ly pointed to you.” : peta : - hospital is peed Waltch dr., 28, es ss ' in West Pointing out he was required by) | LESSON IN SUSPENSION—Bobby Alford, 1}, » #8 a Model. DRAS02 GMC h tractor, one of who crashed m Wee taw to set minimum term, Judge of New York Gity shows Philip J. Monaghan, ‘the top features of the | 'g National Auto. | Blccuntleld Township. Both sect: Sentenced her to Ta. 7 Vice Dr Sident and GN ck & Coach t vision mobile Show disp “pr th fork = Setar: : . * years. es = eo} general manager, His interpretation of an air u : ie seca » Five other Persons, sons, including her i e suspension system for trucks. In the background (ae Se ' : ican % e Arthur E. Moore’ 3 — received minor bruises in|® ‘wor said today te wil try to set a) re ps Se. “2 aie teed oagitem hpine Mrs. |Buapest Sor sce wai Juvenile Court hearing on custody : ‘Auto Show Draws.Record Crowd. —s_—. ’s life. All were released pe ger o genoa of the 12 citren to tonorcoe. Weatherman Sees nr a Fre oe eS ee la a ae Gee oe ‘ : in — | me 9 i ; i Children's Hame-aincetheyWerei 7+ ats al oy! 50,000 to 60,000 Per SONS) sey were: Donaia Hampton, 16,/°9Pita ea SE ty Beet ek ontinuing -0-0 Ss S al D Lawrence G. Tear, 32, of 893 Miles! Radi Budapest sald production house Aug. 23. i C St., the driver, and his three daugh-| in the pork slaughterhouse near WYATT REMAINS OUTSIDE | “The US. ‘Weather Buren has) ee = ars on econ Jay parte Pc ag Base a Mam sais or ho car ie ines we Wyatt, who accompanied his wife predicted mostly cloudy and cold/ gk : to Pontiac for the sentence, did with occasional snow flurries to NEW YORK (#—An estimated 50,000 to. 60,000 per- rts se herman aay es when police held up cars raya hot enter the courtroom with -her. Se Tonight's m4 sons viewed the three-floor exhibit of the National Auto- eaieay aia skidding on some ice oe & the Reon Hartrick did not grant: | degrees. ) enationes. a reunest for stay of execution | In an extended weather outlook| an at the Coliseum yesterday, the second day|iist north, of Pontiac on Perry pcwort seeved through that po- by defense attorney Milton R. the weatherman has forecast near| Ol & nine-day run. ; e be. lice were controlling traffic ‘3 Henry, whe said he has already | normal temperatures from potas No turnstile count is kept but police said it was the| waltch is under treatment for a|/¥ the bea: Peg in an a edure to appeal the tog ng itm — ice tes 4 largest crowd to visit the mages in a single day Sak nary yey gee Sag _ gary ore _ anti-government ettert $0. rwtcrenge ~ H : ‘degrees, normal minimum, 24: the 35-million-dollar exhibition hall opened last A Investiga “have been unable) 2m for them. : to eae peters at — gpa ints seeping 28. . ‘Ito oe why he went off the pe who said he had heard Sherry ad:/°° "® ac preceding 8 a™.! 4 drenching rain caused Coliseum officials to open|road and hit, the tree six feet off) P mit she was lying in her testimony) 22-- degrees, At —" the doors to Seon ot tome ini . ne the side at Pontiac Trail and Hal-) ages an _ against her mother. He did not ‘ermometer registered’ 2. a iC ted roads + * & * PONTIAC, MICHI entence Ada Wyatt GAN MONDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1956—42 PAGES a a ann ans = = = —— * n PI * * * * * * for Cruelty 3%:4-Year lerm — Given Mother . es of 12 Children judge Calls Penalty Maximum Inadequate, © for “Heinous’ Crime Mrs, Ada Wyatt, 33, Kee- go Harbor mother of 12, was sentenced today to a 3%2-4 year term in Detroit House of Correction for burning the hand of her seven - year-old daughter, Sherry Wilkinson. sf Mrs. Wyatt listened im-- passively as Oakland-Coun- ty Circuit Judge George B. Hartrick called her crime “the most. heinous I have} witnessed in my 20 years, of experience.” “I was found guilty by a jury,| but T am innocent,” Mrs. Wyatt said. Judge Hartrick said the law pro-| vides “‘an inadequate penalty” in’ fixing the maximum sentence for chitt-crurity-at-four-years: “Possibly you should have been — charged with a;more serious — erinte,”” he said, “The finger of guilt very definitely and positive. } One Expert to Another... [Placed on Rebels To Erase Resistance in Hungary Tighter Controls VIENNA (#—Police and troops imposed rigid new) — centrols on rebellious Hungary today to enforce martial law proclaimed by Premier Janos Kadar’s desperate gov- ernment. . _| The —e torn by revolt, strikes and Com- _ | injuries which proved fatal and an ‘\hurt in weekend accidents in Oak-| 4munist repression for near-| ly _seven__weeks, .has been) cut off from contact with the Western world for more _|than- 24 hours, except_for Suffers Fatal Injuries, Five Riders Hurt A Lake Orion woman suffered East Detroit: man was critically Mrs. Florence Hampton, 49, of Budapest and Méscow resumed 584 Carkins Rd., died at Pontiac) o@ ® Mmited basis. General Hospital after the car she On the critical list at the same British French Talks With Diplomats! in Attempt to Close Rift Among Big 3 PARIS (INS)—Secretary of State!4 |was believed toh e Columbia last night an = name the witness. Judge Hartrick refused the re- quest. od . * * Mrs. Wyatt was convicted Nov. ? - 3,000 persons an hour and St: Laurent to Visit \@ quarter before the sched-| | AUGUSTA, Ga. i®—Prime Min: | uled start of the exhibitiory ‘hours. | Try toRecover5 |poto.Gold fister Louis St. Laurent of Canada, | 23 by a 10-woman, 2-man jury, Who has been vacationing in Flor-| Police attributed the record which also acquitted her husband, ida, will fly to Augusta tomorrow William, 29, on the same charge.| fora social visit and round , of The trial lasted five days. golf with President Eisenhower. Bodies From Plane crowd in part to the bad weather, ay which they said discouraged thou-| Attempts were continuing today sands of motorists from touring to recover the bodies of five the countryside. ; _| White House press secretary During the trial Sherry testi- jomee C. Hagerty said St. Latr-|. fied her mother held both her (Continued on Page 2, Col. 3) Open. Press Increased news coverag growing Waterford Township became a reality today with the opening of the . Highway, Drayton Plains. Reporter Reba Heintzelman will be covering the ‘happenings of this busy area, and-you will find-her~ stories throughout The George W. Romney, president of the Automobile Manufacturers Assn., the show's sponsor, said the thousands attending the ex- | hibit were a tribute to the worth of motor vehicles. “1 believe the significance of the show is greater than car sales, im- portant as they are,” said Romney, also president of American Motors. He added: “The show now focuses all chan- nels of communication on the auto- - motive industry,..not.only..its. prod- uets, but its policies, pregrams, contributions, importarice compa- nies and leaders.” ent will arrive from Ft.- Lauder- dale, Fia., by plane Ottice Today e in The Pontiac Press for Press office at 4540 Dixie Pontiac Press each day. Telephone number of the office is ORlando 3-5911. “) The Anknal's Christmas <<. 2807-1 “apron, salt” and } In Today's Press 's County ‘News eee eee ewan eee 4 eT eee oe es ene, |} oe Corp. of Detroit, for which Kurtz ‘Michigan’ residents, including & ‘34-year-old Royal Oak man, from a plane that crashed Saturday night in Lake Erie near. Port Maitland, Ont. | Killed in the crash were Wesley W. Hopp, 320 W. Sunnybrook Dr., Royal Oak, the pilot, and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kurtz, and Mr. and Mrs. Michael McFadden, all of Grosse Pointe, A ‘diver reported yesterday sighting. the five bodies, still strapped in their seats, in the twin-engine- plane sunk in about 12 feet of water. The plane was owned by the Peninsular Steel as a vice president. Burglars Operate Close to Police Station kinds of people! ‘the bill for Christmas, but most of|use. They can be purchased in Seale ; cod gating wits themselves. hag ge giego a [ment and whisky from the ofce In this shopping article we're not selves. oe oe ot two bonding companies last going to tell you a a tie, a be one es The building is across the street! chet ‘ot any oer clothing, We've nr nas de oo oe trom Detroit's police headquarters! ~ DETROIT (INS) — It takes all Climbs to $1,000. Now is the time to--get In on the Pot-O-Gold contest. if you haven't done go already. Prize money for Puzzle No. 28 has reach- ed the $1000 mark, and that will buy a lot of Christmas presents Just to help you out, here is — a list of words containing all the correct answers. Look them over, and check the rules and clues on page 4. The solution you get may be the right one. Artist, camel, claim, dour, eat, fail, fever, gag, gong, honey, hub, lever, life, liter, long, money, nub, plum, plus, pram, quoit; ramp, rub, song, sour) strait, tea, title, toque, wag, wail, wake, wife. : White Sox President | Dies of Heart Attack | - CHICAGO Grace Comiskey, 7 president of the Chicago White|. Sox, died suddenly today in her Death to the head of baseball ars} Huge-as Prize i id : : and a a es ed ke dlc elie See eeEeE Se emeewewes Tuesday from the ers a en She is survived by three children, of Paul Mrs. Samuel C. Fitch Mrs. ‘Samuel C. (Loulla Mae) %3, of 32 Mt. Clemens St, died yesterday after an illness of Ferguson Sixby. She 43 years, coming z id {| i wt é 8 R Administration Arbor after an illness of 10 months, weeks He _ A member of the New Apolastic Cherch, he came here from Gal- veston on Feb. 16, 1955. He served in World War Tl and was as will beheld » in-Flint Vicinity ___to recaptire the escapees. A * * * He had been hospitalized for six was born June 17, 1915, in “Tile at her, splitting her lip and) Galveston, Texas. The son of Max disfiguring 1 Wanted for Murder, on 16-Item City Agenda \break yesterday from the Genesee ‘County Jail. (Ethyle St. died Monday in County police blanketed the entire epee ! . — an county in an unsuccessful attempt City Manager Harold K. Schone bed sister, Jill: ze jw be the expected final dralt of Stephen; —and t Wanted for murder was 22-year- old Parke Van Camp who was. awaiting trial.-His cellmate, Wil Okiahome City, liam Long. 20. was awaiting trial revised to-clarify certain points. al Home with burial in White Chap-. Trottier of 1155 for car theft parole violation and Changes include permitting Troy el Cemetery. a Students Return | the man’s throat. | After locking Denton in a cell, they. made their way through two isecurity doors and down an ele-| Van Camp was described as rather than mandatory annual \“wery dangerous.” Friends had stallments; the responsibility of) CLINTON, Tenn. w— Integrated iget out again they will never take! at their cost to make the well without @ -hitch today, with eight boys escaped_into—the—freering-cancel_is-reserved tothe City of tour” gitis—walking t m T-shirts and work Troy after a two-year period by tp Glasses One together ' |six months’ notice; a new para-| Four inmates escaped from the graph releases Birmingham from) ‘County Jail last year using a simi- claim through inability to supply wae & resident ef jar method. One was captured in water. cold with only trousers. } ‘less than an hour and the others) |were rounded up in several days.’ Photographer to. Show Film on South Africa Fs tli aebF 2 — 3 lig Ht esti TT downstairs." | Her mother also threw a butcher : ‘hand might-be restored to luse after “several years” of surgi- cal treatment. | Sherry’s brother and sisters said employed by General Motors she was often tied to her upstairs at the home of his daughter, Mrs. : 18. children are Aaron, a ? ; i ti} ait ie i in i bE i 5 I 7 i 5a! ‘ter from the Walker Well to the the Glenn Wrights of Ferndale. City of Troy. ' to _ at her home, 1435 Helland, er by quest for a building permit from) the First Church of Christ, Scien-| tist, ’ Kenning, assistant city manager, as the official recipient of federal lice took im only one mishap port, reportedly a of little importance ‘p.m. at Manley Bailey Funeral vember ctection, ‘died shortly after birth. Surviving Lake Among the several reports of) are his twin. Jeffrey; his parents; |— another brother, Graf ts. the! / he agreement for the sale of wa- Waldo Hartlines of Dover, 0. and Private service will be at 2 p.m. Schone said the draft has been tomorrow at Manley Bailey Funer- § pay the full amount of water Taking over the Birmingham as well as Bloomfield toClinton School ‘Integration in Effect; 16 Adults Arraigned in U.S. Court ham area, the may be reached | calling Midwest 6-3557. & in-) sentencing of Stephen L. Se- ' 4 | Sreaormannctadine. pa who! G- P. Parmelee of Los Angeles. pleaded guilty last month -of ob- pesieo ned oe aidewalk; hive Se haz 33 lawyers, 22 doctors BIRMINGHSM—Foremiost on the! brothers, Harry of Pontiac and postponed tomorrow. and not a single traffic engineer. 16-item agenda coming before. the Albert of Traverse City. sinaicoel - Tatar Coat BP Me-| mers Hoge er echt at Manley Bailey 1 that Soca salgie sest-ma : oO iby the North Home, with-Burial in Acacia Park the sidewalk where the LESS A Disposal Authority. Cemetery. a jwas corned, Baby y Wright ; Examinat a Pontiac police! Birmingham residents ap- son, one of twins born Friday officer showed 42 inches of foundry and Chapman. ‘you live in atypical town? | Nobody ae ee THE PONTIAC PRESS. MONDAY, DECEMBER 10. 1956 = 3 | Pibapwss wena ilbreak Made 222 -#i:minetam [Sentence Postposied, [Trafic Problems?» |, Tela amare gu @d s a AY 8 diner waren ye Se gev for Blocking Sidewalk SACRAMENTO, Calif. @ — Do , , 9 Amendment First Tonight a leader at a state traffic safety Wants to “Shop Around” for a Lower. priced cfr) oui Pre ptiont ... but you Can Usually = > =o. | ap P= i = miss operated. Up 3) to one-half mile, a RE 2.88 | Value =e to move Three Schone alse will report on sach items as the West Maple and ings, parking lot 4. Commissioners will receive a re-| Birmingham will name R. s.\% —— ae es Horseshoe Set 2 Sterling Silver Stolen From City Residence A walnut chest containing worth of sterling silver was County, Birmingham po- re- hit-run smash e KIWANIS Travel and Adventure Series Pontiac High School Auditorium at 8 P. M. — SOCOOO OE OTOOSHSSETESHOSOTEOOOOESEOSSEEHOSOOEEEEEES a "4 . i de He also leaves ‘a danghter, | qj Service will be Wednesday at 1 Z TUESDAY Decémber 11 - Clifford J. Kamen “The Union of South America’ Would you like to see goid Seeeeeesdssosoooes A Longer w 2SSSSSOSSEHCECESE OSHS WHY PAY MORE? = - ®@ warmer, too. Never neck @ LADIES WEAR —Mein Floor Seceveseooeeveesosssoss. ledies . Pull-Over Style — Hi-Bulk ~ ORLON — Sweaters Sizes 24 to 40 earing than wool... For 4 players. 2 sturdy pegs, ; 4 rubber shoes. Flexible, un- breakable. Not as shown. fee 1079 abe J SS th D4 as BATTERY OPERATED fj * é * Mirro’ Mixer cates on flashlight battery. to look and work ‘fike oerecccocccccccccccccccccccscsconcocedt Bi Ds mother’s, 100 3.80. st. ah ints eevee og age ae wr ACTUALLY PLAY BASEBALL Electric Baseball Players run the bases, ball is fielded and thrown. Complete set. fe .. 3.89 loses 4 COPTIC fabulous South or diamonds cut LADIES’ -- MISSES’ -- GIRLS’ ‘Texas Tuffies’ Bright New Christmas Gift Idea! | : 1 Moccas 3 t ot ae Soe in Slippers SAVE-MONEY— by Having PRESCRIPTIONS Filled at... SIMM3.08, DRUG DEPT, — ( _Tree-Te STARS Vessece OOo pee IT's SIMMS. FOR BIG 12-Inch Cellophane Candle Wreath dl 31.19 Value Ch ristmas wreath with e can- die. complete with lead cord & add- _ om plug SET of 8 BULBS ~— "Free Lights 719° wired, $1.00 Value ist quality, 0. 8 bulbs, A metal Assorted colors, Series type. Tinsel ICICLES, 10¢, 25¢, 4%¢ | Plastic SNOW ...10¢ & 25¢ ‘ GARLAND iweic us ae HAIR +. 108 @ 25¢ | : SNOW, ian ae “STARS .....15 for 69¢ SPECIAL PURCHASE — Flannel: Lined’ ‘Ohildren’s Boxers Regular $4819 aR $2 Quality of . ee Sizes 3 to 8. yin ge twill Tined ‘CORDUROY ‘Bib O’alls| Sizes 3 16 8. wearing piewale cord~ BROTHERS 4 eee iw on three fleshlite batteries or __BURGESS ELEGTRIC. Paint Sprayer $12.95 Value im ef Sprays: Paint, varnish, enamel, lac- quer, . insecticides, garden sprays, mothproof. i Makes painting easy, just plug in and Spray! New sapohlig nozz sear spray adjuster, 25-oz. graduated jar. Easier to clean than otal tt DIVE BROTHERS Why Pay $5.00 or More? Ladies’ Lusterous _. Quilt-Trim RAYON | or Matching DUSTERS * @ Choice of Popular Colors ® Washable, Color-Fast Full sweep skirts, fitted bodice, ti ‘i front.Collars, ciffs and pocket quilt- ‘ og for added beauty. Sizes 12 a to Lavish Lace Siimmed 100% NYLON Slips. Usual $3 Quality leeks OTHERS Robes! =e ey : TR: x Ld : - fy a al ee v Pinking shears are the Ideal gift for the woman that ‘sews. Check Simms large stock of better pinking shears now. ‘Fine Quality, Val. to $3.95 ~ __\VALLEY- FORGE & BOKER Sewing Sure | 6-7-8-9 Bi SIZE oOo Sse “Aisne OF inns ot the “dhaie “dads: Professional % quality at less than dime store prices. Finest steel, drop. eae No into car lighter — 6 or Tz voltae with ttl elute ase and bat lt We Has an Electric Razor — Here's His Gilt SHAVEX Inverter ‘Sheeds ‘Up Resors — Pastel, Closer Shaves ___ $7.95 Value Ee 4 ‘ 9 5 i ! biedes stay sharper lor ger. ee : . LOWES ‘ at foe a iN HISTORY. -— ALL COTTON - im Choice of Sela : \ tree 2 BING CROSBY Research approved — SHAVEX ac- vio tually speeds up electric shavers, improves the per- formance and lengthens the life of ANY SHAVER! Perfect gift y' Does the work of coping saw, Cross-cut saw, hack saw Camera } styled exactly as pictured. and keyhole saw, Cuts into wood, plastic, metals, rubber, leather, etc. High quality, very rugged power tool, : ‘quccocecsevevccsoecoonseucnecnaconccodpeses For Car—Television—Radio—Electrical & Hobbies 10-Pe. hig eee Sl ~ ware Projector Regular $121.00 Value. SIM M3. MEN'S _ Basement _ tt KR RK KK RR KH : q REPEAT. " ‘a Complete” ALL FIRST pa Famous Branc re “BEST pees gp KODAK F1.9 Turret Set 3-Lens Turret Movie Camera Showtime Projector Regular $195. 00 Value 4 ean yy ete a at or ee for Children T to REGULAR $2.39 VY, L & 500 WATT with super-power for bri) AOE - RADIANT SL85 SCREENS wie” a * Your Choice ppriewres aaa rate 216 Contin fee “Buch o’pert little dress just “meant for the little lady who cares how she looks — in the morning .. . so —==—-practical and-so- easy to puton... just step right in. It has a eS ¥ full - length zipper Ponsists of (1) @.qumber of circles which con- ~ ee Serer a oe front . . . lovely led letters, oe i (2) a ote at list of ee, ; ' . : 7. 2 pique collar and a = ae s-aerangs — ° - TITS - SEE oe. a ae “ MODs. . _ 2 % cuffs. Cc om- letters into @ word that best fits its clue. ‘ ae . RQ} _ ae, Sane ne which you seléct for:Circle No. 1, then would be the | gq x ime, he pletely ‘you would print in the epee to the right of (ds | Se ; - -. ES 3 ae : able. Sizes _. \F 12 to 20, — ¥ ' _- 7 > 1414 to the ~. \ : i\a ot Sein iM ~ NEX GE 24% in holiday . at | i ‘ne BE =z pink, and blue. aes | pO RR Cee eee we ee ere ee eeeeeee = os : : | > : at PleMahsesGnsrer tenes ee ee eee = : BOX-BAGS ee ee see e eee eee ee es ee eee The: gift she'll cherish . . . made by @- top craftsman . . . Theodor. Fashion- right box styled handbags . . . made of the finest calf .. . moire liriing, and lorge mirror. Single and double handlé styles, Shoge black, brown, navy or red. a ee “ Charge Yours at Weite's . . « Second Floor Walte’s ... Street Floor ~~ don't know his size? don’t know her color preference? then give a _WAITE SS mminee to Hoe _ te ly te . _ when facing ; « man = thai. Whore there's this there's hope. St te ee sm te a Cee ep quickly when they realize they - | ; i eee program ls needed for a desperate one. = (| S&F # ©. , (a “Click-in lipsticks by = > You'll these-beoutiful Date OFFICIAL CONTEST RULES xk 3 fa save | treasure perpen “eiae= ten ae + Keven: Sa eg 12 water the POT-O-GOLD contest with wegen — of tiac Prese employes or their immedi- ZA contestant may GaUUAE ek thats onto ‘tubs oc the 4 etches -but- “they must be. be on official entry blanks printed in this se your next lipstick 1) 3 2 To ebeate an aie’ the contestant must print his answer : Weite’e +» Blreot Flote ‘ _ words in the proper spaces, Cul out (ee ane Semaed by y doled : , “lines and “attach -it-securely-to-a 2-cent postcard. No entri _Wwill be accepted if they are in barter one Entries for Puzzle No. 4, Sorry, telephone calls or ca eoneerni details of the contest, cannot be answered or sll conzrning : 5..The Pontiac Press will dward a cash prize of $100 a — fo the winner of each weekly POT. LD contest. If : one winning answer is received the prize will be Aided cat —, igboen oh ta any week or weeks § out cin be orided é weekly x @ winning solution is submitted. : . Winrors will be warded on extta cosh bonus of $25 it they are Pontiac Press subscribers of record bee ae neta cre cnnounced. Only de gach bona con be onind en no matter how many — prizes may. /is wary of passing along any lists Live Steer in House tat _seeret._But_poul in Freeing Americans, Premier Chou Enlai has hinted strongly that the United States must make concessions before the Peiping regime will release 10 Americans still held in Commu- nist China. Chou, winding up his tour of south India, told a news confer. Hint New Delay | -in Releasing 10. | Next Move Up to US./ re Pico . rod + of Chinese in the United States: s oe * _ “With this comparison, Premier said, “I leave it up to you to judge which side should make the next step in this*mat-| 43 ter.” The United States has repeated- ly told Peiping that it is detain- ing no Chinese and all who wish to leave America have gone, It of Chinese because it* fears the government will put pressure on) their families ‘a China, * Chou said ps 1 Americans still. held in China “have committed offenses against China and have not -yet served out their sen- tentes,”’ “The Chinese government,” he continued, “always has said that if the behavior of these Ameri- cans is good they can expect to) be released before serving out thelr sentences. “At present they are held ac-| cording to Chinese law. But they can visit different places, can) te with their families and ¢an be visited by their: fam- ilies 2 the United States ree Look On as ‘Novel’ LOS ANGELES @® — Members was overturned. had been dumped over the " i brothers gave » thel- EAST LANSING (®—-What'll you! have, hens or roosters? By a new egg dipping process, a George Blackburn of a Vineland,| NJ. oye a research firm,_says details of the process are still itrymen_at Michi- gan State University believe it in- yolves forcing hormones wnder pressure through the porous egg-| Horsepower Change PHOENIX, Ariz, ®—No one can! 4 .& 2? 100% beind dune filled comforters with nave » te HHT the most bie pe you could give! “SPEEDY TRICYCLE” oe *# @ *# © © © we He ee © © 8 © © © @ & See al! these features: Bicye! e-type pedals, bucket-type me- tal saddle, two-tone fenders, heavy 134” semi-pneurpatic tires, safety-type steel tubing frame, heavy gauge non-slip step plate, plus many more! Waites Toyland . . . Downstairs SCOTCH HSHSSSSSSSESHeSHESSeESeeeHESEEEES TRAPUNTO QUILTED DOWN COMFORTER 2250 * A. Res. 29.95 proof satin cover, cg ly quilted. Soft ... warm... and biue, brown seiculac dein snibaead “ar aascten gray. 72°84", A gift to be treasured! Waite's... . Fourth Floor Ti iiiiiiiirttiiititititiiiitit is ay" 26" 48" rea gis = III Iiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit Tir ltt iit ee OTN = Gra aang: by 48”, Reg. 5.98... ...... 3.99 1 el Slocutivg Bonastion mikes caicely gifts ACRILAN BLANKET Gog with 7” acetate binding. Makes the perfect family gift. ee _ Warm, yet li ft washable, too! Shrink — resistant. Mildew and moth , non-allergic. Choose from wonderful colors of pink, essai re, green, camel, raspberry. 72” by 90”.. “PURREY” ROSEBUD BLANKET of a luxurious rayon/orlon blend. Rosebud pattern on Asia Mothproof, mildew proof, non-alle = nylon bind-_ oe the life of the blanket . by 12. 95 -blue-on white. 72” by 90’, . of rayon, "nylon and orlon to give you added warmth and softness n 12 98 eee Oe ee eee ee ee eS BLEND BLANKET Wide ‘satin binding, moth - proof guaranteed. low, aqua, green, lilac or emeviige plaid es ai by 90”, Reg. 10.98 NORTH STAR BLANKET : 100%. virgin wool with wide n rayon binding that last -for life. Washable, pre-shrunk. Full or twin sizes beautifully. gift boxed. Choose red, yellow, blue, red, wade or 15. 99 _ green. Reg, 19.95 ee NYLON BLEND BLANKET « luxurious nylon and rayon blend that’s washable and colorfast. Wide satin binding. Completely moth-proof. 