatless and Chicken Chop Suey Semple © plese, of cold, dalicious makers! A hearty main dish, made pn yb! halves WATER CHESTNUTS — BAMBOO #303 CANS whole Pet Milk! de bahed bocce ent meyscet| | Empty beans into a shallow tak || SHOOTS — CHINESE VEGETABLES Meatless Chop Suey ... .33¢ 2 Qt. Size 4 Qt. Size ‘will pléase every member of the nuts; fill centers of drained peach COOKED RICE _ BROWN GRAVY Chicken: ‘Cho S 59c family. ves. Arrange peact pouey..... . Simply peor canned halves = bean aoe a a meer rd SAUCE ™ eeneass oP SUEY La Choy Noodles . 2 for 29¢ T 8 . 3 3 " be = TI in eh sae minnie, of wail La ChoyBean Sprouts2 for 29c aocaere | Remus | “Hamilton Grade A Velvet Brand Delicious ICE CREAM ICE CREAM| Large en TIDE ey Tee / BUTTER a nang | oo ‘és (eo | 59 . a new idea ; ; in | Large 64 Size U. S. No. 1 New Red Florida Pink milk packaging | GRAPEFRUIT | POTATOES A paper carton designed | for Lh - * to protect the purity and goodness .of your milk from _thé dairy to your table. Plastic-coated — in- side and out—hermeti- 4 - cally sealed to keep milk country: fresh. We steril- ize each carton when we | fll it at our dairy, you use | each carton once . .. then 3 Ibs. Swift’ ning Ml rscoet et mth =: AFG | Good for One Whole Week Round, Swiss and Loin STEAKS | {9 ‘ Armour’s Star — Chase & Sanborn COFFEE. SLICED BACON —- ~ | No. 1 Traypack POT ROAST $99) 69: =) og | a. Lean Rib End tai» /PORK LOIN ROAST.... GG | 2% Birds ye Frozen Fish Sticks 7 | Armour’s Star ) throw it away! Rectangu- | : Asesses'é lar shaped for easy han- | dling and storage, these | sturdy cartons are abso- lutely leakproof. Next time you buy milk—Tlook” for the new plastic-coated carton that offers these features: EASY TO USE SEALKING NOT WAXED— CARTONS MEAN: ———— EASY ‘ : TO OPEN U. S. Government Greded Choice Beet Blade Cut \ ‘ Your milk is sealed in. So push ‘ the corner rim to break the seal U end lift the foil tobs to open. “The Seething Spread MARGARINE @) ==: | Tugger . vino ft ney. ae | er | ve Cee 4 = a aa o: Maple Leaf Dairy Co. | a Ne a Friendly (Nicci - : "20 E. Howard St, eres Fe a2547 — 4 he hh, ae. ee, Se ee ee 1 an eres — ? oe) ae ') = o Pc ee — , ee. Aine hoe a — a Toe oP 74S ee ty TS A igen a ER Pe ne ee Oe ee ee ee 7 ee sty ahve “ : . 8 so ra ; ar i ; at sshbs Sid : i = i ia a a ¥. i. ree as a en ARDS ea OS ey _ THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY; APRIL 1.19540 Lia | > . r , > . _ ~ a ~ ~ =r _ ~- ee ee 7 ae ¥' "Ts" |Tuna-Stuffed Potatoes T-ounce can of tuna, and salt and _ | are stubborn e the Difference! ROASTING i HENS” - 2. = = LARGE FRESH EGGS.. = re axei anbbbbnbeennnns = $ Walleyes or $ $ Fresh Silver $ BUY $ Freshiake 3 3 Fresh 3 = d a 4 — 3Yellow Pickerels’ $ BASS -$ eresy ¢ PERCH $ § SMELT 35 . . . > 7 > < = DEVILED EGGS WITH TOMATO RICE—Dev-| Lenten main dish. Simple to make, it’s appealing| as ¢ 1» 49: $ 3 Lb c 3 FISH g Lb. ¢ 3 3 Lbs. ] $= iled eggs, cheese sauce and tomate rice with just | to the eye and full of flavor: Use your cake deco- 3 $ 2 $ 2 $ 3 $= enough herb seasoning are the ingredients of this | rator‘to make the squiggles on top of the eggs. Dannnnennrorrrr Snnnnnneecoeoebe : for Lent nanatannnanrede > Lp ptt tO = : | Te F “= - os ~ P-OYSTERS = Deviled Egg in Rice Nest Votencics ot Peck RESH CATFISH ~ HERRING — SNAP PER - BUFFALO ~ SHRIM = - | California valencia oranges now ; = Has Tantalizing Flavor <=:"=:=-| PEOPLE'S FISH & POULTRY MARKET Deviled eggs nested in herb- bowl. Mash with a fork. Blend in they are sweet and bursting with | : = seasoned tomato ri is a good| mayonnaise, milk, vinegar, salt, | juice, practically seedless, easy to) : 2 ‘ . e = full avored dish to include in Len- | pepper and tabasco. Fill whites | peel and have a high sugar con-| 82 South Saginaw St. Wholesale and Retail FE 4-152] = ten menus It offers enchanting | with deviled” mixture tent "EMMITT UT i i $ f § & | E f fr | E ¢ 3 bog : : j | rE g ! Gorgeous prize-winning flower S Tans for 25* and Seabrook wrapper! You’d pay $1.75 in any store for these 8 packages of worlid- the Seabrook Farms name from the front of any package of famous Burpee Seeds. Every single bloom is an All-America Seabrook Farms frozen foods . . . quick-frozen right on the Pe z £ 58 2 sg Ess ASS — i Award Winner. Many have received the coveted Gold, Silver farm that grows them—the world’s biggest vegetable farm— ee ase cae and Bronze Medals. But. they’re all yours for just 25c and the world’s biggest freezing plant. rl vE rr ba = § a 2 E ry oe ek | Ho cs at 350 degrees until sauce | bly, about 30 minutes. Makes Deviled Eggs ; nerd costed come, Royal Purple Giant Dahlia-Flowered Zinnia teaspoons wine er - 5-5 e eggs. Slice eggs in half Place yolks in small Use of Meat Tenderizer =) Won't Destroy Vitamins The common ingredient in most ! Pontlac’s Finest Cafeteria and - Lunch Counter | Naughty Marietta Dwarf French Marigold Persian Carpet Zinnia Art Shades Tail Giant Phiox Peace Pincushion Flower or Scabiosa kino are GQ: REGULAR PRICE ‘1.75... you get them for 25° Smelt, All You Can Eat A —with Cole Slaw and Tartar Sauce... :. Here's how you get them OR T Cut the Seabrook Farms name from the front of any * Seabrook Farms frozen food package. Homade Meat loaf with =< Braised Mushroom Cc . | T Sauae ond eheite - a. Print your name and address clearly on the coupon. of Potatoes CHEF’S SPECIAL DAILY We Do Catering—Call FE 2.6242! Bakery Department | [Special Pineapple Cream Cakes. 0a. $1.25 | 3 Mail package front, coupon and 25c to: * Seabrook Farms, P.O. Box-2663, Philadelphia, Pa. Seabrook Farms, P.O. Box 2663, Philadelphia, Pa. 1 enclose 25c (plus 1c sales tax if you live in Florida or Pennsylvania) and the Seabrook Farms name cut from the front of a Séabrook Farms frozen food package. You. will ‘: Peerage ag SU ARIE os send-me the 8-package, $1.75 combination of Burpee Flower | Glazed Donuts ...... besreredsessces 6 Oy 20a — | Sion epg thee tnt ele PES nine 2 Andee TT TT eT er eee Ieee eee ee ee eee eT ee eee eee eee eee | Pe PPP eee eee eee eee eee Pee eee ee eee | UP eee eee ee) This offer is-restricted to the cotitinental U.S. It terminates on dune 30, 1954. It is subject to applicable state and local regulations. Cash value 1/20 of 1 cent. mines Sn Pata ate ees » = ‘ Resa ol | hed St a - ae \ {= * See ee A we Sah. SSS Lak Se he : 2 gE sols Sk ae « ; ; ‘ . ; 4 ; Ff “ ger . : . \ x Sry Wty ere x oat Pe ee Sg ee eee oe x4, $F , A ae Sas Ss ee | ak ' = ; et ip \ : hs py " ‘ : ? r + "3 - = a . i j : d A Ps \ & iy ‘ < i ; 2 ‘ eee ee ce SaaS : mo Ps THE PONTIAC ‘PRESS, "THURSDAY, APRIL. 1 1956 20 off": PRICE Baldwin Avenue NEW STANT Chase & Sanborn > ' Z . | READY TO POUR MAZZA'S MARKET 1 REALEMON 118 Baldwin Avenue —— 3 | >. RECONSTITUTED Dixie Highway = 3 } — r ‘ nan . a" 7 eS ee, f. LO ae . flour and country sweet IN-ER-SEAL WAX PACKS . ) KEEP THEM BAKERY FRESHI ~ sf HONEY j GRAHAME Fru. _e Hore Se, Ga Goud AMS GRAND SALE POTATOES 65. Three Sister’s Market GRAND SALE STEAKS U. $. Good-Tender Club - Sirloin -- Round. 59i. GRAND SALE EGGS Se mony compliments on our ferm fresh eggs. A huge supply eweaits F AD ‘iw. CARROTS SWEET CALIF. mt BS PEPPERS Large Solid Green “= S Jumbo Solid Head Lettuce 2" 19 EXTRA CELERY LARGE FANCY PASCAL 2 xt. 25° STEWERS FANCY FRESH KILLED Lb. 29° FRYERS ALL CLEANED PAN-READY “39 RABBITS EXTRA FANCY FRESH KILLED “55S POT ROAST Extra- Tender, Lean 355 PICNICS Smoked, Ready-to-Eat GROUND BEEF Extra Lean 3” 85° ORANGES GRAPEFRUIT | BANANAS Large Fla. pez © i tw S Dez. ¢c F Lhs. c for Juice 3 9 Seediess 4 eg Ripe g | -_ DEFIANCE BOLOGNA — | pete see oc fee 880 $ 00 3 Lbs. $] bse eeeeeeerees erree Greene SG tae Breast Chicken eaeere eeerrave ** * OLEO no. 1 Green Beans seer ree wes eaeee ee 6 for $1.00 _ @ 5 Lbs. HOT DOGS Kidney Beans ........ aap 8 os | - 3 urs. $] ——— petgtten. . Strietty Fresh Killed Hen Turkeys e" » AQ T ~ PRN, Rs AE ET H All Cleaned—Pan Ready DUCKS i Ac) roy fas 43 Butter’. . PRP es sate ba PERIEIC EL ee -— - ne sett ee . C8 GE PA 8 A I REIT eNO hl _ - 608 W. Huron St. 4 ‘For OTHER EXTRA SAVINGS SEE OUR "Ad in Today's News In: Brief! MARKET SE ER aa, Bee hs Fs : c z | ; Ee i - i ; HH ig #3 £ ‘i i iE : TT +f i id sPi 5 : fit ged set i F [ : z Hi ' e 1 af sf s&8 ALS i i ti a g 3 i i TASTY TUNA CROQUETTES—These delicious-| with scalloped potatoes or your favorite creamed ,}y seasoned tuna croquettes are crispy-brown on/| vegetable sauce. That's good eating for a few "the outside, delicately soft in the center, Serve pennies. A WONDERLAND O SAVINGS men, HVa\s . Ce h 1 ty Set ADLER’S With Easter on Its Way, Effect Savings SUPER Eggs Steal the Limelight sense oom) ot wm av soe =e DY Croquettes With Easter fast approaching} ‘'f possible, buy eggs from a ite ic Ms ed ad wae eh store that keeps them in a re Croqueties are a wonderful way year we | i to use a small amount of meat or think of Usually the oe | Tigerater. Always keep your cays ene. Price of | at home in the refrigerator, small | fish and still feed a number of eggs is as low im April as it will | end down, and covered. +, | people adequately. These Tuns be any time during the year. That cote eee ae ee ready te use them, as the wash- cal shape; but you may shape the, tt.” ing destroys the protective cov- hilled mixt cones, into patties Good nutrition standards call for ering om the shell. Wipe or brush |~— iain desire. This a minimum ing five eggs & week) off any spots, if you like. | oaiee was decdlegan in the test sera. tametty, tat wi probably Whereas eggs will separate kitchens of a famous shortening much easier if they are cold the | company. seem like : many eee to wher had ore scan beeen PRICES GOOD THURS., APRIL 1, THRU oe APRIL 7 pat of your tnd M you oun plan your bebtag Gnod. OPEN SUNDAYS 9 to 9 let the whi aman aah supe cor actin le ee = HART BRAND QUALITY. |. ered cutting down ™ — leftover yolks or re " i Simcoe gig. [tse oe see RINS SWEET. PEAS Ordinarily, 'we frigerator; cover the yolks with NO. 303 CAN lesser quality. But if you under- You know, of course, that the stand egg grading, you will see} Celer of the shell has no bear- that it is merely good economy to| ™S © the quality of the egg; Limit One suit the quality of eggs to the use ner does the coler of the yolk. te « Cus- tay are to te vat. AB cams have Different breeds of chickens lay tomer ¢ same nutritive value, | “#fferent colored eggs. night ti What the hen eats may deter- | about " by canding to ed the internat | mine the color of the yolk. A very| Roll With th ~ quality aad by the an pale yolk may mean that the hen e of the outside. AA Grade or tee | ee ey ie cna BUY : Purchase of 7 considerab | ee ee oe we | liver oil; her egg yolk will be rich DUNCAN HINES $5.00 or lel ord in vitamins. CAKE MIXES! More! , | CAN ARGENTINA fi E f i E t i ° ; are the only other eggs that may | your purpose. Keep them cool ‘ be sold as strictly fresh. Use these | covered at home. Treat them gent- eggs for poaching or soft cooking | ly when you cook them. You'll as the white stands up well. ‘| have good value for your money. B ARMOUR’S LEAN BLONDE BRAND Svsetss crestor SPARE RIBS | BROOMS | CORNED LARGE 5-STRING 1.2 FREEM SS LARGE 10 QUART SIZE GALVANIZED PAILS rams, OLA. SY Don’t Miss Lotan’s Big DOLL BEAUTY CONTEST Still Time to Enter — Get Your _ Entry Blank at Lotan’s Market Today See the Beautiful Bride Doll-- Which Will Be Given as Door Prize! af ONE JAR OF FRENCH’S MUSTARD WITH EACH POUND PURCHASE OF Lb. HOT DOGS! ~ | FIRST PRIZE — $35 Easter Outfit for Little ~~ EMINUTE Girl or $35 of Groceries at Lotan’s — | PIE CRUST MIX 5 CLASS PRIZES — $10 Gift Certificate | || Jf 9: BOX or $10 in Groceries at Lotan’s . | JUDGING WILL BE AT THE COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES PUEAPPLE JUICE BUILDING, WATERFORD, SUNDAY, APRIL 4 211 10: All_Entries Must Be in by 1! P, M. —— Ty "SALMON www MGS AVG poorer Dixie Highway at Telegraph ° Lots of Free Parking “y in. 6 Ya * 3 ‘ a _ 4 we Se & 2 - — ee ae . es SE Be eee es. viinns a ~ rr ¢ . é ee : 4 wt : Towle j : Meet 5) -. i — 2s Ss aa Ey ae Was . = =. , kt cheek WEP: ae — ra 7 a ‘ od ’ Nw ; : > ar show the in tance of breakfnet chives or green onion tops, finely cnaeie he oiohe need —__ in any weight control plan. Women| Any combinaton of customary Nera aig bas between layers of . Der ac rusn acted as guinea pigs im this study / breakfast items is satisfactory. | er-flake brown ‘n serve rolis. | You _get oaly tender cune— ~ TQ QHow during which they went through | These nutritional requirements are Bake r pete oven at 350 de- Whole. or Half rated “excellent” ia -building ae periods of skipping breakfast and| met equally well by a basic cereal | STees *.. © minutes. protein—when you buy Breast-O'- Chicken Hi-Proseia Tuna. breakfasts. _ egg breakfast. . Save any leftover seven-minute | Lb. For we pack only the finest one thind ——- Regardless of this wide vatiation| Variety in the family’s breakfast | Cake frosting in refrigerator. On | of our tuna under this premium-qual- in breakfast habits, their weight |can mea- variety for the reducers short notice spread it on plain ity brand. did not change, provided the total/too. Here's a quick loaf bread| Crisp rye wafers to toast under ee Of the important three balanced | meals per day, breakfast suffers the most. A recent study of young homemakers revealed a tendency to think that three regular meals each day are essential for their husbands and their children. but not for women. Young womens in particular are incline. to skip breakfast, with te control their body weight. Here's where scientific résearch has stepped into the picture. Weight records kept iny one breakfast study made at a prominent med- ical school of a large_university of eating 300, 60 and 1000-calorie number of calories for the day gets to feeling sorry for herself), but the pounds remain. More bad news—in skipping breakfast one is likely to ‘“‘smack’’ between meals or overeat at the other two meals. only until blended. Pour into a greased loaf pan 9x5x3 inches. Bake at 325 about 1 | hour and 10 minutes. Thoroughly | cool on rack before slicing. Makes { A sure way to add unnecessary calories and—pounds' | Other facts from these studies | show that a reducing diet that; starts with a good breakfast means you'll feel better and be more alert, the idea thal they are better able | you ll work better and easier dur- | ing the morning hours Such a breakfast should con- tain not only ', to 44 of the total daily calorie and protein allow- ance, but also those essential vit-; amins and minerals. and milk breakfast or a bacon and that’s good toasted for breakfast, |1 loaf. New Tricks to Dress Up Brown ‘n’ Serve Rolls Part layers of butterflake brown | n serve rolls and spread half with | Cottage cheese and half with straw- berry jam. Wrap rolls in aluminum foil. Bake in 425 oven for 5 to 10 | munutes Or mix cream -cheese — with, broiler for quick marquerites. King Nu OLEO | C 2 Ibs. . t Small Bar-B-O _ 14 to 18 Lb. Avg. C Lb. Home-Cured--Boneless Corned Doz. STEAK Lb. SLAB BACON < Seer rere ae eee ee —— BREACTE-OMIOREN AO FUNA | aS tnt |" RATE SMITH SAYS | — ee Every spoonful of Borden’s gives you up to * gattre | 33*more flavor than 6 BiG bays oF savincs! | Ay other instant coffe mane U.S. NO. 1: TIME Spring Dinner! Flavor rich as the best ground coffee! POTATOES MA ear a ) . FRYING CHICKEN , 10 Ib. Bag 9 c - ° e 5-lb. Bag ° — — e OCOMA | c ¢ - CHICKEN PIE... 29 * % r BREAST-O-CHICKEN $: 00 ‘TUNA.. 3- *f | ane 3 | Hfhc : | mations * CRACKERS.‘ OG a | . ) 3 So rich, you need less por cup” tolid crystal of 100% pate coffee ‘eekdays ~-and all the air ovr—of each tiny pared to # pound of ground coffee! 910. SUNDAY Tee a ee | | Ecac-a | BordenssCoffee — ' - | rar a es | _§ a ope ed sateen eee Molasses fruit bar cookies and/Blend im unsulphured— molasses. “spice cakeare excellent of flavor. | Beat th egg. Stir in sifted flour, It ag he gh eae ‘dates and nuts Spread—in—a goes hand glove with spices | greased and lightly floured Sxdx2 and dried fruits. The cookies with} inch pan. Bake in a 375 oven, 25 dates and nuts may be frosted if} minutes. Cool. Make 3 cuts one Se ae MNS Panties Si wy and eoee woth ¢ ute. If de- 4. ee ~o—werettte disper -adrvine atpainedl pri ki -with.. confectione : The ee cake, ave for | sugar. Yields 32 bars... - . raisins nuts, repeats same Cake figvor harmony story. This loaf is ete se one of those old-fashioned gems he faa made by modern cooks who con-| \% teaspoon soda tinue a tradition of fine baking. ‘se teaspoon sal Both the cookies and cake keep| <2 Sespecs meee moist and carry well because of | 1% tesspoons cinnamon Reng Aan Bh 2 ew - u dae iano “ = ote : a ede 1 cup chopped nuts 1 teaspoon salt H cup raisins . | teaspoon cinnamon fy (lee eu Pp ed less. Cream together shortening, 1‘, cups sifted all-purpose flour 1 cup finely eut dates % cup chopped nuts Cream together . Blend »! Remon ty seo f... + —— x a juice make a tempting combina- tion; a diced winter pear is an appetizing addition. For a vey special fruit cup, melon balls in orange juice are a happy choice. Soak pans that have contained fat or sugar in hot water: use cold water for soaking pans that ee ee ee staraz | Lobster May Be Prepared Ahead | —~ 4 tablespoons flour 2 cups rich milk % cup cooking sherry (for lemon juice) % eup cream “ cup grated parmesan cheese ns of the short-: Tails-T hermidor — 1954 a= — =~ + ee = a ern i Sea ee a ee * a peer . Shedd’s CAMPBELL’S Seled r BREAST-():CHICKEN A GAN Breast-O-Chicken Delicious Famous Chunk Style TUNA 3 OE EE rrener: RIB ROAST "6S a 5 oe | i i mei am CHICKEN NOODLE SOUP 2-49 Heinz Baby Food 3 siaina 29° 2 aa 29° Here they are! Those money-savers you expect to get at [po yo, a : Nick's .. . stock up this week anytime. Nick keeps prices “ALL” 10 tb. low ALL WEEK LONG! Pkg. PICKLES 25 ' Hekman's ‘ CLUB CRACKERS Ib. Pkg. 3 7 Hekman’s GINGERSNAPS % 29° Pkg. aed a — Blue Bird ORANGE JUICE Giant 46 Ox. Can | | C Pes ego oS ae a cally approved diet. Ir helps supply your daily quota of vitamin C, helps satisfy appetites. Also try canned citrus salad—a delicious com- bination of oranges and grapefruit. offer one of the lowest cost ways to get the vitamin C you need every day. . : 5 PLORIDA CITRUS COMMISSION, LAKELAND, FLORIDA serve it as-often as you like. Serve them net only ot boeehdast bus _ as refreshers anytime! You pay less per ounce for pure Florida Citnis juices in cans than for most artifi- cially flavored beverages. * — —so much good for so little cost, Look what you get! A single 6 oz. can makes four 6 oz. glasses of pure, fresh- flavored fruit juice with all its natural vitamin C. That’s up to 5 times more: _. Vitamin C than non-citrus juices. And) each glass costs less than 5¢. You can = PrKULL << ' . es — ¢ | PONTIAC PRESS. ‘TiURSDAY. AP 1, 1954 ae ee ee” United Press Phote “SEA SCANAR”—A’ professional diver, equipped with frogman- type apparatus, prepares to jump from the tug Eugene Moran into) East River, New York, so his submerged image can be picked up on the eraft’s “Sea Scanar” screen in a test of the new instrument. Tall | “ building, background, is United Nations Secretariat Building. Committee OKs New Jax Base Senate Is Sent Bill to Use State Valuations, for Property Levies JA A Groups Seek Queen teen-agers in Junior faa are seeking a queen | to represent them at the annual | | “Apri Reign” prom; April 23 at, Detroit, Tickets for the semi-for- | mal affair are available at the Pon- | tiac Junior Achievement business! |center at 53 N. Mill St. Monday through Thursday evenings. ee 5 Nash-Kelvinator Sele tng ae ice ances. It also provides ‘that other : ae work standard disputes be chan- neled through sormal grievance Walkout Ended. ese" == The 1,30 Grand Rapids workers, 2/200 Detroit Workers eri ct Return to Jobs After |Detroit strike resulted in a short- 34-Day Strike jage of refrigerator parts, DETROIT # — A Mday walk-| 7 out of Nash-Kelvinator Corp. work; + ers ended Wednesday with union | watificetion of @ werk standards | ment. The strike had affect- > led some 3,600 N-K employes in De- troit and Grand Rapids. Company officials said that its 2.300 Detroit workers would be re- Sod | called immediately and full produc- Monday. tion would be reached Detroit Reports Increase | in Juvenile Delinquericy ed from 6,383 in 1953 to 7,348 in 1953, the Committee reparted. In 1953 more than half of 6,349 male offenders were repeaters, compared to 28 per cent of 1,49 female offenders. : About 95 per cent of operations to relieve cataract eye clouding The settlements \ carries a a provi- pump. @ 250-Gal. Per Hour @ H. P. Motor © Overload Protection @ Pressure Control Switch © Pump and Stand Regular $9800 SPECIAL! | $79” +: Tank | Water - - Water - - Water ; | Replace your old worn-out water pump with a new UNIFLOW FREE PARKING IN THE REAR H. replacement H. SMART DIV. } Oakland Ave. FE 4-4567 | ~ Lawrence Fleischman, Inc. of state equalized valuations were | reported out favorably today by the Senate Taxation Committee. Sen. George N. Higgins (R-Fern- dale), committee chairman, said an ' amendment will not make the switch in taxation procedure ef. fective until Jan. 1, 2%56. for local units and the state to prepare for the changeover. At present, county equalization figures are used for imposition of local taxes. At a public hearing earlier this; week before the Senate Taxation | Committee, representatives of schools pleaded for adoption of the | measure while delegates from) townships opposed the bills. Boys Inspired by Shows | to Go on Crime Spree | FLAT ROCK (INS) — Police ar- | rested two’ ll-year-old Fiat Rock | boys Wednesday after the young-| sters admitted they got inspiration for a crime wave from shows they | had seen. Police Chief Bernard Herzog | said the boys admitted breaking) . fmte'g Rockwood furniture ware- house, a South Rockwood hard- | ware store, and two schools in the | area. Herzog said he found a} diagram in one of the boys’ pock- ets of another hardware store they planned to break into later this week. Michigan State Normal Names Department Head | Dr. Richard Stanley. Gex this week was named director of the Michigan State | Normal College department of education at Ypsi- lanti. ~~ The appointment, made by presi- dent Eugefte B. Elliot, becomes | effective June 30. Dr. Gex suc: | geeds Dr. Noble Garrison who is | retiring after 19 years at the’ col- | ~ lege. | Dr, Gex is now with the Univer. | sity of Cincinnati Teachers College. Ps +3 Terrns Available | Pe say good ta goed cnudes diet may : maa be ! = : how times ‘waste. & j é FREE PARKING | IN THE REAR HO Senart Dee, ? 