“ag , 4 The Weather rs Centar Warive Forcenst ~~ Rae es tomiig pt” colder > : a iDetatis an mee a PONTIAC, MICHIGAN, "DEC EMBER 2 ' 0-4 cose haga ITED PRESS INTERNATIONAL ~ ye ABBOCIAT PRees. a z gt Sy cAR RUESDAY, Bt Pp AGES 4 = y it = SSS .£ ® % ‘ + oa a } ‘ i 4 rg ~ ~ . - — oy ns cari ere era : Pay : ae 4 = 7 , ~ May Reinstate T ells Union’ S Side of the Story WwW oman R ussians Agree . ~—Straley Today . A f sh On Parle ey Date Py Alter Cras } . AC bt onard « Dstt hile beTor nanny West Pro} 0 es | “In onia OU home. from work ear this morn } ing’ saved the tife of a 2 Yeoh L, Pontiac City Attorney wnat ted. shied wend inne Reds Gain “Concession = ehester road. rolled aver and threw é Bs * ire to Oppose. Ex-Chief’s her. dace down ini a ow até t- filled a Numérical teat , aa a aire eerings — Move to Return ditch | ? g “ee; * a ; « / * ; Milivaaret t Strong ovis dein ’ SCOW .—T oy ) Hérbert. W. Straley may. ing home | ; . . ; MOSCOW #)--The Soviet . fi . . i 4 ome Prom WORK ci The pict Trai ‘ 7 ‘ + . . be reinstated as Pontiac po- Set ca dente Maw wining Union ane four Commu | ~ _ , a : ' ‘Oh nist neighbors will reopen - | lice chief by nightfall. i when lhe saw the auto overturned lone » 1 { East We t | ; s > , ast - Wes A court hearing in Tonia! in the ditch. Other ears had al ONnB suspended nash had : ) today could result in the is-} ready passed. hem xaid but why disarm: iment talks with iive =e *suance of an order official-| the rolled his window down he san + Weste stern nations in Geneva 4 _ AK de someone Moving . arch 18 i ly giving Straley back his, e 2 ‘ “ \ . $9. 000-a- ear iob. He rushed down the embank The Soviet Union: Mon-. } . wes 7 UPL Telephoto a-y ar job, ee et aed — ‘fetite Mes He tent day ifgnt - agreed to the t . + tr r I : Wek yo. « 3 > WHERE THERE'S LIFE — Comedian Bob Hope and his Holly- * * * Myres of 2630-Ringston Kd. Ads | ; . } wood traupe are shown as they returned Monday to Los Angeles.© The hearing will be before Tonia | dinon Township, partially under ‘starting date proposed by ™ from an eightday holiday tour of military bases in Alaska, where County Circuit Judge Morris K._ | Water. the five Westernsnations— - they entertained the trebps. Left to right are Hope, Frances Lang- peaaraes ore firing mm vt - se the United States, Britain, j ford, Josh Randall, SKi innay Ennis and Jayne Mansfield. At center Versec ‘alley $ y the fi He dragged@ the young smother of Fr: nee, Canada a aly ; . . Nabe t “rance, Canada and Italy, . = is Patt Thomas and below her is Je ‘) Colonna. service Cor mission last April. es ; \ : . . AP Wirephaote two children to his car Where she” + ; : a 7 , hande ad i . * Wiltiam A. Ewart, city aftor- STEBY TESTIMONY —Arthur Géldberg, chief Coon rhuht,; is chief negotiator for the steel jlosi consciousness’ peviving.. min ne Sowel™ reply, ane ed to a 4 counsel 6f\the-Steebvorkers Uni SIVeS testi ndustey Yesterdaaee. testi oo eas rate utes later: Romeo State Rolice trent ’Ambassador Maurice De- nev, will oppose ‘an erder-drawa © uns 4 Ane beorkers n St iduas restored ctostimony was taatiked by ro Romeo State Pglice . , a oa . “by Clarence L. Smith and Philip mony to thes President's three-man inquiry board “-hrttgrness and a think veiled threat of renewal were called to the scene, arid Mes. $O4". said Bulgaria, S| oland, _f Pratt, Straley's attorneys. vesterday. Thday Mt owas industry s Mirn to ove of the shake. when’ {Me Taft Hartley injunetion Myres was taken te St. Joseph ua ew abla j and Romania 7 } I ren . ‘ee at er His major objection is that the 1S side of the\ drawn-out cohtroverss. Ro Conrad ‘ no 26 : Mert, Hospital nist h stati at "Ke ‘ ble woman i s Me ; —., 4 list natians at able. L order does not include sections: of \ settee na eget ee Di t “talk od z | ’. Judge Davis’ opinion upholding y . shoulder and is listed.in fair con. j) Disarmament talks’ sponsore | - hoot Wite, Ki | & Straley's appeal which explain the U nion T hreatens Partial Strike dition today. by the Caited Nations have been 7 ‘x lnae a a a 47 reasons be hind, the ‘decision idly Pir “Mypys owns Roblynn's pat wnpne uo singe September 7 - . * a ic an tof irmfbonsed He: be ause of Soviet refusal to pat; | f - . ou, . No matter what fe outcome of ec r tee In us Fr ‘O Yr husband Lewis was injured fatalls ticipate in negotiations in which | J Five terrified children watched in ariguish.as their the hearing is. it appears unlike! a year ago when his car left the, [Be Communints did not Have | ~ father pumped-eight bullets into their-mother and-then that Straley will try to return to road and hit a. tree just west of Mummerteat representation equal : ™“ eSlnd lnimaenl? wat, 5 job ‘i diate . : ; - . . Zoameo villave ; to the West, So | {> killed himself yesterday afternoon in their Hazel Park his Job immediately. WASHINGTON 1 APS Presi mony imarkeg by bittermess find strike only part of the industry in "Me amen Silla me eg at | SN : - : : *tter Ww rester- “n “Se wers anmqurs oar searcely veiled threat of a re divide and conquer sfrategs The UU x su ®ommittee which : Rome In a letter te Ewart vester-- dent Fasenhows qt goard oa \ 1 quet OATS Pr ) } we , ' oe es day, Straley asked for an opinion calls erthe steel companies today newed steel w| Ukotit in fate dan Asked to be sperifie ' Proopers said the curve where Carried om previous nego | } y the youngsters are praying that their, mother,’ on the duties, responsibilities and to state thei side of the indust: uary, / Yes a renewveadt nacike ‘ MeDenana the a 4 ident took place on Rochest- ations was made up of the Soviet | j Mores au R. Stacy, 40. will live. Still unconscious, functions of the — eity’s police deadlocked dafhor controversy Phe oumiet beled dhe aia said only “Would Ike tell Khrush Towneh at Aim) nied in Addison Union and four Western nations, | of oN os eon. . chie ic safe . > th man board, headed ~ ee WISP WUS Tey, and SNOW Was the United Stat 3rifain, France 2 , ‘ ~ ‘she Is given little chance to chief and public safety director. by uneceatt " " onan i firms du strial isolations aut ches? - falling, at the time. a4 Canad MOR, DEES ue . } > survive by doctors at Wil- . iam of course, Te “dy and will. Prof George \\ Tuvlor, is yrathe p STEP mh . " Ro Conrad Cooper, chief tndu _* * xt . g enter \ i: , . ri it m , ‘ . _ Ham © Beaumont Hospital. me liat ve Strate ual MR ing data for’ a report to be sub." ~ * + tty negotiafor, said he Considered «1 Courtroom Santa FoHowing a series of unsuccess- lost o . e 5 oR ral Oak mediate ra ws , mitted to Eisenhower on Jan + David \ ) nion esi the notion of a selective strike ful attempts to get the talks ge- i eye . . “H , ; abv ; that” In open ‘hearings Moriday the det hit ) nt a ‘ only aeademic because the umon MOBILE. Ala i iUPI)—When ing again, the U.S., British and Mrs. “Stacy has wounds in her ae ‘ opens - ae vanel ee the Steelworkers Sods : I ss ' vi (3 has traditionally comducted walk. Theodore J. Ricttér, a state French foreign ministers agreed head, right arm and shoulder. She Would be to the ‘best interests of 7 ; tin its pesition in testi ' , e4 . auiS on can industry wide basis official seeking to collect back at the Geneva Big Four confer- °—— 4 } .} ve sys . + 2 . ne » * ® vs te e * t it aH ha m4 - . . i rust Func S0l she t with a 2 caliber re- ‘he ce ae ne city and ce nion ot ts | t PLANS SECRET salary returned to court 11 ence last September to -give the { coil over: which her 41-year-old hus- taunly " “ ping with my Sworn , . . minutes fate from junch yester ; teds an equal number of places j S M Br “Gen fn then turned on ‘himsell. “ues as police officer (nat ms . I B k ; ' McDonald seid) nobody can ac- slay, Judge William McDermétt [at the conference table : urprise .-Move’ riNngS He ended bis life py firing. '° 0 GIICE be SMOG ARG oOF- W : predict what the umon) fined him $25. for eante } ‘hea . ‘ch 7 P g the last bullet into his brai . iderly. and that the functioning of inter Ss bac “if there is nu settlement’ p; vd him S on go mpt. Then The new talks will not be spon- Flood of Money, but Hazel Park 1 i" i Ha ld the ‘department riot be disturbed,’ | After Taking shen the injunction runs out. Th et i a we | nored by the U.N. a tact whke 24 cn 4 a azel Park Police Lt. Harok ee vas an * with, the spirit of Santa Claus,” "caused considerable — eancern I Relief {5 Temporary Hill said the shooting, which « oe: traf, said . court order stopped a, record HB and dismissed the charge among the smaller aationa at the i . curted in the family home at 233 03/WOULD CLARIFY a Brief Holiday _ | strike uyaar ly Neveriber - last U.N, General Assembly i. LANSING — In a. surprise Carlisle St; climaxed a wee end: Straley said) an opimon from es ‘ en an The exposition of the union's i move, Michigan has’ peddled thre of arguing ‘vl was told. that Ewart would aid in accomplishing Old Man- Ww inter is. back se of the dispute lacked any , But the Assembly finally agreed : ; 7 an Stacy had been “triiiking “heavily, this"t'and avoid any possible-mis: yalbing a holiday-during the Chris! 40 h S d d . ray~ef hope for an carly settle In Today S Press 4 -go along with the bie “powers \ i oft -milion-dollar Vet- and had whipped his eldest daugh- understanding of unnecessary .con- mas weekend ; thers USPENGES IN rent. . . and referred all disarmament pro- ; ins Trust Fund for} y Neer er Ww a leather be a , . . cals befe 1e asse , . {- erans Trust Fund for badly needed 'eF with a leather belt. “. flict He arrived in Pontige toda Reaction to Party-Brawl posrd Chainrnin Pe tthe posals before the assembly to the 4 cash The daughter, Geraldine, 14. ran . . blusterine *snewstorr : . PeCharricin Postar said) the l0-nation greup- ' I mammoth @eal ‘close T Jat screaming to the nearby Hazel Noting that) beth offices are ; - of 6 dezrres . if os Christmas Eve “ \ and ane noe naw = No - Comales; . Chief, among the proposals ‘the : . The mammoth a al, closed lale Park police station after ‘the slioot- provided for in the city charter, 7 10 “i - a , . . hopelessly deadlocked there is nd County Neve 8-9 ‘committee will takevtp are Soviet eslerday, &ig “dia hreal , . : “ie wr : . . seep he Heht. snow: will diminisnr « paint i spe cine to ued vey “Atari: - . «f ewes ‘ . i lu ‘ gnaied a b eak un the ing She and four younger’ chil- Straley said the charter re. flurries tonight pon ste. thecnit ena | nt t noeven trying to vet them Editorials 6 prenier Nikita Khirushchev's call i logjam of the State Depart dren, Ralph, 12, Fred, 9, Earl, duires- some defining and clari- : , & \ Oia State Tiospitas attene: together on can agreement before. Feod oF “for total disarm@aifent over a four- Past due obligations of more 3° and Marvin, >, stood by help-; {Ying in.order to assure effective The weatherman prediéts tem” 1m! has been fired for brawling ind the Jan 6 report to Eisenhower — Market 2 ear period, a British plan for ‘ - million dollars will gush jessty as their father emptied the | administration and thus preper peratures will drop to 24 dene inking 7 . ae | oO ~ on * x * ; Obituaries - 4. disarmament by stages. and a . ut of thes tate treasury. in. the revolver, law etiforcement.” grees and rise to near 34 Wedaes nking party with four of at The government: sill conduct a Sports 2425 tS oplan which is still being , hext few days, | . . ~ von that) aroused © Ward of poll of half million Steehworkers Theaters ¥G- “ee —— < i _ Police said they, hed been Straley called an, interpretation “ey. fs mental patients on Jan 1 on c er sou we ™ Pa headic Prowra “6 dt afted ; However, state officials cat eailed to the Stacey home sey. of the charter “imperative.”’ © Northern lower Michigan wi * ’ * an’ last. offe f sa) a ; sare rR mis - * * * tioned that creditors — mostly- eral times in the past to settle * * * cleaning up this morning altér i loaf i ‘Cot it Looe “ Hemet Wibon, | Earl a The bic stumbling block again “governments and public retire. donhestic squables ; -Stralev. was. stripped -of com--sleet osteo: mo owhich knacked out > Dischat a vers " an ~—* i inued on fp ages, Cola Women = Pages, » NNEC expected to .be the question of “ment systems=with about 5000. ; , nxand’ powers by Public. Safety Di- electrical power roto between 3.00 terday ee beriald Mh nha oe controls and inspections to insure “millions mere coming ‘will cons “Stacy was an assembler for Bur- é “D. East Nov.,and 4,000 hames cin a Teecounty of 406!2 Main’ St. Row hoster somphance with any steps toward . j roughs Corp. in Detroit’ recor George [ vagtman Nov. . ' " . _ = oak 4 . — tinue -to hold the bag, and over A sixtl "daughter Mrs. Bari 72. 1958 and given minor: cleric al arca . He told a Pontiac Press report. 4 disarmament” that. might ae. : oes all debt promptly will rise again.. Rivard. an 1 rel PS es be arbara | tasks. ungil his suspe sion last Feb. A spakesman for The Oakland ef today, “TP have-no comment. 0 . agreed on, ; } | Siate Treasurer Sanford A. ives “ “ sur ruary, County. Road Comimussion said’ all ¥ dent agree with the charges, ARs 2 ry : : VINES, C Tbads 3 wet but Vin go " arre i . ; F Brown said the twb big bloe¢s of - a counsy roads wert | " i don't agree With our paper § Cc ag i Us pons exold- vesterday were ee PREPARF D CHARGES good shape aller today s snowlall and & don't agree with you.” Says ats Heal }- the touchest to marke? } _ They're re No St. Nicks It was Fk astman who pre pared * He said some = salt spreading Suspende ad throuelr The vt for: T Fastér: When Put — ) | The so-called laie maturities. lew ; charges against Straley for City’ trucks took toe the roads about 4), inking. an duty were the four at ‘ : ext , 5; : = ¢ . iP TRENT Areva tet Dp Math: +74 rs 7 4 7 « ; } be ' Uh 1 if ! é } intere he: arers had_a_ niaturity GE AN ES “ND, England CUF ‘\ VIanager Walte r K. M iliman to 2:30 a.m. when if began to freeze. cendants, three of them from Pon in Dogs’ Ward By < ue of $37.570.000. ‘The y brought Ernest E. Tavioxw, 36,-was fined present to the Civil Service Com- aga the ‘remaining trucks were fiye- Boh deickson f Rut . just aver 30 millions cash, five pounds ($14). yesterday for mission. ~ .all oat by 7 a.m. ers: Danald Eo Foster 22) of 240 AL LBANY “NOY. SUPE. Nelson A Rockefelter ®ill ac- MASE ANSING PH your Ry “pT . ‘ 1 . Tvlor . d reed as, Sante " Stratey asked for clarification Jo. .¢heasterly winds at 3 miles No Cass Lake Bd Gilbert A. Leal tively support Richard Nixon, for president the New York pet oat gets sick, aon feel bad naa woe The vost of the bonds ‘are as Taylor was dressed as Santa” rie shas ay. en : a got beh peti bes Dae a eS “ . “eS . Veteri ¢ - “good as cash ~y - blem atlall,” Claus. His brother Sidney, 39. ; on—saatters—opurc hasjng, per hour at fé-15 this mormng-wiit “ol ted Ehzitheth Laky Ld __governor-said. However. he would net accept second place if, the vate rinartan hospitatizes - Rrow my . _ < . “7 -; | sonnel assignment, abolishment dualiy shilt to northerly by @nd Arthur B) Brown, 28, of De on the ticket ~P ~ im in the dog ward. SrOWTE Sait Phe) are expected _also dressed as Santa, was fined + o¢ departments. - Wednesdat at 13-20 miles , troit 4 cay Experience shows this form of to. be mt varireind within-a couple of three potinds ($8.40: fpr pushing . _ - ‘Wednesday i aoe So Rockefeller said his decisian against running: for ,vice integration likely will hasten . days. - the cop ; . - You will ‘appreciate that i doi At L om the temperature Pecd’ pENp eS PARKING PARI president on the GOP ticket was ‘finaleand irrevocat ble kitty’s recovery, : , a High on the aged list for’ pay- Oe ve oe to ee the apr of ing WAR ov Foster also denied he took part and a high-source said the vice ‘president's job was con t ok * ment 6f past due offigations with an infringe on le rector oo in the piucous affair that was re $e pes ~ aly te en - . 4 sis ‘e 2 Hs . & : ; . OQ PAUCOUS all at was } trary to Rockefeller’s temperament and training Dogs and cats used to be seg- i proceeds from the bonds were: ‘Finds Place to Eat “public safety,”’ Straley said Ane : ported by patients to the das male: * Pe ‘ me . - counted wi Michigan State bat gs -ouf - vet T de wish to know what mv¥ i ursing supervisor Christmas D Meanwhile, Vice President Richard M. Nixon's ay . Local school districts, $21,600,- BAUBINWAY. Mich (UPD ‘Gaties and responsibilities are so NUPSUNE SUPOEPVISt 1 max Day stratesy - a, ' versity's Veterinary Medicine 090; the three major state Robert Smith 40 ‘askell a state that I T may deve my full effort A hospital- oftictal de nied strategy advisers _teday weighed possible - moves re \nitnat Hospital. © 0 =~ | “Te universities, $6,500,000 for De. A Be a state ithat [ may devote my full efforts - hare hat 3 | patie counter Democratic efforts to pin an “old guard” label “But we found that eats were ; ne oe policeman yesterday .where he toward satisfactorily fulfilling AUGUSTA, Ga. (UPT) — Pres. . ‘ harges that a | mental patient hi is i d cember operating allotments; : . _ . ; ‘ rUSTA, Ga. tntarr . She eke 2 on him. rather listless and did net, heal ; could find a good place to eat, theny . - ve Fisenhower= refused today who interrupted the revelfy was municipalities, peta iogy toss id. wound up h: ‘ing lunct 7 | tk Ot * ident. Bier ower ena ee ey manhandied. Nixon, now an almost sure-bet for the Republica very. well.” explained Dr. Wade senting reimbursement ig5g. | ANE Wound up Naving “ane in = ; ; -to extend the formal U.S. mora . ci debit tne thee hecephe the tango”, pupican 0. Brinker, head of surgery and 59 veterans homestead P perty the Mackinac County -jail. The This was in sharp contrast 40 terium on nuclear weapon tests Phe attendint® told the patients Preside ntial nomination, became the target of stepped up medicine. tax. ex xemptions. . “| trooper recegnized-Smith-as a earlier statements by Stralpf who but promised that they would to timdress and gd back to bed. the De mocratic attatks over the weekend identifving him with * *&* Smalley lume - é 4 Jan w anted for stealing two promised foe won't be _ not be resumed without advance e hospital spakesman seid the gonservative wing of the GOP “When they are in the same Smaller lumps 6T cash, mostly watches from a gasoline station. ‘around When come back.” | notice. * * * m wi ve ay kee o ~, die local’ units of government | i - OF . cohort Dachnane a *. * * room with dogs, they ke ep more 1 under various scher os for sharing | ee a —e hospi! — Ne has always been in i s tive and vlar alert. That's why veterinarians uncer IONS | nes for sharing) sonnel director, gave this account elson has always been an administrative anc pian-— acnaity keep dogs and cate in’ in State revenues, also will be) ef the party and fist fights: ning work.” an associate said. “Being governor of New the same room unless oue of “disbursed. Release of a helf mil-| “Phe hearing determined that Yerk affords him a much better opportunity to carry on them has.a contavious diseasé.” Tisn dellars in ants “ta ci “ ; : : aS. a contag — ; fairs wns approved last ‘ween . Phurnham appar ‘ently brought they; --in that field than the office of vice president ” Brinker did not recommend _ ance whisky and the drinking’ took place The source described as “wishful thinking’ on the part housing dogs and cats within the | in his office. of Democrats there was a split between Rockefeller and — Same cages, however, : \7 Condemned t to Die, Text 1 e. lan for. ussia “He picked a couple: of scraps Nixon and that there was “bitterness” in the governor's a —_ i with the other four attendants. .- withdrawal from the White House race Press erc ants He.,jumped on the back of one of . . : m | { ‘ ~ Wins Creche Prize MOSCOW (AP) \ An American combine The factory will have 50,000 spindles able them and Leal came to help the “The governor and vice president have been on thek ° ’ ss ri has won a 30-million-dollar “cash on the bar- to handle cotton, worsted and synthetic other man. “most friendly terms,” a high state Republican said. to Honor {st’60 Bab j i , a & $e ’ , . «thee ” { 44 CHICAGO: (AP) LOA Nativity | tél head” contract to build a textile plant for . fibers, the spokesman said= Shipments ftom eppurpham swung at Leal and They referred to-each other by their'first names. ; . y —* i . eee 2 crcl sf é - | : > - ges crib ‘scene, desigged by an. in- ‘the Soviet government, It is the-biggést deal the United. States are slated to arrive here threaténed ‘tht. others. The. imen Scores of telegr ams, telephone calis and letters have | The Pontiac P ‘ sd ~~ : mate awaiting death in the elec. . private Américan busifess-has ‘madé with the by the end of the mire quarter of 1961. brokeiteap.”” * | - “Ppeen received at’ the * ealittve offices -in /Albany since {ape ne ten ef loc r sen i i" the’ aa he nae lel oe Monday: Sovigts -sinee- Worle War he ~ — ie a Meee eee eet _laehmans —qusted rear mi } Rockefeller ‘quit the presidential contest.