72% by 84", Reg. 7.95 6.99 se eee see # PT ee a ee 6006606806068 6080000000 Co oeerccccecccccecesccecesesesoeeseeoeooeoeneeseeees re ee r en eae “ELEGANT “RADIANCE” TOWEL ENSEMBLE $1, 98) 98 49 © 24x46" both i i lu ® 16"x28” hand size ......~. © 12x12” face cloth Cannon's solid color, gold metallic border towel en- Exquisite 7-pe. solid brass fi 1a : ~ bey semble is truly a luxurious gift to present to anyone ensembles, polished be ices ond on i: gift: fist! up-the-bathroom- beoutiful- toe Sage ws, . they're so soft ond luxurious pa so absorbent. solid brass, 8"*x 31” pull from color combinations to match your bath- chain, black po traverse screen, groom. Pink, whisper, aqua tint, turquoise, yellow, two 19% UFN-top ¢ andir rors ond ae ; green, mist, or white. e in sane piece fire set. : s : ‘ Chidien Wall id Weeio'a «.., Vests Toot _Charge Youre at Waile's .. Filth Plobe fois e Tonnegecovanecarevecccseivorcsecseeosesceescesencanssoosssoasosscoscoscosceeceneasaaansassesooosossoonccooeeesie * eeceeeceoeseeeoeeoee Golden Touch h Draperies : 63""long appre ri,” 499 pair — 2 ~ 9" long .......-. 3.99 poir _ Right in time ue halide visitors! Dramatic ready- “made draperies add fresh beauty to your home Distinctive new textured weave highlighted with . Ee lurex thread. Miracle chromspun and acetate lend thot never fades becouse the colors — a locked in. Lustrous new oe ype shades; rs de mocha, ate Pa ter, seafoam ee ‘Regular 59.95 ° by. 60”, Reg 890 iii: 808 ns Son 15.96. -...... 018 = mhusivel cat minder that suffering and hardship ; , which beset individuals and families 3 eang do not go unheeded. We do have sé concern for our neighbors, and are pF willing to contribute ready cash to ease their burdens. * x o* But equally important is the — manner in which the funds are raised. Under the United Fund ; plan one campaign in which the. whole community can join meets the budgets for major organiza- >, the opening of : ec cael : It is fitting that so many commu- nities in this state go along with this ~ tethod, asthe United Fund idea ; got its first big boost when. it was x. adn iad . tried on a major scale in Michigan. 9 manufacturers are par- . * rn * —Here-in Pontiae our United Fund _ ae _ Campaign is within sight of victory, 7, with but $17,000 still needed for the *4* $612,000 goal. Local, area and state agencies numbering 54 will share in With ‘divisions of the cam- tions for an, entire year, 3 fe Up by His Bootstraps!....W ell — Bootstrap! David Lawrence Says: pect Nixon to Travel to Europe z= _Will join ‘the roll of 100 per cent ; cities, kind t ae : ———. : s) see ede St ie Blan ! About Town yato show is a complete Broad- musical production wnicn can We']] Make Snow “aed New Item Being Added to ~ Our: County's Production aA _ Space man: Qne who can find & parking — vehi- To ‘Oakiand County's many industries, _ snother_ is to ‘be added. When the county, 5 Merten Gracdis | tof Bloomfield Hills has rented the acreage ‘ROWS ‘tor a ski resort from. the Michigan Con- ® Sere Holly, ‘bedide the four-lane Dixie Highway pavement, in Groveland Towriship, and Us to less than 20 miles northwest of Pontiac. ‘There he has installed six electrically ’ powered rope tows, also a special slow ‘ - tow. for beginners, all illuminated for ee Rectal night skiing. -The project includes the ~ which dominate snow making equipment to provide am- " ple quantities of the “beautiful” for all ent of Iceland tows A jodge’and restaurant are at the - 28 election, desired base of the sifde. Bn idee ee “$ki instructions on the Arlberg tech-— nique are to be given by a staff of experts, and a ski shop is being installed, where “sale. Mount. Holly has had a colorfu! history. " Por a century or more it was known as 3 eee ae Hill,” in honor of pioneer Jack “peace ottenaive™ was having writer of ‘these lines was the first person _ some effect on Icelandic think- to drive an automobile to its summit. Poli That was in 1916. ing. ticians were urging After the ‘conservatién department ~ cancellation of the. agreement bought the jand, its name was changed | under which we operated * the In a recent conversation with George M. Foster, Deputy State Highway-Commissioner> learned that any new road construction — that receives a major part of its financing from federal sources must not have any | Intersections or curves that cannot be | J Word comes tom me é froin the ‘Rochéster Farm and Garden Club that they are —to-hokt their greens market on Thirsday — and Friday as planned. After the tragic death of to “Haas Hill,” and maps of the area re Ahab ream asa ei agreement, it now is to be known as “Mount Holly,” being : “people. ° Recreational Area. ee es * * * . facilities, better phone Holly ME 4-9381 ae , acilities, phone Holly ~~ Obviously any such action by the or ME 4-9391. to learn if the skiing is. world’s ce parliament WaS B good, would be lett without any mili- tion and would be open attack that woulden-— designate it that way. But by mutual If you want to avail “yourself of its Tf carried out, Ice-" ‘whole’ ‘North Atlantic tas winsy, planes. It os 8. and Cana- Charles Talley, at whose salesrooms it was scheduled, - there was’ some agitation to éahdel it. However, Mrs. Talley urges the ladies- to ee ogee op ger somungg te Seid ett Without doubt in a position to know. ear ta ‘even our state's wonderful scenery cannot fest a Rares! battle with they ~palgn organization stiit edging their totals forward in final mal ef (X forts, it is hoped Pontiac soo the toggery ot the pastime. will be on ~ within” the “Holly ~~ ~ hold it there, as she is sure that is the — WASHINGTON — It nee not be surprising if Vice President Nixon goes to Austria and Central ", Makowe ie the Hane Setaepae Sy, in -behalt-of- President -Eisénhower,— ‘ -an on-the-spot study of the refugee problem created by the barbarism of ees Soviet Union in Hungary.. are sO many. questions which ao win involve action by Con- tragic plight of ot Since then, hints have come from administration sources that "collective security pacts have _ undoubtedly one of the most im- U.N. member countries now resi- dent in Budapest. It eould invelve the indefinite suspension of all representation of the —Hungarian: government until the situation is cleared. _ This procedure is the only one available; inasmuch as the United found that their independence has “The vice president's speech te portant utterances that has come from the administration in recent weeks. It underlines the firm pe - . Nations charter iiself does not pro- atiged ae Usited i vide specific methods of expdlsion ‘ _~ -_ focused end ts except by concurrence of the Secur- ey ores This is ity Coungjl—on which, of course, as A Boweny 4 * the Soviet Union has’a veto. There is every intention here to manifest a continued interest in ~ Hungary and in the other states of Europe where the terrors of Soviet- colonialism and militarism have again been arrogantly ex- hibited to the. world. (Copyright, 1956, New York Herald Tribaney © represen tives of the alleged Hungarian government until all the facts have been made available. either ‘through a U.N. mission or r through Dr. William Brady Says: _ 4 Advice to Indoor Worker: © Avoid Winter Underwear Reader complaining about ex- collar tured up, braving wind and cessive sweating—finds himself in -snow on their way to the nearest the whole subject of aid to bolster Europe's faltering economy is be- ing carefully studied with the hope of examining same concrete plans later on when the Western Euro- pean governments have agreed among themselves as to the scope of their immediate needs. ‘SUPPORT THE OPPRESSED ~& trip by the vicd président to Europe would show that America is lending. moral support to the cause of the peoptes of. a at, Here is a ‘patna Ltt ose now becomes ‘especially cant: “The lesson of Hungary-1s etched in the minds and seared im the souls of all mankind. As a result, Communist parties are breaking wp all over the world. The Soviet cannot count on the try or even of its own troops, Its campaign te win the neutral nations has blown up in its face. “Can it be seriously suggested that any nation in the world today would trust the butchers of Buda- ~ ~ pest? What has happened in Hon- jy damp, and hence the poor geek gary is a solemn warning to national leaders everywhere that __those who invite. = a run the risk of the savage slaugh- ter which has been the lot of the freedom figmers a pramgary. “They we a the Communists onan but Communist colonial« ism, slavery, economic exploita- tie and war. “At the same time, the events ta Hungary have shown our one ieeng into alliatices. loyalty of a_single satellite coum-— _ that they — a dilemma: spot for a quick one. One such “Despite the fact that my cloth-_ Picture is more effective than a ing is on the thin-and lightweight thousand words — especially my side of winter wear, this perspira- “words — in-the health education tion persists, and I have been of most Americans. warned -that it endangers my ‘ health when 1 desperately seek orhita’s losers, oat maces tan one pean the relief of cool or cold winter. Dosis. or trestinent, will Be ameweret Dr. Willian i « stam = Budapest _ air while my pores are open from asemnn riage ae goed tion. I am 29 years Old, tiac Press, € feet tall and weigh 235 pounds. he (Copyright 1956) ~military experietice, the diplomatic representatives of . ‘not be Spas es wales: the letver " In regards to the Christmas Mil- “‘Ytar'y Ball, the ‘action of the USO Utica is deeply appreciated. I should also like to express - My work in this area has been my most pleasant and rewarding largely —be- cause of the good will and the public spirit of the people here in Southeastern Michigan. Whenever in need for help in achieving? the proper morale ‘support —activities— program, we always found the USO most recéptive: and helpful, and assure you the efforts are ap- Portraits By JAMES J. METCALFE Believe me when f “promise you : : : . Want you--and you alotie . No ‘words could be more truthful . ‘That I. am all your ewn — I-am in tove with you, and I~ than . . . These ones thaf I have’ | spoken . . And I have never made a vow That Thave ever broken _ No ‘matter what may happen, dear « « « OF > -how the world may - O any doubt that you ‘Believe me, dear; I love you with. _ A love that has ne ending .. . As long as: -your sweet lips and mine... In kisses keep on blending .. . you are everything .. and memory — . Of time i From gossip or a — Believe me, ~ aoe You are the. only one I love... You are the — “world «to ‘me. _ Copyright,” 1956) : et are Soviet Afraid to Let Dag See Condition of Hungary By JOHN H. MARTIN INS Foreign Director Red Hungary's rejection of U.N. Secretary General Dag Hammar- -skjold’s -plan-to-visit there Dec. 16 is not re. . * * . government, ere only ‘oer the erty vig glen -says-such-a- If the Ruselens have strength- ened their“hold on all strategic Acer jn the northeast, as indi- eated’in the Miskole broadcast, there are two possible motives: So irst, the Russians may be pre. J at ing to install an outright mili- tary government throughout - the pr and to occupy key plants aswell as communication centers. ead ee in diplo- mati¢ verbiage is that Hammar- SI et cal ae peor ghn sana Red rulers do not want such a scene off recorded im the world peace organization. Scores of thousands of patriots have been killed and wounded by the Russians. U demonstrators, or sons and husbands, age being aeanet by Red troops. * Despite their agony, the Hun- garian patriots are by no means finished. allowed into the country. his pres- ence undoubtedly would create a monster demonstration by millions “Russky face sot Wing ar Tt is to the maser advant- age of the Soviets, of course, if they can keep up the fiction that the puppet Kadar actually is ruling Hungary. Secondly. the Russians may be preparing for further armed action; other general strike of indefini ~ * * Se: this Gomartion leaflets nave ee eries.”' But Kadar’s own potbed of ‘andl acity in recent weeks has not been” very fistinguished. -, Greet bathe Lord hell he —Prov. 29:24, *- * * We come, in our trust, unto God, _. being ‘and eternity.40-Him, wi find hh aide is transformed — I drink five tall glasses of various non-alcoholic beverages per day.” ee Fee pied, root: tate, ra. Case Records of a rach ee ay ay ae povenel 6h aaai a ee ee Lorna should be glad she-is— “abnormal,” ” for the type of * her yd friend re- visible and invisible. FEELS COLD MORE This keeps the clothing constant-— js a studious girl with By DR. GEORGE W. CRANE . inside feels the cold when he goes ee out more than. he would: if his — : underwear were Gry, It is jike — wearing. damp shoes accrbomtianet: phe: exiea ‘cover he iikes when 1 goes ont in extreme cold weather. ' Case T-343: Large Y.. aged 36 -good looks. Course “Dr, Crane, ct unhappy y You teenagers must face the situation candidiy and decide whether you wisi to become a lion , oF a sheep. | ; Are you going to let othe ; do such . % * Or are you going to pick your course throughout life with wisdom” nd “horse sense’’? “HIGH SCHOOL SHEEP sn’t Always Bad And heavy petting parties, Plus &® multitude of girl friends, ee are regarded by such ion s he-man symbols, much as the Indians prided themselves on. the number of scalps at their belt... as he-man symbols, much as the of their love affairs and pride themselves on the number of girls’ photographs they can have stand- ~ing on their dresser, JUVENILE SYMBOLS = Automation to. | Expansion Ladies’ — Men's ~ Special Jewelry Dept. Watch Bands a | 95 Georges-Newports Role of Combat Soldier Bends to ‘New Look,’ S. Bork, commander of the Michi- gan military. district, says every- thing in the Army today, except the jyears, “The Army,” Bork told the 979th a :talion, “is upon the threshold of almost complete pushbutton opera- ition, “With the new look in military tactics,” he continued, “fewer men will be in the front lines and units will be smaller and more tightly organized for | greater effectiveness. jatomic shell which will be guided N. Saginaw Ba [ito its target, such as tanks, by |= electric wand in the hands of fa man in a foxhole: : “Helmets will contain their own [disposable gloves, and uniforms’ twill be electrically heated.” | Bork spoke at the 979th Battal.’ ‘jon’s celebration of its first anni-) At Your Service for: @ Wheel Chairs @ Walkers — @ Crutches u 2-3027° 5 Deore North of 10 Mile Uversary. It is ‘made up of reserv- RENTAL ists from Jackson, Hillsdale and Albion, and SALES Bork said the Army will let a: ‘ jcontract within the next month or @ Hospitel fso for a new $500,000 reserve Beds training center to be built in Jack- @ Bed Sides To Close Offices of Tourist Council ; ‘LANSING ® — The Michigan) Tourist Council will close its in-| ~J0°4-6847'T formation offices in “Detroit “and? "MICHIGAN FIRST AID Eavalid Needso—Sickhroom Supplies 1621 S$. Weedward, Royal Oak Chicago in mid - summer, the) agency announces, Is The move will be in line with| jthe Council’s plan to change the | emphasis of ‘its information pro- gram from service to selling. Necessary Call Today Phone FE 5-6141 FUEL OIL No Contract Gregory. Oil Co. 94 Eest Walton Bivd. — Robert J. ong, Council Ex-/ }ecutive Secretary, said closing the| offices earlier had been considered, but that it was deemed wise to! wait until the legislature gave its, ‘full approval. The Cotincil, he said, plans to’ replace the information , offices’ with two “vacation salesmen’’! who will contact industrial employ-' ers, labor groups, transportation: companies, travel bureaus and ad “stores: cago and Detroit offices, he said, ‘was that they are too ‘‘stationary”’ ‘and limited in area coverage, > CONVENIENT SCHEDULE (Only One Night Enrovie! leave Miami =. 12:40 pm A Trainload of Laxury Travel. Leaving Chicago and St. Louis every other dey beginning December 15th ie with all the comforts of home. ‘Truly Relaxing Comfort —Spa- Private rooms and suites Thrifty Travel—Restful-foam-— rubber, fully reclining coach - seats reserved for your tse ex- Revamp Army? | Says Brig. Gen. Bork | 2 | JACKSON ®—Brig. Gen, Lesier| | : soldier, will be obsolete in a few! Reserve Engineer Construction Ba-|_ . jradios; rations will be built into, 4g partment = ‘One of the objections te-the Chi-| “INSTALLED AT. NO EXTRA COST DISPENSER WHEEL Dispenses the right amount of © water-softenin, f the rinse cyc condition the rinse weer. a du pagetin es 2 . | A full case of Calgon : included with purchase _ EGER RE Wa a Re an URN NNR i “Sl pies : water heater A terrific buy on this 30 al = -lon fully automatic gas water _ transfer of heat to water. 1957 No fabulous ‘New dispens ‘57 al Here's a really terrific buy on this famous fully automatic washer with the ispenser Wheel . ... the modern °. discovery that. gives you up to 39% cleaner NORGE 30-gallon gas ~-clothes. Time-Line control, aerated water fill. Delivered, Instelled plus 5-yr. bee a _ Norge ‘Time-Line’ ‘automatic gas dryer Norge automatic, gas dryer with Time-Line Control that lets you choose the p ing time for. all: your finest washab select the correct time on the, straight-line “+ control panel and push the button, It’s easy! a Exclusive oe venting. Hurty and save! ee LIST 79,93 : ‘@Completely automatic et _ @Galvanized steel tank @Glatt fiber insulation Fast-heating flue a teas Mickear “UST 20.95 _with mammott Master Oven * ‘Gas i" még? Master Oren ha hes: “E over 4 cu.ft. of . window oven with Teht. Pao. drop-front broiler, fap and timer, LIST 239. 95 -Wyman top outlet, range lamp, * “THE PONTIAC. PRESS. MONDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1056 oe oo Bak The beatantng ‘ot the Aumntoaniin 1635 a : aesienaie wes cde wh ne he peer te oe > eS nn See ee a Cnenecal % Beats" Beer in Calories| oie é Sao * downright enjoyment, the com- LOWREY. We'll-chow you how ‘ every been reported. A ee plete relaxation you'll find with the exclusive “solqp” for each __ manual add versatility—how the choice of pedal ‘“‘attack’’ and “sustain”? make it easier to play. With the amazing LOWREY “Minit-Musie” (available only with the LOWREY), you'll play,’ large in the mountains but. that a determined drive was under way to encircle it. The latest small-scale revolt) ‘against President Batista’s - re- gime began with civilian attacks: ‘\Nov. 30 in Santiago de Cuba, the nation’s second largest city. and philan-| Hawail produces about % per 2p cent of the world supply of canned pineapple. The five new diphtheria cases were reported in. Detroit's lower _| West side, where an outbreak of the disease developed a month ago. }Of the 156 stricken five have died In 1955 onty 18 diphtheria cases 'were found in Detroit and there the LOWREY Spinet. Whether artist, amateur, or beginner, come in and try it yourself! Play a phrase, a chord, a single note! You'll feel the LOWREY’s mag- nificence at once—you'll thrill te That: deaf children spell better than children with unimpaired hearing. That 26 jet planes, warming up, make as much“sound as a_ full symphony orchestra _ multiplied 1,000 times, | was only one diphtheria death. That Wally Rose, veteran movie ‘ ' the infinite variety of tone com- today! No musical knowledge re- | Four additional inoculation teams lll pool es cians bet Tae” teem binations,the beauty of the quired. Come in and prove to were scheduled to join today the y have been trying to round up a LOWREY '’s voices. yourself how much fun it is to group of about 8) revolutionaries make music the easy way and, who were landed from the sea a) . how little it costs. If you like fine organ music, you'll love the LOWREY! Here, at last, critical engineer- ing and sensitive voicing have drawn the ultimate from the realm of electronics to produce a ° + - | 16 that administered vaccine to|’****: o '«*'*s * - 22,000. children last week in a) 1, : “ : at the prize keepsake of Gen. drive to halt spreed of the disease. yyary Clark president of the Cita-|Week ago, reportedly under Fidel: Authorities said at least 23,000' de} is & 5 caliber revolver he;Castro’s leadership, He has-been} - would recelvé was carrying when wounded inj exile in Mexico. u il fF 7 France during the World War L ae ‘That if you are planning to be} Fatally Hit at Crossing ae ; [ O W R EF Y Dene =f" the moon, you'd. better start rot roan, Roman Molasky, dled i Spinet ; Largé Discount ‘hoarding. your pennies now . a hospital today five hours after jat six cents a mile, the eed il trip will cost $28,680, first, class. | 1. That Americans buy 60 million’ be was struck by a car while at- - tempting to cross a street near his OPEN EVERY EVENING UNTIL 9 P. M. ” Soaaam| GALLAGHER’S MUSIC CO. Wica’s. people live on tarms today. 16-18 East Huron FE-4.0566 That Mari Sandoz, who wrote|In 1850 almost two-thirds the pop- | . “The Buffalo Hunters,” " -helayeaiey wes fund farmlands. : F ora EVERY NTE SHAWS JEWELERS...24 N. Saginaw St | UNTIL XMAS. 10- PIECES include Everything Vou Need To Take and Show — vial aon WORLD LANDMARK BOOKS $1.50 W-8 Reyal Conadian Mounted Police W-24 The Hudson's Bay Company W-26 The Magee Cherte. W-17 The Life of G&. Potrick ri ce Mi: Li on OE. a heater =f PA Se W-l The First Men inthe World -f/ W-19 Coptoin Cook Explores the South Sens et nectar peg 4-13 The Senta Fo Tred - The Landing of the Piigriee oer Bevy Creckert paged pom pone “aa te ai ek ae Pires | WT the Coss A. Rahat Steryetthe U.S. Marines | W4 Jeon efAre L-32 Sem Houston, The Tallest W-2 Alexender the Great : Texen W-5 King Arthur end His Knights ___COME IN, PHONE or'MAIL COUPON TODAY a | OLD FOLD PROFS Book Book Shop 1 2 PROF’S : Espa ant Pineda the children's books whose numbers I have ; BOOK SHOP eee. q Ww. Lewrence. tse tgeeme eee st ee er eee ati SE EEE te * ES ‘ és ee FE 2-8432 Addecss — Ap. # Omm CAMERA — Keystone crn rnosecten tent BA Shale Capri with 12.5 fixed-focus lens in Keystone K-75 with S00-watt lamp, , pg Pemampeergrm “pcon | ee enaecronaper ea interchangeable mount for telephoto 300-t reel, £1.6 Magna-Scope, ealer- =—e and wide-angle lens. Takes brilliantly corrected lens. Twin fan cooled, high- _ ALL THE NEW sharp color or black-and-white speed AC motor. New Keystone movies. Built-in easy-to-use exposure - singig-knob- control oom fight sae Lifeti showers: and Free ike amie * ty 10 Pieces INCLUDED: 8mm ntl: Screen; Exposure Guide; Gadget Movie * sone Mouse Fitm. oy H4 : a Hee paws Gal eae ad getting shorter and prices are getting higher as France enters a more ¢ritical phase of the. oll groups are meeting daily to pro- test to the government, charging discrimination in priority gasoline becoming so crowded that the authorities are beginning to fear that their operating efficiency and safety may be impaired. ers feel it will be convenient and) - ecofiomical, avoiding trips that re- quire uphill climbs. and frequent, starting and stopping. Some motorists are paying two to three times the official price of gasoline, but the -prospects are that, when the black-market hits its stride, the price will come down to about 50 per cent above! normal. Tourism, once France’s greatest dollar earner, was the first casual- ae pa hy iy UMPERS only “ ie hw corduroy jumpers with dainty sealioped neckline and pockets. Elas- / ticized back waist for perfect fitting. ~ Full skirt, Sizes 7 to 14 in nee and coral, Boys’ Famous / ty, and the Riviera is practically PAS a an “Come! of Paris! world femous 4 ! Duffle SHIRTS. luxury hotels are icy cold and hot water, promised a-few hours each “Boys’ famous duffle Sineie with smart mon misfortunes together. new wooden toggle aay inp wash- Neither are able to buy any salt. A current French rumor is that salt protects against radiation poisoning, and the recent Russian words about rocket-bombs has caused that product to disappear entirely from store shelves. | ‘ Barring an unexpectedly rapid) resumption of off shipments through Suez and a reopening of the mideast pipelines, the French able Sanforized fabrics. sleeves. Sizes 6 to-+6 in red, blue, brown and ton. Boys’ and Girls’ Orlon Pile Lined Boys’ “Ivy-League” Dress Shirts Only 998 Sant teidinnis ee den pe 1 cloth ‘with button-down collar apd barrel cuffs. inverted back “pleat. Sizes 6 to 12, 13-1412 in v Boys’ boxed dress shirts ‘complete swith cuff links, “Waite’s . . . Second Fleot Boys’ and girls’ all nylon snow suits. Hooded ew ket and zipper closing. Orion pile lined and worm interlin- - aS royal, red and SELLING OFA MOST EXTRAORDINARY SHIRT! - =e HE BREWSTER” | eastern oil that comes around the tr that comer rd WAITE’S OWN FINE BROADCLOTH to the long haul. : ora At : . i ie Newest fashion, famous ‘brand. : rg Britain Starts New Se iti Suey demic Colonial Projects a ae here a LONDON — Ten new projects to raise the living standards of people in British colonies have been an- nounced by’ the British Govern-| ment: They inclide a‘ 1,000,000-' pound loan to Southern Rhodesia to finance urban schemes for natives’ housing for the development of a stable, efficient labor force for local industry; pest & Mave to encourage the expansion of cocoa growing, and a plan to ex- nr — power stations coda ted French. industry that have been blocked by the closing of the Suez Canal are wool, rubber, and man- ganese, Much-needed shipments of Amer] & ican and Caribbean crude oil will)” cause a serious drain on already 4 short dollar reserves. The middle- ary Because it's custom-tailored of the finest 152 -x "30 white broadcloth —— Sanforized, mercerized, lustrous — loomed to wear and. wear and wearf Because it's made with custom-precision, i every feature of the fine dress shirt . . . single- construction throughout, one-piece sleeves, self-f. os French front, vale heck Yer 05, ocean pearl buttons. ‘Extraordinary Because when we offered this fabulous shirt at this same special price five months agé, Greater Pontiac thrilled; bought by the dozen, So, Waite’s brings you this great sale just in time for Christmas gtr jn, select your shirts, get your share of this phenomenal value. Collar sizes 14-17, ‘sleeve lengths 32 to 35. Regular cuffs. Save 3.56 on each shirt, save 10.85 when you buy three at $10.00! Charge Yours at Waite's . ... Street Floor : 3 fe “19° — Ideal for Christmas Giving! Collar peints per- Sanforised- bread. matched, self- cleth. Ocean pearl slotted style, pA a a French ee + \ 1EYBUG” SLIPPERS Se eS ca) wil foie their own Slippers, so warm and cozy. just like their dad. They'll love their colors and styling.. yrs of black, pink, and light blue. 8-3. 