3: THERE NEED BE ? > ?NO CONFUSION®. ABOUT THE TAX ISSUE ON THE APRIL 5th BALLOT we revert to. an obsolete |0-mill tax limit that has never been adequate to meet Pontiac's needs. WE GET OUT AND VOTE “FOR” CHARTER AMENDMENT NO. 1 and continue our present low tax payments we go into debt to provide for these needs (this means interest payments in addition to project costs—it also means having to vote to collect taxes over the 10-mill limit anyway, to pay off. the: debts just as in the past). We vote “FOR” Charter Amendment No. 1 and establish a sound PAY-AS- YOU-GO program to provide for Pon- tiac’s needs (this means “money in the bank’"’ when it is needed) We vote “FOR” Charter Amendment No. 1 and “YES” on the Hospital Bond Ballot to provide adequate hospital facilities right now ; we- continue to crowd seriously ill patients into noisy hallways, waiting rooms, efc., until we will soon be forced to put out the “NO VACANCY” sign. we continue to earn our low national fire protection rating through high per capita fire losses. We vote “FQR” Charter Amendment No. 1 to provide adequate fire protec- tion facilities and lower fire insurance rates we continue to suffer needless’ loss of life and daily annoyance of traffic snarls at main railroad crossings and highway intersections. . We vote “FOR” Charter Amendment No. 1 to provide Pontiac with urgently needed grade separations the demands of our rapidly expanding community will soon outgrow our Capacity to provide these ‘must’ utilities. We vote “FOR” Charter Amendment — No. 1 to provide for additional water supply and sewage disposal facilities our Public Safety and Library facilities will continue a mockery and the long- We vote “FOR” Charter Amendment No. 1 to develop funds for much needed public buildings sought Civic Auditorium a “pipe- dream.” We vote “FOR” Charter Amendment we lose opportunities to secure oe No. 1 to develop ‘‘ready funds’ for capital improvement requirements assistance of matching Federal and State funds for such public projects. _—— This tax proposal, being offered to the voters on April 5th, has had thorough study by civic officials, business-men,;—tabor-and_independent management consultants. . It is considered to be the most practical answer to Pontiac’s most pressing— problems. It... Will provide Pontiac all its urgent civic needs on a sound pay-as-you-go basis; | Will provide increased hospital facilities NOW, and Will not increase your present tax payments. anne yeemaeaaationiee ee Lowrence Fleischman Inc. : FOR” Chart Anesnent HoT “YES” on the Hospital Bond sue 22-- Vote In Your Own Best Interests, and Pontiac’ sf +4 ss : if “Reig eas i * 4 7 sae oe LJ >See 2 ae ee ef!) Ce ee, Oo 7 == - ss > f Pi ; , i H \ i t gt " = ra ~ ; ‘ id — a ii aotws bs ; aa ad - + | FRUIT and NUT EGG fF Wes shee ml Delicious 'n so beautiful 33° NW A nourishing, too, 7-ouncer.. 38 vavarehBe _1402.......580- —— ieee DRUGS witna REPUTATION Valise Pack! | Basket Prett taney GAY JELLY a te 5° Lb. rolis.. pack. ’* 29° MARSHMALLOW EGGS »~:. .... 19° =! STORE: | ‘ Corry-Oet PINT Rosewater. Seoote bse — ; . be, ie choose from t 4-ounce (Limit 1) of sooty flavors. NS Week's Feature: PORE. eS ¢ ry * 5° Candy Bars Ete GUM, MINT or Gate, FRUIT DROPS: qe LDAY he a inst Bo 1 0° “es ; : An your favorite brands. THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY SALE pat es thy 67 NORTH SAGINAW ‘STREET Gardener's Must Quick Growing Garden Savings! Regular 25¢ = §-Lb. Special © CHAMPION Garden Tools GRASSSEED Hose Nozzle ail 23° Biended $98 soli 59 J. tested... brass. . : TYSON Special! HOT WATER BOTTLE eam 79°’) Has 2-quart capacity, aca a is leakproof. » te le tte tein 0 |, J sarheeane. Your DRY SKIN PETAL-SOFT! ara creams: Hoats away make, @ Locknit (Limit 6) up and lubricates skin. "wool Be oa ie Facial SOAP (Limite ' Thirsty Terry Lie cop. 6 cauapny SAY BATH TABLE SET BAG wrt wae FOLD- AWAY eri a a “in 7 LAP TRAY eed SOCIETY gm f BOX 300 a ; 2 £:25" (Limit 2). TTON DISH MOP i) = | 2 we core Nm RT pis Qe § Meal | i ee IES ieee ree 25¢ DUST PAN a ward "ow oo Save More Here! Rubber-edged, kitchen-bright golers .----- prs ould hove one 3ic DUZ eats ARD Everyone sh w 39¢ woop CUTTER eo” 4 - for TV, nursery or sick room fash Suds g” round—fine for chopping, heat pac__ i oe 2 Ac two)... 10¢ BOWL DEODORANT 6° Handy hanger type for — 20¢ SPIRITS AMMONIA 21° peg 7 Buy Now; Seve /0c B- , oe cess! TUMS 3: 19¢ oe U '§p GLYCERIN 19° Regular 33° 5: CIGAR 65c ALOPHEN PILLS 49° — a 3 “10 | ATM seer "3g Crim it 1) - $1.20 SYRUP PEPSIN 99° It’s medicinally pure. Dr. Caldwell’s laxative. 12-02. CAMPHOR ICE STICK Ceoigete's—for chapped lips nico quality. l-ounce.. . Sic THERMOMETER 493° Fever type—oral or rectal. . Dia lroll LE MINIT-RUB 39° For chest colds. }-oz. tube.. Aluminum (Limit 2) MAGIC! * s Headache Reliet | Greve's Cold Aid WHIZ Ejector s Bossy-end-Oder- Gbc SIZE | ANTOMINE Fonds Tart, | CIGARETTE Hazel Bishop } Causing agacente Alka-Seltzer | COLD TABLETS G. Washington 400 Lasting WAIL POLISH =; Tube 25 @ | Fortiti € | Bilact, 7 when you buy $1.10 LIPSTICK Tube 25 BAG | rorctied OBO HY von DBO] eect. 59 3 — 60c MURINE 5a 25¢ Pipe Cleaners 14° a, Refreshes tired eyes. 4-02... 6-inch length—package of 60 ANEFRIN APC $9" DUKE OF DUNDEE $1 With Vitamin:C. 24 tablets. . Pipe with mesh screen filter. , = “— UNGUENTINE - PRINCE ALBERT e lodine Ration Tablets c sa sae cae. 96° rnne ome ad | RSA 29 60c ASTRING-0-SOL 53° RUBBING ALCON 49s Mouthwash concentrate. 4-0 i acti ~ Wal s fine 25¢ B-C POWDERS ) umerersry OX OF 18 EX-LA tn 28° HEPATICA P co. eedeche. Lar DER Ce. 19° ase Card 90 ae The CHOCOLATED laxative. Aliant 45c HENNA c BOBBY “7'13 3 Ge PETROGALAR Laxative 98° setae Mnative Tae OVAL t OR je 37 PINS PINS All numbers. Pist bottle. . ALTInE DRINK 69° , | | fm Freizone ror cons 33° Lrtinteharaecray 14-08... B Sove 1? remove.) SLOAW'S LININENT age neem cae . VAPAIR DEODORANT = Qe : Eases muscle ache. 2%4-ounce Wick—kills odors. 10-oz.... HANDY POCKET PACK | 3-Day Special! 3 | Pack of 12 (Limit 4) , ; BOTTLE WARMER | BABY CHEF, JR. Complete with cord 22 and plug.. Walls stay cool — VIR OO he Oe Saree Ret me pn of ; c * ‘ $ we F ‘ = pac a ee | : rai 5 ay a i ~ Keel + on a \ : ‘ \ “THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, APRIE 1.1956 | : — George Knox co-salutatorians in} the large class ever graduated | from North Branch High School. In addition to holding the mem- | bership record of 72, the 1%4 class is the firet to have two saluta- WE GIVE HOLDENS RED STAMPS Now at Both Stores > F Se ee ; i + . — . ' -— - Es et = n= « torians. 3 | at NEW HUMIDIFIER PLANT—Skuttle Manufacturing Co. opened | for business and professional men of the community, The plant has During ber four years tn high 148 N. SAGINAW ST. § WEST .HURON ‘ fts new plant in Milford Wednesday afternoon with an open heuse | been remodeled and completely re-equipped. rer Dagens as am She | NEAR SEARS AT TELEGRAPH rn | nas been active in band and | and is « member a ‘Area Girl Scouts Give Friendship Adam Ferkowicz. Dinner at Imlay Lucille. the daughter of Mr. and | IMLAY CITY=The high schoot}Mrs.-Michael_Weingartz, has par- | gym here was the scene of the ticipated in band and chorys, was New-Skuttle Plant Holds nite to Get Open House at Milford ,, oles san VOters to Polls Skuttle Manufacturing Co., Mil- ford’s newest industry, held an | Boy, Girl Scouts, School jniermediate and Senior Girl | Mothers, Students Act Scouts’ annual World RE Se ee BUY THE BEST- SAVE THE MOST \FAMOUS BRANDSSALE 100 lodine Her parents are Mr. and Mrs. | open house for approximately 100 industrial, business and profession- for Saturday Election , @nquet Wednesday night tical honor point averages of 3.53. ( | Mothers of the scouts attended The son of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth | the plant, the guests were served a ROMEO — School StU-| along with 20 girls and their lead- KD0%. George has served os &| ° , buffet supper. dent Council. membefs and Boy class.officér and is a star pitcher | . has been located in land Girl Scouts are. banding to-/ ers from a Negro troop in Flint. | on the baseball team. His major | ‘ r C Detroit for 19 years and moved to gether this week to get out the The troops represented different subjects were English, history and | = Milford the first of this year, oc- | vote for Saturday’s special school countries and decorated their mathematics. : } Beagagkes& a se cupying the plant formerly owned ‘expansion election. tables in national] themes. by the Precise Aircraft Co Room mothers from the North Program chairman was Senior A televisio camera tube is! : 7 The plant has stood idle for South and Maples schools have ap- Scout Sandra Sisson. known as an iconoscope. ry several years and has been pointed assistants to contact voters ae $ 19 extensively remodeled and on election day. The mothers them- . $0,000 Units equipped by the Skuttle Co, It selves are offering free transporta a BeBaeBa a occupies two and one-half acres |tion to those needing it and will } and has 22,000 square feet of ,even supply baby sitters. j - ee floor space. In addition the com- | The Elementary Schools Cub” | pany has acquired 7,000 square |-t. also furnishing cars and ériv $ 25 Cc feet of warehouse space of | ers te assist Student Council i _ - another site in Milford. | members from Remeo High Manufacturing processes are au- School im canvassing outlying tomatic from the arrival of the areas in the district. ae pe yh ng om Wnin the village timits, Boy TOP QUALITY GLASSES ‘ of the completed, water-tested and vicinity have been employed during | Scouts will distribute pamphlets $ 25 C humidifiers. the past few weeks. telling the need for the additional , : “Our company is the largest Officers of the company are: R.| school facilities. Flyers will be - seenaes manufacturer of humidifier equip- w Geisler, president; Kenneth handed out by Girl Scouts and 4 ment in the world,” said R. W. Fournier, assistant to the presi- | Cubs tomorrow Geisier, president. “We produce 19° Gent; M. A. Powers, vice president’ at stake in the election is a different types and models of hu-) and treasurer; Keene Bolton, sec- $450,000 school expansion program $ 50 ’ 250 95 midifiers. We distribute our prod- | retary; Carl Theobald, sales mana- | for the community school district, Coun uct through furnace manufacturers por: Gerald Selby, plant superin-| which includes 18 classrooms in ; and jobbers throughout the United tendent: and Robert Champlin, | Romeo and Washington plus a vo- ees States. A Canadian subsidiary com- | chief engineer | eational agricultural shop and bus : — pany, Skuttle Manufacturing Co../ 41 of the officers except Mr. | repair depot Bo f Ltd. operates.a plant at Oakville. | Powers were present for the open, Voters will cast three ballots: | 00 c Ont. house and Mrs. Geisler, Mrs. Four- One to raise the tax limitation. America’s Most 200 for The company produces nier, Mrs. Theobald and Mrs.' another to request authority to . — Seaesss8 8 Beautiful Glasses! ¢ ONE PRICE TO ALL.: Champlin also greeted the guests. borrow $450,000 and issue bonds . in that amount. and a third au-| New Era Club Hears thorizing the levy of an additional | ; —- ‘four mills for operating costs. Talk on China Painting IMLAY CITY—Talks on ceram- Persons voting in the last school ics, china painting and photography -township or national election are | registered for the election, accord- Bere egeie — Ne-Vielen preseats 6 sensations! eptical valec’ Fer ene week enly—we offer you this beaatiful 1,000 Saccharin Tabs. 31° The new plant has meant in- creased employment in Milford. ’ for while some 50 former employes were featured at the hobby night ing to T. C. Filpulla, school super- | intendent | genuine 1 te PET. gelé-filied déecer- followed the plant when it moved meeting of the New Era Cub ® ” ' . from Detroit to Oakland County, an | Wednesday. ipo cect wt any stone caer combina Fn STG) The ORIGIN equal number from Milford and) -Mrs Irwin Cardwell spoke on Discuss Americanization tien fer enly $11.80! Here are ist Ye ad ‘4 by AL | her hobbies Jebel eee CASS CITY — Americanization | — agaasnscnty Piaat remes terran aaa, \ Pepsodent Antiseptic, =. q SINUS TABLETS painting, Mrs. n our | was the topic at Tuesday's meet-| = . y : ae ' | discussed photography. Hostesses | ing of th eWoman’s Study Cub } Dat County Deaths — secesis pronase" hone et sex ooen) WHO SWITCHING! NO EXTRAS! | ] Whepettan OrDentere Cleanse, 6¥ ox. 57¢ Se et M, C. Van Conant. \ Schwaderer. | Ne Kreml Hair Tonic, 4 oz S7¢ : Double Danderine, 5 oz____ 51¢ F. Reilly, 71, of 365 Silman Ave. . | wil be at $35 am Friday a OUR 43rd ANNIVERSARY | a eEP ARs YOU.SAR'T PAY MORE! a An McInnes-Desmond iome. . _— Park, followed by Re- \9\1 — — cal alia omg ee gyRANCE since | Soe re grew ern eee or eS HOME DRUGS James Church, Ferndale. Burial (NS , NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY! ; Mr. Reilly. who died Tuesday in ia. ago Bufferin, 36s 53¢ Highland Park General Hospital an wa a Creomulsion, 3 oz. 57¢ is survived by. two sons and two 4/ Cc. , i ; daughters. a”: Bl y Ex Lax, 18s 28¢- CLARKSTON — mare avis | Haley's M-O, 8 oz. size__._.__.. 49¢ Sa dapetio Tremme Aten, alent | ——— ———’ 4 Kurb Tablets . 23¢ SINUS TABLETS powers Maple Dr., was held Ly Lavoris, 9 oz. bottle 45<¢ Immediate relief of discomfort this afternoon at Sharpe Funeral] , A Midol Tablets, 12s 34¢ we wat lar « “says ne Home, with burial in Lakeview Cemetery. The baby died at birth yesterday at Pontiac General Hos- pital. 4 Besides her parents, she is sur- vived by three brothers and a sis- “Sinus Tablets’ are a proven and tested product. Accept no sub- Stitute © FEEN-A-MINT 49. J, Tee Chewing Gui Laxative—Bottie of 36 At Thrifty ter, and grandparents Mr. and MEN Mrs. Owen Heather ‘of Birming- ks ai T*ENG ham and Mrs. Hazel Butler of and : + Fa ba Pontiac. WOMEN gS (o . you owe it to yourselves... ria NEW OUTLOOK FOR OLDER MEN AND WOMEN Qiifferd H. Dayton ROCHESTER — Service for Clif- ford H. Dayton, 60, of 206 E. Au- burn Rd., will be at 1 p.m. Satur- } at Schmalzriedt Funeral Home, with this WEW VITAMIN Sod with burial in Holy Sep- ceReTs. R WAVING SHAMPO9 » T'S ALL-IN-ONE Beautifies, shine and curls a you wash and set, New! AMAZING: ulchre Cemetery, Detroit. He died early today. : “Ah employe of the New York Central Railroad for 4 years, Mr. Dayton is survived by his widow, Marie Dunbar; a son, Richard C., and a daughter, Ruth A., both at home; and two brothers, M. How- ard and Floyd R. of Minnesota. Mrs. Mary Lacille Boyer CLYDE=—Service for Mrs. Mary Lucille Boyer. 63, of 232 Bishop St. a will be at 2 p.m. Saturday at the Methodist Church, with burial in Beebee Cemetery. Arrangements are by Dryer Funeral Home, Holly. Mrs. Boyer died yesterday morn- ; tig in Goodrich Hospital and up 100 Capsules, Only... $5.95 PROFESSIONAL SKILL Why poy more? Kresge’s hos @ wonderful “2 , LPS, : is selection of cute-as-a-bunny styles in “ may enter. $1.50 Jubilee Bra 98¢ Most have radios, some with Fordomatic ; a 2 . - = : ean ger = gloss int i se $1.98 Fine Muslin 5 “SPEAK FOR YOURSELF, JOHN”—Indignation reigns supreme | class on April 8 and 9.: The girl in the triangle is Margie Coleman. wit ‘ether | ee 7 Petticoats —_. 1.39 - Greenhouses ")| when John Harvey (Gilroy Witsoe) discovers he has lost his best | Taken from. the current best seller by Agnes Sligh Turnbull, the | f CEPARTMEN | wea * | girl to John Jenkins (Walter DeBaene Jr.) in the “Gown of Glory,” | play is in three acts and will be staged in the high ‘school auditorium. ; Zz | a a ia Member F.T.D. + | annual play being presented by the Rochester High School dramatics } The play was adapted by Irving Phillips. RR JE E e} = e | —__—— — +. Aitale stor" | Pe 310 2. “Third, Rechester Ml ree " icine —_ad -- & q pest | Ole? ochester Drama Class | ROCHESTER FORD DEALER 312 Main Se. Rochester \ CSU aca thin ee | | - “FOR MORE THAN 30 YEARS — A GOOD PLACE TO BUY” Helen Curtis Empress Cold ware. Wave. . S15 Your hair-do is an nt part of your costume .. . let us restyle it with a fine Helene Curtis Empress permanent .. . to harmonize with the new fashions. The finest of permanente, plus the skill of professional beauticians. COMPLETE RESTYLED HAIRCUTS $1.58 to Present Play April 8, 9] sam sisccs x: ine Bridge OPEN EVES, = Ob L-eni + 4| ROCHESTER — Dramatics class; annual presentation on April 8 and | Lou —_—— —_ “| of the Rochester High School has/9 in the high school auditorium. G| Picked “Gown of Glory” for its) 4 well-known best seller by Agnes Sligh Turnbull, the play was Will Vote on Aid| It’s Eastertime | ing Phillips. Developed around the warm, fo Handicapped start 2a." at years of faithful service in one : County School Electors parish ts « badge of failure, the erage to Get Education Issue |? orem around his two, . , . daughters and one son. : 5 at Spring Election The minister, aspiring to a big Ladies’ Nylon T ‘School eleetors of Oakland County | city church, laments his quarter- oppers will decide the special education | century in a small town especially : . 9} for handicapped ¢hildren proposal | when his children reach maturity | SOft Fresh Clean’ Exciting = | 4t their annual spring school elec-| and all fall in love at the same | ; “@l | tons. | the | These spans ae toppers are 1: = -Qne-half mill. which will produce; Jerry Dahiman plays the role of | Merely pop them in po washer and mi come about $500,000, will provide aa edu-| the minister and his son is Ed if out with that like new look Betty’s Beauty Shoppe OK Used Cars 1951 Chevrolet Deluxe 2-Door Sedan. Radic and 00 cation program for boys and girls Batchelor. Joan Mason plays the | Heater, Low Mileage, Very Sharp ai $9450 }who cannot now attend regular | youngest daughter, Lucy, and Joan . $ 95 , : mee schools in Oakland County. Mackey is cast as Mary Lyall, the a Sexe originally proposed | ther daughter o Legislation, and drafted by Oakland County Others im the cast are Roger superintendents, was unanimous: | Forbush, Margie Coleman, Ernie You will find Junior, Regular and Half Size in our ly..endorsed by the Michigan | Reschke, Gilroy Witsoe, Pat Nor- 1 . Leqistetien teat snenth oflowing | soon Corel Maas; Rey Puster- stock of ladies’ coats and toppers. the county to establish this pro- | nak and George Lindquist. || gram. 1953 Chevrolet Bel-Air 2-Door Sedan, Radic and $] 9 00 Heater, White Walls, Low Mileage, Sharp. - @ Open Evenings ©®@ ie - Also playing character parts ase ? | William Broomfield, (R-Royal | Adelle Pineau, Janet Maitrott, Jo ff ‘ STORE HOURS CRISSMAN CHEVROLET. v0. Oak) presented the bill in Lansing | Griffin, David Arscott, Walter De- | { Meonday., Tues.. Wed. 9 A. M, te 6 P. M. 755 S. Rochester Rd. Rochester OL 2-9721 The Oakland County Board of| Baene, Gordon ‘McAllister and | # 5 4 Thurs., Fri., Set. 9 A. M. te 9 P.M. | ign Fas 04 | Education this week reviewed the | Judy Bachor. © | = wo | legislation and authorized that it} Co-directors of this play aré Miss } OS... go before the school voters at their | Eloise Tallant and Ray H. Lawson, 3 It’s an Only the Best at BROTHERLY LOVE—Michesl Hamlin, 9, veneer Pe ah proved, the monies will set up , Easter ‘Habit | -ter, Pamela, 8, last night after she was named Miss Boys’ Club of centralized facilities for giving For 23 years Poll-Parrot shoes have 1954 at a program in the Boys’ Club Building, 530 E. Pike St. Sisters handicapped youngsters an educa- of club members competed in the “queen” contest, staged in connec- — opportunity. tine ww har ae (oory woes)” Sewer Blast Sends | } : . Lapeer Juniors © 9s," 2 ™ Manhole Lids Flying | Will Present involves an orphaned lad who re- A gas explosion in a sewer about led the Easter parade. That's because rr: ’ ceives money from a@ secret bene- midnight last night sent“two 40- year after year more and more parents 330 - 332 Main Street Rochester, Mich. || Dickens Play factor over & period of years. pound manhole covers: flying 50 aarp the pips ladbacen _ Included in the cast are Mariene | ws tell you -Testing story . - -9642 LAPEER — Charles Dickens’ feet down Dresden street, causing OL 2-2121 OL! 964 ee ations” will be pre- Hill, Jerry Laidier, Tootie West,| sient damage to the street sur- soon. You'll enjoy bearing how Pre Testing means jreater savings for Linda Troy, Margaret Seelye, | ;. sented tonight and tomorrow night . Sheila Weaver, Peggy Kathy, Jo| No one was injured and the only by the Lapeer High School Junior a © t & Beardsley | d mage reported was a slight up- ween, TTTTIIIIIIII III Li iiiii iyi iii) s ‘ : — = and Ted June. heaval of the street around the . a oe Others are Mick Coulter, Paul — Feier Co, 4 Freel crews, ¢ scene, bad 4 = = Ven Rieck, Marshall Saath, Lorry sewers for several blocks each way e 2) = Barkhouse and Virgil Woods. The| 17, the area located between ~ Hy =< nn production is directed by Bette El! tollywood and Terry Sts., but e : @ Real Estate @ f)iis. wit Jeanine Gwinn and Ralph | found no other gas accumulations. | Duerden assisting. Crewmen said the explosion was : Eva Bailey, Proprietor — Insurance aaa by a leak in a gas pipe. : ‘Operators: Wanda Sutton $19°° * “For Every Need” Sales Tax Collections Up | A spark, discarded — = aa t ; vi g- ~ Lucille Thompson, Jean Bull Bil. DALE end NINA LANSING (UP)—Sales tax col- | UG sie Gtact which was report. * : a MARTIN lections during the first three |ed by nearby residents of the’ bad Avon Beau Salon Ss . ' months of 1954 were 3 per cent| sparsely populated street. — A = OL 2-976! higher than during the same period | Pontiac Police barricaded the = 1008 N. Main Se. Rochester OL we 2-811) Bi 412 Main $e. Rochester Hl! a year ago, the State Revenue | section between 114 and 118 Dres- VITIIIIIitIiII Iii iii iii iii Department said today. den, where the explosion occurred. Patent Cross Straps $4.45 $6.95 — sis 3% to 12 12% te 3 : $4.95 te $6.95 } " _- Deaths last Night . You re invited to see our Gish iain iia, A Shea beautiful collection of new Soiroreny Saciiek anpertasent ‘whe spent Hallmark Easter Cards Sicery eee | : PITTSBURGH—Thomes B. McCatterty.|| You'll find all the beauty, 4 ber of the board NEW YORK—Marfo Korvel, 12, seup-|| the eolor and spirit of museums ond private collectors. Easter reflected in our wide lor member of the Academia de ia | selection of Easter Cards." Engineers Use Hay t] We invite you to come and 4 $6.95 ap $ 9 DINNERWARE estas ur meme | “rt a ae : Lat the widening of Waldo Grade on | 20-Pe.: Set ag See Tile ge Home Barware © |r.” eet] PURDY'S Reg. $6.29 . . . Now BRASS rea ~ Cocktail lheper —-' Souk = MkBall ~ strewn on n Srey turned slopes of Drug Store . ‘ $42 Wall Plaque Pilsener - Wine id Fashioned — Collins ~ SF ike ‘hay sprout the growing|| 321 Main St. Rochester 85 * “ i. LF f Des. $500 7 ity BURR HARDWARE Mma | Wil @ Peter : || mn 429 MAIN ST., IN ROCHESTER, MICH. ayaa aera Stamps pag eas & Mlle ee Ee Oe SnneT Re Sr emminay Se : a i . i y - ee ee Ca eer cally Mie 7 ~ sad — ee ee ~ i . x ae . ‘ fox \ 7 i renner ig teen nrpenensaeeesteeeernareenerenene ose » = 7, , | bs Ney 4 = « : ~t. ri ¢ . ; - o ~ i \ ~ * . %. Mereek: = Sl ee ae » aa Oa oe UN EER eee aces 3 , : : a8 “SE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, ‘APRIL. 1, 1954 aaa : a i a ry “ = ' ‘The North Shore will leave here *| Dow Scientist, 44, Dies | Pay “ity and Chicas bespitals, | /Phony FBI Agent arrested Wednesday i Monte. _,| Shipping Season Opens | 7", mand. retwm at § pm. After Bout With Polio _| ,,Ne."et Swaiisd wit develon'ne| Arrested in Monroe: | Rapids to fact-charges, Miles snid.|in North Lake Michigan “| three times weskly during che sew i | MIDLAND W@—Dr; Laurence I: |services Will be held at Midland; GRAND RAPIDS @-—U. 8) ia) gcse now balances| CHARLEVOIX (UP)-—The _mo- Ryden, 44, Dow Chemical Co. te-}Friday. = ~~ | District Attorney Wendell A Miles ta. So whe sun and s cae] ale ae ne a The upper range of human hear. | es ee ee Ee = ek at ee 8 ae Minatliet 20 Kort Fe liagth ta at 9 car echt oo | 2 Oe Oe Oe ee bandera dinaynyerdr- aoe years with polio in 1949, had spent miure} pronounced near sightedness is/an FBI agent near Fruitport in| ton stopped, we would start falling navigation in this payt of Lake ts. respond —— winalonindl hereditary. 