-One- caller from. | the Pontiac Area Chamber of Con | . Se anme Gecoration by. . re x A “ spekesndia for Cremplen. and © (Saying of his: first victim, -""Well. 3 pexas-asked an. aide to the governor whether Rockefeller _merce, again plans to shower gi a prisoner in. the Cook County ~ - ‘Knowles Corp. of Worcester, Mass, said | Pever did like the guy, “might be persuaded to change his mind. ‘on the first.baby born in the Pome’ = dail’s holiday contest. . The plant—to be built at Kalininoutside — » York iin woul ‘ nin REGRETTABLE. THING’ : y a “The winner was -Laryy Oden will be ' in Néw York his firm would begin ship- “S's ._‘§) Rockefeller has brushed aside with a smile such ques=—|tiac atea during’ the new year, ; who iv scheduled to be ele ted | ‘Moscow-—will be the largest of its kind built ment of four million dollars’ worth ‘of ©) The hearing board was made up. tiorftt As — , * *® i 27, whe is sel lee | in recent ye i 2 ex r i fal ; it babh -etited on dan! ¥6 for the slaving | ent years, said a spokesman for Intert woolen and .worsted leony: in Jate 1960 _of Dr. Walter H_ Obenauf, hospital. “Would you accept t the ‘nomination tor President if. you Registrations. . of ba 7 | International Inc. of New York, City. _ superintendent; © Luehrnann’ -and_ on after midnight, Dec. zie last April 18 of Detective Roy as its part, of the deal. MrsRuby Eatele,-superintendent | - were drafted: by the convention?”, rm made with the Dees ah ot Carner jr. daring a.tavera rob- | “te said the Americans won out over a * ‘of murses: ; - I k- * * - msege. Thé registrations m ake a pp 5 ag a ope ie ey On ial ite x oe pany 4 . —_ Other ‘principal firms 4n- the U S..groupin-- paehmann said: « “Hh is aye “Phe governor wilido everything possible to bring about made by both parents and. the So feet prize, Ungee: to five-year credit. : : as clude Jamed /Htnter Machine Co., North: grettable “thing . that! happened. the election of a ‘Républican president next Noveniber, one tne and ge er i The, prisotery "designed their | “ Adams, Mass. Whitip—Machine Works, big There wilt be no more drinking. , of his political advisers said. He pointed to a sentence in time. ane # . 9 tthe birth, decountions fen Inate als ‘avail. + ; Bldney , Schever. of Intertex International’ insville, Mass.\’ the National Drying Mac} F “Other attondants‘are Yisgusted,, / Rockefeller’s withdrawal statement which urged all party eT i ii ¢ . he curtiod oi “among ) \) Lgtile se cigaretie wrappers, food, { fected needtations- ricart-com~—er" Co. Philadelphit—and—-Rodney- at oo beeatise itis a had reflection - amembers-to devote. their thoughts -ahd- energies: ‘to-ture babies registered will be ai ati 2 “straw: from brioat broom’, ete. joine Which is made up of 40 firms. _ Machinery Co, Orange, Mass, , on them is yot vondored.” --<)- thering party bollcies ot he io. ‘by The Press later next | [ ts 4 ~— ' \ o ; . ‘ , ; 4 , . a ~ ‘ ‘ oe 4 t # : ‘ Cs ‘ \ £& pt =e! ‘ope THE cd + ay . a Five Judges to Take i ; wif ninisiaaieaibasritegll ~Oa ; Thi ee ——- ami two Rew Wiliam J Circuit: Court judges will take their Frederick ( oats of office tomarrow as sched- Dondero uled, but not before State Supreme 6-Y EAR TERMS Court Chief Justice Jonn R. Deth-+ \ The free will bolun“sixvear ‘Terms: * mers. * * « ° official! hh Frid 4 Bur hersise of Dethmers informed Judge Clark’ the holids in ‘he YOR L ent ay the r Adams by phone today that: posts unt dan m4 due to a death in his family fe ts Tomorrow's Historical cere. ~ ynable.to attend the special 3 p.m’ meny in dudge Frank L. Doty's | ceremony at the Courthouse in Pon- tac i> Instead. Supreme Court dustice George Edwards with -edminister the oaths. To be Judges H. Trying fo Mass. Negro Voters Registering 1,100,000 More in.South ls Goal for Two Groups sworn in are incumbent Russel Holland, Adame ATLANTA ‘APi*s— organizations are starting a are io register an additional 1,100,001 participation in the 1960 presiden . tial election. _* * Leaders of the for the Advancement * National Assn of Colored 1S “Tomorrow Two Negro- southern Negro voters in time or DOTY BOWS OUT before ‘People and the Southern Christian, oe * * Informed sources said president Fisenhower, President De Gat of Frahce and Prime Minister Mee | millan of Britain proposed May 16. in notes handed to “Foreign Minis- Andrei A. Gromyko instead of “sprested. The dates of April 21 or May 4 had been. proposed by Khrus- chev. * * * A change. became necessary be- ‘down from Washthgton bh cause -the West's would have meant would be away from Mascow dur ing the massive May 1 celebrations’ an impossible situation Soviet leader. for original date! and one Khrushchev porary White and new ~urddges? and Stanton -G> Bem Ziem large courtroom will be for mem. ; bers of the Oakland County Bar | Assn... whichcis conducting the [> ceremony and fer friends and relatives of the fixe judges. Philip Prati as tation presi)” derrtaaid he nested that lack of space withgrevent the pubhe trom attending . * * After the judges take (hens oaths, while Placing thea lef hans sens * an open Bible held by Clork4geg>: ister Damel fT Murptn Jr, Yive past presidents of the Bor will help . . . the Judges fato then bh cx judicial DEAFNESS NO HANDICAP — William R. AP Wirephoto robes Wallace Je. a Corpus Christi, Tex., lawyer who The past presidents, will be Da- is totally deaf, can carry on a telephone conxer- receiver and begins the conversation. She ad- PONTIAG ‘PRESS.’ TUESDAY, DI ECEMBER 20, 1959 who is calling. At-her nod, Wallace picks up his: | Grab $3,10 . “Business Places ' + are investigating two was stolen. \ * i a 2s opened for busihess yesterday. - Detectives said they suspec ted that mere than one man took part in the burglary since the missing safe weighed about 400 pounds. The burglars entered by break- been foreed apen from the inside. .The safe had been in the basement. | r- * * A burglary was also discovered ‘at Louie's |Ave., ‘of 442 Kenilworth St. vid (. Pence, Gilbert H. Davis, | sation. His secretary sits across the desk facing. \ vises him what the other party says, with Wal- Williant KR. Beasley, Verne CC, Wallace, dials the number and wdvises the party lace reading her. lips, Hampton and William B. Hart. : - - . man. : . - _ Then the associ Hon Wi i present . Si ; h D t t sagraven aa taal five odo 30 May Die earches Detroit in Vain marking th ceremens ‘for Dog Lost at Railyard teuring Judge Doty will preside rrive A) _ . . : : LO, at the ceremony for the last time ST. THOMAS, Ont. uh =- An ex. hitchhiked 114 miles to Detroit; the He retires Thursday night after 32 vears as an Oakland County cireuit: judge. bench” hausted 17-year-old girl came back | from Detroit last night with only a. leash and an aching heart to show’ Toll: her grueling search for her fost Nafional Safety Council, Estimates Traffic dinty. 'Trov man his life She told her mother by telephone .. she had a-doflar and would live on hamburgers until she found | = pe Talks Today “Burglars pried open a safe and © took an estimated $400 from it, on a proposed addition to the Bald-|Club* of Pontiac Win’ Library parking lot until a ; ‘more thorough survey of parking Britry was gained by breaking a.in the area can be studied, according to Det. Sgt. John A. DePauw. side window, he he said. . Burglaries at _- off Pontiac police detectives today safe ‘burglaries in which somie $3,100 | ‘Louis Tenuta, owner of West Side Recreation, 199 Orchard Lake Ave., found his safe, missing when he Thé 42 by 24 inch metal safe con-' » {tained about $2,700 in cash, he said. by an employe, Ray Collins: Ponder er Revising: < The he in ‘Birmingham’ : ee me : ae ee iplaced on te. April 4 ballot.. * * night's City Commission meeting. At the same time, commission- ers asked that the charter be made to read that the municipal judge be licensed to practice be- fore the State Supreme Court. rather than ‘attorney can clarify. it 60 DAYS PRESCRIBED ing a,rear Window afid dragged the proposed amendment would be! Her body is at Sparks-Griffin the safe- to' a waiting vehicle presented to the voters, it ‘sltould! Funeral Home. through 4 rear goor ™ hich had be done at least 60 days before the * * * relection, City Manager L. told the-commission? Action on the two-year resi- dence requirement for judges Auto Parts, 986 Oakland was taken because the charter,~ / as it new reads, is not elear on . a hid | the subject, Commissioners, deferred ~ * * The. commission felt that until Earl B. Carr, live at 44 N. Jessie in St - in - the parking problem already ithe area could be solved, the addi-| yea hoe going to the library. me | Carolyn, but especially for the Leadership Conference worked out dog ; serite ; oo yn, y fe details Monday at a meeting at- Also attending will be Judge The for 3- -Day Holiday * * * ; put cde spe he "p from xx of-| | Jal OAC. Until a way could be found to | wonderful prayers offered for our tended. -by 23-representatives of odore F Hughes. whose Six-month Judy Ferren’s German shepherd ‘through th foe vee hey “oan ~-potice-the proposed lot for use — daughter,” said Mrs. Carr, + our = > + 7 [i . the two groups term expires at the same time, CHICAGO +AP) The Nati tional Jinty is still lost be : ‘sl ae oeey New te sc of library patrons ~ or the 19 — The Carrg have six other chil- . “ » . - . ai We S ¢ * . * « , . * _ Safely Council today said that 320 Jinty, is -still lost e.. ho one answered her amily of Brief, Routine Agenda spaces that could be made avail- dren, Bonnie, Earl Jr., Judy, Don- Roy WilKins of New, York, .ex- D det T l] (persons may die in Wafhie accie week from her ome in South. ying Jinty Jinty.” “ so able wouldnt warrant the ex- na Sammy and Cindy. ecutive secretary of the NAACP.) on eros to e @edenix over the three-day. New hampton: England, bringing— her. inty, Jin ‘ a“ * for Commissioners at pense, the commission decided. | Carolyn is also survived by her said an intensive campaign would “Year's holiday, weekent. year-old dog with her. Mrs. Gladys! iT ht’s< S While d the dditional grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank ou HS day, Mrs. Glad A NYC official t ht her; oni ession ile discussing~ th a ' be carried out block by block with: Doctors and Bar a a ee re rren, the girl's mother, met her qicker hom “ut ‘poten “ ‘ 9 Hihrary parking lot, Commissioner ‘Diaz of San Antonio, Tex, and the help of state ‘and, local organ Ab ' S | The couneiks statement came in pnd they started on the train io, OI a ) P lLanee W. Minor asked that the +Mrs Emma Carr of Pontiac vans and. civie- groups d} Ou eaway' the wake of the-heavy traffic, Mrs. Ferren’s home here. A’ proposed ssn dine Tops duestion of additional parking be-| ners “He SA ef . a SS f | vear-O jail yO oroce re tops ‘ He death toll over -the~ Christmas, . . . St | iF di t Gi (hind the Municipal -Buildirig be dis-; Sh h Fj {| tf rt ee oa. spend on ine vox f A we ot father oth Son weekend, which was belowNts pre “| nent ce rode aus ty Vek te cel n US ry ives 1 one Ca nda of seagate mate (cussed the next time civic center a Ind y a S a e eam will tell the story ef the St : , Z . : - for the City Commission tonight. |, > before the} would be done by volunteers, ‘Lawrence Seaway Jan. 6 whe nay oe sumare showed that 492 ~Burtalo, There they changed to 5 i e 0 e or * ~ \eoramiesion. om ela e@ one moon x* * * ‘two Oakland = County © profes: per ‘ere kille acares for St. Thomas that y The revision, requested by the, y y The Rev. Martin Luther [sin | sional groups hold a_ special joint Bente. in the TBhour Christmas! lacked aggage car. Jinty rede — (Continued F Pp One , Municipal Court judges and Com- aoe | . Jr. of gMontgomery, Ala..