The Oakland Post 2019-03-20

dc.contributorHirsch, AuJenee
dc.contributorKraus, Laurel
dc.contributorGregory, Elyse
dc.contributorSullivan, Patrick
dc.contributorValley, Katie
dc.contributorTyle, Trevor
dc.contributorPearce, Michael
dc.contributorJewell, Jordan
dc.contributorHume, Benjamin
dc.contributorVaglia, Dean
dc.contributorSavich, Jonathan
dc.contributorJanis, Bridget
dc.contributorCrumley, Taylor
dc.contributorBoatwright, Devin
dc.contributorOchss, Alyssa
dc.contributorLaDuke, Katie
dc.contributorFuqua, Mina
dc.contributorTrudeau, Jessica
dc.contributorGarden, Zoe
dc.contributorO'Neill, Erin
dc.contributorChilukuri, Prakhya
dc.contributorPini, Ryan
dc.contributorMorsfield, Nicole
dc.contributorSummers, Samuel
dc.contributorMontanez, Sergio
dc.creatorOakland Sail, Inc.
dc.description.abstractOakland Mourns with Christchuch: View coverage online ; Ask Ora: Students raise issues of accessibility and scholarships ; Suit Up. With career events coming up JCPenney offers discounts ; OUSC election. What the candidates want you to know before you vote ; Looking back: OU revised policy to allow closed-door drinking: In 1986; the new policy caused mixed feelings ; Campus to showcase work at fifth CETL Instructional Fair: The fair will take place on April 3 from 2-4 p.m. in the Oakland Center Banquet Room B ; Police Files: Ugg; that hurt ; Missing wallet ; Students speak up about their concerns at Ask Ora ; Your health matters: Take time to make "human connections" ; Jen Kober visits OU; new guest star in two future Netflix shows ; JCPenney partners with OU to offer discounts; giveaways ; International scholars assist professors through PI Academy ; Professor completes second feature film documentary: 'Call Us Ishmael': David Shaerf explores subculture of literary classic 'Moby Dick' to get people interested ; English professor inspires students with passion for diversity: Dr. L. Bailey McDaniel creates a safe environments for students to discuss diversity issues in books ; Neurology Club encourages students to learn about brains ; OUSC Elections: what you need to know ; Students remember nostalgic treats: Popular candies include Bazooka Squeeze tubes and Fruit Roll-Up tongue tattoos ; Scandal shows critical flaws in higher education ; The U.S. border crisis is demanding a resolution ; 'Hamilton' blows Fisher Theatre audience away ; Celebrities defy the odds in new political rom-com 'Long Shot' ; Softball star wraps up Golden Grizzly career ; Getting to know ultimate frisbee as they welcome newcomers ; Three ways to finish the semester strong
dc.publisherOakland Sail, Inc.
dc.relationThe Oakland Observer
dc.relationFocus: Oakland
dc.relationThe Oakland Sail
dc.rightsUsers assume all responsibility for questions of copyright, invasion of privacy, and rights of publicity that may arise in using reproductions from the library's collections.
dc.subjectPescovitz, Ora Hirschen_US
dc.subjectOakland University. Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learningen_US
dc.subjectOakland University. Student Congressen_US
dc.subjectWomen's softballen_US
dc.subjectOakland University. Student Organizations. Club Sportsen_US
dc.titleThe Oakland Post 2019-03-20


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