8 Muskegon County last week, was Michigan. to 100,000 cycles 8 than two Fears in iron jungs at a > «OPEN TONIGHT ‘TIL 9 P.M. — A DENS me YANKEE*= STOR & FRIDAY & SATURDAY! |} RED STAMPS — Yurchose toward the sun immediately. Ree epee eee enneeenens ie? @ @ © © @ fy ltl Win — 500 CUDDLY Easter Bunnies Large Size Reg. 1.98 ¢ Beautiful so ft, lovable bunnies .. . fine for your children’s Easter . . . buy them now, they won't last at this price | SPTTITTTSEME Here's One of Our Biggest Price S TERRIFIC SAVINGS! Value Events in Our History Sturdy Hip-Reof ~ _ TOOL BOXES : : on Stee! con < pen . - ; MEN’S SPRING. cae 55 , : struction, 239 = ss i . ) ; enamel —_fin- iia, JACKETS | \ iui, the 's [= . 4 (7 e Tay. “? ' ¥ 4 AHS oY ; ' % 4 ' Mf '¢ Re . a. ” be % wy > Z . 7 £ av Hundreds to _ ~ s nae, 2 . ‘ ‘Bie . , a! \, 1200 Pairs of ‘gar =~ Men’s Dress 9.99 @hetce of fabrics, colers. _ patterns. ALUMINUM | 20-Piece Corning TUMBLERS 19 DINNERWARE SET a $7 66 ’ PAINT PAN finish, 12- ane Omens roiter 94° Ree. 295 Cheese and Cracker Ry sereen, 449 Slight cups, 4 saycers, 4 cereal bowls, 4 salad piotes. eever with glass bewl. 3,000 SETS DELUXE } Seat Covers sca 0s| N CORN 8 Aaa BROOMS OS ier’s trim . ‘ LEM GG 4 ¢ jy, “a Od A f fy Lo ; ~ Adjustable , . tttidd i, METAL GIANT ve IRONING -- Men's 1.98 Cotton Cord fom 77, 5 Sweaters Phas 3 Werm | Fleece Ir FLAPS 49¢ rr. Nationally Adv. ABY AUTO : —_ rife | 8 c PAIN seats }§68 8° 88 Pa sta om Lae Reg, 16.95 fa weenenss {Pltte-s = 22 LUG WRENCHES Gal. ‘Jy LAWN MOWERS 2,000 Pairs Men's = At N'Y Famous Sheffield 88 i en steel construction, y ck, lock i ' im five tenings yostentay ae tee) » Wig are ete ns Bat | April 4 in Detroi ting the ball well nag New York Giants beat 1 fs Aimee be through | Red Wings Win Runnels ape ened — be +2 at | overconfidence. General Mana- The National yesterday pobeient the Cincin - as de en tang — ootieg wp “Wen the Rd Wings, won the | oc ane, tay erent Rede 92.” An tection Dave Phillay's 2cun Gouble opener from Tronto in a 5-0 breeze op sae eer Sere Se Oe cleored, cad te shartatep sat fi - Adams warned against overconfi- | i+ Red Wings win hurts when he swings dence. He told his players that | .mifinal series with the Toronto omment “Toronto will be tougher in the re- | sragie Leafs. ° " Dates for the best . of maining games. . From Iowa on Winn the Maple Lesld Speetl inch wt Deleale wean: ° Detroit 1 in the 2nd game Adams 4 and April 6, Elliott Rumor sere apelie feayd ganee hp Pn lire lin cle Retr —Ath- his players as being too| / 11, Detroit; April 13, Moa- IOWA CITY, Ia. (UP) . blasted his p there'll be no| Apel! 11. = Concur ef tore bas declined sl teallalt enn pers! Peake ayy Sues aa seers Joating on iets sora” OF ee te us sieanke , . - r ns a ecmeead i Faget that Mich- = wont cee akan tee ‘he_antvgeel’o 20-session | Earley. cried cer ler mii And- poe arg aes aos ae games and if Detroi lian i trying to ee ey secu. | Terry Brennan (left) maps pla with his staff of six assistants. | Johnny Druze. Earley Wings 31 and 21, Detroit had to| Wins it: ) the Hawk- hich starts Friday, é t Wings 31 and 2-1. * ¢ *@ wet? aqubstoat foatbal and basket- Laft te ght (ovated) are George Dickson, - — = ee t D a a A ey el tt ar hace ‘a aes ball coach. —- ira. nights. different | April 10 and Apr hasn't talked to Eliott . :; ; 4 oseyu : itt in the opening game, just like this : chie fe reply to 8 newspaper Fe SM)’ Fi 1 m Leahy’s ‘T” |Switch-Hitting Tactics reid nothing. Detruit was wpect|’5S4 Roms Get Plays port that Michigan has offered Added to ‘500’ Field witc TO ow hurt up the middle me Be Gain at the Neo wou|in the tod’ gume, ut Ube asl angie of Scrimmage , we - were . in the game. ine evierne senaon sf Ee | S (INS)—Names| SOUTH BEND, -Ind. (INS) wii mcchan’s he West Whe a bean Ebba St. Claire of the New York adame eaid nothing. . Wolverine coaching staff. Fillet ofr rivers—twn roksan a | Tery Brena, ‘ew tend conch] dan ear wen oa Giants plans to bat lefthanded only |S Same Ba carted. Betore 108 ARLE — The gets $8,700 « . a ate of veterans—were added to | a¢ Notre Dame, ‘huddled and ia fullback like Neil interes this season. St. Claire, traded to Detroit could get ‘straightened out, | die to caning eo cnet nechordki “Welt tor Wor-{the oficial Net today for the 20th six assistants today over strategy Right new, only Ralgh Gurlietml tee Cleats rome Soe Braves Hie? | Desten won the sent two) games] geies a Se a ml 500-mile rene Mn ea nr cng tat |S ots eat | meng tung nd | sy a q man, “* | auto race at the Indiana ) tor spring football | Heap gre definite backfi Gaeta tienes, stunniys wpert. the Rams will call most of | -@ coaching clinic. vay, May 31. | Gutes reporting ~ _|ers next fall I| ‘This year Adams stepped in be- the line of scrimmage dur- Iverine backfield tor Speedway ; “I can’t hit the lefties when year iq | Dlays at ; Elliot! foined the lowa staf a noo per Brennan's career will be launched = ‘| bat right,” he claimed. “So I guess| fore any S stial tts saree ing. nal eal He and ag Evashevski, also a|to 45. Deadline for ‘ offically Friday’ when Irish foot | Blin Results only and stop switch-| Bape. He rere | League - Hie and nelle t, took over @8/ night April 15. draw equipment and g a met toy ot tin Hight Go and Oy ants are convinced, —— oo. Latest drivers signed up include oal-geret ein 7.0.8. NO. 1280 wo ole” . ponded with near perfect play. am cents san. ee two California veterans—Rodger ; ES 40 Grevnweed 47 81 _ . Many times hockey officials most efficient way e Ward of Los Angeles and Jimmy | The 2%-year-old coach—} Came oo 46 53 O'Connell Joins | taik, tor effect, and nothing more.| ball team. aa it. As sketch peceny ore cue Bodie Risso, Springfcid. Tl. and | tory at Noiwe Dane—eald he wall |tmge® , S55, Rez mF buima_ Seem ori Fores Today : -(es Se es ee eT eg Oi waa od going | (crrows) shows, first Sp mast be Finals Against Barons | Eadie Russo, us, ind. his squad through {ts initial | 459; seem sume, seriee— Mes re fnihy O'Con-| Gat he'd trode anptody whe |badh a quarter of a outery in short, mere shuffle, timed with the Larry Crockett, Colum pat his his ——— CHICAGO (INS}-STomrily O’Con- | that he’d trade stalling a signal system wherein of the ball. ‘ | will Pts | nell, former Illinois . win-/ the quarterback “shouts the num- Don’t make mistake of shorten : Benes ISS champions, tor Gets Batboy Job first look at the team he ur Belts $r| Bear quarterback, was called to| adams is not against selling of almost every play” from to t ; Fheipe , such | ber ing your stride, that brings you land peer gt cam “pe ora Happy ts the) “?e a 2-8 | active duty today by the United ning players. Me's poate we sect pecitian:” on Gee cortnmege| OS os al qaies. Cover 14 to ee ae ee | wad ter George J. Dering IIL, ree en te tees (nite oo Milivery 3 2 ee icin qontter. Sach, Stuwert, Leo Beles’ and Ban | line... — °' |15 feet with four stepsn * qualified for the finals by | 15 tie was chosen as the batboy nelb'T turmation sth Sn ouceume (pt Bras ee eae a Chicago Bear« last | Quackenbush. Yar ars vee 6 defeating. the Pittsburgh Hornets | 15: Tne “Orcies, Baltimore's, new | split T his. predecessor, Frank | "ert Ne. 1 965. sertee—! sienna aioe wen aarvies Naam This inane of the Vig. reseens) Eviih, n Baseball ee ee ee last night 32 in sudden-death | team in the American Le ag re Lachy.” Hie pointed oat Gat Be ee Pie 53 as & Heutenant. why Toronto has little chance at es ann eee ee ee double overtime. after a contest in which 250 boys had played for Leahy and was Meter Parts = — - = Sebi’ this point of upsetting the Wings. Seteets wn” ony Fafindetohte > : a una aeeo a — last Sunday “Tas toveckty Oriole? Outfielder | freshman coach before Leahy _ Meien’s, $s eca-0 Mat to Woman Bowler Is 75 First major leaguer to make ; “o, 8 New York.(4) 3 pag | in position to follow througls a “aautantiog, Gor Seqensnnien |Ciamh Doering, of ovurve. Tany are] nnn tions, |W. ™ Ree. ox ona 2 w— Jo veey’ | 125 hits in the 1953 season was | Bestia “tx oraees’ (a) 3 | freely. and fully. Remember: A rl ogee Pd Bisons. not related, the youngster sadly/ There will be some varia mes pent Fret, $7|. CLEVELAND , larvey Kuenn, Detroit's rookie blgage. (8) vs Baltimore (A), alm. | gio shuffle start. leaders, the admits. = a J te tmeter ly eee mm mg lebrated her 75th birthday and” shortstop. eee ee " = D k Retires es [se Oe re a Lgl a mec seme was feted by her four bowling a a ’ SQ gL Be : r ic ' — team our . j . . i = : Rares vee scored: the most: : ! rines ee cates tee hoewe CiutL. uanetedinr west heleers Neld aoa Spartans Face Ma single game, season against Augustana (Ti) set a : HERRY POINT MARINE by the NCAA sta- in une game (113 @9| CHER records compiled fan oe the most times in| record for accuracy, ‘| BASE, N. C. (UP) — Michigan paictane. wal Weal tome game (71 against ar tncead|” Bedaensye Utranatiy oct twoatb- State's baseball team was sched- Francis did just as |scored the most field goals| Baltimore Universi stot to shat Goanry Polat Maree pat Ot Ge ee aed lune Ge sapbek Aiiahes ool 146-121. The 146 points was an| today in @ doubleheader. “So oe niyo poms | faliodale mone ame. (& againet|all-dane high for-one team andthe | day's sche@uled game was te recognize ; scored agutast four-year colleges, {Seems ), and tade the most treo | total of was tops for two teams. | out. . This knocked » "l <= Regia | ‘ ae ; ' THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, APRIL 1, 1954 ~ f ag J 1953-54 Winter Wasn‘t Too Hard on Wildlife then sealed in, and until the | is thawed birds and animals a Guaranteed No Money Down SPIEGEL'S, INC. or we are going to be in rough . shape,”’ said Cervi in sizing up the FE 2-9234 Nats’ situation for the remaining games in the best-of-seven series. = Laker Rebounds Beat Syracuse Lovellette Leads NBA Champs to 79-68 Win | in Playoff Opener MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. (UP) — The Syracuse Nationals, belted out a grimly serious lot today as they looked forward to the 2nd game the expected fast break offense thought Lovellette would be that good against us.” | The usually peppery Cervi re-} |ferred to rookie Clyde Lovel-| jlette’s 16-points in taking scoring jhonors for the evening. “We'll have to win the next Especially for sbis Easter... because these are the smartest dothes Kuppenheimer has handcrafted - - in their 78 Easters. Distinctive fabrics include “Spring Frosting™, sparkling highlights on deep ground luxury in Auswralian-yarn Deauville Flanneis and doeskin-finish Gabardoes. ... fresh artistry in color-flecked aaa goal and tweeds. Enjoy this elegance Especially for Laster ~a Kuppenbeimer ! « Kupperhermer — Henderafted Worsted Sus. ..-.2O 9 . panera NL | i W amynendne one Donny Spray Suits. ...---—.- for Easeesi $90 Deaovile Flannel Suis........$85 ha irreatment in good appearance PHILLIES WORKMEN — Philadelphia Phil- | lies’ manager Steve O'Neill is hoping for plenty of | and Murry Dickson. | the _Pitteburgh Pirates. —————— | victories } from this trie haa meundemen this summer. From the left are Robin Roberts, Curt Simmons | Dickson was obtained from | Hack Puts Midnight \Persley Ends Layoff With Curfew on Cubs Baltimore Orioles. off, Persiey Armand Sa- The new pilot introduced him-| Volt bie feverito eppenent. 0 ov self to the Cubs Wednesday when | ee oS rain caused cancellation of their — Leuis Arena | game with the Orioles. a decision. = Tl get full coopers-| Both Persiey and the Montreal ” i : High Value Wing-Tips! ‘An exceptional value at a teal budget price! They're made by a division of Nunn-Bush! Regular Styles $11.95 to $16.93 Sizes 6 to 12 A to EEE Here’s huzarious comfort at its smartest. No other : svanenhoen. cam. sittch the Jong | | Easy Win Over Savoie the. Ist round, crowded him into his own corner and staggered the Sandy Saddler Plans Two Title Tuneups ‘Reported in California Doctor Delays Williams’ Return to Spring Drills Ted Told to Limit His Exercise Pending X-ray Reports Claim Bobo Has Cold, Kida Sore Hand | ressss "=" Odds Are Unchanged; |... was described by Dr. Her. Olson Still Rules 3-2 bert Virgin as “jubilant” today Favorite , despite a last-minute order to By CHARLES CHAMBERLAIN CHICAGO #—Rumors that Bobo | Olson has a head cold and that Kid Gavilan bas a sore right hand today failed to affect the odds on their championship braw! at Chi- cago Stadium tomorrow night. Olson, middleweight king making his first title defense since clinch- ing the crown with a 15-round de- | cision over Randy Turpin last October, was a 32 favorite In the meantime, Gavilan moved his , training headquarters to Chi- ds widickahe was a4 ace, Dr. Virgin said he would tell Williams when he could begin | workouts after additional X-rays are examined on April 7. a eo: 8 Williams has not indulged in @ single workout since he suffered |a fractured collarbone attempting | to catch a fly ball 10 minutes after - So ring dene 1 Be deemed is entire cm te Set day of spring training. figures strictly a tossup, and g¢ Sans wary snnioun to gut beck ve | to work,” Dr. Virgin said. “I've "* | told him to come back in a. week and that he should restrain his Dr. Virgin said Mrays taken | Wednesday indicated ‘‘good prog- |ress” and said Williams was “jubilant” when he talked by | telephoue with Joe Cronin of the 7 q ij under an assumed name at a hotel Red Sox jon the city’s far North Side. The %5year-old outfielder has | Before doing so, he was observed heen trying to keep in shape by blowing his nose. He did this per- taxing daily exercises. He weighs fectly human act after trotting 210 pounds — about 10 over his around in the snow for his routine | | a! playing weight. weight. four miles of roadwork. Word got | around he had a cold. Today, it can be told that O ison. B T | he officially will hit about 159 to- Booming in Quebec ‘| QUEBEC wh — A ‘somewhat un- certain venture 22 years ago, Que- bec’s beaver industry has blos- somed into a highly profitable bust- > ” In 1932 the first provincial beaver The report that the Cuban Hawk | reserve was established. Eight cleweight Title Bout “Nears | hed a sore right hand came out years later 900 pelts were taken ~ | when Be was seen dunking the mitt from the 7.200-square mile reserve | in a bucket of water. Also, he was! on the east coast of James Ba) lobserved dealing the cards in a! Today there are 11 reserves in | poker game with his left hand and. northern Quebec. They cover 185.- @00 square miles. From these re- LA JOLLA, Calif. W—The birth | shaking hands while holding his | nursery. _Colts are the property of can deal cards and shake hands | | Gazelle Stables, ¢yndicate of S8n/| with either his left or right, who cares?" veterinari-| The fight will be televised na-| ee alee ae NBC, starting at 10 . But these with Chicago and a soaks they dhowid | it a MARKSMAN AIR PISTOLS --- $428 ® Shoots BB's, Darts, Pellets BLANK PISTOLS. .56%% Train Dogs, Start Races 4 IRONS 1 WOOD .1 BAG $212 IT’S HERE! “CHERRY DRIFTER” TROUT LURES....59¢ SMELT NETS.....82% EXTRANETS, Only 89: ae — comfort record made by Massagics’ patented resili- ent air cushion and flex- | “Tugeage and Sporting C ny Coots —— 79 N. SAGINAW ST. | serves nearly 26,000 pelts are ex- | pected this trapping season. Pts Reyal Ree. as . 7 Streh's 63 Crawteré AS Mrs #4 -Carebes st i's 61 Lies $1 Jacobsen's 61 Spencer }) | Pitepetrick’s Gorbel’s 47 Ned's 6 Diste 4 P.T. 804. Pts. ao ‘e 4 ‘ ss ‘. “ Nape 87 Feley B'dstee ™ ROTAL BOWLERETTES } L “ wt | Redacette 71 32 Simms eM hab. Mig 63 41 Team Ne. 8 41 43 | See 58 66 Univ. 414 Stone 52 51 39 6 | Indiv. game, series— Lett t15— 516; team game—Reducette 144, series— | Martha Beauty 1173. ' MONTCALM LADIES we wt. Tomkins 65 38 Fuller ‘sl 88 Montecaim 42 41 Retds “nm } @a! 34 80 Lansferé “4 57 Hibiers 51 52 Kids a7 67 | Team sertes—Menteaim . MOTOR INN .“B” Pts. Pts tenger's | Rogers Nelson . a Weaaees 4 Pieitter * 6 7 Ww ‘s "a 1 4a De’ bevts Se Pent. id Universal 58 Breid’s as Exch. Clad 57 Cetawe st Blemar 54 G.MLA, 31 Team series—Pfeiffers 38078; inéiv. game—C. 2. 20 to 40% on your Trophies and see the new imported Onyx and Marble Mounted Trophies “Quality ‘and Good Taste Cost No More” ible Arch Lift. DIEM'S SHOE STORE oe FE 2-2492 ls a S THE “PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, APRIL 1, 1954" ae i AT -— ‘BEN OLAN ) record is 3, which could augur a Associated Press Sports Writer | “is4ppointing campaign for the 23 Even the most ardent rooter for | 8#™¢ Winner of 1953. the Philadelphia Phillies will con-| The Phillies are said to have in Roberts, the club hasn't a ghost | “ith the acquisition of Murry Dick- of a chance of winning the Natignial | |} son and Johnny Lindell from Pitts- League pennant. And Mr. Roberts’ | burgh. Curt Simm6ns and - Jim showing this spring can hardly be | Konstanty have looked good in re- described as “effective.” | Cent outings, but if Manager Steve se * 6 bel can't count on Roberts for least 20 victories, the Phillies Just what, if anything. is bother- ing the strapping right-hander | ht — settle for fourth place hasn't been determined. Maybe it's | eee the heavy work (347 innings) he Gerry Staley, another of the Na- put in last season. Or could be | tional League's star right-handers, | he's just pacing himself. At any | rate, Roberts is a far cry from | day, He gave u } p only two hits in| the fireballing pitcher who won 107 | caver innings as the St. Louis games in his last five National Cardinals .downed the Chicago League seasons. White Sox 63. Al Brazile, ancient _ bullpen ace, preserved the Cards’ Yesterday, the 6-foof-1's native, third straight triumph and their | of Springfield, 11, went the route | 14th in 22 games by choking off a for the first time this spring, but | ninth-ipning rally. he was raked for 13 hits as the * ¢ *@ Phillies dropped a 7-2 decision to the Detroit Tigers. more formidable every day, scored The time before that (March 27), | their ninth victory in 12. starts | he was shelled from the mound | against the Cleveland Indians, 4-2. | in the fourth inning after he had | The Tribe committed four errors. | yielded seven runs to the Chicago | The Giants collected only four hits, | White Sox. His over-all exhibition | but Willie Mays doubled home the ' or | e ar —Saksaks Oe PES i , «\ i] Wilkinson Speaks Coach Sees Change in American Athletics | NORMAN. Okla. —What is the ; university. place of athletics in . merican uni- -“There are problems. Recruiting. fared better than Roberts yester-| versities today? Football coach and—ar subsidizing and spring! Bud Wilkinson, who also directs| practice have been the most dis- athletics at the University of Okla- homa, admits sports have changed} tssue: Are we honest?” radically. “The original purpose of ath-| ations in selecting prospects as he said at a faculty din-| academic ability first, a@hietic second. letics,”’ ner, “was purely for recreation. But athletics have grown from cussed, but they resolve into one Wilkinson set forth the consider- prowess “Competition,” said Wilkinson, those beginnings into a focal point! “is what made America great. The New. York Giants. who look ; of interest, especially in the large; What we need fear is the enemy state universities “Environment and nationality are forgotten pa the field, with ability the tone factor. And in football we have a commen bond for all the diverse interests of a PONTIAC 5950 Ss LARGEST { within our group: Complacent peo- | ple who say opportunity is not im- portant. In our game the only security is to win, and the more you win the greater the incentive to beat you becomes.’ EXCLUSIVE i sler. : Gu Hedges’ homer sparked 2 12- Skimpy: Crowds ; p May. Force Clubs to Cut Florida § ‘Haven't “Drawn Flies’ re By GAYLE TALBOT TAMPA, Fia. @—The big league ball clubs-are so depressed by the from the North have noticeably held onto their money this spring. The White Sox, who moved to hit Brooklyn attack as the Dodgers the Milwaukee Braves 10- called at the end | the clubs eae the sixth frame to defeat’ the Cin- cinnati Redlegs 92. Tom Wright, recently secured from the White Sox, homered during the big in- ning. AAU Grappling Starts SAN DIEGO, Calif: @ — Wrest- lers representing YMCA's univer- sities, athletic clubs, the Armed | Services and one Japanese . team | start competition here today in the National Senior AAU wrestling |championships. Team entries in-| clude Michigan State. Enos Slaughter of the St. Louis | Cardinals leads active players in the National League in lifetime runs-batted in ) with 1.1 MEN’S skimpy crowds: they are leaving | behind them in Florida that some Florida, this year after a long stay in California, are anxious to do of them may cut their exhibition | something about drastically cutting | | schedule within the state virtuatty (down the exhibitions next spring. in half. next spring. They might | | They had 21 ery 0s this time, | Paul Richards is sug- start their training later too. and Manager ss gesting strongly to his fellow pilots | The duiee of eight teams based | that the number be reduced to 11 within 50 miles of this cigar center next year have not, in the words of one base-; In his note to other clubs based | ball official, ‘‘drawn flies.” Only _ the St. Louis Cardinals and New York Yankees, playing their home : Sports Briefs Gene Hatton, infielder getting a spring trial with the Cincinnati . | Redlegs, is a cousin to Grady Hat- ton, regular infielder with the sane team. others have starved. There 7. ¢ 8 days here when the Cincin-| Rookie pitcher Frank Sullivan of mati Redlegs and Chicago White the Boston Red Sox is the tallest played to outpéurings of 300 or player in the American Leegee. fans and only broke about even He is 6-6'2 | after paying off the park employes . ¢ «8 'On Week days the. citizens of Outfielder Tampa are at work, and the same Baltimore Orioles was a star is mainly true of several other tackle for the University of West | towns. Tourists and retired settlers Virginia in 1346 and. 197 ——— a ——— STORE buys a lot of suit at THE HUB... to sell for *75 Thousands of New Spring Suits Select Yours Now for Easter... Add Smartness' Craftsmanship of a superior kind add these smort details. They give clothes @ touch of casualness you'll like—plus extra comfort and convenience! Specially Priced *59” meee - + Ne Down Payment Necessary When Opening « Charge Account. - 30 Days—60 Days—90 Days! @ Nubs ‘and lines of contrasting color You'll like their dynamic look and 3-D texture. spark new Spring fabrics. Pick your favorite from our selection! SEQ Specially Priced Science Fabrics Stay Neater Longer! 9 Dacron and Orton fabrics have built-in advantages! look neat excelfent They resist wrinkles, in damp weather keep sharp creases for Weeks orrend. Tremendous endurance, too! Specially Priced *59*” tomorrow! These suits made especially for THE HUB by - PHOENIX CLOTHES were meant all the new styles and models Flannel Moves into-the Black! You've never looked smarter in tradi- tional Flannel! than you do in new dark shades. Try Oxford or Charcoal for —@-distinctive look in.comfortable, fine quality Flannel Suits! Specially Priced *59” | ia Cleaned iene re "Gant ai Free Parking at ony Ou door Parking Co. Lot—Also Riker end Hubbard Gerage! SaaS ellie at Majors’ | Jim Fridley of the | in this vicinity, that pitchers and weoeit wait Macht Raa later than this year, and regulars show up on March would play the first | March 12, eae | year. — | ABOUT | IT's just] | Cast Your Eyes on These Buys From S$. C. Rogers Complete Fly Outfit Glass Rod, Nylon Reel, Line, Leader, Leader Pouch, Line Dressing, Fly Dressing All Spinning Reels and Rods Reduced Famous Makes! $10.95 » $30.00 Rods, Reels, Lures BUY NOW AND SAVE MONEY! Be Ready for the Smelt | Ginga Mip Beats... LO aes seccinecname AD Waders ...... ec ' | | ' 1 | BEST FRIEND AT ROGERS! ve 325 492 | BOY S§ Pome ‘ * o cece, mn ———_ eS nee _ ee in ; Sanat 72 = . \ : pie Ft X, A 5 aaa * . — ! ‘ t , retel yO THE PONTIAC PRESS. “THURSDAY, APRIL 1. 