~ presi-'dinner in Bloomfield Hills Iholidayweekend. — from 6 p.mia@_® bagkageccar to Detroit and: 1 onuinued From rage One) | nissioner Milton R. Henry, would Charles M. Dinger TEHRAN, Iran (AP)—The Shah ; ‘a p in |These are ; alike exc P| one on Sorige » Charlee Yinger STpan ~ Lene A Cc ee Christian They are former Congressman | Thursday to midnight Sunday. The that coal take Shee Aa st hanes details. Hike except ‘oF rule persons arrested on bench _bervice for Charles M. Dinger.|of- Iran lett today on his honey: ea érship onference, sal e ;council had estimated a_possible+ ary : . watts. warrents ineligible for jail bonds.|73, of 19116 Hillcrest Blvd., Bev-;moon after delaying his departure | George A. Dondero, who repre- I ; . . campaign * would he nonpartisan 30 Thomas in time for Chris S. * * * erly Hills, wijl be’ held at 1 p.m.jseveral days because"6f his coun- but thaf the groups were “urging) S¢nted the county for 24) years toll of 33 ~ McDonald said retyrns frem The revision also specifies ‘e harder crisic ut that the groups were “urging| ° . * * * But Jinty bolted the car whem ‘ mas a iThursday at ‘the William R. Ham-jtry’s border crisis with Iraq. and fough se ill, | » backirig of“candidates who have a| Kht for the seaway bill, | In its New Year holiday esti-the door was opened and disap-;U™Q Postcard straw poll of work-| that jail bonds are available only Lilton Funerat Home. 3973 Cass Ave + * * : S uve ‘ar Niday est)- e ¢ - i ne é Sap | F ; 7 record of f supporting civ! evil I rights. | who Si) bee on oon - vale imate, the council said nan esti peared in the Now York contrat TS S4Unning about 95 per cent) to persons arrested for, on-the- iDetroit. Burial will beat Ever-) The Shah and Queen Farah, 21 ecome a county ein , Se é sul- peare we wh MATT taor re i oe “ | _ . “ ’ court judge on Jon. '. * | mated IR} traffic deaths would be railyards in Detroit in favor ozejecting the company, sight - ‘“iolations / fot ene oe jgreen Cemetery ‘left for the shores of the Caspian aie recorded durmg-a-nonholiday pe- + * * offer. But he Sent nearly a hun- nances, not staty’ or federaliaws. Mr. Dinger died suddenly at the Sea. As they boarded the ¢oyal es § - ange The 7 p.m. dinner will be stage d) riod of identical length i Judy told her mother. “If 1 dred union subordinates back 10. The purposé of the jail bonds+home of his dayghter, Mrs. "Robert |train, wellwishers shouted, “God iby the Oakland County Medical So- ee could” onh get to Detroit jinty. nel home areas with itstructions| is to give persons arrested for Gray. in Nassau Friday igive you a son!" The Shah div- ciety and Bar Assn. It will be at . ee : w"? ta “igo to work to roll up as a : oo Ve. nc | 4 if t would know my voice if she heard . ~ traffic violations or miSdemeanors| (Controtier for the Fred Sanders lorcec two previous wives for fail- : . . vote as possible against th ns oe fa + e in aris umm a e the Kings zaiey inn * Washington Twp. and-~ would come to me. she panies, Q cote” uns we a a ~chance to stay out of jail at| Confectionery ehain, he had been [ne fo provide him with a made Moscow rr Tt West The senior Dondero was so in \Ex- -Supervisor ‘won't come if anyone else’ calls - x * least “‘atil they are convicted,’ ‘| with the company 40 years. | nit ‘+ * * BUS ”m— the wes em ar . : her : , said Henry> j ; 'strumental in making the seaway ps sy I'd like to see_a 99 99-100ths 54 ~ Mr. Dinger was a member of The «Shah w Farah Dec. %1 owers ‘today agreed to Premier ; . if} The «Shah wed Farah Dec. 2 aes. Fee eer reality that a channe!] was named Dies Alter Crash . , Se Judy got up early Sunday Vole against, MeDonald told his TWO MINOR ews reas a ~\but remained in Tehran when Day request to change the date of aiter him . , morning, took her a and = subordinate union leaders Only two other minor tems are | Iraq was reported moving troops next spring’s summit conference! The di inner next month is part off “The two-car crash in Shelby ¥ an ae on the agenda, both . concerning | France Refuses _|up to the southern border, pre ‘in Paris. | the society's Speakers series rEownship Saturday which cost ‘a* A | property matters. L | sumably in support of Iraqi claims -2-Year Residence Ruling ‘tor J udge to Pi ontiac | Police. Probing BIRMINGHAM—A pro seare the Detroit Golf Club and the De- © harter amendment requiring thatitroi@Yacht Club. all eandidates for the office of ‘municipal judge be residents two _yéars prior to election will be’ ‘brother, ‘The decision was made at last Another proposed charter_amend-| ‘ment that would make the office of constable an appointive position | elective was tabled until next Monday. so the city i. “ Missionary Chureh. Burial. will be - If the commission decides that,at White Chapel Cemetery in Trov R. Gare! action, Queen tone Or in the rear of the library. used by persons other) Go on ‘Ballot Sufviving-are his wife, Mayme. his daughter, two. sistefs, Miss Emma Dinger, and Mrs. Fred Bourquin, both of Ferndale. a August, of Detroit, two~ grandchildren, and a great-grand- child, eeeemeneneee Service for Carolyn Thursday Funeral service for €arelyn Car: -year-old leukemia victim, will be at 1:30 p.m. Thursday at United Carolyn succumbed to the fatal iblood disease yesterday after six days in St. Joseph Mercy Hospital. During that time, people sent’ ‘the child nearly. 4,000 Christmas cards; Carolyn was ‘named Christmas — last week by the Boys’ * * bg A floral crown which the club gave her will rest in the . coffin. Carolyn’s -parents, Mr. and Mrs. | “We want to thank everyone, not only for the cards and pres- | ents and money they sent —— Sunday claimed) One involves future right-of- way tO Admit That ‘to Irdniar-held land near the Aba Ike, Top Aides Talk . its econd victim this morning | Cj f B 5 ‘for extension of Pontiac road wes st, H S ,dan’ oil refinery. ; Cad 1S " One-time ashington) —— t ik of North Perry street, the other} ren . Township Supervisor Grover J on | y US it e icating ofa small,-unused parcel) awall ‘Ss a tate Soys Pet Skunk Shy on N- Ban Extension jPowell, 70, of 3686 Cherokee .Dr.; ; los ‘to Universal Qil-Seal Co., 34 W:}. WASHINGTON (UPI) — AM. { iW ashington’ Township. He served Tew negotiating session was. "Kennett Rd. Hawaii wants { F is | £OLU MBIA, S.C. (UPT?—Little ' a \24 years as Township supervisor’ | scheduled for 1:30 pm. today a | Liber “ “lite t ternite’’—_.| "| JoarAlgie today asked that any- : AUGUSTA. Ga PR Fifteen! before resigning to ‘become Ma-| an effort to end the 24-day Pontiac write CGal he, oraverms | one finding_her Mhissing pet be - ‘iJ’ 27, as they had originally, jhigh administration offic lals topped'comb County Welfare Commissjon- ‘bus strtke. and the \same air mail postal rate careful becatse— the pet was by’ President FisenHower’and two! er in 1954. | * * * ~) Avon Two. Drivers enjoyed | by the other 49 states “shy.’" Joan may find that who- of his cabinet today began a con-| The first_vietien of th ; | State mediators arranged the of the Union. } ever comes on the pet>w:ill be “ Hference which is expected to Tee ad| wa Thos * As ve accident | {meeting at the Hotel Waldron for H {| C Ili ris is the mu of a minor even .mbre shy. It's a deodor ‘fo continuing into 1960 the vos Rlerk aN hd r m ". of 6083 | representatives of National City ur in 0 ision contretemps which has cropped red unk. “ na ‘ban on. nifclear. Weapons-tests Blacks ; Je hae foun ied | . ‘Lines, Inc, and: 38 striking drivers Lo up between the youngest state of ized s Thirteen of the conferees came Clemens oseph Hospita ount Vand mechanics of Pontiac Two Avon Township drivers were the Union and the oldest ‘ally of | : » plane ars City Lines. Ine injured Monday when their cars! the United Mates. . ’ “CORRECTION ba no copter to the tem- Powell's «wile. Bernice, wHo is) © : * * * ‘collided at the Intersection of Offictaly here, including Sen." House at the Augusta! postmaster of the village of Wash-; 3 A dispute over wages he as also Ri ovkpsters and Auburn roads, ac. Hiram Fong (R-Hawaii), are din Tom's Super Market ad | National Golf Club ington, was thrown’ clear by the resulted in strikes against National cording to sheriff's deputies. | confident an amicable settlement i which tppeared in Satur- None would discuss with report-impact and suffered only minor City Lines subsidiaries -in SAgin: iw McAlister Stoek, 37, - of 425) Year ental possibly: by New | day's Press through error, a'érs the subjects: which might. come | bruises. land. Kalamazoo... | ' South Bivd., and Klotylda M. L, Year's Day | nei was up. : The accident took place at the . | * a" * . Hartshorn, 17, of 680° Auburn Rd.,, x * " , | Pe cr They sho wid ~ : intersection of Auburn and*Ryan | Negotiations ar@écfeduled to re- were treated at St. The postal discrepancy came , y 7 Northeast Pounded by Snow, Ice Storms By The Associated Press Snow .and ice storms: pounded Midwest the Northcast today, weather which dealt damaging The Weather Full U.S. Weather Borean Report NTIAC AND VICINETY—Light snow, oetasionaliy mixed with freesin this mrerning. Light snow this aftérneon. diminishing to flurries tonight, Wednes- day partly cloudy. Colder today and to- night, Little temperature change Wetese- lerate to heavy snow was in pros- day. Bi ny ae Wari dow tonight 24. High wees ay 84. Northeasterly winds 15- Se. pect over much of Massachusetts; seph- Merey Hospital for lip and Pappas, who has moved from the ington, the first ballistic missile stocky Osborn attended the Uni- — ; jand Rhode Island i ichest cuts and released The acci-/fownship. Verhey’s term will’ ex- Nuclear submarine which will be versity of Missouri for two years xowest compereiote preceding eam, Sleet, freezing rain. hail, snow! dent happened at 1:30 a.m 'pire in April 1961 ‘commissioned Wednesday at the and won Appointments to both the bem: wind ‘velocity 8-12 mph jand fog crippled trayel and cut off ae He lives with his wife and two: Electric Boat Division of General) | Naval Academy and West~ Point. ‘Northe 3 ‘electricity in many parts of New a ichlren at 4432 Cheeseman St. A Dynamics Corp, : ‘but chose the former because ° he = Sayer Tuesday at 5.08 ym tm ISork state during the night. Mod- Postmaster Miller life-long, resident of Waterford ne former because Moon sete Tuesday at 5:30 p "" Moon rises Wettnesday at 2 5 am Downtown Temperatures € am. a7 1) avn 27 7 am . 