Dynamic contact with Signorini's condition and slip rate dependent friction


Existence of a weak solution for the problem of dynamic frictional contact between a viscoelastic body and a rigid foundation is established. Contact is modelled with the Signorini condition. Friction is described by a slip rate dependent friction coefficient and a nonlocal and regularized con- tact stress. The existence in the case of a friction coefficient that is a graph, which describes the jump from static to dynamic friction, is established, too. The proofs employ the theory of set-valued pseudomonotone operators applied to approximate problems and a priori estimates.



Dynamic contact, Signorini condition, Slip rate dependent friction, Nonlocal friction, Viscoelastic body, Existence


Kuttler K. and Shillor M. (2004). Dynamic contact with Signorini's condition and slip rate dependent friction. Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, 83, 1-21.