0 Awaba ih aadel awa pe | er pump. Rayon faille lining, soft split leather sole.. ns 0-3. Full. ee nn rrr nares & padded leather sole. in in capeskin. Choose from colors of 3. Full SILOS. cen cence ses pees nn. LY —e Faille fined, soft split leather sole. ites Was ebakpas estates deen +o ves 6s DOP Seccesovccesooooos sassnesescnsenscgsonenegens ——— ono sic dy cio t 7 et Ba ck Sp. se teh re So (Amro Starts Making resents 40 per cent of the nation's cept the queen. Already: fertilized,| called honey dew is a staple Sood) “ |aviation-tuel requirement, aphids by tt is a striking example of auto peau cE a chris - | MELBOURNE — Australia’s first mation ity the~chemical ya te plant to produce “aviation fuel onifor it can -be operated by @ large scale has opened at Altona, three men with @ lene: control ; near Melbourne. Its output enone : : mee Ss ‘nak ‘dines tiaek blistér beetles may feed) spring comes, they. thaw out anid, an abandoned mouse hole. Record capik Sick les Recorde nila gree hardy ‘is ‘the ue ‘leaf ing into holes. of their ‘own to ‘ sleep the winter. worm, a tropical species’ that|bugs is the corn root ie cee perishes to the last bug in northern;®é2* ; appear |winters. Each summer a new in-/@ Species vasion’° comes from the — south,’ nests reaching as far north as. the Great Spring Lakes and Canada where it feeds|of the ‘on many kinds of plants, The Tae ~~ _ ead ayeg 6. monarch butterfly, on the other! gins Ow corn Faas hand, gathers in northern. states @Dts then transfer their charges to) That was a 10-point increase], 7 ; “| i 7 ies [ ii a8 ‘ i Hs 5 i | i i : Es ; fs ‘| FA nH hi : i Ht : : i ag tal ne SecuRITY oe ENDORSERS REQUIRED | ONE PLACE TO PAY are first frozen— female. Commercial shellac of insuring that | ig preduced by Burmese and jin autumn and fies south in|those roots, where they flourish—jover the previous peak, reached ansellers Other inte warm spell won't bring out) pagien insects of similar habits. swarms thousands ‘to the dismay of the farmer, Member American Association of Oredit Ov strong. . * : | The cercoula moth spins itself This is a dairying operation, and| 1 1950 hard-tops accounted for “Let § Yours of Credit Counselling experience esalat - | Many mosquitoes pass the winter 4 of Seanlnes & 2 EGGS ARE EATEN ‘i a vacuum bottle cocoon—with two the aphids are ‘cows’. The sap|™y per cent of new-car sales. Hours: Daily 9 to 5. Wed. & Sat. 9 to 1. Evenings by App jen 20, life for a grasshopper /** larvae, or “wrigglers,” seett-| walls and an air space between for!that aphids suck holds tao much) ; MICHIGAN CREDIT COUNSELLORS not guaranteed. The blister|ingly content to be frozen in ponds) insulation. |sugar for them in relation to) The United States owns about] 41% & sagimaw | lays its eggs nearby./and other watery homes. When! The honey bee lives in its hive,'protein content. The excess is! 20,000 long tons of gold. | EN EVERY NIGHT TILO led to bring out her most her dainty Give ed ied sackets of gh we can-cans, bees in white, pastel, red or bles fabrics, styles. Al} sizes. Hurry! BOYS’ DRESS AND. SPORT SHIRTS | i baad Boys’ Parka JACKETS Lined and interlin seek ongen tote — Sizes 6 to 12. Savel © Sleeveless SWEATERS JUNIOR BOYS’ “CORD SLACKS 398 GIRLS’ ORLON* GIFT SWEATERS a ae 3” Pullover in Orlon*, Vv. 98 neck style, colors. Sizes 2 Perfect for. Christmas giving! Broad- 6 to 16, Hurry, save! Washable thickset cotduroy,’ cut Gi suas in speek -soft, quick cloth dress, flannel or broadcloth *DuPons’s ecrylic fiber fed, elastic side waist band, sizes dry Orlon*. White and ls in sport shirts, neck 11-14, 6-18. Long sleeve) 4-12 ............... 3.98 5 to 10. Save at Federal’s! ~ sizes 4 to 6x and 7 to re Leng sleeve, 32-38 ................ 4.98 - Corduroy slocks in sizes 8-18 .... 4.98 *DuPont’s acrylic fiber Special Purchase! Little boys’ famous-brand _ ‘ROB ROY’ shirts — ___ @lmported woven ginghoms : : “@ltalian styles included — ; 34 @ Dressy Senforixed B’cloth = @Tremendous velues \ You'll find flannels in vtri patterns, gaily patterned woven ginghams, te aa ae broadcloth dress shirts. s owed early and save at Folens! eee _gleeve sport shirts -oPayptoaeaaph fabrics, —— colors. Folly © Bae = oF able In sizes M.LXL. Hurry and save! o in white, solid _ Dress shirts wh * me cpainincscteactainenarr een — ~~ collars, some French cuffs. Sizes 14-17. Save! ind midd a = wot nmi) Oe a side elastic whistbands. Assorted col- ca panies in A-B-C-D. Save! = 5 ¥* 4 eal bp t : at ans a make Henry Kaiser's ~ |prices up. But st Hamburg . lubS | tne workers are- eating and-dress-_ methods ing well. They have plenty of! money to clothe and educate their! children adequately, vend even! on Chicago's outer drive. > |etash a tittle away. 3 = 3 r Beautiful, making year. G 80 new vessels the past hoes ee The | Dreyer 8 wed ot ; rage Mgr’ ” ke Ug, | more than its biggest pre- =zz| TELHURON. DIN I ‘ is money— : = aadegs tana ene have a job if he wanted . : =e gt ie TEL-HU | IN “the awful rubble of 195. The fewlone, dectanes & alae eae se anges Bins only arumati : from Cog Als: Eley <5 By over the city. ‘countries. ree me . Hamburg Hamburg vee teen _ OPEN EVERY NIGHT TT VISIT SANTA IN.TOYLAND _ Sweater § ale | A gift the! really lovel it , 7 aes | oT gedaan al & : Little Folks’ Sturdy _/ Big Folding Table Zs VINYL DOLL __ MAPLE ROCKERS _ AND CHAIR SET 16” PARKCYCLE aa ro Ee i : Deluxe 2-wheeler, sturdy Sturdily-made, hardwood slat rocker , frame, coaster brakes, i r 1 ‘¥ , igible and teslebig shouts. Soret Festive-new glamour pee ee ! ER DOLL-E-CRIB AND | a in ] or 2- vies , ToT § SALE! ELECTRIC ALL-STEEL RID mattress 6.44.8 in 1 or 2-pc, style | $ALED TEETER TOT SALET DOLL BUGGY ROBOT, BABY. 4.8 LOCOMOTIVE 4.98. ~SHOO-FLY 5.88 BY WELSH. 5.88 d Col- Hest ited eal with deep slides bela. Hurry! br ker operated robot with Ridi fy -to-steer, o it now! . ee a , He lid ' ae ids You're sure to find the dress , that’s ‘just right’ for the Yule. tide season! Glamour « + styled one and two-piece fashions in ; - % winter hap red, pastels, navy : or black in a glorious array of *, ¢ fabrics inchiding lace trims, In 4 Pe all sizes. Hurry to Federal's! ; FREE ALTERATIONS a} poy 3 ae | : “There is one y I know to get e> “THE PONTIAC PRESS, MONDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1006 * irony $8, he pie ofthe aie Schnee ae it be ut st by} It was in October °S5 that she started to sponsor special plane- ama Ue Nhauatinn weekends ee 6. “The reason, naturally, is that most of us here don't think beyond the plans for next Friday night,” said Miss Murray. - ee Se asl Proud of Efficiency Pittsburgh - DENVER (INS) — The biggest budget SEE ile ae dee stick. ufo. tremendously in demand in business, industry, and government. = The Business. Institute has had extensive experi- -ence in training veterans for desirdble positions with opportunity for advancement. n _in_person, telephone,or--write-for— new lac hg anni cu fis oe “DAY, HALF-DAY and EVENING Hl The. Business Institute’ 7 W. Lawrence St. APPROVED for VETERAN TRAINING “PONTIAC KOREAN VETERANS ag Men who are eked Wik Lctcanting. , Seeretarial- Science, and For informa- more than 650,000 checks lear pay laa handling well-over: bi] + pay and allotment rec- ords, the enormity of the job woes appear hope bopelens. | : “2 Air Force Finds Fast Way w,=,"srvss,s ihe fore tba CO Spend Its Billions Efficieney extends even to the coffee breaks. Housed in two long former warehouse buildings, a method of insuring mirimum loss of time during morning and after-'course. After five years of operation, the noon break periods, seven “shrimp boats” — traveling coffee bars — the work areas. — When workers were slow to get back together after the coffee breaks, it was decided to switch lights off and on as a signal of But, ‘efficiency-conscious manage Ment found that they were blowing out too many fluorescent starters-— at a cost which made the small . time factor: negligible. The system was dropped. Through efficiency 0 ee including a one-fourth reduction the amount of space needed, tel Center has cut costs more incor two. million dollars. Two-Party Political System Is Unusual “But more than the machines | are the systems which improve "Phone FE 2-3551 |United States, Great Britain, Can- ada, Australia, New Zealand, some. parts of Eatin America, and a few) cities being as high as 9 per cent in a magnificent holiday gift carton This holiday season, give dnd serve “smooth-tasting Old Sunny Brook- now In a bright, new holiday carton that Perfectly compliments its fine "Kentucky quality? have been set up to take coffee to pressed in her tours (also, the lu- crative aspects of it may enter into her thinking), Miss Murray— Institute’ — is planning greater things. a i. * * “Next year,” she says, “we'll offer a weekend hop to London for the opening of ‘My Fair Lady’ there, And I’m working on a pack- aged 10-day flight - around - the - “It will take in the Folies Ber- Fait cig ARE entire world whoosh. * * + And just think of the fun. of tell: ing your friends, as_you-lie in-your bed recuperating: “My dear, I flew around the world last week. Ane eh world. For pure entertainment, of : trons A You Can W " - Beoutifully An Moving Firm School . he ok. | ~~ Gift Graduates ‘Masters’ jj ——— INDIANAPO _ ea i ae company turns out its Model as ‘Masters of Moving.” Not until ven scutes pamsios @ aee 90 DAYS : Pe ms NrRAnS Layaway a cy Pi ‘TO PAY! for. Christmas! Same as Cash! “Meal Xmas FREE HOME DEMONST RATION | you been doing?” _ WAYNE GABERT _ YOUR ELECTRICAL APPLIANCE SPECIALIST TRH Saginaw WEE et FE S-6189 : asterel shoulders tet you put up @ better frent with fewer wrinkles! ‘ OPEN to 9 EVERY NIGHT UNTIL CHRISTMAS ge pee eee ago : ie Black} Market Specter | Looms Paris. Fears Lack of Food lane : sediiiatilen of Paris these days. While the chil-| It is useless to try to explain to/ Uti hostesses get themselves or- dren gaze starry-eyed at the glit-|these distraught hoarders that if|/ Sized. Even people lucky enough : a aoa 0 tering window displays, wondering} and when a global war did happen, | ave old-fashioned open fire) | ha, é wee ees a what Pere Noel will bring them, |their world would probably disinte-| Places in their homes have to wai pe ff je joe | , their mothers are thinking “abotit|grate—and their hoards with it," deliveries of coal which ap- declared there was no likelihood| , “fer teod, the most important This promises to be a semi-aus- : item is clothing. At one depart- of food shortages, a wave of panic has swept over French housewives. ment store I was told that there Terrified at the prospect of re- | bought two extra winter coats. living the hungry days ef 1940- | Another declared they had sold | mountain resorts as well as on the i ' 1946, they have laid in stocks of | their entire supply of men’s and Riviera ate udinaae whether it Tops i in TV Stations Sean in operation, 178 more au-|troop morale in isolated overseas) c : sugar, rice, flour, canned goods, | women's woolen underwear, be- is worth their while to open at all. "WASHINGTON ..— ‘The United ‘thorized, and 21 small stations in-'bases. The 41 other countries ofjers, -_- ee oil and coffee, as well as soap. | equse of restricted heating. =a pent shops pe It. women cannot understand that) like feverish ants, last week flit- hoarding is unpatriotic, many hus-| ted from counter to counter, git. |0@Rds have certainly not given the ing their shopping baskets. example. Their assault on gasoline; ipumps has been like a minor gold History has a habit of repeating|rush. Here the black market al- itself. Once again, retajlers af€iready has reared its ugly head! treating their clients condescend-|with automobilists wheedling and) ly. At a small lecal store| promising substantial ™ to at-| where I asked for a bottle of oilitendants in exchange for a full) and. a kilo of sugar, pad tank. : | ~ was: “We reserve our supplies for - customers who buy everything poner GAS wot here”—with great emphasis on| The recent “gasless” weekend} = “everything.” (pumps closed from Saturday noon M7, COUNTRY COUSINS 30 te 40 per cent of the traffic from | Parisians are also repewing their |the streets of Paris’ and the na- a meennneemmnannenanallllindiimesnannsieassameanedl| pyrtlirg, in enema 7 de Foam rubber padded swive) Pe form rocker with high extra comfort. ipl Many sizes to choose from, X- f+ some with mirrored backs. Choice of Maple or Mahar: ae er finishes. So hiond! So smart! vita i gascoil supplies cut by pals and public bul : £3 FIEONSILINE “ae So low ie priced! E pit mULE i ital F a ga Been looking for really stunning modern tables? Then see how Mersman’s new _ Sithouette styling combines smart modern design with « __ blond finish that’s-subtle and Platform Rocker 27x37 MIRROR: Orde r is d and —— Smart Danish design in a . ye ar Only Mersman could create practical poh OF Handsome mirror with dec- @ _ windows NOW ot our prices. such table values... each Sonor, orator frame to enhance your bearing the mark of genuine oe living room. Ideal gift item. Mersman craftsmanship, each dhe a ea eerie with stain-resistant, burn- resistant Formica top. And their gleaming, jewel-like “+ finish is set off by self-leveling brass ferrules. Shop ns soon, for the table — 2 buy of a lifetime! ae: - PP ee 2 ie (j Pee Re Ree a ee oe 2S BS - or Se | Oe ts EMBER 10, 1956 4 ree These three countries, highly tn Soviet plans for domination in Asia have come ences over Soviet Unions |\\out with denunication of 3ANIA YUGOSLAVIA INDIA. BURMA, INDONESIA 3° SAS es tenet Z patients —~ eo irisieceeepenti = siallans ines in-Satellites 2 loosen its grip on. those regimes and see them all become. either or P,. WHITNEY munist state apparatus ever the {| This in turn means that the most Foreign News Analyst citizenry acute sector of the crisis of Com- inaugurated the first phase of the cated in the Soviet orbit, in par-/ments or non-Communist pingicrisis of Communist imperialism, ticular in East Europe. However,! 14 neither case is,the prospect it was the Hungarian revolution/it should not be forgotten that the very happy for Moscow's Commuy- these two phases must|Viet Union. itself, ee * ihave not yet shot their bolt, and the capital of Soviet Communist on a factor which has always imperialism, is that it can either|come to their aid in their most return to Stalinist type terror injacute moments—namely, the tn order to keep its grip on those'capability of the West in exploiting which/the weaknesses of, Comuniat _ "THE PONTIAC PRESS, MONDAY. DEC ‘high tribunal Wednesday knowing’ tat O, Doiglas described it as wa piets Straddle Deepening Crisis. which brought it info its” second “also Teaches within” the “So- nist imperialists However. they! only| The dilemma of the Kremlin, asipresumably they are still counting'O¢- "early. 360,000,000_gallons_ over was th 3, Pennsylvania fifth with Se | iGives Heroic Presentation « Dying Lawyer Argues ‘WASHINGTON (INS) —*A dra: ~Tmatie story of a Washington iaw- yer’s struggle against-lung cancer | to argue his last case before the, Supreme Court has been unfolded | following his death. The attorney, Prew Savoy, 57, made the appearance before the' that he was dying of the dread) idisease. Rushed home after the thearing, he was found dead Fri- day. To prepare himself for his last ease, Savey fortified himself with i and spent last week end in the | hospital resting up and dictating | | During his appearnce before the jcourt, the well-known attorney was} jashen-faced and coughed frequent- | \ly but stood arguing in behalf of ihis client for a full hour. The nine blackrobed justices ;were aware of his condition and ber in case Savoy collapsed. The Lawyer's office said that he ‘just made it out of the court’; and rushed home to bed after his! ‘arguments. Associate Justice Wil-| “heroic presentation.” { OPERATION USELESS Savoy was told by his physicians) ; ‘California Leads Nation | in Motor-Fuel Usage =| | LOS ANGELES — During 1955, California easily led the rest of | the nation in motor-fuel consump-; billion gallons in 1955, an increase the year before. The next state was Texas, with 4,438 billion—galions,-_New—_York third with 3,515; Ohio fourth 2.9, and 2.8. ‘Philippine Guerrillas were recog-' » last February that he -was- suffer] ing from_—such-an_advanced case | of cancer that an operation would be useless. They gave him three to_18 months to live, _ Ses But he was determined to proc- ess to the Supreme Court the case on which he had worked for sev- eral years. It involved a $119,000) suit against the government by a Philippine ‘civilian whose supplies: were. requisitioned by Guerrillas during World War Il, : Savoy argued that since the nized by Gen. Douglas MacArthur they were part of the U. S. Mili-: tary’ Strength and this country was: responsible for their upkeep. Haye Hay Fever?’ San Francisco's | MEMBER OF The Community National Bank “Pays 220° FEDERAL DEPOSIT ' INSURANCE CORP, COMMUNITY NATIONAL BANK of PONTIAC A Year ON -SAVINGS- CERTIFICATES Deposit your surplus savings or investment savings at any one of our 7 convenient banking offices. THE Place for You swollen eyes, he may have some-' thing, but it is doubtful that it is hay fever induced by ragweed pollen. ‘The American Foundation for Allergic Diseases told the Ragwood § Empire Association that the rag- weed pollen index for San Fran- == cisco was 0.2, By the way of con- trast, .the index figure for one community in Michigan was 190. | The ragweed pollen index was compiled by Oren C. Durham, sec-' retary, Pollen Survey Committee, American Academy of Allergy, | Chief Botanist, Abbott Laborato- ries, North Chicago. :* o e The symptoms noted ahove are ition. Californians consumed 5.615- typical of hay fever brought about by ragweed pollen. Cities or com- 7 HURON DRY CLEANERS & SHIRT LAUNDRY One-Day Cleaning Service at Main Office 1] Neighborhood Stores to Serve You Main Office and Plants 944 West Huron Street — FE 2-023! M. © “Mike” Daniels + eae EET For Prompt and Efficient Service Call FE 4-7644 DANIELS INSURANCE AGENCY Days—FE 4.7444 Eves.—MI 6.3998 845%, W. Huron Street a Ne CAR HOP SERVI COMPLETE DRY CLEANING SHIRT LAUNDRY for Your Convenience MONDAY Thru SATURDAY NIGHT DEPOSITORY FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE RAIN OFFICE HOURS! TA; 10-7 t ‘ re But the tionalism Nict with commu- | nism bec: in just’ as great a ‘as older forms of colonialism and imperialism such: asthose of the British and) French | Bhp oe seared " ! gil i. 7 a { i i F The second basic conflict within’ the Communist empire is that be- if tween the Communist state appara- tus of x, the bureancracy, and| the citizenry, which is being ex-) Fo ploited in the interests of the bu. -(Pemmerazy’s drive for economic. military might and eventual tion. Fe TERMS ® NO een Reg. $14.95 Plote Glass Mirror, $ J : = | eg. $130.00 7-Pc.. PEt coo e Sofa & Chair, green tweed © nah Bed with oid +9 Uo 08 “When pote in re, 78, ne tb ree \g? x W ony dant waht bappait is oe 64 obs Terie Residents. Beton : DETROIT (INS). atom Trujen's wile mainged to gt tel _Sncrgre Geatent Comty tests Ferme; Martin 3.) [Arapahoe Indian from OF started aad Grove “tl © or revoked, the Secretary|both of Drayton Plain; Earl E. I i\ost his wife and child for thought it was far enough to stop."*| of State's office recently an-| Laurain, Walter S. : McLaughlin yesterday while driving throygh) Truyen said he bas an income nounced. land Robert R. Shave, all-of Clark-|. Detroit. of about $600 and $900 a quarter in | Ordered to furnish responsibility|ston; William H. Riley, Hazel) The day of futility began for!» royalties and had only $1.50] because of conviction of driving|Park and Tony A. Schreiber, Lake z-year-old Lary when’ he lost his family. | wate? | Ordered tofurnish financial re- |the Ford expressway. He lett eee ee William C. Adams, 19 Exchange] *Ponsibility because of unsatisfied ee ee rints in Snow § e E i F z rf H i; as (EB : Cooley . Robert D; Lamson, 464 Auburn the time he got te the friend, | nerporr @—The trails of the! : Pye Canton Sts wits |Ave.; Gerald A. Beauder, Lake Cart Whittich, he torgst where | DE and Sherlock Holmes! C. Morrill, 52 Jacobs St.;. Donald) Orion: Ernest and Mattie Me- wt Ste Sey crossed over the weekend. And Mouser, 5490 Tubbs Rd.; John w.|Ginnis. both of Ferndale; Wilbur The two searched the express- Reed, 155 South Bivd.; Kenneth F.|"- Richardson, Hazel Park; ways for hours without results and|Shetlock's trail led straight to jail. Rompa, 549 N. Perry St. and|Douglas W. Smith, Farmington; ‘ nt. 7 then went to police with their) Investigating a purse-snatching You won't 7 Robert L, Williams, 258 Oakland) George C. Thilmony, Royal Oak downtown, Police said they began, ‘short next year at ory. and Bernadette Van. paeereme, Truyen said he was worried be-|foliowing footprints at the scene. ve Rochest cause his wife, Theresa, had vio- footprints in fresh led. shopping time, if yt | Ainegy 0. aoe, asig. oa ; lated the old — = alos eben. oe join our Christmas Sat | ; Sanmel Gumm || One-year revocations for viola- “squaw stay put.” explai Police said they found Holmes | now way - Cecil KR. Willbaun, both of Walled (tion of license restriction were . “You say to squaw, ‘Stay herejand five others inside imbibing of en to sug a Reshas: Lake; Theodore J, Lampl, Lake | ordered against Ronald E. La- till I come back’. and she’ stay| moonshine whisky. All were ar- buying in with your Orion; Vera B. Lipke, Farming. Barge, 453 N. Perry St. and even-it it couple days.” rested on a charge of violating is to save a little each week, all through tem; Ralph B. Mansolf, Holly; | michael Barcy, While at the station, a call [state liquor laws. the year. ' James B. McKinney, Clarkston; revocations for inability came in that the Indian woman | This Sherlock Holmes, of course, George B. Naves, Royal Oak and |to pass tests were was found with her 1§-menth-old [was not the fictional-super a f T. Perkins, ordered oe © Hall- son, Kenneth, : tive of Arthur Conan Doyle's tales en . oy 160 St : Suspensions, or revocations fr| qust, 16 Exanoor St. and Eugene CHRISTMAS CLUB CHECKS GIVE-XOU — . ! « : < | ee tb deadataer ce ‘HOME. OWNERS! WORRY FREE SPENDING ae . 7 m OV iv n ar ~~ % 4 en + son - | Dr.: Daniel. J. Frizzle, 2149 Mott “iar : | Rd.: Grady Johnson, 68 Orton st..