1954 e virito Making -- Strong Showing in 195 “ ee Commissioner - Stays Ultimatum to Nat Holman. = NEW YORK (INS) — A ruling ordering former City Cooleges® New York basketball coach Holman dismissed unless he @j plies for retirement by Friday € set aside temporarily today. Effective date of the New Yo City Board of Higher Educetiqg, ruling was stayed by State PAll- cation Commissioner Lewis Wil- son pending his decision on Hel- man's appeal of March 25. New York City Board found the veteran coach guilty on three counts of neglect of duty. Charges grew out of the 1951 college cage scandals during which seven CCNY players admitted participating in point-fixing Under the March 3 decision of the New York City Board. Holman would be dismissed as of Now 1% 1952, when he was suspended to await departmental! trial. unless he applied for retirement by April 2 Two Necktie celebrate days apart Hockey League d birthdays three Tommy Ivan of Det. row was 43 Boston s Lynn Patrick was 42 on-Feb. 3. eoacnes on Jan 31 talk that the $75.000 investment of | several years ago would be farmed out. But it was Bucha who was cut. True enough, the Tigers called up catcher Al Lakeman from Butf- | falo = but he figures to be nothing |More than Buchas numerical re- |placement. His main duty ‘doubt. will be in the bull on. Lakeman is “4. older than Bucha js a fill-in player, not one to carry the major share of a 14 game schedule Buchas departure leaves the No I catching job up to Matt Batts | Also missing from last” year's squad are the “three old men Pat Mullin. Billy Hitchcock and and Jerry Priddy. Hitchcock was named | +manager of Buffalo and Mullin) wil his player-coach. | Priddy is coach of the Seattle Rainiers of the Pacific Coast League However pitcher Steve G semek' and draftee 1st baseman Charley Kress — strengthened their posi- tons with the Tigers yesterday. Gromek, bidding for the choice opening-day assignment. blanked the Philadelphia Phillies for sev- | en innings as Detroit carved out a neat 7-2 decision. The word neat is used because the Tigers pummelled Robin Rob- erts. the game's No. 1 furter, for 13 hits. Roberts went all the way One of the hits off him was a 3-run homer by Kress in the 4th inning , Dick Marlowe worked the last two innings and lost the shutout in the Sth when Stan Jek slammed a two-run homer. Phils met the Tigers in Clearwater today for a chignce to square matters | Sports: Briets purse for 2-year-old races has been advanced $500 to $3,000 for the Gulfstream Park meeting from March 4 through | April 22 ! Minimum *-. . Practice rounds for the Masters Tourname nt begin April 4. Tourna- ment “playing dates are April $11. | The site is the Augusta, Ga, Na. tional Golf Club . s > Mike Garcia of the Cleveland In- dians led American League hurlers in night victories during 1953. Gar- cia won 11 games under the lights s . + *Bobby Morgan of the Brooklyn Dodgers has hit seven home runs each year he has been with the team since 1 eeeceeee MEW ) FOR FISHERMAN Se | eRe Py “The HAT that made the, MEADUNES? Mot only clever gadgets, but the meat practical features to make it one of those new things you wonder how you ever G6 without. And aith it goes comtert, the finest quairty of matenats and workmanshe Jry it on — you ve bought rt THE SPORTS SHOP Formerly Mac Rogers 16S. Coss FE 2-7621 / \ especially Lincoln and Rocking hamr in Salem,- N-H: Globetrotters won last night's He had only 33 winners to show | for nine weeks’ efforts this year in | 12,400. EE ee | TWE MARK OF THE WORLD'S MOST FAMOUS HAT | | Es : i é ) 7 ) f : : : ; + t ; i ! 4 ! H : j = ' : :, } AWARDS FOR LIONS—Officials for the 20th annual state! at- Motor inn Recreation, Pontiac Recreation and AAA WestSide Lions’ Clubs bowling tournament look over part of the 68 trophies Recreation lanes in Pontiac. Seven hundred kegilers from Lions | which will be presented to winners in the event. Left to right are Clubs throughout the: state are expected to compete m-the tourna Oscar Eckman, tourney director, and co-chairmen Francis Staley and ment. Mitchell A. Calbi. Meet is scheduled for the weekend of April 24-25 | Hirer git ests De! Owner Wants |Joe DiM Plans C back, Ne Mint rug etewicwne — |/Joe Di aggio Plans Comeback, No es were tis tiversthsien Tes at Derby, Hogan Turns Southpaw Minors Kevolt : : / ' IMPERIAL 1‘. Featuring the famous | ; 4 Stetson “Mode Edge,” By OSCAR FRALEY | spring training raves, asserted | rumnersup. began converting him- Texas League Mogul $ NEW YORK ‘UP An April Tt] “it's silly t it. } o le golfer toda . . ; S | E | SON the Imperial Bantam is out of look pill the sports. « iy gle th | Apel an wa jan into a a golf ~ ‘| Hits Major Leagues’ . . . : s r to wr y +} < this world for smart styling | Fearless Fraley. the day's number ;“" ape saan —— Control BANTAM | comto s one fourth-month idiot* | “LOUISVILLE. Ky. — Kentucky | | the U.S. Open and Masters and real comfort. 18 ae Derby officials said today no mint | APT fool: DALLAS Ww — Dick Burnett. | SAN FRANCISCO—Joe DiMaggio juleps would be sold at the Rose | —_— militant owner of the Dallas Club announced today that he was so Run this year because “it's hard| CHICAGO—Kid Gavilan dis- iy, the Texas League says he a hf woh " eo - 3 | bored with home hfe he might enough on the poor public trying closed today that after beating apes ‘ make a comeback with the New to pick a winner while sober.” | Bes Olsen fer the eight convinced that. ifthe minor leagues pi | York Yankees. | April fool! | tithe Friday night he would take “°@ © survive, they have to 2| April fool: . | | the heavyweight crown fram break with the majors and go it : ; ar ios | CINCINNA ' | Recky Marciape and then go on = alone Sagi = i NCINNATI—Fans stormed the | i naw at Lewrence a eae _ a {fices of the Cincinnati Reds with 8 norid-wide wrestling tour with | Burnett: says: “As things stand . Amatin Lal a ad Wark Series | S 7 cy ’ e nore 272 W. Maple—Birmingham suttted te the Mall of Fame today ‘ . oo omit - April hares _ pialiem sp rs control the jag - when officials, after seeing his aa ~ ; = = eae aia hh = puld go all the way and the nothi > thang nha to gree ago: oo ewmammm FONE MAN TELLS ANOTHER == rush went on.gynchecked ag nother ST PETERSBURG—Cavey Ste ment, since they dictate it!” _ ffirial said he was strait” al t the gel of the New York Yankees He believes the minors need a : ——a naan : of ati tai ai nigh man of the Judge Landis type to rt 30) Ss S OUd) | ear aaenlat aa ee | Join Bob Hope in an Indian. dialect lead them. } 3 “Tt FORT WORTH, Tex.—Ben Ho- teomedy act a 6 gan, awed by the plight of the |‘ April fool! have a tough leader who 7 | Hicheu-Freeman — —ceny| MO only knows baseball but 1 é CUSTOMIZED’ CLOTHES i. is am expert at law. Such ; a move would most cetainly meet ; ¢ * ny | with strong resistance from the ; : majors. The minors would have é . to be in a position te carry their 4 | ease to court.” , SAVE THEIR LIVES! | =~...» % the: minor league slighs the de- j 8] | erease in. number of minor leagues : operating * “You would fhink the major’ } | league owners would see the hand- writing on the wail But they ! |don’t. They pay kids who never : jhave played a game in pro base- a ¢ ) ball a fantastic bopus and allow . | salaries to go sky high Then thes i ¢ } wonder what is wrong!” 4 , 3 ' ’ i , | — Don't Drive With Faulty Brakes! i a Fi restone | | Tt cos little—mere_to_ buy | t costs a littl -mere_to buy ! Hickey-F md | ° J a ickev-Freeman sul ul, | _ h are. URE Gosie-tecs Here's What We Do A 13.50 Velie J] . REOUCED | over the vears. it costs tess to eo AT LEAST | : ’ 1 Remove Front Wheels ond ) Broke Drums and pee own one. ss | o 5 Pm 2 Clean, inspect end Repeck from $105 Front Wheel Bearings . , 3 inspect Grease Seeks. —_e 4 ae eet aad eee ee Gabardines, Etc. Needed } ‘ ans . Adjust’ Brake Shoes te { See Our Win dow Display! 5 secure Full Contect with ANY CAR | acai eer ee FIRESTONE STORE Pommmistmaneeetverniss THE STYLE CORNER OF PONTIAC sty SE Meeat_Hata Street “Federal 2-925! Save! Entire Stock of TOPCOATS - *20 Zip-Out Linings. Tweeds. Flannels, Broadcloths, Wrap-Arounds, ‘THE "PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, “APRIL 1, 1956 a ~NEW HAVEN, Conn, “UP) =) a similar sweep of freestyle titles 440 yard, and tonight inthe 1,-| =D austen “ oxen style crowns in the NOAA at Syracuse, N, , and was ese ANG, baled nly im the 220 when he lost to Michigan's Jack Wardrop championships. A van total | the brilliant Olympic 1,300 meter of 188 swimmers champion will be trying for those KONNO tions will take and is given a fair chance to suc part in the Sday competition at | ceed. cB aclbrkin,: andberRot Inglis.Says State Will Ignore. Ruling for Smart=* DETROIT (UP) — State Racing| by the United States Trotting As- Commissioner James H. Inglis con-| sociation, Inglis said. tended today a court ruling here/ Michigan Commission will have no effect on Wayne (Cur- | |Smart for a year last August on ty) Smart's 1-year suspension from ‘grounds that-one of his borses was: Detroit harri@ss face tracks doped before a race at Wolverine Circuit Judge Miles N. Culehan Raceway here. Smart is chief ruled Wednesday that Smart had trainer for Castleton Farms. been “deprived of his constitutional” A spokésman for Smart said the rights’ when Inglis ruled him off: court's ruling is a ‘vindication.’ the tracks for a year. ‘Smart kad contested the suspen- oO enjoined the commis- sion from the moment it was im- from 48 organiza-' same three titles in this meet, | ut | favorite in each event. although he |e must face Wardrop again in the 220. The 1,500 meters will be the only Stroh's Bowlers. Take ABC Lead j Buzz Fazio Is Pacesefter. Lubanski Help SEATTLE # — Stroh’s Beers of ‘ceeelt pomcl «tie 01. to Sie | the Jead in-the-ABC last night. Capt. Buzz Fazio rolled 233-223- | 203 for a 650 and had plenty of |help from teammates Ed. Luban- ‘ski with 653 and Tony Lindemann ‘with 638. and the King Louis Shirts of Chicage, who had led with a 2264. Twenty years ago, a Strohs team »%« the ABC Open title with a} tally. Tony Sparando, bowling center from Rigo, Park, N. Y., | cracked the illustrious circle of 300 Konno Eyes AAU Tank Sweep) MILER He FI Ame AAG eR ook better longer our Nonchalant® sports jackets mellow without aging Your sports jacket can—and should—feel comfortable as the proverbial old shoe, but it needn’t get to look that way. And it won’t, if you select it from our collection of Nonchalant Sports Jackets by Timely® Clothes. Through scientific Balanced Tailoring®, the casual lines of your Nonchalant are eased in with lavish handwork, then stitched down for keeps with pected pric wr ond a a — in ‘oe world who) have clocked under 50 seconds for | With 659; Lindemann, the distance — Cleveland, whe | games this year and led the na- for top money-here and there, too. Toski Shows Way : ‘Young Golfers: Starting to Move Out Old-Timers | ~~ And iow it’s Toski-who-has seme- of the long-timers wondering how w would. be’ Wo ge back to cating Rouge Open. Then, to prove it was no fluke, waltzed off with the! Azalea Open last weekend, Watch the new fellows, men like | Toski, Littler, Wampler, Bud Hols- cher Wally Ulrich and Bo Win- ninger, in the standings of the next tournament and- see how the newcomers are moving right UP | —_ ahead of a lot of ‘‘name”’ | Swotiir ls Signed fo Manage Angels The 100-yard to be He four of holds the world mark of 492 sec- i 5 E H ‘ has been 530 seconds fiat. Wonder Boys Return RUSSELLVILLE, Ark. tofFi | Sweeney, veteran Pacific Coast rf Freddie Haas, Ed at- bent reed contract to manage the Los ‘Angeles Angels. He succeeds Stan Hack. elevated w— who won 23 | tion _in_scoring with an average Gene Littler, 23 the —Nationat; tate—yesterday tothe helm_of the - of %.8 points per game, will be Amateur champion since turned parent Chicago Cubs in place of strong next season, too. | professional, rattled the old guys’ | Phil Cavaretta. Every member of the starting | corsets when he breezed home in| Angel president Don Stewart lost five is due to return for the 1954 | the San Diego Open. Fred Wamp- little time in signing Sweeney, who 55 campaign. And one of the stal- | léer, 30, had them counting runnerup | piloted the club from 1943 through waste, 6 Soot 2 Den Sevier, te just meaney_ Shen bee Sek She Lan, Ace | 2905, wineten pemmente te Mie Beet 4335 Elizabeth Leke Road FE 5-8939 a freshman geles Open. two seasons. LOS ANGELES (INS) — Bill. | League manager, today signed a/ Ve iidddddhkdhdhihiddkda Stan Musiel PMM. | as skiwuvedbdex x: Mantle MMS... eeseanas Marion G00 «5 ee denn Sicie “ete eew nee eeeee Spalding K Ardmore Racket 0.00 Collapsible Golf Cart. . **#e eee serene eee ee eeeeeeee = Save Up 7 Factory Close-Outs Closeouton Power-Built Woeds—end—trons——___}- Frenk Syron—Pro and Owner PONTIAC COUNTRY CLUB to 50% McGregor and Hagen Woods and Irons 5 [er [u | LOOK at THIS! Unconditional Written Guarantee = .. . means that these tires are guaranteed uncon- any other road hazard. Uncenditicnsily means what #® says. There are no exceptions. Guarantees are good } anywhere in the U. $. DAY TON’S SPRING Tire Sale But First Line and Premium DAYTON TIRES, Remember DAYTON TIRES Carries the Big 3 Guarantee! LL 1. Lifetime Factory Guarantee. 2. 30,000 Mile Guarantee. 3. 2 year Written Road Hazard Guaran- tee against all possible Read Hazards. ist LINE BLACK WALLS PREMIUM WHITE WALLS __ SIZE | _—set TIRE | 2nd TIRE {| 2 TIRES SIZE —_|_ tet TIRE | 2nd TIRE | 2 TIRES 6.00x16 | $20.10 | = | ae 6.00x16 $30.15 | $5.00 | $35.15 “6.50x16 | $25.95 | “| $30.9 6.50x16| $37.15 | $5.00 | $42.15 TBinionintnber 6.40x15 | $31.40 | $5.00 | $36.40 6.10x15 | $23.20 | $5.00 | oT 6.70x15| $33.00 | $5.00 | $38.00 7.10x15 | $25.75 | $5.00 | $30.75 | | 7.10x15/ $36.65 | $5.00 | $41.65 "7,60x15 | $28.40 | $5.00 | $33.40. 7.60x15| $40.10 | $5.00 | $45.10 See en tesGaume 8.00x15 | $44.15 | $5.00 | $49.15 All Prices Plus Fed. Excise Tax and Eachange 8. 20x15) ‘$45. 95 | _$5. 00 ) | $50.95 All Prices Plus Fed.. Excisé Tax end Exchange SPRING BATTERY SALE Brand New Fully Guaranteed Reg. $18.95! Sale Price Only .............. 18 Months Guerantee and Service Sizes to fit all cors at same tremendous discount FRONT END SPECIAL! FREE Complete Front End Inspection! Seve Your Tires—Moke Your Car Run Smoothly! Complete Front End Alignment Includes . . . Caster, Comber and Toe-In All Wark Done on Our Bean VISUALINER with the Latest Modern Equipment penare 9 — Static c and Dynamic $1.98 BEAN VISUAL BALANCER ALUM TM LILLE machine sewing. Come in for yours today—Nonchalants are ours ° we ae ARKET in ~ DAYTON ROADKING M ‘ Brand New Fully Guerenteed SRT 600x15 $555 —— , + 6.70x15_ | $10.95 Open Till_9-P. M. "51 North Saginaw Street | rend Bnchnge 136 S. Saginaw St. Phone FE 56-4503 a Pe re Be sure and visit our ee Cover EXTRA SPECIAL! F Guerenteed Truvinized Tires Ne, Teanl Mondor te Shewhdes. aa PUE PONTIAG PRESS, THURSDAY, APRIL 1, 77 | ~ Wendell Corey | ‘wwerwrvrerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrewe ttt? TTT TT TS Sf erererererorererererare { |. JACKSON (INS) — Republican GALLAGHER’S MUSIC CO. One half hour = FREE of GALLAGHER 18 £. Heren FE 4-0566 3}. escaped from the studio just as | nT i i i i i ii ih hihi hii hi i hi in hii hi hii hh hh hi hi hi hi hi hi hi ih hi hi ti ti ti i ht hi a i he he hi te bt te A 1 ' } i= Joseph L.-- Wisniewski ' | jtronage “plums” Returns te Stage} Comedy Roles | = ERES: iy i tf z “a | its é * ¢ ® “T came to Hollywood at a time when everything was grim.” ex- plained Corey. “I doen't mean the business; the movie industry was crime and -corruption, and I fitted into the pattern. “I was either the criminal or | It got so that 1 almost | | Hie att if, Hara 4 z On one occasion, he was rushed | their Oscars, because animals have their = A “PATSY” FOR LADDIE — People can have | “Patsy,” to MGM to play opposite Lana | Turner in ‘‘A Life of Her Own.”’ He fast “I worked one day only.”’ he recalled. “I didn't care for the | script, and Miss Turner and | didn't care for each other. Ray Milland took over. I've never been sorry. The incident didn’t seem to | hurt me at MGM. I went back to do five pictures there.” Corey often takes a flier at the | | stage. as he is doing with the lim | ited run of ‘Sabrina Fair.’’ Ageless Atlantic City. a jaunty GOP Rumored Ready dowager with a checkered past, to Appoint U.S. Marshal celebrates her 100th anniversary this year with all the fanfare and National Committeeman David fun-making that made the resort Kendall said Wednetday that the aa - = ia ee a = * One of the oldest and -perhaps The post, which pays $7.500 to best-knowg of America’s vacation '$8,000 a year, has been vacant | ©@Pitals, Atlantic City has planned : , a series of special events to cele- brate a century of exuberant living Atlantic City Marks Century Famed Ocean Resort Plans Special Events This Year ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. UP) — signed late in February to enter the Hamtramck mayoralty race." keeping with her lusty past. Kendall said there would be a Although the Indians were known decision soon on what is generally |fo have dunked their aboriginal considered one of the larger pa- | Skins in the surf here, it took a in Michigan | hard-pressed stagecoach hne to pariay nature's strip of sunshine, To a steelman, a crook is not a sand and surf into an empire of \criminal, but a distoftion which | fun and frivolity sometimes appears in cooling a Dr. Jonathon Pitney’s stage- Leasting. While some contend the resort is out- meenenticanedarer Nena Also—This Big Western tt ul i Maybe you remember—the crazy . the good times . . . « the wistful dream ij a that a boy shared with his girl... . ‘and how it suddenly, miraculously -——- dancing, singing, beautiful and good and how it met great fulfillment as the world flamed with war. Today, you love his music that will live as long as hearts are young, and always, you will remember a love story great in its simplicity... JAMES STEWART JUNE ALLYSON ne GLENN Rae a . land to set a nation listening to a music that was so very human. fu Starting George Montgomery HY ata ai-seeneuna cad — At 12:30, 3:20, 6:15, 9:00 @. CHATTANOOGA (HOO CHOO a) a] Sun. “M " Also s . “Thund ne “Northern P ina STARTING ver H ah 5 | SUNDAY! * RANDOLPH SCO the Plains” eam TT i) eee ccmmeanetiamanamemmnis ee ead - ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ . J { f | am ? 4 we” AP Wirepheote AN: H-BOMB CLOUD—The muchroom-like cloud AP Wirephete H-BOMB MUSHROOM—The cloud spreads into a huge mush- begins to take shape after the explosion of an| State buildings. This Air Force photograph was | room following a detonation in the Marshal! Islands in 1952. This B-bomb in the fall of 1952 at the Marshall Islands | taken at about 12,000 feet, 50 miles from the site | photo, made 50 miles from the site by the Air Force, has just been im the Pacific. Two minutes after zero hour the | of the detonation. This is one of the first pictures | released by defense officials. The cloud rose 40,000 feet two minutes cloud rose to 40,000 feet—the heighth 8f 32 Empire | of the test released by Civil Defense officials. | after the explosion. The mushroom portion went up about 10 miles | — . —- ———- ~ -|and spread 100 miles | ‘Pontiac Woman Injured 75. of 111 Oneida Rd. Mrs. -Gab- in Crash on Telegraph riel’s car struck one driven! by Reds Slow Assault Mrs. Efthim Gabriel, 25, of 27 R :iGak. aher i - . | Ottawa Dr., was treated af Pon- | *°Y#! Uex. after the impact on Dien Bien Phy | tiac Genera! Hospital for face cuts = —s j Wednesday when she was involved : 4 z - HANOI, Indochina e— The in a three-car accident at Tele- | Red China Hits H-Tests French high ar ‘ | graph Rd. and Golf Dr. | TOKYO w—Communist China to- comm | State Police of Pontiac Post | night accused the United States of today the Communist-ed Vietminh | quoted Mrs. Gabriel as saying she | timing its Pacific hydrogen bomb had slackened their human-wave | attempted a turn in front of an | tests to have a better bargaining | assaults on the Dien Bien Phu auto driven by Mrs. Flora Smith, | position at the Geneva conference. | fortress after losing close to 2,000 7 | John J. Lee, 49, of 410 S. Vermont if “THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, APRIL 1, 1956 ~ x A a : ar SPREAD OF H-BLAST—This is ah artist’s con- | 12 minutes after sero hour, the Goud stem pushed ception of the giant mushroom cloud which formed | upward 26 miles, deep into the stratosphere. The after the hydrogen detonation in the Marshall | mushroom portion, 10 miles high, spread for 100 Islands in the fall of 1952. Nearing its maximum | miles along the base of the stratosphere. ____ | men in 24 hours of furious battle to the 1,350 Vietminh reported Rome’s Public Transport The French Union defenders held kitied yesterday in hand-to-hand grimly to the northwest Indochina | ,._ : . : System Goes on Strike plain d the onslaught of rebel fighting at the barbed wire barri- yst : orces in their second major bid ©@des.and by curtains of artillery ROME w — A public transport to seize Dien Bien Phu at no mat-| fire and record French aerial at- | strike forced most Romans to walk ter what cost. | tacks,-the enemy had gathered up to work today, or to ride-in 8 A French spokeaman at head. | Vers! hundred more bodies from | sos. aesertment-of-emergency , id the Vietminh | ™* battlefields early today. mre wl was “taking time out’ while they | — The unions called the strike, lat- : labor preparation for a possible renewed | Middletown, Conn. Savings Bank | bances since Premier Mario infantry charge tonight. in 1844 has grown through interest | took office, to get higher pay and The spokesmarr said in addition | to $3,077.06. lother benefits. SD CTD DOE wo z = AP Wirepheote CLOSEUP OF H-BLAST—Here’s a closeup view of the stem of the hydrogen detonation set off in the Pacific in the fall of 1962. Cloud mushrooms above the furious blast. The cloud stem pushed 25 miles upward, deep into the stratosphere. he: Mere Min | NOWE have fun learning : this popular instrument! — PEN L Wad for the ey ee Cee in Mod 2 aT PD OR ME Ty on eS en | EN Bre ee nee - rAd rotund. BESS © The Standard ' Course of Private | en, i ‘ Accordion Lessons | 50 including use : a , Only "thee ack of accordion "Rt for 10 wh». at home! 3 | | ical fun for kids and adults tool At || i i onl hi you can enrel now fa.tho sadsedien a| a Week * beginner's course . . . get private lessons | : oF Epa ee incregrdire P biperdeima | ——— s+ tn is costs you : | oopeesin ee fl After Down Payment at i re learning! No oblis => —: , __gation to buy! i i | There’s a Ford for Come in or Phone FE 3-7168 GRINNELL’S 27 South Saginaw = Every Pp urse t a a. Ra EF a Oe ee ta etree BM + pe ae ee | j tL iE f i a refugee spoke no English te the head of a New York busi- ness, which last year grossed sev- en million dol- lars. LEON JOLSON As a boy in Poland, Jolson used to observe his "father, an intensely religious man, go to the aynagogue three times a day to pray. The importance of it ap li Met 7 ; ty 7 z H ual Hine if if PETE 3 Ey ; i f Ff i L i ; ir ge 3 which entitled him to walk from one factory to another outside the f ie lif ell an 4 °§g = z 3 s¢ as ss 8 TEES Mi zoe E i af : wall gheetE ) “Tt i i i z fortune. “I decided to begin with what *T knew — sewing machines.” he says | He acquired a little kit of re- * | pair tools. Every morning he got up | |at six. walked from the Bronx to) - one ters rode the elevator to the top| floor i a i F jitet i ti! | variety of operations, including | sewing on buttons, making button holes and embroidering, without | adding attachments. However, and a lot of people told him they would never accept anything else. Seem t . U6 hn OF ‘Cape. 1986 MEA Sorcien, tes. | “It's kinda like ranch-home living—you know, evefything on Jolson decided to find out for one floor!” 