Oakland University Staff Bulletin: September 9-15, 1968

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Oakland University


Topics: Vice President Hubert Humphrey was tentatively going to stop by the OU campus on his Presidential Campaign swing but had to cancel. Troy Crowder, Director of University Relations has been named Assistant to the Chancellor. Lewis N. Pino joining the staff of the Provost. Major changes in Department of Public Safety; replacing regular uniforms with slacks and blazers among changes. Kresge Library to exhibit faculty books and articles. Reduced university cleaning implemented. Three OU faculty spent summer working as part of a task force done by the Office of Emergency Planning in Washington, D.C. In the Division of Continuing Ed. Ronald B. Kevern is the new Assistant Director of Placement an Alumni Relations and William G. Foster is the new Public Relations Director. New Student Health Center about five weeks from completion. New IBM 360 Model 40 computer arrives to replace IBM 1620. David Riesman spoke on "Some Changes in Student and Faculty Values". 1968-69 Faculty-Student-Staff Telephone Directory should be out in late September. Events calender included.




Humphrey, Hubert H. (Hubert Horatio), 1911-1978, Oakland University Police Department, Faculty consultation, Graham Health Center, Computers, Research