|Involved in Accident MIT officials said his~ marks} “Ask us_about: George K. Palain, 453 Lowell St.:| oe ANGELES wp — A car | | dropped to “poor” and he was on} The NEW type of home owners’ saananee All your Chester M. Patrick, 1016 Kettering | ; ms — 4 car ID the verge of being expelled when] policies in one with only one expiration date! iwhich actress Kim Novak was a Ave. and Hugh T. Smith, $1 W. passenger struck pedestrian at)h® Sisappeared Nov. % FIRE—WIND—THEFT—LIABILITY—ETC. MOMS oe png ag gens see ema nen quantita DWELLING AND. FURNISHINGS James N. Best, Terry L. Blakley, |Oprcorg said an auto driven by SAVE UP TO 25% : Free Parking 761 W. Huron er ’fai Mag 0S co “aE METAL WAGONS gam tae? sizes of this heavy gauge all metal wagon. Has nylon bearings that won't rust. Tires are oversize. 5.95 «a 9.95 : Telephones eee 9Beto $1.98 Mydroulle Lift Trock $5.98 f a Peace : ___ LITTLEST ANGEL ee, bed iii eaaeneeh peed toni iui ci Oe ae Rhythm Band woeeess S498 NES af : i Drom Sate... £2.96 te 9495, : VENIENT "0 * PY Mo AubuRn AVENUE rane \ot_OPEN E | RKING OR ON Nr souTM oF stone TIL CHRIST A. Buy on Our lis ie 2 gh oe tf ‘THE PONTIAC PRESS, MONDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1956 oe eid Tana amenee bedroom! year, compared with last, while 15 culture was established as a hisiof 38 accredited schools reported|se parate federal government them losses, iy li git Sr -. vi € ; TOYS - i / ) i, 24 and 31. -Y. | \ 5 The U. 8, Department of Agri- jagency in 1862. giving @% _. 1sthe pride you feel © _ when {he nicest thing aBout . A Red Horse : : All over the world in many lands and through many. ages, children have played with toys made by themselves or their elders. Those playthings were whittled from wood, modeled in mud and sun-baked, woven from straw or corn husks, fashioned_from bits of rags. - = _| Children today still like to make their own toys or play with some- thing. home-made. ey This week we are bringing’ you a_set of toys you can make for! ‘yourself or as gifts for friends. If you use care and skill, you can produce some very attractive playthings. Here is the Little Red Horse of Sweden. He is a legendary animal in Sweden. Color the picture and paste it on cardboard. Make the horse a bright red. Color his saddle and bridle in many bright colors. The background over which he rides is bright green grass. Cut out the figure and fold the top section along the dotted line at -- ithe top of the saddie.. Then-it-can-stand-up, as shown in the small jsketch-and.the horse will rock. * > - SCHENARY DISTIUERS CO. N.¥.C. BLENDED WHISKY, 86.8 PROOF, 25% STRAIGHT WHISKY, 65% GRAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS. you give rt. (Phyllis Benben, Amherst, Masé., wins $10 for sending in this idea first. Perhaps you have an idea for Junior Editors. If so send it in care of this newspaper. Violet Moore Higgins; AP. Newsfeatures). Tomorrow: A Swan Boat $19.95 TOASTMASTER The te mous Sutomatio 2- gf toa hee. 2] 4 f known mifgs. End tables, step tables “sat cock tet Fe tablea. | fae 25 souTn SAGINAW 4 Auctioneer Too Good; Almost Loses Coat _ LOS ANGELES @ — Auctio- etd se sy ees oseene rae amet | ae = S 259 = z we i “e ae aise INO MORE lines to stretch... ~ NO MORE baskets of heavy, wet _ wash to corry. Your wash dries eS at AMD SAVE + FREEINSTALLATION ——__ THE HUM OF AN AUTOMATIC , GAS CLOTHES DRYER IS : an: SWEET MUSIC aig ea a8 § 1C AMOR 0s fia ee HOUSEWIFE , oo the coat up to $3.50 before he' recognized his fountain pen in a & J « « THE HUB—Pontiac’s Christmas Shopping Center for Men ; lucky men get what all menwant... A "DART" and "DALE" FOR CHRISTMAS ARROW DART: Features smart stitched medium- point collar that won't wilt; handsome easy-to-iron front. Fine white broadcloth is 4 : $3.95 a | ee <(r Apprentice ~} Play Dates | Announced | ‘The Broken ~ Doll’! to Opén Dec. 21 j Lincoln Park *- Twenty young apprentices bynes: Ponnae and Bloomfield Hilts will piay In the presentation of “The Broken Doll’ by the vate Apprentice Theater. Written and =. directed. by Celia. Merrill Turner) — and produced by the Apprentice Theater, the play has three sep-| arate casts. It will be offered at the Lincoln Park Plaza, Fort Street and Em- mons, in Lincoln Park. Performances will be held Dee.” 1 at 6:30 p.m. and again at § p-m™. om Dee. 22 there will be} three. performances; at neon naen, | 2:30 p.m, and 4:30 pm.; and | Dec. 44 at noon and 2:30 p.m, Adotisaion is free, Jo Ann Dearing served as oct! designer for the play. Rosalie Lake! : served on properties and Nancy Raymond Was in charge of cos | tumes, t * * ae Playing main parts will be Robin| M ad Mrs. Joh H Kha d d oS the’ Turner and Merrill Sikorski, Dick! r. @ rs. n Hubbard enjoyed dancing at Hartman will play a leading-role.| .J5’s dinner dance Saturday wd er They od new Canterbury Dance Club members—gathered at Orchard Lake oer in the ast, are Tee) members of Canterbury. Che lub, _ Country Club Saturday for a dinner dance, The beautifully decorated (left ciate ) of Cooley Lake road and Mr. and Mrs. W illiam G. F: rank Trowbridge, Kenny: Way Turner, ~~~ carer mee eee a : Be rs ~ Christmas tree attracted the attention of Dr. and Mrs. Arnold L. Brown enfield of St. Joseph street. Johnny Manikoff, Carole--Tynan, Becky Schutt, Judy Whitmer, GM ital, Kathy Moon, Terri Fortino, Judy! Baker, Linda Rent ‘ond Mary Jo) Sect ‘Gives. Eor— 200-Turn-Out Out to Fair Sex for Presbyterian | Tell Him What You! Women’s Dinner | Want. in New el . se | Two hundred members attended | He'll Get It! the 10th annual Christmas. dinner) of the Women’s Association of First By DOROTHY ROE Presbyterian Church, held Friday Asseciateg Press Women's Edito- evening in the church parlors. Mrs. Dear girls: If you would like a Robert Boggs served as dinner kit-henetie.vanity—table-or—bottle! chairman and Mrs. Eldred Mathes,; warmer built into your next auto- hospitality chairman. imobile, just write to Harley J. The invocation was given by the | Earl, vicé president in charge of Rev, E. D. Auchard. The presenta-' stviing, General Motors, Detroif, tion of “‘A Christmas Fantasy’’ by| wich. Mrs. Neil W. Gray, progtam chair-| The affable, 6-foot-4 dean of mo- man, and members of her com- tor car design, who has been dub- mittee followed. bed “Mr. Automobile,” says all Mra. FE. D. Auchard was injhe wants to know is what the la- charge of the presentation of Christ-'dieg want in an automobile and,’ mas gifts. The installation service'|by gum, he'll give it to them, In) of the 1957 executive board, on New York for the, opening of the which Mrs.H.-H, Patterson will: automobile show, Earl relaxed” for serve as president,.was conducted ~~ by Mrs. Lyndon Salathiel. | Five pages today “= in. Women’s Section Figure Club Pos la few minutes and chatted about Ingathering Dec..| jrecent discoveries in his business. : | “T've designed more.than 30 mil- “and it coan't-ndl » comple of para cast Starting the evening with a little Dok and MT? emm He Jack Hale of ithat I realized how much I could learn trom wees ek at musi¢ seemed a good idea to Daniel Walce. street, Ishinding in New York, where! 0" Riordan (seated at the piano) of 7 A : pepe 300 newspaperwomen from: ~ sn Bisbee 2 RE See REO a 2 ORCA DERE SS 2 A jall over the country were present. } Mrs. Mary Hixon, home demon. invited them. to fire questions! stration agent for Oakland County, 8t ™me, and boy, did they fire! 1) will also explain Extension Group|h¢Ver had. to answer so many work-at the Dec. 13 meeting. She' ‘things so-fast in my life. | will tell the purposes of the ‘Since then, I've been listening) group’s work inthe family, -home © he remarks women make —— s eaten mage ans anh cocantignltss about their cars, and a lot of the! MOND: AY, ‘DECE: “EMBER 10, 1956 Thelma Watts won the trophy for “Manges: int the 3957 automobiles) —— the result of this listening.” | losing the most weight Gates the *e i — past’ weekio ee ee Earl spoke with admiration of. i Me's aa afar coma welt eFsOnal News- of bnfewedbsi in Area’ itors cars. Said he : ps aera i Fea DAV and Auxiliary | “We have one woman doing in| Kathleen J. Elliott, daughter ofjter of Mr. and Mrs. Syduey, A daughter, Susan Lynn, was! “Let's dance” W. om Rogers night. With Mrs. oger Plan Family Party... : terior r design for each of the ‘cars, Mr. and Mrs. Allen R. Elliott of Morrell of Bingham road, Birming- born to Mr. and Mrs, William ri suggests to Mrs. . Ro Ligh Aes at the O'Riordan | of f Royal bok urday VENTEEN al lalong with four men, Well, did Chippewa. Toad will participate in "ham. 5 jlaney ‘of Chippewa road, Dec. 5 at Canterbury Dance Clu ee, oe ae eee et een am p isabled brothers: She bosses them t'sithe Al College A ov Aa | Grandmothers of the 4afant are! A n Veterans, and the DAV ithe same Way in our plant, These Choir Sunday afternoon in se Freshman in er ae oe ‘Mrs. Batherine Rubicels of Colum-!| Auxiliary will be held Dec. 15/girls think of all kinds of things! Methodist Church of Albion. eevee lus, Ohio and Mrs. J. W, Belaney| I ' i > We at the American Legion Home. A/that never occur to men, and they) Miss Elliott, a freshmmin at be) oe ee ones Cate ‘ turkey dinner will be served from’ get them, through too.” ‘\eollege, will sing in the alto section mas party fe be nen m Alumnae i: — ge aan = 6 to 7 p.m., with the Children’s, Sanaa jot the choir. | oe Beers f PI PTA Pr Happy Hour trom 7:30 to %:30.'Tqke Out Wrinkles. * * Mary Singles, daughter of or.'Plan rogram Santa will present gifts to the chil-| Students eons Centenary College|and Mrs. Paul Singles of Oliver| Homeroom mothers and the ex- dren, Loss of. weight or holding the|for Women_in Hackettstown, N.4J.,|street, is helping with the arrange-| ecutive council of Willis School This past week, the chapter and!head too low while reading can|Who will begin their Christmas| ments for the aftate. PTA held a Christmas luncheon| auxiliary entertained state officers cause neck wrinkles. A: daily mas-|récess on Dec. 19, returning to the! > Friday. and made plans for the at an open meeting held at Hotel sage from the base of the chinjcampus on Jan. 7, inclide Susan) Mrs. Sarkis Schnorkian of South| school Christmas sched- Roosevelt. Commander Alice Jew-| down firmly to the chest ‘will|Lovell, daughter ot Mr.-and Mrs. Shirley street is entertaining ajiwied-for Dec, 18 in the Walton ell of DAV Auxiliary 16 presented ‘help. remove these unsightly wrin-/Robert Lovell of Bloomfield Vil-/group of friends at luncheon in her! boulevard school gumnasium. Par- a Flag to the YWCA. iio ee in just a few weeks. Hage and Maryjane Morrell, daugh-' ‘home Wednesday. jents and friends are invited. cet enatene mma ay, nnn me nee tienen nee a ee sn sim Bob Hope Tells How He ‘Wowed’ Presidents By JAMES, a KILGALLEN “Tke used a short Democrat for} “You know, tiie I knew the | In those days Roosevelt and the'abeth in 1953 and again in 198 INS Staff Writer a tee,” Hope quipped to the dinner ' President during the war in Al- jlate Colonel Robert R. (Bertie) Mc-| “| gave them. topical jokes and) Bob Hope says presidents of the| guests. i giers, They sent him over to re- {Cormick, publisher of the Chicagoithey liked it,” said Hope, “I never United States ‘are great—‘‘simply, That wowed 'em, When the aot “place Charles Boyer. That was Tribune, weren't getting along too ‘have a set act. My stuff is off the great’ to perform before. .__Plause died down, ‘Hope added: | when Eisenhower wad a general, (well. FDR's dog was in the news’ ee - In his 25 years in show business.) «He wag hliting the ball much | and had some power.” ite ~ pag tgs wen eee oe rary Ee asked’ the British-born Hope making millions of seine all over rent than He haa Sen. Me- | “Ike loved that, one,” Hope re- gh mete. "4 it he was mervous the first time ala has one distinction,” Hope’ ne played the Palladium, Lon- ‘quipped, “‘He't the only dog house- don’s famous vaudeville theater IERUMAN LIKES JOKE. _—_—_ broken on the Chicago Tribune.” 4, 3952. 1 pointed out it's a dis- : | That one “aimost broke ‘up — tinction to make good at the Pal- Thee or EDR. Hope entertained a ‘Frank Sinatra and Jack ‘Benny radio See be cen at the amused FDR,| had gone over big there. |S able Leaf Cub i : |Holds Annual. « ua : * The annual ial | sare hele pnw meting Caldron, 70, aye: rs of tr. He ‘quoted Ike = a Sad ark sewer i vine ane m the | ks -of " . r ae pena ora ce tek pr Te first affair he MC'd for|| ¥ y jsaid : ‘ - ay toe went the next he s’ dinner in Washington, | se be hee ae ek ee cs: sees is sone A heel aot Snr ta fa {astée than he, that she was losing her children, who ‘her-time-in-the- Bomar sie expen pct teense ai ae 0A thaleeal aeaise uanrt wine hams Sokaetans It is a well- established scientific fact that | alochal lessens rather than [eee ee ‘S| Music Meetings Scheduled No Appointment Nec MUANELEES ” our biggest ano bes Cold ‘Wave Permanent - Buy in the City RR] Regular Full. Hhed of Curls Lotions Complete with Shampoo and - _- Styled Set “A Sensetional Velue! JANE LEE _BEAUTY SHOP_ Mezzanine “ei oe s Gracefully smocked over- — _ — Se sag J a NS SAGINAW st. te 2.0531 have the Arrow Whites you want, in the soft collar styles in men love forinine Super-Suaye acetate” tricot by day from 2 to 5 p.m. will launch | jthe first in a series of musical [ petroit Institute of Musical Art and ns 4 Marilyn Nelson, . aE. C. Kneale Wed \ ae Orchar i re Christmas nts City of Pontiac Auxiliary te Post 1370, vFrw meet Tuesday st’ Piano Reci ‘An épen house piano recital Sun-, : s Roth is a graduate of the talls Held rstudents interested in continuing music education in college. Barbara Reinhardt, a senior in music education at Michigan State University, will direct the | discussion period, Questions per- taining te the necessary curricu- lum requirements for college en- trance and the musical back- ground one should acquire during }-the junior and senior high school ars will be answered by Miss years will be answered by Miss Reinhardt. * \__She_will_perform her “‘jury’ pl- " ‘ano selection required of all musie education or applied music majors at MSU. * * «# Representing selected age “Pgroups. will be Mary .Manukian, {David Brien, Mary Slowik, Joyce’ will be presented at future meet- ; ramm, ings. Those interested in attending | Livingston, / Marilyn | Alice Peterson, Julia Slowik. and pt Attending the couple were Mr. Miand Mrs. Hugh H. Calkins of East The newlyweds will - make their home at Broken Rocks, Port Austin. peming Events Birthday Chub will seer es 7 wt i — S56 aad the U.S... will Men are pretty much of one mind when it comes to Christ- mas gifts.,.they all want Arrow Whites. Particularly. those good-looking soft collar Arrows that bring real comfort, real smartness to their daily dressing. We have a selection of all the favorites in a wide range of _ gives and\fabrics. All are Mitoga contour tailored for a perfect fit, have the “Sanforized” label. Be a far-sighted — “Santa and stop in for yours today - : Osmun's have White Arrow Shirts in sizes 1314 to.19, sleeve lengths 30” to 37,” priced from nly nO 6+ 69 5 e508 eee 2 aS ittercup, Co Mint, Lilac or White in small, "medium or. large. Swirl-skirted gown . . . a ribbon rosebud demurely emphasizes the __ V-throat. Pink, Blue, Mint, Butter- Sat and Lilac in small, ‘medium.-or_ large. * Charge Them at the Lion Store f al A representative from University jot Michigan or Wayne University these meetings may contact mal for_information.__ Boys’ Flannel Shirts | , $1 w ~~ ? $1.49 up GIRLS’ DRESSES | "size" $249 ,, $349 SNOW SUITS Reg. $13.92 to $15.98 141m wh $10.98 1 & 2 pe. nylons COAT SETS Heeksuede — Brushed W Nylen Rew. 316.9% +1298 cc reese samt as Park ree Rear of ee: “Two Fine Stores to Serve You Better” special care ia normal use. See if now! _ INTERNATIONAL __ Stainless | ASTERORAPTEO Oe Stem oY THE INTERNATIONAL SILVER COMPANY STARTER set ie ‘Mon. Stays Calm anid ‘Specks So fy ad Your F. ashion Store Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Shatin (left couple) chat with Mr; and Mrs. City. Crowes is chief engineer of GMC Truck and Coach Division, C. V. Crockett while attending the National Auto Show in New York and sien § is manager of GMC’s Federal government sales department. | it she ig-quick to laugh, | Medical scientists estimate the!patient and cross, family life runs = Don’t Lie About Chi ld’ S= Tardiness Sa By MURIEL LAWRENCE | Bill stopped swallowing orange! said, “no lies by — ‘and me mad at you? T could not. . A child's face will suddenly) juice ‘abruptly. “What are you! fathers in this house. If I lied tol. “So don’t ask me to lie to Miss soem thie: Se, © ~r4 overtired. going to say in the note?” he| save you from Miss Lyons’ being| Lone. ; ceee — - sar ruth to each other, her e One night Bill Downing’s face imad at you, how could I expect; lot your sleeping te.teata tae seemed that way to his mother.) | EXTRA SLEEP jyou to tell- me the truth when portant at all.” ES As he came to kiss her goodnight,; “That Daddy and 1.thought you you've done something that's made) . . she thought, “It's because they needed some extra sleep this morn-| ~ —— REASSURING TO HIM start growing so fast at 9 years ing,” his mother wuld, ‘Leal Eames Group | This refusal to shield Bill ftointi a S Give Her the old.” And she went to the kitchen * his teacher’s displeasure ‘by lying)" — “tyy Leac ue “6 to make Bill a glass of hot milk. | “Miss Lyons will be awful sore,’ “Has Yuletide Party to her was deeply reassuring to) y 9 boo 4 Year Fosbion Store | Bill told her gloomily. ‘She'll ask ‘him. He still didn’t relish the| =~ The next morning, instead of | 'me what I think I am—a baby?”| Florence and June" Schlesser | prospect of Miss Lyons’ criticism—| © waking him for school, she let | opened their home on Steinbaugh but he felt much less anxious! is i him sleep on. He awoke at it Then, plaintively he asked, | 4+ Wednesday evening for the Sar e t. x o'clock, and rested, hungry, but “Do you hafta tell her I slept | owiar meeti aod. Christmas| * Fe anxious, came clattering down | Iate? Couldn’t you say I had a party. of the ~s His mother’s trust in the good-| = the stairs yelling, “What did you little sore throat? Or my stum- |tsrst Presbyterian Church, Mrs. of—truthfulnets—trad—sitayed 4 let me sleep for? I'll have to | mick was upset?” Brightening | Lawrence eet well assisted the Bis fear of its bad consequences. |; : have a tardiness note for | | suddenly, he said eagerly, “tT hostesses, Parents who falsify reasons for scheol ....” . know, Tye conle sag you Swe * * * children’s school tardiness and take me to the dentist. Mrs. Clarence Norton gave ‘teil absence make serious problems “You'll be in plenty of time for' & the apernaets constant * his mother’ His mother passed him his plate votions, Entertainment, exchange fer themselves, They imagine | 7 ‘of scrambled ORES. “No.” shelof gifts and refreshments were en- they are being “kind” when they ——— said, buttering is toast. FeRAM A neet ean = joyed during the evening, agree to a youngster’s demand— || — Jacket |. The Jan. 2 meeting will be held ang Me for hint, re: at the home of Joyce Rienke on) tet Be Ready for the Snes ocve. Auburn Helghts.|, TB fet is, the child's demand Holidays —Get Your Mrs. nn Campbell. will assist = Permanent Wave Now! es : geet with come pack rictly . man - tailored $7.50 [Bethe Guild Meets = in i Set 10. is. char- = = coal, ik Mrs. Don Bussard was hostess Machine and Mackinelews. Fermanen®s at the recent meeting of the Wom-| Sportswear—Main Floor ont et ee . ‘en’s Guild of Bethe] Evangelical | Specialists in Haircutting as fread oeal Church held in the ; | Following the Christmas program ANNALIESE BEAUTY SHOP presented by Elizabeth Gordon, : OVER TASTY BAKERY : members enjoyed a gift ie ke 80% N. Saginaw Open Fri. Eve. FE 2-5600 [Refreshments were served e ag Bes ; hostess. Your Fashion. Store : 3 i. Sissy Shirt D | ~ GENUINE ALLIGATOR and bucstes. mud EN... “ALLIGATOR LIZARD ~—s “oe Shoes or Handbags* For Christmas Gifting _ < ey Gold-Scrolled : oo ne Pants 14.98 Pa Hattie Carnegie Colognes Delightful feminine fragrances that prove that Hattie Carnegie Pink or Hattie Carnegie Blue is something. for the girls, fy H.C. Pink. $2. H.C, Blue. .$2 4 —_tegular 24.95 Shining Lurex ~ BLOUSON : i: «be ae oe heel operas of =< skins, all with per ect grain, beautifully Pd matched. eae rich ns to’ wear collar. Black, white or red and white, : Soa a es “ae pontiac PRESS MONDAY, DECENDER 3,156 os ee a eae eran oman Can Become Attractive | foday, y, Any We Ray fi Asian eC } acatic We can make your vacation schedule run smo-o-oth oe = Bg Bg transportation — domestic or | Pontiac Travel Service wes “AF some of the names on your “gift list” are followed by @ question mark——here fis hes oreo few of Wiggs many fine gift items that are certain to be received with joy aS on Christmas mom! For: everything at Wiggs is distinctive and unusual .°. . each aoe item carefully hand-picked for character and individuality . , . and our Scllection 1s bigger ond better than ever! F? & i : FE ‘ TH 4 ritE q 5 28 LEE j i Af 232 is MRS. DAVID ARPIN BRENNAN : | ) ‘Rite Read at Cranbrook whe = lw =e efi for Mary Elizabeth Smith) i's mse. | Mary Elizabeth Smith became Mr. and Mrs. George Wellington the bride of David Arpin Brennan smith of “Romany Acres,” Frank women, : i g = Fy z ok i tS z= 2 i i i IF HE'S A “TRAVELING MAN" ) une a te cot MR rey ne i sie ceniedirted (Or if who travels)... beautiful imperted woman is good who °-* * aad ree crema : ‘De: > — ego = si a bros Saas nS ed in fine leather case . . . wide choice is well-groomed, age = ‘The bride is the daughter of/and the late Mr. Brennan. to show up at this age Tregardiess on, aginable «4 a gt certain to plese of colors, including feminine pastels. Dependable and accurate _ —=| For her wedding Mary Etiza- |% Menopause. | life... $10 & e — and a welcome gift! . . . $5.95 plus fed. tax. | beth chose a gown of Italian silk | The fact that a woman no long- a foes ai = lt = Alencom or can have children has no effect _ | for your backless fashions! | pears at the subrine ecto (on, R oe TT te aja y | The full skirt fell into a chapel lnhen bb docubie’ sonia, They do not | sweep. live such rushed, tiring lives and | A tiny shell cap of silk and lace|they no longer fear pregnancy. secured her tiered veil of silk! Im Kinsey’s “Sexual Behavior ‘illusion. She carried an arrange-| of the Human Female” he re- | Sa ok RES RaNNOpS anetine ports, “Some most * ° new bare-bac. 7 pi] Hit : i} matron of hone’ and Mrs. Boe 60's who were well past the age 'Graharn Campbell and Mrs. Alfred) ot ™enepesse.” J. Rosborough Jr. were the bride’s| It ig to be suspected that this ; ‘other attendants. “old wives’ tale’ was promoted 4 welcomed a ss — “4 if — a on -_ “ 7 . ~ nd ~ ms a ~ —— — 2 " ~ = i in a chiften —— om —— a TS oe t Pillows. stay “own and fresh . = Comer to: ~ draped in matching Their} The woman who this William R. Ryburn Jr. served devia when David as best man. Ushers were Decmatrie help for her: - | Bruce H. and Marcus Wellington! you would like to have the ‘Smith, brothers of - the bride, very comprehensive public affairs | Andrew Pflug and David Drum-'pamphlet about menopause, send . '25. cents to The Public Affairs Mrs. Snsith chose a gown of Committee at 22 E. 38th St., New Alencon lace with |York City. This a. noo-prot, za AN ENTERTAINING IDEA Why not give this attractive king-size TV Tray-and-Cart Set [il | « 4 large smack tables with black decorated trays and Brass sf Anodized aluminum frame .. . one table becomes serving cart at Ranger Weed Seno laa tos [and storage stand . . . $21.95. Other TV Sets from $9.95. _ variety of styles!’ From $4.95 te $10.95. a “Pontiac's New ‘One-Price a Permanent Wave Shop | Add Glitter and Glamour TO YOUR HOLIDAY DECORATIONS! Bon yo ocean LIGHTS — These are the most unusual Cheletense decora- ° ; ‘) tion lights you've ever seen . . . tiny little bulbs in a variety of colors and shapes o «+ » some with little stars behind them . . . can be used in. or out to decorate a wreath, fireplace, your front door, around the windows, as well as the tree: itself! 35 LIGHTS ON A 50 FT. ‘STRING....