1906 ty GEA Coreen, te T. by Edgar Martina by Ernie Bushmiller WANT SOME. POPCORN ? CARE FOR A LICK OF My LOLLIPOP @ OUT OUR WAY THAT'S WHAT. 1 LIKE ABOUT -FRNE BUSH 4, "e) : PX df a : wre ‘ w if ‘a HOLY SMOKES! HIS BAY WINDER 1S GIVIN' HIM TH’ RUNAROUND/ . JUST LOOK AT IT-- LISTEN!’ I ASKED FOR A BACK RUB NOT A TAFFY PULL / LOOKS LKE HES GETTIN INTO BED AN’ PULLIN’ UP TH’ COVERS -- THATS \ MY HIDE/S FOOL'S BUARDING HOUSE WHAT SUBMERGED BY GARBAGE, j I FEAR/ «= SNIFE-SNIFF lon <6 MORASS WHILE THe UY ‘gr 7 hte | ohne ; e a PRe- ¥e ALE cade. ym ys y . yy ae Rye Zooms Up +e Jim qj . T adi 4 i During raging Sat CHICAGO ® — A sharp upward 4 Pl thrust by rye and a strong tone in serious wheat, particularly the new crop = months, nt See was first graing on the Board of Trade poet *.. jumped as much as seven Louis | increases cents at the opening following news Nims But ee es ‘on Seisst import restrictions on .|Jeetions “bit to grain. At Winnipeg rye prices de- taled = which was clined. Practically all American above than imports of rye come from Canada, ing the same month a 860.) worked and there have been large quanti- Collections on auto _— such imports. 10 cent. w Wheel wens ani aie tied = Euiendii “ec ‘cimeationa. to the tour wes 1 to 1% higher, May ing the month totaled any SS te ee a about normal. opponents do their warst Gere. ‘hana tay tte se ie ™~ of above.| ‘The business activities tax net-| The House bill — ‘ ; a = . shown nth i nefit from hehe > 1% higher m May $350% Sadetr lened te mest the of persons whe want to ieeces bias maiarat Postion — “ . $35 a 90 26 cuan emda at bord 10 cones Wroer ek com |", 46-40, wid. ave. 48; New York Stocks we home improvements opens in Pon- + . @ Nima said the tax has produced |earning $10 or more with four —— higher, MAY | sede, toes ytd ang: 3! dectensl points are sighths | ake = . about 16 million dollars during the | pendent children, a . Browns Pigutes after a Se Es A at Bese Hel ast [Scripps Farms | “Yourself |Sey-sers te me Fights ; - 2 ; Allied Ch... Leha & “2 De | { H- : 35 million Mark Cctoe acm |_eace orm am-toe Ais S, Beate 3, /Delalls 0 .. |Auction.Called calare he he Jeers ' ine, seas ee 2, Ba a Public lg for Northville Races aan vite Picyuecne, "i | Spehunged, tgistreoge ter iy "aes dm ain yeas ae Released to Public Total ‘Sellout Store Open Coaries J. Feirath tas teen |{Of % oy beans— | 9. ’ m one or ; . E F : aby S080 PHS may ee sar | epas, week: “recetpts ta lower 0 | Am Cig PO 381 Mack Trucks 138 ee PEA PO EN Tvs toate cecitens it ee Willen ty cee ak te | is Mark Leach, Dee 318% Be 28380 | eae t's voeaimt US| Am case ae Meat tion” extended outward in a three: | Scripps Wildwood s totkeed a Shop on South Saginaw | Co. succeeding Fred A. Thom reader agpashed & it ian Su Corn — nie standards 33, eurreat receipts 32. ree & Pay. 236 Midi Sul Pd |” 333 . ere to mod- |) ake Orion today was —_ ’ Fell- | breeder, May i One and dirties 305 _ ane ee ae Monsan Ch ... 814/ mile radius; that sev ; t’’ by auctioneer im nounced today in Detroit. Court today to force State July ...+2..,1.54%0 18.18 ee = 111 Mont Ward | 60.2 reached out to seven complete “‘sell ou for Home provement who joined | preme James HL a “181 May 1646 CMICAGO POTATOES mRad_ 334 Moterola 7 | erate damage for on 00. Fritch. rath, an attorney and | Racing Commissioner Dee Sth re 11.38 )—Potatoes: Arrivals 66; | Am Smelt 1 163.6 Murray - 20 | miles; light damage as Harmon the 45 head Enthusiasts Ford in 1946, is a trustee to grant him a license for Qate— ‘aig 603° CHICAGO lnal OM aapusnts Ori: | an oa & Ta 106 Murrey op .. 14.4 | applied to Wash | According to Fritch, a the Michigan State } Inglis es May... se. Je%e Ont 14.98! on track 370 moderate; demand | am Tob 306 Wat Disc 361) The damage as G cattle, 8 head treasurer of flat racing at Northville July 71%, Soybean Otl- eid stock su slightly stronger; Idshe | Anse Cop _.. 10 Net Cash R . a D.C., would have looked | of uernsey machinery The do - it - yourself movement Bar Foundation and a director tall. . ees Taso MBY ...- 00-0 130 Russcts baer pk EP ee A Dairy ... 69.3 | ington, Yorkshire hogs, farm the country Detroit Law | next Green ' Bee oo \ssesses ca 7 13-40) Russets bakers 68: 130; new | Armour ...... Net Lead .... 43.3 | hike this: and supplies of is sweeping of the University of Leach, operator of the sate — load | Kote Postines 2.00. Triumphs d_mod- | Atchison ||| 972 le been exploded | and equipment which the court | nee 105 = -Bep “ss OSs Line 964 Nat Stl 71| If an H-bomb had sale were all sold the opening of @ new) |i mni Assn. Acres Stock Farm, told ny Lis Dee Tt) edn | steak market ebeut steady; Piestée | AM Cut, Line. ae SS inet at tol, the zone of utter | corn and hay on prompted —— Northville Downs od oo Round Reds 2.00 aves Bee rae fA, 24 /at the Capitol, reached | to the 500 to 600 farmers gathered at 256 S. Saginaw St. today he had leased dates Lime ... 81 BY Central .. $34 annihilation would have to at store — os twice applied for racing Calendar Poultry sae oe: mort a ew Hien to Artington National Ceme “while cating tet the sale “wae! Sulscting Do-tt-Yoursall ae| tee oe Dishmaster, mast | ond twins Lodge alien Benguet .......7% No Am Av... 38 ee ee eee of the largest in this area.”| J ore's official name, Lou factured by inventor Co., Pon- etrsdnpel wn pape ty AG . DETROIT POULTRY Beth sti ..... 814 Nor Sts Pw iS from Washington.) Eastw one total re- is the manager. and Manville Products Co., Hications without a hearing. ee irae Tae Pauls” ee | Bovine Atte m3 Nortne Ain | would have touched the Anacostia |°™.ct gna lareest in of Pontiac " ae nn te ae me takel me onee ae a ae ae ppd gig gl entry ping Ps far Bo. 2 Bond Sire... 132 Obie O 38) Bi Northward the edge would |ceints auc-| The store is designed to an al distributor plan for forcing Ingtis to grant ‘00 P.M. | positry up te 10 am. mostly 28; Ware... pan a w air 105 | River. home, the said it was the biggest the average | tional de- | mandamus April 2. Lodge ae —Adv. | "Hema: Fiat ative vrotters or | Bore Mt se? Param Pict 31 |nave been soldiers ° He attending. | swer the needs of faucet-attached dishwasher him a license. Robert C. Burnes, W.. M. digs “type, 1-22. Neary brofiers or Brigg? pits ... v.84 lace in the heart of mod-| tion as tar as, people te cover has outsold all of the Inglis re- . 3-3% bb. average ms, | Brist My mney (JC) . 78.6 | farmlike place in ; farm auction householder who wants vice which . According to the suit, News in Brief |saucesscsrSe sme a a it Berta ler have ein Bling Tl | Sy sak 30"peae "| Semi wh wane fe coe “Te ie Ooty - niches | eae 8 halle tack te. a Can Dry ... on oa 33.8 | would have engu and do any | me , Gerity - that a CHICAGO POULTRY | Can Pee". a2 ey ios |the Air Force's base at the nation | boards and cabinets offering exclusive and enough, that flat racing 5427 , try steady to | Capitel Airl .. " 5 @ ¢.- ef home improve- Corp., is franchises, | not large Northville ears. vas aesetsed’ $50 fine | ,CRICAOO a ae See: | es 2 eee Pet | al Se wection. picts, atl plats (res =* noe Ne are eee | vided the Gaributer puts up |wes unsusceastal toe and Gat Fleet St., when ee pleaded: guilty - ptochen tight ‘bene 18-1820 oe cue at ou Prom a el ace ren it and news rance for customer conveni- | provided = for Dishmaster | Downs See “not up te ts v weet Toosters 16-18. m gra : . planned adequate track cater ah ie oe Chryaler as amen S| eos a TST seat Wednemey, see ence pyrchesers. Ovtr G00 Dit |e eee ae erent Waterford Township Justice Cunee bas. Ght Some Op. irs [until 6 p.m. into. print Leader be open from © to 9 on! masters are in service. plant which Detrost wes D. Lefurgy Livestock Cole Palm oo neo’ bostere i but some a gel Federai | | a ai Que and from 10 a.m. to, 2 come to expect. ed 2 -| Judge Johnson Munici- LIVESTOCK Con Bete sr gh Repud Bu of ahead —of Aioaaietrvation mad 12 p.m. on Sundays | q anning oo Sept, 2 and Retain DETROIT Coo OB. ae Ren Met Civil Detense : ore . tile, in- | | PI starting __ 5 = $.— Ady. | v0. wot | Con OB Rey Tod B 375 ; ses in the stock are tile, day meet ‘pat Court, memset | a DUTP TE ‘AP —Moge—Qaiable 00. net Con Pe pt 4 108.6 Jos Linea 394 a pearel teieete ny _ publish | Marshal ae re tor a . plastic, lineoleum, | e on after Inglis — a "Clarkston Rotary Ann samantey | aaalee ‘9 market | Cont Of J‘ sears Rood 002 joday's editions | 7 Top Positio | eat and asphalt floor coverings. | ns another track requested a 24-day rkston Community Today : WE iiss 3 Shell ou git an account in today : wo | rubber Oct. 4 Genter, Apel 3 and ard. adr. | Gata Ba aati | el SS Sina BE tae di tac derive Criticizing EDC eee eee ae ata um — The Kel. | "Mt STE ‘te bed wee : Aire ....1943 gocony Vac . 0 i review by a i , along A BATTLE ~ - Rummage sale By | tect Soak Sue ‘ot the week: goed clear. oe Gee ae eg 41.7 | spapers a few) i ™ | plastic counter-top material copert R Holy Name Altar 9 oy, Friday. | nace: goed heifers “funy steady: cows Barron Ae Bparts wo 83 | hours ser a antes press show- an ieartall Angee Juin today | Pvefier said the Ser eae ae —_- scam it was em- TIOUSE fo April 2, 8:30 a. m. to 9 p. apni be yy SC | Soot aly L..:. 01 ao Bae from the nation's two top military store will handle rent | yesterday, ities! ’ ° ° Kreage Store on W —Adv. | (Tour steady. bulk choice fed steers sign | Bastm Kod... a. og oe cant 39 | ing. in some newspap. ts. It appeared | floor refinishing and waxing barking on a multi-million $ Public mingham. Good buys | Jearlings 22 60-3080. few email ey | El Auto L .... eta ¢ 6! In his column ted strategy posts. : handyman also will | expansion program. | [K@ friend's in jail and needs thotee, gk eae ea” se . m$ gid Ou xy teers ns crested it cae he also would ee he p= sen the same basis. | building ~“ said the firm, one WASHINGTON (INS) —- Presi if your Mitehell St°%s 00, top for the ‘week. ge | Erte, BM sees i) debaker . 19 | that “the v ve he | as comma: : end of the store. | The report also for 10,- bail, Ph. FE 5-5201. C. A. ster, \ts tow voles, 813 tb) heifers | Bu-Coll-O ".. 1% Qwift & co, 3.3 will be lifted next week,’’ and | forces in central Europe. | At the south are pro- 's largest cereal man-| 4.71 Eisenhower's request or Ph. MA 5-4031, Guy Ca . | 18-00-32 09: os eed ter wis at 22.00: oe a lw Bl Pa tet | added: However, this column is | The Cabinet ordered the outspok- | oo, parking facilities of the nation all previous 000 public housing units in the next Sat. S| thinty te lew, good merc | Qe Binet Penance. We wire © werd Preview cf tne one canaié marchel removed | vided. ufacturers had topped four years got a new lease on life cg gg i Dlg lh dentinal Adv. | 16.00-18 60. bulk “latter price taking | Gen Pas ..... $8 Thomp ‘pa... ses| able to aie ec prada tee ilitary posts— | last year. House prepared to , unttl. $1. Malta Temple. —Adv. 11.00-13.00, iat lstetns: few | Gen Mot ge R Bear.. 41.6) horrible holocaust. |from his French m | . sales records today as the Central Methed- | 2°} cathy etfer” onder “age | Se pe oy Renee Following publication of these | a aviser to the ao vine preddaat of Ends Tank Engine Job W. H. Vanderploeg. company | oocove his generet-teumtng und sa hammmage sale, C aay | Comuers end cutters 9.60-11 50, spots Gillette ea. he Twent C Fos.. 30.7, ts, the major news ii ae one ee ‘ ll NEW ORLEANS (UP) Chrysler | president added that the company gram. W. Martin ° | Dut weekend clearance 13:86-18 $0 rich <... 90.2 Un Carvide.... 736 fees decided to go ahead a = he refused has finished production of | to increase “processing | Speaker Joseph W. the house sale, April 3, 8 a. m 0% Ib Soaetaeat ahaa stpers 23.00; p pane mneed ogee @ ope 1 reviews. - | Armed Forces—after | | Corp at the Michoud ord- | expected Kellogg Prod-| Mass) flatly predicted would t Parish Hall, 8. Parke | choice 580 d_ choice 529 Ib. stockers | Good: te = | Unit Aire. 075) thelr own { ae se Lae ee | ven ene |and distribution of will approve a motion which Bt. Altar Society, a ie, other ama at for the rout pe e ty ms Be Unit Prat ai! Fhen _ sat try. The largest 8. Department of Agriculture. : region. Data from U. 8. | . . fn » ' k f ’ , P ¢ . 4 f é f eee > Pa ; Trrerey aie a ae ee ——?. ae | Z 7 a ir ee Saas eee eee ts PL i ces ae ~ - —. oy i, ltrs RE ee ve ~ NIELS Cink tinea 5 = ape a ~ ~ S -—— bai Wi - iz am ke — =—_ =———. > eee mardi to ae ' ae ia INNS aie ae RS le ae r / a ae ae oe a ae et a a fa ery as eae - Z . > f set a OS m ae | if oe —+ Y oa t oe ae 1} s i } wee FER 2 ¢ o Wide ‘ . THE PONTIAC PRESS. THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 1954 _ Fy = E. tt oh P> tei : i if -— s oer > .« f ‘ : . a ; - i li f ei rt if Ward A. a late Mr. Detwiler You are hereby led that at o attended Grosse ihe Gy Mickioes bela: oo EVANS, | Waiton pwr ony ¢ ed to be the intention of = - fork 15 epeeigh streamate The City of Pontiae Grdains Mdount, Vernon | S57 ommisiony ose engl Notice of Intention to Constract | penser, thereat" oners alias ‘ Her fiance attended | Be related work on Masel| 2” Biturhinows the ent eS sofia soe concentrated skim psietons University Jessie ‘Skreet st untied aon oh Comerete Recap om | shail be paid trom yg and designating | the , late ‘ot School,, Mt. | si, pa thet the cont of | Munna Givent fem . Bas aan pe ons fem Sentara County” ai of Flats = ae = subh ; may : Harvard Geenate Sched of Hf "oualigegaminatcns Hie | See ese nevene, eoeng That the Commission to'teed an folgwe: OS dete ha cane be mare Business Administration. A eat | aid tmprovement fn sccordames, pit Pe ae a cee oh | Rita tneea Te Qupetage. of cee, elas four fas pian estimate. . - _ summer wedding is planned. the ‘oeat Qhareat “shail be -cstrayed. by the 20th day of March tate Tes | sate | , +e or sub: woe FU. fete eld “Shifts age ang thas ali of the Tote and. paren Cry Commission to construct two-tnee| vee KF betere = tne words “To be Power, fo Chiang {eer irente from Seinen! etme | Su oo Ss —— “cae Bey Commie tern ota‘, Ting) nasi trove FP none Sypeeetparaigiery fos Fa ilereaen ts Gentes | of sala improvement in om tle nants, Commission | fallowing cee ee SS ro a speech today that | penses the ecumated cost ond tt. onpeninetion, ta om file for | Nott platted eewuers One year's _ tionalist power in Ne Erica’ sot apd pms there shal | moore intended to construct of Intention to within eighigen mouths, from the. = gg lh ~~ Py en oe Ay China has gradually | Fund from the Capital Improvement | {he plan. To ue, an |S” Eitiiness Rhy A PE a By —4f My —- — with labeling fed from the executive Yuan| nat tne commusion of the © $ Mnorest shall be éstrayed Wy South Boulevard from Belt Rpg pe to My ey Tg — ag IP a — ‘cabinet), where it belonged under | Pentise. Commission of the City ‘of | age end that U trent]. I, to Sections “ : mammaea = the constitution, tom of the City of | Of* 284 ‘fronting tote end poses Opdyke Road. 2 4 6 of eo} AS qregecsls wast te Section 32. All ordinances oF to President ssunictge) ‘on tha Oth day of upon either side Yeu ave here Ordimance. regardless said | as to rotor plainly marked | ordinances in parts of Chiang Kai-shek. April. at © o'clock pm. a a — a ae Se Tegular meeting of eo 2 | Dated M1, 1964. t — has provided BK, ‘The Boerd reserves the by conflict herewith are here- mate oy ‘a thet may be | special eesesament district to evtae | fs Giro) Roaslac, Shghigan ‘bed ce Sa m svane, ee ioe ee oe =e er all proposals or to. waive. detec sepemnice, 3, Tale ordinates chal sant . Deted! March 31, 1964 StESeta Sorte etinctg, Soa ond | Beersseanicg wr atts a a ye, | Sis se seas Be | counion “fhe Beare. is abe bent ne | Eng Pent tee 5 ea Deaths $s mm mvans, | shall’ be peid from’ the Capital improve: inous coneteve recap ou South B ee. NOTICE TO Services ot Publi Works and | County of Gomaienioners. of, the and passed by the City Commis, Cag, | Beet Peas Capital improve: | from, Belt Line RR, to Opdyke ond. at Sealed proposals ce stallation “and constructic oe | es, isomers of, tog | an athe. Cy of Ponies. thin Sib - George W. Kenworthy S 18 HEREBY GIVEN QR estimated coat of 980. SF cnt fas | om menial be (received by| sald. proposed improvements "on said of Oakland, day of March, AVON : Sr. A) a me a, Sa of Oakland sion | proposed plat of wubdiviaioe, BOARD “GP COUNTY. ROAD me Ee TOWNSHIP — Service | 2” Bituminous Concrete Recap nicipal “Court ee ed ee Won fie for” publse “r= | Mienidaa anit f esd Puntion | Section 3. All ordinances or parte of COUNTY OF OAKLAND,» ADA & Seng eee ann at |reaieek Sava Wen aKa {oth 28 oiclock 9. ee nate | onid Sg rh get oe a ip sin conflict herewith are here- mC ROBERT ame Si Cesk a meer te Jessie Street. ade ty parties terested — be; the las tioriot dreckansten ena tast | (ee Seteuhe: mend for turuishing | ofc tea This Ordinance take sot BROOKS — p. m. Saturday at Elmwood | Yes Dated) March pull umelaek Gear oa ite Gaye irom Sad. gitar the Sate DB. LOMERSON. OAKLAND Withioan Methodist Church, with burial in| reysiar “masting of the Commission ot oh 31. 10 vane | of tand froncin Ly. a BR Big See eens. eee ee Spprovel by the City Com- | “7 son. SPECIAL m of EVANS | 2 tr ree r White Chapel Cemetery. He died {t= 25m 49 Pontiac. Mic heié en | City: Cigré. | iy mm ag either stde ef; Information, Core | ae the City Pie ty Whe Communion haeeh 30. He toes lap ge — the Tows- y of March 1854 by rego! }- Beit Line Didding blanks Pontiac, on oo4 , County of State: early today after an illness of ten = to be the Intention — | N ~ a stakes ee eee constitute a eatin — may be obtained and spect- | ot March AD. 1954 | this 30th day jective - , are City Commission to construct. two-inch Netice of Intention to escosement district to defray 06.901.43 of | a0 t0 on be marked ARTHUR J. Law. Ordinance No. 1166 entit Section 31 of | giection ——— os that » ‘Gpecial angements by Dud- | street on Paddock Bituminous Construct ang that expenses thereof tents. Ma nance to led “An Ordi- ve ia the Township ley H. Moore ‘Funeral Home | from MALRE. to Jessie Street | Concrete Recap and $14,366.57 of the estimated cost oe Board reserves the right te ADA R_ BVANS yor. | dling a the mbgeow gone | ond i os Aly Monday. April 5. trom | at am, eoeimnsted cost of gitepr.en ene | Rotated Werk on W the ¢ = or to weave Glisets City certain of mitt ond] 6 6 ceee Se until f o'clock Surviving besides his widow | thes = pian. profile eng. timate. of frem Perry en Walton Boulevard ‘apital Im rovement Aa rom end to eae en ek tetects | _ A Ag 7 ean Do ag ~ ages ; to define different i the sherasen oo weed Time, . ovement j 1 EREB —_ Silo Wyruk of Avon, Towsship OO Dae lary ee Pa ig SC Be I i ES SR ree Se t| SE cree w as enmeen or it further | M . vw meet é y Read Com °) ‘ and for ein instences pr tm the Mrs. Gerald Crake pale peng oy a Me eee | hae “Sasa it te eee | | Aorit. 1998 “at 8 S'etock’ pm. day ot of the County of Oakland. Michigan. and tne ‘Board’ County Road Exctived by | Penalties for ‘the thereot and to 41x ("gel toy Township, Ot North. Range Mrs * | the 1S qetemane, ond whee | Pe Ss be Com mission | and object! heer : offic: Oakland at their and to repeal certain ; Clarence Higgins of Auburn special ansessment aE Baty ROR ae -- ry ge BA ot | made by parties interested elp Wanted Female bidding bianka ce be plainly WE WISH TO THANK OUR Bete Pichon dy Ieee 7 H and! marked with (1) the or friends and neighbors sad ~~ elp Wanted Female 7 name of the con- FLOWERS, MARCH 31, 194, ROB- een tos hots tots "ef bimdnecs BEAUF¥—OPERATOR, FULL ~ Help Wanted & sce, 8 Ferry, ngs 78: eioved | Secent peregvement 4 ume PE 2034. an = Building Service 12) Busines 5 it ef Mrs. Charnes J. Wilsen, | Tecest bereer te the isi es | SEAUTY ‘ATOR AND WAIN SALESLADIE TO LIVE Services 13 Jasper &. Flowers, Fret M. Rem- our beloved imfant son. Robe’ stylist. Referen Ny fF ig? By 4 — 5 ~ - . om, ond Cee see a Wale or. tr. © tire ed BeavTY counatGe Foul Gh ALTERA care god tnundry. Pour work Also AND CEMENT | BLECTRIO MOTOR SERVICE RB. Punera! Carol Flowers. : pert eer . New hot : oo DM hoe ‘ eee eT os Ghuten,_ 50. Flowers 3 fom goa. yee pancon. Sen {- eee en et TIONS . #3 ie Nee | oe Ue oe 4. tA weceaiorsions 5 7: : 4 . ’ ,COMPTOMET “xX Yi we Ys: eS i A I Tg ts See Reed BS PLORISTS _ferdeert” gag a LE OFFIC M “MIA ESTIC. —_—«|_Pucteuse Jame SemEerIAL ree FE RaMING & RE Funeral Home until Pal tS AUBURN ye aD | os ag ay ORGANIZING | Pay Pleasant! wortitg-canditions _ ; Sa = — Eruis James Westland. ELECTRIC w — 32-3173 e factory rep Empioyee bene 5 Has = Se a 4 orang when he will be a , Funeral Directors 4 seatatives, teal ‘orriery ‘Krouger | _S08_ 38 Aaron cram, Write CLERICALS coenins for © ged export, eG ARFES SERVICE aE WER CLEANING Sikeston for services a person am ~~. by y 4 = ERIEVCED ONLY NO OTH- : - work. 2 p.m. to 10 — Plonr, vane wall pel gh Ex ee cae ren samara” “| Voorhees-ci gist he ste or re” | Seman, Ca" FE S71 —— peak References pgm porte sce | CONCRETE ENGR Fa Saae™ | Lore re PL bass or Om 320m 4 GiLGeRiet, MaRCH 30.“ 1954. inle come trees FE Vem lel FY TTT tnteaiier New a ee “ammers be fob ef hob! = ain Si cae, ow sates, Gah OA GOli. Biante terre} ,_ FUNERAL HOME. — )°5 2 Sol the, scmsteon Pulser ne res , ggg EMENT WORE Sasan's Soe te { dear mother vtee. Prane or Motor | 2 old esta 2, department of BETTY'S BEAUTY 8H ing equipment & COM JOHN ® TRENCHINO > fay «ag — 3 ———_ equivalent ragtime oe isos E. i Bled Liverel —— Assigned pol Pe cose Raymond Com- _ CP ~suege course territory _— A ’ * =. = Sravigra, and Mr Toomes B,'| Donelson-foh i seleemenship and ears PERC Go CORES | ce (eter Cond | — cat ME IP YOU WEED FURNACE! FURNACE?) s.aee ne ES FUNERAL “JONNS Riker Build Sherritosens Co os nd general Dome wort ve in Store | _ eae Pu Vermont | We. 3 to save money” SS ee ae cae Order: | ig a of tor “erweratse | PINSETTERS ie eT a ~. No. 3 someone to 40 good work, po phy. oop — fy ea ing. Interment in Drayton Plains. —anenn ee a ae oe cee ees ts ED SALESLADIES TO Full (5 - day> 40-hour Instructions a) See ee coe val Gene ae en Mrs. Johnson will lie in state at in Sensen. er colored. Apply | end sports ses, costs, blouses, | week _ - go car ows work, PHA farms, | HOUR RAO Ome Pe the Huntoon Puneral Home. 1 8 r Inn Recreation. | ~ tim wear Pull and pari V°€ ) and part time sal : : cement work ‘ Sawkie wow i. iss AD; BOX REPL 1003 Perry. aed fect” FE te person. Burton salaries. apply position fable in the een ee a oe COMPLETE LINE_OF-WANONRY |. *0 well lbmeeenlcias Nard Albert, eve Old Orchard 1ES 1 eee sor poe ni¥ oe ores. BS Seger follow: $ available in the) Rome Aceor.ions aise oid, “al aa wets ru ssi |HOUSE MOVING BULLY Zeek, Greased Lake Valee, ove At 10 Louts | Spedatore's a mise warrress, | following departments: ines _et fact-rv orives OR **"" | Alterations ané RL WORE ne " equipped. L_ A. Young. PE 40450 $5: beloved son of, Mrs Mary 10 am, today jf) owe" [PULL AND Pant TIME WATT! Cos Work Wanted Male 10! cinvrere tee eT oes te ae ee oe be held Saturday, April 3, at 2:30 there were replies at Wonderful _ Bar oe ts, suits, dresses nn ARPENTRY ROUGH AND VIN- short run in aK. _3 —. PM et Orchard Lake the Press office son willing to y for per-| NEAT BR a Accessori custom cabin ‘ts floor sand-| Puunis S gimensisnah ‘tehor Se tee B eopene of e in mecchanticing’ Agpty te rag | SEAT RELIABLE WOMAN MUST sories, sportswear | ART, TIME caaPennan a| woe vB ~~ ete eB ine te ficiating Interment in | Wood- the following boxes: ask for Mre Sopty to persee. | Grae a Foundations cisctrical work im exchange, for | CARPENTES - prove to you that the id ime to wil Rg =") + my 7 eT ec exPERTENGED PiU rawntg "Gael sal GAR Millinery Gee Press aterial Box 38 Pos-| nets, alterations attics cco versat! Mh Beg IE om . Bevtes will He m 8, 0, 1, 10, |}) O CATO U ieee | Saree. ni : : SOORKEEPER FULL OR PIRT _ 9: hour, FE tri) efter| Call M See S2 hares |} Us os 2 SALESMEN |°Saese: Test ered Smee _Lrenings in ice for| ing een Meee | Fare 2 ae siren ts nts as pa te H care of 8 sn in m , iNo 5 2 = $150 WEEKLY a wee nome.