12m... 2 8 a.m 26 lpm 29 - § am «26 10 a.m. 7 : » Monde: ‘in Pontiac “(as recorded dewntews) . * temperature. ..... 48 Nas Sioperature Bs MMpeTMPUKe oc ee cee 38, “Weather--Rein : ‘One Year Age t aes is Poatiae € 2 re a 2 ” — 18.8 ‘Lowest Tem atures * Date te in 81 Vents cht in 199 ae a repeat. per-) formance of the blustery wintry) roads, Powell had told Shelby " SARE Township police he had stopped | and saw no ‘ather ear approach. * sume tomorrow . + reer ad — Hospital -and released. Joseph ‘Mercy , light recently when Hawaiians ' protested that French authori- “| thes were charging nearly twice | much to send an. air mail have read: Canada Dry Club Soda eee WES e | . ‘ | as ne before’ entering (he intersec- JOHN VERHEY W ‘Il H it : ‘E ° | letter from Paris to-Honolilu as or Ginger Ale ' ion. e | _¢ [ | ) | e to Alaska and, the continental --Dense fog appateht!, obscu a United States, Botte 39° Powell's car from_Smith who co ater or WD. ; French officials were. ret ne | hide d with it, officers said rom a postage stamp stand. | ' . ne Mus t, . Ye) ys s ki | per | point, to admit Hawaii to the | The Kraft's Miracle Whip ’ blows. ACTOSS Widg areas of the Union. Hdevest over fhe weeks _** Ortonvile Man Injured Trustee Named "They classified the islands as | Compon should Zi960. " e storms in the Midtwes Sf ap. t of the remote Pacific Postal peared diminishing, Only light aos Lar Strikes T Tree GROTON, Conn, (UP — The; “The Washington is a deterrent 1 part ot veratehed out the note. EXPIR JAN. 2. . snow and snow mided with rain) An Ortonville man was injured Je h V ] man whose responsibility it willbe’ foree whose purpose is to_let™am't tion U.S.A." on Hawati-bound Th Pontiac -P John Verhey Replaces | — und | e Pontiac -Press fell in the upper Mississippi Vall ey sl lightly this morning when his car y P unleash the denier Palani vane hd Pe ne ee Kan Mt nine as_ | mail. | : Charles Pappas; Was Runner-Up _ in Election and the Great Lakes region ;went out of control on a curve of. Pe arenes armed missile has declared, “ The blizzard-like storms blew in-’ Montealm street neal Spence street! as declared, have to hit, we'll hartd.as he can hit us,” Osborn If we) said./ ‘And when you reach the to the Northeast on stuif-northerly, and struck a tree said. P age ever hit. And, point where the winner is hurt as winds. Heavy snow \ arnings were Police ‘ *, sal i Ponttac there won't be a second's hesita- badly as the leser .there’s no rposted for r New Hampshire, Ver-| * * * The Waterford Fownship Board tion, | point_in fighting.”’ — : |mont and southern Maine. Mod-| Richard R Baker. 24. of 2343 last night appoirlted John Verhey.| Cmdr, James B, Osborn, 41, is; x &® .erate to heavy snow "west, | Allen Rd., was treated at St. Jo-/33, a8 trustee to replace Charles was the Township, he is employed by the. © Detroit Edison Co. as a meter ine | « stallation inspector. out- if F Postmaster Robert C, Miller has) areas look in) many * “ As the snow: abated in the many highways and Leads Dimes March Mid- roads * .Verhey. was a--close runner-up | among nine candidates. in’ the skipper of the-USS-George Wash- ~ remained clogged with snow, ing hundreds of motorists stranded, Blowing and drifting. siows ham- pered snow removal operations. The stormy, . windy across most areas from: the Plains to New England has caused wide- jspread damage and inconvenience to millions since. Christmas. “At least nine deaths were attri- buted fo the storms. Traffic acci- dents on ice or snow-slicked /high- ¥ 4 ways killed three persons in. Maine 96, 68/8Md two each in Kansas, Wiscon- § #isin and Towa. $3 Communications and powe er, serv- 3 #8 ice were disrupted in many areas: # US| Ice-coated . lines- broke and high PB winds pulled down wires; Plane #/and bus travel was halted in many 3) Miplaces, curtailed in others, ‘Ship- es airs many Eastern perts was: ‘sal od Mieiy bya dense: Tog. Wve leav- weather \ been named chairman of the pon tiac aréa volunteer corps for the new March of Dimes campaign that begins ‘Saturday. ok * The Rev. G. Burton Hodgson, county volunteer. chairman, who made the| announcement, said: ) * “We art Mr. Miller Jead the March of Dimes _ in the Pontiac area, He. is eminently ‘suited fo the task and is an enthusiastic, public-spirited gen- tleman with the determination to make the drive succeed.” Fs New! York City is: the largest market for. kosher meat in the world ~4,800,000 pounds a- week, of which about 87 per ‘cent is beef, pleased indeed ‘to have; April 1959 election fer the Town- ship Board trustee position-whicl pays $20 per meeting=_ Most of last night's meeting was devoted to a diséussion of the fu- ture water-sewer project, the con- ‘expired positions 6n the Township zoning board, and the’ éstablish. ment of -a pubtic skating rink, Recreation Director Tom Belton requested that plans be expedited for construction of the rink at the Fish Hatchery. Board members ta- rbled’ the: thatter until. they receive recommendations from the Recrea- tion nes, ss There are 4647 siilen ‘of railway jn Alabama as compared wiff 2,- * a” cent at and 5 5 per cert cs : ¢ ee : a Sign tains afore area. Cee os an sideration of 12 applitants for threé po / which. meets Jan. 6.) 152. miles in Arizona. which. cael A native of Stockton, Mo.. .could enter a year earlier. * * * served on surface ships until 194: when he became a submariner. * * * Osborn took a_ postgratiiate course fit: Annapolis- and won master’ bower behind” the: missile. he fficer of the USS Tunny, a con- '-e~ventional submarine, but the first of the guided missile carriers. the ’ He was commissioned an ensign 12 days before Pearl Harbor arid egree in mechanical en- eering at Rensselaer. Polytech- Institute. One of his 'speciali-| ties is jet propulsion engines — the born was first commanding Since hig assignment early. this year as “prospective skipper of the George Washingtbn, Osborn _ has had little time; for anything but the ship, It has left him little op- et ee oi Through Error This portion of our advertisement yesterday was in- Correct . ... it should have read as it appears here: CARPET Remnants. = SIZE St. 97°'x26" “| Carpet 12'x11" 12'x14/10" ” sagnples, 3 | colors and gualitie | Very heay ¥ “DESCRIPTION constr ue tion. WAS __| NOW $9.95) $ 1.95 “$129.98 Selection of “AN | ¥ool | looped Soft green coloring | | All wool carpet remnant: small pattern in gold tones. sil $213.04 $222.50) $129:50 12'x12'11” a green, Wilton cons Wool carpet. remnant in ‘tigurea urea! $234.63) $149.95 truction.. -15°x13'6"- 7 ge and Fg irene Png dur-|: abl carpet yar $236.48) $159.50 15'x: LY 9” ee Tee TT Tee on strong, ee ‘cleaned Acrilan tn ple n brow $269.75| $189.50 Jigntis: looped, sone ‘eriian ‘Beige tweed .. $185.62| $154.50 re 1 o—— feammenit “atixed colors of green and red $299.95 | $169.50 Wool. Wilton. Light in scroll design 1S'x17’ Ba brown, color wea es ede eed $378.92| $239.50 Irxi6s" = -| Hard twist velvet, pit green, THOMAS ECONOMY , FURNITURE, COMPANY | 361 § ‘Saginaw Street : reés¢. 13} $169.50 Hits Heights * ; Michigan Farmers « -Cut-Hog Output, __ foot high-.building erane, which. _..Mawby mounted in spite of rain, te rs < & PONTIAC PRESS, TU ESDAY, ‘DEC EMBE When Spiri t Moves Him ° LONDON (UPD. = Jt was-an old, oitt-story .in-a London court room- Monday. , ~ There was John: J. Mawby. ; again. The charge was drunken- ness, again. The reason was Mawby’s penchant for climbing towering. _building eranes, which he did again last Saturday. ok * * Mawby, -it seems, likes to go high when he gets~high,.-He climbs™the 4irst crane in sight. . Last Saturday night he .did: it- for the third time in and get him. collapsed ~when. two earthquakes hit the area id ee - ° ts : ~ : * Raji. Makers WN Solve Storm Puzzle man who is drunk could, never climb at all.” Ww ASHINGTON (UPI) — Weath- was attended by 31 meteoroligists | researchers believe that rain- and statisticans from the United, Christmas Eve. stypyed by the ee ee 2 “You seem to be causing con; siderable trouble in Croydon," said thé magistrate, jailing Maw- by for a month. The report said more research must be carried out “if we are ever to tame the ocean at every man's door’ — ‘the atmosphere. ‘making® experiments may provide | ‘the key_to control of hail, lightning. land violent storms as well as to ‘rain and snow.” { » > 2 | are—eutting down on hog produes\ They feel that the early eeonomic LANSING (#— Michigan “fahmwers| The scientists said. rain-making} lresults of cloud-seeding are less efforts in the past decade have) oe kt * * limportant than the basic infor- contributed to weather knowledge | , imation. such. experiments might, But, they~continued, “The eco-| « a > : The State-Federal Crop Report |p poduce on’ the mechanics of the nomic value of wes ymall degree of control over rain- ing Service said yesterday the fall | weather ~ pig crop was estimated. at 639,000, | ee ee | down 4 per cent from a year | These conclusions were made in sures which have tended to dilute earlier. la report hy the National Academy the scientific quality of some Sows arid gilts tarrowing were of Sciences on “The Skyline Con- weather -» modification experi estimated at 91,000, or about 1,000 ference on the Design and Con- ments.’ more than in the fall of 1958. {duct of Experiments in Weather! ‘Such experiments, the report x ik ® | Moiific ation."’ --said, should be cargied out re- Farmers reported intentions to! The conference was held last peatedly over a long “period of farrow an equal number of sows, (May 1-3 at Big Meadows Lodge'time under scientific and gilts next spring, or 13 .per/on { the Skyline drive in the Shenan-. In a statement issued cent fewer than farrowed in the/doah National Park in Virginia. It report, the academy said: spring of 1959. ' a was attended by 31 meteroologists “There are strong scientific rea- aoe a ee . -. _ ; ; auspices with the A perfect party dip | And exciting new dressing - nan ~ 3 SAVORY FLAVORS FRENCH ONION | BACON & HORSERADISH ~ BLUE CHEESE ind wv : se Geet nan rineeptone 4 a ; ua hs ye we ’ The pertect party dip Crackers; potato chips, party ‘snacks and a eating new ‘dressing: Seattst Dip ‘N Dressing lets you "raw vegetables can.be dipped right in. Creamy-smooth Sealtest Dip 'N by te is the easiest, most ee ever 250 injured. obtaining even a. “fall has*created undesirable pres-| EALTEST ‘DIP N DRESSI spoon excitingly’new and tempting flavors onto salads and cooked eee as well-as meat and-fish. Foreign Ce nsorship Easeq_ ea - eee a ee ee 2 i : ' ere a ist a rf R29, 1959 2 Eisentiower's recent “internationn!: trip, an interesting and major as.) pect went. virtually ithe ‘American public. This was ithe fact that reporters were pp- ‘erating freely and. without fear ‘in many lands where such activity is exceedingly pare. - | In Turkey, for example, there iwere-reporters and editors.in jail leven while Eisenhower was. beiag cheered jin the streets of Anicara? jjailed because they had printed ‘things critleal df or: displeasing to ithe. administration of President, |Bayar ; . Met, with the American Pres- | ident in tewn, reporters with him “ operated as they would in Wash. , | ingten or New. York. If the | traveling» quaking, earth, sons apart {rom economic ‘for concentrating initial research | Secfetary along the lines of _brecipitation ‘sists, just short of-an ugly diplo- control. ;matic incident, that a car be) “These include- the possibility Placed an the proce ssion for re-, that “the key might therein be porters of the two-American -press | associations and the British, and ‘found to unlock the entire mystery French news agencies. " ‘6f energy balance in weather sys- tems — ability to control not only rain isnow, btit also hail, lightitfng, vielent storms.” and sociation, iplaeed in the CAN'T ALL BE FIRST one of its “wire ear.” Almost 58,500 Men ‘From State i in Service ~ ‘(president cannot ridecat the head laf. the procession. This- would re- (UPI) — Nearly-08,900 quire too many: veliicles. on active duty, LANSING Michigan men are - 5 . associations - So, the press are in the military services as 1959 a S tape Toa . idraws to a close, State Selective placed within afew car lengths of € t t a Leh.) « € ‘ » He . ie ‘the chief executive so they ci Service headquarters reported to- ‘ ‘ ; 4 an day. watch him -- and the crowds —-at ay. . all times - * * * ‘ . , “ oO In the United States, this is Col, Arthua Holmes, stale direc- standard procedure —for the two itor, said “an additioral 21,450 men’ 4 merican press ‘associations. And Vere var ar es ; "Acer e | - | ae neludh nh reads reserve abroad, Hagerty insists on the: 7 . Y > 2 S . 4 7 lua *. i including the National came right for the British and +Uarc - French agencies ‘if they have _men . movihg with Eisenhower Louisiana™. total area has been - * * * Tincreaséd by 36 squé are miles by}. When the President was in Spain the Miss? issippi river's silt deposits ast week. tthe presence of Re — a var- ...all in one Just r owe ONE HALLS Pint. Reporters Got Freee During. President's Trig -unnotited by, providing man with the| Then Hagerty suggests that ff) and the local country has a press as-, men also be: The reason behind this system All the reporter's: traveling with a) DOZENS OF USES. a : QUICK AND EASY - ight for potato salad, cold cuts DRESSING SMM PATBINTES et ete. fet, RVR VIM, boa ‘PoeTanane, HMFOUITCR Kea. tite 5 POON, Seat PA TPACT ed sere 27 ee TRPRRSK NG “saa WR ASX Ti uN AK HO 6 a By MERRIMAN. SMITH . ‘oad of ee porters int the parade a os WASHINGTON (UPI. Back. few feet away “from: Eisenh re Pybyes: hk Soe peer h ey | stairs at ‘the White House: land Generalissimo Fra, “isco Fran: ~~ In the. scurrying of Péesident: Was about as history-making Store’ opens at Bina and, closes at 6 POM. panty OF time to as thé visit of the Amer tan pres- shop for these ‘ONE- ORION BUYS Rights reserved fo bs ident, himself, oe quaritities. . Never before in history had a. “journalist,”. as reporters — are called in Eurepe, been pernittted to. move in procession close to | the algust -Generalissinio. | And Spain “Ts- another country; where the newspapers.simply do‘ not speak pearly of » Head of, State — not if they Want to stay! in business : } i | i Top Highway Designer to Quit State Post LANSING (UPhi Carlos A, ‘Weber, recognized as on® of the eree- ” . ‘I nation’s top road design experts, White—Ivory—Tan Big 14x22-Inch—-RUBBER‘. ;will end nearly 40 years of service WINDOW SHADES SCRAPER BAIS with the State’ Highway Depart- ~ iment this week ' , Weber, 58, the department's chiet| Reg. ¢ $1.49 e. fnsunee, will retire officially Jan, $1.29 Value to become vice president of. a : “arent : ansing construction supply firm. |[E Cut to measure——up to 36 inches | Link’ tire scraper mat really | ~ ——~ ; ~~ while you wart. Complete | cleans dirt and. mud off shoes. | with roller, No-limit—choice of | For porches, doorways, etc. Black Factory Representative Here 3 colors ; ’ only b y 4 i n WEDNESDA Y—2 to 3:30 P.M. Co vcceevercevesccecoscscccoscoseassocesoeees \ REMINGTON 4 Soa Royal Express 100% Pure —~ Electric Shaver bh. hj | MOTOR OIL RECONDITIONED , 2 Full f . ADEN —While You. am ‘yy Size jt ee OA aco Reg. $1.95 Wait Secvice— HY 4, / s tLe 2-Gal. Transparent PLASTIC Storm Window Kit Reg. S0c 3 3 ¢ PACK of 2 Full 36x72-inch size moulding and nails Ce eeeceeeccesccceccccsecosoecaucesscegoocees Rustproof ““LUSTRO-WARE” PLASTIC Toilet Brush — with PLASTIC: BRISTLE BRUSH Parts Extra e@ OILED ~ @ ADJUSTED @® STERILIZED @ CLEANED 1" Choice of 10-20-30 BAE grades Pac- . tory sealed 2-gallon cans. Limitfour Complete with gallons Limit 2 packs . SIMMS SERVICE—Remington fac- tory representative will be in our. store every Wednesday of every week SIMMS.8. Regula ‘ Electric Shavers —Main Floor $2.98 Retail As shown unbreakable poly plastic holder im assorted colors, has cleanser shelf and brush holder. tor. Limit ! OOOO tent ucenocebevescesococe, Me BISSELL SHAMPOO MASTER Rug Cleaner Applicator Leakproof. bot- Regu lar $7.95 Simple to use— professional re yet vy ou get sulf§ with this rug cleaner applicator- com ~ plete with easy: to imnstructions 1.95 Can of Liquid Cleaner—22 Ounces. follow oD iad $2.95 ille’ DRAPES Value’ -S 29 > 2 Pairs for $2.50 . © * Luxurious by, eres 66x90 -inch sizes in variety of colors, i cccccccecteveccccccccccceseBeccccccccccccces * Big Lot of SHEET BLANKETS: 72x95-In. 100°, Cotton Santorized blanket in Iilac color only. Stitched edges. E 70x80-In.—BEACON Double bed size in flora. pet- -terns, satin binding Choice of 4 Styles E TD 40 80-inch widths— 108-inch 4engths. Each Double Sheet Biankets Green plaids in 72x108-in, stze Stitched edges, easy to wash with ~ overlays, chenille up te as Durable C ORDURO Y - Ladies’ CAPRI. Pants $2.95 Quality 1” “Double corduroy parits with fitted bottom legs, zipper A VE RICAN . Made Child’s SLEEPERS .. Cs PX Original $1.50 Soft: cotton knits with-- plastic sole feet, grip. , back. Choice. of | per fasteners, and ny- — assorted colors “in lon” reinforced neck sizes 8 to 18. Rages, polors.. : a Sixes 1 to 4 sbi i el REA RN ~ Uneven Pile early today in moderately active trading. Gains and losses of most key. stocks were fractional. ~« * * A few special situations livened up the mayket. Ampex rebounded more thah 5 points at the start) before shaving a point from the | rise. The firm's president atqg Am- _pex.has been studying for years the thermoplastic tape process of recording and would be among the first to offer it when and tf it becomes practical. “Ampex had declined sharply in| ’ previous..sessions following news that a General Electric scientist had developed Such a process. a a ae Philip Morris rose more: than a point and ASR products advanced! a sizable fraction, making a good! percentage gain for this stock, on news the two companies were talk- ing merger. _ Goodyear’s new stock, start: ing to trade following the 2-for-1 split, was down more than @ point on a pro rata, basis, , Steels, motors, rails, oils and aircrafts Were norrowly mixed. Most chemicals were fractionally |2 - lower although DuPont picked up about a point. ‘ * * * Most electronics were unchanged! to a bit lower. An exception, Texas) jand Instruments, fell about 4. The trend _ was fairly firm among nonferrous metals and mail order-retails is- sues, The ticker tape was late brief- ly in the opening flurry, then trading settled down to a more routine pace. Opening blocks included: Ampex. up 5% to 110 on 9,000 shares; Goodrich off 34 at 85'2 on 4,000; | General Motors unchanged at Me 4 at Olt on 2,000. New York Stocks (Late Morning Quotations) | ; } : Lone | DETROIT, Dec. 28 (AP)—Eggs fob wife said he never. knew of her/to consider a Yugoslav extradi- ; “ys - Figures after decimal points are eighths. Detroit in “Sase lots federal state! DETROIT iw — Business activity ‘yelations with other men. tion request and Pavelic fled the future will grow at a some- | graded: s what higher rate than. it has in . ~ ’ Whites—Grade A extra large 38: large will get off to such a fast start in) again. Admiral 22.5 Kresge. 88 31.3) 34; medium 31: Grade B large 31;) News in re ‘the first six months of 196 that | the past 50 ee Atr Reduc 8 Kroger ve 323 Browne-—Orade Up large 34; medium 31;/ tendencies to | the last half| Earlier this month, he’ was ‘re kt * aed Ch 1, 118.2 LEAR |.---- 186|ehecks 20. endencies to lag in é Lawmen Rescue ported working with Paraguayan) The , d Allied trp. $35 LOF Giese «04 Commercially graded: | About $50 in change was takeniof the year should be offset, a secret police in interrogating cap- report warns a depression | Alum Ltd ..... 336 Lig Moy . ist lange 3237: rietge, 3035. eqaediur 21-28; trom a cash register and afi unde-/Ford Motor Co. economist predict-|¢ tured Paraguayan invaders. But ‘could upset the prediction. On the Alcoa 106.6 Lockh Airc .. 31 |small 22-24; Grade Brrfiirge 26-32\|+ ined t of ttes stol-|ed today. : _ other hand, it adds: ‘Actually, we Am Airlin -- 43) Lone § Cem .. 28.2/Browns — Grade ft omg lars, yn by thieves wh broke into Stark! George P Hitchings of Ford! apparently he made his way t0/can enjoy an even higher rate of S : 2 Lone 8 Gas .. 30 |medium 2; small 22;. Grade argejen by jeves who broke into star eorge . Fe Spain ‘ , am M& Fey: 402 Lorillard |. 