$795 yo | \ " “to give you the sleek line, ‘the fuid look — you want under the very important new backless | ‘tashions. “And with such a heavenly feeling ie “of freedom, comfort and ‘control. Zips up the ~~~ |. front smoothly—bra fibbons tuck in for." p yome plea ieeilincs: Alb togeer — OPEN’ EVENINGS - | eh é West Huron Steet Li NDAY,; D 7, Se ‘EMB: re _eniale's Beauty Shop FE 2-231) | 25 Years of Prectical Experience [PING ceremony was held. Jos}: Tee Sree vende “| the group, presided at the tea Choose Our Expert Dry Cleaning Care : ;* Mr. and Mrs. Semon Knudsen of Birmingham sional due Shoes th tte York Che. pose with Actress Shelley Winters Bocas at the No- maneee of Pee Noe ee | Genre Mars. > Ganon Riva Yoo Blees tet Your heme _ By ANNE BEYWOOD chai @anlakiek cae (aca Gal od as ET ae Setere ‘tales, ©. OE S. & Welk mayer icine: Senge wa Ge eet Be BUY DIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTURER | calculators.” That seems like a| 7°". Plane me , good thing to remember in this age| ‘Then, too, genuine and spontdn-| “I love thinking up the designs AND SAVE UP TO 40% We plan our lives, our days, our often ‘human relations. All Work Guaranteed for. s Yunt We sometimes Most of the wnccets stories T'vel chrusmbe envda i ‘bt ments now for. expert Serie gning. to noe ann ee fee neat bad 8 Teper ite qual. |day end-ether baliday corde. Fee Serving a stecning; pressing. Cai! re going to use ona job brags it-fust-happened pie always commented. on them, | ~-Pigstes —— now, alr, which gave me great satisfaction. I don’t mean that the people in- * *. *« volved just sat back and let God! “This year,” she went on, “the them their destinies on a children are old to be in- 719 W. . Phone Huron St. Fax FE 4-1536 i fH ‘ ’ held at the Baynes residence on artist, before I was married,” she * 6 8 told me, adding frankly, “and not) “ . the Other mothers | Marquette . street. : @ very good,one, either. T had a heard about. it Norma, daughter. 6f Mr. and werien of roufine jobs fa the field, BUSINESS OFFER Mrs. W. H. MeGlothin of First ave- but I knew I would never set the|" , nue, will become the bride of world_on. ‘fire: One.of. them told me that her! Pete Lewis in a ceremony to be. ir : Peat EVERY NIGHT | teo busy to think about anything’ The bride-elect has asked Don- else nara glosses na Hirsch to be her maid of . A few more children ‘Joined US| nonge and Shirley” Dobson her “I do ber, though, that I/and for the past month I've had! pss cess , had great fun designing and letter-/11 of them on Wednesday after- : * IMAS ing the cards announcing the ar-noons from 2 until 6, making cards| Guests attending included rival of each of them. In fact, like beavers. 5: McGlothin, Linda McGiothin, Plenty of Free Parking } ; Ingrid O. Bjornstad Wed)istSatmem ass Ingrid Olive Bjornstad became flowergirl. ‘Randall Reith was ring- Oe ee the bride -of Donald Lee Vernier’ bearer.~ Completing the—guest “fist were}. |in @ ceremony performed in Trin-| Donald, son of Mr. and Mrs, Lee|Mrs. E. A. Hoban, Mri, Martin lity Laitheran Church in Clawson. Vernier of Midway avenue, had| Jackson, Janet McCurry, Connie ipeert Fant, 081s Sos pees. see : lodeuc & gt octet date a, Belgas nt a ome aed roe | oe PET & FU ) Fugi chrysanthernums and fies of bie Ince arver wth eht be piling and in the construction of|f » : : valley. 2 neressories, corsage was of |22m5- Migs _— A lace dress with r pogo paling nS sories was the choice of Mrs. Vern-| S¢iake your hips smaller ee in organ jer, Her corsage was also of roses! " emesing NEW, EASY 1 A respectively, and carried éarnations. po Ar imcag ag i chryeanthomunts, For traveling to Niagara Falls) weigh lew. tne of WOME A low price!: taffeta frock was worn|the bride changed to a blue dress nies, 1 ta ~ARE MORE PERSON AL- Reith for her duties as'with matching colored accessories. i ; Ding a your wn cor x bar thom here fr onoraving I Ga II OB \ ' Phone us for prices. 7 2 & ) t i ,, CHRISTIAN Baggies ALES wth : is one J ———————— is EAT- OUT TIME" << toe Vebateet Automatic Phonostaph Wes $49. 33 og: ia | sve 80! Brand New Famous name. Plays 33/3, 45 and 78 rpm records , , tically, « al} autorna- WHIZZER 3-SPEED LIGHTWEIGHT BIKE f Boys’ or Girls’ Styles § “RCA Whirlpool Deluxe Automatic Washer & Dryer Both for 4 s 06 ** ye No Money Down! Washer has A frammice “$468 Bleetele Dryer has ene dial Sines wet.canacir S198 SWANK HOLLYWOOD _ BED ENSEMBLE 50c¢ ST | anaes Besides Bike you get all this: All-purpose wrench, air pump, leather saddle » Was $69.95 $1.00 : Z ‘49 Week bag and kick stand. Distnictive cabinet of mahogany graining, A Home Ti completely new 2}’’ TV that provides top quality performance and reception. We made a very special purchase for Christmas selling. Buy now and save a full $80.95. Base extra. B.CRAND NEW 1957 STYLING! HURRY! Cuff Links & Tie Bar hathiendle Advertised You get mattress, box spring and colorful Hollywood head- board. MODERN SOFA BEDS Wes $69.95 co sg "$1.00 Weekly “clear before .Christmas! Floor sample Sofa Beds priced to Glowing Maple BUNK BEDS “17 | Durable, sturdy maple Bunk Beds can be used as twin or bunk style. BIG SCREEN TV; RADIO \ | ond 3-Speed PHONOGRAPH Combination OA magnificent TV, radio and phonograph combination . now available for the price you'd ordinarily poy for TV_alone! Low boy styling ond juxurious, this cab. inet-is on impressive piece of furniture to add proudly \. to the loveliest living room! Besides the big, beautiful “FV included in the cabinetry is a powerful radio and - 3-speed. automatic phonograph that plays with beou- tiful brilliance and tonal clarity, Leather Billfolds She "2 ae ‘BS “se” 14g Se Photo Ident Band © Rogers Stainless Set Make this the happiest Christ- Was . ote Se , ‘Now core PAY $2.00 WEEKLY! & ‘ sews forward and backward. > \\ leetrié Kitchen Clock Character Watches, mat SEBO — i hang we Se sq Mother-has-ever known. § 6 — Buy her a sewing machine that 3a 0 ee Ae ON od oe ee C8 Od ee = 2 Oo OO Engraving f Round Bobbin Portable f Electric Sewing Machine — 508 Week eaters saree - ~ Black. Forest + Cuckoo Clocks. | ~ MoH "til . st a” = s wn : ie a _~ ms 52368 =\s/'= w S a> = 2esse oy a ni 7. cas>= Stik i8 : a Pe EauU 3 iy f e : Q a Nn SS up - } fs : } a 228 | > ~ «ua Ee 2) zs i i Fie 8 Jin | ON | fe Hain ce > BI S gs% : $3 13 a E IS BIOE lite £8 él ells 24! mt Sabisisik gs fay) ie es eet eae = 9S Sb tte eobaal tet ea il 4: yi Aa. ™ es are al; Ps: Ss : itpal uP a9 gu5k iy tHe , 3 = : { a — Be ss Ee asipetegttt oe 2 basa tee, pases af Og aly 2% GFR Lo a. + 8S Se ee al ltt Petar highs, H] 232 ie a by, &§ : PS oP eet iM, Te rh :] E “a 3 = <= = Be 8a Faghedeit PalPietia calle ef abst a SE fill == ge a> > JL Apes tpg te aye are ne Tae Amoi? i 1% Exe 9 le S 2 8 bideind pei ied apathy nia : °@s< . pee Sey fae ANGE itt aul ii: Hie : <5 s a om - ° aif, Fig as *s $2, T ay ? ! |S e Pee patie jp A io. = é Pitiin “itt le i viata 2th 2° Ht PTT iy : __ Christmas “Ht 9 P. e Electrical Appliance ow ise & er é : ii Bg lr a ae seed ge but agate Mpnattiiai : ‘DEAL WE. d EVER OFFERED Sie “Shy Geaiali a ; 1588 ba . wat He jdbdp alr ¥ BEST ee # | poo f \ feo oc 1 eee fail eS “THE PONTIAC PRESS, _ ajuk hbimsisiac 10, 1956s nou Wy four of the mem- : Jets Can Bring You + lads Saba CAB 'e are © we _ = & ome in 24 Hours [tesa st‘s' sew aes tne 411) WASHINGTON (INS)—Members|tbe' tram habit ww j (INS)—Mem ' of the Civil Aeronautics Board pre-|publE, both domestically: and in- _ |dict that when U. S. commercial potng aie i é ’ start flying ‘jet aircraft-in ee NT ry eT CL _|more™ than 24 hours away from The enthusiastic prediction came yesterday during a unanimous en- dorsement of jet air travel by: the five-man board ing an in- spection of West jet trans-jsize. ! Hebrew Inscriptions Found in Excavation to Massada in Israel. They were|the Middle East crisis has been|relayed to this correspondent in the first-such writings found at the|moving eastward until the heav-|Baghdad during recent trip GROUND BEEF ancient Jewish fortress, which !@st clouds now hang over Iraqithere said the police were forced NEW | YORK—American | fami- TEND overlooks the Dead Sea. The in.|2%% Sytia. The future of the Bagh- to turn machine guns on a violent lies received $14,747,000 daily from | ER, SLICED | dad Pact and the Middle East it-|\demonstration by crowds — most-|their life-insurance policies in BEEF LIVER a recent archaeological expedition) prmuT. Lebanon — Slowly) Accounts from Western sources but lf Sure Pays - scriptions are written -in the square Iraq Smolders in‘Unrestisiserd sts] FRYERS jResentful of Baghdad. Pact sete’ mets ty te ine | tb. 29° sciptons were dacovered drag] RY WULUAM I. RYAN. ve ited, 1 imeowle vo Insurance May Cost, AP Foreign News Analyst check the figures. , if ie t deri 1955, an dee pr beatin d in the smoldering |ly young people-shouting pro-Sy- ‘ resentment against Britain in'rian and pro-Egyptian slogans. This was $103,231,000 each week, Seeelis Renvene i aon ~ Iraq. There also have been eruptions |$448,562,000 each month, $5,38,-1° Grade 1 : inscribed in black ink -on- a—pot- shred and on a fragment of papyrus. The signs constitute valu- * - * able evidence for the dating of the #etting to the outside world. But by an._influx of Persians from year before. Dead Sea Scrolls themselves. Auto Death Claims High NEW YORK=Motor-vehicle fa-|by strongman Premier Nuri Said.) Nuri's government blames most talities im 1955 resulted in 42,000 At Mosul, an oil producing area of the disturbances on Communist |)Maine. -It is 425 miles long and BRE AST life-insurance death claims, rep-|in' northern Iraq, a hotbed of Pan-|infiltraters. But a high Iraqi army varies in width from 31 miles to 118 eee 742,000 for the entire year. Wachee a 2 Res Rigid Iraqi censorship has kept Nader. fans end a taer cone 4 The full year’s total payments BREAKFAST : tbe. 89° CORNED Lb. 3 . a picture of this resentment from|of tenseness apparently f anne d|Were $35,615,000 ‘more than the , SAUSAGE it has exploded several times in/tran. The Rersians might have in-| Th€y totaled $1,652,077,000 more violence, and the potential for) cluded. members of Iran’ Tudeh than five years ago and $2,715,- LEAN, MEATY more violence is great—perhaps} (Communist) party, these reports | 437,000 more than 10 years ago. ’ CASH MARKET All These Articles Are the Some Popular Price! LEAN, FRESH BEEF _ Tebuheteledetet-otabatebootveetatatatatetdetabat tentials ‘This Valuable Coupon Entities the Bearer te a 2-Lb. Limit Mild Cured great enough .to eventually bring! said. about the end of the rule of Iraq : * * « resenting total death payments of/Arab nationalism, violence burst}man said the Communists are ex-| miies $90,000,000, This was 3,000 more/out last Saturday, There are var-| tremely kan in aot. He. was - claims and $15,000,000 more injjous reports on the restilts—rang-|inclined to blame Communists, for : ing all the way from 50 killed to example, for turbulence in the bl LEWIS-—-FINE ryeerver ————— ———— very words “Baghdad Pact.” 136 West — rence St. flamed with the idea of solidarity Pontiec, on ‘|\with their brother Arabs, the Ir- Area of the republic of Panamail VEAL is slightly smaller than the — of SLICED ae BACON . . — “al | Specia COMPLETE OPTICAL P SERVICE re otacin tog pin tocol omy Vinell, bh i4. df an tre L Fe Ail ; ; it LIONEL! rr AMERICA'S FAMOUS HALTON COMPLETE 54 PIECE | iets wwe] 96 A MONTH PAYS FOR IT! ai lm a HG 2 ecg tne bey Weadlnee © Extra heavy duty springs in seat and back . Only Tene? rabies and the beet rubberteed curled helr wood fo «Shai ieideed aig em from a wide selection of bees. © Made by the world’s largest fori manufacturer , ; Sra ce © Over 48,808 made for the U. S. A ree © Choice of beewtitul fabrics © 100% foem rubber reversible T cushions © Extra heavy reinforced hardwood frame We won't have these chairs long, $0 HURRY! SRB dic AERO E _THE PONTIAC PRESS. _ _MoxDaY, DECEMBER 1 10, 1956 _ gS = ~ eae o 1's Industrialized Ma den mn BEE and tiny ‘children, and two or three children, ae "\otecite be the Degeeas bakes ete ‘laws. 14-year occupation, As the Tapani Rent, however, is only $2 or 33 a month. And since night life is unknown in northeast China ex-| “cept for movies -or- dances -at- the factory canteens, there is nothing) machinery much but subsistence for a labor-/Soviet Union. ge Sze er to spend his money on. Mostlever, they have manage to bank a small amount. i Almost alt the factories werelinto the province. Seay “ot tee 205 projects tobe aided by the houses an\® month to 108 yuan for highly|Robs Liquor Store Vee Pan Pogpey this er edjexhibition of unbelievable dull-/Skilled men or women (Sif t0'To9 Many Times aieeed i, Oy There are five floors of $47). These are among the high- i ¥ Fes 5 ; . Tl. sethes plows, bottled chemicals, /¢t industtial salaries in China! qpaypa, Fila — The third, * ve Se@eaeseaesesee s & 1 7 You're Sure With Their in. Chinese bands. it .omple cases of balibearings and The usual workers’ home is @ holdup of the same liquor store: a8 8 8 8 8 bd c. Service Plus Quality!” &n industrialization steel bars, drill presses. and truck one or two-room affair with leaky! was once too often for a 73-year- . i “at making Man- tires. }faucets. bare walls and no bath- old gunman. Raoul C Marinez: * © * jroom. Furniture — wooden beds was fatally shot in the face by/\ | me _ the “monotonous display/with no mattresses. and straight- a policeman, who came out from. 1200 persons a day, the! backed chairs — is often supplied/the store's back room on wi as | a, i "@ Guick Service Upon Request! plastic bags! © Sweaters — Returned in FREE @ Formals resized and hand pressed! fay is oF, i mF director ‘said, and 4,000 or 5,000)by the factory. Kitchens have a arranged signal from a cle small gas ring and a laundry | The 17-year-old wife of the gun-/|_| tub. A family generally includes) jman said her husband’s parents | it ilived at Salinas, Catif, ‘She ‘said/ she knew nothing of her husband’s| | holdup activities, 4 | eRES i FPETERESERE BF : a @ Enit Wear Special Attention (Boxed) see your room in plastic ‘tile—all colors. Here is what you SeueEeSeeEe BOD SR Shee RRS ee Ree BRREGReS RES BHR - © Water Repellent! e Your woolens beautifully cleaned! a @ Mothproofing (at no extra charge) STAMPS © Coll FE 2-6424 | FATHER ’& SON ctv: Office and Plant 941 jeslyn Ave. 2 \s eee Permit Given to Salvage ” Sunken Air Force B25 PITTSBURGH @® — Joh Evans, operator of q sea plane base on the Monongahela River at nearby Elizabeth, has permis- ision to attempt to salvage jn Air \Force B25 that landed on, the riv- ‘er and sank last Jan. 31. ts The FLOOR SHOP. 99-101 S. haeete i WE ERNE | It Evans recovers the plane, hej, a @ # i a ‘may keep all parte except classi ee tied equipment, a S a eee Ss 2 £ = @ om. een eee i - ee 8 e72eNnoe RUN HURRY: HAMILTON | _.GAS DRYER — I Sole Ends Dec. 13 ae” es VALUE, DURING THIS BIG SALE ONLY 5499e | une. care An automatic Gas Clothes Dryer i ift that k 2 sae hg for years. lind ay, woricies ee WARD-WAY CREDIT Puan i” nee i s J Pi ee : Se a La ‘ es. ene stig oo : , : <— : ip ___'THE PONTIAC PRESS, MONDAY, & DECEMBER 10, 1956 * For Wingate, a non-Jew was one of the most ardent of them all. He taught the Jews to tes & Although Sir Winston Churchill GEN ORDE C. WINGATE him “the most brilliant soldier fn the war; yet, it is generally con- ceded that Wingate might have be- HE Hl F it i not trust him entirely. Field Marshall ‘Wavell 8 i ¢ z Just Arrived This Morning * ANOTHER CARLOAD OF ARMSTRONG TILE We're Bulging at the Seams! _ Come_.and._See_One-of theLergest—-Dis ce LOW, LOW PRICES! o Guide Dogs “| BERKELEY, Calif. NOW YOU.CAN. AFFORD Low-Cost WALLTILE #<: WALL TILE SALE as cs . 50% OFF i “lay angpreten sae to 6 P.M. 7/7 iia wf le ae) ‘ss Gs. ' Be sah | News of Men in Service| é| oy , we = — me 4 pated in_operations_with the U.S.\% Navy carriers Forrestal andif. # ut . he Doll Baggy ...scceveseee+ SR0 | Cake Mix seneveceeessecs + AERO Baby Delis seenctenesesess S298 103 Million in U.S. 1955 WEST HURON ST. PONTIAC He Only 27” wide... yet weshes a full family lead I ie Porcelain top and tub 1 fe One dial controls water temperature ond washing time | SAVE i EXTRA BIG SAVINGS on EASY'S MATCHED PAIR § - Beer's wesk-saving Costom Menched Pole > 2 solves washd: bi : ; F EW, emaey+ Dryer b Ps LIBERAL Ng $ e ALLOWANCE. $ : 3 EASY WEEKLY TERMS | sin. — a naaiep artes Ase 4 * | —_ ; | : | : i WAITE'S eee |. aS -|Go0D HOUSEREEPING SHOP i ! = = -,«.» smartly styled in _ black smooth leather with ~~ ~ gleaming buckles . . . long- wear triple-thick sole. Sizes 10 to 3. ‘COMBAT BOOTS Berp Gene ...cssscnceces- 82.90 = Radle Sete ..cccgceciness S08 FB Gun @ Moleter ....00000.. 81.08 CHRISTMAS IS SNOW TIME BO Junior Goes For That Teon-Age Style! 4.8 * They'll Move Fast a At This tow Sofa Pillows ..+4..-$1.99 _ Son's’ Seucer....+, * $ 99 + beat 2 ie CeO Ree Hee ee pie cceseee : & a 2 ‘TV ORIGINAL in Rich Console Styling See] ae seca dn eylen Pian a —— — Take advantage of these ‘sensational Kroger values at any of these Kroger stores: 715 Perry Street. 178 N. Sosinew, 65 Telegraph & Elizabeth Lake Rds., and the New Kroger store in Drayton Plains. == | PIG in “GRAND OPENING FEATURE VALUE! SPECIAL a J vol a missing ‘mail i VLASIC FRESH A 95 BH | ee | | Sauerkraut Spare Rrie< Try some ribs and saver kraut. Pint 29 . wonderful with sever. ib. breut. Save. “ GRAND OPENING FEATURE VALUE! & Sliced Bacon Sterling brand lean sugar Ibs. cf for GRAND OPENING FEATURE VALUE! Angel Food Cake yp [battan after : Se "Baked by the Kroger master Cc * 2 ee beckers,- Regular 5% value. ' ‘YOUR ELECTRICAL ‘APPLIANCE SPECIALIST . 7 i nea ri FE 5.61898 * Chriatmas “til 9 P.M. Your statin cand sirloin or club. Stock up the freezer ~ and save. GRAND OPENING FEATURE VALUE! Soda ~ Hamilton Automatic Washer aris Sin Ce Ti —egu bed ele : "With “Suds Saver” ge os . Just compere this. special low price! Biwi KROGER GRADE"A" LARGE Hamilton Dryers : oe | . , 2 Big, golden yeia, thick Dez. As low S$] | 3 creamy whites! As : at ; a ome vreke a 3 | GRAND OPENING FEATURE VALUE! KELVINATOR REFRIGERATOR = | Big Family Size | Reg. $269.95 No- Finer Gift >; Bar-None- : IRONRITE lroner World's Only lroner. with Two fully open ends. _ LOW PRICED | Ao in Pema, * HOPPY LEAVES THEM STRANDED — How- ard (Hopalong) Cassady (40) of the Detrolt Lions weaves befween fallen Pittsburgh Steelers who attempt to tackle the shifty ball ¢ earrier, Ca ssady . of picture) but to stiff arm an approaching Steeler (out ain. Detroit trounced. Pittsburgh, 45-7, AP Wirephote he was brought down after a big He and Mrs. Ladewig Win Titles flat pass and it Layne converted. On the first play nes A ee Layee’ asia * ee hs ecock nade bk Butler stopped a Lion threat by intercepting another Layne pass. Failing to move, the Steelers punt- éd out. A moment later, Layne fumbled and ee Ford recov- i aa S;ning-fast fashion, came! immediately returned the theft by Yale Lary intercepted 3 a Steeler pass and raced 73 yards for the 41 score. TWo minutes later Christian-|~ turn and with Layne's conversions it was 28-7. : The wave of gifts continued to | add another — to make it 38-7 at halftime. Another Steel- er fumble on the 10 yard line, the third lost by each team, al- one. Layne booted a field weal de the and title, Carter C Pia Again: CHICAGO i —.Don Carter, 30,/of the gruelling competition to an-,two matches, Mrs. Ladewig de. of St. Louis, and Marion Ladewig,'nex three titles by adding the feated Jere Price, of Fort Worth, of Grand Rapids, Mich., considered |crown to those captured’ in 1953 ‘Texas, } one of the greatest women tenpin’ land 1954. players in the game, today rule He won with 308.49. Petersen’ again as all-star individual match points, shading teamate, Dick game king and queen. Weber, by 3:04 --- points. Weber, in the 15th round and. again in the position round, ce- menting her position as Jere drop-|_ ped to third, permitting Miss Mer- rick to take second. Carter last night became the beaten by Carter in the 16th Posi- first man .in the 1¢-year history {tion round, finished with 305.45 From, The Detroit Lions halfback Jug Gi-! rard who was out of yesterday's ‘season’ but finished fourth as Anita game against the Steelers, and Cantaline, of Detroit, took top who is done for the season because of two fractured ribs, watched Sunday's game from the press box at Briggs Stadium. ipoints. Mrs. rig added her sixth \champlonship in eight. years by rolling up 150.16 points, The Michi- ;gan bowler finished 4.25 points in) ifront of Marge Merrick, of De- itroit, who had 145.41. ‘nounced her ‘star competition in 1954 when she ‘was dethroned by Sylvia Wene of|Lubanski was overhauled by Car- iter on yesterday's 14th round \to tie Miss Merrick in pinfall. She iwon 11 matches while losing five Mrs. Ladewig, who won the first ‘five meets, starting in 1949 when the distaff side was permitted to) ‘compete for first time, an- ‘tirement from all- | Philadelphia. She returned to the all-star last | ‘hohors. Last night Miss Cataline, wound up in 15th place. Mrs. Ladewig won 4 games, lost eight and toppled 6,316 pins After she won the title, Mrs.) shoulders throughout the tourney. ‘Now, I feel good again.” Carter pocketed $4,000 ning; Weber took home Eddie Lubanski, of Detrol 000. Eddie, who saw away from him in 1954 itroit’s Steve Nagy beat him out in the-last two games, again saw his hopes dashed early yesterday. Leading since the second round, * iwhen Don slipped into first place) by 2.26 points. Carter won 12 matches, the last three yesterday, and Jost four. He won 38 games, lost 22 and was tops in pinfall with 12,558. After he. finished, he was asked) if he’d be willing to bow! another | 100 games: Carter replied: “No, with only a total of five — from scrimmage by both teams.’ | Fer the remainder of the first half, both teams seemed to be in | the holiday “spirit of giving” as they gave the ball away as fast as they took _A third attempt by ‘Pittsburgh to get a drive moving ended ae Maples Swim ‘in Hard Luck Third in One Event, Miss. Two Others. at Battle Creek Battle Creek: won the Cereal |Bowl swimming relays Saturday, with 48 points. Royal Oak's full ended in a tie for 11th place with. Allen Park. | * * won the -yard race. Record team was Tth and Birmingham! j + Detroit” Acorns’ ies team set al Selec shaond cc Ge Gaede tae ae oF ee ee AS Oe ee es eee Redskins Still in: Contention _ rooant tn te peellnnbeery ot “FACE UP, TOES DOWN — In this unusual picture in which battie in Cases next Sunday. The, {Bears stayed in. contention by iva downing the Cards, 10-3, and it will’ ea viey & 6 Oe Lions to win the W Divisi * . -% poaee | wine Jong to anot ic pap & te = beer Cen edo Ae eae ven a ae ne nc et the tate, (and captured first prize money ofjthanks, I've had enough bowling, time was 1:522. Team included ame ploteres $2000. at least for tonight.” . Ralph Nutter, Charley season Ponting High Flint Novi |, Being es tar back as 10th open-| Last year, Carter, who injured|Dave Gilenders and Jim Line. Af perm grid game be made s ing day, Marion assumed the top/his knee in qualifying, was forced ott the Bede A Baio, Sor FUP «5.» 0, Saw ee sane Ss Se seve SORA tnd bidine widiivew from Gh Sighle 1 es re aan” Gee ATi hd —— neg meng aig lit the rést of the way. In her last'45th game. per a a with. ; volving Chiefs’ lineman, Dick . ° @ ‘* © @ 1:50.6 and Jackson (2nd). day Kors, Dick made a terrific tackle | FINAL MICHIGAN MEN’S BOWLING STANDINGS—I6TH ROUND~ | Myers’ team consisted Steve of Arden Relertord, after the Vik- (4 GAMES) Pew, Pete Palmer, Jim Walls | gsisraay’s College Basketball Scores ing all-stater had intercepted a ' w LL sPins Pts Prize| and Dave Smith, Pontias pass, “There's a fine- (3- Ed Lubanski, Detroit 42 2 & 13,168 —305.18 ~~‘ $1,000 * * Kentucky 73; Temple 56. Mian,” the observer exclaimed te ‘6. William Gollembiewski, In~-the-butterfiy—-event; Maples: vilsnove “tes -Delavere ”- Pontine coaches, He was sUr-| Grand Rapids 4% 30 «412892 «6291.42 550 had fastest time (1:53) in qualify-| Yolen 7s, Pordham. prised to Years ‘hat Kore weighed |7. Robert Kwalek, Detroit 30 34 12,996. 280.11-x 500 ing (new record) but Dave. Cook Bertmout ond . “only 172 pounds, {12,-Steve Nagy;-Detroit ————— 2t-—33—42,729-—290.04-x 360|Was Judged to Rave Net the srr |Brincston 38 Upsala Wrestling euihintedts among the|/4. Pete Carter, Detroit B% 38% 12,265 270.20 315 pr the team was disqualified. Ales ener nee ei Inter-Lakes Conference S choo! s| FINAL MICHIGAN WOMEN’S BOWLING STANDINGS—16TH ROUND | issed turn in the last leg of the sr °Josepits, Px. 70 Bataan, x have high hopes of someday having; (32GAMES) \freestyle relay after the first three |S. /°%'* pom. _i03-_ Rosnoke league competition in the rapidly) - w tL Pins Pts Prize swimmers had taken a good lead,’ pe Te | af %, Prgyitence 64 _‘growing. prep_sportBerkley has’. Marion Ladewig, Grand Rapids “24 8 6,316 _ 150.16 _ $2,000|cost ‘a win there. Birmingham was|ccxt™ mai been taking part in the mat game 2. Marge Merrick, Detroit 19% 12%, 6,316 145.41 _1,000/6th in the diving relay. ene for four years awe be genoa 10. Charlotte Kardas, Grd. ‘sla 15% wh 6,085 137.10 150) ¢.