The Oakland Sail 1984-01-23



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Oakland Sail, Inc.


saxual fourplay ; Blanchard freezes spending ; Former dean charged with embezzlement ; Tour Far East this summer ; Be a quitter: Do yourself a favor: trash the cigarettes ; Aging research still in infancy ; GUEST COLUMN: Private Oscars for '83 'jewels' ; News analysis: "Papal power" invites Reagan's recognition ; EDITORIAL: Basics should be a little tougher ; Other Voices ; LETTERS: Story presumed guilt unfairly ; CAMPUS LIVING - ARTS: Larry; Curly and Moe are finding a brand new audience today ; X-country skiing provides plenty of chills and thrills ; OPEN SPACE: Parking lot wars ; Diversions ; SPORTS: Women dunk Lake Superior State ; Tennis squad begins practice ; CLIFF'S NOTES: Downey's comments on 'class' are not the last word ; Grapplers lose two in a row ; Relay factors in tankers' victory ; The cagers keep rolling along! ; Forensics team talks its way to the top ; BUMPY ROADS



Grants, Embezzlement, Parking, Women's basketball, Forensics, Aging, Men's basketball