35-4 ated. Pharmacy, 880 S. Woodward Ave., ‘said the gross national product un- Star From Gals ‘yong before World War II growth if we try. . am it Cl aa fog Mack Trk 48.2 yesterday, according to Pontiac: ‘doubtedly will surpass the. 500 bil- | . Pavelic was sought in half a doz- The report was made Monday Am N Gas 5g Martin Co “2 ° Polic on do ual rate for the first} LONDON (UPI) —_ Television)... ; by the staff of the Senate-House Pol lion dollar annual r for t AmBmelt $3.1: Merck, ....... 80.2 olice. : en countries for terrorist plots and Am Tel & Tei 162 Merr Ch & S 165 ee nion time early in the year. cowboy star Robert Horton was) nojitical assassinations, includin Economic Cortimittee and was Am Tob ......107.5 Mpls Hon to‘ An estimated $31 was stolen from. rescued Sunday night by police - : | based.on a survey of [views of Amacom ety aba Monsan Ch. $43] R a s/ a se a vending machine by thieves who) “Trends in the total economy | ion screaming female fans those of me Alexander of YU80-| economists and other. specialists. Arhour& Co. 345 Mont Ward .. 52.7) p | for the last half of 1960 are dif- a hs ee slavia and French Foreign Minis- Mot Wheel 33.4 broke into the G&E Service Sta- mobbed him backstage after he : : A notation in the 500-page report Aveo Cor a8 Motorola a tion, 3498 Pontiac Lake Rd., Wa- ne 10 forecast win beam salt |appeared at the Palladium Theater ter Louis * then .” |said_committee members. neither! py 44? co! ac Stz | © gs sa _— in-a variety show |approved nor dis ved’ t po earte st Nat Gach RK irs Advertising he ford TE erdey Su ite Po- forces which will shape this pe- ide variety show * _He was born July 17, 1889) the aa cments made sappro sal he Bond Strs ... 212 Nat Dairy. 93) tice repo ; Oe, | riod are not yet fully developed. | : ‘son of-a Croatian railroad worker. ai, ; Brit Me ata Nat dens. ; "106.2 WASH NGTON (UPL — The an acetylene torch and 50 feet) «tt pow appears. however, that Horton. 35, star of she western He studied law at the University UP T0:4.5 PER-CENT Budd Co 25.6 NY Centra 283} rotested | .¢ . ; - appears. 1 . thal series ‘Wagon Train,” was pushe . ; ree 3° Nor ‘Pac. 3 Ste edt or advertising of hose, valued at $75, were Te-lthere will be conflicting forces Of and shoved by the girls who ripped slanity in tbe Troatn ede end re ee the “annual ece- Cee tal Ali! | 127 Nor Sta pw | 234) 2S) OT ne ported’ stolen yesterday from thé expansion and contraction in the off his tie and then began ripping e Croatian independ-|nomic growth should be 3.4 per fate 3h.. 214 Ohio ON 366 by steel management concerning | Monson Steel Works. 64 Wessen| ce c h st DIS | vegan ence movement by defending nu-|cent a year, if unfavorable factors Cater Trac "344 Owens ME GI 102-4) powder m” time permitted second half of 1960 which should’ off his buttons. Police took him to} merous’ Croats charged with ; & Ob. | 651 Pac G&EI 642 POWSET TOO roughly offset one another. ~ ; . : po-jare assumed; 3.9 per cent, if Chivsier” |. 687 Pan A W Air °17/women tin workers. : ; his hotel where he locked himself) litical crimes. 01 timistic fact } Cities Sve’... 47.2 Panh Ep! 14) arthur J. Goldberg. general Kelvinator to Up Total “The most likely prospect is for|in and unhooked the telephone. wo m ea Op d c factors are as ee Gas 1.7 Parke. Da $ counsel for the Steelworkers said P od ction Employes maintenance of total business ac- He was quoted as telling police | wt \ uy. an 4.5 per cent, ‘wit we Gon Edis... 383 Penner. JC “).a22 ann roauct tivity and auto buying ciose to the jin his d rodm. “Gee. I'm| aj 7. ee Pw 533 Pa RR ~~... 'is4|he would file a formal complaint . . i) in his dressing n, Gee, tm Sa S Dad R ] x~ * * a a aks of the first half. | ; S ole Eset cara SS pie SUH HE siwith the Federal Trade Commis:| GRAND RAPIDS (UPD = Amer Pe ‘ sear ney det fe on the YS MAGS MOLE’ | Numerous changes in federal! Cont Mot .... : “pow. |; Fe tr tlesish ; Cont Oil }2, Phelps D ".. $86/sion about an ad Concerning "pow jican Motors Corp.'s Kelvinator Di-| Hitchings “torec st seven million|in Americ of P unisher Not _|policies were advocated. . Corn Pa 55.4 der time’ and against a second | yjgj ll boost the ber of a.’ ak k « Cartis Pub. 11.6 philll Pet 46.3) ber of\v a number of itSinew car retail sales and said this . a Deere 47 prot 891lwhich dealt with the number Ol| production employes to 3,800 before ; - ; : These include: Revision of the Det | Edis 424 Pure Oil 36.1) ¢: 1 , increase of one million over 1959 ¢ J Dis € Seat 33) Revublic sii #7 firemen at a U.S. Steel furnace. |the end of next month, it was an-|yil] be due in part to regaining Rich Diamond Deposit administration's tight credit and Bow chem 913 Ret Ce (| “We've had our fill of this mis- /nounced yesterday. some sales lost in the 1958 business ry; d in Russi SPOKANE, Wash. uw» — Father| high interest tate program; aboli- Ean ate L “8 Re To sat reading adver ot ie la division spokesman said th: at recession iscovered in kussia is ‘one most likely to 00m ca b tebe: revision ott federe) national! eas y* Roral Dut 43 | told a presidential board of Mm’ Si ‘ cone _ : ; es at’s the conclusion rea . Eaton we 8s Stores Pap kaa) Quiry, p {jin the past few weeks 200 workers He said consumers will go into | MOSCOW \# — Soviet geolo-| john G, Curry, assistant professor encourage investment and saving; El & Mus is Seare Rory to {|were added to the weekly payroll, debt at a record rate in the-first |gists have found a rich new dia-| o¢ sociology at Eastern Washing- streamling administration of the Emer Rad 16 Sinclatr soe An ad-:carried in newspaper ‘yringing production employment up half of the year to finance cars mond deposit along the upper OP calle _ cite rapenaenilra i Federah, Reserve System: stiffer|gm Ex-Cello mi Socony | 33 3 Monday said that during World 4 > BOO | ang other goods, and added that Visher River in the northern arents, ge. r wing | enforcement of antitrust ‘laws; in-| Food Mach 49.7 Sperry Ra 234 War Il, workers at one plant'were, = 9" : auto credit alone will have4o ex- | Urals Covi awe: Ford Mbt 8 Std Brand 184 permitted to quit44 minutes early | et * OF vam hy more_than three billion l rals. the Soviet news agency The father’s fole chiefly is the creasing federal aid to education! Freep Sil 25.8 Std Oil Cal 9iF 4q The new hiring, which was’ de- F y mor n tr Tass said today, task of making children ob and distressed’ ‘areas:~ increasing] Ger Bak. try SG OL Ina 2 sto “wash up" and to-vatch buses), 64 by the steel strike, will bring] dollars to finance a seven million t+ oe ot ‘Curry told the North vest ehentic unemployment benefits. _ 4. 3td Oi 475 . ite . \ u .) Cc | Gen Elec 833" 51g Of On 52 Which Were running on short-war ‘|to full force. the workers needed | car year. Tass said development of the| Assn. Monday. “Fatherhood, th gen Mos *? sore gp + B32 time schedules. ‘Yor producing the 1960 model ap-| Auto credit in 1959 expanded by deposit should increase diamond od » en sn Gel & a Su) Ost s:1| The management - paid ad pro | pliances, the spokésman said. P| \two billion dollars. | productien. in the Urals tenfold. ~ A function represent in aly: Seven U.S. vice presidents have Gen Time 1092 Swift & Co 16.4) tested thafalthough the war was | , pe 6 able function.-- ied during their terms. Gen Tire 784 Tenn Gas Se ——| in Il d ring t Genesco, Texaco... #3. ‘over and bus service restored to! - = be Fepers aati erivers y tend to Goebel Br 3 | Tex G Bul 17 4'normal, the Union insists that the = é more ra tional, : nan tothers|f] Goodrich 834 Tran W Air. 18.7! /15-minute washup time has been ing and demanding than ers A 1 Tent cen *87lestablished as a “local working and, hence, reveal hed Ga ou 107 Underwood 4 «condition and must continue. in their training methods. Hammer Pap . 33.5 Un Carbide ee 2 Home 13 BPM Indust. Ray 0198 Grit Aire. 21 ] F H pp C p. B | ine Rane $2.2 nit Fruit 27, ‘ ower rain ares U or U Ss eA TL US Lines ~{Two Fe Fi “All F OFS r . . ed ~ - Int Bus Mch US_Rub 62 | | Bet. 2! 255" for Detroit Region {Iwo Fannon Firms Int Nick ..... 109.4 US Tob 23.3! Ing Paper 131.2 Upjohn aa) ie of Wet Giver 32a Van Rael 344, BALTIMORE ou — The Balti- ~ | CLEVELAND ® — Hupp Corp. Int Tel fe Tel 38.2 wien. 48.2 ore and Ohio: Railroad has re- Monday announced acquisition of . sl Crk Coal . 347 Wat Un Tel 49.7) : . Johns Man .. 471 Westg El 107 \duced round-trip coach - fares the John J. Fannon Products Co. | eas ... 33 Write Mot. oS 8 between, major Eastern cities and and John ‘J. Fannon & Co. of nsurance Kelsey Way .. 46.3 Woolworth — 64.6:the Midwest, including Detroit, the _|Detroit process heating firms. ~ * Kennecott. ... 95 Yale & Tow 35 cess eating Kimb Clk . 69.2 Zenith Rad 1072 a said yesterday. fest a, not e price cuts go into e e¢ purchase price was . STOCK AVERAGES Jan. 9. disclosed. _.Don H. Gearheart, (Compiled by The Associated Press) «+ + Hupp president: -said it involved val Stocks The round- -trip, -réductions will]. - cash and stock plus additional in- m8 soe 91aPPly to fares between Baltimore,| centive consideration based on 93 225.6 Washington and Pittsburgf and] ~ future earnings. 102.6 23 #Cleveland, Detyoit and Chicago’ ‘and! “| The acquisitions will be operated $34 211-3 limportant intermediate points. , as a subsidiary of Hupp. Head- * * |te Detroit will bet $29.55. From NEW YORK u--The .stock mar- ket continued to move unevenly “Squash, Delicious, bu. ~ [ners and cutters ‘12.00- 4ithe-home of Bertram Giffels, 60, | Monday. Detroit Produce Apples. “Jonathon, BU. ....40 +6: Apples. McIntosh, bu. . : Applies, Northern Spy. bu. . VEGETABLES eee ewee Oliver's Supply Ware! Grain Prices campnaae GRAIN . CHICAGO. Dec. AAP) + Opening Res ~ grain -prices: - The following are wp prices), Wot 24,3, sep 6s covering sales of locally grown |Msy LIITT' Qleias Mar 137% produce brought to the Farmet’s|wcc"" vite dup 4g | Market by growers and sold’ by sap oe Lie SSP ara tarame)—- ‘ ithem in vrholesale package lots. [SP 116 Jap. - $30, iQuotations are furnished by theimo*~ ote Ma at) Detroit Bureau of Markets, as of May sary Ju 8.95B Yegas Crack Safe ro page engin Waterford Twp. Yeggs have cracked house. 130 S. a safe at Beets topped, bu.-™. w . “R 15 | |Cabbage, bu. veseeeseessss 213) Telegraph Rd., Watertod Town: | | Cabbage, Carly, ‘bu. eeeaen veeees | iCa abbage, Red, bu. ......---6-e- cess ae ise police reported today. Cartots, topped, bu. . reot, ceeeeene esr ee “18 . * * * Horseradish pk. .......0.0.00000 0 | arn ea te. b te Teese Te 15 | , wner., James Scribner, - 896! mions. dry Ib. ag . 