¢ ee Banya ms ~ makes its debut season. _Farm-|35_ t Ii “Bs : sis &. 7, Brigham Young @1 ington is also said to be interest-/ “Battle Creek 48, Lansing astern 48, ye : Repids 38, Ann Arbor 26.\bepail’ gf Dayton 3° ed. |Jackson 26, Lincoln Park 18, Royal Oak| Portus 41° A + ween : en se pipmouth t Allen Part end/maaee. ot. 8, = ROCKEY AT CRANBROOK Birmingham 6, ané Kalamaseo 3. oe De 78, sconsin 88 Hockey is expected to re-enter dl C ine S af bi ee ee ae dae athiedic prouram Gf Crambrook} .@ —_ a ix * * Miam{, Ohio 7, Bowling next season after an absence ot Wally, Chick in we git Texas ‘Western 88 several years. The Cranes report-' - |Havana’s Top 10 Texas ‘Christian 62 Tulse 51 cay "have sew 00 nk na’s Top 10° ees" false jw « to cavort on. games ; held atter the holidays within the HAVANA @® — Walter Burkemo suce eT 1 ot Franklin Hills, shot_-281- a 65, Virginia 59 school and hopes are for arranging’ § Gales torts ‘yosteng te po ag a regular: echedsle for 107% Havana Invitation Open golf | North Corctine’ 4 Clemneon 75 basketball acoring records for St. “gift” from agg dl league, pod ant toate “the other * 2 «iin State Mis. College % Michael, is a member ot the |the Will meet th€|teams played me tight and I| Chick Marbert of _ Northville Rectucky 9 freshman cage squad at the Uni- |Detroit Lions Sunday for the West-| uiant: gain. Bat the way Caro-| ended in a three-way tie for (gost Ay-% Ey. Wesleyan 72° Division title of the National versity of Detroit. Keller ts listed Pet on line went today, the Cardinals had) ninth with 286. Al Beseclink & lee 7 ma ; * *# pe bes ‘ New Orlenne 7, inlana St. 73 Patent: for the “That “gite® is none other than ioun Bar a oe Knights J. C. Caroline, mer Tlinois half-| Southern Methodts a ieee a4 of Columbus League rolled games| ack who scored the gamie’s only) _ Memphis ; Houston: 78 215-285-230 lest week at: Motor tUthdown enabling the Bears to) [asst fr." Gaim ‘Houston “7 Te apecrsation for an actual se-/Peat the Chicago Cardinals, 103,) P : Inn “00. yesterday, 3. REN. ‘te ose bt be a to ' put on a Ti fia ei ~ deg se 20 basket 2 tTemendous burst of speed on gy gull Recreation De- * s UCLA i gente Clara M8, 2 overtimes. at Oe Fett ht ek Train) Lane on the 11-yard line rvaage fel wD nce TOURNEY, partment office preserve the Bear tri 138, ek Bey line Py ae field he RST TOURNEY, 7 attempts } Dick Doyor former all-sport #0¢ fights in the final queeter. marked | MAL FL. Standings a Wilkinaon S: ay He'll Stay On NEW YORK a1 expect to be per ell A Bye, Horan CHICAGO (INS) — American ing day of the season and the es- Consider New Legis fon | al Major League Confab tablishment of inter-league = include general managers Frank Wolverine ‘6. Nips Toronto ANN ARBOR (AP)—Hockey has season Saturday ’ by Toronto, 4-3. aS 4 Chances are toast of them wil Lane of tbe St. Louis Cardinals and Joe Cronin of the Boston Red Sox Lane, formerly of the ‘Chicago White paid: pas ee | “Tt have always ‘cut my rosters ito 28 players or close to that fig- (ure by opening day, After you have looked at rookies for almost two months, apr pretty vel i F A - Le if | il; 7 : zE¢ sk FE E z THE PONTIAC ‘PRESS. MONDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1956 Tight Market for Players. : 3 5 2 | 1- 1 Tie “_ Bruins © e : f rg Goal ‘Brings Montreal " i iy [ + i ii oe E 3 g Fi ii AP Wirephote MUDDY TALK — Cleveland coach Paul Brown (left) talks with a begrimed player on the sidelines just before the end of the game played in snow and slush in New York yesterday. The player was a solid mass of mud, enrame Raf the athere 00, Dos Cleveland beat the Giants, 24-7. - e Three of College Elite Cage Teams Are Beaten By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS road fest and ought to indicate menage ps. ery stbenemon It looks as if those San Fran- | whether the Jayhawks are ready icisco Dons had better push that/now to make their bid for na- Giles, Musial at Odds oster Coaleman, caicher Bill ring. steak tral theyre| onal honors | -|- The third proposal involved Brooklyn along with Chicago and St. Louis. Vice president E. J. (Buzzie) Bavasi of the Dodgers made a tentative offer of former Cub third baseman Randy Jack- “son, catcher- Al (Rube) Walker third baseman Ken Boyer. “Lane offered us Alvin. Dark ar Witephote instead,” said Bavasi, “so we de- wiuinice eais T tasoe-0ie Wal eed i es Caves (cane to ew wantin negotiations. Dark: | ple basketball star from San Francisco, took the big step after re- jis still a good ball player but he's turning from the games, when he married Rose Swisher in Oakland, |not the man we need.” California, over the weekend. Russell led the U. S. cagers to a sweep Another deal that has cooled! — off was one between Pittsburgh, leate-th : ie afi ieee Thomas and catch- | =e Wilt the Stilt and his Kan-) * * * Over Consecutive Games «se ve w Nationa League this ert Giles et they m ust tate shout’ Seng An of the league's greatest stars, Stan straight games and threatens Gus |tonelli,” said Pirate manager Musial, don’t consecutive game streaks. consecutive games -——in-- a} ithey let him out, we'll be willing” _In a story in the Sporting News ame y agninet Pittsburgh on Aug.’ ito a ilk tenn” k batti fifth and playing right eld mtet == a ben Held at Rolladium before. cays Detroit and Pontiac roller ona wagpheniie:- heme from thetr | Walker took. out Musial for a ’ | pinch-batter, lwon the senior event. They are “The whole matter is intent, "| Detroiters. Winners of the novice Giles said. “And if it ever be- event were Karen Swamson and. tt = a meagre pert gh reas Me McGuire of Pontiac, skating establish vais, mar usial} was intended to ler im that par-/ny ticular gums,” ri tive bel 4 cE Sana * * Yvonne Gibbs and ‘steven | Giles caitbehaed what he termed Scoonds; diaper division — Judith baseball's “phony consecu- Edwards. ; a7 none pret? Dance Contests | “It the Giants want Thomas) college basketball “eyeio ‘oan ou : ragan. “They have Antonel- of the most sought ot onan 929 ‘5 tetheel Lege of fits “a in the closet. When — players in athletic annals, The Associated Press’ Top Ten in sas compary seem determined to. establish a similar run through the! with few- exceptions, world. * . * Elsewhere in college basketball, the . early weeks of the new season have in- dicated the old refrain of “next Wilt Chamberlain, probably ano yverte, same as the first.” after high) has been in two warsity games for: the Jayhawks. And it becomes; ‘more and more evident why Phog) Allen was so reluctant to accept ;mandatory retirement “at Kansas. That evidence being two romp-, ‘ing victories for the Jayhawks over highly-regarded teams and a scoring average to date of 45.5 for the big sophomore. Ld * Sally Barclay and Don Gates|at a 31 ‘retio.over bs epecdting! center, indicating he has more’ than a passing knowledge of de- fense. Fans away from the home area will get a.chance to see basket- all's new. sensation this week. Coach Dick Harp takes the Jay- hawks to the West Coast for games with the Washington Hus- kies Friday and Saturday and with California Dec. T8. That will give The Stilt his first tive game streaks.” Musial had this to say: “As long as the rules are on the books/and you abide by them, ta SBRUssHesssS SSEGSe SESBBBUYs ssuuseuers §* E¥sucs r Gesseg, if Happy _ fe sets agers SSBSRr Of the teams that wound Up i last season's final poll; three have ‘already been beaten. The Dons, still »winning-but not ‘with the ease when Bill Russell ‘and K. C. Jones were around, \spilled Seattle Saturday night, 57- 51 to run their all-time streak to | 39. | Niagara stopped a touted Seton |Hall club, 83-63 and Canisius upset Louisville and its. three-game streak, 76-74, Louisville, lowa and ‘Dayton are .the teams. from ‘last season's elite to stumble so 'far. Iowa nipped Denver 58-57 Sat- jurday but. was. beaten _ earlier. ‘Dayton, which had won its..first two, lost to tough DePaul..of Chi- cago, 67-59. : ‘Bama, a 103-88 victor. over Eastern Kentucky Saturday, has topped the century mark in each of its three games led by sharp- shooter Jack Kubiszyn. Jack had 35 Saturday. Kentucky _made—it- three in a row, 73-58 over Temple, as did SMU, which defeated Minnesota~ 91-84. A 68-58 decision over Okla- homa at. Norman made it . two straight for _Minoid,- and North Carolina State is 3-0 with its-66-60 decision over Penn State. AIL 1956.Officers Retained by MRPA. igan Rifle and Pistol association, at Sunday's election. Named at the annual meeting pis, at Oakland County Sportemes's ‘When the season’s extra cost presents a problem, an "HFC oes ion te happy slo You may bor sae ee eee ee eee : Sennen Harare yor a r= club, were: | There wasn't a single change in #2 38 the lineup of officers for the Michi- oe *p i hea NTIAC PRESS, MONDAY, DECEMB ER 10,!i006 4 ° s = hs : DetotTubles ¥ sencenaaFrom NHL Perch} EReiihares 2%, were united Sunday at Oak-| Howe Captures Scoring) land, Calif., ina formal church’ Lead, but New York's! ics cage Seca a” 4-2 Win Drops Wings). ii. Ine 8 hee oF & - eago for the Loyola tournament|tok over the 1956-57 ‘goal-scoring H Friday and Saturday leadership of the National Hockey red has After that, the Russell plans are/League and tied for second place] our. Te aee 14 on off in NHL all-time scoring over the ed. He a isadieal Weclent Caphoeiare But despite Howe's show, the |mative. Russell was said to be interest-|Detfolt Red Wings were whipped “But, ed in the Boston Celtics. Walter|‘wice and Imocked out of tie for __{ Press Brown, president of the Celtics, “he league leadership. makes attended the wedding but said he The fourth - place New York answer had not discussed business with) Rangers whe had. won only J : ea yp \* ~ : Telol » Russell seveg previous ¢ : . . a ae ee _ re — , 23.1 ; _ * San Wis 0°64 pele coer beet BROTHERLY LOVE — There was no love had — engaged in.a melee with a minute and a half left gt pe . _| might, ‘The Boston Bruins, with | or even lost when Chicago’s pro football"rivals, in the game which the Bears won, 10-3. It was a sae ae t B | whom they were tied for the | the Bears and the Cardinals met yesterday. Fans _ rough affair all the way. Pn a | 64, on Saturday night. ners. But Boston, which tied Montreal, 1-1, have only abo ite fo a last night, now has 35 points on . : . : ing left. Therefore I could not af- 15 victories and 5 ties. The Red TS “ford to begin a building program. Saeco erete WW) eee CHICAGO (INS) — The bowling)s cre. oy ave ost ©. but » & proprietors’ association ot Ameri |A wer je niot for tre tie tor 1] WASHINGTON (INS) — General had roughed the kicker, giving tion’ but that he couldn't do any: ca has terminated a five-year) tows one goal. against the| Manager Vince McNally demanded| the ball back to the Eagles. The | thing about it. agreement to-hold the all-star tOUr-' Rangers gave-him 15 for the sea-|today that “something” be done| Crowd of 28.333 at Griftith Sfx ¢ 6° wera bea soe ident of thei®0™ ome mary _ ve Montreal’s| about the lack of hospitality ‘shown| reorntage osm. a “If 1 had gotten on the mallee” BPAA, announced the decision yes-| exes, Moors, whe, was Bianike® ny hometown fans at National| Redskins coach Joe Kuharich wiley lena ered sor Pesca ere feo tort terday. He oad Poltah lasie eee said after” the game" that the had|harich-seid;-they ‘‘might-want-to|the- eam t » against Boston, too. . . . }told Downes “I regretted the situa-'run me out of town. It's true that you have to work it owes something to the bowling re ti. specta’ at Municipal Stadium . : tans In other cities.” Sette tees ae eae hooted the Eagles so lusty that] oot. Penalties Major Leaguers. He added that the BPAA board| him with the retired Nels Stew. ((0° Browns were penalized twice) TTS a } , ot directors will meet in Fort! art of the old Montreal Maroons by the officials. s « Study Players ree Worth, Tex., next April and name)'as the second highest scorer in Yesterday, Washington fans, . : P s. Pi : the city which will be best to.the| Lengee Betery. Maurice Ric. | inornsed hy a. referee's belated IQ | an OV ension rian } : a Montreal scored 467.| call against the Redskins, booed “rr . . NHL goals—and still is a deadly | and booed, forcing the Eagles ! NEW ORLEANS @—The inau- 2 wea shot-maker Canadiens. huddle ap |—_CHICAGO i—A program,|days unless an institution. files a! gural meeting -of the M a Giambra Rated Edge ae Pa five times elre the. gearer deegned to regulate aid to sfhx{rejection. I there rejection [fers Sacha pies’ Rae “f hs : - lover Detroit this season and kept) D*ck’s signals co — Pe caailhde wae at opened today with the newly-ex- in Castellani Bout. je tance ix tout ‘pace wit] anar-n dehy ot eight minute, |S “Tn tnculty” representatives reprevntatives at Chicago Fen. 2 [panded pension got i j : cf i : i 2 E | eT Hi i i =% e a -F 34 | fi E i row vic- Sige Saaranltes cl Sires sno meee = «8 Janes, Preps “Certainly, I think the Red. |, . * wtien____ Many Bowmen | Sraramntra?oac- in Big Combine Hillsdale Shows Top (but Light Kill © | 2 &r‘sasnes ma Marks Against Foes _ lin Rabbit Hunt — |_ Tee booing occurred in the third) een ed hed a .|down, 26-yard field goal attempt. |*ction in athletic projects was an- its « " : Me Ts elcde malta tamed’ out for’ the “stmeat{ Washington's offensive team and|"®unced today. Sete nen ae tee olan on | Mian keel best the|archery rabbit. hunt at Perry)\tt Eagles’ defensive alignment .* 4? lete with his college ex- uw chigan Nation’s a It -had the a But o,| trotted onto the field. The eiieore fy betwews SNe winning po ‘ far as could be learned none was; But, suddenly, Referee BUI | 4 oon and National Federation The NCAA Service Bursa re-/SnE SS success! One: "") Downes ruled that the Redskins |.7 state High School Athletic As- _ports_that in 467_ plays, _ Conservation officers checked ee Ss sociations. permitted a total gain of | the Kill and reported that about ||. | . Pine bina Abe 1138 yeards, of an average of! ¢7 to 70 animals wore taken, re- IK nickarhocker W H. V. Porter, executive secre- “83 per pune aed S Wins te: federation, said te TS.3 per game. garded as a very light Kill. The . bag was being checked for sex, 6 ’ Celfi ee ee ond usge mocmer | welght and age, fo-Gain on Celtics jms, patticatons ood rao Minnesota B, Bt Boniface 1 | ' North Dakota mrinnipes = Largest rabbit, John ‘Lee, Pon- * 000 an even Bofsrane Col t ask.) 3 jtiac Archers Club bowman, who greater_numbér of ; | : : : | | : GOLFERS Who |)pouna, 1300nce animal. The big- overhaul the Boston Celtics in the| ginning with the 1957 football sea- for RS gest one won a reward for the Eastern 1 of the National|son, the same rules, interpreta- eae “Rabbits were holed up over! New York came from behind injbe used,” Porter said. A 0 ee Ne. Pines quaitty jmost of the hunting area,” Lee |the last two periods last night to) - +s at BARGAIN explained. “There was not too|defeat the Minneapolis Lakers 100-| The 1957 national bowl game in ‘ qjmuch snow, and weather was too/91 and moved within 344 games|Los Angeles for the national ju- The Largest Selection in the Fi noi4 for good bunting.” of the pacesetting Celtics who lost|nior college football championship ee ae =~ + Delo Sehuped tet n mast Speacuns|sraliee: yr ar Soar Semmaivies : . : ; set a new Cone, Doge. Conte, Palle Parks and Recreation aS gacocten’ gman iy hark ra teers ; Guweva” Seiueriand = Marlo D’Age- neo en Pontiac Country Club | , in ee FRANK SYRON ~ Fre & Owner 4335 ii. Lake Rd. FE 5-8939 eRe e THE KING IS web. ict Siti." = COMING to Aawol, | fs., — sonar, perks PONTIAC ATER a, Solan Red, 148 — JANUARY — i Smad ATLAS © CLAUS oe LAU | CARD — The Spine 4 - THE PONTIAC 2 PRESS. MONDAY. become 1 10, 1956 ee as tt tag sinane’s fret big. storm, which blew in from Lake Erie, leaving high snow drifts. Your PTA Is Planning: 125 to Enact Yule Tale iby Keego Music Teacher dren wil form large choral soup from the village. made by two sixth grade classes, by Jeanne Rydhalm, the school’s speech teacher. Gingeliville The Proper School PTA will to- 8 p.m. at the school. A program planned fo start an local cub pack formed under spon- sorship of association last month. Refreshments wil] be served. Sunday School Teachers Meet | it Ly i ‘Chalk Talk’ on Christmas at Commerce COMMERCE TOWNSHIP—Rev. cerrce le chalk talk on “Christ in Christ: mas” when the Isabella Thoburn Circle of the Commerce Methodist Church meets at 8 p.m. this eve- - Hungoron ‘Continue eing Into Austria Perry A, Thomas, will present al | accidents here have hospitalized on the stairs of his hore. superintendent of Rochester Wa- for a fracttred left leg, which — With four fractured ribs, he reportedly is in fair condition "}at the hospital today Typhoon Polly Kills 14. First of 4 Conferences at. Commerce COMMERCE TOWNSHIP — Sun- erences to be held from p.m. Thursday in Commerce Metho Chureh Parish i ‘will lead a discussion group on the vordination of music with religious education; Mrs. George Fissler, of the Central Methodist Church, Pon- tiac, and Evelyn Andre, director of religious education of Court Street Methodist Church, Flint. 2 Rochester Men Injured in Falls ROCHESTER — Two weekend the street superintendent of the village waterworks, and one other citizen, who was injured in a fnll . D. stark, 759 Elizabeth St., ter Hospital at 3:30 a.m. Sunday following g fall on stairs at that MANILA (® — Typhoon Polly _Ninter meetings planned by Ma- sonic organizations include instal- lations, for many groups have held elections of new staffs. ae ee OO night have its Christmas- program ‘and regular business meeting at evening of getting acquainted will "\be given by the 23 boys of the Planned for Thursday! City Woman Robbed on N. Saginaw St. “May Ask issue at Royal Oak © Recreation |s Studied; Master Plans for Area| bond issue for recreational pur-| here next spring. - Money for the sale of Memorial Park, turned down by voters last August was ‘to have been ear- Leonard Man Loses Fingers to Cornpicker LEONARD—A Leonard man lost ~ County Deaths Mrs. Alice D. Hogie LAPEER—Service for Mrs. Alice -Con- -D. Hogie; 82; of Sammonds Preas-| 7:30 to 9:30 ant Lodge. Romeo, will be at 1:30 Tuesday, in Baird Funeral Home here, with burial at Hunters Creek. She died Saturady. ‘She is survived by her son Wayne, of Fairgrove; two daugh- ters, Mrs, Audry Barley and Mrs. Litefla Hathaway, both of Pontiac; tive granchildren and nine great- grandchildren and one sister, Mrs Minnie Cheney of Imlay City. Mrs. Glen Purtell ROCHESTER — Service for Mrs, dale Dr., will be held today at 3 _|p.m. at the Sullivan Funeral Home}. in Royal Oak. She died at St. Jo- seph Mercy ‘Hospital, Pontiac, Fri- day after a long-illness. A former ated from Rochester High School in 1931 and from Oakland County ing in Royal Oak. Born in Al- mont, she was the daughter of the Hugh Upton of Rochester. She leaves her husband, Gien, a daughter, Barbara Ann, anda son, Ricky,-her mother, Mrs. Up- ton, three sisters, Mrs, Agatha Hurley, Mrs. Katie Tobin, and Mrs. Joan LaFave, all of Rochester, ‘and one brother,.Thomson, of Pon- tiac. Interment will be in White Chapel Cemetery. Police Hold Partygoer or Firing Gun in Home Wild shooting at a party early Sunday resulted in the arrest by gern police of Clifford Gilyard, 1, Cleveland, Ohio, for investi-| of careless use of firearms, automatic pistol four times in the kitchen of her home. She told “Det; Architects Working on ROYAL OAK —. Approval of ae poses Thay be asked of residents, marked for recreational purposes. | Masons snide Steirstwo Vlogs lect, Plan Events Seeking Plants and both F&AM and OES units have told extensive program plans. Gos ' waein Umber some New staff at Almont will be psig oie Plumb, mas- Glover, senior oa aay Dr. Charles Avery, jun- ior warden; day LaMar, treas- George Farley, marshal; stewards: Frank Rider, tyler. Cassius Clark’ is newly elected *‘head of the Metamora F&AM warden; Floyd Walker, ~ juntor warden; Donald Travis, treasur- deacon; Edward Brecht, junior deacon, Glenn Walker is new tyler, Guy Henry, Gene Freeman, James Dol- sen and Wray Groves, stewards, |the Glen (Emily) Purtell, 4, 715 Hill-| of Rochester resident, she had gradu-' ; Normal in 1932. She had been liv-| late James J, Thomson and Mrs.’ 4 From Walled Lake | State Troops See Area Staff Changes Win Driving Awards ‘Sgt. Allen Nobie|the--event- that Gilyard fe sem the gun out| Without an Skid Accident Causes -|Minor Injuries to Pair accident, according in| Walled Lee Police Chief J: Myron | Friedenstab, Eugené Lane, Wil- ‘ard Bishop and Jerry Anderson, Promotion and transfer of 14). *| Michigan State Police officers has Wiese ea ‘Police, Public Gncctel Almont Slating Vote While Marlette Eyes. Federal Aid Almont and Marlette village officials are looking to ways for pring oy ew eee ment plants. The Almont voters will decide on bonding for $100,000 on Jan. 14, Skin Divers Dodge Tce jin Rescuing NEW BALTIMORE, Mich. (INS) Birch Point in Anchor Bay yester- day to “rescue” ice fishermen who “were ing for their lives.” On arrival, authorities found two around skin - divers _ swimming chunks of ice “having a good time in the sub freezing temperatures.” An officer asked, “Don't you know you are creating a lot of trouble being out there?” Divers Arthur W. Romska and Clifford L, Villemen, both of Wash- The bonding issue will require a majority vote of 6 per cent for son Kiteley, village attorney Wart Atkins, and farmer George Heuss- Marlette Village President Emer- & ner, visited Lansing last week concerning obtaining tederal moneys for such causes.) Marlette, said to be elther first * lor second on the state’s list, might) come under a bil! authroizing up| to 30 per cent of a sewage disposal | plant cost being born by federal funds. The town’s citizens will vote in January on a $165,000 general obligation bond issue. The law firm on Atkins and Drillock has indicated that most of the it and operation cost will be by the bonds. a 30-year period, Visit Health Clinic KEEGO HARBOR —., Boys and girls of. Florence Kane's fifth grade at Roosevelt School were guests of thé Oakland County Health de- erg this morning, visiting the road, plant | berne The bends wil} be extended over} YOUTHFUL EDUCATOR — Robert F. Goheen, 37-year-old as- sistant professor at’ Princeton, wil-become the. university’s youngest president since 1739 when he succeeds Dr. Harold W. June, Equipment ington, (Mich.), eae aanal at the commotion. They. told “res. cuers” they were diving for equip- ment lost when their ice fishing shanty fell through. | . A reporter asked one of the troop. ers if he knew the ages of the men_and he replied: “No, but I'd say they were old mariner ton nc ratesaro 3 Holly Planners Elect Officers for New Year HOLLY—Newly elected officers af the Holly Planning Commission are: President, Phil Henry; vice- chairman, William Bylsma; secre- tary, Iva) Paulson, with V. K. An- derson and Jack Johnson compris- ing the other members of the board of directors . On their program agenda is the ‘of community facili- ing, projects. Village Manager Norman Tufford is working with them, a ; “0-day oom » |Oakland County Jail Saturday aft- er pleading guilty to beer viola- tions.. Cecil Warden, 18, of 475 Dixie Dodds, 67, _who__will_retire_in_|were_contributing to |Hipp, 18, of 3302 quency. of a minor. left at least 1 dead © and + ee | a were. 5 in the Pa-| on _. GIVEN FREE WITH EACH NEW EUREKA SUPER ROFOMATIC yore = 90 : a" ee Rex Harrison Reluctant to Leave Broadway Hit ny Lee & PA lot ‘were to discuss ° “Houseboat,” HOLLYWOOD , (INS). —. Here’s|""@ Jack Rose-Mel Shavelson pic: conaeuech ate Mae ture which will be made next spring with Cary as the star, CARY GOT ALONG WELL In the course of conversation, Cary mentioned how well. he ‘and Sophia Loren got along during the grueling, eet location-in Spain for “Pride and the Passion.” So this before he went into “My Fair the Lady” and before he knew it would be such a smash hit. However, I can’t see Mr. H. being upset about coming to Holly- wood this time as his girl friend, Kay Kendall, will be here at the same time making “Les Girls” at MGM, Four top actresses are being eonsidered for the co-star rele in “Bell, Book and Capdle,” In the Those luncheons Cary Grant has been having on the Paramount (Advertisement). - Announce New: Way To Shrink Painful Piles | Science Finds Healing Substance That Dees Both— Relieves Pain—Shrinks Hemorrhoids New York, N. Y. bo a ng n, actual podstien or Lr (shrinking) took a. a ome ng of allthis provement was main in cases where doctors’ observations were continued over a period of many months! “Y fact, results were so thor- h that sufferers were able to such ast tat ta offered in saupeanery or ointment form called eparation H.