| handling cash and offi a ie | COMPLETE SewEL ING CANS eM ! mucin 5 state until time of funeral. : — © | TANGIBLE AND INT ee A eg : office| scapEnren work WID— cae oe Ml pon ogge * eh PLASTER EEVWORTHY. arnt twee Help Wanted Male 6 —_— add to our by —— Se me 2 Ba loeage man Ric etails. Interesting variety i a ae ae a dormers esd! | parent FE $083 Leo ba hy — Gr., 3380 6. Grant A é _ “company: some leads com- | —~ Commerce Ra of duties. No typin _ | CABINET MAKER & CA == | tions —— — alter? | able we TERING REASON- fered Nestand of re Gila Mt }BARBER, EXPERIENCED REP.) pus corre ga quired YPIng Te" | _Eucpens PE 2-232 FE +se70. me fon . Good hild = : . : EXPERIENCED — | —CARP Scans Ken ; Gear A. hg Be peng we . FE = ot case. ier os GIRL GEN - would YOUNG MAN CARPET SERV PLASTERING WEW AND PB Milo Mrs. Gerald Crake, | BA’ FI a . intment. S-STT1 for ap flee wo: oe oe _ F jobs, like lawn. garden or odd | Sin: nme ICE —petr, FE 1081 7 wai ther Martin, George W. Jr. Betty Sey Mack's Baiver Boop. tw ee Ramet: | sta have covimercal feiss wr "woe “ar bone, FE | "Figor und’ wall coverings isuaied PLASTERING Lou. Carl, oe ee lat at 4g ef fs heations, | experience =| Pre have commercial| PROtt TREES AND GRAPES EX _FE ton or TE 2 |__D M vers EM 38880 3 erty se Brother of 2oaepe ba gt ~ a He See cee | Pontise Daly Pree | Dackground. Good work- cord immed WE Senet orn eaperence none. & SAWS TAWNMOWPRS | pectee oe" Z Gam , Mra | _ Buren . .| Smart Co PE oi. By x in conditi ° _ ae | Bedding end ‘andse Cc 3 MACHINE 8H ; _ = ae me, Eset rise | semen ramating wiry 0200 a . ne ng conditions; soders Homes. garages, additions | <-> Pe se 1 | MANURY LEACH — Je BAOLEY "Call tor ectienete LaParal. érefting practice 1 check , : LIVE ND = workroom emodeling oat MPLETE MASON suB LEY , 4 Gears. Punersl service George ings of precision «mal fe] og ——— Wanted ‘Ftbhoe clserty sick lady, FR. : . -IPHAT , & Repairing | Sriet_ tow sot Saleen aie seenere Take Orton. MY S44it, Wall Washing. Paint held Saterday. 3, at 2 PM tod Spporeuny to advan ment | age Laicitigence wi cecirasic | choi P e4il. SAM MIN- Excellent salary, paid| Pe t-0rd aa er Hf Desired. Coppers ee, TS | reo commen OE. MY_ESGI.| __Mervert_ Mail, PE 37700, ame. ow wen tee, | weed Re. as Co. us = set pte cain. Cte Fees. | conan — Wee —e | weekly; sales Defsonnel| MA¥ ARTE CARPENTER WORE —~EAVESTROUGHING _ 1.8638 cctimete VE +6808 VE! De tos no ylang -—~ Alig enone agg Inter- EXPERIENCED a. se real estate We are ——a ders for ee ace es OR- | are paid commissi or jobs. FE 19. ROUG 5 TREE TRIMMING AND REMOV-| ~~ & Accessories 21 worthy will lie Mr, Ken- | for meat : =n Mas Linde Ay train such a fellow | dresses, nylon lingerie. spring : sion on all| MECHANIC AND SERVICE STA- Gas and On Furnaces a) Also shrubs and fruit trees Dudley H Moore ee le: gh og H, HUMPHRIES. REALTOR | Scare time OR Te) sher- {3 euurchantine echd. Com-| soa noen ae ane, MeLain’s Shee! Meta! Co trimmed“ _Ucensed @ PORTRAITS from moon Pridey to noon Sat- =. ited } ; FE 30474 2 GIRLS FOR ASSEMBLY. MARK- plete werk_eventngs. FE_TOM FLOOR SANDING, LAYING. PIN. PE 40137 After 6 call tape Forma! and Candid urda: _ ae . MARK- rogram = —— . Studio, wey te bee ee ey ie oe aoe “MAT FOR GENERAL | trans Shsparta tion Berg Cleaners, MA benefits. TThoroueb’ feb “Nod nearby towne, Wott by 80 Piste Goer. abt Contra vy Bookkeeping & Taxes 14 i _ _—= MUNSON, MARCH 30 é e. Utica, RE-| moders 6. ~aet = “ | ergy ll introd DOCG CPR On EEN elevision ORD, MARCH 10 VRE | orpaRinncED 610 CK BOT! eer acne Pe err omen Mi geneinlattice oak training with pay. Kons, “Special field training, wil | T'Corpeta. lincleem COVERING ED MAWLEY TA wee ty — trtake agp Ms beloved bas: fornaey wort, PE >T™0 S08 | ee ANTED uni | “ergerencet te eeorral otis wort| Please apply at, our wares get, Carmine OOF Se Saree, Sag RS | sco yas | 8° Faia et anvil Bg gy ee an: Gene _ Huron, WANTED tions field. Some college eee main offi o. > a eo Pontice Press Box! _™stes. FE +0076 or FE D083 Dressm [= FE 5-4390 rw aeer_vrother of Roscoe & |= XPERIENC First Wiasé sash an stenography. writing sbiltt < ice, 25 Parsons! suaca wan On FENCE WORK OF ALL rssmaking, Tailoring 16 __P. STRAKA . Puneral service will E | wanted for Al SALESMAN | chine man. C and door me-| but not requred po Mle tt at. 3673. Wood SINGLE MAN ON FARM. Ma | —FTee_ estimat ae KINDS SERVICE WAN. Priaey. April 2, at 1 p. position, Pm Ag i Steady | machine a Capable of laying out. | working condifions. Ph jor]. ward and} 5410 = 2-0957. ALTER «TIONS aND ager Good of the Genmalnriedt Gone Tunersi| Dustriouor,_ 6 W, "salary aod | found w-rk. Write Bor 62 Poctine Fable" Reationn” Crantrooa ime “1SCUSS) the opportunities of FLOOR SANDING OLD ETOORS | a tattaxiwo. om » aResewAx-| Sov 0, Sauiness for mreelt Bert se oe etry . Et 7 ee __ ing salaty eld Hills, stat-| of emplo : “sts GENERA , | CRRSSREA AND AL Seomes, Col MY 30 eh the Sckmmaleriost He in state | EXPER COURSE WANTED AT ONCE. RA sq | Ex required MI ¢1600, Pp yment in our new | ont Perete EM 3-3506 Seresties oa Lg a CoM. | tions. PE S-2765. 16 | GUARANTEED TV. REPAR ANT eee anette cepleres Reply oe re shore oe a ke Pontiac North _ store opening soon in th oe ee Anup je YEARS OLD | ‘™ ‘apt . ate entrance. On yf ROOM FOR 2 MEN cugan' 6 ar cat toes Window, tule bath,| , reems, reom for bath. ofl heat, If no answer phone FE 272-0829 MACEDAY. LAKE gg Bn ge oly jy to ge sins | Min be oo 7B tem line FE 5-360 after 5 rooms. Comfortable beds. Good A Solid Home for a La. Yea dara. ase Peaces i re Mies Cosperative newt he why abe By _setile cxtate. Ut, Seema Sieute pO aes | PRLESTE rape omit Pay MGR CuegM,g RogMm aDoLTe, ae casera | MONd Family | Ql, | berm Tot tu brea) eas ae” gc Tite Fachenee ne oaatane Tag aes Wan? WROUOMT tron Forni | —*7™: MA $1900. NO CHILDREN. NO DRINKERS." Auburn Ave. oe We couldn't say that this Se koe wee ke LET YOUR RENT Pay | = with toll "gnd lavatory 7 re? Cut out the middie man 1 3 reems eh@ refrigerator, 300 rN . house was extravagant. but INCOME | i YOUR RENT Pay 7 large utihnty room. Lot Wi make, sang 0S Zoe woot | bert rs | goa AND BOARD 7n tmx | Sr" Sau im mata hoes -\f gl r o> = . Ram blocks off 8a st a = met SPRING Rent Apts. Unturnished 34) f° Manne “SO “ ranch style ot only 3 years Gini paved ‘street. Large mod- | YOU BUY IT WELL INSURE IT 4 ‘fh clese by. . Wd. Child. to Board % ~ ~~ | ROOM AND BOARD FOR SBUD- EE rooms ern 10 room semi-bung . Has . ATT ~ sf 7 SD il N-cpey nerd ce one ee Is Here } 3-ROOM UNFURNISHED APART. | "Glee, Geen, Sowinern home. Also | Kitchen. ving “and Rite Bo. = BRE gy —— ae INION LAK E — EXCEL CARE IN LICENSED a oe oe a en 2 room apartment to rent. 252 rooms are all f ditional ent, plus business WATKINS LAKE FROYT ye room, Some Pe Your property will now have cot, private ootce wn an caisees | BOOHs "7 pe Ry A eee i ae aes, ie ong Dummer home | Hitchen full TOMB. BAY ChiM UICENSED n nies ROOM AND BOARD NEAR Fis . ama fireplace lectrie water = come, PE beens, be paid to & top price for menthe, Alse gorege, FE cult. | {1s We everty FE tae! R B.H ; Member Gos). heal Est, Exch Ine bata Mere ig four chance to | Close to Cosley ee iek b| Se es, | eee -| Tis “W.” neverty, oger B. Henry] JOSEPH F. REISZ Neal Ket, Kueh tne. | oun. o. inhe trans heme st * oe sine sand bench. 61500 ousehold have quslincs pre tis ae | «| ROOMS ALL MODERN REFER Hotel Rooms 39 | 811 Mao - OL 24111 % W, Huron Bt meneeais sam, ieee Tet peress ee gous : ea nace feted apeeesier |" aren ange 50 Bale | ~~ Bache wr re es cuus| Ome yee om ee | She Et Cam) EMBREE & GREGG FURNITURE NEEDED let ws. CAL Jip ROOMS WITH STOVE AND Rooms oy ri or Week AT LAST A HOME |* BOOM INDIAN ViL-| NEXT DOOR TO BRANCH ; Union Lake RA EM ratire wt, “St lots. Get the nowt" —— Adults. 180 E. Huron HOTEL A BURIN OF YOUR OWN! © mae i ys py OST _OVPICE Whig home’ secemity sossretes bu ght or John Kinzl R _. ___ | Cooking a a 6 W. Hures. ; end in A-I condition. ¢ bedrms., ry BB. Community | inzler, Realtor | «Room hy jp ge In Drayton Plains - sale Ph OR $-27717 \qre'W. Muro mS 4-3ans | Keeee ED APT. TN Also 1 oF 9 room apartments | room home. com PR ly 3, ring rm. spacious mod Let vs BOY TF On ADCTION 17 | Open Eves tm § a eae | $04 Ramune, PAPE Sion | Teady to more ta 2 large, Ded wallto-wall carpeting, ‘Venctias "for you, OA 62681, | Co-operati-+ Real Estwe Exchange | § ROO WoDEAN APT ow Panu | HOTEL ROOSEVELT | reomé with full bath. Large living — blinds. full bemt. with stoker DOING BUSINES AS one PONTIACS LARGEST eer Rechestes tm enchange for | mewre Geccteted By Week, Ase! co L with dining L. Modern kitcly ; invuialed. 1% car garage. $10, STONE REALTY CO. - ture buyers cash waiting : FRITS 8 LL pores tet 2 hours housework | puite, by week "eas rates FE | ler pew ll gen “amg me REAL BUY. LAKE | ne - 060. terms Cail tonight WEST SUBURBAN Eee enti F¥Pam | cenceee trey tote savtiams | OF Si” * DATS |” Rent Stores | simse down, seeee ter cam | fo wre ‘co. this bea /2 Lots NORTH SIDE, Neat and compiett| fire ‘sent tached gurage. 9 of _furniture Ph _FE 28523. eal property ~ @ ROOMS. RRA ARES jolts . . . Has ted ‘li ad oe 2 ») location pled north acres. Just ¢ mi. from . Want ee + ao OR BoRRTs 2 Sane eee ee ak STORE SPACE INQUIRE 200 Sort Peattec Lk Re Ssh tag Foor a y e furnace oom bg ng cell jo age, mice yar’ Asking 4.80, |* rv . 4 . LaKkE . ve s “Wid. Misc REALTOR COOP Mempen| Warm comfortenie in winter. 960, | ——Voomics, FE_2021, Corner Cass ‘ake %4 beet, youll like it. Nicely land {~~ with dining room fur- — SS 72 West Ana Arbar. td. ellaneous 28! 42 W Hur PE 41.57 | month FE 17-0338. R Office 4 scaped lot, garage end tool shed —* © large Feng ag WATKINS ‘LAKE + ogg! ig ~e —~ | wouLd LEE TO Be 3 MN FB ne Gals ta a trentage, | Besutiful c FLAT TOP DESK FILING | private party. 70 Ser vadu FOR LEASE: IMMEDIATE oe. Lor eg gE gene lot. 3 dedrms. plus summer MONEY MAKER cabinet. MA 51878, OR 3-8906 baa Man 6 doe a ee Pecccecion, nevi decorated ATTRACTIVE OFFICE. COMMU- US LAKE FRONT. Only $7,900 en egy i Bre — coaping and 1% baths,| § newfy decorated rooms en OT Phau PAT.| com f geod deal yore) ne ity National Bank Butiding. FE eman With $2,500 down. § rooms, 2 bed- reviace AND & 2 | modern Sitehen. wall - to - Wall 5 neat eneptet cone 5S WA To Y FROM Pri. peel hel ol ean 4 a 5 eaten eaten @6 oo _#71n. reoms, full bath, brick e, house with beth on carpeting im dining and living fieor..Four room fry vate party, good Fordson and | ——“*— Press, | _ ote ggy te ye an! DOWNTOWN OFFICE O& STORE large porch full basem stoker extra lot for en rms. recreation rm. im base | with bath, er + Real Estate FE $1201. space. @0x100. Will fix to suit. $1,400 Down pone ong a +e view °GO ment inside and outside, with rE te SS" Want to Sell? —PROwt, § ROOMS AND GPVICE SPACE IN CAPITOL AV: See ame aaron cad . me ~~ ryan rebgpet ieee, coment breakwater 5 Pe LAWRENCE _W a ee — f | time ; ACE IN CAPITOL BAV- LOW DOWN PAYMENT 3 home wi ; : wa TO BUY PING PONG | Have numerous clients at presems| Dele. Deer Pontiac Adults. $00 psy ® Loan Bide. 96 per tooth. eS, ee ed ee Area cn tls 8 reom home win | — Ptvileges. Oued traneporter LARE OAKLAND. Only $2,000 dows table must be Mi goed condition. | time for lake property. | pat. heat Secatehed. me Mee + nt ee diz washer included at only full deth, front porch, 2| © 7 8. Geshe witt tia lake front 3 bedrm ok VS om. | lave cash customer tog 9 room, MODERN TEND BATH WATE OF | Becr, plowty at neciaen wabie oe bar 4 SES, Wicnes abs vente, ee eee. td mae ee, WANTED 40 SOW wouaks,| JOSS on? be B scree of Tend. , beat. Close in. PE 9-486. | coptionsity iow feat te rigm party. | 90.000 Total Price . me |$$SS : tm. 980 All form crue EE ei SMES | PSE Seal srtired “mee econ NOON orice oma —aeat| fears ae | Ea soe» megs? Mont |* ta jut poi rom oem, | Eats | ME te beeen ’ be mor sd See Can J. A. Taylor BR wel Ww Ay ¢. adults only pF erat Serute Big SM ard i Rags walkin closets end ceramic tile ee cn it 500. a Waa “7 pur HOUSES |_| @HALL ONPORiEED APART BUD General Printing and Office | $3.98 down, mate ws en ee Sree mires | | ee ee INCOME. Over $300 per month, | 3 bedroom house im Pontine. 9600 barns, and other wundings to be ment. Utilities included. Ne bik | a ee $950 Down . Vacant, If you see it youll ime | neon Oaks CORR. we terme, fms end: bath for owner. Lo-| SWB. down, O8 E _@ren. OL 34321. ~ ; $9: ‘ : . with term weet room with stool im Waterford, an n ~ Want to Sell? SMALL APT. Lad PONTIAC, #12 $0 | i For Sale Houses 43 7 bedreom qs home my bs = brick Rosshire rt Ter Income of $130. per month. treet Al rainy mead gag # said ta antec to Rent nce water. Lincoln : ts 1 ae — -| GILES REALTY pomtment | ST down nme eer | BUYERS WAITING Om cousenagere| AHOMEOF YouR | <2. %a enten -| CAMERON H. CLARK | ES RET Y CO. | GtaaeMahis vores “PPA |. GEORGE MARBLE furnished oF y furnished | f you have lake SS Se ~ OWN _ | ayaa w. ures “Open Evenings "7 ™ ODL, 5 VE $4179 | sPAMILY. Ciose-in. side 5 REALTOR house in Fural North Farmington | ho ° pocperey oF yout | a = N. Paddock. —_ : - + : Co-operative Real Estate Exch ek 3 See rms. end bath is an bease to, rural Sorte Porminewe me is in the arve of Drayion, | WEST SIDE, ¢ ROOMS. PRIVATE — i Ts end ten teed surrount | 6261 ANDERSQNVILLE Sia Wine pestos ieee Bows | Sttoehomedicg ieests. "| Foge termed” Aguas" only, we | I Grand : Kampsen Humphries | peesimrel Beare) RD. WATERFOR a —~gr- ak Cash for Land Contracts | >. = ‘| Donelson Park Drayton Dream Home - p e Prssibie future business frost PHONE OR 3-1268 ences. oa chit fer | PM Rent Houses Furnished 35 | 4, fine 2 bedroom ranch home We want to show this large modern mn TOMORROw! The . age. 615,000 wih 83.000 | . . __enees. FE 60728, after 5 PM _ E BROS = Sriek 1 old to 1% story bungalow in Indian dows. Rest make pay- ACCOUNTANT DESIRES ? BED. . ee ——— ~~~ | yam cattoched | garage en set | Realtors FE 4-0528) one wad tne t,5 42 lage le waiting lor the dew own ments oe feors Ae ~ 7 room ruished rental * AND BA AT OXBOW , - " é . : s . ern this sgh pratrred, ep ‘to 00, soe.) Pa? Om atta ee onesies | bike Siltly , Aad BaP oes | Seacieee Te ieee sales 2778 Telegraph vee gun | wast feu io compare, ‘ts S| Seat ving room ‘thd find Sin | WEST SIDR. Modern Dunggiow AU) for'cutct gale slay cea tp ye OY nee _. | Seaa 'binie Wighwey Waterford | Pucns Pe easer we Test | Tmmediaie possession, Co-operative Real Estate Exchange tan brick home whi te specicas | ime room. Proct scresued errace| Test Lescmcel wit eon "CEO ' ALL VaMiy Serra WE NEED LISTINGS ON FARMS. | FoR aMALL FAMILY 10 MILES | \ _ t— "| living room. beautiful stone fire) up Ou heat. Cement drive to 2) enclosed. front 2 ear GEORGE MARBLE ke mercial erties amalnanea jaelhlgg Aan hg. 5A. Vest Suburban . ; : ; él oak modernistic car garage. Price only 611,800, rage: also vy shop Double REALTOR ; | ROY KNAUF, Realtor | Ma «210 On Pontiac Lake R4 near Cres Beautiful Washington ¢ tile bath large stility room| ‘rms. See anytime. . Boe ee eee 81.- 6261 \NDERSONVILLE : to 4 room furnished apt. or | 26% W Mure PE 2.1401 | HODERN 3 BEDROOM LOWER | [(Sned“¢*room home built in’ 1991. | Park ae ee Oe, sl : fe : house, Up te $7 month. FE WE WILL BUY fiat on Cass Lake Wil, lease at) AC oll Beat bome built m 198i: | ay 9 room heme with vegt| cet sarest, Suusted sa large ‘tot Humphries G. 1 RESALE. Bast side home| RD.. WATERFORD econ wints< Sai oe} Lege eee your heme. Agen stoplight. a eege po ge ecg eg e peed aro gag -— tile beth, full Dae neers "fi300 with SPACIOUS BUNGALOW ra Slee 5 — polo PHO TOR 34268 _ unfurnished house FE $6364. _ 3 . (eg me Gyo ARE 3. So, fad garage evailable.” $19,050. | nerme, FR convenient terms. See iro house | | West suburban "anit liv- Ritchen. tiled bath. full Base. — - WITH IXPANT DESIRE | Call ws er sep “—_ oo gg Fa ag ~ Terms. | oe ron — fenced | ad a. f po Engplicty ones gy 5 ag yond gr ry Sa con y-4h $695 DOWN or peruy : ee - —_ refrigerator. | beck ya in excelent con- . . : _ tm Bent foterenees PE 62808 wn ore M. IM — UNIGH LAKE m Low Down Payment 5 ye By desiravie HITE: — ead, 1Tai% recreation voose. terest. Call tonight New heme ested on Sesbanew ee ‘and couples waiting to rent |2 OR } BEDROOM BRICK RANCH . oo Gaal seme “wal 3 foe cots oo st coat sets core 20003. Shade tress, fruit trees and big | + feontege Seated tust west ot Sele. est sorte of Dreyian Pisina, Al iy ~I » ig, tae. | wit hasement and twe car garsge | PwA oii furnace. 1% caf garage few yards from the lake. Good North Sid garden spot on this 1338884 plot. Telegraph Road. Now hes 2| Pull basement, completely fin- ; SETiIBLS Youno COUPLE | _ ‘# 2 eal Ung zi} four = home. mets sae i with ke ee beara ‘moder Deweonc cas | wire maids, ot aot are a eo per month Mey’! ft. ~ * room bd : ~ Ad ith 2 " desire 2 3| WILL BUY OR L y , all and walls. ° business for only $8,750 tem . Immediate woh 3 enagren, desire 3, og 3 | WILL BUY OR List Vous LaKe __trences_requived Px sXe Two Family. Income 2 er oe teen | 9 to 9. Sun} to 8 Humphries fi 7s0 “down, “Liveral ‘discount | ston, nics Jot cise svailabe By tise. Call FE 7233 before 3 R. F. McKINNEY apts, Caf today." Adame Realty Excelieatly conaitionet prowsish:| in wien s varisty of fren, sa,ccy | Disie Highway, Waterford STIPUL PACKA “= owner On }69¢,____ Wans-FO REMY CoTTack ? pox | Qiflee, s80 Commerce ‘Ra _Co. PE 21083 bus, and Oe eee) a elise acum, or cobstential | ~ | Augie ee ree m CRagaiow.| FLOYD KENT. Realtor : lad COTTAGE FOR | Ph. .Pontise EM 33311 or or bath down, 4 and bath up.| discount for larger down pay- Sori Decora ; slicer ee season, — — oj Univ. 1.8798 Rent Houses Unfurn. 36) Oak foors. plastered walls and, ment. | Does Spring ioepen Gnd aod eS 24 W~. Lawrence Open Eves — Deere She ‘ve e021 ore. | WE ARE SELLING ALL OF OUR |) mepRoows pink: gg eee oe a eo | ; eS 3S es S| Soe Price? Next to "Karumers Power : WIDOW OF PONTIAC «BUSINESS curt eprpperty set ore ar |" near Senior high school, close te | Commerce Area Ly = ete eae = Toom home, in Sylvan Cwy. Sag) «Sa OR, Seems ome sort oe aes a ; . Bag hors 9-6223 ae ment in pfivate home, on rst eble te etve yoy com we afe| he small children. ferences, | Asking 90,000 with the best of | : 3] hot water, ful dining room, new H h } EAST SUBURBAN 2 ficor. ‘it iti consiadr | felinn asda gulek tareorer wip | PE tA eA eae ciding. sew feat. pew, weil UMPNTFIeS | TAKF ORION ARFA ot OE tas | ee ee ee ROOMS AND BATH WODERN | Tusa BUY BSACTIPUL 8 STONE eee | Retin” Sa: Stan, ave “bn | 4 IVE AND A POUR. 2 pewete =, cae ecuael OFF JOSLYN ae = _ EM OG . . rooms and full bath up. 3 rooms ~ eve baths, This ts« dandy ams i herheed a 5 8 room ow. Pull with WORKING COUPLE WOULD LIKE | sod alt ate a deh 5 ROOMS MODERN, ON CADIL- WE BUY AND SELL ind tal bath Gown Ail ‘tese| Dake income property. Pine com | Ceilert swimming eet | co basement. Ons beat partm ‘Lig INSURE [7 CONTRACTS roome Master ' ~ dition, Off astone shopping near Pontiac, April 23 to July le pela Pontiac Press. ed eae ae eee? is bee | BUD” Nicholie eS cs giat, Mik oc aa as Eee ue ee te eee . _1 FB tems ofr 6 9.9. M AH AN 7 ROOMS AND BATH. FULL BASE- NI HOLIE _ cradle [ges_hect ged ectomatis | REAL ESTATE terms to suit! a pebes wheee me Sah ore veel oe PE 20053 ‘Share Living Quarters 30) oy co. meatvons | stent nauta aly FE SH | fin ‘pastered, em Oe tears || DRAYTON, PLAINS us conterane hone, rttliet So sore oe GiNghy «oe ; WILL SHARE MODERN HOME | Member . Real Est. Exb. Ine. # ROOM, AND BATH, i487 GID- AND HARGER CO. room, dining room aad 4 Roney ion 6 umphries of.s00 wim 61.l09 dows. Don't be oer FE 2-0263 dings Rd. : = 33: W. Huron *. wit ra ln og penal =. —_ mn ol the bus we bed- RFALTO 2 New ‘ Wid: Contracts, Mtgs. 32 One Te We Mure, a acanpa. vemsiti Vande, Fristouia easily be weds Ins 1 wtitty ‘room. M6! oy we Tel : ieee SORE See « - ’ : E tn ’ ’ r ur wt BB] ene pape | Bee et ier ae we eseme. Fics eto $2 Taso, Ormae| oN RUsY HWY | Bungalows FOR SEASONED - , sc - arage. ee cgutrects mesers bomen. 5% MORTGAGES Good eign Sted breytes L. C. LADD Googe Geronghemt, 3 oy Serees: | HAVE FOU GRRN we LIBERTY) — epprtivuction 0M. 00 M20 $495 DOWN c SAVINGS & LOAN CO Piains. $7§. month, Adults. Call ic ~. 1 -¢gee scaped. $10,825 with $3,000 down | rears 1 oa. ft. clue att se 2 and 3 bedroom 15 W. Huron St. asst | on ee an nl to : Soot Posten Lk re tain L. C. LAD SRR ACE] hed tek ove atter| fatee “venatifel op ° west suburban hese - stata ced ft . a — ae oo i= OFFERS og 4206 piste 5 ,. 3298 ce +I day “unday. leav- hugh i ~ firepiece, 2 ee eay. etre tet in ‘hight Can or ES rent. Cail after 8: : aanae | Al “ Ori : see tk ne FF r_state nice bedronmé. Te-ve living =. oS .. CASH Equitabie nhs ; aT - Telegraph | Ot ©1828. _ = ae EAST SIDE ¢ ROOM ~ JACK sins vo furnace ite Sst seme Per , eres seasoned land con PE ¢-0821; Eves, PE $2001 RENTAL AGENCY, 234 ROOM New 2 bedroom bungalow. B LD home. oak ta. | am for any business. Just $7.500 2 0. We also have cash eus | Done ants. Furnished 33 apts. Cal? today “Adams Realty large livine room with Bries ie living reom, combination aura doen an4 C115 per month. . . 3 tomers waiting for 2 end 3 bed | VU ~ in oe Be. -: - ment. ga. furnace, anewer | Let us bulla you @new home now.| Windows screens and doors love LOVELAND , — mar Cor, Wiltams Lake Ré. & 34-50 foom homes roa SMALL MODERN HOUSE, sUTT- te basement, all ¢ 4 othe material.| '7 porch. near three : = eee . = —~-OR $1235; After 4 -OR 3-008 — abie for couple. $60. * Dixie dat ent nacete bot | Plans end models to choose from | schools. store and bus. gerage,| PE 2-4878 re e1e7 PATTY. A. KERN. Realtor pos A. JOHNSON, Realtor |! EFFICIENCY APTS.| corner of Holly Rd. 00x20 12 fruit trees, paved paved 2189 Cass Lake Rd. Keego Harbor pee ag RW - , FE 4-2533 Wane toe For Rent Rooms 37 street, $12,609. terms F. 0. RORABAUGH Bee ee haat igrge bedrenms 1 ated Binte amce it toe gle teen Pa SMe 1704 S. Telegraph Rd. | 1 RooM BABEMENT APT 3 OTRIS oom movssaerina noou. | Ranch Home FE 2-5053 oat ee bomtment, ROWE Me- > — Sas * preferred. Cail after 3 FE 44825.| Suitable for 2 men or couple. Situate: on lot 0x29 in| Office om wertcast wt eee LARTY. Pe 2-2162. LONG 1 Oe AD RAMELIN® NORTH CASH 7 LARGE ROOM AND KiTCHEN- | _Close_in_ FE _ $0720. : exclusive Drayton Woods,| “ake Rd. Will bud “FARMINGTON - “7 = Hi eo ESTATE 3 bedrm. home nearly new Lie 2 FoR YOUR ette. Quiet. Worn couple. New- | BUs | ATE ; —— oe oe ae : - 33718 Grand River, 4 bedroom ae. ae my Rage = yh gS ing rm. dinette com>. kitches, CONTRACT ¥ caveamees SEB ne and laundry. 0 W. Hu ee tcelient condition 2 pie-| Better Section, East Side penser = rick garees cpt, car | FOR SETTER ROWED wr noes Mrouices, vocucteng. boe®:| one tetnne. am <9, ik _ Ses W. ures Phone FE $-8183| Paadoct — 7 eee __ a spoce, attached garage. C1R-] up, ‘965: °3 rooms, bath.