The Oakland Sail 1980-10-06

dc.contributorDeGeorge, Gail
dc.contributorSehgal, Rita
dc.contributorWeber, Dawn-Marie
dc.contributorVan Winkle, Bob
dc.contributorBriggs-Bunting, Jane
dc.contributorVillella, Ted
dc.contributorBochnig, Mary
dc.contributorKoshorck, Chris
dc.contributorJohn, Jennifer
dc.contributorHarrison, Cynthia
dc.contributorCaligiuri, Mark
dc.contributorEbey, Brian
dc.contributorFillion, Heidi
dc.contributorHelfrick, Jeanne
dc.contributorMarentette, Mark
dc.contributorMcIntosh, Mike
dc.contributorSchreiber, Betsy
dc.contributorSheridan, Nancy
dc.contributorThrush, Dan
dc.contributorBrooks, Brian
dc.contributorPrimeau, Tom
dc.contributorWood, Lea
dc.contributorMartin, Duane
dc.contributorOsborne, Scott
dc.contributorKnoska, Emil Robert (Bob)
dc.contributorKropp, Kevin
dc.contributorMalek, Norm
dc.creatorOakland Sail, Inc.
dc.description.abstractDrinking proposal needs student vote ; Presidential search raises questions Matthews discusses 'IPing' ; Government cracks down on overdue loan payments ; Opinion raises doubt about Board's conduct ; Accounting - job field of the future ; Laid-off workers become students at OU ; Summer jobs were scarce students need money now ; Sail Shorts ; EDITORIAL Board thwarts spirit of Open Meeting Act ; Make it fair - make it 19 ; Letters Readers disagree about worth of 'Idiot' ; 'Idiot' insulting ; Parking problems ; Apathy on rise ; Lions exciting ; Renowned pianist returns to perform and instruct ; Music; ENTERTAINMENT: Boss plays all night; but can't remember the words ; Movies: Ordinary People: subtle shades of emotion ; OU graduate gives students legal advice ; Sports Commentary Where is everybody? ; TEAMWORK ; The Fource is back - another title on line? ; Pioneer round-up Swarts sparkles in Monarch Invite ; Netters rebound with pair of wins ; Swim coach looking for divers ; Lift-a-thon set for Oct. 21 ; IN THE OPEN ; Van Fleet proposes addition for Lepley ; OU's clubs and organizations offer something for everyone ; ET CETERA: OU's not "just another job" for some workers ; Village Idiot: Fitzgerald House saved by Saga's red kool-aiden_US
dc.publisherOakland Sail, Inc.
dc.relationThe Oakland Observer
dc.relationFocus: Oakland
dc.relationThe Oakland Post
dc.rightsUsers assume all responsibility for questions of copyright, invasion of privacy, and rights of publicity that may arise in using reproductions from the library's collections.
dc.subjectMatthews, George T.en_US
dc.subjectPresidential searchesen_US
dc.subjectOakland University. Board of Trusteesen_US
dc.subjectLepley Sports Centeren_US
dc.subjectO'Dowd Hallen_US
dc.titleThe Oakland Sail 1980-10-06


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