* Ask sealed convenient Preparation H suppositories .or hd —e H ee with cial applicator. Preparat sold at all drugstores. Sa guaranteed as “Piles have ceased to be a mi a mil 7 eae Le The Bill Tomberlins (she’s the former Dixie Bowers) welcomed a girl in Denver, and papa im- Tracy Tomberlin after the new- comer, Taina Klg told me at the MGM I met Richard Travers for the first time. What a good. looking lhunk of man he is! With him was his best girl, Virginia MacKenzie, a cute little blonde. Marisa Poa ae Jean Pierre’ iS _Aumont, said that Pier-Angeli, who’ lost her baby, is feeling fine now. Just as I walked in, Joe Vogel, the new president of MGM, whom! I've known for 20 years, introduced me to a group of New York execu- tives whd are out here for the jately named his oil well. the ® will Back Emergency British Postponement of Interest Payments * ~ Teta sooktall party—bvt why aia. she tate ‘thaw -jother press people? PY! posed to say, “That's a likely story.” agreed schnozz: “Yeah, but every- | minute, I only have to breathe ion| Once a -week:*-Jimmy~Durante—-> ic 81W Jayne Mansfield’s new film, “The Girl Can't Help It,” said 20 or 30)been described ATER sarett co the civan wlia her tn ie ~NEW YORK—tt was nice of Gina I et * * “Really, people care more about my baby than mie!” “No,” I apologized, “but I “No, not now!” She almost! winced. “I should have a whole, college of babies for the times they have said I was having one.” é Gina’s here tor the soaring GINA Groucho Marx on Perry ‘omo's TY"3how in Miami. When somebody brings a girl in 20 a Groucho and gays, “This is Gina Lollobrigida,” Groucho’s sup- Anyway, Gina now looks better than ever and when I asked fed ticket. Party her measurements she said: “Ninety-two bust, 50 waist, 90 bipe—centimeters.” e And nobody-could break it down into inches. That'll teach mg to leave my tape measure home. THE MIDNIGHT EARL ied My B. W. demands 1 praise guys; to»—so how about the Handsome Hackie, Joe Good- man, of Brooklyn, known to friends as “Cyranose?” He answers jibes about his big . body else has to breathe every or Phil Silvers should-give Joe /an audition! Dana Wynter and Greg. Bautzer. take a house in Acapulco in January for a de- layed honeymoon . . . George Gobel will likely work the Wal- dorf after Lena Horne... Lilo was feasting at the Colony JOE GOODMAN» rordaiy Laren bg none PR ene aon “They invented the wide screen just in time”... Count Basie’s| SE 8 ee Is a good night’s sleep worth 2°? That's all it costs—24—to give you cozy warmth all night long. With air automatic blanket you can have all-over warmth—as much or as little as you like. You select it. .. a thermostat does ‘the rest ta keep you comfortable. < Audernstis enkate realy cave you inp bltpowe you nett ienly one blanket for each bed. No néed to have that extra blanket "handy. Just one blanket to launder, one blanket to store. “Baves‘on heating, too. Set the house thermostat lowet during the ot. een gaatgeaie | on rs get an automatic Blanket : Gee your dealer 0 or D _ | guy who used to look in a horse’s mouth. : Salvation Army _jmas baskets from all. of Oakland band will tour England; ‘Ted Heath's British crew will come, here in exchange. Earl's Pearls... ‘ if it wasn't for running up bills, some women ____ Wouldn't get any exercise at all —Quote. WISH I'D SAID THAT: The average guy who looks. under a ashton gatlarpags br g:ahive, do anpdbearsatteahermned- re Bete vero: « e * f LAUGH: Charlotte Rae gomplains that her|se= ——s t time-saving devices it takes her an hour to e: An she'll never go to the ballet again. when! has trouble falling back to sleep again.) gq a (Copyright 1956, The Hali Syndicate, Inc.) _ Eat Like King, } -|Pay Like Pauper . in Paris Bar | ! i i | i | i | } to Help Needy Volunteers Needed to Aid Destitute at City Headquarters The Pontiac Salvation Army will be the clearing house t Onkinet cording to Senior Capt. Magnus A 6 us A. Michalsen. Volunteer workers are needed to jhelp process the requests from Needy families, All welfare and ae aon aa Churches, school, social agencies and individuals have been asked EXOHANGE CLUB HELPs We War Cry.” Bag ide the Salvation Army Citadel, 29 W.) gy 13 La 9 a.m. to 12 noon, Aone : .m. Deadline ee 23 Exclusive F ir st-Run = ow Showings! age. e | . . : —— 4 | THE PONTIAC PRESS, MONDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1956 "re SAH } NH iy \\! Y \\ Wy Me WW . BOARDING Ht }Z\ ae AND YOU CAN PITCH **) COCONDTS DOWN- FROM A TREE YOU'RE A _“\" NATURAL FOR 71! THE PART / , \ ee BAN \ SAAN (P= Witt ¥ ON \\ ee HA YY, SN \ h 4 . ‘ \. Dec, $10< By: Leslie Turner ALL I O10 WAS TO 7 WELL. IF YOU PAICH ST WE CALL oc COURT UP THE STREET! Gee, ’ LY SPEAK 7 SCMLL ME! DD LIKE | myiT'S GREAT TO SEE You! = a KNOW HERE...JUS O10 TIMES! Ed = | ‘ Ga OH. wal Martin SAN a me ‘ GUSTOLPRUS ADOLPADS. DOLPADS SOLD DORY ON THE VIRTOE CF pees BUT I DIDNT J LD or As A} ty +. ML CH LSA _ __-__ By Charles Kuhn SOUeevice Rae Ge )] [PRGTER AE WATS | LAPPENOTORT wouce Be os ~ NI ta od Soybeans managed : ' DETROIT RaGs fident predictions couple of cents derty following then. etn! cause included. “fetenei "ets! Industry next pon break of around 11 to 14 cents/"S7it., Grade A jumbo 41-37, weighted _ ann last week. An improvement in Soy- Average 62; large B23 wid. av. on. helped the market, brokers sald. CHRISTMAS GIFTS FOR SERVICEMEN wee: bean ofl and meal futures was 9/S0diue 72-38 wie. av, 34%; smail a : : i ewes Stee Fis ig, Sel ee anal one of Man Mh yer -« Whaat gr fag 4 = alors first|33% Grege S large ie) checks 130.|voungstown made an_exceptional| service, The packages are labeled “A Gift From f hour was ’ ‘3 0 u 2 te—Gr : . rT) _ 2 . ber $2.40%, corn % lower to %& aire lacee . i gegge 8 rade Aigain of gh "4 : Your Home Town” and will go this year to 85 . ae a higher, December $1.34%, 0 ; = ns eee . DS - Pontiac | “to te higher, December 10g. fe tees 25a me <) oa ail Pins and Chrysler pose fe fraction- , ae ae = a sae | %. to 1 cent higher, December! Comment: Market steady to firm. su General Motors and Stude- od t. | — j Soha ; $1.43%,. sevbeana. 196 to 2 cents! Rilet 2a Side Sioa Based [baker Packard were firm in active L ge Calendar MSU Athletes Pr edict 1957 om: Lopate polices . rf ner higher, January $2.50%, and lard/*¢#e. ealings. ; wy ae ee eee 5 to 38 cents s pounds United Aircraft and Douglas) Regular meeting and. Chrismas et , Business Year — iis Rcickioa = er, m 00. si more na é , . ; ast é ha, Some Pouliry__ [met abnd mere tan © rt oF oe etc ‘nnad (fo Be Better |_avaememeees : i . ia ee vediene North American Aviation was off/ Wi! be held Dec..12. 8 p. m. at 0 Tal i] ; bate for the County Grain Prices pDETROIT, Dec. 19 (AP) — Prices paid'a bit. pootaringp gg sao ag ~~ Pra ; ind TON a - Coens, he 6 cating sulla ee LOR Detelt ter Ke.” | * * © ; Bernice ' 2 Grid. Players Admit |Ptedictions of a “moderately” bet-ling Robert emenoo, Des. 1; (AP) —~"Oben len type heme. eens aoe 18; lent Gains of about a point were post-| To all Officers and Members of ter 1957 business year — and fur-| To Marion B. . father of wine. hie ype type: 12: i ae _ Petition having filed ‘ a pe ; led by Goodrich, Kennecott Pontiac Aerie No. 1230 F.0.E.| 6 Holdups, Accordin = i 36) eh qucks if) seas 26: old roosters | A Coppe = Si gener Ag Pre - Ps, = & ther price increases emerged Court all hat the peonent Oe... vessss 238% se 7 ami Comment: Market’ about ~ 978 Re. |and entinghouse. has occured to the office of Out-| tO Jackson Police from a weekend meeting of Na-|chiid is unknown and has violated | Bere nee a Mar soit, “Feng terest centered am saneeetice Ho mawiins| Leading rails were mixed. South-|side Guard. Nomination and elec- ; tional Tr a. de Assn. executives|taania te paced auder the jorodienen! fuly . scsece 326% July. '..,.. .71%4/0F prices on fryers. cirkeya: Market /ern. Railway and Southern Pacific|tion willbe held Tuesday, Dec. 11,,. JACKSON im — Two Michigan of pee ae tet. . . here, — 5 — Bee san La cr : undertone frmert bot bud ers ret. gained, New York Centra] and/#t the Aerie Home, 289 W. Mont-|State University athletes, arrested » Henne . ‘arch * 08 4 brices Y — a “4 2 : Sep ee Latte adc” A nde prevefting eentendrere St!" Cult Oil and Royal Dutch edged : : ups, . were scheduled to be ar-/Said, “Serious wantin is wholly fel + spores TSR Sete = arses 1 ahead, Texas Co. was off. New in Brief raigned today on armed-robbery|improbable — | Mareh 3.7. 14.65 CHICAGO POULTRY ss * charges. May . s++0.5 14.70) CHICAGO, Dec. 10 (AP) —~ Live - pe Feriday ibis coopet Wianee Wes OB. gpteor ot tee cosmctice, fang] qt 215? fire at 84 Nortoi ®t. early/19, of Bay City and Richard A.|* riage 3 Eat Ga, My Datatloer cannon cance war amiteg Sua’, Was nused by an lectrc| McDonald, 38, of Springeld, Ohio : 10 nnex |1EMiria) ‘cmponetten under’ 4s 1b 31-22: te trading underidbe ticker symbol, heater igniting a mattress, Pontiac|Both will be t unicj-|& business outlook forum held by one Teen oun ue a A “Rev.” firemen said. No one was injured. : ‘ Opening blocks included Youngs A purse and $45 was stolen Sun- : . town, up 3% at 129% on 3,600| day afternoon from a bowling alley Township Area - Livestock shares, U.S. stee] up %4 at 72% on/at 30“. Montcalm Ave:, Pontiac DETROIT LIVESTOCK 2,500 shares, Ford up % at 57% on police said, : DETROTT,—Dee. -19 (AP) — —togs.'1,700 and “General Electric off : Group Submits Petition iPalable 1200. No carly sales, undertone ar 4 on 2,500. * Auto parts worth $20 were stolen - : | Cattle — Selable 2900; Receipts in- frem a car parked Saturday night to Incorporate Acreage «ice aréund 200 stockers and feeders at St. Louis street and Baldwin about T00 a ter st id two in Farmington jheifers opening about steady with Inst New York Stocks — |avenue, Pontiac police said. The watts tee, Pet tending slow, oad mar generator was taken, et 8 shed; {hy 80 cents higher: Gulls, crschere ama (Late Morning Quotetions) A petition for annexation of al {eeder®. steady’ load mostly prime Leonard N, Stoppert, 24, of 2190 P around 1126 Ib steers 24.75; early sales Sieatee Sacen iat Furnsington gees te fen mins saaghiee seers 520-126 ' ‘ence: (24.00: ” ch ' Township to the City of Farming) )Siters 30.00. "some bald higher” not to the Boundaries Com- mueh done op steers and heifers grad-| 00° : ing good and below: these In eget A a ; : é grtensevess. 8 zg s * of = Es —— Contact Mr Seymour oF . 1-6200, De NIGHT. CEMENT "rT | _ SALESMEN BAKERY SALEZMAN Have opening tor alert young men | Neat Fridge bene! 2 v4 +! d in selling. Plenty of 3. Vacatt , efits, apply» to 10: 4) Mstin: edrortigmn and contacts. | ‘CAR HAULERS WANTEI “| MAHAN R REALTY co. D vers one Driver brokers, with PE 202003 1 Help / AVanted Male 6 __Help ' Wanted Male ; by 7 6 FUNNY BUSINESS Work Wanted | Female A __ Business. Services 13, 1075 W. Huron st. TRUCK WEIGHT INSPECTOR Must be over 71 and under 79 and | reduate 678 DESIGNER DETAILER 22 to 30. 3 yrs. svvlicable exp SPECIAL MACHINERY AUTOMATICIAN gzcellent. oppor MANUFACTURER | tia'poution. "The Boart. TW 1S ¢// MOE OR BANDICAP NO BAR-| Wenxiy. To fii furure vacancies | : _& Earn extra Costas — Write for for John Powedy. ; ‘ g 2 ve ae phone. o. uae eas, = Von A iene Civil Service, | s Aye gis Ot a Se wares oo va | Eger 0 bivd, Brhee, | AM POR STAMPING orm * one + to © ees ond Sato inode SY i With salary and plus fan ag ng yg »WTD. MECHANIC men for a work z of work, Blue Cross and to ah, have high school ‘luce cere FORD SALES ing’ Gus 2 SK | iow. washin ag yg om Call MAN *. iv pes FOR 6. —___ YOUNG ne >» SALES | or REPRESENTATIVES 4 nationwide company has an fi . A soe | er wie atte ant ) Pe owenes. a “arms: DESIRE ata AT B §-5237 0: PER BUSHEL. IRONINOS. _ Pick up and deliver. OR 33801. 3 WOMEN WANT WALL WASKH. & clean. 5-006. Eves. FE 17-0087 } WwW aT PETES FE | _ need snd wie TE GIRL 17 WANTS BABY ms. + a . T BLOCE TATING AND coment wor, St L. McGuire, Orion. M ys . i RVICE pene i rewinding. 218 E. Pike. ‘SERVICE reg, 2 Some TEE CARLAMD OO. ____MY. 3288 __Television Service 22 = WALL CLEANERS. ce oyant! CALL “JONES RA- windows, Reasonabie for ice, Dp serv: ex) eperd technicians. 3111 Or- at AYER Rd, FE ston‘ uron, Night's serv- Pica, r FE _M. § RAKA OUARANTEED TV TY REPARE ANT _RADIO & TV 1327'S. PARED eT __Typewriter Service 224 3-2641. rite estim. —, nit 173 Cooley fed Rd. EM THO ’ ws UPHO! al ene ee spreads. You: material. re 197. Orion | Lost & Found | 24 . Gas — ell — *oal NELSON HEATING. serviced and installed. — wash ame On Ee UNI- - | GAMMIE DUNN JANITOR SERV jee. Al waxing “ NB 1956 by MMR Serwion, tne” _ DIVISION Has anent saliacy mS ‘ tor man. , Opportunity ei oe ere eee, et hen | “After our trip te Hawaii I found out they were cool, too!” sailitane par Deo a have a good education, favor- | . “ able li nt per- ery design and development. see ty @ aptiaude for sell- shop. Call Me. "Event “some experience helpful. bat ham, . MI 4-840. fo werk idee siden to the MAJESTIC MUST BE NEAT AP-| future. Write a outl of iner pearing. Between 18 and 38. 12| your background ba See oe, Se RSS| cst ee wer. : 28. aim. tod pom slut cum sony eee Help Wanted Female 7) Mrs. Brin. Fx s' rene vice dhverwens ded : 45080 ANNOUNCING Sere Te we SS te: XP. WOOL PRESSER| THE NEW ARRIVAL |0m 31178. before 3 p.m. ny rts 9 bee | AERAERING AND CERO c experienced. Apply Box ee on tiac Press. project, rE STENOS, COMPS, TYPtsT, clerks. Weeded | f | IF | ; AL and Thursday only. 1719 You want to. mest sen 0 jon ROL. setae eae gy RA beasts. Thee come WALLED LAKE. WTD. HOUsE- and let's talk it over. Keeper. 4 Gaye 8 : No Ia Start immediately. Bee Mr. Guyer > or Mr, Dum. ones pat Fe — ieee . WAITRESS AND FR Voorhees-siple. FUNERAL HOME |, POSITION: mbsinace Serviee, Paso or Mote | Join . the Lincoln Division Cemetery Lots §/ "ow and ‘be a part of the 'S ORAVE LO: ON DRIVE, OAR- “FOR CASH INA \See our ad under INSTRUCTIONS. FORD MOTOR CO. _NwEDS STENOS ARIES STENOSECRETARIES | Bare divisidh when it begins Ye SE occupancy of its Novi a Pee so <—<| Office in March of 1957.| | VN‘ s iL me - Apply Novi Town Hall AIRLINES NEED YOU 8:30 to $ through Classified Ads. Anything goes! Dial F E Age 21-28 _ deducted “FOR WANT ADS DIAL. FE 28181. From $ a.m. te 6 p.m. | Untversat Airlines Training Center. > Saturday, Dec. 15 x XP. FOUN ‘AIN MANAGER, AP- Furtney Drugs, 2387 EXP. WAITRESS, i018 JOSLYN. Gearge's Sandwich Shop. Dining Room. 9, * REAL Waitresses | Ber¥ vested 2 Bite Must be is.” spply only ~ TED'S _Help Wanted Female 7 Employment Agencies 8A Furniture remeee Ree 16A BIRMINGHAM “Income Tax. Service INCOME es AY aa? tmmediate fall or cart time. Bee- insurance Agencies 17A \\ INSURANCE “Cost Clerk Experienced meee hr . aoars YORK 3 State Bank Sepia Jr. Steno. Ra. Umited number of ee ¥E_§-4510 3172 INFORMATION. WOODWARD AT SQUARE LK. RD. — | FOR FUR WANTED REAL ESTATE SALES- A Permanent Position CALL Exp. Silk Finisher “PEOPLE, Male or, or, Female, Ex- | LUzon 1-4600, Ext. 7369 "Part time, A Uptown Clean- = ha Police ce Officer COCAL ROUTE OPEN FOR MAR- 08. Fe, Bmpenbe on t Pena os appee man with cer whe needs to | EXP. WAITRESS PART! at ‘ Py mtiae Police Dept. earn $128, Lew th gal x mete, Work ~~ a Teeeraph 2 blocks Beck, tome. Mare See Mr. by f can- : - ° : bs be sal £5 a. ki v48 vace | Aine. 2 =. delivery EXPERIENCED BEAUTY OPER- _W. Huron Tactive @ benefits _FE 22314. Si | Employment Agencies 8A Reuirement. ~~ Mechanically Inclined | Young marries man for sales de ~ Excel earnings, $156 to selary plus liberal basis . qualified ie orter more y A 2-0143 wont: | WARRIED MAN ON BaikY FARM CEN Good house rtunity with ambi- ‘auto. Must bave exp. with m and good wages. ochester Rd., 4% miles north bester, te. i Pint ‘ i é z limited. JERRY E. ADAMS CO. REAL ESTA 3 =| Trucks to Rent TRUCKS TRACTORS #3 734 Patt } a | Pontiac a sae BEST WAY Industrial Tractor Co. | 8. ‘ARD $0 5S | Graebner' S| JOBS - FOR MEN ? Nicks | FOUND: GoLpEN COLORED be male Cocker Spaniel, w; = oe collar, Owner pa 21311 pay tis _ FOUND — BLACK COCKER PUP. _Dby. Catt FE Meteo W. Side. FOUND: rE +6831 | FOUND: BLACK AND WHITE het Spanie|, west side, FE LOST: BOXER -, POP. LIGHT ons aces Vie. of Waterford #5. Lost: EMG. 10 BEAGLE, MALE ix Pa Friday. "33 Lake- Rew ams ae Ae RO LOST SMALL BOSTON BULL DOG, & white, one wh pte Sanford, Reward % ine “BLIND MAN'S BOXER, dark brown male, vie. Cooles Lk. 0. | mer MINTATU *yemaee French Poodle Montny onday P, M. vicinity Cas: ik ak ‘eal. s Lake, Reward. rr LOST TERRIER, BLACK brindle, male, answers to rr Sayerot Missing i FT ware Saene since Sunday Lost: MINIATURE GRAY French Poodle. Monday pm. rl bf Cass Leake. Reward, FE OUR PET? Sart tO “| Lost \ give a a bome? FE at ‘animal Theseus League, Hobbies & Supplies 244 TW WCRABBLE SETS. 0 PAINT Lomas 2 Notices ene Personals 25 Mase, your PRIVATE DETECTVES the facts o chon ut watiers. Private ANY aTRLOn Ai t his. #,, meediy ad contact ‘aoa Confidential, ak cealtatn Aerotred red Knapp Shoes Pred Herm mas. 015 Orchar: Tom's Market" ian GRAEBNER'S_-Pontine i ed ee ae WILL FAY BONUS AND 6 PER interests for $2500, 2 yr, on wi [ wn Nest, side ‘business Wanted to Rent 29 , E tmimgdiats rental Siow chy wie _Eeiat ats af att'# Of Saas “ine pres miter balding de. ge riitiste waa wrer rary clean ry Pao Some between Rac eas, Tent, good popes & onl? SVR. EASES OFFERED we need 1 +4 bedrm, home and 3 homes. Must be) —~ nice, cleanand well located, tn have meme os oon tin | ved Gov s i lense JERRY. E. net tr Co. FE 5-310 tt Wr Muren St, Wtd. Contracts, Megs, 32 DONE SELL YOUR LAND cON-|i tract na gg 20 000° oir ASK FO! To Buy—To Sell—To Insure ‘MAHAN Onge Frente ‘Gindays E 20263 have seen us. we vu cai i ahaa +. * ow Gane Sin yen sell. seciiitics 28171. 48 8 Orion, & 3 ROOM CABINS, KITCHEN MY Broadway, Lake r: _OR +196 vate. sasrance, tad bath, Cees ie. a __ Child _Welcome tu able come ar. 2 ROOM@ AND BATH. roished redecors' 2 ROOMS, KITCHEN AND BATH. | 431 N, Perry, NEWLY Rell- person, FE “g-3713. 3. LARGE ome com P. et a 4 PRIV. BA ¢. 3016 Auburn Ra Aub. Bertil water included, Near @. $75 Mo. Nich- olle & eat pi 163, Open Eve- * » AND BATH as SAGINAW t, nee. on stove 4 had » near Orion, new a water, 2 bedrooms, $80. 5 RMS. fn oe 8. Jessie one __heat. .N onus up para. ie Fa ba TR | 4 Mo & ER es '~ Sai Peete A ‘3 ER PomTON = Hog you the snip o pond wet: M. Stout, Realtor . Saginaw St, Ph. FE 6-6 Open Eves. “Til 8:30 iss "CASH IN A FLASH! For your and eeontract. dollar paid mpt, service. We also buy equities. ~A- JOHNSON, Realtor — 1704 S. Telegraph Rd. FE 4253 in bal CONTRACTS WANTED) ;“ Let arteatne” Gants Wanted Real | Estate 32A BUY OR SELL 1 wil porsenally buy you pre: erty or sell show you iy to wet = bi all : ‘ . BROKER FE ¢1157, 509 Eliz. Lake Rd. LAND CONTRACTS. VanWeilt, 4540 Dixie Hwy.|—' 2 me ae on te est | Fy furn st floor on to. town, __FE a. =... —_ aT- us + Fae “APT. EVER¥TENG | — bus Close 22390. om. 7 ROOMS & BATH. iy CITY. Mill St. OR 3-1416 after 5. LISTINGS WA. WANTED te snow “You now TO PROPERTY, fat "Sue "Leshe Ryd Middleton FE 8-6003 Fr DoEsN'r Pare Our orem! s 3 ROOM APT. to pros- Pont saves you time and money. worty with Lookers.” Call : ote, We need farms, Pesidential all details lake, and rties, “we handle ancing and ¢ ~To Sell~To Trade rou ’ BUY IT-WE'LL INSURE IT MAHAN (x Se * on ot We also bey amali| _trances and contraccts, 4 Li Templeton, Realtor 2339 Rad. PE 44563 OR LIST YOUR LAKE 3 7 LARGE @r with garage. _PE 2-5408. J ROOM UPPER. —— Near GMC Truck. IN KEEGO. 1 OR 2 children welcome, FE 4-3372. 4 ROOMS 185 AND BATH. eae ‘B. ROY KNAUF: Realtor W. Huron OA &- $833 | POR RENT Seon S bdrms. FE &3712, 5 RM. oa ba GAS HEAT. PE 45-4420. side. BRAND NEW on DAILY 04 SUNDAY ___FEderal 86918 eee RS AND BATH, OIL} oa oa a oe a.m, to 4 p ™ Pt ice LOWER 5 RM Oil, BURNER AND "R ENTAL UNITS Attractive new duplez type units. Reasonable rect. Located 2 Pon- tiae on East Bivd. aoi. Perry. 8t. WEST SIDE Soreena, orm gash paved street, a ewan =e possession. | y pee OER Rent Houses Furnished 35 35 ™ | Plecinestore, Mettgy ev heat electric stove, res heat. not water. $46 « mo. PULLY EQ Varese: ena. eecome oR ne ae laser is HOUSE T, 161 MT. Clemens neat YMCA. PE $0568. iM HOUSE, LARGE ROOMS Inquire Bt 1 Doris Ri, mort i ~ ott Auburo Hgts. su, Oi oy & transportation, to Bhan Riis test , x RD. 1 ern duples, 3 rooms & bath, stove and furnished. $70 month. PE 42253. ONE BEDROOM HOUSE lake Dec, _ Rent Office » Space 41 41 BIRMINGHAM Suitable for engineering., Sales- of- mee, representative. 2,000 8q. entral—\4 block ‘to ‘to Municipal BROOCK 300 8. Woodward, 1 Siren wis atin an oy main floor, 4540 Dixie Hwy. H. J. Van Welt.” OR 3-158. OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT AUBURN HEIGHTS: FE 59293 CEMENT 4 storage. rE B , Hee. FOR Pec Sita Helens 43 wiring, caly" as” ’ cath . sum - Clarks ON 1 ACRE NEAR CLARESTON Bore’ 8 @ rea: charcé to own that wn. Also in- ir cere REAL ESTATE INC. 8. Main. . pie fatat bas Bur kston For Rent Miscellaneous 4 42 ATTENTION HE ee “Re BARS | mute at We: Aan $70 m : 23-0614 Di ROOM FOR GENTLE- 7 SerROGH “MODERN. OIL | _man, 415 W. Iroquois, PE 2-4710. heat, Clarkston. OR 3-5321, LaDy — PRIVATE ENTRANCE. 3 BEDRMS. WALLED LK. MOD. 42847. Close to city, Reasonable, MA | ROOM TO RENT, NO DRINKERS. 37, . FE 53-4572 3 BEDRM., MODERN, NEAR ROOM WITH COOKING PACILI- Deayten Pi, sutomatic’ ofl ties Lady only, No smoking, PE puenaee. 2 ae = from | 5§-0533 & Mo, OR 36 trance. No drinkers. 165 8. : R- ‘inguire ae) « ee we. Tee ston ROOM, 7 eS a ae RESPECT. @ * welcom be — Saturday and Sunday. . - , - ' shower 7 29-3517. 7 BEDROOM, Of, HEATAD | wit Give WAN Axp WIPE name “34 Realtor Partrid room and board for housekeep- PE sie - and care of 2. school. aged * oa . mh -Fenmore. 3 7. = rent 7 BDRM. HOUSE, GARAGE, FULL Rooms With Board 38 cept Wed FE idm |1,0R 2 CLEAN MEN. IN CON. TR “*S. AND BATA IN A LAL hi hot water, $600 a ~ 14 ees oi beat eurage. faye o fue. BATH AND GARAGE, T ROOM, BRICK DUPLEX. 996 4 ssonth' 3 monte advan, ML home. Close to ers Pontiae Motors, wereer, sad t| Convalescent | Homes 38A ND. COUNTY'S CONVALES. AND REST TED. SALE. 9650 COM- FOR Meneree Ra. EM 30083, 15-DAY POSSESSION Neariy a A rooms * Sn WEST SIDE bed with stone rm. "pene = es hen. drive. 1% car garage. siento ond sareene, lake privi- oo, FLA heat. location, $10,950, down, By . FE 68-2360. HERE'S A 8 ROOM Hi SES A oN ean i 5 ACRES — $500 DN. bedrm. Clarkston District, $5.- "C. PANGUS, Realtor Ortonville: NAtional 7-2815 or NAtional 17-3950 $400 DOWN 2 bedroom, ful yard. era forme ihe: eoln 5-3257. C. PANGUS, Realtor he: MAtional 7.2818 er site and Sop hea ROSE McLARTY, Bkr. FE 22162 OR FE 5-3578 345 Oakland Canal Lot = Cass Lake souiue Et, location. A steal at / jist: WRIGHT / REAL FE 5-0441 “ROCH ESTER AREA” 2 home on 2 acres., Aaa basement, steam heat. Call OL 1-7598. * Buy Thru Partridge List Thru Partridge & storms. buy at # enees Basy Terms. Union Lake’ Priv 6§ “oom, bat Gh ~ B ue We have other « exc. buys on and off the water to choose from, eee G ‘TROCKE "ROOM UNFINISHED HOUSE, 2 gee $1,800 cash, FE 23-6638 after 1082 W, Muron REALTY co. FE 5-407 $13, $1,305. DOWN—. ‘H. BROWN, we W. Huron NEAR AIRPORT aa NEW—Ranch style “oratloa, Pull tion. 5 lovely large olored fixtures. Mod- ‘BSFSy EEE /REAL ESTATE Phone FE Multiple Listing housing » “oom, New Realtor mnrie —_ ROCHE STER Faneh with attaches 2d Eatioue tenes FULL sale by owner. ‘Ma Stan. ‘AREA anette Puli deat any BASEMENT. Wash- Will build on So°th No Down Payment, _ Clear lot, 2 ts Sine Loads of F. R LIFE'S MADE| | ies YOUR EASIER ¢ h Classi- a yi 28 por LAKEFRONT 1 Fab a Beii ip Mike and Ike look alike, and so do ot the newly built this one eg NEA . ranch home is of ach home has ac fatwn inaivigual lat One ac attached parent basement, 2 dio, vane. ond % ° et floors. We be oe inside and ocut— tor only $24,500. Buy Thee Partridge ~ List Thru Partridge _ LAKE FRONT On Pontiac Lake structed 2 bedroom, w bility of 3rd bedroom. ona! oll furnace. 