| 19680 Grand River, Detroit. Pee es css et ek S| ed weer eee eee) oe ee t = _Pe ie J : be home, situated om stz ¥ i LARGE ROOM, FRIGIDAIRE pe YS a ed . somie tenweesiare” tre 00, Gai. crave ie Giassedtn porch. excellent base-| scres ot nod” with panoramic aati Stttker | oe earn ae cian meer Roo 10 Ace Eee] TsO, | SSeS | Sites e h ee ~ Gi ue . = i Q ts ‘ i tae { LARGE CLEAN HOUSEKEEPING | No drinkers. 4 — pcdcgh Lig remodeled 1! -eaen the ract after a| sible income in quoctons cond fire Far -_ WEBSTER gcnoct on East gy Fs va cing " Bank Bide _ room, Couple only, #7 N. Shirley.| FousLE ROOM IN MODERN room ‘medere country home| small Gown payment om Ute 3| ten Wroughoul. 3 complete, Sete; Te De rm. sao ty ~ See. ma her © Guan oe with natural firepiace, din- pate home. ‘ans: Mr. full basement, gas heat, 2's car|, IN THE HEART OF DRAYTON | Six room home ith oak floors bedrms. & bel of oe . Sore Caan Fon oD GONTRACTS. | 2 ROOMS. MODERN. PRIVATE | 2 ag 6-0104. . ing room, kitchen, lavatory.| pedive nen - Hanley. | ao a Going “at only $12,500, Nice § room afl modern with | throgghont. modern Kitchen bare- ey: MF 2, Vanwer 6360 Dixie Hwy. | entrance. Garage if necessary. 25| FURNISHED SLEEPIPO ROOM IN den with’ natural fireplace. | oe as ye : plastered walls, & @ good base- with reeréation room end 4 trem. OR 41355 Collingwood, ; nae tat tae to 5 ee, ek beiroom, and bath. Second | BIRMINGHAM, 2 BEDROOM AND ZONED COMMERCIAL ee eee a coece tt ont tl tea a eee a ae See” oes ee water heater. AMEDIATE CART FOR TOUR | —y-goou ronviseen APt.— | ciowt ROUMEKERPIHO™ ™ Geer aaa? Sears: feet | Rained Spt aheacemen. © fea, cote, ft Sea freee Tey, orem trek rmae | eager ane teneed et Mame | ary = = $1785. nll ee ] os ROOMS Basement with almost new = yard. Only eee down. hoo gas “re gy Gan — Coal, terme, Evenings after 6| salable fisting at 610 00. “iG. aoe = bag A gg et ee > wigan 2 ire, rapeh type heme, Ter pam, | See ee mo Beas” price ct esate win | SY OWNER MODERN ¢ SED, ABAMS REALTY CO DON'T DALLY Mage ROME Atuminua ef ott Mick ROO NEAR GENERAL Sere te eee ae Garage | 02 school Gnd. stares, Terms. Wo | 382 Auburn Ave. wu. ose | csgtaits teenbened s seedh, hl vet So aee tienen or cael ae athe eg Hospital for gir’ FE 29083 deer: - aration Saree?) aeaiers. FE 1-000. bath Neat as - Pull prt $e ae thir ettree-| ae Sy er a more ~ oe : many ieee > ® pin 4 te | tive two betroom home __.. | NEWLY DECORATED, CLEAN sY OWNER, ) ROOM FURNITURE INCLUDED ""f~ Omty_98.980 with, 9880 down. breeseway and re : _ ENTRANCE. Be yt a | Em, Vor ye Exclusive Pine Lake x 93200 cach or tore’ PB | > a buy! § room modern of aR: immediate yoceteion. | ere pint gems Ye hom om ore hn K I ; acca Fe | Ec Serene aaseaneg | Eta eo | ares | ee ohn K. Irwin “ i ee down incteace furatts sie A. JOHNSON Re al SxcuPTionAt. ROME a ~ pone tas oe es) §6=BUY LINES Soo peasectna. Lacabed ast cite. : manoe 31,500 DOWN > oe es with 6 dedroom Phone FE 3-4631 >1906 my oe ee Shown by appointment only. FE 4-2533 You. this, is santher outstanding floor, ent with ges Y . sme DOWN 1704 S. Telegraph Rd. poom modern . to - the. min; NEW ag age gr E CRAWFORD 2 bedroom frame home. Duo- - — end, que menace,| Two ya gE ag im 2 how Therm circulating off heat, aato- fioors. stered walle and pteture u : Pin's car snare & ¢ horse SENey electric hot water beater. ee schools, churches. 4 _ and "| Serene Living Bis dk - py eae “a ine a " : solid comfort can be . : Sg ranch NORTON AVE. air furnace 2 partly finished home . OF PONTIAC! | ¢ living room, bath, Venetian “Goad ¢ Yoon a home Sab : fe oe : tee, orm Cal he small hous Lawnenct we” | Rome fl we |GAYLORD).2 RRO, PORRE ’ 5 > Pay en . | Ys ay <- ‘THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, APRIL 1, 1054 few? } Be all wal at er in ¢ § i bath i i i : at tia ote Fs¥ Fa t tat 3 3 i a t i . J , i © TU b _ Bedroom ’~ Ranch Home Futiaet co ecterter enly. % S 72 Ee CHERRIES yA is i i ict if its ~ > rm L 83 : ! ! —THE LUCKY NUMBER CHARLES besutiful ne RR Drop ie df g #3 oe : mnie a For Sale Housts 43 “STO t IT” 3 Fi “i ir it $750 DOWN—OR TRADE rah ij if RE 4 & =f 5 | 9 < | i I hei F ? dl : ef ifs H if : z Hi : f is 7 x ws bs] Ss i 3p sa BS § FAMILY LAKE FRONT yn ., ZONED ‘ ane SHS z y TH) fe 5 : zee Es Hf th BF y E i it up dt} isk cf 55? £ , 3 = ral oc QO ~~ ” T9) j 5 fe] if e alli : i COMMERCIAL! ‘ by Hershberger RAY O’NEIL, Realtor ™ Ww. oi be Ba at & to © on § room moders Fela omelet tas For Sale Lots 40 For Saie Farms 48 stoker . auto, hot water, ARS “Shown By Appointment - | rick fireplace boat included. Ox $18 down and $15 per JT — 1 an a $2,506 a emo over ome acre tracts, excelient| ter black road. east of La- ea a Clark. | sot], These are really choice par peer Best modern homes, Baha ecun: re A Pew) cous eee a a 5 me pe k i Hi $1.100 is the full @ for this| ing micelec: everything weil ern Lakefront Home} isrge enoice tot. “bee & if you| pelpted — Luturious ‘livine, full Oa ee See. om gh : ao excellent East side lo $15,000.00, terms can Feretiiat Recreation “ron Pull = Lis BROWN, Realtor ag’ Seta "Lae owner. pane windows thicanout the ret | ALL WHE SEWER © WATER azeay to, mila "Gouse. ben tied: by CR Bee, Pe, wheat and hay on farm, A-i ae pf fF 4 : shade sik” Less te wise, “n, @ =. wee ee doen - trees. This place will have to be for $808 Albeo uine inte’ a Postine Ovner reuring’ end “wil ales tat ag diana ys lhe B= GE ass 3946 Pontiac LE. Rd. © ve baw! FE 2000 Ste Soe bet & modern Set ee oor Dake Rd. NEAR remodeled throughout. Small new Vacant Lake Frontage NEAR on bee gcROOL, | ter Ra. near ta - Yes On Whipple Lake BLVD. $300 AND BR $25 DOWN. EARL SUGDEN, Broker 2 lots site by side 1m wite.| WILLIS M. BREWER opr kapttt Michigan @ { deep Net too far from 16 Roosevelt Hote) PH MO 461 Pontiac ‘ons fide “ishing lake. | PB 46281 ~ FE 30532; EVE AND SUN. MO ¢3835 Gane 6800 down. . 2 WATERFRONT LOTS Price 10 ACRES, 5 RM HOME SUCHY -— L,C LADD ue. by appointment | REALTY, Ortonville PE £3142. Ses — Bgiy Ra ve pani | Lots IN DRAYTON woons, Business Uppurtunities 51 CLEAR LAKE FRONTS, itso & | “tite Pontiac Press, Box ¢. i Rae tan ee ee |. BUSINESS BLOCK ot, _Onte Wies BoTLDiNG LOY WEAR EIS: | rrenchice Sale Suburban 45A | per an oa 28) feet Ww ‘bere s square fee. id . wr a rg A a edge of town, $10,000. $3.00 | OAKLAND THEATER BLDG station. alee building dents ft. wel: Lb SCALES REALTOR a, barber shop. “and “eo Sin_h,_Seqme® x Near Watkins: Lake offered for quick sale w 000 The “All Woman Realty’ | Yeu, Me the view and com | CGne nrg om balance. WORTH ART P IMBL . bungalow. _ Furnace. Pias ‘alls. Oak floors. Large lot. win. Near W. Columbia quick sale, $6,800 ONTIAC REALTY CO. 771_ Baldwin as. = $1500 DOWN ree bedrooms in this § room | . ong nd = hice “BUD” Nicholie REAL ESTATE WHY NOT BUILD? { | FHA APPROVED +} Large Jeps® .beme sites in Dray- ban.) WEST SUBURBAN 2 BEDROOM BRICK - ranch site! e Donelson School Area oun ¢ ous ola tor Bo cash ‘sate! NEAR ¥ LAKE -— /NCOME Only 6360, buys this modern 2? bedrowm Lom- with s 2 room for purposes, $iT5¢ down balan -« monthiv SYLVAN LAKE zs % Acre This modern 2 bedroom home needs some but a- buy & $1800 down. #45 mo. -THELMA M, ELWOOD i En i [ fey ; } ‘ HS tof iY inn a 5 al materials. is Will @upltcate om your lot dire ‘tions see our sign om corner a — G. L. VINEYARD e344) SACRE HOME foe, Gnome, @ buy at $800 with INDIAN VILLAGE Well located lot on Osceola Dr., improvement. and only #1250 with WASHINGTON PARK pag gh hye tino and VOORHEIS RD. ta’ go"at Sad wi 888" Gotme Why not bu.ld vour own home ana save the difference? kK. G. Hempstead, Realtor ~ 102 E. Huron Street Eve. PE 21317 ton Woods. . HOLMES-BARTRAM 4392 Dixie OR 3.1950: eves amt CARL W. BIRD, Realtor $16 Pontiac Btate Bank Bidg Office PE 44211 Eves. FE $-i3e2 ao oe 1405105 i —Pertect beach @ fh. $3600. of available parking ri ag FS, Perfect fer e ware, super market or just a bout Seer ra property. CHOICE INVESTMENT good on your in- vestment of only $9.500 down. For further details call today, WARD E. PARTRIDGE, REALTOR. FE 2-8316 @ W. Huron st. ~ RANCH HOMESITES | Bust a LAN you going beck and fofth taking money to th bank included are boats, ice house, grounds, bath house and hb. plus « 5 6sies Us now and be set for the season 1612. —_ to Comsumers Power - a ay a ma se ie “ever land. with $56 down Sut we de have © Chase C ber Near the ‘ . 2 mi west of with both beach and way Pontiac. On Cass Lake & Pontiac a A besutiful spot ex- Lake Rds Beautiful wooded par-| pand bull¢ & motel and cels. As low as 8750. $75 down. cottages at s later date. This 10 acres. North of Clartston. 330 place is practically brand new % of frontage. $3100 8° 6 down. and im first class condition Needs 12 scres. Nort of Clarkston. Roil- @ live wire operator with « little ae Se eens. See personality to really make « mint $350 dor ~ (alll og Requires $12.500 to L. Cc. LADD = a ptt y don't hesitate 4286 Dixie wer. f= 3-236) |. 7 eee ute | STATE-WIDE ¢ ACRE PARCELS HEAVILY TIM-| Jone An Landmecnen Broker teres so 9 neta werd Mer | yEsae ve As low as $1700 with $179 down a ga lh aig tt ME L. C. LADD shown Monday PE 2-041. : 5046 Lk. Ra FE 20001| FOR SALE FUR’ Ez. Cass Lake Rd. with lease and terms. By owner. 4286 Dixie Hw é COR -2361 OA 6-343 _ |? LEPr. 6 PARCELS. 4| GROCERY STORE WITH FIX- mi city limits. pees and for lease. 2.00 . 0..ecres. Near 23-0617. ace S108 8) down . LC. LADD GROCERY & HOME Se ETT ne | SB EBS] store vunaing 2226 and 4 room =e Corner-Cass Lake — i ee situated on cor- — Ra. _| ser fot s62286' in fast growing Business ' ) 4 tate pt Sean ead whee GROCERY STORE. strat Offered at only $20,500. 5 car ga- ‘aan oun living pose owes reer Roy Annett Inc. , stock and 1, $6060. REALTOR: A y 21 Whittemore. 28 EF. Huron Sderat 3-7193 . Open Evenings and Sunday 1-4 RAILROAD SIDING || ae eee ee A 256 ft of rattroad ve GROWN sTO puldings comprising appros ses Ms rou we have high tained Sion usentes near General Mo. men to teach you how to oper- tors Truck. You certainly know — masage your ppg Pg tg that prompt action on part Por ‘full ae ants is requi = this at only Macvia 619 astad *. Phone 3-336. IN CITY Partridge . % THE “BIRD” TO SEE | TALK TO THE RIGHT MAN WHEN | YOU WANT TO BUY A BUSINESS DOWNTOWN REST. Has good 3 z s 3 Russell ' REAL’ IMO ‘| $25-5500 . | Above Wi {1529 ® $500 INVESTMENT!" 06.35¢ baianere. § rcoms rocern, 35 cent disc rn po r $4,600 balance, $55 month. ¢ per cent interest, 25 per cent sis. “16 balance, $50 month. Por- | time Country "Cram: ral die ttberal ASK FOR MR. YOUNO Young Buron re Open Eves. ‘til 9-Sunday ‘tu 6 | 412 W. Money te Loan 53 (State Licensed Lenders) CASH PROMPTLY PROVIDENT LOAN Ts eee ore FE 20200 ‘GET CASH QUICKLY Up to $500 - OAKLAND Loan Co. FE 2-9206 202 PONTIAC STATE BANK BLDO LOANS $25 to 9800 8825 to 9800 Community Loan Co. 30 E. Lawrence FE 2-713} Priendiy + NEY WAITING You May Borrow Today _ Group your bills, protect your | credit Takr up te 24 months o FINANCE CO. ‘_ PE 4-084 SAGINAW & HURON MONEY FOR Back-Breaking Bills Get as much as $500 tm one day on *our aeme only of other hand ONE PLACE TO PAY JUST ONE MONTHLY PAYMENT General Public Loan Corporation 69 W. Huron Street PHONE FEderal 3-7181 Need Money? fs a3 near as ~ou 'evhone Just e FE 5-8121 payment of oe ae any other worthy purpose, = completed first « few miovtes Livers re Home & Auto Loan Company 4: Community Netiona! Bank Hours: @ tf -eturday ~ to Quick, Friendly Service Ne red tane . Baxter & Livingstone ow Lawrere: “st Caw 3 i a, a3 AS a | > ‘4 ef i TEAGUE FINANCE CO. 202 S..MAIN ROCHESTER, MICH. . LOANS TO see Ph__ Rochester. ou eam WHEN YOU NEED BUCKNER aire EXCHANGE SAI.ES—FINANCING. the sturdy good jooting Stewarts co have © cso thew to essre Skylire. 26 foot at 63-385 ts a big package for the money There is @ 3) fom 38 foot, 2 bedroom too. The new 323 foot Genera! with bunk 53 a has ‘hem re i 8 trau. “cu cen bet w ease and om 3 per cent rete. up te § yeurs t~ ~ay. sed trailers sold on renta! ot np Pet / Acee: | Mie ue Lease ‘ton Mt Mortgage Loans 84) TH HIGH DOLLAR | LOW INTEREST | geed?tiem” Gree, he guive mie en ehusr wcnea tees} | CANWEET PETE RCON OR 31358 wie it ETERSON = | “See MEM Motor Sales —! Ta tee os FE bert fot tp Jeter om inte mage! cos For Sale Housetrailers 55 Top Price for Your Car AVERILL S. woo DIKE Fwy. ACCESSORIES - 20078 o6see ‘The complete trailer store "41-" Se ey tour-aid other MOTO A T Biches. ever load springs. cars LS re wired acd ‘brake equipment in 500 RS D TRA:!LER EXCHANGE | BAGLEY AUTO PARTS 009 Telegraph Ra. dollar tor wrecked ISERICAY —ORWERAL— WaT, ae Sane ah Saal wood. the new 33 fi General P 686 FOR ANY SHARP CARS. ‘with wank ‘beds ask edout our’ 7 Auburn Ave Groters. Genesee Slice. set Disie | WS, PY Te Soran _Nvy. PE perme Hicliervect’s Auto Parts ANDERSON. ti PT GAVE 4 Baldwie « ve FE >9<77 almost $560. 38. Huron Trai WILL BUY JUNK OR WRECKED _er Park. } _ oe ears Days FE 571333. eves. OR Oe, eee ee | aos 1 or 2 children. . sink, | pan al : Aa eee OXFORD TRAILER WANTED TO BUY. 0050 FORD Chief MORILE HOMES vears to pay. Frew cas Duy ales Mutchinson recondii trailer as low as $108 down Hutchinson’s Trailer Sales | dots Dinte Highway Dra Plains ANDERSON Kite Uf #5 ; { | Ht ~j x iy F. 28 TO COMPARF :T FOR PRICE UALITY & SALES 1 MILE N. OF ORION. MY 2-4611. ROYAL, PRA SCHOONER. 861! BEAM AND JTHERS | AND ? BED ARKHURST TRAILER COURT LAKE IRIE ER AND PARKHURST Court & Sales Bi: i t| WARD E. . PARTRIDGE OF NATIONAL CLEARING WOUsE™ | ofa hatte orld’s Largest} * 43 W. Huron Open Eve. PE 29-4316 2 Pa . cash, OR * $25 to *508- FINANCE CO. aha he "aierount to ef Oo Me em: 40 Are. j “ ‘ aepaind SOMPING & PAINTING FREE ETIRATS es BRAID var SALES 5 at 4780 Josiyn Ra — MY 26432 __ “condition Prosi private party FE v _1-0001_or FE 48000 ee For Sale Used Cars 61 GLENN'S} ’°53 Pontiac 4 dr., like new 'S3 Buick Super Hardtop "52 Buick Super Hardtop "52 Chev. 2 dr., sharp . ‘52 Ford Mainliner 52 Studebaker V-8 ‘51 Chev. 2 dr. Powerglide "51 Ford 2 door "SO Ford 2 dr., sharp ‘SQ Ford Club Coupe '49 Ford Custom 2 dr. "49 DeSoto 4 dr. ALSO” Several Transportation Specials to Choose From GLENN'S MotorSales 204 S. Saginaw St. FE 4-7371 BUICK, 1953. SUPER. 3 Riviera, dynafiow, radio, white walls 2 tone etc. executive owner. MI 48419. #1 BUICK Se GOOD and new. S +7637. $1 BUICK $995 a "BUICK BOB” OLIVER A MOST RELIABLE DEALER 210 Orchard La ke Avenue (Corner of Williams 8&t.) Phone FE 2-9101 Opén 8 a.m. to 9 p.m, ia). SUPER RIVIERA | . Tadio and heater. white custom med. BUICK A MOST RELIABLE DEALER 210 Orchard Lake Avenue’ ~ Phone FE 2-9101 Down! End of Month Clearance Prices Slashed! '47 Ford, Like New $495 48 Plym., Like New $395 47 Dodge, Excellent $395 42 Ford, Very Good $125 *41 Pont., Runs Good $95 ‘40° Ford. Fair Car $195 Many, Many Others To Choose From Your Old Car Down On These 50 Late Models to Choose From BUICKS PONTIACS © CHEVROLETS | FORDS DODGES Oldsmobiles COMMUNITY Motor Sales Inc. Buick-Pontiac Open ’til 10 Every Night 84 N. Main Street (at the North End of Town) ROCHESTER Phone OLive 2-9311 leather interior. radié, white walls. power ret ed windows, top, and seet. tiful and excellent condition. ad coin 32-4075. $3 BUICK The ag, iets 2 tone and i undoubtedly the newest looking used cars Le ie ie ft out? Drop to e | Gay for « enstration ive, “BUICK BOB” OLIVER 210 echara Lake Avene (Corneg of Williams 8&t.) Phone FE 2-9101 Open 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. SHARP!! see one. -Peoples Auto Sales 68 Oakland Ave. FE 22351 *52 CADILLAC $2,895 (Stodx No. 80) age family can afford its easy par.oents wtiful two tone Hvira Y et drametic .. EVERY- iG! We're proud to present this car Drop im today! “BUICK BOB” OLIVER A MOST RELIABLZ DEALER 210 Orchard Lake Avenue (Corne’ of Williams St.) Phone FE 2-9101 Open 8.a.m. to 9 p.m: ‘33 CADILLAC PRACTICALLY new. Loaded, power steering. 107 Mt. Clemens. ‘CADILLAC 1951-62 A car hag = oa which readily c o Cadillac Waeert sedan with W. A. CALTRIDER 5 912 8. WOODW. 5 ARD Ce ae eens. daa eee ri nest i FE Pe EE Ee ee eT Py ee - ; ree ss . BERIT gee fa ent et thee nw Pontiac PRESS, AY.’ APRIL. 1, 1954 | , ee a * For Sale Used Cars 61|. For Sale Used Cars 61 Be Se et Ss 61/CARNIVAL ~ _ by Dick Turner | ip Sele, Wend Core 61) _ For Sale, Used Cars 61} ” , , CAE ieee Lane : anita a. 2 Bf : 2 . os 8 ape = * f : ’ > 4 at 'S3 CHEV. $1,595} . 1952 -peetene nent i £2 AAPONTIAC! | -'53 the beige and caddie brown t ‘ . Chevrolets| 225-28) Know? | : RETAIL Fords: miles St? are oO now OT ORE . 3 “18 Beautifol =| MBUTCK BOB" | mut. meprpncst bee , _ | Mercurys i ae altri Vie SPs ta bigs ta 3 GOODWILL ands _ Transportation | , land 5 ‘ aeote. | OLIVER 2 ee oe USED CARS | .. Specials Bel Air Sport Coupes ee @0% of the life insurance L . ] . 210 Orchard. Lake Avenue tem of the telephones — 7. 1TICO ns No Money Down! This Ad Is True Straight Shift and Phone EE 2s Hor 6% capaci electric power a ° icy” Ps 4D Hoteon Sut - $395 ; -. Powerglides ' Open 8 a.m, to 9 p.m, 4 ott = el ee haa FAC ; | ORY 49 Ford Custom Sed. $295 vs a CHEVROLET Ux = 1D TT wae Z a P, 4 Big Selection’ -.. | tet Chev = 4] pom of tbe modern batht | ayy eos ec OFFICIALS 6: os. ce *3| ee Sonia” poset a Of Colors ee: i aoe And Did You Know i me a ; * oe Sg a : a “ ‘ e YOU KNOW 46 Olds, 2 dr, sed... . .$95 To Get the Best in } CARS '4$7 Pontiac ....-+- » $295 Keller-K LAY AS Wheels and Deals, see - -|/ : | 47 Olds 76, 2 dr.....$245 9). [eee SPECIALS) “esretetce | 08 oP aaa cc $895 Ch ] H ld T ‘ at Used Car Prices Linecin vrolets| Harold Tumor EROME |_ BIG Trade-In : e O ets Fo d 1953 PONTI AC Tudors and Fordors . m i Allowance On or : . Standard Transmission ; Your Old Car 18 One-Owner 4 door sedan. Radio and ALSO | = OLDS-CADILLAC : Beauties You can drive a heater. , Fordomatic and Overdrive cone Carpncae PE Sa _—— Pontiac’ s Top Trader MICHIGAN’S Phone PE 3800 “41 Olds) ¢ deat, ‘redler beater, FINEST Big Selection of New 1954 Ford ;; $1 999 LARRY eee a ‘ato ser ion, Suet TRE BIO PAVED LOT Body Styles and Cotors | With heater, turn indica | Pondition é7ie. PE Ped. | a Oia #8 1 oor, radio, heater, “WOODWARD AND I) MILE ROAD tors, license, title and all) vemvs| 1949 FORD JEROME —_inss"rowriac’ 4 Doon. CHET: + "Yale's or, matte, beater oi CHEV. CONVERTIBLE LOW AS - taxes, i! ef man with radio-de heater Rochester Ford Dealer Siraomore bs between 100 AM | “ig aaioer, a obian. Suits arNit: ' is in the world, and then | “For MORE, Pian se Years a, S39 PONTIAC CUSTOM CATALINA | ‘48 Praser, 4 door, radio, heater, AUBURN MOTOR $695 $ fume ine ses glace panes me : . $495 Goor PLACE TO BUY. | Hydramatic. extras, S800 miles. | $146 SALES . 3a0 19 Dn. one day he walked out of the apartment and never came | it ae eLUE DELUXE FOR. MIRES AUTO SALES wast Bivd and Pike 24 Months @ $48 58 | back | 1951 Ch | ‘2 Buick Super Rae <= gee tlac are = ‘ORvem beat- pay ‘LAND AVE "13 _ouEY Pet emus ‘Bgon. | BIG Trade (You e ‘ e| . rysier Mier Maunattes RAB, OD 826 PONTI 060. | tor Sale Used Trucks 62 Seuipeed #1700 Mer Btaniey Ave. | — “ATIow ee Gn : down payment) cole even pe For Sale Used Cars 61 Rav Soe ot <2 4 door, V-8. yen al fe Nass gmpencedes at ss Be ig tere tre Semi | Bue ¥ : am MI 61668, 8 = = ' Your Old Car aha ai PONTIAC, G3 6 « DOOR DELUXE. 195 | $1,395 Sty pows| ae eee eet! SPRING 9 3 eer SPEC 5 7 ( Y B ht “Bob” Boles Auto Sales |"aervsew: ates, tubes. waliety FINEST TAL . Y1g 1948 Olds 98 |m m8 mguew O FE +100 | Se ae eee SPECIAL THE BIO PAVED LOT : “TW isa. SALON | PONTIAC undercosted. Che V I olets WOODWARD. A B araR S oan | '46 Pont: 2 dr......0-- $99 Radio, Heater and "imesely drop heed, wire, wheel. | cine ‘snisee iow’ wieegs. 08 | '46 Dodge % ton | 08, CumVROL Ere FORMERLY "46 Merc. 4 dr......0- 7129 ) \ \ } ENS pot Hydramatic, dition Shown by sppointment FonTiad “#3. 7 DOOR DELUXE. platform .......- “395 — ’ et Fc he RCURYS 6500 EACH. ydram , . | 12 Beautiful Cars = ag ey visor. a et ae Bree veeee 12 $595 wo ee on gn pONALE 3 spe a api | “49 Ford F-6, cab and To Choose From mew eS ioe dt. ceases gee a oe \ “and heater, clean and sound. $250 = chassis .....++++ $395 40 Plym. A dt... .cs000 we ‘Used Car $3 Cadillac 62 Sed. 1953 cSt Pome s pene 82 DELUXE T DOOR +49 LHC panel . 445 Executives’ Cars, 39 Chev. 2 dr.....e0e- 44 | rg . Clartston, Mich Ph MA beim) Bye eee. | tecees New Car Trade-ins 40 Chev 4 dr Peeler oe +4 l leachate “Pe , uae BOOK Lm, Poa tise PowTiA WTIAC 3 DOOR CHIED arEP- | 49 Cheve. dump, 825/20 2 drs. 4 drs, NO Aled fay, 190| OITa ''53 Pont. Chief 8 Sed. Pontiacs rubber, wpholstery Metwtttncn | Derk. ereen accemories. FE! tires,-2 speed axle $795 Bel Airs ‘30 Plym 2dr 44) rs , ; . heater 4th gear FE 48213. 3 ’ wo0us00C - . 53 Chev. Bel Air Cpe. | Officials’ Cars and New|‘@ Nast 060 4 DR NEW MUP- . ono WHESL BASS Big-Choice of Colors | 1953 Ford 8 Custom ki P Car Trade-ins. A large] Hecnse 4280, ON 28675. 1 *§2 PONTIAC $1,595 “Tom. PICKUP HYDRAMATIC MON cliente Sos cates) eae epee ES ee selection for you. Priced | 58 3% SUPER. ¢ DOOR. Eg is LIKE NEW! = ° 95 | < all accessories * \ actual es, LOW AS | iD Y Convertibles ae |'52 Cadillac 62 Sed. right! So eran omer © > So | "Tene non ok oman ae | 5 ; 2¢ | isd | 66 SEDAN LIKE NEW,| Very clea: .nside and out. Care 'S2 Ford Conv. ....-$1.2% 1953 Chevrolet 2 dr. 52 Cadillac 62 Cpe. Te ne i Wie iets ont f-| fully drives Ny cue, owner snes WILSON GMC : 8 new, vas : 209 radio and heater, nance, See Whitefield. 280 8 Sagi- eee ‘ 809 S. Woodward 48 Ford Conv. earese ~ ‘ $! 395 "89 Olds 98 Sed _ naw St rE _ +3566. —_—__— ____ - po = a ‘4 vecor mend- pee ~ @ 49 Ford Conv. ..006- 599 5 . OLDS “33 CONVERTIB®E. Arg Sonics. cub or] FE. 4-4531 BIG Trae Our Plan Is Ethical | 1952 Ford Custom 8. _| 52 Pontiac Convt. Cpe. RETAIL | 2% eee earl er BPR a Allowance On 2 cet, ‘--} Fordomatic. radio, heater a gear tm Cag ge = nla EL BU ok BOB" | ism INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL Veur Old Car Honest and True ‘A l Bu s $1245 $2 Chev. Dlux. Clb. Cpe. STORE ment. Lear wee must sell. } Sar" S130: Oxford Baptist Shure: : . - = ee ee = “BODO . 1 TON. PICKUP, 0. MICHIGAN'S 1950 CHEVROLET Ys. 1951 Stude. Commander 8| ‘52 Merc. Monterey Sed. . OLI V ER “8 Miie Re. Farmington ‘ ANI EXSY Popular club coupe exceptionally '52 Ford Ranch : S645 "9 . Factory Branch 52 OLDS. $1.995 oes Bonae Fe Tou FINEST | site interios. goed supeage Suich.f . 52 Stude. V8 . : (Stock No 110) RELIABLE DEALER ny 2 seed axie, 5 speed BIO PAVED LOT tires have many miled left. engine \\ agoh ....-.-- $1,299 . < | Cc 63 Mt. Clemens at Mill “The elite of the fleet.” 98 Series. 210 Orch tad d Lake Avenue 4s. WOODWARD AND 1) MILE ROAD cppreciated = No Toney” dows, $1 Ford 4 dr........ 59 1951 Plymouth, Starlite \ Pe Phone FE 3-7117 Abpea naga oD orodgd eg ‘ Z wuteme G3 CHE ROLET 51. a —— "49 Plym: 4 dr......- 401 radio ona ‘51 Cadillac 62 Sed. . poh ge ee Be, yi FE2- on Danel nd _ coupe redie heater. FE 2-3540 | are this owe A’ ractively finished in 8 a.m. to p-m, . @ 2? DOOR- RADIO AND | AS Ford Hee a cele see's 1,099 . ‘$1 Olds. Custom 98 Sed. FORD 190 TUDOR. aang al ewe tone green Spotiecs throug Open Doctor, Setins boll sales | Keller- Koch °S1 Chev. 4dr. Deluxe 799 1950 Ford Custom g. s . ms wt a Funs good a _ — this one and you'll STAC ET “FRO TORE co Trucks CyeerStyneee ee SIP 2dr, Deluxe 833) 5S I! ith a| '51 Olds Super 88 Sed. im PE 30671 cedan Perfect condition. 10.008 Clartsten ns Ph. MA 5-514! Woodward at 13’. Mile — 2 ‘ont. r, pecia y camipped wit 2 $ pe vin Uae POUR ry OB" Fe sans Ty clooe an estate #1 000. a eS EE ies '52 Ford 2 de.....