1.25) ; . Parsley Root dos. bu. 1.98/Hazel St., Birmingham, said the’ Parsley, curly, doz. behs. | Parsnips. Cello Pak dos. 1.65 1.75 8q . cece Squash, Butternut, bu. .. Squash, Hubbard, bu Seeeeeeeneeen Turnip, topped, bu. SALAD GREENS Celery Cabbage, dos. .. aeons . Livestock DETROIT - “LEVESTOCK DETROIT, Dec, 28 (AR. — Cattle — salable 1500. Bulk supply sldughter steers and heiféra; cows comprise ‘mkout "30 per cent, stockers and feeders viftually absent, bulls scarce; steers and heifers moderately active, steady to 25c higher, cows fully steady; most choice steers 1150 Ib, Bnd down 25.56-26.50, several ‘loads higher choice 50-1200 jb. and ‘head high chotce to prime 1240 Ib. steers 27.00; good to low choice steers 333° | 25.26! standard to low good steers 20.2 23.25. utility and stendard heifegs 17 00- 22.50: good to average choice heifers 22.75-25.00, utilit® cows HH 00> 1.90: can- } Hogs — salable. 608. Burctera ‘$a5-22 ilb. opening steady to 25¢ hi whee jnet established; most mixe ber 2 3 190-220 Ib. 12.25-13.50: num- + and 2 186-230 lb. 12 . Vealers — salable 150, Steady, choice and prime seen 34.00-41.00;. standard and food 24.00-34.00; cull and witty oprme ene lambs 18 Psa." oui | Poultry and Eggs DETROIT POULTRY 28 (AP \— Prices 1 quality) ma heavy tspe roasters over iheavy type broilers and fryers of Ibs. | white tes 22-22%; Barred Rocks 22-23. ture | \keys heavy ty’ e young hens 38: heavy |type young toms 31 . DETROIT EGGS: | ‘4.8 La o-lands division, was free of eontroversy. Sought by Mrs, Ford, Henry daughter-in-law, is a pen- : 2% amount of cash taken : 1 $3 Known after completing an inven’ jtory, * * * Police. said the burglars first | 5 pried open a door to. get into the building, then pried opén the safe. | would be | Mrs. Edsel Ford Seeks Filled Lake Bottomland |; LANSING W—An application by paffied,tasked outside crime ex- Mrs. Edsel Clay Ford to 6,36 acres of filled Lake St. Christmas Eve sniper slaying of yentor. Elair bottomlands adjacent to her’ Charles R. Clark in nearby’ Men- police experts to examine the lead Grosse_ Pointe Shores estates will tor. &' come before the State Conservation: Commission next week: * *~ George Taack, submerged lands) departrgent’ sh the said th specialist for” Ford's insula extending, 1500 the lake created about 30 years ago through dredging harbor and t Appraisal price on the property| is $138,520. The lands division, inj a memorandum to C Director Gerald Eddy, mended issuance of the deed on| |payment of 30 per ¢ er appraisal price, ar are 560. * The cases, ‘monthly meeting Jan. recommendation "with standard handling of Taack said. The conserva- \tion commission will hold its! Lake -C for a deed’ perts today * sheriff, baffled by the case, "has ask Outside Help. Requested _ in Case of Sneaky Sniper PAINESVILLE, unty’s. sheriff, ta os Sheriff William day Floyd E. e proposal |" turn denied. weet | feet into fo form a [he ng basin. onservation| has recom-| rent ‘of the) accords | such, Make 78 *. “‘Round-trip fares from Baltimore Washington to Detroit will be, $29.55 a Paeateres to Detroit - 4 Fire bomagel Home DETROIT w — Fire damaged ey Township, to the tune: 7,00 yesterday. Giffets is proj ‘third major , Raymond, is president. is ae i | . i * ot Citidy andi teanettl il St. and midget racer ' i ci i Deum NEW DEPARTMENT — - Custom Cole. ‘or, ‘w Pontiac auto supply store, - will make. its ion move in ‘two years on ~ Jan. 1. At present ‘the store consists of the origi- nal automotive ‘paint department at $4S..Perry ~ ‘he would release from custody to- | Ha admitted and t ‘again denied firing the fata] shot. 4 ay A polygraph test Monday. indi-| + ‘could spare her—and her family catee Hargrove, 35, a truck driv-!any further investigation and suf- had lied when he admitted | fering by confessing. Saturday and again Sunday that he killed the husband of the v WOM for her welfare,” Says Economy to Zip 6 Months But Ford Expert Won't Clark, 35, a $10,000-a-year elec- Same _ Promise '""¢ * * AP Wirephote / SNIPER VICTIM’S WIFE — Grief shows in the face of Mrs. ‘Lois Clark, 30-year-old former model whose husband was slain by a mysterious sniper’s bullet in Painesville, Ohio. The Lake County outside help in its solution. - Ohio (AP) admittedly eight- month love affair. help solvé the jts mobile ‘crime ™ 4 slug that pierced Clark's. right * ‘temple, B. Evans said 4 LOVE HER DEARLY’ Hargrove, divorced — ‘fdther of rgrove who had five, then with Lois Clark that “T love her deeply. lations with six men besides Hgr- ‘iff said. * * al engineer, buried ~after was day Pontiac Press Photo 5. Perry. The new department at 80 S. Perry. will handie-auto parts and accessories. It repre- sents an investment of about, $20,000 said owner Bert Steiner. Since buying the firm four years “ago, -Steiner--andhis wife -haye-built-it-from- a} — Sepaxtmnen at * "®, 000 to $200,000 a year ‘butievess. be te ~. \whatta battle, -whatta —fish!- — an “with whom he carried. on an Evans asked the state to send laboratory to} He also wants Cleveland said he decided. after, a 16 |minute meeting at the jail ‘Satur- he I'm worried | he explained. | Mrs. Clark, a beautiful brunette ref_ 30 who was a mode! in Flori- \da where she met and married Clark at~16, has admitted sex re- \grove, Sheriff Evans said. Three jof these men were absolved by | polygraph tests Monday, the sher: Mon- services in the Mentor for Last Half of 1960 Methodist church where he was |Sunday School superintendent. His Lake Huron Lightship Los ANGELES iAP) ~ _ sa fought like a tiger!” ~ ye, * You've beard ee man of the’ house talk like that lots of times. Here's | something he doesn't mention: the deck’s stacked against te: fish. ae * *. ‘An sie says fish can’t stand] much exercise, In fact, says Dr. | rout-and_salmon. Fish aren't built for a - tough | struggle, They lead a leisurely life, poking along at one or two miles an hour. A flip of their tail and they’re only for short sprints. The -fish’s fatigue problem, Black says, stems partly from the fact it must breathe 30 times as much water as man does air to Edgar Black, tno much = at get the same amount of oxygen. wep Swallowed ‘by Flames’ Plane’s Tank TUCSON, Ariz. (BIA woman | riding a bicycle died in a pillar Quisling Croatia resident Dies Ante Pavelic, 70, Wa Wanted for-Many Wartime Killings MADRID, Spain Ante Pavelic, 70, quisling presi- dent of Croatia during, World War II and one of the leading war criminals still. at large, died Mon- day in the German hospital here. | He was 70. ~ . * * * The death was reported by Ma- drid newspapers and confirmed by the municipal funeral service, which said it had taken the body to the morgue of San Hsdro Cem- etery. It declined to say when fu- neral services would be held. Calleré were referred to Dr. -Rudolf Sajitz, who attended Pave- lic. The doctor’s office said he was away on vacation. for trial on charges_that he was responsible for the’ killing of 700,- 000 Serbs and Jews during his 342 years as the Axis viceroy. or ® * * He fled Yugoslavia in May 1945, and turned up in Argentina later in thé-year. He was wounded in an assassi- nation attempt in April 1957 which he blamed on agents of Tito. A short time later, Argentina agreed quarters will remain in Detroit and all ‘present ‘personne “will -be unaffected.. a i heen _ [Withdrawn for Winter CLEVELAND (# — ‘The Coast ly So P the wir aod moe a Pot uron The lightship will remain at Port Huron.until ice conditions tet of fire Monday,.when a B47 fuel). (AP) — Dr, ° -Pavelic was wanted by Presi-| . dent Tito’s Yugoslav government), Kills Woman tank ‘fell ploded like a bomb and ex- * x * . The victim was June A. David, 32-yéar-old mother of two boys * * * woman was sucked into a fiery column that shot 250 to 300 feet found 30 to 40 feet from the bi- cycle. * * The tank, laden with 1,750 gal- lons of fuel, fell as the plane rose from -Davis-Menthan_-Air- Force Base, Smith said it éxploded on impact and spread a fiery carpet §75_feet long and 352 wide.” * * * Force investigators praised the pi- Jot for averting a greater tragedy. They said Capt. Donald R. Shil- ling, commander of the four-man crew, kept the fuel tank from fall- ing in a densely populated Tucson suburb only by putting the plane's into a steep bank. times during ex Officer Clifford Smith said the) . 'high. Her incinerated body was| Even as. a, probe began, Air) a_fish can do ih times of. stress The result, Black concludes: a dead fish after too much exertion. the Uniyersity of British Colum- bia, was presented Monday_befdre 300 biologists and zoologists at_a Naturalists. The subject interests fish scien- tists because of their problems in power dams across rivers in the Pacific Northwest. They're worried that ‘fish will kill themselves climbing around or over the dams- to _ Spawning grounds. . Family Advisor Wayne Yager has been helping families fron out insurance problems for over years. His secret? -A solid background tof insurance experience and know-how, plus the low-cost full-coverage plans of x, * * A spokesman said the pilot had), only split.seconds to-decide what to.do when he felt the six-ton fuel tank shift-before it’ fell. Predicts Faster Economic Rise one of the nation’s largest insurance companies .. . Life of Virginia So, take advantage of this man's wise counsel today. See or cal) WAYNE YAGER ~ s680% Heron St.- FE 2-0219 THE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY /OF VIRGINIA Rate Will Exceed That Congress Group Says of Past 50 Years WASHINGTON predicts the American economy in (AP) — A Con-) gressional committee staff report: FULLY DIVERSIFIED INVESTMENTS When you invest in one of the leading Mutual Funds, you buy a share in 80 to 100: or more selected securities, giving you full diversifica- tion, We'll be glad to help _ you-choose a Fund which will give you-a fully diversi- fied investment. Drop i in, . write, or phone. , WATLING, LERCHEN & CO. Ueauuns. Lerchen & Co. ] 1492 Pontiac State Bank Bidg. - ! { Pontiac, Michigan i | pleas © send me more information § labout Diversified Investments. 4 ' 4 jName occa eedeeeecenegee dpeeceee 7 . Address ccc ubeaeneceeeeceeess cell t VWotty cece eevee oc ee eee } i 1! 4 pone mn 4 NEW STATION. _ FOR LEASE | ‘MOBILOIL COMPANY - FE 5-9466 — deel agent ee EXTEND “P, next spring. ~ INVESTMENT SECURITIES and ACEURATE “QUOTATIONS CALL: 6: -NEPHLER CO. = FE 2-9117 818 Community Netional Bank Bldg. . "OUR Paci irae Ex SECURIT Be cat WS ena? is to hike his oxygen input “about five times: normal, ™ A paper by Black, a biologist-at ~~ meeting of the Western Society of~ connection with building of ‘high --