12x19 ‘Year $11,500 with around playg ' FARM deus: y utility $1,500 round. . gut right for the factory worker. on 5 acres. anc Central heat BRICK Terrifie is the word bath, marble sills, storms }~ ae Arai $12,250, $1,500 DISAPPOINTED M15, 1% miles an a of Charkste. Mare fa. basement, ceramic tile and Humphries WM. A. OIVE us A CALL To = THis BARGAIN ~|SENNEDY Partridge BLOOMFIELD BRICK fitenctive 6 room. brick nw | oy exclusive South Hive Rstablistied rooms. manic’ dle belt, im 1016 nel | chew ja ceramic “at | witt. YOU — Be the owner age moder ‘apart Jandscaped 70'x150° yard. All 4 (te per month fo tered walls ont hard ‘ors. feo" iown. Bas "sop ‘per ments “Yale at only $1,900 on terme. we, ak SEMINOLE HILLS OAKLAND AVE ~ Zoned comm brick 8 room home “thks ite Sealey | Setoee reteatel ac g cluded. 4 rooms for Built in 1951, nil bas « 2 owner or ial income. Lot ear tar attached garage with with breeze- has on & How- ~— and w ard fe alone. — $4,000 down,| = Spacious 154% ear. Bal, $100 per ~ room ae WMS. LAKE AREA 2 New 2 bed- oe i. on Ist. . wp price Feitaeiee tat vasaqent sds | nh on tome nace, small amount : inside finishing which ae se ROCHESTER RANCH do, A rare buy at ~ $L- ots sr wiies 0 ry abet FLOYD KENT, Realtor | garage. In . Voeautifa Rochester i Pritt} a Open see 8 riches = uvng room, , AMPLE PARKING SPACE 100° x30 lot “Includes both carpet MULTIPLE LisTIna service | S04, drapes at only 915.080 00 WARD E. PARTRIDGE {REALTOR _ 1050 W. HURON ST. _FE 43581) FOR 4 Gone SALE Berey - this one. Only FAMILY RETREAT - Yor, hs | 3 bedroom A. JOHNSON, Realtor 1704 S. re ae ph Rd. 3. pene says be will ang 4 his modern 2 bedroom hom LaSalle Park for only $5,500..2 blocks schoot and ~ store. $1,000 home. east waieket, CLARK BEDROOMS ries eee _ ie “Don't be so old-fashioned, mother! The way to a man's WILL A R."C. COPPENS RLTY, 3 +7114 | * - . Baap {eee pets tne Ber _ WE TRADE Mr. Veteran | "titedtcom Serer" brick. Te ® home bag everything. Don't Why Por, RENT. When You Can to i. Priced st $30,000. = 1 ROOM BRICK HOUSE OPTION. charm- 2 BATHS, NATURAL PIRE- tized to lakefront home has 3 BEDROOMS as ie only $00 | Excellent Priced at sie - deo Terms. “or will reat M. i ae oe or greet un at wie $143 Cass Elisabeth Ras comething more than rent PE + or PE 43844 i 49590 * | full base- i flooring, tile. bath. On lot. Call between ® a.m. and m. 4t 6 « Model: $1198. E. J. iider, _Also_ 4 bedrm. home $15,950. ARNOLD | heart isn't through his stomach any more—it’s through the motor of his jalopy!" ___For Sale Houses 43 For Sale Houses —_ 43) OPEN 11 A. M, TO $:00 P.M. Sa tat Templeton ac. Moumiy poye y TH SIDE . RN TE ay —_N en, own ct Nopows eet | SRE Ae a mile N. of Kennett, 2 biocks Pa L. empleton, Realtor . Orchard FE ¢4563 Lake Rd After 6 OR 3-1708 z= NICHOLIE NICHOLIE & HARGER CO. . Huron rE dig SFE 25279 § it | ayaa a aie some 998 terms, . C. HAYDEN, Realtor | q: all Mon. thru Sun. 10 to9 G.1.& FHA Watkins Lake Front tring s 2% Dn., 30-Yr. Mortgage 3-BEDROOM, QUALITY BUILT BRICK RANCH HOM Reduced Price $33,000 “home A garage, tow on property for business use Ladd's, Inc. oR re 0 x = $200. P.O. BOX 43, ATTENTION, Tooe! :.:... noe TY and window trim ..... ve §T | BOSS Si evsrriver rere ereeie “ . 3%. ... tony REBUILT W. All makes all 4 -¢rie; -662--4.- Johnson, SHEETROCK ae : 4x8 Sheet $1.35 SANDYS ¢ PORT SHOP ee Seren eet pos .. 6 Man, te Thums. 8 to ¢ week lon, 100 sq. ft. a tea” — io s¢. f ... ; 170 8. ‘er a Bi. PLAN OUR_LAY-A-WAY BasY 3h 8. Fetters —___ am paperless stadium UP TO 24 MONTHS TO PAY "grey cise 42, 304 W. Long: NEAVY | Woop ; Wo tay, sol oy, Gace. Come rs after 4 pe. 2 INST TE WAVE UP TO $500 ON MATER- on all models of Ma Pore tractors +e aise used. FE 4s6i5. 3 Spun wool blanket, Only 04.20 for Eady CREDIT TERA. : Ka Os daces co" PLastins “ive “uh * co BURMEISTER , game tz Fosties, or 3 mile! ROTAL j VORTAMED, MAGIC AR out pe St. Sen tS Sarst Northern Lumber Co. ie, FORD “Alcohol 188 Proof inna “Pontiac Tractor nyeage palm Pete ou, C3 .) & Equipment Co. aageS: < ere : -.) or nonnt “Maid YL TILE, 106 c JUKE BOX Just north tat Orchard Lake Ra. 12412 LINOLEUM, on hay oye Poy WY Just what you sree taw #U Fe 2000 Dealer Soe and skis. . hay NTIQUES: 3 Fine 0 . ee i Bs $i ii mace Uh ee aetene = [x ; ward. (North ot. 16 like new. $20. NOES. Py E : : Wood, Coal & Fuel 67 ae Ra). m, Mich. “CHR: EXxTR id | Siar ot month. ‘credit BARNES HARDW: ARE Sait ° ta POR AAALAAPPAP on con 19 inch RCA TV, Ree. $450, ae * | 42_W. Huron * pus . . - 9, ANY LENGTH FIREPLACE T ‘ 1 ince plone TV, Ree. O98, 4)" chair & ottoman, $30. Walnut £36 sailed Le Veesure Reaerta pre is | KETRUTION,” GOOD ia? GAR | re. F ae Cou RCA Wal WW. ‘Res. _armebair, $5. MA_ @-1363. ; month, Buy mower now for for| and Hickory Count wood for fire- vice. { — arth av. . “ “vepui ea NS | SEP ATR, Susie irvay. Maple bikie, ‘OM NY LENGTH PIREPLACE WOOL - com sheller j Hts. i $299.95, NOW .. $130) _ 2-3700. cise ‘ A. . rip | _ 38506, %. ; ; ree SPEED UEEN ELECTRIC Phone FE 5-0231 , Cj : we, $75" clothes oven. Good condition. ; ¥ . Talbot Lumber $ oa SNO 2 V 0 Oaks SLA ‘S 190 28) Cned TY GbR aaa ano |e sews ‘Plasterboard. Rock lath ot mow ee TRADE-IN EPT. Coreee, Mieb. Guar, electric wash wi #2038. _ CHRISTMAS TREES gy PE : t “Alen enearas: Sa" aad PLASTIC, ALL COLORS . ™ all Wholesale. Northe: wie: WYMAN’S te tg: eg eH bil modele st terrific. values. ee m ELOOR SHOP $14.95 \ 59 We Pike Bt. pe enn} CHRISTMAS TREES — | chard _Lake_ave | oe ALGWENOM Ouse. LIONEL & AMERICAN | nation Ht —— reat at RANGES 4 » Munro, 1 All long-needied pine — « 1,000 trees to select from. "Order FLYER TRAINS BENSON ieee co, 6 5 | off = as te eee =| SON. Paddock FE 28318 | Authorised tactory service and | $aeslUsed gaa stove... ss csv. ee ap oe all danas ih sod gee. our beautifal | ; = on be SS ie ea Christmas Tree Dealers TASKER'S “ WOROM ar. | seiestion of plywoods & wall fin- “tie She: Diaetiog "BBV ORDS WAR in fot of 200 0 ani chow “Gage > legs & cap. 608. PE | Church's. Inc MING FUR | $110 3-Po. Bedroom Suites .. 269.95 ~~s009 eusaheth Lake Road ORDER a ' ° 18. . RU DE : M OTORS Say parame or tar ane PE 8974 : | Gall MA O3361, of OR 25123. 89; = LIMITED OFFER | 101 8. squtrret na. PE 20233 PUPS. , : Seer 2 Bee per —_ Pearson's ‘Furniture, 4a “Orchard VRCUGM CLEANERS. Pants, CHRISTMAS TREES IN TRUCK, FUTPEres, Sheu btu Gs es Do It Yourself a it bata FOS 4 Wis ts | ee and in Harrington on Boat orks | aT 7 yg ~ ne EREAS aac —— WASHER, WRINGER TYPE. TAF | 'reue'surut'ot hate’ on 13. Poous | (22 corto we grace POAT AMD FLOOR eaxDE Pot, | SALE TRUCE "po "| pital se ; Tas tation Offre oc ‘Bright Spot is from Bow! pen ss stove. . bed. sk stall, be > AKC REG. GERMAN SHEPHERD. : : : rr Se Apemences nd _& diting. room. outs. «sve, |For Sale Miscellaneous 60 shove ‘90 pu, alae heeter i wee tisomers, ot. FE PMA 30 | Maite toe $38 each or $65| = gen vee EXTRA cetera Th ONLY SURE beet TV ELEC. FE | neea nee | SONTAG SEE REENO ARO Baldwir_Ave pair PE §-0901 WE SER ANY MAKE "a Bee Bo Fon 7—tn tomes Say reson) | CHAIN SAWS | Mec,te pus ee “8 | p veo] Mikey einenag| Eset BS Fig |Lounge chair... cese. , : : Goose feather-tick, $10. FE 47981.5,p¢. brea kinst eet...... OIL Rn. 3s, MUSE IRE PUR. — + REG. ~ KING “BROS, — ; eee "a eh es Fe wee 4%, ty CoNsorE FY | se TAR vibiecees $B: a . 4 YOUR 1, H. DEALER /ESPONSIBL! uve $6 & §. ome, = a, antenna kit. » pe. ‘ ; g . . ‘Buic Hardtop” Senge ea 2-287) Auction Sale 77 "56 Olds 98 Dix. Hol. FARM AND DAIRY °56 Ford Fairlane V me |W Src TY TRAILER, 608. jae” =z 18 weeks oy $15; THOMAS. nat; 38 ete crete martes. | tes Weekdays | Sr eee gs" | FURNITURE CO. | eae are ve. Wed. & : : MONTCALM bg 36 8. = Bt, GAB Stern, nm gim_chair| $12. MI 6944 ‘quipmer aon sg bone ae at Gmary Sale Farm. cioved ‘until See Roni vtorks Motor Sales : FLOOR SAMPLE yet oe NMR Ayes | 6a Dinte =" 10 MONTHS, | "reg. MArket SRITTANY SPANIEL. “REOTS- tered male. 4 months olf. OR “4 sat Bie ‘Frankly. . . we're hei alien © puazled as to how we can |- ee , ean | describe the quality of our cars in an advertise oe Open nites. in 9 || ment to ee the sage give for the price, The : Tistes ek pad ca conti veteran tock an re ion, prise. Stop in today! ‘And Enioy The Holidays” ‘55 Plymouth Belvedere $1695 || Pree From es Ln te ae rae ‘55 Chrysler Convertible .$1995 |]. Winter Worries” ~~ SEE OUR ry) : 2 Safe Buy" | baatiradrama™ om! | 21] S. Saginaw ‘ CENTRAL ‘55 Plymouth 4 Dr. Sedan $1295 , a mie Poet POY ee ats adie © Bester, Wi welt Tires, Powerflite, V-8 en- — ‘SS Ch PONTIAC RETAIL STORE ) XM dhe evrolets a Ei Be Net _|| 96 Chevrolet Nomad ...$2395}} map "Mino series, yee a 37 ES. Tp Reale Meater, W/Wal Tires, VS. New: ware “tre 1 POOOR 8 sss ng yD 2s coe mes tam MACS 1957 Dopcras’ || ‘53 Mercury Custom 2-Dr.$ 895] *™ +h pe BASE ED JONES. rect age ai models st || Sedan. Radio & Heater. _W/Wall Tires, Mereomatie, HARDTOP 8-05... ayer pases vce $1608 | = TOTE DALE H: HUGHES INC. 5g Plymouth Belvedere $2095 es ee 1931. A : Miele _ “Direct Factory Dealer ||. Ratt wiwal fies Setar'e Bpsciat. wee Power +DOOR if . snes satntseastseeeeeetrseess $ 995 ae tse COMPARE AND SAVE || '54 Hudson ...... eevee ee O99 196 AP | ya Fe Ee Sate 8 ein, WS Fam | aie ee waa save Money saws avrosuzs =. | 55 Pontiac 8702 Dr. .... .$1495 | . a ‘= tg Pg West Side Used Cars Taste Ranies, Mvapamnelts, W/WOR Tee J ‘54 Chevrolets ee Aer | Mgr we. ee ow meses. pare ome mpare grammes ‘te | ’SS Chevrolet Convert. ..$1495 | | ssi a . 1284 A (Paar Pes nee Ty, i Aol Radio Heater, ¥-4,..W Wall Tires, Yellow 3 4 2-DOOR 210. — rene Seeeeees a § 8905 _ ‘ new. est e ‘ . ' ?Tone GREEN & BEIGE. Heater, er e |e ot inde POWER RAVE: TARE OVER ‘55 Chevrolet B. A. H'top $1695 | ISA . | ebetanhaed sagend car got, | Gam Frater ch Warn, Loc |] ale, Mester, vA Pover Glide, W/Wal Tirvs, Low | BEL AIR 4DOOR oo... $1095 : Wallis. - ; Finish, & Heater Sha : ust Piya Cae. Gent weve | Siggy care Stew ie PE || OO Ford Victoria hiaeee $2195 |} eee eA i. "ier ae cis | ad STUDEBAKER Rage © Bester ovpss 2 Beebe, vente #DOOR onion ese enya tt $ 995 pongecivg.e gamens | “aaa Naa gt pees ax | ‘06 MGA Spc Sportster, | , 36 A "EPONTIAC STATION | 3 STUDEBAKER | Priced Right = OUR cise saa sai, Hower sane! 1°" stm Maid) Sera =| 56 Chey Del Ray Cpe.. .$1695 3 Chevrelets wares vase = 6 Chev: ay Cpe.. '53-Chevrolets _ MU. MTR. SALES ee om a Radie..&.Meater. W/Wall Tires New Spare Tire .. " sunmenaananeinein ———— = 5 w 1 a | 65 A “5; | Bam. 218. om 300" JACK | ‘53 Buick Special 4 4 Dr... .$ 895 ||| ser. am ZDOOR o-oo segee eas, $ MS Pe ee Pp [’ ercu usiom r. | , 1801 A Motor Sales HAU 9 Radio. #3 r AY W/Wall Tires, Mercomatic, Two 4DOOR ...... eee mA we ‘gai 8 695 | CHRYSLER PE, I, " Piwae SLACK tater * Boas PLYMOUTH PONTI AC 53 Nash 4 Dr. Sedan . .. - 695 | - nig A . IMPERIAL 159 Fo 8c Comres i $ 845 CONVERTIBLE 000- cscs eeeeees $ 895 Ls oot we cmt . nvertible . sedis New. Top. Radio & Heater, Power | Se | aeeatratos ‘ of Heater. Fordomatic, WyWall Tires. Ready ah Sie, tate few inttner | WSS Chryeler, ¢ dr New Yorker: S ALES ' 4 DOA dense, full power, RAW, seni | | PASSENGER COUPE $ 725 se fe =| Grarkston | SCHUTZ Motors || B= See Our Transportation Specials as Low as $95 Bees at uy wiermaieeer pare sea DeSoto-Plymouth Dealer ||] __ and Our Fine Selection of “O.K.” Used Trucks see nai Ww nT | Cy ame «1912S. Woodward, Birmingham || MATTHEWS-HARGREAVES ee eae Ay tll Midwest 6-5302 - |Your CHEVROLET Dealer” . pte re Sut ——— | ; , - OLIVER BUICK Meiiiet @s| Take Adva ntage of || _ WANTS TO KNOW - pT ae ARE. YOU SA \TISFIED > a nd ~ Does your car start every morning? Does the heater heat? Does the ratio play? Are your tires safe? OO ne meg, it not, why not try a good used car from OLIVER BUICK where every car is thoroughly checked \\ Wi n ter p rl ces ll and properly reconditioned for both safety and comfort, Over © cars to goons from-and 10 courteous : ae . salesmen to serve you. | nese il $795 ~ $995 $55 $305 5S A New Lot For Your Conven-|i! ..; pontiac 2Dr. Dix. 'S4 Chevrolet DECEDr, 753 Dodge 2Dr. and 4 'S4-Buigk 2Dr. Special, °S2 Pontiac 4Dr,, Radio ience— All Cars Reconditioned |] &-Hydramatic | Radia, Heater, Power-~ Dr. Your Choice . Hardtop, Radio, Heater and Heater. Clean "Fond Guerentesd—and Priced jt ae ase In Any to Meet Your Budget. jf $695 $1295 sun w $305, se GU $995 WEATHER " Look Here Firs t ul aes ee wah 2 Caan baie Radio 1nd Hester ‘Coad Rats Radio. Heater, 5 os and Heater. Spotless When you drive “ dee ee 59 | ee “ae ydram'c ~~ ber 2 flow 3 | Adgentabear, 1 Cass at Oakland || . $119. ggg 95 $1895 $1595 © ares AT THESE! en rs @epae |if 3 Buick: Radio, Heat: 552 gerd 2Dr. VB Cur "2 sore io es tei ‘54 Buick at om 53 Chief Deluxe... “$895, 52 eves See a -5 695 er, Air Conditioning tomline ; Rad Ai aaa Heater, Dys- H hy W/ Walls’ ag Haste iz | 51 Deluxe Convert. .§ 395 2 Chevrolet Deluxe : 5 449, | $295 $795 Be ee $1995: $195 ay See, we ‘SA Sootiees Sronghew. and Hea ze 150 Cadillac 4-Dr. Model $695 ‘S$ Chrysler 4Door. A 'S0 Buick 2Dr., Radio ee ak, Oe Si ee Bee a. Radio & Reater ae rene ss ’ ; oe : ‘54 Chevrolet 9 Déor $ BOSE 998 ie ign oo gage 11°56 6, Convert. Sh Ss’ chf . -$2695 ie Pinish + - o Heater, Power a 55 B39 v8, $5 © past Sip Hard- : $1595. : 983 Bu sn 2 ‘ct 83 Na ; TRS Buick Special. . + 61745 |i] Radio, Heater. Hurry! top, Radio and Heater, 56 Ford 2Dr. A new top, Radio and Heater and aha Reale le e's Catalina na Scht .. $1895 $Peet. FTone BLACK & 1 IVORY, wae, Rese ‘ =. ; “Power et : low ‘price ee on : ae ws cite" on_ camel ‘51 Chevrolet Sedan ....$ 445 $1295 : ! o : . la Na Et rE aperean Appa e oP lag agg i : 52 885 Deluxe sc 5 51985, » | * ee Radio, Heater, *SS Buick 4Dr, Speci 'S8 Dix. 2Dr. V8 +. $1395) 9 es BEIOE. Power, Oude , aioe 495 || matic £8 anne = reginictea Radio and Radio, Heater, D a ~ Rubber |*sq surche $1495] 94 Chevrolet B-Air_ 2+ 895 a OS ae ee cee 3 S| frermetie’ Beatie Const |i] °S1. Buick: ae , am Es Chevrolet B-Air'8->...$1645]}) ana Henter Starts ~ ‘SL Pontiac 4De, Radio "SS Pontiac Br, Radio, sa Se eh JVORE, Power onde. Retio every oe an -and- — sider — — Paine « Gor |2 Buick Super... $595]] figs coe ee |e “Gas: New: Used Track oy (Eyl ae Ne i Tk i | Ss OLI bel. EAN MATTHEWS HARGREAVES Wo oo, « WER BO oe ee gaa aI oday' Ss. Radio. Programs =. SA re Coming | a aoe: CRLW, (000) WWJ, 80) WOAR, ca) ware ame) WrO™, (4460) 90 WImK, (iene) NEW YORK, N.Y.—December . through March are the month of TUNIGRT Wane: Sere, Bp e new Mune Hall 4 Mowe. Gsorne heaviest fire loss. Wwa News wrow, ae “ , ‘ % Wattrick 16:36—-WW3 News, “$:00—WIR, Win. Gheshes | 1::9—wJR. Dr. Malone During those months last sea-| CKLW, News, Sports CKLW, Boxinmy, wws. ate CKLW, Bud Davies | WJBK. News, Don Meteoe | WCAR News Ace ETS Seethied eg | Wek. Ow ra son (December, 195, through we News Caravan 11:06 WJR, News News, Toby MWK. Ken News, i i March, 1956), fire losses through-| "FO". Dlaner Serenade | iW, Wi WEAR: Mews, Roundup |, CKLW, 6:36—WJR, Dinner Date WJBK, News. Kasem WPON, Unscramble - * WIBE, ag Gases ‘ out the United States amounted to|" ww. &. WCAR. Neve. doteoteni ai WCAR, Revs. Bob Allen $359,540,000, the National Board of} WX? Me! Allen WEON: News ara Sports | “Wron’ Gnccremble, News . ’ WJBK. Don 3 ¥ 2:30—WJR, tnd Mrs. Burton Fire Underwriters Wom, nee” "| Wron. Sporment MW. Mio ‘Sanasana "| W9AR. Sports Parste, Alien This was an increase of $27,000 3 WXYZ, My Story $:06—WJR, Pst Buttrap * |1:00-—WJR, Guest House —s : CKLW. News, Homechats | WW4J, 5 Star Matinee 000, over losses of $332,389,000 re-| “ww, 3 ster Extra - *~ WIBK, News, ‘Tom Georgy wa McKenzie CKLW, P. Lewis Jr. 6:00—WJR, News, Melody for Milady WJBK, McLeod months of the year before. Ww. News, Kasem wwi Mews tee ri marries tron Rae Rous, Sptherame WXYZ, Freda Wolt A Tempe : tune CKLW, Club, G. Nuns Bruce Martys 3:20 RCA COLOR WV team eum tow. | caw eee ee (OE, Agta Gattrn | “Ws ey Heme ww mae WCAR. News rw. ; . CRLW, .G. Heater WOM, Serema Qrend Central st ae ae Sales and Service re the tune 6:30—WJR, Voice of Aagricit. | me’ Weee' Clack Rela : wir Boston Gymthons” | WJBK, News, Clark Reta » Nows, Bruce Martye deem. Pa n. Parade oy Bands , ‘ CELW, True WCAR, News; Coffee, Clem tor OPEN EVENINGS wean News, Spinorama 10 WIR, Jim Vinall, Music ere tewe, ou rata ae Tag gi : ; CELW eLeod Ware, Woieg Pirestone WJBK, News, Clark Reid TUESDAY AFTERNOON Tempe r ; ae aay CELW, Danger 4 oe eee Sn Cay itr oo WIR. a White Farm Petts rs Music Hall” DO-IT-YOURSELF 0 WIR, |News: ae ¢:80—WIR, Music Bad a ih hy th | WYER, News, MeKenaie TUBE TESTER WXYZ, Mickey Shorr Wala News We orcas (2itt— WIR, Phinp Lenhart E = WOAR, Hews foine W. Terrat wear Reus, ao Martyn| WHvd, Wettrick, McKenzie ves. . News, Spinocrama WJBK, News, Clark Reid WPON. * iain as mation ge wean Heme, ctgod. io me §:00-—WJR, White & Guest is 825 W. Huron FE 4.2525 | wo"3, Mucts es ws i woe’ = ‘WEYZ. News, Wolfs 18:00—WJR, Phila. Orch. woBk: News, pty ; Melody WCAR. WN. . Malone — a. Hate WRON, News, Genki Today’ s Television Programs - - Programa furnished by stations listed in this columm are subject to change without notice. _Channel 2—WIBK-TV y 3149 W. Huron FE 4.5791 :30—()— TONIGHT’S TV HIGHLIGHTS 6:00—(7) Annie Oakley in “Annie and the Mystery Woman." (9) — Family Theater. Gene Autry in “Sierra Sue.” (4) — News and)! sport. 6:15—(4) Weathereast. |6:20—(4) Box Four. ,6:25—(2) — TY Weatherman: Dr, Everett Phelps Brave a Head- on re- strong Easterner insists (2)—News, turning to Boston through Indian country in the “Fight.” (4) — Break the $250,000 — Q)— Hopalong Cassidy. Death bape f Days. “The Hidden Treasure of Cucamonga.” (2) — 7:15—(7) News. John Daly. 7:30—(7) — Bold Journey. Films of South African “Animal King- dom.” (9)—Million Dollar Movie. DON’S Shoe Service 234 E. PIKE ST.. _@ tavisthte Beseling and Fall. Golen. @ Zippers Replaced é LADIES...Join Our “LUCKY-7" CLUB! Get Your 7th Pair of Heels FREE © Protessional Suede Spray for Handbags and Shee © Setaneete aie Seren Aecestns fo Teer Seeterh Pyeretyiee “Stranger on the Prowl,” star- Ting Paul Muni, Joan Lorring. (4) — Nat King Cole. (2) — Ad- ventures of Robin “Hood. “The | Black Patch.” 7:45—(4) — News. Chet Huntley, Brinkley, ’ Wide Selection of Components ‘ Catalogue “Net” Prices Attractive Demonstration Room Program. of college winter carnivals. (2)— Godfrey's Talent Scouts. - 9:00—(7) — Life Is Worth Living. Bishop Fulton J. Sheen, “How Civilization Fell at a Banquet.” Unexpected. — Good Neighbor The-| in. Wash-} ington” ment, (4) — Patti Page | — Wie Faroe ther. Jeanne ee ; 1200—( 2) Valiant “Criminal Lawyer.” 11:30—(7) — Thirty;Minute The- ater. Ida Lupino in “Dark Meet- ing. (4)—Tonight, Ernie Kovaks, TUESDAY MORNING 6:50—(2). Meditations, (4) Today's Farm 6:55—(2) On the Farm Front. 7:00—(2) Good Morning. (4) Today. : (7) The Big Show. 8:00—(2) Captain Kangaroo. 8:30—(7) Wixie Wonderland. $:58—(2) Cartoon Classroom. 9:00—(4) Romper Room. 9:30—(7) Frankie Laine. 9:45—(2) News, Weather. 9:55—(4) Faye Elizabeth 10;0@—(2) The Gary Moore Show. (4) Ding Dong School. (7) Story Studio. 10:30—(2) Arthur Godfrey Time. (4) Price Is Right. (7) Theater Seven. ;|11:00—(4) Home. 14180—(2) Strike It Rich. (7) Robin and Rickey. 11;55—(9) Billboard. TUESDAY AFTERNOON . 4) Tie Tat Dough. (7) 12 O'Clock Com- ics. (9) Let's Go to The Museum. 12:15—(2) Love, of Life. 12:30~(2) Search for Tomorrow. (4) It Could Be You: (7) The Er- wins. (9) Telescope. 12:45—(2) The Guiding Light. 1:00—(2) Ladies’ Day. (9) Mystery Matinee. (7) My Little Margie. Showtime. (9) 1:30—(4) . Hollywood ‘Story. (7) Stars on Seven. 2:00—(2) Our Miss Brooks: (4)' Eisenhower “Meet Blenda. (7) Charm Theater./e (4) Tennessee Ernie, : 2:40—(9) Mary Morgan | 00—(2) The Big Payoff. (4) Mat- inee Theater (Color). (7) After- noon Film Festival: “Black Or- chid.” $:28—(2) The Bob Crosby Show. (9) Howdy Doody. 4:00—(2) The Brighter Day. (4) Queen for a Day: (9) Justice Colt. 4:15—(2) Ee Secret 5 ow : 4:30—(2). Edge of Night. (7) Cartoons. pp Bas eters Romances. (7) Phere Sern “Let's Fall in Love.” (4) Party. 5:30—(4) Gene Autry. Show. | tin for Bad Christmas ~ BERLIN @® — Communist East Get money TODAY for your seasonal needs from friendly, considerate home town _-. |. Sethe whe moke loans in YOUR beat inters. ests. You may choese your ewn lean plen end repayment schedules te M your bud- es ee eee Me rad tare - i ie Your ‘celebrate’ that Racial Rorriors into the spotlight, keep and relaxed." ae * * « Because he’ ad- NEW YORK # — When. you ask Nat “King” Cole what he’s trying to do with his new televi- — sion show, he says: : ee, i ee ee ry “Have a relaxed - minutes.. for Dominated Lands| on Human Rights Day tion, but it has little cause to ; end el article in the rights.”. * ¢ * rT talent resognined by "Necare [Skin Diver Drowns tnong the Bt ofthe mary ta [became tng In his ented members race “regs : ne eee ocean! miles is to be commended — but so is Cole, _ You often hear there is racial! ! prejudice in television. - a ‘m2 : } zo. 9 8. 4 ~ De 2 : ao “That's not true,” Cole md Song at i “Racial prejudice doesn't lie in| device eS he television networks. It’s in|} Doseae, "oad, Ae some of the agencies — and there 16 Western state 3 J 2 it isn’t so much_outright prejudice) ,, Sen - as their just being afraid of the| comes in = ‘dark. Just lke baseball was! 3! wostnving afraid of the dark until Jackie} | mammal = Robinson turned on the light.” [3 Ketranes "Yrriritt ous «cee om we EL 1 ami » ae was a ‘ oi born in Montgomery, Ala., and|¥ Raaore. ; 2: i a ay grew up in Chicago. He hasn't been able to resist a piano since! » together = he picked out “Yes, We Have No pe : ~ Bananas” at the age of four. His’ 3. only teacher was his mother, an at Cages e i. accomplished musician. a ig » 4 Coarse ‘ * 1 oR ex se a MENON President Calls se ten, te ve Sete ; 7 Limb F p , ST Purtive 3 Kierator onFree People |" tn. see" 2 Unclosed 11 Trying In Gay Gift Wrap nx0 Sie. wind ¢ eats ot ale nove D. PRORUA, TAL: ) iat ‘ 5 * Tower Embossed o Happi-Time 5-Pc. z-€heaning Set Complete Set 2.29 Outfit has metal carpet sweep- er, plastic bristle broom, cot- mop, apron, dust mop. ton Made for little people. 2 eee ere Cee ee eee Flocked Designed Texte. ORE Ea. For dolly's overnight trips! Pastel shades, colorful designs. Ivory plastic handles and brass- plated hasp. New Burp Gun Hes JHappi-Time Wagon, Barrel Wood Block Set tin: tong = 2,98 sin. wegen 2.98 Fully automatic cap gun fires All metal wagon with solid dise ] to 50 shots at trigger. touch! wheels. Swivel mounted front Easy to load and _fire.-Givee—wheels-turn-freely_32-wood -ai- noisy fire bursts. phabet-picture blocks. Steel and Chrome Plate Tree Stand 1.98 - screws hold a het eee 2 $8.50 Down He'll enjoy playing with this for hours! It's an exact replica of the big one he loved to ride. ~~ BING MOUNTING se SALE 3 cherished diamond reset la @ sew mounting will molows Happi-Time 8-Light Indoor Tree Set Bright Colors ] . 1 9 Choral Top Changes Tone Automatically 9-Inches 1 .98 Pretty lthographed metal. 12 Low priced at Sears! Wired in 3 tones. er base ~T2i4-f._ over protects table tops. Big! Full 9- series. 16-in. inches in diameter. 3 it. | 37 Inches Leeg! Handsome Molded * ; “Spring Horse + * 7 ies | es : 2 : ‘ e a A | > 14K. White or Yellow |] oRegulerty $16.95 to $59.95 gf Oe Oe # at ; every night ’till Christmas | spacing between sockets, lead. : 8-Color Key Piano Is Easy to Play 844 x10%ax5% } is. 4.95 “Rainbow Way Color Song Book™’ teaches how to play. Masonite Presdwood piano gives bell-like tone. Compact One-Piece Doodle Desk with Blackboard Top ¥ eo Has its own chair permanently attached! Desk top lifts and adjusts; 15¥4x174x2¥4-in., 31-in. long. Includes sketch pad, chalk, crayons, eraser, tempera colors, paint brush and pallet. Draw, write, color! Toyland. Perry 3t. Basement 2__.® Tubular Steel Frame ®@ Plastic Seat and Back Table Model Pool Tables ny, 4.95 Exciting fun at home! Masonite Presdwood base, frame and legs, steel return alley. 2 cues, bails, rules. New Aluminum 27-In. Sno-Slider Went Rut 4,95 Saucer-shaped fun conveyance works like a toboggan. Diso —turns —and—spins by = weight. 2 tow rope holes. 4 J UST ARRIVED Our Assortment Is ; Complete ... You're Sure to Find the Right Tree for Your Home! ke Big, Fresh, Double Needle CANADIAN 2 te 4-10. Sine (Orange Tag) 980 4 to 6-ft. Size (White Tag) . 1,49 8 to 10-ft. Size (Purple Tag) eee ee Ft PS ea Tin.