+-- $88). Mercury Motor .. . $595 | 52 Pont. Chief 8 2 dr. rene, pegs rors | “BUICK B rae —nme| Priced to —_____sPLanders 13m " Stude. To wereee ? _* ra — ene hydrematic. 8 $1980. MY }-8701 | LOOK |! 47 Ford 2 dr. --.s2 199) TD Chee le 2 A, ‘SL Pont. Chief 82 dr. |MPLORR, Gemma mares | (C)] IVER pm. Sellll = ° . °50 Chrysler 4 dr-.... . a ae YOU CAN BE “ON WHEELS "83 Chevrolet-210 2 dr. Loadett gases | PAULSON'S *e ; $695. $1] Chev. Delux Tudor a 7 For As Low As ne 3 Gre a 5 eT, : Fo ; TUDOR. FX- MOST RELIABLE DEALER “ee Chavis aeiuse. Tide Clean toes || MOTOR SALES = Stade fdr, 39 9 ‘st E Piva cann ‘seo Eisabetn Lake B4 | 210 'C) chard Lake Avene} ~ w, ane be ‘SO CHEV. "¥0_Buick special sedan: Draation 6 8 Pere ve ¢easz| '5! Stude. 4-dr...... ° 1949 Hudson Sedan, 51. Ford Custom 8 2 dr. ; = (Cornor ef Williams 80) abil : “1 | Pontiac Mctiistiaiss @eluee. 2 ar | ates Dedge: rede ns ' 52 Chev. All-metal radio and heater, i : a . “Buick Bob’ Phone FE 2-9101 at lew, ite vera 4 ton panel, new paint, 1 dge nd heater Sharp ~ . = ~ De d A ay goes | car Station Wagon ..1,299 $295 | 51 Buick Super. Hardtop OLIVER'S n 8am. to9 p.m. | — Russ’ Used Car Lot reconditioned and ready By Lee a $248 1940 Olds convertible Sharp, {48 Olds. Club Sed... 199% . - 9: | 51 Dodge Coronet 2 de. Used Car Lot Ope | 1005 5 nee a eres to go. Dr a ce eda He 1980 Ponti lac. Radio and heater "49 Dy dge 4 dr.. eevee 399 1949 Packard Sedan $3¢ an 1 PONTIAC (30. ¢ DOOR. VERY $495 cars ery clean ca. r > : -| °s “hey 5 - riday @ West Side Used Cars ‘ ov wone, TO S CoA de a oo 1948 Packard 2dr. $195) ee , met Paxxere hu dey “Saturday 21 Barimore ' Se RENTS DOOR CLEA | Saar eee FORTS | "46 Chrysler 4dr.... 199| 1947 Buick Sedan, | ‘90 Mercury Club. Cpe. | fag gp ag hm ‘50 FORD Shares, PE Diss | Coupe Low mileees, priced teem | 48 Pont. Club Cpe... 399 radio ‘and heater, 50 Olds Super 88 2 dr. tke wee 51 095 Riemenschneider's Y, Ton a ciney ond week crane “| SP Ford Countr $195 ' ‘ Fier. $44 1947 Chevrolet... ee and week Fp nd 3 y 49 Cadillac 62 Sed. MICHIGAN’S Offers - ow SEDAN SC ae — SUN gd Sed. aie eke aienelels sere 1,299 1 88. d ss Fi : Good tires “$195. Solid body, dara ain neater white png "50 Cadillac 4 dr. 62. .1,699 oe heater,” 48 Cadillac 62 ‘Sed. 2 —_ FINEST on a TWO |. . Tents 4500 miles $160 PE! ’51 Stude. 2 dr....... 799 : Tar ED ComnEn OF 8 Os — Se EV : IGHIGAN’S = ail WOODWARD AND 13 MILE ROAD 81 DODGE — $1,008 47 CHEV. " FIN EST 1946 Pontiac Club Coupe CHOOSE : gg Rg gag 9 FORD La ™ _ 1% Ton Panels THE BIG PAVED LOT $195 wate ci CONDITION. ‘ag BLYMOUTH — $e . 5 wooD MANETS MILE’ ROAD Trucks soi? Chewslee, $95 YOUR - |} FSCO oa ed Secu sf purmoore sree 49 G.M.C. *Facre sams Mater, “eirectn NO 1 muy, son mune veers | OWN TERMS rears TEEMOUTI ws |B omits = a, — ; Ton Panel Kerb tourer 100 Woodwar | ‘0 Dodge - en Gump 8 vary | IMD Mercury Sta. Wagon thru et cae eek. Peaviones at HUDSON — ibis |. gg CHEV. . a cae Si Fora A toe peetup me $45 eecie’ A eae age eine, oe ‘WO MERCURY —" $195 — 0 BA RatOr Sire oe iso tne: ? tom stake sees 1951 Buick Super Sedan, Credit Union Ca a iii ‘Ne DODGE 1 TON —_ $505 ' Package Van White sidewalls FE 5-0522, | '47 Chev. Sed:n Delivery ..... $395 , FORD DUMP - 6295 _aher ‘ ee | ‘30 Ford ‘s ton pekep Ssnaee gone radio and heater, Finance Co. ‘wos CALTRIDER, INC. JACK “MIKE’S AUTO SAL. i Ss. iF Chev ‘vaneda rt on ae $1,195 ‘or Your Bank ; i aIRMINOWAM Many Others ATTENTION DOWN! | | 60 Ford ‘s ton stake seceeed. O00 1950 Mercury 2 dr. ) From Which to Select ih, . _ We don't meet ge gtr ote = radio and heater, B f l ie Bo srerrhoay ee ie a roar | Pie nian <0 ethical. 1 Turn to $745 JEROME eaull U. Riemenschneider Bros. ; r 08 an viace | Our plan is ethical, honest . you ator saa ite Toes end trie. ' 1949 Buick Sedan, OLDS-CADILLAC New Car : DODGE: CHEVROLET Biles tor tsale earth Be down pay. | Turner Ss radio and heater, | Dred Cere—Orchart tahe-at-Gece}—- - : T = d S. Saginaw at Cottage MIKE: ‘s AU TO "SAL ES 1947 CHRYSLER for the Best 30,000 miles, $595 New nt ee 5 seen in es PLYMOUTH PHONE FE 4-4546 —_Bt_OARLAND. AVE,__ | wirdsefaiecon,_rasio. end heater ms PORE. TUDOR EETRA CCEA When you're all through) "53.5 Saginaw St. | “\ugcomotae Ge PE oa 1984 DESOTO eacelicet upholstery, aréen baked in Wheels Not- a “Rough Rider” in "| sono a_eusanee —, thopping. see us tor your Phone FE 2-913! ar gNev Ny FON PIEROP. FR weir mee aee and chassis very — ‘No money the lot. Come in today very ee low oe Lots of extras. best buy, aS Heater, 1600 miles ; “own cilalein and Deals and try out the car of ; C l SOWHAC ST BSOR aes EE } 1953 DeSoto V-8 Fordor Power. _ our choice. : ' ; t standard chift._ ratio and heater, ; siiseles |” © —o_ = Keller-Koch [> - Visit Our y 1953 Fords =) @ Ta Si stner extras, $1580, OR 3-4008. Myton a Sra) “Kasioroees CHRTSLER-PLYMOUTE, PRALER| New Location at om? | me eet EH T incol res tee Serene! TRUCK a ee are Low macnge ane | * = = oe Incoin- mess ino men cane does Whigs Aerg Herston #1908 | RNER’S - TH Beauties To ; et | — Mercury Penories, “Ande aiscquat 0@ SPECIAI 5 1953 DeSoto V-8 4 dr $605 | TT TC “Choose From, All In iow e FE 48762 2 Tone Green. WSW Tires. Very “i CHRYSLER = 5 ERGETLENT W OODWARD = is ssliont Condition . 4 . Pike bs} E | gat ay DA_ DELUXE, | a , P cond iti a clea adio. a . : - $1,005. | : ae = = Tee tetone, Bite, Raceway Ti; gti’ tet swetins oN | MOTOR SAEES Ji N ia ta 1950 TMudson z ONTIAG — # STREAMUIKER }| 1049 Chev. Sed. Def | mou an ‘ 7 : ‘ nonbsin Light Blue Radio CHRYSLER @ WINDEOR 8 | DOOR Your Ford Dealer ow Radio and heater Excellent orie- nee: 0B DOD pee tee : soi Be pe mt no heals moron se Woodward & 147 Ss Saginaw St. $1195 roe netsh. S08 and motor fp ot ny =. nos bent. 1950 Chev. Sed. Delivery 1982 Plymouth Suburban 995 She tathye ) ms oe ae on : i000 miles private e $495 Li _ Loox FOR. b : deed : z ee OD norway Bon Cambridge Sed. 495 FOR SALE ‘CHEAP. DODGE ‘47 ‘ XR ; = - = = Les ; FINES] — = ios PONTIAC m. ONLY 7) ; ee ee Bs [ater Rpee helene | ance On THE, BIO PAVED LT. |p ets. ec" | 1950 Chev. 34-T. Pickup - Somceh bis Cl Ope... wg) We Se eat two VE. Very be pote See ar vet with $300 to put down Long - WOODWARD AND 13 MILE ROAD SOMTAE ST DOO F TORE owed meee i ate —| mile’ OUR OLD LOCATION terms on Dalancée rE +4101, Bo Your Old Car saeaoranisnis aes a teiobuniaamaaniods roRTiat 3 $1376. > Pi ku 1949 Dodge Meadowbrook, ¢ ar. 699 | sae at “ORION MoT nwt ben Courser. KAISER ‘ot RADIO. HEATER’ “AND \ : ost uk consti 1951 Chev. ¥2-T. Pickup . ; 3099 DeSete Custom ~ Open_till 9 _ FORD CONVERTIBUR. 36° CHAR. oo ydramatic STUDEBA _ . Beare Fe ge 40 ER rearee re Bi] MIGHICANS «La Beam) | THIS! | SEE ed) os Cher. Sed? Delivery eosae a Ra. near Crook en a Een : 1-403 : -! ood Lor BR A i gill ag S. Woodward BF wooo TE A non 40 KAISER $295 | STODERARER CmAMriOn.s| 1953 Chev. ¥4-T. Pickup ee SS Birmingham | Se 9 KAISER S$ This Ad Is True Scie er cot _ ¥-T. Pick TRA < * heater There are m: transportation » o Sales of equal value, Call Dan Barry, f ea ao vent wb s wolte ut this ° — fei FORD hr Seas” Br “ese ana _1983 PLYMOU TH 1051 Studebaker "| 1951-Dodge }4-T. Panel ~~ = radio, heater, caveat | aro . N 8 ; anyone can afford. CNeae terse bever, sig- eatin’ ofa and + Es $595 a rEpne.__ Four Door Sedan 1949 Ford ro a ag — A s008 a : TRESTLINE,_ 7: say) ole ice = $95 +> ) MICHIGAN from. All bargains. ri fender skirts. | Seats covers. aircetional signals : “ONLY "$605 MICHIGAN’S eee car ts well dressed for | FINEST ° IASLE DEALER Fk ee | Baier a L 2i0 Ore Orchard Lake Avenue | CHRYSLER-PLYM eet Bolecs Deee i= ao eo ni alia OT } WARD A Ee OT Woodwaryocain #26 JACOBSON, S| Ws | ; . ” Your Nash Dealer trapemisron f " pe rine = eb to 9 p.m, ‘ oe ea von | Ban's . ee AT CASS sceepled PE Lael bok cote ad . —— + , ’ - ~ — . = ‘ - s a Relat autairte F . ' alitaemeamasip tities gs, oe : . . Se eee o - ‘ od * ee . = me _ . . Boats & Accesories 66 | Sale Household Goods 71 ~ BOAT TRAILERS 15 PER CENT DOWN 24 MONTHS TO PAY INSIDE SHOWROOM 630 OAKLAND | OPEN SUNDAYS 9 to 5) "$1 Chev. %4 Ton "47 International "SO Ford M Ton "47 Ford Vanette Every Truck on the LB oo Lot —— CLOSE OUT Brand New Fully Guaranteed Appliances os ae an oe cial $168. | ay! ica Television $139 NEW — GUARANTEED NO DOWN AYMENT Bast Schick's Apphance | 1 8 Broadway Lake Orion c ‘Used wringer washers $19.50 up Used retr ge 3 Used Easy Wasbers $50.50 up DELUXE MODEL RED ~ acest | Salo Houssheld Goods 71, F softene CRUMP ELECTRIC # 58 g ! Your Ford Dealer 147 S. Saginaw St. Phone FE 5-4101 Sale Motor Scooters 63 mn eu | i Py) F = Fs Me fe | Selling’ cheap, PE D158, Wom! ND DRESSES. | REFRIGERATOR, ‘SOLD. eoet.- Reasonable. 4-8338 between 6 A.M. and4 PM. | Sale Household Goods APARTMENT SIZE GAS nanos. four burner $129.50 value, $69.95 tat nee “rates yeaa Also several | oe Gressing tabi: ‘solid cherry). feal Somiia grand a WASHER 6. BARLY RLY AMERICAR “ex Racesan in Town kland Farnitire — GAS CLOTHES DRYFRS. 30 Day | free tria. in your home. Phill Petroleu Co. 2625 Lake | Ave. FE 2-4)8. IRONRITE IRONER « Linclerm ws &- | } turday Hilberg ‘2 ilams. } ' MAPLE BUNK BEDS o wits, 3 sod m , good o * PE $1284, 210° Neoraska | Unpainted - Furniture 305 Auburn ka PEE 3873 | § drewer cheet l4xzixes -| ELECTRIC RANGE Student Desk Shelf End Detroit Jewe gas .ange $14.95 | Vanity | Drawer tag wash .. .. $30.95 | Corner : | PICK & PAINT STC Used Trade-in n Dept. ccs seueesse | = os cu OE Refrigerator GARLAND GAS STOVE. GOOD 1 cu. ct W 2-7076 ® cu f% Coldspot. mg new, troner we | NEW MERCHANDISE | @ and —_— chests $24.50 — less <= — vear. Gese | GY innerspring Meco $77.95 | oes Orchard Ls Ra, Krego 8 Harbor “CRUMP ELECTRIC es tables 3468 Auburn Rt PE ¢3573 é REAT. er. Used 6 mos. Cheap. FE 2-0047. 6 SALES co. will be a tompeneety while +B prs te wa: ror AD. USED TRADE- IN- DEPARTMENT eee eee eee. Peer LINOLEUM, 9x12. .$3.95 * a et. pressure cooker. § table, 3 drawers, $15, misc. ~ WAYNE GABERT'S Appliance Specials...’ $308 95 Kejvinator automatic wash- ; installed $300.9 Kelvinator, 12 cu ff “foot 5 re mad others to chosse from ginaw FE 5461 —" lamp tabie, 2 ft. high. MI | WINE DAVENPORT AND CHAIR, | _ good FE 23300. arr RIGERANORS EXCELLENT condition Cheap, FE 21427. salmon ae — stze 12; both nice. e. Also | REFRIGERATOR — § PIECE | PE 22257 tweed 3a. |. breakfast set. MA 53000. after ‘| Dm 1950. excellent. At —— $15. me ROSE PLOWERED MATCHING | SAERTEICE LEAVING CITY Admiral 21° refrigerator, brand new. self defrost. Large freezer chest, retafl value $360, for quick sale $245. Gov Winthrop desk, | beaut onaiaiog: $15 nattress_ with Hollyw head board and frame. 5s tobaonal new Cost $180, sacrifice $80 Wa.nut vaiiity dresser and chest, | good condition. sacrifice, $25 t Phone immediately, Milford, ' MU 413546 _3088--Cloxe White’ Lake Free Delivery | SURPLUS rR OM co oT two =e e Petr as furnt- | — ture. Srarible On All New Merchandise 0 Cotton mattresses . $id So” Studio couches © d $42 00 xohange Pog | seeanneaeg me + al $17 30) Metal $12 50) \s —_— unfinished © breakfast | $19 30 Maple bedroom suite, $79 00 rawer chests - 8.50) New table lamps 395 — rugs 4 bed s Sey. sett and —— eve 2 “Ontane Ts Furniture | a SQUARE ene " HAFTAO. OUAmaW: TV. SET GAS RANGE. 1° TABLE MODEL TV... antenna kits 2 WALTON TV Josiyn Cr. Walten 12 FT. CONGOLEUM % OFF _ 9x12 Plastic Lino.. dresser $9: Susans holly wood | 8 PR. IMPORTED RUPPLE Swiss ps ay oe 4 in. and 9 in. is met e e i | on oF ve S200 ; REFRIGERATOR, 6 CU FT. FRIG- | | pe on casters, all in A-1 condi- idaire, $38.50 FE ¢6170. tion rifice | for quick sale, 0x18 and 7 ft. 8x7 ft. 6°. | 5 7319 after 6 5 med on ag Mig SUITE. | 2 GULLISTAN PUOgs VERY GOOD |2 ROLL-AWAY BEDS, LIKE NE wide innerspring mattresses: |? faa LIVING — g00d condition 1058 Mrrtie ® PIECE NICE DINING ROOM , Suite leather coverd chairs Sealy posterpedic bor = and 108 For Sale Miscellaneous 72 For Sale MlscoRaneous. 7 Burmeister’s OPEN 8 AM. TO 8 P.M. SUNDAY 10 TO 3 LUMBER > iss WwW Te $78 per M &2 BIRCH DOORS. “us |Grade A - $9.95 VEN CREDIT TE! THOMAS ECONOMY FURNITURE CO. sexmemeeyeos| § PLYSCORE 2 i ry | $5.50 =: = in. BLANKET 4x8’ INSULATION $4.45-PER 100 FT. OAK FLOORING NO. 2 COMMON $139 PER M Ll ‘ 2x4 WHITE FIR 7c PER LIN. FT. 4x8 SHEETROCK $1.25 ROCK LATH. 99° BUNDLE ean aer “ere BOYDEL by PAINTS 12c | F_YOU ARE RE BUILDING ‘A HOUSE | | DRIVE OUT TO BURMEISTER's | —**"* OND SAVE UP TO $500 ON ALL MATERIALS Make Sure It's Burmeister’s Northern Lumber Co. sis7 Leake WE DELIVER .70 Mile Radius 3 Trucks You’ >| EM 3-4650 EM 3.3996 tures, newest brightest for uch —_ type of lighting lighting Lgl x AWNING WINDOWS ASPHALT PAVING ene rooms, $11.95 value, ro 08. Call __oret Order Lake Ave. CASH |. CASH CASH Por anything you have of value. Pri. auctions. , Aactien | _"Mart. M24, Lake Orion. MY 32-1631. ~ CEMENT BLOCKS “ui| CASH FOR PORNITURE PE 4 7a81 rose CRAFTSMAN SPRAY GUN, % HP. | _PE 2-371. __Like new. CEMENT CINDER “BLOCKS Fo. vax omy, & sons ALL AA LUMBE COMPLETE List OF Ma’ GARAGE H LUMBER COMPANY a _ Walled Lake pelle ise son | H. P. SUTTON MY 2-6432 FLOOR BA ““PURNAGE! fake Sale rea eB Ga ; $2. ; NICE OAK SLIDING || ¥ cheap: ea 'e ‘ute Garage Boors $A, eyes, choot cronene } 3 7 Ryo limited tim Mt reduced ac . aot ee ™ arranged BONALDSON LUMBER ¢. . Y 31631. BLACK HILL SPRUCE FoR| Often, MY >! Seca oeeets * you, igs White, Norge and Cot | PRAZER oie Tiers paris ond ‘a z Con- Shen. Avis Service, 1660 N. Op- your own. Bring JOHN DEERE MODIL M TRAC. bow ‘sieeth Rd. Take oe oat @il_in perfect com at Commerce V dition. $1000, Terms. EMbpire fist fl e { i | COLLIF PUPPIES, 83 FE +9012 ‘COMM rEN Me Yrs OLD” i ee nace spread from for female | 32 pounds to 200 pounds per acre. 22631 Carben steel reters pulverize -AKE lumpy fertilizer sirens) BEACKETT INC. | YOUR FEROUSON DEALER | soe OR +1 208 ea $454 Disie Hwy pats “Dogs Tramed, Board 82 _ SPECIAL P annnnnn New end Repairs on ee Ll coo ‘ALL BREEDS OBEDIENCE Wiscenain motors 8s Navy training instructor. Pick up and Pontiac-Farm Supply service. Mul Lake Ferm JOHN DEERE DEALER ls. FE 1-9388 221 Ra FE end lave. | | DOGS AND CATS. PRIVATE RUNS. Garden tractor complete with large Burr-Sheil, 373 8. Telegfaph. | fret & snow plow. Gite. Rotary ds Hay, Grain & Feed 83 Lee's Sales & Service mounted | ALPALF4. Mized ‘bay Se per] USED BARGAINS CHAIN Saws FIRST CUTTING AT.PALFA AND! pore DEN TRACTORS brome Will deliver OA $2178 “LAWN MOWER* » A ~~~~ | HAY ALL KINDS, STRAW. CAN | ALLIS CHALMERS. INTERNA- STRAW. WIRE BALED. | , TRACTORS Cima meaue eS ae OF TON BROME ORASS HAY. GET QUALITY SERVICE Carpenter's. 6 mi. out Joslyn Rd. SEE Us TODAY Gos $4650 Oakhill na Oe. bite ge J. 1 CasEZ _tonville, MA 54784. Can deliver. nC ede omega Ph. OLive 1-0761 __For Sale Livestock 84 | WANTET. —— BoTTOM 13 OR i¢ Holly Rd. Michigan. Prone Auction Sales 89 GELDING SADDLE PONY. & YRS. AUCTION SALE FRI. NIGHT. ¢ 30 broke saddled and brid BA and 5635 W. Maple Rd FOR SALE LARGE PONY GET GEL | terford. We have the cream of the ° 23 ; 1 LE April oa at 11 o'clock a.m. in the Wolverine Purebred t ' | yuan very select cows, heifers and the complete eas alley pm herd Mr. : nstom, | AUCTIONEER W. E. BILL NAO nea here. Oales- the iead- | FRipaY. APRIL 2. North, % west at i 01 Srenord Lake Ave. SURPLUS LUMBER ‘& | S#REDDED | MATERIAL SALES CO. se a ieee N fresh, m4 ow . PE 43863, For Sale Poultry 86 © taper gpeciaty ee GoosE SEBAGO SEED AND EATING Eaton seed oats. IAL AUCTION Ae UC "Tahereven rusen| aor Par * : - ms e ‘ ame ho Ye oa Pin a _THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY. APRIL, 1, 1954 Win Elliott Takes Part of Friene dly Senkae eS a ee Chatad INEST Gauaed oluwse Channel 1—-WKYZ-TV TONIGHT’S TV HIGHLIGHTS Beaten 16 drivers. (2)—Video| Search. (4)—Betty White. 6:00—(7)—Detroit Deadline. Bob| Theater. O’Brien stars 45—(2)—Guiding Light. (7)— Carrington, Bev Beltaire, Bud| 45 teenager about to wed high] Stars on Seven. Lanker with day’s news. (4)—| school here who him- | 1:66—(2)—You’re What You Eat. (2)—Detroit This -Week. City News. 6:30 — (7) — Famous Playhouse. “The Haunted Wedding.” (4) Time off for Sports. Bill Flem. ming. (2)—Telenews Ace. Ken Cline, Van Patrick. 6:45—(4)—Red Cross Report. Talk. (2)—Weatherman. Dr. Everett 1:30—(7)—Phe Lone Ranger. Ran- ger and Tonto prevent disastrous run at the town bank in ‘Trouble in Town,” (4)—Dinah Shore. A collapsible set and April Fool's jokes for songs. (2)—News. Doug Edwards. 7:456— (4) —News Caravan. John Cameron Swayze. (2)—Jane Fro- man Show. Jane plays circus ringmaster. 8:00—(7)—Talent Patrol. Armed forces talent contest. (4)—You Bet Your Life. Quiz (2)- 5 Churches fo Unite in Evangelistic Drive Union Evangelistic services are planned for Holy Week by Baldwin, Covert, Galloway Lake, Elmwood, and Oakland Park Methodist ffr Lit 5 z aR 06 28ers eee to er eu ee Changed From Zoology| fl is Busy, Busy i 3 ‘Snow Contains that his grand jury’ is ‘ ‘trying to | muter? develop” some newly uncovered in- formation concerning gambling Propose Curbs: on Civil Service State Senators Would: . Drastically Curtail the Commission's Power GOOD BUY on a Used TV at = LANSING @& — Proposals to cur- w tail drastically the constitutional |f 'o,<'%* WALTON Tadees aa bkpl doo : ‘lthe Senate today. Stamps RADIO and TV Seomee Pe The proposals were regarded as | an outgrowth of 1430 Joslyn (Corner of Welton) FE 2-2257 at the commission's lth-hour de- —___ cision to boost the salaries of all YOUNGSTOWN Sinks, Slightly. Merved Kitchen Cabinet $139.50. . . Terrific Value . . . $99.50 owes MICHIGAN FLUORESCENT LIGHT co. 393 Orchard Lake Ave. of a Communist cell. ston's power to fix state wages, | Fa MORE SHOPPING DAYS (‘til we move) Bargains in New and Used TV tive mow has fallen im on area These were attached to a pro . betwen bere and Sheridan, Wyo. | pol thai tv commicss| i] HAMPTON ELECTRIC CO. , pee 1 per cent of the state payroll. 286 State St. : ; Chuck Hauptman, using a Geiger| _ Hutchinson sald, “I can’t OUT THEY GO! We are clear- weather forecasters surplus stock Fess Wa bast more rom for Tncming shit mena PHILCO Three inches of snow fell in the and preowned models. area Saturday and Sunday " a Sacnchonts nti of Teo Refrigerators GIBSON dency he since March All Famous Names 6-E ments noted onty tn rain promis Your Choice => , ‘radiation’ insignificant as far as health and safety is concerned.” s 95 HOTPOINT , Champion Commuter Rides 615 Miles to Work 19 CROSLEY ie say artieneies Ca ees retest | ADMIRAL : a a eaerk naan FULLY GUARANTEED >— 30-Day Exchange Privilege mo TELEVISION OWNERS A Copyrighted “Inside The Television Set” ‘Tells you how to diagnose most TV troubles, find tube or tubes or other components cau sound disturbances. Explains the function of all phases of the set. Written_by.a licénsed television and radio engineer in easily understood English, with descriptive illustra- | © Norge @ G-E © Maytag tions of various conditions and what to do to correct same. oie iva te be anaherfive da, He has bee FAMOUS ee ee TV SETS @ Admiral @ Philco @ Crosley @ Emerson @ Pathe @ CE 95 Booklet Titled , Qecwned Modelo : sing video and WASHERS “== 2 Speed ete Ser NOW AVAILABLE AT KRESGE’S eo OR SEND — fad hadi For This Informative “Booklet to: | S. §. KRESGE CO. - |] OPEN FRIDAY taginhw ot Harve.” Pontiac; Mich. 11 NIGHT “til-9 ; | 8-Day Woney Bek ) Geqrenics Wt Wel Setisiiedi — ee et ae ot ee Zz styles; women's sizes! itil Ov = oa, — , THE PONTIAC PRESS, THURSDAY, APRIL 1, 195° = —=————OS—S—C—S yes tanaka sa = . = — ats v — heme « = t = - me . - ; ~ - . cone mo a ce ba Fs * oe ~ x _— Sat ie sal PERT ORI 4 aa 3 — rag on 8 @ x dn | 4s h Le) Pp a ; Boe vee igs Mb er es Salo * . ) e $ * ; Sale! Fairloom were mer : . oyviiie opring ults Matched Twosomes 9 8 Sears finest tailored all year-weight suits of long wearing 50% rayon, 50% acetate. ; Designed with the fit and style Dad eh i Lots. of extras are built-in, ,like bi Regularly 69¢ yd. edge lapels, tailored shoulders and snap fastener waistband. Blues, tans, in junior re sizes 6-12. Boyville Sharkskins fn yd. yville Solids, 36-Inch Width Sizes 13 thru 18 198 ~ Take advantage of this once-a- oat . A splendi m look / year price reduction . . . stock up 45 Sd A wear a ‘. wier single ra Toate teoued models oo f -St ign with a fit thats proven itself a favorite N SL /- sacra Snira!” Seotnon "| Je, Boys’ Wool and rin ter nd ft tie’ ETS gy Tin = c versatile denims are for Rayon Sport Coats , dresses, suits, skirts . Also in Student Sizes 35-36........ and play togs, how smart they Sizes 4 to 12 98 look on every occasion. i a ae Select from our sparkling . : UF A QUR collection of mix ‘n match ol Dg Belfer poles solids. Be sure to buy your Fully rayon lined, ieather but- denims at Sears today tons. Sizes 4-12 » » you'll agree it poys : . . ae aa! Ie. Searaion Pants......... 3.98 SAVE on Fairloom Ba — p ; 7 ; = OQ a - 2 ys Ay ‘ e vd ~ b4 Ld £ Rn Prints and Solids ta ‘ ’ . 5 Ay A . ... Regularly 59¢ He a wd 4 : . ; Cc bey" 4 - a Po rs ~—s 9: ws ‘\ YARD ya b ! Lary Se [2° “2 Ade > x Fraternity P L ye oh x) e ratern rep “¥ ' ag y e ¢ 7. \EE a > lipichomriadeen Sport Coats ey A een rj RP}: 4 wy ih AY pis price r this sale! ’ . ’ ) tie: . Made of long staple combed Many T yk Boys Dress Shirts Boys Dress Hats 4a Z - NAY cotton — permanently Colors — Sanforized* Cotton Broadcloth 100% Wool Felt. Rayon Bands Boyville Heelguards for Wear wee . »8 * crinkled ... needs little or , ? $0”, wool, 50%, rayon coats, Boyville 2.29 Sizes 6%-7% 1.89 Poy 3 Pr. | 19 Mat ied an? Sx no ironing. Make your se- Boyville Jr rayon, acetate avid’ nylon trou- ° 8 4 * lections mers _-. . create T yv - . sers Many colors, sizes for Rich looking Bo el srs 10% —_ felt hats with wide —— —— sa — , wee your own Spring styles! opcoa most boys. ae 4. French cu ‘in. brims, rayon a ra ZAR SG Prints ond solids! gg «Bere Searlon Pants... 4.98 siaye. Mat. oleiebage 1%,” heahar atures Buy noe!” Pitta and’ Games tome . a, : 7 ——e P = Boys’ Department—Main Floor .« me; a i. 4 Yards Goods—Main Floor rae 4% 10 1 ] Mee a: ©. As4° eS Se 235 ne Big variety of latest fabrics, rege se ° =e > a : MANY VALUES IN tweeds, splasles, checks. All t out ASN. EVERY DEPARTMENT! | ‘<:-.'v0°* “™ * * ~ , ‘th ES «: make ready for a Brighter Easter wit . ’ : . * noe dainty Honeysuckle priced as 98 low as pair J Our Very Best Shoes! Tayi) Springtime fashions a for gay little misses Sparkling new styles! Dainty one strap dress shoes for little 4.90 girls in black patent, white mesh er ree ge ep —. a i as \°] 8 an rown. -Wi f sugyed-litie-boys! Childeon's sizec. a low- a Other Biltwels from 4.45 to 5.95 21 as each Shoe Dept—Maia Floor Sat A. Delightful Honeysuckle dresses fashioned in suds-loving cotton ore always spring-time favorites with pert young misses. Sizes 3 to 6x. Choice of many S . colors. Kerrybreoke fashions B. Honeysuckle dresses in or- ; F a, ea or domestic dotted mm iss for little girls’ special party Women's Kerrybrookes |=\/2 occasions, Many. styles In om BS : f eet _ array of lovely colors. Sizes 3-6x. f f : iced | j i C. Popular easy - to - care - for price ow . \ { Cotton dresses in new spring pair in A styles that ore sure to be fav- orites harp ee Many . beautiful colors. Sizes 3 v High Fashion for Spring Days! | Deinty -_— Here’s fashion at its most delightful Little D. For, tiny mites! Adorable ‘al with unbelievable walking ease too! klé springtime fash- : ect . _tons_in lovely cotton dresses. created with the Juxury-shoe tent te 6:29 “Z "EL, Variety of colors. “Sizes 9 to a features that float your foot in ee . a V {7 18months, .Many styles!’ +7 cushioned bliss! Many exciting Boys’ boxer pants, - \\ * i id by Aare \ 8 — - = ae § ina mony ac 4 ge 8